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27-03-2007 дата публикации

Реверсивный радар с сигнализацией приближения транспортного средства

Номер: RU0000062250U1
Автор: Житао ЛИ
Принадлежит: Житао ЛИ

Настоящая полезная модель относится к реверсивному радару с сигнализацией приближения транспортного средства, который содержит основной блок и датчики, в котором основной блок включает схему центрального процессора, схему операционного усилителя, схему коммутации, схему приема-передачи сигнала, схему детекции и источник питания, при этом входные выводы схемы центрального процессора соединены с выходными выводам схемы операционного усилителя, схемы детекции и источника питания, а выходной вывод схемы центрального процессора соединен с входным выводом схемы коммутации, входной вывод схемы операционного усилителя соединен с выходным выводом схемы коммутации, входные и выходные выводы схемы коммутации и схемы приема-передачи сигнала соединены друг с другом, выходные выводы источника питания соединены с входными выводами схемы коммутации и схемы приема-передачи сигнала, причем основной блок дополнительно содержит средство подачи предупреждающего сигнала, которое выполнено с возможностью издавать предупреждающий сигнал при приближении другого транспортного средства, и схему управления, которая выполнена с возможностью управлять средством подачи предупреждающего сигнала, при этом схема управления соединена с выходным выводом схемы центрального процессора и с источником питания. Конструкция по настоящей полезной модели достаточно проста. Когда транспортное средство запарковано, а водитель отсутствует, то радар по настоящей полезной модели издаст предупреждающий сигнал, чтобы предупредить приближающееся транспортное средство для предотвращения столкновения. ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 62 250 (13) U1 (51) ÌÏÊ G01S 13/93 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÏÎËÅÇÍÎÉ ÌÎÄÅËÈ Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ(òèòóëüíûé ëèñò) (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2006134360/22, 27.09.2006 (72) Àâòîð(û): ËÈ Æèòàî (CN) (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 27.09.2006 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): ËÈ Æèòàî (CN) R U (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: ...

15-10-2019 дата публикации

Устройство оповещения водителя о неправильности нажатия на педаль "акселератора" во время езды

Номер: RU0000193156U1

Настоящая полезная модель относится к электрооборудованию транспортных средств, а именно к тормозному управлению автомобиля, и предназначается преимущественно для первоначальной подготовки водительского состава, для водителей с замедленной реакцией, для водителей «паникующих» при стрессовой ситуации, для водителей чувствующих себя уверенней при контроле своих действий.Предлагаемой полезной моделью решается задача информирования водителя о прекращении разгона автомобиля при ошибочном нажатии на педаль «акселератора» вместо нажатия на педаль тормоза путем использования звуковой сигнализации.При плавном нажатии на педаль 1 «акселератора», изменение исходного положения, показанного на чертеже, не происходит. При резком нажатии на педаль «акселератора» происходит ускоренное движение магнита 10 в полости катушки 9, в результате этого формируется импульс тока такой амплитуды, при которой происходит срабатывание порогового элемента 4, с одновременным изменением состояния датчика 6 положения педали «акселератора» (его контакты замыкаются). Срабатывает коммутирующее устройство 3, на звуковой сигнализатор 7 подается питание, последние включаются - водитель получает извещение о неправильности нажатия на педаль «акселератора». При возвращении в исходное положение педали «акселератора» размыкаются контакты геркон 6, схема возвращается в исходное состояние. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 193 156 U1 (51) МПК B60Q 1/44 (2006.01) B60Q 1/54 (2006.01) B60K 28/10 (2006.01) B60Q 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60Q 1/44 (2019.08); B60Q 1/54 (2019.08); B60K 28/10 (2019.08); B60Q 5/00 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019122070, 10.07.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Спасский Владимир Сергеевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 15.10.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 15.10.2019 Бюл. № 29 1 9 3 1 5 6 R U (54) Устройство оповещения водителя о неправильности ...

30-11-2021 дата публикации

Устройство аварийного торможения транспортного средства

Номер: RU0000208048U1
Автор: Александр Анатольевич Шепель, Александр Николаевич Бабакин, Александр Юрьевич Фомин, Алексей Васильевич Савельев, Андрей Анатольевич Припутин, Андрей Иванович Палюх, Андрей Николаевич Поневенкин, Артём Юрьевич Сергеев, Владимир Гиоргиевич Горовой, Даниил Александрович Стрельцов, Дмитрий Алексеевич Радченко, Дмитрий Борисович Зубатыкин, Дмитрий Григорьевич Ермак, Дмитрий Михайлович Вертаков, Евгений Николаевич Лямзин, Иван Игоревич Скориков, Карим Камилович Камилов, Константин Анатольевич Беляев, Константин Романович Зверев, Людмила Александровна Василенко, Максим Алексеевич Юматов, Максим Иванович Чучин, Марат Арсенович Гасангусейнов, Раиль Мадзакиевич Галин, Родион Олегович Бузыгин, Светлана Валерьевна Шевцова, Сергей Андреевич Симаков, Сергей Юрьевич Скляров, Юрий Владимирович Тимофеев, Ярослав Владимирович Решетняк

Предложение относится к области транспортного машиностроения, в частности к пневматической тормозной системе транспортных средств и предназначается преимущественно для первоначальной подготовки водительского состава, для водителей с замедленной реакцией и водителей, чувствующих себя более уверенно при контроле своих действий.Техническим результатом предложения является обеспечение автоматизации торможения транспортного средства при ошибочном нажатии водителем на педаль акселератора вместо педали тормоза.Технический результат достигается тем, что установлен электропневмоклапан, подключенный к пневматической системе автомобиля и пневматическому цилиндру, расположенному под педалью тормоза и состоящему из штуцера подачи сжатого воздуха, мембраны с закрепленным на ней подпружиненным витой пружиной штоком, механически воздействующим на толкатель тормозного крана. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 208 048 U1 (51) МПК B60Q 1/44 (2006.01) B60Q 5/00 (2006.01) B60Q 1/52 (2006.01) B60Q 9/00 (2006.01) B60K 28/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60Q 1/44 (2021.05); B60Q 5/00 (2021.05); B60Q 1/52 (2021.05); B60Q 9/00 (2021.05); B60K 28/10 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021108800, 31.03.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 30.11.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 30.11.2021 Бюл. № 34 2 0 8 0 4 8 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ КАЗЕННОЕ ВОЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ "ВОЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ" МИНИСТЕРСТВА ОБОРОНЫ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (RU) R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 193156 U9, 15.10.2019. RU 193904 U1, 20.11.2019. RU 193481 U1, 30.10.2019. (54) УСТРОЙСТВО АВАРИЙНОГО ТОРМОЖЕНИЯ ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА (57) Реферат: Предложение относится к области первоначальной подготовки водительского транспортного машиностроения, в частности к состава, для водителей с замедленной реакцией и пневматической тормозной ...

22-03-2012 дата публикации

System and method for producing an audible alert for a vehicle

Номер: US20120068836A1
Принадлежит: Nissan North America Inc

A method for controlling a vehicle to emanate an audible alert. The method includes determining when the vehicle is operating, and controlling a speaker system in the vehicle to emanate the audible alert outside of the vehicle for a period of time when the vehicle is operating. The audible alert has a sound profile that includes a simultaneous emanation of a first audible frequency component at a first sound pressure level and a second audible frequency component at a second sound pressure level, with the first and second sound pressure levels being greater than a sound pressure level of the sound profile at all other frequencies. The method further includes modulating the first sound pressure level of the first audible frequency component.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Crash warning system for motor vehicles

Номер: US20120126997A1
Автор: Philippe Bensoussan

A system adapted to provide a warning to a motorist that a nearby vehicle has been in an accident. Embodiments include a crash detector operable to detect a crash of a vehicle, a transmitter to transmit a warning signal (typically, radio frequency) from the crashed vehicle, a receiver to receive a transmitted crash warning signal, and a display to warn the operator of an approaching vehicle of the crash. Some embodiments incorporate feedback from a vehicle's air-bag deployment circuitry to provide a trigger effective to broadcast the crash warning signal. Desirably, the operator of an approaching vehicle is provided with at least one, if not both, of a visual and an audible warning signal. Certain embodiments provide such audible and/or visual warning to approaching vehicles via the transmitted warning signal and a display and/or speaker carried in the approaching vehicle. Sometimes, audible and visual warnings may be transmitted directly from the crashed vehicle.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Vehicular video mirror system

Номер: US20120140080A1
Принадлежит: Donnelly Corp

A video mirror system for a vehicle includes an interior rearview mirror assembly having an electrochromic reflective element and a video display screen disposed to the rear of the reflective element. The video display screen, when actuated, emits light that passes through a transflective mirror reflector of the reflective element to be visible to a driver of the vehicle viewing the reflective element. The video display screen includes a thin film transistor liquid crystal display element that is back lit by a plurality of white light emitting light emitting diodes. A camera having a field of view rearward of the vehicle is mounted at the rear of the vehicle and, during a reversing maneuver of the vehicle, a video output of the camera is displayed by the video display screen as video images so as to assist the driver in reversing the equipped vehicle.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle proximity annunciator device and method for notifying proximity of vehicle

Номер: US20120146780A1
Принадлежит: Anden Co Ltd

A control unit generates an annunciation sound signal including multiple frequency components. A sound emission device emits an annunciation sound to an outside of a vehicle according to the annunciation sound signal. The control unit changes a pitch of the annunciation sound signal according to a vehicle speed and changes an output level of the annunciation sound signal according to the pitch of the annunciation sound signal.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Monitoring powered assets for fueling

Номер: US20120223830A1
Автор: Daniel Tyler
Принадлежит: United Parcel Service of America Inc

Systems, methods, apparatus, and computer program products are provided for monitoring powered assets for fueling. For example, in one embodiment, a fuel server can monitor the location of powered assets and fueling units. In response to determining, for example, that a powered asset that needs fuel is within a predetermined geofence defined around a fueling unit, the powered asset can emit a perceivable indication. The powered asset can then be authenticated for receiving fuel from the fueling unit.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Horn switch device and airbag device

Номер: US20120228855A1
Автор: Naoki Yamaji
Принадлежит: Ashimori Industry Co Ltd

A horn switch device installed in a steering wheel includes: an ornament including a biasing projection provided to project on a back surface side thereof; a covering in which a recessed portion and a through hole are formed, the recessed portion being configured such that the ornament is mounted so as to move to be pushed thereinto and return therefrom, the through hole being configured in a bottom of the recessed portion; and a switch mechanism turned on and off in response to press and return movements of the ornament. The biasing projection penetrates the bottom of the recessed portion and projects from a back surface side thereof. The back-surface-side projecting part of the biasing projection is engaged with a biasing member on the back surface side of the covering. The biasing member receives a pressing force of the ornament and biases the ornament in the return direction.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle rank distinction device for vehicle and travel sound generator device

Номер: US20120232769A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A signal processing circuit inputs a signal from a rotation speed sensor for detecting a rotation speed of the engine. The signal processing circuit further inputs at least one of a noise signal, which is from a noise detection unit for detecting a noise caused by combustion in an engine equipped to a vehicle, a control signal, which is for controlling a fuel injection valve and/or an igniter of the engine, and a combustion state signal, which is from a combustion state sensor for detecting a combustion state of the engine. A distinction circuit distinguishes a vehicle rank of the vehicle equipped with the engine, according to the rotation speed and the at least one of the noise signal, the control signal, and the combustion state signal.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for utilizing spread spectrum techniques for in car applications

Номер: US20120274459A1

A method of operating an audio system in an automobile includes identifying a user of the audio system. An audio recording playing on the audio system is identified. An audio setting entered into the audio system by the identified user while the audio recording is being played by the audio system is sensed. The sensed audio setting is stored in memory in association with the identified user and the identified audio recording. The audio recording is retrieved from memory with the sensed audio setting being embedded in the retrieved audio recording as a watermark signal. The retrieved audio recording is played on the audio system with the embedded sensed audio setting being automatically implemented by the audio system during the playing.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle notification sound emitting apparatus

Номер: US20120299716A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A vehicle notification sound emitting apparatus is basically provided with a sound emitting device and a notification sound control device. The sound emitting device emits forward and reverse advancement notification sounds outside of a vehicle to inform a person in an area surrounding the vehicle that the vehicle will move. The notification sound control device operates the sound emitting device to selectively emit the forward and reverse movement notifications. The notification sound control device includes forward and reverse advancement notification sound emission timing sections. A start timing of the forward advancement notification sound is set in response to both a forward movement shift operation having been performed and an additional start movement preparation operation of the vehicle having been performed. A start timing of the reverse movement notification sound is set to be emitted immediately in response to the reverse movement shift operation having been performed.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle approach notification device of saddle-ridden electric-powered vehicle

Номер: US20120312609A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

Provided is a vehicle approach notification device of a saddle-ridden electric-powered vehicle that outputs a notification sound for notifying the approach of a vehicle. The saddle-ridden electric-powered vehicle includes a front cover that covers the periphery of a head pipe of a vehicle body frame. The sound emission device is located inside the front cover, the front cover has an air opening for taking in air from an outside, and a ventilation passage that is a passage of the air from the air opening and is used for cooling at least one of a power engine of the saddle-ridden electric-powered vehicle and electric components, and the sound emission device is arranged in the ventilation passage.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle notification sound emitting apparatus

Номер: US20130009769A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A vehicle notification sound emitting apparatus is basically provided with a sound emitting device and a notification sound control device. The sound emitting device is configured to emit a movement notification sound to outside of a vehicle to inform a person in an area surrounding the vehicle that the vehicle will move. The notification sound control device is configured to operate the sound emitting device to emit a movement notification during a period from when a vehicle speed becomes equal to or smaller than a prescribed value until a prescribed amount of time has elapsed in a situation where the vehicle speed becomes equal to or smaller than the prescribed value while the forward movement notification sound is being emitted.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Pseudonoise generation device and pseudonoise generation method

Номер: US20130016851A1
Автор: Junichi Tanaka, Koji Asao
Принадлежит: Pioneer Corp

A determination part specifies the road width upon which the vehicle CR is traveling based on the current position of a vehicle CR detected by a position detection part, referring to road width information in a storage part. The part determines an arrival ranges for pseudonoise being outputted outside the vehicle based on the specified road width. Subsequently, a control part determines audio volume settings for pseudonoise from left and right speakers of a pseudonoise generation part, based on the determined arrival range. As a result, pseudonoise at audio volumes corresponding to the audio volume settings is outputted outside the vehicle from the speakers of the part. Thus, the output of the pseudo engine noise is properly controlled with in consideration for the presence of the possible subject to be warned in a variety of surroundings changed depending on the classification of the road.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Methods systems and computer program products for managing sound files of a vehicle

Номер: US20130042176A1

A system for managing sound files of a vehicle is provided. The system includes one or more computer readable media. The one or more computer readable media includes an information manager that stores purchase information to a datastore; and an audio file manager that receives selection information and that transmits an audio file to the vehicle based on the selection and the purchase information.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130176119A1

A vehicle alarm system with protection against power source and wiring tampering is provided. For some embodiments, the system may have a dual power source. As such, the alarm system is not easily defeated by simply disconnecting the alarm unit from a siren (or the power source from an alarm unit). 1. An apparatus for protecting a vehicle , comprising:first and second sirens, wherein the first siren is associated with a feedback circuit;a main alarm processing unit configured to turn on at least one of the first or second siren if one or more conditions occur;a triggering circuit coupled to the feedback circuit, wherein if a connection between the feedback circuit and the triggering circuit is open circuited, the triggering circuit outputs a signal to the main alarm processing unit to activate the second siren.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising at least one power source claim 1 , wherein the main alarm processing unit is powered by the power source. This application claims benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/552,956, filed Oct. 28, 2011 and entitled “Dual Power Source Car Alarm with Protection against Source and Wiring Tampering,” and U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/665,208, filed Jun. 27, 2012 and entitled “Vehicle Alarm with Protection against Power Source and Wiring Tampering,” both of which are herein incorporated by reference.Embodiments of the invention generally relate to security alarm systems and, more particularly, to an anti-intruder alarm for automobiles and other vehicles with protection against power source and/or wiring tampering.Alarm systems for vehicles (e.g., automobiles, boats, and airplanes) use several different mechanisms to detect intrusion. Perhaps the simplest mechanism involves a single battery power source and a siren. In such a mechanism, the power source is normally disconnected from the siren. However, the system is designed so that a sensor in the vehicle door may activate a switch when the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130177167A1

A running-linked sound producing device produces a running-linked sound according to a running state of a vehicle. The running-linked sound producing device includes a vehicle speed estimation unit to estimate a vehicle speed of the vehicle, an accelerator command value estimation unit to estimate an accelerator command value based on a vehicle speed estimated by the vehicle speed estimation unit, and a running-linked sound generation unit that generates a running-linked sound, wherein the running-linked sound generation unit generates a running-linked sound based on a vehicle speed estimated by the vehicle speed estimation unit and an accelerator command value estimated by the accelerator command value estimation unit. 114-. (canceled)15: A running-linked sound producing device for producing a running-linked sound according to a running state of a vehicle , the running-linked sound producing device comprising:a vehicle speed estimating unit programmed to estimate a vehicle speed of the vehicle;an accelerator command value estimating unit programmed to estimate an accelerator command value based on the vehicle speed estimated by the vehicle speed estimating unit; anda running-linked sound generating unit programmed to generate a running-linked sound based on the vehicle speed estimated by the vehicle speed estimating unit and the accelerator command value estimated by the accelerator command value estimating unit.16: The running-linked sound producing device according to claim 15 , wherein the accelerator command value estimating unit includes a torque estimating unit programmed to estimate a producing torque of a motor of the vehicle based on the vehicle speed estimated by the vehicle speed estimating unit claim 15 , and to estimate the accelerator command value according to the estimated producing torque.17: The running-linked sound producing device according to claim 16 , wherein the torque estimating unit includes:a running resistance computing unit programmed ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130207805A1
Автор: Inada Junya
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

An inattentive state determination apparatus being placed in a vehicle includes an image taking section, an orientation detection section, a determination section, a warning section, a shape detection section, and a setting section. The image taking section successively takes images of a face of a determination target. Based on the images, the orientation detection section and the shape detection section detect a determination target orientation and a hand shape, respectively. The determination section determines whether the determination target is in an inattentive state based on the determination target orientation by determining an inattentive state determination condition. The warning section notifies the inattentive state by outputting an audio warning corresponding to a parameter of the audio warning. The setting section sets at least one of the inattentive state determination condition and the parameter of the audio warning based on the hand shape and the determination target orientation. 1. An inattentive state determination apparatus being placed in a vehicle comprising:an image taking section that successively takes a plurality of images of a face of a determination target, the determination target is a person seated in a driving seat of the vehicle;an orientation detection section that detects a determination target orientation based on the images, the determination target orientation being one of a face orientation of the determination target and a gaze direction of the determination target;a determination section that determines whether the determination target is in an inattentive state based on the determination target orientation, the determination section determining that the determination target is in the inattentive state when an inattentive state determination condition is satisfied;a warning section that notifies the inattentive state to the determination target by outputting an audio warning when the determination section determines that the ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Multifunctional strip for motor vehicle

Номер: US20130214915A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A multifunctional strip for a motor vehicle includes a panel element having a strip-shaped configuration and constructed for outputting first and second items of information which differ from one another; and at least one actuator for outputting an acoustic signal as one of the items of information. The multifunctional strip can be arranged on the outside of the body of the motor vehicle.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214916A1
Автор: Garios Wadih Antonio

A sound measuring and dispensing device for a horn made by a control panel with switches (), which by activating one of the switches, sends signals to be evaluated by the command module () that is connected to the relay (), it activates the horn () processing a specific sound pre-programmed to that contact. Each control button () corresponds to a programmed sound, fulfilling the expectations of the user. The aim being to regulate and dispense these sounds, creating a healthier environment for all, without interfering with the original setup of the wheel's panel () which continues activating the factory's original horn.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214921A1
Автор: KERN Marcus, MESCHKE Jens
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG

A vehicle having an electric drive and having a sound transducer is provided. The vehicle has a sound generator for substantially simultaneously emitting a first noise having increasing frequency and decreasing loudness, a second noise having increasing frequency and increasing loudness, and at least a third noise having increasing frequency by means of the sound transducer, in particular during increasing rotational speed of the electric drive.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130230185A1

Provided is a sound generating device () for a vehicle, including: a plurality of pressure sensors (to ) for detecting air pressures of an air intake sound of an engine () and outputting the air pressures as sound pressure signals; a signal processing unit () for performing processing of changing the sound pressure signals in accordance with a driving condition of a vehicle (); and loudspeakers (and ) for outputting the sound pressure signals as the air intake sound of the engine (). Then, the plurality of pressure sensors (to ) are provided at an interval in a circumferential direction of an outer periphery of an air intake duct () at positions in a vicinity of an air flow meter () on an air cleaner () side with respect to a center of the air intake duct (), the air intake duct () connecting the air cleaner () to a throttle body (). 1. A sound generating device for a vehicle , which is configured to transmit an air intake sound of an engine of a vehicle to an occupant inside the vehicle , the sound generating device comprising: the plurality of pressure sensors being provided at an interval in a circumferential direction of an outer periphery of an air intake duct at positions on an air cleaner side with respect to a center of the air intake duct,', 'the air intake duct connecting the air cleaner to an air amount control valve,', 'the air cleaner being provided on an air inlet side on which outside air is to be taken in,', 'the air amount control valve being provided on the engine side;, 'a plurality of pressure sensors for detecting pressures of air intake pulsation of the engine and outputting the pressures as pressure signals,'}a signal processing unit for performing processing of changing the pressure signals in accordance with a driving condition of the vehicle; anda loudspeaker installed inside the vehicle, for outputting a sound pressure signal processed by the signal processing unit as the air intake sound of the engine.2. A sound generating device for a ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130249680A1
Автор: Goto Koichi
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A vehicle presence notification apparatus includes a speaker and a disconnection determination section. The speaker generates a notification sound to outside a vehicle when a driving condition to notify of presence of the vehicle is satisfied. The disconnection determination section determines a disconnection state of the speaker based on an electromotive force generated by the speaker at a time when a vehicle horn mounted in the vehicle is activated. 1. A vehicle presence notification apparatus comprising:a speaker that generates a notification sound to outside a vehicle when a driving condition to notify of presence of the vehicle is satisfied; anda disconnection determination section that determines a disconnection state of the speaker based on an electromotive force generated by the speaker at a time when a vehicle horn mounted in the vehicle is activated.2. The vehicle presence notification apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprisinga horn activation section that activates the vehicle horn,wherein the disconnection determination section determines the disconnection state of the speaker based on the electromotive force generated by the speaker at a time when the horn activation section activates the vehicle horn.3. The vehicle presence notification apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the speaker is attached to an acoustic tube of the vehicle horn.4. The vehicle presence notification apparatus according to claim 3 ,wherein the speaker is attached to the acoustic tube of the vehicle horn so that the speaker emits the notification sound to inside the acoustic tube and emits the notification sound to outside the vehicle through the acoustic tube.5. The vehicle presence notification apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the speaker is a capacitive speaker that generates sound waves based on change in accumulated voltage. The present application is based on and claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2012-64242 filed on Mar. 21, 2012, the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257605A1
Принадлежит: ANDEN CO., LTD.

A vehicle proximity annunciator device reduces an occurrence of a pop noise without an additional circuit changing an output of a power amplifier. A capacitor is located between a connection point connecting multiple resistances generating a reference voltage and a ground terminal. The capacitor causes a rise-up time of the reference voltage to delay at a start of power supply to a power source terminal. A sound emission signal is increased at substantially a same level of the reference voltage so that a variation of a differential voltage between the reference voltage and the sound emission signal falls in a pre-determined range. 1. A vehicle proximity annunciator device for notifying vehicle proximity by emitting an annunciation sound from a speaker equipped in a vehicle , the vehicle proximity annunciator device comprising:a reference voltage generation circuit generating a reference voltage obtained by dividing a power supply voltage, which is applied to a power source terminal, by a plurality of resistances;a sound emission signal generation portion generating a sound emission signal;a power amplifier outputting an amplified signal from an output terminal of the power amplifier, the amplified signal being generated by amplifying a differential voltage between the reference voltage and voltage of the sound emission signal;a coupling capacitor located between the output terminal of the power amplifier and the speaker; anda rise-up delay capacitor located between a connection point connecting the plurality of resistances generating the reference voltage and a ground terminal, wherein the rise-up delay capacitor causes a rise-up time of the reference voltage to delay at a start of power supply to the power source terminal,whereinthe sound emission signal generation portion increases the sound emission signal with substantially a same voltage level as the reference voltage so that a variation of the differential voltage between the reference voltage and the voltage ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle approach notification unit

Номер: US20130265150A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp, Hamanakodenso Co Ltd

A vehicle approach notification unit is mounted to a sound tube of an electromagnetic warning device producing a warning sound, and includes a dynamic speaker that produces a notification sound notifying a presence of a vehicle. The dynamic speaker is mounted to the sound tube and outputs the notification sound through the sound tube to outside of the vehicle. The sound tube has a warning sound outlet at an end of the sound tube and a through hole at a position different from the warning sound outlet.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Criteria-Based Audio Messaging in Vehicles

Номер: US20130293367A1
Автор: Schalk Thomas Barton

A method for delivering a criteria-based message to a vehicle occupant includes the steps of transmitting a user initiated telematics request from a telematics unit integral with a vehicle to a data center remote from the vehicle, determining at the remote data center a response to the telematics request including both a descriptive response and an audio service demonstration, the user selecting one of the descriptive response and the audio service demonstration, dependent upon the selection by the user, communicating the response to the telematics request and the one of the descriptive response and the audio service demonstration from the remote data center to the telematics unit, and outputting the one of the descriptive response and the audio service demonstration to a user in the vehicle through a speaker within the vehicle. 1. A method for delivering a criteria-based message to a vehicle occupant , the method comprising:transmitting a user initiated telematics request from a telematics unit integral with a vehicle to a data center remote from the vehicle; a descriptive response; and', 'an audio service demonstration;, 'determining at the remote data center a response to the telematics request including boththe user selecting one of the descriptive response and the audio service demonstration;dependent upon the selection by the user, communicating the response to the telematics request and the one of the descriptive response and the audio service demonstration from the remote data center to the telematics unit; andoutputting the one of the descriptive response and the audio service demonstration to a user in the vehicle through a speaker within the vehicle.2. The method according to claim 1 , which further comprises:including with the user initiated telematics request at least one of an identifier of the vehicle and at least one criteria;carrying out the response determining step by determining at the remote data center a response to the telematics request that ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130314224A1

A vehicle approach notification unit disposed in a vehicle for producing a notification sound outside of the vehicle includes a small speaker producing the notification sound having an audible frequency. The small speaker is disposed on a sound tube of a horn of the vehicle, the horn producing a warning sound. The small speaker emits the notification sound into the sound tube, such that the notification sound is emitted from the vehicle via the sound tube. The small speaker is located in a midstream in a sound passage of the sound tube. 1. A vehicle approach notification unit disposed in a vehicle for producing a notification sound outside of the vehicle , the vehicle approach notification unit comprising:a small speaker producing the notification sound having an audible frequency, whereinthe small speaker is disposed on a sound tube of a horn of the vehicle, the horn producing a warning sound,the small speaker emits the notification sound into the sound tube, such that the notification sound is emitted from the vehicle via the sound tube, andthe small speaker is located in a midstream in a sound passage of the sound tube.2. The vehicle approach notification unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe sound tube has a spiral shape, andthe small speaker is positioned near a center of the spiral shape, and not on the center of the spiral shape.3. The vehicle approach notification unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe sound passage of the sound tube has a non-dense range and a dense-range in a sound density when the horn produces the warning sound, andthe small speaker is positioned in the non-dense range.4. The vehicle approach notification unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe horn has a base sound frequency off Hz for the warning sound, andthe small speaker is positioned away from a horn inlet of the sound tube by a distance that is within a range from (λ/4−15) mm to (λ/4+15) mm, where λ mm is a wavelength of the warning sound.5. The vehicle approach notification unit ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130315418A1

A vehicle approach notification unit produces a notification sound outside a vehicle when a predetermined driving condition is met to notify an approach of the vehicle. The vehicle approach notification unit has a cavity portion and a small speaker. The cavity portion is disposed to a component of the vehicle and has a sound space therein. The small speaker directly produces the notification sound including an audible frequency. The small speaker is disposed at the cavity portion and emits the notification sound into the sound space of the cavity portion. The cavity portion has a diaphragm or a sound outlet that emits the notification sound from the sound space of the cavity portion outside the vehicle. 1. A vehicle approach notification unit that produces a notification sound outside a vehicle when a predetermined driving condition is met to notify an approach of the vehicle , the vehicle approach notification unit comprising:a cavity portion that is disposed to a component of the vehicle and has a sound space therein; anda small speaker that produces the notification sound including an audible frequency, whereinthe small speaker is disposed at the cavity portion and emits the notification sound into the sound space of the cavity portion, andthe cavity portion has a sound outlet that emits the notification sound from the sound space of the cavity portion outside the vehicle.2. The vehicle approach notification unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe cavity portion is a resonant box that resonates with a predetermined frequency.3. The vehicle approach notification unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe cavity portion has a sound passage constructing portion therein to divide the sound space of the cavity portion, and the sound passage constructing portion defines a sound tube extending from the small speaker to the sound outlet.4. The vehicle approach notification unit according to claim 3 , whereinthe sound passage constructing portion is provided separately from ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130320650A1

The high lock warning system for fifth wheel hitches provides audible and/or visual warning to the operator of a towing vehicle in the event that the king pin of the trailer passes beyond the forward edge of the fifth wheel hitch plate of the towing vehicle during hitching operations. The system includes a panel pivotally attached to the forward portion of the fifth wheel. One or more warning devices are activated if the panel is deflected by the king pin during hitching operations, i.e., a high lock condition. The system may also include an indicator to show proper engagement of the king pin in the fifth wheel hitch. The high lock warning actuator panel may be secured in its normal position by a shear pin that breaks in the event of a high lock, and/or a spring to return the panel to its normal position after a high lock. 1. A high lock warning system for a fifth wheel hitch , the warning system comprising:a plurality of panel attachment members adapted for attachment to a hitch plate of the fifth wheel hitch;a panel support arm pivotally attached to and extending forward from each of the panel attachment members;an actuator panel extending across the panel support arms, the panel support arms being biased to support the panel in a substantially horizontal position;at least one warning annunciator; andan electrical switch disposed on the actuator panel, the switch being configured to close and to actuate the at least one warning annunciator when the actuator panel is deflected downward by a king pin sliding past the fifth wheel hitch plate in a high lock state.2. The high lock warning system for a fifth wheel hitch according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one annunciator comprises a first annunciator and a second annunciator claim 1 , the system further comprising a second electrical switch disposed at the king pin receptacle of the hitch plate claim 1 , the second electrical switch being configured to close and to actuate the second annunciator when a king pin ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130322106A1
Автор: TATARA Naoki

Provided is a vehicular lamp that includes a lamp body, an exterior lens configured to define a lamp chamber between the lamp body and the exterior lens, and a vibration device fixed to a component of the vehicular lamp and configured to be vibrated by receiving an electric signal to cause the component to generate a sound. The vibration device includes a housing fixed to the component of the lamp, an electric circuit provided in the housing, a vibration body vibrated when the electric signal is input to the electric circuit, and a device connector to which an external connector is connected to input the electric signal to the electric circuit. In particular, the device connector is integrally provided in the housing. 1. A vehicular lamp comprising:a lamp body;an exterior lens configured to define a lamp chamber between the lamp body and the exterior lens; anda vibration device fixed to a component of the vehicular lamp and configured to be vibrated by receiving an electric signal to cause the component of the vehicular lamp to generate a sound, a housing fixed to the component of the vehicular lamp;', 'an electric circuit provided in the housing;', 'a vibration body configured to be vibrated when the electric signal is input to the electric circuit; and', 'a device connector to which an external connector is connected to input the electric signal to the electric circuit, the device connector being integrally provided in the housing., 'wherein the vibration device includes2. The vehicular lamp of claim 1 , wherein the vibration device is fixed to the component in the lamp chamber claim 1 , and further comprising:an opening provided in the lamp body to guide the external connector into the lamp chamber; anda cover configured to seal the opening while supporting a harness connected to the external connector.3. The vehicular lamp of claim 2 , wherein the cover and the external connector are formed integrally with each other claim 2 , andthe cover is configured to seal ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Horn Input to In-Vehicle Devices and Systems

Номер: US20130328671A1

The present application provides a system, method and non-transitory computer readable medium that provides a means of using a vehicle horn as an inexpensive user input interface to serve the function of a simple push button switch for an in-vehicle device or system. The use of the vehicle horn as a user input interface to an in-vehicle device or system is novel. The description of example embodiments illustrates application details that take advantage of the properties of the vehicle horn sound to allow efficient processing that can be implemented on a low cost processor. 1. A method comprising:generating a prompt to initiate a sound signal;receiving the sound signal responsive to generating the prompt;recording the sound signal in memory;computing a power spectral density of the sound signal;determining a sound start-up point and a sound drop-off point of the sound signal based on signal power identified from the computed power spectral density;utilizing a plurality of components of the power spectral density of the sound signal between the sound start-up point and the sound drop-off point to create a set of sound calibration parameters; andprocessing subsequent sound signals with the sound calibration parameters to determine if they are comparable to the sound signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the power spectral density is computed by using a fast Fourier transform (FFT) performed on the sound signal.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sound signal is a motor vehicle horn sound that is recorded for a predetermined amount of time.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:identifying a frequency and an amplitude of M largest tones of the sound signal, the M largest tones identified as being a predefined number of sound signal components above a predetermined fundamental low frequency; anddesignating the M largest tones as horn identification calibration parameters.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising:measuring the frequency and the amplitude ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Device and method for generating noise for a motor vehicle

Номер: US20130343570A1
Автор: Christoph Orth
Принадлежит: Dr Ing HCF Porsche AG

The invention relates to a device and method for generating noise for a motor vehicle, having at least one sensing unit ( 101 ), which is designed to measure at least one operating signal ( 11 ) of the motor vehicle and to forward a basic signal ( 12 ) on the basis thereof to a tuning unit ( 102 ), wherein the tuning unit ( 102 ) is designed to convert the basic signal ( 12 ) by means of filtering and acoustic shaping to form a noise signal ( 13 ) and to forward the noise signal ( 13 ) to an amplifier unit ( 103 ), wherein the amplifier unit ( 103 ) is designed to amplify the noise signal ( 13 ) and to forward an amplified noise signal ( 14 ) to a converter unit ( 104 ), and wherein the converter unit ( 104 ) is designed to convert the amplified noise signal ( 14 ) into corresponding acoustic signals in order to generate noise.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Electro-pneumatic sound alarm

Номер: US20140009272A1
Автор: Daniele Righetto
Принадлежит: FISA ITALIA Srl

Herein described is an electro-pneumatic sound alarm, to be fitted on a two or four wheeled vehicle, constituted by an electro-compressor ( 2 ), having the function of drawing atmospheric air, compressing it and conveying it to an acoustic group ( 3 ). Such sound alarm ( 1 ) is characterised in that the electro-compressor ( 2 ) and the acoustic group ( 3 ) are mutually held by means of removable fit-coupling; furthermore, the coupling elements are rigid and integral with the aforementioned two components (FIG. 1 ).

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140015653A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A vehicle approach notification unit is disposed in a vehicle for producing a notification sound. The vehicle approach notification unit has a speaker and a thin film. The speaker is disposed to a sound tube of a vehicle horn of the vehicle. The vehicle horn produces a resonant warning sound with a resonant frequency. The thin film partitions a space between the speaker and the sound tube. The speaker emits the notification sound into the sound tube so that the notification sound is emitted outside of the vehicle via the sound tube. The thin film restricts a sound wave having the resonant frequency from being transmitted, and allows a sound wave having a frequency producing the notification sound to be transmitted. 1. A vehicle approach notification unit disposed in a vehicle for producing a notification sound , the vehicle approach notification unit comprising;a speaker disposed to a sound tube of a vehicle horn of the vehicle, the vehicle horn producing a resonant warning sound with a resonant frequency; anda thin film which partitions a space between the speaker and the sound tube, whereinthe speaker emits the notification sound into the sound tube so that the notification sound is emitted outside of the vehicle via the sound tube, andthe thin film restricts a sound wave having the resonant frequency from being transmitted, and allows a sound wave having a frequency producing the notification sound to be transmitted.2. The vehicle approach notification unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe thin film is adjusted to have Young's modulus so that the sound wave having the resonant frequency is restricted from passing through the thin film and that the sound wave having the frequency producing the notification sound is allowed to pass through the thin film.3. The vehicle approach notification unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe thin film is made of polyethylene naphthalate, and has a thickness in a range of 10-100 μm.4. The vehicle approach notification unit ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle approach notification unit

Номер: US20140015654A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp, Hamanakodenso Co Ltd

A vehicle approach notification unit which notifies an approach of a vehicle has a first notification sound generator and a second notification sound generator. The first notification sound generator produces a notification sound including at least a high-frequency sound forward from the vehicle. The second notification sound generator produces a notification sound including at least a low-frequency sound downward from the vehicle.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Electric horn device for a vehicle and vehicle

Номер: US20140015655A1

Electric horn devices for a vehicle and vehicles with the electric horns are provided. An electric horn device includes a housing that is tightly sealed, a housing section within the housing, and a membrane element within the housing and configured to generate a sound. An elastic pressure equalizing element is adapted to allow pressure equalization in the housing.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140015656A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A vehicle approach alert device for a saddle-ridden electric vehicle is a vehicle approach alert device for a saddle-ridden electric vehicle that is provided with a sound emitter that is attached on the vehicle body of a saddle-ridden electric vehicle having an electric motor in a power engine, and that emits an alert sound to a surrounding area for notifying the surrounding area of approach of the saddle-ridden electric vehicle, such that sound emission of the sound emitter is controlled, and the sound emitter is arranged so that the direction of sound emission is oriented diagonally downward and forward of the saddle-ridden electric vehicle. 123-. (canceled)24. A vehicle approach alert device for a saddle-ridden electric vehicle that is attached to a vehicle body of a saddle-ridden electric vehicle having an electric motor included in a power engine , and that is provided with a sound emitter that emits an alert sound to a surrounding area for notifying the surrounding area of approach of the saddle-ridden electric vehicle , wherein:sound emission of the sound emitter is controlled according to a traveling status of the vehicle; andthe sound emitter is arranged so that a direction of the sound emission is oriented diagonally downward and forward of the saddle-ridden electric vehicle,and the sound emitter raises a frequency of the alert sound in proportion to an increase in a rotation speed of the electric motor, and an increase rate of this alert sound frequency is set so as to be lower than an increase rate of the rotation speed of the electric motor,and the alert sound includes at least, a first sound serving as a reference sound, a second sound having a frequency higher than the first sound, and a third sound having a frequency higher than the second sound, and a ratio of 1 subtracted from a ratio of the frequency of the second sound with respect to the frequency of the first sound is set to be greater than a ratio of the frequency of the second sound with ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Drive Assist Apparatus Assisting Driver To Drive Vehicle Based On Degree Of Fatigue Of Driver

Номер: US20140025257A1
Автор: Komoguchi Yuuta
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A drive assist apparatus that assists the driver of the vehicle to appropriately drive the vehicle includes: a detecting unit, a drive assist unit, a fatigue calculating unit and a setting unit. 1. A drive assist apparatus mounted on a vehicle , assisting a driver driving the vehicle comprising:detecting means for detecting a positional relationship between the vehicle and a traffic lane where the vehicle runs;drive assist means for performing a drive assist process based on the positional relationship detected by the detecting means, wherein the drive assist process suppresses the vehicle departing from the traffic lane;fatigue calculating means for calculating a degree of fatigue of the driver; andsetting means for setting a mode of the drive assist process in response to the degree of fatigue calculated by the fatigue calculating means;2. The drive assist apparatus according to further includes information acquiring means for acquiring two or more information including a number of lane departure of the vehicle within a most recent first predetermined period claim 1 , a number of times that a steering angle exceeds a predetermined angular velocity within most recent second predetermined period and a number of zigzag driving of the vehicle within most recent third predetermined period claim 1 , while the vehicle continues to travel claim 1 ,wherein the fatigue calculating means is configured to calculate the degree of fatigue based on the two or more information acquired by the information acquiring means.3. The drive assist apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the information acquiring means is configured to acquire claim 2 , as numeric information claim 2 , the number of lane departure of the vehicle within the most recent first predetermined period claim 2 , the number of times that the steering angle exceeds a predetermined angular velocity within the most recent second predetermined period and the number of zigzag driving of the vehicle within the most ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140055258A1
Автор: Grosse-Budde Daniel

A method is provided for generating noise in an interior and exterior of a motor vehicle in which a control unit is provided which can be activated and which is operatively connected to a noise generator. The noise generator is connected to at least one noise emitting device (). The noise emitting device () is mounted underneath a hood of the motor vehicle, and is connected to the vehicle interior via at least one hose with at least one sound transmitting element. Sound waves are extracted from the noise emitting device () and are transmitted into the vehicle interior. 1. A method for generating noise at an interior and exterior of a motor vehicle , the method comprising:operating a control unit to send a control signal to a noise generator;activating the noise generator upon receipt of the control signal to send a noise signal to a noise emitting device located under a hood of the motor vehicle;operating the noise emitting device upon receipt of the noise signal to produce sound waves;extracting at least some of the sound waves produced by the noise emitting device; anddirecting the extracted sound waves through at least one hose and to the interior of the vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of directing the extracted sound waves through at least one hose comprises directing the extracted sound waves into first and second hoses that are separate from one another.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising emitting sound waves from the first hose at a left A pillar of the motor vehicle and emitting sound waves from the second hose at a right A pillar of the motor vehicle.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the step of emitting sound waves at the A pillars comprises emitting sound waves at lower regions of the respective A pillars.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the noise emitting device is a loudspeaker arranged in a loudspeaker box.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the step of operating the noise emitting device comprises irradiating the sound ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058622A1

A vehicle trailer backup assist system and method includes a hitch angle detection apparatus and a target monitor controller. The target monitor controller processes images acquired of the trailer towed by a towing vehicle to assist with placement of a target on the trailer. The target monitor controller also monitors the target and provides feedback to the user as to proper positioning of the target on the trailer. A target move detection routine detects movement of a target by processing the pixels of the image to determine if a new trailer has been connected. Further, a trailer connection monitoring routine monitors for a changed trailer based on loss of the hitch angle or target for a predetermined time period. 1. A method of monitoring placement of a target on a trailer comprising:generating an image of a target placement zone on a trailer using a camera on a towing vehicle;processing the image to detect presence of a target within the target placement zone; andproviding a feedback alert to a user indicative of a state of detection of the target within the target placement zone.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feedback alert comprises an exterior alert.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the exterior alert comprises a vehicle brake light.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the exterior alert comprises a vehicle horn.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the exterior alert comprises a vehicle emergency flasher.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of generating an image comprises generating a plurality of video images with a video camera claim 1 , wherein the plurality of video images are processed to determine presence of the target within the target placement zone.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feedback alert is provided to a portable device.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the portable device comprises a phone.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the state of detection is the state when the target is detected within the target placement zone.10 ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062685A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A pedestrian notification apparatus, which is configured to be used in a vehicle, includes an ambient object detector, a notification target detector and a notifier. The ambient object detector is configured to detect ambient objects present around the vehicle. The notification target detector is configured to detect a notification target pedestrian based on the detection results of the ambient object detector. The notifier is configured to notify the notification target pedestrian that the notification target pedestrian has been detected by the notification target detector. 1. A pedestrian notification apparatus which is configured to be used in a vehicle , the apparatus comprising:an ambient object detector configured to detect ambient objects present around the vehicle;a notification target detector configured to detect a notification target pedestrian based on the detection results of the ambient object detector; anda notifier configured to notify the notification target pedestrian that the notification target pedestrian has been detected by the notification target detector.2. The pedestrian notification apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the notifier is capable of irradiating a light outside of the vehicle.3. The pedestrian notification apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising a position detector that is configured to detect a position of the notification target pedestrian claim 1 ,wherein the notifier comprises a marking light irradiator that irradiates, based on the position of the notification target pedestrian detected by the position detector, a predetermined marking light onto a road surface, the marking light being indicative of information to be communicated to the notification target pedestrian.4. The pedestrian notification apparatus as set forth in claim 3 , wherein the marking light irradiator is configured to irradiate the marking light a predetermined number of times so as to make the marking light gradually approach the ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140067204A1

Provided is an electronic apparatus that perform an appropriate process according to a gesture of a subject person, the electronic apparatus including: a first input unit that inputs a detection result of a biosensor detecting a change in biological information of a person; a second input unit that inputs a recognition result of a recognition device recognizing an action of the person; and a processor that performs a process according to the action of the person based on input results of the first and second input units. 1. An electronic apparatus comprising:a first input unit that inputs a detection result of a biosensor detecting a change in biological information of a subject person;a second input unit that inputs a recognition result of a recognition device recognizing an action of the person; anda processor that performs a process according to the action of the person based on input results of the first and second input units.2. The electronic apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe recognition device includes different sensors, andthe processor performs the process according to the action of the person based on recognition results of the sensors that are input to the second input unit even when the change in biological information is not input to the first input unit.3. The electronic apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein 'a controller that captures an image by the image capture device when the contact-type sensor recognizes an action of a person.', 'the sensors include an image capture device and a contact-type sensor, further comprising4. The electronic apparatus according to claim 3 , whereinthe image capture device is located higher than the contact-type sensor.5. The electronic apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinat least a part of the recognition device is located near the biosensor.6. The electronic apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe processor performs a process to emit a sound by a loudspeaker emitting a sound to the person.7. The ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

System and method for animal crash avoidance

Номер: US20140074359A1
Автор: Laurie Kay Lane
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive Systems Inc

A safety system for a vehicle is utilized as an animal detection system. By using an infrared camera and other sensors and/or cameras the safety system may detect an object in an area around the vehicle. A controller analyzes data from the sensors and/or cameras and determines if the object is an animal. If the object is determined to be an animal the controller initiates a response to avoid or minimize the chance of impacting the animal. A warning signal(s) is provided to the vehicle operator. A deterrent signal(s) is used to deter the animal from approaching the vehicle. Also, the animal detection system may send a signal to at least one other safety system for the vehicle to provide a crash avoidance response and/or to provide a crash preparation response.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140077943A1

A vehicular child alert device includes a main body housing a pressure switch configured to indicate the status of a vehicle door, a memory configured to store audible notifications, a speaker configured to play the audible notifications, and a processor configured to control the device. 1. A vehicular child alert device , comprising:a main body having a plurality of sides and an interior space;a pressure switch having a portion that is disposed along one of the plurality of main body sides, said switch being configured to transition between an engaged position and a disengaged position;a speaker configured to provide an audible notification;a processor configured to control each of the pressure switch and the speaker; anda memory configured to store operating instructions for the processor, and at least one audible notification for the speaker,wherein the processor is configured to instruct the speaker to play the audible notification upon detecting that the pressure switch is in a disengaged position.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:a visual notification device configured to provide a visual reminder to a device user.3. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one of a motion sensor, a light sensor and an electric eye that are configured to detect a vehicle door in an open position.4. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:an input/output port configured to receive a user supplied audible notification for storage in the memory and playback on the speaker.5. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:a speaker jack configured to play the audible notification on a vehicle speaker system.6. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:an electrical connector configured to engage a vehicle direct current power source.7. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:further comprising a direct current power source.8. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:a physical connector configured to secure the device to at least one of a vehicle door ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle approach notification device

Номер: US20140085071A1
Принадлежит: Anden Co Ltd

In a vehicle approach notification device for notifying approach of a vehicle by emitting a notification sound according to a synthetic sound signal composed of a plurality of frequency components from a speaker, a vehicle speed specifying portion specifies a speed of the vehicle, and a synthetic sound signal generating portion generates the synthetic sound signal. The synthetic sound signal generating portion generates the synthetic sound signal such that the frequency component that belongs to a second frequency range in which a variation in sound pressure outputted from the speaker is equal to or smaller than a predetermined magnitude is shifted according to a change in the speed of the vehicle, without shifting the frequency component that belongs to a first frequency range in which the variation in sound pressure outputted from the speaker is greater than the predetermined magnitude.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Work Vehicle

Номер: US20210000007A1
Принадлежит: Kubota Corp

A work vehicle includes a cutter device for cutting plant in a field, a storage section for storing plant cut by the cutter device, an inclination angle sensor for detecting an inclination angle ((θd)) of the vehicle body, a display device for displaying the inclination angle detected by the inclination angle sensor, and a reporting device for reporting the inclination angle exceeding a permissible inclination angle ((θa)).

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Power receiving and feeding apparatus

Номер: US20210001740A1
Автор: Kei Machida
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A power receiving and feeding apparatus is provided which includes a connector coupled to a power receiving and feeding outlet of an electric motor vehicle, a connector moving unit that moves the connector in a lateral direction and a vertical direction, and a position determination unit that determines a position of the power receiving and feeding outlet of the electric motor vehicle based on a position information of the electric motor vehicle and a vehicle information of the electric motor vehicle. The connector moving unit is caused to move the connector at a position higher than a predetermined height in the lateral direction and then in the vertical direction to align the connector to the position of the power receiving and feeding outlet so as to couple the connector to the power receiving and feeding outlet.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Drive mode optimized engine order cancellation

Номер: US20210001769A1
Принадлежит: Harman International Industries Inc

Engine order cancellation (EOC) systems generate feed forward noise signals based on the engine or other rotating shaft RPM and use those signals and adaptively configured W-filters to reduce the in-cabin SPL by radiating anti-noise through speakers. An EOC system may include a drive mode detector for detecting different vehicle drive modes based on an analysis of signals indicative of current vehicle operating conditions. Upon detection, the EOC system may adaptively adjust various tuning parameters for the EOC algorithm based on the current vehicle drive mode. The EOC system may also selectively target different sets of engine orders for noise cancellation according to the current vehicle drive mode based on which engine orders are dominant during that drive mode.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001770A1
Автор: KIM Youngbeom

A vehicle and a method of controlling the vehicle for adjusting a sound pressure of a virtual engine sound based on external noise are provided. The vehicle may include: a speaker to output a virtual engine sound; a microphone to receive external sound generated outside of the vehicle; and a controller configured to extract noise by separating the virtual engine sound from the external sound, determine each peak sound pressure of a plurality of peak sound pressures as a peak point, identify a plurality of equalizer (EQ) filters having a predetermined bandwidth, generate an amplification filter by combining the plurality of EQ filters, apply the amplification filter to the virtual engine sound and control the speaker to output the virtual engine sound. 1. A vehicle comprising:a speaker configured to output a virtual engine sound;a microphone configured to receive external sound generated outside of the vehicle; and extract a noise by separating the virtual engine sound from the external sound;', 'determine each peak sound pressure of a plurality of peak sound pressures as a peak point;', 'identify a plurality of equalizer (EQ) filters having a predetermined bandwidth;', 'generate an amplification filter by combining the plurality of EQ filters;', 'apply the amplification filter to the virtual engine sound; and', 'control the speaker to output the virtual engine sound., 'a controller configured to2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to:divide the noise into a plurality of regions based on a frequency; anddetermine at least one peak sound pressure in each region of the plurality of regions.3. The vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to:divide a region corresponding to a frequency range in which the virtual engine sound is output among the noise into a plurality of regions.4. The vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to:divide the noise into the plurality of regions based on a logarithmic scale.5. The ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001558A1
Автор: KWON Dae Woo
Принадлежит: Daesung Electric Co., Ltd

An environmentally-friendly vehicle sound generator control apparatus. The apparatus includes a sound playback unit including a sound comparison unit for comparing a frequency band-specific reference sound level data with an extracted plurality of frequency band-specific sound data for each frequency band in response to a comparison control signal of a control unit, a sound control unit for controlling a pitch or a volume of a plurality of frequency band-specific sample sound source data to form a plurality of frequency band-specific sample control sound source data if the extracted plurality of frequency band-specific sound data is smaller than the frequency band-specific reference sound level data, and a sound mixing unit for mixing the plurality of frequency band-specific sample control sound source data and transferring the mixed plurality of frequency band-specific sample control sound source data to the sound output unit so that a pedestrian's vehicle recognition sound can be outputted. 1. An environmentally-friendly vehicle sound generator control apparatus comprising:a storage unit including a sound source storage unit for storing a plurality of frequency band-specific sample sound source data of a real single engine sound of an internal combustion engine vehicle, and a reference data storage unit for storing frequency band-specific reference sound level data;a sound output unit arranged in an environmentally-friendly vehicle to output a pedestrian's vehicle recognition sound;a sound sensing unit arranged to be spaced apart from the sound output unit to sense the pedestrian's vehicle recognition sound output from the sound output unit;a sound source sound extraction unit for extracting and dividing the pedestrian's vehicle recognition sound sensed by the sound sensing unit for each of a plurality of frequency bands;a control unit for storing the frequency band-specific sound data of the pedestrian's vehicle recognition sound extracted and divided by the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Sound generating system for environment friendly vehicle and a method for controlling the system

Номер: US20170001559A1
Автор: Dae Woo Kwon
Принадлежит: Daesung Electric Co Ltd

An environmentally-friendly vehicle sound generator apparatus. The apparatus includes a vehicle state sensing unit, a sound source storage unit, a sound source playback unit, a sound source amplification unit, a sound output unit, and a control unit. The control unit receives a sensing signal from the vehicle state sensing unit and controlling the operation of the sound source playback unit so as to play back the operating sound in different playback methods to control and change the operating sound according to the received sensing signal. The vehicle state sensing unit senses a vehicle speed, and if it is determined according to a vehicle speed signal that the vehicle speed reaches a preset speed range, the control unit fades out the output of the sound output unit at a preset ratio of the vehicle speed to a time elapsed after the vehicle speed reaches the preset speed range.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

An apparatus and a method for controlling an inter-vehicle distance

Номер: US20210001848A1
Автор: ChangBeom OH
Принадлежит: Mando Corp

Disclosed are an apparatus and a method for controlling an inter-vehicle distance. Particularly, the apparatus for controlling an inter-vehicle distance may include one or more sensors, configured to detect one or more forward targets in front of a host vehicle, and a controller, configured to control the host vehicle to drive while maintaining a predetermined first inter-vehicle distance from a first target that drives on the driving road of the host vehicle. Therefore, according to the present disclosure, there are provided an apparatus and a method for controlling an inter-vehicle distance, which may more stably perform longitudinal control of a host vehicle while the host vehicle drives.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150002287A1

A pseudo-tach signal system includes a pseudo-tach signal modeling module, and an output module operatively connected to the pseudo-tach signal modeling module. The output module exports a pseudo-tach signal based audible sound. 1. A pseudo-tach signal system comprising:a pseudo-tach signal modeling module; andan output module operatively connected to the pseudo-tach signal modeling module, the output module exporting a pseudo-tach signal based audible sound.2. The pseudo-tach signal system according to claim 1 , further comprising: a blending module including a blending model that synchronizes the pseudo-tach signal based audible sound with existing audible tones.3. The pseudo-tach signal system according to claim 1 , further comprising: a storage module including one or more stored pseudo-tach signals.4. The pseudo-tach signal system according to claim 1 , further comprising: a receiving module configured and disposed to receive one or more input signals from a motor vehicle.5. The pseudo-tach signal system according to claim 4 , wherein the one or more input signals includes one of a speed signal claim 4 , a torque signal claim 4 , an accelerator pedal position signal claim 4 , an acceleration signal claim 4 , and a vehicle selected mode signal.6. The pseudo-tach system according to claim 1 , further comprising: a speaker operatively connected to the output module claim 1 , the pseudo-tach signal based audible sound being exported to the speaker.7. A motor vehicle comprising:a drivetrain including an engine and a transmission; and a pseudo-tach signal modeling module; and', 'an output module operatively connected to the pseudo-tach signal modeling module, the output module exporting a pseudo-tach signal based audible sound., 'a pseudo-tach signal system including8. The motor vehicle according to claim 7 , further comprising: a blending module including a blending model that synchronizes the pseudo-tach signal based audible sound with an existing audible signal ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001715A1
Автор: Brown Kelvin Ray

A vehicle ignition override system which may be designed for emergency situations, such as a child being left in the vehicle unattended during elevated temperature weather conditions. The system may include a temperature sensor to detect elevated heat conditions, an automatic ignition override switch which may start the vehicle and activate an air-conditioning system. The system may also include a warning alarm which may produce a sound notifying nearby pedestrians that a child was left in the car. The system may even further include a remote notification signal which may be sent to the driver via a smart device or vehicle dongle. 1. A child emergency ignition override system , the system comprising: a car seat;', 'a motion detector;', 'a temperature sensor; and'}, 'a first-electronic-device including'}, 'a sensor pad;, 'a car seat assembly having'}an emergency ignition override chip in communication with said first-electronic-device, a host vehicle electrical and powering system, said sensor pad, and a second-electronic-device;wherein said sensor pad is able to sense a presence of a seat-occupant;wherein the car seat is positioned above said sensor pad during use; andwherein when said child emergency ignition override system is configured to be activated by at least one signal said powering system of said host vehicle is then caused to start and simultaneously operates an air-conditioning-system to cool an interior of said host vehicle to promote safety of said seat-occupant.2. The child emergency ignition override system of claim 1 , wherein the motion detector is secured in a bracket on a right side of the car seat to sense motion of said seat-occupant claim 1 , said seat-occupant comprising a child.3. The child emergency ignition override system of claim 1 , wherein said first-electronic-device comprises a tablet.4. The child emergency ignition override system of claim 1 , wherein said sensor pad comprises at least one weight-sensor.5. The child emergency ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001780A1

The present disclosure relates to a method performed by an intention indicating system of a vehicle, for indicating to a potential observer an ongoing or impending autonomous kinematic action of the vehicle. The intention indicating system determines an ongoing or impending autonomous kinematic action of the vehicle. The intention indicating system further provides, with support from a light providing device including one or more light sources adapted to emit light, which light providing device is provided continuously and/or intermittently along a majority of a horizontal circumference of the vehicle, a visual light output visible at least from an outside of said vehicle representing the autonomous kinematic action. The disclosure also relates to an intention indicating system in accordance with the foregoing, and further to a vehicle including such an intention indicating system. 1. A method performed by an intention indicating system of a vehicle , for indicating to a potential observer an ongoing or impending autonomous kinematic action of said vehicle , said method comprising:determining an ongoing or impending autonomous kinematic action of said vehicle; and providing with support from a light providing device comprising one or more light sources adapted to emit light, which light providing device is provided continuously and/or intermittently along a majority of a horizontal circumference of said vehicle, a visual light output visible at least from an outside of said vehicle representing said autonomous kinematic action.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said light providing device preferably extends along at least 75 percent claim 1 , more preferred along at least 85 percent claim 1 , and most preferred along at least 95 percent of said circumference.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said providing the light output is initiated a predeterminable period of time prior to said autonomous kinematic action starting.4. The method according to ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001784A1
Автор: Yano Atsuyoshi
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

An engine sound control device includes: a setter to set point information including coordinates indicating one of multiple cells of a driving state space represented by a coordinate system with parameters indicating a driving state as axes, and spectral information of a target engine sound at the cell; a setter to set region information indicating a driving scene region; a processor to perform an interpolation process to calculate spectral information of an engine sound for each of target cells of the multiple cells for which the point information is not set, based on the point information and region information, and generate a map including spectral information of an engine sound at each cell, from the point information and information obtained by the process; a processor to output a control parameter based on the map; and a controller to cause a unit to output a sound based on the control parameter. 1. An engine sound control device to cause a sound output unit to output a control sound depending on a driving state of an automobile that affects engine sound of the automobile , the engine sound control device comprising:a target engine sound setter to set user set point information on a basis of a user command in accordance with input operation performed by a user on an operation unit, the user set point information including specified coordinates indicating one of a plurality of cells obtained by dividing a driving state space represented by a coordinate system with a plurality of parameters indicating the driving state as coordinate axes, and spectral information of a target engine sound at the cell indicated by the specified coordinates;a driving scene region setter to set driving scene region information indicating a driving scene region in the driving state space, on a basis of the user command;a first interpolation processor to perform a first interpolation process to calculate spectral information of an engine sound for each of one or more first ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Electric Vehicle Sound Enhancement Systems And Methods

Номер: US20180001818A1

An audio system of a vehicle includes: an acceleration state module that sets an acceleration state signal to a first state when a longitudinal acceleration of the vehicle is greater than a first predetermined acceleration, where the first predetermined acceleration is positive; a sound control module that selectively sets audio characteristics for an acceleration event in response to determinations that all of: (i) the acceleration state signal is in the first state; (ii) an electric motor is outputting positive torque to a powertrain of the vehicle; and (iii) a driver is applying pressure to an accelerator pedal; and an audio driver module that, based on the audio characteristics, applies power to speakers to output sound within a passenger cabin of the vehicle. 1. An audio system of a vehicle , comprising:an acceleration state module that sets an acceleration state signal to a first state when a longitudinal acceleration of the vehicle is greater than a first predetermined acceleration,wherein the first predetermined acceleration is positive; (i) the acceleration state signal is in the first state;', '(ii) an electric motor is outputting positive torque to a powertrain of the vehicle; and', '(iii) a driver is applying pressure to an accelerator pedal; and, 'a sound control module that selectively sets audio characteristics for an acceleration event in response to determinations that all ofan audio driver module that, based on the audio characteristics, applies power to speakers to output sound within a passenger cabin of the vehicle.2. The audio system of wherein the sound control module sets the audio characteristics for the acceleration event in response to determinations that all of:(i) the acceleration state signal is in the first state;(ii) the electric motor is outputting positive torque to the powertrain of the vehicle;(iii) the driver is applying pressure to the accelerator pedal;(iv) a rate of change of an engine speed of an internal combustion engine of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001881A1

A pedestrian warning system for an eco-friendly vehicle may include a warning sound controller including an alarm sound controller and a virtual engine sound system configured to inform a pedestrian of a behavior of the vehicle; and an alarm sound output device including not only an amplifier for amplifying a pedestrian alarm sound and a virtual engine sound, but also a directional speaker for outputting the amplified pedestrian alarm sound and the amplified virtual engine sound. 1. A pedestrian warning system for a vehicle comprising:a warning sound controller including an alarm sound controller and a virtual engine sound system configured to inform a pedestrian of a behavior of the vehicle; andan alarm sound output device including an amplifier for amplifying a pedestrian alarm sound and a virtual engine sound, and a directional speaker for outputting the amplified pedestrian alarm sound and the amplified virtual engine sound, wherein the directional speaker is mounted to a right side of the vehicle, and adjusts an emission pattern of the pedestrian alarm sound and the virtual engine sound according to regional sound field control.2. The pedestrian warning system according to claim 1 , wherein the alarm sound controller includes:a right-turn alarm sound controller configured to inform the pedestrian of a right-turn action of the vehicle; anda pedestrian alarm sound controller configured to inform the pedestrian of an approach of the vehicle.3. The pedestrian warning system according to claim 1 , wherein the right-turn alarm sound is a pattern sound having an emission angle of 60° tilted to a right side with respect to a front of the vehicle.4. The pedestrian warning system according to claim 1 , wherein the right-turn alarm sound is generated when a combination lever switch of the vehicle moves toward a right-turn direction and a steering wheel rotates to a right-turn angle.5. The pedestrian warning system according to claim 1 , wherein the right-turn alarm sound ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Advanced warning and risk evasion system and method

Номер: US20190001885A1
Принадлежит: CRH Americas Materials Inc

This invention relates in general to the field of safety devices, and more particularly, but not by way of limitation, to systems and methods for providing advanced warning and risk evasion when hazardous conditions exist. In one embodiment, a vicinity monitoring unit is provided for monitoring, for example, oncoming traffic near a construction zone. In some embodiments, the vicinity monitoring unit may be mounted onto a construction vehicle to monitor nearby traffic and send a warning signal if hazardous conditions exist. In some embodiments, personnel tracking units may be worn by construction workers and the personnel tracking units may be in communication with the vicinity monitoring unit. In some embodiments, a base station is provided for monitoring activities taking place in or near a construction site including monitoring the locations of various personnel and vehicles within the construction site.

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Signal processing device, sound-reproduction system, and sound reproduction method

Номер: US20220005485A1
Автор: Kanro Oyama, Masafumi TAO

A signal processing device includes: a processor; and a memory having instructions. The instructions, when executed by the processor, cause the signal processing device to perform operations. The operations include performing a modulation processing of modulating a sound signal by using a modulation parameter based on an interaural phase difference at a listening position of the sound signal.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220009413A1

Aspects of the disclosure provide a method of facilitating communications from an autonomous vehicle to a user. For instance, a method may include, while attempting to pick up the user and prior to the user entering an vehicle, inputting a current location of the vehicle and map information into a model in order to identify a type of communication action for communicating a location of the vehicle to the user; enabling a first communication based on the type of the communication action; determining whether the user has responded to the first communication from received sensor data; and enabling a second communication based on the determination of whether the user has responded to the communication. 1. A method of facilitating communications from an autonomous vehicle to a user , the method including:while attempting to pick up the user and prior to the user entering the vehicle, determining, by the one or more processors based on received sensor data, whether the user is moving towards the vehicle or the user is moving towards a particular area to wait for the vehicle to arrive;when the user is determined to be moving towards the vehicle, instructing, by the one or more processors, the vehicle to generate a communication to assist the user in reaching the vehicle; andwhen the user is determined to be moving towards a particular area to wait for the vehicle to arrive, enabling, by the one or more processors, surfacing of one or more options on a client computing device of the user to enable the user to cause the vehicle to generate the communication.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the communication is an audible communication.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the communication is honking a horn of the vehicle.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the communication is a visual communication.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the communication is flashing a headlight of the vehicle.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the received sensor data includes location ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Processor and processing method for rider-assistance system of straddle-type vehicle, rider-assistance system of straddle-type vehicle, and straddle-type vehicle

Номер: US20220020274A1
Автор: Lars Pfau

The present invention obtains a processor and a processing method, a rider-assistance system, and a straddle-type vehicle capable of improving a rider's safety.A processor (20) includes: an acquisition section that acquires surrounding environment information about a straddle-type vehicle (100); a determination section that determines necessity of assistance operation executed by a rider-assistance system (1) to assist with the rider's operation; and a control section that makes an execution device (P) execute the assistance operation in the case where the determination section determines that the assistance operation is necessary. The determination section determines the necessity of the assistance operation by using: a collision index value that is an index value of a collision possibility of a following vehicle against the traveling straddle-type vehicle (100); and a stability index value that is an index value of a stability degree of a relative distance of the following vehicle to the traveling straddle-type vehicle (100).

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Sound transmitting system for a motor vehicle and method for a sound transmitting system

Номер: US20170008453A1
Автор: Tobias Hillers
Принадлежит: Dr Ing HCF Porsche AG

A sound transmitting system for a motor vehicle has a sound generator ( 2 ) and a sound-conducting first sound duct ( 6 ). The first sound duct ( 6 ) has a proximal end ( 7 ) connected to the sound generator ( 2 ) to transmit sound and a distal end ( 21 ) facing away from the proximal end ( 7 ) and via which a sound from the generated sound enters a passenger compartment ( 19 ) or external region ( 20 ) of a bodywork ( 26 ) of the motor vehicle ( 12 ). To bring about a specific sound characteristic of the resulting sound, a first length (L 1 ) of the first sound duct ( 6 ) and/or a first diameter (D 1 ) of the first sound duct ( 6 ) and/or a first cross-sectional area (Q 1 ) of the first sound duct ( 6 ) are/is adapted as a function of the generated sound.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Electrically motorized wheel

Номер: US20160009169A1
Принадлежит: Superpedestrian Inc

A system, method, and device for operations of an electrically motorized vehicle. The vehicle can utilize an electrically motorized wheel to convert a non-motorized wheeled vehicle to an electrically motorized wheeled vehicle. The electrically motorized wheeled vehicle includes a plurality of electrically motorized wheels, each of the plurality of electrically motorized wheels in communication with at least one other of the plurality of electrically motorized wheels to coordinate operation of the vehicle.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009222A1
Автор: Taylor Eugene

Apparatuses, systems, and methods are disclosed for emergency alert audio interception. An emergency module is configured to determine that an emergency condition has been satisfied for a first vehicle. A transmitter module is configured to transmit an emergency indication from a first vehicle to a different vehicle. A receiver module is configured to detect, at a different vehicle, an emergency indication from a first vehicle. An action module is configured to perform an automatic action for a different vehicle in response to detecting an emergency indication. 1. An apparatus for emergency audio interception , the apparatus comprising:an emergency module configured to determine that an emergency condition has been satisfied for a first vehicle; anda transmitter module configured to transmit an emergency indication to one or more different vehicles to trigger an automatic action in the one or more different vehicles.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the emergency indication comprises a radio signal with a predetermined transmission radius from the first vehicle.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the emergency module is configured to dynamically adjust the transmission radius based on the emergency condition.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the transmission radius is determined based on one or more of a speed of the first vehicle and a speed of the one or more different vehicles such that the one or more different vehicles remain within the transmission radius for at least a predetermined amount of time.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the emergency indication comprises an optical signal claim 1 , the one or more different vehicles configured to detect the optical signal and to perform the automatic action.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the automatic action comprises one or more of:a visual alert to a driver of the one or more different vehicles;powering off a sound system in the one or more different vehicles in response to receiving the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009223A1

A system, method, and device for operations of an electrically motorized vehicle. The vehicle can utilize an electrically motorized wheel to convert a non-motorized wheeled vehicle to an electrically motorized wheeled vehicle. One system to facilitate user safety when using an electrically motorized wheel includes a proximity sensor on the electrically motorized wheel in communication with a user mobile device and a proximity alert module on the mobile device enabled to alert a user when a sensed proximity crosses a threshold. 1. A system to facilitate user safety when using an electrically motorized wheel that is adapted for converting a vehicle to an electrically motorized vehicle via installation of the electrically motorized wheel , the system comprising:a proximity sensor on the electrically motorized wheel in communication with a user mobile device; anda proximity alert module on the mobile device enabled to alert a user when a sensed proximity crosses a threshold.2. The system recited in claim 1 , wherein the alert is at least one of an audible alert claim 1 , a visual alert claim 1 , and a tactile alert.3. The system recited in claim 1 , wherein the alert includes a “jitter” in performance.4. The system recited in claim 1 , wherein the alert includes an operational command to the electrically motorized wheel.5. A system to facilitate user safety when using an electrically motorized wheel for converting a vehicle to an electrically motorized vehicle via installation of the electrically motorized wheel claim 1 , the system comprising:a proximity sensor mounted to the electrically motorized wheel;a proximity alert module on a mobile device in communication with the proximity sensor.6. The system as recited in claim 5 , wherein the proximity alert module is operable to notify a user of an object within a predetermined proximity of the electrically motorized vehicle.7. The system as recited in claim 5 , wherein the proximity alert module is operable to notify ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009295A1
Автор: Chun In-Sung, LEE Jun-Han

An on-vehicle situation detection apparatus may include a detection unit to identify a driver and acquire driver status data and data about vehicle driving information or vehicle surrounding obstacles, a driving pattern learning unit to learn and store a driving pattern of a driver, based on the data acquired by the detection unit, a weighted value determination unit to determine a weighted value assigned to the information data acquired by the detection unit, based on the driving pattern learned by the driving pattern learning unit, a determination unit to determine a safe driving state of the driver, based on the data to which the weighted value determined by the weighted value determination unit is assigned, and a warning unit to warn the driver when the driver is determined to be not in the safe driving state. 1. An on-vehicle situation detection apparatus comprising:a detection unit to identify a driver and acquire driver status data, vehicle driving information data and vehicle surrounding obstacle data;a driving pattern learning unit to process and store a current driving pattern of a driver, based on the data acquired by the detection unit;a weighted value determination unit to determine a weighted value assigned to the information data acquired by the detection unit, based on the driving pattern learned by the driving pattern learning unit;a determination unit to determine a safe driving state of the driver, based on the data; anda warning unit to warn the driver when the driving state of the driver is determined to be not in the safe driving state by the determination unit.2. The on-vehicle situation detection apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a memory unit configured to store the data.3. The on-vehicle situation detection apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the detection unit comprises a driver status detection section which comprises one or more of an infrared LED imaging device claim 1 , a steering wheel speed detection sensor claim 1 , a steering ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024341A1

A warning system for warning pedestrians and other road users prior to a collision with a charging cable for an electric automobile. Charging cables run from a power source to a vehicle. The vehicle is charged using a charging cable. The vehicle being charged has the information that it is currently charging. It also has sensors that can identify the course of the cable, depending on the resolution and orientation of the sensors. This can be implemented using image processing algorithms or machine learning. The parked vehicle can also detect other road users by means of the onboard sensor system. If an impending collision between the road user and the charging cable is determined from these data, the road user is warned, using any of acoustic warning, or visual warning. 110-. (canceled)11. A device for providing a preemptive warning of a dangerous operating environment during charging , comprising:an input interface for receiving sensor data comprising information on a position of a charging cable, and information regarding a motion vector for a third party;an analysis unit for determining a dangerous operating environment based on the sensor data determining the motion vector is in a positional environment near the charging cable, wherein the analysis unit is configured to generate a control command in response to the dangerous operating environment; andan output interface, operatively coupled to the analysis unit for transmitting the control command to a warning unit to generate at least one of an audible and/or visual warning.12. The device according to claim 11 , wherein the device is configured as part of an onboard computer claim 11 , navigation system and/or infotainment system of a vehicle.13. The device according to claim 11 , wherein the sensor data comprises data from at least one of a top view camera claim 11 , ultrasonic sensor claim 11 , radar sensor claim 11 , lidar sensor claim 11 , and/or laser sensor claim 11 , and wherein the analysis unit is ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009034A1

A notification device includes: a notification-sound output portion provided in a vehicle and configured to output a notification sound toward the outside of the vehicle; a notification display portion provided in the vehicle and configured to output a notification display toward the outside of the vehicle; a notification controlling portion configured to control the notification sound of the notification-sound output portion and the notification display of the notification display portion; and a stop-state determination portion configured to determine whether the vehicle during the automatic driving enters a stop state or not. When the stop-state determination portion determines that the vehicle during the automatic driving enters the stop state, the notification controlling portion outputs a stop-time notification sound as the notification sound by the notification-sound output portion and outputs a stop-time notification display as the notification display by the notification display portion. 1. A notification device provided in a vehicle that travels by automatic driving and configured to perform notification to surroundings around the vehicle , the notification device comprising:a notification-sound output portion provided in the vehicle and configured to output a notification sound toward an outside of the vehicle;a notification display portion provided in the vehicle and configured to output a notification display toward the outside of the vehicle;a notification controlling portion configured to control the notification sound of the notification-sound output portion and the notification display of the notification display portion; anda deceleration-state determination portion configured to determine whether the vehicle during the automatic driving enters a deceleration state or not,wherein, when the deceleration-state determination portion determines that the vehicle during the automatic driving enters the deceleration state, the notification controlling ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009038A1

A road machine includes a hopper, a screed, a measuring unit configured to measure an amount of pavement material inside the hopper or pavement material held in front of the screed, and a display device disposed in an operator's seat and configured to display the amount of pavement material measured by the measuring unit. 1. A road machine comprising:a hopper;a screed;a measuring unit configured to measure an amount of pavement material inside the hopper or pavement material held in front of the screed; anda display device disposed in an operator's seat and configured to display the amount of pavement material measured by the measuring unit.2. The road machine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the display device displays the amount of pavement material measured by the measuring unit in association with a position inside the hopper or on a road surface in front of the screed.3. The road machine as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising an imaging device configured to capture an image of an inside of the hopper or an area in front of the screed claim 2 , wherein the display device displays the image captured by the imaging device claim 2 , and displays claim 2 , superimposed thereon claim 2 , the amount of pavement material measured by the measuring unit.4. The road machine as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising an imaging device configured to capture an image of an inside of the hopper or an area in front of the screen claim 2 , wherein the display device displays a graph indicating the amount of pavement material measured by the measuring unit claim 2 , and displays the image captured by the imaging device in which a position corresponding to the graph is indicated.5. The road machine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the measuring unit measures a feature quantity relating to the amount of pavement material claim 1 , and the display device displays the feature quantity measured by the measuring unit.6. The road machine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein upon an ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009117A1
Автор: Emura Koichi

A sensor detects an obstacle to a vehicle. An alert device provides alert information for inquiring a passenger to determine whether to continue automatic driving when a distance between the obstacle and an end of the lane is equal to or larger than a width necessary for travel based on a width of the vehicle. An input device receives a passenger's manipulation to continue automatic driving in response the inquiry provided from the alert device. A command output unit outputs a command to ease lane-based restriction on continuation of automatic driving to an automatic driving control device when the manipulation in response is received. 1. A driving assistance system for supporting a vehicle , the vehicle including a sensor for detecting an obstacle to the vehicle and an automatic driving control device for calculating an avoidance path for avoiding the obstacle detected by the sensor , controlling automatic driving of the vehicle by referring to the avoidance path calculated , and allowing automatic driving to continue by avoiding the obstacle within a lane , the driving assistance system comprising:an alert device that provides alert information for inquiring a passenger to determine whether to continue automatic driving when a distance between the obstacle and an end of the lane is equal to or larger than a width necessary for travel based on a width of the vehicle;an input device that receives a passenger's manipulation to continue automatic driving in response the inquiry provided from the alert device; anda command output unit that outputs a command to ease lane-based restriction on continuation of automatic driving to the automatic driving control device when the manipulation in response is received by the input device.2. The driving assistance system according to claim 1 , wherein the end of the lane is a compartment line provided on a road.3. The driving assistance system according to claim 1 , wherein the end of the lane is set at a position substantially ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009713A1

Various aspects of a system and method to generate a parking alert are disclosed herein. The system comprises one or more circuits controlled by an electronic control unit (ECU) in a first vehicle. The one or more circuits are configured to detect a second vehicle within a predetermined distance with respect to the first vehicle. A parking violation alert is communicated to the second vehicle and one or more users associated with the second vehicle. The communication of the parking violation alert is based on the detection of the second vehicle within the predetermined distance with respect to the first vehicle. 1. A system for generation of a parking alert , said system comprising: detect a second vehicle within a predetermined distance with respect to said first vehicle; and', 'communicate a parking violation alert to said detected second vehicle and one or more users associated with said detected second vehicle., 'one or more circuits in an electronic control unit used in a first vehicle, said one or more circuits being configured to2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said parking violation alert comprises one or more of: an identification of said first vehicle claim 1 , said predetermined distance claim 1 , a notification that corresponds to a violation of parking alert claim 1 , a direction that corresponds to said predetermined distance claim 1 , and/or a distance by which said predetermined distance is breached.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said predetermined distance is based on one or more of: a size of said first vehicle claim 1 , a direction of said first vehicle claim 1 , and/or lane marking on a surface where said first vehicle is located.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said one or more circuits are configured to communicate a parking alert claim 1 , said parking violation alert claim 1 , and/or a parking acknowledgement notification to said second vehicle based on a vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication channel ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Abandoned Occupant Danger Alert System

Номер: US20190009715A1
Принадлежит: Individual

One or more noxious gas detectors disposed within a cabin of a vehicle are used by an analyzer to determine that a rate of increase of measured noxious gas exceeds a first threshold, or that a level of measured noxious exceeds a second threshold, or both; and to generate an alert output responsive to the determination. Optionally, the analyzer may take remediation actions by emitting or transmitting commands to the vehicle's control computer to stop or start the engine, start the air conditioning or heater, roll down windows, unlock doors, activate horns and lights, and even transmit alert messages to one or more recipients. In one embodiment, a window clip-on sign is provided with one or more sensors on an interior portion of the unit, and one or more alert means on an exterior portion to provide a portable and easy-to-use safety device.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

External Audio Alert System and Method for Vehicular Use

Номер: US20190009716A1

In embodiments of the present invention, an Alert Controller coupled to an Internal Digital Communication System (“IDCS”) of a vehicle monitors vehicle states based on messages received over the IDCS and generates audio alerts projected external to the vehicle based on the vehicle states. Multiple vehicle states may be defined, with each vehicle state associated with receipt of one or more types of messages in a particular sequence and/or within a particular timeframe. Different audio alerts may be assigned to different vehicle states. The audio alerts may be customizable such as by the vehicle manufacturer and/or vehicle owner/operator. An alert selection interface may be provided in the vehicle for user-selection of audio alerts. 1. A method of producing an external audio alert for use in the course of operation of a motor vehicle having an internal digital communication system used to control or monitor at least a motor of the vehicle via a stream of messages , the method implemented by computer processes comprising:processing of the stream of messages, by an alert processor coupled to the internal digital communication system and configured to snoop on the stream of messages on the internal digital communication system, to characterize a current state of the vehicle based on the stream of messages;processing by the alert processor of the current vehicle state to determine whether the current vehicle state corresponds to an alert condition, the alert condition being a member of a stored set of pre-defined vehicle states; andin the event that the current vehicle state does correspond to the alert condition, executing by the alert processor a macro corresponding to the alert condition, the macro specifying a plurality of behaviors to be performed in a specific order, wherein at least one of the plurality of behaviors includes causing generation of an external audio alert corresponding to the behavior.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each pre-defined vehicle state ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009717A1

A vehicle approach notification device that can output a warning sound that a discomfort feeling to be brought to an occupant is reduced is provided. The vehicle approach notification device includes a first speaker, a second speaker, and a sound source that outputs a signal corresponding to one sound for notifying about approach of a vehicle. The vehicle approach notification device further includes a first amplifier and a second amplifier that are connected in series to the first speaker and the second speaker, respectively, and amplifies the signal, and a filter that is connected in series to the first amplifier and modulates the signal. The first speaker outputs a sound different from a sound to be output from the second speaker. 1. A vehicle approach notification device comprising:a plurality of speakers;a sound source configured to output a signal corresponding to one sound for making a notification about approach of a vehicle;a plurality of amplifiers configured to be connected in series to the plurality of speakers, respectively, and amplify the signal; anda filter configured to be connected in series to at least one of the plurality of amplifiers and modulate the signal,wherein at least one of the plurality of speakers outputs a sound different from sounds to be output from other speakers of the plurality of speakers.2. The vehicle approach notification device according to claim 1 , wherein the filter is an amplitude modulator that modulates an amplitude of the signal.3. The vehicle approach notification device according to claim 1 , wherein the filter is a frequency modulator that modulates a frequency of the signal.4. The vehicle approach notification device according to claim 1 , wherein the filter is a phase modulator that modulates a phase of the signal.5. The vehicle approach notification device according to claim 1 , wherein the filter is a delay filter that delays output timing of the signal. The present disclosure relates to a vehicle approach ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010015A1
Автор: Pettey Brian T.

A trailer alignment system is provided. The system comprises a sensor disposed within a housing. The system also comprises a processor configured to determine a location of a vehicle on a trailer based on data received from the sensor and in response to the vehicle location determination, the processor generates a notification. The system further comprises a notification element configured to display the generated notification to a driver of the vehicle. 1. A trailer alignment system , the system comprising:a sensor disposed within a housing;a processor configured to determine a location of a vehicle on a trailer based on data received from the camera;in response to the vehicle location determination, the processor generates a notification; anda notification element configured to display the generated notification to a driver of the vehicle.2. The trailer alignment system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is a camera.3. The trailer alignment system of claim 1 , wherein the notification element comprises an array of LEDs.4. The trailer alignment system of claim 1 , wherein the notification element comprises an in-application notification on a mobile device.5. The trailer alignment system of claim 1 , wherein the notification element comprises a speaker generating an audible notification.6. The trailer alignment system of claim 1 , wherein the housing is structurally capable of supporting a vehicle weight.7. The trailer alignment system of claim 1 , wherein the data received from the camera comprises an image of a tire of the vehicle and the determination is based at least in part on the location of the tire in the image.8. The trailer alignment system of claim 1 , wherein there is more than one camera claim 1 , each within their own housing.9. A method for aligning a vehicle on a trailer claim 1 , the method comprising:detecting, with a camera, a vehicle;determining, with a processor, a location of the vehicle based on an image provided by the camera; andgenerating, ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010679A1

At least one embodiment of this disclosure includes a method for an autonomous vehicle (e.g., a fully autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicle) to communicate with external observers. The method includes: receiving a task at the autonomous vehicle; collecting data that characterizes a surrounding environment of the autonomous vehicle from a sensor coupled to the autonomous vehicle; determining an intended course of action for the autonomous vehicle to undertake based on the task and the collected data; and conveying a human understandable output via an output device, the human understandable output expressly or implicitly indicating the intended course of action to an external observer. 1. A method for an autonomous vehicle to communicate with external observers , comprising:collecting data that characterizes a surrounding environment of the autonomous vehicle from a sensor coupled to the autonomous vehicle;determining an intended course of action for the autonomous vehicle to undertake based on an assigned task and the collected data;identifying an external observer and a location of the external observer in the surrounding environment based on the collected data; andprojecting, via an audio or visual apparatus and at the location of the external observer, a human understandable output indicative of the intended course of action.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein identifying the external observer comprises identifying an external observer directing traffic.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein collecting data that characterizes the surrounding environment includes detecting a gesture associated with the external observer directing traffic.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein determining the intended course of action for the autonomous vehicle includes based on the gesture associated with the external observer claim 3 , determining the intended course of action for the autonomous vehicle.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein projecting the human understandable output includes ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

User interface for an electrically motorized vehicle

Номер: US20160011003A1
Принадлежит: Superpedestrian Inc

A system, method, and device for operations of an electrically motorized vehicle. The vehicle can utilize an electrically motorized wheel to convert a non-motorized wheeled vehicle to an electrically motorized wheeled vehicle. A user interface for controlling the device of the electrically motorized wheel includes at least one button displayable by the user interface to control a function associated with the device.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010242A1
Автор: KOLLMANN Michael
Принадлежит: OilQuick Deutschland GmbH

A quick-change device for automatically changing an attachment on a construction machine includes first receptacles disposed on one side of a support for receiving a first coupling element; second receptacles disposed on the other side of the support for receiving a second coupling element, with the second receptacles having at least one locking element which moves between a release position for coupling or uncoupling the attachment and a locked position for holding the attachment in place on the quick-change device; and a display device disposed on the support for monitoring the lock status. The display device includes an electrical lock status indicator and an electrical control unit which activates the lock status indicator in an extended locked position of the locking element and deactivates it in a retracted release position and an extended position of the locking element different from the locked position. 1. A quick-change device for automatically changing an attachment on a construction machine , the device comprising first receptacles disposed on one side of a support for receiving a first coupling element , second receptacles disposed on the other side of the support for receiving a second coupling element , with the second receptacles having at least one locking element which moves between a release position for coupling or uncoupling the attachment and a locked position for holding the attachment in place on the quick-change device , and a display device disposed on the support for monitoring a lock status , wherein the display device comprises an electrical lock status indicator and an electrical control unit which activates the lock status indicator in an extended locked position of the locking element and deactivates the lock status indicator in a retracted release position and an extended position of the locking element different from the locked position.2. The quick-change device of claim 1 , wherein the electrical control unit is implemented in the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010243A1
Автор: FUKUOKA Toshiki

A shovel includes a lower traveling body, an upper turning body turnably mounted on the lower traveling body, a cab mounted on the upper turning body, multiple image capturing devices mounted on the upper turning body, a display device provided in the cab, and an operation part provided in the cab. The display device includes an image display part configured to display a captured image captured by at least one of the image capturing devices and a menu screen. The image display part is configured to display the menu screen while displaying the captured image, in response to the operation part being operated. 1. A shovel comprising:a lower traveling body;an upper turning body turnably mounted on the lower traveling body;a cab mounted on the upper turning body;a plurality of image capturing devices mounted on the upper turning body;a display device provided in the cab; andan operation part provided in the cab,wherein the display device includes an image display part configured to display a captured image captured by at least one of the plurality of image capturing devices and a menu screen, andthe image display part is configured to display the menu screen while displaying the captured image, in response to the operation part being operated.2. The shovel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the image display part is configured to display the captured image without changing a size of the captured image before and after the operation part being operated.3. The shovel as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe captured image includes an overhead view image and a backward image, andthe image display part is configured to display the overhead view image or the backward image with a change in a size of the overhead view image or the backward image before and after the operation part being operated.4. The shovel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the image display part is configured to display the menu screen while displaying the captured image claim 1 , in response to the operation part ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle control device mounted on vehicle and method for controlling the vehicle

Номер: US20190011914A1

The present invention relates to a vehicle control device provided in a vehicle and a method of controlling the vehicle. A vehicle control device according to an embodiment of the present invention includes a sensing unit configured to sense a driver's state, and a processor configured to decide a first time required for a vehicle currently traveling in an autonomous driving mode to reach a point where the vehicle is to be switched to a manual driving mode, and decide a second time required for the driver to be ready to perform manual driving based on the driver's state, wherein the processor outputs notification information such that the second time is shortened when the second time is longer than the first time.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011916A1

Methods and apparatus are disclosed for vehicles changing lanes based on trailing vehicles. An example vehicle includes a vehicle speed sensor to measure a vehicle speed, a rearview camera to capture images when the vehicle speed is greater than a threshold, and a lane controller. The lane controller is to detect whether there is a trailing vehicle based on the images and determine, responsive to detecting the trailing vehicle, whether the trailing vehicle is providing a message to change lanes. The lane controller also is to send a lane-changing signal responsive to identifying the message. 1. A vehicle comprising:a vehicle speed sensor to measure a vehicle speed;a rearview camera to capture images when the vehicle speed is greater than a threshold; and detect whether there is a trailing vehicle based on the images;', 'determine, responsive to detecting the trailing vehicle, whether the trailing vehicle is providing a message to change lanes; and', 'send a lane-changing signal responsive to identifying the message., 'a lane controller to2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the lane-changing signal is an alert to a driver to change lanes.3. The vehicle of claim 2 , further including a display claim 2 , speakers claim 2 , and a steering wheel claim 2 , wherein the alert is at least one of a visual alert presented via the display claim 2 , an audio alert emitted via the speakers claim 2 , and a haptic alert provided via the steering wheel.4. The vehicle of claim 1 , further including an autonomy unit to perform an autonomous motive function claim 1 , wherein the lane-changing signal is an instruction for the autonomy unit to autonomously change lanes.5. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , to determine whether the trailing vehicle is providing the message claim 1 , the lane controller is to:create grayscale images based on the images captured by the rearview camera;set data of the grayscale images to a threshold;count a number of white pixels of the grayscale ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Security for an electrically motorized vehicle

Номер: US20160012652A1
Принадлежит: Superpedestrian Inc

A system, method, and device for operations of an electrically motorized vehicle. The vehicle can utilize an electrically motorized wheel to convert a non-motorized wheeled vehicle to an electrically motorized wheeled vehicle. One method of protecting an electrically motorized wheel includes unlocking at least one feature of the electrically motorized wheel in response to receiving an indicator that a mobile device of the user of the electrically motorized wheel is within a predetermined proximity.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Systems and methods for utilizing geographic positioning data for operation of an electrically motorized vehicle

Номер: US20160012723A1
Принадлежит: Superpedestrian Inc

A system, method, and device for operations of an electrically motorized vehicle. The vehicle can utilize an electrically motorized wheel to convert a non-motorized wheeled vehicle to an electrically motorized wheeled vehicle. One system includes a server in communication with the device of each of a plurality of electrically motorized wheels, the server operable to track a position of each of the electrically motorized wheels and communicate the position thereof to a transportation network.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180012496A1

A method for operating a control device of a motor vehicle driving by automation. The method includes determining a location of the motor vehicle, and acquiring driving-environment data of the motor vehicle, a control characteristic of the control device of the motor vehicle being formed in such a way that a driving behavior of at least one other road user is influenced in defined manner. 111-. (canceled)12. A method for operating a control device of a motor vehicle driving by automation , comprising:determining a location of the motor vehicle;acquiring driving-environment data of the motor vehicle; andforming a control characteristic of the control device of the motor vehicle in such a way that a driving behavior of at least one other road user is influenced in defined manner.13. The method as recited in claim 12 , wherein the driving behavior of the at least one other road user is influenced in a manner specific to a cultural area.14. The method as recited in claim 12 , wherein the driving behavior of the at least one other road user is influenced in a manner specific to a country.15. The method as recited in claim 12 , wherein a traffic situation is apprehended with the aid of traffic messages.16. The method as recited in claim 12 , wherein the motor vehicle is operated in fully automated or semi-automated fashion.17. The method as recited in claim 12 , wherein at least one of the following actions of the motor vehicle is initiated by the control device: (i) putting on the blinkers claim 12 , (ii) braking claim 12 , (iii) emitting of visual warning signals claim 12 , and (iv) emitting acoustic warning signals.18. A control device for a motor vehicle drivable by automation claim 12 , the control device designed to receive data concerning a driving environment and a location of the motor vehicle claim 12 , determine trajectories for the motor vehicle claim 12 , and influencing a driving behavior of at least one other road user in defined manner.19. The control ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012788A1

A method and system of estimating human perception of audibility of audio alerts in the presence of background noise. In the audibility estimation system, a microphone generates an input signal corresponding to an audio alert. A processor receives the input signal and generates an audibility metric representing human perception of audibility of the audio alert based on a comparison between a background noise estimate and an audio alert estimate, and causes an action to be taken based on the audibility metric. 1. A method of estimating human perception of the audibility of an audio alert in the presence of a background noise , the method comprising: obtaining an input signal from a microphone,', 'obtaining, from an audio alert generation system for generating the audio alert, a real-time stream including a reference signal corresponding to the audio alert as the audio alert is being generated by the audio alert generation system,', 'obtaining from the input signal, using the reference signal, a background noise estimate and audio alert estimate represented at the microphone,', 'generating an audibility metric representing human perception of audibility of the audio alert based on a comparison between the background noise estimate and the audio alert estimate; and, 'in an alert audibility estimation system,'}taking an action based on the audibility metric.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the comparison is a short-time cross correlation comparison.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the comparison is based on a signal-to-noise ratio of the audio alert estimate to the background noise estimate.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating the audibility metric is further based on a frequency-weighting that correlates with human perception of relative loudness.5. (canceled)6. The method of claim 1 , wherein obtaining the background noise estimate is based on adaptively filtering the audio alert from the input signal using the reference signal.7. The method of claim 1 , ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013225A1
Автор: MAENG Jichan, PARK Jongjin

A vehicle external information output method and an apparatus therefor are disclosed. The vehicle external information output method according to an embodiment of the present invention has the advantageous effect. A DSM camera acquires external information relating to a zone to which a user's gaze is directed. The external information is output to provide the user with a visual field having no blind spot. An autonomous vehicle according to the present invention can be associated with an artificial intelligence module, a drone (unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV), a robot, an augmented reality (AR) device, a virtual reality (VR) device, and a 5G service. 1. A vehicle external information output method comprising:sensing a gaze direction of a driver through a driver status monitoring (DSM) camera installed in a vehicle;acquiring an external image of a first zone among a plurality of present zones through a first device installed in the vehicle, when the gaze direction of the driver is directed to the first zone;sensing whether an obstacle is present in the external image of the first zone; andoutputting information relating to the obstacle to the first zone through a second device installed in the vehicle,wherein the plurality of preset zones include a plurality of elements configuring the vehicle that block the driver from seeing an outside of the vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of preset elements configuring the vehicle include at least one of a pillar claim 1 , a door claim 1 , a ceiling claim 1 , and a bonnet of the vehicle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second device comprises an external image display installed in at least any one of the plurality of preset zones of the vehicle.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second device comprises an indicator having a light emitting diode outputting a presence of the obstacle.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:outputting navigation information to the first zone.6. The method of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032839A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.

A vehicle information display apparatus includes: at least one processor configured to receive a vehicle state of a vehicle, and detect a forward object ahead of the vehicle; a flip-dot display installed in the vehicle and configured to implement a pixel by rotating a flip disk; and an illumination module installed around the flip-dot display, and configured to illuminate a surface of the flip-dot display. 1. A vehicle information display apparatus , comprising: receive a vehicle state of a vehicle; and', 'detect a forward object ahead of the vehicle;, 'at least one processor configured toa flip-dot display installed in the vehicle and configured to implement a pixel by rotating a flip disk; andan illumination module installed around the flip-dot display, and configured to illuminate a surface of the flip-dot display.2. The vehicle information display apparatus , wherein the at least one processor comprises:a vehicle state inputter configured to receive the vehicle state; anda font detector configured to detect the forward object ahead of the vehicle.3. The vehicle information display apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the at least one processor further comprises:an operation sound outputter; anda controller configured to receive the vehicle state from the vehicle state inputter, and output any one of recognition information, warning information, and cancellation information by operating either one or both of the flip-dot display and the operation sound outputter according to a detected distance at which the forward object is detected by the front detector.4. The vehicle information display apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the outputting of the any one of the recognition information claim 3 , the warning information claim 3 , and the cancellation information comprises outputting any one or any combination of any two or more of a symbol claim 3 , an icon claim 3 , an image claim 3 , and a character through the flip-dot display.5. The vehicle information display apparatus ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150016627A1

A control system is provided for a vehicle having an engine which transitions between an activated mode and a deactivated mode. The control system includes a vehicle bus transmitting a signal indicating a vehicle selected mode and if the engine is operating in one of the activated mode and the deactivated mode. The control system also includes an engine sound enhancement (“ESE”) module configured to receive the signal. The ESE module is configured to select at least one ESE tone and a set of ancillary tones associated with one or more of the deactivated mode, the activated mode, and an activation transition. The ESE module selects a specific type of ancillary tones based on the vehicle selected mode. 1. A control system for a vehicle , the vehicle having an engine that transitions between an activated mode and a deactivated mode , comprising:a vehicle bus transmitting a signal, the signal indicating a vehicle selected mode and if the engine is operating in one of the activated mode and the deactivated mode; andan engine sound enhancement (“ESE”) module configured to receive the signal, the ESE module configured to select at least one ESE tone and a set of ancillary tones if the engine is operating in the deactivated mode, wherein the ESE module selects a specific type of ancillary tones based on the vehicle selected mode.2. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the specific type of ancillary tones includes one or more of: a half order tone claim 1 , an even order tone claim 1 , and an odd order tone.3. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the ESE tone emulates a dominant order created by the engine in the activated mode claim 1 , and the ESE module is configured to augment the ESE tone based on the vehicle selected mode.4. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the ESE tone is configured to conceal a sound created by the engine during an activation transition claim 1 , wherein the activation transition represents the engine transitioning from the deactivated ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Sound Directing Framework

Номер: US20210014606A1

An acoustic wavefront shaping device for altering the propagation of emergency siren sounds is provided. The device includes an enclosed framework containing sound channels mounted before a siren horn. The sound channels are positioned to partition the spherical wavefronts emitted by the siren and transmit each subwavelength portion from the channel's entrance to exit into free space. The interior space of the sound channels contain acoustic meta-atoms that direct subwavelength acoustic energy on meandering paths, which extend the transmission duration. Channels higher up in the framework, and away from the center, have straighter paths that transmit acoustic energy more quickly than other channels. The subwavelength segments exit the channels at different times and reconfigure to form a wavefront that is squat and narrow, compared to spherical wavefronts. This wavefront expands into free space staying closer to the ground and closer to the center of the road than spherical wavefront expansion. The sound channels may be further configured with forced air currents to eliminate backscattering and eddies of acoustic energy flow, and the transmission duration of subwavelength segments may be modified using temperature modification. Flexible meta-atoms can change shape in response to changing sound frequency to maintain wavefront shaping. 1. A device for directing sound , comprising: a plurality of support frames; and', a sound entrance end and a sound exit end, the two ends sharing a common axis; and', 'at least one acoustic meta-atom, each having a predetermined shape and orientation, disposed between the ends;, 'at least one of the plurality of support frames configured with a plurality of sound channels, each sound channel comprising, "each one of the plurality of subwavelength segments' transverse dimensions conforming substantially in shape to a cross-sectional area of each corresponding one of the plurality of sound channels;", 'each one of the plurality of ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Ultrasonic wave output apparatus

Номер: US20200015004A1
Автор: Toshiaki Nakayama
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

An ultrasonic wave output apparatus includes at least one ultrasonic wave output unit and a vibration portion. The ultrasonic wave output unit is configured to output ultrasonic waves corresponding to an input signal from a sound wave output surface along a predetermined travel direction. The vibration portion has a vibration surface parallel to the sound wave output surface and set at a distance nλ from the sound wave output surface, where n is an integer of 0 or more and λ is the wavelength of the ultrasonic waves, and is a plate-like member that surrounds the periphery of the ultrasonic wave output unit in directions at right angles to the travel direction, and is configured to transmit vibration produced by the ultrasonic wave output unit to the vibration surface.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016509A1
Автор: Schleicher Roman

A method for warning a vehicle driver of a third party vehicle, in particular of a motor vehicle, of a collision, the vehicle driver of the driving third party vehicle being warned by the host vehicle of an imminent collision with a correspondingly front host vehicle, and the vehicle driver of the tailgating third party vehicle is signaled the imminent collision with the host vehicle by a driver assistance system of the host vehicle. Also described is a computer program product, an arithmetic unit, or a processing device, which may be a control device or a control unit for a vehicle, as well as to a driver assistance system for a vehicle, in particular a motor vehicle.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016511A1
Автор: MUELLER Felix

A method for generating an audio signal for a synthetic noise of a motor vehicle is provided. An audio signal for the synthetic noise of a motor vehicle is also provided. In one step of the method, a signal is provided that represents a noise. Moreover, a fundamental frequency is specified that represents an operating rotational speed of the motor of the vehicle. In another step of the method, several filters are applied to the noise signal. These filters each have a mid-frequency linked to the specified fundamental frequency via an order factor. At least several of the order factors are whole numbers, so that these filters filter the harmonic components of the fundamental frequency. The order factors and the amplitude curves of the filters are selected according to the sound characteristic of the motor vehicle noise that is to be synthesized. The noise signal weighted by the filters constitutes the audio signal for the synthetic noise of the motor vehicle as a function of the operating rotational speed of the motor of the vehicle.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015825A1
Автор: Nania Adrian

Systems and methods are disclosed for occupant alertness-based navigation. An example vehicle includes a camera and an occupant monitor. The example camera is affixed to a rear-view mirror of the vehicle to detect drowsiness events associated with a driver. The example occupant monitor is to, in response to detecting, with the camera, a first drowsiness event, provide feedback to a driver. Additionally, the example occupant monitor is to, in response to detecting a second drowsiness event after the first, select an accommodation in the geographic vicinity of the vehicle, and set a navigation system to navigate to the selected accommodation. 1. A vehicle comprising:a camera affixed to a rear-view mirror to detect drowsiness events; and in response to detecting, with the camera, a first drowsiness event, provide feedback to a driver; and', select an accommodation in a geographic vicinity of the vehicle; and', 'automatically set a navigation system to navigate to the selected accommodation., 'in response to detecting a second drowsiness event after the first], 'an occupant monitor to2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the occupant monitor is to claim 1 , in response to detecting the second drowsiness event after the first claim 1 , prompt the driver claim 1 , via an infotainment head unit claim 1 , to reserve a room at the selected accommodation.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the occupant monitor is to select the accommodation based on at least one of a distance between a location of the vehicle and a location of the accommodation claim 1 , preferences specified by the driver during a registration process claim 1 , availability of rooms at the accommodation claim 1 , or a price of the rooms at the accommodation.4. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the occupant monitor is to claim 1 , in response to detecting a third drowsiness event after the second claim 1 , automatically reserve a room at the selected accommodation.5. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the feedback ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle Interior Lighting Systems And Methods

Номер: US20180015826A1

Techniques pertaining to user notification via interior lighting for improved human-machine interface in vehicles are described. A method may involve a notification system of a vehicle receiving one or more signals each indicating a respective level of a plurality of levels of required user involvement required in operation of the vehicle. The method may also involve the notification system providing a visual notification with at least one aspect of the visual notification corresponding to the respective level of required user involvement indicated by each signal of the one or more signals. 1. A method , comprising:receiving, by a notification system of a vehicle, one or more signals each indicating a respective level of a plurality of levels of required user involvement in operation of the vehicle;providing, by the notification system, a visual notification with at least one aspect of the visual notification corresponding to the respective level of required user involvement indicated by each signal of the one or more signals; andproviding, by the notification system, an auditory notification with at least one aspect of the auditory notification corresponding to the respective level of required user involvement indicated by each signal of the one or more signals,wherein the providing of the auditory notification with at least one aspect of the auditory notification corresponding to the respective level of required user involvement indicated by each signal of the one or more signals comprises varying the at least one aspect of the auditory notification according to a change in the respective level of required user involvement.2. (canceled)3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the providing of the visual notification further comprises emitting additional light using at least one additional light source installed in or on a display panel claim 1 , a dashboard claim 1 , a center console claim 1 , a door panel claim 1 , a cup holder claim 1 , a door handle claim 1 , a ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016289A1
Автор: Collazo Gomez Angel

A connector component () for fastening an airbag module () to a steering wheel () includes a steering wheel-side part () and a module-side part () movable relative to each other and biased against each other so that the module-side part is spaced apart from the steering wheel-side part in an idle position and is movable into a hooting position in which the module-side part contacts the steering wheel-side part. The module-side part () and the steering wheel-side part () are interconnected and form a multifunctional component including a guiding device for guided movement of the module-side part from the idle position into the hooting position and electric contacts for an electric horn circuit that contact each other in the hooting position. The invention also relates to a connector component and a positioning sleeve, a steering wheel, an airbag module, a steering wheel assembly and a manufacturing method. 1. A connector component for fastening an airbag module to a steering wheel , the connector component comprising:a steering wheel-side part and a module-side part that are interconnected, movable relative to each other, and biased against each other such that the module-side part in an idle position is spaced apart from the steering wheel-side part in a hooting direction and such that the module-side part is movable against the bias into a hooting position in which the module-side part contacts the steering wheel-side part,wherein the module-side part and the steering wheel-side part form a multifunctional component including a guiding device for guided movement of the module-side part from the idle position into the hooting position and electric contacts for an electric horn circuit in which the electric contacts contact each other in the hooting position, andwherein the module-side part includes a profile lug for positioning the connector component relative to the airbag module, wherein the profile lug has a four-sided prism shape including a first two opposite ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017022A1

A signaling device (DS) equips an autonomously-dri-ving vehicle (VA) and comprising location means (ML) able to deter-mine its ongoing position, lighting means (MEI-ME) able to generate luminous signals and exterior warning means (MAE) able to generate sounds. This signaling device (DS) comprises processing means (MT) able, when the vehicle (VA) has to meet a person (PA) at a place (EC) having a known position, to trigger a predefined signaling of the vehi-cle (VA) by the lighting means (ME I-ME) and/or the exterior warning means (MAE), as soon as the difference between the ongoing position of the vehicle (VA) and the known position of the place is less than a threshold. 1. A signaling device for a self-driving vehicle , the self-driving vehicle comprising positioning means capable of determining a current position of the vehicle , lighting means capable of generating light signals and/or external alerting means capable of generating sounds , said signaling device including processing means which are capable , when said vehicle is to meet a person at a location having a known position , of triggering a preset signaling of said self-driving vehicle by said lighting means and/or said external alerting means as soon as a difference between said current position of the vehicle and said known position of the location is less than a threshold , wherein , in the presence of a vehicle also comprising communication means capable of communicating by radio waves with remote communication equipment , and means of acquisition capable of acquiring data representative of the environment located at least in front of said self-driving vehicle , said processing means is capable , when said vehicle is moving towards said location having a known position , of generating images representative of at least said environment from said acquired data , and of triggering the transmission of said generated images to communication equipment belonging to said person in order to display said ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016707A1

An apparatus includes a vehicle body panel, a mount surface associated with the vehicle body panel, and at least one exciter mounted to the mount surface. The mount surface has a first stiffness and the vehicle body panel has a second stiffness that is less than the first stiffness such that sound is effectively transmitted to a surrounding environment via the mount surface and sound transmission back to a vehicle interior is dampened via the vehicle body panel. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a vehicle body panel;a mount surface associated with the vehicle body panel; andat least one exciter mounted to the mount surface, and wherein the mount surface has a first stiffness and the vehicle body panel has a second stiffness that is less than the first stiffness such that sound is effectively transmitted to a surrounding environment via the mount surface and sound transmission back to a vehicle interior is dampened via the vehicle body panel.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the vehicle body panel comprises a fascia.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the fascia includes a bumper and at least one grill.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the bumper includes an opening claim 3 , and including a rigid insert plate that is received within the opening claim 3 , the rigid insert plate comprising the mount surface.5. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the at least one grill is positioned within the opening to provide the mount surface.6. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the fascia includes an upper reinforcement claim 3 , and wherein the at least one grill is mounted to the upper reinforcement to provide the mount surface.7. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the fascia includes a first portion having the first stiffness and a second portion that is integrally formed with the first portion and has the second stiffness claim 2 , and wherein the first portion provides the mount surface and is smaller than the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016781A1

A system for a vehicle for determining a capability of a person, such as an occupant of the vehicle. The system may include a sensor for monitoring the person. The system may include a processor coupled to the sensor. The processor may determine the capability of the person. The processor may communicate an indicator, from the system to a remote device, based on the capability of the person. The processor may operate the vehicle in an autonomous driving mode of operation. The processor may operate the vehicle in the autonomous driving mode of operation when the capability of the person is below a threshold value. 1. A system for a vehicle , the system comprising:a processor; anda memory including computer program code,wherein the memory and the computer program code are configured to, with the processor, cause the system to:determine a capability of a person; andcommunicate an indicator , from the system to a remote device, based on the capability of the person.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the capability includes a driving capability of the person.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the capability includes a health issue of the person.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system is configured to wirelessly communicate the indicator to the remote device.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the indicator includes travel information regarding the vehicle claim 1 , the travel information includes a speed of the vehicle claim 1 , a direction of the vehicle claim 1 , an acceleration of the vehicle claim 1 , a geographic location of the vehicle claim 1 , or a combination thereof.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the indicator includes an autonomous mode status of the vehicle.7. A system for a vehicle claim 1 , the system comprising:a sensor configured to monitor an occupant of the vehicle; and determine, based on the sensor, a condition of the occupant of the vehicle;', 'determine, based on the condition, a capability of the occupant; and', 'communicate an indicator, ...
