Device for Securing Locks Against being Picked.
Реферат: 11,065. Mothes, G. May 21. Keyholes, obstructing.-A device for insertion into the keyhole of a lock to prevent picking comprises a spindle a, provided with a bit b and housed within a sheath c, which is also provided with a bit d. A bayonet-slot f is cut in the sheath c to allow the bit b to take up either the position shown, i.e. on the same side as the bit d, to enable the device to be inserted into the keyhole, or a position on the opposite side to the bit d, in which case the bit b, when the device is in the keyhole, prevents its removal therefrom. A spring i maintains the bit b in either of the two positions. [Reference has been directed under Section 7 of Patents &c. Act, 1907, to Specifications No. 4841, A.D. 1878, No. 12,955, A.D. 1888, Nos. 9545 and 21,670, A.D. 1905, and No. 4177, A.D. 1907.]