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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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07-12-2018 дата публикации

Устройство электрода для плазменных резаков

Номер: RU2674361C2

Изобретение относится к устройству электрода для плазменных резаков. В электрододержателе или в удерживающем элементе для размещения эмиссионной вставки электрода выполнено углубление или канал, открытый с одной стороны в направлении обрабатываемого изделия. Между полым пространством, образованным углублением или каналом и эмиссионной вставкой, и окружающей средой имеется по меньшей мере один проход выравнивания давления и/или временно действующий проход выравнивания давления, проходящий через эмиссионную вставку и/или между участком наружной поверхности облицовки эмиссионной вставки и внутренней стенкой углубления или канала. В соответствии с другим вариантом между полым пространством, образованным углублением или каналом и удерживающим элементом, и окружающей средой имеется по меньшей мере один проход выравнивания давления и/или временно действующий проход выравнивания давления, проходящий через удерживающий элемент и/или между участком наружной поверхности облицовки удерживающего элемента ...

27-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2526862C2

Заявленное изобретение относится к электроду плазменной горелки. Заявленное устройство содержит продолговатый электрододержатель с передней поверхностью на острие электрода и сверлением, выполненным на острие электрода по средней оси через электрододержатель, и эмиссионную вставку, установленную в сверлении таким образом, что излучающая поверхность эмиссионной вставки остается свободной. При этом излучающая поверхность смещена назад относительно передней поверхности электрододержателя и электрод плазменной горелки содержит гнездо для своего размещения и электрододержатель, причем гнездо под электрод имеет внутреннюю резьбу, а электрододержатель содержит наружную резьбу и сплошное кольцо в канавке на цилиндрической наружной поверхности. При этом электрододержатель свинчен с гнездом под электрод с помощью наружной и внутренней резьбы и уплотнен посредством сплошного кольца. Заявленная плазменная горелка выполнена с указанным электродом. Техническим результатом является повышение срока службы ...

20-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2464748C2

Изобретение относится к электротехнике, а именно к устройствам для нагрева газов до высоких температур с помощью электрической дуги, и может использоваться в плазмохимических, металлургических процессах, в частности, для выплавки ферросплавов, уничтожения бытовых и техногенных отходов, а также в исследовательских целях. Электродуговой плазмотрон содержит установленные вдоль продольной оси изолированные друг от друга медные стаканообразный анод и катод переменного сечения, причем анод выполнен в виде ступенчато сужающегося цилиндра в направлении потока газа с соотношениями геометрических размеров: d3/d2,=1,5-1,8, d2/d1=1,13-1,17; 4,8 Подробнее

10-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2291223C2

Изобретения могут найти применение в различных отраслях машиностроения при изготовлении изделий с защитными покрытиями и относятся к области плазменной технологии нанесения покрытий, в частности, к инжекционной системе для инжектирования текучего реагента в поток плазмы, устройствам для нанесения покрытий на подложку и способу нанесения покрытий на подложку. Инжектор, используемый в упомянутых объектах, включает первую часть (6) канала для ограничения потока текучего реагента, имеющую такую форму, что внутренние стенки первой части (2) канала являются параллельными первой оси (9). Инжектор (2) имеет вторую часть канала (8), выполненную с возможностью сообщения текучего реагента с первой частью канала. Вторая часть канала (8) имеет углубление, так что внутренние стенки второй части канала (8) расходятся от первой оси (9) под заданным углом. Инжектор может дополнительно включать часть в виде наконечника, который выступает в плазму. Инжектор может быть встроен в инжекционную систему с возможностью ...

27-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2388194C1

Изобретение относится к области вакуумной электротермии и порошковой металлургии и предназначено для использования в электротермических установках различного назначения, в которых в качестве нагревателя используется сильноионизированная плазма. Заявленый катодный узел вакуумной электронно-плазменной печи снабжен перемещающимся электромагнитным экраном, охватывающим катод и имеющим самостоятельный источник электропитания, и по меньшей мере одним термоподогревателем рабочей поверхности катода, расположенным осесимметрично катоду и имеющим самостоятельный источник электропитания. Изобретение позволяет значительно увеличить ресурс работы катода, управлять положением, протяженностью и пространственным направлением столба плазмы и обеспечить равномерный нагрев частиц исходного порошка, что приводит к улучшению качества конечного порошка либо слитка металла. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

24-07-2023 дата публикации

Устройство для модификации поверхности материалов посредством плазмы атмосферного давления

Номер: RU219545U1

Полезная модель относится к плазменной технике, в частности к источникам получения и управления потоком плазмы атмосферного давления, и может быть использована в различных областях науки и техники для модификации, очистки и обеззараживания различных поверхностей в микроэлектронике, оптике, микробиологии и медицине. Технический результат достигается созданием устройства плазмы атмосферного давления со специальной съемной рассеивающей насадкой. В качестве источника питания используется низкочастотный генератор (10-200 кГц). Создание такой насадки позволяет увеличить равномерность и площадь обрабатываемой поверхности различных материалов, что ускоряет процесс модификации в целом. Использование вместо высокочастотного источника питания низкочастотного позволяет упростить устройство. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU204320U1

Полезная модель относится к электроду, используемому в плазменно-дуговых горелках, а именно электроду с медным корпусом, один конец которого (в горелке - задний) подготовлен для его соединения с плазменно-дуговой горелкой, а на другом конце которого (в горелке - торцевом или переднем) имеется коаксиальное отверстие, в которое помещена эмиссионная вставка, изготовленная из гафния. Сущность полезной модели заключается в электроде для плазменно-дуговой горелки, который имеет медный корпус в целом цилиндрической формы, один конец которого (в горелке - задний) подготовлен для его соединения с плазменно-дуговой горелкой, а на другом конце которого (в горелке - торцевом или переднем) имеется коаксиальное отверстие, в которое помещена эмиссионная вставка из гафния. Полезная модель отличается от аналогов тем, что эмиссионная вставка из гафния соединена с корпусом электрода слоем припоя из сплава серебра Ag с содержанием индия In. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 204 320 U1 (51) МПК H05H 1/34 (2006.01) B23K 10/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H05H 1/34 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020133449, 12.10.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Би энд Бартони, спол. с р.о. (CZ) Дата регистрации: 20.05.2021 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 14.10.2019 CZ 2019-36745 (45) Опубликовано: 20.05.2021 Бюл. № 14 2 0 4 3 2 0 R U (54) ЭЛЕКТРОД ДЛЯ ПЛАЗМЕННО-ДУГОВОЙ ГОРЕЛКИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к электроду, медный корпус в целом цилиндрической формы, используемому в плазменно-дуговых горелках, один конец которого (в горелке - задний) а именно электроду с медным корпусом, один подготовлен для его соединения с плазменноконец которого (в горелке - задний) подготовлен дуговой горелкой, а на другом конце которого для его соединения с плазменно-дуговой (в горелке - торцевом или переднем) имеется горелкой, а на другом конце которого (в горелке ...

10-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2204222C1

Изобретение относится к электронно-лучевой технике, а именно к устройствам для вывода интенсивных пучков частиц из вакуума в газовую среду высокого давления, и может использоваться для обработки материалов при атмосферном давлении потоками заряженных или нейтральных частиц. Технический результат - увеличение мощности пучка частиц, выводимых из вакуума в газовую среду повышенного давления. В устройстве для вывода частиц, содержащем источник частиц, камеру дифференциальной откачки с патрубками, соосными источнику частиц, и откачными отверстиями, срезы патрубков обращены в сторону источника частиц, а в область пролетных отверстий патрубков на уровень среза патрубков введен электрод, соединенный с источником питания. 1 ил.

27-01-2021 дата публикации

Защитный колпачок сопла, дуговая плазменная горелка, содержащая указанный защитный колпачок, и применение дуговой плазменной горелки

Номер: RU2741583C2

Изобретение относится к плазменным горелкам и обеспечению их работы. Защитный колпачок (7) сопла плазменной горелки расположен и закреплен снаружи на концевой части горелки (1), на которой плазменная струя выходит из горелки (1) через сопловидные отверстия (4а, 7а). Защитный колпачок (7) сопла изготовлен из сплава железа с содержанием серы по меньшей мере 0,05%. Возможно использование колпачка в дуговой плазменной горелкае (1), содержащей корпус (2), электрод (3), расположенный в корпусе (2) горелки, сопло (4), имеющее центральное отверстие (4а) и расположенное таким образом, что оно закрывает электрод (3) так, что он отделен каналом (6а) для плазмообразующего газа, образованным между указанным соплом и электродом. Защитный колпачок (7) сопла, имеющий выпускное отверстие (7а), расположенное на переднем конце указанного защитного колпачка напротив отверстия (4а) сопла, и кольцевой канал (9) для вторичного газа, расположенный внутри защитного колпачка (7) сопла и соединенный с выпускным отверстием ...

15-05-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012946C1

Использование: плазменные катоды-компенсаторы на газообразных рабочих телах для нейтрализации ионного пучка в электроракетных двигателях, а также в технологических источниках. Сущность изобретения: катод-компенсатор содержит термоэмиттер 4, помещенный в корпус 2 с нанесенным на него защитным слоем 10, спираль-нагреватель 6 с опорным кольцом 7, изоляционную втулку 18, систему тепловых экранов 11, геттер 15, трубку 13 подачи газа, электроизолятор 17 в цепи накала спирали-нагревателя. Центральный канал 5 тетроэмиттера выполнен со сплошной торцевой стенкой и сообщен с полостью держателя 3 через сквозные каналы 8 в боковой стенке термоэмиттера и продольные пазы 9, выполненные по боковой поверхности термоэмиттера. Полость держателя сообщена с трубкой 13 подачи газа через герметичную полость 14, образованную коаксиально установленными тепловыми экранами 11. 3 з. п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

10-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2187168C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам электронно-ионной технологии, в частности к газоразрядным устройствам для ионной очистки и травления материалов, и может найти применение при изготовлении элементной базы микроэлектроники из многокомпонентных материалов. Технологический результат - повышение производительности обработки. Устройство для ионной обработки материалов содержит генератор плазмы, извлекающие электрод с расположенной на нем подложкой, средства откачки и натекания газа, между генератором плазмы и извлекающим электродом введена газовая камера с пролетными отверстиями, диаметр которых меньше пролетного размера камеры, а в генератор плазмы введен коллектор, на который помещен материал подложки. 1 ил.

20-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2191490C1

Изобретение относится к электронно-лучевой технике, а именно к устройствам для вывода интенсивных пучков частиц из вакуума в газовую сферу высокого давления. Технический результат - увеличение мощности пучка частиц, выводимых их вакуума в газовую среду повышенного давления. В устройстве для вывода частиц, содержащем источник частиц, пролетную камеру, дальний и ближний к источнику патрубки, соосные источнику частиц, между патрубком, дальним от источника, и камерой введена диэлектрическая вставка, а сам патрубок соединен с источником питания. 1 ил.

20-02-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2028899C1

Использование: в плазменно-дуговых горелках для сварки, резки, обработки поверхности, отжига и плавки металла. Сущность изобретения: между эмиссионной вставкой и держателем электрода устанавливают втулку, имеющую радиальную толщину со стороны рабочего торца не менее 0,25 мм. Втулка выполнена из материала с работой выхода больше, чем работа выхода материала эмиссионной вставки. Втулка может быть выполнена из серебра, золота, платины, родия, иридия, палладия, никеля и их сплавов, или из сплава, содержащего медь, и металлов, выбранных из группы: серебро, золото, платина, родий, иридий, палладий, никель и их сплавы. Эмиссионная вставка может выполняться из гафния, циркония, вольфрама и их сплавов. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил., 1 табл.

10-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2119852C1

Горелка и способ могут быть использованы для плазменно-дуговой сварки и резки в машиностроении. Электрод и сопло установлены с возможностью относительного перемещения. Имеются устройства для относительного перемещения электрода и сопла. Они обеспечивают их первое и второе положения с заранее заданным усилием контакта между ними в первом положении. Конструкция устройства позволяет не прерывать протекание газа, используемого при формировании дуги, и/или электрического тока дугового разряда во время такого относительного перемещения. Способ испытаний на безопасность перед запуском горелки выполняется путем последовательного перемещения электрода и сопла между их положениями для обнаружения соответствующих состояний разомкнутой и замкнутой цепи, и разрешение формирования вспомогательной дуги только в случае, когда обнаружена заранее заданная последовательность состояний цепи. Последующее перемещение электрода и сопла одновременно с приложением заранее заданного усилия контакта между ними способствует ...

27-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2067359C1

Существо предложения: электродный узел электродугового плазмотрона содержит коаксиально установленные центральный стержневой и кольцевой электроды, выполненные со стороны рабочей части разветвленными на два идентичных параллельных узла, расположенных друг от друга на расстоянии устойчивого зажигания. Это позволяет упростить конструкцию и обеспечить надежную и производительную работу плазмотрона при оплавлении плиты. 2 ил.

20-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2079568C1

Способ обработки поверхности изделия включает предварительную обработку поверхности неравновесной высокотемпературной плазмой в среде аргона с последующей добавкой в плазмообразующий газ металлоорганических соединений и подачей его непосредственно в сгусток плазмы. Для осуществления способа используется плазмотрон с разрядной камерой 8, имеющей боковые вводы 18, расположенные ниже системы электродов 7 и центральный ввод 16 с патрубком, срез которого расположен в области системы электродов 7. 2 с.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 1 табл.

10-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2071644C1

Использование: химическая обработка реагентов. Сущность: в плазменной горелке 1, состоящей из двух или более трубчатых электродов 2, 3, размещенных соосно один в другом, подводящая труба 4 и для подачи реагента размещена соосно во внутреннем электроде 3 и состоит из охлаждаемой жидкостью трубы, снабженной теплоизоляционным слоем 10, 11 на внешней поверхности. Подводящая труба 4 может перемещаться в осевом направлении для позиционирования сопла относительно плазменного факела. Нижняя часть подводящей трубы 4 выполнена сменной. Труба сужается у выходного отверстия в виде сопла Вентури, чтобы увеличить скорость реагента. Между подводящей трубой и внутренним электродом образован кольцевой канал, в который может подаваться плазмообразующий газ 13. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 1 ил.

19-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2680318C1

Изобретение относится к области плазменной техники. Система охлаждения высоковольтного электродугового плазмотрона содержит в одном варианте три электродных узла, каждый из которых содержит цилиндрический полый электрод с катушкой, три составных металлических патрубка, образующих три дуговых канала, каждый из которых соединен с соответствующим полым электродом через изолирующую втулку, а металлические патрубки каждого дугового канала соединены между собой посредством дополнительной изолирующей втулки. Каждая из изолирующих втулок содержит канал для подачи плазмообразующего газа в область между цилиндрическим полым электродом и металлическим патрубком и в область между смежными частями составного металлического патрубка. Имеется металлическая пластина для герметичного закрепления других концов металлических патрубков, три соединительных узла, в каждом из которых размещена часть патрубка соответствующего дугового канала, предназначенная для прохода электрической дуги и плазмы от полого электрода ...

20-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU111734U1

... 1. Электродуговой плазмотрон для нагрева воздуха, азота, гелия и других газов, содержащий установленные вдоль продольной оси изолированные друг от друга медные стаканообразный анод и катод переменного сечения, отличающийся тем, что анод выполнен в виде ступенчато сужающегося цилиндра в направлении потока газа с соотношениями геометрических размеров: d3/d2=1,5-1,8, d2/d1=1,13-1,17; 4,8 Подробнее

10-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005116228A

... 1. Удлинитель ввода плазменной дуговой горелки, предназначенный для подключения проксимального конца ввода горелки к источнику питания, который содержит по меньшей мере один трубопровод для подвода флюида и электрической энергии, причем трубопровод имеет проксимальный конец и дистальный конец; по меньшей мере один дистальный соединительный элемент, расположенный на дистальном конце трубопровода и выполненный с возможностью входа в зацепление с проксимальным концом ввода горелки; по меньшей мере один проксимальный соединительный элемент, расположенный на проксимальном конце трубопровода, и выполненный с возможностью входа в зацепление с источником питания; и элемент в виде катушки, расположенный между дистальным соединительным элементом и проксимальным соединительным элементом, определяющий изогнутую поверхность, размер которой выбран с возможностью приема по меньшей мере одного участка трубопровода, причем расстояние между проксимальным и дистальным соединительными элементами может быть ...

20-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003128884A

... 1. Плазменная горелка с контактным возбуждением, содержащая: катодное тело, предназначенное для электрического соединения с отрицательным выводом источника питания; анодное тело, предназначенное для электрического соединения с положительным выводом источника питания; первичный газовый канал для подачи рабочего газа от источника рабочего газа через горелку; и токопроводящий элемент, выполненный из электропроводного материала и смонтированный без жесткого соединения с катодным телом и анодным телом; горелка, работающая между холостым режимом, в котором токопроводящий элемент создает токопроводящую дорожку между катодным телом и анодным телом, и дежурным режимом, в котором формируется вспомогательная дуга между токопроводящим элементом и, по меньшей мере, одним из указанного катодного тела и указанного анодного тела и предназначенная для ввода горелки в рабочий режим путем подачи рабочего газа в первичный газовый канал в горелку в виде ионизированной плазмы. 2. Плазменная горелка с контактным ...

27-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010152144A

... 1. Электродуговой плазмотрон для нагрева воздуха, азота, гелия и других газов, содержащий установленные вдоль продольной оси изолированные друг от друга медные стаканообразный анод и катод переменного сечения, отличающийся тем, что анод выполнен в виде ступенчато сужающегося цилиндра в направлении потока газа с соотношениями геометрических размеров: d3/d2=1,5-1,8, d2/d1=1,13-1,17; 4,8 Подробнее

10-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94037594A

Изобретение относится к способу и установке для получения фторуглеводородных соединений. Способ включает стадии создания высокотемпературной зоны и подачи по крайней мере одного исходного материала в высокотемпературную зону для получения нагретого газа, включающего фторсодержащие и углеродсодержащие частицы. Молярное отношение C:F в массе нагретого газа контролируется при заданной величине 0,4 - 2,0; удельная энтальпия массы нагреваемого газа контролируется при заданной величине ≈1 - 10 кВт/ч•кг в течение промежутка времени, достаточного для образования реакционноспособной термической газовой смеси, содержащей реакционноспособные фторсодержащие и углеродсодержащие промежуточные вещества. Затем реакционноспособная термическая смесь охлаждается с такой скоростью и до такой температуры, которые приводят к получению конечного продукта, включающего желаемое фторуглеводородное соединение. Исходный материал обычно представляет собой C-C- перфторированное соединение углерода общей формулы CF, ...

27-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011119977A

... 1. Электрод (1) плазменной горелки, содержащий:- продолговатый электрододержатель (7.5) с передней поверхностью (7.7) на острие электрода и сверлением (7.14), выполненным на острие электрода вдоль средней оси через электрододержатель (7.5), и- эмиссионную вставку (7.1), установленную в сверлении (7.14) таким образом, что излучающая поверхность (7.11; 7.12) эмиссионной вставки (7.1) остается открытой,отличающийся тем, что излучающая поверхность (7.11; 7.12) смещена назад относительно передней поверхности (7.7) электрододержателя.2. Электрод (7) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что излучающая поверхность содержит центральную (7.11) и периферийную (7.12) поверхности.3. Электрод (7) по п.2, отличающийся тем, что зазор а между центральной поверхностью (7.11) эмиссионной вставки (7.1) и передней поверхностью (7.7) электрододержателя (7.5) превышает зазор b между периферийной поверхностью (7.12) эмиссионной вставки (7.1) и передней поверхностью (7.7) электрододержателя (7.5).4. Электрод (7) по п.2, отличающийся ...

10-11-2003 дата публикации

Плазмотрон с жидким электролитным катодом

Номер: RU2002107123A

Плазмотрон с жидким электролитным катодом, содержащий электролитическую ванну с токоподводом и металлический анод, отличающийся тем, что электролитическая ванна снабжена металлической крышкой с отверстием в центральной части, а к металлической крышке с внутренней стороны прикреплен соосно с отверстием металлический полый осесимметричный анод, при этом электролитическая ванна и металлический анод изготовлены так, чтобы площадь поверхности электролита в ванне была на порядок больше площади рабочего торца анода, и электролитическая ванна снабжена отверстиями в нижней части боковых стенок для прокачки электролита.

10-07-2003 дата публикации

Способ анализа газов на глубину залегания в материале

Номер: RU2001122851A

Способ анализа газов на глубину залегания в материале, заключающийся в том, что первоначально берут два одинаковых отрезка одного и того же материала и в одной камере нагревают с разными скоростями каждый отрезок до температуры, меньшей температуры плавления с измерением потока газовыделения из каждого отрезка, а затем сравнивают потоки газовыделения для одинаковых времен нагрева, после чего заключают, что если большей скорости нагрева соответствует меньший поток газа, то газ расположен в приповерхностных слоях.

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013130658A

... 1. Анодный узел вакуумно-дугового источника катодной плазмы, содержащий охваченный фокусирующей электромагнитной катушкой анод, выполненный в виде отрезка трубы, внутри которого коаксиально ему размещена в электропроводном кожухе отклоняющая электромагнитная катушка, с направлением магнитного поля навстречу магнитному полю фокусирующей электромагнитной катушки, внутри отклоняющей катушки на ее оси вблизи ее торца, обращенного к входному отверстию анода, расположен постоянный отклоняющий магнит, магнитное поле которого сонаправлено магнитному полю отклоняющей электромагнитной катушки, отличающийся тем, что он включает, расположенный внутри электромагнитной отклоняющей катушки на ее оси вблизи ее торца, обращенного в сторону противоположную входному отверстию анода, дополнительный постоянный магнит, магнитное поле которого направлено встречно магнитному полю постоянного отклоняющего магнита, при этом положительный полюс источника питания дуги электрически соединен как с анодом через обмотку ...

25-06-1978 дата публикации

Плазменный резак

Номер: SU493097A1

13-08-1966 дата публикации

Устройство для плазменной резки

Номер: SU185674A2

04-07-2012 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Erzeugung eines Plasma-Jets

Номер: DE202008018264U1

Vorrichtung zur Erzeugung eines Plasma-Jets, insbesondere zur Behandlung oder Aktivierung von Durchgangslöchern flächiger Substrate, aufweisend mindestens ein mit Prozessgas durchströmtes Entladungsrohr (1), wobei die Wandung des Entladungsrohres (1) aus dielektrischem Material besteht, wobei eine erste Mittelelektrode (2), zentrisch im Inneren des Entladungsrohres (1) in dessen Längsrichtung sich ersteckend angeordnet ist, wobei eine zweite Gegenelektrode (3) in axialer Richtung die Wandung des Entladungsrohres (1) konzentrisch umschließend angeordnet ist, derart, dass erste Mittelelektrode (2), Entladungsrohr (1) und zweite Gegenelektrode (3) einen koaxialen und im Querschnitt konzentrischen Aufbau mit einer offenen Stirnseite bilden, an der der Plasma-Jet erzeugbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass beabstandet zu der stirnseitigen Öffnung des Entladungsrohres (1) eine Aufnahme (7) für die zu behandelnden Substrate (8) angeordnet ist, und dass, wiederum beabstandet von der Aufnahme (7 ...

19-05-2005 дата публикации

Brennerkopf für Schweißbrenner sowie Gasdüse, Kontaktdüse und Isolierdüse für einen solchen Brennerkopf

Номер: DE0020380291U1

Brennerkopf (1) für Schweißbrenner, insbesondere für Plasmaschweißbrenner mit einem Grundkörper (2), mit einer nichtabschmelzenden Elektrode (7), welche Elektrode (7) von einer Kontaktdüse (6) umgeben ist; wobei zwischen der Elektrode (7) und der Kontaktdüse (6) eine Isolierhülse (8) und eine Brenngaszuführung (9) angeordnet ist, weiters mit einer die Kontaktdüse (6) umgebenden Gasdüse (3), welche Gasdüse (3) ein Innengewinde (4) zum Aufschrauben auf ein entsprechendes Außengewinde (5) am Grundkörper (2) aufweist, und mit einer schrägen, ringförmigen Anschlagfläche (11) zur Anlage an eine korrespondierende Fläche (12) der Gasdüse im aufgeschraubten Zustand, und wobei zwischen der Gasdüse (3) und der Kontaktdüse (6) eine Schutzgaszuführung (10? angeordnet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die schräge, ringförmige Anschlagfläche (11) an das Außengewinde (5) am Grundkörper (2) angrenzt.

11-03-2004 дата публикации

Preliminary surface treatment of workpieces prior to lacquering etc. - with a stream of a reactive medium produced by plasma discharge combined with supply of a working gas

Номер: DE0029624481U1

The method concerns preliminary surface treatment of workpieces (36) by means of electric discharge. A stream (34) of a reactive medium is produced by plasma discharge combined with supply of a working gas, and that the surface to be treated is swept by this stream. Also claimed is an appts. serving for implementation of the method.

15-10-2009 дата публикации

Düse für einen flüssigkeitsgekühlten Plasmabrenner, Anordnung aus derselben und einer Düsenkappe sowie flüssigkeitsgekühlter Plasmabrenner mit einer derartigen Anordnung

Номер: DE102008018530A1

Düse für einen flüssigkeitsgekühlten Plasmabrenner, umfassend eine Düsenbohrung für den Austritt eines Plasmagasstrahls an einer Düsenspritze und einen ersten Abschnitt, dessen Außenfläche sich bis auf mindestens einen sich zur Düsenspitze in unter einem jeweiligen Winkel beta kegelig erweiternden Umlenkabschnitt zur Düsenspitze hin unter einem Winkel alpha kegelig verjüngt, Anordnung aus derselben und einer Düsenkappe sowie Plasmabrenner mit besagter Anordnung.

28-08-2008 дата публикации

Plasma arrangement for producing atmospheric pressure plasma jet, has two electrically conducting electrodes, where cone electrode is moved axially perpendicular to base plate in cone opening

Номер: DE102007009151A1

The plasma arrangement has two electrically conducting electrodes, between which a voltage is applied and a plasma discharge is produced. Units are provided for supplying work gas into the area of plasma discharge. The former electrode is formed as cone electrode (16) and the later electrode is formed as base plate (3) with a cone opening (17) corresponding to the cone electrode. The cone electrode is moved axially perpendicular to base plate in the cone opening.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Haftgrundvorbereitung für das Kaltgasspritzen und Kaltgasspritzvorrichtung

Номер: DE102011087159B3

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Beschichtung eines Bauteils, insbesondere eines Bauteils einer Gasturbine oder eines Flugtriebwerks, bei welchem die Beschichtung durch Kaltgasspritzen auf dem Bauteil aufgebracht wird und wobei vor der Beschichtung die zu beschichtende Oberfläche des Bauteils (1) mit kaltem Plasma (11) vorbehandelt wird. Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft weiterhin eine Kaltgasspritzvorrichtung (4) zur Durchführung des Verfahrens.

03-03-1994 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004228064A1

29-10-1970 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001440618B2

03-04-1986 дата публикации

Arc cutting torch, in particular plasma or tungsten inert-gas cutting torch

Номер: DE0003434700A1

In order to cut workpieces of especially large thickness with high cutting performance, the arch cutting torch (10) is designed as a flat torch (45) in such a way that the flat torch (45) is movable entirely or partly in a kerf, preferably the cutting kerf, during the cutting. ...

29-04-1982 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002839485C2

02-10-1969 дата публикации


Номер: DE0006813753U

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Betreiben eines Kreislaufsystems, Verfahren zum Beschichten und Verwendung von Generator- und/oder Turbinenschaufeln und/oder Kondensatorrohrböden eines Kraftwerkskondensators

Номер: DE102010044859A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zum Betreiben eines Kreislaufsystems, Verfahren zum Beschichten und Verwendung von Generator- und/oder Turbinenschaufeln und/oder Kondensatorrohrböden eines Kraftwerkskondensators zur Erzeugung von Plasma. Insbesondere betrifft die Erfindung einen multifunktionellen Kraftwerkskondensator, insbesondere einen mit beschichteten Kondensationsflächen. Das Innere eines Kraftwerkskondensators wird dabei durch Kontaktieren von Elektroden und Einführung von Plasmagasen zur Erzeugung und/oder zum Zünden eines Plasmas genutzt, durch das eine Beschichtung auf den Innenflächen oder einem Teil der Innenflächen, beispielsweise den Kondensationsflächen des Kraftwerkskondensators, erzeugbar ist.

13-08-2009 дата публикации

Plama-Gerät zur selektiven Behandlung elektroporierter Zellen

Номер: DE102008008614A1

Die Erfindung beschreibt ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zur Behandlung lebender Zellen mittels eines Atmosphärendruckplasmas bei gleichzeitiger Elektroporation der zu behandelnden Zellen, wodurch eine lokale selektive Abtötung von Krebszellen ohne den Einsatz von Chemotherapeutika, eine verbesserte Methode zur Behandlung von chronischen Wunden sowie eine effektivere Plasmasterilisation realisiert werden können.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Strahlgenerator zur Erzeugung eines gebündelten Plasmastrahls

Номер: DE102009004968B4

Strahlgenerator (1) zur Erzeugung eines gebündelten Plasmastrahls (2) durch Lichtbogenentladung (3) unter Zufuhr eines Arbeitsgases (4) umfassend eine Stiftelektrode (5), einen konzentrisch zu der Stiftelektrode (5) angeordneten hohlzylindrischen, gegenüber der Stiftelektrode (5) isolierten Mantel (6) aus elektrisch leitendem Material, an dessen einer Stirnseite eine ringförmige Elektrode (7) angeordnet ist, die eine Düsenöffnung (9) begrenzt, deren Durchmesser kleiner als der Durchmesser des hohlzylindrischen Mantels (6) ist, der an der gegenüberliegender Stirnseite eine Zufuhr für das Arbeitsgas (4) aufweist, eine Spannungsquelle (21) zum Anlegen einer Spannung zwischen Stift- (5) und Ringelektrode (7), wobei der Mantel (6) und/oder die Ringelektrode (7) geerdet sind; und wobei der hohlzylindrische Mantel (6) stirnseitig einen sich konisch in Richtung der ringförmigen Elektrode (7) verjüngenden Abschnitt (8) aufweist, die Stiftelektrode (5) in den hohlzylindrischen Mantel (6) hineinragt ...

14-04-2011 дата публикации

Anode für die Bildung eines Plasmas durch Ausbildung elektrischer Bogenentladungen

Номер: DE102007019981B4

Anode (1) für die Bildung eines Plasmas durch Ausbildung elektrischer Bogenentladungen, ausgehend von einem als Kathode geschalteten Target (4), für die Beschichtung von Substraten mit Targetwerkstoff im Vakuum, wobei die Anode (1) in einem Abstand zum Target (4) angeordnet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Anode (1) aus Anodenschienen (1') mit streifenförmigen Elementen (6, 6') besteht, wobei die streifenförmigen Elemente (6, 6') durch Spalte (5) voneinander getrennt sind, wobei die Anodenschienen (1') parallel zur Oberfläche des Targets (4) ausgerichtet sind und vom Target (4) gebildetes Plasma (8) zumindest von zwei gegenüberliegenden Seiten mit streifenförmigen Elementen (6, 6') der Anode (1) eingefasst ist und wobei zwischen den Anodenschienen (1') ein Spalt vorhanden ist, durch den gebildetes Plasma (8) in Richtung auf ein zu beschichtendes Substrat hindurch tritt.

23-12-2010 дата публикации

Elektrode für einen Plasmabrenner

Номер: DE102008062731B4

Elektrode (7) für einen Plasmabrenner, umfassend: einen länglichen Elektrodenhalter (7.5) mit einer vorderen Fläche (7.7) an der Elektrodenspitze und einer Bohrung (7.14), die in der Elektrodenspitze entlang einer Mittelachse durch den Elektrodenhalter (7.5) angeordnet ist, und einen Emissionseinsatz (7.1), der in der Bohrung (7.14) derart angeordnet ist, dass eine Emissionsfläche (7.11 und 7.12) von dem Emissionseinsatz (7.1) freiliegt, wobei die Emissionsfläche (7.11 und 7.12) gegenüber der vorderen Fläche (7.7) des Elektrodenhalters zurücksteht und eine mittige Oberfläche (7.11) und eine periphere Oberfläche (7.12) umfasst und der Abstand a zwischen der mittigen Oberfläche (7.11) des Emissionseinsatzes (7.1) und der vorderen Fläche (7.7) des Elektrodenhalters (7.5) größer als der Abstand b zwischen der peripheren Oberfläche (7.12) des Emissionseinsatzes (7.1) und der vorderen Fläche (7.7) des Elektrodenhalters (7.5) ist.

20-02-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for treating a gas stream

Номер: GB0002493752A

In an apparatus 10 for treating a gas stream 12, a plasma generator 14 comprises an electrode 22 for energising a source gas to generate a plasma flare by application of a high voltage. An inlet 24 allows the gas stream into the apparatus and directs it into the generated plasma. A scraper 26 is fitted for reciprocating movement from a first position withdrawn from the electrode to a second position for scraping a surface 28 of the electrode to remove solid deposits accumulated on the surface.

06-08-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008615759D0

20-02-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002091594B
Принадлежит: EUTECTIC CORP

03-07-1985 дата публикации

Field convertible plasma arc torch

Номер: GB0002150799A

A plasma arc torch which can be operated in either the transfer arc mode or the non-transfer arc mode includes a rear housing section 24 which mounts a rear electrode 30, a gas vortex generator 28, and releasable mounting means 26 adapted to mount selectively either i) an electrode assembly for operation of the torch in the non-transfer arc mode or ii) a collimating nozzle assembly for operation in the transfer arc mode. The torch also includes a coolant passageway 40 which mates with cooperating passageways 22 in either the electrode assembly or the collimating nozzle assembly for removing heat from the internal components of the torch. ...

16-09-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to plasma sources

Номер: GB0000969831A

... 969,831. Arc blow torches. CSF-COMPAGNIE GENERALE DE TELEGRAPHIE SANS FIL. Dec. 31, 1962 [Jan. 10, 1962], No. 49011/62. Heading H5H. A nozzle for the delivery of a plasma jet has an inner surface in the form of a truncated cone joined at its smaller end, by a surface at right angles to the axis of the cone, to an aligned cylindrical output channel of reduced crosssection, a rod electrode terminating within the cone for applying a gas ionizing voltage between the rod and the nozzle. Argon from a pipe 10 flows into, and is ionized in, the space 8 between a water-cooled cathode 1 and a watercooled anode 2, thereafter escaping as a plasma jet through the nozzle neck 13 of reduced diameter. The abrupt reduction of diameter at the entrance to neck 13 tends to produce both a reduction in the plasma jet diameter to less than that of the neck, and the retention of a pocket of cooler gas 16 which thermally insulates the neck, whereby temperature up to 15,000‹ K. can be withstood by the nozzle.

30-05-1962 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to apparatus for producing a jet consisting of a plasma of ions and electrons

Номер: GB0000897577A

... 897,577. Jet-propulsion plant. BRISTOL SIDDELEY ENGINES Ltd. June 27, 1960 [July 15, 1959], No. 24273/59. Class 110 (3). [Also in Groups XI and XL (a)] A "pulsed-electro ram-jet " for propulsion in space comprises a particle separator and accelerator 18 (see Group XL (a)) through which positive ions and electrons from concentrated ionization regions in space are introduced into a chamber 11 containing a cooled anode 12 and cathode 13 between which an arc is maintained by a constant potential to increase the energy of the particles. A coil 23 is supplied with a pulsed current so phased as to accelerate successive groups of particles which leave the jet nozzle at high velocity and produce useful thrust. In an alternative arrangement (Fig. 1, see Group XI), the chamber 11 is closed at the rear end and a gaseous or liquid working fluid, e.g. the products of combustion from a rocket combustion chamber, is introduced tangentially. The coolant may be liquid metal, e.g. sodium, potassium or mercury ...

20-01-1982 дата публикации

Starting plasma arc torches

Номер: GB0002079209A

Apparatus for manually starting a plasma arc cutter comprises first (1) and second (13) housing members, the first being adapted for connection with a torch (20) and the second being displacable with respect to the first. An electrode (2) is located in the first housing member (1) and can be displaced with respect thereto by displacement of the second housing member (13). Biasing means (4) is arranged between the electrode (2) and the first housing member (1), and interlocking means (12, 15) is provided for normally holding the first housing member (1) fast with the second such that the electrode (2) is in a first, inoperative position. Release of the interlocking means (12, 15) permits displacement of the second housing member (13), and thus the electrode (2), with respect to the first housing member (1) such that the electrode can be temporarily displaced, against the biasing means (4), to a second, operative position for producing a pilot arc for starting. ...

08-01-1969 дата публикации

Arc plasma torch

Номер: GB0001139092A

... 1,139,092. Arc blow torches. INSTYTUTBADAN JADROWYCH. 7 April, 1966 [9 April, 1965], No. 15749/66. Heading H5H. An arc plasma torch comprises an outer housing 5 in which is mounted a core 1 in cast synthetic resin 15, a replaceable nozzle anode 6 and a replaceable cathode comprising a body 3 and a tip 14, pressed by a ring 9 against the core 1 to form a liquid-tight seal therewith. The electrodes are cooled by water flowing through the core 1 to the body 3, through a pipe 4 and passages in the housing, round the anode and discharging from a pipe 7. Gas is supplied to the nozzle through a pipe parallel to pipe 7 but displaced radially through 90 degrees. The gas enters the space about the body 3 through tangential passages in the ring 9 or it may be introduced axially.

14-01-1970 дата публикации

Gas Shielded Arc Torch

Номер: GB0001177715A

... 1,177,715. Welding by fusion. UNION CARBIDE CORP. 22 Nov., 1967 [9 Dec., 1966], No. 53055/67. Heading B3R. A gas (e.g. argon) shielded arc-welding torch T comprises a water-cooled metal body 12 adapted to serve as a heat sink and provided with a thin coating 16 of electrically insulating but heat-conducting material, such as Al 2 O 3 or other ceramic material or a plastic film, of thickness 0À001-0À015 inch, and a tubular metal nozzle adapter 18 carrying the gas nozzle 20 pressure-fitted to the body 12 with the coating 16 therebetween so that heat can flow therethrough. Depending from body 12 is a contact tip 24 surrounding a consumable electrode 28.

12-06-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009108891D0

24-08-1960 дата публикации

Improved arc working process and apparatus

Номер: GB0000845410A

... 845,410. Coating with metals. UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION. July 5, 1956 [July 26, 1955; Oct. 11, 1955(2); Oct. 17, 1955(2)], No. 20815/56. -Class 82(2) [Also in Groups XI, XXII and XXIX] In a coating process an arc struck between a non-consumable electrode 302 and a consumable electrode 306 is passed together with a stream of gas through a constricted outlet 304 in a nozzle 303, the consumable electrode being a wire or strip continuously fed by rollers 308 to provide the coating material. A pilot arc is struck between the nozzle 303 and the electrode 302 which is either a tungsten or a watercooled copper electrode. The gas may be any of the usual shielding gases, e.g. argon, helium or hydrogen with, if desired, additional active agents, e.g. chlorosilanes. The arc current is A.C. or D.C. of either polarity. A separate current source 316 may be connected between the wire 306 and the work 315 to extend the arc to the work. The wire 306 may be plain or stainless steel, copper or aluminium, flux ...

03-07-1963 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to arc welding process and apparatus

Номер: GB0000930436A

... 930,436. Coating with metals; weld coating. UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION. Nov. 8, 1961 [Nov. 15, 1960], No. 39952/61. Class 82. A process and apparatus for weld-coating a workpiece 28 with an electric-arc torch in which an inert or reducing gas is discharged through nozzle 19 concentrically surrounding the end portion of non-consumable electrically insulated stick electrode 14 forming an arc between the end of the electrode and said nozzle, said arc together with said gas stream passing through orifice 12, thereby forming a highly heated wall-stabilized arc effluent, and feeding gasborne metallic coating powder 35 from conical channel 50 in the form of a converging conical stream into said effluent downstream of the orifice outlet and directing the powder-carrying effluent against the surface of the workpiece; an arc is also energized between said workpiece 28 and said stick electrode 14. The gas-borne powder is directed into the effluent at an entrance angle of between 25-80 degrees and the ...

13-02-1963 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to light sources

Номер: GB0000918270A

... 918,270. Arc lamps. UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION. Sept. 3, 1959 [Sept. 8, 1958 (2)], No. 30030/59. Class 39 (1). In an arc lamp a high-intensity light source is formed by passing a stream of inert gas of molecular weight greater than 40 over the electrode 122 so that a constricted arc of high temperature and axial stability is formed in the space 130 adjacent the aperture of a constricting passage which restricts the diameter of the arc. A typical embodiment has a water-cooled nozzle 124 and anode 132, and the device is enclosed in a housing 126 which has a window 128 in such a position that the light from the discharge may readily escape from the chamber. The gas which is preferably either Xenon, or Krypton may be kept at a pressure in the range 15-50 atmospheres, although any pressure above atmospheric will suffice, and since the gas is not consumed, it may be connected to pumping means to effect continual recirculation. The discharge arc may be of the " transferred " or " non-transferred ...

22-08-1979 дата публикации

Generating plasma in a plasma-arc torch

Номер: GB0002014412A

The proposed method relates to the ionization of plasma-generating gas in a pilot arc before being supplied to the electrode region, thus generating charges in this electrode region, the charges promoting dispersion of an arc spot. For this purpose, an electrode assembly is provided within the plasma-arc torch, which electrode assembly comprises a hollow tungsten electrode and a solid electrode of the same metal, the solid electrode being radially spaced from the hollow electrode. Both electrodes are put in an electric power circuit, whereby an arc is initiated between the electrodes when switching on the electric circuit, plasma being generated in the arc, which plasma serves to start the main arc and provides for dispersion of the arc spot over the surface of the hollow electrode. This decreases the current density in the arc spots and, hence, minimizes electrode erosion. Such an arrangement provides for the nozzle to be electrically insulated from the electrodes and, therefore, protected ...

30-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002030830B

21-09-1966 дата публикации

Improvements relating to electrical heating arcs

Номер: GB0001043384A

... In an arc furnace for heating solid material, comprising a sealed gas-filled chamber 1, the diameter of the arc between adjustable electrodes 20, 21 is varied by rotating at various speeds an open-ended tube 6 fitted with internal vanes (not shown) so that the gas surrounding the arc is rotated at any desired angular velocity without appreciable axial flow. The solid material is fed to the arc through a tube 43 and the electrode 20 and, after falling through the arc, is cooled (if desired) and collected by members 30-33. Arc-operating data is given for the production, in an atmosphere of nitrogen, of 150 micron diameter spheroids of zirconium diboride of melting-point 3750 DEG K. Gases to be heated are fed to and removed from the arc region by cooled tubes secured to or spaced from the tube 6, Figs. 6 and 7 (not shown). The synthesis of boron nitride is also mentioned.

24-02-2021 дата публикации

Plasma constriction nozzle

Номер: GB0002586497A

A constriction nozzle 15 for a plasma torch 10 with at least one aperture 22 in its outlet 11 for ejection of a plasma jet 60 shaped to give the plasma jet an asymmetric cross-section with respect to the centreline through the nozzle’s inlet 14 & outlet 11, where preferably the plasma jet has peak plasma intensity along the centreline and its cross-sectional shape with respect to the centreline comprises a circular core with at least one branch radially extending from the core. Said at least one aperture may comprise a plurality of apertures of circular or non-circular shape e.g. pyriform, ovoid, or a single aperture of non-circular shape, preferably a generally circular core with at least one branch 26 radially extending from the core. Said branch is used to preheat metallic feed wire to be used for additive manufacturing before it reaches the peak plasma intensity core to avoid depressions, holes and ‘key-holing’.

16-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001317050A

... 1317050 Plasma torch MANSFELD KOMBINAT WILHELM PIECK VEB 31 Dec 1970 61945/70 Heading H5H To prevent the working gas e.g. an oxidizing gas such as air of a plasma blow torch from swirling over the face of the cathode insert 1 and wearing away the mechanically unstable oxide coating formed thereon, the working gas is divided into two streams, a main stream which swirls about the arc 11 to constrict it and a subsidiary stream which is introduced near the face of insert 1 to swirl in the opposite direction and cooperate with the main stream to produce substantially stationary gas zone at the face of insert 1. As shown the gas is divided by a guide ring 8 provided with rows of gas ducts 9 and 10 which produce oppositely swirling subsidiary and main gas flows. Alternatively, Figs. 2 and 3 (not shown), part of a swirling gas stream introduced into the arc chamber is deflected by baffle surfaces provided on the lower surface of cathode mount 2 to swirl in the opposite direction to the undeflected ...

25-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000404913B

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000413197B

27-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000406243B

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000360975T

10-12-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000381826B

25-05-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000374717B

15-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: ATA853373A

15-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: ATA9412000A

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000461605T

15-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: ATA319486A

15-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000538626T

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000554638T

09-02-2012 дата публикации

System and Method for Supplying Fluids to a Plasma Arc Torch

Номер: US20120031882A1
Автор: David C. Griffin
Принадлежит: ESAB Group Inc

A system for supplying fluids to a plasma arc torch includes a single-gas power supply for regulating supply of electrical power to the plasma arc torch and for regulating supply of a first fluid to the plasma arc torch, a flow regulator for regulating supply of a second fluid to the plasma arc torch, and a first pressure-actuated valve disposed between the flow regulator and the plasma arc torch. The pressure-actuated valve shuts off supply of the second fluid to the torch when the first pressure-actuated valve is closed and allows the second fluid to be supplied to the torch when the first pressure-actuated valve is open. The first pressure-actuated valve is structured and arranged to be opened by pressure of the first fluid being supplied to the torch and to be closed when the first fluid is not being supplied to the torch. The system can also include a second pressure-actuated valve in the supply line for the first fluid, which is opened by pressure of the second fluid being supplied to the torch.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Plasma torch with a lateral injector

Номер: US20120055907A1

The invention relates to a plasma torch, comprising: a plasma generator comprising a cathode extending along an axis X and an anode ( 24 ), the cathode and the anode being arranged so as to be capable of generating, in a chamber ( 26 ), an electric arc between the anode and the cathode due to an electrical voltage, the plasma generator also comprising a plasmagen gas injection device ( 30 ) comprising an injection pipe ( 72 ) leading, along an injection axis (I i ), to an injection opening ( 74 ) in the chamber; a means for injecting a material to be discharged into a plasma flow generated by said plasma generator, the plasma torch being characterized in that: the relationship R″ between: the radial distance (y i ) of said injection opening, defined as the minimum distance between the axis X and the center of said injection orifice; the largest transverse size (D C ) of the cathode in the region of the chamber downstream from the position P AC , wherein P AC denotes the axial position of maximum radial mutual encroachment of the anode and the cathode, is less than 2.5; and the projection of the injection axis (I i ) into a transverse plane passing through the center of the injection orifice of said injection conduit forms an angle β less than 45° with a radius extending into said transverse plane and passing through the axis X and through the center of said injection orifice.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and system for arc elmination and method of assembly

Номер: US20120067854A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An ablative plasma gun includes a first portion having a first diameter and a second portion having a second diameter that is larger than the first diameter, wherein a chamber is defined by the first portion and the second portion.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Chitosan spreading system using low temperature atmospheric pressure plasma

Номер: US20120143121A1

Provided is a chitosan spreading system using low temperature atmospheric pressure plasma. The system includes a dielectric tube of hollow cylindrical shape including a gas inlet supplied with a carrier gas and a plasma outlet spraying low temperature atmospheric pressure plasma generated therein, a first electrode provided in the dielectric tube, an power supply unit configured to apply an electric power to the first electrode, a carrier gas supply unit configured to supply a carrier gas into the gas inlet of the dielectric tube, and a chitosan supply unit configured to supply chitosan into the low temperature atmospheric pressure plasma generated in the dielectric tube

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Plasma torch and plasma-arc welding method

Номер: US20120145681A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A plasma torch 1 used in plasma-arc welding is provided with a rod-shaped electrode 10 , a first cylindrical nozzle 11 which is provided to surround the electrode 10 and which injects a plasma gas and a second cylindrical nozzle 12 which is provided to surround the first nozzle 11 and which injects a shielding gas. A second injection opening 121 of the second nozzle 12 directs in a substantially parallel direction with respect to an axial direction of the electrode 10 or in a direction being away from the electrode 10 , and a plurality of groove portions inclining with respect to the axial direction of the electrode 10 are formed in an outer circumferential surface of the first nozzle 11 or an inner circumferential surface of the second nozzle 12.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Non-consumable electrode type arc welding apparatus

Номер: US20120223058A1

A non-consumable electrode type arc welding apparatus includes a torch having an electrode portion and a nozzle, a gas supply that supplies, to the torch, a shielding gas flowing through a gap formed between the electrode portion and the nozzle, a first power source that applies a voltage between the electrode portion and the nozzle to generate a pilot arc, a second power source that applies a voltage between the electrode portion and a work to generate a main arc, and a controller that controls the first power source and the second power source. The electrode portion has an electrode and an electrode holding portion holding a base portion of the electrode, the electrode holding portion has a protrusion protruding toward the nozzle from the side facing the nozzle, and the protrusion and the nozzle are caused contact and separate from each other.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Plasma torch systems having improved plasma nozzles

Номер: US20120241418A1

Nozzles for plasma torches and plasma torch systems utilizing such nozzles are provided herein. One such nozzle may include a body having a first end, a second end having an exit orifice disposed therein, and a passageway extending from the first end to the second end and adapted to enable the flow of plasma gas from the first end, through the passageway, and to the exit orifice. Greater than or equal to approximately 50% of an overall mass of the body is distributed between the second end and a midpoint of the body with respect to a longitudinal length of the body.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Plasma cutting tip with advanced cooling passageways

Номер: US20120248073A1
Принадлежит: Thermal Dynamics Corp

A plasma arc torch is provided that includes a tip having an improved life. The tip defines a first set of fluid passageways, a second set of fluid passageways and an internal cavity in fluid communication with the first and second fluid passageways. The internal cavity includes a base portion disposed proximate and surrounding a central orifice of the tip. A first set of fluid passageways allow for entry of a cooling fluid into the tip and a second set of fluid passageways allow for exit of the cooling fluid from the tip.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Plasma torch and method for stabilizing a plasma torch

Номер: US20120298631A1

The invention relates to a nontransferred arc plasma torch comprising: a tubular torch body ( 10 ); at least one cathode ( 20 ) placed inside said torch body and defining a so-called cathode cavity ( 50 ); and at least one tubular anode ( 30 ) also placed inside the torch body and forming a plasma ejection nozzle. Said torch is characterized in that the torch also comprises a means ( 100 ) for minimizing the resonant pressure waves in said or each cathode cavity. The invention also relates to a method for stabilizing a plasma torch by means of acoustic coupling of the cathode cavity thereof to at least one acoustic oscillator. The invention moreover relates to the use of a thus-stabilized torch for surface coating deposition.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Plasma torch and components

Номер: US20130043224A1

A plasma torch is provided having an electrode with a frustoconical end portion. The electrode is received by a plunger during a contact start sequence of the plasma torch and is self-releasing from the torch. The electrode may include a shoulder portion that provides concentric alignment and centering of the electrode with respect to the central longitudinal axis of the components. Other components of the torch include a nozzle, a swirl ring, and retaining cup, such that the consumables of the torch may be toollessly removed and installed.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130294474A1
Принадлежит: GS PLATECH CO., LTD.

A gasification melting furnace includes a gasification part into which the combustible material inputs, a sedimentary part communicating with a lower part of the gasification part, and a melting part communicating with a lateral face of the sedimentary part and having a heater, wherein the sedimentary part is filled with the combustible material and a gas generated in the melting part passes through the combustible material and inputs into the gasification part, thereby stably and rapidly treating the combustible material, reducing energy consumption of the heater, and providing a synthetic gas containing decreased hazardous substances. 1. A gasification melting furnace , comprising:a sedimentary part in which a combustible material having multiple pores formed therein is deposited;a melting part configured to melt the combustible material introduced from the sedimentary part; anda gasification part into which a gas generated in the melting part is input after passing through the pores in the sedimentary part.2. The furnace according to claim 1 , further comprising a combustible material inlet through which the combustible material is input into the sedimentary part.3. The furnace according to claim 1 , wherein the melting part communicates with a lateral face of the sedimentary part and the gasification part communicates with a top side of the sedimentary part.4. The furnace according to claim 1 , wherein the melting part includes a plasma torch as a heater.5. The furnace according to claim 1 , wherein the melting part includes a first oxidant inlet.6. The furnace according to claim 1 , wherein the melting part has a molten material outlet provided on a lower part of the melting part claim 1 , from which a molten material is discharged.7. The furnace according to claim 1 , wherein the sedimentary part has a pushing part to transport the deposited combustible material to the melting part.8. The furnace according to claim 1 , wherein the gasification part has a ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130323132A1

A method and system for augmenting the heat energy of a plasma torch in a gassifier using chemical energy, including the steps of injecting a fuel in the proximity of a plasma torch inside the gassifier chamber; and injecting an oxidant in the proximity of a plasma torch inside the gassifier chamber. As apparatus, an enhanced plasma gassifier arrangement is of the type that has a gassifier chamber having an electrically operated plasma torch for issuing a plasma discharge into the gassifier chamber. A fuel injection arrangement is disposed to surround the electrically operated plasma torch for injecting a fuel and an oxidant into the gassifier chamber. A natural gas inlet delivers natural gas into the gassifier chamber, thereby enhancing the temperature within the gassifier chamber. 1. A method of augmenting heat energy in a plasma gassifier , the method comprising the steps of:injecting a fuel in the proximity of a plasma torch inside the gassifier chamber; andinjecting an oxidant in the proximity of a plasma torch inside the gassifier chamber.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fuel is a liquid.3. The method of where the fuel is a refined oil stock.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fuel is gaseous.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the fuel includes a selectable one or combination of natural gas claim 4 , syngas claim 4 , butane claim 4 , propane claim 4 , pentane claim 4 , ethane claim 4 , and other gaseous fuel.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein said steps of injecting a fuel and injecting an oxidant include the further step of directing the fuel and the oxidant directly into a plasma stream.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein there is further provided the step of injecting natural gas into the plasma gassifier.8. An enhanced plasma gassifier arrangement of the type having a gassifier chamber claim 1 , the enhanced plasma gassifier arrangement comprising:an electrically operated plasma torch for issuing a plasma discharge into the gassifier chamber; anda ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Composite Consumables for a Plasma Arc Torch

Номер: US20140021172A1
Принадлежит: Hypertherm Inc

A nozzle for use in a plasma arc torch is provided. The nozzle includes an aft portion comprising a conductive first material with a first density. The aft portion defines a proximal end and a distal end. The nozzle includes a substantially hollow forward portion including 1) a tip section comprising a conductive second material with a second density, and 2) a rear section configured to couple the forward portion to the proximal end of the aft portion. The second density is at least two times greater than the first density. The nozzle further includes a plasma exit orifice disposed in the tip section of the forward portion.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Plasma torch

Номер: US20140021854A1
Автор: Todd Foret
Принадлежит: Foret Plasma Labs LLC

A plasma torch includes an electrically conductive cylindrical vessel, a hollow electrode, a first insulator, a concentric reducer, a tangential inlet, an electrode housing and a first electrode. The hollow electrode is aligned with a longitudinal axis of the electrically conductive cylindrical vessel and extends into the electrically conductive cylindrical vessel. The first insulator seals the electrically conductive cylindrical vessel around the hollow electrode. A non-conductive granular material is disposed between the electrically conductive cylindrical vessel and the hollow electrode. The concentric reducer is disposed within the electrically conductive cylindrical vessel and extends from the electrically conductive cylindrical vessel to the hollow electrode. The electrode housing is connected to the electrically conductive cylindrical vessel. The first electrode is aligned with the longitudinal axis of the electrically conductive cylindrical vessel and extends through the electrode housing into the electrically conductive cylindrical vessel.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Plasma Torch

Номер: US20140027411A1

To lengthen the service period on DC plasma abatement devices a modified DC plasma torch is provided with an electrically conductive cathode and an electrically conductive anode spaced apart from one another to form a gap therebetween; a metal swirl bush at least partially located within the gap and comprising a channel adapted to permit, in use, a gas to flow through the gap; and a ceramic element interposed between any one or more of: the cathode and the swirl bush; and the anode and the swirl bush. 1. A DC plasma torch comprising: an electrically conductive cathode and an electrically conductive anode spaced apart from one another to form a gap therebetween; a metal swirl bush at least partially located within the gap and comprising a channel adapted to permit , in use , a gas to flow through the gap; and a ceramic element interposed between any one or more of: the cathode and the swirl bush; and the anode and the swirl bush.2. The DC plasma torch as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ceramic element comprises a ceramic coating of the swirl bush.3. The DC plasma torch as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the ceramic coating comprises an electrically insulating oxide.4. The DC plasma torch as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the oxide is formed by oxidation of the surface of the underlying metal of the metal swirl bush.5. The DC plasma torch as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ceramic coating comprises an in-grown portion extending inwardly of a nominal surface of the metal swirl brush and an out-grown portion extending outwardly of the nominal surface of the metal swirl brush.6. The DC plasma torch as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the ceramic coating is formed via plasma electrolytic oxidation of the metal of the metal swirl bush.7. The DC plasma torch as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the ceramic coating is formed via a Keronite process.8. The DC plasma torch as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ceramic element comprises a discrete ceramic element.9. The DC plasma torch as ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069894A1

Systems and methods relating to securing a torch assembly and a work lead assembly to a plasma cutting power supply are provided. The present disclosure relates to a system and method that allows the torch assembly and the work lead assembly to be readily replaced by the user since the power supply unit need not be opened or disassembled for removal. The present disclosure provides methods and systems for removably securing both the torch assembly and the work lead assembly to the plasma cutting power supply. In one embodiment, the torch assembly and the work lead assembly may be communicatively coupled to the plasma cutting power supply unit via a single cable and a single connector. The connection between the first connector and the first port may be of the quick disconnectable type. The connection between the second connector and the second port may be of the twist lock type, such as a dinse style connector. 1. A plasma cutting system comprising:a plasma cutting power supply comprising a work lead port; and a work lead;', 'a work lead connector configured to removably couple with the work lead port of the plasma cutting power supply; and', 'a work lead cable coupling the work lead with the work lead connector., 'a work lead assembly comprising2. The system of claim 1 , comprising a torch assembly comprising:a torch;a torch connector configured to removably couple with a gas port of the plasma cutting power supply and an electrical port of the plasma cutting power supply; anda torch cable coupling the torch with the torch connector.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the torch connector comprises a quick disconnect system.4. The system of claim 1 , comprising a power supply cable claim 1 , wherein the plasma cutting power supply comprises a power supply port claim 1 , and the power supply cable is configured to removably couple with the power supply port of the plasma cutting power supply.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the work lead connector comprises a dinse ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001309A1

An apparatus for thermally coating a surface, including at least one housing, a cathode, a primary gas distributor, a secondary gas distributor, electrically and thermally effective insulation elements and an anode which is designed as a consumable wire and is guided into a nozzle by a wire guide, the nozzle being mounted in a centered manner and having openings on one of its sides which are radially arranged in one plane. 1. A device for thermally coating a surface , which has at least one housing , a cathode , a primary gas distributor , a secondary gas distributor , electrically and thermally acting insulation elements and an anode , which is designed as a consumable wire and is guided into a nozzle by means of a wire guide , wherein the nozzle is mounted in a centered manner and has openings arranged radially in one plane on one of its sides.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein{'b': '12', 'the housing is of multipart design, preferably of two-part design with at least one main element and at least one cover element, and in that the nozzle has a primary gas nozzle and a secondary gas nozzle, wherein the primary gas nozzle is mounted in a centered manner on a primary gas distributor with a secondary gas distributor () connected in parallel, and has openings arranged radially in one plane on its side oriented toward the secondary gas nozzle.'}3. The device as claimed in claim 1 ,whereina primary gas nozzle has engagement elements for engagement in depression in a primary gas distributor, wherein the primary gas nozzle forms an inlet zone for the primary gas which converges in a manner centered with respect to the cathode.4. The device as claimed claim 1 ,whereina primary gas nozzle has a number of openings which is symmetrically greater than a secondary gas hole number of secondary gas holes in the secondary gas nozzle.5. The device as claimed in claim 1 ,whereinthe cathode has a preferably tungsten-alloyed core, which is preferably encapsulated with copper ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001255A1
Автор: Winn Jackie L.

A plasma torch system and method is provided, in which the system utilizes a number of pressure sensors throughout the system and the torch to detect the flow/pressure of shield and plasma gas during operation. The detected pressures are used by the system to dynamically control the system pressures to optimize the cutting operation. 1. A plasma cutting system , comprising:a gas flow control system having at least one gas flow valve which controls the flow a gas through said gas flow control system and a first gas pressure detection device which detects a first location pressure of said gas downstream of said at least one gas flow valve;a cutting torch assembly coupled to said gas flow control system to receive said gas, where said cutting torch assembly comprises a second gas pressure detection device which detects a second location pressure of said gas downstream of said first gas pressure detection sensor; anda controller coupled to each of said first and second gas pressure detection devices and to said at least one gas flow valve, where said controller controls an operation of said at least one gas flow valve based on gas pressure feedback signals from each of said first and second gas pressure detection devices to provide a desired pressure level of said gas at or within said cutting torch assembly,wherein said desired pressure level is determined by said controller based on at least one of a condition of said plasma cutting system and a parameter of a cutting operation, andwherein said gas is either a plasma gas or a shield gas.2. The plasma cutting system of claim 1 , wherein said second location pressure is a pressure of said gas flow as said gas enters said torch assembly.3. The plasma cutting system of claim 1 , wherein said second location pressure is in either a shield cavity pressure or a plasma chamber pressure of said torch assembly.4. The plasma cutting system of claim 1 , wherein said controller dynamically changes said desired pressure level ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Asymmetric Consumables for a Plasma Arc Torch

Номер: US20180007773A1

A consumable set for a plasma arc torch is provided. The consumable set comprises a consumable tip including a plurality of consumable components, at least one of which includes an asymmetric feature asymmetrically disposed in the consumable tip relative to a longitudinal axis. The consumable set also includes a mounting element for coupling the consumable tip to a torch body. The mounting element is configured to axially secure the consumable tip relative to the torch body while permitting independent rotation of the consumable tip relative to the longitudinal axis during assembly. The mounting element is also configured to both axially and radially fix the consumable tip with respect to the torch body such that the asymmetric feature is locked at the specific radial orientation relative to the longitudinal axis after securement. 1. A consumable set for a plasma arc torch , the plasma arc torch and the consumable set defining a longitudinal axis extending therethrough , the consumable set comprising:a consumable tip configured to direct a plasma arc to a workpiece, the consumable tip alignable along the longitudinal axis and comprising a plurality of consumable components, at least one of which includes an asymmetric feature asymmetrically disposed in the consumable tip relative to the longitudinal axis; anda mounting element for coupling the consumable tip to a torch body, the mounting element configured to (i) axially secure the consumable tip relative to the torch body while permitting independent rotation of the consumable tip relative to the longitudinal axis during assembly, the independent rotation permits positioning of the consumable tip at a specific radial orientation relative to the longitudinal axis, and (ii) both axially and radially fix the consumable tip with respect to the torch body such that the asymmetric feature is locked at the specific radial orientation relative to the longitudinal axis after securement.2. The consumable set of claim 1 , ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007774A1
Автор: Crowe George A.

An electrode-supporting assembly for a contact-start plasma arc torch has an insulator that partially houses an electrode, and employs a spring-loaded plunger to bias the electrode to a forward position. The spring is engaged between the plunger and a contact element attached to the insulator, and may conduct electrical current to the electrode. The plunger, spring, and contact element are retained in the insulator when the torch is opened to replace the electrode, which is a consumable part. The electrode and the plunger have axially-engagable mating surfaces to assure good thermal and electrical conductivity therebetween. Conductivity can be further enhanced by forming the plunger of silver or a silver-bearing alloy. In some embodiments, a passage through the insulator is partitioned into forward and rear chambers, with the plunger, spring, and contact element trapped in the rear chamber. 1. An electrode and electrode supporting assembly for a contact start plasma arc torch , the assembly comprising:a torch body defining a torch recess;a current-carrying cathode at least partially within the torch recess;an electrically conductive contact element at least partially within the torch recess, the contact element engaging the cathode;an insulator at least partially within the torch recess, the insulator defining an insulator recess, the insulator engaging the contact element;a nozzle engaging the insulator;an electrode at least partially within the insulator recess, the electrode between the contact element and the nozzle, the electrode movable between a forward position contacting the nozzle to start the torch and a rear position spaced apart from the nozzle element as to maintain a plasma arc; anda retaining element releasably secured to the torch body, the retaining element engaging the nozzle, whereby the retaining element releasably secures the nozzle with respect to the torch body,whereby—when the retaining element is secured to the torch body—the retaining ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009677A1

In some aspects, torch receptacles for coupling a plasma arc torch to a torch lead can include: a body having a first end to connect to the torch lead and a second end to connect to a torch body; a set of ports within the first end to fluidly connect to a set of fluid conduits within the torch lead; and a multiway valve within the body and fluidly connected to the set of ports and to a torch gas conduit formed in the second end, the multiway valve being configured to: i) manipulate a flow of fluids between the first end and the second end to select from primary gases entering the set of ports, ii) deliver a selected primary gas to the torch body through the torch gas conduit, and iii) fluidly connect the torch gas conduit to a gas supply manifold of the plasma cutting system. 1. A plasma arc torch system comprising a plasma arc torch and a torch receptacle , the torch receptacle comprising:a body having a first end and a second end, wherein the first end defines a plurality of gas ports fluidly connected to a plurality of gas supplies and the second end is configured to deliver a plurality of gases from the plurality of gas supplies to the plasma arc torch;a gas channel between the gas ports and a gas discharge at the second end of the body; anda valve system disposed within the body and fluidly connected to the gas channel to manipulate a gas flow of the plurality of gases through the gas channel;wherein the valve system is configured to block at least one flow of at least one of the plurality of gases entering the body, thereby delivering at least one of the plurality of gases to the plasma arc torch.2. The plasma arc torch system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of gases is a plasma gas.3. The plasma arc torch system of claim 1 , wherein the valve system comprises a multiway valve.4. The plasma arc torch system of claim 3 , wherein the multiway valve is configured to transition between a first gas of the plurality of gases and a second gas of ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Diffuser Shape Vent Slots in a Hand Torch Shield Castellation

Номер: US20150014285A1
Принадлежит: Hypertherm Inc

A torch tip for a plasma arc torch includes a body having a first end, configured to attach to the torch, and a second end, where an end wall is disposed. A plasma exit orifice is formed in the end wall. At least two castellations are formed in the end wall. Each castellation has a castellation width defined by the distance between the sidewalls of that castellation. At least one slot is disposed between two castellations. Each slot has a slot width defined by a distance between the sidewalls of its adjacent castellations. The slot width can be at least twice the castellation width. Each slot also has a slot floor and an exterior shape. The slot floor can have slope that tapers toward the first end of the body in an outward radial direction and the exterior shape of the slot can have a generally V-shaped or U-shaped contour.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016266A1

A welding system may include a wire feeder configured to receive power from a welding power supply. The wire feeder may also be configured to provide wire, gas flow, and electrical current flow for a gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process. Further, the welding system may include an adapter that couples to the wire feeder to provide the gas flow for an alternative welding process. 1. A welding system , comprising:a wire feeder configured to receive power from a welding power supply and to provide wire, gas flow, and electrical current flow for a gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process; andan adapter configured to couple to the wire feeder to provide the gas flow for an alternative welding process.2. The welding system of claim 1 , wherein the wire feeder comprises a wire drive assembly to facilitate feeding the wire to a GMAW torch claim 1 , and wherein the adapter is configured to couple to the wire feeder within the wire drive assembly during the alternative welding process.3. The welding system of claim 1 , wherein the alternative welding process comprises a gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process claim 1 , a shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) process claim 1 , or a plasma welding process.4. The welding system of claim 3 , wherein the wire feeder is configured to provide electrical current flow to the alternative welding process claim 3 , and wherein the welding power supply is configured to supply sufficient power to the wire feeder to perform the GTAW process claim 3 , the SMAW process claim 3 , and the plasma welding process.5. The welding system of claim 1 , wherein a first cable of a GMAW torch and a second cable of an alternative welding process torch or electrode holder are configured to couple to the wire feeder in substantially the same location of the wire feeder via the adapter.6. The welding system of claim 5 , wherein the second cable couples to the adapter at a first end of the second cable and couples to the alternative welding process torch or electrode ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015345A1

The invention relates to a single or multipart insulating component for a plasma torch, particularly a plasma cutting torch, for electrical insulation between at least two electrically conductive components of the plasma torch, characterized in that the insulating component consists of an electrically non-conductive and easily thermally conductive material, or at least one part thereof consists of an electrically non-conductive and easily thermally conductive material. The invention further relates to assemblies and plasma torches having the same and to a method for processing, plasma cutting and plasma welding. 1. A plasma gas conveying part configured to be arranged between an electrode and a nozzle of a plasma torch , the plasma gas conveying part including:a first part, a second part, and a third part; andan inner face adjacent a cavity located in the plasma gas conveying part;wherein at least a portion of the first part and at least a portion of the second part are arranged concentrically to one another;wherein the first part is arranged between the second part and the third part;wherein the third part has the same thermal and electrical properties as the second part;wherein at least a portion of the first part and at least a portion of the third part are arranged concentrically to one another; andwherein at least a portion of the second part and at least a portion of the third part are arranged concentrically to one another.2. The plasma gas conveying part as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the first part has at least one surface being aligned with or projecting beyond an immediately adjacent surface of the second part.3. The plasma gas conveying part of claim 1 , wherein:the first part comprises an electrically nonconductive material having a thermal conductivity of at least 40 W/(m*K); andthe second part comprises an electrically conductive material having a thermal conductivity of at least 40 W/(m*K).4. The plasma gas conveying part of claim 3 , ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016634A1
Автор: Seninck Nathalie

At least one device () and at least one method for removing a layer () from a substrate () by applying a pulsed high voltage are disclosed. For this purpose, at least one pressure plasma burner () operating at atmospheric-pressure, a high-voltage source (), and a supply of process gas () are required. Via a gas line (), the supply of process gas () is connected with an inlet () of the plasma burner (). The plasma burner () has a nozzle () through which a plasma jet () emerges. The high-voltage source () is configured such that a pulsed high voltage is applied between the plasma burner () and an electrically conductive element (), which pulsed high voltage reaches a breakdown voltage in the region () of the conductive element (). 1. A device for removing a layer on a substrate , wherein the substrate is an electrically conductive substrate or an electrically conductive element , comprising:at least one plasma burner operating at atmospheric-pressure;a high-voltage source connected to an electrode inside the plasma burner and connected to a housing of the plasma burner;a supply of process gas connected via a gas line to an inlet of the plasma burner;a nozzle formed in the plasma burner, through which a plasma jet emerges,wherein the high-voltage source is configured such that the high voltage applied at the electrode between the plasma burner and an electrically conductive element, a pulsed high voltage is applied, which reaches a breakdown voltage in a region of the electrically conductive element.2. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the pulsed high voltage is a unipolar pulse sequence having a frequency of 10 kHz to 1 MHz claim 1 , and/or the high voltage has a maximum amount of the potential of 1 kV to 100 kV related to the potential of the electrically conductive substrate or the electrically conductive element claim 1 , and/or the pulsed high voltage has an edge steepness of >10V/s.3. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the pulsed high voltage is ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Electrode for plasma torch with novel assembly method and enhanced heat transfer

Номер: US20140103017A1
Принадлежит: ESAB Group Inc

Embodiments of the present invention are related to an electrode for a plasma arc torch, the electrode comprising a generally tubular outer wall, an end wall, and a protrusion. The end wall is joined to a distal end of the outer wall and supports an emissive element in a generally central region. The protrusion extends from the generally central region of the end wall and is configured to connect with an electrode holder by a releasable connection, wherein the protrusion is configured such that at least one coolant passage forms between the protrusion and the electrode holder when the electrode is connected with the electrode holder. In some embodiments, the releasable connection comprises a threaded connection, wherein the protrusion is threaded to releasably connect to a threaded coolant tube of the electrode holder. In other embodiments, at least one coolant passage is defined by the threaded connection.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for securing a plasma torch electrode

Номер: US20150021300A1
Принадлежит: Hypertherm Inc

An electrode for a plasma arc torch includes a generally cylindrical elongated body formed of an electrically conductive material. The elongated body includes a proximal end that connects to a power supply and a distal end that receives an emissive element. The electrode can include a flange that is disposed about a surface relative to the distal end of the elongated body, extends radially from the surface of the elongated body, and is utilized to establish a uniform gas flow distribution of a plasma gas flow about the distal end of the elongated body. The electrode can include a contact element that is in electrical communication with the proximal end of the electrode. The contact element includes seating portion that has an outer width that is greater than the outermost diameter of the electrode body and is configured to position the contact element within the plasma arc torch.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160021728A1
Принадлежит: HHO Heating Systems B.V.

A plasmatron for heating a gas, more specifically air, located in a heating space, includes a nozzle having a nozzle wall and a nozzle opening located in the nozzle wall, whereby a ratio of a maximum diameter of a cross-section of the nozzle opening with respect to a first length of the nozzle opening is higher than 2. The plasmatron includes a cathode, a space located between the cathode and the nozzle wall, and a channel for guiding water or a water-containing liquid in the direction of the space. A heating device further includes a connection for connecting the plasmatron to a water supply system.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020533A1

Nozzle for a liquid-cooled plasma arc torch head, and an assembly of a nozzle holder and such a nozzle and plasma arc torch head, and a plasma arc torch with the same. 1. A nozzle for a liquid-cooled plasma arc torch , comprising:{'b': 2', '2', '20', '2', '22', '2', '24', '2', '26', '2', '28', '2', '24, 'a body () with an overall axial length L, an inner surface (.) and an outer surface (.), a front (.) and a rear end (.) and a nozzle opening (.) at the front end (.),'}{'b': 2', '22', '2', '2', '26', '2', '1', '1', '2', '26', '2', '2', '10', '2', '42', '2', '26', '2', '2', '30', '11', '2', '11', '7', '12', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '24', '11', '2', '1', '21', '2', '2', '24', '2, 'wherein the outer surface (.) of the body (), beginning at the rear end (.), has a substantially cylindrical first portion (.) with an axial length L, in which at the rear end (.) of the body () there is a groove (.) extending optionally in the circumferential direction for an O-ring or with an O-ring disposed in it (.), which is delimited towards the rear end (.) of the body () by a projection (.) which defines an external diameter D of the body (), and at the front end there is a centering surface (A) for a nozzle holder () which defines an external diameter D of the body (), and has a second portion (.) with an axial length L adjoining it towards the front end (.), which defines an axial stop face (B) for a nozzle holder at the boundary to the first portion (.), which defines an external diameter D of the body () and tapers substantially conically, at least in a part-portion towards the front end (.) of the body (),'}wherein:{'b': 12', '11, 'claim-text': and/or', {'b': 12', '11', '12, '(D-D)/D≧0.07.'}], 'D-D≧1.5 mm'}2. A nozzle for a liquid-cooled plasma arc torch , comprising:{'b': 2', '2', '20', '2', '22', '2', '24', '2', '26', '2', '28', '2', '24, 'a body () with an overall axial length L, an inner surface (.) and an outer surface (.), a front (.) and a rear end (.) and a nozzle ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Consumable Cartridge for a Plasma Arc Cutting System

Номер: US20200023456A1

The invention features a frame for a plasma arc torch cartridge. The frame includes a thermally conductive frame body having a longitudinal axis, a first end configured to connect to a first consumable component, and a second end configured to mate with a second consumable component. The frame body surrounds at least a portion of the second consumable component. The frame also includes a set of flow passages formed within the frame body. The set of flow passages fluidly connects an internal surface of the frame body and an external surface of the frame body. The set of flow holes is configured to impart a fluid flow pattern about the second consumable component. 1. A plasma arc torch cartridge having an electrode , a nozzle , and a shield , the cartridge further comprising:an inner portion relative to a longitudinal axis of the cartridge comprising copper, the inner portion including at least a portion of the shield, the nozzle, and the electrode; andan outer portion relative to the longitudinal axis, the outer portion at least substantially free of copper, the outer portion surrounding the copper inner portion and including at least a portion of the shield and a portion of the nozzle.2. The cartridge of wherein the electrode is a spring electrode.3. The cartridge of further including a set of swirl holes claim 1 , wherein the cartridge cap extends within a base of the nozzle toward the set of swirl holes.4. The cartridge of wherein a base of the nozzle is metallic or anodized.5. The cartridge of further comprising a retaining cap connected to the cartridge frame.6. The cartridge of wherein the retaining cap is formed of a plastic.7. The cartridge of wherein the nozzle and the electrode are connected to the retaining cap via a base of the nozzle.8. The cartridge of further comprising a shield connected to the cartridge frame.9. The cartridge of wherein the shield is connected to the cartridge frame via a shield insulator.10. The cartridge of wherein the shield ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Thermal Torch Lead Line Connection Devices and Related Systems and Methods

Номер: US20140110382A1
Принадлежит: Hypertherm, Inc.

In some aspects, lead connector assemblies for plasma arc torches for providing electrical and fluid connections can include male and female connectors. The female connector can include a current conductive member, a sealing member, clearance region, binding region, and a locking ring having a locking flange. The male connector can include a body defining an internal fluid passage, an electrical contact region, a sealing region, a locking trough, and a driving lip. The male connector, when assembled to the female connector, typically has an engaged configuration and a disengaged configuration. In the engaged configuration, the male connector is locked within the female connector, the electrical contact region forms an electrical connection with the current conducting member, the sealing region forms a seal against the sealing member, the locking trough receives the locking flange, and the locking flange is positioned between the driving lip and the binding region. 1. A lead connector assembly for a plasma arc torch for providing electrical and fluid connections between a male lead connector and a female lead connector disposed in association with a plasma arc torch power supply , wherein the female lead connector comprises a current conductive member , a sealing member , clearance region , binding region , and a locking ring having a locking flange , the male lead connector comprising:a body defining an internal fluid passage, an electrical contact region, a sealing region, a locking trough, and a driving lip, the male lead connector, when assembled to the female lead connector, having an engaged configuration and a disengaged configuration,wherein, in the engaged configuration, the electrical contact region forms an electrical connection with the current conducting member, the sealing region forms a seal against the sealing member, the locking trough receives the locking flange, and the locking flange is positioned between the driving lip and the binding region, ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Devices for Gas Cooling Plasma Arc Torches and Related Systems and Methods

Номер: US20150028000A1
Принадлежит: Hypertherm Inc

In some aspects, nozzles for a gas-cooled plasma torches can include a hollow generally cylindrical body having a first end and a second end that define a longitudinal axis, the second end of the body defining a nozzle exit orifice; a gas channel formed in the first end between an interior wall and an exterior wall of the cylindrical body, the gas channel directing a gas flow circumferentially about at least a portion of the body; an inlet passage formed substantially through a radial surface of the exterior wall and fluidly connected to the gas channel; and an outlet passage at least substantially aligned with the longitudinal axis and fluidly connected to the gas channel.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Devices for Gas Cooling Plasma Arc Torches and Related Systems and Methods

Номер: US20150028002A1

In some aspects, methods for providing a uniform shield gas flow for an air-cooled plasma arc torch can include supplying a shield gas to a shield gas flow channel defined by an exterior surface of a nozzle and an interior surface of a shield; flowing the shield gas along the shield gas flow channel; reversing the flow of the shield gas along the shield gas flow channel using a recombination region, the recombination region comprising at least one flow reversing member; and flowing the shield gas from the mixing region to an exit orifice of the shield, thereby producing a substantially uniform shield gas flow at the exit orifice. 1. A shield for an air-cooled plasma arc torch , the shield comprising:a body having a proximal end configured to mate with a torch body of the plasma arc torch and a distal end;an exit orifice formed in the distal end of the body;an interior of the shield comprising an interior shield flow surface that forms a portion of a shield gas flow channel, the shield gas flow channel directing a flow of shield gas along the interior shield flow surface in a flow direction from the proximal end to the exit orifice at the distal end of the body;a circumferentially formed flange extending from the interior shield flow surface and away from the distal end of the body, the flange defining a first outer annular surface and an opposing second inner annular surface that is between the first outer annular surface and the exit orifice; andan annular flow impingement surface, disposed between the interior shield flow surface and the first outer annular surface of the flange, that disrupts the flow direction of shield gas flowing towards the distal end of the body and directs the flow of shield gas proximally along the first outer annular surface of the flange into a continuous annularly formed flow path defined by a circumferentially formed complementary recess of a corresponding nozzle thereby distributing the flow of shield gas substantially uniformly about ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for a Liquid Cooled Shield for Improved Piercing Performance

Номер: US20150028003A1

A shield for a plasma arc torch is configured to protect consumable components of the plasma arc torch from splattering molten metal. The shield includes a generally conical unitary body defining (i) an interior surface to form a gas flow path with an outer surface of an adjacent nozzle of the plasma arc torch, and (ii) an exterior surface. The body includes (i) a distal first portion defining an exit orifice; and (ii) a proximal second portion formed of a flange sharing a common surface with the distal first portion. The shield also includes a seal assembly disposed on the common surface to retain the liquid coolant flow along the proximal second portion. 1. A shield for a plasma arc torch that pierces and cuts a metallic workpiece producing a splattering of molten metal directed toward the torch , the shield configured to protect consumable components of the plasma arc torch from the splattering molten metal , the shield comprising: a distal first portion defining an exit orifice and having: i) an exterior surface region exposed to the molten metal and formed along the exterior surface of the body, and ii) an interior surface region to be contacted by a cooling shield gas flow within the gas flow path along the interior surface of the body to cool the nozzle and the shield; and', 'a proximal second portion formed of a flange sharing a common surface with the distal first portion having one or more surface regions to be directly cooled by a liquid coolant flow along the common surface shared with at least one of the exterior surface of the body or the interior surface of the body,', 'the exterior surface region of the distal first portion being conductively cooled by the direct liquid cooling of the flange along a thermally conductive path formed through a continuous conductively cooled region so as to limit the molten metal splatter from bonding to the exterior surface of the distal first portion, at least a portion of the conductively cooled region disposed ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Cost Effective Cartridge for a Plasma Arc Torch

Номер: US20210029814A1

An adapter for a plasma arc torch comprising a torch body is provided. The adapter includes a body defining a longitudinal axis between a proximal end and a distal end and at least one protruding portion extending from the proximal end of the body. The at least one protruding portion is configured to be inserted into a cavity of the torch body to physically engage a switch inside of the cavity. The engagement of the switch is adapted to indicate installation of a consumable component in the plasma arc torch. 1. An adapter for a plasma arc torch comprising a torch body , the adapter comprising;a body defining a longitudinal axis between a proximal end and a distal end; andat least one protruding portion extending from the proximal end of the body,wherein the at least one protruding portion is configured to be inserted into a cavity of the torch body to physically engage a switch inside of the cavity, the engagement of the switch adapted to indicate installation of a consumable component in the plasma arc torch.2. The adapter of claim 1 , wherein the body of the adapter is detached from the consumable component.3. The adapter of claim 1 , wherein the body of the adapter is coupled to the consumable component.4. The adapter of claim 1 , wherein the consumable component is a swirl ring.5. The adapter of claim 1 , wherein the body of the adapter is a crown attached to a proximal end of a swirl ring.6. The adapter of claim 5 , wherein the at least one protruding portion is adapted to extend from the swirl ring claim 5 , through an opening in the crown claim 5 , to physically engage the switch.7. The adapter of claim 1 , wherein the at least one protruding portion extends along the longitudinal axis to physically engage the switch.8. The adapter of claim 1 , wherein the at least one protruding portion extends in a lateral direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis to physically engage the switch.9. The adapter of claim 1 , wherein the at least one protruding portion ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Smooth Radius Nozzle for use in a Plasma Cutting device

Номер: US20160037618A1
Принадлежит: American Torch Tip Company

A nozzle for use with a plasma arc torch is provided. The nozzle has a nozzle body having a length that extends from a proximal end to a distal end, a central bore disposed within the nozzle body along a central axis having a feed orifice at the proximal end of the nozzle body, and a discharge orifice at the distal end of the nozzle body. The central bore has a series of internal sections that transition with one or more radial edges between the feed orifice and the discharge orifice. The series of internal sections have a first section beginning at the feed orifice transitioning to a converging section transitioning at a throat to a diverging section ending at the discharge orifice. The length of the converging section is longer than a length of the diverging section. A Venturi effect is created by the converging and diverging sections of the nozzle. 1. A nozzle for use with a plasma arc torch , comprising:a nozzle body having a length that extends from a proximal end to a distal end;a central bore disposed within the nozzle body along a central axis having a feed orifice at the proximal end of the nozzle body and a discharge orifice at the distal end of the nozzle body;wherein the central bore comprises a series of internal sections that transition with one or more radial intersections between the feed orifice and the discharge orifice;wherein the series of internal sections comprise a first section beginning at the feed orifice that transitions to a converging section that transitions at a throat to a diverging section ending at the discharge orifice; andwherein a length of the converging section is longer than a length of the diverging section.2. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein a the first section comprises a cylindrical bore adapted to receive an axial electrode.3. The nozzle of claim 2 , wherein the first section comprises a substantially uniform diameter and extends for substantially half of the length of the nozzle body.4. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035526A1
Автор: CHENG Ni

The invention relates to a method for starting a recipe in a plasma torch, the method comprising the following steps: 1. Method for starting a recipe in a plasma torch , the method comprising the following steps:adjusting of a current to a current nominal valueadjusting of a gas flow to a gas nominal valuecharacterized in that when adjusting the gas flow to the gas flow nominal value, the current is adjusted such, that it always is below the current nominal value, so that it does not result in a power hill.2. Method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the current is maintained at a substantially constant value below the current nominal value when adjusting the gas flow to the gas flow nominal value and time current is adjusted to the current nominal value only after stabilizing the gas flow.3. Method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the method is a recipe change and that the current is preferably maintained at such a high level claim 1 , so that the plasma does not extinguish. The present invention relates to a control method for plasma torches. In particular, the purpose is to extend the service life of an electrode or of the electrodes of a plasma torch.Plasma torches or plasma arc torches are known. This kind of torches comprises two electrodes, namely an anode and a cathode. An arc is formed between the electrodes and a plasma forming gas is injected. The arc forming between the electrodes is maintained and heats the gas to very high temperatures and ionizes it.The electrodes are wear parts in such a plasma torch. The service life is a function of a number of parameters, for example of the power of the torch, the nature of the injected plasma forming gas due to its degradation and the reactions it can have with the material forming the electrodes. The service life of the electrodes is also a function of the operation of the torch, depending on whether the torch is operated in a continuous or discontinuous way.According to the state of the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210037636A1

A method of assembling an electrode by securing together an emitter of the electrode inside an emitter holder while at the same time securing together the emitter holder inside a distal end of a tubular body of the electrode. According to one implementation the securing together includes simultaneously applying a proximally directed force to the emitter and a distally directed force to the emitter holder to cause a bulging of the emitter inside the emitter holder and a bulging of the emitter holder inside the distal end of the tubular body. 1. A method of assembling an electrode by securing together an emitter of the electrode inside an emitter holder while at the same time securing together the emitter holder inside of a tubular body of the electrode , the securing together being accomplished by simultaneously applying a proximal directed force to the emitter and a distal directed force to the emitter holder to induce a bulging of the emitter inside the emitter holder to cause an external surface of the emitter to forcefully contact an internal surface of the emitter holder , and to induce a bulging of the emitter holder inside the distal end of the tubular body to cause an external surface of the emitter holder to forcefully contact an internal surface of the tubular body to produce a leak-tight seal and an electrical connection between the emitter holder and the tubular body , the securing together being accomplished without soldering or fusing the emitter holder to the tubular body and without soldering or fusing the emitter to the emitter holder.2. The method of assembling an electrode according to claim 1 , wherein each of the emitter and emitter holder shorten during the application of the proximal and distal directed forces.3. The method of assembling an electrode according to claim 1 , wherein the emitter holder includes a cylindrical portion claim 1 , and during the application of the proximal and distal directed forces the cylindrical portion bulges to ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170042012A1

A consumable cartridge for a liquid-cooled plasma arc torch is provided. The consumable cartridge comprises a cartridge frame including a proximal end having an end surface, a distal end and a body having a central longitudinal axis extending therethrough. The cartridge configured to form a radio-frequency identification (RFID) interface with a torch head. The consumable cartridge also comprises an arc emitter and an arc constrictor affixed to the cartridge frame at the distal end and an RFID mounting feature formed on or in the cartridge frame adjacent to the end face. The RFID mounting feature is non-concentric with the central longitudinal axis of the body. The consumable cartridge further comprises an RFID tag disposed in or on the RFID mounting feature for transmitting information about the cartridge to a reader device in the torch head when the cartridge is connected to the torch head. 1. A consumable cartridge for a liquid-cooled plasma arc torch , the consumable cartridge comprising:a cartridge frame including a proximal end having an end surface, a distal end and a body having a central longitudinal axis extending therethrough, the cartridge configured to form a radio-frequency identification (RFID) interface with a torch head;an arc emitter and an arc constrictor affixed to the cartridge frame at the distal end;an RFID mounting feature formed on or in the cartridge frame adjacent to the end face, the RFID mounting feature being non-concentric with the central longitudinal axis of the body;an RFID tag disposed in or on the RFID mounting feature for transmitting information about the cartridge to a reader device in the torch head when the cartridge is connected to the torch head; anda clocking feature configured to rotationally align the RFID tag to the reader device in the torch head upon connection of the cartridge to the torch head.2. The consumable cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the RFID mounting feature comprises a cavity disposed in the body of the ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170042013A1

A consumable cartridge frame for a liquid-cooled plasma arc torch is provided. The consumable cartridge frame includes an insulator body configured to be disposed between a torch head and a cartridge tip. The consumable cartridge also includes a first cooling channel, disposed in the body, configured to conduct a first fluid flow received from the torch head to contact a component of the cartridge tip connected to the cartridge frame. The consumable cartridge further includes a first return channel, disposed in the body, configured to conduct at least a portion of the first fluid flow from the component to the torch head. The first cooling channel and the first return channel are non-concentric in relation to a central longitudinal axis of the body. 1. A consumable cartridge frame for a liquid-cooled plasma arc torch , the consumable cartridge frame comprising:an insulator body configured to be disposed between a torch head and a cartridge tip;a first cooling channel, disposed in the body, configured to conduct a first fluid flow received from the torch head to contact a component of the cartridge tip connected to the cartridge frame; anda first return channel, disposed in the body, configured to conduct at least a portion of the first fluid flow from the component to the torch head,wherein the first cooling channel and the first return channel are non-concentric in relation to a central longitudinal axis of the body.2. The consumable cartridge frame of claim 1 , further comprising a torch engagement feature configured to radially secure the cartridge tip to the torch head in a predetermined orientation.3. The consumable cartridge frame of claim 2 , wherein the first cooling channel is configured to substantially align with a corresponding first cooling channel of the torch head when the cartridge tip is radially secured to the torch head via the torch engagement feature claim 2 , the first liquid cooling channel adapted to conduct a cooling liquid from the torch ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Cartridge for a liquid-cooled plasma arc torch

Номер: US20170042014A1
Принадлежит: Hypertherm Inc

A liquid-cooled consumable cartridge for a plasma arc torch is provided. The cartridge includes (i) an electrode, (ii) a swirl ring with a first outer retaining feature and a second outer retaining feature on an exterior surface, where the electrode is secured to the swirl ring, and (iii) a nozzle with an inner retaining feature on an interior surface, where the inner retaining feature of the nozzle is mated with the first outer retaining feature of the swirl ring. The cartridge also includes a cartridge frame with an inner retaining feature on an interior surface and an outer retaining feature on an exterior surface. The inner retaining feature of the cartridge frame is mated with the second outer retaining feature of the swirl ring. The cartridge further includes a shield with an inner retaining feature on an interior surface mated with the outer retaining feature of the cartridge frame.

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Electrode for a Contact Start Plasma Arc Torch and Contact Start Plasma Arc Torch Employing Such Electrodes

Номер: US20170042015A1

A swirl ring component of a contact start plasma arc torch is provided. The swirl ring component includes a hollow body formed of a front portion and a rear portion along a longitudinal axis and defining an exterior surface and an interior surface. The swirl ring component also includes one or more gas passageways extending from the exterior surface to the interior surface in the front portion of the hollow body and a resilient element disposed relative to the interior surface in the rear portion of the hollow body and configured to pass at least a pilot arc current to an electrode body. The swirl ring component further includes a shoulder portion configured to retain the resilient element in the hollow body. 1. A swirl ring component of a contact start plasma arc torch , the swirl ring component comprising:a hollow body formed of a front portion and a rear portion along a longitudinal axis and defining an exterior surface and an interior surface;one or more gas passageways extending from the exterior surface to the interior surface in the front portion of the hollow body;a resilient element disposed relative to the interior surface in the rear portion of the hollow body and configured to pass at least a pilot arc current to an electrode body; anda shoulder portion configured to retain the resilient element in the hollow body.2. The swirl ring component of claim 1 , wherein the resilient element includes a separate contact surface configured to facilitate physical contact with a proximal portion of the electrode body.3. The swirl ring component of claim 2 , wherein the separate contact surface comprises an annular claim 2 , washer-like plate secured to a spring of the resilient element.4. The swirl ring component of claim 1 , wherein the shoulder portion claim 1 , defining a contoured opening claim 1 , is configured to slideably receive a proximal portion of the electrode body upon alignment of the contoured opening and the proximal portion.5. The swirl ring ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Plasma Arc Cutting Systems, Consumables and Operational Methods

Номер: US20170042016A1

The invention features methods and apparatuses for regulating a shielding liquid in a plasma torch. A liquid-injection shield for a plasma torch includes a body having an exterior surface and an interior surface and a liquid injection regulation component circumferentially disposed within and in direct contact with the interior surface of the body. The liquid injection regulation component and the interior surface of the body define a chamber. The liquid injection regulation component also defines a first set of ports sized to regulate a liquid entering the chamber and a second set of ports oriented to distribute a fluid exiting the chamber. 1. A liquid-injection shield for a plasma torch , the shield comprising:a body having an exterior surface and an interior surface; anda liquid injection regulation component circumferentially disposed within and in direct contact with the interior surface of the body, the liquid injection regulation component and the interior surface of the body defining a chamber,the liquid injection regulation component defining a first set of ports sized to regulate a liquid entering the chamber and defining a second set of ports oriented to distribute a fluid exiting the chamber.2. The shield of wherein the ports are oriented to impart a swirl to the fluid exiting the chamber.3. The shield of wherein the liquid injection regulation component comprises an insulator material.4. The shield of wherein each of the ports in the first set of ports is smaller than each of the ports in the second set of ports.5. The shield of wherein a total cross-sectional flow area of the first set of ports is less than a total cross-sectional flow area of the second set of ports.6. The shield of wherein the first set of ports is aligned with the chamber in the interior surface of the body.7. The shield of wherein the first set of ports is configured to allow a range of fluid flow rates from about 2 gallons per hour to about 8 gallons per hour.8. The shield of ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

High Temperature Electrolysis Glow Discharge Device

Номер: US20180042098A1
Автор: Foret Todd

A glow discharge cell includes an electrically conductive cylindrical vessel, a hollow electrode, a cylindrical screen, a first insulator, a second insulator and a non-conductive granular material. The hollow electrode is aligned with a longitudinal axis of the cylindrical vessel and extends at least from the first end to the second end of the cylindrical vessel. The hollow electrode has an inlet, an outlet, and a plurality of slots or holes. The cylindrical screen is aligned with the longitudinal axis of the cylindrical vessel and disposed between the hollow electrode and the cylindrical vessel to form a substantially equidistant gap between the cylindrical screen and the hollow electrode. The first insulator seals the first end of the cylindrical vessel around the hollow electrode. The second insulator seals the second end of the cylindrical vessel around the hollow electrode. The non-conductive granular material is disposed within the substantially equidistant gap. 110-. (canceled)11. A glow discharge cell comprising:an electrically conductive cylindrical vessel having a first end and a second end, and a plurality of holes or slots in an exterior wall;a hollow electrode aligned with a longitudinal axis of the cylindrical vessel and extending at least from the first end to an interior of the cylindrical vessel, wherein the hollow electrode has an inlet and an outlet;a first insulator that seals the first end of the cylindrical vessel around an outlet aligned with the longitudinal axis of the cylindrical vessel;a cylindrical screen disposed within the cylindrical vessel that connects the hollow electrode to the outlet in the first insulator;a second insulator that seals the second end of the cylindrical vessel around the hollow electrode and maintains the substantially equidistant gap between the cylindrical vessel and the hollow electrode;a non-conductive granular material disposed within the substantially equidistant gap, wherein (a) the non-conductive granular ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Cost Effective Cartridge for a Plasma Arc Torch

Номер: US20160050740A1

A cartridge for an air-cooled plasma arc torch is provided. The cartridge includes a swirl ring having a molded thermoplastic elongated body with a distal end, a proximal end, and a hollow portion configured to receive an electrode. The swirl ring also has a plurality of gas flow openings defined by the distal end of the elongated body and configured to impart a swirling motion to a plasma gas flow for the plasma arc torch. The swirl ring further includes a nozzle retention feature on a surface of the elongated body at the distal end for retaining a nozzle to the elongated body. The cartridge further includes a cap affixed to the proximal end of the elongated body of the swirl ring for substantially closing the proximal end of the elongated body. 1. A cartridge for an air-cooled plasma arc torch , the cartridge comprising: a molded thermoplastic elongated body having a substantially hollow portion, the molded thermoplastic elongated body having a distal end and a proximal end and configured to receive an electrode within the hollow portion;', 'a plurality of gas flow openings defined by the distal end of the elongated body and configured to impart a swirling motion to a plasma gas flow for the plasma arc torch; and', 'a nozzle retention feature on a surface of the elongated body at the distal end for retaining a nozzle to the elongated body; and, 'a swirl ring includinga cap affixed to the proximal end of the elongated body of the swirl ring, the cap substantially enclosing the proximal end of the elongated body.2. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the cap is formed of an electrically conductive material.3. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the cap is configured to retain the electrode within the cartridge and pass an electrical current to the electrode.4. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the cap comprises a biasing surface for physically contacting a resilient element that biases against a proximal end of the electrode.5. The cartridge of claim 4 , wherein the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200045804A1

In the case of the nozzle protection cap () according to the invention for a plasma arc torch (), is arranged and fastened at the outside on the tip of the plasma arc torch (), at which a plasma jet emerges from the plasma arc torch () through nozzle-like openings (). The nozzle protection cap () is produced from an iron alloy including sulfur in a fraction of at least 0.05%. 1711147aa. A nozzle protection cap () for a plasma arc torch () , which nozzle protection cap is arranged and fastened at the outside on the tip of the plasma arc torch () , at which a plasma jet emerges from the plasma arc torch () through nozzle-like openings ( , );{'b': '7', 'characterized in that the nozzle protection cap () is produced from an iron alloy including sulfur in a fraction of at least 0.05%.'}2. The nozzle protection cap as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the iron alloy includes sulfur in a fraction in the range from 0.05% to 0.5% claim 1 , preferably in a fraction in the range from 0.1% to 0.4% claim 1 , particularly preferably in the range from 0.15% to 0.35%.3. The nozzle protection cap as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , aside from the sulfur claim 1 , there is at least one further additional alloy element selected from chromium claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , manganese claim 1 , molybdenum claim 1 , niobium claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , tungsten and vanadium.4. The nozzle protection cap as claimed claim 3 , characterized in that one or more additional alloy elements is/are included in a fraction of at most 35%.5. The nozzle protection cap as claimed in claim 4 , characterized in that chromium and nickel are included as additional alloy elements.6. The nozzle protection cap as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that no carbon is included claim 1 , or carbon is included in a maximum fraction of 2.1% claim 1 , preferably in a maximum fraction of 1.2% claim 1 , particularly preferably in a fraction of at most 0.5%.7. The nozzle protection cap as ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Volumetrically oscillating plasma flows

Номер: US20160051311A1
Автор: Nikolay Suslov
Принадлежит: Plasma Surgical Investments Ltd

Volumetrically oscillating plasma flows, the volume of which controllably expands and contracts with time, are disclosed. Volumetrically oscillating plasma flows are generated by providing an energy with a power density that changes with time to the plasma-generating gas to form a plasma flow. The changes in the energy power density result in plasma flow volumetric oscillations. Volumetric oscillations with a frequency of above 20,000 Hz results in ultrasonic acoustic waves, which are known to be beneficial for various medical applications. System for providing volumetrically oscillating plasma flows and a variety of surgical non-surgical applications of such flows are also disclosed.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200051802A1

Systems and methods for an adjustable sample floor for ultrafast signal washout are disclosed. In an embodiment. A target support configured to adjustably support a target within a sample chamber may include: a support frame that may configured to be inserted into the sample chamber, a support platform that may be disposed within the support frame, and a platform adjustment system that may be coupled to the support frame and the support platform. The platform adjustment system may be configured to adjust at least one of: a position and an orientation of the support platform relative to the support frame when the support frame is inserted into the sample chamber. 1. A target support configured to adjustably support a target within a sample chamber , comprising:a support frame configured to be inserted into the sample chamber;a support platform disposed within the support frame; anda platform adjustment system coupled to the support frame and the support platform, wherein the platform adjustment system is configured to adjust at least one of: a position and an orientation of the support platform relative to the support frame when the support frame is inserted into the sample chamber.1. The target support of claim Error! Reference source not found , wherein the platform adjustment system configured to adjust at least of the position and the orientation of the support platform further comprises: adjusting the support platform along an x-axis , adjusting the support platform along a y-axis , and adjusting the support platform along a z-axis.3. The target support of claim Error! Reference source not found , wherein the platform adjustment system further comprises:one or more adjustment rods disposed between one or more platform adjustment knobs and a first end of one or more screws, the one or more platform adjustment knobs rotatable to engage the one or screws;one or more threaded bores configured to engage threads of the one or more screws, the one or more threaded ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Rotatable Plasma Cutting Torch Assembly With Short Connections

Номер: US20160057847A1
Автор: Namburu Praveen K.

A rotatable plasma torch is provided which can easily rotate when used in robotic or automatic cutting system while minimizing damage to internal connections of the torch. The torch is provided with a sleeve structure on the torch handle where there is no structure or component positioned between the sleeve and the exterior of the torch handle. 1. A cutting torch assembly , comprising:a torch body having a distal end and an upstream end;a torch head coupled to said distal end of said torch body;a torch handle coupled to said upstream end of said torch body, said torch handle having an outer casing; anda rotatable collar secured to said outer casing of said torch handle,wherein said outer casing has a first retaining structure positioned at an upstream end of said rotatable collar, and a second retaining structure positioned at a downstream end of said rotatable collar,wherein said torch handle can rotate relative to said rotatable collar, andwherein no structure is positioned between an inner surface of said rotatable collar and an outer surface of said outer casing of said torch handle.2. The torch assembly of claim 1 , wherein each of said first and second retaining structures are comprised of a groove in the surface of said outer casing and a ring structure which is partially embedded in said groove such that said rotatable collar is positioned between each of said rings.3. The torch assembly of claim 1 , wherein said rotating collar can rotate 360 degrees relative to said outer casing.4. The torch assembly of claim 1 , wherein a gap between an inner surface of said rotatable collar and said outer casing has a maximum distance in the range of 0.0005 to 0.002 inches.5. The torch assembly of claim 1 , wherein said outer casing has a plurality of pairs of corresponding grooves which are spaced a predetermined distance from each other claim 1 , where each of said respective pairs of grooves are spaced from each other by a distance to accommodate said rotatable collar ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Multi-Component Electrode For A Plasma Cutting Torch And Torch Including The Same

Номер: US20160057848A1
Автор: Praveen K. NAMBURU
Принадлежит: Lincoln Global Inc

Embodiments of the present invention are directed to a plasma arc cutting torch and an electrode assembly used in the torch. The electrode assembly includes a high thermionic emissive insert and a high thermally conductive and high work function shell into which the insert is inserted. The shell aids in cooling the insert during operation and also has a design which ensures that the shell remains in a proper position during manufacture of the electrode assembly.

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Systems, Methods, and Devices for Transmitting Information to Thermal Processing Systems

Номер: US20200055138A1

In some aspects, a replaceable consumable component for performing a cutting or welding operation can include a body and a readable data storage device coupled to the body or integrated within the body, wherein the data storage device contains an operation instruction for a cutting or welding device. 1. A replaceable consumable component of a cutting head of processing system comprising a plasma system , a waterjet system or a laser system for performing a cutting operation on a workpiece , the replaceable consumable component comprising:a body; anda writeable data storage device, comprising a radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag, located on or within the body of the replaceable consumable component,wherein the writable data storage device is (i) inserted within the cutting head upon installation of the replaceable consumable component in the cutting head and (ii) configured to have data written thereto while installed inside of the cutting head.2. The replaceable consumable component of claim 1 , wherein the data relates to at least one of the cutting head claim 1 , the replaceable consumable component or the processing system.3. The replaceable consumable component of claim 2 , wherein the data relates to at least one of a frequency of use claim 2 , a number of cutting cycles claim 2 , or a time duration of a previous use of the cutting head claim 2 , the replaceable consumable component or the processing system.4. The replaceable consumable component of claim 1 , wherein the data includes an operating parameter of the cutting head claim 1 , the replaceable consumable component or the processing system.5. The replaceable consumable component of claim 1 , wherein the data relates to a failure of the cutting head claim 1 , the replaceable consumable component or the processing system.6. The replaceable consumable component of claim 1 , wherein the writable data storage device is rewritable such that the writable data storage device is periodically written to ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190059147A1
Автор: WANG Shouguo

A plasma heater includes a plasma heating section, an exhaust wasteheat heating section, a gas circulation pump, a water cooling system, and a treatment tank for waste gas and waste water. Flames emitted by plasma torches of plasma generators are directly sprayed onto first water pipes for heating. Exhaust generated after combustion of the plasma torches flows through the tail gas residual heat heating section in the metal cylindrical casing, then flows out of the metal cylindrical casing to enter the gas circulation pump, and flows back into the plasma generators through the gas circulation pump for recycling. After the circulating exhaust operates for more than 10 minutes, the discharged waste gas and waste liquid enter the recovering treatment tank. 1. A plasma heater , comprising a plasma heating section , an exhaust wasteheat heating section , a gas circulation pump , a water cooling system , a treatment tank for waste gas and waste water; andfurther comprising:a plurality of circulating water pipes, wherein two of the plurality of circulating water pipes are communicated through a plurality of first water pipes; a diameter of each of the plurality of first water pipes is smaller than a diameter of each of the plurality of circulating water pipes;a metal cylindrical casing, wherein the metal cylindrical casing is coated outside the plurality of first water pipes;a plurality of plasma generators, wherein the plurality of plasma generators are mutually communicated and are provided on a bottom of the metal cylindrical casing; a flame emitted by a plasma torch of the plasma generator is directly sprayed onto the first water pipes for heating;the exhaust wasteheat heating section comprises the metal cylindrical casing and the plurality of first water pipes; the plasma heating section comprises the metal cylindrical casing, the plurality of first water pipes and the plurality of plasma generators;the water cooling system is connected to the plasma generators; ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

High Temperature Electrolysis Glow Discharge Device

Номер: US20160066403A1
Автор: Foret Todd

A glow discharge cell includes an electrically conductive cylindrical vessel, a hollow electrode, a cylindrical screen, a first insulator, a second insulator and a non-conductive granular material. The hollow electrode is aligned with a longitudinal axis of the cylindrical vessel and extends at least from the first end to the second end of the cylindrical vessel. The hollow electrode has an inlet, an outlet, and a plurality of slots or holes. The cylindrical screen is aligned with the longitudinal axis of the cylindrical vessel and disposed between the hollow electrode and the cylindrical vessel to form a substantially equidistant gap between the cylindrical screen and the hollow electrode. The first insulator seals the first end of the cylindrical vessel around the hollow electrode. The second insulator seals the second end of the cylindrical vessel around the hollow electrode. The non-conductive granular material is disposed within the substantially equidistant gap. 1. A glow discharge cell comprising:an electrically conductive cylindrical vessel having a first end and a second end, and at least one inlet and one outlet;a hollow electrode aligned with a longitudinal axis of the cylindrical vessel and extending at least from the first end to the second end of the cylindrical vessel, wherein the hollow electrode has an inlet, an outlet, and a plurality of slots or holes;a cylindrical screen aligned with the longitudinal axis of the cylindrical vessel and disposed between the hollow electrode and the cylindrical vessel to form a substantially equidistant gap between the cylindrical screen and the hollow electrode;a first insulator that seals the first end of the cylindrical vessel around the hollow electrode;a second insulator that seals the second end of the cylindrical vessel around the hollow electrode;a non-conductive granular material disposed within the substantially equidistant gap, wherein (a) the non-conductive granular material allows an electrically ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200060017A1

A plasma generation system capable of more accurately measuring the actual temperature of a plasma gas applied to a target object. The plasma generation system includes: an emitting head configured to generate plasma gas by supplying power to electrodes provided in a reaction chamber to generate a plasma gas by converting a processing gas into plasma, and apply the generated plasma gas to a target object; and a temperature sensor configured to detect a temperature of the plasma gas and output a detection signal corresponding to the detected temperature. The temperature sensor is arranged at a position separated from an emission port of the emitting head from which the plasma gas is emitted. The emitting head is configured to be movable between the target object the temperature sensor. 16-. (canceled)7. A plasma generation system comprising:an emitting head configured to generate plasma gas by supplying power to electrodes provided in a reaction chamber to generate a plasma gas by converting a processing gas into plasma, and apply the generated plasma gas to a target object; anda temperature sensor configured to detect a temperature of the plasma gas and output a detection signal corresponding to the detected temperature,whereinthe temperature sensor is arranged at a position separated from an emission port of the emitting head from which the plasma gas is emitted and the plasma gas is emitted from the emission port to the temperature sensor, andthe emitting head is configured to be movable between the target object the temperature sensor.8. The plasma generation system according to claim 7 , further comprising:a moving device configured to move the emitting head; anda control device configured to receive the detection signal outputted from the temperature sensor,whereinthe control device is configured to performdetection processing of controlling the moving device to move the emitting head to a position of the temperature sensor, and emitting the plasma gas to the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170064804A1
Автор: Namburu Praveen K.

Embodiments of the present invention include a plasma cutting torch and plasma cutting torch components, such as electrodes, cathodes, retainer caps, etc. having a unique physical features, including threads relationships. Embodiments include torch components having modified square thread with a specialized thread configuration including a particular relationship between thread crest and root, and included angles of thread sidewalls. 1. A plasma cutting electrode , said electrode comprising:a distal end having an emissive insert inserted therein, where said distal end is insertable into a nozzle of a plasma cutting torch, said distal end having a first outer diameter;a shoulder portion upstream of said distal end, said shoulder portion having a second outer diameter which is larger than said first outer diameter;a central groove portion upstream of said shoulder portion, said central groove portion having a first thread with a first crest width and a second thread with a second crest width which is in the range of 1.5 to 3 times larger than the first crest width and each of said first and second threads have a groove, respectively, where each of said grooves have angled sidewalls, and where said central groove portion has a third outside diameter; andan upstream end portion, upstream of said central groove portion, where said upstream end portion has a fourth outside diameter.2. The electrode of claim 1 , wherein said second outer diameter is in the range of 55 to 65% larger than said first outer diameter.3. The electrode of claim 1 , wherein said second crest width is in the range of 2 to 2.5 times larger than said first width.4. The electrode of claim 1 , wherein said third outside diameter is the same as said second outside diameter.5. The electrode of claim 1 , wherein an included angle between the sidewalls of each respective groove is in the range of 20 to 40 degrees.6. The electrode of claim 1 , wherein each of said grooves have a depth which is in the range ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140144891A1

The invention relates to a method for the plasma cutting of workpieces. It is the object of the invention to provide possibilities with which improved cutting surfaces can be achieved in plasma cutting which do not require any reworking, or at least only a reduced reworking. In the method in accordance with the invention, a plasma cutting torch having at least one torch body, an electrode and a nozzle is used and the plasma jet is inclined or deflected at least before the traveling over of a workpiece edge at an angle δ with respect to the axis aligned perpendicular to the workpiece surface such that the emission position of the plasma jet from the workpiece is arranged at a spacing in the feed movement direction which is at most half the amount than is the case with a plasma jet incident perpendicular on the workpiece surface. 1. A method for plasma cutting workpieces using a plasma cutting torch having at least a torch body , an electrode and a nozzle , the method comprising:inclining or deflecting the plasma jet at least before traveling over a workpiece edge at an angle δ with respect to an axis aligned perpendicular to the workpiece surface such that an emission position of the plasma jet from the workpiece is arranged at a spacing in a feed movement direction which is at most half the amount than is the case with a plasma jet incident perpendicular on the workpiece surface.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plasma jet is inclined or deflected such that its emission position from the workpiece in the feed movement direction is arranged at least at the axis at which the position of incidence of the plasma jet on the workpiece surface is arranged.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plasma jet is inclined or deflected such that its emission position from the workpiece in the feed movement direction is arranged upstream of the axis of the feed direction.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the angle δ is between 5° and 45° claim 1 , observed in the feed ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150076123A1

The invention relates to an electrode structure for plasma cutting torches, wherein a recess or borehole open at one side in the direction of a workpiece to be processed is formed in an electrode holder or in a holding element for receiving an emission insert, in which recess or borehole the inserted emission insert can be fastened in a force transmitting manner, in a shape-matching manner and/or with material continuity. At least one pressure equalization passage and/or an at least temporarily active pressure equalization passage is present between a hollow space formed in a recess or borehole and the emission insert and the environment through the emission insert and/or between an outer jacket surface region of the emission insert and the inner wall of the recess or borehole, which is formed in the holding element or in the electrode holder (). 1. An electrode structure for plasma cutting torches , wherein a recess or borehole open at one side in the direction of a workpiece to be processed is formed in an electrode holder or in a holding element for receiving an emission insert , in which recess or borehole the inserted emission insert can be fastened in a force transmitting manner , in a shape-matching manner and/or with material continuity , characterized in that{'b': 7', '2', '1', '7', '4', '7', '3', '7', '3', '7', '3', '7', '2', '1', '7', '4', '7', '2', '7', '1, 'at least one pressure equalization passage and/or an at least temporarily active pressure equalization passage is present between a hollow space formed in a recess or borehole (.., .) and the emission insert (.) and the environment through the emission insert (.) and/or between an outer jacket surface region of the emission insert (.) and the inner wall of the recess or borehole (.., .) which is formed in the holding element (.) or in the electrode holder (.); and/or'}{'b': 7', '2', '1', '7', '2', '7', '2', '7', '2', '7', '4', '7', '1', '7', '2, 'at least one pressure equalization passage and/or a ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

System, Method and Apparatus for Recovering Mining Fluids from Mining Byproducts

Номер: US20140151343A1
Автор: Foret Todd

A system, method and apparatus for recovering mining fluids from mining byproducts uses a plasma arc torch and a screw feed unit. The plasma arc torch includes a cylindrical vessel, a first tangential inlet/outlet connected to or proximate to a first end, a second tangential inlet/outlet connected to or proximate to a second end, an electrode housing connected to the first end such that a first electrode is (a) aligned with a longitudinal axis of the cylindrical vessel, and (b) extends into the cylindrical vessel, and a hollow electrode nozzle is connected to the second end such that the hollow electrode nozzle is aligned with the longitudinal axis, the hollow electrode nozzle is partially disposed within the cylindrical vessel and outside the cylindrical vessel. The screw feed unit has an inlet and an outlet, the outlet aligned with the centerline and proximate to the hollow electrode nozzle. 1. A plasma treatment system comprising: a cylindrical vessel having a first end and a second end,', 'a first tangential inlet/outlet connected to or proximate to the first end,', 'a second tangential inlet/outlet connected to or proximate to the second end,', 'an electrode housing connected to the first end of the cylindrical vessel such that a first electrode is (a) aligned with a longitudinal axis of the cylindrical vessel, and (b) extends into the cylindrical vessel, and', 'a hollow electrode nozzle connected to the second end of the cylindrical vessel such that a centerline of the hollow electrode nozzle is aligned with the longitudinal axis of the cylindrical vessel, the hollow electrode nozzle having a first end disposed within the cylindrical vessel and a second end disposed outside the cylindrical vessel; and, 'a plasma arc torch comprisinga screw feed unit having an inlet and an outlet, the outlet aligned with the centerline and proximate to the hollow electrode nozzle.2. The plasma treatment system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the screw feed unit comprises:a ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074887A1

A plasma spraying apparatus includes a main torch and an auxiliary torch. The main torch includes a first electrode including a spraying material discharge hole, a first mantle, and a first insulator including a first plasma gas introducing port. The auxiliary torch includes a second electrode, a second mantle, and a second insulator including a second plasma gas introducing port. A spraying material supplied from the spraying material discharge hole is melted at the axial center of plasma that is formed on the central axis of the first electrode by the first electrode and the second electrode, and a gas introducing part that introduces gas is provided on an inlet side of an opening part and/or in a tapered part provided between the opening part and the first insulator in the first mantle. 1. A plasma spraying apparatus , comprising: a first electrode comprising a spraying material discharge hole at a tip center of a central axis;', 'a first mantle that surrounds the first electrode; and', 'a first insulator that insulates the first electrode and the first mantle from each other and comprises a first plasma gas introducing port; and, 'a main torch comprising a second electrode;', 'a second mantle that surrounds the second electrode; and', 'a second insulator that insulates the second electrode and the second mantle from each other and has a second plasma gas introducing port, the auxiliary torch having a central axis that intersects with a central axis of the main torch,, 'an auxiliary torch comprisingwherein the spraying material discharge hole supplies a spraying material to an axial center of plasma that is formed on the central axis of the first electrode by the first electrode and the second electrode,the spraying material is melted and sprayed on a base material to form a coating,the first mantle comprises an opening part and a tapered part provided between the opening part and the first insulator, andthe first mantle comprises, on an inlet side of the opening ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210076480A1

A practical plasma processing machine is provided, in which attachment mechanism is provided for attaching plasma head to attachment section of a head moving device that moves the plasma head. Since the plasma head can be attached or detached, for example, it is easy to exchange it with a different type of plasma head, remove for maintenance, attaching after maintenance, or the like. 1. A plasma processing machine comprising:a plasma head configured to generate a plasma gas and eject the plasma gas from a nozzle;a head moving device configured to move the plasma head; andan attachment mechanism for detachably attaching the plasma head to an attachment section of the head moving device.2. The plasma processing machine according to claim 1 ,wherein the attachment mechanism includes:an attaching surface provided at the attachment section and extending in a first direction and a second direction perpendicular to the first direction,an attached surface provided at the plasma head and coming into contact with the attaching surface in a state in which the plasma head is attached,a first engaging section provided at a portion on one side of the attachment section in the first direction, and a second engaging section provided at a portion on the other side, anda first engaged section engaging with the first engaging section and a second engaged section engaging with the second engaging section, the first and the second engaged sections being provided at the plasma head,the first engaging section is configured to lock the first engaged section so as to prohibit displacement of the plasma head with respect to the attachment section to one side in the first direction,the second engaging section has a biasing mechanism that biases the second engaged section toward one side in the first direction, andthe plasma processing machine further comprising:a second-direction displacement prohibiting mechanism configured to prohibit displacement of the plasma head in the second direction ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Consumable Cartridge For A Plasma Arc Cutting System

Номер: US20200070275A1

A frame for a replaceable, unitary consumables cartridge configured for installation into a plasma arc torch. The frame includes a hollow body adapted to receive a translatable contact start electrode. The body has an internal surface and an external surface and includes: a substantially cylindrical metallic core; an electrically insulative overmolded plastic casing at least substantially surrounding a circumference of a distal end of the substantially cylindrical metallic core; and a set of flow passages fluidly connecting the external surface of the hollow body and the internal surface of the hollow body, the flow passages offset to impart a swirling fluid flow pattern to a plasma gases passing therethrough. 1. A frame for a replaceable , unitary consumables cartridge configured for installation into a plasma arc torch , the frame comprising: a substantially cylindrical metallic core;', 'an electrically insulative overmolded plastic casing at least substantially surrounding a circumference of a distal end of the substantially cylindrical metallic core, and', 'a set of flow passages fluidly connecting the external surface of the hollow body and the internal surface of the hollow body, the flow passages offset to impart a swirling fluid flow pattern to a plasma gases passing therethrough., 'a hollow body adapted to receive a translatable contact start electrode, the body having an internal surface and an external surface, the body including2. The frame of wherein the substantially cylindrical metallic core is formed by stamping.3. The frame of wherein the substantially cylindrical metallic core is made of brass.4. The frame of wherein the substantially cylindrical metallic core includes an anodized portion.5. The frame of wherein each flow passage in the set of flow passages is radially offset from the other flow passages.6. The frame of wherein the flow passages have a total cross-sectional area of about one square inch.7. The frame of wherein a first end of the ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071810A1

There is provision of a plasma spraying device including a supplying section configured to convey feedstock powder with a plasma generating gas, and to inject the feedstock powder and the plasma generating gas from an opening of a tip; a plasma generating section configured to generate a plasma by decomposing the injected plasma generating gas using electric power of 500 W to 10 kW; and a chamber causing the supplying section and the plasma generating section to be an enclosed region, which is configured to deposit the feedstock powder on a workpiece by melting the feedstock powder by the plasma generated in the enclosed region. The feedstock powder is any one of lithium (Li), aluminum (Al), copper (Cu), silver (Ag), and gold (Au). A particle diameter of the feedstock powder is between 1 μm and 50 μm. 1. A plasma spraying device comprising:a supplying section configured to convey feedstock powder with a plasma generating gas, and to inject the feedstock powder and the plasma generating gas from an opening of a tip, the feedstock powder being any one of lithium (Li), aluminum (Al), copper (Cu), silver (Ag), and gold (Au), and the feedstock powder having a particle diameter of 1 μm to 50 μm;a plasma generating section configured to generate a plasma by decomposing the injected plasma generating gas using electric power of 500 W to 10 kW; anda chamber causing the supplying section and the plasma generating section to be an enclosed region, the chamber being configured to deposit the feedstock powder on a workpiece by melting the feedstock powder by the plasma generated in the enclosed region.210. The plasma spraying device according to claim 1 , wherein an inside of the chamber is filled with an inert gas claim 1 , and oxygen concentration in the chamber is maintained to 10 ppm (%) or less.3. The plasma spraying device according to claim 1 , wherein the feedstock powder is any one of lithium (Li) claim 1 , aluminum (Al) claim 1 , copper (Cu) claim 1 , silver (Ag) claim ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Water Injection and Venting of a Plasma Arc Torch

Номер: US20190075643A1

A plasma arc torch system comprising a plasma arc torch is provided. The torch includes an electrode, a nozzle, a vent passage and a shield. The nozzle is spaced from the electrode to define a plasma chamber therebetween. The plasma chamber is configured to receive a plasma gas. The vent passage, disposed in the nozzle body, is configured to divert a portion of the plasma gas exiting the plasma chamber from a nozzle exit orifice. The shield is spaced from the nozzle to define a flow region therebetween. The flow region is configured to (i) receive a liquid and (ii) expel the liquid along with a plasma arc substantially surrounded by the liquid via a shield exit orifice. 1. A method for operating a plasma arc torch to cut a workpiece , the method comprising:passing a plasma gas to a plasma chamber in the torch defined by an electrode and a nozzle,ionizing a first portion of the plasma gas to form a plasma arc in the plasma chamber;venting a second portion of the plasma gas via at least one vent passage disposed in the nozzle;passing the plasma arc from the plasma chamber to a flow region via a nozzle exit orifice, the flow region defined by the nozzle and a shield;supplying a liquid to the flow region via a conduit located between the nozzle and the shield; anddirecting the liquid from the flow region to surround the plasma arc.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein ionizing the first portion of the plasma gas further comprises passing a current between the electrode and the nozzle.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising constricting the plasma arc by the venting.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising constricting the plasma arc by the nozzle exit orifice before it passes to the flow region.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising constricting the plasma arc by surrounding the plasma arc with the liquid by the shield exit orifice.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising shearing claim 1 , by the liquid claim 1 , in a liquid or vapor state claim 1 , ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160081176A1

Techniques for extinguishing a plasma arc in a blowback plasma torch are provided. The plasma arc can be extinguished by bringing the electrode into contact with the nozzle and out of contact with the nozzle while the power supply and flow of gas are left on. In particular, while current is flowing through the electrode, the electrode may be brought into contact with the nozzle to extinguish the plasma arc. 1. A method of extinguishing an arc in a plasma arc torch , the method comprising:providing a plasma arc emitted from an electrode of a plasma arc torch; andcontacting the nozzle with an electrode while current is flowing through the electrode to extinguish the plasma arc.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plasma arc is a first plasma arc claim 1 , the method further comprising:opening a gap between the nozzle and the electrode to establish a second plasma arc emitted from the electrode; andcontacting the nozzle with the electrode while current is flowing through the electrode to extinguish the second plasma arc.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising marking a workpiece with the first plasma arc.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising synchronizing a position of the nozzle relative to the workpiece and contacting the nozzle with the electrode.5. The method of claim 2 , further comprising marking the workpiece with the second plasma arc.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising flowing an inert gas through the nozzle.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the inert gas is argon.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the current flowing through the electrode is between 1 and 50 Amps.9. A method implemented with a blowback plasma torch claim 1 , the method comprising:providing a first plasma arc emitted from an electrode of a plasma arc torch;marking a workpiece with the first plasma arc;contacting the nozzle with an electrode while current is flowing through the electrode to extinguish the first plasma arc;moving the nozzle relative to the workpiece; ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Method and Device for Coating a Surface

Номер: US20180077787A1
Принадлежит: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

A method for coating a surface with a coating jet containing coating particles includes forming the coating jet from at least two partial jets. The method also includes forming one of the exit channels as a spray channel for a first gas stream containing the coating particles. The method also includes forming the other of the exit channels as a control channel. In case of a deviation of the ascertained spray angle (α) from the predetermined target spray angle, the method also includes increasing the volume flow of a first partial jet of the at least two partial jets, and decreasing the volume flow of a second partial jet of the at least two partial jets.

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Cooling Pipes, Electrode Holders and Electrode for an Arc Plasma Torch

Номер: US20150083695A1

An electrode holder for an arc plasma torch includes an elongate holder body. The holder body includes a holder end for receiving an electrode and a hollow interior. An internal thread is positioned in the hollow interior for screwing in a rear end of said cooling tube. A cylindrical inner surface adjoins the internal thread for centering the cooling tube relative to the electrode holder. 1. An electrode holder for an arc plasma torch , comprising:an elongate holder body, said holder body having a holder end for receiving an electrode and a hollow interior;an internal thread being positioned in said hollow interior for screwing in a rear end of said cooling tube; anda cylindrical inner surface adjoining said internal thread for centring said cooling tube relative to said electrode holder.2. The electrode holder of wherein a stop face is provided for axially fixing said cooling tube in said electrode holder.3. The electrode holder of wherein said cylindrical inner surface has an internal diameter that is exactly the same size as or larger than an internal diameter of said internal thread.4. An arrangement of a cooling tube and electrode holder for an arc plasma torch comprising:said cooling tube having an elongate tube body having a rear end which can be releasably connected to said electrode holder, a coolant duct extending therethrough, an external thread for releasably connecting said rear end to said electrode holder, and a cylindrical outer surface adjoining said external thread for centring said cooling tube relative to said electrode holder; andsaid electrode holder having an elongate holder body, said holder body having a holder end for receiving an electrode and a hollow interior, an internal thread being positioned in said hollow interior for screwing in said rear end of said cooling tube, and a cylindrical inner surface adjoining said internal thread for centring said cooling tube relative to said electrode holder.5. The arrangement of wherein an annular ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200077504A1

A consumable cartridge for a plasma arc torch is provided. The consumable cartridge includes an outer component defining a substantially hollow body, an inner component disposed substantially within the hollow body of the outer component, and a hollow region between the rear portion of the inner component and the outer component. The inner component includes a forward portion configured to axially secure and rotatatably engage the outer component to the inner component and a rear portion substantially suspended within the hollow body of the outer component. The rear portion is axially secured and rotatably engaged with the outer component via the forward portion. The hollow region is configured to receive a torch head to enable mating between the rear portion of the inner component and a cathode of the torch head. 1. A portion of a consumable cartridge for a plasma arc torch , the portion comprising:a cap assembly including a retaining cap and a cap sleeve, the retaining cap constructed from a conductive material and the cap sleeve constructed from an insulator material, the cap assembly defining a proximal end and a distal end disposed along a longitudinal axis of the plasma arc torch;a shield comprising a body defining a substantially hollow portion, the body having a proximal end and a distal end aligned along the longitudinal axis, the distal end comprising a shield exit orifice; and an exterior surface configured to irremovably affix to at least a portion of the proximal end of the body of the shield; and', 'an interior surface configured to irremovably affix to an exterior surface of the distal end of the cap assembly,, 'an insulator ring constructed from an electrically insulating material, the insulator ring includingwherein the irremovable affixation between the insulator ring and the shield and between the cap assembly and the insulator ring irremovably secures the shield to the cap assembly of the consumable cartridge.2. The cartridge portion of claim 1 , ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

High temperature isolating insert for plasma cutting torch

Номер: US20190082526A1
Принадлежит: Lincoln Global Inc

Embodiments of arc plasma cutting torches are disclosed. In one embodiment, a plasma cutting torch includes an insert component located substantially between a cathode body and an insulator body. The insert component is able to withstand high temperatures and can be made of a metal material or a non-metal material. The insert component can be permanent within the torch or can be replaceable, in accordance with various embodiments.

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Plasma Torch Electrode Materials and Related Systems and Methods

Номер: US20150090700A1

In some aspects, multi-metallic emissive inserts shaped to be disposed within an electrode for a plasma arc torch electrode can include an exposed emitter surface at a distal end of the emissive insert to emit a plasma arc from the electrode, wherein the emissive insert comprises a first emissive material and about 8 weight percent to about 50 weight percent yttrium. 1. An electrode for a plasma arc torch , the electrode comprising:a body formed of an electrically conductive material, the body having a first end and a second end; andan emissive portion comprising a multi-metallic insert disposed within the first end, the multi-metallic insert including at least two non-oxidized metallic materials, one of the non-oxidized metallic materials being about 5 weight percent to about 50 weight percent of metallic yttrium.2. The electrode of wherein the multi-metallic insert comprises at least one of hafnium or zirconium.3. The electrode of wherein the multi-metallic insert is substantially free of oxygen.4. The electrode of wherein claim 1 , after an operational usage of the electrode claim 1 , a thermionic emitter surface layer is formed along an exposed surface of the multi-metallic insert claim 1 , the thermionic emitter surface layer having a composition different than a composition of a non-exposed portion of the multi-metallic insert.5. The electrode of wherein a portion of the multi-metallic insert comprises discrete regions of yttrium.6. The electrode of wherein the multi-metallic insert includes about 12 weight percent to about 25 weight percent yttrium.7. The electrode of wherein the multi-metallic insert includes an emissive surface with a surface area exposed to plasma gas claim 1 , the emissive surface area having a size that is selected in coordination with an operating current carried by the electrode so that a current density during cutting is between about 35 claim 1 ,000 amperes/inchto about 37 claim 1 ,000 amperes/inch.8. The electrode of wherein the ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Plasma spraying apparatus

Номер: US20140166630A1

The plasma spraying apparatus includes a cathode, a first gas nozzle surrounding a head of the cathode therewith to form a first gas path outside of the cathode, and a second gas nozzle surrounding the first gas nozzle therewith to form a second gas path outside of the first gas nozzle. The second gas nozzle is formed with a wire path through which a wire is inserted such that a distal end of the wire is disposed in front of a nozzle opening of the second gas nozzle. The wire path has a substantially rectangular cross-section having a longer side extending in a direction in which the plasma flame extends, the wire path causing the wire to bend within elastic limit of the wire.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170086284A1

An apparatus is disclosed wherein an electric arc is employed to heat an injected gas to a very high temperature. The apparatus comprises four internal components: a button cathode and three cylindrical co-axial components, a first short pilot insert, a second long insert and an anode. Vortex generators are located between these components for generating a vortex flow in the gas injected in the apparatus and which is to be heated at very high temperature by the electric arc struck between the anode and cathode. Cooling is provided to prevent melting of three of the internal components, i.e. the cathode, the anode and the pilot insert. However, to limit the heat loss to the cooling fluid, the long insert is made of an insulating material. In this way, more electrical energy is transferred to the gas. 1. A gas heater plasma torch adapted for operating in the non-transferred arc mode , characterized by a high transfer efficiency of heat to the injected gas , and comprising:a cylindrical torch body,a cylindrical rear electrode mounted coaxially within the torch body,a short pilot tubular electrode bored through, mounted coaxially with and in front of the rear electrode,a long tubular insert bored through, mounted coaxially with and in front of the short pilot electrode,a short front electrode bored through, mounted coaxially with and in front of the long tubular insert,a cylindrical tubular housing mounted between both the electrodes and the long tubular insert and the cylindrical torch body to provide sealed passages for a fluid coolant circulated through said passages to remove heat from the electrodes and the long tubular insert during operation of the torch,first vortex generator provided between the rear electrode and the pilot electrode for generating a vortex flow of the appropriate gas in the chamber between the rear and pilot electrodes,second vortex generator provided between the pilot electrode and the long tubular insert for generating a vortex flow of the ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Plasma Cutting Torch, Nozzle And Shield Cap

Номер: US20160089744A1
Автор: Namburu Praveen K.

A plasma torch assembly, and components thereof, is provided with optimized attributes to allow for improved torch durability add versatility. A torch nozzle is provided having a novel design, including exterior cooling channels running along a length of the nozzle. An improved inner retaining cap assembly is provided which imparts a swirl on shield gas flow. Additionally, a shield cap and outer retainer have optimized geometries to allow the torch to be made narrower to facilitate the cutting of complex 3-D shapes and bevel cuts not attainable with known mechanized plasma torches. 1. A plasma cutting nozzle; comprising:an upstream portion having at least two o-ring grooves, a nozzle removing groove on an outer surface thereof and a first maximum outside diameter, where said first maximum outside diameter is the largest outside diameter of said nozzle; a cylindrical portion having a second maximum outside diameter which is smaller than said first maximum outside diameter;', 'an angled portion, positioned downstream of said cylindrical portion, having a conical shape which reduces the outside diameter of said nozzle from said second maximum outside diameter; and', 'a plurality of cooling channels positioned radially around an outer surface of said transition portion;, 'a transition portion coupled to and positioned adjacent to said upstream portion in a downstream direction relative to a flow along said nozzle, said transition portion comprising at least one o-ring groove;', 'an inner retaining cap seat portion; and', 'a distal cooling portion having a cylindrical shape and a flat distal end surface, wherein said retaining cap seat portion is positioned between said at least one o-ring groove and said distal cooling portion; and, 'a distal portion coupled to and positioned adjacent to said transition portion in a downstream direction relative to a flow along said nozzle, said distal portion comprisingan inner cavity within said nozzle which comprises a swirl ring ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Portable plasma device

Номер: US20200083023A1

The present disclosure relates to a portable plasma device which is convenient to carry and has excellent performance and is capable of simply, uniformly, and locally treating an inner surface of a microstructure such as a microwell plate by easily adjusting a plasma flame.

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Plasma Cutting Torch, Nozzle And Shield Cap

Номер: US20160095195A1
Автор: Namburu Praveen K.

A plasma torch assembly, and components thereof, is provided with optimized attributes to allow for improved torch durability add versatility. A torch nozzle is provided having a novel design, including exterior cooling channels running along a length of the nozzle. An improved inner retaining cap assembly is provided which imparts a swirl on shield gas flow. Additionally, a shield cap and outer retainer have optimized geometries to allow the torch to be made narrower to facilitate the cutting of complex 3-D shapes and bevel cuts not attainable with known mechanized plasma torches. 1. A plasma torch nozzle retaining cap assembly , comprising: a cylindrically shaped main portion which has a maximum outer diameter which is the maximum outer diameter of said inner retaining cap; and', 'an angular transition portion coupled to said main portion which couples said cylindrical shaped main portion to a second cylindrical portion having an outer diameter which is smaller than said maximum outer diameter, said angular transition portion comprising a swirler engagement portion coupled to an outer surface of said angular transition portion; and, 'an inner retaining cap, said cap comprisinga swirler having a ring shape with an inner diameter profile and an outer diameter profile and a radial center, where said inner diameter profile engages with said engagement portion and has at least one inner surface which does not make contact with said angular transition portion,wherein said swirler comprises a plurality of radially distributed channels, where each of said channels has an entrance in said outer diameter profile and an exit in said at least one inner surface, andwherein at least some of said channels are oriented such that the centerline of each of said at least some channels are offset from lines parallel to each of said centerlines, respectively, which pass through the radial center of said swirler by a distance.2. The plasma torch nozzle retaining cap assembly of claim 1 ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190090338A1

Embodiments described herein generally relate to plasma assisted or plasma enhanced processing chambers. More specifically, embodiments herein relate to electrostatic chucking (ESC) substrate supports configured to provide pulsed DC voltage, and methods of applying a pulsed DC voltage, to a substrate during plasma assisted or plasma enhanced semiconductor manufacturing processes. 1. A processing method , comprising:electrically coupling a first DC power source to a chucking electrode embedded in a substrate support assembly, the substrate support assembly comprising a substrate support formed of a dielectric material and a support base, wherein the substrate support assembly is disposed in a processing volume of a processing chamber;electrically coupling a second DC power source to a plurality of conductive elements disposed in the substrate support and extending from a substrate support surface thereof;electrically coupling a first DC power from the first DC power source to a reference voltage contact of the second DC power source;applying the first DC power from the first DC power source to the chucking electrode; andapplying a second DC power from the second DC power source to the plurality of conductive elements.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the second DC power comprises pulsing the second DC power by operating a switch disposed between the second DC power source and the plurality of conductive elements.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the support base is electrically conductive claim 2 , and wherein the plurality of conductive elements is electrically coupled to the support base.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein pulsing the second DC power comprises cyclically pulsing the second DC power at a frequency between about 10 Hz and about 100 kHz.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein a duty cycle of the cyclically pulsed second DC power is between about 10% and about 90%.6. The method of claim 2 , further comprising forming a plasma in the processing ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190090339A1

A plasma torch having an open end from which a plasma plume is emitted in use is disclosed. The plasma torch comprises a central cathode rod and a grounded conductive tube. The grounded conductive tube has an open end and is arranged around the cathode and spaced therefrom to form a first cylindrical cavity open at one end. In use, an arc discharge between the cathode and grounded conductive tube ionizes a feed gas to produce a central thermal plasma emitted from the open end of the first cavity. The central cathode rod also comprises a tapered end which causes the location of the arc discharge on the central cathode rod to be, in use, fixed at the tapered end of the cathode. The grounded conductive tube also comprises a lip which helps to control the energy distribution of the plasma plume emitted. Advantages of the present invention may be that the grounded conductive tube is interchangeable, thus a variety of lip geometries, and hence a variety of energy distributions, may be implemented, which may allow the plasma torch to be used in a much wider range of treatments. 1. A plasma torch having an open end from which a plasma plume ,for use in therapeutic treatment of tissue in vivo, including skin or wounds, is emitted in use, comprising:a central cathode rod;a grounded conductive tube having an open end and being arranged around the cathode and spaced therefrom to form a first cylindrical cavity open at one end in which, in use, an arc discharge between the cathode and grounded conductive tube ionizes a feed gas to produce a central thermal plasma emitted from the open end of the first cavity;wherein the central cathode rod comprises a tapered end configured to maintain a location of the arc discharge on the central cathode rod to be, in use, fixed at the tapered end of the cathode; andwherein the open end of the grounded conductive tube comprises a lip which, in use, focuses and/or centralizes the central thermal plasma emitted from the open end of the first ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150102019A1

The present invention is to solve the problems described above and to provide the plasma torch nozzle of graphite material coupled to the front electrode of the plasma torch by bolts. 118111. A plasma torch nozzle for use in a plasma torch having a front electrode , characterized by that the torch nozzle is fixedly coupled to the front electrode of the plasma torch by one or more bolts .2. The plasma torch nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the torch nozzle is made of graphite. The present invention is directed to a plasma torch nozzle, especially, the plasma torch nozzle of graphite material fixedly attached to a front electrode of a plasma torch.Thermal plasma is generally used for disposal of wastes, development of new material, elimination of noxious gases, etc.The core technology in thermal plasma relates to plasma torch generating ultra high temperature of plasma. Among the plasma torches, DC (direct current) arc plasma torch of hollow type is most widely used.The plasma torch of hollow type has electrode generating DC arc inside. The electrode has a particularly designed inner space of which the front side and the rear side have a front electrode and a rear electrode, respectively, to confine ultra high temperature of plasma that is conductive fluid and to give necessary properties. The inner space is connected to the electric discharge electrode of the torch nozzle and serves as guide to finally discharge the plasma focused on a fluid arc spot to the outside.Particularly, the electrode and electrode nozzle of the plasma torch are made of OPC (oxygen free copper) material for easy arc ignition.However, since the front electrode and electrode nozzle of OPC material are places on which DC arc spot is focused, they are fast eroded due to high temperature of arc heat.Still in the case of torch of reverse polarity type, the erosion in the cathode spot is larger than in the anode spot.And in a melting furnace system using the plasma torch, the torch electric discharge ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150103860A1
Автор: Foret Todd

An inductively coupled plasma device includes a rotary furnace tube and an inductively coupled plasma source. The rotary furnace tube has a first end, a second end and a longitudinal axis. In a first embodiment, the inductively coupled plasma source is disposed proximate to the first end of the rotary furnace tube and is aligned with the longitudinal axis of the rotary furnace such that the inductively coupled plasma source discharges a plasma into the rotary furnace tube. In a second embodiment, the inductively coupled plasma source is a ground electrode disposed within and aligned with the longitudinal axis of the rotary furnace tube, and a second electromagnetic radiation source disposed around or within the rotary furnace tube that generates a wave energy. The inductively coupled plasma source discharges a plasma within the rotary furnace tube. 1. An inductively coupled plasma device comprising:a rotary furnace tube having a first end, a second end and a longitudinal axis;an inductively coupled plasma source disposed proximate to the first end of the rotary furnace tube and aligned with the longitudinal axis of the rotary furnace such that the inductively coupled plasma source discharges a plasma into the rotary furnace tube.2. The inductively coupled plasma device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the plasma sinters one or more proppants introduced into the rotary furnace tube.3. The inductively coupled plasma device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the rotary furnace tube comprises a graphite tube.4. The inductively coupled plasma device as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a second electromagnetic radiation source disposed around or within the rotary furnace tube.5. The inductively coupled plasma device as recited in claim 4 , wherein the second electromagnetic radiation source comprises one or more induction coils claim 4 , a microwave source claim 4 , or a waveguide coupled to the microwave source.6. The inductively coupled plasma device as recited in ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Shape Memory Alloy Starter for a Plasma Cutting Torch or Welder

Номер: US20210101224A1
Автор: Nadler Michael

A plasma arc torch comprises an electrode, a tip, and a shape memory alloy (SMA) starter. The electrode and the tip that are aligned concentrically with a gap therebetween. The electrode is adapted for electrical connection to a cathodic side of a power supply and the tip is adapted for electrical connection to an anodic side of the power supply during piloting. The SMA starter comprises a SMA starter element disposed between the electrode and the tip and is configured deform when heated. A deformation of the SMA starter element draws a pilot arc that extends at least partially through the gap between the electrode and the tip. 1. A plasma arc torch comprising:an electrode and a tip that are aligned concentrically with a gap therebetween, the electrode adapted for electrical connection to a cathodic side of a power supply, and the tip adapted for electrical connection to an anodic side of the power supply during piloting; anda shape memory alloy (SMA) starter comprising a SMA starter element disposed between the electrode and the tip, wherein the SMA starter element is configured to deform when heated, and wherein a deformation of the SMA starter element draws a pilot arc that extends at least partially through the gap between the electrode and the tip.2. The plasma arc torch according to claim 1 , further comprising a gas distributor disposed between the electrode and the tip.3. The plasma arc torch according to claim 1 , wherein the SMA starter element is in contact with the tip when in a rest state claim 1 , and the deformation of the SMA starter element causes the SMA starter element to move to a deformed state where the SMA starter element is spaced apart from the tip.4. The plasma arc torch according to claim 3 , wherein the SMA starter element contacts the electrode when in the deformed state.5. The plasma arc torch according to claim 3 , wherein the SMA starter element is not in contact with the tip and is not in contact with the electrode when in the ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190098738A1

A kit of parts for use in treatment of tissue by a contained plasma and/or plasma products is disclosed. The kit of parts includes a plasma generating device for use with a membrane dressing attached to tissue requiring treatment. The plasma generating device comprises a first cavity with an opening at one end formed between a grounded electrode and a cathode such that, in use, an arc discharge between the cathode and the grounded electrode ionizes a feed gas to produce at the open end a thermal plasma. Furthermore, the plasma generating device also comprises a second cavity with an opening at one end formed between a high voltage electrode and a grounded electrode such that, in use, a dielectric barrier discharge between the high voltage electrode and grounded electrode ionizes a feed gas to produce at the open end a non-thermal plasma. The membrane dressing is suitable for covering tissue in use, such as a diabetic ulcer, and comprises a sheet of impermeable material configured for forming a plasma containment compartment adjacent to the tissue. The membrane dressing also comprises one or more input connectors configured to admit plasma and/or plasma products through the membrane dressing. The plasma generating device and the one or more input convectors of the membrane dressing are configured to allow the plasma generating device and the input connector to be directly coupled or indirectly coupled through a connector tube to allow fluid communication of the plasma and/or plasma products produced at the openings of the cavities of the plasma generating device through the membrane dressing to, in use, allow conduction of the produced plasma into the membrane dressing. Advantages of such a kit of parts may be that the membrane dressing does not need to be removed to inspect the progress of the wound, nor does it need to be removed and replaced to manage the exudate. Such advantages helps to mitigate the problems of wound aggravation and maceration typically ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140183170A1

An electrode for a plasma arc torch includes a conductive body and a plurality of emissive inserts. The conductive body includes a proximal end portion, a distal end portion and a cavity extending from the proximal end portion to the distal end portion. The distal end portion defines a distal end face. The plurality of emissive inserts extend through the distal end face. The conductive body further defines a dimple extending into the distal end face and at least partially into the emissive inserts. The dimple is positioned concentrically about a centerline of the conductive body. 1. An electrode for use in a plasma arc torch , comprising:a conductive body including a proximal end portion, a distal end portion and a cavity extending from the proximal end portion to the distal end portion, the distal end portion defining a distal end face; anda plurality of emissive inserts extending through the distal end face,wherein the conductive body defines a dimple extending into the distal end face and at least partially into the emissive inserts, the dimple positioned concentrically about a centerline of the conductive body.2. The electrode according to claim 1 , wherein the dimple is disposed at a center of the distal end face.3. The electrode according to claim 1 , wherein the dimple extends into approximately 50% of an exposed area of the emissive inserts.4. The electrode according to claim 1 , further comprising:an angled sidewall extending from the distal end face to a cylindrical sidewall of the conductive body; anda plurality of notches extending into the distal end face and the angled sidewall.5. The electrode according to claim 4 , wherein the notches are evenly spaced around an interface between the distal end face and the angled sidewall.6. The electrode according to claim 1 , further comprising a central protrusion disposed within the central cavity and at the distal end portion of the conductive body claim 1 , wherein the plurality of emissive inserts extend into ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Thermal plasma processing apparatus

Номер: US20220151053A1

The present disclosure relates to a thermal plasma processing apparatus capable of efficiently using thermal plasma and securing a reaction time for the thermal decomposition of the processing gas. A Thermal plasma processing apparatus according to an embodiment of the present disclosure includes a torch part in which an arc is generated between a negative electrode and a positive electrode, and in which a processing gas to be thermally decomposed by the arc is injected between the negative electrode and the positive electrode, a power supply part configured to be connected to the negative electrode and the positive electrode and to apply a high voltage between the negative electrode and the positive electrode, and a reaction part configured to communicate with the torch part and to generate turbulence in the processing gas passing through the torch part.

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180103535A1

In some aspects, nozzles for a plasma arc torch can include a first body having a first end, a second end, and a longitudinal axis; and a second body disposed about a portion of the first body to complement the first body, the second body defining a set of channels formed on an internal surface shaped to form a set of liquid flow passages between the first body and the second body, the second body at least partially defining at least one inlet and at least one outlet to the set of liquid flow passages. 1. A nozzle for a plasma arc torch , the nozzle comprising:a first body having a first tip end, a second end, and a longitudinal axis; and 'the second body at least partially defining at least one coolant inlet and at least one coolant outlet to the set of longitudinal liquid flow passages; and', 'a second body disposed about a portion of the first body to complement the first body, the second body comprising a set of axial features extending inwardly from an internal surface of the second body, the axial features having a radial height sufficient to contact the first body and being shaped to form a set of longitudinal liquid flow passages forming a coolant loop between the first body and the second body,'}a fluid seal formed between the first body and the second body at or near the first tip end to limit liquid within the coolant loop from exiting the nozzle at the tip end of the nozzle, receive a liquid coolant from the at least one inlet;', 'direct the liquid coolant distally between the first body and second body toward the tip end; and', 'direct the liquid coolant proximally away from the tip end and expel the liquid coolant from between the first body and second body through the at least one outlet., 'the set of liquid flow passages defined by the axial features being configured to2. The nozzle of wherein the second body is formed of an electrically insulative material.3. The nozzle of wherein an outer surface of the second body defines a set of annular channels ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210104393A1

The present disclosure relates to systems and methods for ionizing a surface. In one implementation, an ionization source may include a microhollow cathode plasma or micro cavity plasma (MCP)-based ion source having a cavity and generating a plasma. A gas stream may pass through the cavity and transport the plasma. The source may further include one or more conductive electrodes located downstream from the MCP and configured to have a potential relative to the MCP such that positive and negative ions included in the plasma are carried through the electrodes by the gas stream. In another implementation, a mixer may mix a dopant (e.g. water) with the gas stream (e.g. air) entering the discharge. The disclosure also relates to a surface ionization probe. 1. An ionization source , comprising:a micro cavity plasma (MCP)-based ion source having a cavity and generating a plasma, wherein a gas stream passing through the cavity transports the plasma; andone or more conductive electrodes located downstream from the MCP and configured to have a potential relative to the MCP such that positive and negative ions included in the plasma pass through the electrodes.2. The ionization source of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the conductive electrodes is further configured to absorb substantially all electrons from the plasma.3. The ionization source of claim 2 , wherein at least one of the conductive electrodes comprises a grid that absorbs electrons but allows ions to pass.4. The ionization source of claim 2 , wherein a first conductive electrode is configured to repel electrons claim 2 , and a second conductive electrode located upstream from the first electrode is configured to absorb the repelled electrons.5. The ionization source of claim 1 , wherein the ion source comprises two or more MCPs in parallel claim 1 , the plasma voltages or currents in each cavity being controlled independently.6. An ionization source claim 1 , comprising:a micro cavity plasma (MCP)-based ion ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170158A1

Provided is a film forming device that deposits, on a substrate, a product generated by decomposing raw material gas by a plasma discharged from a discharge port of a double tube, the device including: an inner tube through which raw material gas containing a film-forming raw material flows and is guided to the discharge port on a downstream side; an outer tube that has the inner tube inserted thereinto and through which plasma-generating gas flows and a plasma generated by discharge is guided to the discharge port on the downstream side; a first electrode that is formed in an annular shape around the outer tube and grounded; and a second electrode that is formed in an annular shape around the outer tube and to which a voltage is applied. The second electrode is disposed on the downstream side with respect to the first electrode, and assuming that a length of the second electrode in an axial direction is L1 and a diameter of the outer tube is D1, a relationship of L1≥D1 is satisfied. 1. A film forming device that deposits , on a substrate , a product generated by decomposing raw material gas by a plasma discharged from a discharge port of a double tube , the device comprising:an inner tube through which raw material gas containing a film-forming raw material flows and is guided to the discharge port on a downstream side;an outer tube that has the inner tube inserted thereinto and through which plasma-generating gas flows and a plasma generated by an electric discharge is guided to the discharge port on the downstream side;a first electrode that is formed in an annular shape around the outer tube and grounded; anda second electrode that is formed in an annular shape around the outer tube and to which a voltage is applied,wherein the second electrode is disposed on the downstream side with respect to the first electrode, and assuming that a length of the second electrode in an axial direction is L1 and a diameter of the outer tube is D1, a relationship of L1≥D1 is ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Coated nozzles for arc torches

Номер: US20210105888A1
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

In one aspect, nozzles for arc torches are described herein comprising refractory coatings for increasing nozzle operational lifetimes via resistance to weld splatter and the associated accumulation of molten metal deposits. In one aspect, a nozzle for an arc torch comprises a first body including a central bore and an exterior surface. A coating is adhered to the exterior surface by thermal spray, physical vapor deposition (PVD), or chemical vapor deposition (CVD), the coating comprising a refractory layer including one or more metallic elements selected from the group consisting of aluminum, silicon and metallic elements of Groups IIIB-VIIIB of the Periodic Table and one or more non-metallic elements selected from Groups IIIA, IVA, VA, and VIA of the Periodic Table.

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Electric arc cutting or welding torch with rapid assembly system

Номер: US20170106464A1
Принадлежит: Air Liquide Welding France

The invention relates to an electric arc cutting or welding torch comprising a torch body and torch head to be assembled to or disassembled from the torch body, the torch body comprising a peripheral wall and an axial housing, the axial housing comprising an orifice for receipt of at least part of the torch head, an actuator which is mobile in translation in the axial housing, at least one blocking element which is fitted so as to be mobile on the peripheral wall, the blocking element and the torch head each comprising reciprocal engagement means, the actuator being configured to maintain the blocking element spaced relative to the peripheral wall, the actuator also being configured to be displaced in the axial housing when the torch head is inserted in the orifice.

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Device and method for plasma cutting of work pieces

Номер: US20210121993A1
Автор: Nakhleh A. Hussary
Принадлежит: Linde GmbH

The present invention relates to a device for plasma cutting, comprising a cutting torch ( 100 ) provided with an electrode ( 120 ), which is coaxially surrounded by a nozzle ( 110 ), thereby defining a passage ( 112 ) for passing of a plasma gas between electrode and nozzle, wherein the nozzle is coaxially surrounded by a shielding cap ( 122 ), thereby defining a passage ( 114 ) for passing of a shielding flow between nozzle and shielding cap, the device further comprising an annular member ( 200 ) coaxially surrounding the cutting torch ( 100 ) configured and adapted to provide a further curtain flow coaxially surrounding the shielding flow through passage ( 250 a and 250 b ) wherein annular member ( 200 ) is configured and adapted for use of CO 2 -snow or a mixture containing CO 2 -snow as shielding flow.

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101552A1
Автор: Walker James M.

A retrofit module includes at least one of a current sensing component that has a first circuit or a voltage sensing component that has a second circuit. The current sensing component and the voltage sensing component may be disposed in a torch head of a welding or plasma cutting torch. The current sensing component is configured to measure a welding or plasma cutting current of the torch head, and the voltage sensing component is configured to measure a welding or plasma cutting voltage of the torch head. 1. A welding or plasma cutting torch , comprising:a voltage sensing component at least partially disposed within a body of the welding or plasma cutting torch and comprising voltage sensing circuitry, wherein the voltage sensing component is configured to measure a welding or plasma cutting voltage of the welding or plasma cutting torch.2. The welding or plasma cutting torch of claim 1 , wherein the voltage sensing circuitry is configured to convert the measured welding or plasma cutting voltage into an output signal claim 1 , and to transmit the output signal to a processing system.3. The welding or plasma cutting torch of claim 1 , wherein a welding or plasma cutting system comprises the welding or plasma cutting torch.4. The welding or plasma cutting torch of claim 3 , wherein the welding or plasma cutting system comprises a training system.5. The welding or plasma cutting torch of claim 3 , wherein the welding or plasma cutting system comprises a power source that is not configured to measure a current or a voltage within the power source.6. The welding or plasma cutting torch of claim 1 , wherein the welding or plasma cutting torch comprises a first conductor configured to convey a current through a torch head of the welding or plasma cutting torch claim 1 , wherein the voltage sensing component comprises a second conductor claim 1 , and wherein the voltage sensing component is configured to measure a difference between a first voltage of the first conductor ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140190944A1

A system for providing a dynamically controlled plasma cutting system. The plasma cutting system includes a proportional valve and a sensing device arrangement and a controller connected to this arrangement. The system is configured to dynamically control gas flow in a plasma torch. The system measures gas pressure at a proportional valve and makes necessary gas pressure adjustments in the system by way of controlling a drive signal sent to the proportional valve to control gas flow. 124.-. (canceled)25. A plasma cutting system comprising:a power source configured to generate plasma cutting power;a plasma torch coupled to the power source;a gas flow system configured to receive pressurized gas and provide a gas flow to the plasma torch;a proportional valve configured to regulate the gas flow; anda controller configured to regulate operation of the proportional valve by controlling a drive signal sent to the proportional valve, wherein the controller determines input pressure of the plasma cutting system based on an output pressure of the plasma cutting system and the drive signal.26. The plasma cutting system of claim 25 , wherein the drive signal is one of a current signal and a voltage signal.27. The plasma cutting system of claim 25 , wherein the proportional valve has an adjustable orifice to control gas flow incrementally with the drive signal.28. The plasma cutting system of claim 27 , wherein a size of the adjustable orifice is controlled by the drive signal.29. The plasma cutting system of claim 27 , wherein the gas flow through the orifice is blocked when the drive signal is terminated claim 27 , and the controller alters the drive signal to achieve a desired pressure set point based on output pressure feedback from the proportional valve.30. The plasma cutting system of claim 29 , comprising a pressure sensor configured to measure the proportional valve output pressure.31. The plasma cutting system of claim 25 , comprising a flow sensor configured to ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Interchangeable Power Contact for a Plasma Arc Cutting System

Номер: US20160113102A1

A power contact for a liquid-cooled plasma arc cutting system is provided. The cutting system includes a torch body and a lower torch assembly. The power contact comprises a substantially hollow body including an upper portion and a lower portion, and an external surface of the upper portion of the hollow body configured to matingly engage the torch body. The power contact further includes a thread region disposed on an internal surface of the hollow body. The thread region is configured to retain an electrode holder of the lower torch assembly of the plasma arc cutting system to matingly engage the lower torch assembly and secure the lower torch assembly to the torch body. 1. A power contact for a liquid-cooled plasma arc cutting system that includes a torch body and a lower torch assembly , the power contact comprising:a substantially hollow body including an upper portion and a lower portion;an external surface of the upper portion of the hollow body configured to matingly engage the torch body; anda thread region disposed on an internal surface of the hollow body, the thread region configured to retain an electrode holder of the lower torch assembly of the plasma arc cutting system to matingly engage the lower torch assembly and secure the lower torch assembly to the torch body.2. The power contact of claim 1 , wherein the hollow body orients the electrode holder and a gas baffle of the lower torch assembly relative to the torch body.3. The power contact of claim 1 , wherein the hollow body radially and axially aligns an electrode and a nozzle of the lower torch assembly relative to the torch body.4. The power contact of claim 1 , wherein the hollow body radially and axially aligns a gas baffle and a gas sealing member of the lower torch assembly relative to the torch body.5. The power contact of claim 1 , wherein the power contact is non-axially symmetric.6. The power contact of claim 1 , further comprising an anti-rotation element disposed on at least one of ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160115048A1
Автор: Foret Todd

The present invention provides a system that includes a glow discharge cell and a plasma arc torch. A first valve is connected to a wastewater source. An eductor has a first inlet, a second inlet and an outlet, wherein the first inlet is connected to the outlet of the electrically conductive cylindrical vessel, the second inlet is connected to the first valve, and the outlet is connected to the tangential inlet of the plasma arc torch. A second valve is connected between the tangential outlet of the plasma arc torch and the inlet of the glow discharge cell, such that the plasma arc torch provides the electrically conductive fluid to the glow discharge cell and the glow discharge cell provides a treated water via the outlet centered in the closed second end. 1. A system comprising: an electrically conductive cylindrical vessel having a first end and a closed second end, an inlet proximate to the first end, and an outlet centered in the closed second end,', 'a hollow electrode aligned with a longitudinal axis of the electrically conductive cylindrical vessel and extending at least from the first end into the electrically conductive cylindrical vessel, wherein the hollow electrode has an inlet and an outlet,', 'a first insulator that seals the first end of the electrically conductive cylindrical vessel around the hollow electrode and maintains a substantially equidistant gap between the electrically conductive cylindrical vessel and the hollow electrode, and', 'a non-conductive granular material disposed within the substantially equidistant gap, wherein the non-conductive granular material allows an electrically conductive fluid to flow between the electrically conductive cylindrical vessel and the hollow electrode, and the combination of the non-conductive granular material and the electrically conductive fluid prevents electrical arcing between the cylindrical vessel and the hollow electrode during an electric glow discharge;, 'a glow discharge cell comprising a ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

System, Method and Apparatus for Recovering Mining Fluids from Mining Byproducts

Номер: US20170111985A1
Автор: Todd Foret
Принадлежит: Foret Plasma Labs LLC

A system, method and apparatus for recovering mining fluids from mining byproducts uses a plasma arc torch and a screw feed unit. The plasma arc torch includes a cylindrical vessel, a first tangential inlet/outlet connected to or proximate to a first end, a second tangential inlet/outlet connected to or proximate to a second end, an electrode housing connected to the first end such that a first electrode is (a) aligned with a longitudinal axis of the cylindrical vessel, and (b) extends into the cylindrical vessel, and a hollow electrode nozzle is connected to the second end such that the hollow electrode nozzle is aligned with the longitudinal axis, the hollow electrode nozzle is partially disposed within the cylindrical vessel and outside the cylindrical vessel. The screw feed unit has an inlet and an outlet, the outlet aligned with the centerline and proximate to the hollow electrode nozzle.

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108469A1

A silver-copper cutting electrode assembly, and method of manufacture is provided with optimized attributes to allow for improved durability, integrity and manufacturability. An electrode has a silver tip portion which is brazed to a copper body portion where the silver portion and joint have a particular structural relationship. 1. A composite plasma cutting electrode , comprising:a body portion made from a first material having a wall portion defining a cavity and a distal end having an distal end face and a first shoulder engagement portion which extends upstream from said distal end face, where said first shoulder engagement portion comprises first and second surfaces; anda tip portion made from a second material, said tip portion having a further distal end face and a tip cavity in said further distal end face with an emissive insert disposed in said tip cavity, an upstream end face, and a second shoulder engagement portion extending downstream from said upstream end face, and having a first and second surface,wherein said upstream end face of said tip portion makes direct physical contact with said first surface of said first shoulder engagement portion;wherein said second surface of said first shoulder engagement portion is adjacent to said second surface of said second shoulder engagement portion such that a first gap exists between said respective second surfaces,wherein said first surface of said second shoulder engagement portion is adjacent to said distal end face of said body portion such that a second gap exists between said first surface of said second shoulder engagement portion and said distal end face of said body portion, andwherein each of said first and second gaps are filled with a brazing material which secures said body portion to said tip portion.2. The composite plasma cutting electrode of claim 1 , wherein said second gap is in the range of 0.001 to 0.006 in.3. The composite plasma cutting electrode of claim 2 , wherein said first gap is ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108470A1

A silver-copper cutting electrode assembly, and method of manufacture is provided with optimized attributes to allow for improved durability, integrity and manufacturability. An electrode has a silver tip portion which is brazed to a copper body portion where the silver portion and joint have a particular structural relationship. 1. A method of manufacturing a composite plasma cutting electrode , comprising:providing a body portion made from a first material having a wall portion defining a cavity and a distal end having an distal end face and a first shoulder engagement portion which extends upstream from said distal end face, where said first shoulder engagement portion comprises first and second surfaces;providing a tip portion made from a second material, said tip portion having a further distal end face and a tip cavity in said further distal end face with an emissive insert disposed in said tip cavity, an upstream end face, and a second shoulder engagement portion extending downstream from said upstream end face, and having a first and second surface,inserting said tip portion into said distal end of said body portion such that said upstream end face of said tip portion makes direct physical contact with said first surface of said first shoulder engagement portion, where said second surface of said first shoulder engagement portion is adjacent to said second surface of said second shoulder engagement portion such that a first gap exists between said respective second surfaces, and where said first surface of said second shoulder engagement portion is adjacent to said distal end face of said body portion such that a second gap exists between said first surface of said second shoulder engagement portion and said distal end face of said body portion; andbrazing said tip portion to said body portion to join said body portion and said tip portion using a brazing material, wherein each of said first and second gaps are filled with said brazing material.2. The method ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160120014A1

The invention relates to a single or multipart insulating component for a plasma torch, particularly a plasma cutting torch, for electrical insulation between at least two electrically conductive components of the plasma torch, characterized in that the insulating component consists of an electrically non-conductive and easily thermally conductive material, or at least one part thereof consists of an electrically non-conductive and easily thermally conductive material. The invention further relates to assemblies and plasma torches having the same and to a method for processing, plasma cutting and plasma welding. 1. A one- or multipart insulating part for a plasma torch , for electrical insulation between at least two electrically conductive components of the plasma torch , characterized in thatthe insulating part consists of an electrically nonconductive material with good thermal conductivity or at least a part thereof consists of an electrically nonconductive material with good thermal conductivity.2. The insulating part as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the insulating part consists of at least two parts claim 1 , wherein one of the parts consists of an electrically nonconductive material with good thermal conductivity and the other or at least one other of the parts consists of an electrically nonconductive and thermally nonconductive material.3. The insulating part as claimed in claim 2 , characterized in that the part that consists of an electrically nonconductive material with good thermal conductivity has at least one surface that functions as a contact face claim 2 , said surface being aligned with or projecting beyond an immediately adjacent surface of the part that consists of an electrically nonconductive and thermally nonconductive material.4. The insulating part as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the insulating part consists of at least two parts claim 1 , wherein one of the parts consists of a material with good electrical ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160120015A1
Автор: Crowe George A.

An electrode-supporting assembly for a contact-start plasma arc torch has an insulator that partially houses an electrode, and employs a spring-loaded plunger to bias the electrode to a forward position. The spring is engaged between the plunger and a contact element attached to the insulator, and may conduct electrical current to the electrode. The plunger, spring, and contact element are retained in the insulator when the torch is opened to replace the electrode, which is a consumable part. The electrode and the plunger have axially-engagable mating surfaces to assure good thermal and electrical conductivity therebetween. Conductivity can be further enhanced by forming the plunger of silver or a silver-bearing alloy. In some embodiments, a passage through the insulator is partitioned into forward and rear chambers, with the plunger, spring, and contact element trapped in the rear chamber. 2. The assembly of wherein said electrode rear terminal surface and said plunger front contact surface are mateable non-planar surfaces.3. The assembly of wherein said electrode rear terminal surface and said plunger front contact surface are substantially frustoconical surfaces.4. The assembly of wherein said means for maintaining engagement of said plunger claim 3 , said resilient element claim 3 , and said contact element is provided by a frictional engagement of said resilient element with said contact element and with said rear section of said plunger.5. The assembly of wherein said means for maintaining engagement of said plunger claim 2 , said resilient element claim 2 , and said contact element further comprises:a central band of said insulator having a cross section sized to form an opening sized such that said plunger cannot pass therethrough, said central band defining a forward chamber, in which at least a portion of said electrode resides, and a rear chamber, in which said contact element, said resilient element, and at least a portion of said plunger reside, said ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Plasma Power Tool

Номер: US20180116043A1

A hand-held plasma power tool is provided, which includes a hand-held housing, a plasma delivery tip section at least partially disposed within the housing for delivering a plasma arc to a workpiece, an air compressor disposed within the housing for providing a gas to the plasma delivery tip section, and a power source disposed within the housing for providing a current to at least one of the air compressor or the plasma delivery tip section. The hand-held plasma power tool further comprises a handle section defined by at least a portion of the housing. The handle section is configured to enable an operator to manipulate the plasma power tool by hand while delivering the plasma arc to the workpiece. 1. A hand-held plasma power tool comprising:a hand-held housing;a plasma delivery tip section at least partially disposed within the housing for delivering a plasma arc to a workpiece;an air compressor disposed within the housing for providing a gas to the plasma delivery tip section;a power source disposed within the housing for providing a current to at least one of the air compressor or the plasma delivery tip section; anda handle section defined by at least a portion of the housing, the handle section being configured to enable an operator to manipulate the plasma power tool by hand while delivering the plasma arc to the workpiece.2. The hand-held plasma power tool of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the air compressor or the power source is disposed in the handle section of the housing.3. The hand-held plasma power tool of claim 2 , wherein the air compressor is disposed in a holder portion of the handle section and the power source is disposed in a base portion of the handle section.4. The hand-held plasma power tool of claim 1 , further comprising a trigger disposed on an external surface of the handle section claim 1 , the trigger configured to initiate the plasma arc.5. The hand-held plasma power tool of claim 1 , wherein the housing encases a plurality of ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170118831A1
Автор: HWANG Won-Gyu

The present invention relates to a plasma torch including: a tube including: a first diameter part provided with a hollow channel; and a second diameter part provided at a predetermined position on the outer circumferential surface of the first diameter part; a body including: a housing part receiving the tube therein; and a plurality of first and second discharge holes formed at predetermined positions in longitudinal directions of the body; an insulator including a plurality of first discharge flow lines formed at predetermined positions vertically located from the body; an amplification tube including a space part communicating with the second discharge holes; a housing including a plurality of second discharge flow lines formed at predetermined positions of an inner circumferential surface of the housing; an inner cap combined with an outer circumferential surface of the housing; and an insulation cap engaged with an outer circumferential surface of the inner cap. 1. A plasma torch comprising:a tube including: a first diameter part provided with a hollow channel to which air is introduced along a longitudinal direction; and a second diameter part provided at a predetermined position on an outer circumferential surface of the first diameter part and having a plurality of cut grooves formed in a circumferential direction of the second diameter part and spaced apart from each other at regular intervals;a body including: a housing part receiving the tube therein; and a plurality of first and second discharge holes formed at predetermined positions in longitudinal directions of the body, the first and second discharge holes being formed in circumferential directions of the body and spaced apart from each other at regular intervals, wherein two electrodes are combined with a first end of the body;an insulator including a plurality of first discharge flow lines formed at predetermined positions vertically located from the body and formed in a circumferential direction ...
