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27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2595476C2

Группа изобретений относится к компьютерной томографии с контрастным усилением. Способ формирования изображения содержит этапы, на которых контролируют цикл движения субъекта, определяют местоположение изучаемой ткани с учетом цикла движения, при этом изучаемая ткань движется согласованно с циклом движения, позиционируют субъект в зоне для исследования так, чтобы весь изучаемый объем изучаемой ткани оставался в зоне для исследования во время сканирования, причем позиционирование включает сканирование с низкой дозой или предварительное сканирование, которое локализует положения всего изучаемого объема за цикл движения, и создают изображение изучаемой ткани субъекта. Система формирования изображения содержит источник излучения, который вращается вокруг зоны исследования вокруг оси z и испускает излучение, которое проходит через зону исследования, матрицу детекторов, расположенную поперек зоны исследования, опору для позиционирования пациента в зоне исследования с учетом цикла движения. Матрица ...

27-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2505268C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к спектральной компьютерной визуализации. Система визуализации содержит стационарный гентри, поворотный гентри, установленный на стационарном гентри, рентгеновскую трубку, закрепленную на поворотном гентри, которая поворачивается и испускает полихроматическое излучение, пересекающее область исследования. Излучение имеет среднее напряжение испускания, которое поочередно переключается между, по меньшей мере, двумя разными средними напряжениями испускания в течение процедуры визуализации. Двухслойная детекторная матрица с энергетическим разрешением в режиме счета фотонов регистрирует излучение, пересекающее область исследования., и регистрирует излучение в, по меньшей мере, двух разных диапазонах напряжений. Детекторная матрица выполнена с возможностью формирования выходных сигналов с энергетическим разрешением, в зависимости как от напряжения испускания, так и от диапазона напряжений. Блок реконструкции выполняет спектральную реконструкцию ...

04-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2699307C2

Использование: для определения смещения базовой линии электрического сигнала, сгенерированного детектором фотонов устройства для рентгеновского исследования. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что детектор фотонов содержит блок обработки, выполненный с возможностью определения первой частоты пересечения первого порога амплитуды импульса электрическим сигналом, сгенерированным детектором фотонов. Первый порог амплитуды импульса располагается на первом фронте шумового пика в спектре амплитуды импульса электрического сигнала. Технический результат: обеспечение возможности более точного определения смещения базовой линии сигнала, сгенерированного детектором фотонов. 6 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

20-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2399907C1

Использование: для осуществления неразрушающей радиографии. Сущность: заключается в том, что устройство формирования рентгеновского изображения содержит устройство генерирования множества рентгеновских лучей, которое содержит: множественный источник электронов, который включает в себя множество источников электронов, расположенных двумерно и выводящих электроны из активируемых источников электронов путем избирательной активации множества источников электронов в соответствии с приложенными сигналами активации; блок мишени, который включает в себя множество мишеней, расположенных двумерно, так, что они располагаются противоположно множеству источников электронов, генерирует рентгеновские лучи в соответствии с облучением электронами, выводимыми из упомянутого множественного источника электронов, и выводит рентгеновские лучи с различным качеством излучения в соответствии с местами генерирования рентгеновских лучей, в котором местами генерирования и качеством излучения рентгеновских лучей из ...

10-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011103153A

... 1. Компьютерная томографическая система визуализации, содержащая: ! стационарный гентри; ! поворотный гентри, установленный с возможностью поворота на стационарном гентри; ! рентгеновскую трубку (106, T1, T2, T3), закрепленную на поворотном гентри, которая поворачивается с поворотным гентри вокруг области исследования и испускает излучение, которое пересекает область исследования, при этом трубка (106, T1, T2, T3) испускает полихроматическое излучение, имеющее среднее напряжение испускания, которое селективно поочередно переключается между, по меньшей мере, двумя разными средними напряжениями испускания в течение процедуры визуализации; ! двухслойную детекторную матрицу (116, D1, D2, D3) с энергетическим разрешением, работающую в режиме счета фотонов, которая регистрирует излучение, пересекающее область исследования, причем детекторная матрица (116, D1, D2, D3) с энергетическим разрешением разрешает по энергии зарегистрированное излучение в, по меньшей мере, двух разных диапазонах напряжений ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017125138A

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012133439A

... 1. Способ управления состоянием массы у домашнего животного, включающий применение способов определения действительного процентного содержания телесного жира или безжировой массы тела домашнего животного, применение измерений физических данных домашнего животного для использования регрессионного анализа на основе действительного процентного содержания телесного жира или безжировой массы тела, выведение одного или более уравнений на основе регрессионного анализа, прогнозирование процентного содержания телесного жира или безжировой массы тела у домашнего животного и применение прогнозированного процентного содержания телесного жира или безжировой массы тела для предоставления эффективного режима снижения массы для домашнего животного.2. Способ по п.1, в котором способ определения действительного процентного содержания телесного жира или безжировой массы тела домашнего животного представляет собой двухэнергетическую рентгеновскую абсорбциометрию.3. Способ по п.1 или 2, в котором домашним животным ...

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011129670A

... 1. Устройство для рентгеновского обследования, содержащее:- блок (14) рентгеновских источников, содержащий множество рентгеновских источников (15) для испускания рентгеновского излучения (24) из множества мест,- блок (18) регистрации рентгеновского излучения для регистрации рентгеновского излучения, испускаемого, по меньшей мере, одним из упомянутых рентгеновских источников (15), после прохождения зоны (19) обследования между упомянутым блоком (14) рентгеновских источников и упомянутым блоком (18) регистрации рентгеновского излучения, и для формирования регистрируемых сигналов,- блок (36) обработки для обработки сформированных регистрируемых сигналов, и- блок (26) управления для управления испусканием упомянутыми рентгеновскими источниками (15) рентгеновского излучения, последовательно, по одному или группами, с, по меньшей мере, двумя разными энергетическими спектрами таким образом, что в интервале времени, в течение которого конкретный рентгеновский источник (15a) или упомянутая группа ...

20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014123679A

... 1. Устройство (12) рамы C-типа для рентгеновской визуализации, содержащее:раму (32) C-типа;подвижную опору (34) рамы C-типа;источник (36) рентгеновского излучения; идетектор (38) рентгеновского излучения;при этом рама C-типа содержит первый конец (40) и второй конец (42), при этом источник рентгеновского излучения установлен на первом конце, а детектор установлен на втором конце; при этом рама С-типа установлена на опоре рамы С-типа, так что источник рентгеновского излучения и детектор способны перемещаться вокруг исследуемого объекта (44) по соответствующим траекториям (46) источника и детектора, представляющим собой траектории двухосевого вращения, построенные на одновременном винтовом движении и движении крена рамы C-типа;при этом источник рентгеновского излучения содержит, по меньшей мере, первую фокальную точку (48) и вторую фокальную точку (50), разнесенные друг от друга на расстояние (52) между фокальными точками в направлении (54) смещения, при этом направление смещения совпадает ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

X-ray detector used in X-ray device used in image-assisted radiation therapy, has detector pixels whose specific regular arrays are arranged on detector main portion to detect X-ray radiation of specific frequency ranges

Номер: DE102012219053A1

The detector (8) has a read-out electronics (30) that is connected with an evaluation unit (36). One regular array of detector pixels and another regular array of detector pixels are arranged on the detector main portion, for detecting X-ray radiation of specific frequency ranges. The detector pixels are arranged in the manner of a chess board pattern. A scintillator (18) is provided with two scintillator layers (20,24) which differ in the emission spectra. The scintillator is provided with a scintillator material whose thickness is more than 600 micrometer. Independent claims are included for the following: (1) X-ray device; and (2) method for generating image data based on raw data set.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Einrichtung zur medizinischen Versorgung eines Schlaganfallpatienten

Номер: DE102015213031A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Einrichtung (1) zur medizinischen Versorgung eines Schlaganfallpatienten, mit einer innerhalb eines Diagnosebereichs (9) angeordneten Diagnoseeinheit (3) zum Diagnostizieren eines Schlaganfalls bei dem Schlaganfallpatienten und einer innerhalb eines Behandlungsbereichs (11) angeordneten Behandlungseinheit (5) zur transarteriellen Behandlung des Schlaganfallpatienten, wobei der Diagnosebereich (9) und der Behandlungsbereich (11) benachbart zueinander angeordnet sind.

31-01-2008 дата публикации

Computer tomograph for e.g. radiation therapy, has x-ray source with circular target, which includes multiple focus surfaces, which are scannable by focusing electron beam in discrete manner

Номер: DE102007019176A1

The tomograph (1) has a stationary electron source producing electron beam. A stationary x-ray source (5) includes a circular target and a unit for guiding the electron beam in the x-ray source on a circular path coaxially to the circular target. The source (5) has a unit for deflecting the beam in a direction of target to produce concentrically rotating x-ray bundle (8) for radiography of a measuring field (7) from different directions. The target has multiple focus surfaces, which are scannable by focusing the electron beam in a discrete manner.

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE202013100568U1

Röntgengerät zur Erzeugung eines dreidimensionalen Röntgenbildes, mit einer zu einem zu durchleuchtenden Objekt relativ in einer ersten Bewegungsrichtung bewegbaren ersten Strahlungseinrichtung zur Erzeugung eines ersten Röntgenbildes, wobei die erste Strahlungseinrichtung zur Erzeugung eines ersten Röntgenstrahls mit einem ersten Fokus und eines zweiten Röntgenstrahls mit einem zweiten Fokus hergerichtet ist, wobei der erste Fokus und der zweite Fokus zueinander versetzt angeordnet sind, einer zweiten Strahlungseinrichtung zur Erzeugung eines zweiten Röntgenbildes, wobei die zweite Strahlungseinrichtung zur Erzeugung eines dritten Röntgenstrahls mit einem dritten Fokus und eines vierten Röntgenstrahls mit einem vierten Fokus hergerichtet ist, wobei der dritte Fokus und der vierte Fokus zueinander versetzt angeordnet sind, wobei die erste Strahlungseinrichtung und die zweite Strahlungseinrichtung zur Erzeugung eines stereoskopischen Effekts durch das erste Röntgenbild zusammen mit dem zweiten ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Method for calculating inspection parameter for determining examination regions e.g. liver, involves determining examination area in second image through projection of segmented examination area or information derived from first image

Номер: DE102013220018A1

The method involves receiving (S-A) two medical images that are detected in an identical examination region, determining (S-BS) an examination zone in the first image by segmenting the first image, and spatially registering (S-rR) the first and the second images. An examination area in the second image is determined (S-BP) through a projection of the segmented examination area or information derived from the first image into the second image. A study parameter (UP) is calculated (S-BA) by analyzing the study area in the second image. Independent claims are included for the following: (1) a computer program product for calculating inspection parameter; (2) a computer-readable medium storing program for calculating inspection parameter; and (3) a system for calculating inspection parameter.

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Filteranordnung für CT-System mit mehreren Röntgenquellen

Номер: DE102015206363B3

Es wird eine Filteranordnung (30) für eine spektrale Filterung der Röntgenstrahlung eines CT-Systems (1) mit einer ersten (2) und einer zweiten Röntgenquelle (4) beschrieben. Die Filteranordnung (30) weist einen inneren Filterbereich (31) auf, welcher eine Querschnittsfläche eines Fächerstrahls (13) der ersten Röntgenquelle (2) abdeckt, und einen äußeren Filterbereich (32) auf, welcher zusammen mit dem inneren Filterbereich (31) eine größere Querschnittsfläche eines größeren Fächerstrahls (11) der zweiten Röntgenquelle (4) abdeckt. Dabei weist der innere Filterbereich (31) eine erste spektrale Filterfunktion auf. Weiterhin ist der äußere Filterbereich (32) in z-Richtung in zwei Teilbereiche (33, 34) aufgeteilt. Außerdem weist der erste Teilbereich (33) eine zweite spektrale Filterfunktion auf und weist der zweite Teilbereich (34) eine von der zweiten Filterfunktion verschiedene dritte spektrale Filterfunktion auf. Es wird überdies ein Computertomographiesystem (1) beschrieben. Daneben wird ...

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren und Computertomographiesystem zur Erzeugung tomographischer Bilddatensätze

Номер: DE102011076346A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und ein Computertomographiesystem (1) zur Erzeugung tomographischer Bilddatensätze eines Messobjektes (7) mit mindestens zwei gleichzeitig betreibbaren Sätzen von Detektorelementen (I, Z), welche gemeinsam ein Messobjekt (7) aus einer Vielzahl von Projektionswinkeln einerseits integrierend und andererseits energieauflösend abtasten, woraus ein erster Projektionsdatensatz aus integrierend aufgenommenen Messdaten und mindestens ein zweiter Projektionsdatensatz aus energieaufgelösten Messdaten bestimmt wird und weiterhin unter gewichteter Verwendung des ersten und des zweiten Projektionsdatensatzes ein gewichteter tomographischer Ergebnisbilddatensatz berechnet wird, wobei die Gewichtung auf den Projektionsdaten oder den daraus rekonstruierten tomographischen Bilddaten ausgeführt wird.

18-10-2007 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur automatischen Differenzierung von Nierensteintypen mittels Computertomographie

Номер: DE102006015454A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren sowie eine Vorrichtung zur automatischen Differenzierung von Nierensteintypen mittels Computertomographie. Bei dem Verfahren werden zwei Bilddatensätze zweier Computertomographie-Aufnahmen eines die Nierensteine umfassenden Objektbereiches bereitgestellt, die bei unterschiedlicher spektraler Verteilung der Röntgenstrahlung aufgezeichnet wurden. Für jedes Voxel einer interessierenden Schicht des Objektbereiches, das für Nierensteine typische Röntgenschwächungswerte aufweist, wird aus den beiden Bilddatensätzen ein Verhältnis r berechnet, das sich aus Röntgenschwächungswerten des Voxels und vorgegebenen Röntgenschwächungswerten von reinem Urin bei den unterschiedlichen spektralen Verteilungen der Röntgenstrahlung ergibt. Das jeweilige Voxel wird in Abhängigkeit von der Größe r einem von zumindest zwei Nierensteintypen zugeordnet. Das vorliegende Verfahren ermöglicht die automatische Differenzierung von Nierensteintypen mittels Computertomographie ...

25-02-2010 дата публикации

Examination object i.e. patient, tomographic representation generating method, involves scanning object under examination, and determining and representing spatial distribution of effect-specific fraction coefficients

Номер: DE102008037348A1

The method involves scanning an object (7) i.e. patient, under examination with two emitter/detector combinations over an entire scanning time, where the scanning takes place with two different energy spectra. Projection data relative to three different energy ranges are determined. Spatial distribution of medium energy range-specific absorption coefficients is reconstructed. Spatial distribution of effect-specific fraction coefficients is determined and represented. A contrast agent e.g. iodine and gadolinium, is applied to the object under examination. An independent claim is also included for an X-ray computed tomography system for generating tomographic representations of an object under examination, comprising a control and computing unit.

04-03-2010 дата публикации

Computer tomography system has an anode/cathode ring rotating in a gantry with lasers aligned at angular offset focus points for simultaneous scanning with two or three X-ray energy zones

Номер: DE102008045332A1

The X-ray computer tomography (CT) system has a static anode/cathode ring system rotating in a gantry for the simultaneous action by lasers (L1,L2) at angular offset focus points (F1,F2) in relation to the system axis (S), to scan the patient (P) with bundled beams from a number of positions. The rings system is divided into segments (S1-S4), with neighboring segments operating alternately with alternating different acceleration voltages. The lasers are aligned at the cathode of a focus on an anode in the ring system. Detectors (D1,D2) are opposite the focus points to measure the weakened beams passing through the patient. A computer with stored programs controls the operation.

12-04-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for the correction of scatter in a radiographic system

Номер: GB0201703291D0

06-02-2019 дата публикации

Decomposition method and apparatus based on basis material combination

Номер: GB0201820957D0

05-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001551835A

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000500778T

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000415129T

15-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000111327T

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Multi-Spectral Bioluminescence Tomography Method and System

Номер: AU2020103296A4

The disclosure relates to a multi-spectral bioluminescence tomography (BLT) method and system. This method and system introduces a Log-sum penalty function model into the BLT research. It uses multi-spectral information to increase the effective measurement and reduce the ill-posed characteristic of BLT reconstruction, and establishes a non-convex BLT reconstruction model based on Log-sum regularization. Further, in order to simplify the solution process of the non-convex model and improve the reconstruction performance, this method uses a non-monotonic accelerate proximal gradient (nmAPG) algorithm to solve the established BLT reconstruction model based on Log-sum regularization. The method obtains the reconstruction result quickly and accurately. Acquire image data of an organism Estah1ih a finite element rid hsd on ariiired comnited tomngahy (CT) 1 image data of the organism, use a finite element method to determine a diffusion 101 approximation (DA) model of a radiation transmission ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации

Monochromatic x-ray imaging systems and methods

Номер: AU2019218240A1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

According to some aspects, a monochromatic x-ray source is provided. The monochromatic x-ray source comprises an electron source configured to generate electrons, a primary target arranged to receive electrons from the electron source to produce broadband x-ray radiation in response to electrons impinging on the primary target, and a secondary target comprising at least one layer of material capable of producing monochromatic x-ray radiation in response to incident broadband x-ray radiation emitted by the primary target.

07-11-1996 дата публикации

X-ray image sensor

Номер: AU0005566496A

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Measurement apparatus

Номер: AU2007327573B2

A method for determining biological indicators, the method including, in a processing system causing at least one radiation attenuation measurement to be performed and determining at least one first biological indicator using determined radiation attenuation. In addition to this, method includes causing at least one impedance measurement to be performed and determining at least one second biological indicator using a determined impedance measurement.

03-12-2015 дата публикации

Monochromatic x-ray methods and apparatus

Номер: AU2010237049B2

According to some aspects, an x-ray apparatus for imaging and/or radiation therapy is provided, the x-ray apparatus comprises an electron source capable of generating electrons, at least one first target arranged to receive electrons from the electron source, the at least one first target comprising material that, in response to being irradiated by the electrons, emits broad spectrum x-ray radiation, at least one second target arranged to receive at least some of the broad spectrum x-ray radiation, the at least one second target comprising material that, in response to irradiation by broad spectrum x-ray radiation from the first target, emits monochromatic x-ray radiation, and at least one detector positioned to detect at least some of the monochromatic x-ray radiation emitted from the at least one second target. According to some aspects, a relatively low cost, relatively small footprint x-ray apparatus for generating monochromatic x-ray radiation suitable for medical/clinical purposes ...

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Particle image velocimetry suitable for X-ray projection imaging

Номер: AU2010295229A2

A 2D or 3D velocity field is reconstructed from a cross-correlation analysis of image pairs of a sample, without first reconstructing images of the sample spatial structure. The method can be implemented via computer tomographic X- ray particle image velocimetry, using multiple projection angles, with phase contrast images forming dynamic speckle patterns. Estimated cross-correlations may be generated via convolution of a measured autocorrelation function with a velocity probability density function, and the velocity coefficients iteratively optimised to minimise the error between the estimated cross-correlations and the measured cross-correlations. The method may be applied to measure blood flow, and the motion of tissue and organs such as heart and lungs.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Method of managing a weight condition in an animal

Номер: AU2011203616A1

A methodology of managing a weight condition of a companion animal by determining body fat composition of the companion animal and an appropriate weight loss regimen based on the body fat percentage is provided. More specifically, described herein is a clinically useful tool and methodology to apply to overweight and obese animals for use in managing a weight condition of the overweight or obese animal by determining the body fat percentage of the animal and providing a weight loss regimen.

17-08-2017 дата публикации

Methods for physiological state determination in body scans

Номер: AU2016222642A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A system for measuring muscle mass of a patient has a dual-energy radiation emission source. A radiation detector is configured to detect radiation emitted from the dual-energy radiation emission source passed through the patient. A processor has a memory with storing instructions, that when executed by the processor, perform a set of operations. The operations include receiving radiation detection data; generating a scan representation; identifying a primary fat target; determining an amount of fat in the primary fat target; comparing the amount of fat in the primary fat target to a reference; and based on the comparison, correcting an estimated amount of lean tissue to generate a corrected muscle mass value.

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Medical imaging system having an array of distributed x-ray generators

Номер: AU2016389383B2

The disclosed system includes an emitter array for generating x-rays, a detector array for sensing a flux of x-rays transmitted through a region of interest; apparatus for holding, moving and aligning the emitter array relative to the region of interest and the detector array; electronic means for controlling the emitters and for reading and analyzing the output from the detectors and converting it to image data, and a display for displaying and manipulating the image data. The individual emitters are operated in multiple groups each illuminating a region of interest between the emitter array and the detector array such that the cone of radiation rays projected on the detector array from any single emitter in any one such group is substantially spatially separated from the corresponding projected cones from all other emitters in that same group.

04-10-2018 дата публикации

System and method for dual energy and/or contrast enhanced breast imaging for screening, diagnosis and biopsy

Номер: AU2017202882B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Systems and methods for x-ray imaging a patient's breast in combinations of dual energy, single-energy, mammography and tomosynthesis modes that facilitate screening for and diagnosis of breast abnormalities, particularly breast abnormalities characterized by abnormal vascularity. WO 2012/122399 PCT/US2012/028334 122 r -120 z ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации

X-Ray detection method and X-Ray detector

Номер: AU2017259380A1

An X-ray detection method and an X-ray detector. The method comprises: dividing an energy range of a photon emitted by an X-ray source into N energy windows, wherein N is an integer greater than 0; based on linear attenuation coefficients of a substance of interest and a background substance of an imaging target, acquiring a weight factor of each energy window in the N energy windows; based on the weight factor of each energy window in the N energy windows, acquiring a weight factor matrix of M output channels of an X-ray detector, wherein M is an integer greater than 0; and based on the number of photons with an energy range falling within each energy window in the N energy windows, and the weight factor matrix, acquiring output results of the M output channels.

22-04-2002 дата публикации

X-ray generating mechanism using electron field emission cathode

Номер: AU0001297902A

28-07-1997 дата публикации

A method and system for generating an x-ray image

Номер: AU0001366697A

20-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002768296A1

Systems and methods for determining an extended low contrast detectability performance function for an operating range for a core operating mode of a radiographic imaging system using actual reconstructed images characterize the contrast performance of a radiographic imaging system scanner over its operating range and for any patient size based on the off-line calibration, uses ordered pairs of relative flux and contrast index for each scanned object to provide a contrast index for each protocol for each contrast set, and uses the ordered pairs of flux index and contrast index to determine an extended low contrast detectability performance function for the operating range of a radiographic imaging system. Extended low contrast detectability performance data compilation and methods of clinical use, and low contrast phantom configurations and methods of calibration are also disclosed.

30-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001275743C

Apparatus for determining the osseous mineral content by partial absorption of ionizing rays by a source preferably constituted by two elements. It comprises a mobile carriage on slides and two arms carrying the transmitter block for the radioactive beam and the receiver block and articulated in such a way that the incidence of the beam can either be horizontal or vertical. The receiver block is provided with a plurality of sensors making it possible to produce a bidimensional image.

30-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001136776A1

15-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002305911A1

True body composition is estimated using a dual-energy, fan-shaped distribution of x-rays and signal processing that corrects for mass magnification and other effects due to the geometry of the measurement system. To avoid inaccuracies due to beam hardening and certain other effects, the thickness of attenuating material along respective raypaths is obtained through using a four-dimensional look-up table derived experimentally from step-wedge measurements. To correct for mass magnification effects due to using a fan-shaped distribution of x-rays, another look-up table and interpolation between table entries are used to convert projected mass to true mass.

23-05-2012 дата публикации

X-ray examination device and method

Номер: CN0102469975A

28-06-2006 дата публикации

Fan-beam coherent-scatter computer tomography

Номер: CN0001794951A

02-09-2009 дата публикации

Multi x-ray generating apparatus and x-ray imaging apparatus

Номер: CN0101521136A

A multi X-ray generating apparatus which has a plurality of electron sources arranged two-dimensionally and targets arranged at positions opposite to the electron sources includes a multi electron source which includes a plurality of electron sources and outputs electrons from driven electron sources by selectively driving a plurality of electron sources in accordance with supplied driving signals, and a target unit which includes a plurality of targets which generate X-rays in accordance with irradiation of electrons output from the multi electron source and outputs X-rays with different radiation qualities in accordance with the generation locations of X-rays. The generation locations and radiation qualities of X-rays from the target unit are controlled by selectively driving the electron sources of the multi electron source.

15-06-2011 дата публикации

System and method of mitigating low signal data for dual energy CT

Номер: CN0102090900A

A CT system includes a rotatable gantry having an opening for receiving an object to be scanned, and a controller configured to obtain kVp projection data at a first kVp, obtain kVp projection data at a second kVp, extract data from the kVp projection data obtained at the second kVp, add the extracted data to the kVp projection data obtained at the first kVp to generate mitigated projection data at the first kVp, and generate an image using the mitigated projection data at the first kVp and using the projection data obtained at the second kVp.

09-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN0108618793A

02-10-2013 дата публикации

Spectral imaging

Номер: CN103339656A

A method includes analyzing a spectral projection image of a portion of a subject, generating a value quantifying an amount of a target specific contrast material in a region of interest of the spectral projection image, and generating a signal indicative of a presence of the target in response to the value satisfying a predetermined threshold level.

16-10-2018 дата публикации

The use of dual-energy computed tomography of the multi-material decomposition

Номер: CN0105011960B

29-06-2016 дата публикации

X-ray imaging device, wedge-shaped filter device and a wedge-shaped filter control method

Номер: CN0103841896B

02-12-1977 дата публикации

X-ray measurement of density - is for two-component materials and uses compensating material in special screen

Номер: FR0002312030B1

17-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002554705A


12-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002505168A


12-09-2003 дата публикации

Artifacts minimizing method for dual or multiple energy imaging, involves obtaining offset images from detector after obtaining its exposure image data sets

Номер: FR0002837053A1

Un procédé minimisant des artefacts dans des images bi ou multi-énergétiques comprend : le fait d'obtenir des première et secondes images de décalage d'un détecteur (110) après avoir obtenu des premier et second ensembles de données d'image d'exposition du détecteur (110). D'autres formes de réalisation comprennent le fait de : changer la dose des expositions, changer le gain du détecteur (110), changer la définition d'acquisition des pixels du détecteur (110), et laisser le détecteur (110) non purgé entre les premier et second temps de lecture.

07-03-1975 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002239975A1

14-04-1972 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002104465A5

29-04-2005 дата публикации

Patient's bone part geometrical characteristic determining process for evaluating femoral neck fracture, involves comparing amplitude of x-ray sources translation with bone part points displacement to deduce magnification degree

Номер: FR0002861283A1

Procédé pour la détermination d'au moins une caractéristique géométrique d'une partie repérable sous rayonnement X, située dans une zone d'examen (3) d'un patient, ceci au moyen d'un dispositif d'examen d'ostéodensitométrie de type dit "Cone Beam Systems" ou CBS, comportant une source de rayons X (1) venant émettre un faisceau conique en direction d'un détecteur plan (5) pour rayons X adapté. Après l'obtention d'un premier cliché de la partie repérable: - on translate l'ensemble source de rayons X (1) détecteur (5) dans une direction perpendiculaire; - on réalise au moins un second cliché de la partie repérable; - on mesure le décalage (t) d'au moins un point de la partie repérable; - on compare l'amplitude (T) de la translation relative, pour en déduire le degré de grandissement; et - on détermine les caractéristiques géométrique de cette partie repérable.

26-02-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002488995A1

09-07-2014 дата публикации

Medical image system and Method for generating stereoscopic view

Номер: KR1020140087213A

27-09-2018 дата публикации

분산형 x선 발생기 어레이를 갖춘 의료 영상장치

Номер: KR1020180105206A

... 본 발명은 디지털 x선 디텍터; 분산형 x선 발생기 어레이; 분산형 x선 발생기 어레이로부터의 x선 방출을 선택적으로 제어하는 수단; 디지털 x선 디텍터에서 구한 다수의 x선 영상 데이터의 획득을 제어하는 수단; 획득된 데이터를 3차원 표현으로 재구성하는 수단; 디지털 x선 디텍터에서 구한 x선 영상 데이터를 시각화, 분석 및 저장하는 수단; 및 디지털 x선 디텍터와 분산형 x선 발생기 어레이 사이에 위치한 환자 및 디지털 x선 디텍터에 대해 분산형 x선 발생기 어레이를 배치하고 정렬하는 수단을 포함하고, 분산형 x선 발생기 어레이는 디지털 x선 디텍터에 방사선 빔을 겹치지 않게 투사하는 1군의 비인접 제1 이미터들과, 디지털 x선 디텍터에 방사선 빔을 겹치지 않게 투사하는 2군의 비인접 제2 이미터들을 포함하는 x선 영상장치에 관한 것이다.

05-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020080020616A

For the high-contrast representation of small lesions or other target areas in tissue in the human body containing at least one contrasting chemical element, an X-ray arrangement is described, comprising at least one X-ray radiation source which emits essentially polychromatic X-ray radiation, a first detector or a plurality of first detectors, which can be used to determine values of a first intensity of X-ray radiation transmitted through the examination object, a second detector or a plurality of second detectors, which can be used to determine values of a second intensity of X-ray radiation emitted by the examination object, at least one correlation unit, which can be used to correlate the first intensity values of the transmitted X-ray radiation with the second intensity values of the emitted X-ray radiation pixel by pixel, and at least one output unit for the representation of the examination object from pixel signals obtainable by correlation of the first intensity values with the ...

10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO2008042344A2

Methods and systems for computer assisted detection of arterial calcification, for example in the abdominal artery, by using measurements such as those conventionally taken with a dual x-ray energy bone densitometers at single energy or dual energy, and for using the calcification assessment either alone or with other information to assess and report a risk of a cardiovascular event.

06-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO2006069709A1

An irradiation method, in particular for imaging a region of investigation (2) of an object (1), comprises the steps of generating at least one energy input beam (3) with at least one energy input beam source (210), wherein the at least one energy input beam (3) comprises a plurality of individual en­ergy input beam components (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, ...), and irradi­ating the region of investigation (2) with the at least one energy input beam (3) along a plurality of projection direc­tions, wherein the energy input beam components (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, ...) are formed with at least one beam mask (211) made of an energy input shielding material with through holes. Furthermore, an imaging method and devices for irradiating or imaging the object are described.

21-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010120377A2

According to some aspects, an x-ray apparatus for imaging and/or radiation therapy is provided, the x-ray apparatus comprises an electron source capable of generating electrons, at least one first target arranged to receive electrons from the electron source, the at least one first target comprising material that, in response to being irradiated by the electrons, emits broad spectrum x-ray radiation, at least one second target arranged to receive at least some of the broad spectrum x-ray radiation, the at least one second target comprising material that, in response to irradiation by broad spectrum x-ray radiation from the first target, emits monochromatic x-ray radiation, and at least one detector positioned to detect at least some of the monochromatic x-ray radiation emitted from the at least one second target. According to some aspects, a relatively low cost, relatively small footprint x-ray apparatus for generating monochromatic x-ray radiation suitable for medical/clinical purposes ...

05-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009134924A1
Автор: GRODZINS, Lee

Methods for in vivo measurement of lead or other trace elements in bone by x-ray fluorescence (XRF) without independent measurement of underlying tissue thickness are disclosed. In one method, the lead concentration is calculated based on the intensity of a first characteristic fluoresced peak and a function having as an argument the intensity ratio of first and second characteristic fluoresced peaks, with at least one parameter of the function being empirically determined by measurements of calibration phantoms having differing thicknesses of tissue surrogate material. In another method, the lead concentration is measured by estimating tissue thickness based on the intensity of the Compton scattering peak, or ratio of Compton/Rayleigh intensities, and the intensity of a characteristic fluoresced x-ray peak corrected for attenuation by tissue of the estimated thickness. Also disclosed is a method for determining the calcium concentration and density of bone based on XRF spectrum data.

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014123726A1
Автор: NING, Roula, CAI, Weixing

DPC (differential phase contrast) images are acquired for each photon energy channel, which are called spectral DPC images. The final DPC image can be computed by summing up these spectral DPC images or just computed using certain 'color' representation algorithms to enhance desired features. In addition, with quasi-monochromatic x-ray source, the required radiation dose is substantially reduced, while the image quality of DPC images remains acceptable.

16-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010144094A1

The techniques described herein provide for correcting projection data that comprises contamination due to source switching in a multi energy scanner. The correction is a multi-neighbor correction. That is, it uses data from at least two other views of an object (e.g., generally a previous view and a subsequent view) to correct a current view of the object. The multi-neighbor correction may use one or more correction factors to determine how much data from the other two views to use to correct the current view. The correction factor(s) are determined based upon a calibration that utilizes image space data and/or projection space data of a phantom. In this way, the correction factor(s) account for source leakage that occurs in multi energy scanners.

27-06-1991 дата публикации


Номер: WO1991009495A2
Автор: KARELLAS, Andrew

A system for spectroscopic imaging of bodily tissue in which a scintillation screen and a charged coupled device (CCD) are used to accurately image selected tissue. Applications include the imaging of radionuclide distributions within the human body or the use of a dual energy source to provide a dual photon bone densitometry apparatus that uses stationary or scanning acquisition techniques. X-rays are generated by an X-ray source which pass through a region of a subject's body, forming an X-ray image which reaches the scintillation screen. The scintillation screen reradiates a spatial intensity pattern corresponding to the image, the pattern being detected by a CCD sensor. The image is digitized by the sensor and processed by a controller before being stored as an electronic image. A dual energy X-ray source that delivers two different energy levels provides quantitative information regarding the object being imaged using dual photon absorptiometry techniques.

05-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002009017348A3

A quasi-monochromatic x-ray optical filter according to the present invention is a device for filtering a polychromatic x-ray to obtain a quasi-monochromatic x-ray having a specific energy band. The quasi-monochromatic x-ray optical filter includes a plurality of reflecting mirrors on which respective multi-layer films for selectively reflecting x-rays based on Bragg's law are deposited, a reflecting mirror chamber for fastening the reflecting mirrors in a specific geometrical arrangement, and an alignment mechanism for aligning the chamber in a commercial x-ray generation device. Since a quasi-monochromatic x-ray multi-energy imaging system using the optical filter can clearly distinguish the spectrum regions of multi-energy from each other using a quasi-monochromatic x-ray having multi-energy, clear images can be acquired even after a small exposure in the case where adjustment is performed to use an optimal energy value.

06-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: WO1997040737A2

Apparatus for X-ray bone densitometry of the hip joint in which an image of the hip joint is taken with the patient in a standing position comprising an X-ray source (24) and a detector (48) arranged on opposite sides of a patient receiving space with a height adjustable saddle (56) being provided for the patient to straddle. The appropriate height for the X-ray source and the detector are determined by the positioning of the saddle engaged with the crotch of the patient. Also disclosed is X-ray apparatus comprising a fan beam X-ray source (24) and a detector assembly (48) comprising a linear array of a plurality of detectors extending in the plane of the fan beam with means for scanning the source and the detector such that the source is scanned back and forth in a direction transverse to the plane of the fan beam and the detector array is scanned in said direction to remain in said fan beam and is incrementally indexed in a selected direction in the plane of the fan beam in a series of ...

31-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO2004000414A3

A modulated x-ray system and method provide various applications to increase medical diagnoses and treatment as well as non-medical scenarios. At low energy levels, it is used as a sophisticated medical diagnosis tool, localizing and imaging a variety of biological systems and conditions for further characterization, rather than for destruction. As a therapeutic device, it is used for directed treatment of infectious diseases, treatment of general medical diseases such as atherosclerosis and autoimmune diseases, and genetic therapy. In one embodiment, eliminating unwanted tissue anywhere in the body, effectively allows non-invasive surgery. In another embodiment, selective destruction/activation of specific cells allows for regeneration of cells and tissues, such as spinal cord regeneration.

27-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008036415A3

Various novel apparatuses and methods for generating X-rays are disclosed. One or more e-beam generators are oriented at non-conventional locations with respect to the target of the device.

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005119297A3

A contraband detection system using a cone beam computed tomography scanner. The cone beam scanner allows for rapid acquisition of data for computing three dimensional density maps of objects within items under inspection. Where greater resolution is desired, the image information obtained with the cone beam computed tomography scanner may be combined with higher resolution images formed with a single view scanner. A multi-energy single view scanner may be used to additionally provide information on the effective atomic number of objects contained within items under inspection. Additionally, information obtained with the cone beam computed tomography scanner may be used to increase the accuracy of the computation of the effective atomic number of objects within the item under inspection.

31-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011037344A3

Disclosed are a multi-energy X-ray system, an image processing apparatus for discriminating a multi-energy X-ray material, and an image processing method for material discrimination of a multi-energy X-ray system. The image processing apparatus for discriminating a multi-energy X-ray material according to one aspect of the present invention comprises: a table for recording attenuation information and multi-energy X-ray spectrum information which correspond to one or more materials; an initial image estimating portion for estimating an initial image of each of the materials with respect to a projection image of each of the energy bands generated when a multi-energy X-ray spectrum passes through a detecting target formed with one or more materials; and an image update portion for updating the initial image as the material discrimination image using the estimated initial image and the spectrum information recorded in the table and the attenuation information recorded in the table.

01-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: WO1999032901A1

The invention relates to a device for digital subtraction angiography in an energy subtraction mode with a special electronic circuit.

20-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: WO2000021441A1

L'invention concerne un procédé et un dispositif permettant de mesurer le contenu minéral osseux du squelette dans une partie du corps humain. Cette partie du corps est exposée d'un côté à des rayons X de deux niveaux d'énergie. Les rayons sont détectés sur le côté opposé de la partie du corps, l'épaisseur de cette partie du corps est mesurée et les rayons X détectés sont analysés. Lors de l'analyse, on calcule sur la base de l'épaisseur mesurée les distances parcourues par les rayons X qui traversent les principaux constituants de la partie du corps, notamment l'eau, la graisse et le minéral osseux constituant la partie du corps, afin de déterminer le contenu de minéral osseux du squelette dans ladite partie du corps. Pour calibrer la mesure, celle-ci est réalisée avec un objet de référence (8) de composition connue. Pour déterminer les variables ayant une influence sur l'exactitude de la mesure, telles que les intensités et/ou les niveaux d'énergie moyens des rayons émis par le moyen ...

24-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: WO1997048988A1

An imaging device (1) for producing images from electron-hole producing radiation (2). Electron-hole pairs are produced in a radiation absorbing layer (10) comprised of a photoconductive material. This layer (10) covers an array (9) of metal oxide semiconductor pixel circuits which are incorporated into and on a crystalline semiconductor substrate (7). Each pixel circuit has a charge collecting pixel electrode, a capacitor connected to the electrode to store the charges and a charge measuring transistor circuit. A voltage source (16) provides an electric field across the radiation absorbing layer (10) between the pixel electrodes and a radiation transparent surface electrode (8) covering the radiation absorbing layer (10). A data acquisition system (20) acquires and stores data derived from charge measurements and in a preferred embodiment a computer (23) computes images from the data. The image may be displayed on a monitor (22) or printed out on a printer. Preferred embodiments provide ...

24-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: WO1996033424A1

An imaging device (1) for producing images from electron-hole producing radiation (2). Electron-hole pairs are produced in a radiation absorbing layer (10) comprised of a photoconductive material. This layer (10) covers an array (9) of metal oxide semiconductor pixel circuits which are incorporated into and on a crystalline semiconductor substrate (7). Each pixel circuit has a charge collecting pixel electrode, a capacitor connected to the electrode to store the charges and a charge measuring transistor circuit. A voltage source (16) provides an electric field across the radiation absorbing layer (10) between the pixel electrodes and a radiation transparent surface electrode (8) covering the radiation absorbing layer (10). A data acquisition system (20) acquires and stores data derived from charge measurements and in a preferred embodiment a computer (23) computes images from the data. The image may be displayed on a monitor (22) or printed out on a printer. Preferred embodiments provide ...

01-12-2015 дата публикации

Dual energy imaging with beam blocking during energy transition

Номер: US0009198629B2

A medical imaging method comprising generating a radiation at a first energy level by a radiation source, generating a radiation at a second energy level different from the first energy level by the radiation source, emitting the generated radiations at an output of the radiation source towards a detector, and blocking or diverting the emitted radiations during at least one intermediate phase during which the radiation source switches in a transient way from one of the first energy level and the second energy level to the other of the first energy level and the second energy level.

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150085970A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Company

A system includes a detector and a processing unit. The detector includes multiple pixels configured to detect computed tomography (CT) events and nuclear medicine (NM) imaging events. The CT events correspond to X-rays emitted from a X-ray source through an object to be imaged, and the NM imaging events correspond to gamma rays emitted from a radiopharmaceutical that has been administered to the object. The detector is configured for photon counting detection of the CT events and the NM imaging events. The processing unit includes at least one processor and at least one memory comprising a tangible and non-transitory computer readable storage medium. The processing unit is configured to, based on corresponding energy levels of the CT events and the NM imaging events, identify CT information corresponding to the CT events and identify NM information corresponding to the NM imaging events.

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150085984A1

A scanning method and device are provided. The method includes: determining values for a first scanning dosage and a second scanning dosage used in a scanning process based on a trigger condition which varies regularly and attenuation fluctuations of an object to be scanned, wherein the first scanning dosage is higher than the second scanning dosage, and at least one of the first scanning dosage and the second scanning dosage has an inconstant value; and scanning a target position with the determined values. In the present disclosure, a scanning dosage may be reduced and different image noises may be kept consistent.

22-06-2021 дата публикации

Radiation detector scintillator with an integral through-hole interconnect

Номер: US0011041966B2

A scintillator layer (206) includes a plurality of scintillator pixels (337), walls of non-scintillation material (336) surrounding each of the plurality of scintillator pixels, and at least one electrically conductive interconnect (224) for a pixel, wherein the at least one electrically conductive interconnect extends within a wall of the pixel along an entire depth of the wall. A multi-energy detector array (114) includes a detector tile (116) with an upper scintillator layer (202), an upper photosensor (204) optically coupled to the upper scintillator layer, a lower scintillator layer (206) electrically coupled to the upper photosensor, and a lower photodetector (208) optically and electrically coupled to the lower scintillator layer. The lower scintillator layer includes at least one scintillator pixel (337) surrounded by at least one wall of non-scintillation material (336), and the wall includes at least one electrically conductive interconnect (224) that extends from a top edge of ...

01-01-2008 дата публикации

X-ray reflector exhibiting taper, method of making same, narrow band x-ray filters including same, devices including such filters, multispectral x-ray production via unispectral filter, and multispectral x-ray production via multispectral filter

Номер: US0007315611B2

An x-ray reflector may include: a substrate; a first layer formed on the substrate, the first layer including a relatively higher-Z material, where Z represents the atomic number; and a second layer formed on the first layer, the second layer including a relatively lower-Z material; at least one of the first layer and the second layer exhibiting a taper in an axial direction extending between a first end of the substrate and a second end of the substrate.

05-01-2006 дата публикации

X-ray reflector exhibiting taper, method of making same, narrow band x-ray filters including same, devices including such filters, multispectral x-ray production via unispectral filter, and multispectral x-ray production via multispectral filter

Номер: US2006002512A1

An x-ray reflector may include: a substrate; a first layer formed on the substrate, the first layer including a relatively higher-Z material, where Z represents the atomic number; and a second layer formed on the first layer, the second layer including a relatively lower-Z material; at least one of the first layer and the second layer exhibiting a taper in an axial direction extending between a first end of the substrate and a second end of the substrate.

22-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210113165A1

Various methods and systems are provided for laser alignment systems, particularly laser alignment systems of medical imaging systems. In one example, a medical imaging system comprises: a gantry; and a laser mount including: a first section fixedly coupled to the gantry; a second section seated within the first section and slideable within the first section; and a third section seated within the second section and rotatable within the second section, the third section adapted to house a laser radiation source.

25-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: US20040059223A1

A bone densitometer accepts inputs of non-bone density patient information to provide a measure of absolute fracture risk to provide a more accurate and personal assessment of osteoporosis. A simple graphical output compares this risk to standard populations.

14-06-2007 дата публикации

Displaced-Ray CT Inspection

Номер: US20070133744A1
Автор: Richard Bijjani

A computed tomography scanner includes a housing, a conveyor disposed at least partially within the housing and configured to move an object to be scanned through the housing along a direction of travel, a gantry connected to the housing and configured to receive the object to be scanned, an x-ray source attached to the gantry and configured to provide an x-ray beam that extends along a length in the direction of travel, and detector arrays attached to the gantry and configured and disposed to receive and detect x-rays from the x-ray source, the detector arrays being displaced relative to each other in the direction of travel an array spacing distance such that a geometric efficiency of the arrays is less than about 80%.

15-05-2003 дата публикации

System and method for radiographic imaging of tissue

Номер: US20030091508A1
Автор: Jesse Salb
Принадлежит: Veritas Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

System and method for radiographic imaging of tissue using a non-radioactive, radio-opaque imaging agent that accumulates intracellularly in tissue in proportion to its functional, or physiological, activity. In one embodiment, the imaging agent is a cell-membrane permeable, radio-opaque, high affinity ligand for the intracellular enzyme hexokinase. The imaging agent is administered to a patient, and after an accumulation interval, radiographic images are acquired. The imaging agent preferentially accumulates in malignant tissue and increases its radio-opacity because of its elevated glucose metabolic rate relative to benign and normal tissue. The tissue being examined is transilluminated by X-ray beams with preselected different mean energy spectra, and a separate radiographic image is acquired during transillumination by each beam. An image processing system performs a weighted combination of the acquired images to produce a single displayed image. The image processing procedure isolates ...

15-05-2001 дата публикации

Determining body composition using fan beam dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry

Номер: US0006233473B1
Принадлежит: Hologic, Inc., HOLOGIC INC, HOLOGIC, INC.

True body composition is estimated using a dual-energy, fan-shaped distribution of x-rays and signal processing that corrects for mass magnification and other effects due to the geometry of the measurement system. To avoid inaccuracies due to beam hardening and certain other effects, the thickness of attenuating material along respective raypaths is obtained through using a four-dimensional look-up table derived experimentally from step-wedge measurements. To correct for mass magnification effects due to using a fan-shaped distribution of x-rays, another look-up table and interpolation between table entries are used to convert projected mass to true mass.

27-07-1976 дата публикации

X-ray diagnostic apparatus for producing a transverse layer image

Номер: US0003971948A

An X-ray diagnostic installation for producing a transverse layer or planigraphic image including a first X-ray measuring arrangement having X-ray source which generates an X-ray beam whose extent of cross-sectional diffusion perpendicular to the layer is equal to the layer thickness, and equal to or less than the layer thickness in parallel to the layer, and a radiation receiver which measures the radiation intensity behind the object at successive equidistantly located points, as well as a drive arrangement for the measuring arrangement adapted to generate a linearly guided scanning motion extending in perpendicular to the direction of the central beam across the total expanse of the object, in an alternating sequence with a rotational motion about small equidistant angles, whose sum comprises 180 DEG , and about a center of revolution lying approximately in the central portion of the layer surface on the main radiation beam. In addition to the first measuring arrangement, a second measuring ...

15-07-2003 дата публикации

Method for estimating scattered radiation, in particular for correcting radiography measurements

Номер: US0006594338B2

The radiography of a subject is improved by estimating the scattered radiation it transmits to the detectors. For this, one uses scattered radiation measured effectively through a simulacrum of the subject, with analogous attenuation properties, and which are modified by weighted coefficients obtained through a transformation of the values of total radiation received through the subject (3) and the simulacrum (8) selected. Thus it is also possible to improve radiographs without double irradiation of the subject to measure the scattered radiation separately.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Processing of radiological images to delete markers without image deterioration

Номер: US20120051497A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

The disclosure generally relates to dual-energy imaging, and in particular, techniques to produce and process dual-energy images using a dual-energy imaging system. One embodiment provides a method for generating at least one image of a region of interest in a patient, the method comprising: obtaining at least two radiological images of the region of interest identified with at least one marker arranged on and/or around the patient, wherein a first image is acquired. with a first X-ray energy and a second image is acquired with a second X-ray energy; and determining a final radiological image of the region of interest by linearly combining the two radiological images to obtain an image without the markers.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Fan-shaped x-ray beam imaging systems employing graded multilayer optic devices

Номер: US20120051499A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An X-ray imaging system that produces one or more fan-shaped beams is described. The system includes a target for emitting X rays that includes at least one target focal spot, and one or more graded multilayer optic devices in optical communication with the target. The optics transmits at least a portion of the source X rays to produce the one or more fan-shaped beams. The graded multilayer optic devices include at least a first graded multilayer section for redirecting and transmitting X rays through total internal reflection. The graded multilayer section includes a high-index layer of material having a first complex refractive index n 1 , a low-index layer of material having a second complex refractive index n 2 , and a grading zone disposed between the high-index and low-index layers of material. The grading zone includes a grading layer having a third complex refractive index n 3 such that Re(n 1 )>Re(n 2 )>Re(n 3 ).

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Device and method to generate x-ray radiation with two spectra

Номер: US20120099709A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

In a device, a method and a computer-readable storage medium encoded with programming instructions to generate x-ray radiation to examine a subject with at least two spectra respectively of x-ray radiation of different average photon energies, an x-ray tube is used that has at least two foci that are different from one another, and the device is operated to switch between the foci in order to generate x-ray radiation. A spectrum of x-ray radiation respectively emanates from each focus. A filter is associated with the x-ray tube such that the spectrum of x-ray radiation emanating from one of the foci is not filtered by the filter and the spectrum of x-ray radiation emanating from another of the foci is filtered by the filter, such that the average photon energy of the filtered spectrum of x-ray radiation is higher than the average photon energy of the unfiltered spectrum of x-ray radiation.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Dental and orthopedic densitometry modeling system and method

Номер: US20120134462A1
Автор: Ronald E. Massie
Принадлежит: Massie Ronald E

A dental and orthopedic densitometry modeling system includes a controller with a microprocessor and a memory device connected to the microprocessor. An input device is also connected to the microprocessor for inputting diagnostic procedure parameters and patient information. X-ray equipment including an X-ray source and an X-ray detector array are connected to a positioning motor for movement relative to a patient's dental or orthopedic structure in response to signals from the microprocessor. The output consists of a tomographical densitometry model. A dental/orthopedic densitometry modeling method involves moving the X-ray equipment across a predetermined scan path, emitting dual-energy X-ray beams, and outputting an image color-coded to correspond to a patient's dental or orthopedic density.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Anode target for an x-ray tube and method for controlling the x-ray tube

Номер: US20120163530A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Anode targets for an x-ray tube and methods for controlling x-ray tubes for x-ray systems are provided. One x-ray system includes a field-generator configured to generate a field, an electron beam generator configured to generate an electron beam directed towards a target and a voltage controller configured to control the electron beam generator to produce an electron beam at a first energy level and an electron beam at a second energy level. The x-ray system also includes a field-generator controller configured to control a field to deflect at least one of the electron beams, wherein the electron beam, at the first energy level, impinges on the target at a first contact position and the electron beam, at the second energy level, impinges on the target at a second contact position. The at the first contact position and at the second contact position is configured to filter x-rays.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Radiation imaging apparatus, and control method and program of the apparatus

Номер: US20120288062A1
Автор: Takashi Takasaki
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An energy control unit continuously adjusts energy of radiations in one shot emitted by an X-ray irradiation unit. An X-ray detection unit generates a plurality of image data pieces in one shot by detecting the radiations whose energy is continuously adjusted and transmitted through a subject. An image classification unit classifies the plurality of image data pieces generated by the X-ray detection unit into image data generated by the radiations of a high energy side and image data generated by the radiations of a low energy side. An image subtraction unit performs weighting and subtraction on the image data generated by the radiations of the high energy side and the image data generated by the radiations of the low energy side.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Dental and orthopedic densitometry modeling system and method

Номер: US20130022164A1
Автор: Ronald E. Massie
Принадлежит: Osseo Imaging LLC

A dental and orthopedic densitometry modeling system includes a controller with a microprocessor and a memory device connected to the microprocessor. An input device is also connected to the microprocessor for inputting diagnostic procedure parameters and patient information. X-ray equipment including an X-ray source and an X-ray detector array are connected to a positioning motor for movement relative to a patient's dental or orthopedic structure in response to signals from the microprocessor. The output consists of a tomographical densitometry model. A dental/orthopedic densitometry modeling method involves moving the X-ray equipment across a predetermined scan path, emitting dual-energy X-ray beams, and outputting an image color-coded to correspond to a patient's dental or orthopedic density.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Differential phase contrast x-ray imaging system and components

Номер: US20130028378A1

A differential phase contrast X-ray imaging system includes an X-ray illumination system, a beam splitter arranged in an optical path of the X-ray illumination system, and a detection system arranged in an optical path to detect X-rays after passing through the beam splitter.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for adaptive scatter correction

Номер: US20130058450A1
Автор: Jiang Hsieh, Xiaoye Wu, Xin Liu
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A CT system includes a rotatable gantry having an opening to receive an object to be scanned, an x-ray source configured to project an x-ray beam toward the object having a primary intensity, a detector configured to detect high frequency electromagnetic energy passing through the object and output imaging data, and a data acquisition system (DAS) connected to the detector and configured to receive the imaging data. The system also includes a computer programmed to obtain image projection data of the object from the DAS, correct the projection data using a scatter function that is based at least on a known characteristic of the x-ray beam, and generate images using the corrected projection data.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096395A1
Принадлежит: CORVENTIS, INC.

Methods and apparatus combine patient measurement data with demographic or physiological data of the patient to determine an output that can be used to diagnose and treat the patient. A customized output can be determined based the demographics of the patient, physiological data of the patient, and data of a population of patients. In another aspect, patient measurement data is used to predict an impending cardiac event, such as acute decompensated heart failure. At least one personalized value is determined for the patient, and a patient event prediction output is generated based at least in part on the personalized value and the measurement data. For example, bioimpedance data may be used to establish a baseline impedance specific to the patient, and the patient event prediction output generated based in part on the relationship of ongoing impedance measurements to the baseline impedance. Multivariate prediction models may enhance prediction accuracy. 1. An apparatus to monitor a patient , the apparatus comprising:at least two electrodes coupled to circuitry to measure an impedance of the patient;at least one processor to receive the measured impedance and patient data, the at least one processor configured to determine an output based on the impedance and the patient data.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the patient data corresponds to a demographic of the patient.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the patient demographic corresponds to one or more of a gender of the patient claim 2 , an age of the patient claim 2 , or a race of the patient.4. (canceled)5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the patient data corresponds to fat of the patient comprising one or more of a percent body fat of the patient claim 1 , a body mass index claim 1 , a height of the patient claim 1 , a weight of the patient claim 1 , a caliper measure of the fat of the patient claim 1 , a tape measure test of the patient claim 1 , a near infrared interactance claim 1 , images of the ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

System and method for improved energy series of images using multi-energy ct

Номер: US20130108013A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for creating an energy series of images acquired using a multi-energy computed tomography (CT) imaging system having a plurality of energy bins includes acquiring, with the multi-energy CT imaging system, a series of energy data sets, where each energy data set is associated with at least one of the energy bins. The method includes producing a conglomerate image using at least a plurality of the energy data sets and, using the conglomerate image, reconstructing an energy series of images, each image in the energy series of images corresponding to at least one of the energy data sets.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Monochromatic x-ray methods and apparatus

Номер: US20130188773A1
Автор: Eric H. Silver
Принадлежит: Individual

According to some aspects, an x-ray apparatus for imaging and/or radiation therapy is provided, the x-ray apparatus comprises an electron source capable of generating electrons, at least one first target arranged to receive electrons from the electron source, the at least one first target comprising material that, in response to being irradiated by the electrons, emits broad spectrum x-ray radiation, at least one second target arranged to receive at least some of the broad spectrum x-ray radiation, the at least one second target comprising material that, in response to irradiation by broad spectrum x-ray radiation from the first target, emits monochromatic x-ray radiation, and at least one detector positioned to detect at least some of to the monochromatic x-ray radiation emitted from the at least one second target. According to some aspects, a relatively low cost, relatively small footprint x-ray apparatus for generating monochromatic x-ray radiation suitable for medical/clinical purposes and appropriate for use in existing medical facilities such as hospitals and/or small clinical settings is provided.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for spectral computed tomography (ct) with sparse photon counting detectors

Номер: US20130251097A1
Автор: Yu Zou
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba Medical Systems Corp

Photon counting detectors are sparsely placed at predetermined positions in the fourth-generation geometry around an object to be scanned in spectral Computer Tomography (CT). Optionally, integrating detectors are placed between the two adjacent ones of the sparsely placed photon counting detectors in the fourth-generation geometry. Furthermore, the integrating detectors are placed in the third-generation in combination to the sparsely placed photon counting detectors at predetermined positions in the fourth-generation geometry.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and system to improve visceral adipose tissue estimate by measuring and correcting for subcutaneous adipose tissue composition

Номер: US20130281820A1
Автор: Randall Kenneth Payne
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method and system for estimating the visceral adipose tissue (VAT) of a subject comprising performing a dual-energy X-ray scan of the subject; generating at least one image of the subject from the dual-energy X-ray scan; identifying a region of interest; dividing the region of interest into a plurality of sections; generating a soft tissue composition profile for each of the plurality of sections, wherein the soft tissue composition profile identifies an edge of the subject, an outer edge of an abdominal wall of the subject, a subcutaneous region and a subcutaneous thickness for each of the plurality of sections; determining a subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) composition for each of the plurality of sections, wherein a subcutaneous fat fraction is used to calculate the subcutaneous fat and lean masses and/or volumes; and determining a VAT based on the determined SAT composition for each of the plurality of sections.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for non-invasive imaging of a target region

Номер: US20130284939A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Embodiments of systems, methods and non-transitory computer readable media for imaging are presented. Preliminary image data corresponding to a first FOV of a subject at a first resolution is acquired using an imaging system including one or more radiation sources and at least one hybrid detector, specifically using at least one section of the hybrid detector having the first resolution. The target ROI is identified using the preliminary image data. Further, the subject is positioned to align the target ROI along a designated axis. Additionally, parameters associated with the sources, the hybrid detector and/or an imaging system gantry are configured for acquiring target image data at a second resolution greater than the first resolution using at least one section of the hybrid detector having the second resolution. Further, one or more images corresponding to at least the target ROI are reconstructed using the target and/or the preliminary image data.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130287168A1

A method and system for estimating the visceral adipose tissue (VAT) mass or volume of a subject comprises performing a dual-energy X-ray scan of the subject; generating at least one image of the subject from the dual-energy X-ray scan; identifying a region of interest on the at least one image; dividing the region of interest into a plurality of sections; determining an outer transverse extent of a coelom or inner abdominal cavity of the subject; determining a subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) composition for each of the plurality of sections, wherein the SAT composition determination is restricted to an area directly anterior and posterior the coelom or inner abdominal cavity of the subject; and determining a VAT mass and/or volume for the region of interest based on the determined SAT composition for each of the plurality of section. 1. A method for determining visceral adipose tissue (VAT) of a subject , the method comprising:performing a dual-energy X-ray scan of the subject;generating at least one image of the subject from the dual-energy X-ray scan;identifying a region of interest on the at least one image;dividing the region of interest into a plurality of sections;determining an outer transverse extent of a coelom or inner abdominal cavity of the subject;determining a subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) composition for each of the plurality of sections, wherein the SAT composition determination is restricted to an area directly anterior and posterior the coelom or inner abdominal cavity of the subject; anddetermining a VAT mass or volume for the region of interest based on the determined SAT composition for each of the plurality of sections.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dual-energy X-ray scan is a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising displaying the VAT mass or volume for the region of interest on a display of a scanning system.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the SAT composition is subcutaneous ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Digital detector

Номер: US20130307923A1
Принадлежит: Trophy SAS

An extra-oral dental imaging apparatus for obtaining an image from a patient has a radiation source and a digital imaging sensor that provides, for each of a number of image pixels, at least a first digital value according to a count of received photons that exceed at least a first energy threshold. A mount supports the radiation source and the digital imaging sensor on opposite sides of the patient's head. There can be a computer in signal communication with the digital imaging sensor for acquiring one or more two-dimensional images.

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130343519A1
Автор: Ma George W.

Devices, tools, systems and methods for X-ray bone density measurement and imaging for radiography, fluoroscopy and related procedures. Portable, efficient peripheral bone density measurement and/or high resolution imaging and/or small field digital radiography of bone and other tissue, including tissue in the peripheral skeletal system, such as the arm, forearm, leg, hand and/or foot. 1. A portable , dual-energy radiographic x-ray imaging and bone density measuring system , comprising:an X-ray source configured to emit an X-ray beam through a filter positioning mechanism, the filter positioning mechanism comprising a high energy filter, a low energy filter, and a shutter configured to block transmission of the X-ray beam;an X-ray imaging detector;a housing positioning the X-ray source at a distance from the X-ray beam detector, wherein the housing is configured for positioning a forearm between the X-ray source and the X-ray beam detector;an embedded system configured to activate the X-ray source and to control the position of the filter positioning mechanism and imaging data acquisition.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the X-ray source is active for at most 2 seconds per exposure.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the high energy filter provides a high energy component above 40-50 kV for transmission through the filter positioning mechanism.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the high energy filter comprises Copper and at least one of the group consisting of Tin and Rhodium.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the low energy filter limits transmission of energy below 40-50 kV through the filter positioning mechanism.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the low energy filter comprises Aluminum and at least one type of material having a K-edge absorption at least 40 kV.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the low energy filter comprises at least one type of material having a K-edge absorption of at least 40 kV is selected from the group consisting of Cerium claim 1 , ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130343521A1
Автор: LEE Duhgoon

An X-ray imaging apparatus displays a bone or soft tissue image of an X-ray image, which corresponds to a region selected by a user, thereby reducing a diagnosis time. In addition, an X-ray imaging system transmits a first energy X-ray image and a second energy X-ray image to a central image management system, and a user control apparatus receives the images from the central image management system and displays a bone or soft tissue image corresponding to the selected region, thereby reducing burden imposed on server capacity of the central image management system as well as reducing a diagnosis time. 1. An X-ray imaging apparatus comprising:an X-ray generator to generate X-rays and irradiate an object with the X-rays;an X-ray detector to detect X-rays irradiated from the X-ray generator and transmitted through the object; anda host device to generate and display a plurality of X-ray images from the detected X-rays and to display an image containing at least one of bone image information and soft tissue image information of the displayed X-ray image, the bone image information and soft tissue image information corresponding to a region selected by a user.2. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the X-ray detector detects first energy X-rays and second energy X-rays claim 1 , wherein the first energy X-rays and the second energy X-rays have different energy levels.3. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the host device comprises an X-ray image generator to generate a first energy X-ray image from the first energy X-rays detected by the X-ray detector and to generate a second energy X-ray image from the second energy X-rays detected by the X-ray detector.4. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the host device further comprises an image display unit to display at least one of the first energy X-ray image and second energy X-ray image generated by the X-ray image generator.5. The X-ray imaging apparatus ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Integrated Multi-Mode Mammography/Tomosynthesis X-Ray System and Method

Номер: US20140044231A1
Принадлежит: Hologic Inc

A system for multi-mode breast x-ray imaging which comprises a compression arm assembly for compressing and immobilizing a breast for x-ray imaging, an x-ray tube assembly, and an x-ray image receptor is provided. The system is configured for a plurality of imaging protocols and modes.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

System and method for detecting materials or disease states using multi-energy computed tomography

Номер: US20140050378A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co, INSTITUTO DO CORACAO

The disclosed embodiments relate to characterizing or quantifying an element or composition of interest within an imaged volume. In accordance with one embodiment, high and low energy images are acquired of a volume of interest using a polychromatic emission source. The high and low energy images are processed to generate monochromatic images. Based on the observed attenuation within the monochromatic images, one or more elements or compositions of interest are characterized within the imaged volume.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140064444A1

The X-ray imaging device includes an X-ray generator to generate an X-ray and radiate the X-ray to an object, an X-ray detector to detect the X-ray passing through the object and acquire an image signal of the object, and a controller to analyze the image signal of the object, evaluate a characteristic of the object and generate at least one of a single energy X-ray image and a multiple energy X-ray image according to the evaluated characteristic. 1. An X-ray imaging apparatus comprising:an X-ray generator configured to generate and radiate X-rays to an object;an X-ray detector configured to detect the X-rays which has passed through the object and acquire an image signal of the object; anda controller configured to evaluate a characteristic of the object based on the image signal and generate at least one of a single energy X-ray image and a multiple energy X-ray image according to the evaluated characteristic.2. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the characteristic comprises at least one of a structure of internal tissues of the object claim 1 , a ratio of respective internal tissues claim 1 , and a density of a specific internal tissue.3. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to calculate the ratio of parenchymal tissue to total breast tissue claim 2 , calculate a breast density based on the ratio claim 2 , and determine whether the calculated density exceeds a reference value.4. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to determine whether the evaluated characteristic corresponds to the single energy X-ray image or the multiple energy X-ray image.5. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the X-ray generator is configured to radiate the X-ray for pre-shot claim 2 , andthe controller is configured to evaluate a characteristic of the object based on the image signal acquired from the X-rays radiated for the pre-shot and ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for extended low contrast detectability for radiographic imaging systems

Номер: US20140072108A1
Принадлежит: TIP IMAGING LLC

Evaluating dose performance of a radiographic imaging system with respect to image quality using a phantom, a channelized hotelling observer module as a model observer, and a printer, a plaque, or an electronic display includes scanning and producing images for a plurality of sections of the phantom using the radiographic imaging system, wherein the plurality of sections represent a range of patient sizes and doses and wherein the sections of the phantom contain objects of measurable detectability. Also included is analyzing the images to determine detectability results for one or more of the contained objects within the images of the plurality of sections of the phantom, wherein the analyzing includes using a channelized hotelling observer (CHO) module as a model observer; and displaying, via the printer, the plaque, or the electronic display, a continuous detectability performance measurement function using the determined detectability results.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for estimating object information

Номер: US20140086386A1

An apparatus and method for estimating object information is provided. The object information estimating apparatus includes a database which stores phantom information obtained by projecting a first energy X-ray on a phantom, an input unit which receives first object information obtained by projecting the first energy X-ray on an analysis object, and which receives information on a thickness of the analysis object, and an estimating unit which estimates second object information based on the phantom information, the first object information, and the information on the thickness.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000396A1
Автор: GULIK John, Taguchi Hiroki

The X-ray CT apparatus includes an X-ray tube, a high-voltage power supply, an X-ray detector and a processing circuitry. The processing circuitry reconstructs, as a first image, any of a monochromatic X-ray image and a polychromatic X-ray image on a basis of pre-reconstruction data acquired by scanning an object, the polychromatic X-ray image being taken in a first X-ray energy band. The processing circuitry reconstructs, as a second image, a polychromatic X-ray image taken in a second X-ray energy band wider than the first X-ray energy band on a basis of a pre-reconstruction data acquired by scanning the object. The processing circuitry identifies an area of a correction target in the first image as a correction area. The processing circuitry corrects the correction area in the second image on a basis of the first image. 1. An X-ray CT apparatus , comprising:an X-ray tube configured to emit X-rays;a high-voltage power supply configured to apply a tube voltage to the X-ray tube;an X-ray detector including a plurality of X-ray detection elements, and configured to detect the X-rays; and reconstruct, as a first image, any of a monochromatic X-ray image and a polychromatic X-ray image on a basis of pre-reconstruction data acquired by scanning an object, the polychromatic X-ray image being taken in a first X-ray energy band;', 'reconstruct, as a second image, a polychromatic X-ray image taken in a second X-ray energy band wider than the first X-ray energy band on a basis of a pre-reconstruction data acquired by scanning the object;', 'identify an area of a correction target in the first image as a correction area; and', 'correct the correction area in the second image on a basis of the first image., 'a processing circuitry configured to2. The X-ray CT apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe processing circuitry is configured to generate the first image from multiple types of the pre-reconstruction data based on a multi-energy scan.3. The X-ray CT apparatus ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000436A1
Автор: Chao YongSheng, ZHAO Ying

Methods for quantitatively separating x-ray images of a subject having three or more component materials into component images using spectral imaging or multiple-energy imaging with 2D radiographic hardware implemented with scatter removal methods. The multiple-energy system may be extended by implementing DRC multiple energy decomposition and K-edge subtraction imaging methods. 154.-. (canceled)55. A system which images a subject , the system comprising:an x-ray source configured to illuminate a subject, with x-rays having at least two different energy levelsan x-ray measuring device having at least one two dimensional detector and configured such that a subject can be located between the x-ray source and the x-ray measuring device, the x-ray measuring device further configured to detect the x-rays after the x-rays have passed through the subject;wherein the x-ray measurement device is configured to reduce an effect of x-ray scatter from the detected x-rays to produce at least one image.56. The system of claim 55 , wherein the x-ray measuring device is further configured to identify at least one substance in the at least one image.57. The system of claim 56 , wherein the x-ray measuring device is further configured to identify plurality of different substances in the image.58. The system of claim 56 , wherein the x-ray measuring device is further configured to identify a substance in the at least one image indicative of an abnormal condition claim 56 , a disease state claim 56 , and/or at least one variation in its state.59. (canceled)60. The system of claim 56 , wherein the substance is a microcalcification claim 56 , cancer claim 56 , a tumor claim 56 , a contrast agent indicative of a tumor claim 56 , nanoparticles claim 56 , an iodinated blood vessel and/or a contrast agent indicative of tissue.61. (canceled)62. The system of claim 56 , wherein the x-ray measuring device is further configured identify the substance using a database of known materials claim 56 , ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000439A1

An imaging control apparatus includes a hardware processor. The hardware processor is capable of sending, to a console, a command indicating permission of radiation emission. The console controls a radiation emitting apparatus that emits radiation. The hardware processor is also capable of outputting a first control signal to a radiographic imaging apparatus that generates a radiograph based on the first control signal. 1. An imaging control apparatus comprising a hardware processor that:is capable of sending, to a console that controls a radiation emitting apparatus that emits radiation, a command indicating permission of radiation emission; andis capable of outputting a first control signal to a radiographic imaging apparatus that generates a radiograph based on the first control signal.2. The imaging control apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the hardware processor is capable of outputting a second control signal to the radiation emitting apparatus that emits the radiation based on the second control signal.3. A radiographic imaging system comprising:a radiation emitting apparatus that is configured to be movable, and emits radiation;a console that controls radiation emission of the radiation emitting apparatus in response to receiving a command indicating permission of radiation emission;a hardware processor that sends the command to the console; anda portable radiographic imaging apparatus that generates a radiograph based on a first control signal,wherein the hardware processor outputs the first control signal to the portable radiographic imaging apparatus.4. A radiographic imaging system comprising:a radiation emitting apparatus that is capable of emitting first radiation having relatively low energy and second radiation having relatively high energy in order;a console that controls radiation emission of the radiation emitting apparatus in response to receiving a command indicating permission of radiation emission; anda hardware processor that sends the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Variable distance imaging

Номер: US20190000407A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A system for imaging includes a gantry movable relative to a subject. A source is configured to emit radiation during an imaging procedure. A detector is configured to receive attenuated radiation from the source during an imaging procedure, at least one of the source and the detector movably secured to the gantry by an adjustable joint. An imaging controller is operably connected to at least the gantry and to the adjustable joint, wherein the gantry controller receives a priori patient information and imaging system geometry information, the imaging controller determines an imaging geometry and operates the gantry and the adjustable joint to vary a source to image-receptor distance (SID) according to the imaging geometry.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000439A1
Автор: Takasaki Takashi

An energy control unit continuously adjusts energy of radiations in one shot emitted by an X-ray irradiation unit. An X-ray detection unit generates a plurality of image data pieces in one shot by detecting the radiations whose energy is continuously adjusted and transmitted through a subject. An image classification unit classifies the plurality of image data pieces generated by the X-ray detection unit into image data generated by the radiations of a high energy side and image data generated by the radiations of a low energy side. An image subtraction unit performs weighting and subtraction on the image data generated by the radiations of the high energy side and the image data generated by the radiations of the low energy side. 1. An apparatus for radiation imaging comprising:an irradiation unit configured to irradiate an object with radiations that tube voltage of the irradiation unit is continuously changed in one shot;a radiation detector configured to detect radiations, which are irradiated by the irradiation unit, in one shot through the object;an obtaining unit configured to obtain image data from the radiation detector; anda classification unit configured to classify image data into a first group and a second group, wherein image data corresponding to a low energy side is classified into the first group, and image data corresponding to a high energy side is classified into the second group based on an elapsed time corresponding to radiations irradiated by the irradiation unit.2. The radiation imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a subtraction unit configured to perform subtraction on the image data obtained by the radiations of the high energy side and the image data obtained by the radiations of the low energy side.3. The radiation imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a control unit configured to continuously adjust energy of the radiations in one shot irradiated by the irradiation unit.4. The radiation ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007943A1
Автор: Hoernig Mathias

In a method and tomosynthesis apparatus for combined dual-energy mammography and tomosynthesis imaging of a predetermined volume of an examination subject, while contrast agent is flowing through the volume, an x-ray source is set to radiate x-rays at low and high radiation energy. A pre-shot of the volume is obtained with the high radiation energy, and recording parameters for high-energy images, low-energy images, and low-energy tomosynthesis scans are obtained from the pre-shot. A high-energy image is then obtained, followed by operating the x-ray source at a low energy, and a low-energy tomosynthesis scan of the volume is executed using the recording parameters, and a two-dimensional low-energy image of the volume is generated during the low-energy tomosynthesis scan. 1. A method for combined dual-energy mammography and tomosynthesis imaging of a predetermined volume of an object under examination while a contrast agent is flowing through the volume , by operation of a tomosynthesis apparatus , said method comprising:setting a high energy supply to an x-ray source of the tomosynthesis apparatus for a high radiation energy;setting a pre-shot of the predetermined volume with the high radiation energy;calculating recording parameters of the tomosynthesis apparatus for high-energy images, for low-energy images and for low-energy tomosynthesis scans from the pre-shot by means of an AEC (Automatic Exposure Control) device;creating a two-dimensional high-energy image of the predetermined volume with the high radiation energy by using the recording parameters calculated for high-energy images;after the high-energy image, setting a low energy supply to the x-ray source of the tomosynthesis apparatus for a low radiation energy, the high radiation energy being much higher than the low radiation energy;creating a two-dimensional low-energy image of the predetermined volume with the low radiation energy by using the recording parameters calculated for low-energy images; ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Gated Image Acquisition And Patient Model Construction

Номер: US20180007769A1

A method and system is disclosed for acquiring image data of a subject. The image data can be collected with an imaging system with at least two different power characteristics. The image data can be reconstructed using dynamic or enhanced reconstruction techniques. 1. A method of acquiring image data with an imaging system , comprising:providing a first power source to power a single x-ray source tube with a first power characteristic to emit x-rays to acquire a first image data relative to a first selected position for acquisition of a first image data;providing a second power source to power the single x-ray source tube with a second power characteristic different from the first power characteristic to emit x-rays to acquire a second image data relative to the first selected position;providing a moving system to move the single x-ray source tube during the acquisition of the first image data and the second image data; andproviding a processor to execute instructions to reconstruct a single three-dimensional model of at least a portion of a subject based on the acquired first image data and the second image data;wherein the first power characteristic is selected to be at least one of a first voltage of about 40 kV to about 180 kV and a first amperage of about 10 mA to about 500 mA;wherein the second power characteristic is selected to be at least one of a second voltage that is about 40 kV to about 60 kV different than the first voltage and a second amperage that is about 20 mA to about 150 mA different than the first amperage.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:positioning the movable single x-ray source tube in a housing.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:connecting the housing to a mobile cart operable to move the housing from a first room to a second room.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:providing controls to move at least one of the movable single x-ray source tube or the housing during acquiring the first image data and the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007682A1

Examples of systems and methods for monitoring metabolic activity and detectors for detecting photons are disclosed. The methods can include detection in a front and a rear detector of a photon to determine a Compton cone. This Compton cone may be combined with further Compton cone, or Line of Response calculation to determine an origin of nuclear decay. In examples of the systems and methods, substantially real-time visualization of nuclear decay can be achieved. 1. A detector for detecting photons comprisinga plurality of detector modules forming a front detector and a rear detector,the detector modules comprising a plurality of detector devices, and an interface,the detector devices having a substrate extending from a front end to a rear end, and carrying a plurality of pixelated semiconductor detector slabs, and being arranged such that the front end is closer to a source of the photons than the rear end,the semiconductor detector slabs being arranged on readout circuits, and the detector devices having an input/output element at or near the rear end of the substrate,wherein a front group of one or more of the semiconductor detector slabs arranged close to the front end of the substrate are made from a semiconductor material configured to promote photon scattering and form the front detector,wherein a rear group of one or more of the semiconductor detector slabs arranged closer to the rear end of the substrate than the front group are made from a semiconductor material configured to promote photon absorption, and form the rear detector.2. The detector according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate is a kapton layer.3. The detector according to claim 1 , wherein a distance between the rearward most detector slab of the inner detector and the forward most detector slab of the rear detector is greater than a distance between the detector slabs of the front detector and than a distance between the detector slabs of the rear detector.4. The detector according to claim ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007689A1

Methods and systems for detecting a dissection in surface of an elongated structure in a three dimensional medical image. One system includes an electronic processor configured to receive the three dimensional medical image and determine a periphery of the elongated structure included in the three dimensional medical image. The electronic processor is also configured to generate a non-contrast image representing the periphery of the elongated structure and superimpose a contrast image associated with the three dimensional image on top of the non-contrast image to generate a superimposed image. The electronic processor is also configured to detect at least one dissection in the elongated structure using the superimposed image and output a medical report identifying the at least one dissection detected in the elongated structure. 1. A system for detecting a dissection in surface of an elongated structure in a three dimensional medical image , the system comprising: receive the three dimensional medical image,', 'determine a periphery of the elongated structure included in the three dimensional medical image,', 'generate a non-contrast image representing the periphery of the elongated structure,', 'superimpose a contrast image associated with the three dimensional image on top of the non-contrast image to generate a superimposed image,', 'detect at least one dissection in the elongated structure using the superimposed image, and', 'output a medical report identifying the at least one dissection detected in the elongated structure., 'an electronic processor configured to'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the electronic processor is configured to detect the at least one dissection using at least one selected from a group consisting of a radial measurement of the periphery of the elongated structure claim 1 , a comparison of an area measurement for the non-contrast image to an area measurement for the contrast image claim 1 , and a volumetric false lumen size criteria.3 ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007690A1

Methods and systems for detecting a dissection of an elongated structure in a three dimensional medical image. One system includes an electronic processor configured to receive the medical image and detect a centerline of the elongated structure. The electronic processor is configured to determine a plurality of two dimensional cross sections of the medical image based on the centerline. For each of the two dimensional cross sections, the electronic processor is configured to determine a radial density profile and determine a density gradient based on the radial density profile. The electronic processor is configured to analyze one or more of a plurality of density gradients determined for each of the two dimensional cross sections, detect a dissection in the elongated structure based on the analysis of the density gradient for each of the two dimensional cross sections, and output a medical report identifying the dissection. 1. A system for detecting a vascular dissection in an elongated structure in a three dimensional medical image , the system comprising: receive the three dimensional medical image,', 'detect a centerline of the elongated structure in the three dimensional medical image,', 'determine a plurality of two dimensional cross sections of the three dimensional medical image based on the centerline,', determine a radial density profile, and', 'determine a density gradient based on the radial density profile for each of the plurality of two dimensional cross sections,, 'for each of the plurality of two dimensional cross sections,'}, 'analyze one or more of a plurality of density gradients determined for each of the plurality of two dimensional cross sections,', 'detect at least one dissection in the elongated structure included in the three dimensional medical image based on the analysis of the density gradient for each of the plurality of two dimensional cross sections, and', 'output a medical report identifying the at least one dissection detected in ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007691A1
Принадлежит: Canon Medical Systems Corporation

An X-ray CT system according to an embodiment includes processing circuitry configured to: execute first scanning of acquiring a first subject data set corresponding to first X-ray energy by irradiating a first region of a subject with X-rays; execute, after the first scanning, second scanning of acquiring a second subject data set corresponding to second X-ray energy and a third subject data set corresponding to third X-ray energy different from the second X-ray energy by irradiating a second region included in the first region with X-rays; and perform material decomposition among a plurality of reference materials based on: a fourth subject data set obtained based on the first subject data set and one of the second subject data set and the third subject data set; and the other of the second subject data set and the third subject data set. 1. An X-ray CT system comprising processing circuitry configured to:execute first scanning of acquiring a first subject data set corresponding to first X-ray energy by irradiating a first region of a subject with X-rays;execute, after the first scanning, second scanning of acquiring a second subject data set corresponding to second X-ray energy and a third subject data set corresponding to third X-ray energy different from the second X-ray energy by irradiating a second region included in the first region with X-rays; andperform material decomposition among a plurality of reference materials based on: a fourth subject data set obtained based on the first subject data set and one of the second subject data set and the third subject data set; and the other of the second subject data set and the third subject data set.2. The X-ray CT system according to claim 1 , wherein the processing circuitryacquires a first projection data set as the first subject data set through execution of the first scanning by irradiating the first region extending in a body axis direction of the subject with X-rays,acquires a second projection data set as ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007698A1

A system () includes a memory () configured to store an inflammation map generator module (). The system further includes a processor () configured to: receive at least one of spectral projection data or spectral volumetric image data, decompose the at least one of spectral projection data or spectral volumetric image data using a two-basis decomposition to generate a set of vectors for each basis represented in the at least one of spectral projection data or spectral volumetric image data, compute a concentration of each basis within a voxel from the set of vectors for each basis, and determine a concentration of at least one of fat or inflammation within the voxel from the concentration of each basis. The system further includes a display configured to display the determined concentration of the at least one of fat or inflammation. 1. A system , comprising:a memory configured to store an inflammation map generator module; receive at least one of spectral projection data and spectral volumetric image data;', 'decompose the at least one of spectral projection data and spectral volumetric image data using a two-basis decomposition to generate a set of vectors for each basis represented in the at least one of spectral projection data and spectral volumetric image data;', 'compute a concentration of each basis within a voxel from the set of vectors for each basis; and', 'determine a concentration of at least one of fat and inflammation within the voxel from the concentration of each basis; and, 'a processor configured toa display configured to display the determined concentration of the at least one of fat and inflammation.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising: a radiation source configured to emit X-ray radiation;', 'a detector array configured to detect X-ray radiation and generate the spectral projection data; and, 'an imaging system, includinga reconstructor configured to reconstruct a signal and generate the spectral volumetric image data.3. The system of ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Measuring breast density using breast computed technology

Номер: US20180008220A1

A device and methods for performing a simulated CT biopsy on a region of interest on a patient. The device comprises a gantry () configured to mount an x-ray emitter () and CT detector () on opposing sides of the gantry, a motor () rotatably coupled to the gantry such that the gantry rotates horizontally about the region of interest, and a high resolution x-ray detector () positioned adjacent the CT detector in between the CT detector and the x-ray emitter. 18.-. (canceled)9. A method of measuring breast density , comprising:(a) generating a three-dimensional volume data set of at least a portion of the breast;(b) segmenting the volume data into volume elements associated with glandular tissue and non-glandular tissue;(c) calculating a volume of the portion of the breast associated with each of the glandular tissue and non-glandular tissue; and(d) outputting a breast density measurement being a function of the volume of the portion of the breast associated with each of the glandular tissue and non-glandular tissue.10. A method as recited in claim 9 , wherein segmenting the volume data generates a histogram of the volume elements; and selects volume elements according to a threshold value distinguishing glandular tissue and non-glandular tissue.11. A method as recited in claim 9 , further including the step of removing volume elements associated with skin before step (c).12. A method as recited in claim 11 , wherein the step of removing volume elements associated with skin applies an erosion filter to the volume data set.13. A method as recited in claim 9 , further comprising adjusting the breast density measurement according to a patient's age.14. A method as recited in claim 13 , further comprising the step of outputting a standard deviation of the breast density measurement with respect to patients in a particular age group.15. A method as recited in further including the steps of comparing the breast density measurement to data of reference patients to output a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008472A1

A control unit of a console performs a first correction process for generating a diagnosis image for a second radiographic image captured by a second radiation detector and generates the diagnosis image, using the second radiographic image subjected to the first correction process and a first radiographic image captured by a first radiation detector. The control unit performs a second correction process for deriving a quantitative value for the second radiographic image captured by the second radiation detector and derives bone density, using the second radiographic image subjected to the second correction process and the first radiographic image captured by the first radiation detector. 1. A radiography system comprising:a radiography apparatus comprising a first radiation detector that includes a plurality of pixels accumulating charge corresponding to emitted radiation and a second radiation detector that is provided so as to be stacked on a side of the first radiation detector from which the radiation is transmitted and emitted and includes a plurality of pixels accumulating charge corresponding to the emitted radiation;a generation unit that performs a first correction process for generating a diagnosis image for a second radiographic image captured by the second radiation detector and generates the diagnosis image, using the second radiographic image subjected to the first correction process and a first radiographic image captured by the first radiation detector; anda derivation unit that performs a second correction process for deriving a quantitative value for the second radiographic image captured by the second radiation detector and derives at least one of bone mineral content or bone density, using the second radiographic image subjected to the second correction process and the first radiographic image captured by the first radiation detector.2. A radiography system comprising:a radiography apparatus comprising a first radiation detector that includes a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008473A1
Автор: KAWAMURA Takahiro
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

An image obtainment unit obtains plural radiographic-images generated by arranging plural storable-phosphor-sheets in such a manner that at least portions of the sheets are overlapped with each other in an irradiation direction of radiation, by arranging a marker at a position to be detected by the plural sheets, and by detecting the radiation that has passed through a subject and the marker by each of the plural sheets. A first-information obtainment unit obtains first-information representing a distance between detection surfaces of the plural sheets. A second-information obtainment unit obtains second-information representing a magnification ratio of a second marker image of the marker included in a radiographic-image obtained by a second sheet with respect to a marker image of the marker included in a radiographic-image obtained by a first sheet of the plural sheets. A distance calculation unit calculates, based on the first and the second information, a radiation-source-to-image-surface distance. 1. A radiographic image processing apparatus comprising:an image obtainment unit that obtains a plurality of radiographic images generated by arranging a plurality of detection unit that detect radiation that has been output from a radiation source and passed through a subject in such a manner that at least portions of the plurality of detection unit are overlapped with each other in an irradiation direction of the radiation, and by arranging at least one marker at a position to be detected by the plurality of detection unit, and by detecting the radiation that has passed through the subject and the marker by each of the plurality of detection unit;a first information obtainment unit that obtains first information representing a distance between a detection surface of a first detection unit located closest to the radiation source among the plurality of detection unit and a detection surface of a second detection unit other than the first detection unit among the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011178A1
Автор: Kapatoes Jeffrey M.

Systems, methods, and computer software are disclosed for determining a shape of a radiation field generated by a radiation delivery system through the use of a scintillator and a camera that is configured to acquire images of light emitted by the scintillator during delivery of a radiation beam. A support structure may be mounted to the radiation delivery system and the scintillator and camera may be fixed to the support structure such that the scintillator is not perpendicular to the axis of the radiation beam. An edge detection algorithm may be applied to radiation patterns present in the camera images in order to determine the location of an edge of a leaf of a multi-leaf collimator. 1. A system for determining at least a portion of a shape of a radiation field generated by a radiation delivery system that includes a radiation source configured to deliver a radiation beam , the system comprising:a scintillator;a camera configured to acquire images of light emitted by the scintillator during delivery of the radiation beam; anda support structure configured to be mounted to the radiation delivery system, the scintillator and the camera fixed to the support structure such that when the support structure is mounted to the radiation delivery system, the scintillator is not perpendicular to an axis of the radiation beam.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system is configured to be located between the radiation source and a patient couch.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the scintillator includes a planar sheet of scintillating material.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the scintillator includes a curved sheet of scintillating material and the curved sheet is oriented to have its convex surface oriented so as to be facing toward the camera.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the scintillator is transparent claim 1 , the scintillator allowing formation of a pattern at a target location corresponding to the shape of a collimator aperture when a light source shines ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Radiography apparatus and radiography method

Номер: US20190011576A1
Автор: Takeshi Kuwabara
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

A radiography apparatus includes: a first radiation detector that includes plural pixels accumulating charge corresponding to emitted radiation; a second radiation detector that is stacked on a side of the first radiation detector opposite to a side on which the radiation is incident and includes plural pixels accumulating charge corresponding to the emitted radiation; a first control unit that performs control for reading the charge accumulated in the pixels of the first radiation detector while the charge is accumulated in the pixels of the first radiation detector and the second radiation detector; and a second control unit that starts control for reading the charge accumulated in the pixels of the second radiation detector while the charge is accumulated in the pixels of the first radiation detector and the second radiation detector at a time different from a time when the first control unit starts the control.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150016586A1

An IGRT system and methods are described embodiments of which perform selectively integration of x-ray source arrays, dual-energy imaging, stereoscopic imaging, static and source collimation, or inverse geometry tomosynthesis imaging to acquire or track a target during radiation treatment. 1. A method of image guided radiation treatment of a treatment target within an internal target volume of a patient , comprising:providing an image-guided radiation treatment (IGRT) apparatus having first and second x-ray tomosynthesis source-detector pairs positioned to acquire tomosynthesis projection images over first and second projection angle ranges, respectively, said first and second source-detector pairs being at a non-zero angle with respect to each other;acquiring first and second sets of tomosynthesis projection images of the target volume at distinct first and second x-ray energy levels, respectively, using said first and second x-ray tomosynthesis source-detector pairs, respectively;respectively processing said first and second sets of tomosynthesis projection images to generate respective first and second tomosynthesis reconstructed image sets of the target volume;processing, by a processing device, said first and second tomosynthesis reconstructed image sets in conjunction with each other on a locationwise basis within the target volume to generate a dual-energy processed image set; anddelivering treatment radiation to the treatment target within the target volume based at least in part on said dual-energy processed image set.2. The method of claim 1 , said first and second x-ray tomosynthesis source-detector pairs being disposed relative to each other and to the target volume such that no primary x-ray passing through the target volume from the first source impinges upon the second detector and no primary x-ray passing through the target volume from the second source impinges upon the first detector claim 1 , wherein said first and second sets of tomosynthesis ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015305A1

Methods of two-dimensional x-ray imaging of a target volume and tracking a target structure contained within a target volume are described. 1. A method of two-dimensional x-ray imaging of a target volume , comprising:providing an x-ray source array comprising a first plurality of x-ray sources, the first plurality of x-ray sources being spatially distinct from each other;providing a digital detector positioned substantially opposite the x-ray source array with respect to the target volume, the digital detector comprising an array of detector pixels extending over a predefined imaging area;providing an x-ray collimating device disposed between the x-ray source array and the target volume, the x-ray collimating device being positioned closer to the x-ray source array than to the target volume, the x-ray collimating device being configured and dimensioned to individually collimate x-ray radiation from each of said first plurality of x-ray sources onto a corresponding subgroup of detector pixels covering an area substantially smaller than said predefined imaging area;during a first exposure interval, activating each of said first plurality of x-ray sources for at least a portion of the first exposure interval; andduring the first exposure interval, selectively operating the digital detector to measure x-ray radiation at detector pixels corresponding to currently active ones of the first plurality of x-ray sources.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the subgroups of detector pixels corresponding to different ones of said first plurality of x-ray sources are at least partially overlapping with each other.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the subgroups of detector pixels corresponding to different ones of said first plurality of x-ray sources are substantially non-overlapping with each other.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein all of said first plurality of x-ray sources are activated substantially simultaneously.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said activating each of ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015306A1

Tracking a target structure contained within a target volume using an x-ray tomosynthesis imaging detector is described. 1. A method of tracking a target structure contained within a target volume , the target volume being a biological volume within a patient , comprising: an x-ray source array including a plurality of x-ray sources, the plurality of x-ray sources being spatially distinct from each other; and', 'an x-ray collimating device positioned generally adjacent to the x-ray source array;, 'providing an x-ray tomosynthesis imaging source comprising a plurality of controllable x-ray radiation source units disposed at a respective plurality of tomosynthesis projection angles relative to the target volume, each controllable x-ray radiation source unit comprisingproviding an x-ray tomosynthesis imaging detector comprising a plurality of digital detector units respectively disposed opposite said plurality of controllable x-ray radiation source units relative to the target volume, each said digital detector unit thereby forming a source unit-detector unit pair with a corresponding one of said controllable x-ray radiation source units, each digital detector unit comprising an array of detector pixels extending over a predefined imaging area, wherein each said controllable x-ray radiation source unit is operable in a first mode of operation to selectively illuminate a subregion of the predefined imaging area of the paired digital detector with primary x-rays, said illuminated subregion being controllable with respect to at least one of size, shape, and location on said predefined imaging area;receiving first information indicative of an expected location of the target structure within the target volume at a first point in time;for each said source unit-detector unit pair, processing said first information to identify a first bounded subregion of the digital detector expected to contain a first projection image of substantially the entire target structure at said ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Adaptive radiotherapy with spectral tissue of interest imaging and tracking

Номер: US20160016009A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

A radio therapy apparatus ( 100 ) includes a tissue of interest tracker ( 124 ) that receives a first image of tissue of interest and a second later acquired spectral image of the tissue of interest and tracks a change in a geometry and/or location of the tissue of interest based at least on the first and second images and generates a signal indicative of the change. The second image is generated based on a first spectral signal corresponding to an output of an energy-resolving radiation sensitive detector array for a first predetermined energy range and a second spectral signal corresponding to an output of the energy-resolving radiation sensitive detector array for a second predetermined energy range and visually enhances scanned structure corresponding to the first or second signals while visually suppressing scanned structure corresponding to the other of the first or second signals. An adaptive planner ( 126 ) updates a radiotherapy treatment plan based on the signal.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015772A1

Phantoms for use in calibrating a dual energy imaging system and methods for their use. The phantoms include a body having at least first and second portions arranged in a through-thickness direction of the body. The first portion defines an anterior surface of the body and contains a first material simulating soft tissue and a second material simulating bone. The second portion contains a third material simulating lung tissue and at least a first object embedded in the third material and formed of a fourth material simulating tumor tissue. The first and second portions of the body are configured such that the second material in the first portion superimposes the first object in the second portion in the through-thickness direction of the body relative to the anterior surface thereof. 1. A phantom for use in calibrating a dual energy imaging system , the phantom comprising:a body having at least first and second portions arranged in a through-thickness direction of the body, the first portion defining an anterior surface of the body and comprising a first material simulating soft tissue when imaged with the dual energy imaging system and a second material simulating bone when imaged with the dual energy imaging system, the second portion comprising a third material simulating lung tissue when imaged with the dual energy imaging system and at least a first object embedded in the third material and formed of a fourth material simulating tumor tissue when imaged with the dual energy imaging system;wherein the first and second portions of the body are configured such that the second material in the first portion superimposes the first object in the second portion in the through-thickness direction of the body relative to the anterior surface thereof.2. The phantom of claim 1 , wherein the first portion includes at least one object formed of the second material claim 1 , and the object superimposes the first object in the second portion in the through-thickness direction ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220036609A1

An improved X-ray imaging system. The system comprises an X-Ray radiation source configured to emit an X-ray beam towards an object to be imaged and an X- ray detector configured to detect X-rays which have passed through the object. It further comprises a reconstruction processing means configured to reconstruct an image of the object based on the detected X-rays, wherein the reconstruction processing means is further configured to determining presence of at least one foreign object located in the object or located between a surface of the object and the X-Ray radiation source and/or the X-ray detector, obtaining a three-dimensional profile of the determined foreign object from a server-based foreign object database, and reconstructing an image of the object by acquiring a plurality of projection images of the object from the X-ray detector and reducing impact on image quality of an artefact that can be caused by the foreign object in the image of the object based on at least the obtained three-dimensional profile of the foreign object. 1. X-ray imaging system , comprisingan X-Ray radiation source configured to emit an X-ray beam towards an object to be imaged,an X-ray detector configured to detect X-rays passed through the object, determine presence of at least one foreign object located in the object or located between a surface of the object and at least one of the X-Ray radiation source and the X-ray detector;', 'obtain a three-dimensional profile of the determined foreign object from a server-based foreign object database; and', 'reconstuct an image of the object by acquiring a plurality of projection images of the object from the X-ray detector and reducing impact on image quality of an artefact caused by the foreign object in the image of the object based on at least the obtained three-dimensional profile of the foreign object;, 'a reconstruction processor configured to reconstruct an image of the object based on the detected X-rays, wherein the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

System and method for use in mapping a radiation dose applied in an angiography imaging procedure of a patient

Номер: US20160022241A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A system and method for use in mapping a radiation dose applied in an angiography imaging procedure is provided. The system can include an image acquisition system, a table in support of the patient, and a computer processor that calculates an angulation of a radiation beam to the patient in the angiography imaging procedure relative to the table; calculating an angulation of the table; calculating an intersection of the radiation beam relative to a two-dimensional grid; calculating the radiation dose applied at the intersection of the radiation beam to each of the predefined areas of the two-dimensional grid; calculating an orientation of the patient relative to the two-dimensional grid of predefined areas; and creating a graphic display illustrative of an aggregation of the radiation dose applied to each of the predefined areas of the two-dimensional grid for viewing by a user.

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Dual-Energy Cone-Beam CT Scanning

Номер: US20140105352A1
Автор: Malcolm Williams
Принадлежит: ELEKTA AB

A CT scanning apparatus includes a control apparatus arranged to cause a first rotation of a gantry and trigger an x-ray source to emit x-radiation at a first x-ray energy when an angular encoder reports that the gantry is at each of multiple predetermined angular locations, and cause a second rotation of the gantry and trigger the x-ray source to emit x-radiation at a second x-ray energy differing from the first x-ray energy when the angular encoder reports that the gantry is at each of the same predetermined angular locations. An image processing means receives the projection images and reconstructs them into a volumetric image. A support couch is provided for the patient, and to minimize the likelihood of movement artifacts, the support couch includes a patient immobilisation system such as an evacuatable bead bag, bite post, or stereotactic frames, or the like.

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for spectrum estimation

Номер: US20140105364A1

Provided is an apparatus for spectrum estimation. The apparatus includes a threshold setter which sets at least one threshold in order to separate a spectrum into at least one energy bin; a reference value setter which sets one of the at least one threshold as a reference threshold; a threshold adjuster which adjusts the at least one threshold based on a predetermined condition; a comparer which compares the reference threshold with the adjusted threshold; and an output unit which outputs a spectrum in which the adjusted threshold is set, when a value which is determined based on the comparison result corresponds to a predetermined maximum value.

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Method and system of image reconstruction and method and system of image construction

Номер: US20140105479A1

A method of image reconstruction is provided. When an object is not placed in a measurement space, first intensity images of an electromagnetic wave passing through the measurement space and corresponding to photon energy levels are measured. When the object is placed in the measurement space, second intensity images of the electromagnetic wave passing through the object and corresponding to photon energy levels are measured. In a database, data including an attenuation coefficient of each substance respectively having components irradiated by the electromagnetic wave corresponding to each photon energy level and a thickness of each substance in a transmission direction of the electromagnetic wave corresponding to each photon energy level are provided. Attenuation images of the object respectively corresponding to the components are calculated according to the data and the first and second intensity images. An image reconstruction system and a method and system of image construction are also provided.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023496A1
Автор: PERSSON Mats

There is provided a method for processing a radiographic image acquired with at least two energy levels. A first step (S) involves providing energy-resolved image data representative of the radiographic image with at least two energy levels, e.g. from a detector or from an intermediate storage. A second step (S) involves decomposing the provided image data into at least one basis image representation, based on a model where a combination of at least two basis functions is used to express a representation of at least one linear attenuation coefficient, and where at least one basis function models a physical material and at least one other basis function models the Non-Linear Partial Volume, NLPV, effect. 135-. (canceled)36. A method for processing a radiographic image acquired with at least two energy levels , said method comprising the steps of:{'b': '1', 'providing (S) energy-resolved image data representative of said radiographic image with at least two energy levels, from a detector or from an intermediate storage;'}{'b': '2', 'decomposing (S) said provided image data into at least one basis image representation, based on a model where a combination of at least two basis functions is used to express a representation of at least one linear attenuation coefficient, where at least one basis function, also referred to as an ordinary basis function, models a physical material and at least one other basis function, also referred to as an NLPV basis function, models the Non-Linear Partial Volume, NLPV, effect.'}37. The method of claim 36 , wherein said energy-resolved image data includes a representation of the number of photons incident per detector element claim 36 , and said model defines the number of photons incident per detector element as a function of i) basis coefficients used to express said at least one linear attenuation coefficient or line integrals of the basis coefficients claim 36 , and ii) said at least two basis functions claim 36 , and said ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023498A1

An improved dual energy CT imaging system for providing improved imaging and improved material identification. 1. A multi-energy computed tomography (CT) imaging system for providing an image of an object , the system comprising:a polychromatic X-ray source;a detector for detecting X-rays from the polychromatic X-ray source after the X-rays have passed through an object and for providing a first set of polychromatic energy measurements relating to a first polychromatic X-ray spectrum passed through the object and for providing a second set of polychromatic energy measurements relating to a second polychromatic X-ray spectrum passed through the object; and (i) transform at least one of the first set of polychromatic energy measurements and the second set of polychromatic energy measurement into a corresponding first monochromatic data set associated with X-rays at a selected first monochromatic energy level and into a corresponding second monochromatic data set associated with X-rays at a selected second monochromatic energy level;', '(ii) transform the first monochromatic data set into a first monochromatic image and transform the second monochromatic data set into a second monochromatic image; and', '(iii) use at least one of the first monochromatic image and the second monochromatic image to perform at least one of (a) provide an image free from beam hardening artifacts, and (b) provide identification of material properties within the object., 'a processor configured to2. A system according to wherein the detector comprises a first section and a second section claim 1 , and further wherein the first set of polychromatic energy measurements is provided by positioning a first filter between the polychromatic X-ray source and the first section of the detector and the second set of polychromatic energy measurements is provided by positioning a second filter between the polychromatic X-ray source and the second section of the detector.3. A system according to wherein ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027534A1

An X-ray imaging apparatus includes an X-ray generator configured to generate X-rays and radiate the X-rays to an object; an X-ray detector configured to detect the X-rays that have passed through the object and convert the detected X-rays into a signal; and a controller configured to generate a single energy X-ray image and a plurality of multiple energy X-ray images using the signal and control a display to display the generated single energy X-ray image and the plurality of multiple energy X-ray images together. 1. An X-ray imaging apparatus comprising:an X-ray generator configured to generate X-rays and radiate the X-rays to an object;an X-ray detector configured to detect the X-rays that have passed through the object and convert the detected X-rays into a signal; anda controller configured to generate a single energy X-ray image and a plurality of multiple energy X-ray images using the signal and control a display to display the generated single energy X-ray image and the plurality of multiple energy X-ray images together.2. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to analyze the signal and determine a characteristic of the object.3. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to generate the plurality of multiple energy X-ray images based on the characteristic of the object.4. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to control the display to display an image corresponding to the determined characteristic claim 2 , among the single energy X-ray image and at least one of the plurality of multiple energy X-ray images claim 2 , on a larger scale.5. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the characteristic comprises at least one among a structure of internal tissues of the object claim 2 , a ratio of respective internal tissues claim 2 , and a density of a specific internal tissue.6. The X-ray imaging ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030122A1

The invention relates to a method for dual-energy mammography. To enable earlier recognition of the microcalcifications as precursors of an oncological tumor in the breast, the invention provides that a comparison pattern with known distributions for density, thickness and effective atomic number are disposed next to the breast; that based on the comparison pattern, the parameters of the relationship between the atomic number and the difference and ratio of the logarithms of the number of photons that flow through the breast without cooperation at two different radiation energies are determined; and that based on this relationship, the distribution of the atomic numbers in the breast are visually displayed. This application is a national stage application and claims the benefit of the priority filing date in PCT/IB2013/000344 referenced in WIPO Publication WO/2013/136150 filed on Mar. 11, 2013. The earliest priority date claimed is Mar. 11, 2012.Not ApplicableNot ApplicableThe invention relates to a method for dual-energy mammography as generically defined by the preamble to claim .The invention can be used in medicine, specifically in methods for diagnosis of benign and malignant diseases of the breast.Microcalcifications are the precursors of an oncological tumor in the breast. They have a notably greater effective number (Z=12-14), compared to the effective atomic number of healthy tissue (Z=6.5-7.5). The presence of microcalcifications is fundamentally a sufficient prerequisite for the formation of an oncological tumor. Microcalcifications with a size below 200 μm are especially dangerous, since they are not currently detectable in a breast x-ray.A cancerous tumor also has an elevated effective atomic number. This is associated with a different distribution of carbon and oxygen (Antoniassi M., Conceição A.L.C. Study of effective atomic number of breast tissues determined using the elastic to inelastic scattering ratio//Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047238A1

An image processing apparatus that generates a material characteristic image with use of a plurality of radiation images that have been captured with different radiation energies, comprises a combining unit that combines radiation images based on two or more radiation images that are included among the plurality of radiation images, and combines radiation spectrums based on two or more radiation spectrums of the two or more radiation images, and a generating unit that generates a material characteristic image with use of two pairs of a radiation image and a radiation spectrum obtained from the plurality of radiation images. The generating unit uses, for at least one of the two pairs, a pair of the radiation image and the radiation spectrum combined by the combining unit. 1. An image processing apparatus that generates a material characteristic image with use of a plurality of radiation images that have been captured with different radiation energies , comprising:a combining unit configured to combine radiation images based on two or more radiation images that are included among the plurality of radiation images, and combine radiation spectrums based on two or more radiation spectrums of the two or more radiation images; anda generating unit configured to generate a material characteristic image with use of two pairs of a radiation image and a radiation spectrum obtained from the plurality of radiation images,wherein at least one of the two pairs is a pair of the radiation image and the radiation spectrum combined by the combining unit.2. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe combining unit combines radiation images and radiation spectrums based on a first radiation image captured with a first radiation energy and a second radiation image captured with a second radiation energy that is higher than the first radiation energy, andthe generating unit generates a material characteristic image with use of the first radiation image or the second ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029611A1
Принадлежит: Adaptix Ltd

The disclosed system includes an emitter array for generating x-rays, a detector array for sensing a flux of x-rays transmitted through a region of interest; apparatus for holding, moving and aligning the emitter array relative to the region of interest and the detector array; electronic means for controlling the emitters and for reading and analyzing the output from the detectors and converting it to image data, and a display for displaying and manipulating the image data. The individual emitters are operated in multiple groups each illuminating a region of interest between the emitter array and the detector array such that the cone of radiation rays projected on the detector array from any single emitter in any one such group is substantially spatially separated from the corresponding projected cones from all other emitters in that same group. 1. An x-ray imaging system comprising:an array of distributed x-ray generators,a means to selectively control the x-ray emission from the distributed array of x-ray generators,a digital x-ray detector,a means to control the acquisition of a plurality of x-ray image data obtained from the digital x-ray detector,a means of reconstructing the acquired data into a three-dimensional representation,a means of visualizing, analyzing and storing the x-ray images acquired from the digital x-ray detector,a means for positioning and alignment of the array of distributed x-ray generators relative to the digital x-ray detector and a patient positioned between the array of distributed x-ray generators and the digital x-ray detector;2. An x-ray imaging system as in whereby the array of distributed x-ray generators comprise:a plurality of electron emitters;a plurality of targets;a means of producing a potential difference between the plurality of emitters and plurality of targets;a means of spacing the targets from the emitters;a means of controlling the emission of x-rays from each emitter-target pair;and a means of filtering the x-ray ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029622A1
Автор: TAMURA Emi
Принадлежит: Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation

According to an embodiment, The X-ray tube generates X-rays. The X-ray detector detects the X-rays transmitted through a subject. The data acquisition circuitry acquires count data concerning a count number of the detected X-rays for energy bands. The memory circuitry stores data of a response function that associates incident X-rays on the X-ray detector with a response characteristic of a system including the X-ray detector and the data acquisition circuitry. The processing circuitry calculates an X-ray absorption amount of each of a plurality of base substances based on the count data concerning the energy bands acquired by the data acquisition circuitry, an energy spectrum of the incident X-rays, and the response function. 1. A photon counting apparatus , comprising:an X-ray to be configured to generate X-rays;an X-ray detector configured to detect the X-rays generated by the X-ray tube and transmitted through a subject;data acquisition circuitry configured to acquire count data concerning a count number of the detected X-rays for at least 16 energy bands, based on an output signal from the X-ray detector;memory circuitry configured to store data of a response function that associates an energy of incident X-rays on the X-ray detector with a response characteristic of a system including both of the X-ray detector and the data acquisition circuitry; andprocessing circuitry configured to calculate an X-ray absorption amount of each of a plurality of base substances based on the count data concerning the at least 16 energy bands acquired by the data acquisition circuitry, an energy spectrum of the incident X-rays generated by the X-ray tube, and the data of the response function stored in the memory circuitry.2. An image generating apparatus , comprising:memory circuitry configured to store data of a response function that associates energy of incident X-rays on an X-ray detector with a response characteristic of a system including both of the X-ray detector and ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Monochromatic x-ray systems and methods

Номер: US20190030362A1
Автор: Eric H. Silver
Принадлежит: Imagine Scientific Inc

According to some aspects, a carrier configured for use with a broadband x-ray source comprising an electron source and a primary target arranged to receive electrons from the electron source to produce broadband x-ray radiation in response to electrons impinging on the primary target is provided. The carrier comprising a housing configured to be removeably coupled to the broadband x-ray source and configured to accommodate a secondary target capable of producing monochromatic x-ray radiation in response to incident broadband x-ray radiation, the housing comprising a transmissive portion configured to allow broadband x-ray radiation to be transmitted to the secondary target when present, and a blocking portion configured to absorb broadband x-ray radiation.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029923A1

Methods and apparatus for grading coronary calcium, including an example apparatus that includes a set of logics and a memory that stores a set of radiographic images. The set of logics includes an image acquisition logic that acquires a set of radiographic images of a region of tissue, the set of radiographic images including a low-energy reference x-ray image and a higher-energy floating x-ray image, a registration logic that produces a set of registered images from a plurality of members of the set of radiographic images, an enhancement logic that produces a set of calcium-enhanced images from the set of registered images, a post-enhancement logic that produces a bone image from the set of calcium-enhanced images, and a grading logic that computes a coronary heart disease prediction score based, at least in part, on the bone image and a set of features extracted from the bone image. 1. An apparatus for predicting coronary heart disease , comprising:a processor;a memory configured to store a set of energy dependent images;an input/output (IO) interface;a set of circuits; andan interface that connects the processor, the memory, the IO interface, and the set of circuits, a first circuit configured to acquire a set of energy dependent images of a region of tissue, the region of tissue including a heart, a coronary artery, a pulmonary artery, an aorta, or an aortic valve, where the set of energy dependent images includes a first energy x-ray image and a second, different energy x-ray image;', 'a second circuit configured to generate a set of rib suppressed images based on the set of energy dependent images, where the set of rib suppressed images includes a first energy rib suppressed image and a second energy rib suppressed image;', generating a set of pre-decomposition images by registering the set of energy dependent images or the set of rib suppressed images using anatomy aware registration;', 'generating a set of selectively filtered images by selectively ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029927A1

Systems and methods for determining body composition by combining dual-energy x-ray (DXA) technology with three-dimensional (3D) optical technology and/or bioimpedance technology. A multi-modality scanning system may include a dual-energy x-ray source and an x-ray detector mounted to opposing sides a c-arm and configured to scan a patient on a optically translucent table. The system may also include one or more 3D optical imaging devices to capture 3D optical images of the patient substantially concurrently with the emission of the dual energy x-rays. A bioimpedance machine may also be included in the multi-modality scanning system. Data based on the dual-energy x-rays may be combined with the data from the 3D optical images and/or the bioimpedance data to generate values of at least three compartments selected from: bone, fat tissue, lean tissue, dehydrated lean tissue, and water. 152-. (cancelled)53. A system for determining body composition , the system comprising:a support structure configured to move along an axis of a scanning target;a dual-energy x-ray source mounted to the support structure, the dual energy x-ray source configured to emit dual-energy x-rays towards the scanning target;an x-ray detector configured to detect the dual-energy x-rays emitted from the dual-energy x-ray source after passing through the scanning target; anda first 3D optical imaging device mounted to the support structure and configured to obtain a 3D optical image of a first side of the scanning target substantially concurrently with the emission of the dual-energy x-rays.54. The system of claim 53 , further comprising an optically translucent patient support table or wall on which the scanning target is positioned claim 53 , wherein the optically translucent table is disposed between the dual energy x-ray source and the detector.55. The system of claim 53 , further comprising a scale to measure the weight of the scanning target.56. The system of claim 55 , wherein the x-ray source ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Determining two-dimensional image data from at least one sectional surface of an acquisition volume as part of a magnetic resonance imaging process

Номер: US20180031655A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for determining two-dimensional image data from at least one sectional surface of an acquisition volume as part of a magnetic resonance imaging process by a combined apparatus, including a magnetic resonance imaging facility and an X-ray facility, is provided. The method includes controlling the X-ray facility to acquire at least one X-ray image that images at least part of an object. At least one piece of object information is determined by image processing the X-ray image. At least one sectional-surface parameter that defines an arrangement of the sectional surface in the acquisition volume is determined. The magnetic resonance imaging facility is controlled to acquire measurement data relating to the sectional surface. The two-dimensional image data is calculated from the measurement data. The sectional-surface parameter is used as the basis for the control of the magnetic resonance imaging facility and/or for the calculation of the two-dimensional image data.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030380A1

The present invention relates to a system and method to visualize both soft-tissue and hard bone anatomy of an object. For this purpose, the system () of the present invention comprises a ring gantry () with two x-ray sources () to simultaneously project radiations of different intensities to capture both soft-tissue and hard bone anatomy of the object. Further x-ray detectors () are placed opposite to the x-ray sources () to capture image data pertaining to both soft-tissue and hard bone anatomy of the object. A computer () to receive image data from the detectors and to generate single CBCT volume which has the information of both soft tissue and their relative hard-bone anatomy captured within the same time interval so as to identify any relative displacement of the soft tissue with respective to their hard bone anatomy in the generated volume. 1100. A dual energy cone beam computed tomography (DECBCT) system () comprises:{'b': 101', '102', '103, 'a) a ring gantry () with two x-ray sources (, ) to simultaneously project radiations of varying intensities to capture both soft-tissue and hard bone anatomy of an object;'}{'b': 104', '105', '102', '103, 'b) x-ray detectors (, ) placed opposite to the x-ray sources (, ) to capture image data pertaining to both soft-tissue and hard bone anatomy of the object;'}{'b': 106', '102', '103', '104', '105, 'claim-text': generate a first three-dimensional cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) volume pertaining to the received hard-bone anatomy of the object and a second three-dimensional CBCT volume pertaining to the received soft-tissue anatomy of the object;', 'combine the generated first three-dimensional CBCT volume pertaining to the hard-bone anatomy of the object and the second CBCT volume pertaining to the soft tissue anatomy of the object to form a single CBCT volume which has the information of both soft tissue and their relative hard-bone anatomy captured simultaneously by the x-ray detectors so as to identify any ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150036792A1

A computed tomography apparatus includes an X-ray irradiation unit irradiating an X-ray to an object while rotating along a predetermined rotation path, a detector acquiring projection data by detecting an X-ray transmitted through the object, a filter unit located between the X-ray irradiation unit and the object and comprising a plurality of transmissive areas and a plurality of slightly transmissive areas that are arranged in a predetermined direction, and a control unit controlling a motion of the filter unit to allow a relative position of the plurality of transmissive areas with respect to the X-ray irradiation unit and a relative position of the plurality of slightly transmissive areas with respect to the X-ray irradiation unit to change while the X-ray irradiation unit rotates. 1. A computed tomography apparatus comprising:an X-ray irradiator configured to irradiate an X-ray to an object while moving along a curved path;a detector configured to acquire projection data by detecting the X-ray transmitted through the object;a filter disposed between the X-ray irradiator and the object, the filter comprising a plurality of first transmissive areas and a plurality of second transmissive areas, the plurality of first transmissive areas and the plurality of second transmissive areas being arranged in a predetermined direction; anda controller configured to control a motion of the filter so that a relative position of the plurality of first transmissive areas with respect to the X-ray irradiator and a relative position of the plurality of second transmissive areas with respect to the X-ray irradiator changes while the X-ray irradiator moves along the curved path.2. The computed tomography apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of first transmissive areas and the plurality of second transmissive areas are alternatingly arranged in the predetermined direction.3. The computed tomography apparatus of claim 1 , wherein an X-ray attenuation rate of the plurality of ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Photon counting x-ray ct apparatus

Номер: US20200033273A1
Принадлежит: Canon Medical Systems Corp

A photon counting X-ray CT apparatus according to an embodiment includes: data acquiring circuitry, and processing circuitry. The data acquiring circuitry is configured to allocate energy measured by signals output from a photon counting detector in response to incidence of X-ray photons to any of a plurality of first energy bins so as to acquire a first data group as count data of each of the first energy bins. The processing circuitry is configured to determine a plurality of second energy bins obtained by grouping the first energy bins in accordance with a decomposition target material that is a material to be decomposed in a imaging region, allocate the first data group to any of the second energy bins so as to generate a second data group, and use the second data group to generate an image representing a distribution of the decomposition target material.

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Device and method for tomosynthesis imaging

Номер: US20170035372A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

The present invention relates to a device for tomosynthesis imaging, the device comprising: a mask generator module ( 101 ) configured to generate a binary mask based on a geometric three-dimensional model of a scanned object; an image capturing module ( 102 ) configured to scan a series of two-dimensional projection images of the object; and an image processing module ( 103 ) configured to apply the generated binary mask during a reconstruction of a three-dimensional image volume from the scanned series of two-dimensional projection images and to restrict an extent of the reconstructed image volume to the extent of the geometric model.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038111A1

Contrast agents for x-ray imaging including stabilized metal nanoparticles and encapsulated nanoparticles, as well as methods for imaging tissue with these agents, are disclosed. Also disclosed are methods of dual energy x-ray imaging using metal nanoparticle contrast agents or encapsulated metal nanoparticles. 1. A contrast agent for x-ray imaging comprising stabilized metal nanoparticles , wherein the metal nanoparticles are selected from the group consisting of silver , rhodium , palladium , cadmium , bismuth , zirconium , tin , gold , platinum , or molybdenum.2. The contrast agent according to claim 1 , wherein said stabilization avoids cytotoxicity.3. The contrast agent according to claim 1 , wherein said stabilization avoids immunoreactivity.4. The contrast agent according to claim 1 , wherein said contrast agent lacks an active targeting agent.5. The contrast agent according to claim 1 , wherein said contrast agent comprise a targeting ligand that targets said contrast agent to one or more types of tumors.6. The contrast agent according to claim 5 , wherein said one or more types of tumors are breast tumors.7. The contrast agent according to claim 5 , wherein said targeting ligand is selected from the group consisting of an antibody claim 5 , antibody fragment claim 5 , protein claim 5 , peptide claim 5 , small molecule claim 5 , or an aptamer.8. The contrast agent according to claim 1 , wherein said nanoparticles are silver nanoparticles and are synthesized using the Brust method in water or the Silvert method.9. The contrast agent according to claim 1 , wherein said nanoparticles are stabilized with polyethylene glycol (PEG).10. The contrast agent according to claim 9 , wherein said PEG has a molecular weight (M) of about 5000.11. The contrast agent according to claim 9 , wherein said nanoparticles are silver nanoparticles and the molar ratio between the PEG stabilizing ligand and silver is about 1.5:1.12. A composition of encapsulated nanoparticles claim 9 ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038112A1

A digital image () comprises pixels with intensities relating to different energy levels. A method for processing the digital image () comprises the steps of: receiving first image data () and second image data () of the digital image (), the first image data () encoding a first energy level and the second image data () encoding a second energy level; determining a regression model () from the first image data () and the second image data (), the regression model () establishing a correlation between intensities of pixels of the first image data () with intensities of pixels of the second image data (); and calculating residual mode image data () from the first image data () and the second image data (), such that a pixel of the residual mode image data () has an intensity based on the difference of an intensity of the second image data () at the pixel and a correlated intensity of the pixel of the first image data (), the correlated intensity determinate by applying the regression model to the intensity of pixel of the first image data (). 1. A method for processing a digital image comprising pixels with intensities relating to different energy levels , the method comprising the steps of:receiving first image data and second image data of the digital image, the first image data encoding a first energy level and the second image data encoding a second energy level;determining a regression model from the first image data and the second image data, the regression model establishing a correlation between intensities of pixels of the first image data with intensities of pixels of the second image data;calculating residual mode image data from the first image data and the second image data, such that a pixel of the residual mode image data has an intensity based on the difference of an intensity of the second image data at the pixel and a correlated intensity of the pixel of the first image data, the correlated intensity being determined by applying the regression model ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035960A1

The present invention is directed towards a system and method for transarterial chemoembolization using differently sized drug-eluting microsphere beads filled with drugs and determining a delivered drug concentration using an imaging system. 1. A system for a transarterial chemoembolization of a region of interest comprising a tumor , comprising:an injecting device arranged to introduce into the region of interest first drug-eluting microsphere beads containing at least a first drug and a first contrast agent and to introduce into the region of interest second drug-eluting microsphere beads containing at least a second drug and a second contrast agent;an imaging system arranged to obtain a first image data set of the region of interest with at least a first x-ray radiation energy and a second image data set of the region of interest with at least a second x-ray radiation energy; anda concentration determiner arranged to determine a first drug concentration from the first image data set and a second drug concentration from the second image data set.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the imaging system is a spectral computed tomography imaging system claim 1 , preferably a spectral computed tomography system that is arranged to simultaneously obtain the first image data and second image data.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the first drug-eluting microsphere beads have a size such that they can not penetrate into tumor core vessels claim 1 , and the second drug-eluting microsphere beads have a size such that they can penetrate into tumor core vessels.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the first drug is different from the second drug and/or wherein the first contrast agent is different from the second contrast agent.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least first x-ray radiation energy corresponds to a K-absorption edge of the first contrast agent and the at least second x-ray radiation energy corresponds to a K- ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035965A1
Принадлежит: Marquette University

A method of processing x-ray images comprises training an artificial neural network to process multi-spectral x-ray projections to determine composition information about an object in terms of equivalent thickness of at least one basis material. The method further comprises providing a multi-spectral x-ray projection of an object, wherein the multi-spectral x-ray projection of the object contains energy content information describing the energy content of the multi-spectral x-ray projection, The multi-spectral x-ray projection is then processed with the artificial neural network to determine composition information about the object, and then the composition information about the object is provided 122-. (canceled)23. A method of processing x-ray images , the method comprising:training an artificial neural network to process only multi-spectral x-ray projections through objects whose equivalent thicknesses are desired to determine composition information in terms of equivalent thicknesses of at least one basis material;providing a multi-spectral x-ray projection of an object whose equivalent thickness is desired, wherein the multi-spectral x-ray projection of the object contains energy content information describing energy content of the object whose equivalent thickness is desired and does not contain energy content information describing a phantom;processing the multi-spectral x-ray projection with the artificial neural network to determine composition information about the object; andproviding the composition information about the object.24. The method of claim 23 , wherein training the artificial neural network includes:providing a set of calibration multi-spectral x-ray projections of known thicknesses of known objects about which composition information is to be determined as input to the neural network, wherein the calibration multi-spectral x-ray projections only contain energy content information describing the known objects and do not contain energy content ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038969A1

Described here are systems and methods for optimization techniques for automatically selecting x-ray beam spectra, energy threshold, energy bin settings, and other imaging technique parameters for photon-counting detector computed tomography (“PCCT”). The techniques described here are generally based on subject or object size, material of interest, and location of the target material. Advantageously, the optimizations can be integrated with different PCCT systems to automatically select optimal imaging technique parameters before scanning a particular subject or object. 1. A method for determining imaging technique parameters for a photon-counting computed tomography (PCCT) system , the steps of the method comprising:(a) selecting imaging technique parameters for the PCCT system;(b) generating a first signal estimate and a first noise estimate associated with the imaging technique parameters; (i) updating the imaging technique parameters;', '(ii) generating a second signal estimate and a second noise estimate associated with the updated imaging technique parameters;', '(iii) generating a first figure of merit value using the first signal estimate and the first noise estimate, and generating a second figure of merit value using the second signal estimate and the second noise estimate;', '(iv) evaluating a stopping criterion based on comparing the first figure of merit value and the second figure of merit value;', '(v) storing the second signal estimate as the first signal estimate and storing the second noise estimate as the first noise estimate when the stopping criterion is not satisfied; and', '(vi) storing the updated imaging technique parameters as the optimal imaging technique parameters for later use with the PCCT system when the stopping criterion is satisfied., '(c) computing optimal imaging technique parameters using an optimization based on a signal estimation and noise propagation analysis in which each iteration of the optimization includes2. The method ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

X-ray Tomographic Inspection System for the Identification of Specific Target Items

Номер: US20180038988A1
Автор: Morton Edward James

The present invention provides for an improved scanning process with a stationary X-ray source arranged to generate X-rays from a plurality of X-ray source positions around a scanning region, a first set of detectors arranged to detect X-rays transmitted through the scanning region, and at least one processor arranged to process outputs from the first set of detectors to generate tomographic image data. The X-ray screening system is used in combination with other screening technologies, such as NQR-based screening, X-ray diffraction based screening, X-ray back-scatter based screening, or Trace Detection based screening. 1. A method for identifying objects in a container , comprising:performing a first stage screening, comprising: arranging a stationary X-ray source to generate X-rays from a plurality of X-ray source positions around a scanning region, arranging a first set of detectors to detect X-rays transmitted through the scanning region, and arranging a second set of detectors to detect X-rays scattered within the scanning region;processing data output from the first set of detectors using at least one processor to generate at least one tomographic image;processing data output from the second set of detectors to generate scatter image data; and,performing a second stage screening comprising at least one of a NQR-based screening process, X-ray diffraction based screening process, X-ray backscatter based screening process, or trace detection based screening process.2. The method of wherein the at least one processor outputs data indicative of a suspect object in the container.3. The method of wherein the at least one processor outputs a signal indicating said container should be subject to the second stage screening only if the first stage screening identifies a suspect object in the container.4. The method of wherein the at least one processor outputs a signal indicating said container should not be subject to the second stage screening only if the first stage ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054860A1

A method of image-guided radiation treatment is described. The method includes processing a first and second sets of image data to generate an enhanced image, wherein the enhanced image comprises a combination of the first and second sets of image data, wherein part or all of the image data comprises a target of a patient. The method also includes registering the enhanced image with another image to obtain a registration result and tracking the target using the registration result to generate tracking information. The method also includes directing treatment delivery to the target based on the tracking information obtained from the enhanced image. 1. A method of image-guided radiation , the method comprising:processing a first and second sets of image data to generate an enhanced image, wherein the enhanced image comprises a combination of the first and second sets of image data, wherein part or all of the image data comprises a target of a patient;registering the enhanced image with another image to obtain a registration result;tracking the target using the registration result to generate tracking information; anddirecting treatment delivery to the target based on the tracking information obtained from the enhanced image.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the another image comprises a pre-treatment image.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first and second sets of image data comprises at least part of the target.4. The method of further comprising generating the first set of image data of part or all of the target using imaging radiation at the first energy level and the second set of image data of part or all of the target using imaging radiation at the second energy level.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the another image comprises a computed tomography (CT) image.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein directing treatment delivery comprises:generating a treatment delivery beam using a treatment delivery system comprising a radiation source; anddirecting the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038238A1

An imaging method, accesses a set of low-energy projection images and performs a low-energy reconstruction using the low-energy projection images. A synthesized intermediate low-energy projection image is generated. A high-energy reconstruction is performed using a set of high-energy projection images. A synthesized intermediate high-energy projection image is generated. A dual-energy reconstruction is performed using at least one low-energy projection image, the synthesized intermediate low-energy projection image, at least one high-energy projection image, and the synthesized intermediate high-energy projection image. 1. An imaging method , comprising:accessing a set of low-energy projection images;performing a low-energy reconstruction using the low-energy projection images;generating a synthesized intermediate low-energy projection image;accessing a set of high-energy projection images;performing a high-energy reconstruction using the high-energy projection images;generating a synthesized intermediate high-energy projection image; andperforming a dual-energy reconstruction using at least one low-energy projection image, the synthesized intermediate low-energy projection image, at least one high-energy projection image, and the synthesized intermediate high-energy projection image.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating a synthesized intermediate low-energy projection image is accomplished by applying a synthesized forward projection method to the low-energy reconstruction to generate the synthesized intermediate low-energy projection image.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein applying the synthesized projection method is accomplished by either a bidirectional method or a block matching method.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating a synthesized intermediate high-energy projection image is accomplished by applying a synthesized projection method to the high-energy reconstruction to generate the synthesized intermediate low-energy projection image.5. ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

A method for the reconstruction of quantitative iodine maps using energy resolved tomography

Номер: US20180040146A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

An image processing system (IPS) and related method for image reconstruction operations, in particular for spectral computed tomography imaging. The image reconstruction operation is based on optimizing a regularized objective or cost function. The objective function includes a regularization term (R) that incorporates, as a-priori knowledge, a known amount of a material resident within a field of view to be reconstructed.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042564A1
Автор: Zhou Shaohua Kevin

A method and apparatus for medical image synthesis is disclosed, which synthesizes a target medical image based on a source medical image. The method can be used for synthesizing a high dose computed tomography (CT) image or a high kV CT image from a low dose CT image or a low kV image. A plurality of image patches are extracted from a source medical image. A synthesized target medical image is generated from the source medical image by calculating voxel values in the synthesized target medical image based on the image patches extracted from the source medical image using a machine learning based probabilistic model. 1. A method for synthesizing a target medical image from a source medical image comprising:extracting a plurality of image patches from a source medical image; andgenerating a synthesized target medical image from the source medical image by calculating voxel values in the synthesized target medical image based on a probabilistic model that combines a likelihood function that calculates a probability for the voxel values in the synthesized target medical image based on the image patches extracted from the source medical image and a prior function that calculates a probability for the voxel values in the synthesized target medical image based on a predetermined condition associated the synthesized target medical image.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating a synthesized target medical image from the source medical image by calculating voxel values in the synthesized target medical image based on a probabilistic model that combines a likelihood function that calculates a probability for the voxel values in the synthesized target medical image based on the image patches extracted from the source medical image and a prior function that calculates a probability for the voxel values in the synthesized target medical image based on a predetermined condition associated the synthesized target medical image comprises:detecting K nearest neighbors in a set ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042565A1

Methods and apparatus for grading coronary calcium, including an example apparatus that includes a set of logics and a memory that stores a set of radiographic images. The set of logics includes an image acquisition logic that acquires a set of radiographic images of a region of tissue, the set of radiographic images including a low-energy reference x-ray image and a higher-energy floating x-ray image, a registration logic that produces a set of registered images from a plurality of members of the set of radiographic images, an enhancement logic that produces a set of calcium-enhanced images from the set of registered images, a post-enhancement logic that produces a bone image from the set of calcium-enhanced images, and a grading logic that computes a coronary heart disease prediction score based, at least in part, on the bone image and a set of features extracted from the bone image. 1. A non-transitory computer-readable storage device storing computer executable instructions that when executed by a computer control the computer to perform a method for predicting coronary heart disease , the method comprising:acquiring a set of energy dependent images of a region of tissue, where the set of images includes a first energy x-ray image and a second, different energy x-ray image; generating a set of pre-decomposition images by pre-decomposition processing the set of energy dependent images;', 'generating a set of selectively filtered images by selectively filtering the set of pre-decomposition images; and', 'generating a set of dual energy subtraction images by dual energy decomposing the set of selectively filtered images;, 'generating a calcium-enhanced image of the region of tissue, where generating the calcium-enhanced image includesgenerating a post-decomposition image based, at least in part, on the calcium-enhanced image;computing a coronary calcium score based, at least in part, on the post-decomposition image; andcomputing a coronary heart disease probability ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Rapid Stress-Rest Cardiac PET Imaging Systems and Methods

Номер: US20140121511A1

Systems and methods which utilize stress first and then rest imaging techniques to provide for improved medical imaging results are provided herein. One embodiment may administer a stress regime, such as exercise stress, and administer a tracer to a patient and retrieve a stress image. Then a second tracer is administered to a patient and a resting image is retrieved. Embodiments may implement this method with PET/CT scanning techniques. Additionally, embodiments may utilize a single CT scan when obtaining both the stress and rest images. 1. A method for performing multi-tracer PET cardiac imaging , the method comprising:introducing a first tracer into a subject at a state of cardiac stress;acquiring a second set of PET cardiac imaging data of the subject to obtain a first set of tracer data, said first set of tracer data corresponding to a cardiac stress image;introducing a second tracer into the subject at a state of cardiac rest;acquiring a first set of PET cardiac imaging data of the subject to obtain a second set of tracer data, said second set of tracer data corresponding to a cardiac rest image;providing a kinetic model which estimates time-dependent activity of the first and second tracers; andapplying the first and second set of tracer data to the kinetic model to recover images corresponding to the cardiac stress and cardiac rest images.2. The method of wherein state of cardiac stress has been achieved using exercise-based stress.3. The method of wherein state of cardiac stress has been achieved using pharmacological-based stress.4. The method of further comprising performing a single CT scan of the subject in conjunction with performing the cardiac PET imaging.5. The method of wherein acquiring at least one of said first and second sets of PET cardiac imaging data is implemented as a dynamic scan.6. The method of wherein acquiring at least one of said first and second sets of PET cardiac imaging data is implemented as a static scan.7. The method of ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046141A1
Автор: CAO Peiyan, Ding Rui, LIU Yurun

Disclosed herein is a method comprising: directing X-ray in a first wavelength range and X-ray in a second wavelength range are directed to a subject; introducing a contrast agent into the subject; capturing a first image with the X-ray in the first wavelength range and a second image with the X-ray in the second wavelength range; determining a differential image between the first image and second image; wherein strength of interaction between the contrast agent and the X-ray in the first wavelength range and the strength of interaction between the contrast agent and the X-ray in the second wavelength range are different. 1. A method comprising:directing X-ray in a first wavelength range and X-ray in a second wavelength range to a subject;introducing a contrast agent into the subject;capturing a first image with the X-ray in the first wavelength range and a second image with the X-ray in the second wavelength range;determining a differential image between the first image and second image;wherein strength of interaction between the contrast agent and the X-ray in the first wavelength range and strength of interaction between the contrast agent and the X-ray in the second wavelength range are different.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first wavelength range and the second wavelength range do not overlap.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first wavelength range and the second wavelength range do not completely overlap.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising generating the X-ray in the first wavelength range and X-ray in the second wavelength range from a same X-ray source.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein generating the X-ray in the first wavelength range and X-ray in the second wavelength range comprises filtering using different filters.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the contrasting agent is introduced by ingestion or injection.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the strengths of the interaction have a ratio of at least 1.2.8. The method of claim ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046146A1
Принадлежит: Zebra Medical Vision Ltd.

Computerized methods and systems for estimating a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) score from CT imaging data by receiving imaging data of a computed tomography (CT) scan of a body of a patient containing at least a bone portion, segmenting the bone portion from the imaging data , computing at least one grade based on pixel associated values from the bone portion, and correlating the at least one grade with at least one score representing a relation to bone density values in a population obtained based on a DEXA scan. The grade is computed from a calculation of sub-grades performed for each one or a set of pixels having at least one of a common medial-lateral axial coordinate and a common cranial-caudal axial coordinate along a dorsal-ventral axis of a volume representation of the imaging data. 1. A computerized method for estimating at least one score representing a relation to bone mineral density (BMD) values in a population from three dimensional (3D) computed tomography (CT) imaging data , comprising:receiving 3D imaging data of a CT scan of a body of a patient containing at least a 3D bone portion;segmenting the 3D bone portion from the 3D imaging data of the CT scan;computing at least one grade for the 3D bone portion based on pixel associated values from the 3D bone portion;correlating the at least one grade of the 3D bone portion with at least one score representing a relation to BMD values in a population,wherein the at least one grade for the 3D bone portion is computed from a calculation of sub-grades performed for each one or a set of pixels having at least one of a common medial-lateral axial coordinate and a common cranial-caudal axial coordinate along a dorsal-ventral axis of a volume representation of the 3D imaging data of the CT scan; andpresenting the at least one score correlated to the least one grade on a presentation unit for diagnosis of at least one of abnormal BMD, osteoporosis, and osteopenia.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052238A1

A device and methods for performing a simulated CT biopsy on a region of interest on a patient. The device comprises a gantry () configured to mount an x-ray emitter () and CT detector () on opposing sides of the gantry, a motor () rotatably coupled to the gantry such that the gantry rotates horizontally about the region of interest, and a high resolution x-ray detector () positioned adjacent the CT detector in between the CT detector and the x-ray emitter. 139.-. (canceled)40. A system for performing a simulated computed tomography (CT) breast biopsy , comprising:an x-ray source coupled to a gantry that rotates around a subject's breast;a first detector and a second detector both coupled to said gantry and positioned to receive x-ray beams from the x-ray source; and ["generate, based on a first x-ray beam received by the first detector, a first CT projection dataset of the subject's breast at a first spatial resolution;", "identify, based on the first CT projection dataset, a location of a possible tumor in the subject's breast;", "generate, based on a second x-ray beam received by the second detector, a second CT projection dataset of a portion of the subject's breast proximate to the possible tumor at a second, higher spatial resolution; and", "generate, based on at least the second CT projection dataset, a high-resolution image of the portion of the subject's breast."], 'a processor communicatively coupled to said first and second detectors and configured to41. The system of claim 40 , wherein the processor is further configured to generate the high-resolution image of the portion of the subject's breast based on a combination of the first CT projection dataset with the second CT projection dataset.42. The system of claim 40 , wherein the first detector has a first area and a first spatial resolution claim 40 , and wherein the second detector has a second area smaller than the first area and a second spatial resolution greater than the first spatial resolution. ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Synchronization for dynamic imaging

Номер: US20200046310A1
Принадлежит: Carestream Health Inc

Synchronizing operation between a digital radiographic detector's integration periods and an x-ray generator's x-ray pulse rate by transmitting a frame rate to the detector and the generator. In a first mode, the detector monitors one or more pixels to detect an x-ray pulse. The firing time of the detected x-ray pulse relative to an internal clock of the detector is used to synchronize the detector's integration periods with the pulse rate of the x-ray generator based on the transmitted frame rate and the detected firing time of the x-ray pulses. Successive pulses may also be used to determine a frame rate without prior transmission thereof.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180049710A1
Автор: Kelly Thomas, Wilson Kevin

A system for measuring muscle mass of a patient has a dual-energy radiation emission source. A radiation detector is configured to detect radiation emitted from the dual-energy radiation emission source passed through the patient. A processor has a memory with storing instructions, that when executed by the processor, perform a set of operations. The operations include receiving radiation detection data; generating a scan representation; identifying a primary fat target; determining an amount of fat in the primary fat target; comparing the amount of fat in the primary fat target to a reference; and based on the comparison, correcting an estimated amount of lean tissue to generate a corrected muscle mass value. 1. A system for measuring muscle mass of a patient , the system comprising:a dual-energy radiation emission source;a radiation detector configured so as to detect radiation emitted from the dual-energy radiation emission source passed through the patient;at least one processor; and receiving radiation detection data from the radiation detector;', 'based on the radiation detection data, generating a scan representation;', 'identifying a primary fat target in the scan representation;', 'determining an amount of fat in the primary fat target;', 'comparing the amount of fat in the primary fat target to a reference; and', 'based on the comparison, correcting an estimated amount of lean tissue to generate a corrected muscle mass value., 'a memory coupled to the at least one processor, the memory storing instructions that when executed by the at least one processor, perform a set of operations comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the primary fat target is in a region of interest and the corrected muscle mass value is for the region of interest.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the primary fat target is for a first region of the patient and the corrected muscle mass value is for a second region of the patient.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the first ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Systems, methods, and devices for multi-energy x-ray imaging

Номер: US20220071580A1
Принадлежит: Varian Medical Systems Inc

A system can have an x-ray source that generates a series of individual x-ray pulses for multi-energy imaging. A first x-ray pulse can have a first energy level and a subsequent second x-ray pulse in the series can have a second energy level different from the first energy level. An x-ray imager can receive the x-rays from the x-ray source and can detect the received x-rays for image generation. A generator interface box (GIB) controls the x-ray source to provide the series of individual x-ray pulses and synchronizes detection by the x-ray imager with generation of the individual x-ray pulses. The GIB can control x-ray pulse generation and synchronization to optimize image generation while minimizing unnecessary x-ray irradiation.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220071582A1

A method and system for producing tomosynthetic images of a patient's breast. An x-ray source that delivers x-rays through a breast immobilized and compressed between a compression paddle and a breast platform and form an image at a digital x-ray receptor panel. Multiple x-ray images are taken as the x-ray source and the receptor move relative to the immobilized breast. In one preferred embodiment, the x-ray source travels from −15° to +15°. The source can travel in an arc around the breast while the receptor travels linearly while remaining parallel and at the same distance from the breast platform. The sets of x-ray image data taken at different angles are combined to form tomosynthetic images that can be viewed in different formats, alone or as an adjunct to conventional mammograms. 156.-. (canceled)57. A method comprising:providing an x-ray source that selectively moves relative to a patient's breast while the breast remains compressed, and a flat panel x-ray imager receiving x-rays from the source through the breast when the source is energized;selectively placing the source in at least one mammogram position relative to the breast and in a plurality of tomosynthesis positions relative to the breast, and selectively energizing the source in said positions and extracting image data from the imager in response to x-rays from the source impinging thereon after passing through the breast;processing the image data extracted from the imager to generate at least one mammogram image and a plurality of tomosynthesis images, wherein an x-ray dose to the breast at each of the plurality of tomosynthesis positions is substantially less than that for an x-ray dose to the breast at the at least one mammogram position;selectively displaying at least one of the mammogram image and at least one of the plurality of tomosynthesis images generated by the processor;based on the displayed at least one of the mammogram image and at least one of the plurality of tomosynthesis images, ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

System And Method For Multi-Source X-Ray-Based Imaging

Номер: US20170053772A1

An imaging module includes a plurality of cathodes and respective gates, each cathode configured to generate a separate beam of electrons directed across a vacuum chamber and each gate matched to at least one respective cathode to enable and disable each separate beam of electrons from being directed across the vacuum chamber. A target anode is fixed within the vacuum chamber and arranged to receive the separate beam of electrons from each of the plurality of cathodes and, therefrom, generate a beam of x-rays. A deflection system is arranged between the plurality of cathodes and the target anode to generate a variable magnetic field to control a path followed by each of the separate beams of electrons to the target anode. 1. An imaging system comprising:a platform for receiving a subject to be imaged using the imaging system; a vacuum chamber;', 'at least one cathode configured to generate a beam of electrons directed across the vacuum chamber;, 'a source module arranged to deliver a beam of ionizing radiation to the subject, the source module comprising a non-rotating target anode arranged to receive the beam of electrons from each the at least one cathodes and, therefrom, generate the beam of ionizing radiation;', 'a deflection system arranged between the cathode and the non-rotating target anode to generate a variable magnetic field to control a path followed by the beam of electrons to the target anode; and, 'at least one gate configured to enable and disable the beam of electrons from being directed across the vacuum chamber;'}a controller configured to control operation of the at least one cathode and at least one gate to selectively enable and disable the beam of electrons from being directed across the vacuum chamber and control operation of the deflection system to change the path followed by the beam of electrons to the non-rotating target anode based.2. The system of wherein the deflection system includes at least one deflection coil configured to create ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Gated Image Acquisition And Patient Model Construction

Номер: US20180054880A1

A method and system is disclosed for acquiring image data of a subject. The image data can be collected with an imaging system with at least two different power characteristics. A volumetric model of multiple phases can be reconstructed using dynamic or enhanced reconstruction techniques. 1. A system to acquire image data of a patient with an imaging system using enhanced contrast imaging , comprising:an imaging system having a first energy source with one or more first energy parameters and a second energy source with one or more second energy parameters;a pump operable to inject a contrast agent into the patient in response to an instruction;a controller in communication with the imaging system and the pump;wherein the imaging system is operable to communicate with the pump through the controller regarding timing of the injection of the contrast agent into the patient and is further operable to acquire image data based upon the timing of the injection of the contrast agent and source path.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a timer operable to determine an amount of time that has passed since the beginning of the injection of the contrast agent by the pump;wherein the imaging system includes an imaging system controller to time image data acquisition of the patient based on the determined amount of passed time by the timer.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising:an image data indexer, wherein the image data is collected of the patient over time and time stamped by the timer and the image data indexer is operable to execute instructions to determine whether a selected portion of the image data is regarding a first anatomical phase or a second anatomical phase based on at least one of the indexed time of the image data, prior knowledge of the physiology of the patient, and anatomy of the patient.4. The system of claim 3 , further comprising:a three-dimensional model reconstruction system operable to execute instructions to reconstruct a first model ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160058404A1

An X-ray computed-tomography (CT) apparatus of an embodiment includes an X-ray tube, an X-ray detector, and processing circuitry. The X-ray tube is configured to generate an X-ray. The X-ray detector includes a plurality of X-ray detection elements configured to output a signal based on the X-ray entered therein. The processing circuitry is configured to derive a constraint condition by using at least one piece of projection data out of a plurality of pieces of projection data corresponding energy bins of which differ at least partially, calculate an effective length that is a total length for which the X-ray has passed through a region in which a material to be decomposed is present, and generate image data showing information about the material by using the projection data and the effective length. 1. An X-ray computed-tomography (CT) apparatus comprising:an X-ray tube that generates an X-ray;an X-ray detector that includes a plurality of X-ray detection elements configured to output a signal based on the X-ray entered therein; andprocessing circuitry configured toderive a constraint condition by using at least one of a plurality of projection data each of which corresponds to energy bin of which differs at least partially,calculate an effective length which is derived from a total length for which the X-ray has passed through a region in which a material to be decomposed is present, by using the projection data and the constraint condition, andgenerate image data showing information about the material by using the projection data and the effective length.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe processing circuitry collects count information that is information in which a position of the X-ray tube, a position of the X-ray detection element to which a photon has entered, energy of the photon, and a counted value of photons are associated with each other, and collect the a plurality of pieces of projection data by using the count information and ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

X-ray imaging apparatus and x-ray imaging method

Номер: US20140133626A1

The X-ray imaging method includes setting imaging conditions according to characteristics of an object and performing X-ray imaging of the object based on the set imaging conditions. The imaging conditions include at least one of an imaging angle, a number of imaging operations, and an imaging position.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055932A1

Provided is a tomography apparatus including: a data acquisitor configured to obtain a first image by using tomography data acquired as a first X-ray generator for generating X-rays having a first energy rotates around an object over a first angular range and obtain a second image by using tomography data acquired as a second X-ray generator for generating X-rays having a second energy rotates around the object over a second angular range; a controller configured to acquire motion information representing an amount of motion of the object over time by using the first and second images; and an image reconstructor configured to reconstruct a target image showing the object at a target time point by using the motion information. 1. A tomography apparatus comprising:a data acquirer configured to obtain a first image using first tomography data acquired as a first X-ray generator for generating X-rays having a first energy rotates around an object over a first angular range, and to obtain a second image using second tomography data acquired as a second X-ray generator for generating X-rays having a second energy rotates around the object over a second angular range;a controller configured to determine motion information representing an amount of motion of the object over time using the first image and the second image; andan image reconstructor configured to reconstruct a target image showing the object at a target time point using the motion information.2. The tomography apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first image and the second image are partial images claim 1 , and the first angular range is opposite to the second angular range.3. The tomography apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each of the first angular range and the second angular range is less than 180 degrees.4. The tomography apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the motion information comprises information representing an amount of motion of a surface forming the object.5. The tomography apparatus of claim 1 , wherein ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Conventional imaging with an imaging system having photon counting detectors

Номер: US20150063527A1
Автор: Ewald Roessl, Heiner Daerr
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

An imaging system ( 600 ) includes a radiation source ( 608 ) that emits polychromatic radiation that traverses an examination region and a detector array ( 610 ) located opposite the radiation source, across the examination region, which includes a paralyzable photon counting detector pixel ( 611 ) that detects photons of the radiation that traverse the examination region and illuminate the detector pixel and that generates a signal indicative of each detected photon. An output photon count rate to input photon count rate map ( 626 ) includes at least one map which maps multiple input photon count rates of the detector pixel to a single output photon count rate of the detector pixel, and an input photon count rate determiner ( 624 ) identifies one input photon count rate of the multiple input photon count rates of the map as a correct input photon count rate for the detector pixel. A reconstructor that reconstructs the signal based on the identified input photon count rate.

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150063528A1

Disclosed herein are an X-ray imaging apparatus and a method for controlling the same. The X-ray imaging apparatus includes an X-ray generator configured to radiate first-energy X-rays toward an object, an X-ray detector configured to detect the first-energy X-rays which propagate through the object, an image processor configured to generate a first object image which correspond to the detected first-energy X-rays and to estimate a second object image which corresponds to second-energy X-rays based on the generated first object image, and a controller configured to control the image processor to repeatedly estimate the second object image by controlling the X-ray generator to repeatedly radiate the first-energy X-rays toward the object. 1. An X-ray imaging apparatus comprising:an X-ray generator configured to radiate first-energy X-rays toward an object;an X-ray detector configured to detect the first-energy X-rays which propagate through the object;an image processor configured to generate a first object image which corresponds to the detected first-energy X-rays and to estimate a second object image which corresponds to second-energy X-rays based on the generated first object image; anda controller configured to control the image processor to repeatedly estimate the second object image by controlling the X-ray generator to repeatedly radiate the first-energy X-rays toward the object.2. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to control the X-ray generator according to a received time interval and a number of repetitions.3. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the image processor comprises:an image generator configured to generate the first object image based on the detected first-energy X-rays; andan image estimator configured to estimate the second object image based on the first object image using thickness information of the object, a first phantom image, and a second phantom image.4. The X- ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150063529A1

Based on a plurality of detection data sets acquired by a data acquisition unit and correspond to respective tube voltages, an image generator generates a plurality of reference substance image data sets targeting respective reference substances contained in a subject. The image generator generates a correction data set for each of the plurality of tube voltages by applying, to a detection data set corresponding to each of the tube voltages, a correction coefficient for suppressing a discrepancy of an actual energy spectrum of the X-rays detected by an X-ray detector from a predetermined X-ray energy spectrum, and generates the plurality of reference substance image data sets based on a plurality of correction data sets corresponding to the respective tube voltages. 1. An X-ray computed tomography imaging apparatus comprising:an X-ray tube configured to generate X-rays;a high-voltage generator configured to generate a tube voltage to be applied to the X-ray tube;an X-ray detector configured to detect X-rays which have been generated from the X-ray tube and have passed through a subject;a support mechanism configured to rotatably support the X-ray tube;a data acquisition unit configured to acquire detection data corresponding to an intensity of the detected X-rays via the X-ray detector; andan image generator configured to generate, based on a plurality of detection data sets which have been acquired by the data acquisition unit and correspond to respective tube voltages, a plurality of reference substance image data sets targeting respective reference substances contained in the subject,wherein the image generator generates a correction data set for each of the plurality of tube voltages by applying, to a detection data set corresponding to each of the tube voltages, a correction coefficient for suppressing a discrepancy of an actual energy spectrum of the X-rays detected by the X-ray detector from a predetermined X-ray energy spectrum, and generates the plurality ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Image-based motion compensation of image data

Номер: US20150063534A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method, a computer program, a computer program product and a computed tomography system are disclosed. The image data is a spatially three-dimensional reconstruction. At least one value for an image metric of the image data is determined. A motion field for motion compensation of the image data is then determined on the basis of image data as a function of the image metric. Essentially, partial image data is determined, wherein the partial image data corresponds in each case to the spatially three-dimensional reconstruction from scan data of an angular sub-range. The motion field of the image data is determined at the control points via an optimization method as a function of the image metric, so that, thereafter, the partial image data is transformed in accordance with the motion of the motion field. New image data is then produced by merging the partial image data.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180061088A1

As set forth herein low energy signal data and high energy signal data can be acquired. A first material decomposed (MD) image of a first material basis and a second material decomposed (MD) image of a second material basis can be obtained using the low energy signal data and the high energy signal data. At least one of the first or second MD image can be input into a guide filter for output of at least one noise reduced and cross-contamination reduced image. A computed tomography (CT) imaging system can be provided that includes an X-ray source and a detector having a plurality of detector elements that detect X-ray beams emitted from the X-ray source. Low energy signal data and high energy signal data can be acquired using the detector. 1. A method comprising:acquiring low energy signal data and high energy signal data;obtaining a first material decomposed (MD) image of a first material basis and a second material decomposed (MD) image of a second material basis using the low energy signal data and the high energy signal data; andinputting at least one of the first or second MD image into a guide filter for output of at least one noise reduced and cross-contamination reduced image.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the guide filter is guided by a first guide image and a second guide image.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the guide filter is guided by a first guide image and a second guide image claim 1 , the first guide image obtained by mixing the first MD image and the second MD image according to a first process claim 1 , the second guide image obtained by mixing the first MD image and the second MD image according to a second process and subsequently de-noising the mixed image using a de-noising procedure.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein according to the first process claim 3 , negatively correlated noise of a first MD image and a second MD image is cancelled out.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein according to the second process claim 1 , negatively ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190059830A1
Автор: WILLIAMS Cornell Lee
Принадлежит: Hologic, Inc.

Methods and systems for imaging anatomical portions of a patient. A method includes moving a radiation source and a detector at least partially around a longitudinal axis of the patient, emitting radiation at a first energy level at a first angle around a longitudinal axis of the patient, wherein the first energy level is a predetermined energy level for a first anatomical target, detecting the radiation emitted at the first energy level, emitting radiation at a second energy level at second angle around the longitudinal axis of the patient, wherein the second energy level is a predetermined energy level for a second anatomical target; and detecting the radiation emitted at the second energy level. The method may be performed with a standing CT machine. 1. A method for imaging two or more anatomical portions of a patient , the method comprising:moving a radiation source and a detector at least partially around a longitudinal axis of the patient;emitting radiation at a first energy level at a first angle around a longitudinal axis of the patient, wherein the first energy level is a predetermined energy level for a first anatomical target;detecting the radiation emitted at the first energy level;emitting radiation at a second energy level at second angle around the longitudinal axis of the patient, wherein the second energy level is a predetermined energy level for a second anatomical target; anddetecting the radiation emitted at the second energy level.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first anatomical target is a breast and the second anatomical target is a lung.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first energy level is less than the second energy level.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy levels of the radiation emitted from the radiation source are controlled by altering voltage across the radiation source.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first energy level corresponds to a voltage of less than 50 kV across the radiation source and the second ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Projection data correction and computed tomography value computation

Номер: US20170061654A1
Принадлежит: Analogic Corp

Among other things, one or more techniques and/or systems are described for correcting projection data generated from a computed tomography (CT) examination of an object and/or for computing or updating a CT value of the object from the projection data. An image generator is configured to generate a CT image of an object under examination. Using this CT image, a set of actions are performed to correct projection data from which the CT image was generated and/or to update a CT value of one or more voxels within the CT image. In this way, the projection data and/or CT image is adjusted to reduce image artifacts and/or otherwise improve image quality and/or object detection.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200060636A1
Автор: Kelly Thomas, Wilson Kevin

A system for measuring muscle mass of a patient has a dual-energy radiation emission source. A radiation detector is configured to detect radiation emitted from the dual-energy radiation emission source passed through the patient. A processor has a memory with storing instructions, that when executed by the processor, perform a set of operations. The operations include receiving radiation detection data; generating a scan representation; identifying a primary fat target; determining an amount of fat in the primary fat target; comparing the amount of fat in the primary fat target to a reference; and based on the comparison, correcting an estimated amount of lean tissue to generate a corrected muscle mass value. 1. A system for measuring muscle mass of a patient , the system comprising:a dual-energy radiation emission source;a radiation detector configured so as to detect radiation emitted from the dual-energy radiation emission source passed through the patient;at least one processor; and receiving radiation detection data from the radiation detector;', 'based on the radiation detection data, generating a scan representation;', 'identifying a primary fat target in the scan representation;', 'determining an amount of fat in the primary fat target;', 'comparing the amount of fat in the primary fat target to a reference; and', 'based on the comparison, correcting an estimated amount of lean tissue to generate a corrected muscle mass value., 'a memory coupled to the at least one processor, the memory storing instructions that when executed by the at least one processor, perform a set of operations comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the primary fat target is in a region of interest and the corrected muscle mass value is for the region of interest.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the primary fat target is for a first region of the patient and the corrected muscle mass value is for a second region of the patient.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the first ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200060638A1

An apparatus for bone densitometry () includes a patient-carrier frame () fitted with a support surface () for a patient and an arm () movable with respect to the frame () in a longitudinal direction (X) from the feet to the head of the patient. The arm is fitted with a generator-detector assembly having an X-ray generator () and an X-ray detector (), mechanically aligned so that the collimated beam (F) of X-rays produced by the generator () centers the detector (). In particular, the frame is a monocoque () and fully supports, at the support surface (), the arm () in order to leave the space underneath the frame () free. Advantageously, moreover, in the case of apparatus with frame () made of aluminum, the frame itself also serves as a filter for X-rays. 113.-. (canceled)14. An apparatus for bone densitometry , comprising:a patient-carrier frame with a support surface for a patient;an arm movable with respect to the frame in a longitudinal direction, from the feet to the head of the patient, and fitted with a generator-detector assembly comprising an X-ray generator and an X-ray detector, mechanically aligned so that a collimated beam of X-rays produced by the generator centers the detector;wherein the frame is a monocoque and fully supports, at the support surface, the arm in order to leave a space underneath the frame free.15. The apparatus for bone densitometry according to claim 14 , wherein the support surface comprises an upper side on which the patient lies claim 14 , and a lower side claim 14 , opposite the upper side claim 14 , wherein a longitudinal movement system of the arm is attached to the lower side.16. The apparatus for bone densitometry according claim 14 , wherein the frame comprises claim 14 , at the support surface claim 14 , a filtering portion for the X-rays.17. The apparatus for bone densitometry according to claim 14 , wherein the frame is made from a single sheet of aluminum folded to form a patient-carrier table.18. The apparatus for bone ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210067710A1

A signal processing system (SPS) and related method. The system comprises an input interface (IN) for receiving at least two data sets, comprising a first data set and second data set. The first data set is generated by an X-ray detector sub-system (XDS) at a first pixel size and the second data set generated at a second pixel size different from the first pixel size. An estimator (EST) is configured to compute, based on the two data sets, an estimate of a charge sharing impact. 1. An imaging arrangement , comprising:an X-ray imaging apparatus comprising a detector sub-system, the detector sub-system having a native pixel size; a combiner configured to combine signals generated at the detector sub-system in response to X-radiation exposure and obtain at least one of a first data set and a second data set, wherein a pixel size in one of the first and second data sets is the native pixel size and in the other data set is a multiple of the said native pixel size;', 'an estimator configured to compute, based on the two data sets, an estimate of a charge sharing impact by a functional model comprising a correction factor; and', 'a corrector configured to correct, for the charge sharing impact and based on the estimate, a third data set generated by the detector-subsystem or another detector., 'a signal processing system comprising2. The imaging arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the combiner includes binning circuitry to bin the signals generated at the X-ray detector sub-system.3. The imaging arrangement as per claim 1 , wherein the estimator is configured to form the correction factor by forming one or more ratios based on values as per the first and second data set to obtain said estimate.4. (canceled)5. The imaging arrangement as per claim 1 , wherein the detector sub-systems an energy resolving type.6. A signal processing method claim 1 , comprising:combining signals generated by a detector sub-system having a native pixel size in response to X-radiation exposure, to ...
