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20-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2304573C2

Изобретение относится к способу стабилизации восстановленного кофермента Q10, который может применяться в качестве ингредиента в товарах пищевого назначения, пищевых добавках, компонентах питания, лекарствах для животных, напитках, косметических средствах и т.д., а также к композициям (вариантам) для поддержания восстановленного кофермента Q10 в стабильном состоянии. Способ включает получение композиции путем смешивания восстановленного кофермента Q10 с жиром или маслом (исключая оливковое масло) и/или полиолом в качестве основного компонента, в котором стабилизация восстановленного кофермента Q10 существенно не ингибируется, с защитой, таким образом, восстановленного кофермента Q10 от окисления, причем восстановленный кофермент Q10 добавляют извне. 3 н. и 55 з.п. ф-лы, 9 табл.

20-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2200537C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Предметом изобретения является комбинация двух катионных красителей в качестве прямых красителей в композициях, не содержащих самоокисляющего красителя и предназначенных для прямого окрашивания кератиновых волокон, в частности волос, способ их окрашивания и набор для прямого окрашивания кератиновых волокон. Изобретение дает окраске менее избирательные, хроматичные и устойчивые к различным агрессивным факторам свойства. 6 с. и 17 з.п.ф-лы, 1 табл.

10-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2095011C1
Принадлежит: Л'Ореаль (FR)

Сущность изобретения: способ окрашивания кератиновых волокон включает нанесение на волокна натуральных красителей и обработку волокон газом так, что волосы, на которые нанесен красящий состав, содержащий по меньшей мере один натуральный краситель, обрабатывают газом, содержащим водяной пар, температурой, не меньшей 75oC в течение не более 2 мин. Газ имеет температуру, равную или выше 85oC, например в интервале 85-150oC. 10 з.п. ф-лы.

10-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2095012C1
Принадлежит: Л'Ореаль (FR)

Сущность изобретения: способ окрашивания кератиновых волокон включает нанесение на волокна красителей и обработку волокон газом так, что на волосы наносят красящую композицию, содержащую по меньшей мере один прямой катионовый краситель, и обрабатывают газом, содержащим водяной пар, температурой, не меньшей 75oC, в течение не более 2 мин. Газ имеет температуру, равную или выше 85oC, например в интервале 85-150oC. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл.

20-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009112278A

... 1. Средство, в частности, для обработки волос, содержащее, по меньшей мере, один гидролизат протеина и, по меньшей мере, биохинон. ! 2. Средство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что соотношение гидролизата (гидролизатов) протеина к биохинону (биохинонам) находится в области от 2:1 до 1000:1, предпочтительно в области от 5:1 до 500:1 и в частности в области от 10:1 до 200:1. ! 3. Средство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что оно в качестве гидролизатов протеина содержит гидролизат кератина из овечьей шерсти или гидролизатов кератина. ! 4. Средство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что гидролизат протеина имеет размер от 400 до 1200 Да. ! 5. Средство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что оно содержит биохинон или биохиноны в расчет на массу в количестве от 0,0000005 до 2%, предпочтительно в количестве от 0,000001 до 1 и в частности в количестве от 0,00001 до 0,5%. ! 6. Средство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что биохинон или биохиноны выбирают из убихинона (убихинонов) и/или пластохинона (пластохинонов). ! 7. Средство по п ...

20-02-2004 дата публикации

Водорастворимые композиции с биологически активными липофильными соединени ми

Номер: RU2001129372A

... 1. Водорастворимая композиция, содержащая биологически активное липофильное соединение и солюбилизирующий агент общей формулы где Х - остаток гидрофобной части молекулы, выбранной из группы, состоящей из стеринов, токоферолов и их производных, Y - остаток гидрофильной части молекулы, выбранной из группы, состоящей из полимерных спиртов, полиэфиров и их производных, р = 1 или 2, m = 0 или 1, и n - целое число в интервале: 0≤n≤18, при условии, что если р и m равны 1, а гидрофобная часть молекулы является α-(+)-токоферолом, то n не равно 2. 2. Композиция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что биологически активное липофильное соединение выбрано из группы, состоящей из убихинонов, убихинолей, витаминов, провитаминов, полиеновых макролидных антибиотиков и их смесей, при условии, что если биологически активное липофильное соединение - убихинон, а гидрофобная часть молекулы - холестерин, то n не равно 8. 3. Композиция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что гидрофобная часть молекулы выбрана из группы, состоящей ...

20-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013131014A

... 1. Композиция по уходу за полостью рта, содержащая:хинон, выбранный из группы, состоящей из алкилзамещенных бензохинонов, галогензамещенных бензохинонов, алкилзамещенных гидрохинонов и галогензамещенных гидрохинонов; иодин или несколько антимикробных агентов, выбранных из группы, состоящей из цинксодержащего соединения, оловосодержащего соединения, тетрагидрокуркумина, соединения четвертичного аммония, хлорфенола и комбинации двух или более из них;где хинон содержится в количестве, эффективном для обеспечения синергического увеличения антимикробной активности, и в которой, по меньшей мере, один из указанных одного или нескольких антимикробных агентов присутствует в концентрации от примерно 100 до примерно 2000 млн.2. Композиция по п. 1, где, по меньшей мере, один из указанных одного или нескольких антимикробных агентов выбран из группы, состоящей из цитрата цинка, оксида цинка, хлорида олова, тетрагидрокуркумина, цетилпиридиний хлорида и триклозана.3. Композиция по п. 1 или 2, где, по меньшей ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Wirkstoffkombinationen aus Ubichinol und Kreatin und kosmetische oder dermatologische Zubereitungen, solche Wirkstoffkombinationen enthaltend

Номер: DE102019218243A1

Wirkstoffkombinationen umfassenda) ein oder mehrere Ubichinole undb) Kreatin ...

09-04-1998 дата публикации

Non oxidative hair dyes

Номер: DE0019653292C1
Принадлежит: WELLA AG, WELLA AG, 64295 DARMSTADT, DE

Agent for dyeing keratin fibres comprises: (A) an ortho-benzoquinone of formula (I); and (B) at least one amino or hydroxyl compound (1) aniline derivatives of formula (IIa), (2) phenol derivatives of formula (IIb), (3) isocyclic aromatic compounds containing more than one ring, substituted with at least one amino or hydroxyl group and at least one nitro, cyano or sulphonate group, (4) five- or six-membered heterocycles containing 1-3 nitrogen atoms and substituted with at least one amino or hydroxyl group and at least one nitro, cyano or sulphonate group and (5) open chain compounds containing at least two amino groups or an amino group and a hydroxyl group, as well as at least one nitro, cyano or sulphonate group. In (I), R1-R4 = H, Cl, 1-5 C alkyl, 1-5 C alkoxy, 1-2 C alkylenedioxy or -NR5R6; R5, R6 = H, aryl or 1-6 C alkyl; R7-R11 = NO2, CN, sulphonate, H, Cl, OH, amino, 1-5 C (hydroxy)alkyl, 1-5 C alkoxy, 2-5 C hydroxyalkyl or carboxyl; and R12-R16 = NO2 , CN, sulphonate, H, Cl, OH ...

28-11-2002 дата публикации

O/W-Emulsionen mit einem Gehalt an einem oder mehreren Biochinonen und einem erhöhten Gehalt an Glycerin

Номер: DE0029924371U1
Принадлежит: BEIERSDORF AG

06-09-2007 дата публикации

Verwendung von Glycyrrhetinsäure und/oder Glycyrrhizin zur Herstellung kosmetischer Zubereitungen zur Bräunung der Haut

Номер: DE102006009850A1

Verwendung von Glycyrrhetin und/oder Glycyrrhizin zur Herstellung kosmetischer oder dermatologischer Zubereitung zur Verstärkung der natürlichen Hautbräunung.

08-05-1969 дата публикации

Mittel zum Faerben von Keratinfasern

Номер: DE0001802395A1

20-09-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002450883B2

15-12-1994 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004319035A1

17-04-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003416044C2

05-01-2011 дата публикации

Haarschutz-Kosmetikum II

Номер: DE102009027361A1

Zusammensetzungen zur Behandlung keratinischer Fasern, enthaltend in einem geeigneten kosmetischen oder dermatologischen Träger - jeweils bzeogen auf ihr Gewicht - mindestens eine dedifferenzierte Pflanzenzellsuspension, mindestens einen Pflegestoff aus der Gruppe L-Carnitin und/oder seiner Salze, Panthenol und/oder Panthothensäure, der 2-Furanone und/oder deren Derivate, insbesondere Pantolacton; Niacin, Niacinamid bzw. Nicotinamid; L-Ascorbinsäure; Thiamin, Riboflavin; Biotin, Taurin und/oder seiner Salze; Ubichinon; Ectoin; Allantoin; Coffein und/oder Theophyllin und/oder Theobromin; der Aminosäuren sowie 0,1 bis 80 Gew.-% mindestens eines Tensids, eignen sich besonders gut, um intrinsische und extrinsische Schädigungen zu verhindern und zu reparieren.

16-06-2005 дата публикации

Kosmetikum mit empfindlichen Inhaltsstoffen

Номер: DE0010354052A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine kosmetische Zubereitung, einen Spender für kosmetische Zubereitungen mit einem die kosmetische Zubereitung enthaltenden, im wesentlichen zylindrischen Behälter, der bodenseitig einen unter dem Druck der Außenatmosphäre an einer Behälterinnenwand gleitverschieblichen Nachlaufkolben aufweist und an seinem oberen Ende ein zu dem Behälter gleitverschiebliches Kopfstück trägt, welches einen mit dem Behälter kommunizierend verbindbaren Ausgabekanal für das Produkt aufweist und auf eine handbetätigbare Fördereinrichtung mit einer volumenveränderlichen Förderkammer für das Produkt einwirkt.

31-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000718409D0

22-07-1970 дата публикации

New Anthraquinone and Nitro Dyestuffs

Номер: GB0001199641A

... 1,199,641. Nitrobenzene compounds and intermediates therefor. L'OREAL. 25 July, 1967 [25 July, 1966; 6 July, 1967; 7 July, 1967], No. 34190/67. Heading C2C. [Also in Divisions C4 and D1] The invention comprises (1) compounds of the formula wherein each of the Z radicals represents a nitrobenzene radical, at least one of which Z radicals being substituted by an amino group which is unsubstituted or substituted by one or two alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, aminoalkyl,mono- or dialkylaminoalkyl radicals, the alkyl radicals in the said substituents containing 1 to 4 C atoms or by a C 1 -C 4 alkyl or alkoxy radical; E represents H or OH; m is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4; and each of the R radicals represents H, C 1 -C 4 alkyl or hydroxyalkyl radical or a radical of the formula wherein n is 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6; and each of R 6 and R 7 represents H or a C 1 -C 4 alkyl radical subject to the proviso that at least one of R 6 and R 7 is alkyl or R 6 and R, together with the N atom form a heterocyclic ring; subject to the proviso ...

02-04-2008 дата публикации

Antimicrobial formulation containing a quinone and a bismuth salt

Номер: GB0002442317A

An antimicrobial formulation contains a quinone and a bismuth salt. Preferably the quinone is a benzoquinone, a hydroquinone or a mixture thereof; in particular an alkyl-substituted benzo / hydroquinone (e.g. TBHQ, TBBQ). The bismuth salt may be bismuth subsalicylate. The formulations may be used to treat microbial infections, for example skin and skin structure conditions such as acne. The formulation may be especially useful against propionibacteria (e.g. propionibacterium acnes) and / or against microbial infections within the oral cavity.

07-07-2004 дата публикации

Sunscreen compositions

Номер: GB0002396813A

The present invention is a sunscreen composition that has at least one sunscreen agent and at least one glucoside emulsifier, The composition also has water. Preferably, the sunscreen composition also has at least one of the following additional components: emulsifier other than glucoside, emollient, skin-feel additive, moisturizing agent, film former/waterproofing agent, pH adjuster/chelating agent, preservative, or any combinations thereof. The composition is a stable oil-in-water emulsion.

21-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008629581D0

28-05-1970 дата публикации

Coloured Polymers

Номер: GB0001193152A

... 1,193,152 Setting lotion. L'OREAL. 16 June, 1967 [16 June, 1966], No. 27838/67. Heading A5B. [[Also in Divisions C3 and D1] A setting lotion suitable for application to hair comprises a solution, e.g. alcoholic, a coloured polymer consisting solely of repeating units of formula (a) or solely of formula (a) and of formula (b) where R is H, CH 3 or C 2 H 5 , Q is a tetravalent hydrocarbon radical derived from a polymer of an ethylenically unsaturated anhydride, consisting of repeating units of formula where D is a mono-cyclic or poly cyclic amino dye nucleus, A is the residue of a monohydric alcohol of formula A.OH and p is 0 or 2-6. In the examples the polymers were made by condensing (1) poly(maleic anhydride) with n-butyl alcohol and a dye of formula (2) poly(itaconic anhydride) with n-ibutyl alcohol and a dye of formula (3) poly(acrylic anhydride) with n-butyl alcohol and a dye of formula (4) poly(methacrylic anhydride) with n-butyl alcohol and a dye of formula and (5) poly(acrylic/methacrylic ...

03-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000605835D0

15-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000349998T

15-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000426390T

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000488555T

15-04-1978 дата публикации

Device for manufacturing shingles

Номер: ATA386377A

15-04-1978 дата публикации

Device for manufacturing shingles

Номер: AT0000386377A

15-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000152608T

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000321525T

11-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000347040B

27-12-1966 дата публикации

Means for coloring hair

Номер: AT0000251193B

15-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000241337T

15-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000272715T

10-09-1969 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of new colored resins

Номер: AT0000274353B

10-12-1969 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of colored polymers

Номер: AT0000276750B

31-07-1998 дата публикации

Reduction of hair growth

Номер: AU0005730298A

15-10-2001 дата публикации

Proliposomal encapsulated preparation

Номер: AU0005469501A

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Topical formulations having enhanced bioavailability

Номер: AU2008228764B2

The present disclosure provides compositions suitable for delivering lipophilic bioactive agents. The compositions may be utilized to treat numerous diseases and conditions that would benefit from the application of a lipophilic bioactive agent.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Composition for colouring keratin fibres

Номер: AU2008201717B2

Present invention relates to a colouring composition for keratin fibres especially for hair, and, especially for brightening hair. Colouring composition of the present invention for keratin fibres especially human hair based on oxidative dye precursors and optionally comprising coupling agents and direct dyes comprises further at least one carbonate at a concentration of 0.75 to 5% by weight, at least one ubiquinone at a concentration of 0.001 to 1%, at least one aminated silicone at a concentration of 0.01 to 1% by weight and at least one chelating agent at a concentration of 0.25 to 5% by weight, all concentrations are calculated to total composition and prior to mixing with a composition comprising oxidizing agent.

13-11-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006874174A

24-06-1999 дата публикации

Process for the two-step direct dyeing of keratin fibres using basic direct dyes

Номер: AU0009420998A

24-11-2016 дата публикации

Bead-shaped cosmetic dosage forms

Номер: AU2015258133A1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

The invention relates to substantially spherical particles, whose average diameter is selected from the range of 0.1 to 10 mm, preferably 2 to 7.5 mm, and which comprise: a polymer matrix, which is substantially insoluble in water; one or more substances selected from the group of the ubiquinones and/or plastoquinones; one or more light filter substances, which is or are selected from the group of the metal oxide pigments; possibly one or more light filter substances, which is or are selected from the group of the common cosmetic light protection filter substances.

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Bead-shaped cosmetic dosage forms

Номер: AU2015258133B2
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

The invention relates to substantially spherical particles, whose average diameter is selected from the range of 0.1 to 10 mm, preferably 2 to 7.5 mm, and which comprise: a polymer matrix, which is substantially insoluble in water; one or more substances selected from the group of the ubiquinones and/or plastoquinones; one or more light filter substances, which is or are selected from the group of the metal oxide pigments; possibly one or more light filter substances, which is or are selected from the group of the common cosmetic light protection filter substances.

21-10-2004 дата публикации

Method of and apparatus for automatically coating the human body

Номер: AU0000777555B2

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002444282C

The present invention provides a preparation for hair and/or scalp which is effective in growing hair and preventing hair removal and has an excellent skin-care effect-on the scalp and high safety. The preparation comprises, as active ingredients, either oxidized coenzyme Q and reduced coenzyme Q or reduced coenzyme Q alone, the total content of oxidized coenzyme Q and reduced coenzyme Q being 0.0001 to 99% by weight based on the whole of the preparation.

06-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002526971A1

The invention provides novel dermatological compositions and related methods useful in the activation of skin growth factors and growth receptors. Compositions of the invention act upon follicle cells and other skin targets to induce hair growth, facilitate dermal cell repair, and enhance skin health.

17-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002339231A1

This invention relates to a method for enhancing the transmembrane penetration of benefit agents using a certain non-ionic lipid/surfactant-containing formulation as an enhancing agent, and the compositions used therein. Various active agents, such as anti-dandruff agents, hair growth agents, hair inhibitor agents, anti-acne agents, anti-aging agents, depilatory agents, and depigmentation agents, may be effectively delivered into the skin, hair follicles and sebaceous glands using the compositions of the present invention.

20-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002458683A1

The object of the invention is an agent for lightening and dyeing keratin fibers, said agent containing (a) an oxidant and (b)at least one yellow direct- dyeing colorant of formula (I) and/or a red, direct-dyeing colorant of formula (II) and/or a blue, direct-dyeing colorant of formula (III), in addition to (c) a basic pH value. The invention also relates to a method for dyeing keratin fibers.

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003021929A1

A method for stabilizing retinoic acid precursors and a skin benefit composition with stabilized retinoic acid precursors are described. The composition has a retinoic acid precursor and a resorcinol to impede oxidation of the precursor in situ in the composition.

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3121001A1

A container for personal health compositions with melatonin. The container has a polyester and a colorant composition with at least two dyes and a pigment. The container can filter out the wavelengths of visible light that contribute to the photodegradation of melatonin during storage in normal factory or home light conditions.

12-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002406570C

The present invention provides a composition for dermal application which comprises, as an active ingredient, an oxidized coenzyme Q represented by the formula (1): (see formula 1) in which n represents an integer of 1 to 12, and/or a reduced coenzyme Q represented by the formula (2) : (see formula 2) in which n represents an integer of 1 to 12, the total content of the oxidized coenzyme Q and reduced coenzyme Q being 0.01 to 99% by weight relative to the whole amount of the composition. The present invention also provides a therapeutic composition for skin diseases, a cosmetic composition, a skin health care composition and a bath salt composition, each comprising the above composition for dermal application. The present invention is further provides a method for the treatment of skin diseases which comprises applying, to a patient suffering from a skin disease, the above-mentioned therapeutic composition for 27 skin diseases, or a method for the treatment of skin diseases which comprises ...

08-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002820233C

The present invention relates to compounds which are perylenequinone derivatives, their stereoisomers and atropisomers. These compounds can be particularly useful as photosensitizers or sononsensitizers in photodynamic or sonodynamic therapy. The invention also relates to various methods for using these compounds in photodynamic and/or sonodynamic therapy. The compounds also are useful as therapeutic agents for treating various hyperproliferative disorders.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002860591A1

The present invention is directed to a nail enamel composition that includes a photoinitiator, a co-initiator, and an oligomer. The nail enamel composition exhibits increased hardness, toughness, scratch resistance, adhesion, and chip resistance when applied to a natural or synthetic nail.

27-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002123739C
Принадлежит: INDENA S.P.A., INDENA SPA

The present invention relates to novel formulations and combinations of lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidants and the use thereof in the therapeutic, foodstuff, dietetic, and cosmetic fields. These formulations are based on the use of carotenoids, procarotenoids and derivatives thereof with polyphenols of catechic and flavanolignane structures. Said formulations, containing a lipophilic antioxidant and an hydrophilic one at fixed ratios, can be used in the prevention of physiopatological conditions related at least partially to an over-production of free radicals, particularly aging, atherosclerosis and cancer.

05-08-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002060619A1

L'invention concerne un procédé de teinture des fibres kératiniques, comprenant l'application sur les fibres d'au moins une composition (A) contenant, dans un milieu approprié pour la teinture, au moins un mono- ou dihydroxyindole, cette application étant précédée ou suivie par l'application d'au moins une composition (B) contenant, dans un milieu approprié pour la teinture, au moins un dérivé carbonylé aromatique choisi parmi les hydroxyacétophénones, les hydroxybenzophénones, les 2-hydroxy 1,4-benzoquinones, les hydroxy 1,4-naphtoquinones, les amino 1,4-naphtoquinones, les hydroxy 9,10-anthraquinones et les amino 9,10-anthraquinones. Le procédé selon l'invention permet d'obtenir une bonne couverture des cheveux blancs dans une nuance naturelle uniforme sur l'ensemble de la chevelure, sans altérer les propriétés mécaniques des cheveux. Ces teintures sont peu sélectives et présentent en outre une bonne résistance à la transpiration, aux lavages, à la lumière, aux agressions chimiques et ...

12-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002204707A1

Quaternized blue anthraquinone compounds of Formula I wherein R1 and R2 are methyl and R3 is propyl, or R1 and R2 are ethyl and R3 is methyl and A is a cosmetically acceptable anion, when employed in an isatin/amine dye system for the dyeing of hair enable the hair colorist to develop a full range of shades for the isatin/a mine dye system. The compound of Formula I wherein R1 and R2 are methyl and R3 is propyl is prefe rred. Compositions and a method of use employing same are disclosed.

29-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002237780C

A method of reducing hair growth in a mammal includes applying, to an area o f skin from which reduced hair growth is desired, a dermatologically acceptabl e composition containing a suppressor of the metabolic pathway for the conversion of glucose to acetyl-CoA.

05-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002253680A1

L'invention concerne un procédé de teinture directe, en deux temps, des fibres kératiniques, en particulier des fibres kératiniques humaines telles que les cheveux, caractérisé par le fait que dans une première étape, on procède à une décoloration des fibres kératiniques, puis dans une deuxième étape, on applique sur les fibres kératiniques une composition tinctoriale contenant, dans un milieu aqueux, au moins un colorant direct basique partiellement dissous, ladite composition tinctoriale étant prête à l'emploi ou résultant du mélange extemporané d'au moins une composition pulvérulente (P) contenant au moins un colorant direct basique et d'une composition aqueuse (A).

18-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002307298C

The present invention relates to a dermatological formulation, wherein the combination of active ingredients Tretinoin, Hydroquinone and Dipotassium Glycyrrhizinat e in an alcoholic base solution yield a skin care composition that is a useful agent for skin cell renewal, reduction of comedones, improvement of skin colour, soothing action , skin smoothening and skin pore refinement.

15-01-1967 дата публикации

Composition pour la coloration des cheveux

Номер: CH0000428102A
Принадлежит: OREAL, L'OREAL

31-01-1967 дата публикации

Composition pour la coloration des cheveux et procédé pour sa préparation

Номер: CH0000429031A
Принадлежит: OREAL, L'OREAL

31-12-1969 дата публикации

Composition cosmétique contenant des polymères colorés

Номер: CH0000483257A
Принадлежит: OREAL, L ' O R E A L

31-07-1969 дата публикации

Produit cosmétique coloré pour le traitement des cheveux

Номер: CH0000475764A
Принадлежит: L O R E A L, L'O R E A L

15-09-1969 дата публикации

Produit cosmétique coloré pour le traitement des cheveux

Номер: CH0000477880A
Принадлежит: OREAL, L'OREAL

15-09-1971 дата публикации

Coloured cosmetic polymers by reaction of amine dyes

Номер: CH0000512524A
Принадлежит: OREAL, L'OREAL

Anhydride-contg. polymers are reacted with dyes containing amine groups to give coloured polymers in which the dye is bound to the backbone by amide linkages. In cosmetics, esp. for aerosol application. The dyes have formula-Col-(CH2)p-NHR where p is a whole number between 2 and 6, R is H, CH3 or C2H5, Col. is a cyclic or polycyclic dyestuff, e.g. benzoic anthraquinoic or azoic dyestuff. The polymers are prepd. from unsatd. acids or anhydrides, e.g. poly(meth)acrylic, polymaleic, polyitaconic anhydrides, etc. Sufficient dye is used to react with 5-25% of the anhydride, the remainder are then esterified, e.g. with BuOH or EtOH.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Skin Collagen Enhancing Agent

Номер: US20130137640A1
Принадлежит: J-OIL MILLS, INC.

A composition includes a food ingredient or nutrient with safety and experience having been eaten for a long time and that shows a collagen enhancing activity. The food ingredient or nutrient of the composition includes a skin collagen enhancing agent that includes menaquinone-7 as an active ingredient. The composition including skin collagen enhancing agent can be administered percutaneously or orally as a drug, a cosmetic, or a supplement. 1. A composition comprising a skin collagen enhancing agent , the skin collagen enhancing agent comprising menaquinone-7 as an active ingredient.2. A percutaneously administrative agent comprising the composition of .3. The percutaneously administrative agent of claim 2 , wherein the composition is in the form of a solution claim 2 , an emulsion or a cream.4. An orally administrative agent comprising the composition of .5. The orally administrative agent of claim 4 , wherein the composition is in the form of at least one of a powder claim 4 , granules claim 4 , a capsule claim 4 , a pill claim 4 , a tablet claim 4 , a liquid preparation claim 4 , a suspension claim 4 , an emulsion claim 4 , and a syrup.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises a drug claim 1 , the drug further comprising at least one additive comprising at least one of an excipient claim 1 , a disintegrator claim 1 , a binder claim 1 , a lubricant claim 1 , a vitamin claim 1 , a xanthine derivative claim 1 , a pH adjuster claim 1 , a cooling agent claim 1 , a suspending agent claim 1 , a thickener claim 1 , a solubilizing agent claim 1 , an antioxidant claim 1 , a coating agent claim 1 , a plasticizer claim 1 , a surfactant claim 1 , water claim 1 , an alcohol claim 1 , a water-soluble polymer claim 1 , a sweetener claim 1 , a flavoring substance claim 1 , an acidifier claim 1 , a flavoring agent claim 1 , and a coloring agent.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises a cosmetic claim 1 , the cosmetic further ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130142767A1
Принадлежит: Keneka Corporation

The present invention relates to a method of producing reduced coenzyme Q10, including reducing oxidized coenzyme Q10 using a reducing agent in terpenes that can highly dissolve oxidized coenzyme Q10 and reduced coenzyme Q10 in the co-existence of at least one kind of additive selected from the group consisting of alcohols, water, a surfactant and diacylglycerol. In addition, the present invention relates to a composition comprising terpenes, a reducing agent, reduced coenzyme Q10 and at least one kind selected from the group consisting of alcohols, water, a surfactant and diacylglycerol, and a method of stabilizing reduced coenzyme Q10 comprising preparing the composition. 1. A method of producing reduced coenzyme Q10 comprising , reducing oxidized coenzyme Q10 with a reducing agent in terpenes in the co-existence of at least one kind of additive selected from the group consisting of alcohols , water , a surfactant and diacylglycerol.2. The production method according to claim 1 , wherein the alcohol is a monovalent alcohol having 1 to 4 carbon atoms or a divalent alcohol having 2 to 4 carbon atoms.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The production method according to claim 1 , wherein the terpene is at least one selected from the group consisting of hemiterpene claim 1 , monoterpene claim 1 , sesquiterpene claim 1 , diterpene claim 1 , sesterterpene and triterpene.6. The production method according to claim 1 , wherein the reducing agent is at least one selected from the group consisting of L-ascorbic acid claim 1 , D-arabo-ascorbic acid claim 1 , L-ascorbylpalmitate claim 1 , L-ascorbylstearate claim 1 , sodium borohydride claim 1 , sodium hydrosulfite claim 1 , retinal claim 1 , an acerola extract claim 1 , a pine bark extract claim 1 , a KOKIYO extract claim 1 , a gardenia pigment and a KOZU (fragrant vineger).7. The production method according to claim 1 , wherein the reduction reaction is performed in co-existence with fats claim 1 , oils or mixtures thereof8. ( ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130171119A1
Автор: Marini Jan
Принадлежит: Jan Marini Skin Research, Inc.

Dermatological and cosmetic compositions and methods are provided to reduce the appearance of biological and/or environmentally-caused aging. 182.-. (canceled)83. A method for improving the appearance of skin in a human subject , comprising topically applying to the skin of the human subject a composition comprising:(a) an Epidermal Growth Factor;(b) a Keratinocyte Growth Factor;(c) a Transforming Growth factor-beta 1;(d) an acylated peptide;(e) a coenzyme Q; and(f) a cosmetically suitable vehicle;wherein applying said composition to the skin of the human subject results in an improvement in the appearance of the skin which is selected from the group consisting of: reduced inflammation of the skin, reduced oxidative stress of the skin, skin brightening, reduced fine lines of the skin, reduced wrinkles of the skin, enhanced elasticity of the skin, and reduced appearance of scarring and lesions.84. The method of claim 83 , wherein the acylated peptide is a palmitoylated peptide.85. The method of claim 83 , wherein the acylated peptide is a myristoylated peptide.86. The method of claim 83 , further comprising a fatty acid.87. The method of claim 83 , further comprising alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs).88. The method of claim 83 , further comprising at least one skin benefit agent selected from the group consisting of at least one humectants claim 83 , moisturizing agents claim 83 , and anti-inflammatory agents.89. The method of claim 83 , wherein applying said composition results in growth of telomeres of cells in the skin.90. The method of claim 83 , further comprising an agent which promotes growth of telomeres of cells in the skin.91. The method of claim 90 , wherein the improvement in the appearance of the skin involves prolonging viability of the cells in the skin.92. The method of claim 83 , wherein the composition is applied topically for more than once a day.93. The method of claim 83 , wherein the composition is applied topically for less than six times a week. This ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Dyeing composition for keratin fibers

Номер: US20130255008A1
Принадлежит: KAO Germany GmbH

Present invention relates to dyeing composition for keratin fibers especially human hair comprising cationic anthrachinone dye. The first object of the present invention is a dyeing composition for keratin fibres especially human hair resulting from mixing of two parts A and B wherein part A has an alkaline pH and comprises at least one cationic anthraquinone dye and at least one additional dyestuff selected from direct and oxidative dyes and part B has an acidic pH and comprises at least one oxidizing agent.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140056834A1

A novel use of chrysophanol for skin whitening is provided, in which chrysophanol is included in a cosmetic composition as an effective ingredient for skin whitening. The chrysophanol compound has excellent stability and can also effectively inhibit melanin production via mechanism of inhibiting expression and activity of tyrosinase. 2Microsporum. The cosmetic composition as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the chrysophanol is derived from marine-derived fungus claim 1 , sp.3. The cosmetic composition as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the chrysophanol inhibits production of melanin via mechanism of inhibiting expression and activity of tyrosinase.4. The cosmetic composition as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the chrysophanol is included in the composition in a concentration of 10 to 50 μM.51. The cosmetic composition as set forth in claim claim 1 , wherein the composition is formulated into one selected from the group consisting of: skin lotion claim 1 , skin softener claim 1 , skin toner claim 1 , astringent claim 1 , lotion claim 1 , milk lotion claim 1 , moisture lotion claim 1 , nutrition lotion claim 1 , massage cream claim 1 , nutrition cream claim 1 , moisture cream claim 1 , hand cream claim 1 , essence claim 1 , nutrition essence claim 1 , pack claim 1 , soap claim 1 , shampoo claim 1 , cleansing foam claim 1 , cleansing lotion claim 1 , cleansing cream claim 1 , body lotion claim 1 , body cleanser claim 1 , serum claim 1 , lipstick claim 1 , makeup base claim 1 , foundation claim 1 , pressed powder claim 1 , and loose powder.6. The cosmetic composition as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the composition is formulated into one selected from the group consisting of: skin lotion claim 2 , skin softener claim 2 , skin toner claim 2 , astringent claim 2 , lotion claim 2 , milk lotion claim 2 , moisture lotion claim 2 , nutrition lotion claim 2 , massage cream claim 2 , nutrition cream claim 2 , moisture cream claim 2 , hand cream claim 2 , essence claim 2 , ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Topical skin care formulations

Номер: US20140065085A1
Автор: Holyfield Louise

A white, color-stable, stain-free emulsion formulation containing vanillin for sunless tanning. The amount of vanillin can be adjusted, from about 1% up to about 45%, to provide light or dark tanning of the skin. Lime oil and lime juice form a preferred white emulsion foundation. 1. A white , color-stable skin care formulation comprising:0.50 to 45 wt % vanillin,about 1 to 15 wt % octyl salicylate,about 1 to 15 wt % octyl methoxycinnamate, anda white emulsion comprising water, oil, and at least one emulsifier.2. A formulation as in further includingabout 0.15 to 5.0 wt % titanium dioxide, andabout 0.15 to 5.0 wt % zinc oxide.3. A formulation as in further including a benzoquinone.4. A formulation as in further including lime oil.5. A formulation as in further including lime juice.6. A formulation as in further including lime juice.7. A formulation as in claim 1 , further including at least one sunscreen in amounts sufficient to provide an SPF rating of at least 15.8. A formulation as in further including a benzoquinone.9. A method of skin care including the step of applying the formulation of to selected areas of the skin to obtain both anti-aging and sunless tanning.10. A method for tanning the skin including the step of adjusting the concentration of vanillin in the formulation of to obtain the desired shade of tan claim 1 , and then applying said adjusted formulation to selected areas of the skin.11. A method for preserving whiteness in a white formulation containing vanillin claim 1 , comprising the step of adding effective amounts of octyl salicylate and octyl methoxycinnamate to said formulation.12. A method of skin care including the step of applying the formulation of to selected areas of the skin during massage therapy claim 1 , to obtain the benefits of anti-aging claim 1 , sunless tanning claim 1 , and massage therapy claim 1 , all at the same time. This invention relates to chemical and natural compositions, and more particularly to topical anti-aging, ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Perylenequinone derivatives and uses thereof

Номер: US20140072512A1
Принадлежит: Quest Pharmatech Inc

The present invention relates to compounds which are perylenequinone derivatives, their stereoisomers and atropisomers. These compounds can be particularly useful as photosensitizers or sononsensitizers in photodynamic or sonodynamic therapy. The invention also relates to various methods for using these compounds in photodynamic and/or sonodynamic therapy. The compounds also are useful as therapeutic agents for treating various hyperproliferative disorders.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000737A1

Composition comprising at least two anionic surfactants, a nonionic surfactant, an amphoteric surfactant, and at least one direct dye The present invention relates to a composition for the cosmetic treatment of keratin fibres, in particular of the hair, comprising at least two anionic surfactants, at least one nonionic surfactant, at least one amphoteric surfactant and at least one direct dye. The invention also relates to a cosmetic process for treating keratin fibres, especially for dyeing the hair, using such a composition, and also to a use of said composition. 118.-. (canceled)19. A cosmetic composition , comprising:(i) at least one anionic surfactant chosen from polyoxyalkylenated alkyl(amido)ether carboxylic acids or salts thereof;(ii) at least one anionic surfactant other than the polyoxyalkylenated alkyl(amido)ether carboxylic acid anionic surfactants (i);(iii) at least one nonionic surfactant chosen from:(a) oxyethylenated alcohols comprising at least one saturated or unsaturated, linear or branched C8 to C40 alkyl chain, and comprising from 1 to 100 mol of ethylene oxide;(b) nonionic surfactants of alkyl(poly)glycoside type, represented by the following general formula: R1O—(R2O)t-(G)v R1 represents a linear or branched alkyl or alkenyl radical comprising 6 to 24 carbon atoms, or an alkylphenyl radical whose linear or branched alkyl radical comprises 6 to 24 carbon atoms,', 'R2 represents an alkylene radical comprising 2 to 4 carbon atoms,', 'G represents a sugar unit comprising 5 to 6 carbon atoms,', 't denotes a value ranging from 0 to 10,', 'v denotes a value ranging from 1 to 15; (c) polyethoxylated fatty acid esters of sorbitan;, 'wherein(d) fatty acid esters of sucrose; or(e) polyglycerolated fatty esters, wherein the number of glycerol groups ranges from 2 to 30 and comprising at least one saturated or unsaturated, linear or branched C8 to C40 alkyl chain.(iv) at least one amphoteric surfactant; and(v) at least one direct dye.20. The composition ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Nail Enamel Composition

Номер: US20160000675A1
Принадлежит: Revlon Consumer Products Corporation

The present invention is directed to a nail enamel composition that includes a photoinitiator, a co-initiator, and an oligomer. The nail enamel composition exhibits increased hardness, toughness, scratch resistance, adhesion, and chip resistance when applied to a natural or synthetic nail. 1. A nail enamel composition comprising a combination of a photoinitiator and an oligomer , wherein the oligomer has a molecular weight greater than 500 g/mole and a functionality of about >1 and <18 , and said composition dries ≦5 minutes when applied to a natural or synthetic nail exposed to a visible light at a wavelength of about 380 nm to about 700 nm.2. A nail enamel composition of claim 1 , optionally containing a co-initiator.3. The nail enamel composition of claim 1 , wherein the oligomer is present in an amount of up to about 25% w/w.4. The nail enamel composition of claim 1 , wherein the photoinitiator is present in an amount of up to about 10% w/w of the oligomer.5. The nail enamel composition of claim 4 , wherein the photoinitiator is camphorquinone.6. The nail enamel composition of claim 4 , wherein the oligomer is a urethane acrylate oligomer.7. The nail enamel composition of claim 1 , wherein the oligomer has a functionality of about 6.8. The nail enamel composition of claim 1 , wherein the photoinitiator is a type one claim 1 , type two claim 1 , UV or combination of photoinitiator types.9. The nail enamel composition of claim 2 , wherein the co-initiator is an amine co-initiator.10. The nail enamel composition of claim 1 , further comprising at least one of; a film forming component claim 1 , a solvent component claim 1 , a plasticizer component claim 1 , a suspending agent claim 1 , and a pigment component.11. A method of coating a human nail comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a. applying the composition of to a natural or synthetic nail; and'}b. exposing the natural or synthetic nail with the nail enamel applied to a wavelength of 380 ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000700A1
Принадлежит: KAO Germany GmbH

A hair bleaching process reduces hair damage to bleached hair and comprises the steps of (i) preparing an aqueous bleaching composition by mixing three compositions (a), (b) and (c), wherein the composition (a) is a substantially anhydrous composition comprising at least one compound with bleaching effect, the composition (b) is an aqueous composition comprising at least one oxidizing agent, and the composition (c) comprises at least one compound selected from the group consisting of water soluble silk protein, water soluble silk protein hydrolysate and of derivatives of water soluble silk protein and water soluble silk protein hydrolysate, (ii) reducing cysteic acid content and formation in bleached hair by applying the aqueous bleaching composition onto hair and (iii), after processing of 5 to 45 min at a temperature in the range of 20 to 45° C., rinsing the aqueous bleaching composition off from the hair. 1. A hair bleaching process for reducing hair damage to bleached hair , the process comprising the steps of:preparing an aqueous bleaching composition by mixing three compositions (a), (b) and (c), whereinthe composition (a) is a substantially anhydrous composition comprising at least one compound with bleaching effect,the composition (b) is an aqueous composition comprising at least one oxidizing agent, andthe composition (c) comprises at least one compound selected from the group consisting of water soluble silk protein, water soluble silk protein hydrolysate and of derivatives of water soluble silk protein and water soluble silk protein hydrolysate; andreducing cysteic acid content and formation in bleached hair by applying the aqueous bleaching composition onto hair and, after processing of 5 to 45 min at a temperature in the range of 20 to 45° C., rinsing the aqueous bleaching composition off from the hair.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the composition (c) comprises water soluble silk protein hydrolysate at a concentration of 0.001 to 2.5% by ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000715A1

Described are compositions containing quinones that show activity in enhance DNA repair and/or prevent damage to DNA. The quinones are thymoquinone, lapachol, myrtucommulone C, or mixtures thereof, and can be formulated into cosmetic compositions for topical administration to a subject in need thereof. The cosmetic compositions can also include sunscreens, surfactants, sunless tanning agents, desquamation agents, antiperspirants, colorants, preservatives and mixtures; and a cosmetically acceptable carrier. The compositions should find use in methods for treating the signs of ageing in mammals via topical application to the skin or hair of the mammals. 130-. (canceled)32. The method according to wherein the signs of ageing are selected from the group consisting of fine lines and wrinkles; lack of skin firmness; reduction of skin luminescence; lack of skin smoothness; lack of skin elasticity; formation of age spots; blotching; sallowness; uneven pigmentation and spider veins.3342-. (canceled)43. The method according to wherein the signs of ageing comprise thinning and loss of hair.44. The method according to wherein the signs of ageing comprise lack of hair lustre or shine.45. The method according to wherein the signs of ageing comprise hair with split ends.46. (canceled)47. The method of claim 31 , wherein R5 claim 31 , R6 claim 31 , R7 claim 31 , and R8 are independently hydrogen claim 31 , unsubstituted C1-C10 alkyl claim 31 , substituted C1-C10 alkyl claim 31 , unsubstituted C2-C10 alkenyl claim 31 , or substituted C2-C10 alkenyl.48. The method of claim 31 , wherein for Formula II claim 31 , R5 claim 31 , R6 claim 31 , R7 claim 31 , and R8 are independently hydrogen claim 31 , C1-C10 alkyl claim 31 , or substituted C1-C10 alkyl.49. The method of claim 31 , wherein for Formula II claim 31 , R5 claim 31 , R6 claim 31 , R7 claim 31 , and R8 are hydrogen.50. The method of claim 49 , wherein for Formula II claim 49 , R1 and R2 are independently unsubstituted C2-C10 ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007851A1

Agents for coloring and/or matting keratinic fibers, in particular human hair, include in a cosmetic carrier at least one specific substituted 1,4-diaminoanthraquinone derivative of formula (I), wherein the residues (R2, R4) mutually independently denote a grouping of formula (II). The cosmetic method of using these agents can be for producing intense blue shades and for matting keratin fibers. 2. The agent according to claim 1 , characterized in that it includes at least one compound of formula (I) claim 1 , in which X1 and X2 mutually independently denote a hydrogen atom claim 1 , a hydroxyl group claim 1 , a C-Calkoxy group claim 1 , a C-Calkyl group claim 1 , an amino group claim 1 , or a halogen atom claim 1 , preferably mutually independently denote a hydrogen atom or a C-Calkoxy group.3. The agent according to claim 1 , characterized in that it includes at least one compound of formula (I) claim 1 , in which R1 and R3 in each case denote a hydrogen atom and R2 and R4 mutually independently in each case denote a grouping of formula (II) claim 1 ,{'br': None, 'sub': 2', 'n', '2', 'm, '—(CH)—Y1-(CH)—Y2\u2003\u2003(II)'}in whichY1 denotes an oxygen atom (—O—), an amide group —CONR5- or a group —NR5-,{'sub': 1', '6, 'Y2 denotes a hydrogen atom, a hydroxyl group, a C-Calkoxy group or a group —NR5R6, n denotes an integer from 2 to 6, m denotes an integer from 1 to 6,'}{'sub': 1', '6, 'R5, R6 mutually independently denote a hydrogen atom or a C-Calkyl group.'}4. The agent according to claim 1 , characterized in that it includes at least one compound of formula (I) claim 1 , in which R2 and R4 mutually independently denote a grouping of formula (II) claim 1 , in which n in each case denotes the number 3.5. The agent according to claim 1 , characterized in that it includes at least one compound of formula (I) claim 1 , in which R1 and R3 in each case denote a hydrogen atom claim 1 , R2 and R4 denote identical residues and R2 and R4 mutually independently in each case ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017105A1
Автор: Borja John

The present disclosure relates to anhydrous hydrogels useful as mucoadhesive (oral compositions) or as topical agents and may be used to deliver an active agent such as active pharmaceutical agents (API's), coagulants, fragrances, flavors, and other actives and excipients. 1. An anhydrous hydrogel , comprising 1-50% by weight of a biocompatible polymer , 1-20% by weight of a polyalcohol , and an effective amount of an active agent.2. An anhydrous hydrogel according to claim 1 , wherein said biocompatible polymer is sodium carboxymethyl cellulose.3. An anhydrous hydrogel according to claim 2 , wherein said polyalcohol is anhydrous glycerin.4. An anhydrous hydrogel according to wherein said active agent is a pharmaceutical agent selected from analgesics claim 3 , decongestants claim 3 , bronchodilators claim 3 , antiasthmatic agents claim 3 , cardiovascular agents claim 3 , diabetic agents claim 3 , antihistamines claim 3 , anesthetics claim 3 , antifungals claim 3 , anti-nauseants claim 3 , antiemetics claim 3 , antibacterial agents claim 3 , antifungal agents claim 3 , corticosteroids claim 3 , neurological agents claim 3 , anti-inflammatories claim 3 , vaccines claim 3 , biological agents claim 3 , wound healing agents claim 3 , anticonvulsants and vitamins.5. An anhydrous hydrogel according to wherein said active agent is wound healing agent selected from becaplermin claim 3 , antimicrobial agents claim 3 , silver claim 3 , povidone-iodine claim 3 , polyhexamethylene biguanide claim 3 , dialkylcarbamoylchloride claim 3 , lactoferrin claim 3 , and growth factors.6. An anhydrous hydrogel according to wherein said active agent is a cosmetic agent.7. An anhydrous hydrogel according to wherein said active agent is the cosmetic agent ubiquinone.8. An anhydrous hydrogel according to wherein said anhydrous hydrogel comprises from 5-30% NaCMC claim 3 , 95-70% anhydrous glycerin and 0.1-30% active agent.9. An anhydrous hydrogel according to wherein said anhydrous hydrogel ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015748A1

The present disclosure provides compositions suitable for delivering lipophilic bioactive agents. The compositions may be utilized to treat numerous diseases and conditions that would benefit from the application of a lipophilic bioactive agent. 122-. (canceled)23. A concentrate comprising:a phospholipid selected from the group consisting of lecithin, lysolecithin, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylserine, lysophosphatidylcholine, lysophosphatidylethanolamine, lysophosphatidylglycerol, lysophosphatidic acid, lysophosphatidylserine, PEG-phosphatidylethanolamine, PVP-phosphatidylethanolamine, and combinations thereof;at least one lipophilic bioactive agent that comprises Coenzyme Q10; andat least one solubilizer selected from the group consisting of polyoxyalkylene dextrans, fatty acid esters of saccharose, fatty alcohol ethers of oligoglucosides, fatty acid esters of glycerol, polyoxyethylene-type compounds, polyethoxylated fatty acid esters of sorbitan, fatty acid esters of poly(ethylene oxide), fatty alcohol ethers of poly(ethylene oxide), alkylphenol ethers of poly(ethylene oxide), polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene block copolymers, ethoxylated oils, and combinations thereof; andwherein the lipophilic bioactive agent is present in an amount of from about 10% to about 30% by weight of the concentrate.24. The concentrate of claim 23 , wherein the concentrate comprises an additional lipophilic bioactive agent selected from the group consisting of acutretin claim 23 , albendazole claim 23 , albuterol claim 23 , aminogluthemide claim 23 , amiodarone claim 23 , amlodipine claim 23 , amphetamine claim 23 , amphotericin B claim 23 , atorvastatin claim 23 , atovaquone claim 23 , azithromycin claim 23 , baclofen claim 23 , beclomethsone claim 23 , benezepril claim 23 , benzonatate claim 23 , betamethasone claim 23 , bicalutanide claim 23 , budesonide claim 23 , bupropion claim 23 , ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030311A1

A liquid anti-aging antioxidant nutritional supplement comprising collagen, carnosine, CoEnzyme Q10 and Resveratrol particularly suitable for reducing oxidative damage to the integumentary system. 1. A nutritional supplement comprising collagen , carnosine , CoEnzyme Q10 and Resveratrol.2. A nutritional supplement according to claim 1 , wherein said collagen is present in an amount between 0.5 and 10 g/50 ml claim 1 , preferably in an amount between 1.75 and 7.5 g/50 ml claim 1 , more preferably between 3 and 5 g/50 ml.3. A nutritional supplement according to claim 1 , wherein said carnosine is present in an amount between 10 and 250 mg/50 ml claim 1 , preferably in an amount between 20 and 160 mg/50 ml claim 1 , more preferably between 40 and 80 mg/50 ml.4. A nutritional supplement according to claim 1 , wherein said CoEnzyme Q10 is present in an amount between 5 and 250 mg/50 ml claim 1 , preferably in an amount between 9 and 200 mg/50 ml claim 1 , more preferably between 15 and 150 mg/50 ml.5. A nutritional supplement according to wherein said Resveratrol is present in an amount between 0.2 and 450 mg/50 ml claim 1 , preferably in an amount between 1.0 and 200 mg/50 ml claim 1 , more preferably between 2.0 and 80 mg/50 ml.6. A nutritional supplement according to claim 1 , further comprising an emulsion comprising borage seed oil and primrose oil.7. A nutritional supplement according to any one of to claim 1 , further comprising at least one ingredient selected among hyaluronic acid claim 1 , lycopene and black pepper extract.8. A nutritional supplement according to claim 1 , wherein said supplement further comprises at least one ingredient selected among acai berry claim 1 , pomegranate claim 1 , vitamins claim 1 , preferably vitamin C and vitamin A.9. A nutritional supplement according to claim 9 , wherein said supplement further comprises vitamins selected among vitamin B claim 9 , vitamin B claim 9 , vitamin B claim 9 , vitamin B claim 9 , vitamin C claim 9 , ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Fibrous Structures Comprising Malodor Reduction Compositions

Номер: US20190029928A1

The present invention relates to a fibrous structure including one or more malodor reduction compositions and methods of making and using such a fibrous structure. 1. A fibrous structure comprising one or more malodor reduction compositions wherein at least one of the malodor compositions comprises one or more carrier materials and one or more malodor reduction materials associated with the carrier material.2. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the carrier materials is selected from the group consisting of: cyclodextrin claim 1 , bulk starch claim 1 , cyclic(cyclodextrin) claim 1 , helical starch claim 1 , other polysaccharides that enable molecular complexation claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure comprises from about 0.0001 mg to about 50 mg of the at least one malodor reduction composition.4. The fibrous structure according to wherein the at least one of the malodor reduction composition comprises from about 1 to about 20 malodor reduction materials.5. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the malodor reduction materials exhibits a MORV of at least about 0.5.6. The fibrous structure according to wherein all of the malodor reduction materials exhibit a MORV of at least about 0.5.7. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the malodor reduction materials exhibits a Universal MORV of at least about 0.5.8. The fibrous structure according to wherein all of the malodor reduction materials exhibit a Universal MORV of at least about 0.5.9. The fibrous structure according to wherein the at least one malodor reduction material exhibits a Blocker Index of less than 3.10. The fibrous structure according to wherein the malodor reduction materials exhibit a Blocker Index Average of from about 3 to about 0.001.11. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the malodor reduction materials exhibits a Fragrance Fidelity Index of less than ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054370A1
Принадлежит: COSMAX, INC.

Provided are a multilayered cationic liposome for enhancing skin absorption, a cosmetic composition including the same, and a method of preparing the same. 1. A cationic liposome composition comprising cationic lipids , cholesterol , and ceramide.2. A cosmetic composition comprising a cationic liposome comprising phospholipid layers comprising cationic lipids , cholesterol , and ceramide; anda loading subject comprising a water-soluble skin active material or an oil-soluble skin active material, loaded inside the phospholipid layer.3. The cosmetic composition of claim 2 , wherein the cationic lipid is dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DDA) claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium-propane (DOTAP) claim 2 , 3β-[N—(N′ claim 2 ,N′-dimethylaminoethane) carbamoyl cholesterol (DC-Chol) claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,2-dioleoyloxy-3-dimethylammoniumpropane (DODAP) claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,2-di-O-octadecenyl-3-trimethylammonium propane (DOTMA) claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,2-dimyristoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-ethylphosphocholine (14:1 Etyle PC) claim 2 , 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-ethylphosphocholine (16:0-18:1 Ethyl PC) claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-ethylphosphocholine (18:1 Ethyl PC) claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-ethylphosphocholin (18:0 Ethyl PC) claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-ethylphosphocholine (16:0 Ethyl PC) claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-ethylphosphocholine (14:0 Ethyl PC) claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-ethylphosphocholin (12:0 Ethyl PC) claim 2 , N1-[2-((1S)-1-[(3-aminopropyl)amino]-4-[di(3-amino-propyl)amino]butylcarboxamido)ethyl]-3 claim 2 ,4-di[oleyloxy]-benzamide (MVL5) claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,2-dimyristoyl-3-dimethylammonium-propane (14:0 DAP) claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,2-dipalmitoyl-3-dimethylammonium-propane (16:0 DAP) claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,2-distearoyl-3-dimethylammonium-propane (18:0 DAP) claim 2 , N-(4-carboxybenzyl)-N claim 2 ,N-dimethyl-2 claim 2 ,3-bis(oleoyloxy)propan-1-aminium (DOBAQ) ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Express hair coloring using heat

Номер: US20200038303A1
Принадлежит: LOreal SA

The present disclosure relates to methods for coloring hair. The methods include applying an aqueous coloring composition and heat to the hair. The coloring composition includes water and one or more colorants for coloring the hair. After application of the aqueous coloring composition to the hair, the hair having the coloring composition applied thereon is heated to a temperature of about 100° C. to about 200° C. for a period of time, for example, for about 5 seconds to about 5 minutes. The methods are quick, efficient, and effective.

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Reduced coenzyme q10-containing composition and method for producing same

Номер: US20210046020A1
Автор: Hidehiro Takahashi
Принадлежит: Petroeuroasia Co Ltd

A reduced coenzyme Q 10 -containing composition has high water solubility and excellent storage stability. A powder composition contains the reduced coenzyme Q 10 , starch octenylsuccinate, and gum Arabic. A method of producing the powder composition includes homogenizing the ingredients in water to obtain an emulsion composition; and drying the composition.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

System, method, and kit for selecting and preparing customized cosmetics

Номер: US20180042838A1

A kit for preparing a customized cosmetic includes at least one of five cosmetic bases. Each of the five cosmetic bases correspond to at least one of a plurality of primary categories. The kit additionally includes at least one cosmetic active ingredient for admixing with the at least one cosmetic base. The at least one cosmetic active ingredient corresponds to at least one of the plurality of primary categories or at least one of the plurality of secondary categories.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046630A1
Автор: Suyanto Wicky

A topical composition for treating age spots and wrinkles includes at least one first skin-whitening agent, at least one wrinkle-reducing agent, and a pharmaceutically or cosmetically acceptable solvent. In a preferred embodiment, the composition includes two whitening agents and two wrinkle-reducing agents. The skin-whitening agents include a tyrosinase-inhibiting glycosylated hydroquinone and a blend of alpine plant-based extracts. The wrinkle-reducing agents include avian egg extract and stabilized vitamin C. 1. A topical formulation for treating wrinkles and age spots in human skin , comprising:a solvent;at least one skin-whitening agent dissolved in the solvent; andat least one wrinkle-reducing agent dissolved in the solvent.2. The topical formulation according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one wrinkle-reducing agent comprises a fertilized avian egg extract containing Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF-BB) claim 1 , Transforming Growth Factor β-1 (TGF β-1) claim 1 , and Lysyl Oxidase (LOX).3. The topical formulation according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one wrinkle-reducing agent comprises a stabilized form of Vitamin C.5. The topical formulation according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one wrinkle-reducing agent comprises:a first wrinkle-reducing agent comprising egg protein; anda second wrinkle reducing agent comprising a stabilized form of Vitamin C.6. The topical formulation according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one skin-whitening agent comprises a blend of alpine plant-based extracts.7. The topical formulation according to claim 6 , wherein the blend of alpine plant-based extracts includes Primula veris extract claim 6 , Alchemilla vulgaris extract claim 6 , Veronica officinalis extract claim 6 , Melissa officinalis leaf extract claim 6 , and Achilliea mille folium extract.8. The topical formulation according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one skin-whitening agent comprises a tyrosinase-inhibiting glycosylated hydroquinone.9. The ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Minoxidil Adjuvant Therapies

Номер: US20210059920A1
Автор: John Mccoy, Ofer A. Goren
Принадлежит: Applied Biology Inc

Compositions and methods are disclosed herein for inducing (up-regulating) the expression of sulfotransferases in the hair follicles, e.g., the scalp. Increasing sulfotransferase is beneficial for metabolizing pro-drugs that require sulfonation to be activated, e.g., minoxidil sulfate is the active metabolite of minoxidil. A method for combining the compositions described herein with topical minoxidil to enhance minoxidil treatment for androgenetic alopecia is described. Additional methods and compositions include the use of retinoid X receptor agonists, retinoic acid receptor agonists, and nuclear receptor agonists in an RXR−NR heterodimer. Additional methods and compositions include the use of a topical solution containing an alkalinizing agent or an alkalinizing agent used with a penetration enhancer for up-regulating the sulfonating capacity of hair bearing skin, hair follicles, and/or keratinocyte cells. In addition, compositions and methods for increasing or decreasing the growth rate of hair follicles is disclosed by altering the intracellular pH.

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Topical skin care formulations

Номер: US20150064125A1
Автор: Holyfield Louise

A white, color-stable, stain-free emulsion formulation containing vanillin for sunless tanning. The amount of vanillin can be adjusted, from about 1% up to about 45%, to provide light or dark tanning of the skin. Lime oil and lime juice form a preferred white emulsion foundation. 114-. (canceled)15. A white , color-stable sunless tanning formulation consisting essentially ofan effective amount of vanillin for tanning the skin,an effective amount of dihydroxyacetone for tanning the skin,a white emulsion comprising water, oil, and at least one emulsifier, andeffective amounts of octyl salicylate and octyl methoxycinnammate for color stabilization.16. A formulation as in further includingabout 0.15 to 5.0 wt % titanium dioxide, andabout 0.15 to 5.0 wt % zinc oxide.17. A formulation as in further including a benzoquinone.18. A formulation as in further including lime oil.19. A formulation as in further including lime juice.20. A formulation as in further including at least one sunscreen in amounts sufficient to provide an SPF rating of at least 15.21. A formulation as in further including a benzoquinone.22. A method for tanning the skin including the steps of adjusting the concentration of vanillin in the formulation of to obtain the desired shade of tan claim 15 , and then applying said adjusted formulation to selected areas of the skin.23. method for preserving whiteness in a white formulation consisting essentially of vanillin and dihydroxyacetone claim 15 , comprising the step of adding octyl salicylate and octyl methoxycinnamate to said formulation claim 15 , in amounts effective for color stabilization.24. method of skin care including the step of applying the formulation of to selected areas of the skin during massage therapy claim 15 , to obtain the benefits of anti-aging claim 15 , sunless tanning claim 15 , and massage therapy claim 15 , all at the same time.25. A formulation as in claim 15 , wherein said white emulsion consists essentially of lime oil ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060469A1

The present disclosure relates to anhydrous hydrogels useful as mucoadhesive (oral compositions) or as topical agents and may be used to deliver an active agent such as active pharmaceutical agents (API's), coagulants, fragrances, flavors, and other actives and excipients. 1. An active agent delivery system , comprising i. sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (NaCMC) in an amount of from 5% (w/w) to 30% (w/w), said sodium carboxymethyl cellulose including minimal residual water, and', 'ii. anhydrous glycerine in an amount of from 70% (w/w) to 95% (w/w);, 'a. a solid or semi-solid gel composition, the solid or semi-solid gel composition comprisingb. an active agent; andc. a rate controlling membrane.2. The active agent delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the active agent delivery system is a patch claim 1 , capsule claim 1 , lozenge or chew.3. The active agent delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the amount of active agent is from 0.1% (w/w) to 30% (w/w).4. The active agent delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the solid or semi-solid gel composition includes an interior claim 1 , a reservoir is within the interior and the reservoir includes the active agent.5. The active agent delivery system of claim 1 , wherein said active agent is cannabidiol (CBD).6. The active agent delivery system of claim 1 , wherein said active agent is selected from cannabidiol (CBD) oil and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) oil.7. The active agent delivery system of claim 1 , wherein said active agent is a moisture sensitive active agent and said moisture sensitive active agent comprises pharmaceutical agents including biologicals claim 1 , enzymes claim 1 , proteins and fragments thereof claim 1 , Adderall claim 1 , alprazolam claim 1 , gemifloxacin claim 1 , hydromorphone and zolmitriptan.8. The active agent delivery system of claim 1 , wherein said active agent is a pharmaceutical agent selected from analgesics claim 1 , decongestants claim 1 , bronchodilators claim 1 , antiasthmatic agents claim 1 ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074315A1

Topical cosmetic compositions are provided that can comprise a extract, a extract, and a licorice () extract. These compositions are used for topical cosmetic applications, particularly to lighten skin. Methods for lightening skin are also provided and can comprise topically administering a therapeutically effective amount of a topical cosmetic composition comprising a extract, a extract, and a licorice extract, to skin of a subject in need thereof. 1. A topical cosmetic composition , comprising: [{'i': 'Phyllanthus', 'a extract;'}, {'i': 'Bellis', 'a extract; and'}, 'a licorice extract;, 'a) a skin lightening component consisting of'} i) an anti-acne agent,', 'ii) an anti-microbial agent,', 'iii) an anti-fungal agent,', 'iv) an anti-wrinkle agent,', 'v) an anti-atrophy agent,', 'vi) an anti-inflammatory agent,', 'vii) a keratolytic agent,', 'viii) a peptide,', 'ix) a fatty acid derivative,', 'x) a sunscreen,', 'xi) an optical brightener, and combinations thereof; and, 'b) at least one non-skin lightening agent, non-plant derived, selected from'}c) at least one cosmetically acceptable carrier or excipient.2PhyllanthusPhyllanthus embilicaBellisBellis perennis. The topical cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the extract comprises a extract claim 1 , the extract comprises a extract and the licorice extract comprises a licorice root extract.3Phyllanthus embilicaBellis perennis. The topical cosmetic composition of claim 2 , wherein the extract is present in an amount of from about 0.25 wt % to about 4 wt %; the extract is present in an amount of from about 1 wt % to about 20 wt %; and the licorice extract is present in an amount of from about 0.01 wt % to about 1 wt % claim 2 , based on the total weight of the composition.4. The topical cosmetic composition according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one cosmetically acceptable carrier is selected from the group consisting of distilled water claim 2 , saline claim 2 , Ringer's solution claim 2 , dextrose solution ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074316A1

Topical cosmetic compositions are provided that can comprise a extract, a extract, and a licorice () extract. These compositions are used for topical cosmetic applications, particularly to lighten skin. Methods for lightening skin are also provided and can comprise topically administering a therapeutically effective amount of a topical cosmetic composition comprising a extract, a extract, and a licorice extract, to skin of a subject in need thereof. 1. A topical cosmetic composition , comprising: [{'i': 'Phyllanthus', 'a extract;'}, {'i': 'Bellis', 'a extract; and'}, 'a licorice extract;, 'a) a skin lightening component consisting of'} i) an anti-acne agent,', 'ii) an anti-microbial agent,', 'iii) an anti-fungal agent,', 'iv) an anti-wrinkle agent,', 'v) an anti-atrophy agent,', 'vi) an anti-inflammatory agent,', 'vii) a keratolytic agent,', 'viii) a peptide,', 'ix) a fatty acid derivative,', 'x) a sunscreen,', 'xi) an optical brightener, and combinations thereof; and, 'b) at least one non-skin lightening agent, non-plant derived, selected from'}c) at least one cosmetically acceptable carrier or excipient.2PhyllanthusPhyllanthus embilicaBellisBellis perennis. The topical cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the extract comprises a extract claim 1 , the extract comprises a extract and the licorice extract comprises a licorice root extract.3Phyllanthus embilicaBellis perennis. The topical cosmetic composition of claim 2 , wherein the extract is present in an amount of from about 0.25 wt % to about 4 wt %; the extract is present in an amount of from about 1 wt % to about 20 wt %; and the licorice extract is present in an amount of from about 0.01 wt % to about 1 wt % claim 2 , based on the total weight of the composition.4. The topical cosmetic composition according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one cosmetically acceptable carrier is selected from the group consisting of distilled water claim 2 , saline claim 2 , Ringer's solution claim 2 , dextrose solution ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180071189A1

Described herein is a hair color composition for dyeing the hair. The hair color composition includes one or more direct dye compounds and one or more additional ingredients. The one or more direct dye compounds each include a chromophore, one or two permanent cations, one to four incipient cations, and one or more hydrophobic moieties. The incipient cations are pendant to the core structure and are neutral. The one or more direct dye compounds enter the hair shaft after the hair color composition is applied to the hair. The hair color composition has a pH of from about 7 to about 11. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more C5-C9 hydrophobic moieties are C5-C6 hydrophobic moieties.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more direct dye compounds each comprise two incipient cations.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more direct dye compounds each has a molecular weight of less than about 1 claim 1 ,000 g/mol.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hair color composition has a pH of from about 9 to about 11.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hair color composition has a pH of from about 7 to about 9.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein an oxidizing agent is applied before or during the application of the hair color composition.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the oxidizing agent is selected from the group consisting of peroxides claim 7 , perborates claim 7 , percarbonates claim 7 , persulfates claim 7 , oxidant generating enzymes claim 7 , oxidant generating substrates claim 7 , and combinations thereof.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hair color composition further comprises one or more oxidation dyes.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the chromophore has a structure according to Formula (XIXa).11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the one or more C5-C9 hydrophobic moieties are C5-C6 hydrophobic moieties.12. The method of claim 10 , wherein the one or more direct dye compounds each comprise two incipient cations.13. The method of ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140170085A1
Принадлежит: Beiersdorf AG

A process for producing a cosmetic preparation wherein a cosmetic base, admixed with one or more cosmetic partial preparations or active ingredient concentrates, is mounted, in the package intended for the end user, in a dually asymmetric centrifuge, and is centrifuged in such a way that the cosmetic part preparations or active ingredient concentrates are distributed uniformly in the cosmetic base. 1. A process for producing a cosmetic preparation , wherein the process comprises combining a cosmetic base with one or more cosmetic partial preparations or active ingredient concentrates , and thereafter centrifuging it in a package intended for an end user in a dually asymmetric centrifuge to distribute the one or more cosmetic partial preparations or active ingredient concentrates uniformly within the cosmetic base.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic base is an emulsion.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the emulsion is an O/W emulsion.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic base has a viscosity of from 3000 to 40 claim 1 ,000 mPas.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the one or more cosmetic partial preparations or active ingredient concentrates have a viscosity of from 1 to 20 claim 1 ,000 mPas or are present in the form of powders.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the one or more cosmetic partial preparations or active ingredient concentrates comprise one or more active ingredients selected from glycyrrhetic acid claim 1 , urea claim 1 , arctiin claim 1 , alpha-lipoic acid claim 1 , folic acid claim 1 , phytoene claim 1 , D-biotin claim 1 , coenzyme Q10 claim 1 , alpha-glucosylrutin claim 1 , carnitine claim 1 , carnosine claim 1 , caffeine claim 1 , natural and/or synthetic isoflavonoids claim 1 , glycerylglucose claim 1 , creatine claim 1 , creatinine claim 1 , taurine claim 1 , tocopherol claim 1 , tocopherol acetate claim 1 , β-alanine claim 1 , bisabolol claim 1 , vitamin C claim 1 , panthenol claim 1 , and licochalcone A.7. The process ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170095412A1
Принадлежит: Beiersdorf AG

Disclosed is a cosmetic or dermatological preparation which comprises glycyrrhetic acid and/or glycyrrhizin and further comprises at least one substance selected from UV filter substances, self-tanning agents and antioxidants. 1. A cosmetic or dermatological preparation , wherein the preparation comprises at least one of glycyrrhetic acid and glycyrrhizin in an amount of at least 0.0001% by weight , based on a total weight of the preparation , and further comprises at least one substance which is selected from UV filter substances , self-tanning agents and antioxidants.2. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein the preparation comprises at least glycyrrhetic acid.3. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein the preparation comprises at least glycyrrhizin.4. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein the preparation comprises at least one UV filter substance.5. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein the preparation comprises not more than 20% by weight of the at least one of glycyrrhetic acid and glycyrrhizin.6. The preparation of claim 5 , wherein the preparation comprises at least 0.001% by weight of the at least one of glycyrrhetic acid and glycyrrhizin.7. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein the preparation comprises not more than 10% by weight of the at least one of glycyrrhetic acid and glycyrrhizin.8. The preparation of claim 7 , wherein the preparation comprises at least 0.01% by weight of the at least one of glycyrrhetic acid and glycyrrhizin.9. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein the preparation comprises not more than 1% by weight of the at least one of glycyrrhetic acid and glycyrrhizin.10. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein the preparation comprises at least one UV filter substance.11. The preparation of claim 10 , wherein the at least one UV filter substance comprises at least one of ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate claim 10 , butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane claim 10 , and ethylhexyl triazone.12. The preparation of claim 1 , wherein the preparation comprises at least one ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180099052A1

The present disclosure relates to anhydrous hydrogels useful as mucoadhesive (oral compositions) or as topical agents and may be used to deliver an active agent such as active pharmaceutical agents (API's), coagulants, fragrances, flavors, and other actives and excipients. 1. An active agent delivery system , comprising i. sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (NaCMC) in an amount of from 5% (w/w) to 30% (w/w), said sodium carboxymethyl cellulose including minimal residual water, and', 'ii. anhydrous glycerine in an amount of from 70% (w/w) to 95% (w/w); and, 'a. a solid or semi-solid gel composition including a reservoir, the solid or semi-solid gel composition comprisingb. the reservoir including an active agent.2. The active agent delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the active agent delivery system is a patch claim 1 , capsule claim 1 , lozenge or chew.3. The active agent delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the amount of active agent is from 0.1% (w/w) to 30% (w/w).4. The active agent delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the solid or semi-solid gel composition includes an interior and the reservoir is within the interior.5. The active agent delivery system of claim 1 , wherein said active agent is cannabidiol (CBD).6. The active agent delivery system of claim 1 , wherein said active agent is selected from cannabidiol (CBD) oil and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) oil.7. The active agent delivery system of claim 1 , wherein said active agent is a moisture sensitive active agent and said moisture sensitive active agent comprises pharmaceutical agents including biologicals claim 1 , enzymes claim 1 , proteins and fragments thereof claim 1 , Adderall claim 1 , alprazolam claim 1 , gemifloxacin claim 1 , hydromorphone and zolmitriptan.8. The active agent delivery system of claim 1 , wherein said active agent is a pharmaceutical agent selected from analgesics claim 1 , decongestants claim 1 , bronchodilators claim 1 , antiasthmatic agents claim 1 , cardiovascular agents claim 1 , ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Polymer Comprising Certain Level Of Bio-Based Carbon

Номер: US20200095356A1

The present invention relates to a polymer comprising: (a) from 90 mol-% to 99.9 mol-%, of repeating units according to Formula (1) wherein at least 10 wt.-% of the repeating units according to Formula (1) comprise from 28 wt.-% to 100 wt.-% bio-based carbon content, relative to the total mass of carbon in the repeating unit according to Formula (1), measured according to standard ASTM D6866-12, Method B; 2. The polymer according to claim 1 , wherein at least 25 wt.-% of the repeating units (a) according to Formula (1) comprise from 28 wt.-% to 100 wt.-% bio-based carbon content claim 1 , relative to the total mass of carbon in the repeating unit according to Formula (1) claim 1 , measured according to standard ASTM D6866-12 claim 1 , Method B.3. The polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the repeating unit (a) according to Formula (1) comprises from 35 wt.-% bio-based carbon content claim 1 , relative to the total mass of carbon in the repeating unit (a) according to Formula (1) claim 1 , measured according to standard ASTM D6866-12 claim 1 , Method B.4. The polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the repeating units (a) according to Formula (1) have a degree of neutralisation of from 50.0 to 100 mol %.5. The polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer comprises at least one repeating unit (a) according to Formula (1) claim 1 , wherein Rand Rare independently selected from the group consisting of H claim 1 , methyl and ethyl; A is a linear or branched C-C-alkyl group; and Q is H claim 1 , Li claim 1 , Na claim 1 , K claim 1 , ½ Ca claim 1 , ½ Mg claim 1 , ½ Zn claim 1 , ⅓ Al claim 1 , or combinations thereof.6. The polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer comprises from 95 mol-% to 99.9 mol % of repeating units (a) according to Formula (1).7. The polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the repeating units (a) according to Formula (1) result from the incorporation of a monomer selected from the group consisting of acryloyldimethyltaurates claim 1 , ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180110722A1

Compositions for suppressing sebum production in skin (e.g., seborrheic skin), and minimizing glycation in skin (e.g., mature skin) with enhanced UV absorptive properties are described. In particular, the present invention relates to a composition containing a skin benefit agent that includes . Also, methods of suppressing sebum production in skin (e.g., seborrheic skin) and minimizing glycation in skin (e.g., mature skin) by applying a composition to the skin, wherein the composition comprises an effective amount of a derivative of are also described. 1. A topical composition comprising:{'i': 'Lithospermum erythrorhizon;', 'a. a therapeutically effective amount of'}b. a lipophilic solubilizer; andc. a free radical stabilizer.2Lithospermum erythrorhizon. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises a therapeutically effective amount of an extract of comprising shikonin compound(s) claim 1 , the lipophilic solubilizer and the free radical stabilizer being capable of inhibiting polymerization of the shikonin compounds claim 1 , when in composition.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is a water-in-silicone emulsion.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is an oil-in-water emulsion.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the lipophilic solubilizer is a non-comedogenic ester or natural oil.6. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the non-comedogenic ester is selected from the group consisting of adipates claim 5 , caprylates claim 5 , isononanoates claim 5 , and select ethoxylated triglycerides.7. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the non-comedogenic ester is diisobutyl adipate.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the free radical stabilizer is a lipophilic antioxidant.9. The composition of claim 8 , wherein the lipophilic antioxidant is selected from the group consisting of tocotrienols claim 8 , carotenoids claim 8 , and phenolics.10. The composition of claim 8 , wherein the lipophilic antioxidant is ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170112739A1
Принадлежит: KAO Germany GmbH

An aqueous cleansing composition for keratin fibres comprises at least one amino acid surfactant and an aqueous emulsion of divinyldimethicone/dimethicone copolymer. The amino acid surfactant 3 of the following structure 2. Cleansing composition according to claim 1 , comprisingat least one amino acid surfactant according to the general formula at a concentration of 0.1 to 15% by weight,at least one glyceryl ether according to general formula at a concentration of 0.1 to 10% by weight andat least fatty alcohol according to general formula at a concentration of 0.1 to 5% by weight, all values are calculated based on the total composition.3. Cleansing composition according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one non-ionic surfactant claim 1 , preferably according to the general formula{'br': None, 'sub': 7', '4', 'n', 'x, 'R—O—(RO)—Z'}{'sub': 7', '4, 'wherein Ris an alkyl group with 8 to 18 carbon atoms, Ris an ethylene or propylene group, Z is a saccharide group with 5 to 6 carbon atoms, n is a number from 0 to 10 and x is a number between 1 and 5.'}4. Cleansing composition according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one amphoteric surfactant claim 1 , preferably selected from betaines claim 1 , amidoalkyl betaines and sulfobetaines claim 1 , and their mixtures.6. Cleansing composition according to claim 6 , wherein the at least one amino acid surfactant is selected from potassium cocoyl taurate claim 6 , potassium methyl cocoyl taurate claim 6 , sodium caproyl methyl taurate claim 6 , sodium cocoyl taurate claim 6 , sodium lauroyl taurate claim 6 , sodium methyl cocoyl taurate claim 6 , sodium methyl lauroyl taurate claim 6 , sodium methyl myristoyl taurate claim 6 , sodium methyl oleoyl taurate claim 6 , sodium methyl palmitoyl taurate claim 6 , sodium methyl stearoyl taurate claim 6 , dipotassium capryloyl glutamate claim 6 , dipotassium undecylenoyl glutamate claim 6 , disodium capryloyl glutamate claim 6 , disodium cocoyl glutamate claim 6 , disodium ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190110969A1
Принадлежит: North Star Scientific, Inc.

The present technology provides compositions that include a coenzyme, an epigenetic modifier, a blood circulator, a 5-alpha reductase modulator, and a cosmetically acceptable carrier, as well as methods of preparing and using such compositions. The present technology also provides methods of growing hair and/or stimulating hair growth where the method includes administering a cosmetically effective amount of a coenzyme and a cosmetically effective amount of an epigenetic modifier. 1. A composition comprising:a) a cosmetically effective amount of a coenzyme that is one or more of the group selected from ubiquinone, Coenzyme A, Coenzyme Q2, Coenzyme Q4, Coenzyme Q9, Ubiquinol, Coenzyme Q1, plastoquinone, plastoquinol, and cosmetically acceptable salts of any one or more thereof;b) a cosmetically effective amount of one or more of an epigenetic modifier;c) a cosmetically effective amount of a blood circulator;d) a cosmetically effective amount of a 5-alpha reductase modulator; ande) a cosmetically acceptable carrier.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprisesc) about 0.05% to about 6.0% of the blood circulator by volume of the composition; andd) about 0.05% to about 6.0% of the 5-alpha reductase modulator by volume of the composition.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is formulated for administration to a female subject and comprises about 1.0% to about 6.0% by volume of the 5-alpha reductase modulator.4. The composition of claim 3 , wherein the composition further comprises about 0.5% to about 1.0% curcumin by volume of the composition.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is formulated for administration to a male subject and comprises about 0.1% to about 0.6% by volume of the 5-alpha reductase modulator.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the cosmetically acceptable carrier comprising at least one of an organic solvent claim 1 , a polyol claim 1 , water claim 1 , and an oil.7. The composition of claim ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180116928A1

Described are compositions containing quinones that show activity in enhance DNA repair and/or prevent damage to DNA. The quinones are thymoquinone, lapachol, myrtucommulone C, or mixtures thereof, and can be formulated into cosmetic compositions for topical administration to a subject in need thereof. The cosmetic compositions can also include sunscreens, surfactants, sunless tanning agents, desquamation agents, antiperspirants, colorants, preservatives and mixtures; and a cosmetically acceptable carrier. The compositions should find use in methods for treating the signs of ageing in mammals via topical application to the skin or hair of the mammals. 2. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein R1 claim 1 , R2 claim 1 , R3 claim 1 , R4 claim 1 , R5 claim 1 , R6 claim 1 , R7 claim 1 , and R8 are independently hydrogen claim 1 , unsubstituted C1-C10 alkyl claim 1 , substituted C1-C10 alkyl claim 1 , unsubstituted C2-C10 alkenyl claim 1 , or substituted C2-C10 alkenyl; andwherein R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15, R16, R17, R18, R19, R20, R21, R22, and R23 are independently hydrogen, unsubstituted C1-C10 alkyl, substituted C1-C10 alkyl, hydroxyl, ═O, substituted C1-C10 carbonyl, or unsubstituted C1-C10 carbonyl.3. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein for Formula I claim 1 , R2 and R4 are each hydrogen.4. The cosmetic composition of claim 3 , wherein for Formula I claim 3 , R1 and R3 are independently unsubstituted C1-C10 alkyl claim 3 , or substituted C1-C10 alkyl.5. The cosmetic composition of claim 4 , wherein for Formula I claim 4 , R1 is substituted C1-C5 alkyl; R3 is methyl claim 4 , and R2 and R4 are each hydrogen.7. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein for Formula II claim 1 , R5 claim 1 , R6 claim 1 , R7 claim 1 , and R8 are independently hydrogen claim 1 , C1-C10 alkyl claim 1 , or substituted C1-C10 alkyl.8. The cosmetic composition of claim 7 , wherein for Formula II claim 7 , R5 claim 7 , R6 claim 7 , R7 claim 7 , and R8 are hydrogen.9 ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170128355A1

A topical composition for anti-aging and anti-UV damage treatment of the skin includes water soluble extract of species, extract, alpha lipoic acid, dimethylethanolamine, tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate, dimethyl sulfoxide, (licorice) root extract, methylsulfonylmethane, phytosterols, D-ribose, tocotrienol, tocopherol, glucosamine hydrochloride, extract; silicates of sodium, magnesium and aluminum, and a dermatologically acceptable liposomal delivery medium. The composition is useful in a method using it for anti-aging skin treatment effecting DNA repair in both the nucleus and the mitochondria. The topical composition can be applied on the skin of a person daily, and can also be applied in a dermal infusion treatment, with or without micro-dermal abrasion or skin suction. Topical application of the composition achieves effective reduction of pigmentation spots, degree of winkles, and improvement of skin color, tone and turgidity, particularly of the eyelid and facial areas. 1. A method of reducing pigmentation spots , treating wrinkles and improving skin color tone of skin in a person in need thereof comprising topically applying to one or more areas of the skin , an effective amount of a composition comprising as active agents:{'i': 'arabidopsis thaliana', '(a) extract in a concentration range from about 0.5% to about 2% (w/w);'}{'i': 'Uncaria', '(b) a water soluble extract of species in a concentration range from about 0.5% to about 5% (w/w);'}(c) alpha lipoic acid in a concentration range from about 1% to about 5% (w/w);(d) dimethylethanolamine in a concentration range from about 0.2 to about 0.8% (w/w);(e) tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate in a concentration range from about 0.5% to about 2% (w/w);(f) dimethyl sulfoxide in a concentration range from about 0.5% to about 2% (w/w);{'i': 'glycyrrhiza glabra', '(g) (licorice) root extract in a concentration range from about 0.005% to about 0.3% (w/w);'}(h) methylsulfonylmethane in a concentration range from about 0.1 to about 0.5 ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200121769A1

The embodiments relate to improved skin quality, health and appearance using a new delivery method and certain bioactive compositions and formulations. The system incorporates microneedle delivery technology with unique compositions and formulations. Such development allows for the pursuit of personalized medicine, or treatment delivery that can expand to remote controlled environment, immediate compounding and ultimate personalization with a state of the art longitudinal data predictive analytics. Certain formulations described herein are unique, combinatory and synergistic. Secured by high-tech proprietary system, there are unlimited potentials using AQT technology including but not limited to 3-D printing of a biodegradable micro chips that can be delivered via injection, AQT or any other possible route. 1168.-. (canceled)169. A microneedle delivery device comprisingi) a plurality of microneedles, wherein the microneedles are hollow or non-hollow, wherein one or multiple grooves are inset along an outer wall of the microneedles; andii) a reservoir capable of holding a bioactive composition to be delivered to a subject's tissue, wherein the reservoir is attached to or contains a means to encourage flow of the bioactive composition into the tissue;wherein the bioactive composition is capable of being delivered into the tissue by passing through the one or multiple grooves along the outer wall of the microneedle by a repeated motion of penetrating the microneedle delivery device into the tissue of a subject.170. The microneedle delivery device of claim 169 , wherein the microneedles are non-hollow.171. The microneedle delivery device of claim 170 , wherein the means to encourage flow of the bioactive composition into the tissue is selected from the group consisting of a plunger claim 170 , pump and suction mechanism.172. The microneedle delivery device of claim 170 , wherein the means to encourage flow of the bioactive composition into the tissue is a mechanical ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

System, method, and kit for selecting and preparing customized cosmetics

Номер: US20170143619A1

A kit for preparing a customized cosmetic includes at least one of five cosmetic bases. Each of the five cosmetic bases correspond to at least one of a plurality of primary categories. The kit additionally includes at least one cosmetic active ingredient for admixing with the at least one cosmetic base. The at least one cosmetic active ingredient corresponds to at least one of the plurality of primary categories or at least one of the plurality of secondary categories.

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Synergistic antifungal compositions and methods thereof

Номер: US20190142800A1
Принадлежит: Vyome Therapeutics Ltd

The present invention relates to the field of antimicrobials and pharmaceutical sciences. The invention provides anti-fungal compositions for the management of fungal growth and treatment of fungal infections, including treatment of resistant fungal infections. The present compositions comprise at least one antifungal agent and at least one medium-chain saturated or unsaturated fatty acid having carbon chain length of C-1 to C-14 or ester thereof, optionally along with excipient(s), giving rise to a synergistic antifungal activity.

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210196772A1

A confection may include one or more skin protective ingredients, a thickening agent, and a sweetening agent. The one or more skin protective ingredients may include extract, astaxanthin, , lycopene, lutein, and/or zeaxanthin. In some embodiments, the confection may be formulated as a gummy, chewable, or candy, and may be taken orally on a regular basis (e.g., daily) to treat and/or prevent one or more skin conditions. 2Polypodium leucotomos. The confection of claim 1 , wherein the one or more skin protective ingredients comprises between about 60 mg and about 720 mg of extract.3. The confection of claim 1 , wherein the one or more skin protective ingredients comprises between about 1 mg and about 16 mg of astaxanthin.4Pinus pinaster.. The confection of claim 1 , wherein the one or more skin protective ingredients comprises between about 10 mg and about 250 mg of extract from5. The confection of claim 1 , wherein the one or more skin protective ingredients comprises between about 10 mg and about 50 mg of lycopene.6. The confection of claim 1 , wherein the one or more skin protective ingredients comprises between about 5 mg and about 30 mg lutein.7. The confection of claim 1 , wherein the one or more skin protective ingredients comprises between about 0.5 mg and about 10 mg zeaxanthin.8. The confection of claim 1 , wherein the thickening agent comprises pectin claim 1 , gelatin claim 1 , sugar claim 1 , alginates claim 1 , agar claim 1 , gum Arabic claim 1 , alginic acid claim 1 , sodium alginate claim 1 , potassium alginate claim 1 , calcium alginate claim 1 , gellan gum claim 1 , guar gum claim 1 , carrageenan claim 1 , locust bean gum claim 1 , glucomannan claim 1 , konjac claim 1 , sodium carboxymethylcellulose claim 1 , tapioca claim 1 , tapioca syrup claim 1 , tara gum claim 1 , tamarind gum claim 1 , starch claim 1 , xanthan gum claim 1 , maltodextrin claim 1 , or a combination thereof.9. The confection of claim 1 , wherein the sweetening agent comprises cane ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160175408A1

The embodiments relate to improved skin quality, health and appearance using a new delivery method and certain bioactive compositions and formulations. The system incorporates microneedle delivery technology with unique compositions and formulations. Such development allows for the pursuit of personalized medicine, or treatment delivery that can expand to remote controlled environment, immediate compounding and ultimate personalization with a state of the art longitudinal data predictive analytics. Certain formulations described herein are unique, combinatory and synergistic. Secured by high-tech proprietary system, there are unlimited potentials using AQT technology including but not limited to 3-D printing of a biodegradable micro chips that can be delivered via injection, AQT or any other possible route. 1. A method for improving the cosmetic appearance of a subject , the method comprising:(a) preparing a bioactive formulation, the bioactive formulation comprising at least one cosmetically-bioactive agent, and a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient;(b) loading a reservoir attached to a microneedle delivery system with the bioactive formulation, wherein the microneedle delivery system is capable of delivering sufficient quantities of the bioactive formulation for improving the cosmetic appearance of the subject;(c) applying the bioactive formulation in the microneedle delivery system to the skin surface of the subject where needed, the bioactive formulation only penetrating within the dermal layer, or at a dermal and epidermal junction of the skin; and(d) optionally repeating application of the bioactive formulation in the microneedle delivery system to the skin surface of the subject.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bioactive agent is selected from the group consisting of a neurotoxin and hyaluronic acid claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the neurotoxin is botulinum toxin or micro botulinum toxin.4. The method of claim 3 ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Medicated Cosmetic Formulation

Номер: US20210205197A1
Автор: Ourian Simon

A medicated cosmetic formulation is provided which comprises one or more vitamin A vitamers, one or more depigmentation agents, and a chemical exfoliant. More particularly, the formulation comprises one or more retinoids as vitamin A vitamers, hydroquinone and/or kojic acid as depigmentation agents, and salicylic acid as a chemical exfoliant. The formulation reduces wrinkles, the appearance of blemishes, and photoaging. In some embodiments, additional ingredients are included, such as skin-colored pigments and ultra violet protection agents. Each of the aforementioned ingredients are provided in ratios that are safe and effective to facilitate collagen production, cell turnover, and depigmentation, and to stimulate blood vessels in the skin. 1. A cosmetic formulation for reducing wrinkles , blemishes , and photoaging , comprising:a mixture comprising: one or more retinoids, salicylic acid, and one or more depigmentation agents.2. The formulation of claim 1 , further comprising:the one or more retinoids about 0.025 to about 1.0 wt. % of the formulation;salicylic acid about 0.5 to about 2.0 wt. % of the formulation; andthe one or more depigmentation agents 0.025 to about 4.0 wt. % of the formulation.3. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the one or more depigmentation agents comprise hydroquinone.4. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the one or more depigmentation agents comprise kojic acid.5. The formulation of claim 1 , further comprising skin-colored pigments and ultra violet protection agents.6. A medicated cosmetic formulation comprising:one or more vitamin A vitamers;one or more depigmentation agents; andan exfoliant.7. The formulation of claim 6 , wherein the one or more vitamin A vitamers comprise retinoids.8. The formulation of claim 6 , wherein the one or more pigmentation agents comprise hydroquinone and kojic acid.9. The formulation of claim 6 , wherein the exfoliant is a chemical exfoliant.10. The formulation of claim 9 , wherein the chemical exfoliant ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200179266A1
Автор: Rasochova Lada
Принадлежит: Dermala, Inc.

Disclosed are methods of treating aging effects on a subject skin, comprising contacting the skin with a skin microbiome complex, including topical compositions containing YM Microbiome Complex and Advanced Probiotic Complex, methods of treatment using the compositions and methods of preparing the compositions for preventing, slowing, and reversing skin aging. Also disclosed are related formulations and methods of skin microbiome transplantation. 1. A method of treating aging effects on a subject skin , the method comprising contacting the skin with a skin microbiome complex.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the complex is selected from one of YM Complex or MK022B Complex.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the subject is a human.4. A formulation comprising YM Complex or MK022B Complex claim 1 , wherein the YM or MK022B Complex comprises 0.1-50% v/v claim 1 , algae extract with hyaluronate gel comprises 10% v/v claim 1 , glycerol comprises 5% v/v claim 1 , and green tea extract comprises 1% v/v claim 1 , wherein the formulation may optionally be adjusted to pH 5.5 claim 1 , and aloe vera powder in water can be used to bring the solution up to 100% volume.5Boswellia serrata. The formulation of claim 4 , wherein the formulation further comprises a compound selected from the group consisting of Retinol claim 4 , Epidermal Growth Factor claim 4 , alpha hydroxy acid claim 4 , beta hydroxy acids claim 4 , exfoliants claim 4 , argireline claim 4 , copper peptide claim 4 , coenzyme Q10 claim 4 , anti-oxidants claim 4 , niacinamide claim 4 , hyaluronic acid claim 4 , polylactic acid claim 4 , claim 4 , sunscreens and any combination thereof.6. The formulation of claim 4 , wherein the formulation enhances contact with proliferating keratinocytes that form in the stratum basale which migrate through the epidermis towards the surface and stratum corneum.7. A method of using transplantation of skin microbiomes isolated from young claim 4 , radiant claim 4 , wrinkle-free skin (or ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150202143A1

A kit for preparing a customized cosmetic includes at least one of five cosmetic bases. Each of the five cosmetic bases correspond to at least one of a plurality of primary categories. The kit additionally includes at least one cosmetic active ingredient for admixing with the at least one cosmetic base. The at least one cosmetic active ingredient corresponds to at least one of the plurality of primary categories or at least one of the plurality of secondary categories. 1. A kit for preparing a customized cosmetic comprising:at least one of five cosmetic bases, each of the five cosmetic bases corresponding to at least one of a plurality of primary categories; andat least one cosmetic active ingredient for admixing with the at least one cosmetic base, the at least one cosmetic active ingredient corresponding to at least one of at least one of the plurality of primary categories and at least one of a plurality of secondary categories.2. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the five cosmetic bases are a rich anti-aging cream base claim 1 , a light anti-aging cream base claim 1 , a sensitive skin cream base claim 1 , a moisturizing cream base claim 1 , and an oily skin cream base.3. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the at least one cosmetic active ingredient is one of a vectorized co-enzyme Q10 ingredient claim 1 , a vitamin C derivative ingredient claim 1 , a hyaluronic acid liposomes ingredient claim 1 , a tetrapeptide and oligopeptide blend ingredient claim 1 , a octapeptide ingredient claim 1 , an antioxidant enzyme complex ingredient claim 1 , a carob extract ingredient claim 1 , a vectorized ceramides ingredient claim 1 , a triterpene gel ingredient claim 1 , a vitamin B3 ingredient claim 1 , a polysaccharides ingredient claim 1 , a vegetal omega fatty acids ingredient claim 1 , and a tetra peptide ingredient.4. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the primary categories are based on a skin type of a consumer and a primary skin concern of a consumer.5. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210228462A1

The present invention relates to a composition for dyeing. The composition for dyeing according to the present invention forms a covalent bond without damaging skin, hair, nails, fibers, or leather by using a reaction promoting additive for promoting peptide bond formation in addition to a carbodiimide-based compound, thereby providing a desired semi-permanent dyeing effect. 1. A dyeing composition , comprising a carbodiimide-based compound , a reaction accelerating additive and a dye.2. The dyeing composition of claim 1 , wherein the reaction accelerating additive is one or more selected from the group consisting of hydroxysuccinimide claim 1 , hydroxycarbamide claim 1 , hydroxytriazole claim 1 , hydroxybenzotriazole claim 1 , hydroxypyridinone claim 1 , hydroxyphenylbenzimidazole claim 1 , hydroxyindolinone claim 1 , hydroxybenzotriazine and oxyma.3. The dyeing composition of claim 1 , wherein the reaction accelerating additive is a water-soluble nonionic polymer claim 1 , a bead- or resin-type polymer resin claim 1 , or a type bound with silica beads.4. The dyeing composition of claim 3 , wherein the water-soluble nonionic polymer has a weight average molecular weight of 1 claim 3 ,000 Da or more and less than 300 claim 3 ,000 Da.5. The dyeing composition of claim 3 , wherein the water-soluble nonionic polymer is one or more polymers selected from the group consisting of polyethylene glycol claim 3 , polyvinyl alcohol claim 3 , polyethylene oxide claim 3 , polyacrylonitrile claim 3 , polyvinylpyrrolidone claim 3 , polyisopropylacrylamide claim 3 , a cellulose derivative claim 3 , a starch derivative claim 3 , dextran and guar gum.6. The dyeing composition of claim 3 , wherein the resin-type polymer has a weight average molecular weight of 1 claim 3 ,000 Da or more and less than 300 claim 3 ,000 Da.7. The dyeing composition of claim 3 , wherein the bead-type polymer resin has an average particle size of 100 nm to 1 mm.8. The dyeing composition of claim 3 , wherein ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150216779A1
Автор: Mora-Gutierrez Adela

This invention relates to compositions for delaying aging. The compositions comprise branched-chain amino acids and whey protein, and combinations thereof, containing the same, such as L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-valine, lactoferrin, and β-lactoglobulin. The compositions are heat stable when dissolved in water at near neutral pH. The compositions are palatable and suitable for delivering orally administrable anti-aging agents such as ω-3 fatty acids, coenzyme Q, xanthophylls, L-arginine, and L-glutathione. 1. A composition comprising:(a) heat stabilized lactoferrin, heat stabilized lactoglobulin or a combination of heat stabilized lactoferrin and heat stabilized lactoglobulin; i) sodium,', 'ii) potassium,', 'iii) magnesium, and', 'iv) calcium; and, '(b) a buffer selected from the group consisting of acetate salts of [{'sub': '10', 'i) coenzyme Q;'}, 'ii) a xanthophyll, such as astaxanthin, fucoxanthin and/or zeaxanthin; and', 'iii) L-Glutathione; and', 'iv) leutein., '(c) optionally, one or more anti-aging agent selected from the group consisting of2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein said composition comprises heat stabilized lactoferrin.3. The composition according to claim 2 , wherein said heat-stabilized lactoferrin has been mixed with zinc lactate and said heat stabilized lactoferrin is saturated with zinc.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein said composition comprises heat stabilized lactoglobulin or heat stabilized lactoferrin.5. The composition according to claim 4 , wherein said heat stabilized lactoglobulin comprises a mixture of L-arginine and lactoglobulin and/or said heat stabilized lactoferrin comprises a combination of branched chain amino acids and beta-lactoferrin.6. The composition according to claim 1 , said composition further comprising a combination of branched chain amino acids.7. The composition according to claim 6 , said wherein said branched chain amino acids are L-leucine claim 6 , L-isoleucine and L-valine.8. The ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации

Coloring agent comprising direct dyes and phosphate surfactants

Номер: US20140298594A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG and Co KGaA

Agents for coloring keratinic fibers, containing (a) at least one compound of formula (I) and (b) at least one phosphate surfactant are disclosed and described.

09-10-2014 дата публикации

Substance for dyeing keratin fibers, including cationic anthraquinone dyes and fatty acid triglycerides

Номер: US20140298596A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG and Co KGaA

The present disclosure provides an agent for coloring keratinic fibers comprising, in a cosmetic carrier (a) at least one compound of formula (I) and (b) at least one fatty acid triglyceride. The present disclosure also provides a method of using such an agent to produce increased shine, an intense color result with improved fastness properties, or reduced selectivity.

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200197269A1

The present invention relates to a stable powder composition comprising hair direct dyes which is used for dyeing hair after mixing with one or more aqueous compositions. The composition comprises one or more direct dyes selected from HC Red 18, HC Blue 18, and HC Yellow 16, one or more alkanolamine as alkalizing agent, an organic and/or an inorganic pulverulent excipient. 1. A powder composition for treating keratin fibres , comprising:at least one direct dye selected from the group consisting of HC Red 18, HC Blue 18 and HC Yellow 16;at least one alkanolamine as an alkalizing agent; andan organic and/or inorganic pulverulent excipient,wherein the composition is suitable for treating keratin fibers.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content of water in the composition is 10% or less by weight claim 1 , calculated to the total weight of the composition.3. The composition according to claim 1 , further comprising:at least one solvent selected from the group consisting of water, ethanol, N-propanol, isopropanol, and a mixture thereof.4. The composition according to claim 1 , further comprising:a second alkalizing agent other than the at least one alkanolamine,wherein the second alkalizing agent is at least one of carbonate and/or bicarbonate salts with cations selected from the group consisting of sodium, potassium, ammonium and guanidine.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein a weight ratio of a total concentration of HC Red 18 claim 1 , HC Blue 18 and HC Yellow 16 to a total concentration of the at least one alkanolamine is in the range of 0.01 to 5.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition is free of persalts.7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one alkanolamine is at least one selected from the group consisting of monoethanolamine claim 1 , diethanolamine claim 1 , triethanolamine claim 1 , monoethanol methyl amine claim 1 , monoethanol dimethylamine claim 1 , di-ethanolmethylamine claim ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Stable Fat-soluble Active Ingredient Composition, Microcapsule and Process Of Preparation and Use Thereof

Номер: US20180207277A1

The present invention provides a stable fat-soluble active ingredient composition, microcapsule and process for preparation and use thereof. The fat-soluble active ingredient composition comprises tocopherol, vitamin C palmitate and a fat-soluble active ingredient; wherein the weight ratio of tocopherol to vitamin C palmitate is 2-8:1, the weight ratio of a combination of tocopherol with vitamin C palmitate to the fat-soluble active ingredient is 7-13:100. The present invention obtains a novel antioxidant composition without hidden dangers for improving the stability of the fat-soluble active ingredient by screening a combination of antioxidants and adjusting their proportion and dose. 1. A stable fat-soluble active ingredient composition , comprising tocopherol , vitamin C palmitate and a fat-soluble active ingredient; wherein the weight ratio of tocopherol to vitamin C palmitate is 2-8:1 , the weight ratio of a combination of tocopherol with vitamin C palmitate to the fat-soluble active ingredient is 7-13:100.2. The stable fat-soluble active ingredient composition according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of tocopherol to vitamin C palmitate is 3-7:1.3. The stable fat-soluble active ingredient composition according to claim 2 , wherein the weight ratio of tocopherol to vitamin C palmitate is 4-6:1.4. The stable fat-soluble active ingredient composition according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of a combination of tocopherol with vitamin C palmitate to the fat-soluble active ingredient is 8-12:100.5. The stable fat-soluble active ingredient composition according to claim 4 , wherein the weight ratio of the combination of tocopherol with vitamin C palmitate to the fat-soluble active ingredient is 9-11:100.6. The stable fat-soluble active ingredient composition according to claim 1 , wherein the fat-soluble active ingredient is selected from at least one of the group consisting of vitamin A claim 1 , vitamin D claim 1 , coenzyme Q10 claim 1 , vitamin K ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации

Conditioning Composition for Hair

Номер: US20150224048A1

The present invention is related to an aqueous conditioning composition for hair comprising at least one alkyl ester/amido alkyl amine or alkyl ester/amido alkyl quaternary amine and an aqueous emulsion of divinyldimethicone/dimethicone copolymer. In particular, a conditioning composition for hair comprising at least one compound according to general structure 115-. (canceled)16. An aqueous conditioning composition for hair comprising:at least one amine compound selected from the group consisting of stearamidopropyl dimethyl amine, stearyloxypropyl amine, stearyloxypropyl dimethyl amine, stearamidopropyl diethyl amine, stearamidopropyl amine, stearamidoproly dihydroethyl amine, stearoylpropyl amine, wherein the amine compound is present at a concentration of 0.01 to 20% by weight, calculated to the total composition; and{'sup': 8', '2, 'an aqueous emulsion of divinyldimethicone/dimethicone copolymer with an internal phase viscosity of more than 1×10mm/s measured at 0.01 Hz at 25° C., wherein the aqueous emulsion of divinyldimethicone/dimethicone copolymer is present at a concentration of 0.01 to 10% by weight and comprises non-ionic surfactant, calculated to the total composition.'}17. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the aqueous emulsion of divinyldimethicone/dimethicone copolymer has a viscosity of higher than 1.2×10mm/s measured at 0.01 Hz at 25° C.18. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the amine compound is present at a concentration of 0.25 to 5% by weight claim 16 , calculated to the total composition claim 16 , and the aqueous emulsion of divinyldimethicone/dimethicone copolymer is present at a concentration of 0.1 to 4% by weight claim 16 , calculated to the total composition.19. The composition according to claim 16 , further comprising:at least one conditioning agent selected from the group consisting of oily substances, nonionic substances, cationic amphiphilic ingredients, cationic polymers and their mixtures.22. The ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190209523A1

The present disclosure provides at least one skin supplement composition that has been shown to be advantageous for healthy skin, preferably comprised of hydrolyzed collagen, glucosamine sulfate, biotin, vitamin A palmitate, vitamin E, alpha lipoic acid, coenzyme Q, pine bark extract, L-selenomethionone and niacinamide. An advantageous nootropic composition is also disclosed preferably comprised of ascorbic acid, taurine, elemental magnesium, glycinate, L-theanine, L-tyrosine, pine bark extract, N-acetyl-L-carnitine, DL-choline bitartrate, maca root, glucosinolates, P5P (pyridoxal-5-phosphate) and alpha ketoglutaric acid. A method to provide a specifically tailored supplement is also disclosed, preferably of collecting dry blood spots, analyzing the dry blood spots with tandem mass spectrometry, determining an amino acid kinetic pattern based on the analysis, and generating the specifically tailor supplement based on the pattern. 1. A nootropic composition comprising: ascorbic acid , taurine , elemental magnesium glycinate , L-theanine , L-tyrosine , pine bark extract , N-acetyl-L-carnitine , DL-choline bitartrate , maca root , glucosinolates , P5P (pyridoxal-5-phosphate) and alpha ketoglutaric acid.2. The nootropic composition of where the ascorbic acid is within a range of 200-1000 mg claim 1 , the taurine is within a range of 500-3000 mg claim 1 , the elemental magnesium glycinate is within a range of 5-150 mg claim 1 , the L-theanine is within a range of 130-350 mg claim 1 , the L-tyrosine is within a range of 500-100000 mg claim 1 , the pine bark extract is within a range of 75-600 mg claim 1 , the N-acetyl-L-carnitine is within a range of 600-4000 mg claim 1 , the DL-choline bitartrate is within a range of 30-1000 mg claim 1 , the maca root is within a range of 500-3000 mg claim 1 , the P5P is within a range of 20-50 mg and the alpha ketoglutaric acid is within a range of 300-1000 mg.3. A skin supplement composition comprising: hydrolyzed collagen claim 1 , ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Combination of cannabis, derivatives thereof and additives in oral care compositions

Номер: US20210244653A1
Автор: Therese Mainella
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relation to an oral care composition comprising a cannabinoid and at least one pharmaceutical active component is provided in which the at least one pharmaceutical active component improves oral health beyond benefits provided by the at least one cannabinoid alone. The at least one pharmaceutical active component can be Manuka honey. The oral care composition can be used in an oral care product for whitening or bleaching teeth.

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Minoxidil Adjuvant Therapies

Номер: US20200214958A1
Автор: Goren Ofer A., McCoy John

Compositions and methods are disclosed herein for inducing (up-regulating) the expression of sulfotransferases in the hair follicles, e.g., the scalp. Increasing sulfotransferase is beneficial for metabolizing pro-drugs that require sulfonation to be activated, e.g., minoxidil sulfate is the active metabolite of minoxidil. A method for combining the compositions described herein with topical minoxidil to enhance minoxidil treatment for androgenetic alopecia is described. Additional methods and compositions include the use of retinoid X receptor agonists, retinoic acid receptor agonists, and nuclear receptor agonists in an RXR-NR heterodimer. Additional methods and compositions include the use of a topical solution containing an alkalinizing agent or an alkalinizing agent used with a penetration enhancer for up-regulating the sulfonating capacity of hair bearing skin, hair follicles, and/or keratinocyte cells. In addition, compositions and methods for increasing or decreasing the growth rate of hair follicles is disclosed by altering the intracellular pH. 1. A method for treating hair loss , improving hair growth , accelerating hair growth , increasing the sulfonating capacity of a hair follicle cell and/or keratinocyte cell , inducing sulfotransferase in a hair follicle , inducing expression of sulfotransferase , increasing hair thickness and/or diameter , increasing hair growth rate , inceasing hair density , accelerating hair growth , treating for alopecia , upregulating sulfotransferase , converting non-resonders to minoxidil responders , and/or improving minoxidil response , the method comprising:applying an effective amount of a composition including an agent configured to induce expression of sulfotransferase in skin of a person exhibiting the effects of hair loss, wherein the agent includes a salt of minoxidil.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the salt comprises a first ion and a second ion;the first ion of the salt is an alkalinizing agent configured to ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140322189A1

A composition based on ubidecarenone, or coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10, comprises CoQ10, one or more specific hydrophylic carriers selected from the maltodextrins class and one or more adjuvant agents selected from the sucrose-esters class. 1. Ternary composition based on ubidecarenone , or the coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10 , characterized in that it consists of three components or classes of components: CoQ10 , one or more specific hydrophylic carriers selected from the maltodextrins class and one or more adjuvant agents selected from the sucrose-esters class.2. Composition as in claim 1 , characterized in that the CoQ10 claim 1 , the one or more specific hydrophylic carriers selected from the maltodextrins class and the one or more adjuvant agents selected from the sucrose-esters class are co-ground dry.3. Composition as in claim 1 , characterized in that it provides a percentage in weight of CoQ10 comprised between 5% and 30%.4. Composition as in claim 1 , characterized in that it provides a percentage in weight of CoQ10 comprised between 7.5% and 20%.5. Composition as in claim 1 , characterized in that it provides a percentage in weight of CoQ 10 comprised between 10% and 15%.6. Composition as in m characterized in that it provides a percentage in weight of one or more adjuvant agents selected from the sucrose-esters class comprised between 5% and 30%.7. Composition as in claim 1 , characterized in that it provides a percentage in weight of one or more adjuvant agents selected from the sucrose-esters class comprised between 7.5% and 20%.8. Composition in claim 1 , characterized in that it provides a percentage in weight of one or more adjuvant agents selected from the sucrose-esters class comprised between 10% and 15%.9. Composition in claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , given the percentage in weight of CoQ10 and co-grinding adjuvant agent selected in the sucrose-esters class claim 1 , the percentage in weight of the hydrophylic carrier in the maltodextrins class is ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170231899A1
Автор: Siddiqui Mukhtar
Принадлежит: YOUNIQUE, LLC

The present disclosure provides formulations, methods and devices for periorbital skin rejuvenation. A periorbital skin serum in accordance with the present disclosure comprises squalane (sugarcane derived), vitamin E (tocopheryl acetate), vitamin C (tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate), and ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10, oxidized form). 1. A periorbital skin serum comprising:squalane in an amount of about 98.3 percent by weight,vitamin E in an amount of about 0.2 percent by weight,vitamin C in an amount of about 0.2 percent by weight, andubiquinone in an amount of about 0.075 percent by weight.2. The periorbital skin serum of claim 1 , wherein the squalane is derived from sugarcane.3. The periorbital skin serum of further comprising:iris pallida leaf cell extract in an amount of about 0.1 percent by weight caprylic/capric triglyceride in an amount of about 0.4 percent by weight, and C12-15 alkyl benzoate in an amount of about 0.725 percent by weight.4. The periorbital skin serum of claim 3 , wherein it is anhydrous.5. The periorbital skin serum of claim 3 , wherein it is oil free.6. The periorbital skin serum of claim 3 , wherein it comprises greater than 98 percent by weight natural ingredients.7. A periorbital skin serum consisting of:squalane in an amount of approximately 98.3 percent by weight,vitamin E in an amount of approximately 0.2 percent by weight,vitamin C in an amount of approximately 0.2 percent by weight, andubiquinone in an amount of approximately 0.075 percent by weight.iris pallida leaf cell extract in an amount of approximately 0.1 percent by weightcaprylic/capric triglyceride in an amount of approximately 0.4 percent by weight, andC12-15 alkyl benzoate in an amount of approximately 0.725 percent by weight.8. The periorbital skin serum of claim 7 , wherein the squalane is derived from sugarcane.9. A method of using a periorbital skin serum comprising: squalane in an amount of about 98.3 percent by weight,', 'vitamin E in an amount of about 0.2 percent by weight ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170239359A1

The present disclosure relates to anhydrous hydrogels useful as mucoadhesive (oral compositions) or as topical agents and may be used to deliver an active agent such as active pharmaceutical agents (API's), coagulants, fragrances, flavors, and other actives and excipients. 116-. (canceled)17. A composition , comprising:a. sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (NaCMC) in an amount of from 5% (w/w) to 30% (w/w), said sodium carboxymethyl cellulose including minimal residual water; andb. anhydrous glycerine in an amount of from 70% (w/w) to 95% (w/w),wherein said composition is a solid or semi-solid gel composition.18. The composition according to claim 17 , further including an active agent in an amount of from 0.1% (w/w) to 30% (w/w).19. The composition according to claim 18 , wherein said active agent is cannabidiol (CBD).20. The composition according to claim 18 , wherein said active agent is selected from cannabidiol (CBD) oil and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) oil.21. The composition according to claim 17 , wherein said anhydrous glycerin includes not more than 0.5% water.22. The composition according to claim 18 , wherein said active agent is moisture sensitive.23. The composition according to claim 22 , wherein said moisture sensitive active agent comprises pharmaceutical agents including biologicals claim 22 , enzymes claim 22 , proteins and fragments thereof claim 22 , Adderall claim 22 , alprazolam claim 22 , gemifloxacin claim 22 , hydromorphone and zolmitriptan.24. The composition according to wherein said active agent is a pharmaceutical agent selected from analgesics claim 18 , decongestants claim 18 , bronchodilators claim 18 , antiasthmatic agents claim 18 , cardiovascular agents claim 18 , diabetic agents claim 18 , antihistamines claim 18 , anesthetics claim 18 , antifungals claim 18 , anti-nauseants claim 18 , antiemetics claim 18 , antibacterial agents claim 18 , antifungal agents claim 18 , corticosteroids claim 18 , neurological agents claim 18 , anti- ...

01-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160250159A1

A composition that includes at least two of: echinochrome A (2-ethyl-3,5,6,7,8-pentahydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone); spinochrome A (2-acetyl-3,5,6,8-tetrahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione); spinochrome B (2,3,5,7-tetrahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione); spinochrome C (2-acetyl-3,5,6,7,8-pentahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione); spinochrome D (2,3,5,6,8-Pentahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione); and spinochrome E (hexahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione). The composition can include one or more additional active ingredients (e.g., vitamin, tretinoin (alltrans retinoic acid or ATRA), a glycosaminoglycan (GAG), dermal filler, toxin, etc.) and/or one or more inactive ingredients (e.g., solvent, carrier, gelling agent, coloring agent, etc.). The composition can be in a dry, solid form (e.g., powder), or in a liquid form. Additionally, each of the above components above can independently be present in the composition in either the naturally derived form, or in a synthetically prepared form. 1. A composition comprising:(a) echinochrome A (2-ethyl-3,5,6,7,8-pentahydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone);(b) spinochrome A (2-acetyl-3,5,6,8-tetrahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione);(c) spinochrome B (2,3,5,7-tetrahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione);(d) spinochrome C (2-acetyl-3,5,6,7,8-pentahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione);(e) spinochrome D (2,3,5,6,8-Pentahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione); and(f) spinochrome E (hexahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione).2. The composition of claim 1 , having a purity of at least about 98 wt. %.3. The composition of claim 1 , which is in a solid form having a particle size of about D10-1 claim 1 ,000 μm.4. The composition of claim 1 , which is in a powder form.5. The composition of claim 1 , which is in a solid form claim 1 , and is formulated as a fertilizer.6. The composition of claim 1 , which is in a liquid form.7. The composition of claim 1 , which is essentially free of marine tissue.8. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising a carrier.9. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising at least one of an ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180250208A1

Described are compositions containing quinones that show activity in enhance DNA repair and/or prevent damage to DNA and/or upregulate genes associated with wound healing. The quinones are thymoquinone, lapachol, myrtucommulone C, or mixtures thereof, and can be formulated into cosmetic compositions for topical administration to a subject in need thereof. The cosmetic compositions can also include sunscreens, surfactants, sunless tanning agents, desquamation agents, antiperspirants, colorants, preservatives and mixtures; and a cosmetically acceptable carrier. The compositions should find use in methods for treating the signs of ageing in mammals, dermatitis and wound healing via topical application to a site in need thereof, such as the skin or hair of the mammals or a wound site. 2. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein R1 claim 1 , R2 claim 1 , R3 claim 1 , R4 claim 1 , R5 claim 1 , R6 claim 1 , R7 claim 1 , and R8 are independently hydrogen claim 1 , unsubstituted C1-C10 alkyl claim 1 , substituted C1-C10 alkyl claim 1 , unsubstituted C2-C10 alkenyl claim 1 , or substituted C2-C10 alkenyl; andwherein R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15, R16, R17, R18, R19, R20, R21, R22, and R23 are independently hydrogen, unsubstituted C1-C10 alkyl, substituted C1-C10 alkyl, hydroxyl, ═O, substituted C1-C10 carbonyl, or unsubstituted C1-C10 carbonyl.3. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein for Formula I claim 1 , R2 and R4 are each hydrogen.4. The cosmetic composition of claim 3 , wherein for Formula I claim 3 , R1 and R3 are independently unsubstituted C1-C10 alkyl claim 3 , or substituted C1-C10 alkyl.5. The cosmetic composition of claim 4 , wherein for Formula I claim 4 , R1 is substituted C1-C5 alkyl; R3 is methyl claim 4 , and R2 and R4 are each hydrogen.7. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein for Formula II claim 1 , R5 claim 1 , R6 claim 1 , R7 claim 1 , and R8 are independently hydrogen claim 1 , C1-C10 alkyl claim 1 , or substituted C1-C10 alkyl.8. ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180256474A1

The present invention relates to a composition for dyeing keratin fibers, comprising (a) at least one direct dye; and (b) at least one oxygen-containing polycyclic compound which has at least one oxygen-containing polycyclic ring. The composition according to the present invention may further include (c) at least one specific sulfone compound. The composition according to the present invention is a one-part composition and can prevent or reduce skin staining by the direct dye on the skin such as the scalp, while providing the keratin fibers with good cosmetic effects such as good coloring properties. 115-. (canceled)16. A composition for dyeing keratin fibers , comprising:(a) at least one direct dye; and(b) at least one oxygen-containing polycyclic compound comprising at least one oxygen-containing polycyclic ring.171. The composition according to claim , wherein the at least one direct dye is chosen from acidic direct dyes , basic direct dyes , neutral direct dyes , or mixtures thereof.19. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one direct dye is present in an amount ranging from about 0.001% to about 5% by weight claim 16 , relative to the total weight of the composition.20. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one direct dye is present in an amount ranging from about 0.05% to about 2% by weight claim 16 , relative to the total weight of the composition.21. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one oxygen-containing polycyclic ring is chosen from a phthalan ring claim 16 , coumaran ring claim 16 , isobenzofuran ring claim 16 , coumaron ring claim 16 , chroman ring claim 16 , chromen ring claim 16 , isochromen ring claim 16 , or piperonyl ring.22. The composition according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one oxygen-containing polycyclic ring is chosen from a hydroxyl group; an optionally substituted claim 16 , linear or branched Calkyl group; an optionally substituted claim 16 , linear or ...

14-10-2021 дата публикации

Composition for Promoting Differentiation or Proliferation of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cell

Номер: US20210315799A1
Принадлежит: LG Household and Health Care Ltd

Provided are a cosmetic composition, a food composition, a pharmaceutical composition, and an over-the-counter (OTC) composition for skin elasticity enhancement and skin wrinkle reduction, a composition for promoting differentiation or proliferation of human adipose-derived stem cells, and a method of enhancing skin elasticity including administering the compositions to an individual other than a human, each composition including at least one substance selected from the group consisting of formononetin, emodin, artepillin C, carnosic acid, palmitamide, sodium guaiazulene sulfonate, caffeic acid, acetyl mandelic acid, laccaic acid, ubiquinone, hydroxycinnamic acid, xanthophyll, raspberry ketone, gallic acid, terpineol, sodium mannose phosphate, tropolone, glycyrrhetinic acid, lanosterol, sodium riboflavin phosphate, menadione, thioctic acid, lactoflavin, onion extract, rice bran extract, bamboo extract, carrot extract, Hibiscus extract, Magnoliae cortex extract, Aloe vera extract, and fractions of the extracts as an active ingredient.

01-10-2015 дата публикации

Topical skin care formulations

Номер: US20150272848A1
Автор: Louise Holyfield
Принадлежит: Individual

Stable whiteness is provided by adding stabilizers to a topical anti-aging, anti-oxidant sunscreen or skin care formulation containing Tinosorb S and other optional ingredients, including CoQ10. The formulation will not stain clothing or other fabrics.

11-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140360523A1
Автор: Sabelle Stephane

The present invention relates to quinone direct dyes of formula (I) below, organic or mineral acid or base salts thereof, tautomeric forms, optical isomers or geometrical isomers thereof and/or solvates thereof: and also to the use thereof for dyeing keratin fibres, in particular human keratin fibres such as the hair. The invention also relates to a composition for dyeing keratin fibres, comprising such direct dyes in a suitable dyeing medium. Similarly, a subject of the present invention is a process for dyeing keratin fibres, using the said dye composition. 116.-. (canceled)18. The quinone direct dye of formula (I) according to claim 17 , wherein:n is an integer equal to 0, 1 or 2; [{'sub': 1', '4, 'a linear or branched C-Calkyl radical,'}, {'sub': 1', '4, 'a C-Calkoxy radical, and'}, 'a halogen atom;, 'R is chosen from{'sub': '1', 'claim-text': [{'sub': 1', '5, 'a linear or branched C-Calkyl radical,'}, {'sub': 1', '5, 'a linear or branched C-Calkyl radical substituted with at least one hydroxyl radical;'}], 'Ris chosen from{'sub': '2', 'claim-text': [{'sub': 1', '5, 'a linear or branched C-Calkyl radical,'}, {'sub': 1', '5, 'a linear or branched C-Calkyl radical substituted with at least one hydroxyl radical; and'}], 'Ris chosen from a hydroxyl radical;', {'sub': 3', '4', '3', '4, 'claim-text': a hydrogen atom,', {'sub': 1', '6, 'a linear or branched C-Calkyl radical, and'}, {'sub': 1', '6, 'a linear or branched C-Calkyl radical substituted with at least one hydroxyl radical.'}], 'a radical —NRRwherein Rand R, which may be identical or different, are chosen from], 'X is chosen from19. The quinone direct dye of formula (I) according to claim 17 , wherein n is an integer equal to 0 claim 17 , 1 or 2.20. The quinone direct dye of formula (I) according to claim 17 , wherein Ris a linear or branched C-Calkyl radical and Ris a linear or branched C-Calkyl radical substituted with at least one hydroxyl radical claim 17 , or vice versa.21. The quinone direct dye of ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации

Prebiotic inulin based preparation

Номер: US20170274007A1
Принадлежит: Dom Terry International Srl

The present invention relates to an inulin-based prebiotic complex enriched with vitamin B12 and selenium, which finds use in the field of food, nutraceutical, herbal, pharmaceutical preparations.

18-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140369943A1

What are described are compositions comprising 119-. (canceled)21. The composition as claimed in claim 20 , wherein the radical R in formula (I) is a straight-chain saturated alkyl radical having 7 carbon atoms.23. The composition as claimed in claim 20 , which additionally comprises one or more sorbitan esters of sorbitan and carboxylic acids RCOOH claim 20 , where Ris a straight-chain or branched saturated alkyl group having 5 to 11 carbon atoms or a straight-chain or branched mono- or polyunsaturated alkenyl group having 5 to 11 carbon atoms claim 20 , and the weight ratio of the one or more compounds of the formula (I) to the one or more sorbitan esters just mentioned is from 70:30 to 100:0.24. The composition as claimed in claim 23 , wherein the one or more sorbitan esters of sorbitan and carboxylic acids RCOOH are selected from sorbitan esters of sorbitan and caprylic acid.25. The composition as claimed in claim 20 , which comprises the one or more compounds of component a) in amounts of from 5.0 to 99.9% by weight and the one or more substances of component b) in amounts of from 0.01 to 10.0% by weight claim 20 , in each case based on the total weight of the composition.26. The composition as claimed in claim 20 , wherein it is a cosmetic claim 20 , dermatological or pharmaceutical composition claim 20 , a crop protection formulation claim 20 , a washing and cleaning composition or a paint and coating.27. The composition as claimed in claim 26 , which comprises the one or more compounds of component a) in amounts of from 0.01 to 10.0% by weight and the one or more substances of component b) in amounts of from 0.005 to 5.0% by weight claim 26 , in each case based on the total weight of the composition.28. The composition as claimed in claim 26 , wherein it is formulated on an aqueous or aqueous-alcoholic basis or is present as a solution claim 26 , emulsion or dispersion and is preferably present as an emulsion.29. The composition as claimed in claim 26 , ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170281503A1

The present disclosure relates to methods and compositions for providing at least broad spectrum photo protection to skin, which includes protection from at least infrared (IR) radiation and/or visible light. The methods typically entail applying to skin a cosmetic composition comprising: (a) one or more antioxidants selected from the group consisting of baicalin, Venuceane™, ferulic acid, polydatin, silymarin, punica granatum extract, mango leaf extract, soliprin, catechin, hesperetin, astilbin, and DHC V; (b) optionally, one or more solubilizers; and (c) a cosmetically acceptable carrier; wherein the combination of (a), optional (b), and (c) alone, provide at least broad spectrum protection from both infrared (IR) radiation and visible light. UV filters can also optionally be included to provide additional protection from UV light. 1. A method for providing broad spectrum photo protection to skin comprising topically applying to the skin of a subject a cosmetic composition comprising:(a) one or more antioxidants selected from the group consisting of baicalin, Venuceane™, ferulic acid, polydatin, silymarin, punica granatum extract, mango leaf extract, Soliprin™, catechin, hesperetin, astilbin, and DHC V;(b) optionally, one or more solubilizers; and 'wherein the combination of (a), optional (b), and (c) alone, provides at least broad spectrum protection from both infrared (IR) radiation and visible light.', '(c) a cosmetically acceptable carrier;'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more antioxidants of (a) comprises baicalin and the compositions comprises the one or more solubilizers of (b).3. The method of where the one or more antioxidants of (a) comprises polydatin and the composition comprises the one or more solubilizers of (b).4. The method of wherein the total amount of the antioxidant(s) of (a) in the composition is 0.001 to 20 wt. % claim 1 , based on the total weight of the composition.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises ...

25-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140377197A1

Described are suncare compositions, comprising a transparent aqueous microemulsion of a suncare active and a monoalkyl glycerol ether or a diglycerol ether. 1. A suncare composition , comprising a transparent aqueous microemulsion of a suncare active and a monoalkyl glycerol ether or a diglycerol ether.2. The suncare composition of claim 1 , wherein the suncare active is homosalate claim 1 , octisalate claim 1 , oxybenzone claim 1 , octinoxate claim 1 , 4-methyl benzylidene camphor claim 1 , octocrylene claim 1 , avobenzone claim 1 , bemotrizimol claim 1 , ethyl hexyl triazone claim 1 , and DHHB.3. The suncare composition of claim 1 , wherein the suncare active is at least one of the salicylates.4. The suncare composition of claim 1 , wherein the suncare composition is ethanol-free.6. The personal care composition of claim 5 , wherein Ris n-propyl claim 5 , isopropyl claim 5 , n-butyl claim 5 , isobutyl claim 5 , or sec-butyl.7. The personal care composition of claim 5 , wherein Ris CH(OH)—CH—O—R claim 5 , and Ris heptyl or octyl.8. The personal care composition of claim 1 , wherein the diglycerol ether is 3-[2-hydroxy-3-(heptyloxy)propoxy]-1 claim 1 ,2-propanediol. This application claims priority to and is a 371 U.S.C. §371 national phase application of International Application No. PCT/US12/068901, filed on Dec. 11, 2012, which claims priority from provisional application Ser. No. 61/579,054, filed Dec. 22, 2011, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.The present invention relates to suncare compositions, methods for making, and uses for the same.One of the most challenging aspects of suncare composition formulation is ensuring that, once applied to a person, the active ingredient remains on the skin after exposure to water or perspiration. On the other hand, the composition must be capable of being removed by conventional soaps or other cleansers. In the past, one strategy was to incorporate film forming ingredients into sunscreen lotions and ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150306072A1
Принадлежит: Universidad de Granada

The invention relates to a composition comprising melatonin, a metabolite or derivative thereof and coenzyme Q10 and to use thereof for the production of a pharmaceutical or cosmetic composition for the treatment of the skin, said composition potentiating the movement of both molecules into the mitochondrion and facilitating percutaneous absorption, in which both the melatonin and the CoQ10 can reach all of the strata of the skin. 155-. (canceled)57. The composition according to claim 56 , wherein compound of general formula (I) is melatonin or N-acetylserotonin.58. The composition according to claim 57 , wherein the melatonin is at a concentration of 1.5 to 3% w/v with respect to the final composition.59. The composition according to claim 56 , wherein the coenzyme Q10 is at a concentration of 0.3 to 1.0% w/v with respect to the final composition.60. The composition according to claim 56 , wherein the antioxidant is selected from the group consisting of tocopherol claim 56 , ascorbic acid claim 56 , sodium ascorbate claim 56 , tartaric acid claim 56 , butylhydroxyanisole claim 56 , citric acid claim 56 , vitamin A and vitamin E.61. The composition according to further comprising at least one gelling agent.62. The composition according further comprising at least one pharmaceutically or cosmetically acceptable vehicle claim 56 , and/or at least one pharmaceutically or cosmetically acceptable excipient or adjuvant.63. A method for treating and preventing cell damage caused by oxidative stress in a patient in need thereof claim 56 , said method comprising topically administering to the patient the composition according to .64. A method for treating and preventing a disease presenting cellular aging in a patient in need thereof claim 56 , said method comprising topically administering to the patient the composition according to .65. The method according to claim 64 , wherein the disease presenting cellular aging is selected from the group consisting of tumors claim 64 ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Method of improving the appearance of periorbital dyschromia

Номер: US20170296461A1
Автор: Karen Marie OSORIO
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A method of improving the appearance of periorbital dyschromia by identifying a target portion of skin in the periorbital region of a person that exhibits periorbital dyschromia and applying a personal care composition to the target portion of skin during a treatment period. The personal care composition includes an effective amount of Type I active, an effective amount of a Type II active, and a dermatologically acceptable carrier. The treatment period is of sufficient length for at least one of the actives to improve the appearance of the periorbital dyschromia.

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170299577A1

A method of identifying or evaluating synergistic combinations of actives such as skin-care actives that improve the metabolism of a cell and provides an advantage over using the actives alone. The method includes contacting cells with test agents, alone and in combination, and determining a response of the cells to the test agent(s), wherein the response corresponds to a change in a metabolic indicator associated with glycolysis and a change in a metabolic indicator associated with oxidative phosphylation. 1. A method of identifying or evaluating a synergistic combination of skin-care actives for use in a personal care composition , the method comprising:a. providing first, second and third test vessels, each test vessel comprising cells disposed in a medium;b. contacting the cells in the first test vessel with a first test agent;c. non-lethally detecting a metabolic indicator associated with each of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation to provide a response of each metabolic pathway to the first test agent;d. contacting the cells in the second test vessel with a second test agent;e. non-lethally detecting a metabolic indicator associated with each of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation to provide a response of each metabolic pathway to the second test agent;f. contacting the cells in the third test vessel with the first and second test agents in combination;g. non-lethally detecting a metabolic indicator associated with each of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation to provide a response of each metabolic pathway to the first and second test agents in combination; andh. identifying the combination of the first and second test agents as a synergistic combination of skin-care actives when at least one of the responses in (g) indicates a synergistic improvement over the corresponding response in (c) or (e).2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising exposing the cells in at least one of the first claim 1 , second and third test vessels to an oxidative ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190303991A1
Автор: Ford Laleh

A system for producing a customized skin care product in less than five minutes includes active ingredient premixes, premix dispensers respectively operable to dispense a predefined quantity of the active ingredient premixes by a single dispenser operation, skin care product bases, product base dispensers respectively operable to dispense a predefined quantity of the skin care product bases by a single dispenser operation, and instructions executable by a processor to receive data indicative of a customer's skin condition and generate a recipe for producing a customized skin care product containing specified percentages by weight of two or more active ingredients suited for the customer's skin condition. The recipe defines a number of operations of one or more of the premix dispensers and one of the product base dispensers. The system further includes a mixing machine operable to mix the contents of a closed container filled in accordance with the recipe. 1. A system for producing a customized skin care product containing specified percentages by weight of two or more active ingredients suited for a customer's skin condition , the system comprising:a first active ingredient premix including a first combination of active ingredients for treatment of skin;a first premix dispenser operable to dispense a predefined quantity of the first active ingredient premix by a single operation of the first premix dispenser;a second active ingredient premix including a second combination of active ingredients for treatment of skin that is different from the first combination of active ingredients;a second premix dispenser operable to dispense a predefined quantity of the second active ingredient premix by a single operation of the second premix dispenser;a first skin care product base having a form selected from the group consisting of cream, lotion, gel, and serum;a first product base dispenser operable to dispense a predefined quantity of the first skin care product base by a ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180311133A1
Принадлежит: Universidad de Granada

The invention relates to a composition comprising melatonin, a metabolite or derivative thereof and coenzyme Q10 and to use thereof for the production of a pharmaceutical or cosmetic composition for the treatment of the skin, said composition potentiating the movement of both molecules into the mitochondrion and facilitating percutaneous absorption, in which both the melatonin and the CoQ10 can reach all of the strata of the skin. 155-. (canceled)56. A composition comprising:a) coenzyme Q10 at a concentration of 0.3 to 1.0% w/v with respect to the final composition,b) melatonin at a concentration of 1.0 to 5% w/v with respect to the final composition andc) at least one antioxidant at a concentration of 0.25 to 0.75% w/v with respect to the final composition.57. The composition according to claim 56 , wherein the melatonin is at a concentration of 1.5 to 3% w/v with respect to the final composition.58. The composition according to claim 56 , wherein the antioxidant is selected from the group consisting of ascorbic acid claim 56 , sodium ascorbate claim 56 , tartaric acid claim 56 , butylhydroxyanisole claim 56 , citric acid claim 56 , vitamin A and vitamin E.59. The composition according to further comprising at least one gelling agent.60. The composition according to further comprising at least one pharmaceutically or cosmetically acceptable vehicle claim 56 , and/or at least one pharmaceutically or cosmetically acceptable excipient or adjuvant.61. A method for treating and preventing cell damage caused by oxidative stress in a patient in need thereof claim 56 , said method comprising topically administering to the patient the composition according to .62. A method for treating and preventing a disease presenting cellular aging in a patient in need thereof claim 56 , said method comprising topically administering to the patient the composition according to .63. The method according to claim 62 , wherein the disease presenting cellular aging is selected from the ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200306164A1

A penis nourishing and invigorating cream that nourishes the dermis of a penis and promotes the widening of the arteries and blood vessels of the penis. The cream comprises of a distilled water, at least one antioxidant, at least on thickening agent, at least one preservative, at least one emulsifier, a skin penetrator, a mineral oil, and a nitric oxide generating natural supplement. 1. A non-medicated penis nourishing and invigorating cream , the cream comprises:{'sup': '2', 'a distilled HO;'}at least one antioxidant;at least on thickening agent;at least one preservative;at least one emulsifier;a skin penetrator;a mineral oil; anda nitric oxide generating natural supplement.2. The non-medicated penis nourishing and invigorating cream of claim 1 , wherein:{'sup': '3', 'the at least one antioxidant is selected from the group consisting of Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin E, or Vitamin A;'}the at least on thickening agent is Carbomer;the at least one preservative is selected from the group consisting of Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Sorbate, SALIGUARD PG or Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride;the at least one emulsifier is selected from the group consisting of Propylene Glycol or Triethanolamine;the skin penetrator is D Limonene; andthe nitric oxide generating natural supplement is selected from the group consisting of CoQ10, L-Arginine, Cocoa, L-Citrulline or watermelon seed oil.3. The non-medicated penis nourishing and invigorating cream of claim 2 , wherein every oz of the cream has in weight:{'sup': '2', 'the distilled HO is in the range from about 0.8925 oz to about 0.9145 oz;'}{'sup': '3', 'the Vitamin C is in the range from about 0.0005 oz to about 0.0015 oz, the Vitamin Bis in the range from about 045 oz to about 0.0055 oz, the Vitamin E is in the range from about 0.0025 oz to about 0.0035 oz, and the Vitamin A is in the range from about 0.0015 oz to about 0.0025 oz;'}the Carbomer is in the range from about 0.0035 oz to about 0.0045 oz;the Sodium Benzoate is in the range from ...

03-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150344404A1

The present invention to provide a novel pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase inhibitors. A pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase inhibitor comprising a compound represented by the general formula (I) as an active ingredient (wherein, ring A represents a 6-membered aromatic hydrocarbon ring optionally substituted with 2-4 substituents, 113-. (canceled)17. The compound according to or ester derivatives thereof claim 16 , or pharmacologically acceptable salts thereof claim 16 ,{'sup': 1', '4, 'wherein Rand R, which are the same or different, represent a hydrogen atom, or an optionally substituted C1-6 alkyl group,'}{'sup': 2', '3', '9', '10, 'one of Rand Rrepresents a hydrogen atom, or an optionally substituted C1-6 alkyl group, the other represents a group represented by —C (═R)—R,'}{'sup': 9', '11', '11, 'wherein Rrepresents an oxygen atom, or a ═N—Rgroup (wherein Rrepresents a C1-6 alkoxy group, a C2-6 alkenyloxy group, a C6-10 aryloxy group),'}{'sup': '10', 'Rrepresents a hydrogen atom, an optionally substituted C1-6 alkyl group, an optionally substituted C6-10 aryl group, an optionally substituted C1-6 alkoxy group, an optionally substituted C6-10 aryloxy group, an optionally substituted C1-6 alkylamino group, or an optionally substituted C1-6 alkoxycarbonyl C1-6 alkylamino group,'}{'sup': 9', '10, 'with the proviso that the group represented by —C (═R)—Ris not a carboxyl group, a methylcarbonyl group, an ethylcarbonyl group, a n-propylcarbonyl group, a n-butylcarbonyl group, a n-pentylcarbonyl group, or a methoxycarbonyl group,'}{'sup': 5', '8, 'both Rand Rrepresent a C1-6 alkoxy group,'}{'sup': 6', '7', '6', '7, 'Rand Rrepresent a hydrogen atom, or an optionally substituted C1-6 alkyl group (except in the case both Rand Rrepresent a hydrogen atom),'}wherein, in the above, the substituent in case being optionally substituted is a group selected from the following: a hydroxyl group, a carboxyl group, an amino group, a halogen atom, a C1-6 alkyl group optionally substituted with ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160346173A1

The invention relates to an anhydrous cosmetic or dermatological formulation comprising a viscose lipid-containing preparation and propellant gas consisting essentially of one or more substances selected from hydrofluorocarbons, n-butane, isobutane and propane. The formulation permits application to the skin by spraying of an otherwise nonsprayable preparation. The formulation is free from readily volatile solvents, surfactants, and preferably free from silicones. 1. A topical formulation for application to skin , wherein the formulation comprisesan anhydrous lipid-containing preparation, andpropellant gas consisting essentially of one or more substances selected from hydrofluorocarbons, n-butane, isobutane and propane,the lipid-containing preparation being in direct contact with the propellant gas and comprising ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, petroleum spirit and surfactants in concentrations of in each case from 0% to less than 0.1% by weight and a concentration of silicone compounds of from 0% to less than 40% by weight, based on a total mass of the preparation, anda concentration of the lipid-containing preparation being less than 70% by weight, based on a total mass of the formulation.2. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the lipid-containing preparation exhibits a dynamic viscosity of more than 10 claim 1 ,000 mPa*s claim 1 , measured at 25° C. and with a shear rate of 10s.3. The formulation of claim 2 , wherein the lipid-containing preparation exhibits a dynamic viscosity of from 15 claim 2 ,000 to 30 claim 2 ,000 mPa*s.4. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the lipid-containing preparation has a consistency of 50 to 70 units claim 1 , measured using a consistometer at 25° C.5. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein a weight ratio of lipid-containing preparation to propellant gas is from 60:40 to 40:60.6. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the propellant gas is n-butane claim 1 , alone or in combination with isobutane and/or propane.7. The formulation of ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180333372A1

A composition that includes at least two of: echinochrome A (2-ethyl-3,5,6,7,8-pentahydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone); spinochrome A (2-acetyl-3,5,6,8-tetrahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione); spinochrome B (2,3,5,7-tetrahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione); spinochrome C (2-acetyl-3,5,6,7,8-pentahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione); spinochrome D (2,3,5,6,8-Pentahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione); and spinochrome E (hexahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione). The composition can include one or more additional active ingredients (e.g., vitamin, tretinoin (alltrans retinoic acid or ATRA), a glycosaminoglycan (GAG), dermal filler, Botulinum toxin, etc.) and/or one or more inactive ingredients (e.g., solvent, carrier, gelling agent, coloring agent, etc.). The composition can be in a dry, solid form (e.g., powder), or in a liquid form. Additionally, each of the above components above can independently be present in the composition in either the naturally derived form, or in a synthetically prepared form. 1. A topical composition comprising:{'i': S. franciscanus', 'S. purpuratus', 'S. franciscanus', 'S. purpuratus, 'at least one of and particles and and extract particles;'}{'i': S. franciscanus', 'S. purpuratus', 'S. franciscanus', 'S. purpuratus, 'wherein the and particles and and extract particles comprise at least two compounds chosen from(a) echinochrome A (2-ethyl-3,5,6,7,8-pentahydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone);(b) spinochrome A (2-acetyl-3,5,6,8-tetrahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione);(c) spinochrome B (2,3,5,7-tetrahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione); and(d) spinochrome C (2-acetyl-3,5,6,7,8-pentahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione.2. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising at least one of:(e) spinochrome D (2,3,5,6,8-Pentahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione); and(f) spinochrome E (hexahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione).3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the topical composition is in the form of a dry powder.4. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising at least one preservative.5. The composition of claim 2 , wherein ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170348208A1

A single and dual component dental composite restorative featuring anti-microbial and low Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) compounds is disclosed. The exemplary anti-microbial compound is zinc oxide. The CTE of the dental composite restorative is the same as, or substantially similar, to that of dentin. By maintaining a CTE substantially similar to that of dentin, the Margin Percolation phenomenon is minimized, which decreases the incidence of secondary caries. 1. A dental composite restorative composition comprising of:an antimicrobial agent;a bioactive glass;hydroxyapatite;a photo initiator; anda low coefficient of thermal expansion glass;wherein the coefficient of thermal expansion of said dental restorative composition is substantially similar to the coefficient of thermal expansion of dentin.2. The dental composite restorative composition of wherein said antimicrobial agent is comprised of zinc oxide.3. The dental composite restorative composition of wherein said zinc oxide is in the range of 0.2-1.5 w/w %.4. The dental composite restorative composition of wherein said coefficient of thermal expansion is in the range of 10-15 ppm/deg. C.5. The dental composite restorative composition of wherein said coefficient of thermal expansion is in the range of 14-17 ppm/deg. C.6. The dental composite restorative composition of further comprising a flexural strength greater than 83.4 MPa.7. The dental composite restorative composition of wherein said light activated curing agent is comprised of camphorquinone.8. The dental composite restorative composition of further comprising radiopaque filler material.9. The dental composite restorative composition of where said radiopaque filler material further comprises barium glass.10. A dual component dental composite restorative composition comprising:a first component comprising of a first component of a binary curing system, a low coefficient of thermal expansion glass, and an anti-microbial agent;a second component ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180344584A1

The invention relates to a cosmetic mask, particularly to a cosmetic mask that is a water insoluble substrate with a composition impregnated therein which can be applied to the face or any other topical surface of the body. The cosmetic mask provides both the benefits of a skin care active that delivers long-term benefits as well as instant lightening benefits without the disadvantages of unnatural whiteness that is often associated with such instant lightening products. 1. A cosmetic mask comprising a water insoluble porous substrate impregnated with(i) a skin care active selected from retinol, retinyl esters, resorcinol, vitamin B3, allantoin, ubiquinone, conjugated linoleic acid, 12-hydroxystearic acid or derivatives of resorcinol and vitamin B3, wherein said resorcinol derivative is a 4-substituted resorcinol and wherein said vitamin B3 derivative includes niacin, nicotinic acid, and/or niacinamide;(ii) a skin whitening particle selected from polymeric beads, boron nitride, or mica; and(iii) a film-forming polymer.2. The cosmetic mask as claimed in wherein said water insoluble porous substrate is selected from paper claim 1 , polymeric web claim 1 , fabric claim 1 , or composites/mixtures thereof.3. The cosmetic mask as claimed in or wherein said polymeric bead is a hollow sphere made of a styrene/acrylate co-polymer.4. The cosmetic mask as claimed in wherein said skin care active is a resorcinol claim 1 , vitamin B3 claim 1 , conjugated linoleic acid claim 1 , 12-hydroxystearic acid or a derivative thereof.5. (canceled)6. The cosmetic mask as claimed in wherein said 4-substituted resorcinol includes 4-ethyl resorcinol claim 1 , 4-hexyl resorcinol claim 1 , 4-butyl resorcinol and/or 4-phenethyl resorcinol.7. The cosmetic mask as claimed in wherein said skin care active is present in 0.001 to 5% by weight of the cosmetic mask.8. The cosmetic mask as claimed in wherein the whitening particle is present in 0.1 to 5.0% by weight of the cosmetic mask.9. The cosmetic ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Stable three-layered capsule using water-insoluble substance, preparation method for the same, and cosmetic composition using the same

Номер: US20160367449A1
Принадлежит: Biogenics Inc

Provided is a three-layered capsule using a hollow silica capsule containing a stabilizer, a hydrogel polymer consisting of a polymer blend, and an appropriately hydrophobic polymer. The principal components of the present invention include a single-layered capsule formed from water-insoluble substances, a stabilizer, and a hollow silica; a double-layered capsule having a hydrogel polymer blend surrounding the outside of the single-layered capsule; and a three-layered capsule having a hydrophobic polymer surrounding the outside of the double-layered capsule.

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180353404A1
Принадлежит: KAO Germany GmbH

The present invention relates to a hair bleaching process for improved and milder bleaching, especially for bleaching human hair. The ready-to-use bleaching composition comprises carboxylic acids in addition to bleaching persalts and oxidizing agents added at the time of use. 1. A process for bleaching hair , especially human hair , wherein the compositions A , B and C are being kept separately until application onto hair , and are mixed immediately before application onto hair at a weight ratio of A:B:C in the range from 1:2:0.1 to 1:1:1 to obtain a ready-to-use composition ,wherein the composition A is an anhydrous composition comprising one or more persalts and one or more alkalizing agents,wherein the composition B is an aqueous composition comprising one or more oxidizing agents, at a concentration in the range of 1% to 30% by weight, calculated to the total of the composition, and has a pH in the range from 1.5 to 5,wherein the composition C comprisesi) one or more carboxylic acids having three or more carboxyl groups and/or their salts, andii) one or more additional organic acid and/or their salts having one or two carboxyl groups,wherein the composition C comprises the acids of i) and ii) and/or their salts of at a total concentration of 10% to 100% by weight calculated to the total of the composition C,wherein the ready-to-use composition has an alkaline pH in the range of 8 to 11 and comprises the acids and/or their salts at a total concentration in the range of 1% to 10% by weight, calculated to the total of the ready-to-use composition,wherein the ready-to-use composition is applied onto hair and left on the hair for a period of 1 to 45 min and rinsed off from hair and optionally the hair is washed with a cleansing composition and dried.2. The process according to wherein the carboxylic acid with 3 or more carboxyl groups is selected from citric acid claim 1 , ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) claim 1 , pyromellitic acid and glutamate diacetate ...

19-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190380924A1

The invention relates to a cosmetic foam made from a) an O/W emulsion containing glycerine and b) mono- and/or polyvalent alcohols with a carbon chain length of less than 12 C-atoms and c) a gas or gas mixture of propane, n-butane and/or isobutane, foaming the emulsion, which emulsion is fre of polyethylene glycol derivatives (PEG derivatives). 113.-. (canceled)14. A cosmetic foam , wherein the foam comprises(i) an O/W emulsion comprising (a) glycerol and (b) one or more mono- and/or polyhydric alcohols having a carbon chain length of less than 12 carbon atoms; and(ii) a gas or gas mixture of propane, n-butane and/or isobutane which foams the O/W emulsion;and wherein (i) is free of polyethylene glycol derivatives (PEG derivatives).15. The foam of claim 14 , wherein (i) comprises from 3% to 20% by weight of glycerol claim 14 , based on a total weight of (i).16. The foam of claim 14 , wherein (i) comprises a total concentration of (b) of from 0.5% to 10% by weight claim 14 , based on a total weight of (i).17. The foam of claim 15 , wherein (i) comprises a total concentration of (b) of from 0.5% to 10% by weight claim 15 , based on the total weight of (i).18. The foam of claim 14 , wherein (b) comprises one or more of ethanol claim 14 , phenoxyethanol claim 14 , 1 claim 14 ,2-pentanediol claim 14 , 1 claim 14 ,2-hexanediol claim 14 , 1 claim 14 ,2-octanediol claim 14 , 2-methyl-1 claim 14 ,3-propanediol claim 14 , 1 claim 14 ,2-decanediol claim 14 , ethylhexylglycerol claim 14 , benzyl alcohol claim 14 , phenethyl alcohol.19. The foam of claim 14 , wherein (b) comprises ethanol.20. The foam of claim 14 , wherein (b) comprises phenoxyethanol.21. The foam of claim 14 , wherein (b) comprises ethylhexylglycerol.22. The foam of claim 14 , wherein (b) comprises 2-methyl-1 claim 14 ,3-propanediol.23. The foam of claim 14 , wherein (b) comprises at least one of 1 claim 14 ,2-pentanediol claim 14 , 1 claim 14 ,2-hexanediol claim 14 , 1 claim 14 ,2-octanediol.24. The foam of ...

07-12-2006 дата публикации

Skin care compositions containing idebenone

Номер: US20060275237A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A stable skin care composition, comprising an effective amount of idebenone, at least one additional skin care active, and a dermatologically acceptable carrier.

22-08-2007 дата публикации

Dyestuffs and Hair Dye Compositions

Номер: EP1820826A1

The present invention refers to dyestuffs of the general formula (I) wherein R, R 1 , X, Y, Z, T and A - are defined as given in claim 1, dyestuff mixtures and hair dye compositions comprising them, as well as a process for colouring hair.

08-08-2017 дата публикации

Method of identifying or evaluating synergistic combinations of actives and compositions containing the same

Номер: US9726663B2
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A method of identifying or evaluating synergistic combinations of actives such as skin-care actives that improve the metabolism of a cell and provides an advantage over using the actives alone. The method includes contacting cells with test agents, alone and in combination, and determining a response of the cells to the test agent(s), wherein the response corresponds to a change in a metabolic indicator associated with glycolysis and a change in a metabolic indicator associated with oxidative phosphylation.

05-10-2021 дата публикации

Method of identifying or evaluating synergistic combinations of actives and compositions containing the same

Номер: US11137387B2
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A method of identifying or evaluating synergistic combinations of actives such as skin-care actives that improve the metabolism of a cell and provides an advantage over using the actives alone. The method includes contacting cells with test agents, alone and in combination, and determining a response of the cells to the test agent(s), wherein the response corresponds to a change in a metabolic indicator associated with glycolysis and a change in a metabolic indicator associated with oxidative phosphylation.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Zusammensetzungen enthaltend isosorbidmonoester und halogenierte antimikrobielle wirkstoffe

Номер: WO2013017262A1

Es werden Zusammensetzungen beschrieben enthaltend a) eine oder mehrere Verbindungen der Formel (I), worin R eine lineare oder verzweigte, gesättigte Alkylgruppe mit 5 bis 11 Kohlenstoffatomen oder eine lineare oder verzweigte, ein- oder mehrfach ungesättigte Alkenylgruppe mit 5 bis 11 Kohlenstoffatomen ist, und einen oder mehrere halogenierte antimikrobielle Wirkstoffe. Die Zusammensetzungen zeichnen sich insbesondere durch eine vorteilhafte antibakterielle Wirkung aus.

02-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: LU86521A1
Принадлежит: Oreal

01-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: ES2154336T3
Принадлежит: Beiersdorf AG


22-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CN101379144B


09-03-2020 дата публикации

Cosmetic composition having excellent percutaneous absorption property

Номер: KR102086316B1
Принадлежит: 한국콜마주식회사

The present invention relates to a cosmetic composition with excellent percutaneous absorbability and, more specifically, to a cosmetic composition comprising lysophospholipid, a piperidine compound, phloretin, and bio-active components.

16-03-2022 дата публикации

피부 유사 또는 투과 인지질 기술이 적용된 알파리포산 및 항산화제를 포함하는 항노화용 조성물

Номер: KR102374634B1
Автор: 김영미, 박지은
Принадлежит: 김영미

본 발명은 알파리포산 및 항산화제를 포함하는 항노화용 조성물에 관한 것으로, 보다 상세하게는 상기 항노화용 조성물은 알파리포산, 비타민 C, 이데베논, 세라마이드 및 콜라겐을 포함한다. 본 발명에 따른 항노화용 조성물은 자외선에 대한 산화 억제, 세포 손상 방지 및 염증 억제에 있어 현저한 효과를 가지고 있는바, 항노화를 위한 제약, 화장료 및 식품 분야에서 다양하게 활용될 수 있다.

20-03-2010 дата публикации

Красители и красящие композиции для волос

Номер: RU2008136053A

1. Краситель с общей формулой (I) ! ! где R представляет собой водород, алкил, алкил, замещенный Q, арил, Q-арил, -OR2, -SR3 или -NR5R4, гидроксиалкил, гидроксиалкил, замещенный в алкильной группе на Q, полигидроксиалкил, полигидроксиалкил, замещенный в алкильной группе на Q, циклоалкил, циклоалкил, замещенный Q, арил, замещенный R10, Q, R11O-алкил, -OR12, -SR13, -NR14R15, -CONR15R16, -C(O)OR17, -SO2-NR18R19, -SO2OR20, -C(O)R21 или -SO2R22, -C(O)R6, -SO2NR7R8 или -SO2R9; ! X представляет собой водород, -OR23, -SR24, -NR25R26, -SO2NR27R28, -CONR29R30, ! -SO2OR31, -C(O)OR32, -C(O)R33, -SO2R34, алкил, алкил, замещенный -OR200, -SR300 или -NR500R400, арил, замещенный R100, R110O-алкил, -OR120, -SR130, -NR140R150 -CONR150R160, -C(O)OR170, -SO2-NR180R190, -SO2OR201, -C(O)R210 или -SO2R220, -NHSO2R36R37, -CHO, -CH=NR35 или NO2; ! Y представляет собой водород, -NR51R52, -OR53, -SR54, -SO2NHR55, -NHC(O)R56, -SO2OR57, -NHSO2R58, -SO2R59, -NHSO2NR60R61, галоген или NO2; ! Z представляет собой водород, -NR51R52, -OR53, -SR54, -SO2NHR55, -NHC(O)R56, -SO2OR57, -NHSO2R58, -SO2R59, -NHSO2NR60R61, галоген или NO2; ! каждый из R2 до R8, R60 и R61, независимо, представляет собой водород, алкил, алкил, замещенный Q, арил, арил, замещенный Q, гидроксиалкил, гидроксиалкил, замещенный в алкильной группе на Q, полигидроксиалкил, полигидроксиалкил, замещенный в алкильной группе на Q, циклоалкил или циклоалкил, замещенный Q; ! R9 представляет собой алкил, алкил, замещенный Q, арил, арил, где заместителем является Q, гидроксиалкил, гидроксиалкил, замещенный в алкильной группе на Q, полигидроксиалкил, полигидроксиалкил, замещенный в алкильной группе на Q, циклоалкил или циклоалкил, замещенный Q; ! каждый из R10 до R16, R18, R19 и R21, независимо, представляет собой водород, алкил, алкил, замещенный Q, гидроксиалкил, гидроксиалкил, замещенный в алкильной группе на Q, полигидроксиалкил, полигидроксиалкил, замещенный в алкильной группе на Q, циклоалкил или ци РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) ...

17-07-2008 дата публикации

Dyeing of in Particular Human Keratin Materials by Dry Thermal Transfer of a Direct Anthraquinone Dye, Composition Comprising the Said Dye and Its Method of Preparation

Номер: US20080168608A1
Принадлежит: LOreal SA

The subject of the present invention is the use, for dyeing in particular human keratin materials, of a specific direct anthraquinone dye by dry thermal transfer. Its subject is furthermore a method for dyeing keratin materials, in which at least one direct anthraquinone dye contained in a dry composition is applied to or close to the keratin materials, and a source of heat is applied, causing the thermal transfer of the direct dye(s) at the surface and/or inside the keratin materials. It relates furthermore to the dry composition and a method for preparing it.

26-01-2010 дата публикации

Dyeing of in particular human keratin materials by dry thermal transfer of a direct anthraquinone dye, composition comprising the said dye and its method of preparation

Номер: US7651535B2
Принадлежит: LOreal SA

The subject of the present invention is the use, for dyeing in particular human keratin materials, of a specific direct anthraquinone dye by dry thermal transfer. Its subject is furthermore a method for dyeing keratin materials, in which at least one direct anthraquinone dye contained in a dry composition is applied to or close to the keratin materials, and a source of heat is applied, causing the thermal transfer of the direct dye(s) at the surface and/or inside the keratin materials. It relates furthermore to the dry composition and a method for preparing it.

20-03-2010 дата публикации

Красящие композиции для волос

Номер: RU2008136055A

1. Красящая композиция для волос, содержащая одно или более красящих веществ общей формулы (I) ! ! в которой R представляет собой водород, алкил, алкил, замещенный группами -OR2, -SR3 или -NR5R4, гидроксиалкил, полигидроксиалкил, циклоалкил, арил, замещенный группами R10, R11O-алкил, -OR12, -SR13, -NR14R15, -CONR15R16, -C(O)OR17, -SO2-NR18R19, -SO2OR20, -C(O)R21 или -SO2R22, -C(O)R6, -SO2NR7R8 или -SO2R9; ! X представляет собой водород, -OR230, -SR240, -NR250R260, -SO2NR270R280, ! -CONR290R300, -SO2OR310, -C(O)OR320, -C(O)R330, -SO2R340, алкил, замещенный группами Q, -OR201, -SR300 или -NR500R400, арил, замещенный группами R100, R110O-алкил, -OR120, -SR130, -NR140R150, -CONR150R160, -C(O)OR170, -SO2-NR180R190, -SO2OR200, ! -C(O)R210 или -SO2R220,-NHSO2R360R370 или -CH=NR350; ! Т представляет собой водород, алкил, замещенный группой Q, или арил, замещенный группой -OR230; ! Y представляет собой водород, -NR51R52, -OR53, -SR54, -SO2NHR55, -NHC(O)R56, -SO2OR57, -NHSO2R58, -SO2R59, -NHSO2NR60R61, галоген или NO2; ! Z представляет собой водород, -NR51R52, -OR53, -SR54, -SO2NHR55, -NHC(O)R56, -SO2OR57, NHSO2R58, -SO2R59, -NHSO2NR60R61, галоген или NO2; ! R1 представляет собой водород, -ОН, -NH2, -NH-алкил или NO2; ! Каждый из R2-R8, R60 и R61, независимо, представляет собой водород, алкил, арил, гидроксиалкил, полигидроксиалкил или циклоалкил; ! R9 представляет собой алкил, арил, гидроксиалкил, полигидроксиалкил или циклоалкил; ! Каждый из R10-R21, независимо, представляет собой водород, алкил, гидроксиалкил, полигидроксиалкил или циклоалкил; ! R22 представляет собой алкил, гидроксиалкил, полигидроксиалкил или циклоалкил; ! каждый из R51-R54, независимо, представляет собой водород, алкил, гидроксиалкил, полигидроксиалкил, циклоалкил, циклоалкил, замещенный группами -C(O)R6, -SO2R9, или арил, замещенный группами R10, R11O-алкил, -OR12, -SR13, -NR14R15, -CONR15R16, -C(O)OR17, -SO2-NR18R19, -SO2OR20, -C(O)R21 или -SO2R22; ! каждый из R55-R57, независимо, представляет собой ...

22-10-2021 дата публикации

Aroma oil serum composition comprising frankincense oil

Номер: KR102316168B1
Автор: 용선희
Принадлежит: (주)아로마용

본 발명은 프랑킨센스오일을 포함하는 아로마 오일세럼 조성물로, 더욱 상세하게는 에센셜오일 100 중량부에 대하여, 항산화물질 10 내지 20 중량부, 프랑킨센스오일 10 내지 40 중량부, 피부컨디셔닝제 60 내지 80 중량부 및 비타민 0.1 내지 1 중량부를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 프랑킨센스오일을 포함하는 아로마 오일세럼 조성물에 관한 것이다. The present invention is an aromatic oil serum composition containing frankincense oil, and more specifically, based on 100 parts by weight of essential oil, 10 to 20 parts by weight of antioxidants, 10 to 40 parts by weight of frankincense oil, 60 parts by weight of skin conditioning agent It relates to an aromatic oil serum composition comprising frankincense oil, characterized in that it contains 80 parts by weight and 0.1 to 1 parts by weight of vitamins.

08-04-2015 дата публикации

Cosmetic Composition for the Skin Whitening Comprising the Lapachol

Номер: KR101508694B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 코리아나화장품

본 발명은 라파촐(Lapachol)을 유효성분으로 포함하는 피부 미백용 화장료 조성물에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 따른 라파촐을 포함하는 화장료 조성물은 멜라닌 생성 억제 효과 및 티로시나아제 활성 저해 효과가 우수하다. The present invention relates to a cosmetic composition for skin whitening comprising Lapachol as an active ingredient. The cosmetic composition containing Raffaols according to the present invention is excellent in melanin production inhibitory effect and tyrosinase activity inhibiting effect.

03-09-2019 дата публикации

A Hydrogel Composition Excellent In Moisture Resistance And A Sheet Using The Composition

Номер: KR101985368B1
Автор: 배진우
Принадлежит: 비엘테크 주식회사

본 발명은 본 발명은 친수성 고분자 1.0~4.0 중량부, 이온가교제 0.05~0.5중량부, 겔화속도조절제 0.05~0.5중량부, 다가알콜 1.0~5.0중량부 및 정제수 15~85중량부를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 보습력이 우수한 하이드로겔 조성물에 관한 것이다. The present invention is characterized in that the present invention comprises 1.0 to 4.0 parts by weight of hydrophilic polymer, 0.05 to 0.5 parts by weight of ion crosslinking agent, 0.05 to 0.5 parts by weight of gelling rate regulator, 1.0 to 5.0 parts by weight of polyhydric alcohol and 15 to 85 parts by weight of purified water. The present invention relates to a hydrogel composition having excellent moisturizing properties.
