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20-07-2017 дата публикации

Способ получения нанопорошков феррита кобальта и микрореактор для его реализации

Номер: RU2625981C1

Изобретение относится к технологии получения нанопорошков феррита кобальта в микромасштабном реакторе. Способ заключается в подаче исходных компонентов - смеси растворов солей кобальта и железа в соотношении компонентов, отвечающих стехиометрии CoFeO, и раствора щелочи в соотношении с растворами солей, обеспечивающем кислотность среды в диапазоне от 7 до 8, отвечающей условиям соосаждения компонентов, при этом растворы исходных компонентов подают в виде тонких струй диаметром от 50 до 1000 мкм со скоростью от 1,5 до 20 м/с, сталкивающихся в вертикальной плоскости под углом от 30° до 160°, при температуре в диапазоне от 20°С до 30°С, и давлении, близком к атмосферному, причем соотношение расходов исходных компонентов задают таким образом, что при столкновении струй образуется жидкостная пелена, в которой происходит смешивание и контакт растворов исходных компонентов. Микрореактор для осуществления способа содержит корпус 1 и патрубки 2 с соплами 3 для подачи исходных компонентов 10 и патрубок ...

11-02-2020 дата публикации

Способ утилизации жидких хромовых отходов

Номер: RU2714066C1

Изобретение относится к технологии утилизации гальванических растворов, содержащих ионы шестивалентного хрома, и может быть использовано в машиностроительной, радиоэлектронной, электротехнической промышленности, приборостроении, гальванотехнике. Способ утилизации жидких хромовых отходов включает погружение древесных опилок в емкость с жидкими хромовыми отходами, выдерживание древесных опилок в емкости с жидкими хромовыми отходами не менее 36 ч, просушивание древесных опилок, впитавших жидкие хромовые отходы, и последующее сжигание древесных опилок до полного их сгорания с получением порошка, содержащего Cr2O3. Техническим результатом является полная эффективная утилизация жидких хромовых отходов с применением древесных опилок и получение из жидких хромовых отходов ценного химического материала: оксида хрома(III). 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

10-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016117128A

15-05-2019 дата публикации

A method of manufacturing a pierced stone.

Номер: CH0000714323A2

L’invention concerne un procédé de fabrication d’une pierre percée (2) notamment formant un coussinet, comportant les étapes suivantes: réalisation d’un précurseur à partir d’un mélange d’au moins un matériau en poudre avec un liant; pressage, à l’aide d’une matrice supérieure et d’une matrice inférieure pourvu d’un poinçon, du précurseur afin de former un corps vert de la future pierre percée comprenant une cavité borgne (14) présentant une hauteur comprise entre une hauteur du corps vert et une hauteur (H 1 ) de la future pierre percée, la cavité étant pourvue de parties supérieure et inférieure comportant respectivement des ébauches d’un trou traversant et d’un élément fonctionnel (16b) de la future pierre percée; frittage dudit corps vert afin de former un corps (12) de la future pierre percée dans ledit au moins un matériau; usinage du corps de la future pierre percée comportant une première sous-étape de façonnage d’un sommet (23a) du corps lors de laquelle une hauteur de la partie ...

17-05-2017 дата публикации

Power inductor

Номер: CN0106688063A

08-03-2017 дата публикации

For powder metalurgy improved lubricant system

Номер: CN0104220193B

03-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102129821B1

03-04-2017 дата публикации

다공성 금속산화물 분말의 제조 방법

Номер: KR0101720205B1
Автор: 유정근, 한정호, 이창우
Принадлежит: 알이엠텍 주식회사

... 본 발명은 다공성 금속산화물 분말의 제조 방법에 관한 것으로, 보다 상세하게는 수용성 금속염을 물에 용해시킨 금속염 수용액으로부터 금속산화물 침전 슬러리를 획득하는 단계; 부탄올 용매와 상기 금속산화물 침전 슬러리를 혼합하여 물을 용매치환하는 단계; 및 용매치환된 금속산화물을 상압에서 건조하는 단계를 포함하는 다공성 금속산화물 분말의 제조 방법에 관한 것이다.

05-02-2016 дата публикации

밸브 시트의 제조 방법

Номер: KR1020160014101A

... 압환강도 및 내마모성이 뛰어난 밸브 시트를 제공한다. 이 밸브 시트는, 4 wt%~15 wt%의 Co입자와, 경도가 600HV~1600 HV인 경질 입자를 함유하는 철기소결 합금을 산화 처리해, 철기소결 합금의 표면 및 내부에 사산화삼철(Fe3O4)과 산화 코발트(CoO)를 주체로 하는 산화물이 형성된 산화 처리 철기소결 합금으로 구성되고, 상기 경질 입자는, 주기표 4a~6a족으로부터 선택되는 1종 이상의 원소를 포함한 금속간 화합물, 탄화물, 규화물, 질화물 및 붕화물 중의 적어도 1개의 화합물을 포함한다. 산화처리 철기소결 합금은, 실린더 헤드에 장착되기 전의 상태에서, 산화 처리 철기소결 합금의 단면에 있어서의 상기 산화물의 면적율이 5%~25%이다.

21-11-2016 дата публикации

Номер: TWI558834B

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170216914A1

There is provided conductive paste excellent in electro-conductivity and thermal conductivity. Conductive paste comprising conductive filler being composite particles including copper powder and nanosize precipitates which are disposed on the surface of the copper powder and composed of at least one kind of transition metal belonging to the group 8 to group 10 of the periodic table or a compound of the transition metal, and a binder resin.

31-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200408249A1

A fluid dynamic bearing 8 includes a green compact 10 of a raw material powder M including as a main component a metal powder capable of forming an oxide film 12, and dynamic pressure generating portions A1 and A2 provided in a region 8a where a bearing gap is formed between a surface of the green compact 10 and a supported portion 2a1, and the oxide film 12 formed between particles 11 of the metal powder, and the fluid dynamic bearing 8 exhibits a radial crushing strength of 150 MPa or more. Here, the metal powder is used which exhibits a particle size distribution in which a ratio of the metal powder of 100 μm or more to the metal powder as a whole is 30 wt % or more, and a cumulative 50% diameter is 50 μm or more and 100 μm or less.

07-07-2020 дата публикации

Conductive paste

Номер: US0010702954B2

A conductive paste including (A) a silver powder, (B) a glass frit, (C) an organic binder and (D) a powder containing Cu and at least one metal element selected from the group consisting of V, Cr, Mn, Fe and Co. The powder (D) may thus contain Cu and Mn, Cu and Fe or Cu and Co. The conductive paste has a desirable electromigration resistance, solder heat resistance and adhesiveness to a substrate.

18-01-2022 дата публикации

Cermet body

Номер: US0011225704B2

A tooling assembly, including a cermet tool body and an electrically nonconductive polymer support body at least partially encapsulating the cermet tool body. The cermet tool body and electrically nonconductive polymer body further include a plurality of high magnetic permeability metallic particles distributed therethrough. Each respective high magnetic permeability metallic particle has a magnetic permeability of at least 0.0001 H/m. Each respective high magnetic permeability metallic particle has a relative permeability of at least 100.

01-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220380650A1

A latent heat storage body microcapsule includes a core including gallium or gallium alloy; and a shell covering the core and including gallium oxide. A method for producing the same includes a particle-forming step of forming gallium or an alloy of gallium in a liquid state into particles; a water treatment step of heating the particles in distilled water to form a gallium hydrate on a surface of each of the particles; and an oxidation treatment step of oxidizing the gallium hydrate to form a shell including gallium oxide. The method includes a particle-forming step of forming gallium or an alloy of gallium in a liquid state into particles; a cooling step of cooling the particles to a solid state; and a pH treatment step of immersing the particles in an aqueous solution having a predetermined pH to form a shell including gallium hydrate.

02-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2643563C1

Изобретение относится к области получения порошка кристаллического соединения BiSiOи может быть использовано в радиоэлектронике для создания электро- и магнито-оптических модуляторов лазерного излучения. Синтез BiSiOосуществляют растворением пятиводного нитрата висмута в ацетоне при комнатной температуре, добавлением кремнийорганической жидкости в виде водно-спиртового раствора метилсиликоната натрия, перемешиванием в течение не более 5 мин с последующим центрифугированием суспензии, отмывкой осадка дистиллированной водой до отсутствия следов ионов Naи термообработкой осадка при температуре не менее 300°С. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение технологичности за счет снижения времени и температуры синтеза BiSiO, придание поверхности порошка гидрофобности (способности не смачиваться водой), а также повышение симметрии кристалла BiSiO. 1 табл., 1 пр.

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2691290C2

Изобретение относится к электродному материалу, предпочтительно материалу инертного анода для получения алюминия в электролизере огневым электролизом. Материал содержит металлическую сердцевину, содержащую по меньшей мере один сплав никеля (Ni) и железа (Fe), и металлокерамический материал, содержащий по меньшей мере, в массовых процентах: 45-80% оксидной фазы феррита никеля с составом NiFeMO, где 0,60 ≤ x ≤ 0,90; 1,90 ≤ y ≤ 2,40; 0,00 ≤ z ≤ 0,20, а M является металлом, выбранным из алюминия (Al), кобальта (Co), хрома (Cr), марганца (Mn), титана (Ti), циркония (Zr), олова (Sn), ванадия (V), ниобия (Nb), тантала (Ta) и гафния (Hf), или является сочетанием этих металлов; 15-45% металлической фазы (1), содержащей по меньшей мере один сплав никеля и меди. Обеспечивается возможность получения анода, проводимость которого обеспечивает требуемый расход электроэнергии, повышение срока службы анода за счет обеспечения требуемой коррозионной стойкости и механических свойств инертного анода и снижение ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Компоненты устройства для перегонки, способ их изготовления и их применение

Номер: RU2680071C2

Изобретение относится к металлическому компоненту устройства для проведения перегонки и/или ферментации. Металлический компонент устройства для проведения перегонки и/или ферментации характеризуется тем, что активная поверхность указанного компонента покрыта, полностью или частично, по меньшей мере одним слоем наноструктурированной меди. Указанный слой наноструктурированной меди дополнительно включает наночастицы TiO. Указанный слой наноструктурированной меди включает наночастицы меди, характеризующиеся диаметром в диапазоне от 10 до 50 нм, предпочтительно от 20 до 40 нм. Наночастицы TiOхарактеризуются диаметром в диапазоне от 50 до 200 нм, предпочтительно от 80 до 150 нм. Указанный металлический компонент представляет собой медный и/или стальной компонент, предпочтительно компонент из нержавеющей стали. Описаны способы нанесения на указанный металлический компонент по меньшей мере одного слоя наноструктурированной меди. Технический результат: сокращение вредного воздействия на процесс ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Electrode material and use thereof for the manufacture of an inert anode

Номер: AU2015278874A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The invention relates to an electrode material, preferably an inert anode material, comprising at least one metallic core and a cermet material, being characterized in that: said metallic core comprises at least one alloy of nickel (Ni) and iron (Fe), said cermet material comprises at least, as percentages by weight: • 45 to 80 % of a nickel ferrite oxide phase (2) of composition Ni ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Infrared reflecting substrate and method for producing same

Номер: AU2015225134B2
Принадлежит: Fraser Old & Sohn

This infrared reflecting substrate (100) sequentially comprises, on a transparent base (10), a first metal oxide layer (21), a second metal oxide layer (22) and a metal layer (30) in this order. The second metal oxide layer (22) and the metal layer (30) are in direct contact with each other. The first metal oxide layer (21) has a refractive index of 2.2 or more. It is preferable that the second metal oxide layer (22) is formed of a metal oxide that contains tin oxide and zinc oxide, while having an oxygen content smaller than that of the stoichiometric composition. The second metal oxide layer is preferably formed by a direct current sputtering method. A target which contains zinc atoms and tin atoms and is obtained by sintering a metal powder and zinc oxide and/or tin oxide is preferably used for the formation of the second metal oxide layer. It is preferable that the oxygen concentration in a gas to be introduced into a sputtering film formation chamber is 8% by volume or less. The present ...

30-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002952263A1

L'invention concerne un matériau d'électrode, de préférence un matériau d'anode inerte, comprenant au moins un cur métallique et un matériau cermet, se caractérisant en ce que : ledit cur métallique comprend au moins un alliage de nickel (Ni) et de fer (Fe), ledit matériau cermet comprend au moins en pourcentages massiques : 45 à 80 % d'une phase (2) d'oxyde de ferrite de nickel de composition NixFeyMz04 avec 0,60 < x < 0,90; 1,90 < y < 2,40; 0,00= z < 0,20 et M étant un métal choisi parmi l'aluminium (Al), le cobalt (Co), le chrome (Cr), le manganèse (Mn), le titane (Ti), le zirconium (Zr), l'étain (Sn), le vanadium (V), le niobium (Nb), le tantale (Ta) et l'hafnium (Hf) ou étant une combinaison de ces métaux, 15 à 45 % d'une phase métallique (1) comprenant au moins un alliage de nickel et de cuivre.

31-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102060955B1

09-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200137238A

20-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210147965A1

An oxide dispersion-strengthened (ODS) iron-based alloy powder and a characterization method thereof are provided. The alloy powder comprises a matrix and strengthening phases. The strengthening phases include at least two types of strengthening phase particles with different sizes, wherein a volume of the particles with a particle size of less than or equal to 50 nm accounts for 85-95% of a total volume of all the strengthening phase particles. The matrix is a Fe—Cr—W—Ti alloy. The characterization method of the ODS iron-based alloy powder comprises separating the strengthening phases from the powder matrix through electrolysis, and analyzing and characterizing the strengthening phases using an electron microscope.

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210296206A1

The present invention relates to a metalized ceramic substrate and a method for manufacturing the same. The method for manufacturing a metalized ceramic substrate of the present invention comprises the steps of: mixing copper powder and metal oxide to manufacture a copper paste; applying the copper paste to an upper surface of a ceramic substrate; and sintering the copper paste to form a copper metallization layer on the upper surface of the ceramic substrate. According to the present invention, it is possible to form, on the ceramic substrate, a thin copper metallization layer with high density, high bonding strength and low impurities.

01-09-2011 дата публикации

Low melting temperature alloys with magnetic dispersions

Номер: US20110210283A1
Принадлежит: Ainissa G. Ramirez

A low melting temperature composite material including an alloy having about 0.1% by weight to about 99% by weight of tin and about 0.1% by weight to about 90% by weight of an element selected from the group consisting of silver and gold, and about 0.1% by weight to about 50% by weight of magnetic particles dispersed in the alloy. Method of heating such a composite material, remotely manipulating such a composite material with magnetic fields, enhancing the mechanical properties of such a material, and making such a material are also disclosed.

30-11-2021 дата публикации

Methods and systems for making metal-containing particles

Номер: US0011185920B2
Принадлежит: Hammond Group, Inc., HAMMOND GROUP INC

According to one or more embodiments presently described, metal-containing particles may be made by a method that includes introducing a molten material into a reaction zone of a reactor system, passing a process gas into the reaction zone in a direction substantially tangential to a sidewall of the reaction zone, and contacting the process gas with the molten material in the reaction zone to form metal-containing particles. The molten material may be introduced into an upper portion of the reaction zone The reaction zone may include a substantially circular cross-section, and the molten metal may be introduced into the reaction zone in a laminar flow or as atomized particles.

29-08-2023 дата публикации

Metal magnetic particle, inductor, method for manufacturing metal magnetic particle, and method for manufacturing metal magnetic core

Номер: US0011742141B2
Принадлежит: Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

A metal magnetic particle provided with an oxide layer on a surface of an alloy particle containing Fe and Si. The oxide layer has a first oxide layer, a second oxide layer, and a third oxide layer from a side of the alloy particle. All of the first oxide layer, the second oxide layer, and the third oxide layer contain Si. Also, in line analysis of element content by using a scanning transmission electron microscope-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, the first oxide layer is a layer having Fe content smaller than Si content in the alloy particle, the second oxide layer is a layer having Fe content larger than the Si content in the alloy particle, and the third oxide layer is a layer having Fe content smaller than the Si content in the alloy particle.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220143701A1
Автор: Yuzo DAIGO

An additive manufacturing article according to the present invention is composed of an Ni-based alloy that contains Cr and Mo, while containing Ni in the largest amount in terms of the mass ratio; and an oxide film that is mainly composed of Cr is formed in a part or the entirety of the surface. This oxide film that is mainly composed of Cr has a region wherein the O content is higher in comparison to that in the inner part, and the Cr content is higher than the Ni content. It is preferable that this oxide film has a thickness of 1-20 nm from the surface; and it is also preferable that this oxide film is formed so as to be suited to a corrosive environment contact surface. In addition, this oxide film is able to be formed during additive manufacturing of the additive manufacturing article. 1. A additive manufacturing article comprising:an Ni-based alloy that contains Cr and Mo, while containing Ni in a largest amount in terms of a mass ratio,wherein an oxide film that is mainly composed of Cr is formed in a part or an entirety of a surface.2. The additive manufacturing article according to claim 1 ,wherein the oxide film that is mainly composed of Cr has a region where an O content is higher in comparison to an O content in an inner part, and a Cr content is higher than an Ni content.3. The additive manufacturing article according to claim 1 ,wherein the oxide film has a thickness of 1 to 20 nm from the surface.4. The additive manufacturing article according to claim 1 ,wherein the oxide film is formed so as to be suited to a corrosive environment contact surface.5. The additive manufacturing article according to that is a component for semiconductor manufacturing device.6. A method for producing an additive manufacturing article comprising:a step of producing, by additive manufacturing, an additive manufacturing article composed of an Ni-based alloy that contains Cr and Mo, while containing Ni in a largest amount in terms of a mass ratio,wherein, at the time of the ...

08-03-2023 дата публикации

Additive manufacturing of platinum group metal oxide dispersion strengthened alloys

Номер: GB0002610378A

An article formed of an oxide dispersion strengthened platinum group metal alloy is made by powder bed fusion of a powder mixture comprising a first powder of one or more platinum group metals or an alloy thereof and a second powder of one or more non-platinum-group metals or metalloids, or one or more alloys thereof, where the powder mixture comprises 0.01-0.05 % by weight of the second powder. Oxidation of the second powder is performed either by performing the powder bed fusion in an atmosphere comprising from >0 to 2 mol % oxygen or by activating the powder mixture by heating it in an atmosphere comprising >0 to 2 mol % oxygen and then powder bed fusing in an inert atmosphere. The second powder can comprise particles of cerium, tungsten, tantalum, hafnium, manganese, thorium, calcium, aluminium, zirconium and/or yttrium or alloys thereof. The article can be a bushing for glass fibre production or a space thruster nozzle. The process can also be used to make carbide, silicide and nitride ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2021102923A4

The present disclosure provides a nanoparticle with grain boundaries, where the grain boundaries are present between crystals growing together from a metal oxide and a metal; and the nanoparticle contains nitrogen and is coated with carbon layers. The present disclosure further discloses a preparation method of the nanoparticle with grain boundaries and use thereof for electrocatalytic water splitting or in zinc-air batteries. The nanoparticle with grain boundaries provided in the present disclosure is designed for the first time and has excellent performance when used for electrocatalytic water splitting or in zinc-air batteries. -1/3 ...

01-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003022917A1

L'invention concerne un matériau d'électrode, de préférence un matériau d'anode inerte, comprenant au moins un cœur métallique et un matériau cermet, se caractérisant en ce que : - ledit cœur métallique comprend au moins un alliage de nickel (Ni) et de fer (Fe), - ledit matériau cermet comprend au moins en pourcentages massiques : • 45 à 80 % d'une phase (2) d'oxyde de ferrite de nickel de composition NixFeyMzO4 avec 0,605 x≤ 0,90 ; 1,90 ≤ y≤ 2,40 ; 0,00 ≤ z≤ 0,20 et M étant un métal choisi parmi l'aluminium (Al), le cobalt (Co), le chrome (Cr), le manganèse (Mn), le titane (Ti), le zirconium (Zr), l'étain (Sn), le vanadium (V), le niobium (Nb), le tantale (Ta) et l'hafnium (Hf) ou étant une combinaison de ces métaux, • 15 à 45 % d'une phase métallique (1) comprenant au moins un alliage de nickel et de cuivre, • optionnellement jusqu'à 10% d'une phase (3) monoxyde de composition NixFe1-xO avec 0,705 x'≤ 1,00.

11-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010129206A3

An ultrasonic welding tool fabricated of powder metal material includes a body and a welding tip extending axially from the body to a working end. The powder metal material can be ferrous-based and admixed with additives, such as alumina, carbide, ferro-molybdenum, ferro-nickel, chrome or tribaloy. An exposed surface of the welding tip can comprise Fe3O4 oxides. The tool is compacted to the desired shape and sintered. The body can include a different second material compacted separately from the welding tip and then joined to the tip and sintered.

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160325357A1

A nickel alloying process includes providing a metal powder containing substantially unalloyed nickel for high inherent thermal conductivity, forming a nickel alloy from the metal powder with addition of additives to form a uniform fine thermo-dynamically stable incoherent precipitate dispersion like carbides, oxides or nitrides, apply mechanical or thermo-chemical reactions to form or maintain a uniform fine dispersion of the incoherent precipitates, removing air and absorbed water from the nickel alloy, and hot extruding the nickel alloy to substantially full density and prescribed dispersion strengthened condition. A net result is a dispersion strengthened high thermal conductivity nickel alloy.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054538A1

A manufacturing method of a copper bonded part in which a first copper member and a second copper member are bonded together. The first copper member and the second copper member are made of copper or a copper alloy, and at least one of the first copper member and the second copper member includes a copper porous body made of copper or a copper alloy. This manufacturing method has a bonding material disposing step S01 of disposing a bonding material between the first copper member and the second copper member, and a reduction sintering step S02 of heating and holding the first copper member, the second copper member, and the bonding material in a reducing atmosphere in a range of 600° C. or higher and 1,050° C. or lower. The bonding material contains a copper oxide or a mixture of metallic copper and the copper oxide.

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190217392A1
Принадлежит: Hammond Group, Inc.

According to one or more embodiments presently described, metal-containing particles may be made by a method that includes introducing a molten material into a reaction zone of a reactor system, passing a process gas into the reaction zone in a direction substantially tangential to a sidewall of the reaction zone, and contacting the process gas with the molten material in the reaction zone to form metal-containing particles. The molten material may be introduced into an upper portion of the reaction zone The reaction zone may include a substantially circular cross-section, and the molten metal may be introduced into the reaction zone in a laminar flow or as atomized particles.

23-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2734850C2
Принадлежит: ХЕГАНЕС АБ (ПАБЛ) (SE)

Группа изобретений относится к порошковой металлургии. Порошок на основе железа состоит из частиц восстановленного оксида меди, диффузионно связанных с поверхностью распыленного железного порошка, причем содержание меди составляет 1-5%. Максимальный размер частиц порошка на основе железа составляет 250 мкм, по меньшей мере 75% меньше 150 мкм и самое большее 30% меньше 45 мкм, кажущаяся плотность составляет по меньшей мере 2,70 г/см, содержание кислорода составляет самое большее 0,16 мас.%, а содержание других неизбежных примесей составляет самое большее 1 мас.%. Порошок на основе железа имеет значение SSF-фактора самое большее 2,0, предпочтительно самое большее 1,7, причем SSF-фактор определяется как отношение между содержанием Cu в массовых % в той фракции порошка на основе железа, которая проходит сквозь сито 45 мкм, и содержанием Cu в массовых % в той фракции порошка на основе железа, которая не проходит сквозь сито 45 мкм. Диффузионно связанный порошок является подходящим для производства ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018137052A

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003022509A1

A lead-based alloy containing alloying additions of bismuth, antimony, arsenic, and tin is used for the production of doped leady oxides, lead-acid battery active materials, lead-acid battery electrodes, and lead-acid batteries.

02-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2865325C

The present invention is directed to metallurgical powder compositions having improved lubricant properties. These compositions of the invention include at least 90 wt.% of an iron-based metallurgical powder; a Group 1 metal stearate, a Group 2 metal stearate, or lithium bisstearamide; a first wax having a melting range of between about 80 and 100 °C; a second wax having a melting range of between about 80 and 90 °C; zinc phosphate; boric acid; acetic acid; phosphoric acid; and polyvinylpyrrolidone. Methods of compacting the compositions, as well as compacted articles prepared using those methods, are also described.

21-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN0109070229A

12-10-2016 дата публикации

Valve seat

Номер: CN0105102776B

07-12-2018 дата публикации

금속산화물-코팅된 탄소나노튜브 복합체 입자 및 이의 제조 방법

Номер: KR0101926778B1
Автор: 문준혁, 권동휘
Принадлежит: 서강대학교산학협력단

... 급속 열 분사 건조법에 의해 형성된 탄소나노튜브들이 밀집된 탄소나노튜브 입자를 포함하는 금속산화물-코팅된 탄소나노튜브 복합체 입자, 상기 금속산화물-코팅된 탄소나노튜브 복합체 입자의 제조 방법, 및 상기 복합체 입자를 포함하는 전극 재료에 관한 것이다.

19-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160042344A

The present invention relates to a method to produce porous metal oxide powder. The method to produce porous metal oxide powder comprises: a step of obtaining metal oxide slurry from a metal salt solution that water-soluble metal salt is dissolved in water; a step of mixing the metal oxide slurry with a butanol solvent to perform the solvent exchange of the water; and a step of drying the solvent-exchanged metal oxide in atmospheric pressure. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

28-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: SG0000174652A1

COMPOSITION OF SPUTTERING TARGET, SPUTTERING TARGET,AND METHOD OF PRODUCING THE SAMEAbstractComposition of a sputtering target comprising a matrixmaterial comprising a first oxide and a metallic component,wherein the oxide has a high refractive index. The first oxideis selected from a group of oxides consisting of titanium oxidein any oxide modification, niobium oxide in any oxidemodification, vanadium oxide in any oxide modification, yttriumoxide in any oxide modification, molybdenum oxide in any oxidemodification, zirconium oxide in any oxide modification,tantalum oxide in any oxide modification, tungsten oxide in anyoxide modification and hafnium oxide in any oxide modification,or a mixture thereof. The composition further comprises a secondoxide in the Lanthanide series in any oxide modification, orscandium oxide in any oxide modification or lanthanum oxide inany oxide modification. The matrix material further comprisespores. Use of the sputtering target is for high power densitysputtering ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014087707A1

Provided is a copper (II) oxide fine powder having both excellent purity and excellent solubility in a plating solution. A production method according to the present invention involves: a dry-mode pulverization step (S1) of pulverizing an electrolytic copper powder having an oxide coating film formed on the surface of particles thereof in a dry mode; and an oxidization step (S2) of oxidizing the electrolytic copper fine powder produced in the dry-mode pulverization step. It is preferred that the oxide coating film is formed by washing an electrolytic copper powder, which is produced by the electrolysis of a solution containing copper ions, with water and then drying the washed electrolytic copper powder at a temperature of 70 to 150˚C in an oxygen-containing atmosphere. It is also preferred that the dry-mode pulverization step (S1) is carried out in an oxygen-containing atmosphere and the oxidization step (S2) is carried out by heating the electrolytic copper fine powder at 300 to 700˚C ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055116A1

It is an object of the present disclosure to provide copper alloy particles or the like, wherein, by sufficiently melting an irradiation region with heat generated through the irradiation of a laser beam during manufacturing in particular, a layer-manufactured product can be obtained, which has low porosity (void fraction), and excellent corrosion resistance and fatigue characteristics. 1. Copper alloy particles characterized by being used as an Additive Manufacturing material by irradiation with a laser beam having a wavelength of 1.2 μm or less , and having an average particle diameter of 50 μm or less , wherein a light absorption rate of the material is 6% or more.2. The copper alloy particles according to claim 1 , wherein the copper alloy particles contain Ni: 1.0 to 40.0% by mass claim 1 , Al: 0 to 10% by mass claim 1 , Cr: 0 to 10% by mass claim 1 , Co: 0 to 10% by mass claim 1 , Fe: 0 to 10% by mass claim 1 , Mg: 0 to 10% by mass claim 1 , Mn : 0 to 10% by mass claim 1 , Mo: 0 to 10% by mass claim 1 , Pd: 0 to 10% by mass claim 1 , Pt: 0 to 10% by mass claim 1 , Rh: 0 to 10% by mass claim 1 , Si: 0 to 10% by mass claim 1 , Sn: 0 to 10% by mass claim 1 , Ti: 0 to 10% by mass claim 1 , W: 0 to 10% by mass claim 1 , Zn: 0 to 10% by mass claim 1 , C: 0 to 10% by mass claim 1 , and S: 0 to 10% by mass claim 1 , the balance being copper and unavoidable impurities.3. The copper alloy particles according to claim 2 , wherein the copper alloy particles contain at least one element selected from the group of Al: 0.5 to 10% by mass claim 2 , Cr: 0.5 to 10% by mass claim 2 , Co: 0.5 to 10% by mass claim 2 , Fe: 0.5 to 10% by mass claim 2 , Mg: 0.5 to 10% by mass claim 2 , Mn: 0.5 to 10% by mass claim 2 , Mo: 0.5 to 10% by mass claim 2 , Pd: 0.5 to 10% by mass claim 2 , Pt: 0.5 to 10% by mass claim 2 , Rh: 0.5 to 10% by mass claim 2 , Si: 0.5 to 10% by mass claim 2 , Sn: 0.5 to 10% by mass claim 2 , Ti: 0.5 to 10% by mass claim 2 , W: 0.5 to 10% by mass claim 2 , Zn: 0.5 ...

05-03-2024 дата публикации

Method of making copper-nickel alloy foams

Номер: US0011919080B2

The successful fabrication of alloy foam (or porous alloy) is very rare, despite their potentially better properties and wider applicability than pure metallic foams. The processing of three-dimensional copper-nickel alloy foams is achieved through a strategic solid-solution alloying method based on oxide powder reduction or sintering processes, or both. Solid-solution alloy foams with five different compositions are successfully created, resulting in open-pore structures with varied porosity. The corrosion resistance of the synthesized copper-nickel alloy foams is superior to those of the pure copper and nickel foams.

28-01-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017102320A3

04-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2699245C1

Изобретение относится к сплавам на основе свинца, пригодным для производства легированных оксидов свинца, активным материалам электродов, электродам и свинцово-кислотным аккумуляторным батареям, а также к способам производства легированных оксидов свинца, активных материалов электродов, электродов и свинцово-кислотных аккумуляторных батарей. Согласно изобретению, сплав на основе свинца содержит в процентах от общей массы сплава: от 0,0030% до 0,0900% висмута; от 0,0010% до 0,0300% сурьмы; от 0,0010% до 0,0300% мышьяка и от 0,0010% до 0,0100% олова; способ производства легированного оксида свинца включает загрузку слитков сплава на основе свинца в шаровую мельницу, при этом сплав на основе свинца содержит, в процентах от общей массы сплава: от 0,0030% до 0,0900% висмута; от 0,0010% до 0,0300% сурьмы; от 0,0010% до 0,0300% мышьяка и от 0,0010% до 0,0100% олова; размол слитков сплава на основе свинца на воздухе; окисление сплава на основе свинца во время размола с образованием легированного ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003017996A1

Disclosed is a new diffusion-bonded powder consisting of an iron powder having 1-5%, preferably 1.5-4% and most preferably 1.5-3.5% by weight of copper particles diffusion bonded to the surfaces of the iron powder particles. The new diffusion bonded powder is suitable for producing components having high sintered density and minimum variation in copper content.

08-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200002454A

01-09-2020 дата публикации

Surface heater, electric range having the same, and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US0010764965B2

An apparatus including a surface heater, the surface heater including a substrate having a surface formed of an electrically insulating material, heating element attached to the surface of the substrate by sintering predetermined powder including lanthanide oxide powder, and a power supply unit configured to supply electricity to the heating element wherein a manufacturing method of the surface heater includes baking the predetermined powder at a baking temperature of 900° C. or lower.

21-02-2023 дата публикации

Oxide dispersion-strengthened iron-based alloy powder and characterization method thereof

Номер: US0011584979B2

An oxide dispersion-strengthened (ODS) iron-based alloy powder and a characterization method thereof are provided. The alloy powder comprises a matrix and strengthening phases. The strengthening phases include at least two types of strengthening phase particles with different sizes, wherein a volume of the particles with a particle size of less than or equal to 50 nm accounts for 85-95% of a total volume of all the strengthening phase particles. The matrix is a Fe—Cr—W—Ti alloy. The characterization method of the ODS iron-based alloy powder comprises separating the strengthening phases from the powder matrix through electrolysis, and analyzing and characterizing the strengthening phases using an electron microscope.

24-04-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018137052A3

08-08-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016117128A3

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015155469A3

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003089506A1

An embodiment of the mixed powder for powder metallurgy according to the present invention consists mainly of an iron-based powder and contains a powder of one or more sulfides selected from among CaS, MnS, and MoS2 and 0.005-0.025 mass% magnesium oxide powder, the magnesium oxide having an average particle diameter D50 of 0.5-5.0 µm.

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003043293A1

The purpose of this invention is to provide a method with which it is easy to produce, using atomized spray pyrolysis, a metal powder having a uniform and homogeneous vitreous thin film over the entire surface of the metal powder, without only part of the metal powder being coated with the vitreous thin film, regardless of the type of metal used. This method for producing metal powder is a method for producing a metal powder in which a vitreous substance is generated near the surface of the metal powder by subjecting, to atomized spray pyrolysis, a liquid solution comprising a heat-decomposable metal compound and a glass precursor that generates a vitreous substance which does not dissolve with the metal generated from the metal compound when the metal powder undergoes pyrolysis to produce a metal powder provided with a vitreous thin film on the surface thereof. The glass precursor is prepared in such a manner that the melting point TmM of the metal and the liquidus temperature TmG of the ...

11-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002760894A1

An ultrasonic welding tool fabricated of powder metal material includes a body and a welding tip extending axially from the body to a working end. The powder metal material can be ferrous-based and admixed with additives, such as alumina, carbide, ferro-molybdenum, ferro-nickel, chrome or tribaloy. An exposed surface of the welding tip can comprise Fe3O4 oxides. The tool is compacted to the desired shape and sintered. The body can include a different second material compacted separately from the welding tip and then joined to the tip and sintered.

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190283126A1
Автор: Nobuaki AKAGI

The present invention relates to a powder mixture for iron-based powder metallurgy which is obtained by mixing an iron-based powder and at least one kind of powders selected from the group consisting of a Ca—Al—Si-based composite oxide powder and a Ca—Mg—Si-based composite oxide powder, in which with a peak height of a main phase exhibiting the highest peak intensity by X-ray diffraction as 100, the composite oxide powder has a relative height of 40% or less, with respect to the main phase, of a peak height of a second phase having the second highest peak intensity.

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Electrode Material and Use Thereof for the Manufacture of an Inert Anode

Номер: US20170130351A1

The invention relates to an electrode material, preferably an inert anode material comprising at least a metal core and a cermet material, characterized in that: 1. Electrode material comprising at least a metal core and a cermet material , said metal core being at least covered by said cermet material and said cermet material forming an external layer of said electrode material which is designed to be in contact with an electrolysis bath , [ 40%≦Ni≦85%, preferably 55%≦Ni≦80%,', '15%≦Fe≦60%, preferably 20%≦Fe≦45%,, 'said metal core contains at least one nickel (Ni) and iron (Fe) alloy, the proportions by weight of Ni and Fe being as follows, [{'sub': x', 'y', 'z', '4, '45 to 80% of a nickel ferrite oxide phase of composition NiFeMOwith 0.60 ≦x≦0.90; 1.90≦y≦2.40; 0.00≦z≦0.20 and M being a metal selected from aluminum (Al), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), titanium (Ti), zirconium (Zr), tin (Sn), vanadium (V), niobium (Nb), tantalum (Ta) and hafnium (Hf) or being a combination of these metals,'}, '15 to 45% of a metallic phase comprising at least one alloy of nickel and copper., 'said cermet material comprises at least as percentages by weight], 'characterized in that2. Electrode material according to claim 1 , characterized in that the metal core of the electrode material further includes copper (Cu) in the following proportions by weight: 5%≦Cu≦40%.3. Electrode material according to claim 2 , characterized in that the proportions by weight of the metal core are:40%≦Ni≦70%;20%≦Fe≦45%;7%≦Cu≦20%.4. Electrode material according to claim 1 , characterized in that the metal core of the electrode material further comprises at least one metal A claim 1 , said metal A being selected from chromium (Cr) claim 1 , manganese (Mn) claim 1 , cobalt (Co) and molybdenum (Mo) claim 1 , with the proportion by weight of metal A in the metal core being as follows: 0.5%≦A≦30%.5. Electrode material according to claim 4 , characterized in that the proportions by weight of the ...

20-03-2018 дата публикации

Sintered molybdenum carbide-based spray powder

Номер: US0009919358B2
Автор: Benno Gries
Принадлежит: H.C. STARCK GMBH

A sintered spray powder includes from 5 to 50 wt.-% of a metallic matrix, from 50 to 95 wt.-% of a hard material, and from 0 to 10 wt.-% of a wear-modifying oxide, each based on the total weight of the sintered spray powder. The metallic matrix comprises from 0 to 20 wt.-% of molybdenum based on the total weight of the metallic matrix. The hard material comprises at least 70 wt.-% of molybdenum carbide based on the total weight of the hard material. An average particle diameter of the molybdenum carbide in the sintered spray powder is <10 μm, determined in accordance with ASTM E112.

30-03-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230101137A1

The present disclosure discloses a nano-lanthanum oxide reinforced tungsten-based composite material and a preparation method thereof. A pure tungsten powder and a nano-lanthanum oxide powder are mixed to obtain a mixed powder, and in the mixed powder, the nano-lanthanum oxide powder accounts for 0.5-2% of the mixed powder by mass percent; and then, 3D printing forming is conducted on the mixed powder to obtain a bulk material of the nano-lanthanum oxide reinforced tungsten-based composite material. The nano-lanthanum oxide reinforced tungsten-based composite material of the present disclosure has excellent mechanical properties.

06-10-2011 дата публикации

Sputtering target, useful for sputtering, comprises a matrix material comprising a first oxide comprising e.g. titanium oxide, niobium oxide, vanadium oxide, yttrium oxide, molybdenum oxide and/or tantalum oxide and a metallic component

Номер: DE102010054148A1

Sputtering target comprises a matrix material comprising a first oxide, and a metallic component, where the oxide has a high refractive index, and the first oxide comprises titanium oxide in any oxide modification, niobium oxide in any oxide modification, vanadium oxide in any oxide modification, yttrium oxide in any oxide modification, molybdenum oxide in any modification, zirconia in any oxide modification, tantalum oxide in any oxide modification, tungsten oxide in any oxide modification and/or hafnium oxide in any oxide modification. Independent claims are included for a method for producing the sputtering target comprising either dry mixing the metal oxide powder with metal powder and forming the mixture by hot pressing or isostatic hot pressing, or mixing the metal oxide powder with metal powder in a slurry, spray drying, forming the mixture by pressing and sintering in an inert atmosphere or vacuum, mixing metal oxide powder or a mixture of several metal oxide powder in a slurry, ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Infrared reflecting substrate and method for producing same

Номер: AU2015225134A1
Принадлежит: Fraser Old & Sohn

This infrared reflecting substrate (100) sequentially comprises, on a transparent base (10), a first metal oxide layer (21), a second metal oxide layer (22) and a metal layer (30) in this order. The second metal oxide layer (22) and the metal layer (30) are in direct contact with each other. The first metal oxide layer (21) has a refractive index of 2.2 or more. It is preferable that the second metal oxide layer (22) is formed of a metal oxide that contains tin oxide and zinc oxide, while having an oxygen content smaller than that of the stoichiometric composition. The second metal oxide layer is preferably formed by a direct current sputtering method. A target which contains zinc atoms and tin atoms and is obtained by sintering a metal powder and zinc oxide and/or tin oxide is preferably used for the formation of the second metal oxide layer. It is preferable that the oxygen concentration in a gas to be introduced into a sputtering film formation chamber is 8% by volume or less. The present ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003032195A1

The present disclosure relates to new metal powders for use in additive manufacturing, and aluminum alloy products made from such metal powders via additive manufacturing. The composition(s) and/or physical properties of the metal powders may be tailored. In turn, additive manufacturing may be used to produce a tailored aluminum alloy product.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002865325A1

The present invention is directed to metallurgical powder compositions having improved lubricant properties. These compositions of the invention include at least 90 wt.% of an iron- based metallurgical powder; a Group 1 or Group 2 metal stearate; a first wax having a melting range of between about 80 and 100 °C; a second wax having a melting range of between about 80 and 90 °C; inc phosphate; boric acid; acetic acid; phosphoric acid; and polyvinylpyrrolidone. Methods of compacting the compositions, as well as compacted articles prepared using those methods, are also described.

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002925066A1

The invention concerns a sintered spray powder based on a metal matrix and molybdenum carbide, a method for the production thereof and the use of the spray powder for coating components, in particular rotating and moving components. The invention also describes a method of applying a coating using the spray powder according to the invention and a component coated therewith.

03-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003003875A1

On propose un alliage renforcé par une dispersion d'oxyde martensitique ayant des propriétés améliorées de résistance et de fluage à haute température, qui comprend 8 à 12% en poids de chrome (Cr), 0,1 à 0,5% en poids d'oxyde d'yttrium (Y2O3), 0,02 à 0,2% en poids de carbone (C), 0,2 à 2% en poids de molybdène (Mo), 0,01 à 0,3% en poids de titane (Ti), 0,01 à 0,2% en poids de zirconium (Zr), 0,05 à 0,2% en poids de nickel (Ni) et le reste de fer (Fe), et un procédé de sa fabrication. L'alliage renforcé par une dispersion d'oxyde martensitique comprend 8 à 12 % en poids de chrome (Cr), 0,1 à 0,5 % en poids d'oxyde d'yttrium (Y2O3), 0,02 à 0,2 % en poids de carbone (C), 0,2 à 2 % en poids de molybdène (Mo), 0,01 à 0,3 % en poids de titane (Ti), 0,01 à 0,2 % en poids de zirconium (Zr), 0,05 à 0,2 % en poids de nickel (Ni) et le reste de fer (Fe). Ici, le titane (Ti), le zirconium (Zr) et le nickel (Ni) sont présents en une teneur totale de 0,5 % en poids ou moins. Par conséquent, l'alliage ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170142425A

The present invention relates to an electrode material having a composite particle, a method of manufacturing a metal oxide-coated carbon nanotube composite particle, and a metal oxide-coated carbon nanotube composite particle comprising a carbon nanotube particle where carbon nanotubes formed by a rapid heat injection drying method are concentrated. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 (AA) Comparative example 1 (BB) Example 1 (CC) Example 2 ...

01-10-2019 дата публикации

Nanoparticles in binder jetting fabrication of metal objects

Номер: TW0201938352A

Devices, systems, and methods are directed to the use of nanoparticles for improving strength fabrication of three-dimensional objects formed through layer-by-layer process in which an ink is delivery of a binder delivered onto successive layers of a powder of inorganic particles in a powder bed. More specifically, nanoparticles of inorganic material can may be introduced into one or more layers of the metal powder in the powder bed and thermally processed to facilitate sinter necking, in the powder bed, of the metal particles forming the three-dimensional object. Such sinter necking in the powder bed can may improve strength of the three-dimensional objects being fabricated and, also or instead, can may reduce the likelihood of defects associated with subsequent processing of the three-dimensional objects (e.g., slumping and shrinking in a final sintering stage and/or inadequate densification of the final part).

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200170753A1
Принадлежит: SHOFU INC.

To provide a zirconia mill blank for dental cutting and machining which has excellent machinability in a thin workpiece such as an inlay, an onlay and a veneer, and may impart high strength and high translucency to a zirconia perfect sintered body without a special sintering such as HIP treatment, and a preparing method thereof. The zirconia mill blank for dental cutting and machining has a porosity within a range of 15 to 30%.

28-03-2023 дата публикации

Ceramic coated iron particles and methods for making ceramic coated particles

Номер: US0011613624B2

The present disclosure provides a coated iron particle, or reaction product of a coating and the iron particle, comprising an iron particle and a ceramic coating disposed on the iron particle. Aspects of the present disclosure provide a coated iron particle, or reaction product of a coating and the iron particle, including an iron particle having a diameter of from about 0.5 micron to about 100 microns; and a ceramic coating disposed on the iron particle. Aspects of the present disclosure further provide compositions comprising a coated iron particle and a polymer or adhesion promoter. Aspects of the present disclosure further provide components, such as components, such as vehicle components, having a surface and a composition of the present disclosure disposed on the surface.

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Iron based powder

Номер: AU2017236260A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Disclosed is a new diffusion-bonded powder consisting of an iron powder having 1-5%, preferably 1.5-4% and most preferably 1.5-3.5% by weight of copper particles diffusion bonded to the surfaces of the iron powder particles. The new diffusion bonded powder is suitable for producing components having high sintered density and minimum variation in copper content.

15-10-2020 дата публикации

Lead-based alloy and related processes and products

Номер: AU2020233783A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A lead-based alloy containing alloying additions of bismuth, antimony, arsenic, and tin is used for the production of doped leady oxides, lead-acid battery active materials, lead-acid battery electrodes, and lead-acid batteries. - 60- ...

09-11-2016 дата публикации

Infrared reflecting substrate and method for producing same

Номер: CN0106104320A

16-10-2019 дата публикации

Dynamic pressure bearing, and method for manufacturing same

Номер: TW0201940260A

A dynamic pressure bearing 8 is provided with dynamic pressure generating portions A1, A2 provided in a region 8a in which a bearing gap is formed between a green compact 10 of a starting material powder M containing, as a main component, a metal powder capable of forming an oxide film 12, and a supported portion 2a1 of the surface of the green compact 10, and an oxide film 12 formed between particles 11 of the metal powder, wherein the dynamic pressure bearing exhibits a radial crushing strength at least equal to 150 MPa. Here, the metal powder exhibits a particle size distribution in which the proportion of the entire metal powder occupied by metal powder having a particle size at least equal to 100 [mu]m is at least equal to 30 wt%, and the cumulative 50% diameter is at least equal to 50 [mu]m and at most equal to 100 [mu]m.

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210262965A1
Автор: Yair PASKA, Eran ROOM
Принадлежит: NanoScent Ltd.

The application discloses a particle for chemiresistor sensor. The particle may include: a nanoparticle core made from a conductive material selected from a group consisting of: Ir, Ir- alloy, IrOx, Ru, Ru-alloy, RuOx and any combination thereof and/or any conducting metallic oxide, having a cross section size of at most 100 nm; and a plurality of organic ligands bonded from one side to the nanoparticle core and capable of interacting with a volatile organic compound.

01-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160254100A1
Принадлежит: SHOWA DENKO K.K.

A method of producing a niobium granulated powder, including the steps of: mixing niobium hydride and a metal oxide by a mechanical alloying method to produce a mechanical alloy; pulverizing the mechanical alloy; subjecting the pulverized mechanical alloy to heat treatment to allow the pulverized mechanical alloy to aggregate, to thereby form a granulated product. Also disclosed is a sintered body of the niobium granulated powder, an anode body produced from the sintered body and a capacitor including the sintered body.

21-10-2021 дата публикации

Additive manufacturing with in-situ magnetic field source

Номер: US20210323070A1

Embodiments of the present invention provide an electromagnet alignment system for AM or 3D printing technology providing improved in-situ alignment of the magnetic particulate material as it is dispensed during deposition to form a 3D shape. In-situ alignment of the magnetic particulate material can be controlled to be unidirectional or multi-directional.

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Surface Alloy Coating Composite material Used for High Temperature Resistant Material, Coating and Preparation Method Thereof

Номер: US20160122877A1

The present invention provides a surface alloy coating composite material for a high temperature resistant material, a coating and a manufacturing method thereof, wherein the surface alloy coating composite material is made of metal alloy powder having a face-centered cubic structure and enamel powder, and a component percentage thereof is as follows: -wt % is the metal alloy powder, and remaining is the enamel powder; the metal alloy powder is selected from at least one type of NiCrAIX, NiCrX and NiCoCrAIX, wherein X is at least one type of hafnium, zirconium, a rare earth element and mixed rare earth, and the mixed rare earth can be two types or more than two types of rare earth elements that are used together or a rare earth element and one type or multiple types of Na, K, Ca, Sr and Ba that are used in a combined way. 1. A surface alloy coating composite material used for a high temperature resistant material , characterized in that:the surface alloy coating composite material is made of metal alloy powder with a face-centered cubic structure and enamel powder, and a component percentage thereof is as follows: 10-70 wt % is the metal alloy powder, and the remaining is the enamel powder;the metal alloy powder is at least one type selected from the group consisting of NiCrAIX, NiCrX and NiCoCrAIX, wherein the diameter of the metal alloy powder is 0.1 μm-15 μm, wherein X is at least one type of hafnium, zirconium, a rare earth element and mixed rare earth, and the mixed rare earth is two types or more than two types of rare earth elements that are used together, or a rare earth element and one type or multiple types of Na, K, Ca, Sr and Ba that are used in a combined way;the surface alloy coating composite material contains: 10 wt %˜40 wt % Cr, 0-30 wt % Al, 0.1 wt %˜5 wt % X, and the total amount of Cr, Al and X are 25 wt %-45 wt %, wherein the amount of Co is no more than the amount of Ni, wherein Ni is in balance.2. The surface alloy coating composite material ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003043296A1

The purpose of this invention is to provide a method with which it is easy to produce, using atomized spray pyrolysis, a metal powder having a uniform and homogeneous vitreous thin film on the entire surface of the metal powder, without being unevenly coated on only part of the surface of the metal powder, regardless of the type of metal used. This method for producing metal powder is a method for producing a metal powder having a vitreous thin film on the surface thereof, and involves generating a vitreous substance near the surface of the metal powder by performing atomized spray pyrolysis on a liquid solution containing a heat-decomposable metal compound and a glass precursor that generates a vitreous substance that does not dissolve in the metal generated by the pyrolysis of the metal compound. The metal contains a base metal as the principal component thereof, and the liquid solution contains 5% to 30% by mass (with respect to the entirety of the liquid solution) of a reducing agent ...

18-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002915021A1

The present invention regards a metallic component of a distillation and/or fermentation apparatus, characterized by being covered with at least one layer of nanostructured copper, said layer of nanostructured copper possibly comprising also nanoparticles of Ti02. Furthermore, the present invention regards methods for covering said metallic component with at least one layer of nanostructured copper which may also comprise nanoparticles of Ti02. Finally, the present invention regards the use of said components in distillation and/or fermentation processes, in particular for the alcoholic distillation of spirit beverages.

16-01-2017 дата публикации

금속 구리막 및 그 제조 방법, 금속 구리 패턴 및 그것을 이용한 도체 배선, 금속 구리 범프, 열전도로, 접합재, 및 액상(液狀) 조성물

Номер: KR0101697055B1
Принадлежит: 히타치가세이가부시끼가이샤

... 기판 밀착성, 저체적 저항률, 심부 금속성이 양호한 금속 구리막, 및 그 금속 구리막을 기판의 데미지 없이 심부까지 환원하여 제조할 수 있는 금속 구리막의 제조 방법을 제공한다. 구리 산화물과, 금속상의 천이 금속 혹은 합금, 또는 금속 원소를 포함하는 천이 금속 착체를 함께 함유하여 이루어지는 구리계 입자 퇴적층을, 120℃ 이상으로 가열한 가스상의 포름산 및/또는 포름알데히드에 의해 처리해서 이루어지는 것을 특징으로 하는 금속 구리막이다. 상기 구리 산화물로서는, 산화 제1구리 및/또는 산화 제2구리인 것이 바람직하고, 상기 천이 금속, 합금, 또는 천이 금속 착체가, 각각, Cu, Pd, Pt, Ni, Ag, Au, 및 Rh로 이루어지는 군으로부터 선택되는 금속, 또는 그 금속을 포함하는 합금, 또는 그 금속 원소를 포함하는 착체인 것이 바람직하다.

26-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR101912043B1

According to the present invention, a method for manufacturing oxide nanoparticle coated metal comprises: a step of coating ceria and yttria nanoparticle mixed solution on a surface of metal; and a step of thermally treating the coated metal. In the step of thermally treating the coated metal, the following formula 1 is satisfied, wherein 8460 <= LMP <= 10100 (In the interaction formula 1, there is LMP = T (log(t_r)+ C), wherein T is the temperature (K), t_r is time (hr), and C is constant 20). COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 (S100) Coating step (S150) Drying step (S200) Thermal treatment step ...

09-09-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190104455A

25-08-2020 дата публикации

Magnetic powder, method for production thereof, and magnetic recording medium

Номер: US0010755841B2

A method for producing a magnetic powder includes performing a reduction treatment on the surface of particles including a hard magnetic material to form core-shell particles each having a shell portion including a soft magnetic material.

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200222979A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

A method for producing nickel oxide nanoparticles and nickel oxide nanoparticles produced by using the same.

28-12-2017 дата публикации

Grain Boundary Diffusion Process For Rare-Earth Magnets

Номер: US20170372822A1

In at least one embodiment, a single sintered magnet is provided having a concentration profile of heavy rare-earth (HRE) elements within a continuously sintered rare-earth (RE) magnet bulk. The concentration profile may include at least one local maximum of HRE element concentration within the bulk such that a coercivity profile of the magnet has at least one local maximum within the bulk. The magnet may be formed by introducing alternating layers of an HRE containing material and a magnetic powder into a mold, pressing the layers into a green compact, and sintering the green compact to form a single, unitary magnet.

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220274171A1
Автор: Mykola MONASTYROV

In one aspect, a method for fabricating metal particles is disclosed, which includes adding a plurality of metallic elements into a plasma reactor comprising a circulating fluid and two electrodes, evaporating the metallic elements to form metal vapor using plasma generated by at least one electric discharge pulse between the electrodes; and condensing the metal vapor to form metal particles. In some embodiments, the metal particles comprise metal oxide particles. In some embodiments, the metal particles are useful as part of pharmaceutical compositions or dietary supplements. 1. A method of fabricating metal particles comprising:adding a plurality of metallic elements into a plasma reactor comprising two electrodes and containing a circulating fluid;evaporating said metallic elements to form metal vapor using plasma generated by at least one electric discharge pulse between said electrodes; andcondensing said metal vapor to form metal particles.2. The method of fabricating metal particles of claim 1 , further comprising:transporting said metallic particles to a sedimentation tank coupled to said plasma reactor;allowing said metallic particles to settle in said sedimentation tank;removing said sediment from said sedimentation tank;sublimating said sediment;drying said sediment; andmilling said sediment.3. The method of fabricating metal particles of claim 2 , wherein the metallic particles are carried to said sedimentation tank by said circulating fluid.4. The method of fabricating metal particles of claim 1 , wherein the metallic elements are selected from the group consisting of iron containing elements claim 1 , aluminum containing elements claim 1 , titanium containing elements claim 1 , and tungsten containing elements claim 1 , or any combinations thereof.5. The method of fabricating metal particles of claim 1 , wherein said circulating fluid comprises water claim 1 , hydrogen peroxide claim 1 , or a combination thereof.6. The method of fabricating metal ...

07-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220215991A1

Iron nitride nanoparticles and magnet materials made from iron nitride nanoparticles are described. The iron nitride nanoparticles have a core and a shell morphology. The shell is configured to provide a means to nitride the core. The magnetic materials are characterized as having an Msat greater than about 160 emu/g and a coercivity greater than about 700 Oe.

21-11-2023 дата публикации

Silver powder, method for producing the same, and conductive paste

Номер: US0011819914B2
Автор: Masanori Fujii

A silver powder containing: silver particles; and an adherent that is attached to surfaces of the silver particles and contains a metal oxide that has a melting point lower than a melting point of silver.

29-11-2018 дата публикации

Lead-based alloy and related processes and products

Номер: AU2017257864A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A lead-based alloy containing alloying additions of bismuth, antimony, arsenic, and tin is used for the production of doped leady oxides, lead-acid battery active materials, lead-acid battery electrodes, and lead-acid batteries.

06-10-2016 дата публикации

파워 인덕터 및 그 제조 방법

Номер: KR0101662208B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 모다이노칩

... 본 발명은 바디와, 바디 내부에 마련된 기재와, 기재 상에 형성된 코일과, 코일과 연결되어 바디의 측면에 형성된 제 1 외부 전극과, 제 1 외부 전극과 연결되어 바디의 하면에 형성된 제 2 외부 전극을 포함하는 파워 인덕터 및 그 제조 방법이 제시된다.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Lubricant system for use in powder metallurgy

Номер: US20130224060A1
Принадлежит: Hoeganaes Corp

The present invention is directed to metallurgical powder compositions having improved lubricant properties. These compositions of the invention include at least 90 wt. % of an iron-based metallurgical powder; a Group 1 or Group 2 metal stearate; a first wax having a melting range of between about 80 and 100° C.; a second wax having a melting range of between about 80 and 90° C.; inc phosphate; boric acid; acetic acid; phosphoric acid; and polyvinylpyrrolidone. Methods of compacting the compositions, as well as compacted articles prepared using those methods, are also described.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001443A1

The object of the present invention is to provide a powder dispersion composition capable of giving high SPF values while maintaining feeling on use required for oil-in-water cosmetics, such as freshness and being easy to spread and reducing burden on the skin. 1. A powder dispersion composition prepared by dispersing powder , wherein the powder has an average particle size of 10 times or less the primary particle size of the powder , the polydispersity index (PDI value) of the average particle size of the powder dispersion composition is 0.4 or less and the absorbance per 1% of the powder is 150 or more.2. The powder dispersion composition according to claim 1 , comprising a silicone dispersant having an HLB of 2 or less.3. The powder dispersion composition according to claim 1 , wherein the dispersant is glycerol modified with silicone at both terminals.4. The powder dispersion composition according to claim 1 , wherein the powder is titanium dioxide or zinc oxide.5. The powder dispersion composition according to claim 1 , comprising 75% or less of the powder.6. The powder dispersion composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a lower alcohol.7. A method for producing the composition according to claim 1 , comprising mixing an oil phase and an aqueous phase with stirring in a first step and homogenizing the mixture prepared in the first step based on the principle of cavitation in a second step. The present application claims the priority of Japanese Patent Application No. 2018-212413 filed on Nov. 12, 2018, which is incorporated herein.The present invention relates to a powder dispersion composition, and in particular, to improvement in the technique of dispersing fine particles thereof.Sunscreen cosmetics are designed to block ultraviolet light in sunlight to protect the skin from harmful effects caused by ultraviolet light. Their bases include an emulsion type base, a lotion type base and an oil type base. Emulsion type bases are roughly classified ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001371A1

A soft magnetic metal powder is manufactured. An aqueous solution of at least one of aluminum, silicon, a rare-earth element (including Y), and magnesium is added into a solution containing an iron ion while blowing a gas containing oxygen thereinto, to form a precursor containing at least one of aluminum, silicon, a rare-earth element (including Y), and magnesium. The precursor is reduced to obtain a metal powder. The metal powder is further slowly oxidized with oxygen to form an oxidized film on the surface of the metal powder. 1. A method of manufacturing a soft magnetic metal powder , comprising:an aqueous solution of at least one of aluminum, silicon, a rare-earth element (including Y), and magnesium is added into a solution containing an iron ion while blowing a gas containing oxygen thereinto, to form a precursor containing at least one of aluminum, silicon, a rare-earth element (including Y), and magnesium;the precursor is reduced to obtain a metal powder; andthe metal powder is further slowly oxidized with oxygen to form an oxidized film on the surface of the metal powder.2. The method of manufacturing a soft magnetic metal powder according to claim 1 ,wherein the solution containing an iron ion is an aqueous solution of an iron compound and a cobalt compound.3. The method of manufacturing a soft magnetic metal powder according to claim 1 ,wherein the precursor shows a spinel-type crystal structure by a powder X-ray diffraction method.4. The method of manufacturing a soft magnetic metal powder according to claim 1 ,wherein the reducing the precursor includes exposing the precursor to a reduction gas at a temperature of 250° C. to 650° C.5. The method of manufacturing a soft magnetic metal powder according to claim 1 ,wherein the further reacting comprises exposing the metal powder to an inert gas containing oxygen at a temperature of 20° C. to 150° C.6. The method of manufacturing a soft magnetic metal powder according to claim 2 ,wherein the precursor ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004044A1

An alloy and method of forming the alloy are provided. The alloy includes a matrix phase, and a multimodally distributed population of particulate phases dispersed within the matrix. The matrix includes iron and chromium, and the population includes a first subpopulation of particulate phases and a second subpopulation of particulate phases. The first subpopulation of particulate phases include a complex oxide, having a median size less than about 15 nm, and present in the alloy in a concentration from about 0.1 volume percent to about 5 volume percent. The second subpopulation of particulate phases have a median size in a range from about 25 nm to about 10 microns, and present in the alloy in a concentration from about 0.1 volume percent to about 15 volume percent. Further embodiments include articles, such as turbomachinery components and fasteners, for example, that include the above alloy, and methods for making the alloy. 1. An alloy , comprising: a first subpopulation of particulate phases comprising a complex oxide, having a median size less than about 15 nm, and present in the alloy in a concentration from about 0.1 volume percent to about 5 volume percent; and', 'a second subpopulation of particulate phases having a median size in a range from about 25 nm to about 10 microns, and present in the alloy in a concentration from about 0.1 volume percent to about 15 volume percent., 'a matrix phase comprising iron and chromium; and a multimodally distributed population of particulate phases dispersed within the matrix, the population comprising2. The alloy of claim 1 , wherein the particulate phases of the first subpopulation comprise at least two elements of the following group: yttrium claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , zirconium claim 1 , hafnium claim 1 , and magnesium.3. The alloy of claim 2 , wherein the particulate phases of the first subpopulation comprise yttrium and titanium.4. The alloy of claim 1 , wherein the particulate phases of the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010053A1
Автор: HAN Kwan Hee, Kim Ju Hyun

A method of synthesizing aluminum nitride, the method includes: preparing mixed powder containing 0.5 to 8 wt % of zinc powder, 0.01 to 2 wt % of magnesium powder, 0.01 to 1 wt % of silicon powder, 0.01 to 1 wt % of copper powder, and a balanced amount of aluminum powder; preparing a feedstock of the mixed powder blended and filled with thermoplastic organic binder, by pressured kneading the mixed powder and the thermoplastic organic binder; forming granules of the feedstock by crushing the feedstock or forming a molded body of the feedstock via a powder molding method; and debinding the granules or the molded body by heating under a nitrogen gas atmosphere, and then performing direct nitridation between aluminum and a nitrogen gas at a temperature higher than a debinding temperature. 1. A method of synthesizing aluminum nitride , the method comprising:preparing mixed powder containing 0.5 to 8 wt % of zinc powder, 0.01 to 2 wt % of magnesium powder, 0.01 to 1 wt % of silicon powder, 0.01 to 1 wt % of copper powder, and a balanced amount of aluminum powder;preparing a feedstock of the mixed powder blended and filled with thermoplastic organic binder, by pressured kneading the mixed powder and the thermoplastic organic binder;forming granules of the feedstock by crushing the feedstock or forming a molded body of the feedstock via a powder molding method; anddebinding the granules or the molded body by heating under a nitrogen gas atmosphere, and then performing direct nitridation between aluminum and a nitrogen gas at a temperature higher than a debinding temperature.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein an average diameter of the aluminum powder is 0.01 to 50 μm.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein an average diameter of the aluminum powder is 0.1 to 20 μm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein an average diameter of the zinc powder claim 1 , the magnesium powder claim 1 , the silicon powder claim 1 , and the copper powder is 0.1 to 50 μm.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015898A1

A micro-nano composite powder dedicated for laser repair of tiny crack in stainless steel surface, which belongs to the technical field of laser repair and comprises 3 wt %-7 wt % of nano-WC, 0.5 wt %-2 wt % of nano-AlO, 0.2 wt %-0.8 wt % of micro-V powder and the balance of micro stainless steel powder, wherein the stainless steel powder comprises 0.08 wt % of C, 0.5 wt % of Si, 1.46 wt % of Mn, 0.03 wt % of P, 0.005 wt % of S, 19 wt % of Cr, 9.5 wt % of Ni, 0.5 wt % of Mo and the balance of Fe. The micro and nano powders are fully mixed through ball milling and further uniformly mixed after being blended with anhydrous ethanol. The composite powder provided by the present invention is particularly suitable for laser repair of tiny crack in the surface of stainless steel part with high toughness requirement. After laser repair, the composite powder can be fully fused with the substrate, the repaired layer and the substrate are metallurgically bonded at the interface with no crack or impurity, the repaired layer contains fine grains, and therefore the compactibility and fracture property of the repaired layer are improved. 1. A micro-nano composite powder dedicated for laser repair of tiny crack in stainless steel surface , wherein the composite powder comprises 3 wt %-7 wt % of nano-WC , 0.5 wt %-2 wt % of nano-AlO , 0.2 wt %-0.8 wt % of micro-V powder and the balance of micro stainless steel powder , wherein the micro and nano powders are fully mixed through ball milling and further uniformly mixed after being blended with anhydrous ethanol; the stainless steel powder comprises 0.08 wt % of C , 0.5 wt % of Si , 1.46 wt % of Mn , 0.03 wt % of P , 0.005 wt % of S , 19 wt % of Cr , 9.5 wt % of Ni , 0.5 wt % of Mo and the balance of Fe.2. A micro-nano composite powder dedicated for laser repair of tiny crack in stainless steel surface of claim 1 , wherein the nano-WC powder has a particle diameter of 50-80 nm and a purity of 99.99%.3. A micro-nano composite powder ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037066A1
Автор: ORIMO Yoko

A metal magnetic powder is constituted by metal magnetic grains that each include: a metal phase where the percentage of Fe at its center part is 98 percent by mass or higher, while the mass percentage of Fe at its contour part is lower than that at the center part; and an oxide film covering the metal phase, so as to inhibit oxidation of Fe contained in the metal phase, despite the high content percentage of Fe in the metal phase. 1. A metal magnetic powder constituted by metal magnetic grains , each comprising:a metal phase where a percentage of Fe at its center part is 98 percent by mass or higher, and a mass percentage of Fe at its contour part is lower than that at the center part; andan oxide film covering the metal phase.2. The metal magnetic powder according to claim 1 , wherein the percentage of Fe at the contour part is lower by 1 to 20 percent by mass than that at the center part.3. The metal magnetic powder according to claim 1 , wherein the percentage of Fe at the contour part is lower by 5 to 18 percent by mass than that at the center part.4. The metal magnetic powder according to claim 1 , wherein the percentage of Fe at the contour part is 80 to 85 percent by mass.5. The metal magnetic powder according to claim 1 , wherein the metal phase further contains at least one type of element selected from Si claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Al claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , and Mg.6. The metal magnetic powder according to claim 5 , wherein a total of percentages of Si claim 5 , Cr claim 5 , Al claim 5 , Ti claim 5 , Zr claim 5 , and Mg at the contour part is higher by at least 5 percent by mass than a total of corresponding percentages at the center part.7. The metal magnetic powder according to claim 5 , wherein a part containing more Fe than a total of mass percentages of Si claim 5 , Cr claim 5 , Al claim 5 , Ti claim 5 , Zr claim 5 , and Mg is formed in the oxide film.8. A method for manufacturing a metal magnetic powder claim 5 , including:preparing a ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021801A1

Spherical particles of one or more elemental metals and elemental carbon are prepared from a precursor in the form of a metal oleate. The metal oleate precursor is dispersed in a liquid vehicle and aerosol droplets of the dispersed precursor are formed in a stream of an inert gas. The aerosol droplets are heated in the stream to decompose the oleate ligand portion of the precursor and form spherical particles that have a mesoporous nanocrystalline structure. The open mesopores of the spherical particles provide a high surface area for contact with fluids in many applications. For example, the mesopores can be infiltrated with a hydrogen absorbing material, such as magnesium hydride, in order to increase the hydrogen storage capacity of the particles. 1. A method of making spherical particles that are a composite of one or more elemental metals , elemental carbon , and oxygen , the method comprising:forming a metal oleate precursor by reacting one or more inorganic metal salts of the one or more elemental metals with oleic acid in a basic solution;precipitating the metal oleate precursor from the solution;separating the metal oleate precursor precipitate from any by-products;forming a dispersion of the metal oleate precursor in a solvent of tetrahydrofuran;forming aerosol droplets of the dispersed precursor in a stream of an inert gas; andheating the aerosol droplets in the stream to evaporate the solvent, decompose organic material, and form spherical particles of the one or more elemental metals, elemental carbon, and oxygen having a uniform mesoporous nanocrystalline structure.2. The method of making spherical particles as recited in further comprising:heating the aerosol droplets in the stream for a sufficient amount of time so that nanocrystals of the one or more elemental metals form in the droplets, the decomposed organic material is expelled from the droplets, and the metal nanocrystals become organized into a three-dimensional network in which the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210026307A1
Принадлежит: Comadur SA

A method and device for manufacturing a bevelled stone, particularly for a timepiece are disclosed. A precursor is produced from a mixture of at least one material in powder form with a binder. The method includes pressing the precursor so as to form a green body, using a top die and a bottom die comprising a protruding rib, sintering the green body so as to form a body of the future stone in at least one material, the body including a peripheral face and a bottom face provided with a groove, and machining the body including a substep of planning the peripheral face up to the groove, such that an inner wall of the groove forms at least a flared part of the peripheral face of the stone. 1. A method for manufacturing a bevelled stone , for a timepiece , comprising the following steps:producing a precursor from a mixture of at least one material in powder form with a binder;pressing the precursor so as to form a green body, using a top die and a bottom die comprising a protruding rib,sintering said green body so as to form a body of the future stone in said at least one material, the body comprising a peripheral face and a bottom face provided with a groove, andmachining the body including a substep of planing planning the peripheral face up to the groove, such that an inner wall of the groove forms at least a flared part of the peripheral face of the stone.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the machining comprises a substep of recessing a recess in the top face of the body.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the machining comprises a substep of cutting the top face of the body claim 1 , in order to obtain a top face giving the stone a predetermined thickness.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the pressing comprises the recessing of a hole blank with a punch of the bottom die.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the groove is embodied to be circular and/or centred on the bottom face of the body.6. The method according to claim 1 , ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051848A1

A method for the assembly of a metal part and a ceramic part, including the following steps: 1. A method for the assembly of a metal part and a ceramic part , comprising the following steps:supplying a solid ceramic part of the alumina type;supplying a solid metal part, the metal being selected from platinum and tantalum, or an alloy comprising a majority of one of these metals;depositing at least one layer, called interface layer, on at least one of the solid parts, the interface layer containing magnesium oxide;bringing into contact the solid metal part and the solid ceramic part such that the interface layer is located between the solid parts; andhot densification under pressure of the solid parts brought into contact, in order to create a close bond between the solid parts and to form a spinel from the interface layer.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that it comprises a step of supplying a solid part from an alloy comprising a majority of platinum claim 1 , and one of the following components: rhodium (Rh) claim 1 , iridium (Ir) claim 1 , aluminium (Al) claim 1 , gold (Au).3. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that it comprises a step of supplying a solid ceramic part of the alumina type of with purity over 99.5%.4. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that it further comprises the following steps:encapsulating the metal and ceramic parts brought into contact before the step of hot densification under pressure; andremoving the capsule after the step of hot densification under pressure.5. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that any one of the steps of supplying a solid part comprises one of the following steps:preforming powder by cold pressing to form a solid part; ormachining of a solid part.6. The method according to claim 5 , characterized in that the step of preforming powder is followed by a sintering step.7. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the step of hot ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200035412A1

A method of stabilizing soft particles to create dried nanocomposite magnets includes coating a plurality of soft particles with a layer of SiO, the soft particles being nanoparticles, creating a composite by mixing the soft particles with hard phase via a solution phase based assembly, annealing the composite, washing the composite with an alkaline solution to remove SiO, and compacting the composite to create dried nanocomposite magnets. 1. A method of stabilizing soft particles to create dried nanocomposite magnets comprising:{'sub': '2', 'coating a plurality of soft particles with a layer of SiO, the soft particles being nanoparticles;'}creating a composite by mixing the soft particles with hard phase via a solution phase based assembly;annealing the composite;{'sub': '2', 'washing the composite with an alkaline solution to remove SiO; and'}compacting the composite to create dried nanocomposite magnets.2. The method of wherein the soft particles include at least one of the following: Fe claim 1 , Co claim 1 , and FeCo.3. The method of wherein the hard phase includes at least one of the following:SmCo based compound; or NdFeB based compound.4. The method of wherein the hard phase includes at least one of the following:SmCo—O; NdFeN-0; SmCo metal alloy; or NdFeB metal alloy.5. The method of wherein the step of annealing the composite includes mixing the nanocomposites with Ca in a reducing atmosphere.6. The method of wherein the reducing atmosphere includes Argon and 4% hydrogen.7. The method of wherein the step of annealing the composite is done at substantially 850 degrees Celsius.8. The method of wherein the alkaline solution is an aqueous solution of NaOH or KOH.9. The method of wherein the solution phase based assembly includes SiOcoated hard magnetic particles.10. A method of stabilizing soft particles for generating a nanocomposite for a magnet comprises:{'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'assembling a pre-synthesized Fe nanoparticles which are coated with SiO(silica) ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200038959A1

A sintered friction material is formed by pressure sintering mixed powder at 800° C. or above, the mixed powder consisting of, in mass %, Cu and/or Cu alloy: 40.0 to 80.0%, Ni: 0% or more and less than 5.0%, Sn: 0 to 10.0%, Zn: 0 to 10.0%, VC: 0.5 to 5.0%, Fe and/or Fe alloy: 2.0 to 40.0%, lubricant: 5.0 to 30.0%, metal oxide and/or metal nitride: 1.5 to 30.0%, and the balance being impurity. 1. A sintered friction material formed by pressure sintering mixed powder at 800° C. or above , the mixed powder consisting of , in mass %:Cu and/or Cu alloy: 40.0 to 80.0%;Ni: 0% or more and less than 5.0%;Sn: 0 to 10.0%;Zn: 0 to 10.0%;VC: 0.5 to 5.0%;Fe and/or Fe alloy: 2.0 to 40.0%;lubricant: 5.0 to 30.0%;metal oxide and/or metal nitride: 1.5 to 30.0%; andthe balance being impurity.2. The sintered friction material according to claim 1 , whereinthe lubricant contains one or more kinds selected fromgraphite: 5.0 to 15.0%,hexagonal boron nitride: 3.0% or less,molybdenum disulfide: 3.0% or less,mica: 3.0% or less, andone or more kinds selected from tungsten disulfide, iron sulfide, chromium sulfide, copper sulfide, and copper matte: 10.0% or less.3. The sintered friction material according to claim 1 , whereinthe metal oxide and/or metal nitride includes one or more kinds selected from magnesia, zircon sand, silica, zirconia, mullite, and silicon nitride.4. The sintered friction material according to claim 1 , whereinthe Fe alloy includes one or more kinds selected from ferrochromium, ferrotungsten, ferromolybdenum, and stainless steel.5. The sintered friction material according to claim 2 , whereinthe metal oxide and/or metal nitride includes one or more kinds selected from magnesia, zircon sand, silica, zirconia, mullite, and silicon nitride.6. The sintered friction material according to claim 2 , whereinthe Fe alloy includes one or more kinds selected from ferrochromium, ferrotungsten, ferromolybdenum, and stainless steel.7. The sintered friction material according to claim ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046543A1
Принадлежит: Höganas AB (publ)

Disclosed is a new diffusion-bonded powder consisting of an iron powder having 1-5%, preferably 1.5-4% and most preferabiy 1.5-3.5% by weight of copper particles diffusion bonded to the surfaces of the iron powder particles. The new diffusion bonded powder is suitable for producing components having high sintered density and minimum variation in copper content. 1. An iron based powder consisting of particles of reduced copper oxide diffusion bonded to the surface of an atomized iron powder , wherein the content of copper is 1-5%-by weight of the iron based powder.2. The iron based powder according to claim 1 , wherein the maximum particle size is 250 μm claim 1 , at least 75% is below 150 μm and at most 30% is below 45 μm claim 1 , the apparent density is at least 2.70 g/cm3 and the oxygen content is at most 0.16% by weight and other compounds at most 1% by weight.3. The iron based powder according to having a SSF-factor of at most 2.0 claim 2 , wherein the SSF-factor is defined as the quotation between the Cu content in weight % in the fraction of the iron based powder which passes a 45 μm sieve and the Cu content in weight % in the fraction of the iron based powder which does not pass a 45 μm sieve.4. The iron based powder according to claim 1 , wherein the maximum copper content in a cross section of a sintered component made from said iron based powder is at most 100% higher than the nominal copper content claim 1 , wherein the sintered component is produced by mixing said iron-based powder with 0.5% of graphite claim 1 , having a particle size claim 1 , ×90 claim 1 , of at most 15 μm measured with laser diffraction according to ISO 13320:1999 claim 1 , and 0.9% of lubricant and the obtained mixture is transferred into a compaction die for production of tensile strength samples (TS-bars) according to ISO 2740: 2009 and subjected to a compaction pressure of 600 MPa and the compacted sample is thereafter ejected from the compaction die and subjected to a sintering ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043402A1
Принадлежит: Saint Jean Industries

A method of manufacturing a piece of metal alloy or of metal matrix composite materials includes making a preform by additive manufacturing by adding material in successive layers, and subjecting the preform to a forging operation taking place in a single step and between two dies with a view to obtaining the final shape of the piece. 1- A method of manufacturing a piece of metal alloy or of metal matrix composite materials , comprising:making a preform by additive manufacturing by adding material in successive layers; andsubjecting the preform to a forging operation taking place in a single step and between two dies with to obtain a final shape of the piece.2- The method according to claim 1 , wherein the piece of metal alloy comprises an alloy based on iron claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , chromium claim 1 , or cobalt.3- The method according to claim 1 , wherein the piece of composite materials comprises a titanium-titanium carbide alloy claim 1 , an aluminum-alumina alloy claim 1 , or an aluminum-silicon carbide alloy.4- The method according to claim 1 , wherein the forging operation is performed semi-hot or cold or hot.5- The method according to claim 1 , wherein the preform contains zones in which a powder is not bonded or is partially consolidated.6- Pieces or parts obtained by implementing the method according to . The invention relates to the technical field of manufacturing pieces of metal or of metal matrix composite, particularly but non-limitingly for making components and equipment for the automobile and aviation sectors.Additive manufacturing, which enables pieces or parts to be fabricated by fusing (melting together) or sintering successive layers, is developing, the basic concept being defined in Patent U.S. Pat. No. 4,575,330 dating from 1984.Additive manufacturing is defined by ASTM as being a process of joining materials to make objects from three-dimensional (3D) model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220059263A1

The iron loss of a dust core is reduced. A dust core () includes soft magnetic metal particles () having an average particle size of 5 μm or more and 30 μm or less, and a particle boundary phase (). The particle boundary phase () includes a polycrystalline compound containing Al (aluminum). When a sectional structure of the dust core () is observed, an area percentage of α-AlOin the particle boundary phase () is 75% or less. An average thickness Ta of the particle boundary phase () is 10 nm or more and 300 nm or less. According to the present invention, the iron loss is reduced. 1. A dust core comprising soft magnetic metal particles and a particle boundary phase , the soft magnetic metal particles having an average particle size of 5 μm or more and 30 μm or less ,wherein the particle boundary phase includes a polycrystalline compound containing Al (aluminum),{'sub': 2', '3, 'when a sectional structure of the dust core is observed, an area percentage of α-AlOin the particle boundary phase is 75% or less,'}when the sectional structure of the dust core is observed in a first field of view of a 150 μm×150 μm square, and when, in a region where the particle boundary phase is located in an H-letter shape, two intersecting points where two vertical lines and one horizontal line that constitute the H letter intersect are connected with a straight line, and a perpendicular bisector of the straight line is drawn, a crossing width at a position where the perpendicular bisector crosses the particle boundary phase is defined as a thickness Tn of the particle boundary phase, andwhen the thickness of the particle boundary phase is measured at five positions to respectively determine Tn (where n is an integer of 1 to 5), and an average thickness Ta which is an average of Tn (where n is an integer of 1 to 5) is calculated,the average thickness Ta is 10 nm or more and 300 nm or less.2. The dust core according to claim 1 , whereinwhen a ratio of an amount of Al to an amount of oxygen ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Silicon oxide-coated iron powder, method for producing the same, molded body for inductor using the same, and inductor

Номер: US20210050132A1
Принадлежит: Dowa Electronics Materials Co Ltd

A silicon oxide-coated iron powder has a small particle diameter, can achieve high in a high frequency band, and has high insulating property. In a method for producing the powder, a silicon alkoxide is added to a slurry containing iron powder having an average particle diameter of 0.25 μm or more and 0.80 μm or less and an average axial ratio of 1.5 or less dispersed in a mixed solvent of water and an organic material containing water in an amount of 1% by mass or more and 40% by mass or less. Then, a hydrolysis catalyst for the silicon alkoxide is added to perform silicon oxide coating, the method resulting in a silicon oxide-coated iron powder having the high μ′ in a high frequency band and the high insulating property.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210060640A1

A mixed powder for powder metallurgy according to an embodiment of the present invention contains an iron-based powder as a main component and further contains a powder of at least one sulfide selected from CaS, MnS, and MoS; and a powder wherein a percentage content of magnesium oxide is greater than or equal to 0.005% by mass and less than or equal to 0.025% by mass, wherein the magnesium oxide has an average particle size D50 of greater than or equal to 0.5 μm and less than or equal to 5.0 μm. 1. A mixed powder suitable for powder metallurgy , the powder comprising:an iron-comprising powder as a main component;{'sub': '2', 'a first powder comprising CaS, MnS, and/or MoS, as a sulfide; and'}a second powder having percentage content of magnesium oxide in a range of from 0.005 to 0.025 mass %, based on total mixed powder weight,wherein the magnesium oxide has an average particle size D50 in a range of from 0.5 to 5.0 μm.2. The powder of claim 1 , wherein the sulfide is present in a range of from 0.04 to 0.20 mass %.3. The powder of claim 1 , wherein the first powder comprises CaS.4. The powder of claim 1 , wherein the first powder comprises MnS.5. The powder of claim 1 , wherein the first powder comprises CaS and MnS.6. The powder of claim 1 , wherein the first powder comprises MoS.7. The powder of claim 1 , wherein the first powder comprises CaS and MOS.8. The powder of claim 1 , wherein the first powder comprises MnS and MoS7.9. The powder of claim 1 , wherein the first powder comprises CaS claim 1 , MnS claim 1 , and MoS.10. The powder of claim 1 , wherein the magnesium oxide has an average particle size D50 in a range of from 0.7 to 3.0 μm.11. The powder of claim 1 , further comprising:copper in an amount of from 0.8 to 3.0 mass %, based on the total mixed powder weight.12. The powder of claim 1 , wherein the iron-comprising powder is present in an amount of at least 95.86 mass % claim 1 , based on the total mixed powder weight.13. The powder of claim 1 , ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Silicon oxide-coated soft magnetic powder and method for producing same

Номер: US20210060642A1
Принадлежит: Dowa Electronics Materials Co Ltd

A silicon oxide-coated soft magnetic powder has excellent insulating property and provides a high powder compact density. In making the powder, silicon alkoxide is added to a slurry containing soft magnetic powder containing iron in an amount of 20% by mass or more dispersed in a mixed solvent of water and an organic solvent containing water in an amount of 1% by mass or more and 40% by mass or less. A hydrolysis catalyst for the silicon alkoxide is then added to perform silicon oxide coating. The coated magnetic powder has a coverage factor R of 70% or more defined by R=Si×100/(Si+M) (wherein Si and M represent molar fractions of Si and elements constituting the soft magnetic powder obtained by an XPS measurement), a powder compact density of 4.0 g/cm 3 or more, and high μ′ at high frequency and high insulating property.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200061715A1

A method for producing a metal powder provided on the surface thereof with a glassy thin film, wherein a glassy substance is produced in the vicinity of the surface of the metal powder by spray pyrolysis from a solution that contains a thermally decomposable metal compound and a glass precursor that produces a glassy substance that does not form a solid solution with the metal produced from the metal compound by thermal decomposition, so as to form the metal powder provided on the surface thereof with the glassy thin film. The metal includes a base metal as a major component, and the solution contains 5 to 30 mass %, as the mass % with reference to the overall solution, of a reducing agent that is soluble in the solution and exhibits a reducing activity during the aforementioned step of heating. 1. A method for producing a metal powder containing iron provided on a surface thereof with a glassy thin film , the method comprising:converting a solution into microfine droplets, wherein the solution contains a thermally decomposable metal compound comprising an iron compound and a glass precursor that produces a glassy substance that does not form a solid solution with a metal produced from the thermally decomposable metal compound by thermal decomposition; andheating the microfine droplets, while they are dispersed in a carrier gas, at a temperature higher than a decomposition temperature of the thermally decomposable metal compound, higher than a decomposition temperature of the glass precursor, and higher than a melting point of the metal produced from the thermally decomposable metal compound, to produce a metal powder comprising the metal and to produce the glassy substance in a vicinity of the surface of the metal powder, wherein{'sub': '2', 'the glassy substance contains at least 40 mass % of SiOin terms of oxide, and'}the solution contains 5 to 30 mass %, as the mass %, with reference to an overall solution, of a reducing agent that is soluble in the solution and ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

System and Method for Integrated Deposition and Heating

Номер: US20210069786A1
Принадлежит: Utility Global Inc

Herein disclosed is a method of manufacturing comprises depositing a composition on a substrate slice by slice to form an object; heating in situ the object using electromagnetic radiation (EMR); wherein said composition comprises a first material and a second material, wherein the second material has a higher absorption of the radiation than the first material. In an embodiment, the EMR has a wavelength ranging from 10 to 1500 nm and the EMR has a minimum energy density of 0.1 Joule/cm 2 . In an embodiment, the EMR comprises UV light, near ultraviolet light, near infrared light, infrared light, visible light, laser, electron beam. In an embodiment, said object comprises a catalyst, a catalyst support, a catalyst composite, an anode, a cathode, an electrolyte, an electrode, an interconnect, a seal, a fuel cell, an electrochemical gas producer, an electrolyser, an electrochemical compressor, a reactor, a heat exchanger, a vessel, or combinations thereof.

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Preparation Method of Electrical Contact Material

Номер: US20160074935A1
Автор: Chen Lesheng, Chen Yuhang

A preparation method of an electrical contact material includes steps of: adopting chemical plating to cover nickel coating on aquadag or metallic oxide, then covering with silver coating, and forming Ag—Ni—C or Ag—Ni—MeO core-shell structure, which improves interface wettability of aquadag, metallic oxide and silver matrix, and removes the adverse effect on the electrical contact material mechanical property due to bad interface wettability in conventional powder metallurgy method. What is important is that the silver in intermediate composite particles is replaced by nickel coating, thus reduce the silver use level. The main function of silver coating is to improve inoxidizability of composite particles, sintering granulation property and the deformability during the manufacturing process of intermediate composite particles, thus improve the technological property. 110-. (canceled)11. A preparation method of an electrical contact material , comprising following steps of:{'sup': 'st', '1step, adopting chemical plating to cover a nickel coating on aquadag or metallic oxide particles;'}{'sup': nd', 'st, '2step, adopting chemical plating to further cover a silver coating on the aquadag or the metallic oxide particles with the nickel coating by the 1step;'}{'sup': d', 'nd, '3step, adopting nitrogen protection to conduct sintering granulation to powder of Ag—Ni—C or Ag—Ni—MeO core-shell structure which is formed by the 2step, and obtaining intermediate composite particle powder, then sieving;'}{'sup': th', 'rd, '4step, mixing the intermediate composite particles after sieving by the 3step with pure silver powder to reduce a content of aquadag or metallic oxide to a setting value; and'}{'sup': th', 'th, '5step, making well-mixed powder of the 4step pressed and nitrogen protection atmosphere sintered, then extruding and drawing to obtain the electrical contact material where the aquadag or the metallic oxide particles present fibrous arrangement in a local region; wherein ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Biodegradable Magnesium Alloys and Composites

Номер: US20170072103A1
Принадлежит: The University of Toledo

Biodegradable, magnesium alloys and composites, articles produced therefrom, methods of making the same, and methods of using the same are described. 1. A composite comprising:magnesium;a rare earth element present at a concentration up to about 15 wt %; andsilica present at a concentration up to about 15 wt %;wherein the composite has a nanocrystalline grain size.2. (canceled)3. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the rare earth element is not present in an oxide.4. The composite of claim 3 , wherein the rare earth element is selected from the group consisting of yttrium (Y) claim 3 , gadolinium (Gd) claim 3 , terbium (Tb) claim 3 , dysprosium (Dy) claim 3 , neodymium (Nd) claim 3 , lanthanum (La) claim 3 , cerium (Ce) claim 3 , praseodymium (Pr) claim 3 , and samarium (Sm).5. (canceled)6. The composite of claim 1 , further comprising an additive selected from the group consisting of Ti claim 1 , Al claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , and Mn.7. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the composite consists essentially of magnesium claim 1 , yttrium claim 1 , and silica.8. The composite of claim 1 , further comprising a Ca—P coating.9. The composite of claim 8 , wherein the Ca—P coating is selected from the group consisting of: hydroxyapatite (Ca(PO)(OH)) claim 8 , tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP claim 8 , Ca(PO)O) claim 8 , tricalcium phosphate [α-TCP claim 8 , α-Ca(PO)and β-TCP claim 8 , β-Ca(PO)] claim 8 , dicalcium phosphate anhydrous (DCPA claim 8 , monetite claim 8 , CaHPO) claim 8 , di-calcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD claim 8 , brushite claim 8 , CaHPO.2HO) claim 8 , and octacalcium phosphate (OCP claim 8 , CaH(PO).5HO).10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. An article comprising the composite of claim 1 , wherein the article is selected from the group consisting of: orthopedic implants claim 1 , cochlear implants claim 1 , surgical staples claim 1 , aneurism coils claim 1 , vascular closing devices claim 1 , plates claim 1 , screws claim 1 , intramedullary ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Gaphene/silver composite material and preparation method thereof

Номер: US20180073105A1

A method for preparing graphene/silver composite material is provided. A reduction agent and silver nitrate are added successively into a graphene oxide solution; silver powder obtained by reduction is directly combined with graphene oxide in the solution, so as to preliminarily obtain graphene oxide/silver composite powder; graphene/silver composite powder is then obtained through drying and reducing; a graphene/silver composite block material, a graphene/silver composite wire material and a graphene/silver composite belt material are able to be obtained by powder metallurgy, hot-extruding and rolling techniques. According to the composite material of the present invention, graphene is dispersed uniformly, and interface bonding between a matrix and an enhanced body is sufficient, leading to excellent physical performance of the composite material. Meanwhile, the method of the present invention is simple and processes are easy to control, which is conducive to large-scale production and application.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070244A1

One object of the present invention is to provide fine copper particles which are less likely to be deteriorated by oxidation in the atmosphere without being coated with an antioxidant or the like and which can be sintered at a lower temperature. The present invention provides fine copper particles wherein an entire surface is covered with a coating film containing cuprous oxide and having an average film thickness of 1.5 nm or less. 1. Fine copper particles wherein an entire surface is covered with a coating film containing cuprous oxide and having an average film thickness of 1.5 nm or less.2. The fine copper particles according to claim 1 , wherein an average particle diameter is 500 nm or less.3. A method for producing fine copper particles in which fine copper particles having a coating film containing cuprous oxide on a surface are produced by heating copper or a copper compound in a reducing flame formed by a burner claim 1 ,{'sub': '2', 'wherein the fine copper particles are produced by adjusting a mixing ratio between a combustible gas and a combustion supporting gas which form the reducing flame such that a volume ratio of CO/COis in a range of 1.5 to 2.4.'}4. A method for producing a sintered body claim 1 ,{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'wherein fine copper particles according to are used as a raw material and sintered them in a reducing atmosphere at 150° C. or lower.'}5. A method for producing a sintered body claim 1 ,{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00002', 'claim 2'}, 'wherein fine copper particles according to are used as a raw material and sintered them in a reducing atmosphere at 150° C. or lower.'} The present invention relates to fine copper particles, a method for producing fine copper particles, and a method for producing a sintered body.In recent years, for example, technological innovations such as high-density wiring have become remarkable with the increase in performance, miniaturization, and weight reduction of electronic ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170075044A1

The infrared reflecting substrate includes a first metal oxide layer, a second metal oxide layer and a metal layer in this order on a transparent substrate. The second metal oxide layer and the metal layer are in direct contact with each other. The first metal oxide layer has a refractive index of 2.2 or more. The second metal oxide layer is formed of a metal oxide that contains tin oxide and zinc oxide, and an oxygen content of the metal oxide is less than the stoichiometric composition. The second metal oxide layer is deposited by a DC sputtering method. 1. An infrared reflecting substrate comprising: a transparent substrate; and a first metal oxide layer , a second metal oxide layer and a metal layer disposed in this order on the transparent substrate , whereinthe first metal oxide layer has a refractive index of 2.2 or more,the second metal oxide layer is formed of a metal oxide that contains tin oxide and zinc oxide and an oxygen content of the metal oxide is less than the stoichiometric composition, andthe second metal oxide layer and the metal layer are in direct contact with each other.2. The infrared reflecting substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the first metal oxide layer is formed of an oxide of one or more metals selected from the group consisting of Ti claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , Ta claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , W and Zr.3. The infrared reflecting substrate according to claim 1 , further comprising a surface-side metal oxide layer on the metal layer on a side opposite to a substrate-side.4. The infrared reflecting substrate according to claim 3 , wherein the surface-side metal oxide layer is formed of a metal oxide that contains tin oxide and zinc oxide.5. The infrared reflecting substrate according to claim 3 , wherein the surface-side metal oxide layer is in direct contact with the metal layer.6. The infrared reflecting substrate according to claim 3 , further comprising a transparent resin layer on the surface-side metal oxide layer.7. The infrared ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076920A1

A sintered material contains hard particles composed of one or more selected from the group consisting of cubic boron nitride, AlO, AlON, SiAlON, TiC, TiCN, TiN, WC, and diamond, a metallic binder phase mainly composed of Co or Ni and containing at least one element selected from the group consisting of Co, Ni, Al, W, V, and Ti, and AlOdispersed in the metallic binder phase. 1. A sintered material comprising:{'sub': 2', '3, 'hard particles composed of one or more selected from the group consisting of cubic boron nitride, AlO, AlON, SiAlON, TiC, TiCN, TiN, WC, and diamond;'}a metallic binder phase mainly composed of Co or Ni and containing at least one element selected from the group consisting of Co, Ni, Al, W, V, and Ti; and{'sub': 2', '3, 'AlOdispersed in the metallic binder phase.'}2. The sintered material according to claim 1 , whereinthe hard particles and the metallic binder phase are comprised as being dispersed in the sintered material.3. The sintered material according to or claim 1 , whereinin the metallic binder phase, a content of Co is from 0 to 90 mass %, a content of Ni is from 0 to 90 mass %, a content of Al is from 0.1 to 40 mass %, a content of W is from 0 to 45 mass %, a content of V is from 0 to 25 mass %, a content of Ti is from 0 to 25 mass %, and a ratio of a total of Al, W, V, and Ti is not higher than 50 mass %.4. The sintered material according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': 2', '3, 'an average precipitation particle size of AlOdispersed in the metallic binder phase is not greater than 0.5 μm.'}5. The sintered material according to claim 4 , wherein{'sub': 2', '3, 'the average precipitation particle size of AlOdispersed in the metallic binder phase is not greater than 0.05 μm.'}6. The sintered material according to claim 5 , wherein{'sub': 2', '3, 'the average precipitation particle size of AlOdispersed in the metallic binder phase is not greater than 0.01 μm.'}7. The sintered material according to claim 1 , whereinan average particle size of ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080490A1

A conductive paste contains at least a conductive powder, glass frit, and an organic vehicle. The conductive powder contains a noble metal powder such as an Ag powder and a base metal powder containing Cu and/or Ni, and the base metal powder has a specific surface area of less than 0.5 m/g. The content of the base metal powder with respect to the total amount of the conductive powder is, in ratio by weight, 0.1 to 0.3 when the base metal powder contains Cu as its main constituent, 0.1 to 0.2 when the base metal powder contains Ni as its main constituent, and 0.1 to 0.25 when the base metal powder contains a mixed powder of Cu and Ni as its main constituent. 1. A conductive paste comprising:a conductive powder;glass frit; andan organic vehicle,whereinthe conductive powder contains a noble metal powder and a base metal powder containing at least one of Cu and Ni as a main constituent thereof,{'sup': '2', 'the base metal powder has a specific surface area of less than 0.5 m/g, and'}a content of the base metal powder with respect to a total amount of the conductive powder is, in ratio by weight:0.1 to 0.3 when the base metal powder contains the Cu as the main constituent thereof;0.1 to 0.2 when the base metal powder contains the Ni as the main constituent thereof; and0.1 to 0.25 when the base metal powder contains a mixture of the Cu and the Ni as the main constituent thereof.2. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein specific surface area of the base metal powder is 0.15 to 0.5 m/g.3. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein the base metal powder is an atomized powder.4. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein the base metal powder is 8 μm or less in average particle size.5. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein the base metal powder is 2.5 to 8.0 μm in average particle size.6. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein the noble metal powder is 0.1 to 3 μm in average particle size.7. The conductive paste ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097138A1
Автор: Ma Jiexian, ZHANG Pu

Liquid metal-based powder materials may include oxides. More specifically, the liquid metal-based powder materials may include a plurality of particles formed from a combination of a liquid metal and a dopant material. Each of the plurality of particles may have a predetermined size and having a composition that includes oxide. More specifically, each of the plurality of particles may include a core portion including the combination of the liquid metal and the dopant material, and oxide. Additionally, each of the plurality of particles may also include an outer portion surrounding the core portion. The outer portion may be formed as an oxide film. Furthermore, each of the plurality of particles may also include a plurality of supplemental nanoparticles formed within the core portion, and included in the combination of liquid metal, dopant material, and oxide. 1. A powder material comprising:a plurality of particles formed from a combination of a liquid metal and a dopant material, each of the plurality of particles having a predetermined size and having a composition that includes oxide.2. The powder material of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of particles further includes:{'claim-text': ['the combination of the liquid metal and the dopant material, and', 'the oxide; and'], '#text': 'a core portion including:'}an outer portion surrounding the core portion, the outer portion formed as an oxide film.3. The powder material of claim 2 , wherein each of the plurality of particles further comprises a plurality of supplemental nanoparticles formed within the core portion claim 2 , the plurality of supplemental nanoparticles formed form a material that alters at least one of:density characteristics of the plurality of particles,heat capacity characteristics of the plurality of particles,thermal conductivity of the plurality of particles,electrical conductivity of the plurality of particles, ormagnetic properties of the plurality of particles.4. The powder material ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Preparation method of indium oxide with stable morphology and application thereof

Номер: US20220098052A1

A preparation method of indium oxide with stable morphology includes: (1) mixing indium oxide powder and bismuth oxide powder according to a mass ratio of 1:0.1-0.5 to obtain a powder mixture; (2) putting the powder mixture into a ball mill for ball milling at room temperature to obtain a uniform powder mixture; (3) putting the obtained uniform powder mixture into a muffle furnace and calcining at 700-1000° C.; and (4) obtaining the indium oxide with cubic stable morphology after the muffle furnace naturally cools to room temperature. The method has advantages of simple synthesis process, short synthesis period, high sample yield, no need of complicated equipment, and morphology of the obtained indium oxide can be maintained after being heated at a high temperature within 1000° C. for 2 hours. An electrochemical sensor prepared by using the indium oxide obtained by the method has better selectivity to nonane. 1. An application method of indium oxide with cubic stable morphology in preparing an electrochemical sensor with selectivity to nonane , wherein a preparation method of the indium oxide comprises the following steps:(1) mixing indium oxide powder and bismuth oxide powder according to a mass ratio of 1:0.1-0.5 to obtain a powder mixture;(2) putting the powder mixture into a ball mill for ball milling at room temperature to obtain a uniform powder mixture;(3) putting the obtained uniform powder mixture into a muffle furnace and calcining at 700-1000° C.; and(4) obtaining the indium oxide with cubic stable morphology after the muffle furnace naturally cools to room temperature.2. The application method of indium oxide with cubic stable morphology in preparing an electrochemical sensor with selectivity to nonane according to claim 1 ,wherein time for the ball milling is more than 2 hours, and time for the calcining is more than 1 hour.3. The application method of indium oxide with cubic stable morphology in preparing an electrochemical sensor with selectivity to ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150093279A1

In accordance with an exemplary embodiment, a method of forming a oxide dispersion-strengthened alloy metal includes the steps of providing, in a powdered form, an oxide dispersion-strengthened alloy composition that is capable of achieving a dispersion-strengthened microstructure, directing a low energy density energy beam at a portion of the alloy composition, withdrawing the energy beam from the portion of the powdered alloy composition, and cooling the portion of the powdered alloy composition at a rate greater than or equal to about 10° F. per second, thereby forming the oxide dispersion-strengthened alloy metal. 1. A method of forming an oxide dispersion-strengthened alloy metal comprising the steps of:providing, in a powdered form, an oxide dispersion-strengthened alloy composition that is capable of achieving a dispersion-strengthened microstructure;directing a low energy density energy beam at a portion of the alloy composition;withdrawing the energy beam from the portion of the powdered alloy composition; and{'sup': '6', 'cooling the portion of the powdered alloy composition at a rate greater than or equal to about 10° F. per second, thereby forming the oxide dispersion-strengthened alloy metal.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing the oxide dispersion-strengthened alloy composition in powdered form comprises mixing a plurality of metals and oxides forming the alloy to form a mixture claim 1 , melting the mixture to form a melted mixture claim 1 , and atomizing the melted mixture into the powdered form.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing the oxide dispersion-strengthened alloy composition comprises providing a nickel chromium powder composition.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing the oxide dispersion-strengthened alloy composition comprises providing a nickel aluminide powder composition.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing the oxide dispersion-strengthened alloy composition comprises providing an iron aluminide or an ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170087639A1

There are provided techniques for direct printing material into parts made by additive manufacturing, such as parts made by laser sintering. The direct printed material may be a metal, elastomer, ceramic, or any other material. Further, the direct printed material is typically different than the laser sintering material. Other aspects of the invention include using direct printed materials in the laser sintered parts to improve part strength, provide multi-materials, selectively provide electrical conductivity, and/or provide other desirable features to the parts. 1. A method of fabricating a three-dimensional object from digital data representing the object , the method comprising:forming a first cross-sectional layer of the object in a bed of particulate material, wherein the first cross-sectional layer is electrically insulating;forming a second cross-sectional layer of the object over portions of the first cross-sectional layer, wherein the second cross-sectional layer is electrically conductive; andforming a third cross-sectional layer of the object over portions of the second cross-sectional layer, wherein the third cross-sectional layer is electrically insulating.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the first cross-sectional layer of the object comprises exposing the bed of particulate material to electromagnetic radiation for sintering and consolidating a plurality of particulates disposed in the bed of particulate material.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the first cross-sectional layer of the object comprises applying a fluid binder material to the bed of particulate material for consolidating a plurality of particulates disposed in the bed of particulate material.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particulate material is formed from alumina claim 1 , an aluminosilicate claim 1 , an acrylic resin claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polyethylene oxide claim 1 , polypropylene oxide claim 1 , polyethyleneimine claim 1 ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210090767A1

The sheath () is a material, which includes an aluminium (Al) matrix, in which nanometric aluminium oxide particles (AlO) are homogenously dispersed, the content of AlOis 0.25 to 5 vol. % and the balance is Al. It is preferred that AlOoriginates from the surface layer present on Al powder used as feedstock material for consolidation. The superconductor based on magnesium diboride (MgB) core () is fabricated by powder-in-tube or internal magnesium diffusion to boron technology, while the tube is the Al+AlOcomposite, which is a product of powder metallurgy. A loose Al powder is pressed by cold isostatic pressing, and then the powder billet is degassed at elevated temperature and under vacuum, and then is hot extruded into a tube. A thin diffusion barrier () tube filled up with a mixture of Mg and B powders or Mg wire surrounded with B powder is placed into the Al+AlOcomposite tube under inert gas or vacuum. Such composite unit is cold worked into a thin wire and then annealed at 625-655° C. for 8-90 min, what results in a formation superconducting MgBin a wire's core (). 1. A superconductor wire comprising:{'b': '1', 'sub': '2', 'a superconductive core () based on magnesium diboride (MgB);'}{'b': '3', 'an outer sheath () based on aluminium (Al);'}{'sup': '−3', 'the superconductor wire has a density of less than 2.9 g·cm;'}{'b': 1', '3, 'while the superconductor includes at least one core () and a sheath () fully covers outer surface of the wire,'}{'b': 3', '3, 'sub': 2', '3', '2', '3, 'claim-text': [{'sub': 2', '3, 'the AlOcomponent occupies from 0.25 to 5 vol. %,'}, 'the Al matrix occupies from 95 to 99.75 vol. %,', 'and impurities occupy up to 1 vol. %, preferably up to 0.3 vol. %,, 'wherein the outer sheath () is a composite material, which includes a metallic matrix of a pure Al and stabilizing component of aluminium oxide (AlO) in a volume of Al+AlOcomposite sheath (){'sub': 2', '3', '2', '3, 'wherein the AlOcomponent is homogenously dispersed in an entire volume ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086385A1
Автор: Pieper Zayna, Raj Rishi

Methods of forming metal-ceramic composite materials using flash sintering are disclosed. Exemplary methods include providing mixture comprising one or more materials (e.g., one or more metal oxide powders) and a metal and flash sintering the mixture to form the metal-ceramic compound. 1. A method of forming a metal-ceramic composite electrode , the method comprising the steps of:providing mixture comprising one or more materials and a metal; andflash sintering the mixture to form a metal-ceramic compound.2. The method of forming a metal-ceramic composite electrode of claim 1 , wherein the metal exhibits solubility for lithium.3. The method of forming a metal-ceramic composite electrode of claim 1 , wherein the one or more materials comprise lithium.4. The method of forming a metal-ceramic composite electrode of claim 1 , wherein the one or more materials comprise cobalt.5. The method of forming a metal-ceramic composite electrode of claim 1 , wherein the one or more materials comprise lithium and cobalt.6. The method of forming a metal-ceramic composite electrode of claim 1 , wherein the metal comprises aluminum.7. The method of forming a metal-ceramic composite electrode of claim 1 , wherein the metal comprises silver.8. The method of forming a metal-ceramic composite electrode of claim 1 , wherein a temperature during the step of flash sintering is between about 300° C. and about 1200 CC.9. The method of forming a metal-ceramic composite electrode of claim 1 , wherein a temperature within a reaction chamber is ramped up at a rate between about 1° C./minute to about 100° C./minute to a temperature of about 300° C. to about 1200° C.10. The method of forming a metal-ceramic composite electrode of claim 1 , wherein an amount of metal in the mixture ranges from about 5 volume percent to about 15 volume percent.11. The method of forming a metal-ceramic composite electrode of claim 1 , further comprising a step of heating the mixture to a first temperature before the ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220139590A1

One object of the present invention is to provide copper fine particles which have sufficient dispersibility when made into a paste and can be sintered at 150° C. or lower, the present invention provides copper fine particles, wherein the copper fine particles have a coating film containing copper carbonate and cuprous oxide on at least a part of the surface thereof, and a ratio between the following Db and the following Dv (Db/Dv) is in a range of 0.50˜0.90, Dv: an average value (nm) of the area equivalent circle diameter of the copper fine particles obtained by acquiring SEM images for 500 or more copper fine particles using a scanning electron microscope, and calculating by image analysis software, Db: a particle size (nm) of the copper fine particles obtained by measuring a specific surface area (SSA (m/g)) of the copper fine particles using a specific surface area meter, and calculating by the following formula (1), Db=6/(SSA×ρ)×10. . . (1) in the formula (1), ρ is a density of copper (g/m).

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170092560A1
Принадлежит: Denka Company Limited

A semiconductor package having, stacked in the following order, a heat dissipating member, a joining layer and an insulation member, wherein the heat dissipating member has an aluminum-diamond composite containing diamond grains and a metal containing aluminum; and the joining layer that joins the heat dissipating member and the insulation member is formed using a composite material having silver oxide fine particles or organic-coated silver fine particles having an average particle size of at least 1 nm and at most 100 μm. 1. A semiconductor package having , stacked in the following order , a heat dissipating member , a joining layer and an insulation member , wherein:the heat dissipating member comprises an aluminum-diamond composite containing diamond grains and a metal containing aluminum; andthe joining layer that joins the heat dissipating member and the insulation member is formed using a composite material containing silver oxide fine particles or organic-coated silver fine particles having an average particle size of at least 1 nm and at most 100 μm.2. The semiconductor package according to claim 1 , wherein a diamond grain content in the aluminum-diamond composite is at least 40 vol % and at most 75 vol % with respect to the entire aluminum-diamond composite.3. The semiconductor package according to claim 1 , wherein the insulation member is composed of alumina claim 1 , silicon nitride or aluminum nitride.4. The semiconductor package according to claim 1 , wherein a joint portion between the heat dissipating member and the joining layer is plated with at least one of Ni claim 1 , Ag and Au.5. The semiconductor package according to claim 1 , wherein a joint portion between the insulation member and the joining layer is plated with at least one of Ni claim 1 , Ag and Au.6. The semiconductor package according to claim 1 , wherein a mounting portion for a semiconductor device on the heat dissipating member is plated with at least one of Ni claim 1 , Ag and Au ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Grain Boundary Diffusion Process For Rare-Earth Magnets

Номер: US20150099104A1

In at least one embodiment, a single sintered magnet is provided having a concentration profile of heavy rare-earth (HRE) elements within a continuously sintered rare-earth (RE) magnet bulk. The concentration profile may include at least one local maximum of HRE element concentration within the bulk such that a coercivity profile of the magnet has at least one local maximum within the bulk. The magnet may be formed by introducing alternating layers of an HRE containing material and a magnetic powder into a mold, pressing the layers into a green compact, and sintering the green compact to form a single, unitary magnet. 1. A magnet comprising:a single sintered magnet having a concentration profile of heavy rare-earth (HRE) elements within a continuously sintered rare-earth (RE) magnet bulk;wherein the concentration profile includes at least one local maximum of HRE element concentration located between local minimums of the HRE element concentration within the bulk such that a corresponding coercivity profile of the magnet has at least one local maximum located between local minimums within the bulk.2. The magnet of claim 1 , wherein the concentration profile of HRE elements includes a plurality of local maximums of HRE element concentration within the bulk.3. The magnet of claim 1 , wherein the concentration profile of HRE elements is periodic claim 1 , having alternating relative maximums and minimums.4. The magnet of claim 3 , wherein the concentration profile of HRE elements is substantially sinusoidal in shape.5. The magnet of claim 1 , wherein the single sintered magnet has a thickness greater than 6 mm.6. The magnet of claim 1 , wherein the RE magnet bulk includes at least one of an RE—Fe—B or Sm—Co alloy.7. The magnet of further comprising electrically resistive material within the bulk.8. The magnet of claim 7 , wherein the electrically resistive material is formed as at least one layer within the bulk.9. The magnet of claim 7 , wherein there is a ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170095858A1

Methods are disclosed for treating a base materials in a form of metallic powder made of super alloys based on Ni, Co, Fe or combinations thereof, or made of TiAl alloys, which treated powder can be used for additive manufacturing, such as for Selective Laser Melting of three-dimensional articles. 1. Method for treating a base material in a form of metallic powder made of super alloys based on Ni , Co , Fe or combinations thereof , or made of TiAI alloys , which treated powder is suitable for additive manufacturing , including Selective Laser Melting (SLM) of three-dimensional articles , the method comprising:determining a chemical composition of the base material for comparison to a calculated target chemical composition with a detailed amount of each element of the powder, which is specified for an SLM manufacturing process;storing and atomizing the powder only under dry and pure protective shielding gas atmosphere, and/ortreating the powder by a post gas phase treatment, thereby adding or removing specific elements into or from the powder particles and adjusting content of the added or already existing specific elements to meet the calculated target amount of each element.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the base material is any commercially available standard powder and/or an already used claim 1 , degenerated powder.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the post gas phase treatment is at least one selected out of the group consisting of: chemical vapor deposition (CVD) claim 1 , physical vapor deposition (PVD) claim 1 , Fluoride Ion Cleaning (FIC) claim 1 , and gas phase treatment with other Fluor containing compounds claim 1 , including PTFE claim 1 , PFA or partly fluorised Silicones.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the powder when made of Ni base super alloys is stored and atomized only under dry and pure protective shielding gas atmosphere under at least Argon 4.8.5. Method according to claim 3 , comprising: removing surface ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180096761A1

Disclosed is a method of manufacturing a ferrite magnetic substance, including: a first mixing operation of providing a first mixture composed of 47 to 49 wt % of Fe, 16 to 18 wt % of Mn, 5.2 to 7.2 wt % of Zn, and a remainder of oxygen and other inevitable impurities, a second mixing operation of providing a second mixture composed of the first mixture and an additive including, based on 100 parts by weight of the first mixture, 28 to 51 ppm of Si, 140 to 210 ppm of Nb and 155 to 185 ppm of Zr, and a finish operation of producing a ferrite magnetic substance by sintering the second mixture. 1. A method of manufacturing a ferrite magnetic substance , comprising:a first mixing operation of providing a first mixture comprising 47 to 49 wt % of Fe, 16 to 18 wt % of Mn, 5.2 to 7.2 wt % of Zn, and a remainder of oxygen and other inevitable impurities;a second mixing operation of providing a second mixture comprising the first mixture and an additive comprising, based on 100 parts by weight of the first mixture, 28 to 51 ppm of Si, 140 to 210 ppm of Nb and 155 to 185 ppm of Zr; anda finish operation of producing a ferrite magnetic substance by sintering the second mixture.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first mixing operation of providing the first mixture comprises providing the first mixture by mixing 67.8 to 69.9 wt % of iron oxide (FeO) claim 1 , 6.8 to 8.8 wt % of zinc oxide (ZnO) claim 1 , 22.3 to 24.3 wt % of manganese oxide (MnO) and other inevitable impurities claim 1 , which are in a powder phase.3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising claim 2 , before the first mixing operation of providing the first mixture claim 2 ,a preparation operation of coarsely grinding the iron oxide so that a particle size of the iron oxide is 1.15 μm or less.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in the finish operation claim 1 , the ferrite magnetic substance has a density of 4.8 g/cmor more claim 1 , a permeability of 3 claim 1 ,300 or more ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160104608A1
Автор: Sato Keiichi

[Object] To provide: an In—Ce—O-based sputtering target capable of suppressing nodules and abnormal discharge over a long period, even though the Ce content based on an atomic ratio of Ce/(In+Ce) is 0.16 to 0.40, at which a high-refractive-index film can be obtained; and a method for producing the In—Ce—O-based sputtering target. [Solving Means] The sputtering target is an In—Ce—O-based sputtering target which is made of an In—Ce—O-based oxide sintered body containing indium oxide as a main component and cerium, and which is used in producing a transparent conductive film having a refractive index of 2.1 or more. The target is characterized in that the Ce content based on the atomic ratio of Ce/(In+Ce) is 0.16 to 0.40, and that cerium oxide particles having a particle diameter of 5 μm or less are dispersed in the In—Ce—O-based oxide sintered body. 1. An In—Ce—O-based sputtering target comprising an In—Ce—O-based oxide sintered body containing indium oxide as a main component and cerium , for use in producing a transparent conductive film having a refractive index of 2.1 or more , characterized in thata Ce content based on an atomic ratio of Ce/(In+Ce) is 0.16 to 0.40, andcerium oxide particles having a particle diameter of 5 μm or less are dispersed in the In—Ce—O-based oxide sintered body.2. The In—Ce—O-based sputtering target according to claim 1 , characterized in that the In—Ce—O-based oxide sintered body has a relative density of 95% or more claim 1 , and a specific resistance of from 7 mQ·cm or more to 50 mQ·cm or less.3. A method for producing the In—Ce—O-based sputtering target according to claim 1 , characterized in that the production method comprises:a cerium-oxide-powder grinding step of grinding a cerium oxide raw material powder by a wet grinding method until a 90% cumulative particle diameter (D90) determined from a particle size distribution reaches from 0.5 μm or more to 1.0 μm or less;a mixture-powder-slurry grinding step of grinding a mixture ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220168810A1

A three-dimensional (3D) printing system for manufacturing a three-dimensional (3D) article includes a support powder dispenser containing support powder, a metal powder dispenser containing metal powder, a build plate, a beam system, and a controller. The controller is configured to (1) receive information defining a two-dimensional (2D) slice of the 3D article, (2) position the build plate to receive a new layer of metal powder, (3) operate the metal powder dispenser to dispense the new layer of metal powder, the new layer of metal powder spanning the 2D slice and extending beyond the boundaries to define a zone of unfused powder, (4) operate the beam system to selectively fuse the new layer of powder over an area corresponding to the 2D slice, (5) operate the support powder dispenser to dispense a bounding contour of support powder proximate to or overlapping the zone of unfused powder. 1. A three-dimensional (3D) printing system for manufacturing a three-dimensional (3D) article comprising:a support powder dispenser containing support powder;a metal powder dispenser containing metal powder;a build plate coupled to a vertical positioning system;a beam system; and (1) receive information defining a two-dimensional (2D) slice of the 3D article defining a fused region and having a slice boundary;', '(2) operate the vertical positioning system to position the build plate to receive a new layer of metal powder;', '(3) operate the metal powder dispenser to dispense the new layer of metal powder, the new layer of metal powder spanning the 2D slice and extending beyond the slice boundary to define a zone of unfused powder having a lateral width that is at least an offset distance D;', '(4) operate the beam system to selectively fuse the new layer of powder over an area corresponding to the 2D slice and leaving the zone of unfused powder;', '(5) operate the support powder dispenser to dispense a bounding contour of support powder proximate to or overlapping the zone of ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160107239A1

This invention provides a method for manufacturing a nanocomposite thermoelectric conversion material in which phonon-scattering particles having a specific shape are dispersed, reducing thermal conductivity and increasing thermoelectric conversion performance. Said method for manufacturing a nanocomposite thermoelectric conversion material, in which oxide phonon-scattering particles are dispersed within the matrix of a thermoelectric conversion material, is characterized by including the following stages: a first stage in which, in a solution, the reduction of a salt is used to precipitate out/grow nanoparticles consisting of elements constituting a thermoelectric conversion material, the polymerization of a precursor is used to precipitate out/grow nanoparticles consisting of an oxide constituting phonon-scattering particles, and a mixture of said nanoparticles is collected; and a second stage in which a hydrothermal treatment is used to alloy said mixture into composite nanoparticles, which are then sintered. This method for manufacturing a nanocomposite thermoelectric conversion material is also characterized in that in the aforementioned first stage, nanoparticles consisting of a first group of elements that constitute the thermoelectric conversion material are precipitated out or grown before nanoparticles consisting of oxides of a second group of elements that constitute the phonon-scattering particles. 1. A method of production of a nanocomposite thermoelectric conversion material comprised of a matrix of a thermoelectric conversion material in which an oxide is dispersed as phonon scattering particles ,said method of production of a nanocomposite thermoelectric conversion material comprisinga first stage of precipitating and growing, as nanoparticles, elements which form the thermoelectric conversion material by reduction of salts in a solution and oxides which form the phonon scattering particles by polymerization of a precursor by using a same reducing ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170103838A1

Provided is a color encoding method including providing a composition including a liquid medium and magnetic nanoparticles dispersed in the liquid medium; applying a magnetic field to the composition to align the magnetic nanoparticles; and applying a patterned energy source to the composition to solidify the composition, wherein more than one region of the composition are sequentially solidified with varying magnetic field strength to fix a plurality of color codes. 1. A color encoding method , comprising:providing a composition including a liquid medium and magnetic nanoparticles dispersed in the liquid medium;applying a magnetic field to the composition to align the magnetic nanoparticles; andapplying a patterned energy source to the composition to solidify the composition,wherein more than one region of the composition are sequentially solidified with varying magnetic field strength to fix a plurality of color codes.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid medium includes a photocurable material.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic nanoparticles include superparamagnetic materials.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic nanoparticle is coated with a shell layer to improve dispersibility and solvation repulsion.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the composition further includes a hydrogen bonding solvent to form a solvation layer around the magnetic nanoparticles.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a structural color of a shorter wavelength region is generated as the magnetic field strength is increased.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of color codes includes at least one of information selected from the group consisting of a shape claim 1 , a position and a color.8. A method of manufacturing a color encoded magnetic structure claim 1 , comprising:filling a microfluidic channel with a composition including a curable material and magnetic nanoparticles dispersed in ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Soft Magnetic Composites for Electric Motors

Номер: US20210104342A1

A soft magnetic composite comprising an iron or iron alloy ferromagnetic material coated with an oxide material. An interface between the ferromagnetic material and the layer of oxide contains antiphase domain boundaries. Two processes for producing a soft magnetic composite are also provided. One process includes depositing an oxide layer onto an iron or iron alloy ferromagnetic material by molecular beam epitaxy at a partial oxygen pressure of from 1×10Torr to 1×10Torr to form a coated composite. The other process includes milling an iron or iron alloy ferromagnetic material powder and an oxide powder by high-energy milling to form a mixture; compacting the mixture and curing in an inert gas atmosphere at a temperature from 500° C. to 1200° C. to form a soft magnetic composite. 1. A soft magnetic composite comprising:a ferromagnetic material selected from the group consisting of iron and iron alloys; andan oxide,wherein the ferromagnetic material is coated by the oxide, and an interface between the ferromagnetic material and the oxide contains antiphase domain boundaries.2. The soft magnetic composite of claim 1 , wherein the iron alloy is selected from the group consisting of iron-silicon alloy claim 1 , iron-aluminum alloy claim 1 , iron-silicon-aluminum alloy claim 1 , ion-nickel alloy claim 1 , iron-cobalt alloy claim 1 , iron-cobalt-nickel alloy claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The soft magnetic composite of claim 1 , wherein the oxide is selected from the group consisting of MgO claim 1 , FeO claim 1 , NiFeO claim 1 , MnFeO claim 1 , CoFeO claim 1 , CuFeO claim 1 , CoZnOFeO claim 1 , MnZnOFeO claim 1 , and NiZnOFeO.4. The soft magnetic composite of claim 1 , wherein the layer of oxide has a thickness from about 10 nm to about 5 μm.5. The soft magnetic composite of claim 1 , wherein a surface of the ferromagnetic material has a layer of FeO.6. The soft magnetic composite of claim 5 , wherein the layer of FeOhas a thickness in a range of from about 1 nm ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210121857A1

The invention relates to a structured catalyst for catalyzing steam methane reforming reaction in a given temperature range T upon bringing a hydrocarbon feed gas into contact with the structured catalyst. The structured catalyst comprises a macroscopic structure, which comprises an electrically conductive material and supports a ceramic coating. The macroscopic structure has been manufactured by 3D printing or extrusion and subsequent sintering, wherein the macroscopic structure and the ceramic coating have been sintered in an oxidizing atmosphere in order to form chemical bonds between the ceramic coating and the macroscopic structure. The ceramic coating supports catalytically active material arranged to catalyze the steam methane reforming reaction, wherein the macroscopic structure is arranged to conduct an electrical current to supply an energy flux to the steam methane reforming reaction. The invention moreover relates to methods of manufacturing the structured catalyst and a system using the structured catalyst. 1. A structured catalyst for catalyzing steam methane reforming reaction in a given temperature range T upon bringing a hydrocarbon feed gas into contact with said structured catalyst , said structured catalyst comprising a macroscopic structure , said macroscopic structure comprising an electrically conductive material , said macroscopic structure having a resistivity between 10Ω-m and 10Ω-m in the given temperature range T , and said macroscopic structure supporting a ceramic coating , wherein the macroscopic structure has been manufactured by extrusion or 3D printing and by subsequent sintering , wherein said macroscopic structure and said ceramic coating have been sintered in an oxidizing atmosphere in order to form chemical bonds between said ceramic coating and said macroscopic structure , wherein said ceramic coating supports catalytically active material , said catalytically active material being arranged to catalyze the steam methane ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101530A1

Embodiments of a method for producing powder mixtures having uniform dispersion of ceramic particles within larger superalloy particles are provided, as are embodiments of superalloy powder mixtures. In one embodiment, the method includes producing an initial powder mixture comprising ceramic particles mixed with superalloy mother particles having an average diameter larger than the average diameter of the ceramic particles. The initial powder mixture is formed into a consumable solid body. At least a portion of the consumable solid body is gradually melted, while the consumable solid body is rotated at a rate of speed sufficient to cast-off a uniformly dispersed powder mixture in which the ceramic particles are embedded within the superalloy mother particles. 1. A method , comprising:producing an initial powder mixture comprising ceramic particles mixed with superalloy mother particles having an average diameter larger than the average diameter of the ceramic particles;forming the initial powder mixture into a consumable solid body; andgradually melting at least a portion of the consumable solid body, while rotating the consumable solid body at a rate of speed sufficient to cast-off a uniformly dispersed powder mixture in which the ceramic particles are embedded within the superalloy mother particles.2. The method of wherein gradually melting comprises gradually melting at least a portion of the consumable solid body claim 1 , while rotating the consumable solid body at a rate of speed sufficient to cast-off a uniformly dispersed powder mixture in which substantially all of the ceramic particles are embedded within the superalloy mother particles.3. The method of wherein gradually melting at least a portion of the consumable solid body claim 2 , while rotating the consumable solid body at a rate of speed sufficient to cast-off a uniformly dispersed powder mixture is carried-out utilizing a plasma rotating electrode process.4. The method of wherein the superalloy ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101532A1

A method loading powder into a mold can include immersing the mold comprising one or more microchannels into a suspension comprising the powder and a surfactant suspended in a dispersant, wherein the powder comprises particles having an average particle size of less than 100 μm, wherein the mold is substantially entirely covered by the suspension; heating the suspension having the mold immersed therein under a temperature condition suitable to lower the stability of the particles of the powder in the suspension such that the particles settle out of solution and into the one or more microchannels; and applying an ultrasonic wave to the heated suspension to further settle the particles of the powder into the one or more microchannels thereby filling the one or more microchannels of the mold with the powder. 1. A method loading powder into a mold , comprising:immersing the mold comprising one or more microchannels into a suspension comprising the powder and a surfactant suspended in a dispersant, wherein the powder comprises particles having an average particle size of less than 100 μm, wherein the mold is substantially entirely covered by the suspension;heating the suspension having the mold immersed therein under a temperature condition suitable to lower the stability of the particles of the powder in the suspension such that the particles settle out of solution and into the one or more microchannels; andapplying an ultrasonic wave to the heated suspension to further settle the particles of the powder into the one or more microchannels thereby filling the one or more microchannels of the mold with the powder.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ultrasonic wave has a vibration frequency in a range of 5 KHz to 5 MHz.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the suspension is heated to a temperature of about 50° C. to about 150° C.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more microchannels has a width or diameter of about 1 μm to about 50 μm.5. The method of claim 1 , ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107594A1

The present invention relates to a technique for recovering and recycling a platinum paste. The present invention provides a method for recovering a metal powder from a platinum paste formed by mixing a solid component composed of a metal powder including at least a platinum powder or a platinum alloy powder and an organic component including at least an organic solvent, the method including removing the organic component by heating the platinum paste at a recovery temperature set in a temperature range of 300° C. or higher and 500° C. or lower. The recovered metal powder can be recycled into a platinum paste equivalent to a new product by mixing the metal powder with a solvent etc. 18-. (canceled)9. A method for recovering a metal powder from a platinum paste formed by mixing a solid component composed of a metal powder including at least a platinum powder or a platinum alloy powder and an organic component including at least an organic solvent , comprising the steps ofheating the platinum paste at a recovery temperature set in a temperature range of 300° C. or higher and 500° C. or lower, thereby to remove the organic component and recover the metal powder.10. The method for recovering a metal powder from a platinum paste according to claim 9 , comprising the steps of treating a platinum paste corresponding to at least one of the following conditions:(a) a platinum paste viscosity has been changed by ±20% or more compared with the viscosity at the time of production of the platinum paste;(b) one or both of a platinum paste viscosity ratio of 0.4/s to 4/s (η0.4/η4) or a platinum paste viscosity ratio of 4/s to 20/s (η4/η20) as measured by Brookfield viscometer are changed by 10% or more with respect to the platinum paste viscosity ratio at the time of production; and(c) a solid component content has been changed by ±2% or more with respect to the solid component content at the production time.11. The method for recovering a metal powder from a platinum paste ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113271A1

Embodiments of a method for producing powder mixtures having uniform dispersion of ceramic particles within larger superalloy particles are provided, as are embodiments of superalloy powder mixtures. In one embodiment, the method includes producing an initial powder mixture comprising ceramic particles mixed with superalloy mother particles having an average diameter larger than the average diameter of the ceramic particles. The initial powder mixture is formed into a consumable solid body. At least a portion of the consumable solid body is gradually melted, while the consumable solid body is rotated at a rate of speed sufficient to cast-off a uniformly dispersed powder mixture in which the ceramic particles are embedded within the superalloy mother particles. 1. A superalloy powder mixture , comprising: a plurality of superalloy mother particles; and', 'ceramic particles embedded into the plurality of superalloy mother particles and having an average diameter greater than an average diameter of the superalloy mother particles; and, 'a particle-infiltrated superalloy powder, comprisinghard wear particles mixed with the superalloy powder, the hard wear particles having an average diameter greater than that of the ceramic particles and less than that of the superalloy mother particles.2. The superalloy powder mixture of wherein the hard wear particles comprise carbide particles having an average diameter between 0.5 and 5.0 microns.3. The superalloy powder mixture of wherein the superalloy powder mixture contains at least 85% of the plurality of superalloy mother particles claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , with a remainder of the superalloy powder consisting essentially of the ceramic particles and the hard wear particles.4. The superalloy powder mixture of wherein the ceramic particles comprise oxide particles.5. The superalloy powder mixture of wherein the oxide particles are selected from the group consisting of alumina particles and zirconia particles.6. The ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Lubricant System For Use In Powder Metallurgy

Номер: US20170113272A1

The present invention is directed to metallurgical powder compositions having improved lubricant properties. These compositions of the invention include at least 90 wt. % of an iron-based metallurgical powder; a Group 1 or Group 2 metal stearate; a first wax having a melting range of between about 80 and 100° C.; a second wax having a melting range of between about 80 and 90° C.; zinc phosphate; boric acid; acetic acid; phosphoric acid; and polyvinylpyrrolidone. Methods of compacting the compositions, as well as compacted articles prepared using those methods, are also described. 1. A metallurgical powder composition comprising:at least 90 wt. % of an iron-based metallurgical powder;about 0.05 wt. % to about 1.5 wt. % of a Group 1 metal stearate, a Group 2 metal stearate, or ethylene bissteramide; andabout 0.03 wt. % to about 0.1 wt. % of boric acid.2. The metallurgical powder composition of claim 1 , comprising about 0.08 wt. % to about 1.2 wt. % of the Group 1 metal stearate claim 1 , Group 2 metal stearate claim 1 , or ethylene bisstearamide.3. The metallurgical powder composition of claim 2 , comprising about 0.09 wt. % to about 1.1 wt. % of the Group 1 metal stearate claim 2 , Group 2 metal stearate claim 2 , or ethylene bisstearamide.4. The metallurgical powder composition of claim 1 , comprising ethylene bisstearamide.5. The metallurgical powder composition of claim 1 , wherein the Group 1 metal stearate or Group 2 metal stearate is lithium stearate.6. The metallurgical powder composition of claim 1 , comprising about 0.03 wt. % to about 0.07 wt. % of boric acid.7. The metallurgical powder composition of claim 6 , comprising about 0.05 wt. % of boric acid.8. The metallurgical powder composition of claim 1 , further comprising a first wax having a melting range of between about 80 and 100° C.9. The metallurgical powder composition of claim 8 , wherein the first wax is Montan wax.10. The metallurgical powder composition of claim 8 , comprising about 0.03 wt. % ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113275A1

A flowable blend of materials can include a first particulate material that includes an aluminum alloy where the aluminum alloy is at least approximately eighty percent by weight of the first particulate material and one or more metals selected from a group consisting of alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, group 12 transition metals, and basic metals having an atomic number equal to or greater than 31, where the one or more metals selected from the group total at least approximately two percent by weight of the first particulate material; and a second particulate material where the composition of the first particulate material differs from the composition of the second particulate material. 1. A flowable blend of materials comprising: an aluminum alloy wherein the aluminum alloy is at least approximately eighty percent by weight of the first particulate material and', 'one or more metals selected from a group consisting of alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, group 12 transition metals, and basic metals having an atomic number equal to or greater than 31, wherein the one or more metals selected from the group total at least approximately two percent by weight of the first particulate material; and, 'a first particulate material that comprises'}a second particulate material that comprises at least one aluminum alloy selected from a group consisting of series 2000, 5000, 6000, 7000, and 9000 wherein the composition of the first particulate material differs from the composition of the second particulate material.2. The flowable blend of materials of wherein the one or more metals selected from the group comprises at least one basic metal having an atomic number equal to or greater than 31.3. The flowable blend of materials of wherein the at least one basic metal having an atomic number equal to or greater than 31 comprises at least approximately two percent by weight of the first particulate material.4. The flowable blend of materials of wherein the one or more ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210139668A1

The present disclosure provides a coated iron particle, or reaction product of a coating and the iron particle, comprising an iron particle and a ceramic coating disposed on the iron particle. Aspects of the present disclosure provide a coated iron particle, or reaction product of a coating and the iron particle, including an iron particle having a diameter of from about 0.5 micron to about 100 microns; and a ceramic coating disposed on the iron particle. Aspects of the present disclosure further provide compositions comprising a coated iron particle and a polymer or adhesion promoter. Aspects of the present disclosure further provide components, such as components, such as vehicle components, having a surface and a composition of the present disclosure disposed on the surface. 1. A coated iron particle , or reaction product of a coating and the iron particle , comprising:an iron particle having a diameter of from about 0.5 micron to about 100 microns; anda ceramic coating disposed on the iron particle.2. The coated iron particle of claim 1 , wherein the iron particle has a diameter of from about 20 microns to about 40 microns.3. The coated iron particle of claim 2 , wherein the iron particle has an iron content of about 99 wt % or greater.4. The coated iron particle of claim 1 , wherein the ceramic coating has a thickness of from about 0.5 microns to about 5 microns.5. The coated iron particle of claim 4 , wherein the coated iron particle has a ceramic coating content of from about 1 vol % to about 10 vol % based on total volume of the ceramic coated iron particle claim 4 , as determined by the difference in the weight and density of the particle before and after coating the particle.6. The coated iron particle of claim 4 , wherein the coated iron particle has a ceramic coating content of from about 1 wt % to about 10 wt % based on the total weight of the ceramic coated iron particle claim 4 , as determined by the difference in the weight of the particle before and ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170117081A1

A soft magnetic molded body, in which a binder component is used to bind a soft magnetic metal powder that has a flat shape, includes 60% by volume or more of the soft magnetic metal powder and 10-30% by volume of fine open pores. The binder component includes an inorganic oxide as a main component. 1. A soft magnetic formed body in which a binder component binds soft magnetic metal particles each having a flat shape , wherein:the soft magnetic formed body includes the soft magnetic metal particles of 60 volume % or more and open pores between 10 volume % and 30 volume %, both inclusive; andthe binder component includes an inorganic oxide as a principal component thereof.2. The soft magnetic formed body as recited in claim 1 , wherein:the soft magnetic formed body includes one or more masses of particles;each of the masses of particles includes a plurality of the soft magnetic metal particles; anda part of the binder component planarly spreads to bind an upper surface or a lower surface of one of the soft magnetic metal particles included in one of the masses of particles to a lower surface or an upper surface of another one of the soft magnetic metal particles included in the one of the masses of particles.3. The soft magnetic formed body as recited in claim 2 , wherein another part of the binder component is granulously combined to bind claim 2 , with a gap claim 2 , one of the soft magnetic metal particles included in one of the masses of particles to one of the soft magnetic metal particles which is not included in the one of the masses of particles.4. The soft magnetic formed body as recited in claim 1 , wherein:two or more of the soft magnetic metal particles that are vertically adjacent to one another work as first soft magnetic metal particles which form a mass of particles;the soft magnetic formed body includes one or more of the masses of particles; andtwo of the first soft magnetic metal particles that are vertically adjacent to each other are bound to ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Ink composition for light sintering, wiring board using same and manufacturing method therefor

Номер: US20170118836A1

The present invention relates to an ink composition for light sintering, a wiring board using the same, and a method of fabricating the wiring board. The present invention aims to provide formation of a wiring pattern without damage to thin and soft wiring boards such as a flexible printed circuit board. The present invention provides an ink composition for light sintering including copper oxide nanoparticles having copper oxide films, a reducing agent for reducing copper oxidized by light irradiation to form copper nanoparticles, a dispersing agent, a binder, and a solvent

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120331A1

A manufacturing method for a three-dimensional structure includes forming unit layers using at least one of a first flowable composition including first powder and a second flowable composition including second powder and solidifying at least one of the first flowable composition including the first powder and the second flowable composition including the second powder in the unit layers. In the forming the unit layers, both of the first flowable composition and the second flowable composition are caused to be present in plane directions crossing a thickness direction of the unit layers. 1. A manufacturing method for a three-dimensional structure comprising:forming unit layers using at least one of a first flowable composition including first powder and a second flowable composition including second powder; andsolidifying at least one of the first powder and the second powder in the unit layers, whereinin the forming the unit layers, both of the first flowable composition and the second flowable composition are caused to be present in a plane direction crossing a thickness direction of the unit layers.2. The manufacturing method for the three-dimensional structure according to claim 1 , further comprising repeating the forming the unit layers in a stacking direction.3. The manufacturing method for the three-dimensional structure according to claim 1 , wherein the forming the unit layers is performed by setting presence ratios and presence positions the first powder and the second powder in the unit layers for each of parts (layers) in a stacking direction of the three-dimensional structure.4. The manufacturing method for the three-dimensional structure according to claim 1 , wherein the first flowable composition including the first powder and the second flowable composition including the second powder are caused to be present to at least partially overlap when viewed from a stacking direction between the unit layers adjacent to each other.5. The manufacturing ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120339A1
Автор: ASLUND Christer
Принадлежит: Metalvalue SAS

There is provided a method for the manufacture of a metal part from powder comprising the steps: a) providing a spherical metal powder, b) mixing the powder with a hydrocolloid in water to obtain an agglomerated metal powder, c) compacting the agglomerated metal powder to obtain a part of compacted agglomerated metal powder, wherein the structure of the part is open, d) debinding the part to remove the hydrocolloid, e) compacting the part using high velocity compaction (HVC) preferably to a density of more than 95% of the full theoretical density, f) further compacting the part using hot isostatic pressing (HIP) preferably to more than 99% of the full theoretical density to obtain a finished metal part, wherein at least one oxide is added to the metal powder before step c), which oxide has a melting point higher than the melting point of the metal powder. 1. A method for the manufacture of a metal part from spherical metal powder comprising the steps:a. providing a spherical metal powder,b. mixing the spherical powder with a hydrocolloid in water to obtain an agglomerated spherical metal powder,c. compacting the agglomerated spherical metal to obtain a part of compacted agglomerated metal powder, wherein the structure of the part is open,d. debinding the part to remove the hydrocolloid,e. compacting the part using high velocity compaction (HVC) preferably to a density of more than 95% of the full theoretical density,f. further compacting the part using HIP, preferably to more than 99% of the full theoretical density, to obtain a finished metal part,wherein at least one oxide is added to the metal powder before step c), which oxide has a melting point higher than the melting point of the metal powder.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the oxide has a melting point at least 100° C. higher than the metal powder claim 1 , wherein the oxide is stable at the melting point of the metal powder claim 1 , and wherein the oxide does not react with the metal powder at ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190118256A1

An alloy powder contains greater than or equal to 3% by mass and less than or equal to 30% by mass of tungsten, greater than or equal to 2% by mass and less than or equal to 30% by mass of aluminum, greater than or equal to 0.2% by mass and less than or equal to 15% by mass of oxygen, and at least one of cobalt and nickel as the balance. The alloy powder has an average particle diameter of greater than or equal to 0.1 μm and less than or equal to 10 μm. 1. An alloy powder comprising:greater than or equal to 3% by mass and less than or equal to 30% by mass of tungsten;greater than or equal to 2% by mass and less than or equal to 30% by mass of aluminum;greater than or equal to 0.2% by mass and less than or equal to 15% by mass of oxygen; andat least one of cobalt and nickel as the balance,the alloy powder having an average particle diameter of greater than or equal to 0.1 μm and less than or equal to 10 μm.2. The alloy powder according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy powder comprises greater than or equal to 3% by mass and less than or equal to 15% by mass of the oxygen claim 1 , and has an average particle diameter of greater than or equal to 0.1 μm and less than or equal to 4 μm.3. The alloy powder according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy powder comprises greater than or equal to 4% by mass and less than or equal to 10% by mass of the oxygen claim 1 , and has an average particle diameter of greater than or equal to 0.3 μm and less than or equal to 2 μm.4. The alloy powder according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy powder comprises greater than or equal to 5% by mass and less than or equal to 8% by mass of the oxygen claim 1 , and has an average particle diameter of greater than or equal to 0.5 μm and less than or equal to 1.5 μm.5. The alloy powder according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy powder comprises greater than or equal to 5% by mass and less than or equal to 25% by mass of the tungsten.6. The alloy powder according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy powder ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200114421A1

A method of forming one of a plurality of encapsulated crystalline particles includes feeding a coaxial feed wire downwardly such that a first wire end of the coaxial feed wire is positioned at a heating source. The coaxial feed wire includes a crystalline wire core, and an amorphous shell surrounding the crystalline wire core. The first end of the coaxial feed wire is heated at the heating source, thereby forming a molten pendant drop at the first wire end. The plurality of encapsulated crystalline particles are emitted from the molten pendant drop onto a collector located below the molten pendant drop. 1. A method of forming one of a plurality of encapsulated crystalline particles , comprising: a crystalline wire core; and', 'an amorphous shell surrounding the crystalline wire core;, 'feeding a coaxial feed wire downwardly such that a first wire end of the coaxial feed wire is disposed at a heating source, the coaxial feed wire includingheating the first end of the coaxial feed wire at the heating source, thereby forming a molten pendant drop at the first wire end; andemitting the plurality of encapsulated crystalline particles from the molten pendant drop onto a collector disposed below the molten pendant drop.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising connecting a second wire end of the feed wire opposite the first wire end to a high voltage source.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the high voltage source applies a voltage in a range of 0-100 kV across the crystalline wire core.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising positioning a flow of sheath gas around the coaxial feed wire upstream of the heating source.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising positioning a grounded electrode beneath the molten pendant drop.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of encapsulated crystalline particles are one or more small core particles or thin core wires.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the one or more small core particles are less than 1 mm in ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210154740A1

Implementations provide gas atomized metal matrix composite (“GAMMC”)-based feedstock for cold spray additive manufacturing (“CSAM”) enabling complex structural repairs. The feedstock is prepared by arranging a metal matrix composite (MMC) material in a gas atomization system, wherein the MMC material includes metal particles and ceramic particles. The feedstock is further prepared by performing gas atomization of the MMC material using the gas atomization system to atomize the MMC material, and producing a feedstock powder comprised of metal particles that are embedded with the ceramic particles from the atomized MMC material. The GAMMC-based feedstock comprises metallic (for binding to the substrate of the damaged part) and ceramic (for reinforcement) particles bonded together such that the ceramic particles bond directly to and within the metallic particles. GAMMC-based feedstock strengthens the repaired part and prevents degradation of the mechanical properties of the repaired part below stock specifications. 1. A gas atomization system for producing a feedstock powder for cold spraying , comprising:an intake sub-system configured to receive a metal matrix composite (MMC) material, the MMC material comprising metal particles and ceramic particles; a heating unit configured to heat the MMC material to a temperature for gas atomization;', 'a pressurization unit configured to apply a gas stream at a gas pressure for gas atomization;', 'a flow regulation unit configured to maintain a metal flow rate for gas atomization; and, 'an atomizer sub-system configured to conduct gas atomization of the MMC material, the atomizer sub-system comprising atomizing the MMC material at the gas pressure and the metal flow rate, while maintaining the temperature of the MMC material; and', 'producing the feedstock powder comprised of the metal particles that are embedded with the ceramic particles from the atomized MMC material., 'the gas atomization comprising2. The system of claim 1 ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210154742A1

Various embodiments of the present disclosure provide an additive manufacturing method. The method includes forming a first layer of a first ceramic material and forming a second layer of a second ceramic material. The method further includes contacting the first layer of the first ceramic material, the second layer of the second ceramic material, or both with a saturant. The method further includes heating the first layer of the first ceramic material, the second layer of the second ceramic material, or both to a temperature in a range of from about 50° C. to about 300° C. The method further includes applying pressure to the first layer of the first ceramic material, the second layer of the second ceramic material, or both. The pressure can be in a range of from about 10 kPa to about 800 MPa. The method further includes at least partially dissolving a portion of an external surface of a ceramic particle of the first layer of the first ceramic material, the second layer of the second ceramic material, or both. The method further includes fusing a portion of the dissolved portion of the external surface of the ceramic particle to from a product having a density in a range of from about 65% to about 100% relative to a corresponding fully densified product and optionally containing no organic binder. 1. An additive manufacturing method , comprising:forming a first layer of a first ceramic material;forming a second layer of a second ceramic material;contacting the first layer of the first ceramic material, the second layer of the second ceramic material, or both with a saturant;applying pressure to the first layer of the first ceramic material, the second layer of the second ceramic material, or both, wherein the pressure is in a range of from about 0 Pa to about 800 MPa;heating the first layer of the first ceramic material, the second layer of the second ceramic material, or both to a temperature in a range of from about 50° C. to about 300° C.;at least partially ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200115781A1

A tooling assembly, including a cermet tool body and an electrically nonconductive polymer support body at least partially encapsulating the cermet tool body. The cermet tool body and electrically nonconductive polymer body further include a plurality of high magnetic permeability metallic particles distributed therethrough. Each respective high magnetic permeability metallic particle has a magnetic permeability of at least 0.0001 H/m. Each respective high magnetic permeability metallic particle has a relative permeability of at least 100. 1. A tooling assembly , comprising:a cermet tool body; andan electrically nonconductive polymer support body at least partially encapsulating the cermet tool body;wherein the cermet tool body and electrically nonconductive polymer body further comprises a plurality of high magnetic permeability metallic particles distributed therethrough;wherein each respective high magnetic permeability metallic particle has a magnetic permeability of at least 0.0001 H/m; andwherein each respective high magnetic permeability metallic particle has a relative permeability of at least 100.2. The tooling assembly of wherein the magnetic metallic particles are mu-metal.3. The tooling assembly of wherein the cermet tool body has a compressive strength of at least 2000 kPSI claim 1 , a modulus or at least 270 GPa claim 1 , and a minimum toughness of 10 MPa·m.4. The tooling assembly of wherein the cermet tool body is a bulk electrical conductor having sufficient electrical conductivity to be EDM machinable.5. The tooling assembly of wherein the cermet tool body is selected from the group comprising ceramic oxides claim 1 , carbides claim 1 , nitrides claim 1 , graphene claim 1 , graphite claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The tooling assembly of wherein the cermet tool body has a density in excess of 99 percent claim 1 , bulk density of about 6.1 g/cc claim 1 , hardness of about 1150-1250 HV claim 1 , flexural strength of at least about 200 kPSI claim ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160129368A1

The present invention regards a metallic component of a distillation and/or fermentation apparatus, characterized by being covered with at least one layer of nanostructured copper, said layer of nanostructured copper possibly comprising also nano-particles of Ti02. Furthermore, the present invention regards methods for covering said metallic component with at least one layer of nanostructured copper which may also comprise nanoparticles of Ti02. Finally, the present invention regards the use of said components in distillation and/or fermentation processes, in particular for the alcoholic distillation of spirit beverages. 1. A metallic component of a distillation and/or fermentation apparatus characterized in that said component is covered , totally or partially , by at least one layer of nanostructured copper.2. The metallic component according to claim 1 , wherein said layer of nanostructured copper further comprises TiOnanoparticles.3. The metallic component according to claim 1 , wherein said layer of nanostructured copper comprises copper nanoparticles characterized by a diameter ranging from 10 to 50 nm claim 1 , preferably from 20 to 40 nm.4. The metallic component according to claim 2 , wherein the TiOnanoparticles are characterized by a diameter ranging from 50 to 200 nm claim 2 , preferably from 80 to 150 nm.5. The metallic component according to claim 1 , wherein said metallic component is a copper and/or steel component claim 1 , preferably stainless steel.6. The metallic component according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one layer of nanostructured copper is obtainable by a method comprising at least one phase of metallic copper atomization and/or ionization on said component claim 1 , preferably on the surface of the component that is contacting the liquid during the distillation/fermentation process.7. The metallic component according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one layer of nanostructured copper possibly comprising TiOnanoparticles is ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180126454A1
Автор: AKAGI Nobuaki

The mixed powder for iron-based powder metallurgy of the present invention comprises: at least one ternary oxide selected from the group consisting of Ca—Al—Si oxides and Ca—Mg—Si oxides, and at least one binary oxide selected from the group consisting of Ca—Al oxides and Ca—Si oxides. The ternary oxide and the binary oxide are contained in a sum weight of 0.025 wt % or more to 0.3 wt % or less. 1. A mixed powder , comprising at least one ternary oxide selected from the group consisting of Ca—Al—Si oxides and Ca—Mg—Si oxides , and at least one binary oxide selected from the group consisting of Ca—Al oxides and Ca—Si oxides , wherein the ternary oxide and the binary oxide are contained in a sum weight of 0.025 wt % or more to 0.3 wt % or less.2. The mixed powder according to claim 1 , wherein the ternary oxide and the binary oxide are contained at a weight ratio of 9:1 to 1:9.3. The mixed powder according to claim 1 , wherein the ternary oxide and the binary oxide are contained in a sum weight of 0.05 wt % or more to 0.2 wt % or less.4. The mixed powder according to claim 1 , wherein the binary oxide is at least one selected from the group consisting of CaO.AlO claim 1 , 2CaO.SiO claim 1 , and 12CaO.7AlO.5. The mixed powder according to claim 1 , wherein the ternary oxide is at least one selected from the group consisting of 2CaO.MgO.2SiOand 2CaO.AlO.SiO.6. A sintered body prepared by sintering the mixed powder according to . The present invention relates to a mixed powder for iron-based powder metallurgy and a sintered body prepared by using the same, and more particularly to a mixed powder for iron-based powder metallurgy containing binary oxides and ternary oxides at a specific weight ratio and a sintered body prepared by using the same.Powder metallurgy is widely used as a method for industrial production of various kinds of mechanical parts. A procedure for the iron-based powder metallurgy is such that, first, a mixed powder is prepared by mixing an iron-based ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129015A1

In one aspect, methods of making freestanding metal matrix composite articles and alloy articles are described. A method of making a freestanding composite article described herein comprises disposing over a surface of the temporary substrate a layered assembly comprising a layer of infiltration metal or alloy and a hard particle layer formed of a flexible sheet comprising organic binder and the hard particles. The layered assembly is heated to infiltrate the hard particle layer with metal or alloy providing a metal matrix composite, and the metal matrix composite is separated from the temporary substrate. Further, a method of making a freestanding alloy article described herein comprises disposing over the surface of a temporary substrate a flexible sheet comprising organic binder and powder alloy and heating the sheet to provide a sintered alloy article. The sintered alloy article is then separated from the temporary substrate. 1. A method of making a freestanding composite article comprising:providing a temporary substrate;disposing over a surface of the temporary substrate a layered assembly comprising a layer of cobalt-based infiltration alloy and a hard particle layer formed of a flexible sheet comprising organic binder and the hard particles.heating the layered assembly to infiltrate the hard particle layer with the cobalt-based infiltration alloy providing a metal matrix composite; andseparating the metal matrix composite from the temporary substrate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hard particles comprise one or more metal carbides claim 1 , metal nitrides claim 1 , metal carbonitrides claim 1 , metal borides claim 1 , metal silicides claim 1 , crushed cemented carbides claim 1 , cast carbides or mixtures thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cobalt-based infiltration alloy comprises 15-19 wt. % nickel claim 1 , 17-21 wt. % chromium claim 1 , 2-6 wt. % tungsten claim 1 , 6-10 wt. % silicon claim 1 , 0.5-1.2 wt. % boron claim 1 , 0.2-1.0 wt. % ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129058A1
Автор: YOSHII Yoshiaki

A conductive paste including (A) a silver powder, (B) a glass frit, (C) an organic binder and (D) a powder containing Cu and at least one metal element selected from the group consisting of V, Cr, Mn, Fe and Co. The powder (D) may thus contain Cu and Mn, Cu and Fe or Cu and Co. The conductive paste has a desirable electromigration resistance, solder heat resistance and adhesiveness to a substrate. 1. A conductive paste which comprises the following components (A) to (D):(A) a silver powder;(B) a glass frit;(C) an organic binder;(D) a powder containing Cu and at least one metal element selected from the group consisting of V, Cr, Mn, Fe and Co.2. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein the powder (D) contains Cu and Mn.3. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein the powder (D) contains Cu and Fe.4. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein the powder (D) contains Cu and Co.5. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein the powder (D) further contains at least one metal element other than Cu claim 1 , V claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Fe and Co.6. The conductive paste according to claim 5 , wherein the powder (D) contains at least one metal element selected from the group consisting of Ti claim 5 , Ni claim 5 , Zn claim 5 , In claim 5 , Sn claim 5 , Te claim 5 , Pb claim 5 , Bi claim 5 , Pd claim 5 , Pt and Au.7. The conductive paste according to claim 6 , wherein the powder (D) contains Sn or Bi.8. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein the powder (D) is a mixed powder containing a plurality of metal elements.9. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein the powder (D) is an alloy powder containing a plurality of metal elements.10. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein the powder (D) is a compound powder containing a plurality of metal elements.11. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein the powder (D) contains an oxide or a hydroxide of a metal element.12. The conductive ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for production and encapsulation of small particles and thin wires

Номер: US20220274165A1

A method of forming one of a plurality of encapsulated crystalline particles includes feeding a coaxial feed wire downwardly such that a first wire end of the coaxial feed wire is positioned at a heating source. The coaxial feed wire includes a crystalline wire core, and an amorphous shell surrounding the crystalline wire core. The first end of the coaxial feed wire is heated at the heating source, thereby forming a molten pendant drop at the first wire end. The plurality of encapsulated crystalline particles are emitted from the molten pendant drop onto a collector located below the molten pendant drop.

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210162500A1

Provided are a method for producing indium tin oxide particles and a method for producing a curable composition, the methods including a step of obtaining a precursor solution including indium and tin by heating indium acetate and tin acetate in a solvent including a carboxylic acid and having 6 to 20 carbon atoms, and a step of obtaining a reaction solution including indium tin oxide particles by dropwise adding the obtained precursor solution to a solvent having a hydroxy group and having 14 to 22 carbon atoms, which has a temperature of 230° C. to 320° C., in which an acetic acid concentration in the precursor solution is in a range of 0.5% by mass to 6% by mass. 1. A method for producing indium tin oxide particles , the method comprising:a step of obtaining a precursor solution including indium and tin by heating indium acetate and tin acetate in a solvent including a carboxylic acid and having 6 to 20 carbon atoms; anda step of obtaining a reaction solution including indium tin oxide particles by dropwise adding the obtained precursor solution to a solvent having a hydroxy group and having 14 to 22 carbon atoms, which has a temperature of 230° C. to 320° C.,wherein an acetic acid concentration in the precursor solution is in a range of 0.5% by mass to 6% by mass.2. The method for producing indium tin oxide particles according to claim 1 ,wherein a viscosity of the precursor solution at 25° C. is 0.14 Pa·s or less.3. The method for producing indium tin oxide particles according to claim 1 ,wherein, in the step of obtaining a reaction solution including the indium tin oxide particles, the precursor solution is added dropwise at a dropping rate of 1.0 mL/min or more.4. The method for producing indium tin oxide particles according to claim 1 ,wherein a total molar concentration of metals included in the precursor solution is 0.1 mmol/mL or more.5. The method for producing indium tin oxide particles according to claim 1 , {'br': None, 'i': B', 'A+B, '/()<0.5\u2003\ ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160136729A1
Автор: Langner Heike

The invention relates to a method for producing a steel shaped body, particularly, for example, a component for common rail fuel injection valves, comprising the method steps of: forming a powderous composition based on iron oxide, from oxide particles, with the addition of carbon and micro-alloy elements so as to adjust a bainitic microstructure; heating the powderous composition to a sinter temperature; reducing the shaped body obtained by sintering; and cooling the sintered shaped body to room temperature. As a result, from the three essential state phases in a state diagram (), specifically the ferrite-perlite state range (), the bainite state range () and the martensite state range (), preferably the bainitic state phase is formed in a medium temperature range by the ferrite-perlite state range () being shifted to longer cooling periods and the martensite state range () being shifted to lower temperatures. 1. A method for producing a steel shaped body , comprising the following method steps:forming a powderous composition based on iron oxide, from solid oxide particles, with the addition of carbon and at least one micro-alloy element so as to adjust a bainitic microstructure,heating the powderous composition to sinter temperature,reducing the shaped body obtained by sintering, andcooling the sintered shaped body to room temperature.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the oxide particles of the powderous composition comprise as element components: manganese at a content level of approximately 0.8 to 1.9% claim 1 , silicon at a content level of approximately 0.3 to 1.5% claim 1 , chrome at a content level of approximately 0.1 to 1.8% claim 1 , nickel at a content level of approximately 0.2 to 1.5% and molybdenum at a content level of 0.1 to 0.5%.3. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that micro-alloy elements are added to the powderous composition based on iron oxide claim 1 , said micro-alloy elements comprising aluminum at ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123638A1

A process for manufacturing ceramic-metal composite material, comprises dissolving ceramic powder into water to obtain an aqueous solution of ceramic; mixing metal powder having a multimodal particle size where largest particle size is one fourth of the minimum dimension of a device, with the aqueous solution of ceramic to obtain a powder containing ceramic precipitated on the surface of metal particles; mixing the powder containing ceramic precipitated on the surface of the metal particles, with ceramic powder having a particle size below 50 μm, to obtain a powder mixture; adding saturated aqueous solution of ceramic to the powder mixture to obtain an aqueous composition containing ceramic and metal; compressing the aqueous composition to form a disc of ceramic-metal composite material containing ceramic and metal; and removing water from the ceramic-metal composite material; wherein ceramic content of the disc is 10 vol-% to 35 vol-%. Alternatively, ceramic-ceramic composite material may be manufactured. 1. A process for manufacturing ceramic-metal composite material , the method comprising{'sub': 2', '4', '2', '4, 'obtaining an aqueous solution of LiMoOor other ceramic by dissolving LiMoOpowder or other ceramic powder into water;'}{'sub': 2', '4', '2', '4, 'obtaining a powder containing LiMoOor said other ceramic precipitated on a surface of metal particles by mixing metal powder with the aqueous solution of LiMoOor said other ceramic, the metal powder having a multimodal particle size where largest particle size is above 50 μm and less than 180 μm;'}{'sub': 2', '4', '2', '4, 'obtaining a powder mixture by mixing the powder containing LiMoOor said other ceramic precipitated on the surface of the metal particles, with LiMoOor said other ceramic powder having a particle size below 50 μm;'}{'sub': 2', '4', '2', '4, 'obtaining an aqueous composition containing LiMoOor said other ceramic, and metal, by adding saturated aqueous solution of LiMoOor said other ceramic to ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Anti-fretting coating composition and coated components

Номер: US20220280998A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An anti-fretting coating composition that is operationally stable at temperatures of 800° F. to 2650° F. is provided. The anti-fretting coating composition primarily includes cobalt and aluminum oxide and may also include other modifying phases that enhance the overall tribological performance. A component coated with the anti-fretting coating composition is also provided. The component includes a substrate having a first contact surface shaped to cooperate with a second contact surface of an abutting member in a manner which can develop wear between the first contact surface and the second contact surface. The first contact surface includes an anti-fretting coating thereon formed from the disclosed anti-fretting coating composition.

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Powder for additive modeling, structure, semiconductor production device component, and semiconductor production device

Номер: US20190135705A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A material powder for additive modeling including a nitride, and a eutectic oxide, the nitride having an average density lower than an average density of the eutectic oxide, is used to produce a structure using an additive modeling method.

02-06-2016 дата публикации

Composite magnetic material, coil component using same, and power supply device

Номер: US20160151836A1

A composite magnetic material includes a plurality of soft-magnetic metal powders, a first oxide that covers a surface of each of the plurality of soft-magnetic metal powders, and a second oxide that covers a surface of the first oxide and is interposed among the plurality of soft-magnetic metal powders each coated with the first oxide. The first oxide has a first recess in a surface, and the second oxide is provided in the first recess. With this configuration, peeling between the first oxide and the second oxide can be prevented, so that the composite magnetic material having high mechanical strength can be provided.

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160151839A1
Автор: King Harry L.

Compositions suitable for use in an electrolytic cell for producing aluminum are provided. The compositions can contain a powder blend of boron oxide, a titanium dioxide, aluminum, and titanium diboride. The powder blend can be compacted into tiles and arranged as a cathode surface. The boron oxide and the titanium dioxide in the tiles can be made to react under low temperature molten aluminum to produce titanium diboride in situ. The reaction yields a dense dimensionally stable wettable cathode substrate that can reduce the power consumption in the aluminum electrowinning process. 1. An electrolytic cell for processing aluminum from alumina , comprising a cathode having improved wettability with molten aluminum , the cathode comprising the reaction product of a composition comprising:3 molar equivalents of boron oxide,3 molar equivalents of titanium dioxide,7-21 molar equivalents of titanium diboride; and20-40 molar equivalents of aluminum,wherein the composition reacts to fully convert the boron oxide and titanium dioxide to titanium diboride in situ in molten aluminum.2. The electrolytic cell of claim 1 , wherein the composition is in the form of a tile or a panel.3. A method for making a dense dimensionally stable wettable cathode for electrolytic processing of aluminum from alumina claim 1 , exhibiting reduced power consumption in the electrowinning process comprising:blending 3 molar equivalents of boron oxide, 3 molar equivalents of titanium dioxide, and 20-40 molar equivalents of aluminum to form a blend,combining 7 to 21 molar equivalents of titanium diboride with the blend to form a composite,pressing the composite into a tile, andheating the tile under molten aluminum from an initial temperature of 700° C. to produce the cathode,wherein the boron oxide and titanium dioxide reacts to fully convert to titanium diboride in situ.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the boron oxide claim 3 , the aluminum claim 3 , the titanium oxide claim 3 , and the titanium ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220288679A1

Described herein are metal compositions comprising a particles of a transition metal or transition metal oxide, characterized in that the metal composition exhibits a new series with improved qualities relative to a metal composition without the particles of the transition metal or transition metal oxide; and methods of making and testing the same. 156-. (canceled)57. A metal composition comprising particles of a transition metal or transition metal oxide , characterized in that the composition exhibits improved strength relative to a metal composition without the particles of the transition metal or transition metal oxide.58. The metal composition of claim 57 , wherein the metal composition exhibits improved yield strength claim 57 , improved tensile strength claim 57 , improved corrosion resistance claim 57 , improved lubricity claim 57 , and/or improved elongation relative to a metal composition without the particles of the transition metal or transition metal oxide.59. The metal composition of claim 57 , wherein the metal composition exhibits reduced flammability claim 57 , reduced smoking when burning claim 57 , improved char yield after burning claim 57 , improved recovery rate of a transition metal or transition metal oxide after burning claim 57 , and/or improved shielding ability from external damaging forces relative to a metal composition without the particles of the transition metal or transition metal oxide.60. The metal composition of claim 58 , wherein the metal composition exhibits about 1% to about 15% greater yield strength relative to a composition without the particles of the transition metal or transition metal oxide.61. The metal composition of claim 58 , wherein the metal composition exhibits about 35% to about 95% greater tensile strength relative to a composition without the particles of the transition metal or transition metal oxide.62. The metal composition of claim 58 , wherein the metal composition exhibits about 1% to about 10% improved ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190143416A1

A method for fabrication of a composite component including a first material containing steel 316L and a second material containing zirconia powder formed in a single sintering. 16-. (canceled)7. A method for fabrication of a composite component comprising:a) forming a first injection molding composition including steel 316L powder and a second injection molding composition including zirconia powder;b) agglomerating via injection molding one of the first and second compositions to form at least a first part of a blank;c) agglomerating by injection molding the other of the first and second materials against the first part of the blank to form at least a second part of the blank;d) non-consecutively sintering the first and second compositions forming the blank to obtain the composite component formed of steel 316L and zirconia.8. A method according to claim 7 , wherein claim 7 , in a) claim 7 , grains of steel 316L powder and grains of zirconia powder are arranged to allow substantially identical shrinkage in d).9. A method according to claim 7 , further comprising a final finishing improving aesthetics of the composite component formed in d).10. A method according to claim 9 , wherein the final finishing includes machining and/or brushing and/or polishing.11. A composite component obtained by the method according to claim 7 , wherein the composite component combines claim 7 , in one piece claim 7 , two distinct materials claim 7 , respectively made from steel 316L and black zirconia.12. A composite component according to claim 7 , wherein the component forms all or part of a case claim 7 , a case middle claim 7 , a horn claim 7 , a dial claim 7 , a flange claim 7 , a bezel claim 7 , a push-piece claim 7 , a crown claim 7 , a case back cover claim 7 , a hand claim 7 , a bracelet or strap claim 7 , a link claim 7 , a clasp claim 7 , a decoration claim 7 , an applique claim 7 , or a crystal. The invention relates to a method for fabrication of a composite component and ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200139433A1

To provide a method for producing surface-modified metal oxide fine particles, which can produce surface-modified metal oxide fine particles having excellent dispersion stability in dispersion liquids having various compositions; a method for producing improved metal oxide fine particles, suitable as a method for producing metal oxide fine particles to be surface-modified in production of the surface-modified metal oxide fine particles; surface-modified metal oxide fine particles which can be produced by the method for producing surface-modified metal oxide fine particles; and a metal oxide fine particle dispersion liquid including the surface-modified metal oxide fine particles. Surface-modified metal oxide fine particles are produced by a method including coating at least a part of surfaces of metal oxide fine particles with a carboxylic acid compound having a certain structure substituted with an amino group which may be cyclic, and/or carboxylate thereof. 2. The method for producing surface-modified metal oxide fine particles according to claim 1 , wherein the coating with the carboxylic acid compound and/or the carboxylate carried out to improved metal oxide fine particles claim 1 , the improved metal oxide fine particles being prepared in a solution or a suspension containing a compound having an amide structure claim 1 , or being dispersed in a presence of a dispersion medium comprising a compound having an amide structure.3. The method for producing surface-modified metal oxide fine particles according to claim 1 , wherein in the formula (1) claim 1 , the Rand the Rare bonded to each other to form an imidazole ring.4. The method for producing surface-modified metal oxide fine particles according to claim 1 , wherein the metal oxide fine particles comprise at least one metal element selected from the group consisting of Ag claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , In claim 1 , Sn claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Hf claim 1 , Al claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Sn claim 1 , and Ce.5. A ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Multi-scale and multi-phase dispersion strengthened iron-based alloy, and preparation and characterization methods thereof

Номер: US20210178469A1

A multi-scale and multi-phase dispersion strengthened iron-based alloy, and preparation and characterization methods thereof are provided. The alloy contains a matrix and a strengthening phase. The strengthening phase includes at least two types of the strengthening phase particles with different sizes. A volume of the two types of the strengthening phase particles with different sizes having a particle size less than or equal to 50 nm accounts for 85-95% of a total volume of all the strengthening phase particles. The matrix is a Fe—Cr—W—Ti alloy. The strengthening phases include crystalline Y2O3 phase, Y—Ti—O phase, Y—Cr—O phase, and Y—W—O phase. The characterization method comprises electrolytically separating the strengthening phases in the alloy, and then characterizing by using an electron microscope. The tensile strength of the prepared alloy is more than 1600 MPa at room temperature, and is more than 600 MPa at 700° C.

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210178483A1

In an example of a 3D printing method, build material particles are applied to form a layer. Each build material particle includes a metal core and a metal oxide outer shell. The layer is patterned by selectively applying a reactive chemical on at least a portion of the layer to initiate a redox reaction with the metal oxide outer shells of the build material particles in contact with the reactive chemical, which reduces the metal oxide outer shells of the build material particles in contact with the reactive chemical and exposes the metal cores of the build material particles in contact with the reactive chemical. The patterned layer is exposed to rapid thermal processing to sinter the exposed metal cores to form a part layer. Any intact build material particles remain unsintered. 1. A three-dimensional (3D) printing method , comprising:applying build material particles to form a layer, each build material particle including a metal core and a metal oxide outer shell;patterning the layer by selectively applying a reactive chemical on at least a portion of the layer to initiate a redox reaction with the metal oxide outer shells of the build material particles in contact with the reactive chemical, thereby reducing the metal oxide outer shells of the build material particles in contact with the reactive chemical and exposing the metal cores of the build material particles in contact with the reactive chemical; andexposing the patterned layer to rapid thermal processing, thereby sintering the exposed metal cores to form a part layer and wherein any intact build material particles remain unsintered.2. The 3D printing method as defined in wherein:the metal core is aluminum and the metal oxide outer shell is aluminum oxide; orthe metal core is titanium and the metal oxide outer shell is titanium dioxide; or{'sub': 3', '4, 'the metal core is iron and the metal oxide outer shell is iron oxide (FeO); or'}the metal core is copper and the metal oxide outer shell is copper (II ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Dual Layer Sintered Metallic Clutch Friction Facing

Номер: US20170152899A1
Автор: Kuppuswamy Deevakar

A method for forming a friction facing comprises placing a bonding powder mix in to a die, and placing a performance powder mix in to the die. Pressing the performance powder mix and the bonding powder mix creates a compact. Sintering the compact forms a friction facing. A clutch disc assembly can be formed. A clutch disc can comprise a mounting hole for securing a friction facing and a backer plate can comprise a pass-through hole. A mounting mechanism joins the mounting hole to the pass-through hole. The mounting mechanism comprises a head-height for a portion of the mounting mechanism that is mounted near the sintered compact. The bonding layer comprises a thickness corresponding to the head-height of the mounting mechanism. 1. A method for forming a friction facing , comprising:placing a bonding powder mix in to a die to form a bonding layer;placing a performance powder mix in to the die to form a performance layer;pressing the performance powder mix and the bonding powder mix to create a dual-layer compact; andsintering the compact.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising leveling the bonding layer prior to pressing; and leveling the performance layer prior to pressing.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising pressing the bonding power mix prior to placing the performance powder mix in to the die.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising applying a brazing layer to the pressed bonding powder mix prior to placing the performance powder mix in to the die.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pressing comprises a first pressing step and a second pressing step claim 1 , wherein the first pressing step forms a first compact layer claim 1 , wherein the second pressing step forms a final compact by adding a second compact layer to the first compact layer claim 1 , and wherein one of the bonding layer and the performance layer is the first compact layer and the other of the bonding layer and the performance layer is the second compact layer.6. The method ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160158839A1

Embodiments of a method for producing powder mixtures having uniform dispersion of ceramic particles within larger superalloy particles are provided, as are embodiments of superalloy powder mixtures. In one embodiment, the method includes producing an initial powder mixture comprising ceramic particles mixed with superalloy mother particles having an average diameter larger than the average diameter of the ceramic particles. The initial powder mixture is formed into a consumable solid body. At least a portion of the consumable solid body is gradually melted, while the consumable solid body is rotated at a rate of speed sufficient to cast-off a uniformly dispersed powder mixture in which the ceramic particles are embedded within the superalloy mother particles. 1. A method , comprising:producing an initial powder mixture comprising ceramic particles mixed with superalloy mother particles having an average diameter larger than the average diameter of the ceramic particles;forming the initial powder mixture into a consumable solid body; andgradually melting at least a portion of the consumable solid body, while rotating the consumable solid body at a rate of speed sufficient to cast-off a uniformly dispersed powder mixture in which the ceramic particles are embedded within the superalloy mother particles.2. The method of wherein the superalloy mother particles have an average diameter between about 10 and 50 microns when contained within the initial powder mixture.3. The method of wherein the superalloy mother particles have an average diameter between about 5 and about 40 microns after gradually melting at least a portion of the consumable solid body claim 2 , while rotating the consumable solid body at a rate of speed sufficient to cast-off a uniformly dispersed powder mixture.4. The method of wherein the ceramic particles have an average diameter between about 5 and about 500 nanometers.5. The method of wherein the superalloy mother particles are at least 100 times ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190151950A1

Articles are manufactured using self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) reactions. Particulates including reactants can be blended to form a particulate blend. The particulate blend can be preformed. The preform article can be heated to a pre-heat temperature being below an auto-activation temperature and above a minimum compression activated synthesis temperature. Compressive stress can be exerted on the preform article at the pre-heat temperature to initiate the SHS reaction between the reactants and thereby form a product metallic compound. At approximately peak temperature, a flow stress of the product metallic compound can be exceeded to substantially reduce porosity and thereby form a shaped substantially dense article. 1. A method of manufacturing an article , the method comprising:providing a first particulate comprising a first reactant that is a metallic element or metallic chemical compound;providing a second particulate comprising a second reactant that is a second metallic element or metallic chemical compound;blending the first and second particulates to form a particulate blend;preforming the particulate blend to form a preform article;heating the preform article to a pre-heat temperature being below an auto-activation temperature and above a minimum compression activated synthesis temperature; andexerting compressive stress on the preform article at the pre-heat temperature to (i) initiate a self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reaction between the first and second reactants and thereby form a product metallic compound, and (ii) at approximately peak temperature, exceed a flow stress of the product metallic compound to reduce porosity of the product metallic compound and thereby form the article.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein;at the pre-heat temperature, the first and second reactants are extant in solid form;prior to the step of blending, the first particulate has a mean particle size of between about 1 μm and about 100 μm;prior ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150167129A1

An article and a method for forming the article are presented. The article includes a material comprising a metal matrix and a first population of particulate phases disposed macroscopically non-uniformly within the matrix. The particulate phases include an oxide phase. Further embodiments include articles, such as turbomachinery components, fasteners, and pipes, for example, and methods for forming the articles. 1. An article , comprising:a material comprising a metal matrix and a first population of particulate phases disposed macroscopically non-uniformly within the matrix, the particulate phases comprising an oxide phase.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the matrix comprises nickel claim 1 , iron claim 1 , chromium claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the matrix comprises iron and chromium.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the oxide phase comprises aluminum claim 1 , yttrium claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , molybdenum claim 1 , zirconium claim 1 , silicon claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , hafnium claim 1 , tungsten claim 1 , tantalum claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the oxide phase comprises titanium and yttrium.6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first population of particulate phases has a median size less than about 20 nm.7. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first population of particulate phases has a median size less than about 10 nanometers.8. The article of claim 1 , further comprising a second population of particulate phases disposed within the matrix claim 1 , wherein the second population of particulate phases has a different size distribution from the size distribution of the first population of particulate phases.9. The article of claim 8 , wherein the second population of particulate phases is distributed macroscopically non-uniformly within the matrix.10. The article of claim 8 , wherein the second population of ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170160035A1

A method of forming a firearm suppressor baffle including preparing a titanium alloy powder system, forming of the powder system into a green shape, optionally green machining the green shape, sintering the green shape to create a firearm suppressor baffle formed from sintered material, where the firearm suppressor baffle has an elevated oxygen content of between 0.2 and 0.5 weight percent. The resultant sintered material may have a creep value of less than 1.5% at 50 hours at 450 C. Also, a method of forming a firearm suppressor baffle including preparing a titanium aluminide powder system, forming the titanium aluminide powder system into a green shape through one of compaction and powder metal injection molding, and sintering the green shape to create the firearm suppressor baffle. The titanium aluminide powder method may also include deoxygenating the firearm suppressor baffle. Also disclosed are baffles and suppressors formed using these methods. 1. A method of forming a firearm suppressor baffle , the method comprising:preparing a titanium alloy powder system;forming of the powder system into a green shape;optionally green machining the green shape;sintering the green shape to create a firearm suppressor baffle formed from sintered material;wherein, the firearm suppressor baffle has an elevated oxygen content of between 0.2 and 0.5 weight percent.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the elevated oxygen content is approximately 0.3 weight percent.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the firearm suppressor baffle has an elevated silicon content of between 0.1 to 0.6 weight percent.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the firearm suppressor baffle has an elevated silicon content of between 0.1 to 0.3 weight percent.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sintered material has a creep value of less than 8% at 50 hours at 450 C.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sintered material has a creep value of less than 1.5% at 50 hours at 450 C.7. The method of claim 3 , ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180161870A1

A surface-treated ceramic powder includes a plurality of ceramic particles and a surface-treating material. Each of the ceramic particles is at least partially coated by the surface-treating material, wherein the ceramic particles have an average particle diameter ranging from 10 micrometer (μm) to 100 μm, and the surface-treating material is made of metal, metal oxide or the combination thereof. 1. A surface-treated ceramic powder , comprising:a plurality of ceramic particles, having an average particle diameter ranging from 1 micrometer (μm) to 100 μm; anda surface-treating material, made of metal, metal oxide or the combination thereof;wherein each of the ceramic particles at least partially coated by the surface-treating material.2. The surface-treated ceramic powder according to claim 1 , wherein the surface-treating material comprises a metal treating layer at least partially coated on a surface of each of the ceramic particles.3. The surface-treated ceramic powder according to claim 2 , wherein the metal treating layer comprises a metal material selected from a group consisting of iron (Fe) claim 2 , cobalt (Co) claim 2 , titanium (Ti) claim 2 , tantalum (Ta) claim 2 , palladium (Pd) claim 2 , silver (Ag) claim 2 , gold (Au) and the arbitrary combinations thereof.4. The surface-treated ceramic powder according to claim 2 , wherein the t the metal treating layer has a thickness ranging from 10 nanometer (nm) to 100 nm.5. The surface-treated ceramic powder according to claim 2 , wherein the metal treating layer disposed on each of the ceramic particles has a surface coverage ranging from 40% to 99%.6. The surface-treated ceramic powder according to claim 1 , wherein the surface-treating material comprises a plurality of nanoparticles attached on at least one of the ceramic particles; and the nanoparticles have an average particle diameter ranging from 10 (nanometer) nm to 100 nm.7. The surface-treated ceramic powder according to claim 6 , wherein the ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210197276A1

According to examples, a brown body has from about 0.02 wt. % to about 10 wt. % of a metal nanoparticle binder, in which the metal nanoparticle binder is selectively located within an area of the brown body to impart a strength greater than about 1 kPa to the area. 1. A brown body comprising:from about 0.02 wt. % to about 10 wt. % of a metal nanoparticle binder,wherein the metal nanoparticle binder is selectively located within an area of the brown body to impart a strength greater than about 1 kPa to the area.2. The brown body of claim 1 , wherein the metal nanoparticle binder is selected from the group consisting of AlN claim 1 , SiC claim 1 , SiN claim 1 , WC claim 1 , AlO claim 1 , Al(OH) claim 1 , FeO claim 1 , FeO claim 1 , MgO claim 1 , SiO claim 1 , TiO claim 1 , YO claim 1 , ZnO claim 1 , ZrO claim 1 , BaCO claim 1 , InO claim 1 , SnO claim 1 , carbon claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , iron claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , niobium claim 1 , tungsten claim 1 , chromium claim 1 , tantalum claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , vanadium claim 1 , zirconium claim 1 , molybdenum claim 1 , palladium claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , copper claim 1 , silver claim 1 , gold claim 1 , cadmium claim 1 , zinc claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The brown body of claim 1 , wherein the metal nanoparticle binder is present in an amount ranging from about 0.02 wt. % to about 5 wt. %.4. The brown body of claim 1 , wherein the metal nanoparticle binder is present in an amount ranging from about 0.02 wt. % to about 0.5 wt. %.5. The brown body of claim 1 , further comprising a build material powder.6. The brown body of claim 5 , wherein the metal present in the metal nanoparticle binder is the same as a metal in the build material powder.7. The brown body of claim 5 , wherein the metal present in the metal nanoparticle binder is different from a metal in the build material powder.8. The brown body of claim 1 , wherein the metal nanoparticle binder can be present ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170173688A1
Автор: MIYASHITA Takeshi

A three-dimensional shaped article production method according to the invention is a method for producing a three-dimensional shaped article by stacking layers formed in a predetermined pattern, wherein a series of steps including a composition supply step of supplying a composition containing a plurality of particles to a predetermined part, and a bonding step of bonding the particles by irradiation with a laser light is performed repeatedly, and the composition supply step includes a step of forming a first region using a first composition containing first particles as the composition, and a step of forming a second region using a second composition containing second particles which are different from the first particles as the composition, and the bonding of the particles in the first region and the bonding of the particles in the second region are performed by irradiation with laser lights with a different spectrum. 1. A three-dimensional shaped article production method for producing a three-dimensional shaped article by stacking layers formed in a predetermined pattern , comprising repeatedly performing a series of steps includinga composition supply step of supplying a composition containing a plurality of particles to a predetermined part, and 'wherein the composition supply step includes a step of forming a first region using a first composition containing first particles as the composition, and a step of forming a second region using a second composition containing second particles which are different from the first particles as the composition, and', 'a bonding step of bonding the particles by irradiation with a laser light'}the bonding of the particles in the first region and the bonding of the particles in the second region are performed by irradiation with laser lights with a different spectrum.2. The three-dimensional shaped article production method according to claim 1 , wherein a region including a portion of the first region and a portion of the ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190168298A1

The present disclosure relates to a graphene and FeO-Au composite and a preparation method and a use thereof. The preparation method includes the following: firstly, preparing a thiol alkyl azide-modified FeO-Au complex, and preparing an alkynylated graphene oxide by reacting a graphene oxide, which is activated by thionyl chloride, with a propargyl alcohol, and then performing a click reaction of the alkynyl group with the azide group between the thiol alkyl azide-modified FeO-Au complex and the alkynylated graphene oxide with adding a catalysis under a nitrogen atmosphere condition to obtain the graphene and FeO-Au composite. The method of preparing the graphene and FeO-Au composite of the present disclosure has mild reaction conditions, and is simple and reliable. 1. A method of preparing a graphene and FeO-Au composite , comprising the following steps:{'sub': 3', '4, '(1) preparing a thiol alkyl azide-modified FeO-Au complex and an alkynylated graphene oxide,'}{'sub': 3', '4, 'wherein, the preparing a thiol alkyl azide-modified FeO-Au complex includes the following steps{'sub': 3', '4, 'dispersing a nano-ferroferric oxide in a reductant solution, performing sonication and heating to 65° C. to 75° C., adding a chloroauric acid aqueous solution dropwise under stirring, stopping heating after reaction, and then stirring to conduct ripening reaction to obtain a FeO-Au complex with a core-shell structure; and'}{'sub': 3', '4', '3', '4, 'placing the FeO-Au complex and a thiol alkyl azide in a first solvent to perform a reaction at 40 to 45° C. under stirring in a protective atmosphere, and then rinsing repeatedly with a second solvent to obtain the thiol alkyl azide-modified FeO-Au complex;'}the preparing an alkynylated graphene oxide includes the following steps:placing a graphene oxide in an activator to conduct an activating reaction at a condition of 65 to 75° C., and then adding propargyl alcohol to continue reacting for 20 to 28 h to obtain the alkynylated ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации

Compound Particles and Product Manufactured Therefrom

Номер: US20180178282A1

A compound particle and a product manufactured from the compound particles are provided to solve a problem of a rough surface of a product made by additive manufacturing technology. The compound particle has a metal core and a ceramic shell wrapping the metal core. A melting point of the ceramic shell is higher than a melting point of the metal core. 1. A compound particle , comprising:a metal core; anda ceramic shell wrapping the metal core, wherein a melting point of the ceramic shell is higher than a melting point of the metal core.2. The compound particle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the metal core comprises a material selected from titanium claim 1 , stainless steel claim 1 , aluminum alloy claim 1 , titanium alloy claim 1 , cobalt-chromium alloy claim 1 , and nickel-based alloy.3. The compound particle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the metal core has a diameter between 30 and 120 μm.4. The compound particle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ceramic shell comprises a material selected from tricalcium phosphate claim 1 , hydroxyapatite claim 1 , alumina claim 1 , silicon carbide claim 1 , silicon dioxide claim 1 , titanium dioxide claim 1 , and zirconia.5. The compound particle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ceramic shell has a thickness between 50 and 100 nm.6. The compound particle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the melting point of the metal core is between 660 and 1700° C.7. The compound particle as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the melting point of the ceramic shell is higher than 1700° C. but not higher than 2500° C.8. The compound particle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the melting point of the ceramic shell is between 1000 and 2500° C.9. The compound particle as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the melting point of the metal core is not lower than 660° C. but lower than 1000° C.10. A product manufactured from compound particles claim 8 , wherein the product is manufactured from the compound particles as claimed in claim The present disclosure ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Sputtering target and process for production thereof

Номер: US20170194131A1

Provided is a sputtering target with which it is possible to form a magnetic thin film having a high coercive force Hc and a process for production thereof. The sputtering target is a sputtering target comprising metallic Co, metallic Pt, and an oxide, wherein the sputtering target does not contain metallic Cr, and the oxide is WO 3 and wherein the sputtering target comprises 25 to 50 at % of metallic Co relative to a total of metallic Co and metallic Pt.

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180193916A1

A core-shell structured alloy powder for additive manufacturing, an additively manufactured precipitation dispersion strengthened alloy component, and a method for additively manufacturing the component are provided. The alloy powder comprises a plurality of particles, where one or more of the plurality of particles comprise an alloy powder core and an oxygen or nitrogen rich shell disposed on at least a portion of the alloy powder core. The alloy powder core comprises an alloy constituent matrix with one or more reactive elements, where the reactive elements are configured to react with oxygen, nitrogen, or both. The alloy constituent matrix comprises stainless steel, an iron based alloy, a nickel based alloy, a nickel-iron based alloy, a cobalt based alloy, a copper based alloy, an aluminum based alloy, a titanium based alloy, or combinations thereof. The alloy constituent matrix comprises reactive elements present in a range from about 0.01 weight percent to 10 weight percent of a total weight of the alloy powder. 1. A core-shell structured alloy powder for additive manufacturing , comprising a plurality of particles , wherein one or more of the plurality of particles comprise:an alloy powder core having an alloy constituent matrix with one or more reactive elements, wherein the reactive elements are configured to react with oxygen, nitrogen, or both; andan oxygen or nitrogen rich shell disposed on at least a portion of the alloy powder core,wherein the alloy constituent matrix comprises stainless steel, an iron based alloy, a nickel based alloy, a nickel-iron based alloy, a cobalt based alloy, a copper based alloy, an aluminum based alloy, a titanium based alloy, or combinations thereof, and wherein the alloy constituent matrix comprises reactive elements present in a range from about 0.01 weight percent to 10 weight percent of a total weight of the alloy powder.2. The core-shell structured alloy powder of claim 1 , wherein oxygen reactive elements comprise ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Conductive Paste, Method for Producing Same, and Method for Producing Solar Cell

Номер: US20190189810A1

A conductive paste including: a conductive powder containing silver; an indium powder; a silver-tellurium-coated glass powder; a solvent; and an organic binder, wherein the silver-tellurium-coated glass powder is a silver-tellurium-coated glass powder including a tellurium-based glass powder containing tellurium in an amount of 20% by mass or more, and a coating layer on a surface of the tellurium-based glass powder, the coating layer containing silver and tellurium as a main component. 1. A conductive paste comprising:a conductive powder containing silver;an indium powder;a silver-tellurium-coated glass powder;a solvent; andan organic binder,wherein the silver-tellurium-coated glass powder is a silver-tellurium-coated glass powder including a tellurium-based glass powder containing tellurium in an amount of 20% by mass or more, and a coating layer on a surface of the tellurium-based glass powder, the coating layer containing silver and tellurium as a main component.2. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein an amount of the indium powder with respect to a mass of tellurium contained in the silver-tellurium-coated glass powder is in a range of 0.05 to 0.5 in terms of a mass of indium/(the mass of indium+the mass of tellurium in the silver-tellurium-coated glass powder).3. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein the tellurium-based glass powder contains at least one selected from the group consisting of zinc claim 1 , lead claim 1 , bismuth claim 1 , silicon claim 1 , and aluminum.4. A method for producing a conductive paste claim 1 , the method comprising:adding to a silver complex solution, a tellurium-based glass powder containing tellurium in an amount of 20% by mass or more, and then adding a reducing agent to form on a surface of the tellurium-based glass powder, a coating layer containing silver and tellurium as a main component, to thereby obtain a silver-tellurium-coated glass powder; andmixing the silver-tellurium-coated glass powder ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации

Lead-based alloy and related processes and products

Номер: US20210226212A1
Принадлежит: Rsr Technologies Inc

A lead-based alloy containing alloying additions of bismuth, antimony, arsenic, and tin is used for the production of doped leady oxides, lead-acid battery active materials, lead-acid battery electrodes, and lead-acid batteries.

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190193158A1

The present disclosure relates to new metal powders for use in additive manufacturing, and aluminum alloy products made from such metal powders via additive manufacturing. The composition(s) and/or physical properties of the metal powders may be tailored. In turn, additive manufacturing may be used to produce a tailored aluminum alloy product. 1. A method for producing an aluminum alloy product , the method comprising:first gathering a first feedstock from a first powder supply of an additive manufacturing system; 'wherein at least one of the first feedstock and the second feedstock includes particles having aluminum therein;', 'second gathering a second feedstock from a second powder supply of the additive manufacturing system;'}combining the first and second feedstocks, thereby producing a metal powder blend having aluminum therein;providing the metal powder blend to a build space of the additive manufacturing system.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first gathering comprises mechanically pushing the first feedstock via a roller claim 1 , and wherein the second gathering comprises mechanically pushing the second feedstock via the roller.3. The method of claim 2 , comprising:pushing the first feedstock towards the second feedstock via the roller.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the providing step comprises:pushing the metal powder blend from downstream of the second powder supply to the build space.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first gathering step comprises:adjusting a height of a platform of the first powder supply, thereby providing a first volume of the first feedstock for the first gathering step.6. The method of claim 5 , comprising:after the first gathering step, moving the height of the platform, thereby providing a third feedstock, wherein the third feedstock is a second volume of the first feedstock.7. The method of claim 6 , comprising:third gathering the third feedstock from the first powder supply;fourth gathering a second feedstock ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210229179A1

The present invention provides a method for the manufacture of transition metal oxide fine particles, the method comprising the steps of: heating a strong-alkaline aqueous solution while stirring same; adding to and dissolving in the heated strong-alkaline aqueous solution a transition metal oxide; adding a strong-acid aqueous solution to the strong alkaline aqueous solution in which the transition metal oxide is dissolved, while stirring same, thereby re-dissolving a solid generated at the interface between the strong-alkaline aqueous solution and the strong-acid aqueous solution; adjusting the pH of the mixed aqueous solution resulting from mixing the strong-alkaline aqueous solution and the strong acid aqueous solution, through adjustment of the adding rate and amount of the strong-acid aqueous solution, to precipitate transition metal oxide fine particles; and separating the transition metal oxide fine particles from the mixed aqueous solution and sequentially washing, drying, and thermally treating the separated transition metal oxide fine particles. 1. A method for manufacture of transition metal oxide fine particles , the method comprising:heating a strong alkaline aqueous solution while stirring;adding a transition metal oxide in the heated strong alkaline aqueous solution to dissolve the transition metal oxide in the strong alkaline aqueous solution;adding a strong acid aqueous solution to the strong alkaline aqueous solution in which the transition metal oxide is dissolved while stirring to re-dissolve a solid material formed at an interface between the strong alkaline aqueous solution and the strong acid aqueous solution;adjusting a pH of a mixed aqueous solution of the strong alkaline aqueous solution and the strong acid aqueous solution by controlling speed and amount of adding the strong acid aqueous solution to precipitate transition metal oxide fine particles; andseparating the transition metal oxide fine particles from the mixed aqueous solution and ...
