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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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27-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2569532C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средствам для автоматической идентификации и визуализации части анатомической структуры. Устройство содержит блок выделения признаков и блок классификации анатомических частей, при этом блок выделения признаков выполнен с возможностью выделения одного характерного признака внешнего представления интервенционного устройства с использованием предоставляемых данных изобразительного контента, и блок классификации анатомических частей выполнен с возможностью корреляции одного характерного признака с предоставляемыми классификационными данными. Система визуализации содержит источник излучения, модуль регистрации излучения, блок обработки данных и дисплей. Способ включает этапы выделения характерных признаков, корреляции и определения, в какой части анатомической структуры расположено интервенционное устройство. Машиночитаемый носитель информации выполнен с возможностью выполнения этапов способа. Использование группы изобретений повышает ...

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2555122C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к технологии генерации рентгеновского излучения, а именно к способу и системе для моделирования снижения дозы при получении рентгеновского изображения. Способ моделирования снижения дозы при сборе данных рентгеновской системой содержит этап обеспечения первой рентгенографической информации, содержащей первый шум, при этом первая рентгенографическая информация собрана с первым параметром настройки дозы, этап обеспечения второго параметра настройки дозы, этап определения разности шумов для получения смоделированной второй рентгенографической информации, собранной со вторым параметром настройки дозы, и этап ввода разности шумов в первую рентгенографическую информацию для получения смоделированной второй рентгенографической информации, содержащей второй шум. Разность шумов является локальной разностью шумов, зависящей от локального распределения интенсивности первой рентгенографической информации. Использование изобретения обеспечивает оптимизацию отношения сигнал ...

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2519353C2

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к способам и системам субтракционной ангиографии. Способ заключается в генерации первой последовательности изображений маски субъекта, подлежащего обследованию, генерации первого контрастного изображения в первой фазе контрастности, в соответствии с чем в первом контрастном изображении часть субъекта имеет контраст, отличный от контраста первой последовательности изображений, вычитании изображения маски из первого контрастного изображения для генерации первой последовательности изображений DSA, вычитании изображения DSA первой последовательности изображений DSA из первого контрастного изображения в пределах первой фазы для генерации последовательности уточненных изображений маски. Также генерируют второе контрастное изображение во второй фазе контрастности, причем упомянутая вторая фаза отделена от первой фазы предварительно заданным временным пределом разделения фаз, вычитают изображения последовательности уточненных изображений маски из второго ...

05-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2656512C2

Группа изобретений относится к интервенционным средствам для введения в объект. Система содержит элемент введения в объект, блок перемещения элемента введения в объекте, блок генерирования изображения отслеживания элемента введения в объекте, в которой блок генерирования изображения отслеживания содержит источник излучения пучка излучения для прохождения через объект, детектор излучения для обнаружения пучка излучения после прохождения через объект и контроллер для управления блоком генерирования изображения отслеживания, в которой блок перемещения выполнен с возможностью обеспечения параметров перемещения, которые определяют перемещение элемента введения в объекте, для блока генерирования изображения отслеживания и в которой контроллер выполнен с возможностью управления блоком генерирования изображения отслеживания в зависимости от обеспечиваемых параметров перемещения, так что пучок излучения проходит через область объекта, которая включает в себя элемент введения. Контроллер интервенционной ...

10-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2508907C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине, а именно к способам и системам для ангиографии. Способ включает этапы формирования множества проекций интересующего объекта, при этом проекции имеют различные проекционные углы, определения геометрических аспектов удлиненного элемента в каждой из проекций, вычисления индекса на основании геометрических аспектов, указания проекций, имеющих требуемое значение индекса. Система выполнена с возможностью осуществления этапов способа обнаружения изменений удлиненного элемента, расположенного в интересующем объекте, и включает машиночитаемый носитель. Использование изобретения позволяет выбирать оптимальные проекции, показывающие интересующие геометрические аспекты с высоким разрешением. 4 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2535608C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к точному позиционированию для сосудистых интервенционных процедур, в частности к способу точного позиционирования для сосудистых интервенционных процедур, медицинской системе формирования изображений для точного позиционирования для сосудистых интервенционных процедур и лабораторной системе катетеризации для точного позиционирования для сосудистых интервенционных процедур. В способе получают рентгеновское изображение представляющей интерес области сосуда с введенным контрастным веществом. Затем идентифицируют информационные данные о сосудах в полученном изображении и обнаруживают первые признаки кальциноза сосуда в представляющей интерес области сосуда на полученном изображении. Далее формируют представление сосуда с использованием информационных данных о сосудах и обнаруженных признаков кальциноза. Затем получают текущее рентгеноскопическое изображение представляющей интерес области сосуда и обнаруживают вторые признаки кальциноза сосуда в представляющей ...

26-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016117767A3

26-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016145933A3

05-02-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019112787A3

27-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014132380A

... 1. Устройство (200) для помощи в перемещении устройства (117) в сети (115) трубчатых структур, содержащее:- модуль (205) ввода, сконфигурированный с возможностью принимать текущее опорное проекционное изображение (190a), полученное в первом направлении проекции в то время, когда устройство размещается в сети трубчатых структур, при этом проекционное изображение при отображении показывает отпечаток устройства;- процессор (201), сконфигурированный с возможностью использовать текущую позицию в изображении отпечатка и модель сети для того, чтобы извлекать, без использования полученных данных трехмерных изображений сети, вспомогательное проекционное изображение (170a, 170i) из последовательности (170a-c) ранее полученных двумерных проекционных изображений, причем такое извлеченное вспомогательное изображение при отображении показывает, по меньшей мере, частичный отпечаток (115a) сети (115), при этом такое извлеченное вспомогательное изображение предоставляет вид вдоль второго направления проекции ...

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015101806A

... 1. Устройство обработки изображений (IP), включающее в себя:блок ввода (IU) для приема потока (A) кадров, причем поток кадров получают во время распространения через интересующий объект объема контрастного вещества, причем объем контрастного вещества проходит походящего через множество интересующих областей (ROIa-c) и перфузирует соответствующие множества интересующих областей (ROIa-c) по мере того, как объем контрастного вещества распространяется через объект;блок регистрации (RU), выполненный с возможностью регистрировать множество упомянутых кадров в наборе данных предоперационных опорных изображений, причем набор опорных изображений включает в себя сегментацию, соответствующую по меньшей мере одной из интересующих областей (ROIa-c);идентификатор (ID), выполненный с возможностью идентифицировать по меньшей мере для одной из интересующих областей (ROIa-c) основной кадр, полученный в то время, когда концентрация объема контрастного вещества в упомянутой по меньшей мере одной интересующей ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015114814A

... 1. Система (10, 20, 30) исследования, содержащаямагниторезонансный томограф (100) с цилиндрической катушкой (120) для создания магнитного поля,причем цилиндрическая катушка (120) окружает пространство (110) исследования,причем в пространстве (120) исследования расположены первый рентгеновский источник (150) и первый рентгеновский детектор (160).2. Система (10, 20, 30) исследования по п. 1,причем первый рентгеновский источник (150) и первый рентгеновский детектор (160) выполнены с возможностью поворота относительно оси (175) вращения, расположенной в продольном направлении пространства (110) исследования.3. Система (10, 20, 30) исследования по п. 2,причем первый рентгеновский источник (150) и первый рентгеновский детектор (160) жестко соединены друг с другом.4. Система (10, 20, 30) исследования по любому из предыдущих пунктов,причем в пространстве (110) исследования расположена градиентная катушка (130) с первой частью (131) градиентной катушки и второй частью (132) градиентной катушки,при ...

20-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007130891A

... 1. Устройство для определения инъекционной точки для целевой доставки лекарственного средства в организм пациента путем инъекции лекарственного средства в сосуд, питающий целевую область, включающую цель, содержащее: идентификационное средство (41) для идентификации топологии сосудов сосудистого дерева, питающих указанную целевую область; средство определения потока (42) для определения процентного содержания лекарственного материала, доставляемого к указанной цели после инъекции в различные потенциальные инъекционные точки в указанном сосудистом дереве; средство выборки (43) для селекции как оптимальной инъекционной точки потенциальной инъекционной точки, приводящей к более высокому процентному содержанию лекарственного средства, доставленного к указанной цели. 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором указанное средство определения потока (42) включает измерительное средство 421 для измерения объемных скоростей потока конечных сегментов сосудистого дерева, в частности, после инъекции контрастного ...

27-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013146328A

... 1. Способ диагностической визуализации, содержащий этапы, на которых:принимают проекционные данные CT с повышенной контрастностью, полученные из области (18) исследования с помощью смещенного вбок плоскопанельного детектора (30);выбирают поле обзора (FOV), которое включает в себя один или более сосудов с повышенной контрастностью; ииз полученных проекционных данных CT генерируют 3D карту коррекции затухания (AC) выбранного FOV и по меньшей мере одно из трехмерного (3D) представления изображения сосуда и по меньшей мере одной плоской ангиограммы сосуда.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором этап генерации трехмерного (3D) представления изображения сосуда включает в себя этап, на которых:фильтруют принятые проекционные данные CT, чтобы выделить сосуды и удалить информацию фона в выбранном FOV; иреконструируют 3D представление изображения FOV из отфильтрованных проекционных данных.3. Способ по п. 2, в котором этап генерации трехмерного (3D) представления изображения сосуда дополнительно включает в себя ...

18-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015127997A

27-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011108984A

... 1. Способ обнаружения изменений удлиненного элемента, расположенного в интересующем объекте, содержащий этапы, на которых: ! формируют множество проекций интересующего объекта, при этом проекции имеют различные проекционные углы, ! определяют геометрические аспекты удлиненного элемента в каждой из проекций, ! вычисляют индекс на основании геометрических аспектов, ! указывают проекции, имеющие требуемое значение индекса. ! 2. Способ по п. 1, в котором геометрическими аспектами являются минимальный диаметр и максимальный диаметр удлиненного элемента, измеренные перпендикулярно центральной оси удлиненного элемента. !3. Способ по п. 1, в котором индексом является индекс асимметрии, причем индекс асимметрии нормирован так, что значение индекса асимметрии составляет от 0 до 1, при этом более высокие значения соответствуют большей асимметрии, а более низкие значения соответствуют меньшей асимметрии. ! 4. Способ по п. 1, дополнительно содержащий этап иллюстрации удлиненного элемента вместе с визуализацией ...

20-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013136547A

... 1. Система (10) компьютерной томографии, содержащая:блок сбора данных, включающий в себя рентгеновский источник (18) и детектор (30) рентгеновского излучения для получения наборов (42, 44, 46) проекционных данных,реконструирующий блок (41) для реконструирования изображения (48) планирования по первому набору (42) проекционных данных,идентификационный блок (52) для идентификации интересующей области (40) на изображении (48) планирования,блок (54) выбора для выбора угла (60) проецирования через интересующую область (40),вычислительный блок (62) для вычисления проекционного значения (64) цели для проекции упомянутой интересующей области (40) с использованием выбранного угла (60) проецирования,блок (32) управления для управления упомянутым блоком сбора данных, чтобы получать второй уменьшенный набор (44) проекционных данных, содержащий проекционные данные из проекций упомянутой интересующей области (40) с использованием выбранного угла (60) проецирования, иблок (68) сравнения для сравнения ...

20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014123679A

... 1. Устройство (12) рамы C-типа для рентгеновской визуализации, содержащее:раму (32) C-типа;подвижную опору (34) рамы C-типа;источник (36) рентгеновского излучения; идетектор (38) рентгеновского излучения;при этом рама C-типа содержит первый конец (40) и второй конец (42), при этом источник рентгеновского излучения установлен на первом конце, а детектор установлен на втором конце; при этом рама С-типа установлена на опоре рамы С-типа, так что источник рентгеновского излучения и детектор способны перемещаться вокруг исследуемого объекта (44) по соответствующим траекториям (46) источника и детектора, представляющим собой траектории двухосевого вращения, построенные на одновременном винтовом движении и движении крена рамы C-типа;при этом источник рентгеновского излучения содержит, по меньшей мере, первую фокальную точку (48) и вторую фокальную точку (50), разнесенные друг от друга на расстояние (52) между фокальными точками в направлении (54) смещения, при этом направление смещения совпадает ...

10-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009124916A

... 1. Система (500) для визуализации сосудистой структуры (306), представленной трехмерным набором данных, в котором соответствующие воксельные значения связаны с соответствующими вокселами, при этом система содержит: ! средство (502) для установления соответствующих значений (314) наполнения, основанных на воксельных значениях, связанных с соответствующими местоположениями в сосудистой структуре, при этом соответствующее значение наполнения является показателем количества крови в окрестности соответствующего местоположения в сосудистой структуре; ! средство (504) для определения соответствующих минимальных значений (316) наполнения, связанных с соответствующими местоположениями в сосудистой структуре, при этом соответствующее минимальное значение наполнения является минимальным из значений (314) наполнения, связанных с местоположениями, расположенными выше по потоку от соответствующего местоположения; ! средство (506) для вычисления соответствующих значений (318) дефицита, связанных с соответствующими ...

26-10-2015 дата публикации

System zum patientenspezifischen Modellieren von Blutfluss

Номер: DE202011110620U1

System zum Bestimmen von kardiovaskulären Informationen für einen Patienten, wobei das System Folgendes umfasst: wenigstens ein Computersystem, das konfiguriert ist, um: patientenspezifische Daten bezüglich einer Geometrie einer anatomischen Struktur des Patienten zu empfangen, wobei die anatomische Struktur wenigstens einen Abschnitt einer Mehrzahl an Koronararterien, die von einer Aorta ausgehen, beinhaltet; basierend auf den patientenspezifischen Daten ein dreidimensionales Modell zu erzeugen, das einen ersten Abschnitt der anatomischen Struktur repräsentiert, wobei der erste Abschnitt der anatomischen Struktur wenigstens den Abschnitt der Mehrzahl an Koronararterien beinhaltet; wenigstens teilweise basierend auf einer Masse oder einem Volumen des Myokardgewebes ein physikbasiertes Modell bezüglich einer Blutflusseigenschaft im ersten Abschnitt der anatomischen Struktur zu erzeugen; und wenigstens teilweise basierend auf dem dreidimensionalen Modell und dem physikbasierten Modell eine ...

14-03-2013 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zur Visualisierung von Blutgefäßstenosen und zur Navigation

Номер: DE102012108185A1

Ein System und Verfahren zur Visualisierung und Navigation von Blutgefäßstenose sind offenbart. Zu dem CT-System (10) gehören: eine drehbare Gantry (12), die eine Öffnung aufweist, um einen Patienten aufzunehmen; eine Röntgenstrahlenquelle (14), die an der drehbaren Gantry (12) angeordnet ist, um Röntgenstrahlen in Richtung eines interessierenden Patientenbereichs (ROI) zu projizieren, der mehrere Blutgefäße aufweist; ein Röntgendetektor (18), der an der drehbaren Gantry (12) angeordnet ist, um Röntgenstrahlen aufzunehmen, die durch die Röntgenstrahlenquelle (14) abgestrahlt und durch den ROI geschwächte sind; und ein DAS (32), das mit dem Röntgendetektor (18) betriebsmäßig verbunden ist. Das CT-System (10) enthält ferner einen Computer (36), der für folgende Schritte programmiert ist: Gewinnen von CT-Bilddaten für den ROI; Rekonstruieren eines dreidimensionalen Bilds der mehreren Blutgefäße anhand der CT-Bilddaten; automatisches Erfassen von Pathologien in den mehreren Blutgefäßen; und ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Einrichtung zur medizinischen Versorgung eines Schlaganfallpatienten

Номер: DE102015213031A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Einrichtung (1) zur medizinischen Versorgung eines Schlaganfallpatienten, mit einer innerhalb eines Diagnosebereichs (9) angeordneten Diagnoseeinheit (3) zum Diagnostizieren eines Schlaganfalls bei dem Schlaganfallpatienten und einer innerhalb eines Behandlungsbereichs (11) angeordneten Behandlungseinheit (5) zur transarteriellen Behandlung des Schlaganfallpatienten, wobei der Diagnosebereich (9) und der Behandlungsbereich (11) benachbart zueinander angeordnet sind.

14-12-2017 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Aufhängung eines Röntgengitters, Anordnung mit einem Röntgengitter und Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Röntgengitters

Номер: DE102016210529A1

Die Erfindung gibt eine Vorrichtung zur Aufhängung eines Röntgengitters (1), aufweisend: – einen um eine erste Achse (3) drehbaren ersten Drehrahmen (2), in oder auf dem das Röntgengitter (1) angeordnet ist, und – zwei mit dem ersten Drehrahmen (2) verbundene, entlang der ersten Achse (3) ausgerichtete, gelenkartige erste Biegeelemente (4), um die der erste Drehrahmen (2) reversibel drehbar gelagert ist. Außerdem gibt die Erfindung auch eine Anordnung mit einer derartigen Vorrichtung sowie ein Verfahren zum Betrieb einer derartigen Anordnung an. Die Erfindung bietet den Vorteil, dass die Verwendung von gelenkartigen Biegeelementen völlig spielfrei und deutlich kostengünstiger im Vergleich zu bekannten Lösungen ist.

27-04-2016 дата публикации

System zum Bewerten der Qualität medizinischer Bilder wenigstens eines Teils der Anatomie eines Patienten

Номер: DE202014010690U1

System zum Bewerten der Qualität medizinischer Bilder wenigstens eines Teils der Anatomie eines Patienten, wobei das System umfasst: – eine digitale Speichervorrichtung, die Anweisungen zum Bewerten der Qualität medizinscher Bilder wenigstens eines Teils der Anatomie eines Patienten speichert, und – eine Verarbeitungseinheit, die dazu konfiguriert ist, die Instruktionen auszuführen, um ein Verfahren durchzuführen, das Folgendes umfasst: – Empfangen eines oder mehrerer Bilder wenigstens eines Teils der Anatomie eines Patienten, – Bestimmen eines oder mehrerer Bildmerkmale des/der empfangenen Bilder unter Verwendung einer Verarbeitungseinheit des Computersystems, wobei das eine oder die mehreren Bildmerkmal(e) entweder eine Gesamtheit eines der erhaltenen Bilder oder mehrerer der empfangenen Bilder definieren, – Durchführen einer anatomischen Lokalisation oder Modellierung wenigstens eines Teils der Anatomie des Patienten basierend auf den empfangenen Bildern unter Verwendung einer Verarbeitungseinheit ...

31-12-1959 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001072470B

02-01-2009 дата публикации

Method for adjusting target guidance system, involves calculating display of three-dimensional image data set of patient from view of target guidance system according to vector pointing to patient

Номер: DE102007029199A1

The method involves defining a vector pointing to a patient. A three-dimensional image data set of the patient is used (S10) during the adjustment of a target guidance system. Coordinate systems of the target guidance system are relocated (S12) to the coordinate system of the three-dimensional image data set in a location and dimensionally correct manner. A display of the three-dimensional image data set is calculated (S14) from a view of the target guidance system according to the vector. Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) an X-ray angiography system (2) a method for technical support of target guidance in a puncture of a patient.

10-07-2003 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Unterstützung der Orientierung im Gefäßsystem

Номер: DE0010162272A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren, mit welchem bei einer invasiven Gefäßoperation eine Gefäßkarte mit großer Genauigkeit bereitgestellt und der aktuellen Röntgenaufnahme zugeordnet werden kann. Die Gefäßkarte wird dabei aus einem vierdimensionalen Modell des Gefäßbaums gewonnen, das heißt aus einem räumlich-dreidimensionalen, zeitabhängigen Modell, wobei sich die Zeitabhängigkeit auf Körpereigenbewegungen wie insbesondere den Herzschlag und/oder die Atmung bezieht. Insbesondere kann der Rhythmus des Herzschlages oder der Atmung sensorisch erfasst und zur synchronen Auswahl und Darstellung des entsprechenden dreidimensionalen Gefäßmodells verwendet werden.

06-12-2007 дата публикации

Object`s e.g. vascular tree of patient, outline determination method, involves determining brightness region between upper pixel values and lower pixel values representing objects e.g. vascular tree of patient, in histogram of x-ray image

Номер: DE102006025917A1

The method involves determining a brightness region between upper pixel values and lower pixel values representing objects e.g. vascular tree of a patient (4), in histogram of an x-ray image (2). A planar image is produced from the x-ray image, where pixels with pixel values in the brightness area are set to a value in the planar image. The planar image is straightened by an edge filter, where pixel in a transition area is assumed to be larger than an intermediate value. An outline is formed from the planar image as the quantity of image pixels formed with the intermediate value.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Ermittlung wenigstens einer Änderung einer tubulären Gewebestruktur eines Lebewesens, Recheneinheit und Datenträger

Номер: DE102010018460B4

Verfahren zur Ermittlung wenigstens einer Änderung einer tubulären Gewebestruktur (A) eines Lebewesens (P) von einem ersten zu einem zweiten, von dem ersten verschiedenen Zeitpunkt, bei dem – in einem bereitgestellten ersten, zu dem ersten Zeitpunkt erzeugten Volumendatensatz und in einem bereitgestellten zweiten, zu dem zweiten, von dem ersten verschiedenen Zeitpunkt erzeugten Volumendatensatz der tubulären Gewebestruktur (A) des Lebewesens (P) jeweils die Mittellinie (M1, M2) der tubulären Gewebestruktur (A) bestimmt wird, – in dem ersten Volumendatensatz und in dem zweiten Volumendatensatz der tubulären Gewebestruktur (A) jeweils die Innenwand (I1, I2) und/oder die Außenwand (A1, A2) der tubulären Gewebestruktur (A) bestimmt werden, – die tubuläre Gewebestruktur (A) des ersten Volumendatensatzes und die tubuläre Gewebestruktur (A) des zweiten Volumendatensatzes anhand ihrer Mittellinien (M1, M2) miteinander registriert werden, – entlang der Mittellinie (M1) der tubulären Gewebestruktur ...

29-09-2011 дата публикации

Verfahren zur hervorgehobenen Darstellung von Objekten bei interventionellen angiographischen Untersuchungen sowie Vorrichtung zur Durchführung des Verfahrens

Номер: DE102010013221A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur hervorgehobenen Darstellung von Objekten (14) bei interventionellen angiographischen Untersuchungen mit folgenden Schritten: a) Erfassung wenigstens eines Leerbildes (10), wenigstens eines Füllungsbildes (11) mit kontrastmittelgefülltem Gefäßbaum (12) und wenigstens eines Nativbildes (13) mit eingeführtem Objekt (14) mittels eines Detektors (4) mit einem matrixförmigen Array von Pixeln, b) Subtraktion (20) des Leer-(10) und Füllungsbildes (11) zur Erzeugung eines Subtraktionsbildes (22), c) Verschiebung (35) des Subtraktionsbildes (22) um wenigstens ein Pixel in x- und/oder y-Richtung und anschließende Aufsummierung zur Erzeugung eines modifizierten Gefäßbildes (39), d) Segmentierung (40) des Gefäßbaums (12) im modifizierten Gefäßbild (39) zur Erzeugung eines Segmentierungsbildes (41), e) Verarbeitung (42) des modifizierten Gefäßbildes (39), des Segmentierungsbildes (41) mit Gefäßbaum (12) und wenigstens eines weiteren Bildes (29, 13) zur Erzeugung ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zur automatisierten Kanülierung

Номер: DE102017201437A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein System (100) zur datenabhängigen automatisierten Kanülierung der Blutgefäße von Patienten, insbesondere für die Hämodialsye, aufweisend: mindestens einen Kanülierautomaten (1), der für die automatisierte Kanülierung der Blutgefäße von Patienten eingerichtet ist, ein Steuerungssystem (50, 51), das mindestens eine Datenverarbeitungseinrichtung aufweist und das zur Ausführung eines Steuerungsverfahrens eingerichtet ist, das den mindestens einen Kanülierautomaten in Abhängigkeit von Programmparametern steuert, mindestens eine Benutzerschnittstelleneinrichtung (80), mittels der eine Benutzereingabe ermöglicht wird, durch die ein Patient am Steuerungssystem (50, 51) angemeldet wird, wobei in Folge dieser Anmeldung vom Steuerungssystem eine dem angemeldeten Patienten individuell zugeordnete Patientenkennung verwendet wird, die als angemeldete Patientenkennung bezeichnet wird, und wobei das Steuerungssystem dazu eingerichtet ist, die Programmparameter in Abhängigkeit ...

01-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002444229B2

17-09-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Bewegungskorrektur bei Bilddatensätzen, Bildverarbeitungseinrichtung und Computerprogramm

Номер: DE102014204411A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Bewegungskorrektur wenigstens eines von wenigstens zwei zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten aufgenommenen Bilddatensätzen (1) eines Zielgebiets eines Untersuchungsobjektes, insbesondere eines Menschen, in Bezug auf einen Referenzbilddatensatz der Bilddatensätze (1), wobei das Zielgebiet wenigstens zwei unabhängig voneinander bewegbare Körperabschnitte, insbesondere Teile von Gliedmaßen, enthält, wobei automatisch jeder Bilddatensatz (1) in jeweils genau einen der Körperabschnitte enthaltende Subbilddatensätze (5) aufgeteilt wird, wobei für jedes Paar eines Subbilddatensatzes (5) des Referenzbilddatensatzes und des entsprechenden Subbilddatensatzes (5) eines auf Bewegung zu korrigierenden Bilddatensatzes (1) eine starre Registrierung zur Ermittlung von die Bewegung des jeweiligen Körperabschnitts beschreibenden Bewegungsinformationen durchgeführt wird.

16-12-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002028515A1

14-07-2016 дата публикации

07.09.07Verfahren zur Nachbearbeitung eines dreidimensionalen Bilddatensatzes einer Gefäßstruktur

Номер: DE102006045423B4

Verfahren zur Nachbearbeitung eines 3D Bilddatensatzes (6) einer Gefäßstruktur (8) eines menschlichen oder tierischen Körpers, mit den folgenden Schritten: (a) Bereitstellen eines 3D Bilddatensatzes (6) der Gefäßstruktur (8), der mit einer medizinischen Bildgebungsmodalität aufgenommen wurde; (b) Bereitstellen einer 2D DSA (11) (digitale Subtraktionsangiographie) der Gefäßstruktur (8) in einer ersten Projektionsrichtung (21); (c) Segmentieren des 3D Bilddatensatzes (6) und der 2D DSA (11) durch ein Schwellwert-Verfahren, wobei diese in Segmente aufgeteilt werden, die jeweils der Gefäßstruktur (8) oder dem Hintergrund (9) zugeordnet sind; (d)Registrieren der 2D DSA (11) mit dem 3D Bilddatensatz (6); (e) Berechnen einer Projektion des 3D Bilddatensatzes (6) auf eine Bildebene in der ersten Projektionsrichtung (24), zur Erzeugung eines berechneten Projektionsbildes (14); und (f) Vergleichen des berechneten Projektionsbildes (14) mit der 2D DSA (11) und automatisches Verändern der lokalen Segmentierungs-Schwellwerte ...

30-09-2010 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Erzeugung eines funktionellen Datensatzes eines perfundierten Bereichs des menschlichen oder tierischen Körpers

Номер: DE102009015386A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zur Erzeugung zumindest eines funktionellen Datensatzes eines perfundierten Bereichs des menschlichen oder tierischen Körpers mit folgenden Schritten: - Bereitstellen eines ersten Bilddatensatzes, welcher zumindest zwei Bilder des perfundierten Bereichs umfasst, die zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten vor und nach einer Injektion von Kontrastmittel in eine erste den Bereich speisende Arterie aufgenommen wurden, - Bereitstellen eines zweiten Bilddatensatzes, welcher zumindest zwei Bilder des perfundierten Bereichs umfasst, die zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten vor und nach einer Injektion von Kontrastmittel in eine zweite den Bereich speisende Arterie aufgenommen wurden, - Erzeugung eines ersten funktionellen Datensatzes durch pixelweise Berechnung von zumindest einem Perfusionsparameter aus dem ersten Bilddatensatz, und - Erzeugung eines zweiten funktionellen Datensatzes durch pixelweise Berechnung von zumindest einem Perfusionsparameter ...

15-10-2009 дата публикации

Betriebsverfahren für eine verschwenkbare Polyplan-Bildgebungsanlage zur zeitaufgelösten Abbildung eines Untersuchungsobjekts

Номер: DE102008016891A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Betriebsverfahren für eine verschwenkbare Polyplan-Bildgebungsanlage, die eine erste und eine zweite unter einem Versatzwinkel gamma relativ zueinander angeordnete, mit einem Fächerwinkel beta aufnehmende, Bildgebungsebene (A, B) umfasst, zur zeitaufgelösten Abbildung eines Untersuchungsobjekts mit folgenden Schritten: S1 Aufnehmen von ersten und zweiten Projektionsbildern in verschiedenen Winkellagen unter Verschwenken der Bildgebungsebenen (A, B) um jeweils einen Winkel von mindestens phi = 180° + beta zur Erzeugung eines von der ersten Bildgebungsebene (A) aufgenommenen ersten Datensatzes (D1) und eines von der zweiten Bildgebungsebene (B) aufgenommenen zweiten Datensatzes (D2) sowie deren Speicherung, S2 Bildung eines dritten Datensatzes (D3), der durch Auswahl von Projektionsbildern aus dem ersten Datensatz (D1) ab einem Startwinkel alpha sowie aus dem zweiten Datensatz (D2), derart, dass der dritte Datensatz (D3) einen Winkelbereich von mindestens phi abdeckt ...

04-11-2010 дата публикации

Lokalisierung eines medizinischen Instruments in einem präinvasiv aufgenommenen Tomographie-Bilddatensatz

Номер: DE102009009158B4

Im Rahmen eines Verfahrens zur Lokalisierung eines in einem Untersuchungsobjekt (2) befindlichen medizinischen Instruments (4) in einem das Untersuchungsobjekt (2) vor Einführung des Instruments (4) abbildenden Tomographie-Bilddatensatz (T) werden eine Echtzeit-Bildsequenz (D) des Untersuchungsobjekts (2) aufgenommen, eine sowohl in dem Tomographie-Bilddatensatz (T) als auch in den Bildern der Echtzeit-Bildsequenz (D) abgebildete anatomische Landmarke des Untersuchungsobjekts (2) bestimmt, das Instrument (4) im Untersuchungsobjekt (2) an die ausgewählte Landmarke gebracht, ein Bild der Echtzeit-Bildsequenz (D), das das in diesem Zustand gelagerte Instrument (4) abbildet, als Referenzbild bestimmt, die Position des Instruments (4) in dem Referenzbild automatisch erfasst, und diese Instrumentenposition der Position der anatomischen Landmarke innerhalb des Tomographie-Bilddatensatzes (T) als Anzeige für die Instrumentenposition zugeordnet.

30-11-1994 дата публикации

Computer assisted pulsed digital angiography

Номер: GB2278526A

Blood flows through a blood vessel is monitored by angiography. A bolus of radio-opaque dye is injected by means of a motorised syringe (16) into the blood vessel over a period less than one cardiac cycle in response to the output of an ECG monitor (14). The dye bolus is injected at a predetermined point in the cardiac cycle. A sequence of X-ray images are then formed by X-ray apparatus (10) incorporating an image intensifier at predetermined intervals to provide an indication of movement of the bolus through the vessel and its branches. Preferably, the sequence of X-ray images are converted into digital format, the set of digital values representing each of the X-ray images being subtracted by means of computer (12) from those representing the next successive X-ray image in the sequence. Any negative digital values are converted to digital zeros. In order to provide an indication of volume flow through the blood vessel, the density of radio-opaque dye within a predetermined notional area ...

16-08-2017 дата публикации

Image reconstruction system and method

Номер: GB0002547360A

A method and system for image reconstruction are provided. A projection image of a projection object may be obtained (420). A processed projection image may be generated based on the projection image through one or more pre-process operations (430). A reconstructed image including an artifact may be reconstructed based on the processed projection image (440). The artifact may be a detector edge artifact, a projection object edge artifact, and a serrated artifact. The detector edge artifact, the projection object edge artifact, and the serrated artifact may be removed from the reconstructed image (450).

21-11-2018 дата публикации

Switching panel

Номер: GB0002562552A

A switching panel (110, Fig. 1) that provides an uninterrupted power supply to a device when a primary power source (125, Fig. 1) fails. The switching panel comprises first (125, Fig. 1) and second (155, Fig. 1) power supply inputs; and a first power output (130, Fig. 1) providing power to a device (140, Fig. 1). The switching panel is arranged to supply power from the first power supply S201 but upon detecting a decrease in the power received from the first supply, below a threshold, S202 the panel generates a signal notifying the device that power will be provided from the second supply S203 and switches the to the second supply S204. The device may be a medical imaging device such as an angiography machine, where the notification signal may causes the device to switch from a high power mode full imaging mode to a low power fluoroscopy mode. When the output of the first source rises the panel may emit an audible and/or visual alert and, in response to receiving a user input, switch back ...

01-12-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002020945B

17-11-2021 дата публикации

Intrinsic contrast optical cross-correlated wavelet angiography

Номер: GB202114122D0

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000504050T

15-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000493070T

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000434407T

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000548968T

15-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506662T

15-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508443T

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Patient-specific modeling of hemodynamic parameters in coronary arteries

Номер: AU2019335857A1

Systems, methods, and computer-readable media are disclosed for patient-specific modeling of hemodynamic parameters in coronary arteries. Example methods may include performing computational fluid dynamics simulations using a patient-specific coronary artery anatomical model derived from medical imaging data and patient-specific boundary conditions derived from a continuously recorded blood pressure waveform to determine patient-specific hemodynamic parameters in a patient's coronary arteries.

05-08-2021 дата публикации

Improved methods for angiography

Номер: AU2020218777A1

The discovery that contrast in blood vessels varies at cardiac frequency in magnitude and phase enables a set of processes for increasing the signal to noise ratio or equivalently the informational content of an angiogram. In this invention, the organization of cardiac frequency magnitude and phase enables equivalent information on anatomy and physiology to be obtained with less dose of injected chemical contrast agent, less x-ray dose, and/or less navigation of the injecting catheter within blood vessels. The cardiac frequency magnitude and phase is organized so that the arterial and venous subsystems of circulation have coherence at cardiac frequency. This enables processes for diagnosing deficits of circulation that involve alterations in the transit of blood from the arterial to the venous subsystems of circulation. Furthermore, the discovery of cardiac frequency magnitude and phase organization enables the design and manufacture of lighter and more portable angiography equipment.

03-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003278465A1

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Registration of electro-anatomical map with pre-acquired imaging using ultrasound

Номер: AU2006201644B2

A system and method for imaging a target in a patient's body includes the steps of providing a pre-acquired image of the target and placing a catheter having a position 5 sensor, an ultrasonic imaging sensor and at least one electrode, in the patient's body. Positional information of a portion of the catheter in the patient's body is determined using the position sensor and electrical activity data-points of a surface of the target are acquired using the at least one electrode. An ultrasonic image of the target is obtained using the ultrasonic imaging sensor and positional information for the 10 electrical activity data-points of the surface of the target is determined. An electrophysiological map of the target is generated based on the electrical activity data-points and the positional information for the electrical activity data-points. Positional information for any pixel of the ultrasonic image of the target is determined and the pre-acquired image and the electrophysiological map are ...

07-08-2008 дата публикации

Identification and analysis of lesions in medical imaging

Номер: AU2008210277A1

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Particle image velocimetry suitable for X-ray projection imaging

Номер: AU2010295229A2

A 2D or 3D velocity field is reconstructed from a cross-correlation analysis of image pairs of a sample, without first reconstructing images of the sample spatial structure. The method can be implemented via computer tomographic X- ray particle image velocimetry, using multiple projection angles, with phase contrast images forming dynamic speckle patterns. Estimated cross-correlations may be generated via convolution of a measured autocorrelation function with a velocity probability density function, and the velocity coefficients iteratively optimised to minimise the error between the estimated cross-correlations and the measured cross-correlations. The method may be applied to measure blood flow, and the motion of tissue and organs such as heart and lungs.

17-12-2001 дата публикации

Method for the combined representation of morphology and dynamics in split-imageand volume-image methods

Номер: AU0007046601A

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Vascular data processing and image registration systems, methods, and apparatuses

Номер: AU2013387679B2
Принадлежит: K&L Gates

In part, the invention relates to processing, tracking and registering angiography images and elements in such images relative to images from an intravascular imaging modality such as, for example, optical coherence tomography (OCT). Registration between such imaging modalities is facilitated by tracking of a marker of the intravascular imaging probe performed on the angiography images obtained during a pullback. Further, detecting and tracking vessel centerlines is used to perform a continuous registration between OCT and angiography images in one embodiment.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Systems for linear mapping of lumens

Номер: AU2013259659A1

Systems for linear mapping of lumens are described which utilizes methods to create a linearized view of a lumen using multiple imaged frames. In reality a lumen has a trajectory in 3-D, but only a 2-D projected view is available for viewing. The linearized view unravels this 3-D trajectory thus creating a linearized map for every point on the lumen trajectory as seen on the 2-D display. In one mode of the invention, the trajectory is represented as a linearized display along 1 dimension. This linearized view is also combined with lumen measurement data and the result is displayed concurrently on a single image. In another mode of the invention, the position of a treatment device is displayed on the linearized map in real time. In a further extension of this mode, the profile of the lumen dimension is also displayed on this linearized map.

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Method and system for modeling blood flow with boundary conditions for optimized diagnostic performance

Номер: AU2014296238A1

Embodiments include a system for determining cardiovascular information for a patient. The system may include at least one computer system configured to receive patient-specific data regarding a geometry of the patient's heart, and create a three-dimensional model representing at least a portion of the patient's heart based on the patient-specific data. The at least one computer system may be further configured to create a physics-based model relating to a blood flow characteristic of the patient's heart and determine a fractional flow reserve within the patient's heart based on the three-dimensional model and the physics-based model.

21-09-2017 дата публикации

Method and system for patient-specific modeling of blood flow

Номер: AU2017221811A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

C:\Users\kll\AppData\Local\Temp12713 IDAOBAFC.DOCX-22 12/2015 Embodiments include a system for determining cardiovascular information for a patient. The system may include at least one computer system configured to receive patient-specific data regarding a geometry of the patient's heart, and create a three dimensional model representing at least a portion of the patient's heart based on the patient-specific data. The at least one computer system may be further configured to create a physics-based model relating to a blood flow characteristic of the patient's heart and determine a fractional flow reserve within the patient's heart based on the three-dimensional model and the physics-based model.

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Method and system for patient-specific modeling of blood flow

Номер: AU2018226375A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Abstract A system for determining cardiovascular information for a patient, the system comprising: at least one computer system configured to: receive patient specific data regarding a geometry of an anatomical structure of the patient; create a three-dimensional model representing at least a portion of the anatomical structure of the patient based on the patient-specific data, the three-dimensional model representing at least one fluid flow inlet and at least one fluid flow outlet; create at least one boundary condition model representing fluid flow through at least one of the at least one inlet or the at least one outlet, based at least in part on modeling a condition of hyperemia; and determine first information regarding a blood flow characteristic within the anatomical structure of the patient based on the three dimensional model and the at least one boundary condition model. cCD Co co VC C C) C) f I co C, Loij 0~ u~ EtIt C3oI ...

07-08-2001 дата публикации

Methods and systems for performing medical procedures with reference to projective images and with respect to pre-stored images

Номер: AU0002472101A

05-12-1996 дата публикации

Digital angiographic apparatus

Номер: AU0005236396A

13-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001228181A1

18-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002587436A1

16-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002563714C

... ²²²The invention is an interface device and system for establishing an operating ²interface between an injector device and diagnostic imaging equipment. In one ²embodiment, the interface device may permit an operator to concurrently ²operate and control the injector device and the imaging equipment. The ²interface device may permit the injector system and the imaging system to ²communicate information regarding their current and future operational status ²with each other. The interface device may be used to synchronize the operation ²of the imaging equipment and the injector device. In one embodiment, the ²injector device and the imaging equipment may be able to communicate with each ²other directly or through the interface device via a communications protocol ²comprising binary logic signals. The binary logic signals may comprise one or ²more of a low strength signal, a high strength signal, an oscillating signal ²that oscillates between low and high signal strength, and combinations thereof ...

12-02-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001182589A

An improved method and apparatus for generating video images of the internal structure of a body is disclosed. A contrast medium is injected into the vessel to be imaged. Radiation is directed at the body, and radiation which passes through the body is detected and converted into a series of frames of electronic video signals, preferably in digital form. The frames represent images of the radiation transmission characteristics of the body at a series of successive times. Each frame includes an array of pixels, the video level at each pixel of a frame being determined by the radiation transmissivity of the body through an elemental region thereof. An initial video frame, i.e., the first video frame generated after the initiation of video processing, is stored in a digital video frame store. The video signal level at each pixel of the next frame is compared to the video signal level of the corresponding pixel of the stored frame. The lower of the two video signal levels being compared is ...

15-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1081868A

An x-ray souce is mounted in an enclosure for angulating longitudinally about a horizontal axis. An x-ray permeable patient supporting table is mounted on the top of the enclosure for executing lateral and longitudinal movement. An x-ray image receiving device such as an x-ray intensifier is mounted above the table on a vertically movable arm which is on a longitudinally movable carriage. Electric control means are provided for angulating the x-ray source and image intensifier synchronously as the image intensifier system is shifted longitudinally or vertically such that the central ray from the x-ray source is kept perpendicular to the image input plane of the image intensifier.

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3127005A1

The discovery that contrast in blood vessels varies at cardiac frequency in magnitude and phase enables a set of processes for increasing the signal to noise ratio or equivalently the informational content of an angiogram. In this invention, the organization of cardiac frequency magnitude and phase enables equivalent information on anatomy and physiology to be obtained with less dose of injected chemical contrast agent, less x-ray dose, and/or less navigation of the injecting catheter within blood vessels. The cardiac frequency magnitude and phase is organized so that the arterial and venous subsystems of circulation have coherence at cardiac frequency. This enables processes for diagnosing deficits of circulation that involve alterations in the transit of blood from the arterial to the venous subsystems of circulation. Furthermore, the discovery of cardiac frequency magnitude and phase organization enables the design and manufacture of lighter and more portable angiography equipment.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002998596A1

Sunscreen compositions, products and methods that include at least one UVA sunscreen active agent, at least one UVB sunscreen active agent, and one or more water insoluble film forming polymers. The compositions, products and methods may further include one or more active or inactive cosmetic ingredients. The water insoluble film forming polymers synergistically affect the UVA and UVB sunscreen active agents, in particularly the UVA sunscreen active agents by significantly enhancing the water resistance of the UVA sunscreen active agents after water exposure as determined by the SPF and UVAPF values measured before and after water exposure.

26-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003005280A1

The disclosure relates generally to the field of vascular system and peripheral vascular system data collection, imaging, image processing and feature detection relating thereto. In part, the disclosure more specifically relates to methods for detecting position and size of contrast cloud in an x-ray image including with respect to a sequence of x-ray images during intravascular imaging. Methods of detecting and extracting metallic wires from x-ray images are also described herein such as guidewires used in coronary procedures. Further, methods for of registering vascular trees for one or more images, such as in sequences of x-ray images, are disclosed. In part, the disclosure relates to processing, tracking and registering angiography images and elements in such images. The registration can be performed relative to images from an intravascular imaging modality such as, for example, optical coherence tomography (OCT) or intravascular ultrasound (IVUS).

08-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002490999A1

Systems and methods for noninvasive assessment of cardiac tissue properties and cardiac parameters using ultrasound techniques are disclosed. Determinations of myocardial tissue stiffness, tension, strain, strain rate, and the like, may be used to assess myocardial contractility, myocardial ischemia and infarction, ventricular filling and atrial pressures, and diastolic functions. Non-invasive systems in which acoustic techniques, such as ultrasound, are employed to acquire data relating to intrinsic tissue displacements are disclosed. Non-invasive systems in which ultrasound techniques are used to acoustically stimulate or palpate target cardiac tissue, or induce a response at a cardiac tissue site that relates to cardiac tissue properties and/or cardiac parameters are also disclosed.

13-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002644319A1

03-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002940543A1

A system and method for performing a medical procedure is provided. The system includes a device having a shaft that generally extends from a proximal end to a distal end along a longitudinal axis. The distal end of the device is configured to identify a topographical profile of a lumen, wherein the topographical profile is determined by traversing the device a distance along the longitudinal axis of the lumen. The device also includes at least one of a plurality of projections movably coupled to the distal end and configured to provide a coupling with the lumen by extending in a direction substantially orthogonal to the longitudinal axis, and at least one radiopaque marker coupled to the distal end and designed to provide a contrast during imaging of the device.

06-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002965091A1

The present invention provides a method, including: introducing an instrument into a cavity of a subject; obtaining a first image from a first imaging modality; identifying on the first image from the first imaging modality at least one element, obtaining a second image from a second imaging modality; generating a compatible virtual image from the first image from the first imaging modality; mapping planning data on the compatible virtual image; coarse registering of the second image from the second imaging modality to the first image from the first imaging modality; identifying at least one element of the mapped planning data from the compatible virtual image; identifying a corresponding element on the second imaging modality; mapping the corresponding element on the second imaging modality; fine registering of the second image from the second imaging modality to the first image from the first imaging modality; generating a third image.

23-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002836790C

In part, the invention relates to an image data collection system. The system can include an interferometer having a reference arm that includes a first optical fiber of length of LI and a sample arm that includes a second optical fiber of length of L2 and a first rotary coupler configured to interface with an optical tomography imaging probe, wherein the rotary coupler is in optical communication with the sample arm. In one embodiment, L2 is greater than about 5 meters. The first optical fiber and the second optical fiber can both be disposed in a common protective sheath. In one embodiment, the system further includes an optical element configured to adjust the optical path length of the reference arm, wherein the optical element is in optical communication with the reference arm and wherein the optical element is transmissive or reflective.

07-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002850691A1

... [Solution] This system is a system that analyzes bloodflow at a target blood vessel location by means of a simulation, and has: a fluid analysis unit whereby a computer applies computation conditions including boundary conditions pertaining to bloodflow to 3D shape data of the target blood vessel location, and determines state quantities of bloodflow at each position of the lumen of the target blood vessel location by means of computation; a 3D shape correction unit whereby a computer corrects 3D shape data by means of simulating a surgical treatment method and outputs the post-correction 3D shape data; and a comparative display unit that re-executes computation of state quantities by the fluid analysis unit on the basis of the post-correction 3D shape data, and displays the computation results after shape data correction in a manner so that comparison is possible with the computation results before correction.

07-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002850476A1

... [Solution] This system is a computer-based system for simulating the effect of a specific surgical treatment method on the basis of three-dimensional shape data of a targeted blood-vessel site in a subject, wherein the computer comprises: a treatment method accepting unit that three-dimensionally displays three-dimensional shape data of a targeted blood-vessel site on a display and accepts the designation of a lesion on the display and the selection of a surgical treatment method with respect to the lesion; a correction method storage unit that stores, in advance in a memory, selectable treatment methods and methods for correcting the three-dimensional shape data according to the respective treatment methods; and a corrected three-dimensional shape output unit that retrieves the correction method stored in the correction method storage unit on the basis of the selection of the treatment method, corrects the three-dimensional shape data of the designated lesion in accordance with the correction ...

15-08-1969 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000477146A

29-03-1985 дата публикации

Heated injection syringe

Номер: CH0000648486A5
Принадлежит: CONTRAVES AG

The heated injection syringe (30) is used for injecting liquid contrast agents into blood vessels of living bodies, and it comprises a barrel (10) with a piston (20) movable to and fro therein, and a heating device (35) surrounding the barrel in a contact-making manner. The heating device (35) which is designed as an integral component comprises an insulating foil (42), a heating element (41), an insulating jacket (40) and at least one thermocouple (45). For control of the heating temperature, the thermocouple transmits a locally temperature-dependent signal to an electronic member (51). Exact equalisation of the temperature gradient between the ambient temperature and the temperature of the contrast agent, on the one hand, and between the ambient temperature and the temperature at the site of the thermocouple, on the other hand, is achieved by means of the thermocouple (45) arranged a short distance (43) away from the heating element (41). ...

04-12-2013 дата публикации

Ultrasonic diagnostic equipment, image processing apparatus, and image processing method

Номер: CN103429162A

Ultrasonic diagnostic equipment according to an embodiment of the invention comprises an acquisition unit (16a) and a detection unit (16b). The acquisition unit (16a) acquires fluid volume data indicating fluid information related to a fluid that flows in an area three-dimensionally scanned by ultrasonic waves. The detection unit (16b) uses the fluid information to detect an area, in which the fluid exists in the aforementioned area, and uses the detected area to detect the luminal area of a lumen in the volume data that is to be image-processed.

21-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN0109788927A

05-05-2010 дата публикации

Optimal view map v.0.01

Номер: CN0001672179B

A method is disclosed which allows for optimally viewing a portion of a patient vascular system to facilitate at least one of diagnosis and treatment the vascular system. The method includes acquiringa model of said vascular system based on image data generated by an imaging device, identifying a portion of interest of the vascular system including determining a central vessel axis for a vessel of interest, generating a foreshortening map of the portion of interest based on viewing angle of the imaging device position, with respect to the patient, generating an overlap map to determine an amount of overlap present for particular viewing angles based on imaging device position, and generating a feasibility map to model dimensions of the patient based on patient characteristics, imaging device configuration, foreshortening and overlap.

23-06-2017 дата публикации

Used for observing the vascular system and pouring organization system

Номер: CN0103976750B

15-04-2009 дата публикации

Determining tissue surrounding an object being inserted into a patient

Номер: CN0101410060A

It is described a method for determining and assessing the tissue surrounding an object being inserted into a patient. The method comprises acquiring a first dataset representing a first 3D image of the patient, acquiring a second dataset representing a second 3D image of the blood vessel structure of the patient and acquiring a third dataset representing a 2D image of the patient including the object. The method further comprises recognizing the object within the 2D image, registering two of the three datasets with each other, whereby the object is back-projected in the blood vessel structure, in order to generate a first combined dataset, and registering the first combined dataset with the remaining dataset in order to generate a second combined dataset representing a further image surrounding the object. The method allows for combining diagnostic scanning such as CT, 3D RA and real-time 2D fluoroscopy. Thereby, it is possible to generate an image perpendicular to a catheter tip representing ...

17-08-2011 дата публикации

Improved computer tomography imaging for detecting examination object with sharp attenuation

Номер: CN0102151140A

The invention relates to a method for acquiring measuring data (p) of an examination object to serve as image data (f) of the examination object by using computer tomography imaging (C1). Measuring data of the examination object as projections are obtained during circulation of X-ray tubes (C2, C4) around the examination object, and data detection for image data (f) of a volume element of the object is carried out during the set of circulations. A non-integral set of projections is detected per circulation, such that an integral projection is complemented with the set of projections. For example, for one volume element, the projection can be obtained during two successive circulations, and half integral set of projections is detected per circulation.

09-03-2018 дата публикации

X-ray recording with superimposed planning information

Номер: CN0107773261A

22-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN0109378076A

17-07-2013 дата публикации

Real-time perfusion imaging and quantification

Номер: CN102223841B

21-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002984109A1

Cet appareil à rayons X comprend un tube à rayons X (2), un détecteur de rayons X (4) disposé à l'opposé du tube à rayons X dans une direction d'émission de rayons X, un dispositif mobile (8) apte à provoquer le déplacement de l'appareil à rayons X sur lequel sont montés le tube à rayons X (2) et le détecteur de rayons X (4), et un système de localisation (11, 13), adapté pour déterminer la position de l'appareil dans une salle d'examen. Il comporte des moyens (14) pour corriger la position de l'appareil déterminée par le système de localisation en fonction de l'inclinaison de l'appareil par rapport au sol.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Agent-based imaging

Номер: US20120041304A1

In one embodiment, a method includes correlating, via a data correlator ( 120 ), contrast delivery information from an injector ( 118 ) for a contrast-enhanced imaging procedure with imaging data acquired by an imaging system ( 100 ) utilized for the procedure. In another embodiment, a method includes performing a pre-procedure validation check on at least one of an injector ( 118 ) or an imaging system ( 100 ) respectively based on at least one protocol parameter of the imaging system ( 100 ) or the injector ( 118 ) and generating, with the injector ( 118 ) or the imagining system ( 100 ), a value indicative of the validation check.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Method and System For Patient-Specific Modeling of Blood Flow

Номер: US20120053921A1
Автор: Charles A. Taylor
Принадлежит: HeartFlow Inc

Embodiments include a system for planning treatment for a patient. The system may include at least one computer system configured to receive patient-specific data regarding a geometry of an anatomical structure of the patient, create a three-dimensional model representing at least a portion of the anatomical structure of the patient based on the patient-specific data, and determine a first fractional flow reserve within the anatomical structure of the patient based on the three-dimensional model and information regarding a physiological condition of the patient. The at least one computer system may be further configured to receive input from a user regarding a plan of treatment, modify the physiological condition of the patient based on the received input, and determine a second fractional flow reserve within the anatomical structure of the patient based on the modified physiological condition of the patient.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Methods and systems for determining vascular bodily lumen information and guiding medical devices

Номер: US20120071782A1
Принадлежит: Angiometrix Corp

Methods and systems for determining information about a vascular bodily lumen are described. An exemplary method includes generating an electrical signal, delivering the electrical signal to a plurality of excitation elements in the vicinity of the vascular bodily lumen, measuring a responsive electrical signal from a plurality of sensing elements in response to the delivered electrical signal, and determining a lumen dimension. Specific embodiments include generating a multiple frequency electrical signal. Another embodiment includes measuring a plurality of responsive signals at a plurality of frequencies. Still other embodiments include using spatial diversity of the excitation elements. Yet other embodiments use method for calibration and de-embedding of such measurements to determine the lumen dimensions. Diagnostic devices incorporating the method are also disclosed, including guide wires, catheters and implants. The methods and systems described herein are advantageous as they do not include injecting a second fluid for the measurements.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Workstations with circuits for generating images of global injury

Номер: US20120082352A1
Принадлежит: Wake Forest University Health Sciences

Physician interactive workstations with global voxel distribution visualization may also include one or more of a 3-D color scale image of a population of voxel in target regions, organs or systems. The workstation may be configured to evaluate intensity or other measures of voxels of patient images associated with tissue for early detection of a global injury.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Device sizing support during interventions

Номер: US20120082360A1
Автор: Raoul Florent

The invention relates to a method and an apparatus for providing device sizing support, the method comprising obtaining an X-ray image of a vessel, introducing a guide wire having a radiopaque wire tip into the vessel, obtaining an X-ray image of the wire tip, segmenting the wire tip when it passes through the vessel, and providing sizing information relating to the size of the vessel based on the size of the wire tip. The imaging system according to the invention includes means providing functionality for performing the method according to the invention.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Time resolved digital subtraction angiography perfusion measurement method, apparatus and system

Номер: US20120114217A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method is disclosed of providing time dependent three dimensional imaging of a region of a patient comprising blood vessels in a perfusion bed.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Medical image diagnosis device and medical diagnosis support method

Номер: US20120148139A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba Medical Systems Corp

A medical image diagnosis device according to an embodiment includes: a mask image generation unit that generates a plurality of mask images that are different in terms of time; a first image generation unit that calculates differences between a plurality of the mask images, and extracts an image of a preceding device that is placed and kept in a blood vessel; a second image generation unit that generates a real-time fluoroscopic image depicting a situation where an insertion device is being inserted into a blood vessel, calculates a difference between the real-time fluoroscopic image and the mask image, and generates an image of the insertion device; an image synthesis unit that synthesizes images generated by the first image generation unit and the second image generation unit; and a display unit that displays an image generated by the image synthesis unit.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Method of ct angiography to visualize trans-osseous blood vessels

Номер: US20120172718A1
Принадлежит: National Central University

A method of CT angiography to visualize trans-osseous blood vessels is disclosed herein. This method for bone elimination and the visualization of trans-osseous blood vessels in two-scan (pre- and post-contrast) CT angiography is invented.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Vascular roadmapping

Номер: US20120183189A1

Cardiac roadmapping consists in correctly overlaying a vessel map sequence derived from an angiogram acquisition onto a fluoroscopy sequence used during PTCA intervention. This enhanced fluoroscopy sequence however suffers from several drawbacks such as breathing motion, high noise level, and most of all suboptimal contrast-enhanced mask due to segmentation defaults. This invention proposes to reverse the process and to locally overlay the intervention device as seen in fluoroscopy onto an optimal contrast-enhanced image of a corresponding cycle. This drastically reduces or suppresses the breathing motion, it provides the high image quality standard of angiograms, and avoids segmentation defaults. This proposal could lead to a brand new navigation practice in PCI procedures.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Arrangement and method for quantitatively determining the blood flow within blood vessels

Номер: US20120190967A1
Автор: Werner Nahm
Принадлежит: Individual

An arrangement quantitatively determines the blood flow within blood vessels through which blood flows in a volume of a tissue defining a surface. Three-dimensional first image data of a first volume portion of the volume is detected and optical second image data is detected continuously in time of a first surface portion of the surface. A calibrating unit of the arrangement calibrates the relative value of the flow speed and/or the volumetric flow of the blood flowing through the blood vessels disposed directly below the first surface portion based on the absolute values of the flow speed and/or of the volumetric flow of the blood. An output unit outputs the absolute values of the flow speed and/or the volumetric flow of the blood flowing through the blood vessels arranged directly below the first surface portion.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

X-ray diagnostic apparatus and image processing apparatus

Номер: US20120229504A1
Принадлежит: Individual

According to one embodiment, an image processing apparatus includes following units. The correspondence table describes a relationship between blood vessel contrasts and reference contrast medium concentrations and reference X-ray conditions. The acquisition unit acquires a blood vessel contrast by referring to the correspondence table based on the planned value of a contrast medium concentration and the X-ray condition. The calculation unit calculates a predictive pixel value of a region of interest set on the X-ray image based on the blood vessel contrast. The display unit displays the X-ray image while superimposing a partial image with the predictive pixel value on the region of interest.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Automatic quantitative vessel analysis

Номер: US20120230565A1
Принадлежит: Sync Rx Ltd

Apparatus and methods are described for use with an image of blood vessels of a subject. In response to a user designating a single point on the image (a) a target portion of a blood vessel is automatically identified in the vicinity of the designated point, and (b) quantitative vessel analysis is performed on the target portion of the blood vessel. An output is generated based upon the quantitative vessel analysis. Other embodiments are also described.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus, x-ray ct apparatus, and image processing method

Номер: US20120243759A1
Автор: Yasuko Fujisawa
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba Medical Systems Corp

An image processing apparatus includes a contrast side obtaining unit, estimating unit, a simple side obtaining unit, a core area computing unit, a synthesizing unit and a display control unit. The contrast side obtaining unit obtains a contrast area and a high CT value area around the contrast area. The estimating unit estimates a contrast area in the non-contrast data and corresponding to the obtained contrast area. The simple side obtaining unit obtains a high CT value area around the estimated contrast area. The core area computing unit computes a core area included in the high CT value area of the contrast data and the non-contrast data. The synthesizing unit aligns the contrast data with the non-contrast data and generates superimposed data by superimposing the high CT value area of the contrast data on the non-contrast data. The display control unit displays the superimposed data on a display device.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus, x-ray ct apparatus and image processing method

Номер: US20120307961A1
Автор: Yoshihiro Ikeda
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba Medical Systems Corp

An image processing apparatus has a map data generating unit, a correction processing unit and a display processing unit. The map data generating unit generates 3D map data including voxel values based on blood signal values of a myocardium area of a heart included in volume data of the heart. The correction processing unit corrects a plurality of voxel values on each a plurality of straight lines radially extending from an interior side of the heart so as to be equivalent to a voxel value at an inner wall side of the myocardium area on each of the straight lines to generate 3D corrected map data on the basis of the 3D map data. The display processing unit generates image data on the basis of the 3D corrected map data to display on a display device.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Device for planning a transcatheter aortic valve implantation

Номер: US20120323545A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A device for planning a transcatheter aortic valve implantation is disclosed. The device includes a segmentation module for segmenting the aorta ascendens with the aorta annulus, the aortic valves and the coronary ostia as well as the left ventricle; a determination module, which determines on the basis of the segmented data the aorta annulus plane and from this one or more angiography projections for setting an angiography device, with which the aorta annulus and the coronary ostia are able to be detected in the optimum manner for positioning the transcatheter heart valve; and an output module that outputs this information. The proposed device supports the user in the planning of a transcatheter aortic valve implantation.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

X-ray imaging apparatus having vibration stabilising means, and method for operating such an x-ray imaging apparatus

Номер: US20130010925A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An X-ray imaging apparatus is provided. The X-ray imaging apparatus comprises an imaging assembly mounted on a rotary arm, the imaging assembly comprising an X-ray source and an X-ray detector coupled to the rotary arm so that X-rays emitted by the X-ray source are incidental to the X-ray detector. The X-ray imaging apparatus further comprises a first vibration measurement device coupled to the X-ray source and a second vibration measurement device coupled to the X-ray detector, and a first actuator and a second actuator configured to move the X-ray source and the X-ray detector to suppress'at least one component of the vibrations measured by the first and second vibration measurement devices.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Three Dimensional Co-Registration for Intravascular Diagnosis and Therapy

Номер: US20130030295A1
Принадлежит: Volcano Corp

A method and system are disclosed for creating, in a coordinated manner, graphical images of a body including vascular features from a combination of image data sources. The method includes initially creating an angiographic image of a vessel segment. The angiographic image is, for example, either a two or three dimensional image representation. Next, a vessel image data set is acquired that is distinct from the angiographic image data. The vessel image data set comprises information acquired at a series of positions along the vessel segment. An example of such vessel image data is a set of intravascular ultrasound frames corresponding to circumferential cross-section slices taken at various positions along the vessel segment. The angiographic image and the vessel image data set are correlated by comparing a characteristic rendered independently from both the angiographic image and the vessel image data at positions along the vessel segment.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Dynamic radiographing system

Номер: US20130039468A1
Автор: Yoshihiro Takeda
Принадлежит: Konica Minolta Medical and Graphic Inc

A dynamic radiographing system enables determination of an evaluation value of the heart function of a subject by plain radiography. The dynamic radiographing system comprises a radiographing apparatus, an image processing apparatus, and a console for diagnosis. The radiographing apparatus dynamically radiographs the heart of a subject and creates radiographs in plural time phases (Step S 1 ). The image processing apparatus calculates an evaluation value of the heart function by using the radiographs in plural time phases (Step S 4 ). The console for diagnosis displays information on the calculated evaluation value on the display section (Step S 5 ).

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Determining Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of an Object

Номер: US20130064343A1
Принадлежит: Pie Medical Imaging BV

A computer-implemented method for determining a 3 D surface reconstruction of an object, which comprises generating a first 3 D surface reconstruction of the object from a plurality of 2 D images of the object obtained from different perspectives. A region of interest of the object is specified. At least one viewing direction is determined for viewing the specified region of interest. At least one 2 D image of the object corresponding to the at least one viewing direction is obtained. A second 3 D surface reconstruction of the object is generated from all or part of the 2 D images used to generate the first 3 D surface reconstruction and the at least one 2 D image of the object corresponding to the at least one viewing direction for the specified region of interest. A corresponding apparatus and computer program are also disclosed.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for patient-specific modeling of blood flow

Номер: US20130064438A1
Принадлежит: HeartFlow Inc

Embodiments include a system for determining cardiovascular information for a patient. The system may include at least one computer system configured to receive patient-specific data regarding a geometry of the patient's heart, and create a three-dimensional model representing at least a portion of the patient's heart based on the patient-specific data. The at least one computer system may be further configured to create a physics-based model relating to a blood flow characteristic of the patient's heart and determine a fractional flow reserve within the patient's heart based on the three-dimensional model and the physics-based model.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Medical fluid injection system

Номер: US20130066202A1
Принадлежит: ACIST Medical Systems Inc

One embodiment provides a method of using contextual lighting to assist a user of a medical fluid injection system. In this embodiment, the method includes providing a lighted display in proximity to a component of the injection system during setup of the medical fluid injection system. If the user has properly performed a setup function that is associated with the component of the injection system, the method further comprises providing a first visual indication on the lighted display. If the user has not properly performed the setup function that is associated with the component of the injection system, the method further comprises providing a second visual indication on the lighted display.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for patient-specific modeling of blood flow

Номер: US20130066618A1
Принадлежит: HeartFlow Inc

Embodiments include a system for determining cardiovascular information for a patient. The system may include at least one computer system configured to receive patient-specific data regarding a geometry of the patient's heart, and create a three-dimensional model representing at least a portion of the patient's heart based on the patient-specific data. The at least one computer system may be further configured to create a physics-based model relating to a blood flow characteristic of the patient's heart and determine a fractional flow reserve within the patient's heart based on the three-dimensional model and the physics-based model.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Modeling of pharmaceutical propagation

Номер: US20130102897A1
Принадлежит: Medrad Inc

A method of delivering a contrast enhancing fluid to a patient using an injector system, including: determining at least one patient transfer function for the patient based upon data specific to the patient, the at least one patient transfer function providing a time enhancement output for a given input; determining a desired time enhancement output; using the at least one patient transfer function to determine an injection procedure input; and controlling the injector system at least in part on the basis of the determined injection procedure input.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

X-ray diagnostic apparatus

Номер: US20130114797A1
Автор: Ryuji Zaiki
Принадлежит: Individual

According to one embodiment, an X-ray diagnostic apparatus includes at least a tabletop support, an arm, a position storing unit, and a mechanism controlling unit. The tabletop support supports a tabletop movably in a longitudinal direction, a raising/reclining direction, and an upper/lower direction of the tabletop. The arm holds an X-ray tube and an X-ray detector movably in an approaching/separating direction with respect to the tabletop support. The position storing unit stores a photographing position of the arm and a photographing position of the tabletop in association with each other. When the arm is at a retraction position, the mechanism controlling unit moves the tabletop in the raising/reclining direction and the upper/lower direction to maintain a position in at least the upper/lower direction of a region of the object corresponding to a photographing position of the arm stored by the position storing unit.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Heart Treatment Kit, System, and Method for Radiosurgically Alleviating Arrhythmia

Номер: US20130131425A1
Принадлежит: CyberHeart Inc

Radiosurgical treatments of tissues of the heart mitigate arrhythmias and treat other tumerous and non-tumerous disease using an implanted fiducial positioned in or near the heart using cardiac catheterization techniques. The fiducials may be implanted after diagnostic and planning images of the target tissues have been acquired. Fiducial implantation may take place the day of a scheduled radiosurgical treatment. Techniques to accommodate post-planning fiducial implantation may include registration of the implanted fiducial location with the treatment plan, and active fiducials may limit collateral imaging radiation exposure while enhancing tracking accuracy.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

X-ray medical apparatus furnished with luminous devices controlled as a function of the mode of operation of the apparatus

Номер: US20130136232A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An X-ray apparatus is provided. The X-ray apparatus comprises: an X-ray tube; an X-ray detector disposed opposite the X-ray tube in a direction of the emission of X-rays; and a set of luminous devices controlled by a central unit controlling the operation of the apparatus so as to emit luminous radiations as a function of the mode of operation of the apparatus.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Inclined phase grating structures

Номер: US20130148780A1

Grating interferometer comprising inclined phase grating structures, method for increasing the definition of phase contrast images of interferometers or in applications which are based on the Talbot effect, using inclined phase grating structures, phase gratings wherein the grating structures are positioned at angles on the substrate of the phase grating, method for producing grating structures which are positioned at angles on the substrate of the phase grating, and corresponding uses.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Devices, Systems, and Methods for Visualizing an Occluded Vessel

Номер: US20130150716A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure are configured to visualize severe blockages in a vessel and, in particular, chronic total occlusions in blood vessels. In some particular embodiments, the devices, systems, and methods of the present disclosure are configured to visualize the blockage to facilitate safe crossing of the blockage. 1. A method of crossing a severe occlusion of a vessel of a patient , the method comprising:introducing a flexible, elongate imaging device into the vessel of the patient,advancing the imaging device to a position immediately adjacent the severe occlusion of the vessel such that a tapered distal tip of the imaging device is in contact with the occlusion and such that at least one imaging element of the imaging device is spaced from the occlusion by a distance less than 5 mm; andobtaining images of the vessel, including the occlusion, with the imaging device positioned immediately adjacent the severe occlusion.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the imaging device is an ultrasound device and wherein the at least one imaging element is an ultrasound transducer.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the imaging device is an optical coherence tomography device and wherein the at least one imaging element is an optical fiber or a reflector.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the flexible claim 1 , elongate imaging device is a catheter.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the catheter is a rapid-exchange catheter.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the catheter is an over-the-wire catheter.7. The method of claim 4 , further comprising penetrating the severe occlusion based on the images obtained by the imaging device.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein penetrating the severe occlusion includes advancing an occlusion crossing device through a central lumen of the catheter to the occlusion.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the occlusion crossing device is an ablation device.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the occlusion crossing device is a puncture ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172732A1

A method () and system () for performing real-time, dynamic overlays on fluoroscopic images to aid in navigation and localization during medical procedures. 1. A method of registration of image overlays for anatomical images , comprising:a. obtaining dynamic images of an anatomical region of interest;b. providing a static image of the anatomical region of interest;c. performing a rigid registration of the static image with the dynamic images using a lasso catheter secured to an object within the anatomical region of interest;d. estimating motion of the anatomical region of interest in the dynamic images using the lasso catheter; ande. dynamically updating registration of the images using the motion estimation.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein obtaining dynamic images comprises obtaining dynamic fluoroscopy images with corresponding projection geometry for each image of the anatomical region of interest.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing a static image comprises providing a segmented volumetric image of the anatomical region of interest.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein providing a static image further comprises marking points of interest of the anatomical region of interest.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the anatomical region of interest comprises the heart and surrounding vasculature and the lasso catheter is secured to a pulmonary vein.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the lasso catheter is secured to an object within the anatomical region of interest so as to move in synchronization with the anatomical region of interest and estimating comprises estimating motion of the lasso catheter.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the lasso catheter is secured to a pulmonary vein so as to move in synchronization with the heart and estimating motion of the heart comprises estimating motion of the lasso catheter.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein estimating motion of the lasso catheter comprises tracking movement of the lasso catheter and approximately ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Devices, systems and methods for carbon dioxide angiography

Номер: US20130204130A1
Принадлежит: Merit Medical Systems Inc

Disclosed herein are various embodiments of devices, systems and methods for the delivery of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) as a contrast agent for angiography. The CO 2 delivery device can include a syringe and a shuttle valve assembly in fluid communication with the syringe, such that the shuttle valve can be disposed in a first position to pressurize the syringe with CO 2 , and a second position to deliver a bolus of CO 2 to a subject.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Medical diagnostic imaging apparatus

Номер: US20130208863A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba Medical Systems Corp

A medical diagnostic imaging apparatus of an embodiment includes: an imaging unit configured to capture a medical image of a blood vessel in which an artificial valve is to be placed; a display unit configured to display the medical image captured by the imaging unit; a storage unit configured to store artificial valve information about a length of the artificial valve; and a control unit configured to find a length of the artificial valve in the medical image displayed by the display unit, and to judge whether or not the length thus found and the length in the artificial valve information stored in the storage unit are the same.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and system unit for stereoscopic x-ray imaging

Номер: US20130216021A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for stereoscopic x-ray imaging by a stereoscopic x-ray tube and by an x-ray radiation detector is provided. The x-ray radiation detector has a buffer. The stereoscopic x-ray tube has two x-ray beam sources disposed a short distance from one another. 2D image datasets are acquired at relatively short intervals one after the other, which have good quality.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Adaptive imaging and frame rate optimizing based on real-time shape sensing of medical instruments

Номер: US20130216025A1

A system and method for adaptive imaging include a shape sensing system ( 115, 117 ) coupled to an interventional device ( 102 ) to measure spatial characteristics of the interventional device in a subject. An image module ( 130 ) is configured to receive the spatial characteristics and generate one or more control signals in accordance with the spatial characteristics. An imaging device ( 110 ) is configured to image the subject in accordance with the control signals.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for evaluating blush in myocardial tissue

Номер: US20130217985A1
Принадлежит: Novadaq Technologies ULC

Vessel perfusion and myocardial blush are determined by analyzing fluorescence signals obtained in a static region-of-interest (ROI) in a collection of fluorescence images of myocardial tissue. The blush value is determined from the total intensity of the intensity values of image elements located within the smallest contiguous range of image intensity values containing a predefined fraction of a total measured image intensity of all image elements within the ROI. Vessel (arterial) peak intensity is determined from image elements located within the ROI that have the smallest contiguous range of highest measured image intensity values and contain a predefined fraction of a total measured image intensity of all image elements within the ROI. Cardiac function can be established by comparing the time differential between the time of peak intensity in a blood vessel and that in a region of neighboring myocardial tissue both pre and post procedure.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Robotic catheter system

Номер: US20130231679A1
Принадлежит: Hansen Medical Inc

A robotic catheter system includes a controller with a master input device. An instrument driver is in communication with the controller and has a guide instrument interface including a plurality of guide instrument drive elements responsive to control signals generated, at least in part, by the master input device. An elongate guide instrument has a base, distal end, and a working lumen, wherein the guide instrument base is operatively coupled to the guide instrument interface. The guide instrument includes a plurality of guide instrument control elements operatively coupled to respective guide drive elements and secured to the distal end of the guide instrument. The guide instrument control elements are axially moveable relative to the guide instrument such that movement of the guide instrument distal end may be controlled by the master input device.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237815A1

A method for determining a four-dimensional angiography dataset describing the flow of contrast agent over time through a blood vessel system of the body of a patient is provided. Four-dimensional flow information is obtained from two-dimensional images captured in a capture time period in different projection directions using a biplanar x-ray device in an inflow phase and/or an outflow phase of the contrast agent by back projection of the images. A three-dimensional reconstruction dataset is determined from the projection of the images depending on the flow information during a filling phase in which the contrast agent is present evenly distributed in the blood vessel system. The three-dimensional reconstruction dataset is animated in order to determine the angiography dataset. The capture time periods for the inflow phase and/or the outflow phase are determined from images captured of a test bolus. 1. A method for determining a four-dimensional angiography dataset describing a flow of contrast agent over time through a blood vessel system of a body of a patient , comprising:capturing test bolus images for determining a time period;capturing two-dimensional images in the time period in different projection directions using a biplanar x-ray device in an inflow phase and/or an outflow phase of the contrast agent, wherein the biplanar x-ray device comprises two radiographic arrangements each having a radiation source and a radiation detector;obtaining a four-dimensional flow information from the two-dimensional images captured in the time period by back projection of the images;determining a three-dimensional reconstruction dataset from the projection of the images depending on the four-dimensional flow information during a filling phase in which the contrast agent is present evenly distributed in the blood vessel system; andanimating the reconstruction dataset for determining the angiography dataset.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising capturing ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245435A1

In a computerized method and system to generate visualization command data for two-dimensional visualization of a vascular tree of a vascular system from tomography data acquired via an imaging system, tomography data of the vascular tree are registered in the form of prepared tomography data that include acquired tomography data of the vascular tree in which said vascular tree is segmented at least in a region of surrounding structures, and in which are present a number of curve lines of vessels of the vascular tree that branch with one another. Inlets are shaped between curve lines that are adjacent and/or connected with one another via node points. Representation data are generated in which the inlets are arranged flat, adjoining one another in a two-dimensional presentation plane. The visualization command data are derived from the representation data and presented as an output. 1. A method to generate visualization command data for two-dimensional visualization of a vascular tree of a vascular system from tomography data acquired with an imaging system comprising:providing a processor with tomography data of a vascular tree, acquired using an imaging system as prepared tomography data comprising the acquired tomography data of the vascular tree in which the vascular tree is segmented, and in which a plurality of curve lines of the vascular tree are present that branch with respect to one another;in said processor automatically shaping inlets between curve lines, among said plurality of curve lines that have a geometrical relationship with respect to each other selected from the group of being adjacent and being connected to each other via respective node points;in said processor, generating representation data for said vascular tree in which said inlets are arranged so as to be flat and adjoining one another in a two-dimensional presentation plane; andin said processor deriving, from said representation data, visualization command data that control a visualized ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Genetic variants as markers for use in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of eosinophilia, asthma, and myocardial infarction

Номер: US20130253847A1

Polymorphic variants (e.g., certain alleles of polymorphic markers) that have been found to be associated with high blood eosinophil counts, conditions causative of eosinophilia (e.g., asthma, myocardial infarction), and/or hypertension are provided herein. Such polymorphic markers are useful for diagnostic purposes, such as in methods of determining a susceptility, and for prognostic purposes, including methods of predicting prognosis and methods of assessing an individual for probability of a response to a therapeutic agent, as further described herein. Further applications utilize the polymorphic markers of the invention include, screening methods and genotyping methods. The invention furthermore provides related kits, computer-readable medium, and apparatus.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130259336A1
Автор: Wakai Satoshi

A medical image processing system includes an angiographic image acquisition unit, a volume data generation unit, a vessel extraction unit, a sorting unit, and an image synthesis unit. The angiographic image acquisition unit acquires an angiographic image on a region including a blood vessel. The volume data generation unit three-dimensionally reconstructs the angiographic image to generate volume data. The vessel extraction unit extracts blood vessels on the basis of the volume data. The sorting unit sorts collateral circulations and ischemic blood vessels on the basis of the blood vessels. The image synthesis unit applies different image processes to the collateral circulations and the ischemic blood vessels, and generates a synthesized image. 1. A medical image processing system , comprising:an angiographic image acquisition unit configured to acquire an angiographic image on a region including a blood vessel;a volume data generation unit configured to three-dimensionally reconstruct the angiographic image to generate volume data;a vessel extraction unit configured to extract blood vessels on the basis of the volume data;a sorting unit configured to sort collateral circulations and ischemic blood vessels on the basis of the blood vessels; andan image synthesis unit configured to apply different image processes to the collateral circulations and the ischemic blood vessels, and to generate a synthesized image.3. The medical image processing system according to claim 2 , whereinthe filter unit applies suppression filtering to the collateral circulations in the contrast-enhanced X-ray image, while applying highlight filtering to the ischemic blood vessels in the imaging X-ray image.4. The medical image processing system according to claim 2 , further comprisinga raysum fluoroscopic image generation unit configured to generate a raysum fluoroscopic image on the basis of the volume data, whereinthe alignment unit aligns the raysum fluoroscopic image and the contrast- ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261440A1

When estimating an arterial input function or a patient under study, cross-calibration factors are generated by comparing nuclear scan data of a radioactive material (e.g., F18) and measuring a sample of the radioactive material in a gamma counter. The derived cross-calibration factors are applied to venous samples collected from the patient during a nuclear scan after infusion with a radioactive tracer, to convert gamma values counted by the gamma counter into concentration values. The concentration values are used to optimize an initial estimated input function, thereby generating an arterialized input function. 1. A system that facilitates cross-calibrating a nuclear scanner to a gamma counter , including:a nuclear scanner that scans a radioactive calibration phantom comprising a radioactive material to acquire scan data;a gamma counter that measures a radioactivity level of a sample of the radioactive material to acquire measurement data; 'generating one or more cross-calibration factors from the scan data and the measurement data.', 'a processor that executes computer-executable instructions stored in a memory, the instructions including2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the instructions further include:acquiring patient scan data of a patient in list mode;generating reconstructed series of nuclear images by reconstructing the list mode data in each of a series of temporal sampling windows;identifying arterial regions in the nuclear images; andgenerating an initial time-activity curve (TAC) based on nuclear image data in the identified arterial regions.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the instructions further include:iteratively adjusting the sampling window and reconstructing the series of images;determining a sampling window in which early bolus activity in the TAC provides a predetermined level of accuracy.4. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the instructions further include:measuring venous samples in the gamma counter, the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261443A1
Автор: Machida Yoshihito

A histogram of pixel values in a difference image between a post-injection X-ray image and composite image is generated. A histogram of pixel values in a difference image between a pre-injection X-ray image and the composite image is generated. From the difference between the histograms, information on pixel values in a region where a radiopaque dye is imaged in the difference image between the post-injection X-ray image and composite image is collected. Pixel values in the difference image between the post-injection X-ray image and composite image are converted by using the collected information, and the converted difference image is output. 1. An image processing apparatus comprising:a generation unit configured to generate a histogram of a pixel value in a difference image between an X-ray image of a radiopaque dye injection target portion imaged after a radiopaque dye is injected and an X-ray image of the radiopaque dye injection target portion imaged before the radiopaque dye is injected; anda conversion unit configured to convert the pixel value in the difference image based on the histogram.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said generation unit generates one composite image by synthesizing X-ray images of a plurality of frames of the radiopaque dye injection target portion imaged before the radiopaque dye is injected claim 1 , and generates a histogram of a pixel value in a difference image between the generated composite image and the X-ray image of the radiopaque dye injection target portion imaged after the radiopaque dye is injected.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein said conversion unit comprises:a histogram generation unit configured to generate a histogram of a pixel value in a difference image between the composited image and the X-ray image of the radiopaque dye injection target portion imaged before the radiopaque dye is injected; anda collection unit configured to collect information on a pixel value in a region, in the ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

System for Coregistration of Optical Coherence Tomography and Angiographic X-ray Image Data

Номер: US20130281832A1

A system comprises a catheter including a lens, for acquiring optical coherence tomography images within the vessel of interest as the catheter is being retracted from the vessel in the presence of contrast agent. An X-ray imaging system interface receives a first set of X-ray images of an anatomical region including the vessel of interest containing the catheter. The first set of X-ray images are acquired at points corresponding to the particular points within a heart cycle, while the catheter is stationary in the vessel, in response to a heart electrical activity representative signal and in the absence of contrast agent. An image data processor associates the received X-ray images and corresponding optical coherence tomography image data derived at corresponding time points within respective acquisition heart cycles.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for processing of stroke ct scans

Номер: US20130303900A1

An automatic technique for stroke identification, localization, quantification and prediction, has the steps of receiving a CT scan, pre-processing it to extract the brain region corresponding to a brain volume of a subject who has suffered a stroke; identifying whether a hemorrhage is present in the brain volume and if so obtaining data characterizing the hemorrhage; otherwise identifying whether an infarct is present and if so obtaining data characterizing it; analyzing the results using a brain atlas; and, using the results of the analysis, obtaining at least one predictive value characterizing a prediction about the subject.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Medical image diagnosis apparatus, medical image display apparatus, medical image processing apparatus, and medical image processing program

Номер: US20130315455A1
Автор: Misako Wakai
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba Medical Systems Corp

An inner wall extractor extracts the inner wall of a vital tissue based on medical image data. An outer wall extractor extracts the outer wall of the vital tissue based on the medical image data. A first raised portion calculator obtains information including the presence of a first raised portion in which the inner wall of the vital tissue is raised inward, based on the extracted inner wall of the vital tissue. A second raised portion calculator obtains information including the presence of a second raised portion in which the outer wall of the vital tissue is raised outward, based on the extracted outer wall of the vital tissue. A display controller superimposes the information of the first raised portion obtained by the first raised portion calculator and the information of the second raised portion obtained by the second raised portion calculator on an image of the vital tissue, and causes the image to be displayed on a display unit.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Adaptive roadmapping

Номер: US20130322724A1

The invention relates to adaptive roadmapping providing improved information to the user, comprising the following steps: providing pre-navigation image data representing at least a part of a vascular structure comprising a tree-like structure with a plurality of sub-trees; generating a vessel representation on the basis of pre-navigation image data; acquiring live image data of the object, which object comprises the vascular structure; wherein the vascular structure contains an element of interest; determining spatial relation of the pre-navigation image data and the live image data; analysing the live image data by identifying and localizing the element in the live image data; determining a sub-tree in which the element is positioned, wherein the determining is based on the localization of the element and on the spatial relation; and selecting a portion of the vascular structure based on the determined sub-tree; generating a combination of the live image data and an image of the selected portion of the vascular structure; and displaying the combination as a tailored roadmap. The element may be physical object, for example an interventional tool or device.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Automatic reduction of interfering elements from an image stream of a moving organ

Номер: US20130329977A1
Принадлежит: Sync Rx Ltd

Apparatus and methods are described for imaging a portion of a body of a subject that undergoes a motion cycle. A plurality of image frames of the portion are acquired. The image frames are enhanced with respect to a first given feature of the image frames, by (a) image tracking the image frames with respect to the first given feature, (b) identifying a second given feature in each of the image frames, and (c) in response to the identifying, reducing visibility of the second given feature in the image frames. The image frames that (a) have been image tracked with respect to the first given feature, and (b) have had reduced therein the visibility of the second given feature, are displayed as a stream of image frames. Other embodiments are also described.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130336450A1

A method for recording a four-dimensional angiography data record using an x-ray facility with a C-arm is proposed. Projection images are recorded from different projection directions at different time points of the cardiac cycle. A number of three-dimensional reconstruction image data records assigned respectively to a time segment of the cardiac cycle are reconstructed from the projection images and combined to form the four-dimensional angiography data record by temporal assignment in respect of the cardiac cycle. At least one recording parameter describing the temporal sequence is selected when recording the projection images as a function of cardiac stimulation performed to ensure a stable heart rate during recording so that the recording of the projection images takes place in such a manner that it is synchronized with the cardiac cycle. 1. A method for recording a four-dimensional angiography data record using an x-ray facility with a C-arm , comprising:recording projection images from different projection directions at different time segments of a cardiac cycle of a patient;reconstructing a number of three-dimensional reconstruction image data records assigned respectively with a temporal assignment to a time segment of the cardiac cycle from the projection images; andcombining the three-dimensional reconstruction image data records to form the four-dimensional angiography data record with the temporal assignment; andselecting at least one recording parameter describing the temporal assignment as a function of cardiac stimulation to ensure a stable heart rate during the recording so that the projection images are recorded synchronized with the cardiac cycle.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the projection images are recorded during a single rotational movement of the C-arm and/or each projection image for the time segment is recorded in each cardiac cycle claim 1 , and wherein the recording frequency is selected as a multiple of the heart rate.3. ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345556A1

The present invention provides scanning mechanisms for imaging probes using for imaging mammalian tissues and structures using high resolution imaging, including high frequency ultrasound and/or optical coherence tomography. The imaging probes include adjustable rotational drive mechanism for imparting rotational motion to an imaging assembly containing either optical or ultrasound transducers which emit energy into the surrounding area. The imaging assembly includes a scanning mechanism having including a movable member configured to deliver the energy beam along a path out of said elongate hollow shaft at a variable angle with respect to said longitudinal axis to give forward and side viewing capability of the imaging assembly. The movable member is mounted in such a way that the variable angle is a function of the angular velocity of the imaging assembly. 1. An imaging probe comprising:a hollow shaft;an imaging conduit at least partially residing within said hollow shaft;an imaging assembly mechanically coupled to said imaging conduit at a location remote from a proximal portion of said imaging conduit, said imaging conduit being configured to deliver energy to said imaging assembly, said imaging assembly including a tiltable member for delivering an energy beam along an energy beam path from said tiltable member out of said hollow shaft at a variable imaging angle with respect a longitudinal axis of said hollow shaft;an imaging angle encoder coupled to said imaging assembly, wherein said imaging angle encoder is configured to produce a signal representative of the tilt angle of said tiltable member; anda signal delivery channel coupled to said imaging angle encoder and extending through said hollow shaft for delivering the signal representative of the tilt angle to a proximal portion of said hollow shaft.2. The imaging probe according to wherein said imaging angle encoder is configured to direct an incident energy beam onto a surface associated with said ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Quantitative perfusion analysis for embolotherapy

Номер: US20130345559A1

Methods for quantitative perfusion analysis for embolotherapy are presented. The method quantitatively measures blood flow changes based on angiographic information. The method may provide potential evaluation of optimal embolization endpoints in vascular vessels. The method may be used in various applications such as transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE), or other medical procedures that affect blow flow within bodily tissues. The method is applicable towards treatment of tumors in liver, kidney, brain, and other organs.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140003688A1

A multiple modality imaging system for cardiac imaging includes an x-ray scanner which acquires contrast enhanced CT projection data of coronary arteries with a laterally offset flat panel detector and a SPECT imaging scanner which shares the same examination region and gantry as the x-ray scanner, acquires nuclear projection data of the coronary arteries. A CT reconstruction processor generates a 3D coronary artery image representation, at least one planar coronary artery angiogram, and a 3D attenuation correction map from the acquired CT projection data. A SPECT reconstruction processor corrects the acquired nuclear projection data based on the generated attenuation correction map and generates a SPECT image representation of the coronary arteries from the corrected nuclear projection data. A fusion processor combines the nuclear image representation, the 3D vessel image representation, and the at least one planar vessel angiogram into a composite image. 1. A method for diagnostic imaging , comprising:receiving contrast enhanced CT projection data acquired from an examination region with a laterally offset flat panel detector;selecting a field-of-view (FOV) which includes one or more contrast enhanced vessels; andfrom the received CT projection data, generating a 3D attenuation correction (AC) map of the selected FOV and at least one of a three-dimensional (3D) vessel image representation and at least one planar vessel angiogram.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of generating a three-dimensional (3D) vessel image representation claim 1 , includes:filtering the received CT projection data to enhance the vessels and to remove background information in the selected FOV; andreconstructing a 3D image representation of the FOV from the filtered projection data,3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the step of generating a three-dimensional (3D) vessel image representation claim 2 , further includes:correcting at least one of the filtered ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for generating a contrast medium-assisted x-ray image and x-ray system

Номер: US20140005533A1
Принадлежит: Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH, SIEMENS AG

A method is disclosed for generating at least one x-ray image of a patient having incorporated contrast medium, using x-rays having an energy spectrum and an x-ray detector. The energy spectrum is modified by at least one first filter arranged in the beam path in front of the patient, the patient absorbing a dose in order to generate detector data for the x-ray image and the x-ray image having a CNR value which represents the ratio of the maximum contrast in the image to the noise. The energy spectrum and contrast medium are matched to each other, taking into account the thickness of the patient to be x-rayed, in such a way that an optimization criterion which is taken from an x-ray image that is generated or simulated by way of trials is maximized. Furthermore, an x-ray system is also disclosed.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140005538A1

The invention relates to x-ray imaging technology as well as image post-processing. Particularly, the present invention relates to post-processing of perfusion image data acquired by an x-ray imaging apparatus by absolutely or relatively normalizing perfusion image data to allow a preferred comparison of the image data, both with regard to different acquisitions as well as different patients. To allow normalization of perfusion image data, it may be desirable to know the amount of contrast agent injected, which remains in a coronary. Subsequently, image parameters may be adapted or normalized based on the known amount of contrast agent within the coronary for normalization of perfusion image data. To obtain a precise amount of injected contrast agent, the injected volume of contrast agent flowing through a defined region or section of a vessel may be estimated. Said injected volume of contrast agent may thus be deduced from the estimation of the total volume flow at this location. Accordingly, a method () is provided for dynamic normalization of data for perfusion comparison and quantification, comprising the steps of determining () a total volume flow or an amount of a contrast agent in a blood vessel and normalizing () perfusion data based on the determined total volume flow or amount of contrast agent. 142. Apparatus () for dynamic normalization of data for perfusion comparison and quantification , comprising a processing element adapted to perform a method for dynamic normalization of data for perfusion comparison and quantification ,{'b': '20', 'wherein the processing element is adapted to determine () a total volume flow or an amount of a contrast agent in a blood vessel, and'}{'b': '34', 'wherein the processing element is adapted to normalize () perfusion data based on the determined total volume flow or amount of a contrast agent in the blood vessel.'}2. Apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising{'b': '55', 'a visualization element ();'}{'b': '55', 'wherein ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus, x-ray radiographic apparatus, and image processing method

Номер: US20140016851A1
Автор: Fumiki Nakano
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba Medical Systems Corp

An image processing apparatus has an extraction unit, a base calculation unit, a recommended-region calculation unit and a display unit. The extraction unit extracts a region including a branch artery of a subject based on volume data. The base calculation unit calculates a base of the branch artery based on the region including the branch artery. The recommended-region calculation unit calculates a recommended region for placing a balloon of a balloon catheter based on the volume data and the base. The display unit aligns and displays the recommended region on a basic image.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Computation of Hemodynamic Quantities From Angiographic Data

Номер: US20140024932A1

Methods for computing hemodynamic quantities include: (a) acquiring angiography data from a patient; (b) calculating a flow and/or calculating a change in pressure in a blood vessel of the patient based on the angiography data; and (c) computing the hemodynamic quantity based on the flow and/or the change in pressure. Systems for computing hemodynamic quantities and computer readable storage media are described. 1. A computer-implemented method for computing a hemodynamic quantity , the method comprising:acquiring angiography data from a patient;calculating, by a processor, a flow and/or a change in pressure in a blood vessel of the patient based on the angiography data; andcomputing, by the processor, the hemodynamic quantity based on the flow and/or the change in pressure.2. The computer-implemented method of wherein the hemodynamic quantity comprises fractional flow reserve.3. The computer-implemented method of wherein at least a portion of the angiography data is acquired when the patient is at rest.4. The computer-implemented method of wherein at least a portion of the angiography data is acquired when the patient is in a state of hyperemia.5. The computer-implemented method of wherein the flow comprises hyperemic flow.6. The computer-implemented method of wherein the blood vessel comprises a stenosis.7. The computer-implemented method of further comprising calculating both the flow and the change in pressure.8. The computer-implemented method of wherein the angiography data is acquired at a first physiological state of the patient claim 7 , and wherein the flow corresponds to a second physiological state of the patient that is different from the first physiological state of the patient.9. The computer-implemented method of wherein the first physiological state comprises a rest state and wherein the second physiological state comprises a hyperemic state.10. The computer-implemented method of wherein the calculating of the flow is based on movement of a contrast ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

System and method for detecting materials or disease states using multi-energy computed tomography

Номер: US20140050378A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co, INSTITUTO DO CORACAO

The disclosed embodiments relate to characterizing or quantifying an element or composition of interest within an imaged volume. In accordance with one embodiment, high and low energy images are acquired of a volume of interest using a polychromatic emission source. The high and low energy images are processed to generate monochromatic images. Based on the observed attenuation within the monochromatic images, one or more elements or compositions of interest are characterized within the imaged volume.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140050383A1

A method includes receiving a signal indicative of a single user selected imaging protocol for scanning a patient. The imaging protocol includes parameters for two or more of a bone mineral density, a fat composition, or an aortic calcium imaging procedures. The method further includes performing a single scan of the patient using the single user selected protocol. The method further includes generating a single set of image data for the two or more of a bone mineral density, a fat composition, or an aortic calcium imaging procedures. 1. A method , comprising:receiving a signal indicative of a single user selected imaging protocol for scanning a patient,wherein the imaging protocol includes parameters for two or more of a bone mineral density, a fat composition, or an aortic calcium imaging procedures;performing a single scan of the patient using the single user selected protocol; andgenerating a single set of image data for the two or more of the bone mineral density, the fat composition, or the aortic calcium imaging procedures.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving a signal indicative of one or more user selected analysis algorithms, wherein the one or more user selected analysis algorithms include at least two of a bone mineral density algorithm, a fat composition algorithm, or an aortic calcium algorithm; andprocessing the single set of image data using the one or more user selected analysis algorithms, producing a processing result.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the processing result includes at least one of a bone mineral density image claim 2 , a fat composition algorithm image claim 2 , or an aortic calcium image.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:concurrently displaying the at least one of the bone mineral density image, the fat composition algorithm image, or the aortic calcium image in a same view port of a graphical user interface.5. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:concurrently displaying the at least one of ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for determining treatment margin of target area

Номер: US20140064449A1
Автор: Jie Zheng, Xiang Deng
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a method and apparatus for determining a tumor ablation margin. The method includes acquiring an angiography image before tumor ablation and an angiography image after tumor ablation when tumor ablation is performed, registering the angiography image before tumor ablation and the angiography image after tumor ablation, and determining the tumor ablation margin according to the relative positions of the tumor area in the angiography image before tumor ablation and the ablation area in the angiography image after tumor ablation after registration. Using an embodiment, one directly determines the tumor ablation margin during tumor ablation, thus improving the efficiency and success rate of tumor ablation.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081131A1
Автор: Kyriakou Yiannis

A method is provided for angiographic examination of an organ, vascular system or other body regions as the examination object of a patient by means of 4D rotational angiography. A step S1 of the method involves acquisition of projection images in different cardiac phases. A further step S2 involves reconstruction of 3D volume images in the different cardiac phases. A further step S3 involves calculation of a motion map. A further step S4 includes image combination of the 3D volume images with the motion map to produce resulting, corrected 3D volume images in the different cardiac phases. A further step S5 involves presentation of the resulting, corrected 3D volume images. 1. An angiographic examination method for an organ , vascular system or other body regions as the examination object of a patient by means of 4D rotational angiography , the method comprising the steps of:{'sub': 0', 'N, 'S1) acquiring projection images in different cardiac phases (cto c) and positions,'}{'sub': 0', 'N, 'S2) reconstructing 3D volume images in the different cardiac phases (cto c) from the projection images,'}S3) calculating a motion map from the 3D volume images,{'sub': 0', 'N, 'S4) performing image combination of the 3D volume images with the motion map to produce resulting, corrected 3D volume images in the different cardiac phases (cto c) and'}S5) presenting the resulting, corrected 3D volume images.2. The angiographic examination method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the 3D volume images are used to form a mean value image (x claim 1 , y claim 1 , z) over all the cardiac phases claim 1 , which is included in the image combination according to method step S4.3. The angiographic examination method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the resulting claim 1 , corrected 3D volume images are calculated according to the following equation:{'br': None, 'i': F', 'x, y, z, c', 'f', 'x, y, z, c', 'MM', 'x, y, z', {'o': {'@ostyle': 'single', 'f'}}, 'x, y, z', '−MM', 'x, y, z, 'sub': n', 'n, ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Dual display ct scanner user interface

Номер: US20140098932A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A CT user interface includes first and second displays that selectively display distinct display zones thereon. The first display includes a zone enabling the operator to create a record for each of a plurality of patients and an exam set-up and a protocol selection zone enabling the operator to select a scan protocol for performing a CT scan on a selected patient. A task list zone on the first display displays all steps and sub-steps of a CT scan for a selected patient based on the selected scan protocol, and a settings zone and a scanning zone on the first display displays and enables operator selection of a plurality of scan parameters related to the selected scan protocol. Any general user interface elements not needed for the selected scan protocol are not displayed on the first and second displays, so as to simplify the user interface for the operator.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140100442A1

Systems and methods for aiding users in viewing, assessing and analyzing images, especially images of lumens and medical devices contained within the lumens. Systems and methods for interacting with images of lumens and medical devices, for example through a graphical user interface. 1. A system for aiding a user in analyzing an imaging data set relating to a medical device and a biological structure defining a lumen , the system comprising a monitor to display an image , a central processing unit (CPU) , and storage coupled to the CPU for storing instructions that configure the CPU to:analyze the imaging data set for a parameter;assign an indicator to the medical device based on the presence of the parameter; anddisplay the indicator.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the indicator is a color.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the indicator is overlaid on an image of the medical device.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the imaging data set is obtained with a technique selected from the group consisting of optical coherence tomography claim 1 , intravascular ultrasound claim 1 , co-registered optical coherence tomography and intravascular ultrasound claim 1 , co-registered optical coherence tomography and angioscopy claim 1 , co-registered intravascular ultrasound and angioscopy claim 1 , spectroscopy claim 1 , photoacoustic tomography claim 1 , intravascular magnetic resonance imaging claim 1 , angioscopy claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the parameter is selected from the group consisting of diameter of a vessel claim 1 , area of a vessel lumen claim 1 , thickness of a vessel lumen wall claim 1 , plaque burden claim 1 , vessel remodeling index claim 1 , tissue type claim 1 , size of a thrombus claim 1 , location of a thrombus claim 1 , blood flow claim 1 , blood pressure claim 1 , fluid dynamic measurement claim 1 , stent type claim 1 , stent apposition claim 1 , stent coverage claim 1 , stent fracture claim 1 , stent placement ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140100451A1
Принадлежит: SYNC-RX, LTD.

Apparatus and methods are described for use with an endoluminal data-acquisition device configured to be moved through a lumen of a subject's body, and a two-dimensional angiographic image of the lumen. A value of a luminal-flow-related index of the subject is determined non-invasively at a plurality of locations along the lumen, at least partially by performing image processing on the angiographic image. While the endoluminal data-acquisition device is being moved through the lumen, a set of endoluminal data points of the lumen at a plurality of locations within the lumen is acquired, using the endoluminal data-acquisition device. It is determined that respective endoluminal data points correspond to respective locations along the lumen, and, in response thereto, it is determined that respective endoluminal data points correspond to respective values of the luminal flow-related index. Other applications are also described. 1155-. (canceled)156. Apparatus comprising:an endoluminal data-acquisition device configured to be moved through a lumen of a subject's body, and to acquire at least a first set of endoluminal data points of the lumen at a plurality of locations within the lumen, while being moved through the lumen;an extraluminal imaging device configured to acquire at least one two-dimensional angiographic image of the lumen;a display; and to non-invasively determine a value of a luminal-flow-related index of the subject at a plurality of locations along the lumen, at least partially by performing image processing on the two-dimensional angiographic image,', 'to determine that respective endoluminal data points correspond to respective locations along the lumen,', 'in response thereto, to determine that respective endoluminal data points correspond to respective values of the luminal flow-related index; and', 'to generate an output on the display based upon determining that respective endoluminal data points correspond to respective values of the luminal flow- ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000427A1

Devices, systems, and methods of mapping a vessel system of a patient and identifying lesions therein are disclosed. This includes a method of evaluating a vessel of a patient, the method comprising obtaining image data for the vessel of the patient, obtaining physiological measurements for the vessel of the patient, co-registering the obtained physiological measurements with the obtained image data such that the physiological measurements are associated with corresponding portions of the vessel of the patient, analyzing the co-registered physiology measurements to determine a classification of a lesion within the vessel of the patient, and outputting, to a user interface, the classification of the lesion. Other associated methods, systems, and devices are also provided herein. 1. A system , comprising:a guidewire or catheter configured to be positioned within a blood vessel of a patient, wherein the guidewire or catheter comprises a pressure sensor configured to acquire pressure measurements of the blood vessel, wherein the pressure sensor is coupled to a distal portion of the guidewire or catheter; and communicate with an x-ray imaging device to obtain an x-ray image of the blood vessel;', 'control the guidewire or catheter to acquire the pressure measurements via the pressure sensor;', 'determine, based on the pressure measurements, a plurality of pressure ratios associated with a plurality of locations within the blood vessel;', 'co-register the plurality of pressure ratios with the x-ray image such that each pressure ratio of the plurality of pressure ratios is associated with a corresponding location of the blood vessel;', 'identify a position of a lesion within the blood vessel based on the plurality of co-registered pressure ratios; and', 'output, to the display, a screen display comprising the x-ray image and a graphical representation of the position of the lesion, wherein the graphical representation is disposed at the position of the lesion in the x-ray ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000442A1
Автор: SAKURAGI Futoshi
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

A core-line extraction unit extracts a core line of the blood vessel from a three-dimensional image of a subject including the blood vessel. A local-route extraction unit extracts a local route of the core line within a predetermined range based on a reference point on the core line. In a case where a plurality of points on the local route are projected, a plane setting unit sets a plane having an orientation in which a distribution of a plurality of the projected points has a reference value based on a maximum value of the distribution, as a display plane of the three-dimensional image. 1. An image orientation setting apparatus comprising: extract a core line of a blood vessel from a three-dimensional image of a subject including the blood vessel,', 'extract a local route of the core line within a predetermined range based on a reference point on the core line, and', 'set, in a case where a plurality of points on the local route are projected, a plane having an orientation in which a distribution of a plurality of the projected points has a reference value based on a maximum value of the distribution, as a display plane of the three-dimensional image., 'a processor that is configured to'}2. The image orientation setting apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the processor is configured to display a projected image in which the three-dimensional image is projected onto the display plane, on a display.3. The image orientation setting apparatus according to claim 1 , extract the local route within the predetermined range based on the moved reference point, and', 'set a second display plane on the basis of the local route extracted within the predetermined range based on the moved reference point., 'wherein in a case where the reference point is moved, the processor is configured to'}4. The image orientation setting apparatus according to claim 3 ,wherein the processor is configured to display a first projected image and a second projected image on a display, the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Method for assessing stenosis severity through stenosis mapping

Номер: US20160000397A1
Автор: James Jacobs, Zhongle Wu

A method of assessing stenosis severity for a patient includes obtaining patient information relevant to assessing severity of a stenosis, including anatomical imaging data of the patient. Based on the anatomical imaging data, the existence of any lesions of concerns may be identified. A three dimensional image can be generated of any irregular shaped lesion of concern and a surrounding area from the patient anatomical imaging data. A plurality of comparative two dimensional lesion specific models may be created that have conditions that correspond to the three dimensional model. The comparative two dimensional models may represent vessels having regular shaped lesions with each of the comparative two dimensional models represents a different stenosis severity. The three dimensional model can then be mapped to one of the plurality of comparative two dimensional models. After this mapping, a diagnosis of whether the patient has coronary artery disease may be made.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000416A1
Автор: Dong Wei, Li Fang

A heart CT image processing method and apparatus and a non-transitory computer readable storage medium are provided in this application. The heart CT image processing method comprises reconstructing a heart CT image of a detected object based on projection data of a heart region of the detected object; processing voxel points having voxel values within a first threshold range in the heart CT image and obtaining a first image, wherein the first threshold range is defined by a CT value of a metal object; performing lung region segmentation on the first image to obtain a second image; performing initial heart region segmentation on the second image to obtain a third image; and performing rib removal on the third image to obtain a heart image. 1. A heart CT image processing method , comprising:reconstructing a heart CT image of a detected object based on projection data of a heart region of the detected object;processing voxel points having voxel values within a first threshold range in the heart CT image and obtaining a first image, wherein the first threshold range is defined by a CT value of a metal object;performing lung region segmentation on the first image to obtain a second image;performing initial heart region segmentation on the second image to obtain a third image; andperforming rib removal on the third image to obtain a heart image.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the processing voxel points having voxel values within a first threshold range in the heart CT image comprises replacing the voxel values within the first threshold range with a preset voxel value.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises:judging whether a metal object is present in the heart of the detected object based on the voxel values in the heart CT image.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the lung region segmentation comprises:identifying a region of voxel points having voxel values within a second threshold range in the first image as a ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000420A1
Принадлежит: Canon Medical Systems Corporation

A marker-coordinate detecting unit detects coordinates of a stent marker on a new image when the new image is stored in an image-data storage unit; and then a correction-image creating unit creates a correction image from the new image through, for example, image transformation processing, so as to match up the detected coordinates with reference coordinates that are coordinates of the stent marker already detected by the marker-coordinate detecting unit in a first frame. An image post-processing unit then creates an image for display by performing post-processing on the correction image created by the correction-image creating unit, the post-processing including high-frequency noise reduction filtering-processing, low-frequency component removal filtering-processing, and logarithmic-image creating processing; and then a system control unit performs control of displaying a moving image of an enlarged image of a set region that is set in the image for display, together with an original image. 1. (canceled)2. An image processing apparatus comprising:memory configured to store X-ray images generated based on X-rays radiated from an X-ray tube and passed through a subject, and to detect, each time one of the X-ray images is newly stored in the memory, a position of a feature point of a device retained in the subject on each of the X-ray images;', 'to generate, each time the position of the feature point is detected, a correction image by performing at least one of image shift and image transformation of a second X-ray image, based on a position of a feature point detected on a first X-ray image and a position of a feature point detected on the second X-ray image, the first X-ray image being generated before the second X-ray image;', 'to generate, each time the correction image is generated, an addition correction image obtained by adding together the correction image and at least one correction image generated before the correction image; and', 'to perform control of ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000441A1

A method for extracting a blood vessel may include acquiring an image relating to a blood vessel, the image including multiple slices; determining a region of interest in the image; establishing a blood vessel model; and extracting the blood vessel from the region of interest based on the blood vessel model. 1. A method for extracting a blood vessel implemented on at least one machine each of which has at least one processor and storage , the method comprising:acquiring an image relating to a blood vessel, the image including multiple slices;determining a region of interest in the image;establishing a blood vessel model; andextracting the blood vessel from the region of interest based on the blood vessel model.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining a region of interest in the image comprises:identifying slice information relating to the multiple slices of the image;determining a slice range of the multiple slices corresponding to a sub-image based on the slice information;determining the sub-image in the slice range;acquiring a template based on the sub-image;registering the sub-image based on the template to determine a registered result;identifying the region of interest based on the registered result.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining a region of interest in the image comprises performing machine learning.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining a seed point of the blood vessel including:performing an enhancement operation on the image to obtain an enhanced image;determining gradients of grey values relating to the image to obtain a gradient image;constructing a feature function of the blood vessel based on the enhanced image and the gradient image; anddetermining the seed point of the blood vessel based on the feature function of the blood vessel.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining a centerline of the blood vessel.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the determining a centerline of the blood vessel ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Device and method for spatiotemporal reconstruction of a moving vascular pulse wave in the brain and other organs

Номер: US20170000441A1
Автор: William E. Butler
Принадлежит: Individual

The brain appears to have organized cardiac frequency angiographic phenomena with such coherence as to qualify as vascular pulse waves. Separate arterial and venous vascular pulse waves may be resolved. This disclosure states the method of extracting a spatiotemporal reconstruction of the cardiac frequency phenomena present in an angiogram obtained at faster than cardiac frequency. A wavelet transform is applied to each of the pixel-wise time signals of the angiogram. If there is motion alias then instead a high frequency resolution wavelet transform of the overall angiographic time intensity curve is cross-correlated to high temporal resolution wavelet transforms of the pixel-wise time signals. The result is filtered for cardiac wavelet scale then pixel-wise inverse wavelet transformed. This gives a complex-valued spatiotemporal grid of cardiac frequency angiographic phenomena. It may be rendered with a brightness-hue color model or subjected to further analysis.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000554A1
Автор: Taylor Charles A.

Embodiments include a system for determining cardiovascular information for a patient. The system may include at least one computer system configured to receive patient-specific data regarding a geometry of the patient's heart, and create a three-dimensional model representing at least a portion of the patient's heart based on the patient-specific data. The at least one computer system may be further configured to create a physics-based model relating to a blood flow characteristic of the patient's heart and determine a fractional flow reserve within the patient's heart based on the three-dimensional model and the physics-based model. 1184-. (canceled)185. A method for processing images to determine cardiovascular information , comprising the steps of:receiving image data including a plurality of coronary arteries originating from an aorta;processing the image data to generate three-dimensional shape models of the coronary arteries;simulating a blood flow for the generated three-dimensional shape models of the coronary arteries; anddetermining a fractional flow reserve (FFR) of the coronary arteries based on a blood flow simulation result, wherein in the step of simulating the blood flow, a computational fluid dynamics model is applied to the three-dimensional shape models of the coronary arteries, a lumped parameter model is combined with the computational fluid dynamics model, and a simplified coronary artery circulation model including coronary arteries, capillaries of the coronary arteries and coronary veins is used as the lumped parameter model.186. The method of claim 185 , wherein claim 185 , when simulating the blood flow claim 185 , when applying the computational fluid dynamics model to the three-dimensional shape models of the coronary arteries claim 185 , using an aorta blood pressure pattern as an inlet boundary condition.187. The method of claim 185 , wherein simulating the blood flow comprises determining lengths of centerlines of the three- ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

3d conformal radiation therapy with reduced tissue stress and improved positional tolerance

Номер: US20190001154A1
Автор: Kobi Vortman, Yoav Lévy
Принадлежит: Individual

An approach for enhancing radiation treatment of target tissue includes identifying a target volume of the target tissue; causing disruption of vascular tissue in a region confined to the target volume so as to define the target volume; based at least in part on the disruption of the vascular tissue, determining a radiation treatment plan having a reduced radiation dose for treating the target tissue; and exposing the target volume to the reduced radiation dose based on the radiation treatment plan.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

3-d mapping for guidance of device advancement out of a guide catheter

Номер: US20150005745A1
Принадлежит: Corindus Inc

The present disclosure involves a process for guiding the distal end of a guide wire or working catheter as it emerges from the distal end of a guide catheter into a blood vessel. The distal end of the guide wire or working catheter is provided with an X-ray marker, a determination is made that this distal end has emerged from the distal end of the guide catheter and a fluoroscopic image of the distal end of a guide wire or working catheter is taken. This image is correlated with the length of guide wire or working catheter inserted into the guide catheter. After further advancement of the guide wire or working catheter, another fluoroscopic image of the distal end of a guide wire or working catheter is taken and this image is correlated with the length of guide wire or working catheter which has been inserted into the guide catheter.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

System and method for automatic pulmonary embolism detection

Номер: US20170004619A1
Принадлежит: Jianming Liang, Nima Tajbakhsh

A system and method for detecting pulmonary embolisms in a subject's vasculature are provided. In some aspects, the method includes acquiring a set of images representing a vasculature of the subject, and analyzing the set of images to identify pulmonary embolism candidates associated with the vasculature. The method also includes generating, for identified pulmonary embolism candidates, image patches based on a vessel-aligned image representation, and applying a set of convolutional neural networks to the generated image patches to identify pulmonary embolisms. The method further includes generating a report indicating identified pulmonary embolisms.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005865A1

This disclosure involves the use of X-ray markers that appear in fluoroscopic images and are detected by image processing software to partially or fully automate or assist in the performance of one or more of the steps of a percutaneous interventional procedure typically involving a catheter device. 1. A process for mapping the three dimensional configuration of a blood vessel of a human subject comprising:providing an elongated percutaneous device;providing a system for measuring advancement and retraction of the elongated percutaneous device;providing a fluoroscopic imaging system which provides a two dimensional image of a portion of the elongated percutaneous device in the blood vessel;advancing or retracting the elongated percutaneous device within the blood vessel;obtaining a first fluoroscopic image when the portion of the elongated percutaneous device is at a first location within the blood vessel and a second fluoroscopic image when the portion of the elongated percutaneous device is at a second location within the blood vessel;measuring a first distance that the elongated percutaneous device has advanced or retracted when the first fluoroscopic image is taken;measuring a second distance that the elongated percutaneous device has advanced or retracted between the first fluoroscopic image and the second fluoroscopic image;correlating the fluoroscopic images with the distance measurements to provide an indication of the travel of the elongated percutaneous device out of the plane of the fluoroscopic image.2. The process of wherein the blood vessel is an artery.3. The process of wherein a general map of the artery system of which the blood vessel is part is used to aid in the correlation.4. The process of wherein anatomical observation is used to aid in the correlation.5. The process of wherein the elongated percutaneous device is a robotically driven guide wire with an X-ray marker located at its tip which has been advanced out of the distal end of a guide ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005212A1

Computer implemented methods are disclosed for acquiring, using a processor, digital data of a portion of an elongate object, and identifying, using a processor, a centerline connecting a plurality of points within the portion of the elongate object. The methods also may include defining a first half-plane along the centerline, traversing a predetermined angular distance in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction from the first half-plane to a second half-plane to define an angular wedge, and calculating, using a processor, a view of the angular wedge between the first half-plane and the second half-plane and generating an electronic view of the angular wedge. 1. A computer-implemented method for visualizing elongate objects , the method comprising:acquiring, using a processor, digital data of a portion of an elongate object;identifying, using a processor, a centerline connecting a plurality of points within the portion of the elongate object;defining a first half-plane along the centerline;traversing a predetermined angular distance in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction from the first half-plane to a second half-plane to define an angular wedge;calculating, using a processor, a view of the angular wedge between the first half-plane and the second half-plane; andgenerating an electronic view of the angular wedge.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , repeating the steps of traversing and calculating for one or more additional angular wedges of the portion of the elongate object.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising claim 2 , aligning views of two opposing angular wedges next to each other.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating the half-plane comprises:defining an origin direction for each of the plurality of points of the centerline;calculating, using a processor, a plurality of vectors, each originating from one of the plurality of points toward the origin direction; andcombining the plurality of vectors to generate the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220012865A1
Принадлежит: Elucid Bioimaging Inc.

Systems and methods for analyzing pathologies utilizing quantitative imaging are presented herein. Advantageously, the systems and methods of the present disclosure utilize a hierarchical analytics framework that identifies and quantify biological properties/analytes from imaging data and then identifies and characterizes one or more pathologies based on the quantified biological properties/analytes. This hierarchical approach of using imaging to examine underlying biology as an intermediary to assessing pathology provides many analytic and processing advantages over systems and methods that are configured to directly determine and characterize pathology from underlying imaging data. 1. A method for computer aided detection of erosion for a pathology using an enriched radiological dataset , the method comprising:receiving a radiological dataset for a patient, wherein the radiological dataset is obtained non-invasively;enriching the dataset by performing analyte measurement and/or classification of one or more of: (i) anatomic structure, (ii) shape or geometry or (iii) tissue characteristic, type or character, with objective validation for a set of analytes relevant to a pathology, wherein the analyte measurement and/or classification of anatomic structure, shape, or geometry and/or tissue characteristic, type, or character includes semantic segmentation to identify and classify regions of interest in the radiological dataset, wherein the regions of interest are identified with respect to cross-sections of a tubular structure in the radiological dataset;using a machine learned classification approach based on known ground truths to process the enriched dataset and determine a erosion for the pathology.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein enriching the dataset further includes spatial transformations of the dataset to accentuate biologically-significant spatial context.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein enriching the dataset includes both (i) semantic segmentation to ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220012927A1

A computer-implemented method for classifying and presenting a contrast phase (CP) of a contrast enhanced computerized tomography (CECT) scan is provided. The method includes training an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm utilizing a set of CPs labeled CECT data to associate a set of characteristics of the data with a probability associated with the CP. The method includes receiving a new set of unlabeled CECT data, and applying the AI algorithm to the new unlabeled CECT data to associate a first probability of a first CP and a second probability of a second CP. The method also includes providing a graphical representation including the first probability of the first CP and the second probability of the second CP. 1. A computer-implemented method for classifying and presenting a contrast phase (CP) of a contrast enhanced computerized tomography (CECT) scan comprising:training an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm utilizing a set of CPs labeled CECT data to associate a set of characteristics of the data with a probability associated with the CP;receiving a new set of unlabeled CECT data;applying the AI algorithm to the new unlabeled CECT data to associate a first probability of a first CP and a second probability of a second CP; andproviding a graphical representation including the first probability of the first CP and the second probability of the second CP.2. The computer-implemented method according to claim 1 , wherein the CP is selected from the group consisting of pre-contrast claim 1 , early arterial claim 1 , arterial claim 1 , portal-venous claim 1 , nephrogenic claim 1 , and late.3. The computer-implemented method according to claim 1 , wherein the graphical representation is in a form of a polygon.4. The computer-implemented method according to claim 3 , wherein a number of sides of the polygon corresponds to a number of the CPs claim 3 , and each vertex of the polygon corresponds to a different one of the CPs.5. The computer-implemented method ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005379A1

Method and related system (IPS) for visualizing in particular a volume of a substance during its deposition at a region of interest (ROI). A difference image is formed from a projection image and a mask image. The difference image is then analyzed to derive more accurate motion information about a motion or shape of the substance. The method or system (IPS) is capable of operating in an iterative manner. The proposed system and method can be used for processing fluoroscopic X-ray frame acquired by an imaging arrangement (100) during an embolization procedure. 1. An image processing system , comprising the following components:an input port configured to receive i) a projection image acquired of a region of interest, ROI, in a specimen whilst a substance is present at or around said ROI and ii) a mask image acquired at a different instant than the projection image when less of said substance is present, an amount of said substance capable of building up over time;ROI focused motion compensator that operates to register the mask image and the projection image to motion compensate for a motion of the ROI;a subtractor configured to subtract, after said image registration, the mask image from the projection image to obtain a difference image;an image enhancer configured to filter the difference image for an image portion that represents the ROI;a motion estimator configured to establish motion information in respect of a motion of the ROI, based on the filtered difference image and based on i) the projection image or ii) the mask image; andan update module configured to provide said estimated motion information into at least one of the motion compensator and the image enhancer and/or configured to adjust at least one of: a subsequent projection image or a subsequent mask image to be provided to the motion compensator.2. Image processing system as per claim 1 , wherein the motion compensator includes a landmark identifier configured to identify in the images a landmark ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005643A1
Автор: RAHN Norbert
Принадлежит: Siemens Healthcare GmbH

A method for visualizing at least one characteristic variable of a patient in an angiographic scan via a C-arm X-ray device, an associated C-arm X-ray device and an associated computer program product are disclosed. An embodiment of the method includes acquiring at least one 2-D image of the patient via the C-arm X-ray device; determining at least one 3-D reference image by applying an image information system to the at least one 2-D image; establishing at least one characteristic variable which describes at least one vessel of the patient in the at least one 3-D reference image; and visualizing the at least one characteristic variable in the at least one 2-D image. 1. A method for visualizing at least one characteristic variable of a patient in an angiographic scan via a C-arm X-ray device , the method comprising:acquiring at least one 2-D image of the patient via the C-arm X-ray device;determining at least one 3-D reference image by applying an image information system to the at least one 2-D image;establishing at least one characteristic variable which describes at least one vessel of the patient in the at least one 3-D reference image; andvisualizing the at least one characteristic variable in the at least one 2-D image.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one characteristic variable describes a vessel foreshortening of the at least one vessel.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one characteristic variable describes a vessel overlap of the at least one vessel.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one metaparameter is assigned to the at least one 2-D image claim 1 , wherein the at least one metaparameter is used in determining the at least one 3-D reference image and wherein the at least one metaparameter comprises at least one parameter of:an item of metainformation regarding the acquiring of the at least one 2-D image via the C-arm X-ray device,a vessel designation of the at least one vessel, anda cardiac phase of the patient.5. The ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005737A1

The present invention relates to an apparatus for providing a synthetic representation of a vascular structure. It is described to provide () at least one 2D X-ray image comprising 2D X-ray image data of a vascular structure of a patient's body part is provided. A 3D model of the body part is provided (), the 3D model comprising a 3D modelled vascular structure. A 2D projection of the 3D model of the body part is determined (), the 2D projection of the 3D model of the body part comprising a 2D projection of the 3D modelled vascular structure. The 3D model of the body part is transformed (). The transform of the 3D model of the body part comprises a determination of the pose of the 3D model of the body part such that a 2D projection of the 3D modelled vascular structure associated with the transformed 3D model of the body part is representative of the 2D X-ray image data of the vascular structure of the patient's body part. A medical report is generated () based on information determined from the 3D model. 1. An apparatus for providing a patient specific 3D model of a body part , the apparatus comprising:an input unit; anda processing unit;wherein, the input unit is configured to provide at least one 2D X-ray image comprising 2D X-ray image data of a vascular structure of a patient's body part;wherein, the input unit is configured to provide a 3D model of the body part, the 3D model comprising a 3D modelled vascular structure, wherein at least one parameter commands an appearance of the 3D modelled vascular structure and wherein the 3D model is a generic model of the body part;wherein, the processing unit is configured to confront the 3D modelled vascular structure with the 2D X-ray image data of the vascular structure to determine the at least one parameter;wherein, the processing unit is configured to update the 3D model as a function of the determined at least one parameter; andwherein, the processing unit is configured to generate a medical report based on ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007292A1
Автор: Conn John Miller

A Retrograde Entry Antegrade Placement (REAP™) method and apparatus facilitate the antegrade (i.e., in the direction of blood flow) placement of endovascular devices for treatment of lower extremity arterial disease. Initially, a retrograde entry is made into the arterial system of a patient at an entry point with a curved needle, which then exits at an exit point proximal to the entry point, with a first wire then passed through the lumen of the curved needle. From the skin exit point, a Dual-Lumen Access Director (DAD) device is advanced in the antegrade direction down the first wire in a first lumen and enters the CFA lumen. A second wire is passed down a second lumen in the DAD device and follows the SFA lumen in the antegrade direction. The DAD device is removed, and a standard dilator and sheath is inserted over the second wire and the endovascular treatment begins. 1. An apparatus for aiding vascular access comprising: the first lumen extending from a head of the access director to a tip of the access director, the first lumen sized to receive an air-to-air wire snugly to diminish bleed-back, wherein the air-to-air wire extends from outside a skin of a subject and into and out of a vascular channel of the subject and out of the skin of the subject, and wherein the first lumen does not communicate with the vascular channel; and', 'the second lumen extending from the head of the access director to a point proximal to the tip that ends in an oval orifice, wherein the second lumen communicates with the vascular channel and allows bleed-back when the oval orifice is within the vascular channel, the second lumen sized to receive a wire snugly to diminish bleed-back when the wire is received in the second lumen, wherein when the oval orifice is within the vascular channel the wire is extended out of the oval orifice and into the vascular channel., 'an access director having a first lumen and a second lumen;'}2. The apparatus according to further comprising:a female ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007852A1

A method and system for translating two dimensional (2D) mapping into a three dimensional (3D) derived model. The method and system receive electrical measurements from a plurality of electrodes of the basket catheter of an anatomical region of interest. The method and system receive a 2D map grid based on the electrodes and corresponding spines of the basket catheter. The 2D map grid includes a location of at least one focus of an arrhythmic rotor. Further, the method and system generate a 3D derived model of the anatomical region of interest that includes the basket catheter and display a 3D location of the focus the arrhythmic rotor on the 3D derived model based on the 2D map grid. 1. A method for translating two dimensional (2D) mapping of electrical measurements into a three dimensional (3D) derived model of an anatomical region , the method comprising:receiving electrical measurements from a plurality of electrodes of a basket catheter of an anatomical region of interest;receiving a 2D map grid based on the electrodes and corresponding spines of the basket catheter, wherein the 2D map grid includes a location of at least one focus of an arrhythmic rotor;generating a 3D derived model of the anatomical region of interest that includes the basket catheter; anddisplaying a 3D location of the focus of the arrhythmic rotor on the 3D derived model based on the 2D map grid.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising acquiring a 2D image of the anatomical region of interest that include the basket catheter; andacquiring a 3D model of the anatomical region of interest, wherein the 3D derived model is based on the 2D image and the 3D model.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising acquiring the 3D model from at least one of a CT imaging system claim 2 , an MR imaging system claim 2 , or a 3D rotational angiography;determining a volume of the anatomical region of interest based on the 3D model; andselecting the basket catheter from a plurality of basket catheters ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007945A1
Автор: Taylor Charles A.

Embodiments include a system for determining cardiovascular information for a patient. The system may include at least one computer system configured to receive patient-specific data regarding a geometry of the patient's heart, and create a three-dimensional model representing at least a portion of the patient's heart based on the patient-specific data. The at least one computer system may be further configured to create a physics-based model relating to a blood flow characteristic of the patient's heart and determine a fractional flow reserve within the patient's heart based on the three-dimensional model and the physics-based model. 1184-. (canceled)185. A method for vascular assessment comprising:receiving a plurality of 2D angiographic images of a portion of a vasculature of a subject, and processing said images to produce a stenotic model over the vasculature, said stenotic model having measurements of the vasculature at one or more locations along vessels of the vasculature;obtaining a flow characteristic of the stenotic model; andcalculating an index indicative of vascular function, based, at least in part, on the flow characteristic in the stenotic model.186. The method according to claim 185 , wherein said measurements of the vasculature are at one or more locations along a centerline of at least one branch of the vasculature.187. The method according to claim 185 , wherein said flow characteristic of said stenotic model comprises resistance to fluid flow.188. The method according to claim 187 , further comprising identifying in said first stenotic model a stenosed vessel and a downstream portion of said stenosed vessel claim 187 , and calculating said resistance to fluid flow in said downstream portion;wherein said index is calculated based on a volume of said downstream portion, and on a contribution of said stenosed vessel to said resistance to fluid flow.189. The method according to claim 185 , wherein said flow characteristic of said stenotic model ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Devices, Systems, and Methods for Improved Accuracy Model of Vessel Anatomy

Номер: US20160007947A1
Принадлежит: Volcano Corp

Devices, systems, and methods of imaging a blood vessel are provided. For example, the method can include obtaining fluoroscopic image data of a region of interest in a blood vessel using an x-ray source; obtaining intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) data at a plurality of positions across the region of interest using an IVUS component disposed on an intravascular device; processing the fluoroscopic image data and IVUS data, including: determining, using the fluoroscopic image data, a position of the intravascular device with respect to the x-ray source at each of the plurality of positions across the region of interest; co-registering the fluoroscopic image data and the IVUS image data; and generating, a model of the region of interest including position information of a border of a lumen of the blood vessel at each of the plurality of locations; and outputting a visual representation of the model of the region of interest.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007949A1

An X-ray diagnostic apparatus according to an embodiment includes an X-ray tube holding device, an X-ray detector, a rotator, an arm, and a tubular body. The X-ray tube holding device generates X-rays. The X-ray detector detects the X-rays. The rotator holds the X-ray tube holding device so as to be rotatable about a first rotation axis obtained by setting an irradiation direction of the X-rays as an axis. The arm holds the rotator and the X-ray detector and is rotatable about a second rotation axis different from the first rotation axis. The tubular body connects the X-ray tube holding device and a device away from the arm. The arm holds the rotator so as to be rotatable about the first rotation axis in a direction in which torsion of the tubular body is reduced. 1. An X-ray diagnostic apparatus comprising:an X-ray tube holding device configured to generate X-rays;an X-ray detector configured to detect the X-rays;a rotator configured to hold the X-ray tube holding device so as to be rotatable about a first rotation axis obtained by setting an irradiation direction of the X-rays as an axis;an arm configured to hold the rotator and the X-ray detector and rotatable about a second rotation axis different from the first rotation axis; anda tubular body configured to connect the X-ray tube holding device and a device away from the arm,wherein the arm holds the rotator so as to be rotatable about the first rotation axis in a direction in which torsion of the tubular body is reduced.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a control circuitry configured to control to rotate the rotator about the first rotation axis in the direction in which the torsion of the tubular body caused by the rotation of the arm is reduced, in accordance with the rotation of the arm about the second rotation axis.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising:a holding mechanism configured to hold the arm so as to be rotatable about the second rotation axis,wherein the tubular body ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Surgery assistance apparatus and method, and non-transitory recording medium having stored therein surgery assistance program

Номер: US20160008085A1
Автор: Yoshinori Itai
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

A surgery assistance apparatus includes an organ region extraction unit that extracts a tubular-organ region from a three-dimensional image obtained by imaging a tubular-organ and a blood vessel dominating the tubular-organ, a blood vessel region extraction unit that extracts a blood vessel region dominating the tubular-organ from the three-dimensional image, a branching structure extraction unit that extracts a branching structure of the blood vessel from the extracted blood vessel region, and a dominated region identification unit that identifies, with respect to an arbitrary partial blood vessel corresponding to an upper edge branching at least once to reach an edge including a terminal-end of the extracted branching structure, a dominated region in the tubular-organ region that is dominated by the arbitrary partial blood vessel by using positional relationships between a plurality of terminal end points present after the edge of the arbitrary partial blood vessel branches last and the tubular-organ region.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Gated Image Acquisition And Patient Model Construction

Номер: US20180007769A1

A method and system is disclosed for acquiring image data of a subject. The image data can be collected with an imaging system with at least two different power characteristics. The image data can be reconstructed using dynamic or enhanced reconstruction techniques. 1. A method of acquiring image data with an imaging system , comprising:providing a first power source to power a single x-ray source tube with a first power characteristic to emit x-rays to acquire a first image data relative to a first selected position for acquisition of a first image data;providing a second power source to power the single x-ray source tube with a second power characteristic different from the first power characteristic to emit x-rays to acquire a second image data relative to the first selected position;providing a moving system to move the single x-ray source tube during the acquisition of the first image data and the second image data; andproviding a processor to execute instructions to reconstruct a single three-dimensional model of at least a portion of a subject based on the acquired first image data and the second image data;wherein the first power characteristic is selected to be at least one of a first voltage of about 40 kV to about 180 kV and a first amperage of about 10 mA to about 500 mA;wherein the second power characteristic is selected to be at least one of a second voltage that is about 40 kV to about 60 kV different than the first voltage and a second amperage that is about 20 mA to about 150 mA different than the first amperage.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:positioning the movable single x-ray source tube in a housing.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:connecting the housing to a mobile cart operable to move the housing from a first room to a second room.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:providing controls to move at least one of the movable single x-ray source tube or the housing during acquiring the first image data and the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008222A1

Robust calcification tracking is provided in fluoroscopic imagery. A patient with an inserted catheter is scanned over time. A processor detects the catheter in the patient from the scanned image data. The processor tracks the movement of the catheter. The processor also detects a structure represented in the data. The structure is detected as a function of movement with a catheter. The processor tracks the movement of the structure using sampling based on a previous location of the structure in the patient. The processor may output an image of the structure. 1. A method for structure detection , the method comprising:scanning, over time, an object having an inserted catheter;detecting by a processor, the catheter as represented in data from the scanning;tracking, by the processor, a movement of the catheter;detecting, by the processor, a structure represented in the data from the scanning, the structure detected as a function of movement with the catheter;tracking by the processor, the structure represented in the data from the scanning, the tracking using sampling based on a previous location of the structure; andoutputting, by the processor, an image of the structure.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the catheter is a pigtail catheter.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the catheter is located at the aortic root of the object.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the data from the scanning includes a plurality of fluoroscopic images.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:removing the inserted catheter.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:constructing a bounding box around the detected structure; andwherein tracking the structure includes sampling within the limits defined by the bounding box.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tracking of the structure includes using a discrete structure forest to track features of the structure.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein tracking the structure comprises tracking the density of the structure claim 7 , ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007807A1

Systems and methods are disclosed for evaluating a patient with vascular disease. One method includes receiving patient-specific data regarding a geometry of the patient's vasculature; creating an anatomic model representing at least a portion of a location of disease in the patient's vasculature based on the received patient-specific data; identifying one or more changes in geometry of the anatomic model based on a modeled progression or regression of disease at the location; calculating one or more values of a blood flow characteristic within the patient's vasculature using a computational model based on the identified one or more changes in geometry of the anatomic model; and generating an electronic graphical display of a relationship between the one or more values of the calculated blood flow characteristic and the identified one or more changes in geometry of the anatomic model. 120-. (canceled)21. A computer-implemented method of evaluating a patient with vascular disease , the method comprising:receiving patient-specific image data regarding a geometry of the patient's vasculature;creating, based on the received patient-specific image data, a patient-specific anatomic model representing a diseased region of the patient's vasculature at a first point of time;computing a characteristic of plaque using one or more image features of the received patient-specific image data;predicting, using the computed characteristic of plaque, a change to a geometric parameter of the diseased region of the patient's vasculature at a second point of time;modifying a geometry of the patient-specific anatomic model to include the predicted change to the geometric parameter of the diseased region at the second point in time; andcomputing a value of a vessel characteristic using the modified patient-specific anatomic model.22. The computer-implemented method of claim 21 ,generating a treatment recommendation or risk assessment based on the computed value of the vessel ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Hemodynamic and Morphological predictors of Vascular Graft Failure

Номер: US20200008765A1

A non-invasive method to predict post-surgery vascular graft failure is provided. Computer Tomography Angiography (CTA) images are obtained of a patient post-surgery. A personalized three-dimensional computer model of the patient is derived from the obtained CTA images. The personalized three-dimensional computer model distinguishes a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model coupled with a closed-loop Lumped Parameter Network (LPN). Post-surgery vascular graft predictors are calculated from the personalized three-dimensional computer model indicative, i.e. predictors, of the post-surgery vascular graft failure or vascular stenosis. 1. A method of non-invasively predicting post-surgery vascular graft failure , comprising:(a) obtaining Computer Tomography Angiography (CTA) images of a patient post-surgery, wherein the surgery included a vascular graft, and wherein the images comprise at least the vascular graft of the patient; and(b) deriving from the obtained CTA images a personalized three-dimensional computer model of the patient, wherein the personalized three-dimensional computer model comprising at least the vascular graft, wherein the personalized three-dimensional computer model comprises a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model coupled with a closed-loop Lumped Parameter Network (LPN);(c) calculating one or more vascular graft predictors from the personalized three-dimensional computer model, wherein the one or more vascular graft predictors are indicative of the post-surgery vascular graft failure or vascular stenosis; and(d) outputting the one or more vascular graft predictors.2. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model represents a coronary anatomy claim 1 , an aortic anatomy and hemodynamic profiles.3. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the closed-loop Lumped Parameter Network (LPN) models a coronary physiology.4. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the closed-loop Lumped Parameter ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

CT Scan Results

Номер: US20200008769A1
Принадлежит: Dassault Systémes Simulia Corp

A method, system, and computer program product for correcting the contrast levels of a medical image of a vascular system is described. One of the methods includes identifying a global reference contrast level. The method includes for each image location which represents a location within the vascular system, determining a corrected contrast level by multiplying the original contrast level of that location by the ratio of the global reference contrast level divided by a local reference contrast level.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009352A1

Devices, systems, and methods for catheterization through angionavigation, cardionavigation, or brain navigation to diagnose or treat diseased areas through direct imaging using tracking, such as radiofrequency, infrared, or ultrasound tracking, of the catheter through the patient's vascular anatomy. A steerable catheter with six degrees of freedom having at least a camera and fiber optic bundle, and one or more active or passive electromagnetic tracking sensors located on the catheter is guided through the vascular system under direct imaging. The direct imaging can be assisted with at least one of MRA imaging, CT angiography imaging, or 3DRA imaging as the roadmap acquired prior to or during 3D stereoangiovision. The system comprises RF transceivers to provide positioning information from the sensors, a processor executing navigation software to fuse the tracking information from the tracking sensors with the imaging roadmap, and a display to display the location of the catheter on the roadmap. 1. (canceled)2. A method to navigate within body structures , comprising:creating a digital image of a patient and at least one marker placed external to the patient, the digital image including an image of the at least one marker and an image of a vascular system of the patient that are acquired by an imaging system that does not use ionizing radiation and iodinated agents, the digital image further including images of the at least one marker captured by two cameras that are positioned at different positions with respect to the patient;generating stereotactic coordinates in a stereotactic coordinate system based at least in part on locations of the at least one marker detected by the imaging system and the two cameras;generating from the digital image a 3D rendering of the vascular system in stereotactic space, the 3D rendering including indications of an entry point of a catheter and a target, the catheter including at least one electromagnetic sensor associated with an ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220028070A1

The disclosure herein relates to systems, methods, and devices for medical image analysis, diagnosis, risk stratification, decision making and/or disease tracking. In some embodiments, the systems, devices, and methods described herein are configured to analyze non-invasive medical images of a subject to automatically and/or dynamically identify one or more features, such as plaque and vessels, and/or derive one or more quantified plaque parameters, such as radiodensity, radiodensity composition, volume, radiodensity heterogeneity, geometry, location, and/or the like. In some embodiments, the systems, devices, and methods described herein are further configured to generate one or more assessments of plaque-based diseases from raw medical images using one or more of the identified features and/or quantified parameters. 1. A method for displaying computed tomography (CT) images and corresponding coronary vessel information including images rendered from the CT images , and identification and measurements of lumen , vessel walls and plaque of coronary vessels determined from the CT images by image processing , the method comprising:storing computer-executable instructions, a set of CT images of a patient's coronary vessels, and coronary vessel information associated with the set of CT images on a non-transitory computer readable medium, the coronary vessel information including information of plaque and locations of segments of the coronary vessels;generating and displaying in a user interface a first panel including a representation of coronary vessels using the coronary vessel information, the representation of coronary vessels depicting coronary vessels identified in the set of CT images;receiving a first input in the first panel indicating a selection of a coronary vessel of the representation of coronary vessels;in response to the first input, generating and displaying on the user interface a second panel illustrating at least a portion of the selected coronary ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220028080A1
Автор: Lavi Guy, Lavi Ifat, Merhav Uri

Automated image analysis used in vascular state modeling. Coronary vasculature in particular is modeled in some embodiments. Methods of “virtual revascularization” of a presently stenotic vasculature are described; useful, for example, as a reference in disease state determinations. Structure and uses of a model which relates records comprising acquired images or other structured data to a vascular tree representation are described. 1a processor communicatively coupled to a medical imaging device; and receive a plurality of 2-D images each comprising vascular features of vascular segments;', 'identify vascular features of the vascular segments within the plurality of 2-D images, each vascular feature including at least one of a vessel segment, a vessel centerline, a furcation, a stenotic region, or a vascular wall boundary,', 'determine a correspondence of the same vascular feature among at least some of the plurality of 2-D images, the determination being made for the identified vascular features,', 'create a graph of vascular width as a function of position along a length of the respective vascular segment using the correspondence of the same vascular feature among at least some of the plurality of 2-D images,', 'determine a vascular characteristic for each of the vascular features using the graph of vascular width for the respective vascular segment, and', 'calculate fractional flow reserve values for the vascular segments using the determined vascular characteristics., 'a memory storing non-transitory computer-readable instructions, which when executed, cause the processor to. A vascular assessment apparatus comprising: This application claims priority to and the benefit as a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/578,839, filed on Sep. 23, 2019, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/031,815, filed on Apr. 25, 2016, now U.S. Pat. No. 10,424,063, which is a National Phase of PCT Patent Application No. PCT/IL2014/050923, ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031270A1

Apparatus and methods are described for use with a tool that is inserted into a portion of a body of a subject that undergoes cyclic motion. The apparatus and methods include using an imaging device, acquiring a plurality of images of the tool inside the portion of the body, at respective phases of the cyclic motion. Using at least one computer processor, an extent of movement of the tool with respect to the portion of the body that is due to the cyclic motion of the portion of the body is determined. In response thereto, an output is generated that is indicative of the determined extent of the movement of the tool with respect to the portion of the body. Other applications are also described. 1. An apparatus , comprising: receive an extraluminal image of a body lumen obtained by the extraluminal imaging device;', 'identify, within the extraluminal image, an endoluminal medical device positioned inside the body lumen;', 'automatically calculate a dimension based on identifying the endoluminal medical device within the extraluminal image, wherein the dimension comprises at least one of a value of the endoluminal medical device or a value of the body lumen associated with deployment of the endoluminal medical device; and', the extraluminal image; and', 'the dimension., 'output, a display in communication with the computer processor, a screen display comprising], 'a computer processor configured for communication with an extraluminal imaging device, wherein the computer processor is configured to2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the computer processor is configured to automatically calculate the dimension based on a known dimension of a tool positioned inside the body lumen.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the tool comprises a guiding catheter claim 1 , and wherein the known dimension comprises a diameter of the guiding catheter.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the computer processor is configured to automatically calculate the dimension in response to ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031277A1
Принадлежит: Canon Medical Systems Corporation

A medical information processing device according to an embodiment includes processing circuitry configured to acquire a plurality of X-ray images including a device inserted into a body of a subject, suppress movement of a characteristic portion characterized in a shape that is positioned distant from a distal end of the device among the X-ray images, and output the X-ray images in which movement of the characteristic portion is suppressed. 1: A medical image processing apparatus comprising: acquire a plurality of X-ray images including a device inserted into a body of a subject,', 'suppress movement of a characteristic portion characterized in a shape that is positioned distant from a distal end of the device among the X-ray images, and', 'output the X-ray images in which movement of the characteristic portion is suppressed., 'processing circuitry configured to'}2: The medical image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the processing circuitry suppresses movement of the characteristic portion by performing matching processing among the X-ray images.3: The medical image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the processing circuitry extracts the characteristic portion from each of the X-ray images claim 1 , and performs matching processing for the characteristic portion among the X-ray images to suppress movement of the characteristic portion.4: The medical image processing apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the processing circuitry suppresses movement of the characteristic portion by performing the matching processing between the X-ray image of a reference frame and the X-ray image of a frame other than the reference frame.5: The medical image processing apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the processing circuitry periodically updates the reference frame.6: The medical image processing apparatus according to claim 2 , comprising:a storage unit configured to store a blood vessel image acquired from the subject, wherein ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Devices and Methods for Trans-Arterial Osmotic Embolization of Pathological Tissue

Номер: US20220031336A1

An endovascular interventional method is provided that includes the steps of: inserting a catheter into a target blood vessel, wherein the catheter is coupled to a system that provides a continuous delivery of contrast and of a hyperosmotic fluid supply; injecting the contrast and determining a rate of flow that achieves angiographic filling of the target blood vessel at a first time; injecting the hyperosmotic fluid continuously at the rate of flow that achieves angiographic filling at the first time for a first period of time; injecting the contrast and determining a rate of flow that achieves angiographic filling of the target blood vessel at a second time following the first period of time; and injecting the hyperosmotic fluid continuously at the rate of flow that achieves angiographic filling at the second time for a second period of time. 1. An endovascular interventional method comprising:inserting a catheter into a target blood vessel, wherein the catheter is coupled to a system that provides a continuous delivery of contrast and of a hyperosmotic fluid supply;injecting the contrast and determining a rate of flow that achieves angiographic filling of the target blood vessel at a first time;injecting the hyperosmotic fluid continuously at the rate of flow that achieves angiographic filling at the first time for a first period of time;injecting the contrast and determining a rate of flow that achieves angiographic filling of the target blood vessel at a second time following the first period of time; andinjecting the hyperosmotic fluid continuously at the rate of flow that achieves angiographic filling at the second time for a second period of time.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hyperosmotic fluid comprises an osmotic embolic agent.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first period of time is about 20 minutes to about 30 minutes.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second period of time is about 20 minutes to about 30 minutes.5. The method of claim ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Image processing device and region extraction method

Номер: US20160012614A1
Автор: Yoshihiro Goto
Принадлежит: Hitachi Medical Corp

To provide an image processing device, a region extraction method, and an image processing method capable of extracting a target region based on minute variations in a concentration value that exist locally and clearly displaying the extracted target region, the image processing device extracts a blood vessel region A from an image to extract a region where a CT value is smaller than an average concentration value of the blood vessel region A as a soft plaque region B. For unextracted soft plaque, a pixel pair is set in a difference region between the region A and the region B, and for each pixel Pj between the pixel pairs, whether or not the pixel value is even smaller than a value slightly smaller than the CT value of the pixel pair is determined. Hence, a portion where a pixel value slightly varies locally is extracted as soft plaque.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Determining a Three-dimensional Model Dataset of a Blood Vessel System with at least One Vessel Segment

Номер: US20160012636A1

A three-dimensional model dataset of a blood vessel system of a patient including at least one the vessel system is determined from a number of projection images, which have been recorded from different recording angles, of the blood vessel system The projection images are divided up into image areas each containing at least one pixel. A feature vector is determined for each of the image areas. Classification information, which describes how the respective image area belongs or does not belong to a vessel segment of the blood vessel system defined in accordance with anatomical specification data, is defined for each of the image areas by applying a classification function to the feature vector assigned to the image area. The classification function has been trained by training data records annotated with classification information obtained from at least one person other than the patient. The blood vessel system in the projection images is segmented by grouping image areas with the same classification information. The three-dimensional model dataset is calculated as a function of the segmented projection images and the classification information. 1. A method for determining a three-dimensional model dataset of a blood vessel system of a patient including at least one vessel segment from a number of projection images of the blood vessel system , which have been recorded from different recording angles , the method comprising:dividing the projection images up into image areas each containing at least one pixel,determining a feature vector comprising at least image data of at least the image area and/or computation data computed as a function of the image data, for each of the image areas,defining classification information that describes how the respective image area belongs to a vessel segment of the blood vessel system defined in accordance with anatomical specification data or describes how the respective image area does not belong to the blood vessel system, for ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031403A1
Автор: Zarkh Michael

Apparatus and methods are described including an endoluminal device configured to move along a portion of a lumen of a subject's body, an extraluminal imaging device, and at least one computer processor. While the endoluminal device moves along the portion of the lumen, a display displays an extraluminal image of the lumen in which a first indication of a location of the lumen is shown. The extraluminal imaging device acquires a sequence of extraluminal images of the endoluminal device moving along the portion of the lumen. The indication of the location of the lumen that is displayed is updated based upon the acquired sequence of extraluminal images, and the acquired sequence of images is displayed with the updated indication of the location of the lumen overlaid upon the images. Other applications are also described. 1. An apparatus , comprising: drive the display to display an extraluminal roadmap image of a lumen of a body of a subject, the extraluminal roadmap image showing a pathway of the lumen, wherein the extraluminal roadmap image is obtained with a contrast agent within the lumen;', 'identify, in the extraluminal roadmap image, a plurality of first pixels comprising the pathway of the lumen;', 'acquire, using the extraluminal imaging device, a plurality of extraluminal images of an endoluminal device moving along the lumen, wherein the plurality of extraluminal images is obtained without the contrast agent within the lumen;', 'select a master image comprising a plurality of second pixels, wherein the master image comprises a first extraluminal image in the plurality of extraluminal images or a blank image with a size corresponding to a size of the first extraluminal image;', 'determine a closest pixel of the plurality of second pixels to a pixel of the plurality of first pixels;', 'determine a distance between the closest pixel of the plurality of second pixels and the pixel of the plurality of first pixels;', 'identify, in a second extraluminal image of ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

System for acquiring a three-dimensional image of arteries and veins

Номер: US20180012398A1

A system and method includes reception of first two-dimensional projection images of a patient volume, each of the first two-dimensional projection images having been acquired from substantially a respective one of a plurality of projection angles during presence of at least a portion of contrast medium in arteries within the patient volume, reception of second two-dimensional projection images of the patient volume, each of the second two-dimensional projection images having been acquired from substantially a respective one of the plurality of projection angles during presence of at least a portion of the contrast medium in veins within the patient volume, generation, for each of the plurality of projection angles, of a composite two-dimensional image based on one of the first two-dimensional projection images acquired from substantially the projection angle and one of the second two-dimensional projection images acquired from substantially the projection angle, generation of a three-dimensional image based on the generated composite two-dimensional images, and display of an image based on the three-dimensional image. 1. A system comprising: receive first two-dimensional projection images of a patient volume, each of the first two-dimensional projection images having been acquired from substantially a respective one of a plurality of projection angles during presence of at least a portion of contrast medium in arteries within the patient volume; and', 'receive second two-dimensional projection images of the patient volume, each of the second two-dimensional projection images having been acquired from substantially a respective one of the plurality of projection angles during presence of at least a portion of the contrast medium in veins within the patient volume;, 'an interface to for each of the plurality of projection angles, generate a composite two-dimensional image based on one of the first two-dimensional projection images acquired from substantially the ...
