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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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10-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2251448C2
Принадлежит: СОВА ДЕНКО К.К. (JP)

Изобретение относится к очищающему адсорбенту, который способен эффективно удалять примеси, содержащиеся в перфторуглеродах, с получением перфторуглерода с пониженным содержанием этих примесей до 1 ч./млн (по массе) или меньше; способу получения адсорбента; способам очистки и получения октафторпропана или октафторциклобутана и их применению. Очистку проводят с использованием очищающего адсорбента, полученного по способу, включающему в себя: 1) промывку первичного угля кислотой и затем водой; 2) раскисление и/или дегидратацию первичного угля; 3) повторную карбонизацию первичного угля при температуре от 500 до 700°С в токе инертного газа; 4) активацию первичного угля при температуре от 700 до 900°С в смешанном газовом потоке, содержащем инертный газ, диоксид углерода и пары воды. Изобретение позволяет эффективно удалять примеси из перфторуглерода. 7 н. и 26 з.п. ф-лы, 10 табл.

20-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2544980C2

Группа изобретений относится к десульфуризации углеводородов. Способ включает стадии: (i) пропускание смеси углеводорода и водорода через катализатор десульфуризации с превращением сероорганических соединений, присутствующих в указанном углеводороде, в сульфид водорода, (ii) пропускание полученной смеси через сорбент сульфида водорода, содержащий оксид цинка, со снижением содержания сульфида водорода в смеси, и (iii) пропускание газовой смеси, обедненной сульфидом водорода, через дополнительный десульфуризующий материал. Дополнительный десульфуризующий материал содержит формованную смесь одного или более соединений никеля в виде частиц, материал носителя, содержащий оксид цинка в виде частиц, и, необязательно, одно или более соединений промотирующих металлов в виде частиц, выбранных из железа, кобальта, меди и благородных металлов. Причем указанный десульфуризующий материал содержит 0,3-20 мас.% никеля и 0-10 мас.% промотирующего металла. Предложен также способ риформинга углеводородного ...

16-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2716788C2

Изобретение относится к фильтрующим материалам для жидкости. Предложен диатомит, подвергнутый кальцинированию под флюсом на основе карбоната натрия. Продукт диатомита имеет содержание кристаллического диоксида кремния меньше 0,1 масс. % и имеет проницаемость в пределах между 0,8 дарси и примерно 30 дарси. Продукт диатомита может содержать некоторое количество кристобалита, которое определяется с помощью метода, различающего кристобалит и опал-C, в частности, с использованием LH Method. 13 з.п. ф-лы, 33 ил., 20 табл.

27-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2457234C2

Изобретение относится к способу получения средства, способного связывать масло, при использовании высокопористого, натурального, силикатного материала и содержащего органику остаточного вещества. Способ заключается в том, что высокопористый, натуральный, силикатный материал с исходной зернистостью между 4 и 10 мм смешивают с содержащим органику остаточным веществом. Затем смесь кальцинируют при температуре между 520 и 550°С и после этого измельчают до получения спектра зернистости, составляющего от 4 до 0,125 мм. Причем высокопористый натуральный силикатный материал и содержащее органику остаточное вещество используют в массовом соотношении между 75:25 и 95:5 в расчете на сухую массу до кальцинирования. Способ получения является простым и недорогим. Полученное средство, способное связывать масло, имеет более высокую истинную пористость, чем исходный компонент, уже являющийся высокопористым материалом. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 4 пр.

16-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2641124C2

Изобретение касается области модифицированных углеродных изделий. Предложено ферромагнитное углеродное тело, содержащее частично графитизированный активированный уголь и металлические частицы ферромагнитного металла, выбранного из группы, состоящей из железа, никеля, кобальта и/или их сплавов и их комбинаций. Размер ферромагнитного тела составляет от 100 нм до 20 мм, вычисленная БЭТ-методом площадь его поверхности составляет от 300 до 1000 м/г, общий объем пор составляет от 0,1 до 0,6 мл/г, средний диаметр пор составляет от 3 до 8 нм. Ферромагнитное углеродное тело содержит 10-70% по весу графитизированного углерода. Предложен также способ получения и использования ферромагнитного тела. Изобретение обеспечивает получение частично графитизированного тела с усовершенствованными характеристиками, в котором количество и расположение графитизированного углерода может быть управляемым. 8 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 17 ил., 6 табл., 6 пр.

18-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2667292C2

Изобретение относится к цеолитным адсорбентам. Предложен адсорбент для очистки углеводородного сырья. Адсорбент содержит цеолит типа NaX и связующее, содержащее глину с величиной массового отношения Si/Al, превышающей 2, причем связующее содержит глину типа монтмориллонит. Предложен также способ получения и использования адсорбента в способе очистки углеводородного сырья, содержащего ненасыщенные молекулы и по меньшей мере одну примесь, содержащую по меньшей мере один гетероатом типа О, S и N. Изобретение обеспечивает получение адсорбента с пониженной реакционной способностью в отношении ненасыщенных молекул. 3 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2535696C2

Изобретение касается способа и системы для удаления диоксида углерода из технологического газа, образующегося во время сгорания топлива, способа получения сорбента. Способ и система для удаления диоксида углерода из технологического газа, образующегося во время сгорания топлива, где упомянутая система содержит, по меньшей мере, один поглотительный резервуар, через который может проходить технологический газ, где упомянутый поглотительный резервуар снабжен сорбентом, который способен обратимо улавливать диоксид углерода из технологического газа, проходящего через сорбент, где упомянутый сорбент содержит, по меньшей мере, один амин, по меньшей мере, один катализатор активации диоксида углерода и, по меньшей мере, один пористый материал, несущий, по меньшей мере, один катализатор и, по меньшей мере, один амин, где пористый материал находится в виде слоя сорбента на подложке, образующей, по меньшей мере, часть из, по меньшей мере, одного канала, которая способна принимать, по меньшей мере, ...

22-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2688852C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к частицам оксида церия, которые имеют превосходную термостойкость, в частности, пригодным для катализаторов, функциональной керамики, твердого электролита для топливных элементов, материала для шлифовки, поглотителей ультрафиолетового излучения, и тому подобное, и особенно пригодным для использования в качестве материала катализатора или сокатализатора, например, при катализе для очистки выхлопных газов транспортных средств. Настоящее изобретение также относится к способу получения таких частиц оксида церия, и к катализатору, например, для очистки выхлопных газов, с использованием таких частиц оксида церия. Способ получения частиц оксида церия включает по меньшей мере стадии подготовки раствора соли церия, содержащей анионы и катионы, где в пределах от 90 до 100% мольн. катионов церия представляют собой четырехвалентные катионы церия. Способ также включает нагревание раствора соли церия при температуре, заключенной в пределах от 60 до 220°C, с получением ...

20-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2401694C2
Принадлежит: АКЦО НОБЕЛЬ Н.В. (NL)

Изобретение относится к области хроматографии. Предложен органо-модифицированный материал на основе оксида кремния, используемый для изготовления неподвижной фазы для жидкостной хроматографии, который содержит часть, представляющую собой немодифицированный оксид кремния, и часть, которая представляет собой оксид кремния, содержащий органические группы, в частности алкильные группы, алкенильные группы или алкинильные группы, связанные с атомами кремния. Предложен способ приготовления органо-модифицированного материала на основе оксида кремния, предусматривающий смешивание материала на основе оксида кремния и органосиланового соединения и осуществление взаимодействия в полученной смеси. Описаны характеристики разделяющего материала для неподвижной фазы, который приготовлен путем функционализации органо-модифицированного материала на основе оксида кремния. Изобретение обеспечивает получение материала с высокой химической и механической стабильностью. 9 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 7 табл., 4 ил.

03-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2649424C2
Принадлежит: ЗЕ БОИНГ КОМПАНИ (US)

Изобретение может быть использовано для сбора диоксида углерода. Монолитный контактор 200 содержит монолитный корпус 202 с входом 212, выходом 214 и множеством каналов 206, плотность которых по меньшей мере 100 каналов на квадратный дюйм. Монолитный корпус 202 содержит адсорбирующий цеолитный материал, например цеолит 13Х или цеолит 3А, и связующий агент, содержащий водорастворимый коллоидный диоксид кремния и фосфат. Монолитный контактор получают из адсорбирующей композиции, содержащей носитель, указанные связующий агент и адсорбирующий материал, которую затем формируют с получением указанного монолитного корпуса. Полученный монолитный корпус высушивают и обжигают. Монолитный контактор 200 размещают в ёмкости контактной камеры для адсорбции диоксида углерода. Контактная камера является составной частью системы для сбора диоксида углерода из технологического газа, содержащей также камеру с влагопоглотителем для удаления воды из технологического газа с получением, по существу, сухого газа ...

27-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2217222C2

Изобретение относится к способу получения аккумулирующего оксиды серы материала, который содержит магнийалюминатную шпинель и может применяться для удаления оксидов серы из кислородсодержащих отходящих газов в промышленных процессах. Способ получения аккумулирующего оксиды серы материала ведут путем кальцинирования магнийалюминиевого гидроталькита с молярным отношением оксида магния к оксиду алюминия 1,1:1 - 10:1 при температуре 400 - 600oС в течение 1 - 10 ч. После кальцинирования аккумулирующий материал пропитывают, по меньшей мере, одним растворимым соединением-предшественником таких оксидов щелочноземельных металлов, как оксид кальция, оксид стронция и оксид бария, а затем повторно кальцинируют. Аккумулирующий материал дополнительно пропитывают, по меньшей мере, одним растворимым соединением-предшественником оксидов редкоземельных металлов и затем повторно кальцинируют. Аккумулирующий материал после кальцинирования пропитывают растворимым соединением-предшественником, по меньшей мере ...

10-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2401451C2

Изобретение относится к устройству для регулирования относительной влажности в среде, которое содержит проницаемый для паров воды контейнер в форме саше, состоящий из микроперфорированного материала сложный полиэфир/бумага/полиэтилен, и отвержденный состав увлажнителя в контейнере. Отвержденный состав увлажнителя содержит соль-увлажнитель, воду и носитель. Предпочтительные соли-увлажнители включают CaCl2, К2СО3, LiCl2, NaCl, K2SO4 и их комбинации. Предпочтительные носители выбраны из группы, состоящей из целлюлозы, силикагеля, глины, углеводного или белкового гелеобразующего агента, гидроколлоидной камеди и гидрофильных полимеров. Технический результат - предотвращение утечки влаги и солевого раствора из упаковки. 6 з.п. ф-лы.

21-10-2022 дата публикации

Способ получения термоактивированного металлоорганического координационного полимера и способ получения композитного нанопористого адсорбента на его основе

Номер: RU2782026C2

Изобретение относится к технологии синтеза и активации металлорганических полимеров для создания функциональных блочных материалов - адсорбентов, а именно к способу получения термоактивированного металлорганического координационного полимера Cu-ВТС. Способ включает взаимодействие при перемешивании раствора нитрата меди Cu (II) с раствором 1,3,5 -бензолтрикарбоновой кислоты, с использованием в качестве растворителя - N,N'-диметилформамида, с образованием пористой структуры, и последующей активацией, при этом активацию проводят комбинированным способом, включающим промывку подогретым до температуры 40-60°С органическим растворителем, сушку при температуре 90-120°С, термовакуумную активацию при температурах 110-200°С. Также предложены термоактивированный металлорганический координационный полимер Cu-ВТС, способы получения композитного нанопористого адсорбента и композитный нанопористый адсорбент. Техническим результатом изобретения является улучшение адсорбционных свойств металлорганического ...

19-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017145188A3

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017104647A3

18-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016151118A3

15-03-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019126277A3

15-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2619320C1

Изобретение относится к неорганическим сорбентам, используемым для адсорбции и фиксации мышьяка и тяжелых металлов. Предложен материал, включающий пористую керамическую подложку с пористостью 35-85% и наночастицы нуль-валентного железа, сформированные внутри пористой керамической подложки. Пористая керамическая подложка имеет микропоры 2-10 микрон и рыхлую аморфную структуру кремний-железо-углерод, сформированную внутри каждой микропоры. По меньшей мере 25% масс. керамического компонента, образующего пористую керамическую подложку, является кизельгуром. Рыхлая аморфная структура кремний-железо-углерод в микропорах может формировать адсорбционную пленку после адсорбции воды. Предложен способ получения материала. Изобретение обеспечивает получение эффективного сорбента для удаления ионов мышьяка, обладающего возможностью адаптации к изменениям качества воды и химической среды. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 3 табл.

22-05-2023 дата публикации

Металлорганическая каркасная структура бензолтрикарбоксилата иттрия (III) Y-BTC для аккумулирования водорода и способ её получения

Номер: RU2796292C1

Изобретение относится к технологии приготовления микропористых адсорбентов с прецизионной пористой структурой с узким распределением пор по размерам, а именно к металлорганической каркасной структуре (МОКС) Y-BTC с химической формулой в дегидратированном состоянии YC12H10NO7, содержащей микропоры с удельной поверхностью от 500 до 850 м2/г, средним радиусом 0.36…0.43 нм, объемом микропор 0.35…0.40 см3/г. Также предложен способ получения металлорганической каркасной структуры Y-BTC. Техническим результатом заявляемого изобретения является повышение адсорбционных характеристик МОКС по водороду, а также сокращение количества используемых видов веществ в процессе синтеза, что снижает себестоимость производства МОКС. 2 н. и 1 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил., 4 табл., 3 пр.

05-12-2019 дата публикации

Способ получения гидрофобного нефтесорбента и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: RU2708362C1

Группа изобретений относится к производству дисперсных сорбентов нефтепродуктов. Камеру гидрофобизации с загруженным пористым алюмосиликатным материалом вакуумируют до остаточного давления 20-30 кПа, обрабатывают материал в среде перегретого водяного пара. Температуру повышают до 280-310°С, поддерживая давление в камере в пределах атмосферного. Выдерживают при достигнутой температуре в течение 20-30 минут. Сбрасывают пар в предварительно вакуумированный ресивер до остаточного давления в рабочей камере 10-15 кПа. Подают углеводородный гидрофобизатор в жидкой фазе из расчета 0,1-0,3 г на 1 л объема камеры гидрофобизации, поддерживают температуру 350-400°С в течение 5-20 мин. Отключают нагрев. При достижении температуры ниже 120°С в камеру впускают воздух. Устройство представляет собой горизонтально установленную герметичную цилиндрическую камеру с дверцей-крышкой. Камера снабжена продольными внутренними ребрами для размещения поддонов с гидрофобизируемым материалом. В верхней части камера ...

20-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007121666A

... 1. Средство для регулирования относительной влажности в среде, содержащее отвержденный состав увлажнителя, содержащий соль-увлажнитель, воду и носитель.2. Средство по п.1, где отвержденный состав увлажнителя дополнительно содержит связующее, которое отличается от указанного носителя.3. Средство по п.2, где средство имеет форму таблетки.4. Средство по п.3, где таблетка покрыта проницаемым для водяного пара покрытием.5. Средство по п.4, где покрытие выбрано из группы, состоящей из полиэтилена, политетрафторэтилена, поливинилпирролидона и простого эфира целлюлозы.6. Средство по п.1, где соль-увлажнитель выбрана из группы, состоящей из CaCl, KCO, NaCl, KSO, LiClи их комбинаций.7. Средство по п.1, где отвержденный состав увлажнителя дополнительно содержит антимикробный агент.8. Средство по п.1, где носитель выбран из группы, состоящей из целлюлозы, силикагеля, глины, углеводного или белкового гелеобразующего агента, гидроколлоидной камеди и гидрофильных полимеров.9. Средство по п.1, где отвержденный ...

20-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007117698A

... 1. Способ формования изделия, имеющего в своем составе осушитель, включающий стадии: (а) смешивание композиции, содержащей по меньшей мере, 60% по весу осушителя, до 10% по весу увлажняющего реагента, до 5% по весу вещества для улучшения технологических свойств, и 10-30% по весу термореактивной смолы; (b) формование композиции, смешенной на стадии (а) в изделие или форму; и (с) нагревание изделия или формы со стадии (b) для сшивки смолы. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором стадия нагревания (с) включает нагревание изделия или формы в течение времени, достаточного для сшивки смолы и активирования осушителя. 3. Способ по п.1, в котором стадия перемешивания (а) включает добавление цеолита в качестве осушителя. 4. Способ по п.1, в котором стадия перемешивания (а) включает добавление осушителя, который является цеолитным порошком, имеющим размер, выбранный из группы, состоящей из порошков молекулярных сит 3А, 4А, 5А и 10А и их комбинаций. 5. Способ по п.1, в котором увлажняющим реагентом является изопропиловый ...

20-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006146998A

... 1. Пемза, характеризующаяся содержанием углерода от 5 до 15 мас.%, отличающаяся тем, что ее размер частиц находится в пределах от 3 до 8 мм, а плотность имеет значение, меньшее или равное 570 кг/ми превышающее 500 кг/м.2. Пемза по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что ее средний размер частиц равен 6 мм.3. Пемза по одному из предыдущих пунктов, отличающаяся тем, что содержит SiOот 60 до 70 мас.% и AlОпримерно 17 мас.%, при этом остальную часть составляют разнородные продукты.4. Способ получения пемзы с содержанием углерода от 5 до 15 мас.% с размером частиц от 3 до 8 мм и плотностью, меньшей или равной 570 кг/ми превышающей 500 кг/м, который включает адсорбцию углеводорода пемзой и обработку пемзы, адсорбировавшей углеводород, пламенем для его сжигания и освобождения пемзы, отличающийся тем, что перед адсорбцией пемзой углеводорода из нее удаляют мелкие фракции, базальт, магнетит и вулканический пепел, заполняющие поры, при помощи струй воды на сите, на котором размещают пемзу.5. Способ очистки водной ...

10-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010116713A

... 1. Средство для регулирования относительной влажности в среде, содержащее: ! отвержденный состав увлажнителя, содержащий ! соль-увлажнитель, ! воду и ! носитель. ! 2. Средство по п.1, где отвержденный состав увлажнителя дополнительно содержит связующее, которое отличается от указанного носителя. ! 3. Средство по п.2, где средство имеет форму таблетки. ! 4. Средство по п.3, где таблетка покрыта проницаемым для водяного пара покрытием. ! 5. Средство по п.4, где покрытие выбрано из группы, состоящей из полиэтилена, политетрафторэтилена, поливинилпирролидона и простого эфира целлюлозы. ! 6. Средство по п.1, где соль-увлажнитель выбрана из группы, состоящей из CaCl2, K2CO3, NaCl, K2SO4, LiCl2 и их комбинаций. ! 7. Средство по п.1, где отвержденный состав увлажнителя дополнительно содержит антимикробный агент. ! 8. Средство по п.1, где носитель выбран из группы, состоящей из целлюлозы, силикагеля, глины, углеводного или белкового гелеобразующего агента, гидроколлоидной камеди и гидрофильных полимеров ...

10-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2544667C9
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Группа изобретений раскрывает микропористые UZM-5 цеолитные мембраны, способы их получения и способы разделения газов, паров и жидкостей с их использованием. Микропористые UZM-5 цеолитные мембраны с небольшими порами получают двумя способами. Один из способов включает кристаллизацию in situ одного или более слоев кристаллов UZM-5 цеолита на пористой мембранной подложке. Второй способ включает кристаллизацию с затравкой в реакционной смеси непрерывного второго слоя кристаллов UZM-5 цеолита на слое кристаллов UZM-5 цеолита, нанесенного на пористую мембранную подложку. Полученные мембраны в виде дисков, трубок или полых волокон имеют высокую термическую и химическую стабильность, стойкость к эрозии, к СОи повышенную селективность при разделении газов, паров и жидкостей. 4 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы.

12-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2666849C1

Изобретение относится к адсорбентам для очистки газов. Предложен структурированный слой адсорбента для очистки потока сырьевого газа, содержащий подложку с плотностью ячеек от примерно 1040 cpsi (161 яч./см) до примерно 4000 cpsi (620 яч./см) и покрытие на подложке. Покрытие содержит частицы адсорбента и связующее, при этом частицы адсорбента содержат цеолит DDR и имеют средний диаметр от примерно 2 мкм до примерно 40 мкм, а связующее содержит SiOили AlO. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение эффективности кинетических процессов разделения газов. 3 н. и 27 з.п. ф-лы, 16 ил., 4 табл.

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011148365A

... 1. Способ получения модифицированного цеолита Y, заключающийся в том, что цеолит Y, имеющий молярное отношение диоксид кремния/оксид алюминия, по меньшей мере, 10, подвергают прокаливанию при температуре от 700 до 1000°C, при этом: (i) парциальное давление водяного пара составляет самое большее 6 кПа (0,06 бар) при температуре от 700 до 800°C; (ii) парциальное давление водяного пара составляет самое большее 8 кПа (0,08 бар) при температуре от 800 до 850°C; (iii) парциальное давление водяного пара составляет, по меньшей мере, 3 кПа (0,03 бар) при температуре от 850 до 900°C; и (iv) парциальное давление водяного пара составляет, по меньшей мере, 5 кПа (0,05 бар) при температуре от 900 до 950°C; и (v) парциальное давление водяного пара составляет, по меньшей мере, 7 кПа (0,07 бар) при температуре от 950 до 1000°C.2. Способ по п.1, в котором цеолит Y имеет молярное отношение диокид кремния/оксид алюминия более 10.3. Способ по п.2, в котором прокаливание цеолита Y осуществляют в течение времени ...

27-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008129104A

... 1. Способ приготовления органо-модифицированного материала на основе оксида кремния, заключающийся в приготовлении реакционной смеси путем смешения водной среды, содержащей от приблизительно 25 до приблизительно 100 мас.% воды, материал (S) на основе оксида кремния и одно или несколько органосилановых соединений (А), и взаимодействие данной смеси, причем одно или несколько органосилановых соединений А имеют: ! - общую формулу (R1)3-n(X)nSiR3-, где R1 представляет собой С1-С4 алкил, С2-С4 алкенил или С2-С4 алкинил, R3 представляет собой С1-С8 алкил, С2-С8 алкенил или С2-С8 алкинил, а Х представляет собой уходящую группу, n=2 или 3, или ! - общую формулу: (R4)3-n(X)nSiR6Si(R5)3-m(Y)m, где R4 и R5 независимо друг от друга представляют собой С1-С4 алкил, С2-С4 алкенил или С2-С4 алкинил, R6 представляет собой С1-С8 алкилен, С2-С8 алкенилен или С2-С8 алкинилен, а Х и Y представляют собой уходящие группы, n=2 или 3, m=2 или 3, ! материал (S) на основе оксида кремния существует в форме пористых ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014107487A

... 1. Адсорбирующее вещество для десульфуризации углеводородного масла, содержащее следующие компоненты в расчете на общую массу адсорбирующего вещества:1) Si-Al молекулярное сито со структурой BEA в количестве 1-20% масс.,2) по меньшей мере одно связующее, выбранное из группы, состоящей из диоксида титана, диоксида олова, диоксида циркония и оксида алюминия, в количестве 3-35% масс.,3) источник диоксида кремния в количестве 5-40% масс.,4) оксид цинка в количестве 10-80% масс., и5) по меньшей мере один металл-промотор, выбранный из группы, состоящей из кобальта, никеля, железа и марганца, в зависимости от металла в количестве 5-30% масс., где по меньшей мере 10% масс. металла-промотора присутствует в состоянии пониженной валентности.2. Адсорбирующее вещество по п. 1, в котором Si-Al молекулярное сито со структурой BEA присутствует в количестве 2-15% масс., связующее присутствует в количестве 5-25% масс., источник диоксида кремния присутствует в количестве 10-30% масс., оксид цинка присутствует ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013119939A

... 1. Медицинский адсорбент, содержащий гранулированный активированный уголь, который является активированным углем, полученным при карбонизации и активации рафинированной целлюлозы или регенерированной целлюлозы, и который обладает средним диаметром пор от 1,5 до 2,2 нм, удельной площадью поверхности по методу ВЕТ от 700 до 3000 м/г, средним размером частиц от 100 до 1100 мкм, содержанием оксида на поверхности 0,05 мг-экв/г или больше, и плотностью упаковки от 0,4 до 0,8 г/мл.2. Медицинский адсорбент по п.1, где гранулированный активированный уголь является терапевтическим или профилактическим средством для перорального введения при заболевании почек или заболевании печени.3. Способ получения медицинского адсорбента, в котором при производстве гранулированного активированного угля по п.1, рафинированную целлюлозу или регенерированную целлюлозу карбонизируют при температуре от 300°C до 700°C в атмосфере азота, и затем подвергают активации паром при температуре от 750°C до 1000°C, очистке кислотой ...

20-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013155079A

... 1. Способ получения сорбента на основе полимера-углерода, включающий смешение и отверждение:а) углеродистого сорбента,b) отверждающегося аминсодержащего полимера,включающий контактирование аминсодержащего полимера, имеющего первичные аминогруппы, с аллилгалогенидом в присутствии катализатора с образованием отверждающегося аминсодержащего полимера, содержащего концевые аллил-группы, вторичные и третичные аминогруппы,с) серного агента Sв орторомбической, моноклинической или аморфной формеd) ускорителя отверждения ие) необязательно, активатора.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором аминсодержащий полимер имеет среднечисленную молекулярную массу от примерно 1000 до примерно 10000.3. Способ по п. 1, в котором ускорителем отверждения является цинковая соль диэтилдитиокарбамата.4. Способ по п. 1, в котором серный агент вводят в избытке от количества, требуемого для отверждения отверждающегося аминсодержащего полимера в присутствии углеродистого сорбента.

20-01-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002629302A1

26-06-2003 дата публикации

Photocatalytic activated charcoal, including colored and color-changing forms, used as deodorant and adsorbent and for purifying ground contaminated with dioxins, are coated with photocatalyst by vapor deposition

Номер: DE0010254575A1

Photocatalytic activated charcoal (I) comprises a coating of photocatalyst (II) produced by vapor deposition on the surface of activated charcoal (III). Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) colored photocatalytic activated charcoal (IA), comprising (I) subjected to coloring treatment; (2) activated charcoal (IB) undergoing a color change, which contains a compound that undergoes a visible color change or decoloration on hydration and is applied to the surface of (I) or (IA).

28-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060330599D1

12-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE202014101137U1

Katalysatorsystem, insbesondere geträgerter Katalysator, wobei das Katalysatorsystem mindestens eine auf einem Katalysatorträger aufgebrachte katalytisch aktive Komponente, insbesondere mindestens eine an einem Katalysatorträger fixierte katalytisch aktive Komponente, aufweist, wobei die katalytisch aktive Komponente mindestens ein Metall umfasst und/oder hieraus besteht, wobei das Katalysatorsystem erhältlich ist durch ein Verfahren, wobei zunächst eine als Katalysatorträger eingesetzte kugelförmige Aktivkohle einer Oxidation, insbesondere Oberflächenoxidation, unterzogen wird und wobei nachfolgend die auf diese Weise erhaltene oxidierte, insbesondere an ihrer Oberfläche oxidierte Aktivkohle mit der katalytisch aktiven Komponente ausgerüstet und/oder beladen und/oder beschichtet und/oder imprägniert wird, insbesondere durch Aufbringen und/oder Inkontaktbringen, vorzugsweise Fixierung, der katalytisch aktiven Komponente auf dem Katalysatorträger, gegebenenfalls gefolgt von einer Reduktion ...

28-11-1991 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003774128D1
Принадлежит: 3I RES EXPL LTD

28-09-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002109146A1

03-07-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002348806B2
Принадлежит: GAF CORP., NEW YORK, N.Y. (V.ST.A.)

22-06-2016 дата публикации

Method for preparing a sorbent

Номер: GB0201607835D0

30-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201102400D0

17-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002043734B
Принадлежит: AMF INC

09-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002151602B

21-03-2012 дата публикации

Synthetic hydrotalcite

Номер: GB0002483801A

A synthetic hydrotalcite comprises the general formula M(II)xM(III)yM'(III)z(OH)aAâ cH20 or M(II)xM(III)yM(IV)z(OH)aAâ cH20, wherein; 0â ¤zâ ¤yâ ¤xâ m6, a>x>c>b; M(II) is a divalent cation selected from; Mg, Zn, Cu, Co, Fe and Ni; M(III) is at least one trivalent cation selected from Al, Mn, Co, Ga, La, Ce and Ti; M(IV) can be Zr or Ti; A defines an anion which compensates the positive charge of the brucite type layers and can be at least one of the following: carbonate, nitrate, sulphate, chloride, hydroxide and phosphate. The synthetic hydrotalcite may have a partial CO2 capacity greater than 5 wt%. A method of forming the synthetic hydrotalcite is comprises the following steps: a. preparation of a solution by mixing the metallic precursors other than carbonates to generate concentrations up to 3M; b. addition of a solution of an hydroxide and carbonate of an alkali element, said II having concentrations up to 10M, until the pH less than 12, at temperatures up to 70°C; and one or more ...

21-03-2018 дата публикации

Phosphate Remediation media

Номер: GB0002553805A
Автор: DERRICK EMMS, Derrick Emms

A remediation media is obtainable by providing a blend of a target pollutant-adsorbing agent and a binder, forming particles or pellets of the mixture and thermally treating the particles or pellets to form self-supporting particle/pellet remediation media. The media does not completely disintegrate after use. A method for the remediation of phosphates or organic phosphorus from wastewater is also claimed, the method comprising contacting the wastewater with the media. The wastewater may be land-run off or sewage waste. Preferably, the adsorbing agent comprises iron oxide, such as ochre or hematite. The binder may comprise a clay, such as bentonite. In another aspect, a system 17 for use in the remediation of wastewater comprises a flow passage for a flow of wastewater. The flow passage has a longitudinal direction being the direction of water flow and a width which is transverse to the longitudinal direction. The flow passage has an inlet 19, an outlet 21, and a porous containment means ...

26-10-2016 дата публикации

Phosphate Remediation media

Номер: GB0201615664D0

29-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001478423A

... 1478423 Silica carrying carboxyphenyl alkylamino residues RHONE-POULENC INDUSTRIES 18 April 1975 [22 April 1974] 16119/75 Heading ClA [Also in Division C3] Enzymes are separated from protein solutions containing them by adsorption on a column of siliceous mineral carrier bearing haloalkylsilane grafts modified by replacement of the halo with residues of formula-NH-(CH 2 ) 3 -NH(CH 2 ) 2 -C 6 - H 4 -COOH. In an example a SiO 2 hydroxyl is reacted with triethyoxyiodopropylsilane in benzene and the product is further reacted with a benzene solution containing H 2 N- (CH 2 ) 3 -NH-(CH 2 ) 2 -C 6 H 4 COOC 2 H 5 before hydrodrying the resultant ester with 4N HCl.

13-05-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001589584A

22-11-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001533059A

... 1533059 Removing mercury from a gas INSTITUT FRANCAIS DU PETROLE 17 Dec 1976 [18 Dec 1975 23 Jan 1976] 52799/76 Heading B1L [Also in Division C1] Mercury is removed from a gas by bringing the gas into contact with an absorbent bed of a) solid dispersant or support selected from silica, alumina, silica-alumina, silicates, aluminates and silico-aluminates, and b) copper in the sulphide state.

29-02-2012 дата публикации

Absorption of volatile organic compounds derived from organic matter.

Номер: AP0201206090D0

31-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609490D0

31-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP2017009678A0

08-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000004058A

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003701A

31-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009490A0

31-08-2013 дата публикации

Composite absorbent material

Номер: AP2013007094A0

30-11-2013 дата публикации

Oil absorbent composition

Номер: AP2013007221A0

29-02-2012 дата публикации

Absorption of volatile organic compounds derived from organic matter.

Номер: AP0201206090A0

29-02-2012 дата публикации

Absorption of volatile organic compounds derived from organic matter.

Номер: AP2012006090A0

31-08-2013 дата публикации

Composite absorbent material

Номер: AP0201307094A0

30-11-2013 дата публикации

Oil absorbent composition

Номер: AP0201307221D0

31-08-2013 дата публикации

Composite absorbent material

Номер: AP0201307094D0

31-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201709678D0

31-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201709678A0

31-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609490A0

30-11-2013 дата публикации

Oil absorbent composition

Номер: AP0201307221A0

15-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000152370T

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506602A1

A method for producing an oil binding agent, using highly porous natural siliceous material and organic-containing remaining material, wherein the highly porous natural siliceous material having an initial grain size of between 4 and 10 mm is mixed with the organic-containing remaining material and the mixture is calcined at a temperature between 520 and 550ºC and then comminuted to a grain size spectrum substantially ranging between 4 and 0.125 mm.

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509554A2

The invention relates to a mixture for producing a fiber or a molded part, said mixture containing at least one polymer solution, in particular a cellulose solution, and an adsorbing agent, wherein said mixture comprises a removable resisting agent for the adsorbing agent. The polymer solution also can be used as a resisting agent. In order to produce a fiber or a molded part, an adsorbing agent is mixed with a polymer solution, in particular a cellulose solution, wherein a removable resisting agent is applied to the adsorbing agent before or during the mixing process and wherein the resisting agent is removed after the fiber has been spun or after the molded part has been molded. Alternatively or in addition thereto, the invention relates to a method for producing a fiber or a molded part, an adsorbing agent, in particular activated charcoal, being mixed with a polymer solution, in particular a cellulose solution, said method being characterized in that the polymer is acetylated after ...

15-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AT509554B1

A mixture for producing a fiber or a molded part contains at least one polymer solution, in particular a cellulose solution, and an adsorbing agent. The mixture includes a removable resisting agent for the adsorbing agent. The polymer solution also can be used as a resisting agent. In order to produce a fiber or a molded part, an adsorbing agent is mixed with a polymer solution, in particular a cellulose solution, where a removable resisting agent is applied to the adsorbing agent before or during the mixing process and wherein the resisting agent is removed after the fiber has been spun or after the molded part has been molded. Alternatively or in addition thereto, a method for producing a fiber or a molded part, an adsorbing agent, in particular activated charcoal, is mixed with a polymer solution, in particular a cellulose solution.

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Self-supporting structures having active materials

Номер: AU2017379684B2
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

A method and system for manufacturing and using a self-supporting structure in processing unit for adsorption or catalytic processes. The self-supporting structure has greater than 50% by weight of the active material in the self-supporting structure to provide an open-celled structure providing access to the active material. The self-supporting structures, which may be disposed in a processing unit, may be used in swing adsorption processes and other processes to enhance the recovery of hydrocarbons.

20-12-2018 дата публикации

Trapping mass consisting of an active phase in crystalline form

Номер: AU2017291058A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A trapping mass for trapping heavy metals, in particular mercury, contained in a gas or liquid feedstock, said mass comprising: - an active phase in the form of a crystalline phase, said active phase comprising at least one metal sulfide made from a metal M chosen from the group consisting of copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), and nickel (Ni); - an amorphous support comprising a material made from aluminium.

26-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2020102584A4
Принадлежит: Alder IP Pty Ltd

The invention relates to an asphalt-derived magnetic carbon spheres with multiple cores in one shell structure and preparation method thereof. A Fe304@Kaolinite@Asphalt functionalized composite was prepared using a combination technology of immersion magneto-genesis, physical pressing, oxidization, and carbonization. First, the Fe304 was loaded on kaolinite by intercalation, which can render the kaolinite magnetic and is favorable for pore-opening. Then the as-obtained magnetic kaolinite was mixed with petroleum asphalt and pressed into spheres followed by oxidization and carbonization. The magnetic carbon spheres have a structure of multiple cores in one shell which are rich in hierarchical pores. The preparation method used is easy and controllable. The as-prepared carbon spheres can be used to effectively remove heavy metals in the wastewater. This invention provides a new approach to convert low-valued petroleum asphalt into value-added product. -1/2 Baking Kaolinite Fe"intercalated ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации

Method for Efficiently Treating MB Dye Wastewater Using Renewable Ceramsite Filter Material

Номер: AU2020101509A4

The present disclosure relates to a method for efficiently treating MB dye wastewater by using a renewable ceramsite filter material. The method includes: dynamically adsorbing and treating an MB dye in wastewater by using a fixed bed process: feeding the ceramsite filter material into a fixed bed, injecting the MB dye wastewater, and then performing thermal regeneration treatment after reaching a saturated absorption. The prepared ceramsite filter material is reusable. The method of the present disclosure is available at normal temperatures and pressures, and does not cause secondary pollution such as sludges. A solid waste ceramsite filter material fixed-bed adsorption system has advantages of cheap and available adsorbents, good treatment effects, strong regeneration capacity of the adsorbents, and so on. Furthermore, the adsorbents may be repeatedly reused in the process of wastewater treatment, which greatly reduces costs of treatment of the dye wastewater. u?0.4- 5 mg/L -- 10 mg/L ...

11-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005549280A

18-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003293118A1

08-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003272507A1

03-06-2010 дата публикации

Reduced copper sulphide sorbent for removing heavy metals

Номер: AU2009321377A1

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Honey comb matrix comprising macro porous desiccant, process and use thereof

Номер: AU2010307987A1

Macroporous desiccant based honeycomb matrix comprising the macroporous desiccant synthesized "in-situ", said desiccant having a differential water adsorption. Process for the "in-situ" preparation of the macroporous desiccant based honeycomb matrix comprising the steps of soaking honeycomb substrate impregnated with water glass, in aqueous metal salt(s) solution or acid solution, or combination thereof, till such time the hydrogel honeycomb matrix is obtained and thermally activating said hydrogel honeycomb matrix to produce macroporous desiccant based honeycomb matrix.

27-08-2015 дата публикации

SAPO-34 zeolite having diglycolamine as templating agent and synthesis method for the zeolite

Номер: AU2012396750B2

Provided in the present invention is silicoaluminophosphate zeolite SAPO-34. Same is characterized in that the anhydrous chemical composition thereof is: mDGA·(S Si ...

29-03-2007 дата публикации

Configuration and process for carbonyl removal

Номер: AU2003210732B2

24-08-2017 дата публикации

Water-absorbent treatment material and production method for same

Номер: AU2013385542B2
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

... [Problem] To provide a water-absorbent treatment material and a production method for same, whereby production at low cost is possible, with no decline in quality. [Solution] This water-absorbent treatment material (1) contains as a material paper powder obtained by separating gypsum from plasterboard. The proportion by weight of gypsum adhering to the paper powder, to the paper powder, is 5% or less.

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Filtration medium comprising a metal-containing particulate

Номер: AU2012355557A1

Described herein is a liquid filtration device is disclosed comprising a fluid conduit fluidly connecting a fluid inlet to a fluid outlet; and a water filtration medium disposed in the fluid conduit; the water filter medium comprising a metal-containing particulate, wherein the metal-containing particulate comprises a thermolysis product of a metal salt wherein the salt is selected from nitrogen-containing oxyanions, sulfur-containing anions, chlorides, phosphates, and combinations thereof; and methods of removing chloramines from aqueous solutions.

07-12-2017 дата публикации

Method for preparing a sorbent

Номер: AU2016272432A1
Принадлежит: Fisher Adams Kelly Callinans

A method is described for preparing a sorbent comprising the steps of: (i) forming agglomerates comprising a particulate support material, (ii) coating the agglomerates with a coating mixture powder comprising a particulate copper sulphide and a particulate calcined, rehydratable alumina to form a coated agglomerate, and (iii) drying the coated agglomerate to form a dried sorbent.

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Magnetic hydrotalcite composite and process for manufacturing same

Номер: AU2014358120A1

The purpose of the present invention is to provide: a magnetic hydrotalcite composite which is useful in wastewater treatment, ultraviolet absorption, electromagnetic wave absorption, acid gas absorption or other fields; and a process for manufacturing the same. A magnetic hydrotalcite composite which comprises an inner layer and an outer layer and in which the inner layer is made of a hydrotalcite compound and the outer layer is made of a ferrite compound.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing sorbents for co2 capture under high temperatures

Номер: US20120025134A1
Автор: Bo Feng, WENQIANG Liu
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of producing a CO 2 adsorbent and CO 2 adsorbents. The method including the steps of: (a) producing a mixture of at least one calcium salt and at least one metal support cation in at least one solvent; (b) drying the mixture to produce a solid containing a calcium metal salt; and (c) calcining the dried solid to produce a sorbent of calcium oxide dispersed in a porous metal support.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Process for the regeneration of a copper, zinc and zirconium oxide-comprising adsorption composition

Номер: US20120065451A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The invention relates to a process for the regeneration of a copper-, zinc- and zirconium oxide-comprising adsorption composition after use thereof for the adsorptive removal of carbon monoxide from substance streams comprising carbon monoxide and at least one olefin, in which the adsorption composition is heated to a temperature in the range from 160 to 400° C. and a regeneration gas is passed through the adsorption composition, wherein the regeneration gas comprises 1000 to 3000 ppm of oxygen in an inert carrier gas.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Reactive absorbents and the use thereof for desulphurizing gaseous streams

Номер: US20120164046A1

A porous material including a clay substrate modified by a pore-generating agent and at least one oxide of a metal selected from the first transition series, and a method for obtaining the material and use of the material for desulphurizing gaseous streams, especially for the elimination of H 2 S.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Process for producing a composite material

Номер: US20120184702A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to a process for producing composite materials which consist essentially of a) at least one oxidic phase; and b) at least one organic polymer phase; by copolymerizing at least one compound A selected from aryloxy metalates, aryloxy semimetalates and aryloxy esters of nonmetals which form oxo acids and are different than carbon and nitrogen with at least one compound B selected from formaldehyde and formaldehyde equivalents, in a reaction medium which is essentially anhydrous, wherein the compound B is used in such an amount that the molar ratio of formaldehyde to the aryloxy groups in compound A is at least 0.9:1.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Microporous uzm-5 inorganic zeolite membranes for gas, vapor, and liquid separations

Номер: US20120240763A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

The present invention discloses microporous UZM-5 zeolite membranes, methods for making the same, and methods of separating gases, vapors, and liquids using the same. The small-pore microporous UZM-5 zeolite membrane is prepared by two different methods, including in-situ crystallization of one or more layers of UZM-5 zeolite crystals on a porous membrane support, and a seeding method by in-situ crystallization of a continuous second layer of UZM-5 zeolite crystals on a seed layer of UZM-5 zeolite crystals supported on a porous membrane support. The membranes in the form of disks, tubes, or hollow fibers have superior thermal and chemical stability, good erosion resistance, high CO 2 plasticization resistance, and significantly improved selectivity over polymer membranes for gas, vapor, and liquid separations.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

High-Temperature Treatment of Hydrous Minerals

Номер: US20120288431A1

Increasing the activity of a hydrous magnesium silicate with respect to sequestration of carbon dioxide by mineral carbonation includes rapid heating of the hydrous magnesium silicate. Rapid heating of the hydrous magnesium silicate includes heating a quantity of particles of hydrous magnesium silicate with flame conditions to substantially dehydroxylate the particles. The dehydroxylated particles can be contacted with carbon dioxide in a sequestration process to form magnesium carbonate.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Crosslinked Polymer-Carbon Sorbent for Removal of Heavy Metals, Toxic Materials and Carbon Dioxide

Номер: US20120308461A1

A polymer-carbon sorbent for removing carbon dioxide, heavy metals and toxic materials from a flue gas from a combustion process, such as coal-fired power plants, is described. The sorbent comprises a carbonaceous sorbent material and a cured amine-containing polymer, and sulfur. The polymer-carbon sorbents are formed by curing a curable amine-containing polymer in the presence of the carbonaceous sorbent material, sulfur, a cure accelerator and, optionally, a cure activator. A convenient carbonaceous sorbent material is an activated carbon, and a convenient curable amine-containing polymer is an allyl-containing poly(ethyleneimine), having a number average molecular weight between about 1,000 and about 10,000. The polymer-carbon sorbents may contain sulfur in excess of an amount needed to cure the curable amine-containing polymer. Such polymer-carbon sorbents are shown to capture more mercury, in both elemental an ionic forms, compared to activated carbon and adsorb carbon dioxide.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Hydrogen storing carbon material

Номер: US20120313053A1

Provided is a hydrogen-storing carbon material with improved hydrogen storage capacity. The hydrogen-storing carbon material has a total pore volume of 0.5 cm 3 /g or more, and a ratio of a total mesoporous volume to a total microporous volume per unit weight of 5 or more. In addition, the hydrogen-storing carbon material may have a nitrogen content of 0.5 wt % or more and less than 20 wt %. In addition, the hydrogen-storing carbon material may have a stable potential of −1.28 V or more when a cathode current with respect to the hydrogen-storing carbon material is held at 1,000 mA/g in electrochemical measurement by chronopotentiometry involving using the hydrogen-storing carbon material in a working electrode in a three-electrode method.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130075317A1
Автор: Parmentier Francois

The invention relates to a monolithic porous material made of amorphous silica or activated alumina, comprising substantially rectilinear capillary channels that are parallel to one another, wherein: 1. A monolithic porous material based on amorphous silica or activated alumina , comprising substantially rectilinear capillary channels parallel to one another , wherein:the channels have a substantially uniform cross-section relative to each other,the cross-section of each channel is regular over its entire length,the channels pass through the material from end to end,the length of the channels is equal to or more than 10 mm.2. The material of claim 1 , wherein the standard deviation of the diameter of the channels is less than 30% of the diameter claim 1 , preferably less than 5% thereof.3. The material claim 1 , having a relative volume of capillary channels that is less than 90%.4. The material of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the wall between two adjacent channels claim 1 , in its narrowest part claim 1 , is less than one half of their diameter.5. The material of claim 1 , wherein the capillary channels have a diameter of between 0.1 and 1.5 micrometer.6. The material of claim 1 , wherein the capillary channels have a diameter greater than 50 μm.7. The material of claim 1 , formed of amorphous silica surface-modified by a silane.8. The material of claim 1 , based on an alumina γ claim 1 , χ claim 1 , κ claim 1 , η or θ.9. A chromatographic column whose packing comprises at least one monolithic porous material according to .10. An axial claim 1 , continuous annular chromatographic apparatus wherein the packing comprises at least one monolithic porous material according to .11. A radial claim 1 , continuous annular chromatographic apparatus wherein the packing comprises at least one monolithic porous material according to .12. A process for preparing a monolithic porous material based on amorphous silica or activated alumina comprising substantially rectilinear ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Catalytic adsorbents obtained from municipal sludges, industrial sludges, compost and tobacco waste and process for their production

Номер: US20130102456A1
Автор: Teresa J. Bandosz

Industrial waste derived adsorbents were obtained by pyrolysis of sewage sludge, metal sludge, waste oil sludge and tobacco waste in some combination. The materials were used as media to remove hydrogen sulfide at room temperature in the presence of moisture. The initial and exhausted adsorbents after the breakthrough tests were characterized using sorption of nitrogen, thermal analysis, XRD, ICP, and surface pH measurements. Mixing tobacco and sludges result in a strong synergy enhancing the catalytic properties of adsorbents. During pyrolysis new mineral phases are formed as a result of solid state reaction between the components of the sludges. High temperature of pyrolysis is beneficial for the adsorbents due to the enhanced activation of carbonaceous phase and chemical stabilization of inorganic phase. Samples obtained at low temperature are sensitive to water, which deactivates their catalytic centers.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105400A1

There are provided a composite including a metal component supported on graphene, a preparing method of the same, and uses of the same. The composite may be used for removing a contaminant. 1. A composite comprising a metal component supported on graphene ,wherein the metal component comprises zero-valent metal, an oxide of the metal, or a mixture of the zero-valent metal and the oxide of the metal.2. The composite of claim 1 ,wherein the metal component includes zero-valent metal selected from the group consisting of Fe, Pd, Pt, Au, Ru, Ir, Rd, Ti, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cr, V, Al, Sn, In, Ce, Mo, Ag, Se, Te, Y, Eu, Nb, Sm, Nd, Ga, Gd, and combinations thereof, an oxide of the metal, or a mixture of the zero-valent metal and the oxide of the metal.3. The composite of claim 1 ,wherein the graphene includes a reduced graphene oxide.4. The composite of claim 1 ,wherein the composite is porous.5. (canceled)6. The composite of claim 1 ,wherein a weight ratio of the oxide of the metal to the zero-valent metal is in a range of from 1:1 to 1:5.7. The composite of claim 1 ,wherein the graphene includes a multiple number of graphene layers, and the metal component is intercalated between the graphene layers or supported on surfaces of the graphene layers.8. The composite of claim 1 ,wherein the oxide of the metal as the metal component is intercalated between layers of the graphene and the zero-valent metal as the metal component is supported on surfaces of the graphene layers.9. The composite of claim 1 ,wherein the metal component is formed in nanoparticles.10. A composition for removing a contaminant comprising the composite of .11. The composition of claim 10 ,wherein the contaminant removing composition is used to remove a contaminant included in water or an organic solvent.12. The composition of claim 10 ,wherein the contaminant is selected from the group consisting of a heavy metal or a cation thereof, an organic contaminant, an inorganic contaminant, an microorganism, and ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Self sustained system for sorbent production

Номер: US20130136683A1
Принадлежит: Applied Energy Microsystem Asia Pte Ltd

A self sustained system for sorbent production includes a thermal reactor for pyrolytic decomposing organic waste material in order to generate synthetic gases and sorbents; sorbent and gas separation unit; gas cleaning unit and gas turbine, supplying energy back to the system. Rice husk is fed continuously into a thermal reactor at a controlled feed rate. The plasma torch is used to heat the reactor to a sufficient temperature, as to convert the rice husk ‘feed’ material to a synthetic gas and solid carbon rich sorbent. Oxygen and steam are added in control quantities to optimize efficiency of production of synthetic gas composition and sorbent quality. The synthetic gas is directed through a heat exchanger, where heat is extracted for producing the process steam. Cooled synthetic gas is used to power a gas turbine as a fuel to produce electricity. In one embodiment the waste material is a rice husk. The sorbent(s) can be applied to oil/water separation process and can absorb oil 5 to 10 times its own weight. The sorbent(s) can be re-used after extracting absorbed oil. The sorbent is also effective for waste water cleaning and filtering heavy metals.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140489A1
Автор: Zimmermann Joerg
Принадлежит: Societe Bic

Embodiments of the invention relate to a composite hydrogen storage material comprising active material particles and a binder, wherein the binder immobilizes the active material particles sufficient to maintain relative spatial relationships between the active material particles. 1. A method for making a composite hydrogen storage material , comprising:mixing active material particles with a thermoplastic binder to provide a homogeneous mixture, wherein the active material particles are capable of occluding and desorbing hydrogen;molding the homogeneous mixture into an unsupported shape; andheat treating the mixture to a temperature sufficient to provide a composite, wherein the binder elastically immobilizes the active material particles sufficient to maintain relative spatial relationships between the active material particles within the composite before, during, and after occluding and desorbing of hydrogen.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the unsupported shape comprises a prismatic shape claim 1 , a pellet claim 1 , a wafer claim 1 , a disc claim 1 , a rod claim 1 , or combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein heat treating comprises heating the mixture to a temperature sufficient to sinter the binder.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein molding the homogeneous mixture comprises pressure treating claim 1 , compression molding claim 1 , injection molding claim 1 , extrusion claim 1 , or combinations thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein heat treating comprises heating the mixture to a temperature below the sintering temperature of the active material.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the active material particles are capable of occluding hydrogen by physisorption claim 1 , chemisorption or a combination thereof.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composite hydrogen storage material is capable of withstanding a force produced by a particle strain during occlusion and desorption of hydrogen by the active material particles sufficient to ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130143735A1
Принадлежит: Intevep, S.A.

An additive for hydroconversion processes includes a solid organic material having a particle size of between about 0.1 and about 2,000 μm, a bulk density of between about 500 and about 2,000 kg/m3, a skeletal density of between about 1,000 and about 2,000 kg/m3 and a humidity of between 0 and about 5 wt %. Methods for preparation and use of the additive are also provided. By the use of the additive of the present invention, the hydroconversion process can be performed at high conversion level. 12-. (canceled)3. A method for preparing an additive for a hydroconversion process , comprising the steps of:feeding a raw carbonaceous material to a primary milling zone to produce a milled material having a particle size reduced with respect to the particle size of the raw carbonaceous material;drying the milled material to produce a dried milled material having a humidity of less than about 5 wt %;feeding the dried milled material to a classification zone to separate particles meeting a desired particle size criteria from particles which do not meet the desired particle size criteria;heating the particles that meet the desired particle size criteria to a temperature of between about 300 and about 1,000° C.; andcooling particles exiting the heating step to a temperature of less than about 80° C. to provide the additive.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising the steps of:feeding particles which do not meet the desired particle size criteria to a further milling step to provide further milled material;feeding the further milled material to a further classification zone to separate additional particles which meet the desired particle size criteria from particles which still do not meet the desired particle size criteria; andrecycling the particles which still do not meet the desired particle size criteria to the further classification zone.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the additional particles which meet the desired particle size criteria are added to the particles ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130156689A1

The method for producing an MTW-type zeolite according to the present invention includes: mixing a silica source, an alumina source, an alkali source, a lithium source, and water so as to obtain a reaction mixture having a composition represented by specific molar ratios; (2) adding an MTW-type zeolite which has a SiO/AlOratio of 10 to 500 and does not contain an organic compound, as a seed crystal, to the reaction mixture in a proportion of 0.1 to 20% by weight relative to the silica component in the reaction mixture; and (3) airtightly heating the reaction mixture, to which the seed crystal has been added, at 100 to 200° C. 1. A method for producing an MTW-type zeolite , comprising: [{'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'SiO/AlO=12 to 200'}, {'sub': 2', '2, 'NaO/SiO=0.1 to 0.3'}, {'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'LiO/(NaO+LiO)=0.05 to 0.5'}, {'sub': 2', '2, 'HO/SiO=10 to 50;'}], '(1) mixing a silica source, an alumina source, an alkali source, a lithium source, and water so as to obtain a reaction mixture having a composition represented by the following molar ratios{'sub': 2', '2', '3, '(2) adding an MTW-type zeolite which has a SiO/AlOratio of 10 to 500 and does not contain an organic compound, as a seed crystal, to the reaction mixture in a proportion of 0.1 to 20% by weight relative to the silica component in the reaction mixture; and'}(3) airtightly heating the reaction mixture, to which the seed crystal has been added, at 100 to 200° C.2. The production method according to , wherein a beta-type zeolite produced by the production method according to is used as a seed crystal. The present invention relates to a method for producing an MTW-type zeolite from a reaction mixture in which an organic compound is not used, by adding an MTW-type zeolite which does not contain an organic compound, as a seed crystal.Synthetic zeolite is a crystalline aluminosilicate and has uniform micropores in an angstrom size resulting from the crystal structure thereof. Taking advantage of this feature, the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Titanium dioxide-based hybrid ion-exchange media

Номер: US20130175220A1
Принадлежит: Arizona Board of Regents of ASU

A titanium dioxide-based hybrid ion-exchange media including anatase titanium dioxide nanoparticles supported by an ion-exchange resin for removing strong acid ions and oxo-anions from water. The titanium dioxide-based hybrid ion-exchange media is prepared in situ by combining ion-exchange media with a TiO 2+ precursor solution to form a mixture and heating the mixture to yield the hybrid ion-exchange media.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178358A1

This invention provides a multi-aperture carbon granule air purificant and production method thereof, and belongs to the technical field of air purification. The air purificant is made from carbon powder, attapulgite, sepiolite, zeolite, cationic surfactant, pore-forming agent, and bamboo vinegar. The rational design that carbon powder (including plant carbon and activated carbon) of the air purificant mentioned above is treated with nano minerals, attapulgite, sepiolite, zeolite and so on, improves plant carbon adsorption capacity (over 5 folds) and activated carbon adsorption capacity (over 2 folds). Moreover it has additional bactericidal and antibacterial actions besides for the effects of cationic surfactant and bamboo vinegar. Compared with other adsorbents under current techniques, this air purificant still holds high adsorption capacity even at high temperature and low partical pressure of adsorbates, and maintains the function of plant carbon's releasing anion and far infrared at the meantime. 1. A multi-aperture carbon granule air purificant , wherein the purificant is made from the compositions of the following weight ratios: 30-70 parts of carbon powder , 10-40 parts of attapulgite , 10-25 parts of sepiolite , 5-10 parts of zeolite , 0.5-3 parts of cationic surfactant , 2-12 parts of pore-forming agent , and 5-10 parts of bamboo vinegar.2. The multi-aperture carbon granule air purificant according to claim 1 , wherein the purificant is made from the compositions of the following weight ratios: 35-65 parts of carbon powder claim 1 , 15-35 parts of attapulgite claim 1 , 15-20 parts of sepiolite claim 1 , 7-9 parts of zeolite claim 1 , 1-2 parts of cationic surfactant claim 1 , 4-10 parts of pore-forming agent claim 1 , and 6-8 parts of bamboo vinegar.3. The multi-aperture carbon granule air purificant according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon powder is 200-400 mesh plant carbon powder that is one ofbamboo carbon powder claim 1 , grass carbon powder claim 1 ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183233A1
Принадлежит: Chevron U.S.A. INC.

The present invention is directing to a method for making a germanosilicate SSZ-75 molecular sieve using a tetramethylene-1,4-bis-(N-methylpyrrolidinium) dication as a structure directing agent. 1. A method of preparing a molecular sieve , the method comprising contacting under crystallization conditions:a) a source of silicon;b) a source of germanium;c) a source of fluoride ions; andd) a structure directing agent comprising a tetramethylene-1,4-bis-(N-methylpyrrolidinium) dication.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the reaction mixture has a Si to Ge mole ratio of from 5 to 30.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the molecular sieve has a silicon to germanium mole ratio of less than 15.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the molecular sieve has a silicon to germanium mole ratio of from 3 to 12. This application is a divisional application of co-pending application Ser. No. 13/096,558, filed Apr. 28, 2011 and claims priority therefrom.The present invention relates to a method for making germanosilicate molecular sieve SSZ-75 using a tetramethylene-1,4-bis-(N-methylpyrrolidinium) dication as a structure directing agent.Molecular sieves having the STI framework topology defined by the connectivity of the tetrahedral atoms (referred to herein simply as “STI”) are known. See, for example, Ch. Baerlocher et al., 6th Revised Edition, 2007 of the International Zeolite Association. Examples of ST1 molecular sieves include naturally occurring stilbite, the zeolite designated TNU-10, and the molecular sieve designated SSZ-75. Stilbite is disclosed by D. W. Breck, 1984, Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company. TNU-10 is reported by S. B. Hong et al., 2004, 126, 5817-5826. SSZ-75 is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 7,713,512.Because of their unique sieving characteristics, as well as their catalytic properties, crystalline molecular sieves and zeolites are especially useful in applications such as hydrocarbon conversion, gas drying and separation. Although many different crystalline ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for Preparing Carbon Dioxide Absorbent Based on Natural Biomass and Carbon Dioxide Absorbent Based on Natural Biomass Prepared by the Same

Номер: US20130207033A1
Принадлежит: Korea Institute of Energy Research KIER

A method for preparing a carbon dioxide absorbent based on natural biomass, and a carbon dioxide absorbent based on natural biomass that is prepared by the method. The method utilizes alkali metal or alkaline earth metal components, such as Ca, Ma and K, inherent to a natural plant biomass material. The method can provide a carbon dioxide absorbent with improved performance in an environmentally friendly manner at greatly reduced cost.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130216831A1
Принадлежит: SGL CARBON SE

A method produces activated carbon, suitable in particular for use in double-layer condensers. The method includes a) producing a mixture of a preferably pulverulent carbon material, a base and a hydrophilic polymer chemically inert to the base, b) pressing the mixture produced in step a) to form a pressing and c) activating the pressed body produced in step b). 1. A method for producing activated carbon , which comprises the following steps of:a) producing a mixture of a carbon material, a base and a hydrophilic polymer being chemically inert with respect to the base;b) compacting the mixture produced in step a) to form a briquette; andc) activating the briquette produced in step b).2. The method according to claim 1 , which further comprises providing a polyether as the hydrophilic polymer in step a) claim 1 , the polyether having the general formula:{'br': None, 'sub': 'n', 'HO(—R—O—)H,'}wherein n is a whole number between 2 and 100,000, and R is a straight-chain or branched-chain alkylene group.3. The method according to claim 2 , which further comprises selecting the polyether from the group consisting of polymethylene glycol claim 2 , polyethylene glycol claim 2 , polypropylene glycol claim 2 , polybutylene glycol claim 2 , polypentylene glycol claim 2 , polyhexylene glycol claim 2 , polyglycerines claim 2 , any mixtures of at least two of the aforementioned compounds claim 2 , polypropylene glycol having a weight-averaged molecular weight (Mw) from 200 to 600 g/mol claim 2 , and polyethylene glycol having a weight-averaged molecular weight (Mw) from 200 to 600 g/mol.4. The method according to claim 1 , which further comprises in step a) mixing the hydrophilic polymer with the carbon material first claim 1 , before the base is added to the mixture produced in this manner and mixed with it.5. The method according to claim 1 , which further comprises selecting the base from the group consisting of an alkali metal hydroxide claim 1 , an alkali metal carbonate ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Adsorbent for carbon dioxide, method of preparing the same, and capture module for carbon dioxide

Номер: US20130236726A1

An adsorbent for carbon dioxide may include an inorganic oxide porous structure having a plurality of mesopores and an active compound bound to the surface of the mesopores. The active compound may be selected from an alkali metal-containing compound, an alkaline-earth metal-containing compound, and a combination thereof. Various example embodiments also relate to a method of preparing the adsorbent for carbon dioxide and a capture module for carbon dioxide including the adsorbent for carbon dioxide.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Algal Thermoplastics, Thermosets, Paper, Adsorbants and Absorbants

Номер: US20130236937A1
Принадлежит: Solazyme, Inc.

Provided are biomass-based materials and valuable uses of microalgal biomass including: (i) acetylation of microalgal biomass to produce a material useful in the production of thermoplastics; (ii) use of triglyceride containing microalgal biomass for production of thermoplastics; (iii) combination of microalgal biomass and at least one type of plant polymer to produce a material useful in the production of thermoplastics; (iv) anionization of microalgal biomass to form a water absorbant material; (v) cationization of microalgal biomass, and optional flocculation, to form a water absorbant material; (vi) crosslinking of anionized microalgal biomass; (vii) carbonization of microalgal biomass; and (viii) use of microalgal biomass in the making of paper. 1. A thermoplastic composition or thermoset composition comprising one or more of a covalently modified microbial biomass from an oleaginous microbe and a non-covalently modified biomass from a heterotrophically cultivated microbe , wherein the microbial biomass optionally comprises from 0.25% to 90% triglyceride by dry cell weight; the thermoplastic composition optionally further comprising one or more plant polymers.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the microbe is an oleaginous microbe.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the microbe has been lysed.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the biomass is microalgal biomass.5. The composition according to claim 4 , wherein the microalgal biomass is derived from cells having a mean diameter of between 1 micron and 50 microns.6. The composition according to claim 4 , wherein the microalgal biomass comprises from 0.25% to 20% triglyceride by dry cell weight.7. The composition according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more plant polymers.8. The composition according to claim 4 , wherein the covalently modified microalgal biomass has been covalently modified with a hydrophobic group claim 4 , a hydrophilic group claim 4 , an ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Preparation method for asphalt-based spherical activated carbon which requires no infusibilization process

Номер: US20130241094A1
Автор: Xiangmin Yu, Yizhou KONG

The present invention is a preparation method for asphalt-based spherical activated carbon which requires no infusibilization process. Placing coal tar asphalt into a melting device; introducing compressed air of 0.1 MPa-0.5 MPa into the device and stirring until a melting temperature of 280° C.-350° C. is reached; continuing for 2-8 hours until the base material has a softening point of 200° C.-260° C.; after cooling down, pulverizing the base material to obtain asphalt powder. Obtaining 34%-79% by mass of carbon powder, 1%-10% by mass of binder, and 20%-65% by mass of the asphalt powder and then forming spherical particles with a diameter of 0.5 mm-5 mm with the carbon powder, the binder and the asphalt powder at room temperature. Introducing the spherical particles of asphalt directly into an asphalt carbonization furnace for carbonization at a temperature of 600° C.-900° C. under protection of an inert gas to obtain asphalt spherical carbon. Asphalt spherical carbon is subject to activation treatment to obtain asphalt spherical activated carbon. The preparation method of the present invention reduces processing difficulty and production costs significantly.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130244871A1

A mixture for producing a fiber or a molded part contains at least one polymer solution, in particular a cellulose solution, and an adsorbing agent. The mixture includes a removable resisting agent for the adsorbing agent. The polymer solution also can be used as a resisting agent. In order to produce a fiber or a molded part, an adsorbing agent is mixed with a polymer solution, in particular a cellulose solution, where a removable resisting agent is applied to the adsorbing agent before or during the mixing process and wherein the resisting agent is removed after the fiber has been spun or after the molded part has been molded. Alternatively or in addition thereto, a method for producing a fiber or a molded part, an adsorbing agent, in particular activated charcoal, is mixed with a polymer solution, in particular a cellulose solution. 1. A mixture for producing a fiber or a molded part , which contains at least one polymer solution , in particular a cellulose solution , and an adsorption agent , having a removable reserving agent for the adsorption agent.2. The mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the reserving agent is gaseous claim 1 , or gaseous nitrogen.3. The mixture according claim 1 , wherein the reserving agent is paraffin.4. The mixture according claim 1 , wherein the reserving agent is solid.5. The mixture according claim 1 , wherein the reserving agent is liquid.6. The mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the reserving agent is soluble claim 1 , thermally soluble claim 1 , or is soluble in a solvent or is soluble under pressure or in a vacuum.7. The mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the adsorption agent can be selected from the group that consists of activated carbon claim 1 , diamond claim 1 , gold claim 1 , silver claim 1 , ceramic claim 1 , carbon black claim 1 , stone dust and/or mixtures that consist of two or more of these components.8. The mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the mixture contains an organic lubricating agents claim 1 , ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247757A1

An adsorbent for carbon dioxide may include a structure that includes composite metal oxide including a first metal (M) and a second metal (M) linked through oxygen (0). The first metal (M) may be selected from an alkali metal, an alkaline-earth metal, and a combination thereof. The second metal (M) may have a trivalent oxidation number or greater. The composite metal oxide may include mesopores inside or in the surface thereof. The adsorbent may be included in a capture module for carbon dioxide. A method of reducing emissions may include adsorbing carbon dioxide using the adsorbent for carbon dioxide. 1. An adsorbent for carbon dioxide , comprising:{'sup': 1', '2', '1', '2, 'a composite metal oxide including a first metal (M) and a second metal (M) linked together by oxygen (O), the first metal (M) selected from at least one of an alkali metal and an alkaline-earth metal, the second metal (M) having a trivalent oxidation number or greater, and the composite metal oxide being mesoporous.'}2. The adsorbent for carbon dioxide of claim 1 , wherein the composite metal oxide has a spinel structure.3. The adsorbent for carbon dioxide of claim 1 , wherein the composite metal oxide is a crystalline oxide.4. The adsorbent for carbon dioxide of claim 1 , wherein the composite metal oxide includes mesopores having an average pore size of about 2 nm to about 50 nm.5. The adsorbent for carbon dioxide of claim 1 , wherein the composite metal oxide is in a form of a plurality of particles having an average particle size of about 0.01 μm to about 10 μm.6. The adsorbent for carbon dioxide of claim 1 , wherein the composite metal oxide is represented by the following Chemical Formula 1 claim 1 ,{'br': None, 'sup': 1', '2', '2', '1, 'sub': x', 'y', 'z', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's, 'a(MMO)-b(MO)-c(MO) \u2003\u2003[Chemical Formula 1]'}wherein 0 Подробнее

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130266785A1

A transition-metal-containing silicoaluminophosphate zeolite having excellent high-temperature hydrothermal durability is easily and efficiently produced. A method for producing a transition-metal-containing zeolite that contains a silicon atom, a phosphorus atom, and an aluminum atom in at least its framework structure includes hydrothermal synthesis using an aqueous gel containing a silicon atom raw material, an aluminum atom raw material, a phosphorus atom raw material, a transition metal raw material, and a polyamine (other than diamines). A transition-metal-containing silicoaluminophosphate zeolite produced by hydrothermal synthesis using a zeolite raw material and the aqueous gel containing the transition metal raw material and the polyamine has excellent high-temperature hydrothermal durability and high catalytic activity. 1. A method for producing a transition-metal-containing zeolite that contains at least a silicon atom , a phosphorus atom , and an aluminum atom in its framework structure , comprising: hydrothermal synthesis using an aqueous gel containing a silicon atom raw material , an aluminum atom raw material , a phosphorus atom raw material , a transition metal raw material , and a polyamine (other than diamines).2. The method for producing a transition-metal-containing zeolite according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous gel further contains at least one selected from the group consisting of alicyclic heterocyclic compounds containing at least a nitrogen atom as a heteroatom claim 1 , alkylamines claim 1 , cycloalkylamines claim 1 , and tetraalkylammonium hydroxides.3. The method for producing a transition-metal-containing zeolite according to claim 1 , wherein the polyamine has a general formula of HN—(CHNH)—H (wherein n denotes an integer in the range of 2 to 6 claim 1 , and x denotes an integer in the range of 2 to 10).4. The method for producing a transition-metal-containing zeolite according to claim 1 , wherein the transition metal is iron and/ ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130288887A1
Автор: LAN Peiqiang, WU Sufang
Принадлежит: Zhejiang University

The present invention discloses a process for producing a nano calcium carbonate slurry from a feedstock of waste gypsum, wherein: an aqueous gypsum slurry of the feedstock is mixed with ammonia water by stirring; with COinjected in the slurry is under continuous stirring until the calcium sulfate in the waste gypsum is completely carbonated into nano calcium carbonate; after filtration, the filter cake is dispersed in water to obtain the nano calcium carbonate slurry. This process is easy to operate and to obtain a low-cost and a lower decomposition temperature of calcium carbonate. The present invention also discloses a nano calcium carbonate slurry and its application in preparation of a CaO-based carbon dioxide adsorbent and complex catalyst used for a reactive sorption enhanced reforming process for hydrogen production from methane. The CaO-based carbon dioxide adsorbent prepared shows good cycle stability and fast sorption rate, and complex catalyst used for reactive sorption enhanced methane steam reforming can obtain the hydrogen with purity of more than 90%. 1. A process for producing a nano CaCOslurry from a feedstock of waste gypsum , wherein: (a) an aqueous gypsum slurry of the feedstock is mixed with ammonia water by stirring; (b) with CObeing injected in the slurry , the slurry is under continuous stirring until the calcium sulfate in the waste gypsum is completely formed nano calcium carbonate; (c) after filtration , a filter cake is dispersed into water to obtain a slurry of nano calcium carbonate.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the waste gypsum is phosphogypsum claim 1 , desulfurization gypsum or fluorgypsum.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the mass ratio of waste gypsum to water in aqueous gypsum slurry is 1:1-10; the molar ratio of ammonia to calcium sulfate in waste gypsum is 1-5:1; the mass ratio of filter cake to water in nano calcium carbonate slurry is 1:1-10.4. A nano calcium carbonate slurry is produced by the ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Composite adsorbent material

Номер: US20130316898A1
Принадлежит: Forestry Commission, UNIVERSITY OF SURREY

The invention relates to composite adsorbent materials, and in particular, to highly porous carbon-based composite materials for the adsorption and stabilisation of inorganic substances. The composite adsorbent material comprises a porous carbon carrier matrix and an adsorbent species, wherein the adsorbent species is precipitated within the pores of the carrier matrix. The invention extends to various uses of such adsorbent materials, for example in water purification, recovery of metals from waste streams and remediation applications, and where the adsorbant material is amended into soil, waste etc. for the purpose of breaking pollutant-receptor linkages.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130324397A1

A durable carbon pyrolyzate adsorbent having reversible sorptive affinity for hydrogen sulfide, and including the following characteristics: (a) a bulk density as measured by ASTM D2854 in a range of from 0.55 g/cc adsorbent to 1.25 g/cc adsorbent; (b) an HS capacity in a range of from 140 cc HS/g adsorbent to 250 cc HS/g adsorbent, at normal conditions (1 atm, 293.15° K); (c) an HS capacity in a range of from 1.0 cc HS/g adsorbent to 15.0 cc HS/g adsorbent, at partial pressure of 0.76 ton (101.3 Pa) (1000 ppm) of HS at 293.15° K; and (d) a single pellet radial crush strength in a range of from 7 kilopond (kP) to 40 kilopond (kP) as measured by ASTM D4179. Such adsorbent is usefully employed for capture of hydrogen sulfide from gases containing same, such as HS-containing gas associated with flowable hydrocarbonaceous material in refining operations, biogas produced by biomass digesters, gas mixtures produced by fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) units, and effluents from power plants gasifying sulfur-containing coal in an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) process. 1. A carbon adsorbent having reversible sorptive affinity for hydrogen sulfide , and the following characteristics:(a) a bulk density as measured by ASTM D2854 in a range of from 0.55 g/cc adsorbent to 1.25 g/cc adsorbent;{'sub': 2', '2', '2, '(b) an HS capacity in a range of from 140 cc HS/g adsorbent to 250 cc HS/g adsorbent, at normal conditions (1 atm, 293.15° K);'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2, '(c) an HS capacity in a range of from 1.0 cc HS/g adsorbent to 15.0 cc HS/g adsorbent, at partial pressure of 0.76 torr (101.3 Pa) (1000 ppm) of HS at 293.15° K; and'}(d) a single pellet radial crush strength in a range of from 7 kilopond (kP) to 40 kilopond (kP) as measured by ASTM D4179.2. The carbon adsorbent of claim 1 , wherein:the bulk density is in a range of from 0.6 to 1.15 g/cc adsorbent;{'sub': '2', 'the HS capacity at normal conditions (1 atm, 293.15° K) is in a range of from 150 cc/g adsorbent ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334460A1
Принадлежит: Clariant Produkte Deutschland GmbH

A titano-silico-aluminophosphate which contains tetrahedrally coordinated titanium in the framework structure, which has a free coordination site for CO which can be detected by means of a characteristic IR band at 2192±5 cm −1 . The titano-silico-aluminophosphate has extremely high hydrothermal stability and has a good adsorption capacity even at higher temperatures. Also, a hydrothermal method to obtain a titano-silico-aluminophosphate starting from a synthetic gel mixture of an aluminium, phosphorus, silicon and a titanium source, as well as corresponding templates.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Composite absorbent for catalyst residues removal from polyolefin solution polymerization mixture

Номер: US20130341563A1
Принадлежит: Reliance Industries Ltd

A solid shaped composite adsorbent for reducing deactivated catalyst residues and contaminants from a post polyolefin solution polymerization mixture is disclosed. The composite adsorbent comprises 70-90 wt % of an alumina component; 30-10 wt % of a clay component; and 0.5-3.5 wt % of at least one alkali metal component selected from the group consisting of elements in Group 1A of the modern periodic table.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140005044A1

A self sustained system for sorbent production includes a thermal reactor for pyrolytic decomposing organic waste material in order to generate synthetic gases and sorbents; sorbent and gas separation unit; gas cleaning unit and gas turbine, supplying energy back to the system. Rice husk is fed continuously into a thermal reactor at a controlled feed rate. The plasma torch is used to heat the reactor to a sufficient temperature, as to convert the rice husk ‘feed’ material to a synthetic gas and solid carbon rich sorbent. Oxygen and steam are added in control quantities to optimize efficiency of production of synthetic gas composition and sorbent quality. The synthetic gas is directed through a heat exchanger, where heat is extracted for producing the process steam. Cooled synthetic gas is used to power a gas turbine as a fuel to produce electricity. In one embodiment the waste material is a rice husk. The sorbent(s) can be applied to oil/water separation process and can absorb oil 5 to 10 times its own weight. The sorbent(s) can be re-used after extracting absorbed oil. The sorbent is also effective for waste water cleaning and filtering heavy metals. 1. A self sustained method for sorbent production , comprising the steps of:generating high frequency plasma discharge in a gas mixture, said plasma discharge having a high temperature plasma jet and producing a flow of plasma upstream of said plasma discharge;introducing organic waste material into the plasma jet at a rate conductive to heating to desired temperature of said material in said plasma discharge;rapidly cooling the reaction products resulting from interaction of said organic waste material with said plasma stream;separate solid product from gaseous product;use gaseous product for power generation for the said plasma discharge.2. The method of wherein thermal plasma is generated by induction plasma torch.3. The method of wherein non-thermal plasma is generated by capacitive plasma torch4. The method of ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Device and method for enhanced collection and assay of chemicals with high surface area ceramic

Номер: US20140017805A1
Принадлежит: Battelle Memorial Institute Inc

A method and device for enhanced capture of target analytes is disclosed. This invention relates to collection of chemicals for separations and analysis. More specifically, this invention relates to a solid phase microextraction (SPME) device having better capability for chemical collection and analysis. This includes better physical stability, capacity for chemical collection, flexible surface chemistry and high affinity for target analyte.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Component for solar adsorption refrigeration system and method of making such component

Номер: US20140020419A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Technology Materials Inc

An adsorption structure is described that includes at least one adsorbent member formed of an adsorbent material and at least one porous member provided in contact with a portion of the adsorbent member to allow gas to enter and exit the portion of the adsorbent member. Such adsorption structure is usefully employed in adsorbent-based refrigeration systems. A method also is described for producing an adsorbent material, in which a first polymeric material provided having a first density and a second polymeric material is provided having a second density, in which the second polymeric material is in contact with the first polymeric material to form a structure. The structure is pyrolyzed to form a porous adsorbent material including a first region corresponding to the first polymeric material and a second region corresponding to the second polymeric material, in which at least one of the pore sizes and the pore distribution differs between the first region and the second region.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140038266A1
Принадлежит: The Forestry Commission

The invention relates to a method of preparing an oil absorbent composition. The method comprises heating and then de-mineralising a precursor plant material under conditions suitable to produce an oil absorbent composition comprising charcoal. The invention extends to oil absorbent compositions per se, such as charcoal-based compositions, and to various uses of the compositions for efficiently and rapidly absorbing spilled oil, for example from water surfaces, or from bituminous sands. 1. A method of preparing an oil absorbent composition , the method comprising heating and then de-mineralising a precursor plant material under conditions suitable to produce an oil absorbent composition comprising charcoal.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the oil absorbent composition is contacted with a water repellent substance selected from the group consisting of: a fat; animal fat; plant fat; a fatty acid; a fatty acid ester; a fatty alcohol; a glyceride (mono- claim 1 , di- or tri-glyceride); a hydrocarbon claim 1 , such as a paraffin wax or tar; and mineral tar.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the water repellent substance is contacted with the oil absorbent composition such that it is adsorbed into the micropores and/or mesopores of the absorbent composition.4. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the water repellent substance is in a gaseous form when it is contacted with the oil absorbent composition.5PaulowniaceaePopulus tremulisPopulus deltoidesOchroma pyramidalisPlatanus occidentalisJuglans regiaSalex. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the precursor material comprises claim 1 , or is derived from claim 1 , a hardwood species of plant claim 1 , such as paulownia (spp.) claim 1 , aspen () and other poplar species such as cotton wood () claim 1 , balsa wood () claim 1 , Butterwood () claim 1 , walnut () or willow (spp.).6PiceaPinaceaeCedres. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the precursor material comprises or is derived from a softwood ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Method of pre treatment of lizardite

Номер: US20140044637A1

A method of pre treating lizardite for use in the mineral sequestration of carbon dioxide, the method including heating the lizardite at a temperature of less than 600° C. until the lizardite contains between about 10% to about 40% residual hydroxyls. 113-. (canceled)14. A method of pre treating lizardite for use in the mineral sequestration of carbon dioxide , the method including heating the lizardite at a temperature of less than 600° C. until the lizardite contains between about 10% to about 40% residual hydroxyls.15. A method according to wherein the lizardite is heated at a temperature above 500° C.16. A method according to wherein the period of time is between about 1 minute and about 160 minutes.175. A method according to wherein the lizardite is heated at a temperature between about 550° C. and about 595° C. for a period of time that is between about minutes and 150 minutes.18. A method according to wherein when the lizardite is heated at a temperature of about 550° C. the period of time is between about 60 minutes and about 165 minutes.19. A method according to wherein when the lizardite is heated at a temperature of about 570° C. the period of time is between about 40 minutes and about 95 minutes.20. A method according to wherein when the lizardite is heated at a temperature of about 590° C. the period of time is between about 10 minutes and about 40 minutes.21. A method according to wherein the method further includes an initial heat-up period at about 30° C. min.22. A method according to wherein the lizardite is crushed prior to the method of pre-treatment.23. A method according to wherein the lizardite is ground prior to the method of pre treatment.24. A method according to wherein the lizardite has an average particle size of between 1 μm to 250 μm.25. A method according to wherein the lizardite has an average particle size of between about 30 μm to about 80 μm. The present invention relates to a method of pre treatment for alkaline earth metal ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Pharmaceutical compound which includes clinoptilolite

Номер: US20140056804A1
Автор: Kevin Gast
Принадлежит: Individual

This invention is for a compound for treating a human or animal body to relieve the symptoms of any one of chemical-, substance-, and medicine induced gastrointestinal tract irritation, the compound including clinoptilolite. The invention is also for a compound for treating a human or animal body to lower the incidences of gastic events in persons using non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory medications, the compound including clinoptilolite.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Preparation method of superabsorbent polymer

Номер: US20140058048A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

The present invention relates to a method of preparing a superabsorbent polymer, including the steps of: preparing a hydrous gel phase polymer by thermal polymerizing or photo-polymerizing a monomer composition including a water-soluble ethylene-based unsaturated monomer and a polymerization initiator; drying the hydrous gel phase polymer; milling the dried polymer; adding a surface cross-linking agent to the milled polymer; and elevating the temperature of the polymer including the surface cross-linking agent at a speed of 3° C./min to 15° C./min, and carrying out a surface cross-linking reaction at 100° C. to 250° C.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Ceramic filter and methods for manufacturing and using same

Номер: US20140061981A1
Принадлежит: Kubota Corp

A process for manufacturing a ceramic filter includes mixing silicon, yttrium oxide-doped zirconia, magnesium-aluminum spinel, silicon nitride, a pore-forming material, and a binder to form a ceramic precursor; extruding the ceramic precursor into a generally honeycomb shaped monolithic filter precursor or into a single filter tube precursor; drying the filter precursor or filter tube precursor to form a dried ceramic precursor; heating the dried ceramic precursor to remove the binder; and sintering to form the silicon nitride ceramic filter.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140066582A1

The invention relates to a process for producing water-absorbing polymer particles, comprising thermal postcrosslinking in a contact dryer having external heated outer surfaces. 1. A process for producing water-absorbing polymer particles , comprising polymerizing a monomer solution or suspension , comprisinga) at least one ethylenically unsaturated monomer which bears an acid group and may be at least partly neutralized,b) at least one crosslinker,c) at least one initiator,d) optionally one or more ethylenically unsaturated monomer copolymerizable with the monomer mentioned under a) ande) optionally one or more water-soluble polymers polymer, drying, grinding, and classifying the resulting polymer gel, applying of at least one postcrosslinker onto the water-absorbing polymer particles, thermal postcrosslinking, and cooling, wherein the application of the postcrosslinker is performed in a mixer with moving mixing tools, the thermal postcrosslinking is performed in a contact dryer, the cooling is performed in contact cooler, and the outer surfaces of the contact dryer are external heated.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein outer surfaces of a joint from the mixer to the contact dryer and a joint from the contact dryer to the contact cooler are external heated.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein a temperature of the external heating is higher than a temperature of the water-absorbing polymer particles at an outlet of the contact dryer.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature of the external heating is at least 20° C. higher than the temperature of the water-absorbing polymer particles at the outlet of the contact dryer.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the external heating is performed with steam.6. The process according to claim 5 , wherein the external heating is performed with steam having a pressure of at least 16 bar.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the contact dryer is paddle dryer.8. The process ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Expanded ionomers and their uses

Номер: US20140088208A1

Disclosed herein are expanded ionomer materials including a plurality of voids. Also disclosed are methods of making and using the expanded ionomer materials.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001014A1

To provide a porous silica which is capable of effectively eliminating odors of methyl mercaptan, hydrogen sulfide, nonenal and the like, said odors being difficult to be eliminated by a silica porous material that contains no metal. A porous silica containing particles that are provided with primary pores, wherein the particles contain a metal containing substance complex having a particle size of 1-100 nm. This porous silica has a specific surface area of 500 m/g or more. 1. A porous silica comprising a silica particle where a primary pore is formed , wherein the silica particle includes a metal containing substance having a particle size of 1 to 100 nm , and the porous silica has a specific surface area of 500 m/g or more.2. The porous silica according to claim 1 , wherein the metal is zinc claim 1 , and a lightness L* is 80 or more.3. The porous silica according to claim 1 , wherein the silica particle is a particle where a primary pore is formed by arrangement of a silica precursor in an aqueous solution by use of a fatty acid metal salt and a surfactant as templates claim 1 , and the metal containing substance is derived from the fatty acid metal salt.4. The porous silica according to claim 1 , wherein the metal is one or more selected from the group consisting of zinc claim 1 , silver claim 1 , copper claim 1 , manganese and cobalt.5. The porous silica according to claim 1 , whereinthe metal containing substance includes a cobalt-containing particle supported on the silica particle,a particle size of the cobalt-containing particle is less than 20 nm,a cobalt content in the porous silica is 0.5 wt % or more,a cobalt particle rate is 70% or more, andthe cobalt particle rate is a proportion of a mass of cobalt supported on the silica particle without being doped therewith, to a total mass of cobalt.6. The porous silica according to claim 1 , whereinthe porous silica further comprises aluminum,the silica particle is doped with at least a part of aluminum,the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001305A1

High purity carbon sorbent monoliths that are particularly effective for the adsorption and subsequent desorption of trace-contaminants, such as ammonia, are produced by 3D-printing polymer monoliths, carbonizing them, and subsequently activating them to produce an effective amount of at least one type of oxygen species on exposed carbon surfaces. The high purity carbon sorbent monoliths are vacuum-regenerable on a time scale of a few minutes. 1. A method for the reversible removal of at least one trace contaminant from a gaseous environment that contains said at least one trace contaminant , comprising the steps:producing a porous, carbon sorbent monolith that is capable of sorption and desorption of said at least one trace contaminant, said capable sorbent monolith being produced by 3D-printing a polymer monolith from a polymer precursor, carbonizing said polymer monolith so as to produce a high-purity carbon monolith, and exposing said high-purity carbon monolith to an oxidizing environment under conditions sufficient to produce an additional at least about 0.25 percent of total carbon weight of at least one oxygen species on exposed surfaces of said high-purity carbon monolith;causing a volume of gas from a gaseous environment that contains said at least one trace contaminant to pass through said capable sorbent monolith, to thereby effect sorption of said at least one trace contaminant from said gas volume; andsubjecting said capable sorbent monolith to vacuum force to thereby effect desorption and removal of a substantial portion of the adsorbed said at least one trace contaminant therefrom.2. A method for the production of a carbon sorbent monolith for removing at least one gas from a gaseous environment in which the at least one gas is contained , comprising the steps:3D-printing of a polymer monolith from a polymer precursor;carbonizing said polymer monolith so as to produce a high-purity carbon monolith by exposure to elevated temperatures of at least ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Method of Obtaining Inorganic Sorbents for Extraction of Lithium From Lithium-Containing Natural and Technological Brines

Номер: US20210001309A1

The invention provides a method of obtaining inorganic sorbents for extraction of lithium from lithium-containing natural and technological brines. The method consists of steps of obtaining six consecutive non-stoichiometric compound, wherein at the final step the sixth non-stoichiometric compound is obtained by converting the fifth non-stoichiometric compound into a hydrogen-form of inorganic ion-exchanger by treating the fifth non-stoichiometric compound with an acid solution. The method improves selectivity and exchangeability of sorbents to lithium based on manganese oxides, as well as chemical stability of the sorbents in cyclic operations. 1. A method of obtaining inorganic sorbents for the extraction of lithium from lithium-containing natural and technological brines , the method comprising the steps of:a) obtaining a first non-stoichiometric compound by contacting a soluble manganese (II) salt with an alkali solution in the presence of at least one aluminum (III) salt to obtain a precipitate of hydrated mixed oxide of manganese (II) and aluminum (III) as a precipitate in a mother solution;b) obtaining a second non-stoichiometric compound that comprises a precipitate of hydrated mixed oxide of manganese (III), manganese (IV) and aluminum (III) by oxidizing the first non-stoichiometric compound with the use of a solution of a strong oxidizing agent;c) isolating the obtained second non-stoichiometric compound from the mother solution to obtain a wet paste of hydrated mixed oxide of manganese (III), manganese (IV) and aluminum (III);d) obtaining a third non-stoichiometric compound by granulating and simultaneously drying the obtained second non-stoichiometric compounds -hydrated mixed oxide of manganese (III), manganese (IV) and aluminum (III);e) obtaining a fourth non-stoichiometric compound by converting the hydrated mixed oxide of manganese (III), manganese (IV) and aluminum (III) into a lithium-form of the hydrated mixed oxide of manganese (III), manganese ( ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001044A1

A filter apparatus for removing small molecule chemotherapy agents from blood is provided. The filter apparatus comprises a housing with an extraction media comprised of polymer coated carbon cores. Also provided are methods of treating a subject with cancer of an organ or region comprising administering a chemotherapeutic agent to the organ or region, collecting blood laded with chemotherapeutic agent from the isolated organ, filtering the blood laden with chemotherapeutic agent to reduce the chemotherapeutic agent in the blood and returning the blood to the subject. 135-. (canceled)36. A kit of parts capable of being assembled for delivering a small molecule chemotherapeutic agent to a subject , comprising:a double balloon catheter;a filter apparatus comprising a housing having an inlet and an outlet, an extraction media comprising hemocompatible polymer coated carbon cores contained within the housing, wherein the polymer coated carbon cores have a pore volume of about 1.68 cc/g to about 2.17 cc/g.37. A kit of parts capable of being assembled for delivering a small molecule chemotherapeutic agent to a subject according to claim 36 , wherein the carbon cores have a particle diameter of about 0.45 mm to about 1.15 mm.38. A kit of parts capable of being assembled for delivering a small molecule chemotherapeutic agent to a subject according to claim 36 , wherein the apparent density of carbon cores is about 0.19 cc/g to about 0.2 cc/g.39. A kit of parts capable of being assembled for delivering a small molecule chemotherapeutic agent to a subject according to claim 36 , wherein the carbon cores have a median microporous diameter (D) of between about 9.3 Å to about 10.5 Å.40. A kit of parts capable of being assembled for delivering a small molecule chemotherapeutic agent to a subject according to claim 36 , wherein the carbon cores have a median mesoporous diameter (D) of between about 30 Å to about 156 Å.41. A kit of parts capable of being assembled for delivering a ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001294A1

A method for manufacturing activated carbon may include preparing activated carbon precursors, carbonizing the activated carbon precursors by performing a heat treatment on the carbon precursors, equalizing the activated carbon precursors carbonized in the carbonizing, by grinding the activated carbon precursors, and activating the activated carbon precursors by introducing a mixture gas including carbon dioxide and steam into the ground activated carbon precursors and performing a heat treatment on the activated carbon precursors. 1. A method for manufacturing activated carbon , comprising:preparing activated carbon precursors;carbonizing the activated carbon precursors by performing a heat treatment on the carbon precursors;equalizing the activated carbon precursors carbonized in the carbonizing, by grinding the activated carbon precursors; andactivating the activated carbon precursors by introducing a mixture gas including carbon dioxide and steam into the ground activated carbon precursors and performing a heat treatment on the activated carbon precursors.2. The method for manufacturing the activated carbon of claim 1 , further comprising:after the activating, introducing metal oxide particles on a surface of the activated carbon by mixing and reacting the activated carbon, a metal salt, and a reducing agent in a solvent.3. The method for manufacturing the activated carbon of claim 1 , wherein in the activating claim 1 , the mixed gas includes the carbon dioxide in an amount of approximately 10 to 50 volume % and the steam in an amount of approximately 50 to 90 volume %.4. The method for manufacturing the activated carbon of claim 1 , wherein the activating is performed in a temperature range of approximately 700° C. to approximately 1000° C.5. The method for manufacturing the activated carbon of claim 1 , wherein the activating is performed while introducing the mixture gas into the activated carbon precursors at a speed that is in a range of approximately 1 ml ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Egg-shell type hybrid structure of highly dispersed nanoparticle-metal oxide support, preparation method thereof, and use thereof

Номер: US20170001168A1
Принадлежит: Korea Institute of Energy Research KIER

The present invention relates to an egg-shell type hybrid structure of highly dispersed nanoparticles-metal oxide support, a preparation method thereof, and a use thereof. Specifically, the present invention relates to an egg-shell type hybrid structure of highly dispersed nanoparticles-metal oxide support, providing an excellent platform in a size of nanometers or micrometers which can support nanoparticles selectively in the porous shell portion by employing a metal oxide support with an average diameter of nanometers or micrometers including a core of nonporous metal oxide and a shell of porous metal oxides, a preparation method thereof, and a use thereof.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001267A1
Принадлежит: EP MINERALS, LLC

This disclosure relates to ultra-high performance diatomite products possessing very high silica specific volume, a characteristic which provides for high filtration performance, in terms of low unit consumption and long filtration cycle times. These novel products of this disclosure also show very low extractable metals for both the non-acid washed and the high purity (acid washed) grades. These characteristics are of particular value in the separation of solids from high purity liquids in electronic chemical, specialty beverage and life science applications. In addition to outstanding physical and chemical characteristics, these products also contain no detectable levels of cristobalite and have a wide range of permeabilities, and are produced from mineralogically impure ores containing high levels of alumina and iron oxide 1. The filtration product of comprising diatomaceous earth having: (i) a permeability of 85 millidarcy to 14 claim 39 ,000 millidarcy claim 39 , (ii) an aluminum oxide content and an iron oxide content claim 39 , wherein the sum of the aluminum oxide content and the iron oxide content is greater than 7.0 wt % and less than 13 (wt %) claim 39 , and (iii) a silica specific volume greater than 3.5 to 6.2.210-. (canceled)11. The filtration product of claim 39 , in which the diatomaceous earth further has a non-detectable level of cristobalite according to the LH Method.12. The filtration product of claim 39 , in which the diatomaceous earth further has a silica content of greater than 80 wt % and less than 84 wt % on an ignited basis.13. The filtration product of claim 39 , in which the diatomaceous earth further has a silica content of 84 wt % to 87 wt % on an ignited basis.14. The filtration product of claim 39 , in which the diatomaceous earth further has a silica content of greater than 88 wt % to 92 wt % on an ignited basis.15. The filtration product of claim 39 , wherein the iron oxide content is greater than 4 wt % on an ignited basis.16. ( ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001170A1

The present disclosure pertains to materials for COadsorption at pressures above 1 bar, where the materials include a porous carbon material with a surface area of at least 2800 m/g, a total pore volume of at least 1.35 cm/g, and a carbon content of 80%-95%. The porous carbon material is prepared by heating organic polymer precursors or biological materials in the presence of KOH at 700° C.-800° C. The present disclosure also pertains to materials for the separation of COfrom natural gas at partial pressures above 1 bar, where the material includes a porous carbon material with a surface area of at least 2000 m/g, a total pore volume of at least 1.00 cm/g, and a carbon content of greater than 90%. The porous carbon materials can be prepared by heating organic polymer precursors or biological materials in the presence of KOH at 600° C.-700° C. 1. A material for COadsorption at pressures above 1 bar , said material comprising:{'sup': 2', '3, 'claim-text': 'wherein the temperature of activation is between 700° C. and 800° C.', 'wherein the porous carbon material is prepared by heating an organic polymer precursor or biological material in the presence of KOH, and'}, 'a porous carbon material with a surface area of at least 2800 m/g, a total pore volume of at least 1.35 cm/g, and a carbon content of between 80% and 95% as measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,'}2. The material of claim 1 , wherein the porous carbon material is prepared by heating an organic polymer precursor.3. The material of claim 2 , wherein the organic polymer precursor comprises oxygen in a functional group.4. The material of claim 3 , wherein the functional group is a furyl.5. The material of claim 4 , wherein the organic polymer precursor polymerizes to form polyfurfuryl alcohol.6. The material of claim 5 , wherein the polyfurfuryl alcohol is prepared by the polymerization of furfuryl alcohol with a catalyst.7. The material of claim 6 , where the catalyst is iron(III) chloride.8. The ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Structured Adsorbent Beds, Methods of Producing the Same and uses Thereof

Номер: US20180001301A1

Structured adsorbent beds comprising a high cell density substrate, such as greater than about 1040 cpsi, and a coating comprising adsorbent particles, such as DDR and a binder, such as SiOare provided herein. Methods of preparing the structured adsorbent bed and gas separation processes using the structured adsorbent bed are also provided herein. 1. A structured adsorbent bed for purification of a gas feedstream comprising:a substrate having a cell density greater than 1040 cells per square inch (cpsi); anda coating on the substrate, wherein the coating comprises adsorbent particles and a binder.2. The structured adsorbent bed of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent particles have an average diameter of about 2 μm to about 40 μm.3. The structured adsorbent bed of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent particles have an average diameter greater than about 20 μm.4. (canceled)5. The structured adsorbent bed of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent particles comprise a microporous material.6. The structured adsorbent bed of claim 5 , wherein the microporous material comprises a zeolite.7. The structured adsorbent bed of claim 6 , wherein the zeolite is DDR.8. The structure adsorbent bed of claim 7 , wherein the zeolite is selected from the group consisting of Sigma-1 and ZSM-58.9. The structured adsorbent bed of claim 1 , wherein the binder comprises particles having an average diameter of about 25 nm to about 200 nm.10. The structured adsorbent bed of claim 1 , wherein the binder comprises particles having an average diameter of about 100 nm to about 200 nm.11. The structured adsorbent bed of claim 1 , wherein the binder has a pH greater than 7.12. The structured adsorbent bed of claim 1 , wherein the binder comprises SiO.13. The structured adsorbent bed of claim 1 , wherein the substrate has a cell density of about 1500 cpsi to about 4000 cpsi.14. The structured adsorbent bed of claim 1 , wherein the substrate has a cell density of about 1400 cpsi or greater.15. The structured ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001302A1
Принадлежит: ECOPRO CO., LTD.

An adsorbent having a microwave absorption property is provided. The adsorbent having an improved microwave absorption property, which has a core-shell structure including a silicon carbide bead disposed therein, and an adsorbing material disposed outside the silicon carbide bead, can be provided. Also, the adsorbent may further include a plurality of silicon carbide particles dispersed and disposed therein and having a diameter of 1 μm to 10 μm, and the adsorbing material may be ion-exchanged with a cation. Therefore, the adsorbent can be useful in improving desorption efficiency since the adsorbent may be rapidly heated by microwaves to reach the desorption temperature due to high reactivity to microwaves. Also, the adsorbent can be useful in maintaining full adsorption capacity without having an influence on adsorption quantity since the silicon carbide bead is disposed in the inner core of the adsorbent. Further, when the adsorbent is applied to conventional systems for removing organic compounds using microwaves or dehumidification systems, the adsorbent can be semi-permanently used, and may also have an effect of enhancing the energy efficiency by 30% or more, compared to adsorbents used in the conventional systems. 1. An adsorbent having a microwave absorption property , which adsorbent has a core-shell structure comprising:a silicon carbide bead disposed therein; andan adsorbing material disposed outside the silicon carbide bead.2. The adsorbent of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbing material is selected from the group consisting of zeolite claim 1 , activated alumina claim 1 , and a mixture thereof.3. The adsorbent of claim 1 , wherein the silicon carbide bead has a diameter of approximately 0.5 mm 1.5 mm.4. The adsorbent of claim 1 , wherein an increase in temperature of the adsorbent is in a range of 30° C. to 50° C. when the adsorbent is irradiated with 1 kW microwaves for 60 seconds to 90 seconds.5. The adsorbent of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Microcrystalline cellulose pyrolyzate adsorbent and gas supply packages comprising same

Номер: US20190001299A1
Принадлежит: Entegris Inc

A cellulosic carbon pyrolyzate material is disclosed, having utility as a gas adsorbent for use in gas storage and delivery devices, gas filters, gas purifiers and other applications. The cellulosic carbon pyrolyzate material comprises microporous carbon derived from cellulose precursor material, e.g., microcrystalline cellulose. In adsorbent applications, the cellulosic carbon pyrolyzate may for example be produced in a particulate form or a monolithic form, having high density and high pore volume to maximize gas storage and delivery, with the pore size distribution of the carbon pyrolyzate adsorbent being tunable via activation conditions to optimize storage capacity and delivery for specific gases of interest. The adsorbent composition may include other non-cellulosic pyrolyzate components.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001312A1
Принадлежит: Chevron U.S.A. INC.

A new crystalline molecular sieve designated SSZ-95 is disclosed. In general, SSZ-95 is synthesized from a reaction mixture suitable for synthesizing MTT-type molecular sieves and maintaining the mixture under crystallization conditions sufficient to form product. The product molecular sieve is subjected to a pre-calcination step, and ion-exchange to remove extra-framework cations, and a post-calcination step. The molecular sieve has a MTT-type framework and a H-D exchangeable acid site density of 0 to 50% relative to molecular sieve SSZ-32. 1. A molecular sieve having a MTT-type framework , a mole ratio of 20 to 70 of silicon oxide to aluminum oxide , a total micropore volume of between 0.005 and 0.02 cc/g; and a H-D exchangeable acid site density of up to 50% relative to SSZ-32.2. The molecular sieve of claim 1 , wherein the molecular sieve has a mole ratio of 20 to 50 of silicon oxide to aluminum oxide.3. The molecular sieve of claim 1 , wherein the molecular sieve has a total micropore volume of between 0.008 and 0.018 cc/g.4. The molecular sieve of claim 1 , wherein the molecular sieve has an external surface area of between 200 and 250 m/g; and a BET surface area of between 240 and 280 m/g.5. The molecular sieve of claim 1 , wherein the molecular sieve has a H-D exchangeable acid site density of 0.5 to 30% relative to molecular sieve SSZ-32.6. The molecular sieve of claim 5 , wherein the molecular sieve has a total micropore volume of between 0.008 and 0.018 cc/g.7. The molecular sieve of claim 5 , wherein the molecular sieve has an external surface area of between 200 and 250 m/g; and a BET surface area of between 240 and 280 m/g.8. The molecular sieve of claim 1 , wherein the molecular sieve has a H-D exchangeable acid site density of 2 to 25% relative to molecular sieve SSZ-32.9. The molecular sieve of claim 8 , wherein the molecular sieve has a total micropore volume of between 0.008 and 0.018 cc/g.10. The molecular sieve of claim 8 , wherein the molecular ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Water purification compositions of magnesium oxide and applications thereof

Номер: US20200002188A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

The present disclosure provides a composition for purifying water comprising a magnesium oxide component and a binder. The magnesium oxide component includes magnesium oxide, a pH regulator, and an additional water purifying material. The binder can be an organic polymer, an inorganic binder, or a combination of both.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Synthesis of fibrous nano-silica spheres with controlled particle size, fibre density, and various textural properties

Номер: US20190002297A1

The present disclosure provides a method for synthesizing fibrous silica nanospheres, the method can include, in sequence, the steps of: a) providing a reaction mixture comprising a silica precursor, a hydrolyzing agent, a template molecule, a cosurfactant and one or more solvents; b) maintaining the reaction mixture under stirring for a length of time; c) heating the reaction mixture to a temperature for a length of time; d) cooling the reaction mixture to obtain a solid, and (e) calcinating the solid to pro duce fibrous silica nanospheres, wherein desirable product characteristics such as particle size, fiber density, surface area, pore volume and pore size can be obtained by controlling one or more parameters of the method. The present disclosure further provides a method for synthesizing fibrous silica nanospheres using conventional heating such as refluxing the reactants in an open reactor, thereby eliminating the need for microwave heating in a closed reactor or the need for any pressure reactors.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Gaseous storage system, methods for making and using the same

Номер: US20170007982A1
Принадлежит: Ingevity South Carolina LLC

The present description relates to an adsorbent monolith, method to make the adsorbent monolith, and a gaseous storage system that includes an adsorbent monolith according to the present disclosure. In particular, the adsorbent monolith includes adsorbent, a binder, and a scaffold material.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008787A1

A novel microporous carbon molecular sieve may be used as the basis for carbon adsorbent pellets that have discrete areas of carbonized binder and of carbonized precursor, macropores having an average pore diameter greater than or equal to 1 micrometer and a total macroporosity of at least 30 percent, both as measured by mercury porosimetry, and micropores that are capable of selectively admitting a C2-C3 alkene and excluding a C2-C3 alkane, and a total microporosity ranging from 10 percent to 30 percent. The pellets may be prepared by pyrolyzing a pellet structure comprising a carbon forming, non-melting binder and a non-porous gel type sulfonated polystyrene precursor at a temperature ranging from 500° C. to 1000° C., under an inert atmosphere and other conditions suitable to form the described pellets. The pellets are particularly useful in pressure swing and temperature swing adsorption processes to separate C2-C3 alkane/alkene mixtures. 1. A process to prepare a carbon adsorbent pellet composition comprisingcombining a carbon forming, non-melting binder and a non-porous gel-type sulfonated polystyrene precursor to form a pelletizable paste;forming a raw pellet structure from the pelletizable paste; andpyrolyzing the raw pellet structureunder an inert atmosphere and at a temperature ranging from 750° C. to 1000° C., to form a carbon adsorbent pellet composition having discrete areas of carbonized binder and of carbonized precursor; macropores having an average pore diameter greater than or equal to 1 micrometer and a total macroporosity of at least 30 percent, both as measured by mercury porosimetry, and', 'micropores that are capable of selectively admitting a C2-C3 alkene and excluding a C2-C3 alkane and have an average pore diameter ranging from 0.38 nanometers to 0.45 nanometers, and a total microporosity ranging from 10 percent to 30 percent., 'wherein the carbon adsorbent pellet composition comprises'}2. The process of wherein the carbon forming claim 1 , ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008789A9
Автор: HONG Suk Bong

The present invention relates to selectively isolating gases using a natrolite-based zeolite, and more particularly, to a novel natrolite-based zeolite and to selectively isolating hydrogen and/or helium gas using a natrolite-based zeolite. The present invention is characterized in that gas containing hydrogen is brought into contact with a natrolite-based zeolite to selectively isolate the hydrogen. The present invention provides a sorbent which can selectively isolate hydrogen and/or helium, and provides a method for isolating the hydrogen and/or helium at room temperature or at a high temperature. 5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the compound of formula (2) is transferred into a Teflon reactor which is then placed in a stainless steel reactor in which the compound is heated. This application is a divisional of co-pending U.S. application Ser. No. 13/148,078 filed Sep. 6, 2011, which is a national phase entry of International Application Serial No. PCT/KR2009/005350 filed Sep. 21, 2009, which claims priority to Korean Application Serial Nos. 10-2009-0009716 filed Feb. 6, 2009 and 10-2009-0085610 filed Sep. 10, 2009, each of which is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.The present invention relates to a novel natrolite-based zeolite and the selective separation of gases using the same, and more particularly to a process of selectively separating hydrogen or helium using a natrolite-based zeolite.Molecular sieves, including zeolites, have very small pores, the size of which is uniform within a variation of 0.1 Å and the shape of which varies depending on the framework structure of the molecular sieves, and thus these molecular sieves show unique shape-selective properties which are not observed in amorphous oxides. Accordingly, these nanoporous materials have been used as ion exchangers, separating agents, catalysts or catalyst supports, in the fine chemical industry, the petrochemical industry, and the like [Kirk Othmer Encyclo. Chem. Technol., 1996, ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009035A1

The present invention provides a sterilized oxygen-absorbing resin composition obtained by performing at least: a sterilizing step of irradiating with radiation an oxygen-absorbing resin composition containing a transition metal catalyst and a thermoplastic resin (a) having a tetralin ring as a constituent unit; and a step of heating the oxygen-absorbing resin composition at a temperature equal to or higher than the glass transition temperature of the thermoplastic resin (a) and equal to or lower than 200° C., after the sterilizing step. 1. A sterilized oxygen-absorbing resin composition obtained by performing at least:a sterilizing step of irradiating with radiation an oxygen-absorbing resin composition comprising a transition metal catalyst and a thermoplastic resin (a) having a tetralin ring as a constituent unit; anda step of heating the oxygen-absorbing resin composition at a temperature equal to or higher than a glass transition temperature of the thermoplastic resin (a) and equal to or lower than 200° C., after the sterilizing step.2. The sterilized oxygen-absorbing resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein a time of the heating is 1 to 120 minutes.4. The sterilized oxygen-absorbing resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the transition metal catalyst comprises at least one transition metal selected from the group consisting of manganese claim 1 , iron claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , and copper.5. The sterilized oxygen-absorbing resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the transition metal catalyst is contained in an amount of 0.001 to 10 parts by mass in terms of the amount of a transition metal based on 100 parts by mass of the thermoplastic resin (a).7. The sterilized oxygen-absorbing resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the radiation is at least one selected from the group consisting of gamma rays claim 1 , X-rays claim 1 , and electron beams.8. A sterilized oxygen-absorbing multilayer container obtained by ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008921A1
Автор: AGA Koji, Sugiura Takao
Принадлежит: POWDERTECH CO., LTD.

An object of the present invention is to provide ferrite particles for a filtering medium excellent in filtration ability having a small apparent density, capable of various properties maintained in the controllable state and filling a specified volume with a small amount, and a filtering medium made from the ferrite particles. In order to achieve the object, ferrite particles provided an outer shell structure containing Ti oxide for a filtering medium, and a filtering medium made from the ferrite particles are employed. 1. Ferrite particles for a filtering medium provided an outer shell structure containing Ti oxide.2. The ferrite particles for a filtering medium according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the outer shell structure is 0.5 to 10 μm.3. The ferrite particles for a filtering medium according to claim 1 , density of the internal part is smaller than that of the outer shell structure.4. The ferrite particles for a filtering medium according to claim 1 , volume average particle diameter is 10 to 100 μm.5. A filtering medium made from the ferrite particles according to .6. The ferrite particles for a filtering medium according to claim 2 , density of the internal part is smaller than that of the outer shell structure.7. The ferrite particles for a filtering medium according to claim 2 , volume average particle diameter is 10 to 100 μm.8. The ferrite particles for a filtering medium according to claim 3 , volume average particle diameter is 10 to 100 μm.9. The ferrite particles for a filtering medium according to claim 6 , volume average particle diameter is 10 to 100 μm.10. A filtering medium made from the ferrite particles according to .11. A filtering medium made from the ferrite particles according to .12. A filtering medium made from the ferrite particles according to .13. A filtering medium made from the ferrite particles according to .14. A filtering medium made from the ferrite particles according to .15. A filtering medium made from the ferrite ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008959A1
Принадлежит: Dionex Corporation

A chromatographic material including a substrate having a surface and having a polymeric layer covalently bound to the surface; the polymeric layer comprising polymer molecules covalently attached to the surface of the substrate, each polymer molecule being attached to the surface via multiple siloxane bonds and each polymer molecule being connected to one or more functionalizing compounds that each comprise a functional group, wherein the polymeric layer is formed by covalently attaching polymer molecules to the surface of the substrate via multiple siloxane bonds, each polymer molecule containing multiple first reactive groups, and reacting the first reactive groups of the attached polymer molecules with at least one functionalizing compound that comprises a second reactive group that is reactive with the first reactive groups and that further comprises a functional group. Preferred conditions of reacting the polymer with the substrate include elevated temperature and reduced pressure. 1. A chromatographic material comprising:a substrate having a surface and the substrate having a polymeric layer covalently bound to the surface;the polymeric layer comprising polymer molecules covalently attached to the surface of the substrate, each polymer molecule being attached to the surface via multiple siloxane bonds and each polymer molecule being connected to one or more functionalizing compounds that each comprise a functional group.2. The chromatographic material according to claim 1 , wherein the polymeric layer is formed by covalently attaching polymer molecules to the surface of the substrate via multiple siloxane bonds claim 1 , each polymer molecule containing multiple first reactive groups claim 1 , and reacting the first reactive groups of the attached polymer molecules with at least one functionalizing compound that comprises a second reactive group that is reactive with the first reactive groups and that further comprises a functional group.3. The ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008960A1

A method for surface treatment of acrylate-based superabsorbents may include preparing a treatment solution including water, an organic solvent, and a silane compound; applying the treatment solution to a plurality of acrylate-based superabsorbents to form a mixture; and fabricating modified acrylate-based superabsorbents by subjecting the mixture to heating or microwave irradiation. 1. A method for surface treatment of superabsorbents , the method comprising:preparing a treatment solution including water, an organic solvent, and an epoxy silane compound;applying the treatment solution to a plurality of acrylate-based superabsorbents to form a mixture; and,applying heat or microwave irradiation to the mixture for fabricating modified acrylate-based superabsorbents.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the treatment solution further comprises an additive.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the additive is selected from the group consisting of aluminum sulfate claim 2 , aluminum chloride claim 2 , benzyl amine compounds claim 2 , imidazole compounds claim 2 , methyl imidazole claim 2 , dimethyl octadecyl [3-(tri methoxysilyl)propyl] ammonium chloride claim 2 , aniline compounds claim 2 , p-toluene sulfonic acid claim 2 , sodium hypophosphite claim 2 , and combinations thereof.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the additive is present in an amount of between 0.001% and 1% of the weight of the superabsorbent.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the superabsorbents are acrylate-based superabsorbents.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the superabsorbents are one of porous superabsorbents claim 1 , non-porous superabsorbents claim 1 , and combinations thereof.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the organic solvent is selected from the group consisting of acetone claim 1 , ethanol claim 1 , methanol claim 1 , dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) claim 1 , dimethyl formamide (DMF) claim 1 , and combinations thereof.8. The method ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220023825A1
Автор: Gore Avinash, Hu Bo, Luk Sydney
Принадлежит: Höganas AB (publ)

A filtering medium, a method for the production thereof, the use of said filtering medium and a method for reducing the content of multiple contaminants simultaneously in fluids by means of said filtering medium, wherein said filtering medium has or includes at least one of the following: a mixture (A) containing a major part of an iron-based powder and a minor part of a silver powder, an iron-silver powder alloy (B), and an iron-based porous and permeable composite containing silver (C). 1. A filtering medium for reducing the content of contaminants in fluids , wherein said filtering medium comprises an iron-silver powder alloy ,wherein the iron-silver powder alloy contains 0.01-5% of silver, by weight of the alloy, obtained by thermal bonding or thermal alloying atomized iron powder particles with silver powder particles, wherein atomized iron powder particles have a Fe-content of at least 90% by weight of the iron powder,wherein the iron-silver powder alloy has an average particle size between 1 μm and 10 mm, andwherein said contaminants are selected from the group consisting of chlorine containing compounds, nitrates, nitrites, heavy metals, toxic inorganic substances, toxic organic compounds, microorganisms and/or combinations thereof.2. The filtering medium according to claim 1 , wherein the iron-silver powder alloy contains 0.05-1% of silver claim 1 , by weight of the alloy.3. The filtering medium according to claim 1 , wherein the iron-silver powder alloy has an average particle size between 20 μm and 5 mm.4. The filtering medium according to claim 1 , wherein the iron-silver powder alloy has an average particle size between 45 μm and 2 mm.5. The filtering medium according to claim 1 , wherein the iron-silver powder alloy is obtained by thermal alloying atomized iron powder particles with silver powder particles.6. The filtering medium according to claim 1 , wherein the iron-silver powder alloy is obtained by thermal bonding atomized iron powder particles ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220023826A1
Автор: Alas Adela, WEN Ben

A method of preparing a porous and permeable adsorption material for a vaporizer utilizes a mixing step; a kneading step; a molding step; a drying step; a first holding step; a calcining step; a second holding step; a forming step; a third holding step; and a producing step. The raw materials include particulates of silicon carbide of 50-85 weight percent, a binder of 1-30 weight percent, a pore forming agent of 5-35 weight percent, and a surfactant of 0.15-7.5 weight percent. Once these raw material components are mixed, then adding water of 5 weight percent to 35 weight percent while kneading to form a wetted mixture of raw materials. The remaining steps describe a molding and heating regimen. 1. A method of preparing a porous and permeable adsorption material for a vaporizer , the method comprising the steps of:creating a mixture of raw materials, the mixture comprising: a silicon carbide particulate; a binder; a pore forming agent; and a surfactant; the mixture having the following weight percentages: silicon carbide powder 50-85 weight percent, binder 1-30 weight percent, pore forming agent 5-35 weight percent, and surfactant 0.15-7.5 weight percent;adding water to the mixture of raw materials while kneading to form a wetted mixture of raw materials, the water comprising from 5 weight percent to 35 weight percent of the mixture of raw materials;molding the wetted mixture of raw materials into a shaped body;heating the shaped body at a heating rate of 0.5-2.5 degrees Centigrade per minute to a drying temperature between 120 and 200 degrees Centigrade;maintaining the drying temperature for 2-10 hours;raising the drying temperature to a calcination temperature of 550-650 degrees Centigrade at heating rate of 1 to 6 degrees Centigrade per minute;maintaining the calcination temperature for 1 to 5 hours;increasing the calcination temperature to a final forming temperature at 750-1100 degrees Centigrade at a heating rate of 1 to 15 degrees Centigrade per minute; ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Material ITQ-55, Method for Preparation and Use

Номер: US20160009563A1

This invention refers to a microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature that has, in its calcined state and in the absence of defects in its crystalline matrix manifested by the presence of silanols, the empirical formula 3. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim 1 , wherein X is selected between Al claim 1 , Ga claim 1 , B claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Cr and mixtures thereof.4. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim 1 , wherein Y is selected between Zr claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Sn claim 1 , V and mixtures thereof.5. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim 1 , wherein M is selected among H claim 1 , at least one inorganic cation of charge +n selected between alkaline claim 1 , alkaline-earth metals and combinations thereof claim 1 , and a mixture of both.6. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim 1 , wherein “x” is 0 claim 1 , “y” is 0 claim 1 , and “g” is 0.7. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim 1 , wherein “x” is 0 claim 1 , “y” is 0 and “g” is different from 0.8. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim 1 , wherein:X is Al, Ga, B, Fe, Cr, and combinations of the same,y takes the value 0, andg takes the value 0.9. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim 1 , wherein:Y is Ti, Zr, Sn and combinations thereofx takes the value 0, andg takes the value 0.10. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim 1 , wherein:X is Al, Ga, B, Fe, Cr, and combinations thereof,Y is Ti, Zr, Sn, and combinations thereof andg takes the value 0.11. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to or claim 1 , wherein:X is Al, Ga, B, Fe, Cr, and combinations thereof,y takes the value 0, andg takes a value different from 0 and less than 0.33.12. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Composition and Process for Capturing Carbon Dioxide

Номер: US20200009527A1

A solid sorbent composition including as chemical components: calcium oxide, calcium aluminate, and a mixed metal oxide characterized by a perovskite crystalline structure. The solid sorbent finds utility in capturing carbon dioxide from any gaseous stream containing carbon dioxide, such as emissions streams produced in combustion processes or streams derived from closed environments including airplanes, spaceships, and submarines. A reversible carbon dioxide looping process is disclosed involving (a) contacting a carbon dioxide-containing gaseous stream with the solid sorbent composition in a carbonator to produce a solid mixture containing calcium carbonate and a gaseous stream reduced in carbon dioxide concentration; and (b) heating the solid mixture containing calcium carbonate in a calcinator (decarbonator) to regenerate the solid sorbent composition and to produce a gaseous stream enriched in carbon dioxide. 1. A solid sorbent composition comprising calcium oxide , calcium aluminate , and a mixed metal oxide characterized by a perovskite crystalline structure.2. The sorbent composition of comprising from greater than about 30 percent to less than about 90 percent by weight calcium oxide (dried basis) claim 1 , based on the total weight of the composition.3. The sorbent composition of comprising from greater than about 5 percent to less than about 50 percent by weight calcium aluminate claim 1 , based on the total weight of the composition.4. The sorbent composition of comprising from greater than about 2 percent to less than about 20 percent by weight mixed metal oxide characterized by a perovskite crystalline structure claim 1 , based on the total weight of the compostion.5. The sorbent composition of wherein the calcium aluminate is selected from crystalline structures of molecular formula Ca(AlO) claim 1 , CaALO claim 1 , CaAlO claim 1 , and CaAlOY claim 1 , wherein Y is selected from the group consisting of O claim 1 , N claim 1 , (OH) claim 1 , (F) claim ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Biogenic activated carbon and methods of making and using same

Номер: US20210009427A1
Принадлежит: Carbon Technology Holdings LLC

Biogenic activated carbon compositions disclosed herein comprise at least 55 wt % carbon, some of which may be present as graphene, and have high surface areas, such as Iodine Numbers of greater than 2000. Some embodiments provide biogenic activated carbon that is responsive to a magnetic field. A continuous process for producing biogenic activated carbon comprises countercurrently contacting, by mechanical means, a feedstock with a vapor stream comprising an activation agent including water and/or carbon dioxide; removing vapor from the reaction zone; recycling at least some of the separated vapor stream, or a thermally treated form thereof, to an inlet of the reaction zone(s) and/or to the feedstock; and recovering solids from the reaction zone(s) as biogenic activated carbon. Methods of using the biogenic activated carbon are disclosed.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009471A1

A method for manufacturing a glass panel unit, which reduces the amount of a getter material to enable a gettering ability to be realized at a relatively low temperature less likely to cause damage. The method includes a step of producing a getter material by heating an unprocessed getter material at a temperature higher than a prescribed temperature Te; a step of producing a preassembled component including a first and second glass pane, a heat-fusible sealing material, an internal space, and a gas adsorbent containing the getter material, and an evacuation port; a step of forming a frame body hermetically bonding the first glass pane and the second glass pane together by melting the heat-fusible sealing material with heat; and a step of heating the gas adsorbent at the prescribed temperature Te while the internal space is evacuated by exhausting air in the internal space through the evacuation port. 1. A method for manufacturing glass panel unit , the method comprising:a step of producing a getter material by heating an unprocessed getter material at a temperature higher than a prescribed temperature; a first glass pane,', 'a second glass pane facing the first glass pane,', 'a heat-fusible sealing material disposed between the first glass pane and the second glass pane, being in contact with the first glass pane and the second glass pane, and having a frame shape,', 'an internal space surrounded by the first glass pane, the second glass pane, and the heat-fusible sealing material having the frame shape,', 'a gas adsorbent containing the getter material and disposed in the internal space, and', 'an evacuation port connecting the internal space to an outside space;, 'a step of producing a preassembled component including'}a step of forming a frame body by melting the heat-fusible sealing material with heat such that the frame body hermetically bonds the first glass pane and the second glass pane together; anda step of heating the gas adsorbent at the prescribed ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Activated carbon for an electric double-layer capacitor electrode and manufacturing method for same

Номер: US20160012980A1
Принадлежит: JX Nippon Oil and Energy Corp

There are disclosed activated carbon for use in an electric double-layer capacitor electrode, the carbon being capable of improving rate characteristics and float characteristics of the electric double-layer capacitor electrode, and a method for manufacturing the activated carbon. The method for manufacturing the activated carbon for use in the electric double-layer capacitor electrode, comprising the steps of: grinding a carbon raw material to adjust an average particle diameter of the carbon raw material into a range of 1 μm to 15 μm; mixing the carbon raw material whose average particle diameter has been adjusted, with an alkali activator to obtain a mixture; and an activation treatment comprising heating the mixture under an atmosphere of an inert gas and then under an atmosphere of a mixed gas of the inert gas and water vapor.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032262A1

A preparation method of a bacterial cellulose-defective molybdenum disulfide (BC-MoS) heterojunction material for treating radioactive wastewater is provided, including: preparing bacterial cellulose by the in situ growth technology of and freeze-drying to obtain dried bacterial cellulose; carbonizing the dried bacterial cellulose to obtain carbonized bacterial cellulose; dispersing the carbonized bacterial cellulose into deionized water under an ultrasonic treatment; then adding thiourea and NaMoOHO, dissolving under an ultrasonic treatment to obtain a reaction mixture, subjecting the reaction mixture to a hydrothermal reaction to obtain a BC-MoSheterojunction; and calcining the BC-MoSheterojunction in a tube furnace with an Ar/Hatmosphere to obtain the BC-MoSheterojunction. 1. A preparation method of a bacterial cellulose-defective molybdenum disulfide (BC-MoS) heterojunction material for treating radioactive wastewater , comprising the following steps:{'b': '1', 'i': Acetobacter xylinum', 'Acetobacter xylinum', 'Acetobacter xylinum', 'Acetobacter xylinum', 'Acetobacter xylinum', 'Acetobacter xylinum;', 'Acetobacter xylinum', 'Acetobacter xylinum, 'step : preparing a liquid culture medium (per 150 mL) by dissolving and evenly mixing 5 wt % D-glucose, 0.5 wt % yeast extract, 0.2 wt % disodium hydrogen phosphate, 0.5 wt % peptone, 0.1 wt % citric acid, 0.1 wt % potassium dihydrogen phosphate and water, adjusting a pH value to 6.8, and performing a sterilization under a vapor pressure of 103.4 kPa and a temperature of 120-121.3° C. for 15-20 min; inoculating in the liquid culture medium and placing the liquid culture medium with the in a constant temperature incubator, incubating the in the liquid culture medium for 7 days at 293 K with a shaking speed of 120 rpm to obtain an -inoculated culture medium, and then rinsing the -inoculated culture medium to neutral with deionized water to obtain neutral performing a freeze-drying on the neutral to obtain dried bacterial ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032263A1
Автор: Serge Nicolas
Принадлежит: Arkema France

The present invention concerns a zeolitic adsorbent comprising a zeolitic agglomerate comprising at least one zeolite and at least one agglomeration binder, said agglomerate being coated with a coating comprising at least one pigment. 1. A zeolitic adsorbent material comprising:a zeolitic agglomerate comprising at least one zeolite and at least one agglomeration binder,the agglomerate being coated with a coating comprising at least one pigment.2. The material as claimed in claim 1 , having a color whose component L* is between 0 and 80.3. The material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the coating has a thickness of between 10 μm and 1000 μm.4. The material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the one zeolitic agglomerate comprises a zeolite selected from LTA-type zeolites and FAU-type zeolites.5. The material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the amount of zeolite(s) is more than 65% relative to the total weight of the adsorbent material claim 1 , and is less than 99% by weight relative to the total weight of the material.6. The material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the agglomeration binder is selected from clays and inorganic binders.7. The material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pigment is selected from peach black claim 1 , lamp black claim 1 , wine black claim 1 , vine black claim 1 , mineral black claim 1 , Dead Sea black clay claim 1 , and organic dyes from the lignosulfonate class.8. The material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the amount of pigment is between 0.01% and 10% by weight relative to the total weight of the material.9. A process for preparing a zeolitic adsorbent material as claimed in claim 1 , comprising:a) mixing an agglomeration binder and at least one zeolite, and agglomerating and shaping the mixture to give a zeolitic agglomerate;b) coating the agglomerate prepared and shaped in step a) using a coating composition comprising at least one pigment;c) drying the coated agglomerate obtained in step b) at a temperature generally of between 80° C. ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015440A1
Автор: Mitra Shantanu, Nair Vinod
Принадлежит: Farad Power, Inc.,

A method of making heteroatom-doped activated carbon is described in this application. Specifically, it describes a process that utilizes liquid furfuryl-functional-group compounds as starting materials, which are then used to dissolve the heteroatom containing source compounds, before being polymerized into solids using catalysts. The polymerized solids are then carbonized and activated to make the heteroatom-doped activated carbon. Electric double-layer capacitors (EDLC) were fabricated with activated carbons doped with boron and nitrogen, and tested for performance. Also, the boron and nitrogen content in the activated carbons was confirmed by chemical analysis. 1. A method of producing a heteroatom-doped activated carbon , comprising:a) mixing a liquid furfuryl-functional-group containing compound with the heteroatom containing source compound and a polymerization catalyst to form a mixture;b) heating the mixture to polymerize the liquid furfuryl-functional-group compound and forming a polymerized solid;c) carbonizing the polymerized solid by heating under a controlled atmosphere, wherein the controlled atmosphere is an inert atmosphere, to form a carbonized solid; andd) activating the carbonized solid by heating under a controlled environment to form the heteroatom-doped activated carbon.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the heteroatom containing source compound is at least one of a boric acid claim 1 , tri-alkyl borate claim 1 , ammonium borate claim 1 , boron acetate claim 1 , BF claim 1 , urea claim 1 , NHOH claim 1 , nitric acid claim 1 , acrylonitrile claim 1 , hexamethylenediamine claim 1 , either as a compound or in a solution with organic solvents or water.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid furfuryl-functional-group containing compound is at least one of a furfuryl alcohol claim 1 , furfural claim 1 , acetylfuran claim 1 , 5-hydroxymethylfurfural.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the polymerization catalyst is ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016146A1

An aluminophosphate-metal oxide bonded body including a metal oxide having a bonding surface on a part of the surface thereof, and aluminophosphate that is disposed on the bonding surface of the metal oxide, wherein an alkali metal, an alkaline earth metal or both of these is/are disposed on the bonding surface of the metal oxide, and the content rate of the alkali metal, alkaline earth metal or both is from 0.3 to 30.0% by mass with respect to all of the substances that are disposed on the bonding surface of the metal oxide. An aluminophosphate-metal oxide bonded body that provides a favorable bonded state even for complicated shapes is provided.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Road surface covering system

Номер: US20190016637A1
Автор: Russell Matthew F.
Принадлежит: RJSK, LLC

A road surface covering system includes a road surface covering of concrete or asphalt, water permeable tiles disposed adjacent to an outer edge of the road surface covering and having a water conductivity of at least 7 inches of water per hour, and a subgrade bed of fill material including a porous sand. The porous sand includes at least 70% of a naturally occurring micaceous arkose rock material having at least 30 wt % of mica, and at least 50 vol % of the micaceous arkose rock material having a mean diameter of between 0.060 mm and 0.65 mm. The micaceous arkose rock material being previously kilned at a temperature of between 1100° C. and 1300° C. 1. A road surface covering system , comprising:a road surface covering comprising at least one of concrete or asphalt, the road surface covering being define by a first outer edge;a plurality of water permeable tiles disposed adjacent to the first outer edge of the road surface covering, the water permeable tiles having a water conductivity, based on a constant water column of 30 inches, of at least 7 inches of water per hour; anda subgrade bed of fill material disposed beneath the plurality of water permeable tiles and at least a portion of the road surface covering, the subgrade bed of fill material comprising a porous sand, the porous sand comprising at least 70% by weight of a naturally occurring micaceous arkose rock material, the micaceous arkose rock material comprising at least 30% by weight of mica, at least about 50% by volume of the micaceous arkose rock material having a mean diameter of between about 0.060 mm and about 0.65 mm, and the micaceous arkose rock material having been previously kilned at of temperature of between 1100° C. and 1300° C. to transform at least 30% by weight of micaceous components in the micaceous arkose rock material into feldspar containing metal sulfides.2. The road surface covering system of and wherein the plurality of water permeable tiles are each defined by an upper surface ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Alkaline earth metal ion adsorbent, and production method of the same, and alkaline earth metal ion-containing liquid treatment apparatus

Номер: US20200016570A1
Принадлежит: Ebara Corp, Titan Kogyo KK

Provided is a particulate alkaline earth metal ion adsorbent having a large adsorption capacity. The particulate alkaline earth metal ion adsorbent comprising: a potassium hydrogen dititanate hydrate represented by a chemical formula K 2-x H x O.2TiO 2 .nH 2 O, wherein x is 0.5 or more and 1.3 or less, and n is greater than 0; and no binder, wherein the particulate alkaline earth metal ion adsorbent has a particle size range of 150 μm or more and 1000 μm or less.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016572A1
Автор: Hall WIlliam T.

The invention is both a product and a method for the safe, harmless and effective remediation of oil spills on water and on land. The oil can then be successfully recovered from the product for use. The invention also allows for the reuse of two waste products—post consumer plastics and coal combustion product—into a material that is used for the clean-up of oil spills and for site remediation. Furthermore, the used product can be reprocessed post use into more usable product. 1. A product for the absorption of oils comprising:the solidified mixture of oil, melted plastic, and coal combustion product;wherein said oil, plastic, and coal combustion product are present in a ratio of between 45%-55% oil, 20% to 30% plastic, and 20%-30% coal combustion product.2. A product for the absorption of oils according to wherein said plastic is selected from the group consisting of polyester claim 1 , polyethylene terephthalate claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , high-density polyethylene claim 1 , polyvinyl chloride claim 1 , Polyvinylidene chloride claim 1 , low-density polyethylene claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polystyrene claim 1 , high-impact polystyrene claim 1 , polyamides also known as nylons claim 1 , acrylonitrile butadiene styrene claim 1 , polycarbonate and polyurethanes.3. A product for the absorption of oils according to wherein said coal combustion product is selected from the group consisting of coal ash claim 1 , boiler slag claim 1 , and flue-gas desulphurization products.4. A product for the absorption of oils according to wherein said product has a particle sizes of between about 1 mm and 100 mm.5. A product for the absorption of oils according to wherein said product has a density of less than 1.0 g/cm.6. A product for the absorption of oils according to wherein said plastic is a melted and resolidified shredded plastic.7. A method of making an oil remediation product comprising:heating a petroleum or crude oil until bubbling;adding plastic to the heated oil ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016244A1

The present disclosure provides biorefining systems for co-producing activated carbon along with primary products. A host plant converts a feedstock comprising biomass into primary products and carbon-containing co-products; a modular reactor system pyrolyzes and activates the co-products, to generate activated carbon and pyrolysis off-gas; and an oxidation unit oxidizes the pyrolysis off-gas, generating CO, HO, and energy. The energy is recycled and utilized in the host plant, and the COand HO may be recycled to the reactor system as an activation agent. The host plant may be a saw mill, a pulp and paper plant, a corn wet or dry mill, a sugar production facility, or a food or beverage plant, for example. In some embodiments, the activated carbon is utilized at the host plant to purify one or more primary products, to purify water, to treat a liquid waste stream, and/or to treat a vapor waste stream. 1. A method of retrofitting a biomass host plant , the method comprising:(i) installing a reactor system within or adjacent to the host plant;(ii) conveying, to the reactor system, a co-product, wherein the co-product comprises carbon;(iii) pyrolyzing, using the reactor system, the co-product, thereby generating a carbon-containing biogenic reagent and pyrolysis off-gas;{'sub': '2', '(iv) oxidizing the pyrolysis off-gas, thereby generating CO, CO, and energy; and'}(v) recycling and utilizing the energy in the host plant.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising recycling and utilizing the CO in the reactor system.3. The method of claim 1 , comprising selecting the host plant from the group consisting of a saw mill claim 1 , a pulp mill claim 1 , a pulp and paper plant claim 1 , a corn wet mill claim 1 , a corn dry mill claim 1 , a corn ethanol plant claim 1 , a cellulosic ethanol plant claim 1 , a sugarcane ethanol plant claim 1 , a grain processing plant claim 1 , a sugar production facility claim 1 , a food plant claim 1 , a nut processing facility claim 1 , a fruit ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021330A1
Принадлежит: TOYO TANSO CO., LTD.

A porous carbon having a high oxidation reaction temperature, a method of manufacturing the porous carbon, and an adsorption/desorption apparatus using the porous carbon are provided. A porous carbon includes mesopores and a carbonaceous wall forming an outer wall of the mesopores, characterized by being composed mainly of hard carbon and having an oxidation reaction temperature of 600° C. or higher. It is desirable that the porous carbon have an average interlayer spacing d(002) of 0.350 nm or greater, as determined by an X-ray diffraction method after heating the porous carbon at 2500° C. or higher for 30 minutes to 60 minutes. 18.-. (canceled)9. A porous carbon comprising mesopores and a carbonaceous wall forming an outer wall of the mesopores , characterized by:being composed mainly of hard carbon and having an oxidation reaction temperature of 600° C. or higher.10. The porous carbon according to claim 9 , having an average interlayer spacing d(002) of 0.350 nm or greater claim 9 , wherein the average interlayer spacing d(002) is determined by X-ray diffraction method after heating the porous carbon at 2500° C. for 30 minutes to 60 minutes.11. The porous carbon according to claim 9 , having a specific surface area of 500 m/g or greater.12. The porous carbon according to claim 10 , having a specific surface area of 500 m/g or greater.13. The porous carbon according to claim 9 , wherein the volume of the mesopores is 0.2 mL/g or greater.14. The porous carbon according to claim 10 , wherein the volume of the mesopores is 0.2 mL/g or greater.15. The porous carbon according to claim 9 , having a true density of 1.0 g/cc or greater.16. The porous carbon according to claim 10 , having a true density of 1.0 g/cc or greater.17. A method of manufacturing a porous carbon claim 10 , comprising:a first step of preparing a carbonized material having mesopores from a hydrate of a metal organic acid; anda second step of heat-treating the carbonized material at a temperature of ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Molecular Sieve, COK-5, Its Synthesis and Use

Номер: US20160023914A1
Автор: Burton Allen W.

A molecular sieve having the structure of COK-5 is produced using, as a structure directing agent, at least one diquaternary ammonium compound selected from the group consisting of 1,4-bis(N-propylpyrrolidinium)butane dications, 1,4-bis(N-butylpyrrolidinium)butane dications and 1,5-bis(N-propylpyrrolidinium)pentane dications. 1. A molecular sieve having the structure of COK-5 , comprising in its pores at least one diquaternary ammonium compound selected from the group consisting of 1 ,4-bis(N-propylpyrrolidinium)butane dications , 1 ,4-bis(N-butylpyrrolidinium)butane dications and 1 ,5-bis(N-propylpyrrolidinium)pentane dications.2. The molecular sieve of claim 1 , further comprising crystals having an external surface area as determined by the t-plot method for nitrogen physisorption of about 100 to about 300 m/g.3. The molecular sieve of claim 1 , further comprising crystals having a total surface area as determined by the t-plot method for nitrogen physisorption of about 350 to about 650 m/g.5. The molecular sieve material of claim 4 , the tetravalent element Y comprises silicon and the trivalent element X comprises boron or aluminum.6. A molecular sieve having the structure of COK-5 having an X-ray diffraction pattern with a first composite peak with a maximum at 25.0 (±0.30) degrees 2-theta (2θ) which has an intensity above background of Imaxand which intersects a second composite peak with a maximum at 23.0 (±0.20) degrees 2-theta (2θ) to form a local minimum which has an intensity above background of Imin claim 4 , such that the Imin/Imaxratio is >0.7.7. A molecular sieve having the structure of COK-5 claim 4 , comprising crystals having an external surface area as determined by the t-plot method for nitrogen physisorption of at least 100 m/g and having an X-ray diffraction pattern with a single diffuse composite feature in the 2-theta (2θ) range from 21.5 to 25.5 degrees.8. The molecular sieve of claim 7 , comprising crystals having a total surface area as ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023921A1

Methods for making activated carbon-supported transition metal-based nanoparticles include (a) impregnated activated carbon with at least one transition metal-containing compound, and (b) heating the impregnated activated carbon at a temperature and for a time sufficient to carbothermally reduce the transition metal-containing compound. Also disclosed are activated carbon-supported transition metal-based nanoparticles produced by such methods. Further disclosed are methods for treating water and waste streams that include contacting the water or waste streams with the activated carbon-supported transition metal-based nanoparticles. 1. A method for making activated carbon-supported transition metal-based nanoparticles , the method comprising:impregnated activated carbon with at least one transition metal-containing compound; andheating the impregnated activated carbon in an inert atmosphere at a temperature and for a time sufficient to carbothermally reduce the at least one transition metal-containing compound.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one transition metal is chosen from iron claim 1 , zinc claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , copper claim 1 , zirconium claim 1 , hafnium claim 1 , vanadium claim 1 , niobium claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , manganese claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , barium claim 1 , bismuth claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one transition metal-containing compound is chosen from transition metal salts and oxides claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one transition metal-containing compound is chosen from FeCO claim 1 , FeCO claim 1 , Fe(NO) claim 1 , FeO claim 1 , FeO claim 1 , FeCl claim 1 , Zr(SO) claim 1 , ZrO(NO) claim 1 , MnOhydrates thereof claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one transition metal-containing compound is mixed with at least one solvent to form a ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Humic Acid Type Adsorption material as Well as Preparation Method and Application thereof

Номер: US20220040672A1

The invention discloses a humic acid type adsorption material as well as a preparation method and application thereof. The humic acid type adsorption material is prepared by taking carboxymethyl cellulose or salts thereof, humate and montmorillonite as raw materials and adding a monomer, a cross-linking agent and an initiator through aqueous solution polymerization. The synthesized porous material is great in specific surface area, can quickly get close to water molecules in water to form hydrogen bonds, and finally achieves the purpose of removing organic dye pollutants through electrostatic attraction effect with dye molecules. The humic acid type adsorption material is low in raw material price, is simple in synthesis process, and is green and environmentally friendly. 1. A preparation method for a humic acid type adsorption material , comprising the following steps:step 1: weighing humate, montmorillonite, acrylic acid and carboxymethyl cellulose or salts thereof in a mass ratio of (0.01-0.15):(0.03-0.15):(2-6):(0.05-0.14) to separately prepare a humate solution, a montmorillonite water dispersion solution, an acrylic acid solution and a carboxymethyl cellulose solution or a salt solution thereof;step 2: stirring and uniformly mixing the humate solution, the montmorillonite water dispersion solution and the carboxymethyl cellulose solution or the salt solution thereof under a heating condition to form a system A; adding a crosslinking agent into the acrylic acid solution to form a system B;step 3: dropping the system B and an initiator into the system A, continuing to stir after the addition is completed, and continuing to stir after the temperature rises to obtain a viscous gel material;and step 4: performing freezing-thawing treatment on the viscous gel material obtained in step 3 for several times, and finally freeze-drying to obtain a humic acid type adsorption material.2. The preparation method for the humic acid type adsorption material according to claim ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022007A1
Принадлежит: Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University

A mesosilicalite nanocarrier having a hierarchical silicalite characterized by a molar ratio of aluminum to silica in a range of 1:3000 to 1:1000. The hierarchical silicalite includes mesopores of a hexagonal structure, and micropores of silicalite structure with a microporous volume in the range of 0.05 cc/g to 0.1 cc/g. The nanocarrier has a mesophase content in the range of 30 wt % to 70 wt %, a microphase content in the range of 30 wt % to 70 wt %, and a mean pore diameter in the range of 1.5 nm to 5.5 nm. A method of preparing the stable mesosilicalite nanocarrier with hierarchical micro/mesopores to load an antioxidant or drug for targeted drug delivery is also described. 16-. (canceled)7. A method of preparing a mesosilicalite nanocarrier , comprising: a mesophase with mesopores of a hexagonal structure; and', 'a microphase with micropores of a microporous volume in the range of 0.05 cc/g to 0.1 cc/g;', 'wherein the mesophase content is in the range of 30% to 70% relative to a total weight of the nanocarrier, and the microphase content is in the range of 30% to 70% relative to the total weight of the nanocarrier; and', 'wherein a mean pore diameter of the mesosilicalite nanocarrier is in the range of 1.5 nm to 5.5 nm,, 'a hierarchical silicalite having a silica to aluminum molar ratio in a range of 1000:1 to 3000:1, comprisingthe method comprising:mixing a silica source with a template to form a first mixture,hydrothermally aging the first mixture at a temperature of 150° C.-200° C. for 24 hours to 86 hours to produce an aged first mixture;drying the aged first mixture to form a silicalite;treating the silicalite with an alkaline solution and a surfactant to form a second mixture;hydrothermally aging the second mixture at a temperature of 60° C.-120° C. for 12 hours to 36 hours at a rate of 3° C./min to 6° C./min to form an aged second mixture;neutralizing a pH of the aged second mixture;hydrothermally aging the aged second mixture at a temperature of 60° C.- ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Process for Converting Banana Tree Stalk into Fibers for Absorption of Hydrocarbons and Corresponding System and Product

Номер: US20150024932A1
Принадлежит: GEOPHIA LLC

A process for producing absorbent materials includes reducing a banana tree stalk into separated fibers, pressing the separated fibers to generate pressed fibers having less than 50% moisture content by weight, reducing moisture content of the pressed fibers by applying infrared heating to produce pre-dried fibers, and applying a non-thermal drying process to generate dried fibers having less than 10% moisture content by weight for employment in an absorbent material that absorbs hydrocarbons.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022623A1

A range of carbon materials can be produced using lignin in combination with synthetic phenolic resins or naturally occurring lingo-cellulosic materials. The lignin, which is essentially a naturally occurring phenolic resin, has a carbon yield on pyrolysis similar to that of the synthetic resins, which aids processing. The lignin can be used as a binder phase for synthetic resin or lignocellulosic materials allowing the production of monolithic carbons from a wide range of precursors, as the primary structural material where the thermal processing is modified by the addition of small quantities of synthetic resin materials or as structure modified in the production of meso/macro porous carbons in either bead, granular or monolithic form. A carbonised monolith is provided comprising mesoporous and/or macroporous carbon particles dispersed in a matrix of microporous carbon particles with voids between the particles defining paths for fluid to flow into and through the structure. The monolith may take the form of a shaped body having walls defining a multiplicity of internal transport channels for fluid flow, the transport channels being directed along the extrusion direction. The monolith may be made by carbonising a shaped phenolic body based on phenolic resin precursors. In a method for producing such a carbonisable shaped resin body solid particles of a first phenolic resin are provided which is partially cured so that the particles are sinterable but do not melt on carbonisation. The particles of the first phenolic resin are mixed with particles of a second phenolic resin that has a greater degree of cure than said first phenolic resin and has a mesoporous and/or macroporous microstructure that is preserved on carbonisation. The resulting mixture is formed into a dough e.g. by mixing the resin particles with methyl cellulose, PEO and water, after which the dough is extruded to form a shaped product and stabilising in its shape by sintering. 149-. (canceled)50. A ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022624A1

A solidified porous carbon material uses a plant-derived material as a raw material, a bulk density of the solidified porous carbon material is in the range of 0.2 to 0.4 grams/cm, preferably, 0.3 to 0.4 grams/cm. A value of a cumulative pore volume in the range of 0.05 to 5 μm in pore size based on a mercury press-in method is in the range of 0.4 to 1.2 cm, preferably, 0.5 to 1.0 cmper 1 gram of the solidified porous carbon material. 1. A solidified porous carbon material using a plant-derived material as a raw material ,wherein a bulk density of the solidified porous carbon material is in a range of 0.2 to 0.4 grams/cm3,a value of a cumulative pore volume in a range of 0.05 to 5 μm in pore size based on a mercury press-in method is in a range of 0.4 to 1.2 cm3 per 1 gram of the solidified porous carbon material, anda value of a pore volume based on an MP method is in a range of 0.04 to 0.09 cm3 per 1 cm3 of the solidified porous carbon material.2. The solidified porous carbon material according to claim 1 , wherein the value of the cumulative pore volume in the range of 0.05 to 5 μm in pore size based on the mercury press-in method is in a range of 0.5 to 1.0 cm3 per 1 gram of the solidified porous carbon material.3. The solidified porous carbon material according to claim 1 , wherein the value of the cumulative pore volume in a range of 10 μm or less in pore size based on the mercury press-in method is in a range of 0.7 to 2.0 cm3 per 1 gram of the solidified porous carbon material.4. The solidified porous carbon material according to claim 1 , wherein a value of a pore volume based on a B JH method is 0.1 cm3 or more per 1 cm3 of the solidified porous carbon material.56-. (canceled)7. The solidified porous carbon material according to claim 1 , wherein a value of an ignition residue of the solidified porous carbon material is equal to or larger than 0.1 mass % claim 1 , and equal to or smaller than 20 mass %.8. The solidified porous carbon material according to ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Porous Carbon Material, Method for Manufacturing Same, Filter, Sheet, and Catalyst Carrier

Номер: US20190023578A1

A porous carbon material 1. A porous carbon materialwherein a particle diameter is 10 μm or more but 1 cm or less;{'sup': '3', 'wherein a bulk specific gravity is 0.20 g/cmor more; and'}{'sup': '3', 'wherein a mesopore volume is 0.10 cm/g or more.'}2. The porous carbon material according to claim 1 , wherein the porous carbon material comprises a plant-derived material.3. The porous carbon material according to claim 2 , wherein the plant-derived material is chaff.4. A filter comprising{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the porous carbon material according to .'}5. The filter according to claim 4 , wherein the filter is for water purification.6. The filter according to claim 4 , wherein the filter is for air cleaning.7. A filter cartridge comprising{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00004', 'claim 4'}, 'the filter according to .'}8. A sheet comprising{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the porous carbon material according to .'}9. A catalyst carrier comprising{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the porous carbon material according to .'}10. A method for producing the porous carbon material according to claim 1 , the method comprising:pressure-molding a plant-derived material to thereby obtain a molded product,carbonizing the molded product to thereby obtain a carbonized product, andactivating the carbonized product.11. The method for producing the porous carbon material according to claim 10 , wherein the plant-derived material is chaff.12. The method for producing the porous carbon material according to claim 10 , wherein the molded product is obtained by pressure-molding the plant-derived material having a water content of 3% by mass or more but 30% by mass or less. The present invention relates to a porous carbon material, and a method for producing the porous carbon material, and a filter, a sheet, and a catalyst carrier.Porous carbon materials represented by activated carbon are obtained by activating charred products, ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Adsorbates and methods for separation and recovery of phosphate, nitrates, and ammonia from water

Номер: US20200023335A1
Принадлежит: Water Warriors Inc

Water insoluble carbonates are utilized as adsorbents to remove phosphates from water flowing through an iron impregnated or coated foam. The iron impregnated or coated foam acts to improve the removal of phosphates as well as to remove nitrates and ammonia. A powdered carbonates/binder mixture, i.e. MgCO 3 and/or La 2 (CO 3 ) 3 mixed with cellulose, is formed into pellets then calcined. Aqueous phosphates adsorb onto the surface area of the pellet for eventual removal. Calcining the pellets removes the cellulose binder and opens the interior of the pellet up to provide additional surface area for adsorption. These pellets are placed within a porous bag and placed with water, preferably within a flow of water.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030525A1
Автор: Mitra Shantanu

The present patent application discloses a novel sol-gel process to synthesize a nano-porous solid carbon material—suitable for use in electrodes in energy storage applications—from a combination of liquid reagents that undergo a polymerization reaction to form a matrix. 1. A method of producing nano-porous carbon , comprising:a) mixing a liquid carbonyl-containing carbon source with a liquid acidic polymerization catalyst until a solid catalyst-carbon matrix forms;b) heating the solid catalyst-carbon matrix; andc) etching the solid matrix to remove the catalyst from the carbon matrix to produce a network of pores in the carbon.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising activating the nano-porous carbon.3. The method according to claim 2 , where the activating comprises heating under controlled atmosphere.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the mixing step is performed at a controlled temperature.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the etching step utilizes NaOH claim 1 , HCl claim 1 , HF or Cl.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid carbonyl-containing carbon source comprises an aldehyde or a ketone that is liquid at room temperature.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the aldehyde or the ketone comprises acetone claim 1 , α-ionone claim 1 , β-ionone claim 1 , benzophenone claim 1 , acetylacetone claim 1 , benzaldehyde claim 1 , or acetaldehyde.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid acidic polymerization catalyst comprises SiCland its derivatives or TiCland its derivatives.9. The method according to claim 8 , wherein the liquid acidic polymerization catalyst is tetrachlorosilane claim 8 , dichlorosilane claim 8 , trichlorosilane claim 8 , dichlorodimethylsilane claim 8 , titanium tetrachloride claim 8 , titanium isopropoxide claim 8 , titanium ethoxide or titanium butoxide.10. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising the introduction of external oxygen.11. A method for the ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030917A1

An adsorbent for halogenated anaesthetics includes: an inorganic material; and an organic material providing a framework for the inorganic material. The inorganic material may be chromium and the organic material may be terephthalic acid. The adsorbent may be formed or configured such that the adsorbent includes coordinatively unsaturated sites or such that the inorganic material may form octahedral structures. The adsorbent is formed or configured to be substantially regenerated at approximately room temperature and to provide selectivity for sevofluorane in water vapour of approximately 1.0. A method of producing an adsorbent includes: selecting an appropriate chemical containing an inorganic material; selecting an organic material to provide a framework for the inorganic material; dissolving the base chemical in water; mixing the organic material with the dissolved base chemical; heating the mixture; filtering the mixture to remove excess organic material; and drying the filtrate. 1. An adsorbent for halogenated anaesthetics comprising:an inorganic material; andan organic material providing a framework for the inorganic material.2. An adsorbent according to wherein the inorganic material is chromium.3. An adsorbent according to wherein the organic material is terephthalic acid.4. An adsorbent according to wherein the adsorbent can be substantially regenerated at approximately room temperature.5. An adsorbent according to wherein the adsorbent provides selectivity for sevofluorane in water vapour of approximately 1.0.6. An adsorbent according to wherein the inorganic material forms octahedral structures in the adsorbent.7. An adsorbent according to wherein the adsorbent comprises coordinatively unsaturated sites.8. A method of producing an adsorbent for halogenated anaesthetics comprising:selecting an appropriate chemical containing an inorganic material;selecting an organic material to provide a framework for the inorganic material;dissolving the base chemical in ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030921A1
Автор: LEE Hyemin, Ryu Chul Hee
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present invention relates to a super absorbent polymer and a preparation method thereof. The super absorbent polymer includes surface crosslinked polymer particles prepared by surface crosslinking of particles of a base resin, wherein the base resin is polymerized from a monomer composition including water-soluble ethylene-based unsaturated monomers, and a water-soluble component, wherein the water-soluble component has a ratio (dwt/d(log M)) of 0.9 or less over molecular weights (M) ranging from 100,000 to 300,000 when measured from an eluted solution after swelling the super absorbent polymer for 1 hour, and wherein the content of the water-soluble component is 5% by weight or less, based on the total weight of the super absorbent polymer, when measured after swelling the super absorbent polymer for 1 hour. The super absorbent polymer has excellent liquid permeability even when swollen without a reduction in centrifuge retention capacity or absorbency under load while having improved permeability. 1. A super absorbent polymer , comprising:surface crosslinked polymer particles prepared by surface crosslinking of particles of a base resin, wherein the base resin is polymerized from a monomer composition including water-soluble ethylene-based unsaturated monomers; anda water-soluble component, wherein the water-soluble component has a ratio (dwt/d(log M)) of 0.9 or less over molecular weights (M) ranging from 100,000 to 300,000 when measured from an eluted solution after swelling 1 g of the super absorbent polymer in 200 ml of 0.9% NaCl solution at 25° C. for 1 hour, andwherein the content of the water-soluble component is 5% by weight or less, based on the total weight of the super absorbent polymer, when measured after swelling the super absorbent polymer for 1 hour.2. The super absorbent polymer of claim 1 , wherein the super absorbent polymer has centrifuge retention capacity ranging from about 26 to about 37 g/g.3. The super absorbent polymer of claim 1 , ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030922A1

A method for producing charcoal particles or pellets which use different additives as binders for the biochar pellets. The method includes producing a mixture with charcoal and additives selected from nanocrystalline cellulose, bentonite, and polyvinyl acetate. The mixture is created by mixing one or more of the additives with charcoal and water. The mixture is then processed in a pelletizer device. While processing, the surface of the mixture is sprayed with a liquid. Once turned into pellets by way of the pelletizer device, the resulting pellets are then dried by applying heat to the pellets. The liquid can be water or a solution of water and sodium borate. 1. A charcoal product comprising a porous charcoal pellet having additives selected from a group comprising bentonite , nanocrystalline cellulose , polyvinyl acetate , and sodium borate.2. A charcoal product according to claim 1 , wherein said product is composed of biochar and bentonite having a bentonite to charcoal mass ratio of 2:1.3. A charcoal product according to claim 2 , wherein said product is further comprised of nanocrystalline cellulose claim 2 , said product having a charcoal to nanocrystalline cellulose mass ratio of 2:1.4. A charcoal product according to claim 1 , wherein said bentonite is used as a binder for said pellet.5. A charcoal product according to claim 1 , wherein said polyvinyl acetate is used as a binder for said pellet.6. A charcoal product according to claim 1 , wherein said polyvinyl acetate and said sodium borate are used as binders for said pellet.7. A charcoal product according to claim 1 , wherein said product is for at least one of:biodiesel manufacturing;animal feed supplement;esterifications reactions;transesterification reactions;organic solution dessicant; andliquid hydrocarbon mixture dessicant.8. A method for producing charcoal pellets claim 1 , the method comprising:a) mixing charcoal with at least one additive and water to result in a mixture;b) processing said ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Porous Media Compositions and Methods for Producing the Same

Номер: US20160030923A1

The present invention relates to porous substrate compositions and methods for producing such compositions. In one embodiment, the porous substrate composition of the present invention comprises sintered spherical particles of a substantially uniform size. The porous media compositions of the present invention comprise relatively randomly-ordered particles with a void fraction significantly higher than compositions with a more ordered, close-packed configuration. The present invention further relates to composite porous media compositions comprising two or more relatively discrete layers of sintered particles. 1. A sintered porous material , comprising:one or more layers of sintered particles having a void fraction of at least about 0.26,wherein each layer comprises substantially spherical particles having a relative standard deviation in particle size of about 10 percent or less.2. The material of claim 1 , wherein the sintered particles comprise:a substantially solid core, andone or more shell layers, wherein each shell layer comprises a plurality of sintered shell particles.3. The material of claim 1 , comprising a first layer and a second layer claim 1 , wherein the second layer comprises substantially spherical particles having a relative standard deviation in particle size of about 10 percent or less claim 1 , and the second layer is sintered to the first layer.4. The material of claim 1 , wherein the average particle size of the particles is greater than about 1 micron.5. The material of claim 1 , wherein the average particle size of the particles is about 1.7 micron.6. The material of claim 1 , wherein the average particle size of the particles is greater than about 3 micron.7. The material of claim 1 , wherein the average particle size of the particles is less than about 500 nm.8. The material of claim 1 , wherein the average particle size of the particles is less than about 250 nm.9. The material of claim 1 , wherein the average particle size of the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus for Removing Chemotherapy Compounds from Blood

Номер: US20180028740A1

A filter apparatus for removing small molecule chemotherapy agents from blood is provided. The filter apparatus comprises a housing with an extraction media comprised of polymer coated carbon cores. Also provided are methods of treating a subject with cancer of an organ or region comprising administering a chemotherapeutic agent to the organ or region, collecting blood laded with chemotherapeutic agent from the isolated organ, filtering the blood laden with chemotherapeutic agent to reduce the chemotherapeutic agent in the blood and returning the blood to the subject. 1. A filter apparatus for removing small molecule chemotherapy agents from blood comprising:a housing having an inlet and an outlet, an extraction media comprising polymer coated carbon cores contained within the housing, wherein the carbon cores have a pore volume of about 1.68 cc/g to about 2.17 cc/g.2. A filter apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon cores have a particle diameter of about 0.45 mm to about 1.15 mm.3. A filter apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparent density of carbon cores is about 0.19 to about 0.2.4. A filter apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon cores have a median microporous diameter (D) of between about 9.3 Å to about 10.5 Å.5. A filter apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon cores have a median mesoporous diameter (D) of between about 30 Å to about 156 Å.6. A filter apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon cores have a percent of microporous pores that represents between about 18% to about 28% of the pore volume.7. A filter apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon cores have an MBET surface area of between about 1825 m/g to about 2058 m/g.8. A filter apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon cores have a DFT surface area of between about 1483 m/g to about 1778 m/g.9. A filter apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the housing is a filter cartridge.10. A filter apparatus according to claim 9 , ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Self-Ignition Resistant Thermally-Activated Carbon

Номер: US20150031531A1

Thermally-activated cellulosic-based carbon is rendered more thermally stable by exposure to a halogen and/or a halogen-containing compound. Such treated cellulosic-based carbon is suitable for use in mitigating the content of hazardous substances in flue gases, especially flue gases having a temperature within the range of from about 100° C. to about 420° C. 1. A thermally-activated cellulosic-based carbon that has been exposed to a halogen and/or a halogen-containing compound , has an ash content of 10 to 15 wt % and that has at least one of the following:(i) a temperature of initial energy release that is greater than the temperature of initial energy release for the same thermally-activated cellulosic-based carbon without the halogen and/or halogen-containing compound exposure;(ii) a self-sustaining ignition temperature greater than the self-sustaining ignition temperature for the same thermally-activated cellulosic-based carbon without the halogen and/or halogen-containing compound exposure; and(iii) an early stage energy release value that is less than the early stage energy release value for the same thermally-activated cellulosic-based carbon without the halogen and/or halogen-containing compound exposure.2. The thermally-activated cellulosic-based carbon of wherein the halogen and/or halogen-containing compound comprises bromine claim 1 , chlorine claim 1 , fluorine claim 1 , iodine claim 1 , ammonium bromide claim 1 , other nitrogen-containing halogen salts claim 1 , or calcium bromide.3. The thermally-activated cellulosic-based carbon of wherein the thermally-activated cellulosic-based carbon that has been exposed to a halogen or halogen-containing compound contains from about 2 to about 20 wt % halogen claim 1 , the wt % being based on the total weight of the thermally-activated cellulosic-based carbon that had been exposed to the halogen and/or the halogen-containing compound.4. A process for enhancing the thermal stability of a thermally-activated ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031715A1

The present invention pertains to a method for producing zeolite or zeolite-like crystals using a composition comprising one or more fluorine-containing compounds as a mineralizing agent. Crystals produced by such a method are smaller in size than crystals available in the art and contain few defects. The invention also relates to zeolite and/or zeolite-like crystals obtainable by a method as provided herein as well as crystals defined by any of the structural characteristics provided herein, and the usage thereof such as in the manufacture of thin films and membranes, absorbents, catalysts etc. 122.-. (canceled)23. A method for producing MFI zeolite crystals , wherein said method comprises the following steps: i) one or more tetraalkoxysilane(s) and/or one or more aluminiumalkoxide(s),', 'ii) tetraalkylammoniumhydroxide, and', 'iii) water,', 'thereby providing a mixture comprising', 'i) one or more hydrolyzed tetraalkoxysilane(s) and/or one or more hydrolysed aluminiumalkoxide(s),', 'ii) tetraalkylammoniumhydroxide,', 'iii) water, and', 'iv) one or more alcohol(s),, 'a) mixing'}b) removing said alcohol(s) formed in step a) so that the mixture contains 10 wt % or less of said alcohol(s), '(ii) adjusting the pH of the composition to which the fluorine containing compound has been added to a pH of 6-8,', 'd) (i) adding a fluorine containing compound to the mixture, said fluorine containing compound being selected from the group consisting of tetraalkylammonium fluoride, ammonium fluoride, potassium fluoride, sodium fluoride, and hydrofluoric acid, or a combination thereof, and'}e) forming MFI zeolite crystals from the mixture using hydrothermal treatment in a temperature range from 30° C. to 100° C., andf) collecting the MFI zeolite crystals from step e), wherein the MFI zeolite crystals have a length of 1.5 μm or less.24. The method according to claim 23 , further comprising a step c) prior to step d) and following step b):c) adding one or more aqueous solvent(s) to ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048009A1
Принадлежит: EP MINERALS, LLC

This invention concerns highly effective functional additive products that comprise diatomite. More particularly, it concerns such functional additive products possessing particle size distributions which make them more effective as functional additives in filled systems. Higher effectiveness is demonstrated through lower Standard Sheen and/or reduced unit consumption relative to diatomite functional additives already in the public domain. Such products may also possess high brightness, low tint and/or an absence of detectable crystalline silica. 1. A product comprising diatomite , wherein the product is powdered and has(a) Standard Sheen of 0.4 to 0.5 and Hegman of 1.0 to 2.0, or (b) Standard Sheen of 0.6 to 0.7 and Hegman of 2.5 to 3.5.2. The product of claim 1 , wherein the Standard Sheen is 0.4 to 0.5 and the Hegman is 1.0 to 2.0 claim 1 , wherein the product further has a Ratio (R) of 0.35 to 0.52.3. The product of claim 1 , wherein the Standard Sheen is 0.6 to 0.7 and the Hegman is 2.5 to 3.5 claim 1 , wherein the product further has a Ratio (R) of 0.34 to 0.45.4. The product of claim 1 , wherein the product further has a Y value of 79 to 91 claim 1 , and an L* value of 91 to 97.5. The product of claim 1 , wherein the product further has an a* value of −0.1 to 1.2.6. The product of claim 1 , wherein the product further has a b* value of 1.0 to 5.0.7. The product of claim 1 , wherein the product further has a Standard Contrast Ratio of 0.90 to 0.92.8. The product of claim 1 , wherein the product is free of a total crystalline silica content as measured according to an LH Method.9. The product of claim 2 , wherein the product is free of a total crystalline silica content as measured according to an LH Method.10. The product of claim 3 , wherein the product is free of a total crystalline silica content as measured according to an LH Method.11. The product of claim 1 , wherein the product is free of a cristobalite content as measured according to an LH method.12. ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Fuel filter with organoclay, cleaning cartridge with organoclay, and use

Номер: US20200030727A1
Принадлежит: Mann and Hummel GmbH

A fuel filter has a separating device separating, from a medium flow comprising a first medium and a second medium, the first medium as a separated first medium contaminated with the second medium. The fuel filter has a cleaning device receiving a proportion of the second medium contained in the separated first medium. The cleaning device is arranged upstream of a discharge opening for discharging the first medium from the fuel filter. The cleaning device is provided with an absorbent/adsorbent cleaning material. The cleaning material contains or is made of an organoclay as an active component. The organoclay is a bulk material, wherein at least 50 wt. % of the organoclay has an average particle diameter of greater than 50 Φm and smaller than 1,000 Φm.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030771A1

Provided is a radionuclide absorbent, a method of preparing the same and a method of removing a radionuclide using the same. The radionuclide absorbent, compared to conventional zeolite, may more selectively remove radioactive cesium (Cs) and/or strontium (Sr) ions even in the presence of various competitive ions (e.g., Na, K, Mg, and Ca) in groundwater or seawater. In addition, the radionuclide absorbent may be prepared by a simple method of thermally treating a mixture of sulfur and zeolite, and thereby, sulfur may be uniformly dispersed in zeolite. 1. A radionuclide absorbent comprising a sulfur-zeolite composite in which sulfur is dispersed in zeolite.2. The radionuclide absorbent of claim 1 , wherein the sulfur-zeolite composite comprises 1 to 25 wt % of sulfur on the basis of the total weight of the composite.3. The radionuclide absorbent of claim 1 , wherein the sulfur-zeolite composite comprises 3 to 20 wt % of sulfur on the basis of the total weight of the composite.4. The radionuclide absorbent of claim 1 , wherein the sulfur-zeolite composite comprises 4 to 12 wt % of sulfur on the basis of the total weight of the composite.5. The radionuclide absorbent of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite is one selected from the group consisting of chabazite (CHA) claim 1 , mordenite (MOR) claim 1 , NaA claim 1 , NaX claim 1 , faujasite (FAU) claim 1 , Linde Type A (LTA) claim 1 , analcime (ANA) claim 1 , Linde Type L (LTL) claim 1 , EMT (EMC-2) claim 1 , MFI (ZSM-5) claim 1 , ferrierite (FER) claim 1 , heulandite (HEU) claim 1 , beta polymorph A (BEA) and MTW (ZSM-12) structures claim 1 , or a combination thereof.6. The radionuclide absorbent of claim 1 , wherein the radionuclide comprises one or more selected from cesium or strontium.7. The radionuclide absorbent of claim 1 , wherein the sulfur-zeolite composite comprises 1 to 25 wt % of sulfur on the basis of the total weight of the composite claim 1 , and the radionuclide is cesium.8. The radionuclide absorbent of claim ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140117281A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A process for the activation of a copper, zinc and zirconium oxide-comprising adsorption composition for the adsorptive removal of carbon monoxide from substance streams comprising carbon monoxide and at least one olefin wherein: (i) in a first activation step an activation gas mixture comprising the olefin and an inert gas is passed through the adsorption composition; and (ii) in a second activation step the adsorption composition is heated to a temperature in the range from 180 to 300° C. and an inert gas is passed through it, wherein the steps (i) and (ii) can each be performed several times. 1. A process for the activation of a copper- , zinc- and zirconium oxide-comprising adsorption composition for the adsorptive removal of carbon monoxide from substance streams comprising carbon monoxide and at least one olefin , wherein(i) in a first activation step an activation gas mixture comprising the olefin and an inert gas is passed through the adsorption composition, and(ii) in a second activation step the adsorption composition is heated to a temperature in the range from 180 to 300° C. and an inert gas is passed through it,wherein the steps (i) and (ii) can each be performed several times.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the adsorption composition comprises copper in a quantity which corresponds to 30 to 99.8 wt. % CuO claim 1 , zinc in a quantity which corresponds to 0.1 to 69.9 wt. % ZnO and zirconium in a quantity which corresponds to 0.1 to 69.9 wt. % ZrO claim 1 , each based on the total quantity of the adsorption composition.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the adsorption composition comprises copper in a quantity which corresponds to 65 to 75 wt. % CuO claim 1 , zinc in a quantity which corresponds to 15 to 25 wt. % ZnO and zirconium in a quantity which corresponds to 5 to 15 wt. % ZrO claim 1 , each based on the total quantity of the adsorption composition.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the activation gas mixture ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031167A1

A moisture and hydrogen adsorption getter is provided. The moisture and hydrogen adsorption getter includes a silicon substrate including a concave portion and a convex portion, a silicon oxide layer conformally provided along a surface of the concave portion and a surface of the convex portion and configured to adsorb moisture, and a hydrogen adsorption pattern disposed on the silicon oxide layer. A portion of the silicon oxide layer is exposed between portions of the hydrogen adsorption pattern. 1. A method of fabricating a moisture and hydrogen adsorption getter , the method comprising:preparing a silicon substrate including a concave portion and a convex portion;forming a silicon oxide layer for adsorbing moisture by immersing the silicon substrate in an acid solution; andforming a hydrogen adsorption pattern on the silicon oxide layer.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:forming a plurality of holes extending downward from surfaces of the concave portion and the convex portion before the forming of the silicon oxide layer.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the forming of the holes comprises:forming a metal thin layer on the concave portion and the convex portion;thermally treating the metal thin layer formed on the concave portion and the convex portion to form metal particles; andforming the holes extending downward from the surfaces corresponding to the metal particles by a method of etching the silicon substrate including the concave portion and the convex portion by using the metal particles as a catalyst.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the preparing of the silicon substrate comprises:forming a mask film that covers a first region of the silicon substrate and exposes a second region of the silicon substrate; andimmersing the silicon substrate in a basic solution to form the concave portion and the convex portion on the second region of the silicon substrate.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the forming of the hydrogen adsorption pattern ...
