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25-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2676068C2
Принадлежит: Зе Боинг Компани (US)

Изобретение относится к способу проверки поверхности композитной структуры перед ее соединением и структуре на основе отслаиваемого слоя для использования в этом способе. Способ включает: обеспечение отслаиваемого слоя, содержащего поверхность, содержащую опознаваемое маркировочное средство; размещение указанного отслаиваемого слоя на поверхности композитной подложки, причем поверхность отслаиваемого слоя находится в контакте с указанной поверхностью композитной подложки; совместное отверждение отслаиваемого слоя и композитной подложки; удаление отслаиваемого слоя с композитной подложки для формирования измененной поверхности композитной подложки и проверку композитной подложки для выявления опознаваемого маркировочного средства, перенесенного на указанную измененную поверхность, причем опознаваемое маркировочное средство указывает на остаток, перенесенный с указанного отслаиваемого слоя на указанную композитную подложку. Структура на основе отслаиваемого слоя содержит: отслаиваемый слой ...

13-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2687453C2
Принадлежит: ТАРКЕТТ ГДЛ (LU)

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу изготовления поверхностного покрытия с тисненой печатной поверхностью. Подложку (16) непрерывно перемещают через производственную линию, при этом на упомянутой подложке (16) сначала выполняют печатный узор в печатном оборудовании (12), и затем в устройстве (14) для тиснения выполняют тисненый узор, совмещенный с печатным узором. Печатное оборудование (12) изготавливает печатный узор в линию с изготовлением тисненого узора. В процессе печати в печатном оборудовании (12) печатный узор растягивают или сжимают, динамически реагируя на индикаторы несовпадения печатного узора и тисненого узора так, чтобы корректировать или предотвращать эти несовпадения. Также настоящее изобретение относится к производственной линии для осуществления этого способа. Техническим результатом изобретения является корректировка и предотвращение деформации печатного узора. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

28-10-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2020111959A3

10-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2396167C1
Принадлежит: ТОЙО КОХАН КО., ЛТД. (JP)

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу и установке для изготовления металлического листа с покрытием из органической смолы, с помощью которых можно удалять участки, образующиеся при нанесении покрытия в виде органической смолы на поверхность металла Т-образной экструзионной головкой. Техническим результатом заявленного изобретения является создание способа и установки, с помощью которых можно изготавливать металлический лист с покрытием из органической смолы, позволяющий надежно удалять выступающие по краям участки без использования дополнительных устройств для резки и удаления и без повреждения смолы или металлического листа. Технический результат достигается способом изготовления металлического листа с покрытием из органической смолы прямой экструзией на металлический лист органической смолы, из выходной щели Т-образной экструзионной головки. При этом способ изготовления содержит стадию непрерывной подачи металлического листа в виде полосы средством подачи металлического листа. Затем ...

10-02-2021 дата публикации

Устройство и способ для прецизионного переноса слоев атомарно тонких материалов любой площади на планарные подложки

Номер: RU2742761C1

Изобретение относится к области прецизионного манипулирования и может быть использовано для переноса слоев атомарно тонких материалов, таких как графен, на планарные подложки любого типа с достаточной адгезией, в том числе для создания Ван-дер-Ваальсовых гетероструктур и гибридных устройств на их основе. Устройство для переноса слоев 22 атомарно тонких материалов на планарные подложки 21, содержащее трехосный манипулятор 6 с держателем 8 и подвижный столик 4, которые установлены с возможностью перемещения друг относительно друга и интегрированы с оптическим инвертированным микроскопом 3 с апертурой объектива не менее 0,9, при этом манипулятор 6 и объектив 12 микроскопа 3 расположены по разные стороны от столика 4, манипулятор 6 обладает тремя поступательными и тремя вращательными степенями свободы с центром вращения, находящимся в центре держателя 8, держатель 8 снабжен нагревательным элементом, и его диаметр составляет не менее 3 см, а микроскоп 3 снабжен высокоточной системой для измерения ...

04-12-1996 дата публикации

Laminating apparatus

Номер: GB0009621385D0

31-03-2010 дата публикации

Sheet laminating apparatus having thickness detecting function

Номер: GB0002456121B

13-01-2016 дата публикации

Pneumatic positioning of laminator rollers

Номер: GB0201521052D0

10-12-2003 дата публикации

Laminating machine

Номер: GB0002370531B

01-04-2015 дата публикации

Hot laminating apparatus

Номер: GB0002512677B

17-12-2008 дата публикации

Laminating apparatus

Номер: GB0000820640D0

27-11-2013 дата публикации

On-line control of a manufacturing process for a multicomponent sheet material

Номер: GB0002502257A

Controlling a process for the manufacture of a multicomponent sheet material 612. The control method comprises the steps of applying an acoustic or an electromagnetic signal to interact with the sheet material 612 whereby the interaction modifies the applied signal, detecting the modified signal, comparing the modified signal or data derived from it with data relating to the pre-determined parameter and modifying at least one step of the process whereby the data relating to the modified signal are modified towards the data relating to the pre­determined parameter. The sheet material 612 may be a laminate or a pre-impregnated fibre reinforced structure. The method may provide continuous in-line feedback control. A further method comprises correlating detected measurement signals with the results of a water pick-up method to calibrate the detected measurement signal results with one or more parameters of the sheet material. A prepreg and/or laminate material 612 may be formed by feeding ...

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000500076A3

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000519593T

15-04-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000103845T

15-12-2014 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Herstellung eines werkseitig vorgefertigten Wandhochzuges

Номер: AT0000013919U1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur Herstellung eines fabrikmäßig vorgefertigten Wandhochzuges in der Art einer Hohlkehlsockelleiste für Bodenbeläge aus Kunststoff, PVC, Kautschuk, Linoleum oder artverwandten Stoffen zur Herstellung eines feuchtigkeitsdichten Wandabschlusses. Die Vorrichtung besteht aus einer Formgebungseinheit (1) für einen streifenförmigen Zuschnitt (6) aus dem Belagsmaterial und einer Schmelz- und Auftragseinheit (10) für einen bei Raumtemperatur dauerelastischen Kantenstützkeil aus Kunststoff oder Schmelzkleber und weist ein Kantenstützkeil-Formprofil (21) auf, welches aus dem schmelzflüssigen Kunststoff oder Schmelzkleber den dauerelastischen Kantenstützkeil formt, der an der konvexen Krümmung des streifenförmigen Zuschnitts (6) dauerhaft anhaftet.

15-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1141111A

In a method and apparatus for making disposable shoe covers from a substantially continuous supply of material, the material is moved continuously through a plurality of operating stations wherein two parallel sheets of the material are joined to form a shoe cover. The webs of material are drawn from two supply sources along a parallel path where an elastic band of material is attached to one edge of both webs and are united by glueing and stitching operations, In addition, when desired, a static strip is added as the web moves through the apparatus. After the webs of material have been joined, the apparatus cuts the length of joined webs into discrete lengths to define the individual shoe covers.

08-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002639978C

A process for manufacturing a device includes performing a plurality of non-bonding processes during at least one web-based manufacturing stage and during at least one sheet-based manufacturing stage. The processes may be performed by a plurality of modules. The modules may be independently controlled and/or monitored. The modules may be interchangeable. One or more modules may receive and/or pass material to another module. The devices that are manufactured may be a layered device, a smart card, a sensor, an actuator, an in vitro diagnostic device, a microfluidic device, or a laminar product. An apparatus for manufacturing device includes at least one web-based manufacturing component and at least one sheet-based manufacturing component. The at least one web-based manufacturing component and the at least one sheet-based manufacturing component are configured to perform a plurality of non-bonding processes.

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002889567A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

Method for dimensionally registering composite laminates (25), wherein readable elements (86) acting as alignment and identification features are incorporated integrally in laminates (25).

29-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002898258C

La présente invention concerne un dispositif de laminage comprenant un premier ensemble fixe (110) comportant au moins un premier cylindre de laminage (110) et un deuxième ensemble (120) mobile comportant au moins un deuxième cylindre de laminage (122), le deuxième ensemble (120) étant mobile selon au moins un degré de liberté relativement au premier ensemble fixe (110), de sorte que l'axe (X2) du deuxième cylindre (122) soit mobile relativement à celui du premier cylindre (110) pour régler l'écartement entre les cylindres (110, 120), caractérisé en ce que le dispositif comprend des moyens élastiques de mise au contact (130) qui exercent une première force sur l'ensemble mobile (110), ces moyens élastiques de mise au contact (130) étant configurés pour céder lorsque la force de réaction exercée par l'ensemble mobile (110) sur ceux-ci est supérieure à une force de seuil prédéterminée et des moyens de réglage (160) qui exercent sur l'ensemble mobile (110) une deuxième force ayant une composante ...

03-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002984012A1

A laminated building sheathing comprises a rigid foam board and a facer. The rigid foam board comprises a drainage pattern formed on a major surface of the foam board. The drainage pattern comprises a drainage channel. The facer is configured to cover the major surface of the rigid form board and to essentially conform to the drainage pattern. The facer is semi-permanently bonded to the drainage channel but permanently bonded to non-channel planar portions of the major surface.

28-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002719219C

The disclosure relates to systems and methods for detecting features on billets of laminated veneer lumber (LVL). In some embodiments, an LVL billet is provided and passed through a scanning assembly. The scanning assembly includes an x--ray generator and an x-ray detector. The x-ray generator generates a beam of x--ray radiation and the x-ray detector measures intensity of the beam of x- ray radiation after is passes through the LVL billet. The measured intensity is then processed to create an image. Images taken according to the disclosure may then be analyzed to detect features on the LVL billet.

22-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002840120C
Принадлежит: XTEK LTD., XTEK LTD

A method and apparatus for manufacturing composite articles such as laminate ballistic protection and structural reinforcements. The method involves placing a composite assembly in a sealable membrane system, e.g. a vacuum bag and placing the vacuum bag in a pressure vessel to apply heat and pressure to the composite assembly, thereby manufacturing a composite article. The apparatus comprises: a pressure vessel; a source of processing liquid to apply isostatic pressure to the vacuum bag; processing liquid heating, cooling, pressurising and circulating means; and a control system to control the heating, cooling and pressurising means. The sealable membrane system may preferably comprise: a sealable membrane to separate the composite article from the processing liquid and maintain the composite article below atmospheric pressure; and a membrane to cushion the composite article and resist adhesion of the article to other membranes. The processing liquid is preferably silicone oil.

26-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002837930A1

A discontinuous manufacturing process performs at least one processing step on a web of material unwound from a roll, applies an indicator code to the unwound web of material for indicating at least one finishing step the web of material is to be subjected to, rewinds the web of material having the indicator code on another roll and then transfers the rewound web of material to a remote finishing facility. At the remote finishing facility, the web of material is again unwound and transported towards a finishing station. The indicator code on the web of material is read at the finishing station and then directed to a location where an appropriate finishing step is performed on the web of material prior to it being rewound on a roll to form a product roll.

13-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002870238C

Systems and methods for in-process vision inspection for automated machines are disclosed. In one embodiment, a system provides a feed assembly for applying composite tape; a unit for forming lateral stripes across a portion of the tape that has been applied; a camera for capturing images of the lateral stripes; and a processor programmed to process the images of the lateral stripes to identify any discontinuities in the tape, wherein those stripes intersecting any discontinuities will make those discontinuities apparent.

20-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002858510C

There is provided a manufacturing apparatus for manufacturing a cleaning web member by intermittently cutting a continuous web member at a product pitch in a transport direction, the continuous web member having a base sheet continuous in the transport direction and a fiber bundle placed on and secured to the base sheet with a direction of fibers being along the transport direction. The manufacturing apparatus includes: an intermittent transport mechanism that intermittently transports the continuous web member in the transport direction; a cutter mechanism that is disposed downstream from the intermittent transport mechanism in the transport direction, and that produce a downstream end portion of the continuous web member as the cleaning web member by cutting and separating the downstream end portion from the continuous web member while transport of the continuous web member is suspended; a sensor that measures a displacement amount of a stop position of a predetermined region of the continuous ...

06-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002869596C

A method of forming a structural assembly may include providing a first component and a second component to be joined together. The method may additionally include scanning a contour of a first mating surface of the first component and scanning a contour of a second mating surface of the second component. The method may further include producing a thermoplastic element having opposing first and second element surfaces substantially matching a contour of the first mating surface and the second mating surface.

28-03-2012 дата публикации

Lamination of substrate carrier

Номер: CN0102390160A

21-02-2020 дата публикации

Display device and method for fabricating same

Номер: CN0110828509A

22-03-2019 дата публикации

Sealed module and processing method thereof

Номер: CN0106842480B

14-07-2017 дата публикации

Solar cell module manufacturing method and laminating apparatus

Номер: CN0104145345B

03-04-2013 дата публикации

System and method for continuously manufacturing liquid crystal display devices

Номер: CN102419489B

18-11-2009 дата публикации

Circuit board film pressing device and method

Номер: CN0100562219C

26-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002526012B1

21-11-2016 дата публикации

첩부 장치

Номер: KR0101678352B1

... 기판이 파손될 우려를 회피하고, 기판과 지지체를 접착층을 개재하여 균일하게 첩부하는 것이 가능한 첩부 장치를 제공한다. 첩부 장치 (1) 는 세라믹스로 이루어지는 재치 플레이트 (12) 및 압압 플레이트 (22) 를 구비하고 있다. 상기 재치 플레이트 (12) 및 압압 플레이트 (22) 는 비압압시의 평면도가 1.0 ㎛ 이하이다.

25-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101159956B1

23-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR101841608B1
Принадлежит: LEE, CHONG MI

A laminating apparatus for an interior material of a car is disclosed. According to the present invention, the laminating apparatus can automatically perform a production process by automatically supplying a water resin according to a preset control logic in order to perform a laminating process. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 ...

13-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR101918126B1
Принадлежит: LEE, CHONG MI

Disclosed is a settlement reading sensor for reading settled state of a workpiece in a laminating apparatus for car seats. According to the present invention, the settlement reading sensor reads abnormally settled state including crumpled state when workpieces placed on a separator supplied on a conveyor belt are overlapped with each other in the laminating apparatus for car seats. According to the present invention, it is possible to reduce work time, increase product yield, and lower manufacturing costs. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 ...

27-09-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0102026440B1

31-12-2012 дата публикации

Method for molecular adhesion bonding with compensation for radial misalignment

Номер: KR0101217682B1

01-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: KR20030033402A

PURPOSE: A laminator for automatically reversing a roller is provided to prevent failure of coating by automatically discharging with detecting rolling of coating film on the coating roller, and to improve working efficiency by not disassembling the heater assembly for removing the coating film. CONSTITUTION: An automatic reverse laminator coats by inserting sheets between coating films and heating and compressing through a roller(16). The laminator has a coating film rolling detecting unit(30) detecting rolling of the coating film on the surface of the roller, and a roller reversing unit discharging the rolled coating film by reversing the roller. A sensing pin is contacted to the circumference by increasing the diameter of the roller in rolling the coating film on the roller, and the motor is reversed by contacting switch terminals(33a,33b). Failure of coating is prevented by discharging and reversing the roller with detecting rolling of the coating film on the roller. © KIPO 2003 ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

현장 경화 및 시각적 피드백을 가진 광학 접합 기계

Номер: KR1020190006178A

... 광학 접합 기계의 내부에 위치된 투명한 데이텀으로서, 제1 기판을 지지하는, 상기 투명한 데이텀, 투명한 데이텀 상에서, 제2 기판을 집고 그리고 제2 기판을 제1 기판과 접촉되게 놓도록 구성된 로봇 배치 헤드, 투명한 데이텀과 근접하게 배치된 카메라로서, 제1 기판과 제2 기판 사이의 광학적으로 투명한 접착제의 흐름의 비디오를 캡처하는, 카메라, 및 투명한 데이텀에 근접하게 배치된 경화 공급원으로서, 제1 기판, 광학적으로 투명한 접착제 및 제2 기판을 포함하는 접합된 기판 사이에서 광학적으로 투명한 접착제를 경화시키도록 투명한 데이텀과 제1 기판을 통과하는 UV 선을 방출하는, 경화 공급원을 포함하는 광학 접합 기계가 제공된다. 또한, 연관된 방법이 제공된다.

12-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180004657A

A sheet peeling method of the present invention enables an area capable of being a defective area to be made as small as possible. The sheet peeling method includes: a first process in which a first sheet (2) is continuously peeled off from a base material (1) at a branch point (P2) where the first sheet (2) and the base material (1) are divided and progress in different directions while returning the attached first sheet of a long shape on the surface of the base material (1) of a sheet shape in a first direction (81) at the speed equal to or faster than a first speed with a long form; a second process in which the returning speed of the base material (1) decelerates and stops to be equal to slower than the first speed in a state of performing the first process; a third process of relatively displacing the branch point (P2) in the first direction (81) about the base material (1) by returning the base material (1) in a second direction (82); and a fourth process of restarting the first ...

07-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020140117543A

26-07-2016 дата публикации

첩부 장치

Номер: KR1020160088946A

... 기판이 파손될 우려를 회피하고, 기판과 지지체를 접착층을 개재하여 균일하게 첩부하는 것이 가능한 첩부 장치를 제공한다. 첩부 장치 (1) 는 세라믹스로 이루어지는 재치 플레이트 (12) 및 압압 플레이트 (22) 를 구비하고 있다. 상기 재치 플레이트 (12) 및 압압 플레이트 (22) 는 비압압시의 평면도가 1.0 ㎛ 이하이다.

16-04-2011 дата публикации

Information storage/readout device for use in continuously manufacturing system for liquid-crystal display elements, and method and system for producing the same

Номер: TW0201113599A

An information storage/readout device for use in a system for continuously manufacturing liquid-crystal display elements comprises an information storage medium which stores therein slitting position information created based on the position of a defect detected by an inspection of a continuous polarizing composite film included in a continuous optical film laminate including a continuous polarizing composite film formed with an adhesive layer and a continuous carrier film releasably laminated on the adhesive layer, to indicate defective-polarizing-sheet slitting positions defining a defective or defect-containing polarizing sheet, and normal-polarizing-sheet slitting positions defining a normal or defect-free polarizing sheet, in the continuous inspected optical film laminate, and a roll of the continuous inspected optical film laminate which is provided with an identification indicia. In continuous manufacturing of liquid-crystal display elements, the present invention can dramatically ...

16-10-2007 дата публикации

Manufacturing system for optical display device and its manufacturing method

Номер: TW0200739465A

To provide a manufacturing system for an optical display device which can enhance the yield of an optical film, reduce a cost, and improve inventory management, and its manufacturing method. The manufacturing system for the optical display device includes a supply means for drawing out and supplying a belt-like sheet product from a roll on which the belt-like sheet product is taken up, a detecting means 12 for detecting the defect of the belt-like sheet product drawn out by the supply means, a cutting and processing means 13 for cutting the belt-like sheet product based on the result of the detection, and processing the cut products to individual sheet-like products, a transfer means for transferring the sheet-like products processed by cutting for the purpose of sticking together and processing, and a sticking and processing means 17 for sticking together the transferred sheet-like products and the optical display units.

17-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011141402A1

The invention relates to a method of manufacturing a composite product, wherein a plurality of elements are assembled by gluing them together under pressure with a glue comprising at least one first component and at least one second component, which method further comprises controlling the relation between the second and the first components of the glue applied. The press time is often a limiting factor for the production capacity of a plant and renders the production planning difficult. The press time is affected not by the temperature of the elements, but also a great extent by the relation between the components in the glue and can be significantly decreased by increasing the amount of hardener compared to the amount of resin. According to the invention, it has been found that this can be utilised for controlling the gluing in a way so the production can be planned more efficiently.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013117303A1

The invention relates to a method for joining plastic-metal hybrid components, in which a metal component (3) is heated up in a heating stage and a plastic component (9) is brought into contact with the heated metal component (3) in a joining stage and joined to the metal component (3) by means of melting in the contact area, wherein in the heating stage the metal component (3) is heated up to a temperature higher than a defined joining temperature, said metal component is cooled down in a subsequent cooling stage in which the temperature of the metal component (3) is recorded by means of at least one temperature measuring device and the joining stage is performed when the defined joining temperature has been reached. The invention further relates to a device for joining a metal component (3) and a plastic component (9), comprising at least one receptacle (2) at a heating location in which the metal component (3) can be placed and comprising a heated/heatable heating die member (4) that ...

24-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007058023A1

A system and a method for manufacturing an optical display capable of improving the yielding of an optical film, lowering cost, and improving control of stock. The system comprises feeding means (11, 14) for pulling out and feeding a band-like sheet product (3) from a roll (4) around which the band-like sheet product with optical film is wound, a detection means (12) for detecting the defect in the band-like sheet product pulled out by the feeding means, a cutting means (13) for cutting the band-like sheet product according to the detected result to form individual sheet product, a transfer means (16) for transferring the cut sheet product for sticking process, and a sticking means (17) for sticking the transferred sheet product onto an optical display unit.

15-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: WO1990013425A1

Disclosed is a system and method of monitoring exerted pressure during the production of composite material laminates that utilizes a thin, low cost, durable, temperature resistant force sensing resistor (50). The sensor (50) can be embedded directly on the surface of the composite laminate (42), or can be positioned between layers of the composite laminate (42). Alternatively, the sensor (50) is built into or mounted on a tool (46) or die used to form or exert pressure on the laminate (42). In all of these cases, the force sensing resistor (50) monitors the pressure experienced by the laminate (42) during processing of the laminate (42).

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150087083A1
Принадлежит: SHINKAWA LTD.

Provided is a flip-chip bonding apparatus () capable of stacking and bonding a second-layer of the semiconductor chip () onto a first-layer of the semiconductor chip () having first through-silicon vias, the second-layer of the semiconductor chip () having second through-silicon vias at positions corresponding to the first through-silicon vias. The flip-chip bonding apparatus () includes: a double-view camera () configured to take images of the 1. A bonding apparatus comprising:a camera configured to take images of semiconductor chips; anda control unit configured to perform image processing of the images taken by the camera, and configured to perform bonding control of stacking and bonding a second-layer of the semiconductor chips onto a first-layer of the semiconductor chips, the first-layer of the semiconductor chip having a first through-silicon via, the second-layer of the semiconductor chip having a second through-silicon via at positions corresponding to the first through-silicon via, wherein the control unit comprises:relative position detecting means configured to detect relative positions of the layers of the semiconductor chips that have been stacked and bonded based on an image of the first through-silicon via on a first surface of the first-layer of the semiconductor chip taken by the camera before stacked bonding, and an image of the second through-silicon via on a first surface of the second-layer of the semiconductor chip taken by the camera after stacked bonding.2. The bonding apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the relative positions are represented by one or more of positional displacement of the second-layer of the semiconductor chip in a direction along a reference axis on the first surface of the first-layer of the semiconductor chip claim 1 , positional displacement of the second-layer of the semiconductor chip in a direction perpendicular to the reference axis claim 1 , and a rotational angle of the second-layer of the semiconductor chip ...

16-06-2020 дата публикации

Process for producing a surface covering with an embossed printed surface

Номер: US0010682806B2

A process for producing a surface covering with an embossed printed surface is described. A substrate (16) is continuously moved through a production line, and this substrate (16) is first provided, in a printing equipment (12), with a printed pattern and thereafter, in an embossing equipment (14), with an embossed pattern, which is registered with the printed pattern. The printing equipment (12) produces the printed pattern in-line with the production of the embossed pattern. During printing in the printing equipment (12), the printed pattern is stretched or compressed, dynamically responsive to indicators of misalignments between the printed pattern and the embossed pattern, so as to correct or prevent the misalignments. A production line for carrying out this process is also proposed.

19-06-2018 дата публикации

Methods for creating thick laminate structures

Номер: US0010000046B2
Принадлежит: ROHR, INC., ROHR INC

Methods of creating thick composite structures are provided. The methods may be applied to two or more prepreg structures of composite materials to form laminate structures that are thicker than approximately five (5) inches without excessive exothermic events resulting in inconsistent cure and high residual stresses. The method may include heating a first sheet to achieve a specified increase in resin viscosity. In response to achieving the specified resin viscosity, a second portion of composite material may be applied to the first portion. The assembly may be heated to create a laminate structure which is chemically bonded with no interface.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Laminate Nonconformance Management System

Номер: US20220083912A1

A method for managing nonconformances in laminates. The method comprises recording, by a sensor system, layup information about a layup of layers on a workpiece platform, wherein the layup of layers forms a workpiece and recording inspection information about the laminate on an inspection platform, wherein the laminate is formed from curing the workpiece. An analyzer in a computer system identifies a laminate nonconformance in the laminate using the inspection information and a user input verifies the laminate nonconformance in the laminate is present. An artificial intelligence system is trained by the computer system using the layup information, the inspection information, and the user input verifying the laminate nonconformance. 1. A method for managing manufacturing of a laminate , the method comprising:recording, by a sensor system, layup information about a layup of layers on a workpiece platform, wherein the layup of layers forms a workpiece;recording, by the sensor system, inspection information about the laminate on an inspection platform, wherein the laminate is formed from curing the workpiece;identifying, by an analyzer in a computer system, a laminate nonconformance in the laminate using the inspection information;receiving, by a user input system, a user input verifying the laminate nonconformance in the laminate is present; andtraining, by the computer system, an artificial intelligence system using the layup information, the inspection information, and the user input verifying the laminate nonconformance.2. The method of further comprising:predicting the laminate nonconformance in the laminate using the layup information, wherein the laminate is formed from curing the layup of layers;generating change information indicating a change in the layup of layers that reduces a probability that the laminate nonconformance will be present when the layup of layers is cured to form the laminate; anddisplaying the change information indicating the change in the ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US2019070840A1

Precision and chip contamination-free placement of two-dimensional (2D) material and van der Waals (VDW) layered materials accelerates both the study of fundamental properties and novel device functionality. The system transfers 2D materials utilizing a combination of a narrow transfer-stamper and viscoelastic and optically transparent film. Precise placement of individual 2D materials results in vanishing cross-contamination to the substrate. The 2D printer results in an aerial cross-contamination improvement of two to three orders of magnitude relative to state-of-the-art transfer methods from a source of average area sub um̂2. The transfer-stamper does not physically harm any micro/nanostructures preexisting on the target substrates receiving the 2D material such as, nanoelectronics, waveguides or micro-ring resonators. Such accurate and substrate-benign transfer method for 2D and VDW layered materials provides rapid device prototyping due to its high time-reduction, accuracy, and contamination-free ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021603A1

A sheet processing apparatus comprises a first conveyance unit, a sheet discharging unit, a lamination film feeding unit, a locating unit and a folding unit. An image forming apparatus comprises a second conveyance unit, a conveyance path switching unit, a film stacking unit and a lamination unit. The second conveyance unit inserts the sheet conveyed by the first conveyance unit into the groove formed on the lamination film by the folding unit. The conveyance path switching unit switches the destination of the sheet conveyed by the first conveyance unit to either of the first discharging unit and the second conveyance unit. The film stacking unit causes the outer surface and the inner surface of the sheet inserted into the groove to adhere to the lamination film so as to form a lamination sheet. The lamination unit laminates the lamination sheet.

04-04-2017 дата публикации

System and method for use in fabricating a structure

Номер: US0009610761B2
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company, BOEING CO

A system for use in fabricating a laminate structure from a plurality of layers of material is provided. The system includes a marker coupled to at least two of the plurality of layers, and a positioning system configured to arrange the plurality of layers in a predetermined layup position based on a position of the markers.

24-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120125540A1

An apparatus for fabricating a nonwoven fabric having the appearance of a woven fabric includes a supply station for parallel warp yarns, a support structure for orienting the parallel warp yarns into a cylindrical orientation, a weft yarn applicator for wrapping weft yarns around the cylindrically oriented warp yarns after an adhesive scrim has been overlaid onto the warp yarns, a heating station for activating the adhesive and a cooling station for setting the adhesive, and a cutter for severing the cylindrically formed fabric laminate so that it can be flattened and wrapped onto a take-up roller. A warp yarn alignment station includes two sets of rollers spaced apart to allow the warp yarns to pass between the two sets of rollers, wherein the of rollers are over-driven to provide a roller surface speed greater than a predetermined speed of the warp yarns.

01-11-2022 дата публикации

Laminating apparatus and laminating method using same

Номер: US0011485124B1

A laminating apparatus that prevents partial protrusion of a film during pressing and ensures the uniformity of the thickness of a resulting laminate is provided. The laminating apparatus includes a pressing device for pressing a substrate and a film (a workpiece). The pressing device includes a press block movable back and forth, a pressing plate mountable to the press block, a plurality of heat sources (cartridge heaters) capable of heating the pressing plate, and a control system set up to perform heating control on the heat sources. The heat sources are arranged so as to be able to separately heat a central portion of the pressing plate and a peripheral portion thereof annularly surrounding the central portion.

19-01-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230014530A1
Автор: Yohei MASUDA, Ye CHEN

An affixing method includes a pressing step of pressing a tape against a wafer with a tape affixing roller and pressing the wafer against a suction table with the tape affixing roller, an evacuating step of evacuating a vacuum chamber that houses the suction table and the tape affixing roller therein to create a vacuum in the vacuum chamber, and an affixing step of affixing the tape to the wafer with the tape affixing roller by causing the tape affixing roller to roll on the tape while the tape affixing roller is pressing the wafer.

16-01-2024 дата публикации

Unit plate position fixation method and device and lamination machine

Номер: US0011872795B2

A unit plate position fixation method and device and a lamination machine are provided. The unit plate position fixation method includes: obtaining peripheral position information of unit plates located between two layers of separators; controlling a hot-pressing device according to the peripheral position information to perform hot pressing on the two layers of separators, so that the two layers of separators are adhered at peripheral positions of the unit plates.

02-12-2009 дата публикации

Номер: JP0004377965B1

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2557088C2

Изобретение относится к устройству для укладки стопкой электродов батареи, которое имеет цилиндрический транспортирующий барабан и транспортирующий электрод узел, который транспортирует положительный электрод в касательном направлении к транспортирующему барабану, положительный электрод перекрывает разделитель. На периферийной поверхности транспортирующего барабана определяют присасывающую область для того, чтобы тянуть разделитель, которая неповоротно расположена, и неприсасывающую область для удаления разделителя, которая неповоротно расположена на стороне ниже по потоку операций в том же направлении вращения. Разделитель в присасывающей области транспортируют в неприсасывающую область, удаляют с внешней периферийной поверхности и переносят на положительный электрод. Техническим результатом является сокращение времени изготовления батарей. 2 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 21 ил.

12-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2672129C2
Принадлежит: Этксе-Тар, С.А. (ES)

Изобретение относится к станку для обработки коленчатых валов и способу обработки коленчатого вала путем выполнения в нем облегчающих отверстий. Станок содержит опору (2) для поддержки по меньшей мере одного коленчатого вала (100) и по меньшей мере один шпиндель (1) для приведения в действия обрабатывающего приспособления для обработки коленчатого вала. Опора (2) выполнена с возможностью удерживания коленчатого вала посредством по меньшей мере двух зажимных устройств (21), выполненных с возможностью фиксации коленчатого вала на соответствующих по меньшей мере двух коренных шейках (103) коленчатого вала. Опора (2) поворачивается относительно вертикальной оси (А) для изменения угла подачи шпинделя (1) относительно продольной оси (В) коленчатого вала (100). Опора снабжена поворотным механизмом (22), выполненным с возможностью перемещения между отведенным положением, в котором он не взаимодействует с коленчатым валом (100), и рабочим положением, в котором поворотный механизм (22) взаимодействует ...

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2539001C2

Материал содержит множество намагничивающихся участков, выполненных в виде, по меньшей мере, одного пятна на упаковку, подлежащую формированию из материала. При этом пятна содержат намагничивающиеся частицы, намагниченные в области пятна, которая на, по меньшей мере, 3 мм короче в направлении длины и на, по меньшей мере, 3 мм уже в направлении ширины общей площади, по меньшей мере, одного пятна. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение качества. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2386483C2

Изобретение относится к усовершенствованной системе изготовления, а более конкретно к усовершенствованной автоматической системе изготовления, предназначенной для нанесения покрытия валиком или для другой подготовки изделий для дальнейшей обработки и отгрузки. В изобретении предлагается система для нанесения валиком жидкого материала, которая содержит систему транспортирования с системой загрузки деталей, систему нанесения и систему отверждения, предназначенную для отверждения нанесенного материала. Система транспортирования представляет собой непрерывный конвейер, имеющий множество рабочих станций. Станции поддерживают с возможностью перемещения и транспортируют обрабатываемые изделия в систему нанесения и в систему отверждения. Конвейеры систем транспортирования и загрузки имеют единый приводной механизм, который обслуживает оба конвейера. При этом цилиндрические изделия поступают на станции, охватывающие цилиндрическое колесо и расположенные по окружности внутри цилиндрического колеса ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2565213C1

Изобретение относится к области ламинирования упаковочных многослойных материалов и касается способа контроля качества нанесения адгезивного материала. Способ включает перемещение первого полотна из пленки или фольги в продольном направлении, нанесение адгезивного материала по всей поверхности или в форме узора на движущееся первое полотно из пленки или фольги, нанесение второго полотна из пленки или фольги на покрытое адгезивным материалом первое полотно из пленки или фольги и перемещение первого и второго полотна из пленки или фольги, содержащего промежуточный нанесенный слой адгезивного материала, в продольном направлении к прессовальной установке для изготовления многослойного материала. Флуоресцентное вещество добавляют и перемешивают с адгезивным материалом и получают адгезивный материал, включающий равномерно распределенное флуоресцентное вещество перед нанесением адгезивного материала на первое полотно из пленки или фольги. В качестве флуоресцентного вещества выбирают вещества, ...

23-01-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2788600C2

Изобретение относится к устройству для непрерывного каширования основы (4) с термопластичным материалом покрытия (2), содержащему ИК-нагреватель (3) для расплавления поверхности термопластичного пленочного материала покрытия (2), находящееся напротив охлаждающее устройство (1), которое активно охлаждает противоположную расплавленной поверхности поверхность непрерывного термопластичного материала покрытия (2), и по меньшей мере одно нажимное роликовое устройство (5), которое прижимает друг к другу полотно основы (4) и термопластичный материал покрытия (2) для получения термоклеевого соединения. Во избежание неоднородностей в готовом изделии в изобретении выполняют охлаждающее устройство в виде вращающегося охлаждающего валика (1), по окружности которого расположены последовательно: устройство (2a) подачи термопластичного материала покрытия (2); один или несколько ИК-нагревателей (3) для нагрева поверхности лежащего на охлаждающем валике термопластичного материала покрытия (2); устройство ...

19-11-2014 дата публикации

Laminating system, laminating pouch, and method of manufacture

Номер: GB0002514255A

The invention provides a laminating pouch (14). The laminating pouch (14) includes first and second plies bonded by a pre-sealed edge (30). The laminating pouch also includes indicia (34) in the pre-sealed edge (30) that correspond to a property of the laminating pouch. The laminating pouch is configured to receive an article between the first and second plies and laminate the article when processed in a laminator.

08-07-2009 дата публикации

Sheet laminating apparatus having thickness-detecting function

Номер: GB2456121A

In a sheet laminating apparatus having a thickness-detecting function, the thickness of the article to be laminated is detected by a thickness detecting mechanism. According to the detected thickness, the temperature or the rotating speed of the heating roller of the sheet laminating apparatus is dynamically adjusted. The thickness detecting mechanism comprises an encoding disc 151 rotatable about a line 158, a rotating shaft 152 aligned with the line 158, a sensing element 153 for detecting the rotation amount of the disc, a retractable probe 154 partially embedded in an entrance channel 11, a cable 155 wound around the shaft, the cable being coupled to the probe at a first terminal and to a restorable element 157 such as a spring at a second terminal.

23-05-2012 дата публикации

Improved vacuum mounting press

Номер: GB0201206185D0

24-07-2013 дата публикации

Composite laminate enabling monitoring using electromagnetic radiation

Номер: GB0002498637A

Electromagnetic radiation scanning is used to monitor the integrity of a composite laminate structure 20. The laminate is designed to be optically resonant at the frequency of the radiation 40 allowing the inconsistencies in the laminate to be detected and mapped. The laminates are especially suited to use in aerospace structures. The laminate may be formed from perpendicularly arranged carbon fibre impregnated epoxy resin layers. The electromagnetic radiation may be microwaves. A method of fabricating a laminate, a laminate and a method of detecting inconsistencies in such a laminate are all claimed.

19-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001384093A

... 1384093 Tensioning, winding and unwinding webs BELOIT CORP 16 March 1972 12475/72 Heading B8R A roller is mounted on a pair of support members supported on pivotable arms which permit movement of the roller along a horizontal path in order to regulate the tension of a moving web wrapped around one half of the periphery of the roller, or to assist the splicing of a new web to an expiring web in an unwinding apparatus, or to assist in attaching a web to a fresh core in a winding apparatus. As a tension regulating device, the roller 1 is mounted on support members 3 supported on arms 4, 7 such that a portion of the possible translational movement of the roller and support members is along a horizontal path. A web 10 is guided around rollers 13 and 14 such that it is wrapped around roller 1, the web being drawn from a roll 11 by driven rollers 12. Hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders 15 apply a force to the roller 1 via arms 4 and support members 3 to oppose and balance the force applied thereto ...

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000404482T

15-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000500076A2

23-08-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1240909A

CONTROL STRETCH LAMINATING DEVICE An apparatus and a method for laminating a continuous roll of extensible plastic film material to a continuous roll of paper backing material wherein the apparatus has a system for controlling the amount of stretch in the plastic film material to ensure proper registry of the film material with the paper material .

22-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002615114A1

Systems and methods for in-process vision inspection for automated machines are disclosed. In one embodiment, a head assembly (110) includes a tool moveable over a workpiece (142) and adapted to perform a manufacturing operation on the workpiece, and an inspection unit (160) operatively positioned proximate the tool and moveable with the tool relative to the workpiece . The inspection unit is adapted to perform a vision inspection of a portion of the workpiece simultaneously with the performance of the manufacturing operation on the workpiece. In a particular embodiment, the inspection unit includes a camera (162) adapted to monitor an area including the portion of the workpiece upon which the tool has performed the manufacturing operation, and a processor operatively coupled to the camera and adapted to receive an image from the camera and to analyze the image to determine a presence of a defect within the portion of the workpiece .

21-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002028035A1

A system for applying one or more coats to the top and/or bottom of strips of backing and for manufacturing strip without any backing with, or from, one or more such materials as asphalt, possibly sprinkled with such a material as granulated slate, silica sand, talc, etc. and optionally covered with sheeting or a similar material. The system is characterized by a water-cooled belt (17), by at least one separate coater (9, 22, 23, and 35) for the upper and lower surfaces, and by separate sprinklers (12 and 25) for sprinkling the coated upper and lower surfaces of the base and featuring devices (13 and 26) for suctioning up any dust that occur, whereby at least one additional coater (42) and water-cooled roller (67) is provided for coating sheet and for manufacturing strip without a base.

10-05-2006 дата публикации

Nonwoven fabric and method and apparatus for manufacturing same

Номер: CN0001769562A

23-10-2018 дата публикации

Composite structure and used for checking the composite structure of the surface of the pre-agglutination method

Номер: CN0104924693B

06-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003009517B1
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

14-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003033523B1
Принадлежит: EVOLIS

08-02-1974 дата публикации

Laminated safety glass - by evacuating gap between glass sheets and thermoplastic glue and heating the surface differentially

Номер: FR0002192078A2

13-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003009517A1
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

Un panneau composite perforé comprend un substrat et une couche appliquée, le substrat ayant une première surface et une deuxième surface opposée. Un procédé de formation du panneau composite perforé comprend les étapes qui consistent : i. à découper une pluralité de premiers trous dans le substrat ; ii. à positionner la couche appliquée contre le substrat de sorte qu'une surface de la couche appliquée recouvre la première surface du substrat, pour former ainsi le panneau composite ; iii. à placer le panneau composite dans un dispositif de serrage, le dispositif de serrage ayant un ou plusieurs élément(s) de référence ; iv. à déterminer l'emplacement et la direction d'axe pour chacun des premiers trous dans le substrat, par rapport à l'élément de référence ou à chaque élément de référence ; et v. à découper une pluralité de deuxièmes trous dans la couche appliquée, chacun de la pluralité de deuxièmes trous coïncidant avec un trou correspondant de la pluralité de premiers trous, et étant ...

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Information storage/readout device for use in continuously manufacturing system for liquid-crystal display elements, and method and system for producing the same

Номер: US20120002153A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

An information storage/readout device for use in a system for continuously manufacturing liquid-crystal display elements comprises an information storage medium which stores therein slitting position information created based on the position of a defect detected by an inspection of a continuous polarizing composite film included in a continuous optical film laminate including a continuous polarizing composite film formed with an adhesive layer and a continuous carrier film releasably laminated on the adhesive layer, to indicate defective-polarizing-sheet slitting positions defining a defective or defect-containing polarizing sheet, and normal-polarizing-sheet slitting positions defining a normal or defect-free polarizing sheet, in the continuous inspected optical film laminate, and a roll of the continuous inspected optical film laminate which is provided with an identification indicia. In continuous manufacturing of liquid-crystal display elements, the present invention can dramatically enhance product accuracy and manufacturing speed and drastically improve product yield.

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Method for molecular adhesion bonding with compensation for radial misalignment

Номер: US20120006463A1
Автор: Gweltaz Gaudin
Принадлежит: Soitec SA

A method for bonding a first wafer on a second wafer by molecular adhesion, where the wafers have an initial radial misalignment between them. The method includes bringing the two wafers into contact so as to initiate the propagation of a bonding wave between the two wafers while a predefined bonding curvature is imposed on at least one of the two wafers during the contacting step as a function of the initial radial misalignment.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Method of producing roll of laminate strip with polarizing film

Номер: US20120056340A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

A method of producing a roll of an optical film laminate strip including a polarizing film includes the steps of: forming a continuous web of optical film laminate including a polarizing film which consists of a polyvinyl alcohol type resin layer and has a thickness of 10 μm or less, wherein the polarizing film is formed by performing an stretching sub-step of subjecting a laminate comprising a continuous web of thermoplastic resin substrate and a polyvinyl alcohol type resin layer formed on the substrate, to a uniaxial stretching in a lengthwise direction of the laminate based on 2-stage stretching consisting of preliminary in-air stretching and in-boric-acid-solution stretching; cutting the continuous web of optical film laminate along a direction parallel to the length direction to form at least one continuous web of laminate strip having a given width; and winding the continuous web of laminate strip having the given width into a roll.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Roll of continuous web of optical film laminate with predefined slit lines, and method and system for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120073758A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

A roll of a continuous web of an optical film laminate with predefined slit lines for use in a continuous manufacturing system by laminating optically functional film sheets to liquid-crystal panels. The optical film laminate with predefined slit lines comprises an optically functional film having an adhesive layer which is subjected to a preliminary inspection, and a carrier film releasably laminated to the adhesive layer. Defect-free normal sheets and defective or defect-containing sheets having predefined length corresponding to the dimension of the liquid-crystal panel are formed on the carrier film by sequentially forming slit lines along the transverse direction with respect to the lengthwise direction of the optical film laminate.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130062017A1
Автор: KIM Changbum
Принадлежит: I&A SYSTEM Co., Ltd.

Provided is a direct heating type card lamination apparatus, and more particularly, to a direct heating type card lamination apparatus with a concise and simple structure that performs low power lamination by applying heat directly on a card and performs lamination conveniently and quickly without a waiting time. The direct heating type card lamination apparatus does not perform lamination by a heated roller after heating the roller with a heating element according to a conventional method but performs lamination by directly applying heat on a card by a momentarily heated lamination head. Accordingly, the direct heating type card lamination apparatus quickly and conveniently performs lamination with low power without energy loss or a waiting time. 1. A direct heating type card lamination apparatus , comprising:a card transferring unit for transferring a card;a patch supplying unit for supplying a lamination patch to be coated on a surface of the card;a lamination head disposed on a transfer route of a card to be monetarily heated by an applied power; anda head elevating unit for performing pressurization to coat a lamination patch on the card by descending the lamination head, and when completely coated, by ascending the lamination head to an original position.2. The card lamination apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the lamination head comprises:a head case;a heating element installed inside a lower portion of the head case to be momentarily heated by an applied power;a heat emitting member installed in a lower portion thereof to heat applied from the heating element; anda temperature sensing unit installed in the head case to sense a heating temperature of the heating element.3. The card lamination apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the head elevating unit comprises:a head fixing member installed inside a frame to mount the lamination head;a head ascending member movably installed in the head fixing member to move the lamination head connected to an end thereof by an ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Fusion Process for Conduit

Номер: US20130068383A1

Disclosed is a method and apparatus for use in a fusion process for conduit. The method includes: heating and melting at least a portion of the terminal edges of the first conduit portion and the second conduit portion; and butt fusing the melted terminal edge of the first conduit portion with the melted terminal edge of the second conduit portion, thereby creating a fused joint area. A fusion apparatus for employing this method is also disclosed. 1. A method for fusing a first conduit portion to a second conduit portion , comprising the steps of:(a) removably positioning a first terminal edge of the first conduit portion in an opposing relationship with a first terminal edge of the second conduit portion;(b) facing the first terminal edge of the first conduit portion and the first terminal edge of the second conduit portion;(c) aligning the first terminal edge of the first conduit portion with the first terminal edge of the second conduit portion;(d) melting at least a portion of the first terminal edge of the first conduit portion and the first terminal edge of the second conduit portion;(e) engaging the melted terminal edge of the first conduit portion with the melted terminal edge of the second conduit portion; and(f) maintaining pressure between the engaged terminal edge of the first conduit portion and the terminal edge of the second conduit portion, thereby creating a fused joint area;wherein at least one of the first conduit portion and the second conduit portion comprises a polyvinyl chloride material.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of removing at least a portion of a resultant external bead extending around the fused joint area.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of removing at least a portion of a resultant internal bead extending around the fused joint area.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:removably positioning a second terminal edge of the first conduit portion in an opposing ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Plastic bag making apparatus

Номер: US20130068392A1
Автор: Mikio Totani
Принадлежит: Totani Corp

An apparatus makes plastic bags in succession by intermittently feeding webs of plastic film longitudinally along a path. Movable units are spaced apart along the path and are driven by drive units, one for each movable unit, longitudinally of the film webs. Control switches, one for each movable unit, works on each drive unit to move the corresponding movable unit for position adjustment. The film webs are processed by at least some of the movable units whenever being fed intermittently, to successively make the plastic bags.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087290A1
Автор: Ohsawa Shin

A film storage unit is disposed vertically above a film transfer cylinder, and an unwinder device and a rewinder device are disposed vertically above the film storage unit. The unwinder device and rewinder device are vertically aligned with each other. With this arrangement, a large-diameter unwinding reel and a rewinding reel can be mounted in the unwinder device and rewinder device, respectively, from above a foil transfer unit. Also, given operation spaces can be ensured on the front and rear sides of the unwinder device and rewinder device. 1. A film transfer apparatus comprising:an unwinder device which rotatably supports an unwinding reel including a film wound therearound, and unwinds the film from the unwinding reel;a film storage unit which forms a U-shaped portion in the film supplied from said unwinder device and stores the film;a film transfer cylinder which is supported rotatably and presses the film delivered from said film storage unit against a sheet; anda rewinder device which rotatably supports a rewinding reel, and rewinds around the rewinding reel the film transferred via said film transfer cylinder,said film storage unit includingan air blow device which blows air from above toward a bottom portion of the U-shaped portion of the film, andan infeed roller which pulls the film stored in said film storage unit out of said film storage unit to transfer the film onto said film transfer cylinder,wherein said film storage unit is disposed vertically above said film transfer cylinder, andsaid unwinder device and said rewinder device are disposed vertically above said film storage unit to be vertically aligned with each other.2. An apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinsaid film storage unit includesa suction film feed device disposed on a side on which the film is supplied from said unwinder device, anda suction film delivery device disposed on a side on which the film is delivered by said infeed roller,said suction film feed device includesa feed- ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130115403A1
Принадлежит: Pertech do Brasil LTDA

A highly resistant self-adhesive laminated cover is disclosed, formed by a layered material comprising a cover plate (), an intermediary layer of gluing material () and a protection film (), wherein said cover plate () is intended to compose the external and apparent face of the laminated cover (), while the protection film () is intended to be taken off before the application of the laminated cover (), so to allow the contact between the receiving surface for the laminated cover () and the gluing material layer (). A device () able to form said laminated cover () from an MDF or MDP plate and a double-face type adhesive is also disclosed. 1. Highly resistant self-adhesive laminated cover , characterized by comprising a layered material comprising a cover plate , an intermediary layer of gluing material and a protection film , wherein said cover plate is intended to compose the external and apparent face of the laminated cover , while the protection film is intended to be taken off before the application of the laminated cover , so to allow the contact between the receiving surface for the laminated cover and the gluing material layer.2. The laminated cover of claim 1 , characterized by said external surface of the cover plate having an ornamental pattern or an embossing.3. The laminated cover of claim 1 , characterized by the cover plate being an agglomerated MDF or MDP plate.4. The laminated cover of claim 1 , characterized by said layer of gluing material and the respective film being obtained from a double-face adhesive.5. A device to form a self-adhesive laminated cover claim 1 , characterized by comprising:a parallelepiped structure having an inlet opening and an outlet opening, provided on opposed faces in the structure;a linear and horizontal trajectory defined by means of a plurality of small rolls;a pair of traction rolls, located in a nearby position for said inlet opening and at the start of said trajectory;a pair of application rolls, located in an ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160923A1

A system for repairing a structural component, in particular an aircraft structural component, includes a repair patch which is connected to the structural component in such a manner that it covers an opening in the structural component resulting from removing a damaged region of the structural component. A sensor is fastened to the repair patch in a region of the repair patch covering the opening in the structural component and is designed to detect strains and/or stresses occurring in the repair patch. An evaluating device is adapted to evaluate the strain values and/or stress values detected by the sensor and, in dependence on the result of this evaluation, output a signal which is characteristic of the quality state of the connection between the structural component and the repair patch. 1. System for repairing a structural component , in particular an aircraft structural component , having:a repair patch which is connected to the structural component in such a manner that it covers an opening in the structural component resulting from removing a damaged region of the structural component,a sensor which is fastened to the repair patch in a region of the repair patch covering the opening in the structural component and is designed to detect at least one of strains and stresses occurring in the repair patch, andan evaluating device which is adapted to evaluate at least one of the strain values and the stress values detected by the sensor and, in dependence on the result of this evaluation, output a signal which is characteristic of the quality state of the connection between the structural component and the repair patch.2. System according to claim 1 ,wherein the sensor is fastened to the repair patch in the region of an inner surface of the repair patch.3. System according to claim 1 , a data store for storing the at least one of the strain values and the stress values detected by the sensor and', 'a transmitter for wireless transmission of signals., 'wherein the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130170991A1
Автор: Olesen Ib Svend

The invention provides a wind turbine blade comprising a first shell, having a first bonding region, and a second shell having a second bonding region, wherein the second bonding region of the second shell is bonded to the first bonding region of the first shell; and a temperature sensor positioned between the first bonding region and the second bonding region. Having a temperature sensor positioned within the turbine blade, in the region at which the two shells of the turbine blade are bonded together, allows for accurate determination and control of the temperature of the critical bonding regions during blade manufacture. The temperature sensor may be used during the service life of the wind turbine blade to detect delamination of the wind turbine blade. 1. A wind turbine blade comprising a first shell , having a first bonding region , and a second shell having a second bonding region , wherein the second bonding region of the second shell is bonded to the first bonding region of the first shell; and a temperature sensor positioned between the first bonding region and the second bonding region.2. A wind turbine blade according to claim 1 , further comprising a bonding material bonding the first shell to the second shell claim 1 , wherein the temperature sensor is embedded in the bonding material.3. A wind turbine blade according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature sensor is an optical temperature sensor.4. A wind turbine blade according to claim 3 , wherein the optical temperature sensor is a Fibre Bragg Grating within an optical fibre.5. A wind turbine blade according to claim 4 , further comprising a plurality of Fibre Bragg Gratings along the length of the optical fibre.6. A wind turbine blade according to claim 3 , wherein the optical temperature sensor is a Long Period Grating within an optical fibre.7. A wind turbine blade according to claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of optical temperature sensors positioned between the first bonding region and the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174963A1
Автор: Loibl Bernd
Принадлежит: MONOLITH GmbH

The invention relates to a laminating foil having an initial roughness on at least one side, which makes the laminating foil matte, wherein the laminating foil has a marking configured as a surface pattern with surface portions on the matte side or at least on one of the matte sides, wherein the roughness of the surface portions is different from the initial roughness. The invention furthermore relates to a laminating foil set comprising the laminating foils, a method for hot laminating sheet material using such laminating foils, a laminating unit for using the laminating foil, and eventually a laminating system including the laminating unit and the laminating foils. 1. A method for hot laminating sheet material and laminating foil through at least one laminating unit configured as a piece of office equipment , in which sheet material and laminating foil are joined , and a combination formed thereby is inserted into the laminating unit , wherein the combination is hot sealed together under the influence of pressure and increased temperature and through adaptation of temperature and/or pass-through velocity to a thickness and/or a material of the laminating foil , wherein laminating foil is used , whose initial roughness at least on one side is greater than an end roughness after laminating , wherein the laminating foil is provided on the at least one side with a marking in the form of a surface pattern , which comprises surface portions , whose roughness differs from the initial roughness , wherein the marking is configured to be read out by a sensor of the laminating unit , wherein the laminating foil with its marking is run past the sensor , wherein the sensor reads out the marking and generates a signal which is characteristic for the marking , and a temperature or a pass-through velocity is adjusted as a function of the signal.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the roughness of the surface portions is less than the initial roughness claim 1 , but not ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Heat-Seal System and Method

Номер: US20130180643A1

A heat-seal device generally includes a heat source, a thermal conductor, which encapsulates at least a portion of the heat source and is capable of transferring heat from the heat source, and a thermal insulator, which substantially surrounds the thermal conductor but leaves a portion thereof exposed, the exposed portion of the thermal conductor providing a heat-seal contact surface, which is adapted to be brought into sliding contact with a material to be sealed. 1. A method for sealing together two juxtaposed film plies via a continuous longitudinal seal , comprising: 1) a heat source capable of producing heat,', '2) a thermal conductor, which encapsulates at least a portion of said heat source and is capable of assuming a temperature that corresponds, at least in part, to the heat produced by said heat source, and', '3) a thermal insulator, which substantially surrounds said thermal conductor but leaves a portion thereof exposed, said exposed portion of said thermal conductor providing a heat-seal contact surface, which is adapted to be brought into sliding contact with the juxtaposed film plies;, 'a. providing a heat-seal device, comprising'}b. conveying the juxtaposed film plies in a longitudinal direction against said heat-seal contact surface of said heat-seal device such that said heat-seal contact surface is in sliding contact with said juxtaposed film plies to seal said film plies together in the form of a continuous longitudinal seal;c. measuring the temperature within said thermal conductor with a temperature-measuring device; and 1) receiving input from said temperature-measuring device, which is indicative of the measured temperature of said thermal conductor, and', '2) sending output to said heat source, which causes said heat source to produce more heat, less heat, or an unchanged amount of heat,, 'd. controlling the temperature of said thermal conductor with a controller, which is in operative communication with said heat source and with said ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Recycled rubber backed cushioned vinyl

Номер: US20130209810A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A laminated surface covering including a facing material made of vinyl and a backing material comprising a rubber component. The rubber component comprising at least a matrix of bonded rubber granules. A bonding material disposed between the facing material and the backing material. The facing material configured to melt at a temperature between 165° F. and 210° F. infiltrating the backing material thereby essentially encasing the rubber granules of the matrix and providing fire retardation and smoke suppression qualities.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240148A1
Принадлежит: GED Integrated Solutions, Inc.

A film application system having multiple foil application stations. Each foil application station has a support for an elongated plastic component (typically vinyl) having an input and an output side. A drive moves successive elongated components along a path through the application station from the input side to the output side as decorative foil is applied to a surface of the component. A properly positioned and oriented transfer head applies heat and pressure to the elongated film as the component moves through the application station. The disclosed system must accommodate different style and shape components corresponding to different style windows, doors, or sashes. A backing fixture that is configured to support a given configuration component is positioned to support the component as the component moves through the application station in a region of the transfer head. 1. Apparatus for applying a decorative material to two or more surfaces of a component which can then be cut and assembled to form part of a window or door comprising: i) a support for the component having an input and an output side;', 'ii) a drive for moving successive components along a travel path through the application station from the input side to the output side as the transfer foil is applied to a surface of said component, and', 'iii) a transfer head for applying heat and pressure to the transfer foil as the component moves through each application station from the input side to the output side; and, 'a) multiple application stations for applying a decorative transfer foil to different surfaces of the component, each application station comprisingb) a controller in communication with each of the multiple decorative application stations comprising an executable program for controlling set up of said transfer head at each application station to position and orient the transfer head to treat an appropriate surface of the component with foil at each of the multiple application stations.2 ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method of separating wafer from carrier

Номер: US20130248119A1

A method of separating a wafer from a carrier includes placing a wafer assembly on a platform. The wafer assembly includes the wafer, the carrier, and a layer of wax between the wafer and the carrier. A wafer frame is mounted on the wafer of the wafer assembly. The layer of wax is softened. The wafer and the wafer frame mounted thereon are separated, by a first robot arm, from the carrier.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280492A1

A spacer wafer for a wafer stack includes a spacer body with a first surface and a second surface, and is intended to be sandwiched between a first wafer and a second wafer. That is, the spacer is to keep a first wafer placed against the first surface and a second wafer placed against the second surface at a constant distance from each other. The spacer provides openings arranged such that functional elements of the first wafer and of the second wafer can be aligned with the openings. The spacer is formed from a forming tool by means of a shape replication process and is preferably made of a material hardened by curing. At least one of the first and second surface includes edges separating the surface from the openings, and the thickness of the spacer wafer at the edges exceeds the thickness of the spacer wafer at surface locations around the edges. 1. A wafer stack , comprising at least a first wafer carrying a plurality of functional elements and a second wafer carrying a plurality of functional elements aligned with the functional elements of the first wafer , the wafer stack being separable into a plurality of integrated optical devices ,the wafer stack further comprising a spacer wafer, the spacer wafer comprising a spacer body with a first surface and a second surface, the first wafer being glued against the first surface and the second wafer being glued against the second surface at a constant distance from the first wafer,the spacer wafer further comprising a plurality of grooves in at least the first surface, the grooves comprising excess glue collected when gluing the spacer wafer against the first wafer.2. The wafer stack of claim 1 , wherein the grooves are arranged on at least one of the first and second surface between openings in the spacer wafer and separated from the openings by edge regions.3. The wafer stack of claim 2 , wherein the openings in the spacer wafer are aligned with the functional elements of the first wafer and of the second wafer.4. ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306242A1
Автор: Thallner Erich

The invention concerns a device and a corresponding method for the jointing of wafers along their corresponding surfaces. 1. A device for the application of a sheet-like jointing element onto a contact area of a wafer with the following features:a first device for receiving and moving the sheet-like jointing element;a second device for receiving and moving the wafer;a single detection device for detecting the position of a contact area of the wafer at a predetermined location and the position of a contact area of the sheet-like jointing element at the predetermined location; to align the contact area of the sheet-like jointing element with the contact area of the wafer, whereby the size of the contact area of the sheet-like jointing element essentially corresponds to the size of the contact area of the wafer, and', 'to bring the contact area of the sheet-like jointing element into contact with the contact area of the wafer., 'a control unit programmed to control the first device, the second device and the single detection device2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the single detection device is an optical detection device which detects the positions of the sheet-like jointing element and the wafer.3. The device according to claim 2 , whereby the optical detection device is a microscope.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit is programmed such that:the sheet-like jointing element is moved by the first device into a position over the single detection device, whereby the contact area of the sheet-like jointing element is arranged in the direction of the single detection device;the position of the sheet-like jointing element is stored by the control unit; andthe wafer is moved by the second device into a position between the sheet-like jointing element and the single detection device, whereby the contact area of the wafer is arranged in the direction of the contact area of the sheet-like jointing element and parallel to the contact area of ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Vacuum Lamination Machine Suitable for All Generations and Operation Method Thereof

Номер: US20130319616A1
Автор: Zhang Xindi

The present invention relates to a vacuum lamination machine suitable for all generations and an operation method thereof. The vacuum lamination machine suitable for all generations includes a stage on which a transfer device, a positioning device, an adhesive application device, a turn-over device, and at least one vacuum lamination device are arranged. The stage has a size that is sufficiently large for all sizes of substrate. The transfer device includes a fork that is adjustable for spacing distance to suit for substrate sizes. The turn-over device includes sufficiently densely arranged vacuum suction pins to suit for substrate sizes. The positioning device includes a size identification system that identifies a rough location of a substrate on the stage and a mark position identification system that carries out precise alignment of the substrate. The vacuum lamination machine supports substrate pairs of various sizes and improves flexibility of use. 1. A vacuum lamination machine suitable for all generations , comprising a stage on which a transfer device , a positioning device , an adhesive application device , a turn-over device , and at least one vacuum lamination device are arranged , the stage having a size that is sufficiently large for all sizes of substrate , the transfer device comprising a fork that is adjustable for spacing distance to suit for substrate sizes , the turn-over device comprising sufficiently densely arranged vacuum suction pins to suit for substrate sizes , the positioning device comprising a size identification system that identifies a rough location of a substrate on the stage and a mark position identification system that carries out precise alignment of the substrate.2. The vacuum lamination machine suitable for all generations as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the turn-over device controls intensity of air flow of the vacuum suction pins.3. The vacuum lamination machine suitable for all generations as claimed in claim 1 , wherein ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327463A1

Provided is a method of bonding substrates having a same planar shape, which includes: bonding a first substrate adsorbed to a lower surface of a first holding member and a second substrate adsorbed to an upper surface of a second holding member that is disposed below the first holding member; and determining whether a bonding position of the first substrate and the second substrate is acceptable by measuring an outer diameter of an overlapped substrate obtained by bonding the first substrate and the second substrate, wherein the determining decides that, when the measurement result is less than a predetermined threshold value, the bonding position of the first substrate and the second substrate is normal, and when the measurement result is equal to or greater than the predetermined threshold value, the bonding position of the first substrate and the second substrate is abnormal. 1. A method of bonding substrates having a same planar shape , comprising:bonding a first substrate adsorbed to a lower surface of a first holding member and a second substrate adsorbed to an upper surface of a second holding member that is disposed below the first holding member; anddetermining whether a bonding position of the first substrate and the second substrate is acceptable by measuring an outer diameter of an overlapped substrate obtained by bonding the first substrate and the second substrate,wherein the determining decides that, when the measurement result is less than a predetermined threshold value, the bonding position of the first substrate and the second substrate is normal, and when the measurement result is equal to or greater than the predetermined threshold value, the bonding position of the first substrate and the second substrate is abnormal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining measures the outer diameter of the overlapped substrate by picking up an image of an outer periphery of the overlapped substrate.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Stacking apparatus and stacking method

Номер: US20140026399A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A stacking apparatus having a cylindrical conveyance drum holding and rotating to covey a separator and an electrode conveyance unit conveying a positive electrode in a tangential direction of the conveyance drum so that the positive electrode overlaps the separator. To the outer circumferential surface of the conveyance drum, there are defined a suction area for drawing the separator that is non-rotatably positioned on an upstream side of a rotation direction of the conveyance drum with respect to a location to which the positive electrode in conveyed and a non-suction area for removing the separator that is non-rotatably positioned on a downstream side of the rotation direction of the same. The separator in the suction area is conveyed to the non-suction area, is removed from the outer circumferential surface, and is transferred onto the positive electrode, thereby gradually stacking the separator on the positive electrode.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Laminating Device and Method

Номер: US20140027040A1
Автор: Youn-bum Lee
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A laminating device for laminating a window on a display panel for displaying an image includes: a first plate on which the display panel is provided; a second plate on which the window is provided and which is adjacent to the first plate; an applier provided on the second plate and applying a resin on the window; a folder for connecting the first plate and the second plate, for folding to allow the second plate to face the first plate, and for disposing the window on the display panel with the resin therebetween; and a pressurizer for pressurizing the second plate in a direction of the first plate.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140044931A1
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

Provided is a manufacturing method of a label, including configuring a member for a label so as to dispose a magnetic member between a base material and a covering material, cutting the magnetic member along with the base material so as to cut a label from the member for a label, removing an unnecessary portion of the base material from the member for a label, and detecting whether or not the label is present in the unnecessary portion of the base material or whether or not the label is present in the member for a label in which the unnecessary portion of the base material has been removed. 1. A manufacturing method of a label , comprising:configuring a member for a label so as to dispose a magnetic member between a base material and a covering material;cutting the magnetic member along with the base material so as to cut a label from the member for a label;removing an unnecessary portion of the base material from the member for a label; anddetecting whether or not the label is present in the unnecessary portion of the base material or whether or not the label is present in the member for a label in which the unnecessary portion of the base material has been removed.2. The manufacturing method of a label according to claim 1 ,wherein the magnetic member is disposed along a transporting direction of the base material in the configuring.3. The manufacturing method of a label according to claim 1 ,wherein the configuring, the cutting, and the removing are stopped when it is detected that the label is present in the unnecessary portion of the base material in the detecting.4. The manufacturing method of a label according to claim 2 ,wherein the configuring, the cutting, and the removing are stopped when it is detected that the label is present in the unnecessary portion of the base material in the detecting.5. The manufacturing method of a label according to claim 1 ,wherein the configuring, the cutting, and the removing are stopped when it is detected that the label is ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069567A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

A flexible circuit with multiple independent mounting points can be mounted (soldered) to substrates by independently (and concurrently) positioning mounting points in x, y, and theta (angular rotation) with vacuum chucks. In one embodiment the vacuum chucks can be guided by computer aided vision to locate and match fiducials on the flex circuit with fiducials on the substrate. In one embodiment, hot bars can be used in a subsequent bonding operation to secure an adhesive coupling between the flexible circuits and the substrate. 1. A method for aligning and bonding a flexible circuit having a plurality of attaching surfaces to a plurality of mounting areas , the method comprising:securing the flexible circuit to a securing mechanism, the securing mechanism having at least as many securing areas as there are attaching surfaces;concurrently lifting a first attaching surface and a second attaching surface using the securing mechanism;using an optical guidance system to direct the securing mechanism in aligning the first attaching surface with a first mounting area and independently aligning the second attaching surface with a second mounting area; andbonding the first attaching surface to the first mounting area and the second attaching surface to the second mounting area.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the securing mechanism comprises:a first vacuum chuck; anda second vacuum chuck,wherein the securing the flexible circuit comprises attaching the first vacuum chuck to the first attaching surface and attaching the second vacuum chuck to the second attaching surface.3. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the optical guidance system comprises:a plurality of fiducials disposed on the plurality of attaching surfaces, each of the plurality of attaching surfaces having at least one fiducial corresponding to a fiducial disposed proximate to one of the plurality of mounting areas; anda plurality of CCD cameras, providing optical guidance by supplying at ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for manufacturing display device

Номер: US20140083593A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

An apparatus for manufacturing a display device, the apparatus includes, a drive mechanism for joining together a first substrate and a second substrate with an adhesive intervening between them by causing a first substrate retention unit and a second substrate retention unit to relatively approach each other, a measurement unit for measuring a gap between the first substrate and the second substrate, and a control unit for causing the gap between the first substrate and the second substrate to approach to a design value by means of the drive mechanism, and, after a predetermined period elapses, causing the gap between the first substrate and the second substrate to be apart at the design value by means of the drive mechanism on the basis of a value measured by the measurement unit.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001589A1

In accordance with one embodiment of the present disclosure, a method for manufacturing a honeycomb core sandwich panel includes placing a thermoset facesheet in contact with a thermoplastic honeycomb core without using a separate adhesive and attaching the thermoset facesheet to the thermoplastic honeycomb core by using a curing profile comprising a temperature that is lower than a gel point temperature of the thermoset facesheet and higher than a softening point temperature of the thermoplastic honeycomb core. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method , comprising:placing a thermoset facesheet in contact with a thermoplastic honeycomb core; andattaching the thermoset facesheet to the thermoplastic honeycomb core by using a curing profile;wherein using the curing profile comprises curing the thermoplastic facesheet and the thermoplastic honeycomb core at a same time and at a same temperature.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the thermoset facesheet comprises an epoxy resin.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein the thermoplastic honeycomb core comprises polyetherimide (PEI).24. The method of claim 21 , wherein the thermoset facesheet is attached to the thermoplastic honeycomb core without using a separate adhesive disposed between the thermoset facesheet and the thermoplastic honeycomb core.25. The method of claim 21 , wherein the thermoplastic honeycomb core comprises a plurality of cells claim 21 , each cell comprising a curved cell wall in a substantially circular tube shape.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein each cell has a diameter that claim 25 , when measured at a midplane of each cell claim 25 , does not vary more than 10 percent within the same cell.27. The method of claim 25 , wherein the plurality of cells have a longitudinal axis that is perpendicular to a plane of the thermoset facesheet.28. The method of claim 21 , wherein the curing occurs at a pressure less than an ambient pressure for a certain period of time and in a vacuum-capable oven.29. The method of ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Method for Producing Laminate

Номер: US20160001502A1
Автор: Urabe Koji

In the present technology, when rolling rubber material extruded from a first rubber extruder () with a first pair of rollers () to form a first sheet-shaped member (S) and layering and rolling the first sheet-shaped member (S) and the second sheet-shaped member (S) supplied from an original material with a second pair of rollers () to contiguously produce a laminate having the first sheet-shaped member (S) and a second sheet-shaped member (S) laminated therein, the gap between the first pair of rollers () is controlled on the basis of the detection result of the thickness (d) of the first sheet-shaped member (S) rolled by the first pair of rollers (), the detection result of the thickness (d) of the second sheet-shaped member (S) supplied from the original material, and the detection result of the thickness (d) of the laminate body. 1. A method for producing a laminate comprising:a first step of rolling rubber material extruded from a first rubber extruder with a first pair of rollers to form a first sheet-shaped member;a second step of layering and rolling the first sheet-shaped member and a second sheet-shaped member supplied from an original material to contiguously produce a laminate having the first sheet-shaped member and the second sheet-shaped member laminated therein; and{'b': 1', '2', '3, 'a gap between the first pair of rollers being controlled based on detection result of a thickness d of the first sheet-shaped member rolled by the first pair of rollers, a detection result of a thickness d of the second sheet-shaped member supplied from the original material, and a detection result of a thickness d of the laminate.'}2. The method for producing a laminate according to claim 1 , whereinthe laminate is a conveyor belt including a belt core body, a first cover rubber laminated on one surface of the belt core body, and a second cover rubber laminated on another surface of the belt core body,the first sheet-shaped member is the first cover rubber, andthe ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001543A1

A bonding device for bonding substrates together, includes: a processing vessel configured to accommodate and bond first and second substrates; a first holding unit fixed within the processing vessel and configured to hold the first substrate on a lower surface thereof; a second holding unit located below the first holding unit within the processing vessel and configured to hold the second substrate on an upper surface thereof; a moving mechanism configured to move the second holding unit in a horizontal direction and a vertical direction; a first image pickup unit located in the first holding unit and configured to pick up an image of a front surface of the second substrate held in the second holding unit; and a second image pickup unit located in the second holding unit and configured to pick up an image of a front surface of the first substrate held in the first holding unit. 1. A bonding device for bonding substrates together , comprising:a processing vessel configured to accommodate and bond a first substrate and a second substrate;a first holding unit fixed within the processing vessel and configured to hold the first substrate on a lower surface of the first holding unit;a second holding unit located below the first holding unit within the processing vessel and configured to hold the second substrate on an upper surface of the second holding unit;a moving mechanism configured to move the second holding unit in a horizontal direction and a vertical direction;a first image pickup unit located in the first holding unit and configured to pick up an image of a front surface of the second substrate held in the second holding unit; anda second image pickup unit located in the second holding unit and configured to pick up an image of a front surface of the first substrate held in the first holding unit.2. The bonding device of claim 1 , wherein each of the first image pickup unit and the second image pickup unit includes a macro lens and a micro lens.3. The bonding ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001586A1
Автор: MILIOTI Stéphane

The invention relates to an industrial machine for vertically applying temporary or permanent protective films on plane surfaces and having an automatic system for cutting the film, positioning it edge-to-edge or with a margin (in particular in the context of film-coating sheets of glass for the purposes of glazing any window frames without damaging the temporary protection; the glass being film-coated while leaving a setback) by acting simultaneously on both faces and adapting automatically to changes in the format of the parts for treatment, using an electrostatic method for holding the film in position on the applicator roller. 1. An industrial machine for vertically applying temporary or permanent protective films on plane surfaces and having an automatic system for cutting the film , positioning it edge-to-edge or with a margin acting simultaneously on both faces and adapting automatically to changes in the format of the parts for treatment , using an electrostatic charge method for positioning and holding the film in position on the applicator roller , the machine being characterized by:{'figref': {'@idref': 'DRAWINGS', 'FIG. 1'}, 'An overall assembly () also referred to as a “stand”, provided with a system for conveying and positioning the product for protecting;'}{'figref': {'@idref': 'DRAWINGS', 'FIGS. 2 and 3'}, 'Two film-coating modules (r and s) () placed on linear guides of the structure for moving them vertically and horizontally, one film-coating module for coating the front face of the product, the other film-coating module for coating the rear face of the same product;'}A controller having a program for controlling the various modules of the machine as a function of the dimensions of the media for treatment.2. An industrial machine for vertically applying temporary or permanent protective films on plane surfaces on both faces claim 1 , according to claim 1 , characterized in that the overall assembly () claim 1 , also referred to as a “stand” claim ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001654A1

Touchscreen computing devices are often assembled by applying an adhesive to an interface perimeter between a cover glass and a chassis. Occasionally, a device is de-bonded to troubleshoot errors in the functionality of the device. The adhesive often is resistant to releasing the bond between the cover glass and a chassis by mechanical force and the cover glass may be damaged during disassembly. Passive and/or active de-bonding aids facilitate transfer of thermal energy to the adhesive in a manner that avoids or minimizes the transfer of thermal energy to heat-sensitive components of the device. 1. A computing device display comprising:a chassis;a cover glass;a thermally sensitive adhesive oriented between the cover glass and the chassis and extending about an entire perimeter of the display; anda thermally conductive de-bonding aid including a passive array of thermally conductive pads also oriented between the cover glass and the chassis and located in multiple discrete sections of the perimeter of the display spaced apart from a sensitive component mounted within the display.2. The computing device display of claim 1 , wherein the thermally conductive de-bonding aid further includes an active de-bonding aid.3. The computing device display of claim 1 , wherein the sensitive component is one of a camera and an antenna.4. The computing device display of claim 1 , further comprising:a mask also oriented between the cover glass and the chassis and extending about the entire perimeter of the display, wherein the thermally conductive de-bonding aid is oriented between the mask and the chassis.5. The computing device display of claim 1 , wherein the thermally conductive de-bonding aid is screen-printed onto the cover glass.6. (canceled)7. The computing device display of claim 1 , wherein the thermally conductive de-bonding aid includes a thermally conductive powder entrained adhesive.8. The computing device display of claim 2 , wherein the active de-bonding aid includes ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Method for producing thermoreversible recording medium and apparatus for producing the same

Номер: US20150005161A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A method for producing a thermoreversible recording medium, containing: arranging inlets on a first base sheet to be spaced apart from each other by predetermined intervals to produce a first sheet having a product portion including the inlets and end portions at both ends of the product portion; applying an adhesive onto a second base sheet using an adhesive application unit, to produce a second sheet; passing the first sheet and the second sheet through a gap between a pair of gap rollers in the manner that the inlets and the adhesive face to each other to laminate the first sheet with the second sheet, while forming an adhesive liquid pool in an upstream of the gap; and feedback controlling an amount of the adhesive to be applied in the applying so that the adhesive liquid pool does not flow into the end portions on the first sheet.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007923A1

The invention relates to a method for joining plastic-metal hybrid components, in which a metal component () is heated up in a heating stage and a plastic component () is brought into contact with the heated metal component () in a joining stage and joined to the metal component () by means of melting in the contact area, wherein in the heating stage the metal component () is heated up to a temperature higher than a defined joining temperature, said metal component is cooled down in a subsequent cooling stage in which the temperature of the metal component () is recorded by means of at least one temperature measuring device and the joining stage is performed when the defined joining temperature has been reached. The invention further relates to a device for joining a metal component () and a plastic component (), comprising at least one receptacle () at a heating location in which the metal component () can be placed and comprising a heated/heatable heating die member () that can be brought into contact with the metal component () by means of an actuator () for the purpose of heating the metal component (), and having a transfer device () by means of which the metal component () heated up above a predefined joining temperature can be transferred to a joining location, and having a joining die () arranged at the joining location, which is driven by means of an actuator () and on/in which the plastic element () can be held, in particular by means of a vacuum and which has a temperature measuring device by means of which the temperature of the metal component () can be recorded, in particular during the cooling at the joining location, and having a control unit by means of which the actuator () of the joining die () can be controlled depending on the recorded temperature, in particular when a defined joining temperature is reached/not reached. 1. (canceled)2. The method according to claim 11 , wherein the metal part is heated by engaging a heated die with the metal ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Bonding Apparatus and Method for Manufacturing Bonded Substrate

Номер: US20160009070A1

According to the embodiment of the present invention, a bonding apparatus comprising: a substrate holder holding the second substrate; a pusher pushing a back surface of the second substrate; a substrate support unit including a support talon supporting a circumferential edge portion of the first substrate to oppose the second substrate with a prescribed spacing between the second substrate and the circumferential edge portion of the first substrate; and a controller controlling a lifting/lowering operation of the pusher, the pusher pushing one prescribed point of the back surface of the second substrate, the one prescribed point corresponding to a position where a distance between a bonding surface of the first substrate and a bonding surface of the second substrate is shorter than a distance from the circumferential edge portion of the bonding surface of the first substrate to the bonding surface of the second substrate. 1. A bonding apparatus bonding a first substrate and a second substrate , the bonding apparatus comprising:a substrate holder holding the second substrate;a pusher pushing a back surface of the second substrate by performing a lifting operation;a substrate support unit including a support talon supporting a circumferential edge portion of the first substrate to oppose the second substrate with a prescribed spacing between the second substrate and the circumferential edge portion of the first substrate; anda controller controlling a lifting/lowering operation of the pusher,the pusher pushing one prescribed point of the back surface of the second substrate, the one prescribed point corresponding to a position where a distance between a bonding surface of the first substrate and a bonding surface of the second substrate is shorter than a distance from the circumferential edge portion of the bonding surface of the first substrate to the bonding surface of the second substrate.2. The bonding apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the controller ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009848A1

A laminating machine comprises at least one material source, configured as a sheet feeder, for sheets of a material to be laminated. The laminating machine further comprises at least one laminating unit. The laminating machine also comprises at least two lamination sources, each for at least one web-type laminating material. The laminating machine additionally comprises at least one laminating unit for producing a material web, which is laminated on both sides, from the sheets and the respective at least one laminating material. At least one lamination control device is disposed downstream of a laminating region of the laminating unit, along a transportation path provided for the transporting of the laminated material web. The control device monitors a control region, lying outside a transport region that is occupied by the transportation path provided for the laminated material web. 123-. (canceled)240101100030210001310013203303213310131002033213313133143100234834902. A laminating machine () , wherein the laminating machine () has at least one material source () for sheets () of a material () to be laminated , configured as a sheet feeder () , and wherein the laminating machine () has at least one laminating unit () , and wherein the laminating machine () has at least two lamination sources (; ) , each for at least one web-type laminating material (; ) , and wherein the laminating machine () has at least one laminating unit () for producing a material web () that is laminated on both sides from the sheets () and the respective at least one laminating material (; ) , characterized in that downstream of a lamination zone (; ) of the laminating unit () along a transport path provided for transporting the laminated material web () , at least one lamination monitoring device (; ) is arranged , which monitors a monitoring zone that lies beyond a transport zone which is occupied by the transport path provided for the laminated material web (). ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Flexible to Rigid Integrated Laminator

Номер: US20210011334A1

A laminating machine and process for applying an optically clear adhesive film to a glass substrate includes a porous belt assembly with a plurality of vacuum pumps. The vacuum pumps define different, separately adjustable vacuum zones on the surface of the porous belt. The porous belt is driven linearly so that an optically clear adhesive does not move relative to the porous belt, but does move relative to the table, allowing the adhesive to be controlled to a compressive, neutral, or tensile state while being nip-rolled to the substrate. Since there is no motion of the film relative to the belt, scratching, stretch elongation, dimensional errors, and other slip induced damage is eliminated.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

System and control method for embossed-in-register of sheet

Номер: US20220032607A1
Принадлежит: Qingdao Sanyi Plastic Machinery Co Ltd

A system and control method for embossed-in-register of a sheet is provided. The system comprises a printed film winding/releasing mechanism, a film laminating roller and a pattern roller spaced from the film laminating roller, wherein the printed film is provided with first identifiers at intervals, and the pattern roller is provided with second identifiers at intervals; the system further comprises: a color code sensing mechanism configured to detect the first identifiers, an encoder configured to detect a rotation position of the pattern roller, and a control system; the control system comprises a storage unit, a data acquisition unit and a control unit; wherein, the control unit is configured to calculate a deviation of a pattern position, corresponding to a current first identifier, of the printed film and a pattern position, corresponding to a current second identifier, of the pattern roller in a same pattern, and generating a control signal of the pattern roller based on the deviation. According to the present application, a high-precision adjustment signal of the pattern roller may be generated, an EIR effect is guaranteed, the outturn percentage is increased, and the production cost is reduced.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015093A1
Автор: Antonuzzo Giovanni

An automatic plasticizing equipment () for image sheets () comprises a first plasticizing device () and an electronic control unit () for the plasticizing device and in which the first plasticizing device employs a first plasticizer film () unwinding from a first film spool (). The plasticizing equipment () processes image sheets () with associated enhanced sheet codes (ESC), readable by machine, having dimension and finishing information associated to said image sheets (). The equipment () further comprises a second plasticizing device (), downstream of the first plasticizing device () for a second plasticizer film () of different typologies unwinding from a second film spool () for pre-forming plasticized image sheets () of different typologies; and the electronic control unit () responds to the dimension and finishing information from the enhanced sheet codes (ESC) for selectively activating the first plasticizing device () or the second plasticizing device () or to leave the plasticizing devices deactivated so as to obtain plasticized image sheets () of different typologies of plasticization or non-plasticized image sheets (). 1. An automatic plasticizing equipment for image sheets comprising a first plasticizing device including a first film spool and an electronic control unit for the plasticizing device and wherein said first plasticizing device employs a first plasticizer film unwinding from said first film spool , whereinsaid equipment processes image sheets with associated enhanced sheet codes (ESC), readable by machine, having dimension and finishing information associated to said image sheets;said equipment further comprises a second plasticizing device arranged downstream from the first plasticizing device, in which said second plasticizing device includes a second film spool and employs a second plasticizer film of different typologies unwinding from said second film spool for pre-forming plasticized image sheets of different typologies; and whereinthe ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034042A1
Автор: Kohler Herbert B.

A network-based system and method for providing desired moisture set point values for individual papers lines based on the physical properties of each liner and the atmospheric conditions associated with a corrugator is disclosed. The desired moisture set point values are based on the hygroexpansivity of each individual paper liner. Once the moisture set point value has been determined, a conditioning apparatus adjusts a moisture value for each liner in order to tune the post-warp characteristics of the final corrugated product. 1. A method of producing a corrugated product , comprising: a. adjusting a moisture content in the first face-sheet web to a first range of greater than 10 wt. % and up to 20 wt. % by applying a first thin film of liquid to a first surface thereof;', 'b. thereafter heating the first face-sheet web; and', 'c. thereafter bonding the first surface of the first face-sheet web to a first side of a fluted medium., 'with respect to a first face-sheet web2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the step of adjusting the moisture content in the first face-sheet web yields excess moisture in the first face-sheet web; andthe step of heating the first face-sheet web with said excess moisture therein reduces internal stress therein and comprises drying said first face-sheet web under restraint, thereby increasing a machine-direction tensile strength thereof by at least 2.5%.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , with respect to a second face-sheet web:d. adjusting a moisture content in the second face-sheet web to a second range of greater than 10 wt. % and up to 30 wt. % by applying a second thin film of liquid to a first surface thereof;e. thereafter heating the second face-sheet web; andf. thereafter bonding the first surface of the second face-sheet web to a second side of said fluted medium.4. The method of claim 3 , said second range being greater than 10 wt. % and up to 20 wt. % claim 3 , wherein:the step of adjusting the moisture ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018186A1
Автор: NOBUKUNI Hisaoki

There is provided a manufacturing apparatus for manufacturing a cleaning web member by intermittently cutting a continuous web member at a product pitch in a transport direction, the continuous web member having a base sheet continuous in the transport direction and a fiber bundle placed on and secured to the base sheet with a direction of fibers being along the transport direction. The manufacturing apparatus includes: an intermittent transport mechanism; a cutter mechanism; a sensor; and a control section. The control section controls a transport amount related to the intermittent transport by the intermittent transport mechanism based on information of the displacement amount output from the sensor. 16-. (canceled)7. A manufacturing apparatus for manufacturing a cleaning web member by intermittently cutting a continuous web member at a product pitch in a transport direction , a base sheet continuous in the transport direction and', 'a fiber bundle placed on and secured to the base sheet with a direction of fibers being along the transport direction, comprising:, 'the continuous web member having'}an intermittent transport mechanism that intermittently transports the continuous web member in the transport direction; that is disposed downstream from the intermittent transport mechanism in the transport direction, and', 'that produce a downstream end portion of the continuous web member as the cleaning web member by cutting and separating the downstream end portion from the continuous web member while transport of the continuous web member is suspended;, 'a cutter mechanism'} that measures a displacement amount of a stop position of a predetermined region of the continuous web member from a target stop position, while transport of the continuous web member is suspended, the measurement being performed at a measurement position which is a position upstream from the intermittent transport mechanism in the transport direction,', [ images one surface of the continuous ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020963A1

An automatic applicator of a sticky back material to a printing sleeve is disclosed. The applicator includes a controller that is programmable with data relating to the size and desired positioning of the sticky back material to the sleeve. The sticky back material is secured to a transport system and cut to the desired size by a cutter, creating a sheet. The sheet is then transported between a pressure roller and the sleeve. The pressure roller applies pressure to the sticky back sheet, applying the sheet to the sleeve. A mandrel grips and rotates the sleeve to apply the sticky back sheet around an exterior surface of the sleeve. 1. An automated applicator of a sticky back material , comprising:a controller;a frame;a transport system including a pair of spaced apart sliding tubes and a plurality of clamps, the sliding tubes slidably disposed on the frame, and the clamps slidably disposed on the sliding tubes, wherein the clamps are configured to selectively and releasably grip a sheet of the sticky back material and the sliding tube;a cutter configured to cut the sticky back material at predetermined locations;a pressure roller configured to apply the sheet of sticky back material to a printing sleeve; anda mandrel configured to grip the sleeve and selectively rotate the sleeve during application of the sheet of sticky back material.2. The automated applicator of claim 1 , wherein the controller includes a processor claim 1 , a storage device with an instruction set in communication with the processor claim 1 , and a programmable component in communication with the processor and providing means for an operator to actively manage an operation of the processor and control the applicator.3. The automated applicator of claim 1 , further including a loading shaft rotatably coupled to the frame at a first end.4. The automated applicator of claim 3 , wherein the loading shaft is rotatable from a non-vertical position permitting a manual loading of a roll of the sticky ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180019226A1

A bonding system includes a substrate transfer device configured to transfer a first substrate and a second substrate to a bonding apparatus, a first holding plate configured to hold the first substrate from an upper surface side, and a second holding plate disposed below the first holding plate and configured to hold the second substrate from a lower surface side so that the second substrate faces the first substrate. The substrate transfer device includes a first holding part capable of holding the first substrate from the upper surface side, and a second holding part disposed below the first holding part and capable of holding the second substrate from the lower surface side. The first holding part and the second holding part are configured to receive and hold the first substrate and the second substrate at the same time from the first holding plate and the second holding plate. 1. A bonding system comprising:a substrate transfer device configured to transfer a first substrate and a second substrate to a bonding apparatus for bonding the first substrate to the second substrate;a first holding plate configured to hold the first substrate from an upper surface side; anda second holding plate disposed below the first holding plate and configured to hold the second substrate from a lower surface side so that the second substrate faces the first substrate,wherein the substrate transfer device includes a first holding part capable of holding the first substrate from the upper surface side, and a second holding part disposed below the first holding part and capable of holding the second substrate from the lower surface side so that the second substrate faces the first substrate, andthe first holding part and the second holding part are configured to receive the first substrate held by the first holding plate and the second substrate held by the second holding plate at the same time from the first holding plate and the second holding plate, and to hold the first ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022078A9
Автор: Loibl Bernd
Принадлежит: MONOLITH GmbH

The invention relates to a laminating foil having an initial roughness on at least one side, which makes the laminating foil matte, wherein the laminating foil has a marking configured as a surface pattern with surface portions on the matte side or at least on one of the matte sides, wherein the roughness of the surface portions is different from the initial roughness. The invention furthermore relates to a laminating foil set comprising the laminating foils, a method for hot laminating sheet material using such laminating foils, a laminating unit for using the laminating foil, and eventually a laminating system including the laminating unit and the laminating foils. 1. A method for hot laminating sheet material and laminating foil through at least one laminating unit configured as a piece of office equipment , in which sheet material and laminating foil are joined , and a combination formed thereby is inserted into the laminating unit , wherein the combination is hot sealed together under the influence of pressure and increased temperature and through adaptation of temperature and/or pass-through velocity to a thickness and/or a material of the laminating foil , wherein laminating foil is used , whose initial roughness at least on one side is greater than an end roughness after laminating , wherein the laminating foil is provided on the at least one side with a marking in the form of a surface pattern , which comprises surface portions , whose roughness differs from the initial roughness , wherein the marking is configured to be read out by a sensor of the laminating unit , wherein the laminating foil with its marking is run past the sensor , wherein the sensor reads out the marking and generates a signal which is characteristic for the marking , and a temperature or a pass-through velocity is adjusted as a function of the signal.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the roughness of the surface portions is less than the initial roughness claim 1 , but not ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023833A1

A preparation system and preparation method for a gel composite material. Periodic impregnation can be performed and the gel composite material product performed gelation can be rewound and recycled by moving a movable impregnation mechanism back and forth along an impregnation platform; specifically, during the process that the movable impregnation mechanism moves from the front end to the rear end of the impregnation platform, a first unwinding device can be controlled to lay a reinforcing body to be impregnated on a worktable, the impregnation device can be controlled to guide the prefabricated sol onto the reinforcing body to be impregnated, and a second unwinding device can be controlled to cover a covering carrier on an upper surface of the impregnated reinforcing body; when the movable impregnation mechanism moves to the rear end of the impregnation platform, the first unwinding device, the impregnation device, and the second unwinding device can be controlled to stop. The preparation system of the gel composite material, and the preparation method using the preparation system of the gel composite material have high degree of automation, and can significantly improve the production efficiency, thereby reducing production costs. 1. A system for preparing a gel composite material , comprising:an impregnation platform having a worktable; and a fixing base capable of moving back and forth along the impregnation platform, and', 'a first unwinding device, an impregnation device, a second unwinding device, a third unwinding device, a first rewinding device, and a second rewinding device, which are disposed on the fixing base, wherein, 'a movable impregnation mechanism comprisingthe first unwinding device is configured to unwind a to-be-impregnated reinforcing body to lay the reinforcing body to be impregnated on the worktable;the impregnation device is configured to guide a prefabricated sol to the to-be-impregnated reinforcing body laid on the impregnation platform ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027618A1
Автор: Orsini Lorenzo Maria
Принадлежит: Amcor Flexibles Italia S.R.L.

A method for monitoring the quality of an adhesive application during a lamination process for manufacturing a packaging laminate includes conveying a first film or foil web in a longitudinal direction, applying an adhesive material over the whole surface or in a pattern onto the moving first film or foil web and applying a second film or foil web onto the adhesive coated first film or foil web and conveying the first and second film or foil web having the intermediate deposited adhesive material layer in the longitudinal direction to a pressing station to form a laminate. A fluorescent agent may be added to and intermixed with the adhesive material such that the fluorescent agent is uniformly distributed. Fluorescence radiation emitted by an ultraviolet-exposed adhesive material layer is detected by a visual inspection system. 1. A method for monitoring the quality of an adhesive application during a lamination process for manufacturing a packaging laminate , comprising:conveying a first film or foil web in a longitudinal direction;applying an adhesive material as an adhesive material layer over the whole surface or in a pattern onto the moving first film or foil web and applying a second film or foil web onto the adhesive coated first film or foil web and conveying said first and second film or foil web comprising the intermediate deposited adhesive material layer in the longitudinal direction to a pressing station to form a laminate, whereina fluorescent agent is added to and intermixed with the adhesive material such that an adhesive material comprising a uniformly distributed fluorescent agent is provided before the adhesive material is deposited onto the first film or foil web wherein the fluorescent agent is chosen from those that absorb ultraviolet light and emit light in the visible spectrum, wherein a predefined area of the adhesive coated first film or foil web is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, and wherein the resulting fluorescence radiation emitted ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Devices for producing a tape product having diagnostic aids

Номер: US20150027639A1
Принадлежит: Roche Diagnostics Operations Inc

A method for producing an analysis tape for fluid samples, in particular body fluids, is proposed. The method comprises providing a laminate tape having a laminate carrier tape and at least one diagnostic functional layer, and cutting the laminate tape in such a way that a diagnostic auxiliary label arises; transferring the diagnostic auxiliary label to a vacuum roller; and transferring the diagnostic auxiliary label to a carrier tape. In general, at least one vacuum roller is used for the transfer of the diagnostic auxiliary label to the carrier tape. The cutting of the diagnostic functional layer is effected in such a way that a free end of the diagnostic functional layer is lifted off from the laminate carrier tape by guiding the laminate carrier tape around a cutting edge with a small radius, wherein the diagnostic functional layer is cut at a predetermined distance from the lifted off free end by means of a cutting device.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210028746A1
Автор: HACKE Peter Ludwig

Disclosed herein are improved methods for applying rapid mechanical loading to a photovoltaic module to better simulate the rapid displacements exhibited by photovoltaic modules under wind loading. 1. A method for testing photovoltaic modules comprising providing a force at the edge of a photovoltaic module in order to impart a momentum onto a laminate of the photovoltaic module and measuring the magnitude of the displacement of the laminate.2. The method of further comprising measuring the frequency of the displacement of the laminate.3. The method of wherein the force is applied by electromagnetic claim 1 , electro-mechanical or piezoelectric means.4. The method of wherein the force is applied with position-adjustable mechanical stops at the edge of the photovoltaic module.5. The method of wherein the displacement of the laminate is measured by optical claim 1 , electrical or physical sensing means.6. The method of wherein the optical sensing means comprise a laser.7. The method of wherein the electrical sensing means comprise a strain gauge.8. The method of wherein the physical sensing means comprise a linear variable differential transformer.9. The method of further comprising unobstructed observation of the photovoltaic module during the application of the force.10. The method of wherein the observation comprises optical or electric-optical means.11. The method of further comprising the application of stresses to the photovoltaic module wherein the stresses are selected from the group consisting of optical claim 9 , thermal claim 9 , hydrolytic claim 9 , and electrolytic stresses.12. The method of wherein the magnitude and frequency of the displacement of the laminate comprises highly accelerated stress testing.13. The method of wherein the frequency and the magnitude of the force applied to the edge of the photovoltaic module simulate wind loading of the photovoltaic module.14. A device configured to apply a force to the edge of a photovoltaic module that ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150034252A1
Автор: Stuhlmann Christoph

An apparatus for receiving, from a wide container stream upstream from the apparatus, single-lane container streams and creating package units of containers includes a separating and/or combining unit, application elements, and a linear transporter. The unit separates and/or combines containers to form partial packaged units that are then combined into a package unit. The application elements are disposed so that at least one container of a package unit has, on a contact surface thereof, adhesive or glue. The linear transporter comprises transport elements circulate along a guide element, and a controllable drive. Each transport element of the linear transporter comprises as many head guides as there are containers in the package unit, each of which is axially movable or rotatable relative to the transport element. 19-. (canceled)10. An apparatus for receiving , from a wide container stream upstream from the apparatus , single-lane container streams of containers and creating package units of said containers , said apparatus comprising a unit , application elements , and a linear transporter , wherein said unit carries out at least one act selected from the group consisting of separating a predefined number of containers to form partial packaged units that are then combined into a package unit and combining a predefined number of containers to form partial packaged units that are then combined into a package unit , wherein said unit is selected from the group consisting of a separation unit , a combining unit , and a separating-and-combining unit , wherein said application elements are disposed so that at least one container of a package unit has , on a contact surface thereof , at least one of adhesive , glue , an application of adhesive , an application of glue , a combination of adhesive and glue , and an application of a combination of adhesive and glue , wherein said linear transporter comprises transport elements , and a controllable drive , wherein said ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Use of rfid chip as assembly facilitator

Номер: US20160034807A1
Автор: Ian James Forster

A method of assembling RFID components together while using an RFID chip that heats internally in order to assemble that RFID chip and another RFID component such as an antenna is followed while producing RFID assemblies or RFID devices. This RFID chip is associated with a member that has an electrical characteristic to develop heat internal of this RFID chip. An uncured adhesive is positioned between at least a portion of the RFID chip and a portion of the other RFID component. Action of the RFID chip internal member heats the RFID chip, heat emanating to the adhesive, resulting in adhesive curing into a cured adhesive joint attaching together the RFID chip and the other RFID component. This assembly is capable of being achieved without an external source of heat or pressure applied to the adhesive. Temperature monitoring is available to assess heat development in connection with threshold temperature designation.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170033384A1
Автор: Cho Su Hwan

A manufacturing device of a membrane-electrode assembly for a fuel cell bonds each of anode and cathode catalyst electrode layers continuously formed in upper and lower electrode films to upper and lower surfaces of an electrolyte membrane. The device includes: upper and lower bonding rolls respectively installed to upper and lower sides of a transport path of the electrolyte membrane and of the upper and lower electrode films, the bonding rolls pressing the catalyst electrode layers to the upper surface and the lower surface of the electrolyte membrane at a predetermined temperature to be transferred, and upper and lower adsorbents respectively disposed at the upper and lower sides of the transport path in an entry side of the upper and lower bonding rolls, installed to be reciprocally moved along the transport path, and selectively adsorbing the upper and lower electrode films. 1. A manufacturing device of a membrane-electrode assembly for a fuel cell bonding each of anode and cathode catalyst electrode layers continuously formed in upper and lower electrode films to upper and lower surfaces of an electrolyte membrane , said manufacturing device comprising:upper and lower bonding rolls installed respectively to upper and lower sides of a transport path of the electrolyte membrane and of the upper and lower electrode films, and pressing the catalyst electrode layers to the upper surface and the lower surfaces of the electrolyte membrane at a predetermined temperature to be transferred; andupper and lower adsorbents disposed respectively at the upper and lower sides of the transport path in an entry side of the upper and lower bonding rolls, the upper and lower adsorbents being installed to be reciprocally moved along the transport path, and selectively adsorbing the upper and lower electrode films.2. The manufacturing device of claim 1 , further comprising:upper and lower position sensors respectively installed at the upper and lower sides of the transport path in ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150041046A1
Автор: Kim Ki Taek, YOU Jung Hwa
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co., Ltd.

An apparatus for determining a substrate is provided, including a light emitting unit, a light receiving unit, a memory unit, and a control unit. The light emit light is configured to emit light onto one surface of the substrate. The light receiving unit is configured to receive light reflected from the one surface of the substrate, and to detect optical information. The memory unit is configured to store the optical information of the received light and a reference value. The control unit is configured to determine whether the one surface of the substrate is a first surface or a second surface of the substrate by comparing the optical information and the reference value. 1. A method for determining a substrate , comprising:preparing a substrate including a first surface and a second surface having different optical properties;detecting optical information on one of the first surface or the second surface of the substrate; anddetermining whether the one of the first surface or the second surface of the substrate is the first surface or the second surface of the substrate by comparing the optical information and a stored reference value.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the preparing of the substrate includes fixing the substrate and reading the substrate.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the detecting of the optical information includes:emitting light onto the one of the first surface or the second surface of the substrate;receiving the light reflected from the one of the first surface or the second surface; andconverting the received light into the optical information.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining includes determining the one of the first surface or the second surface as the first surface when the optical information is less than the reference value.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substrate includes a first substrate and a second substrate attached on the first substrate claim 1 ,wherein the first substrate and the second substrate ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150041056A1
Автор: HAYTON Paul Robert

A perforated composite panel comprises a substrate and an applied layer, the substrate having a first surface and an opposite second surface. A method of forming the perforated composite panel comprises the steps of: 1. A method of producing a perforated composite panel , the composite panel comprising a substrate and an applied layer , the substrate having a first surface and an opposite second surface , the method comprising the steps of:i. cutting a plurality of first holes in the substrate;ii. positioning the applied layer against the substrate such that a surface of the applied layer overlays the first surface of the substrate to thereby form the composite panel;iii. locating one or more datum features on the composite panel;iv. determining the location and axis direction for each of the first holes in the substrate, relative to the or each datum feature; andv. cutting a plurality of second holes in the applied layer, each of the plurality of second holes being coincident and coaxial with a corresponding one of the plurality of first holes.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein step ii. comprises the additional subsequent step of:ii.′ adhesively bonding the surface of the applied layer to the first surface of the substrate.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein step i. comprises the additional initial step of:i.′ forming the substrate into a predetermined shape.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein step i. comprises the additional subsequent step of:i.′ forming the substrate into a predetermined shape.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein one or more supports are attached to the second surface of the substrate.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the substrate is formed from a first material and the applied layer is formed from a second material claim 1 , a hardness of the first material being greater than a corresponding hardness of the second material.7. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the axis of each of the ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Film-applying machine

Номер: US20150041065A1
Автор: Jie Ni, Ming-lu YANG

A film-applying machine includes a bracket, a mechanical arm, an application apparatus, and a storage apparatus. The storage apparatus includes a storage mechanism, a driving mechanism, and a first rolling mechanism. The storage mechanism includes a supporting frame mounted to the bracket, and a storage assembly adjustably coupled to the supporting frame. The driving mechanism includes a supporting member and a driving assembly. The supporting member couples with the supporting frame. The driving assembly includes a driving member coupled to the supporting member and a first transmission belt coupled to the driving member. The first rolling mechanism includes a pressing plate and a plurality of rollers. An end of the pressing plate couples with the first transmission belt, and another end is coupled to the supporting frame. The rollers are rotatably mounted on the pressing plate.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055349A1

A method of manufacturing a display device includes: providing a glass including an edge region and an inner region; arranging a light source under the glass; setting a center position of the light source to correspond to an inside of the edge region or an inside of the inner region of the glass; directing light into the glass by using the light source; and detecting a defect in the edge region of the glass by receiving light passing through the glass by using a detection camera. 1. A method of manufacturing a display device , the method comprising:providing a glass comprising an edge region and an inner region;arranging a light source under the glass;setting a center position of the light source to correspond to an inside of the edge region or an inside of the inner region of the glass;directing light into the glass by using the light source; anddetecting a defect in the edge region of the glass by receiving light passing through the glass by using a detection camera.2. The method of manufacturing the display device of claim 1 , wherein the directing of the light into the glass further comprises adjusting a position of the light source such that light emitted from the light source enters the glass at an angle.3. The method of manufacturing the display device of claim 2 , wherein the angle is an acute angle.4. The method of manufacturing the display device of claim 2 , wherein the angle is determined in consideration of at least one of a performance of the detection camera claim 2 , a size of a defect to be detected claim 2 , and a thickness of the glass.5. The method of manufacturing the display device of claim 2 , wherein the detecting of the defect in the edge region further comprises:readjusting the position of the light source when it is determined that quality of a result of detecting the defect needs to be adjusted; anddetecting a defect in the edge region by using the light source with the readjusted position.6. The method of manufacturing the display device ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Recycled rubber backed cushioned vinyl

Номер: US20220055355A1
Принадлежит: Ecore International Inc

A laminated surface covering including a facing material made of vinyl and a backing material comprising a rubber component. The rubber component comprising at least a matrix of bonded rubber granules. A bonding material disposed between the facing material and the backing material. The facing material configured to melt at a temperature between 165° F. and 248° F. infiltrating the backing material thereby essentially encasing the rubber granules of the matrix and providing fire retardation and smoke suppression qualities.

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150043055A1

A method for compensating for a wavelength shift in a wavelength selective switch (WSS), and a device therefor. The device comprises a fixed seat () as well as a rotation beam () and a compensation block () that have different thermal expansion amounts, the rotation beam () and the compensation block () being fixedly adhered to the fixed seat (). In the method, a combined structure of the rotation beam () and the compensation block () with different thermal expansion amounts is adopted; the combined structure rotates by means of different expansion amounts generated by the rotation beam () and the compensation block () at the same external temperature, and further drives an optical element of the WSS to rotate, hence compensating for a wavelength shift of the WSS. The method is safe and reliable; the device has a simple structure, and is convenient to encapsulate, is applicable to various WSS optical paths, and does not affect advantages of the optical path structure of the WSS. 1. A compensation method for wavelength shift of WSS comprising the following steps:measuring the direction and amount of wavelength shift of WSS;adopting a composite structure of rotating beam and compensation blocks with different thermal strokes;gluing the composite structure to the side of collimating lens of WSS or the back of the reflecting surface of the reflector of WSS; neutralizing the wavelength shift direction with the rotating direction of the composite structure, and equalizing the wavelength compensation dosage of the composite structure with the measured amount of wavelength shift of WSS.2. The compensation method for wavelength shift of WSS in comprising:the stated different thermal strokes of the composite structure in the adopting step is realized by setting the width and other size specification of the compensation blocks as well as the different thermal expansion coefficients of compensation blocks and rotating beam under the same external temperature.3. The compensation ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Plastic flooring having three-dimensional patterns and method of making the same

Номер: US20190039366A1
Автор: Lu Ding Yi, Zhao Pei Don
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of making plastic flooring contains steps of: A. providing the substrate and delivering the substrate toward a rolling unit; B. delivering a printing layer, wherein the printing layer is blank and is delivered toward the rolling unit by way of a second delivery roller mechanism; C. rolling, wherein the rolling unit rolls the substrate and the printing layer, and the printing layer has three-dimensional embossing; D. digital printing, wherein color material being printed on three-dimensional embossing by using the digital print unit; E. coating an abrasion resistant layer, wherein a coating unit coats wear-resistant materials of the abrasion resistant layer on the printing layer; and F. shaping, wherein the plastic flooring material is shaped so as to dry and harden the abrasion resistant layer.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039202A1

A laminating apparatus for laminating an adhesive film on a bent or curved cover window includes a rotation shaft extending in a first direction, a first frame configured to support the cover window, and including a first plate and a second plate facing each other to define an angle therebetween, and a curved connection portion between the first plate and the second plate, and a roller portion above the first frame, extending in the first direction, and configured to move in a second direction that is perpendicular to the first direction, wherein the first frame is configured to rotate with respect to the rotation shaft according to movement of the roller portion to bond the adhesive film to the cover window. 1. A laminating apparatus for laminating an adhesive film on a bent or curved cover window , the laminating apparatus comprising:a rotation shaft extending in a first direction; a first plate and a second plate facing each other at an angle therebetween; and', 'a curved connection portion between the first plate and the second plate; and, 'a first frame configured to support the cover window, the first frame comprisinga roller portion above the first frame, extending in the first direction, and configured to move in a second direction that is perpendicular to the first direction,wherein the first frame is configured to rotate with respect to the rotation shaft according to movement of the roller portion to bond the adhesive film to the cover window.2. The laminating apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a second frame extending along the second direction claim 1 , and comprising first and second guide portions spaced apart from each other claim 1 ,wherein the first frame is between the first and second guide portions, andwherein the first and second guide portions are configured to guide a moving direction of the roller portion.3. The laminating apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a driver for generating a driving force for rotating the first frame ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043672A1

An apparatus includes a control device for a first suction portion, a second suction portion, and a folding portion so that each time a separator is folded, a positive electrode and a negative electrode are alternately sandwiched between folded surfaces of the separator. The control device controls the at least one of the first suction portion and the second suction portion so that doping foil is bonded to one of a current collector, the positive electrode, and the negative electrode sucked and held by the at least one of the first suction portion and the second suction portion. The control device controls the at least one of the first suction portion and the second suction portion so that the one of the current collector, the positive electrode, and the negative electrode having the lithium metal foil bonded thereto is transported and sandwiched between a predetermined pair of the folded surfaces of the separator. 1. An apparatus for manufacturing a multilayer electrode , the apparatus comprising:a first suction portion having a suction surface for sucking and holding a sheetlike positive electrode, the first suction portion movable in a direction parallel to the suction surface of the first suction portion;a second suction portion located beside the first suction portion in a direction parallel to the suction surface of the first suction portion and having a suction surface for sucking and holding a sheetlike negative electrode, the second suction portion movable in a direction parallel to the suction surface of the second suction portion;a folding portion for folding a tapelike separator; anda control device for controlling operation of the first suction portion, the second suction portion, and the folding portion, whereinthe control device includes a sandwiching control portion, a doping foil bonding control portion, and a doping foil sandwiching control portion,the sandwiching control portion controls the operation of the first suction portion, the second ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043675A1

A method for operating a vacuum jig may include emitting an ultraviolet light from an ultraviolet light source; detecting, using an ultraviolet light sensor, luminescence of a coating on a surface responsive to emission of the ultraviolet light; determining whether the detected luminescence is greater than or equal to a predetermined threshold luminescence; and enabling a vacuum-assisted coupling of the vacuum jig when the detected luminescence is greater than or equal to the predetermined threshold luminescence. Vacuum jigs including ultraviolet light sensors are also described. 1. A method for operating a vacuum jig comprising:emitting an ultraviolet light from an ultraviolet light source;detecting, using an ultraviolet light sensor, luminescence of a coating on a surface responsive to emission of the ultraviolet light;determining whether the detected luminescence is greater than or equal to a predetermined threshold luminescence; andenabling a vacuum-assisted coupling of the vacuum jig when the detected luminescence is greater than or equal to the predetermined threshold luminescence.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ultraviolet light sensor is mounted on the vacuum jig.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein enabling the vacuum-assisted coupling comprises initiating a vacuum to secure the vacuum jig to the surface.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein enabling the vacuum-assisted coupling comprises enabling an air supply configured to provide compressed air to a vacuum pump.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:amplifying the detected luminescence to produce an amplified luminescence signal; andcomparing the amplified luminescence signal to the predetermined threshold luminescence,wherein enabling the vacuum-assisted coupling is performed responsive to determining that the amplified luminescence signal is greater than or equal to the predetermined threshold luminescence.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:pressing a retainer configured to receive ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047779A1

An electrical heating bonding device bonds a member M to be bonded, which is made of a metal, and a member M to be bonded, which is made of a resin. The electrical heating bonding device includes: an upper electrode and a lower electrode which sandwich the member M to be bonded, and are electrically conductive with the member M to be bonded; a pressurizing unit which applies pressure to a bonding surface between the member M to be bonded and the member M to be bonded; a temperature sensor which detects a temperature of the member M to be bonded; and a control unit which controls the pressurizing unit to apply the pressure to the bonding surface, after the temperature detected by the temperature sensor reaches a predetermined set temperature Ts. 1. An electrical heating bonding device which bonds a first member to be bonded and a second member to be bonded , the first member to be bonded being made of a metal , and the second member to be bonded being made of a resin , the electrical heating bonding device comprising:a plurality of electrodes which sandwich the first member to be bonded, and are electrically conductive with the first member to be bonded;a pressurizing unit which applies pressure to a bonding surface between the first member to be bonded and the second member to be bonded;a temperature sensor which detects a temperature of the first member to be bonded; anda control unit which controls the pressurizing unit to apply the pressure to the bonding surface, after the temperature detected by the temperature sensor reaches a predetermined temperature.2. The electrical heating bonding device according to claim 1 , comprisinga power supply which supplies a current to the electrodes,wherein the power supply is in operation in a case where the temperature detected by the temperature sensor is lower than or equal to the predetermined temperature, and is stopped in a case where the temperature detected by the temperature sensor exceeds the predetermined ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

System and method of detecting a missing tow in a composite layup

Номер: US20140124120A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A system for detecting a missing tow in a tow band may include a fiber placement head for applying a tow band to a substrate forming a composite layup. The system may further include a heating device for preheating the substrate prior to application of the tow band. The system may additionally include an infrared camera mounted to the fiber placement head and configured to generate a real-time thermal image of the composite layup during the application of the tow band to the substrate.

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124141A1
Автор: Bernd Loibl
Принадлежит: Monolith GmbH Buerosysteme

A laminator for hot laminating a combination of sheet material and a laminating foil, the laminator including a housing; a pass-through channel extending in the housing for passing a combination of sheet material and laminating foil through; a laminating device arranged in the housing, wherein the laminating device includes a heating device, wherein the combination is laminated in the laminating device under pressure and heat, wherein the heating device includes a temperature display device which includes a display element which generates an externally detectable display when the heating device has reached a ready temperature that corresponds to an operational readiness of a laminator, and wherein the display element is configured as at least one reversible thermo-chromic element which is operatively coupled with the heating device so that a reversible discoloration of the at least thermo-chromic element occurs as a function of the temperature of the heating device.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Vision inspection during application of composite tape

Номер: US20140124142A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A system comprises a feed assembly for applying composite tape; a unit for forming lateral stripes across a portion of the tape that has been applied; a camera for capturing images of the lateral stripes; and a processor programmed to process the images of the lateral stripes to identify any discontinuities in the tape. Those stripes intersecting any discontinuities will make those discontinuities apparent.

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Skin-to-core bond line mapping system and method

Номер: US20200047428A1

A skin-to-core bond line mapping system and method is disclosed. Layered composite components formed by “sandwiching” multiple materials together require a continuous bond between those materials with voids below particular thresholds that can vary by application. The skin-to-core bond line mapping system can include a laminate, an adhesive, a separator film, a core, a breather, a layup tool, bagging material, sealant, and a vacuum port. By employing systems and processes that layer separator film over adhesive and applying a core proximate the adhesive, a bagging material can be disposed over the materials to facilitate vacuum compaction, thereby impressing core impressions on the adhesive to map the areas between the skin and core that have good contact. An iterative process is disclosed, in which additional adhesive can be used to build the bond line until contact is made (or engineering tolerance is reached).

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047479A1

A laminating machine has at least one material source, configured as a sheet feeder, for sheets of a material to be laminated. The laminating machine also has at least one imbricating device for arranging un-laminated sheets in an imbricated manner with respect to one another. The laminating machine further has at least one laminating unit for producing a laminated material web from the sheets. At least one thickness control device is arranged in a transport path which is provided for the laminated material web downstream of the at least one laminating unit. A control region of the thickness control device intersects, at least partially, with the transport path which is provided for the laminated material web. 130-. (canceled)310101100030210001200206207208030131002033100235402. A laminating machine () , wherein the laminating machine () has at least one material source () for sheets () of a material () to be laminated , configured as a sheet feeder () , and wherein the laminating machine () has at least one shingling unit (; ; ; ) for placing non-laminated sheets () in a shingled arrangement relative to one another , and wherein the laminating machine () has at least one laminating unit () for producing a laminated material web () from the sheets () , characterized in that downstream of the at least one laminating unit () along a transport path provided for the laminated material web () , at least one thickness monitoring device () is provided , the monitoring zone of which overlaps at least partially with the transport path provided for the laminated material web ().3231002014000402. The laminating machine according to claim 31 , characterized in that downstream of the at least one laminating unit () along the transport path provided for the laminated material web () claim 31 , the laminating machine () has at least one separating device () for separating sections () from the laminated material web ()33014000135401400354. The laminating machine according to claim ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Roll of continuous web of optical film laminate and production method therefor

Номер: US20160054494A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

A method of producing a roll of a continuous web of an optical film laminate, usable in a process of laminating an optical film sheet including a polarizing film and formed to a size corresponding to that an optical panel to a surface of the optical panel being fed to a lamination position, is disclosed. The polarizing film is prepared by subjecting a laminate including a thermoplastic resin substrate and a PVA type resin layer formed on the substrate, to uniaxial 2-stage stretching to reduce a thickness of the PVA type resin layer to 10 μm or less, and causing a dichroic material to be absorbed in the PVA type resin layer. A carrier film is releasably attached to the continuous web of optical film laminate including the polarizing film, through an adhesive layer. A defect inspection is performed for the optical film laminate and the adhesive layer.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200052242A1
Автор: PARK Jongdae, SO Kyoungsub

A display device includes a window and a display panel coupled to a bottom surface of the window. The display panel has a substantially regular tetragonal shape or a substantially rectangular shape in a plan view, and the window includes a base member and a bezel layer on a bottom surface of the base member. Between one and three light-transmissive main alignment marks and a transmission area having a different shape than that of the display panel are defined in the bezel layer, and each of the main alignment marks is arranged at a position corresponding to a vertex of the display panel or at a position corresponding to a vertex of an imaginary regular tetragon or of an imaginary rectangle that has the same center point as the display panel and that is larger than the display panel. 1. A display device comprising:a window; anda display panel coupled to a bottom surface of the window and having a substantially regular tetragonal shape or a substantially rectangular shape in a plan view, a base member; and', 'a bezel layer on a bottom surface of the base member, between one and three light-transmissive main alignment marks and a transmission area having a different shape than that of the display panel being defined in the bezel layer,, 'wherein the window compriseswherein each of the main alignment marks is arranged at a position corresponding to a vertex of the display panel or at a position corresponding to a vertex of an imaginary regular tetragon or of an imaginary rectangle that has the same center point as the display panel and that is larger than the display panel.2. The display device of claim 1 , wherein when two main alignment marks are defined in the bezel layer claim 1 , the two main alignment marks are arranged at positions corresponding to two vertices corresponding to one side edge of the display panel.3. The display device of claim 1 , wherein each of the main alignment marks overlaps the vertex of the display panel.4. The display device of claim 1 , ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057199A1
Автор: Bianchi Daniel
Принадлежит: Unique Fabricating, Inc.

A stackable water shield comprising a body portion having a width and length and thickness, said body having a wet surface, said body further having a channel formed between inwardly angled walls in a portion of the body, said channel having a width and a depth sufficient to accept a sufficient amount of glue, said glue amount not extending to the wet surface of the water shield, said water shields stackable without interposing a glue protective barrier such as a release sheet between said stacked water shields. 1. A stackable water shield comprising a body portion having a width and length and thickness , said body having a wet surface , said body further having a channel between inwardly angled walls such that an opening of the channel is smaller than a base of the channel , said channel extending at least partially along a portion of said water shield; said channel being of a size and shape to accept a sufficient amount of glue , said glue amount not extending to the wet surface of the water shield , said water shield stackable one upon the next without interposing a glue protective shield between any said stackable water shield.2. The stackable water shield of claim 1 , wherein said inwardly angled walls flanking the channel are angled such that Θ′ and Θ″ are substantially the same.3. The stackable water shield of claim 1 , wherein said inwardly angled walls are angled such that Θ′ and Θ″ are between about 40 degrees and about 75 degrees.4. The stackable water shield of claim 1 , wherein said channel extends along a perimeter of said water shield body.5. The stackable water shield of claim 1 , wherein said glue comprises hot melt adhesive.6. The stackable water shield of claim 1 , wherein said sufficient amount of glue does not extend to a side of said channel.7. The stackable water shield of claim 1 , wherein said channel has a die lock configuration.89-. (canceled)10. A method of confirming adherence of a water shield to a substrate claim 1 , comprisingplacing ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Autostereoscopic Display Panel, Alignment Method, and Autostereoscopic Display Method thereof

Номер: US20150062312A1
Принадлежит: Chunghwa Picture Tubes, LTD.

An autostereoscopic display panel includes a display panel and a barrier panel adjacent to each other. The display panel includes a plurality of pixel units. Each of the pixel units includes a plurality of sub-pixels arranged along a first direction, such that each of the pixel units has a pixel width along the first direction. The barrier panel includes a plurality of barrier units. Each of the barrier units includes at least three barrier electrodes parallel to each other. Each of the barrier electrodes has an electrode width along the first direction, and the electrode width is smaller than the pixel width. An alignment method and an autostereoscopic display method using the autostereoscopic display panel are also disclosed. 1. An autostereoscopic display panel , comprising:a display panel comprising a plurality of pixel units arranged along a first direction and a second direction perpendicular to the first direction for forming a pixel unit array, each of the pixel units comprising a plurality of sub-pixels arranged along the first direction, and each of the pixel units having a pixel width along the first direction; and a first substrate;', 'a second substrate;', 'a liquid crystal layer disposed between the first substrate and the second substrate;', 'a plurality of barrier units respectively disposed between the first substrate and the liquid crystal layer, each of the barrier units comprising at least three barrier electrodes parallel to each other, each of the barrier electrodes having an electrode width along the first direction, wherein the electrode width is smaller than the pixel width; and', 'an electrode layer disposed between the second substrate and the liquid crystal layer., 'a barrier panel disposed adjacent to the display panel, the barrier panel comprising2. The autostereoscopic display panel of claim 1 , wherein each of the barrier units has a barrier width along the first direction claim 1 , and the autostereoscopic display panel is designed ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160066702A1
Автор: DiMarco Michael A.

A process and apparatus for manufacturing a mattress generally includes an insertion station for applying an adhesive and inserting an innercore unit to a bucket to form an innercore unit/bucket assembly. 1. An apparatus for manufacturing a mattress component comprising an innerspring unit and bucket assembly , the apparatus comprising:an innercore unit insertion station comprising:support surface for supporting an innercore unit and/or a bucket;an adhesive applicator disposed about an entry point of the insertion station;a lifting system comprising a vertically adjustable platen, an adjustable frame coupled to the platen, and one or more lifting assists positioned over an interior region of the innercore unit when in use, wherein the adjustable frame and the one or more lifting assists are configured to releasably attach to the innercore unit; anda programmable control system operably linked to actuators controlling the adhesive applicator and/or the lifting system.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive applicator comprises a plurality of nozzles in fluid communication with an adhesive.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive applicator further comprises a motion detector for detecting a leading and trailing edge of the bucket assembly and triggering activation and deactivation of the adhesive applicator.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive applicator comprises a plurality of nozzles in fluid communication with a hot melt adhesive.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the innercore unit and bucket are wirelessly identified by the programmable logic control system by radiofrequency identification tags attached thereto.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the innercore unit comprises coil springs claim 1 , foam or a combination thereof claim 1 , and the bucket comprises foam.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the one or more lifting assists comprise pneumatic bladder grippers.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the support ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080717A1

Build-up of adhesive on process equipment is reduced or even eliminated by increasing the running temperature of process equipment used to guide substrates as they are conveyed along a system used to apply adhesive and form laminates. Preferably, the process equipment is heated to a temperature of at least about 5° C., preferably at least about 10° C., and most preferably at least about 15° C., above the crossover temperature of the adhesive, and at most about 60° C., preferably at most about 50° C., and most preferably at most about 45° C., above the crossover temperature. This method is particularly beneficial when using hot melt adhesives to form laminates with permeable substrates, such as low basis weight nonwovens, for use in disposable absorbent articles. A system for applying a hot melt adhesive to a substrate comprises a heater for providing heat to the process equipment and, optionally, a chiller for cooling the process equipment. 1. A method of operating a system for applying a hot melt adhesive , said method comprising the steps of:heating a supporting board with a heat source, independent of friction caused by operation of the system, to a temperature sufficient to at least significantly reduce build-up of adhesive on the supporting board during operation;applying a hot melt adhesive to an adhesive-receiving surface of a permeable substrate, wherein the permeable substrate has a conveyor-facing surface opposed from the adhesive-receiving surface; andconveying the permeable substrate with the hot melt adhesive applied thereon such that the conveyor-facing surface of the permeable substrate contacts the heated supporting board as the permeable substrate is conveyed.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heating step comprises heating the supporting board to a temperature of at least about 5° C. above the crossover temperature of the adhesive.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the heating step comprises heating the supporting board to a temperature of at ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160067879A1
Автор: Capps, JR. J. T.

A method for manufacturing plywood includes receiving a face sheet on a main conveyor and feeding a plurality of pieces of core veneer onto a veneer conveyor by an automated core veneer feeder. The method also includes removing one or more of the plurality of pieces of core veneer from the veneer conveyor and placing the one or more of the plurality of pieces of core veneer onto the face sheet. 1. A method for manufacturing plywood , comprising:receiving a face sheet on a main conveyor;feeding a plurality of pieces of core veneer onto a veneer conveyor by an automated core veneer feeder;removing one or more of the plurality of pieces of core veneer from the veneer conveyor; andplacing the one or more of the plurality of pieces of core veneer onto the face sheet.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein an operator removes and places the one or more of the plurality of pieces of core veneer.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the operator controls the operation of the automated core veneer feeder.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the veneer conveyor includes one or more sensors configured to detect each of the plurality of pieces of core veneer on the veneer conveyor.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the automated core veneer feeder feeds additional pieces of core veneer onto the veneer conveyor based on a determination that a number of pieces of core veneer on the veneer conveyor is below a desired threshold.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the automated core veneer feeder continuously feeds pieces of core veneer onto the veneer conveyor until a determination is made that a number of pieces of core veneer on the veneer conveyor exceeds a maximum threshold.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein an automated core veneer layer removes and places the one or more of the plurality of pieces of core veneer.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the veneer conveyor includes one or more sensors configured to detect each of the plurality of pieces of core veneer on the veneer conveyor.9. ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Seep Resistant Masking Material

Номер: US20160067951A1
Автор: Gruenwald David J.

A masking material and method of forming a masking tape that includes a substrate and an adhesive layer disposed on the substrate. Methods of manufacturing the masking material include features associated with forming a masking material having an adhesive layer that is preferably thicker than the substrate and includes features associated with providing an indicia associated with forming discrete rolls of the masking material with the desired degree of uniformity of an edge located adhesive. The method can also include substrate moisture, coating, and/or surface energy control or manipulation to achieve the desired adhesion between the adhesive and substrate associated with the masking material. 1. A method of forming a masking tape comprising:applying multiple rows of adhesive to a backer material;forming an elongated roll by rolling the backer material onto itself so that the multiple rows of adhesive are captured between adjacent layers of backer material; andproviding an indicia that provides an of a lateral location of at least one of the multiple rolls of adhesive relative to the backer material; andmonitoring the indicia and partitioning the elongated roll into discrete rolls by cutting the elongated roll based on information associated with the indicia.2. The method of wherein applying multiple rows of adhesive is further defined as applying a bead of an adhesive selected from the group consisting of polyurethane gel adhesive claim 1 , silicone gel adhesive claim 1 , and acrylics to a surface of the backer material.3. The method of wherein the step of applying multiple rows of adhesive is further defined as applying a bead of adhesive at a width that is between about 0.040 inches and about 0.180 inches.4. The method of wherein providing the indicia is further defined as at least one of providing a line that extends along a longitudinal length of the backer material and cutting an edge of the backer material prior to partitioning the elongated roll into ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075700A1
Принадлежит: NGK SPARK PLUG CO., LTD.

A method and apparatus for manufacturing a welded resin article which includes (a) bringing first and second resin members to come into contact with each other; (b) applying laser light to the first and second resin members while moving the laser light relative to the first and second resin members; (c1) obtaining a value corresponding to the intensity of infrared light from a plurality of locations on a surface; (d) successively calculating, as a section average, the average of a predetermined number of successive values, among those obtained from the plurality of locations corresponding to the intensity of the infrared light; (e) a step of successively calculating a deviation judgment value; and (f) a step of successively judging whether or not the deviation judgment value falls within a predetermined judgment threshold range. 1. A method of manufacturing a welded resin article by laser-welding together a first resin member which allows laser light to pass therethrough and a second resin member which absorbs the laser light , the method comprising:(a) bringing the first resin member and the second resin member into contact with each other or close to each other;(b) applying the laser light to a surface of the second resin member from a side where the first resin member is present, while moving the laser light relative to the first and second resin members;(c1) obtaining a value corresponding to the intensity of infrared light emitted from the surface that is heated as a result of applying the laser light, the value being obtained from individual ones of a plurality of locations on the surface as a result of relative movement of the laser light;(d) successively calculating a section average which is the average of a predetermined number of successive values, the number being equal to or greater than 2, among the values obtained from the plurality of locations on the surface and each corresponding to the intensity of the infrared light;(e) successively calculating a ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075720A1

The stack manufacturing apparatus includes a first supporting body supply unit which is configured to intermittently unroll a roll sheet-shaped first supporting body and includes one of a pair of tension applying devices capable of applying tension to the unrolled first supporting body; a first adhesive layer formation unit configured to form a first adhesive layer over the first supporting body while the first supporting body supply unit suspends unrolling of the first supporting body; a first bonding unit configured to bond the first supporting body and a sheet-shaped member using the first adhesive layer; and a control unit which is configured to hold an end portion of the first supporting body and includes the other of the pair of tension applying devices. 1. An apparatus for manufacturing a stack comprising:a first supporting body supply unit including a first tension applying device, the first supporting body supply unit configured to intermittently unroll a first supporting body;a first adhesive layer formation unit configured to form a first adhesive layer over the first supporting body while unrolling of the first supporting body is stopped;a first bonding unit including a holding mechanism configured to hold a sheet-shaped member, the first bonding unit configured to bond the sheet-shaped member and the first supporting body using the first adhesive layer so that a first stack where the first supporting body, the first adhesive layer, and the sheet-shaped member are stacked in this order is formed while unrolling of the first supporting body is stopped; anda control unit including a second tension applying device, the control unit configured to hold an end portion of the first supporting body,wherein the first tension applying device and the second tension applying device are configured to apply tension to the first supporting body.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a dividing unit configured to be supplied with the first stack ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220088914A1

A system for cutting a web material and applying the web material on a substrate. The system comprises a feed roll configured to advance a web material. The system includes an anvil roll configured to receive the web material from the feed roll and provide a section of web material having a defined length. The system includes a cutting element configured to cut the web material to form the section of web material. The anvil roll is configured such that the anvil roll surface advances at an anvil roll surface speed. The feed roll is configured to rotate at a first feed roll surface speed that is slower than the anvil roll surface speed and a second feed roll surface speed that is substantially the same as the anvil roll surface speed when the cutting element cuts the web material. 120-. (canceled)21. A system for applying a web material on a substrate , the system cornprising:a feed roll defining a feed roll surface and configured to advance a web material along the feed roll surface;an anvil roll defining an anvil roll surface and configured to receive the web material from the feed roll along the anvil roll surface and provide a section of web material having a defined length at an anvil roll surface speed;a cutting element configured to cut the web material along the anvil roll surface to form the section of web material; anda first control element configured to control a speed of the outer surface of the feed roll between a first feed roll surface speed that is slower than the anvil roll surface speed and a second feed roll surface speed that is substantially the same as the anvil roll surface speed before the cutting element cuts the web material.22. The system of claim 21 , wherein the feed roll is configured to control a feed rate of the web material from the feed roll to the anvil roll such that the web material is substantially free of elastic deformation along a portion of the web material extending between the feed roll and the anvil roll as the cutting ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Two-dimensional material printer and transfer system and method for atomically layered materials

Номер: US20190070840A1
Принадлежит: George Washington University

Precision and chip contamination-free placement of two-dimensional (2D) material and van der Waals (VDW) layered materials accelerates both the study of fundamental properties and novel device functionality. The system transfers 2D materials utilizing a combination of a narrow transfer-stamper and viscoelastic and optically transparent film. Precise placement of individual 2D materials results in vanishing cross-contamination to the substrate. The 2D printer results in an aerial cross-contamination improvement of two to three orders of magnitude relative to state-of-the-art transfer methods from a source of average area sub um̂2. The transfer-stamper does not physically harm any micro/nanostructures preexisting on the target substrates receiving the 2D material such as, nanoelectronics, waveguides or micro-ring resonators. Such accurate and substrate-benign transfer method for 2D and VDW layered materials provides rapid device prototyping due to its high time-reduction, accuracy, and contamination-free process.

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing optical display device

Номер: US20190070841A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

A method for manufacturing an optical display device from a web of optical film laminate including a carrier film, a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer formed on one of opposite surfaces of the carrier film, and a plurality of sheets of optical functional film continuously supported on the carrier film via the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer, comprises folding the other of opposite surfaces of the carrier film inside via a tip end of a releasing body to wind the carrier film, peeling the sheet of optical functional film to a head-out state while exposing the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer, stopping winding of the carrier film, detecting a front end of the peeled sheet of optical functional film in the head-out state, and rewinding the carrier film integrally with the sheet of optical functional film in the head-out state to mend a deformation of a pressure-sensitive adhesive, at the tip end of the releasing body.

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Equipment and method of making substrate of plastic flooring

Номер: US20190070844A1
Автор: Lu Ding Yi, Zhao Pei Don
Принадлежит: Lu Ding Yi, Zhao Pei Don

Equipment of making a substrate of plastic flooring contains: an extrusion unit, a thickness regulating unit, and a rolling apparatus. The extrusion unit includes an outlet, and the thickness regulating unit including an inlet, a channel, and a cooler. The rolling apparatus includes a first roller, a second roller, and a press roller. The press roller at least includes a contacting roller and a pressing roller, wherein the contacting roller is configured to roll a foaming sheet, a printing layer, and an abrasion resistant layer. Furthermore, a heating unit heats the foaming sheet, the printing layer, and the abrasion resistant layer so that the foaming sheet, the printing layer, and the abrasion resistant layer are connected by using the pressing roller.

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Proactive Additive Manufacturing System

Номер: US20200070423A1

A dynamic manufacturing system such as for the additive manufacture of a fabrication item with multiformative capabilities presents a processor () that can refine movement, instructions, or data to achieve greater manufacturing efficiency and substantially uninterruptive change between formative process elements () or capabilities with simple user input () or indications. Optimization of movements, deposition of material, positioning, variant repositioning for next item layers during fabrication are provided in manners where the functions can be self contained such as in a 3D printer or the like and can be accomplished without significant interruptions to traditional processing times or even in shorter times through the improved transformations. 139-. (canceled)40. A proactive additive manufacturing system from which a fabrication item can be formed comprising:a fabrication support upon which an item can be formed;an additive material source;a formative process element;a layup movement system configured to effect positioning of said formative process element relative to said fabrication support;a formative process control that directs item formative processes and to which said layup movement system is responsive;a fabrication data input from which fabrication data is provided; anda proactive control processor evaluatively responsive to as yet unaccomplished item formative data.41. A proactive additive manufacturing system as in wherein said proactive control processor evaluatively responsive to as yet unaccomplished item formative data comprises a movement transformation processor transformatively responsive to said fabrication movement input.42. A proactive additive manufacturing system as in wherein said movement transformation processor transformatively responsive to said fabrication movement input comprises a command transformation processor transformationally responsive to fabrication instructions.43. A proactive additive manufacturing system as in wherein said ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150081038A1
Автор: Rauch Frédéric

A prosthetic device for a lower limb of a user is provided which includes a femoral leg component, a foot component and a cover component which are water compatible. The cover component includes one or more hollow sleeves defining one or more cavities in communication with a cavity provided in the foot component. The foot compartment includes a hole overlapping the one or more hollow sleeves which is configured to evacuate water from the prosthetic device and to provide air communication between the one or more cavities and the exterior of the prosthetic device. The cover includes a flexible venting opening so that the water drains naturally from the one or more cavities. A method of manufacturing the prosthetic device is also provided. The method includes manufacturing a cover with successive layers forming the cavities, with the cavities configured such that water drains naturally from the prosthetic device. 1. A prosthetic device for lower limb of a user comprising a femoral leg component , having a femoral part presenting a proximal end forming a socket to be connected to the stump of the user , an intermediate knee part and a tibial part having a distal end , a foot component having a foot shell defining a first cavity within said foot shell and having an open upper part , said foot component being arranged to be articulated to the distal end of the tibial part with adapters , and a cover component covering said leg component , said leg , foot and cover components being water compatible ,wherein the cover component is formed by a femoral cover part, a knee cover part and a tibial cover part,said femoral cover part being formed by a hollow flexible first sleeve arranged to cooperate contiguously or overlappingly with the socket on one side and with the knee cover part on the other side,said knee cover part being formed by a second sleeve defining a second cavity within said second sleeve around said knee component, said second sleeve being formed by a flexible ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083334A1

A film adhering apparatus for adhering a protective film on a work piece includes a controller, a conveyor belt, a rotating bracket configured to assemble the protective film, a suction driving member, a sensor, a first suction member, a cutting assembly, and a moving assembly. When the work piece is sensed by the sensor, one end of the protective film is pulled by the moving assembly to pass by the first suction member, and the protective film is sucked by the first suction member. The moving assembly releases the protective film and reset to suck the protective film again, and the protective film is cut off by the cutting assembly. The suction driving member drives the first suction member to move toward the work piece and the protective film is adhered on the work piece. 1. An apparatus for adhering a protective film on a work piece , comprising:a controller;a conveyor belt configured to move a work piece from an inlet end to an outlet end along a moving path;a rotating bracket positioned above the moving conveyor belt path between the inlet end and the outlet end, the rotating bracket configured to dispense the protective film;a suction driving member positioned on a first side of the conveyor belt and having a first suction member;a first suction member mounted on the suction driving member and parallel to the conveyor belt;a sensor positioned along the conveyor belt between the conveyor belt inlet end and the suction driving member;a cutting assembly mounted substantially over the conveyor the conveyor belt moving path and positioned adjacent the suction driving member between the suction driving member and the conveyor belt outlet end; and wherein, the controller is electrically connected to the sensor and the rotating bracket, the suction driving member, the cutting assembly and the moving assembly;', 'wherein, when moving along the conveyor belt from the conveyor belt inlet end to the conveyor belt outlet end, the work piece is sensed by the sensor and one ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083336A1

A component mounting apparatus includes a tape attaching unit, a component mounting unit and a component compression unit provided in this order. A time measuring unit measures time having passed after completion of predetermined work performed on all the substrates transferred to the tape attaching unit, the component mounting unit, and the component compression unit, respectively. When preparation for transferring the substrates to the tape attaching unit is not completed within a predetermined time after the start of measurement performed by the time measuring unit, the respective substrates, which wait in the tape attaching unit, the component mounting unit, and the component compression unit, are forcibly transferred to the downstream sides and predetermined work is performed on the respective substrates that are forcibly transferred to the component mounting unit and the component compression unit. 1. A component mounting apparatus comprising:a tape attaching unit that attaches an adhesive tape to a substrate;a component mounting unit that is provided on a downstream side of the tape attaching unit and mounts a component on the adhesive tape attached to the substrate;a component compression unit that is provided on a downstream side of the component mounting unit and compresses the component, which is mounted on the substrate, to the substrate with the adhesive tape interposed therebetween;a first substrate transfer unit that transfers the substrate, to which the adhesive tape is attached, to the component mounting unit from the tape attaching unit;a second substrate transfer unit that transfers the substrate, on which the component is mounted, to the component compression unit from the component mounting unit; anda time measuring unit that measures time having passed after completion of predetermined work performed on all the substrates transferred to the tape attaching unit, the component mounting unit, and the component compression unit, respectively, ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Selective Laser Sintered Fused Deposition Printing with Cooling

Номер: US20180079136A1
Принадлежит: Sciperio, Inc

A method of additive manufacturing of an object may include directing laser energy from a laser to a region for material deposition, extruding material using an extruder at the region of material deposition, sensing temperature within the region of the material deposition, and electronically controlling the laser energy using the temperature so as to sufficiently heat the region for material deposition prior to extruding the material to increase strength of the object. The method may include hardening or freezing extruded material through cooling in real-time. 1. A method of additive manufacturing of an object comprising:directing laser energy from a laser to a region for material deposition;extruding material using an extruder at the region of material deposition;sensing temperature within the region of the material deposition;electronically controlling the laser energy using the temperature so as to sufficiently heat the region for material deposition prior to extruding the material to increase strength of the object; andactively cooling the material.2. The method of wherein the laser comprises a laser diode.3. The method of wherein the strength of the object is increased by reducing susceptibility of delamination of layers of the object.4. The method of wherein the laser energy is pulsed laser energy.5. The method of wherein the laser energy is continuous wave laser energy.6. The method of wherein the laser energy textures the region for material deposition.7. The method of further comprising removing deposited material at the region for material deposition using the laser energy from the laser.8. The method of wherein the sensing the temperature is performed using a bolometer.9. The method of wherein the sensing the temperature is performed using a bolometer.10. The method of wherein the sensing the temperature is performed using thermal imaging detector.11. The method of wherein the sensing the temperature is performed using a fiber detector.12. The method of ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079183A1

A three-dimensional modeling apparatus includes an ejection portion capable of ejecting a fluid material, and a control portion that forms a laminated body in which one layer or more of cross-section bodies are laminated by executing one or more repetitions of a cross-section body formation process. The control portion reduces a total amount of the fluid material to be ejected at a first coordinate, which configures the apex that corresponds to the recess, to be lower than a total amount of the fluid material to be ejected at a second coordinate, which configures a region other than an outline section of the planar shape in a case in which an apex, which corresponds to a recess in a planar shape when the laminated body is viewed from above in a planar manner, is present. 1. A three-dimensional modeling apparatus that models a three-dimensional object , the apparatus comprising:an ejection portion capable of ejecting a fluid material, which is a material of the object; anda control portion that forms a laminated body in which one layer or more of cross-section bodies are laminated by executing one or more repetitions of a cross-section body formation process, which forms a cross-section body equivalent to one layer of the object by controlling the ejection portion and ejecting the fluid material,wherein the control portion reduces a total amount of the fluid material to be ejected at a first coordinate, which configures the apex that corresponds to the recess, to be lower than a total amount of the fluid material to be ejected at a second coordinate, which configures a region other than an outline section of the planar shape in a case in which an apex, which corresponds to a recess in a planar shape when the laminated body is viewed from above in a planar manner, is present.2. The three-dimensional modeling apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the control portion reduces the total amount of the fluid material to be ejected at the first coordinate by reducing the ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079193A1

A three-dimensional modeling apparatus includes an ejection portion capable of ejecting a fluid material, which is a material of an object, and a control portion that forms a laminated body in which one layer or more of cross-section bodies are laminated by executing one or more repetitions of a cross-section body formation process, which forms a cross-section body equivalent to one layer of the object by controlling the ejection portion and ejecting the fluid material. The control portion executes a correction process that ejects the fluid material onto a target correction location, which is at least a portion of an outline section of an upper surface of the laminated body. 1. A three-dimensional modeling apparatus that models a three-dimensional object , the apparatus comprising:an ejection portion capable of ejecting a fluid material, which is a material of the object; anda control portion that forms a laminated body in which one layer or more of cross-section bodies are laminated by executing one or more repetitions of a cross-section body formation process, which forms a cross-section body equivalent to one layer of the object by controlling the ejection portion and ejecting the fluid material,wherein the control portion executes a correction process that ejects the fluid material onto a target correction location, which is at least a portion of an outline section on an upper surface of the laminated body.2. The three-dimensional modeling apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the control portion continuously ejects the fluid material along a shape of the target correction location in the correction process.3. The three-dimensional modeling apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein, in a case in which a portion in which a shape of a cross-section body to be formed on the laminated body and a shape of the target correction location coincide is not present, the control portion performs the correction process simultaneously in the cross-section body formation ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Window manufacturing system and window manufacturing method using the same

Номер: US20220097356A1
Автор: Seungjun LEE
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A window manufacturing system includes a first processing unit in which a process of providing a dummy substrate on a stage is performed, a second processing unit in which a process of providing a dummy adhesive layer on the dummy substrate is performed, a third processing unit in which a process of providing a window layer on the dummy adhesive layer is performed, and a fourth processing unit in which a process of providing a protective cover on the window layer is performed. The fourth processing unit includes a pressurization unit which presses the protective cover to the window layer.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097357A1
Автор: Nakano Kenichiro
Принадлежит: NHK SPRING CO., LTD.

A method of manufacturing a disk drive suspension includes applying an adhesive to an actuator mounting portion, increasing viscosity of the adhesive by emitting light to the adhesive applied to the actuator mounting portion, arranging the piezoelectric element on the adhesive having the increased viscosity, detecting a height of the piezoelectric element arranged on the actuator mounting portion, and correcting an irradiation condition of the light in accordance with the detected height of the piezoelectric element. 1. A method of manufacturing a disk drive suspension comprising an actuator mounting portion having a piezoelectric element mounted thereon , the method including:applying an adhesive to the actuator mounting portion;increasing viscosity of the adhesive by emitting light to the adhesive applied to the actuator mounting portion;arranging the piezoelectric element on the adhesive having the increased viscosity;detecting a height of the piezoelectric element arranged on the actuator mounting portion; andcorrecting an irradiation condition of the light in accordance with the detected height of the piezoelectric element.2. The method of claim 1 , further including:fixing the piezoelectric element to the actuator mounting portion by heating the actuator mounting portion on which the piezoelectric element is arranged and curing the adhesive.3. The method of claim 1 , whereinthe correcting the irradiation condition includes raising at least one of an irradiation time, an illuminance, and a quantity of the light when the height of the piezoelectric element is smaller than a first threshold value, and lowering at least one of the irradiation time, the illuminance, and the quantity of the light when the height of the piezoelectric element is larger than a second threshold value.4. The method of claim 1 , whereinthe height used to correct the irradiation condition is a height of a central part of the piezoelectric element.5. The method of claim 1 , whereinthe ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160087303A1

The present disclosure provides a laminated cell preparation device comprising: a lamination platform; an anode plate preparation mechanism for positioning and preparing an anode plate one piece by one piece; a cathode plate preparation mechanism for positioning and preparing a cathode plate one piece by one piece; a separator providing mechanism for positioning a separator and providing the separator directly to the lamination platform; an anode plate manipulator for picking the each prepared anode plate from the anode plate preparation mechanism one piece by one piece and providing the each anode plate directly to the lamination platform; a cathode plate manipulator for picking the each prepared cathode plate from the cathode plate preparation mechanism one piece by one piece and providing the each cathode plate directly to the lamination platform; the anode plate, the separator, and the cathode plate are laminated without positioning, so as to form a laminated cell. 1. A laminated cell preparation device , comprising:{'b': '1', 'a lamination platform ();'}{'b': '2', 'an anode plate preparation mechanism () for positioning and preparing an anode plate (P) one piece by one piece;'}{'b': '3', 'a cathode plate preparation mechanism () for positioning and preparing a cathode plate (N) one piece by one piece;'}{'b': 4', '1, 'a separator providing mechanism () for positioning a separator (S) and providing the separator (S) directly to the lamination platform ();'}{'b': 5', '2', '1, 'an anode plate manipulator () for picking the each prepared anode plate (P) from the anode plate preparation mechanism () one piece by one piece and providing the each anode plate (P) directly to the lamination platform ();'}{'b': 6', '3', '1, 'a cathode plate manipulator () for picking the each prepared cathode plate (N) from the cathode plate preparation mechanism () one piece by one piece and providing the each cathode plate (N) directly to the lamination platform ();'}{'b': '1', 'the ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170087815A1
Принадлежит: NuLabel Technologies, Inc.

A system includes an applicator including at least one aperture configured to apply fluid to a back side of a label, the back side of the label including a fluid activatable adhesive; a speed detector configured to detect a speed of the label along a label path through the system; and a control system configured to control fluid application to the label based on the speed of the label. The label may be moved by two different label drives while fluid is applied to the label by the applicator, and a speed at which the label is moved by a first drive may be used to control a speed at which the label is moved by a second drive. 1. A system comprising:an applicator including at least one aperture configured to apply fluid to a back side of a label, the back side of the label including a fluid activatable adhesive;a speed detector configured to detect a first speed of the label along a portion of a label path of the system in which the label is attached to label stock and the applicator applies fluid to a first portion of the back side of the label;a cutter arranged to cut the label from the label stock at a location upstream of the applicator; anda control system configured to control a second speed at which the label is moved relative to the applicator after the label is cut from the label stock and during which the applicator applies fluid to a second portion of the back side of the label based on the first speed of the label.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the speed detector is configured to detect the first speed of the label without physically contacting the label.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the speed detector is configured to detect a pattern of markings on the back side of the label.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the speed detector comprises an encoder roller.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a printer upstream of the cutter configured to print an image or text onto the front side of the label.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Method for introducing weaknesses into a decorative material

Номер: US20220134728A1

The invention relates to a method for introducing weaknesses into a decorative material comprising a decorative layer and a carrier layer, preferably used for airbag coverings in motor vehicles, wherein the method comprises the following steps:

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096662A1
Автор: Jenkins Robert L.

A method of making the asphalt shingles includes applying a substrate to a layer of shingle-forming material, the substrate having indicators at predetermined spaced-apart distances, with the indicators being sensed as the shingle-forming layer is moved along a predetermined path, with adhesive zones being applied to the shingle such that the application of the adhesive zones is synchronized in response to sensing the locations of the indicators, and with the shingle-forming layer then being cut into individual shingles. 1. A method of making an asphalt shingle in a manufacturing environment , in which the shingle has a headlap region and a tab region , with granules applied to an upper surface of the shingle that is to be weather-exposed in the installed condition on a roof , the method comprising:(a) providing a shingle-forming layer comprised of shingle reinforcement material impregnated with a bitumen material, the layer having a butt region and a tab region, and including the step of delivering the layer along a predetermined path;(b) providing a layer of granules on an upper surface of the shingle-forming layer;(c) applying a substrate layer with a plurality of indicators carried thereby to the shingle-forming layer, with the indicators being provided at predetermined spaced-apart distances from each other;(d) sensing the locations of the indicators;(e) then actuating the placement of adhesive zones onto the upper surface of headlap portions of the shingle-forming layer and synchronizing the placement of the adhesive zones on the upper surface of the shingle-forming layer in response to the sensing step of clause (d); and(f) cutting the shingle-forming layer into individual shingles.2. The method of claim 1 , including the step of cutting slots in the tab region of the shingle-forming layer to separate the tab region into a plurality of spaced-apart tabs.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the slot cutting step includes synchronizing the placement of the slots ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096686A1
Автор: Prossegger Walfred

The present invention relates to a device for producing a skirting strip prefinished at the factory of the nature of a skirting for floor coverings made of plastic, PVC, rubber, linoleum, or related materials for producing a moisture-tight wall transition. The device consists of a melting and application unit () and an edge support wedge molding profile (), which is functionally connected via a transport device () for the strip-shaped blank () to the shaping unit (), and which molds, calibrates, and simultaneously attaches to the convex curvature of the strip-shaped blank (), the edge support wedge made of molten plastic or hot-melt adhesive. 2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the shaping unit further comprises a horizontal transport table and a perpendicular component arranged perpendicularly to the transport table claim 1 , and the transport device is an endlessly revolving claim 1 , unidirectional transport device.3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the unidirectional transport device comprises a conveyor chain.4. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the shaping unit has a plurality of contact pressure rollers that are operationally connected to the conveyor chain claim 3 , a guide profile on the transport table adjacent to the conveyor chain claim 3 , and a further guide profile on the perpendicular component.5. The device according to claim 4 , wherein the two guide profiles are L-shaped and configured to be set via a plurality of final control elements to predefined leg widths and a predefined radius of curvature of the skirting strip.6. The device according to claim 5 , wherein the guide profiles have exposed profile legs that encompass the longitudinal edges of the strip-shaped blank.7. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the melting and application unit is equipped with a reservoir chamber storing a starting material for the plastic or hot-melt adhesive claim 1 , said starting material being dimensionally-stable and permanently ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096687A1

A bonding apparatus includes: a backup unit including a light-transmissive transmission member having a support surface which supports at least a bonding region of a light-transmissive board from below; a pressure-bonding unit which presses an electronic component placed on the bonding region via a photo-curable adhesive agent; and a light irradiation unit which irradiates the supporting surface with light which promotes hardening of the adhesive agent. The electronic component is bonded to the board by pressing the electronic component mounted on a top surface of the adhesive agent in a state in which light from the light irradiation unit is incident upon the adhesive agent through the supporting surface. The bonding apparatus further includes a light distribution measuring unit which measures a distribution of light from the light irradiation portion in the supporting surface. 1. A bonding apparatus comprising:a backup unit comprising a light-transmissive transmission member having a support surface which supports at least a bonding region of a light-transmissive board from below;a pressure-bonding unit which presses, toward the board, an electronic component placed on the bonding region via a photo-curable adhesive agent such that the electronic component is pressure-bonded to the board; anda light irradiation unit which irradiates the supporting surface from below with light which promotes hardening of the adhesive agent provided between the board and the electronic component,wherein the electronic component is bonded to the board by pressing the electronic component mounted on a top surface of the adhesive agent in a state in which light from the light irradiation unit is incident upon the adhesive agent through the supporting surface, andwherein said bonding apparatus further comprises a light distribution measuring unit which measures a distribution of light from the light irradiation portion in the supporting surface.2. The bonding apparatus according to ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160096355A1

A system and method are provided to fabricate a composite part formed of a plurality of pieces of composite material in accordance with a predefined weight requirement. In the context of a system, a source of electromagnetic signals configured to impinge upon a supply of composite material is provided. The system also includes a detector to capture the electromagnetic signals following propagation through the supply of composite material during which at least some of the electromagnetic signals are absorbed by the composite material in a manner proportional to the density of the composite material. The system further includes a computing system to generate a weight distribution map of the supply of composite material based upon the electromagnetic signals captured following propagation through the supply. The weight of a plurality of pieces of composite material cut from the supply of composite material and combined into a composite part is determinable. 1. A method comprising:generating a weight distribution map of a supply of composite material;cutting a plurality of pieces of composite material from the supply with a weight of each piece determined based upon the weight distribution map; anddetermining the plurality of pieces of composite material to be combined to form a composite part based upon the weight of each of the plurality of pieces of composite material such that a weight of the composite part satisfies a predefined weight requirement.2. A method according to wherein generating the weight distribution map comprises:determining a density of different portions of the supply of composite material; andconverting the density of the supply of composite material to a weight of different portions of the supply of composite material.3. A method according to wherein determining the density comprises:exposing the supply of composite material to electromagnetic signals;capturing the electromagnetic signals following propagation through the supply of composite ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220143966A1

A foil transfer apparatus configured to transfer foil of a foil film to a sheet includes a cover movable between a closed position and an open position, a lock mechanism capable of locking the cover at the closed position, a heating member, a pressurizing member, a temperature sensor, and a controller configured to: calculate a first lock determination temperature and a second lock determination temperature that are values obtained by respectively adding a first correction value and a second correction value that are determined based on a condition for performing a foil transfer operation to a detection temperature detected by the temperature; control the lock mechanism to lock the cover when the first lock determination temperature is not lower than a first threshold; and control the lock mechanism to unlock the cover when the second lock determination temperature is lower than a second threshold. 1. A foil transfer apparatus configured to superpose a sheet on a foil film including foil and to transfer the foil to the sheet , comprising:a housing body having an opening;a cover movable between a closed position at which the cover closes the opening and an open position at which the cover exposes the opening;a lock mechanism capable of locking the cover at the closed position;a heating member configured to heat the foil film and the sheet;a pressurizing member configured to cooperate with the heating member to nip the foil film and the sheet therebetween;a temperature sensor; anda controller, calculate a first lock determination temperature and a second lock determination temperature, the first lock determination temperature being a value obtained by adding a first correction value to a detection temperature detected by the temperature sensor, the second lock determination temperature being a value obtained by adding a second correction value that is different from the first correction value to the detection temperature detected by the temperature sensor, the first ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150104563A1

A device and method for inspecting the deposition of hot melt onto an object to be assembled. A comparison is made between sensed images of the object after application of the hot melt and a predetermined standard to determine if the construction integrity of the object made with the hot melt is within the range established by the standard. Composite images from a sensor operating in the infrared band and another sensor reveal physical features of the object, as well as provide registration information about the placement of the hot melt on the assembled object. Composite images also present a way to visually ascertain ongoing or past production operations in order to trace problems with the raw material used for the object, as well as for the construction process of the object with the hot melt. 1. A system for checking the quality of hot melt applied onto an object that is assembled with said hot melt , said system comprising:an imaging device configured to detect a thermal image that emanates from said hot melt and at least one geometric feature associated with said object;a processing device cooperative with said imaging device to determine if signals received therefrom that correspond to said applied hot melt and said at least one geometric feature meet predetermined deposition criteria for said assembled object; anda notification device responsive to said processing device to provide indicia of whether said predetermined deposition criteria is met.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said imaging device comprises a first imaging device configured to detect said thermal image and a second imaging device configured to detect said at least one geometric feature.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein said second imaging device is selected from the group consisting of at least one camera configured to receive images within the visual range claim 2 , 2D imaging devices claim 2 , 3D imaging devices and a separate thermal image camera.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein said ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150107774A1
Автор: Lee Hoon Hui

An apparatus for manufacturing a membrane electrode assembly to selectively drive/stop by checking whether temperature control of transfer rolls is normal is provided. The apparatus includes transfer rolls, the temperature of which is controlled by a temperature control unit, to pass a transfer film on which a polymer electrolyte membrane and electrodes are formed therebetween in order to press the transfer film and to transfer the electrodes onto the polymer electrolyte membrane; a thermochromic pigment inserting device installed at a front end of the transfer rolls to coat the thermochromic pigment on the polymer electrolyte membrane; a color information acquiring unit installed at the rear side of the transfer rolls to acquire color change information of the thermochromic pigment; and a controller to check whether temperature control of the transfer rolls is normal from the color change information of the thermochromic pigment acquired by the color information acquiring unit. 1. An apparatus for manufacturing a membrane electrode assembly , comprising:transfer rolls, the temperature of which is controlled by a temperature control unit, to pass a transfer film on which a polymer electrolyte membrane and electrodes are formed therebetween in order to press the transfer film and to transfer the electrodes onto the polymer electrolyte membrane;a thermochromic pigment inserting device installed at a front end of the transfer rolls to coat the thermochromic pigment on the polymer electrolyte membrane;a color information acquiring unit installed at the rear side of the transfer rolls to acquire color change information of the thermochromic pigment; anda controller to check whether temperature control of the transfer rolls is normal from the color change information of the thermochromic pigment acquired by the color information acquiring unit.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the thermochromic pigment inserting unit is provided such that the thermochromic pigment is ...
