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  • Improvements in Valves more particularly for use with Piano Players, Organs, and the like.

Improvements in Valves more particularly for use with Piano Players, Organs, and the like.

Реферат: 20,135. Genzel, F. Sept. 2. No Patent granted (Sealing fee not paid). Actions.-A pneumatic relay is controlled by valves 6<a>, 6<b> disposed between adjustable ported caps 2, 3 which may screw into the board 1. The valve-member 6<a> is loosely mounted on the lifter 7, and the valve-member 6<b> is fast thereon and has a button 6<c> glued to it. The duct 8<a> loading to the power pneumatic may be normally connected either to the atmosphere or to exhaust. In the former case, when air is admitted to a diaphragm connected to the lifter 7, the valves 6<a>, 6<b> are lifted, closing one annular port 4 and opening the other, thereby cutting off the connexion of the duct 8<a> to atmosphere and connecting it to exhaust, so causing the power pneumatic to collapse. The apparatus may be arranged to work by pressure instead of by suction.