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25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2642739C2

Изобретение относится к огнеупорному продукту, применяемому в качестве внутренней облицовки газификатора. Спеченный огнеупорный продукт состоит из заполнителя, связанного матриксом, и содержит оксиды в процентном соотношении по массе: более 65 CrO, менее 35 AlO, 1 или более ZrO, по меньшей мере 20 масс. % которого стабилизировано в кубической и/или тетрагональной форме, 0,1 или более YO, действующего в качестве стабилизатора оксида циркония ZrO, менее 1,9% HfO, причем общее содержание оксида хрома, оксида алюминия и оксида циркония CrO+AlO+ZrOсоставляет более 90 масс. %. Продукт содержит соактиватор, действующий или не действующий в качестве стабилизатора оксида циркония, выбранный из СаО, MgO, TiOи их смесей, причем суммарное содержание оксида кальция, оксида магния и оксида титана СаО+MgO+TiOсоставляет менее 6,0 масс. % и более 0,5 масс. %, и более 50 масс. % оксида иттрия и соактиватора присутствуют в матриксе. Технический результат изобретения – улучшение устойчивости огнеупоров к шлаковой ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2640684C2

Изобретение относится к составам на основе зольного уноса и может быть использовано для изготовления сравнительно тонких керамических изделий. Состав на основе зольного уноса формируют из смеси на основе зольного уноса, содержащей более 70% зольного уноса по сухому весу состава, пластификатор, служащий для связки частиц зольного уноса в составе, и, по желанию, одну или более керамических добавок. Смесь размалывают так, что средний размер частиц состава меньше 35 микрон. Сырое изделие желаемой формы, имеющее толщину меньше 40 мм, формуют из смеси воды и указанного порошкообразного состава на основе зольного уноса и пластификатора посредством прессования смеси при давлении больше 200 кг/см, после чего содержание воды в сыром изделии составляет меньше 12% общего веса смеси, а предел прочности при изгибе сырого изделия больше 1,5 кг/см. Способ может дополнительно содержать операцию предварительного просеивания зольного уноса или операцию декарбонизации зольного уноса, чтобы зольный унос имел ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018107946A3

09-12-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018103075A3

26-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017145260A3

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015137922A

10-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014112056A

... 1. Способ изготовления огнеупорной керамики, применяемой в качестве теплозащитного экрана в контуре высокотемпературного газа газотурбинных установок, содержащий следующие шаги:- заливка шликера в литейную форму для конструктивного элемента для изготовления изделия из огнеупорной керамики,- закрывание литейной формы, так что после закрывания шликер находится под определенным статичным давлением,- направленная вибрация литейной формы в направлении (V) по нормали (N) к поверхности изготавливаемого из огнеупорной керамики конструктивного элемента, к которому предъявляются особые требования по качеству для применения в качестве теплозащитного экрана,- и последующее извлечение из формы, и отжиг отлитого конструктивного элемента.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что поверхностью, к которой предъявляются особые требования по качеству, является сторона (HS) конструктивного элемента из огнеупорной керамики (K), на которую воздействует высокотемпературный газ.3. Способ по п.1 или 2, отличающийся ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Sensoranordnung und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Sensoranordnung

Номер: DE102016101246A1

Es wird eine Sensoranordnung (10) zur Temperaturmessung beschrieben, aufweisend ein Sensorelement (1) mit wenigstens einer Elektrode (2, 3) und wenigstens ein Kontaktierungselement (4), wobei das Kontaktierungselement (4) zur drahtlosen Kontaktierung des Sensorelements (1) ausgebildet und angeordnet ist. Ferner wird ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Sensoranordnung (10) beschrieben.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Sputtertarget, Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Sputtertargets und Verfahren zum Bilden eines Dünnfilmes

Номер: DE112012002394T5

Es sind Fälle aufgetreten, in denen Transistoren, die unter Verwendung von Oxidhalbleitern gebildet werden, hinsichtlich der Zuverlässigkeit gegenüber Transistoren, die unter Verwendung von amorphem Silizium gebildet sind, unterlegen sind. Bei der vorliegenden Erfindung wird daher eine Halbleitervorrichtung hergestellt, die einen hochgradig zuverlässigen Transistor beinhaltet, der unter Verwendung eines Oxidhalbleiters hergestellt ist. Ein Oxidhalbleiterfilm wird durch ein Sputterverfahren unter Verwendung eines Sputtertargets aufgebracht, das einen Oxidhalbleiter beinhaltet, der eine Kristallinität aufweist, in der die Richtung der c-Achse eines Kristalls parallel zu einem Normalenvektor der oberen Oberfläche des Oxidhalbleiters ist. Das Target wird durch Mischen von Rohmaterialien derart gebildet, dass deren Zusammensetzungsverhältnis eine Kristallstruktur ergeben kann.

24-04-2003 дата публикации

Processing line for cleaning and trimming cut ends of hollow bricks has conveyer which turns each brick through ninety degrees prior to flame heating and cleaning of cut ends by brushes

Номер: DE0010238159A1

Plastic clay is extruded in a continuous strand (3) at a first velocity (v1) and a knife (5) cuts the strand into individual bricks (2). The bricks are carried forward on a first conveyor belt (11) at a second faster velocity (v2). A turning device (13) rotates the bricks through 90 degrees so that their cut faces (14) face outward and they are carried forward at a third increased velocity (v3). The bricks are carried through a flame drying station (15) with flames (17) impinging on the cut ends. After the heating station there is a brushing station with rotating brushes (19) cleaning the cut ends.

11-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069614853T2

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102014209519B4

Verfahren zur Herstellung keramischer und/oder metallischer Bauteile, bei dem mit einem Polymer eine mindestens einen Freiraum umschließende Stützstruktur ausgebildet wird und bei dem mindestens ein Freiraum zumindest in einem vorgebbaren Bereich mit einem plastisch verformbaren oder flüssigen Gemisch mindestens eines Metall- oder Keramikpulvers und mindestens einem organischen Binder befüllt wird, so dass das Gemisch zumindest teilweise an der Wandung der Stützstruktur anliegt, wobeidie Stützstruktur in mehreren übereinander angeordneten Ebenen durch schichtweisen, flächigen oder selektiven Auftrag des nicht ausgehärteten viskosen Polymers oder Polymergemischs auf die Oberfläche eines Trägers ausgebildet wird und anschließend bei einem flächigen Auftrag eine lokal definierte Aushärtung des Polymers durch einen lokal definierten Energieeintrag oder Stoffeintrag erfolgt und anschließend nicht ausgehärtetes Polymer entfernt wird undbei einem selektiven Auftrag das Polymer lediglich in Bereichen ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Verschlossene Wabenstruktur

Номер: DE102017003047A1

Es ist eine verschlossene Wabenstruktur vorgesehen, bei der im Querschnitt eines Wabenstrukturkörpers senkrecht zur Verlaufsrichtung der Zellen 2 Zulaufzellen 2a so angeordnet sind, dass sie eine Ablaufzelle 2b umgeben, und die Anzahl der Zulaufzellen 2a größer ist als die Anzahl der Ablaufzellen 2b, und der Querschnitt mehrere Überschneidungsabschnitte 4 der Trennwände 1 aufweist, die jeweils die nebeneinanderliegenden Zulaufzellen 2a definieren, und bei 60% oder mehr der Gesamtanzahl der Überschneidungsabschnitte 4 eine Beziehung zwischen dem Durchmesser (D1) eines Kreises, eingeschrieben in den Überschneidungsabschnitt 4, und dem Durchmesser (D0) eines Kreises, eingeschrieben in die Trennwand 1, die die Zulaufzelle 2a und die Ablaufzelle 2b definiert, die nebeneinander liegen, D1/(√2 × D0) = 1,20 bis 1,80 erfüllt.

18-10-1984 дата публикации

Ceramic plate and process for its manufacture

Номер: DE0003313596C1

Thin ceramic plates having large dimensions, especially a size of at least 30 . 30 cm and a thickness of not more than 20 mm, in particular not more than 8 mm, having oriented crystals, are manufactured by means of a process in which a green moulding is extruded in a curved shape from an extruder, the green moulding is cut and spread in the form of a plate, the plates are rolled in the same direction as the extrusion direction, the rolled plates are subjected to a treatment with far infrared radiation or by high-frequency heating, before the moisture content of the plates has been reduced to a value of less than 15 %, while the plates are transported in the same direction as the extrusion direction, the plates thus treated are, during their further transport in the same direction, dried and finally fired in a furnace. These ceramic plates can be easily handled even though they have large dimensions and are thin.

15-09-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von stranggepreßter Keramik

Номер: DE0010238159B4
Принадлежит: CERAM AG, Ceramix AG

Verfahren zur Herstellung von stranggepreßter Keramik, vorzugsweise von Ziegeln (2) mit Luftkanälen (4) oder Katalysatoren, wobei zunächst ein endloser Strang (3) mit in Längsrichtung verlaufenden Kanälen (4) gepreßt, von diesem sodann einzelne Keramikformlinge (2) abgeschnitten, nach dem Abschneiden (5) der einzelnen Keramikformlinge (2) von dem Strang (3) die im Bereich der Kanalöffnungen durch das Abschneiden entstandenen, eine Luftzirkulation durch diese Kanäle (4) behindernden Grate (8) durch eine Nachbearbeitung teilweise oder vollständig entfernt (9), nachfolgend getrocknet und anschließend gebrannt werden, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Keramikformlinge (2) vor der Nachbearbeitung (9) an einer oder mehreren Heizquellen (16, 17) vorbei transportiert werden, deren Energie auf die Oberfläche des Formlings konzentriert wird, so dass die Keramikformlinge (2) soweit vorgetrocknet oder angetrocknet (15) werden, dass die Grate (8) verfestigt werden und eine Härte erreichen, die ein Absplittern ...

27-03-1996 дата публикации

A manufacturing process

Номер: GB0009601339D0

19-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002232235B

30-06-1999 дата публикации

A process for the manufacture of buffed ceramic pavements and coatings

Номер: GB0002332688A

Process for the manufacture of buffed ceramic pavements and coatings which consist of a section of covering material suitable for buffing, supported by a section of basic material such as a combination of natural and mineral clays. These sections are dry pressed, dried and decorated before firing and buffing by an abrasive method.

19-06-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to apparatus for manufacturing cylindrical ceramic objects

Номер: GB0001117289A

... 1,117,289. Endless conveyers. PHILIPS ELECTRONIC & ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES Ltd. 13 Dec., 1966 [16 Dec., 1965], No. 55811/66. Heading B8A. [Also in Division B5] Cylindrical ceramic objects, e.g. rods or tubes, are produced by using apparatus comprising an extruder (36, Fig. 1), an endless belt (12) on to which the extrudate is fed, cutting mechanism [13) to sever desired lengths of extrudate, pneumatically operable delivery mechanism (25) to deliver severed lengths by blowing air across the belt on to a sloping pathway (2) extending transverse to the belt, along which moves a conveying mechanism (5) having pockets (4) therein and along which the objects are dried. The apparatus is preferably provided with a single driving mechanism, e.g. motor (9), which drives the conveying mechanism (5) and through a reducing transmission (9), the endless belt (12) and also controls the cutting mechanism (13) and the pneumatic delivery mechanism (25), which is preferably an elongated, perforated box.

25-04-2018 дата публикации

Sintered polycrystalline cubic boron nitride material

Номер: GB0201803960D0

13-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002021174B

30-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609575A0

30-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009575A0

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000500209T

25-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000401574B

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000551167T

15-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000551981A

25-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000376927B

15-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000033686A

15-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000034458T

15-04-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000026419T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000335972T

15-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: ATA57794A

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2020256447A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A manufacturing line includes a tape of green material that is directed through a furnace so that the furnace burns off organic binder material and then partially sinters the tape without the use of a setter board. Sintered articles resulting from the manufacturing line may be thin with relatively large surface areas; and, while substantially unpolished, have few sintering-induced surface defects. Tension may be applied to the partially sintered tape as it passes through a second furnace on the manufacturing line to shape resulting sintered articles.

29-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002337620A1

12-02-2009 дата публикации

Porous bodies and methods

Номер: AU2008284107A1

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Mixture for use in a fused filament fabrication process

Номер: AU2015293967A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

The use of a mixture (M) comprising (a) from 40 to 70 % by volume of an inorganic powder (IP) based on the total volume of the mixture (M), (b) from 30 to 60 % by volume based on the total volume of the mixture (M) of a binder (B) comprising (b1) from 50 to 96 % by weight of at least one polyoxymethylene (POM) based on the total weight of the binder (B), (b2) from 2 to 35 % by weight of at least one polyolefin (PO) based on the total weight of the binder (B), (b3) from 2 to 40 % by weight of at least one further polymer (FP) based on the total weight of the binder (B) in a fused filament fabrication process.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002917869A1

A method for fabricating a ceramic component is disclosed. The method may comprise: 1) forming a polymer template having a shape that is an inverse of a shape of the ceramic component, 2) placing the polymer template in a mold; 3) injecting the polymer template with a ceramic slurry, 4) firing the ceramic slurry at a temperature to produce a green body, and 5) sintering the green body at an elevated temperature to provide the ceramic component.

11-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002229042C

A method of manufacturing ceramic filter media for water filters involves the steps of mixing a plurality of raw ceramic materials and a plurality of extrusionaid materials to form a mixture of constituent materials, extruding the constituent materials to form tubular filter media, drying the tubular filter media, and firing the tubular filter media to create ceramic tubular filter media. The step of drying the tubular filter media preferably comprises placing the tubular filter media on top of rotating rollers which dries the tubular filter media evenly and preserves the desired characteristics of the tubular filter media.

31-05-2017 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for the production of ceramic components.

Номер: CH0000711815A1

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Keramikbauteilen (2), insbesondere von Keramikbauteilen (2) mit Ausnehmungen und/oder Hohlräumen (21), wobei mindestens ein gesintertes Keramikteil (1) vorliegt. Um die Handhabbarkeit von Keramikbauteilen (2) zu verbessern, ist erfindungsgemäss vorgesehen, dass das gesinterte Keramikteil (1) einen Träger oder Tragabschnitt (3) umfasst, der bei der weiteren Verarbeitung von dem wenigstens einen Keramikbauteil (2) entfernt wird.

15-11-2022 дата публикации

Support pour un procédé de frittage d'un corps, notamment pour l'horlogerie, et procédé utilisant un tel support.

Номер: CH0000718613A2

L'invention se rapporte à un support pour une étape de frittage d'un procédé de réalisation d'une pièce, notamment pour l'horlogerie, à partir d'un corps (2) vert présentant une forme initiale, le corps (2) subissant une rétractation de la forme initiale à une forme finale pendant l'étape de frittage, le support (1) présentant au moins une face de soutien (9) du corps (2) pendant l'étape de frittage, caractérisé en ce que la face de soutien (9) présente une géométrie en relief configurée pour soutenir le corps (2) de sa forme initiale à sa forme finale, afin qu'il garde sa forme et ses proportions avec un coefficient de rétractation lié au frittage. L'invention se rapporte aussi à un procédé de frittage utilisant ce support.

30-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: EA200800452A1

Изобретение относится к сотовой структуре, выполненной из пористого керамического материала, причем упомянутая структура отличается тем, что образующий ее пористый керамический материал содержит от 50 до 95 мас.% карбида кремния SiC; от 5 до 50 мас.% по меньшей мере одной керамической оксидной фазы; причем упомянутая структура отличается, кроме того, пористостью больше 10%, удельной поверхностью больше 0,5 м2/г и распределением размеров пор по меньшей мере бимодального типа. Изобретение относится также к способу получения такой структуры, а также к каталитическому фильтру или носителю, полученному, исходя из такой структуры, после нанесения катализатора.

12-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000097644C2

Комплекс для сушки и обжига кирпича содержит вертикальные обжиговый канал, канал сушила и шахту накопителя пустых кассет, автомат-укладчик и автомат-садчик, установленный над каналами с возможностью горизонтального возвратно-поступательного перемещения. Кассета содержит ячейки, донная часть которых выполнена с ее частичным перекрытием в виде параллельных стержней. Автомат-садчик имеет механизм выгрузки кирпича из кассет в объем обжигового канала, который действует на параллельные стержни кассеты и отводит их к перегородкам кассеты при одновременном удержании кассеты механизмом захвата. Автомат-укладчик включает продольный и поперечный транспортеры, из которых поперечный транспортер заполняет кирпичом-сырцом ячейки кассеты в процессе ее перемещения к каналу сушила. Обеспечивается повышение степени автоматизации как комплекса в целом, так и составляющих его частей и повышение надежности их работы.

25-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000108152C2

04-12-2013 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing porous ceramic articles with reduced shrinkage

Номер: CN103429553A

A method of manufacturing porous ceramic articles is provided that includes forming a plurality of extruded green bodies from a ceramic precursor batch composition. The method also includes firing the extruded green bodies in a tunnel kiln (10) to produce porous ceramic articles, periodically determining a shrinkage characteristic of at least one sample passing through the tunnel kiln, and adjusting a top soak temperature in the kiln if the shrinkage characteristic is outside of a predetermined range.

16-10-2013 дата публикации

Method of drying honeycomb molding, and drying apparatus therefor

Номер: CN101646538B

31-03-2010 дата публикации

Method for drying honeycomb formed article

Номер: CN0101684046A

There is provided a method for drying a honeycomb formed article 1. The method has the first step, where an unfired honeycomb formed article 1 having a plurality of cells separated by partition walls made from raw material composition containing a ceramic rawmaterial, water, and a binder is heated and dried by microwave drying or dielectric drying, and a second step, where the honeycomb formed article 1 is dried by hot air drying, where hot air whose humidity was adjusted to have a wet-bulb temperature of 50 to 100 DEG C using a hot air drying apparatus 11 after the first step is passed through the cells. The method can dry a honeycomb formed article in a shorter period of time with inhibiting generation of a defect such as a deformation or breakage.

26-02-2019 дата публикации

Blank airing table for ceramic production

Номер: CN0109382900A
Автор: LI FENG

03-12-2003 дата публикации

Apparatus and method of continuous microwave drying of ceramics

Номер: CN0001129768C

05-04-2019 дата публикации

Method and device for producing bricks by urban water treatment sludge

Номер: CN0109571716A

31-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002514342B1

27-04-1962 дата публикации

Improvements with the tunnel kilns

Номер: FR0001291674A

26-10-1973 дата публикации

Ceramic cut-up extruded section - dried immediately behind parting off mechanism

Номер: FR0002175668A1

31-07-1998 дата публикации

Sintering of ceramic tubes with high surface integrity

Номер: FR0002758815A1

La présente invention a pour objet un procédé de frittage de tubes-ébauches dans un four en vue de l'obtention de tubes en céramique présentant une grande rectitude, dans lequel, au cours du frittage, les tubes-ébauches sont placés à l'intérieur de tubes-supports (1) en matière céramique et les tubes-supports (1). La surface intérieure des tubes-supports (1) ne s'écarte pas sensiblement d'un cylindre idéal, le défaut de rectitude de cette surface étant inférieur à 0,1 mm sur une longueur de 90 mm.par.

30-12-1994 дата публикации

Process for manufacturing a hollow ceramic product with an appendage, and associated device

Номер: FR0002706803A1

Procédé pour la fabrication simultanée du corps creux avec un appendice d'un produit en céramique, notamment d'une tasse avec anse, caractérisé en ce qu'on introduit de la barbotine par coulage sous pression dans un moule poreux comportant au moins trois parties, dont la première partie constitue un mandrin support du corps creux, et les deuxième et troisième parties constituent les deux demi-parois latérales de formation du corps, le plan de joint de ces deux parties étant dans le plan de l'appendice, et en ce qu'on retire les deuxième et troisième parties, l'eau ayant été évacuée à travers les parois de ce moule, sous l'effet de la pression de coulage, le produit restant sur la troisième partie. L'invention a également pour objet le dispositif associé.

18-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002996843A1

Produit réfractaire fritté présentant un granulat lié par une matrice et comportant, en pourcentages en masse sur la base des oxydes, - plus de 40% d'oxyde de chrome Cr2O3, - moins de 50% d'oxyde d'aluminium Al2O3, - 1% ou plus d'oxyde de zirconium ZrO2 dont au moins 20% en masse est stabilisé sous la forme cubique et/ou quadratique, - 0,1% ou plus d'oxyde d'yttrium Y2O3, agissant comme stabilisant de l'oxyde de zirconium ZrO2, - moins de 1,9% d'oxyde d'hafnium HfO2, la teneur totale en oxydes de chrome, d'aluminium et de zirconium Cr2O3 + Al2O3 + ZrO2 étant supérieure à 70%.

17-07-1934 дата публикации

Номер: FR0000767474A

25-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002772747A1

Ce procédé de fabrication de dallages et de revêtement céramiques polis dont les pièces se composent d'une section (1) en un matériau de recouvrement adapté pour le polissage, agencée sur une autre section (2) en matériau de base, formant les moyens de support de la première; ce procédé comprend une pluralité d'étapes qui consistent fondamentalement en une adaptation des matières premières (3) qui, dans la section de support (2), se composent d'une combinaison variable d'argiles naturelles et minérales, tandis que la section (1) à polir se compose d'une sélection très minutieuse et d'une combinaison de matières premières naturelles colorées ou non, qui, après cuisson, restent appropriées pour le polissage; une compression à sec (4) au moyen d'une presse à double charge adaptée pour distinguer les deux sections (1, 2) de la pièce en facilitant son obtention; un séchage (5) par des séchoirs appropriés; un décor optionnel (6) réalisé usuellement au moyen de sels solubles pénétrant dans les ...

21-08-1992 дата публикации

Improvement to tunnel dryers

Номер: FR0002672971A1

Procédé de séchage de produits céramiques dans un séchoir tunnel, formé de plusieurs zones (2, 3, 4, 5), dans lequel sont disposés des moyens de brassage de l'air (8), les produits à sécher étant disposés sur des wagonnets (1) circulant sur des voies rectilignes parallèles. Au cours de la traversée dudit séchoir tunnel le transfert desdits wagonnets d'une zone à l'autre du séchoir est fait de sorte que la face du wagonnet tournée vers les moyens de brassage de l'air dans une zone soit celle qui était éloignée desdits moyens de brassage de l'air lors du passage dudit wagonnet dans la zone précédente.

03-11-2017 дата публикации

초다공성 세라믹스 코팅소재를 이용한 인공어초 코팅방법

Номер: KR0101793461B1
Автор: 김덕룡, 왕수민
Принадлежит: 김덕룡, 왕수민

... 본 발명은 초다공성 세라믹스 코팅소재를 이용한 인공어초 코팅방법에 관한 것이다. 보다 상세하게는 콘크리트 어초의 표면에 규조토를 주성분으로 하는 초다공성 세라믹 코팅소재를 코팅함으로써, 콘크리트 어초에서 강알칼리가 유출되는 것을 방지하고 수중에서 포자를 끌어들여 생물이 부착하기 유리한 환경을 조성하여, 콘크리트 어초에 적은 추가비용으로 단기간에 무성한 바다숲을 형성할 수 있고, 해중의 플랑크톤 및 해초의 성장을 촉진하여 해중에 다양한 어종이 찾아오도록 하고 해중의 온도 상승과 적조를 완화시키며, 갯녹음 현상을 방지할 수 있는 초다공성 세라믹스 코팅소재를 이용한 인공어초 코팅방법에 관한 것이다. 이를 위해 본 발명은 (a) SiO2, Na2O, MgO, Al2O3, K2O, CaO, TiO2, Fe2O3 를 포함하는 원료를 분쇄하는 단계; (b) 분쇄된 원료를 건조하는 단계; (c) 건조 후 소성하는 단계; (d) 소성 후 건조하는 단계; (e) 건조 후 바인더를 추가하여 믹싱하여 코팅소재를 제조하는 단계; (f) 코팅소재에 바인더를 추가하여 믹싱하는 단계; (g) 믹싱 후 코팅하고자 하는 인공어초의 표면에 프라이머를 도포하는 단계; (h) 프라이머 도포 후 건조하는 단계; 및 (i) 프라이머 건조 후 (f)단계를 통해 믹싱된 소재를 인공어초의 프라이머 도포면에 코팅하는 단계를 포함하는, 초다공성 세라믹스 코팅소재를 이용한 인공어초 코팅방법을 제공한다.

10-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020050002887A

A method for manufacturing a honeycomb structure, characterized by comprising a forming step of extruding and forming a formed body (1) having an outside wall, a partition wall placed inside the outside wall, communicating holes partitioned by the partition wall and axially penetrating through the formed body, and a drying step for drying the formed body (1), a step of receiving the formed body using a receiving jig (10) such that the inclination angle of a face (7a) of the outside wall on the jig (10) with respect to the horizontal plane is between 15 and 35 degrees, such that the receiving jig has a cross- sectional shape with a cut-in portion at the vertex of a V shape and the inclination angle of the face (7a) on the jig with respect to the horizontal plane is between 15 and 45 degrees, or such that the jig receives the formed body at one face of the outside wall, and a step of drying the formed body (1) received by the receiving jig (10) having a predetermined inclination angle. The ...

27-10-2020 дата публикации

cover member, method to decorate a cover member, and machine to decorate a cover member

Номер: BR112020010553A2

16-12-2003 дата публикации

Ceramic multilayer substrate manufacturing method and un-sintered composite multilayer body

Номер: TW0200308193A

The ceramic multilayer substrate manufacturing method of the present invention is: First, by interposing an un-sintered multilayer multi-substrate (13) between the first and second shrinkage control layers (14a, 14b), an un-sintered composite multilayer body (11) is prepared. The first and second shrinkage control layers (14a, 14b) mainly contain aluminum powder, the un-sintered multilayer multi-substrate (13) mainly contains low-temperature firing glass ceramic powder. Then dispose a cut groove (16) on a major surface (11a) of the un-sintered composite multilayer body (11) to a depth penetrating through the shrinkage control layer (14a) and the un-sintered multilayer multi-substrate (13), reaching the other shrinkage control layer (14b), and not reaching the other major surface (11b) of the un-sintered composite multilayer body (11). Then the un-sintered composite multilayer body (11) with the cut groove (16) is sintered under the sintering condition of the low-temperature firing glass ...

28-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: SG11202006469QA

07-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013029980A1
Автор: KRUSCH, Claus

The invention relates to a process for producing refractory ceramics (K) for use as heat shield in the hot gas path of gas turbine plants, which comprises the steps: • - introduction of a casting composition into a component casting mould for the refractory ceramic (K), • - closing of the casting mould so that the casting composition is under a defined static pressure after closure, • - oriented vibration of the casting mould in the direction (V) of a normal (N) to a surface of the refractory ceramic (K) to be produced, which is required to meet particular quality requirements for use as heat shield, and • - subsequent removal from the mould and firing of the cast component.

23-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007094075A1

A drying jig circulating apparatus that is capable of laborsaving efficient drying of ceramic molding. There is provided a drying jig circulating apparatus including a drying jig assembling unit for causing a drying jig to hold a ceramic molding; a dryer for drying of the ceramic molding held by the drying jig; a drying jig disassembling unit for demounting of the ceramic molding held by the drying jig; and a drying jig circulating conveyor for delivery of the drying jig, characterized in that the drying jig assembling unit includes molding mounting means for mounting of the ceramic molding on the drying jig, jig locking means for locking of the drying jig by a locking member and jig delivery means for delivery of the drying jig to the dryer, and that the drying jig disassembling unit includes jig receiving means for receiving of the drying jig from the dryer, jig releasing means for releasing of the locking member of the drying jig and molding demounting means for demounting of the ceramic ...

19-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005044530A3

An apparatus and method for stiffening an wet extruded ceramic body for improved handling prior to drying and firing. The ceramic body is formed from a plastically deformable material including inorganic raw materials, and organics, such as a binder having a thermal gel point. As the ceramic body log exits the extruder die it is passed through a microwave energy field to be heated to above the gelling point of the organic binder. The ceramic body then stiffens and can be easily handled without deformation.

18-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: WO2004022295A1
Автор: TONCELLI, Marcello

In the manufacture of slabs and panels of ceramic material according to the vacuum vibrocompaction method described in Italian patent 1,311,858, the initial mix is formed using ceramic sands having a grain size of less than 2.5 mm, preferably less than 1 mm, and ceramic powders, together with a binding additive in the form of an aqueous solution consisting of sodium silicate in a concentration greater than 24° Baumé, fibres of high-melting transparent inorganic material, preferably high-melting glass, also being added to the mix. The slabs obtained have an improved mechanical strength, a reduced porosity and improved aesthetic properties, in addition to being free from cracks and microscopic fissures.

09-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO0003082537A1

A method for manufacturing a honeycomb structure, characterized by comprising a forming step of extruding and forming a formed body (1) having an outside wall, a partition wall placed inside the outside wall, communicating holes partitioned by the partition wall and axially penetrating through the formed body, and a drying step for drying the formed body (1), a step of receiving the formed body using a receiving jig (10) such that the inclination angle of a face (7a) of the outside wall on the jig (10) with respect to the horizontal plane is between 15 and 35 degrees, such that the receiving jig has a cross-sectional shape with a cut-in portion at the vertex of a V shape and the inclination angle of the face (7a) on the jig with respect to the horizontal plane is between 15 and 45 degrees, or such that the jig receives the formed body at one face of the outside wall, and a step of drying the formed body (1) received by the receiving jig (10) having a predetermined inclination angle. The ...

25-06-2019 дата публикации

Atom and ion sources and sinks, and methods of fabricating the same

Номер: US0010334714B2

A bi-directional device for generating or absorbing atoms or ions. In some embodiments, the device comprises a solid-phase ion-conducting material, a first electrode positioned on a first surface of the solid-phase ion-conducting material, and a second electrode positioned on a second surface of the solid-phase ion-conducting material. The first electrode includes a plurality of triple phase boundaries, each located at an interface between the solid-phase ion-conducting material and the first electrode. A density of the triple phase boundaries is in the range of about 104 m/m2 to about 2×107 m/m2 on the first surface of the ion-conducting material. A method of operating the bi-directional device and a method of fabricating a bi-directional device are also provided.

30-11-1999 дата публикации

Manufacture of complex shaped Cr3C2/Al2O3 components by injection molding technique

Номер: US0005993726A

The purpose of this invention is to manufacture complex shaped Cr3C2/Al2O3 components efficiently with effective cost. Chromium carbide, which is quite chemically inert at elevated temperature, is added into an alumina matrix for toughening purposes. Chromium carbide and alumina ceramic powders are mixed with binders to form a solidified suspension. The suspension is then crushed, heated, and injected into green products. Controlled solvent and thermal debinding processes are followed before performing pressureless sintering. Samples are sintered in pre-treated argon gas with minimum oxygen partial pressure, or in vacuum for controlling the phase stability and microstructure for tailoring mechanical properties. The processing parameters for injection molding, the composition design of binders and ceramic composites, and the techniques for controlling the phase transformation of chromium carbide are developed. A near-net shape complex component with minimum after machining can be manufactured ...

19-07-1927 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing electric insulators

Номер: US1636282A

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for producing composition for injection molding and composition for injection molding

Номер: US20130136926A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A method for producing a composition for injection molding which contains an inorganic powder composed of at least one of a metal material and a ceramic material and a binder containing a polyacetal-based resin and a glycidyl group-containing polymer. The method includes: cryogenically grinding a first resin containing the polyacetal-based resin as a main component; cryogenically grinding a second resin containing the glycidyl group-containing polymer as a main component; mixing a powder obtained by grinding the first resin, a powder obtained by grinding the second resin, and the inorganic powder, thereby obtaining a mixed powder; and kneading the mixed powder.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001499A1

A housing comprising a ceramic material to which a plastic layer is firmly bonded includes a substrate, a plastic member, and a porous layer. The porous layer is pitted and formed between the substrate and the plastic member by coating and sintering a porous ceramic slurry on a surface of the ceramic substrate. The present disclosure also provides a method for manufacturing the housing. 1. A housing , comprising a substrate , a plastic member and a porous layer , wherein the porous layer is:located between the substrate and the plastic member; andformed by coating a porous ceramic slurry on a surface of the substrate.2. The housing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the porous ceramic slurry is made of a ceramic powder claim 1 , a porous agent claim 1 , and a sintering agent in a mass ratio of about 5:3:2.3. The housing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the porous layer has a thickness of about 0.1˜0.5 mm.4. The housing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the porous layer is formed with a plurality of pores claim 1 , and each of the pores is partially or completely infilled by portions of the plastic member.5. The housing as claimed in claim 4 , wherein each of the pores has a pore diameter of about 10˜30 μm and a pore depth of about 30˜10 μm.6. The housing as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the housing further comprises a bonding layer formed between the porous layer and the plastic member claim 4 , and each of the pores is infilled by the bonding layer and portions of the plastic member.7. The housing as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the bonding layer is formed by coating a silane coupling agent on a surface of the porous layer.8. The housing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the substrate is made of a ceramic powder and a sintering agent in a mass ratio of about 7:3.9. The housing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the plastic member is made of a nano injection molded plastic selected from a group consisting of polyamide claim 1 , polyphenylene sulfide claim 1 , polybutylene ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001517A1

A method and system to dry crack-free and high strength skin including an inorganic binder of an average particle size (D) in a range between 10 nm and 700 nm on a porous ceramic body. The method includes supporting the honeycomb body on an end face such that axial channels and outer periphery are substantially vertical. A gas is flowed past the honeycomb body substantially parallel to the axial channel direction, substantially equally around the outer periphery of the skin, to uniformly dry the skin to form a partially dried skin under mild conditions. Then the partially dried skin may be dried more severely resulting in rapidly dried crack-free and high strength skin. 2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a humidifier configured to humidify the first gas to a first relative humidity and humidify the second gas to a second relative humidity less than the first relative humidity.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first relative humidity is between about 10% and about 40% relative humidity.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one of:a microwave generator configured to subject the skin to microwave radiation during the second time period; andan infrared generator configured to subject the skin to infrared radiation during the second time period.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first temperature is between about 40° C. and about 60° C. claim 1 , and the second temperature is between about 60° C. and 150° C.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first velocity is greater than about 3 m/s.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first dryness is between about 20% dry and 50% dry and the second dryness is between about 80% dry and 100% dry.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the first time period is less than about 120 minutes and the second time period is less than about 120 minutes.9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the first time period is less than about 30 minutes and the second time period is less than about 30 minutes. This ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Fiber Reinforced Rebar with Shaped Sections

Номер: US20180001542A1
Автор: Brandstrom Randel

A composite reinforcing bar is formed by providing a reinforcing material supply of fiber strands ravings; a resin supply bath, and a puller for pulling the resin-impregnated reinforcing material through the resin bath. The material is wound on a holder, while the resin remains unset, rotated about its axis on a drive system so that the material is wrapped around a plurality of guides at spaced positions around the axis such that the fed length of the body is wrapped from one bar to the next to form bent portions of the body wrapped partly around each guide and straight portions between the guides. The guide surfaces are shaped by a machining, blasting or similar process to form projections and recesses which retain a roughness on the outside surface of the reinforcing bar during the curing action while supported on the surface. This arrangement can be used with an optional sand coating to prevent the sand particles from being compressed into the resin or body. 1. A method of reinforcing a cast material comprising:forming an elongate body from longitudinally extending components of reinforcing fibers with the components arranged generally longitudinal to the body which is fed forwardly along its length;wherein the body comprises a series of inner longitudinally extending components of reinforcing fibers arranged longitudinal to the bar and at least one helical wrapping of at least one component wrapped around the inner longitudinally extending components;wetting the elongate body with a resin permeated through the fibers of the components;providing a holder for receiving at least part of a length of the elongate body;while the resin remains unset, rotating the holder about an axis so as to wrap the body around the holder;providing relative movement in a direction longitudinal of the axis of the holder between the body as it is fed forwardly and the holder so as to wrap the body around the holder at stepped positions along the holder;and curing or setting the resin ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002667A1

This relates to a turbine blade comprising a preformed fibrous fabric of fibres consisting of carbon, silicon carbide or rhenium fixed with a binder resin, and wherein the preformed and fixed fibrous fabric is coated and infiltrated, respectively, with BC, wherein the preformed fibrous fabric that has been fixed and coated and infiltrated, respectively, with BC further has a multilayer coating consisting of at least one layer of silicon carbide and at least one layer of a metal boride, a metal nitride or a metal carbide, and wherein an oxide ceramic is applied over the multilayer coating. The turbine blade is resistant to high temperatures and is particularly well suited for use in a gas turbine. Methods for producing the turbine blade are also described. 1. A turbine blade comprising a preformed fibrous fabric of fibres comprising carbon , silicon carbide or rhenium fixed with a binder resin , and wherein the preformed and fixed fibrous fabric is coated and/or infiltrated with BC , wherein the preformed fibrous fabric that has been fixed and coated or infiltrated with BC further has a multilayer coating comprising at least one layer of silicon carbide and at least one layer consisting of a metal boride , a metal nitride or a metal carbide , and wherein an oxide ceramic is applied over the multilayer coating.2. The turbine blade according to claim 1 , wherein the oxide ceramic comprises an oxide selected from AlO claim 1 , ZrO claim 1 , MgO claim 1 , YOand HfO.3. The turbine blade according to claim 1 , wherein the metal boride claim 1 , metal nitride or metal carbide is selected from HfB claim 1 , HfC claim 1 , HfN claim 1 , ZrB claim 1 , ZrC claim 1 , ZrN claim 1 , TiB claim 1 , TiC claim 1 , TiN claim 1 , TaB claim 1 , TaC claim 1 , TaN claim 1 , NbC claim 1 , TaC and NdB.4. Use of the turbine blade according to in a gas turbine.5. A method for manufacturing a turbine blade claim 1 , comprising the following steps:providing a fibrous fabric, wherein the fibrous ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220017423A1

The present invention provides a zirconia pre-sintered body that can be fired into a sintered body having translucency and strength suited for dental use (particularly, at the dental clinic), even with a short firing time. The present invention relates to a zirconia pre-sintered body comprising: zirconia; and a stabilizer capable of inhibiting a phase transformation of zirconia, wherein the zirconia predominantly comprises a monoclinic crystal system, and the zirconia pre-sintered body comprises a plurality of layers that differ from each other in the content of the stabilizer relative to the total mole of the zirconia and the stabilizer. 1. A zirconia pre-sintered body comprising:zirconia; anda stabilizer capable of inhibiting a phase transformation of zirconia,wherein the zirconia predominantly comprises a monoclinic crystal system, andthe zirconia pre-sintered body comprises a plurality of layers that differ from each other in a content of the stabilizer relative to a total mole of the zirconia and the stabilizer.2. The zirconia pre-sintered body according to claim 1 , wherein the monoclinic crystal system accounts for at least 55% of the zirconia.3. The zirconia pre-sintered body according to claim 1 , wherein the monoclinic crystal system accounts for at least 75% of the zirconia.4. The zirconia pre-sintered body according to claim 1 , wherein at least a part of the stabilizer is undissolved in the zirconia as a solid solution.5. The zirconia pre-sintered body according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , on a straight line extending along a first direction from one end to the other end of the zirconia pre-sintered body claim 1 , the content of the stabilizer relative to the total mole of the zirconia and the stabilizer shows unchanging patterns of increase and decrease from the one end toward the other end.67-. (canceled)8. The zirconia pre-sintered body according to claim 1 , wherein the stabilizer is yttria.9. The zirconia pre-sintered body according to claim 8 , ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220026148A1

A method for heating ware in a kiln. The ware space of the kiln includes a plurality of temperature control zones oriented in a first direction, and a plurality of temperature control zones oriented in a second direction. The method includes heating the ware space in a first heating stage, a second heating stage, and a third heating stage. At least one of the following conditions is satisfied: (i) in one of the heating stages, a temperature control zone oriented in the first direction has a setpoint temperature that is different from a setpoint temperature of one other temperature control zone oriented in the first direction; and (ii) in one of the heating stages, one temperature control zone oriented in the second direction has a setpoint temperature that is different from a setpoint temperature of one other temperature control zone oriented in the second direction. 1. A method for firing ware in a down-draft periodic kiln , the method comprising: a crown;', 'a hearth opposite the crown;', 'a first sidewall spanning between the crown and the hearth;', 'a second sidewall opposite the first sidewall and spanning between the crown and the hearth;', 'a front wall bounded by the first sidewall, the second sidewall, the hearth, and the crown;', 'a back wall opposite the front wall and bounded by the first sidewall, the second sidewall, the hearth, and the crown;', 'a plurality of temperature control zones that are oriented in a vertical direction; and', 'a plurality of temperature control zones that are oriented in a horizontal direction;, 'positioning at least one stack of ware in a ware space of the down-draft periodic kiln, wherein the ware space is defined byheating the ware space in a first heating stage from an ambient temperature to a first temperature that is greater than the ambient temperature,heating the ware space in a second heating stage from the first temperature to a second temperature that is greater than the first temperature; or (i) during at least one ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010219A1
Автор: Song Jeong-su

The invention relates to a cemented carbide composition producing method for precious metal, which includes a titanium nitride component contained therein and shows excellent workability, corrosion resistance, reduction in weight and other desirable mechanical properties, as well as the low amount of nickel used as a metallic binder and an aluminum oxide coating helps to suppress potential negative skin reactions. 1. A cemented carbide composition producing method for precious metal which comprises the steps of:mixing a metallic binder in an amount having a percentage by weight of about 10 to about 20%, TiN in an amount having a percentage by weight of about 1 to about 20%, a carbide additive in an amount having a percentage by weight of about 20 to about 40% and tungsten carbide in an amount having a percentage by weight of about 20 to about 49% to form a metal mixture;milling the metal mixture with an organic solvent and paraffin wax added to the metal mixture to form a milled product;drying the milled product in conditions permitting at least the majority of the organic solvent to evaporate to form a dried product;sieving the dried product to remove impurities to form a sieved product;molding the sieved product in a compression molding process to form a molded product; andsintering the molded product.2. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising the step of mixing aluminum oxide powder to the metal mixture in an amount equal to about 1 to 3 parts by weight with the metal mixture being 100 parts by weight.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the metallic binder comprises one of nickel claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , and a combination of nickel and cobalt.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the metallic binder comprises nickel and cobalt mixed in a ration by weight of 1:3.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the carbide additive comprises one of chrome carbide claim 1 , molybdenum carbide claim 1 , vanadium carbide claim 1 , tantalum carbide ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010376A1

A carbon nanotube bonded sheet includes a fixture sheet formed from a sintered body of an inorganic material, and a carbon nanotube array sheet bonded to the sintered inorganic material of the fixture sheet. 1. A carbon nanotube bonded sheet comprising a fixture sheet formed from a sintered body of an inorganic material , anda carbon nanotube array sheet bonded to the sintered body of the fixture sheet.2. The carbon nanotube bonded sheet of claim 1 , whereinthe inorganic material contains silicon and/or titanium, andthe sintered body includes a sintered compact of carbon of the carbon nanotube array sheet and silicon and/or titanium contained in the fixture sheet.3. The carbon nanotube bonded sheet of claim 1 , whereinan end portion of the carbon nanotube array sheet bonded to the sintered body is embedded in the sintered body.4. The carbon nanotube bonded sheet of claim 1 , wherein{'sup': '3', 'the carbon nanotube array sheet has an average bulk density of 50 mg/cmor more.'}5. A method for producing a carbon nanotube bonded sheet claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of:preparing a fixture sheet formed from a sintered body of an inorganic material,allowing vertically-aligned carbon nanotube to grow on a growth substrate,removing the vertically-aligned carbon nanotube from the growth substrate to form a carbon nanotube array sheet,disposing a metal thin film between the carbon nanotube array sheet and the fixture sheet, andcalcining the carbon nanotube array sheet and the fixture sheet between which the metal thin film is disposed under vacuum or inert atmosphere.6. A method for producing a carbon nanotube bonded sheet claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of:preparing a resin sheet containing inorganic particles,allowing vertically-aligned carbon nanotube to grow on a growth substrate,removing the vertically-aligned carbon nanotube from the growth substrate to form a carbon nanotube array sheet,disposing the carbon nanotube array sheet on the resin sheet, ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011184A1

A refractory anchor for a refractory tile for a furnace and to a method to manufacture such a refractory anchor, wherein the refractory anchor has an overall truncated cone shape, wherein the refractory anchor is divided in at least two parts with one or more dividing planes between the parts which run from bottom plane to top plane of the truncated cone shaped refractory anchor. 1. A refractory anchor for a refractory tile for a furnace , wherein the refractory anchor has an overall truncated cone shape , wherein the refractory anchor is divided in three or more parts and wherein radial dividing planes run from bottom plane to top plane of the truncated cone shaped refractory anchor.2. The refractory anchor according to claim 1 , wherein the parts of the refractory anchor are identically shaped.3. The refractory anchor according to claim 1 , wherein the refractory anchor has a first cone part and a second cone part each with a truncated cone shape claim 1 , with a shoulder part as transition between the first and second cone parts.4. The refractory anchor according to claim 3 , wherein the bottom plane of the second cone part is at a hot side when in use and wherein the diameter of the bottom plane of the first cone part is less than the diameter of the top plane of the second cone part.5. The refractory anchor according to claim 1 , wherein height of the first cone part is larger than height of the second cone part.6. The refractory anchor according to claim 5 , wherein the height of the second cone part is less than 65% of the height of the first cone part.7. The refractory anchor according to claim 5 , wherein the height of the second cone part is between 35% and 50% of the height of the first cone part.8. The refractory anchor according to claim 1 , wherein the shoulder part is concavely curved with a radius of curvature in the range of 5-30 mm.9. The refractory anchor according to claim 1 , wherein the shoulder part is concavely curved with a radius of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031429A1

Embodiments of the present invention provide an osseointegrative implant and related tools, components and fabrication techniques for surgical bone fixation and dental restoration purposes. In one embodiment an all-ceramic single-stage threaded or press-fit implant is provided having finely detailed surface features formed by ceramic injection molding and/or spark plasma sintering of a powder compact or green body comprising finely powdered zirconia. In another embodiment a two-stage threaded implant is provided having an exterior shell or body formed substantially entirely of ceramic and/or CNT-reinforced ceramic composite material. The implant may include one or more frictionally anisotropic bone-engaging surfaces. In another embodiment a densely sintered ceramic implant is provided wherein, prior to sintering, the porous debound green body is exposed to ions and/or particles of silver, gold, titanium, zirconia, YSZ, α-tricalcium phosphate, hydroxyapatite, carbon, carbon nanotubes, and/or other particles which remain lodged in the implant surface after sintering. Optionally, at least the supragingival portions of an all-ceramic implant are configured to have high translucence in the visible light range. Optionally, at least the bone-engaging portions of an all-ceramic implant are coated with a fused layer of titanium oxide. 149-. (canceled)50. A single stage press-fit dental implant comprising:an anchoring portion configured to be inserted subgingivally into an unthreaded osteotomy formed within the alveolar bone of a patient, said anchoring portion being generally cylindrical in shape and comprising a plurality of gripping edges configured to provide frictional anisotropy facilitating locomotion in the insertion direction of said anchoring portion; andan abutment portion integrally formed with said anchoring portion, said abutment portion comprising a transgingival portion configured to emerge from said anchoring portion through the gingiva at a predetermined ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032501A1
Автор: AOKI Yasuho, ONO Masashi
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A method for manufacturing a three-dimensional fired body includes (a) a step of producing a shaping mold using an organic material, the shaping mold having a shaping space which has the same shape as a shaped body having a hollow portion that opens to an outer surface thereof, in which a core corresponding to the hollow portion is integrated with the shaping mold; (b) a step of producing the shaped body in the shaping mold by pouring a ceramic slurry into the shaping space and solidifying the ceramic slurry; (c) a step of drying and then degreasing the shaped body, in which the shaping mold is eliminated in any one of the following stages: before drying, during drying, after drying and before degreasing, during degreasing, and after degreasing of the shaped body; and (d) a step of firing the shaped body to obtain a three-dimensional fired body. 1. A method for manufacturing a three-dimensional fired body comprising:(a) a step of producing a shaping mold using an organic material, the shaping mold having a shaping space which has the same shape as a shaped body having a hollow portion that opens to an outer surface thereof, wherein a core corresponding to the hollow portion is integrated with the shaping mold;(b) a step of producing the shaped body in the shaping mold by pouring a ceramic slurry into the shaping space of the shaping mold and solidifying the ceramic slurry;(c) a step of drying and then degreasing the shaped body, wherein the shaping mold is eliminated in any one of the following stages: before drying, during drying, after drying and before degreasing, during degreasing, and after degreasing of the shaped body; and(d) a step of firing the shaped body to obtain a three-dimensional fired body.2. The method for manufacturing a three-dimensional fired body according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the step (c) claim 1 , the shaping mold is eliminated by melting and removing the shaping mold.3. The method for manufacturing a three-dimensional fired body ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013665A1

The present invention relates to a conductive porous ceramic substrate and a method of manufacturing the same, and more particularly to a conductive porous ceramic substrate, in which a porous ceramic substrate used as a chuck or stage for fixing a thin semiconductor wafer substrate or display substrate through vacuum adsorption is imparted with antistatic performance so as to prevent the generation of static electricity, and a method of manufacturing the same. 1. A method of manufacturing a conductive porous ceramic substrate , the method comprising:{'sub': 2', '3', '2', '3, 'preparing a mixed powder by adding a titanium oxide (TiO) powder with MnCOand CrOpowders and a graphite powder and performing mixing and drying;'}{'sub': 3', '2', '3', '2, 'compacting the mixed powder of MnCO, CrO, TiOand graphite in a die under pressure to afford a shaped body; and'}sintering the shaped body thus obtained at a temperature ranging from 1000° C. to 1300° C. in an ambient air atmosphere,{'sub': 2', '3', '2', '3', '3', '2', '3', '3', '2', '3', '2, 'wherein in the preparing the mixed powder, the TiOpowder, as a main material, is added with the MnCOand CrOpowders, in which the MnCOand CrOpowders are mixed at a molar ratio of 9:1 and the mixed MnCOand CrOpowders are added in an amount of 5 mol % to 15 mol % relative to the TiOpowder.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the graphite powder is added in an amount of 5 wt % to 15 wt % based on a total amount of the mixed powder of MnCO claim 1 , CrOand TiO.3. A conductive porous ceramic substrate claim 1 , having a microstructure a surface of which is formed with pores by Mn- and Cr-doped TiOparticles and (Mn claim 1 ,Cr)TiOparticles adjacent to each other claim 1 , and having a volume resistance ranging from 10Ω·cm to 10Ω·cm.4. The conductive porous ceramic substrate of claim 3 , having a porosity ranging from 20% to 50%. The present application claims priority based on Korean Patent Application No. 10-2018-0078138, filed Jul. 5, 2018, ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Process for Forming Sintered Ceramic Bodies Having Improved Properties

Номер: US20220033316A1

A method is provided for making ceramic bodies having improved properties, such as optical and/or strength properties in which the ceramic bodies are densified by new sintering processes. The sintering profiles may have shorter run times than conventional sintering processes. Ceramic bodies made by these methods are suitable for use in dental applications, for example, as crowns. 1. A method for forming a sintered ceramic body comprisingheating a bisque stage ceramic body in a heating chamber of a sintering oven, comprisingi. in a first heating stage, heating the sintering oven to a first temperature that is from 1200° C. to 1500° C. for an optional first dwell time that is from 0 minutes to 180 minutes, and raising the first temperature from 50° C. to 500° C. to a second temperature between 1400° C. and 1700° C.; andii. in a second heating stage, holding the second temperature for a second dwell time of between 0 minutes and 20 minutes.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first heating stage has a ramp rate of 0.5° C./minute to 60° C./minutes from the first heating temperature to the second temperature.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first temperature is from 1350° C. to 1500° C.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first dwell time is from 15 minutes to 180 minutes.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first temperature is from 50° C. to 200° C. lower than the second temperature.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first temperature is from 300° C. to 500° C. lower than the second temperature.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second temperature is from 1530° C. to 1600° C.8. The method of claim 1 , whereini. the first temperature is from 1350° C. to 1500° C. and the first dwell time is from 15 minutes to 180 minutes, andii. the second temperature is from 1530° C. to 1600° C. and the second dwell time is from 0 minutes to 20 minutes.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sintering oven is heated to the first temperature from a preliminary heating ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Internal Structure Observation Device And Internal Structure Analysis System Of Fluid Sample, Internal Structure Observation Method And Internal Structure Analysis Method Of Fluid Sample, And Method For Manufacturing Ceramic

Номер: US20220034778A1

The purpose of the present invention is to achieve an in-situ observation of structural change in a shear field of slurry, i.e. an evaluation of a rheology property of slurry containing raw materials of a ceramic as a fluid sample, together with an in-situ observation of internal structure of the fluid sample in an evaluation process, and a clarification of internal structural change. An observation of an internal structure of a fluid sample in an evaluation process of a rheology property by a rheometer is achieved by generating an optical coherence tomographic image by performing an optical coherence tomography by irradiating a light in infrared region from outside of the rheometer to the fluid sample , by inclining an optical axis of light in infrared region irradiating the fluid sample for a predetermined angle within an angular range of 1 to 10 degrees with respect to a normal direction of an observation surface A of the fluid sample by the optical coherence tomography imaging device , together with an evaluation of a rheology property of the fluid sample containing components different in a refractive index by the rheometer 1. An internal structure observation device of a fluid sample , comprising:a rheometer for evaluating a rheology property of the fluid sample containing components different in a refractive index; andan optical coherence tomography imaging unit for generating an optical coherence tomographic image by performing an optical coherence tomography by irradiating a light in infrared region from outside of the rheometer to the fluid sample during an evaluation of the rheology property by the rheometer,wherein an observation of an internal structure of the fluid sample in an evaluation process of the rheology property by the rheometer is achieved as the optical coherence tomographic image generated by the optical coherence tomography imaging unit, by inclining an optical axis of light in infrared region irradiating the fluid sample for a ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Compact anchor for post-tensioned concrete segment

Номер: US20170016231A1
Автор: Felix Sorkin
Принадлежит: Individual

An anchor assembly for a post-tensioning tendon may include a compact anchor and wedge. The compact anchor may include a wedge extension having a frustoconical inner surface. The frustoconical inner surface may have a diameter of 0.95 inches or less. The compact wedge may have a length of 1.1 inches or less. The compact anchor and compact wedge may be formed from steel having no added lead. The compact anchor and wedge may be formed by cold heading.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016192A1
Автор: Liu Jian, NIE Min

Disclosed is a CBS-based low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) material, and a preparation method thereof. The material has, as a main component, a sintered phase of low dielectric constant of CaSiOand CaBO, and comprises CBS and a dopant. The CBS comprises, by weight, 30-40% of CaO, 15-30% of BO, and 40-50% of SiO, and the dopant comprises 0-2% of PO, 0-2% of nanometer CuO, and 0.5-2% of nanometer VO. The preparation method comprises mixing oxides including a CBS-based dielectric ceramic as a base and one or two of POand CuO as an initial dopant, and then adding VOas a final sintering aid, to prepare the material. In the present invention, a CBS-based LTCC material that is obtained by sintering at a low temperature and has the advantages of low dielectric constant, low loss, and good overall performance is provided. 1. A CBS-based low-temperature co-fired ceramic material having , as a main component , a sintered phase of low dielectric constant of CaSiOand CaBOcomprising CBS and a dopant , wherein the CBS comprises , by weight , 30-40% of CaO , 15-30% of BO , and 40-50% of SiO , and the dopant comprises 0-2% of PO , 0-2% of nanometer CuO , and 0.5-2% of nanometer VO.2. A method for preparing a CBS-based LTCC material , comprising: mixing a CBS-based dielectric ceramic as a base with one or two of POand CuO as an initial dopant , and then adding VOas a final sintering aid , to prepare the material , wherein the material has , as a main component , a sintered phase of low dielectric constant of CaSiOand CaBOcomprising CBS and a dopant , wherein the CBS comprises , by weight , 30-40% of CaO , 15-30% of BO , and 40-50% of SiO , and the dopant comprises 0-2% of PO , 0-2% of nanometer CuO , and 0.5-2% of nanometer VO.3. The preparation method according to claim 2 , comprising the steps of(1) material mixing{'sub': 3', '3', '3', '2', '2', '3', '2', '2', '5, 'weighing the raw materials CaCO, HBO, and SiObased on 30-40% of CaO, 15-30% of BO, and 40-50% of SiO, and doping ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015893A1

A method of producing an investment casting ceramic core is provided that includes: providing a core body consisting of a leachable material; surrounding the core body with a mold composition within a vessel, which mold composition is configured to solidify; leaching the core body from the mold composition subsequent to the mold composition solidifying, thereby leaving an internal cavity within the solidified mold composition; depositing a ceramic composition within the internal cavity of the solidified mold composition; sintering the ceramic composition to a solid ceramic core; and removing the solid ceramic core from the mold composition. 1. A method of producing an investment casting ceramic core , comprising:providing a core body consisting of a leachable material;surrounding the core body with a mold composition within a vessel, which mold composition is configured to solidify;leaching the core body from the mold composition subsequent to the mold composition solidifying, thereby leaving an internal cavity within the solidified mold composition;depositing a ceramic composition within the internal cavity of the solidified mold composition;sintering the ceramic composition to a solid ceramic core; andremoving the solid ceramic core from the mold composition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mold composition transforms from the solidified mold composition to a non-solid form during the sintering.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the mold composition transforms from the solidified mold composition to a loose particulate form during the sintering.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the mold composition includes one or more body constituents and one or more solidifying constituents.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the one or more body constituents include at least one refractory material in particulate form.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the one or more body constituents include one or more of alumina claim 5 , crystalline silica claim 5 , or magnesia ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Bonded Abrasive Articles Including Oriented Abrasive Particles, and Methods of Making Same

Номер: US20200016725A1

The present disclosure provides bonded abrasive articles including abrasive particles retained in a binder. The abrasive particles are oriented at a predetermined angle greater than 0 degrees and less than 90 degrees with respect to a longitudinal axis of the bonded abrasive article. Fifty percent or more of the abrasive particles are oriented within 15 degrees above or below the angle, as measured using microscopy image analysis under magnification. The present disclosure further provides a method of making a bonded abrasive article, the method comprising sequential steps. The steps include (a) a sub-process comprising sequentially: i) depositing a layer of loose powder particles in a confined region, wherein the loose powder particles comprise matrix particles and abrasive particles; ii) spreading the layer of loose powder particles with a spreading bar or roller to provide a substantially uniform thickness, wherein a gap between the spreading bar or roller and a base plane of the confined region is selected to be shorter than an average length of the abrasive particles; and iii) selectively treating an area of the layer of loose powder particles to bond powder particles together. Step b) includes independently carrying out step a) a number of times to generate a bonded abrasive article preform including the bonded powder particles and remaining loose powder particles. Step c) includes separating remaining loose powder particles from the bonded abrasive article preform. Step d) includes heating the bonded abrasive article preform to provide the bonded abrasive article. Further, methods are provided, including receiving, by a manufacturing device having one or more processors, a digital object comprising data specifying a bonded abrasive article; and generating, with the manufacturing device by an additive manufacturing process, a bonded abrasive article preform based on the digital object. A system is also provided, including a display that displays a 3D model of ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017032A1

A method for manufacturing an alloy formed from a boride of a precious metal, the method involving reacting a source of the precious metal with a source of boron in a salt or a mixture of salts in the molten state. The present invention also relates to an alloy formed from a boride of a precious metal, the alloy including crystalline nanoparticles of MBwith M which is a precious metal, distributed in an amorphous matrix of B or in an amorphous matrix of B and of MB. 1. A method for manufacturing a powder of alloy of a precious metal and of boron to obtain a boride of precious metal , the precious metal being chosen from the group formed by gold , silver , platinum , palladium , ruthenium and iridium , the method involving reacting a source of said precious metal with a source of boron in one or more salts in the molten state and comprising for this purpose the following steps:mixing the source of boron, the source of precious metal and the salt(s) in the solid state;heating the mixture to a temperature between 355 and 900° C. to react the source of boron and the source of precious metal in order to obtain the metal boride of the precious metal;cooling the mixture;separating the solidified salt(s) from the boride of precious metal, said boride of precious metal being in the form of a powder including aggregates formed by crystalline nanoparticles of boride of precious metal MxBy distributed in a matrix of amorphous boron B, the ratio y/x of the crystalline nanoparticles of boride of precious metal MxBy being greater than or equal to 2.2. The method for manufacturing a powder of alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the source of said precious metal is chosen from the group formed by the sulphates claim 1 , the carbonates claim 1 , the acetates claim 1 , the nitrates claim 1 , the acetylacetonates and the halides of the precious metal.3. The method for manufacturing a powder of alloy according to claim 2 , wherein the source of said precious metal is an chloride of the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Kiln firing with differential temperature gradients

Номер: US20190017744A1
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

A method for heating ware in a kiln. The ware space of the kiln includes a plurality of temperature control zones oriented in a first direction, and a plurality of temperature control zones oriented in a second direction. The method includes heating the ware space in a first heating stage, a second heating stage, and a third heating stage. At least one of the following conditions is satisfied: (i) in one of the heating stages, a temperature control zone oriented in the first direction has a setpoint temperature that is different from a setpoint temperature of one other temperature control zone oriented in the first direction; and (ii) in one of the heating stages, one temperature control zone oriented in the second direction has a setpoint temperature that is different from a set point temperature of one other temperature control zone oriented in the second direction, wherein the first direction is a vertical direction and the second direction is a horizontal direction.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023373A1
Принадлежит: Stratasys, Inc

A pre-ceramic support structure for additive manufacturing, that upon thermal processing, is soluble in various solvents. 115-. (canceled)16. A feedstock material for use in an additive manufacturing system , the feedstock material comprising:a pre-ceramic material in powder form;a thermoplastic binder; andwherein upon thermal processing of the feedstock, the pre-ceramic material is removable in a solvent.171. The feedstock material of claim , wherein the thermoplastic binder is a polymeric matrix comprising one or more of polyolefins , polylactic acid polymers , and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene polymers or combinations thereof.181. The feedstock material of claim , wherein the pre-ceramic material comprises calcium carbonate , sodium carbonate , sodium aluminate or combinations thereof.191. The feedstock of claim , wherein the solvent comprises water , carbonated solutions , acidic solutions and combinations thereof.201. The feedstock material of claim , and further comprising one or more of a fluxing materials , a polymer processing additive or combinations thereof.215. The feedstock material of claim , wherein the fluxing material comprises glass frits having boron trioxide , silicon oxide , zirconium dioxide , lithium oxide , fluorine , titanium dioxide , and combinations thereof.221. The feedstock of claim , wherein the feedstock material is a filament produced by melt-processing and is suitable for building a support structure for a three dimensional ceramic article.237. The feedstock of claim , wherein the feedstock material is a thermoplastic filament of pre-ceramic powder configured for building the support structure at temperatures of about 160° C.-200° C. and at a speed between about 20 mm/sec and 100 mm/sec.24. A method of printing a three-dimensional ceramifiable article with an additive manufacturing system , the method comprising:printing at least one build layer with the additive manufacturing system, wherein the build layer is pre-sintered; a pre ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Mixture for use in a fused filament fabrication process

Номер: US20160024293A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The use of a mixture (M) comprising (a) from 40 to 70% by volume of an inorganic powder (IP) based on the total volume of the mixture (M), (b) from 30 to 60% by volume based on the total volume of the mixture (M) of a binder (B) comprising (b1) from 50 to 96% by weight of at least one polyoxymethylene (POM) based on the total weight of the binder (B), (b2) from 2 to 35% by weight of at least one polyolefin (PO) based on the total weight of the binder (B), (b3) from 2 to 40% by weight of at least one further polymer (FP) based on the total weight of the binder (B) in a fused filament fabrication process.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023614A1

Disclosed are product (e.g., panels), slurry, and methods relating to an uncooked starch having a mid-range peak viscosity (i.e., from about 120 Brabender Units to about 900 Brabender Units). 1. A gypsum board comprising:a set gypsum core disposed between two cover sheets, the core formed from a slurry comprising stucco, water, and at least one uncooked starch having a peak viscosity of from about 120 Brabender Units to about 900 Brabender Units when the viscosity is measured by putting the starch in a slurry with water at a starch concentration of 15% solids, and using a Viscograph-E instrument set at 75 rpm and 700 cmg, where the starch is heated from 25° C. to 95° C. at a rate of 3° C./minute, the slurry is held at 95° C. for ten minutes, and the starch is cooled to 50° C. at a rate of −3° C./minute.2. The gypsum board of claim 1 , wherein the uncooked starch has a bulk density of from about 40 pcf to about 45 pcf.3. The gypsum board of claim 1 , wherein the uncooked starch has a peak viscosity of from about 300 BU to about 875 BU.4. The gypsum board of claim 1 , wherein the uncooked starch is acid-modified.5. The gypsum board of claim 1 , wherein the uncooked starch has a cold water viscosity of less than about 50 centipoise claim 1 , as measured according to the Brookfield viscometer method.6. The gypsum board of claim 1 , wherein the slurry further comprises a dispersant.7. The gypsum board of claim 1 , wherein the slurry further comprises a polyphosphate.8. The gypsum board of claim 7 , wherein the polyphosphate is sodium trimetaphosphate claim 7 , and the slurry further comprises a dispersant.9. The gypsum board of claim 1 , wherein the uncooked starch has a bulk density of from about 35 pcf to about 45 pcf claim 1 , the uncooked starch is acid-modified claim 1 , the uncooked starch has a cold water viscosity of less than about 50 centipoise claim 1 , as measured according to the Brookfield viscometer method claim 1 , and the board has a density of from ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180025919A1
Принадлежит: Denka Company Limited

A silicon carbide composite that is lightweight and has high thermal conductivity as well as a low thermal expansion coefficient close to that of a ceramic substrate, particularly a silicon carbide composite material suitable for heat dissipating components that are required to be particularly free of warping, such as heat sinks. A method for manufacturing a silicon carbide composite obtained by impregnating a porous silicon carbide molded body with a metal having aluminum as a main component, wherein the method for manufacturing a silicon carbide composite material is characterized in that the porous silicon carbide molded article is formed by a wet molding method, and preferably the wet molding method is a wet press method or is a wet casting method. 1. A method for manufacturing a silicon carbide composite formed by impregnating a metal having aluminum as a main component in a porous silicon carbide molded body, wherein the porous silicon carbide molded body is formed by obtaining a slurry from a silica sol; a silica sol gelling agent which is a polyalkylene glycol including a styrene-maleic anhydride copolymer or a derivative thereof; and a silicon carbide powder having a particle size of 10-200 μm, drying a wet preform obtained from the slurry via a wet press method or a wet casting method at a drying temperature of no less than 80° C. to less than 100° C., followed by further firing the dried wet preform at 800° C. to 1100° C., and impregnating the porous silicon carbide molded body with a metal having aluminum as a main component. The present invention pertains to a manufacturing method for a silicon carbide composite material suitable for heat dissipating components or heat sinks used in semiconductor circuit boards on which electronic components such as semiconductor elements or electrical components are installed, in particular, ceramic substrates used in power modules, etc.In recent years, the miniaturization of circuit boards and the integration of ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Fast firing method for high porosity ceramics

Номер: US20150028527A1
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

A method for firing a green honeycomb ceramic body including heating the green honeycomb ceramic body from room temperature to a first temperature of about 300° C. The green honeycomb ceramic body is then heated from the first temperature to a second temperature of greater than or equal to about 800° C. at a heating rate of greater than or equal to about 90° C./hr. The green honeycomb ceramic body may have a diameter of from greater than or equal to about 4.0 inches to less than or equal to about 9.0 inches, and it may include a carbon-based pore former in a concentration of from greater than or equal to about 10% to less than or equal to about 45% by weight.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029341A1
Автор: VINCENT Mark
Принадлежит: Pyrotek Engineering Materials Limited

A castable refractory material for use in the manufacture of refractory products including fused silica, ceramic fibre, microsilica and a bonding material comprising colloidal silica. 1. A castable refractory material for use in the manufacture of refractory products , wherein the castable refractory material includes fused silica , ceramic fiber , microsilica and a bonding material comprising colloidal silica.2. The castable refractory material according to claim 1 , comprising fused silica in a range of 30-90% by weight.3. The castable refractory material according to claim 1 , comprising ceramic fiber in a range of 5-45% by weight.4. The castable refractory material according to claim 1 , comprising microsilica in a range of 2-15%.5. The castable refractory material according to claim 1 , comprising colloidal silica in a range of 3-25%.6. The castable refractory material according to claim 1 , wherein the fused silica includes particle sizes in a range of 150 μm to 3.5 μm.7. The castable refractory material according to claim 6 , wherein the fused silica includes particles of mesh size 200 and particles of mesh size 325.8. The castable refractory material according claim 1 , wherein the ceramic fiber is a synthetic ceramic fibre.9. The castable refractory material according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic fiber is an alkaline earth silicate fibre.10. The castable refractory material according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic fiber is soluble in physiological fluids.11. The castable refractory material according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic fiber is a chopped fibre having a fibre length in a range of 9-15 μm.12. The castable refractory material according to claim 1 , further comprising a dispersing agent.13. The castable refractory material according to claim 1 , further comprising a non-wetting agent in a range a 0%-12% by weight.14. A refractory product for use in aluminium processing claim 1 , comprising a cast refractory material according to .15. The ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033624A1
Принадлежит: FERTIL

An installation for drying a thin-walled biodegradable pot having a drying mould wherein one wall has a shape adapted to a corresponding shape of a wall of a moulded pot to be dried, and a means of heating the drying mould wall to a temperature above 160° C., and preferably between 180 and 240° C. Also disclosed are an installation for manufacturing pots having a drying installation mentioned above, a method of drying pots, a pot obtained from an installation or from a method mentioned above, and an assembly with a plant in a pot as mentioned above. 1. An installation for drying a biodegradable pot with thin walls for the growing of plants , which installation comprises a drying mold , a wall of which has a shape adapted to a corresponding shape of a wall of a molded pot to be dried , and means for heating the wall of the drying mold at a temperature above 160° C. , and preferably between 180 and 240° C.2. An installation according to claim 1 , also comprising a means for sucking a fluid such as water and/or water vapor through at least a portion of the wall of the drying mold.3. An installation according to claim 1 , wherein the wall of the drying mold is made of a solid material claim 1 , or of an openwork material claim 1 , a percentage of open area of which is less than 25%.4. An installation according to claim 1 , also comprising means for closing the drying mold.5. An installation according to claim 4 , wherein the means for closing is a drying counter-mold claim 4 , a wall of which has a shape adapted to a corresponding shape of a wall of the pot.6. An installation according to claim 5 , also comprising means for heating the wall of the drying counter-mold at a temperature above 160° C. claim 5 , and preferably between 180 to 240° C.7. An installation according to claim 5 , also comprising pressing means for compressing the pot between the drying counter-mold and the drying mold.8. An installation according to claim 4 , wherein the means for closing the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030783A1
Автор: LIU Guo, Lu Jian

A system and method of constructing a 4D-printed ceramic object includes extruding inks including particles and polymeric ceramic precursors through a nozzle to deposit the inks on a heating plate, whereby a 3D-printed elastomeric object is formed on the heating plate, folding the 3D-printed elastomeric object into a complex structure to form a 4D-printed pre-strained elastomeric object, and converting the 4D-printed elastomeric object into the 4D-printed ceramic object. 1. A method of constructing a 4D-printed ceramic object , the method comprising:extruding inks including particles and polymeric ceramic precursors through a nozzle to deposit the inks on a heating plate, whereby a 3D-printed elastomeric object is formed on the heating plate, folding the 3D-printed elastomeric object into a complex structure to form a 4D-printed pre-strained elastomeric object, and converting the 4D-printed elastomeric object into the 4D-printed ceramic object.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particles are zirconium dioxide nanoparticles.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric ceramic precursors are poly(dimethylsiloxane).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the temperature of the heating plate is in the range of from about 30° C. to about 400° C.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the folding of elastomeric object is achieved by metal wires.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymer-to-ceramic transformation occurs via pyrolysis in a vacuum or under an inert atmosphere.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the 4D-printed ceramic object has a Gaussian curvature.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the 4D-printed ceramic object has a dimension of 100 μm or more.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inks are formed from a homogenous distribution of the particles in the polymeric ceramic precursors and wherein the weight percentage of the particles in the inks is in the range of from about 1% to about 90% and the weight percentage of the polymeric ceramic precursors in the ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031014A1

A manufacturing system includes a tape advancing through the manufacturing system and a station of the manufacturing system. The tape includes a first portion having grains of an inorganic material bound by an organic binder. The station of the manufacturing system receives the first portion of the tape and prepares the tape for sintering by chemically changing the organic binder and/or removing the organic binder from the first portion of the tape, leaving the grains of the inorganic material, to form a second portion of the tape and, at least in part, prepare the tape for sintering. 1. A manufacturing system , comprising:a tape advancing through the manufacturing system, the tape including a first portion having grains of polycrystalline ceramic bound by an organic binder; anda station of the manufacturing system that receives the first portion of the tape and prepares the tape for sintering by chemically changing the organic binder and/or removing the organic binder from the first portion of the tape, leaving the grains of the polycrystalline ceramic, to form a second portion of the tape and thereby at least in part prepare the tape for sintering,wherein the station chars or burns at least most of the organic binder, in terms of weight, from the first portion of the tape without sintering the grains of polycrystalline ceramic, wherein the tape advances horizontally through the station, and wherein, as the tape advances through the station, the tape is directly supported by a gas bearing and/or an underlying surface and moves relative to that surface.2. The manufacturing system of claim 1 , wherein the first portion of the tape is substantially more bendable than the second portion such that a minimum bend radius without fracture of the first portion is less than half that of the second portion.3. The manufacturing system of claim 1 , wherein the station comprises an active heater that includes heating zones such that the rate of heat energy received by the tape ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031406A1

A manufacturing line includes a tape of green material that is directed through a furnace so that the furnace burns off organic binder material and then partially sinters the tape without the use of a setter board. Sintered articles resulting from the manufacturing line may be thin with relatively large surface areas; and, while substantially unpolished, have few sintering-induced surface defects. Tension may be applied to the partially sintered tape as it passes through a second furnace on the manufacturing line to shape resulting sintered articles. 1. Ceramic ribbon , comprising:grains comprising alumina, the grains sintered such that the grains are fused to one another;wherein thickness of the ceramic ribbon is a distance between first and second surfaces of the ceramic ribbon, wherein the thickness is no more than 500 micrometers and at least 10 micrometers;wherein porosity of the ceramic ribbon is volume of the ceramic ribbon unoccupied by inorganic material, wherein the porosity is less than 1%;wherein the first and second surfaces of the ceramic ribbon have a granular profile;wherein the first and second surfaces have roughness in a range of 10 nanometers to 1000 nanometers across a distance of 10 millimeters along the length of the ceramic ribbon;wherein the ceramic ribbon is translucent such that the ceramic ribbon has total transmittance of at least 30% at wavelengths in a range of 300 nanometers to 800 nanometers; andwherein the ceramic ribbon exhibits haze such that diffuse transmission through the ceramic ribbon is in a range of 10% to 60% at wavelengths from 300 nanometers to 800 nanometers.2. The ceramic ribbon of claim 1 , wherein length of the ceramic ribbon is a dimension of one of the first or second surfaces that is orthogonal to the thickness claim 1 , and wherein the first and second surfaces have flatness in a range from 0.1 micrometers to 50 micrometers over a distance of 1 centimeter along the length.3. The ceramic ribbon of claim 1 , ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036801A1

A three-dimensional manufacturing method includes: forming and adding a layer of secondary particles to manufacture a three-dimensional object, the secondary particles obtained by granulating primary particles; and heating the three-dimensional object to produce a sintered compact. 1. A three-dimensional manufacturing method comprising:forming and adding a layer of secondary particles to manufacture a three-dimensional object, the secondary particles obtained by granulating primary particles; andheating the three-dimensional object to produce a sintered compact.2. The three-dimensional manufacturing method according to claim 1 , wherein the secondary particles are obtained by granulating a plurality of kinds of the primary particles.3. The three-dimensional manufacturing method according to claim 1 , further comprising:applying isotropic pressure under a cold condition to the manufactured three-dimensional object, whereinthe heating includes heating the three-dimensional object after the isotropic pressure application and producing the sintered compact.4. The three-dimensional manufacturing method according to claim 2 , whereinthe three-dimensional object has a recess, the three-dimensional manufacturing method further comprisingafter the forming and adding and before the applying, filling the recess with a core member to maintain a shape of the recess in the pressurization process, the core member being made of a material removable by heating in the heating.5. The three-dimensional manufacturing method according to claim 1 , wherein the primary particles include a plurality of kinds of primary particles having different outer shapes.6. The three-dimensional manufacturing method according to claim 1 , wherein the primary particles include a base and a sintering aid that aids the sintering.7. The three-dimensional manufacturing method according to claim 1 , wherein the first particles include nanoparticles having a nanometer-order size.8. The three-dimensional ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Hybrid Part Made From Monolithic Ceramic Skin and CMC Core

Номер: US20150042023A1
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

A hybrid part for use in a gas turbine engine has a platform and an attachment feature. The platform and an exterior portion of the attachment feature are formed from a monolithic ceramic material. A ceramic matrix composite material is located adjacent interior portions of the platform and the attachment feature and is bonded to the monolithic ceramic material.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039961A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a ceramic moulded body, comprising the following steps: a) producing a green body containing ceramic material, binding agents and an organic pore forming agent; b) heating the green body to a temperature higher than the sublimation and/or decomposition temperature of the pore forming agent; c) burning the green body to form a ceramic moulded body. According to the invention, the binding agent comprises polyglycols and fumaric acid. 1. A method for producing a ceramic molding comprising the steps of:a) producing a green body comprising ceramic material, binders and an organic pore former;b) heating the green body to a temperature above the sublimation and/or decomposition temperature of the pore former; 'characterized in that the binder comprises polyglycols and fumaric acid.', 'c) firing the green body to form a ceramic molding;'}2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the polyglycols are polyethylene glycols having a molar mass from 100 to 20 000 claim 1 , more preferably 200 to 10 000 claim 1 , more preferably 250 to 8000.3. The method as claimed in or claim 1 , characterized in that the fumaric acid is additionally used as pore former.4. The method as claimed in claim 3 , characterized in that the pore former is used as a solid in at least two different particle size fractions.5. The method as claimed in claim 4 , characterized in that the finer particle size fraction has a particle size from 1-100 μm claim 4 , preferably 1-30 μm and more preferably 1-20 μm.6. The method as claimed in any of to claim 4 , characterized in that the proportion of pore former of the total weight of the green body in step a) of is between 2 and 60% by weight claim 4 , preferably 2 and 50% by weight claim 4 , more preferably 10 and 50% by weight claim 4 , more preferably 10 and 30% by weight claim 4 , more preferably 15 and 20% by weight.7. The method as claimed in any of to claim 4 , characterized in that the heating ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043572A1

A manufacturing line includes a tape of green material that is directed through a furnace so that the furnace burns off organic binder material and then partially sinters the tape without the use of a setter board. Sintered articles resulting from the manufacturing line may be thin with relatively large surface areas; and, while substantially unpolished, have few sintering-induced surface defects. Tension may be applied to the partially sintered tape as it passes through a second furnace on the manufacturing line to shape resulting sintered articles. 1. A roll of polycrystalline alumina tape that is at least partially sintered such that grains of the alumina are fused to one another , the alumina tape comprising a thickness of no more than 500 micrometers , a width at least 10 times greater than the thickness , and a length such that the width is less than 1/10th the length , wherein the length of the alumina tape is at least 1 meter.2. The roll of polycrystalline alumina tape of claim 1 , wherein the width of the alumina tape is at least 5 millimeters claim 1 , and wherein the width of the alumina tape is less than 1/20th the length of the alumina tape.3. The roll of polycrystalline alumina tape of claim 2 , wherein the thickness of the alumina tape is at least 10 micrometers.4. The roll of polycrystalline alumina tape of claim 2 , wherein the thickness of the alumina tape is no greater than 250 micrometers.5. The roll of polycrystalline alumina tape of claim 4 , wherein the thickness of the alumina tape is no greater than 100 micrometers.6. The roll of polycrystalline alumina tape of claim 5 , wherein the thickness of the alumina tape is no greater than 50 micrometers.7. The roll of polycrystalline alumina tape of claim 4 , wherein the alumina tape has fewer than 10 pin holes of a cross-sectional area of at least a square micrometer passing through the alumina tape claim 4 , per square millimeter of surface on average over a full surface of the alumina tape.8. The ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220059835A1

A method for producing a lithium-containing composite oxide, the method including: a first step of preparing a lithium hydroxide; a second step of heating a hydroxide containing nickel and a metal M1 other than lithium and nickel to 300° C. or higher and 800° C. or lower, to obtain a composite oxide containing the nickel and the metal M; a third step of mixing the lithium hydroxide and the composite oxide, to obtain a mixture; a fourth step of compression-molding the mixture, to obtain a molded body; and a fifth step of baking the molded body at 600° C. or higher and 850° C. or lower, to obtain a baked body. 1. A method for producing a lithium-containing composite oxide , the method comprisinga first step of preparing a lithium hydroxide;a second step of heating a hydroxide containing nickel and a metal M1 other than lithium and nickel to 300° C. or higher and 800° C. or lower, to obtain a composite oxide containing the nickel and the metal M1;a third step of mixing the lithium hydroxide and the composite oxide, to obtain a mixture;a fourth step of compression-molding the mixture, to obtain a molded body; anda fifth step of baking the molded body at 600° C. or higher and 850° C. or lower, to obtain a baked body.2. The method for producing a lithium-containing composite oxide according to claim 1 , whereinthe metal M1 includes cobalt and a metal M2 other than the cobalt, andthe metal M2 includes at least aluminum.3. The method for producing a lithium-containing composite oxide according to claim 2 , wherein the metal M2 further includes at least one selected from the group consisting of manganese claim 2 , tungsten claim 2 , niobium claim 2 , magnesium claim 2 , zirconium claim 2 , and zinc.4. The method for producing a lithium-containing composite oxide according to claim 2 , or wherein an atomic ratio of the nickel claim 2 , the cobalt claim 2 , and the metal M2 contained in the hydroxide is Ni:Co:M2=(1−x−y):x:y claim 2 , wherethe x satisfies 0.01 Подробнее

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046503A1

A medical use honeycomb structure having a plurality of through-holes extending in one direction, wherein an outer peripheral section of the medical use honeycomb structure has a through-hole groove formed by incomplete side walls of the through-hole, and a through-hole inlet adjacent to the through-hole groove. 1. A medical use honeycomb structure comprising a plurality of through-holes extending in one direction , whereinan outer peripheral section of the medical use honeycomb structure has a through-hole groove formed by scraping a side wall of the through-hole, and a through-hole inlet adjacent to the through-hole groove.2. The medical use honeycomb structure according to claim 1 , wherein an inclined surface which is inclined with respect to a penetrating direction of the through-hole is formed.3. The medical use honeycomb structure according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a length in a longitudinal direction to a length in a width direction of the through-hole groove is 1.5 or more.4. The medical use honeycomb structure according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the number of through-hole inlets to the number of through-holes in an outermost layer is 0.05 or more.5. The medical use honeycomb structure according to claim 1 , wherein the through-hole groove and the through-hole inlet are provided in at least an outermost layer and a second outer layer in an inner side thereof.6. (canceled)7. The medical use honeycomb structure according to claim 1 , wherein a piercing hole which pierces the side wall of the through-hole is provided.810-. (canceled)11. The medical use honeycomb structure according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of an outer peripheral side wall of the outer peripheral section is 300 μm or smaller.12. The medical use honeycomb structure according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a length in a longitudinal direction to a diameter of the through-hole is 3 or more.1315-. (canceled)16. The medical use honeycomb structure according to claim 1 , wherein ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047914A1

Acoustical tile including a dried base mat of: about 70 to about 90 wt % mineral wool; about 5 to about 15 wt % perlite; to about 10 wt % starch; about 3 to about 10 wt % latex; 0 to about 5 wt % gypsum; and less than 5 wt % water. The dried base mat without including glass fibers and without a laminate layer or coating and without perforations has a NRC of about 0.70 or greater, a density of about 10 pcf to about 12 pcf, and a thickness of about ½ to about 1 inch. The acoustical tile can further include a back coating at a surface weight of about 5 grams per square foot (gsf) to about 40 gsf to the dried base mat, wherein the acoustical tile has the CAC rating of about 30 to about 35. 1. An acoustical tile comprising a dried base mat comprising:about 70 wt % to about 90 wt % mineral wool;about 5 wt % to about 15 wt % perlite;0 wt % to about 10 wt % starch;about 3 wt % to about 10 wt % latex;0 wt % to about 5 wt % gypsum; andless than 5 wt % water, wherein the dried base mat has an absence of glass fibers; andwherein the dried base mat without a laminate layer, without a coating, and without perforations has a noise reduction coefficient (NRC) of about 0.70 or greater, a density of about 10 pounds per square foot (pcf) to about 12 pcf, and a thickness of about ½ inch to about 1 inch.2. The acoustical tile of claim 1 , further comprising a back coating and having a ceiling attenuation class (CAC) rating of about 30 to about 35.3. The acoustical tile of claim 1 , further comprising a face coating.4. The acoustical tile of claim 1 , wherein a face of the acoustical tile has perforations.5. The acoustical tile claim 1 , wherein the dried base mat claim 1 , without the laminate layer or coating and without the perforations claim 1 , has the NRC of about 0.80 or greater claim 1 , the density of about 11 pcf to about 12 pcf claim 1 , and the thickness of about 11/16 inch to about 13/16 inch.6. A process for manufacturing the acoustical tile of in a water felting process ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050212A1
Принадлежит: Heraeus Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG

One aspect relates to an apparatus comprising a ceramic body including a first surface and a further surface. The first surface is opposite the further surface, the first surface includes a first opening. The further surface includes a further opening. The first opening and the further opening are connected by a tunnel, which at least partly includes a tunnel filling and is occluded by the tunnel filling. The tunnel filling includes a first constituent, including a cermet, and a second constituent. The first and second constituents are electroconductingly connected to one another. The first constituent has a first electrical conductivity and the second constituent has a second electrical conductivity, which differs from the first by at least 5·10S/m. The ceramic body is characterized by a further electrical conductivity. The first electrical conductivity is more by at least 1·10S/m than the further electrical conductivity. 1. An apparatus comprising a ceramic body comprising a first surface and a further surface;wherein the first surface is opposite the further surface;wherein the first surface comprises a first opening;wherein the further surface comprises a further opening;wherein the first opening and the further opening are connected by a tunnel;wherein the tunnel at least partly comprises a tunnel filling and is occluded by the tunnel filling;wherein the tunnel filling comprises a first constituent and a second constituent;wherein the first constituent comprises a cermet;wherein the first constituent and the second constituent are electroconductingly connected to one another;wherein a surface of the tunnel filling that faces the further opening is at least partly a surface of the second constituent;wherein the first constituent is characterized by a first electrical conductivity;wherein the second constituent is characterized by a second electrical conductivity;wherein the ceramic body is characterized by a further electrical conductivity;{'sup': '5', 'wherein ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050386A1
Автор: Tallman James Albert

A component is formed from a component material introduced into a mold assembly. The mold assembly includes a mold that has a cavity defined therein by an interior wall. The cavity receives the component material in a molten state to form the component. A multiple component core assembly is positioned with respect to the mold and has a first core component attached to a second core component at a core split line. A core connection component is attached to each of the first and second core components at the core split line, such that the first core component is held adjacent the second core component at the core split line. The core connection component is formed from a connection component material that is at least partially absorbable by the component material. 1. A mold assembly for forming a component from a component material , said mold assembly comprising:a mold comprising an interior wall that defines a mold cavity within said mold, said mold cavity configured to receive the component material in a molten state therein; and a first core component;', 'a second core component separate from said first core component; and', 'a core connection component coupled to said first core component and said second core component, said core connection component formed from a connection component material configured to be absorbable by the component material, wherein said first core component is coupled adjacent said second core component at a core split line defined therebetween., 'a core assembly positioned with respect to said mold, said core assembly comprising2. The mold assembly in accordance with claim 1 , wherein at least one of said first core component and said second core component is fabricated from a core material different than said connection component material.3. The mold assembly in accordance with claim 2 , wherein said core material and said connection component material comprise a substantially similar thermal expansion coefficient.4. The mold assembly in ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059307A1
Автор: ROSINSKI Marcin

The object of the invention is a device intended for powder materials consolidation, provided with an operating chamber, press connected to high-current discharge electrodes top and bottom, with arranged therebetween the sintered powder subjected to the pressure exerted by the press. To the top and bottom electrode there is connected a capacitive circuit with a power supply unit, closed by a high-current switch being a transistor switch. The object of the invention is also a method of powder materials consolidation in the device according to the invention, wherein the powder material is subjected to simultaneous operation of pressure in the range of 1-200 MPa and consolidation by electric current pulses with intensity of 1-80 kA, repeated with frequency from the range of 0.1 Hz to 100 Hz, generated by opening and closing the transistor switch. 17. Device for powder materials consolidation , provided with operating chamber , press connected to the top electrode and the bottom electrode with accommodated in a die therebetween the consolidated powder to which the press exerts pressure , wherein to the top and bottom electrode there is connected a capacitive circuit with a power supply unit closed by a high-current switch , characterized in that the high-current switch is a transistor switch ().27. Device for powder consolidation according to claim 1 , characterized in that the transistor switch () comprises eight transistors connected in parallel.37. Device for powder consolidation according to or claim 1 , characterized in that the transistor switch () is adapted to forming rectangular pulses.47. Device for powder consolidation according to claim 3 , characterized in that the transistor switch () is adapted both to supply energy to the sintered set in form of short pulses with the same high amplitude and to supply the same energy in cyclic oscillatory fading waveform of capacitor battery discharge claim 3 , depending on the control signal waveform.5347606162. Device ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054655A1

The present disclosure provides a cement sintering device and a cement sintering method. The cement sintering device comprises an emitting module configured to emit laser to an irradiation area corresponding to the emitting module; a moving module configured to control the irradiation area of the emitting module to move so that the irradiation area covers a cement to be sintered and is moved along an extension direction of the cement; a detecting module configured to detect structural information about the cement covered by the irradiation area; and a control module configured to adjust operation parameters of the emitting module for emitting the laser based on the structural information. Based on the solution of the present disclosure, it is possible to achieve the effect of more accurately sintering. 1. A cement sintering device , comprising:an emitting module configured to emit laser to an irradiation area corresponding to the emitting module;a moving module configured to control the irradiation area of the emitting module to move so that the irradiation area covers a cement to be sintered and is moved along an extension direction of the cement;a detecting module configured to detect structural information about the cement covered by the irradiation area; anda control module configured to adjust operation parameters of the emitting module for emitting the laser based on the structural information.2. The cement sintering device according to claim 1 , wherein the moving module is further configured to move the irradiation area by moving the emitting module or by changing a laser emitting angle of the emitting module.3. The cement sintering device according to claim 1 , wherein the detecting module is further configured to detect a width of the cement covered by the irradiation area in a first direction and the first direction is perpendicular to the extension direction of the cement.4. The cement sintering device according to claim 3 , wherein the control module is ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074658A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A dielectric drying method for ceramic formed bodies includes drying a plurality of ceramic formed bodies placed side by side in an arrangement direction Y perpendicular to a conveying direction X on an upper surface of a drying table by conveying the ceramic formed bodies between electrodes of an upper electrode and a lower electrode, and applying a high frequency between the electrodes. The upper electrode includes: a central region; and two end regions between which the central region is located, in the arrangement direction Y. The central region has a flat surface portion parallel to an upper end surface of the ceramic formed body. Each of the two end regions has an inclined portion inclined toward the lower electrode side 1. A dielectric drying method for ceramic formed bodies , the method comprising drying a plurality of ceramic formed bodies placed side by side in an arrangement direction Y perpendicular to a conveying direction X on an upper surface of a drying table by conveying the ceramic formed bodies between electrodes of an upper electrode and a lower electrode , and applying a high frequency between the electrodes ,wherein the upper electrode comprises: a central region; and two end regions between which the central region is located, in the arrangement direction Y;wherein the central region has a flat surface portion parallel to an upper end surface of the ceramic formed body,wherein each of the two end regions has an inclined portion inclined toward the lower electrode side; andwherein a ratio L2/L1 is from 0 to 1.07, in which L1 is a shortest distance between the central region and the ceramic formed body, and L2 is a shortest distance between each end of the two end regions and the ceramic formed body.2. The dielectric drying method for ceramic formed bodies according to claim 1 , wherein an inclination starting point of each of the two end regions is located at the same position as an outer end of each of the ceramic formed bodies at both ends ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055135A1

Process for preparing alumina gel in a single precipitation step consisting of dissolving an aluminium precursor, aluminium chloride, in water, at a temperature of 10° C. to 90° C. such that the pH of the solution is from 0.5 to 5, for a period of 2 to 60 minutes, then adjusting the pH to 7.5 to 9.5 by adding a basic precursor, sodium hydroxide, to the solution obtained to obtain a suspension, at a temperature of 5° C. to 35° C., and for 5 minutes to 5 hours, followed by a filtration step, said process not comprising any washing steps. Also, novel alumina gel having a high dispersibility index, in particular a dispersibility index of more than 80%, a crystallite dimension of 0.5 to 10 nm, a chlorine content of 0.001% to 2% by weight and a sodium content of 0.001% to 2% by weight, the percentages by weight being expressed with respect to the total weight of the alumina gel. 1. An alumina gel having a dispersibility index of more than 80% , a crystallite dimension , obtained by the Scherrer X ray diffraction formula along the crystallographic directions [020] and [120] , respectively in the range 0.5 to 10 nm and in the range 0.5 to 15 nm , as well as a chlorine content in the range 0.001% to 2% by weight and a sodium content in the range 0.001% to 2% by weight , the percentages by weight being expressed with respect to the total weight of the alumina gel.2. The alumina gel as claimed in claim 1 , having a dispersibility index in the range 85% to 100%.3. The alumina gel as claimed in claim 2 , having a dispersibility index in the range 88% to 100%.4. A process for the preparation of an alumina gel as claimed in claim 1 , in a single precipitation step (a) consisting of dissolving an acidic aluminium precursor claim 1 , aluminium chloride claim 1 , in water claim 1 , at a temperature in the range 10° C. to 90° C. claim 1 , in a manner such that the pH of the solution is in the range 0.5 to 5 claim 1 , for a period in the range 2 to 60 minutes claim 1 , then adjusting ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057414A1

The subject matter disclosed herein relates generally to light-curable ceramic slurries, and more specifically, to hybrid binders for light-curable ceramic slurries. A light-curable ceramic slurry includes a hybrid binder having an organic resin component and a multi-functional reactive siloxane component that is miscible with the organic resin component. The slurry also includes a photoinitiator having a corresponding photoactivation wavelength range and ceramic particles. The slurry is cured via exposure to light in the photoactivation wavelength range of the photoinitiator such that both the organic resin component and the multi-functional reactive siloxane component of the hybrid binder polymerize. 1. A light-curable ceramic slurry , comprising: an organic resin component; and', 'a multi-functional reactive siloxane component that is miscible with the organic resin component;, 'a hybrid binder, comprisinga photoinitiator having a corresponding photoactivation wavelength range; andceramic particles, wherein the ceramic slurry is cured via exposure to light in the photoactivation wavelength range of the photoinitiator such that both the organic resin component and the multi-functional reactive siloxane component of the hybrid binder polymerize.2. The ceramic slurry of claim 1 , wherein the multi-functional reactive siloxane component and the organic resin component each homopolymerize to form interpenetrating polymer networks when cured.3. The ceramic slurry of claim 1 , wherein the multi-functional reactive siloxane component comprises more than two functional groups that polymerize when cured.4. The ceramic slurry of claim 1 , wherein the multi-functional reactive siloxane component remains substantially miscible with the organic resin component of the hybrid binder throughout curing claim 1 , and wherein multi-functional reactive siloxane component exclusively copolymerizes with the organic resin component of the hybrid binder when cured.5. The ceramic slurry ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210060816A1

A reduced weight, reduced density gypsum panel that includes high expansion vermiculite with fire resistance capabilities that are at least comparable to (if not better than) commercial fire rated gypsum panels with a much greater gypsum content, weight and density. 130.-. (canceled)31. A gypsum core disposed between cover sheets comprising:a crystalline matrix of set gypsum and high expansion particles, at least 50% of the high expansion particles having an average diameter greater than about 300 micrometers;the high expansion particles in an amount and distribution in the core effective to provide a High Temperature Shrinkage (S) in the X-Y direction of about 10% or less; and{'sup': '3', 'the gypsum core, when disposed between cover sheets in a panel, effective to provide the panel with a density (D) of about 40 pounds per cubic foot (640 kg/m) or less and a core hardness of at least about 11 pounds (50 N).'}32. The gypsum core according to claim 31 , wherein at least about 50% of the high expansion particles are greater than about 500 micrometers.33. The gypsum core of claim 31 , the high expansion particles in an amount and distribution in the core effective to provide a Thermal Insulation Index (TI) of about 20 minutes or greater.34. A gypsum core disposed between cover sheets comprising:a crystalline matrix of set gypsum and high expansion particles, at least 50% of the high expansion particles having an average diameter greater than about 300 micrometers;the high expansion particles in an amount and distribution in the core effective to provide a ratio of High Temperature Thickness Expansion (TE) to S (TE/S) of about 0.2 or more; and{'sup': '3', 'the gypsum core, when disposed between cover sheets in a panel, effective to provide the panel with a density (D) of about 40 pounds per cubic foot (640 kg/m) or less and a core hardness of at least about 11 pounds (50 N).'}35. The gypsum core according to claim 34 , wherein at least about 50% of the high expansion ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057911A1

Disclosed is a slag comprising, on a dry basis and expressed as the total of the metal present as elemental metal and the presence of the metal in an oxidized state, a) at least 7% wt and at most 49% wt of Fe, b) at most 1.3% wt of Cu, c) at least 24% wt and at most 44% wt of SiO, and d) at least 2.0% wt and at most 20% wt of CaO, characterised in that the slag comprises, on the same basis, e) at least 0.10% wt and at most 1.00% wt of Zn, f) at least 0.10% wt and at most 2.5% wt of MgO, and g) at most 0.100% wt of Pb. Further disclosed are an improved object comprising the slag, a process for the production of the slag, and a number of uses of the slag, whereby the slag may comprise up to at most 1.50% wt of zinc and down to 1.0% wt of CaO. 138-. (canceled)39. A slag comprising , on a dry basis and whereby the presence of a metal is expressed as the total of the metal present as elemental metal and the presence of the metal in an oxidized state ,a) at least 7% wt and at most 49% wt of iron, Fe,b) at most 1.3% wt of copper, Cu,{'sub': '2', 'c) at least 24% wt and at most 44% wt of silicon dioxide, SiO, and'}d) at least 2.0% wt and at most 20% wt of calcium oxide, CaO,characterized in that the slag comprises, on the same basis,e) at least 0.10% wt and at most 1.00% wt of zinc, Zn,f) at least 0.10% wt and at most 2.5% wt of magnesium oxide, MgO,{'sub': 2', '3, 'g) at least 4.0% wt and at most 12% wt of aluminium oxide, AlO, and'}h) at most 0.100% wt of lead, Pb.40. The slag according to claim 39 , further comprising claim 39 , on the same basis claim 39 , at least 9% wt and at most 63% wt of iron oxide claim 39 , FeO.41. The slag according to claim 39 , further comprising claim 39 , on the same basis claim 39 , at most 5% wt of sodium oxide claim 39 , NaO.42. The slag according to claim 39 , further comprising claim 39 , on the same basis claim 39 , at most 11.5% wt of aluminium oxide claim 39 , AlO.43. The slag according to comprising claim 39 , on the same basis ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055779A1

The invention relates to a porous zirconia article in particular for use in the dental or orthodontic field, the porous zirconia article comprising ZrO: 80 to 87 wt. %,YO: 3 to 5 wt. %, AIO: 10 to 14 wt. %, wt. % with respect to the weight of the porous zirconia article, the porous zirconia article being characterized by a BET surface from 15 to 100 m/g. The invention also relates to a sintered zirconia article in particular for use in the dental or orthodontic field, the sintered zirconia article comprising ZrO: 80 to 87 wt 5, YO: 3 to 5 wt. %), AIO: 10 to 14 wt. %, wt. %) with respect to the weight of the porous zirconia article, the sintered zirconia article being characterized by a corundum crystal phase content of 7 to 12 wt. %>and a flexural strength of at least 2,000 MPa. 2. The porous zirconia article of claim 1 , further being characterized by one or more of the following parameters:{'sub': '2', 'showing a Nadsorption and/or desorption isotherm with a hysteresis loop;'}{'sub': '2', 'showing a Nadsorption and desorption of isotherm type IV according to IUPAC classification and a hysteresis loop;'}{'sub': '2', 'showing a Nadsorption and desorption isotherm of type IV with a hysteresis loop of type H1 according to IUPAC classification; and'}{'sub': '2', 'showing a Nadsorption and desorption isotherm of type IV with a hysteresis loop of type H1 according to IUPAC classification in a p/p0 range of 0.70 to 0.99.'}3. The porous zirconia article of claim 1 , further comprising one or more of the following components:CaO in an amount less than or equal to 1 wt. %;MgO in an amount less than or equal to 1 wt. %;{'sub': '2', 'CeOin an amount less than or equal to 1 wt. %; and'}{'sub': 2', '3, 'LaOin an amount less than or equal to 1 wt. %;'}wherein wt. % is with respect to the weight of the porous zirconia article.4. A sintered zirconia article comprising:{'sub': '2', 'ZrO: 80 to 87 wt. %,'}{'sub': 2', '3, 'YO: 3 to 5 wt. %, and'}{'sub': 2', '3, 'AlO: 10 to 14 wt. %;'} ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Friable-resistant dielectric porcelain

Номер: US20140137814A1
Автор: Ira Knickerbocker
Принадлежит: Victor Insulators Inc

The present invention relates to a composition for forming a friable-resistant dielectric porcelain material. The present invention also relates to a friable-resistant dielectric porcelain material formed from the composition of the present invention, a method of making a friable-resistant dielectric porcelain material, a friable-resistant dielectric porcelain material formed by the method of the present invention, a dielectric porcelain material comprising a particular composition, and a system for producing ozone using the dielectric porcelain material of to the present invention.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061014A1

A coated cutting tool, comprising: a substrate made of a cubic boron nitride-containing sintered body; and a coating layer formed on the substrate, wherein the cubic boron nitride-containing sintered body includes 65 volume % or more and 85 volume % or less of cubic boron nitride, and 15 volume % or more and 35 volume % or less of a binder phase; the cubic boron nitride is in a form of particles, the particles having an average particle size from 1.5 μm or more to 4.0 μm or less; the coating layer includes a lower layer, and an upper layer formed on the lower layer; the lower layer contains particles each having a composition represented by (TiAl)N; the lower layer has an average thickness from 0.1 μm or more to 1.0 μm or less; the particles forming the lower layer have an average particle size from 0.01 μm or more to 0.05 μm or less; the upper layer contains particles each having a composition represented by (TiAl)(CN); and the upper layer has an average thickness from 1.0 μm or more to 5.0 μm or less. 2. The coated cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the particles forming the upper layer have an average particle size from 0.1 μm or more to 1.5 μm or less.4. The coated cutting tool according to claim 1 , whereina compound forming the upper layer is a cubic crystal; andin X-ray diffraction analysis, a ratio l (111)/l (200) between a peak intensity l (111) of a plane (111) of the upper layer, and a peak intensity l (200) of a plane (200) of the upper layer is more than 1 and 15 or less.5. The coated cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the coating layer has an average thickness from 1.5 μm or more to 6.0 μm or less.6. The coated cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the upper layer has a residual stress value from −3.0 GPa or higher to −0.1 GPa or lower.7. The coated cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the binder phase includes a compound formed of at least one metal element selected from the group consisting of Ti claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069673A1
Автор: Morris David Wyn

An electrosurgical instrument is manufactured by presenting an electrode, and attaching a sacrificial portion to the electrode to form a first electrode assembly. An insulating material is moulded over the first electrode assembly to form a second electrode assembly, and the second electrode assembly is subjected to a further process which is capable of removing the sacrificial portion without removing the insulating material. The sacrificial portion is removed to form at least one cavity within the electrosurgical instrument. 1. A method of manufacturing an electrosurgical instrument including:presenting an electrode,attaching a sacrificial portion to the electrode to form a first electrode assembly,moulding an insulating material over the first electrode assembly to form a second electrode assembly, andsubjecting the second electrode assembly to a further process which is capable of removing the sacrificial portion without removing the insulating material,the sacrificial portion being removed to form at least one cavity within the electrosurgical instrument.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the further process is a heat treatment process.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the sacrificial portion is removed to form a suction passage within the electrosurgical instrument.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the sacrificial portion is coated on to at least part of the electrode.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the sacrificial portion is moulded on to at least part of the electrode.6. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the sacrificial portion is formed of a plastics material.7. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the electrode includes a tissue treatment portion and a connection portion claim 1 , the insulating material is moulded into a component having a first portion and a second portion claim 1 , the first portion is moulded around the tissue treatment portion of the electrode claim 1 , and the second portion is moulded ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065274A1

A method for forming a ceramic object from a ceramic powder is provided. The ceramic powder is placed in a press. Pressure is applied to the ceramic powder with a pressure to cause consolidation of the ceramic powder. Ultrasonic energy is applied to the ceramic powder for at least a period of time during the applying pressure to the ceramic powder, forming the ceramic powder into a ceramic object. The applying pressure to the ceramic powder is ended. 1. A method for forming a ceramic object from a ceramic powder , comprising:placing the ceramic powder in a press;applying pressure to the ceramic powder with a pressure to cause consolidation of the ceramic powder;applying ultrasonic energy to the ceramic powder for at least a period of time during the applying pressure to the ceramic powder, forming the ceramic powder into a ceramic object; andending the applying pressure to the ceramic powder.2. The method claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , wherein the wherein the placing the ceramic powder in the press claim 1 , comprises:placing the ceramic powder in a mold; andplacing the mold in the press.3. The method claim 2 , as recited in claim 2 , wherein the press provides isostatic pressure claim 2 , wherein the applying pressure to the ceramic powder applies isostatic pressure to the ceramic powder.4. The method claim 3 , as recited in claim 3 , further comprising heating the ceramic powder to a temperature above 1000° C. during at least a period of time during the applying pressure to the ceramic powder.5. The method claim 4 , as recited in claim 4 , wherein the ceramic powder comprises aluminum oxide.6. The method claim 5 , as recited in claim 5 , wherein the ultrasonic energy is applied near the beginning of applying pressure and is terminated before ending the applying pressure.7. The method claim 6 , as recited in claim 6 , wherein the applying ultrasonic energy to the ceramic powder claim 6 , provides an ultrasonic energy power greater than 1 W/cm.8. The method claim ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065275A1

Systems for and methods of drying a wet skin of a wet skinned ceramic ware are disclosed. The wet skinned ceramic ware includes a dry interior web with an outer surface. The wet skin is disposed on the outer surface of the dry interior web. The method includes generating an airstream and then directing the airstream through a first end of the wet-skinned ceramic ware only through an annular portion of the interior web that is adjacent the outer surface of the interior web. The flow of the airstream through the annular portion of the interior web causes moisture in the wet skin to migrate inwardly toward the interior web. The moisture is removed from the annular portion of the interior web when the airstream exits a second end of the ceramic ware, thereby drying the skin from the inside out of the wet-skinned ceramic ware. 1. A method of drying an outer peripheral portion of a cellular ceramic ware , the ware comprising an interior web having walls that define a plurality of channels extending between first and second ends of the ware , the method comprising:preferentially directing a stream of gas into the interior web adjacent to the outer peripheral portion to preferentially dry an inner surface of the outer peripheral portion.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein no gas is directed to the outer surface of the outer peripheral portion.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein no gas is directed into at least one of the innermost channels of the interior web.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the gas is directed annularly into the interior web.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the preferential drying causes a liquid in the outer peripheral portion to migrate into one or more channels of the interior web.6. (canceled)7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the outer peripheral portion comprises a ceramic or a glass.8. (canceled)9. A method of drying a wet skin disposed on an outer surface of a cellular ceramic ware having first ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

A method of generating a mold and using it for printing a three-dimensional object

Номер: US20210069784A1
Принадлежит: Addleap AB, Desktop Metal Inc

This invention relates to three-dimensional printing. This invention in particular relates to a method of generating mold and printing a three-dimensional object. The mold thickness is controlled and holes are generated in the mold surface for releasing moisture easily. The mold surface having holes is designed initially digitally and then combined with the three-dimensional model before printing the three-dimensional object. In case the thickness of the mold surface is more then it reduces the overall quality of the three-dimensional object. When the model is enclosed inside the mold, there will be some residue moisture in the model even if the drying apparatus can improve this by drying layer by layer. This affects the final quality of the part. A solution of these problems is provided in the present invention. The thickness of the mold layer is between 0.5 to 1 mm and holes having 0.1 to 0.4 mm diameter. The holes are evenly distributed on the mold. The mold having the holes is prepared from which moisture can easily escape. A method of digitally generated a mold having thin layer and holes is used for fabricating three dimensional objects with high precision and quality.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210070095A1

Set comprising a plurality of covering elements for floors and/or walls, wherein each covering element comprises an upper surface having a pattern and at least one distressed upper edge, wherein at least two covering elements of the set comprises substantially the same pattern, and wherein the shape of the distressed upper edge differs in each covering element of the set. 117.- (canceled)18. A set comprising a plurality of covering elements for floors and/or walls , wherein each of the plurality of covering elements comprises an upper surface having a pattern and at least one distressed upper edge , wherein at least two covering elements of the set comprises substantially the same pattern , wherein the shape of the distressed upper edge differs in each covering element of the set.19. The set according to claim 18 , wherein each of the plurality of covering elements comprises a backing of ceramic material.20. The set according to claim 18 , wherein the at least one distressed upper edge of each of the plurality of covering elements of the set comprises the pattern.21. The set according to claim 18 , wherein at least two covering elements of the set comprise a relief structure on a central portion of the upper face claim 18 , and wherein the shape of the relief structures of at least two covering elements of the set is substantially the same.22. The set according to claim 21 , wherein the relief structure has characteristics corresponding to characteristics of the pattern.23. The set according to claim 18 , characterized in that each of the plurality of covering elements of the set comprises at least one coating layer on the upper face.24. The set according to claim 23 , wherein the at least one coating layer comprises a base coat capable of receiving the pattern on itself.25. The set according to claim 23 , wherein the at least one coating layer comprises a protective coat placed on top of the pattern.26. The set according to claim 23 , wherein the at least one ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140148329A1

A process for producing a honeycomb ceramic article includes providing a green honeycomb body including ceramic-forming materials and organic pore forming materials and subjecting the green honeycomb body to a firing cycle in a kiln in which steam is added to the kiln atmosphere in an amount from about 10% to about 100%, based on volume. Also provided are ceramic articles produced by the process. 1. A process for producing a honeycomb ceramic article , the process comprising:providing a green honeycomb body including inorganic ceramic-forming materials and organic pore forming materials;subjecting the green honeycomb body to a firing cycle in a kiln in which steam is added to the kiln atmosphere in an amount from about 10% to about 100%, based on volume.2. The process of wherein the addition of steam to the kiln atmosphere occurs at least during a portion of the firing cycle below about 1000° C.3. The process of wherein the inorganic ceramic-forming materials yield at least one of cordierite claim 1 , mullite claim 1 , aluminum-titanate claim 1 , silicon carbide claim 1 , or alumina when subjected to the firing cycle.4. The process of wherein the addition of steam to the kiln atmosphere occurs during a top soak portion of the firing cycle.5. The process of wherein the steam is mixed with air claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , nitrogen or mixtures thereof.6. The process of wherein a kiln temperature is increased from room temperature to at least about 800° C. at a rate of from about 50° C./hr to about 100° C./hr.7. The process of wherein a kiln temperature is decreased from a top soak temperature during the firing cycle at a rate of greater than about 50° C./hour.8. The process of wherein the kiln temperature is decreased from a top soak temperature during the firing cycle at a rate of greater than about 100° C./hour.9. The process of wherein the firing cycle is less than about 100 hours long.10. The process of wherein the firing cycle is less than about 65 hours long.11. ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Multi-Colored Ceramic Housings for an Electronic Device

Номер: US20180070463A1

A method of manufacturing a housing of an electronic device includes applying a mask to a portion of a ceramic green body to define a masked portion and an unmasked portion, applying a pigment to the ceramic green body to color the unmasked portion, and sintering the ceramic green body to remove the mask and form a ceramic housing. The ceramic housing may comprise a first portion corresponding to the masked portion and having a first color, and a second portion corresponding to the unmasked portion and having a second color different from the first color. 1. A housing for an electronic device , comprising: a ceramic structure having a thickness and defining an exterior surface of the housing;', 'a first pigment incorporated within a first portion of the ceramic structure; and', 'a second pigment different from the first pigment incorporated within the first portion of the ceramic structure and a second portion of the ceramic structure., 'a unitary housing component comprising2. The housing of claim 1 , wherein:the first portion of the ceramic structure has a first color corresponding to the first pigment; andthe second portion of the ceramic structure has a second color corresponding to the second pigment.3. The housing of claim 2 , wherein the first pigment occludes the second pigment that is incorporated within the first portion of the ceramic structure to produce the first color.4. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the second pigment is substantially uniformly distributed throughout the ceramic structure.5. The housing of claim 4 , wherein the first pigment is substantially uniformly distributed throughout the first portion of the ceramic structure.6. The housing of claim 4 , wherein the first pigment reaches a depth in the first portion of the ceramic structure that is less than the thickness of the ceramic structure.7. The housing of claim 1 , wherein:the first pigment has a first concentration in the first portion of the ceramic structure; andthe first pigment ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220088960A1
Принадлежит: Graf S.p.A.

The procedure for tile () decoration comprises the following phases: 11) Procedure for tile () decoration , wherein said procedure comprises at least the following phases:{'b': ['2', '3'], '#text': 'providing at least one ceramic article () in raw material, provided with at least one flat surface to be decorated ();'}{'b': ['4', '3'], '#text': 'depositing thoroughly at least one decorative powder () on said flat surface to be decorated ();'}{'b': ['4', '3', '5', '6'], '#text': 'fixing said decorative powder () to said flat surface to be decorated () by means of radiation-emitting fixing means (), according to a predefined drawing ();'}{'b': ['4', '7'], '#text': 'removing said decorative powder () in excess to obtain a decorated ceramic article ();'}{'b': ['7', '1'], '#text': 'firing said decorated ceramic article () in a kiln to obtain a tile ().'}218) Procedure for tile () decoration according to claim 1 , wherein said phases are carried out continuously on a feeding forward line () which extends along a sliding direction (D).3146) Procedure for tile () decoration according to claim 1 , wherein said procedure comprises the repetition of said phases of depositing claim 1 , fixing and removing with different decorative powders () and/or different predefined drawings ().414) Procedure for tile () decoration according to claim 1 , wherein said procedure comprises the repetition of said phases of depositing claim 1 , fixing and removing to make overlapping layers of decorative powder () to obtain a material effect.51411) Procedure for tile () decoration according to claim 1 , wherein said decorative powder () comprises powdered compounds ().6111) Procedure for tile () decoration according to claim 5 , wherein said powdered compounds () are selected from the list comprising: ceramic pigments claim 5 , sands and clays claim 5 , glass claim 5 , quartz claim 5 , or a combination thereof.7143) Procedure for tile () decoration according to claim 1 , wherein said depositing ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089498A1

A multicolor light-storing ceramic for fire-protection indication and a preparation method thereof are provided. The preparation method includes: adding a glass based raw material, a light-storing powder, a dispersant and an alumina powder into a granulator, adding water mixed with a pore-forming agent and then mechanically stirring for granulation; adding a plasticizer after the stirring of 4˜8 h, and continuing the stirring for 1˜3 h to thereby obtain a mixture; packing the mixture into a mold and performing tableting; demolding and obtaining a light-storing self-luminous quartz ceramic by drying and firing using a kiln; printing a pattern onto a surface of the ceramic and then curing to obtain a light-storing ceramic for indication sign. Using an industrial waste glass has advantages of low sintering temperature and green environmental protection; dispersed pores and alumina introduced as scattering sources improves light absorption efficiency, fluorescence output phase ratio and light transmission of the ceramic. 1. A preparation method of a multicolor light-storing ceramic for fire-protection indication , comprising:step (1) adding a glass based raw material, a light-storing powder, a dispersant and an alumina powder into a granulator, adding water mixed with a pore-forming agent into the granulator, and then mechanically stirring for granulation by the granulator; adding a plasticizer into the granulator after the stirring of 4˜8 hours (h), and continuing the stirring for 1˜3 h to thereby obtain a mixture; wherein a stirring speed of the stirring is in a range from 100 radians per minute (rad/min) to 300 rad/min, and the glass based raw material comprises a recycled float glass waste or a recycled industrial waste glass;step (2) packing the mixture obtained in the step (1) into a mold, performing tabletting to the mixture packed into the mold by an automatic tablet presser, and then demolding to obtain a green body and subsequently delivering the green body to ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073274A1
Автор: Koszo Sandor

A fly ash composition including fly ash and a plasticizing agent and being in a powder form is disclosed. The plasticizing agent is capable of binding the fly ash particles in the fly ash composition together on pressing of the fly ash composition. Processes of forming shaped articles containing fly ash may utilize the fly ash composition and/or mixtures containing fly ash and have low water content and may exhibit sufficient green strength to be handled by industrial equipment. 1. A fly ash composition comprising fly ash and a plasticising agent , the composition being in a powder form , and wherein the fly ash composition includes greater than 70% fly ash by dry weight of the composition , and wherein the plasticising agent being capable of binding the fly ash particles in the fly ash composition together on pressing of the fly ash composition.2. A fly ash composition according to claim 1 , wherein the average particle size of composition is less than 50 micron.3. A fly ash composition according to claim 1 , wherein the plasticising agent is at least partially coated on the fly ash particles.4. A fly ash composition according to claim 1 , wherein the fly ash composition includes from 70 to 95% fly ash by dry weight of the composition.5. A fly ash composition according to claim 1 , wherein the plasticising agent comprises aluminium silicate with substantial rheological properties.6. A fly ash composition according to any preceding claim claim 1 , wherein the fly ash has a LOI value of less than 2%.7. A fly ash composition according to claim 1 , wherein the water content in the fly ash composition is less than 3 wt % of the total weight of the composition.8. A fly ash composition according to claim 1 , wherein the plasticising agent is capable of binding the fly ash particles in the composition together on pressing of the composition when the water content in the composition is at least 4 wt %.9. A fly ash composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071583A1

A polycrystalline cubic boron nitride, PCBN, material is provided. The material comprises between 30 and 90 weight percent cubic boron nitride (cBN) and a matrix material in which the cBN particles are dispersed. The matrix material comprises particles of an aluminium compound; the matrix material particles having a d50 when measured using a linear intercept technique of no more than 100 nm. 1. A method of making a polycrystalline cubic boron nitride , PCBN , material , the method comprising:mixing matrix precursor particles comprising particles having an average particle size no greater than 100 nm, the matrix precursor particles comprising an aluminium compound, with between 30 and 90 weight percent of cubic boron nitride, cBN, particles having an average particle size of at least 0.2 μm;sintering the mixed particles at a temperature of no less than 1000° C. and no more than 2200° C., and a pressure of at least 6 GPa to form the PCBN material comprising particles of cBN dispersed in a matrix material wherein the matrix material particles have a d75 when measured using an equivalent circle diameter technique of no more than 100 nm.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the matrix material further comprises titanium compounds of any of carbon and nitrogen.3. The method according to any one of or claim 1 , wherein the matrix material comprises any of titanium carbonitride claim 1 , titanium carbide claim 1 , titanium nitride claim 1 , titanium diboride claim 1 , aluminium nitride and aluminium oxide.4. The method according to or claim 1 , further comprising sintering at a temperature selected from any one of no more than 1700° C. claim 1 , no more than 1600° C. claim 1 , no more than 1500° C. claim 1 , no more than 1400° C. and no more than 1300° C.5. The method according to or claim 1 , wherein the step of intimately mixing the matrix powder and the cBN powder comprises any of wet acoustic mixing claim 1 , dry acoustic mixing and attrition milling.6. The ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220096214A1
Принадлежит: DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc.

The invention relates to a method () and to a corresponding system () for providing a dental prosthesis () made from ceramic material () having a colour matched to the patient comprising the following steps:—receiving () a desired nominal colour for the dental prosthesis (), determining () a deviation between the nominal colour and actual colour of the sintered ceramic material () by the control unit () and defining () a temperature time cycle havoing a cycle time (TH), suitable for compensation of the deviation, for sintering at a defined sintering temperature (TS) and creating a corresponding sintering program () by the control unit (); and—adjusting () the actual colour of the selected ceramic material () to the nominal colour () in the sintering furnace () by the sintering program () executed by the sintering furnace (). 1. A method for providing a dental prosthesis for a patient which is made from a ceramic material having a colour matched to a patient situation , wherein a sintering furnace for sintering the ceramic material and a control unit for controlling the sintering furnace are used for carrying out the following steps:receiving a desired nominal colour for the dental prosthesis by the control unit;determining a deviation between the nominal colour and actual colour of the sintered ceramic material by the control unit;defining a temperature-time cycle, suitable for compensation of the deviation, for sintering at a defined sintering temperature and creating a corresponding sintering program having a cycle time individually defined for the ceramic material to be sintered by the control unit; andadjusting the actual colour of the ceramic material to the nominal colour in the sintering furnace by the sintering program created by the control unit and executed by the sintering furnace.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein it is ensured when defining the cycle time that the defined cycle time for adjusting the actual colour to the nominal colour exceeds ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098112A1

The present disclosure relates to the manufacture of ceramic products by aqueous gelcasting. Exemplary ceramic products include sanitary ware, such as toilets and sinks. The process includes a slurrying step, a mixing step, a molding step involving aqueous gelcasting, a drying step, a glazing step, and a firing step. 1. A ceramic product having a formulation comprising:at least one mineral oxide;at least one alkali aluminosilicate mineral configured to serve as a fluxing agent to reduce the melting point of the formulation; andcolloidal silica.2. The ceramic product of claim 1 , wherein the at least one mineral oxide of the formulation includes silica and alumina.3. The ceramic product of claim 1 , wherein the at least one alkali aluminosilicate mineral of the formulation includes Feldspar or Nepheline Syenite.4. The ceramic product of claim 1 , wherein the formulation is a slurry comprising water.5. The ceramic product of claim 4 , wherein the at least one mineral oxide of the formulation constitutes about 10 wt. % to about 88 wt. % of the slurry.6. A formulation having a solid portion claim 4 , the formulation comprising:silica, wherein at least a portion of the silica comprises colloidal silica;alumina, wherein the alumina constitutes at least 15 wt. % of the solid portion; andat least one fluxing agent.7. The formulation of claim 6 , wherein the at least one fluxing agent is sourced from an alkali aluminosilicate mineral.8. The formulation of claim 7 , wherein the alkali aluminosilicate mineral is Feldspar.9. The formulation of claim 7 , wherein a portion of the silica and a portion of the alumina is sourced from the alkali aluminosilicate mineral.10. The formulation of claim 6 , wherein the formulation is a slurry further comprising a liquid portion.11. A ceramic product having the formulation of .12. A formulation comprising:a majority of silica and alumina, wherein at least a portion of the silica comprises colloidal silica; anda minority of at least one ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098121A1
Принадлежит: Denka Company Limited

A method for manufacturing a single sheet-type green sheet includes a transporting step of transporting a strip-shaped green sheet that contains ceramic along a longitudinal direction thereof, and an irradiation step of irradiating the transported strip-shaped green sheet with a laser beam to cut the strip-shaped green sheet, thereby obtaining a single sheet-type green sheet. 1. A method for manufacturing a single sheet-type green sheet comprising an irradiation step of irradiating a strip-shaped green sheet that contains ceramic with a laser beam to cut the strip-shaped green sheet to obtain a single sheet-type green sheet.2. The method for manufacturing a single sheet-type green sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the laser beam with which the strip-shaped green sheet is irradiated in the irradiation step is emitted from an irradiation portion that emits a carbon dioxide laser beam.3. The method for manufacturing a single sheet-type green sheet according to claim 1 , further comprising a transporting step of transporting the strip-shaped green sheet to the irradiation step along a longitudinal direction of the strip-shaped green sheet.4. The method for manufacturing a single sheet-type green sheet according to claim 3 , further comprising a step of performing doctor blade molding or extrusion molding on a slurry containing ceramic powder to have a strip shape to obtain the strip-shaped green sheet claim 3 , the step being performed before the transporting step.5. The method for manufacturing a single sheet-type green sheet according to claim 4 , wherein the ceramic powder includes silicon nitride powder or aluminum nitride powder.6. A method for manufacturing a silicon nitride sintered body comprising heating and sintering the single sheet-type green sheet that is manufactured by the method for manufacturing a single sheet-type green sheet according to to obtain a silicon nitride sintered body.7. A single sheet-type green sheet having a laser cut surface on at ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200078980A1
Принадлежит: Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC

Gypsum panels and methods of making the same are provided. A method of making a gypsum panel includes forming a first gypsum slurry by combining stucco, water, a siliconate, and a phosphate salt or polymer, and setting the first gypsum slurry to form at least part of a core of the gypsum panel, wherein the gypsum panel displays a 2-hour water absorption test weight increase of at least 10 weight percent less than an otherwise identical comparative panel containing no phosphate salt or polymer in its core. 1. A method of making a gypsum panel , comprising:forming a first gypsum slurry by combining stucco, water, a siliconate, and a phosphate salt or polymer; andsetting the first gypsum slurry to form at least part of a core of the gypsum panel,wherein the gypsum panel displays a 2-hour water absorption test weight increase of at least 10 weight percent less than an otherwise identical comparative panel containing no phosphate salt or polymer in its core.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the phosphate salt or polymer comprises sodium trimetaphosphate (STMP) claim 1 , sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) claim 1 , ammonium polyphosphate (APP) claim 1 , polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) claim 1 , a hydrophobic latex claim 1 , or a dispersible polymer powder comprising a styrene/maleic acid copolymer claim 1 , a styrene-butadiene copolymer claim 1 , a styrene-acrylate claim 1 , an acrylate claim 1 , or a terpolymer of ethylene claim 1 , vinyl chloride and vinyl laurate.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the siliconate is present in the first gypsum slurry in an amount of 3 lb/msf to about 50 lb/msf claim 1 , for a gypsum panel having a thickness of about ¼ inch to about 1 inch.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the siliconate is present in the first gypsum slurry in an amount of from about 10 lb/msf to about 30 lb/msf claim 1 , for a gypsum panel having a thickness of about ¼ inch to about 1 inch.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first gypsum slurry further comprises siloxane6. ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200078983A1

The present invention provides a method of producing a honeycomb structured body having excellent mechanical strength. The present invention relates to a method of producing a honeycomb structured body including a honeycomb fired body in which multiple through-holes are arranged longitudinally in parallel with one another with a partition wall therebetween, the method including: a raw material mixing step of preparing a raw material paste containing ceria-zirconia composite oxide particles, alumina particles, an inorganic binder, and alumina fibers; a molding step of molding the raw material paste into a honeycomb molded body in which multiple through-holes are arranged longitudinally in parallel with one another with a partition wall therebetween; a drying step of drying the honeycomb molded body obtained in the molding step; and a firing step of firing the honeycomb molded body dried in the drying step into a honeycomb fired body, wherein the percentage of amorphous alumina fibers in the alumina fibers for use in the raw material mixing step is 50 to 100 wt %. 1. A method of producing a honeycomb structured body including a honeycomb fired body in which multiple through-holes are arranged longitudinally in parallel with one another with a partition wall therebetween , the method comprising:a raw material mixing step of preparing a raw material paste containing ceria-zirconia composite oxide particles, alumina particles, an inorganic binder, and alumina fibers;a molding step of molding the raw material paste into a honeycomb molded body in which multiple through-holes are arranged longitudinally in parallel with one another with a partition wall therebetween;a drying step of drying the honeycomb molded body obtained in the molding step; anda firing step of firing the honeycomb molded body dried in the drying step into a honeycomb fired body,wherein the percentage of amorphous alumina fibers in the alumina fibers for use in the raw material mixing step is 50 to 100 ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200078984A1

The present invention provides a method of producing a honeycomb structured body having excellent mechanical strength. The present invention relates to a method of producing a honeycomb structured body including a honeycomb fired body in which multiple through-holes are arranged longitudinally in parallel with one another with a partition wall therebetween, the method including: a raw material mixing step of preparing a raw material paste containing ceria-zirconia composite oxide particles, alumina particles, an inorganic binder, and inorganic fibers; a molding step of molding the raw material paste into a honeycomb molded body in which multiple through-holes are arranged longitudinally in parallel with one another with a partition wall therebetween; a drying step of drying the honeycomb molded body obtained in the molding step; and a firing step of firing the honeycomb molded body dried in the drying step into a honeycomb fired body, wherein the raw material mixing step includes pre-mixing of the inorganic binder and the inorganic fibers. 1. A method of producing a honeycomb structured body including a honeycomb fired body in which multiple through-holes are arranged longitudinally in parallel with one another with a partition wall therebetween , the method comprising:a raw material mixing step of preparing a raw material paste containing ceria-zirconia composite oxide particles, alumina particles, an inorganic binder, and inorganic fibers;a molding step of molding the raw material paste into a honeycomb molded body in which multiple through-holes are arranged longitudinally in parallel with one another with a partition wall therebetween;a drying step of drying the honeycomb molded body obtained in the molding step; anda firing step of firing the honeycomb molded body dried in the drying step into a honeycomb fired body,wherein the raw material mixing step includes pre-mixing of the inorganic binder and the inorganic fibers.2. The method of producing a honeycomb ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079966A1
Принадлежит: PhotoCentriC Limited

This invention relates to a method for making a three-dimensional (3D) image by additive manufacturing or 3D printing. Specifically, it describes techniques that enable custom parts consisting of sand, metal or ceramic particles to be made with the rigid orientation of the object governed by the selective photopolymerisation of an organic binder. The organic binder has a high viscosity. 1. A particulate mixture for forming 3-dimensional objects when exposed to visible light , the mixture comprising:a liquid photopolymer formulation; anda plurality of particles;wherein the photopolymer formulation comprises:at least one monomeric or oligomeric chemical species each comprising at least one carbon-carbon double bond which is polymerisable by free radical polymerisation present in a total amount of from 40 to 98% by weight;at least one organometallic or metallocene photoinitiator present in a total amount of from 0.1 to 10% by weight;at least one coinitiator present in a total amount of from 0.5 to 20% by weight; andwherein the components of the photopolymer formulation are selected such that the viscosity of the photopolymer formulation is greater than 800 cPs.2. A particulate mixture of claim 1 , wherein the total amount of photoinitiator present in the photopolymer formulation is from 0.5 to 2.5% by weight.3. A particulate mixture of claim 1 , wherein the photoinitiator is a titanocene; optionally wherein the photoinitiator is bis(η-2 claim 1 ,4-cyclopentadien-1-yl)-bis(2 claim 1 ,6-difluoro-3-(1H-pyrrol-1-yl)-phenyl) titanium.4. A particulate mixture of claim 1 , wherein the total amount of coinitiator present in the photopolymer formulation is from 1 to 10% by weight.5. A particulate mixture of claim 1 , wherein the coinitiator is a thiol coinitiator.6. A particulate mixture of claim claim 1 , wherein the at least one monomeric or oligomeric chemical species each comprising at least one carbon-carbon double bond which is polymerisable by free radical polymerisation ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210086397A1
Принадлежит: SINTOKOGIO, LTD.

A stage mechanism for use in an additive manufacturing device for forming a three-dimensional shaped object by stacking layers, which are formed by a layer forming unit, on a layer-by-layer basis, the stage mechanism including a porous plate configured to adhere a flexible sheet by vacuum suction and a base supporting the porous plate and having a space defined inside of the base, and an inlet port configured to connect the space and a decompression device, wherein the base moves up and down relative to the layer forming unit of the additive manufacturing device so that the shaped object is formed on the flexible sheet adhered, by vacuum suction, to the porous plate, and a pore diameter of the porous plate is less than the thickness of the flexible sheet. 1. A stage mechanism for use in an additive manufacturing device for forming a three-dimensional shaped object by stacking layers , which are formed by a layer forming unit , on a layer-by-layer basis , the stage mechanism comprising:a porous plate configured to adhere a flexible sheet by vacuum suction; anda base supporting the porous plate and having a space defined inside of the base, and an inlet port configured to connect the space and a decompression device,wherein the base moves up and down relative to the layer forming unit of the additive manufacturing device so that the shaped object is formed on the flexible sheet adhered, by vacuum suction, to the porous plate, anda pore diameter of the porous plate is less than the thickness of the flexible sheet.2. The stage mechanism according to claim 1 , further comprising a drive unit configured to move up and down the base.3. The stage mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein the layer forming unit forms the layer by irradiating a raw material containing a photocurable resin supplied on the flexible sheet claim 1 , with light.4. The stage mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein the layer forming unit forms the layer by jetting a raw material containing a resin ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140165573A1
Автор: Krusch Claus

A process for producing refractory ceramics (K) for use as heat shield in the hot gas path of gas turbine plants: introducing a casting composition into a component casing mold for the refractory ceramic (K), closing the casting mold so that the casting composition is under a defined static pressure after closure; orienting vibration of the casting mold in the direction (V) of a normal (N) to a surface of the refractory ceramic (K) to be produced, and subsequently removing the casting from the mold and firing the cast component. 1. A process for producing refractory ceramics for use as a heat shield in the hot gas path of gas turbine plants , comprising the steps of:filling a component casting mold for the refractory ceramic with a casting composition;closing the casting mold, so that the casting composition is under a defined static pressure after closing; anddirectionally vibrating the closed casting mold in a direction (V) of a normal (N) to a surface of the refractory ceramic to be produced in the mold so that the ceramic component meets particular quality requirements for use as a heat shield; andsubsequently demolding and then firing of the cast component.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising providing a casting composition such that after being produced the surface of the refractory ceramic that meets the particular quality requirements is the hot gas side (HS) of the cast component of the refractory ceramic (K).3. The process as claimed in claim further comprising:repeating the step of directionally vibrating in a respective vibration direction selected for each of further surfaces of the refractory ceramic to be produced.4. A heat shield for a gas turbine plant claim 1 , comprised of at least one refractory ceramic that is produced by the process as claimed in . The invention relates to a process for producing refractory ceramics for use as a heat shield in the hot gas path of gas turbine plants according to the preamble of claim .Gas ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Cement Containing Forms with Insulating Properties

Номер: US20180086667A1
Автор: Prante Franklin

Various cement-containing forms and related compositions and methods are disclosed herein. Some cement-containing forms disclosed in this application include cement and expanded polystyrene. The cement forms, in some cases, are formed by a process that involves combining cement and expanded polystyrene with one or more liquids that interact with the expanded polystyrene to improve adhesion between the cement and the expanded polystyrene. The resulting forms may provide insulating properties. Some of the disclosed cement-containing forms and compositions may also have a relatively low density in comparison with other cement-containing compositions. 1. A cement-containing form comprising:cement; andexpanded polystyrene;wherein the cement-containing form has a resistive strength of greater than 700 psi.2. The cement-containing form of claim 1 , wherein the cement-containing form is substantially devoid of sand claim 1 , gravel claim 1 , and rock.3. The cement-containing form of claim 2 , wherein the ratio of expanded polystyrene to cement is greater than 3:1 by volume.4. The cement-containing form of claim 2 , wherein the ratio of expanded polystyrene to cement is greater than 4:1 by volume.5. The cement-containing form of claim 1 , wherein the expanded polystyrene comprises polystyrene beads of less than ¼ inch in diameter.6. The cement-containing form of claim 1 , wherein the cement comprises calcium oxide and silica.7. The cement-containing form of claim 1 , further comprising one or more of acrylic enamel claim 1 , acrylic urethane claim 1 , and acrylic lacquer.8. The cement-containing form of claim 7 , wherein the one or more of acrylic enamel claim 7 , acrylic urethane claim 7 , and acrylic lacquer are less than 5% of the cement-containing form by volume.9. The cement-containing form of claim 1 , further comprising one or more of ether claim 1 , methylene chloride claim 1 , methyl ethyl ketone claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,-diethenyl benzene claim 1 , benzene ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Method and device for providing ingredient data for a prosthesis

Номер: US20220133448A1
Принадлежит: Gratitude Holding BV

A method is provided for providing a set of ingredients for manufacturing of a dental prosthesis covering. The method comprises receiving a background colour value providing information on a colour of a background substrate on which the prosthesis is to be provided, receiving an appearance colour value providing information on an appearance colour of the prosthesis and receiving a thickness value providing information on a thickness of the dental prosthesis covering. In an electronic memory, a first ingredient record is looked up comprising first ingredient value, based on the measured background value and the measured appearance colour value. The first ingredient values are adjusted in an electronic processor adjusted based on the thickness value and through electronic output means, the adjusted ingredient data is provided. By adjusting ingredients for thickness, a more natural appearance may be achieved.

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Process for manufacturing boron nitride agglomerates

Номер: US20200087517A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Ceramics and Plastics Inc

Disclosed are methods for forming boron nitride-containing aggregates that exhibit improved wear by attrition, and resulting filled polymers that exhibit significantly improved thermal conductivity. The boron nitride-containing aggregates are prepared according to a method that includes wet granulating boron nitride powder with a granulation solution to form wet boron nitride-containing granules; and drying the wet boron nitride-containing granules to cause evaporation of solvent in the granulation solution, thereby forming boron nitride-containing granules. Sintering achieves the desired boron nitride-containing aggregates.

09-04-2015 дата публикации

High temperature strength, corrosion resistant, accident tolerant nuclear fuel assembly grid

Номер: US20150098546A1
Автор: Edward J. Lahoda, Peng Xu
Принадлежит: Westinghouse Electric Co LLC

The invention pertains to a nuclear fuel assembly grid or a portion or a part of the grid, such as a grid strap and/or an integral flow mixer that is at least partially constructed of a composition containing one or more ternary compounds of the general formula I: M n+1 AX n   (I) wherein, M is a transition metal, A is an element selected from the group A elements in the Chemical Periodic Table, X is carbon or nitrogen, and n is an integer from 1 to 3. The invention further pertains to a method of making the nuclear fuel assembly grid or a portion of a part of the grid, by employing a sintering process to sinter the composition containing one or more ternary compounds in powder form such that the resulting grid or a portion of or a part of the grid includes a plurality of sintered layers

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094886A1

A ceramic absorber for damping, in particular absorbing, vibrations, in particular combustion vibrations, preferably in gas turbines, which has a foam structure. For the ceramic absorber, the sound absorption capacity is set in a defined way and the efficiency is improved. The foam structure is based on a ceramic powder which contains either a component from the class of silicates or a component from the class of oxides, or a combination of a component from the class of silicates and a component from the class of oxides, and the foam structure has a homogeneous pore distribution. 122.-. (canceled)23. A process for producing a ceramic absorber , comprising:providing a ceramic powder,producing a slip and wherein the slip is foamed to generate a foam and a homogeneous pore distribution in the foam structure is generated,wherein the ceramic powder is provided using a combination of at least one component from the class of the silicates and at least one component from the class of the oxides,wherein the ceramic powder is provided with a proportion of the component or components from the class of the silicates within a range from fifty percent by weight to sixty percent by weight and,wherein, correspondingly, a proportion of the component or components from the class of the oxides within a range from forty percent by weight to fifty percent by weight.24. The process as claimed in claim 23 ,wherein the silicates and/or the oxides have different particle sizes when more than one component is used, where the mass ratio of a component having coarser particles to a component having finer particles is sixty to eighty percent by mass to, correspondingly, forty to twenty percent by mass,especially a mass ratio of seventy percent by mass to thirty percent by mass, or a mass ratio of fifty to seventy percent by mass to, correspondingly, fifty to thirty percent by mass,especially a mass ratio of sixty percent by mass to forty percent by mass.25. The process as claimed in claim 23 , ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180093391A1
Принадлежит: RELIGN Corporation

An arthroscopic or other surgical cutter has features which facilitate fabrication by ceramic molding. The arthroscopic cutter includes a cutter body having a longitudinal axis and a window, an interior channel, and a plurality of cutting edges extending radially outwardly from an outer surface thereof. The features include non-helical, longitudinally aligned cutting edges, controlled thicknesses of the cutting edges, controlled heights of the cutting edges, controlled areas of the windows, controlled diameters of the internal channels, controlled rake angles of the cutting edges, and other parameters. 1. A mold assembly for fabricating a ceramic surgical cutter member including a ceramic body having an outer surface , a longitudinal axis , a distal cutting portion with cutting edges , and a proximal shaft portion with a window that opens to an interior channel , said method comprising:a main body mold component having (1) an internal mold cavity configured to receive a flowable material comprising a ceramic to form the outer surface of the ceramic cutter body, (2) a window aperture, and (3) an interior passage aperture;a first core pin which is configured to pass through the widow aperture in the mold component to form the window of the ceramic cutter body;a second core pin which is configured to pass through the interior channel aperture in the mold to form the interior channel of the ceramic cutter body;wherein the interior channel aperture is oriented to align the second core pin axially through the mold component and the window aperture is oriented to align the first core pin laterally through the mold component so that a distal end of the first core pin engages a side of the second core pin to connect the window of the ceramic cutter body to the interior passage of the ceramic cutter body so that tissue may be drawn through the window into the interior passage of a ceramic cutter body formed by the mold assembly.2. The mold assembly of wherein the main body ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180098411A1
Автор: Bernstein Jonathan J.

A bi-directional device for generating or absorbing atoms or ions. In some embodiments, the device comprises a solid-phase ion-conducting material, a first electrode positioned on a first surface of the solid-phase ion-conducting material, and a second electrode positioned on a second surface of the solid-phase ion-conducting material. The first electrode includes a plurality of triple phase boundaries, each located at an interface between the solid-phase ion-conducting material and the first electrode. A density of the triple phase boundaries is in the range of about 10m/mto about 2×10m/mon the first surface of the ion-conducting material. A method of operating the bi-directional device and a method of fabricating a bi-directional device are also provided. 1. A bi-directional device for generating or absorbing atoms or ions , the device comprising:a solid-phase ion-conducting material, the solid-phase ion-conducting material including an element selected from the group consisting of an alkali metal, an alkaline earth metal, and a rare earth metal;a first electrode positioned on a first surface of the solid-phase ion-conducting material;a second electrode positioned on a second surface of the solid-phase ion-conducting material;a plurality of triple phase boundaries, each triple phase boundary located at an interface between the solid-phase ion-conducting material and the first electrode; and{'sup': 4', '2', '7', '2, 'a density of the triple phase boundaries in the range of about 10m/mto about 2×10m/mon the first surface of the ion-conducting material.'}2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first electrode covers less than 10% of the first surface.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first electrode covers less than 3% of the first surface.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first electrode includes a plurality of contiguous ion-conducting particles disposed on the first surface claim 1 , the plurality of contiguous ion-conducting particles leaving contiguous ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190099942A1

A method for producing a component layer-by-layer include the steps of: depositing a layer of particulate material having a first area over a build platform; applying a radiant-energy-curable binder to the layer so that a selected portion of the first area is uniformly coated with binder; selectively curing a second area of the layer smaller than the selected portion of first area, using an application of radiant energy in a specific pattern that defines the geometry of a cross-sectional layer of the component; and repeating the steps of depositing, applying, and curing for a plurality of layers until the component is complete. 1. A method for producing a component layer-by-layer , comprising the steps of:depositing a layer of particulate material having a first area over a build platform;applying a radiant-energy-curable binder to the layer so that a selected portion of the first area is uniformly coated with binder;selectively curing a second area of the layer smaller than the selected portion of first area, using an application of radiant energy in a specific pattern that defines the geometry of a cross-sectional layer of the component; andrepeating the steps of depositing, applying, and curing for a plurality of layers until the component is complete.2. The method of wherein the selected portion comprises a majority of the first area.3. The method of wherein the selected portion comprises a shape which roughly approximates a perimeter of the cross-sectional layer of the component.4. The method of wherein the particulate material is applied such that the particulate material in at least one of the layers has a different composition then the particulate material in another one of the layers.5. The method of at least one of the layers is divided into two or more portions claim 1 , and the particulate material is applied such that the particulate material in at least one of the portions has a different composition then the particulate material in another one of the ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200098966A1
Автор: SADAYORI Naoki

A semiconductor sintered body comprising a polycrystalline body, wherein the polycrystalline body comprises silicon or a silicon alloy, and the average grain size of the crystal grains constituting the polycrystalline body is 1 μm or less, and the electrical conductivity is 10,000 S/m or higher. 1. A semiconductor sintered body comprising a polycrystalline body ,wherein the polycrystalline body includes silicon or a silicon alloy,an average particle size of crystal grains forming the polycrystalline body is 1 μm or less, andthe semiconductor sintered body has an electrical conductivity of 10,000 S/m or higher.2. The semiconductor sintered body according to claim 1 , comprising one or more dopants selected from phosphorus claim 1 , arsenic claim 1 , antimony claim 1 , and bismuth.3. The semiconductor sintered body according to claim 1 , comprising one or more dopants selected from boron claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , gallium claim 1 , indium claim 1 , and thallium.4. The semiconductor sintered body according to claim 1 , having a Seebeck coefficient of −150 to 50 μV/K.5. An electrical/electronic member comprising the semiconductor sintered body according to .6. A method of producing a semiconductor sintered body comprising:a step of preparing particles including silicon or a silicon alloy and having an average particle size of 1 μm or less;a step of forming a coating including a dopant element, on a surface of the particles, anda step of sintering the particles with the coating formed on the surface to obtain a semiconductor sintered body.7. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the dopant element comprises one or more selected from phosphorus claim 6 , arsenic claim 6 , antimony claim 6 , and bismuth.8. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the dopant element comprises one or more selected from boron claim 6 , aluminum claim 6 , gallium claim 6 , indium claim 6 , and thallium.9. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the step of sintering is performed at a ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180104848A1

A manufacturing system includes a tape advancing through the manufacturing system and a station of the manufacturing system. The tape includes a first portion having grains of an inorganic material bound by an organic binder. The station of the manufacturing system receives the first portion of the tape and prepares the tape for sintering by chemically changing the organic binder and/or removing the organic binder from the first portion of the tape, leaving the grains of the inorganic material, to form a second portion of the tape and, at least in part, prepare the tape for sintering. 1. A manufacturing system , comprising:a tape advancing through the manufacturing system, the tape including a first portion having grains of an inorganic material bound by an organic binder; anda station of the manufacturing system that receives the first portion of the tape and prepares the tape for sintering by chemically changing the organic binder and/or removing the organic binder from the first portion of the tape, leaving the grains of the inorganic material, to form a second portion of the tape and thereby at least in part prepare the tape for sintering.2. The manufacturing system of claim 1 , wherein at an instant the tape simultaneously extends to claim 1 , through claim 1 , and from the station such that at the instant the tape includes the first portion continuously connected to the second portion.3. The manufacturing system of claim 1 , wherein the station chars or burns at least most of the organic binder claim 1 , in terms of weight claim 1 , from the first portion of the tape without sintering the grains of the inorganic material.4. The manufacturing system of claim 3 , wherein the station comprises an active heater to char or burn at least most of the organic binder from the first portion of the tape as the tape interfaces with the station to form the second portion of the tape.5. The manufacturing system of claim 4 , wherein the active heater includes heating zones ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210122082A1
Принадлежит: RELIGN Corporation

An arthroscopic or other surgical cutter has features which facilitate fabrication by ceramic molding. The arthroscopic cutter includes a cutter body having a longitudinal axis and a window, an interior channel, and a plurality of cutting edges extending radially outwardly from an outer surface thereof. The features include non-helical, longitudinally aligned cutting edges, controlled thicknesses of the cutting edges, controlled heights of the cutting edges, controlled areas of the windows, controlled diameters of the internal channels, controlled rake angles of the cutting edges, and other parameters. 1a main body mold component having (1) an internal mold cavity configured to receive a flowable material comprising a ceramic to form the outer surface of the ceramic cutter body, (2) a window aperture, and (3) an interior passage aperture;a first core pin which is configured to pass through the widow aperture in the mold component to form the window of the ceramic cutter body;a second core pin which is configured to pass through the interior channel aperture in the mold to form the interior channel of the ceramic cutter body;wherein the interior channel aperture is oriented to align the second core pin axially through the mold component and the window aperture is oriented to align the first core pin laterally through the mold component so that a distal end of the first core pin engages a side of the second core pin to connect the window of the ceramic cutter body to the interior passage of the ceramic cutter body so that tissue may be drawn through the window into the interior passage of a ceramic cutter body formed by the mold assembly.. A mold assembly for fabricating a ceramic surgical cutter member including a ceramic body having an outer surface, a longitudinal axis, a distal cutting portion with cutting edges, and a proximal shaft portion with a window that opens to an interior channel, said method comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Extruded Cement Based Materials

Номер: US20170113971A1

An extrudable cement-based material formed from a mixture that includes cement, water, gypsum, secondary materials, reinforcement fibers and rheology modifying agent. The extrudable cement-based material is a lightweight material that has a density in the range of about 1.4 to 2.4 g/cm, a compressive strength in the range of about 5 to 100 MPa, and a flexural strength in the range of about 5 to 35 MPa. Note that the cement may contain gypsum such that the gypsum is not added to the mixture. 1. An extrudable cement-based material formed from a mixture comprising:a cement in the range of about 0.1 to 88% by wet weight percent;a gypsum in the range of about 0.1 to 88% by wet weight percent;a secondary material in the range of about 0.1 to 50% by wet weight percent;a reinforcement fiber in the range of about 0.5 to 20% by wet weight percent;a rheology modifying agent in the range of about 0.5 to 10% by wet weight percent;a water in the range of 10 to 60% of a total wet material weight; andthe mixture is extrudable.2. The extrudable cement-based material as recited in claim 1 , wherein the cement contains the gypsum and the gypsum is not added to the mixture.3. The extrudable cement-based material as recited in claim 1 , the mixture having a clay-like consistency.4. The extrudable cement-based material as recited in claim 1 , wherein:the secondary material comprising sand, silica fume, fumed silica, fly ash, slag, rock, cellulose fiber, glass fiber, plastic fiber, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fiber, or a combination thereof;the reinforcement fiber comprising cellulose fiber, glass fiber, polypropylene fiber, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fiber, Dolanit fiber, or a combination thereof; andthe rheology modifying agent comprising a polysaccharide, a polysaccharide derivative, a protein, a protein derivative, a synthetic organic material, a synthetic organic material derivative, or a combination thereof.59-. (canceled)10. The extrudable cement-based material as recited in claim 1 , ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113972A1

A dried or at least partially dried ceramic feedstock, a method of preparing a dried or at least partially dried ceramic feedstock having a residual solvent content of up to about 15 wt. %, ceramic formulations comprising one or more ceramic precursors, temperature sensitive gelling agent, solvent, and having a viscosity suitable for low pressure injection molding, methods for preparing said ceramic formulations, a method of forming a ceramic article from said ceramic formulations, and a ceramic article obtainable therefrom. 1. A ceramic formulation comprising one or more ceramic precursors , a temperature sensitive gelling agent , and a solvent , wherein the ceramic formulation has a solids concentration of at least 50 vol. % and a viscosity of not more than 10 Pa·s at a shear rate of 100 sat a temperature greater than the gel point of the gelling agent.2. A ceramic feedstock comprising one or more ceramic precursors and a temperature sensitive gelling agent , wherein the ceramic feedstock is dried or at least partially dried and has a solvent content of up to about 15 wt. % , based on the total weight of the ceramic feedstock.3. A ceramic feedstock according to claim 2 , wherein the feedstock is obtainable by a method comprising:preparing, obtaining or providing a ceramic slurry comprising one or more ceramic precursors, a temperature sensitive gelling agent, and a solvent; andtreating the ceramic slurry to obtain a dried or at least partially dried ceramic feedstock having a residual solvent content of up to about 15 wt. %, based on the total weight of the ceramic feedstock.4. A ceramic feedstock according to in powder claim 2 , granulated or pelletized form.5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. A ceramic feedstock according to claim 3 , wherein the ceramic slurry is prepared by a process comprising:mixing the one or more ceramic precursors with solvent and heating;separately dissolving gelling agent in solvent; andmixing the one or more ceramic precursors with solvent ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Mould for a Skimmer Box Lid

Номер: US20170120475A1

A mould for a skimmer box lid includes a mould body having a floor and a sidewall extending from the floor. The sidewall defines a side of a mould cavity in which a settable material can be received. A slot member projects from the floor and into the mould cavity. The slot member defines a passage with a transverse cross-section that is elongate and has a width of less than 10 mm. 1. A mould for a skimmer box lid , the mould comprising:a mould body including a floor and a sidewall extending from the floor, the sidewall defining a side of a mould cavity in which a settable material can be received; anda slot member that projects from the floor and into the mould cavity, the slot member defining a passage with a transverse cross-section that is elongate and has a width of less than 10 mm.2. The mould as claimed in claim 1 , in which the slot member and the sidewall have substantially the same height claim 1 , measured from the floor.3. The mould as claimed in claim 1 , in which the floor is planar and the sidewall extends from a periphery of the floor.4. The mould as claimed in claim 3 , in which the floor spans the sidewall so that one side of the mould body is closed.5. The mould as claimed in claim 4 , in which the slot member is positioned centrally with respect to the floor.6. The mould as claimed in claim 4 , in which the slot member is offset from a centre of the floor.7. The mould as claimed in claim 1 , in which the floor has an opening so that the settable material can be introduced into the mould cavity through the opening claim 1 , with the sidewall positioned against a substrate so that the mould cavity is defined between the floor and the substrate.8. The mould as claimed in claim 7 , in which the floor has two openings of substantially the same size with the slot member positioned centrally on part of the floor interposed between the openings.9. The mould as claimed in claim 7 , in which the floor has two openings of different sizes with the slot member ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160128837A1

Ceramic components for replacing joint surfaces, and methods for production thereof. In particular, the invention relates to ceramic joint surface implants which completely or partially replace natural cartilage. 116.-. (canceled)17. A ceramic joint surface implant comprising:a component with at least a first unit and a second unit;wherein the first unit comprises a tribological surface which is suitable for articulation, andwherein the second unit comprises a ceramic which is porous at least in some regions.18. The ceramic joint surface implant according to claim 17 , wherein the first unit comprises a dense ceramic.19. The ceramic joint surface implant according to claim 17 , wherein the second unit has a surface which is osseointegrative.20. The ceramic joint surface implant according to claim 18 , wherein the tribological surface has a curvature.21. The ceramic joint surface implant according to claim 20 , wherein a surface of the second unit opposite the tribological surface of the first unit is likewise curved.22. The ceramic joint surface implant according to claim 17 , wherein the implant has a mushroom shape claim 17 , wherein the cap of the mushroom comprises the tribological surface and the stem of the mushroom serves for fastening in the bone.23. The ceramic joint surface implant according to claim 17 , wherein the implant has a ceramic thread so that the implant can be screwed into the bone.24. The ceramic joint surface implant according to claim 17 , wherein the implant has an osseointegrative coating.25. The ceramic joint surface implant according to claim 24 , wherein the osseointegrative coating comprises at least one member selected from the group consisting of sputtered titanium claim 24 , a biofunctional surface claim 24 , a bioglass claim 24 , hydroxyapatite and tricalciumphosphate.26. A method for producing a ceramic joint surface implant claim 24 , wherein the ceramic joint surface implant comprises at least a first and a second unit claim 24 ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180126591A1

A method of impregnating a fiber texture of hollow shape, the method including introducing a first suspension containing a first powder of solid particles of ceramic or carbon material into an inside volume defined by an inside face of a fiber texture of hollow shape placed in a mold, an outer face of the fiber texture being presented facing a wall of the mold; and using the action of centrifugal force to impregnate the fiber texture with the first suspension by causing the mold to rotate and varying the speed of rotation of the mold during the impregnation of the texture with the first suspension. 1. A method of impregnating a fiber texture of hollow shape , the method comprising:introducing a first suspension containing a first powder of solid particles of ceramic or carbon material into an inside volume defined by an inside face of a fiber texture of hollow shape placed in a mold, an outer face of the fiber texture being presented facing a wall of the mold; andusing the action of centrifugal force to impregnate the fiber texture with the first suspension by causing the mold to rotate and varying the speed of rotation of the mold during the impregnation of the fiber texture with the first suspension.2. A method of impregnating a fiber texture of hollow shape , the method comprising:introducing a first suspension containing a first powder of solid particles of ceramic or carbon material into an inside volume defined by an inside face of a fiber texture of hollow shape placed in a mold, an outer face of the fiber texture being presented facing a wall of the mold;using the action of centrifugal force to impregnate the fiber texture with the first suspension by causing the mold to rotate;after the fiber texture has been impregnated with the first suspension, introducing a second suspension into the inside volume, the second suspension including solid particles of ceramic or carbon material, and being different from the first suspension; andusing the action of ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129135A1

A method for ambient temperature injection molding of ceramic bodies, including combining ceramic powder, water, and dispersant to yield a first admixture, combining water and water soluble polymer to yield a second admixture, combining the first and second admixture to yield a homogeneous slurry, flowing the homogeneous slurry into a mold to yield a molded green body, and removing the green body from the mold, all of which are performed at room temperature. The slurry exhibits yield psuedoplastic flow characteristics and contains more than 50 weight percent ceramic powder and less than 5 weight percent water soluble polymer. 1. A method for injection molding , comprising:a) combining ceramic powder, water, dispersant and water soluble polymer to yield a slurry;b) injecting the slurry into a mold to yield a shaped slurry pseudobody;c) drying the shaped slurry psuedobody to yield a green body; andd) removing the green body from the mold;wherein steps a), b), c) and d) are performed at room temperature.2. The method of and further comprising:e) machining the green body to a desired finished shape.3. The method of and further comprising:f) calcining the green body to remove binder to yield a calcined body; andg) sintering the calcined body to yield a dense body.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the slurry contains more than 50 weight percent ceramic powder; and wherein the slurry contains less than 5 weight percent water soluble polymer.5. The method of wherein the ceramic powder is alumina and wherein the water soluble polymer is polyvinylpyrrolidone.6. The method of wherein the alumina powder has an average particle size of about 0.5 mm and wherein the alumina powder has a BET surface area of about 7.8 m/gm.7. The method of wherein the slurry resists flow as a solid until sufficient shear force is applied to urge the slurry to flow as a liquid.8. A method for ambient temperature injection molding of ceramic bodies claim 1 , comprising:a) combining ceramic powder, ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129814A1

The invention concerns a batch for manufacturing a refractory ceramic product, a method for applying a gunning mass or casting mass to a surface, a method for manufacturing a refractory ceramic product, a refractory ceramic product as well as the use of a batch. 1. A batch for manufacturing a refractory ceramic product , comprising the following components in the following proportions by weight , respectively with respect to the total weight of the product:50% to 99.5% by weight of fused magnesia;0 to 50% by weight of sintered magnesia;{'sub': 2', '3, '0.5% to 5% by weight of a chromium oxide component in the form of at least one raw material based on CrO; wherein'}at least 90% by weight of the chromium oxide component has a grain size of at most 50 μm, with respect to the total weight of the chromium oxide component.2. The batch as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least 90% by weight of the fused magnesia has a maximum grain size of 5.0 mm with respect to the total weight of the fused magnesia.3. The batch as claimed in claim 1 , with a chromium oxide component in the form of at least one of the following chromium oxide raw materials: ultrapure synthetic chromium oxide raw material or chromium oxide raw material with a proportion of CrOof at least 90% by weight with respect to the chromium oxide raw material.4. A method comprising: 50% to 99.5% by weight of fused magnesia;', '0 to 50% by weight of sintered magnesia;', {'sub': 2', '3, '0.5% to 5% by weight of a chromium oxide component in the form of at least one raw material based on CrO; wherein'}, 'at least 90% by weight of the chromium oxide component has a grain size of at most 50 μm, with respect to the total weight of the chromium oxide component; and, 'providing a batch, wherein the batch comprises the following components in the following proportions by weight, respectively with respect to the total weight of the productapplying the batch to a surface.5. A method for manufacturing a refractory ceramic ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220274876A1

Methods of preparing a cementitious structure for carbon dioxide (CO) sequestration are provided. The cementitious structure may be a cast in a mold. First, a cementitious composite material comprising binder and water is conditioned, for example, in a mold by exposing the cementitious composite material to ≥about 50% to ≤about 80% relative humidity for ≥about 3 hours to ≤about 24 hours. The cementitious composite material is then dried to remove ≥about 10% by weight of initial water in the cementitious composite material. The cementitious structure formed is capable of a carbon dioxide uptake level of greater than or equal to about 6% by weight binder. The cementitious structure has a tensile strain capacity of ≥about 1% and a uniaxial tensile strength of ≥about 1 MPa. The method may also include carbonating the cementitious structure, following by an optional further hydration process. 1. A method of preparing a cast cementitious structure for carbon dioxide sequestration , the method comprising:conditioning a cementitious composite material comprising a binder and water in a mold by exposing the cementitious composite material to greater than or equal to about 50% relative humidity to less than or equal to about 80% relative humidity for a duration of greater than or equal to about 3 hours to less than or equal to about 24 hours; and{'sub': '2', 'removing the cementitious composite material from the mold and drying the cementitious composite material to remove greater than or equal to about 10% by weight of initial water in the cementitious composite material to form the cast cementitious structure capable of a carbon dioxide (CO) uptake level of greater than or equal to about 6% by weight of the binder, wherein the cast cementitious structure has a tensile strain capacity of greater than or equal to about 1% and a uniaxial tensile strength of greater than or equal to about 1 MPa.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tensile strain capacity is optionally ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Process for Forming Sintered Ceramic Bodies Having Improved Properties

Номер: US20190127284A1

A method is provided for making ceramic bodies having improved properties, such as optical and/or strength properties in which the ceramic bodies are densified by new sintering processes. The sintering profiles may have shorter run times than conventional sintering processes. Ceramic bodies made by these methods are suitable for use in dental applications, for example, as crowns. 1. A method for forming a sintered ceramic body comprising i. in a first heating stage, heating the sintering oven containing the bisque stage ceramic body to a first temperature that is from 1300° C. to 1700° C. for an optional first dwell time between 0 minutes and 10 minutes, and lowering the first temperature at least 25° C. to a second temperature;', 'ii. in a second heating stage wherein the second temperature is from 1000° C. to 1500° C., holding the second temperature for a second dwell time of at least 2 minutes; and', 'iii. in a third heating stage, increasing the second temperature at least 25° C. to a third temperature from 1400° C. to 1700° C. for an optional third dwell time between 0 minutes and 20 minutes before cooling in a cooling stage., 'heating a bisque stage ceramic body in a heating chamber of a sintering oven, comprising'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein heating to the first temperature comprises a ramp rate of 0.5° C./minute to 60° C./minutes.3. The method of claim 1 , comprising a preliminary heating stage that precedes the first heating stage claim 1 , having a preliminary heating temperature that is from 1000° C. to 1350° C. claim 1 , and that is lower than the first temperature.4. The method of claim 1 , comprising a ramp rate of 1° C./minute and 60° C./minutes from the second temperature and the third temperature.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second dwell time is from 2 minutes to 120 minutes.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first and third temperatures are 50° C. to 450° C. higher than the second temperature.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210162626A1

A waveguide includes a body of material having a width, a thickness, and a length, where the width is orthogonal to the thickness, and the length is orthogonal to the thickness and the width. The material includes polycrystalline ceramic that is transmissive such that the body is configured as a waveguide. The thickness is no more than 5 millimeters and at least 20 nanometers, the width is greater than or equal to the thickness, and the length is at least 100 times greater than the width. The body of material has a granular profile such that grains of the material protrude generally outward from a surface of the body with a height of at least 25 nanometers and no more than 100 micrometers relative to recessed portions of the surface of the body at boundaries between the grains. 1. A waveguide , comprising:a body of material having a width, a thickness, and a length, wherein the width is orthogonal to the thickness, and the length is orthogonal to the thickness and the width,wherein the material comprises polycrystalline ceramic;wherein the polycrystalline ceramic is transmissive such that the body is configured as a waveguide;wherein the thickness is no more than 5 millimeters and at least 20 nanometers;wherein the width is greater than or equal to the thickness;wherein the length is at least 100 times greater than the width;wherein the body of material has a granular profile such that grains of the material protrude generally outward from a surface of the body with a height of at least 25 nanometers and no more than 100 micrometers relative to recessed portions of the surface of the body at boundaries between the grains.2. The waveguide of claim 1 , wherein the surface of the body has claim 1 , on average claim 1 , fewer than 15 surface defects from adhesion or abrasion with a dimension greater than 15 micrometers per square centimeter.3. The waveguide of claim 1 , wherein the height that the grains protrude is at least 50 nanometers and no more than 80 micrometers ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Method for producing a part from composite material by injecting a filled slip into a fibrous texture

Номер: US20220281134A1
Принадлежит: Safran Aircraft Engines SAS

A manufacturing method for a composite material part includes injecting under pressure a slip containing a refractory ceramic particle powder into the moulding cavity of an injection tooling, draining the liquid from the slip that passed through the moulding cavity and retaining the particle powder inside the moulding cavity to obtain a blank including refractory particles, demoulding the blank, and heat treating the blank to form a part. The injection tooling includes a porous material mould consisting of a moulding cavity, an enclosure of rigid material in which the porous material mould is held, the enclosure further including an injection port, a discharge vent and an injection canal connecting the injection port to the moulding cavity of the porous mould for the injection of the slip into the moulding cavity. The injection tooling includes a sacrificial capsule of porous material placed in moulding cavity.

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220281136A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A method for producing a conductive honeycomb structure includes: a forming step of extruding a forming raw material to obtain a honeycomb formed body; a drying step of drying the honeycomb formed body to obtain a honeycomb dried body; and a firing step of firing the honeycomb dried body to obtain a honeycomb fired body. The forming step includes controlling a volume fraction of a portion that can form pores of the honeycomb formed body so that an absolute value of a difference in the volume fraction of the portion that can form the pores in predetermined regions of the honeycomb formed body relative to a previously set, predetermined porosity of the honeycomb fired body is within 0.5%. The predetermined porosity is a porosity preset for each of the predetermined regions of the honeycomb fired body. 1. A method for producing a conductive honeycomb structure , the method comprising:a forming step of extruding a forming raw material containing a conductive ceramic raw material to obtain a honeycomb formed body, the honeycomb formed body comprising: an outer peripheral wall; and a partition wall disposed on an inner side of the outer peripheral wall, the partition wall defining a plurality of cells to form a flow passage extending from one end face to the other end face;a drying step of drying the honeycomb formed body to obtain a honeycomb dried body; anda firing step of firing the honeycomb dried body to obtain a honeycomb fired body, 'wherein the predetermined porosity is a porosity preset for each of the predetermined regions in a cross section perpendicular to a flow passage direction of the cells of the honeycomb fired body.', 'wherein the forming step comprises a step of controlling a volume fraction of a portion that can form pores of the honeycomb formed body so that an absolute value of a difference in the volume fraction of the portion that can form the pores in predetermined regions of the honeycomb formed body relative to a previously set, predetermined ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150147184A1

A process of producing a ceramic matrix composite turbine bucket, an insert for a ceramic matrix composite turbine bucket, and a ceramic matrix composite turbine bucket are disclosed. The process includes providing a bucket preform having a dovetail cavity, the dovetail cavity being enclosed within a dovetail shank of the bucket preform, positioning an insert within the dovetail cavity, then forming the ceramic matrix composite turbine bucket in a furnace. The insert includes a geometry configured to be fit within a dovetail cavity of the ceramic matrix composite turbine bucket, a bucket preform, or both. The insert is foam material or a plurality of ceramic matrix composite plies. The ceramic matrix composite turbine bucket includes a dovetail shank and a dovetail cavity enclosed within the dovetail shank. The dovetail cavity is arranged and disposed for receiving an insert. 1. A process of producing a ceramic matrix composite turbine bucket , the process comprising:providing a bucket preform having a dovetail cavity, the dovetail cavity being enclosed within a dovetail shank of the bucket preform;positioning an insert within the dovetail cavity; thenforming the ceramic matrix composite turbine bucket in a furnace.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising fabricating the insert prior to positioning the insert within the dovetail cavity.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein positioning the insert within the dovetail cavity further comprises providing a material for the insert to the dovetail cavity claim 1 , then setting the material to form the insert within the dovetail cavity.4. The process of claim 1 , further comprising removing the insert after the forming.5. The process of claim 4 , further comprising positioning a material in the dovetail cavity after the removing of the insert claim 4 , the material differing from the insert.6. The process of claim 4 , further comprising claim 4 , after the removing of the insert claim 4 , permitting air to remain in the ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210169184A1
Принадлежит: Comadur SA

A method for manufacturing a jewel of the polycrystalline type, in particular for a timepiece, the jewel including, for example, poly-ruby of the type al2O3Cr or Zirconia of the type ZrO2, the method including a first step of producing a precursor, and a second step of pressing the precursor in order to form a body, the pressing being carried out using a pressing device provided with an upper die and a lower die defining a pressing space in which the precursor is disposed, the device being provided with a wire passing through at least part of the lower die to open out into the pressing space, the lower die being capable of sliding about the wire, the pressing taking place by bringing the lower die and the upper die closer to one another to form a body comprising a bottom face provided with a hole. 1104040721821308202216252120171625161781622303732. A method () for manufacturing a jewel () of the polycrystalline type , in particular for a timepiece , the jewel () comprising , for example , poly-ruby of the type al2O3Cr or Zirconia of the type ZrO2 , the method comprising a first step () of producing a precursor () , a second step () of pressing the precursor () in order to form a body () , the pressing () being carried out using a pressing device () provided with an upper die () and a lower die () defining a pressing space () in which the precursor () is disposed , the device () being provided with a wire () passing through at least part of the lower die () to open out into the pressing space () , the lower die () being capable of sliding about the wire () , the pressing () taking place by bringing the lower die () and the upper die () closer to one another to form a body () comprising a bottom face () provided with a hole ().281622. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the pressing () is carried out by displacing the lower die () towards the upper die ().3822. The method according to claim 1 , wherein during pressing () claim 1 , a substantially planar top face ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Plated polymers with intumescent compositions and temperature indicators

Номер: US20160145447A1
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

A plated polymer component is disclosed. The plated polymer component may comprise a polymer support, a metal plating deposited on a surface of the polymer support, and at least one flame-retardant additive included in the polymer support. In another aspect, the plated polymer component may comprise a polymer substrate, a metal plating deposited on a surface of the polymer substrate, and a temperature-indicating coating applied to at least one of of the polymer substrate.

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136765A1

A durable light weight, high temperature acoustic CMC liner system. A thin ceramic matrix composite skin, also referred to as a facesheet, forms an outer layer of a cell in the CMC liner system, forming the boundary with the flow of hot gases in the exhaust. A backplate forms the opposite boundary for the cell. The truss structure is formed between the backplate and the facesheet and provides the cell with strength. When the CMC system replaces the metal liner, the backplate thickness is increased so that it is about the thickness of the liner system that it replaces. The truss structure extends between the backplate and the facesheet, forming channels or volumetric spaces. These channels or volumetric spaces are filled with high temperature air permeable acoustic materials that attenuate sound propagated by cooling air in the acoustic range. 1. A CMC liner system , comprising:a duct;a plurality of cells, each cell further comprising a high temperature structure having a fillable volume within the structure;a material having attenuation capabilities in the acoustic range occupying the fillable volume within the structure, andan attachment device securing each of the plurality of cells to the duct.2. The CMC liner system of wherein the attachment device includes a mechanical fastener system.3. The CMC liner system of wherein the mechanical fastener system includes a bolt and a washer claim 2 , the bolt extending through each cell and the duct.4. The CMC liner system of wherein the attachment device includes a high temperature chemical adhesive system.5. The CMC liner system of wherein a passageway extends between the duct and the plurality of cells claim 1 , the passageway forming a path for cooling air.6. The CMC liner system of further including a first set of apertures in the structure for channeling cooling air from the passageway into cells of the plurality of cells.7. The CMC liner system of including a second set of apertures in the structure for channeling ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180141235A1

A method for the additive production of a ceramic main part has the following steps: providing a slip of ceramic base material particles suspended in a liquid phase; producing a slip layer; orienting the radiation of a laser light source onto a section of the slip layer; evaporating liquid phase out of the slip layer in the section of the slip layer onto which the radiation of the laser light source is oriented or was oriented; forming a section of the ceramic main part in the slip layer in a sinter-free manner; optionally repeating the steps of producing a slip layer, orienting the radiation, evaporating the liquid phase, and forming a section of the main part in a sinter-free manner until the ceramic main part is provided; and separating the ceramic main part from the slip. 121-. (canceled)22. A process for the additive manufacture of a green ceramic body , the process comprising:providing a slip formed with particles of a structure-forming ceramic material suspended in a liquid phaseproducing a slip layer;directing radiation from a laser light source onto a slip-layer section;vaporizing liquid phase from the slip layer in the slip-layer section onto which the radiation from the laser light source is or has been oriented;sinter-free forming a section of the green ceramic body in the slip layer;optionally repeating the steps of producing, directing, vaporizing and sinter-free forming until the green ceramic body is obtained; andsubsequently separating the green ceramic body from the slip.23. The process according to claim 22 , further comprising drying the green ceramic body.24. The process according to claim 22 , wherein a proportion of the structure-forming ceramic material in the slip is at least 60% by volume.25. The process according to claim 22 , wherein a proportion of organic and/or inorganic auxiliaries in the slip does not exceed 5% by volume.26. The process according to claim 22 , wherein a proportion of organic auxiliaries in the slip does not exceed 3% ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Method of Manufacturing a Zirconium Dioxide Green Body with Color and Translucency Gradients

Номер: US20220289632A1

The invention relates to a method of manufacturing a ceramic molding, comprising the following steps: a) providing three or more ceramic powder layers that are arranged in layers, one on top of the other, to form a compression-molded element and sintering the compression-molded element obtained in step b) to form a ceramic molding, characterized in that the ceramic powder layers have different compositions, each ceramic powder layer comprising a mixture of at least two different base powders and each base powder containing at least 80 wt. % ZrOand at least 0.02 wt. % AlO, each weight amount being relative to the total weight of the constituents of the base powder. 1. A process for preparing a sintered molding with a color gradient for use in the preparation of dental restorations , comprising the steps of:a) mixing at least three different base powders for preparing ceramic powder layer mixtures;b) stacking the ceramic powder layer mixtures obtained in step a) to form at least 5 stacked ceramic powder layers, each powder layer being different;c) pressing the stacked ceramic powder layers to form a compression molding; and{'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'd) sintering the molding obtained in step c) to form a ceramic molding, wherein each ceramic powder layer includes a mixture of at least three different base powders, and said base powders each include at least 80% by weight ZrO, and include at least 0.02 to 0.1% AlO, the indicated weights being respectively based on the total weight of the components of the base powder.'}2. The process according to claim 1 , characterized in that at least one of the base powders includes YOand/or ErOin an amount of at least 3% by weight based on the total weight of the components of the base powder.3. The process according to claim 1 , characterized in that at least one of the base powders includes coloring metal oxides.4. The process according to claim 1 , characterized in that at least one of the base powders includes zirconia claim 1 , and/ ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220289635A1

A method for preparing a carbon/boron carbide composite material includes the following steps (A) providing a carbon compound, a carbon fiber, a boron compound and a binder to perform a pretreatment mixing procedure to form a precursor; (B) putting the precursor into a spray granulator for performing a granulation process and mixing the precursor to form an injection material with a uniform composition; (C) feeding the injection material into an injection molding machine for performing a compression molding process, thereby forming a carbon compound/boron compound green body; and (D) subjecting the carbon compound/boron compound green body to a two-stage heat treatment process to obtain the carbon/boron carbide composite material. 1. A method for preparing a carbon/boron carbide composite material , comprising:(A) providing a carbon compound, a carbon fiber, a boron compound and a binder to perform a pretreatment mixing procedure to form a precursor;(B) putting the precursor into a spray granulator for performing a granulation process and mixing the precursor to form an injection material with a uniform composition;(C) feeding the injection material into an injection molding machine for performing a compression molding process, thereby forming a carbon compound/boron compound green body; and(D) subjecting the carbon compound/boron compound green body to a two-stage heat treatment process to obtain the carbon/boron carbide composite material.2. The method for preparing a carbon/boron carbide composite material of claim 1 , wherein in the pretreatment mixing procedure claim 1 , the weight percentage of each component of the carbon compound claim 1 , the carbon fiber claim 1 , the boron compound claim 1 , and the binder is 1 wt % to 10 wt % for the carbon compound claim 1 , 1 wt % to 20 wt % for the carbon fiber claim 1 , 40 wt % to 70 wt % for the boron compound and 5 wt % to 35 wt % for the binder.3. The method for preparing a carbon/boron carbide composite material ...
