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27-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU118818U1

... 1. Сверхвысокочастотная электромагнитная установка для модификации полимерных пленок, включающая генератор электромагнитного излучения СВЧ-диапазона, рабочую камеру-резонатор, ленточный транспортер, узлы загрузки и выгрузки материалов, по меньшей мере, два цилиндрических барабана, расположенных под углом от 15° до 75° к направлению движения ленты, отличающаяся тем, что каналы для подачи клеящей композиции на полимерную пленку расположены над рифленым цилиндрическим барабаном. ! 2. Сверхвысокочастотная электромагнитная установка для модификации полимерных пленок по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что у цилиндрических рифленых барабанов поверхность рифления образована прямоугольными сегментами. ! 3. Сверхвысокочастотная электромагнитная установка для модификации полимерных пленок по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что у цилиндрических рифленых барабанов поверхность рифления образована кривыми второго порядка.

27-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2309558C1

Предлагаемое изобретение - однофазное преобразовательное устройство переменно-переменного тока для индукционного нагрева относится к преобразовательной технике и может быть использовано для индукционного нагрева и плавки металлов и сплавов. Технический результат при осуществлении изобретения заключается в возможности формирования двухчастотной системы токов в нагрузке-индукторе при частоте высокочастотной составляющей тока нагрузки-индуктора, равной частоте питающего переменного напряжения, при этом частота низкочастотной составляющей тока нагрузки-индуктора по крайней мере в несколько раз ниже частоты питающего переменного напряжения. Устройство содержит два идентичных одинарных, имеющих входные и выходные выводы преобразовательных устройства, при этом их входные выводы подсоединены к питающему источнику переменного напряжения, а выходные выводы подсоединены к нагрузочным контурам, каждый из которых образован активно-индуктивной нагрузкой-индуктором, зашунтированной компенсирующим конденсатором ...

20-02-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU92001688A

Устройство управления температурой плоской заготовки при индукционном нагреве, расположенной между нижним и верхним подвижным индукторами, содержит задатчик и датчик температуры, датчики мощности скорости, якорного тока, последовательно соединенные регулятор температуры, регулятор мощности, регулятор скорости, регулятор тока, управляемый тиристорный преобразователь, выход которого подключен к якорной цепи двигателя перемещения верхнего индуктора, вал которого жестко соединен с валом датчика скорости, а также посредством шарико-винтовой пары редуктора соединен с индуктором, электрически связанным с входом датчика мощности, выход которого соединен с первым входом регулятора мощности, второй вход регулятора тока подключен к выходу датчика якорного тока, включенного в якорную цепь двигателя перемещения верхнего индуктора, выход датчика скорости подключен к второму входу регулятора скорости, выход задатчика температуры соединен с первым входом регулятора температуры, второй вход которого подключен ...

10-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009120838A

... 1. Трехфазный мостовой двухчастотный инвертор напряжения для индукционного нагрева, содержащий источник постоянного напряжения, шесть транзисторов, шесть диодов и три однофазных нагрузки, при этом трехфазный инвертор состоит из трех однофазных инверторов, каждый из которых содержит два первых и вторых, последовательно соединенных транзистора, каждый из которых зашунтирован встречным диодом, при этом все три однофазных инвертора выводами постоянного тока подсоединены к источнику постоянного напряжения, а к выводам переменного тока, т.е. к средним точкам цепей последовательно соединенных транзисторов, подсоединена состоящая из трех однофазных нагрузок трехфазная нагрузка, соединенная по схеме «звезда», при этом все транзисторы включены в прямом направлении по отношению к полярности источника постоянного напряжения, отличающийся тем, что в качестве нагрузок применены активно-индуктивные нагрузки, а также дополнительно введены три подстроечных дросселя и три компенсирующих конденсатора, при ...

27-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU51326U8

... 1. Индукционная нагревательная установка, содержащая источник питания, выход которого подключен ко входу формирователя импульсов, индуктор, и блок управления, отличающаяся тем, что в нее введены узлы контроля выходных тока и напряжения, выходы которых подключены к соответствующим входам блока управления, и дроссель, подключенный к выходу формирователя импульсов. 2. Индукционная нагревательная установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что источник питания выполнен в виде выпрямителя, подключенного к трехфазной сети переменного тока, 3. Индукционная нагревательная установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что формирователь импульсов состоит из управляемых ключей, соединенных по схеме моста. 4. Индукционная нагревательная установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что узлы контроля выходных тока и напряжения, представляют собой датчики соответствующих выходных тока и напряжения. 5. Индукционная нагревательная установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что блок управления включает перемножитель, входы которого являются ...

10-11-2005 дата публикации

Stromversorgungseinrichtung für Induktionsöfen

Номер: DE102004020018A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Stromversorgungseinrichtung zur Speisung von Induktionsöfen oder Induktoren (9) mit einem Drehstromversorgungsanschluss, mit wenigstens zwei an den Drehstromversorgungsanschluss angeschlossenen Zwischenkreisumrichtern (1, 2), jeweils bestehend aus einem Gleichrichter (3, 4), einem Zwischenkreis (5, 6) und einem Wechselrichter (7, 8) und mit einer an die Wechselrichter (7, 8) angeschlossenen parallelkompensierten Last, insbesondere einem Induktionsofen oder Induktor (9). Die Stromversorgungseinrichtung ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Gleichrichter (3, 4) galvanisch voneinander getrennt an den Drehstromversorgungsanschluss angeschlossen sind und dass die Ausgänge der Wechselrichter (7, 8) der Zwischenkreisumrichter (1, 2) in Reihe geschaltet sind.

18-09-2008 дата публикации

Anregungsanordnung für Induktionsöfen

Номер: DE102005044466B4

Verfahren zur Erwärmung von Speisen und/oder Wasser in Flugzeugen mittels Induktionserwärmung, bei dem mehrere einen Induktor (115, 125, 135) aufweisende Lastkreise (119, 129, 139) mit einer Lastkreiswechselspannung (U3) und/oder einem Lastkreiswechselstrom angeregt werden, wobei die Lastkreiswechselspannung (U3) und/oder der Lastkreiswechselstrom aus einem mit einer Netzfrequenz amplitudenmodulierten Wechselspannungssignal einer vorgebbaren Frequenz erzeugt wird, wobei aus einer Wechselspannung (U) eines Mehrphasenspannungsnetzes mehrere Hilfsspannungen erzeugt werden, wobei jeweils eine der Hilfsspannungen einem der Wechselspannungserzeuger (117, 127, 137) und/oder einer diesen Wechselspannungserzeuger (117, 127, 137) ansteuernden Steuerung zugeführt werden, oder aus einer Wechselspannung eines Mehrphasenspannungsnetzes eine Hilfsspannung erzeugt wird, die einer Zentralsteuerung (152), zugeführt wird, wobei die Zentralsteuerung (152) mehrere Wechselspannungserzeuger (117, 127, 137) ansteuert ...

03-04-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren und Anordnung zur Leistungsversorgung einer Induktionsheizeinrichtung

Номер: DE102006041964A1

Zur Erhöhung der Leistung einer Induktionsheizeinrichtung (L) bzw. zur Vermeidung von Netzrückwirkungen bei der Ansteuerung dieser können bei einer Halbbrücken-Ansteuerung entweder die Pulsweiten (G1, G2) der beiden Schaltmittel (T1, T2) unsymmetrisch gemacht werden bis zur Halbzeit einer Halbwelle. Alternativ kann eine Totzeit (H1, H2) zwischen den Pulsweiten (G1, G2) verlängert werden. Dies erfolgt vorteilhaft stufenlos und kontinuierlich. So wird im Verlauf einer Halbwelle die Leistung bei unveränderter Arbeitsfrequenz reduziert und ein Induktorstrom (IL) weist nahezu ideale Sinusform auf.

20-01-1999 дата публикации

Magnetic heating system

Номер: GB0009826232D0

04-02-1953 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to keying circuits for oscillators

Номер: GB0000687038A

... 687,038. Valve generating circuits; keying carrier frequencies. WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC INTERNATIONAL CO. Feb. 22, 1951 [May 15, 1950], No. 4299/51. Classes 40 (v) and 40 (vi). A valve oscillator is keyed by providing a negative grid bias from a portion of a resistor connected across a negative voltage supply and connecting a valve across the portion of the resistor, the resistance of the valve being varied to vary the bias. The bias of a conventional oscillator 1 is derived from a potentiometer 15, 16 connected across a negative voltage source 13, and a normally non-conducting valve 20 is connected across resistor 16, the oscillator thus being normally inoperative. However, when a switch 47 is momentarily moved from its neutral position to contact-point 46, an A.C. voltage is applied to the control grid of a thyratron 33 to render the thyratron conducting. A bias E 3 supplied through a voltage divider 24 from a rectifier 27 is thus short-circuited and valve 20 accordingly conducts. The current ...

02-06-2010 дата публикации

A method of manufacturing a ceramic matrix composite article

Номер: GB0201006625D0

23-04-1952 дата публикации

Improvements relating to the regulation of high frequency oscillators

Номер: GB0000670498A

... 670,498. Automatic current control systems. BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON CO., Ltd., and GULLICK, O. F. May 17, 1949 [May 19, 1948], No. 13551/48. Class 38 (iv). In a system for automatically maintaining constant the current in the resonant tank circuit of a high-frequency electronic oscillator, the control electrodes of a polyphase arc rectifier supplying the oscillator are supplied with a D.C. bias potential dependent on the alternating current in the tank circuit and with alternating potentials of fixed phase relative to the corresponding anode potentials. In Fig. 1, anode current is supplied through a three-phase arrangement of grid-controlled arc rectifiers V1, V2, V3 to a valve oscillator (not shown) which may be employed for H.F. heating. A conductor X carrying the current in the oscillator tank circuit or a circuit coupled thereto forms the primary of a current transformer, the voltage across the secondary winding T2 of which is rectified by a diode ...

17-03-1954 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to high-frequency furnaces

Номер: GB0000705788A

... 705,788. Automatic current control systems. PHILIPS ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES, Ltd. April 15, 1952 [April 18, 1951], No. 9395/52. Class 38 (4) The oscillator of a high frequency furnace is stabilized by varying the magnitude of the signal feed-back so as to maintain constant grid current. The current passes through a solenoid 14, Fig. 1, the armature of which controls a pair of condensers 17, 18 controlling the signal feedback to the grid of the oscillator 1 from the tuned output circuit 2. The armature of the solenoid moves against a spring 16 which is supported at intervals by adjusting screws so that the spring characteristic offsets the non-linear relation between solenoid current and the movement of the armature. In a modification, Fig. 5 (not shown) the solenoid armature controls a condenser tuning the output circuit of the oscillator. Construction.- The solenoid, Fig. 2, has a fixed core 22 and a sliding armature 15 provided with a brass pin 23 which passes through core 22 to engage ...

29-10-1952 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electronic oscillators

Номер: GB0000681942A

... 681,942. Keying carrier frequencies; valve generating circuits. WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC INTERNATIONAL CO. Aug. 23, 1950 [Sept. 9, 1949], No. 20865/50. Classes 40 (v) and 40 (vi). An oscillator valve has two grids and a source of voltage for them across which is connected a potential divider, a short-circuiting device being connected across part of the divider whereby the oscillations may be interrupted. The oscillator shown has its screen and control grid voltages derived from a potentiometer 36, 38 connected across the supply from the rectifier. Short-circuiting portion 38 of the potentiometer causes the screen grid voltage to rise and the control grid bias to fall to zero. A resistor 44 in series with the screen grid causes the screen grid voltage to fall from a high value when oscillation starts to the negative value required for normal operation.

12-05-1954 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to high-frequency heating generators

Номер: GB0000708796A

... 708,796. Transformers. PHILIPS ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES, Ltd. Sept. 23, 1952 [Sept. 26, 1951], No. 23835/52. Class 38(2) In a high-frequency heating generator incorporating a discharge tube oscillator, the output transformer comprises a secondary winding 3 of bent metal strip surrounding a primary winding 1 which is in the form of a tube through which passes cooling water which is cut off by an electrically controlled valve 29 when the generator is switched off. Condensation on the winding during non-working periods resulting in flashover is thereby avoided. The supply of cooling water to the tube anode is not affected thereby. The valve 29 of known construction, Fig. 2 (not shown), is opened against a spring by an electromagnet which is energized through a contact of the relay which controls the supply to the tube anode. To cut off the water when the tube fails, the electromagnet may alternatively be operated by a voltage derived from or controlled by the output of the tube. The cooling water ...

09-02-1949 дата публикации

Improvements relating to processes and apparatus for high frequency surface hardening of steels

Номер: GB0000617593A

... 617,593. Control systems for high frequency apparatus. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DE TELEGRAPHIE SANS FILS. March 8, 1945, No. 5825. Convention date, Nov. 17, 1941. [Class 38 (iv)] [Also in Group II] Pieces of steel are surface hardened in a high frequency induction furnace in which the increase in intensity of the current passing through the coil consequent on the diminution of permeability of the steel is used to determine the instant of quenching, whereby the interruption of the heating current and the quenching occur simultaneously on the lapse of an adjustable period of time from the moment the current intensity has reached a given value. As shown, a piece of steel is held in a high frequency induction furnace l1, energized by a valve L, by an electromagnet M. The current traversing the coil of the furnace l1 creates a potential at the terminals of an impedence Z which potential is rectified and the current applied to the grid of a thyratron Th, the plate of which is supplied ...

12-07-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001281747A

... 1281747 Valve amplifying circuits INTERNATIONAL PLASMA CORP 19 Aug 1969 [19 Aug 1968] 41241/69 Heading H3W [Also in Division H1] In a radio-frequency generator 11, Fig. 2, feeding a load via a tuned pi-network comprising variable capacitor 23, inductor 24, and a bank of capacitors 26a and a line 27, the losses in the inductor 24 and capacitors 26a are made sufficient to prevent excessive voltages arising on the valve if the loading varies or disappears. The valve 11 is coupled to the tuned circuit via choke 17 and capacitor network 22a. The grid of the valve is driven with R.F. applied to terminal 41, Fig. 1, via a tapped inductor 43 which is tuned by means of capacitor 44, the tapping points being chosen to match the driving impedance and input impedance of the valve, which is loaded down by means of resistors 42. A variable capacitor 46 in series with inductor 43 forms with capacitors 53, 54 a neutralizing circuit. In a construction, the capacitor 53 comprises an L-shaped metal strip ...

19-07-1926 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to high frequency heating apparatus

Номер: GB0000255162A

... 255,162. Burch, C. R., Davis, N. R., and Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd. April 18, 1925. No Patent granted (Sealing fee not paid). Induction furnaces.-The effective load presented by an induction furnace or heating apparatus to a high - frequency generator is rendered adjustable, for example by providing variable coupling between the valve circuits and the load circuit when a thermionic generator or amplifier is employed. The adjustment may be made automatically by a relay in the plate supply circuit of the valve. As shown in Fig. 2, the coil 10 of the load circuit 10, 11 has tappings 12 any one of which may be selected for connection through the blocking condenser 14 to the plate of the generating or amplifying valve 15. The tappings may alternatively be taken from points between a number of condensers connected in series in the oscillatory circuit 10, 11. In a modification, shown in Fig. 4, two condensers 11, 11 are connected in the oscillatory circuit, and a seriesparallel ...

24-04-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to circuit arrangements in or for high-frequency heating apparatus

Номер: GB0001111360A

... 1,111,360. Valve oscillator circuits. PHILIPS ELECTRONIC & ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES Ltd. 25 Aug., 1966 [28 Aug., 1965], No. 38115/66. Heading H3F. [Also in Division G3] The output of an oscillator for a highfrequency heating apparatus is controlled by a transistor in the cathode circuit of the oscillator valve. As described, the control circuit comprises a number of transistors 19, 20, 21 connected in series. resistive elements 41, 42 being connected across them and to their base circuits to ensure equal voltage distribution across them. The current fed through the transistors to the oscillator is adjusted by a rectified square wave signal of variable amplitude from transformer 27. The square-wave signal may be derived from an oscillator, Fig. 1 (not shown), or, as shown in Fig. 2, from a retro-active loop connected to the output circuit 18 so as to maintain the output current or voltage constant with varying load. Alternatively, a signal dependent on the temperature of the workpiece 15 may ...

10-05-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002057799B

20-06-1962 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to direct-voltage monitoring circuits

Номер: GB0000899104A

... 899,104. Transistor oscillator and switching circuits. PHILIPS ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES Ltd. Nov. 27, 1959 [Dec. 2, 1958], No. 40415/59. Class 40(6) A direct voltage monitoring circuit comprises a feed back oscillator including an amplifying element which, when the direct voltage is below a first level is non-conducting so that the oscillator is inoperative but which, when the direct voltage is above that level, becomes conductive so that the circuit oscillates, the amplifying element having a load resistor of such magnitude that when the direct voltage exceeds a second level, saturation takes place so that oscillation ceases. Fig. I shows a relaxation oscillator comprising a first transistor 1 coupled via a transformer 10 to a second transistor 2 having its output fed back regeneratively to the input of transistor I through a circuit 20, 21, 23. Transistor 1 is biased at its emitter by a voltage derived from a "Zener" diode 4 through a resistor 14 so that when the voltage of a D.C. signal ...

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000451816T

15-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: ATA189583A

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000328462T

15-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000316749T

10-08-1967 дата публикации

Symmetrical generator for electrical, inductive heating

Номер: AT0000256267B

10-10-1969 дата публикации

Device for igniting and/or feeding a gas and/or a steaming TLA dung tube

Номер: AT0000274959B

11-08-1969 дата публикации

Arrangement for the improvement of the ignition and stability of Induktions-Plasmabrennern

Номер: AT0000273330B

02-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002697706A1

The present invention relates to a detection circuit for detecting that a power supply unit is connected to a wrong supply voltage. Said detection circuit comprises a first voltage divider (24, 26, 28) connected to the output terminals (20, 50) of a rectifier (16) of the power supply unit, a second voltage divider (26, 32) connected to a first power input terminal (10) of the power supply unit and to one of the output terminals (20, 50) of the rectifier (16), and a circuit breaker (14) connected to the first power input terminal (10) of the power supply unit and to an input terminal of the rectifier (16), wherein at least one partial voltage of each voltage divider (24, 26, 28; 26, 32) is used a signal (22, 46) for identifying the wrong supply voltage. The invention relates further to a method for detecting that a power supply unit is connected to a wrong supply voltage.

14-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA976239A

11-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002724496A1

A series-parallel resonant inverter inductively couples a switchable DC power source, which has a positive reference voltage node, a negative voltage reference node and a common reference node to a load. The load comprises a parallel resonator that is inductively coupled to the work piece and a series resonator. The series and parallel resonators each preferably has impedance, where the series circuit's impedance is greater than the impedance of the parallel circuit. The series resonator could include a high impedance inductor and a DC blocking capacitor in series with each other.

17-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002829634C

Provided is a power supply apparatus, and an appliance including the power supply apparatus, which includes a filter that attenuates a noise component of an AC electric current. The filter lacks a capacitor establishing a conductive path for conducting a high-frequency alternating signal, a leakage current, or both to a ground electrode. A rectifier is also included, and is disposed electrically between the filter and a load that is to be energized by operation of the power supply circuit. The rectifier converts the AC electric current into a rectified signal. The power supply apparatus also includes a grounding capacitor that establishes a capacitive, conductive path between an output of the rectifier and a ground electrode that is to be electrically connected to earth ground. The grounding capacitor is electrically separated from the filter by the rectifier, and extends electrically between the ground conductor and at least one of: (i) a positive DC bus conductor from the rectifier, and ...

28-02-1950 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Abmessen einer Menge elektrischer Energie.

Номер: CH0000266924A

30-11-1949 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000265329A

30-04-1961 дата публикации

Procédé de contrôle d'une quantité d'énergie et appareillage pour sa mise en oeuvre

Номер: CH0000353823A

30-06-1964 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000378956A

30-04-1967 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000434392A

31-08-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000579333A5
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

31-01-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000533386A

31-10-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000568394A5

30-04-1968 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000455080A

15-05-1968 дата публикации

HF-Generator für Hochfrequenzerhitzung

Номер: CH0000451311A

31-05-1962 дата публикации

Anlage zum Elektroplattieren

Номер: CH0000362287A

28-02-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000595719A5

15-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000653658A5
Принадлежит: GLAVERBEL

30-07-2021 дата публикации

Kochsystem mit Induktionskochfeld, Batterie und Solarzellen.

Номер: CH0000717055A2

Das Solar Induktions Kochsystem gemäss der Erfindung besteht im wesentlichen aus 4 Komponenten: 4 Stück Solarpanel, 30.5V DC in Serie geschaltet Total Spannug 122-145V 1 Stück Lade- Entlade Regelung 1 Stück lithium Lipo 4 Akkumulator 115V DC 1 Induktionskochfeld mit 2 Kochstellen Die einzelnen Komponenten sind auf einander abgestimmt, sodass ein sehr hoher Gesamtwirkungsgrad realisiert wird. Die Installation sowie die Inbetriebnahme ist einfach, da keine zusätzlichen Elemente nötig sind. Der Schutz des Akkumulators wird durch das Lade- und Entlade System sowie das Batterie Management System gewärleistet. Die gespeicherte Energie im Akkumulator reicht für max. 2 Tageszeit unabhängige Kochvorgänge pro Tag. Die tägliche Kochzeit kann noch verlängert werden, wenn während der Sonnenscheindauer gekocht wird.

28-02-2009 дата публикации

Квазирезонансный преобразователь постоянного напряжения

Номер: MD0000003850B1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и предназначено для создания мощных, регулируемых резонансных преобразователей напряжения, различного применения, а именно для установок катодной защиты, которые работают при повышенных температурах с естественным охлаждением, сварочных преобразователей, и установок индукционного нагрева. Квазирезонансный преобразователь постоянного напряжения содержит полумостовую стойку транзисторов (1, 2), коллектор одного транзистора (1) подключен к одному выводу соединенных последовательно встречно первичных обмоток (4-1, 4-2) выходного трансформатора (4), с высоким заданным значением взаимной индуктивности рассеивания, другой вывод которых подключен к одному выводу источника питания (3), а эмиттер второго транзистора (2) подключен к другому выводу источника питания (3). Преобразователь также содержит резонансный конденсатор (5), один вывод которого подключен к среднему выводу полумостовой стойки, а второй - к среднему выводу первичных обмоток (4-1, 4-2) выходного ...

31-12-2009 дата публикации

Резонансный преобразователь напряжения

Номер: MD0000003853C2

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и предназначено для создания мощных, регулируемых резонансных преобразователей напряжения, различного применения, с постоянным или переменным выходным высокочастотным напряжением. Резонансный преобразователь напряжения содержит импульсный генератор (1), выводы (1-1 и 1-2) которого подключены к базам транзисторов (2, 3) полумостовой стойки, коллектор транзистора (2) подключен к двум последовательно соединенным резонансным дросселям (4, 5), выход которых подключен к выводу “плюс” источника питания (6), и резонансный конденсатор (8), один вывод которого подключен к среднему выводу полумостовой стойки, а второй - к одному выводу индуктора (9), соединенного с компенсирующим конденсатором, второй вывод которого подключен к среднему выводу резонансных дросселей (4, 5). Преобразователь дополнительно содержит датчик тока (7), вход которого подключен к эмитеру транзистора (3) и к входу формирователя импульсов прямого тока (11), а выход датчика тока (7) подключен ...

17-08-2011 дата публикации

Heating systems and methods

Номер: CN0001836467B

15-05-1951 дата публикации

Improvements with the electronic generators of current high frequency for the induction heating

Номер: FR0000980494A

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus, system, method and computer program product for precise multi-stage programmable induction cooktop

Номер: US20120152932A1
Принадлежит: IBC Hearthware Inc

Embodiments of an exemplary induction cooktop apparatus or system, may include an induction cooking unit; an interface adapted to receive, store, and execute a plurality of instructions of a multistage programmable recipe using said induction cooking unit; a power supply adapted to be coupled to a power source; a controller coupled to said power supply, said interface, and said induction cooking unit adapted to control said induction cooking unit according to said plurality of instructions of said multistage programmable recipe. An embodiment may include a system, method, and computer program product comprising: an induction cooking unit; receiving at an interface a plurality of instructions of a multistage programmable recipe; storing instructions in a memory; executing instructions in a controller coupled to the memory and induction cooking unit, so as to control the induction cooking unit in accordance with instructions of the multistage programmable recipe.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Synchronous full-bridge oscillator

Номер: US20120267359A1
Автор: Perry Czimmek
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive Systems US Inc

An electronic high frequency induction heater driver, for a variable spray fuel injection system, uses a zero-voltage switching oscillator that utilizes a full H-bridge topology wherein the semiconductor switches are synchronized within the bridge for function. The induction heater driver, upon receipt of a turn-on signal, multiplies a supply voltage through a self-oscillating series resonance, wherein one component of the tank resonator circuit comprises an induction heater coil magnetically coupled to an appropriate loss component so that fuel inside a fuel component is heated to a desired temperature.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Utensil quality feedback for induction cooktop

Номер: US20120285946A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Methodology, apparatus and computer programming are provide that permit an induction cooking appliance to evaluate a utensil for use with the appliance. A user may manually initiate an evaluation that will prompt the user to place a utensil on the appliance for evaluation. An evaluation is made based on differences between the expected energy and actual energy delivered. A score related to suitability for use of the utensil may then be displayed to the user.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

System and method for detecting vessel presence and circuit resonance for an induction heating apparatus

Номер: US20120285948A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Systems and methods for detecting vessel presence and circuit resonance for an induction heating apparatus are disclosed. A detector circuit generates an output signal based on a feedback signal corresponding to a signal, such as current, flowing through an induction heating coil. The output signal has a duty cycle corresponding to the proximity of operating frequency of the induction heating apparatus to resonance. Changes in the duty cycle of the output signal can be monitored to determine the presence or absence of a vessel on the induction heating coil.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130082046A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

An induction-heating cooker includes an infrared sensor for detecting infrared rays emitted from a cooking container, a scorching detecting portion for outputting, when a temperature of the cooking container increases from a first set temperature and exceeds a second set temperature, scorching detection information based on infrared detection information of the infrared sensor in a heating mode in which a power can be set, and a loading detecting portion for detecting addition of a load such as, for example, a material to be cooked based on a change of the infrared detection information. Even if the scorching detecting portion outputs the scorching detection information before a cooking time measured from the start of a heating operation reaches a first set time, a controller continues the heating operation. If the loading detecting portion detects that the load has been added, the measured cooking time is cleared and measurement thereof is restarted. 1. An induction-heating cooker comprising:a top plate adapted to place a cooking container thereon;an inverter circuit disposed below the top plate and having a heating coil to heat the cooking container;an infrared sensor disposed below the top plate to detect infrared rays that are emitted from a bottom surface of the cooking container and pass through the top plate, the infrared sensor outputting infrared detection information corresponding to a temperature of the bottom surface of the cooking container;a scorching detecting portion operable to detect scorching, in which a material to be cooked has burnt and stuck to the bottom surface of the cooking container, based on the infrared detection information, the scorching detecting portion outputting scorching detection information;an output setting portion operable to select one of a plurality of different power set values; and a first time measuring portion operable to measure a cooking time from the start of heating by the inverter circuit; and', 'a loading ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for Heating a Cooking Vessel with an Induction Heating Device and Induction Heating Device

Номер: US20130087553A1
Принадлежит: E.G.O. Elektro-Geratebau GmbH

A method for heating a cooking vessel utilizing an induction heating device is provided. According to various aspects, the induction heating device includes a resonant circuit with an induction heating coil. A specified amount of energy may be supplied to the cooking vessel with the induction heating device depending on a heating power level selected by a user and/or on a cooking vessel type selected by the user. A parameter value of the resonant circuit which is dependent on a temperature of the cooking vessel, in particular of the bottom of the cooking vessel, may be determined and stored. The parameter value may be regulated to a setpoint which is dependent on the stored parameter value. 1. A method for heating a cooking vessel utilizing an induction heating device , the method comprising:supplying a specified amount of energy to the cooking vessel from the induction heating device comprising a resonant circuit and an induction heating coil, wherein the specified amount of energy depends on a heating power level selected by a user or a cooking vessel type selected by the user;determining and storing a parameter value of the resonant circuit, wherein the parameter value comprises a period duration of a natural-frequency resonant oscillation of the resonant circuit and wherein the parameter value being dependent on a temperature of a bottom of the cooking vessel; andregulating the parameter value to a setpoint which is dependent on the stored parameter value.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the setpoint of the parameter value is equal to the stored parameter value.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising outputting a signal to a user after supplying the specified amount of energy to the cooking vessel.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising applying a specified heating power to the cooking vessel for a specified settling time after supplying the specified amount of energy to the cooking vessel and before determining and storing the parameter value of ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087554A1

A cooker hob device, in particular to an induction cooker hob device, includes at least one switching unit and at least one control apparatus. In order to obtain a high degree of efficiency, the control apparatus is constructed to automatically prompt the at least one switching unit in at least one operating cycle to switch in at least one entire first time interval using at least one switching parameter having a value which changes at least substantially continuously. 113-. (canceled)14. A cooktop apparatus , comprising:at least one switching unit; andat least one control apparatus constructed to automatically prompt the at least one switching unit in at least one operating cycle to switch in at least one entire first time interval using at least one switching parameter having a value which changes at least substantially continuously.15. The cooktop apparatus of claim 14 , constructed in the form of an induction cooktop apparatus.16. The cooktop apparatus of claim 14 , wherein the control apparatus is constructed to render during the operating cycle the switching unit inactive during an entire inactivity time interval which is at least one millisecond long and which directly adjoins the first time interval.17. The cooktop apparatus of claim 16 , wherein the control apparatus is constructed to switch the switching unit during the operating cycle so that the value of the switching parameter changes substantially continuously in a second time interval that directly adjoins the inactivity time interval.18. The cooktop apparatus of claim 16 , further comprising at least one switching element connected to the switching unit in an electrically conducting manner in at least one operating state claim 16 , said control apparatus being constructed to switch the at least one switching element during the inactivity time interval.19. The cooktop apparatus of claim 14 , wherein the first time interval has an overall duration of around two milliseconds.20. The cooktop apparatus of ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Multi Cooker

Номер: US20130112683A1

A cooking appliance and method, the appliance including: at least one temperature controlled heating element; a user interface for enabling a user to select a predefined subject for cooking; and a processor module that maintains a cooking data for cooking the selected predefined subject, and provides prompts to the user during cooking. The cooking data can be indicative of a cooking sequence or procedure. A cookware sensor can automatically identifying cookware being used. 1. A cooking appliance including:at least one temperature controlled heating element;a user interface for enabling a user to select a predefined subject for cooking; anda processor module that maintains a cooking data for cooking the selected predefined subject, and provides prompts to the user during cooking.2. The appliance according to claim 1 , wherein the cooking data is indicative of a cooking sequence or procedure.3. The appliance according to claim 2 , further including a cookware sensor for automatically identifying cookware being used.4. The appliance according to claim 3 , wherein the processor module claim 3 , upon identification of the cookware claim 3 , can adjust the respective cooking sequence.5. The appliance according to claim 1 , further including one or more temperature sensors.6. The appliance according to claim 5 , further including one or remote temperature sensors.7. The appliance according to claim 5 , wherein the processor module receives data from the temperature sensors indicative of the cooking temperature and can adjust the temperature controlled heating element according to the respective cooking sequence.8. The appliance according to claim 5 , wherein at least one temperature controlled heating element is an inductive coil element in a substantially rectangular configuration.9. The appliance according to claim 5 , wherein at least one temperature controlled heating element is an inductive coil element in a substantially oval configuration.10. The appliance according ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130119052A1
Автор: Yamamoto Naoyuki

An electromagnetic induction heating type image heating device is capable of preventing image defects caused by an increase in the temperature of a non-sheet passing portion during thin paper passage, and uses a magnetic shunt alloy having a predetermined Curie temperature. The image heating device is configured to heat a material based on heat generated by an eddy current generated in a conductive member by inducing a magnetic field in a conductive member with a magnetic flux generation unit. The conductive member includes a magnetic shunt alloy whose composition is adjusted to have a predetermined Curie temperature. The image heating device includes a cooling device configured to cool an end portion of the conductive member. Consequently, the image heating device can increase a cooling effect by the cooling device during thin paper passage, in which a fixing temperature is lower than during plain paper passage. 1. An image heating device comprising:a coil;an image heating member configured to generate heat by magnetic flux generated from the coil to heat an image on a recording material at a nip portion,wherein the image heating member includes a magnetic shunt alloy adjusted to have a predetermined Curie temperature;a nip forming member configured to form the nip portion with the image heating member;a controller configured to execute a first heating mode for heating a recording material having a first grammage at a first target temperature, which is lower than the Curie temperature, when the recording material having the first grammage is conveyed to the nip portion, and to execute a second heating mode for heating a recording material having a second grammage, which is less than the first grammage, at a second target temperature, which is lower than the first target temperature, when the recording material having the second grammage is conveyed to the nip portion; anda cooling device configured to cool an end portion of the nip forming member,wherein, in the ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140297A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

In an induction heating apparatus, an infrared-ray detection portion includes an infrared-ray reception portion adapted to receive infrared rays radiated from an object to be heated, an amplification portion adapted to amplify a detection signal from the infrared-ray reception portion to form an infrared-ray detection signal, and a temperature detection portion adapted to detect the temperature of the infrared-ray detection portion and to output the temperature to the control portion. The control portion is adapted to correct the infrared-ray detection signal to form an infrared-ray real signal, when the temperature of the infrared-ray reception portion is equal to or higher than a temperature to be detected by the infrared-ray detection portion, based on information about a negative signal superimposed on the infrared-ray detection signal outputted from the infrared-ray detection portion, which is negative-signal information about the negative signal with the reverse polarity from that of the infrared-ray detection signal. 1. An induction heating apparatus , comprising:a top plate for placing an object to be heated thereon;a heating coil adapted to generate an induction magnetic field for heating the object to be heated;a control portion adapted to control a high-frequency electric current applied to the heating coil for heating the object to be heated; andan infrared-ray detection portion which is adapted to detect an infrared ray radiated according to the temperature of the object to be heated and is adapted to output an infrared-ray detection signal according to infrared-ray energy of the detected infrared ray;wherein the infrared-ray detection portion includesan infrared-ray reception portion adapted to output a detection signal, when receiving an infrared ray radiated from the object to be heated,an amplification portion adapted to amplify the detection signal from the infrared-ray reception portion to form an infrared ray detection signal, anda temperature ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for Transmitting Data, Induction Heating Device, Inductively Heatable Cooking Vessel and System

Номер: US20130153564A1
Автор: Jorg Bogel, Michael Eberle
Принадлежит: EGO Elektro Geratebau GmbH

The disclosure herein provides for transmitting data from an induction heating device to a receiver of an inductively heatable cooking vessel. The induction heating device may include a resonant circuit with an induction heating coil and a converter that may generate a control voltage (UA) from an AC mains voltage (UN) with a control frequency. The resonant circuit may be applied with a control voltage in order to generate an alternating magnetic field for heating the cooking vessel. The data to be transmitted to the receiver may be encoded using the the control frequency.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186886A1

The present invention relates to a cooking hob with a mobile upper part and a stationary or mobile lower part. The upper part includes at least one panel () arranged at its top side. The upper part includes at least one induction coil () arranged below the panel (). The upper part includes at least one rechargeable battery (). The upper part includes at least one inverter circuit for generating the alternating current for the induction coil (). The lower part includes a base plate (). The lower part includes a power supply circuit () arranged on the base plate () and connected or connectable to the grid. The upper part is attachable on and removable from the lower part by a user. 1. A cooking hob with a mobile upper part and a stationary or mobile lower part , wherein:{'b': '10', 'the upper part includes at least one panel () arranged at its top side,'}{'b': 12', '10, 'the upper part includes at least one induction coil () arranged below the panel (),'}{'b': '14', 'the upper part includes at least one rechargeable battery (),'}{'b': '12', 'the upper part includes at least one inverter circuit for generating the alternating current for the induction coil (),'}{'b': '18', 'the lower part includes a base plate (),'}{'b': 16', '18, 'the lower part includes a power supply circuit () arranged on the base plate () and connected or connectable to the grid, and'}the upper part is attachable on and removable from the lower part by a user.2. The cooking hob according to claim 1 , characterized in claim 1 , that the cooking hob is a moveable cooking hob.3141612. The cooking hob according to claim 1 , characterized in claim 1 , that the inverter circuit is provided for transmitting a direct current from the battery () and/or from the power supply circuit () into an alternating current for the corresponding induction coil ().412141216. The cooking hob according to claim 3 , characterized in claim 3 , that the at least one induction coil () is supplied with a medium voltage claim ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206750A1

A heating apparatus, in particular a hob heating apparatus, with at least one heating connection for at least one heating element and at least one frequency unit. In order to provide a heating apparatus of the generic type with relatively high operational reliability, it is proposed that the heating apparatus comprises a protective unit, which is provided for determining the existence of a conducting path between the frequency unit and the at least one heating connection. 110-. (canceled)11. A heating apparatus comprising:at least one heating connection for at least one heating element,at least one frequency unit, anda protective unit configured to determine whether a conducting path exists between the frequency unit and the at least one heating connection.12. The heating apparatus of claim 11 , wherein the heating apparatus is constructed as a cooktop heating apparatus.13. The heating apparatus of claim 11 , wherein the protective unit is configured to determine whether the conducting path exists based on a potential profile.14. The heating apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the protective unit is configured to analyze the potential profile at the at least one heating connection.15. The heating apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the protective unit is configured to determine whether the conducting path exists based on a frequency spectrum of the potential profile.16. The heating apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the protective unit comprises at least one high-pass filter configured to discriminate between potential profiles.17. The heating apparatus of claim 11 , wherein the protective unit comprises a current sensor configured to determine whether the conducting path exists.18. The heating apparatus of claim 11 , further comprising a control unit configured to receive connection information from the protective unit and to initiate at least one safety measure when a faulty conducting path exists.19. The heating apparatus of claim 11 , wherein a total number of heating ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220996A1
Автор: Liney David John

An induction heater system, comprising an induction heating coil, wherein said induction heating coil has a first end and a second end, and a circumference; a power source electrically connected to said first end and said second end; an electrical connection through said induction heating coil and between said first end and said second end and said power source; and a gap located along said circumference of said induction heating coil, wherein said gap extends substantially longitudinally along the induction heating coil and divides said circumference of said induction heating coil into a first section and a second section. 1. An induction heater system , comprising:an induction heating coil, wherein said induction heating coil has a first end and a second end and a circumference;a power source electrically connected to said first end and said second end;an electrical connection through said induction heating coil and between said first end and said second end and said power source; anda gap located along said circumference of said induction heating coil, wherein said gap extends substantially longitudinally along the induction heating coil and divides said circumference of said induction heating coil into a first section and a second section.2. The induction heater system of claim 1 , further comprising a connection element located along said circumference of said induction heating coil claim 1 , wherein said connection element is located between said first section and said second section.3. The induction heater system of claim 1 , further comprising a sleeve claim 1 , wherein said sleeve has a circumference claim 1 , and said induction heating coil is longitudinally wrapped around said sleeve claim 1 , and said gap is located on said circumference of said sleeve.4. The induction heater system of claim 1 , further comprising a structure claim 1 , wherein said induction heating coil surrounds said structure.5. The induction heater system of claim 1 , wherein said ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Condensate Prevention Hood

Номер: US20130266946A1
Принадлежит: Eppendorf AG

The invention relates to a device for controlling the temperature of laboratory vessels, comprising at least one vessel receptacle for receiving the laboratory vessels, at least one removably designed peripheral unit, and a base unit which has a temperature control device and a mounting for placing the at least one removable peripheral unit in a defined position, characterised in that the base unit and the at least one peripheral unit each have at least one coupling element, with said elements, when the peripheral unit is placed onto the base unit in the defined position, forming at least one releasable coupled pair by which the electrical power and/or at least one signal can be transmitted. 1. A device for controlling the temperature of laboratory vessels withat least one vessel receptacle for receiving the laboratory vesselsat least one removably designed peripheral unit, and witha base unit having a temperature control device and a mount for placing the at least one removable peripheral unit in a defined position, characterised in that the base unit and the at least one peripheral unit each have at least one coupling element, which, when the peripheral unit is placed on the base unit in the defined position, form at least one releasable coupled pair, through which electric power and/or at least one signal can be transmitted.2. The device according to claim 1 , characterised in that the respective coupling elements of the at least one releasable coupled pair are separated from one another galvanically.3. The device according to claim 2 , characterised in that claim 2 , through said at least one releasable coupled pair optical and/or inductive and/or capacitive electric power coupled pair and/or at least one signal can be transmitted.43. The device according to one of to claim 1 , characterised in that at least one respective coupling element in the base unit and the peripheral unit is a coil claim 1 , and that both coils together claim 1 , in the defined position ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Power Converter with Over-Voltage Protection

Номер: US20130277362A1

In one implementation, a power converter with over-voltage protection includes a power switch coupled to a power supply through a tank circuit, and a control circuit coupled to a gate of the power switch. The control circuit is configured to turn the power switch OFF based on a current from the tank circuit, thereby providing the over-voltage protection to the power converter. In one implementation, the power converter is a class-E power converter. In one implementation, the control circuit is configured to sense the current from the tank circuit based on a voltage drop across a sense resistor coupled to the power switch. 1. A power converter with over-voltage protection , said power converter comprising:a power switch coupled to a power supply through a tank circuit;a control circuit coupled to a gate of said power switch;said control circuit being configured to turn said power switch OFF based on a current from said tank circuit, thereby providing said over-voltage protection to said power switch.2. The power converter of claim 1 , wherein said control circuit is configured to turn said power switch ON when a current through said power switch is substantially zero.3. The power converter of claim 1 , wherein said power converter is a class-E power converter.4. The power converter of claim 1 , wherein said control circuit is configured to sense said current from said tank circuit based on a voltage drop across a sense resistor coupled to said power switch.5. The power converter of claim 1 , wherein said power switch comprises a group IV insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT).6. The power converter of claim 1 , wherein said power switch comprises a group IV bipolar junction transistor (BJT).7. The power converter of claim 1 , wherein said power switch comprises a group IV metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET).8. The power converter of claim 1 , wherein said power switch comprises a group III-V heterostructure field-effect transistor (HFET).9. ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Induction heating system with self regulating power control

Номер: US20130284723A1
Автор: Heinrich Weder
Принадлежит: ELATRONIC AG

An induction heating system ( 46 ) for use in cooking with a positive feedback mechanism ( 54, 56 ) by means of which the power applied to a cooking utensil (52) can be varied in a wide range by changing its position above an induction coil ( 10 ), and by means of which the circuitry ( 54 ) is automatically protected against overheating.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Induction heating cooker and control method for same

Номер: US20130334210A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

An induction cooker comprises: first and second inverters [[( 11 a, 11 b )]] each of which is connected in parallel to the smoothing capacitor and has a DC power supply converted to AC by first and second switching elements to supply high-frequency power to first and second heating coils [[( 4 a, 4 b )]]; first and second oscillation circuits [[( 7 a, 7 b )]] which supply a driving signal to the respective first and second switching elements; and a control unit [[( 10 )]] which controls driving of the first and second oscillation circuits. The control unit [[( 10 )]] controls the first and second oscillation circuits by alternately driving the first and second oscillation circuits and causes a switched-off side heating coil of the first and second heating coils to maintain low-power heating without causing the switched-off side heating coil of the first and second heating coils to stop heating each time the control unit switches the first and second oscillation circuits to drive.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008355A1

An induction heating system including a container for storing a substance; a heating element in thermal contact with the substance; a machine readable tag in thermal contact with the substance, the tag having a machine readable temperature-dependant characteristic; an interrogator for reading the temperature-dependant characteristic of the tag and for determining the current temperature of the substance; an induction heater for generating an AC magnetic field to heat the heating element; and a heater controller for controlling operation of the induction heater, in response to the substance temperature determined by the interrogator, to heat the substance. 125-. (canceled)26. An induction heating system comprising:a container for storing a substance;a heating element in thermal contact with the substance;a machine readable tag in thermal contact with the substance, the tag storing a tag identifier and having a machine readable temperature-dependant characteristic;an interrogator for reading the tag identifier, for reading the temperature-dependant characteristic of the tag, and for determining a current temperature of the substance from the temperature-dependent characteristic;an induction heater for generating an AC magnetic field to heat the heating element; anda heater controller for controlling operation of the induction heater, in response to the substance temperature determined by the interrogator, to heat the substance.27. An induction heating system according to claim 26 , wherein the tag includes at least one resonant member having the temperature-dependant characteristic.28. An induction heating system according to claim 27 , wherein the temperature-dependant characteristic is a shift in resonant frequency of the resonant member as a function of temperature.29. An induction heating system according to claim 26 , wherein the tag includes a plurality of resonant members encoding the tag identifier.30. An induction heating system according to claim 29 , ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014650A1

An induction cooking hob with a pot detection device. The hob includes a cooking surface having cooking areas and/or cooking zones. The hob includes a user interface having a switch element and a display. The hob includes a control unit for controlling the cooking area(s) and/or the cooking zone(s). The pot detection device checks, if a cooking vessel is placed on the cooking area(s) and/or cooking zone(s). The control unit switches off the cooking area(s) and/or cooking zone(s), if the pot detection device has identified that the cooking vessel has been removed from the cooking area(s) and/or the cooking zone(s). The control unit stores a cooking mode of the cooking area(s) and/or cooking zone(s), which have been switched off. The display indicates that the cooking area(s) and/or cooking zone(s) have been switched off. The switch element restarts the cooking area(s) and/or cooking zone(s) in the same cooking mode. 1. An induction cooking hob with a pot detection device , wherein:{'b': 10', '14', '16', '18, 'the induction cooking hob includes a cooking surface () comprising one or more cooking areas (, ) and/or cooking zones (),'}{'b': '12', 'the induction cooking hob includes a user interface () comprising at least one switch element and at least one display,'}{'b': 14', '16', '18, 'the induction cooking hob includes a control unit for controlling the cooking area(s) (, ) and/or the cooking zone(s) (),'}{'b': 14', '16', '18, 'the pot detection device is provided for checking, if a cooking vessel is placed on the cooking area(s) (, ) and/or cooking zone(s) (),'}{'b': 14', '16', '18', '14', '16', '18, 'the control unit is provided for switching off the cooking area(s) (, ) and/or cooking zone(s) (), if the pot detection device has identified that the cooking vessel has been removed from said cooking area(s) (, ) and/or the cooking zone(s) (),'}{'b': 14', '16', '18, 'the control unit is provided for storing a cooking mode of that or those cooking area(s) (, ) and/or ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Induction heating cooker and control method thereof

Номер: US20140027443A1

An induction heating cooker having an oil temperature control function by of the amount of change of an operating frequency, and a control method thereof, the induction heating cooker including a heating coil, an inverter unit, a driving unit, a detection unit to detect a value of a current that flows at the heating coil, and a control unit to calculate an operating frequency of the driving unit according to the value of the current, to vary the operating frequency so that the heating coil maintains a constant output that corresponds to an output level, and to determine whether oil accommodated in a container placed on the heating coil is overheated, by use of an amount of change of the operating frequency, and the maintenance or the control of the temperature of oil may be achieved.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140064768A1

An electromagnetic induction heating apparatus comprises: a resonance circuit that includes a inductor and a capacitor; a direct-current electric power supply; and a switching element performing ON and OFF switching of electric power supplied to the resonance circuit by the direct-current electric power supply; performs intermittent control of the electric power supply by controlling the ON and OFF switching at regular intervals, and by performing control to stop the electric power supply when not controlling the ON and OFF switching, wherein during the intermittent control, the switching control unit performs gradual control such that, upon beginning the control of the ON and OFF switching, the electric power supply gradually increases to reach a target value, and upon stopping the control of the ON and OFF switching, the electric power supply gradually decreases from the target value until stopping, such that the gradual decrease involves fewer steps than the gradual increase. 1. An electromagnetic induction heating apparatus performing electromagnetic induction heating of a heating target electromagnetically coupled to an inductor , the electromagnetic induction heating apparatus comprising:a resonance circuit that includes the inductor and a capacitor;a direct-current electric power supply;a switching element performing ON and OFF switching of electric power supplied to the resonance circuit by the direct-current electric power supply; anda switching control unit performing intermittent control of the electric power supplied to the resonance circuit by performing control of the ON and OFF switching by the switching element at regular intervals, and by performing control to stop the electric power supplied to the resonance circuit when not performing control of the ON and OFF switching, whereinduring the intermittent control, the switching control unit performs gradual control such that, upon beginning the control of the ON and OFF switching, the electric power ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001389A1

Methods and apparatus to communicate via a weld cable are disclosed. An example welding accessory includes a first port to receive input power via a first weld cable, a power converter to convert the input power to output power, a second port to output the input power via a second weld cable, and one or more output switches to selectively divert the input power from the power converter to the second port. 1. A welding accessory , comprising:a first port to receive input power via a first weld cable;a power converter to convert the input power to output power;a second port to output the input power via a second weld cable; andone or more output switches to selectively divert the input power from the power converter to the second port.2. The welding accessory as defined in claim 1 , further comprising a communications detector in communication with the second weld cable claim 1 , the communications detector to claim 1 , in response to identifying a communication occurring on the second weld cable claim 1 , cause the one or more output switches to divert the input power to the second port in response to the communication.3. The welding accessory as defined in claim 1 , further comprising a current watchdog to claim 1 , in response to identifying that the second weld cable has not conducted welding current for at least a threshold time period claim 1 , cause the one or more output switches to direct the input power to the power converter.4. The welding accessory as defined in claim 1 , further comprising a third port to receive a temperature signal claim 1 , a temperature monitor to convert the temperature signal to temperature information claim 1 , and a transceiver to transmit a communication including temperature information.5. The welding accessory as defined in claim 1 , further comprising a third port to receive a temperature signal and a temperature monitor to convert the temperature signal to a temperature of a workpiece claim 1 , the temperature monitor to: ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Current Delivery Systems, Apparatuses and Methods

Номер: US20150005759A1
Принадлежит: Cynosure LLC

In part, the disclosure relates to an electromagnetic current displacement apparatus that includes one or more magnetic field sources and an alternating current source. The apparatus includes current delivery electrodes that may be part of a cuff, a hand held device, or individual electrode pads suitable for temporary fixation to skin. In one embodiment, an alternating current is transcutaneously delivered using skin contacting electrodes sized and arranged to avoid hotspots and provide a uniform delivery of the current. In turn, current attractors and repulsors can be arranged on the skin or in a suitable device to push or pull sections of the current that is disposed below such elements. Magnetic fields can be applied and focused to the regions through which the current passes, effectively pushing the current deeper into a target region below the surface of the skin.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015199A1

A heating device includes a first capacitor, a first switch, a second switch, a second capacitor, a third capacitor, a coil and a controller. The first and second switch are coupled in series at a first node, and are coupled with the first capacitor in parallel. The second capacitor is coupled to the first switch. The third capacitor is coupled to the second switch, and is coupled to the second capacitor at a second node. The coil is coupled between the first and the second node. The controller outputs a first and a second control signal to the first switch and the second switch, respectively. After the heating device received a voltage and a starting command, the controller outputs the first and the second control signal to turn on or off the first and the second switch respectively. The duty cycle of the first signal is lower than 50%. 1. A heating device , configured to generate an induced magnetic field according to a voltage provided by a power source , comprising:a first capacitor coupled to the power source;a first switch;a second switch coupled to the first switch in series at a first node, and the first switch and the second switch are coupled with the first capacitor in parallel;a second capacitor coupled to the first switch;a third capacitor coupled to the second switch, and coupled to the second capacitor in series at a second node;a coil coupled between the first node and the second node, and configured to generate the induced magnetic field; anda controller configured to output a first control signal and a second control signal to the first switch and the second switch, respectively, wherein the first control signal and the second control signal are complementary to each other;wherein during a period after the heating device receives the voltage and after the heating device receives a starting command, the controller is configured to output the first control signal to turn on or off the first switch, and output the second control signal to turn on or ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006668A1
Автор: Nikolenko Sergey

A cooking appliance has a base made of natural stone, ceramic, porcelain, or an ultra-compact surface, with a bottom surface, and a top surface. The cooking appliance has an induction heating element coupled to the bottom surface. The induction heating element heats a targeted object placed on the top surface to a cooking temperature of at least 100 degrees Celsius. 1. A cooking appliance , comprising:at least one induction heating element;a base having a top surface, an induction cooking region, and a bottom surface; whereinthe at least one induction heating element is positioned below the cooking region;the cooking region is made of granite or marble, and has a thickness between the top surface and the bottom surface, the thickness being between 6 millimeters and 12 millimeters; andthe at least one induction heating element is configured to heat a targeted object placed on the cooking region to a temperature of at least 150 degrees Celsius.2. (canceled)3. The cooking appliance of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one passage through the base, the at least one passage shaped to receive an undermount sink.4. The cooking appliance of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one passage through the base, the at least one passage having a recessed flange surface shaped to receive a cooktop control panel and seat the cooktop control panel flush with the top surface.5. The cooking appliance of claim 1 , whereinthe base comprises a counter region made of granite or marble; andthe induction cooking region is unitary with the counter region.6. The cooking appliance of claim 1 , further comprising:a control panel, whereby the appliance is configured to detect a targeted object placed on the cooking region, and to cause only a respective region of the at least one or more induction heating element to heat the targeted object.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. The cooking appliance of claim 1 , whereinthe base is formed from a unitary slab of granite or marble;the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007188A1

A portable induction heater is disclosed. In one construction, the portable induction heater is generally composed of a housing and a lid coupled to the housing. The lid has one or more apertures and a chamber coupled to at least one of the one or more apertures. The chamber is positioned in proximity to an induction heating element within the housing. A system for heating a hand held administration device is also disclosed. 1. A portable induction heater for inductively heating an administration device , the portable induction heater comprising:an enclosure having an aperture to receive the administration device;a chamber coupled to the aperture, the chamber having an open end, a closed end opposite the open end, and a wall between the open end and the closed end, the open end of the chamber coinciding with the aperture of the enclosure, the chamber to receive a portion of the administration device;an induction heating device within the enclosure and in close proximity to the chamber;a power supply; anda controller electrically connected to the power supply and to the induction heating device, the controller being configured to controllably provide power to the induction heating device to inductively heat the administration device when received by the chamber.2. The portable induction heater of claim 1 , wherein the controller further includes a microcontroller.3. The portable induction heater of claim 1 , and further comprising an indicator within or on the enclosure and coupled to the controller claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to control the indicator to signal one or more operational states of the portable induction heater.4. The portable induction heater of claim 3 , wherein the indicator is a light source claim 3 , and wherein the controller is further configured to provide power to the light source to emit a light having a relation to the administration device being received by the chamber.5. The portable induction heater of claim 3 , ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007189A1

A tool storage device with a base having a working surface on which to place tools and an induction coil located remotely from the working surface and connected to an alternating current power source. The induction coil is located to be magnetically coupled to a tool located on the working surface upon application of the alternating current and thereby induces a heating effect within the tool to elevate the temperature of the tool. 1. A tool storage device with a base having a working surface on which to place tools , an induction coil located remotely from the working surface and connected to an alternating current power source , said induction coil located to be magnetically coupled to a tool located on the working surface upon application of the alternating current and thereby induce a heating effect within the tool to elevate the temperature of the tool.2. The tool storage device of including a power source to supply power to said induction coil.3. The tool storage device of wherein said power source includes a DC battery and a switching circuit to convert output of said DC battery to an AC supply to said induction coil.4. The tool storage device of wherein said DC battery is removably mounted on said storage device.5. The tool storage device of wherein said DC battery is rechargeable.6. The tool storage device of wherein an electrical connector is provided on said device to connect said power supply to an external power source.7. The tool storage device of including a controller to monitor temperature of a tool located on said working surface and control supply of the power to said induction coil to maintain a predetermined temperature of said tool.8. The tool storage device of wherein said predetermined temperature is adjustable.9. The tool storage device of including a switch to interrupt supply of power to said induction coil.10. The tool storage device of wherein said induction coil extends about the periphery of said base.11. The tool storage device of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008001A1
Принадлежит: NETUREN CO., LTD.

An induction heating power supply apparatus includes a smoothing section to smooth pulsating current of DC power output from a DC power supply section, and an inverter to convert the DC power smoothed by the smoothing section to AC power. The smoothing section includes a pair of bus bars connected to the inverter and a capacitor connected to the pair of bus bars. Each of the bus bars has an external surface extending in a current flow direction, the external surface including a flat face having a larger surface dimension than another face of the external surface in a direction perpendicular to the current flow direction. The bus bars are arranged in a layered manner such that the flat faces of the bus bars are opposed to each other and such that an insulator is sandwiched between the flat faces of the bus bars. 1. An induction heating power supply apparatus comprising:a smoothing section configured to smooth pulsating current of DC power output from a DC power supply section; andan inverter configured to convert the DC power smoothed by the smoothing section to AC power,wherein the smoothing section comprises a pair of bus bars connected to the inverter and at least one capacitor connected to the pair of bus bars,wherein each of the bus bars comprises an external surface extending in a current flow direction, the external surface including at least one flat face having a larger surface dimension than another face of the external surface in a direction perpendicular to the current flow direction, andwherein the pair of bus bars are arranged in a layered manner such that the flat faces of the pair of bus bars are opposed to each other and such that an insulator is sandwiched between the flat faces the pair of bus bars.2. The induction heating power supply apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the capacitor comprises a pair of terminals arranged side by side on one side of the capacitor, andwherein the pair of terminals are connected to the pair of bus bars such that ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008210A1

An aerosol-generating article is provided, including an aerosol-forming substrate and a susceptor configured to heat the aerosol-forming substrate. The susceptor includes a first susceptor material and a second susceptor material having a Curie temperature, the first susceptor material being disposed in intimate physical contact with the second susceptor material. The first susceptor material may also have a Curie temperature, the second Curie temperature being lower than 500° C., and lower than the Curie temperature of the first susceptor material, if the first susceptor material has a Curie temperature. The use of such a multi-material susceptor allows heating to be optimised and the temperature of the susceptor to be controlled to approximate the second Curie temperature without need for direct temperature monitoring. 1. An aerosol-generating article , comprising:an aerosol-forming substrate; anda susceptor configured to heat the aerosol-forming substrate, the susceptor comprising a first susceptor material and a second susceptor material, the first susceptor material being disposed in intimate physical contact with the second susceptor material, and the second susceptor material having a Curie temperature that is lower than 500° C.2. The aerosol-generating article according to claim 1 , wherein the first susceptor material is aluminium claim 1 , iron claim 1 , or an iron alloy claim 1 , and the second susceptor material is nickel or a nickel alloy.3. The aerosol-generating article according to claim 1 , wherein the first susceptor material is a grade 410 claim 1 , 420 claim 1 , or 430 stainless steel claim 1 , and the second susceptor material is nickel or a nickel alloy.4. The aerosol-generating article according to claim 1 ,wherein the first susceptor material has a first Curie temperature,wherein the Curie temperature that is lower than 500° C. is a second Curie temperature, andwherein the second Curie temperature is lower than the first Curie temperature.5. ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011535A1

A cook top assembly includes a cooking surface. A monitoring system is configured to monitor and control a cooking process on the cooking surface. The monitoring system includes at least one temperature sensor configured to sense a first temperature change at the cooking surface. A controller operatively coupled to the temperature sensor is configured to receive from the temperature sensor a signal indicating the first temperature change and activate a timing module operatively coupled to the controller for a first predetermined time period based at least in part on the first temperature change sensed by the temperature sensor. 1. A cook top assembly , comprising:a cooking surface; a temperature sensor configured to sense a first temperature change at the cooking surface; and', receive from the temperature sensor a first signal indicating the first temperature change; and', 'activate a timing module operatively coupled to the controller for a first predetermined time period based at least in part on the first temperature change sensed by the temperature sensor., 'a controller operatively coupled to the temperature sensor, the controller configured to], 'a monitoring system configured to monitor and control a cooking process on the cooking surface, the monitoring system comprising2. The cook top assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a notification module operatively coupled to the controller, the notification module configured to generate a second signal that the first predetermined time period has elapsed; andan indicator module operatively coupled to the notification module, the indicator module configured to receive the second signal from the notification module and output a first instructional signal for instructing an operator of the cook top assembly to perform a first action.3. The cook top assembly of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to confirm that the first action has been completed by the operator.4. The cook top assembly of claim 2 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013681A1

A cooking tool is disclosed, which comprises a fastening portion detachably provided in a cooking vessel provided above or inside a kitchen appliance to cook food; a sensor sensing a temperature of food which is cooked in the cooking vessel; a transmitter transmitting temperature information sensed by the sensor to the kitchen appliance as an electric signal; and a controller controlling the transmitter to transmit the temperature information sensed by the sensor as an electric signal. 1. A cooking tool comprising:a fastening portion detachably provided in a cooking vessel provided above or inside a kitchen appliance to cook food;a sensor sensing a temperature of food which is cooked in the cooking vessel;a transmitter transmitting temperature information sensed by the sensor to the kitchen appliance as an electric signal; anda controller controlling the transmitter to transmit the temperature information sensed by the sensor as an electric signal.2. The cooking tool according to claim 1 , wherein the kitchen appliance includes a receiver receiving the electric signal transmitted from the transmitter and a kitchen appliance controller controlling cooking intensity of food claim 1 , and the controller controls the transmitter to transmit the sensed temperature information to the receiver of the kitchen appliance to allow the kitchen appliance controller to control cooking intensity of food.3. The cooking tool according to claim 2 , wherein the sensor is provided as a thermocouple.4. The cooking tool according to claim 3 , wherein the thermocouple further includes a length control member controlling a length of the thermocouple to be in contact with food which is cooked.5. The cooking tool according to claim 2 , wherein the fastening portion further includes an extension portion extended therefrom to serve as a handle.6. The cooking tool according to claim 2 , further comprising a display module controlled by the controller to display cooking information of food.7. ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014363A1

A method for operating a hob for maintaining a state, which exists at the time of activation of the maintaining operation, at a cooking point of the hob with a cooking vessel on it detects a change in temperature of the cooking vessel as a change in state, wherein supplied power and/or a change in temperature of the cooking vessel are evaluated. A maintaining function for maintaining the state, which is indicated at this time, at the cooking point with a cooking vessel placed on it can be triggered. In doing so, the current state at the cooking point is classified as a process at the boiling point of water on the one hand and as a process which is different therefrom or as a process which takes place at a different temperature without a phase transition of water on the other hand. 1. A method for operating a hob for maintaining a state at a cooking point of the hob with a cooking vessel on said cooking point , wherein said state exists at the time of activation of an operation for maintaining , the method comprising:placing a cooking vessel onto said cooking point of said hob and being heated by said cooking point or by an inductive heating device of said cooking point according to requirements;detecting a change in temperature of said cooking vessel as a change in state;detecting a heating process of said cooking vessel and evaluation of supplied power and/or a temperature of said cooking vessel and/or a profile thereof with respect to time;triggering of a maintaining function by an operator for maintaining said state, which is indicated at said time, at said cooking point with said cooking vessel placed on it; anddividing a current state at said cooking point firstly into a process at a boiling point of water and secondly into a process which is different therefrom or into a process which takes place at a different temperature without a phase transition of water,wherein, in a case of a decision in favor of a process at said boiling point of water, said power ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014365A1

An apparatus includes a plurality of induction coils that are magnetically coupled to one another, a plurality of heat stations, each respectively coupled to one of the induction coils, a power source, and a power source connected to at least one of the heat stations via at least one power transfer component. When electrical power is applied from the power source to at least one of the heat stations, a magnetic field is induced in the plurality of induction coils via the at least one of the heat stations that is connected to the power source. 1. An apparatus comprising:a plurality of induction coils that are magnetically coupled to one another;a plurality of heat stations, each respectively coupled to one of the induction coils;a power source; anda power source connected to at least one of the heat stations via at least one power transfer component;wherein, when electrical power is applied from the power source to at least one of the heat stations, a magnetic field is induced in the plurality of induction coils via the at least one of the heat stations that is connected to the power source.2. The apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the power source is electrically connected to all of the plurality of heat stations.3. The apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the power source is electrically connected to only one of the plurality of heat stations.4. The apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , wherein each induction coil of the plurality of induction coils includes a single turn induction coil.5. The apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , comprising at least three heat stations claim 1 , wherein the power source is electrically connected to only two of the plurality of heat stations.6. The apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of heat stations has substantially the same value of capacitance.7. The apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of heat stations has a substantially different capacitance than ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Multi Cooker

Номер: US20160014849A1

A cooking appliance and method for heating an item positioned on the appliance and used in food preparation or food serving or cooking. The appliance including: a chassis having an upper platform for supporting the item in use; an induction element located below the platform for heating the item when positioned on the appliance; a temperature sensing assembly having a temperature sensing element; the temperature sensing element providing a temperature signal indicative of a current temperature of the item; a user interface for enabling a user to select a desired temperature of the item in use; and a processor module that receives the temperature signal and controls power to the induction element for providing the desired temperature; wherein the temperature sensing assembly is exposed to a fan cooling path such that the temperature sensing element is selectively cooled from below. 1. A cooking appliance for heating an item positioned on the appliance and used in food preparation or food serving or cooking , the appliance including:a chassis having an upper platform for supporting the item in use;an induction element located below the platform for heating the item when positioned on the appliance;a temperature sensing assembly having a temperature sensing element; the temperature sensing element providing a temperature signal indicative of a current temperature of the item;a user interface for enabling a user to select a desired temperature of the item in use; anda processor module that receives the temperature signal and controls power to the induction element for providing the desired temperature;wherein the temperature sensing assembly is exposed to a fan cooling path such that the temperature sensing element is selectively cooled from below.2. The cooking appliance of claim 1 , wherein the temperature sensing element is selectively cooled from below when the item is removed from the appliance.3. The cooking appliance of claim 1 , wherein the temperature sensing ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014621A1
Принадлежит: Electrolux Appliances Aktiebolag

The invention relates to an induction module for powering one or more induction coils () of an induction hob (), the induction module () at least comprising: —an induction generator () for providing electrical power to an induction coil (); —a controller () for controlling the induction generator (); —a communication interface () for coupling the induction module () with a user interface (); wherein the controller () is adapted to operate the induction module () at least according to a first and a second configuration mode, wherein in the first configuration mode, the induction module () is configured to directly communicate with the user interface (), and wherein in said second configuration mode, the induction module () is adapted to be operated either according to master module or slave module configuration, wherein in master module configuration, the induction module () is configured to receive user interface information from the user interface () and provide operation information to one or more slave induction modules based on said user interface information and wherein in slave module configuration, the induction module () is configured to receive operation information from a master induction module and operate the induction generator () according to said operation information. 2. Induction module according to claim 1 , wherein in said slave module configuration claim 1 , the induction module does not consider information directly provided by the user interface.3. Induction module according to claim 1 , wherein the communication interface is configured to couple the induction module with the user interface and one or more further induction modules.4. Induction module according to claim 1 , wherein the communication interface is a bus interface for coupling the induction module with a communication bus.5. Induction module according to claim 1 , comprising storage means for storing information regarding operating the induction module according to said master ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Portable induction heater

Номер: US20210014941A1
Принадлежит: Dynavap LLC

A portable induction heater is disclosed. In one construction, the portable induction heater is generally composed of a housing and a lid coupled to the housing. The lid has one or more apertures and a chamber coupled to at least one of the one or more apertures. The chamber is positioned in proximity to an induction heating element within the housing. A system for heating a hand held administration device is also disclosed.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190018048A1

An induction heating apparatus includes a coil driver configured to have a plurality of selectable resonant frequencies, and a controller configured to control the coil driver. The coil driver drives a coil according to a control signal from the controller. 1. An induction heating apparatus comprising:a coil driver configured to have a plurality of selectable resonant frequencies; anda controller configured to control the coil driver,wherein the coil driver is further configured to drive a coil according to a control signal from the controller.2. The induction heating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the coil driver has two or more resonant frequencies.3. The induction heating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the coil driver comprises:a plurality of first coils connected in series;a plurality of second coils connected in series;a first switching device disposed between the plurality of first coils;a second switching device disposed between the plurality of second coils;a plurality of first capacitors connected to the plurality of first coils; anda plurality of second capacitors connected to the plurality of second coils.4. The induction heating apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the controller is further configured to:turn on or off the first switching device disposed between the plurality of first coils, andturn on or off the second switching device disposed between the plurality of second coils.5. The induction heating apparatus of claim 3 , wherein:the plurality of first capacitors connected to the plurality of first coils are two or more capacitors, andthe plurality of second capacitors connected to the plurality of second coils are two or more capacitors.6. The induction heating apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the coil driver further comprises a current sensor disposed between an input terminal of the coil driver and a node of the plurality of first coils connected in series and the plurality of second coils connected in series.7. The induction heating apparatus of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038022A1

A power supply device includes a first output unit that outputs a first alternating current, a second output unit that outputs a second alternating current, and a current combining unit that combines the first alternating current and the second alternating current. The current combining unit includes a first bus bar, a second bus bar, a first conductive member welded to a first surface of the first bus bar and connected to the first output unit, a second conductive member that is welded to a second surface of the first bus bar, penetrates the second bus bar, and is connected to the second output unit, a third conductive member welded to a first surface of the second bus bar and connected to the second output unit, and a fourth conductive member that is welded to a second surface of the second bus bar, penetrates the first bus bar, and is connected to the first output unit. The second surface of the first bus bar faces the second surface of the second bus bar. 1. A power supply device , comprising:a first output unit that outputs a first alternating current;a second output unit that outputs a second alternating current; anda current combining unit that combines the first alternating current and the second alternating current,whereinthe current combining unit includes:a first bus bar;a second bus bar;a first conductive member that is welded to a first surface of the first bus bar and is connected to the first output unit;a second conductive member that is welded to a second surface of the first bus bar, penetrates the second bus bar, and is connected to the second output unit;a third conductive member that is welded to a first surface of the second bus bar and is connected to the second output unit; anda fourth conductive member that is welded to a second surface of the second bus bar, penetrates the first bus bar, and is connected to the first output unit, andthe second surface of the first bus bar faces the second surface of the second bus bar.2. The power supply ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160021706A1

The present disclosure, for the prevention of a possible degradation of an induction coil in insulating performance by preventing condensate formation on an induction coil, provides a device that is configured to include a roller main body, an induction heat generator provided in the roller main body and having the induction coil for heating the roller main body inductively, a cooling mechanism configured to introduce a coolant mist into a clearance portion between the roller main body and the induction heat generator for cooling the roller main body, an AC voltage application part configured to apply AC voltage to the induction coil, and a DC voltage application part configured to apply DC voltage to the induction coil.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160021708A1

An induction heating cooker is provided that has a plurality of heating coils arranged under a top plate, that has power consumption, heat generation, and unnecessary radiation suppressed at the time of detection of a load, and that requires a short time for detection of a load. In the induction heating cooker of this disclosure, two or more heating coils are at the same time selected depending on a position of an area operated on the operation section. The operation detecting section performs the load detection only for the heating coils selected by an operation on the operation section. By using such a configuration, a user can select heating coils to be used out of a plurality of heating coils in advance. A load detection operation is not performed for heating coils other than the selected heating coils.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170019958A1

A method for illuminating a knob of a cooking appliance is provided. The method includes positioning a cooking utensil on a cooking surface of the cooking appliance, rotating the knob in order to activate a heating element of the cooking appliance and sequentially activating a plurality of light emitting diodes beneath the knob. 1. A method for illuminating a knob on a cooking appliance , comprising:positioning a cooking utensil on a cooking surface of the cooking appliance;rotating the knob in order to activate an induction heating element of the cooking appliance; andsequentially activating each light emitting diode (LED) of a plurality of light emitting diodes if the induction heating element does not heat the cooking utensil after said step of rotating, the plurality of light emitting diodes distributed in a circular pattern below the knob.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said step of sequentially activating comprises a plurality of consecutive activation stages claim 1 , only one LED of the plurality of light emitting diodes emitting light during each activation stage of the plurality of consecutive activation stages.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein each LED of the plurality of light emitting diodes is activated after a respective adjacent LED of the plurality of light emitting diodes is deactivated during said step of sequentially activating.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of light emitting diodes operates in a chasing pattern during said step of sequentially activating.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising constantly operating each LED of the plurality of light emitting diodes at said step of rotating and before said step of sequentially activating.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein light emitted by the plurality of light emitting diodes is a first color at said step of constantly operating and light emitted by the plurality of light emitting diodes is a second color at said step of sequentially activating claim 5 , the first ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020507A1

Disclosed is an electromagnetic heating control circuit, comprising a control chip, a rectifier filter circuit, a resonant capacitor, a switching transistor, a drive circuit, and a synchronous voltage detection circuit. The switching transistor comprises a first end, a second end, and a control end. The first end is connected to a positive output end of the rectifier filter circuit by using the resonant capacitor. The second end is connected to a negative output end of the rectifier filter circuit by using a current limiting resistor. The control chip comprises a positive phase voltage input end, a negative phase voltage input end, a voltage detection end, and a signal input end. The positive phase voltage input end and the negative phase voltage input end detect voltages at two ends of the resonant capacitor by using the synchronous voltage detection circuit. The signal output end is connected to the control end by using the drive circuit. The voltage detection end is connected to the positive output end of the rectifier filter circuit by using the synchronous voltage detection circuit. The control chip controls a working state of the switching transistor according to a voltage detected by the voltage detection end. Further disclosed is an electromagnetic heating device. 192-. (canceled)93. An electromagnetic heating control circuit , comprising: a control chip , a rectifying and filtering circuit , a resonance capacitor , a switch transistor , a drive circuit , and a synchronous voltage detection circuit , wherein:the switch transistor comprises a first terminal, a second terminal, and a control terminal configured to control a connection state between the first terminal and the second terminal, the first terminal is connected to a positive output terminal of the rectifying and filtering circuit via the resonance capacitor, the second terminal is connected to a negative output terminal of the rectifying and filtering circuit via a current-limiting resistor; andthe ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039217A1

An induction heating device and a method for sensing a cooking vessel on an induction heating device are provided. The induction heating device may include a controller that converts a resonance waveform generated as current is applied to a sensing coil into a square waveform. The controller may determine whether a cooking vessel placed on the induction heating device has an inductive heating property based on a number of pulses of the converted square waveform. 1. An induction heating device including:a plate configured to receive a cooking vessel thereon;a working coil provided below the plate that heats the cooking vessel using an inductive current;a cooking vessel sensor provided concentrically with the working coil such that the working coil surrounds the cooking vessel sensor; anda controller configured to apply a sensing current to the sensing coil to generate a resonant signal and determine whether the cooking vessel has an inductive heating property based on the generated resonant signal,wherein the cooking vessel sensor includes:a body having a first receiving space, a side wall, and a sensing coil wound by a predetermined number of winding counts on an outer face of the side wall of the body;a magnetic core received in the first receiving space, wherein the magnetic core has a hollow cylindrical shape and a second receiving space formed inside the magnetic core; anda temperature sensor received in the second receiving space.2. The induction heating device of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to:convert the resonant signal into a square waveform; andcompare a number of pulses of the square waveform with a predetermined reference value, and determine whether the cooking vessel has an inductive heating property based on the comparison3. The induction heating device of claim 2 , wherein the controller determines that the cooking vessel has an inductive heating property when the number of the pulses of the square waveform is equal to or smaller ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039218A1

The present disclosure relates to a cooking apparatus having a heating module capable of moving in a two-dimensional space and, particularly, to a cooking apparatus comprising: an upper plate configured to support a cooking vessel, a heating module disposed movably in a space provided under the upper plate and included a coil, and a rail disposed under the heating module to guide movements of the heating module, wherein electric current is supplied to the rail and the heating module supplies an alternating current through the rail. According to the present disclosure, the heating module supplies a current through the rail rather than receiving a current through a separate connection coil or wiring from an external power supply, thereby enabling shorting or disconnection of a current to be prevented even if the heating module moves. 1. A cooking apparatus , comprising:an upper plate configured to support a cooking vessel, a heating module disposed movably in a space provided under the upper plate and included a coil, anda rail disposed under the heating module to guide movements of the heating module, wherein electric current is supplied to the rail and the heating module supplies an alternating current through the rail.2. The cooking apparatus of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,the rail includes a first rail on which the heating module is disposed and which is electrically connected to the heating module, andthe heating module is movable along extension direction of the first rail while maintaining an electric connection with the first rail.3. The cooking apparatus of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 ,a pair of the first rails are provided to supply electric current to the heating module, andthe heating module is provided with a pair of contact terminals that are kept in contact with the pair of first rails.4. The cooking apparatus of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 ,a free end of the contact terminal contacts an upper end of the first rail, andthe contact terminal includes a bent ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022227A1
Принадлежит: Electrolux Appliances Aktiebolag

The invention relates to a method for boil detection at a heating zone of an induction hob (), the method comprising the steps of: —disabling (S) a power control mechanism of the induction hob by setting the frequency of the AC-current provided to an induction coil of the induction hob to a fixed value; —measuring (S) values of an electrical parameter provided within the induction hob (); —interpolating (S) the measured electrical parameter values by gathering a plurality of values of the electrical parameter within a time window and calculating the average value of said gathered plurality of values thereby obtaining interpolated electrical parameter values. —calculating (S) a gradient measure indicative for the differential change of the interpolated electrical parameter values over time; —determining (S) the boil point based on the calculated gradient measure. 1. A method for boil detection at a heating zone of an induction hob , the method comprising the steps of:disabling a power control mechanism of the induction hob by setting a frequency of AC-current provided to an induction coil of the induction hob associated with the heating zone to a fixed value;measuring values of an electrical parameter provided within the induction hob;interpolating the measured electrical parameter values by gathering a plurality of said values of the electrical parameter within a time window and calculating an average value of said gathered plurality of values thereby obtaining interpolated electrical parameter values;calculating a gradient measure indicative for a differential change of the interpolated electrical parameter values over time;determining a boil point based on the calculated gradient measure.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the boil point is determined by detecting whether the calculated gradient measure is zero and/or changes in its sign.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical parameter is a peak current of the induction coil claim 1 , ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022228A1
Автор: HEO Jeashik

Provided is an induction cooking apparatus including a heating part including a working coil forming a heating region and configured to heat a container placed in the heating region, an inverter configured to supply a driving voltage to the working coil, a plurality of sensing coils arranged along a circumferential portion of the working coil and sensing the container placed in the heating region, and a controller configured to determine whether to drive the inverter on the basis of information acquired from the plurality of sensing coils. 1. An induction cooking apparatus comprising:a body having an upper surface;a heating device on the upper surface of the body, the heating device including a working coil for heating a container to be provided at a heating region on the upper surface of the body;an inverter configured to supply a driving voltage to the working coil;a plurality of sensing coils arranged along a circumferential portion of the heating device, the plurality of sensing coils including a first one of the sensing coils and a second one of the sensing coils to detect the container at the heating region; anda controller configured to determine whether to drive the inverter based on of information obtained from the plurality of sensing coils.2. The induction cooking apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller is to compare a first sensing value of the first sensing coil and a second sensing value of the second sensing coil with at least one set value claim 1 , and the controller is to determine at least one of whether the container is provided at the heating region and whether the container is thermally conductive based on the comparing of the first and second sensing values with the at least one set value.3. The induction cooking apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the at least one set value includes a first state set value for determining whether the container at the heating region is eccentric.4. The induction cooking apparatus of claim 3 , wherein when the ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150028022A1
Принадлежит: Nuwave LLC

An induction cooktop may include: a cooking surface; an induction coil; electronic circuitry coupled to said induction coil; and a housing surrounding at least a portion of said induction coil and at least a portion of said electronic circuitry, and said housing comprising a fan chamber comprising: a fan; at least one ribbed wall; and a fan cover covering at least a portion of said fan so as to direct airflow over said electronic circuitry. According to various exemplary embodiments, various preset operating ranges, precise temperature control using discrete increments may be used, as well as power calibration, noise reduction, ultra wide temperature range cooking, flexible programming, extensive multi-stage long duration cooking and memories, including selectable delays, pause features, high temperature searing, low temperature cooking, ultra high frequency high temperature operation, immediate fan shutoff, multiple temperature unit convertible display, multi-stage, and/or multi-step cooking, are disclosed. 1. An induction cooktop comprising:a cooking surface;an induction coil;electronic circuitry coupled to said induction coil; and a fan;', 'at least one ribbed wall; and', 'a fan cover covering at least a portion of said fan so as to direct airflow over said electronic circuitry., 'a housing surrounding at least a portion of said induction coil and at least a portion of said electronic circuitry, and said housing comprising a fan chamber comprising2. The induction cooktop according to claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of preset temperature ranges.3. The induction cooktop according to claim 2 , wherein said plurality of preset temperature ranges comprises at least 6 claim 2 , or at least 7 preset temperature ranges.4. The induction cooktop according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one thermistor electronically coupled to said electronic circuitry and wherein said thermistor is placed in contact with said glass cooking surface.5. The induction ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Thermal processing techniques for metallic materials

Номер: US20200029396A1

A method of thermally processing a material with a thermal processing system includes providing a material for treating in an in-line thermal process to a heating system, providing a force to the material at a portion of the material configured to be heated by the heating system, adjusting the heating system to a specified temperature value, and heating the portion of the material to the specified temperature value while the portion of the material is under the force to change a magnetic property in the portion of the material. The heating system is moveable from a first position that is away from a path of the material through the in-line thermal process to a second position in which the heating system is configured to heat the portion of the material to the specified temperature value. The heating system can include induction-based heating.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029397A1

An induction heating device includes an induction heating circuit, a sensor configured to measure current applied to the induction heating circuit, and a controller. The controller includes: a switch driving unit configured to control operation of an inverter unit and to allow a resonance of the current, a container sensing unit, and a control unit. The container sensing unit is configured to: convert a first current value before the resonance into a first voltage value; control the switch driving unit to charge a working coil; compare the first voltage value with a resonance reference value; convert a second current value after the resonance into a second voltage value; generate one or more output pulses; and compare the second voltage value with a count reference value. The control unit is configured to determine whether an object is present on the working coil based on the one or more output pulses. 1. An induction heating device , comprising:an induction heating circuit configured to drive a working coil, the induction heating circuit comprising an inverter unit;a sensor configured to measure a current applied to the induction heating circuit; anda controller configured to control the induction heating circuit based on a current value of the current measured by the sensor, a switch driving unit configured to control operation of the inverter unit and to allow a resonance of the current,', convert a first current value measured before the resonance into a first voltage value,', 'based on conversion of the first current value to the first voltage value, control the switch driving unit to charge the working coil with energy,', 'compare the first voltage value with a predetermined resonance reference value,', 'convert a second current value measured after the resonance into a second voltage value,', 'based on conversion of the second current value into the second voltage value, generate one or more output pulses, and', 'compare the second voltage value with a ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029398A1

A method for sensing a container includes: charging an induction heating circuit; sensing a current applied to the induction heating circuit, converting a current value of the current into a first voltage value; comparing the first voltage value with a resonance reference value; generating a resonance of the current; sensing a resonant current generated in the induction heating circuit; converting the resonant current into a second voltage value; comparing the second voltage value with a count reference value; generating one or more output pulses; comparing a count of the one or more output pulses with a reference count, or comparing an on-duty time of the one or more output pulses with a reference time; and based on (i) the comparison of the count with the reference count or (ii) the comparison of the on-duty time with the reference time, determining whether an object is present on a working coil. 1. A method for sensing a container by an induction heating device that includes a switch driving unit , an induction heating circuit configured to drive a working coil by an inverter unit , a sensor configured to sense current applied to the induction heating circuit , a resonant current conversion unit configured to convert current values to voltage values , a shutdown comparison unit , a shutdown circuit unit configured to control the switch driving unit , a count comparison unit , and a control unit configured to determine presence of the container on the working coil , the method comprising:charging, by controlling the inverter unit through the switch driving unit, the induction heating circuit;sensing, by the sensor, a current applied to the induction heating circuit;converting, by the resonant current conversion unit, a current value of the current into a first voltage value;comparing, by the shutdown comparison unit, the first voltage value with a predetermined resonance reference value;based on the first voltage value being greater than the predetermined ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210029785A1
Автор: KONDO Hideo

Various embodiments of the present technology comprise a method and system for induction heating. The system may provide a first induction coil wrapped around a metal cylinder and a second induction coil wrapped around the metal cylinder. The first induction coil may carry a current in a first direction and the second induction coil may carry a current in an opposite, second direction. The currents may be generated in an alternating sequence. 1. An apparatus for induction heating powered by a battery , comprising:a first induction coil comprising a first end connected to a terminal of the battery at a node;a second induction coil comprising a second end connected to the terminal of the battery via the node;a first switch device configured to selectively connect a second end of the first induction coil to a voltage potential; anda second switch device configured to selectively connect a first end of the second induction coil to the voltage potential.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first induction coil and the second induction coil are wrapped around a single claim 1 , magnetic cylinder claim 1 , wherein the magnetic cylinder comprises a first end and a second end.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein:the first end of the first induction coil is directly adjacent to the first end of the magnetic cylinder and a second end of the first induction coil is directly adjacent to the second end of the magnetic cylinder; andthe first end of the second induction coil is directly adjacent to the second end of the magnetic cylinder and the second end of the second induction coil is directly adjacent to the first end of the magnetic cylinder.4. The apparatus claim 1 , further comprising:a first capacitor connected between the first and second ends of the first induction coil; anda second capacitor connected between the first and second ends of the second induction coil.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the terminal of the battery is a negative battery terminal; ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210029787A1
Автор: NAM Isaac

Induction cooktops and operational methods are provided herein. A method of determining presence of compatible cookware on an induction cooktop can include receiving a request to heat the induction cooktop, controlling at least one switching device to induce a current within an assumed piece of cookware with an induction coil of the induction cooktop, sensing a voltage associated with the at least one switching device, the voltage being proportional to current flowing in the induction coil, determining that the sensed voltage includes one or more voltage spikes above a first threshold, and determining that the assumed piece of cookware is absent when the sensed voltage includes the one or more voltage spikes. 1. A method of determining presence of compatible cookware on an induction cooktop , comprising:receiving a request to heat the induction cooktop;controlling at least one switching device to induce a current within an assumed piece of cookware with an induction coil of the induction cooktop;sensing a voltage associated with the at least one switching device, the voltage being proportional to current flowing in the induction coil;determining that the sensed voltage includes one or more voltage spikes above a first threshold; anddetermining that the assumed piece of cookware is absent when the sensed voltage includes the one or more voltage spikes.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the induction coil of the induction cooktop is arranged as a resonant tank circuit with at least two switching devices claim 1 , and wherein sensing the voltage associated with the at least one switching device comprises:sensing a first voltage at a first switching device of the at least two switching devices via a voltage sensing device.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the voltage sensing device comprises a voltage sensing resistor operatively coupled to a capacitance associated with the first switching device.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the voltage sensing resistor is ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160037584A1

A method of detecting cookware () on an induction hob () including a plurality of induction heating coils () each being adapted for heating, in the activated state, cookware () placed on the induction hob (). With the method, detecting cookware () is based on signals generated by at least one active induction heating coil () through the action of parasitic electromagnetic coupling effects in at least one inactive induction heating coil (). 13123134856. Method of detecting cookware () on an induction hob () comprising a plurality of induction heating coils () each being adapted for heating , in the activated state , cookware () placed on the induction hob () , characterized in that detecting cookware () is based on signals generated by at least one active induction heating coil () through the action of parasitic electromagnetic coupling effects () in at least one inactive induction heating coil ( , ).2568. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the signals generated in the at least one inactive induction coil ( claim 1 , ) by parasitic electromagnetic coupling () are constantly monitored claim 1 , in particular monitored for changes.3564. Method according to claim 2 , wherein in the event of detecting a change in one of the signals at least one induction coil ( claim 2 , ) is activated and/or at least one induction coil () is deactivated.4644. Method according to claim 1 , wherein signals of induction heating coils () neighboring at least one active induction heating coil () claim 1 , preferably a contiguous group of active induction heating coils () claim 1 , are used for detecting at least one of cookware presence claim 1 , cookware displacement and addition of additional cookware.526263. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the signal strength or signal amplitude of the signals of an inactive induction heating coil ( claim 1 , ) is used for determining the degree to which a respective induction coil ( claim 1 , ) is covered by cookware ().6826. Method according to ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160037589A1

The present disclosure relates to an induction cooktop. The induction cooktop comprises a ceramic cooking surface in connection with a housing. A plurality of inductors is disposed in the housing and each of the inductors is in communication with an automatic control system. The automatic control system is configured to check for the presence of a cooking pan on the cooktop in order to prevent the inductors from activating in the absence of the cooking pan. The automatic control system is activated upon receiving an activation command. 1. An induction cooktop , comprising:a ceramic cooking surface in connection with a housing;a plurality of inductors disposed in the housing; andan automatic control system in communication with the inductors and configured to check for the presence of a cooking pan on said cooktop in order to prevent the inductors from activating in the absence of the cooking pan, wherein the automatic control system is activated upon receiving an activation command.2. The induction cooktop according to claim 1 , wherein the control system is adapted to activate at least one of the inductors in response to a detection of a small pan operating condition.3. The induction cooktop according to claim 2 , further comprising an inverter comprising at least one inverter switch configured to drive one of the inductors.4. The induction cooktop according to claim 3 , wherein the small pan operating condition is identified in response to a phase angle between a zero-crossing of an induced current and a leading edge of a square wave of a voltage across the inverter switch.5. The induction cooktop according to claim 4 , wherein the control system is adapted to identify the small pan operating condition in response to the phase angle being less than a pan presence threshold.6. The induction cooktop according to claim 5 , wherein the pan presence threshold corresponds to a phase angle approximately less than 88 degrees.7. The induction cooktop according to claim 5 , ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Induction Coil Driver Card for a Railroad Switch Heater System

Номер: US20190040586A1
Автор: Johnston Jeffrey Ross

An induction coil driver card for a railroad switch consists of a main power supply, a control unit, at least one induction heating unit, and an interface driver. The main power supply is electrically connected to the at least one induction heating unit that is used to generate eddy current fields. The generated eddy current field excites the atoms within the railroad switch resulting in elevated temperatures. The power input to the induction heating unit is managed via the control unit. The interface driver allows the user to control the frequency ranges received by the induction heating unit by utilizing the control unit. The interface driver also allows the user to have remote access via a wireless cellular modem. 1. An induction coil driver card for a railroad switch heater system comprises:a main power supply;a control unit;at least one induction heating unit;an interface driver;the at least one induction heating unit comprises an induction coil;the main power supply being electrically connected to the control unit, the interface driver, and the induction coil;the control unit being electronically connected to the interface driver; andthe control unit being electronically connected to the induction coil.2. The induction coil driver card for a railroad switch heater system as claimed in further comprises:at least one filter coil;at least one power transistor;the at least one filter coil being electronically connected to the at least one power transistor;the main power supply being electrically connected to the at least one induction heating unit through the at least one filter coil and the at least one power transistor; andthe control unit being electronically connected to the at least one induction heating unit through the at least one power transistor.3. The induction coil driver card for a railroad switch heater system as claimed in further comprises:a direct current (DC) driving unit;the main power supply being electrically connected to the control unit ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190045586A1

Disclosed herein is an induction heat cooking apparatus including a power supply configured to supply an alternating current (AC) voltage, a rectifier configured to rectify the supplied AC voltage into a direct current (DC) voltage, first and second switching units configured to control switching such that the DC voltage from the rectifier is alternately applied to a working coil, a comparison unit configured to sense current flowing in the working coil and to compare the sensed current with a predetermined reference value to output pulses, and a controller configured to determine whether a cooking vessel is present on the working coil based on the output pulses. 1. An induction heat cooking apparatus comprising:a power supply configured to supply an alternating current (AC) voltage;a rectifier configured to convert the AC voltage into a direct current (DC) voltage;a working coil configured to operate based on the DC voltage generated from the rectifier;a first switching unit and a second switching unit that are configured to control supply of the DC voltage to the working coil and that are configured to alternately apply the DC voltage to the working coil;a comparison unit that is configured to sense current flowing in the working coil, that is configured to compare the sensed current to a reference value, and that is configured to generate output pulses based on a comparison result of the sensed current with respect to the reference value; anda controller configured to determine whether a cooking vessel is present on the working coil based on the output pulses generated from the comparison unit.2. The induction heat cooking apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the comparison unit is further configured to:generate output pulses having a high level voltage based on the sensed current being greater than the reference value; andgenerate output pulses having a low level voltage based on the sensed current being less than the reference value, the high level voltage ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160050720A1

A hob and methods for operating such a hob. The hob includes a cooking surface adapted to receive a number of pots. A user interface allows a user to select and adjust at least one parameter of a cooking zone associated to a pot while indicating the number of pots on the selected cooking zone and a pot detection unit to detect the presence and non-presence of pots on the cooking surface. The hob further includes a control unit that cooperates with the pot detection unit and the user interface to control the function of commands received through the user interface. The control unit can cause a selection of a certain cooking zone and provide a corresponding indication that the certain cooking zone is from now on selected, if temporal interruption of a presence of a pot on the certain cooking zone was detected. 123124681046810283302812121246810468101230468101246810283046810. Hob () comprising a cooking surface () adapted to receive a number of pots , an user interface () allowing an user to select a cooking zone ( , , , ) associated to a pot and to adjust at least one operating parameter of the selected cooking zone ( , , , ) , a pot detection unit () adapted to detect the presence and non-presence of pots on the cooking surface () , a control unit ()cooperating with the pot detection unit () and the user interface () and adapted to control the function of commands received through the user interface () , wherein the user interface () is adapted to indicate the user the presence of every pot of the number of pots on their associated cooking zones ( , , , ) and to indicate the user the actually selected cooking zone ( , , , ) whose at least one operating parameter is adjustable through the user interface () by the user and wherein in one operation mode the control unit () is adapted to cause a selection of a certain cooking zone ( , , , ) and to provide a corresponding indication on the user interface () that the certain cooking zone ( , , , ) is from now on selected , ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Induction heating power supplies, data collection systems, and induction heating systems to communicate over an induction heating cable

Номер: US20180049277A1

Induction heating power supplies, data collection systems, and induction heating systems to communicate over an induction heating cable are disclosed. An example induction heating power supply includes a power conversion circuit configured to: convert input power into induction heating power and transmit the induction heating power via an induction heating cable, and at least one of a receiver circuit coupled to the induction heating cable and configured to receive data via the induction heating cable or a transmitter circuit coupled to the induction heating cable and configured to transmit data via the induction heating cable.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220070979A1
Принадлежит: FABITA S.R.L.

An induction cooking system () with flexible configuration is described, comprising: a mobile cooker assembly () only comprising an induction cooking plane (); a control station () comprising control means connected to the induction cooking plane () through respective connecting means () for transmitting operating electric energy to the induction cooking plane (), the control means being equipped with processing means programmed to drive and manage the induction operation of the cooking plane () through the respective connecting means (), which is a flexible electric transmission cable.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055318A1

In a method for operating a cooktop, a process of removal and placement of a cookware element with respect to a starting position and an end position is detectable by a detection arrangement. A control unit forms a heating zone to match a detected cookware element. The process can be independently associated by the control unit in one of two ways, a first way in which the process involves a movement of cookware element from the starting position into the end position and a movement of the heating zone into an area of the end position, with a target temperature, set by a user interface, being carried over to the area of the end position, a second way in which the process involves removal of cookware element from the starting position and placement of another cookware element in the end position, with a target temperature set to a default value. 112-. (canceled)13. A method for operating a cooktop having a plurality of heating elements , comprising the steps:detecting by a detection arrangement a process of removal and placement of a cookware element with respect to a starting position and an end position;when detecting placement of the cookware element, forming via a control unit a heating zone from one or more heating elements to match the cookware element;setting at least one target temperature of the heating zone via a user interface, andindependently associating the process by the control unit in one of two ways, a first way in which the process involves a movement of the cookware element from the starting position into the end position and a movement of the heating zone into an area of the end position, with the at least one set target temperature being carried over to the area of the end position, a second way in which the process involves a removal of the cookware element from the starting position and placement of another cookware element in the end position, with the target temperature being set to a default value by the control unit.14. The method of claim ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055587A1

An inductive heating device () for heating an aerosol-forming substrate () comprising a susceptor () comprises: a device housing (), a DC power source () for providing a DC supply voltage(V) and a DC current (I), a power supply electronics () comprising a DC/AC converter (), the DC/AC converter () comprising an LC load network () comprising a series connection of a capacitor (C) and an inductor (L) having an ohmic resistance (R), a cavity () in the device housing () for accommodating a portion of the aerosol-forming substrate () to inductively couple the inductor (L) of the LC load network () to the susceptor (). The power supply electronics () further comprises a microcontroller () to determine from the DC supply voltage (V) and the DC current (I) an apparent ohmic resistance (R), and from the apparent ohmic resistance (R) the temperature (T) of the susceptor (). 2. Inductive heating device according to claim 1 , wherein the device is configured for heating an aerosol-forming substrate of a smoking article.3. Inductive heating device according to claim 1 , wherein the DC power source is a DC battery claim 1 , in particular a rechargeable DC battery claim 1 , for providing a constant DC supply voltage claim 1 , and wherein the power supply electronics further comprises a DC current sensor for measuring the DC current drawn from the DC battery for determining from the constant DC supply voltage and the measured DC current the apparent ohmic resistance.4. Inductive heating device according to claim 1 , wherein the power supply electronics further comprises a DC voltage sensor for measuring the DC supply voltage of the DC power source.5. Inductive heating device according to claim 1 , wherein the microcontroller is further programmed to interrupt generation of AC power by the DC/AC converter when the determined temperature of the susceptor of the aerosol-forming substrate is equal to or exceeds a preset threshold temperature claim 1 , and wherein the microcontroller is ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Active Temperature Control for Induction Heating

Номер: US20150060437A1

An induction heating system and a method for controlling a process temperature for induction heating of a workpiece. The induction heating system comprises an inductor configured to generate an alternating magnetic field in response to an alternating current supplied thereto, a magnetic load comprising a magnetic material, the magnetic material having a Curie temperature and being configured to generate heat in response to the alternating magnetic field being applied thereto, the magnetic load being connectable to the workpiece in a heat-conducting manner so as to transfer the generated heat to the workpiece, and a control unit configured to control the process temperature for manufacturing the workpiece by adjusting the alternating magnetic field when the temperature of the magnetic material is in a temperature control range around or below the Curie temperature of the magnetic material, the temperature control range being dependent on the magnetic material of the magnetic load. 1. An induction heating system for controlling a process temperature for induction heating of a workpiece , the induction heating system comprising: an inductor configured to generate an alternating magnetic field in response to an alternating current supplied thereto;a magnetic load comprising a magnetic material, the magnetic material having a Curie temperature and being configured to generate heat in response to the alternating magnetic field being applied thereto, the magnetic load being connectable to the workpiece in a heat-conducting manner so as to transfer the generated heat to the workpiece; anda control unit configured to control the process temperature by adjusting the alternating magnetic field when the temperature of the magnetic material is in a temperature control range around or below the Curie temperature of the magnetic material, the temperature control range being dependent on the magnetic material of the magnetic load.2. The induction heating system of claim 1 , wherein ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150060439A1

A device and method is provided for inductively heating a heating element, particularly via a magnetic field generated by an induction coil, having an induction coil connected to a resonant circuit, whereby the resonant circuit has at least one first capacitor and at least one first current source, and the coil has a specific inductance and a resistance, and the material of the heating element has a constant permeability at least in temperature subranges, and a method for determining a temperature of a heating element. 1. A device for inductively heating a heating element via a magnetic field , the device comprising:an induction coil generating the magnetic field, the induction coil having a specific inductance and resistance; anda resonant circuit connectable to the induction coil, the resonant circuit having at least one first capacitor and at least one first current source,wherein a material of the heating element has a substantially constant permeability at least in temperature subranges.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the resonant circuit is operated with alternating current.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the capacitor is connected in series with the current source and the induction coil.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the material of the heating element has a temperature-dependent electrical conductivity.5. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the resonant circuit has at least one first measuring device for determining a resonance frequency of the resonant circuit and/or has a second measuring device for determining a power consumption of the resonant circuit.6. The device according to claim 5 , wherein the device has at least one third measuring device for measuring a temperature-dependent resistance of the heating element claim 5 , and wherein the temperature of the heating element is determined from the resistance.7. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature-dependent resistance of the heating ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200059143A1

The invention relates to a method for trickle impregnation of a stator () or armature of an electric machine with a synthetic resin () curing under temperature increase, comprising the following steps: 116-. (canceled)17. A method for trickle impregnation of a stator or armature of an electric machine with a synthetic resin curing under temperature increase , comprising:{'b': 1', '2', '3', '0', '1, 'a) heating the stator or the armature from an initial temperature (T) to a trickle temperature range (T-T) of the synthetic resin, which is initially still liquid, in a first period of time (t-t);'}{'b': 2', '3', '1', '2, 'b) keeping constant the temperature in the trickle temperature range (T-T) and introducing the synthetic resin, which is still liquid, into the stator or the armature in a second period of time (t-t);'}{'b': 4', '5', '2', '3, 'c) heating the stator or the armature to a curing temperature range (T-T) in a third period of time (t-t);'}{'b': 4', '5', '3', '4, 'd) keeping constant the temperature of the stator or the armature in the curing temperature range (T, T) in a fourth period of time (t-t) and setting and curing the synthetic resin to a duroplast; and'}{'b': 3', '4, '(e) cooling down the stator or the armature after the end of the fourth period of time (t-t),'}wherein the stator or the armature is disposed in an impregnation device during the introduction of the liquid synthetic resin,{'b': 2', '3', '4', '5, 'wherein the trickle temperature range (T-T) has lower temperatures than the curing temperature range (T-T), and'}wherein the heating of the stator or the armature is performed inductively.18. The method according to claim 17 , wherein the heating of all electrically conductive components of the stator or the armature is carried out by means of electric eddy currents which are generated by a high-frequency alternating magnetic field of an electromagnetic inductor which embraces the stator or the armature radially on the outside like a ring or ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200059995A1

A method for automatically correlating at least one cooktop utensil with at least one cooking zone of an inductive cooktop having a plurality of cooking zones which are inductively heated by at least one respective heating coil, includes: providing the cooktop with a cooktop controller configured to drive the heating coils with a correlation signal; providing the at least one cooktop utensil with an induction coil inductively couplable with the heating coils of the cooktop and a transmitter unit; supplying the transmitter unit with an operation power when a voltage is induced by at least one of the heating coils into the induction coil of the cooktop utensil that is placed on the cooking zone associated with this heating coil; transmitting, by the transmitter unit of the cooktop utensil, by the operating power, a response signal that identifies the cooktop utensil and correlates with the induced correlation signal. 1. A method for automatically correlating at least one cooktop utensil with at least one cooking zone of an inductive cooktop having a plurality of cooking zones which are inductively heated by at least one respective heating coil , the method comprising:providing the cooktop with a cooktop controller configured to drive the heating coils with a correlation signal;providing the at least one cooktop utensil with an induction coil inductively couplable with the heating coils of the cooktop and a transmitter unit;supplying the transmitter unit with an operation power when a voltage is induced by at least one of the heating coils into the induction coil of the cooktop utensil that is placed on the cooking zone associated with this heating coil;transmitting, by the transmitter unit of the cooktop utensil, by the operating power, a response signal that identifies the cooktop utensil and correlates with the correlation signal induced into the induction coil of the cooktop utensil by at least one of the heating coils associated with the cooking zone to a receiver ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180063891A1

A resonant circuit in an inverter includes a first resonant circuit configured with a heating coil and a first resonant capacitor connected in series to the heating coil, a second resonant circuit configured with the first resonant circuit and a second resonant capacitor connected in parallel to the first resonant circuit, and a resonance choke coil connected in series to the second resonant circuit. The resonant circuit is configured so that impedance of the heating coil and the first resonant capacitor is set to be close to impedance of the second resonant capacitor, at a frequency of a current flowing through the heating coil. Thus, an object to be heated can be efficiently induction-heated without an increase in a current flowing through the switching element. 1. An induction heating device comprising: a switching element,', 'a reverse conducting element that is connected in parallel to the switching element, and', 'a resonant circuit that includes a heating coil and an object to be heated,, 'an inverter including'}the inverter being configured to supply power to the resonant circuit when input of a direct-current (DC) voltage makes the switching element conductive,wherein the resonant circuit includes a first resonant circuit configured with the heating coil and a first resonant capacitor which is connected in series to the heating coil, a second resonant circuit configured with the first resonant circuit and a second resonant capacitor which is connected in parallel to the first resonant circuit, and a resonance choke coil which is connected in series to the second resonant circuit, andthe resonant circuit is configured so that impedance of the heating coil and the first resonant capacitor is set to be close to impedance of the second resonant capacitor, at a frequency of a current flowing through the heating coil.2. The induction heating device according to claim 1 , wherein the impedance of the second resonant capacitor is set to be within ±30% of the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Magnetic Method for Determining A Cooking Appliance Characteristic

Номер: US20170064775A1

A cooking appliance, an induction cooking hob () and a method () of determining a characteristic of the cooking appliance. The cooking appliance () has vessel () containing a chamber (). There are magnets () mounted to the vessel (), the magnets () provide a code that identifies a characteristic of the cooking appliance (). There is an appliance positioning interlock () for operatively coupling with an appliance positioning interlock engagement member () of the cooking hob () to thereby position the cooking appliance () on the cooking hob () In a predefined location. The cooking hob () has sensors () so that when the appliance () is at the predefined location the sensors () can detect and decode the magnetic field code to identify the characteristic This characteristic is used to define a cooking profile to heat of the appliance to a desired temperature and optionally the appliance is heated for a predefined time. 1. A cooking appliance for use on a cooking hob , the appliance comprising:a cooking vessel containing a chamber therein; anda magnetic key associated with the appliance, said magnetic key comprising a plurality of magnets, each said magnet having a north pole and a south pole,the magnetic key having a magnetic key code determined by the orientation of the poles of said plurality of magnets wherein said magnetic field code identifies at least one characteristic of the cooking appliance.2. The cooking appliance claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the magnetic key is releaseably mountable to the cooking appliance.3. The cooking appliance claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the magnetic key is releaseably mountable to a handle of the cooking appliance.4. The cooking appliance as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cooking appliance has a cover for covering the chamber and wherein a handle of the cover has a recess for complementary engagement with the magnetic key.5. The cooking appliance as claimed in wherein the magnetic key has a user interface ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210068210A1

An induction cooker includes a rectifying device, a first energy-storage device, a switch device, a second energy-storage device, a heating device and a control device. The capacitance of the second energy-storage device is greater than the capacitance of the first energy-storage device. When the induction cooker is just starting, the control device controls the switch device to be turned off, such that the heating device generates an output current according to an energy of the first energy-storage device. The control device determines whether a pot is on the heating device according to a change state of the output current. When the pot is on the heating device, the control device controls the switch device to be turned on, such that the first and second energy-storage devices are coupled, and the heating device heats the pot according to energies of the first and second energy-storage devices. 1. An induction cooker , comprising:a rectifying device, configured to receive an alternating-current voltage and to convert the alternating-current voltage into a direct-current voltage;a first energy-storage device, coupled to the rectifying device and configured to receive the direct-current voltage and to store energy;a switch device, coupled to the first energy-storage device and configured to be controlled by a control signal;a second energy-storage device, coupled to the switch device, wherein the capacitance of the second energy-storage unit is greater than the capacitance of the first energy-storage unit;a first heating device, coupled to the first energy-storage device and the switch device; anda control device, coupled to the switch device and the first heating device, wherein the control device configured to generate the control signal to control the switch device to be turned off, so that the first heating device generates a first output current according to the energy of the first energy-storage device, the control device determines whether a first pot is ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220086962A1

A device () for inductive heating of a workpiece () in a rolling mill, the device () including: a converter () for creating an alternating voltage, a capacitor bank () electrically connected to the converter (), and having a plurality of capacitors () connected in parallel, a working field (), in which an upper coil () and a lower coil () are arranged. The workpiece () is able to be passed between the coils () and is thereby inductively heated by cross-field heating. A housing () arranged next to, below or above the working field (). The converter () and capacitor bank () are arranged in the housing (). The coils () are each electrically connected to the capacitor bank () by a flexible cable (). The cable () is a coaxial cable (), with one phase of the alternating voltage applied to an inner conductor () and the other phase of the alternating voltage applied to an outer conductor () of the coaxial cable (). The cables () are cooled by a fluid, such as air or water (). 1. A device for inductive heating of a workpiece in a rolling mill , wherein the device comprises:a converter for producing an alternating voltage,a capacitor bank electrically connected to the converter and the capacitor bank comprising a plurality of capacitors connected in parallel,a working zone, in which an upper coil and a lower coil are arranged, wherein the workpiece can be moved through between the coils such that the workpiece is thereby inductively heated by transverse-field heating,a housing arranged next to, below or above the working zone, wherein the converter and the capacitor bank are arranged in the housing,the coils are electrically connected to the capacitor bank by a respective flexible cable,the cables are configured as coaxial cables, wherein one phase of the alternating voltage is on an inner conductor and another phase of the alternating voltage is on an outer conductor of each of the coaxial cables, andthe cables are configured to be cooled by a fluid.2. The device as claimed ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220086964A1
Автор: Kisner Roger A.
Принадлежит: UT-BATTELLE, LLC

Conductors for use in heating systems are provided. The conductors are configured to have an extended current path for the current and increased resistance as seen by the current. The heating system may be an induction system. For example, the conductor may comprise a conductive material having a surface which faces an induction coil of an oscillating circuit. This surface may have a predetermined pattern of peaks and valleys. The peaks and valleys form a non-linear current path for the induced current when exposed to an electromagnetic field generated by the oscillating circuit. Other conductors such as a heat pipe may be used. The pipe may have walls with varying thicknesses over its length. The varying thicknesses may include a first thickness and a second thickness which alternate. The heat pipe may be used in an induction or direct contact heating system where AC is directly applied to the pipe. 113.-. (canceled)14. A conductive pipe comprising:a wall, where a thickness of the wall varies over a length of the conductive pipe from a first end to a second end, the wall having at least a first thickness and a second thickness different from the first thickness, where the first thickness and the second thickness alternate, the wall having the first thickness and the second thickness form a non-linear current path for current.15. The conductive pipe of claim 14 , wherein the conductive pipe is configured to be exposed to an oscillating circuit having an induction coil claim 14 , the oscillating circuit being configured to generate an electromagnetic field having an oscillating frequency claim 14 , and wherein the non-linear current path is for induced current to flow when exposed to the electromagnetic field generated by the oscillating circuit.16. The conductive pipe of claim 14 , wherein the current is alternating current (AC) which is applied by connecting cables.17. The conductive pipe of claim 14 , wherein the wall comprises an internal surface and an external ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Induction Cooking Appliance

Номер: US20160073451A1

A system for operation of an induction stove includes an AC to DC voltage converter receiving AC voltage from a power input, a voltage sensing unit coupled to the converter and comprising an optocoupler, and a processor coupled to the sensing unit for receiving voltage information from the unit and controlling at least one of input voltage, input current, and oscillation frequency of a heating coil of the induction stove. A method for operating an induction stove includes converting an AC voltage from a power input to a DC voltage, supplying the DC voltage to a voltage sensing unit coupled to the converter and comprising an optocoupler, transmitting a voltage measurement from the sensing unit to a processor, and controlling at least one of an input voltage and oscillation frequency to a heating coil of the induction stove via the processor based at least in part on the voltage measurement. 1. A system for operation of an induction stove , comprising:an AC to DC voltage converter receiving AC voltage from a power input;a voltage sensing unit coupled to the voltage converter, said voltage sensing unit comprising an optocoupler; anda processor coupled to the voltage sensing unit for receiving voltage information from said voltage sensing unit and controlling at least one of an input voltage, an input current, and an oscillation frequency of at least one heating coil of the induction stove based at least in part on said voltage information.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said voltage converter is a bridge rectifier.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the voltage converter comprises a filter for smoothing the output DC voltage from said converter.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said voltage sensing unit further comprises at least one voltage divider coupled to said voltage converter for dividing the voltage received from said voltage converter.5. The system according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one voltage divider is a resistor.6. ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Method for Controlling an Induction Heating System

Номер: US20190069352A1

A method for controlling an induction heating system, particularly an induction heating system of a cooktop on which a cooking utensil with a certain contents is placed for heating/cooking purposes, comprises the steps of carrying out a predetermined number “n” of electrical measurements of a first electrical parameter of the heating system on the basis of a predetermined electrical value of a second electrical parameter, “n” being ≥2, repeating the above set of measurements at a predetermined time after the first measurements, and estimating at least one thermal parameter of the heating system, particularly of the contents of the cooking utensil, on the basis of the above set of measurements. 1. An induction heating system , wherein , during a cooking process for a cooking utensil and contents of the cooking utensil , the induction heating system is configured to:perform a predetermined number n of electrical measurements of a first electrical parameter of the induction heating system, n being ≥2, to obtain a first set of measurements;repeat the above set of measurements after a predetermined time interval to obtain a second set of measurements; andestimate at least one thermal parameter of the induction heating system or the contents of the cooking utensil using the first and second sets of measurements.2. The induction heating system of claim 1 , wherein each measurement of the first electrical parameter is carried out at a predetermined electrical value of a second electrical parameter.3. The induction heating system of claim 2 , wherein the induction heating system is configured to perform the predetermined number n of electrical measurements or repeat the above set of measurements by: 1) making a first electrical measurement of the first electrical parameter at a first value of the second electrical parameter; and 2) making a second electrical measurement of the first electrical parameter at a second claim 2 , different value of the second electrical parameter ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071034A1
Автор: Metz Reinhard

An induction-based food holding, warming, or cooking system. The system including a base having a based surface associated therewith. The system further including an induction coil disposed within the base adjacent the base surface, wherein the portion of the base surface adjacent the coil comprises a base surface. The system further including a user interface associated with the base surface, the user interface including at least one magnetic sensor for receiving a user input from a magnetic user input device. 1. An induction-based food holding , warming , or cooking system , comprising:a base having a based surface associated therewith;an induction coil disposed within the base adjacent the base surface, wherein the portion of the base surface adjacent the coil comprises a base surface; anda user interface associated with the base surface, the user interface including at least one magnetic sensor for receiving a user input from a magnetic user input device.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the user input is a temperature adjustment.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the user input is a power control.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic sensor is a Hall effect sensor.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic sensor is a magnetic reed switch.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic user input device includes a magnet.7. An induction-based food holding claim 1 , warming claim 1 , or cooking system claim 1 , comprising:a base having a base surface associated therewith;an induction coil disposed within the base adjacent the base surface, wherein the portion of the base surface adjacent the coil comprises a base surface; anda user interface associated with the base surface, wherein the user interface permits adjustment of the induction-based food holding, warming, or cooking system using a contactless input device.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the user interface includes a temperature adjustment control.9. The system of claim 7 , wherein ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Cooking appliance

Номер: US20200068673A1

A cooking appliance apparatus, in particular an oven apparatus, includes a muffle which defines a cooking chamber, and a heating element to heat the cooking chamber at least partially. A switching unit connects the heating element to a first supply voltage in a first operating state and to a second supply voltage in a second operating state, with the second supply voltage being different from the first supply voltage.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210076460A1

An electromagnetically heated cooking utensil, and a heating control circuit and method therefor. The heating control circuit comprises a first resonance device; a second resonance device; a first power switch; a second power switch; a first synchronization device that detects voltages of both ends of the first resonance device to output a first synchronization signal; a second synchronization device that detects voltages of both ends of the second resonance device to output a second synchronization signal; and a control device that selects, according to the heating mode of the electromagnetically heated cooking utensil, the first synchronization signal to generate a driving signal for driving the first power switch, a second synchronization signal to generate a driving signal for driving the second power switch 1. A heating control circuit for an electromagnetically-heating cooking utensil , comprising:a first resonance device;a second resonance device, one end of the second resonance device being connected to one end of the first resonance device and further connected to a power supply device of the electromagnetically-heating cooking utensil, wherein the first resonance device comprises a first resonance capacitor and a first coil disk connected in parallel, the second resonance device comprises a second resonance capacitor and a second coil disk connected in parallel, and the first coil disk and the second coil disk are arranged in a form of an inner ring and an outer ring;a first power switch configured to control whether the first resonance device performs a resonance operation, a first end of the first power switch being connected to another end of the first resonance device;a second power switch configured to control whether the second resonance device performs a resonance operation, a first end of the second power switch being connected to t another of the second resonance device, and a second end of the second power switch being connected to a second end ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190072280A1

A cooktop appliance includes an electric heating element positioned on a cooktop surface and a controller operably connected thereto. The controller is configured for monitoring a temperature with a temperature sensor, adjusting a power level of the electric heating element based at least in part on the monitored temperature over a first period of time, and deactivating the electric heating element for a second period of time based at least in part on the monitored temperature. The controller is also configured for storing the first period of time, an average power level over the first period of time, and the second period of time in a memory. When the controller detects a disconnection of the temperature sensor, the controller operates the heating element at the stored average power level for the stored first period of time and deactivates the heating element for the stored second period of time. 1. A cooktop appliance , comprising:an electric heating element positioned on a cooktop surface of the cooktop appliance; and generating a temperature setting;', 'initiating a preheat cycle, the preheat cycle comprising operating the electric heating element at a predetermined power level corresponding to the temperature setting and monitoring a temperature with a temperature sensor until the monitored temperature reaches the temperature setting;', 'initiating a duty cycle when the monitored temperature reaches the temperature setting, the duty cycle comprising monitoring the temperature with the temperature sensor, calculating a difference between the monitored temperature and the temperature setting, operating the electric heating element over a first period of time at multiple distinct power levels based at least in part on the calculated difference between the monitored temperature and the temperature setting, and deactivating the electric heating element for a second period of time based at least in part on the calculated difference between the monitored temperature ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Cooking Temperature and Power Control

Номер: US20150082995A1

A system and method for controlling the power delivered to cookware by a power control system that comprises a heating control user interface that is set by the user to a particular heating control user interface set point within an operating range. A controller derives from the heating control user interface set point a desired cookware temperature set point, and, over at least a first portion of the operating range that encompasses the boiling range, also derives from the heating control user interface set point a maximum limit of power that can be delivered to the cookware to maintain the cookware at the desired cookware temperature set point. The maximum power limit varies monotonically over the first portion of the operating range. 1. A device configured to operate , over an operating range , a cooking system used for heating a cooking utensil , where the cooking system comprises a temperature sensor that senses a temperature of the cooking utensil , the device comprising:a controller that is input with the sensed temperature of the cooking utensil and a particular temperature representing the boiling point;wherein the controller is configured to determine, based on the sensed temperature of the cooking utensil and the particular temperature representing the boiling point, a command to control the heating of the cooking utensil, so as to maintain the cooking temperature at the particular temperature representing the boiling point, and output the command to the cooking system; andwherein the controller, over a portion of the operating range that encompasses the boiling point, determines a maximum limit of the power that can be delivered to the cookware to maintain the cookware at a desired cookware temperature set point, wherein the maximum power limit over the first portion of the operating range increases as the control is turned up.2. A device configured to operate a cooking system that delivers power to heat cookware , controllable from zero power up to 100% ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083710A1

A workpiece may be heated with one or more induction heating coils coupled to an induction heating and control system. The heating is done in conjunction with a metal working operation, such as welding. The heating may be performed to remove coatings and the like before welding, to apply claddings and the like following welding, to allow for improved porosity of a weld bead, and so forth. Induction heating heads may be placed before or after a welding torch, and may be moved with or independently. One or more induction heating heads may be placed in pipe to be welded, such as on, in, or adjacent to an internal pipe claim that holds pipe during welding. 1. A metal working and heating system comprising:a torch that in operation performs a welding or cladding operation on a workpiece;an induction heating head that in operation induces heating of the workpiece to control heating and/or cooling of the workpiece;a welding or cladding power system that regulates power input to the torch during the welding or cladding operation;an induction power system that regulates power input to the induction heating head; anda common control system that coordinates power output by the welding or cladding power system and power output by the induction power system.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the common control system balances power input between the induction heating head and the torch.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the balance of power input between the induction heating head and the torch is operator selectable.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the induction heating head is disposed and moved ahead of the welding or cladding operation.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the induction heating head is disposed and moved behind the welding or cladding operation.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the induction heating head is commonly mounted with the torch.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the induction heating head is moved together with the torch.8. The system of claim 1 , ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140158680A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A contactless power feeder of the present invention includes: a top plate which is mounted with a load; a primary coil which is arranged below the top plate and generates a high-frequency field; an inverter which feeds high-frequency power to the primary coil; a control part which controls the inverter; and a load discriminating part which determines whether the load is an object to be heated that is a metal container such as a pot and should be induction-heated, or a power receiving device provided with a secondary coil that is electromagnetically coupled with the primary coil, wherein the control part is configured to control the inverter in accordance with a result of determination by the load discriminating part. 1. A contactless power feeder , comprising:a top plate for mounting a load;a primary coil which is arranged below the top plate and generates a high-frequency field;an inverter which feeds high-frequency power to the primary coil;a control part which controls the inverter; anda load discriminating part which determines whether the load is an object to be heated that is to be induction-heated, or a power receiving device provided with a secondary coil that is electromagnetically coupled with the primary coil,wherein the control part is configured to control the inverter in accordance with a result of determination by the load discriminating part.2. The contactless power feeder according to claim 1 , wherein the control part is configured to decrease power to be fed to the primary coil in the case of the load having been determined as the power receiving device than in the case of the load having been determined as the object to be heated claim 1 , based on a result of determination by the load discriminating part.3. The contactless power feeder according to claim 1 , comprisingan operation part which sets an amount of energization to the primary coil,wherein the control part is configured to change operational contents of the operation part so as to ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170079092A1

A cooking appliance apparatus includes an inductor, an inverter to supply a high-frequency heating current for the inductor, and a switch to break and/or establish at least one conduction path between the at least one inverter and the at least one inductor. A control unit is provided to deactivate the inverter during a first time interval and to initiate a switching of the switch, with the switching starting and ending within a second time interval, which in a normal operating state is arranged within the at least one first time interval and which in an incorrect operating state has at least one time point, which lies outside the at least one first time interval. The control unit is configured to match the first time interval and the second time interval dynamically to one another. 112-. (canceled)13. A cooking appliance apparatus , comprising:at least one inductor;at least one inverter configured to supply a high-frequency heating current for the at least one inductor;at least one switch configured to break and/or establish at least one conduction path between the at least one inverter and the at least one inductor; anda control unit configured to deactivate the at least one inverter during at least one first time interval and to initiate a switching of the at least one switch, with the switching starting and ending within at least one second time interval, which in a normal operating state is arranged within the at least one first time interval and which in an incorrect operating state has at least one time point, which lies outside the at least one first time interval, said control unit being configured to match the at least one first time interval and the at least one second time interval dynamically to one another.14. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 13 , constructed in the form of an induction cooktop apparatus.15. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the control unit is configured to change at least one parameter of the at least one ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200077715A1
Автор: Mironov Oleg

An inductive heating device () comprises 1. Inductive heating device for heating an aerosol-forming substrate , the inductive heating device comprising:a device housinga DC power source having a DC supply voltage,a power supply electronics configured to operate at high frequency, the power supply electronics comprising a DC/AC inverter connected to the DC power source, the DC/AC inverter including a Class-E power amplifier including a transistor switch, a transistor switch driver circuit, and an LC load network configured to operate at low ohmic load wherein the LC load network comprises a shunt capacitor and a series connection of a capacitor and an inductor having an ohmic resistance, anda cavity arranged in the device housing, the cavity having an internal surface shaped to accommodate at least a portion of the aerosol-forming substrate wherein, when, the portion of the aerosol-forming substrate is accommodated in the cavity, the inductor of the LC load network is configured to inductively couple to a susceptor positioned within the aerosol-forming substrate to heat the aerosol-forming substrate during operation.2. Inductive heating device according to claim 1 , wherein device is configured for heating an aerosol-forming substrate of a smoking article.3. Inductive heating device according to claim 2 , wherein the device is configured for heating a tobacco-laden solid aerosol-forming substrate of a smoking article.4. Inductive heating device according to claim 1 , wherein the DC supply voltage of the DC power source is in the range of about 2.5 Volts to about 4.5 Volts claim 1 , and wherein the DC supply amperage of the DC power source is in the range of about 2.5 Amperes to about 5 Amperes.5. Inductive heating device according to claim 1 , wherein the total volume of the power supply electronics is equal to or smaller than 2 cm.6. Inductive heating device according to claim 1 , wherein the inductor of the LC load network comprises a helically wound cylindrical ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210084722A1

An induction heating device includes a working coil, an inverter including a first switching element and a second switching element that are configured to perform a switching operation and to apply a resonance current to the working coil, a snubber capacitor including a first snubber capacitor connected to the first switching element, and a second snubber capacitor connected to the second switching element, a phase detector configured to detect a phase difference between the resonance current applied to the working coil and a switching voltage applied to the second switching element, and a controller configured to receive, from the phase detector, phase information including the phase difference, provide the inverter with a switching signal to thereby control the switching operation, and adjust an operating frequency of the switching signal based on the phase information to thereby control an output of the working coil. 1. An induction heating device , comprising:a working coil;an inverter comprising a first switching element and a second switching element that are configured to perform a switching operation and to apply a resonance current to the working coil based on the switching operation;a snubber capacitor comprising a first snubber capacitor electrically connected to the first switching element, and a second snubber capacitor electrically connected to the second switching element;a phase detector electrically connected between the inverter and the working coil, the phase detector being configured to detect a phase difference between the resonance current applied to the working coil and a switching voltage applied to the second switching element; and receive, from the phase detector, phase information including the phase difference,', 'provide the inverter with a switching signal to thereby control the switching operation, and', 'adjust an operating frequency of the switching signal based on the phase information to thereby control an output of the working ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Battery Cell Manufacturing Device Using Induction Heating

Номер: US20190082503A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

A battery cell manufacturing apparatus for forming a sealing surplus portion includes a cradle configured to fix and mount a battery cell; one or more induction heating coils formed by winding an electrical wire at least one time at a position corresponding to an outer periphery of a pouch type case to generate an induced current in the outer periphery on which the sealing surplus portion is to be formed; a power supply configured to supply an alternating current to the induction heating coils; and at least two pressing members configured to press both sides of the outer periphery on which the sealing surplus portion is to be formed, wherein the outer periphery is induction-heated by a magnetic field generated in the induction heating coils and up to a temperature at which heat fusion is possible to form the sealing surplus portion. 1. A battery cell manufacturing apparatus for forming a sealing surplus portion by thermally fusing an outer periphery of a pouch type case by using induction heating , comprising:a cradle configured to fix and mount a battery cell;one or more induction heating coils formed by winding an electrical wire at least one time at a position corresponding to the outer periphery to generate an induced current in the outer periphery of the pouch type case on which the sealing surplus portion is to be formed;a power supply configured to supply an alternating current to the induction heating coils; andat least two pressing members configured to press both sides of the outer periphery of the pouch type case on which the sealing surplus portion is to be formed,wherein the outer periphery of the pouch type case is induction-heated by a magnetic field generated in the induction heating coils and up to a temperature at which heat fusion is possible to form the sealing surplus portion.2. The battery cell manufacturing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pouch type case comprises a first resin layer which is an inner layer having thermal fusion properties ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180084950A1

A heat retentive server includes a chamber defined between an upper shell and a lower shell that are connected to one another. An induction-heatable member is positioned in the chamber, and the induction-heatable member may be heated by electromagnetic induction to a first temperature that is greater than the heat deflection temperature of the upper shell. Buffering material comprising an inhibitively conductive hydrophobic material is positioned in the chamber between the induction-heatable member and the upper shell, and the buffering material is adapted for providing predetermined conductive heat transfer from the induction-heatable member to the upper shell so that at least a portion of the upper shell is heated to a second temperature that is greater than the heat deflection temperature of the upper shell. The second temperature is less than the first temperature. 1. A heat retentive server comprising:a body having a chamber, an upper shell and a lower shell that are connected to one another, the chamber being defined between the upper shell and the lower shell, and a heat deflection temperature;an induction-heatable member positioned in the chamber, the induction-heatable member being heatable by electromagnetic induction to a first temperature that is greater than the heat deflection temperature of the body; anda buffering material positioned between the induction-heatable member and the upper shell, the buffering material comprising an inhibitively conductive hydrophobic material and enveloping the induction-heatable member, the buffering material providing predetermined conductive heat transfer from the induction-heatable member to the body so that at least a portion of the body is heated to a second temperature that is greater than the heat deflection temperature of the body in response to the induction-heatable member being heated by electromagnetic induction to the first temperature, and the second temperature is less than the first temperature2. The ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Method for regulating a cooking process

Номер: US20160088685A1

The invention relates to a method for regulating a cooking process using an item of cookware having inductive properties on a cooking area, wherein a coil is arranged as part of an LC resonant circuit in the region of the cooking area and the natural frequency of the LC resonant circuit is measured repeatedly or continuously. The invention also relates to a cooking apparatus having at least one cooking area, a temperature sensor, a power controller, an LC resonant circuit having a coil, which is arranged in, around or in the region of the cooking area, and a controller, which is connected to the temperature sensor and a unit for measuring the frequency of the LC resonant circuit and which is programmed to carry out method, wherein the controller has access to a memory for storing the mathematically determined parameter function or vector function. 1. A method for regulating a cooking process using an item of cookware having inductive properties on a cooking area , wherein a coil is arranged as part of an LC resonant circuit in a region of the cooking area and a natural frequency of the LC resonant circuit is measured repeatedly or continuously , said method having the following method steps:A) alternately heating the cooking area with at least two different target powers, wherein during this process a temperature at a bottom of the item of cookware is repeatedly or continuously measured using a temperature sensor to generate a measured temperature profile and said natural frequency of the LC resonant circuit is repeatedly or continuously measured;B) determining a parameter function or vector function from the measured temperature profile over time of the temperature sensor and from the frequency of the LC resonant circuit depending on the time and depending on the least two target powers; andC) conducting the cooking process depending on the parameter function or vector function determined in method step B) and depending on the frequency of the LC resonant circuit ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210092804A1

Provided is an induction heating device with which discharging can be easily avoided even when a large electric current is used. The induction heating device comprises a high-frequency power supply provided with a connection portion for an alternating-current power supply, and a heating coil portion connected to the high-frequency power supply. In the heating coil portion, a plurality of coils include n coils surrounding a cavity portion in a plane, wherein the plurality of coils are mutually connected in series via one of a plurality of capacitors. 1. An induction heating device comprising:a high frequency power supply having a connection unit to an alternating-current supply, and a heating coil unit connected to the high frequency power supply; wherein{'b': 1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8, 'the heating coil section includes a plurality of coils (L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L) and a plurality of capacitors (C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C),'}{'b': 1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8, 'the heating coil part has a cavity portion surrounded by the plurality of coils (L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L),'}{'b': 1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8, 'the plurality of coils (L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L) surround the cavity portion with n coils in a plane, wherein n is an integer of 1 or more,'}{'b': 1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8, 'the plurality of coils (L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L) are mutually connected in series via one of the plurality of capacitors (C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C), and'}{'b': 8', '8, 'the capacitor C is connected between the high frequency power supply and the coil L in series.'}2. An induction heating device comprising:a high frequency power supply having a connection unit to an alternating-current supply, and a heating coil unit connected to the high frequency power supply; wherein{'b': 1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8, 'the heating coil section includes a ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210093012A1

Circuitry for a plurality of induction elements for an aerosol generating device is disclosed. Each of the plurality of induction elements is for inductive heating of one or more susceptors for heating aerosol generating material in use. The circuitry includes a plurality of driver arrangements, each one of the plurality of driver arrangements being arranged to provide, from an input direct current, an alternating current to a respective one of the plurality of induction elements in use. Each driver arrangement includes one or more first transistors each controllable by a switching potential to substantially allow current to pass therethrough in use. The circuitry also includes a converter arranged to step up an input potential to provide the switching potential in use, the converter being common to each of the plurality of driver arrangements. Also disclosed is an aerosol generating device. 1. Circuitry for a plurality of induction elements for an aerosol generating device , the plurality of induction elements being for inductive heating of one or more susceptors for heating aerosol generating material in use , the circuitry comprising:a plurality of driver arrangements, each one of the plurality of driver arrangements being arranged to provide, from an input direct current, an alternating current to a respective one of the plurality of induction elements in use, each of the plurality of driver arrangements comprising one or more first transistors each controllable by a switching potential to substantially allow current to pass therethrough in use; anda converter arranged to step up an input potential to provide the switching potential in use, the converter being common to each of the plurality of driver arrangements.2. The circuitry according to claim 1 , wherein one or more of the plurality of driver arrangements comprises a plurality of transistors arranged in an H-bridge configuration claim 1 , wherein one or more of the plurality of transistors is one of the ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160095168A1

Systems and methods for detecting vessel presence for an induction heating apparatus are disclosed. A detector circuit generates an output signal based on a feedback signal corresponding to a signal, such as current, flowing through an induction heating coil. The output signal has low frequency components that are averaged over multiple integer periods and compared to a reference value to determine the presence or absence of a vessel on the induction heating coil. 1. An induction heating system , comprising:an induction heating coil operable to inductively heat a load with a magnetic field;a power supply circuit configured to supply a power signal to said induction heating coil at a relatively high operating frequency; anda detector circuit configured to detect a feedback signal corresponding to a signal flowing through said induction heating coil, said detector circuit providing an output signal having an amplitude dependent on the presence of a vessel proximate said induction heating coil, the amplitude of the output signal determining vessel presence.2. The induction heating system of claim 1 , wherein said detector circuit comprises a shunt resistor in a path of the signal flowing through said induction heating coil claim 1 , said feedback signal comprising a voltage across said shunt resistor.3. The induction heating system of claim 1 , wherein said detector circuit further includes a filter configured to minimize the relatively high frequency signal components of the feedback signal and to pass relatively low frequency ripple components of the feedback signal.4. The induction heating system of claim 3 , wherein said detector circuit further comprises an averaging circuit configured to average the relatively low frequency ripple components of the feedback signal and a comparator configured to compare the averaged relatively low frequency ripple components of the feedback signal feedback signal to a reference signal claim 3 , the output of said comparator ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160095169A1
Автор: Sanchez Antoni Torres

A set of a hob with a hob plate and a cooking point at the hob plate together with a pot, wherein the hob has at least one heating element placed underneath the hob plate and wherein the cooking point is provided with a pot sensing means for detecting presence of a pot on the cooking point, wherein the hob also has a control and receiving means connected to the control, wherein the pot is provided with a temperature sensor and a transmitter attached to it, wherein the transmitter is transmitting at least two sets of data, wherein the first set of data is an individual pot identifier and the second set of data is related to the temperature state of the pot being measured by the temperature sensor. 1. A method for detecting the identity of a pot on a cooking point of a hob with a hob plate , wherein said hob comprises at least one heating element placed underneath said hob plate , said cooking point being provided with a pot sensing means for detecting a pot present on said cooking point and being connected to a hob control comprising a receiver , wherein a temperature sensor and a transmitter are attached to said pot , the method comprising:transmitting, via said transmitter, at least two sets of data to said receiver and to said hob control, wherein a first set of data is an individual pot identifier and a second set of data is related to a temperature state of said pot measured by said temperature sensor;defining a power profile template for said heating element and in an instance in which said pot sensing means has detected a presence of any pot, said heating element is activated with said power profile template to provoke a temperature change in said pot present on it, wherein a given delay due to a thermal capacitance of said pot is given;detecting, via said temperature sensor at said pot, with said delay, a profile of said power represented in said temperature change; andsending temperature information via said transmitter back to said hob control to determine ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Power supply apparatus for induction heating

Номер: US20180092162A1
Принадлежит: Neturen Co Ltd

A power supply apparatus for induction heating is provided. The power supply apparatus includes a smoothing filter configured to smooth a pulsating current of DC power output from a DC power supply, and an inverter configured to convert the DC power that has been smoothed by the smoothing filter into AC power. The smoothing filter includes a plurality of capacitors having different internal inductances and connected to each other in parallel between input terminals of the inverter, each of the capacitors being connected to the input terminals of the inverter directly or through a pair of bus bars. The plurality of capacitors includes a first capacitor and a second capacitor, the first capacitor having smaller internal inductance than the second capacitor and a shorter conductive path between the input terminals of the inverter than the second capacitor.

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160100458A1

A control unit of an induction heating unit controls AC power output to a heating coil of a transverse type induction heating unit that allows an alternating magnetic field to intersect a sheet surface of a conductive sheet that is being conveyed to inductively heat the conductive sheet. The control unit includes: a magnetic energy recovery switch that outputs AC power to the heating coil; a frequency setting unit that sets an output frequency in response to at least one of the relative permeability, resistivity, and sheet thickness of the conductive sheet; and a gate control unit that controls a switching operation of the magnetic energy recovery switch on the basis of the output frequency set by the frequency setting unit. 1. A control unit of an induction heating unit , in which the control unit controls an AC power output to a heating coil of a transverse type induction heating unit allowing an alternating magnetic field to intersect a sheet surface of a conductive sheet which is being conveyed to inductively heat the conductive sheet , the control unit comprising:a magnetic energy recovery switch which outputs the AC power to the heating coil;a frequency setting unit which sets an output frequency in response to at least one of a relative permeability, a resistivity, and a sheet thickness of the conductive sheet; anda gate control unit which controls a switching operation of the magnetic energy recovery switch on the basis of the output frequency set by the frequency setting unit.2. The control unit of the induction heating unit according to claim 1 ,wherein the frequency setting unit acquires an attribute information which specifies the relative permeability, the resistivity, and the sheet thickness of the conductive sheet, and selects a frequency corresponding to the acquired attribute information as the output frequency with reference to a table in which the relative permeability, the resistivity, and the sheet thickness of the conductive sheet, and the ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160100459A1

A control unit of an induction heating unit controls AC power output to a heating coil of a transverse type induction heating unit that allows an alternating magnetic field to intersect a sheet surface of a conductive sheet that is being conveyed to inductively heat the conductive sheet. The control unit includes: a magnetic energy recovery switch that outputs AC power to the heating coil; a frequency setting unit that sets an output frequency in response to at least one of the relative permeability, resistivity, and sheet thickness of the conductive sheet; and a gate control unit that controls a switching operation of the magnetic energy recovery switch on the basis of the output frequency set by the frequency setting unit. 1. A method of controlling an induction heating unit by controlling an AC power , which is output to a heating coil of a transverse type induction heating unit allowing an alternating magnetic field to intersect a sheet surface of a conductive sheet which is being conveyed to inductively heat the conductive sheet , the method comprising:outputting the AC power to the heating coil by a magnetic energy recovery switch;setting an output frequency in response to at least one of a relative permeability, a resistivity, and a sheet thickness of the conductive sheet; andcontrolling a switching operation of the magnetic energy recovery switch on the basis of the output frequency which is set.2. The method of controlling the induction heating unit according to claim 1 ,wherein the output frequency is set by acquiring an attribute information which specifies the relative permeability, the resistivity, and the sheet thickness of the conductive sheet, and by selecting a frequency corresponding to the acquired attribute information as the output frequency with reference to a table in which the relative permeability, the resistivity, and the sheet thickness of the conductive sheet, and the frequency are correlated with each other and are registered in advance. ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200092955A1

The present disclosure discloses a method for controlling an electromagnetic heating system, including: obtaining a target heating power of the electromagnetic heating system; determining whether the target heating power is less than a preset power; and when the target heating power is less than the preset power, controlling, in each control period, a resonance circuit of the electromagnetic heating system to enter into a discharging stage, a heating stage, and a stop stage successively, in which in the discharging stage, a power switch transistor of the resonance circuit is driven by a first driving voltage such that the power switch transistor works in an amplification state. In this way, a pulse current of the power switch transistor may be restrained, and a low power heating is realized by using a heating mode with a millisecond duty ratio. The present disclosure further discloses a device for controlling an electromagnetic heating system and an electromagnetic heating system. 1. A method , comprising:obtaining a target heating power of an electromagnetic heating system;determining whether the target heating power is less than a preset power; andwhen the target heating power is less than the preset power, controlling, in each control period, a resonance circuit of the electromagnetic heating system to enter into a discharging stage, a heating stage, and a stop stage successively, wherein a power switch transistor of the resonance circuit is driven by a first driving voltage in the discharging stage, wherein the power switch transistor functions in an amplification state.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,in the heating stage, the power switch transistor is driven by the first driving voltage to switch on for a preset period, and the power switch transistor is driven by a second driving voltage to switch on the power switch transistor, wherein the power switch transistor functions in a saturation state; andin the stop stage, the power switch ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180098387A1

In a method for operating a cooking zone of a cook top, wherein the cooking zone is formed by at least two cooking sub-zones and each cooking sub-zone can be heated by at least one heating unit, with the heating units arranged adjacent to each other without overlapping such that a cohesive heatable surface is formed during a joint operation of the cooking sub-zones, detection of an occupancy of a cooking sub-zone by at least one food preparation vessel is activated in a first operating mode and a same electrical power is supplied to all activated cooking sub-zones occupied by a food preparation vessel. 1. A method for operating a cooking zone of a cooktop , with the cooking zone being formed from at least two cooking sub-zones and each cooking sub-zone being heatable by at least one heating unit , wherein the heating unit of one cooking sub-zone and the heating unit of another cooking sub-zone are disposed adjacent to one another without overlapping , such that a cohesive heatable surface is formed during joint operation of the cooking sub-zones , said method comprising:activating detection of an occupancy of a cooking sub-zone by at least one food preparation vessel in a first operating mode when the cooking sub-zones can be operated as a joint cooking zone; andsupplying a same electrical power to all activated cooking sub-zones occupied by a food preparation vessel,wherein in the first operating mode the cooking sub-zones not occupied by a food preparation vessel are deactivated and remain deactivated, even in the presence of a food preparation vessel placed on the deactivated cooking sub-zones after expiration of an initial occupancy detection phase, until reactivation of a subsequent occupancy detection phase that is initiated by a user, andthe subsequent occupancy detection phase can only be initiated by the user.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising operating each of the cooking sub-zones independently of one another as a separate cooking zone in a ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210100075A1
Автор: LIU Tuanfang

An electromagnetic induction heater, including: a first cover plate; an inductive coil; a housing; a glass pipe; a second cover plate; a first control plate; a second control plate; a power button; a first baffle plate; a pair of electrodes; a third cover plate; a battery; a support frame; a battery connector; a spring; and a second baffle plate. The pair of electrodes is disposed on the support frame. The first baffle plate is disposed on the pair of electrodes and is fixed on the support frame. The spring butts against the battery connector. The spring and the battery connector are disposed in one end of the support frame. The second baffle plate is directly connected to the spring and fixed on the one end of the support frame. The support frame is disposed in the housing. The inductive coil is disposed on the first control plate. 1{'b': '1', ') a first cover plate;'}{'b': '2', ') an inductive coil;'}{'b': '3', ') a housing;'}{'b': '4', ') a glass pipe;'}{'b': '5', ') a second cover plate comprising a through hole;'}{'b': '6', ') a first control plate;'}{'b': '7', ') a second control plate;'}{'b': '8', ') a power button;'}{'b': '9', ') a first baffle plate;'}{'b': '10', ') a pair of cup-shaped electrodes;'}{'b': '11', ') a third cover plate;'}{'b': '12', ') a battery;'}{'b': '13', ') a support frame;'}{'b': '14', ') a battery connector;'}{'b': '15', ') a spring; and'}{'b': '16', ') a second baffle plate;'}. A device, comprising:the pair of cup-shaped electrodes is disposed on the support frame;the first baffle plate is disposed on the pair of cup-shaped electrodes and is fixed on the support frame;the spring butts against the battery connector; the spring and the battery connector are disposed in one end of the support frame; the second baffle plate is directly connected to the spring and fixed on the one end of the support frame; the support frame is disposed in the housing;the inductive coil is disposed on the first control plate; the first control plate is ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220151033A1

A food preparation system includes a food treatment unit having a food treatment function, a functional unit having an auxiliary function associated with the food treatment function, and a control unit provided to cause execution of a recipe and to control the food treatment function and the auxiliary function in an open-loop and/or closed-loop manner when guided by the recipe. 115-. (canceled)16. A food preparation system , comprising:a food treatment unit having a food treatment function;a functional unit having an auxiliary function associated with the food treatment function; anda control unit provided to cause execution of a recipe and to control the food treatment function and the auxiliary function in an open-loop and/or closed-loop manner when guided by the recipe.17. The food preparation system of claim 16 , wherein the control unit automatically sets operating parameters required to reach a predefined target value claim 16 , when controlling the food treatment function and/or the auxiliary function in the open-loop and/or closed-loop manner.18. The food preparation system of claim 16 , wherein the control unit is provided to output an information item before activating the food treatment function and/or the auxiliary function.19. The food preparation system of claim 16 , wherein the control unit is provided to activate the food treatment function and/or the auxiliary function as a function of an operating input.20. The food preparation system of claim 16 , further comprising a further functional unit having a further auxiliary function claim 16 , which the control unit controls in an open-loop and/or closed-loop manner when guided by the recipe.21. The food preparation system of claim 16 , wherein the control unit is provided to cause execution of a further recipe step of the recipe while performing the auxiliary function.22. The food preparation system of claim 16 , wherein the control unit controls the food treatment function and the auxiliary function ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Induction Cooker, Method and Computer Program Product for Adjusting Air Gap for Induction Coil

Номер: US20220151034A1
Автор: KARAZOR Irfan

Induction cooker comprising an induction coil, a supporting structure, a ferromagnetic element and a non-ferromagnetic element. The induction coil is arranged to receive a varying electric current and produce a corresponding varying electromagnetic field. The supporting structure arranged to support a ferromagnetic object above the induction coil, the ferromagnetic object being placed in the corresponding varying electromagnetic field to be magnetically coupled to the induction coil, thereby determining a mutual inductance between the induction coil and the ferromagnetic object. The ferromagnetic element and the non-ferromagnetic element are arranged to be located between the supporting structure and the induction coil and selectively move in the corresponding varying electromagnetic field based on a mutual inductance between the induction coil and the ferromagnetic object. 1. An induction cooker comprising:an induction coil, which is arranged to receive a varying electric current and produce a corresponding varying electromagnetic field;a supporting structure, which is arranged to support a ferromagnetic object above the induction coil, the ferromagnetic object being placed in the corresponding varying electromagnetic field to be magnetically coupled to the induction coil, thereby determining a mutual inductance between the induction coil and the ferromagnetic object;a ferromagnetic element and a non-ferromagnetic element, which are arranged to be located between the supporting structure and the induction coil,wherein:the ferromagnetic element and/or the non-ferromagnetic element are arranged to selectively move in the corresponding varying electromagnetic field based on the mutual inductance between the induction coil and the ferromagnetic object.2. The induction cooker of claim 1 , wherein the ferromagnetic element and the non-ferromagnetic element are arranged to move horizontally and/or vertically.3. The induction cooker of claim 1 , wherein the ferromagnetic ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220151035A1

The invention relates to a power supply circuit () for a cooking device, in particular for an induction cooking device, more particularly for an induction hob (), wherein the power supply circuit is comprising—a, in particular a single, frequency adapting unit (), in particular filtering unit, for adapting at least one external supply signal () into a single or at least one internal AC supply signal (),—and at least one, at least two, two, at least three or three DC signal generating units (), each for converting the one or at least one internal AC supply signal () into at least one signal component, in particular one or two signal components, of an internal DC supply signal () and —at least one, at least two, in particular two, least three, three, at least four or four, heating frequency generating units (), each for converting one or at least one DC supply signal () supplied by at least one DC signal generating unit () into a heating frequency signal () for supplying at least one heating unit () with electrical power. 1. Power supply circuit for an induction hob , comprising:a single frequency adapting unit for adapting an external supply signal into an internal AC supply signal,up to three DC signal generating units, each for converting said internal AC supply signal into one or two signal components of an internal DC supply signal, andup to four heating frequency generating units, each adapted to convert at least one DC supply signal supplied by at least one said DC signal generating unit into a heating frequency signal for supplying at least one heating unit with electrical power.2. Power supply circuit according to claim 1 , wherein each said internal DC supply signal is supplied by a first and a second signal component; and/or wherein the first signal component of each DC signal generating unit supplies a DC voltage and the second signal component supplies a ground voltage claim 1 , wherein each DC signal generating unit is connected to the same common ground ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180103511A1

In order to heat water in a cooking vessel which is placed above at least one induction heating coil of an induction hob, a controller drives the induction heating coil with a prespecified relatively high power density. During the heating, operating parameters of the induction heating coil are detected and evaluated by the controller in order to monitor a relative temperature profile of the temperature of a cooking vessel base. As soon as this relative temperature profile levels off to a considerable extent or a gradient of the relative temperature profile decreases, the controller identifies this and determines this as the situation of a “lightly boiling” state and of a temperature of a top side of the cooking vessel base which is 5° C. to 15° C. below the boiling point being reached. The power density is then automatically reduced for a predetermined hold time, wherein an operator can maintain this state or, after a certain time, heating up can be performed to a greater extent again automatically. 1. A method for operating an induction hob in order to heat water in a cooking vessel being placed above at least one induction heating coil of said induction hob , said method comprising:driving, via a controller of said induction hob, said at least one induction heating coil to inductively heat said cooking vessel which has been put into place with a prespecified power density;during said heating of said cooking vessel, operating parameters of said at least one induction heating coil are detected and evaluated by said controller in order to monitor a relative temperature profile of said temperature of a cooking vessel base of said cooking vessel;identifying, via the controller, as soon as said relative temperature profile of said cooking vessel base levels off to a significant extent or a gradient of said relative temperature profile decreases, and determines this as a situation of a lightly boiling state and of a temperature of a top side of said cooking vessel base ...
