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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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27-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2332814C2

Изобретение относится к способу выбора точки доступа в системе беспроводной связи, содержащей мобильные терминалы и точки доступа. Для того чтобы дать возможность мобильным терминалам принимать во внимание преобладающие условия во всей зоне радиопокрытия точки доступа более эффективно, чем раньше, наборы атрибутов посылают из мобильных терминалов в обслуживающую в текущий момент точку доступа, причем каждый набор должен содержать, по меньшей мере, один атрибут, показывающий качество беспроводной линии связи между обслуживающей точкой доступа и посылающим мобильным терминалом. На основе наборов формируют отчет обслуживания, описывающий текущие условия обслуживания в зоне радиопокрытия точки доступа, и передают, по меньшей мере, в один мобильный терминал. Этот терминал исследует отчет обслуживания, по меньшей мере, из одной точки доступа и на основе исследования выбирает точку доступа, с которой должна быть установлена беспроводная линия связи. 4 н. и 26 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

27-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2422998C2

Изобретение относится к технике связи и может использоваться в системе беспроводной связи. Технический результат состоит в осуществлении комбинированной передачи пакетных данных и данных с низкой задержкой. Для этого параллельный канал сигнализации обеспечивает передачу на приемники сообщения, указывающего назначенного получателя пакетных данных. Сообщение также идентифицирует каналы связи, используемые для передачи пакетных данных. Каждый приемник может избирательно декодировать пакеты только тогда, когда сообщение идентифицирует приемник как назначенного получателя. Пакеты данных, сохраненные в буфере, игнорируются, если назначенным получателем является другой мобильный блок. Согласно одному варианту осуществления, сообщение посылают одновременно с пакетом данных по параллельному каналу. Согласно еще одному варианту осуществления, сообщение внедряют в канал высокоскоростной передачи пакетных данных методом перфорации. 10 н. и 53 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

17-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2611015C2

Изобретение относится к способу повторного выбора соты, выполняемому терминалом в системе беспроводной связи. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении выбора соты на основе обработки приоритетов. Способ содержит этапы, на которых принимают первую информацию приоритета посредством сообщения отклонения соединения управления радиоресурсами (RRC), причем первая информация приоритета указывает, должен ли быть понижен приоритет текущей частоты; принимают вторую информацию приоритета посредством системной информации от текущей соты и выполняют повторный выбор соты с выборочным применением одной из первой информации приоритета и второй информации приоритета на основе состояния терминала. При этом если состояние терминала представляет собой состояние закрепления в любой соте, терминал применяет вторую информацию приоритета для осуществления повторного выбора соты и терминал сохраняет первую информацию приоритета без применения первой информации приоритета для осуществления повторного выбора ...

27-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2542955C2
Принадлежит: Нокиа Корпорейшн (FI)

Изобретение относится к технологиям сетевой связи. Технический результат изобретения заключается в возможности определения услуг, предоставляемых точкой доступа, до подключения к точке доступа. Способ определения возможностей предоставления услуг точкой доступа может включать идентификацию в мобильном терминале точки доступа, с которой мобильный терминал способен установить соединение, определение перед аутентификацией между мобильным терминалом и точкой доступа, поддерживает ли точка доступа конкретную услугу или соединение, и обеспечение возможности принятия решения в мобильном терминале об установлении соединения с точкой доступа на основе того, поддерживает ли точка доступа конкретную услугу или соединение. 4 н. и 18 з.п.ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2507717C2
Принадлежит: НТТ ДОКОМО, ИНК. (JP)

Изобретение относится к мобильной связи. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении возможности для мобильной станции выбора соты пребывания в из одной или большего количества особых сот, сота пребывания из которых может быть выбрана только особой мобильной станцией, и одной или большего количества обычных сот, сота пребывания из которых может быть выбрана любой мобильной станцией. Способ включает смену в мобильной станции соты пребывания с первой обычной соты на вторую особую соту, если в качестве соты пребывания используется первая обычная сота, и не обнаружена обычная сота, удовлетворяющая первому требованию к качеству радиосвязи, и если обнаружена вторая особая сота, для которой мобильная станция не считается особой мобильной станцией, и которая удовлетворяет второму требованию к качеству радиосвязи. 2 н.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

10-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2530694C2

Изобретение относится к системам и способам передачи соединений мобильного узла между шлюзами мобильного доступа (MAG). Технический результат изобретения заключается в обеспечении процедуры быстрой передачи соединения, которая позволяет активному мобильному узлу, переходящему к следующему шлюзу MAG, продолжать передавать и принимать пакеты данных без задержек, без потерь пакетов и прерываний связи. Система и способ передачи соединений мобильного узла между шлюзами мобильного доступа (MAG) в системе связи использует протоколы туннелирования между шлюзами мобильного доступа для быстрой передачи соединения. В механизме двунаправленного туннелирования протокол и система обеспечивают передачу контекстной информации сеанса связи для мобильного узла на следующий шлюз перед быстрой передачей соединения, чтобы исключить задержки, а также механизм двунаправленного туннелирования между шлюзами для обеспечения надежной передачи графика сеанса связи между новым обслуживающим шлюзом и предыдущим обслуживающим ...

27-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2351073C2

Раскрыта система передачи обслуживания в системе связи широкополосного беспроводного доступа (BWA). В этой системе обслуживающая базовая станция (БС) рассылает информацию о соседних БС, включая идентификаторы БС для совокупности соседних БС и индексы опорного сигнала, указывающие опорные сигналы, используемые соседними БС, мобильная станция (МС) принимает информацию о соседних БС и запрашивает интервал сканирования у обслуживающей БС в момент времени, когда МС хочет произвести сканирование, обслуживающая БС выделяет МС интервал сканирования в ответ на запрос интервала сканирования, и МС сканирует опорные сигналы, поступающие от соседних БС в течение интервала сканирования в соответствии с информацией о соседних БС. Техническим результатом является выполнение передачи обслуживания в системе связи BWA. 4 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

20-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2219661C2

Подвижная станция для использования в системе связи включает в себя приемник для приема сигналов из множества базовых станций. Подвижная станция определяет мощность принятых сигналов и сравнивает мощность с первым пороговым значением, а также распознает базовые станции, сигналы которых при приеме имеют мощность, превышающую первое пороговое значение, и передает в контроллер сигнал, в котором распознанные базовые станции указаны как пригодные для включения в группу активных станций. Производят итерационное сравнение измеренной энергии каждого контрольного сигнала с пороговым значением, генерация которого осуществлена в соответствии с суммой энергий контрольных сигналов из группы активных станций. Если наиболее сильный контрольный сигнал удовлетворяет этому пороговому условию, то его добавляют в измененную группу активных станций. Для определения того, следует ли удалить контрольный сигнал из измененной группы активных станций, выполняют второй итерационный процесс. Подвижная станция определяет ...

10-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2406268C2

Изобретение относится к способу представления информации о том, являются ли доступными услуги независимой от среды передачи обслуживания (MIH), для использования в сети связи, к которой принадлежит мобильный узел, и к точке доступа. Техническим результатом является обеспечение предоставления информации, когда мобильный узел передвигается в неоднородную сеть, о том, поддерживает ли точка доступа в неоднородной сети MIH-протокол. Указанный результат достигается тем, что точка доступа включает в себя проводной интерфейсный модуль для приема через проводную сеть указывающей информации, которая показывает, поддерживает ли точка доступа, которая управляет соседней неоднородной подсетью, протокол для выполнения независимой от среды передачи обслуживания (MIH), модуль памяти для сохранения принятой указывающей информации, модуль, генерирующий блок данных, для генерации блока данных, включающего в себя сохраненную указывающую информацию, и беспроводной интерфейсный модуль для передачи сгенерированного ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2522313C2

Изобретение относится к радиосвязи. Технический результат - улучшение качества приема мультимедийных данных. Для этого терминал мобильной связи разделяет множество многолучевых сигналов, связанных с радиосигналами, передаваемыми множеством базовых станций с использованием канала S-CCPCH, на группы по базовым станциям, т.е. по источникам передачи, выполняет оптимальное сложение множества многолучевых сигналов, связанных с одной и той же базовой станцией, являющейся источником передачи, в составной сигнал, декодирует этот составной сигнал и выбирает из декодированных составных сигналов составной сигнал, имеющий хороший результат декодирования. 5 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 16 ил.

31-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2765430C1

Группа изобретений относится к области беспроводной связи. Технический результат заключается в снижении объема сигнализации в сети, снижении расхода электроэнергии. Способ содержит этапы, на которых отправляют запрос сетевому узлу, чтобы инициировать создание соединения, по отправке запроса сетевому узлу, запускают таймер для создания соединения, при этом истечение таймера останавливает создание соединения для оборудования пользователя (UE), и останавливают таймер, чтобы остановить создание соединения по приему UE сообщения приостановки или сообщения высвобождения, или по выполнению UE процедуры повторного выбора соты притом, что таймер запущен. Таймер не допускает того, что UE ожидает завершения создания соединения, если присутствует ошибка или условие плохой передачи при создании соединения. Кроме того, таймер для остановки создания соединения информирует другие слои в сети, когда таймер истекает, чтобы остановить создание соединения. 3 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 16 ил., 2 табл.

06-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2699575C1

Изобретение относится к области вычислительной техники. Технический результат заключается в повышении надежности сети. Способ содержит этапы, на которых: создают физическое беспроводное соединение каждого устройства за счет наличия в нем ретранслятора, по меньшей мере, с одним другим устройством сети, в котором данные соединения на уровне приложений содержат набор идентификаторов других ретрансляторов, с которыми устройство должно быть соединено, осуществляющих поиск устройств, содержащих идентификаторы сети и устройства, намеревающихся присоединиться к сети, причем ретрансляторы размещают в каждом устройстве, при этом во время отсутствия информации ретрансляторы находятся в режиме ожидания, в каждый ретранслятор устанавливают преобразователь любого типа электрического сигнала от устройства в радиосигнал, эту информацию отправляют на другое устройство через его ретранслятор и контролируют переданную информацию. 3 ил.

10-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006140161A

... 1. Способ управления выбором и/или повторным выбором ячейки в системе связи, содержащей множество ячеек, с которыми могут обмениваться информацией оконечные устройства, при этом определяют, что оконечное устройство должно начать сеанс связи для определенной службы, которая использует частоту приема; на основе этого определения изменяют по меньшей мере один параметр выбора и/или повторного выбора ячейки в отношении оконечного устройства, в результате чего при последующем выборе и/или повторном выборе ячейки, выполняемом этим устройством, предпочтение отдается ячейкам, которые используют частоту приема, используемую в указанном сеансе службы, по сравнению с другими ячейками. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором указанная служба является многоадресным вещанием. 3. Способ по п.1 или 2, в котором указанный параметр является параметром, который оконечное устройство способно использовать для назначения приоритетов, используемых им при выборе и/или повторном выборе ячеек системы связи. 4. Способ по п.3, ...

20-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008122807A

... 1. Абонентский узел, содержащий ! антенну; ! приемник/передатчик, работоспособно соединенный с упомянутой антенной; ! аналого-цифровой преобразователь, работоспособно соединенный с упомянутым приемником/передатчиком; и ! блок управления для выбора интервала, работоспособно соединенный с упомянутым приемником/передатчиком; ! 2. Абонентский узел по п.1, где упомянутый блок управления содержит ! блок сканирования мощности, адаптированный для сканирования интервалов выделенного частотного спектра для отделения сигналов, связанных с упомянутыми интервалами; ! формирователь ID, работоспособно соединенный с упомянутым блоком сканирования мощности, адаптированный для формирования сетевого ID для, по меньшей мере, одного из упомянутых интервалов; ! блок оценки мощности, работоспособно соединенный с упомянутым блоком сканирования мощности, адаптированный для измерения и оценки мощности; и ! селектор интервалов, работоспособно соединенный с упомянутым формирователем ID, адаптированный для выбора упомянутого ...

20-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010154663A

... 1. Способ создания беспроводной многоскачковой сети (NW), в частности сети типа ZigBee, содержащей множество устройств (0, 1, 2, …, 96) в схеме (D) расположения устройств, способ, в котором устройства (1, 2, 3, …, 96) создают физическое беспроводное соединение, по меньшей мере, с одним другим устройством (0, 1, 11, 16, 17, 29, 30, 39, 48, 52, 53, 55, 64, 71, 73, 79, 88) сети (NW) в процессе самоорганизации, причем в процессе самоорганизации ! - осуществляющее поиск устройство, намеревающееся присоединиться к сети, прослушивает маяковые сигналы, излучаемые родительскими устройствами-кандидатами, уже находящимися в сети, содержащие идентификатор сети и идентификатор устройства излучающих устройств, ! - в процессе выбора родительского объекта осуществляющее поиск устройство выбирает родительское устройство среди родительских устройств-кандидатов в соответствии с заданными правилами выбора, основываясь на идентификаторах (EPID) сети, возможностях приема родительских устройств-кандидатов и значениях ...

20-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010133974A

... 1. Способ приема уведомляющего сообщения на терминале в системе цифрового видеовещания (DVB), причем способ содержит этапы, на которых: ! выявляют точку доступа (АР) из сеанса самозагрузки электронного справочника услуг (ESG); ! опрашивают АР для запроса списка уведомляющих сообщений либо целого или части уведомляющего сообщения по каналу связи; и ! принимают список уведомляющих сообщений либо целое или часть уведомляющего сообщения от АР. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором выявление АР состоит в том, что выявляют АР сервера для широковещательной передачи уведомляющего сообщения по умолчанию из сеанса самозагрузки ESG. ! 3. Способ по п.2, в котором выявление АР состоит в том, что выявляют одну из АР сервера для передачи сообщения уведомления по умолчанию платформы (PDN) и АР сервера для передачи сообщения уведомления по умолчанию ESG (EDN). ! 4. Способ по п.1, в котором выявление АР состоит в том, что: ! подписываются на сообщение имеющего отношение к услуге уведомления (SRN); ! закупают сообщение ...

10-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011121872A

... 1. Способ, содержащий этапы, на которых:выполняют ручной выбор закрытой группы абонентов (CSG) с помощью мобильного устройства для выбора соты базовой станции, объявляющей CSG, идентифицированную посредством идентификатора (ID) CSG;определяют, разрешает ли базовая станция доступ к соте для членов объявленной CSG или разрешает доступ членам и не членам объявленной CSG;инициируют регистрацию в соте выбранной базовой станции; иопределяют, следует ли обновлять белый список, чтобы включал в себя ID CSG, когда регистрация успешна, и ID CSG отсутствует в белом списке мобильного устройства.2. Способ по п.1, в котором белый список является по меньшей мере одним из списка допустимых CSG или списком CSG оператора.3. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий этапы, на которых обновляют белый список, осуществляя запись в белый список.4. Способ по п.1, выполнение ручного выбора CSG дополнительно содержит этапы, на которых:сканируют имеющиеся в распоряжении базовые станции, объявляющие соответственные CSG ...

13-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015126792A

20-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013110806A

... 1. Первая базовая станция для использования в сети связи, причем первая базовая станция имеет первую область действия соты и содержит:средство получения данных, относящихся по меньшей мере к одной характеристике сигнала, переданного второй базовой станцией, имеющей вторую область действия соты, которая отлична от и перекрывается с первой областью действия соты первой базовой станции;средство определения значения смещения выбора соты для первой или второй базовой станции с использованием полученных данных; исредство передачи определенного значения смещения выбора соты пользовательскому устройству внутри первой области обслуживания соты действия первой базовой станции.2. Первая базовая станция по п.1, в которой средства получения данных содержат средство приема отчетов об измерении сигнала от пользовательских устройств внутри первой области действия соты первой базовой станции; и в которой средства определения выполнены с возможностью определения значения смещения выбора соты для первой или ...

27-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007133617A

... 1. Устройство уделенной станции, содержащее: схему связи, сконфигурированную с возможностью приема команды рассредоточения; и устройство выбора канала, сконфигурированное с возможностью случайного или псевдослучайного выбора канала в ответ на команду рассредоточения. 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором устройство выбора канала сконфигурировано с возможностью выбора канала на основании, по меньшей мере, частично, хеш-функции. 3. Устройство по п.1, содержащее также устройство выбора канала, сконфигурированное с возможностью выбора ячейки на основании, по меньшей мере, частично, канала. 4. Устройство удаленной станции, содержащее: схему связи, сконфигурированную с возможностью приема команды рассредоточения и приема данных линии связи; устройство выбора канала, сконфигурированное с возможностью выбора канала в ответ на команду рассредоточения; устройство выбора ячейки, сконфигурированное с возможностью выбора первой ячейки на основании, по меньшей мере, частично, канала, и выбора ячейки расположения ...

10-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009141916A

... 1. Способ управления соединением, в котором информацию о соединении с базовой станцией ограниченного пользования передают в мобильную станцию, принадлежащую группе мобильных станций, связанных с указанной базовой станцией ограниченного пользования, в выделенном канале, соответствующем указанной мобильной станции, либо в многоадресном канале, соответствующем указанной группе мобильных станций, через базовую станцию общего пользования в месте нахождения указанной мобильной станции. ! 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что группа мобильных станций включает одну или более мобильных станций, имеющих заранее определенный признак нахождения в зоне регистрации местоположения, связанной с базовой станцией ограниченного пользования. ! 3. Способ по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что передача информация о соединении инициируется фактом принадлежности мобильной станции указанной группе мобильных станций. ! 4. Способ по п.2, отличающийся тем, что признак включает разрешение на доступ к базовой станции ...

24-07-2003 дата публикации

Funktelefonsystem mit Leistungsregelung und Zusatzempfängern

Номер: DE0069332467T2

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE112017008035T5

Eine Endgeräteeinrichtung weist eine Signalempfangseinheit (41) auf, die Signale empfängt, die von einer Mehrzahl von Übertragungseinrichtungen übertragen sind, und die Inhalte der Daten analysiert, die in den Signalen enthaltenen sind; und weist eine Steuerungseinheit (42) auf, die eine Steuerung zum Auswählen einer Übertragungseinrichtung von der Mehrzahl von Übertragungseinrichtungen durchführt, die Signale, die identische Daten enthalten, übertragen haben, und bewirkt, dass die Signalempfangseinheit kontinuierlich ein Signal empfängt, das von der ausgewählten Übertragungseinrichtung übertragen wird, wenn die Anzahl von empfangenen Signalen, die identische Daten enthalten, gleich zu oder größer als eine vorgeschriebene Anzahl ist.

20-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE102004049562A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Kommunikation, insbesondere Sprachkommunikation, mit einem Mobiltelefon über ein Telekommunikationsnetzwerk, wobei eine in einer örtlichen Umgebung des Mobiltelefons (1) befindliche öffentliche Telekommunikationsstelle (2), insbesondere eine öffentliche Telefonzelle, ausgewählt wird und für das Mobiltelefon (1) als Zugang, zumindest als virtueller Zugang, in ein Telekommunikationsnetzwerk dient.

13-11-2008 дата публикации

Asynchrone und synchrone Detektion umfassende Zellsuche

Номер: DE602005010021D1
Принадлежит: NEC CORP, NEC CORP.

09-07-2015 дата публикации

Sichere Bearbeitung von Verbindungseinstellungen eines eingebetteten Modems durch Kommunikation über Kurznachrichtenübermittlungsdienst

Номер: DE102014119653A1

Ein Fahrzeug kann mindestens eine Steuerung umfassen, die konfiguriert ist, einen Kommunikationskanal über ein Netz zwischen einem Fahrzeug und einem Fahrzeug-Dienstserver durch einen Zugangspunktknoten aufrecht zu erhalten. Die mindestens eine Steuerung kann ferner konfiguriert sein, über das Netz außerhalb des Bandes vom Kommunikationskanal eine Aktualisierungsnachricht zu empfangen, welche aktualisierte Kommunikationskanal-Verbindungsinformationen umfasst, und den Kommunikationskanal bei Empfang der Nachricht gemäß den aktualisierten Verbindungsinformationen erneut verbindet. Ein sicherer Server kann konfiguriert sein, die Aktualisierungsnachricht, die mindestens eine von aktualisierten Zugangspunktknoteninformationen und aktualisierten Adressinformationen spezifiziert, zu erzeugen, die Aktualisierungsnachricht gemäß einem Chiffrierungsschlüssel, der mit einem Fahrzeugziel geteilt wird, zu verschlüsseln und die Aktualisierungsnachricht über ein Netz außerhalb des Bandes vom Kommunikationskanals ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Auswählen eines Netzwerkes

Номер: DE102015111820B4

Vorrichtung (100), umfassend:- einen Prozessor (102);- eine Anzeige, auf die der Prozessor (102) zugreifen kann; und- einen Speicher (104), der Maschineninstruktionen speichert, die durch den Prozessor (102) ausführbar sind, wobei die Instruktionen umfassen:- einen Code, der einen ersten Abschnitt von ausführbarem Code mit einem schneller arbeitenden aber unzuverlässigeren Router assoziiert und der einen zweiten Abschnitt von ausführbarem Code mit einem langsamer arbeitenden aber zuverlässigeren Router assoziiert, wobei der erste Router und der zweite Router in demselben lokalen Netzwerk enthalten sind;- einen Code, der in Reaktion auf ein Erfassen einer Netzwerkkommunikation, die ausgehend von dem Abschnitt des ausführbaren Codes einen der Router auswählt; und- einen Code, der die Netzwerkkommunikation auf den ausgewählten Router ausrichtet.

10-11-2005 дата публикации

Funktionale Anordnung mit automatisch anpaßbaren Drahtlos-Eigenschaften

Номер: DE102004058543A1

Eine funktionale Vorrichtung ist so gestaltet, daß sie mit einer oder mehreren Vorrichtungen über eine drahtlose Kommunikationsverbindung unter Verwendung von Drahtlosschaltung kommuniziert. Die Vorrichtung umfaßt einen Speicher zum Speichern von Information über verschiedene Drahtlos-Eigenschaften in unterschiedlichen geographischen Orten, einen Empfänger zum Empfangen von Information über den geographischen Ort der Vorrichtung, einen Speicher zum Speichern von Information über verschiedene Drahtlos-Eigenschaften an unterschiedlichen geographischen Orten und ein Steuerelement zum Wiedergewinnen von Information aus dem Speicher, basierend auf dem geographischen Ort der Vorrichtung und zum Konfigurieren der Drahtlosschaltung, derart, daß ihre Drahtlos-Eigenschaften zu den Drahtlos-Eigenschaften passen, welche aus dem Speicher als geeignet für den geographischen Ort wiedergewonnen worden sind.

07-05-2009 дата публикации

Endgerät für mobile Kommunikation und Funkkommunikationsanordnung

Номер: DE602004020282D1

08-09-2005 дата публикации

Verfahren zur verbesserten Auswahl eines Kommunikationsnetzes für eine Station

Номер: DE0010036141B4
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

Verfahren zur verbesserten Auswahl eines Kommunikationsnetzes (GSM, UMTS) für eine Station (MS), - bei dem an der Station (MS) Signale (BCCH, FCCH) von mehreren Netzstationen (BS(GSM), BS(UMTS)) empfangen werden, wobei jede Netzstation (BS(GSM), BS(UMTS)) einem von mehreren Kommunikationsnetzen (GSM, UMTS) zugeordnet ist, - bei dem die Station (MS) mit Hilfe der empfangenen Signale (BCCH, FCCH) Netzinformationen der Kommunikationsnetze (GSM, UMTS) abhängig von einer Empfangsqualität der Signale bestimmt, - bei dem die Station (MS) mit Hilfe der Netzinformationen (RAT1, ..., RATx, Zelle1, ..., Zelle-y) eine für einen Datenaustausch verwendbare Netzstation (BS(GSM), BS(UMTS)) auswählt, - bei dem der Datenaustausch über eine Schnittstelle (V) der ausgewählten Netzstation (BS(GSM), BS(UMTS)) durchgeführt wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, - dass bei der Bestimmung der Netzinformationen (RAT1, ..., RATx, Zelle1, ..., Zelle-y) für spätere Zugriffe, Zellwechsel oder Handover nur diejenigen Signale ...

29-05-2013 дата публикации

Roadside unit selection in an intelligent transport system

Номер: GB0002496836A

A cellular based intelligent transport system (intelligent transportation system ITS) comprises a cellular base station 12 and road side units RSU 14. Base station 12 transmits information including about itself and the RSUs within its coverage area, and further information is transmitted in paging messages from the RSUs. If the vehicle receives a paging from a RSU it selects that RSU for communication (data exchange) providing it is within range of the base station 12. The RSU may alternatively be selected on the basis of the vehicles location and direction of movement (velocity). Wither arrangement allows a vehicle to be passed from one RSU to another within a cell, or between RSUs in different cells. The arrangement may be a LTE (Long Term Evolution) system ...

06-07-1994 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for communication control in a radiotelephone system

Номер: GB0009409631D0

09-02-2000 дата публикации

Telecommunications network

Номер: GB0009929774D0

10-09-1997 дата публикации

Radio communication system

Номер: GB0002277849B

14-04-1999 дата публикации

Radio system and method of control for efficient site load distribution

Номер: GB0002297457B

18-04-2001 дата публикации

Improving reception of messages in a communication network

Номер: GB0002355368A

A method for optimizing a service supplied to a mobile subscriber unit in a mobile telephone system offering a multitude of voice and data services from system base stations to mobile subscriber units. A service center receives a request for service to be provided to a mobile subscriber unit. A processor within the service center determines whether prevailing conditions allow for efficient execution of the requested service and if so carries it out, and otherwise prompts the mobile subscriber unit to take remedial action whereby the requested service can be carried out more efficiently. The prevailing conditions considered could be loading in the base station traffic or the quality of the service. The mobile subscriber may be prompted by voice and/or message display to move within a cell or to a new cell, or to delay data transmission until the traffic loading reduces.

31-01-2001 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for cellular communication

Номер: GB0002344256B

30-06-2004 дата публикации

Selection of access point devices in a wireless communication network

Номер: GB0002387994B

13-05-1998 дата публикации

Base site selection in a cellular radio communication system

Номер: GB0002319142A

In a cellular radio communications system, the selection of a base site for hand over is determined by the mobile radio according to the rate of change of signal strength received from its serving base site. For low rates of change of RSS, base sites are successively selected from a first list of preferred base sites, starting from top of the list until an appropriate base site is found. When the rate of change is rapid base sites from a second list are selected. The method has particular application to a mobile entering a tunnel 70 having a base site J. A mobile 2 served by cell A, on entering the tunnel experiences a rapid fall 75 in RSS. By selecting from the second list which, unlike the first list, has base site J near the top of the list, the most appropriate base site is rapidly found. Base site J then transmits a third list to the mobile comprising cells A, D and J only so that on exiting the tunnel the most appropriate base site can again be rapidly connected.

11-12-2013 дата публикации

Selection of terminal device to operate as an access point

Номер: GB0002502782A

A communication entity for a communication system is described in which terminal devices communicate with one another via a base station using a radio access technology. The communication entity (e.g. a WLAN manager) determines, for each terminal device, a respective characteristic value associated with communicating using at least one communication channel in at least one communication link between each terminal device and each other terminal device. The characteristic values are properties and measurements performed ordinarily by the mobile terminals, and available before transmission in a WLAN commences, rather than values acquired by an access point, after transmission in a WLAN commences. The entity selects a terminal device and communication channel to operate as an access node of a local area network based on the characteristic values. This allows an approximate quality of service to be predicted before transmission in a WLAN commences, resulting in reduced network set up times.

01-10-2014 дата публикации

Providing access of a user equipment to a data network

Номер: GB0002512532A

A method and apparatus for providing access of a user equipment to a data network via a wireless communication system is disclosed. The user equipment has an associated subscription profile including subscriber profile parameter data. The wireless communication system utilises access point identifiers for associating subscribers with packet data networks. The subscription profile includes at least one access point identifier. The method comprises receiving a first connection request message from the user equipment requesting connection to a first access point and including authentication information such as a username and password; and retrieving access point data from said subscription profile. Dependent on said subscriber profile parameter data including a limited connectivity session indicator, the authentication information is transmitted to the first access point in association with a session establishment request. A limited connectivity communication session is established in dependence ...

26-02-2014 дата публикации

Controlling access to CSG cells in a wireless communication system

Номер: GB0002505200A

In response to a change in state of association between a UE and a CSG (closed subscriber group) cell, the UICC comprising a SIM application is provided with the CSG ID and an associated Public Land Mobile Network Identity (PLMN ID). This enables the UICC to control access to resources of the CSG cell. Providing the PLMN ID in addition to the CSG ID avoids ambiguity when the UE has access to plural PLMNs and the CSG ID is not globally unique. The change in state of association may indicate that the UE has entered the serving area of the CSG cell, the UE has left the serving area of the CSG cell, the UE is being served by or has registered or has been rejected for service by the CSG cell or is camped on the CSG cell.

23-02-2011 дата публикации

A base station operable to maintain cell history data for a mobile communications device

Номер: GB0002472791A

A base station operable to communicate with one or more mobile communications devices over a wireless communications link defined by a base station cell maintains cell history data for a mobile communications device. History data identifying the cells in which the user communications device has been registered or camped whilst in an idle mode or identifying the cells in which the mobile device has been connected whilst in a connected mode is maintained by the base station. This history data can be used to identify a home base station or an access mode of the cell and whether the cell has an open, closed or hybrid access mode.

23-04-2014 дата публикации

A protected wireless network access point allowing limited access to an affiliated group of mobile stations

Номер: GB0002507056A

A protected wireless network access point usually allows access to entitled mobile stations only (fig. 3A). In the invention, if the mobile station 115b is not entitled 115, a check is made to determine whether the mobile station is affiliated to an affiliation group of the access point, the affiliation group comprising several access points and mobile stations. If the mobile station is affiliated then access is granted in a limited access mode e.g. access is bandwidth limited. Access to the network is denied if the non-entitled mobile station is not affiliated. The workload of the access point may be monitored and the bandwidth limitation for affiliated mobile stations updated accordingly. Verification of the affiliation may involve checking an encrypted identifier of the mobile station at an affiliation server. A mobile telephone infrastructure provides each mobile station with a set of affiliated access points associated with their position.

14-01-2004 дата публикации

Method of selecting appropriate wireless characteristics for geographic location

Номер: GB0000328369D0

30-03-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008902743D0

16-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009309319D0

30-12-2015 дата публикации

Network elements, wireless communication system and methods therefor

Номер: GB0002527593A

A presence service can be provided by an access point (101, figure 1) serving a small cell 100 by rejecting a request for registration 204 from a user equipment (103) after acquiring its IMSI 203 and sending the IMSI 204 to a presence database (105). The user equipment determines if the cell is a presence cell by comparing the cell's location area code (LAC) with LACs stored in a list and looking for a match 205. If the cell is a presence cell then the user equipment, rather than placing the LAC in a forbidden list, re-tries registration again but only after a pre-set time period of 5-10 minutes has elapsed 207. The presence service can therefore be notified of subscribers who linger in a particular area or return to that area at regular intervals. In a second embodiment a UE determines (306, figure 3) if a cell is a presence cell by processing the received presence cell identifier message which is broadcast by the small cell 100. In a third embodiment the UE determines (405, figure 4) ...

18-02-2004 дата публикации

A method of connection

Номер: GB0000400694D0

11-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009313078D0

30-11-2022 дата публикации

Mobile radio device and method for selecting candidate base stations

Номер: GB0002607091A

A mobile radio device is provided with storage circuitry to store location information defining locations of a first plurality of base stations. The mobile radio device is further provided with connection circuitry to make an attempt to connect to a candidate base station of the first plurality of base stations using a beam steered in a direction of the candidate base station, and to receive signals from the direction of the candidate base station. The mobile radio device is further provided with calculation circuitry to generate, based on the received signals, status information defining a connectivity characteristic of each of a second plurality of base stations, and to calculate a ranked list of candidate base stations from the first plurality of base stations and the second plurality of base stations. The mobile radio device is further provided with selection circuitry to select a next candidate base station to attempt to connect to based on the ranked list of candidates. The mobile ...

06-09-2023 дата публикации

Method of operating a network

Номер: GB0002605149B

15-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000397365T

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000372039T

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000387067T

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000445980T

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000491319T

15-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000426951T

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000515914T

15-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000331402T

15-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000170694T

23-09-2021 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for cell discontinuous transmission (DTX) scheduling

Номер: AU2017310233B2

Certain aspects of the present disclosure relate to methods and apparatus for cell DTX (Discontinuous Transmission) scheduling. A Base Station (BS) determines an operational schedule for the BS including at least one ON period and at least one OFF period, wherein the BS provides a reduced level of service during the at least one OFF period relative to the at least one ON period. The BS transmits the determined operational schedule. A User Equipment (UE) receives the BSs operational schedule and determines, based on the BSs operational schedule and its own operational schedule also including ON and OFF periods, whether to perform at least one service associated with the BS.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Access control for user equipment in a connected mode

Номер: AU2018430794A1

A user equipment operating in a connected mode includes a first layer, a second layer, and a third layer. The first layer generates a request to send a non-initial non-access stratum (NAS) message over a first connection that operates according to a first radio access technology (RAT). The second layer determines whether access to the first connection is barred for the non-initial NAS message. The first layer selects a connection to deliver the non-initial NAS message between the first connection and a second connection that operates according to a second RAT in response to access to the first connection being barred. In some cases, the non-initial NAS message is a mobile originated short message service (SMS) message or an uplink NAS transport message. In some cases, the first layer is an NAS layer and the second layer is a radio resource control layer.

29-07-2004 дата публикации

Multimedia content delivery through wlan coverage area

Номер: AU2003303142A8

10-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003290135A1

21-02-2008 дата публикации

Apparatus, and associated method, for performing cell selection in a packet radio communication system

Номер: AU2007203634A1

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for determining and managing congestion in a wireless communications system

Номер: AU2010200010B2

An improved method of network management, particularly in the context of standards IEEE802.11 and IEEE802.11k, through two new MAC measurements, with attendant advantages. The two new measurements include WTRU uplink traffic loading measurement, and an AP service loading measurement and is generally applicable at least to layers 1 and 2 as applied to at least 802.11k in the context of OFDM and CDMA 2000 systems, but is applicable to other scenarios as well. A method for determining and advertising congestion is also provided for a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) system. The present invention also introduces a method for managing congestion when congestion is detected. This aspect for the present invention applies primarily to wireless systems that use the Carrier Sense Multiple Access/ Collision advantageously implemented in selectively configured WTRUs of various forms. FROM AP(x) RECEIVE ADVERTISED LOAD (LI) FROM AP(X) S10 TO S12 Si 0 FROM AP(y) 1 RECEIVE ADVERTISED LOAD (L2) FROM ...

14-03-2000 дата публикации

Mobile terminal initiated and assisted antenna selection

Номер: AU0005767399A

22-04-2002 дата публикации

Network driven cell switching and handoff with load balancing for wireless systems

Номер: AU0009531901A

18-02-2002 дата публикации

Method for accessing a cellular communication network

Номер: AU0008200801A

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Cell re-selection in a cellular telecommunications network

Номер: AU2011334948A1

According to an aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method in a wireless cellular telecommunications device camped on a serving cell, the device storing a parameter obtained from a first cell. The method comprising: measuring an attribute of a signal received from a candidate cell; and, evaluating the candidate cell for re-selection. If a carrier frequency of the candidate cell matches a carrier frequency of the first cell, the evaluation of the candidate cell for re-selection is based on at least the measured attribute and the stored parameter, else the evaluation of the candidate cell for re-selection is performed without using the stored parameter. A device and computer readable medium are also provided.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AU2013211553A1

Systems and methodologies are described that facilitate cell search, selection, and reselection within a wireless communication network that includes a home node base station (home nodeB). A user equipment (UE) can detect a home node B and communicate its identification to a macro network that includes at least one node base station (nodeB). The detected home node B and node B can be hierarchically structured in order to prioritize connectivity with the home node B over the node B. Such prioritization can be implemented by broadcasting home node B parameters and macro node B parameters having identification information therewith (using SIB, system information blocks). 0T e y0 ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Establishing a wireless connection to a vehicle

Номер: AU2015294679B2
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

The invention relates to a method for establishing a wireless connection between a mobile communication device and a communication module (14) of a vehicle (10) having a registration plate (17). According to the invention, access rights, namely links between vehicle registration plates (17) and user identifiers, as well as data required for establishing the wireless connection are stored in a database server (16) outside of the mobile communication device.

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Selecting an access point for wirelessly connecting to a network

Номер: AU2014337280B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A method is performed in a mobile device (104) for selecting or excluding an access point for use in wirelessly connecting to a network (110, 114, 120, 122). The method includes collecting historical connection data for a first access point (302), wherein the historical connection data identifies a plurality of previous wireless connections to the network using the first access point and identifies a corresponding duration of each previous wireless connection (306). The method further includes: detecting that the first access point is available for a current wireless connection to the network (304); calculating an expected connection duration for the first access point using the historical connection data (306); and determining whether to select or exclude the first access point as a candidate for the current wireless connection based on the expected connection duration calculated for the first access point (310, 312).

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus of searching for base station using paging procedure in mobile communication network

Номер: US20120004004A1

A method for searching for a base station using paging procedure in a mobile communication network has a paging agent that performs the paging procedure. The method includes: receiving, at the paging agent, subscriber information including information of a service, to which a mobile node subscribed, from a home location register while performing a location registration procedure in response to a location registration request from the mobile node; setting an available scan time based on the time required to perform the paging procedure; generating a paging request message including the available scan time and the subscriber information to send the paging request message to a base station required for paging; and generating base station information based on the subscriber information to input into the paging request message to transmit with the available scan time to the mobile node.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Method, apparatus and device for relay user selection and downlink resource allocation

Номер: US20120026936A1
Автор: Mingli You, Xiaobo Zhang
Принадлежит: Alcatel Lucent SAS

The present invention proposes a method, apparatus and device for relay user selection and downlink resource allocation in a base station of a relay communication system. Specifically the base station performs relay user selection and downlink resource allocation according to a pattern of a cell-specific reference signal thereof and/or a reception demodulation scheme of a mobile terminal. With the method, apparatus or device according to the invention, it is possible to alleviate and even eliminate influence of overlapping cell-specific reference signals upon the performance of reception demodulation at a user terminal.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for radio cell change due to energy saving in a mobile communication network

Номер: US20120046035A1
Принадлежит: Vodafone Holding GmbH

There is provided a method for a mobile communication device registering in second radio cell of a mobile communication network based on a deactivation of a first radio cell in which the mobile communication device was located. An exemplary method comprises determining a random time interval by the mobile communication device. An expiration of the random time interval is determined starting from a predetermined point in time. The exemplary method also comprises registering in the second radio cell, when the expiration of the random time interval has been determined.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Assistance device

Номер: US20120054338A1
Автор: Satoko Ando
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

An assistance device may provide a user with an identifier of an access point which is to be set in a wireless device. The assistance device may extract, from network information related to a network and stored in the assistance device, an IP address of an assignment server which had assigned an IP address to the assistance device. The assistance device may obtain from the access point, by utilizing the extracted IP address of the assignment server, information including, the identifier of the access point, so as to display the information including the identifier of the access point on a display unit.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for selecting a serving base station, mobile communication network, base station, and method for determining transmission characteristics

Номер: US20120071200A1

According to one embodiment, a device for selecting a serving base station of a plurality of base stations of a mobile communication system is described which comprises a receiving circuit configured to receive, for each base station of the plurality of base stations, a message including information related to a possible communication between the base station and a mobile terminal and a selecting circuit configured to select, based on the determined information, a base station of the plurality of base stations that is to provide a communication connection for the mobile terminal.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Cell selecting apparatus and cell selecting method

Номер: US20120099522A1
Автор: Yoshihiro Kawasaki
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A cell selection apparatus is used in the environment in which multiple communication systems coexists and at least one of the communication systems use guard intervals inserted in the transmission signal. The apparatus includes delay profile creation means ( 722 ) for creating a delay profile from a received radio signal and detecting amplitudes and timing of multipath arriving waves; comparison means ( 728 ) for comparing at least one delay quantity of the multipath arriving waves with a guard interval of a signal used in at least one of said multiple communication systems; and determination means ( 730 ) for determining a cell provided by one of the communication systems to which a mobile terminal is to be connected based on the comparison result.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Method of determining an access mode of cell in a wireless communication system

Номер: US20120129515A1

The present invention relates to a wireless communication system and UE providing wireless communication services, and a method of determining the operation mode of a base station, that is, the connection mode (access mode) of a cell, based on which UE's connection is allowed by a base station in an evolved Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) that has evolved from a Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) or a Long Term Evolution (LTE) system, and it may be an object of the present invention to provide a process of determining the connection mode of a cell by checking the existence of a subscriber group identity if it is determined that the connection mode of a cell is not allowed for one or more UEs belonging to a particular subscriber group.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Method of determining an access mode of cell in a wireless communication system

Номер: US20120129523A1

The present invention relates to a wireless communication system and UE providing wireless communication services, and a method of determining the operation mode of a base station, that is, the connection mode (access mode) of a cell, based on which UE's connection is allowed by a base station in an evolved Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) that has evolved from a Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) or a Long Term Evolution (LTE) system, and it may be an object of the present invention to provide a process of determining the connection mode of a cell by checking the existence of a subscriber group identity if it is determined that the connection mode of a cell is not allowed for one or more UEs belonging to a particular subscriber group.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Dynamic control of cell reselection parameters

Номер: US20120236717A1

Providing for dynamic cell resource management in wireless networking is described herein. By way of example, user terminal access parameters can be dynamically modified based on changing load conditions at one or more cells of a wireless network. For instance, resource capacity of a wireless network cell can be monitored over time to identify a potential resource overload condition. If such a condition occurs, a load management algorithm can be executed that progressively restricts or de-restricts user terminal access parameters based on changing load conditions. In particular aspects, the load management algorithm can analyze relative cell load of neighboring cells to implement coordinated load sharing. By dynamically modifying user access parameters, traffic can be directed toward or away from cells operating at low or high capacity, respectively.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Cell reselection process for wireless communications

Номер: US20120275371A1
Принадлежит: InterDigital Technology Corp

A method of cell reselection in a wireless communications system where parameters are transmitted by the network in system information blocks to WTRU's on the network. Parameters are either added or subtracted from an equation representing the signal level and/or quality of a cell. Parameters may be prioritized. The results of the calculations are used to rank the servicing cell and neighboring cells. If a neighboring cell has a higher quality than the servicing cell, then the WTRU reselects the better cell. The network may transmit a blacklist of cells where the WTRU cannot camp as well as a barring timer for each cell where if the timer expires, the cell can again be considered for reselection. Information germane to the reselection decision may be transmitted and used by the network.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for performing cell selection to home cell or private network in a mobile communication system

Номер: US20120295616A1

An apparatus and method for performing cell selection to a Home cell or a Private network in a mobile communication system are provided, in which a User Equipment (UE) determines a candidate cell by measuring a serving cell and neighbor cells, receives an indicator indicating a Home cell or a Private network in system information from the candidate cell, determines whether the candidate cell is included in a Home cell or Private network list set in the UE, and selects the candidate cell if the candidate cell is included in the Home cell or Private network list.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Wireless access point service coverage area management

Номер: US20120327923A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

A wireless station within a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) includes a processor, a radio and a directional antenna. The radio gathers participatory data based on communications involving the wireless station and non-participatory data based on communications the wireless station listens to, but does not participate in. The processor produces an operational report based on the participatory data and the non-participatory data and provides the operational report to the WLAN. The processor further alters a gain vector of the directional antenna based on instructions received from the WLAN in response to the operational report.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for selected internet protocol (ip) traffic offload (sipto) and local ip access (lipa) mobility

Номер: US20130003699A1
Принадлежит: InterDigital Patent Holdings Inc

Methods and apparatus are described for supporting wireless transmit/receive unit (WTRU) mobility between Home (evolved) Node Bs (H(e)NBs) that are configured to communicate with a Local Gateway (L-GW). The H(e)NBs and/or L-GW may belong to one or more Local H(e)NB Networks (LHNs). A WTRU may receive services including Selected Internet Protocol (IP) Traffic Offload (SIPTO) or Local IP Access (LIPA) services from the L-GW via one or more H(e)NBs. The WTRU may continue to receive SIPTO or LIPA services after a handover to another H(e)NB that may be in communication with the same L-GW and may belong to the same LHN. The WTRU may receive information related to the LHN or the L-GW to allow continuation of SIPTO or LIPA services as the WTRU moves among H(e)NBs and/or out of the LHN. The WTRU may receive and/or maintain one or more LHN Lists.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Management method and apparatus for closed subscriber group white list

Номер: US20130029703A1
Автор: Guosheng Zhao, MING Al

A management method and apparatus for a Closed Subscriber Group (CSG) white list are provided in the present invention, which can avoid the case that causes the CSG white list of a User Equipment (UE) to include a new Operator CSG List (OCL) and an old Allowed CSG List (ACL). The method includes the following steps: a User Equipment (UE) receives an updated Operator CSG List (OCL) or an Allowed CSG List (ACL) from a network side; according to the updated OCL or ACL, UE generates the CSG white list. With the present invention, when UE performs cells selection or handover according to the CSG white list which is provided to a non-access stratum by an access stratum as a basis for access control, the selected CSG identifier can not be refused by the network, the user experience can not be reduced, and unnecessary network signaling overhead can not be increased.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Infrastructure-Assisted Client Management using Synthesized Beacon Reports

Номер: US20130036188A1
Принадлежит: Aruba Networks Inc

Infrastructure-based client management uses synthesized beacon reports to effect client association with APs in a wireless digital network. Beacon reports are synthesized by having a plurality of APs in the network collect client reports and send those reports to a report process on the network. The report process accumulates client reports from the plurality of APs and selects one or more candidate APs to support a client. Selection may be made on reported SNR, AP loading, channel loading, AP characteristics, or a combination. The report process may produce blacklists and optionally whitelists for use by APs to use in processing client probe and connection requests.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Directional transmission techniques

Номер: US20130039217A1
Автор: Carlos Cordeiro
Принадлежит: Individual

Embodiments provide techniques for the transmission of broadcasts. For instance, an apparatus may include a sequence selection module, and multiple radiating elements. The sequence selection module selects sequences of directional transmission patterns, where each selected sequence corresponds to a time period. The multiple radiating elements wirelessly transmit a broadcast at the time periods in accordance with the selected sequences. The broadcast may include, for example, beacons, and/or a data broadcast, and/or a control broadcast and/or a management broadcast.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Cell selection for multi-cell mimo transmission

Номер: US20130044602A1
Автор: Hui Xiao, Luciano Sarperi
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A method for use in selecting a cell or cells, from amongst a set of cells in a cellular wireless network, for coordinated use in multi-cell multiple-input/multiple-output (MIMO) transmission so as to reduce feedback overhead, each cell of the said set having at least one MIMO channel characteristic which may vary with time at a measurable rate, comprises a cell selection process comprising the steps of: identifying a cell or subset of cells of the said set for which the time variation rate/rates of the said MIMO channel characteristic is/are the slowest of those of the cells in the said set; and selecting a cell or cells for use in multi-cell MIMO transmission from only the cell or subset of cells identified in the identifying step.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Managed Access to Multiple Wireless Carriers

Номер: US20130059626A1
Принадлежит: United Parcel Service of America Inc

Systems, methods, apparatus, and computer program products are provided for managing access of mobile stations to a plurality of wireless carriers. For example, in one embodiment, a central system can provide configuration files to mobile stations. The mobile stations can use the configuration files to access a plurality of different wireless carriers, with the different wireless carriers potentially implementing distinct technologies and communication standards and protocols.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079002A1

System(s) and method(s) provide access management to femto cell service through access control list(s) (e.g., white list(s), or black list(s)). White list(s) includes a set of subscriber station(s) identifier numbers, codes, or tokens, and also can include additional fields for femto cell access management based on desired complexity. White list(s) can have associated white list profile(s) therewith to establish logic of femto coverage access based on the white list(s). Access lists exchange among subscribers that posses provisioned femto access points and elect to share access lists also is provided. Transference of access list(s) among subscribers is secured and based at least in part on subscriber privacy policy. Subscribers can be prompted to opt in access list sharing, or to update privacy policies to allow reciprocate sharing and update privacy settings. Based at least in part on association criteria, component identifies femto access points for a subscriber to access lists with. 1. A system , comprising:a memory to store computer-executable instructions; and selecting a set of femto access point devices based on an association criterion related to a user equipment, and', 'facilitating a transmission of notification data to the user equipment, wherein the notification data is indicative of the set of femto access point devices., 'a processor, communicatively coupled to the memory, that facilitates execution of the computer-executable instructions to perform operations, comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the selecting includes:determining a relationship between the set of femto access point devices, anddetermining that the relationship satisfies the association criterion.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the notification data is transmitted to the user equipment via a voice call.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the notification data is transmitted to the user equipment via a text message.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the association criterion ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130083759A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.

Embodiments of the present invention provide a method, an apparatus, and a system for selecting serving nodes for access, where the method includes: obtaining reference signal received parameters of at least two nodes; selecting a downlink serving node from the at least two nodes according to the reference signal received parameter of each node; and sending an uplink signal, so that the downlink serving node selects an uplink serving node from the at least two nodes according to the uplink signal; or, selecting an uplink serving node from the at least two nodes according to the reference signal received parameter of each node, and sending an uplink signal. In the embodiments of the present invention, a user equipment selects a downlink serving node from at least two nodes according to the reference signal received parameter of each node; then the user equipment sends an uplink signal. 1. A method for selecting serving nodes for access , comprising:obtaining reference signal received parameters of at least two nodes, wherein the reference signal received parameters comprise reference signal received power or reference signal received quality;selecting a downlink serving node from the at least two nodes according to the reference signal received parameter of each of the nodes; andsending an uplink signal, so that the downlink serving node selects an uplink serving node from the at least two nodes according to the uplink signal; or, selecting an uplink serving node from the at least two nodes according to the reference signal received parameter of each of the nodes, and sending an uplink signal, so that a binding relationship is established between the uplink serving node and the downlink serving node.2. The method for selecting serving nodes for access according to claim 1 , wherein sending an uplink signal claim 1 , so that the downlink serving node selects an uplink serving node from the at least two nodes according to the uplink signal claim 1 , comprises one of: ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for reducing page loss in multiple subscription, multiple radio access technology devices

Номер: US20130090137A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Disclosed are methods and apparatus for reducing page loss in a multiple subscription, multiple radio access wireless device, such as a dual SIM wireless device. The disclosed methodology and apparatus determine whether a conflict will arise between paging channel information received from at least two or more subscriptions from two or more radio access networks using a single receiver in the wireless device. The reception for paging channel information via the wireless receiver is switched to receive the paging channel information from a neighboring cell for one of the two subscriptions when a conflict is determined. By switching reception of paging channel information to another neighboring cell, the likelihood of page collisions between two subscriptions is reduced.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130094390A1
Автор: Chhabra Kapil

Respective distances between a communication device and a plurality of wireless local area network (WLAN) access points are determined. One of the plurality of WLAN access points with which the communication device is to associate is selected based on the determined distances. 1. A method , comprising:determining, with a communication device, respective distances between the communication device and a plurality of wireless local area network (WLAN) access points, wherein determining the respective distances is based on position information corresponding to the plurality of WLAN access points and position information corresponding to the communication device;determining, with the communication device, a first WLAN access point, different from a second WLAN access point with which the communication device is currently associated, that is closest to the communication device, wherein the first WLAN access point is determined from the plurality of WLAN access points based on the determined respective distances;determining, with the communication device, whether a first distance between (i) the communication device and (ii) the second WLAN access point is greater than a second distance between (i) the communication device and (ii) the first WLAN access point; evaluating the plurality of WLAN access points in an order, wherein the order is based on the determined respective distances, wherein evaluating each WLAN access point includes determining if the WLAN access point is acceptable, and', 'stopping evaluating the plurality of WLAN access points before all of the plurality of WLAN access points have been evaluated if an acceptable WLAN access point is determined., 'selecting, with the communication device, one of the plurality of WLAN access points with which the communication device is to associate based on the determined respective distances, including'}, 'when it is determined that the first distance is greater than the second distance, initiating, with the ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130095880A1
Автор: TZAMALOUKAS Assimakis

A system and method uses a communication request and/or historical data collected by one or more devices to identify whether to fulfill the request using ad hoc networking or access points. If an access point is determined to be used, the system and method attempts to identify those access points that can best fulfill the request and then attempts to use such access points to fulfill the request. 124.-. (canceled)25. A method of responding to a request to access a network , the method comprising:receiving data from an electronic device, the data based on substantially current conditions of the moving vehicle and including at least a location of the moving vehicle;identifying a trajectory for the moving vehicle, the trajectory based on at least the location of the moving vehicle;identifying predicted road segments associated with the moving vehicle, the predicted road segments based on at least the location of the moving vehicle and the identified trajectory;identifying a correspondence between the predicted road segments, the identified trajectory and at least one entry in a database, the at least one entry in a database comprising one or more wireless network access points previously identified by a plurality of moving vehicles; andselecting at least one of the identified wireless network access points, based on the identified correspondence, to attempt to access a wireless network via the selected wireless network access point.26. The method of wherein the received data further includes at least one of a type of day and time of day.27. The method of wherein identifying the trajectory for the moving vehicle is based on at least one of predicting the trajectory along the currently-traveled road and driving directions previously provided to the electronic device.28. The method of wherein identifying the trajectory for the moving vehicle is based on a series of two or more locations.29. The method of further comprising transmitting claim 25 , to the electronic device ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102307A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO, INC.

To provide a cell selecting method in which an optimal cell can be selected in the case of relay transmission. The cell selecting method includes: in a radio base station apparatus, determining a specified sub-frame including data for measuring reception quality in a mobile terminal device; and in a mobile terminal device, measuring first reception quality using a reference signal of the specified sub-frame transmitted from the radio base station apparatus and second reception quality using a reference signal of the specified sub-frame transmitted from the radio base station apparatus through a radio relay station apparatus, and transmitting the first reception quality and the second reception quality to the radio base station apparatus; and in the radio base station apparatus, selecting a cell to which the mobile terminal device is connected using the first reception quality and the second reception quality, and transmitting information on the selected cell to the mobile terminal device. 1. A radio base station apparatus comprising:a sub-frame determination section configured to determine a specified sub-frame for measuring reception quality in a mobile terminal device;a transmitting section configured to transmit information on the specified sub-frame; anda cell selection determination section configured to select a cell to which the mobile terminal device is connected using a first reception quality measured value and a second reception quality measured value, the first reception quality measured value measured using a reference signal of the specified sub-frame transmitted from the radio base station apparatus to the mobile terminal device, the second reception quality measured value measured using a reference signal of the specified sub-frame transmitted from the radio base station apparatus to the mobile terminal device through a radio relay station apparatus, whereinthe specified sub-frame includes data, and the transmitting section is configured to transmit ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Wireless network system and content provision method using the same

Номер: US20130124688A1
Автор: Jee-Wan HUH, Sangsu Jung
Принадлежит: Korea Basic Science Institute KBSI

Disclosed herein is a wireless network system. The wireless network system includes a plurality of user terminals, a plurality of access points, a plurality of content source servers, and a plurality of content storage units. The plurality of access points is wirelessly connected to the plurality of user terminals. The plurality of content source servers provides content to the access points. The plurality of content storage units each stores the content, received from the content source servers, for each of the access points.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130130682A1

A first base station for use in a communications network, the first base station having a first cell operating range, comprising: means for obtaining data relating to at least one characteristic of a signal transmitted by a second base station having a second cell operating range which is different from and overlaps with the first cell operating range of the first base station; means for determining a cell selection bias value for the first or second base station using the obtained data; and means for transmitting the determined cell selection bias value to a user device within the first cell operating range of the first base station. 1. A first base station for use in a communications network , the first base station having a first cell operating range , comprising:means for obtaining data relating to at least one characteristic of a signal transmitted by a second base station having a second cell operating range which is different from and overlaps with the first cell operating range of the first base station;means for determining a cell selection bias value for the first or second base station using the obtained data; andmeans for transmitting the determined cell selection bias value to a user device within the first cell operating range of the first base station.2. The first base station of claim 1 , wherein the means for obtaining data comprises means for receiving signal measurement reports from user devices within the first cell operating range of the first base station; and wherein the means for determining is configured to determine the cell selection bias value for the first or second base station using the received signal measurement reports.3. The first base station of claim 2 , wherein the signal measurement reports comprise one or more of: a physical cell identifier claim 2 , a reference signal received power claim 2 , geographical location of a user device claim 2 , and a pathloss measurement.4. The first base station of claim 2 , wherein the signal ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130137427A1
Автор: Krishnan Murali

Methods and apparatus for enhancing a search performance for timing includes a mobile station that detects a plurality of signals, each from one of a plurality of cells, wherein one of the plurality of cells is identified by the mobile station as a strong cell and the remaining cells are identified by the mobile station as weak cells. A first matched filter is applied to a signal from the strong cell to detect first parameters associated with the strong cell. A second matched filter is applied to at least one signal from one or more of the weak cells resulting in at least one second matched filter output. Interference is removed from the at least one second matched filter output to detect one or more second parameters associated with one of the weak cells and to establish a timing of one of the weak cells. 1. A method for improving a search for a timing of at least one cell , the method comprising:detecting, at a mobile station, a plurality of signals, each from one of a plurality of cells, wherein one of the plurality of cells is identified by the mobile station as a strong cell and the remaining cells are identified by the mobile station as weak cells;applying a first matched filter to the signal from the strong cell to detect first parameters associated with the strong cell;applying a second matched filter to at least one signal from one or more of the weak cells, resulting in at least one second matched filter output;removing from the at least one second matched filter output interference associated with the signal from the strong cell to detect one or more second parameters, including a second timing position, a second frequency offset, and a second amplitude; andselecting, at the mobile station, the second timing position that yields a maximum signal magnitude to establish a timing of one of the weak cells.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the strong cell has a signal to noise ratio greater than the weak cells.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the removing ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130142122A1

Some embodiments provide methods for selecting a serving gateway to service user equipment in communication with a network, including: receiving a message from a base transceiver station including a list of tracking areas handled by the base transceiver station, initiating a domain name system query for at least one tracking area in the list of tracking areas to identify information indicating a serving gateway serving the at least one tracking area, storing, in local memory, the information indicating the serving gateway serving the at least one tracking area, and upon an occurrence of a triggering event, retrieving, from the local memory, the stored information indicating the serving gateway serving the at least one tracking area. 1. A method for selecting a serving gateway to service user equipment in communication with a network , comprising:receiving a message from a base transceiver station including a list of tracking areas handled by the base transceiver station;initiating a domain name system query for at least one tracking area in the list of tracking areas to identify information indicating a serving gateway serving the at least one tracking area;storing, in local memory, the information indicating the serving gateway serving the at least one tracking area; andupon an occurrence of a triggering event, retrieving, from the local memory, the stored information indicating the serving gateway serving the at least one tracking area.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the message from the base transceiver station including the list of tracking areas includes an S1 setup message.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising storing the information indicating the serving gateway serving the at least one tracking area includes storing the information as at least part of a table of sets of tracking area identities and at least one associated serving gateway.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , for at least some tracking area identities claim 3 , there is one ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Base station apparatus, user equipment, and method used in mobile communication system

Номер: US20130143571A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A disclosed base station apparatus to be used in a mobile communication system includes a report signal receiving unit, receiving a report signal from one or more user equipment terminals, a radio parameter adjustment unit adjusting radio parameters based on an analysis result of each report signal, a designation unit designating a report condition to be used for each user equipment terminal to determine whether to transmit the report signal and content to be reported in the report signal, and a report unit reporting the report condition and the content to be reported to the one or more user equipment terminals. Further, in the base station apparatus, the report condition is satisfied when a transmission source of a downlink reference signal is a specific cell, and the content to be reported includes a received quality value of the downlink reference signal.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130157687A1
Автор: MORI Keiji
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A wireless network system includes wireless base stations, wireless terminals and a server. Each wireless terminal includes a terminal communications circuit configured to connect the terminal itself to each wireless base station, to get a first piece of information about a communication condition of ongoing communication between itself and each wireless base station, to connect the terminal itself to another wireless terminal, to get a second piece of information about a communication condition of ongoing communication between the two wireless terminals, and to send the first and second pieces of information to the server. The server includes: a server communications circuit configured to get the first and second pieces of information from the terminal communications circuit of each wireless terminal; and a processing circuit configured to locate the wireless terminals by reference to the first and second pieces of information and to output information about their locations. 1. A wireless network system comprising wireless base stations , wireless terminals and a server , all of which are arranged in a predetermined space ,wherein each of the wireless terminals includes a terminal communications circuit which connects the wireless terminal to each of the wireless base stations, gets a first piece of information about a communication condition of ongoing communication between the wireless terminal itself and each of the wireless base stations, connects the wireless terminal to another one of the wireless terminals, gets a second piece of information about a communication condition of ongoing communication between the two wireless terminals, and sends the first and second pieces of information to the server, andwherein the server includes:a server communications circuit configured to get the first and second pieces of information from the terminal communications circuit of each said wireless terminal; anda processing circuit configured to locate the wireless ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Flexible Bandwidth Operation In Wireless Systems

Номер: US20130176952A1
Принадлежит: InterDigital Patent Holdings Inc

Systems, methods, and instrumentalities are disclosed for downlink resource allocation associated with a shared frequency band. A WTRU may receive resource allocation information associated with a component carrier and at least one carrier segment. The component carrier and the least one carrier segment may each comprise a plurality of resource block groups (RBG). At least two bitmaps may be associated with the resource allocation information. A size of a resource block group (RBG) of the component carrier and the at least one carrier segment may be based on a combined number of resource blocks (RB) of the component carrier and the one or more carrier segments divided by a 3GPP Rel-8/Rel-10 RBG size of the component carrier. The WTRU may determine at least one RBG allocated to the WTRU using the resource allocation information and may receive and decode the at least one RBG allocated to the WTRU.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182611A1
Принадлежит: Nokia Corporation

Disclosed are various methods and apparatus usable in, for example, an IEEE 802.11 type of wireless network. An exemplary method includes transmitting a probe request frame from a station; receiving a probe response frame from an access point; and examining the received probe response frame to determine whether an order in which probe response frames are received from the access point and from other access points has been coordinated and that the station is recommended to attempt to authenticate and associate to the access points according to the order in which the probe response frames are received. Related embodiments of access points and a discovery management entity are also disclosed. 1. A method comprising:receiving at least one probe request received frame from at east one reporting access point;processing information contained in the at least one received probe request received frame to determine at least one access point of a selected set of access points that should respond to a probe request frame transmitted by a station; andsending at least one response transmission order frame to the at least one access point, the response transmission order frame containing information for use by the at least one access point in sending a probe response frame to the station.2. The method of claim 1 , where processing information contained in the at least one received probe request received frame further comprises determining an order in which a station that transmitted a probe request frame to the at least one reporting access point should attempt to associate with the selected set of access points.3. The method of claim 1 , where processing information contained in the at least one received probe request received frame further comprises determining a probe response frame type and an information content for the probe response frame.4. The method of claim 1 , where sending the at least one response transmission order frame sends the response transmission order frame to ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183965A1

Certain aspects of the present disclosure provide a method for wireless communications. The method generally includes accessing, at a user equipment (UE) capable of communicating via first and second radio access technologies (RATs), a list of base stations of the first RAT, the list comprising information indicating which base stations of the first RAT support a call setup procedure for a call on at least one of the first RAT or a second RAT, and during network acquisition operations, giving preference to one or more base stations of the first RAT that, according to the list, support the call setup procedure. 1. A method for wireless communications by a user equipment (UE) capable of communicating via first and second radio access technologies (RATs) , comprising:accessing a list of base stations of the first RAT, the list comprising information indicating which base stations of the first RAT support a call setup procedure for a call on at least one of the first RAT or the second RAT; andduring network acquisition operations, giving preference to one or more base stations of the first RAT that, according to the list, support the call setup procedure.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the information indicates one or more base stations as not supporting a call setup procedure due to one or more observed performance issues.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the information comprises a circuit-switched fallback (CSFB) support indicator or internet protocol multimedia subsystem (IMS) voice over packet switched (PS) indicator.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first RAT comprises a Long Term Evolution (LTE) RAT.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second RAT comprises at least one of a Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) RAT and a Global System for Mobile (GSM) RAT.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:updating the list based on information received over the air.7. An apparatus capable of communicating via first and second radio access technologies (RATs) ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Method, Apparatus, and System for Accessing to a Mobile Communication Network

Номер: US20130183976A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

A method for accessing to a mobile communication network, comprising: acquiring a session matching level for each cell, which is calculated based on a session type of a session initiated by a user terminal as needed, a session data rate available to the user terminal of each cell and load balance parameters of each cell; accessing to a cell selected according to the session matching level for each cell. Further, it also provides another method for accessing to a mobile communication network, and corresponding user terminal, network-side device and communication system.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Pathloss Reference Configuration in a Wireless Device and Base Station

Номер: US20130188614A1
Автор: Esmael Hejazi Dinan
Принадлежит: Individual

A base station transmits message(s) assigning each of at least one secondary cell to a cell group in cell groups comprising a primary cell group and a secondary cell group. The at least one message comprises a pathloss reference for a secondary cell. The pathloss reference is a configurable parameter if the secondary cell is in the primary cell group. The configurable parameter is configurable to a downlink of the secondary cell or the primary cell. The pathloss reference is only configurable as a downlink of the secondary cell if the secondary cell is in the secondary cell group.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130215829A1
Автор: Suzuki Motoharu

Efficient selection of an access point is performed in accordance with quality of service of wireless communication required for a wireless communication apparatus. To achieve this in a wireless network system that uses a plurality of access points, the access point suited to the quality of service of wireless communication required by the wireless communication apparatus is selected automatically when the access point to which the wireless communication apparatus will be connected is selected. 18-. (canceled)9. A communication apparatus comprising:an acquisition unit configured to acquire first access category information to be used in communication between a base station and another communication apparatus; anda connection unit configured to perform connection process to the base station, in accordance with second access category information to be used in communication between the base station and the communication apparatus, and the first access category information acquired by said acquisition unit.10. The apparatus according to claim 9 , further comprising a selection unit configured to select claim 9 , among a plurality of base stations claim 9 , a base station as a connection-destination in the connection process to be performed by said connection unit claim 9 , in accordance with the second access category information and the first access category information.11. The apparatus according to claim 10 , wherein said selection unit accepts a user input for selecting the base station claim 10 , as the connection-destination in the connection process to be performed by said connection unit claim 10 , among the plurality of base stations.12. The apparatus according to claim 9 , wherein said acquisition unit further acquires first communication band information to be used in the communication between the base station and the other communication apparatus claim 9 ,said connection unit performs the connection process to the base station, in accordance with the second ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130215877A1
Автор: TORIGOE Shin

There is provided a wireless access device including a wireless transmitter/receiver configured to receive a wireless signal including a network identifier, and a setting processing part configured to extract the network identifier from the wireless signal received by the wireless transmitter/receiver and to set a logical network identified by the network identifier. 1. A wireless access device comprising:a receiver configured to receive a wireless signal including a network identifier; anda setting processing part configured to extract the network identifier from the wireless signal received by the receiver and to set a logical network identified by the network identifier.2. The wireless access device according to claim 1 ,wherein the receiver receives the wireless signal transmitted from a wireless terminal, andwherein the setting processing part sets the logical network used for wireless communication performed by the wireless terminal.3. The wireless access device according to claim 2 ,wherein the receiver receives a wireless signal including segment identification information for identifying a virtual segment used for wireless communication performed by the wireless terminal in a network, andwherein the setting processing part sets a virtual segment identified by the segment identification information included in the wireless signal received by the receiver.4. The wireless access device according to claim 2 , further comprising:an external network communication part configured to communicate via an external network; anda communication control part configured to control communication via the external network which takes place in wireless communication performed by the wireless terminal based on communication control information, in a case where a wireless signal including the communication control information for controlling communication via the external network is received by the receiver.5. The wireless access device according to claim 2 ,wherein the receiver ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Idle Mode Hybrid Mobility Procedure in a Heterogeneous Network

Номер: US20130223235A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

A UE comprising a processor configured to perform cell selection based on range expansion according to a cell selection criteria that considers both a control channel quality and a data channel quality and further according to a cell ranking criterion. A fall back cell selection may be provided if a coverage hole is detected.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130223424A1

Management methods for use in an electronic device are provided. The electronic device includes a network connection unit for connecting to a network through a first access point (AP). First, a preferred AP list is provided, wherein the preferred AP list records a plurality of APs and connection records corresponding thereto. Then, the first AP is sequentially selected from the plurality of APs of the preferred AP list to connect to the network, wherein each of the plurality of APs is sequentially selected as the first AP based on the corresponding connection record of the selected AP. 1. A management method for use in an electronic device , wherein the electronic device includes a network connection unit for connecting to a network through a first access point (AP) , the method comprising:providing a preferred AP list, wherein the preferred AP list records a plurality of APs and connection records corresponding thereto; andsequentially selecting the first AP from the plurality of APs of the preferred AP list and connecting to the selected first AP through the network connection unit to connect to the network,wherein each of the plurality of APs is sequentially selected as the first AP based on the corresponding connection record of the selected AP.2. The management method of claim 1 , wherein the connection record corresponding to each of the plurality of APs comprises a number of successful connections claim 1 , and the step of sequentially selecting the first AP from the plurality of APs of the preferred AP list is performed by first selecting the plurality of APs with a highest number of successful connections to be the first AP.3. The management method of claim 1 , further comprising:selecting a second AP from the preferred AP list;updating the number of successful connections corresponding to the second AP according to the connection status that the network connection unit connects to the second AP; andrearranging all of the plurality of APs of the preferred ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for actively determining communication link in communication system

Номер: US20130223425A1
Автор: Jin-Seong Kim, Ki-Hyuk KUM

An apparatus and a method for determining a communication link in a client node of a communication system are provided. In the method, access network information and channel state information for at least one host node are determined. Link state information for each host node is determined using the access network information and the channel state information for the corresponding host node. One of the at least one host node is determined with consideration of the link state information for each of the at least one host node.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for beacon information provisioning, transmissions and protocol enhancements

Номер: US20130230035A1
Принадлежит: InterDigital Patent Holdings Inc

A method for beacon information provisioning, transmissions and protocol enhancements includes defining multiple level beacons based on the attributes of beacon information fields/elements. A short beacon may be used in addition to a primary beacon in space-time block code (STBC) modes, non-STBC modes and in multiple bandwidth modes. The short beacons may also be used for Fast Initial Link Setup (FILS) and to extend system coverage range. Beacon transmissions may use adaptive modulation and coding set/scheme (MCS).

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130232569A1

According to one embodiment, an information processing apparatus comprises a wireless communication device, a display, a logon process module, and a display control module. The logon process module is configured to cause the display to display a logon screen, in a logon process of identifying a user account which uses an operating system. The display control module is configured to cause the display to display, together with the logon screen, a state of an access point detected by the wireless communication device. 1. An information processing apparatus comprising:a wireless communication device;a display;a logon process module configured to cause the display to display a logon screen, in a logon process of identifying a user account which uses an operating system; anda display control module configured to cause the display to display, together with the logon screen, a state of an access point detected by the wireless communication device.2. The information processing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the state of the access point is simultaneously displayed with the logon screen before a user performs a logon operation on the logon screen.3. The information processing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the state of the access point comprises a state of intensity of wireless signals received from the access point.4. The information processing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the state of the access point comprises a state regarding a connection between the wireless communication device and the access point.5. The information processing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the display control module is configured to display the state of the access point on the logon screen.6. The information processing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a starting module configured to start the display control module in response to a start of the logon process.7. The information processing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a starting module configured to display a start button on the ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237192A1

The present description relates to a method in which a terminal accesses a base station in a wireless communication system and to a terminal thereof. The method includes broadcasting, to at least one base station, an advertisement message containing identification information for advertising existence of the terminal; receiving, from the base station, an inviting message which allows access to the base station; and performing an access procedure with the base station in accordance with the received inviting message. The present description further relates to a method in which a base station accesses a terminal in a wireless communication system, the method including receiving an advertisement message which is broadcasted by the terminal and contains identification information for advertising existence of the terminal; transmitting, to the terminal, an inviting message which allows access to the base station; and performing an access procedure with the terminal in accordance with the inviting message. 1. A method of accessing a base station , which is accessed by a mobile station in a wireless communication , comprising the steps of:broadcasting an advertising message containing an identification information to inform an existence of the mobile station to at least one base station;receiving an invite message permitting an access to the base station from the base station; andperforming an access procedure with the base station according to the received invite message.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the advertising message comprises a sleep interval and a listening duration.3. The method of claim 2 , if the invite message is not received for the listening duration claim 2 , further comprising the step of operating in a sleep mode.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the advertising message comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of a MAC address of the mobile station claim 1 , a type of the mobile station claim 1 , and a service category.5. The ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237234A1
Принадлежит: AT&T Intellectual Property I, L.P.

Dynamic remote management of consumer premise devices comprising femtocells integrated into broadband gateways is facilitated. A communication network platform is associated with a consumer premise device(s) and can include a remote management component that facilitates dynamic and remote management of consumer premise devices in a wireless communication network. The remote management component monitors and measures desired parameters respectively associated with a consumer premise devices and employs remote controls to remotely adjust parameters based on predetermined optimization criteria. The remote management component calculates channel capacity based on measured channel signal-to-noise ratio to facilitate determining whether to hand off a current cell to another cell, wherein at least one cell is associated with a consumer premise device. The remote management component can generate and store Quality of Service profiles respectively associated with the consumer premise devices to facilitate remote management of the consumer premise devices. 1. A method , comprising:remotely monitoring, by a remote management system comprising a processor, an operational parameter of a femtocell access point device comprising a plurality of interfaces;remotely assigning, by the remote management system, a communication device to a selected interface of the plurality of interfaces based on a quality of service profile and interface information maintained by the remote management system for the femtocell access point device; andremotely controlling, by the remote management system, a parameter associated with the femtocell access point device based on the operational parameter, the quality of service profile, and a defined criterion.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the remotely assigning further comprises remotely assigning the communication device based on a type of the communication device.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining, by the remote management ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Cell deployment with different channel bandwidth for carrier aggregation

Номер: US20130258936A1

Systems, methods, apparatus, and techniques are provided for transmitting information to user equipment (UE) in a communications network. Data is generated in (i) a first frequency range associated with a first set of carriers and (ii) a second frequency range associated with a second set of carriers, where the first frequency range specifies a first communications cell and the second frequency range specifies a second communications cell. The first cell is assigned as a primary cell to a first set of UEs in the communications network. Control data is transmitted to both the first set of UEs and a second set of UEs using at least a portion of the first set of carriers.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273960A1
Автор: Zhang Jianguo, ZHU Shan

Systems, devices, and methods allow real-time communication between an access device and at least one communication device. The access device is configured to: determine whether a distance between a communication device and the access device reaches a predetermined access distance for accessing a network; if so, allow the communication device to gain access to the network via the access device to achieve real-time communication between the communication device and the network. 1. A real-time communication system comprising:an access device; determine whether a distance between a communication device and the access device reaches a predetermined access distance for accessing a network;', 'if so, allow the communication device to gain access to the network via the access device to achieve real-time communication between the communication device and the network., 'wherein the access device is configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the access device comprises:a distance control module;a first wireless communication module; anda first control module configured to coordinate and control the distance control module and the first wireless communication module;wherein the communication device comprises:a distance response module;a second wireless communication module; anda second control module configured to coordinate and control the distance response module and the second wireless communication module;wherein the distance control module and the distance response module are coupled through a distance characteristic signal configured to control the predetermined access distance between the communication device and the access device when the communication device access the network;wherein the first wireless communication module and the second wireless communication module are connected via a network signal configured to enable the communications device to access the network via said access device;wherein if the access device determines that the distance between the ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Selecting a Node in a Distributed Multi-Node System

Номер: US20130279362A1

This specification relates to a method for selecting a node in a serving cell in a distributed multi-node system, the method being characterized by comprising the steps of: receiving a channel state information reference signal of each node in the serving cell from a base station; measuring a signal intensity or interference level about the respective nodes through the received channel state information reference signal; and determining at least one valid node from among the respective nodes based on the measured result, wherein the signal intensity or the interference level is expressed in any one of channel state information reference signal received power (CSI-RSRP), channel state information reference signal received quality (CSI-RSRQ), and channel state information reference signal's signal intensity (CSI-RSSI).

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method, system of performing hand over without adding information of femto base station to peripheral base station announcement information in a wireless communication network

Номер: US20130288684A1
Автор: Takayuki Kondo
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

A communication system in which a primary base station or a secondary base station communicates with a mobile terminal. The primary base station sends the mobile terminal and the secondary base station an announcement signal which includes identification information for identifying a cell of the primary base station. When receiving the announcement signal, the secondary base station sends the mobile terminal a pseudo announcement signal which includes the identification information and adjacent cell information which includes information for a cell of the secondary base station. When receiving the announcement signal and the pseudo announcement signal, the mobile terminal compares a reception power of the signal received from the primary base station with that of the signal received from the secondary base station, and performs communication with one of the base stations which has higher power.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Cell Access Control Method and User Equipment

Номер: US20130294406A1
Автор: Yong Qiu
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

A cell access control method and a user terminal are provided, the method includes: obtaining, by a user equipment (UE), cell access information through a pilot channel and/or a synchronization channel; determining a current cell is a macro base station cell or an HNB cell according to the cell access information; determining, when the current cell is an HNB cell, whether the UE is allowed to access the HNB cell according to HNB information of the cell access information, if the UE is allowed to access the HNB cell, performing the access processing, if the UE is not allowed to access the HNB, abandoning the access. A UE is provided accordingly.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Communication method and apparatus for jointly transmitting and receiving signal in mobile communication system

Номер: US20130301455A1
Автор: Jung-Soo Jung

A communication method is performed by a Mobile Station (MS) in a mobile communication system including a plurality of Base Stations (BSs). The method includes receiving at least one reference signal through at least one receive beam in a direction of nearby BSs, determining at least one candidate BS for joint transmission/reception among the nearby BSs based on the received at least one reference signal, and transmitting information about the determined at least one candidate BS to a serving BS.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Maintaining mbms continuity

Номер: US20130301509A1
Автор: Rene Purnadi, Zhijun Cai
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems, apparatuses, and computer implemented methods may be directed to identifying that a UE is near a cell edge of the source base station, the UE receiving or requesting a multimedia broadcast multicast service (MBMS). A target base station can be identified based, at least in part, on the MBMS received at or requested by the UE. The target base station can be provided to the UE, for example, by providing an indication to the UE of a target base station from which to receive services. The target base station may be acquired through a handover procedure (RRC connected), or through a cell selection procedure (RRC idle). The target base station can be identified based on a multimedia broadcast single frequency network area identifier (MBSFN AreaID) for a synchronized MBMS continuity across network cells or by a temporary multicast group identity (TMGI) for asynchronous MBMS continuity across network cells.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Wireless Communication Using Location Based Information

Номер: US20130303163A1
Автор: Malmi Robert A.

A method and apparatus is disclosed whereby location based information (LBI) is used to make access and routing decisions within a network. Such LBI is sent from mobile devices to the core network when the mobile device registers with the network and is updated periodically. Over time, this collected LBI data represents the position of mobile devices over time and periodic patterns of usage in different geographic areas. When a network receives an indication that a mobile device requires registration with the network, the network determines as a function of said LBI, a desired network access technology to use to connect said mobile device with the network. Instructions are then transmitted to the mobile device to establish a connection using said desired network access technology and the device is registered with the network. Dynamically updated LBI information from mobile devices is also used for IP network routing optimization. 1. A method , comprising:identifying, by a computer comprising a processor, a first wireless access point, comprising a wireless local area network router having a first coverage area encompassing the mobile device, and a first gateway element associated with the first wireless access point, yielding a first access point/gateway pair;identifying, by the computer, a second wireless access point, comprising a cellular base station having a second coverage area encompassing the mobile device, and a second gateway element associated with the second wireless access point, yielding a second access point/gateway pair; anddetermining, by the computer, using location-based information, which one of the first wireless access point and the second wireless access point to use to connect the mobile device to a communication network, including determining which one of the first access point/gateway pair and the second access point/gateway pair to use to connect the mobile device to the communication network, yielding a determined network access point.2. ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for connection establishment bias for wireless networks

Номер: US20130308497A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

A method at a user equipment, and the user equipment, configured for establishing a connected mode with a first network node within a wireless network, the method receiving, at the user equipment, a connection establishment bias; applying the connection establishment bias at the user equipment, while the user equipment is in an idle mode, to at least one network node power level value, thereby creating biased power level values; and connecting to the first network node based on the biased power level values.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus of operating channel request and responding to the operating channel request in a wireless local area network system

Номер: US20130308577A1
Автор: Eunsun Kim, Yongho Seok

A method for operating channel request and responding to the operating channel request in a wireless local area network (WLAN) is disclosed. A method of operating channel request by a first station in a regulatory domain where an unlicensed device is permitted to operate at a given time in a given geographical area with regard to a licensed device in a wireless local area network (WLAN) comprises transmitting, to a second station, first frame including a first operating class field and a first channel number field, wherein the first operating class field indicates a number of an operating class of a first channel included in a first channel set for operating channel request and the first channel number field indicates a number of the first channel; and receiving, from the second station, second frame including a second operating class field and a second channel number field, wherein the second operating class field indicates a number of a operating class of a second channel included in a second channel set granted by the second station and the second channel number field indicates a number of the second channel.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130308604A1
Автор: Jiang Ming, Shen Yingyan
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

The present disclosure relates to the field of communications and discloses a method and an apparatus for selecting a serving gateway. The method for selecting a serving gateway provided in an embodiment of the present disclosure includes: obtaining access points corresponding to at least two packet data network PDN connections that need to be established by a terminal; searching, according to the access points corresponding to the at least two packet data network PDN connections, for serving gateway sets corresponding to the at least two packet data network PDN connections; and when the serving gateway sets have an intersection set, selecting a serving gateway from the intersection set of the serving gateway sets, where bearers corresponding to the at least two packet data network PDN connections are established through a selected serving gateway. 1. A method for selecting a serving gateway , comprising:obtaining, by a mobility management network element (MMNE), access point names (APNs) corresponding to at least two packet data network (PDN) connections that need to be established by a terminal;searching, by the MMNE, according to the APNs corresponding to the at least two PDN connections, for serving gateway sets corresponding to the at least two PDN connections; andwhen the serving gateway sets have an intersection set, selecting, by the MMNE a serving gateway from the intersection set of the serving gateway sets, wherein bearers corresponding to the at least two PDN connections are established through a selected serving gateway.2. The method for selecting a serving gateway according to claim 1 , further comprising:when the serving gateway sets do not have an intersection set, selecting, by the MMNE, according to a preset service priority, a serving gateway from a serving gateway set corresponding to a PDN connection of first-priority services, wherein bearers corresponding to the at least two PDN connections are established through a selected serving gateway; ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130310064A1

A method of providing a relevant subset of information to a client device is based in part on scanning for Wi-Fi access points within range of the client device, using a Wi-Fi database that covers a large target region to retrieve information about these access points, using this information to estimate the position of the mobile client device, selecting a limited region in the vicinity of the estimated location of the client device, and providing information about Wi-Fi access points within this limited region to the client. For efficient transfer and maintenance of data, the target region may be divided into a hierarchy of fixed geographical tiles. 1. A method of selecting and providing , to at least one mobile client device , a subset of Wi-Fi access point information to be used to estimate a position of the mobile client device , the method comprising:providing access to a reference database of Wi-Fi access point information recorded in a computer-readable medium and containing information about Wi-Fi access points within a target region;providing a set of geographical regions, each geographical region being a subdivision of the target region, and each geographical region containing a plurality of the Wi-Fi access points;selecting at least one geographical region from the set of geographical regions;selecting from the reference database a subset of Wi-Fi access points that are contained in the at least one selected geographic region; andproviding to the mobile client device information from said reference database about the subset of Wi-Fi access points that are located within the at least one selected geographical region, the information including identifiers for corresponding Wi-Fi access points in the at least one selected geographical region and including estimated geographic locations of the corresponding Wi-Fi access points so the mobile client device may subsequently estimate its position using the estimated geographic location of at least one of the Wi- ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130322320A1

The present invention relates to a method of performing a cell selection by a User Equipment (UE) in a wireless communication system. The present invention includes receiving a plurality of priority information, wherein each of the plurality of priority information includes an identifier, determining priority information having an identifier matched with an identifier stored in the UE, and performing the cell selection based on the determined priority information. 1. A method of performing a cell selection by a User Equipment (UE) in a wireless communication system , the method comprising:receiving a plurality of priority information, wherein each of the plurality of priority information includes an identifier;determining priority information having an identifier matched with an identifier stored in the UE; andperforming the cell selection based on the determined priority information.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of priority information is included in broadcasted system information.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the broadcasted system information includes common priority information.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:performing the cell selection based on the common priority information if there is no priority information having the identifier matched with the identifier stored in the UE.5. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:generating a random number if the determined priority information includes a probability factor; anddetermining whether the generated random number is larger than the probability factor.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising:performing the cell selection based on the common priority information if the generated random number is smaller than the probability factor.7. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:performing the cell selection based on the common priority information, if there is no the identifier stored in the UE.8. An apparatus for performing a cell selection in a wireless ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

System for providing intelligent network access selection for a mobile wireless device

Номер: US20130322329A1
Принадлежит: Bandwidthx Inc

Systems and methods enable alternative network access implemented by a mobile wireless communication device. The method includes receiving information associated with a mobile device, the information comprises location information associated with the mobile device. Based on the information associated with the mobile device, identifying an access point available for providing connectivity services to the mobile device, the access point is not the computing device. Information is provided to the mobile device which is associated with the access point. The information can comprise at least one of usage terms, usage conditions, usage costs, access point characteristics, connection characteristics, access point capacity, and access point security access information

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Communication system

Номер: US20130322389A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

The present invention has an object to provide a communication system capable of appropriately providing services while improving a data rate using carrier aggregation. In Step ST 1408 , of a cell 1 and a cell 2 of a base station A, RRC connection is established between the cell 1 and a UE, and the cell 1 becomes a primary cell (PCell). Then, in Step ST 1418 , the cell 1 determines to configure the cell 2 as a secondary cell (SCell) to be aggregated with the own cell. Then, the cell 1 notifies the UE of the above in Step ST 1419 . Upon this notification, the operation of restricting access to the cell 2 from the UE is stopped by an MME, and thereafter, communication between the UE and the cell 2 is started in Step ST 1422.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130322418A1

An access point selector can implement functionality for selecting an access point that should establish a communication link with a client device attempting to join a communication network. The access point selector can receive notifications from access points, in response to the client device's button being activated. Information in the received notifications can be analyzed and one of the access points (that transmitted the notifications) can be selected to establish the communication link with the client device. In some embodiments, prior to selecting an access point that should establish the communication link with the client device, the access point selector can attempt to identify a designated access point (DAP) in the communication network. The access point selector may execute operations for selecting the access point only if the DAP cannot be identified in the communication network. 1. A method comprising:receiving, at an access point selector of a communication network, a plurality of notifications from a plurality of access points in the communication network for establishing a communication link with a client device, wherein the plurality of access points comprise the access point selector;determining that a trigger associated with the client device and a trigger associated with a network device of the communication network are activated within a predetermined time interval;determining that a first access point of the plurality of access points should establish the communication link with the client device based, at least in part, on information received in the notifications, in response to said determining that the trigger associated with the client device and the trigger associated with the network device of the communication network are activated within the predetermined time interval; andnotifying the first access point to establish the communication link with the client device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the access point selector claim 1 , ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Automatically Determining and Alerting Users to Available Wireless Networks

Номер: US20130331098A1

Automatically determining and alerting a user to available wireless networks. Initially, the method may automatically determine that one or more wireless networks are available to a wireless device at a location. The method may determine if the wireless device has been present at the first location for more than a threshold amount of time, e.g., based on periodic determination of the available wireless networks to the wireless device. Based on the wireless device being present at the first location for more than the threshold amount of time, an alert may be automatically displayed to the user on a display of the wireless device. The alert may indicate at least one wireless network of the one or more wireless networks at the first location. The wireless device may connect to wireless network indicated by the alert in response to user input. 1. A method for a wireless device to automatically determine and alert a user to available wireless networks , the method comprising:automatically determining one or more wireless networks available to the wireless device at a first location;determining if the wireless device has been present at the first location for more than a first threshold amount of time;based on the wireless device being present at the first location for more than the first threshold amount of time, automatically presenting an alert to the user on a display of the wireless device, wherein the alert indicates at least a first wireless network of the one or more wireless networks at the first location.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving user input indicating to connect to the first wireless network; andconnecting to the first wireless network in response to the user input.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises:periodically scanning for available wireless networks;wherein determining if the wireless device has been present at the first location for more than the first threshold amount of time is based on ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Load balancing in a network and between networks

Номер: US20130337814A1

The specification and drawings present a new method, apparatus and software related product (e.g., a computer readable memory) for load balancing in a network (e.g., LTE wireless network) and between networks based on reselection priority and/or a level of congestion. The embodiments of the invention describe different options to move the UE to another cell which may be in the same or in a different RAT, to avoid congestion and/or overloading of the network. This will help to avoid subsequent RRC connection reject messages being sent to the UE from the congested cell.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

First information processing apparatus, second information processing apparatus, information processing system, and information processing method

Номер: US20130342710A1
Автор: Hiroshi Kanma
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

There is provided a first information processing apparatus capable of wirelessly communicating with a second information processing apparatus, the first information processing apparatus including a storage unit configured to store a maximum number of connections that the first information processing apparatus is able to establish with an apparatus in a network through wireless communication, an identifier generating section configured to generate identifier information of the first information processing apparatus, the identifier information including the stored maximum number of connections, and a transmission unit configured to transmit the generated identifier information to the second information processing apparatus, the second information processing apparatus searching for an apparatus in the network via the first information processing apparatus.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Measurement-based network selection

Номер: US20140003263A1
Автор: Irfan Sheriff
Принадлежит: Google LLC

In one implementation, a computer-implemented method includes transmitting data over a first wireless connection by a computing device and with a first wireless access point; detecting a wireless signal from a second wireless access point; identifying, at the mobile computing device, a received signal strength of the wireless signal from the second wireless access point; determining, by the computing device and having transmitted less than a threshold number of data packets to the second wireless access point after detecting the wireless signal, an estimated level of data packet loss for the second wireless access point based on the signal strength for the second wireless access point; determining, based on the estimated level of data packet loss for the second wireless access point, to switch to a second wireless connection with the second wireless access point; and establishing the second wireless connection as a result of the determining.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Determining Availability of an Access Network

Номер: US20140003405A1

A mobile terminal, program and method for use in a communication system comprising a first, packet-based network and a plurality of wireless access networks providing access to the first network. The mobile terminal is configured to maintain a log of user habits in terms of past availability or use of one or more of the access networks, e.g. relative to time of day, week, month and/or year. The mobile terminal is further configured to control activation the transceiver to scan for subsequent availability of one or more of the wireless access networks, in dependence on the comparison of the one or more identified times with the current time. The mobile terminal switches between a first mode in which the scanning is controlled in dependence on the current geographical location of the mobile terminal, and a second mode in which the scanning is controlled in dependence on said log. 1. A mobile terminal for use in a communication system comprising a first , packet-based network and a plurality of wireless access networks providing access to the first network; the mobile terminal comprising:one or more transceivers for connecting to the wireless access networks;a positioning module arranged to determine a current geographical location of the mobile terminal; andprocessing apparatus coupled to the positioning module and the one or more transceivers, operable to communicate with the first network by forming connections with the wireless access networks using the one or more transceivers;wherein the processing apparatus is configured to maintain a log of past availability to said mobile terminal or past use by said mobile terminal of one or more of said wireless access networks;wherein the processing apparatus is configured to control activation of at least one of the one or more transceivers to scan for subsequent availability of one or more of the wireless access networks; andwherein the processing apparatus is configured to switch between (i) a first mode of operation in ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140003407A1
Автор: PARK Youn-Ho

A method and apparatus for connecting to an Access Point (AP) by which an electronic device can access the Internet are provided. The method includes examining whether an Internet access is requested, determining a candidate AP for providing the Internet access, determining an available AP among the determined candidate APs, displaying the determined candidate AP and available AP, and providing an Internet service on the basis of a specific AP among the determined available APs. 1. A method of connecting to an Access Point (AP) by which an electronic device can access the Internet , the method comprising:examining whether Internet access is requested;determining a candidate AP for providing Internet access;determining an available AP among the determined candidate APs;displaying the determined candidate AP and available AP; andproviding an Internet service on the basis of a specific AP among the determined available APs.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining of the candidate AP comprises:acquiring stored candidate AP information;scanning neighboring APs;acquiring information on an AP for which a security state is an open state among the scanned neighboring APs;sorting the APs according to signal strength by using the acquired AP information; andstoring the sorted candidate AP information.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the sorting of the APs according to the signal strength by using the acquired AP information comprises excluding from the candidate AP an AP which is included in the stored candidate AP information but is not included in scanned neighboring AP information.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining of the available AP comprises:connecting to the specific AP;if the connection to the specific AP is successful, performing a Domain Name Server (DNS) query via the specific AP;if the DNS query is successful, attempting a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection to an address acquired by using the successful DNS query;sorting ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140023029A1
Автор: Yokota Fumihiko

In a gateway selection method, a pair of a first gateway and a second gateway to perform a process of establishing a path for user data that connects a first network and a second network is selected from a plurality of first gateways that are gateways with the first network and a plurality of second gateways that are gateways with the second network. The first gateways and the second gateways are included in an intermediate network connecting the first network with the second network. The method comprises selecting the first gateway forming the pair from the first gateways based on an establishment request message for the path, and selecting, when one of the second gateways is implemented on a physical device on which the selected first gateway is implemented, the one of the second gateways as the second gateway forming the pair. 1. A gateway device installed on an intermediate network where a pair of a first gateway and a second gateway selected from a plurality of first gateways that are gateways with a first network and a plurality of second gateways that are gateways with a second network performs a process for establishing a path for user data that connects the first network with the second network , the gateway device comprising:at least one physical device on which one of the plurality of first gateways and one of the plurality of second gateways are implemented;a receiving unit to receive an establishment request message for the path;a first gateway selection unit to select one of the plurality of first gateways implemented on the physical device as the first gateway forming the pair, based on the establishment request message; anda second gateway selection unit to select one of the plurality of second gateways implemented on the physical device as the second gateway forming the pair when one of the plurality of first gateways implemented on the physical device is selected as the first gateway forming the pair.2. The gateway device according to claim 1 , ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140026060A1
Автор: Abbott Martin Jeffrey

A graphical user interface for a mobile device presents a primary GUI indicating functions and operations of the mobile device. A WLAN GUI is also presented on the display, indicating connectivity aspects of the mobile device regarding WLANs. The WLAN GUI is immediately accessible directly from the primary GUI as the next presented display in response to user interaction with the primary GUI. An additional WLAN GUI may be presented indicating the WLAN access point which is connected to the mobile device and indicating which WLAN access point is downloading or uploading data to the mobile device. 1. A mobile device , comprising:radio circuitry configured for data communication over wireless networks;at least one user interface element, configured to display information to a user of the mobile device and receive input from the user of the mobile device;a processor coupled to the radio circuitry and configured to process data sent and received via the radio circuitry and coupled to the at least one user interface element and configured to control the display of information and to control response to the user input;a memory accessible to the processor; andexecutable graphical user interface (GUI) program instructions for the processor, stored in the memory, a primary GUI including a display of a plurality of areas, the plurality of areas including a network status area, the network status area including a wireless local area network (WLAN) indicator relating to the WLAN and a non-WLAN network indicator; and', 'a WLAN GUI for presentation to the user, the WLAN GUI including a first WLAN GUI screen area for presentation to the user directly as part of the next presented display in response to input of a user selection associated with the WLAN indicator from the status area of the primary GUI, the first WLAN GUI screen area having an indication of connection status of the mobile device with respect to the WLAN and offering a user input capability to control a mobile device ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140029540A1
Автор: Fujimura Atsushi
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

An ad hoc network includes: a gateway connectable to a predetermined server via an external network; and a plurality of user nodes, constituting an ad hoc network along with the gateway and each transmitting data to the predetermined server via the gateway. Among the user nodes, at least one user node having a unit for establishing connection to the predetermined server via the external network can participate as a second gateway in the ad hoc network. Based on a predetermined rule, another user node among the plurality of user nodes selects the gateway or the second gateway and transmits data to the predetermined server. 1. An ad hoc network , comprising:a gateway connectable to a predetermined server via an external network; anda plurality of user nodes which constitute an ad hoc network along with the gateway and each of which transmits data to the predetermined server via the gateway;wherein, among the user nodes, at least one user node having means for establishing connection to the predetermined server via the external network can participate (act) as a second gateway in the ad hoc network; andwherein, based on a predetermined rule, the plurality of user nodes select any one of the gateway and/or the second gateway and transmit the data to the predetermined server.2. The ad hoc network according to ;wherein, if a connection environment to the external network of the at least one user node having the means for establishing connection to the predetermined server satisfies a predetermined criterion, the at least one user node participate as the second gateway in the ad hoc network.3. The ad hoc network according to ;wherein the at least one user node having the means for establishing connection to the predetermined server comprises:a connection check unit checking a connection environment to the external network of the at least one user node;a determination unit determining, when an operation for participation of the at least one user node as the second gateway ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for communication based on mobility evaluation in a wireless communication system and apparatus for the same

Номер: US20140031039A1

A method for communication based on mobility evaluation in a wireless communication system is provided. The method includes: receiving evaluation basis information from a network, the evaluation basis information basis information comprising an offset value for mobility evaluation and a domain condition; determining whether the domain condition is satisfied; performing the mobility evaluation for at least one neighbor cell based on the offset value, if the domain condition is satisfied; and selecting a cell among the at least one neighbor cell as a mobility target cell, if a result of the mobility evaluation satisfies a predetermined criterion.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Device, method, and medium for optimizing simultaneous long term evolution (lte) signals and signals in the industrial, scientific, and medical (ism) radio band

Номер: US20140031077A1
Принадлежит: Texas Instruments Inc

A wireless communication device includes a processing unit with first chip and second chip that operates in parallel with the first chip. The first chip transmits/receives data according to LTE. The second chip transmits/receives data over a WLAN. The processing unit determines access points (AP) through which data can be transmitted/received by the second chip over the WLAN; and identifies an optimal AP, based on factors including a determination, for each AP, of whether transmission/reception of data by the first chip according to the LTE standard, simultaneous to transmission/reception of data over the WLAN by the second chip, would decrease the overall throughput of the first and second chips. When the second chip is previously connected to the WLAN through any AP other than the optimal AP, the second chip is disconnected from the other AP, and it is connected to the WLAN through the optimal AP.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033057A1
Автор: ZHANG Lichun

The present invention discloses a method, an apparatus, and a system for managing information in a mobile device having one or more processors and memory for storing program modules to be executed by the processors. The mobile device is connected to a computer through a wireless local area network (WLAN). The method includes: sending, by the mobile device, local device management information to the computer through the WLAN, wherein the local device management information is used by the computer for generating a graphical user interface to a user of the computer; receiving, by the mobile device, information management instructions, wherein the information management instructions are generated by the computer based on user inputs through the graphical user interface; and managing, by the mobile device, information in the mobile device according to the information management instructions. The apparatus and the system include modules and programs to implement the method. 1. A method for managing information in a mobile device having one or more processors and memory for storing program modules to be executed by the one or more processors , wherein the mobile device is connected to a computer through a wireless local area network (WLAN) , the method comprising:sending, by the mobile device, local device management information to the computer through the WLAN, wherein the local device management information is used by the computer for generating a graphical user interface to a user of the computer;receiving, by the mobile device, information management instructions, wherein the information management instructions are generated by the computer based on user inputs through the graphical user interface; andmanaging, by the mobile device, information in the mobile device according to the information management instructions.2. The method according to , wherein the mobile device is configured to determine whether there is an active WLAN adjacent the mobile device before the ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Dynamic channel selection algorithms for interference management in wifi networks

Номер: US20140036816A1
Принадлежит: Accelera Mobile Broadband Inc

A method of dynamically adjusting Wi-Fi parameters of a plurality of access points (APs) is disclosed. Reports from the plurality of APs are received through an interface. A conflict graph is created by a processor. Creating the conflict graph includes creating a plurality of vertices of the conflict graph, each vertex corresponding to one of the plurality of APs. Creating the conflict graph further includes determining that there is a conflict between at least some of the pairs of APs based at least in part on the received reports. Creating the conflict graph includes connecting an edge between each of the at least some of the pairs of APs. The conflict graph is stored in a memory.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

System Access and Synchronization Methods for MIMO OFDM Communications Systems and Physical Layer Packet and Preamble Design

Номер: US20140036823A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

A method and apparatus are provided for performing acquisition, synchronization and cell selection within an MIMO-OFDM communication system. A coarse synchronization is performed to determine a searching window. A fine synchronization is then performed by measuring correlations between subsets of signal samples, whose first signal sample lies within the searching window, and known values. The correlations are performed in the frequency domain of the received signal. In a multiple-output OFDM system, each antenna of the OFDM transmitter has a unique known value. The known value is transmitted as pairs of consecutive pilot symbols, each pair of pilot symbols being transmitted at the same subset of sub-carrier frequencies within the OFDM frame.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Interacting Method for UE Fast Selecting Mobile Communication Network to Access in a Wlan Interworking Network

Номер: US20140036900A1
Автор: Zhang Wenlin
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

An interacting method for WLAN UE selecting a mobile communication network to access in WLAN is disclosed. The method includes: a WLAN UE judges whether the identity information of the WLAN AN exists in the WLAN identity information stored when mobile connection with the WLAN AN is established, if so, the network selection information corresponding to the identity of the WLAN stored will be sent to the WLAN AN, otherwise, a pre-configured mobile communication network with highest priority is regarded as network selection information to be sent to the WLAN AN; the WLAN AN identifies the mobile communication network to access according to the network selection information carried in Authentication Request, and connects the WLAN UE to the selected network to implement authentication. 1. A method for selecting a mobile communication network , the method comprising:receiving, by a second access point (AP) of a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) access network (AN), a first authentication request message sent from a user equipment (UE), the first authentication request message received after a connection between the UE and the WLAN AN has been established;sending an identity request message from the second AP to the UE;receiving, by the second AP, an identity response message sent from the UE, wherein the identity response message carries information of a mobile communication network; andforwarding the first authentication request message from the second AP to the mobile communication network according to received information of the mobile communication network;wherein the information of the mobile communication network carried in the identity response message is information of a first mobile communication network stored in the UE when the information of the second AP is determined matching information of a first AP of the WLAN AN stored in the UE and wherein the information of the first mobile communication network and the information of the first AP are stored in the UE ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for performing cell selection to home cell or private network in a mobile communication system

Номер: US20140038610A1

An apparatus and method for performing cell selection to a Home cell or a Private network in a mobile communication system are provided, in which a User Equipment (UE) determines a candidate cell by measuring a serving cell and neighbor cells, receives an indicator indicating a Home cell or a Private network in system information from the candidate cell, determines whether the candidate cell is included in a Home cell or Private network list set in the UE, and selects the candidate cell if the candidate cell is included in the Home cell or Private network list.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140045495A1

Systems and methodologies are described herein that facilitate improved cell search and selection in a wireless communication system. For example, a terminal as described herein can utilize one or more Closed Subscriber Group (CSG)-specific offset and/or hysteresis parameters as described herein to increase the amount of time on which the terminal is allowed to camp on a desirable cell. Additionally, specialized reselection timing can be employed as described herein to increase a delay associated with selecting a Home Node B (HNB) or Home Evolved Node B (HeNB) cell, thereby reducing power consumption associated with rapid cell reselection operations in a densely populated network environment. Further, a two-step reselection process can be performed as described herein in the context of selecting a frequency for cell reselection, thereby mitigating the effects of rapid reselection between cells and/or frequencies due to CSG cell prioritization. 1. A method of wireless communications , comprising:identifying a candidate frequency for cell reselection within a wireless communication system;identifying a Closed Subscriber Group (CSG) cell on the candidate frequency that is deemed desirable based on at least one of provided services or CSG whitelist membership; andcamping on the identified CSG cell on the candidate frequency upon determining that the identified CSG cell is a highest ranked cell on the candidate frequency.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the identifying a candidate frequency comprises identifying a frequency on which an observed signal strength from the identified CSG cell exceeds a predefined threshold.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising remaining on a current camped cell and a current frequency upon determining that the identified CSG cell is not the highest ranked cell on the candidate frequency.4. A wireless communications apparatus claim 1 , comprising:a memory that stores data relating to a candidate frequency for reselection and a ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140051438A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Embodiments of the present invention provide a method, a terminal device, a network-side device, and a communications system for managing a power supply. The method includes: determining a terminal power consumption level according to remaining power or terminal settings, where the terminal power consumption level is one of at least two power consumption levels. In the embodiments of the present invention, different power consumption levels are applied according to different remaining power of a terminal power supply or terminal settings, thereby adapting to differentiated power consumption requirements and improving the power supply utilization efficiency of a terminal. 1. A method for managing a power supply , comprising:determining a terminal power consumption level according to remaining power of a terminal or a terminal setting, wherein the terminal power consumption level is one of at least two power consumption levels.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the determining a terminal power consumption level according to remaining power comprises:changing the terminal power consumption level when the remaining power is less than a first threshold or greater than a second threshold, wherein the first threshold is equal to or less than the second threshold.3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising: receiving a parameter setting of the first threshold or the second threshold.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the determining a terminal power consumption level according to terminal settings comprises:determining the terminal power consumption level according to users' selection of the terminal power consumption level; ordetermining the terminal power consumption level according to a running status of an application associated with the terminal power consumption level.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:reporting the terminal power consumption level to a network side.6. A method for managing a power supply claim 1 , ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Rapid network acquisition and overhead message storage for machine-to-machine devices

Номер: US20140056215A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A stationary access terminal, such as a stationary remote sensor, capable of wireless communication with a network is provided. The access terminal obtains sector information associated with a wireless network node by establishing a communication link with the network node. The access terminal then stores the sector information in non-volatile memory, and later retrieves the sector information from the memory, for example, after a subsequent boot up or wake up event. The stored sector information is used by the access terminal to establish a subsequent communication link with the network node, and may include at least one of channel, band, and pseudo-random number sequence information. The access terminal may also store overhead messages received from the network node in the non-volatile memory. The stored overhead messages may later be retrieved to establish system operating parameters of the network node after the subsequent boot up or wake up event.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140056257A1

A method that includes establishing a connection with a default access point, transmitting a request to access or utilize an application, a service, or a resource, receiving a response to the request that includes a location of a serving access point that provides the application, the service, or the resource, establishing a connection with the serving access point, and receiving an assignment of a network address that is anchored by the serving access point. 1establishing, by a user device, a connection with a default access point;transmitting, by a user device to the default access point, a request to access or utilize an application, a service, or a resource;receiving, by the user device from the default access point, a response to the request that includes a location of a serving access point that provides the application, the service, or the resource;establishing, by the user device, a connection with the serving access point based on the location; andreceiving, by the user device, an assignment of a network address that is anchored by the serving access point.. A method comprising: The present application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/344,837, entitled “Utilization of Multiple Access Points to Support Multiple Applications and Services” and filed Dec. 29, 2008, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.In a mobile environment, such as, for example, a mobile Internet Protocol (IP) network or some other type of wireless network, there exists a concept of a home agent. The home agent (sometimes referred to as an anchor point) may be a device in a home network that provides a constant presence for a mobile client device. For example, the home agent may have a static IP address. The home agent may process all traffic to and from the mobile client. In such a framework, the mobile client may have access to multiple applications and/or services via the home agent.The following detailed description refers to ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Subscriber-controlled registration technique in a cdma system

Номер: US20140064075A1
Принадлежит: IPR LICENSING, INC.

A method and apparatus for dynamic uplink communication in a wireless communication system are disclosed herein. The method includes transmitting, by a base station, a pilot signal on a first channel to a mobile station (MS), the pilot signal indicating a signal strength, receiving, by the MS, a one-bit indicator from a plurality of base stations on a second channel, the one-bit indicator indicating a congestion status for each of the plurality of base stations, determining, by the MS, the congestion status for each of the plurality of base stations, and selecting, by the MS, a base station based on the one-bit indicator received on the second channel, wherein the one-bit indicator further indicates a neighboring base station that is lightly congested.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Systems, apparatus, and methods for association in multi-hop networks

Номер: US20140071850A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Systems, methods, and devices for communicating data in a wireless communications network are described herein. One innovative aspect of the present disclosure includes a method of communicating in a wireless network. The wireless network includes an access point and a relay. The method includes indicating to a client, at the relay, a network address of the access point. The method further includes receiving an association request, from the client, addressed to the access point. The method further includes forwarding the association request to the access point.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140086060A1
Принадлежит: Strix Systems, Inc.

A system and associated method provides for a wireless local area network (WLAN) that permits mobile units to communicate with an external, wired network. Nodes in the WLAN include multiple components, such as a base module, antenna module, and one or more wireless modules. Indeed, this system can employ two or more wireless modules that employ different short-range wireless protocols, such as IEEE 802.11-type and Bluetooth protocols. The nodes may perform self-discovery to determine modules within the node and associated functionality, as well as identify neighboring nodes to thereby establish a mesh-type network. Nodes can be configured to provide connectivity to the wired network, while others (access points) communicate wirelessly with mobile devices. The nodes may then be interconnected wirelessly, or via wires. 127-. (canceled)28. An apparatus , comprising:a base module positioned within a stack, said stack being associated with a node of a wireless local area network, and said wireless local area network being configured to communicate with an external network;an antenna module positioned within the stack; andone or more wireless modules positioned within the stack and coupled to the base and antenna modules, identify other wireless modules in the stack,', 'determine whether the first wireless module is a backhaul module or an access point module, and', 'responsive to determining that the first wireless module is a backhaul node, determine an access point with which to connect., 'wherein a first wireless module of the wireless modules is configured to'}29. The apparatus of claim 28 , wherein to determine whether the first wireless module is a backhaul module or an access point module claim 28 , the first wireless module is configured to determine whether a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is being received wirelessly or via a wired ETHERNET connection.30. The apparatus of claim 28 , wherein the first wireless module comprises a finite state machine ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140086215A1
Принадлежит: SonicWall, Inc.

According to embodiments of the invention, a first wireless access point discovers a second wireless access point, the first wireless access point tunes its radio and privacy settings, without user input, based upon parameters automatically exchanged in response to the discovery of the second wireless access point, and a secure direct wireless connection is established between the first and second wireless access points using the radio and privacy settings. Adding the first wireless to an existing mesh network includes a determination of the best available direct wireless connection. 1. A method for an additional wireless access point to wirelessly connect to a best candidate wireless access point , the method comprising:receiving a plurality of individual broadcast beacons by an additional wireless access point from a plurality of individual wireless access points, wherein each of the plurality of individual wireless access points transmits a unique beacon;authenticating by the additional wireless access point advertisement information in each unique beacon;transmitting a probe request from the additional access point to each of the plurality of individual wireless access points by the additional wireless access point;receiving a probe response by the additional wireless access point from each of the plurality of individual wireless access points;measuring a mean received signal strength of each of the plurality of individual wireless access points;calculating a weight for each of the plurality of individual wireless access points, wherein the calculation of the weight of any particular wireless access point includes the measured mean received signal strength from that particular wireless access point;selecting the wireless access point with a largest weight as the best candidate wireless access point; andconnecting to the best candidate wireless access point with the largest weight by the additional wireless access point.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140092731A1
Автор: Gupta Vivek

Embodiments describe systems, methods, and apparatuses for identifying, based at least in part on an access network discovery and selection function (ANDSF) quality of service (QoS) policy, a preferred access point (AP) of a wireless local area network (WLAN). In some embodiments, the ANDSF QoS policy may be compared to one or more of an air-interface congestion parameter of the AP, and/or a backhaul congestion parameter of the AP. 1. A user equipment (UE) comprising: receive an air-interface congestion parameter of an access point in a wireless local area network (WLAN); and', 'receive a backhaul congestion parameter of the access point;, 'a receiver toa network selection module coupled with the receiver to identify, based at least in part on a comparison of the air-interface congestion parameter or the backhaul congestion parameter to an access network discovery and selection function (ANDSF) quality of service (QoS) policy, that the access point is a preferred access point; anda transmitter coupled with the network selection module to transmit, based at least in part on an identification of the access point as a preferred access point, an access request to the access point.2. The UE of claim 1 , wherein the receiver is further to receive the ANDSF QoS policy from an ANDSF server.3. The UE of claim 2 , wherein the ANDSF server is a local ANDSF server (L-ANDSF) communicatively coupled with a subset of UE in a network comprising a plurality of UE.4. The UE of claim 1 , wherein the air-interface congestion parameter is a basic service set (BSS) load parameter comprising station count claim 1 , channel utilization claim 1 , or available admission capacity.5. The UE of claim 1 , wherein the backhaul congestion parameter is an access network query protocol (ANQP) parameter comprising a downlink speed of the wireless access network (WAN) backhaul link claim 1 , an uplink speed of the WAN backhaul link claim 1 , a downlink load of the WAN connection claim 1 , or an uplink ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Reducing wireless reconnection time of a computing device

Номер: US20140092755A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

Technologies for reducing connection time to a wireless access point includes recording wireless connection information in a log, computing parameters as a function of past wireless connection information in the log, generating an ordered list of wireless access points most likely to be available for reconnection at a desired time as a function of recent wireless connection information in the log, and directly probing a wireless access point instead of initiating a wireless access point scan. In some embodiments, computing parameters as a function of past wireless connection information in the log comprises performing genetic programming operations to generate prediction programs for later prediction of wireless access points most likely to be available for reconnection at a desired time.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Periodic channel state information reporting for time division duplex (tdd) carrier aggregation systems

Номер: US20140092787A1

Technology for periodic channel state information (CSI) reporting is disclosed. One method can include a user equipment (UE) identifying a configured CSI reporting instance for a secondary cell to report the periodic CSI to a node based on a CSI reporting configuration of the secondary cell. The UE can determine that the configured CSI reporting instance of the secondary cell used to report the periodic CSI does not correspond with an uplink (UL) subframe of a primary cell. The UE can transmit the periodic CSI report for the secondary cell, to the node, using a physical uplink shared channel (PUSCH) on the secondary cell when the periodic CSI reporting instance for the secondary cell does not correspond with the UL subframe of the primary cell and an UL-SCH (Uplink Shared Channel) is available in a subframe that corresponds to the periodic CSI reporting instance of the secondary cell.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Mixed off-site/on-site prediction computation for reducing wireless reconnection time of a computing device

Номер: US20140092805A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

A method, system, and device for reducing connection time to a wireless access point includes recording wireless connection information in a log, remotely computing parameters as a function of past wireless connection information in the log, generating an ordered list of wireless access points most likely to be available for reconnection at a desired time as a function of recent wireless connection information in the log, and directly probing a wireless access point instead of initiating a wireless access point scan. In some embodiments, remotely computing parameters as a function of past wireless connection information in the log comprises performing genetic programming operations to generate prediction programs for later prediction of wireless access points most likely to be available for reconnection at a desired time.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Determination of enhanced physical downlink control channel candidates in a wireless communication network

Номер: US20140092821A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

In embodiments, an evolved Node B (eNB) of a wireless communication network may configure an enhanced physical downlink control channel (EPDCCH) physical resource block (PRB) set for a user equipment (UE). The EPDCCH-PRB set may include a plurality of PRB-pairs. The EPDCCH-PRB set may further include a plurality of enhanced resource element groups (EREGs) organized into localized enhanced control channel elements (ECCEs) having EREGs of the same PRB-pair and distributed ECCEs having EREGs of different PRB-pairs. In some embodiments, the eNB may determine a set of distributed EPDCCH candidates for the UE from the EPDCCH-PRB set, wherein the individual distributed EPDCCH candidates include one or more of the distributed ECCEs, and wherein the set of distributed EPDCCH candidates includes at least one EREG from each of the plurality of localized ECCEs. Other embodiments may be described and claimed.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Transmission of uplink control information in inter-enb carrier aggregation

Номер: US20140092865A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

A user equipment (UE) for communication in a wireless network supporting inter-EUTRAN Node B (eNB) carrier aggregation has a receiver to communicate with a first eNB corresponding to a primary cell (PCell) in the wireless network and a second eNB corresponding to a secondary cell (SCell) in the wireless network. The receiver is configured to receive downlink data through a physical downlink shared channel (PDSCH) in the SCell. The UE has a processor configured to, in response to receiving the downlink data, generate a hybrid automatic repeat request acknowledgement (HARQ-ACK) for the SCell. A transmitter of the UE is configured to transmit, through a first physical uplink control channel (PUCCH) in the PCell, uplink control information (UCI) including the HARQ-ACK for the SCell.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Providing Location-Aware Wi-Fi Access

Номер: US20140092889A1

Methods and systems for providing location-aware WiFi access for a portable device include receiving, at a mobile communication device, locations and ranges for a set of one or more WiFi access points from a location provider system. The mobile communication device uses the locations and ranges to determine whether to power on a WiFi transceiver, and to determine for which WiFi access points to scan if the WiFi transceiver is powered on. 1. A method for providing location-aware WiFi access for a mobile communication device , the method comprising:receiving, at the mobile communication device, one or more respective locations and one or more respective wireless ranges for a first set of one or more WiFi access points from a WiFi location provider system;determining, at the mobile communication device, whether a current location of the mobile communication device is within one or more respective wireless ranges of one or more WiFi access points in the first set of one or more WiFi access points;when it is determined i) that the current location of the mobile communication device is not within any wireless range of any of the WiFi access points in the first set, or ii) that the mobile communication device is moving at a velocity that meets a threshold, keeping a WiFi transceiver powered off; powering on the WiFi transceiver, and', 'scanning, at the mobile communication device, for at least one WiFi access point in a second set of one or more WiFi access points, among the first set of one or more WiFi access points, within one or more respective wireless ranges of which the current location of the mobile communication device falls., 'when it is determined i) that the current location of the mobile communication device is within one or more respective wireless ranges of one or more respective WiFi access points in the first set, and ii) that the mobile communication device is moving at a velocity below the threshold,'}2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140094167A1
Автор: Thota Praveen

Particular embodiments described herein provide for an apparatus, such as a wireless electronic device, that includes a memory element configured to store electronic code, a processor operable to execute instructions associated with the electronic code, and at least one module. The at least one module is configured to receive first location information identifying a first location associated with an electronic device. The at least one module is further configured to receive first connection location information indicative of a second location of the electronic device at a time of connection with a first wireless device. The at least one module is further configured to evaluate for a presence of the first wireless device when the first location is within a predetermined distance of the second location. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a memory element configured to store electronic code;a processor operable to execute instructions associated with the electronic code; and receive first location information identifying a first location associated with an electronic device;', 'receive first connection location information indicative of a second location of the electronic device at a time of connection with a first wireless device; and', 'evaluate for a presence of the first wireless device when the first location is within a predetermined distance of the second location., 'at least one module configured to2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one module is further configured to enable a radio module when the first location is within the predetermined distance of the second location.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , Wherein the at least one module is further configured to:receive a device identifier associated with the first wireless device; andstore the device identifier in association with the first connection location information.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the device identifier and first connection location information are to he stored in a database.5. ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Wireless access and networking system and method for spacecraft

Номер: US20140098739A1
Автор: Leo Luyks
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A system and methods for spacecraft wireless access and networking are presented. An orbital position of an orbiting spacecraft is determined, and a wireless access point of a terrestrial wireless communication network is selected from a wireless access point database based on the orbital position. A communication is established with the wireless access point.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Smart antenna for interference rejection with enhanced tracking

Номер: US20140099946A1
Принадлежит: Redline Communications Inc

A smart antenna system is provided for communicating wireless signals between a mobile device and a plurality of different fixed base stations using one or more channels and one or more beams. The smart antenna system includes a control subsystem, a radio transceiver and an antenna subsystem coupled to each other and adapted to perform scanning of one or more combinations of base stations, channels and beams using one or more test links established with one or more of the fixed base stations where the test links use at least some of the channels and the beams. A first combination of base station, channel and beam is selected based on the scanning; and a first operating link is established for transmitting a wireless signal to the selected base station using the selected channel and beam.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Smart Antenna For Interference Rejection With Enhanced Tracking

Номер: US20140099947A1

A smart antenna system is provided for communicating wireless signals between a mobile device and a plurality of different fixed base stations using one or more channels and one or more beams. The smart antenna system includes a control subsystem, a radio transceiver and an antenna subsystem coupled to each other and adapted to perform scanning of one or more combinations of base stations, channels and beams using one or more test links established with one or more of the fixed base stations where the test links use at least some of the channels and the beams. A first combination of base station, channel and beam is selected based on the scanning; and a first operating link is established for transmitting a wireless signal to the selected base station using the selected channel and beam. 1. A smart antenna system for communicating wireless signals between a mobile device and a plurality of fixed base stations using one or more channels and one or more beams , said smart antenna system comprising perform scanning of one or more combinations of base stations, channels and beams using one or more test links established with one or more of said fixed base stations, said one or more test links using at least some of the channels and the beams;', 'select a first combination of base station, channel and beam based on data obtained during scanning;', 'establish a first operating link for transmitting a wireless signal to the currently selected base station using the currently selected channel and beam; and', the currently selected base station and channel, and one or more beams different from the currently selected beam, and', 'one or more combinations of base stations, channels and beams,, 'after establishing said first operating link, perform continued scanning using one or more test links established with one of'}, 'said continued scanning being performed aperiodically, and the interval between consecutive continued scanning operations is pseudo-random., 'a control ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for detecting and measuring for home node-bs

Номер: US20140099948A1
Принадлежит: InterDigital Patent Holdings Inc

Methods and apparatus are disclosed for a wireless transmit/receive unit (WTRU) to detect and perform measurements with respect to Home Node-Bs (HNB) and Home evolved Node-Bs (H(e)NB) (collectively “HNB”). The methods may include generating and transmitting a request for a measurement configuration that may include gap allocations to detect and measure a primary scrambling code or a physical cell identity of a target HNB for at least one frequency or radio access technology (RAT). The request may be in response to the WTRU entering a HNB cell for which the WTRU has stored fingerprint information and whose closed subscriber group ID is in the WTRU's whitelist. The network may configure the WTRU to measure the requested frequency or RAT in response to the proximity report/request. Methods are described for releasing the measurement configuration.

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Signaling for MAC-I Verification in RNAU Without Anchor Relocation

Номер: US20220007454A1

An apparatus of a next generation NodeB (gNB) comprises one or more baseband processors to process a radio resource control (RRC) resume request (RRCResumeRequest) from a user equipment (UE) in an inactive state (RRC_INACTIVE), and to send a UE context request (Retrieve UE Context Request) to a last serving gNB, wherein the UE context request includes a physical cell identifier (PCI) and cell radio network temporary identifier (C-RNTI) of the gNB. The apparatus can include a memory to store the RRC resume request at the gNB and the UE context request at the last serving gNB. 1. An apparatus of a next generation NodeB (gNB) , comprising:radio frequency circuity configured to communicate with a user equipment; and processing a radio resource control (RRC) resume request (RRCResumeRequest) from the UE in an inactive state (RRC INACTIVE); and', 'sending a UE context request (Retrieve UE Context Request) to a last serving gNB, wherein the UE context request includes a physical cell identifier (PCI) and cell radio network temporary identifier (C-RNTI) of the gNB., 'one or more baseband processors communicatively coupled to the radio frequency circuitry and configured to perform operations comprising2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the RRC resume request includes a resume Message Authentication Code-Integrity (resumeMAC-I) tag.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the UE context request is sent to the last serving gNB via an Xn application protocol (XnAP) interface.4. The apparatus claim 1 , wherein the RRC resume request is received as part of a radio access network (RAN) notification area update (RNAU).5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the one or more baseband processors process a retrieve UE context failure (Retrieve UE Context Failure) without anchor relocation from the last serving gNB.6. An apparatus of a processor of a next generation NodeB (gNB) configured to perform operations comprising:receiving a UE context request (Retrieve UE Context Request) from a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004971A1
Принадлежит: Nokia Corporation

In accordance with an example embodiment of the present invention, there is provided a method comprising maintaining attachment of an apparatus to a macro cell, directing searching for, or scanning for, small cells during attachment of the apparatus to the macro cell. Responsive to detecting a first small cell with a received signal characteristic exceeding a predetermined first threshold, the method comprises causing searching for further small cells other than the first small cell to be interrupted, wherein the apparatus is configured to communicate with and attach to cells comprised in a heterogeneous network, and the macro cell, the first small cell and the further small cells are heterogeneous network cells. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a transceiver configured to maintain attachment of the apparatus to a macro cell;at least one processing core configured to direct searching for small cells during attachment of the apparatus to the macro cell;the at least one processing core being configured to, responsive to detecting a first small cell with a received signal characteristic exceeding a predetermined first threshold, cause searching for further small cells other than the first small cell to be interrupted,wherein the apparatus is configured to communicate with and attach to cells comprised in a heterogeneous network, and the macro cell, the first small cell and the further small cells are heterogeneous network cells, andwherein the at least one processing core is configured to maintain attachment to the macro cell after detecting the first small cell and only switch attachment from the macro cell to the first small cell responsive to a change in connection requirements of the apparatus.2. (canceled)3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one processing core is configured to resume searching for further small cells responsive to detecting that the received signal characteristic of the first small cell either declines below a predetermined ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for selecting an access point based on direction of movement

Номер: US20150004974A1
Принадлежит: Unify GmbH and Co KG

A method, system and apparatus for selecting an access point includes detecting a location and direction of motion of a mobile device, detecting a strength of signal from candidate access points and determining a location of such access points based upon at least one of the (i) location and direction of motion of the mobile device, (ii) access point location information known to the mobile device, and (iii) monitoring of the change in detected signal strength from candidate access points that occurs upon the movement of the mobile device. Embodiments of the system and apparatus may include a mobile terminal device or may include such a device and a plurality of access points that provide access to a network, such as a base station or a router that provide access to an enterprise network or a local area network that is connected to the internet.

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for handling bearers based on congestion level in a wireless communication system

Номер: US20220014960A1
Автор: Sunyoung Lee, Youngdae Lee

A method and apparatus for handling bearers based on congestion level in a wireless communication system is provided. A wireless device configures at least two lower entities associated with an upper entity for multiple frequencies. A wireless device selects at least one lower entity among the at least two lower entities based on a congestion level of at least one frequency among the multiple frequencies. A wireless device submits a data unit to the at least one lower entity based on the selection. A wireless device performs transmission of the data unit.
