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17-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2711625C2
Принадлежит: 6 ОВЕР 6 ВИЖН ЛТД. (IL)

Продукт для определения одного или более оптических параметров линзы очков содержит один или более материальных компьютерочитаемых некратковременных носителей данных, содержащих исполняемые компьютером инструкции, выполненные с возможностью, при их исполнении по меньшей мере одним компьютерным процессором, обеспечивать выполнение указанным по меньшей мере одним компьютерным процессором этапов, включающих в себя: обработку изображения объекта, захваченного устройством для захвата изображения через указанную линзу, когда линза расположена между устройством для захвата изображения и объектом; определение первого расстояния между устройством для захвата изображения и объектом, когда изображение объекта захвачено устройством для захвата изображения; определение второго расстояния между линзой и объектом, когда изображение объекта захвачено устройством для захвата изображения; и определение одного или более оптических параметров указанной линзы на основании первого расстояния, второго расстояния ...

03-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2673976C2

Группа изобретений относится к области медицины, а именно к офтальмологии. Для проверки функции контрастной чувствительности глаза используют компьютеризированную систему, включающую компьютер, монитор высокого разрешения и интерфейс пациента. Функцию контрастной чувствительности проверяют с помощью серии проверочных таблиц с наклонными решетками методом вынужденного выбора, которые предлагают пациенту. Дополнительно используют синхронизированную звуковую подсказку при демонстрации наклонных решеток. Регистрируют правильность и неправильность ответа. Анализируют ответы с использованием статистических способов психофизики. Функцию контрастной чувствительности сохраняют и наносят на график для получения количественного результата. Группа изобретений ускоряет процесс проверки контрастной чувствительности глаза и повышает точность измерения функции контрастной чувствительности глаза. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Портативное устройство для исследования зрительных функций

Номер: RU2634682C1

Изобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к офтальмологии. Для исследования зрительных функций используют портативное устройство, состоящее из шлема виртуальной реальности с дисплеем; компьютера для формирования точки фиксации, последовательного предъявления паттернов и фиксации результатов исследования; окулографа для контроля за положением линии взора и скоординированного с ним приспособления для смещения координатной сетки паттернов, предъявляемых для исследуемого глаза. Устройство позволяет исследовать зрительные функции у людей с офтальмологическими, неврологическими и когнитивными расстройствами за счет возможности одновременно с движением взора синхронно смещать координатную сетку совокупности предъявляемых диагностических паттернов. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 2 пр.

12-04-2023 дата публикации

Способ скрининговой диагностики периоперационного инсульта

Номер: RU2794222C1

Изобретение относится к медицине и может быть использовано для скрининговой диагностики периоперационного инсульта. Проводят тестирования пациента с помощью теста ПАУЗА. Предлагают поднять каждую конечность – Подъем (П). Затем врач-анестезиолог оценивает наличие остаточных явлений анестезии – Анестетик (А). Затем пациента просят улыбнуться – Улыбка (У). Затем определяют нарушения зрения – Зрение (З). Затем проверяют функцию речи – Артикуляция (А). Далее пункты тестирования при наличии отклонений от нормы оценивают в 1 балл; в случае отсутствия отклонений - 0 баллов. Пункт Анестетик оценивают в 0 баллов в случае отсутствия влияния анестезии на клиническую картину, а в случае, если анестезия затрудняет объективную оценку клинической картины, присваивают (- 1) балл. Суммируют полученные баллы. При значении от минус 1 до 0 баллов - низкая вероятность инсульта; от 1 до 2 баллов - высокая вероятность инсульта в вертебрально-базиллярном бассейне; от 3 до 4 баллов - высокая вероятность инсульта ...

18-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2706372C1
Принадлежит: 6 ОВЕР 6 ВИЖН ЛТД (IL)

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Способ проведения измерения рефракционной ошибки глаза субъекта с использованием компьютерного устройства включает этапы, согласно которым инициируют отображение целевого изображения в области отображения, инициируют инструкцию для субъекта изменить расстояние между глазом субъекта и указанной областью отображения для идентификации субъективного расстояния между указанным глазом субъекта и указанной областью отображения, на котором субъект способен ясно распознать заданный визуальный элемент указанного целевого изображения при рассматривании указанным глазом, определяют вычисленный параметр, относящийся к рефракционной ошибке указанного глаза субъекта, на основании входных данных, указывающих субъективное расстояние между указанным глазом субъекта и указанной областью отображения, а также на основании характеристики заданного визуального элемента целевого изображения и обеспечивают вывод на основании вычисленного параметра. Применение данной группы ...

30-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2704781C1

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Способ тренировки абсолютной аккомодации глаза включает нагрузку на аккомодационные мышцы глаз и расслабление аккомодации. Нагрузку на аккомодационные мышцы глаз осуществляют монокулярно с откоррегированным до эмметропии глазом, с оптотипами на расстоянии 5 метров 14 отрицательными линзами по экспоненциальной возрастающей силе для детей от 5- до 10-летнего возраста: -2.5Д, -4,2Д, -5,34Д, -6,34Д, -7.16Д, -7,66Д, -8,2Д, -8,66Д, -9,0Д, -9,34Д, -9,5Д, -9,66Д, -9,84Д, -10,0Д; от 10- до 30-летнего возраста: -3,75Д, -6,25Д, -8,0Д, -9,5Д, -10,75Д, -11,5Д, -12,25Д, -13,0Д, -13,5Д, -14,0Д, -14,25Д, -14,5Д, -14,75Д, -15,0Д, и для 40-летних и старше: -1,25Д, -2,1Д, -2,67Д, -3,17Д, -3,58Д, -3,83Д, -4,1Д, -4,33Д, -4,5Д, -4,67Д, -4,75Д, -4,83Д, -4,95Д, -5,0Д. Причем производят воздействие каждой линзой по 3-5 с, а при невозможности чтения текста через какую-либо линзу, при воздействии более 5 с, переходят к расслаблению аккомодационных мышц слабыми линзами, удерживая ...

08-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2657198C1

Изобретение относится к медицине и медицинской технике и предназначено для отбора лиц для деятельности, требующей хорошей разрешающей способности зрительных событий во времени, ограниченной инерционностью зрения, и может найти применение в авиационно-космической, транспортной и спортивной практике. На испытуемом закрепляют носимое устройство: шлем, очки или линзы, формирующее дополненную реальность, которое входит в состав аппаратно-программного комплекса. На устройство, формирующее дополненную реальность, подают пары световых импульсов, эталонного длительностью 80 мс и регулируемого по длительности, повторяющихся через временной интервал, равный 1 с. Регулируемый по длительности импульс задерживают или оканчивают раньше относительно времени предъявления эталонного. На первом этапе измерений время задержки или раннего окончания регулируемого по длительности импульса относительно эталонного увеличивают при каждом последующем предъявлении дискретно с постоянным шагом 0,5 мс, пока испытуемый ...

14-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2738433C1
Принадлежит: ЛЕНТИТЕК, С.Л. (ES)

Группа изобретений относится к способу проектирования пары очковых линз, каждая из которых соответствует одному глазу пользователя. Способ проектирования пары очковых линз включает этапы, на которых определяют расстояние наблюдения и размещают объект на указанном расстоянии; надевают эталонную оправу на пользователя; для каждого глаза: оставляют его неприкрытым и прикрывают другой глаз; размещают перед глазом экран со сквозным отверстием; смещают положение отверстия до тех пор, пока пользователь не увидит указанный объект при наблюдении через отверстие таким образом, чтобы указанный объект был расположен по центру в доступном поле обзора; открывают оба глаза; регулируют положения отверстий для обеспечения бинокулярного зрения; и проектируют каждую линзу в соответствии с указанным положением. Технический результат – повышение точности определения положения оптических центров линз при проектировании глазных линз. 2 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

17-01-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU222767U1

Современное научное познание определяет человека как основной объект исследования. Потребность в этом задается все возрастающим ритмом жизни и характеризуется законом сохранения общества как организованной структуры. Прогнозирование поведения человека определяется его устойчивыми качествами, это и его свойства личности, а также эмоциональное и физическое состояние в конкретный момент времени. Доказано влияние нервных процессов на различные стороны жизнедеятельности, такие как когнитивная сфера, устойчивость к стрессу, характеру вегетативных реакций. Устройство может быть использовано для психофизиологических исследований, в частности для оценки лабильности зрительной системы человека методом контроля критической частоты слияния мельканий (КЧСМ), методом контроля критической частоты различения мельканий (КЧРМ). Устройство позволяет проводить предпрофильный отбор и определять степени утомления операторов сложных механизмов, например: водителей, машинистов, летчиков, операторов дронов. Наиболее ...

12-01-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2811507C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, в частности к офтальмологии. Проводят мануальную кинетическую периметрию с использованием хроматических объектов красного и синего цвета. Обнаружение преобладающих по площади дефектов поля зрения при использовании объекта красного цвета свидетельствует о наличии воспалительного процесса инфекционного генеза, распространяющегося на волокна вентрального отдела зрительного пути - магноцеллюлярные нейроны. Обнаружение преобладающих по площади дефектов поля зрения при использовании объекта синего цвета свидетельствует о наличии воспалительного процесса демиелинизирующего генеза, распространяющегося на волокна дорсального отдела зрительного пути - парвоцеллюлярные нейроны. Способ позволяет проводить патогенетически обоснованную дифференциальную диагностику уровня и причины поражения зрительного пути при локальном оптикоэнцефалите инфекционного или демиелинизирующего характера, повышать качество своевременно начатой терапии за счет проведения мануальной кинетической ...

24-01-2025 дата публикации

Способ определения зоны метаморфопсий в поле зрения и степени их выраженности

Номер: RU2833572C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к офтальмологии, и может быть использовано для определения зоны метаморфопсий в поле зрения и степени их выраженности. Для этого пациенту монокулярно на черном фоне в центре квадрата 20×20 угловых градусов предъявляют точку белого цвета, на которой пациенту предлагают фиксировать взгляд во время всего исследования. Предъявляют вертикальный и затем горизонтальный отрезок красного цвета, проходящий через точку фиксации. Затем предъявляют по одному сначала 8 горизонтальных, затем 8 вертикальных отрезков, удаляющихся от точки фиксации с интервалом 2,5 угловых градусов. При этом толщина отрезков увеличивается пропорционально отдалению от точки фиксации. Горизонтальные и вертикальные отрезки, которые пациент идентифицирует как искривленные, определяют как зону метаморфопсий. Затем в этой зоне предъявляют горизонтальные и вертикальные пунктирные отрезки с заданным фиксированным расстоянием между точками от 0,1 до 2,0 угловых градусов с шагом 0,1 угловых ...

24-10-1996 дата публикации

Ophthalmology appts. for eye examination

Номер: DE0019615949A1

The appts. tests the visual functioning of eyes being examined. It has an optical module with eye windows to position different, exchangeable optical elements in the windows. An object display unit presents an object to each eye being tested. A display device with an operating screen is provided to operate the object display unit and the optical module. A program memory stores programs for controlling the display device. The programs have a common switch region for numerical values to bring about a change between the numerical values for the corresponding measurement points e.g. a spherical degree, a degree of astigmatism and an astigmatism axis. The appts. also has an input screen to input reference data for testing the eyes within the numerical value range. An input device is provided to input an operating command using the display operating screen. The appts. also includes a program execution device to carry out the program according to the input command.

22-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060009153D1

29-12-2004 дата публикации

Improvements to road safety

Номер: GB0000426171D0

25-01-1912 дата публикации

Improvements relating to Apparatus for Testing the Eyesight.

Номер: GB0191118819A

... 18,819. Black, H. M. Aug. 21. No Patent granted (Sealing fee not paid). Sight-testing apparatus.-Relates to apparatus in which the acuity of vision is measured by the ability of the person tested to detect a gap in a straight line. Means are provided for simultaneously varying the thickness of the line and the width of the gap. In the arrangement shown in Figs. 1 and 2, a pin 4 which can be moved along an horizontal slot 3 in the front of the apparatus engages also with an inclined slot 5 in the plate 6, so that by moving the pin the plate can be raised to cover the line 7. The plate 6 also has an horizontal slot 8 in which is engaged a member 9, of black material, by means of a pin 10; this pin also engages an inclined slot 12 in a member 11 of white material. When the plate 6 moves upwards, the relative horizontal motion of these two members effects the narrowing of the gap. The members 9, 11 can be moved together along the slot 8 by means .of cords 13, 14. In a modification, several ...

30-04-1997 дата публикации

Flicker photometer

Номер: GB0009704967D0

02-12-1998 дата публикации

Computerized optometer and medical office management system

Номер: GB0009822117D0

06-09-2017 дата публикации

Virtual reality training system and method

Номер: GB0201711916D0

20-02-2013 дата публикации

Identifying subjects in need of treatment

Номер: GB0201300055D0

10-08-1994 дата публикации

Eye testing apparatus

Номер: GB0009412628D0

04-10-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001291349A

... 1291349 Sight testing AMERICAN OPTICAL CORP 20 May 1970 [30 June 1969] 24403/70 Heading G2J A near-point card for testing binocular vision consists of two super-posed mirror-reversed images each polarizing light in planes mutually at right-angles and having an opaque backing.

28-12-2022 дата публикации

Wireless power and data transfer

Номер: GB0002608110A

Wireless power and data transfer system arranged to transmit a power signal having a first frequency; a secondary coil 1011 arranged to receive the power signal from the primary coil 1009 by wireless induction; a primary side circuit 1001 arranged to superimpose a first control signal onto the power signal between the coils at the primary coil 1009, the first control signal having a second frequency different to the first frequency; and a secondary side A wireless power and data transfer system 1000 comprising: a primary coil 1009 circuit arranged to superimpose a second control signal onto the power signal between the coils at the secondary coil 1011, the second control signal having a third frequency different to the first frequency and second frequency.

15-05-2016 дата публикации

Optische Sehhilfe mit zusätzlichem Astigmatismus

Номер: AT516439A1

The invention relates to the use of an optical visual aid (6) with at least one spectacle lens (10) of an observer (28) for viewing an object (15). The optical visual aid (6) has for at least one viewing direction (A, B) a dioptric power that is adjusted for one eye (11, 11') of the observer (28) and is made up of multiple dioptric power components (Κ1, K2, K3, K4). According to the invention, a first dioptric power component (K1, K3) of the multiple dioptric power components (K1, K2, K3, K4) has a corrective effect that is the best possible for the eye (11, 11') of the observer at a defined distance As of the object (15) from the corneal vertex of the eye (11, 11') for the viewing direction (2, 4). At the same time, a further dioptric power component (K2, K4) of the multiple dioptric power components (K1, K2, K3, K4) has, for the viewing direction, an additional astigmatic, partially corrective effect for the eye (11, 11') of the observer at the defined distance As. The invention also ...

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000261715T

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Video game to monitor retinal diseases

Номер: AU2012340573A1

Systems and methods for providing a video game to map macular visual acuity comprising a multiple choice test where the fixation point is ensured by brief simultaneous presentation of both a central and pericentral targets. The game may be implemented on a hardware platform including a video display, a user input device, and a video camera. The camera is used to monitor ambient light level and the distance between the device and the eyes of the test subject. The game serves as a macular acuity perimeter that produces a map of the acuity of an eye that may be compared with normative data. The type of acuity tested is preferably Vernier acuity, but resolution acuity can also be tested. The test results are transmitted to a health care professional by telecommunications means to facilitate the diagnosis or monitoring of age-related macular degeneration or other relevant eye diseases.

15-08-1994 дата публикации

Computer display screen simulation for optometric examination

Номер: AU0003775993A

25-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002676122C

A device is used to determine the presence of and the amount (depth) of visual suppression in a subject. The device includes a first light source emitting a first light and a second light source emitting a second light. Intensities of the light sources are independently controllable. A first filter disposed over one eye of the subject allows transmission of the first light and prevents transmission of the second light. A second filter disposed over the other eye of the subject allows transmission of the second light and prevents transmission of the first light. In a method of using the device, the intensity of at least one of the first and second lights is independently controlled, wherein the difference in intensities of the first and second lights at which the lights appear to be at equal brightness to the subject determines the amount of visual suppression in the subject.

02-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2914456C
Принадлежит: 6 OVER 6 VISION LTD

Method and system for measuring refractive error of an eye of a subject, The method include: (a) displaying at least one dynamic target image of at least one sign over a display area; (b) receiving subjective feedback from the subject indicating that the subject is positioned at a maximum distance of best acuity (MDBA) from the target image, wherein the MDBA is the maximum distance in which the subject recognizes the sign; (c) measuring one or more parameter associated with distance, during the time the subject has reached the MDBA distance, using at least one sensor; (d) estimating the MDBA by estimating the distance between the eye of the subject and the display area in which the target image is displayed by using the sensor data and (e) calculating the refractive error of the eye according to the estimated MDBA and characteristics of the target image.

14-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002844576A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif (10) pour déterminer un groupe d'au moins un équipement d'aide à la vision adapté à la vision d'un individu, comportant des moyens informatiques programmés pour : a) déterminer au moins une caractéristique de la vision dudit individu, b) déterminer au moins une utilisation du groupe d'au moins un équipement d'aide à la vision souhaitée par l'individu, c) déterminer ledit groupe d'au moins un équipement d'aide à la vision en fonction de la caractéristique de la vision et de l'utilisation souhaitée par l'individu.

16-06-1925 дата публикации

Apparat zur Prüfung der Sehschärfe.

Номер: CH0000109577A

15-05-1958 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000329916A

30-06-1968 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000458778A

28-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201991601A1

27-10-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002228460B1

15-06-1931 дата публикации

Improvements brought on acuity scales used in ophthalmology

Номер: FR0000038584E

19-12-1912 дата публикации

Optical instruments for [...]

Номер: FR0000446969A

23-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102194816B1

12-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020100015550A

System and methods for testing and/or training a subject's vision and neuro-processing abilities are provided. More specifically, the method may include testing various aspects of the subject's vision and neuro-processing abilities, such as depth perception, anticipation timing, perception speed ability, perception scan ability, etc. By using various tests, an efficient examination may be administered. In accordance with the invention, an individual may be subjected to such a method of testing and/or training at a unitary center capable of presenting such tests to the individual, receiving input from the individual, and processing the received input. Such a unitary test center may further be configurable, so that the tests administered may vary based on the needs of the individual. The received input may then, for example, be used to compute data related to the user's vision and neuro-processing abilities, both overall and for each individual test. COPYRIGHT KIPO & WIPO 2010 ...

25-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: BR112015030406A2

11-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014195951A1

Method and system for measuring refractive error of an eye of a subject, The method include: (a) displaying at least one dynamic target image of at least one sign over a display area; (b) receiving subjective feedback from the subject indicating that the subject is positioned at a maximum distance of best acuity (MDBA) from the target image, wherein the MDBA is the maximum distance in which the subject recognizes the sign; (c) measuring one or more parameter associated with distance, during the time the subject has reached the MDBA distance, using at least one sensor; (d) estimating the MDBA by estimating the distance between the eye of the subject and the display area in which the target image is displayed by using the sensor data and (e) calculating the refractive error of the eye according to the estimated MDBA and characteristics of the target image.

12-03-1991 дата публикации

Instrument and method for use in optometric examinations

Номер: US0004998820A1
Принадлежит: Applied Vision Concepts, Inc.

An optical instrument for use in conducting optometric examinations which generates an alphanumeric type display simulating the optical features of displays provided by video display terminals. The instrument comprises a light source and a multi-layered screen through which light from the source may be transmitted. The screen employs light from the source in forming characters which are comprised of pixel-like light elements similar to those making up VDT generated characters. Further, the screen is operative for degrading the image quality of the characters by transforming the light elements into Gaussian type spatial profiles typical of the pixels generated by VDTs.

23-08-1988 дата публикации

Hyperacuity testing instrument for evaluating visual function

Номер: US0004765732A1
Автор: Enoch; Jay M.

A hyperacuity testing instrument is adapted to evaluate visual function by selectively changing the relative position of two spots or points of light that function as visual stimuli for observation by a patient. The instrument includes a laser that emits a single beam of light that is split into two beams when it passes through a bi-prism. The beams of light are visually shown as two spots on a display screen for recorded perception by a patient. A rotary adjustment selectively varies the rotational positions of the spots relative to each other whereas a linear adjustment selectively varies the separation gap between the spots. The recorded data enables a surgeon to determine whether corrective surgery to remove an ocular media opacity will, in fact, improve vision, i.e., the test procedure "penetrates" the opacity to assess visual function at the retinal-neural level.

21-11-2000 дата публикации

Arrangement for projecting a two-dimensional image onto an eye to be examined for use with a device that performs a subjective determination of refraction and/or a device that performs other vision functions

Номер: US0006149272A

An arrangement for use with a device that determines subjective refraction and/or performs other visual functions, comprises at least one light source, at least one light modulator for modulating the light source to produce modulated light, a driving unit for controlling said modulator to modulate the light source in accordance with video information corresponding to a video image, a two-dimensional deflector for deflecting the modulated light to produce a two-dimensional image, an optical transmitter for optically transmitting the light of the light source, and an optical projector for optically projecting the two-dimensional image onto a retina of an eye to be examined.

11-02-2003 дата публикации

Electronic depth perception testing system and apparatus for conducting depth perception tests

Номер: US0006517204B1

An electronic eye depth testing method comprises a three dimensional cubic space displayed on a display screen, wherein the cubic space has a first image of a three dimensional object and a second image of a three dimensional object randomly placed within the cubic space. The first image is located at the intersection of two perpendicular horizontal planes and a vertical plane perpendicular to said two horizontal planes and the second image is located at the intersection of two perpendicular horizontal planes and a vertical plane perpendicular to said two horizontal planes. A subject to be tested for depth perception is directed to move the images into convergence in the center of the cubic space.

01-01-1929 дата публикации

Eye-testing device

Номер: US1697205A

17-04-2007 дата публикации

Device using light emitting diodes for predicting the optical density and diagnostic color of sunglass or therapeutic lenses using contrast sensitivity information

Номер: US0007204591B2

A device using light emitting diodes directed at the patient as a light source for evaluating the appropriate color and density of filters or sunglasses for a patient is disclosed. The device may be used with additional filters or sunglasses to determine what filter or sunglass color and density will provide optimal vision for targets of varying spatial frequency. The device may also be used with additional filters of varying color and density to determine the health of the patient's ocular media.

19-11-1968 дата публикации

Номер: US0003411223A1

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210169323A1

Provided is a method for an ophthalmic examination by an ophthalmic examination system including an ophthalmic examination apparatus and an examiner-side apparatus that is connected to the ophthalmic examination apparatus by a network and is provided with an interface for input/output, the method including: a transmission step of transmitting an error signal from the ophthalmic examination apparatus to the examiner-side apparatus upon occurrence of an error in the ophthalmic examination apparatus; a selection step of, upon the examiner-side apparatus receiving the error signal, notifying an examiner of the occurrence of the error via the interface and also accepting selection input for selecting any of a plurality of predetermined handling methods of the error; a response step of the examiner-side apparatus transmitting a response signal to the ophthalmic examination apparatus on the basis of the selection input; and a notification step of, upon the ophthalmic examination apparatus receiving ...

25-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: EP2120678A1

09-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP3381350B1
Принадлежит: Nidek Co., Ltd.

15-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2657853C2
Принадлежит: 6 ОВЕР 6 ВИЖН Лтд (IL)

Группа изобретений относится к медицине, предпочтительно к офтальмологии, и может быть использована для измерения рефракционной ошибки глаза субъекта на основании субъективного измерения расстояния. Отображают по меньшей мере одно динамическое целевое изображение по меньшей мере одного знака в области отображения. Осуществляют прием субъективной обратной связи от субъекта, указывающей, что субъект расположен на максимальном расстоянии наилучшей четкости (MDBA) от целевого изображения. Причем максимальным расстоянием наилучшей четкости является максимальное расстояние, на котором субъект распознает знак. Измеряют одно или большее количество параметров, относящихся к расстоянию, в момент времени, когда субъект достиг максимального расстояния наилучшей четкости, с использованием по меньшей мере одного датчика. Оценивают максимальное расстояние наилучшей четкости путем оценки расстояния между глазом субъекта и областью отображения, на которой показано целевое изображение, с использованием данных ...

07-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2663639C2

Группа изобретений относится к области медицины, отбору персонала и предназначена для обеспечения универсального определения визуального восприятия кандидатов. Компьютеризированная тестовая система, определяющая визуальное восприятие кандидатов содержит платформу, клавиатуру для ввода данных, установленную на платформе, звуковой адаптер для преобразования данных в слуховые элементы, жесткий диск для хранения данных, дисплейный адаптер для преобразования получаемой информации в визуальные элементы, монитор, подключенный к дисплейному адаптеру. При этом тестовая система содержит по меньшей мере одну группу изображений по меньшей мере с двумя изображениями, обладающими отличительными свойствами, информация о которых хранится на жестком диске, по меньшей мере одну замкнутую область и точку, которая движется внутри замкнутой области, процессор, подключенный к элементам тестовой системы, который обеспечивает вывод на экране монитора результата тестирования. Метод тестирования для многогранного ...

21-10-2024 дата публикации

Способ определения рефракции у пользователей бифокальных контактных и ортокератологических линз при коррекции миопии

Номер: RU2828992C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к офтальмологии, и может быть использовано для определения рефракции у пользователей бифокальных контактных и ортокератологических линз при коррекции миопии. Для этого сначала определяют в надетой бифокальной контактной линзе или после снятия ортокератологической линзы рефракцию при помощи абберометрии. Выбирают наименьшее значение рефракции в зоне зрачка. Затем проводят дуохромный тест с предъявлением оптотипов на красном и зеленом фоне. Вносят поправку в значение рефракции, соответствующую силе добавочного стекла, равно улучшающего остроту зрения на зеленом и красном фоне. Изобретение обеспечивает получение наиболее точных данных величины рефракции, что необходимо для корректного проведения различных функциональных исследований у данной категории пациентов. 1 табл., 2 пр.

12-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2644549C1

Изобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к офтальмологии. Для проведения аккомодометрии при содружественном косоглазии сначала коррегируют аметропию сферическими линзами. Затем осуществляют призматическую коррекцию до 8 призменных диоптрий до исчезновения установочных движений и достижения симметричного положения глаз. После этого проводят аккомодометрию. Причем при девиации до 15 градусов по Гиршбергу призматическую коррекцию проводят на одном глазу. При девиации 15 градусов по Гиршбергу призматическую коррекцию проводят на оба глаза. Способ позволяет диагностировать нарушения бинокулярного аккомодационного ответа и содружественного аккомодационного ответа при содружественном косоглазии для выбора лечебных мер по их устранению. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 пр.

22-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2776565C1

Изобретение относится к области физиологии труда и может применяться в системе психофизиологической подготовки операторов эргатических систем. Способ распознавания функционального состояния «Монотония» состоит в том, что у человека-оператора до и после выполнения профессиональной деятельности определяют порог чувствительности тактильного анализатора - ЧТАдо и ЧТАпосле; порог чувствительности кинестезического анализатора - ЧКАдо и ЧКАпосле; оценку концентрации внимания - ОКВдо и ОКВпосле; время простой сенсомоторной реакции - ВРдо и ВРпосле; время врабатываемости - ВВРдо и ВВРпосле; оценку готовности к экстренному действию - ГЭДдо и ГЭДпосле и при одновременном выполнении не менее пяти из шести условий: ЧТАдо > ЧТАпосле; ЧКАдо < ЧКАпосле; ОКВдо/ОКВпосле > 1,5; ВРдо/ВРпосле > 2; ВВРдо/ВВРпосле < 0,5; ГЭДдо/ГЭДпосле < 0,5 у человека-оператора фиксируют функциональное состояние «Монотония». Технический результат, достигаемый заявленной совокупностью признаков, заключается в обеспечении возможности ...

15-01-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016143548A3

21-09-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017109303A3

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013129226A

... 1. Способ обеспечения коррекции зрения пациента, содержащий: a) проведение по меньшей мере одного измерения данных невооруженного глаза, измерения данных обычно используемой линзы и/или измерения данных подгоночной линзы для пациента; b) передачу указанного по меньшей мере одного измерения данных невооруженного глаза пациента, измерения данных обычно используемой пациентом линзы и/или измерения данных подгоночной линзы для пациента в систему изготовления индивидуальной линзы на основе свободного формования; c) изготовление индивидуальной линзы с использованием системы изготовления индивидуальной линзы на основе свободного формования; и d) предоставление указанной индивидуальной линзы пациенту.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором указанная индивидуальная линза представляет собой одну из контактной линзы, имплантируемой линзы, накладной линзы или интраокулярной линзы (ИОЛ).3. Способ по п. 1, в котором указанное по меньшей мере одно измерение данных невооруженного глаза пациента, измерение данных ...

24-02-2025 дата публикации

Способ тренажерной подготовки и диагностики когнитивно-моторной функции человека-оператора

Номер: RU2835317C1

Изобретение относится к области медицины, оно предназначено для тренажерной подготовки и диагностики когнитивно-моторной функции человека-оператора. Предложен способ, в котором испытуемому предъявляют на мониторе для тестового перемещения управляемый объект (УО) заданного размера и формы, а также заданное количество мобильных объектов (МО) заданного размера и формы, которые перемещают по монитору испытуемого программно прямолинейными отрезками с заданной скоростью. Испытуемый выявляет закономерность их перемещения и переводит УО в свободные от маршрутов МО места, уклоняясь от столкновений с МО и границами заданной зоны действия УО. Перемещение УО по полю монитора испытуемый осуществляет при помощи джойстика. Размером, формой зоны действия УО, а также размером УО, количеством, скоростью, размером, цветом, контрастностью и характером перемещения МО формируют уровень когнитивно-моторной нагрузки в каждом тесте или развивающем упражнении. Параметры и характеристики зоны действия управляемого ...

16-02-1984 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002939940C2

17-12-2014 дата публикации

Testing a perceptual suitability of a driver of a vehicle

Номер: GB0002515168A

Method for testing a perceptual suitability of a driver of a vehicle, where an image and/or a movie is projected onto the inside of a windshield of the vehicle, the driver is asked one or more questions related to the image or movie via an electronic device linked to a computer of the vehicle, and the driver gets an assessment on his/her vision via the electronic device or another electronic device so as to increase road safety. If motion of the vehicle is detected during the test, the test may be aborted.

04-11-2015 дата публикации

Computerized refraction and astigmatism determination

Номер: GB0002525817A

The present disclosure relates generally to a system and method for determining the refractive error of a patient, more particularly determining the patient's refractive error by using a computerized screen, and providing the patient with a prescription for the patient's preferred type of corrective lenses. The system and method do not require the trip or expense of a doctor visit, and are optimized for convenience and cost effectiveness. In a general embodiment, the present disclosure provides a method for determining a corrective lenses prescription of a patient. The method includes, separately, for each eye of the patient, determining the astigmatism prescription of the patient via a computerized screen, and determining the power of the corrective lenses prescription of the patient via the computerized screen.

24-06-2020 дата публикации

Computerized refraction and astigmatism determination

Номер: GB0002579445A
Автор: STEVEN P LEE, Steven P Lee

A system for determining a corrective lenses prescription for a subject without the use of a refractor lens assembly. The system comprising: a memory that stores the subject’s vision information that includes a previous corrective-lens prescription; a server communicatively coupled to the memory; a hand held portable electronic device; and a computerised screen. The server presents through the hand-held-device or the screen, a distance the subject is to be positioned from the screen. The subject uses the hand-held-device to interact with the screen to perform a vision test. The server causes the hand-held-device to prompt the subject to access, via the display, a server related webpage to view a unique identifier for entry into the hand-held-device. The hand-held-device and display are separate from each other, each being separately in communication with the server. The server receives data submitted by the subject via the hand-held-device in response to the screen displayed vision test ...

13-06-2018 дата публикации

Testing a subjects vision

Номер: GB0201806829D0

06-09-1923 дата публикации

Improvements in eye examining or testing apparatus

Номер: GB0000203119A

... 203,119. Thompson, J. T. July 5, 1922. No Patent granted (Sealing fee not paid). Sight - testing apparatus comprises a graduated tube 18 mounted universally on a sliding pillar 6 carried by a standard 1, and adapted to be raised and lowered by the handle 16<1>, the tube 18 having mounted thereon a sliding carriage 21 supporting an endless chart 23 moved by the handle 24, and provided at one end with a frame 34 carrying adjustable lens cells 31. These lens cells 31 are attached to parts of a frame 28 which are relatively adjustable by means of the screwed shaft 42 to suit various interpupillary distances. The lens cells 31 are also rotatable in the same or opposite directions by gearing, in which wheels 49 may be arranged as shown or so that both gear with the wheels 32 on the lens cells 31. A chin rest 37 carried by a bar 36 attached to the frame 28 is adjustable on the bar 36 by the screw 38. The lens cells 31 are provided with shields 29.

04-06-2014 дата публикации

Testing a perceptual suitability of a driver of a vehicle

Номер: GB0201406919D0

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000497721T

09-07-2001 дата публикации

Systems and methods for improving visual perception

Номер: AU0003041801A

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Compact binocular adaptive optics phoropter

Номер: AU2011272758A1

A binocular vision apparatus allows a patient to view objects through the apparatus with polychromatic light and monochromatic aberration correction, such that the chromatic aberration of the eye can be combined with the monochromatic aberration correction, so as to provide a more accurate determination of vision quality. The binocular vision apparatus provides left and right viewing optics that can substantially maintain the line of sight of each eye, such that objects can be viewed in a room with 3D depth perception corresponding to the distance of the object from the patient. As both near and far objects can be viewed with binocular aberration correction, the patient can alternate binocular viewing between near and far vision with chromatic aberration so as to evaluate a proposed treatment such as a presbyopia correction.

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Adaptive visual performance testing system

Номер: AU2011223918B2

A method of testing visual performance includes determining a difficulty rating for each of a plurality of visual recognition tests. The method further includes displaying one of the visual recognition tests to a subject and receiving from the subject a response to the visual recognition test. After receiving the response to the visual recognition test, a subsequent visual recognition test is selected to have a difficulty rating determined based on the response received from the subject, the subsequent visual recognition test is displayed, and a response is received from the subject. The subsequent visual recognition tests are repeated until a predetermined number of responses is reached. A visual performance score is determined based on the set of responses received from the subject and the difficulty ratings for the visual recognition tests displayed to the subject is then output.

24-11-2016 дата публикации

Configurable system for evaluating stimulus sensitivity of a subject and method of use therefor

Номер: AU2015245888A1
Принадлежит: IP SOLVED (ANZ) PTY. LTD.

A configurable system is used to evaluate stimulus sensitivity of a subject. An action channel provides a stimulus to the subject and a reaction channel receives a response from the subject. A signal pathway is connected to the action channel and to the reaction channel. A controller establishes loops within the signal pathway. Loop types include a transduction loop including the action channel and forming a path terminating in the signal pathway, and a channel loop including the action channel and terminating at a reference unit. Other possible loop types include an interface loop including the action channel, the reaction channel and the reference unit having an initial parameter value, and an adaptive loop including the action channel, the reaction channel and the reference unit whose parameter value is adapted based on the response from the subject. A method using the system is also described.

09-10-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001175690A1

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002966529A1

A system and method for identifying a custom contact lens for a patient. The method includes receiving as input results from a bare eye examination of a patient including at least a measured sphere power; receiving as input a target or actual measured sphere power of a selected fitting lens; receiving as input results of an over-refraction examination of a patient wearing the fitting lens, wherein the results of the over-refraction examination include at least a measured sphere power; calculating the power delivered by the fitting lens on the patients eye based on input received from the bare eye examination and over-refraction examinations; calculating an Effectiveness Ratio using the calculated power delivered by the fitting lens and the target or actual measured sphere power of the fitting lens; and calculating a custom lens power for the patient using the Effectiveness Ratio and measured sphere power from the bare eye examination.

03-08-2018 дата публикации

Hand-held rotary shift measuring device

Номер: CN0106455966B

02-12-1953 дата публикации


Номер: FR0001046040A

31-12-1981 дата публикации

Sight testing using optical patterns - has housing with mobile support bringing different patterns opposite window in turn

Номер: FR0002370460B1

20-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002516373A


05-02-1927 дата публикации

Improvements brought to the means of evaluation of visual lacuity

Номер: FR0000616604A

03-11-1961 дата публикации

Apparatus of tracking of the defects in the vision

Номер: FR0001275028A

23-07-1971 дата публикации

Номер: FR0002064632A5

30-04-1980 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002437818A1

15-05-1930 дата публикации

Improvements brought on acuity scales used in ophthalmology

Номер: FR0000681484A

09-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002646595A1

24-11-2014 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020140134659A

12-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020100015541A

The visual, cognitive, and coordination skills of a subject may be tested and/or trained by providing a variety of stimuli to a subject. Responses may be received from a subject, the appropriateness of which may depend upon the combination of stimuli provided to the subject. A touch screen display device may be used both to provide stimuli and to receive responses from a subject. Any number and type of output devices and input devices to receive responses may be used. Behavioral information and other data regarding the performance of a subject may be recorded. Scoring may be based upon the speed, accuracy, and other aspects of the performance of a subject. COPYRIGHT KIPO & WIPO 2010 ...

24-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO2008087390A1

Screening apparatus includes a display for presenting a target to a participant; means for locating the participant's eye a predetermined distance from the display; means for animating the target so as to vary the speed of the target discontinuously; and evaluation means for determining the participant's ability to perceive the change in the target's speed.

29-07-2010 дата публикации

Unitary Vision Testing Center

Номер: US20100188637A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

System and methods for testing and/or training a subject's visual ability are provided. More specifically, the method may include testing various aspects of the subject's visual acuity, such as clarity, contrast, tracking, etc. By using various tests, a more efficient examination may be administered. In accordance with the invention, an individual may be tested using methods of testing and/or training at a unitary center, where the unitary center is capable of presenting visual tests to the individual, receiving input from the individual, and processing the received input. Such a unitary test center may further be configurable, so that the tests administered may vary based on the needs of the individual. The received input may then, for example, be used to compute data related to the user's visual acuity, both overall and for each individual test.

26-09-1978 дата публикации

Tachistoscopic focus control

Номер: US0004116547A1

Apparatus for the tachistoscopic projection of an image of projectable material. The apparatus includes a supporting structure and a light source. A lens mechanism is on the supporting structure optically aligned with the light source. The supporting structure is adapted to support the projectable material between the light source and the lens structure. The apparatus is designed for effecting relative displacement of the lens structure and the support holding the projectable material so as to bring the projected image into focus for a controlled viewing time and then out of focus while the material to be projected is retained stationary in projection position. A cam arrangement is employed which includes a cam surface and a cam follower. A manual actuator is on the lens structure to rotate the lens structure for relative movement between the cam follower and the cam surface and to bring the projected image into and out of focus. The manual actuator is a handle removably attached to the ...

12-10-1937 дата публикации

Method and instrument for testing eyes

Номер: US2095235A

04-11-2004 дата публикации

Optometric apparatus

Номер: US2004218146A1

An optometric apparatus comprises: a pair of right and left lens chamber units, each unit including a test window and optical elements to be selectively disposed in the test window; and a controller including a transmitting part which transmits a control signal in the form of an optical signal to the lens chamber units to selectively dispose the optical elements in the test window, the transmitting part being adapted to widen an extent of diffusion of luminous flux of the optical signal more greatly in a forward to upward directions than in a lateral direction.

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2672522C2

Группа изобретений относится к области медицины, а именно к офтальмологии. Для контроля коррекции зрения при утрате остроты зрения пациенту представляют изображение, состоящее из текстовых и нетекстовых элементов и имеющее более чем одно из следующих свойств, включая распознавание лица и выражений, высокочастотные элементы, решетки, текст, вращающиеся решетки, набор решеток, схематические рисунки, движущийся текст, текст в перспективе, текст с отвлекающими элементами и высококонтрастные шаблоны. Проводят оценку реакции пациента на представленное изображение без коррекции остроты зрения и с коррекцией остроты зрения при помощи устройства с адаптивными линзами. Группа изобретений позволяет провести оценку остроты зрения, а также демонстрацию влияния повышения резкости посредством оптической коррекции, например, астигматизма с низким значением цилиндра, или коррекции аберраций высокого порядка, на качество зрения. 4 н. и 1 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU189850U1

Полезная модель относится к медицине и физической культуре, а именно к устройствам и методам проведения испытаний на быстроту зрительно-хватательной реакции человека на свободно падающий предмет, и может быть использована при мониторинге профессиональных способностей населения, задействованного в качестве сортировщиков на конвейерах, спасателей, артистов цирка, спортсменов и т.п.Устройство для исследования быстроты зрительно-хватательной реакции человека, включающее полый цилиндр и шкалу, содержит штатив, установленный на основании с возможностью вращения вокруг вертикальной оси, к которому за леску, пропущенную через отверстие в его верхней горизонтальной части и снабженную ограничителем, подвешен полый цилиндр, причем шкала нанесена на верхней вертикальной части штатива, к которой прикреплены направляющие кольца.Технический результат заключается в повышении точности измерения за счет фиксации цилиндра на старте и хватающей руки на столе под штативом, устранения напряжения и неудобства ...

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Static visual field scanning apparatus

Номер: US20120038596A1
Автор: Tomohiro Tsuta
Принадлежит: Individual

A static visual field scanning apparatus including: visual field scanning screen generating means; fixation image displaying and controlling means; scan line setting means; scanning point setting means; visual target displaying and controlling means; the first detection means; the second detection means; visual field mapping screen generating means; immediate post first detection scan continuation means; immediate post second detection scan continuation means; response waiting means; visual target display coordinates storing means; visual target perception inability symbol mapping means; the first completion judgement means; the second completion judgement means; post first completion judgement the next scanning point calculation means; and post second completion judgement the next scanning point calculation means.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Method for the binocular measurement and control of eye aberrations, simultaneously providing visual stimulants, and ophthalmic instrument implementing said method

Номер: US20120038884A1
Принадлежит: Voptica SL

The invention relates to an ophthalmic instrument and method for measuring, controlling, and handling aberrations ( 1 ) of the eyes ( 2, 3 ), which further simultaneously provide visual stimulants when operating same. The instrument consists of a single device for correcting aberrations ( 4 ) as well as a single aberration sensor ( 5 ), optically connected by an optical system ( 14 ). A lighting system ( 9 ) introduces beams of light into both eyes. The measurement, control, and handling of the aberrations ( 1 ), as well as the providing of visual stimulants ( 6 ), are simultaneously and binocularly ( 7, 8 ) carried out.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Control method of a fundus examination apparatus

Номер: US20120113390A1
Принадлежит: Nidek Co Ltd

A control method of a fundus examination apparatus configured to examine a fundus of an examinee's eye, includes: processing an examination data obtained by one of fundus examination apparatuses, which are a perimeter configured to measure a visual field and an optical coherence tomography device configured to obtain a tomographic image of the fundus, to thereby obtain positional information relating to an abnormal site of the fundus; setting an examination position on the fundus in the other fundus examination apparatus which is the perimeter or the optical coherence tomography device based on the positional information; and examining the abnormal site of the fundus by controlling the other fundus examination apparatus based on the set examination position.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

System And Method For Objective Chromatic Perimetry Analysis Using Pupillometer

Номер: US20120127430A1

The present invention relates to a system, device and a method for objective visual field testing and in particular, to such a system and method in which provides objective chromatic perimetry test or color vision test using a pupillometer.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Methods And Devices For Refractive Correction Of Eyes

Номер: US20130107202A1
Автор: Junzhong Liang

Methods and devices are provided to obtain refractive correction with superior visual acuity (e.g., 20/10) by achieving an astigmatism-free customized refractive correction. The astigmatism-free customized refractive correction involves obtaining an objective and precise measurement of cylindrical power in a resolution between 0.01 D and 0.10 D in an eye using an objective aberrometer, reliably relating the cylindrical axis obtained from the objective aberrometer to that in a phoroptor, determining an optimized focus error of an eye through subjective refraction with a phoroptor, generating a customized refraction by combining the objective measured cylindrical power, the objective measured cylindrical axis, and the subjectively measured focus power, fabricating a custom lens with a tolerance finer than 0.09 D based on the generated customized refraction, and delivering an ophthalmic lens that can provide an astigmatism-free refractive correction for an eye.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Visual field examination system

Номер: US20130148081A1
Принадлежит: Kowa Co Ltd

A stimulus is presented at a predetermined position of a visual field coordinate system set on a visual field dome ( 118 ). When measuring the visual field of an eye under examination, quantitative information of a three-dimensional retinal layer structure is acquired that is obtained by means for detecting a range of disappearance of a peak in the reflectance distribution of the retina obtained by a retinal OCT scan. The position of the fovea of the fundus is identified from the three-dimensional retinal layer structure. From the positional relationship with the identified fovea, it is identified to which position in a two-dimensional fundus image the range of disappearance of the peak corresponds. The position corresponding to the range where the peak disappears is marked on the two-dimensional fundus image, and the marked region is detected. A visual field examination region including visual field examination points to be presented on the visual field dome is generated on the basis of the position of the marked region. The visual field examination points in the visual field examination region are presented to the subject using the visual field dome to perform a visual field examination for the eye under examination.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155376A1
Принадлежит: ICHECK Health Connection, Inc.

Systems and methods for providing a video game to map a test subject's peripheral vision comprising a moving fixation point that is actively confirmed by an action performed by the test subject and a test for the subject to locate a briefly presented visual stimulus. The video game is implemented on a hardware platform comprising a video display, a user input device, and a video camera. The camera is used to monitor ambient light level and the distance between the device and the eyes of the test subject. The game serves as a visual field test that produces a visual field map of the thresholds of visual perception of the subject's eye that may be compared with age-stratified normative data. The results may be transmitted to a health care professional by telecommunications means to facilitate the diagnosis and/or monitoring of glaucoma or other relevant eye diseases. 1. A computer-implemented method for visual field testing , comprising:displaying a first fixation target on a display of a computing device at a first location;displaying a first stimulus target briefly on the display at a second location spaced apart from the first location of the first fixation target;monitoring for a first input from the user indicating a perception of the first stimulus target during a predetermined expected response time;recording whether the user perceived the first stimulus target based on the presence or a characteristic of the first input received within the expected response time;displaying a second stimulus target briefly on the display at a third location spaced apart from the second location of the second fixation target, wherein the second location is a second fixation target;monitoring for a second input from the user indicating a perception of the second stimulus target during the predetermined expected response time;recording whether the user perceived the second stimulus target based on the presence or a characteristic of the second input received within the expected ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130176536A1
Принадлежит: DigitalVision, LLC

A vision testing method and apparatus are disclosed, the method including measuring the modulation to a wavefront of light that is imparted by an intra-ocular lens, determining the wavefront modulation necessary to emulate the optical properties of the IOL after it replaces the crystalline lens in a patient's eye, generating a static or dynamic image viewable by a patient, modulating the wavefront of the image remote from the patient to attain the wavefront that necessary to emulate the optical properties of the IOL after it is implanted, and relaying said wavefront to a plane nearby, on, or within the patient's eye. The apparatus includes devices for measuring the modulation to a wavefront of light that is imparted by an intra-ocular lens, determining the wavefront modulation necessary to emulate the optical properties of the IOL after implantation in a patient's eye, generating a static or dynamic image viewable by a patient, modulating the wavefront of the image remote from the patient to attain the wavefront necessary to emulate the optical properties of the IOL after it is implanted, and relaying said wavefront to a plane nearby, on, or within the patient's eye. 1. A method of vision testing that allows a patient to preview the optical properties of an intra-ocular lens implant to correct the patient's vision following removal of the patient's crystalline lens , comprising the steps of:a. determining the optical properties of an IOL to be emulated;b. generating a static or dynamic (movie) image viewable by a patient;c. modulating the wavefront of the image to produce an image on the patient's retina that emulates the image that would result following removal of the patient's crystalline lens and implantation of the intra-ocular lens to be emulated2. The method of in which modulating the wavefront of the image is performed remotely from the patient.3. The method of in which a plurality of IOLs are emulated simultaneously.4. The method of in which said modulating ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182224A1

A phoropter having a line of sight for a viewer to see through comprises a lens system in the line of sight, wherein a shape or focal length of at least one lens in the lens system is controllable by means of an electrical signal, electrical field or current. Wavefront sensors of the phoropter detect local tilts of light wavefronts emerging from the eye and generate output signals that are used for controlling the shape or focal length of the at least one lens. Holographic or diffractive elements are used to collect light scattered from an eye of the viewer and image the scattered light to the wavefront sensors. Preferably one or more of the holographic or diffractive elements are away from the line of sight of the viewer. To use the phoropter, light is passed to the lens system, and light scattered by the eye is collected by the holographic or diffractive elements and imaged onto the wavefront sensors. 1. A phoropter having a line of sight for a viewer to see through , comprising:a lens system in the line of sight, wherein a shape or focal length of at least one lens in the lens system is controllable by means of an electrical signal, field or current;wavefront sensors that detect local tilts of light wavefronts emerging from the eye and generate output signals that are used for controlling the shape or focal length of said at least one lens; andone or more holographic or diffractive elements away from the line of sight that collect light scattered from an eye of the viewer and that image the scattered light to said wavefront sensors.2. The phoropter of claim 1 , further comprising an infrared or near infrared light source that illuminates the eye claim 1 , wherein infrared or near infrared light scattered by the eye and imaged onto the wavefront sensors by the holographic elements causes the wavefront sensors to generate said output signals.3. The phoropter of claim 2 , wherein the holographic elements are substantially transparent to and do not image visible ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130188143A1
Автор: Carmon Yuval, Katzman Dan

A method for determining parameters of the vision of an eye of a patient. The method comprises: constituting a part of a process of making a prescription for a corresponding lens via which the patient is expected to gaze in at least two different directions; and measuring in one of the two directions all of the following parameters of the eye's vision: sphere power, cylinder and cylinder axis, and measuring in the other of the two directions at least two of said parameters. 112.-. (canceled)13. A method for determining parameters of the vision of an eye of a patient , the method comprising:constituting a part of a process of making a prescription for a corresponding lens via which the patient is expected to gaze in at least two different directions; andmeasuring in one of the at least two different directions all of the following parameters of the eye's vision: sphere power, cylinder and cylinder axis, and measuring in the other of the two directions at least two of the parameters.14. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the at least two different directions are three or more directions.15. A method of producing a lens based on a prescription for an eye of a patient expected to gaze in at least two different directions via a progressive addition lens claim 13 , including: at least an indirect indication of the at least two different directions of gaze; an indication of the eye's sphere power claim 13 , cylinder and cylinder axis in one of the at least two different directions of gaze; and an indication of at least two of the eye's sphere power claim 13 , cylinder and cylinder axis claim 13 , in the other one of the at least two different directions of gaze claim 13 , the method comprising:designing the lens as having a number of design points corresponding to the number of the at least two different directions of gaze indicated in the prescription, the number of design points being defined by the same parameters as those indicated in the prescription for their ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201447A1
Принадлежит: DigitalVision, LLC

A method and apparatus for vision testing and for simulation of eyesight correcting modalities is disclosed, the method including generating one or more images to be viewed by a patient, modulating the wavefront of each image by a differing amount and/or changing other optical attributes of one or more images by differing amounts, and selecting the preferred image based upon patient response. The apparatus includes devices for generating one or more images to be viewed by a patient, modulating the wavefront of each image by a differing amount and/or changing other optical attributes of one or more images by differing amounts, and devices for selecting the preferred image based upon patient response. 1. A vision testing method in which the patient to be tested is in a natural viewing position with nothing interposed between the patient's eyes and the image being viewed comprising the steps of:generating a plurality of images to be viewed by a patient for comparison, modulating the wavefront of one or more images by an amount that differs from another image, and comparing and selecting the preferred image or images based upon patient response.2. A vision testing method as defined in comprising the additional step of selecting a specification for a corrective modality based on said preferred image.3. A vision testing method as defined in comprising the additional step of computing a laser vision treatment profile based upon the wavefront modulation of the said preferred image.4. A vision testing method as defined in in which at least two of said images are generated in a side-by-side arrangement for comparison by the patient in a monocular or binocular fashion.5. A vision testing method as defined in in which said images are modulated by at least one wavefront generator.6. A vision testing method as defined in in which said wavefront generator has at least one lens element.7. A vision testing method as defined in in which said wavefront generator has a plurality of ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201452A1
Принадлежит: UCL Business PLC

One embodiment of the invention provides a method for performing a supra-threshold test of sensitivity across a visual field of a subject. The method includes presenting a stimulus at each location of a set of locations spread across the visual field and obtaining for each stimulus a result indicating whether or not the stimulus was seen by the subject. The method further includes determining for each location whether or not to re-present a stimulus at that location, wherein for a given location, the determining involves combining results obtained from multiple locations. These multiple locations are defined by a cluster associated with the given location, with the cluster being determined based on the paths of optic nerve fibre bundles across the visual field. 1. Apparatus for performing a supra-threshold test for detecting loss of sensitivity across a visual field of a subject , said apparatus being configured to:present a stimulus at each location of a set of locations spread across the visual field;obtain for each stimulus a result indicating whether or not the stimulus was seen by the subject; anddetermine for each location whether or not to re-present a stimulus at that location, wherein for a given location, the determination involves combining results obtained from multiple locations, wherein said multiple locations are defined by a cluster associated with said given location, said cluster being determined based on the paths of optic nerve fibre bundles across the visual field.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is further configured to provide a weights array corresponding to said cluster claim 1 , whereby each location in the cluster is allocated a weight claim 1 , and said combining comprises filtering the results using said weights array.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the apparatus is further configured to perform an examination of the filtered results to determine whether or not to re-present a stimulus at a given location claim 2 ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Interactive and educational vision interfaces

Номер: US20130211284A1
Принадлежит: Orca Health Inc

User interfaces facilitate user interaction with virtual representations of anatomical structures that are displayed on computing systems. The user interfaces demonstrably reflect relative impacts on the anatomical structures based on corresponding conditions and treatments.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Method and System for Simulating/Emulating Vision Via Intraocular Devices or Lenses prior to Surgery

Номер: US20130250245A1

A method and system for simulating/emulating vision using intraocular devices or lenses prior to surgery, preferably using multifocal and monofocal intraocular lenses. The invention allows the patient, prior to surgery, to compare the differences in the perception of an image as seen with the intraocular lens and with normal vision, determining which type of lens the patient prefers, and in turn allows the ophthalmologist to measure which provides the better visual performance. The invention comprises a system containing the intraocular lens, called an artificial eye, a lens for transporting the image from the intraocular lens and eliminating the blur introduced by the artificial eye, and at least one telescope or optometer which transports the intermediate image from the intraocular lens onto the patient's pupil. In this manner, the patient is shown how he/she would see after surgery with each type of lens proposed by the ophthalmologist. 1. System for simulating/emulating vision using intraocular devices or lenses prior to surgery , comprising a system containing the intraocular lens , called an artificial eye , a lens for transporting the image from the intraocular lens and eliminating the blur introduced by the artificial eye , and comprising at least one telescope or optometer that transports the intermediate image from the intraocular lens onto the patient's pupil.2. System for simulating/emulating vision using intraocular devices or lenses prior to surgery according to claim 1 , wherein the telescope or optometer for correcting possible blurring caused by visual defects has two lenses and two mirrors that can be moved manually or by a motor.3. System for simulating/emulating vision using intraocular devices or lenses prior to surgery according to claim 2 , wherein the artificial eye has a lens and a window that forms a watertight compartment where the intraocular lens is enclosed claim 2 , immersed in an aqueous medium claim 2 , preferably physiological ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278894A1
Автор: Fateh Sina

Systems and methods for improving the peripheral vision of a subject are disclosed. In one aspect, embodiments of the present disclosure includes a method, which may be embodied on a system, for improving peripheral vision of a subject using a visual marker on a display screen, the method includes, displaying a peripheral target on the display screen, the peripheral target having a visually discernable characteristic and determining whether the subject is able to correctly identify the peripheral target displayed on the display screen using the peripheral vision. The visual marker is intended for viewing using central vision of the subject and the peripheral target is intended for identification using the peripheral vision of the subject. 1. A method for improving peripheral vision of a subject using a peripheral target displayed on a display screen , the method comprising:practicing, by the subject, identifying the peripheral target displayed on the display screen using the peripheral vision, the peripheral target intended for identification by the subject using the peripheral vision; anddetermining whether the subject is able to identify the peripheral target displayed on the display screen using the peripheral vision.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the display screen displays a visual marker claim 1 , the visual marker intended for identification by the subject using central vision.3. The method of further comprising:capturing an image or a video of an eye of the subject to detect a deviation of the central vision from the visual marker.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the visual marker is dynamic.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the visual marker is static.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the visual marker includes at least one of an alphanumeric character claim 5 , a shape claim 5 , or an image.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the visual marker is in a flashing motion.8. The method of further comprising:changing a location on the display screen where ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Examination stand with improved access for the wheelchair bound patient

Номер: US20130293845A1
Автор: Ronald M. Kendrick

A patient examination assembly comprises a rotatable stand adapted to mount a slit lamp microscope, and a phoropter attached to the stand by a telescoping arm assembly, comprising an arm and a connector and the connector comprises a first link and a second link. The first link is telescopeable within the second link.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130303938A1
Автор: Aydin Gulcer, Sulo Remzi

The present invention relates to a test device which is designed for measuring the caution and intuitional capability of the individuals, by providing the individual to make an estimate about the position of the stimulus (U) at a certain time after the visual stimulus (U) disappears from the screen () and after the stimulus continues the movement thereof in an invisible manner. 1. A test device which is designed for measuring the caution and intuitional capability of the individuals , by providing the individual to make an estimate about the position of the stimulus at a certain time after the visual stimulus disappears from the screen and after the stimulus continues the movement thereof in an invisible manner , characterized by comprising:an operating system,at least one input unit with a key pad thereon, in order to provide the data entry to the operating system,an image source which is related to the operating system and which comprises at least one path, at least one stimulus and at least one station which are different from each other,at least one data source which is related to the operating system, which comprises the data therein which is entered by means of the input unit and which comprises the test data to be applied,at least one record unit which is related to the operating system and which keeps the answers given by the individuals during the test,at least one screen which is related to the operating system, which displays said paths, the stimulus and the station and which provides the individuals to realize the selections thereof and which is a touch-screen,a button which is related to the operating system and which provides the individuals to realize the estimation thereof when the individuals think that the stimulus reaches the desired station according to the movement of the stimulus during the test,at least one timer which is related to the operating system and which measures the beginning, finishing and process duration for each process on the ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Hand-Held Laser Device for Determining the Dominant Eye

Номер: US20130321774A1
Принадлежит: Eye Care and Cure Asia Pte Ltd

A device for determining the dominant eye of a person. The device comprises a cone having a small hole at its apex which serves as a view port. The cone is attached to a handle, which contains a battery-powered, low-level laser light source that emits light through a light port in the handle. The cone and handle are designed to be made from a single sheet of material. To determine a person's dominant eye, the person holds the device at arm's length by the handle. The laser is turned on and the person aims the light at a distant wall. The person looks through the base of the cone through the view port with both eyes open, and locates the laser spot on the distant wall through the view port. The person then closes his right eye. If the laser spot disappears from view, the person is right-eye dominant.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335707A1

A method of testing visual performance includes determining a difficulty rating for each of a plurality of visual recognition tests. The method further includes displaying one of the visual recognition tests to a subject and receiving from the subject a response to the visual recognition test. After receiving the response to the visual recognition test, a subsequent visual recognition test is selected to have a difficulty rating determined based on the response received from the subject, the subsequent visual recognition test is displayed, and a response is received from the subject. The subsequent visual recognition tests are repeated until a predetermined number of responses is reached. A visual performance score is determined based on the set of responses received from the subject and the difficulty ratings for the visual recognition tests displayed to the subject is then output. 1. An adaptive visual performance testing system , comprising:a memory storing a plurality of visual recognition tests and outcome probability associated with each visual recognition test;a display operable to display an image for each of the visual recognition tests to a subject;an input device operable to receive a response to each of the visual recognition tests from the subject; anda processor operable to execute instructions stored in the memory to perform the following steps:(a) displaying one of the visual recognition tests to a subject;(b) receiving from the subject a response to the visual recognition test;(c) after receiving the response to the visual recognition test, selecting a subsequent visual recognition test having selected outcome probability information determined based on the response from the subject;(d) displaying the subsequent visual recognition test;(e) receiving from the subject a response to the subsequent visual recognition test;(f) repeating steps (c)-(e) until a stopping criterion is achieved; and(g) outputting a visual performance score determined based on ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130339043A1

A self-contained, free-standing vision-based health assessment/vision correction prescription system is provided, with a variety of health assessment sensors and vision correction sensors offered in a single, self-contained, Internet-connected facility that allows automated fulfillment of items that address the needs of a user that are determined by a vision/health assessment. 1. A system , comprising:a self-contained, standing housing, configured to include an interface for a user;at least one vision assessment facility integrated with the housing, the vision assessment facility capable of determining a prescription for at least one of contact lenses and eyeglasses for the user;at least one health assessment facility related to a non-vision aspect of the health of a user integrated with the housing.2. A system of claim 1 , wherein the vision assessment facility automatically aligns with the eyes of the user claim 1 , without requiring a mechanical element for positioning the head of the user relative to the vision assessment facility.3. A system of claim 1 , further comprising a vision recommendation for analyzing a need identified by the vision assessment facility and recommending at least one of an item and an action to address the need.4. A system of claim 1 , wherein the housing is configured as a kiosk adapted to be located in a retail location.5. A system of claim 1 , wherein the system includes a network communication facility.6. A system of claim 1 , further comprising a health recommendation module for analyzing a need identified by the health assessment facility and recommending at least one of an item and an action to address the need.7. A system of claim 1 , wherein the system includes a plurality of health assessment facilities claim 1 , wherein at least two of the facilities are disposed on a rotating carousel to allow serial presentation of the facilities to the user.8. A system of claim 1 , wherein the system includes a plurality of health ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140002799A1
Автор: Wildsmith Christopher

A method, system and apparatus for providing vision correction to a patient is disclosed. The method, system and apparatus involve a) obtaining at least one bare eye data measurement, habitual lens data measurement and/or fitting lens data measurement of the patient; b) providing the at least one bare eye data measurement, the habitual lens data measurement and/or the fitting lens data measurement to a free form custom lens manufacturing system; c) producing a customized lens using the free form custom lens manufacturing system; and d) providing the custom lens to the patient. 1. A method for providing vision correction to a patient , comprising: a) obtaining at least one bare eye data measurement , habitual lens data measurement and/or fitting lens data measurement of the patient; b) providing said at least one bare eye data measurement , habitual lens data measurement and/or fitting lens data measurement to a free form custom lens manufacturing system; c) producing a customized lens using the free form custom lens manufacturing system; and d) providing said custom lens to the patient.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said customized lens is one of a contact lens claim 1 , an inlay claim 1 , an onlay claim 1 , and an IOL.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one bare eye data measurement claim 1 , habitual lens data measurement and/or fitting lens data measurement is obtained by at least one of a wavefront sensing technique and a corneal topography technique.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein providing said at least one bare eye data measurement claim 1 , habitual lens data measurement and/or fitting lens data measurement to said free form custom lens manufacturing system comprises at least one of voice signals and data signals transmitted over a communication system.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein said voice or data signals are transmitted over at least one of a land-based and a wireless-based communication ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140016091A1
Автор: Dai Guang-ming
Принадлежит: AMO Manufacturing USA, LLC

Methods, devices, and systems establish an optical surface shape that mitigates or treats a vision condition in a patient. An optical surface shape for a particular patient can be determined using a set of patient parameters for the specific patient by using a compound modulation transfer function (CMTF). The compound modulation transfer function can include a combination of modulation transfer functions (MTF's) at a plurality of distinct frequencies. 1. A system for establishing an optical surface shape that mitigates or treats a vision condition of an eye in a particular patient , the system comprising:an input that accepts a set of patient parameters; anda module comprising a tangible medium embodying machine-readable code that determines an optical surface shape for the particular patient based on the set of patient parameters, using a composite optical metric,wherein the composite optical metric comprises a first compound modulation transfer function (CMTF) parameter and a second parameter, the first parameter based on a CMTF comprising a combination of modulation transfer functions (MTF's) at a plurality of distinct frequencies.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the second parameter is selected from the group consisting of a Strehl Ratio (SR) parameter claim 1 , a modulation transfer function (MTF) parameter claim 1 , a point spread function (PSF) parameter claim 1 , an encircled energy (EE) parameter claim 1 , a volume under MTF surface (VMTF) parameter claim 1 , and a contrast sensitivity (CS) parameter.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the composite optical metric comprises individual weighting functions associated with respective individual parameters of the composite optical metric.5. The system according to claim 3 , wherein at least one of the weighting functions is a constant.6. The system according to claim 3 , wherein at least one of the weighting functions is a two-dimensional function.7. The system according to claim 3 , ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for engaging and providing vision correction options to patients from a remote location

Номер: US20140028973A1
Автор: James Michael Scolaro
Принадлежит: Johnson and Johnson Vision Care Inc

A method and system for providing vision correction to a patient is disclosed. The method and system employ a vision care POD to engage and provide vision diagnostics and correction options to a patient. More specifically, method and system may include educating the population of a geographic area through sources that target particular identified groups in need of vision correction; providing an eye examination to patients using a vision care POD to generate a personalized vision correction ID card; providing one or more vision correction solution(s) to the patient; supplying the patient with the one or more vision correction solution(s) and the corresponding training for the solution(s); and providing ongoing care and support to the patient.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Electro-Active Opthalmic Lens Having an Optical Power Blending Region

Номер: US20140036226A1
Принадлежит: E Vision Smart Optics Inc

A spectacle lens is disclosed. The disclosed lens provides a vision correcting area for the correction of a wearer's refractive error. The viewing correction area provides correction for non-conventional refractive error to provide at least a part of the wearer's vision correction. The lens has a prescription based on a wave front analysis of the wearer's eye and the lens can further be modified to fit within an eyeglass frame.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140036228A1
Автор: Fateh Sina
Принадлежит: Atheer, Inc.

Systems and methods for improving the peripheral vision of a subject are disclosed. In one aspect, embodiments of the present disclosure includes a method, which may be embodied on a system, for improving peripheral vision of a subject using a visual marker on a display screen, the method includes, displaying a peripheral target on the display screen, the peripheral target having a visually discernible characteristic and determining whether the subject is able to correctly identify the peripheral target displayed on the display screen using the peripheral vision. The visual marker is intended for viewing using central vision of the subject and the peripheral target is intended for identification using the peripheral vision of the subject. 1. A method for improving peripheral vision of a subject using a peripheral target displayed on a display screen , the method comprising:determining whether the subject is able to identify the peripheral target displayed on the display screen using the peripheral vision;wherein, the peripheral target is intended for identification by the subject using the peripheral vision.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , a visual marker is displayed on the display screen;wherein, the visual marker is intended for identification by the subject using central vision.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the peripheral target has a visually discernible characteristic.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising claim 2 , capturing an image or a video of an eye of the subject to detect deviation of the central vision from the visual marker.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,the peripheral target is static.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the peripheral target is of a shape or form that comprises claim 1 , one or more of claim 1 , an alphanumeric character claim 1 , a shape claim 1 , or an image.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the identification of the peripheral target comprises recognizing a ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000359A1
Автор: Zhang Yan

A system for conducting an automated refraction examination on a patient, including: a phoropter configured to present different optics to the patient; an automated reading rod mounted to the phoropter; and a control unit configured to send signals to perform an automated refraction examination; wherein the phoropter comprises a right member with a right aperture and a left member with a left aperture; wherein the automated reading rod comprises: a reading rod including a first end and a second end; a motor coupled to the first end of the reading rod, wherein the motor is configured to drive the reading rod between a first position and a second position; a mounting interface configured to mount the automated reading rod to the phoropter; a reading card holder coupled to the second end of the reading rod; and a reading card coupled to the reading card holder. 1. A phoropter for conducting an automated refraction examination on a patient comprising:a right member with a right aperture;a left member with a left aperture;an upper member connecting to the right member and the left member;a mounting interface coupled to the upper member;a control unit configured to send signals to conduct the automated refraction examination; and a reading rod comprising a first end and a second end;', 'a motor coupled to the first end of the reading rod, wherein the motor is configured to drive the reading rod between a first position and a second position;', 'a reading card holder coupled to the second end of the reading rod; and', 'a reading card coupled to the reading card holder., 'an automated reading rod mounted to the phoropter via the mounting interface, the automated reading rod comprising2. The phoropter of claim 1 , wherein the control unit is configured to communicate with the patient via an input device and an output device;wherein the output device comprises one or more of a speaker and a display; andwherein the input device comprises one or more of a microphone, a keyboard ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Method Of Evaluating The Efficiency Of A Myopia Control Product

Номер: US20160000314A1
Автор: Drobe Björn

A method of evaluating the efficiency of a myopia control product for a wearer, the method comprising: an initial myopia indicator providing step S during which the initial value of a myopia indicator of the wearer is provided, a myopia condition step S during which the wearer using the myopia control product is placed in myopia inducing conditions, a resulting myopia indicator determining step S during which the resulting value of the myopia indicator of the wearer is determined after the wearer has been placed in the myopia inducing conditions, an efficiency evaluation step S during which the efficiency of the myopia control product is evaluated by comparing the initial value of the myopia indicator and the resulting value of the myopia indicator. 1. A method of evaluating the efficiency of a myopia control product for a wearer , the method comprising:{'b': '1', 'an initial myopia indicator providing step S, during which the initial value of a myopia indicator of the wearer is provided;'}{'b': '2', 'a myopia condition step S, during which the wearer using a myopia control product is placed in myopia inducing conditions;'}{'b': '3', 'a resulting myopia indicator determining step S, during which the resulting value of the myopia indicator of the wearer is determined after the wearer has been placed in the myopia inducing conditions; and'}{'b': '4', 'an efficiency evaluation step S, during which the efficiency of the myopia control product is evaluated by comparing the initial value of the myopia indicator and the resulting value of the myopia indicator.'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the myopia indicator is a parameter related to the axial length of the wearer's eyes or the thickness of the wearer's choroid.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the myopia control product is the wearer's usual distance correction.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the myopia inducing conditions are optically imposed myopizing conditions.5. The method ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000325A1

Configurations are disclosed for a health system to be used in various healthcare applications, e.g., for patient diagnostics, monitoring, and/or therapy. The health system may comprise a light generation module to transmit light or an image to a user, one or more sensors to detect a physiological parameter of the user's body, including their eyes, and processing circuitry to analyze an input received in response to the presented images to determine one or more health conditions or defects. 1. (canceled)2. A wearable augmented reality device comprising:an augmented reality head-mounted ophthalmic system comprising an augmented reality display platform configured to pass light from the world into at least one eye of a person wearing the ophthalmic system;a light source configured to output light for propagation into the eye of the person to form an image in the eye; anda user interface configured to receive input from the person,wherein the ophthalmic system is configured to occlude one or more selectable portions of a field of view of the person's eye and to receive input from the person regarding the wearer's vision through the user interface.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the wearable augmented reality device is configured to occlude a central region of the field of view.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the wearable augmented reality device is configured to determine whether occluding the central region improves the person's vision of the image claim 3 , and conclude a presence of a visual defect in the eye of the person based on the determined improvement in the person's vision.5. The device of claim 2 , wherein the wearable augmented reality device is configured to occlude a peripheral region of the field of view.6. The device of claim 2 , wherein the wearable augmented reality device is configured to occlude the one or more selectable portions of the field of view of the person's eye digitally.7. The device of claim 2 , wherein the wearable augmented ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000340A1
Автор: Fateh Sina

Systems and methods for improving the peripheral vision of a subject are disclosed. In one aspect, embodiments of the present disclosure includes a method, which may be embodied on a system, for improving peripheral vision of a subject using a visual marker on a display screen, the method includes, displaying a peripheral target on the display screen, the peripheral target having a visually discernable characteristic and determining whether the subject is able to correctly identify the peripheral target displayed on the display screen using the peripheral vision. The visual marker is intended for viewing using central vision of the subject and the peripheral target is intended for identification using the peripheral vision of the subject. 1. A method for displaying information , the method comprising:displaying a first information to a subject on a head mounted display so as to enable substantially consistent identification of the information by the subject, the first information being substantially in a central vision of the subject, wherein the first information is received by the subject using substantially the central vision of the subject; anddisplaying a second information to the subject on the head mounted display so as to enable substantially consistent identification of the information by the subject, the second information being substantially in a peripheral vision of the subject, wherein the second information is received by the subject using substantially the peripheral vision of the subject.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first information is static.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first information is dynamic.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first information includes at least one of an alphanumeric character claim 1 , a shape claim 1 , or an image.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second information is static.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second information is dynamic.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Augmented and virtual reality display systems and methods for determining optical prescriptions

Номер: US20170000329A1
Принадлежит: Magic Leap Inc

Configurations are disclosed for a health system to be used in various healthcare applications, e.g., for patient diagnostics, monitoring, and/or therapy. The health system may comprise a light generation module to transmit light or an image to a user, one or more sensors to detect a physiological parameter of the user's body, including their eyes, and processing circuitry to analyze an input received in response to the presented images to determine one or more health conditions or defects.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Methods and systems for diagnosing binocular vision conditions

Номер: US20170000331A1
Принадлежит: Magic Leap Inc

Configurations are disclosed for a health system to be used in various healthcare applications, e.g., for patient diagnostics, monitoring, and/or therapy. The health system may comprise a light generation module to transmit light or an image to a user, one or more sensors to detect a physiological parameter of the user's body, including their eyes, and processing circuitry to analyze an input received in response to the presented images to determine one or more health conditions or defects.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Methods and systems for diagnosing eyes using aberrometer

Номер: US20170000337A1
Принадлежит: Magic Leap Inc

Configurations are disclosed for a health system to be used in various healthcare applications, e.g., for patient diagnostics, monitoring, and/or therapy. The health system may comprise a light generation module to transmit light or an image to a user, one or more sensors to detect a physiological parameter of the user's body, including their eyes, and processing circuitry to analyze an input received in response to the presented images to determine one or more health conditions or defects.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007930A1

Disclosed is a device for placing a phoropter head in a horizontal position in order to optimize the measurement of the visual acuity of a patient, and to a method for placing a phoropter head in a horizontal position. The device and method help performing a correct measurement of a patient's visual acuity by allowing the fine adjustment of the phoropter head horizontality and alerting when its position is not correct. 11. Device for placing a phoropter head () in a horizontal position , comprising:{'b': 12', '2', '1', '3, 'a module () for determining an angular deviation (α) between a main plane (P) of said phoropter head () and a reference horizontal plane (P),'}{'b': 8', '9, 'a sensory indicator (, ) adapted to emit a sensory signal,'}{'b': 13', '8', '9', '12, 'a command unit () programmed to activate said sensory indicator (,) as a function of the angular deviation (α) determined by said module () in order toprovide an adjustment sensory signal as long as said angular deviation (α) is outside a first deviation range including the deviation of zero value, said first deviation range having a width superior or equal to zero, and,after said angular deviation (α) has entered said first deviation range, provide a stop sensory signal as long as said angular deviation (α) remains within a second deviation range, said second deviation range encompassing said first deviation range.2138912. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the command unit () is programmed to activate said sensory indicator ( claim 1 ,) as a function of the angular deviation (α) determined by said module () in order to claim 1 , after said angular deviation (α) has entered said first deviation range:provide a stop sensory signal if the current value of the angular deviation (α) is inside the second deviation range, said stop sensory signal being provided even if the current value of the angular deviation (α) is outside the first deviation range, andprovide an adjustment sensory signal if the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007939A1

An apparatus, and corresponding method, for determining a property of an eye includes a housing with a proximal port that receives an eye and also light from the eye. The housing further includes a distal port, and the two ports together form a visual channel providing an open view to enable the eye to see target indicia external to and spaced away from the housing. A wavefront sensor within the housing is configured to receive the light from the eye via the optical path and to measure a wavefront of the light. A determination module determines an objective refractive correction based on the wavefront and predicts a subjective refractive preference of a person having the eye based on the objective refractive correction. Embodiments can be handheld, and binocular, and predict subjective refraction based on demographic and other information. 1. An apparatus for determining a property of an eye , the apparatus comprising:a housing including a proximal port, the proximal port configured to receive an eye and to receive light from the eye,the housing further including a distal port, the proximal and distal ports together forming a visual channel from the proximal port through the distal port, the visual channel providing an open view to enable the eye to see target indicia external to and spaced away from the housing;a wavefront sensor within the housing, the wavefront sensor being configured to receive the light from the eye via the optical path and to measure a wavefront of the light; anda determination module configured to determine an objective refractive correction based on the wavefront, the determination module further configured to predict a subjective refractive preference of a person having the eye based on the objective refractive correction.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the determination module is further configured to predict the subjective refractive preference based on a demographic or physical attribute of a person having the eye.3. The apparatus ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015623A1
Принадлежит: Essilor International

A process, phoropter, and an optometry system, the process being for correction of the shift of the optical power of an active lens in a phoropter due to a temperature change over time, the active lens including a container filled with a liquid and having a deformable curvature membrane under the action of an actuator controlled by an optical power control command, the shift being that the active lens provides an actual optical power that is different from the expected optical power corresponding to the optical power control command. A temperature sensor is arranged in and/or on the phoropter to measure the temperature in the phoropter. 115.-. (canceled)16. A process of correction of the shift of the optical power of an active lens in a phoropter due to a temperature change over time , the active lens comprising a container filled with a liquid and having a deformable curvature membrane under the action of an actuator controlled by an optical power control command , the shift being that the active lens provides an actual optical power that is different from the expected optical power corresponding to the optical power control command ,wherein a temperature sensor is arranged in and/or on the phoropter to measure the temperature in the phoropter,wherein in a preliminary phase, a static curve or function of the actual optical power of at least one determined active lens as a function of measured temperatures is obtained for at least one constant value of optical power control command and in steady state condition, andwherein in a further utilization phase of the phoropter, the current temperature is measured by the temperature sensor and the active lens receives an optical power control command that is corrected using the static curve or function of the actual optical power of the active lens to bring back the actual optical power equal to the expected optical power.17. The process according to claim 16 , wherein in the preliminary phase claim 16 , the at least one ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007115A1

Configurations are disclosed for a health system to be used in various healthcare applications, e.g., for patient diagnostics, monitoring, and/or therapy. The health system may comprise a light generation module to transmit light or an image to a user, one or more sensors to detect a physiological parameter of the user's body, including their eyes, and processing circuitry to analyze an input received in response to the presented images to determine one or more health conditions or defects. 1. (canceled)2. A wearable augmented reality device comprising: [ 'a light source configured to project light into the eye of the wearer to form a moving image in the eye; and', 'an augmented reality display platform configured to pass light from the world into an eye of a wearer wearing the head-mounted system, wherein the display platform comprises, 'a user interface configured to receive input from a user,, 'an augmented reality head-mounted ophthalmic system comprisingwherein the wearable augmented reality device is configured to project the image at a particular portion of a periphery of the wearer's visual field and to detect a response regarding the image to determine the health of that particular portion of the visual field.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the moving image moves inward from the periphery of the wearer's visual field toward the center of the wearer's visual field.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the wearable device is configured to detect a response from the wearer indicating a time at which the image becomes visible to the wearer.5. The device of claim 3 , wherein the wearable device is configured to detect a response from the wearer regarding an observed characteristic of the image.6. The device of claim 3 , wherein the light source is further configured to project an image of an object approaching the eye of the wearer.7. The device of claim 2 , wherein the display platform comprises a fiber scanning display.8. The device of claim 2 , wherein the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Augmented and virtual reality display systems and methods for delivery of medication to eyes

Номер: US20170007450A1
Принадлежит: Magic Leap Inc

Configurations are disclosed for a health system to be used in various healthcare applications, e.g., for patient diagnostics, monitoring, and/or therapy. The health system may comprise a light generation module to transmit light or an image to a user, one or more sensors to detect a physiological parameter of the user's body, including their eyes, and processing circuitry to analyze an input received in response to the presented images to determine one or more health conditions or defects.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007921A1

A head-mounted neurological assessment system including a head-mounted frame adapted to fit on a head of a user. One or more sensors are configured to measure parameters associated with an injured brain and/or vestibular system of the user. A display device is coupled to the frame and proximate eyes of the user. A processor subsystem is coupled to the one or more sensors and the display device and configured to perform tests for monitoring the function of an injured brain and/or vestibular system of the user. 1. A head-mounted neurological assessment system comprising:a head-mounted frame adapted to fit on a head of a user;one or more sensors configured to measure parameters associated with an injured brain and/or vestibular system of the user;a display device coupled to the frame and proximate eyes of the user; anda processor subsystem coupled to the one or more sensors and the display device configured to perform one or more tests for monitoring the function of an injured brain and/or vestibular system of the user.2. The system of in which the one or more sensors include one or more of: a plurality of near infrared (NIR) sensors claim 1 , a near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) sensor claim 1 , a plurality of electroencephalogram (EEG) sensors claim 1 , and/or a plurality of electromyography (EMG) sensors.3. The system of further including one or more of: an accelerometer coupled to the processor subsystem configured to determine motion of the head of the user claim 1 , at least one camera coupled to the processor subsystem configured to monitor movement of eyes of the user claim 1 , a toggle switch coupled to the processor subsystem configured to receive user input claim 1 , and/or a stimulation device coupled to the processor subsystem for stimulating a predetermined location on the head.4. The system of in which one NIR sensor is coupled to the frame proximate an artery receiving blood which emanates from the cranial cavity claim 2 , another NIR sensor and is ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150009474A1

One exemplary embodiment is a method for determining an ophthalmic prescription. An examination room is lighted to simulate daytime viewing and a conventional eye chart is used as a visual stimulus. A first corrective spherical lens power is determined by varying spherical lens power and identifying when perceived vision is best. The examination room is kept dark to simulate nighttime viewing conditions. The visual stimulus utilized is a white point source on a dark background, or a self illuminated symbol on a dark background. A second corrective spherical lens powered is determined by varying spherical lens power and identifying when perceived vision is best. An ophthalmic prescription such as one or more lenses, one or more surgical corrections or a combinations thereof is provided including a first corrective component including the first preferred spherical lens power, and a second corrective component including the second preferred spherical lens power. 129-. (canceled)30. A system for determining a corrective ophthalmic prescription comprising: a variable lens system including a line of sight from an eye location to a variable visual stimulus , the variable visual stimulus variable between a first visual stimulus and a second visual stimulus , the system configured to vary the spherical lens power along the line of site , the system being configurable in a first state providing daytime viewing conditions for the first visual stimulus and a second state providing nighttime viewing conditions for the second visual stimulus.31. A system according to claim 30 , wherein the first visual stimulus comprises an ambiently illuminated eye chart.32. A system according to claim 30 , wherein the first visual stimulus comprises a diffusely reflecting object illuminated from the front.33. A system according to claim 30 , wherein the first visual stimulus comprises an ambiently illuminated ETDRS chart.34. A system according to claim 30 , wherein the second visual stimulus ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007597A1
Автор: Han Chao, OOI Teng Leng

The exemplified systems and methods disclosed herein involve the contemporaneous and concurrent stimulation of both eyes of a patient with dissimilar visual scenes that substantially span an expected or normal visual field of both eyes. During an assessment via the exemplified system and methods, a test eye (i.e., eye being assessed) is presented a visual scene that is rich in contours (e.g., a scene with rich texture patterns) that substantially span an expected or normal visual field of a person while the non-tested eye is presented an impoverished visual scene (e.g., a contour-free or non-distinguishing-contour scene, e.g., with a homogeneous color, with respect to the contour-rich scene). Defects in the visual field can be detected by assessing for breaks or discontinuity in the observation of the contour-rich scene by the person. 1. A method for measuring or assessing human visual field comprising:stimulating both eyes of a person with dissimilar visual scenes, wherein a first set of images is presented to a first eye of the person, wherein the first set of images comprises a pattern having one or more contour elements that span a substantial portion of the first image, and wherein a second set of images is contemporaneously presented to a second eye of the person, wherein the second set of images comprises a second pattern having either a different distinguishing contour elements to the first image or no contour elements that spans a substantial portion of the second image; andcontemporaneous with the person fixating on a target on the first set of images, directly or indirectly capturing one or more inputs from the person associated with the presented pattern of the first set of images as observed by the person;wherein presence and/or location and/or size of a gap or break in the observation of the presented pattern as ascertained from the captured input is used to assess the person's visual field.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first set of images are ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007598A1

A visual field test device includes: first probability density function acquisition unit performs step (1) of obtaining a probability density function f(x1) for a result value x1 obtained in a first visual field test; a stimulation threshold determination unit performs step (2) of setting a stimulation threshold t1to a value in the range of x1 in the f(x1); a test result acquisition unit performs step (3) of obtaining test results indicating if a result greater than or equal to t1was obtained in the first visual field test; a second probability density function acquisition unit performs step (4) of obtaining a probability density function f(x2) by removing probability density values that's greater than or equal to t1, or removing values that are less than t1from f(x1); and a determination unit performs step (5) of determining if a standard deviation σ of the f(x2) is below a predetermined value. 1. A visual field test device comprising:a first probability density function acquisition unit configured to perform a step (1) of obtaining a probability density function f(x1) for a result value x1 obtained in a first visual field test, the probability density function f(x1) being a probability density function under at least two conditions regarding a test subject from among the number of years since a last test, an age, test coordinates, a history of illness, an illness name, an disease stage, an estimated threshold used in a past visual field test, and an indicator of a reliability of a past visual field test result;{'b': '1', 'a stimulation threshold determination unit configured to perform a step (2) of setting a stimulation threshold tto a value in a range of x1 in the probability density function f(x1);'}{'b': '1', 'a test result acquisition unit configured to perform a step (3) of obtaining a test result indicating whether or not a result greater than or equal to twas obtained in the first visual field test;'}a second probability density function acquisition unit ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008184A1

Currently there is no apparatus or method to exercise mental agility by the simultaneous and/or independent control from the hands, feet, and eyes. 1. We claim a method using computerized cursors controlled simultaneously and/or independently by the hands and feet: This method provides the information related to the speed of each cursor that exercises user mental agility to accomplish a given result. The eye compares the slower cursor against the faster cursor and in turn the brain instructs the slower cursor to match the speed of the faster cursor to achieve the result as depicted in . The hands and feet mice perform this method of cursor control. Repeating the exercise improves user performance, coordination, and reflection. Currently there is no apparatus or method to exercise mental agility by the simultaneous and/or independent control from the hands, feet, and eyes.A method to enhance mental agility by exercising the simultaneous and/or independent control from the actions each hand and foot.A new method to exercise mental agility by assigning and labeling a computer cursor to the left hand, right hand, left foot and right foot. Each computer cursor will be independently and/or simultaneously controlled by a wire or wireless hand and foot computer mice. The objective is to reach a designated target from a defined starting point by tracing the templates displayed on the screen using the cursors as depicted in . All templates are designed to a specific challenge. Measuring the speed of each cursor will be displayed, recorded, and stored for retrieval by the user to determine and compare the responsiveness of eye coordination against the hands and feet. Repetition will reduce target access time for each cursor to reach the target at the same time. Cursor data information, such as speed, will be displayed on the screen to measure progress and challenges. The method will include two (2) hand mice and two (2) foot mice, and is not limited to operating systems such ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008666A1

An apparatus for measuring a visual field of a subject can include an enclosure, wherein the enclosure surrounds at least one eye of the subject; a display comprising a distance from the eye of the subject to a surface of the display, wherein the distance is substantially constant along a portion of the surface of the display; and a plurality of light sources disposed on the display, wherein the light sources comprise a plurality of stimuli for measuring the visual field of the subject, wherein the apparatus may be worn by the subject. 1. An apparatus for measuring visual function across a visual field of a subject comprising:an enclosure, wherein the enclosure is configured to surround at least one eye of the subject;a display comprising a surface, wherein the surface is configured to be spaced a distance from the eye of the subject, wherein the distance is substantially constant along a portion of the surface of the display; anda plurality of light sources disposed on the display, wherein the light sources comprise a plurality of stimuli for measuring the visual field of the subject,wherein the apparatus is configured to be worn by the subject.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the surface of the display comprises a dome shape claim 1 , a shape which is hemispherical claim 1 , or a shape which is a portion of a surface of the sphere.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is monocular or binocular.6. (canceled)7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is light sealed.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is semitransparent.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the display comprises a plurality of displays.10. (canceled)11. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the display does not comprise a back-light.12. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of light sources is stationary relative to the surface of the display.13. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of light sources is mobile ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008667A1

A method for carrying out an eye examination on an examinee is provided. The method includes providing a display configured for displaying a visual stimulus; forming a visual path between the display and at least one eye of the examinee; displaying on the display at least one visual stimulus having visual characteristics; detecting reflexive eye response of the at least one eye in response to the displaying of the visual stimulus; assessing vision of the at least one eye in accordance with the reflexive eye response and the characteristics of the visual stimulus. 1. A method for carrying out an eye examination on an examinee , the method comprising:providing a display configured for displaying a visual stimulus;forming a visual path between said display and at least one eye of the examinee;displaying on said display at least one visual stimulus having visual characteristics;detecting reflexive eye response of said at least one eye in response to said displaying of said visual stimulus;assessing vision of said at least one eye in accordance with said reflexive eye response and said characteristics of said visual stimulus.2. The method according to further comprising determining initial preset values of said optical parameters.3. The method according to wherein said eye response is selected from a group including lens tension claim 1 , pupil size claim 1 , saccade and eye muscles movement.4. The method according to wherein said step of displaying said at least one visual stimulus is carried out after said eye response is below a predetermined threshold.5. The method according to further comprising providing at least one adjustable lens assembly and adjusting optical parameters of said adjustable lens assembly after said eye response are detected.6. The method according to further comprising displaying a visual stimulus after said step of adjusting said optical parameters and displaying a visual stimulus after said step of adjusting said optical parameters.7. (canceled ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031156A1
Автор: ALLY Brandon, WYLIE Scott
Принадлежит: S2 COGNITION, INC.

The present disclosure provides improved methods and apparatus for evaluation of an individual's cognitive performance in a fast-paced, visually dynamic environment. The apparatus may comprise a display configured to present a plurality of stimuli to the subject, and a processor coupled to the display, the processor comprising instructions to determine a subject's visual perceptual skills, memory and learning skills, and response command and control skills. The methods and apparatus described herein can evaluate key cognitive processes that underlie split-second decision-making in visually dynamic environments. The results can provide comparison of cognitive skills across individuals performing in a specific environment, as well as evaluations of more targeted sets of cognitive processes for specific positions in an environment that might require unique sets of skills. 1. An apparatus to measure a subject , the apparatus comprising:a display to present a plurality of stimuli to the subject; anda processor coupled to the display, the processor comprising instructions to determine a visual perception of the subject, a memory and learning of the subject, and a command and control of the subject, the plurality of stimuli configured to measure a speed and an accuracy of the subject to act in response to the plurality of stimuli and a speed and an accuracy of the subject withhold action in response to the plurality of stimuli.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of stimuli comprises stimuli to measure visual perception of the subject claim 1 , stimuli to measure memory and learning of the subject and stimuli to measure command and control of the subject.34-. (canceled)5. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the processor comprises instructions to provide an assessment task configured to measure a speed and accuracy of the subject at locating a target in a distracting visual environment.6. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the processor comprises instructions ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031157A1
Принадлежит: New England College of Optometry

A visual stimulus for a set of contrast cards is provided which comprises a hollow outer circle, opposing and identical first and second arc segment within the outer circle which are symmetrical about the vertical diameter of the outer circle, a first filled-in circle and a second filled-in circle being identical in diameter to the first filled-in circle, each residing on opposite ends of the horizontal diameter of the outer circle and each being equidistant from the center of the outer circle, a filled-in center element having a rotational center on the center of the outer circle, the center element being symmetrical about both the horizontal and vertical diameter of the outer circle. 1. A visual stimulus for a set of contrast cards , the stimulus comprising:A hollow outer circle having a constant thickness,A first arc segment within the outer circle which is symmetrical about the vertical diameter of the outer circle, and a second arc segment in opposing arrangement to the first arc segment and being identical in length and thickness to the first arc segment, the second arc segment being symmetrical about the vertical axis of the outer circle, the first and second arc segments being located on an imaginary circle residing within the outer circle and being concentric therewith,A first filled-in circle and a second filled-in circle being identical in diameter to the first filled-in circle, each residing on opposite ends of the horizontal diameter of the outer circle and each being equidistant from the center of the outer circle,A filled-in center element having a rotational center on the center of the outer circle, the center element being symmetrical about both the horizontal and vertical diameter of the outer circle.2. The visual stimulus of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the first and second arc segments is substantially the same as the thickness of the outer circle.3. The visual stimulus of claim 1 , wherein the length of the first and second arc segments are ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Method and System for Analysis of Diagnostic Parameters and Disease Progression

Номер: US20180014724A1
Автор: Wroblewski Dariusz

A system and method of identifying a change in an eye to detect a probability of disease progression is provided. A database of eye examination maps of different eyes is employed, with each eye examination map including visual field information. Maps of eyes from the database are then selected that show no change between their examinations. Measurement data from the selected eye maps is then generated by collecting measurements made at visual field locations from each selected eye map. Simulated eye examination maps are then generated by randomly sampling a value from the measurement data. A global index is then employed to generate a population of possible global index values for the simulated eye examination maps. The simulated eye examination maps and the corresponding global index values are used to provide a measure of the probability of disease progression. 1. A method of identifying a change in an eye to detect a probability of a disease progression , the method comprising the steps of:providing a database comprising a multiplicity of eye examination maps obtained from a plurality of different eyes, with each eye examination map comprising visual field data;selecting maps of eyes from the database that show substantially no change between their examinations;generating measurement data from the selected eye maps by collecting a plurality of measurements made at a plurality of visual field locations from each selected eye map;generating a plurality of simulated eye examination maps by randomly sampling a value from the measurement data for each visual field location; andemploying a global index to generate an output using each of the plurality of simulated eye examination maps, where the output provides a measure of the probability of the disease progression.2. The method of claim 1 , where each of the plurality of simulated maps is generated by substituting the plurality of measurements made at each of the plurality of visual field locations from each selected ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015673A1
Принадлежит: Global Vision 2020, Inc.

A vision testing apparatus has a frame including a face plate with at least one eye shield having a viewing slot positioned in a viewing direction perpendicular to the face plate, at least one variable lens element including an outer rail and multiple regions of varying diopter power having a width that is equal to or greater than the width of the viewing slot of the eye shield, and adjustable controls for moving the variable lens element in a direction perpendicularly to the viewing direction along a plane of the face plate. The testing apparatus is portable and can be used in developing nations where visual acuity is not corrected because of lack of access to optometric care. 1. A vision testing apparatus comprising:a frame comprising two corresponding temple arms that are each connected to a face plate, wherein the face plate comprises at least one eye shield having a viewing slot positioned in a viewing direction perpendicular to the face plate; an outer rail;', 'a progressive lens having multiple regions of varying diopter power, each region of the multiple regions of varying diopter power having a specific curvature associated with a specific diopter value and a height that is equal to or greater than the height of the viewing slot; and', 'an adjustable control for moving the variable lens element in a direction perpendicular to the viewing direction along a plane of the face plate, wherein the adjustable control is mounted on the frame and comprises a mechanism to engage the outer rail of the variable lens element; and, 'a variable lens element having a width that is equal to or greater than the width of the viewing slot, the variable lens element comprising at least one alignment groove configured to house an inside rail of the variable lens element; and', 'an alignment slot configured to house the outer rail of the variable lens element, wherein the alignment slot comprises an opening though which at least a portion of the adjustable control engages the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015674A1
Автор: Huang I-Chun

Methods, apparatus, and system for a virtual reality device including a display monitor, an adjustable lens, and a focus sensor. The focus sensor may be used to measure a distance between an eye and the display monitor or whether the eye is able to focus images from the display monitor. The user may provide a diopter correction. The VR device may then adjust an optical power of the adjustable lens, based on at least one of the distance or whether the eye is able to focus images from the display monitor. The focus sensor may emit coded electromagnetic radiation and determine a time-of-flight of the coded electromagnetic radiation to determine the distance or whether the eye is able to focus images from the display monitor. The adjustable lens may comprise a flexible lens; the flexible lens may be adjusted with actuators, such as piezoelectric actuators. 1. A computer implemented method of displaying images , comprising: transmitting an electromagnetic radiation onto or into the eye , sensing a reflection of the electromagnetic radiation with a receiver and determining at least one of a distance between a display monitor and the eye or whether the eye is able to focus an image from the display monitor , adjusting an optical power of an adjustable lens between the display monitor and the eye based on at least one of the distance or the determination regarding whether the eye is able to focus an image from the display monitor , and displaying an image on the display monitor.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising determining whether the eye is able to focus the image from the display monitor based on at least one of a human input or a measurement with a structured electromagnetic radiation sensor.3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising transmitting coded signals from a set of transmitters in the structured electromagnetic radiation sensor claim 2 , detecting reflections of the coded signals with a set of receivers in the structured ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Optometer for Home Use

Номер: US20210015356A1
Автор: Hoogland Jan

An optometer may include a test object including a point light source and a collimator lens configured to collimate light from the point light source. The optometer may generate, for a user viewing the point light source through the collimator lens, an image of the point illumination source on a retina of an eye when the eye is in a rest position without triggering the eye to focus. A user-perceived deviation of the image of the point source from an in-focus image is indicative of visual refractive error of the user. A user may use the device with a naked eye to gauge visual refractive error of the eye or may use the device with corrective lenses to gauge the efficacy of the corrective lenses. 1. An optometer comprising:a test object including a point light source; anda collimator lens configured to collimate light from the point light source such that a user viewing the point light source through the collimator generates an image of the point light source on a retina of an eye when the eye is in a rest position without triggering the eye to focus, wherein a user-perceived deviation of the image of the point light source from an in-focus image is indicative of visual refractive error of the user.2. The optometer of claim 1 , wherein the visual refractive error of the user represents refractive error in the eye of the user when the user views the point light source without a corrective lens.3. The optometer of claim 1 , wherein the visual refractive error of the user represents combined refractive error in the eye of the user and a corrective lens when the user views the point light source with the corrective lens.4. The optometer of claim 1 , wherein user-perceived defocus of the image of the point light source is indicative of focal error.5. The optometer of claim 1 , wherein user-perceived distortion of the image of the point light source into a line is indicative of astigmatism.6. The optometer of claim 1 , wherein at least one of an intensity claim 1 , numerical ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020910A1

A portable visual acuity examination device comprises a mounting unit that can be mounted in front of eyes either using or not using eyeglasses, a visual target displaying unit that uses an organic EL display panel, a display controlling unit that changes the visual target displayed on the displaying unit, an inputting unit for visual target viewing results, and a transmitting unit for measurement results. The portable visual acuity examination device comprises an optical system that can change the distance at which the visual target virtual image is visible. The portable visual acuity examination device detects whether eyeglasses are used and matches an uncorrected vision acuity examination and a corrected vision acuity examination. The portable visual acuity examination device switches between a C-type visual target and an E-type visual target. With data display, both the right and left display units are enabled. 1. A portable visual acuity test device comprising:a mount arranged to have the portable visual acuity test device worn in front of an eye;a display which displays a visual target for a visual acuity test;a display controller which switches visual targets displayed on the display;an input unit to which a recognition result of the visual target is inputted; anda transmitter which transmits a measurement result.2. The portable visual acuity test device of claim 1 , wherein the display comprises an organic electroluminescence display panel.3. The portable visual acuity test device of claim 1 , further comprising:an optical system which permits adjustment of a distance at which a virtual image of the visual target is seen.4. The portable visual acuity test device of claim 1 , wherein the mount is arranged to have the portable visual acuity test device worn in front of the eye both in an eyeglasses-worn state and in a naked-eye state.5. The portable visual acuity test device of claim 4 , further comprising:a detector which detects whether or not eyeglasses are ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021589A1

An eye-movement determination method includes providing an a touch display and a memory that stores an image that includes a point of interest, wherein the image is a stored image, and repeatedly executing a set of steps. The steps include determining a position of a contact point, locating a corresponding position in an image that is displayed on the touch display, generating a degraded image from the stored image, displaying the degraded image on the touch display, and recording successive positions of the contact point. The contact point is a point at which a user contacts the touch display. The degraded image is substantially identical to the stored image with a clear zone but degrades beyond the clear zone. 110-. (canceled)11. An apparatus for determining eye movement , said apparatus comprising a touch display , a memory , and a processor configured to repeat a set of steps , wherein said set of steps comprises determining a position of a contact point at which a user touches said display , said position being a determined position , locating a corresponding portion in an image that is being displayed on said touch display , generating a degraded image based on a stored image , displaying said degraded image on said touch display , and recording successive positions of said contact point , wherein said degraded image is substantially identical to said stored image within a clear zone thereof , wherein said clear zone includes said determined position and surroundings thereof , wherein said stored image is degraded beyond said clear zone by a peripheral degradation parameter.12. A method comprising determining eye movements , wherein determining eye movements comprises providing an apparatus , executing a set of steps and repeating execution of said set of steps , wherein said apparatus comprises a touch display and a memory that stores an image that includes a point of interest , wherein said image is a stored image , wherein said set of steps comprises ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Ergonomic refraction station and method for using same

Номер: US20200022576A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The ergonomic refraction station and procedure of use consists of a phoropter helmet, chair, work table, monitor and electronic circuit, which seeks to perform a refraction test in the conditions most similar to the usual work environment of the examinee, for this it consists of a lightweight phoropter helmet, which adjusts to the size of the user, made of transparent material to allow contact with its surroundings and execute the usual movements of head, neck, eyes and working distance, parameters that are captured by optical, distance and inclination sensors, located on the phoropter helmet or on the flexible and adjustable table with “swan neck” arms, so that once the patient places the phoropter helmet and sits on the chair and table, the sensors send information to a microprocessor that shall recognize the real working conditions of the patient and adapt them to the conditions of the ergonomic refraction station, such as: size of letters, aligned inclinations of head-eye-hand coordination with the vision charts, lighting and thus adequately projecting the reading chart on the table and the characters and graphics that the examinee shall read; It also includes removable multifocal lenses or in a test case with the appropriate coupling, noncircular eyepieces with a greater visual field than the traditional ones for the far, middle and near vision test and ocular covers.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Method And System For Determining Personalized Near Addition Value, Lens With Such Addition

Номер: US20170023798A1

A method for determining personalized near addition value for non-presbyopes, including measuring fusional amplitudes and phoria with at least one addition value, on both eyes of a person at a working distance; finding a mathematical function that predicts the change of a pair of fusional amplitudes and phoria as a function of addition value based on the addition value and the measured fusional amplitudes and phoria; and determining the near addition value according to a suitable relationship between the pair of fusional amplitudes and phoria on the mathematical function.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022599A1
Принадлежит: Raytrx, LLC

An augmented reality and extended reality surgical system. The system may comprise a wearable device, such as a head mounted display or glasses, that provides the user with virtual reality, augmented reality, and/or mixed reality for surgery visualization. This may allow the user to access 2D or 3D imaging, magnification, virtual visualization, six-degrees of freedom (6DoF) image management, and/or other images while still viewing real reality and thus maintaining a presence in the operating room. 2. The AXR surgical system of where the camera lenses are capable of capturing a wider field of vision than the micro-displays are capable of projecting a reduced field of vision depending on the user's eye position.3. The AXR surgical system of where the wearable device further comprises one or more forward-facing cameras and where the images projected by the micro-displays are at least partially images obtained from the forward-facing cameras.4. The AXR surgical system of further comprising one or more microphones in communication with the central processing unit claim 1 , where the system is capable of being controlled via voice input via the microphones claim 1 , input from the eye-tracking subsystem claim 1 , or a combination of voice input via the microphones and input from the eye-tracking subsystem.5. The AXR surgical system of where the microphones have noise cancelling features capable of reducing ambient noise.6. The AXR surgical system of where the wearable device further comprises one or more batteries and a hot-swap feature.7. The AXR surgical system of where the wearable device further comprises a remote communication device such that the wearable device is wireless.8. The AXR surgical system of where the system is in communication with one or more second systems such that one or more remote users can view the images from any system on the one or more second systems and communicate with the user and other remote users.9. The AXR surgical system of where the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

System and Method for Displaying Objects in a User Interface Based on a Visual Acuity of a Viewer

Номер: US20150026587A1

A system, a computer readable storage medium including programs, and a computer-implemented method for displaying objects in a graphical user interface of a device are described. A vision test is presented in the graphical user interface of the device, the vision test including vision test objects used to test a visual acuity level of a user of the device. Input is received from the user identifying the user's ability to see at least one vision test object in the vision test. Display settings corresponding to the input received from the user are identified. Objects in the graphical user interface are displayed based on the display settings. 121-. (canceled)22. A computer-implemented method for displaying objects in a graphical user interface of a device , the method comprising: presenting the vision test in the graphical user interface of the device using current display settings, the vision test including vision test objects used to test a visual acuity level of a user of the device, the visual acuity level identifying visual acuity of the user;', 'receiving input from the user identifying the users ability to see at least one vision test object in the vision test;', 'identifying, in a database, customized display settings associated with the at least one vision test object;', 'changing the current display settings to the customized display settings to compensate for the visual impairment; and', 'saving the customized display settings in persistent memory of the device for subsequent display configuration upon login by the user;, 'initiating, by a vision test module, a vision test including the steps ofdisplaying, by the user interface module, further objects generated by applications running on the device with the customized display settings.23. The computer-implemented method of claim 22 , wherein presenting the vision test in the graphical user interface of the device includes:determining specifications of a display device for the device and a predetermined ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025591A1

The application discloses a smart user experience apparatus and a smart helmet, and the smart user experience apparatus includes a display device and a watching device, and further includes: a detecting device, located on the side of the watching device facing the experiencing user, configured to detect diopters of eyes of an experiencing user; and a vision correction device, located on the side of the watching device facing the experiencing user, connected with the detecting device, and configured to compensate for the vision of the experiencing user according to the diopters detected by the detecting device, so visions of experiencing users with the different visions can be, compensated differently for, so that a nearsighted or farsighted experiencing user can see a clear image during watching even without wearing his or her glasses, thus eliminating his or her feeling of a pressure on his or her eyes while the experiencing user is wearing his or her glasses as in the prior art. 1. A smart user experience apparatus , comprising a display device and a watching device , wherein the display device is configured to provide the watching device with virtual information , and the watching device is configured to present the received virtual information to an experiencing user , or to integrate the received virtual information with reality information , and then present the integrated information to the experiencing user; and the smart user experience apparatus further comprises:a detecting device, located on a side of the watching device facing the experiencing user, configured to detect diopters of eyes of the experiencing user; anda vision correction device, located on the side of the watching device facing the experiencing user, connected with the detecting device, and configured to compensate for vision of the experiencing user according to the diopters detected by the detecting device.2. The smart user experience apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Phoropter, and method for measuring refraction using a phoroptor of said type

Номер: US20170027435A1

A refractor ( 100 ) includes: an enclosure having a front face containing a first optical window and a back face containing a second optical window aligned with the first optical window along an optical axis of observation; and at least one vision compensating device making it possible to observe along the optical axis of observation. The vision compensating device includes, between the first window and the second window, a first optical element having a spherical power along the optical axis, the spherical power being variable. The enclosure is mounted on an orientable holder ( 104 ) that is rotatable relative to a stationary portion ( 102 ) about a horizontal axis (H). A method for measuring refraction employing such a refractor is also disclosed.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029885A1
Принадлежит: SIRSVISION, LLC

An image refractor, system and method are designed to improve refraction tests by allowing an examinee to compare, by viewing through at least one eye, at least two disparate images of the same acuity target, substantially side-by-side and simultaneously. The image refractor incorporates at least two prisms through which the acuity target is viewed. Embodiments may be attached to a standard phoropter and rotated into the visual axis so that the at least two images are produced by a combination of the lenses in the phoropter and the superimposed lenses of the image refractor. Embodiments determine the optimum correction for the sphere, cylinder, and axis of the refraction. 1. A refraction system , comprising:a phoropter having plural lenses through which an examinee can view an acuity target presented to the examinee through a selected one of said plural lenses, said plural lenses having optical powers differing from each other; andan image refractor comprising a bi-prism with a refractive lens power on at least one side thereof differing from a refractive power on at least another side thereof, said image refractor mounted on the phoropter in a manner allowing said image refractor in at least one position to be overlapped with said selected lens for presenting said acuity target to the examinee as at least two images of adjacent targets, each differently refracted from the other target.2. The refraction system of claim 1 , wherein said at least two prisms are constructed for presenting said at least two adjacent images of a visual acuity target images in a horizontal side by side view.3. The refraction system of claim 1 , wherein said at least two prisms are constructed for presenting said at least two adjacent target images in a vertical side by side view.4. The refraction system of claim 1 , wherein said image refractor is constructed with more than two prisms constructed for presenting more than two acuity target images differently refracted one from the other ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Suppression Assessment Scoring and Mitigation Panel

Номер: US20220047155A1
Автор: Clark Joseph F
Принадлежит: University of Cincinnati

A method of diagnosing suppression in a subject is disclosed. The method involves prompting the subject to engage in three neurological assessments and recording the results from each test. The neurological assessments are a Brock String test, a Bates Field Splitters test, and a Thumb Thing test. The results of these tests are used to calculate a singular score that indicates the presence of suppression in the subject. In one embodiment, the method further includes using the results of the tests to diagnose the subject with near suppression, far suppression, or both. 2. The method of wherein the singular score is used to produce two possible results:a. no suppression; orb. suppression indicated.3. The method of wherein if suppression is indicated claim 2 , the singular score is used to further identify the category of suppression from the following options:a. some concerns of suppression;b. concerns of suppression;c. substantial concerns of suppression.4. The method of further comprising using the results of the tests to diagnose the subject with near suppression claim 1 , far suppression claim 1 , or both.5. The method of further comprising the step of mitigating suppression if it is identified in the subject claim 1 , wherein the mitigation comprises one or more of the following steps:a. notifying the subject that they have suppression,b. having the subject rest; andc. checking for two eye activity using a Thumb Thing two point fixation test.6. The method of wherein the mitigation comprises all of the following steps:a. notifying the subject that they have suppression,b. having the subject rest; andc. checking for two eye activity using a Thumb Thing two point fixation test.7. The method of further comprising the step of mitigating suppression if it is identified in the subject claim 1 , wherein the mitigation comprises having the subject wear Bates Field Splitters glasses and perform tasks at a distance where they regularly verify that they are seeing two colors. ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029509A1
Автор: Lee Steven P.

The present disclosure relates generally to systems and method for testing and determining corrective lens prescription for a patient. In an example embodiment, a method includes using a hand-portable first electronic device, a second electronic device with a computerized screen, and a server to conduct a vision test for a person. The vision test includes determining, an axis prescription, a cylinder prescription, and a sphere prescription for each eye of the person. A corrective lens prescription is provided for the person based, at least in part, on the determined axis, cylinder, and sphere prescription for each eye of the person. 1. A method for determining a corrective lenses prescription for a person by performing a vision test without the use of a refractor lens assembly using a hand-portable first electronic device , a second electronic device that is associated with a computerized screen , and a server , the method comprising:receiving, in the server, vision information associated with the person, said vision information including at least one of a previous corrective lens prescription of the person, a date of birth of the person, or an age of the person;specifying, via at least one of the hand-portable first electronic device or the second electronic device, a distance for the person to be positioned away from the computerized screen;enabling, via the server, the person to use the hand-portable first electronic device to interact with the second electronic device to perform the vision test, the first and the second electronic devices being separate from each other and each separately communicatively coupled to the server;receiving, in the server, data corresponding to inputs submitted by the person using the hand-portable first electronic device in response to the vision test displayed, at least in part, on the computerized screen of the second electronic device;determining an axis prescription, a cylinder prescription, and a sphere prescription for each ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029513A1

A process for ocular analysis is disclosed. Aspects of the process display, on a device having a display and a camera sensor, a regimented pattern as a stimulus. The camera sensor captures video of an environment. The process also involves isolating an iris within the environment as a bounded region of the captured video. Facial landmarks are assigned to the iris within the bounded region. Thereafter, raw movement data of the facial landmark in response to the regimented pattern is extracted from the captured video. The raw movement data is used to create filtered movement data (e.g., data that has been checked for errors). The process also compares the filtered movement data to a predetermined movement response that is based on the regimented pattern. From the comparison, a performance score is generated. The performance score is used to generate an output. 1. A process for ocular analysis , the process comprising:displaying, on a device having a display and a camera sensor, a regimented pattern as a stimulus;capturing video of an environment via the camera sensor;isolating an iris within the environment as a bounded region of the captured video;assigning a facial landmark for the iris within the bounded region;extracting raw movement data, from the captured video, of the facial landmark in response to the regimented pattern;creating filtered movement data from the raw movement data based on the facial landmark;comparing the filtered movement data to a predetermined movement response that is based on the regimented pattern;generating a performance score based on the comparison; andgenerating an output based on the performance score.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein creating filtered movement data comprises:overlaying the raw movement data of the facial landmark in response to the regimented pattern onto a corresponding point in time during the captured video;selecting a window of interest based on the corresponding point in time; andcomparing the raw movement ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Remote Comprehensive Eye Examination System

Номер: US20190029516A1

An ophthalmic technician is present with a patient in an exam room to operate eye examination equipment and transmit patient information to remote location. At that remote location, a skilled technician is present to provide the necessary optical care, and may operate the phoropter from the remote location. Using video and/or teleconferencing equipment and a phoropter located in the patient examination room along with management software, the system works to determine the final optical prescription for the patient. That information, coupled with findings from other devices which are integrated with the management software, and that the patient uses locally, are reviewed by a remote-based optometrist or ophthalmologist. 1. A method comprising:assigning a patient to a local eyecare technician, wherein the patient and the local eyecare technician are located at a local diagnostic center;collecting medical history for the patient;assigning the patient to a remote eyecare technician, wherein the remote eyecare technician is located at a remote diagnostic center;administering, by the local eyecare technician, pre-refraction tests on the patient to produce pre-refraction results for the patient;transmitting the medical history for the patient and the pre-refraction results for the patient to the remote eyecare technician;administering, by the remote eyecare technician, refraction tests on the patient to produce refraction results for the patient;transmitting to a remote eyecare doctor the medical history for the patient, the pre-refraction results for the patient, and the refraction results for the patient;reviewing, by the remote eyecare doctor, the medical history for the patient, the pre-refraction results for the patient, and the refraction tests for the patient; anddisplaying, by the remote eyecare doctor, patient eye imaging data to the patient;wherein the remote eyecare doctor, the remote eyecare technician, and the local eyecare technician are in different ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Remote comprehensive eye examination system

Номер: US20200029811A1
Принадлежит: DigitalOptometrics LLC

An ophthalmic technician is present with a patient in an exam room to operate eye examination equipment and transmit patient information to remote location. At that remote location, a skilled technician is present to provide the necessary optical care, and may operate the phoropter from the remote location. Using video and/or teleconferencing equipment and a phoropter located in the patient examination room along with management software, the system works to determine the final optical prescription for the patient. That information, coupled with findings from other devices which are integrated with the management software, and that the patient uses locally, are reviewed by a remote-based optometrist or ophthalmologist.

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Visual function testing device

Номер: US20140118685A1
Автор: Ryo Kawamura
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A visual function testing device includes: a visual target image presentation unit that presents a visual target image; a visual target image rendering unit that renders the visual target image to be presented on the visual target image presentation unit; a visual function test item selection unit that selects a visual function test item; a visual target image generation unit that generates a visual target image corresponding to the test item selected by the visual function test item selection unit; a viewpoint distance input unit that inputs a distance between the visual target image presentation unit and a viewpoint of an observer; and a visual angle input unit that inputs an angle to be made by the visual target image and the viewpoint of the observer. Based on the viewpoint distance and the visual angle, a display size and display position of a visual target image are calculated.

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Macular Pigment Measurement Device With Data Quality Indexing Feature

Номер: US20140118698A1
Принадлежит: ZeaVision, LLC

A system measures macular pigment of a macula of a human eye of a subject. The system comprises a light source having a first light and a second light that modulate at variable frequencies, an input device for receiving an input indicating the frequency at which the user perceives the modulation of the first light and a second light, a display device, at least one processor, and one or more memory devices. The one or more memory devices storing instructions that, when executed by at least one processor, cause the system to (i) display, on the display device, test data corresponding to the user's inputs from the input device, (ii) determine whether the test data are valid or invalid through a curve-fitting algorithm, (iii) automatically indicate that the test data are valid or invalid. 1. A measurement system for measuring macular pigment from an eye of a subject , comprising:a light source having a first light and a second light that modulates at variable frequencies;an input device for receiving an input indicating the frequency at which the user perceives the modulation of the first light and a second light;a display device;at least one processor; and ["display, on the display device, test data corresponding to the user's inputs from the input device,", 'determine whether the test data are valid or invalid through a curve-fitting algorithm,', 'automatically indicate that the test data are valid or invalid., 'one or more memory devices storing instructions that, when executed by at least one processor, cause the system to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the modulation decreases until reaching the modulation frequency at which the user indicates that he or she perceives the modulation.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the modulation frequency at which the user provides an input is between about 15 Hz and about 35 Hz.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first light is blue and the second light is green.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the display device ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Testing for Color Vision Loss

Номер: US20150036104A1
Автор: Nordstrom Steven B.

A method and apparatus for administering eye tests to identify cone sensitivity loss associated with hereditary and acquired color vision loss which may be used for early detection, progress, treatment, and monitoring of eye conditions, traumatic brain injury, optic neuritis, systemic and neurological diseases including Glaucoma, Retinopathy, Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's Disease, and Parkinson's Disease and retinal toxicity. Particularly, the method and apparatus disclosed uses a Cone Contrast Test (CCT) to test individuals for hereditary or acquired color vision loss associated with (a) early signs of potential disease/damage/toxicity in an effort to (i) provide opportunity for treatment, and (ii) prevent permanent eye damage, and (b) monitor progress and treatment of such disease/damage/toxicity. The system comprises a computer system including an input device and a display device, and the accuracy and repeatability of the testing is provided by repeated calibration using a colormeter. 1. A computerized method for administering a cone contrast (CCT) color vision test to a patient , comprising the steps of:(a) displaying a first character in a first color at a first contrast level on a display driven by said computer;(b) receiving a first input signal from said patient via an input device connected to said computer, where said input signal is indicative of whether said patient recognizes said first character displayed in said first color at said first contrast level;(c) displaying a second character in said first color at a second contrast level on said display driven by said computer;(d) receiving a second input signal from said patient via an input device connected to said computer, where said input signal is indicative of whether said patient recognizes said second character displayed in said first color at said second contrast level;(e) assigning a score to said first and second input signals, said score related to ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Determining Refractive Corrections of Human Eyes for Eyeglasses

Номер: US20200033633A1
Автор: Junzhong Liang
Принадлежит: Perfect Vision Tech (HK) Ltd

Methods, devices, and systems are disclosed for determining refractive corrections of human eyes to reduce and eliminate image distortion associated with eyeglasses. In some embodiments, an objective refraction module is configured to measure refractive errors of an eye objectively, without subjective feedback from a tested subject. A computation module is configured to generate a plurality of objective prescriptions. A phoropter module is configured to perform a subjective refraction for determining a plurality of subjective spherical powers based on the plurality of objective prescriptions. An output module is configured to generate a plurality of prescriptions for eyeglasses, the plurality of prescriptions comprising (a) a first prescription having a first subjective spherical power f s1 , a first objective cylinder power F c1 , and a first objective cylinder angle F a1 , and (b) a second prescription having a second subjective spherical power f s2 , a second objective cylinder power F c2 , and a second objective cylinder angle F a2 .

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035317A1

Methods, systems, and devices are disclosed for monitoring electrical signals of the brain. In one aspect, a system for monitoring electrical brain activity associated with visual field of a user includes a sensor unit to acquire electroencephalogram (EEG) signals including a plurality of EEG sensors attached to a casing attachable to the head of a user, a visual display unit attachable to the head of the user over the user's eyes to present visual stimuli, in which the visual stimuli is configured to evoke multifocal steady-state visual-evoked potentials (mfSSVEP) in the EEG signals exhibited by the user acquired by the sensor unit, and a data processing unit in communication with the sensor unit and the visual display unit to analyze the acquired EEG signals and produce an assessment of the user's visual field, in which the assessment indicates if there is a presence of visual field defects in the user's visual field. 1. A system for monitoring brain activity associated with the visual field of a user , comprising:a sensor unit to acquire electroencephalogram (EEG) signals including one or more electrodes attached to a casing wearable on the head of a user;a visual display unit including a display screen to present visual stimuli to the user in a plurality of sectors of a visual field, wherein the presented visual stimuli includes an optical flickering effect at a selected frequency mapped to each sector of the visual field, the visual stimuli configured to evoke multifocal steady-state visual-evoked potentials (mfSSVEP) in the EEG signals exhibited by the user acquired by the sensor unit; anda data processing unit in communication with the sensor unit and the visual display unit to analyze the acquired EEG signals and produce an assessment of the user's visual field.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the produced assessment of the user's visual field is a quantitative assessment that indicates if there is a presence of a visual field defect in the user's visual ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035339A1

A configurable system is used to evaluate stimulus sensitivity of a subject. An action channel provides a stimulus to the subject and a reaction channel receives a response from the subject. A signal pathway is connected to the action channel and to the reaction channel. A controller establishes loops within the signal pathway. Loop types include a transduction loop including the action channel and forming a path terminating in the signal pathway, and a channel loop including the action channel and terminating at a reference unit. Other possible loop types include an interface loop including the action channel, the reaction channel and the reference unit having an initial parameter value, and an adaptive loop including the action channel, the reaction channel and the reference unit whose parameter value is adapted based on the response from the subject. A method using the system is also described. 1. A system for evaluating stimulus sensitivity of a subject , comprising:a first action channel configured to provide a first type stimulus to the subject;a reaction channel configured to receive a response from the subject;a signal pathway connected to the first action channel and to the reaction channel; and a first transduction loop including the first action channel and forming a path terminating in the signal pathway, and', 'a first channel loop including the first action channel forming a path through the signal pathway and terminating at a first reference unit., 'a controller adapted to establish at least one of2. A system as defined in claim 1 , wherein the signal pathway is a configurable signal pathway.3. A system as defined in claim 1 , wherein the controller is further adapted to establish:an interface loop including the first action channel, the reaction channel and the first reference unit, the first reference unit having a first initial parameter value; andan adaptive loop including the first action channel, the reaction channel and the first reference unit ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038020A1

Methods for improving gaze tracking are presented. These methods eliminate the need for a separate initial calibration step to determine whether the subject is properly centrally fixated during testing. In one embodiment, whether the subject is centrally fixated is determined by identifying inlier and outlier gaze descriptors; the inliers are assumed to be associated with central fixation. This reduces the total time required for testing. These methods also improve the accuracy of gaze tracking during testing without the need for individual subject calibration. Instead, a database of reference eyes is used. The subject's eye can be compared to the reference eyes, and the mapping function for one or more reference matches can be used to estimate the subject's gaze direction. In another embodiment, previous calibration data from the same subject can be used to determine whether the subject is properly centrally fixated and/or the direction of the subject's gaze. 1. A method for performing a visual field test on a subject wherein the subject has been instructed to fixate their gaze on a specified location throughout all or a portion of the test , said method comprising:displaying a series of test stimuli to the subject;collecting responses to the stimuli from the subject;analyzing the responses to determine the sensitivity of the subject's visual field;collecting information on the gaze of the subject during the displaying of stimuli; anddetermining deviations in the subject's fixation from the specified location using the collected gaze information, wherein characteristics of the subject's gaze associated with fixation on the specified location are determined from the gaze information without a separate initial calibration step.2. A method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the test stimuli are displayed on a screen and the specified location is the center of the screen.3. A method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the characteristics of the subject's gaze associated with ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210035461A1
Автор: KANG Dong Wha
Принадлежит: NUNAPS INC.

Disclosed are training method, program and computing device to ameliorate visual field defect. The method includes presenting, by a computer, a virtual first object on a screen, wherein the first object is presented in an approaching manner toward the subject from a first position to a second position, when a position of the first object reaches the second position, the dividing, by the computer, of the first object into objects and presenting the divided objects on the screen or removing, by the computer, the first object from the screen, when the first object is divided or removed, presenting, by the computer, a virtual second object and a virtual third object on the screen, and receiving, by the computer, an identification input about the second object and the third object from a response input device of the subject. 1. A method for training a subject to ameliorate visual field defect of the subject , the method comprising:presenting, by a computer, a virtual first object on a screen, wherein the first object is presented in an approaching manner toward the subject from a first position to a second position;when a position of the first object reaches the second position, the dividing, by the computer, of the first object into objects and presenting the divided objects on the screen or removing, by the computer, the first object from the screen;when the first object is divided or removed, presenting, by the computer, a virtual second object and a virtual third object on the screen; andreceiving, by the computer, an identification input about the second object and the third object from a response input device of the subject,wherein at the first position, at least one of a position, a size, and a shape of the first object starts to change,wherein at the second position, the change of the at least one of the position, the size, and the shape of the first object is completed,wherein the first position and the second position are present in a central visual field of ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Ophthalmologic imaging apparatus

Номер: US20150042951A1
Принадлежит: Topcon Corp

An optical system of an ophthalmologic imaging apparatus of an embodiment divides light from a light source into measuring light and reference light, interferes the measuring light having passed through an eye with the reference light, and detects interference light. A processor generates examination data indicating the status of the eye by processing the detection results of the interference light. An output part outputs the examination data generated by the processor. The optical system presents a target to the eye by guiding a light flux output from a flat panel display to the eye. The processor derives a visual acuity value of the eye based on the content of a response input by using a manipulator when the response of a subject for the presented target is input via the manipulator, generating the examination data including this visual acuity value.

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Objective phoropter system

Номер: US20150042957A1
Принадлежит: Visionix LTD

Systems for performing combined phoropter and refractive measurements to ascertain the aberrations present in the eye of a subject. The systems use a pair of phoropter wheel assemblies, one for each eye, each assembly comprising a number of lens wheels incorporating the series of lenses and wedges required to compensate for a range of refractive vision aberrations. The vision of each eye is corrected by a combination of a subjective phoropter measurement, iteratively performed with an objective wavefront analysis measurement to determine the residual aberrations existing after the initial phoropter correction. The system is able to automatically align the axes of each wavefront analyzer with is corresponding eye, by means of centering the pupil image in the wavefront analyzer camera, and to determine the pupil distance. By changing the focusing point on the wavefront analyzer of the light refleeted from the eye, the corneal profile can be measured.

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150042958A1
Автор: Li Kenneth

An aerial projection display project an image of an object to a remote location for viewing. The display includes a pair of spherical, parabolic, or elliptical reflectors positioned and oriented relative to one another such that, when the object is placed at one or more predetermined locations, an image of such object is transmitted to the first reflector of said pair, reflected by said first reflector to the second reflector, and refocused by the second reflector as an undistorted 3-D image. In a second embodiment, the reflectors are paraboloid reflectors sharing a common axis of revolution. In another embodiment, the reflectors are elliptical reflectors each having a pair of foci. The foci lie along a common axis, and one of said foci is common to both reflectors. In a third embodiment, the reflectors are spherical reflectors The first reflector reflects a distorted image of the object to the second reflector, which corrects the distorted image from said first reflector to project a substantially undistorted image of the object. 1. An aerial projection display for projecting an image from an object , located at a first location , to a second location , said display comprising:a pair of spherical, parabolic, or elliptical reflectors positioned and oriented relative to one another such that, when the object is placed at one or more predetermined locations, an image of such object is transmitted to a first reflector of said pair, reflected by said first reflector to a second reflector of said pair, and projected by said second reflector as an undistorted 3-D image of the object at the second location.2. The display of claim 1 , wherein said first and second reflectors are paraboloid reflectors sharing a common axis of revolution and having portions which meet along a common plane claim 1 , wherein said reflectors have first and second focal points claim 1 , respectively.3. The display of claim 2 , wherein said predetermined location is said first focal point.4. The ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037869A1
Автор: Hirayama Yukito
Принадлежит: NIDEK CO., LTD.

A subjective optometry apparatus subjectively measures optical characteristics of a subject eye. The subjective optometry apparatus includes a light projecting optical system, an optical path switching portion that switches between a first optical path having a first examination distance and a second optical path having a second examination distance, and an examination distance changing portion that optically changes the first examination distance or the second examination distance. Based on examination distance information, the examination distance changing unit causes the optical path switching portion to set an optical path to either the first optical path or the second optical path, and drives a distance changing optical member in the set optical path to optically change the examination distance to an examination distance different from the first examination distance and the second examination distance. 1. A subjective optometry apparatus for subjectively measuring optical characteristics of a subject eye , comprising:a light projecting optical system that includes a visual target presenting portion configured to emit a target light flux and an optical member configured to guide the target light flux to the subject eye such that an image of the target light flux is optically projected on the subject eye at a first examination distance, and that is configured to project the target light flux emitted from the visual target presenting portion toward the subject eye through the optical member, the light projecting optical system projecting the target light flux on the subject eye at the first examination distance to subjectively measure the optical characteristics of the subject eye;an optical path switching portion configured to switch between a first optical path through which the target light flux is projected on the subject eye at the first examination distance and a second optical path through which the image of the target light flux emitted from the visual ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045628A1

Methods, systems, and computer readable media for testing visual function using virtual mobility tests are disclosed. One system includes a processor and a memory. The system is configured for configuring a virtual mobility test for testing visual function of a user; generating the virtual mobility test; and analyzing a user's performance during the virtual mobility test for determining the visual function of the user based on user interaction with objects in the virtual mobility test and using data from body movement detection sensors. 1. A system comprising:at least one processor; and configuring a virtual mobility test for testing visual function of a user;', 'generating the virtual mobility test; and', 'analyzing performance of the user during the virtual mobility test for determining the visual function of the user based on user interaction with objects in the virtual mobility test using data from body movement detection sensors., 'a memory, wherein the system is configured for2. The system of wherein configuring the virtual mobility test includes configuring the virtual mobility test based on the user or a vision condition; orwherein configuring the virtual mobility test includes configuring the virtual mobility test to test a right eye, a left eye, or both eyes.3. The system of wherein analyzing the performance of the user includes evaluating the effectiveness of a gene therapy or related treatment for a vision condition of the user claim 1 , measuring one or more symptoms of a vision condition claim 1 , or diagnosing the user with a vision condition.4. The system of wherein configuring the virtual mobility test includes configuring luminance claim 1 , shadow claim 1 , color claim 1 , contrast claim 1 , gradients of contrast or color on the surface of the objects claim 1 , reflectance or color of borders of the objects claim 1 , or a lighting condition associated with one or more of the objects in the virtual mobility test based on configuration information.5 ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170042418A1
Принадлежит: Ocuspecto Oy

This invention relates to a method for providing markers for evaluating and/or practising the visual field recognizable by an eye, and/or eyes, and/or visual system of a person. The method relies on the reporting of the person of identifications of fixation objects only identifiable when the eye or eyes of the person are accurately fixated on the fixation object. Accordingly active monitoring of a saccade, if a saccade triggering stimulus is employed; or smooth pursuit, if smooth pursuit triggering stimulus is employed, of the eye of the person is not needed for determining whereto to eye or eyes are fixated. The present invention also relates to the use of a system employing the method of the invention. The present invention further relates to a system for the method of the invention and a software product for the system. 116-. (canceled)17. A system for providing markers for evaluating and/or practicing the visual field recognizable by an eye , and/or eyes , and/or visual system of a person , which system comprisesa) at least one display capable of providing at least a saccade triggering stimulus STS or a smooth pursuit triggering stimulus SPTS, and a fixation object FO, which FO is identifiable by the person only when said FO is positioned at the fovea of said eye or eyes of said person, at specified locations;b) a reporting means with which a person identifying said FO can report to said data processing unit his or her identification of said FO; i) providing, on said display or displays, at least said STS and/or SPTS, and said FO at said specified locations;', 'ii) recording correctness of reporting of identification of said FO;', 'iii) recording time points of providing said STS and/or SPTS, and said FO at said specified locations; and reporting of said identification; and', 'iv) calculating at least time period between providing said STS and reporting of said identification of FO, if said STS is employed; and/or time period between providing said FO and ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041796A1

Configurations are disclosed for a health system to be used in various healthcare applications, e.g., for patient diagnostics, monitoring, and/or therapy. The health system may comprise a light generation module to transmit light or an image to a user, one or more sensors to detect a physiological parameter of the user's body, including their eyes, and processing circuitry to analyze an input received in response to the presented images to determine one or more health conditions or defects. 115.-. (canceled)16. A wearable augmented reality display system comprising: 'a light source configured to output light for propagation into the eye of the wearer to form an image in the eye; and', 'an augmented reality display configured to pass light from the world into an eye of a wearer wearing the head-mounted system, wherein the display comprisesa user interface configured to receive input from a user, access contrast sensitivity data associated with the wearer; and', 'alert the wearer to hazardous conditions not visible to the wearer due to a deficiency in the contrast sensitivity of the wearer identified based on the accessed contrast sensitivity data., 'wherein the wearable augmented reality display system is configured to17. The system of claim 16 , wherein the contrast sensitivity data comprises macular degeneration testing results.18. The system of claim 17 , wherein the macular degeneration testing results are obtained from one or more examinations performed by the system.19. The system of claim 16 , configured to access the contrast sensitivity data by accessing a remote data source.20. The system of claim 16 , further comprising one or more outward facing cameras configured to identify the hazardous conditions.21. The system of claim 20 , wherein the hazardous conditions are identified based on a correlation of images detected by the one or more outward facing cameras with the accessed contrast sensitivity data of the wearer.22. The system of claim 16 , configured ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041797A1

Configurations are disclosed for a health system to be used in various healthcare applications, e.g., for patient diagnostics, monitoring, and/or therapy. The health system may comprise a light generation module to transmit light or an image to a user, one or more sensors to detect a physiological parameter of the user's body, including their eyes, and processing circuitry to analyze an input received in response to the presented images to determine one or more health conditions or defects. 19.-. (canceled)10. A wearable augmented reality system comprising: a light source configured to project light into the eye of the wearer to form an image in the eye; and', 'a user interface configured to receive input from a user,, 'an augmented reality display configured to pass light from the world into an eye of a wearer wearing the head-mounted system, wherein the display comprises access visual field deficiency data of the wearer; and', "alert the wearer to a hazardous condition in the wearer's surroundings, wherein the hazardous condition is invisible to the wearer due to a visual field deficiency."], 'wherein the system is configured to11. The system of claim 10 , configured to alert the wearer by providing a visual notification.12. The system of claim 10 , configured to alert the wearer by providing an audio notification.13. The system of claim 10 , configured to alert the wearer by providing a tactile notification.14. The system of claim 10 , wherein the display comprises a stack of waveguides configured to direct light from the light source into the eye of the wearer to form the image in the eye.15. The system of claim 10 , wherein a waveguide of the stack of waveguides outputs light with a different amount of wavefront divergence than some other waveguides of the stack of waveguides claim 10 , wherein the different amounts of wavefront divergence corresponding to different depth planes.16. The system of claim 15 , wherein each waveguide of the stack of waveguides ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190042698A1
Автор: Pohl Daniel
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

An embodiment of a graphics apparatus may include a vision characterizer to determine a vision characteristic associated with a user, and a parameter adjuster communicatively coupled to the vision characterizer to adjust a render parameter of a graphics system based on the determined vision characteristic. Other embodiments are disclosed and claimed. 1. An electronic processing system , comprising:a graphics processor;memory communicatively coupled to the graphics processor;a render subsystem communicatively coupled to the graphics processor; anda parameter adjuster communicatively coupled to the render subsystem to adjust a render parameter of the render subsystem based on a vision profile associated with a user.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a vision profile developer communicatively coupled to the parameter adjuster to develop the vision profile associated with the user.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the vision profile developer is further to test a vision of the user to develop the vision profile.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the vision profile developer is further to identify the user claim 2 , and load a vision profile associated with the identified user.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the vision profile includes information related to one or more of visual acuity claim 1 , color perception claim 1 , and depth perception.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the render parameter includes one or more of a level of detail parameter claim 1 , a resolution parameter claim 1 , a color precision parameter claim 1 , and a stereo render parameter.7. A graphics apparatus claim 1 , comprising:a vision characterizer to determine a vision characteristic associated with a user; anda parameter adjuster communicatively coupled to the vision characterizer to adjust a render parameter of a graphics system based on the determined vision characteristic.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , further comprising:a vision profile developer communicatively coupled to ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048686A1

A method for determining the defective vision of an eye of a spectacle wearer, corresponding computer program products, spectacle glass production methods and devices. Also, a spectacle glass or a spectacle glass series. The method for determining the defective vision of an eye of a spectacle wearer includes: providing measurement values from a first and a second measurement of the defective vision of the eye of the spectacle wearer; and calculating an estimated value for the defective vision of the eye of the spectacle wearer on the basis of the measurement values from the first and the second measurement, measurement inaccuracies from the first and the second measurements of the defective vision being taken into account in the calculation of the estimated value of the defective vision. 124-. (canceled)25. A computer-implemented method for determining the vision disorder of an eye of a spectacle wearer , comprising:providing measurement values from a first and a second measurement of the vision disorder of the eye of the spectacle wearer; andcalculating an estimated value for the vision disorder of the eye of the spectacle wearer based on the measurement values from the first and the second measurement, wherein measurement inaccuracies of the first and the second measurements of the vision disorder are taken into account in the calculation of the estimated value of the vision disorder.26. The method according to claim 25 , wherein the measurement inaccuracies comprise a statistical and/or a systematic deviation between the measurement values from the first measurement and the measurement values from the second measurement.27. The method according to claim 25 , whereinthe first measurement of the vision disorder of the eye is an objective refraction, and/orthe second measurement of the vision disorder of the eye is a subjective refraction.28. The method according to claim 27 , further comprising:determining the measurement inaccuracies of the first and second ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061652A1

Methods, apparatus, and systems for performing an ophthalmic diagnostic test are disclosed. In one aspect, a head-wearable device for administering an ophthalmic test to a subject can comprise a head-wearable frame for mounting the device onto the subject's head, and a light seal configured for coupling to the frame so as to isolate at least one eye of the subject from ambient light when the device is worn by the subject. 1. A head-wearable ophthalmic testing and measurement system comprising:a head-wearable frame;at least one test light source mounted in the head-wearable frame and configured to generate at least one of a stimulus light and a bleaching light;at least one optical system mounted in the head-wearable frame and configured to direct light generated by the at least one test light source onto at least one eye of a test subject; anda movable platform on which the at least one test light source and the at least one optical system are mounted, the movable platform being movable along at least two orthogonal directions and configured to align the at least one test light source relative to a pupil of the at least one eye of the test subject.2. The head-wearable ophthalmic testing and measurement system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one fixation light source configured to generate a fixation light that directs attention of the test subject to the light generated by the at least one test light source.3. The head-wearable ophthalmic testing and measurement system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one fixation light source is configured to be movable to allow bringing the fixation light into focus when viewed by the test subject.4. The head-wearable ophthalmic testing and measurement system of claim 2 , further comprising at least one mechanism mounted onto the head-wearable frame and coupled to the at least one fixation light source claim 2 , wherein the mechanism is configured to move the at least one fixation light source relative to the at least one ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061653A1

Methods, apparatus, and systems for performing an ophthalmic diagnostic test are disclosed. In one aspect, a head-wearable device for administering an ophthalmic test to a subject can comprise a head-wearable frame for mounting the device onto the subject's head, and a light seal configured for coupling to the frame so as to isolate at least one eye of the subject from ambient light when the device is worn by the subject.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061654A1

Methods, apparatus, and systems for performing an ophthalmic diagnostic test are disclosed. In one aspect, a head-wearable device for administering an ophthalmic test to a subject can comprise a head-wearable frame for mounting the device onto the subject's head, and a light seal configured for coupling to the frame so as to isolate at least one eye of the subject from ambient light when the device is worn by the subject. 1. A head-wearable ophthalmic testing and measurement system comprising:a head-wearable frame;at least one test light source mounted in the head-wearable frame and configured to generate at least one of a stimulus light and a bleaching light;at least one optical system mounted in the head-wearable frame and configured to direct light generated by the at least one test light source onto at least one eye of a test subject; anda movable platform on which the at least one test light source and the at least one optical system are mounted, the movable platform being movable along at least two orthogonal directions and configured to align the at least one test light source relative to a pupil of the at least one eye of the test subject.2. The head-wearable ophthalmic testing and measurement system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one fixation light source configured to generate a fixation light that directs attention of the test subject to the light generated by the at least one test light source.3. The head-wearable ophthalmic testing and measurement system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one fixation light source is configured to be movable to allow bringing the fixation light into focus when viewed by the test subject.4. The head-wearable ophthalmic testing and measurement system of claim 2 , further comprising at least one mechanism mounted onto the head-wearable frame and coupled to the at least one fixation light source claim 2 , wherein the mechanism is configured to move the at least one fixation light source relative to the at least one ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Methods, apparatus, and systems for ophthalmic testing and measurement

Номер: US20220061655A1
Принадлежит: Maculogix Inc

Methods, apparatus, and systems for performing an ophthalmic diagnostic test are disclosed. In one aspect, a head-wearable device for administering an ophthalmic test to a subject can comprise a head-wearable frame for mounting the device onto the subject's head, and a light seal configured for coupling to the frame so as to isolate at least one eye of the subject from ambient light when the device is worn by the subject.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061656A1

Methods, apparatus, and systems for performing an ophthalmic diagnostic test are disclosed. In one aspect, a head-wearable device for administering an ophthalmic test to a subject can comprise a head-wearable frame for mounting the device onto the subject's head, and a light seal configured for coupling to the frame so as to isolate at least one eye of the subject from ambient light when the device is worn by the subject. 1. A head-wearable ophthalmic testing and measurement system comprising:a head-wearable frame;at least one test light source mounted in the head-wearable frame and configured to generate at least one of a stimulus light and a bleaching light;at least one optical system mounted in the head-wearable frame and configured to direct light generated by the at least one test light source onto at least one eye of a test subject; anda movable platform on which the at least one test light source and the at least one optical system are mounted, the movable platform being movable along at least two orthogonal directions and configured to align the at least one test light source relative to a pupil of the at least one eye of the test subject.2. The head-wearable ophthalmic testing and measurement system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one fixation light source configured to generate a fixation light that directs attention of the test subject to the light generated by the at least one test light source.3. The head-wearable ophthalmic testing and measurement system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one fixation light source is configured to be movable to allow bringing the fixation light into focus when viewed by the test subject.4. The head-wearable ophthalmic testing and measurement system of claim 2 , further comprising at least one mechanism mounted onto the head-wearable frame and coupled to the at least one fixation light source claim 2 , wherein the mechanism is configured to move the at least one fixation light source relative to the at least one ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061657A1

The present disclosure provides an improved method for photobleaching an eye of a subject. The disclosed method may be used in a number of psychophysical test methods, including, but not limited to, measurement of dark adaptation. The improved method for photobleaching involves at least one of the following improvements: (i) the use of a bleaching light emitting a particular wavelength of light or a tailored spectrum of wavelengths; (ii) restricting or otherwise spatially tailoring the region of the retina that is subject to photobleaching; and (iii) utilizing a bleaching light having an intensity that is at or below the intensity of ambient daylight. The present disclosure additionally provides a combination of a photobleaching light and an apparatus to administer a psychophysical test suitable for use in practicing the disclosed methods.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Method for Determining at Least One Parameter of Two Eyes by Setting Data Rates and Optical Measuring Device

Номер: US20220061660A1

The invention relates to a method for determining at least one parameter of two eyes () of a test person (), the method comprising the following steps:

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Mobile Ophthalmic Unit

Номер: US20220061662A1
Автор: Vitaly Samsonov
Принадлежит: Individual

A mobile ophthalmic unit is disclosed. The apparatus is comprised of the following components: a phoropter on an adjustable arm, an extendable slit lamp, an ophthalmoscope with controller, desktop or a laptop computer (or both) with or without a detachable screen or a tablet computer, a WiFi router and an internet hotspot. All of the aforementioned components are connected to a mobile desk having locking caster wheels. An object of the invention is to allow an eye care specialist to visit patients in the field and perform routine eye exams remotely rather than requiring patients to travel in order to obtain eye care. For example, the ophthalmologist can easily roll the apparatus into a cargo van and drive to an underserved population and deliver eye exams where no such facilities exist—thereby enhancing eye care for a community.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Visual field visual function mapping apparatus

Номер: US20140125953A1
Автор: Tsuta Tomohiro

A visual field visual function mapping apparatus, with respect to the visual field mapping image obtained from the visual field scanning apparatus, including: along each concentric circle trajectory visual field mapping rectangle width average calculation means; and visual field mapping rectangle width average radial direction transition graph generating means. 1. A visual field visual function mapping apparatus is , with respect to the visual field mapping image obtained from the use of the visual field scanning apparatus , characterized by further comprising:along each concentric circle trajectory visual field mapping rectangle width average calculation means to calculate visual field mapping rectangle width average along each concentric circle trajectory by generating a cluster of concentric circles by incrementing the radius to generate a concentric circle in steps of a predetermined amount from the location on said visual field mapping image which corresponds to the fixation image display position at the time of said use of the visual field scanning apparatus; andvisual field mapping rectangle width average radial direction transition graph generating means to generate a graph which represents a transition from said location to the radial direction of visual field mapping rectangle width average along said each concentric circle trajectory based on the value of visual field mapping rectangle width average along said each concentric circle trajectory which is calculated by said along each concentric circle trajectory visual field mapping rectangle width average calculation means.2. A visual field visual function mapping apparatus is , with respect to the visual field mapping image obtained from the use of the visual field scanning apparatus , characterized by further comprising:for each quadrant along each concentric circle trajectory visual field mapping rectangle width average calculation means to calculate, for each quadrant of said visual filed mapping image ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Portable brain activity sensing platform for assessment of visual field deficits

Номер: US20210052182A1

Methods, systems, and devices are disclosed for monitoring electrical signals of the brain. In one aspect, a system for monitoring electrical brain activity associated with visual field of a user includes a sensor unit to acquire electroencephalogram (EEG) signals including a plurality of EEG sensors attached to a casing attachable to the head of a user, a visual display unit attachable to the head of the user over the user's eyes to present visual stimuli, in which the visual stimuli is configured to evoke multifocal steady-state visual-evoked potentials (mfSSVEP) in the EEG signals exhibited by the user acquired by the sensor unit, and a data processing unit in communication with the sensor unit and the visual display unit to analyze the acquired EEG signals and produce an assessment of the user's visual field, in which the assessment indicates if there is a presence of visual field defects in the user's visual field.

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Tunable-Lens-Based Refractive Examination

Номер: US20200046222A2

An apparatus, and corresponding method, for determining a refractive property of an eye includes a housing with a port configured to receive an eye and also light from the eye. A tunable lens can be mounted to the housing to apply a variable focal power to the light from the eye and to pass the light along an optical path toward a wavefront sensor within the housing. The wavefront sensor can receive the light via the optical path and measure a wavefront thereof. A determination module can be configured to determine a property of the eye based on the wavefront. Embodiments can be handheld, portable, and open view, while providing objective wavefront aberrometry, subjective phoroptry, and accommodation and presbyoptic evaluation, as well as lensometry functions. 1. An apparatus for determining a property of an eye , the apparatus comprising:a housing including a proximal port configured to receive an eye and to receive light from the eye,the housing further including a distal port, the proximal and distal ports together forming a visual channel from the proximal port through the distal port, the visual channel providing an open view to enable the eye to see target indicia external to and spaced away from the housing;a visual tunable lens configured to be mounted to the housing, to apply a variable focal power to the light from the eye, and to pass the light along an optical path;a wavefront sensor within the housing, the wavefront sensor being configured to receive the light from the eye via the optical path and to measure a wavefront of the light from the eye;a control circuit configured to adjust the variable focal power of the visual tunable lens iteratively in response to successive wavefront measurements, in closed-loop manner, to minimize a wavefront error of the light from the eye to determine an objective refractive correction for the eye,wherein the control circuit is further configured to adjust the variable focal power of the visual tunable lens to a ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170049316A1
Автор: Donaldson Blair

A method and apparatus for testing a patient's visual field. The testing apparatus comprises a display () and a patient input device (). A home target () is presented on the display (), along with a cursor () being moveable under control of the patient input device (). Once the cursor () is moved to the home target (), a visual field target () is presented on the display () at a first position. The visual field target () is recorded as detected if the cursor () moves a predetermined distance towards the visual field target (). The step is repeated for further visual field targets () at further positions for determining the patient's visual field based on the positions of the visual field targets () that have been detected. 1. A method for testing a patient's visual field using a testing apparatus having a display and a patient input device , the method comprising the steps of:a) presenting a home target on the display;b) displaying a cursor on the display, the cursor being moveable by the patient using the patient input device;c) once the cursor is moved to the home target, presenting a visual field target on the display at a first position;d) recording the visual field target as detected if the patient moves the cursor a predetermined distance towards the visual field target; ande) repeating steps c) and d) for further visual field targets at further positions for determining the patient's visual field based on the positions of the visual field targets that have been detected.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the home target is presentable at different positions on the display.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein in step c) the visual field target is presented once the cursor is moved at least partially over the home target.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined distance is a distance from the home target.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined distance is defined by a boundary around the home target.6. A ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170049321A1
Автор: Nguyen Kelvin

The present invention describes a rectangular parabolic hood for blocking accommodation and reducing depth of focus to offset the negative affects of extraneous light and visual stimulus during examination of the pupil using ophthalmic instruments. 1. An ophthalmic system comprising:an ophthalmic instrument comprising a housing and a light collecting device; anda substantially rectangular opaque parabolic hood anchored to one or more outer surfaces of said instrument, wherein the apex of said parabolic hood is above the housing of the instrument and the base of said parabolic hood runs parallel to the horizontal axis of the housing, wherein the parabolic hood comprises one or more thin sheets, and wherein the parabolic hood is configured to cover at least: (i) the light collecting device of the instrument; and (ii) the front of the head of a subject substantially mid-cranially when the front of the head of the subject is proximal to said light collecting device.2. The optical system of claim 1 , wherein the parabolic hood comprises at least two substantially rectangular deflectable plates attached to an inner surface of said parabolic hood claim 1 , wherein the top of the deflectable plates is proximal to the beginning of the inner curvature of the arc of the parabolic hood and the bottom of the deflectable plates is parallel to the base of the parabolic hood.3. The optical system of claim 2 , wherein the deflectable plates are configured to substantially oppose each other.4. The optical system of claim 3 , wherein the deflectable plates are attached to the inner surface of the hood through hinges attached to the base of the parabolic hood distal to the parabolic apex.5. The optical system of claim 2 , wherein the deflectable plates deviate 180° relative to the long axis of said base of the parabolic hood.6. The optical system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more thin sheets comprise a material selected from a polymer claim 1 , metal claim 1 , composite or ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Macular Pigment Measurement Device with Data Quality Indexing Feature

Номер: US20150055095A1

A system measures macular pigment of a macula of a human eye of a subject. The system comprises a light source having a first light and a second light that modulate at variable frequencies, an input device for receiving an input indicating the frequency at which the user perceives the modulation of the first light and a second light, a display device, at least one processor, and one or more memory devices. The one or more memory devices storing instructions that, when executed by at least one processor, cause the system to (i) display, on the display device, test data corresponding to the user's inputs from the input device, (ii) determine whether the test data are valid or invalid through a curve-fitting algorithm, (iii) automatically indicate that the test data are valid or invalid. 118-. (canceled)19. A method of using a measurement system for measuring macular pigment from an eye of a subject , comprising:receiving, from an input device associated with the measurement system, input data from the subject corresponding to when the subject perceives a flicker in two lights; anddisplaying, on a display device associated with the measurement system, the input data in a manner that automatically indicates whether the input data is valid or invalid.20. A method of using a measurement system for measuring macular pigment from an eye of a subject , comprising:receiving, from an input device associated with the measurement system, input data from a subject corresponding to when the subject perceives a flicker in two lights; andautomatically displaying, on a display device associated with the measurement system, whether the input data is acceptable for measuring the macular pigment of the subject.21. The method of claim 19 , further comprising:arranging the two lights at an initial modulation frequency;decreasing modulation frequency of the two lights; andwherein the receiving input data occurs when a modulation frequency is reached at which the subject indicates that the ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220071483A1

A virtual reality display system including at least one optical alignment subsystem optically aligned with at least one eye of a subject and at least one virtual reality display device optically aligned with the at least one optical alignment subsystem for displaying to the subject at least one virtual reality object undergoing virtual motion, wherein the virtual motion of the at least one virtual reality object as viewable by the subject is operative for inducing and relaxing accommodation by the at least one eye of the subject. 1. A virtual reality display system comprising:at least one optical alignment subsystem optically aligned with at least one eye of a subject; andat least one virtual reality display device optically aligned with said at least one optical alignment subsystem for providing a virtual reality environment to said subject by displaying to said subject at least one virtual reality object undergoing virtual motion, whereinsaid virtual motion of said at least one virtual reality object as viewable by said subject is operative for inducing and relaxing accommodation by said at least one eye of said subject, and for immersing said subject in said virtual reality environment, thereby enhancing said relaxing of accommodation by said subject.2. An ocular examination system comprising:at least one optical alignment subsystem optically aligned with at least one eye of a subject;at least one virtual reality display device optically aligned with said at least one optical alignment subsystem for providing a virtual reality environment to said subject by displaying to said subject at least one virtual reality object undergoing virtual motion,wherein said virtual motion of said at least one virtual reality object, as viewable by said subject, is operative for inducing and relaxing accommodation by said at least one eye of said subject, and for immersing said subject in said virtual reality environment, thereby enhancing said relaxing of accommodation by said ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180055433A1
Автор: ALLY Brandon, WYLIE Scott

The present disclosure provides improved methods and apparatus for evaluation of an individual's cognitive performance in a fast-paced, visually dynamic environment. The apparatus may comprise a display configured to present a plurality of stimuli to the subject, and a processor coupled to the display, the processor comprising instructions to determine a subject's visual perceptual skills, memory and learning skills, and response command and control skills. The methods and apparatus described herein can evaluate key cognitive processes that underlie split-second decision-making in visually dynamic environments. The results can provide comparison of cognitive skills across individuals performing in a specific environment, as well as evaluations of more targeted sets of cognitive processes for specific positions in an environment that might require unique sets of skills. 1. An apparatus to measure a subject , the apparatus comprising:a display to present a plurality of stimuli to the subject; anda processor coupled to the display, the processor comprising instructions to determine a visual perception of the subject, a memory and learning of the subject, and a command and control of the subject.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of stimuli comprises stimuli to measure visual perception of the subject claim 1 , stimuli to measure memory and learning of the subject and stimuli to measure command and control of the subject.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the stimuli to measure visual perception of the subject comprises a plurality of stimuli to evaluate one or more of visual claim 2 , visuoperceptual claim 2 , or visual attention brain circuitries.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of stimuli comprise stimuli to evaluate one or more brain circuitries of an occipital cortex claim 3 , fusiform gyrus claim 3 , dorsal visual pathway claim 3 , ventral visual pathway claim 3 , parietal cortex claim 3 , or visual association cortex of the ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210059516A1
Автор: Lin Chen

A perimeter, including two types: one is a fixation forcing perimeter, and the other is an objective perimeter combined with electro-physiology under forced fixation; the perimeter comprises a fixation forcing device, a display conduction device, a perimetry display device, a feedback device for recording feedback information, and a control center for controlling the perimetry display device and collecting feedback information; the fixation forcing device comprises a negative pressure ring (2) and a negative pressure tube (3), and is adsorbed to the eyeball by negative pressure; when the eyeball moves, the fixation forcing device moves synchronously, and the fixation is forced at the same position, thereby eliminating the influence of a fixation point on the examination results of the perimeter; in the objective perimeter, an electro-physiological signal after forced fixation is automatically recorded by an electro-physiological instrument, so that the subjective response of a patient is eliminated, and the examination results are objective; and the change in the field of view can be early discovered using the electro-physiological signal as an analysis indicator. 1. A perimeter , comprising a fixation forcing device , a display conduction device , a perimetry display device , a feedback device for recording feedback information , and a control center for controlling the perimetry display device and collecting feedback information , wherein the fixation forcing device is used for forcing the eyeball in a fixation state during perimetry , and the display conduction device is connected to the fixation forcing device and the perimetry display device respectively.2. The perimeter according to claim 1 , wherein the fixation forcing device comprises a negative pressure ring claim 1 , a hole is formed in the middle of the negative pressure ring claim 1 , and the display conduction device is fixedly arranged at the hole.3. The perimeter according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055823A1

In one embodiment, the invention provides the use of an interocular inhibition procedure (IIP) for discriminating between anisometropic amblyopia and myopia, two disorders commonly confused in visual examination without proper optical correction. The inventors identified that opaque and translucent patching over the fellow (or untested) eye would result in different contrast sensitivities in the amblyopic (or tested) eye. In another embodiment, the invention provides a procedure for identifying amblyopia and myopia/hyperopia through the use of a pinhole aperture. Also disclosed are apparatus utilized in the procedures. 1. A method of identifying an eye disorder of an observer , the method being accomplished with an apparatus comprising a display , a user interface , and a processor , the method comprising:the display generating first stimuli for the observer while an untested eye of the observer is covered with a translucent medium, the first stimuli being generated as part of a first trial for a tested eye of the observer;the display generating second stimuli for the observer while the untested eye of the observer is covered with an at least substantially opaque medium, the second stimuli being generated as part of a second trial for the tested eye;the user interface receiving first input for the first trial;the user interface receiving second input for the second trial;the processor determining a first contrast sensitivity function (CSF) using the first input;the processor determining a second contrast sensitivity function (CSF) using the second input;the processor calculating a first area under contrast sensitivity function (AUCSF) for the first CSF;the processor calculating a second area under contrast sensitivity function (AUCSF) for the second CSF;the processor defining an inhibition index for the first and second trials as the ratio of one of the first AUCSF and the second AUCSF over the other of the first AU and the second AUCSF;the processor identifying an ...
