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24-10-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019104763A3

20-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2151306C1
Принадлежит: Флориан Гамель (DE)

FIELD: mechanical engineering; heat engine exhaust system. SUBSTANCE: owing to addition of catalytic additive into fuel, point of ignition of soot particles at afterburning is reduced to 300-350 C and process of regeneration of filter in reservoir starts comparatively early. According to invention, filtering material consists of large number of hoses woven thinnest ceramic threads and coiled into ring along which heat resistant wire is passed. Wire passes through each separate loop of woven structure in parallel with ceramic thread. EFFECT: provision of required service life of filter capable of withstanding vibration and mechanical loads. 16 cl, 7 dwg эссе гс пы ГЭ (19) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ ВИ "” 2151 306. 50 МК’ | 01 м 3/02 13) СЛ 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 97115250/06, 10.02.1996 (24) Дата начала действия патента: 10.02.1996 (30) Приоритет: 10.02.1995 ОЕ 19504450.9 (46) Дата публикации: 20.06.2000 (56) Ссылки: ОЕ 3731766 АД, 30.03.89. ОЕ 3325596 АЛ, 07.02.91. ОЕ 4305915 АЛ, 24.11.94. СН 647956 АЗ, 28.02.85. СВ 2235636 А, 13.03.91. 1$ 5266279 А, 30.11.93. \МО 8902976 АТ, 06.04.89. КУ 2028469 СЛ, 09.02.35. (85) Дата перевода заявки РСТ на национальную фазу: 10.09.1997 (86) Заявка РСТ: ОЕ 96/00218 (10.02.1996) (87) Публикация РСТ: \/О 96/24755 (15.08.1996) (98) Адрес для переписки: 101000, Москва, Малый Златоустинский пер. 10, кв.15, "ЕВРОМАРКПАТ", Веселицкой И.А. (71) Заявитель: Флориан Гамель (0Е) (72) Изобретатель: Флориан Гамель (0Е), Зигфрид Кани (0Е) (73) Патентообладатель: Флориан Гамель (0Е) (74) Патентный поверенный: Веселицкая Ирина Александровна (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ УМЕНЬШЕНИЯ КОЛИЧЕСТВА ВЫБРАСЫВАЕМЫХ ЧАСТИЦ САЖИ ДЛЯ ТЕПЛОВЫХ ДВИГАТЕЛЕЙ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к устройствам для уменьшения количества выбрасываемых частиц сажи из системы отработавших газов теплового двигателя. За счет добавки в топливо каталитической присадки точка воспламенения частиц сажи при их ...

20-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009149383A

... 1. Устройство сушки водосодержащего материала посредством потока воздуха, включающее ! первый теплообменник (1) для нагревания потока воздуха за счет непосредственного контакта этого потока воздуха и первой порции водосодержащего материала с получением нагретого потока воздуха, насыщенного до первого уровня; ! устройство для разделения нагретого потока воздуха, насыщенного до первого уровня, на первый и второй потоки воздуха; ! нагревательное устройство (3) для нагревания второго потока воздуха с получением нагретого второго потока воздуха; ! сушильное устройство (5) для сушки второй порции водосодержащего материала за счет непосредственного контакта нагретого второго потока воздуха и второй порции водосодержащего материала с получением нагретого второго потока воздуха, насыщенного до второго уровня, и высушенного продукта; ! второй теплообменник (201а) для охлаждения нагретого второго потока воздуха, насыщенного до второго уровня, используя первую охлаждающую жидкость, с получением второго ...

03-07-2008 дата публикации

Herstellung eines Keramik-Edelstahlgewebe-Verbundes

Номер: DE0019741498B4

Herstellung eines Keramik-Edelstahlgewebeverbundes, gekennzeichnet dadurch, daß zur Herstellung des Verbundes Edelstahlgewebe mit Maschenweiten bis zu 500 μm, günstigerweise zwischen 80 μm bis 120 μm verwendet werden und zur Herstellung des Verbundes eine Suspension verwendet wird, die hergestellt wurde aus einer Titanalkoholatverbindung, welche mit mindestens etwa dem halben Gewichtsverhältnis Wasser hydrolysiert, der entstehende Niederschlag mit etwa dem 1,5 fachen Gewichtsverhältnis Salpetersäure (25%) peptisiert und der die etwa 3 bis 6 fache Menge supergemahlenes α-Aluminiumoxid mit einer Korngröße von 0,1 μm bis 10 μm wird und diese Suspension auf eine Edelstahldrahtgewebe durch Aufstreichen, Tauchen oder Spritzen aufgebracht wird und anschließend durch Erhitzen, vorzugsweise mit einem Heißluftfön innerhalb weniger Sekunden auf etwa 450°C rißfrei verfestigt wird.

15-09-1994 дата публикации

Filter apparatus

Номер: DE0004407750A1

A filter apparatus is proposed which makes it possible for the connection section between the filter housings and the switching valves to be cleaned in a simple manner. The heating units which removably receive the filter housings are constructed with openings for access to the filter housings. The openings enable easy accessibility for cleaning the connection sections between the filter housings and the switching valves.

23-09-1999 дата публикации

Extremely thin ultrafiltration or nanofiltration membrane production

Номер: DE0019811708A1

A ceramic ultrafiltration or nanofiltration membrane is produced by laminating a green nanocrystalline ceramic powder foil onto a ceramic microfiltration membrane and then sintering. A ceramic ultrafiltration or nanofiltration membrane is produced by peeling a green ceramic foil of nanocrystalline powder from its production backing foil, laminating it onto a flat ceramic microfiltration membrane of porous or woven special steel and thermally consolidating the foil.

04-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069729758T2

10-01-1974 дата публикации

High temp gas filtering - combined with waste heat utilisation in boiler

Номер: DE0002229105A1

Filter for hot gases comprises circular cells each constituting a standard component; the components are assembled into a unit which also acts as a waste heat recovery boiler. The filler supports are pref. of steel, heat-resistant steel, very high temp. resistant steel, in the form of perforated plates, coarsely sintered plate or rods; ceramic filter supports may also be used. The supports carry the filtering medium, which may be alloyed mineral wool, non-woven and wrapped around the supports. A pref. mineral wool is based on basalt, without dolomite and contg. kaolin, Al oxides, graphite, Ni oxides, W oxides as additives. The mixt. is ground to 1-3 mm melted at 1550 degrees C using CaO as flux. This is then conventionally blown to produce filaments 5-8 mu thick. The filter cloths may be sprayed with phenolic resin.

17-02-1988 дата публикации

Burning carbon from an exhaust gas filter of an internal combustion engine

Номер: GB0002193656A

A method and apparatus for disposing of particulate matter retained in an exhaust gas filter of an internal combustion engine, using an electric current source. For the purpose of good auxiliary energy utilization and minimization of equipment complexity, ignition and combustion of the particulates are initiated by the flow of current through the particulate matter itself (the particulates themselves serving as an electrical heating conductor). A suitable electrode configuration is provided to supply the ignition energy to the filter element. The electric input for the combustion of the particulates is applied via an impressed power supply.

17-08-1988 дата публикации

High temperature, high pressure gas filter

Номер: GB2200857A

A filtering apparatus for separating particulates from high temperature, high pressure gas streams has a vessel divided into upper and lower chambers by a tubesheet, the tubesheet having a flexible support means with the rim thereof resting in a groove in outwardly extending flange portions securing together upper and lower sections of the vessel wall. The flexible support means for the tubesheet has a cylindrical wall depending from a support plate and a conical wall depending from the rim, the two walls secured together, with insulation between and about the walls. The vessel is insulated and preferably has a steam coil cooling device in the lower section thereof. A backflush system includes vertically spaced rows of pipes having tubes depending therefrom directed to the open tops of the filter elements, with the spaced rows connected together by pivotal links, and alignment means provided to align the open ends of the tubes with the open tops of the filter elements. The apparatus may ...

21-08-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002111854B

23-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009309479D0

23-03-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001468352A

... 1468352 Air filters with heaters DOMNICK HUNTER ENGS Ltd 3 Sept 1974 [5 June 1973] 26646/73 Heading BIT [Also in Division F4] Apparatus intended for preheating and filtering of a gas such as air to reduce condensation occurring in air lines and in valves as the gas flows therethrough, comprises a housing 12 in which is a porous diffuser 1, made of a sintered metal or sintered metal compound, extending across the gas flow path between a gas inlet 10 and a gas outlet 15 and, in contact with the diffuser, at least one electric heating element, preferably embedded in the diffuser, and joined by conducting means 2 to a power supply. As shown, a swirler vane plate 11 is provided upstream of the diffuser and the liquid separated thereby collects in the bowl of the housing. The diffuser 1 may comprise a flat disc (Figs; 2, 3 and 5) or, as shown, it may be conical. Or it may be cylindrical or hemispherical, and the cross-section of the gas flow passage at the diffuser may be square, rectangular, ...

05-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001505955A

... 1505955 Gas filter BRUNSWICK CORP 7 June 1976 [8 Aug 1975] 23469/76 Heading BIT A gas filtration apparatus comprises a chamber having an inlet 24 and an outlet 26, a filter element 38 made solely of metal having a gas permeable base 19, 21 and a fibre pile 14a and 14b disposed between the inlet and outlet, and means for cleaning the element by a reverse flow of gas to extend the fibres from the base. The fibres may be of two lengths preferably also of different diameters. The element may be supported by a wire screen 17. Reverse flow gas through rotating tube 48 and an axially extending outwardly directed nozzle (46 Fig. 5 not shown) is forced outwardly and progressively through all portions of the filter as the nozzle rotates, the filtering flow continuing in other portions. Entering gas may strike baffle 25 and large particles may fall into hopper 28 through a grill. An auger removes collected solids. The gas for reverse flow cleaning may be heated e.g. 10-50‹C.

15-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: ATA104589A

15-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: ATA280387A

15-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000510801T

15-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000173795T

15-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000231421T

15-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000211019T

04-12-2014 дата публикации

Air treatment device

Номер: AU2010101518A4

Abstract An air treatment device comprising: a housing having at least one air inlet and at least one air outlet with at least two discrete air passageways therebetween; wherein in a first of said passageways there is located a fan and at least one air filter retaining means arranged to releasably retain, in use, an air filter within one passageway; and wherein in a second of said passageways there is located at least one refill securing means arranged to releasably securing a refill of air treatment agent and emanation means in the form of one or more heaters; and wherein, in use, airflow through said at least two passageways is separate.

28-03-2002 дата публикации

A filter and filter assembly

Номер: AU0000745652B2

11-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002690003A1

Method and device for drying a water-containing substance using an air stream by: heating the air stream in a first heat exchanger (1) by direct contact between the air stream and a first portion of the water-containing substance; separating the heated air stream into a first and a second air stream; heating the second air stream in a heating unit (3); drying a second portion of the water-containing substance in a drying unit (5) by direct contact between the heated second air stream and the second portion of the water-containing substance; cooling the second air stream to the temperature level of the first cooling liquid in a second heat exchanger (201a) using a first cooling liquid; mixing the cooled second air stream and the first air stream in a mixing unit; cooling the mixed air stream by means of a second cooling liquid in a third heat exchanger (201b).

26-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001045052A1

15-04-1994 дата публикации

Air Purifier Pleated Filter to Stop Pollution for Passenger Inside of the Motor Vehicle

Номер: CA0002080558A1

31-03-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000596871A5

30-06-2022 дата публикации

Luftfiltervorrichtung des Brennstoffzellenfahrzeugs für extrem kalte Umgebungen und Luftfilterverfahren davon.

Номер: CH0000717534B1
Принадлежит: UNIV JIANGSU [CN]

Die vorliegende Erfindung offenbart eine Luftfiltervorrichtung des Brennstoffzellenfahrzeugs für extrem kalte Umgebungen und ein Luftfilterverfahren von deren, umfassend einen Doppelrotorscheibenmotor, wobei die Achsmitte des Scheibenmotors eine Innenwandschale (3) ist, die zum Einlassen und Auslassen von Gasen, abgestuften Entfeuchten und Absorbieren von schädlichen Gasen verwendet wird; und wobei der Scheibenmotor mit der Mittelwandschale (4) fest verbunden ist, und wobei an der Innenseite der Mittelwandschale (4) spiralförmige Kämme (14) angeordnet sind; und wobei der Scheibenmotor weiterhin mit der Außenwandschale (5) fest verbunden ist, und wobei zwischen der Außenwand und der Innenwand eine Widerstandsdrahtheizkomponente (6) angeordnet ist, um Eis und Schnee zu verschmelzen und zu verhindern, dass sie sich ansammeln und den Luftkanal blockieren, und wobei am unteren Ende der Außenwandschale (5) mehrere Poren vorgesehen sind, und wobei an der Innenseite der Bodenfläche ein Flügelrad ...

10-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000025271U

Сухий пиловловлювач з теплообмінником для використання в доменній печі містить пристрої для очищення від грубого та тонкого пилу, теплообмінник, клапани і трубопроводи. Теплообмінник обладнаний трубопроводом, який з'єднаний з підігрівником дуття доменної печі і (або) системою топкового газу бойлера.

10-07-1987 дата публикации

Support framework for a filter element

Номер: FR0002592596A2

11-10-2019 дата публикации

A Filtering Apparatus for an Intake Air of a System of Air Management

Номер: KR0102030366B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 크린텍코리아

본 발명은 공기 처리 시스템의 흡입 공기의 여과 장치에 관한 것이고, 구체적으로 발전소의 가스터빈과 같은 연소 기관으로 흡입되는 공기에 포함되는 습기 또는 이물질을 제거하는 연소 기관 흡입 공기의 여과 장치에 관한 것이다. 공기 처리 시스템의 흡입 공기의 여과 장치는 외부로부터 유입되는 공기로부터 이물질을 제거하는 이물질 제거 유닛(111); 이물질 제거 유닛(111)을 통과한 공기로부터 일정 크기의 직경을 가진 미립자 또는 습기를 제거하는 일차 필터 유닛(112); 및 일차 필터 유닛(112)으로 전달되는 공기로부터 미세 입자 또는 습기를 제거하는 이차 필터 유닛(15)을 포함하고, 상기 공기는 이물질에 대하여 중력이 작용되는 방향과 다른 방향으로 이물질 제거 유닛(111)으로 유입되고, 상기 이차 필터 유닛(15)으로 유입되는 공기는 상기 이물질 제거 유닛(111)으로 유입되는 공기와 다른 방향으로 흐른다. The present invention relates to a filtration device for intake air of an air treatment system, and more particularly to a filtration device for combustion engine intake air to remove moisture or foreign matter contained in air drawn into a combustion engine such as a gas turbine of a power plant. The intake air filtration device of the air treatment system includes a foreign material removal unit 111 for removing foreign matter from air introduced from the outside; A primary filter unit 112 for removing particulates or moisture having a diameter of a predetermined size from the air passing through the foreign matter removing unit 111; And a secondary filter unit 15 which removes fine particles or moisture from the air delivered to the primary filter unit 112, wherein the air is removed from the foreign matter removal unit 111 in a direction different from the direction in which gravity is applied to the foreign matter. Flowed into the secondary filter unit 15 flows in a different direction from air introduced into the foreign substance removing unit 111.

18-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160041828A

A heated filter assembly for heating gas supplied to a substrate processing system comprises a housing defining a cavity, an inner surface and an outer surface. A filter element is arranged inside the cavity of the housing having an outer surface thereof in a spaced relationship relative to the inner surface of the housing. A heat transfer element is arranged inside of the filter element and includes an outer surface and an inner cavity. A plurality of projection units are arranged on the outer surface of the heat transfer element in direct physical contact with an inner surface of the filter element. A plurality of portions are arranged on the outer surface of the heat transfer element, are spaced from the inner surface of the filter element and are placed between the plurality of projection units. According to the present invention, the heated filter is capable of controlling the temperature of the filter element in real time. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

05-10-2020 дата публикации

Industrial Plant Equipments Casing Surface Electric Heater Direct Heating Device

Номер: KR1020200112159A

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160134970A

Disclosed is an air purifier including an inverter which controls an operation of a device. To this end, the disclosed air purifier comprises: a housing including an air suction part; an air purification filter provided in the housing so as to allow air introduced into the air suction part to pass through; an inverter module provided in the housing and including a radiating pin; and a cooling air flowing path making up an air flowing route so as to allow external air to be introduced into the air suction part after heat exchange with the radiating pin. According to the present invention, the air purifier can increase cooling efficiency of the inverter. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

25-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: WO2004024293A1

A columnar honeycomb structure having a large particulate collection amount limit, capable of reducing a pressure loss in use, and capable of reducing a variation in pressure loss even if the flow of exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine varies, comprising a large number of through-holes longitudinally arranged parallel with each other through partition walls, the large number of through-holes further comprising a large volume through-hole group formed by sealing one end part so that the sum of the areas in a cross section vertical to the longitudinal direction of the honeycomb structure is relatively increased and a small volume through-hole group formed by sealing the other end part so that the sum of the areas in the cross section is relatively decreased, characterized by comprising a plurality of columnar porous ceramic members.

10-10-1978 дата публикации

Smoke controlling ash tray

Номер: US0004119419A1

An ash tray comprising a housing having a passageway on the upper end thereof communicating with the interior of the housing, with support means operatively associated with the housing for supporting thereon a cigarette or cigar with its lighted end adjacent to the passageway. A fan is mounted within the housing so constructed and arranged as to create a draft of air through the passageway in a downward direction, and smoke detector means is operatively connected to the fan and contained within the housing, with the smoke detector means adapted to detect the presence of smoke adjacent the passageway so as to obtain electrical energization of the fan such that smoke from the lighted cigarette or cigar is carried into the housing by the draft of air created by the fan. A purifier filter is mounted in the housing between the fan and the passageway so as to obtain a filtering of the smoke prior to the air exiting from the housing. An alarm is operatively associated with the smoke detector means ...

18-07-1995 дата публикации

Hot gas filtration system fail-safe and thermal regeneration device

Номер: US0005433771A1
Принадлежит: Westinghouse Electric Corporation

A fail-safe back-up filter system for filtering particles from a flow of hot gas in a coal gasifier or the like in the event of a failure of the primary filter system. In the event of a break in one of the primary filter elements of the filtration system, the back-up filters, having a higher porosity than the primary filters, begin to collect particulate matter such that the particulates become embedded in the back-up filter. After a period of time, the back-up filters become clogged and prevent the flow of particle laden gas through the back-up filter and the corresponding primary filter such that the flow of gas is diverted into communication with the remaining, properly functioning primary filters. The back-up filters also provide a thermal regenerator device for heating the flow of cleaning gas before it contacts the primary filter elements during back-flush cleaning in order to avoid the effects of extreme temperature fluctuations on the primary filters.

26-09-1995 дата публикации

Self supporting hot gas filter assembly

Номер: US5453116A

A device and method for maintaining a clean gas stream includes a particulate filter comprising of support tube made from a formed textile. The formed textile is constructed from a continuous filament inorganic yarn and is porous to allow gas and particulates therein to pass through the support tube. A filtering element is disposed about the support tube to trap particulates in the exhaust gas. The formed textile which defines the support tube is relatively flexible in its natural state. To act as a supporting structure, the formed textile is made less flexible by the application of an inorganic binder. The natural flexibility of the formed textile minimizes the damaging effects of mechanical and thermal shock, while the inorganic binder stiffens the formed textile and allows the support tube to support itself and the filtering element thereon.

17-10-1995 дата публикации

Particulate trap for purifying diesel engine exhaust

Номер: US0005458664A

PCT No. PCT/JP92/00634 Sec. 371 Date Jan. 10, 1994 Sec. 102(e) Date Jan. 10, 1994 PCT Filed May 13, 1992 PCT Pub. No. WO93/23144 PCT Pub. Date Nov. 25, 1993.In combination with a diesel engine, a particulate trap for purifying the diesel exhaust of the engine includes a case provided in the exhaust line of the diesel engine and a filter element mounted in the case. The filter element is a porous member of a heat-resistant metal framework having the form of a three-dimensional mesh. The surface roughness of the metal framework is at least 0.2 mu m. The pores of the porous member have an average diameter of 0.1-1 mm, the average number of such pores as counted in the thickness direction of the porous member is 10 or more, the volume packing density of the filter element to the entire filtering space is 10-40%, and the filter has a gas inflow filtration area of 400 cm2 per liter of the displacement of the engine to which the trap is to be mounted. The filter element has a high capacity to ...

21-06-2001 дата публикации

Exhaust gas filtration device, auxiliary filtration device and trap device

Номер: US2001003892A1

The present invention has an object to improve the efficiency of collection of solidification constituents and solids in exhaust gas and to prevent early blockage of the filter without damaging the vacuum pump. In an exhaust path 48a, a vacuum pump and exhaust gas filtration device are provided. This exhaust gas filtration device is constituted by a trap device, pre-filter and filter. The pre-filter reduces the exhaust gas flow rate flowing through the interior of the exhaust path by controlling the exhaust gas flow path in the vessel. The aforesaid exhaust path is constituted by connecting this vacuum pump, trap device, pre-filter and filter which are arranged in this order from the side of airtight vessel and connected through piping if required.

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210164950A1

The present invention belongs to the field of systems adapted for detection and quantification of carbonaceous aerosol. It relates to an improved heating chamber for a device for measuring carbonaceous aerosol, the chamber comprising at least:an upper part and a lower part with a ring for closing and holes for pins through which heaters receive the voltage needed for heating;an inlet for leading the sampled air to a filter and a system of valves, which regulates the sampled air flow and air flow during the analysis;two heaters encasing the filter, each heater comprising at least a housing and a heating wire, wherein the first heater is installed in the upper part and the second heater is installed in the lower part, wherein the distance of the heaters from the filter is from 1 to 10 mm, and wherein the heaters are controlled with electronics; andan outlet for leading the created CO2 towards a CO2 detector.

25-11-1998 дата публикации


Номер: EP0000808414B1
Принадлежит: Gamel, Florian

27-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2465220C2
Принадлежит: ЛЕДАЛ ХОЛДИНГ Б. В. (NL)

Изобретение относится к устройству и способу сушки водосодержащего материала, такого как навоз. Способ и устройство сушки водосодержащего материала посредством потока воздуха заключаются в нагревании потока воздуха в первом теплообменнике в результате непосредственного контакта потока воздуха и первой порции водосодержащего материала, разделении нагретого потока воздуха на первый и второй потоки воздуха, нагревании второго потока воздуха в нагревательном устройстве, сушке второй порции водосодержащего материала в сушильном устройстве в результате непосредственного контакта нагретого второго потока воздуха и второй порции водосодержащего материала, охлаждении второго потока воздуха до температуры первой охлаждающей жидкости во втором теплообменнике с использованием первой охлаждающей жидкости, смешивании охлажденного второго потока воздуха и первого потока воздуха в смесительном устройстве и охлаждении смешанного потока воздуха посредством второй охлаждающей жидкости в третьем теплообменнике ...

11-05-2000 дата публикации

Verfahren und Filter zum Abscheiden von schmelzbaren Staubpartikeln

Номер: DE0019826105C2

15-06-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002551374B2

11-09-2008 дата публикации

Filter- und Kühlelement

Номер: DE102004032609B4
Принадлежит: KRAMSKI GMBH

Filter- und Kühlelement (1) für fluide Medien und insbesondere für Gasgeneratoren in Airbagsystemen, wobei das Filter- und Kühlelement (1) mehrlagig mit einer Vielzahl von metallischen Einzelelementen (2) oder mit mehreren Lagen eines gewickelten und/oder gefalteten metallischen Einzelelements ausgebildet ist und eine Vielzahl von in oder zwischen den Einzelelementen vorgesehenen Durchtrittsöffnungen (4, 10) für das fluide Medium aufweist, wobei die Einzelelemente (2) aus scheiben- oder plattenförmigem Blechmaterial bestehen, in welches die Durchtrittsöffnungen in den Einzelelementen durch Stanzen eingebracht sind, und wobei die Einzelelemente stapelförmig zu dem Filter- und Kühlelement (1) zusammengefügt und mit einer Vielzahl von über ihre Oberfläche verteilt angeordneten Vorsprüngen versehen sind, die zur Beabstandung des jeweils benachbart angeordneten Einzelelements und als Prallfläche dienen, wobei die Vorsprünge (5, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b) durch Umbiegen der zur Bildung der Durchtrittsöffnungen ...

30-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009007486D0

01-09-1988 дата публикации

Air purifier filter for motor vehicle

Номер: GB0002201357A

An air intake or recirculation duct in a vehicle ventilation system comprises a removable filter 1 of hollow convex form having layers 7, 8, 10 of synthetic fibres to remove successively finer particles and a layer 9 of activated charcoal to remove gaseous impurities. A central screen 6 encloses more activated charcoal, and an electric heater 28 prevents the filter from freezing and keeps it dry. Downstream sensor indicates if the filter clogs. ...

09-11-1994 дата публикации

System for the treatment noxious fumes and fines entrained in a gas stream

Номер: GB0002277699A

A system for the treatment of noxious fumes and fines entrained in a gaseous stream comprises a collection device (13, 14) which opens at the source (11, 12) of noxious fumes and fines and into which the noxious fumes and fines are drawn, a combustion means (18) for the combustion of noxious fumes and a filtering device (17) for the removal of fines from the gaseous stream, and ducting (15, 15a, 15b, 15c) extending from the collection device (13, 14) to the filtering device (17) and there being means (16) to create a gas stream within the ducting (15, 15a, 15b, 15c) and thus to draw the noxious fumes and fines into the collection device (13, 14) through the combustion means (18) and hence to the filtering device (17). ...

05-06-1941 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to filters

Номер: GB0000537017A

... 537,017. Filters. HEATHER, F. Nov. 29, 1939, No. 31069. [Class 8 (ii)] [Also in Group I] Relates to filters having elements formed as brushes with bristles radiating from central stems. The total space occupied by the brushes is sub-divided into spaces of different crosssection transverse to the stems or brushes of different diameters used, so as to occupy the space effectively. Apparatus suitable for filtering producer gas comprises helical brushes 23, Figs. 1 and 2, of different sizes arranged on parallel axes 22 in compartments formed by radial partitions 15 between inner and outer cylinders 13, 9. The brushes may be discontinuous with sections of successively finer material, so that settling spaces 26 are formed between the sections. Fluid from an inlet 1 enters a header 2 and passes through cooling tubes 3 to a second header 4, and thence through the central cylinder 13 to a space 7 from which it flows through the filter compartments to an outlet 5. The ends of the axes 22 are fixed ...

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000406203T

15-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000355882T

15-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000512520B1

Filtereinrichtung zur Abtrennung von in Tröpfchenform vorliegenden Flüssigkeiten aus einem gasförmigen Stoffstrom, umfassend ein Filtergehäuse (2), in dem zumindest ein Filtermedium (3, 4) angeordnet ist, wobei das Filtergehäuse (2) einen Einlass (1) und einen Auslass (5) aufweist, wobei das Filtermedium (4) ein Fasergewirk aus einem Faserstoff umfasst, wobei eine Heizvorrichtung mit wenigstens einem Heizelement (7, 8) vorgesehen ist, wobei das Heizelement (7, 8) das Filtermedium (4) zumindest bereichsweise umgibt sowie Verfahren zum Betreiben einer solchen Filtereinrichtung.

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000554844T

25-04-1990 дата публикации

Device for cleaning and heating gases

Номер: AT0000390388B

The invention relates to a device for cleaning and heating gases, in which the two functions are combined in one vessel, so that the production costs are reduced. At least one filter cartridge for cleaning and at least one U-pipeline for heating the gases are arranged in the filter preheater in such a way that the heating medium (e.g. hot water or steam) can flow around the tube bundle. The number of filter cartridges and U-pipes are combined according to the requirements, as illustrated in Fig. 1. As can be seen from this figure, the device comprises a vessel 10 in which the gas which is supplied through the connection piece S1 flows from the outside inwards through one or more filter cartridges 11 which are arranged centrally in the vessel, solid materials are removed and the gases are diverted through an opening in the separating plate 12 onto a semicircular surface. The cleaning chamber and the heating chamber are separated from one another by a tube plate 13. The gas flows through ...

15-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000397146T

15-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000512520A4

Filtereinrichtung zur Abtrennung von in Tröpfchenform vorliegenden Flüssigkeiten aus einem gasförmigen Stoffstrom, umfassend ein Filtergehäuse (2), in dem zumindest ein Filtermedium (3, 4) angeordnet ist, wobei das Filtergehäuse (2) einen Einlass (1) und einen Auslass (5) aufweist, wobei das Filtermedium (4) ein Fasergewirk aus einem Faserstoff umfasst, wobei eine Heizvorrichtung mit wenigstens einem Heizelement (7, 8) vorgesehen ist, wobei das Heizelement (7, 8) das Filtermedium (4) zumindest bereichsweise umgibt sowie Verfahren zum Betreiben einer solchen Filtereinrichtung.

15-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000013904U1

The unit has a cylinder-sleeve-shaped filter housing (2) in which filtering medium (3, 4) is provided and comprising an inlet (1) and an outlet (6) i.e. port (5). The filtering medium comprises a fiber knitted fabric made of fiber. A heating device i.e. electrical heating device, is provided with a heating element (7), which surrounds the filtering medium. The filter housing is provided with a heat insulating inner coating or inner lining in a region of the filtering medium. A regulating- or control device is connected with the heating device, a sensor and a visualization unit. The filtering medium is designed as a fine filter stage or a fine filter.

15-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000280387A

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Device for sterilization of fluid phase

Номер: AU2012202757B2

DEVICE FOR STERILIZATION OF A FLUID PHASE A device (11) in which exhaust fluid from a facility or equipment for treating biologically active material is heated to a temperature of at least 400*C to kill or denature hazardous agents, and conveyed through a metal filter (8) with no more than 0.1 pm pore size, which is heated, preferably by the fluid, to essentially the same temperature. The relevant temperature is maintained during operation in both the fluid and the filter (8). Since the filter (8) is dimensioned to trap microbial agents like bacteria and viruses and the temperature of the filter (8) surfaces is sufficient for sterilization, microbial agents are bound to come into contact with said surfaces and a very high degree of sterilization certainty is reached. The filter is welded to the device body to provide a seamless structure. Heating and filtration are both alone sufficient for removing biohazardous agents, so the device provides double security. AH25(62702271):KEH ...

28-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002758784A1

An air treatment device is described comprising: a housing having at least one air inlet and at least one air outlet with at least two discrete air passageways therebetween; wherein in a first of said passageways there is located a fan and at least one air filter retaining means arranged to releasably retain, in use, an air filter within one passageway; and wherein in a second of said passageways there is located at least one refill securing means arranged to releasably securing a refill of air treatment agent and emanation means in the form of one or more heaters; and wherein, in use, airflow through said at least two passageways is separate.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002881071A1

The invention relates to an exhaust gas filter device for filtering out contaminating substances from exhaust gases, comprising: a filter device for filtering the exhaust gases, wherein the exhaust gases enter the filter device at a filter inlet surface, flow through the filter device and exit the filter device at a filter outlet surface; and a distribution duct for distributing the exhaust gases to be filtered along the filter inlet surface and a collecting duct for collecting the filtered exhaust gases exiting at the filter outlet surface; wherein the cross-section of the collecting duct increases in the flow direction of the exhaust gases and/or the cross-section of the distribution duct decreases in the flow direction of the exhaust gases.

02-03-1990 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002608941B2

17-01-1992 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002631251B1

17-11-1989 дата публикации

Procede et dispositif pour la filtration de gaz contamines charges en vesicules liquides

Номер: FR0002631251A
Автор: Francois Meline

La presente invention concerne un procede pour la filtration d'un gaz contamine charge en vesicules liquides (ou aerosol) a travers un milieu filtrant dispose autour d'un evidement central par lequel entre l'aerosol, caracterise en ce que ledit milieu filtrant est chauffe a une temperature superieure au point de rosee de l'aerosol par une source rayonnante disposee dans ledit evidement central, et le filtre permettant la mise en oeuvre dudit procede.

06-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002515527A


02-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200134558A

17-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020090118100A

A black exhaust purification apparatus for diesel engine that is capable of uniformalizing particulate filter temperature and easy maintenance. The black exhaust purification apparatus for diesel engine (20) comprises, serially disposed therein, oxidation catalyst (4) and particulate filter (1), wherein an inlet of exhaust gas (10) is disposed between the oxidation catalyst (4) and the particulate filter (1), and wherein an exhaust gas passageway extends from the area of the inlet outward, passes through the interior of the oxidation catalyst (4) and is connected to space (2a) on the upstream side of the oxidation catalyst (4). COPYRIGHT KIPO & WIPO 2010 ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Gas refining apparatus using liquefied gas

Номер: KR1020200032279A

03-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: WO1998037946A1
Автор: DRYDEN, Richard

A method and a system for operating a flue gas cleaning process, for cleaning high temperature flue gases in a filter, such as a ceramic filter, susceptible to damages at temperatures exceeding a characteristic Tmax for said filter. A flow of high temperature flue gases to be cleaned is, according to the invention, divided into a first and second flow of flue gases, the temperature of the second flow of flue gases is decreased whereafter the first and second flow of flue gases are recombined. The thus recombined flow of flue gases is led into the filter. The temperature of the second flow of flue gases is preferably decreased by passing the second flow over heat exchange surfaces. The ratio first flow to second flow of flue gases may be controlled by controlling the first or second flow of flue gases. The invention also relates to a power generation system and a pressurized fluidized bed combustion system utilizing the above system.

04-11-1997 дата публикации

Occupant air filter for vehicles

Номер: US0005683478A1
Автор: Anonychuk; Lawrence

An air filter device to filter fresh air for occupants of a vehicle is disclosed. The device includes a generally circular bottom base unit including a perimeter mounting portion to retain said device in an air conduit. The perimeter mounting portion includes a pair of mounting lips separated by an outwardly extending mounting groove. The lips resiliently flex over a rim formed in the vehicle to position the device in place. Extending from the base unit is an air filter which is sized and shaped to fit into a cavity located within a blower motor assembly. In this manner the device can be retrofit into a standard vehicle to provide air filtration without requiring extensive modification of the ducting and the like.

06-06-1995 дата публикации

Trap device for vapor phase reaction apparatus

Номер: US0005422081A1

A double cylinder shaped multilayer structural member comprising ring shaped thin plate small diameter discs and large diameter discs respectively layered via spacers is disposed in the enclosure vessel of a trap device for a vapor phase reaction apparatus. Gas from the intake opening section of the enclosure vessel is introduced into the outer side space of the multilayer structural member of the enclosure vessel, passes through the spaces between the large diameter discs and also passes through the spaces between the small diameter discs, then exits via the inner side space of the multilayer structural member from the outlet opening section of enclosure vessel to the system exterior. As a result of this construction, in comparison to conventional devices, the collection efficiency of reactive components can be increased, the equipment life extended, and maintenance frequency reduced, thereby providing a trap device for a vapor phase reaction apparatus capable of improving productivity ...

18-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: EP0000677140A1

Diesel engine exhaust filter system for off-road vehicles. The system has a trap device and controlling mechanism on the vehicle. An electrical power source and a combustion air source are off-board. The controlling mechanism monitors backpressure to determine when regeneration is required. The vehicle is parked at a regeneration station for connection to the air source and power source for regeneration, which is then controlled by the controlling mechanism on-board.

09-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: EP0000977622A1
Автор: DRYDEN, Richard

A method and a system for operating a flue gas cleaning process, for cleaning high temperature flue gases in a filter, such as a ceramic filter, susceptible to damages at temperatures exceeding a characteristic Tmax for said filter. A flow of high temperature flue gases to be cleaned is, according to the invention, divided into a first and second flow of flue gases, the temperature of the second flow of flue gases is decreased whereafter the first and second flow of flue gases are recombined. The thus recombined flow of flue gases is led into the filter. The temperature of the second flow of flue gases is preferably decreased by passing the second flow over heat exchange surfaces. The ratio first flow to second flow of flue gases may be controlled by controlling the first or second flow of flue gases. The invention also relates to a power generation system and a pressurized fluidized bed combustion system utilizing the above system.

11-06-1996 дата публикации

Номер: JP0008505452A

17-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: JP0005814005B2

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2707026C1

Изобретение относится к области фильтрования нефтяного газа и удаления пыли во время пиролиза (коксования) угля, а также к высокотемпературному устройству и системе для удаления и фильтрования пыли и способу непрерывного удаления и фильтрования пыли для угольного газа. Устройство содержит комплект высокотемпературных установок для удаления и фильтрования пыли, а также устройство (2) предварительного нагревания и устройство (3) регенерации, предусмотренные для высокотемпературных установок для удаления и фильтрования пыли. Система содержит два или более комплектов высокотемпературных установок для удаления и фильтрования пыли, а также устройство (2) предварительного нагревания и устройство (3) регенерации, предусмотренные для высокотемпературных установок для удаления и фильтрования пыли. Способ предусматривает наличие двух или более комплектов высокотемпературных установок для удаления и фильтрования пыли, а также устройства (2) предварительного нагревания и устройства (3) регенерации, ...

04-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2702217C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к всасывающей панели и крышке для образования всасывающего канала кондиционера воздуха. Кондиционер воздуха содержит кожух; теплообменник, расположенный внутри кожуха; и всасывающую панель, имеющую круглую форму и выполненную с возможностью отсоединения от кожуха или соединения с кожухом посредством поворота относительно кожуха в направлении по окружности всасывающей панели, причем всасывающая панель включает в себя множество соединительных элементов, образованных на всасывающей панели и расположенных в направлении по окружности всасывающей панели, множество соединительных элементов выполнено с возможностью соединения с кожухом или разъединения с кожухом, кожух включает в себя множество соединительных участков, соответствующих множеству соединительных элементов и поддерживающих множество соединительных элементов, когда множество соединительных элементов вставлено в кожух. Это позволяет упростить отделение пользователями всасывающих панелей в случае расположения ...

23-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003869376D1

The heated inner tube (4), for carrying the gas, has a cooled outer jacket (20) and a heat insulation layer (21) is arranged between the tube (4) and the jacket (20). The filter cartridge (6) can be detached from the filter housing (3), which is arranged as a coaxial extension of the inner tube (4) of the extraction probe, and is provided with a connection flange (10) at the end, for a detachable filter base (8) carrying the filter cartridge. The base (8) opens out in to the annular space (5) between the filter housing (3) and the filter cartridge (6) and communicates with blast openings (14) and blast line (16).

07-05-1997 дата публикации

Mehrschichtige Separationseinheiten

Номер: DE0019540876A1

In order to solve different separation or filtration problems, the prior art discloses separation elements whose separation units have very different constructions, including separation elements with multi-layer separation units. The solution according to the invention is characterized in that the separation units (17) according to the invention can be produced in a continuous process and can be adapted optimally to specific separation problems by a layer-by-layer construction which also contains separating means (24) which are not in strip form.

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020132804A1

Die vorliegende Anmeldung offenbart eine Abgasreinigungseinrichtung, die zum Reinigen von Abgas aus dem Ofenherd eines Reflow-Ofens dient. Sie umfasst: eine Filtereinheit, ein Filterelement, das innerhalb der Filtereinheit angeordnet ist, einen steuerbaren Gaskanal, der das Innere der Filtereinheit steuerbar mit der äußeren Umgebung, die Sauerstoff enthält, verbindet und dazu eingerichtet ist, Sauerstoff enthaltendes Gas auf steuerbare Weise in die Filtereinheit einzuleiten, und ein Heizelement, das innerhalb der Filtereinheit angeordnet ist, wobei das Heizelement derart eingerichtet ist, dass es Gas innerhalb der Filtereinheit bis auf eine Oxidationstemperatur erwärmen kann, bei welcher Oxidationstemperatur Kohlenstoff in an dem Filterelement anhaftenden Substanzen eine chemische Veränderung erfahren kann und somit Gas erzeugt. Die Abgasreinigungseinrichtung nach der vorliegenden Anmeldung weist ein langes Wartungsintervall auf, womit die Wartungskosten erheblich reduziert werden können ...

30-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0020321503U1

Säulenförmiger Wabenstrukturkörper, der eine Vielzahl von säulenförmigen porösen Keramikelementen umfasst, in dem eine Anzahl von Durchgangsöffnungen zueinander in der Längsrichtung parallel angeordnet sind, wobei Trennwände dazwischen angeordnet sind, bei dem die Vielzahl von Durchgangsöffnungen umfasst: Durchgangsöffnungen, die eine Gruppe von Hochkapazität-Durchgangsöffnungen bilden und an einem Ende abgedichtet sind; und Durchgangsöffnungen, die eine Gruppe von Geringkapazitäts-Durchgangsöffnungen bilden und an dem anderen Ende so abgedichtet sind, dass die Gesamtflächen von Querschnitten senkrecht zur Längsrichtung kleiner sind als die Gesamtflächen der Querschnitte der Hochkapazität-Durchgangsöffnungen.

04-02-2009 дата публикации

Regenerating an engine exhaust gas particulate filter

Номер: GB2451562A

A method for controlling the temperature of an exhaust gas filter 18 connected to an engine 12 so as to regenerate the filter 18 is disclosed. The engine is operated to produce a magnitude of positive crankshaft power for driving a vehicle to which the engine 12 is fitted. The temperature of the engine exhaust gas is increased by operating an electric machine 14 driveably connected to the engine 12 to increase load on the engine 12 and regenerating the particulate filter by passing engine exhaust gas at the increased temperature through the filter 18. The engine may be a diesel engine. There is an independent claim to a hybrid vehicle using such a method.

15-11-1989 дата публикации

Filtering Contaminated Gases Laden with Liquid droplets

Номер: GB0002218356A

A contaminated gas laden with liquid droplets is filtered outwards through a tubular filter element 20 located in a housing 15 within a biological shield. A heater 32 enclosed by a separate casing 31 inside the filter element 20 keeps the element above the dew point of the liquid and thus prevents the liquid from clogging the filter element, which retains the solid content only. The heater is removable independently of the filter element, which is clamped in place by a plug 29. The filter may be connected downstream of a mist separator which treats gas used to raise liquids inside the biological shield. …… ...

23-03-2016 дата публикации

Gas turbine inlet anti-icing using electrical power

Номер: GB0002512878B
Принадлежит: VEOTEC LTD

09-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008802836D0

14-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001495316A

... 1495316 Gas filter W LODIGE F LODIGE and J LUCKE 9 May 1975 [11 May 1974] 19581/75 Heading B1T A gas filter comprises a series of filter tubes 7 arranged for parallel flow filtration in a common housing, and means for directing radiant heat on to the downstream surfaces of the tubes to prevent condensation of vapour thereon. As shown the tubes are designed for outward flow, and the housing is provided with a double wall 9 forming a jacket through which steam or hot water flows. Tubes are spaced apart and from the housing wall sufficiently far for radiant heat to impinge drectly on all sides thereof. Tubes could be more closely spaced if an additional heating tube 13, connected to the same fluid supply as jacket 9, is provided in the centre. If tubes 7 are arranged for inward flow they are provided with internal heating bars or tubes 14. Fig. 1 (not shown) illustrates the filter mounted on a sterilizing chamber (1) to filter outgoing gas.

15-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000076193T

15-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000222792T

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Diesel particulate filter flow rate measuring apparatus and method

Номер: US20120260727A1
Принадлежит: SPX Corp

A particulate filter is provided. The particulate filter includes: a plurality of sensors located in the filter; and a controller operatively connected to the sensors to determine a relative flow velocity over the sensors. A method for detecting obstructions in a filter may also be provided. The method may include: locating a sensor in a zone within a filter; connecting the sensor to a controller; monitoring the sensor with the controller; and determining whether the zone is obstructed based on data received from the sensor.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Heater unit, fan filter unit, and substrate processing apparatus

Номер: US20120325797A1
Принадлежит: Shibaura Mechatronics Corp, Toshiba Corp

A heater unit according to an embodiment includes: a flat heater including a linear heating element arranged in a planar pattern; a first mesh body formed in a mesh pattern using a material with high heat conductivity and placed at least on one side of the flat heater facing the flat heater; and a second mesh body formed in a mesh pattern using a material with lower heat conductivity than that of the first mesh body and placed to face a surface of the first mesh body opposite to the surface of the first mesh body facing the flat heater.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130074698A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure relate to microwave filter air purification systems, methods of using the microwave filter air purification systems, microwave absorbing filter packs, methods of degrading a contaminant, and the like. 1. A microwave filter air purification system , comprising:a microwave source; anda microwave absorbing filter, wherein the microwave absorbing filter is positioned for an air flow to pass through the microwave absorbing filter, wherein the microwave source is positioned relative to the microwave absorbing filter so that the microwave radiation from the microwave source is absorbed by the microwave absorbing filter.2. The microwave filter air purification system of claim 1 , wherein the microwave absorbing filter is made of a material selected from the group consisting of: silicon carbide claim 1 , carbon claim 1 , titanium dioxide claim 1 , vanadium pentoxide claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , and a combination thereof.3. The microwave filter air purification system of claim 1 , wherein each microwave absorbing filter is selected from the group consisting of: a fibrous filter claim 1 , a porous membrane filter or a granular bed filter claim 1 , and a combination thereof.4. A microwave filter air purification system claim 1 , comprising:a microwave source; anda microwave absorbing filter pack including a pair of microwave absorbing structures and a filter disposed between the pair of microwave absorbing structures, wherein the microwave absorbing filter pack is positioned for an air flow to pass through the microwave absorbing filter pack, wherein the microwave source is positioned relative to the microwave absorbing filter pack so that the microwave radiation from the microwave source is absorbed by the microwave absorbing filter pack.5. The microwave filter air purification system of claim 4 , wherein the microwave absorbing structures are made of a material selected from the group consisting of: silicon carbide claim 4 , carbon claim ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009407A1
Автор: FUKUDA Koki

The present invention intends to extend the operating life of an air separation module (ASM) in a nitrogen enriched air (NEA) supply system by controlling the temperature of bleed air as a supply source of the NEA. The NEA supply system produces NEA that is enriched with nitrogen upon supply of source gas during a flight through an ascent phase, a cruising phase, and a descent phase, and supplies the NEA to a fuel tank, the system including: an air separation module that separates oxygen and nitrogen in the source gas; and a temperature regulation mechanism that regulates a temperature of the source gas supplied to the air separation module. In at least a part of a flight period through the ascent phase and the cruising phase, the temperature regulation mechanism regulates the temperature of the source gas to below a temperature of the source gas in the descent phase. 1. A nitrogen enriched air supply system which produces nitrogen enriched air that is enriched with nitrogen upon supply of source gas during a flight of an aircraft through an ascent phase , a cruising phase , and a descent phase , and supplies the nitrogen enriched air to a fuel tank of the aircraft , the system comprising:an altimeter that detects an altitude of the aircraft during the flight;an air separation module that separates oxygen and nitrogen in the source gas; anda temperature regulation mechanism that regulates a temperature of the source gas supplied to the air separation module according to the ascent phase, the cruising phase, and the descent phase determined based on altitude information from the altimeter,wherein, in at least a part of a flight period through the ascent phase and the cruising phase, the temperature regulation mechanism sets the temperature of the source gas to below a temperature of the source gas in the descent phase.2. The nitrogen enriched air supply system according to claim 1 , whereinin at least a part of the flight period through the ascent phase and the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Bathroom management apparatus

Номер: US20180008924A1

A bathroom management apparatus may include a case having an air suction port formed in an upper portion of a front surface thereof, a first air discharge port formed in a lower portion of the front surface thereof, and a second air discharge port formed in a lower surface thereof. A suction vane opens or closes the air suction port, and first and second discharge vanes opens or closes the first and second air discharge ports, respectively. A duct is provided in the case to connect the air suction port, the first air discharge port and the second air discharge port to one another. A blowing fan is provided in the duct to suck air through the air suction port and blow the air to the first air discharge port and the second air discharge port. A heater heats the air in the duct.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032221A1

An air purification device for use in an air management system includes a housing formed from a polymer matrix composite structure and a filter arranged within the housing. The filter is formed from a porous composite structure including a plurality of filter fibers such that air is configured to flow through the filter. Microbes within the air are configured to contact the plurality of filter fibers. 1. An air purification device for use in an air management system , comprising:a housing formed from a polymer matrix composite structure; anda filter arranged within the housing, the filter being formed from a porous composite structure including a plurality of filter fibers such that air is configured to flow through the filter, wherein microbes within the air are configured to contact the plurality of filter fibers.2. The air purification device of claim 1 , wherein the housing polymer matrix composite structure includes a plurality of structural fibers and compliant polymer matrices.3. The air purification device of claim 1 , wherein one or more dimensions of the housing vary over a length of the housing.4. The air purification device of claim 1 , wherein the housing and the filter are integrally formed.5. The air purification device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of filter fibers are coated with an additive material.6. The air purification device of claim 5 , wherein the additive material includes an antimicrobial material.7. The air purification device of claim 1 , further comprising an energy source operable to selectively transmit energy to the filter to sterilize the filter.8. The air purification device of claim 7 , wherein the energy source is operable to emit microwaves.9. The air purification device of claim 7 , wherein the energy source includes a waveguide and a horn claim 7 , the horn being arranged in communication with an interior of the filter.10. The air purification device of claim 7 , further comprising an inner conductor arranged within an ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for gaseous emissions treatment with induction heating of loop conductors

Номер: US20170014763A1

An assembly for treating gaseous emissions includes a substrate body having cells for the passages of emissions gas. Lengths of metal wire are located in selected ones of the cells and an induction heating coil is mounted adjacent the substrate body for generating a varying electromagnetic field. In this way the metal wires are heated, resulting in heating of the substrate body and heating of exhaust gas flowing in the cells. Individual lengths of wire or wire lengths that are joined together are configured as loop conductors. 1. An assembly for treating gaseous emissions comprising a substrate body having a plurality of cells for the passage of emissions gas , metal wire located in each of a first set of the plurality of cells , and an induction heating coil mounted adjacent the substrate body for generating a varying electromagnetic field , thereby inductively to heat the metal wire and thereby to heat the substrate body , wherein the metal wire is configured as a loop conductor.2. The assembly of claim 1 , there being a length of metal wire in each of the first set of cells claim 1 , the wire being hollow.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the metal wire comprises lengths thereof in respective ones of the first set of cells the wire lengths joined together to form a continuous inductance loop conductor.4. The assembly of claim 1 , the substrate body having a front for entry of gaseous emissions to be treated and a back for exit of treated gaseous emissions claim 1 , joins between the wire lengths being at the front and back ends.5. The assembly of claim 1 , the substrate body having a front for entry of gaseous emissions to be treated and a back for exit of treated gaseous emissions claim 1 , the loop further including a portion located in front of the front end for intercepting and inductively preheating gaseous emissions entering the substrate body.6. The assembly as claimed in claim 1 , the location of the metal wire selected to obtain a generally uniform ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020575A1

An information handling system (IHS) includes a node having a node enclosure provisioned with at least one heat-generating component. A device that provides infrastructure support to the node contains an air mover is attached to the node enclosure. The air mover creates cooling air flow through the node to absorb and transfer thermal energy from the at least one heat-generating component. An air filter enclosure is attachable over an air intake of the device. The air filter enclosure has a top slot sized to receive a manually inserted air filter into an air filter receiving frame. Replacement of the air filter can be achieved without tools. The air filter filters the air prior to the air entering the node enclosure to remove impurities and possible particulates that can damage the internal components of the device. 1. An information handling system (IHS) comprising:a node comprising a node enclosure provisioned with at least one heat-generating component;a device that provides infrastructure support to the node and that contains an air mover attached to the node enclosure to create cooling air flow through the node to absorb and transfer thermal energy from the at least one heat-generating component; andan air filter enclosure attachable over an air intake of the device and comprising a slot sized to receive a manually inserted air filter into an air filter receiving frame.2. The IHS of claim 1 , wherein:the device comprises a visual indicator that is adjacent to the air intake and that conveys an operational status of one the device and the node; andthe air filter enclosure comprises a selected one of a transparent material and a translucent material that allows viewing of the operational status.3. The IHS of claim 1 , wherein:the device comprises an exterior face having the air intake and having one or more device fastener holes proximate to the air intake;the air filter enclosure comprises a mounting surface that is peripheral to the air filter receiving frame ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Thermal Desorber Assembly For High-Volume Sampling Filters

Номер: US20220040622A1

Disclosed is a thermal desorber assembly for desorbing substances collected on a high-volume sampling (HVS) filter. The assembly includes, among other elements, a filter holder for securing a HVS filter within the assembly, a desorber body, and an insulating enclosure. The design of the thermal desorber assembly is such that it can accommodate a variety of different types of HVS filter media. Also described herein is a system comprising the thermal desorber assembly and method of using the assembly. 1. A thermal desorber assembly for a high-volume sampling (HVS) filter , comprising: wherein the first and second portions each define a respective filter hole, wherein at least one of the first or second portions defines a recess that at least partially surrounds the respective filter hole and is configured to receive a filter therein,', 'wherein the filter holes of the first and second portions align when the first and second portions are in the closed position, and wherein the first and second portions cooperate to secure the filter in place within the recess of the at least one of the first and second portions when the first and second portions are in the closed position;, 'a. a tilter holder having a first portion and a second portion hingedly secured to the first portion, wherein the first and second portions are configured to rotate about a hinged axis from an open position to a closed position,'} the desorber body further defining an inlet configured to connect to a mass flow controller and an outlet configured to connect to a vapor collection system or an analytical detection system,', 'wherein the inlet and the outlet at least partially align with the recessed filter holes of the first and second portions of the filter holder when the filter holder is inserted into the cavity; and, 'b. a desorber body defining a cavity configured to receive the filter holder when the first and second portions of the holder are in the closed position,'}c. an insulating enclosure ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033944A1

A method for waste gas purification in dust separation plants making use of a device () for generating a negative pressure, in particular by means of steam jet ejector pumps or mechanical vacuum pumps, wherein the waste gas coming from a vacuum chamber () is conducted into a cyclone separator (), and that the method steps of coarse separation of particles from the waste gas and fine dust separation of particles from the waste gas and gas cooling in the cyclone separator () are carried out in succession in such a way that the waste gas, after coarse purification has taken place, is conducted directly via a fine dust filter () installed in the cyclone separator () and subsequently through a gas cooler (), which follows the fine dust filter (), into a suction line () connected to the device () for generating a negative pressure and to the device (). 116. A method for waste gas purification in dust separation plants making use of a device () for generating a negative pressure , in particular by means of steam jet ejector pumps or mechanical vacuum pumps ,{'b': 15', '12', '12', '13', '12', '14', '13', '2', '16', '16, 'wherein waste gas coming from a vacuum chamber () is conducted into a cyclone separator (), and wherein the method steps of coarse separation of particles from the waste gas and fine dust separation of particles from the waste gas and gas cooling in the cyclone separator () are carried out in succession in such a way that the waste gas, after coarse purification has taken place, is conducted directly via a fine dust filter () installed in the cyclone separator () and subsequently through a gas cooler (), which follows the fine dust filter (), into a suction line () connected to the device () for generating a negative pressure and to the device ().'}21232331419. The method according to claim 1 , wherein coarse particles are separated from the waste gas entering into the cyclone separator () by a helicoidal motion brought about by baffle plates () claim 1 , ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032932A1

An air purification device includes a movement portion configured to move the air purification device to a target region; and a purification portion configured to purify air in the target region to improve air quality of the target region. 1. An air purification device , comprising:a movement portion configured to move the air purification device to a target region; anda purification portion configured to purify air in the target region to improve air quality of the target region.2. The air purification device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a monitoring portion configured to monitor the air quality to determine the target region, wherein the target region is determined as having an air quality lower than a predetermined standard air quality.3. The air purification device according to claim 2 , wherein the monitoring portion comprises an infrared sensor configured to measure the air quality.4. The air purification device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a control portion configured to acquire a movement path for the target region to enable the movement portion to drive the air purification device to move according to the movement path.5. The air purification device according to claim 4 , wherein the control portion is further configured to receive the movement path sent by an electronic device coupled with the control portion.6. The air purification device according to claim 4 , wherein the control portion is configured to automatically generate the movement path.7. The air purification device according to claim 1 , wherein the purification portion comprises:a recovery portion configured to cause inflow of air;a filter portion configured to filter out pollutants from the air; anda delivery portion configured to deliver filtered air.8. The air purification device according to claim 7 , wherein the recovery portion comprises a fan.9. The air purification device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a heating portion configured to increase ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033965A1

An apparatus for storing a mask includes a main body comprising a first region and a second region, the first region having a plurality of mask containers, a gas supply pipe having an outer portion outside of the main body, a fan in the first region to propel the gas from the second region to the first region, a filter disposed at a front end and/or a rear end of the fan, a heat exchanger in the second region and configured to exchange heat with the flowing gas, a Peltier element at the outer portion of the gas supply pipe, a first sensor installed in the gas supply pipe upstream of the Peltier element, a second sensor installed in the second region in a lower position to the heat exchanger, and a controller connected to the first and second sensors and the Peltier element. 1. An apparatus for storing a mask , comprising:a main body defining a first region and a second region around the first region;a plurality of mask containers in the first region, the plurality of mask containers configured to store masks;a gas supply pipe having an outer portion, the outer portion of the gas supply pipe being outside of the main body, the gas supply pipe configured to supply gas to the main body;a fan in the first region, the fan configured to propel the gas from the second region to the first region;a filter disposed at at least one of a front end and a rear end of the fan, the filter in a gas flow path of the gas;a heat exchanger in the second region, the heat exchanger configured to exchange heat with the gas;a Peltier element at the outer portion of the gas supply pipe;a first sensor in the gas supply pipe, the first sensor upstream of the Peltier element in the gas flow path;a second sensor in the second region of the main body, the second sensor lower in the second region than the heat exchanger; anda controller connected to the first sensor, the second sensor, and the Peltier element.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe controller is configured to control the Peltier ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065474A1
Автор: Paytas Tyler
Принадлежит: Crosby & Belle Yoga, LLC

The present disclosure is directed to systems, apparatuses, and methods to monitor and modulate air quality parameters, such as temperature, humidity, oxygen, and carbon dioxide in an interior area.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160067644A1
Автор: Scaife Martin

A modular utility system comprising of filter modules, fans modules, ancillary equipment modules, material separator modules, baler modules, compactor modules, HVAC modules and geo-thermal cooling modules where the modules can be linked together via a common electrical and mechanical interface to create a total utility system. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. (canceled)20. (canceled)21. (canceled)22. (canceled)23. (canceled)24. (canceled)25. (canceled)26. (canceled)27. (canceled)28. (canceled)29. (canceled)30. (canceled)31. (canceled)32. (canceled)33. (canceled)34. (canceled)35. (canceled)36. (canceled)37. (canceled)38. (canceled)39. (canceled)40. (canceled)41. (canceled)42. (canceled)43. (canceled)44. (canceled)45. (canceled)46. (canceled)47. (canceled)48. (canceled)49. (canceled)50. (canceled)51. (canceled)52. (canceled)53. (canceled)54. (canceled)55. (canceled)56. (canceled)57. (canceled)58. (canceled)59. (canceled)60. (canceled)61. (canceled)62. (canceled)63. (canceled)64. (canceled)65. (canceled)66. (canceled)67. (canceled)68. (canceled)69. (canceled)70. (canceled)71. (canceled)72. (canceled)73. (canceled)74. (canceled)75. (canceled)76. (canceled)77. (canceled)78. (canceled)79. (canceled)80. (canceled)81. (canceled)82. (canceled)83. (canceled)84. (canceled)85. (canceled)86. (canceled)87. (canceled)88. (canceled)89. (canceled)90. (canceled)91. (canceled)92. An air filtration device a filter housing;', 'a filter positioned inside said filter housing;', 'an air inlet in said filter housing;', 'a vortex area positioned between said air inlet and said filter; and', 'a vortex creating device., 'comprising'}93. An air filtration device according to claim 92 , wherein said vortex creating device is positioned between said air inlet and said vortex area.94. An ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170065922A1

Provided is an air cleaning system and a method of controlling the same. The air cleaning system includes a particle separation device for suctioning indoor air to separate microbial particles from air particles, a collection device collecting the micro-bial particles separated by the particle separation device, a luminescence measurement device for detecting an amount or intensity of light emitted from the microbial particles collected in the collection device, and at least one air cleaning device that selectively operates on the basis of contamination of the microbial particles detected by the luminescence measurement device. 1. An air cleaning system comprising:a particle separation device for suctioning indoor air to separate microbial particles from air particles;a collection device collecting the microbial particles separated by the particle separation device;a luminescence measurement device for detecting an amount or intensity of light emitted from the microbial particles collected in the collection device; andat least one air cleaning device that selectively operates on the basis of contamination of the microbial particles detected by the luminescence measurement device.2. The air cleaning system according to claim 1 , wherein the air cleaning device comprises at least one of:an air conditioner for cooling or heating an indoor space and cleaning the indoor air;an air cleaner for cleaning the indoor air; anda ventilator for ventilating the indoor space by exchanging the indoor air with outdoor air.3. The air cleaning system according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the air conditioner or the air cleaner claim 2 , a filter member for filtering the microbial particles or an ion generator for generating ions to eliminate the microbial particles is disposed to perform the indoor air cleaning operation.4. The air cleaning system according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , when the concentration of the microbial particles is greater than a preset value claim 3 , ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190067054A1

The inventive concepts provide apparatuses for transferring a substrate and/or apparatuses for processing a substrate including the same. The substrate transferring apparatus including a chamber, a filter assembly disposed in a chamber to provide external air into the chamber, and an additional assembly including a moisture removing part and a purge gas providing part sequentially stacked on the filter assembly may be provided. The filter assembly may be coupled to the additional assembly. 1. (canceled)2. A method for transferring a substrate , the method comprising:providing a container storing the substrate on a load port adjacent a first transfer chamber;providing a purge gas into the first transfer chamber;opening a door of the container to connect the container into the first transfer chamber;transferring the substrate in the first transfer chamber into a load lock chamber connected to the first transfer chamber; andproviding the substrate in a process chamber, providing the purge gas using a nozzle into the first transfer chamber,', 'heating the purge gas using a heater between the nozzle and a filter, and', 'collecting a chemical material in the purge gas using the filter under the heater., 'wherein providing the purge gas into the first transfer chamber comprise,'}3. The method of claim 2 , wherein providing the purge gas further comprises generating a downward flow of the purge gas into the first transfer chamber using a fan between the filter and the heater.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein heating the purge gas comprises sensing a temperature of the purge gas using a sensor on a wall of the first transfer chamber between the door of the first transfer chamber and the filter to control the temperature of the purge gas.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein providing the purge gas further comprises exhausting the purge gas in the first transfer chamber using a pipe connected to a bottom of the first transfer chamber.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein providing ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210079841A1
Принадлежит: BJ Energy Solutions, LLC

A system, as well as associated methods, for increasing the efficiency of a gas turbine including an inlet assembly and a compressor may include a housing configured to channel airstream towards the inlet assembly, an air treatment module positioned at a proximal end the housing, and at least one air conditioning module mounted downstream of the air treatment module for adjusting the temperature of the airstream entering the compressor. The air treatment module may include a plurality of inlet air filters and at least one blower configured to pressurize the air entering the air treatment module. 1. An air treatment system to increase the efficiency of a gas turbine comprising an inlet assembly and a compressor , the inlet assembly located upstream of the compressor and forming an input side of the gas turbine , the air treatment system comprising:a housing positioned to channel an airstream towards the inlet assembly, the housing positioned upstream of the input side, which channels the airstream to the compressor; and a plurality of inlet air filters to provide fluid flow to a first internal chamber, and', 'one or more blowers mounted in the first internal chamber and providing fluid flow to an interior of the housing via at least one outlet of the first internal chamber, the one or more blowers configured to pressurize the air entering the air treatment module, and', 'one or more air conditioning modules mounted downstream of the air treatment module for adjusting the temperature of the airstream entering the compressor, such that the airstream enters the one or more air conditioning modules at a first temperature and exits the one or more air conditioning modules at a second temperature., 'an air treatment module positioned at a proximal end of the housing, the air treatment module comprising2. The air treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more air conditioning modules comprise at least one chiller module.3. The air treatment system of claim 2 , ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220139746A1

A container includes a container body and an air processing system. The container body includes a plurality of walls defining an interior space for receiving wafers. The air processing system is attached to the container body. The air processing system includes an exchange module, an air extraction module, a first contaminant removal module, a processing module, a second contaminant removal module, a controller module and a power module. The exchange module is coupled to one of the walls of the container body. The air extraction module extracts air from the container body. The first contaminant removal module is coupled to the air extraction module and the exchange module. The processing module is coupled to the air extraction module. The second contaminant removal module is coupled to the processing module and the exchange module. The controller module is configured to turn the air extraction module on and off.

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180093217A1
Автор: Mislak Nicholas P.

A system includes a filter assembly having a filter material disposed in an air flow, a first pressure transducer disposed upstream of the filter material with respect to the air flow, a second pressure transducer disposed downstream of the filter material with respect to the air flow, and a controller coupled to the first pressure transducer and the second pressure transducer, where the controller receives feedback from the first pressure transducer and the second pressure transducer indicative of a pressure differential of the air flow across the filter material, and where the controller is configured to index the filter when the pressure differential of the air flow across the filter material exceeds a threshold. 1. A filter assembly comprising:a filter material disposed in an air flow;a first pressure transducer disposed upstream of the filter material with respect to the air flow;a second pressure transducer disposed downstream of the filter material with respect to the air flow; anda controller coupled to the first pressure transducer and the second pressure transducer, wherein the controller receives feedback from the first pressure transducer and the second pressure transducer indicative of a pressure differential of the air flow across the filter material, and wherein the controller is configured to index the filter material when the pressure differential of the air flow across the filter material exceeds a threshold.2. The filter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the modular filter assembly is a self-contained unit.3. The filter assembly of claim 1 , comprising a first member comprising the filter material and a second member coupled to an end of the filter material claim 1 , such that the filter material extends across a passageway configured to flow the air flow.4. The filter assembly of claim 3 , wherein the first member comprises a first rod having a sheet of the filter material wound around the first rod claim 3 , and wherein the second member comprises a ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220143543A1

An apparatus for collecting a by-product, includes: a chamber provided with a gas inlet and a gas outlet and having an internal space; a heater disposed on the gas inlet side of the internal space within the chamber and varying a heating temperature in time series; a vortex forming member disposed around the heater; a plurality of first collecting members disposed below the heater; a second collecting member disposed below the first collecting member so that a plurality of second collecting members intersect each other; and a third collecting member disposed on the gas outlet side of the internal space within the chamber. 1. An apparatus for collecting a by-product , comprising:a chamber provided with a gas inlet and a gas outlet and having an internal space;a heater disposed on a gas inlet side of the internal space within the chamber and configured to vary a heating temperature in time series;a vortex forming member disposed around the heater;a plurality of first collecting members disposed below the heater;a plurality of second collecting members disposed below the first collecting members, the plurality of second collecting members intersecting cross each other; anda third collecting member disposed on a gas outlet side of the internal space within the chamber.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the heater is further configured to gradually lower the heating temperature of the heater.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein a range of the heating temperature varied by the heater is 250° C. to 350° C.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of first collecting members comprise a plurality of pillar portions installed on an installation plate provided in the chamber claim 1 , and a plurality of plates installed on a portion of the plurality of pillar portions to be spaced apart from each other and having different sizes.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein each of the plurality of plates has a circular plate shape.6. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170097163A1
Автор: Chan Yiu Wai, Law Sui Chun
Принадлежит: Akos R&D Ltd.

An air treatment apparatus and method are disclosed in the present invention, wherein, at least one air treatment unit is included. The unit comprises air inlet, air outlet, air treatment devices and connecting components. The air treatment device is located between the air inlet and the air outlet. The air treatment device comprises at least one of the following components: component for air purification and filtering, blow-through fan, draw-through fan, pump, component for heating, component for dehumidifying, component for humidifying, component for air-cooling. The air treatment unit can be used alone for improving the air quality of the environment. When more than one unit are connected together with the connecting components, the units are teamed up and work together, and an air treatment system is formed. 1. An air treatment apparatus comprising:air treatment units each comprising:an air inlet;an air outlet;an air treatment device located between the air inlet and the air outlet; andconnecting components,wherein the air treatment device within the air treatment units comprises at least one of the following components: components for air purification and filtering, heating, dehumidifying, humidifying, air-cooling, and/or components of blow-through fan, a draw through fan, or a pump,wherein the air treatment device in the air treatment units are of different types,wherein the air treatment units are linkable and connectable by the connecting components, the connecting components further comprise a transmitter and a receiver,wherein connection of the air treatment units is non-substantially performed,wherein the air treatment units may operate in a first mode in which the air treatment units operate in coordination with one another together as a built system and a second mode in which the air treatment units operate alone as separate individual units, andwherein the air treatment units are configured to operate in the first mode and the second mode according to ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160102398A1

A heated filter assembly for heating gas supplied to a substrate processing system includes a housing defining a cavity, an inner surface and an outer surface. A filter element is arranged inside the cavity of the housing with an outer surface thereof in a spaced relationship relative to the inner surface of the housing. A heat transfer element is arranged inside of the filter element and includes an outer surface and an inner cavity. A plurality of projections is arranged on the outer surface of the heat transfer element in direct physical contact with an inner surface of the filter element. A plurality of portions is arranged on the outer surface of the heat transfer element, is spaced from the inner surface of the filter element and is located between the plurality of projections. 1. A heated filter assembly for heating gas supplied to a substrate processing system , comprising:a housing defining a cavity, an inner surface and an outer surface;a filter element configured to filter the gas and including an inner surface and an outer surface, wherein the filter element is arranged inside the cavity of the housing with the outer surface of the filter element in a spaced relationship relative to the inner surface of the housing; and an outer surface;', 'an inner cavity;', 'a plurality of projections arranged on the outer surface of the heat transfer element in direct physical contact with the inner surface of the filter element; and', 'a plurality of portions that are arranged on the outer surface of the heat transfer element, that are spaced from the inner surface of the filter element and that are located between the plurality of projections., 'a heat transfer element that is arranged inside of the filter element and that includes2. The heated filter assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a heater arranged in the inner cavity of the heat transfer element.3. The heated filter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the filter element comprises a porous metal filter.4. The ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Air Treatment Device

Номер: US20150114231A1

An air treatment device is described comprising: a housing having at least one air inlet and at least one air outlet with at least two discrete air passageways therebetween; wherein in a first of said passageways there is located a fan and at least one air filter retaining means arranged to releasably retain, in use, an air filter within one passageway; and wherein in a second of said passageways there is located at least one refill securing means arranged to releasably securing a refill of air treatment agent and emanation means in the form of one or more heaters; and wherein, in use, airflow through said at least two passageways is separate. 2. An air treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the device is provided with a door in the housing to permit access to the interior of the housing.3. An air treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the air filter retaining means are configured to move from a first position when the door is closed in which the air filter substantially completely obstructs said first air passageway to move to a second position when the door is open such that the air filter no longer substantially completely obstructs said first passageway.4. An air treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the air filter retaining means are configured to move from a first position when the door is closed in which the air filter is substantially parallel to the at to move to a second position when the door is open such that the air filter is not substantially parallel to the fan.5. An air treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the device is provided with a single air inlet and single air outlet claim 1 , and both of said air inlet and air outlet being covered by vents6. An air treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the device has guide means incorporated within the air filter retaining means.7. An air treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the air filter retaining means used in the device are configured to be ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Air conditioner

Номер: US20170115028A1

Disclosed herein is an air conditioner including a suction panel which includes a suction port through which air is suctioned in inside a housing. The suction panel is formed to rotate with an axial direction of an air blowing fan or a direction perpendicular to the axial direction of the air blowing fan as a rotation axis to be coupled with or separated from the housing. Accordingly, a user may easily and intuitively separate the suction panel and falling of the suction panel, which may occur when the suction panel is separated, may be effectively reduced using a supporting unit disposed at the suction panel. Also, the housing and cover members which cover an outer perimeter of a lower portion of the housing may be coupled with each other by pressurizing the cover members toward the housing, thereby allowing the user to easily coupled the cover members.

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112981A1
Автор: BERGAMI Gaetano

A control method for controlling an air intake system for an engine of a vehicle; the intake system has a main air intake coupled to an air filter provided with a heating device. The control method comprises the steps of: determining a pressure difference between upstream and downstream of the air filter; determining a variation speed of the pressure difference between upstream and downstream of the air filter by calculating the first derivative in time of the pressure difference between upstream and downstream of the air filter; and turning on and/or turning off the heating device based on the variation speed of the pressure difference between upstream and downstream of the air filter. 1821849149. A control method for controlling an air intake system () which supplies air to an engine () of a vehicle (); the intake system () comprises a main air intake () coupled to an air filter () , which is provided with a heating device (); the control method comprises the step of determining a pressure difference (ΔP) between upstream and downstream of the air filter ();the control method is characterized in that it comprises the further steps of:{'b': 9', '9, 'determining a variation speed (dΔP/dt) of the pressure difference (ΔP) between upstream and downstream of the air filter () by calculating the first derivative in time of the pressure difference (ΔP) between upstream and downstream of the air filter (); and'}{'b': 14', '9, 'turning on and/or turning off the heating device () based on the variation speed (dΔP/dt) of the pressure difference (ΔP) between upstream and downstream of the air filter ().'}299. The control method according to claim 1 , wherein the variation speed (dΔP/dt) of the pressure difference (ΔP) between upstream and downstream of the air filter () is determined by applying a low-pass filter to the first derivative in time of the pressure difference (ΔP) between upstream and downstream of the air filter ().31491. The control method according to and ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180119704A1

A filter with an integrated heater takes in a portion of a fluid of a rotary machine or an external fluid and generates a seal gas that seals the fluid in the rotary machine. The filter with an integrated heater includes: a casing that includes suction port and an ejection port; a filter main body disposed in the casing; and a heater disposed between the filter main body and the ejection port in the casing. The suction port takes in the portion of the fluid or the external fluid from the rotary machine, the ejection port ejects the fluid or the external fluid, and fluid or the external fluid from the suction port passes through the filter main body. 1. A filter with an integrated heater taking in a portion of a fluid of a rotary machine or an external fluid and generating a seal gas for performing sealing of the fluid in the rotary machine , the filter with an integrated heater comprising:a casing where a suction port and an ejection port are formed, the suction port taking in the portion of the fluid or the external fluid from the rotary machine and the ejection port ejecting the fluid or the external fluid;a filter main body disposed in the casing, the fluid or the external fluid from the suction port passing through the filter main body; anda heater disposed between the filter main body and the ejection port in the casing.2. The filter with an integrated heater according to claim 1 ,wherein the filter main body has a cylindrical shape about an axis,wherein the suction port is open toward an inner portion of the filter main body on one side of the filter main body in a direction of the axis, andwherein the heater is disposed to cover the filter main body from an outer periphery side.3. The filter with an integrated heater according to claim 2 ,wherein the heater has a shape of a spiral line twisted from one part of the axis toward the other part of the axis toward one part of the filter main body in a circumferential direction and is disposed to cover the filter ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170125270A1

The inventive concepts provide apparatuses for transferring a substrate and/or apparatuses for processing a substrate including the same. The substrate transferring apparatus including a chamber, a filter assembly disposed in a chamber to provide external air into the chamber, and an additional assembly including a moisture removing part and a purge gas providing part sequentially stacked on the filter assembly may be provided. The filter assembly may be coupled to the additional assembly. 1. An apparatus for transferring a substrate , the apparatus comprising:a chamber;a filter assembly in the chamber, the filter assembly configured to provide external air into the chamber; andan additional assembly on the filter assembly, the additional assembly configured to provide the external air to the filter assembly, the additional assembly including a moisture removing part and a purge gas providing part, the purge gas providing part on the moisture removing part.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the filter assembly is coupled to the additional assembly.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the filter assembly comprises:a fan configured to provide the external air; anda filter under the fan, the filter configured to remove an impurity included in the external air received from the fan and provide the filtered external air into the chamber.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the moisture removing part comprises:a housing including a thermal insulating material; andat least one heater in the housing, the heater having a path through which the external air passes.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein:the moisture removing part further comprises a plurality of partition walls in the housing;the heater includes a plurality of heaters;one or more of the heaters are in each of spaces defined by the partition walls; andeach of the heaters has a hollow hexahedral structure, both ends of which are open.6. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the housing includes ceramic claim 4 ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180126597A1
Автор: Rust Harald

An extruder arrangement and a method of feeding feed material into an extruder. The abstract of the disclosure is submitted herewith as required by 37 C.F.R. § 1.72(b). As stated in 37 C.F.R. § 1.72(b): A brief abstract of the technical disclosure in the specification must commence on a separate sheet, preferably following the claims, under the heading “Abstract of the Disclosure.” The purpose of the abstract is to enable the Patent and Trademark Office and the public generally to determine quickly from a cursory inspection the nature and gist of the technical disclosure. The abstract shall not be used for interpreting the scope of the claims. Therefore, any statements made relating to the abstract are not intended to limit the claims in any manner and should not be interpreted as limiting the claims in any manner. 1. An extruder for processing feed material , such as plastic , rubber , powder coatings , or powdered chalk , said extruder comprising:an extruding section;a feed section configured to feed feed material into said extruding section; [ a single-screw housing; and', 'a single screw being disposed in said single-screw housing;, '(A) a single screw extruder comprising, a planetary housing comprising an inner toothing;', 'a central spindle comprising an external toothing and being disposed in said planetary housing;', 'planetary spindles, each comprising an external toothing and being disposed in said planetary housing; and', 'said external toothing of said planetary spindles being configured to engage and mesh with said inner toothing of said planetary housing and said external toothing of said central spindle; and, '(B) a planetary screw extruder comprising, the feed material is received in (A) and further processed in (B), or', 'the feed material is received in (B) and further processed in (A);, '(C) a combination of first section comprising (A) and a second section comprising (B), wherein], 'said extruding section comprising one ofsaid feed section ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Filter element having a conductive edge band and filter assembly having such a filter element

Номер: US20210162331A1

A filter element for filtration of an air stream includes: a folded filter medium forming a bellows, the filter medium being constructed at least in two layers and having a particle filter layer, an electrically conductive filter layer, and at least one edge band, the at least one edge band being connected to at least one outer side of the bellows. At least one further edge band is connected to an outer side of the bellows. The at least one further edge band is electrically conductive. The at least one further edge band forms a pocket open towards one side.

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Smart vent system for localized air quality control

Номер: US20200141608A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Co

An environmental control system for a building, the system including a vent. The vent includes one or more louvers configured to change position between an open position and a closed position to permit air from the air duct to enter a zone of the building or stop the air from entering the zone and a vent circuit configured to operate the one or more louvers based on one or more control commands. The system includes a controller device including a processing circuit configured to receive a selection of an operating profile from a plurality of predefined operating profiles for the vent, each of the plurality of predefined operating profiles indicating an intended use of the zone, determine, based on the operating profile, the one or more control commands, and cause the vent circuit to operate the one or more louvers based on the one or more control commands.

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150159553A1
Принадлежит: BHA Altair, LLC

Methods of testing gas turbine filter elements under high or low temperature operating environments are provided. In one aspect, the method includes performing a fractional efficiency test on a filter. The method also includes heating or cooling the filter to a temperature that is higher or lower than an ambient temperature. The method further includes performing a second fractional efficiency test on the filter after the filter has been heated or cooled for a period of time at the temperature. 1. A method of testing a gas turbine filter for use in a high ambient temperature operating environment , said method comprising:performing a first fractional efficiency test on the filter;heating the filter to a first temperature that is higher than the ambient temperature surrounding the filter; andperforming a second fractional efficiency test on the filter after the filter has been heated for a predetermined amount of time at the first temperature.2. The method in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising:loading the filter with a dust material;heating the loaded filter to a second temperature that is higher than the ambient temperature; andcooling the loaded filter from the second temperature to the ambient temperature after the loaded filter has been heated for a predetermined amount of time at the second temperature.3. The method in accordance with claim 2 , further comprising running a wet loss of efficiency test on the loaded filter and determining that the loaded filter has passed the wet loss of efficiency test.4. The method in accordance with claim 3 , further comprising running a wet burst test on the loaded filter after determining that the loaded filter has passed the wet loss of efficiency test.5. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein heating the filter to the first temperature comprises heating the filter at a controlled ramp rate to the first temperature.6. The method in accordance with claim 5 , wherein heating the filter comprises heating the ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190159826A1

A smoke evacuation device includes one or more cooling mechanisms and an exhaust mechanism to reduce velocity and noise of filtered air exiting the smoke evacuation system. The cooling mechanism includes ventilation openings and/or a rotary mechanism disposed within the system to circulate air and cool by convective heat transfer. A pressure relief mechanism is also provided at the inlet or outlet of the system or the pump within the system. The pressure relief mechanism is configured to reduce pressures due to abnormal flows within the smoke evacuation system. 1. A smoke evacuation system , comprising:a housing at least partially surrounding an enclosure;an airflow path extending inside the enclosure from an inlet port to an outlet port of the smoke evacuation system;a motor disposed inside the enclosure and having a work output;a pump disposed inside the enclosure; anda cooling mechanism configured to induce airflow through the enclosure to cool the enclosure, the induced airflow being proportional to the work output of the motor.2. The smoke evacuation system of claim 1 , wherein the cooling mechanism comprises one or more openings in the housing of the smoke evacuation system.3. The smoke evacuation system of claim 1 , further comprising a filter claim 1 , a pump claim 1 , and an exhaust mechanism claim 1 , wherein the cooling mechanism comprises an opening in an airflow path through which air from outside the airflow path may pass into the airflow path claim 1 , the opening being disposed between the filter and the pump or between the pump and the exhaust mechanism.4. The smoke evacuation system of claim 3 , wherein the exhaust mechanism reduces a velocity of a gas flowing through the airflow path.5. The smoke evacuation system of claim 3 , wherein the exhaust mechanism comprises a diffuser.6. The smoke evacuation system of claim 1 , wherein the cooling mechanism comprises an open juncture in the airflow path.7. The smoke evacuation system of claim 6 , the open ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Air Intelligent Circulation Filter Window for Confined Space

Номер: US20200158358A1
Автор: CHOI Wai Kit Victor

The invention relates to an air intelligent circulation filter window for confined space which includes a window, an air blowing device and a circulation filtration device. The window includes an upper window frame, a lower window frame and support plates. The air blowing device includes an exhaust humidifying mechanism and a first sensor group. The exhaust humidifying mechanism includes a humidifying water tank, a first air pump, a mixer and a first air filter. The circulation filtration device includes a first filter pump, a plurality of heat exchange cavities, a second filter pump and a second sensor group. The first filter pump and the second filter pump respectively include a second air pump, a second air filter, and an air outlet. The heat exchange cavities are provided with heat exchange tubes. The an air intelligent circulation filter window for confined space of the present invention has the advantages of simple structure, convenient to use, energy saving and environmental protection, small occupied area and high intelligence degree which effectively solves the problem that the existing confined space window without ventilation does not have temperature control function. 112311112131112131112. An air intelligent circulation filter window for confined space , comprising a window , an air blowing device and a circulation filtration device , wherein the window includes an upper window frame and a lower window and two support plates ; the upper window frame and the lower window frame are symmetrically arranged up and down , and the support plate is vertically symmetrically disposed between the upper window frame and the lower window frame ; the upper and lower ends of the support plate are respectively fixedly connected to each other ,{'b': 11', '111', '12', '124', '123', '124', '13', '112', '14', '15', '14', '112, 'wherein the upper window frame is provided with a first cavity having a downward opening; the lower window frame is provided with a second cavity ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210197110A1
Автор: Han Won Jae
Принадлежит: CS E&L Co., Ltd.

A ventilation type air cleaner includes a housing having a central rotating shaft including a purification part, a washing part, and a sterilization part in a circumferential direction with respect to the central rotating shaft, a rotating unit installed to be rotatable about the central rotating shaft as a rotation center in the housing, a filter assembly detachably coupled to the rotating unit and configured to sequentially pass through the purification part, the washing part, and the sterilization part according to rotation of the rotating unit, an intake duct connected to the housing and configured to guide a flow of air introduced to the purification part, and an exhaust duct connected to the housing and configured to guide a flow of air discharged from the purification part. 1. A ventilation type air cleaner comprising:a housing having a central rotating shaft therein and including a purification part, a washing part, and a sterilization part in a circumferential direction with respect to the central rotating shaft;a rotating unit installed to be rotatable about the central rotating shaft as a rotation center in the housing;a filter assembly detachably coupled to the rotating unit and configured to sequentially pass through the purification part, the washing part, and the sterilization part according to rotation of the rotating unit;an intake duct connected to the housing and configured to guide a flow of air introduced to the purification part; andan exhaust duct connected to the housing and configured to guide a flow of air discharged from the purification part,wherein the intake duct and the exhaust duct are connected between the outside and a total heat exchanger so that external air flows into the total heat exchanger after passing through the purification part.2. The ventilation type air cleaner of claim 1 , whereinthe intake duct communicates with an outdoor area so that external air flows into the purification part, and the exhaust duct communicates ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Air filter unit

Номер: US20160175468A1
Принадлежит: Sidel Participations SAS

An air filter unit for removing contaminations from air is disclosed. The air filter unit includes an airflow generating device configured to generate and direct at least one airflow from an air inlet to an air outlet, a filter disposed between the air inlet and the air outlet and including at least one filter layer for removing contaminations from the at least one airflow, a heater disposed upstream of the filter and configured to heat the at least one airflow directed towards the filter, an ejection device disposed upstream of the filter and configured to inject a sterilizing agent into the at least one airflow directed towards the filter, and a duct interposed between the air inlet and the filter and configured to feed the at least one airflow to the filter. The duct includes a volute-like outlet portion, and the ejection device is arranged in the duct.

06-06-2019 дата публикации

High-Temperature Dust Removal and Filtering Apparatus, High-Temperature Dust Removal and Filtering System, and Continuous Dust Removal and Filtering Method

Номер: US20190168152A1
Автор: Zhu Shucheng

A high-temperature dust removal and filtering apparatus, comprising a set of high-temperature dust removal and filtering devices and a pre-heating apparatus and regeneration apparatus provided for the high-temperature dust removal and filtering devices; a high-temperature dust removal and filtering system, comprising two or more sets of high-temperature dust removal and filtering devices, and a pre-heating apparatus and regeneration apparatus provided for the high-temperature dust removal and filtering devices; a continuous dust removal and filtering method consisting of two or more sets of high-temperature dust removal and filtering devices and a pre-heating apparatus and regeneration apparatus provided for the high-temperature dust removal and filtering devices. Said method is implemented with a high-temperature dust removal and filtering system capable of switching. The high-temperature dust removal and filtering system always keeps one or more sets of high-temperature dust removal and filtering devices in a normal filtering state. 1. A high-temperature dust removal and filtering apparatus , comprising a high-temperature dust removal filter , wherein a filtering mechanism is provided in the high-temperature dust removal filter , the filtering mechanism divides an internal space of the high-temperature dust removal filter into a coal gas inlet side and outlet side separated from each other , an inlet pipe for unfiltered coal gas is provided on the high-temperature dust removal filter , a coal gas inlet valve is provided on the coal gas inlet pipe , the coal gas inlet pipe is communicated with the inlet side of the high-temperature dust removal filter , an outlet pipe for filtered coal gas is provided on the high-temperature dust removal filter , a coal gas outlet valve is provided on the coal gas outlet pipe , the coal gas outlet pipe is communicated with the outlet side of the high-temperature dust removal filter , a back flushing system for filtration is ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Exhaust gas filter for reflow oven

Номер: US20210205749A1
Автор: Yuwei Wang

An exhaust gas filter for a reflow oven is disclosed, which comprises a filter chamber, a filtering piece and a vapor chamber. An upper transverse passage is formed between the vapor chamber top plate and the filter element, a gap is formed between one side of the top plate and the sidewall of a filter chamber, and the upper transverse passage is in fluid communication with the gap; one filter chamber sidewall forming a gap with the top plate is disposed with a filter chamber air inlet for introducing air, and one of the other three sidewalls of the filter chamber is disposed with an exhaust gas inlet for introducing exhaust gas from the exhaust gas filter chamber, so that the air and the exhaust gas can enter the upper transverse passage through the gap. A vapor chamber is disposed to sufficiently mix the exhaust gas and the air, thus lowering the exhaust gas temperature below the freezing point of the rosin, and better removing the flux contaminant in the exhaust gas. Meanwhile, a slide-fitted outer casing and a filter chamber are provided, which makes it easier to disassemble and clean the filter chamber.

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210205751A1
Принадлежит: Microjet Technology Co., Ltd.

A remote control system for gas detection and purification is disclosed and includes a remote control device, a gas detection module and a gas purification device. The remote control device includes a gas inlet and a gas outlet. The gas detection module is disposed in the remote control device and in communication with the gas outlet to detect the gas located in an indoor space. The gas detection module provides and outputs a gas detection datum, and the remote control device transmits an operation command via wireless transmission. The gas purification device is disposed in the indoor space and receives the operating instruction transmitted from the remote control device to be operated. When the gas purification device is under the activated state, the gas in the indoor space is purified, and the purification operation mode of the gas purification device is adjusted according to the first gas detection datum. 1. A remote control system for gas detection and purification , comprising:at least one remote control device comprising at least one inlet and at least one outlet, wherein the remote control device is capable of transmitting an operating instruction through wireless transmission;a first gas detection module disposed within the remote control device and in communication with the inlet and the outlet, and configured to detect gas located in an indoor space where the remote control device is located, wherein a first gas detection datum measured by the first gas detection module is provided and outputted to the remote control device, and the operating instruction and the first gas detection datum are transmitted by the remote control device; andat least one gas purification device disposed in the indoor space and receiving the operating instruction and the first gas detection datum from the remote control device, and configured to execute an operation in an activated state and a closed state, wherein the gas in the indoor space is purified under the activated ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180179942A1

When a user requests start-up of an internal combustion engine while PM removal control is in execution or immediately after execution of the PM removal control is completed, an electronic control unit informs the user of the vehicle of a first alarm, so that the user recognizes that the internal combustion engine cannot be started up immediately. This makes it possible to suppress the discomfort caused because the internal combustion engine is not started up. 1. A vehicle , comprising:a filter disposed in an exhaust passage that carries an exhaust gas discharged from an internal combustion engine, the filter being configured to collect particulate matter contained in the exhaust gas;an electronic control unit configured to execute PM removal control that removes the particulate matter accumulated on the filter while the internal combustion engine is stopped; andan alarm informing device configured to inform a user of the vehicle of a first alarm when the electronic control unit determines that the user requests start-up of the internal combustion engine in a period from execution of the PM removal control to a lapse of a prescribed time after completion of the PM removal control.2. The vehicle according to claim 1 , whereinthe electronic control unit is configured to stop the PM removal control when the electronic control unit determines that the user of the vehicle requests the start-up of the internal combustion engine again after the alarm informing device informs the user of the vehicle of the first alarm and while the PM removal control is in execution.3. The vehicle according to claim 2 , further comprisinga cooling device that cools the filter,wherein the electronic control unit is configured to stop the PM removal control and is configured control the cooling device to lower temperature of the filter.4. The vehicle according to claim 2 , further comprisinga temperature acquisition device that acquires temperature of the filter,wherein the electronic control ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210215099A1
Принадлежит: BJ Energy Solutions, LLC

A system, as well as associated methods, for increasing the efficiency of a gas turbine including an inlet assembly and a compressor may include a housing configured to channel airstream towards the inlet assembly, an air treatment module positioned at a proximal end the housing, and at least one air conditioning module mounted downstream of the air treatment module for adjusting the temperature of the airstream entering the compressor. The air treatment module may include a plurality of inlet air filters and at least one blower configured to pressurize the air entering the air treatment module. 1. An air treatment system to increase the efficiency of a gas turbine comprising an inlet assembly and a compressor , the inlet assembly located upstream of the compressor and forming an input side of the gas turbine , the air treatment system comprising:a housing positioned to channel an airstream towards the inlet assembly, the housing positioned upstream of the input side; and one or more inlet air filters to provide fluid flow to a first internal chamber, and', 'one or more blowers mounted in the first internal chamber and providing fluid flow to an interior of the housing via at least one outlet of the first internal chamber, the one or more blowers configured to pressurize the air entering the air treatment module, and', 'one or more air conditioning modules mounted downstream of the air treatment module to decrease the temperature of the airstream entering the compressor, such that the airstream enters the one or more air conditioning modules at a first temperature and exits the one or more air conditioning modules at a second temperature lower than the first temperature., 'an air treatment module positioned at a proximal end of the housing, the air treatment module comprising2. The air treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more air conditioning modules comprise at least one chiller module.3. The air treatment system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации

Filter System and Filtration Method for Fluid Reservoirs

Номер: US20150196862A1

A fluid reservoir includes a reservoir body forming a reservoir volume and a header opening. A header seals the header opening and includes at least a heater disposed within the reservoir volume and a fluid draw conduit. A bag filter is connected to the header such that it completely encloses the heater and the fluid draw conduit such that, when fluid is drawn from the reservoir volume through the sump location, the fluid is filtered by the bag filter. 1. A fluid reservoir adapted to enclose a fluid therewithin , the fluid reservoir comprising:a reservoir body forming a reservoir volume and a header opening that is fluidly open to the reservoir volume;a header connected to the reservoir body and disposed to seal the header opening;a fluid draw conduit connected to the header and extending through the header between a sump location, the sump location being within the reservoir volume, and a fluid draw port disposed external to the reservoir body;a bag filter connected to the header, the bag filter completely enclosing the heater and the sump location of the fluid draw conduit within the reservoir volume such that, when fluid is drawn from the reservoir volume through the sump location, said fluid is first filtered by the bag filter.2. The fluid reservoir of claim 1 , further including a fluid level sensor connected to the header and disposed within the reservoir volume claim 1 , wherein the bag filter further encloses the fluid level sensor.3. The fluid reservoir of claim 1 , further comprising a filter carrier claim 1 , the filter carrier having a generally hollow cylindrical shape and disposed within the bag filter.4. The fluid reservoir of claim 3 , wherein the filter carrier is made of a mesh material that is permeable to the fluid that may be found the reservoir volume.5. The fluid reservoir of claim 1 , further comprising a sump device disposed around the sump location of the fluid draw conduit claim 1 , wherein the sump device forms a fluid inlet claim 1 , and ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190184320A1
Принадлежит: FECC, INC.

An off-gas conditioning system includes a source of off-gas, at least one testing port, in communication with the source of off-gas wherein the testing port is connected to a meter capable of testing at least one metric selected from the group consisting of temperature, pressure, flow rate, and humidity. A first vapor-liquid separator in communication with and downstream of the source of off-gas, a second vapor liquid separator in communication with and downstream of the first vapor liquid separator, wherein at least one of the first or second vapor-liquid separators includes a heat-exchanger for cooling the off-gas, and wherein at least one of said first or second vapor liquid separators includes a particulate filter for removing particulates from the off-gas. at least one testing port, downstream of the second vapor-liquid separator in communication with at least one analyzer for analyzing said off-gas for specific chemical compounds. 1. An off-gas conditioning system comprising:a source of off-gas;at least one testing port, in communication with said source of off-gas wherein said testing port is connected to a meter capable of testing at least one metric selected from the group consisting of temperature, pressure, flow rate, and humidity;a first vapor-liquid separator in communication with and downstream of said source of off-gas;a second vapor liquid separator in communication with and downstream of said first vapor liquid separator, wherein at least one of said first or second vapor-liquid separators includes a heat-exchanger for cooling said off-gas, and wherein at least one of said first or second vapor liquid separators includes a particulate filter for removing particulates from said off-gas; andat least one testing port, downstream of the second vapor-liquid separator in communication with at least one analyzer for analyzing said off-gas for specific chemical compounds.2. The apparatus of wherein said at least one analyzer is an analyzer selected from the ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Exhaust module for wafer baking apparatus and wafer processing system having the same

Номер: US20200197851A1
Принадлежит: Xia Tai Xin Semiconductor Qing Dao Ltd

The present disclosure provides an exhaust module for exhausting an exhaust from at least one wafer baking apparatus having an exhaust port. The exhaust module includes at least one pipeline, a heating unit, a solvent dispensing unit, and a filtering unit. The at least one pipeline is connected to the exhaust port of the wafer baking apparatus and configured to exhaust the exhaust gas from the wafer baking apparatus. The heating unit is connected to the pipeline and configured to heat the exhaust gas. The solvent dispensing unit is connected to the heating unit and configured to dispense a solvent to cool and dissolve the exhaust gas. The filtering unit is connected to the solvent dispensing unit and configured to filter the solvent.

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200197852A1

An inner case being substantially cylindrical and being covered at an upper end is provided to cover a heater being substantially rod-shaped. A float being substantially plate-shaped and having substantially the same inner diameter as an inner diameter of the inner case is provided movably in the vertical direction in the inner case, and in the float, a hole through which the heater is inserted is formed. Gas is enclosed in a space surrounded by the inner case and the float. The length in the vertical direction of the inner case is smaller than the length in the vertical direction of the heater. In addition, when the float is positioned at a lower end of the inner case, a gap exists between the float and a bottom surface of a filter case. 1. A filter device , comprising:a filter case including an inflow portion and an outflow portion for liquid;a filter element including a filtration material configured to filter the liquid and an inner cylinder having a cylindrical shape and disposed inside the filtration material, the filter element having a cylindrical shape covered at both ends, and the filter element being disposed inside the filter case to have a center axis extending in a vertical direction; anda heater being rod-shaped and extending in the vertical direction inside the filter case, the heater being disposed at a position different from a position of the filter element in a plan view, whereinthe inner cylinder includes a side surface being cylindrical, and a partition plate covering a hollow part of the side surface in a plan view,a plurality of holes through which the liquid passes are formed at a first region positioned above the partition plate in the vertical direction in the side surface,gas is enclosed in a space surrounded by a second region positioned below the partition plate in the vertical direction in the side surface and the partition plate, anda gap exists between a lower end surface of the inner cylinder and a bottom surface of the filter case. ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190201830A1

A membrane method processing system and process for a high-concentration salt-containing organic waste liquid incineration exhaust gas is described. The system consists essentially of a waste liquid incinerator (I), a gas-solid separator (II), a heat exchanger (III), an air blower (IV), an anti-caking agent storage tank (V), a membrane method dust cleaner (VI), an induced draft fan (VII), a check valve (VIII), and a desulfurization tower (IX). The present invention introduces the dust collecting membrane into the tail gas treatment system and utilizes the small pore size and high porosity of the dust collecting membrane to prevent inorganic salt particles from entering the internal of the filter material and agglomerating there. When the humidity of the gas entering the dust collector increases during the dust removing process, the anti-caking agent is also introduced into the tail gas treatment system to change the surface structure of the inorganic salt crystal to prevent the crystal from agglomeration. 1. A membrane system for treating incineration tail gas of a high-concentration salt-containing organic waste liquid consisting essentially ofa waste liquid incinerator (I), a gas-solid separator (II), a heat exchanger (III), an air blower (IV), an anti-caking agent storage tank (V), a membrane dust collector (VI), an induced draft fan (VII), a one-way valve (VIII) and a desulfurization tower (IX);{'b': 1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10, 'wherein the membrane dust collector (VI) in a cylindrical shape and includes the following components: temperature and humidity sensors (), anti-caking agent nozzle(s) (), a membrane dust collector inlet (), the dust collecting membrane (), a pore board (), an ash bucket (), a middle box (), an upper box (), an insulating and heating device () and a backflush device ();'}{'b': 1', '2', '3', '1', '2', '2', '3', '7', '5', '7', '8', '4', '5, 'wherein the temperature and humidity sensors () and the anti-caking agent ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Fluid Delivery System For Exhaust Aftertreatment System

Номер: US20180209317A1

A fluid delivery system for an exhaust aftertreatment system includes a pump disposed within an outer housing. A filter assembly is in fluid communication with the pump and also disposed within the outer housing. A tubular filter medium is disposed within a pump housing. An elongated first compensation element is disposed within an elongated aperture of the filter medium. A support ring is associated with the pump housing and includes a plurality of flexible arms. Second and third compensation elements are also provided to contract in response to expansion of fluid within the pump housing due to freezing and expand in response to thawing of the fluid. 1. A fluid delivery system for an exhaust aftertreatment system , the fluid delivery system comprising:an outer housing;a pump disposed within the outer housing; anda filter assembly disposed within the outer housing and in fluid communication with the pump, the filter assembly including:a pump housing;a tubular filter medium disposed within the pump housing;an elongated first compensation element disposed within an elongated aperture of the filter medium;a support ring disposed within the pump housing at an axial end of the filter medium and including a plurality of flexible arms defining a central aperture and an annular recess surrounding the central aperture;an annular second compensation element disposed within the annular recess of the support ring;a cap engaging an axial end of the pump housing and including a body and a post axially from the body, the post engaging the flexible arms of the support ring; anda third compensation element extending circumferentially around the post and disposed axially between the body and the second compensation element,wherein the first, second and third compensation elements are formed from a material that contracts in response to expansion of fluid within the pump housing due to freezing and expands in response to thawing of the fluid.2. The fluid delivery system of claim 1 , ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180222290A1

An air filtration system for a passenger compartment of a motor vehicle includes a filter bed positioned downstream from a blower motor and upstream from one or more vents. The air filtration system additionally includes a heater coupled to the filter bed, a sensor configured to measure a functional capacity of the filter bed, and a controller configured to regenerate the filter bed using the heater as initiated by the real-time sensor. 1. An air filtration system for a passenger compartment of a motor vehicle , comprising:a filter bed;a blower motor;one or more vents;a heater coupled to the filter bed;a sensor configured to measure a functional capacity of the filter bed; anda controller configured to regenerate the filter bed using the heater as initiated by the sensor.2. The air filtration system of claim 1 , wherein the filter bed comprises activated carbon claim 1 , zeolites claim 1 , alumina claim 1 , molecular sieves claim 1 , cellulosic materials claim 1 , titanium dioxide claim 1 , calcium carbonate claim 1 , inorganic salts claim 1 , or combinations thereof.3. The air filtration system of claim 1 , wherein the heater is an electrically resistive coil claim 1 , a sleeve covering a portion of the filter bed claim 1 , or a plurality of electrodes that pass a current to the filter bed.4. The air filtration system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor measures the functional capacity of the filter bed using electrical resistance.5. The air filtration system of claim 1 , wherein the air filtration system is positioned upstream from a cabin heater claim 1 , a cabin air conditioner claim 1 , or a combination thereof.6. The air filtration system of claim 1 , wherein the controller in coupled to the real-time sensor claim 1 , the blower motor claim 1 , and the heater.7. The air filtration system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is a real-time sensor that measures the functional capacity of the filter bed at least once every minute.8. A method of providing filtered air to a ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210252475A1

A material for removing a contaminant, a filter for removing a contaminant including the material, and a device for removing a contaminant including the filter, the material including an adsorption material for adsorption of a contaminant and a decomposition material for decomposition of a contaminant, wherein the adsorption material and the decomposition material are complexed with each other, and a contaminant decomposition onset temperature of the decomposition material is equal to or lower than a contaminant desorption onset temperature of the adsorption material. 1. A material for removing a contaminant , the material comprisingan adsorption material for adsorption of the contaminant anda decomposition material for decomposition of the contaminant,wherein the adsorption material and the decomposition material are complexed with each other, anda contaminant decomposition onset temperature of the decomposition material is equal to or lower than a contaminant desorption onset temperature of the adsorption material.2. The material of claim 1 , wherein the adsorption material comprises carbon.3. The material of claim 2 , wherein the adsorption material comprises activated carbon claim 2 , carbon fibers claim 2 , carbon rods claim 2 , graphene claim 2 , a porous carbon-based compound claim 2 , or a combination thereof.4. The material of claim 1 , wherein the adsorption material comprises an oxide.5. The material of claim 1 , wherein the adsorption material comprises an oxide of an element of Group 4 claim 1 , an element of Group 5 claim 1 , an element of Group 6 claim 1 , an element of Group 7 claim 1 , an element of Group 8 claim 1 , an element of Group 9 claim 1 , an element of Group 10 claim 1 , an element of Group 11 claim 1 , an element of Group 12 claim 1 , a lanthanide element claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , gallium claim 1 , indium claim 1 , thallium claim 1 , silicon claim 1 , germanium claim 1 , tin claim 1 , lead claim 1 , phosphorus claim 1 , arsenic claim 1 ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200217556A1

Disclosed herein is an air conditioner including a suction panel which includes a suction port through which air is suctioned in inside a housing. The suction panel is formed to rotate with an axial direction of an air blowing fan or a direction perpendicular to the axial direction of the air blowing fan as a rotation axis to be coupled with or separated from the housing. Accordingly, a user may easily and intuitively separate the suction panel and falling of the suction panel, which may occur when the suction panel is separated, may be effectively reduced using a supporting unit disposed at the suction panel. Also, the housing and cover members which cover an outer perimeter of a lower portion of the housing may be coupled with each other by pressurizing the cover members toward the housing, thereby allowing the user to easily coupled the cover members. 1. An air conditioner comprising:a housing including:a cylindrical portion, and a discharge port arranged at an inner side of an inner circumferential surface of the cylindrical portion and provided in an arc shape;a heat exchanger provided at an inner side of an inner circumferential surface of the discharge port and provided in an arc shape;a suction panel separably coupled to the side of the inner circumferential surface of the discharge port, including a suction port through which air is drawn, and provided in a circular shape; anda cover separably coupled to an outer side of an outer circumferential surface of the discharge port, configured to cover an end of the cylindrical portion, and having an inner circumferential surface provided in a shape corresponding to the outer circumferential surface of the discharge port,wherein the suction panel and the cover are separably coupled to the housing by respectively being rotated in a circumferential direction of the cylindrical portion.2. The air conditioner of claim 1 , wherein the suction panel and the cover are coupled to the housing by respectively being rotated ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Air conditioner having angled heat exchangers

Номер: US20160238276A1

An air conditioner including a frame, a fan operable to generate an airflow that moves in an airflow direction, and a first heat exchanger including a first end adjacent the air inlet, a second end adjacent the air outlet, an air inlet face that extends between the first end and the second end, an air outlet face that extends between the first end and the second end and faces opposite the air inlet face, and a longitudinal axis that extends through the first end and the second end between the air inlet face and the air outlet face. The heat exchanger is configured to transfer heat between the airflow and a cooling medium. A first heat exchanger angle is defined between the longitudinal axis of the heat exchanger and the airflow direction, and the first heat exchanger angle can be between about 3 degrees and about 20 degrees.

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190224607A1
Автор: BERGAMI Gaetano

A vehicle provided with an engine, at least one air intake opening through which the engine takes in the external air needed to operate, and an air filter, which is arranged in the area of the air intake opening; the air filter has: at least one wave-shaped filtering material element; an outer reinforcement mesh; an inner reinforcement mesh; and a heating device, which is electrically connected to a group of electrified wires of the outer reinforcement mesh and is designed to cause an electric current to flow through the electrified wires, so as to generate heat, due to Joule effect, on the inside of the outer reinforcement mesh. 1. A vehicle provided with an engine , at least one air intake opening through which the engine takes in the external air needed to operate , and an air filter , which is arranged in the area of the air intake opening;the air filter comprises:at least one wave-shaped filtering material element;an outer reinforcement mesh, which is pleated, is made up of a plurality of weft wires and a plurality of warp wires, and rests against an outer surface of the filtering material element, through which the air taken in enters so as to flow through the filtering material element;an inner reinforcement mesh, which is pleated, is made up of a plurality of weft wires and a plurality of warp wires, and rests against an inner surface of the filtering material element, which is opposite the outer surface; anda heating device, which is designed to heat the filtering material element;wherein;the heating device is electrically connected to a group of electrified wires of the outer reinforcement mesh and is designed to cause an electric current to flow through the electrified wires, so as to generate heat, due to Joule effect, on the inside of the outer reinforcement mesh; andthe electrified wires are externally coated with a coating made of an electrically insulating material.2. The vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the heating device is designed to cause ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Bioreactor Condenser

Номер: US20180243679A1

The invention discloses a condenser for a bioreactor exhaust, comprising: an inlet () adapted to be fluidically connected to a bioreactor exhaust port (), a cooling chamber () fluidically connected to the inlet and via a filter device () to an outlet (), a cooling conduit () in contact with the cooling chamber, a heating conduit () in contact with the filter device and a vortex tube () arranged to convey a cold gas stream through the cooling conduit and to convey a hot gas stream through the heating conduit. 1. A condenser for a bioreactor exhaust , comprising:an inlet adapted to be fluidically connected to a bioreactor exhaust port,a cooling chamber fluidically connected to said inlet and via a filter device to an outlet,at least one cooling conduit in contact with said cooling chamber,a heating conduit in contact with said filter device anda vortex tube arranged to convey a cold gas stream through said cooling conduit and to convey a hot gas stream through said heating conduit.2. The condenser of claim 1 , wherein said cooling conduit is located inside said cooling chamber.3. The condenser of claim 1 , wherein said cooling conduit forms part of a wall of said cooling chamber or is in direct contact with a wall of said cooling chamber.4. The condenser of claim 1 , wherein a wall of said cooling conduit is in direct contact with a wall of said cooling chamber.5. The condenser of claim 1 , wherein said cooling chamber is a flexible bag.6. The condenser of claim 4 , wherein said cooling chamber is clamped or sandwiched between two cooling conduits.7. The condenser of claim 1 , wherein said filter device is mounted in an outer filter housing and said heating conduit is optionally located inside said outer filter housing.8. The condenser of claim 1 , wherein said vortex tube is generally cylindrical with at least one gas inlet connected to a swirl generator claim 1 , a cold gas outlet and a hot gas outlet.9. The condenser of claim 8 , wherein said vortex tube is adapted ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210291096A1
Автор: BERGAMI Gaetano

A method for manufacturing an electrified air filter for an intake system of an engine of a vehicle; the manufacturing method comprises the steps of: manufacturing an outer reinforcement mesh and an inner reinforcement mesh; manufacturing a filtering material panel; placing the reinforcement meshes on opposite surfaces of the filtering material panel so as to form a unit; bending the unit in a wave shape; and coupling the wave-shaped unit to a peripheral frame; externally coating the wires of said outer reinforcement mesh with an outer insulation; placing two strips of conductive metal material at the opposite ends of the outer reinforcement mesh; welding the two strips to the ends of the warp wires; and cutting each strip by means of through cuts so as to create spaces and hence obtain from the strip a succession of collectors that are separate from one another. 19821) A method for manufacturing an electrified air filter () for an intake system () of an engine () of a vehicle (); the manufacturing method comprises the steps of:{'b': 12', '15', '14, 'manufacturing an outer reinforcement mesh (), which is made up of a plurality of weft wires () and a plurality of warp wires () interlaced with one another;'}{'b': 13', '15', '14, 'manufacturing an inner reinforcement mesh (), which is made up of a plurality of weft wires () and a plurality of warp wires () interlaced with one another;'}{'b': '11', 'manufacturing a filtering material panel ();'}{'b': 12', '13', '11, 'placing the reinforcement meshes (, ) on opposite surfaces of the filtering material panel (), so as to form a unit;'}{'b': 11', '12', '13, 'bending in a wave shape the unit made up of the filtering material panel () enclosed between the reinforcement meshes (, ); and'}{'b': 10', '11', '12', '13, 'coupling to a peripheral frame () the wave-shaped unit made up of the filtering material panel () enclosed between the reinforcement meshes (, );'}the manufacturing method is characterized in that it comprises the ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200240375A1

An intake air filter box utilizing an intake air heater that inhibits the buildup of snow and ice within the intake air filter box, keeping the associated flow passages clear such that pressure loss is not adversely affected. This intake air heater can include an electric heater or a radiant heater coupled to the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system of the vehicle, or to another source of heated fluid. Preferably, the intake air heater is disposed on the “dirty” side of the filter disposed within the intake air filter box, adjacent to the intake air conduit and air intake of the vehicle. This is where the snow and ice accumulation occurs. A drain is provided in the bottom of the intake air filter box housing to allow the escape of water from the melted snow and ice, ensuring that this moisture is not delivered to the turbocharger and engine with the intake air. 1. An intake air filter box assembly for use in a vehicle , the intake air filter box assembly comprising:a filter housing adapted to contain an intake air filter disposed between an inlet side of the filter housing and an outlet side of the filter housing;an intake air inlet port coupled to the inlet side of the filter housing and adapted to receive intake air from an air intake of the vehicle;an intake air outlet port coupled to an outlet side of the filter housing and adapted to deliver the intake air to one or more of a turbocharger and an engine of the vehicle; andan intake air heater disposed within the filter housing and adapted to melt snow and ice present in the filter housing and heat the intake air, wherein an operation temperature of the intake air heater is controlled by an electronic control module (ECM) of the vehicle and selected to melt the snow and ice present in the filter housing and heat the intake air to a degree that prevents condensation of water droplets and formation of ice particles near a mixing point of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) gases and the intake air in an upstream ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170254188A1

A natural gas processing system is mounted on a mobile platform that is transported to a natural gas source, such as a well. A liquid removal tank separates liquid contaminants from the gas. A particulate filter removes particulates from the gas. A membrane separates the natural gas into a retentate gas and a permeate gas. A gas compressor, powered by the natural gas, is selectively connected either upstream of the membrane or downstream of the membrane. For low pressure source gas, the upstream connection will compress the natural gas before entering the membrane. For high pressure source gas, the downstream connection will compress the natural gas after exiting the membrane. An electrical generator and an air compressor are provided. A process control is connected to all the valves in the system, all instruments, the gas compressor, the electrical generator, and the air compressor. The process control monitors and controls the natural gas processing system. 1. A natural gas processing system for use in connection with a natural gas source and raw source natural gas produced by the source , the natural gas processing system comprising:a mobile platform adapted for being transported to the natural gas source;a liquid removal tank juxtaposed with the mobile platform, the liquid removal tank being adapted for attachment in fluid communication to the natural gas source for receiving the source natural gas, the liquid removal tank being adapted for separating liquid contaminants from the source natural gas, the liquid removal tank being adapted for allowing passage of the natural gas therethrough;a particulate filter mounted on the mobile platform, the particulate filter being connected in fluid communication with the liquid removal tank, the particulate filter being adapted for removing particulate matter from the natural gas, the particulate filter being adapted for allowing passage of the natural gas therethrough;a membrane mounted on the mobile platform, the ...

07-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210310693A1

Disclosed herein is an air conditioner including a suction panel which includes a suction port through which air is suctioned in inside a housing. The suction panel is formed to rotate with an axial direction of an air blowing fan or a direction perpendicular to the axial direction of the air blowing fan as a rotation axis to be coupled with or separated from the housing. Accordingly, a user may easily and intuitively separate the suction panel and falling of the suction panel, which may occur when the suction panel is separated, may be effectively reduced using a supporting unit disposed at the suction panel. Also, the housing and cover members which cover an outer perimeter of a lower portion of the housing may be coupled with each other by pressurizing the cover members toward the housing, thereby allowing the user to easily coupled the cover members.

13-08-2020 дата публикации

Air intake filter assemblies with a multi-level fine filter for heating, ventilation, and/or air conditioning (hvac) systems

Номер: US20200256585A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Co

The present disclosure relates generally to air intake filter assemblies, and more particularly to air intake assemblies for an outdoor portion of a heating, ventilation, and/or air conditioning (HVAC) system. In an embodiment, a filter assembly is configured to filter an airflow entering an air intake of a HVAC unit. The filter assembly includes a first layer of a first coarse mesh, a second layer of a second coarse mesh, and a fine filter disposed between the first layer and the second layer. Additionally, the fine filter includes an upper level and a lower level with respect to the airflow, and wherein the lower level facilitates accumulation of fine debris captured from the airflow entering the air intake of the HVAC unit.

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160279556A1
Автор: Law Sui Chun

An air purification apparatus and air purification method is disclosed. Air to be purified is drawn into an air purification unit for purification by a negative pressure, wherein the negative pressure region is created by a fan blower, and the air to be purified does not pass through the fan blower to prevent the fan blower being contaminated by the pollutants which presented in the air to be purified. With the present invention, the lifespan of the fan blower can be extended, and the fire alarm risk caused by accumulated pollutants can be decreased. The fan blowers with lower power consumption can be used to achieve the beneficial effects of energy saving and noise reduction. 1. An air purifying device , comprising:at least one fan blower, an operation of the fan blower generating a first airflow;at least one first airflow duct, the first airflow duct having a first air inlet, the first airflow flowing in the first airflow duct from upstream to downstream;at least one second airflow duct, the second airflow duct having a second air inlet, the second airflow flowing in the second airflow duct from the upstream to the downstream;wherein the second airflow duct and the first airflow duct merge together at the downstream; when the first airflow flows through a merging point of the first airflow duct and the second airflow duct, a negative pressure region is generated in the second airflow duct, such that the second airflow flows out of the second airflow duct and combines with the first airflow to form a third airflow; andat least one air purifying component disposed at the second airflow duct, and/or at a path of the third airflow for purifying the second airflow and/or the third airflow.2. The air purifying device according to claim 1 , wherein the first airflow duct and the second airflow duct are located at an upstream position of the air purifying device claim 1 , the first airflow and the second airflow are airflows drawn independently from different sources ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200260749A1

A gas supply device is provided with a heating unit that heats gas flowing into a filter provided in a filter unit. 16.-. (canceled)7. A gas supply device comprising:a gas passage through which gas is supplied to a target space;a filter unit provided at an inlet of the gas passage;an air pump provided on the gas passage; anda heating unit that heats gas flowing into a filter provided in the filter unit,wherein the target space is an interior space of a container used for maritime transport, or an interior space of a warehouse in a coastal area, andthe gas passage is a passage through which outdoor air is supplied to the target space.8. A gas supply device comprising:a gas passage through which gas is supplied to a target space;a filter unit provided at an inlet of the gas passage;an air pump provided on the gas passage;a heating unit that heats gas flowing into a filter provided in the filter unit; anda salt amount detection unit that detects an amount of salt adhering to the filter provided in the filter unit.9. The gas supply device according to claim 8 ,wherein the heating unit is configured to heat the gas flowing into the filter in a case where the amount of salt detected by the salt amount detection unit is equal to or higher than a reference salt amount and a relative humidity of the gas is equal to or higher than a humidity reference value.10. An interior air adjustment device comprising:a gas supply device; anda mixed gas generator that generates, from air taken in through a filter unit of the gas supply device, mixed gas having a higher nitrogen concentration and a lower oxygen concentration than the air, a gas passage through which gas is supplied to a target space;', 'the filter unit provided at an inlet of the gas passage;', 'an air pump provided on the gas passage; and', 'a heating unit that heats gas flowing into a filter provided in the filter unit, and, 'wherein the gas supply device includesthe interior air adjustment device is configured to supply ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190264640A1

A sieve seal as a component embodied of one piece, consisting of a seal, which holds a sieve body so that it is enclosed over an inner free cross-sectional area. The present invention also relates to a method for sustained operation of a sieve seal of this kind. In order to provide a remedy in the event of a clogging and/or soot formation and an accumulation of deposits in the sieve seal, it is proposed that the sieve body is embodied for an electric current to flow through at least part of it in such a way that a temperature that is sufficient to eliminate at least significant parts of the deposits is achieved or a corresponding temperature threshold is exceeded. 1. A sieve seal for an EGR branch of an internal combustion engine , the sieve seal , as comprises:a one-piece component consisting of;a seal; anda sieve body positioned so that the sieve body is enclosed over an inner free cross-sectional area of the seal, wherein the sieve body is designed for an electric current to flow through at least part of the sieve body in such a way that a temperature of the sieve body of up to approx. 600° C. that is sufficient for thermal elimination of at least significant parts of deposits in the sieve seal is achieved.2. The sieve seal according to claim 1 , wherein the sieve body includes at least one heating wire.3. The sieve seal according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one heating wire is provided as a heating element in or on the sieve body or is separately mounted at a short distance from the sieve body.4. The sieve seal according to claim 1 , further comprising multiple heating wires provided in claim 1 , at claim 1 , and/or on the sieve body.5. The sieve seal according to one of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein essentially the entire sieve body allows the electric current flow through the sieve body in order to be used as a heating fabric.6. The sieve seal according to claim 5 , wherein a tap of the sieve body for introducing or applying a current flow is ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180274350A1

A natural gas processing system is mounted on at least one mobile platform that is transported to a natural gas source, such as a well. A liquid removal tank separates liquid contaminants from the gas. A particulate filter removes particulates from the gas. A membrane separates the natural gas into a retentate gas and a permeate gas. A gas compressor is selectively connected either upstream of the membrane or downstream of the membrane. For low pressure source gas, the upstream connection will compress the natural gas before entering the membrane. For high pressure source gas, the downstream connection will compress the natural gas after exiting the membrane. An electrical generator and an air compressor are provided. A process control is connected to all the valves in the system, all instruments, the gas compressor, the electrical generator, and the air compressor. The process control monitors and controls the natural gas processing system. 1. A method for natural gas processing , for use in connection with a natural gas source and raw source natural gas produced by the source , the method comprising:providing at least one mobile platform, and adapting the mobile platform for being transported to the natural gas source;transporting the mobile platform to the natural gas source;juxtaposing a liquid removal tank with the mobile platform;connecting the liquid removal tank in fluid communication to the natural gas source and receiving the source natural gas into the liquid removal tank;separating liquid contaminants from the source natural gas with the liquid removal tank and allowing passage of the natural gas through the liquid removal tank;connecting a source natural gas valve in fluid communication with the natural gas source and the liquid removal tank and controlling the source natural gas entering the natural gas processing with the source natural gas valve;juxtaposing a particulate filter with the mobile platform and connecting the particulate filter in fluid ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200269177A1
Автор: HAN Dae Gon

An air cleaning device is disclosed. A first opening and closing member opens and closes an inlet of a housing. A second opening and closing member opens and closes an outlet of the housing. A first filter unit collects and separates foreign substances from contaminated air in the housing A circulation tube has a first end portion disposed at the inlet to communicate with the housing and a second end portion disposed at the outlet to communicate with the housing. A third opening and closing member opens and closes the circulation tube. A first heater is installed inside the circulation tube to heat air in the circulation tube. A blower is installed inside the circulation tube to deliver air from the circulation tube into the housing. 1. An air cleaning device comprising:a housing having an inner space, an inlet formed on one side thereof through which contaminated air is introduced from an indoor space and an outlet formed on an opposite side thereof through which purified air is discharged to the outside;a first opening and closing member configured to open and close the inlet;a second opening and closing member configured to open and close the outlet;a first filter unit configured to collect and separate foreign substances from the contaminated air in the housing and disposed so that both end portions thereof each face the inlet and the outlet in a state in which an outer peripheral portion of the first filter unit is hermetically sealed with an inner peripheral portion of the housing;a circulation tube having a first end portion disposed at the inlet to communicate with the housing, and a second end portion disposed at the outlet to communicate with the housing;a third opening and closing member configured to open and close the circulation tube;a first heater installed inside the circulation tube to heat air in the circulation tube; anda blower installed inside the circulation tube to deliver the air in the circulation tube into the housing.2. The air cleaning ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190275457A1
Автор: BERGAMI Gaetano

A vehicle provided with an engine, at least one air intake through which the engine takes in the external air needed to operate, and an air filter, which is arranged in the area of the air intake; the air filter comprises: at least one wave-shaped filtering material panel; an outer reinforcement mesh, an inner reinforcement mesh; and a heating device which is electrically connected to a group of electrified wires of the outer reinforcement mesh and is designed to cause an electric current to flow through said electrified wires, so as to generate heat, due to the Joule effect, on the inside of said outer reinforcement mesh. 1124294) A vehicle () provided with an engine () , at least one air intake () through which the engine () takes in the external air needed to operate , and an air filter () , which is arranged downstream of the air intake ();{'b': '9', 'the air filter () comprises{'b': '11', 'at least one wave-shaped filtering material panel ();'}{'b': 12', '15', '14', '11', '11, 'an outer reinforcement mesh (), which is pleated, is made up of a plurality of weft wires () and a plurality of warp wires () interlaced with one another, and rests against an outer surface of the filtering material panel (), through which the air taken in enters so as to flow through said filtering material panel ();'}{'b': 13', '15', '14', '11, 'an inner reinforcement mesh (), which is pleated, is made up of a plurality of weft wires () and a plurality of warp wires () interlaced with one another, and rests against an inner surface of the filtering material panel (), which is opposite the outer surface; and'}{'b': 17', '11, 'a heating device (), which is designed to heat the filtering material panel ();'}{'b': 17', '12', '12, 'wherein the heating device () is electrically connected to a group of electrified wires of the outer reinforcement mesh () and is designed to cause an electric current (I) to flow through said electrified wires, so as to generate heat, due to the Joule effect, on ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации

Fluid Delivery System For Exhaust Aftertreatment System

Номер: US20170292425A1

A fluid delivery system for an exhaust aftertreatment system may include an outer housing, a pump, a filter assembly, an electric heating blanket, and a heater retention plate. The heater retention plate is shaped to correspond to the shapes of the pump and filter assembly. A lid of the outer housing contacts the heater retention plate and clamps the heating blanket between the heater retention plate and the pump and filter assembly so that the heating blanket takes the shapes of portions of the pump and filter assembly. The outer housing includes mounting flanges and reinforcement members extending from corresponding mounting flanges to corresponding sidewalls of the outer housing and forming a hollow space therebetween. The filter assembly includes compensation elements that contract in response to expansion of fluid within a pump housing due to freezing and expand in response to thawing of the fluid. 1. A fluid delivery system for an exhaust aftertreatment system , the fluid delivery system comprising:an outer housing including a base and a lid;a pump disposed within the outer housing;a filter assembly disposed within the outer housing and in fluid communication with the pump;an electric heating blanket disposed within the outer housing and covering at least a portion of the pump and at least a portion of the filter assembly, the heating blanket is disposed between the lid and the portions of the pump and filter assembly; anda heater retention plate disposed within the outer housing between the lid and the heating blanket, the heater retention plate having a body portion and a flange, the body portion shaped to correspond to the shapes of the portions of the pump and filter assembly, the flange extending from the body portion and contacting an interior surface of the lid such that the lid urges the heater retention plate and the heating blanket toward the portions of the pump and filter assembly so that the heating blanket takes the shapes of the portions of the ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации

Smart Accumulator to Scrub Inlet Fluid

Номер: US20190293328A1
Автор: Ayub Shawket Bin

The Smart Accumulator Fluid Scrubbing System includes a drying mechanism and filtration system with liquid level control all in one housing to protect compressors or compressor systems from moisture, contaminants, and liquid ingestion. The Smart Accumulator is connected to the compressor or compressor systems inlet. The Smart Accumulator only allow dry, clean gas to enter the compressor and compressor system. The switch in conjunction with the heating elements and compressor circuits prevents the compressor from running, while heating elements boil off excess liquid. The Pressure equalizing port prevent compressor to start at high delta pressure and or reduces extremely high-pressure compressor or system operation that may be detrimental to mechanical failure. 1. A Smart Accumulator Scrub Inlet Fluid from moisture , contaminants , and liquid from entering the compressor or compressor housing comprising Housing , inlet tube , safety flap , desiccant , filter material , perforated partition , strainer mesh , intake tube , check valve and valve; all fitted in a vertical arrangements inside a housing fitted with float switch , connected to heating element and compressor electrically to turn on and off when necessary.2. The Smart Accumulator to Scrub Inlet Fluid of claim 1 , wherein the desiccant is packed inside two defined geometrical shape strainer of different mesh size in vertical position claim 1 , giving maximum volume to filter out large contaminant and moisture.3. The Smart Accumulator to Scrub Inlet Fluid of claim 1 , wherein the filtering material is packed in between the outer strainer of the desiccant and another defined geometrical shape strainer of different mesh size in vertical position.4. The Smart Accumulator to Scrub Inlet Fluid of claim 1 , wherein uses outer strainer mesh of different sizes to filter out smallest particle size as required.5. The Smart Accumulator to Scrub liquid of claim 1 , wherein uses Float switch to turn on the Heating Elements ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200292192A1

A climate control unit (e.g., for a residential building) may include a heat exchanger, a blower that circulates air from a return duct, across the heat exchanger, to a supply duct, and a filter that cleans the air before entering the heat exchanger. The effectiveness and/or efficiency of the filter may decrease as the filter collects particles. The climate control unit may include a controller configured to set a baseline measurement according to measurements of a blower property after a reset event. The controller may be configured to measure a deviation of the blower property from the baseline measurement of the blower property. The controller may be configured to generate a status notification in response to the deviation satisfying a threshold. The status notification may indicate that the filter should be changed.

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150322893A1

A filter assembly for a vehicle can be configured to be in fluid communication with a source of compressed natural gas and coolant for an engine. The filter assembly, when so arranged, filters the compressed natural gas and routes the coolant there through to warm the filter assembly. 1. A natural gas filter for a vehicle comprising:a housing defining compressed natural gas (CNG) inlet and outlet ports, and a chamber in fluid communication with the inlet and outlet ports; anda CNG filter disposed within the chamber, wherein the housing further defines coolant ports and one or more coolant passageways in fluid communication with the coolant ports configured to route engine coolant through the housing to hinder freezing of the CNG filter.2. The filter of claim 1 , wherein the coolant ports are disposed on a same face of the housing.3. The filter of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the coolant passageways are routed along side of the chamber.4. A natural gas filter for a vehicle comprising:a housing defining first and second pairs of compressed natural gas (CNG) inlet and outlet ports, and a pair of chambers disposed between the first and second pairs of CNG inlet and outlet ports, wherein the inlet and outlet ports are each in fluid communication with the chambers; andfirst and second CNG filters each disposed within one of the chambers, wherein the housing further defines coolant ports with associated coolant passageways configured to route engine coolant through the housing to hinder freezing of the CNG filters.5. The filter of claim 4 , wherein at least some of the coolant passageways are further configured to route coolant between the chambers.6. The filter of claim 4 , wherein at least some of the coolant passageways are further configured to route coolant along a length of the chambers.7. The filter of claim 4 , wherein the coolant ports are disposed on a same face of the housing.8. The filter of claim 4 , wherein the first and second pairs of CNG inlet and ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Modular Filter Capsule Apparatus

Номер: US20160325211A1

Disclosed is a capsule apparatus having a filter housing defining a filter chamber with a top cap having a plurality of ports extending substantially laterally from a top end of the top cap. The lateral and substantially uniform orientation of the ports facilitates connection to panel mount assemblies and improves filter maintenance processes. A transfer tube extending the length of the capsule allows the introduction of heated fluids from a top mounted inlet port to a bottom of the capsule chamber to allow or a substantially uniform heat gradient in the capsule filter chamber. A dispersion ring or dispersion plate may be secured to a distal end of the transfer tube to promote uniform dispersion of liquids and/or gases introduced into the capsule apparatus. An alternative shield secured in the housing defines a first chamber in fluid communication with an inlet and a second chamber wherein the two chambers are in fluid communication via an opening defined by a lower end of the shield and a bottom of the filter chamber. An alternative capsule apparatus has an outlet tube extending downwardly from a top mounted outlet port in fluid communication with an enclosed filter membrane secured below a column of loose filter media. 139-. (canceled)40. A heat equalizing filter capsule apparatus comprising:a container having a container wall and portions defining a container bottom end;a top cap secured to a top end of the container, wherein the combination of the container wall, the bottom end and the top cap define a filter chamber having a top chamber end and a bottom chamber end;a filter secured in the filter chamber, wherein an annular space is defined by an inner surface of the container wall and an exterior surface of the filter, wherein the annular space extends uninterrupted the entire axial length of the filter, wherein a bottom space is defined at the bottom chamber end by a bottom end of the filter, a top inner surface of the container bottom end and an annular ...

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200316513A1

A fan coil and an air purification system. The fan coil includes: a housing, the housing provided with an air inlet, a fan inside the housing which air enters via the air inlet and a coil unit; and a purification unit located near the air inlet for filtering air, the purification unit includes a filter cartridge holder that detachably fixes a filter cartridge, and a conveyer that is attached to the filter cartridge holder and moves the filter cartridge to a place accessible to personnel. 1. A fan coil , comprising:a housing, wherein the housing is provided with an air inlet, a fan inside the housing which air enters via the air inlet and a coil unit; anda purification unit located near the air inlet for filtering air, wherein the purification unit comprises a filter cartridge holder that detachably fixes a filter cartridge, and a conveyer that is attached to the filter cartridge holder and moves the filter cartridge to a place accessible to personnel.2. The fan coil according to claim 1 , wherein the purification unit further comprises an actuator which drives the filter cartridge fixed to the filter cartridge holder to change between an idle state and a working state claim 1 , wherein in the idle state claim 1 , the filter cartridge is oriented to follow an air path so that air bypasses the filter cartridge; and in the working state claim 1 , the filter cartridge is oriented to cross the air path so that air passes through the filter cartridge.3. The fan coil according to claim 2 , wherein the purification unit has a space for housing the filter cartridge holder claim 2 , the filter cartridge holder which is folded occupies a portion of the space when the filter cartridge is in the idle state claim 2 , and the air passes through the non-occupied other portion of the space.4. The fan coil according to claim 2 , wherein the filter cartridge holder comprises a plurality of frames connected in series claim 2 , and the plurality of frames are folded at junctions thereof ...

03-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150345807A1

An air conditioning system includes an intake housing with a fresh air opening and a recirculation air opening, a filter housing to admit an air filter and a fan housing with a fan for intake by suction of air through the intake housing and directing the air through the filter housing. The fresh air opening and the recirculating air opening are aligned in a common horizontal direction and in a vertical direction one above the other. The recirculating air opening is situated in the gravitational direction beneath the fresh air opening. Between the fresh air opening and the recirculating air opening a separation area is configured, with drainage means in such a way that the fluid penetrating into the fresh air opening, when flowing over the drainage means is directed past the recirculating air opening in a receiving area placed below the recirculating air opening. 1. An air intake of an air conditioning system of a motor vehicle comprising:an intake housing having a fresh air opening and a recirculating air opening formed therein, the recirculating air opening aligning with and formed beneath the fresh air opening with respect to a vertical direction of the air conditioning system, each of the fresh air opening and the recirculating air opening configured for receiving air therethrough;a filter housing in fluid communication with and disposed downstream from the intake housing with respect to a direction of a flow of the air through the air conditioning system, the filter housing configured to receive an air filter;a fan housing in fluid communication with and disposed downstream from the filter housing with respect to the direction of the flow of the air through the air conditioning system, the fan housing having a fan configured to convey the air through the intake housing and the filter housing; anda separation area formed intermediate the fresh air opening and the recirculating air opening and having a drainage component disposed therein, the drainage component ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации

Filter device to remove particles from a vapour stream

Номер: US20170349999A1

A filter device for reducing the amount of non-vaporous components in a vapour stream, including a carbon foam as filter material capable of being penetrated by the vapour stream and arranged in such a way that the only route for the vapour stream to pass the carbon foam is via penetration of the carbon foam. The device is in particular suitable for coating a substrate by physical vapour deposition of the vapour. The homogenous and single phase vapour stream produced by the filter device results in a smooth coated substrate wherein splashes are virtually absent.

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200340414A1

The invention relates to a method for the regeneration of a soot particulate filter that is installed on the outlet side of an internal combustion engine, comprising the following steps: detecting a loading value of the soot particulate filter; measuring an operating temperature of the soot particulate filter; switching off a cylinder of the internal combustion engine; starting a supply of fresh air to the soot particulate filter via the switched-off cylinder; adjusting a cylinder valve so as to control the supply of fresh air; regenerating the soot particulate filter. The invention further relates to a control unit, to an internal combustion engine and to a motor vehicle for carrying out a method of this kind. 1. A method for the regeneration of a soot particulate filter that is installed on the outlet side of an internal combustion engine , comprising:ascertaining a load value of the soot particulate filter;measuring an operating temperature of the soot particulate filter;switching off a cylinder of the internal combustion engine;initiating a fresh air feed into the soot particulate filter via the switched-off cylinderadjusting a cylinder valve so as to regulate the fresh air feed;regenerating the soot particulate filter.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising heating up the soot particulate filter when the load has reached a first load value claim 1 , if the operating temperature is below a first temperature value.3. The method according to claim 2 , whereby the fresh air feed is initiated when the first operating temperature of the soot particulate filter has been reached.4. The method according to claim 1 , whereby the cylinder valve is adjusted by means of an actuator that can be activated by a control unit.5. The method according to claim 1 , whereby the cylinder valve is adjusted by switching over to a separate control cam.6. The method according to claim 5 , whereby the control cam is configured in such a way that it brings about an elevated ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Compressed natural gas filter for natural gas vehicle

Номер: US20160369749A1
Принадлежит: Worthington Industries Inc

A filter assembly for a vehicle can be configured to be in fluid communication with a source of compressed natural gas and coolant for an engine. The filter assembly, when so arranged, filters the compressed natural gas and routes the coolant there through to warm the filter assembly.

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160376019A1

An onboard aircraft inerting system includes an apparatus and method for regenerating an activated carbon media of a filter module while the aircraft is in flight. In regeneration mode, the activated carbon media is heated to a temperature sufficient to desorb the VOC contaminants adsorbed thereon and the air stream passing through the filter module is at a pressure lower than the air pressure of the air stream passing through the filter in normal inerting mode. 1. An onboard aircraft inerting system comprising:a main inlet for connection to an upstream source of pressurized air, the pressurized air containing VOC contaminants;a filter module comprising an activated carbon media for adsorbing VOC contaminants from the air stream supplied thereto by the main inlet;a thermal control system upstream of the filter module for controlling the temperature of the air stream transported to the filter module;flow control components for directing air flow exiting the filter module; wherein in a normal mode, the flow control components direct filtered air exiting the filter module to a first passage connected to one or more air separation modules, and in a regeneration mode, the flow control components direct air exiting the filter module to a second passage connected to an overboard outlet for release to a lower pressure ambient environment; andwherein in regeneration mode the activated carbon media is operated at a higher temperature than in normal mode, the higher temperature being sufficient to desorb the VOC contaminants adsorbed during normal mode.2. The aircraft inerting system of claim 1 , further comprising an ozone converter upstream of the thermal control system.3. The aircraft inerting system of claim 1 , wherein the filter module further comprises a heating device for heating the activated carbon media.4. The aircraft inerting system of claim 1 , wherein the flow control components comprise a flow control valve and a system controller arranged to control operation ...

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160376539A1

Disclosed herein is a system and method for condensing moisture in a moist gas stream entering a bioreactor or leaving a bioreactor, the system comprising: a condenser container capable of holding a fluid, the condenser container comprising: an outer wall surface and an inner wall surface, the inner wall surface defining an interior chamber for holding the fluid; and a first fitment attached to the outer wall surface of the condenser container, the first fitment forming a first port configured to allow the moist gas stream to flow through the first port and into the interior chamber; a second fitment attached to the outer wall surface of the condenser container, the second fitment forming a second port configured to allow a dried gas to flow from the interior chamber and out of the second port; and a cooling device in contact with at least one portion of the outer wall surface of the condenser container and arranged to cool the at least one portion of the outer wall surface of the condenser container, thereby to condense moisture in the moist gas stream and forming a dry gas stream for entering or leaving the bioreactor. 1. A system for condensing moisture in a moist gas stream entering or leaving a bioreactor , the system comprising:a condenser container comprising a flexible bag capable of holding a fluid, the flexible bag having an outer wall surface and an inner wall surface, the inner wall surface defining an interior chamber for holding the fluid;a cooling device having a cold plate, the cold plate being in contact with at least one portion of the outer wall surface of the flexible bag and arranged to cool the at least one portion of the outer wall surface, thereby condensing moisture in the moist gas stream entering or leaving the bioreactor; anda counterplate;wherein at least a portion of the flexible bag is positioned between the counterplate and the cold plate.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the cold plate is sized to approximately match the surface ...

19-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200363097A1

Disclosed herein is an air conditioner including a suction panel which includes a suction port through which air is suctioned in inside a housing. The suction panel is formed to rotate with an axial direction of an air blowing fan or a direction perpendicular to the axial direction of the air blowing fan as a rotation axis to be coupled with or separated from the housing. Accordingly, a user may easily and intuitively separate the suction panel and falling of the suction panel, which may occur when the suction panel is separated, may be effectively reduced using a supporting unit disposed at the suction panel. Also, the housing and cover members which cover an outer perimeter of a lower portion of the housing may be coupled with each other by pressurizing the cover members toward the housing, thereby allowing the user to easily coupled the cover members. 1. An air conditioner comprising:a housing including an upper housing having a cylindrical shape and a lower housing;a suction panel having a circular shape provided along a central axis of the housing and separably coupled the lower housing;a filter disposed on a top surface of the suction panel and configured to decouple from or couple to the suction panel;a discharge port configured to discharge air through an annular region between the suction panel and the housing; anda heat exchanger having an arc shape and disposed inside the housing;wherein the suction panel includes a plurality of coupling members formed to protrude upwardly from the top surface of the suction panel facing the housing and configured to couple with a plurality of coupling portions provided at the lower housing to correspond to the coupling members, andthe suction panel further includes a plurality of coupling hooks configured to support the filter.2. The air conditioner of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of hooks is disposed at each of the plurality of coupling members.3. The air conditioner of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации

Substrate manufacturing apparatus and methods with factory interface chamber heating

Номер: US20190362989A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

Electronic device processing apparatus including a factory interface chamber purge apparatus with purge gas heating. The factory interface chamber purge apparatus includes one or more heating elements configured to heat the purge gas. In some embodiments, the provision of heated purge gas to the chamber filter assembly can rapidly reduce moisture contamination after the access door is opened for factory interface servicing. In further embodiments, the provision of heated purge gas to the factory interface chamber can aid in desorbing certain chemical compounds from the substrates following processing when a low-humidity environment is provided. Purge control methods and apparatus are described, as are numerous other aspects.

27-08-2008 дата публикации

Device for cleaning tube filters and a transport container with this device

Номер: EP1386652B1
Автор: Dieter Wallstein
Принадлежит: Wallstein Ingenieur-Gesellschaft mbH

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Extruder mit einer materialaufgabevorrichtung mit entgasungsfilter

Номер: WO2016124310A1
Автор: Harald Rust
Принадлежит: Entex Rust & Mitschke GmbH

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Extruder mit einem Füllteil, das mittels eines Filters feinkörnige Einsatzmaterialien von der Luft trennen kann, mit der sie zu einem Ertuder gefördert werden, um die Partikel in den Extruder einziehen zu können, wobei der Filter an eine Saugleitung angeschlossen ist und aus mindestens zwei porösen Filterscheiben besteht, welche miteinander verbunden sind.

28-03-2012 дата публикации

Air cleaning system with multi function of heat recovery ventration, filtration, sterilization and humidifying

Номер: KR101125802B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 에이앤이

본 발명은 실내의 쾌적성과 공기질의 향상을 위해 배열회수 환기, 공기정화(집진, 살균, 탈취), 가습기능을 갖는 다기능과 필요한 장소에서 간편하게 설치 사용할 수 있도록 하는 다용도의 환기 공기정화 장치에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a multi-purpose ventilation air purifying device that can be easily installed and used in a multi-functional having a heat recovery ventilation, air purification (dust collection, sterilization, deodorization), a humidification function and a necessary place to improve indoor comfort and air quality. . 본 발명은 이동이 용이한 본체를 구비하여 환기나 공기 청정이 필요한 장소에 간단히 설치할 수 있도록 하되 상기 본체의 내부에 급기와 배기 사이의 열교환을 이루는 전열교환기를 설치하는 한편, 공기 중에 포함된 이물질과 세균을 포집하는 필터를 설치하고, 상기 필터를 거친 공기는 급기팬을 통하여 급기가 이루어지도록 하되 상기 급기는 가습장치를 통하여 가습이 이루어진 후 실내로 공급되게 함으로써 이루어진다. The present invention provides a mobile body that can be easily installed in a place requiring ventilation or air cleaning, while providing a heat exchanger for heat exchange between the air supply and the exhaust inside the main body, and the foreign matter contained in the air. A filter for collecting bacteria is installed, and the air passing through the filter is supplied through an air supply fan, but the air is supplied to the room after humidification is performed through a humidifier. 열교환, 환기, 공기정화, 살균, 가습 Heat exchange, ventilation, air purification, sterilization, humidification

02-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN113058341A
Автор: 鞠振河
Принадлежит: Shenyang Xinyuanrui Technology Co ltd


04-02-2004 дата публикации

Device for cleaning tube filters and a transport container for this device

Номер: EP1386652A1
Автор: Dieter Wallstein
Принадлежит: Wallstein Ingenieur-Gesellschaft mbH

A device for cleaning bag filters comprises receiving containers (11, 12) for positioning a bag filter (3) impinged with an inner pressure by a blowing unit (17); and a unit for the external wet cleaning of the bag filter. Preferred Features: Air blown by the blowing unit into the bag filter is heated higher than the ambient temperature. The air is heated to 20-70[deg]C. The bag filter is positioned in the receiving container horizontally to a support provided with outlet openings.

02-10-2002 дата публикации

Device for cleaning bag filters and transport containers for this device

Номер: DE20211827U1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: WALLSTEIN GmbH

09-10-2008 дата публикации

Device for cleaning bag filters and transport containers with this device

Номер: DE50310401D1
Автор: Dieter Wallstein
Принадлежит: Wallstein Ingenieur Gmbh

01-05-2001 дата публикации

Occupant air filter for vehicles

Номер: USRE37150E1
Автор: Lawrence Anonychuk
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

An air filter device to filter fresh air for occupants of a vehicle is disclosed. The device includes a generally circular bottom base unit including a perimeter mounting portion to retain said device in an air conduit. The perimeter mounting portion includes a pair of mounting lips separated by an outwardly extending mounting groove. The lips resiliently flex over a rim formed in the vehicle to position the device in place. Extending from the base unit is an air filter which is sized and shaped to fit into a cavity located within a blower motor assembly. In this manner the device can be retrofit into a standard vehicle to provide air filtration without requiring extensive modification of the ducting and the like.

04-09-2008 дата публикации

Production of ceramic membranes

Номер: DE19811708B4
Автор: Bernd Dr. Penth
Принадлежит: EVONIK DEGUSSA GmbH

Herstellung von keramischen Membranen für die Ultrafiltration und die Nanofiltration, gekennzeichnet dadurch, daß auf eine keramische Mikrofiltrations- Flachmembran auf porösem Edelstahl oder Edelstahlgewebe eine separat auf einer Trägerfolie hergestellte grüne, keramische Folie aus nanokristallinem Pulver von der Trägerfolie abgezogen, auflaminiert und thermisch verfestigt wird. manufacturing of ceramic membranes for ultrafiltration and nanofiltration, characterized by that on a ceramic microfiltration flat membrane on porous Stainless steel or stainless steel mesh separately on a carrier foil manufactured green, ceramic Film of nanocrystalline powder removed from the carrier film, laminated and thermally solidified.

17-07-1979 дата публикации

Fluidized bed calcining system

Номер: US4161389A
Принадлежит: Procedyne Corp

Disclosed is a method and apparatus for calcining or heat treating finely divided solids to effect a change in physical and/or chemical properties and, in so doing and prior to exhaust, filtering out particles entrained in the exhaust.

18-05-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus for collecting by-product and method for collecting by-product

Номер: KR20220063799A
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

본 발명의 실시예에 따른 부산물 포집 장치는 가스 유입구와 가스 유출구가 구비되며 내부 공간을 가지는 챔버와, 상기 챔버의 내부 공간 중 상기 가스 유입구 측에 배치되며 시계열적으로 가열 온도를 가변하는 히터와, 상기 히터의 주위에 배치되는 와류형성부재와, 상기 히터의 하부에 배치되는 복수개의 제1 포집부재와, 상기 제1 포집부재의 하부에 복수개가 상호 교차되도록 배치되는 제2 포집부재 및 상기 챔버의 내부 공간 중 상기 가스 유출구 측에 배치되는 제3 포집부재를 포함한다.

21-11-2007 дата публикации

Dry type dust trap with heat exchanger for blast furnace.

Номер: TR200602139U1

Bir yüksek fırın için kullanılan bir ısı eşanjörlü kuru tip toz tutucu, kaba toz temizleme aparatı [1], ısı eşanjörü [2], ince toz temizleme aparatı [3], valflar ve boru hatları içerir. Yüksek fırının veya kazan sisteminin sıcak blast sobasına bağlanan boru hattı [4] ile donatılır, bu boru hattı ısıyı sıcak havadan veya baca gazından yüksek sıcaklıkta çıkarılacak toz ile havaya transfer ederek çiylenmeyi önleyebilir. Isı eşanjörü üretme gerekliliklerini azaltmak için havanın karıştırılmasına yönelik valf [5], boru hattı [4] üzerinde düzenlenir ve böylelikle oda sıcaklığında bir parça hava ilave edilerek ısı eşanjörü içindeki maksimum sıcaklığın çok yüksek olması önlenir. Dry type dust collector with a heat exchanger used for a blast furnace includes coarse dust cleaning apparatus [1], heat exchanger [2], fine dust cleaning apparatus [3], valves and pipelines. The blast furnace or boiler system is equipped with a pipeline [4] connected to the hot blast stove, which can prevent dew by transferring heat from the hot air or flue gas to the air with dust to be removed at high temperature. In order to reduce the requirements for producing a heat exchanger, the valve [5] for mixing the air is arranged on the pipeline [4], thereby adding a piece of air at room temperature to prevent the maximum temperature in the heat exchanger from becoming too high.

08-02-2006 дата публикации

cabinet panel

Номер: KR100550180B1
Автор: 김인태
Принадлежит: (주)제일피앤피

본 발명은 차단기, 누전차단기, 부스바 등을 효율적으로 설치할 수 있어 전체 설치공간을 컴팩트하게 할 수 있는 분전반에 관한 것으로서, 베이스 패널(10)과; 상기 베이스 패널(10)에 설치되는 다수의 보조 배선용 차단기(12) 및 누전 차단기(13)와; 상기 베이스 패널(10)상에 그 일단이 고정지지되고 타측이 메인 배선용 차단기(11)에 결합부(17)를 통해 결합되는 다수의 모선부스바(15)와; 상기 모선부스바(15)에 끼움부(162)를 통해 연결되고, 적어도 그 일단이 상기 차단기(12,13)와 전기적으로 연결되는 다수의 자선부스바(16)를 포함하는 분전반에 있어서, 상기 결합부(17)가: The present invention relates to a distribution panel capable of efficiently installing a circuit breaker, an earth leakage circuit breaker, a bus bar, etc., thereby making the entire installation space compact, including a base panel 10; A plurality of auxiliary wiring breakers 12 and an earth leakage breaker 13 installed in the base panel 10; A plurality of bus bar bars 15 having one end fixed to the base panel 10 and the other side of which is coupled to the main wiring breaker 11 through a coupling part 17; In the distribution panel comprising a plurality of charity busbars 16 connected to the busbar bars 15 through fitting portions 162 and at least one end of which is electrically connected to the breakers 12 and 13. The coupling part 17 is: 일측으로 상기 메인 배선용 차단기(11)의 전력출력측(11b)에 체결되며 체결공(171a)이 형성된 결합편(171)과; A coupling piece 171 fastened to the power output side 11b of the main wiring breaker 11 on one side and having a fastening hole 171a; 상기 결합편(171) 타측으로 상기 모선부스바(15)에 슬라이드 가능하게 결합되는 모선고정부(172); A busbar fixing part 172 slidably coupled to the busbar bus bar 15 to the other side of the coupling piece 171; 를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. Characterized in that it comprises a. 분전반, 배선용 차단기, 누전 차단기 Distribution board, wiring breaker, earth leakage breaker

28-12-2000 дата публикации

Filter device

Номер: DE20016803U1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Thomas Josef Heimbach and Co GmbH

03-01-1995 дата публикации

Polluted air purifier

Номер: KR950000197A

공기중에 부유하는 먼지등의 미립자, 연소기관으로 부터 발생하는 매연등의 미립자 및 배기중에 포함되는 질소 산화물(NO x )등의 대기오염 물질의 양을 저하시킬 수가 있는 오염공기용 정화장치, 먼지나 매연등의 미립자는 대전용메시부에서 부로 대전시키고, 그것을 정화용 필터부에서 쿨롬력에 의하여 집진한다. 또 NO x 는 탄소섬유 탄소입자의 작용에 의하여 N 2 및 CO 2 로 변화되어 농도가 저하된다. 탄소섬유 또는 탄소입자로서는 표면적이 커다란 (200~2,000m 2 /g)의 변성 탄소섬유 또는 탄소입자를 사용하는 것이 바람직하다.

07-05-2019 дата публикации

Modular filter capsule apparatus

Номер: US10279288B2
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Performance Plastics Corp

Disclosed is a capsule apparatus having a filter housing defining a filter chamber with a top cap having a plurality of ports extending substantially laterally from a top end of the top cap. The lateral and substantially uniform orientation of the ports facilitates connection to panel mount assemblies and improves filter maintenance processes. A transfer tube extending the length of the capsule allows the introduction of heated fluids from a top mounted inlet port to a bottom of the capsule chamber to allow or a substantially uniform heat gradient in the capsule filter chamber. A dispersion ring or dispersion plate may be secured to a distal end of the transfer tube to promote uniform dispersion of liquids and/or gases introduced into the capsule apparatus. An alternative shield secured in the housing defines a first chamber in fluid communication with an inlet and a second chamber wherein the two chambers are in fluid communication via an opening defined by a lower end of the shield and a bottom of the filter chamber. An alternative capsule apparatus has an outlet tube extending downwardly from a top mounted outlet port in fluid communication with an enclosed filter membrane secured below a column of loose filter media.

20-06-2017 дата публикации

Modular filter capsule apparatus

Номер: US9682335B2
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Performance Plastics Corp

Disclosed is a capsule apparatus having a filter housing defining a filter chamber with a top cap having a plurality of ports extending substantially laterally from a top end of the top cap. The lateral and substantially uniform orientation of the ports facilitates connection to panel mount assemblies and improves filter maintenance processes. A transfer tube extending the length of the capsule allows the introduction of heated fluids from a top mounted inlet port to a bottom of the capsule chamber to allow or a substantially uniform heat gradient in the capsule filter chamber. A dispersion ring or dispersion plate may be secured to a distal end of the transfer tube to promote uniform dispersion of liquids and/or gases introduced into the capsule apparatus. An alternative shield secured in the housing defines a first chamber in fluid communication with an inlet and a second chamber wherein the two chambers are in fluid communication via an opening defined by a lower end of the shield and a bottom of the filter chamber. An alternative capsule apparatus has an outlet tube extending downwardly from a top mounted outlet port in fluid communication with an enclosed filter membrane secured below a column of loose filter media.

16-10-2018 дата публикации

Fluid delivery system for exhaust aftertreatment system

Номер: US10100697B2
Принадлежит: Tenneco Automotive Operating Co Inc

A fluid delivery system for an exhaust aftertreatment system may include an outer housing, a pump, a filter assembly, an electric heating blanket, and a heater retention plate. The heater retention plate is shaped to correspond to the shapes of the pump and filter assembly. A lid of the outer housing contacts the heater retention plate and clamps the heating blanket between the heater retention plate and the pump and filter assembly so that the heating blanket takes the shapes of portions of the pump and filter assembly. The outer housing includes mounting flanges and reinforcement members extending from corresponding mounting flanges to corresponding sidewalls of the outer housing and forming a hollow space therebetween. The filter assembly includes compensation elements that contract in response to expansion of fluid within a pump housing due to freezing and expand in response to thawing of the fluid.

15-04-2000 дата публикации

Dehydrant system for waste gas filter

Номер: KR100252537B1
Принадлежит: 이병희, 주식회사엔엠테크

PURPOSE: An apparatus for eliminating moisture condensate from bag filter is provided to prevent clogging of bag filter by passing vapor through refrigerant conduit for condensing before moisture-bearing gas is introduced to bag filter system. CONSTITUTION: The apparatus comprises a heat exchanger (2) in which a refrigerant circulating tube (2) around which a plurality of circulating pipe (1) are vertically installed in parallel is formed at the center part; an inlet reservoir (7) at both ends of which a top plate (5) and a bottom plate (6) are installed where each plate has an opening part oppositely; a separating partition (11) vertically installed between the inlet reservoir and an outlet reservoir (9) in such a manner that the side edge of the separating partition is contacted to the inner circumferential surface of a case (12) for partition; an inlet conduit (13) formed at one side of the inlet reservoir; an outlet conduit (14) formed at one side of the outlet reservoir.
