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29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2648980C2

Изобретение относится к области светотехники. Узел 100, испускающий свет, содержит первый источник 112 света, второй источник 118 света, первый люминесцентный материал 106, второй люминесцентный материал 116 и окно 102 выхода света. Первый источник 112 света испускает свет 110 в ультрафиолетовом спектральном диапазоне. Второй источник 118 света испускает свет в синем спектральном диапазоне, имеющем первую пиковую длину волны. Первый люминесцентный материал 106 скомпонован для приема света 110 от первого источника 112 света и конфигурируется для поглощения света 110 в ультрафиолетовом спектральном диапазоне и для преобразования части поглощенного света в свет 104 в синем спектральном диапазоне. Второй люминесцентный материал 116 скомпонован для приема света 105 от второго источника 118 света и конфигурируется для почти полного преобразования принятого света 105 в синем спектральном диапазоне, принятом от второго источника света, в свет со спектральным диапазоном света, имеющим вторую пиковую ...

18-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2608487C2

Изобретение относится к преобразующему длину волны элементу для светоизлучающих устройств. Преобразующий длину волны элемент включает полимерный материал, содержащий преобразующую длину волны составляющую, способную преобразовывать свет первой длины волны в свет второй длины волны. При этом преобразующая длину волны составляющая ковалентно связана с основной цепью полимерного материала. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение стабильности и срока жизни преобразующих длину волны элементов и содержащих их светоизлучающих устройств. 3 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 2 пр.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2640780C2

Изобретение относится к осветительному устройству, включающему источник света для генерирования излучения источника света и конвертер света. Конвертер включает матрицу из первого полимера. Матрица включает дискретные зоны, содержащие второй полимер с люминесцентной функциональностью, представляющий ароматический сложный полиэфир, содержащий люминесцирующие фрагменты. Причем первый полимер химически отличается от ароматического сложного полиэфира. Дискретные зоны занимают объем в диапазоне 0,5-50% от объема конвертера. Описываются также конвертер для преобразования света в люминесценцию и способ получения указанного конвертера. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение стабильности люминофора и увеличение срока службы конвертера. 3 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил., 1 пр.

10-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2131411C1

Изобретение относится к способам получения органических материалов для электролюминесцентных устройств и устройствам на их основе. Сущность изобретения заключается в получении смеси олиготрифениламинов (I), содержащих 8-9 мономерных звеньев, для дырочно-транспортного слоя в электролюминесцентном устройстве, взаимодействием монометилзамещенного трифениламина с бромсодержащим комплексом с получением дибромзамещенного монометилтрифениламина, который обрабатывают эквимолярным количеством активированного Mg с добавлением комплекса нуль-валентного никеля. Полученную смесь бромсодержащих олигомеров обрабатывают алкил- или арилмагнийгалогенидом в присутствии комплекса нуль-валентного никеля. Изобретение относится к способу получения 3-(4-бифенилил)-4-(4-трет-бутилфенил)-5-(4-диметиламинофенил)-1,2,4-триазола (II) для активного люминесцентного слоя, взаимодействием 4-диметиламинобензойной кислоты с 4-фенилбензоилхлоридом с получением 1-(4-диметиламинобензоил)-2-(4-фенилбензоил)гидразина, который ...

10-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2408648C1

Изобретение относится к электролюминесцентному устройству на основе хелатных комплексов цинка в качестве активного люминесцентного слоя. Электролюминесцентное устройство включает дырочно-инжектирующий слой, дырочно-транспортный слой, активный люминесцентный слой на основе электролюминесцентного вещества формулы I, дырочно-блокирующий слой, электронно-транспортный слой, электронно-инжектирующий слой. Изобретение позволяет повысить яркость устройств, излучающих в зеленой области спектра.

10-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005109926A

... 1. Экран (30, 40, 60) для паров щелочных металлов, по существу, трубчатой формы, предназначенный для улавливания паров щелочных металлов, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен с возможностью установки одним его концом (34, 44, 64) на дозаторе (10) щелочных металлов, при этом участок контакта между упомянутым концом и упомянутым дозатором выполнен из материала низкой теплопроводности, причем поперечное сечение упомянутого конца перекрывает полностью зону (14) эмиссии щелочных металлов упомянутого дозатора, а упомянутый экран имеет внутреннюю поверхность (31, 43) с высокой удельной площадью. 2. Экран по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен из материала белого цвета. 3. Экран (30) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что упомянутый участок контакта между упомянутым концом и упомянутым дозатором образован одной или более прокладками (32). 4. Экран по п.3, отличающийся тем, что упомянутые прокладки выполнены из керамического материала. 5. Экран по п.3 или 4, отличающийся тем, что упомянутые прокладки являются ...

27-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009109189A

... 1. Электролюминесцентное устройство (9) для излучения света (7), чья точка цвета способна настраиваться переменным образом, содержащее, по меньшей мере, две электролюминесцентных области (41, 42), которые, для предоставления возможности приложения одинакового рабочего напряжения, скомпонованы соединенными электрически параллельно, при этом электролюминесцентные области (41, 42) содержат ! по меньшей мере, одну первую электролюминесцентную область (41) из первого электролюминесцентного материала для излучения света в первой полосе спектра, в соответствии с первой характеристикой (81) яркости в зависимости от напряжения, и ! по меньшей мере, одну вторую электролюминесцентную область (42) из второго электролюминесцентного материала для излучения света во второй полосе спектра, которая не является такой же, как первая полоса спектра, в соответствии со второй характеристикой (82) яркости в зависимости от напряжения, которая не является такой же, как первая характеристика (81) яркости в зависимости ...

27-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006119292A

... 1. Электролюминесцентная система, отличающаяся тем, что она включает в себя электролюминесцентное устройство, которое содержит первый плоскостной электрод из прозрачного материала, что для каждой из больших поверхностей этого первого электрода предусмотрен один слой из диэлектрика, обладающего люминесцентными свойствами, что, по меньшей мере один из этих светящихся слоев является прозрачным и что для большой поверхности соответствующего светящегося слоя, расположенной с противоположной от общего электрода стороны, предусмотрен второй электрод. 2. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что электролюминесцентное устройство содержит более двух расположенных один над другим прозрачных светящихся слоев, что между соответствующими двумя светящимися слоями расположен также прозрачный электрод и что свободные большие поверхности внешних светящихся слоев также снабжены электродом. 3. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что по меньшей мере электрод, расположенный на передней стороне электролюминесцентного ...

10-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005105140A

... 1. Электролюминесцентное устройство, содержащее, по меньшей мере, одну прозрачную пленочную подложку, по меньшей мере, один прозрачный электрод, по меньшей мере, один электролюминесцентный слой, по меньшей мере, один диэлектрический слой и, по меньшей мере, один противоэлектрод, отличающееся тем, что на противоэлектроде или между диэлектрическим слоем и противоэлектродом находится проводящий электродный слой, который содержит, по меньшей мере, один проводящий полимер, или противоэлектрод является проводящим электродным слоем, который содержит, по меньшей мере, один проводящий полимер. 2. Электролюминесцентное устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что, по меньшей мере, один проводящий полимер является при необходимости замещенным политиофеном, полианилином, полифениленом, поли(п-фениленвиниленом) или полипирролом. 3. Электролюминесцентное устройство по п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что, по меньшей мере, один проводящий полимер является при необходимости замещенным политиофеном, содержащим ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014150783A

... 1. Узел (100, 200, 300, 350, 432), испускающий свет, содержащийпервый источник (112) света, испускающий свет (110) в ультрафиолетовом спектральном диапазоне,второй источник света (118), испускающий свет (105) в синем спектральном диапазоне, имеющем первую пиковую длину волны (λp1),первый люминесцентный материал (106, 206, 306), скомпонованный для приема света (110) от первого источника (112) света и сконфигурированный для поглощения света (110) в ультрафиолетовом спектральном диапазоне и для преобразования части поглощенного света в свет (104) в синем спектральном диапазоне,второй люминесцентный материал (116, 216, 316), скомпонованный для приема света (105) от второго источника (118) света и сконфигурированный для почти полного преобразования принятого света (105) в синем спектральном диапазоне, принятом от второго источника (118) света, в свет (114) спектрального диапазона света, имеющего вторую пиковую длину волны (λp2), причем вторая пиковая длина волны (λp2) больше, чем первая пиковая ...

19-01-1961 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Elektroleuchtstoffen

Номер: DE0001097597B

19-06-2019 дата публикации

Anzeigesystem und elektronisches Gerät

Номер: DE112017004983T5

Ein neuartiges Anzeigesystem wird bereitgestellt. Das Anzeigesystem beinhaltet einen Anzeigeabschnitt und einen Steuerabschnitt. Der Steuerabschnitt beinhaltet eine Steuerung und eine Speichervorrichtung. Der Anzeigeabschnitt weist eine Funktion zum Anzeigen eines Bildes auf. Die Steuerung weist eine Funktion zum Ausgeben eines Signals zum Steuern einer Bildwiederholrate des Bildes auf. Die Speichervorrichtung weist eine Funktion zum Speichern von Daten auf, die Daten, die einen Wahrnehmungszustand des Bildes kennzeichnen, und Daten darüber umfassen, ob ein Flimmern in dem Wahrnehmungszustand von einem Benutzer wahrgenommen wird oder nicht. Die Steuerung weist eine Funktion zum Ändern der Bildwiederholrate des Bildes unter Bezugnahme auf die in der Speichervorrichtung gespeicherten Daten auf, wenn Daten darüber, ob ein Flimmern wahrgenommen wird oder nicht, von dem Benutzer eingegeben werden.

16-11-1972 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines GaAs1-x Px Kristalls

Номер: DE0002221864A1

19-09-2002 дата публикации

Lichtemittierende Vorrichtung und Diode

Номер: DE0029724670U1

22-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0059810405D1

02-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060229934D1

02-11-2006 дата публикации

Aromatische Monomer- und konjugierte Polymer-Metallkomplexe

Номер: DE112004001446T5

Halogenierte aromatische Monomer-Metallkomplexverbindung, welche ein halogeniertes aromatisches Monomerfragment und ein Metallkomplexfragment umfasst und durch die folgende Struktur dargestellt ist: wobei L ein zweizähniger Ligand ist; M Ir, Rh oder Os ist; Ar' oder Ar'' aromatische Einheiten sind, welche gleich oder voneinander verschieden sein können, mit der Maßgabe, dass mindestens eines von Ar' und Ar'' heteroaromatisch ist; und wobei Ra und Rb jeweils unabhängig voneinander ein einwertiger Substituent oder H sind, mit der Maßgabe, dass mindestens eines von Ra und Rb ein halogeniertes aromatisches Monomerfragment und einen Verbindungsrest enthält, welcher die Konjugation zwischen dem halogenierten aromatischen Monomerfragment und dem Metallkomplexfragment unterbricht.

01-06-2006 дата публикации

Bildelement für eine Aktiv-Matrix-Anzeige

Номер: DE102004002587B4
Принадлежит: NOVALED GMBH

Bildelement für eine Aktiv-Matrix-Anzeige mit einer organischen Leuchtdiode (OLED) (6) und einer Treiberschaltung mit einem die Leuchtdiode (6) ansteuernden Treibertransistor (5), der mit seinem stromführenden Pfad in Reihe mit der Leuchtdiode (6) und zumindest mittelbar zwischen zwei Pole einer Betriebsspannungsquelle geschaltet ist, und einem Kondensator (4), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass - die Leuchtdiode (6) eine mittels Dotierung leitfähig ausgebildete Transportschicht (20; 22; 44) aufweist, die mit dem Drain-Kontakt des Treibertransistors (5) elektrisch verbunden ist; - der Treibertransistor (5) ein n-Kanal- oder ein p-Kanal-Treibertransistor ist; - die Leuchtdiode (6) im Fall des n-Kanal-Treibertransistors (5) zwischen den Drain-Kontakt (15; 36) des Treibertransistors (5) und einen positiven Pol der Betriebsspannungsquelle geschalten ist und eine Kathode (19; 39) einem Substrat (19; 39) zugewandt ist; - die Leuchtdiode (6) im Falle des p-Kanal-Treibertransistors (5) zwischen den Drain-Kontakt ...

08-05-2013 дата публикации

Organische lichtemittierende Zusammensetzung, Einrichtung und Verfahren

Номер: DE112011102126T5

Eine Zusammensetzung, umfassend ein Fluoreszenzlicht emittierendes Material und eine Triplett-Akzeptoreinheit, umfasst eine gegebenenfalls substituierte Verbindung der Formel (I): Die Zusammensetzung kann in einer organischen lichtemittierenden Einrichtung verwendet werden; die gegebenenfalls substituierte Verbindung der Formel (I) kann mit dem Fluoreszenzlicht emittierenden Material vermischt werden oder an diesem haften; und die Zusammensetzung kann durch Abscheidung aus der Lösung abgeschieden werden.

25-09-2008 дата публикации

Elektrolumineszenzeinheit sowie Leuchtvorrichtung mit einer Elektrolumineszenzeinheit

Номер: DE102007038248A1

Es wird eine Elektrolumineszenzeinheit mit einem Trägersubstrat, auf welchem eine über Elektroden ansteuerbare Elektrolumineszenzschicht für eine erste Lichtfarbe aufgebracht ist, vorgeschlagen, wobei in einem Stapelaufbau wenigstens eine über Elektroden ansteuerbare zweite Elektrolumineszenzschicht für eine zweite Lichtfarbe vorgesehen ist und wobei in Blickrichtung senkrecht zur Ausdehnung des Trägersubstrats die Elektrolumineszenzschichten hintereinander liegen. Erfindungsgemäß umfassen die Elektrolumineszenzschichten Leuchtpigmente, die in eine UV-ausgehärtete Matrix eingebettet sind. Des Weiteren wird eine Leuchtvorrichtung vorgeschlagen.

04-01-1973 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001789114B2

18-06-2015 дата публикации

Fluoreszenzpulver zum Herstellen von Weiß-Licht-Emittierenden-Dioden großer Helligkeit und Weiß-Licht-Emittierende Vorrichtung

Номер: DE0010300622B4

Zusammensetzung eines Fluoreszenzmaterials, welches die Formel (YxTbyCez)Al5O12 hat, wobei x + y = 3, x, y 0, 0 < z < 0,5, wobei das (YxTby)Al5O12 ein Wirt desselben ist und Ce ein Aktivator desselben ist, und wobei mittels Einstellens der Metallkomponente des (YxTby)Al5O12 Wirts des Fluoreszenzmaterials ein Kristallfeld desselben moduliert werden kann, wodurch eine Wellenlänge von Licht, welches von dem Fluoreszenzmaterial emittiert wird, geändert wird.

05-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069938601D1
Принадлежит: TDK CORP, TDK CORP.

12-08-1982 дата публикации

Thin-film electroluminescence device and process for producing it

Номер: DE0003202399A1

Thin-film electroluminescence device having a thin-film electroluminescence layer (4) which contains a dopant or impurity forming the luminescence centres and is formed on a heat-resistant substrate (1) which supports the thin-film electroluminescence layer (4). The substrate (1) has a stress-relief temperature which is so high that it is capable of withstanding a heat treatment of the thin-film electroluminescence layer (4) in a nonoxidising atmosphere, such as a vacuum or an inert gas, up to about 600 DEG C. The substrate (1) is preferably composed of aluminoborosilicate having a stress-relief temperature of about 650 DEG C or over. ...

08-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0029724764U1

Ein Lichtquellesystem, umfassend eine lichtemittierende Lichtquelle eine optische Leiterplatte; und eine Beschichtung, die farbumwandelndes Material enthält, wobei die Lichtquelle einen Nitridverbindungs-Halbleiter der Formel: IniGAjAlkN umfasst, in der i ≤ 0, j ≤ 0, k ≤ 0, und i+j+k = 1, dotiert mit verschiedenen Verunreinigungen, worin InGaN und GaN eingeschlossen sind, wobei der Halbleiter blaues Licht emittiert und ein Hauptemissionspeak des Halbleiters im Bereich von 400 nm bis 530 nm liegt, wobei die Beschichtung einen ersten Teils des von der Lichtquelle kommenden blauen Lichts durch Absorption filtert, einen zweiten Teil des von der Lichtquelle kommenden blauen Lichts aussendet, das absorbierte blaue Licht in ein anderes Licht größerer Wellenlänge konvertiert und dieses andere Licht mit dem ausgesendeten Teil des von der Lichtquelle kommenden blauen Lichts mischt, so dass eine Lichtkombination ausgestrahlt wird, wobei die optische Leiterplatte das von der Lichtquelle kommende Licht ...

12-05-2010 дата публикации

Organisches Doppeltafel-Elektrolumineszenzdisplay und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung

Номер: DE0010357472B4

Organisches Elektrolumineszenzdisplay (ELD) mit: – einem ersten und einem zweiten Substrat (110, 150), auf denen mehrere Unterpixel (SP) definiert sind; – einer Arrayelementschicht (140), die auf dem ersten Substrat (110) hergestellt ist und mehrere Dünnschichttransistoren (T) aufweist, entsprechend jedem der Unterpixel (SP), wobei die Arrayelementschicht (140) eine erste und eine zweite Passivierungsschicht (124, 131) aufweist; – einer auf der zweiten Passivierungsschicht (131) der Arrayelementschicht (140) hergestellten Verbindungselektrode (132), wobei die Verbindungselektrode (132) mit einem der Dünnschichttransistoren (T) über ein Kontaktloch (130) in der zweiten Passivierungsschicht (131) verbunden ist; – einer ersten Elektrode (152), die auf einer Innenseite des zweiten Substrats (150) hergestellt ist; – einer Isolierschicht (154), die innerhalb eines Grenzbereichs in jedem der Unterpixel auf der ersten Elektrode (152) des zweiten Substrats (150) hergestellt ist und einem Elektrodenseparator ...

21-05-2008 дата публикации

Elektrolumineszenter Leuchtstoff

Номер: DE602005004593T2

09-10-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001719496C3

04-03-2004 дата публикации

Luminescent mixture, used in organic LED, e.g. for car, mobile telephone or notebook picture screen, contains polyfluorene, poly-(p-phenylene-vinylene), poly(p-phenylene) or polythiophene compound and heavy metal compound

Номер: DE0010239549A1

Luminescent mixtures of (1) organic polymer(s) and (2) compound(s) of heavy metals of atomic weight not less than 50 comprise (1a) poly-(p-phenylene-vinylene) compounds and (2a) compound(s) of series 1-3 transition metals, main group 3, 4 and 5 metals of periods 5 and 6 and lanthanides, except platinum; (1b) polyfluorene, poly(p-phenylene) and polythiophene compounds and (2b) compound(s) of copper, zinc and main group 3, 4 and 5 metals of period 6.

11-01-2017 дата публикации

Compound, composition and organic light-emitting device

Номер: GB0002540132A

A compound of Formula (I): wherein X is O or S: each A is a LUMO-deepening substituent: R5 and R6 are independently in each occurrence a substituent; x independently in each occurrence is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4; y independently in each occurrence is 0, 1 or 2, and each z is independently 0 or 1 with the proviso that at least one z is 1. Preferably, A is selected from C6-20 aryl, 5-20-membered heteroaryl and a silyl, which substituted by C1-20 alkyl, C6-20 aryl and/or heteroaryl. The compound may be used as a host for a phosphorescent light-emitting material in an organic light-emitting device. In a further aspect, a composition comprising a compound of formula (I) and a light-emitting material. In yet another aspect, a formulation comprising a compound of formula (I) and a solvent. In another aspect, a polymer comprising a segment of said compound.

03-09-2003 дата публикации

Method of producing electroluminescent element

Номер: GB0000318234D0

26-01-2005 дата публикации

Process for the synthesis of arylfluorenes and analogues thereof

Номер: GB0000427965D0

10-11-1999 дата публикации

Multi-color organic electroluminescent element and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: GB0009921232D0

25-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002177540B

06-06-2007 дата публикации

Switching device

Номер: GB0002432969A

Disclosed is a switching device having two different stable resistances to the voltage applied between electrodes. In this switching device, a first electrode layer, an organic bistable material layer and a second electrode layer are sequentially formed in this order as thin films on a substrate. A quinone compound is used as the organic bistable material.

18-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002434244A

A dual panel type organic electroluminescent display device includes first and second substrates (210, 250) facing and spaced apart from each other, an array element layer (A) on an inner surface of the first substrate (210) and including a thin film transistor (T), a connection pattern (240) on the array element layer (A) and electrically connected to the thin film transistor (T), a first electrode (252) on an inner surface of the second substrate (250), a partition wall (256) on the first electrode (252) in a non-pixel area (NP) between adjacent pixel areas (P), an organic light-emitting layer (258) on the first electrode (252) in the pixel area (P), a second electrode (260) on the organic light-emitting layer (258) in the pixel area (P) and electrically connected to the connection pattern (240), a moisture absorption layer (262) on the partition wall (256), and a seal pattern (270) between the first and second substrates (210, 250) along a peripheral portion.

19-11-1997 дата публикации

Fluorene-based alternating copolymers and electroluminescence elements

Номер: GB2313127A

Fluorene-based alternating copolymers to be used as light emitting materials of electroluminescent elements have the following formula (I). Electroluminescent elements may have an anode/luminescent layer/cathode structure, in which the fluorene-based alternating copolymer is used as light emitting materials of the luminescent layer, or may have a transporting and/or reflection layer added thereto, if necessary. where ```R and R' are each H, alkyl, cycloalkyl, aryl, alkoxy, cyclalkoxy or aryloxy ```X is H or CN ```Ar is alkylene or arylene, optionally substituted.

09-02-2005 дата публикации

Electroluminescent displays

Номер: GB0002404775A

An electroluminescent display includes discrete areas of phosphor 43 that are shaped to match the image to be shown on the display. Electrodes 21 are similarly shaped and are energised via leads 30. The phosphor areas are surrounded by a layer of insulating material 84. The present invention aims to make deactivated phosphor areas visibly indistinguishable from the surrounding insulating layer by matching the colour of the deactivated phosphor areas and that of the insulating layer. Either one or both of the phosphor and the insulating layer are dyed, alternatively a filter 111 (see fig 9) is provided on the front surface of the display to modify the reflectivity of the display.

22-04-2009 дата публикации

A semiconductor lamp

Номер: GB2453748A

A semiconductor lamp comprises an electrode wire 1, semiconductor light-emitting base material 2, electrode solenoid 3, glass tube 5, silicon rubber layer 6 and two insulated plugs 7, 7A having conductive rods 8 for connection to a power supply. Light-emitting base material 2 may comprise two layers 2A, 2B covering electrode 1. Inner layer 2A may be SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2 or similar. Outer layer 2B may be selected from the gallic nitrides family (AlN, InN), gallic phosphate, gallic arsenide or indium phosphate. Silicon rubber layer 6 is a silicon rubber adhesive and may be transparent or have fluorescent powder added for providing coloured light or colour-change effects. Electrodes 1, 3 may be copper. Electrode 1 may be tubular and may be mounted with an aluminium or copper heat dissipation coil (1A, Fig. 5). The semiconductor lamp advantageously uses less electric current, generates less heat, and has greater longevity than conventional tungsten light bulbs.

23-06-2010 дата публикации

Electroluminescent device

Номер: GB0002466403A

Disclosed is an electroluminescent device having good life characteristics, which comprises a light-emitting layer containing a quantum dot. Specifically disclosed is an electroluminescent device (1) comprising a first electrode layer (3), a light-emitting layer (4) formed on the first electrode layer, and a second electrode layer (5) formed on the light-emitting layer. A quantum dot (12), around which a silane coupling agent (11) is arranged, is used for the light-emitting layer.

10-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002195823B

01-05-1996 дата публикации

Thin film electroluminescent device

Номер: GB2294585A

A TFEL device (12) utilising a luminescent dopant concentration > 0.5 Wt%, such that high intensity operation may be realized via high frequency drive signals (corresponding to those used for active matrix addressing of arrays of TFEL pixels) is disclosed. Also disclosed is a method of manufacturing such a device with integral drive and addressing circuitry, comprising growing a TFEL device (12) onto the drain or extended drain of a MOSFET (10) (and/or onto the electrode of a shunt capacitance) and providing the TFEL device with top (12a) and bottom (12b) contacts, grounding the source of the MOSFET and providing a high voltage supply line to the top contact (12a) of the TFEL, such that when the MOSFET is turned on, emission from the TFEL device is initiated, said emission being capable of being turned on or off by application of a small voltage signal to the gate (10c) of the MOSFET. The active phosphor layer 12e is of manganese-doped zinc sulphide. ...

01-03-2006 дата публикации

Organic EL display

Номер: GB0002417598A

An organic EL display comprising a stress relaxation layer composed of a material having a higher elastic modulus and a lower refractive index as compared with an adhesive layer arranged at the side part of a color conversion filter composed of a single color filter layer or of a color filter layer and a color conversion layer formed on a translucent supporting substrate. Since a stress occurring at the time of pasting together the color conversion filter and an organic light emitting element or due to variation in the working environmental of the display is absorbed by the stress relaxation layer so that the light emitting element is not damaged, and reflection off the wall face of the stress relaxation layer is accelerated to reduce the emission component of the light emitting element passing through laterally, a highly reliable, high-efficiency organic EL display is provided.

18-03-2009 дата публикации

Thiophene derivative and organic electroluminescent element

Номер: GB0002418920B

12-04-2006 дата публикации

Thiophene derivative and electroluminescent element

Номер: GB0002418920A

A thiophene derivative useful for a material for forming an organic positive hole layer of an organic EL element excellent in light emitting efficiency, water resistance or the like, a polymer having the thiophene derivative as a monomer unit, and an organic EL element. The object can be solved by a thiophene derivative represented by the following formula (1), a polymer comprising the thiophene derivative, and an organic EL element, an organic positive hole transporting layer of which comprises the polymer: wherein, each "X" is a halogen atom, which may be same or different from each other; and "R" is an alkyl group.

06-06-2007 дата публикации

High molecular luminescent material composition and polymeric light-emitting devices

Номер: GB0002432838A

A high-molecular luminescent material composition characterized by comprising a high-molecular luminescent material and a compound selected from among compounds of the following general formulae (1a) to (1d): wherein X is an atom or atomic group forming, together with the four carbon atoms constituting the two benzene rings, a 5- or 6-membered ring; and Q and T are each independently hydrogen, halogeno, alkyl, alkyloxy, alkylthio, aryl, aryloxy, arylthio, arylalkyl, arylalkyloxy, arylalkylthio, alkenyl, alkynyl, arylalkenyl, arylalkynyl, substituted silyloxy, substituted silylthio, substituted silylamino, substituted amino, amido, an acid imide group, acyloxy, a monovalent heterocyclic group, heteroaryloxy; heteroarylthio, cyano, or nitro.

14-03-2007 дата публикации

Organic electroluminescent device and method of fabricating the same

Номер: GB0002430070A

An organic electroluminescent device includes first and second substrates (100, 200) facing and spaced apart from each other, the first and second substrates (100, 200) including a pixel region (p); a gate line on an inner surface of the first substrate; a data line crossing the gate line; a switching thin film transistor connected with the gate line and the data line; a driving thin film transistor (TD) connected with the switching thin film transistor; a power line connected with the driving thin film transistor (TD); a first electrode (202) on an inner surface of the second substrate (200); a first sidewall and a second sidewall (206) on the first electrode (202) at a boundary of the pixel region (P), the first sidewall and the second sidewall (206) spaced apart from each other; an electroluminescent layer (208) on the first electrode (202) in the pixel region (P); a second electrode (210) on the electroluminescent layer (208) in the pixel region (P); a connection electrode (124) electrically ...

16-04-2008 дата публикации

Composition for a light emissive device

Номер: GB2442724A

A composition for use in an organic light emissive device comprises a fluorescent organic light emissive material, such as a fluorescent red emissive polymer material, and a phosphorescent organic light emissive material of the same colour, such as an organometallic complex. Also disclosed is an organic light emissive device, comprising the composition and an anode and cathode.

21-10-2009 дата публикации

Light emissive device

Номер: GB0002442724B

27-02-1985 дата публикации

A switching contact arrangement' in particular for keyboards

Номер: GB2144270A

The switching contact arrangement contains a support or base (1), above it a layer of at least two tracks approaching each other at an angle, one of which comprises a switching contact surface (11). The other one (13, 13') is divided in the region of the switching contact surface (11) and its track section, so that a space is formed there. An insulating layer (21) is provided in the region of the track intersection. A layer (30) of electrically conductive material is then applied thereto, which has a recess in the region of the switching contact surfaces (11). This layer serves as a bridge interconnecting the track portions (13, 13') and as also a switching contact surface for cooperation with a switching surface (41 or 43) arranged thereabove and made of a flexible, electrically conductive material. In addition, the electrically conductive layer (30) serves as a spacer for the switching surface (41). A particularly compact switching contact arrangement is provided by integrating the switching ...

29-03-2000 дата публикации

Improved dendrimers

Номер: GB0000002936D0

08-09-2004 дата публикации

More uniform electroluminescent displays

Номер: GB0000417693D0

21-01-2004 дата публикации

Dual panel-type organic electroluminescent device and method for fabricating the same

Номер: GB0000329241D0

21-01-2004 дата публикации

Optical device

Номер: GB0000329364D0

16-06-2004 дата публикации

Dual panel-type organic electroluminescent display device and method of fabricating the same

Номер: GB0002396245A

An organic electroluminescent display (ELD) device includes first and second substrates (110, 150) having a plurality of sub-pixels (SP) defined thereon, an array element layer (140) on the first substrate (110) having a plurality of thin film transistors corresponding to each of the sub-pixels (SP), a connecting electrode (132) on the array element layer (140) connected to one of the thin film transistors, a first electrode (152) on an inner surface of the second substrate (150), an insulating layer and an electrode separator (156) formed within a boundary region of each of the sub-pixels (SP), the insulating layer (154) formed beneath the first electrode (152) and the electrode separator (156) formed beneath the insulating layer (154), and an organic light-emitting layer (158) and a second electrode (160) formed in each of the sub-pixels (SP), wherein the electrode separator (156) includes a first region having a pattern structure for separately forming the organic light-emitting layer ...

24-05-2006 дата публикации

Dendrimer compound and organic luminescent element employing the same

Номер: GB0000607373D0

02-05-2012 дата публикации

Phenanthro [1,10,9,8-C,D,E,F,G] carbazole polymers and their use as organic semiconductors

Номер: GB0002485127A

The invention relates to novel phenanthro[1,10,9,8-c,d,e,f,g]carbazole polymers, methods and materials for their preparation, their use as semiconductors in organic electronic (OE) devices, and to OE devices comprising these polymers.

11-02-2009 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: GB0000900093D0

10-04-1963 дата публикации

A method of and an apparatus for growing crystals in a vessel of vitreous material

Номер: GB0000923241A

In a process for growing a single crystal by melting and then cooling material in a closed quartz or other vitreous vessel, where the vapour pressure of the material (e.g. the semiconducting phosphors zinc sulphide, cadmium sulphide and zinc selenide) when molten would burst the vessel which is soft at the melting point of the crystal-forming material, the vessel is enclosed in a close-fitting crucible of refractory material, the crucible and vessel are heated initially at a rapid rate so that the vessel is raised above its softening point before the crystal-forming material develops substantial vapour pressure, and heating is continued to melt the enclosed material. The material 1 is placed in a quartz tube 2 which is evacuated, sealed and inserted in a graphite crucible 4, space between the tube 2 and crucible 4 being filled with graphite powder. The crucible is then placed in a carbon tube having thick-walled ends 8 and a thin-walled central portion 9. Electric current ...

03-07-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002095470B
Принадлежит: SHARP KK

15-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009211598D0

09-10-1968 дата публикации

Method of preparing electroluminescent thin films

Номер: GB0001129832A

... 1,129,832. Electroluminescence. GENERAL TELEPHONE & ELECTRONICS LABORATORIES Inc. 12 Oct., 1965 [12 Oct., 1964], No. 43335/65. Heading C4S. [Also in Division C7] A method for the preparation of an electroluminescent film (e.g. 1 to 2 microns thick) comprises placing a substrate (e.g. glass) having a conductive coating in an evacuated chamber, depositing a mixture of zinc sulphide with activator (e.g. chlorine from 0À01 to 0À10 weight per cent) and manganese sulphide (e.g. 5 to 15 weight per cent manganese based on the zinc sulphide), depositing copper on the film (e.g. 1 weight per cent of the zinc sulphide), heating the substrate to 500‹ to 700‹ C. for example to crystallize the film and diffuse the deposited copper into the film and thereafter cooling the substrate. The preparation may be in a chamber wherein the different materials are mounted on a disc which is colated to place them sequentially under the substrate, each material being vaporized by a separate heater. The film thickness ...

03-11-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009319432D0

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting device and display unit

Номер: US20120032115A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A light emitting device having a substrate and a luminous layer provided overlying the substrate, which includes a semiconductor nanocrystal to which a carbazole derivative is coordination-bonded or attached, the carbazole derivative having aromatic rings of a compound represented by the chemical structure 1 having one to three substitution groups: where Ar 1 and Ar 2 independently represent substituted or non-substituted aryl groups that may share a linkage to form a ring with a benzene ring, heterocyclic groups, and hydrogen atoms and Ar 3 represents a substituted or non-substituted aryl group, the one to three substitution groups represented by the chemical structure 2: —X—Y—Z  Chemical Structure 2 where X represents a methylene group, a carbonyloxy group, an oxycarbonyl group, a carbonyl group, an oxygen atom, and a sulfur atom, Y represents a substituted or non-substituted alkylene group, and Z represents a carboxyl group, a hydroxyl group, and a thiol group.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Solid-state light emitting devices with photoluminescence wavelength conversion

Номер: US20120074833A1
Принадлежит: Intematix Corp

A light emitting device comprises at least one light emitter, typically an LED, operable to generate blue light and a wavelength conversion component. The wavelength conversion component can be light transmissive or light reflective and comprises at least two phosphor materials that are operable to absorb at least a portion of said blue light and emit light of different colors and wherein the emission product of the device comprises the combined light generated by the LED(s) and the phosphor materials. The phosphor materials are configured as a pattern of non-overlapping areas on a surface of the component.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

White light emitting organic electroluminescent element

Номер: US20120086331A1

Provided is a white light-emitting organic EL element wherein a flexible plastic substrate is used, but the resistance to negative effects caused by the flexibility is excellent; a removal of a light emitting layer interface caused by folding the element and a contact failure do not tend to occur, and the drive voltage can be reduced. The white light-emitting organic EL element is formed by providing at least two layers, i.e., a light emitting layer (A) and a light emitting layer (B) on the plastic substrate. The white light-emitting organic EL element is characterized in that the light emitting layer (A) contains more than three kinds of luminescent dopants including a red luminescent dopant, a green luminescent dopant, and a blue luminescent dopant; the light emitting layer (B) contains the blue luminescent dopant; the light emitting layer (A) and the light emitting layer (B) are adjacent to each other, the light emitting layer (A) is formed on the side adjacent to the positive electrode, and the light emitting layer (B) is formed on the side adjacent to the negative electrode; and a mixed area is provided between the light emitting layer (A) and the light emitting layer (B).

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Display Device with Imaging Function and Method for Driving the Same

Номер: US20120113160A1
Автор: Yoshiyuki Kurokawa
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

To achieve desired display on a display surface and accurate image capture in a display device with an imaging function. A light source for display (a first light-emitting element) and a light source for image capture (a second light-emitting element) that does not adversely affect display when it is on are separately provided in the display device with an imaging function. In the display device, an image can be appropriately captured using the light source for image capture in a period during which display is performed using the light source for display. Consequently, desired display on the display surface and accurate image capture can be achieved in the display device.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Light-emitting element

Номер: US20120206035A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

Provided is a light-emitting element with high external quantum efficiency, or a light-emitting element with a long lifetime. The light-emitting element includes, between a pair of electrodes, a light-emitting layer including a guest material and a host material, in which an emission spectrum of the host material overlaps with an absorption spectrum of the guest material, and phosphorescence is emitted by conversion of an excitation energy of the host material into an excitation energy of the guest material. By using the overlap between the emission spectrum of the host material and the absorption spectrum of the guest material, the energy smoothly transfers from the host material to the guest material, so that the energy transfer efficiency of the light-emitting element is high. Accordingly, a light-emitting element with high external quantum efficiency can be achieved.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Organic electroluminescent element

Номер: US20120248424A1
Автор: Hiroyuki Sasaki
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

Disclosed is a high-efficiency, long-life white-emission organic electroluminescent element, in particular, a white-emission organic electroluminescent element. The organic electroluminescent element of the present invention has a red phosphorescent light emitting-layer 12 ; a green phosphorescent light emitting-layer 11 ; a blue fluorescent light-emitting layer 22 and a green fluorescent light-emitting layer 21 . A phosphorescent light unit 1 is formed by the red phosphorescent light emitting-layer 12 and the green phosphorescent light emitting-layer 11 . A fluorescent light unit 2 is formed by the blue fluorescent light-emitting layer 22 and the green fluorescent light-emitting layer 21 . The phosphorescent light unit 1 and the fluorescent light unit 2 are connected via an interlayer 3 . Preferably, the phosphorescent light unit 1 is disposed further towards a cathode 4 a side than the fluorescent light unit 2 . Preferably, the emission color is any of a W color, a WW color and an L color.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Led light source, led backlight, liquid crystal display device and tv reception device

Номер: US20130070168A1
Автор: Masashi Yokota
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

In order to provide an LED light source and an LED backlight in which color variations in the chromaticity of light emitted from a light emitting surface are not produced and in which the brightness on a display screen is made uniform, an LED light source provided with an LED chip that emits light of a predetermined color and a sealing resin that contains a fluorescent material are included. The fluorescent material includes a plurality of fluorescent materials that emit excitation light of a plurality of different wavelengths within the excitation light wavelength range of the predetermined color, and the light emitting surface is formed in the shape of a diffusion lens portion that adjusts the light emitted and distributed. Also, the application regions of the adjacent LED light sources overlap each other, and thus it is possible to obtain an LED backlight.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Aromatic Amine Compound, and Light-Emitting Element, Light-Emitting Device, and Electronic Device Using the Aromatic Amine Compound

Номер: US20130076237A1

Novel aromatic amine compounds are provided. Light-emitting elements having high emission efficiency and high reliability are provided. Further, light-emitting devices and electronic devices using the light-emitting devices are provided. Specifically, an aromatic amine compound represented by the general formula (1), and light-emitting elements, light-emitting devices and electronic devices that are formed using the aromatic amine compound represented by the general formula (1) are provided. By using the aromatic amine compound represented by the general formula (1) for light-emitting elements, light-emitting devices and electronic devices, the light-emitting elements, light-emitting devices and electronic devices can have high emission efficiency. 125-. (canceled)28. The aromatic amine compound according to claim 27 ,{'sup': 1', '1, 'wherein Arand Arfurther comprise independently a substituent comprising an aryl group comprising 6 to 13 carbon atoms or a substitute comprising an alkyl group comprising 1 to 4 carbon.'}30. The aromatic amine compound according to claim 29 ,{'sup': 1', '2, 'wherein Arand Arfurther comprise independently a substituent comprising an aryl group comprising 6 to 13 carbon atoms or a substitute comprising an alkyl group comprising 1 to 4 carbon.'}32. The aromatic amine compound according to claim 31 ,{'sup': 1', '2, 'wherein Arand Arfurther comprise independently a substituent comprising an aryl group comprising 6 to 13 carbon atoms or a substitute comprising an alkyl group comprising 1 to 4 carbon.'}34. The aromatic amine compound according to claim 33 ,{'sup': 1', '2, 'wherein Arand Arfurther comprise independently a substituent comprising an aryl group comprising 6 to 13 carbon atoms or a substitute comprising an alkyl group comprising 1 to 4 carbon.'}37. The light-emitting element according to claim 36 ,{'sup': 1', '2, 'wherein Arand Arfurther comprise independently a substituent comprising an aryl group comprising 6 to 13 carbon atoms ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076238A1

A surface light source device including: an organic EL element having a light-emitting surface for emitting light; and a light output surface structure layer provided on the organic EL element on a side of the light-emitting surface, wherein the light output surface structure layer includes concave portions which are relatively recessed and convex portions which are relatively projected, the concave portions and convex portions being provided on a surface opposite to the organic electroluminescent element in an alternate manner along an in-plane direction parallel to the surface, and the bottom of the concave portion and the top of the convex portion that are adjacent to each other are distant with distances in a thickness direction of the surface light source device, the distances being made uneven with a standard deviation range of not less than 0.05 μm. 1. A surface light source device comprising: an organic electroluminescent element having a light-emitting surface for emitting light; and a light output surface structure layer provided on the organic electroluminescent element on a side of the light-emitting surface , whereinthe light output surface structure layer includes concave portions which are relatively recessed and convex portions which are relatively projected, the concave portions and convex portions being provided on a surface opposite to the organic electroluminescent element in an alternate manner along an in-plane direction parallel to the surface, andthe bottom of the concave portion and the top of the convex portion that are adjacent to each other are distant with distances in a thickness direction of the surface light source device, the distances being made uneven with a standard deviation range of not less than 0.05 μm.2. The surface light source device according to claim 1 , wherein the surface of the light output surface structure layer opposite to the organic electroluminescent element is exposed on an outermost surface of the surface light ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130088143A1

Provided are a ceramic composite for light conversion, which is capable of maintaining a high radiant flux even when the proportion of Gd and Ce is increased to tune the fluorescence peak wavelength to the longer wavelength side, a process for producing the ceramic composite, and a light emitting device including the ceramic composite. The ceramic composite for light conversion is a solidification product including a composition that is represented by a specific formula, and has a texture of continuously and three-dimensionally mutually entangled oxide phases including at least two phases of a first phase and a second phase, characterized in that the first phase is a YAlOfluorescent phase activated with Ce, and the second phase is an AlOphase, and the first phase and second phase account for 97% by area or more of a cross section of the solidification product, or characterized in that the first phase is a YAlOfluorescent phase activated with Gd and Ce, and the second phase is an AlOphase, and the first phase and second phase account for 97% by area or more of a cross section of the solidification product. 19-. (canceled)10. A ceramic composite for light conversion , the ceramic composite being a solidification product comprising a composition represented by the formula (1) , the composition having a texture of continuously and three-dimensionally mutually entangled oxide phases comprising at least two phases of a first phase and a second phase , characterized in that{'sub': 3', '5', '12', '2', '3, 'the first phase is a YAlOfluorescent phase activated with Ce, and the second phase is an AlOphase, and'} [{'br': None, '[Formula 1]'}, {'br': None, 'i': x', 'y', 'a', 'c, 'sub': 3/2', '3/2', '2, 'AlO-(YO-CeO)\u2003\u2003(1)'}], 'the first phase and second phase account for 97% by area or more of a cross section of the solidification product.'}(x, y, a, and c represent molar fractions, 0.770 Подробнее

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Phosphorescent Iridium Metal Complex, Light-Emitting Element, Light-Emitting Device, Electronic Appliance, and Lighting Device

Номер: US20130088144A1

Provided is a light-emitting element including a phosphorescent iridium metal complex that emits phosphorescence in a yellow green to orange wavelength range, and has high emission efficiency and reliability. Thus, further provided is the phosphorescent iridium metal complex that emits phosphorescence in the yellow green to orange wavelength range. Further provided are a light-emitting device, an electronic appliance, and a lighting device each of which includes the above light-emitting element. The light-emitting element includes an EL layer between a pair of electrodes, and the EL layer contains a phosphorescent iridium metal complex where nitrogen at the 3-position of a pyrimidine ring having an aryl group bonded to the 4-position is coordinated to a metal, a substituent having a carbazole skeleton is bonded to the 6-position of the pyrimidine ring, and the aryl group bonded to the 4-position of the pyrimidine ring is ortho-metalated by being bonded to the metal. 1. A light-emitting element comprising an EL layer between a pair of electrodes , the EL layer comprising a phosphorescent iridium metal complex ,wherein in the phosphorescent iridium metal complex:nitrogen at a 3-position of a pyrimidine ring having an aryl group bonded to a 4-position of the pyrimidine ring is coordinated to iridium,a substituent having a carbazole skeleton is bonded to a 6-position of the pyrimidine ring, andthe aryl group bonded to the 4-position of the pyrimidine ring is ortho-metalated by being bonded to the iridium.5. A light-emitting device comprising the light-emitting element according to .6. An electronic appliance comprising the light-emitting element according to .7. A lighting device comprising the light-emitting element according to .8. A light-emitting element comprising an EL layer between a pair of electrodes claim 1 , the EL layer comprising a phosphorescent iridium metal complex claim 1 ,wherein in the phosphorescent iridium metal complex:nitrogen at a 1-position of a ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130093315A1

The invention relates to OLEDs () having a substrate (), a first electrode layer (), a layer of organic electroluminescence material (), a second electrode layer (), a cover layer (), moisture-absorbing means () and a separating foil () of resilient material. According to the invention, said foil () is positioned between the second electrode layer () and the moisture-absorbing means (). This feature results in a longer mean life-time of the OLED. Advantageously spacer structures () (preferably formed as dots) are applied on the separating foil () between the foil () and the cover (). This prevents discoloring effects around the rim of the OLED material. 1. An organic electroluminescence device , comprisinga substrate on which a first electrode layer is provided,a layer of organic electroluminescence material being provided on the first electrode layer,a second electrode layer being provided on the layer of electroluminescence material,a cover layer being positioned on the side of the second electrode layer that faces away from the layer of electroluminescence material,moisture-absorbing means, anda separating foil of resilient material having a Young's modulus between 0.2 GPa and 0.8 GPa, said separating foil being positioned between the second electrode layer and the moisture-absorbing means.2. An organic electroluminescence device according to claim 1 , wherein the separating foil is made of an organic resin material.3. An organic electroluminescence device according to claim 2 , wherein the organic resin material is a polyolefin material.4. An organic electroluminescence device according to claim 3 , wherein the polyolefin material is polyethylene or a modified polyethylene.5. An organic electroluminescence device according to claim 2 , wherein the organic resin material is a Si-containing polymer.6. (canceled)7. An organic electroluminescence device according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the foil is between 2 and 500 micrometer.8. An organic ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130106277A1

A method of producing β-SiAlON includes a sintering process, in which β-SiAlON starting materials, a mixture of silicon nitride, aluminum nitride, optically active element compound, and at least one compound selected from aluminum oxide and silicon oxide, are sintered at temperatures ranging from 1820° C. to 2200° C. The method provides new β-SiAlON low in carbon content and having high luminescence intensity by placing a plurality of boron nitride vessels in a graphite box to allow the β-SiAlON starting materials packed in the plurality of boron nitride vessels to easily come in contact with nitrogen gas, and performing sintering in nitrogen atmosphere. 1. A method of producing β-SiAlON , comprising a sintering process , in which β-SiAlON starting materials , a mixture of silicon nitride , aluminum nitride , optically active elemental compound , and at least one compound selected from aluminum oxide and silicon oxide , are sintered at temperatures ranging from 1820° C. to 2200° C. , wherein a plurality of boron nitride vessels are placed in a graphite box to allow the β-SiAlON starting materials packed in the plurality of boron nitride vessels to easily come in contact with nitrogen gas , and that sintering is performed in nitrogen atmosphere.2. A method of producing β-SiAlON , comprising a sintering process , in which β-SiAlON starting materials , a mixture of silicon nitride , aluminum nitride , optically active elemental compound , and at least one compound selected from aluminum oxide and silicon oxide , are sintered at temperatures ranging from 1820° C. to 2200° C. , wherein a plurality of boron nitride vessels are placed in a graphite box to allow the β-SiAlON starting materials packed in the plurality of boron nitride vessels to easily come in contact with nitrogen gas , and that sintering is performed in nitrogen atmosphere with the top part of the graphite box opened.3. The method of producing β-SiAlON as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the total volume of ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

White Organic Light Emitting Device and Display Device Using the Same

Номер: US20130119357A1
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

A white organic light emitting device, with improved color shift characteristics and improved efficiency according to viewing angle changes by controlling conditions for designing an optical path in organic material layers between a cathode and an anode or adjusting interior or exterior thicknesses of the organic material layers, has a structure including a first electrode and layers between the first electrode and a second electrode satisfies an optical path condition represented by the following equation 2. The white organic light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein a total thickness of the structure is in the range of 5000 Å to 6000 Å.4. The white organic light emitting device of claim 1 ,wherein the first stack further comprises a first common layer between the first electrode and the first light emitting layer and a second common layer between the first light emitting layer and the charge generation layer, andthe second stack further comprises a third common layer between the charge generation layer and the second light emitting layer and a fourth common layer between the second light emitting layer and the second electrode.5. The white organic light emitting device of claim 4 , wherein the first light emitting layer has blue fluorescent emission characteristics.6. The white organic light emitting device of claim 5 , wherein the phosphorescent dopant of the second light emitting layer comprises a yellowish green phosphorescent dopant.7. The white organic light emitting device of claim 6 , wherein four resonance conditions are established between the first electrode and the second electrode for blue light emission and three resonance conditions are established between the first electrode and the second electrode for yellowish green light emission.8. The white organic light emitting device of claim 5 , wherein the phosphorescent dopant of the second light emitting layer comprises a yellow phosphorescent dopant and a green phosphorescent dopant.9. The white ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130120691A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a phosphor that is combined with a blue LED to achieve white light at a low color temperature as if singly, has a broad fluorescence spectrum for excellent color rendering properties, has a high luminous efficiency, is thermally and chemically stable like conventional nitride-based phosphors, and has a small decrease in luminance at high temperatures. Another object of the present invention is to provide a light emitting device using such a phosphor. The present invention relates to a β-sialon that is expressed by the general formula, SiAlON:Eu (0 Подробнее

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Phosphor-centric control of color of light

Номер: US20130141014A1

Lighting devices and/or systems offer dynamic control or tuning of color of light. The lighting systems utilize sources, such as solid state sources, to individually pump a number of different phosphors of types having relatively high degrees of color purity. The phosphor emissions, however, are still broader than the traditionally monochromatic color emissions of LEDs. The different phosphors can be independently excited to controllable levels, by individually controlled sources rated for emission of energy of the same spectrum. Adjustment of intensities of electromagnetic energy emitted by the sources independently adjusts levels of excitations of the phosphors selected to emit different colors of relatively high purity and thus the contributions of pure colors to the combined light output, for example, to enables color adjustment of the light output over a wide range of different selectable colors encompassing much of the gamut of visible light.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Phosphor and light emitting device

Номер: US20130146930A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

The present invention provides a phosphor emitting green fluorescence when being effectively excited by excitation light in a wavelength range from blue light to near-ultraviolet light, having an emission intensity that does not vary significantly with variation in the wavelength of the excitation light, and being manufactured easily. The phosphor includes a chemical structure represented by the following general formula (A): A(M 1-a-x Eu a Mn x )L(Si 1-b Geb) 2 O 7   , (A), where A is one or more elements selected from Li, Na, and K, M is one or more elements selected from Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, and Zn, L is one or more elements selected from Ga, Al, Sc, Y, La, Gd, and Lu, a is a numerical value satisfying 0.001≦a≦0.3, b is a numerical value satisfying 0≦b≦0.5, and x is a numerical value satisfying 0≦x≦0.2.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147342A1

There are provided an oxynitride-based phosphor and a light emitting device including the same. The oxynitride-based phosphor has a rare-earth element dissolved in a host material represented by a general formula: CaSiON. The rare-earth element is at least one selected from a group consisting of manganese (Mn), cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pr), neodymium (Nd), samarium (Sm), europium (Eu), gadolinium (Gd), dysprosium (Dy), terbium (Tb), holmium (Ho), erbium (Er), thulium (Tm) and ytterbium (Yb). The host material has a crystal lattice according to a peak of an X-ray powder diffraction pattern, and the crystal lattice has a cubic crystal structure. 1. An oxynitride-based phosphor comprising: {'br': None, 'sub': 15', '20', '10', '30, 'CaSiON,'}, 'a rare-earth element dissolved in a host material, the host material represented by a general formulawherein the rare-earth element is at least one selected from a group consisting of manganese (Mn), cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pr), neodymium (Nd), samarium (Sm), europium (Eu), gadolinium (Gd), dysprosium (Dy), terbium (Tb), holmium (Ho), erbium (Er), thulium (Tm) and ytterbium (Yb), andthe host material has a crystal lattice according to a peak of an X-ray powder diffraction pattern, the crystal lattice having a cubic crystal structure.2. The oxynitride-based phosphor of claim 1 , wherein when the rare-earth element is denoted as Re claim 1 , the oxynitride-based phosphor is represented by a general formula: (Ca)SiON:Re(0.0001 Подробнее

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147344A1

A phosphor is represented by a general Formula: EuMLSiAlNOand satisfies 0.00001≦x≦2.9999, 0.0001≦y≦2.99999 and 0≦z≦6.0. L is at least one element selected from La, Y, Gd and Lu. M is at least one element selected from Ca, Sr, Ba and Mn. 1. A phosphor , respesented by a general Formula: EuMLSiAlNOand satisfying 0.00001≦x≦2.9999 , 0.0001≦y≦2.99999 and 0≦z 6.0 , where:L is at least one element selected from the group consisting of La, Y, Gd and Lu, andM is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Ca, Sr, Ba and Mn.2. The phosphor of claim 1 , wherein in the general Formula claim 1 , 0.00001≦x≦0.5 is satisfied.3. The phosphor of claim 1 , wherein in the general Formula claim 1 , 0.0001≦y≦1.0 is satisfied.4. The phosphor of claim 1 , wherein in the general Formula claim 1 , 0≦z≦0.5 is satisfied.5. The phosphor of claim 1 , wherein the phosphor has a wavelength of 550 nm or more in a center of an emission spectrum when ultraviolet light or blue light is used as an excitation source.6. The phosphor of claim 1 , wherein the phosphor has a crystal structure the same as a crystal structure of a phosphor represented by LaSiN.7. The phosphor of claim 1 , wherein M is partially substituted with Eu in Eu form.8. A manufacturing method of a phosphor claim 1 , comprising steps of:preparing an Si raw material;preparing an M raw material;preparing an L raw material;preparing an Eu raw material; and{'sub': x', 'y', '3−x−y', '6−z', 'z', '11−(z+y+z)', '(z+y+z), 'synthesizing the Si raw material, the M raw material, the L raw material, and the Eu raw material to form a material represented by a general Formula: EUMLSiAlNOand satisfying 0.00001≦x 2.9999, 0.0001≦y≦2.99999 and 0≦z≦6.0, whereL is at least one element selected from the group consisting of La, Y, Gd and Lu, andM is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Ca, Sr, Ba and Mn.9. The manufacturing method of claim 8 , wherein the step of synthesizing the Si raw material claim 8 , the M raw ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154473A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

An adhesive sheet including a binder and adhesive particles mixed in the binder in which the adhesive particle includes an inorganic particle and a polymer the inorganic particle is chemically bonded with the polymer a portion of the adhesive particles is exposed to the surface of the binder the refractive index of the inorganic particle is higher than the refractive index of the binder and the adhesion of the adhesive particle larger than the adhesion of the inorganic particle An adhesive sheet having high refractive index and high adhesion, as well as an optical member and an organic member and an organic light emission device can be provided. 1. An adhesive sheet including a binder and adhesive particles mixed in the binder in which the adhesive particle includes an inorganic particle and a polymer , the inorganic particle is chemically bonded with the polymer , the adhesive particles are partially exposed to the surface of the binder , the refractive index of the inorganic particle is higher than the refractive index of the binder , and the adhesion of the adhesive particle is larger than the adhesion of the inorganic particle.2. An adhesive sheet according to claim 1 , whereinthe polymer has substituents Y, the inorganic particle and the polymer are chemically bonded by way of a bonding site X, the bonding site X comprises one or more bonds selected from the group consisting of an amide bond, an ester bond, an ether bond, and a urethane bond, and the substituent Y is one or more members selected from the group consisting of amino group, a sulfo group, a carboxyl group, and a hydroxyl group.3. An adhesive sheet according to claim 1 , whereinthe number average molecular weight of the polymer is from 200 to 50,000.4. An adhesive sheet according to claim 1 , whereinthe inorganic particle is one or more members selected from the group consisting of titanium oxide, zirconium oxide, barium titanate and tin oxide.5. An adhesive sheet according to claim 1 , whereinthe ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Electroluminescent Element and Light-Emitting Device

Номер: US20130168650A1
Автор: Hiroko Abe
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

An electroluminescent element which can easily control the balance of color in white emission (white balance) is provided according to the present invention. The electroluminescent element comprises a first light-emitting layer containing one kind or two or more kinds of light-emitting materials, and a second light-emitting layer containing two kinds of light-emitting materials (a host material and a phosphorescent material) in which the phosphorescent material is doped at a concentration of from 10 to 40 wt %, preferably, from 12.5 to 20 wt %. Consequently, blue emission can be obtained from the first light-emitting layer and green and red (or orange) emission can be obtained from the second light-emitting layer. An electroluminescent element having such device configuration can easily control white balance since emission peak intensity changes at the same rate in case of increasing a current density.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175920A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijk Philips Electronics N.V.

The invention provides a light-emitting arrangement (), comprising: a light source () adapted to emit light of a first wavelength; a wavelength converting member () comprising a wavelength converting material adapted to receive light of said first wavelength and to convert at least part of the received light to light of a second wavelength; a sealing structure () at least partially surrounding said wavelength converting member to form a sealed cavity () containing at least said wavelength converting member, said cavity containing a controlled atmosphere; and a getter material () arranged within said sealed cavity, wherein said getter material is adapted to operate in the presence of water and/or produces water as a reaction product. Such getter materials have high capacity for removal of oxygen from the atmosphere within the sealed cavity, such that a low oxygen concentration can be maintained within the cavity. Hence, the lifetime of the wavelength converting material may be prolonged. 1. A light-emitting arrangement comprising:a light source adapted to emit light of a first wavelength; andwavelength converting member comprising a wavelength converting material adapted to receive light of said first wavelength and to convert at least part of the received light to light of a second wavelength;a sealing structure at least partially surrounding said wavelength converting member to form a sealed cavity containing at least said wavelength converting member, said cavity containing a controlled atmosphere; anda getter material arranged within said sealed cavity, wherein said getter material comprises a material whose reaction with oxygen requires or is promoted by the presence of water, and/or produces water as a reaction product.2. A light-emitting arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein said getter material is arranged to remove oxygen from the controlled atmosphere within the cavity.3. A light-emitting arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein said getter material ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Display structure

Номер: US20130194528A1
Принадлежит: Wintek Corp

A display structure includes a first transparent substrate, a second transparent substrate opposite the first transparent substrate, a liquid crystal layer interposed between the first transparent substrate and the second transparent substrate, at least one first thin film transistor formed on the first transparent substrate, a first insulation layer formed on the first transparent substrate, a first electrode layer formed on the first insulation layer, an organic light-emitting layer formed on the first electrode layer and in a region not overlapping the first thin film transistor, a cathode layer formed on the organic light-emitting layer, and a second electrode layer formed on the second transparent substrate.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Organic electroluminescent element

Номер: US20130207097A1

Provided is an organic electroluminescent device (EL device) that uses an indolocarbazole compound. The organic EL device includes an anode, a plurality of organic layers including a phosphorescent light-emitting layer, and a cathode laminated on a substrate, in which at least one organic layer selected from the phosphorescent light-emitting layer, a hole-transporting layer, an electron-transporting layer, and a hole-blocking layer contains an indolocarbazole compound represented by the general formula (1). In the general formula (1), a ring I and a ring II represent rings represented by the formula (1a) and the formula (1b), respectively, each of which are fused to an adjacent ring. X's each represent nitrogen or C—Y and at least one of X's represents nitrogen. Y's each represent hydrogen, an alkyl group, a cycloalkyl group, or an aromatic group. A represents an alkyl group, a cycloalkyl group, or an aromatic group. At least one of Y and A represents an alkyl group or a cycloalkyl group. R's each represent hydrogen, an alkyl group, a cycloalkyl group, an aromatic hydrocarbon group, or an aromatic heterocyclic group.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

White-Light LED Red Phosphor and Method of Manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20130214204A1

A white-light LED red phosphor and method of manufacturing the same are provided. The luminescent materials are represented by the general formula: Ca 1-y-m-e-r Y y M m X x-p P p Z z N n :Eu e , R f , wherein M is at least one selected from Sr, Ba, Sc, Li, Na and K; X is at least one selected from B, Al and Ga, and Al must be contained; Z is at least one selected from Si, V and Nb, and Si must be contained; R is at least one selected from Dy, Er, Tm and Lu, and Dy must be contained; 0.001≦y≦0.2, 0.001≦m≦0.2, 0.5≦x,z≦1.5, 0.001≦p≦0.1, 2≦n≦4, 0.001≦e≦0.2 and 0.001≦r≦0.1. The phosphor according to the present invention has features such as good chemical stability, high luminous efficiency, and good anti-luminous attenuation performance, etc.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214675A1

The present invention relates to a phosphor comprising a nitride or an oxynitride, comprising an X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising at least one Region having at least one peak with an intensity ratio I of 8% or less, the X-ray powder diffraction pattern measured in the 2θ range from 10° to 60° using a CuKα line (1.54184 {acute over (Å)}), wherein the Region is the 2θ range from 41.5° to 47°, the intensity of each peak is a value obtained after background correction, and the intensity ratio I is defined by the formula (I×100)/I(%), where Irepresents the height of the most intense peak present in the 2θ range from 34° to 37° and Irepresents the height of each peak. 2. The phosphor according to claim 1 , wherein the phosphor comprises oxygen in an amount of 5 wt. % or less.3. The phosphor according to claim 1 ,{'sub': '3', 'wherein, in a Fourier transform of an EXAFS spectrum of an Eu-Labsorption edge or an Eu—K absorption edge, the phosphor has an intensity of a peak corresponding to a first vicinal atom of 50% or more of an intensity of a peak corresponding to a second vicinal atom;'}the first vicinal atom is an N anion or an O anion; andthe second vicinal atom is a Si cation, an Al cation, a Sr cation, or a Ca cation.4. A composition comprising the phosphor according to and a liquid medium.5. A light-emitting device claim 1 , comprising:an excitation light source; anda phosphorescent body suitable for converting a wavelength of at least a portion of light emitted from the excitation light source;{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'wherein the phosphorescent body comprises a first phosphor that is the phosphor according to .'}6. The light-emitting device according claim 5 , wherein the phosphorescent body further comprises a second phosphor having a different peak emission wavelength from the first phosphor.7. A display claim 5 , comprising the light-emitting device according to .8. A lighting system claim 5 , comprising the light-emitting ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing color converting member

Номер: US20130228944A1
Принадлежит: Dexerials Corp

A color converting member is capable of suppressing deterioration in a phosphor by a simple manufacturing process. A method of manufacturing a color converting member includes a process of molding a resin material into a shape. In the process, molding the resin material and the phosphor integrally into a shape is performed, after kneading a phosphor that converts one color light to another color light into the resin material.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Luminescent material

Номер: US20130241387A1
Принадлежит: Individual

According to one embodiment, the luminescent material exhibits a luminescence peak in a wavelength ranging from 500 to 600 nm when excited with light having an emission peak in a wavelength ranging from 250 to 500 nm. The luminescent material has a composition represented by Formula 1 below: (M 1-x Ce x ) 2y Al z Si 10-z O u N w   Formula 1 wherein M represents Sr and a part of Sr may be substituted by at least one selected from Ba, Ca, and Mg; x, y, z, u, and w satisfy following conditions: 0<x≦1, 0.8≦y≦1.1, 2≦z≦3.5, u≦1 1.8≦z−u, and 13≦u+w≦15.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241394A1

According to the embodiment, a white lighting device includes a semiconductor light-emitting element emitting near-ultraviolet light, and a phosphor layer containing at least a blue-green phosphor emitting blue-green light and a red phosphor emitting red light and emits white light having a correlated color temperature of 5000 K or less and a deviation duv from a blackbody locus of not less than −0.01 nor more than 0.01, in which a ratio of a content of the red phosphor to a content of the blue-green phosphor in the phosphor layer by mass is not less than 35 nor more than 50. 1. A white lighting device , comprising:a semiconductor light-emitting element emitting near-ultraviolet light; anda phosphor layer containing a blue-green phosphor having an emission peak in a wavelength region of not less than 480 nm nor more than 520 nm, a red phosphor having an emission peak in a wavelength region of not less than 585 nm nor more than 630 nm, and two or more phosphors each having an emission peak in a wavelength region other than the wavelength regions and emits white light having a correlated color temperature of 5000 K or less and a deviation duv from a blackbody locus of not less than −0.01 nor more than 0.01,wherein a ratio of a content of the red phosphor to a content of the blue-green phosphor in the phosphor layer by mass is not less than 35 nor more than 50.4. The white lighting device according to claim 1 ,{'b': '9', 'wherein an average color rendering index Ra of the white light is equal to or more than 85 and a special color rendering index R of the white light is equal to or more than 85.'}5. The white lighting device according to claim 1 ,{'b': '9', 'wherein an average color rendering index Ra of the white light is equal to or more than 90 and a special color rendering index R of the white light is equal to or more than 90.'}6. The white lighting device according to claim 1 ,wherein the semiconductor light-emitting element has an emission peak in a wavelength ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting device

Номер: US20130256719A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A light emitting device according to the present invention comprises: a light emitting element including a semiconductor layer, a first electrode, a dielectric layer sandwiched between the semiconductor layer and the first electrode, and a light emitter; and a power supply circuit for applying a voltage between the semiconductor layer and the first electrode, wherein the light emitter is formed in at least one region of regions in the semiconductor layer, in the dielectric layer, between the semiconductor layer and the dielectric layer, and between the first electrode and the dielectric layer, the light emitting element emits light in one of first and second cases, but does not substantially emit light in the other case, the first case using a current applied to the dielectric layer under a condition that the semiconductor layer serves as a positive electrode and the first electrode serves as a negative electrode, the second case using a current applied to the dielectric layer under a condition that the semiconductor layer serves as the negative electrode and the first electrode serves as the positive electrode, and the power supply circuit is electrically connected to each of the semiconductor layer and the first electrode so that a unidirectional current flows in the dielectric layer while the light emitting element emits the light.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257265A1
Принадлежит: National Central University

A light emitting device is provided to produce white light with a stable correlated color temperature and stable color coordinates. The light emitting device includes a blue LED chip and a yellow phosphor. The blue LED chip has a peak wavelength X slightly smaller than the peak wavelength Y of the phosphor such that when the light emitting device is subjected to a predetermined operating current, the phosphor decays due to thermal effect, and the LED chip has its emission spectrum red-shifted to substantially match with the excitation spectrum of the phosphor. At this time, the excitation ability of the LED chip is increased and causes an increase of yellow power output from the phosphor that substantially compensates a decrease of yellow light output caused by the phosphor. 1. A light emitting device that produces white light with a stable correlated color temperature (CCT) and stable color coordinates , comprising:a blue LED chip which emits light with an emission spectrum having a peak wavelength X; anda yellow phosphor having an excitation spectrum with a peak wavelength Y and configured to convert part of light emitted from the LED chip;wherein the peak wavelength X of the blue LED chip is slightly smaller than the peak wavelength Y of the phosphor to such an extent that when the light emitting device is subjected to a predetermined operating current, the phosphor decays due to thermal effect, and the LED chip has its emission spectrum red-shifted to substantially match with the excitation spectrum of the phosphor so as to have its excitation ability increased, which inducing the phosphor to contribute an increase of emission output power that substantially equals a decrease of emission output power caused by the thermal effect on the phosphor, and thereby maintaining the CCT and the color coordinates.2. The light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the yellow phosphor is Cerium-doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (YAG:Ce) with the peak wavelength Y of about 460 nm; ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271042A1
Автор: KIM Yu-Sik

In a light emitting device and system providing white light with various color temperatures are provided, a light emitting device includes a light emitting element (LED) that is operated by a driving bias and emits first light, and a phosphor layer including a phosphor that partially wavelength-converts first light and emits second light, thereby emitting white light using the first light and the second light, wherein the phosphor has a maximum conversion efficiency at a first level of the driving bias, and the LED has a maximum conversion efficiency at a second level of the driving bias, the first level being different from the first level. 1. A light emitting device comprising:{'sub': x', 'y', '(1-x-y), 'a light emitting element which is operated by a forward driving bias to emit first light and includes a first conductive layer of a first conductivity type, a second conductive layer of a second conductivity type, a light emitting layer disposed between the first conductive layer and the second conductive layer, a first electrode connected to the first conductive layer, and a second electrode connected to the second conductive layer, wherein the first conductive layer, the second conductive layer and the light emitting layer are represented by InAlGaN (0≦x≦1, 0≦y≦1); and'}a phosphor layer including a phosphor which partially wavelength-converts the first light to emit second light, wherein the phosphor layer includes only the phosphor or a combination of transparent resin and a phosphor,wherein the light emitting element emits blue light, the phosphor layer includes a yellow phosphor which partially wavelength-converts the blue light to emit yellow light and a red phosphor which partially wavelength-converts the blue light to emit red light, or a green phosphor which partially wavelength-converts the blue light to emit green light and a red phosphor which partially wavelength-converts the blue light to emit red light, andwherein the light emitting device emits ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271960A1

To provide a semiconductor light emitting device which is capable of accomplishing a broad color reproducibility for an entire image without losing brightness of the entire image. 1. A semiconductor light emitting device comprising a solid light emitting device to emit light in a blue or deep blue region or in an ultraviolet region and phosphors , in combination , wherein said phosphors comprise a green emitting phosphor having at least one emission peak in a wavelength region of from 515 to 550 nm and a red emitting phosphor having at least one emission peak with a half-value width of at most 10 nm in a wavelength region of from 610 to 650 nm; said red emitting phosphor has substantially no excitation spectrum in the emission wavelength region of said green emitting phosphor and comprises Mn as an activated element; and said green emitting phosphor and said red emitting phosphor have the variation rate of the emission peak intensity at 100° C. to the emission intensity at 25° C. of at most 40% , when the wavelength of the excitation light is 400 nm or 455 nm.2. The semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the green emitting phosphor comprises at least one compound selected from the group consisting of an aluminate phosphor claim 1 , a sialon phosphor and an oxynitride phosphor.3. The semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the red emitting phosphor has the variation rate of the emission peak intensity at 100° C. to the emission peak intensity at 25° C. of at most 18% claim 1 , when the wavelength of the excitation light is 455 nm.4. The semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the red emitting phosphor has a main emission peak with a half-value width of at most 10 nm in a wavelength region of from 610 to 650 nm.5. The semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the red emitting phosphor is a fluoride complex phosphor claim 1 , and said solid light emitting device ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293092A1

The embodiment provides a process for production of a green light-emitting oxynitride fluorescent material having SrAlSiONcrystal structure, and also provides the fluorescent material produced by that process. An metal halide is adopted in the process as one of the starting material metal compounds. As the metal halide, a Ca or Na compound as well as a Sr compound can be preferably employed.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293093A1

Provided are an α-SiAlON activated by Eu, which can realize a higher luminance in a light-emitting device such as a white LED, and also a light-emitting device. The α-SiAlON is represented by the general formula: (M)(Eu)(Si)(Al)(O)(N)(wherein M denotes one or more elements including at least Ca, selected from the group consisting of Li, Mg, Ca, Y and lanthanide elements (except for La and Ce)), and is constituted by an α-SiAlON having Eu in the form of a solid solution. The 50% mean area diameter of primary particles of the α-SiAlON is 5 μm or more, and the ratio of the 50% mean area diameter of primary particles to the 50% mean area diameter of secondary particles of the α-SiAlON is preferably 0.56 or more. A light-emitting device includes a light-emitting light source and a wavelength conversion member wherein the wavelength conversion member includes a α-SiAlON for absorbing near-ultraviolet to blue light generated by the light-emitting light source to generate yellow to orange light.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313968A1
Принадлежит: Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH

The present invention relates to formulations for the production of an electroluminescent element, comprising a substrate, an at least partly transparent front electrode, at least one pigment layer, optionally a dielectric layer, a back electrode and busbars for contacting the electrodes, optionally a covering layer or a laminate, and a process for the production of an electroluminescent element, preferably by screen minting. The formulations for the production of the pigment and dielectric layer contain as binders isocyanate-reactive components and blocked isocyanates and/or blocked di- and/or polyisocyanates. 1. An EL element comprising:a substrate, a front and a back electrode and a pigment layer, wherein the pigment layer comprises: a component with thermally reversibly blocked isocyanate groups aa),', 'and at least one isocyanate-reactive components ab), and, 'a) a binder system comprisingb) pigments or crystals which are luminescent in an electric field.2. The EL element according to claim 1 , wherein said binder system comprises as component aa):aliphatic, cycloaliphatic, araliphatic and/or aromatic di- or triisocyanates and higher molecular weight secondary products thereof with iminooxadiazinedione, isocyanurate, uretdione, urethane, allophanate, biuret, urea, oxadiazinetrione, oxazolidinone, acylurea and/or carbodiimide structures which contain at least two free NCO groups, and as component ab) phenols, oximes, optionally comprising butanone oxime, acetone oxime or cyclohexanone oxime, lactams, optionally comprising ε-caprolactam, amines, optionally comprising N-tert-butylbenzylamine or diisopropylamine, 3,5-dimethylpyrazole, triazole, esters containing deprotonatable groups, optionally comprising malonic acid diethyl ester, acetoacetic acid ethyl ester, and/or mixtures thereof and/or mixtures with other blocking agents.3. The EL element according to claim 2 , wherein component aa) is at least one selected from the group consisting of tetramethylene- ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Charge Transporting Material, Organic Electroluminescent Element, Light Emitting Device, Display Device And Illumination Device

Номер: US20130320839A1
Автор: WATANABE Kousuke

A charge transporting material which allows for a low driving voltage and is superior in luminous efficiency and durability is provided. The charge transporting material comprising a compound represented by any one of the general formula (1-1) to (1-3), wherein Rto R, Rto Rand Rto R, Lto L, and Lto L, are as defined in the specification. Arto Arrepresent a substituent represented by any one of the general formulae (3-1) to (3-3); * represents a binding position to Lto L; and R, R, Rto Rand Rto Rare as defined in the specification: 2. The charge transporting material according to claim 1 , which comprises a compound represented by the general formula (1-1) or the general formula (1-2).3. The charge transporting material according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of Lto Lin the general formulae (1-1) to (1-3) contains an m-phenylene group.4. The charge transporting material according to wherein Lto Lin the general formulae (1-1) to (1-3) represent a single bond.5. An organic electroluminescent element comprising a substrate; a pair of electrodes including an anode and a cathode claim 1 , disposed on the substrate; and an organic layer disposed between the electrodes claim 1 , wherein the organic layer contains the charge transporting material of6. The organic electroluminescent element according to claim 5 , wherein the organic layer includes a light emitting layer containing a phosphorescence emitting material.7. The organic electroluminescent element according to claim 6 , wherein the light emitting layer contains the compound represented by any one of the general formula (1-1) to the general formula (1-3).10. A light emitting device comprising the organic electroluminescent element of .11. A display device comprising the organic electroluminescent element of .12. An illumination device comprising the organic electroluminescent element of . The present invention relates to a charge transporting material, an organic electroluminescent element, a light emitting ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130328478A1
Автор: Emoto Hideyuki

The present invention provides: a phosphor which can be combined with a blue LED to emit white light having a low color temperature as in the case where the phosphor is used singly, has a broad fluorescence spectrum, high light emission efficiency, and thermal/chemical stability, and rarely undergoes the deterioration in brightness at higher temperatures. This phosphor is represented by the general formula: Mx(Si,Al)2(N,O)3±y (wherein M independently represent Li or at least one alkali earth metal element; and x and y fulfill the requirement represented by the formulae: 0.52≦x≦0.9 and 0≦y≦0.3) wherein some of M are substituted by element Ce, and wherein the Si/Al atomic ratio is 1.5 to 6 inclusive, the O/N atomic ratio is 0 to 0.1 inclusive, 5-50 mol % of M's is Li, and 0.5-10 mol % of M is Ce. 1. A phosphor represented by formula M(Si ,Al)(N ,O) , provided that M is Li and at least one alkaline earth metal element , 0.52≦x≦0.9 , 0≦y≦0.3 , and part of M is replaced by element Ce , wherein an Si/Al atomic ratio is 1.5 or greater and 6 or less , an o/N atomic ratio is 0 or greater and 0.1 or less , 5 to 50 mol % of M is Li , and 0.5 to 10 mol % of M is Ce.2. The phosphor according to claim 1 , wherein 0.5 to 5 mol % of M is Ce.3. The phosphor according to claim 1 , wherein the alkaline earth metal element is Ca.4. The phosphor according to claim 1 , having an orthorhombic crystal structure and comprising a crystal with a lattice constant a of 0.935 to 0.965 nm claim 1 , a lattice constant b of 0.550 to 0.570 nm claim 1 , and a lattice constant c of 0.480 to 0.500 nm.5. The phosphor according to claim 4 , consisting of the crystal and a heterogeneous crystal phase claim 4 , a diffraction intensity of a most intense line of the heterogeneous crystal phase relative to a diffraction intensity of a most intense line of the crystal evaluated by powder X-ray diffractometry being 40% or less.6. The phosphor according to claim 5 , wherein the heterogeneous crystal phase is α- ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Display device, electro-optical element driving method and electronic equipment

Номер: US20130341628A1
Автор: Masatsugu Tomida
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

The present invention permits a capacitance value of an electro-optical element such as organic EL element to be arbitrarily set without changing the light extraction efficiency of a pixel. That is, the present invention permits a capacitance value Coled of an organic EL element ( 21 ) to be arbitrarily set by adjusting the light emission area of the organic EL element ( 21 ) without changing the light extraction efficiency of a pixel ( 20 ) in an organic EL display device. The organic EL display device has the pixels ( 20 ) arranged in a matrix form. A light extraction opening ( 56 ) is formed on the surface of the pixel with a light-shielding film (black matrix) ( 57 ). The light extraction opening ( 56 ) has an opening area smaller than the light emission area of the organic EL element ( 21 ).

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130342102A1

An organic electroluminescent element includes constituent layers including at least one light-emitting layer. At least one layer of the constituent layers includes a hexa-coordinated ortho-metalated iridium complex represented by the following general formula (1) 6. The organic electroluminescent element of wherein the light-emitting layer comprises the hexa-coordinated ortho-metalated iridium complex represented by the general formula (1).7. The organic electroluminescent element of wherein the electroluminescent element emits white light.8. A display device comprising the organic electroluminescent element of .9. A lighting device comprising the organic electroluminescent element of . 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to an organic electroluminescent element, a display device including the organic EL element(s) and an lighting device including the organic EL element(s).2. Description of Related ArtIn an organic electroluminescent element (hereinafter also referred to as an “organic EL element”), a light-emitting layer containing a light-emitting compound is provided between an anode and cathode. Electrons and electron holes are injected in the light-emitting layer to be combined to each other, thereby generating excitons. An organic EL element emits light (fluorescence, phosphorescence and the like) produced upon deactivation of the excitons and requires a voltage of only a few to a few dozen volt for light emission. Thus, an organic EL element is of particular interest as a future material for planar displays and lighting devices.Princeton University has published a report regarding the organic electroluminescent element using phosphorescence produced from the triplet excited state in a maximum internal quantum efficiency of 100% (see M. A. Baldo et al. (1998), Vol. 395, pp. 151-154). After that, research for materials producing phosphorescence at room temperature was disclosed by M. A. Baldo et al. (2000), Vol. 403-17, pp. 750-753 and U.S. ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Heterocyclic compound and organic light-emitting device using the same

Номер: US20140027749A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An organic light-emitting device includes an anode, a cathode, and an organic compound layer interposed between the anode and the cathode. The organic compound layer contains a heterocyclic compound having 4,10-Diazachrysene.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140028181A1
Автор: Lee Min-Tak, Yun Young-Nam
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co., Ltd.

An organic light-emitting display device including a first organic light-emitting device including a first pixel electrode, a first organic emission layer (EML) for emitting white light, and an opposite electrode; a first color filter between an insulating layer and the first pixel electrode, and transmitting blue light; a second organic light-emitting device including a second pixel electrode, the first organic EML for emitting white light, and the opposite electrode; a second color filter between the insulating layer and the second pixel electrode, and transmitting green light; a third organic light-emitting device including a third pixel electrode, a second organic EML for emitting a mixture light including a red color and a blue color, and the opposite electrode; and a third color filter between the insulating layer and the third pixel electrode, and including a first region for transmitting red light and a second region for transmitting the mixture light. 1. An organic light-emitting display device comprising:a substrate;a plurality of pixels on the substrate, each of the pixels comprising a first sub-pixel, a second sub-pixel, and a third sub-pixel for emitting different colors of light, respectively;an insulating layer on the substrate;a first organic light-emitting device on the insulating layer at the first sub-pixel, and sequentially comprising a first pixel electrode, a first organic emission layer (EML) for emitting white light, and an opposite electrode;a first color filter between the insulating layer and the first pixel electrode, and configured to transmit blue light;a second organic light-emitting device on the insulating layer at the second sub-pixel, and sequentially comprising a second pixel electrode, the first organic EML for emitting white light, and the opposite electrode;a second color filter between the insulating layer and the second pixel electrode, and configured to transmit green light;a third organic light-emitting device on the ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

LED Lamp With A High Color Rendering Index

Номер: US20140035455A1
Принадлежит: Osram Sylvania Inc

LED lamps having a high color rendering index are disclosed. In some embodiments, such lamps also exhibit high lumen maintenance and low color drift during lamp warm-up. The lamps may include, for example, a light emitting diode (LED) kernel having a mixture of red and blue LEDs, and a converter including a red phosphor in an amount ranging from greater than 0 to about 10 weight % of a total phosphor content of the converter.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140042898A1

To provide a yellow to orange phosphor which has high luminance and excellent temperature characteristics and which also has high luminance when mixed with a phosphor of a different color. 122-. (canceled)23: A phosphor , comprising: {'br': None, 'sub': 3+α', '6', '11, '(Ln,Ca,Ce)SiN\u2003\u2003[I′],'}, 'a crystal phase of formula [I′]{'sup': 2', '2', '1/2', '2', '2', '1/2, 'wherein, when an object color of the phosphor is expressed by the L*a*b* color system, the value of (a*+b*)satisfies 71≦(a*+b*),'}Ln is at least one rare earth element selected from the group consisting of La, Gd, Lu, Y, and Sc,α satisfies −0.1≦α≦1.5, and [{'br': None, 'i': '≦x≦', '0.4000.570, and'}, {'br': None, 'i': '≦y≦', '0.4200.590.'}], 'chromaticity coordinates x and y in the CIE standard coordinate system of an emission color when excited with light having a wavelength of 455 nm satisfy24: The phosphor according to claim 23 , wherein L*≦110 and 76≦(a*+b*).25: The phosphor according to claim 23 , wherein chromaticity coordinates x and y satisfy:{'br': None, 'i': '≦x≦', '0.4100.570, and'}{'br': None, 'i': '≦y≦', '0.4200.590.'}26: The phosphor according to claim 23 , wherein an absorption efficiency is at least 88%.27: A light-emitting device claim 23 , comprising:a first illuminant anda second illuminant configured to emit visible light under irradiation with light from the first illuminant,{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00023', 'claim 23'}, 'wherein the second illuminant comprises, as a first phosphor, the phosphor of .'}28: The light-emitting device according to claim 27 , wherein the second illuminant further comprises claim 27 , as a second phosphor claim 27 , a phosphor having a different emission peak wavelength from the first phosphor. The present invention relates to a phosphor comprising a nitrogen-containing compound such as a composite nitride or oxynitride, a method for producing it, a phosphor-containing composition which contains such a phosphor, a light-emitting device ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140077685A1

The present invention provides an efficient red fluorescent material and a method for producing the same, provides a white light source and an illuminating device each of which uses this red fluorescent material to achieve snow-white lighting, and furthermore provides a liquid crystal display having excellent color reproduction. The red fluorescent material contains an element A, europium, silicon, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen, at an atomic ratio of the following composition formula (1), and, in a Photo Luminescence Excitation spectrum of the red fluorescent material, a relative value of a luminescence intensity of 550 nm excitation wavelength when a luminescence intensity of 400 nm excitation wavelength is defined as 1 is not more than 0.85 and not less than 0.55. 118.-. (canceled)19. A red fluorescent material containing an element A , europium (Eu) , silicon (Si) , carbon (C) , oxygen (O) , and nitrogen (N) , at an atomic ratio of the following composition formula (1):{'br': None, 'sub': (m-x)', 'x', '(9-y)', 'y', 'n', '[12-2(n-m)/3], '[AEu][SiC]ON'}wherein, in a PLE (Photo Luminescence Excitation) spectrum, a relative value of a luminescence intensity of 550 nm excitation wavelength when a luminescence intensity of 400 nm excitation wavelength is defined as 1 is not more than 0.85 and not less than 0.46,wherein the element A is at least one selected from the group consisting of magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), and barium (Ba), andm, x, y, and n satisfy 3 Подробнее

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003668A1
Автор: CHUN Honggu

A light emitting device capable of photovoltaic power generation selectively connects a light emitting device to either a power unit or a charge unit according to a control signal. Thereby, when the light emitting device is in a display mode, the light emitting device is connected to the power unit and outputs light, and when the light emitting device is in a charge mode, the light emitting device is connected to the charge unit and provides power outputted from the light emitting device to the charge unit. 1. A light emitting device (LED) circuit capable of photovoltaic power generation , comprising:an LED capable of operating in either a display mode for emitting light when electric power is supplied or a charge mode for producing electric power when light is received, wherein the LED is configured to be connected to a power unit that supplies the electric power or a charge unit that is supplied with the electric power produced; anda control unit for controlling a connection between the LED and the power unit and a connection between the LED and the charge unit, wherein the control unit includes a control signal receiving unit receiving a control signal and a switching unit operating based on the control signal,wherein, when the control signal receiving unit receives a first control signal for operating the LED in the display mode in which the LED emits light, the control unit controls the switching unit to connect the LED to the power unit to supply the power to the LED so that the LED emits light, andwherein, when the control signal receiving unit receives a second control signal for operating the LED in the charge mode in which the LED produces electric power, the control unit controls the switching unit to connect the LED to the charge unit to supply the electric power produced by the LED to the charge unit.2. The LED circuit of claim 1 , wherein the LED is an active-matrix organic light-emitting diode (AMOLED).3. A light emitting device (LED) display capable ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006675A1

Novel phosphorescent metal complexes containing 2-phenylisoquinoline ligands with at least two substituents on the isoquinoline ring are provided. The disclosed compounds have low sublimation temperatures that allow for ease of purification and fabrication into a variety of OLED devices. 2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Rand Rare alkyl claim 1 , and Ris hydrogen.4. The compound of claim 1 , wherein at least one of R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , and Ris selected from the group consisting of ethyl and CH(CH).5. The compound of claim 1 , wherein M is Ir.6. The compound of claim 1 , wherein n is 2.7. The compound of claim 1 , wherein L is a monoanionic bidentate ligand.9. The compound of claim 8 , wherein R claim 8 , R claim 8 , and Rare independently selected from the group consisting of alkyl claim 8 , hydrogen claim 8 , deuterium claim 8 , and combinations thereof.10. The compound of claim 9 , wherein Ris hydrogen or deuterium claim 9 , and Rand Rare independently selected from the group consisting of methyl claim 9 , CH(CH) claim 9 , and CHCH(CH).14. The first device of claim 13 , wherein the first device is a consumer product.15. The first device of claim 13 , wherein the first device is an organic light-emitting device.16. The first device of claim 13 , wherein the organic layer is an emissive layer and the compound is a non-emissive dopant.17. The first device of claim 13 , wherein the organic layer further comprises a host.18. The first device of claim 17 , wherein the host is a metal 8-hydroxyquinolate. This application is a continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/336,201, filed on Oct. 27, 2016, which is a continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/316,162, filed on Dec. 9, 2011, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.The claimed invention was made by, on behalf of, and/or in connection with one or more of the following parties to a joint university corporation ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Heteroleptic light-emitting complexes

Номер: US20150011764A1
Автор: Jean-Pierre Catinat
Принадлежит: SOLVAY SA

Heteroleptic light emitting complexes having the general formula M(L 1 ) n (L 2 ) m , wherein a) L 1 has the formula E1-E2, wherein E1 is a 6-membered heteroaryl ring bound to the metal atom M by a dative bond and containing at least one donor hetero atom and E2 is bound to the metal atom by covalent or dative bonds and is selected from the group consisting of substituted or unsubstituted C 5 -C 30 aryl and substituted or un-substituted C 2 -C 30 heteroaryl groups, b) ligand L 2 is selected from the group consisting of 1-(2,6 disubstituted phenyl)-2-phenyl-1H-imidazole ligands or 5-(2,6 disubstituted phenyl)-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazole ligands, and c) M is a non-radioactive transition metal with an atomic number of at least 40 and the sum of m and n is equal to half of the bond valency of metal M

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011758A1

A display device includes: a lower panel through which incident light passes and including a substrate on which a thin film transistor is disposed; a color conversion display panel from which converted light is emitted to display an image and overlapping the lower panel; and a polarization film between the lower panel and the color conversion display panel. The color conversion display panel includes a substrate on which are disposed: a first color conversion layer including first semiconductor nanocrystals which convert the incident light to the converted light; a second color conversion layer including second semiconductor nanocrystals which convert the incident light to the converted light; and a transmission layer through which unconverted incident light passes. The substrate of the lower panel or the color conversion display panel includes a flexible substrate including a polymer. 1. A display device comprising:a lower panel through which incident light passes, the lower panel comprising a substrate on which a thin film transistor is disposed;a color conversion display panel from which converted light is emitted to display an image, the color conversion display panel overlapping the lower panel; anda polarization film disposed between the lower panel and the color conversion display panel,wherein a first color conversion layer including first semiconductor nanocrystals which convert the incident light to the converted light;', 'a second color conversion layer including second semiconductor nanocrystals which convert the incident light to the converted light; and', 'a transmission layer through which unconverted incident light passes,, 'the color conversion display panel comprises a substrate on which are disposedandthe substrate of the lower panel or the substrate of the color conversion display panel comprises a flexible substrate including a polymer.2. The display device of claim 1 , further comprising an upper panel through which the incident light passed ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Organic Electroluminescent Materials and Devices

Номер: US20200013969A1

Iridium complexes containing hexadentate ligands are disclosed. Multidentate iridium complexes of Formula II showed desired properties in term of EQE, LT, CIE, etc. 2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein n is 0.3. The compound of claim 1 , wherein n is 1.4. The compound of claim 1 , wherein three of Z claim 1 , Z claim 1 , Z claim 1 , Z claim 1 , Z claim 1 , and Zare each a monoanionic coordinating atom selected from the group consisting of carbon claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , sulfur claim 1 , and nitrogen claim 1 , and the remaining three of Z claim 1 , Z claim 1 , Z claim 1 , Z claim 1 , Z claim 1 , and Zare each a neutral coordinating atom selected from the group consisting of carbon claim 1 , phosphorus claim 1 , and nitrogen.5. The compound of claim 4 , wherein the neutral carbon is a N-heterocyclic carbene;wherein the neutral phosphorus is a phosphorus atom of a trisubstituted phosphine; and{'sup': '2', 'wherein the neutral nitrogen is an spnitrogen atom of N-heterocyclic ring selected from the group consisting of pyridine, pyrimidine, imidazole, benzimidazole, pyrazole, oxazole, and triazole.'}6. The compound of claim 4 , comprising at least one of the following:{'sup': '2', 'a) the monoanionic coordinating carbon is an spcarbon atom of a ring selected from the group consisting of benzene, pyridine, furan, thiophene, and pyrrole;'}{'sup': '2', 'b) the monoanionic coordinating nitrogen is an spnitrogen atom of N-heterocyclic ring selected from the group consisting of imidazole, benzimidazole, pyrazole, and triazole; or'}c) the monoanionic oxygen atom is oxygen atom from carboxylic acid or ether.78. -. (canceled)9. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Z claim 1 , Z claim 1 , Z claim 1 , Z claim 1 , Z claim 1 , and Zare each independently selected from the group consisting of carbon and nitrogen10. (canceled)11. The compound of claim 1 , wherein at least one of L claim 1 , L claim 1 , and Lis an organic linker with at least two linking atoms.1213.-. (canceled)20. The ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210036262A1
Автор: Ichikawa Tomoyoshi

[Object] To provide an organic electro-luminescence device in which occurrence of failures such as local abnormal light emission and current leakage is suppressed. 1a recessed structure in which a first electrode is provided at a bottom part and a first member serves as a sidewall;a second electrode configured to cover an entire surface of the recessed structure; andan organic light emitting layer including a leaky material and an evaporation material, the organic light emitting layer being sandwiched by the second electrode and the recessed structure, whereinin the organic light emitting layer, a film thickness of a layer containing the leaky material is non-uniform along the bottom part of the recessed structure, and an entire film thickness of the organic light emitting layer is generally uniform along the bottom part of the recessed structure.. An organic electro-luminescence device comprising: The present application is a Continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/077,178, filed Aug. 10, 2018, which was a 371 application of InternationalPatent Application No. PCT/JP2017/001896, filed on Jan. 20, 2017, which claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2016-042181, filed in the Japan Patent Office on Mar. 4, 2016, the entire contents of which are each incorporated by reference herein.The present disclosure relates to an organic electro-luminescence device and a method of manufacturing the organic electro-luminescence device.In recent years, illumination apparatuses and display apparatuses in which an organic electro-luminescence device is used as a light emitting device are becoming widely available. Thus, in order to further increase luminance of illumination apparatuses and display apparatuses, a technology for efficiently extracting light from a light emitting layer in an organic electro-luminescence device is demanded.For example, Patent Literature 1 below discloses a structure (a so-called anode reflector structure) in which an organic electro- ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Organometallic compound and organic light-emitting device including the same

Номер: US20170040551A1

An organometallic compound represented by Formula 1: M(L 1 ) n1 (L 2 ) n2   Formula 1 wherein in Formula 1, M, L 1 , L 2 , n1, and n2 are the same as described in the specification.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180040848A1

An organic EL display device (electroluminescence device) including a TFT substrate (substrate), an organic EL element (electroluminescence element) disposed on the TFT substrate, a first inorganic film covering the organic EL element, at least one protruding body having a frame shape, the at least one protruding body being configured by an organic film and surrounding the electroluminescence element on the first inorganic film, a second inorganic film covering the first inorganic film and the at least one protruding body, and a leveled film configured by an organic film and provided on the second inorganic film. 1. An electroluminescence device comprising:a substrate;an electroluminescence element provided on the substrate;a first inorganic film covering the electroluminescence element;at least one protruding body having a frame shape, the at least one protruding body configured by an organic film and surrounding the electroluminescence element on the first inorganic film;a second inorganic film covering the first inorganic film and the at least one protruding body; anda leveled film configured by an organic film and provided on the second inorganic film,wherein an organic film layer configured by an organic film is disposed between the first inorganic film and the second inorganic film and covers the electroluminescence element,the at least one protruding body surrounds the organic film,a slit is formed between the organic film and the at least one protruding body,a first inorganic film is exposed in the slit,the second inorganic film contacts the first inorganic film in the slit, andthe leveled film fills the slit.2. (canceled)3. The electroluminescence device according to claim 1 ,wherein the organic film layer has a thickness greater than a thickness of the first inorganic film.4. The electroluminescence device according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one protruding body each has a protruding height greater than a total value of a thickness of the first ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160044763A1

Polarized white light emitting devices are provided that have a substrate coated with a film of boron chains embedded in carbon nanotubes. An orientation of magnets adjacent the device polarizes and intensifies the light. Methods of making the devices, and methods of producing polarized white light are also provided. 1. A light emitting device comprising:a first transparent conducting substrate;a second transparent conducting substrate spaced apart from the first transparent conducting substrate and coated with a film comprising a boron chain embedded in a carbon nanotube;a power source operably connected to each of the first and second substrates; andat least one magnet positioned in close proximity to the film.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first transparent conducting substrate and the second transparent conducting substrate each individually comprise the same or a different one of: indium tin-oxide (ITO) claim 1 , fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) claim 1 , aluminum zinc oxide (AZO) claim 1 , graphene claim 1 , and poly(3 claim 1 ,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS).3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first transparent conducting substrate and the second transparent conducting substrate comprise substrate plates disposed face to face and the device is free of a vacuum sealing between the substrate plates.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first transparent conducting substrate and the second transparent conducting substrate comprise substrate plates disposed face to face claim 1 , and the film on the second transparent conducting substrate is disposed towards the first transparent conducting substrate.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the substrate plates define an edge and the at least one magnet is positioned adjacent the edge.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the at least one magnet comprises at least one pair of magnets with each magnet of a pair disposed adjacent opposing edges of the substrate plates.7. The device of ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Display Device

Номер: US20220057873A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

A display device having a photosensing function is provided. A display device having a biometric authentication function typified by fingerprint authentication is provided. A display device having both a touch panel function and a biometric authentication function is provided. The display device includes a first substrate, a light guide plate, a first light-emitting element, a second light-emitting element, and a light-receiving element. The first substrate and the light guide plate are provided to face each other. The first light-emitting element and the light-receiving element are provided between the first substrate and the light guide plate. The first light-emitting element has a function of emitting first light through the light guide plate. The second light-emitting element has a function of emitting second light to a side surface of the light guide plate. The light-receiving element has a function of receiving the second light and converting the second light into an electric signal. The first light includes visible light, and the second light includes infrared light.

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140125221A1
Принадлежит: The University of Southern California

Devices comprising an organic light emitting device are provided. The devices can include an anode; a cathode; and an organic layer, disposed between the anode and the cathode. The organic layer comprising at least one host material comprising a phosphorescent complex comprising novel phosphorescent trigonal copper carbene complexes. The complex comprise a carbene ligand coordinated to a three coordinate copper atom. The complex may be used in organic light emitting devices. In particular, the complexes may be especially useful in OLEDs used for lighting applications. 1an anode;a cathode; andan organic layer, disposed between the anode and the cathode, the organic layer further comprising at least one host material comprising a phosphorescent complex, the phosphorescent complex comprising a three coordinate copper atom and a carbene ligand, wherein the phosphorescent complex has the formula:. A first device comprising an organic light emitting device, further comprising:wherein *C is a divalent carbon atom coordinated to a monovalent copper atom Cu;{'sub': 1', '2, 'wherein Xand Xare substituents independently selected from alkyl, amine, phosphine, heteroalkyl, aryl and heteroaryl;'}{'sub': 1', '2, 'wherein Xand Xmay be further substituted;'}{'sub': 1', '2, 'wherein Xand Xare optionally linked to form a cycle;'}{'sub': 1', '2, 'wherein Yand Yare substituents that are independently selected from the group consisting of alkyl, heteroalkyl, aryl and heteroaryl;'}{'sub': 1', '2, 'wherein Yand Ymay be further substituted;'}{'sub': 1', '2, 'wherein each of Yand Yform a bond with Cu;'}{'sub': 1', '2', '1', '2, 'wherein Y-Yrepresents a bidentate ligand or two monodentate ligands (Yand Y);'}{'sub': 1', '1', '2', '2, 'wherein a first bond is formed between Cu and an atom Y′in substituent Yand a second bond is formed between Cu and an atom Y′in substituent Y'}{'sub': 1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2, 'wherein (i) Y′is N and Y′is selected from the group consisting of N, C, P, O, S and ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180047917A1

Provided are an organic electroluminescence device having high current efficiency and a long lifetime, and a biscarbazole derivative for realizing the device. The biscarbazole derivative has a specific substituent. The organic EL device has a plurality of organic thin-film layers including a light emitting layer between a cathode and an anode, and at least one layer of the organic thin-film layers contains the biscarbazole derivative. 222-. (canceled) The present invention relates to a biscarbazole derivative and an organic electroluminescence device using the derivative, in particular, an organic electroluminescence device having high current efficiency and a long lifetime, and a biscarbazole derivative for realizing the device.In recent years, research has been vigorously conducted on an organic thin-film light emitting device that emits light upon recombination of an electron injected from a cathode and a hole injected from an anode in an organic light emitting body interposed between both the electrodes. The light emitting device has been attracting attention because of the following features. The device is thin and emits light having high luminance under a low driving voltage, and the selection of its light emitting material allows the device to emit light beams of various colors.When a voltage is applied to an organic electroluminescence device (hereinafter referred to as “organic EL device”), a hole and an electron are injected into a light emitting layer from an anode and a cathode, respectively. Then, the hole and the electron thus injected recombine in the light emitting layer to form an exciton. At this time, singlet excitons and triplet excitons are produced at a ratio of 25%:75% according to the statistical law of electron spins. When the organic EL devices are classified in accordance with their light emission principles, the internal quantum efficiency of a fluorescence-type organic EL device is said to be at most 25% because the device uses light ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049760A1

An embodiment relates to a light emitting module, a light emitting module manufacturing method, a light emitting cabinet, and a display device. The display device of an embodiment includes: a support frame; and a plurality of light emitting cabinets including a plurality of light emitting modules disposed on the support frame, wherein the plurality of light emitting modules may include a substrate, a plurality of light emitting units directly mounted on the substrate, and a black matrix disposed on the substrate to surround each of the plurality of light emitting units. The embodiment may implement uniform color and uniform brightness by providing a light emitting module providing full color, and may implement slimness and high brightness by simplifying a configuration of the light emitting module in a chip on board (COB) type. The embodiment may implement low power driving and improve productivity and yield by simplifying the configuration of the light-emitting module. 1. A display device comprising:a support frame; anda plurality of light-emitting cabinets including a plurality of light-emitting modules disposed on the support frame,wherein each of the plurality of light-emitting modules includes a substrate, a light-emitting unit on the substrate, and a black matrix disposed on the substrate to surround the light-emitting unit, and the light-emitting unit has a width of less than 500 μm.2. The display device of claim 1 , wherein the light-emitting unit includes:a first light-emitting device mounted directly on the substrate and emitting a red wavelength;a second light-emitting device mounted directly on the substrate and emitting a green wavelength;a third light-emitting device mounted directly on the substrate and emitting a blue wavelength; anda molding part covering the first to third light-emitting devices,wherein each of the first to third light-emitting devices has a width of 200 μm or less,the light-emitting unit and the black matrix are a chip on board ( ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140139103A1
Автор: CHOI Hee Dong
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

An electrostatic discharge device and an organic electro-luminescence display device having the same are provided. The organic electro-luminescence display device includes an electrostatic discharge device including a metal pattern having an island shape on a substrate, an insulating layer on the metal pattern, a semiconductor pattern on the insulating layer, the semiconductor pattern corresponding to the metal pattern, a first electrode overlapping one end of the semiconductor pattern, and a second electrode overlapping the other end of the semiconductor pattern, and spaced from the first electrode, thereby preventing a current leakage, a signal distortion and a signal cross-talk to improve the reliability. 12-. (canceled)3. An electrostatic discharge device comprising:an insulating layer on a substrate; a first electrode overlapping one end of the semiconductor pattern; and', 'a second electrode overlapping the other end of the semiconductor pattern and spaced from the first electrode., 'a semiconductor pattern on the insulating layer;'}4. The electrostatic discharge device according to claim 3 , wherein the semiconductor pattern comprises:a first semiconductor pattern formed of an amorphous silicon layer; anda second semiconductor pattern on the first semiconductor pattern, the second semiconductor layer being formed of an amorphous silicon layer doped with impurities.59-. (canceled)10. An organic electro-luminescence display device comprising:a first substrate where an image display region and an image non-display region are defined;at least one film transistor on a pixel region defined by a gate line and a data line crossing each other;an electrostatic discharge device in the image non-display region, the electrostatic discharge device being on one end of the gate line; andan organic light emitting device on the image display region, wherein the electrostatic discharge device comprises:an insulating layer on the substrate;a semiconductor pattern on the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Display Driving Circuit, Array Substrate, Circuit Driving Method, and Display Device

Номер: US20180061318A1
Автор: Sun Tuo, Yin Xinshe
Принадлежит: BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

The embodiments of this disclosure provide a display driving circuit, an array substrate, a circuit driving method, and a display device. The array substrate comprises a plurality of rows of scan lines, a plurality of columns of data lines, and a plurality of pixel units being defined by intersecting of the plurality of rows of scan lines and the plurality of columns of data lines; each column of data lines being connected to a reset module; each column of data lines being further connected to a current control module configured to form a first current flowing from a data line connected thereto to a reference voltage line; a first transistor, a second transistor, a first capacitor, and a connection enable module are disposed within each of the pixel units, gates of the first transistor and the second transistor are both connected to a first node, and first electrodes of the first transistor and the second transistor are both connected to a preset-level voltage line; the connection enable module is connected to one scan line corresponding to a pertained pixel unit; the first capacitor is connected between the first node and the preset-level voltage line; and a second electrode of the second transistor is connected to the output terminal of the pertained pixel unit. This disclosure can reduce the number of transistors within the pixel unit and the number of signal lines in the row direction, simplify circuit structure and circuit timing. 1. A display driving circuit , being connected to one scan line and one data line , and comprising a pixel unit , a reset module , and a current control module , whereinthe reset module is connected to a reset signal line and the data line, respectively, and configured to set a voltage on the data line to a preset initial voltage when an active level is on the reset signal line;the current control module is connected to a reference signal line, a data voltage signal line, and the data line, respectively, and configured to form a first ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210066632A1

A quantum dot composition includes quantum dots and a leveling agent, wherein the leveling agent includes a first repeating unit represented by Formula 1 and a second repeating unit represented by Formula 2: 2. The quantum dot composition of claim 1 , wherein the quantum dots comprise a semiconductor material selected from Group III-VI semiconductor compounds claim 1 , Group II-VI semiconductor compounds claim 1 , Group III-V semiconductor compounds claim 1 , Group IV-VI semiconductor compounds claim 1 , Group IV elements or compounds claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The quantum dot composition of claim 1 , wherein:a number average molecular weight of the leveling agent is about 1,000 to about 30,000;a weight average molecular weight of the leveling agent is about 1,000 to about 30,000; anda PDI of the leveling agent is about 1.0 to about 2.5.5. The quantum dot composition of claim 1 , wherein the viscosity of the quantum dot composition is about 1 cP to about 10 cP claim 1 , and the surface tension of the quantum dot composition is about 10 dynes/cm to about 30 dynes/cm.7. The light-emitting device of claim 6 , wherein the emission layer comprises a first region and a second region claim 6 , anda concentration of the quantum dots in the first region is different from a concentration of the quantum dots in the second region.8. The light-emitting device of claim 7 , wherein the second region has a portion having a maximum quantum-dot concentration claim 7 , andthe first region is between one surface of the emission layer and the second region of the emission layer.9. The light-emitting device of claim 7 , wherein the first region has a portion having a maximum concentration of the leveling agent claim 7 , andthe first region is between one surface of the emission layer and the second region of the emission layer.10. The light-emitting device of claim 6 , wherein the concentration of the quantum dots increases from one surface of the emission layer to the other ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069905A1
Автор: TANAHASHI Osamu

Auxiliary wiring boards and have electrode pads and which are electrically connected to electrode extraction units and of an organic EL device and metal pads and which are electrically connected to the electrode pads and . The metal pads and are wire-bonded to metal lands and of a wiring board by ultrasonic waves at a low joining temperature. Accordingly, a thermal denaturation of the organic EL device can be suppressed and moreover, the organic EL device can be electrically connected to the wiring board regardless of whether the electrode extraction units and are made up of the metal material or the non-metal material. 1. A light emitting module , comprising:a flat plate-shaped light emitting panel having a light emitting surface on one surface; anda wiring board which is mounted on a non-light emitting surface located to an opposite side of the light emitting surface of the light emitting panel to supply power to the light emitting panel, whereinthe light emitting module further includes an auxiliary wiring board which electrically connects the light emitting panel to the wiring board,the light emitting panel has an organic EL device as a light source, and electrode extraction units provided on the non-light emitting surface and derived from electrodes of the organic EL device,the wiring board has a conductive metal land provided on a surface located opposite to a surface which is mounted on the light emitting panel,the auxiliary wiring board has an electrode pad provided on a surface facing the light emitting panel and electrically connected to the electrode extraction units and a conductive metal pad provided on a surface located to an opposite side of the surface on which the electrode pad is located and electrically connected to the electrode pad, andthe metal pad is wire-bonded to the metal land by using a conductive metal wire, and both ends of the metal wire are joined to the metal pad and the metal land by ultrasonic joining.2. The light emitting module ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Cerium doped magnesium barium tungstate luminescent thin film, manufacturing method and application thereof

Номер: US20140145114A1

Cerium doped magnesium barium tungstate luminescent thin film, manufacturing method and application thereof are provided, said method for manufacturing cerium doped magnesium barium tungstate luminescent thin film comprises the following steps: mixing MgO, BaO, WO 3 and Ce 2 O 3 , sintering for forming sputtering target, forming the precursor of cerium doped magnesium barium tungstate luminescent thin film by magnetron sputtering, annealing the precursor of cerium doped magnesium barium tungstate luminescent thin film, and then forming cerium doped magnesium barium tungstate luminescent thin film. Said cerium doped magnesium barium tungstate luminescent thin film exhibits high luminescence efficiency and high light emitting peaks in red and blue regions. Said method presents the advantages of simplified operation, less cost, and suitable for industrial preparation.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Organic Electroluminescent Device

Номер: US20190067597A1
Автор: Takeda Akira

An organic electroluminescent device includes a pair of electrodes; and an organic layer between the pair of electrodes, which includes a light-emitting layer, wherein the organic layer contains a compound represented by the following formula (I); and the light-emitting layer contains a iridium complex phosphorescent material: 2. The organic electroluminescent device of claim 1 , whereinthe iridium complex phosphorescent material has a maximum emission wavelength of smaller than 470 nm.3. The organic electroluminescent device of claim 1 , whereinthe iridium complex phosphorescent material contains a ligand bonding to an iridium atom via a carbene carbon.6. The organic electroluminescent device of claim 1 , whereinthe iridium complex phosphorescent material contains a ligand bonding to an iridium atom via a nitrogen atom of a pyrazole structure.9. The organic electroluminescent device of claim 1 , whereinthe iridium complex phosphorescent material contains a ligand bonding to an iridium atom via the nitrogen atom of a pyridine structure.13. The organic electroluminescent device of claim 1 , whereinthe compound represented by the formula (I) is contained in the light-emitting layer. The present invention relates to an organic electroluminescent device capable of emitting light by converting electric energy into light (hereinafter also referred to as “organic EL device”, “luminescent device” or “device”), in particular relates to an organic electroluminescent device excellent in light-emitting characteristics and durability.Various types of display devices using organic light-emitting materials (organic luminescent devices) are actively researched and developed these days.Above all, organic EL devices are attracting public attention as promising display devices for capable of emitting light of high luminance with low voltage.Also in recent years, the increase in efficiency of the devices has been advanced by the use of phosphorescent materials. As phosphorescent ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Organic electroluminescent element and electronic device

Номер: US20170069863A1

There is constituted an organic electroluminescent element, including: an anode; a cathode; and a light-emitting layer sandwiched between the anode and the cathode, wherein at least two kinds or more of light-emitting dopants each of which exhibits an emission spectrum having a peak in a region of a wavelength of 580 nm or more are contained in the light-emitting layer.

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140153247A1

A wavelength converting element () comprising a polymeric material having a polymeric backbone, the polymeric material comprising a wavelength converting moiety, wherein the wavelength converting moiety is adapted to convert light of a first wavelength to light of a second wavelength, and wherein the wavelength converting moiety is covalently attached to the polymer backbone and/or covalently incorporated into the polymer backbone. The stability and lifetime of wavelength converting molecules comprised in a polymeric material may be improved by covalently attaching the wavelength converting moieties to the polymeric material. 2. The wavelength converting element according to claim 1 , wherein said random polyester copolymer comprises a mixture of said repeating units: n claim 1 , nand n claim 1 , said repeating units are randomly distributed along the length of said polymeric backbone claim 1 , and the total number of repeating units of formula nand nis larger than the total number of repeating units of formula nin the polymeric backbone.3. The wavelength converting element according to claim 1 , wherein said random polyester copolymer comprises a mixture of said repeating units: n claim 1 , nand n claim 1 , said repeating units are randomly distributed along the length of the polymeric backbone claim 1 , and the total number of repeating units of formula nis larger than the total number of repeating units of formula nand nin the polymeric backbone.6. The wavelength converting element according to claim 5 , wherein said random polyolefine copolymer comprises said at least two different repeating units of the said general formula mand m claim 5 , wherein Xindependently is hydrogen claim 5 , chlorine claim 5 , methyl; Xindependently is CHor COCH claim 5 , n being 0 or an integer from 1 to 6 claim 5 , or nitrile claim 5 , and Xis said wavelength converting moiety wherein said linking group comprises —CO— for covalent attachment of said wavelength converting moiety to ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180076408A1
Автор: Oyamada Takahito

A light emitting unit () includes a first light emitting region () and a second light emitting region (). The first light emitting region () and the second light emitting region () are adjacent each other, each region including a first electrode, an organic layer, and a second electrode. The organic layer is located between the first electrode and the second electrode. A light limiting layer () is formed between the first light emitting region () and the second light emitting region (). The light limiting layer () prevents light incident on the second light emitting region () from being incident on the first light emitting region (). 1. A light emitting device comprising:a substrate; anda light emitting unit on the substrate,wherein the light emitting unit comprises a first light emitting region and a second light emitting region, andwherein the first light emitting region and the second light emitting region are adjacent each other, each region comprising a first electrode, a second electrode, and an organic layer between the first electrode and the second electrode,the light emitting device further comprisinga light limiting layer on the substrate between the first light emitting region and the second light emitting region, the light limiting layer preventing light incident on the second light emitting region from being incident on the first light emitting region.2. A light emitting device comprising:a substrate;a first light emitting region and a second light emitting region on the substrate and are adjacent to each other; anda light limiting layer on the substrate and between the first light emitting region and the second light emitting region,wherein the light limiting layer comprises a low transmittance material having a light transmittance lower than a light transmittance of a material constituting the light limiting layer.3. The light emitting device according to claim 2 ,wherein the low transmittance material is carbon.4. The light emitting device according ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160081159A1

An organic light-emitting diode comprising a generally extensive first electrode; a generally extensive second electrode placed facing the first electrode, the second electrode comprising at least two portions that are electrically insulated from each other; at least one emissive organic layer placed between the first and second electrodes; and zones for electrically connecting the first and second electrodes. The zones for electrically connecting the first and second electrodes are located on at least one of the edges of the diode. 1. An organic light-emitting diode comprising:a generally extensive first electrode;a generally extensive second electrode placed facing said first electrode said second electrode comprising at least two portions that are electrically insulated from each other;at least one emissive organic layer placed between said first and second electrodes;zones for electrically connecting said first and second electrodes anda plurality of edges;whereinsaid zones for electrically connecting said first and second electrodes are located on at least one of the edges of said organic light-emitting diode.2. The organic light-emitting diode according to claim 1 , wherein said first electrode is electrically connected to said at least two separate connecting zones.3. The organic light-emitting diode according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of said portions of said second electrode is electrically connected to said at least two separate connecting zones.4. The organic light-emitting diodede according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of said portions of said second electrode skirts around said other portion claim 1 , or one of said other portions claim 1 , from said edge or one of said edges comprising said electrically connecting zones.5. he organic light-emitting diode according to claim 4 , wherein said portion claim 4 , or each of said portions claim 4 , of said second electrode that skirts around said other portion or one of said other portions from ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Enhanced Luminous Flux Semiconductor Light Emitting Devices Including Red Phosphors that Exhibit Good Color Rendering Properties and Related Red Phosphors

Номер: US20140167601A1
Принадлежит: CREE, INC.

Light emitting devices include an LED that emits light having a dominant wavelength in the blue color range and a recipient luminophoric medium that is configured to down-convert at least some of the light emitted by the LED. In these devices, the recipient luminophoric medium may include at least a green phosphor that down-converts the radiation emitted by the LED to radiation having a peak wavelength that is between about 525 nanometers and about 545 nanometers, a yellow phosphor that down-converts the radiation emitted by the LED to radiation having a peak wavelength that is between about 550 nanometers and about 570 nanometers, and a red (CaSrEu)SiAlNphosphor. The red (CaSrEu)SiAlNphosphor may have a europium content of at least 0.025. 1. A light emitting device , comprising:a light emitting diode (“LED”) that emits light having a dominant wavelength in the blue color range; {'sub': a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'z, 'a green YCeAlGaOphosphor that down-converts the radiation emitted by the LED to radiation having a peak wavelength that is between about 525 nanometers and about 545 nanometers;'}, 'a recipient luminophoric medium that is configured to down-convert at least some of the light emitted by the LED, the recipient luminophoric medium including at leasta yellow phosphor that down-converts the radiation emitted by the LED to radiation having a peak wavelength that is between about 550 nanometers and about 570 nanometers; and{'sub': 1-x-y', 'x', 'y', '3, 'sup': '2+', 'a red (CaSrEu)SiAlNphosphor that has a europium content of between 0.025 and 0.050,'}wherein x, y, z, a, b, c and d are greater than zero.2. (canceled)3. The light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the yellow phosphor is a YAlO:Ce phosphor.4. The light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the europium content of the (CaSr)SiAlN:Eu phosphor is at least about 0.030.5. The light emitting device of claim 3 , wherein a ratio by weight of the green phosphor to a combination of the yellow phosphor and the ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140167602A1

OLED displays capable of operation at a sunlight readable luminance value are disclosed. Devices as disclosed may be wearable such that the display is flexible and the operating temperature rise due to the display operation is below a threshold. Displays with an operating power consumption density of not more than 65 mW/cmwhen operating at 78 mW/cmat 100% full white are also provided. 1. A wearable device comprising:a flexible display comprising a phosphorescent first emissive layer;{'sup': '2', 'wherein the display is capable of operation at a luminance value of at least 700 cd/mwithout exceeding an operating temperature increase of 26° C.'}2. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the display comprises a plurality of pixels with a combined resolution of at least 200 dpi.3. The device as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a second emissive layer having a peak emission wavelength different from the first emissive layers.4. The device as recited in claim 3 , further comprising a third emissive layer having a peak emission wavelength different from the first and second emissive layers.5. The device as recited in claim 4 , wherein the second emissive layer has a deep blue peak emission wavelength claim 4 , and wherein the third emissive layer has a light blue peak emission wavelength.6. The device as recited in claim 4 , further comprising a fourth organic emissive layer having a peak emission wavelength different from the first claim 4 , second claim 4 , and third emissive layer.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein the fourth organic emissive layer has an infra-red emission wavelength.8. The device of claim 6 , wherein the fourth organic emissive layer has a light blue emission wavelength.9. The device of claim 6 , wherein the fourth organic emissive layer has a dark blue emission wavelength.10. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the display dims to operate at a luminance value less than 700 cd/mbased on ambient lighting conditions.11. The device as ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160095172A1

Provided is a flexible organic light emitting display device including a pixel area and a bezel area that includes a first inorganic encapsulation layer on an organic light emitting element of the pixel area; a second inorganic encapsulation layer that is relatively flatter than the first inorganic encapsulation layer and encapsulates a plurality of foreign matter compensation layers by contacting the first inorganic encapsulation layer in the bezel area; and a foreign matter compensation layer structure in which the plurality of foreign matter compensation layers are stacked between the first inorganic encapsulation layer and the second inorganic encapsulation layer. 1. A flexible organic light emitting display device including a pixel area and a bezel area , comprising:a first inorganic encapsulation layer on an organic light emitting element of the pixel area;a second inorganic encapsulation layer that is relatively flatter than the first inorganic encapsulation layer and encapsulates a plurality of foreign matter compensation layers by contacting the first inorganic encapsulation layer in the bezel area; anda foreign matter compensation layer structure in which the plurality of foreign matter compensation layers are stacked between the first inorganic encapsulation layer and the second inorganic encapsulation layer.2. The flexible organic light emitting display device according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second inorganic encapsulation layers and the foreign matter compensation layer structure protect the organic light emitting element from oxygen and/or moisture.3. The flexible organic light emitting display device according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of foreign matter compensation layers are stacked on a basis of flowability of materials configuring the plurality of foreign matter compensation layers claim 1 , capability of suppressing possible damage generated during manufacturing claim 1 , flexibility claim 1 , and reduction in thickness.4. ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190090325A1

The present invention relates to a light converting device () comprising a solid state light source () and a wavelength converting layer () arranged to at least partly wavelength convert the light emitted, in use, by the solid state light source (), the wavelength converting layer () having a back side () facing the solid state light source () and a front side () opposite the back side (), wherein the front side () of the wavelength converting layer () defines an exit window of the light converting device (). The light converting device () further comprises a hydrophobic nanostructure () having spaced apart protrusions () arranged on the front side () of the wavelength converting layer () and a protective coating () applied on top of the hydrophobic nanostructure (). 1. A light converting device comprising:a solid state light source;a wavelength converting layer arranged to at least partly wavelength convert the light emitted by the solid state light source, the wavelength converting layer having a back side facing the solid state light source and a front side opposite the backside, wherein the front side of the wavelength converting layer defines an exit window of the light converting device; and{'sub': 'p', 'wherein the light converting device further comprises a hydrophobic nanostructure having spaced apart protrusions, provided on the front side of the wavelength converting layer, the height (D) of the spaced apart protrusions is selected be larger than the penetration (d) into the hydrophobic nanastructure of an evanescent wave of light being totally internally reflected at the front side of the wavelength converting layer, and'}wherein the light converting device further comprising a protective coating applied on top of the hydrophobic nanostructure.2. (canceled)3. A light converting device according to claim 1 , wherein the height (D) of the hydrophobic nanostructure is at least 50 nm claim 1 , or 75 nm claim 1 , or 100 nm claim 1 , or 125 nm claim 1 , or 150 ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095195A1

A compound having a Pt tetradentate structure of Formula 1, 2. The first organic light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the first organic light emitting device further comprises the hole blocking layer.3. The first organic light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the first organic light emitting device further comprises the electron blocking layer.4. The first organic light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the organic layer comprises an electron transporting host and a hole transporting host.7. The first organic light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the first organic light emitting device is incorporated into a device selected from the group consisting of a consumer product claim 1 , an electronic component module claim 1 , an organic light-emitting device claim 1 , and a lighting panel.8. The first organic light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the organic layer is an emissive layer and the compound is an emissive dopant or a non-emissive dopant.9. The first organic light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , and R′ are each independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen claim 1 , deuterium claim 1 , fluorine claim 1 , alkyl claim 1 , cycloalkyl claim 1 , heteroalkyl claim 1 , alkoxy claim 1 , aryloxy claim 1 , amino claim 1 , silyl claim 1 , alkenyl claim 1 , cycloalkenyl claim 1 , heteroalkenyl claim 1 , aryl claim 1 , heteroaryl claim 1 , nitrile claim 1 , isonitrile claim 1 , sulfanyl claim 1 , and combinations thereof.10. The first organic light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the organic layer further comprises a host claim 1 , wherein the host comprises at least one chemical group selected from the group consisting of triphenylene claim 1 , carbazole claim 1 , dibenzothiophene claim 1 , dibenzofuran claim 1 , dibenzoselenophene claim 1 , azatriphenylene claim 1 , azacarbazole claim 1 , aza-dibenzothiophene claim 1 , aza-dibenzofuran claim ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Light-emitting element and light-emitting device

Номер: US20220149309A1
Автор: Kenji Kimoto, Noboru Iwata
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A light-emitting element ( 2 ) includes: an anode ( 4 ); a hole transport layer ( 6 ); a light-emitting layer ( 8 ) containing quantum dots ( 16 ); an electron transport layer ( 10 ); and a cathode ( 12 ), arranged in this order, the light-emitting element further including a charge blocking layer ( 14 ) either between the light-emitting layer and the hole transport layer or between the light-emitting layer and the electron transport layer or both, wherein the charge blocking layer contains, as an element: a transition metal element that is a component of an oxide semiconductor; at least one selected from Al, Mg, and Si; and O.

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107426A1
Принадлежит: Merck Patent GmBH

The invention relates to europium or samarium-doped terbium molybdates, to a method for producing said compounds, and to the use of the claimed europium or samarium-doped terbium molybdates as conversion lumiophores. The invention also relates to a light-emitting device containing a claimed europium or samarium-doped terbium molybdate. 1. Compound of the formula I ,{'br': None, 'sub': 2', 'x', '1-b', 'b', 'y', '3x+3y, '(Tb)(MoW)O:Ln\u2003\u2003I'}in which{'sup': 3+', '3+, 'Ln denotes Sm or Eu;'}x denotes 1, 2 or 3;1≦y≦8; and0≦b<1.2. Compound according to selected from the formula Ia{'br': None, 'sub': 2-a', 'a', 'x', '1-b', 'b', 'y', '3x+3y, '(TbLn)(MoW)O\u2003\u2003Ia'}{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'in which Ln, x, y and b have one of the meanings indicated in , and 0.1≦a≦1.'}3. A compound according to claim 1 , characterised in that they are in phase-pure form.4. A compound according to claim 1 , in which 0.2≦a≦1.5. A compound according to claim 1 , in which 0.4≦a≦1.6. A compound according to claim 1 , in which Ln is equal to Sm.7. A compound according to claim 1 , in which x is equal to 1.8. A compound according to claim 1 , in which y is equal to 3.9. A compound according to claim 1 , in which b is equal to 0.10. A process for the preparation of a compound according to claim 1 , characterised in that claim 1 , in a step a) claim 1 , suitable starting materials selected from nitrides claim 1 , and oxides or corresponding reactive forms of a europium or samarium source claim 1 , a molybdenum source and a terbium source claim 1 , and optionally a tungsten source claim 1 , are mixed claim 1 , and claim 1 , in a step b) claim 1 , the mixture is thermally treated.11. A method which comprises partially or completely converting a blue or near-UV emission into visible light of a longer wavelength claim 1 , which comprises converting the blue or near-UV emission using a compound according to .12. An emission-converting material comprising a compound ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: US20220173182A1
Автор: Shoji Okazaki, Tohru Okabe
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A display device (2) includes: a planarization film; and a light-emitting-element layer including an anode, an edge cover, an EL active layer, and a cathode in this sequence. The display device further includes: a first photospacer and a second photospacer each having a surface thereof covered by the cathode; and a lightning rod photospacer (44) including a second projection portion (44b) that is a part of the planarization film and having a surface thereof covered by a first metal film (44c) made of the same material and in the same layer as the anode.

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Light-Emitting Device, Light-Emitting Apparatus, Electronic Device, and Lighting Device

Номер: US20210126213A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

A novel light-emitting device is provided. Alternatively, a light-emitting device with favorable emission efficiency is provided. Alternatively, a light-emitting device with a favorable lifetime is provided. Alternatively, a light-emitting device with a low driving voltage is provided. Provided is a light-emitting device including an anode, a cathode, and a layer including an organic compound that is positioned between the anode and the cathode, in which the layer including the organic compound includes a first layer, a second layer, and a light-emitting layer in this order from the anode side, the first layer includes a first substance and a second substance, the second layer includes a third substance, the first substance is an organic compound a HOMO level of which is higher than or equal to −5.8 eV and lower than or equal to −5.4 eV, the second substance is a substance that has an electron-acceptor property with respect to the first substance, and the third substance is an organic compound having a structure in which at least two substituents comprising carbazole rings are bonded to a naphthalene ring.

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Organic el display panel for reducing resistance of electrode lines

Номер: US20160120006A1
Автор: Chang Nam Kim
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing LLC

Method for fabricating an organic EL display panel having an EL region at every cross of first and second electrodes, including the steps of forming a plurality of first electrodes at regular intervals on a transparent substrate, forming an insulating later in regions other than the EL regions, forming second supplementary electrodes on the insulating layer, forming an electric insulating barrier between adjacent EL regions perpendicular to the first electrodes, forming an organic EL layer in each of the EL regions with a shadow mask, depositing an electrode material on an entire surface inclusive of the organic EL layer, to form a plurality of second electrodes, and forming a protection film on an entire surface inclusive of the second electrodes.

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200109235A1

A conjugated polymer, comprising repeat units represented by formula (I), 8. The conjugated polymer according to claim 6 , wherein the aromatic ring group includes benzene claim 6 , biphenyl claim 6 , triphenyl claim 6 , benzo claim 6 , fluorene claim 6 , and indolefluorene;the heteroaromatic ring group includes triphenylamine, dibenzothiophene, dibenzofuran, dibenzoselenophen, furan, thiophene, benzofuran, benzothiophene, benzoselenophene, carbazole, indolocarbazole, indolopyridine, pyrrolodipyridine, pyrazole, imidazole, triazole, oxazole, thiazole, oxadiazole, oxatriazole, dioxazole, thiadiazole, pyridine, pyridazine, pyrimidine, pyrazine, triazine, oxazine, oxathiazin, oxadiazine, indole, benzimidazole, indazole, benzisoxazole, dibenzoxazole, isoxazole, benzothiazole, quinoline, isoquinoline, cinnoline, quinazoline, quinoxaline, naphthalene, phthalein, pteridine, xanthene, acridine, phenazine, phenothiazine, phenoxazine, benzofuropyridine, furodipyridine, benzothienopyridine, thienodipyridine, benzoselenophenopyridine, and selenophenodipyridine.9. The conjugated polymer according to claim 7 , wherein the crosslinkable group L is selected from the group consisting of a linear alkenyl group claim 7 , a cyclic alkenyl group claim 7 , a linear dienyl group claim 7 , an alkynyl group claim 7 , an alkenyloxy group claim 7 , a dienyloxy group claim 7 , an acrylic group claim 7 , an epoxypropyl group claim 7 , an oxirane group claim 7 , a silane group claim 7 , and a cyclobutyl group.12. The polymeric monomer according to claim 11 , wherein Q is selected from the group consisting of Cl claim 11 , Br claim 11 , I claim 11 , o-tosylate claim 11 , o-triflate claim 11 , o-mesylate claim 11 , o-nonaflate claim 11 , NH claim 11 , SiMeF claim 11 , O—SOR claim 11 , B(OR) claim 11 , —CR═C(R) claim 11 , —C≡CH and Sn(R);{'sub': '11', 'Ris selected from the group consisting of H, D, F, CN, an alkyl chain, a fluoroalkyl chain, an aromatic ring, a heteroaromatic ring, an amino group, ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220265872A1

A light source for emitting emitted light having an SPD comprising: (a) a plurality of light emitters including at least one violet solid-state emitter; (b) at least one phosphor; wherein said light emitters and said at least one phosphor being configured such that: at least 25% of the power within the SPD is in the range 390-420 nm, and the emitted light has a chromaticity which is within a Duv distance of less than 5 points from the Planckian locus. 1. A method of reducing bactericidal counts , the method comprising:powering a light source to emit emitted light having a chromaticity, said light source comprising a plurality of light emitters including at least one violet solid-state emitter and at least one phosphor, wherein said chromaticity is within a Duv distance of less than 5E-3 from the Planckian locus, wherein said chromaticity and said Duv are calculated using CIE 1964 10° CMFs; andconfiguring said light source to illuminate a surface with said emitted light to reduce a bacterial count by at least a factor of ten in twelve hours.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the light source is characterized by a second chromaticity and a second distance to the Planckian Duv2 claim 1 , calculated with the 1931 2° CMFs claim 1 , and Duv2 is larger than 5E-3.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the surface receives a violet irradiance in the range 390-420 nm of at least 1 W/m2.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the source has a CRI Ra above 80.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the violet solid-state emitter has a peak in the wavelength range 400-410 nm. This application is a divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/633,425, filed Jun. 26, 2017, which is based on U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/354,464, filed Jun. 24, 2016, hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.The present invention relates, generally, to a light source, and, more specifically, to a bactericidal light source with a high quality of light.It has recently been discovered that a high flux of ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190119566A1

A compound having a Pt tetradentate structure of Formula 1, 2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein Qis oxygen claim 1 , and Qand Qeach represents a direct bond.3. The compound of claim 1 , wherein n1 is 1 claim 1 , and n2 is 0.4. The compound of claim 1 , wherein n1 is 0 claim 1 , and n2 is 1.5. The compound of claim 1 , wherein L claim 1 , L claim 1 , and Lare each independently selected from the group consisting of a direct bond claim 1 , NR claim 1 , O claim 1 , SiRR′ claim 1 , alkyl claim 1 , cycloalkyl claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The compound of claim 1 , wherein at least one of L claim 1 , L claim 1 , and Lis SiRR′ or GeRR′ claim 1 , and R and R′ are each independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen claim 1 , deuterium claim 1 , methyl claim 1 , ethyl claim 1 , propyl claim 1 , 1-methylethyl claim 1 , butyl claim 1 , 1-methylpropyl claim 1 , 2-methylpropyl claim 1 , pentyl claim 1 , 1-methylbutyl claim 1 , 2-methylbutyl claim 1 , 3-methylbutyl claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,1-dimethylpropyl claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2-dimethylpropyl claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,2-dimethylpropyl claim 1 , cyclopentyl claim 1 , cyclohexyl claim 1 , phenyl claim 1 , and combinations thereof.7. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the compound is neutral.8. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the compound has at least one Pt-carbene bond.9. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the rings of C and D are each independently selected from the group consisting of phenyl claim 1 , pyridine claim 1 , and imidazole.10. The compound of claim 1 , wherein X is NR claim 1 , wherein Ris selected from the group consisting of aryl claim 1 , heteroaryl claim 1 , substituted aryl claim 1 , and substituted heteroaryl.11. The compound of claim 1 , wherein X is NR claim 1 , wherein Ris 2 claim 1 ,6-disubstituted aryl.15. The first organic light emitting device of claim 14 , wherein the first organic light emitting device is incorporated into a device selected from the group consisting of a consumer product ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Organic light emitting diode

Номер: US20150144897A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

The present disclosure provides an organic light emitting device that includes a first electrode, a second electrode, and two or more light emitting units provided between the first electrode and the second electrode, wherein a charge generation layer is provided between, among the light emitting units, two light emitting units that are adjacent to each other, an electron transport layer is provided between the charge generation layer and the light emitting unit placed closer to the first electrode of the two adjacent light emitting units, and the electron transport layer includes a first electron transport layer doped with an n-type dopant, and a second electron transport layer doped with a metal salt, metal oxide or organic metal salt.

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Display panel

Номер: US20190140026A1
Автор: Youhei Nakanishi
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

To prevent the display quality from being degraded as a result of (i) a boundary portion of an edge region of the display region being visibly in the shape of stairs and/or (ii) emitted light having an unintended color, a display panel includes a light-shielding section including, for each pixel ( 5 ) through which a curved boundary line (ideal line) extends, sub-pixel light-shielding sections ( 3 a ) each overlapping a corresponding one of a red sub-pixel ( 4 R), a green sub-pixel ( 4 G), and a blue sub-pixel ( 4 B).

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160154274A1

A display module includes a light source and a display unit. The light source has an emission spectrum having maximum peak values corresponding to a first maximum peak wavelength and a second maximum peak wavelength. The display unit includes a green filter layer having a transmittance spectrum. The emission spectrum and the transmittance spectrum have a right cross-point and a left cross-point. A product of an emission intensity value of the emission spectrum corresponding to the right cross-point and a transmittance intensity value of the transmittance spectrum corresponding to the right cross-point is a first product value. A product of an emission intensity value of the emission spectrum corresponding to the left cross-point and a transmittance intensity value of the transmittance spectrum corresponding to the left cross-point is a second product value. A ratio of the first product value to the second product value is less than 20%. 1. A display module , comprises:a light source having an emission spectrum, and the emission spectrum between 480 nm and 640 nm of wavelength having a first maximum peak value corresponding to a first maximum peak wavelength, and the emission spectrum between 380 nm and 480 nm of wavelength having a second maximum peak value corresponding to a second maximum peak wavelength; and a first substrate;', 'a second substrate;', 'a display medium disposed between the first substrate and the second substrate; and', 'a green filter layer disposed on the first substrate or on the second substrate, and having a transmittance spectrum,, 'a display unit, comprising 'a product of a right emission intensity value of the emission spectrum corresponding to the right cross-point and a right transmittance intensity value of the transmittance spectrum corresponding to the right cross-point is a first product value;', 'wherein the emission spectrum and the transmittance spectrum between 640 nm and 780 nm of wavelength has a right cross-point, and'} 'a ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150156847A1

A lighting portion is attached to a reflective liquid crystal display portion. A first transparent substrate and a second transparent substrate made of a glass substrate etc. are attached to each other with a sealing layer coated on those peripheral portions therebetween. The back surface of the first transparent substrate is attached to the reflective liquid crystal display portion, and an organic EL element is formed on the front surface of the first transparent substrate. The organic EL element is sealed in a space surrounded by the first transparent substrate, the second transparent substrate, and the sealing layer. The organic EL element is formed in a region corresponding to a pixel region of the reflective liquid crystal display portion. A desiccant layer is formed on the front surface of the second transparent substrate. 1a first substrate;a second substrate;a first electrode layer which is disposed between the first substrate and the second substrate;a second electrode layer which is patterned and disposed between the second substrate and the first electrode layer; andan organic layer which is patterned and disposed between the first electrode layer and the second electrode layer,wherein the second electrode layer is made of a reflective material, a width of the patterned second electrode layer is larger than a width of the patterned organic layer, and a length between an edge of the second electrode layer and an edge of the organic layer in a plan view is larger than a thickness of the organic layer.. An illumination device comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/333,299, filed Jul. 16, 2014, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/020,244, filed Sep. 6, 2013, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,841,837, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/198,529, filed Aug. 26, 2008, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,536,568, which is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/436,883, filed May ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Fluoride phosphor composite, method of manufacturing fluoride phosphor composite, white light emitting apparatus, display apparatus, lighting device, and electronic device

Номер: US20160160122A1

There is provided a fluoride phosphor composite including: fluoride phosphor core particles that may be expressed by the empirical formula A x MF y :Mn 4+ , wherein A may be at least one selected from the group consisting of Li, Na, K, Rb, and Cs, M may be at least one selected from the group consisting of Si, Ti, Zr, Hf, Ge, and Sn, the composition ratio (x) of A may satisfy 2≦x≦3, the composition ratio (y) of F may satisfy 4≦y≦7, each fluoride phosphor composite particle may be coated with a Mn-free fluoride coating. The Mn-free fluoride coating may have a thickness less than or equal to 35% of the size of each fluoride phosphor composite particle.

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210185776A1

The present disclosure provides a method of manufacturing a display device. The method includes: providing a substrate; forming an electroluminescence element on the substrate; forming a partition structure on the electroluminescence element, the partition structure including an opening; forming a light conversion element in the opening; and forming an optical element on the light conversion element. 1. A method of manufacturing a display device , comprising:providing a substrate;forming an electroluminescence element on the substrate;forming a partition structure on the electroluminescence element, the partition structure comprising an opening;forming a light conversion element in the opening; andforming an optical element on the light conversion element.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the optical element is formed by ink-jet printing.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the optical element is formed by screen printing.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the optical element is formed by photolithography.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the optical element is formed by a transferring process.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising a step of forming an intermediate layer on the light conversion element. This application claims the priority benefit of China application serial No. 201911303000.8, filed on Dec. 17, 2019. The entirety of the above-mentioned patent application is hereby incorporated by reference herein and made a part of this specification.The present disclosure relates to a method of manufacturing a display device, and more particularly to a manufacturing method capable of enhancing reliability or color purity of a display device.Nowadays, electronic devices have been widely used. However, in the existing manufacturing technology, some materials contained in the electronic device are easily damaged during the manufacturing process (e.g., high temperature, high humidity or high pressure). Accordingly, industries make effort manufacturing an ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180156420A1

Materials and optical components formed thereof that are suitable for use in lighting units to obtain or approximate white light illumination, including lighting units that utilize one or more light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as a light source. 1. An LED-based lighting unit comprising:an LED-based light source that generates blue light;an optical component through which the blue light passes, the optical component comprising a phosphor blend;wherein the phosphor blend comprises at least a yellow phosphor and a red phosphor, the yellow phosphor converting at least a portion of the blue light to yield an emission that includes yellow light as a result of the phosphor coating being excited by the blue light, the red phosphor emitting a red light;wherein the yellow light, the red light, and an unconverted portion of the blue light producing in combination a visible light perceived by an average human eye to be a white light and characterized by a CSI value of about zero or greater.2. The LED-based lighting unit according to claim 1 , wherein the phosphor blend is present as a coating on the optical component.3. The LED-based lighting unit according to claim 1 , wherein the visible light is characterized by a spectral power distribution containing curves and peaks corresponding to each of the blue light claim 1 , the yellow light claim 1 , the red light claim 1 , and the white light claim 1 ,wherein an intensity for the peak of the white light is lower than an intensity for the peaks of the yellow and red lights.4. The LED-based lighting unit according to claim 3 ,wherein the peak of the white light is at a wavelength of greater than about 530 nm.5. The LED-based lighting unit according to claim 3 ,wherein the peak of the white light is within a wavelength range of from about 550 nm to about 610 nm.6. The LED-based lighting unit according to claim 3 , wherein the curve for the spectral power distribution of the white light comprises an inflection point at a wavelength ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Light-Emitting Element, Light-Emitting Device, and Electronic Device

Номер: US20160164017A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

It is an object to provide a light-emitting element having long lifetime. A light-emitting element is provided, in which a light-emitting layer, a first layer, and a second layer are provided between a first electrode and a second electrode; the first layer is provided between the light-emitting layer and the first electrode; the second layer is provided between the light-emitting layer and the second electrode; the first layer is a layer for controlling the hole transport; the second layer is a layer for controlling the electron transport; and light emission is obtained from the light-emitting layer by applying voltage to the first electrode and the second electrode such that the potential of the first electrode is higher than that of the second electrode.

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160165677A1
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

An organic light emitting display device includes a substrate having a display area and a non-display area, an organic light emitting element and a sealing layer sequentially stacked on one side of the substrate in the display area, a support layer on the one side of the substrate in the non-display area, and a polarizing plate on the support layer in the non-display area and on the sealing layer in the display area, the polarizing plate covering an entirety of the support layer. 1. An organic light emitting display device , comprising:a substrate including a display area and a non-display area;an organic light emitting element and a sealing layer sequentially stacked on one side of the substrate in the display area;a support layer on the one side of the substrate in the non-display area;a polarizing plate on the support layer in the non-display area and on the sealing layer in the display area, wherein the polarizing plate covers an entirety of the support layer.2. The organic light emitting display device of claim 1 , further comprising:a protective film on an other side of the inorganic insulation substrate.3. The organic light emitting display device of claim 1 , wherein the support layer includes organic insulation material and is formed throughout the non-display area.4. The organic light emitting display device of claim 3 , wherein the organic insulation material is opaque.5. The organic light emitting display device of claim 1 , wherein the substrate includes one of a silicon oxide (SiO) and a silicon nitride (SiN).6. The organic light emitting display device of claim 1 , wherein an upper surface of the support layer and an upper surface of the sealing layer have a same height relative to the substrate.7. The organic light emitting display device of claim 1 , further comprising:a cover substrate on the polarizing plate and covering an entire upper surface of the organic light emitting display device.8. The organic light emitting display device of claim 7 , ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации

Elastic support substrate for flexible display, flexible display, and flexible display layered body

Номер: US20200150724A1
Автор: Noriko Watanabe
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

An elastic support substrate elastically deforms in at least a longitudinal direction that is a winding direction, and as for the longitudinal direction and the lateral direction that is a direction orthogonal to the longitudinal direction, the elastic support substrate is less likely to deform in the longitudinal direction.

14-05-2020 дата публикации

Semiconductor device and display device

Номер: US20200152905A1
Автор: Kohei Kurata
Принадлежит: Japan Display Inc

A semiconductor device including a region arranged with a plurality of electrodes in a matrix, wherein the plurality of electrodes includes a plurality of first electrodes located along any one side of the region and a plurality of second electrodes located closer to the center of the region than the plurality of first electrodes, the first electrode and the second electrode have a different outline in a planar view, and the outline of the plurality of first electrodes includes a side having a zigzag shaped side or concave/convex shape.

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210193934A1

Organic compounds containing indolocarbazoles as electron donor connected with electron acceptors such aza-triphenylene or dibenzoquinoxaline that can improve the performance of phosphorescent organic light emitting devices are disclosed. 2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein each R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , and Rare independently selected from the group consisting of aryl claim 1 , substituted aryl claim 1 , heteroaryl claim 1 , and substituted heteroaryl.3. The compound of claim 1 , wherein L is a direct bond.4. The compound of claim 1 , wherein L is an organic linker selected from the group consisting of aryl claim 1 , substituted aryl claim 1 , heteroaryl claim 1 , substituted heteroaryl claim 1 , amino claim 1 , silyl claim 1 , and combination thereof.5. The compound of claim 1 , wherein R claim 1 , R claim 1 , and Rare hydrogen.8. The OLED of claim 7 , wherein the organic layer is an emissive layer and the compound of Formula A or Formula D is a host.10. The OLED of claim 7 , wherein the organic layer is a charge carrier blocking layer and the compound of Formula A or Formula D is a charge carrier blocking material in the organic layer.11. The OLED of claim 7 , wherein the organic layer is a charge carrier transporting layer and the compound of Formula A or Formula D is a charge carrier transporting material in the organic layer.12. The OLED of claim 7 , wherein the organic layer is an emissive layer and the compound of Formula A or Formula D is an emitter.13. The OLED of claim 12 , wherein the OLED emits a luminescent radiation at room temperature when a voltage is applied across the organic light emitting device claim 12 , and wherein the luminescent radiation comprises a delayed fluorescence process.14. The OLED of claim 12 , wherein the emissive layer further comprises a host material and a first phosphorescent emitting material.15. The OLED of claim 14 , wherein the emissive layer further comprises a second ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180165996A1

The present invention prevents an advance of a crack in a covering layer, without exposing a support. In a region between an edge part of a moistureproof layer () and a display region (), wavy recessed patterns (, and ) are continuously or discontinuously provided so to connect one end of the moistureproof layer () and another end of the moistureproof layer (). Each of the wavy recessed patterns (, and ) is recessed and is configured to change a direction in which a crack having appeared in the edge part of the moistureproof layer () advances. 1. A flexible electronic device comprising:a support having flexibility;a covering layer which covers a surface of the support;a circuit provided on the covering layer; andat least one crack-guiding pattern continuously or discontinuously provided, in a region between an edge part of the covering layer and a circuit formation region in which the circuit is provided, so as to connect one end of the covering layer and another end of the covering layer, the at least one crack-guiding pattern being recessed and being configured to change a direction in which a crack having appeared in the edge part of the covering layer advances.2. The flexible electronic device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein:the flexible electronic device has a bend part; andthe at least one crack-guiding pattern is provided so as to face the bend part.3. The flexible electronic device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the at least one crack-guiding pattern is at least one wavy recessed pattern that is wavy when viewed from above.4. The flexible electronic device as set forth in claim 3 , wherein:the at least one crack-guiding pattern, which is the at least one wavy recessed pattern, comprises a plurality of wavy recessed patterns; andthe plurality of wavy recessed patterns have respective waves that differ from each other in phase or wavelength.5. The flexible electronic device as set forth in claim 4 , wherein:the respective waves of the plurality of wavy ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160174332A1
Автор: SHIN HongDae
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

An OLED device according to an example embodiment includes an organic light-emitting element between a lower substrate and an upper substrate. At least a part of a side surface of the upper substrate has a reverse-tapered shape configured to reduce damage to the lower substrate caused by deformation of the upper substrate due to an external impact. Accordingly, reliability issues resulting from a short circuit or burnt lines due to the deformation of the upper substrate may be resolved, improving overall reliability and productivity of an OLED device. 1. An organic light-emitting display (OLED) device , comprising:an organic light-emitting element between a lower substrate and an upper substrate,wherein at least a part of a side surface of the upper substrate has a reverse-tapered shape configured to reduce damage to the lower substrate caused by deformation of the upper substrate due to an external impact.2. The OLED device of claim 1 , wherein:the upper substrate comprises a first side surface having a reverse-tapered shape; andthe first side surface of the upper substrate has a straight-line shape or a curved shape in a vertical cross section view of the upper substrate.3. The OLED device of claim 2 , wherein:the first side surface of the upper substrate spans from one end of a bottom surface of the upper substrate to one end of a top surface of the upper substrate; andan angle made by the top surface of the upper substrate and the first side surface of the upper substrate is equal to or greater than sixty degrees and less than ninety degrees.4. The OLED device of claim 2 , wherein:the first side surface of the upper substrate spans from one end of the bottom surface of the upper substrate to one end of a top surface of the upper substrate; andan angle made by the top surface of the upper substrate and a plane is equal to or greater than sixty degrees and less than ninety degrees, the plane extended along a shortest path from a line where the bottom surface of ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210202745A1

A semiconductor device which has favorable electrical characteristics is provided. A method for manufacturing a semiconductor device with high productivity is provided. A method for manufacturing a semiconductor device with a high yield is provided. 1. A method for manufacturing a semiconductor device , comprising:a first step of forming a first insulating layer containing silicon and nitrogen;a second step of adding oxygen in a vicinity of a surface of the first insulating layer;a third step of forming a semiconductor layer containing a metal oxide over and in contact with the first insulating layer;a fourth step of forming a second insulating layer containing oxygen over and in contact with the semiconductor layer;a fifth step of performing plasma treatment in an atmosphere containing oxygen at a first temperature;a sixth step of performing plasma treatment in an atmosphere containing oxygen at a second temperature; anda seventh step of forming a third insulating layer containing silicon and nitrogen over the second insulating layer.2. The method for manufacturing a semiconductor device claim 1 , according to claim 1 ,wherein the second temperature is lower than the first temperature.3. The method for manufacturing a semiconductor device claim 1 , according to claim 1 ,wherein the first temperature is higher than or equal to 250° C. and lower than or equal to 450° C., andwherein the second temperature is higher than or equal to 150° C. and lower than or equal to 300° C.4. The method for manufacturing a semiconductor device claim 1 , according to claim 1 ,wherein the fifth step is performed without exposure to atmospheric air after formation of the second insulating layer.5. The method for manufacturing a semiconductor device claim 1 , according to claim 1 , further comprising:an eighth step of performing plasma treatment in an atmosphere containing oxygen at a third temperature between the third step and the fourth step,wherein the third temperature is higher than ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190173039A1

A manufacturing method of a top emission organic EL element includes a step of providing an insulating layer on a substrate, a processing step of processing a center area within a region in which the insulating layer is provided, a step of forming a bank on the insulating layer, a lower electrode material applying step, a luminescent material applying step, and an upper transparent electrode forming step. The insulating layer is provided such that a contact angle to a solution to be applied in forming a lower electrode becomes smaller at the center area than the contact angle at a peripheral area within the region. 1. A manufacturing method of a top emission organic EL element , comprising:a step of providing an insulating layer on a substrate;a processing step of processing a center area within a region in which the insulating layer is provided such that a contact angle to a solution to be applied in forming a lower electrode becomes smaller at the center area than at a peripheral area of the center area within the region;a step of forming a bank on the insulating layer so as to surround the center area with the peripheral area interposed between the bank and the center area;a lower electrode material applying step of applying a solution containing materials of the lower electrode to a region surrounded by the bank;a luminescent material applying step of applying a solution containing materials of a light emitting layer to the region surrounded by the bank after the lower electrode material applying step; andan upper transparent electrode forming step of forming an upper transparent electrode after the luminescent material applying step.2. The manufacturing method of the top emission organic EL element according to claim 1 , wherein the processing step is a step of processing such that a difference of the contact angles to the solution at the peripheral area and at the center area becomes more than 30° and less than 70°.3. The manufacturing method of the top ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200172802A1

A quantum dot including a first ligand and a second ligand on a surface of the quantum dot, a composition or composite including the same, and a device including the same. The first ligand includes a compound represented by Chemical Formula 1 and the second ligand includes a compound represented by Chemical Formula 2: 1. A composition comprising a quantum dot and a polymerizable monomer comprising a carbon-carbon double bond , wherein the quantum dot comprises:a semiconductor nanocrystal particle;a first ligand bound to a surface of the semiconductor nanocrystal particle; anda second ligand bound to the surface of the semiconductor nanocrystal particle, [{'br': None, 'sup': 'a', 'sub': 'n', 'R-L-(CRR)SM\u2003\u2003Chemical Formula 2-1'}, {'chemistry': {'@id': 'CHEM-US-00042', '@num': '00042', 'img': {'@id': 'EMI-C00042', '@he': '15.92mm', '@wi': '69.93mm', '@file': 'US20200172802A1-20200604-C00042.TIF', '@alt': 'embedded image', '@img-content': 'chem', '@img-format': 'tif'}}, 'br': None, 'RRNCSSM\u2003\u2003Chemical Formula 2-3'}], 'wherein the second ligand comprises a compound represented by Chemical Formula 2-1, Chemical Formula 2-2, or Chemical Formula 2-3wherein{'sup': 'a', 'sub': '2', 'Rincludes hydrogen, a substituted or unsubstituted C1 to C40 alkyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C2 to C40 alkenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C6 to C40 aryl group, a C1 to C10 alkoxy group, or —ROR′ (wherein R is a substituted or unsubstituted C1 to C20 alkylene group and R′ is hydrogen or a C1 to C20 linear or branched alkyl group), R is the same or different, and is each independently hydrogen or a substituted or unsubstituted C1 to C24 alkyl group, n is an integer of 0 to 15, L is a direct bond, a sulfonyl (—S(═O)—), carbonyl (—C(═O)—), ether group (—O—), sulfide group (—S—), sulfoxide group (—S(═O)—), ester group (—C(═O)O—), amide group (—C(═O)NR—) (wherein R is hydrogen or a C1 to C10 alkyl group), a substituted or a unsubstituted C1 to C10 alkylene, a C2 ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214609A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure provide for passivated quantum dots, methods of making passivated quantum dots, methods of using passivated quantum dots, and the like. 1. A film comprising: [{'sub': 3', '3', '3', '2', '2, 'sup': +', '+', '+', '+, 'a core of the form APbX, where A is Cs, Rb, CHNH, or HC(NH), and X is a halogen; and'}, 'a capping ligand including an inorganic-organic hybrid ion pair including a halide, di-dodecyl dimethylammonium, or both., 'a passivated perovskite quantum dot including2. The film of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic-organic hybrid ion pair includes di-dodecyl dimethylammonium sulfide (S-DDA).3. The film of claim 1 , wherein the core of the passivated perovskite quantum dot is CsPbClBr claim 1 , where x is 0 to 3.4. The film of claim 1 , wherein the core of the passivated perovskite quantum dot is CsPbCl.5. The film of claim 1 , wherein the core of the passivated perovskite quantum dot is CsPbBr.6. The film of claim 1 , wherein the halide includes Cl claim 1 , Br claim 1 , I claim 1 , or a combination thereof.7. The film of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic-organic hybrid ion pair includes di-dodecyl dimethyl ammonium bromide (Br-DDA).8. The film of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic-organic hybrid ion pair includes di-dodecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride (Cl-DDA).9. The film of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic-organic hybrid ion pair includes di-dodecyl dimethyl ammonium iodide (I-DDA).10. The film of claim 1 , wherein a diameter of the passivated perovskite quantum dot ranges from about 75 nanometer (nm) to 160 nm.11. The film of claim 1 , wherein a diameter of the core of the passivated perovskite quantum dot ranges from about 5 nm to 20 nm.12. The film of claim 1 , wherein a diameter of the core of the passivated perovskite quantum dot ranges from about 6 nm to 16 nm.13. The film of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the capping ligand ranges from about 70 nm to 140 nm.14. The film of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the capping ligand ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации

Pixel Arrangement Structure for Organic Light-Emitting Diode Display Panel

Номер: US20160198544A1
Автор: Chu Juo-Sheng

A pixel arrangement structure for an organic light-emitting diode display panel includes a plurality of first subpixel rows and a plurality of second subpixel rows alternating with the first subpixel rows. Each first subpixel row includes first subpixels and second subpixels alternating with the first subpixels. Each second subpixel row includes alternately disposed first, second, and third subpixels. The number of the third subpixels in each second subpixel row is two times the number of the first or second subpixels in the second subpixel row. The subpixels of the same type in each of the first and second subpixel rows are not adjacent to each other. RGB pixels are formed by combinations of the subpixels in the first subpixel rows and the subpixels in the second subpixels. The color mixing effect is improved, and the resolution is increased. 1. A pixel arrangement structure for an organic light-emitting diode display panel , comprisinga plurality of first subpixels,a plurality of second subpixels, anda plurality of third subpixels,with the pixel arrangement structure including a plurality of first subpixel rows and a plurality of second subpixel rows alternating with the plurality of first subpixel rows,with each of the plurality of first subpixel rows including first subpixels and second subpixels alternating with the first subpixels,with each of the plurality of second subpixel rows including alternately disposed first, second, and third subpixels,with a number of the third subpixels in each of the plurality of second subpixel rows being two times a number of the first or second subpixels in the second subpixel row, andwith the subpixels of a same type in each of the plurality of first and second subpixel rows not adjacent to each other.2. The pixel arrangement structure for an organic light-emitting diode display panel according to claim 1 , wherein a length of each subpixel in each of the plurality of first subpixel rows in a row direction is larger than a ...
