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20-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2254274C2

Изобретение относится к затворам для емкостей с жидкостями. Затвор содержит кольцо для крепления на горлышке, крышку и пробку, которая окружена кольцевым пазом. В затворе есть сток и кромка, предотвращающая образование капель, которая входит в кольцевой паз крышки. Паз имеет по меньшей мере одно выпускное отверстие для выхода воздуха при закрытии крышки. Затвор обеспечивает надежное закрытие емкости и препятствует образованию капель. 9 з.п. ф-лы. 10 ил.

05-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2722985C2
Принадлежит: ГОЙАРА (BE)

Изобретение относится к устройству регулирования давления для поддержания постоянного заданного давления в контейнере для текучей среды и способу его производства. Устройство состоит из цилиндра, имеющего открытый конец и закрытый конец, и стопора, выполненного с возможностью перемещения внутри цилиндра для ограничения первой камеры, второй камеры, охватывающей цилиндр первой камеры и выполненной с возможностью заполнения газом, который имеет более высокое давление, чем давление в контейнере. Устройство также состоит из соединения для текучей среды между второй камерой и контейнером и закрывающего элемента, выполненного с возможностью перемещения относительно цилиндра для открывания и закрывания соединения для текучей среды между второй камерой и контейнером в зависимости от положения закрывающего элемента относительно первой камеры. Положение закрывающего элемента относительно второй камеры зависит от преобладающего давления в контейнере для дозирования текучей среды и преобладающего давления ...

29-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2750607C2

Изобретение относится к созданию сварного шва между внутренним покрытием, расположенным внутри металлической основной трубы секции трубы с внутренним покрытием, и электрофузионным фитингом, содержащим по меньшей мере один нагревательный элемент. Осуществляют размещение конца электрофузионного фитинга внутри конца секции трубы с внутренним покрытием. Размещают индукционную катушку внутри канала электрофузионного фитинга рядом с указанным по меньшей мере одним нагревательным элементом. Осуществляют подачу электрической энергии на индукционную катушку для питания указанного по меньшей мере одного нагревательного элемента за счет электромагнитной индукции. В результате достигается высокая надежность целостности внутренних покрытий труб. 7 н. и 62 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2204484C2

Изобретение относится к способу изготовления упаковочных тюбиков. Упаковочный тюбик состоит из выполненной из пластмассы трубки тюбика и соединенной с ней предварительно изготовленной из пластмассы головки тюбика. Трубку тюбика устанавливают на окружную поверхность, а головку тюбика - на торцевую поверхность оправки. Оправку вместе с трубкой и головкой тюбика вводят в матрицу и в ней соединяют друг с другом посредством порции соединительного материала с использованием тепла и давления. В качестве порции соединительного материала используют предварительно изготовленное кольцо из пластифицированной пластмассы, которое помещают на заплечик головки тюбика или торцевую поверхность оправки. Соединение головки и трубки тюбика друг с другом осуществляют путем запрессовывания между ними порции соединительного материала. Изобретение позволяет получать стабильные и герметичные соединения. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

29-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2695836C1

Изобретение относится к укупорочным средствам, герметично закрывающим горловины емкостей для наливных пищевых продуктов. Элемент, содействующий сварке и предназначенный для приспособления для открывания, выполнен с возможностью вставки в крышку приспособления для открывания для присоединения её к закрывающему элементу, который закрывает выливное отверстие приспособления для открывания. Элемент, содействующий сварке, содержит листовой элемент (31), выполненный со слоем (32) электропроводящего материала, с первым слоем (33) термосвариваемого пластика и со вторым слоем (34) термосвариваемого пластика, расположенными с противоположных сторон указанного слоя (32), при этом указанный слой (32) имеет толщину, находящуюся в диапазоне 5-15 мкм, и каждый из указанных первого слоя (33) и второго слоя (34) имеет толщину, находящуюся в диапазоне 10-50 мкм. Технический результат – улучшение герметизации горловины емкости и исключение несанкционированного отсоединения крышки от горловины емкости. 3 н.

01-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2683722C1

FIELD: package and storage. SUBSTANCE: container contains four panels forming the main part, the throat part and the expanding part, which extends from the throat part, and a tapered intermediate part between the main part and the throat part, the throat part having a reduced width, and the expanding part contains an expanded end. In this case, the expanding portion gradually increases from the throat portion to the extended end. Invention also includes embodiments of the container. EFFECT: group of inventions enables higher efficiency and reliability. 19 cl, 19 dwg, 6 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 683 722 C1 (51) МПК B65B 43/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B65B 43/08 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017103372, 15.07.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ДАУ ГЛОУБЛ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ ЛЛК (US) Дата регистрации: 01.04.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 0/85560 A1, 15.11.2001. EP 16.07.2014 US 62/025,273 893358 B1, 07.03.2001. US 3003681 A1, 10.10.1961. RU 2516477 C2, 20.05.2014. (45) Опубликовано: 01.04.2019 Бюл. № 10 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 01.02.2017 (86) Заявка PCT: WO 2016/011157 (21.01.2016) Адрес для переписки: 105082, Москва, Спартаковский пер., д. 2, стр. 1, секция 1, этаж 3, ЕВРОМАРКПАТ (54) ЭЛАСТИЧНАЯ ЕМКОСТЬ С УКУПОРОЧНЫМ СРЕДСТВОМ И СПОСОБ ЕЕ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА (57) Реферат: Емкость содержит четыре панели, образующие содержит расширенный конец. При этом основную часть, горловинную часть и расширяющаяся часть постепенно увеличивается расширяющуюся часть, которая проходит от от горловинной части к расширенному концу. горловинной части, и сужающуюся Изобретением являются также и варианты промежуточную часть между основной частью и выполнения емкости. Группа изобретений горловинной, причем горловинная часть имеет обеспечивает повышение производительности и уменьшенную ширину, ...

10-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012101963A

... 1. Способ изготовления соединительной тяги, содержащей тело тяги, выполненное из композитного материала, и, по меньшей мере, один наконечник, причем указанный наконечник имеет последовательно расположенные первую полую цилиндрическую часть (1), полую коническую часть (3) и вторую полую цилиндрическую часть (4), причем на конце указанной второй полой цилиндрической части (4) имеется концевой участок (5) с меньшим наружным диаметром, ограниченный буртиком (6), причем указанный способ включает в себя, по меньшей мере, следующие последовательно выполняемые этапы:a) изготавливают внутреннее тело (18), выполняя следующие этапы:- изготавливают трубку путем намотки предварительно пропитанных волокон (16) на первую вращающуюся оправку (17), причем толщина стенки указанной трубки равна высоте буртика (6), а наружный диаметр трубки равен максимальному наружному диаметру второй полой цилиндрической части (4),- осуществляют полимеризацию трубки,- извлекают первую оправку (17) из трубки,- нарезают трубку ...

16-05-1991 дата публикации

Sealed plastic or composite container

Номер: DE0003943538A1

A container pack, partic. one of plastics or a composite plastics material, has a thinner rim to its opening and a closure part which can be sealed or welded and which can be firmly bonded to the rim by (pref. hot) sealing/welding to make a hermetic seal. The area of the bond between container and seal is at an angle to the axis of the container.

27-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069823351D1

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Fixierung eines Anschlusses eines Versorgungsschlauchs an einem OPW-Luftsack, insbesondere in einem Fahrzeugrückhaltesystem

Номер: DE102018006829A1

Vorrichtung zur Fixierung eines Anschlusses an einem OPW-Luftsack, mit einer Spreizhülse (2), mit einer Vielzahl von Spreizschalen (4), und einem sich durch die Spreizhülse (2) längs erstreckenden Dorn (6) mit einem in der Umgebung der Spreizschalen (4) angeordneten Spannstück (8), dessen Außendurchmesser größer ist als der Innendurchmesser der Spreizschalen (4).

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum flüssigkeitsdichten Versiegeln von zwei sich teilweise überlappenden Verpackungsteilen und damit/danach hergestellter Behälter

Номер: DE102013107429B3

Dargestellt und beschrieben sind eine Vorrichtung zum flüssigkeitsdichten Versiegeln von zwei sich teilweise überlappenden Verpackungsteilen (10, 11), wobei das eine ein rohrförmiger Grundkörper (10), insbesondere gebildet aus einem Zuschnitt aus Karton/Kunststoff-Verbundmaterial, ist und ein weiteres Verpackungsteil (11) den Verpackungskopf bzw. -boden bildet, aufweisend wenigstens einen Dorn (D) und eine Matrize (M), wobei der Dorn (D) wenigstens zwei Spreizelemente (1A, 1B, 1C, 1D) aufweist, die aus ihrer Arbeitsstellung zur Verringerung des Querschnittes in eine Ruhestellung aufeinander zu bewegt werden, um ein leichtes Aufschieben des rohrförmigen Grundkörpers (10) zu gestatten, sowie ein entsprechendes Verfahren und einen damit beziehungsweise danach hergestellten Behälter. Um zu erreichen, dass sich der rohrförmige Grundkörper (10) leicht auf den Dorn (D) aufschieben beziehungsweise von diesem abziehen lässt und mit dem Wunsch einer einfachen aber zuverlässigen sowie verschleißarmen ...

02-04-1987 дата публикации

Method for adjusting (setting) the axial play between the rotor and the stator of a motor

Номер: DE0003534382A1

The axial play is adjusted for example by means of a displaceable sleeve (3A) which is held in a preinstalled manner in a push fit in a shaft hole (33) in the collar (31) of an insulating end disc. In order to be able to ensure a non-jerky, defined axial adjustment movement of the displaceable sleeve (3A) despite the tolerance levels which are normal in mass-produced products and even in the event of excessively severe pressure between the collar (31) and the displaceable sleeve (3A), the sliding surface between the displaceable sleeve (3A) and the collar (31) is wetted with a slippery (sliding) liquid (34) before the adjustment of the axial play, a resorcinol solution preferably being used as the slippery liquid, said solution dissolving polyamide and bonding after the solvent has evaporated, so that the displaceable sleeve is additionally fixed in its adjusted position after the axial play has been adjusted. ...

13-01-1994 дата публикации

Plastic drum with cover and bung for repeated use - comprises blow-moulded body with injection moulded cover and bung fitted into neck and assembly with outer ring is friction welded

Номер: DE0004220339A1

A reusable plastic drum is designed to be used initially as a blow-moulded wide-necked drum with bung, with an injection moulded cover and bung fixed into the mouth by frictional welding. For further usage the cover plus bung is separated, the reconditioned drum is then fitted with a removeable cover plus bung, or a simple cover closed off with a tightened ring, or another cover plus bung which is fixed on by frictional welding. The drum pref. holds inside a plastic film or metal-faced plastic film bag. ADVANTAGE - The drum is inexpensive. It provides safety in transporting the contents. It withstands dropping. It lends itself to inexpensive reconditioning.

17-01-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Verbinden poröser Membranen sowie hierdurch erzeugte Membranfiltervorrichtung

Номер: DE102005004372B4

Verfahren zum Verbinden einer porösen Membran, die einen inneren Hohlraum umschließt, mit einem massiven Bauteil, umfassend die Schritte: (a) Anformen eines schmelzbaren, massiven Materials an ein oder beide längsseitigen Enden der Membran durch Umspritzen von deren Außenseite, wobei eine Premembran hergestellt wird; (b) Einführen der im Schritt (a) hergestellten Premembran in eine Durchgangsöffnung des massiven Bauteils aus einem schmelzbaren Material, so dass die Stirnseite der Premembran bündig mit dem massiven Bauteil abschließt; und (c) Verschweißen der Premembran mit dem massiven Bauteil.

14-10-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002443824C2

23-02-2011 дата публикации

Method of sealing a plastics pipe and apparatus therefor

Номер: GB0002472831A

A method of sealing a plastics pipe 12 with a plug 14 e.g. polyethylene, wherein said plug 14 includes an electrofusion element 16 around an outer surface thereof, said method comprising the steps of inserting said plug in a bore of the pipe and energising said electrofusion element whilst said pipe and said plug are radially urged against one another to form a seal between said plug and said pipe. The plug may comprise a socket 20 for insertion of an expansion tool or the pipe may be compressed onto the plug to form the seal.

14-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001421176A

... 1421176 Collapsible tubes YOSHINO KOGYOSHO CO Ltd 13 Dec 1972 [25 Dec 1971 18 Jan 1972] 57544/72 Heading B8D [Also in Divisions F2 and B5] A collapsible tube comprises an inner impermeable tube 5 formed from a longitudinally lapped heat-seamed laminate sheet 11 consisting of inner and outer films 14 of polyethylene and an intermediate foil of aluminium or polyvinyl alcohol film 13, a resilient outer tube 6 of polyethylene or polypropylene having a wall opening 10, and a flanged nozzle 1 welded to the upper ends of the tubes. The bottom tube ends are sealed as shown or welded to the periphery of a bottom member (not shown). The outer tube resiliently resumes its original shape after the tubes have been compressed to extrude the contents but the inner tube remains collapsed, air entering the tube's interspace through the opening 10. Molten polyethylene beads 17 are provided on one or both of the edges 12 of sheet 11 prior to seaming to provide protection for the water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol ...

10-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008318442D0

18-04-1951 дата публикации

A new or improved method of securing two interfitting parts together and/or of obtaining a seal between two interfitting connected parts

Номер: GB0000652054A

... 652,054. Disc closures. BRITISH MECHANICAL PRODUCTIONS, Ltd. March 25, 1948, Nos. 8882 and 25698. [Class 125(iii)] [Also in Groups XXVIII and XXXVI] The plastic, polytetrafluorethylene, which, when prepared by compressing in powdered state and sintering, has the property of being able to retain under internal stress, when cold, a deformation produced when in the hot, pliable state and when reheated or subjected to mechanical shock tending to return to the original form due to the release of the internal stress, is utilized in making containers and closures therefor. Either the container or closure is made of the plastic of such size as to prevent interfitting and whilst hot is deformed to permit interfitting and allowed to cool in the deformed state. The two parts are then fitted together and the plastic part reheated when, in tending to return to its original undeformed size, it produces pressure contact with the other part and seals the container. In the form shown, a container 1 is made ...

24-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001429701A

... 1429701 Collapsible tubes COLGATEPALMOLIVE CO 22 Nov 1973 [24 Nov 1972] 54184/73 Heading B8D [Also in Divisions B3, B4-B5 and F2] Relates to a method of and apparatus for making a collapsible toothpaste, &c. tube from a flat blank of plastics or thermoplastic coated aluminium foil, &c. (see Divisions B3, F2). As shown, a collapsible toothpaste, &c. tube 11, Fig. 2, of a metal such as aluminium foil 12, having a finish coating on the outside and an internal thermoplastic coating, has a lengthwise seam 15 in which the end edge 40, Fig. 3, of the underlayer is folded back upon the adjacent edge 37 and is heat sealed to the inner surface of the outer layer. A nozzle structure 13 which may be closed by a screw cap comprises an outer nozzle 16 of plastics, e.g. of polypropylene, and a complementarily shaped inner nozzle 22 of plastics, e.g. of urea formaldehyde. A peripheral flange 26 and a shoulder 28 on the inner nozzle 22 are complementary to inner portions of the outer nozzle 16. The inner ...

21-07-1993 дата публикации

Sealing of insert in plastics body

Номер: GB0002263324A

The invention provides a method of installing an insert in a plastics body so as to provide a screw thread therein, the insert being of metal and formed with the screw thread, and in which the hole in the plastic which receives the insert is sealed, by providing the insert with an 'O' ring located in an external peripheral groove and projecting therefrom, the size and shape of the insert and hole being related and selected so that in axial displacement of the insert into the preformed hole accompanied by softening of the plastic caused by the fastener being preheated or by vibrations applied to the plastic via the fastener as it is inserted, the 'O' ring only comes into contact with unsoftened plastic and only comes into contact with plastic towards the end of the axial installation movement. This ensures a good seal between the 'O' ring and the plastic.

15-01-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002213084B

04-10-1989 дата публикации

Sealing end closures to container bodies

Номер: GB0002216090A

An end closure, a method for application of said closure in hollow tubular profiles (10), formed of a thin-walled plastic or plastic-laminate material, and a device for performing said application. The end closure (16) is provided with a partly tapered cylindrical insert wall portion (12; 18) and a circumferentially extending, groove (20) which is adapted to receive the hollow tubular profile (10) in a heat sealable joint.

01-06-1994 дата публикации

Filter elements

Номер: GB0002272843A

A tubular metal filter sleeve 34 is placed on a polymeric end cap 31 and heated by induction coil 24 so that it melts its way into the cap and bonds thereto. The degree of penetration is limited by projections 39 on a split ring 37 clamped round the sleeve. Argon or an argon-hydrogen reducing mixture fed through passage 27 prevents the heated metal from oxidising. The sleeve 34 may be stainless steel sintered powder or fibres or sintered mesh. The end cap 31 may be polyester, polypropylene or polyetheretherketone. A somewhat similar apparatus (Fig. 3) enables the metal sleeve to be separated from the end cap after use, so that a new end cap can be fitted. The sleeve may be pleated or not. ...

19-08-1981 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to a receptacle.

Номер: GB0002068821A
Автор: Wallsten, Hans Ivar

In producing a receptacle a web of plastics material is moulded so that the web forms a receptacle with a liquid-tight side wall, and the formed receptacle is severed from the rest of the web by means of cooperating elements movable relatively to one another and simultaneously one or more apertures are formed in the base of the receptacle. A filter disc may be located within the receptacle. In the embodiment of Fig. 3, a sheet (9) is vacuum moulded in a mould (7) and the resultant article is severed from the sheet by a first blade (13) acting against a resilient counter (10). An aperture is simultaneously formed in the base of the article by a second blade (14) acting against a second counter. A filter disc is located over the aperture. In the embodiment of Fig. 7, each of a pair of vacuum moulds has a resilient cushion (24) in its base and the base of the freshly formed article is perforated by a member (12a, 12b) carrying pins (22) which is movable into the mould. ...

17-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002579217A

A gear 10 comprises a first component 12 of a first material, and a second, composite material component 14 of a second, different material. The composite material component includes an engagement section 18 bearing against the first component 12 wherein the engagement section 18 is of composite material form and designed such that the coefficients of thermal expansion of the composite material and the material of the first component substantially match one another in the axial direction of the first component. The composite material may be of braided or fibre wound form. The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the composite material may be altered to match the CTE of the first component by choosing a winding angle of the wound fibre material. A further embodiment comprises designing the composite material to achieve a peak compressive load between the engagement section and the first component at a selected operating temperature of the gear. A further embodiment comprises a face ...

11-03-1998 дата публикации

Connection element

Номер: GB0009800995D0

19-11-1997 дата публикации

A method of securing a circular member to the end of a tubularbody

Номер: GB0009720002D0

09-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001521045A

... 1521045 Membrane support WAFILIN BV 3 July 1975 [3 July 1974 (2)] 28088/75 Heading B1X A filtration unit comprises a fibrous layer 3 provided on one side of a filtration membrane 4 where an edge portion of the layer forms a seal 5 for preventing fluid flow across the end face of the edge portion. The fibrous layer may be of non-woven material, e.g. polyester fibres. The membrane, e.g. of cellulose acetate, may extend into the seal. The fibrous layer may be tubular. A plurality of the above units may be used in an assembly. A process for making the units is described where the seal may be formed by heating, e.g. ultrasonic heating.

30-01-2019 дата публикации

Attachment of an end fitting to a composite material tube

Номер: GB0201820363D0

30-01-1980 дата публикации

A method of joining a sealing element to a cylindrical container sleeve and apparatus for carrying out the method

Номер: GB0002025844A
Автор: Berg, Rolf

A container sleeve 1 having an inner coating 5 of a heat weldable plastics material is fitted with a closure element 2 having a collar 4 of meltable plastics material. The assembly is rotated while a hot welding shoe 35 is inserted through the open end of the sleeve and brought to bear against the collar, which melts the latter and fuses it to the tackified coating 5 to thereby provide a tightly sealed joint.

14-05-1958 дата публикации

Thermoplastic container

Номер: GB0000795154A

... 795,154. Making collapsible containers. TUBOPLAST SOC. ANON. Dec. 2, 1955 [Dec. 28, 1954], No. 34582/55. Class 87(2). [Also in Group XVII] A preformed thermoplastic tubular body 20 is held fixed between a mandrel 56 and a mould 42, the tubular body 20 being in contact with a cylindrical portion 48 of the mould and having its margin 30 folded over inwards by a curved profile 46 and a frusto-conical surface 44 of the mould. A pin 64 on the mandrel 56, engaging in a socket 54 in the mould, ensures that a space is left between the mandrel and the mould. Into this space hot molten thermoplastic material is injected through channels 66 to form a head-piece which fuses with the margin 30 of the body 20. The extremity of the margin 30 is blunt, that is, it is not reduced down to a knife edge. The thermoplastic material may be polythene or polyvinyl chloride.

02-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001519939A

... 1519939 Closure assembly ALUMINUM CO OF AMERICA 14 April 1977 [26 April 1976] 15578/77 Heading B8T Container 40 is closed by an assembly comprising a plastics sealing ring 12 having a channel to receive the lip of the container, a sealing surface to which is heat sealed a metal foil layer 14 and an outer shoulder 28 which engages an inwardly projecting lip 34 of a plastics overcap 16.

31-01-1981 дата публикации

Lip seal and method for maintaining this seal.

Номер: OA0000005125A

15-12-1970 дата публикации

End for sachets, tubes, containers or other packing out of plastic.

Номер: OA0000003259A

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000366653T

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000369202T

26-09-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000372349B

15-01-1981 дата публикации


Номер: ATA671176A

15-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: ATA691677A

15-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: ATA457676A

15-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000248873A

15-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000691677A

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000420041T

15-12-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000061088A

15-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000135626T

15-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000037004T

15-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000036828T

15-03-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000050531T

15-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000012301T

15-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000022413T

25-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000324204B

10-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000334789B

15-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000315467T

15-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000198564T

15-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000265016T

15-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000276873T

28-07-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000530768B2

15-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000603534B2

22-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000577297B2

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Joining of concentric section polymer composite components

Номер: AU2007294461B2

A process for assembling a composite component with a thermoplastic surface into or around a second component, the process including selecting a first component with a thermoplastic surface and a second component that, when assembled with the first component has at least some points of contact, shaping where necessary at least one component in the joint area, and pressing the components together to achieve relative immobility between the components. A second process involves the selection of a third thermoplastic component to be assembled with the first two components with at least some points of contact with the first and second components are achieved, shaping where necessary, and assembling such that relative immobility is achieved between all three components. In both processes, the joint area is then heated to allow the thermoplastic to flow and preferably weld the assembled components together.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

IV membrane attachment methods

Номер: AU2016235090B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

An intravenous delivery system (100) may have a liquid source (102) containing a liquid (122), tubing (106), and an anti-run-dry membrane (136, 320, 420, 720) positioned such that the liquid (122), flowing form the liquid source (102) to the tubing (106), passes through the anti-run-dry membrane (136, 320, 420, 720). The anti-run-dry membrane (136, 320, 420, 720) may be positioned within an exterior wall (133, 310, 410, 710, 1110) of a drip unit (134, 300, 400, 700, 1100), and may have a weld surface (346, 446, 746) secured to a seat (334, 434, 734, 1134) of the exterior wall (133, 310, 410, 710, 1110) via application of compression to press the weld surface (346, 446, 746) against the seat (334, 434, 734, 1134), and application of coherent light (352) or vibration. In response to application of the coherent light (352) or vibration, localized melting may occur, causing the weld surface (346, 446, 746) to adhere to the seat (334, 434, 734, 1134). The anti-run-dry membrane (136, 320, 420 ...

28-09-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002359177A

16-08-1999 дата публикации

Method of joining plastics pipes by heat fusion

Номер: AU0002172099A

14-01-1998 дата публикации

Process for producing packaging tubes

Номер: AU0003022697A

03-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001009597A1

10-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001052188A1

20-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001255930A1

24-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002766208C
Принадлежит: BD INVENT

The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a connecting rod comprising at least the following consecutive steps: a) manufacturing an inner body (18); b) adding one end of the inner body (18) to the end of the reduced outer diameter of each end piece (5), said end of the inner body (18) resting on the shoulder (6) of the end piece; c) inserting a first portion (19a) of a second mandrel (19) in the hollow cylindrical portion (1) of each end piece and placing a driving bit (20) at the free end of a second portion (19b) of the second mandrel (19); d) winding said pre-impregnated fibres (16) onto the outer surface of an assembly consisting of the inner body (18), the end piece(s) (1, 3, 4) and the second part(s) (19b) of the second mandrel(s) (19) which are free of bits (20), said fibres (16) then forming an outer body (21); e) after removing the bit(s) (20), polymerising the inner body (18) and the outer body (21) to form a polymerised integral body (22); f) removing the second ...

24-11-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1112827A

Apparatus and method for implanting a sizing disc into an open unshirred end of a shirred tubular casing wherein the sizing disc has a larger periphery then the unstretched inner periphery of the unshirred end of the casing. 1.

02-06-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1102078A

Apparatus for the production of containers, comprising a plurality of mandrils mounted on a rotary member and equally peripherally spaced from one another. The rotary member is mounted for stepwise rotation to move each mandril through a plurality of work stations, each mandril being associated with a matrix which is swingable relative to the mandril from a rest position to a working position coaxial with the mandril, each matrix when in its working position being axially displaceable towards and away from the associated mandril.

12-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA928228A

17-11-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1112416A

A method and apparatus for joining to a cylindrical container sleeve a sealing or closure element. The sealing element is provided with a circular collar arranged to be inserted into one open end of the container sleeve and into abutment with the inner wall thereof. The collar comprises a heatmeltable plastics material and the sealing or closure element is mounted on the container sleeve with the collar in abutment with the inner wall of said sleeve. The container sleeve and the sealing or closure element are rotated around the cylinder axis of the sleeve and a heated body, whose temperature exceeds the melting point of the plastics material in the collar, is pressed against the collar. The container sleeve is rotated until the plastics material in the collar has melted and the heated body is then removed out of contact with the plastics material to permit the plastics material to solidify.

28-11-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA1043243A

An automatic shaping machine for continuously shaping a plastic film constructed of at least one layer into sleeves, having pinch rollers feeding the film continuously along a definite direction, a semitubing means and a tubing means provided along the film feed line to shape the film into tubular configuration around a longitudinal axis, and a cutter means provided ahead of said pinch rollers to cut the tube at a fixed length.

19-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA1044624A

A method of, and a machine for, making a filling tube for a container for bulk granular materials as well as a container liner having one or more of the filling tubes. A lip is formed on a sheet of plastics material by means of a mandrel and plastics tube is fitted over the mandrel and welded to the lip. The machine includes movable jaws incorporating heating elements for carrying out the welding.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

System and method for joint integrity detection

Номер: US20130056130A1
Принадлежит: CareFusion 303 Inc

An inspectable joint in a medical device is disclosed that includes at least one medical-grade tube having an end, a medical-grade fitting having at least one joining surface configured to accept the end of the tube, and a joining material disposed between the tube and the joining surface. The joining material includes a first component configured to couple the tube to the fitting and a second component configured to provide observable evidence of the presence of the joining material between the tube and the joining surface.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for placing and attaching formed filters into brewing cups

Номер: US20130181406A1
Принадлежит: Oystar North America Inc

A filter setting and sealing apparatus includes a wobble plate mounted to press a filter edge into a plane defined by the top rim of a brew cup. A sealer defined by expandable sealer jaws is moveable into the filter. The jaws are actuated for radial outward expansion to seal the filter to the cup proximate the filter rim and cup edge. A second sealer is used to seal any gaps remaining in the seal after initial sealing. Methods are disclosed.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Friction welding element, and a method for connecting the friction welding element to a housing

Номер: US20160001394A1
Автор: Michael Stumpf
Принадлежит: Boellhoff Verbindungstechnik GmbH

A friction welding method for fastening a connection bushing, such as a threaded bushing for example, in a housing. In order to improve the quality of the connection, the connection bushing is attached to the housing using a friction welding element. The friction welding element consists of the connection bushing, on which a friction welding shell with a radially outer friction welding contour is formed or molded. Connecting and sealing portions are produced between the friction welding element and the housing during the friction welding process by means of a special design of the friction welding contour.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001368A1

A joint design to provide an adhesive injection path to connect tubes for a space frame, where a space frame may be a vehicle chassis, is provided. The joint may connect carbon fiber tubes and may be designed with different shapes and configurations. The joint may include acceptor ports that may mate with a tube and simultaneously contact an inner surface and outer surface of the tube for a strong connection. The joint may also include centering features which may create a space between a surface of the tube and a surface of the joint through which adhesive may flow. Adhesive can be injected into a connection space between the joint and the tube through one or more integrated structural features in the joint that can provide a channel for directing adhesive to the connection space. 1. A joint member for forming a connection between two or more tubes , the joint member comprising:two or more acceptor ports, wherein each acceptor port is formed with an inner protrusion that (1) is configured to be fitted inside a corresponding tube of the two or more tubes when the joint is connected to the corresponding tube and (2) includes one or more fluid delivery paths built into a side wall of the inner protrusion; andone or more fluid delivery ports that are in fluid communication with a space between an inner surface of the corresponding tube and an outer surface of the inner protrusion when the joint is connected to the corresponding tube, said fluid communication provided through the one or more fluid delivery paths built into the side wall of the inner protrusion.2. The joint member of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the one or more fluid delivery ports is an adhesive injection port.3. The joint member of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the one or more fluid delivery ports is a vacuum port.4. The joint member of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the one or more fluid delivery ports is in fluid communication with a container that holds a volume of adhesive.5. The joint ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Flexible Container with Fitment and Process for Producing Same

Номер: US20160016695A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A flexible container is provided. The flexible container includes four panels. The four panels form (i) a body portion; (ii) a neck portion, and a flare portion that extends from the neck portion; (iii) a tapered transition portion between the body portion and the neck portion; and (iv) the neck portion has a reduced width. The flare portion has an expanded end. The width of the flare portion gradually increases from the neck portion to the expanded end.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017195A1

The invention relates to a fluid-transfer coupling device designed to couple a rigid male endpiece () to a flexible female pipe () and to the production method therefor. The device comprises: a sleeve () for gripping around the pipe and locking the endpiece, the sleeve having a radially inner part () surrounding an annular sealing lining () mounted in abutment on the endpiece; and a metal socket () having a tubular portion () gripped by the pipe and ending in a collar formed by a radial step () which extends in an axial end () and has a radial height, the axial end being mounted inside and in contact with the radially inner part and forming the base of a groove receiving the lining, the device comprising means for fitting the sleeve to the collar and comprising a continuous peripheral projection () formed in one piece with the sleeve. According to the invention the projection projects radially in abutment against the step over most of the radial height. 1. A coupling device suitable for connecting a rigid male endpiece to a flexible female pipe , the device comprising:a sleeve suitable for gripping the pipe and axially locking the endpiece, the sleeve having a radially inner part intended to surround an annular sealing lining mounted bearing on the endpiece, anda socket comprising a tubular portion intended to be gripped by the pipe and ending with a collar comprising a radial step that extends by an axial end of the socket and that has a radial step height, said axial end being mounted radially inside and in contact with said radially inner part and forming a bottom of an annular groove suitable for receiving the lining,the device comprising assembly means that are suitable for mechanically assembling the sleeve to said collar and that comprise a continuous circumferential protuberance formed in a single piece with the sleeve,characterized in that said protuberance extends protruding bearing radially against said step, over a majority of said radial step height.2. ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Method for creating a connection between components consisting of different plastic materials and associated container with pouring attachment

Номер: US20200016842A1
Принадлежит: Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH and Co KG

A method for creating a connection between components of different plastics. A first section can consist of a first plastic whose main constituent is polarised plastic, and a second section can consist of a second plastic whose main constituent is non-polar plastic. The method includes creating the connection between the first section and the second section with help of beamed-in laser energy; subjecting the first section to incident laser energy, the first section being at least partly transparent with regard to the incident laser energy; and absorbing beamed-in laser energy at least partly in a joining region, in which the first and the second sections bear on one another in an overlapping manner amid action of force, to create a positive, unreleasable connection between the two components.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022953A1
Автор: LEE Henry William

The invention provides a tool of the invention for welding a PET gland onto a PET bottle for the fitment of a dispensing tap. The tool is generically indicated as ultrasonic horn or sonotrode in the figure. The ultrasonic horn has a tapered serrated portion which has a lead-in taper section to initiate the melt of the plastics to be welded, and a knife section (when required), being the cutting zone thereof, which in use cuts open a sealed spigot so that the horn can enter into the spigot for the welding operation. 1. A tapered ultrasonic welding tool or horn designed to weld a plastics material gland onto a spigot of a plastics material to which said gland can be welded , said tool including a serrated tapered portion which , in use , is urged into the spigot opening from the outside and melts the plastic materials of the spigot and the gland at the point of contact between the spigot , the gland , and the welding tool , so that the gland is welded to the outside of the spigot.2. A tapered ultrasonic welding tool or horn designed to weld a plastics material gland onto a spigot of a plastics material to which said gland can be welded as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the spigot is a portion of a blow moulded plastics bottle.3. A tapered ultrasonic welding tool or horn designed to weld a plastics material gland onto a spigot of a plastics material to which said gland can be welded as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a tap portion is secured to the gland.4. A tapered ultrasonic welding tool or horn designed to weld a plastics material gland onto a spigot of a plastics material to which said gland can be welded as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the spigot is a backup support for the gland.5. A tapered ultrasonic welding tool or horn designed to weld a plastics material gland onto a spigot of a plastics material to which said gland can be welded as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the plastics material of the gland and/or the spigot is a thermoplastics material selected from PET ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Thermal caulking device

Номер: US20190022954A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

The first electrode section ( 7 a ) and the second electrode section ( 7 b ) are formed such that the outer portion connected to the upper portion of the heating section ( 6 ) is thinner than the inner portion connected to the lower portion of the heating section ( 6 ). The heating section ( 6 ) and the first electrode section ( 7 a ) are interconnected by an R-shaped first connecting portion ( 21 ). The inner circumferential sloping surface of the heating section ( 6 ) and the second electrode section ( 7 b ) are interconnected by an R-shaped second connecting portion ( 22 ). The first and second connecting portions ( 21 )( 22 ) are formed such that R becomes larger from the upper end to the lower end, where the upper portion is thin and the lower portion is thick. The thickness of an intermediate portion ( 6 b ) is smaller than the thicknesses of the first and second connecting portions ( 21 )( 22 ).

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030564A1
Принадлежит: Gerresheimer Bünde GmbH

A coating method is provided, in which at least one emulsion and/or one solution is applied at least to a first partial area of a surface of a component, said emulsion and/or solution containing at least one layer-forming substance, and then the component is heat-treated, wherein at least one second partial area of the first partial area is subsequently exposed to a plasma, wherein the carbon content of the coating decreases to less than about 80% or less than about 75% or less than about 70% or less than about 60% of the initial value prior to the plasma treatment. A workpiece and a method for the production thereof is provided. 1. A method of coating comprising: applying at least one emulsion and/or one solution at least to a first partial area of a surface of a component , said at least one emulsion and/or said solution containing at least one layer-forming substance; then heat-treating the component; and subsequently exposing at least one second partial area of the first partial area to a plasma , wherein a carbon content of the coating is reduced to less than 80% of an initial value of the carbon content of the coating prior to exposure to the plasma.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , at least in the second partial area claim 1 , the layer thickness of the coating is between 20 nm and 100 nm prior to exposure to the plasma and claim 1 , due to exposure to the plasma claim 1 , is reduced in the second partial area by more than 20% claim 1 , and/or wherein a layer thickness of more than 70% is left in the second partial area after exposure to the plasma.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the emulsion and/or the solution contains or consists of at least one silicone oil and optionally water claim 1 , and/or wherein the coating comprises at least carbon and oxygen and hydrogen and silicon claim 1 , and/or wherein the coating contains at least one poly(organo)siloxane.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second partial area is hydrophobic before exposure ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039730A1

An aerosol container suitable for use as an aerosol dispenser. The aerosol container includes at least a valve and product delivery device joined to an outer container. The valve and product delivery device have respective annular welds or other seals joining the valve and product delivery to the outer container. The welds, or other seals may be concentric, with one circumscribing the other, in the same plane or different planes. Suitable product delivery devices include bags and dip tubes. 1. An aerosol container having a longitudinal axis and comprising:a polymeric outer container comprising a closed end bottom and an open neck longitudinally opposed thereto;a valve sealed to the outer container in fluid tight relationship by an outer container seal;a device for product delivery sealed to the valve in fluid tight relationship by a product delivery device seal,wherein at least one of the product delivery device seal and the outer container seal is a spin weld,and wherein the product delivery device seal is radially spaced apart from the outer container seal;a propellant disposed within the outer container; anda product disposed within the outer container.2. The aerosol container of claim 1 , wherein the product delivery device seal is spaced radially inward of the outer container seal.3. The aerosol container of claim 1 , wherein the product delivery device seal is spaced below and radially inward of the outer container seal.4. The aerosol container of claim 1 , wherein the product delivery device comprises a dip tube.5. The aerosol container of claim 1 , comprising an actuator operably connected to the valve for selectively dispensing the product from the aerosol dispenser.6. The aerosol container of claim 1 , wherein the product delivery device comprises a bag.7. An aerosol container having a longitudinal axis and comprising:a polymeric outer container comprising a closed end bottom and an open neck longitudinally opposed thereto;a valve spin welded to the outer ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Bonding method

Номер: US20170044934A1
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce PLC

A method is provided of bonding a first component to a second component. The method includes: locating the first component against the second component to form an interface between the components, a curable adhesive being provided at the interface; locating a pressurisable, fluid-filled bladder against the first component such that the first component is sandwiched between the second component and the bladder; locating a backing member against the bladder such that the bladder is sandwiched between the backing member and the first component; pressurising the bladder such that a consolidating pressure is exerted by the bladder on the first component to conform the first component to the second component; and curing the adhesive while the first component is conformed to the second component by the consolidating pressure.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing a tube snap fastening arrangement

Номер: US20220062970A1
Принадлежит: Rol AB

The invention relates to a method ( 100 ) for manufacturing a fastening arrangement for fastening a collar to a tube. The method comprises the steps of providing a hollow tube ( 10 ), arranging said tube for receiving at least one forming punch ( 30 ) in the axial direction of the tube, punching the tube with a forming punch at an inner radial part of an edge portion ( 16 ) of the tube in the axial direction of the tube, locally reducing the tube thickness, so that the material being punched is plastically relocated in the axial direction, locally forming a snap portion ( 11 ) in the form of a flange ( 12 ) in the radial direction towards the hollow inside of the tube, providing a collar ( 20 ) configured to be arranged on the tube, wherein the collar comprises at least one receiving portion ( 21 ) arranged to receive said snap portion, and arranging the collar to the tube such that the snap portion engages with said receiving portion.

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Fluid Handling Assembly Having a Robust Insert

Номер: US20140144538A1
Принадлежит: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Inc

A fluid handling assembly provides conduits that deliver fluids therethrough. The fluid conduits include pipes, having an inner annular layer ( 2 ) of CPVC material, an intermediate annular layer ( 3 ) of metallic material and an outer annular layer ( 4 ) of CPVC material. Pipes are joined using inserts ( 9 ) that are engaged in cemented relation with a coupling. The inserts are configured to resist deformation at relatively high pressures that reduces the risk of separation of the layers of the pipe due to fluid infiltration between such layers.

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Process for lining metal pipelines

Номер: US20160069503A1

The present invention pertains to a process for lining a metal pipeline, said process comprising the following steps: (i) processing a thermoplastic polymer composition thereby providing a pipe liner having an outer diameter greater than the inner diameter of said metal pipeline, said thermoplastic polymer composition comprising, preferably consisting of:—at least one poly(aryl ether ketone) polymer [(PAEK) polymer],—at least one poly(phenylene sulfone) polymer [(PPSU) polymer],—optionally, at least one poly(arylene sulfide) [(PAS) polymer], and—optionally, at least one plasticizer; (ii) deforming said pipe liner thereby providing a deformed pipe liner having an outer diameter smaller than the inner diameter of said metal pipeline; (iii) inserting the deformed pipe liner in said metal pipeline; and (iv) expanding the deformed pipe liner to fit with the inner diameter of said metal pipeline. The present invention also relates to a pipeline system comprising at least two coaxial pipes, an outer metal pipeline and inner pipe comprising at least one layer comprising, preferably made of said thermoplastic polymer composition. 114-. (canceled)15. A process for lining a metal pipeline , said process comprising the following steps:(i) processing a thermoplastic polymer composition thereby providing a pipe liner having an outer diameter greater than the inner diameter of said metal pipeline, said thermoplastic polymer composition comprising:at least one poly(aryl ether ketone) polymer, (PAEK) polymer,at least one poly(phenylene sulfone) polymer, (PPSU) polymer,optionally, at least one poly(arylene sulfide), (PAS) polymer, andoptionally, at least one plasticizer;(ii) deforming said pipe liner thereby providing a deformed pipe liner having an outer diameter smaller than the inner diameter of said metal pipeline;(iii) inserting the deformed pipe liner in said metal pipeline; and(iv) expanding the deformed pipe liner to fit with the inner diameter of said metal pipeline.17. The ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079033A1
Автор: Mattfeld Patrick

A method for welding a first hose end at a joint with a second hose end in a seam that extends on a circumference of the first hose end, the method comprising the steps: applying a protective layer at the joint to an inside of the first hose end; pushing the second hose end beyond the joint over the first hose end; pressing the first hose end and the second hose end together flat at the joint between two first damping jaws that are moved towards each other; welding the first hose end and the second hose end together by two first partial seams while pressed together, wherein the protective layer prevents a welding of the inside of the first hose end; releasing the first hose end and the second hose end from the two first clamping jaws after welding the two first partial seams. 1. A method for welding a first hose end at a joint with a second hose end in a seam that extends on a circumference of the first hose end , the method comprising the steps:applying a protective layer at the joint to an inside of the first hose end;pushing the second hose end beyond the joint over the first hose end;pressing the first hose end and the second hose end together fiat at the joint between two first clamping jaws that are moved towards each other;welding the first hose end and the second hose end together by two first partial seams while pressed together, wherein the protective layer prevents a welding of the inside of the first hose end;releasing the first hose end and the second hose end from the two first damping jaws after welding the two first partial seams;pressing the first hose end and the second hose end together again flat transversal to the first partial seams by two second clamping jaws; andwelding the first hose end and the second hose end in two second partial seams so that the first partial seams and the second partial seams form the seam.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first partial seams and the second partial seams cover different portions of the ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Thermal caulking method, thermal caulking device, and caulked material

Номер: US20190084248A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

Provided is a thermal caulking method of melting, at one time, a plurality of bosses 33 of a second member 30 protruding toward an inner circumferential surface of a conical hollow portion 11 of a first member 10 while being fitted to a plurality of holes 132 provided in the inner circumferential surface of the hollow portion 11 of the first member 10 having the substantially conical hollow portion 11 so that the plurality of bosses are joined to the first member 10, in which the plurality of bosses 33 are melted at one time by using a heat chip 51 having a continuous shape in the circumferential direction of the hollow portion 11 along the inner circumferential surface and are joined to the first member 10 while the adjacent melted bosses 33 are connected to each other.

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180093422A1

A metallic/composite joint may comprise a composite member having a flared end or an angled end, a liner perimetrically surrounding the composite member, and a metallic member perimetrically surrounding the liner. A first side of the liner contacts the composite member and a second side of the liner contacts the metallic member. The liner perimetrically surrounds at least a portion of the flared end. A through-thickness compressive stiffness of the liner may be less than a similar stiffness of the composite member. 1. A metallic/composite joint comprising:a composite member having one of a flared end or an angled end, the angled end angled inward towards a centerline axis of the composite member;a liner perimetrically surrounding the composite member; anda metallic member perimetrically surrounding the liner,wherein a first side of the liner contacts the composite member and a second side of the liner contacts the metallic member.2. The metallic/composite joint of claim 1 , wherein the liner perimetrically surrounds at least a portion of the one of the flared end or the angled end.3. The metallic/composite joint of claim 2 , further comprising an insert positioned at least partially within the one of the flared end or the angled end.4. The metallic/composite joint of claim 3 , wherein the one of the flared end or the angled end is compressed between the metallic member and the insert.5. The metallic/composite joint of claim 4 , further comprising a second liner perimetrically surrounding the insert.6. The metallic/composite joint of claim 5 , wherein a first side of the second liner contacts the composite member and a second side of the second liner contacts the insert.7. The metallic/composite joint of claim 6 , wherein the first side of the second liner contacts the one of the flared end or the angled end of the composite member.8. The metallic/composite joint of claim 1 , wherein a stiffness of the liner is less than a stiffness of the composite member.9. The ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Coffee capsule

Номер: US20160101928A1

A capsule which under pressure in expresso machines is suitable for extraction of coffee, including a truncated cone-shaped capsule body of thermoformed plastic having a conical side wall, the wider end of the side wall defining an outlet side of the capsule and the narrower end of the side wall defining an inlet side of the capsule. A destructible inlet sealing membrane closes the inlet opening of the capsule body and is attached to the inside of the capsule body. The capsule body further includes a circumferential centering ramp at the narrower end of the conical side wall, which translates into an inwardly directed circumferential second flange forming the circular inlet opening, the circumferential centering ramp designed to align the inlet sealing membrane with the inlet opening before welding it to the second flange. The inlet sealing membrane has a diameter larger than the outer diameter of the second flange to be bend upwards along the centering ramp and to at least partially cover the centering ramp when welding it to the second flange. The upwards bend edge forms a heat protecting layer between a hot sealing tool and the centering ramp during welding.

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Multi-layer injection molded container

Номер: US20200094457A1
Принадлежит: Gateway Plastics LLC

A method for manufacturing an injection molded container includes operating an injection molding apparatus to inject one or more polymeric materials into a mold cavity to form a container. The container includes an energy director ring protruding from an inside surface of the container and extending circumferentially along the inside surface. The method includes welding a filter onto the inside surface by applying a welding force to the inside surface. The energy director ring causes the welding force to be concentrated at a location of the energy director ring, thereby forming a circumferential weld that secures the filter to the inside surface the location of the energy director ring.

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220169461A1

Disclosed is a soft tube of a sheet conveying portion of a sheet conveying roller, including: a region with irregularities in an outer peripheral surface of the soft tube. The region has a root mean square slope Sdq within a range of 0.03 to 0.50. 1. A soft tube of a sheet conveying portion of a sheet conveying roller , comprising:a region with irregularities in an outer peripheral surface of the soft tube, the region having an root mean square slope Sdq within a range of 0.03 to 0.50.2. The soft tube according to claim 1 , wherein the region with the irregularities in the outer peripheral surface has an arithmetic mean height Sa within the range of 3.4 to 50.0 μm.3. The soft tube according to claim 1 , wherein the soft tube has a Shore A hardness at 25° C. within the range of 40 to 85.4. The soft tube according to claim 1 , wherein the irregularities have a random shape.5. The soft tube according to claim 1 , wherein there is no parting line on the outer peripheral surface.6. The soft tube according to claim 1 , wherein the soft tube contains a thermoplastic elastomer as a constituent material.7. A method for manufacturing the soft tube according to claim 1 , comprising:molding the soft tube by injection molding or compression molding.8. A sheet conveying roller claim 1 , comprising:a shaft; anda tubular sheet conveying portion disposed on an outer peripheral surface of the shaft,{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'wherein the sheet conveying portion includes the soft tube according to .'}9. The sheet conveying roller according to claim 8 , wherein a difference in solubility parameter SP between a constituent material of the soft tube and a constituent material of the shaft is equal to or less than 1 (cal/cm).10. A method for manufacturing the sheet conveying roller according to claim 8 , comprising:molding the soft tube;inserting the soft tube to a holding portion of a mold, the mold including the holding portion for holding the soft tube and a ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160123540A1

A chemical illuminant includes an outer case comprising sealable opposite ends situated in a lengthwise direction of the outer case; one ampoule housed in the outer case; a pair of compositions that emit light when mixed with each other; and a spacer arranged in the outer case, wherein one of the compositions is contained in a space formed inside of the outer case, but outside of the ampoule, and the other of the compositions is contained in the ampoule, a space in which the one of the compositions is contained is formed between the spacer and an inner surface of the outer case, at least one recess is formed at a periphery of the spacer, and the ampoule is supported in the recess. 1. A chemical illuminant comprising:an outer case comprising sealable opposite ends situated in a lengthwise direction of the outer case;one ampoule housed in the outer case;a pair of compositions that emit light when mixed with each other; anda spacer arranged in the outer case, whereinone of the compositions is contained in a space formed inside of the outer case, but outside of the ampoule, and the other of the compositions is contained in the ampoule,a space in which the one of the compositions is contained is formed between the spacer and an inner surface of the outer case,at least one recess is formed at a periphery of the spacer, andthe ampoule is supported in the recess.2. The chemical illuminant as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the outer case and the spacer are both cylindrical claim 1 , and the spacer is located coaxial with the outer case.3. The chemical illuminant as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the spacer is composed of foaming resin.4. The chemical illuminant as set forth in claim 3 , wherein the spacer is composed of one of polyethylene claim 3 , polypropylene claim 3 , and a mixture thereof.5. The chemical illuminant as set forth in claim 1 , wherein a gap between the spacer and the inner surface of the outer case is in the range of about 0.3 mm and about 5.0 mm both ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации

Air-flow channel for a ventilation device of a motor vehicle, and a method for producing same

Номер: US20140202572A1

The invention relates to an air-flow channel ( 1 ) for a ventilation device of a motor vehicle. According to the invention, a sealing element ( 7 ) is arranged in a bonded manner on at least one pipe opening ( 6 ) of the air-flow channel ( 1 ), in the region of an opening edge ( 2 ), said sealing element ( 7 ) being able to be arranged in the region of the opening edge ( 2 ) of the pipe opening ( 6 ), or applied onto said air-flow channel ( 1 ), by means of a fusing process or a thermal welding method such that the melted material of the sealing element ( 7 ) becomes joined to the heated material of the air-flow channel ( 1 ). The invention additionally relates to a method for producing an air-flow channel ( 1 ) for a ventilation device of a motor vehicle.

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190118489A1
Автор: Nola Gary

Methods and systems are provided for a housing for a fastener of a vehicle component. In one example, a housing for a fastener includes a central conduit adapted to receive the fastener, and a radial key extending outward from an outer surface of the housing. The radial key is first pressed against a vehicle component in an axial direction of the housing to form a first section of a channel within an interior of the vehicle component, and the key is then rotated against the interior to form an undercut, second section of the channel in a circumferential direction of the housing. 1. A method , comprising:inserting a housing for a fastener into a passage extending into a vehicle component while cutting a first section of a channel into the vehicle component in an axial direction of the housing with a key of the housing, the key extending radially outward from an outer surface of the housing; then, locking the housing to the vehicle component by rotating the housing within the passage.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the housing is not rotated as the first section is cut into the vehicle component claim 1 , and the housing is not removed from the vehicle component after cutting the first section and before locking the housing to the vehicle component.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein locking the housing to the vehicle component includes not moving the housing in the axial direction.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein locking the housing to the vehicle component includes cutting a second section of the channel into the vehicle component with the key in a circumferential direction of the housing and positioning the key at an end of the second section.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the second section is joined only with the first section and the channel is not joined to any other channels claim 4 , and wherein the channel including the first and second sections is sealed from the passage by the outer surface of the housing.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein claim 4 ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Method of making a non-pneumatic tire

Номер: US20210154958A1
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co

A method of making a non-pneumatic tire, the non-pneumatic tire comprising a ground contacting annular tread portion comprising a tread rubber composition, a shear band comprising a cord reinforced rubber composition and disposed radially inward of the tread portion, and at least one spoke disk disposed radially inward of the shear band; wherein the spoke disk has an outer ring, and an inner ring, and a first and second spoke extending radially between the outer ring and the inner ring, wherein the first and second spokes are connected at a joint; the method comprising the steps of: applying a curable adhesive as an interface between a radially outermost surface of the spoke disk and a radially innermost surface of the shear band in its uncured state; assembling the tread portion in an uncured state, the shear band in an uncured state, and the at least one spoke disk to form an pre-assembly; and curing the pre-assembly.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200124387A1
Автор: Arnon Harry

A non-contact jet valve applicator is used to inject sealant into a joint of an ammunition cartridge, including a circumferential case mouth joint and/or primer cup joint. A sealant is selected with adhesive properties to set a pull strength of the cartridge. In a crimped cartridge, the pull strength set by the adhesive sealant is greater than a pull strength otherwise generated by the crimp. 1. A method of applying a sealant to a circumferential joint in ammunition , the method comprising:moving a cartridge along a production line to an applicator having a non-contact jet valve;using the jet valve to inject the sealant into the circumferential joint; andexposing the injected sealant to ultraviolet (UV) light on the production line to at least partially cure the sealant.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sealant is formulated to wick around the circumferential joint when injected.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the circumferential joint is at least one of:a joint between a projectile and a case mouth of the cartridge; anda joint between a primer cup and a back end of a case of the cartridge.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the production line further includes an additional applicator having an additional non-contact jet valve claim 3 , using the jet valve includes injecting the sealant into the joint between the projective and the case mouth claim 3 , and the method further includes using the additional jet valve to inject an additional sealant into the joint between the primer cup and the back end of the case.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sealant is an adhesive sealant.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the circumferential joint is between a projectile and a case mouth of the cartridge and the adhesive sealant is formulated to achieve a desired pull strength at the circumferential joint.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein a crimp is also formed around the case mouth to engage a cannelure in the projectile and the desired pull strength achieved by ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for Laser Transmission Welding, Method for Laser Transmission Welding, and a Receptacle Which is Produced Thereby and is Closed by Sheet

Номер: US20140217103A1
Принадлежит: JENOPTIK Automatisierungstechnik GmbH

A method for producing a receptacle which is closed by a sheet by transmission laser welding, and to an apparatus suitable to carry out same. The method and the apparatus are configured in such a way that a weld seam is formed between the wall structure of the receptacle and the sheet so as to be wider than the end faces of the wall structure.

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210170697A1
Автор: MCGEE Michael Dale

The present invention is a system and method facilitating the application of PVC primer/cement to the inner surfaces of PVC pipes, unions, joints, or connection sleeves, and to the outer surface of PVC pipes. The invention consists of a PVC primer/cement reservoir, a method of filing and pressurizing the reservoir, and forcing PVC primer or cement through a series of tubes and holes in the apparatus and into a foam applicator transferring PVC primer/cement onto the inner surface or onto the outer surface of a PVC union, sleeve, or pipe to a predetermined depth and thickness thus reducing waste of the PVC primer/cement and ensuring an even coating of PVC primer/cement and always applying the same consistent application of PVC primer/cement. 1. A system for applying PVC primer/cement to a PVC pipe , union , joint or connection sleeve such that the amount of PVC primer/cement applied to the outside or inside surfaces of said PVC pipe , union , joint or connection sleeve is of a uniform layer for the surface area to be covered by said PVC primer/cement , a PVC primer/cement reservoir container with an integral manually operated pump supplies said PVC primer/cement through a tube communicably coupling said integral manually operated pump to a handheld application applier containing a saturable foam filling , said system comprising the method steps of:a. said integral manually operated pump and said pump tube residing in said PVC reservoir container holding said PVC primer/cement communicably couples said PVC primer/cement reservoir container to said handheld application applier and pumps said PVC primer/cement from said PVC primer/cement reservoir container when said pump tube is manually depressed when said handheld application applier is pushed downward by a user, andb. said PVC primer/cement flows from said PVC primer/cement container through said pump tube into said handheld application applier and saturates said foam applicator with said PVC primer/cement, andc. if ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Pipe-liner eversion system and method

Номер: US20150151484A1
Автор: Simon Sanders
Принадлежит: Individual

A pipe-liner system for use when lining a pipe interior features a pipe having a pipe opening end and a pipe interior wall. The system features a flexible, substantially-impermeable, elongate extender-tube and an evertable, flexible, elongate, tubular pipe-liner. The system features a substantially leak-proof pressure retaining closure-sleeve located on a pipe-liner second end. An extender-tube second end is attached to a pipe-liner first end via a substantially leak-proof connection there between. The combined extender-tube and the pipe-liner form a single continuous evertable tube, hereinafter referred to as an extended liner having the pressure retaining closure-sleeve enclosing an extended liner distal end. A length of the extender-tube and a length of the pipe-liner are each chosen so that the liner is caused to be accurately positioned within the pipe upon eversion.

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180153434A1

A guiding sheath has a braided layer for improved deflection characteristics and ring electrodes for electrical sensing, mapping and visualization, wherein lead wires for the ring electrodes are passed through lumened tubing position under the braided layer in a proximal portion of the guiding sheath shaft and above the braided layer in a distal portion of the guiding sheath shaft. Moreover, the hemostatic valve includes an improved friction ring with air vents to reduce the risk of air being introduced into the valve. 1. A guiding sheath , comprising:an elongated shaft having an inner liner defining a lumen, a braided member with surrounding the inner liner, and an outer layer surrounding the braided member;a ring electrode mounted on the elongated shaft;a lead wire having a distal end connected to the ring electrode;a lumened tubing extending longitudinally along the shaft, the lumened tubing having a proximal portion, a transition portion, and a distal portion, the proximal portion extending below the braided member, the distal portion extending above the braided member, and the transition portion passing through a gap in the braided member.2. The guiding sheath of claim 1 , wherein the braided member has a braided distal portion distal of the gap and a braided proximal portion proximal of the gap claim 1 , the braided distal portion has a greater pitch and the braided proximal portion has a lesser pitch.3. The guiding sheath of claim 1 , wherein the lumened tubing has a noncircular cross-section.4. The guiding sheath of claim 3 , wherein the lumened tubing has a generally rectangular cross-section.5. The guiding sheath of claim 1 , further comprising a lead wire extending through a lumen of the tubing.6. The guiding sheath of claim 5 , wherein the lead wire extends nonlinearly along its length in the lumen of the tubing.7. The guiding sheath of claim 1 , wherein the outer layer has a distal portion and a proximal portion claim 1 , the distal portion having a ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160176107A1

An implantable medical device includes a first component including a first material, a second component including a second material, and a fiber matrix including a plurality of fibers. The fiber matrix joins the first component to the second component. The fiber matrix includes a first a first portion connected to the first component, and a second portion connected to the second component. The first portion of the fiber matrix is interpenetrated with, and mechanically fixed to, the first material. The first portion of the fiber matrix directly contacts the first material. 1. A joint structure between two components of an implantable medical device , the joint structure comprising:a first component made of a first material;a second component made of a second material; and a first portion of the fiber matrix connected to the first component, wherein the first portion of the fiber matrix is interpenetrated with, and mechanically fixed to, the first material; and', 'a second portion of the fiber matrix connected to the second component;', 'wherein the first portion of the fiber matrix directly contacts the first material., 'a fiber matrix including a plurality of fibers, the fiber matrix joining the first component to the second component, the fiber matrix including2. The joint structure of claim 1 , wherein the first material is a silicone polymer claim 1 , the second material is a polyurethane polymer claim 1 , and the fiber matrix is a polyurethane polymer.3. The joint structure of claim 2 , wherein at least some of the plurality of fibers in the second portion of the fiber matrix are distinctly identifiable within the second component.4. The joint structure of claim 3 , wherein the second portion of the fiber matrix is connected to the second component by a heat bond.5. The joint structure of claim 1 , wherein the second portion of the fiber matrix is interpenetrated with claim 1 , and mechanically fixed to claim 1 , the second material claim 1 , and wherein the ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods for welding workpieces using a laser beam and optical reflectors

Номер: US20170182592A1

A laser device is provided for performing an annular circumferential welding on a workpiece, and includes a laser head having a laser source configured for emitting a laser beam to perform welding around an outer circumferential target area of the workpiece. Also included is an optical reflector assembly having at least two optical reflectors spaced from the workpiece for reflecting the laser beam emitted from the laser head. The reflectors are spaced from each other, disposed on opposite lateral sides of the workpiece, and inclined relative to an axis transverse to a longitudinal axis of the workpiece so that the circumferential weld is achieved by a single cycle of the laser beam.

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Flexible Container with Fitment and Process for Producing Same

Номер: US20170190493A1

A flexible container is provided. The flexible container includes four panels. The four panels form (i) a body portion; (ii) a neck portion, and a flare portion that extends from the neck portion; (iii) a tapered transition portion between the body portion and the neck portion; and (iv) the neck portion has a reduced width. The flare portion has an expanded end. The width of the flare portion gradually increases from the neck portion to the expanded end. 1. A flexible container comprising: (i) a body portion;', '(ii) a neck portion, and a flare portion that extends from the neck portion;', '(iii) a tapered transition portion between the body portion and the neck portion;', '(iv) the neck portion having a reduced width, the flare portion having an expanded end; and, 'four panels, all four panels forming'}the width of the flare portion gradually increases from the neck portion to the expanded end, and wherein the flare portion is unsealed.2. The flexible container of wherein the expanded end has a width that is greater than the width of the neck portion.3. The flexible container of wherein the expanded end has a width that is from 1.1 times to 8.0 times greater than the width of the neck portion.4. The flexible container of wherein the flexible container comprises at least one handle.59-. (canceled)10. The flexible container of wherein the panels are formed from a multilayer film having a seal layer comprising a polymer.1112-. (canceled)13. The flexible container of whereineach panel includes a bottom face comprising two opposing peripheral tapered seals, each peripheral tapered seal extending from a respective peripheral seal, each peripheral tapered seal comprising an inner edge, the peripheral tapered seals converging at a bottom seal area;the front panel bottom face comprises a first line defined by the inner edge of the first peripheral tapered seal and a second line defined by the inner edge of the second peripheral tapered seal inner edge, the first line ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Device And Method For Installing A Tubular Joint Sleeve For A Pipe Comprising An Inner Lining

Номер: US20170210059A1

A device () for installing a tubular junction sleeve inside a pipe (), having a mandrel () of longitudinal axis (XX) supporting on its surface at least a first peripheral chamber () having a wall () that is radially expandable by inflation. The first wall including at least one electrical connector () suitable for being connected to one end of said heater wire. The connector being connected to an umbilical () including at least a compressed air feed duct for inflating said the first chamber and an electrical power supply duct connected to the electrical connector. The device being characterized in that the mandrel supports on its outer surface a second peripheral chamber () having a wall () that is radially expandable by inflation, and also a weld inspection device () arranged in the longitudinal direction of the mandrel. 1. A device suitable for installing a tubular junction inside an end of a first pipe element made of steel and internally lined with a thermoplastic material , and suitable for butt-joining the end of the first pipe element fitted with a said sleeve and an end having no such sleeve of a second pipe element having internal lining of thermoplastic material , said ends of the two pipe elements abutting in this way being for welding together , said sleeve presenting at each end a terminal tubular wall portion said sleeve presenting at at least one of said terminal tubular wall portions of the sleeve a Joule-effect heater wire arranged at the outer surface of said terminal tubular wall portion of said sleeve suitable for creating by heating a zone of contact made leaktight by melting between the materials constituting at least a part of said terminal portion of the sleeve and respectively a terminal portion of said lining where they are in contact with each other with said heater wire running thereover , said device for installing a sleeve comprising a mandrel of longitudinal axis supporting on the outer surface of said mandrel at least a first ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210245447A1
Автор: Takami Masayoshi

In a manufacturing method of a high-pressure tank, a tubular member and dome members are prepared. The tubular member and the dome members are a plurality of divided bodies having a shape in which a reinforcement layer is divided and made of fiber reinforced resin so as to include contact surfaces that are in contact with an outer surface of a liner. Then, the contact surfaces are covered by resin layers constituting the liner. Next, the reinforcement layer and the liner are formed by joining the tubular member and the dome members to each other and joining the resin layers to each other. 1. A manufacturing method of a high-pressure tank in which a reinforcement layer made of fiber reinforced resin is provided on an outer surface of a liner that is made of resin and is configured to contain gas , the method comprising:forming a plurality of divided bodies made of the fiber reinforced resin and having a shape in which the reinforcement layer is divided so as to include contact surfaces in contact with the outer surface of the liner;covering the contact surfaces of the divided bodies with respective resin layers constituting the liner; andforming the reinforcement layer having the divided bodies and the liner having the resin layers by joining the divided bodies to each other and joining the resin layers covering the divided bodies to each other.2. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 , wherein the divided bodies are jointed to each other and the resin layers covering the divided bodies are joined to each other by causing end surfaces of the divided bodies to abut each other together with the resin layers via a joining member.3. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 , wherein:a tubular member and two dome members that are the divided bodies covered with the resin layers are prepared and a through hole is provided on at least one of the two dome members;the reinforcement layer and the liner are formed by joining peripheral edge portions on respective ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Fluidic actuator manufacturing method

Номер: US20210260834A1
Принадлежит: Roam Robotics Inc

A method of constructing an inflatable fluidic actuator that includes generating a tube configuration with one or more shapes of fluid-impermeable membrane material, the tube configuration having a first tube end and a second tube end and an internal tube face and an external tube face. The method also includes coupling a first and second interface to the tube configuration at the first and second tube ends by respectively coupling each interface to the tube configuration at a respective tube end by generating at least one of: a first circumferential bond between the fluid-impermeable membrane material and one or more sidewalls of the interface; and an external face bond between fluid-impermeable membrane material at the tube end onto an external face of the interface.

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Gear housing especially for an epicyclic gear set and method of making same

Номер: US20180238432A1
Принадлежит: Büehler Motor GmbH

A gear housing for an epicyclic gear set, the gear housing including a hollow wheel having internal teething and a first front end with a first front-side joining surface; a housing cover having a second front end with a second front-side joining surface for longitudinally axially covering the hollow wheel; and a bonded connection for connecting the first front end to the second front end through the mating of the first and second front-side joining surfaces, at which the hollow wheel and the housing cover are connected to each other by a bonded connection, in particular, by heated tool welding, infrared welding, ultrasonic welding, or rotary friction welding.

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190232573A1

An implantable medical device includes a first component including a first material, a second component including a second material, and a fiber matrix including a plurality of fibers. The fiber matrix joins the first component to the second component. The fiber matrix includes a first a first portion connected to the first component, and a second portion connected to the second component. The first portion of the fiber matrix is interpenetrated with, and mechanically fixed to, the first material. The first portion of the fiber matrix directly contacts the first material. 1. A method for joining a first component and a second component of an implantable medical device , the method comprising:interpenetrating a first portion of a fiber matrix within a first material, the first material being in a liquid state;forming the first component by solidifying the first material, wherein the first portion of the fiber matrix is mechanically fixed within a portion of the first component and a second portion of the fiber matrix projects from the first component; andconnecting the second portion of the fiber matrix to the second component to join the first component to the second component.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein interpenetrating the first portion of the fiber matrix within the first material includes electro-spinning a fiber directly into the first material.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein interpenetrating the first portion of the fiber matrix within the first material includes:electro-spinning at least one fiber onto a substrate to form the fiber matrix; andovermolding the first material onto the fiber matrix on the substrate.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein solidifying the first material is by cross-linking portions of the first material around portions of the first portion of the fiber matrix.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein connecting the second portion of the fiber matrix to the second component includes heat bonding the second portion of the fiber matrix ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180257362A1

A method for fabricating a preform by providing a plurality of preform segments which each define a portion of a preform, positioning said preform segments in continuous contact with each other along at least one edge of said preform segments such that said plurality of preform segments define a cavity, and bonding each of said preform segments to at least one other preform segment such that said plurality of preform segments forms a continuous whole. 1. A preform comprising a plurality of preform segments each defining a portion of the preform , each of the preform segments is bonded to at least one other preform segment to constitute the preform with a cavity defined by the plurality of preform segments.2. The preform of claim 1 , wherein the preform comprises an open end communicating with the cavity claim 1 , the open end being provided with a member for interfacing with a closure device.3. The preform of claim 1 , wherein the preform segments comprise walls of at least two different thicknesses.4. The preform of claim 1 , wherein the preform segments have at least two different intrinsic viscosities.5. The preform of claim 1 , wherein the preform segments are fabricated from at least two different materials.6. The preform of claim 1 , wherein the preform segments are of at least two different colors.7. The preform of claim 1 , wherein the inside diameter of the preform at a cross-section is greater than the inside diameter of the preform at an open end of the preform.8. The preform of claim 1 , wherein the preform comprises an open end offset from the longitudinal axis of the preform.9. The preform of comprising at least one rib located upon a surface of the preform. This application is a divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/414,756 filed Jan. 14, 2015, which is a National Stage of International Application No. PCT/EP13/065729 filed Jul. 25, 2013, which claims priority to European Application No. 12179128.9 filed Aug. 3, 2012, the entire contents of which ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Method for Assembling Tubular Joining Sleeve and a Conduit Lining Tube by Laser Welding

Номер: US20180272616A1
Принадлежит: Saipem SA

The present invention relates to a method and to a device for assembling together two tubes (1, 2) comprising a tubular junction sleeve and an internal pipe liner tube made of thermoplastic materials by laser welding two contact surfaces of revolution (1-1, 2-1) pressed one against the other at the ends of the tubular sleeve of said liner tube overlapping coaxially.

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200269520A1
Автор: Nola Gary

Methods and systems are provided for a housing for a fastener of a vehicle component. In one example, a housing for a fastener includes a central conduit adapted to receive the fastener, and a radial key extending outward from an outer surface of the housing. The radial key is first pressed against a vehicle component in an axial direction of the housing to form a first section of a channel within an interior of the vehicle component, and the key is then rotated against the interior to form an undercut, second section of the channel in a circumferential direction of the housing. 1. A method , comprising:inserting a housing for a fastener into a passage extending into a vehicle component while cutting a first section of a channel into the vehicle component in an axial direction of the housing with a key of the housing, the key extending radially outward from an outer surface of the housing; then, locking the housing to the vehicle component by rotating the housing within the passage.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the housing is not rotated as the first section is cut into the vehicle component claim 1 , and the housing is not removed from the vehicle component after cutting the first section and before locking the housing to the vehicle component.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein locking the housing to the vehicle component includes not moving the housing in the axial direction.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein locking the housing to the vehicle component includes cutting a second section of the channel into the vehicle component with the key in a circumferential direction of the housing and positioning the key at an end of the second section.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the second section is joined only with the first section and the channel is not joined to any other channels claim 4 , and wherein the channel including the first and second sections is sealed from the passage by the outer surface of the housing.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein claim 4 ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации

System and method for manufacturing pressure units

Номер: US20150300568A1

A novel system is described for manufacturing fully automatically pressure units ( 1 ) having a high pressure container ( 2 ) with a bottom part ( 3 ) and a closure ( 7 ) with a pressure control device ( 6 ), which pressure units ( 1 ) are to be mounted in a fluid container ( 5 ). In a production line ( 100 ) with a first station ( 110 ) the bottom part ( 3 ) and the closure ( 7 ) are mounted automatically to the high pressure container ( 2 ). In a second station ( 130 ) the bottom part 3 ) and the closure ( 7 ) are welded into the high pressure container ( 2 ), and in a third station ( 160 ) the containers ( 50 ) and the pressure units ( 1 ) are pre-assembled. In a fourth station ( 170 ) the pressure units ( 1 ) are welded into the containers ( 50 ).

19-09-2019 дата публикации

Method For Assembling Thermoplastic Tubes By Induction Welding

Номер: US20190283338A1
Принадлежит: Saipem SA

A method for assembling two tubes ( 1, 2 ) made from thermoplastic materials, that involves welding by heating two applied rotational contact surfaces of two parts of two tubes ( 1, 2 ), respectively, arranged end to end or overlapping coaxially (XX′). The method involves induction heating of at least one conductive welding element ( 4 ), arranged at the interface ( 3 ) between the two contact surfaces, by generating a magnetic field at said conductive welding element or elements, such that the melting of the thermoplastic materials constituting said contact surfaces produces a continuous and sealed weld at said interface on at least one closed loop along the entire perimeter of said interface.

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Electronically commutated direct current motor with individual terminals and plastic parts

Номер: US20170302121A1
Принадлежит: Büehler Motor GmbH

An electronically commutated direct current motor with a housing, a housing cover, a bearing shield, a rotor and a stator, wherein the rotor includes a shaft and a permanent magnet and the stator consists of single terminals, which are provided with terminal insulation. The direct current motor ensures a space-saving construction connection of motor components or components with the housing of the electronic commutated direct current motor, conforming to its class, wherein additional connections or sealing elements are not required, wherein a firm and sealed connection can be manufactured upon demand and an easy integration of other functions and interfaces is possible.

25-10-2018 дата публикации

Container bottom heater

Номер: US20180304570A1
Автор: Randy John Lamie
Принадлежит: Dart Container Corp

A bottom heater for use in assembling a container bottom and a sleeve includes a body having a peripheral wall and a heated air passage terminating in an outlet in the peripheral wall. A shape of at least a portion of the peripheral wall defining the outlet is such that heated air exiting the outlet is fluidly attached to an adjacent portion of the peripheral wall after exit because of the Coanda effect.

24-09-2020 дата публикации

Method, apparatus and system for lining conduits

Номер: US20200300403A1
Автор: Kevan Taylor
Принадлежит: Moray Group LLC

Methods, apparatus or equipment and systems for lining conduits, e.g., preferably subterranean pipelines and passageways, such as sewers, with a liner impregnated with a curable resin in order to secure the conduit against ingress or egress of liquids.

19-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150330536A1
Автор: JASPAERT Bruno

The invention relates to the construction of a sealed connection between an elastomeric or synthetic polymer flexible pipe or hose and a metallic coupling member (′). The coupling member surrounds an armour layer (′) at a free end of the flexible pipe or hose. A sealing area (′) is defined by a recessed portion of the pipe coupling (′) into which a sealing material () is introduced. An inner liner layer (′) of the flexible pipe or hose may extend into the sealing area (′) where it is bonded to the sealing material. The sealing material () and the inner liner layer (′) may each be comprised of a semi-crystalline thermoplastic material. Furthermore, a reinforcement material (′) be provided in the inner liner layer (′).

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Dispenser comprising pressure control device, method of manufacturing dispenser parts and method of assembly

Номер: US20180319572A1
Принадлежит: Gojara

The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a pressurizable cylindrical vessel for use in a pressure control system for maintaining a constant predetermined pressure in a fluid container configured to dispense when in use a fluid contained in said fluid container at said constant predetermined pressure, characterized in that the manufacturing is by injection moulding. The invention also relates to a method for assembling a pressurizable fluid container configured to dispense when in use a fluid contained in said container at a constant predetermined pressure. In addition, the invention relates to a pressurizable cylindrical vessel, a pressurizable unit, a pressure control system, a bottom plate and a dispenser; as well as their methods of manufacturing. In a final aspect the invention relates to uses of said parts in a bag-on-valve type packaging or metal can type packaging.

17-10-2019 дата публикации

Methods of Joining or Repairing Lined Pipes and Associated Apparatus

Номер: US20190316721A1
Автор: BARNES Stephen

A method of creating a weld between a liner of a section of lined pipe and an electrofusion fitting. The fitting comprises at least one heating element, which is suitably disposed on or in an outer surface of the electrofusion fitting and is electrically isolated from an inner surface of the fitting. The method comprises locating an end of the electrofusion fitting within an end of the section of lined pipe, locating an induction coil within a bore of the electrofusion fitting in the vicinity of the at least one heating element, and supplying electrical power to the induction coil to energise the at least one heating element by electromagnetic induction. 1. A method of creating a weld between a liner of a section of lined pipe and an electrofusion fitting comprising at least one heating element , the method comprising locating an end of the electrofusion fitting within an end of the section of lined pipe , locating an induction coil within a bore of the electrofusion fitting in the vicinity of the at least one heating element , and supplying electrical power to the induction coil to energise the at least one heating element by electromagnetic induction.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein energising the at least one heating element causes heating of the at least one heating element.3. The method of or claim 1 , wherein supplying electrical power to the induction coil comprises passing alternating current through the induction coil.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the frequency of the alternating current is radio frequency.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the frequency of the alternating current is in the range of 5 to 400 kHz.6. The method of any preceding claim claim 4 , comprising controlling claim 4 , selecting or setting a frequency of the alternating current so as to cause heating of the at least one heating element without causing heating of the pipe.7. The method of any preceding claim claim 4 , comprising selecting an electrofusion fitting having at least ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190322054A1
Автор: WEHRMANN Christoph

The application relates to a plastic moulding for a moulding arrangement including a housing for another plastic moulding of the moulding arrangement, wherein the housing is formed within a moulding body of the plastic moulding including a weldable material in at least some areas. It is contemplated therein that a contact element is arranged on the moulding body, the contact element at least partly including an electrically conductive material and limiting a recess of the moulding body adjoining the housing in at least some areas. The application further relates to a moulding arrangement and a method for producing a moulding arrangement. 1315415163161817165. A plastic moulding () for a moulding arrangement () including a housing () for another plastic moulding () of the moulding arrangement () , wherein the housing () is formed within a moulding body () of the plastic moulding () consisting of a weldable material in at least some areas , characterised in that on the moulding body () , a contact element () is arranged consisting at least partly of an electrically conductive material and limiting a recess () of the moulding body () adjoining the housing () in at least some areas.218201752335. The plastic moulding according to claim 1 , characterised in that the contact element () includes a protrusion () arranged in the recess () and protruding towards the housing () claim 1 , in particular abutting an inner circumferential surface () of the moulding body () limiting the housing ().32019182116. The plastic moulding according to any of the preceding claims claim 1 , characterised in that the protrusion () originates from a base body () of the contact element () claim 1 , the base body being arranged at a front side () of the moulding body () claim 1 , in particular abutting it.43241755. The plastic moulding according to any of the preceding claims claim 1 , characterised in that the plastic moulding () includes a hollow cylinder element () which is arranged within the ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170348794A1
Автор: Stumpf Michael

A friction welding method for fastening a connection bushing, such as a threaded bushing for example, in a housing. In order to improve the quality of the connection, the connection bushing is attached to the housing using a friction welding element. The friction welding element consists of the connection bushing, on which a friction welding shell with a radially outer friction welding contour is formed or molded. Connecting and sealing portions are produced between the friction welding element and the housing during the friction welding process by means of a special design of the friction welding contour. 1. Connection method by which a connection bushing of a friction welding element is fastenable in a channel of a housing wherein the friction welding element has the connection bushing consisting of metal and having a radially inner side and a friction welding shell formed and fastened on a radial outer side of the connection bushing , andthe friction welding shell consisting of plastic being adapted for melting upon friction welding heat application and bonding to the housing upon solidification, whereinthe friction welding shell comprising: a radial outer friction welding contour formed by an outer surface of the friction welding shell for connecting with the housing having in an axial direction at least first and second cylindrical portions and at least one conically shaped gradation portion, wherein the first and second cylindrical portions are connected to each other by the at least one conically shaped gradation portion, anda circumferentially arranged collar that is connected to and formed in one piece with the friction welding shell, which is arranged axially adjacent to an end of the connection bushing and which comprises at least one drive means at a collar top side facing away from the friction welding contour adapted to be engaged by a drive component to rotate the collar and the friction welding element, whereinthe connection method comprises the ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации

Electrofusion Fitting Methods

Номер: US20180363822A1
Автор: BARNES Stephen

The invention provides improvements to electrofusion fitting methods that allow for continuity and repeatability of welds between an electrofusion fitting and a pipe lining (or stand-alone pipe). An electrofusion fitting for joining sections of lined pipe has heating elements configured to create at least one weld between the electrofusion fitting and a pipe lining, however prior to the weld step taking place the electrofusion fitting is heated and expands accordingly to ensure contact with the pipe lining. Preheating the electrofusion fitting also provides a predetermined starting temperature for the fitting and the lining which results in improved fusion cycle reliability. Furthermore, the need for clamps or support frames to support the electrofusion fitting in situ is removed, with corresponding reductions in cycle times, complexity, and hence cost. 1. A method of creating a weld between a section of lined pipe and an electrofusion fitting , the method comprising heating at least a portion of the electrofusion fitting to a first temperature lower than a melting point of the material of the electrofusion fitting , and subsequently heating the at least a portion of the electrofusion fitting to a second temperature higher than the melting point of the material of the electrofusion fitting to weld the fitting to the pipe lining.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein heating the at least a portion of the electrofusion fitting to the first temperature expands the electrofusion fitting to improve or ensure contact between the electrofusion fitting and the pipe lining.3. The method according to or claim 1 , wherein heating to the first temperature comprises supplying electrical current to one or more heating elements integral to the electrofusion fitting.4. The method according to or claim 1 , wherein heating to the first temperature comprises supplying electrical current to one or more heating elements separate from the electrofusion fitting.5. The method ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180370150A1
Автор: Brouwer Mark, Regan Phil

A new method for fully automatically manufacturing a fluid container with a pressure unit is described, which pressure unit is mounted in a fluid container. In a station the high-pressure container of the pressure unit is mounted with the closure and the bottom part and is clamped at the upper and lower ends by clamping means and is rotated by rotating means associated with the clamping means. The rotating pressure unit is welded by first laser means and by second laser means, whereas the laser beam of the first laser means being directed to a first joint area of the bottom part of the pressure unit with the container, and the laser beam of the second laser means being directed to a second joint area of the bottom part of the pressure unit with the container, which first and second joint area are separated at a distance to each other 1. A method for fully automatically assembling a pressure unit WA with a fluid container , said pressure unit having a high pressure container with a bottom part and a closure with a pressure control device , wherein the method comprises:mounting the pressure unit in the fluid container, such that the bottom part and the closure are mounted automatically to the high-pressure container;welding the closure and the bottom part into the high-pressure container;pre-assembling the container and the pressure unit using clamping means for clamping the container with the pressure unit and rotating means for rotating the container, wherein said rotating means are associated with the clamping means;welding the rotating container to the bottom part of the pressure unit in a welding station, said welding station having a first laser means with a first laser beam and a second laser means with a second laser beam;directing the first laser beam to a first joint area of the bottom part and the fluid container to provide a first welding ring;clamping the fluid container with the mounted pressure unit at the upper and lower ends by the clamping means; ...

31-12-2020 дата публикации

Electrofusion Fittings for Lined Pipes

Номер: US20200408349A1

A liner bridge for a lined pipeline has bores extending through a tubular wall and terminals fitted in the bores, each terminal being exposed to an inward side of the wall for conducting electricity to an electrofusion element. A sealing interface between each terminal and its surrounding bore has one or more projecting formations of the terminal and at least one complementary formation of the bore engaged with the or each of the projecting formations. The interface can also include a sealing mass in the bore. 130-. (canceled)32. The liner bridge of claim 31 , wherein the or each projecting formation extends continuously and circumferentially around the terminal.33. The liner bridge of claim 31 , wherein the or each projecting formation is integral with the terminal.34. The liner bridge of claim 31 , wherein the or each complementary formation extends continuously and circumferentially around the bore.35. The liner bridge of claim 31 , wherein the or each complementary formation is integral with the wall defining the bore.36. The liner bridge of claim 31 , wherein:a contact end portion of the terminal has a taper that narrows the terminal from a projecting formation toward the contact end; andthe complementary formation of the bore defines a correspondingly-tapered seat.37. The liner bridge of claim 36 , wherein the contact end portion of the terminal and the complementary formation of the bore are frusto-conical.38. The liner bridge of claim 31 , wherein a castellated side profile of the terminal comprises at least two projecting formations spaced along the terminal and a recess defined between and separating those projecting formations.39. The liner bridge of claim 38 , wherein the castellated side profile is a sawtooth profile.40. The liner bridge of claim 38 , wherein the bore is expanded radially outwardly from an initial diameter by the presence of the terminal and the terminal is wider at the recess than the initial diameter of the bore.41. The liner bridge ...

28-11-2017 дата публикации

Food container top with integrally formed utensil

Номер: US9827729B2
Принадлежит: Phoenix Packaging Operations LLC

A molded article comprising a food container top, and a method for producing same, is disclosed. The method includes providing a mold for forming the molded article, wherein the mold defines a frame, a utensil located substantially coplanar with the frame and a frangible link between the frame and the utensil, providing an in-mold lidding film having a heat activatable lower surface, positioning the in-mold lidding film adjacent to an interior molding surface of the mold, molding the molded article from a heated thermoplastic resin contained within the mold, whereby the heated thermoplastic resin contacts a perimeter of the heat-activatable lower surface of the in-mold lidding film, and the perimeter of the heat-activatable lower surface of the in-mold lidding film is molded to the frame of the article such that the in-mold lidding film hermetically seals an opening defined by the frame.

01-09-1988 дата публикации

Patent DE3640225C2

Номер: DE3640225C2
Принадлежит: Boellhoff GmbH

20-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2450967C2
Принадлежит: Кхс Аг

FIELD: packing industry. SUBSTANCE: keg comprises a vessel made of artificial material, preferably, from PET, and also a keg fitting on a neck area forming a keg opening, and made as a whole with the keg vessel. The fitting is fixed on the neck area by means of thermal deformation of its wall section having a shape of a circular cylinder, and a fitting element protruding above the lower side, covering the neck area. The fitting may also be fixed in the neck with the help of a connecting part and an inclined springy grip, the free end of which is installed above the inner surface of the connecting section and contacts with it, the lower end of the springy grip is in the groove provided in a connecting section. The fitting may have a vessel and a lower part with a central section of cup-like form, entering the keg opening, and a protruding cylindrical connecting section made in the form of several segments covering a circular ledge installed on the outer side of the keg neck. EFFECT: reliable transportation of contents and improved ecological properties due to simplified recycling. 8 cl, 9 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 450 967 (13) C2 (51) МПК B67D 1/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2009128175/12, 08.11.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.11.2007 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.01.2011 Бюл. № 3 (73) Патентообладатель(и): КХС АГ (DE) 2 4 5 0 9 6 7 (45) Опубликовано: 20.05.2012 Бюл. № 14 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: GB 851855 А, 19.10.1960. DE 10009895 A1, 20.09.2001. US 4142658 A, 06.03.1979. US 4411287 A, 25.10.1983. RU 2198132 C2, 10.02.2003. EP 0102701 B1, 02.12.1987. 2 4 5 0 9 6 7 R U (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2007/009692 (08.11.2007) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 22.07.2009 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2008/083782 (17.07.2008) Адрес для переписки: 103735, Москва, ул. Ильинка, 5/2, ООО " ...

28-06-1988 дата публикации

Process using light and light activated adhesive compositions to secure light opaque end caps to fluorescent tubes

Номер: US4753704A
Автор: John J. Stewart
Принадлежит: Henkel Loctite Corp

The use of radiant energy and a radiation curable adhesive to bond components to glass where direct irradiation proves impossible is disclosed. The process utilizes the light scattering properties of glass to convey radiant light energy along an axis generally perpendicular to the incident radiant light resulting in cure of adhesive in shadow areas. The process finds particular utility in the bonding of light opaque end caps to fluorescent tubes.

28-05-1997 дата публикации

A heat sealing method and luggage case

Номер: EP0615833B1
Принадлежит: VIP Ind Ltd, VIP Industries Ltd

17-10-1995 дата публикации

Heat sealing method for making a luggage case

Номер: US5458718A
Принадлежит: VIP Industries Ltd

A method of joining a beading to a luggage case is provided in which the beading has a conductive material, for example a length of wire embedded within it and in which the beading and the luggage case are positioned together and the conductive material made to pass a current so that it heats up causing the thermoplastic materials to melt locally and fuse. A hard shell luggage case having a thus joined beading and which in a particular embodiment includes a lining which also becomes attached to the case in the method is also provided.

04-03-2004 дата публикации

Filter catheter

Номер: DE69034045T2
Автор: Jean-Marie Lefebvre
Принадлежит: Jean-Marie Lefebvre

21-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE69730736D1
Принадлежит: Daikin Industries Ltd

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Workpiece part, in particular for housing assemblies, and method for connecting workpiece parts by means of laser beams

Номер: WO2012104117A1
Принадлежит: PIERBURG GMBH

The invention relates to a workpiece part, in particular for housing assemblies of, for example, pumps, valves, and the like, in which two workpiece parts can be connected by a joining zone (31), wherein the workpiece part comprises a laser beam-absorbing material, wherein at least one rib element is provided in the region of the joining zone (31). The invention further relates to a method for connecting, by means of laser beams, workpiece parts which in particular belong to a housing assembly for, for example, pumps, valves and the like, wherein a first laser beam-transparent workpiece part (23) and a second laser beam-absorbing workpiece part (22) are connected to each other by a joining zone (31) such that the laser beams of a laser beam source are introduced through the first workpiece part (23) and the second workpiece part (22) is heated in the region of the joining zone (31) such that the second workpiece part (22) and the first workpiece part (23) attain a fusible state in the joining zone (31) and, during subsequent cooling, a solidification of the joining zone (31) is achieved, wherein in the initial state the second workpiece part (22) comprises at least one rib element (28) such that the two workpiece parts (22, 23) are transferred into a press fit in a first step, creating a press region in the joining zone 31, and in a second step the two workpiece parts (22, 23) are non-positively and/or positively connected to each other in the joining zone (31) by the connecting by means of laser beams.

10-07-2002 дата публикации

Simultaneous butt and lap joints

Номер: EP1105286A4
Принадлежит: Edison Welding Institute Inc

A method for production of simultaneous lap and butt joints directs electromagnetic radiation (12) through a radiation transmitting material (40) to an absorbing material (44a, 44b, and 44c) that absorbs radiation (12) with the generation of heat. The heat provides sufficient molten material in interfaces (50a, 50b and 50c) to fuse and bond: 1) pipe ends (14, 24) to each other in a butt joint (22; 2) pipe end portion (16) to sleeve (40) in a lap joint (28a), and 3) pipe end portion (26) to sleeve (40) in a lap joint (28b). Use of a sufficiently clear material for sleeve (40) allows visual inspection of joints (22, 28a, and 28b). Butt joint (22) can be formed by conductive heating without absorbing material (44a) to provide a smooth interior bore useful for transporting high purity fluids without risk of absorbent contamination or debris and organism collection in gaps found in previous joining techniques.

01-08-2002 дата публикации

Simultaneous butt and lap joints

Номер: US20020100540A1
Принадлежит: Edison Welding Institute Inc

A method for production of simultaneous lap and butt joints directs electromagnetic radiation ( 12 ) through a radiation transmitting material coupling ( 40 ) having an absorbing material ( 44 ) formed as a portion of coupling ( 40 ) that absorbs radiation ( 12 ) with the generation of heat. The heat provides sufficient molten material in interfaces ( 50 a, 50 b, and 50 c ) to fuse and bond: 1) pipe ends ( 14, 24 ) to each other in a butt joint ( 22 ), 2) pipe end portion ( 16 ) to sleeve ( 40 ) in a lap joint ( 28 a ), and 3) pipe end portion ( 26 ) to sleeve ( 40 ) in a lap joint ( 28 b ). A coupling ( 40 ) is preformed with integral or surface applied radiation absorbing material ( 44 ) to provide rapid joint assembly and consistent weld production.

07-11-2002 дата публикации

Method for connecting at least two plastic pipe and / or wall elements

Номер: DE19916786C2

A laser-welding method for plastic tubes and/or wall elements, especially for containers, apparatus, housings and conduits, in which the contact surfaces in the tubular transition zone are in the form of a cylinder or truncated cone, held together by applied pressure while heat is supplied to a laser-absorbing plastic by laser irradiation from the laser-transparent side. An Independent claim is also included for a joint between at least two plastic tubes and/or wall elements, in which the plastic facing the laser is transparent to laser radiation and the plastic on the side away from the laser contains laser-absorbing particles, the contact surfaces are as described above, the elements are bonded by laser action and the weld seam is in the hidden part of the transition zone between the elements.

25-05-2004 дата публикации

Through-transmission welding of catheter components

Номер: US6740191B2
Принадлежит: Medtronic AVE Inc

A process for forming a heat weld between a catheter shaft and a surrounding balloon comprises selecting an elongate catheter shaft formed of thermoplastic polymeric material that is opaque to red and near-infrared light, and selecting a balloon formed of thermoplastic polymeric material that is transparent or translucent to red and near-infrared light. While a neck of the balloon is fitted in close contact around a distal portion of the catheter shaft, a laser beam of red and near-infrared light is applied through the balloon neck to impinge on the underlying opaque distal shaft, which is heated thereby. Heat from the shaft is conducted into the surrounding balloon neck so that adjacent annular portions of both components melt and mix. The molten materials are allowed to cool, forming a secure weld joint between the neck and the shaft. The process yields strong, flexible bonds between balloons and catheter shafts that may be selected from a wide variety of materials.

02-12-2002 дата публикации

Process for transmission laser welding of plastic parts

Номер: LU90784B1
Автор: Sami Ruotsalainen
Принадлежит: Delphi Tech Inc

A process for transmission laser welding of a first plastic part (12) and a second plastic part (14) that can be at least partially received in the first plastic part (12) is proposed. The second plastic part (14) is introduced into the first plastic part (12), to which it is connected by means of an interference fit connection, whereby at least one contact zone between the second plastic part (14) and the first plastic part (12) is formed as a result of this interference fit. A laser beam (30) is directed to impinge on the second plastic part (14), through the first plastic part (12), along the at least one contact zone to form a weld (32). <IMAGE>

08-03-2006 дата публикации

Butt laser welding method

Номер: JP3753024B2
Автор: 正彦 井本
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

19-05-2010 дата публикации

Laser welding method and laser welding apparatus

Номер: JP4465242B2
Автор: 修 伊藤, 幸生 大田
Принадлежит: 東海電化工業株式会社

24-04-2012 дата публикации

Infra-red thermal imaging of laser welded battery module enclosure components

Номер: US8162020B2
Автор: Satish Anantharaman
Принадлежит: Battery Patent Trust

A thermal imaging system for a battery module enclosure that includes first and second battery module enclosure components between which a weld is formed includes a thermal imaging camera that focuses on the first and second battery module enclosure components within a predetermined amount of time after the weld is formed and that acquires a thermal signature. A control module includes an image processing module that receives the thermal signature and that locates a predetermined reference point in the thermal signature. An image comparison module receives the thermal signature and uses the predetermined reference point to compare the thermal signature to a template signature in order to verify structural integrity of the weld. The image comparison module computes a relative measure of deviation of the thermal signature from the template signature and identifies the weld as defective when the relative measure of deviation is greater than a predetermined value.

07-10-2010 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a composite work piece for a drug delivery device and composite work piece for a drug delivery device

Номер: WO2010112562A1

Method for manufacturing a composite work piece for a drug delivery device, comprising the steps: Providing a first work piece part 1 and a second work piece part 2, arranging both work piece parts 1, 2 with respect to each other in such a way that both work piece parts 1, 2 are in mechanical contact with one another in a contact area 3, irradiating a surface of the first work piece part 1 with electromagnetic radiation, thereby softening the first work piece part 1 and/or the second work piece part 2 in a region adjacent to the contact area 3, and joining the first work piece part 1 to the second work piece part 2 in the contact area 3 for the composite work piece. Furthermore, a composite work piece for a drug delivery device is provided.

09-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR2973277B1

18-06-1973 дата публикации

Laserstraal-lassen van kunststoffen buizen

Номер: BE792903A
Автор: C C Goehring, W E Bowen
Принадлежит: American Can Co

01-06-1976 дата публикации

Method of fabricating tubular bodies

Номер: US3960624A
Автор: Paul M. Erlandson
Принадлежит: Continental Can Co Inc

This disclosure relates to a method of fabricating tubular bodies having at least one closed end by advancing material along a predetermined path of travel in a predetermined direction, forming the material into a tube during its advancement, placing a closure in-line with the advancement of the tube, and utilizing the motion of the advancing tube to assemble the latter with the closure.

17-01-1991 дата публикации

Patent DE9015782U1

Номер: DE9015782U1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Trumpf SE and Co KG

25-01-1983 дата публикации

Connector member for dissimilar materials

Номер: CA1140292A
Принадлежит: Baxter Travenol Laboratories Inc

CONNECTOR MEMBER FOR DISSIMILAR MATERIALS Inventors: Peter C. Kwong Dean G. Laurin ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE A plastic composition which may be molded into a connector which is capable of simultaneously sealing to both polyvinyl chloride plastics and polyolefin plastics. The plastic composition comprises from 50 to 75 percent by weight of an essentially polyolefin material which is sealingly com-patible with the polyolefin plastic to which the composition is intended to be sealed, and from 25 to 50 percent by weight of a flexible block copolymer of covalently bonded polybuty-lene terephthalate units and poly(1,4-butylene) oxide units.

01-05-2017 дата публикации

Contenedor flexible con accesorios y proceso para producirlo.

Номер: MX2017000532A
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Se proporciona un contenedor flexible (10). El contenedor flexible (10) incluye cuatro paneles (18, 20, 22 y 24). Los cuatro paneles forman (i) una porción de cuerpo; (ii) una porción de cuello (30), y una porción de ensanchamiento (50) que se extiende desde la porción de cuello (30); (iii) una porción de transición cónica entre la porción de cuerpo y la porción de cuello (30); y (iv) la porción de cuello (30) tiene una anchura reducida. La porción de ensanchamiento (50) tiene un extremo expandido. La anchura de la porción de ensanchamiento (50) aumenta gradualmente desde la porción de cuello (30) hasta el extremo expandido.

14-11-2002 дата публикации

Process for lining a pipe

Номер: DE69331884T2
Принадлежит: Lattice Intellectual Property Ltd

24-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN106550599B
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC


01-10-2009 дата публикации

Method for connecting lines

Номер: DE502005007918D1
Принадлежит: VERITAS AG

22-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CN1239453A
Принадлежит: Daikin Industries Ltd


15-05-2018 дата публикации

Rotary device for welding packaging tube

Номер: RU2654026C2
Принадлежит: Айзапак Холдинг С.А.

FIELD: plastic processing. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to an apparatus for manufacturing packaging tubes. Technical result is achieved by a rotary indexing device for manufacturing packaging tubes, comprising: indexing turntable (3) mounted in a rotary manner about axis (9), mandrels (4) with respective supports (14) secured to said turntable (3) and disposed radially with respect to said axis (9), radial actuating means (10, 11) for moving mandrels (4) in a direction perpendicular to said axis (9), and linear guide means (13) for moving mandrels (4) in another direction perpendicular to said axis (9). Mandrels (4) with respective supports (14), radial actuating means (10, 11) and linear guide means (13) are disposed in a direction parallel to said axis (9). EFFECT: technical result is shorter duration of stepped rotation and higher productivity. 10 cl, 8 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 654 026 C2 (51) МПК B29C 31/00 (2006.01) B29D 23/20 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B29C 31/00 (2006.01); B29D 23/20 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016101546, 25.06.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): АЙЗАПАК ХОЛДИНГ С.А. (CH) 15.05.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 2007141711 A2, 13.12.2007. SU 03.07.2013 EP 13174868.3 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 08.08.2017 Бюл. № 22 1581211 A3, 23.07.1990. FR 2367601 A, 12.05.1978. US 6221189 A, 24.04.2001. RU 2298472 C2, 10.05.2007. (45) Опубликовано: 15.05.2018 Бюл. № 14 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 03.02.2016 2 6 5 4 0 2 6 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 25.06.2014 (72) Автор(ы): ШТАЛЬ Кристоф (CH), ШВАГЕР Жан-Клод (CH), ФЕРРЕН Дидье (CH) IB 2014/062593 (25.06.2014) C 2 C 2 (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: R U 2 6 5 4 0 2 6 WO 2015/001453 (08.01.2015) Адрес для переписки: 197101, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 128, " ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Container-forming process and machine

Номер: WO2015051351A1

A container-forming process is used to form an insulative container. The container-forming process includes a staging-materials operation, a body-forming operation, and a brim-forming operation.

26-09-1967 дата публикации

Method of making containers from expandable plastic sheets

Номер: US3344222A

12-10-1973 дата публикации

Patent JPS4875671A

Номер: JPS4875671A

22-12-1981 дата публикации

Apparatus for providing bottom blanks for containers in a manufacturing process

Номер: US4306849A
Принадлежит: Maryland Cup Corp

The present invention is directed to an apparatus and method wherein bottom blanks for containers are severed from a web feed roll and subsequently transferred at a compatible speed and spacing to final forming mandrels on which finished containers are to be formed. The bottom blanks are tangentially transferred from a first transfer turret at a final velocity and spacing most desirable for cutting and minimizing scrap to a second transfer turret at a second velocity and spacing and thereafter tangentially transferred to the final forming mandrels. Subsequently, preprinted rectangular blanks of longitudinally stretch-oriented foam sheet material formed into cylinders are transferred onto the final forming mandrels. Thereafter, the bottom blanks the cylindrical blanks and the final forming mandrels are heated to shrink the cylindrical blanks so that they assume the shape of the final forming mandrels. The top curl on containers such as drinking cups and food tubs is formed after shrink forming. Further, the bottom seam of the container is reinforced by ironing after shrink forming.

14-09-1982 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing two-piece containers from filled thermoplastic sheet material

Номер: US4349400A
Автор: Morton Gilden
Принадлежит: Maryland Cup Corp

A method and apparatus are provided for forming two-piece drinking cups and containers from conventionally shaped arcuate sidewall blank and bottom blanks of filled polypropylene sheet material or polypropylene-polyethylene copolymer sheet material with approximately 40% talc or calcium carbonate as a filler. The arcuate blanks for the sidewall and the bottom blanks are run through relatively standard two-piece container or cup making machinery utilizing patterned air jet heating means to heat areas of the filled plastic sheet material such that the sidewall and bottom curl seams can be heat sealed on the forming mandrels of the machinery and the top curl can be placed in the container by heating and substantially conventional forming dies. The seaming structures so produced are extremely water tight and of high strength characteristics.

11-10-1983 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for sealing the sidewall and bottom seam portions of two-piece containers during manufacture thereof

Номер: US4409045A
Автор: Charles E. Busse
Принадлежит: Maryland Cup Corp

Method and apparatus for fabricating and seaming two-piece containers such as frustoconical cups and the like are provided which include a two-piece mandrel having retractable tip or nose piece which is coaxial in its relation to the main body of the mandrel in its extended position and retracts to an offset position. The retraction/extension path is configured to constrain the surface of the tip or nose piece to impart a progressive sealing pressure to a portion of the container side seam against the reaction surface of a seam clamp. The tip also has vacuum porting for holding a bottom blank during the container forming process and acts to seal the bottom blank in the container bottom curl and in the case of effecting heat sealed seams in the container, to position the bottom blank so as to preclude heat damage to the bottom wet line area of the container.

30-03-1979 дата публикации

Device for continuous manufacture of tubular articles from thermoplastic strip materials

Номер: SU655295A3

Apparatus for forming containers having a deformable tube and a closing cap attached to one end of the tube. A strip of deformable material is fed through a shaping tube and a mandrel axially positioned within the forming tube by means of an endless belt positioned within the mandrel and another endless belt positioned exterior of the mandrel. Welding means are provided to join the overlapped edges of the deformable material that has been shaped into a cylinder. Cutting means downstream of the welding means segment the welded cylinder into cylindrical tubes of desired length. A tube head is molded onto one end of each cylindrical tube.

11-04-1991 дата публикации

End cap assembly for air spring

Номер: AU608596B2
Автор: Jack D. Ecktman
Принадлежит: Firestone Tire and Rubber Co

24-08-1989 дата публикации

Patent DE3721577C2

Номер: DE3721577C2

27-08-1991 дата публикации

Patent JPH0356172B2

Номер: JPH0356172B2
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

PURPOSE:To obtain the sufficient strength of welded resin members by the welding of one time by a method in which into a tube like synthetic resin member, another tube like member is inserted, and the peripheral surface of the over lapped portion on both members is enclosed by a plurality of hones are then super sonic vibration is applied thereto, whereby welding both members. CONSTITUTION:Into a comparatively soft member 2 like a large diameter tube, another small diameter tube like member 3 is inserted, and a welding part 11 is formd in the portion where two tube like members are mutually lapped. The outer peripheral surface of said welding part 11 is pressed by two tool hones 7a, 7b, and the tube like member 2 is enclosed by the tool hones 7a, 7b so as to pressurize the part between the tool hones 7a, 7b and the large diameter tube like member 2. Next, the electric vibration generated by each frequency generator 4 is converted into mechanical vibration by a vibrator 5 and is amplified by a stationary hone 6. This vibration is converted into the vibration suitable for the material or the thickness of the tube like members to be welded by the tool hones 7a, 7b and welds the whole peripheral surface of the welding part 11 by heating.

11-11-1999 дата публикации

Tube head blank and method for its production

Номер: DE19623301C2
Принадлежит: Automation Industrielle SA

09-10-1984 дата публикации

Welding method of plastic member

Номер: JPS59178214A
Принадлежит: Kyoraku Co Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

21-06-1999 дата публикации

Hose connection method

Номер: JP2907251B2
Автор: 年寛 白川
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd
