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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 14858. Отображено 200.
17-08-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2801891C2

Изобретение относится к системе, которая обеспечивает защиту транспортного средства от ударов при парковке транспортного средства. Система обеспечения противоударной защиты для припаркованного транспортного средства содержит центральный компьютер, монитор состояния, датчик управления, датчик расстояния, датчик близости, определитель скорости и ускорения, анализатор пороговых параметров, переключатели светового сигнала и звукового сигнала, монитор аккумуляторной батареи и переключатель процесса, а также датчики, расположенные на передней и задней частях транспортного средства. Система выполнена с возможностью активации световых сигналов и звуковых сигналов только при достаточном заряде батареи, при условии определения, что двигатель выключен, а датчиками определен объект в зоне чувствительности, и определено, что этот объект является транспортным средством, а фактор риска ФР превышает установленное значение данных, интегрированных в указанную систему. Достигается повышение противоударной ...

06-02-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2789646C2

Изобретение относится компьютерному устройству формирования корректирующего энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства. Компьютерное устройство содержит процессор и память. Память содержит код программы. Код программы побуждает процессор выполнять действия способа формирования корректирующего энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства. Формирование корректирующего энергоэффективного трека осуществляется на основании основного энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства. При этом формирование корректирующего энергоэффективного трека включает по меньшей мере: этап определения текущего положения эксплуатируемого транспортного средства, этап определения корректирующего участка пути, этап сбора корректирующих первичных данных, этап формирования корректирующего энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства. Достигается снижение расхода энергии транспортным средством на конкретном участке пути. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил ...

13-09-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2803428C2

Группа изобретений относится к способу и устройству управления движением для управления движением транспортного средства с использованием процессора. Способ содержит: автономное управление транспортным средством, выполнение первого и второго автономных управлений. Автономное управление транспортным средством происходит посредством управления скоростью и рулевым управлением. Первое автономное управление происходит с использованием информации, распознанной из изображения, захваченного камерой, установленной на транспортном средстве. Второе автономное управление происходит с использованием картографической информации, хранящейся на носителе данных в транспортном средстве. Первое автономное управление выполняется, когда внешняя ситуация транспортного средства распознается из захваченного изображения. Когда на маршруте движения транспортного средства присутствует нераспознаваемая область, осуществляется переключение с первого автономного управления на второе автономное управление. Достигается ...

11-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2713958C2

Предусмотрен способ, который содержит: получение информации распознавания относительно припаркованных транспортных средств; задание группы виртуальных парковочных рамок, в которой группа парковочных рамок виртуализирована, причем группа парковочных рамок содержит множество парковочных рамок; выравнивание группы виртуальных парковочных рамок относительно распознанных припаркованных транспортных средств; и определение выровненной группы виртуальных парковочных рамок в качестве группы парковочных рамок, содержащей множество парковочных рамок. Группа виртуальных парковочных рамок содержит множество виртуальных парковочных рамок, которые имеют идентичный размер и размещаются рядом или параллельно вдоль предварительно определенной прямой линии. 4 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2561486C2
Принадлежит: РЕНО С.А.С. (FR)

Изобретение относится к области контроля температуры механических агрегатов транспортного средства, приводимого в движение двигателем внутреннего сгорания. Для определения оценочного значения температуры воздуха снаружи транспортного средства (1), работающего от двигателя (5) внутреннего сгорания, оцениваемой температуре присваивают первоначальное оценочное значение, затем измеряют температуру воздуха, поступающего в двигатель (5), и оценивают скорость транспортного средства. Выполняют математическую фильтрацию измеренной температуры воздуха, поступающего в двигатель (5), при этом фильтрация задает оценочной температуре максимальный градиент, принимающий в течение времени, по меньшей мере, два разных положительных значения, при этом одно или другое из этих значений максимального положительного градиента выбирают в зависимости от моментальной скорости транспортного средства. Достигается точность и надежность оценки значений температуры для избегания риска перегрева агрегата. 3 н. и 8 з.п ...

02-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2683899C2

Группа изобретений относится к устройству и способу обработки информации. Устройство, осуществляющее способ обработки информации, включает в себя блок хранения, выполненный с возможностью хранения местоположения секции запрета автономного вождения на карте в связи с условием освобождения, установленным на основании состояния движения транспортного средства. Блок управления, выполненный с возможностью получения состояния движения транспортного средства, включающего в себя местоположение транспортного средства на карте от транспортного средства посредством связи. Причем блок управления выполнен с возможностью определения, освобождать ли секцию запрета автономного вождения на основании полученного состояния движения транспортного средства, местоположения секции запрета автономного вождения и условия освобождения секции запрета автономного вождения. Обеспечивается освобождение секции запрета автономного вождения, когда причины установления секций запрета автономного вождения устранены. 2 н.

27-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2488729C2

Группа изобретений относится к способу и системе управления силовой передачей транспортного средства. Система содержит автоматическое главное сцепление, ступенчатую коробку передач, блок управления главным сцеплением и ступенчатой коробкой передач. Блок управления запрограммирован на генерацию управляющего сигнала, отображающего выбор желаемой передачи. Блок управления содержит два различных набора алгоритмов управления выбором передач. Алгоритмы управления включают первый алгоритм управления для использования в нормальном режиме и второй алгоритм управления для использования в режиме езды по мягкой поверхности. Способ заключается в том, что определяют состояние дороги посредством фиксации преобладающего сопротивления движению и пробуксовки колес. Если состояние дороги соответствует нормальным дорожным условиям, применяют первый алгоритм управления. Если состояние дороги соответствует дорожным условиям езды по мягкой поверхности, применяют второй алгоритм управления выбором передач. Транспортное ...

21-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2774512C1

Группа изобретений относится к системе и способу оптимизации работы самосвала с помощью цифрового советчика водителя. Система содержит: сервер и бортовую вычислительную систему (БВС) самосвала. БВС содержит: систему контроля телеметрии, датчик мгновенного расхода топлива самосвала, цифровой советчик. Сервер осуществляет построение цифровой карты маршрута движения самосвала с разбиением на элементарные участки, определение оптимальных профилей прохождения маршрута самосвала с помощью методов машинного обучения на основании данных телеметрии и датчика мгновенного расхода топлива самосвала для каждого элементарного участка маршрута с учетом факторов, влияющих на удельный расход топлива. Создают виртуальную карту выдачи рекомендаций по элементарным участкам маршрута движения самосвала и построенной цифровой карты маршрута. Загружают в БВС цифровую карту маршрута движения самосвала и виртуальную карту выдачи рекомендаций по элементарным участкам маршрута. С помощью цифрового советчика выдают ...

11-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2777857C1

Изобретение относится к компьютерному устройству формирования модифицированного энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства. Компьютерное устройство содержит: процессор и память. Память содержит код программы, который побуждает процессор выполнять действия способа формирования модифицированного энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства. Способ заключается в выполнении этапов: этапа получения немодифицированного энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства; этапа определения участка пути, ассоциированного с немодифицированным энергоэффективным треком эксплуатируемого транспортного средства; этапа определения первой расчетной энергоэффективности эксплуатируемого транспортного средства; этапа изменения немодифицированного энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства для получения модифицированного энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства. Изменение немодифицированного энергоэффективного ...

16-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2766896C1
Принадлежит: Осаюхинг Омникомм (EE)

Изобретение относится к системе формирования энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства при движении транспортного средства по участку пути, включающему точку обязательной децелерации. Система содержит: сервер и эксплуатируемое транспортное средство. Сервер содержит процессор сервера и память. Память содержит код программы, который при выполнении процессором сервера побуждает процессор сервера выполнять действия способа формирования энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства при движении транспортного средства по участку пути, включающему точку обязательной децелерации. Данные о точке обязательной децелерации включают комбинацию из данных о точке обязательной децелерации на участке пути, к которому прилегает или с которым пересекается другой участок пути, данных о точке обязательной децелерации на участке пути, содержащем элемент инфраструктуры участка пути, регулирующий движение транспортных средств на участке пути, данных о точке обязательной ...

15-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2766649C1
Принадлежит: Осаюхинг Омникомм (EE)

Изобретение относится к системе формирования корректирующего энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства. Система содержит сервер. Сервер содержит процессор сервера и память. Память содержит код программы, выполняемый процессором сервера. Достигается формирование точного и безопасного энергоэффективного трека транспортного средства, позволяющего снизить расход энергии транспортным средством при его движении на участке пути совместно с другими транспортными средствами. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

20-05-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018125582A3

21-01-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018124452A3

17-09-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017108629A3

28-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017117693A3

21-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018106021A3

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017129568A3

21-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2782167C1

Изобретение относится к способу формирования корректирующего энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства. Технический результат заключается в формировании точного и безопасного энергоэффективного трека транспортного средства, позволяющего снизить расход энергии транспортным средством при его движении на участке пути совместно с другими транспортными средствами. Способ заключается в этапе получения первого энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства; этапе определения второго транспортного средства, находящегося на участке пути, по которому движется эксплуатируемое транспортное средство; этапе формирования корректирующего энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства, основанного на скорректированном скоростном профиле эксплуатируемого транспортного средства, скорректированной оценке энергоэффективности эксплуатируемого транспортного средства, скорректированной траектории движения эксплуатируемого транспортного средства на участке ...

27-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2523861C1

Группа изобретений относится к вариантам выполнения устройства выбора режима парковки и способу выбора режима парковки. Устройство по первому варианту содержит блок регистрации угла поворота, блок регистрации операции, в которой рулевое колесо возвращается в нейтральное положение после поворота вправо или влево, блок выбора режима парковки. Устройство по второму варианту содержит средство регистрации угла поворота, средство регистрации операции, в которой рулевое колесо возвращается в нейтральное положение после того, как поворачивалось вправо или влево, и средство выбора режима парковки. Способ заключается в том, что регистрируют угол поворота рулевого колеса, регистрируют операцию, в которой рулевое колесо возвращается в нейтральное положение после поворота вправо или влево, выбирают один режим парковки по правую сторону транспортного средства или левую сторону транспортного средства из множества режимов парковки. Технический результат заключается в упрощении установки целевого положения ...

14-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2747827C1

Изобретение относится к системе и устройству управления транспортным средством для автономного транспортного средства. Система управления транспортным средством для автономного транспортного средства содержит первое устройство управления, множество первых датчиков, выполненных с возможностью получения информации о движении транспортного средства и информации об окружающей обстановке транспортного средства, и второе устройство управления. Первое устройство управления выполнено с возможностью формирования первого плана вождения, включающего в себя желательные поперечные позиции на полосе движения или желательные диапазоны поперечных позиций на полосе движения, которые расположены друг за другом в направлении движения транспортного средства. Второе устройство управления выполнено с возможностью обмена данными с первым устройством управления, формирования, на основе первого плана вождения, полученного от первого устройства управления, и информации, полученной посредством первых датчиков, второго ...

22-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2741130C1

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству содействия движению. Способ содействия движению включает в себя этапы, на которых обнаруживают окружение транспортного средства, генерируют первый путь движения на основе окружения и выполняют управление содействием движению транспортного средства на основе первого пути движения, генерируют второй путь движения на основе информации карты вблизи окрестности транспортного средства, определяют, что первый путь движения и второй путь движения имеют сходство, и переключают путь движения, по которому транспортному средству предписывается следовать посредством управления содействием движению, с первого пути движения на второй путь движения, когда первый путь движения и второй путь движения определены как имеющие сходство. Первый и второй пути движения имеют сходство, когда расхождение между ними меньше предварительно определенного порогового значения в точке, имеющей расстояние от транспортного средства, большее или равное расстоянию точки наблюдения ...

22-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2724213C1

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам. В способе генерирования целевой скорости транспортного средства с содействием вождению, генерируют целевую скорость транспортного средства в соответствии с препятствиями, препятствующими движению транспортного средства. При этом генерируют целевой маршрут движения транспортного средства. Получают информацию о местоположении, относящуюся к препятствиям, по отношению к целевому маршруту движения. Вычисляют боковые отклонения до препятствий относительно целевого маршрута движения. Рассчитывают более короткое виртуальное расстояние для препятствия, имеющего меньшее боковое отклонение, чем для препятствия, имеющего большее боковое отклонение. Выбирают препятствие, для которого виртуальное расстояние является наименьшим. Рассчитывают кратчайшее виртуальное расстояние и генерируют целевую скорость транспортного средства на основе кратчайшего виртуального расстояния. Повышается комфорт для пассажира. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

05-10-2020 дата публикации

Система управления энергоустановкой беспилотного гибридного автомобиля

Номер: RU2733599C1

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам. Система управления энергоустановкой беспилотного гибридного автомобиля содержит блок управления автомобилем, включающий блок пилотирования, для управления тяговым электроприводом, рабочей и стояночной тормозной системами, рулевым механизмом автомобиля. Также имеется блок диагностики, детектирующий и предотвращающий аварийные режимы работы компонентов, и блок управления энергоустановкой, предназначенный для определения при помощи методов оптимального управления алгоритмов предиктивного управления бортовым зарядным устройством и тяговым электроприводом. Имеются режимы: определения и прокладывания оптимального с точки зрения увеличения запаса хода и ресурса компонентов энергоустановки и тормозной системы автомобиля маршрута, а также расчета цикла движения; расчета энергопрофиля маршрута; определения при помощи методов оптимального управления графика оптимальной мощности бортового зарядного устройства. Повышается запас хода. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

19-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2721437C1

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству помощи при парковке. Способ помощи при парковке в целевом положении парковки и выполнении автономной парковки с использованием сохраненной окружающей обстановки содержит этап, на котором обнаруживают окружающую обстановку; этап, на котором указывают обнаруженную окружающую обстановку; этап, на котором принимают определение того, является ли указываемая окружающая обстановка подходящей, вводимое пользователем; этап, на котором сохраняют окружающую обстановку, когда определение пригодности вводится пользователем, и этап, на котором выполняют автоматическую парковку. Автоматическую парковку выполняют с использованием окружающей обстановки, сохраненной ранее, при прибытии в упомянутую окружающую обстановку после распознавания окружающей обстановки. Достигается повышение безопасности автоматической парковки транспортного средства. 2 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729330C1

Изобретение относится к способу помощи при парковке транспортного средства. Способ помощи при парковке для устройства помощи при парковке, которое осуществляет поиск пустого парковочного места, которое удовлетворяет заданному условию, вокруг подвижного объекта и отображает первое вспомогательное изображение в положении пустого парковочного места на окружающем изображении. Первое вспомогательное изображение является видом сверху области, включающей в себя подвижный объект, причем первое вспомогательное изображение указывает пустое парковочное место. Способ помощи при парковке включает в себя этапы, на которых определяют, поворачивает ли подвижный объект, и в случае, когда определено, что подвижный объект поворачивает, запрещают отображение первого вспомогательного изображения. Достигается повышение безопасности парковки транспортного средства. 3 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

06-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2735720C1

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству оценки транспортного средства и способу и устройству корректировки маршрута движения. Способ определения транспортного средства содержит этапы, на которых вычисляют маршрут движения транспортного средства-носителя, обнаруживают другое транспортное средство, находящееся в перпендикулярном направлении по отношению к касательному направлению маршрута движения, задают маршрут движения в качестве первой оси с текущим положением транспортного средства-носителя в качестве точки начала отсчета, задают область определения транспортного средства в перпендикулярном направлении по отношению к касательному направлению маршрута движения относительно первой оси и, когда положение обнаруженного другого транспортного средства попадает в область определения транспортного средства, определяют, что другое транспортное средство присутствует сбоку по отношению к транспортному средству-носителю. Достигается повышение безопасности управления транспортным средством.

24-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2675760C1

Группа изобретений относится к устройству отображения транспортного средства. Устройство отображения содержит дисплей, детектор движущихся впереди транспортных средств, процессор отображения и модуль определения. Дисплей выполнен с возможностью отображать изображение в области отображения. Детектор движущихся впереди транспортных средств выполнен с возможностью обнаруживать позицию движущегося впереди транспортного средства. Процессор отображения выполнен с возможностью инструктировать дисплею отображать изображение маркера, соответствующее позиции движущегося впереди транспортного средства. Модуль определения выполнен с возможностью определять то, расположено движущееся впереди транспортное средство на внутренней стороне боковых краев области отображения по ширине транспортного средства или на внешних сторонах боковых краев в направлении ширины транспортного средства. Достигается обеспечение возможности водителю легко распознавать то, что управление следованием за движущимся впереди транспортным ...

28-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2733015C1

Изобретение относится к оперативному управлению автономным транспортным средством. Способ оперативного управления автономным транспортным средством при перемещении по сети движения транспортных средств содержит этап, на котором осуществляют перемещение посредством автономного транспортного средства по сети движения транспортных средств. Перемещение по сети движения транспортных средств включает в себя этапы, на которых осуществляют работу экземпляра модуля оценки оперативного управления для конкретного сценария, причем экземпляр модуля оценки оперативного управления для конкретного сценария представляет собой экземпляр модуля оценки оперативного управления для конкретного сценария, созданный для отдельного оперативного сценария транспортного средства, принимают возможное действие по управлению транспортным средством от экземпляра модуля оценки оперативного управления для конкретного сценария и осуществляют перемещение по участку сети движения транспортных средств на основе возможного действия ...

07-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2725920C1

Изобретение относится к способу перемещения по сети движения транспортных средств. Способ для использования при перемещении по сети движения транспортных средств содержит этап, на котором осуществляют перемещение посредством автономного транспортного средства по сети движения транспортных средств. Автономное транспортное средство содержит контроллер оперативного управления, принимающий от датчика автономного транспортного средства информацию, соответствующую внешнему объекту в пределах заданного расстояния от автономного транспортного средства, определяющий отдельный оперативный сценарий транспортного средства в ответ на прием информации, создающий экземпляр модуля оценки оперативного управления для конкретного сценария, принимающий возможное действие по управлению транспортным средством от экземпляра модуля оценки оперативного управления для конкретного сценария и управляющий автономным транспортным средством для перемещения по участку сети движения транспортных средств на основе возможного ...

15-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2711245C1

Изобретение относится к системам помощи при парковке. Способ оценки собственного положения для устройства помощи при парковке, которое сохраняет окружающую обстановку в целевом положении парковки в устройстве хранения данных и выполняет автоматическую парковку с использованием сохраненной окружающей обстановки при парковке в целевом положении парковки. Способ содержит этап, на котором представляют сохраненную окружающую обстановку, этап, на котором принимают операцию задания относительного взаимного расположения между сохраненной окружающей обстановкой и транспортным средством-носителем и целью, присутствующей около транспортного средства-носителя, и этап, на котором задают положение транспортного средства-носителя или положение цели в сохраненной окружающей обстановке на основании упомянутой операции. Достигается повышение безопасности управления транспортным средством. 4 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 22 ил.

27-10-2003 дата публикации

Способ оптимизации потреблени энергии в зависимости от режима движени автомобил /поезда с использованием кинетической энергии

Номер: RU2002105481A

... 1. Способ оптимизации энергии для автомобиля/поезда при условии использования резервов времени, которые включены в расписание движения при его составлении, в котором для достижения режима движения с экономией энергии с помощью алгоритма оптимизации, кинетическая энергия транспортного средства и время используются как переменные состояния в модели транспортного средства, и рассматриваются изменения в переменных состояних по отношению к расстоянию, при этом за основу берется следующая модель дифференциального уравнения: где Ekin - кинетическая энергия транспортного средства; ekin - удельная кинетическая энергия автомобиля/поезда, нормализованная к массе транспортного средства; е0 - исходное значение еkin; А - тяговое усилие (ускорение и торможение), прилагаемое системой привода, сопротивление дороги и постоянные компоненты сопротивления движению; В - часть сопротивления движению, зависящая от скорости (коэффициент передаточного механизма для мешающих движений); С - часть сопротивления движению ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112020000110T5
Принадлежит: MOTIONAL AD LLC, Motional AD LLC

Offenbart sind Methoden zur Nutzung von in Fahrzeugen erfassten Fahrgastaufmerksamkeitsdaten für Lokalisierungs- und standortbezogene Dienste für Fahrzeuge. In einer Ausführungsform umfasst ein Verfahren Empfangen von Sensordaten von einem oder mehreren Sensoren eines in einer Umgebung betriebenen autonomen Fahrzeugs und Erzeugen von Fahrgastaufmerksamkeitsdaten für einen Fahrgast des autonomen Fahrzeugs mittels der Sensordaten. Eine Verarbeitungsschaltung bestimmt ein oder mehrere physische Merkmale in der Umgebung auf Grundlage der Fahrgastaufmerksamkeitsdaten. Die Verarbeitungsschaltung bezieht dem oder den physischen Merkmalen zugehörige Daten physischer Merkmale und leitet zumindest teilweise auf Grundlage der Daten physischer Merkmale eine oder mehrere Aktionen am AV ein. Die Aktionen umfassen, ohne jedoch hierauf eingeschränkt zu sein, Anfordern von Inhalten für physische Merkmale und Unterstützung bei der Lokalisierung des autonomen Fahrzeugs.

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019215399A1

Es werden ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zum Analysieren einer Fahrtendenz und ein System zum Steuern eines Fahrzeugs offenbart. Die Vorrichtung weist auf: einen Bildsensor, der in einem Fahrzeug so angeordnet ist, dass er ein Sichtfeld außerhalb des Fahrzeugs aufweist, wobei der Bildsensor dafür ausgelegt ist, Bilddaten zu erfassen; und eine Steuerung, die mindestens einen Prozessor aufweist, der dafür ausgelegt ist, die vom Bildsensor erfassten Bilddaten zu verarbeiten, wobei die Steuerung für Folgendes ausgelegt ist: Erkennen mehrerer Objekte, die sich im Sichtfeld befinden, zumindest zum Teil als Reaktion auf die Verarbeitung der Bilddaten; Bestimmen, ob ein Ereignis generiert wird, auf Basis eines Ergebnisses der Verarbeitung der Bilddaten und/oder vorab gespeicherter Fahrinformationen des Fahrzeugs; Analysieren einer Fahrtendenz eines Fahrers auf Basis der Fahrinformationen und des Ergebnisses der Verarbeitung der Bilddaten, wenn bestimmt wird, dass das Ereignis generiert wird ...

11-11-2021 дата публикации

Führen eines Kraftfahrzeugs in der Umgebung einer Lichtsignalanlage

Номер: DE102020112615A1

Gemäß einem Verfahren zum wenigstens teilweise automatischen Führen eines Kraftfahrzeugs (1) wird eine erste Gelblichtphase einer Lichtsignalanlage (2) identifiziert und eine manuelle Aktion zur Längsregelung des Kraftfahrzeugs (1) erfasst und gespeichert. Eine zweite Gelblichtphase der Lichtsignalanlage (2) wird identifiziert, und während der zweiten Gelblichtphase wird eine automatische Aktion zur Längsregelung des Kraftfahrzeugs (1) abhängig von der gespeicherten manuellen Aktion durchgeführt.

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020111938A1

Techniken zum Generieren einer Fahrtrajektorie für ein Fahrzeug, während das Fahrzeug durch ein Objekt (z. B. ein anderes Fahrzeug, ein Fahrrad oder einen Fußgänger) blockiert wird (z. B. haben die Sensoren des Fahrzeugs ein Objekt detektiert, durch das das Fahrzeug nicht mehr in der Lage ist, sich zu bewegen), und Ausführen der Fahrtrajektorie, sobald das Fahrzeug nicht mehr blockiert wird, sind bereitgestellt. Zudem sind Techniken zum Aktualisieren eines Teils einer Fahrtrajektorie eines Fahrzeugs basierend auf einer Bestimmung, dass ein Objekt ein Segment der aktuellen Fahrtrajektorie zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt überqueren wird, ohne Neuberechnen der gesamten Trajektorie bereitgestellt.

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102008022199B4

Parkunterstützungssystem, das in einem Fahrzeug installiert ist, wobei das Parkunterstützungssystem umfasst: ein Schätzungsmittel der eigenen Fahrzeugposition (1), das eine Position und eine Bewegungsrichtung des systemeigenen Fahrzeugs schätzt; ein Abstandserfassungsmittel (2), das ein Hindernis um das systemeigene Fahrzeug herum erfasst; ein Hindernisschätzungsmittel (3), das eine Position und eine Eckenform eines Hindernisses mit Bezug auf die Position des systemeigenen Fahrzeugs auf der Basis der Ausgaben des Schätzungsmittels der eigenen Fahrzeugposition und des Abstandserfassungsmittels schätzt; ein Zielraumschätzungsmittel (4), das eine Position eines Zielparkraums auf der Basis der Ausgabe des Hindernisschätzungsmittels schätzt; ein Mittel geführter Unterstützung (6), das das Zielparkraum-Schätzungsergebnis unterweist, oder einen Eintritt in den Zielparkraum unterstützt, gekennzeichnet durch ein Parkraumerfassungs-Positionsidentifikationsmittel (7), das eine Parkraumerfassungsstartposition ...

21-08-2008 дата публикации

Motor vehicle parking method, involves partially controlling longitudinal movement of vehicle based on driving parameters, and influencing controlled speed of vehicle by intensity or amplitude of activation of control element

Номер: DE102007002264A1

The method involves determining a parking trajectory (12) by driving parameters. A longitudinal movement of a motor vehicle (6) is partially controlled by a longitudinal movement controlling system based on the parameters. A controlled speed of the vehicle is influenced by intensity or amplitude of activation of a control element for each time point. An automatic speed-up of the vehicle is caused by the activation of the control element during standstill of the vehicle. An independent claim is also included for a longitudinal movement controller comprising a detection device.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren und Systeme zur Reduzierung von Getriebeschaltvorgängen

Номер: DE102016113179A1

Es werden Systeme und Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Getriebes eines Hybridantriebsstrangs beschrieben, der einen Elektromotor/Generator enthält. Die Systeme und Verfahren können einen Getriebeschaltvorgang als Reaktion auf Objekte oder Bedingungen auf einem Fahrweg eines Fahrzeugs zulassen oder verhindern. Ein Getriebeschaltvorgang wird nicht zugelassen, wenn Bedingungen die Möglichkeit von übermäßigen Getriebeschaltvorgängen angeben.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017116321A1

Verfahren, Systeme und Fahrzeuge werden bereitgestellt, um turbulente Luft für Fahrzeuge abzuschwächen. Gemäß einer Ausführungsform enthält ein Fahrzeug zusätzlich eines oder mehrere Anpressdruck-Elemente, einen oder mehrere Sensor(en) und einen Prozessor. Der eine oder die mehreren Sensor(en) sind so konfiguriert, um einen oder mehrere Parameterwert(e) für das Fahrzeug während des Fahrzeugbetriebs zu erhalten. Der Prozessor ist an einen oder mehrere Sensor(en) gekoppelt und so konfiguriert, um zumindest unter Verwendung der Parameter zu bestimmen, ob turbulente Luft für das Fahrzeug wahrscheinlich ist, sowie für das Einstellen eines Anpressdrucks für das Fahrzeug während des Fahrzeugbetriebs mit Anweisungen zur Steuerung eines oder mehrerer Elemente für den Anpressdruck, wenn bestimmt wird, dass turbulente Luft für das Fahrzeug wahrscheinlich ist.

31-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018109707A1

Es wird eine Motorkühlmitteltemperatur zu einer erwarteten Zeit des Anschaltens eines Fahrzeugs vorhergesagt. Beim Bestimmen, dass die vorhergesagte Motorkühlmitteltemperatur um einen Temperaturschwellenwert höher als eine Umgebungslufttemperatur ist, wird eine Fahrzeugkomponente zu einer auf Grundlage der erwarteten Zeit des Anschaltens bestimmten Zeit betätigt.

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren, Vorrichtung, mobiles Anwendergerät und Computerprogramm zum Bereitstellen einer Information zur Nutzung in einem Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102018209752A1

Verfahren zum Bereitstellen einer Information zur Nutzung in einem Fahrzeug, umfassend:- Ermitteln eines ersten Maßnahmenparameters einer ersten Maßnahme, die in einem ersten Fahrzeug im Zusammenhang mit zumindest einer ersten Fahrsituation ausgeführt worden ist, und- Ermitteln eines ersten Datenmusters in Fahrzeugdaten, die einem Zeitintervall vor und/oder während der Durchführung der ersten Maßnahme entsprechen, und- Ermitteln eines mathematischen Zusammenhangs zwischen einer auf dem ersten Maßnahmenparameter basierenden Information und dem ersten Datenmuster in den Fahrzeugdaten, und- Bereitstellen von einer auf dem mathematischen Zusammenhang basierenden Information zur Nutzung, insbesondere für zumindest eine zweite Maßnahme, in einem zweiten Fahrzeug.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018219564A1
Автор: JI SUNGMIN, Ji, Sungmin

Ein Fahrzeug und ein Verfahren zum Steuern desselben sind vorgesehen, um eine Steuerungsstartzeit eines (ADAS) eines Fahrzeugs vorzuverlegen. Das Fahrzeug umfasst eine Bilderfassungsvorrichtung, die ein Objekt unter Verwendung eines Bildes des in einem Randbereich eines Fahrzeugs befindlichen Objekts erfasst, und einen Erfassungssensor, der Positionsinformation und des Objekts und Geschwindigkeitsinformationen des Objekts erlangt. Eine Eingabe empfängt einen Befehl zum Starten des ADAS und eine Steuerung startet das ADAS, wenn eine Fahrumgebung und ein Fahrzustand des Fahrzeugs eine vordefinierte Bedingung erfüllen. Eine Warnungsstartzeit des ADAS wird eine vorgegebene Zeitdauer nach einem Starten des Betriebs des ADAS vorverlegt und ein Betriebsfreigabe-Referenzwert zum Freigeben des Betriebs des ADAS wird derart eingestellt, dass er größer als ein vorgegebener Wert ist.

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Vermessung eines Fahrzeuges

Номер: DE102019000547A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Vermessung eines Fahrzeugs (3) und zur Übermittlung von Abmessungen des Fahrzeugs (3). Erfindungsgemäß wird das Fahrzeug (3) mit zumindest einem weiteren Fahrzeug (2) datentechnisch gekoppelt, wobei das Fahrzeug (3) mittels des weiteren Fahrzeugs (2) anhand einer Sensorik (4.1) erfasst wird, Abmessungen des erfassten Fahrzeugs (3) mittels des weiteren Fahrzeugs (2) ermittelt werden und die von dem weiteren Fahrzeug (2) ermittelten Abmessungen an das vermessene Fahrzeug (3) übermittelt werden.

20-08-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Fahrzeuges

Номер: DE102019008214A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Fahrzeuges (1), wobei ein auf das Fahrzeug (1) wirkender Seitenwind (S) erfasst wird. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass- anhand fortlaufend erfasster Signale zumindest eines Wanksensors eine Wankbewegung des Fahrzeuges (1) ermittelt wird,- fortlaufend eine vorgegebene Fahrtroute und ein Fahrschlauch des Fahrzeuges (1) anhand erfasster Signale einer satellitengestützten Positionsbestimmungseinheit mit einem Sollwert verglichen werden,- fortlaufend anhand erfasster Bilddaten einer fahrzeugseitigen Kamera eine Fahrspur (F1) des Fahrzeuges (1) anhand die Fahrspur (F1) begrenzender Fahrspurmarkierungen (M) ermittelt wird und mit einem Fahrschlauch des Fahrzeuges (1) verglichen wird,- fortlaufend ein Gierwinkel des Fahrzeuges (1) ermittelt wird,- in einer Steuereinheit Sollwerte einer Normalfahrt des Fahrzeuges (1) hinterlegt sind und mit ermittelten Daten als Eingangswerte verglichen werden und- im Fall, dass die ermittelten Wankbewegungen ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Übertragen eines Umgebungsmodells

Номер: DE102014202313A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Übertragen eines Umgebungsmodells (1) wobei eine erste Station (2) das Umgebungsmodell (1) von einer zweiten Station (3) anfordert, das Umgebungsmodell (1) aus Kacheln (4) gebildet ist und eine Umgebung (5) der ersten Station (2) und/oder der zweiten Station (3) beschreibt, und eine Auflösung der Kacheln (4) von der ersten Station (2) gewählt wird.

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Steuern eines Fahrens eines Fahrzeugs

Номер: DE102019116380A1

Ein Fahrzeugfahrsteuerverfahren kann aufweisen: Erlangen (S401), durch eine Sensoreinheit, zumindest einer von einer ersten Fahrzustandinformation eines autonomen Fahrzeugs oder einer zweiten Fahrzustandinformation von zumindest einem benachbarten Fahrzeug, welches in einer Fahrspur, in welcher das autonome Fahrzeug fährt, oder in einer Spur fährt, die zur Fahrspur benachbart ist, Ermitteln (S409), durch einen Ermittlungsprozessor, eines Kandidaten eines hereinziehenden Fahrzeugs, welches hinter dem autonomen Fahrzeug fährt, unter dem zumindest einen benachbarten Fahrzeug, basierend auf der ersten Fahrzustandinformation und der zweiten Fahrzustandinformation, Suchen, durch eine Steuerungsvorrichtung, eines potentiellen Hereinziehraums, welcher basierend auf einer Relativgeschwindigkeit eines vorwegfahrenden Fahrzeugs, das unter dem zumindest einen benachbarten Fahrzeug zum autonomen Fahrzeug am nächsten ist, und einer Distanz zwischen dem vorwegfahrenden Fahrzeug und dem autonomen Fahrzeug ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Einrichtung und Verfahren zum Bestimmen von Fahrerablenkung, basierend auf Rucken, und Fahrzeugsystem

Номер: DE102018219529A1

Eine Einrichtung und ein Verfahren zum Bestimmen von Fahrerablenkung basierend auf einem Ruck und ein Fahrzeugsystem werden bereitgestellt. Die Einrichtung beinhaltet: einen Ruckrechenprozessor zum Berechnen eines seitlichen Rucks eines Fahrzeugs, basierend auf Fahrinformation, die gesammelt wird, wenn das Fahrzeug fährt, einen Ausnahmeereignis-Detektionsprozessor zum Detektieren eines Ausnahmeereignisses, das eine Situation definiert, wo der seitliche Ruck während normalem Fahren auftritt, basierend auf der gesammelten Fahrinformation und einem Bestimmungsprozessor zum Detektieren von Übersteuern des Fahrzeugs durch Vergleichen des berechneten seitlichen Rucks mit einem Referenzwert und zum Bestimmen einer Fahrerablenkung, basierend auf dem detektierten Übersteuern und dem Ausnahmeereignis.

20-08-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Hybridelektrokraftfahrzeugs, Steuereinrichtung sowie Hybridelektrokraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102019103689A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines eine elektrische Antriebseinheit (2) und eine verbrennungsmotorische Antriebseinheit (3) aufweisenden Hybridelektrokraftfahrzeugs auf einer Fahrstrecke, mit den Schritten:- Unterteilen der Fahrstrecke in Streckensegmente;- regelbasiertes Klassifizieren der Streckensegmente als elektrisch zu befahrende, erste Streckensegmente oder hybrid befahrbare, zweite Streckensegmente,- Vorhersagen einer für die ersten Streckensegmente erforderlichen, von einem elektrischen Energiespeicher (13) der elektrischen Antriebseinheit (2) bereitzustellenden elektrischen Energie,- Bestimmen einer Restenergie für die zweiten Streckensegmente in Abhängigkeit von der für die ersten Streckensegmente erforderlichen elektrischen Energie,- optimierungsbasierte und regelbasierte Bestimmung einer Lastpunktverteilung zwischen der elektrischen Antriebseinheit (2) und der verbrennungsmotorischen Antriebseinheit (3) in den zweiten Streckensegmente unter Minimierung ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019133924A1

Es ist ein Fahrassistenzgerät für ein Fahrzeug mit einer Anzeigevorrichtung und einer Fahrassistenzsteuerungseinrichtung bereitgestellt. Die Anzeigevorrichtung ist konfiguriert, einen Assistenzbetriebsartbildschirm einem Insassen des Fahrzeugs anzuzeigen, und eine Berührungsbedienung durch einen Finger des Insassen in Bezug auf den Assistenzbetriebsartbildschirm zu erfassen. Die Fahrassistenzsteuerungseinrichtung ist konfiguriert, eine Fahrassistenzsteuerung auszuführen, um zu bewirken, dass das Fahrzeug sich entlang eines Bewegungspfads zu einer Zielposition bewegt. Die Fahrassistenzsteuerungseinrichtung ist konfiguriert, die Fahrassistenzsteuerung zu starten, wenn eine Schiebebedienung an dem Assistenzbetriebsartbildschirm durchgeführt wird und ein Umgebungszustand des Fahrzeugs eine vorbestimmte Bedingung in einer Situation erfüllt.

14-07-2005 дата публикации

Integriertes Fahrzeugsteuerungssystem

Номер: DE102004061321A1

Ein integriertes Steuerungssystem weist auf: ein Hauptsteuersystem (Gaspedal) zum Steuern eines Antriebssystems, ein Hauptsteuersystem (Bremse) zum Steuern eines Bremssystems und ein Hauptsteuersystem (Lenkung) zum Steuern eines Lenksystems auf der Grundlage einer Betätigung durch einen Fahrer sowie eine Beratereinheit, die Informationen zur Verwendung an jedem Hauptsteuersystem auf der Grundlage von Umgebungsinformationen im Umfeld des Fahrzeugs oder von Informationen über einen Fahrer erzeugt und zur Verfügung stellt. Die Beratereinheit gibt Risikoinformationen über eine plötzliche Beschleunigung/Verlangsamung an das Hauptsteuersystem (Gaspedal) aus, wobei das Risiko auf der Grundlage von Informationen von einer Navigationsvorrichtung oder einem Umgebungs-Überwachungssensor auf "hoch" gesetzt wird, wenn das Fahrzeug auf einem Parkplatz geparkt wird. Das Hauptsteuersystem (Gaspedal) wählt ein Parkzustand-Eigenschaftendiagramm auf der Grundlage der Risikoinformationen über eine plötzliche ...

11-05-2006 дата публикации

Arrangement for activation of windscreen cleaning unit, comprising use of closing velocity sensor

Номер: DE102005051218A1

Even a sensor controlled windscreen cleaning unit (2) requires a few seconds before starting, creating a potentially dangerous interference with the view of the driver. The new arrangement uses the information transmitted from other sensors used in the safety system of the vehicle like the closing velocity sensor (3) in order to react quicker in particular in the case of mud slabs or snow splashes (X) thrown against the windscreen (1.2).

02-06-2021 дата публикации

Method and device for operating at least one vehicle

Номер: GB2542505B
Принадлежит: BOSCH GMBH ROBERT, Robert Bosch GmbH

23-08-2017 дата публикации

System for optimising driver and vehicle performance

Номер: GB0201711052D0

22-09-2021 дата публикации

Long term object tracking supporting autonomous vehicle navigation

Номер: GB0002593264A

Systems and methods for tracking objects proximate an autonomous vehicle and capable of re-identifying objects it has temporarily lost line of sight to is described. Re-identification of the objects allows earlier object detections to be used more effectively to predict motion likely to be taken by the objects. The method comprising capturing sensor data using a sensor of an autonomous vehicle. Object are identified in the sensor data and creating detection data, associating the detection data with first tracking data. Obtaining second tracking data related to older data and comparing this with the first tracking data. When the first tracking data and second tracking data meet a matching criterion the first and second tracking data are associated and the vehicle is controlled to be navigated according to the second tracking data.

26-12-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle fuel cooling

Номер: GB0002563726A

A method comprising predicting an engine coolant temperature at an expected time of activation of a vehicle 101 and, upon determining that the the predicted engine coolant temperature is greater than an ambient air temperature by a temperature threshold, actuating a vehicle component at a time based on the expected time of activation. A fuel line leak diagnostic may be performed upon activation of the vehicle when the predicted coolant temperature is within the temperature threshold of the ambient air temperature. The vehicle component to be actuated may be a suspension 165 actuated to raise a front end 160 of the vehicle or a front hood 150 of the vehicle actuated to be opened. Alternatively, said vehicle component may be a propulsion actuated to either move the vehicle to a roadway having a greater road grade (θ) than a road grade threshold, or align the vehicle along a determined wind direction (W). An insolation on the vehicle may be detected and the vehicle may be moved when the insolation ...

19-05-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for improving vehicle operations using movable sensors

Номер: GB0002589016A

Among other things, we describe systems and method for improving vehicle operations using movable sensors. A vehicle can be configured with one or more sensors having the capability to be extended and/or rotated. The one or more movable sensors can be caused to move based on a determined context of the vehicle, to capture additional data associated with the environment in which the vehicle is operating.

16-09-2015 дата публикации

Method for transmitting an environment model

Номер: GB0002524162A

Method for transmitting environment model 10, 11, where first station 2 (e.g. vehicle) requests environment model 10, 11 from second station 3 (e.g. vehicle), where environment model 10, 11 is made of tiles 4 and describes the environment around the stations 2, 3 (vehicles). Tile resolution is also requested. Resolution selection may depend on the distance between the environment being requested and the requesting station (vehicle), or on available storage capacity. First station 2 may plan a path, the environment model comprising all tiles 4 on the planned route. A first set of low resolution tiles may be requested initially, to be replaced later by high resolution tiles. Resolution steps may differ by integral multiples. Tiles 4 may contain many cells 7, each cell 7 having occupancy probability. Tiles 4 may be GridTiles. The environment model may be created by environment sensors on the stations / vehicles.

11-12-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for controlling vehicle movement

Номер: GB0002574385A

A controller (200) comprising input means (230) for receiving an ambient condition signal indicative of an ambient condition (for example rain 136) in a vicinity of a vehicle 110, output means (240) for outputting a manoeuvre signal to cause the vehicle to perform a defined manoeuvre, and control means (210) arranged to control the output means to perform at least a portion of the defined manoeuvre in dependence on the ambient condition signal. The manoeuvre may be a parking manoeuvre. The manoeuvre may be performed in accordance with a vehicle movement control profile determined in dependence on a categorisation of the ambient condition, wherein the profile corresponding to a first ambient condition may have a lower maximum speed than that of a profile corresponding to a second ambient condition. The profile may be dependent upon a terrain in the vehicle environment. Also provided is a method of controlling movement of a vehicle.

24-10-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle control system and method

Номер: GB0201215954D0

06-06-2018 дата публикации

Ice and snow detection systems and methods

Номер: GB0002556657A

Method for activating an ice and snow detection system in response to receiving weather data indicating a likelihood of ice or snow on a roadway near a vehicle. The method receives data from multiple vehicle sensors and analyses the received data to identify ice or snow on the roadway. If ice or snow is identified on the roadway, the method adjusts vehicle operations and reports the ice or snow condition to a shared database. Said vehicle adjusting operating may include reducing the vehicle speed, engaging active clutches for a four wheel drive or avoiding sudden speed changes. The vehicle may be autonomous or may attempt to manoeuvre around the ice or snow. Another method activates an ice and snow detection system in response to receiving weather data indicating a likelihood of ice or snow on a roadway near a vehicle, receiving image data from a vehicle camera. The method comprises receiving LIDAR data and in combination with the camera image, detect ice or snow. This second method also ...

11-12-2019 дата публикации

Trailer power and communication management

Номер: GB0201915673D0

27-01-2021 дата публикации

Field theory based perception for autonomous vehicles

Номер: GB202019770D0

04-12-2019 дата публикации

Intelligent in-vehicle air-quality control

Номер: GB0201915229D0

22-06-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle operation using behavioral rule checks

Номер: GB0002602194A

A method in which first and second sensor data is received 1904 from first and second sensors of a vehicle, the first sensor data representing operation of the vehicle in accordance with a first trajectory and the second sensor data representing at least one object. It is determined 1908 that the first trajectory violates a first behavioural rule of operation based on the first sensor data and the second sensor data. The first behavioural rule has a first priority. Multiple alternative trajectories are generated 1912 using control barrier functions. A second trajectory is identified 1916 that violates a second behavioural rule having a second priority less than the first priority. Responsive to identifying the second trajectory, a message is transmitted 1920 to a control circuit of the vehicle to operate the vehicle based on the second trajectory.

04-05-2022 дата публикации

Systems and methods for planning and updating a vehicle's trajectory

Номер: GB0002600552A

A method comprising the steps of generating operational commands for a vehicle, the operational commands being associated with segments 1710, 1725, 1730 of a trajectory 1705 of a vehicle; detecting locations and velocities of detected objects; determining that an object and the vehicle are projected to be proximate to a particular segment of the vehicle trajectory at a particular time; identifying a portion of the operational commands associated with the particular segment and updating the identified portion of the operational commands; and executing the operational commands such that the vehicle follows the updated trajectory.

18-05-2022 дата публикации

Identifying background features using LIDAR

Номер: GB0002601024A

A method and vehicle 100 mounted system comprising at least one LIDAR 123 device configured to detected reflected radiation from objects proximate to the vehicle in the environment 190 and generate point cloud information. A processor communicatively coupled to the LIDAR device and configured to receive the LIDAR point cloud data, model the point cloud information as a sphere, based on the sphere identifying faces corresponding to respective clusters of points of the received LIDAR point cloud information, generating a graph data structure that includes vertices corresponding to the respective faces of the identified faces, connecting vertices of the graph data structure based on adjacency of the underlying points and characteristics of the faces. Based on the graph data, identifying subgraphs each including connected vertices and based on analysis of characteristics of the faces in the subgraphs identifying subgraphs that correspond to a background feature of the environment scanned by ...

01-03-2023 дата публикации

Controlling vehicle performance based on data associated with an atmospheric condition

Номер: GB0002610252A

A method and system for controlling a vehicle including determining a vehicle performance metric based on data associated with an environmental condition, and controlling the vehicle using the performance metric. The vehicle may include atmospheric sensors to detect air density (e.g. aerometer), air temperature, air turbulence, air pressure, and/or air or wind speed or direction (e.g. anemometer). The air density can be used for determining an aerodynamic drag value for a range of vehicle velocities. The method/system may use environmental or atmospheric data to plan a route, path and/or velocity for the vehicle (e.g. a route or vehicle speed which reduces energy consumption, maintains energy efficiency and/or maximises velocity while minimising air resistance), and may control the vehicle autonomously to follow the route.

11-10-2023 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicle stations

Номер: GB0002607192B
Принадлежит: MOTIONAL AD LLC [US]

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000399359T

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000416451T

28-10-2021 дата публикации

Communications for autonomous vehicles

Номер: AU2020237426B2

Aspects of the disclosure provide a method of facilitating communications from an autonomous vehicle (100) to a user. For instance, a method may include, while attempting to pick up the user and prior to the user entering an vehicle, inputting a current location of the vehicle and map information (200) into a model in order to identify a type of communication action for communicating a location of the vehicle to the user; enabling a first communication based on the type of the communication action; determining whether the user has responded to the first communication from received sensor data; and enabling a second communication based on the determination of whether the user has responded to the communication.

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for detecting and recording anomalous vehicle events

Номер: AU2019325161A1

In one embodiment, a computing system accesses contextual data associated with a vehicle operated by a human driver. The contextual data is captured using one or more sensors associated with the vehicle. The system determines one or more predicted vehicle operations by processing the contextual data based at least on information associated with pre-recorded contextual data associated with a number of vehicles. The system detects one or more vehicle operations made by the human driver. The system determines that an event of interest is associated with the contextual data based on a comparison of the one or more vehicle operations made by the human driver and the one or more predicted vehicle operations. The system causes high-resolution contextual data associated with the event of interest to be stored.

30-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002549654C

An integrated control system includes a main control system (accelerator) controlling a driving system, a main control system (brake) controlling a brake system, and a main control system (steering) controlling a steering system, an adviser unit generating and providing information to be used at each control system based on environmental information around the vehicle or information related to a driver, an agent unit generating and providing information to be used at each of the main control systems to cause the vehicle to realize a predetermined behavior, and a supporter unit generating and providing information to be used at each of the main control systems based on the current dynamic state of the vehicle.

15-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003008091A1

A collision-avoidance system for use with an autonomous-capable vehicle can continuously receive image frames captured of the roadway to determine drivable space in a forward direction of the vehicle. The system can determine, for each image frame, whether individual regions of the image frame depict drivable space. The system can do so using machine-learned image recognition algorithms such as convolutional neural networks generated using extensive training data. Using such techniques, the system can label regions of the image frames as corresponding to drivable space or non-drivable space. By analyzing the labeled image frames, the system can determine whether the vehicle is likely to impact a region of non-drivable space. And, in response to such a determination, the system can generate control signals that override other control systems or human operator input to control the brakes, the steering, or other sub-systems of the vehicle to avoid the collision.

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003012439A1

A pedestrian crosswalk through which a vehicle (V1) is expected to pass is identified as a first pedestrian crosswalk (B1). A pedestrian crosswalk that is within a predetermined distance (Dth) from the first pedestrian crosswalk is identified as a second pedestrian crosswalk (B2). An extension processing for extending a region of the first pedestrian crosswalk and/or the second pedestrian crosswalk is carried out. It is determined whether at least a portion of a region (RB1) of the first pedestrian crosswalk and at least a portion of a region (RB2) of the second pedestrian crosswalk, on which the extension processing was carried out, overlap. If it is determined that at least a portion of the region of the first pedestrian crosswalk and at least a portion of the region of the second pedestrian crosswalk overlap, a region (RB1, RB2) including the first pedestrian crosswalk and the second pedestrian crosswalk is set as a detection region (RT) of a detector (110) that detects objects around ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003071091A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

Provided is a surrounding conditions display device that detects the surrounding conditions of a host vehicle (V1) having an automatic driving function and displays the detected surrounding conditions. The display device comprises an a display instrument (2) that displays, on a variable display bar, the timing at which the behavior of the host vehicle (V1) switches as a result of the automatic driving function, said variable display bar having a prescribed display frame and varying and displaying indicated positions inside said display frame. Lane-change timing and the timing of vehicle departure from intersections are displayed in the variable display bar and, as a result, an occupant can have sensory awareness of the timing at which the behavior changes and occupant discomfort can be suppressed.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003069108A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

In this parking assistance method for a parking assistance device, an image of the surroundings in which the surroundings of a vehicle (V1) are viewed from above is generated, free parking spaces are detected, and assistance images indicating that the free parking spaces are available parking spaces are displayed on the image of the surroundings. Furthermore, in the parking assistance method, it is determined whether the vehicle (V1) is present in a free parking space. If it is determined that the vehicle (V1) is present in a free parking space, the assistance image is prohibited from being displayed in the free parking space in which the moving body is present, in the image of the surroundings.

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003064418A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

The technology relates to camera systems for vehicles having an autonomous driving mode. An example system includes a first camera mounted on a vehicle 100 in order to capture images of the vehicle's environment. The first camera 300 has a first exposure time and being without an ND filter. The system also includes a second camera 350 mounted on the vehicle in order to capture images of the vehicle's environment and having an ND filter. The system also includes one or more processors configured to capture images using the first camera and the first exposure time, capture images using the second camera and the second exposure time, use the images captured using the second camera to identify illuminated objects, use the images captured using the first camera to identify the locations of objects, and use the identified illuminated objects and identified locations of objects to control the vehicle in an autonomous driving mode.

29-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003064523A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

In the present invention, an operating instruction is acquired from an operator M outside a vehicle V. The position of an operation terminal 5 is detected and the position of an obstacle is detected. On the basis of the positional relationship between the position of the obstacle and the position of the operator M, a first region that can be observed by the operator M and a second region that is a region other than the first region and that cannot be observed by the operator are calculated, a parking route RT and a control command to move the parking route such that a first proximity of the vehicle to the obstacle in the first region is higher than a second proximity of the vehicle to the obstacle in the second region are calculated, and the vehicle V is parked according to the control command.

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003052951A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

Autonomous vehicle operational management may include traversing, by an autonomous vehicle, a vehicle transportation network. Traversing the vehicle transportation network may include generating an autonomous vehicle operational control environment for operating scenario-specific operational control evaluation module instances. A scenario-specific operational control evaluation module instance may be an instance of a respective scenario-specific operational control evaluation module. A scenario-specific operational control evaluation module may model a respective distinct vehicle operational scenario. A scenario-specific operational control evaluation module instance may generate a respective candidate vehicle control action responsive to the respective corresponding distinct vehicle operational scenario. Traversing the vehicle transportation network may include operating a scenario-specific operational control evaluation module instance, receiving a first candidate vehicle control action ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002993151A1

The present invention comprises a driving plan processor 21 that drafts driving plans for a vehicle V1 traveling a path. The driving plan processor 21: uses results of an evaluation of the relationship between the vehicle V1 and a plurality of events chronologically encountered by the vehicle V1 when traveling a first path and stops the vehicle V1 or sets a plurality of stop position candidates for the each event; and uses results of an evaluation of the relationship between the vehicle V1 and a plurality of events encountered at the stop position candidates and drafts a driving plan for scenes encountered by the vehicle V1.

02-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002170659A1

A system and method for integrating intelligent cruise control functions (72) with traditional cruise control functions (70) in an electronically controlled internal-combustion engine (E) utilizes engine control modes as defined in the SAE J1922 and SAE J1939 specifications. In one embodiment, the speed control mode is utilized to broadcast a desired engine speed to automatically attain and maintain a desired following distance relative to a forward vehicle. In another embodiment, the engine speed/torque limit control mode is used to impose an upper limit on the traditional cruise control set speed to control the headway distance relative to a forward vehicle. The system and method relinquish control to traditional cruise control when no forward vehicle is detected. Another embodiment provides a control strategy similar to that defined by the J1922 and J1939 specifications to select the lower value as determined by the intelligent cruise control (72) and traditional cruise control (70) ...

30-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for measuring and recording different physical parameters e.g. date related to accident, on car, involves storing parameters for predetermined period preceding detected event and for another predetermined period after detected event

Номер: CH0000705648B1

The method involves analyzing a result of recorded measurements in order to detect a particular event occurring on or with a vehicle i.e. car (12). Parameters are stored for a predetermined period preceding the detected event and for another predetermined period after the detected event. A signal generator e.g. distress beacon, is activated for following the analysis of the event based on the result of analysis of the event. A sensor e.g. temperature sensor, measures the parameters and communicate the measurements to a processing unit. An independent claim is also included for a device for measuring and recording physical parameters related to a particular event on a vehicle.

31-01-2023 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000718858A2

Ein Fahrzeugsystem (300) ist darauf ausgerichtet, einem Fahrer einen Nutzmodus bereitzustellen, der ein Innenraum-Umgebungszustand eines Fahrzeugs ist, in dem er sich ausruhen kann, und schließt ein: einen Fahrzeug-Kommunikationsabschnitt, der konfiguriert ist, um eine erste Anforderungsnachricht zum Anfordern der Ausführung des Nutzmodus durch Kommunizieren mit einem Server-Endgerät(200) , das in dem Fahrzeug das in dem Fahrzeug bereitgestellt ist, oder mit einem Fahrer-Endgerät (100) zu empfangen, das der Fahrer besitzt; und eine Fahrzeugsteuereinheit, die konfiguriert ist, um elektrische Komponenten und Steuereinheiten, die in das Antreiben des Fahrzeugs (1) einbezogen sind, in einen Aus-Zustand zu versetzen, wenn eine Eintrittsbedingung für die Ausführung des Nutzmodus erfüllt ist und das Starten des Fahrzeugs sich in einem Ein-Zustand befindet, und um eine Klimatisierungsvorrichtung, die einen Innenraum-Luftzustand des Fahrzeugs steuert, und einen Stapel, der Energie erzeugt, die in ...

31-08-2011 дата публикации

System provided with an assistance-controller for assisting an operator of the system, control-operation assisting device, control-operation assisting method, driving-operation assisting device, and driving-operation assisting method

Номер: CN0102171084A

A target-travel-path generating circuit calculates a target travel path along which the controlled object can travel in the future from the current controlled object position, an ideal-control-signal calculating circuit calculates a control profile S to travel along the target travel path P, and a difference calculating circuit calculates a difference delta between the ideal control magnitude S and a current control magnitude S. An operation system assistance controller controls the operation system based on the magnitude of the calculated difference delta to assist the control operation of the operator, the control-operation-state of the operator, the environment-state, and the required operation-precision. Accordingly, it is possible to provide the operator with control operation assistance that is a function of the magnitude of the difference delta from an ideal control state, the control-operation-state of the operator, the environment-state, and the required operation-precision, and ...

17-12-2008 дата публикации

Distance control system for motor vehicles

Номер: CN0100443327C

11-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003058514A1

Un procédé d'évaluation, par une unité électronique, d'un risque d'éblouissement d'un capteur d'image équipant un véhicule, comprend les étapes suivantes : - estimation, au moyen de données cartographiques, de directions (αi) successives respectivement prises par le véhicule à différents instants (ti) d'un trajet envisagé (TRAJ) ; - détermination des orientations (βi) du rayonnement solaire respectivement prévues auxdits différents instants (ti) ; - évaluation du risque d'éblouissement (Ri) pour chacun desdits instants (ti) par comparaison de la direction (αi) estimée pour l'instant concerné (ti) et de l'orientation (βi) déterminée pour l'instant concerné (ti). Une telle unité électronique est également décrite.

21-02-2020 дата публикации

Method for testing a function of line at least partially automated vehicle

Номер: FR0003085024A1

10-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR101927634B1

The present invention relates to a method and an apparatus for removing an environmental factor using a travel environment recognition sensor. The method for removing an environmental factor according to an embodiment of the present invention is performed by a control unit connected to a sensor module, the method including the steps of: calculating a plurality of coordinates corresponding to an object located in the running direction of a vehicle using sensing data received from the sensor module; grouping the plurality of coordinates, except for a coordinate included in a traveling lane of the vehicle, into at least one coordinate group based on the traveling lane; calculating a variance value and an average value of a lateral coordinate value with respect to an axis orthogonal to the traveling direction for each of the at least one coordinate group; regrouping the at least one coordinate group based on the variance value and the average value; and removing the coordinate groups from the ...

02-07-2018 дата публикации

디스플레이 장치 및 이를 포함하는 차량

Номер: KR0101860610B1
Автор: 이재호, 김기현
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

... 실시예에 따른 디스플레이 장치는 어라운드 뷰 모니터(Around View Monitor) 기능을 갖는 장치로서, 차량 주변을 실시간으로 촬영하여 영상을 획득하는 카메라; 상기 촬영된 영상을 저장하는 메모리; 뷰 포인트(View point)를 고정하고, 상기 고정 뷰 포인트에서 시야 영역을 지정하고, 상기 시야 영역을 나타내는 고정 어라운드 뷰 모니터링 이미지를 생성하는 프로세서; 및 상기 고정 어라운드 뷰 모니터링 이미지를 표시하는 디스플레이부를 포함한다.

07-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR101927026B1
Принадлежит: OH, BYEONG HU

The present invention relates to a system for securing a view necessary for driving a vehicle using an image captured by a camera mounted in a vehicle, and more specifically, to a vehicle view securing system using a camera, capable of acquiring images necessary for vehicle running and military operation by allowing a driver who has a difficulty in securing view in a vehicle such as an armored vehicle or a tank to see a captured image by wearing a display means such as a goggle equipped in a vehicle which has poor view. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2019 (AA) Image photographing means (BB) Control means (CC) Display means (DD) Command reception means (EE) Driving means (FF) Image (GG) Driving command (HH) Image transmission means (II) Position information reception means (J1,J2) Position information transmission means (KK) Image storage means (LL) Image play means (MM) Object detection means (NN) Image position information command (OO) Goggle (PP) Position detecting means (QQ) Command input means (RR) ...

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Method of determining drive lane using steering wheel model

Номер: US20120283941A1
Принадлежит: Korea Aerospace Research Institute KARI

Provided is a method of determining a drive lane using a steering wheel model. The method includes a step S 100 of preparing a precise digital map having an accuracy capable of differentiating a road lane; a step S 200 of estimating a vehicle location on a road using GPS information; a step S 300 of checking whether the vehicle location information is normal using a difference between variation in the azimuth angle of the vehicle obtained by using the GPS information and variation in the azimuth angle of the vehicle obtained by using the steering wheel model; and a step S 500 of determining and outputting a drive lane occupied by a running vehicle.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle sensor node

Номер: US20120303221A1
Принадлежит: Continental Teves AG and Co oHG

The invention relates to a sensor system including a plurality of sensor elements which are designed so that the elements detect at least partially different primary measured values and utilize at least partially different measurement principles, further including a signal processing apparatus, an interface apparatus and a plurality of functional apparatuses. The sensor elements are connected to the signal processing apparatus, which is designed so that it includes at least one of the following signal processing functions each for at least one of the sensor elements and/or the output signals thereof, an error handling, a filtering, a calculation and/or provision of a derived measured value. At least one measured value is derived from at least one primary measured value of one or more sensor elements, and all functional apparatuses are connected to the signal processing apparatus via the interface apparatus and the signal processing apparatus provides the signal processing functions.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Parking assist system and method for varying parking area

Номер: US20130085640A1
Автор: Hong Bum Kim, Wang Gi Hong
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

Technology for a parking assist system and method for varying a parking area is provided. The parking assist system includes an occupant's build sensing unit configured to sense an occupant's build in a vehicle when parking the vehicle; a control unit configured to set a distance after parking the vehicle between the vehicle and a wall surface of a parking lot according to the occupant's build and to calculate a parking trace; and an automatic steering unit controlled by the control unit and configured to automatically control steering of the vehicle according to the calculated parking trace.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Image-based vehicle maneuvering assistant method and system

Номер: US20130120576A1

An image-based vehicle maneuvering assistant method and system are provided in the present invention, in which images captured by a single image sensing device is processed to determine the changes with respect time by a controller having capability of image processing and identification and distance estimation in image space for providing a complete assisting image-information while the carrier is maneuvering. By means of the presented method of the presented invention, the system is capable of generating track of the carrier, view point transformation, and identifying the characteristic object in the image so as to performing the distance estimation. The present invention may be utilized and applied in different kinds of carrier type to solve the problem of guiding of carrier maneuvering, and assist the carrier lane changing, parking assistance and blind spot detection.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274952A1

A method and powertrain apparatus that predicts a route of travel for a vehicle and predicts powertrain loads and speeds for the predicted route of travel. The predicted powertrain loads and speeds are then used to optimize at least one powertrain operation for the vehicle. 1. A method of controlling a vehicle powertrain , said method comprising:determining a present location of the vehicle;predicting a route of travel for the vehicle from the present location based on the current day and time;predicting powertrain loads and speeds based on the predicted route of travel; andoptimizing a powertrain operation based on the predicted powertrain loads and speeds.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the optimized powertrain operation comprises one of shift scheduling and battery control.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein predicting the route of travel comprises:determining if a next segment in a map database associated with a segment corresponding to the present location is traveled more than a predetermined threshold on a similar day and time as the current day and time; andadding the next segment to the predicted route of travel if it is determined that the next segment is traveled more than the predetermined threshold on a similar day and time as the current day and time.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the next segment is not added if additional information indicates that another segment should be added to the predicted route.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the additional information is input from a vehicle to vehicle data source.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the additional information is input from a vehicle to infrastructure data source.7. The method of claim 4 , wherein the additional information is input from a navigation system.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein predicting powertrain loads and speeds comprises determining route information for the predicted route of travel; anddetermining the powertrain loads and speeds for the determined route ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Zone driving

Номер: US20130297140A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A roadgraph may include a graph network of information such as roads, lanes, intersections, and the connections between these features. The roadgraph may also include one or more zones associated with particular rules. The zones may include locations where driving is typically challenging such as merges, construction zones, or other obstacles. In one example, the rules may require an autonomous vehicle to alert a driver that the vehicle is approaching a zone. The vehicle may thus require a driver to take control of steering, acceleration, deceleration, etc. In another example, the zones may be designated by a driver and may be broadcast to other nearby vehicles, for example using a radio link or other network such that other vehicles may be able to observer the same rule at the same location or at least notify the other vehicle's drivers that another driver felt the location was unsafe for autonomous driving.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Obstacle Evaluation Technique

Номер: US20130332061A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A vehicle configured to operate in an autonomous mode may engage in an obstacle evaluation technique that includes employing a sensor system to collect data relating to a plurality of obstacles, identifying from the plurality of obstacles an obstacle pair including a first obstacle and a second obstacle, engaging in an evaluation process by comparing the data collected for the first obstacle to the data collected for the second obstacle, and in response to engaging in the evaluation process, making a determination of whether the first obstacle and the second obstacle are two separate obstacles.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Accessory system for vehicle

Номер: US20140009672A1

An accessory system for a vehicle includes a windshield and an accessory module. The windshield has a mounting element attached at an inner surface of the windshield, with the mounting element adapted for mounting of an accessory module thereto and demounting of the accessory module therefrom. The accessory module is adapted for mounting to and demounting from the mounting element. The accessory module accommodates a camera having a CMOS photosensor array and a lens. The CMOS photosensor array is accommodated at the accessory module separate from the lens. The CMOS photosensor array is disposed on a circuit board. The accessory module is configured so that, when mounted to the mounting element attached at the windshield, the lens has a field of view through the windshield appropriate for a driver assistance system of the vehicle.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for operating a vehicle during coasting

Номер: US20140012478A1
Автор: Rainer BARTSCH, Udo Schulz

A method for controlling a vehicle, including determining a speed curve on a coasting route, in order to let the vehicle on the coasting route coast from an actual speed to a setpoint speed, detecting an additional vehicle approaching the vehicle from behind on the coasting route, and raising the speed of the vehicle compared to the determined speed behavior on the coasting route, in order to produce a predetermined threshold distance from the additional vehicle.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

System for recognizing surroundings of vehicle

Номер: US20140055641A1
Автор: Min Gwan JO
Принадлежит: Mando Corp

Provided is a system for recognizing surroundings of a vehicle, and more particularly, a system for recognizing surroundings of a vehicle in which a camera and an illumination measurement photo diode system receive power from one vehicle interface connector, and a calculation processing device corrects brightness of a peripheral image of a vehicle photographed by the camera using illumination information measured by the illumination measurement photo diode system to more accurately recognize surroundings of the vehicle. The system for recognizing surroundings of a vehicle includes a camera mounted on the vehicle and configured to output image information obtained by photographing an image around the vehicle, an illumination measurement photo diode system configured to measure illumination of vehicle surroundings to output illumination information, a calculation processing device configured to receive the image information from the camera and receive the illumination information from the illumination measurement photo diode system to generate and output vehicle surroundings information, and a storage unit configured to receive and store the vehicle surroundings information generated by the calculation processing device.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Avm system of vehicle for dividing and managing camera networks and avm method thereof

Номер: US20140063253A1

The vehicle AVM system according to an exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure includes a first camera network constructed of some of the cameras configuring the AVM system; a second camera network constructed of some of the cameras configuring the AVM system; and a processor configured to create a first image from the images created by the cameras configuring the first camera network, and to create a second image from the images created by the cameras configuring the second camera network. Accordingly, by installing more number of cameras in an AVM system of a vehicle than the number of cameras in a general vehicle and thus removing dead zones according to vehicle characteristics, it becomes possible to perform smooth networking and prevent image delay, thereby preventing accidents due to dead zones and image delay.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Parking camera system and method of driving the same

Номер: US20140085474A1
Автор: Sangyong Lee
Принадлежит: LG Innotek Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a parking camera system and a method of driving the same, the system including a plurality of cameras equipped with a vehicle, an image synthesizer for synthesizing images photographed by the plurality of cameras, and an estimated travel trajectory generating and overlaying processor for generating an estimated travel trajectory of the vehicle by receiving steering angle information of the vehicle, and synthesizing the estimated travel trajectory of the vehicle with the images synthesized by the image synthesizer.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220004186A1
Автор: Khanna Rahul

An auxiliary device and system for traffic light detection and communication. The auxiliary device is positionable adjacent to a traffic light. The auxiliary device includes at least one light pipe positionable adjacent to at least one traffic indicator disposed on a surface of the traffic light. The at least one light pipe is capable of carrying a light output from the least one traffic indicator to the auxiliary device. The auxiliary device includes a sensor for sensing the light output, and a processor operatively connected for computer communication to the sensor. The processor receives a measurement from the sensor. The measurement is associated with the light output. The processor detects a state of the light output based on the measurement, and transmits the state to one or more remote vehicles. 1. An auxiliary device removably attached to a traffic light , the auxiliary device comprising:a housing positionable adjacent to a front surface of the traffic light, wherein the front surface of the traffic light includes a first traffic indicator, a second traffic indicator, and a third traffic indicator;a first light pipe attached to the housing and having a first light entry to allow a first light output from the first traffic indicator to pass into the first light pipe through the first light entry;a second light pipe attached to the housing and having a second light entry to allow a second light output from the second traffic indicator to pass into the second light pipe through the second light entry;a third light pipe attached to the housing and having a third light entry to allow a third light output from the third traffic indicator to pass into the third light pipe through the third light entry;a sensor disposed in the housing for sensing at least one of the first light output, the second light output, and the third light output; and receives a measurement from the sensor, wherein the measurement is associated with the at least one of the first light output, ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Determination of lane connectivity at traffic intersections for high definition maps

Номер: US20210001877A1
Автор: Ming Cui, Xianglong Han
Принадлежит: Deepmap Inc

According to an aspect of an embodiment, operations may comprise accessing an HD map of a region comprising information describing an intersection of two or more roads and describing lanes of the two or more roads that intersect the intersection, automatically identifying constraints on the lanes at the intersection, automatically calculating, based on the constraints on the lanes at the intersection, lane connectivity for the intersection, displaying, on a user interface, the automatically calculated lane connectivity for the intersection, receiving, from a user through the user interface, confirmation that the automatically calculated lane connectivity for the intersection is an actual lane connectivity for the intersection, and adding the actual lane connectivity for the intersection to the information describing the intersection in the HD map.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001883A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

An action selection device () includes an action selection unit (). The action selection unit () acquires from a memory (), an action list () in which a requirement recognition area is associated with each action of a plurality of actions, the requirement recognition area indicating an area for which recognition by a sensor is required. The action selection unit () acquires from a peripheral recognition device (), a recognition area () recognized by sensors (-) that the peripheral recognition device () has. The action selection unit () selects from the action list (), an action associated with the requirement recognition area included in the recognition area (). 1. An action selection device comprising:processing circuitry:to acquire action group information in which a requirement recognition area is associated with each action of a plurality of actions that a moving body capable of autonomous operation takes, the requirement recognition area indicating a range of an area for which recognition by a sensor is necessary; andto acquire a sensor recognition area indicating an area recognized by the sensor, the sensor recognition area being an area that a peripheral recognition device outputs, and select from the action group information, an action associated with the requirement recognition area included in the sensor recognition area.2. The action selection device according to claim 1 ,wherein each of the actions in the action group information is associated with requirement accuracy indicating recognition accuracy of the requirement recognition area required for the sensor, together with the requirement recognition area; andwherein the processing circuitry acquires sensor recognition accuracy indicating recognition accuracy of the sensor, together with the sensor recognition area, the sensor recognition accuracy being accuracy when the sensor recognizes the sensor recognition area, and selects from the action group information, the action for which the requirement ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Driver assistance apparatus capable of recognizing a road surface state and vehicle including the same

Номер: US20160001780A1

A driver assistance apparatus and a vehicle including the same are disclosed. The driver assistance apparatus includes a stereo camera, a memory to store road surface data regarding a state of a road surface classified into a dry state, a wet state, a snow covered state, and an icy state, and a processor to classify the state of the road surface as any one of the dry state, the wet state, the snow covered state, and the icy state based on stereo images received from the stereo camera and the road surface data. Consequently, it is possible to recognize a current road surface state.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Intelligent in-vehicle air-quality control

Номер: US20200001681A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A mechanism is provided for controlling the internal air-quality of a vehicle, including determining a changing trend of the in-vehicle air-quality based on acquired in-vehicle sensor data and usage status of the vehicle and responsive to the determined changing trend of the in-vehicle air-quality, signaling a control system of the vehicle to control the usage status of the vehicle based on a control policy.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220004777A1

A device and a method for enabling safe traveling by performing image analysis and body identification using inter-vehicle communication information are realized. There are provided: an image analysis unit configured to analyze a captured image of a camera mounted on a mobile device, execute object identification of an image, and set a label as an identification result to an image region; a low-confidence region extraction unit configured to extract a region with low confidence of object identification from an image analysis result; and a label updating unit configured to update a label of the low-confidence region on the basis of information received via a communication unit. The label updating unit updates a label in a case where a matching rate between an object region analyzed from information received via the communication unit and the low-confidence region is equal to or greater than a specified threshold. 1. An information processing apparatus comprising:an image analysis unit configured to analyze a captured image of a camera, execute object identification of an image, and set a label as an identification result to an image region;a low-confidence region extraction unit configured to extract a low-confidence region with low confidence of object identification from an analysis result by the image analysis unit; anda label updating unit configured to update a label of the low-confidence region on a basis of information received via a communication unit.2. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe label updating unitupdates a label of the low-confidence region in a case where a matching rate between an object region analyzed from information received via the communication unit and the low-confidence region is equal to or greater than a specified threshold.3. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a communication information analysis unit configured to analyze an object region from information ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006939A1

Disclosed is an electronic device. The electronic device comprises: a first image sensor and a second image sensor; and a processor which alternately performs a first image capture mode, in which a plurality of captured images are acquired by controlling the respective exposure times of the first image sensor and the second image sensor differently, and a second imager capture mode, in which a plurality of captured images are acquired by controlling the respective exposure times of the first image sensor and the second image sensor identically, identifies an object by using the plurality of captured images acquired in the first image capture mode, and acquires distance information about the identified object on the basis of the plurality of captured images acquired in the second image capture mode. 1. An electronic device comprising:a first image sensor and a second image sensor; and alternately perform a first image capture mode, in which a plurality of captured images are obtained by controlling respective exposure times of the first image sensor and the second image sensor differently, and a second image capture mode, in which a plurality of captured images are obtained by controlling respective exposure times of the first image sensor and the second image sensor identically, and', 'identify an object by using the plurality of captured images obtained in the first image capture mode and obtain distance information about the identified object based on the plurality of captured images obtained in the second image capture mode., 'a processor configured to2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to:control an exposure time of the first image sensor to a first exposure time in the first capture mode and control an exposure time of the second image sensor to a second exposure time, andcontrol the exposure times of the first and second image sensors to the first exposure time in the second capture mode.3. The electronic device of ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Method, apparatus, electronic device, computer program and computer readable recording medium for measuring inter-vehicle distance using driving image

Номер: US20220009515A1
Автор: Shin Hyoung Kim
Принадлежит: Thinkware Corp

A method for measuring an inter-vehicle distance using a processor is provided. The method includes acquiring a driving image photographed by a photographing device of a first vehicle; detecting a second vehicle from the driving image and calculating a ratio between an image width of the detected second vehicle and an image width of a lane in which the second vehicle is located; determining a size class of the second vehicle among a plurality of size classes based on the calculated ratio; determining a width of the second vehicle based on the determined size class of the second vehicle; and calculating a distance from the photographing device to the second vehicle based on the determined width of the second vehicle, a focal length of the photographing device, and the image width of the second vehicle.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Lidar system and autonomous driving system using the same

Номер: US20200003902A1
Автор: Jejong LEE

A lidar system includes: light sources generating light of a linear light source type; a light emission unit including a diffractive optical element disposed ahead of the light sources and separating incident light from the light sources into point light sources, and a scanner moving the light separated by the diffractive optical element, and radiating light of a point light source to an object; and a reception sensor converting light received after reflection by the object into an electrical signal. Spectrum angles of point light sources that have passed through the diffractive optical element may be different according to a position of the diffractive optical element. According to the lidar system, an autonomous vehicle, AI device, and/or external device may be linked with an artificial intelligence module, drone ((Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV), robot, AR (Augmented Reality) device, VR (Virtual Reality) device, a device associated with 5G services, etc.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Driving assistance control apparatus

Номер: US20190004513A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A control unit performs driving assistance. An acquiring unit acquires future circumstance information related to a future circumstance that an own vehicle is predicted to subsequently encounter on a route further ahead of a current location. A determining unit determines whether or not the future circumstance indicated by the acquired future circumstance information is applicable to an event in which continuation of driving assistance is not possible. An urgency level setting unit sets an urgency level that indicates a level of urgency of the future circumstance when the determining unit determines that continuation of driving assistance is not possible. A limit setting unit sets a limit related to time or distance at which to cancel driving assistance and switch to manual driving, based on the set urgency level. A notifying unit notifies a driver of information prompting cancellation of driving assistance based on content of the set limit.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004613A1
Автор: Wu Xiaqing, Yang Lin

According to an aspect of an embodiment, a method may include obtaining multiple sets of camera images and light detection and ranging (LIDAR) point clouds along a track within a geographic sector of a map. The method may include applying a learning model to the camera images to characterize objects within the camera images within classes of objects to generate segmented images. The method may additionally include mapping the sets of camera images and the LIDAR point clouds to three dimensional points of the geographic sector of the map. The method may also include projecting the three dimensional points onto the segmented images to obtain corresponding classes for the three dimensional points of the geographic sector of the map. 1. A computer-implemented method , comprising:obtaining a set of sensor data along a track traversing a geographic sector of a map;applying a learning model to the sensor data to characterize objects within the sensor data to generate segmented sensor data, the objects characterized based on classes of objects; andprojecting the three dimensional points onto the segmented sensor data to obtain corresponding classes for the three dimensional points of the geographic sector of the map.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sensor data includes at least one of camera images and light detection and ranging (LIDAR) point clouds.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein applying the learning model to the sensor data includes applying a first learning model to the camera images and a second learning model to the LIDAR point clouds.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising resolving a conflict between a first classification of a given three dimensional point by the first learning model and a second classification of the given three dimensional point by the second learning model.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein resolving the conflict includes selecting one of the first classification and the second classification instead of the other of the first ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009441A1
Автор: Valois Jean-Sebastien

An autonomous vehicle (AV) can include a set of sensors generating sensor data corresponding to a surrounding environment of the AV. The AV can further include a control system that determines imminent lighting conditions for one or more cameras of the set of sensors, and executes a set of configurations for the one or more cameras to preemptively compensate for the imminent lighting conditions. 1. An autonomous vehicle (AV) comprising:a set of sensors generating sensor data corresponding to a surrounding environment of the AV; determine imminent lighting conditions for one or more cameras of the set of sensors; and', 'execute a set of configurations for the one or more cameras to preemptively compensate for the imminent lighting conditions., 'a control system comprising one or more processors executing an instruction set, causing the control system to2. The AV of claim 1 , wherein the executed instructions further cause the control system to:store a set of sub-maps comprising recorded surface data of a given region upon which the AV operates;wherein the executed instructions cause the control system to determine the imminent lighting conditions by analyzing a current sub-map from the stored set of sub-maps.3. The AV of claim 2 , wherein the stored set of sub-maps identify road features that affect the imminent lighting conditions claim 2 , the road features comprising at least one of a tunnel claim 2 , an overpass claim 2 , or proximate buildings.4. The AV of claim 2 , wherein each sub-map in the set of sub-maps comprises at least one of recorded LIDAR data or recorded image data.5. The AV of claim 1 , further comprising:acceleration, braking, and steering systems; dynamically process the sensor data from the set of sensors to autonomously operate the acceleration, braking, and steering systems along a current route;', 'wherein the executed instructions cause the control system to determine the imminent lighting conditions and execute the set of configurations ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011564A1

The present invention relates to a night image output apparatus, comprising: a photographing unit comprising an optical pulse output unit for outputting optical pulses and an image sensor for forming a plurality of images using optical pulses reflected by an external object; a display unit for outputting a final image made by synthesizing the plurality of images; and a control unit for calculating object distance information displayed in each pixel of the final image, by using data of a light quantity ratio of the plurality of images to each pixel of the final image and a light quantity ratio related to distance. 1. A night image display apparatus , comprising:an optical pulse output unit to output optical pulses;a photographing unit provided with an image sensor forming a plurality of images using optical pulses reflected by an external object;a display unit to output a final image obtained by synthesizing the plurality of images; anda control unit to calculate distance information related to the object displayed in each pixel by using data associated with light quantity ratios of the plurality of images for each pixel of the final image and a light quantity ratio for a distance.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller controls the optical pulse output unit to output optical pulses for a specific time at a first time interval claim 1 ,forms a first gate image by activating a first gate for a first time at a second time interval during a pause period during which no optical pulses are not output, andforms a second gate image by activating a second gate for a second time at the second time interval during the pause period when the first gate is deactivated, andwherein the second time is shorter than the first time.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein a time difference between a time point when an output of the optical pulses is restricted and a time point when the first gate is deactivated is the same as a time difference between the time point when the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Method for Providing Obstacle Maps for Vehicles

Номер: US20180012494A1

A method for the preparation of an obstacle map, wherein the obstacle map comprises cells, includes assigning each of the cells to segments of an environment of the vehicle, and assigning to each of the cells information as to whether the corresponding segment of the environment is occupied by an obstacle. The method also includes preparing an environment map that comprises the cells, and determining a threshold value specification, where the threshold value specification specifies different threshold values for the cells of the environment map. The threshold value specification is determined depending on a trajectory of the vehicle. An obstacle map is then determined on the basis of the environment map and the threshold value specification. 1. A method for the preparation of an obstacle map , wherein the obstacle map comprises cells , wherein the method comprises:assigning each of the cells to segments of an environment of the vehicle;assigning to each of the cells information as to whether the corresponding segment of the environment is occupied by an obstacle;preparing an environment map, wherein the environment map comprises the cells; wherein the threshold value specification specifies different threshold values for the cells of the environment map,', 'wherein the threshold value specification is determined depending on a trajectory of the vehicle; and, 'determining a threshold value specification,'}preparing an obstacle map basis of the environment map and the threshold value specification.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a threshold value pattern is repeatedly taken into account when determining the threshold value specification claim 1 , wherein the threshold value pattern provides different threshold value increments for different cells of a group of cells.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the threshold value specification comprises a threshold value map that gives a threshold value increment for each of the cells of the environment ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle of automatic driving system and the control method of the system

Номер: US20200012281A1
Автор: Chan Jaegal

A method of controlling a vehicle operating in an Automated Vehicle and Highway System (AVHS) includes: transmitting a driving assistance request to a server in response to satisfaction of a preset condition or in response to a user input; in response to the driving assistance request, receiving a connection request from a drone selected by the server; initiating data transmission and reception for autonomous driving by authenticating the connection request; and performing the autonomous driving using driving assistance data received from the drone. Implementations of the present disclosure may enable improved autonomous driving support for a vehicle having a problem in performing autonomous driving or a manually driven vehicle incapable of driving autonomously. One or more of an autonomous vehicle or a server may be linked to an Artificial Intelligence (AI) module, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) robot, Augmented Reality (AR) device, Virtual Reality (VR) device, a 5G service-related device, etc.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200012282A1

Disclosed is an operation method of a vehicular electronic device, including receiving at least one image data from at least one camera installed in a vehicle, by at least one processor, generating a common feature map based on the image data using a convolutional neural network (CNN), by the at least one processor, and providing the common feature map to each of an object detection network, a bottom network, and a three dimensional network, by the at least one processor. 1. An operation method of a vehicular electronic device , the method comprising:receiving at least one image data from at least one camera installed in a vehicle, by at least one processor;generating a common feature map based on the image data using a convolutional neural network (CNN), by the at least one processor; andproviding the common feature map to each of an object detection network, a bottom network, and a three-dimensional network, by the at least one processor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the CNN includes a plurality of convolutional layers and at least one pooling layer.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising extracting a first feature map for detecting an object based on the common feature map using the object detection network claim 1 , by the at least one processor.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:predicting a bounding box of the object based on the first feature map, by the at least one processor; andpredicting a type of the object based on the first feature map, by the at least one processor.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising extracting a second feature map for detecting a bottom based on the common feature map using the bottom network claim 1 , by the at least one processor.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising:performing upsampling on the second feature map, by the at least one processor; andpredicting a free space and a bottom point of the object based on the upsampled second feature map, by the at least one processor.7. The method of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Device and method for reducing collision risk

Номер: US20220032906A1
Автор: HoJeong YOU
Принадлежит: HL Klemove Corp

The disclosure relates to a collision risk reduction device and method. According to the disclosure, a device for reducing a risk of collision comprises a receiver receiving, from a sensor, object information, an interval setting unit setting an interval predetermined in left and right directions of a traveling direction of the host vehicle, as a first reference interval, and setting an interval, which is a predetermined length larger than the first reference interval, as a second reference interval, a controller determining a type of the object based on the object information if the object approaches within the second reference interval and setting an alarm including the type and location of the object and, if the object approaches within the first reference interval, setting an alarm for avoiding collision with the object based on the type of the object, and an output unit outputting the set alarms.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus, information processing system, non-transitory computer readable medium, and information processing method

Номер: US20220032917A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An information processing apparatus includes: a communication interface configured to communicate with a terminal apparatus of a user; and a controller configured to: detect a use state of a functional component of at least one vehicle; determine weather around the at least one vehicle, based on the use state detected; select at least one facility to be recommended to the user, according to the weather determined; and transmit facility information indicating the at least one facility selected. to the terminal apparatus via the communication interface.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032919A1
Автор: Lee Jin Mo, Min Young Bin

A method of determining driver emotions in conjunction with a driving environment includes determining a basic emotion of a driver, acquiring driving environment information, determining the driver emotion based on the driving environment information and the basic emotion, and providing a service of displaying the driver emotion or a driver-emotion-based service. 1. A method of determining driver emotions in conjunction with a driving environment , the method comprising:determining a basic emotion of a driver;acquiring driving environment information;determining the driver emotion based on the driving environment information and the basic emotion; andproviding a service of displaying the driver emotion or a driver-emotion-based service.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the driving environment information comprises at least one of a vehicle speed claim 1 , an acceleration claim 1 , global positioning system (GPS) information claim 1 , passenger riding information claim 1 , voice utterance information claim 1 , or information device manipulation information.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining the driver emotion comprises:simultaneously receiving the basic emotion and the driving environment information, which are generated in real time, and recognizing whether the driver emotion occurs; andmatching the basic emotion and the driving environment information with each other according to a preset matching table and determining whether a preset driver emotion occurs.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:determining positive and negative levels of the basic emotion.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the determining the driver emotion comprises:when the basic emotion is a positive emotion, determining that the basic emotion is the driver emotion while traveling; andwhen the basic emotion is a negative emotion, classifying the basic emotion into a subdivided negative emotion based on the negative emotion and the driving environment information.6. The ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle and method of controlling the same

Номер: US20220032922A1
Автор: Jin Mo Lee, Young Bin Min
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A method of controlling a vehicle includes acquiring biometric data of a user in the vehicle, determining first determination information related to inattention of the user based on the biometric data, acquiring driving related information of the vehicle, determining second determination information related to driving complexity based on the driving related information, and determining whether to provide a feedback function to the user based on the first determination information and the second determination information.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032924A1

Systems and methods are disclosed for detecting both the occurrence and type of driver distraction experienced by a driver, determined through evaluation of sensed vehicle conditions or activities, such as steering, braking, lane changing, etc. as detected by one or more sensors on or associated with the vehicle. That detection of the occurrence and type of driver distraction may then be used to initiate another action, including initiating an audible or visual alert to the driver, taking measures to interfere with or stop operation of the device that is causing the distraction, log the occurrence and type of distraction that occurred, and report the occurrence and type of distraction to an outside monitoring computer (such as one associated with a guardian of the driver, an insurer of the vehicle, a law enforcement authority, or the like). To allow such detection, the system and method set forth herein employ machine learning methods to first train a classifier to classify certain driver behaviors (as evidenced by sensed vehicle movements and conditions) as a distraction or non-distraction event, and if a distraction event is detected then to further classify a type of such distraction event, and then to apply the trained classifier to classify the driver's ongoing driving activity. 1. A system for detecting and classifying a type of driver distraction , comprising:a driving simulator data capture device configured to acquire simulated driving behavior data profiles associated with a plurality of driving simulations in which a driving simulation operator engages a known driving distraction at a known time or simulated location during the driving simulation;a distraction classification training device receiving said simulated driving behavior data from the driving simulator data capture device;a distraction occurrence and type determination device; anda computer readable memory in data communication with said distraction classification training device and said ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032930A1
Автор: ZHOU Mo

Embodiments of the present disclosure provide a control method of an unmanned vehicle and an unmanned vehicle, which have excellent safety. The control method of the unmanned vehicle includes: detecting vibration information and running attitude information of the unmanned vehicle; according to the vibration information, the running attitude information and a running status of the unmanned vehicle, determining a condition of the unmanned vehicle, wherein the running status of the unmanned vehicle includes a stop status and a driving status; and when the condition of the unmanned vehicle is abnormal, controlling the unmanned vehicle according to an abnormal condition coping strategy. 1. A control method of an unmanned vehicle , comprising:detecting vibration information and running attitude information of the unmanned vehicle;determining a condition of the unmanned vehicle according to the vibration information, the running attitude information and a running status of the unmanned vehicle, wherein the running status of the unmanned vehicle comprises a stop status and a driving status; andcontrolling the unmanned vehicle according to an abnormal condition coping strategy when the condition of the unmanned vehicle is abnormal.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:determining the running status of the unmanned vehicle according to the running attitude information and a system instruction for indicating a designated running status of the unmanned vehicle.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the determining the condition of the unmanned vehicle according to the vibration information claim 1 , the running attitude information and the running status of the unmanned vehicle claim 1 , comprises:determining that the condition of the unmanned vehicle is abnormal when the unmanned vehicle is in the stop status and the vibration information is detected.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein determining the condition of the unmanned vehicle ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Smart Notification Systems For Wearable Devices

Номер: US20170015296A1

According to the embodiments described herein, a smart notification system can include a vehicle, a mobile communication device, and a wearable processing device. A wearable processor or the wearable processing device, a mobile processor of the mobile communication device, a vehicular processor of the vehicle, or a combination thereof can execute machine readable instructions to monitor ambient conditions of the vehicle with a sensor. A notification can be provided upon a wearable display of the wearable processing device. The notification can be indicative of the ambient conditions of the vehicle. A command can be detected with physical input of the wearable processing device. A command signal can be received with vehicle communication hardware of the vehicle. The command signal can be indicative of the command detected by the physical input of the wearable processing device. 1. A system comprising:a processor;a sensor communicatively coupled to the processor;a memory communicatively coupled to the processor; and monitor ambient conditions of a vehicle with the sensor;', 'determine a need for further action based on the ambient conditions;', 'provide a notification in response to determining the need for further action; and', 'receive a command signal indicative of a vehicular action in response to providing the notification., 'machine readable instructions stored in the memory that cause the system to perform at least the following when executed by the processor2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor executes the machine readable instructions to operate one or more components of the vehicle according to the vehicular action claim 1 , wherein the one or more components includes at least one of a window actuator and a heating ventilation and cooling system.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ambient conditions of the vehicle comprises an ambient temperature claim 1 , and wherein the need for further action is determined based on the ambient temperature.4 ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for controlling driving of vehicle

Номер: US20150019064A1
Автор: Ki Cheol Shin
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

An apparatus and a method for controlling driving of a vehicle are provided and the apparatus includes a sensor unit that has at least one sensor disposed at sides of a vehicle. In addition, a controller uses sensing information received from the sensor unit to confirm whether the vehicle enters a path and detects obstacles located in the path. The controller calculates a left and right width of the path based on the obstacles and then confirms whether the path is a narrow road. Further, the controller is configured to output a driving guidance to the confirmed narrow road.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Three-Dimensional Information Calculation Device, Three-Dimensional Information Calculation Method, And Autonomous Mobile Device

Номер: US20180018529A1
Автор: HIRAMATSU Yoshitaka

A three-dimensional information calculation device includes a first image input unit which continuously acquires a plurality of images from a first imaging unit, a second image input unit which continuously acquires a plurality of images from a second imaging unit, an object candidate region extraction unit which extracts an object candidate region where an object exists by using two or more images acquired by the first image input unit at different times, a region future estimation unit which estimates a future position of the object candidate region relative to an image capture range of the first imaging unit based on a position of the extracted object candidate region on a plurality of images, and a three-dimensional information calculation unit which calculates three-dimensional information of the object candidate region, in which three-dimensional information is deemed required based on the future position estimated by the region future estimation unit, based on corresponding points of the object candidate region in an image included in the images acquired by the first image input unit and an image included in the images acquired by the second image input unit. 1. A three-dimensional information calculation device , comprising:a first image input unit which continuously acquires a plurality of images from a first imaging unit;a second image input unit which continuously acquires a plurality of images from a second imaging unit;an object candidate region extraction unit which extracts an object candidate region where an object exists by using two or more images acquired by the first image input unit at different times;a region future estimation unit which estimates a future position of the object candidate region relative to an image capture range of the first imaging unit based on a position of the extracted object candidate region on a plurality of images; anda three-dimensional information calculation unit which calculates three-dimensional information of the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Detecting and responding to processions for autonomous vehicles

Номер: US20210018919A1
Принадлежит: Waymo LLC

The technology relates to detecting and responding to processions. For instance, sensor data identifying two or more objects in an environment of a vehicle may be received. The two or more objects may be determined to be disobeying a predetermined rule in a same way. Based on the determination that the two or more objects are disobeying a predetermined rule, that the two or more objects are involved in a procession may be determined. The vehicle may then be controlled autonomously in order to respond to the procession based on the determination that the two or more objects are involved in a procession.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle control device

Номер: US20170021829A1
Автор: Motoki Nishimura
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

In a vehicle control device, detection of an object around a vehicle is performed, in a case where it is determined that there is a possibility that the vehicle may collide with the object, whether or not a collision can be avoided by braking control of the vehicle is determined, and in a case where it is determined that a collision cannot be avoided by the braking control, steering and braking control to avoid a collision by both steering of the vehicle and braking of the vehicle is performed, flashing of a direction indicator is started, and in a case where the vehicle has stopped, flashing of hazard flashing indicators is performed.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022404A1

Methods, systems, and vehicles are provided for mitigating turbulent air for vehicles. In accordance with one embodiment, a vehicle includes one or more downforce elements, one or more sensors, and a processor. The one or more sensors are configured to obtain one or more parameter values for the vehicle during operation of the vehicle. The processor is processor coupled to the one or more sensors, and is configured to at least facilitate determining whether turbulent air for the vehicle is likely using the parameters, and adjusting a downforce for the vehicle, during operation of the vehicle, by providing instructions for controlling the one or more downforce elements when it is determined that turbulent air for the vehicle is likely. 1. A method comprising:obtaining one or more parameter values for a vehicle during operation of the vehicle;determining whether turbulent air for the vehicle is likely using the parameter values; andadjusting a downforce for the vehicle, via a processor, using instructions provided via the processor for controlling one or more downforce elements for the vehicle, when it is determined that turbulent air for the vehicle is likely.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of adjusting the downforce comprises adjusting movement of one or more aerodynamic wings of the vehicle when it is determined that turbulent air for the vehicle is likely.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the step of obtaining the one or more parameter values comprises obtaining one or more parameter values pertaining to detection of a second vehicle that is moving at least substantially in front of the vehicle;the step of determining whether turbulent air for the vehicle is likely comprises determining whether the turbulent air is likely based on whether the second vehicle is moving at least substantially in front of the vehicle; andthe step of adjusting the downforce comprises adjusting the downforce if it is determined that the second vehicle is moving at least ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle controller for avoiding collision and method thereof

Номер: US20220041068A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Corp

A vehicle controller for avoiding a collision of a vehicle and a method thereof are provided. The vehicle controller includes a drive motor that supplies electric power for a behavior of a vehicle, sensors that obtain information outside the vehicle and information inside the vehicle, and a controller that estimates, when detecting evasive steering of a driver in a collision situation based on the information outside the vehicle and the information inside the vehicle, a front wheel slip angle and a rear wheel slip angle, and controls the drive motor based on the front wheel slip angle and the rear wheel slip angle.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Early boarding of passengers in autonomous vehicles

Номер: US20200021958A1
Принадлежит: Waymo LLC

The technology relates to actively looking for an assigned passenger prior to a vehicle 100 reaching a pickup location. For instance, information identifying the pickup location and client device information for authenticating the assigned passenger is received. Sensor data is received from a perception system (172) of the vehicle identifying objects in an environment of the vehicle. When the vehicle is within a predetermined distance (represented by distance bar 772) from the pickup location (represented by marker 770), authenticating a client device (420, 430) using the client device information is attempted. When the client device has been authenticated, the sensor data is used to determine whether a pedestrian (750, 752) is within a first threshold distance (D1) of the vehicle. When a pedestrian (650, 652, 654, 656) is determined to be within the first threshold distance of the vehicle, the vehicle is stopped prior to reaching the pickup location, to wait for the pedestrian within the first threshold distance of the vehicle to enter the vehicle.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025049A1

Fuel gelling determination methods and systems are provided for identifying and displaying to a vehicle operator a message conveying that the conditions are suitable for the formation of a fuel gel. In one particular example, at a fuel refill event the average ambient air temperature is calculated over the last fifty miles and used to characterize the grade of fuel as a summer or winter grade of fuel. Then, when the ambient temperature next drops near the cloud point of a summer fuel grade while driving, a message is displayed to a vehicle operator indicating that the conditions are suitable for fuel gelling to occur. 1. A method , comprising:displaying a driver notification specifying a potential need for fuel additives due to fuel gelling responsive to past ambient temperatures and current ambient temperatures.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprisingmeasuring ambient temperatures on-board a diesel vehicle during an engine drive cycle, and responsive to a current ambient temperature below a second reference temperature determining an average ambient temperature based on the past ambient temperatures, the method including characterizing a fuel grade based on the determined average ambient temperature.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the past ambient temperatures are stored on-board the diesel vehicle claim 2 , the average ambient temperature being determined based on at least a portion of the stored ambient temperatures.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the determined average ambient temperature is compared to a first reference temperature to characterize the fuel grade.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising characterizing the fuel grade as a summer grade of fuel responsive to the determined average ambient temperature exceeding the first reference temperature and characterizing the fuel grade as a winter grade of fuel responsive to the determined average ambient temperature falling below the first reference temperature.6. The method of claim 5 , ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for controlling driving of vehicle

Номер: US20220041160A1
Автор: Chan Hee Jung
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Corp

An apparatus and a method for controlling driving of a vehicle are provided. The apparatus includes a sensor configured to obtain driving environment information and vehicle driving information, and a controller configured to calculate a time to collision with a following vehicle based on the driving environment information when a lane change is necessary to be performed while flashing an emergency light, and to control flashing of the emergency light or a turn indicator based on the time to collision and the vehicle driving information when the lane change is performed.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041171A1
Автор: Bering Christopher

An exemplary method generally involves determining a hazard parameter for a tracked vehicle including a ground interface assembly. The ground interface assembly generally includes a track and a drive wheel operable to move the track to thereby propel the tracked vehicle. A load sensor senses a load carried by the tracked vehicle, and a speed sensor senses a vehicle speed of the tracked vehicle. A control system in communication with the load sensor, the speed sensor, and a temperature sensor determines the hazard parameter based upon the load, the vehicle speed, and an ambient temperature in a vicinity of the tracked vehicle. The control system compares the hazard parameter to a threshold parameter, and performs an action based upon the comparison. 1. A method , comprising:sensing, by a load sensor, a load carried by a tracked vehicle comprising a ground interface assembly, the ground interface assembly comprising a track and a drive wheel operable to move the track to thereby propel the tracked vehicle;sensing, by a speed sensor, a vehicle speed of the tracked vehicle;determining, by a control system in communication with the load sensor, the speed sensor, and a temperature sensor, a hazard parameter based upon the load, the vehicle speed, and an ambient temperature in a vicinity of the tracked vehicle;comparing, by the control system, the hazard parameter to a threshold parameter; andperforming, by the control system, an action based upon the comparison of the hazard parameter with the threshold parameter.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the action is performed in response to the hazard parameter violating the threshold parameter.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the control system has stored in memory at least one characteristic of the track claim 1 , and wherein the determining is based further upon the at least one characteristic of the track.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hazard parameter is an estimated track temperature;wherein the threshold ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023831A1

A method for outputting a control signal can include receiving image data associated with an image captured by an image capture means, determining a visibility condition about a vehicle by analysing at least a portion of the image data to determine one or more edges in the image, and outputting a control signal based on the analysis, the control signal for controlling an operation of a vehicle system of the vehicle. The method may be used to detect the presence of a foggy environment whereby the presence of fog reduces the number of detectable edges in an image. 1. A method for outputting a control signal , the method comprising:receiving image data associated with an image captured by an image capture means;determining a visibility condition for a vehicle by analysing at least a portion of the image data to determine one or more edges in the image; andoutputting a control signal based on the analysis, the control signal for controlling an operation of a vehicle system of the vehicle.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising selecting a portion of the image data for the analysis claim 1 , the selected portion being associated with a portion of the image.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein selecting the portion of the image data comprises selecting a region having at least one lateral border running across and within the image.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the analysing comprises summing the number of determined edges; andoutputting the control signal is based on the summed number of edges.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein analysing the image data comprises applying an edge detection algorithm to the image data.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising determining a variance of pixel intensity values for a plurality of pixels for at least a portion of the image data claim 1 , wherein the control signal is output based on the determined variance.7. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Altitude Compensation for Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20150027407A1
Автор: Paul DARNELL
Принадлежит: Jaguar Land Rover Ltd

In order to address turbo lag at altitude, a vehicle boosts output torque of an internal combustion engine with electric motor torque generated from a battery. The residual charge of the battery is increased at altitude to provide a sufficient reserve for the corresponding increase in turbo lag. The invention is typically applied to a parallel hybrid vehicle.

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Path providing device and path providing method thereof

Номер: US20210024084A1
Автор: Jaeho Choi, Jihyun Kim

A path providing device for a repeater includes: a telecommunication control unit configured to perform communication with at least one of a server or a vehicle, a processor. The processor is configured to control the telecommunication control unit to receive map information including a plurality of layers of data from a server, receive dynamic information including sensing information from a vehicle located in an allocated area, and generate EHP information comprising at least one of an optimal path providing a direction with respect to one or more lanes or autonomous driving visibility information in which sensing information is merged with the optimal path to be transmitted to a target vehicle, using the map information and dynamic information.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024094A1
Автор: Maat Jacob Reinier

An autonomous vehicle uses machine learning based models such as neural networks to predict hidden context attributes associated with traffic entities. The hidden context represents behavior of the traffic entities in the traffic. The machine learning based model is configured to receive a video frame as input and output likelihoods of receiving user responses having particular ordinal values. The system uses a loss function based on cumulative histogram of user responses corresponding to various ordinal values. The system identifies user responses that are unlikely to be valid user responses to generate training data for training the machine learning mode. The system identifies invalid user responses based on response time of the user responses. 1. A method comprising:receiving, by one or more autonomous vehicles, sensor data from sensors mounted on each autonomous vehicle;storing a plurality of images extracted from the sensor data, each image displaying a traffic entity; sending the image for presentation to a set of users, and', 'for each of the set of users, receiving a user response describing a hidden context attribute for the traffic entity, wherein each user response is associated with a user response time;, 'for each of the plurality of images, the image displaying a traffic entitydetermining a threshold value for user response times based on a difference between a statistical distribution of user responses having a user response time above the threshold value and a statistical distribution of user responses having a user response time below the threshold value;selecting a subset of user responses having a user response time above the determined threshold value;generating training data set using the subset of user responses;training a neural network using the training data set, the neural network configured to receive an input image and predict the hidden context attribute for the input image;navigating an autonomous vehicle, based on the neural network.2. ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025489A1

Control of a Vehicle Having an Automatic Transmission to Compensate for Ambient Air Density A method of controlling an automatic transmission () of a vehicle (), the method comprising: receiving a signal indicative of a vehicle operating mode; obtaining a base map defining gear shift points for the transmission () based on the indicated vehicle operating mode; obtaining a torque loss map defining gear shift points for the transmission () based on a predetermined minimum value of density; and controlling the transmission () based on the base map if the base map defines gear shift points at higher engine speeds or vehicle speeds than the corresponding gear shift points defined by the torque loss map. 117-. (canceled)18. A method of controlling an automatic transmission of a vehicle , the method comprising:receiving a signal indicative of a vehicle operating mode;obtaining a base map defining gear shift points for the transmission based on the indicated vehicle operating mode;obtaining a torque loss map defining gear shift points for the transmission based on a predetermined minimum value of air density;controlling the transmission based on the base map if the base map defines gear shift points at higher engine speeds or vehicle speeds than the corresponding gear shift points defined by the torque loss map; andobtaining a signal indicative of a gradient of a surface on which the vehicle is positioned by estimating a gradient of a surface on which the vehicle is positioned, or receiving a signal indicative of a gradient of a surface on which the vehicle is positioned.19. The method of claim 18 , comprising receiving one or more signals indicative of ambient air density and obtaining a compensated map defining gear shift points for the transmission based on the or each signal indicative of ambient air density.20. The method of claim 19 , wherein obtaining the compensated map comprises interpolating between the torque loss map and the base map in accordance with the or ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210026345A1

A vehicle including: a communication section configured to receive operation information to operate a travel device from an external operation device; a memory; and a processor coupled to the memory, the processor being configured to: acquire peripheral information peripheral to a vehicle body from a peripheral information detection section, generate a travel plan based on the peripheral information, and control the travel device so as to perform autonomous driving in which travel is based on the generated travel plan, and perform remote driving in which travel is based on the operation information received by the communication section; and the vehicle further comprising a presentation device configured to present, at a vehicle exterior, identifying information received by the communication section, the identifying information relating to a user making use of transportation by the autonomous driving or the remote driving. 1. A vehicle comprising:a communication section configured to receive operation information to operate a travel device from an external operation device;a memory; and acquire peripheral information peripheral to a vehicle body from a peripheral information detection section,', 'generate a travel plan based on the peripheral information, and', 'control the travel device so as to perform autonomous driving in which travel is based on the generated travel plan, and perform remote driving in which travel is based on the operation information received by the communication section; and, 'a processor coupled to the memory, the processor being configured tothe vehicle further comprising a presentation device configured to present, at a vehicle exterior, identifying information received by the communication section, the identifying information relating to a user making use of transportation by the autonomous driving or the remote driving.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the presentation device starts to present at the vehicle exterior when the vehicle ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Electronic device and method for assisting in vehicle driving

Номер: US20200027352A1

Provided are an electronic device and method for assisting with driving of a vehicle, the electronic device including: a sensing unit configured to sense a driving state of at least one external vehicle on an entry scheduled lane that the vehicle is to enter by changing lanes; a processor configured to determine an entry possible region on the entry scheduled lane based on the sensed driving state of the at least one external vehicle and determine an entry condition for entry of the vehicle into the entry possible region; and an outputter configured to output information about the entry possible region and the entry condition.

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Looking away determination device, looking away determination system, looking away determination method, and storage medium

Номер: US20210027078A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

A looking away determination device includes: a determination unit that determines that a driver is in a looking away state when a proportion of an image in which the face of the driver is not detected with respect to a plurality of images obtained by imaging the driver is equal to or greater than a first predetermined value.

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for autonomous road condition reporting

Номер: US20210027622A1
Автор: Jialin Jiao, Jing Zhai
Принадлежит: Pony AI Inc Cayman Islands

Apparatuses, methods, and computer readable storage media are provided for autonomously reporting road conditions. The apparatus can be operated by using one or more sensors by a detecting vehicle to detect a road condition. A computer can then identify the road condition using a component and generating a road condition information. The computer can then determine an effect of the road condition on other vehicles and determine a subset of the other vehicles that will be affected by the road condition. The computer can then transmit the road condition information such that the road condition information is receivable by the subset of other vehicles.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029597A1
Автор: Gage Sergei I., Sato Arata

A device and method for adjusting vehicle fuel efficiency to responsive to an altered vehicle surface area are disclosed. An operation of the method receives vehicle surface data, which indicates a transition from a first vehicle drag coefficient value relating to a vehicle surface area to a second vehicle drag coefficient value relating to the altered vehicle surface area. A second plurality of powertrain parameter values associated with the second vehicle drag coefficient value are determined, and the method operates to transmit the second plurality of powertrain parameter values for adjusting of the vehicle fuel efficiency. 1. A method in a vehicle control unit for adjusting vehicle fuel efficiency to address an altered vehicle surface area , the method comprising:receiving vehicle surface data indicating a transition from a first vehicle drag coefficient value relating to a vehicle surface area to a second vehicle drag coefficient value relating to the altered vehicle surface area, wherein a first plurality of powertrain parameter values are associated with the first vehicle drag coefficient value;determining a second plurality of powertrain parameter values associated with the second vehicle drag coefficient value; andtransmitting the second plurality of powertrain parameter values for the adjusting of the vehicle fuel efficiency.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first plurality of powertrain parameter values comprising at least two of:an engine throttle control parameter value,an engine variable valve timing (VVT) parameter value;a transmission shift schedule parameter value; anda transmission shift timing parameter value.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle surface data comprising tonneau sensor data.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the tonneau sensor data being provided by at least one of:a moisture sensor activation data operable to remotely operate a tonneau cover;proximity sensor data indicating a transition of the vehicle surface are;a ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Control system and control method for selecting and tracking a motor vehicle

Номер: US20180029602A1

The present invention describes a control system, which is adapted and determined to identify motor vehicles driving in front. The control system is at least adapted and determined to detect another motor vehicle participating in the traffic with the at least one environmental sensor. The control system is at least adapted and determined to determine positions of the other motor vehicle for a predetermined time interval. The control system is at least adapted and determined to determine at the end of the time interval whether a) a current position of the own motor vehicle lies ahead of at least one of the determined positions of the other motor vehicle; b) a lateral distance between a respectively next position of the determined positions of the other motor vehicle ahead of and behind the current position of the own motor vehicle does not exceed a predetermined value; and c) a number of the determined positions of the other motor vehicle, which are located ahead of the current position of the own motor vehicle, exceeds a predetermined minimum number. The control system is at least adapted and determined to estimate a trajectory from the determined positions of the other motor vehicle if it was determined that a), b) and c) have been fulfilled. The control system is at least adapted and determined to select the other motor vehicle in order to follow this, based on a deviation measurement between the estimated trajectory of the other motor vehicle and a trajectory of the own motor vehicle.

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle lighting device and method of controlling luminance thereof

Номер: US20220048430A1
Автор: Chongbae Park
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A vehicle lighting device and a method of controlling luminance thereof are provided. The vehicle lighting device includes a camera module configured to capture an image of the driver's face, a sensing unit configured to detect the surroundings of a vehicle, a lighting unit including at least one light source to illuminate the interior of the vehicle, and a controller. The controller is configured to acquire information on a daytime mode and a nighttime mode through the sensing unit, to acquire information on an infrared brightness level or information on the size of the pupil of the driver's eye based on the image of the driver's face captured by the camera module, and to control the luminance of the lighting unit in response to the acquired information.

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Event detection system for analyzing and storing real-time other-user vehicle speed and distance

Номер: US20220048502A1
Автор: Younghun Kim
Принадлежит: Individual

A vehicle event occurrence detection system of the present invention calculates a speed and a separation distance of other vehicle, displays information of one or two vehicles with a possibility of an accident on a screen in real time, and transmits it to an external device. Accordingly, when an actual accident occurs, an exact cause of the accident can be identified based on information before and after the accident. Since the information of the vehicles is stored in a storage, it can be reproduced and checked later.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048528A1

A vehicle automated driving system comprises a surrounding environment information acquiring device , a vehicle information acquiring device , a driver information acquiring device , a package selecting part , a package proposing part , an automated driving executing part , and a rejection count detecting part . The package selecting part determines the driving assistance package based on at least one of the surrounding environment information, the vehicle information, and the driver information, selects the determined driving assistance package if the rejection count of the determined driving assistance package is less than a predetermined threshold value, and selects a driving assistance package different from the determined driving assistance package if the rejection count of the determined driving assistance package is the threshold value or more. 1. A vehicle automated driving system comprising:a surrounding environment information acquiring device configured to acquire surrounding environment information relating to surrounding environment conditions of the vehicle,a vehicle information acquiring device configured to acquire vehicle information relating to conditions of the vehicle,a driver information acquiring device configured to acquire driver information relating to conditions of a driver of the vehicle,a package selecting part configured to select a driving assistance package, wherein the driving assistance package packages permissions for each of a plurality of driving assistance operations and permits at least one of the plurality of driving assistance operations to be performed,a package proposing part configured to propose the driving assistance package selected by the package selecting part to the driver,an automated driving executing part configured to execute driving assistance operations for which performance is permitted in the driving assistance package proposed by the packaging proposing part and approved by the driver, anda rejection count ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle Travel Control Method and Vehicle Travel Control Device

Номер: US20190031198A1
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

A pedestrian crosswalk through which a subject vehicle is expected to pass is specified as a first pedestrian crosswalk and another pedestrian crosswalk located within a predetermined distance from the first pedestrian crosswalk is specified as a second pedestrian crosswalk. An extension process of extending an area of at least one of the first pedestrian crosswalk and the second pedestrian crosswalk is performed. When a determination is made that at least a part of the first pedestrian crosswalk and the second pedestrian crosswalk overlap each other, an area including the first pedestrian crosswalk and the second pedestrian crosswalk is set as a detection area of a detector detecting an object around the subject vehicle. A moving object is detected in the detection area using the detector. Travel of the subject vehicle is controlled on the basis of a detection result of the detector. 1. A travel control method for a vehicle , comprising:specifying a pedestrian crosswalk through which a subject vehicle is expected to pass as a first pedestrian crosswalk;specifying another pedestrian crosswalk located within a predetermined distance from the first pedestrian crosswalk as a second pedestrian crosswalk;performing an extension process of extending an area of at least one of the first pedestrian crosswalk and the second pedestrian crosswalk;determining whether or not at least a part of the area of the first pedestrian crosswalk subjected to the extension process and at least a part of the area of the second pedestrian crosswalk subjected to the extension process overlap each other;when a determination is made that at least a part of the area of the first pedestrian crosswalk subjected to the extension process and at least a part of the area of the second pedestrian crosswalk subjected to the extension process overlap each other, setting an area including the first pedestrian crosswalk and the second pedestrian crosswalk as a detection area of a detector detecting an ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031199A1
Автор: Dudar Aed M.

Methods and systems are provided for conducting an ambient air temperature (AAT) sensor test. In one example, a method may include adjusting a vehicle actuator to reduce a deviation of the AAT measured by an AAT sensor on board a vehicle from an expected AAT and remeasuring the AAT with the AAT sensor in response to the AAT measured by the AAT sensor deviating from the expected AAT by more than a threshold temperature difference. In this way, excessively inflated or depressed AAT measurements at the AAT sensor can be reduced, the accuracy and the reliability of the AAT sensor measurements can be increased, vehicle fuel consumption and emissions can be reduced, and vehicle drivability can be increased. 1. A method for a vehicle including an ambient air temperature (AAT) sensor , the method comprising:in response to an AAT measured by the AAT sensor deviating from an expected AAT by more than a threshold temperature difference;adjusting a vehicle actuator to reduce the deviation of the AAT measured by the AAT sensor from the expected AAT; andremeasuring the AAT with the AAT sensor after adjusting the vehicle actuator.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising indicating a corrected AAT sensor when the remeasured AAT deviates from the expected AAT by less than the threshold temperature difference.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein remeasuring the AAT with the AAT sensor comprises remeasuring the AAT after a threshold time has elapsed after adjusting the vehicle actuator.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein adjusting the vehicle actuator includes changing an active grille shutter (AGS) position by more than a threshold position change prior to elapsing of the threshold time.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein adjusting the vehicle actuator includes extending a side mirror with a mounted AAT sensor thereon prior to elapsing of the threshold time.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein adjusting the vehicle actuator includes elevating an active suspension of the vehicle prior ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031283A1

A periphery monitoring apparatus includes: a detector configured to detect a roughness state of a road surface in a traveling direction of a vehicle; an acquisition unit configured to acquire a guide marker to be superimposed onto an image based on captured image data output from an imager that captures an image of a peripheral region including the traveling direction of the vehicle, the guide marker being displayed in a manner that follows a roughness state of the road surface in the traveling direction of the vehicle; and a controller configured to superimpose the guide marker onto the image in the display manner that follows the roughness state and display the image on a display device. 1. A periphery monitoring apparatus comprising:a detector configured to detect a roughness state of a road surface in a traveling direction of a vehicle;an acquisition unit configured to acquire a guide marker to be superimposed onto an image based on captured image data output from an imager that captures an image of a peripheral region including the traveling direction of the vehicle, the guide marker being displayed in a manner that follows a roughness state of the road surface in the traveling direction of the vehicle; anda controller configured to superimpose the guide marker onto the image in the display manner that follows the roughness state and display the image on a display device.2. The periphery monitoring apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the acquisition unit acquires claim 1 , as the guide marker claim 1 , a path marker indicating an expected traveling direction of a wheel based on a steering angle of the vehicle.3. The periphery monitoring apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the controller performs a roughness highlighting process on a region in the image on which the guide marker is superimposed.4. The periphery monitoring apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the controller performs a highlighting process on a region indicating the roughness state ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031352A1

In an apparatus for assisting driving a vehicle, an error calculation unit calculates errors in first information representing a driving state of the vehicle based on the first information and second information including at least one of surroundings information and external location information of the vehicle. An error correction unit corrects for the errors in the first information. If error correction performed by the error correction unit is completed, a location estimation unit estimates a location of the vehicle based on the first information corrected for the errors. A driving assistance unit performs driving assistance for the vehicle based on the location of the vehicle estimated by the location estimation unit. If error correction performed by the error correction unit is completed, a process change unit changes a process of a specific type of driving assistance performed by the driving assistance unit. 1. An apparatus for assisting driving a vehicle , comprising:a first information acquisition unit configured to acquire driving information representing a driving state of the vehicle as first information;a second information acquisition unit configured to acquire at least one of surroundings information and external location information of the vehicle as second information;an error calculation unit configured to calculate errors in the first information based on the first information and the second information;an error correction unit configured to correct for the errors in the first information calculated by the error calculation unit;a location estimation unit configured to, if error correction performed by the error correction unit is completed, estimate a location of the vehicle based on the first information corrected for the errors;a driving assistance unit configured to perform driving assistance for the vehicle based on the location of the vehicle estimated by the location estimation unit; anda process change unit configured to, if error correction ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031756A1

Methods and systems for monitoring use, determining risk, and pricing insurance policies for a vehicle having one or more autonomous or semi-autonomous operation features are provided. According to certain aspects, the operating status of the features, the identity of a vehicle operator, risk levels for operation of the vehicle by the vehicle operator, or damage to the vehicle may be determined based upon sensor or other data. According to further aspects, decisions regarding transferring control between the features and the vehicle operator may be made based upon sensor data and information regarding the vehicle operator. Additional aspects may recommend or install updates to the autonomous operation features based upon determined risk levels. Some aspects may include monitoring transportation infrastructure and communicating information about the infrastructure to vehicles. 120-. (canceled)21. A computer-implemented method of enhancing safe vehicle operation , the method comprising:determining, by one or more processors, a drop off point is associated with a vehicle environment having a high risk of vehicle theft or damage;receiving, at one or more processors via a communication network, a message from a parking facility, wherein the message includes information indicating availability of one or more parking spaces within the parking facility;determining, by one or more processors, a preferred parking spot for an autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicle from among the one or more parking spaces indicated in the received message based at least in part upon the preferred parking spot being associated with a lower risk of vehicle theft or damage than the drop off point;determining, by one or more processors, a route to the preferred parking spot; andcausing, by one or more processors, the autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicle to travel to the preferred parking spot following the route controlled by one or more autonomous operation features.22. The computer-implemented ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

System and method for assisting autonomous driving of vehicle using drone

Номер: US20200033881A1
Автор: Seung Hyun Kim
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A system assisting autonomous driving using a drone include: a drone obtaining peripheral information through at least one or more detectors; a vehicle performing autonomous driving by using the peripheral information; and a server lending the drone in response to a drone rental request of the vehicle and assisting the autonomous driving of the vehicle.

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle travel control apparatus

Номер: US20180037230A1
Автор: Hirotada Otake
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicle travel control apparatus includes an anomaly monitoring section for determining, through monitoring, whether or not a driver is in an anomalous state in which the driver has lost his or her ability to drive the vehicle, and a deceleration section for automatically stopping the vehicle by decelerating the vehicle after a final anomaly determined time which is a point in time when the anomaly monitoring section finally determines that the driver is in the anomalous state. The deceleration section prohibits deceleration of the vehicle in the case where the deceleration section determines that the vehicle is present in the deceleration prohibited section after the final anomaly determination time.

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Platooning controller, system including the same, and method thereof

Номер: US20210035451A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A platooning controller, a vehicle system including the same, and a method thereof are provided. The platooning controller includes a processor that identifies information about outside vehicles around a platooning line based on sensing information of platooning vehicles, determines whether views of the outside vehicles are obstructed by the platooning line based on the information about the outside vehicles, controls the platooning vehicles such that the views of the outside vehicles are obtained, and performs collision avoidance control and a storage storing the sensing information or a result of determination of whether a view is obstructed.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160042238A1
Автор: Lynam Niall R., Nix Axel

A driver active safety control system for a vehicle includes a plurality of image capture sensors, a video display screen, a central driver active safety control module and at least one non-imaging sensor. The control module at least includes an image processor, a vision core and a fusion core. The image processor processes image data captured by and received from at least a forward viewing image capture sensor for at least one of (i) automatic headlamp control, (ii) lane departure warning and (iii) traffic sign recognition. The vision core is operable to manipulate image data captured by and received at least from rearward and sideward viewing image capture sensors to form video images for displaying on the video display screen. The fusion core is operable to process inputs received to enhance control by the control module of a driver assistance system of the equipped vehicle. 1. A driver active safety control system for a vehicle , said driver active safety control system comprising:a plurality of image capture sensors configured to be disposed at a vehicle equipped with said driver active safety control system so as to have respective fields of view exterior of the equipped vehicle;wherein said plurality of image capture sensors comprises at least (i) a forward viewing image capture sensor configured to be disposed at the equipped vehicle so as to have a forward field of view in a direction of forward travel of the equipped vehicle, (ii) a rearward viewing image capture sensor configured to be disposed at the equipped vehicle so as to have a rearward field of view in a direction of rearward travel of the equipped vehicle, (iii) a driver-side sideward viewing image capture sensor configured to be disposed at a driver side of the body of the equipped vehicle so as to have a driver-side sideward field of view sideward of the equipped vehicle and (iv) a passenger-side sideward viewing image capture sensor configured to be disposed at a passenger side of the body of ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Facial recognition system and controlling method thereof

Номер: US20220055573A1
Автор: Hyunsang Kim, YunSup Ann
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

In accordance with an aspect of disclosure, the vehicle includes a first sensor configured to measure a distance to an object; a second sensor configured to measure a temperature of the object; a camera configured to acquire an image of the object; and a controller configured to activate the second sensor when the distance to the object measured by the first sensor satisfies the condition for performing heat detection, and activate the camera when the temperature of the object measured by the second sensor satisfies a condition for performing facial recognition.

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Estimating Ambient Air Temperature and Diagnosing Sensor Failure Using Intercooler Efficiency

Номер: US20220055628A1
Принадлежит: PACCAR INC

Examples of the present disclosure describe systems and methods for determining an estimated ambient air temperature in an environment in which a vehicle is operating. The estimated ambient air temperature may be compared to an ambient temperature sensor value. The comparison may be used to determine whether an ambient air temperature sensor of the vehicle is functioning properly or if an error notification or fault code should be triggered. 1. A system , comprising:a processor; and receiving an ambient air temperature reading from an ambient air temperature sensor associated with a vehicle;', 'determining a cooling capacity of an intercooler associated with the vehicle;', 'determining an ambient air flow rate of the intercooler associated with the vehicle;', 'determining a cooling flow rate of the intercooler associated with the vehicle;', 'determining an estimated ambient air temperature based, at least in part, on the cooling capacity of the intercooler, the ambient air flow rate of the intercooler and the cooling flow rate of the intercooler;', 'determining a difference between the ambient air temperature reading and the estimated ambient air temperature; and', 'triggering an error notification for the vehicle when the determined difference between the ambient air temperature reading and the estimated ambient air temperature is above a threshold., 'a memory communicatively coupled to the processor and storing instructions that, when executed by the processor, perform operations, comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ambient air flow rate of the intercooler is based claim 1 , at least in part claim 1 , on a rate of air flow through an engine induction system of the vehicle and the cooling capacity of the intercooler.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein determining the ambient air flow rate of the intercooler comprises instructions for looking up the ambient air flow rate of the intercooler in an ambient air flow rate lookup table.4. The system of claim 1 ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Technologies To Facilitate Automated Driving Assistance Based On Objects Sensed And Reported By Remote Senders

Номер: US20190039612A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

In an automated method for providing driving assistance, an electronic control unit (ECU) of a first driving assistance system of a first vehicle receives local object information from at least one sensing component of the first driving assistance system. The first driving assistance system automatically detects external objects outside of the first vehicle, based on the local object information received from the at least one sensing component. The first driving assistance system also receives a reported object list (ROL) from a second vehicle, wherein the ROL describes objects detected by a second driving assistance system in the second vehicle. The first driving assistance system also affects operation of the first vehicle, based on (a) the external objects detected by the first vehicle and (b) the ROL from the second vehicle. Other embodiments are described and claimed.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039321A1
Автор: SAKAI Koji

An air conditioning control device includes: a passenger determination unit that determines whether a passenger is in a self-driving vehicle; a travel determination unit that determines a traveling state of the self-driving vehicle; and a light blocking control unit that executes a light blocking air conditioning control for a vehicle cabin by operating a light blocking device to adjust solar radiation into the vehicle cabin from a window of the self-driving vehicle when the passenger determination unit and the travel determination unit determine that the self-driving vehicle is in an unmanned traveling condition. 1. An air conditioning control device for a self-driving vehicle comprising:a passenger determination unit that determines whether a passenger is in the self-driving vehicle;a travel determination unit that determines a traveling state of the self-driving vehicle; anda light blocking control unit that executes a light blocking air conditioning control for a vehicle cabin by operating a light blocking device to adjust solar radiation into the vehicle cabin from a window of the self-driving vehicle when the passenger determination unit and the travel determination unit determine that the self-driving vehicle is in an unmanned traveling condition.2. The air conditioning control device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a solar radiation detection unit configured to detect solar radiation into the vehicle cabin of the self-driving vehicle, whereinthe light blocking control unit determines an execution content of the light blocking air conditioning control based on a detection result of the solar radiation detection unit.3. The air conditioning control device according to claim 2 , whereinthe solar radiation detection unit is able to detect a biased solar radiation state that the solar radiation into the vehicle cabin of the self-driving vehicle is biased, andthe light blocking control unit is able to operate the light blocking device individually ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Control of a vehicle emergency braking system

Номер: US20200039481A1
Принадлежит: Jaguar Land Rover Ltd

A control system (100) for an emergency braking system (200) using at least one transmitter/receiver sensor (210) comprising: means for causing automatic transition, from a first state (310) in which the emergency braking system (200) is inactive to a second state (320) in which the emergency braking system (200) is active, in dependence upon satisfaction of a first group of different necessary conditions (412).

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046936A1

A vehicle control device includes a recognizer configured to recognize an object around a host vehicle, a driving controller configured to control a speed and steering of the host vehicle and cause the host vehicle to overtake a moving body recognized as the object by the recognizer in a predetermined case, the moving body being a moving body present at a side of a road on which the host vehicle is present, and a predictor configured to predict that the host vehicle will be overtaken by the overtaken moving body at a future point in time when the moving body has been recognized by the recognizer, and the driving controller is configured to not cause the host vehicle to overtake the moving body when the predictor predicts that the host vehicle will be overtaken by the overtaken moving body at a future point in time. 113.-. (canceled)14. A vehicle control device comprising:a recognizer configured to recognize an object around a host vehicle;a driving controller configured to control a speed and steering of the host vehicle and cause the host vehicle to overtake a moving body recognized as the object by the recognizer in a predetermined case, the moving body being a moving body present at a side of a road on which the host vehicle is present; anda predictor configured to predict that the host vehicle will be overtaken by the overtaken moving body at a predetermined future point in time when the moving body has been recognized by the recognizer,wherein the driving controller is configured to not cause the host vehicle to overtake the moving body when the predictor predicts that the host vehicle will be overtaken by the overtaken moving body at the predetermined future point in time.15. The vehicle control device according to claim 14 ,wherein the predictoris configured to predict that the host vehicle will stop at the predetermined future point in time when the host vehicle will arrive at a future position after a predetermined distance from a current position, andis ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Vehicle parking control

Номер: US20210046977A1

A computer, including a processor and a memory, the memory including instructions to be executed by the processor to receive a vehicle path from a server computer and verify the vehicle path based on vehicle dynamics and vehicle constraints. The instruction can include further instructions to, when the vehicle path is verified as correct, operating the vehicle on the vehicle path and, when the vehicle path is verified as incorrect, stopping the vehicle.

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for estimating position

Номер: US20220058401A1

A position information estimating method and apparatus are provided, wherein the position information estimating method includes estimating initial position information of a vehicle based on motion information of the vehicle that is obtained from one or more sensors, calculating search position information of one or more objects included in an image of surroundings of the vehicle based on the initial position information, evaluating a final reliability of each of the one or more objects based on the initial position information and the search position information, obtaining a filter adaptation parameter corresponding to a weight of the search position information based on the final reliability, and estimating final position information of the vehicle based on the initial position information, the search position information, and the filter adaptation parameter.

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Distributed Modular Solid-State LIDAR System

Номер: US20200041614A1
Принадлежит: Opsys Tech Ltd

A LIDAR system includes a first optical transmitter comprising a plurality of first emitters, where each of the plurality of first emitters is positioned to generate an optical beam with a FOV at a target range when energized. A second optical transmitter includes a plurality of second emitters, where each of the plurality of second emitters is positioned to generate an optical beam with a FOV at the target range when energized. The first and second optical transmitters are positioned relative to each other so the FOVs of at least some of the optical beams generated by the first and second optical transmitter when energized overlap at the target range. An optical receiver includes a plurality of optical detectors, where a respective one of the plurality of optical detectors is positioned to detect a respective optical beam generated by at least one of the first and second optical transmitter and reflected by a target in the FOV at the target range. A controller includes a first and second output being connected to respective control inputs of the first and second optical transmitters, and a third output being connected to a control input of the optical receiver. The controller generates control signals at the first and second outputs that control energizing select ones of the plurality of first and the plurality of second emitters that generate optical beams with the FOVs that overlap at the target range and generating a control signal at the third output that activates selected ones of the plurality of optical detectors to detect optical beams reflected from an object at the target range.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200043247A1

A vehicle control device includes a mounting unit on which a medium storing authentication information for passing through a toll road is mountable, a detector which is configured to detect a state where the medium is mounted on the mounting unit or a state where the medium is not mounted on the mounting unit, and an automated driving controller which is configured to perform automated driving and change control details of the automated driving on the basis of detection results obtained by the detector, wherein the automated driving controller configured to determine whether to change a target gate or not on the basis of a relationship between a time when the mounting state detected by the detector is changed and a time when the vehicle is expected to arrive at the target gate or a relationship between a position of the vehicle at the time when the mounting state detected by the detector is changed and a position of the target gate. 111.-. (canceled)12. A vehicle control device comprising:a mounting unit on which a medium storing authentication information for passing through a toll road is mountable;a detector configured to detect a state where the medium is mounted on the mounting unit or a state where the medium is not mounted on the mounting unit; andan automated driving controller configured to perform automated driving and change control details of the automated driving on the basis of detection results obtained by the detector,wherein the automated driving controller configured to determine whether to change a target gate or not on the basis of a relationship between a time when the mounting state detected by the detector is changed and a time when the vehicle is expected to arrive at the target gate or a relationship between a position of the vehicle at the time when the mounting state detected by the detector is changed and a position of the target gate.13. The vehicle control device according to claim 12 ,wherein the automated driving controller is ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Rear view camera for vehicle and control method therefor

Номер: US20220063516A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co Ltd

According to at least one aspect, the present disclosure provides a method comprising: determining whether a vehicle is traveling in reverse or is in a rear photographing mode; in response to determining that the vehicle is traveling in reverse or is in the rear photographing mode, opening an opening and closing unit included in an inner housing; as the opening and closing unit opens, drawing a camera and a fluid injection unit out of the vehicle; photographing, by the camera, a peripheral region of the vehicle; spraying, by the fluid injection unit, each of a washer fluid and air toward a lens surface of the camera; when the vehicle has ended traveling in reverse or the rear photographing mode, closing the opening and closing unit; and as the opening and closing unit closes, drawing the camera and the fluid injection unit into the vehicle.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Method for training a trajectory for a vehicle, and electronic vehicle guidance system

Номер: US20220063599A1

One aspect relates to a method for training a trajectory ( 12 ) for a vehicle ( 3 ), along which the vehicle ( 3 ) drives into a parking area (P), wherein, during a training drive, the environment ( 11 ) of the vehicle ( 3 ) is captured using a first capture device ( 7, 8, 9 ) of the vehicle ( 3 ), which first capture device constitutes a first type of function with respect to the type of capture and/or a capture state and/or the position on the vehicle and/or the orientation on the vehicle ( 3 ), and the trajectory ( 12 ) is determined on the basis thereof, wherein, during a subsequent drive which follows the training drive and in which the vehicle ( 3 ) drives to the parking area (P) at least in certain regions, the environment ( 11 ) is captured using a second capture device ( 7, 8, 9 ) of the vehicle ( 3 ), which second capture device constitutes a second type of function differing from the first type of function with respect to the type of capture and/or a capture state and/or the position on the vehicle ( 3 ) and/or the orientation on the vehicle ( 3 ), wherein the trajectory ( 12 ) is updated on the basis of the information captured by the second capture device ( 7, 8, 9 ). A further aspect relates to an electronic vehicle guidance system ( 5 ).

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Detecting an object outside of a field of view

Номер: US20220063602A1

A message can be received from a first object. The message can include information about a position of the first object. An electromagnetic energy can be caused to be transmitted in a direction of the first object at a time in which the first object is in motion. A reflection of the electromagnetic energy can be received from the direction of the first object. A first possible position of a second object can be determined based on the reflection of the electromagnetic energy having traveled entirely along a path defined by a line formed by the first object and the vehicle. A second possible position of the second object can be determined based on the reflection of the electromagnetic energy having traveled along a path outside of the line. An actual position of the second object being the second possible position of the second object can be determined.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063604A1
Автор: OKANO Masashi

A travel control device includes a travel environment recognizer recognizing travel environment information around a vehicle, an obstacle recognizer recognizing an obstacle possibly colliding with the vehicle, and a travel controller performing emergency braking when a first parameter becomes a first threshold value or smaller and causing the vehicle to start moving again when a second parameter reaches a second threshold value or larger. The obstacle recognizer recognizes a group of moving objects expressing similar behaviors based on the travel environment information, and recognizes the moving-object group as an obstacle if located closer to the vehicle than other objects. The travel controller calculates an expectation value based on each moving-object's behavior when the vehicle makes an emergency stop, and allows the vehicle to start moving again when the expectation value reaches a threshold value or larger even if the second parameter is smaller than the second threshold value.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus and method of controlling driving of vehicle

Номер: US20220063629A1
Автор: Tae Dong OH
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Corp

A driving control apparatus and method may include collecting driving information related to a subject vehicle, wherein the driving information related to the subject vehicle includes a driving lane and a vehicle width of the subject vehicle, and driving information related to another vehicle, wherein the driving information related to another vehicle includes a driving lane and a vehicle width of at least one another vehicle around the subject vehicle, generating one or more imaginary lines indicating positions in a corresponding driving lane of the another vehicle based on the driving information related to the another vehicle, determining a deflection value by which the subject vehicle needs to be deflected in the driving lane of the subject vehicle based on the imaginary line, and determining a driving path of the subject vehicle based on the determined deflection value.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Conditional motion predictions

Номер: US20220063663A1
Принадлежит: MOTIONAL AD LLC

Among other things, techniques are described for conditional motion predictions. The techniques include generating, by a planning circuit, a set of candidate trajectories for a vehicle based on possible macro actions by the vehicle, predicting, by the planning circuit and for at least some trajectories in the set of candidate trajectories, a response by a target vehicle to the respective trajectory and a probability of the response by the target vehicle, selecting, by the planning circuit, a trajectory from the set of candidate trajectories based at least in part on the response by the target vehicle to the trajectory, the probability of the response by the target vehicle, and characteristics of the trajectory, and operating, by a control circuit, the vehicle based on the selected trajectory.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047518A1
Автор: Kosiak Walter K.

A windshield-wiper system includes a precipitation-detector, a windshield-wiper actuator, an object-detector, and a controller. The precipitation-detector detects precipitation proximate to a host-vehicle. The windshield-wiper actuator clears the precipitation from a windshield of the host-vehicle. The object-detector detects a distance of an object to the host-vehicle. The controller is in communication with the precipitation-detector, the windshield-wiper actuator, and the object-detector. The controller determines when the precipitation is present based on the precipitation-detector, determines the distance from the object to the host-vehicle based on the object-detector, and adjusts a speed of the windshield-wiper actuator when the precipitation is detected and the object is less than a distance-threshold away from the host-vehicle. 1. A windshield-wiper system , for use on an automated vehicle , said system comprising:a precipitation-detector that detects precipitation proximate to a host-vehicle;a windshield-wiper actuator that clears the precipitation from a windshield of the host-vehicle;an object-detector that detects a distance of an object to the host-vehicle; anda controller in communication with the precipitation-detector, the windshield-wiper actuator, and the object-detector, said controller determines when the precipitation is present based on the precipitation-detector, determines the distance from the object to the host-vehicle based on the object-detector, and adjusts a speed of the windshield-wiper actuator when the precipitation is detected and the object is less than a distance-threshold away from the host-vehicle.2. The system in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the object is an other-vehicle that is traveling toward the host-vehicle in an adjacent-lane claim 1 , wherein the controller increases the speed of the windshield-wiper actuator when the other-vehicle is less than the distance-threshold away from the host-vehicle.3. The system in ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Range Extender Control

Номер: US20190047572A1
Принадлежит: Tevva Motors Limited

A method of controlling a range extender of an electric vehicle comprises using actual measured or modelled pollution levels dynamically to set a target state of charge level for a range extender of an electric vehicle at a particular location. 1. A method of controlling a range extender of an electric vehicle , the method comprising: using actual measured or modelled pollution levels dynamically to set a target state of charge level for a range extender of an electric vehicle at a particular location.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the using actual measure pollution levels comprises measuring a dynamic level of pollution at one or more locations.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein using modelled pollution levels comprises:generating a dynamic model of pollution; andusing the generated model to calculate the modelled pollution level at one or more locations including the particular location at a current or future point in time.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein setting the target state of charge level of the range extender comprises:using a journey plan comprising one or more locations to which the electric vehicle is projected to travel to set the particular location; andsetting the target state of charge level of the range extender for the particular location to which the electric vehicle is projected to travel.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein setting the state of charge level of the range extender further comprises using the modelled pollution level for the particular location to which the electric vehicle is projected to travel at a projected arrival time of the electric vehicle at the particular location.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particular location is a current location of the electric vehicle.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein using actual measured pollution levels comprises measuring a current level of pollution at the current location of the electric vehicle using one or more sensors arranged on the electric vehicle.8. The method of claim 6 ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053578A1

A control apparatus for a vehicle includes: a memory configured to store map data, the map data including data that defines a map and that have been trained through machine learning, the map being configured to input data based on a detected value of an in-vehicle sensor and output an output value having information about a prescribed status of the vehicle; and a processor configured to execute an acquisition process of acquiring the input data and related data different from the input data, execute a calculation process of calculating the output value by using the input data, acquired through the acquisition process, as an input to the map, and execute a sending process of sending, to an outside of the vehicle, the input data used to calculate the output value and the related data acquired through the acquisition process together with the input data. 1. A control apparatus for a vehicle , the control apparatus comprising:a memory configured to store map data, the map data including data that defines a map and that have been trained through machine learning, the map being configured to use input data based on a detected value of an in-vehicle sensor as an input and output an output value having information about a prescribed status of the vehicle; anda processor configured to execute an acquisition process of acquiring the input data and related data different from the input data,the processor being configured to execute a calculation process of calculating the output value by using the input data, acquired through the acquisition process, as an input to the map, andthe processor being configured to execute a sending process of sending, to an outside of the vehicle, the input data used to calculate the output value and the related data acquired through the acquisition process together with the input data.2. The control apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the related data includes a value of a positional information variable that is a variable indicating ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle and control method thereof

Номер: US20220067400A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A vehicle may include a camera obtaining a surrounding image around the vehicle; and a controller configured to derive spatial recognition data by learning the surrounding image of the vehicle as an input value of the controller, derive object recognition data including wheel area data of surrounding vehicles around the vehicle by learning the surrounding image of the vehicle as an input value of the controller, determine a ground clearance between a bottom surface of a vehicle body of the surrounding vehicles and a ground by use of the spatial recognition data and the wheel area data, and control the vehicle to park the vehicle according to the ground clearance.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Method of adjusting grid spacing of height map for autonomous driving

Номер: US20220068017A1
Автор: Keon Chang Lee
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Corp

A method of adjusting a grid spacing of a height map for autonomous driving, may include acquiring a 2D image of a region ahead of a vehicle, generating a depth map using depth information on an object present in the 2D image, converting the generated depth map into a 3D point cloud, generating the height map by mapping the 3D point cloud onto a grid having a predetermined size, and adjusting a grid spacing of the height map in consideration of the driving state of the vehicle relative to the object.

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Automated Co-Pilot Control For Autonomous Vehicles

Номер: US20180050692A1

An automotive vehicle a vehicle steering system, an actuator configured to control the steering system, a first controller, and a second controller. The first controller is in communication with the actuator, and the second controller is in communication with the actuator and with the first controller. The first controller is configured to communicate an actuator control signal based on a primary automated driving system control algorithm. The actuator control signal includes a commanded actuator setting. The second controller is configured to, in response to a first condition being satisfied, control the actuator according to the actuator control signal. The second controller is also configured to, in response to a second condition being satisfied, control the actuator according to a modified actuator control signal. The modified actuator control signal corresponds to an intermediate actuator setting between the commanded actuator setting and a current actuator setting.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Method and an autonomous ground vehicle

Номер: US20190049342A1
Автор: Glen Anderson
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

A method for operating an autonomous ground vehicle may include: via one or more processors, determining an occupation state of the autonomous ground vehicle; if the occupation state is unoccupied, autonomously initiating a testing routine, the testing routine comprising: determining a test location, determining a safety parameter of the test location; if the safety parameter fulfils a safety criterion, testing an autonomous driving system of the autonomous ground vehicle in the test location.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

System and methods to improve automated driving utilization

Номер: US20210055727A1

A controller is provided to predict potential future engagement or disengagement of an automated driving feature in a vehicle and proactively implement operations to reduce the likelihood of the disengagement or increase the likelihood of the engagement. The controller is configured to: access a model of transfer-of-control events, the transfer-of-control events comprising disengagement and/or engagement transfer-of-control events, the model of transfer-of-control events generated from a crowd-sourced dataset of prior transfer-of-control events and corresponding contexts; identify a transfer-of-control event that has the potential of occurring in the future based on the planned vehicle travel path; determine the likelihood of the identified transfer-of-control event occurring in the future; access, a model of reasons for a transfer-of-control event; identify a potential reason for the identified transfer-of-control event; determine, based on the identified potential reason for transfer-of-control, an action to affect the likelihood of the transfer-of-control event; and cause the action to be implemented.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200050212A1

A vehicle control system includes a receiver configured to receive an instruction from an occupant of a vehicle, and an automated driving controller configured to execute automated driving after the occupant of the vehicle exits the vehicle in a case in which an instruction to perform the automated driving after the occupant of the vehicle exits the vehicle is received by the receiver. Therefore, it is possible to improve the convenience of the occupant of the vehicle. 110.-. (canceled)11. A vehicle control system comprising:a receiver configured to receive an instruction from an occupant of a vehicle; andan automated driving controller configured to execute automated driving after the occupant of the vehicle exits the vehicle in a case in which an instruction to perform the automated driving after the occupant of the vehicle exits the vehicle is received by the receiver.12. The vehicle control system of claim 11 , further comprising:a traffic situation acquirer configured to acquire a traffic situation in a progress direction of a subject vehicle,wherein, in a case in which the automated driving controller determines that traffic congestion is occurring at a progress destination of the subject vehicle on the basis of information acquired by the traffic situation acquirer, the automated driving controller executes automated driving to follow a preceding vehicle arranged in a row forming the traffic congestion.13. The vehicle control system of claim 12 , further comprising:a communicator configured to communicate with a terminal device used by the occupant of the vehicle; anda notification controller configured to transmit predetermined information to the terminal device using the communicator before passing through the traffic congestion determined to be occurring by the automated driving controller.14. The vehicle control system of claim 11 , wherein the automated driving controller executes the automated driving after exiting the vehicle claim 11 , on the basis of ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Electronic device and user interface apparatus for vehicle

Номер: US20190051030A1

An electronic device that is provided in a vehicle, including an interface unit configured to electrically connect to a first camera and a second camera; and a processor configured to receive, via the interface unit, a forward view image including an object from the first camera; receive, via the interface unit, information about the object from the second camera; convert the information about the object from a coordinate system of the second camera into a coordinate system of the first camera; generate an augmented reality (AR) graphic object corresponding to the object using the converted information; and display the AR graphic object overlaid on the forward view image.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Fast detection of secondary objects that may intersect the trajectory of a moving primary object

Номер: US20210056323A1
Принадлежит: Prophesee SA, ROBERT BOSCH GMBH

A system ( 1 ) for detecting dynamic secondary objects ( 55 ) that have a potential to intersect the trajectory ( 51 ) of a moving primary object ( 50 ), comprising a vision sensor ( 2 ) with a light-sensitive area ( 20 ) that comprises event-based pixels ( 21 ), so that a relative change in the light intensity impinging onto an event-based pixel ( 21 ) of the vision sensor ( 2 ) by at least a predetermined percentage causes the vision sensor ( 2 ) to emit an event ( 21 a ) associated with this event-based pixel ( 21 ), wherein the system ( 1 ) further comprises a discriminator module ( 3 ) that gets both the stream of events ( 21 a ) from the vision sensor ( 2 ) and information ( 52 ) about the heading and/or speed of the motion of the primary object ( 50 ) as inputs, and is configured to identify, from said stream of events ( 21 a ), based at least in part on said information ( 52 ), events ( 21 b ) that are likely to be caused by the motion of a secondary object ( 55 ), rather than by the motion of the primary object ( 50 ). Vision sensors ( 2 ) for use in the system ( 1 ). A corresponding computer program.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073075A1

A training method includes: a simulation step outputting, by a simulator, a characteristic variable based on an input parameter set, the parameter set being input to the simulator and indicating that a specific component is presumed to have an abnormality in advance; and a training step updating, by a training device, mapping based on an input training data and an input teaching data, the input variables being input to the training device as the training data, the input variables including the characteristic variable output in the simulation step, the abnormality determination variable being input to the training device as the teaching data, the abnormality determination variable indicating that the specific component has the abnormality. 1. A training method to train mapping for training abnormality determination by using a simulator , a storage , and a training device ,the simulator being configured to output a characteristic variable related to at least one of noise and vibration of a vehicle by an input parameter set having a plurality of condition parameters related to conditions of the vehicle,the storage storing mapping data defining the mapping for outputting, as an output variable, an abnormality determination variable indicating an occurrence possibility about an abnormality of a specific component mounted on the vehicle, the mapping data having the characteristic variable as at least one of a plurality of input variables,the training device being configured to update the mapping data defining the mapping stored in the storage by the input variables that are input as training data and the abnormality determination variable paired with the training data that are input as teaching data,the method comprising:a simulation step outputting, by the simulator, the characteristic variable based on the input parameter set, the parameter set being input to the simulator and indicating that the specific component is presumed to have the abnormality in advance; anda ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Metacognition-based autonomous driving correction device and method

Номер: US20220073103A1
Автор: Kyoung Hwan An

The present invention relates to a metacognition-based autonomous driving correction device for an autonomous driving system. The autonomous driving correction device includes a driving situation recognition/driving behavior-based determination unit which determines metacognition with respect to a front object recognized during autonomous driving using driving environment recognition information acquired through a vehicle sensor unit and corrects a global route or a local route so as to correspond to selection correction information selected after metacognition is determined, and a driving situation recognition/driving behavior correction terminal unit which outputs pieces of candidate correction information when a driving situation of the front object is determined to correspond to metacognition and then provides the selection correction information selected from among the pieces of output candidate correction information by a driver to the driving situation recognition/driving behavior-based determination unit.

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Production factory unmanned transfer system and method

Номер: US20220073108A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Corp

A production factory unmanned transfer system includes: a vehicle, which connects Vehicle to Everything (V2X) communication with an infrastructure facility in a vehicle production factory and transfers a worker to a set destination in an unmanned manner through autonomous driving; and a road side unit, which is fixed around a road in the production factory to relay the V2X communication and which generates positioning error correction information based on high-precision Real Time Kinematic-Global Navigation Satellite System (RTK-GNSS) based on a fixed absolute coordinate and transmits the generated positioning error correction information to the vehicle. The vehicle includes a vehicle terminal, which controls autonomous driving according to a lane of a precise map based on high-precise positioning information obtained by correcting an error of satellite-based vehicle location information with the positioning error correction information.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057057A1

At a time when it is possible for a user's own vehicle to pull out from a parking space, an assist control unit of a parking exit assist device terminates an assist control in the event that the user's own vehicle has traveled forward by a predetermined distance (a minimum forward distance) from a predetermined position (a most recent intermediate position or an assist starting position). 1. A parking exit assist device comprising:a front detection unit configured to detect at least a frontward distance from a user's own vehicle to a front obstacle in front of the user's own vehicle;a target steering angle setting unit configured to set a target steering angle of the user's own vehicle on a basis of the frontward distance detected by the front detection unit and a position of the user's own vehicle; andan assist control unit configured to carry out an assist control in which a steering angle of the user's own vehicle is changed to the target steering angle set by the target steering angle setting unit;wherein the assist control unit is configured to terminate the assist control in an event that the user's own vehicle has traveled forward by a predetermined distance from a predetermined position at a time that the user's own vehicle is capable of exiting from parking.2. The parking exit assist device according to claim 1 , wherein when the user's own vehicle has traveled forward from the predetermined position by the predetermined distance claim 1 , the assist control unit is configured to terminate the assist control in a case where the front detection unit cannot detect the frontward distance claim 1 , or in a case where the detected frontward distance exceeds a predetermined threshold value.3. The parking exit assist device according to claim 2 , further comprising an assist continuation determining unit configured to determine to terminate the assist control 2 , in an event it was determined to continue the assist control by the assist control unit 2 , and the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057497A1

A pedestrian-intent-detection system for automated operation of a host-vehicle (e.g. automated vehicle) includes an object-detection device and a controller. The object-detection device is operable to detect an object proximate to a host-vehicle. The controller is in communication with the object-detection device. The controller is configured to determine when the object detected by the object-detection device is a pedestrian based on a detection-characteristic of the pedestrian indicated by the object-detection device. The controller is further configured to define a size of a caution-area located proximate to the pedestrian based on a behavior-characteristic (e.g. intent) of the pedestrian indicated by the object-detection device. The controller is further configured to operate (e.g. brake, steer) the host-vehicle in order to avoid the caution-area. 12-. (canceled)3. A pedestrian-intent-detection system for automated operation of a host-vehicle , said system comprising:an object-detection device operable to detect an object proximate to a host-vehicle; anda controller in communication with the object-detection device, said controller configured todetermine when the object detected by the object-detection device is a pedestrian based on a detection-characteristic of the pedestrian indicated by the object-detection device,define a size of a caution-area located proximate to the pedestrian based on a behavior-characteristic of the pedestrian indicated by the object-detection device, andoperate the host-vehicle in order to avoid the caution-area, wherein the behavior-characteristic includes a gaze-direction of the pedestrian, and the controller is configured to increase the size of the caution-area when the gaze-direction is not toward the host-vehicle.4. A pedestrian-intent-detection system for automated operation of a host-vehicle , said system comprising:an object-detection device operable to detect an object proximate to a host-vehicle; anda controller in ...
