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10-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2425766C2

Изобретение относится к способу контроля процесса трогания с места транспортного средства. Способ заключается в том, что распознают необходимость трогания с места и выполнения трогания с места после однозначного желания трогания с места. Если трогания с места не происходит, то обеспечивают создание более высокого момента, в нормальном режиме. Повторяют вышеуказанную операцию, если трогания с места не происходит. Принудительно закрывают систему передачи крутящего момента после задаваемого времени, если посредством принятых мер не происходит трогания с места. Момент двигателя после задаваемого интервала времени и/или превышения порогового значения для зарегистрированной энергии сцепления снижается посредством воздействия на двигатель. Осуществляют возможность повторных попыток трогания с места. Технический результат заключается в надежном определении ситуации движения. 1 ил.

21-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2645388C2

Изобретение относится к устройству определения неправильного распознавания в группе параметров движения транспортного средства, используемых для управления вождением транспортного средства. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении возможности точного определения, происходит ли неправильное распознавание в группе параметров, которая включает в себя множество параметров движения, вычисленных на основе входных данных. Такой результат достигается за счет того, что вычисляется множество параметров движения, которые используются для управления вождением транспортного средства и основаны на входных данных, вычисляется различие между каждыми двумя из множества параметров движения, весовой коэффициент вычисляется согласно ортогональности между каждыми двумя частями входных данных в обстановке движения транспортного средства и определяется, происходит ли неправильное распознавание в группе параметров, которая включает в себя множество параметров движения, с помощью значений, каждое из которых ...

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014103581A

... 1. Система управления автомобилем по меньшей мере для одной подсистемы автомобиля, содержащая:контроллер подсистем для инициации управления каждой из подсистем автомобиля в выбранном одном из множества режимов управления подсистемой, каждый из которых соответствует одному или более разных условий вождения для автомобиля, исредство оценки для оценки по меньшей мере одного индикатора условия вождения для определения рамок, в которых каждый из режимов управления подсистемой является подходящим, и предоставления выходного сигнала, указывающего наиболее подходящий режим управления подсистемой.2. Система управления автомобилем по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая средство автоматического управления, работающее в режиме автоматического ответа для выбора одного наиболее подходящего из режимов управления подсистемой в зависимости от выходного сигнала.3. Система управления автомобилем по п. 1, в которой средство оценки выполнено с возможностью определения вероятности, что каждый из режимов управления ...

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Steuern eines Drehmoments in einem Hybridantriebsstrangsystem

Номер: DE102012208977A1

Ein Antriebsstrangsystem umfasst einen Verbrennungsmotor und eine elektrische Maschine, die mittels einer Drehmomentübertragungseinrichtung mit einem Getriebe gekoppelt sind. Ein Verfahren zum Betreiben des Antriebsstrangsystems, um ein Drehmoment auf einen Endantrieb zu übertragen, umfasst, dass eine Betriebsdrehmoment-Sicherheitsgrenze festgelegt wird, die eine Standard-Drehmomentsicherheitsgrenze ist. Die Betriebsdrehmoment-Sicherheitsgrenze wird auf eine Überschreitungsgrenze gesetzt, wenn eine Motordrehzahl kleiner als eine Schwellenwertdrehzahl ist. Eine Drehmoment-Sicherheitsstörung wird nur dann detektiert, wenn eine kombinierte Drehmomentausgabe von dem Verbrennungsmotor und der elektrischen Maschine an die Drehmomentübertragungseinrichtung von einer Drehmomentanforderung eines Bedieners um einen Betrag abweicht, der größer als die Betriebsdrehmoment-Sicherheitsgrenze ist.

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Assistenzsystems eines Fahrzeuges

Номер: DE102018006281A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Assistenzsystems eines Fahrzeuges (1), wobei Objekte in einer Umgebung des Fahrzeuges (1) detektiert werden und in Bezug auf ein erfasstes Objekt eine Systemaktion ausgelöst wird, wenn in einer Datenbank (DB) ein Eintrag zu dem Objekt enthalten ist, welcher die Systemaktion als berechtigt markiert. Erfindungsgemäß wird die Systemaktion (S), wenn sie als unberechtigt markiert ist,- dennoch ausgelöst, wenn das Objekt mittels mehrerer Sensoren erfasst wird, und/oder- dennoch ausgelöst, wenn ihre Auslösung durch ein gleichzeitig ablaufendes Steuerungsverfahren ebenfalls gefordert wird, und/oder- im Vergleich zu einer als berechtigt markierten Systemaktion zeitlich verzögert ausgelöst und/oder- im Vergleich zu einer als berechtigt markierten Systemaktion mit geringerer Stärke ausgelöst, wobei die Stärke anschließend schrittweise oder kontinuierlich auf die Stärke der als berechtigt markierten Systemaktion erhöht wird.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Diagnoseverfahren zur Verwendung mit einem dynamischen Fahrzeugsteuersystem (VDCS)

Номер: DE102011110012A1

Ein Diagnoseverfahren zur Verbesserung der Zuverlässigkeit, Genauigkeit, Effizienz und/oder Robustheit eines dynamischen Fahrzeugsteuersystems (VDCS), indem eine analytische Redundanz für einen oder mehrere Sensorlesewerte bereitgestellt wird. Sensorlesewerte, wie etwa die Raddrehzahl, die Giergeschwindigkeit, die Querbeschleunigung, die Längsbeschleunigung und der Lenkwinkel sind miteinander oftmals in Beziehung. Daher kann das Diagnoseverfahren diese dynamischen Beziehungen verwenden, um Fehler in den Sensorlesewerten zu detektieren, ohne dass zusätzliche redundante Hardware hinzugefügt werden muss oder komplexe kreisförmige Logikstrukturen verwendet werden müssen, welche die Kosten erhöhen können und dem VDCS Verarbeitungslasten aufbürden können. Bei einer beispielhaften Ausführungsform prüft das Diagnoseverfahren auf fehlerhafte Sensorlesewerte durch einen Prozess mit analytischer Redundanz, der Intra- und Inter-Parameterbewertungen mit linearen und vorwärts gerichteten Abhängigkeiten ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Kraftfahrzeugs, Steuerungseinrichtung sowie Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102016217468A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Kraftfahrzeugs, bei dem eine Funktionseinheit einen Betriebswert erzeugt und eine Überwachungseinheit den Betriebswert anhand eines Kontrollwertes überprüft, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass eine Koppeleinheit den Betriebswert zeitweise in Abhängigkeit des Kontrollwertes modifiziert. Daneben betrifft die Erfindung eine Steuerungseinrichtung. Daneben betrifft die Erfindung ein Kraftfahrzeug.

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Betriebsverfahren für eine redundante Sensoranordnung eines Fahrzeugsystems und korrespondierende redundante Sensoranordnung

Номер: DE102018220063A1
Автор: PLECKO SVEN, Plecko, Sven

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Betriebsverfahren für eine redundante Sensoranordnung (60) eines Fahrzeugsystems, welche zwei Steuergeräte und mehrere Sensoren (1) umfasst, wobei die einzelnen Sensoren (1) in einem Normalbetrieb des Fahrzeugsystems jeweils mit einem als Primärsteuergerät (2) ausgeführten Steuergerät und in einem Notbetrieb des Fahrzeugsystems jeweils mit einem als Sekundärsteuergerät (4) ausgeführten Steuergerät gekoppelt und mit Energie versorgt werden, wobei das mit den Sensoren (1) gekoppelte Steuergerät Signale der einzelnen Sensoren (1) empfängt und auswertet. Hierbei wird zur Initialisierung der Sensoranordnung (60) eine Betriebsspannung an beide Steuergeräte angelegt und eine Überprüfung der Sensoranordnung (60) durchgeführt, wobei die Sensoren (1) in einem ersten Überprüfungsschritt mit einem ersten Steuergerät gekoppelt und von diesem überprüft und von einem zweiten Steuergerät entkoppelt werden, anschließend übergibt das erste Steuergerät die Sensoren (1) an das zweite ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren, System und Computerprodukt zum Bereitstellen einer Information zum Zustand eines Teils eines verteilten Fahrzeugsystems

Номер: DE102018214469A1

Bereitgestellt wird ein Verfahren zum Bereitstellen von Information zum Zustand eines Teils eines verteilten Fahrzeugsystems des Fahrzeugs, mit den Schritten: Erzeugen einer Laständerung in einem ersten Bereich und/oder Einprägen einer elektrischen Größe in einen ersten Bereich des verteilten Fahrzeugsystems des Fahrzeugs, Erfassen eines oder mehrerer Parameter der Reaktion auf die Laständerung bzw. das Einprägen einer elektrischen Größe in dem ersten Bereich und/oder zumindest einem zweiten Bereich des verteilten Fahrzeugsystems des Fahrzeugs, Auswerten des einen oder mehrerer Parameter der Reaktion und Bereitstellen von Information zum Zustand eines Teils des verteilten Fahrzeugsystems auf Basis des Auswertens der Reaktion.

24-09-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren und System zur On-Board-Diagnose in einem Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102019106771A1

Die vorliegende Offenbarung betrifft ein Verfahren zur On-Board-Diagnose in einem Fahrzeug, umfassend:a) Bestimmen, ob eine oder mehrere Freigabebedingungen für einen Start einer On-Board-Diagnose erfüllt sind;b) wenn bestimmt wird, dass wenigstens eine Freigabebedingung der einen oder mehreren Freigabebedingungen nicht erfüllt ist:Ansteuern wenigstens einer Fahrzeugfunktion derart, dass die wenigstens eine Freigabebedingung erfüllt ist; undc) Starten der On-Board-Diagnose.

14-07-2005 дата публикации

Integriertes Fahrzeugsteuerungssystem

Номер: DE102004061321A1

Ein integriertes Steuerungssystem weist auf: ein Hauptsteuersystem (Gaspedal) zum Steuern eines Antriebssystems, ein Hauptsteuersystem (Bremse) zum Steuern eines Bremssystems und ein Hauptsteuersystem (Lenkung) zum Steuern eines Lenksystems auf der Grundlage einer Betätigung durch einen Fahrer sowie eine Beratereinheit, die Informationen zur Verwendung an jedem Hauptsteuersystem auf der Grundlage von Umgebungsinformationen im Umfeld des Fahrzeugs oder von Informationen über einen Fahrer erzeugt und zur Verfügung stellt. Die Beratereinheit gibt Risikoinformationen über eine plötzliche Beschleunigung/Verlangsamung an das Hauptsteuersystem (Gaspedal) aus, wobei das Risiko auf der Grundlage von Informationen von einer Navigationsvorrichtung oder einem Umgebungs-Überwachungssensor auf "hoch" gesetzt wird, wenn das Fahrzeug auf einem Parkplatz geparkt wird. Das Hauptsteuersystem (Gaspedal) wählt ein Parkzustand-Eigenschaftendiagramm auf der Grundlage der Risikoinformationen über eine plötzliche ...

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Öldruck-Diagnosesystem und -verfahren für ein Hybrid-Elektrofahrzeug

Номер: DE0010322529B9

Diagnosesystem für eine Niedrig-Öldruck-Anzeige (64) in einem Hybrid-Elektrofahrzeug, aufweisend: einen Antrieb mit einem Verbrennungsmotor (24) und einem Elektro-Antriebsmotor (38); einen mit dem Verbrennungsmotor (24) mechanisch gekuppelten Öldruck-Sensor (62); einen mit dem Verbrennungsmotor (24) mechanisch gekuppelten Drehzahl-Sensor (68); einen mit dem Öldruck-Sensor (62) und dem Drehzahl-Sensor (68) gekoppelten Steuerschaltkreis (70); eine mit dem Steuerschaltkreis (70) elektrisch gekoppelte Niedrig-Öldruck-Anzeige (64); eine Modus-Auswahlvorrichtung (60) mit Modi für AUS und FAHREN/START, wobei der Steuerschaltkreis (70) eingerichtet ist, die Aktivierung der Niedrig-Öldruck-Anzeige (64) zu verhindern, wenn sich die Modus-Auswahlvorrichtung (60) im FAHREN/START-Modus befindet und der Verbrennungsmotor (24) nicht läuft, und...

30-09-2010 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Steuerung eines Ablaufes von fahrzeuginternen Funktionen in einem Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102009001842A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Steuerung eines Ablaufs von fahrzeuginternen Funktionen in einem Fahrzeug bei einem durch einen Verkehrsablauf verursachten Stillstand des Fahrzeuges. Um eine zeitnahe Durchführung von fahrzeuginternen Funktionen realisieren zu können, wird dem Fahrzeug durch eine fahrzeugexterne Einrichtung eine Information über den verkehrsbedingten Stillstand übermittelt und in Abhängigkeit von dieser Information mindestens eine fahrzeuginterne Funktion (a, b, c, j, k, l) während des verkehrsbedingten Stillstandes initiiert und/oder durchgeführt.

15-08-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle control system and method for controlling a vehicle

Номер: GB0201211910D0

28-01-2009 дата публикации

A method for operating a vehicle

Номер: GB0002418032B

17-07-2002 дата публикации

Vehicle control system and apparatus therefor

Номер: GB0000213197D0

25-03-2020 дата публикации

A method of controlling a vehicle assembly

Номер: GB0202001826D0

09-01-2019 дата публикации

Engine monitoring method and apparatus

Номер: GB0201819333D0

11-04-2018 дата публикации

Customer driving mode for vehicles

Номер: GB0201803052D0

15-01-2018 дата публикации

Modular test bench for total vehicles in running

Номер: AT0000518792A4

Um eine hochdynamische Prüfstandsanordnung anzugeben, mit der eine Simulation von realistischen Verkehrsszenarien und damit ein Test von Fahrerassistenzsystemen eines fahrbereiten Gesamtfahrzeugs (3) ermöglicht wird, ist erfindungsgemäß an einem Fahrzeugprüfstand (1) ein Lenkkraftmodul (2) vorhanden, das aus einem ersten Grundkörper (21) und einem relativ dazu verschiebbaren Querkraftaktor (20) besteht, wobei der Querkraftaktor (20) über eine erste mechanische Schnittstelle (M1) mit einer ausgehängten Spurstange (300) des Lenksystems (30) verbindbar ist. Der erste Grundkörper (21) ist mit einem ersten ortsfesten Montagepunkt (P1) mechanisch verbindbar, wobei eine Querkraft (Q) durch eine relative Verschiebung des Querkraftaktors (20) zum ersten Grundkörper (21) erzeugt wird, womit die Querkraft (Q) an das Lenksystem (30) applizierbar ist. Weiters ist ein Antriebsstrangmodul (4) vorhanden, das aus einem zweiten Grundkörper (41) und einem relativ dazu verdrehbaren Antriebsaktor (40) besteht ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Kalibrierung des Zusammenspiels von zumindest zwei Komponenten eines Fahrzeuges

Номер: AT0000513551A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Kalibrierung des Zusammenspiels vonzumindest zwei Komponenten, Komponentenfunktionen und/oderSystemfunktionen eines Fahrzeuges (11), insbesondere eines Hybrid- oderElektrofahrzeuges, aus der Gruppe, Brennkraftmaschine, Elektromotor,automatisches Getriebe, Trennkupplung, Fahrzeugbatterie und/oder Umrichter.Um eine objektive und wiederholbare Kalibrierung des Fahrzeuges (11) rasch undmit geringem Aufwand durchführen können, ist vorgesehen, dass ein Testplan fürzumindest ein Testlauf erstellt wird, dass zumindest eine Komponente,Komponentenfunktion und/oder Systemfunktion des Fahrzeugs (11) mittels einesmathematischen Modells beschrieben wird, dass auf der Basis des Testplanes undder Modeliierung zumindest einer Fahrzeugkomponente, Komponentenfunktionund/oder Systemfunktion einen automatischer Testlauf, besonders vorzugsweiseauf einem Prüfstand (10) durchgeführt wird, wobei das Fahrverhalten automatischbewertet und ausgewertet wird, und wobei auf der ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Signal flow-based computer program directly-feeding with punch through stopper loop

Номер: AT0000518909A2

Um ein Verfahren zum Steuern des Ablaufs eines signalflussbasierten Computerprogramms auf einer Recheneinheit einer technischen Anlage zum Steuern, Regeln, Automatisieren oder Simulieren einer technischen Funktion der technischen Anlage, insbesondere zur Entwicklung eines Fahrzeuges bzw. einer Fahrzeugkomponente, wobei das signalflussbasierte Computerprogramm aus miteinander verbundenen Software-Komponenten besteht und zumindest eine DF-Schleife aufweist, anzugeben, werden erfindungsgemäß folgende Verfahrensschritte vorgeschlagen: a)Identifizieren der zumindest einen DF-Schleife und der DF-Komponenten, die die zumindest eine DF-Schleife bilden, wobei die DF-Komponenten jeweils zumindest ein an zumindest einem Komponenteneingang anliegendes DF Eingangssignal auf zumindest ein an zumindest einem Komponentenausgang anliegendes Ausgangssignal unverzögert abbilden, womit das zumindest eine DF-Eingangssignal und das zumindest eine Ausgangssignal Teil der zumindest einen DF-Schleife sind, b)Bestimmen ...

13-10-2011 дата публикации

On-Board Brake System Diagnostic and Reporting System

Номер: AU2006202442B2

A brake valve diagnostic and reporting system for a pneumatic only brake valve on a rail car which includes a brake pipe transducer (BPT) for measuring brake pipe pressure; and a brake cylinder transducer (BCT) for measuring brake 5 cylinder pressure. A processor (40) receives measurements from the transducers, compares the measurements against stored brake performance profiles, determines brake status from the comparison and prepares an event report for preselected brake statuses. A wireless transmitter (46) connected to the processor (40) connected to the processor (40) transmits the report. An 10 energy storage device (48) powers the processor and transmitter 12 - 30 RET g ART AUX EMERGENCY C GPSE ES. RESERVOIR 47 GSLE1 25 40 BPT BC ETR VOLUME ACC P B T2 24 ACC /P - - BCT1 49 PWR CVB 448 ...

17-12-2015 дата публикации

System and method for error correction in angular position sensors

Номер: AU2013306382B2

A system and method for controlling a rotating E-machine and for correcting a rotational position signal output by an angular position sensor operatively connected to the E-machine in conjunction with a sensor digital converter is disclosed. For each angular operating speed of interest, a set of signals as a function of position is taken such that the harmonics (or sub-harmonics) related to the position sensor may be determined and isolated from errors due to an associated digital converter. From this information, the magnitude and phase of the position sensor harmonics is determined. The effects of the sensor digital converter (or other signal processing equipment) are then determined and accounted for, allowing the control system to apply the total position error signal to the position sensor output signal to determine a corrected position sensor signal for use in controlling the E-machine.

06-09-2018 дата публикации

Methods and systems for utilizing information collected from multiple sensors to protect a vehicle from malware and attacks

Номер: AU2017237721A1
Принадлежит: Madderns Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

Various embodiments include methods, and computing devices implementing the methods, for analyzing sensor information to identify an abnormal vehicle behavior. A computing device may monitor sensors (e.g., a closely-integrated vehicle sensor, a loosely-integrated vehicle sensor, a non-vehicle sensor, etc.) in the vehicle to collect the sensor information, analyze the collected sensor information to generate an analysis result, and use the generated analysis result to determine whether a behavior of the vehicle is abnormal. The computing device may also generate a communication message in response to determining that the behavior of the vehicle is abnormal, and send the generated communication message to an external entity.

18-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CN0001475386A

... 一种控制设备,它包括用于控制数据通信的通信装置。标识信息被分配给该控制设备。这种控制设备进一步包括存储装置,该存储装置有一个存储了信息的标识信息表,这些信息包括标识信息和与该控制设备彼此连接且相互通信的其它控制设备的标识信息。 ...

17-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003007000B1

06-06-2014 дата публикации

Method for providing information relative to training or diagnosis phase for driver of e.g. car, involves providing information if phase is determined so as to convince driver to wait till end of phase to require vehicle displacement

Номер: FR0002998850A1

Un dispositif (D) est destiné à fournir des informations pour un conducteur d'un véhicule (V) à groupe motopropulseur. Ce dispositif (D) comprend des moyens d'analyse (MA) agencés pour déterminer si une phase d'apprentissage ou de diagnostic doit être réalisée dans ce véhicule (V) lorsque le groupe motopropulseur est dans un état de mise en route, et si cette phase présente un type critique ou non critique, et des moyens de commande (MC) agencés, lorsqu'une telle phase a été déterminée, pour générer à destination du conducteur des informations qui sont représentatives du type de cette phase, de manière à le convaincre d'attendre la fin de cette phase pour requérir le déplacement du véhicule (V).

21-02-2020 дата публикации

Method for testing a function of line at least partially automated vehicle

Номер: FR0003085024A1

17-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002926377A1

Circuit pour le traitement des défauts dans des systèmes fonctionnant en temps réel, se composant d'un système de calculateurs ayant au moins deux unités de calcul fonctionnant en redondance permettant de diagnostiquer leurs propres défauts, et dont les signaux de sortie sont surveillés par une unité de comparaison, les unités de calcul étant reliées à une ligne de données. L'unité de comparaison (3) est reliée à une unité de surveillance (11), l'unité de surveillance (11) est reliée à chaque unité de calcul (1,2) par une ligne de signaux (15, 16), et chaque unité de calcul (1, 2) effectuant un diagnostic de ses propres défauts, signale un résultat du diagnostic de défaut propre à l'unité de surveillance (11), et l'unité de surveillance (11) active les lignes de signaux (15, 16) en fonction de ces résultats.

22-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003060744A1

Procédé pour déterminer une dose d'injection d'un injecteur (18) selon lequel le moteur à combustion interne (10) est couplé à une machine électrique (40) pour transmettre un couple. A l'arrêt du véhicule, le moteur (10) fonctionne à une certaine vitesse de rotation (n) prédéfinie et sous une charge prédéfinie et on détermine le courant (1) généré par la machine électrique (40), et à partir de l'intensité du courant (1) généré par la machine électrique (40) on fixe la dose d'injection (m) de l'injecteur (18).

10-11-2008 дата публикации

Fault information managenent method for vehicle

Номер: KR0100867796B1

29-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160034134A

The present invention relates to an automatic revising system for an AVM and a method thereof. More specifically, the system comprises: a target unit (100) placed on the sides on the front, the sides, and the sides on the rear of a space where a vehicle is placed to become a standard for the position of the vehicle; a control unit (200) for controlling an around-view monitoring system (AVM system) placed in the vehicle; and a revising robot unit (300) linked with the control unit (200) to automatically revise the screen of the AVM system with the target unit (100) as the standard. The present invention allows not a person but a robot to automatically revise the AVM system placed in a vehicle to improve work efficiency, and builds an unmanned process to reduce work errors and increase work reliability. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013133431A1

The objective of the invention is to simulate communications without using actual vehicles. A communication simulating system (100) comprises: a communication recording means (131) that records, into a vehicle condition database (121), as a vehicle condition including a step, a place and a vehicle stringed together, vehicle state information that has been input as communication content between a vehicle electric equipment system and a vehicle communication apparatus (10a) in a step performed at a predetermined place; a vehicle state information acquiring means (132) that acquires vehicle state information from the vehicle condition database in accordance with a selected vehicle condition; a storage unit (120) that stores communication definition files specifying the respective ones of the same processes as the communication processes executed by a plurality of ECUs included in the vehicle electric equipment system; and a communication control means (133) that communicates with a vehicle ...

02-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009040300A1

Integrated microprocessor system (1) for safety-critical control systems, comprising at least two microprocessor system modules (2,3) each comprising at least one processor core (21,31), a read/write memory (22,32) and a memory protection unit (23,33), and a read-only memory (4) which is jointly assigned to the processor cores (21,31) of the microprocessor system modules (2,3), wherein each of the microprocessor system modules (2,3) executes a main program and a monitoring program which comprise, in particular, a plurality of subprograms, and the respective memory protection unit (23,33) assigns a separate address area (A, B) of the read/write memory (22,32) to the main program and to the monitoring program, wherein the memory protection unit (23,33) detects unauthorized operations by one of the programs for accessing the separate address area (A, B) of another program.

19-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009033894A3
Автор: PUSHKOLLI, Beqir

The present invention relates to a device, or a method, for monitoring the operation of a hybrid drive in a vehicle. For this purpose, according to the invention the hybrid drive has both an internal combustion engine and an electric machine, which may be operated independently of each other. In order to monitor said two units, according to the invention a temperature of the internal combustion engine and a temperature of the electric machine are detected and compared to each other. The core of the invention is that an error message is generated, if the two temperatures vary inadmissibly much from each other.

11-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007005629A3

A control system, method and article allows a monitoring module (50) to monitor operation of a main controller (20) in an electric drive, by providing questions and evaluating the accuracy and/or timeliness of responses from the main controller. Upon detection of an excessive number of incorrect or late responses, the monitoring module can shutdown operation, and may provide an alternative communications path, thereby preventing corrupt data from reaching a vehicle network, while providing communications for diagnostic and recovery such as by provision of new software or firmware instructions. The main controller may monitor the operation of the monitoring module, taking appropriate action if a fault is detected. Disabling a supply of power to a traction motor (12) may be based on current operating conditions, such as speed.

08-03-2005 дата публикации

Method of operating a vehicle transmission

Номер: US0006865467B2

Specific shift positions of an electrically actuated vehicle transmission, such as first to fifth, neutral and reverse gears, are detected by monitoring one or more characteristic electrical variables, e.g., actuator currents, during a shift movement of the transmission and by correlating increased or decreased levels of current with the arrival at or passage through the specific shift positions.

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200250023A1
Принадлежит: Aurora Labs Ltd.

Disclosed embodiments relate to automatically providing updates to at least one vehicle. Operations may include receiving, at a server remote from the at least one vehicle, Electronic Control Unit (ECU) activity data from the at least one vehicle, the ECU activity data corresponding to actual operation of the ECU in the at least one vehicle; determining, at the server and based on the ECU activity data, a software vulnerability affecting the at least one vehicle, the software vulnerability being determined based on a deviation between the received ECU activity data and expected ECU activity data; identifying, at the server, an ECU software update based on the determined software vulnerability; and sending, from the server, a delta file configured to update software on the ECU with a software update corresponding to the identified ECU software update.

10-03-2020 дата публикации

Self-healing learning system for one or more controllers

Номер: US0010585661B2
Принадлежит: Aurora Labs Ltd., AURORA LABS LTD

Disclosed embodiments relate to automatically providing updates to at least one vehicle. Operations may include receiving, at a server remote from the at least one vehicle, Electronic Control Unit (ECU) activity data from the at least one vehicle, the ECU activity data corresponding to actual operation of the ECU in the at least one vehicle; determining, at the server and based on the ECU activity data, a software vulnerability affecting the at least one vehicle, the software vulnerability being determined based on a deviation between the received ECU activity data and expected ECU activity data; identifying, at the server, an ECU software update based on the determined software vulnerability; and sending, from the server, a delta file configured to update software on the ECU with a software update corresponding to the identified ECU software update.

14-08-2018 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for testing operation and control accuracy of driving control system in unmanned vehicle

Номер: US0010046771B2
Автор: Yi Wu, WU YI, Wu, Yi

Disclosed is a method and an apparatus for testing operation and control accuracy of a driving control system in an unmanned vehicle. The method comprises determining an operation and control track length when the unmanned vehicle is operated and controlled by the driving control system in the unmanned vehicle, based on obtained traveling data information; determining a standard operation and control distance when the driving control system operates and controls the unmanned vehicle, based on a preset operation and control accuracy test standard; and comparing the operation and control track length with the standard operation and control distance to determine a test result of the operation and control accuracy of the driving control system.

26-01-2016 дата публикации

Diagnostic system and method for vehicle terminal

Номер: US0009245394B2

A system for diagnosing a vehicle terminal includes a WiFi dongle coupled to an external connection terminal of a vehicle to connect wireless communication between a vehicle diagnosis device and the vehicle terminal. A vehicle diagnosis device is configured to transmit an inspection start command to the vehicle terminal through the WiFi dongle, and inspect at least one of a Bluetooth function and a voice recognition function. The vehicle terminal is configured to download and store phone book data through Bluetooth paired with the vehicle diagnosis device, detect a phone book name in the stored phone book data, and enter a call making mode. The vehicle diagnosis device inspects the Bluetooth function according to whether the phone book data of the vehicle terminal is downloaded, and inspects the voice recognition function.

01-08-2023 дата публикации

Vehicle control system, attack judging method, and recording medium on which program is recorded

Номер: US0011713058B2

A vehicle control system comprising: a driving control device that includes a first processor and controls a driving section at a vehicle; a control instructing device includes a second processor and controls the driving control device by giving instructions by communication to the driving control device; and a communication path connects a plurality of control devices, including the control instructing and the driving control devices, the plurality of control devices communicate with one another, wherein the vehicle control system is structured wherein the first and second processors respectively compare a communication period of communication with another control device via the communication path, and a reference period that is stored in advance, based on results of comparisons on the communication period and the reference period that have been carried out by the first processor and the second processor, the second processor judges that there is an attack on the communication path.

27-07-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230234599A1

There is provided an information processing system capable of performing driving assistance according to different automated driving levels. An information processing system according to an embodiment of the present disclosure includes one or more mobile devices capable of setting an automated driving level, and an external network device capable of communicating with the mobile devices. The external network device includes a communication device that communicates with the mobile device, an arithmetic model determination device that determines an arithmetic model corresponding to the automated driving level and provides the arithmetic model to the mobile device via the communication device, and a registration determination device that determines whether or not registration of the automated driving level is possible on the basis of information regarding possession of the arithmetic model, and gives a notification of registration permission to the mobile device via the communication device ...

13-12-2022 дата публикации

Synthetic scenario generator using distance-biased confidences for sensor data

Номер: US0011526721B1
Принадлежит: Zoox, Inc.

A vehicle can capture data that can be converted into a synthetic scenario for use in a simulator. Objects can be identified in the data and attribute data associated with the objects can be determined. Updated attribute data may be determined based on confidence values and/or distance measurements associated with the attribute data. The object and attribute data may be used to generate synthetic scenarios of a simulated environment, including simulated objects that traverse the environment and perform actions based on the attribute data associated with the simulated objects, the captured data, and/or interactions within the simulated environment. The scenarios can be used for testing and validating interactions and responses of a vehicle controller within the simulated environment.

31-10-2023 дата публикации

System and method for monitoring cervical measurement of a driver and modifying vehicle functions based on changes in the cervical measurement of the driver

Номер: US0011801858B1
Принадлежит: Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC

System and methods that utilize driver facing cameras to monitor a neck size of a driver and to modify vehicle operations as an increase in neck size is detected are disclosed. In one form, a system includes a memory; an imaging device configured; and at least one processor in communication with the memory and the imaging device. The at least one processor is configured to receive an image of the interior of the vehicle captured by the imaging device; analyze the image and determine a parameter associated with a neck size of a driver of the vehicle that is present in the image; determine that the parameter associated with the neck size of the driver present in the image has increased more than a predetermined value; and modify an operation of the vehicle based on the parameter associated with the neck size of the driver present in the image increasing more than the predetermined value.

23-05-2024 дата публикации


Номер: US20240170084A1

A semiconductor device includes, for example, internal circuitry (for example, a CPU), external terminals (for example, debug control terminals of the CPU) configured to be used by the internal circuitry in a non-test mode (for example, a debug mode of the CPU), and a test circuit configured to, upon detecting that a particular dedicated test mode control pattern has been inputted to the external terminals, cause a transition from the non-test mode to a test mode.

23-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001945476A1

17-06-2009 дата публикации

Method and apparatus to provide necessary output torque reserve by selection of hybrid range state and input speed for a hybrid powertrain system

Номер: EP2070796A2

A method for controlling a powertrain system includes determining a current transmission operating range state and engine state, determining at least one potential transmission operating range state and engine state, providing at least one operator torque request, determining preferability factors associated with the current transmission operating range state and engine state, and potential transmission operating range states and engine states, wherein determining preferability factors associated with potential transmission operating range states includes assigning biasing costs to operator torque requests which reside within a pre-determined range of possible operator torque requests for at least two of the potential transmission operating range states, preferentially weighting the preferability factors for the current transmission operating range state and engine state, and selectively commanding changing the transmission operating range state and engine state based upon the preferability ...

19-04-2023 дата публикации


Номер: EP3790233B1

17-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP4041584A1

24-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: JP2008013119A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a power output device of a vehicle for improving quietness of the vehicle while maintaining reliability of parts. SOLUTION: The output device comprises a detection unit detecting abnormality in an electric connection path from a first connecting terminal of an electrical current control circuit 102 to a second terminal of the circuit 102 via a battery B1; and a control device 30 controlling the circuit 102 and a motor generator MG1. The control device 30 makes the generator MG1 perform a power generation operation generating negative torque so as to promote stop of an engine 4 and makes the battery B1 recover the generated power if the detection unit has not detected any abnormality when the engine 4 transfers from an operation state to a stop state. If the detection unit detects the abnormality, the control device 30 inhibits the power generation operation of the generator MG1. COPYRIGHT: (C)2008,JPO&INPIT ...

13-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: JP0005842783B2

30-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: JP2006087293A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To detect quickly and exactly operational states, in various components such as hybrids, fuel cells and electric vehicles or the like, and to achieve optimal control. SOLUTION: Inspections of the components are made by transmitting an inspection signal to the components to be inspected in order to decide the states of the components to be inspected, and then by detecting reactions of the components to the signal. Operations of the vehicles are controlled, based on the reactions of the components to the inspection signal. COPYRIGHT: (C)2006,JPO&NCIPI ...

27-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2432550C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам для информирования водителя гибридного транспортного средства о состоянии приведения в действие источников мощности. Индикаторное устройство по первому варианту содержит блок вычислений и блок индикации. Блок вычислений определяет индекс, с которым транспортному средству разрешено двигаться посредством электрической машины без приведения двигателя в действие. Блок индикации указывает индекс. В индикаторном устройстве по второму варианту содержится средство вычисления и средство индикации. Технический результат заключается в улучшении эффективности использования топлива. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

20-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2329170C2

Изобретение относится к технике комбинированного управления функциональными узлами транспортных средств. Интегрированная система управления выполнена с подсистемой управления регулированием числа оборотов, управляющей системой регулирования числа оборотов, подсистемой управления тормозной системой, управляющей тормозной системой и подсистемой управления системой рулевого управления, управляющей системой рулевого управления. Имеются подсистема стабилизации текущего динамического состояния транспортного средства, подсистема выполнения функции поддержки вождения, такая как подсистема автоматического поддержания постоянной скорости, и запоминающее устройство для сохранения совместно используемых сигналов. Каждая подсистема включает в себя блок запроса, арбитражный блок и устройство вывода. Интегрированная система управления характеризуется повышенной отказоустойчивостью и может быть легко приспособлена к добавлению функции управления транспортным средством. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 16 ил.

06-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2725832C1

Изобретение относится к горной машине. Горная машина содержит множество датчиков, первый электронный процессор и второй электронный процессор. Каждый из множества датчиков располагается в одной из множества точек измерения, по меньшей мере, одного компонента горной машины. Первый процессор соединен, по меньшей мере, с одним компонентом и сконфигурирован принимать, по меньшей мере, одну команду движения и управлять, по меньшей мере, одним компонентом на основе, по меньшей мере, одной команды движения. Второй процессор соединен с первым электронным процессором и множеством датчиков и сконфигурирован определять, по меньшей мере, один предикатный параметр, определять, является ли, по меньшей мере, один предикатный параметр истинным и в то время как первый процессор управляет, по меньшей мере, одним компонентом, и, по меньшей мере, один предикатный параметр является истинным, принимать, от множества датчиков, множество наборов данных о вибрации. Предикатный параметр включает в себя скорость ...

28-12-2023 дата публикации

Устройство управления шасси высокоавтоматизированного электрического грузового транспортного средства категории N3

Номер: RU222497U1

Полезная модель относится к автомобильной области, а именно к устройствам управления движением высокоавтоматизированных электрических грузовых транспортных средств категории N3, в частности, к интеллектуальному устройству автоматического управления вождением грузового электрического транспортного средства. Технический результат заявляемого технического решения заключается в обеспечении возможности как ручного, так и полностью автономного управления транспортного средства, в том числе за счет непрерывного контроля всех систем посредством устройства автоматического управления транспортного средства. Заявленный технический результат достигается при помощи заявленного устройства управления шасси высокоавтоматизированного электрического грузового транспортного средства категории N3, включающего в себя контроллер верхнего уровня (10), обеспечивающий обмен данными между системами, такими как система рабочего места водителя, включающая в себя приборную панель (11), бортовой компьютер управления ...

04-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729142C1

Изобретение относится к способу установления имеющейся разъюстировки по меньшей мере одного датчика в системе транспортного средства. Способ установления имеющейся разъюстировки по меньшей мере одного датчика в системе датчиков с двумя или более датчиками, которая обнаруживает объекты в окружении автомобиля. По меньшей мере два из датчиков отличаются друг от друга в своем физическом принципе измерения и измерительные сигналы датчиков сравнивают друг с другом. Способ включает этапы накопления объектов, обнаруженных датчиками, в карте окружения, отображающей окружение автомобиля, идентификации объектов из по меньшей мере одного подмножества объектов на карте окружения, которые были обнаружены в течение периода обнаружения одним датчиком системы датчиков, но не были обнаружены другим датчиком системы датчиков, проверки, было ли возможным обнаружение объекта упомянутым другим датчиком на основании относящихся к обнаружению свойств объекта, и при положительном ответе проводится проверка, находился ...

10-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009106708A

Способ контроля процесса трогания с места транспортного средства с автоматизированной системой переключения, которое имеет трансмиссию с приводным двигателем, системой передачи крутящего момента, коробкой передач, блоком управления и приводимым в действие блоком управления исполнительным элементом для приведения в действие системы передачи крутящего момента, отличающийся следующими шагами: ! а) распознавание необходимости трогания с места, например, на основании приведения в действие педали акселератора; ! б) распознавание выполнения трогания с места после однозначного желания трогания с места; ! в) если, несмотря на желание тронуться с места трогания с места не происходит: увеличение числа оборотов двигателя и, при необходимости, легкое открытие системы передачи крутящего момента, что, как правило, приводит к тому, что приводной двигатель имеет возможность создания более высокого момента, чем обычно необходимо в нормальном режиме; ! г) проверка выполнения трогания с места с принятыми мерами ...

20-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014139727A

... 1. Система для управления автономным режимом движения транспортного средства, которая включает в себя контроллер автономного режима, выполненный с возможностью управлять по крайней мере одной подсистемой транспортного средства при его движении в автономном режиме, и устройство обработки, выполненное с возможностью контролировать текущее значение одной или более характеристик транспортного средства, сравнивать его с параметром, определенным в графике технического обслуживания, и выключать автономный режим при превышении указанного параметра до тех пор, пока текущее значение характеристики не будет обнулено.2. Система по п. 1, в которой текущее значение характеристики транспортного средства представляет собой пройденное транспортным средством расстояние, а параметр представляет собой максимально допустимое для него расстояние.3. Система по п. 2, в которой пройденное расстояние включает в себя первое расстояние, пройденное в автономном режиме, и второе расстояние, пройденное в неавтономном ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Überwachung eines Steuerungssystems eines Fahrzeugs, Computerprogramm, maschinenlesbares Speichermedium, Steuergerät und Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102019211068A1

Verfahren zur Überwachung eines Steuerungssystems (110) eines Fahrzeugs (100), wobei das Steuerungssystem mindestens einen Sensor (111, 112, 113, 114) zur Erfassung der Umgebung (101) des Fahrzeugs (100) und wenigstens ein Steuergerät (120) zur Steuerung des Fahrzeugs (100) umfasst, aufweisend die folgenden Verfahrensschritte: Erfassung (310) eines elektrischen Parameters an einer Versorgungsleitung und/oder an einer Signalleitung des Steuergerätes (120) und/oder eines elektrischen Parameters an einer Versorgungsleitung und/oder an einer Signalleitung des Sensors (111, 112, 113, 114), und Erkennung (350) eines Fehlers des Sensors (111, 112, 113, 114) und/oder des Steuergerätes (120) in Abhängigkeit des erfassten elektrischen Parameters.

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren und System zur sicheren Signalmanipulation für den Test integrierter Sicherheitsfunktionalitäten

Номер: DE102019203251B3

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur sicheren Signalmanipulation für den Test integrierter Sicherheitsfunktionalitäten sowie ein System zur Durchführung des Verfahrens. Im ersten Schritt 100 wird ein Eingangssignal (V') einer mit einer Gefährdungsstufe ASIL A bis ASIL D nach der ISO-Norm 26262 bewerteten software-basierten Kraftfahrzeugkomponente (12) ausgewählt; im zweiten Schritt 200 wird ein Testsignal (W1) durch Ändern des ausgewählten Eingangssignals (V') bestimmt; im dritten Schritt 300 wird eine externe Signalmanipulationseinheit (21) für Verifikations- und Validierungstests der Sicherheitsfunktion in einem QM-Kontext 2 nach der ISO-Norm 26262 bereitgestellt; in vierten Schritt 400 wird die Verbindung der Kraftfahrzeugkomponente (12) zu der externen Signalmanipulationseinheit (21) hergestellt; im fünften Schritt 500 wird eine Sicherheitsfunktion der Kraftfahrzeugkomponente (12) getestet; im sechsten Schritt 600 wird das Testergebnis mittels eines dritten Testsignals W3 überprüft ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации

Controller für einen Elektromotor und Verfahren dafür

Номер: DE102014112194B4

Controller (10) für ein Elektrofahrzeug, das einen Elektromotor (12) aufweist, wobei der Controller (10) umfasst:ein Motorsteuerungsprozessormodul (MCP-Modul) (16), das ausgestaltet ist, um mindestens einen Motorbefehl (17) zum Steuern einer Drehmomentausgabe des Elektromotors (12) zu erzeugen;ein erstes Hauptprozessorüberwachungsmodul (MPM-Modul) (18), das ausgestaltet ist, um einen Funktionszustand des MCP-Moduls (16) zu bestimmen und um ein erstes Fehlersignal (26) zu erzeugen, wenn es feststellt, dass das MCP-Modul (16) nicht funktioniert;ein zweites MPM-Modul (20), das ausgestaltet ist, um den Funktionszustand des MCP-Moduls (16) zu bestimmen und um ein zweites Fehlersignal (30) zu erzeugen, wenn es feststellt, dass das MCP-Modul (16) nicht funktioniert;ein Abstimmungssteuerungsmodul (34), das ausgestaltet ist, um das erste Fehlersignal (26) von dem ersten MPM-Modul (18) und/oder das zweite Fehlersignal (30) von dem zweiten MPM-Modul (20) zu empfangen, und um einen Übersteuerungsbefehl ...

06-10-2011 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung für eine Funktionsprüfung einer Objekt-Erkennungseinrichtung eines Kraftwagens

Номер: DE102010013943A1

In einem Kraftwagen kann für eine Fahrerassistenzfunktionalität eine Erkennungseinrichtung bereitgestellt sein, durch welche Objekte in einer Umgebung des Kraftwagens automatisch erkannt werden. Eine solche Erkennung basiert dabei auf Sensordaten eines Sensor des Kraftwagens. Bevor eine Erkennungseinrichtung in einem Kraftwagen verwendet werden kann, muss ihre Funktionsweise für unterschiedliche Umgebungen gestestet werden. Es ist Aufgabe der vorliegenden Erfindung, eine solche Funktionsprüfung einer Erkennungseinrichtung zu erleichtern. Erfindungsgemäß wird dazu ein Simulieren von Umgebungen ermöglicht, wobei eine zu simulierende Umgebung jeweils durch Bereitstellen eines entsprechenden Datensatzes bestimmt werden kann. Ausgehend von wenigstens einem Datensatz (12) werden durch Simulieren von Umgebungen Umgebungsdaten (30) berechnet. Auf Grundlage der Umgebungsdaten (30) werden Sensordaten (12) erzeugt, mit welchen die zu überprüfende Erkennungseinrichtung (10) betrieben wird. Hierdurch ...

06-06-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Unterstützung eines Fahrers eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102010062350A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Unterstützung eines Fahrers eines Kraftfahrzeugs (1) bei einem Fahrmanöver, bei dem die Umgebung erfasst wird und ein dreidimensionales Modell aus den erfassten Daten der Umgebung erstellt wird, ein Fahrmanöver, das der Fahrer des Kraftfahrzeugs (1) voraussichtlich durchführen wird, prädiziert wird und eine Warnung an den Fahrer des Kraftfahrzeugs (1) ausgegeben wird, wenn das prädizierte Fahrmanöver Systemgrenzen eines zur Unterstützung des Fahrers eingesetzten Fahrassistenzsystems überschreitet oder im Bereich des prädizierten Fahrmanövers keine ausreichende Erfassung der Umgebung möglich ist. Weiterhin betrifft die Erfindung eine Vorrichtung zur Durchführung des Verfahrens.

08-01-2009 дата публикации

Driver assistance system testing device for vehicle i.e. passenger car, has simulator-transmitting device to transmit simulated surrounding field representing field simulation signals received by sensors to activate response of system

Номер: DE102007031040A1

The device has vehicle sensors (12) for receiving signals from a surrounding field of a vehicle (V), and a simulator for simulation of the surrounding field. A simulator-transmitting device is attached with the simulator for transmission of the simulated surrounding field representing surrounding field simulation signals (SIM) received by the sensors for activating a response of a driver assistance system in a vehicle. An evaluation device is provided for automatic evaluation and identification of a response of the driver assistance system detected by a detection device. An independent claim is also included for a testing method for a driver assistance system in a vehicle.

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013204842B4

Regelungssystem zur Regelung eines Fahrzeugverhaltens, mit:- einer übergeordneten elektrischen Regelungseinheit (10); und- mehreren untergeordneten elektrischen Regelungseinheiten (30, 40, 50), wobei:- die übergeordnete elektrische Regelungseinheit (10) einen das Fahrzeugverhalten betreffenden Verhaltens-Sollwert berechnet,- die übergeordnete elektrische Regelungseinheit (10) einen gemeinsamen Sollwert jeder untergeordneten elektrischen Regelungseinheiten (30, 40, 50) bestimmt und den gemeinsamen Sollwert an jede untergeordnete elektrische Regelungseinheiten (30, 40, 50) ausgibt,- der gemeinsame Sollwert jeder untergeordneten elektrischen Regelungseinheiten (30, 40, 50) einer Verhaltens-Regelungsgröße entspricht, die alle untergeordneten elektrischen Regelungseinheiten (30, 40, 50) gemeinsam haben müssen, um den Verhaltens-Sollwert zu erhalten,- jede untergeordnete elektrische Regelungseinheiten (30, 40, 50) einen Betriebszustand einer entsprechenden In-Vehicle-Vorrichtung entsprechend ...

24-01-2008 дата публикации

Steuersystem für eine mehrphasige rotierende elektrische Maschine

Номер: DE102007017253A1

Es ist ein Steuersystem für mehrphasige rotierende elektrische Maschinen offenbart. Das Steuersystem führt eine Steuerung der Ausgangsleistung einer mehrphasigen elektrischen rotierenden Maschine durch, und zwar durch Betätigen von Schalterelementen eines Inverters, sodass geeignetere Maßnahmen getroffen werden können, wenn in dem Inverter eine Fehlfunktion auftritt. Die Drehwelle einer Brennkraftmaschine, die Drehwelle eines Generators und die Drehwelle des Motors sind über einen Drehmoment-Aufteil-Mechanismus verkettet. Das Steuersystem führt Ausfallsicherheits-Prozesse durch, und zwar bei Auftreten eines Kurzschlusses in einem Schalterelement des Inverters, um das Last-Drehmoment des Generators zu steuern oder zu regeln, um eine Drehung der Drehwelle der Brennkraftmaschine im Nicht-Betriebszustand zu verhindern, welche Drehung durch eine Bewegungskraft des Motors induziert wird.

14-06-2017 дата публикации

Risikobasierte Steuerung eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102015224696A1

Eine hochautomatisierte Fahrfunktion zur Steuerung eines Kraftfahrzeugs umfasst mehrere Funktionskomponenten. Ein Verfahren zum Steuern des Kraftfahrzeugs umfasst Schritte des Ausführens der Fahrfunktion unter Verwendung einer ersten Funktionskomponente; des Vergleichens des Verhaltens der ersten Funktionskomponente mit einem spezifizierten Verhalten; des Bestimmens, dass das Verhalten der ersten Funktionskomponente vom spezifizierten Verhalten abweicht; des Bestimmens eines ersten Unfallrisikos, wenn die Fahrfunktion weiter mittels der ersten Funktionskomponente ausgeführt wird; des Bestimmens eines zweiten Unfallrisikos, wenn die Fahrfunktion weiter mittels einer zweiten Funktionskomponente ausgeführt wird; und des Ausführens der Fahrfunktion mittels derjenigen Funktionskomponente, deren zugeordnetes Unfallrisiko am kleinsten ist.

21-10-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren und Steueranordnung zur Eigendiagnose eines Fahrzeugs

Номер: DE102021106505A1

Verfahren (400) und Steueranordnung (310) in einem Fahrzeug (100) zur Fahrzeugeigendiagnose. Das Verfahren (400) umfasst ein Ausführen (401) einer ersten Maßnahme des Fahrzeugs (100), von der zu erwarten steht, dass sie einen Alarm auslöst; ein Erfassen (402) des durch die ausgeführte (401) erste Maßnahme ausgelösten Alarms; ein Ausführen (403) einer zweiten Maßnahme des Fahrzeugs (100), von der zu erwarten steht, dass sie den Alarm aufhebt; ein Erfassen (404), dass der durch die durchgeführte (401) erste Maßnahme ausgelöste Alarm aufgehoben ist; und ein Bestimmen (410), das Fahren des Fahrzeugs (100) zu erlauben/zu verbieten, basierend auf dem Ergebnis der durchgeführten (401) ersten Maßnahme, des Erfassens (402) des ausgelösten Alarms, der durchgeführten (403) zweiten Maßnahme und/oder des Erfassens (404) des aufgehobenen Alarms.

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Antriebsstrangs

Номер: DE102018218896A1

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Antriebsstrangs für ein Kraftfahrzeug, wobei wenigstens eine Funktion (1) des Antriebsstrangs in Bezug auf die Einhaltung eines sicheren Zustands überwacht wird, wobei in einem aktivierten Zustand der wenigstens einen Funktion (1) des Antriebsstrangs ein sicherer Zustand definiert wird, welcher sichere Zustand ohne Änderung eines Parameters der wenigstens einen Funktion (1) konstant bleibt, wobei eine Änderung wenigstens eines Parameters der wenigstens einen Funktion (1) nur dann zugelassen wird, falls die Funktion (1) mit dem wenigstens einen geänderten Parameter in dem sicheren Zustand verbleibt.

09-01-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle control system that evaluates driving condition indicator(s) to determine the most appropriate control mode

Номер: GB0002492655A

A vehicle control system 10 comprising a subsystem controller for initiating control of the or each of the vehicle subsystems 12 in a selected one of a plurality of different subsystem control modes. Each control mode corresponds to one or more different driving conditions for the vehicle. Evaluation means are provided for evaluating one or more driving condition indicators, 16, 17 to determine the extent to which each of the subsystem control modes is appropriate and for providing an output 30 to the subsystem controller that is indicative of the control mode which is most appropriate. The evaluation means may calculate the probability that the or each of the subsystem control modes is appropriate. Automatic control means may be operable in an automatic response mode to select an appropriate one of the subsystem control modes in dependence on the output. The control modes may relate to terrain type or driving style.

14-03-2018 дата публикации

A data communication method for a vehicle

Номер: GB0201801488D0

19-08-2015 дата публикации

A system for use in a vehicle

Номер: GB0002523092A

A system for use in a vehicle 10 determining the type of terrain 24 ahead of the vehicle is provided. The system comprises; a processor configured to receive sensor output data from a plurality of vehicle-mounted sensors 12, 22, including at least one radar sensor 22 and at least one acoustic sensor 12, each for receiving a reflected signal 20 from the terrain 24 ahead of the vehicle 10; and a data memory configured to store pre-determined data relating sensor output data, for the or each acoustic sensor 12 and the or each radar sensor 22, to a terrain type. The processor is configured to compare the sensor output data with the pre-determined data to determine an indication of the terrain type corresponding to the sensor output data.

05-04-2023 дата публикации

Sensor object detection monitoring

Номер: GB0002611407A

Systems and methods are described for monitoring detection of objects in a sensor. The system can generate an occupancy array based on scene data corresponding to a scene of a vehicle. The array can include points that represent a location within the environment of the vehicle and an occupancy value that indicates whether an object is detected at that location. The system can modify an occupancy value of at least one point in the array and identify at least one static object miss based on a group of occupancy values of a group of points in the array. The occupancy value of the cell can be corrected based on determining that the occupancy value of a cell is different to other neighbouring or surrounding cells, the occupancy value of cell changes with time or the determined location of the vehicle.

15-07-2019 дата публикации

Method for analysis of an automation system of an installation, an emulator for at least partially virtual operating an automation system in a plant and system for analyzing an automation system of a plant

Номер: AT0000520802A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren (100) zur Analyse eines Automatisierungssystems, insbesondere eines Fahrerassistenzsystems (2) in einem Fahrzeug (3), einen Emulator (1) zum wenigstens teilweise virtuellen Betreiben eines Automatisierungssystems einer Anlage und ein System zur Analyse eines Automatisierungssystems einer Anlage. Dabei wird ein Umgebungsszenario für die Anlage, insbesondere ein Verkehrsszenarios simuliert. Auf Grundlage des simulierten Umgebungsszenarios wird ein durch wenigstens einen Umgebungssensor (4) zu erfassendes Antwort-Signal, insbesondere ein Ultraschall-Antwortsignal, aus der Perspektive des wenigstens einen Umgebungssensors (4) abgeleitet. Das Antwort-Signal wird an den wenigstens einen Umgebungssensor (4) mittels eines Emulators (1) ausgegeben, wobei der wenigstens eine Umgebungssensor (4) auf der Grundlage des ausgegebenen Antwort-Signals Sensordaten erzeugt. Zudem wird das Automatisierungssystem und/oder die Anlage mittels der erzeugten Sensordaten und ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации

Terminal for supporting an exporting person

Номер: AT0000521832B1

Testterminal (1) zur Unterstützung einer ausführenden Person (3) bei einem mit einer Fahrzeuginfrastruktur (2) durchgeführten Testlauf. Das Testterminal (1) weist zumindest eine Recheneinheit (4), zumindest eine Benutzerschnittstelle (5) und zumindest eine Datenschnittstelle (6), welche in der Lage ist, Daten von Komponenten der Fahrzeuginfrastruktur (2) zu empfangen, auf. In einem Speicher der Recheneinheit (4) ist ein Testablaufplan mit einer Abfolge von vorkonfigurierten, wahrend des Testlaufs auszuführenden Manövern gespeichert, wobei mit der Recheneinheit (4) der ausführenden Person (3) zumindest das jeweils auszuführende Manöver über die Benutzerschnittstelle (5) signalisierbar und dessen Ausführung anhand von über die Datenschnittstelle (6) empfangenen Fahrzeugmessdaten überwachbar ist.

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000440010T

15-05-2008 дата публикации

Display device for hybrid vehicle

Номер: AU2007318704A1

03-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002876605A1

A vehicle that includes a chassis, wheels, a drivetrain including an engine and a transmission, and a brake system. The vehicle also has a vehicle control system that includes controllers for the engine, the transmission controller, and the brake system, a vehicle network connected to the controllers to permit communication to and from these components, and a primary vehicle controller connected to the network and configured to communicate with the controllers. The vehicle further includes a vehicle diagnostic system that is connected to the network and configured to communicate with the various controllers. The diagnostic system is configured to operate in a diagnostic mode, in which the diagnostic system is configured to display diagnostic information from one or more of the controllers. The diagnostic system may further be configured to operate in a display mode, where the vehicle diagnostic system is configured to display operating information regarding the vehicle.

20-04-2016 дата публикации

Road emergency activation

Номер: CN0105501227A

01-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003050423B1

27-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102183952B1

08-06-2017 дата публикации

차량용 전자 제어기 복구 방법 및 이를 실행하는 장치

Номер: KR0101745174B1
Автор: 김도현
Принадлежит: 현대오트론 주식회사

... 본 발명의 일 실시예에 따른 차량용 전자 제어기 복구 장치에서 실행되는 차량용 전자 제어기 복구 방법은 차량의 모듈을 각각 제어하는 복수의 차량용 전자 제어기 각각의 동작 데이터를 수신하는 단계, 상기 복수의 차량용 전자 제어기 각각의 동작 데이터 중 일부 데이터 이용하여 상기 동작 데이터를 압축하는 단계 및 상기 복수의 차량용 전자 제어기에 대응하는 해시 코드를 생성하여 상기 해시 코드와 상기 압축된 동작 데이터를 대응시켜 저장 영역에 저장하는 단계를 포함한다. 따라서, 본 발명은 전자 제어기의 정상 동작 여부를 모니터링하여 이상 시 해당 전자 제어기의 해시 코드를 사용하여 저장 영역에서 압축 데이터를 불러와 압축 해제 후 전자 제어기에 전송함으로써 전자 제어기의 복구 정보를 신속하게 전송하여 해당 전자 제어기의 이상을 신속하여 복구시킬 수 있다는 장점이 있다.

04-12-2018 дата публикации

맬웨어 및 어택들로부터 차량을 보호하기 위해 멀티플 센서들로부터 수집된 정보를 이용하기 위한 방법들 및 시스템들

Номер: KR1020180128912A

... 다양한 실시형태들은 비정상의 차량 거동을 식별하기 위해 센서 정보를 분석하기 위한 방법들, 및 방법들을 구현하는 컴퓨팅 디바이스들을 포함한다. 컴퓨팅 디바이스는, 센서 정보를 수집하기 위해 차량에서의 센서들 (예를 들어, 근접 통합형 차량 센서, 비근접 통합된 차량 센서, 비차량 센서 등) 을 모니터링하고, 분석 결과를 생성하기 위해 수집된 센서 정보를 분석하고, 그리고 생성된 분석 결과를 사용하여 차량의 거동이 비정상인지를 결정할 수 있다. 컴퓨팅 디바이스는 또한 차량의 거동이 비정상이라고 결정하는 것에 응답하여 통신 메시지를 생성하고, 그리고 생성된 통신 메시지를 외부 엔티티로 전송할 수 있다.

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160101704A

A contactor control system capable of selectively controlling a contractor using at least two microprocessors having a first microprocessor, a second microprocessor, a high side contactor control circuit and a low side contactor control circuit is provided. The first microprocessor transmits a first command signal to the second microprocessor. The second microprocessor transmits a command signal to the second grounding circuit that outputs a ground level voltage to a logical OR circuit to induce the logical OR circuit to output a ground level voltage to a second end of the contactor coil. The first microprocessor transmits a command signal to the second microprocessor, and in response to that, the second microprocessor transmits a command signal to the second pull-in circuit to activate the second pull-in circuit to energize the contactor coil. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 (140) First microprocessor (142) Second microprocessor (150, 160) High side contactor control circuit (152, 162) Low side contactor ...

03-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200061704A

27-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160089318A

Provided is a controller for an electric vehicle having an electric motor. The controller includes a motor control processor (MCP) module to control a torque output of the electric motor. Moreover, the controller includes a first main processor monitor (MPM) module and a second MPM module. The first and second MPM modules individually determine a state of heath of the MCP module and produce first and second fault signals after determining that the MCP module does not operate enough to perform a function. The controller receives at least one signal of the first fault signal from the first MPM module and the second fault signal from the second MPM module and additionally includes a voting control module to produce an override command if the first and second fault signals are received. The override command overrides the MCP module. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014174749A1

According to one embodiment of the present disclosure, there is provided a vehicle diagnosis system (1) equipped with a communication terminal (4) for transmitting vehicle information acquired from a vehicle (9) to a server (2), and a server (2) for analyzing the vehicle information received from the communication terminal (4) and diagnosing the vehicle (9). The server (2) is provided with a WEB screen providing unit (6a) for providing a WEB screen including instructions for the operator in a manner that the communication terminal (4) can display via a communication network (5). The communication terminal (4) displays the provided WEB screen via the communication network (5).

08-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO2008052622A1

The invention relates to a motor vehicle drive, having an engine, a gear box and a control unit (1), wherein, during a gear changing process in the direction of a relatively high transmission ratio, the control unit (1) can output a predefined setpoint value for the engine torque (Msoll) which is increased by an increasing means (Mplus). The object of the invention is to increase the fail safety during a gear changing process of a motor vehicle drive. The object is achieved according to the invention in that the control unit (1) has a fault detection device (10, 12, 14, 15) by means of which a deactivation signal for deactivating the increasing means (Mplus) for increasing the predefined setpoint value (Msoll) of the engine torque can be output if the fault detection device (10, 12, 14, 15) detects a fault.

10-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007051664A1

The invention relates to a control and warning device especially for a lane keeping system of a motor vehicle, comprising a control unit (6), an alert unit (8), an activation unit (7), and a display unit (9). The control unit is connected to the lane keeping system (3), the alert unit (8), an activation unit (7), and a display unit (9) via a data circuit and/or a signal connection. The control unit receives a signal about the current activation status and/or availability status from the lane keeping system (3).

17-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011018292A1

The invention relates to a method for adapting and/or diagnosing an internal combustion engine (3) disposed in a hybrid vehicle, forming a drive unit (1, 3) with at least one secondary machine (1). In order to allow a more rapid and simple adaptation and/or diagnostic method of the internal combustion engine (3), a positive or negative drive torque is applied to the internal combustion engine (3) by the secondary machine (1) for setting various operating modes of the internal combustion engine (3), and at least one operating parameter of the internal combustion engine (3) is determined at a set operating point.

06-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014178879A1

A method and an apparatus are provided for providing a vehicle component fault score. Faults that occur on vehicle components in a plurality of vehicles are tracked. One or more sets of attribute values are compiled for the tracked faults. A set of attribute values is collected for each item within one or more preset vehicle categories. A fault score is calculated for each set of the compiled attribute values. A set of one or more items with respective fault scores is displayed based on a preset vehicle category selected by a user.

11-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210039669A1

In some examples, a method of validating operation of a vehicle, includes determining, by the vehicle, a first version of a vehicle operating parameter via a vehicle instrument employed in a first measurement approach; calculating, by the vehicle, a second version of the vehicle operating parameter based on information indicated by two or more pathway articles associated with a vehicle pathway; determining, by the vehicle, if the first version of the vehicle operating parameter is approximately equal to the second version of the vehicle operating parameter; if the first version of the vehicle operating parameter is approximately equal to the second version of the vehicle operating parameter, validating the first measurement approach; and if the first version of the vehicle operating parameter is not approximately equal to the second version of the vehicle operating parameter, performing, by the vehicle, one or more actions.

08-06-2021 дата публикации

Efficient computational inference using gaussian processes

Номер: US0011027743B1

A system configured to determine candidate sets of values for enforceable parameters for a physical system, and for each candidate set of values, determine a performance measurement for the physical system and generate a data point having an input portion indicative of the candidate set of values and an output portion indicative of the determined performance measurement. The system is further arranged to augment each data point to include an additional dimension comprising a bias value; project each augmented data point onto a surface of a unit hypersphere of the first number of dimensions; determine, using the projected augmented data points, a set of parameter values for a sparse variational Gaussian process, GP, on said unit hypersphere; and determine, using the sparse variational GP with the determined set of parameter values, a further set of values for the set of enforceable parameters.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle speed signal falsification detection apparatus, vehicle speed limiting apparatus, vehicle speed signal falsification detection method, and vehicle speed limiting method

Номер: US20120215428A1
Принадлежит: UD Trucks Corp

A vehicle speed signal falsification detection apparatus has a control unit incorporating a computer. The control unit calculates a vehicle speed according to a pulse signal proportional to the rotational speed of a drive wheel and also calculates a simulated vehicle speed according to a pulse signal proportional to the rotational speed of a driven wheel. Then, the control unit determines, on the basis of the comparison between the vehicle speed and the simulated vehicle speed, whether a vehicle speed signal has been falsified. When the control unit determines that the vehicle speed signal has been falsified, then the control unit outputs a falsification detection signal to another control unit so as to suppress the output of an engine.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Fail-Safety Control Method for Hybrid Vehicle

Номер: US20130073130A1
Автор: Jun-Yong Jung
Принадлежит: Kefico Corp

Disclosed herein is a fail-safety control method for a hybrid vehicle. The method includes a hybrid control unit which, when commands for demand torque are received from a driver, giving instructions to a motor control unit to generate the demand torque, determining whether or not to a normal torque corresponding to the demand torque is being generated by the motor control unit according to the instructions from the hybrid control unit, and if it is determined that an abnormal torque is being generated by the motor control unit, giving commands to output an interrupt signal to interrupt operation of the motor control unit.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Drivability evaluation target levels

Номер: US20130079989A1
Автор: John Stephen Viggers

The automobile described herein is configured with a system for capturing subjective and objective data related to automobile performance events. The automobile may comprise or be configured with a drivability evaluation system. This drivability evaluation system may be configured to capture subjective driver responses, monitor driver commands, and monitor automobile performance based on the driver commands. Moreover, the system may be employed in real world driving scenarios, where a driver's commands and the associated automobile responses are indicative of actual every day driving.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

System and method for verifying the integrity of a safety-critical vehicle control system

Номер: US20130246866A1

A control system according to the principles of the present disclosure includes an operation control module, a fault detection module, a remedial action module, and a reset module. The operation control module controls operation of a vehicle system. The fault detection module detects a fault in the operation control module when the operation control module fails an integrity test. The remedial action module takes a remedial action when the fault is detected. The reset module resets the operation control module when the fault is detected and the remedial action is not taken.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle control device

Номер: US20130261865A1
Автор: Yoshimasa Toki
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A control system is provided for controlling a hybrid vehicle that includes an internal combustion engine; an electric motor for starting the internal combustion engine; an inverter for controlling the electric motor; a clutch for selectively connecting and disconnecting power transmission between the internal combustion engine and the electric motor; and a battery for supplying power to the electric motor. The control device includes: a voltage detection unit for detecting the voltage of the battery a voltage control unit for controlling the output of the battery in accordance with a first power value currently available within the voltage limit range of the battery; and an internal combustion engine starting unit for engaging the clutch to start engine while controlling the inverter in accordance with the output from the battery that in turn is controlled by the voltage control unit.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle information acquisition device and vehicle information acquisition method

Номер: US20130304308A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Seiki Co Ltd

Provided are a vehicle information acquisition device and a vehicle information acquisition method which are capable of accelerating the update time of vehicle information that needs to be updated in a short time and enhancing convenience. A vehicle information acquisition device ( 200 ) transmits respective pieces of request data each requesting any one of multiple kinds of vehicle information in a predetermined order via a vehicle diagnosis connector ( 302 ) provided in a vehicle ( 300 ) and receives, from the vehicle ( 300 ) side, respective pieces of response data indicating the respective pieces of vehicle information to thereby periodically acquire the respective pieces of vehicle information. The vehicle information acquisition device is characterized by transmitting, among the respective pieces of request data, request data that requests vehicle information having a higher update priority at a higher frequency than request data that requests vehicle information having a lower update priority.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Method, Apparatus, Storage Medium and Electronic Device for Testing Dynamic Parameter of Vehicle

Номер: US20210001872A1
Автор: XU Kecheng, YANG Fan, Zhu Fan

A method, an apparatus, a storage medium, and an electronic device for testing dynamic parameter of vehicle are provided. The method for testing dynamic parameter of vehicle provided by the present disclosure includes: first obtaining a control parameter for an autonomous vehicle; then controlling the vehicle to travel automatically under a given environment according to the control parameter, detecting and recording traveling data of the vehicle; and at last determining a dynamic parameter of the vehicle according to the traveling data. According to the method for testing dynamic parameter provided by the present disclosure, the characteristic of automatic driving of an autonomous vehicle is utilized to achieve an automatic measurement of the dynamic parameter, thereby reducing cost for calibrating the vehicle and significantly improving safety during the test. Additionally, human error caused by manually driving during the test can be avoided effectively. 1. A method for testing dynamic parameter of vehicle , comprising:obtaining a control parameter for an autonomous vehicle;controlling the vehicle to travel under a given environment according to the control parameter, detecting and recording traveling data of the vehicle; anddetermining a dynamic parameter of the vehicle according to the traveling data.2. The method according to claim 1 , after the determining a dynamic parameter of the vehicle according to the traveling data claim 1 , the method further comprises:calibrating a vehicle dynamic model of the vehicle according to the dynamic parameter.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the control parameter comprises at least one of the following types of parameters: dynamic control parameter claim 1 , direction control parameter claim 1 , and brake control parameter.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the obtaining a control parameter for an autonomous vehicle comprises:selecting parameter values of at least two types of parameters from preset ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001869A1

Methods and systems are provided that are effective to generate an alarm for a vehicle. The methods include receiving, by a device, a first sensor value from a first sensor for the vehicle. The methods further include receiving, by the device, a second sensor value from a second sensor for the vehicle. The methods further include retrieving, by the device, an instruction from a memory disposed in the vehicle while the memory is in a write-protected mode. The methods further include evaluating, by the device, the first sensor value and the second sensor value based on the instruction. The methods further include determining, by the device, that the first sensor value is outside a range associated with the first sensor based on the evaluation. The methods further include transforming, by the device, the determination into an alarm. 1. A method to detect an attack on a vehicle , the method comprising:receiving a sensor value from a sensor associated with the vehicle;in response to receiving the sensor value, generating sample data to be written onto a memory which is disposed in the vehicle;attempting to write the generated sample data to the memory;detecting an attack on the vehicle based on a determination that the attempt to write the generated sample data to the memory is unsuccessful; andgenerating an alarm that is indicative of the detected attack on the vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein receiving the sensor value from the sensor comprises receiving a value of a speed of the vehicle from a speedometer associated with the vehicle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the memory is configured to operate in one of a write-access mode and a write-protected mode.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:activating the write-access mode for the memory, while the vehicle is stopped; andactivating the write-protected mode for the memory, while the vehicle is in motion.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein detecting the attack on the vehicle comprises detecting one ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001870A1

A computer-implemented method for controlling a host vehicle having a vehicle control system that controls motion of the host vehicle relative to a preceding vehicle that is immediately ahead of the host vehicle. The method includes determining a relative headway distance and a relative velocity between the host vehicle and the preceding vehicle, and an acceleration rate of the preceding vehicle. The method includes receiving message packets transmitted from a leading vehicle and the message packets contain parameters of the leading vehicle including an acceleration rate of the leading vehicle. Further, the method includes calculating an acceleration control rate for the host vehicle to maintain the headway reference distance between the host vehicle and the preceding vehicle, based on the relative headway distance, the relative velocity, the acceleration rate of the preceding vehicle, and the acceleration rate of the leading vehicle. The acceleration rate is output to a vehicle controller to control motion of the host vehicle. 1. A computer-implemented method for controlling a host vehicle having a vehicle control system that controls the host vehicle with respect to a preceding vehicle , wherein the preceding vehicle is positioned immediately ahead of the host vehicle , comprising:receiving remote vehicle data transmitted from a plurality of remote vehicles to the host vehicle via a vehicle communication network and one or more communications links between the host vehicle and the plurality of remote vehicles;selecting a leading vehicle from the plurality of remote vehicles based on remote vehicle data, the leading vehicle positioned ahead of the preceding vehicle, wherein the remote vehicle data transmitted from the leading vehicle contains an acceleration rate of the leading vehicle;calculating an acceleration control rate for the host vehicle to maintain a headway reference distance between the host vehicle and the preceding vehicle, based on the relative ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Method for testing a control unit function of a control unit in a vehicle

Номер: US20200001888A1

A simulator and a method for testing a control device function of a control device of a vehicle. The vehicle includes various environmental sensors, such as radar, a camera, and a radio receiver, which serve as inputs to the control device function of the control device. A corresponding simulation utilizing a vehicle model, sensor models, and an environmental model is executed in a distributed fashion via a plurality of computing units and a memory of a simulator. The simulation utilizing the vehicle model, the sensor models, and the environmental model provides inputs to the control device function. Moreover, the simulation utilizing these models is started synchronously on the computing units, wherein data exchange occurs amongst the memory and the multiple computing units.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001979A1
Автор: Kato Yuichiro

A drive cycle controller includes a drive cycle switching unit and an output state determination unit. The drive cycle switching unit switches a drive cycle of a microcomputer, which monitors an output of a device, from a first drive cycle to a second drive cycle that is shorter than the first drive cycle if the microcomputer detects a change in an output of the device at an activation timing in the first drive cycle. The output state determination unit determines an output state of the device if the microcomputer confirms that the output has remained changed at an activation timing in the second drive cycle. 1. A drive cycle controller comprising:a drive cycle switching unit that switches a drive cycle of a microcomputer that monitors an output of a device, wherein the drive cycle switching unit switches the drive cycle from a first drive cycle to a second drive cycle that is shorter than the first drive cycle if the microcomputer detects a change in the output of the device at an activation timing in the first drive cycle; andan output state determination unit that determines an output state of the device if the microcomputer confirms that the output of the device has remained changed at an activation timing in the second drive cycle.2. The drive cycle controller according to claim 1 , wherein the output state determination unit determines an output state of the device if the microcomputer successively confirms for a number of times that the output of the device has remained changed at the activation timing in the second drive cycle.3. The drive cycle controller according to claim 1 , wherein the drive cycle switching unit returns the drive cycle from the second drive cycle to the first drive cycle after the output state determination unit determines an output state of the device.4. The drive cycle controller according to claim 1 , whereinthe device is an operation detector that detects a switching operation for switching an actuation state of an onboard device, ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001989A1

A method for the self-check of at least one driving function of an autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicle in vehicle operation, after an error message about the at least one driving function, in which in one step, at least one vehicle electronic system and/or at least one sensor is/are restarted, a check is made for a further appearance of the error message after each restart, and in the event an error message is not repeated after the restart, the driving function in question is checked during operation of the autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicle. 1. A method for providing a self-check of at least one driving function of an autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicle in vehicle operation , after there is an error message about the at least one driving function , the method comprising:restarting at least one vehicle electronic system and/or at least one sensor;checking for a further appearance of the error message after the restart; andchecking, in the event an error message does not appear again after the restart, the at least one driving function during operation of the autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the check of the vehicle electronic system and/or the at least one sensor includes at least one of the following:switching a vehicle ignition off and on,restarting at least one control device,restarting at least one peripheral and/or at least one sensor,checking at least one vehicle actuator, and/orcommunicating with a server unit off-board or a server unit on-board the vehicle to perform an error diagnosis.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicle is transferred into a safe state prior to or during the check of the driving function.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the error message is produced by at least one in-vehicle error claim 1 , and a degree of severity is assigned to the at least one in-vehicle error.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein after the in-vehicle error has been eliminated claim ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160004254A1

A control apparatus is used in a vehicle that performs automatic travel control. The apparatus includes a search section which searches for an external unit, when information used for the automatic travel control is no longer available due to abnormality, the external unit providing assist information for complementing missing information that is the information no longer available due to the abnormality, an acquisition section which acquires the assist information from the external unit obtained as a result of the search of the search section, and a processing section which performs a process for performing assist travel control, which is the automatic travel control as a result of complementing the missing information with the assist information. 1. A control apparatus which is used in a vehicle that performs automatic travel control , the apparatus comprising:a search section which searches for an external unit, when information used for the automatic travel control is no longer available due to abnormality, the external unit providing assist information for complementing missing information that is the information no longer available due to the abnormality;an acquisition section which acquires the assist information from the external unit obtained as a result of the search of the search section; anda processing section which performs a process for performing assist travel control, which is the automatic travel control as a result of complementing the missing information with the assist information.2. The control apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe assist travel control is limited in a controllable range, compared to the automatic travel control in a normal state.3. The control apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe search section continues search after the search of the external unit, which is a first external unit and provides the assist information, which is first assist information, andafter the search section finds the first external unit, if a ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220020232A1

The subject disclosure relates to techniques for positioning an autonomous vehicle for sensor calibration. A process of the disclosed technology can include steps for positioning an autonomous vehicle along a first axis on a platform in a predetermined environment using guide rails, positioning the autonomous vehicle along a second axis on the platform using one or more elevated platform features, inserting one or more lifting alignment pins of a lifting mechanism into one or more sockets located on an underbody of the autonomous vehicle, and positioning the autonomous vehicle along a third axis using the lifting mechanism. Systems and machine-readable media are also provided. 1. A method comprising:positioning an autonomous vehicle along a first axis on a platform in a predetermined environment using guide rails;positioning the autonomous vehicle along a second axis on the platform using one or more elevated platform features, wherein the second axis is orthogonal to the first axis;inserting one or more lifting alignment pins of a lifting mechanism into one or more sockets located on an underbody of the autonomous vehicle; andpositioning the autonomous vehicle along a third axis using the lifting mechanism, the third axis orthogonal to the first axis and the second axis.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:calibrating one or more sensors of the autonomous vehicle based on a position of the autonomous vehicle in the predetermined environment.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: sending data to the autonomous vehicle, the data indicating that an object is present at a location in the predetermined environment;', 'receiving a response from the autonomous vehicle, the response indicating if the one or more sensors of the autonomous vehicle have detected the object at the location in the predetermined environment; and', 'sending instructions to the autonomous vehicle, the instructions based on if the response indicates that the one or more sensors of ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Method for monitoring a drive-by-wire system of a motor vehicle

Номер: US20180009444A1

A method for monitoring a drive-by-wire system of a motor vehicle, including: temporally offset reading in of at least two input values of an input quantity of an operating element of the motor vehicle; ascertaining a change over time or rate of change over time of the input quantity from the at least two read-in input values; determination of a monitored quantity for the motor vehicle operation from the change over time or rate of change over time; selection of a monitoring function on the basis of the monitored quantity; monitoring of the monitored quantity for the ascertained motor vehicle operation by the monitoring function.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009145A1

Diagnosing a sensor processing unit of an autonomous driving vehicle is described. An example computer-implemented method can include transmitting an executable image of a sensor processing application from a host system to the sensor processing unit via at least one of a universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART) or an Ethernet connection. The method also includes causing the sensor processing unit to execute and launch the executable image of the sensor processing application in the DRAM from the eMMC storage device. The method also includes transmitting a sequence of predetermined commands to the executed sensor processing application to perform a plurality of sensor data processing operations on sensor data obtained from a plurality of sensors or sensor simulators associated with an autonomous driving vehicle. The method also includes comparing processing results of the sensor processing operations against expected processing results to determine whether the sensor processing application operates properly. 1. A method for diagnosing a sensor processing unit of an autonomous driving vehicle , the method comprising:transmitting an executable image of a sensor processing application from a host system to the sensor processing unit via at least one of a universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART) or an Ethernet connection, wherein the executable image of the sensor processing application is stored in an embedded multimedia controller (eMMC) storage device within the sensor processing unit;causing the sensor processing unit to execute and launch the executable image of the sensor processing application in a dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) within the sensor processing unit from the eMMC storage device;transmitting a sequence of predetermined commands to the executed sensor processing application to perform a plurality of sensor data processing operations on sensor data obtained from a plurality of sensors or sensor simulators associated with an ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009146A1
Принадлежит: VALERANN LTD.

A system and a method for automatically configuring a road sensor unit. Embodiments of the invention include detecting, by the road sensor unit, an identification unit of a road socket unit upon insertion of the road sensor unit into the road socket unit, reading, by the road sensor unit, a unique designation of the identification unit of the road socket unit, transmitting, by the road sensor unit, the unique designation and a unique sensor identification of the road sensor unit to a remote server, receiving, by the road sensor unit from the remote server, unique parameters, wherein the unique parameters are based on the unique designation of the identification unit, configuring, by the road sensor unit, the road sensor unit to operate based on the unique parameter and operating said road sensor unit with the configuration. 1. A method for automatically configuring a road sensor unit , comprising:detecting, by the road sensor unit, an identification unit of a road socket unit upon insertion of the road sensor unit into the road socket unit;reading, by the road sensor unit, a unique designation of the identification unit of the road socket unit;transmitting, by the road sensor unit, the unique designation and a unique sensor identification of the road sensor unit to a remote server;receiving, by the road sensor unit from the remote server, unique parameters, wherein the unique parameters are based on the unique designation of the identification unit;configuring, by the road sensor unit, the road sensor unit to operate based on the unique parameter; andoperating said road sensor unit with the configuration.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising updating the remote server of a link between the unique designation and the unique sensor identification.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising installing the road sensor unit into the road socket unit by locating the configuration unit of the road sensor unit and the identification unit of the road socket unit ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009147A1
Автор: Kienitz Stefan, MAAG Einar
Принадлежит: JENOPTIK Robot GmbH

A method for monitoring and/or detecting a sensor system of a vehicle comprises a step of identifying a parameter value using a response signal, and a step of determining a monitoring signal that can be allocated to the sensor system, said determination being carried out using the parameter value and a predetermined reaction value. 1. A method for monitoring and/or detecting a sensor system of a vehicle , wherein the method comprises the following steps:calculating a parameter value using a response signal; anddetermining a monitoring signal able to be assigned to the sensor system using the parameter value and a predetermined reaction value.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , in which claim 1 , in the determination step claim 1 , the monitoring signal comprises a calibration value for calibrating the sensor system and/or indicates a state of the sensor system and/or presence of the sensor system.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , having a step of providing an excitation signal in order to cause an excitation event that triggers a response reaction of the vehicle that involves the sensor system of the vehicle claim 1 , wherein the parameter value represents a recorded value of a parameter of the response reaction.4. The method as claimed in claim 3 , having a step of emitting at least one acoustic and/or electromagnetic signal causing the excitation event using the excitation signal.5. The method as claimed in claim 4 , in which claim 4 , in the emission step claim 4 , a light pulse is emitted in the direction of the vehicle or a light or radiation wave curtain appearing in front of the vehicle is emitted as the signal.6. The method as claimed in claim 3 , having a step of performing a change of state claim 3 , which causes the excitation event of an object located in the surroundings of the vehicle using the excitation signal.7. The method as claimed in claim 6 , in which claim 6 , in the performance step claim 6 , a braking procedure and/or another excitation ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicle site test method and apparatus, device and readable medium

Номер: US20190009789A1
Автор: Song Zhang

The present disclosure provides an autonomous vehicle site test method and apparatus, a device and a readable medium. The method comprises: in a site test, collecting state information of the autonomous vehicle in real time; according to the state information of the autonomous vehicle and a pre-obtained test demand, obtaining deployment information of a simulated obstacle needed in the test, wherein the deployment information of the simulated obstacle includes a simulated obstacle class, a deployment location of the simulated obstacle and a predetermined action of the simulated obstacle; according to the deployment information of the simulated obstacle, controlling the simulated obstacle corresponding to the simulated obstacle class to perform a predetermined action at the deployment location, to test the autonomous vehicle's response performance to the deployed simulated obstacle.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011576A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A data processing device includes: a first controller requiring a first activation time; a second controller requiring a second activation time, which is shorter than the first activation time; and a data processor for switching a mode, in which data is processed, between a first processing mode without collaboration with the first controller, and a second processing mode in collaboration with the first controller. The data processor processes data in the first processing mode after completing the activation of the second controller and before completing the activation of the first controller; processes data in the second processing mode after completing the activation of the first controller; and processes data in the first processing mode after a fault occurs in the first controller. 1. A data processing device comprising:a first controller that requires a first activation time elapsed from feeding operation power to the first controller and starting activation of the first controller until completing the activation of the first controller;a second controller that requires a second activation time, which is shorter than the first activation time, elapsed from feeding the operation power to the second controller and starting activation of the second controller until completing the activation of the second controller; anda data processor that switches a mode, in which data is processed, between a first processing mode for outputting a processing result of data without collaboration with the first controller, and a second processing mode for outputting a processing result of data in collaboration with the first controller,wherein the data processor processes data in the first processing mode after completing the activation of the second controller and before completing the activation of the first controller,wherein the data processor processes data in the second processing mode after completing the activation of the first controller, andwherein the data processor ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032931A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A control device of an automatic drive vehicle includes: an information acquisition unit that acquires power generator information as information on a power generator provided in the automatic drive vehicle; an operation control unit that switches between a first state in which automatic driving of the automatic drive vehicle is executed without restriction and a second state in which the automatic driving is partially or entirely restricted; and a determination unit that determines whether to perform switching to the second state by the operation control unit. 1. A method of controlling an automatic drive vehicle that includes:at least one computer system;a battery that supplies power to operate the at least one computer system; anda temperature sensor configured to measure a temperature of the battery,the method comprising the steps of:the at least one computer system acquiring the temperature of the battery measured by the temperature sensor;the at least one computer system determining whether to restrict automatic driving of the automatic drive vehicle; andthe at least one computer system switching one or more restrictions on the automatic driving based on the temperature of the battery.2. The method of controlling the automatic drive vehicle according to claim 1 , whereinwhen the one or more restrictions are to prevent the loss of power during the automatic driving, the automatic drive vehicle is automatically and safely operated by the power from the battery.3. The method of controlling the automatic drive vehicle according to claim 2 , whereinthe one or more restrictions include restricting the running speed of the automatic driving.4. The method of controlling the automatic drive vehicle according to claim 3 , whereinan inter-terminal voltage of the battery is obtained by the at least one computer system, andswitching the one or more restrictions is performed when the inter-terminal voltage becomes lower than a predetermined value.5. The method of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032932A1
Автор: Gattani Amit, Kale Poorna

Systems, methods and apparatus of integrated image sensing devices. In one example, a system includes a sensor that generates data. A memory device stores the generated data, and further stores a first portion of an artificial neural network (ANN). A host interface of the system is configured to communicate with a host system that stores a second portion of the ANN. The memory device can be stacked with the sensor. The memory device includes an inference engine configured to generate inference results using the stored data as input to the first portion of the ANN. The host interface is further configured to send the inference results to the host system for processing by the host system using the second portion of the ANN. 1. A system comprising:a first sensor configured to generate first data;a memory device configured to store the generated first data, and a first portion of an artificial neural network (ANN); anda host interface configured to communicate with a host system that stores a second portion of the ANN;wherein the memory device is stacked with the first sensor, and the memory device comprises an inference engine configured to generate inference results using the stored first data as input to the first portion of the ANN; andwherein the host interface is further configured to send the inference results to the host system for processing by the host system using the second portion of the ANN.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a camera that includes the first sensor claim 1 , wherein the first data is an image stream including frames.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein:the first data is generated by the first sensor at a rate that exceeds a communication bandwidth between the host interface and the host system; andthe host system accesses the inference results by sending commands to the host interface.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the inference engine is a first inference engine and the generated inference results are first inference results; ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032939A1

System, methods, and other embodiments described herein relate to improving driver warnings for automated driving by a vehicle. In one embodiment, a method includes monitoring a vehicle control system for driver feedback during the automated driving. The method also includes adapting a points value at a defined rate according to whether the driver feedback is present. The method also includes, responsive to determining that the points value satisfies a threshold before the driver feedback is present, generating a warning to a driver. 1. A warning system for improving driver warnings for automated driving by a vehicle , comprising:one or more processors;a memory communicably coupled to the one or more processors and storing: 'monitor a vehicle control system for driver feedback during the automated driving; and', 'a monitoring module including instructions that when executed by the one or more processors cause the one or more processors to adapt a points value at a defined rate according to whether the driver feedback is present; and', 'generate, responsive to a determination that the points value satisfies a threshold before the driver feedback is present, a warning to a driver., 'an adaptation module including instructions that when executed by the one or more processors cause the one or more processors to2. The warning system of claim 1 , wherein the adaptation module includes instructions to adapt the points value including instructions to adjust the points value from a decreased value upon detection that the driver feedback is present and to restart the automated driving.3. The warning system of claim 2 , wherein the adaptation module includes instructions to adapt the points value including instructions to maintain the points value constant before the automated driving restarts.4. The warning system of claim 1 , wherein the adaptation module includes instructions to adapt the points value including instructions to adapt the defined rate according to a ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014758A1

An on-board communication device, a computer program, and a message determination method are provided. The on-board communication device determines the propriety of a periodic message based on a reception cycle. The on-board communication device determines the propriety of a received non-periodic message based on the contents of a periodic message determined as being proper. The on-board communication device stores correspondence of periodic messages to be used for determining the propriety of a non-periodic message to the non-periodic message and based on the stored correspondence, determines the propriety of a received non-periodic message based on whether or not the content of each periodic message, corresponding to the received non-periodic message, that has been received immediately before that received non-periodic message and that has been determined by the periodic message determination unit as being proper satisfies a predetermined condition. 1. An on-board communication device configured to exchange messages with another device mounted in a vehicle , the on-board communication device comprising:a periodic message determination unit that is configured receive periodic messages that are transmitted periodically and to determine propriety of the periodic messages; anda non-periodic message determination unit that is configured to receive non-periodic messages that are transmitted non-periodically and to determine propriety of the received non-periodic messages based on the contents of those periodic messages that have been determined as being proper by the periodic message determination unit.2. The on-board communication device according to claim 1 , wherein if the non-periodic message determination unit receives a non-periodic message claim 1 , the non-periodic message determination unit determines propriety of the received non-periodic message based on whether or not the content of a periodic message that has been received immediately before the non- ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Anomaly Detector For Vehicle Control Signals

Номер: US20200017116A1

A vehicle controller receives sensor outputs and identifies features in the sensor outputs. The controller determines a trajectory based on the features and generates control signals to vehicle actuators to follow the trajectory. Eccentricity of the control signals is evaluated and if it meets a threshold condition is met an intervention is performed such as discarding or modifying the control signal or initiating a safety procedure. Eccentricity may be determined using an unsupervised machine learning model. The threshold condition may be a dynamic threshold condition such as using the n-sigma approach or the Chebyshev inequality. 1. A method comprising , by a vehicle controller:receiving sensor outputs from sensors of the vehicle;processing the sensor outputs by a control algorithm to obtain control outputs for the vehicle;evaluating eccentricity of the control outputs collectively with respect to a threshold condition; andwhen the control outputs meet the threshold condition, generating an intervention.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein processing the outputs by the control algorithm comprises:detecting features in the sensor outputs;selecting a trajectory according to the features; andgenerating the control outputs effective to traverse the trajectory.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the control outputs comprise control signals to a steering actuator claim 1 , a braking actuator claim 1 , and an accelerator actuator.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the control algorithm comprises at least one of an anti-lock braking system claim 1 , a stability control system claim 1 , and a traction control system.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sensor outputs comprise outputs of at least one of a radio detection and ranging (RADAR) sensor claim 1 , a light detection and ranging (LIDAR) sensor claim 1 , and a camera.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein evaluating the eccentricity of the control outputs with respect to the threshold condition comprises inputting the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017117A1
Автор: Milton Stephen

Provided is a system configured to determine and push adjustments to vehicle operations using machine-learning systems across multiple computing layers. 1. A non-transitory , machine-readable medium storing instructions that , when executed by one or more processors , effectuate operations comprising: the first set of sensors is attached to a first vehicle,', 'the first vehicle includes one or more of a first set of processors executing a first vehicle application operating as a part of a vehicle computing layer, wherein the vehicle computing layer comprises a set of vehicle applications operating on the first set of processors, wherein each of the first set of processors are attached to one or more vehicles,', 'the first set of geolocations, the first set of control-system data, the a first set of vehicle proximity data are concurrently obtained,', 'the first set of control-system data comprises data indicating a use of a control system of the first vehicle, and', 'the first set of vehicle proximity data comprises data corresponding to a distance to an object from the first vehicle;, 'obtaining a first set of geolocations, a first set of control-system data, and a first set of vehicle proximity data using a first set of sensors, whereininferring, using the one or more processors attached to the first vehicle, a first set of vehicle computing layer results based on the first set of control-system data and the first set of vehicle proximity data using a neural network executing on the vehicle computing layer; the local application comprises a neural network executing on the local computing layer,', 'the local application is configured to receive a second set of vehicle computing layer results and second set of geolocations from a second vehicle,', 'the local computing layer comprises a set of local applications, wherein each of the set of local applications is configured to receives vehicle computing layer results, and', 'each of the set of local applications is ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Vehicle Control Apparatus, Vehicle Control Method, and Vehicle Control System

Номер: US20210016785A1
Автор: Satoshi Nakagawa
Принадлежит: Hitachi Astemo Ltd

An object of the present invention is to prevent a cost increase and an increase in an installation space due to a redundant arrangement of a vehicle motion control apparatus. A vehicle control apparatus includes an input portion configured to receive an input of a target state from a vehicle motion control controller equipped with a first vehicle motion control function configured to determine the target state for achieving a target route input from an autonomous driving controller, a first control portion configured to control a motion state based on the target state input from the input portion, and a second control portion equipped with a second vehicle motion control function configured to determine the target state for achieving the target route input from the autonomous driving controller and configured to control the motion state based on the target state input from the input portion.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041173A1
Принадлежит: Argo AI, LLC

Devices, systems, and methods are provided for enhanced sensor cleaning validation. A device may determine a baseline performance measurement associated with a clean performance baseline of a sensor. The device may actuate a cleaning mechanism to remove at least a portion of an obstruction deposited on the sensor. The device may determine a first post-clean performance measurement associated with the sensor. The device may determine a degradation measurement between the baseline performance measurement and the first post-clean performance measurement, wherein the degradation measurement indicates an effectiveness of the cleaning mechanism. 1. A device , the device comprising processing circuitry coupled to storage , the processing circuitry configured to:determine a baseline performance measurement associated with a clean performance baseline of a sensor;actuate a cleaning mechanism to remove at least a portion of an obstruction deposited on the sensor;determine a first post-clean performance measurement associated with the sensor; anddetermine a degradation measurement between the baseline performance measurement and the first post-clean performance measurement, wherein the degradation measurement indicates an effectiveness of the cleaning mechanism.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the clean performance baseline of the sensor is a state of the sensor without the obstruction.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the obstruction is at least one of mud claim 1 , rain claim 1 , bugs claim 1 , or debris.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the degradation measurement is a ratio between the baseline performance measurement and the first post-clean performance measurement claim 1 , and wherein the ratio is determined by dividing the first post-clean performance measurement by the baseline performance measurement.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein actuating the cleaning mechanism causes an application of fluid on the sensor claim 1 , and causes an airflow configured to remove ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023858A1

An electronic anomaly detection unit for use in a vehicle includes an input component for capturing an input variable, wherein the input variable contains state information for at least one component of the vehicle, a memory component for storing state values based on the input variable, a selection component for selecting selected state values from the stored state values, an association component for associating the selected state values with predefined values, wherein the predefined values define a normal state of the component of the vehicle, and a decision component for deciding whether there is an anomalous behavior in the at least one component of the vehicle, based on the association, wherein one or more of the input component, the memory component, the selection component, the association component and the decision component are implemented in hardware. 1. An electronic anomaly detection unit for use in a vehicle , the anomaly detection unit comprising:an input component configured to capture an input variable, wherein the input variable contains state information for at least one component of the vehicle;a memory component configured to store state values based on the input variable;a selection component configured to select selected state values from the stored state values;an association component configured to associate the selected state values with predefined values to form an association, wherein the predefined values define a normal state of the component of the vehicle; anda decision component configured to determine whether there is an anomalous behavior in the at least one component of the vehicle, based on the association,wherein one or more of the input component, the memory component, the selection component, the association component, and the decision component are implemented in hardware.2. The electronic anomaly detection unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the state information comprises a network activity claim 1 , at least one state ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023860A1
Автор: LEE Jeong Hee

An integrated control apparatus and method for a vehicle are provided. The integrated control apparatus for the vehicle includes: a sensor unit comprising one or more sensing devices provided in the vehicle, wherein each of the one or more sensing devices provides driving environment information by sensing driving environments of the vehicle; an integrated control unit configured to generate one or more control commands for driving control of the vehicle based on one or more pieces of driving condition information of the vehicle received from a network of the vehicle and each driving environment information received from the sensor unit, mediate the generated control commands according to priorities determined based on driving safety of the vehicle and assigned to the respective control commands, and generate a final control command in which output response characteristic of the driving control according to the control command having higher priority is optimized. 1. An integrated control apparatus for a vehicle , comprising:a sensor unit comprising one or more sensing devices provided in the vehicle, wherein each of the one or more sensing devices provides driving environment information by sensing driving environments of the vehicle;an integrated control unit configured to generate one or more control commands for driving control of the vehicle based on one or more pieces of driving condition information of the vehicle received from a network of the vehicle and each driving environment information received from the sensor unit, mediate the generated control commands according to priorities determined based on driving safety of the vehicle and assigned to the respective control commands, and generate a final control command in which output response characteristic of the driving control according to the control command having higher priority is optimized.2. The integrated control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the integrated control unit comprises:a merging unit ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Constructing software delta updates for controller software and abnormality detection based on toolchain

Номер: US20210026621A1
Автор: Zohar Fox
Принадлежит: Aurora Labs Ltd

Disclosed embodiments relate to generating an update package for updating software on an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) in a vehicle. Operations may include accessing a plurality of attributes of a software update to be stored on the ECU in the vehicle; accessing a corresponding plurality of attributes of current software stored on the ECU in the vehicle; comparing the plurality of attributes with the corresponding plurality of attributes; generating a delta file representing differences between the plurality of attributes and the corresponding plurality of attributes determined in the comparison; and providing the delta file to the ECU, wherein the delta file is configured to be processed by startup code in the ECU that enables the delta file to execute in the ECU in the vehicle.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210027557A1
Автор: JR. James John, MARGARIA
Принадлежит: MOTIONAL AD LLC

Disclosed are systems and techniques for using blockchain technology to maintain and validate a vehicle ledger. The technique includes receiving, at a master node in the system, a request to update a vehicle ledger associated with a first vehicle node comprising the system. If first criteria are met, the system updates the vehicle ledger, including: generating an updated version of the vehicle ledger using vehicle data stored in a master ledger associated with the master node, and transmitting the updated version of the vehicle ledger to the first vehicle node. If the first criteria are not met, the system forgoes updating the vehicle ledger. The vehicle data corresponds to a first vehicle associated with the first vehicle node. The master ledger is implemented using a blockchain that contains vehicle records for vehicles associated with the system. The blockchain includes a first block including vehicle data corresponding to the first vehicle. 1. A system comprising:one or more computer processors; and receiving, at a master node in a distributed network architecture, a request to update a vehicle ledger associated with a first vehicle node of a plurality of vehicle nodes comprising the distributed network architecture;', generating an updated version of the vehicle ledger using vehicle data stored in a master ledger associated with the master node, wherein the vehicle data corresponds to a first vehicle associated with the first vehicle node, and wherein the master ledger is implemented using a blockchain that contains vehicle records for a plurality of vehicles associated with the distributed network architecture, the blockchain including a first block including the vehicle data corresponding to the first vehicle; and', 'transmitting the updated version of the vehicle ledger to the first vehicle node; and, 'in accordance with a determination that first criteria are met, updating the vehicle ledger, including, 'in accordance with a determination that the first ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Testing Operation And Control Accuracy Of Driving Control System In Unmanned Vehicle

Номер: US20180029605A1
Автор: Wu Yi

Disclosed is a method and an apparatus for testing operation and control accuracy of a driving control system in an unmanned vehicle. The method comprises determining an operation and control track length when the unmanned vehicle is operated and controlled by the driving control system in the unmanned vehicle, based on obtained traveling data information; determining a standard operation and control distance when the driving control system operates and controls the unmanned vehicle, based on a preset operation and control accuracy test standard; and comparing the operation and control track length with the standard operation and control distance to determine a test result of the operation and control accuracy of the driving control system. 1. A method for testing operation and control accuracy of a driving control system in an unmanned vehicle , the method comprising:determining an operation and control track length when the unmanned vehicle is operated and controlled by the driving control system in the unmanned vehicle, based on obtained traveling data information;determining a standard operation and control distance when the driving control system operates and controls the unmanned vehicle, based on a preset operation and control accuracy test standard; andcomparing the operation and control track length with the standard operation and control distance to determine a test result of the operation and control accuracy of the driving control system.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the operation and control accuracy test standard is set by:determining a standard response time when the driving control system operates and controls the unmanned vehicle; anddetermining the standard operation and control distance corresponding to a traveling speed value based on the standard response time to obtain the operation and control accuracy test standard.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the determining the standard operation and control distance ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Electromagnetic noise analyzing apparatus, controlling apparatus and controlling method

Номер: US20180029606A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

Provided is an electromagnetic noise analyzing apparatus, a controlling apparatus, and a controlling method in each of which the continuous change of the running state of a vehicle or a railway vehicle is considered. The controlling apparatus includes: a vehicle running control section which outputs, on the basis of operation information of a vehicle, a vehicle driving parameter as a driving state of the vehicle; a signal converting section which converts the vehicle driving parameter into a noise parameter as an electric parameter; and an electromagnetic noise analyzing section which calculates, on the basis of the noise parameter, the amount of electromagnetic noise propagating in the vehicle.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Method and system for determining causes of engine stop using ignition power monitoring

Номер: US20160032858A1
Автор: Seung-Bum Kim
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A method for determining causes of engine stop using ignition power monitoring may include performing ignition power holding determination to determine, in a state in which a vehicle is started and an engine is driven, whether the vehicle is in a key-on state, to which power is consistently applied, in order to hold the starting of the engine of the vehicle. The method also includes performing power-off recognition time comparison by comparing, when ignition power is turned off and the engine is stopped, a time required to recognize ignition power-off in an ECU (Electronic Control Unit) with a preset ignition power-off recognition time for failure determination. The method also performs a power abnormality determination by determining whether the engine is stopped due to ignition power failure when the time required to recognize the ignition power-off in the ECU is not greater than the preset ignition power-off recognition time.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048517A1
Принадлежит: Aptiv Technologies Limited

Automated driver assistance systems (ADAS) and methods that provide user-specific ADAS warnings each involve determining an identify of the driver of the vehicle, accessing a memory configured to store a set of user profiles, each user profile defining a set of ADAS warnings, identifying a target user profile based on whether the driver identity corresponds to any of the set of user profiles, including accessing one of the set of stored user profiles or creating and storing a new user profile, and, during a period after identifying the target user profile, updating the set of ADAS warnings defined by the target user profile based on the vehicle's operation and providing ADAS warnings based on the set of ADAS warnings defined by the target user profile. 1. An automated driver assistance system (ADAS) for a vehicle , the ADAS comprising:one or more systems configured to determine a set of parameters indicative of an identity of a driver of the vehicle; and determine an identify of the driver based on the set of parameters;', 'access a memory configured to store a set of user profiles, each user profile defining a set of ADAS warnings;', when the driver identity does not correspond to any of the set of user profiles, create and store the target user profile as one of the set of user profiles at the memory, wherein the set of ADAS warnings defined by the target user profile includes are default or predetermined ADAS warnings, and', 'when the driver identify does correspond to one of the set of user profiles, access that user profile as the target user profile, wherein the set of ADAS warnings defined by the target user profile include user-specific ADAS warnings for the driver of the vehicle; and, 'identify a target user profile based on whether the driver identity corresponds to any of the set of user profiles, including, ["updating the set of ADAS warnings defined by the target user profile based on the vehicle's operation, and", 'providing ADAS warnings based on the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048526A1

A number of illustrative variations may include a method of diagnosing and/or calibrating components in vehicles. 1) A method comprising:a) initiating moving a vehicle in one or more predefined maneuvers;b) comparing data collected during the one or more predefined maneuvers with at least one of prior data collected or initial data collected; andc) analyzing the data from the comparing step to determine if at least one of calibration of one or more components of the vehicle is needed, if repair of one or more components of the vehicle is needed, or one or more components of vehicle is performing properly.2) The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of initiating includes a step of selecting one or more types of predefined maneuvers.3) The method of claim 2 , wherein the one or more types of predefined maneuvers are moving the vehicle in at least one of a slalom claim 2 , ramp claim 2 , step claim 2 , or straight configuration.4) The method of wherein the step of initiating includes a step of includes a step of adjusting one or more configurations of the vehicle.5) The method of claim 4 , wherein the one or more configurations of the vehicle includes at least one of speed of the vehicle claim 4 , transmission settings of the vehicle claim 4 , steering settings of the vehicle claim 4 , or brake settings of the vehicle.6) The method of claim 5 , wherein the speed of the vehicle includes maintaining at least one of a constant speed claim 5 , accelerating claim 5 , decelerating claim 5 , rate of acceleration claim 5 , rate of deceleration claim 5 , or drop throttling.7) The method of claim 5 , wherein the transmission settings includes at least one of two-wheel drive claim 5 , four-wheel drive claim 5 , or transmission shift points.8) The method of claim 5 , wherein the brake settings includes at least one of braking using anti-lock claim 5 , braking to prevent anti-lock from engaging claim 5 , changing clamp force of a brake claim 5 , changing fluid pressure claim 5 , or ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031199A1
Автор: Dudar Aed M.

Methods and systems are provided for conducting an ambient air temperature (AAT) sensor test. In one example, a method may include adjusting a vehicle actuator to reduce a deviation of the AAT measured by an AAT sensor on board a vehicle from an expected AAT and remeasuring the AAT with the AAT sensor in response to the AAT measured by the AAT sensor deviating from the expected AAT by more than a threshold temperature difference. In this way, excessively inflated or depressed AAT measurements at the AAT sensor can be reduced, the accuracy and the reliability of the AAT sensor measurements can be increased, vehicle fuel consumption and emissions can be reduced, and vehicle drivability can be increased. 1. A method for a vehicle including an ambient air temperature (AAT) sensor , the method comprising:in response to an AAT measured by the AAT sensor deviating from an expected AAT by more than a threshold temperature difference;adjusting a vehicle actuator to reduce the deviation of the AAT measured by the AAT sensor from the expected AAT; andremeasuring the AAT with the AAT sensor after adjusting the vehicle actuator.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising indicating a corrected AAT sensor when the remeasured AAT deviates from the expected AAT by less than the threshold temperature difference.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein remeasuring the AAT with the AAT sensor comprises remeasuring the AAT after a threshold time has elapsed after adjusting the vehicle actuator.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein adjusting the vehicle actuator includes changing an active grille shutter (AGS) position by more than a threshold position change prior to elapsing of the threshold time.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein adjusting the vehicle actuator includes extending a side mirror with a mounted AAT sensor thereon prior to elapsing of the threshold time.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein adjusting the vehicle actuator includes elevating an active suspension of the vehicle prior ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Detecting anomalies using real-time ecu processing activity

Номер: US20190031203A1
Автор: Zohar Fox
Принадлежит: Aurora Labs Ltd

Disclosed embodiments relate to identifying Electronic Control Unit (ECU) anomalies in a vehicle. Operations may include monitoring data representing real-time processing activity of the ECU; receiving comparable data relating to processing activity of at least one other ECU deemed comparable in functionality to the ECU; comparing the real-time processing activity data with the comparable data, to identify at least one anomaly in the real-time processing activity of the ECU; and implementing a control action for the ECU when the at least one anomaly is identified.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031352A1

In an apparatus for assisting driving a vehicle, an error calculation unit calculates errors in first information representing a driving state of the vehicle based on the first information and second information including at least one of surroundings information and external location information of the vehicle. An error correction unit corrects for the errors in the first information. If error correction performed by the error correction unit is completed, a location estimation unit estimates a location of the vehicle based on the first information corrected for the errors. A driving assistance unit performs driving assistance for the vehicle based on the location of the vehicle estimated by the location estimation unit. If error correction performed by the error correction unit is completed, a process change unit changes a process of a specific type of driving assistance performed by the driving assistance unit. 1. An apparatus for assisting driving a vehicle , comprising:a first information acquisition unit configured to acquire driving information representing a driving state of the vehicle as first information;a second information acquisition unit configured to acquire at least one of surroundings information and external location information of the vehicle as second information;an error calculation unit configured to calculate errors in the first information based on the first information and the second information;an error correction unit configured to correct for the errors in the first information calculated by the error calculation unit;a location estimation unit configured to, if error correction performed by the error correction unit is completed, estimate a location of the vehicle based on the first information corrected for the errors;a driving assistance unit configured to perform driving assistance for the vehicle based on the location of the vehicle estimated by the location estimation unit; anda process change unit configured to, if error correction ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031366A1

A vehicle dynamic control monitoring system includes an electronic display, a vehicle dynamic control system (VDC), a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) system and an electronic controller. The electronic display, the VDC and the TPMS are all installed to a vehicle and are all connected to the electronic controller. The electronic controller is configured such that, in response to determining that at least one of the wheels has a tire pressure that is below a predetermined tire pressure range, a tire pressure warning signal is indicated by the electronic display, and in response to determining that at least one of the wheels has a tire pressure that is below the predetermined tire pressure range and the vehicle is moving above a predetermined vehicle speed, a VDC warning indicator is displayed on the electronic display indicating that the at least one VDC will operate with reduced effectiveness. 1. A vehicle dynamic control monitoring system , comprising:a vehicle having a vehicle body structure that at least partially defines a passenger compartment, and four wheels rotatably mounted to the vehicle body structure;an electronic display installed to the vehicle body structure at a location visible to a vehicle operator within the passenger compartment;at least one vehicle dynamic control system (VDC) installed to the vehicle;a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) system installed to the vehicle; and in response to determining that at least one of the wheels has a tire pressure that is below a predetermined tire pressure range, a tire pressure warning signal is indicated by the electronic display, and', 'in response to determining that at least one of the wheels has a tire pressure that is below the predetermined tire pressure range and the vehicle is moving above a predetermined vehicle speed, a VDC warning indicator is displayed on the electronic display indicating that the at least one VDC will operate with reduced effectiveness., 'an electronic controller ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Self-healing learning system for one or more vehicles

Номер: US20190034185A1
Автор: Zohar Fox
Принадлежит: Aurora Labs Ltd

Disclosed embodiments relate to automatically providing updates to at least one vehicle. Operations may include receiving, at a server remote from the at least one vehicle, Electronic Control Unit (ECU) activity data from the at least one vehicle, the ECU activity data corresponding to actual operation of the ECU in the at least one vehicle; determining, at the server and based on the ECU activity data, a software vulnerability affecting the at least one vehicle, the software vulnerability being determined based on a deviation between the received ECU activity data and expected ECU activity data; identifying, at the server, an ECU software update based on the determined software vulnerability; and sending, from the server, a delta file configured to update software on the ECU with a software update corresponding to the identified ECU software update.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190034256A1
Автор: Fox Zohar
Принадлежит: Aurora Labs Ltd.

Disclosed embodiments relate to reporting Electronic Control Unit (ECU) errors or faults to a remote monitoring server. Operations may include receiving operational data from a plurality of ECUs in the vehicle, the operational data being indicative of a plurality of runtime attributes of the plurality of ECUs; generating, through a machine learning process, a statistical model of the operational data; receiving live, runtime updates from the plurality of ECUs in the communications network of the vehicle; identifying an ECU error associated with an ECU in the communications network of the vehicle, the ECU error being determined by a comparison of the live, runtime updates with the statistical model of the operational data to identify at least one deviation from the operational data; and wirelessly sending a report to the remote monitoring server based on the live, runtime updates, the report identifying the ECU and the identified ECU error. 1. A non-transitory computer readable medium including instructions that , when executed by at least one processor , cause the at least one processor to perform operations for reporting Electronic Control Unit (ECU) errors or faults to a remote monitoring server , comprising:receiving, at a processor in a communications network of a vehicle, operational data from a plurality of ECUs in the vehicle, the operational data being indicative of a plurality of runtime attributes of the plurality of ECUs;generating, through a machine learning process, a statistical model of the operational data, wherein the machine learning process is based on the plurality of runtime attributes;receiving live, runtime updates from the plurality of ECUs in the communications network of the vehicle;identifying, based on the live, runtime updates, an ECU error associated with an ECU in the communications network of the vehicle, the ECU error being determined by a comparison of the live, runtime updates with the statistical model of the operational data to ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Self-healing learning system for one or more controllers

Номер: US20200034139A1
Автор: Zohar Fox
Принадлежит: Aurora Labs Ltd

Disclosed embodiments relate to automatically providing updates to at least one vehicle. Operations may include receiving, at a server remote from the at least one vehicle, Electronic Control Unit (ECU) activity data from the at least one vehicle, the ECU activity data corresponding to actual operation of the ECU in the at least one vehicle; determining, at the server and based on the ECU activity data, a software vulnerability affecting the at least one vehicle, the software vulnerability being determined based on a deviation between the received ECU activity data and expected ECU activity data; identifying, at the server, an ECU software update based on the determined software vulnerability; and sending, from the server, a delta file configured to update software on the ECU with a software update corresponding to the identified ECU software update.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210034068A1

Systems and methods are provided for navigating an autonomous vehicle using reinforcement learning techniques. In one implementation, a navigation system for a host vehicle may include at least one processing device programmed to: receive, from a camera, a plurality of images representative of an environment of the host vehicle; analyze the plurality of images to identify a navigational state associated with the host vehicle; provide the navigational state to a trained navigational system: receive, from the trained navigational system, a desired navigational action for execution by the host vehicle in response to the identified navigational state; analyze the desired navigational action relative to one or more predefined navigational constraints; determine an actual navigational action for the host vehicle, wherein the actual navigational action includes at least one modification of the desired navigational action determined based on the one or more predefined navigational constraints; and cause at least one adjustment of a navigational actuator of the host vehicle in response to the determined actual navigational action for the host vehicle. 135-. (canceled)36. A navigation system for a host vehicle , the system comprising: receive, from a camera, a plurality of images representative of an environment of the host vehicle;', 'analyze the plurality of images to identify a first object and a second object in the environment of the host vehicle;', 'determine a first predefined navigational constraint implicated by the first object and a second predefined navigational constraint implicated by the second object, wherein the first predefined navigational constraint and the second predefined navigational constraint cannot both be satisfied, and wherein the second predefined navigational constraint has a priority higher than the first predefined navigational constraint;', 'determine a navigational action for the host vehicle satisfying the second predefined navigational ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037227A1

A computer-implemented method for controlling a host vehicle relative to a first vehicle positioned immediately ahead of the host vehicle, including, detecting a second vehicle driving behind the host vehicle and in the same lane as the host vehicle. The method including detecting a braking operation initiated by the vehicle system of the host vehicle. The braking operation causes the host vehicle to decelerate based on an acceleration control rate in order to maintain a preceding headway reference distance with the first vehicle. The method includes, determining a relative rear headway distance between the host vehicle and the second vehicle with respect to a rear headway reference distance and modifying the acceleration control rate based on the relative rear headway distance and the rear headway reference distance. Further, the method includes controlling the vehicle system according to the modified acceleration control rate. 1. A computer-implemented method for controlling a vehicle system that controls motion of a host vehicle relative to a first vehicle positioned immediately ahead of the host vehicle , comprising:detecting, using one or more vehicle sensors, a second vehicle driving behind the host vehicle and in the same lane as the host vehicle;detecting, using the one or more vehicle sensors, a braking operation initiated by the vehicle system of the host vehicle, wherein the braking operation causes the host vehicle to decelerate based on an acceleration control rate generated by the vehicle system in order to maintain a preceding headway reference distance with the first vehicle;determining, using the one or more vehicle sensors, a relative rear headway distance between the host vehicle and the second vehicle with respect to a rear headway reference distance;modifying the acceleration control rate based on the relative rear headway distance and the rear headway reference distance; andcontrolling the braking operation of the vehicle system to decelerate ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Autonomous driving algorithm evaluation and implementation

Номер: US20220055639A1
Автор: Emad Isaac
Принадлежит: Allstate Insurance Co

Methods and systems for autonomous driving algorithm evaluation are described herein. A computing device may receive, via telematics sensors associated with a vehicle, telematics data corresponding to one or more trips taken by the vehicle during a period of time. Portions of the telematics data corresponding to use of an autonomous driving algorithm may be determined. One or more performance metrics of the autonomous driving algorithm may be determined based on the portions of the telematics data corresponding to use of the autonomous driving algorithm. The one or more performance metrics may be compared to one or more other performance metrics, such as those corresponding to other autonomous driving algorithms. An autonomous vehicle score may be assigned to the autonomous driving algorithm. Based on the autonomous vehicle score, an indication of a second autonomous driving algorithm may be sent to the vehicle.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039625A1

The disclosure relates to a method that models a motor vehicle sensor in a virtual test environment by way of definition. Using a sensor support, a raycast distribution shape, a group of raycast properties, a raycast reflection factor, and a raycast echo, a sensor in reality may be tested in a virtual environment to calibrate the sensor in reality. The sensor support is a virtual sensor support for a virtual sensor model, which forms a three-dimensional or two-dimensional avatar of the sensor in reality, in the virtual test environment. The sensor support has a sensor starting point that is used as an origin for a raycast distribution shape. The method extracts a special application of the sensor in reality in an application case, which is particularly useful for testing scenarios. 1. A method that models a motor vehicle sensor comprising:extracting a special application of a sensor in an application case to model the sensor in a virtual test environment by way of definition and use of a virtual sensor model including a sensor support, a raycast distribution shape, a group of raycast properties, a raycast reflection factor, and a raycast echo.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sensor support forms a three-dimensional claim 1 , or two-dimensional claim 1 , avatar of the sensor in the virtual test environment claim 1 , and includes a sensor starting surface that is used as an origin for a raycast distribution shape.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the raycast distribution shape is a predefined two-dimensional or three-dimensional shape claim 2 , an origin of which is a starting surface of the sensor support claim 2 , wherein the raycast distribution shape has a plurality of evenly distributed raycasts claim 2 , an origin of which is either the starting surface of the sensor support or a point in a starting plane of the sensor support.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the group of raycast properties are a damping claim 1 , a ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039524A1
Автор: CHU Jeffrey Hao

Examples disclosed herein provide mechanisms for controlling a sensor in a multiple System on Chip (SoC) environment that allows one of the multiple System on Chips to be selected as a host System on Chip. The host System on Chip may lock the sensor to apply setting updates only from the host System on Chip that has locked the sensor. This lock may be broadcast to all sensors over an embedded data channel sent to all System on Chips receiving the sensor data. In addition, a safety monitor may be included to detect if the host System on Chip is functioning properly so that another System on Chip may be selected as a new host System on Chip. 1. A sensor control apparatus , comprising:a first System on Chip (SoC) configured to generate a first sensor configuration value for a sensor parameter;a second SoC configured to generate a second sensor configuration value for the sensor parameter;a sensor communicatively coupled to the first SoC and the second SoC; anda control logic circuit communicatively coupled to the first SoC, the second SoC, and the sensor, wherein the control logic circuit is configured to select between the first SoC and the second SoC as a host SoC and to apply to the sensor one of the first configuration value or the second configuration value for the sensor parameter based on the selected host SoC.2. The sensor control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is a camera.3. The sensor control apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a monitor communicatively coupled to the control logic circuit claim 1 , the sensor claim 1 , the first SoC claim 1 , and the second SoC claim 1 , wherein the monitor is configured to:record a number of register updates from the host SoC;determine if the number of register updates exceeds a threshold;deselect the host SoC when the number of register updates does not exceed the threshold; andbroadcast a release signal to the control logic circuit, the first SoC, and the second SoC when the selected host SoC is ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039531A1

A first LiDAR sensor is configured to sense external information of a vehicle. A first support member supports the first LiDAR sensor and a first acceleration sensor. A memory is configured to store a first output value of the first acceleration sensor at a first time point. A processor is configured to acquire a difference between the first output value and a second output value of the second acceleration sensor at a second time point. 1. A sensor module adapted to be installed in a vehicle , comprising:a sensor configured to sense external information of the vehicle;a support member supporting the sensor; andan acceleration sensor supported on the support member.2. A sensor system adapted to be installed in a vehicle , comprising:a sensor configured to sense external information of the vehicle;a support member supporting the sensor;an acceleration sensor supported on the support member;a memory configured to store a first output value of the acceleration sensor at a first time point; anda processor configured to acquire a difference between the first output value and a second output value of the acceleration sensor at a second time point.3. The sensor system according to claim 2 , comprising:an adjustment mechanism configured to perform adjustment of at least one of a position and an attitude of the sensor,wherein the processor is configured to cause the adjustment mechanism to perform the adjustment based on the difference.4. The sensor system according to claim 2 , comprising:a corrector configured to perform correction of the external information acquired by the sensor,wherein the processor is configured to cause the corrector to perform the correction based on the difference.5. The sensor system according to claim 2 , comprising:a housing commonly housing the sensor, the support member, and the acceleration sensor,wherein the processor is supported by the housing.6. The sensor system according to claim 5 ,wherein the memory and the processor are supported by ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039532A1

A display device for displaying at least one of outputs related to traveling of a hybrid vehicle includes a first area that indicates a first output in a first mode and indicates a second output in a second mode, a second area provided side by side with the first area and that indicates a third output in the second mode, and a third area provided in a position adjacent to the second area, and that indicates a range of the first output where a possibility that the internal combustion engine starts is high. The first area has a first display portion that changes according to the first output in the first mode and the second output in the second mode. The second area has a second display portion that changes according to the third output in the second mode. 1. A display device for a hybrid vehicle configured to display at least one of outputs related to traveling of the hybrid vehicle , the display device comprising:a first area configured to indicate a first output in a first mode in which traveling is performed with an electric motor while an internal combustion engine is stopped and to indicate a second output in a second mode in which traveling is performed with the internal combustion engine and the electric motor both being actuated;a second area provided side by side with the first area and configured to indicate a third output in the second mode; anda third area provided in a position adjacent to the second area, included in the first area, and configured to indicate a range of the first output where a possibility that the internal combustion engine starts is high,wherein the first area has a first display portion that changes according to the first output in the first mode and the second output in the second mode; andwherein the second area has a second display portion that changes according to the third output in the second mode.2. The display device according to claim 1 ,wherein the first display portion and the second display portion are provided ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039533A1

An automotive vehicle includes at least one sensor configured to detect features in a region proximate the exterior of the vehicle, at least one actuator configured to control vehicle steering, propulsion, shifting, or braking, and an automated driving system selectively operable in a nominal mode and in a degraded mode. The automated driving system is configured to generate an actuator control signal for the at least one actuator in response to sensor signals from the at least one sensor. The automated driving system includes a computational accelerator processor. The vehicle further includes a monitor processor in communication with the automated driving system. The monitor processor is configured to provide a test input for processing by the computational accelerator processor, receive a test output from the computational accelerator processor, and in response to the test output not satisfying a validation criterion, control the automated driving system in the degraded mode. 1. An automotive vehicle comprising:at least one sensor configured to detect features in a region proximate the exterior of the vehicle;at least one actuator configured to control vehicle steering, propulsion, shifting, or braking;an automated driving system selectively operable in a nominal mode and in a degraded mode, the automated driving system being configured to generate an actuator control signal for the at least one actuator in response to sensor signals from the at least one sensor, the automated driving system including a computational accelerator processor; anda monitor processor in communication with the automated driving system, the monitor processor being configured to provide a test input for processing by the computational accelerator processor, receive a test output from the computational accelerator processor, and in response to the test output not satisfying a validation criterion, control the automated driving system in the degraded mode.2. The automotive vehicle of claim ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220058013A1
Автор: Fox Zohar
Принадлежит: Aurora Labs Ltd.

Disclosed embodiments relate to performing updates to Electronic Control Unit (ECU) software while an ECU of a vehicle is operating. Operations may include receiving, at the vehicle while the ECU of the vehicle is operating, a software update file for the ECU software; writing, while the ECU is operating, the software update file into a first memory location in a memory of the ECU while simultaneously executing a code segment of existing code in a second memory location in the memory of the ECU; and updating a plurality of memory addresses associated with the memory of the ECU based on the software update file and without interrupting the execution of the code segment currently being executed in the second memory location in the memory of the ECU. 120-. (canceled)21. A non-transitory computer-readable medium including instructions that , when executed by at least one processor , cause the at least one processor to perform operations for performing changes to current controller software , the operations comprising:receiving a multidimensional delta file at a controller;storing, while the controller is operating, the multidimensional delta file in a first location of a single memory of the controller while simultaneously executing a code segment of the current controller software stored in a second location of the single memory, wherein the multidimensional delta file is stored in an additive manner adjacent to the current controller software in the single memory; andupdating addresses associated with the single memory based on the multidimensional delta file, without interrupting the execution of the code segment currently being executed and without modifying the code segment currently being executed, wherein the updating causes a software update to the current controller software, the software update being operable prior to rebooting the controller.22. The non-transitory computer-readable medium of claim 21 , wherein the multidimensional delta file is the product of ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043777A1

An in-vehicle equipment control system includes a ceiling side controller installed in a ceiling of a vehicle and configured to control equipment installed at least in the ceiling; and a vehicle internal communication device configured to enable the ceiling side controller and a lower side controller to transmit and receive information signals to and from each other, the lower side controller having been installed in a part lower than the ceiling. The ceiling side controller is capable of receiving ceiling side detection signals regarding pieces of ceiling side detection information detected by at least one ceiling side detection device in the ceiling, as ceiling side information signals regarding pieces of ceiling side information, from the at least one ceiling side detection device. 1. An in-vehicle equipment control system comprising:a ceiling side controller installed in a ceiling of a vehicle and configured to control an equipment provided at least to the ceiling; anda vehicle internal communication device configured to enable the ceiling side controller and a lower side controller to transmit and receive information signals to and from each other, the lower side controller having been installed in a lower side of the vehicle than the ceiling of the vehicle, wherein capable of receiving ceiling side detection signals regarding pieces of ceiling side detection information detected by at least one ceiling side detection device in the ceiling, as ceiling side information signals regarding pieces of ceiling side information, from the at least one ceiling side detection device and', 'capable of receiving lower side detection information detected by at least one lower side detection device in the lower side of the vehicle, as lower side information signals regarding pieces of lower side information, from the at least one lower side detection device via the vehicle internal communication device, and, 'the ceiling side controller is'}the ceiling side controller uses ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043786A1

A traction application executing on a vehicle control module receives a traction speed control input to control a traction wheel of the vehicle. Based on the traction speed control input, the traction application determines a first setpoint value of a control attribute related to the traction wheel. A first diagnostic supervisor receives a measured value of the control attribute related to the traction wheel, and the first setpoint value from the traction application. The first diagnostic supervisor comprises a first model of a traction system of the vehicle. Based on the first setpoint value and the first model, the first diagnostic supervisor calculates a first virtual value of the control attribute related to the traction wheel. Based on the first virtual value and the measured value of the control attribute, the first diagnostic supervisor determines a first operating condition of the traction system of the vehicle. 1. A method comprising: 'a traction speed control input to control a traction wheel of the vehicle;', 'receiving, by a traction application executing on a vehicle control module of a vehicle 'a first setpoint value of a control attribute related to the traction wheel;', 'based on the traction speed control input, determining, by the traction application a measured value of the control attribute related to the traction wheel, and', 'the first setpoint value, from the traction application;, 'receiving, by a first diagnostic supervisorwherein the first diagnostic supervisor comprises a first model of a traction system of the vehicle;based on the first setpoint value and the first model, calculating, by the first diagnostic supervisor a first virtual value of the control attribute related to the traction wheel; andbased on the first virtual value and the measured value of the control attribute related to the traction wheel, determining, by the first diagnostic supervisor, a first operating condition of the traction system of the vehicle.2. The method of ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043787A1

A steering application executing on a vehicle control module receives a steering control input to control a steered wheel of a vehicle. Based on the steering control input, the steering application determines a traction threshold value associated with a traction control attribute related to a traction wheel of the vehicle. A first diagnostic supervisor executing on the vehicle control module receives a measured value of the traction control attribute and the traction threshold value. When the measured value of the traction control attribute exceeds the traction threshold value, the first diagnostic supervisor repeatedly calculates a respective difference between the traction threshold value and the measured value of the traction control attribute to generate a set comprising a plurality of the respective differences. Based on the plurality of respective differences, the first diagnostic supervisor determines a first operating condition of a traction system of the vehicle. 1. A method comprising: 'a steering control input to control a steered wheel of a vehicle;', 'receiving, by a steering application executing on a vehicle control module 'a traction threshold value associated with a traction control attribute related to a traction wheel of the vehicle;', 'based on the steering control input, determining, by the steering application a measured value of the traction control attribute; and', 'the traction threshold value;, 'receiving by a first diagnostic supervisor executing on the vehicle control module;'}when the measured value of the traction control attribute exceeds the traction threshold value, repeatedly calculating, by the first diagnostic supervisor, a respective difference between the traction threshold value and the measured value of the traction control attribute; to generate a set comprising a plurality of the respective differences; andbased on the plurality of respective differences, determining, by the first diagnostic supervisor, a first operating ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053554A1
Автор: Sakashita Hiroki

A motor control device includes an acquisition unit and a torque control unit that controls, by selectively using one of a first map and a second map, a motor torque defined in correspondence with a requested torque and an engine rotation speed in each of the first map and the second map. The torque control unit controls the motor torque using the first map when the battery temperature is less than a switch temperature lower than a limit start temperature at which the motor torque is limited, and controls the motor torque using the second map when the battery temperature is greater than or equal to the switch temperature and less than the limit start temperature. The second map includes a larger assist region than the first map. The assist region of the second map defines a smaller maximum torque than the assist region of the first map. 1. A motor control device configured to control a motor , the motor being configured to be supplied with power from a battery and assist an engine , the motor control device comprising:an acquisition unit configured to acquire a battery temperature, a requested torque, and an engine rotation speed, the battery temperature being a temperature of the battery, the requested torque being torque requested from a driver, the engine rotation speed being a rotation speed of the engine; anda torque control unit configured to control a motor torque by selectively using one of a first map and a second map, the motor torque being output by the motor, the motor torque being defined in correspondence with the requested torque and the engine rotation speed in each of the first map and the second map, wherein control the motor torque using the first map when the battery temperature is less than a switch temperature, the switch temperature being lower than a limit start temperature at which the motor torque is limited; and', 'control the motor torque using the second map when the battery temperature is greater than or equal to the switch temperature ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053577A1

A vehicle learning system includes a first execution device mounted on a vehicle, a second execution device outside the vehicle, and a storage device. The storage device stores mapping data including data, which is learned by machine learning and defines mapping that receives input data based on a detection value of an in-vehicle sensor and outputs an output value. The first execution device and the second execution device execute, in cooperation with each other, an acquisition process of acquiring input data, a calculation process of calculating an output value with the input data as an input of the mapping, and a relationship evaluation process of evaluating a relationship between a predetermined variable different from a variable corresponding to the output value and accuracy of the output value. The first execution device executes at least the acquisition process, and the second execution device executes at least the relationship evaluation process. 1. A vehicle learning system comprising:a first execution device mounted on a vehicle;a second execution device outside the vehicle; anda storage device, wherein:the storage device is configured to store mapping data including data, which is learned by machine learning and defines mapping that receives input data based on a detection value of an in-vehicle sensor and outputs an output value having information on a default state of the vehicle;the first execution device and the second execution device are configured to execute, in cooperation with each other, an acquisition process of acquiring the input data, a calculation process of calculating the output value with the input data acquired by the acquisition process as an input of the mapping, and a relationship evaluation process of evaluating a relationship between a predetermined variable different from a variable corresponding to the output value and accuracy of the output value;the first execution device is configured to execute at least the acquisition process ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053578A1

A control apparatus for a vehicle includes: a memory configured to store map data, the map data including data that defines a map and that have been trained through machine learning, the map being configured to input data based on a detected value of an in-vehicle sensor and output an output value having information about a prescribed status of the vehicle; and a processor configured to execute an acquisition process of acquiring the input data and related data different from the input data, execute a calculation process of calculating the output value by using the input data, acquired through the acquisition process, as an input to the map, and execute a sending process of sending, to an outside of the vehicle, the input data used to calculate the output value and the related data acquired through the acquisition process together with the input data. 1. A control apparatus for a vehicle , the control apparatus comprising:a memory configured to store map data, the map data including data that defines a map and that have been trained through machine learning, the map being configured to use input data based on a detected value of an in-vehicle sensor as an input and output an output value having information about a prescribed status of the vehicle; anda processor configured to execute an acquisition process of acquiring the input data and related data different from the input data,the processor being configured to execute a calculation process of calculating the output value by using the input data, acquired through the acquisition process, as an input to the map, andthe processor being configured to execute a sending process of sending, to an outside of the vehicle, the input data used to calculate the output value and the related data acquired through the acquisition process together with the input data.2. The control apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the related data includes a value of a positional information variable that is a variable indicating ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053579A1

A system and computer-implemented method detect and act upon deactivated vehicle components. The system and method include receiving measurements data associated with driving activity. The measurements data includes an indication that at least one feature of an Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) of a vehicle has been deactivated for a driving activity. The system and method may include receiving historical driving data including a history of at least one driving activity aided by activation of the alert from the ADAS feature. The system and method may compare the measurements data to the historical driving data, determine a likelihood level that the feature of the ADAS would have provided the alert had the feature been activated based upon the comparing, and set, based at least upon the determining, at least a portion of an operator profile associated with an operator of the vehicle with the likelihood level. 120.-. (canceled)21. A computer-implemented method , carried out by a processor , for detecting and acting upon deactivated vehicle components , the method comprising:collecting, by a plurality of sensors coupled to the processor, sensor data associated with a driving activity;receiving, by the processor, measurements data associated with the driving activity, the measurements data including an indication that a feature of an Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) of the vehicle has been deactivated for the driving activity, the measurements data comprising the sensor data;receiving, by the processor, historical driving data including a history of at least one driving activity aided by activation of an alert from the ADAS feature;comparing, by the processor, the measurements data to the historical driving data;determining, by the processor, a likelihood level that the feature of the ADAS would have provided the alert had the feature been activated based upon the comparing; andsetting, by the processor, based at least upon the determining, at least a ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053581A1
Автор: Ewert Marlon Ramon

A method for determining an evaluation algorithm from a plurality of available evaluation algorithms for the processing of sensor data of a vehicle sensor of a vehicle. The method includes a step of reading in and a step of selecting. In the step of reading in, an environment signal is read in, which represents a current environment parameter acquired by a sensor unit using at least the vehicle sensor and/or received via a communications interface. In the step of selecting, the evaluation algorithm is selected from the plurality of evaluation algorithms for the evaluation of the sensor data of the vehicle sensor using the environment parameter. 1. A method for determining an evaluation algorithm from a plurality of available evaluation algorithms for processing of sensor data of a vehicle sensor of a vehicle , the method comprising the following steps:reading in an environment signal which represents a current environment parameter: (i) acquired by a sensor unit using at least the vehicle sensor and/or (ii) received via a communications interface; andselecting the evaluation algorithm from the plurality of available evaluation algorithms for evaluating the sensor data of the vehicle using the current environment parameter.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein in the step of reading in claim 1 , the environment signal representing the current environment parameter is read in claim 1 , the current environment parameter representing a driving parameter claim 1 , and/or a weather parameter claim 1 , and/or a traffic parameter claim 1 , and/or a sensor-specific environment parameter.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein in the step of selecting claim 1 , the evaluation algorithm claim 1 , in which at least one environment parameter allocated to the selected evaluation algorithm corresponds to the current environment parameter claim 1 , is selected from the plurality of available evaluation algorithms.4. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein in the ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Method and an autonomous ground vehicle

Номер: US20190049342A1
Автор: Glen Anderson
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

A method for operating an autonomous ground vehicle may include: via one or more processors, determining an occupation state of the autonomous ground vehicle; if the occupation state is unoccupied, autonomously initiating a testing routine, the testing routine comprising: determining a test location, determining a safety parameter of the test location; if the safety parameter fulfils a safety criterion, testing an autonomous driving system of the autonomous ground vehicle in the test location.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210055926A1
Автор: Fox Zohar
Принадлежит: Aurora Labs Ltd.

Disclosed embodiments relate to identifying Electronic Control Unit (ECU) anomalies in a vehicle. Operations may include monitoring data representing real-time processing activity of the ECU; receiving comparable data relating to processing activity of at least one other ECU deemed comparable in functionality to the ECU; comparing the real-time processing activity data with the comparable data, to identify at least one anomaly in the real-time processing activity of the ECU; and implementing a control action for the ECU when the at least one anomaly is identified. 120-. (canceled)21. A non-transitory computer readable medium including instructions that , when executed by at least one processor , cause the at least one processor to perform operations for identifying controller anomalies , comprising:receiving first data representing real-time processing activity of a controller;receiving second data relating to processing activity of at least one other controller;comparing the first data with the second data to identify, based on a deviation between the first data and the second data, at least one anomaly associated with the real-time processing activity of the controller; andwhen the at least one anomaly is identified based on the deviation, sending a delta file to the controller, the delta file being configured to change software on a single memory component of the controller from a first version to a second version.22. The non-transitory computer readable medium of claim 21 , wherein the delta file comprises at least one position-independent executable code segment.23. The non-transitory computer readable medium of claim 22 , wherein the delta file is configured to change the software on the single memory component of the controller by linking execution of the at least one position-independent executable code segment to execution of the software on the single memory component.24. The non-transitory computer readable medium of claim 21 , wherein the delta file is ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210056014A1

A method for rating a software component of a software-in-the-loop (SiL) environment, a target hardware including at least one target hardware component being simulated by an SiL environment including at least one corresponding software component, both the target hardware and the SiL environment being subjected to a test situation, while the target hardware and the SiL environment are being subjected to the test situation, output data being generated in each case by both the target hardware and the SiL environment and the output data of the target hardware being compared to the outputs of the SiL environment, the software component being rated on the basis of the comparison. 1. A method for rating a software component of a software-in-the-loop (SiL) environment , the method comprising the following steps:simulating, by an SiL environment including at least one corresponding software component, a target hardware including at least one target hardware component;subjecting both the target hardware and the SiL environment to a test situation;while the target hardware and the SiL environment are subjected to the test situation, generating output data by both the target hardware and the SiL environment;comparing the output data of the target hardware to the output data of the SiL environment; andrating the software component based on a result of the comparison.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the target hardware and SiL environment are supplied the same signals claim 1 , while the target hardware and the SiL environment are subjected to the test situation.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the target hardware is located in a vehicle.4. The method as recited in claim 3 , wherein the vehicle is operated in a predefined test environment in a test stand or a test open area claim 3 , while the target hardware and the SiL environment are subjected to the test situation.5. The method as recited in claim 3 , wherein the target hardware is subjected to the ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Automated Lane Keeping Co-Pilot For Autonomous Vehicles

Номер: US20180052469A1

An automotive vehicle includes a vehicle steering system, an actuator configured to control the steering system, a first controller, and a second controller. The first controller is in communication with the actuator. The first controller is programmed with a primary automated driving system control algorithm and is configured to communicate an actuator control signal based on the primary automated driving system control algorithm. The second controller is in communication with the actuator and with the first controller. The second controller is configured to, in response to a first predicted vehicle path based on the actuator control signal deviating from a current lane, control the actuator to maintain a current actuator setting. The second controller is also configured to, in response to the first predicted vehicle path being within the current lane, control the actuator according to the actuator control signal.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190051066A1
Автор: Jackson Dean K.

A server communicates with vehicles traveling along a route. The server obtains sensor data indicative of road quality from the vehicles. The server determines that a certain proportion of the vehicles traveling along the route experience better road quality than the remaining vehicles traveling along the route. The server than determines that a first lane in the route has significantly better road quality than a second lane in the route. 1. A method for generating navigation directions for guiding drivers to destinations , the method comprising:obtaining, by one or more processors from a plurality of vehicles, data indicative of road quality at certain geographic location;determining, by the one or more processors using the obtained data, a road quality indication for the certain geographic location;generating, by the one or more processors, a navigation route for a vehicle using the road quality indication; andproviding the navigation route to a device operating in the vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing claim 1 , by the one or more processors claim 1 , the average road quality indication for the certain geographic location to the device operating in the vehicle.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:generating an updated map using the road quality indication; andproviding the updated map to the device operating in the vehicle.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein obtaining the data indicative of road quality includes obtaining respective sensor data from the plurality of vehicles.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein obtaining the respective sensor data includes claim 4 , for each of the plurality of vehicles claim 4 , obtaining sensor data generated by at least one of a suspension sensor claim 4 , strut sensor claim 4 , shock sensor claim 4 , a horizontal displacement sensor claim 4 , and a vertical displacement sensor.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein obtaining the respective sensor data includes receiving the respective sensor ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200050506A1
Автор: Fox Zohar
Принадлежит: Aurora Labs Ltd.

Disclosed embodiments relate to performing updates to Electronic Control Unit (ECU) software while an ECU of a vehicle is operating. Operations may include receiving, at the vehicle while the ECU of the vehicle is operating, a software update file for the ECU softwares; writing, while the ECU is operating, the software update file into a first memory location in a memory of the ECU while simultaneously executing a code segment of existing code in a second memory location in the memory of the ECU; and updating a plurality of memory addresses associated with the memory of the ECU based on the software update file and without interrupting the execution of the code segment currently being executed in the second memory location in the memory of the ECU. 120-. (canceled)21. A non-transitory computer readable medium including instructions that , when executed by at least one processor , cause the at least one processor to perform operations for performing changes to current software while a controller is operating , comprising: 'wherein one or more of the plurality of dimensions are generated based on identified differences between a plurality of attributes of a software change for the controller and a corresponding plurality of attributes of the current software stored on the controller;', 'receiving, at the controller while the controller is operating, a multidimensional delta file, the multidimensional delta file having a plurality of dimensions,'}storing, while the controller is operating, the multidimensional delta file in an available memory location in a single memory of the controller while simultaneously executing a code segment of existing code from the current software stored on the controller; andupdating a plurality of memory addresses associated with the single memory of the controller based on the multidimensional delta file and without interrupting the execution of the code segment currently being executed, and without modifying the code segment currently ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200050507A1
Автор: Fox Zohar
Принадлежит: Aurora Labs Ltd.

Disclosed embodiments relate to reporting Electronic Control Unit (ECU) errors or faults to a remote monitoring server. Operations may include receiving operational data from a plurality of ECUs in the vehicle, the operational data being indicative of a plurality of runtime attributes of the plurality of ECUs; generating, through a machine learning process, a statistical model of the operational data; receiving live, runtime updates from the plurality of ECUs in the communications network of the vehicle; identifying an ECU error associated with an ECU in the communications network of the vehicle, the ECU error being determined by a comparison of the live, runtime updates with the statistical model of the operational data to identify at least one deviation from the operational data; and wirelessly sending a report to the remote monitoring server based on the live, runtime updates, the report identifying the ECU and the identified ECU error. 120-. (canceled)21. A non-transitory computer readable medium including instructions that , when executed by at least one processor , cause the at least one processor to perform operations for reporting and remediating controller errors or faults , comprising:receiving operational data from a plurality of controllers in a communications network, the operational data being indicative of a plurality of runtime attributes of the plurality of controllers;generating a statistical model of the operational data based on the plurality of runtime attributes;receiving live, runtime updates from the plurality of controllers in the communications network;identifying, based on the live, runtime updates, an error associated with a controller in the communications network, the error being determined by a comparison of the live, runtime updates with the statistical model of the operational data to identify at least one deviation;determining a probability of downtime for the plurality of ECUs based on the operational data and the live, runtime ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Production factory unmanned transfer system and method

Номер: US20220073108A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Corp

A production factory unmanned transfer system includes: a vehicle, which connects Vehicle to Everything (V2X) communication with an infrastructure facility in a vehicle production factory and transfers a worker to a set destination in an unmanned manner through autonomous driving; and a road side unit, which is fixed around a road in the production factory to relay the V2X communication and which generates positioning error correction information based on high-precision Real Time Kinematic-Global Navigation Satellite System (RTK-GNSS) based on a fixed absolute coordinate and transmits the generated positioning error correction information to the vehicle. The vehicle includes a vehicle terminal, which controls autonomous driving according to a lane of a precise map based on high-precise positioning information obtained by correcting an error of satellite-based vehicle location information with the positioning error correction information.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Lighting device

Номер: US20190053359A1
Автор: Tomonori Ohashi
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

A lighting device which can produce various fade operations without significantly consuming memory capacity is provided. Duty ratios for a plurality of steps are recorded in a ROM of a slave ECU. The slave ECU sets an interval time for 1 step, reads out from a map brightness of a next step at each set interval time, and outputs a pulse with the read out duty ratio to a LED. A change duty ratio, a pre-change interval time and a post-change interval time are recorded in the ROM. The slave ECU sets the interval time for 1 step to the pre-change interval time before the duty ratio of the LED reaches to the change duty ratio, and changes the setting by setting the interval time for 1 step to the post-change interval time after the duty ratio of the LED has reached to the change duty ratio.

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059853A1

A control system according to the present invention is mounted on a moving object. The control system includes: an observing device which transmits observation result data indicating an observation result of surroundings of the moving object; a first control instruction device which transmits first control data indicating the control contents determined based on the observation result data; a movement control device which controls movement of the moving object; and a relay device which relays the first control data transmitted from the first control instruction device , to the movement control device . When a second control instruction device which transmits second control data indicating the control contents determined based on the observation result data is provided to the control system , the relay device transmits the second control data instead of the first control data, to the movement control device 1. A control system that is mounted on a moving object comprising:an observing device that observes surroundings of the moving object and transmits observation result data indicating an observation result;a first control instruction device that determines control contents based on the observation result data transmitted from the observing device, and transmits first control data indicating the determined control contents;a movement control device that controls movement of the moving object; anda relay device that relays the first control data transmitted from the first control instruction device, to the movement control device,wherein, when a second control instruction device that the determines control contents based on the observation result data and transmits second control data indicating the determined control contents is provided to the control system, the relay device transmits the second control data instead of the first control data, to the movement control device.2. The control system according to claim 1 , whereinwhen an additional function that is not ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Method and Device for Controlling a Drive Unit

Номер: US20190054917A1

A method for actuating a drive assembly in a vehicle includes evaluating a signal of a surroundings-detection apparatus. The vehicle includes the surroundings-detection apparatus, which is configured to observe the surroundings of the vehicle. The method further includes executing a first monitoring function or executing a second monitoring function as a function of the evaluation of the signal of the surroundings-detection apparatus. The first and second monitoring functions are configured to avoid undesired movements of the vehicle. 1. A method for actuating a drive assembly in a vehicle , the method comprising: evaluating a signal of the surroundings-detection apparatus; and', 'executing a first monitoring function or executing a second monitoring function, as a function of the evaluation of the signal of the surroundings-detection apparatus, to avoid undesired movements of the vehicle., 'observing surroundings of the vehicle with a surroundings-detection apparatus of the vehicle;'}2. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the evaluation of the signal of the surroundings-detection apparatus includes:detecting whether an obstacle is located within a predefinable distance;executing the first monitoring function when no obstacle is detected; andexecuting the second monitoring function when an obstacle is detected.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first monitoring function and the second monitoring function differ.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the execution of the second monitoring function includes:setting a special state of the vehicle.5. The method as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the special state includes at least one of deactivation of the drive train claim 4 , opening of a transmission clutch claim 4 , stopping of the creeping function claim 4 , and active braking of the vehicle.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the method is carried out only within a predefinable speed range of the vehicle.7. The method as ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220075883A1

A center device includes: a consent request unit that is configured to make a consent request to a plurality of devices for data distribution to a vehicle; a consent determination unit that is configured to judge a consent response from each of the plurality of devices; a distribution control unit that is configured to control the data distribution to the vehicle according to a determination result by the consent determination unit; and a necessity determination unit that is configured to determine whether the consent request to the plurality of devices is needed before the consent request are made to the plurality of devices. The consent request unit is further configured to determine whether to make the consent request to the plurality of devices according to a determination result by the necessity determination unit. 1. A center device , comprising:a consent request unit that is configured to make a consent request to a plurality of devices for data distribution to a vehicle;a consent determination unit that is configured to judge a consent response from each of the plurality of devices;a distribution control unit that is configured to control the data distribution to the vehicle according to a determination result by the consent determination unit; anda necessity determination unit that is configured to determine whether the consent request to the plurality of devices is needed before the consent request are made to the plurality of devices, whereinthe consent request unit is further configured to determine whether to make the consent request to the plurality of devices according to a determination result by the necessity determination unit.2. (canceled)3. The center device according to claim 1 , whereinthe consent request unit is further configured to make the consent request only to a first device among the plurality of devices when the necessity determination unit determines that the consent request to the plurality of devices is not needed, andthe ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle control device

Номер: US20200055522A1

According to the invention, in a management part that manages a state of a function module, a control part itself has expandability and diversity in order to guarantee the expandability and diversity of the entire platform. In a vehicle control device 1 which includes a module execution part 40, a plurality of module groups 50, and a data management part 10 which manages data of the module groups 50, the vehicle control device includes: a module management part 20 which includes a base part 22 which outputs a state transition command for operating a predetermined basic function on a basis of data from the data management part 10 and a customization part 21 which outputs a state transition command for operating an additional function; and a state determination part 30 which determines a current state on a basis of a command from the base part 22 and a command from the customization part 21, determines a start command or a stop command of the module group on a basis of the determined state, and outputs the command to the data management part 10.

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Controlling system subject to partially hidden actuator dynamics

Номер: US20200055523A1

A controller is configured to control a system by generating a control input to an actuator changing a state of the system in accordance with the control input. The controller includes an interface configured to receive data indicative of dynamic response of the actuator and a tuner configured to determine the maximum rate of change of the control input during a control cycle using the received data indicative of dynamic response of the actuator. The controller also includes a receiver configured to receive measurements of the state of the system and a solver configured to determine a current value of the control input for controlling the controlled system based on the state of the controlled system subject to constraints on operation of the system and a constraint on the maximum rate of change of the control input, and to cause the actuator to change the state of the system according to the current value of the control input. 1. A controller configured to control a system by generating a control input to an actuator changing a state of the system in accordance with the control input , comprising:an interface configured to receive data indicative of dynamic response of the actuator;a tuner configured to determine the maximum rate of change of the control input to the actuator during a control cycle using the received data indicative of dynamic response of the actuator;a receiver configured to receive measurements of the state of the system; anda solver configured to determine a current value of the control input for controlling the controlled system based on the state of the controlled system in accordance with a model of the system subject to constraints on operation of the system and a constraint on the maximum rate of change of the control input, and to cause the actuator to change the state of the system according to the current value of the control input.2. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the tuner updates the constraint on the maximum rate of change of the ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055524A1

The system and method for verifying that a self-driving vehicle follows traffic ordinances disclosed herein may comprise, at least, a communication protocol between the system and the autonomous vehicle, a module for processing such communications and mapping them into vehicle safety analyses, a database of historical reports related to the vehicle, and a module for generating vehicle safety reports and alerts. Self-driving vehicles will need to be tested when they are first introduced, as well as on a continuing basis in order to verify that the system and sensors have not degraded to a point where the vehicle no longer complies with safety regulations. The presented invention assesses the safety of a self-driving vehicle and its autonomous system by evaluating the activities of the system against known or expected reactions and behaviors. 1. An autonomous vehicle safety assessment system , comprising:a vehicle;an autonomous vehicle system;a communication protocol;a vehicle-specific database; anda reporting module;wherein said autonomous vehicle system comprises a plurality of sensors and a plurality of actuators;wherein said autonomous vehicle system is installed in said vehicle;wherein said communication protocol is installed in said vehicle; andwherein said communication protocol connects said autonomous vehicle system to the autonomous vehicle safety assessment system such that a plurality of vehicle performance data is reported from said vehicle.2. The invention of claim 1 , further comprising:a ground truth;wherein said ground truth comprises a plurality of object data in a specific locale; andwherein said ground truth comprises a plurality of rules of the road in a specific locale.3. The invention of claim 2 ,wherein said plurality of vehicle performance data further comprises an acceleration data, a steering data, and a braking data.4. The invention of claim 3 ,wherein said plurality of vehicle performance data further comprises a plurality of sensor data.5 ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle tracker for monitoring operation of a vehicle and method thereof

Номер: US20190057558A1
Автор: Mahesh Gupta
Принадлежит: Individual

A vehicle tracker ( 102 ) and a method for monitoring vehicle's activity are described. The vehicle tracker ( 102 ) has a connection port ( 216 ) which provides plug and play functionality. The vehicle tracker ( 102 ) further has a plurality of sensors ( 504 ) for sensing various parameters associated with the vehicle. The sensing results in generation of current parameter values ( 518 ) which are processed in relative to plurality of parameter threshold values ( 520 ). The parameter threshold values ( 520 ) define minimum and maximum range of the parameters. Based on the processing, the vehicle tracker ( 102 ) determines anomalies in the operation of the vehicle. Once the anomaly is detected, the vehicle tracker ( 102 ) generates an alert and sends it to the concerned person or user.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Method for simulating a collision situation

Номер: US20180060467A1

A method for simulating a collision situation between two vehicles for testing a driver assistance system in a driving simulator or in a Vehicle-in-the-Loop scenario. A fellow vehicle simulated on a simulation computer is assigned a trajectory that passes through a point of collision of a planned collision between the fellow vehicle and an ego vehicle that is not controlled by the simulation computer. The driver assistance system is equipped to exchange data with the simulated environment in real time and to influence the driving behavior of the ego vehicle in a collision situation. A target distance to the point of collision is determined for the fellow vehicle that the fellow vehicle would have to have in order to arrive at the point of collision simultaneously or substantially simultaneously with the ego vehicle, under the assumption that it travels at the specified arrival speed.

04-03-2021 дата публикации

InCycle Planner Checkout for Autonomous Vehicles

Номер: US20210064049A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

Process for clearing an autonomous machine including first evaluating operation at a high curvature offline location. Following acceptable operation, the machine is placed into service and evaluated at a worksite. Following acceptable worksite operation, online operating speed of the machine is increased incrementally, and performance reevaluated. Following acceptable performance characteristics, online operating speed of the machine continues to be increased and revaluated until the machine reaches maximum designated operating speed, or is evaluated as unacceptable, in which case the machine continues to operate at the last acceptable online operating speed and identifies the unacceptable performance characteristic for further evaluation.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210064359A1
Автор: Fox Zohar
Принадлежит: Aurora Labs Ltd.

Disclosed embodiments relate to automatically providing updates to at least one vehicle. Operations may include receiving, at a server remote from the at least one vehicle, Electronic Control Unit (ECU) activity data from the at least one vehicle, the ECU activity data corresponding to actual operation of the ECU in the at least one vehicle; determining, at the server and based on the ECU activity data, a software vulnerability affecting the at least one vehicle, the software vulnerability being determined based on a deviation between the received ECU activity data and expected ECU activity data; identifying, at the server, an ECU software update based on the determined software vulnerability; and sending, from the server, a delta file configured to update software on the ECU with a software update corresponding to the identified ECU software update. 120-. (canceled)21. A non-transitory computer readable medium including instructions that , when executed by at least one processor , cause the at least one processor to perform operations for providing software changes , comprising: the software vulnerability is identified based on a deviation of first activity data from an allowed envelope of at least one operational attribute; and', 'the allowed envelope is based on second activity data received from a plurality of controllers;, 'identifying a software vulnerability of a controller, whereindetermining a controller software change based on the identified software vulnerability, the controller software change being configured to adjust the controller from executing a first version of controller software to a second version of controller software; andsending, to the controller and based on the determining, a delta file configured to execute the controller software change on the controller to link execution of current code stored on the controller with execution of a segment of code from the delta file.22. The non-transitory computer readable medium of claim 21 , wherein ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210064409A1

A vehicle control device that: judges a state of a vehicle; structures a plurality of VMs that control equipment installed in the vehicle; and in accordance with the state of the vehicle, switches an order of carrying out activation or stoppage of the plurality of VMs. 1. A vehicle control device comprising:a memory; anda processor that is connected to the memory,wherein the processor is configured to judge a state of a vehicle,structure a plurality of VMs (Virtual Machines) that control equipment installed in the vehicle, andin accordance with the state of the vehicle, switch an order of carrying out activation or stoppage of the plurality of VMs.2. The vehicle control device of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to claim 1 , in a case in which there exists another VM that depends on one VM claim 1 , activate the another VM after activating the one VM claim 1 , and stop the one VM after stopping the another VM.3. The vehicle control device of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to claim 1 , in a case in which a VM that is currently activated is to be ended and a VM that is currently stopped is to be activated claim 1 , decrease resources of the VM that is currently activated and is to be ended claim 1 , and increase the resources of the VM that is currently stopped before enabling activation of the VM.4. The vehicle control device of claim 3 , wherein the processor is configured to claim 3 , in a case in which a VM relating to running the vehicle is to be activated claim 3 , increase the resources after activation of the VM starts claim 3 , and claim 3 , after activation is completed claim 3 , decrease the resources to a usual usage amount.5. The vehicle control device of claim 3 , wherein the processor is configured to claim 3 , in a case of activating a VM that does not affect running the vehicle claim 3 , after starting activation of the VM claim 3 , execute activation or stoppage of the VM that is next in order claim 3 , without waiting for ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Vehicle Failure Warning System and Corresponding Vehicle Failure Warning Method

Номер: US20210065481A1
Автор: Zang Xiaoyun

A vehicle failure warning system is disclosed that is in communication connection with a plurality of vehicles and is capable of warning the vehicles of an imminent failure. The vehicle failure warning system comprises: a data collection module configured to collect vehicle data from the plurality of vehicles within a time span to form a data cluster; a data screening module configured to screen data from the data cluster based on characteristics of a failure prediction model to be generated; a prediction model generation module configured to construct the failure prediction model for predicting a vehicle failure, from the screened data using a big-data processing algorithm; and a failure prediction module configured to predict, in the situation where the failure prediction model is called and based on real-time vehicle data, whether there is an imminent failure in the vehicle. A corresponding vehicle failure warning method is further disclosed. 1. A vehicle failure warning system , the vehicle failure warning system being in communication with a plurality of vehicles , the vehicle failure warning system comprising:a data collection module configured to collect vehicle data from the plurality of vehicles within a time span to form a data cluster;a data screening module configured to screen data from the data cluster based on characteristics of a failure prediction model to be constructed;a prediction model generation module configured to construct the failure prediction model based on the data screened by the data screening module, the failure prediction model being configured to predict a vehicle failure; anda failure prediction module configured to predict, using the failure prediction model and based on real-time vehicle data, whether there is an imminent failure in a vehicle of the plurality of vehicles and issue an alert in response to predicting that there is an imminent failure in the vehicle.2. The vehicle failure warning system according to claim 1 , ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061776A1
Автор: Kindo Toshiki

An autonomous driving evaluation apparatus includes: an initial traffic scene setting unit configured to set an initial traffic scene, an initial state of the moving object model, and a road environment in which the autonomous driving vehicle model and the moving object model are disposed; a past traffic scene calculation unit configured to calculate a past traffic scene in which the autonomous driving vehicle model and the moving object model are involved at a past time point back traced from a time point of the initial traffic scene; and a performance evaluation unit configured to evaluate a performance of the autonomous driving algorithm. 1. An autonomous driving evaluation apparatus for evaluating an autonomous driving algorithm by a simulation , the apparatus comprising:an initial traffic scene setting unit configured to set an initial traffic scene in which an autonomous driving vehicle model and a moving object model are involved by setting an initial state of the autonomous driving vehicle model on which an autonomous driving is performed using the autonomous driving algorithm, an initial state of the moving object model, and a road environment in which the autonomous driving vehicle model and the moving object model are disposed;a past traffic scene calculation unit configured to calculate a past traffic scene in which the autonomous driving vehicle model and the moving object model are involved at a past time point back traced from a time point of the initial traffic scene based on the initial traffic scene; anda performance evaluation unit configured to evaluate a performance of the autonomous driving algorithm based on the past traffic scene.2. The autonomous driving evaluation apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a comparison past traffic scene generation unit configured to generate a preset number of comparison past traffic scenes at the past time point by minutely varying the past traffic scene; andan autonomous driving reflected scene ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080983A1

A vehicle device in one embodiment includes: a control unit in which a system is built, a plurality of operating systems operating on the system; and a plurality of monitoring units that are configured to monitor a defect in the system. Each of the plurality of monitoring units is further configured to: perform monitoring at a respective one of a plurality of layers into which the system are divided; and solve a defect at the respective one of the plurality of layers when the defect occurs. 1. A vehicle device , comprising:a control unit in which a system is built, a plurality of operating systems operating on the system; and perform monitoring at a respective one of a plurality of layers into which the system are divided; and', 'solve a defect at the respective one of the plurality of layers when the defect occurs, wherein, 'a plurality of monitoring units that are configured to monitor a defect in the system, wherein each of the plurality of monitoring units is further configured tothe plurality of monitoring units include a first monitoring unit that is configured to perform monitoring at a first layer outside of the control unit where the control unit is a monitoring target, a second monitoring unit that is configured to perform monitoring at a second layer above the control unit where the plurality of operating systems are a monitoring target, and a third monitoring unit that is configured to perform monitoring at a third layer above the plurality of operating systems where application programs are a monitoring target,the first monitoring unit is configured to solve a defect by restarting the entire control unit when the defect occurs in the control unit,the second monitoring unit is configured to, when a defect occurs in one of the plurality of operating systems, solve the defect by restarting the one of the plurality of operating systems, andthe third monitoring unit is configured to, when a defect occurs in one of the application programs, solve the defect ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080986A1

The present disclosure relates to a method performed by a luminance assessment system of a vehicle for monitoring of on-board vehicle image capturing device functionality compliance with a predeterminable requirement level. The luminance assessment system obtains at respective one or more time instants (t, t, t), a first image and a second image. A first section of the first images and a second section of the second images respectively cover a primary region. A first luminance value of the first section and a second luminance value of the second section are measured. A luminance deviation is determined by comparing at least one of the first luminance values to at least one of the second luminance values. A determination is made that, when the luminance deviation exceeds a deviation threshold, the first image capturing device or the second image capturing device failed to function according to the requirement level. 1. A method performed by a luminance assessment system of a vehicle for monitoring of on-board vehicle image capturing device functionality compliance with a predeterminable requirement level , the vehicle comprising two or more image capturing devices configured to capture surroundings of the vehicle , a first image capturing device having a first field of view and a second image capturing device having a second field of view with a primary region thereof at least partly overlapping the first field of view , the method comprising:{'sub': 1', '2', '3, 'obtaining at respective one or more time instants (t, t, t), a respective first image with support from the first image capturing device and a respective second image with support from the second image capturing device, a first section of the respective first image and a second section of the respective second image respectively covering the primary region;'}measuring for respective first image a respective first luminance value of the first section, and for respective second image a respective second ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080991A1

A system and a method for controlling an autonomous driving vehicle. The system includes vehicle sensors and a controller. The controller has a processor and a storage device storing computer executable code. The computer executable code, when executed at the processor, is configured to: receive vehicle parameters from the vehicle sensors; obtain a vehicle dynamic model by adding a dynamics error bound to a state space model, wherein the dynamics error bound is estimated using linear least square; minimize a linear quadratic regulator cost function based on the vehicle dynamic model; and control the vehicle using control input obtained from the minimized cost function. 1. A system for controlling an autonomous vehicle , comprising vehicle sensors and a controller installed on the autonomous vehicle , wherein the controller comprises a processor and a storage device storing computer executable code , and the computer executable code , when executed at the processor , is configured to:receive state parameters of the autonomous vehicle from the vehicle sensors;quantify a dynamics error bound based on the state parameters using linear least square;determine a state space model of the autonomous vehicle by incorporating the dynamics error bound in the state space model;minimize cost function of a linear quadratic regulator based on the state space model to obtain control input; andcontrol the autonomous vehicle using the control input.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the state parameters of the autonomous vehicle comprise lateral position error claim 2 , lateral position error rate claim 2 , yaw angle error claim 2 , and yaw angle error rate.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the control input of the autonomous vehicle comprise torque applied to wheels of the autonomous vehicle to accelerate or brake the autonomous vehicle claim 2 , and yaw moment applied to steering wheel of the autonomous vehicle to adjust yaw angle.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080992A1

In a self-driving autonomous vehicle, a controller architecture includes multiple processors within the same box. Each processor monitors the others and takes appropriate safe action when needed, Some processors may run dormant or low priority redundant functions that become active when another processor is detected to have failed. The processors are independently powered and independently execute redundant algorithms from sensor data processing to actuation commands using different hardware capabilities (GPUs, processing cores, different input signals, etc.). Intentional hardware and software diversity improves fault tolerance. The resulting fault-tolerant/fail-operational system meets ISO26262 ASIL-D specifications based on a single electronic controller unit platform that can be used for self-driving vehicles. 1. A control system comprising:a first sensor,a second sensor,a third sensor,at least one input bus connected to the first, second and third sensors,an electronic controller comprising a first processor, a second processor and a third processor each coupled to the at least one input bus,wherein the first, second and third processors each independently process signals from the at least one input bus to provide control signals,the first processor providing first control signals in response to a first combination of the first, second and third sensors,the second processor providing second control signals in response to a second combination of the first, second and third sensors different from the first combination,the third processor providing third control signals in response to a third combination of the first, second and third sensors different from at least one of the first combination and different from the second combination, andan intelligent control signal arbitrator that receives the first, second and third control signals and arbitrates between them to perform at least one control function.2. The system of wherein the third processor is configured to ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

In-vehicle network system

Номер: US20210068199A1
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp, Toyota Motor Corp

An in-vehicle network system includes: an upper device; a first intermediate device that is connected to the upper device directly or via at least one device and is configured to communicate with the upper device using a first communication system; a second intermediate device that is connected to the upper device directly or via at least one device and is configured to communicate with the upper device using a second communication system; and a first lower device that is directly connected to the first intermediate device and is configured to communicate with the first intermediate device using the first communication system, and that is directly connected to the second intermediate device and is configured to communicate with the second intermediate device using the second communication system.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210070274A1

A method for providing low speed lateral steering control for an autonomously driven or semi-autonomously driven vehicle includes obtaining a desired final vehicle position relative to a current vehicle position, and calculating, by one or more data processors, a target vehicle position based on the current vehicle position and the desired final vehicle position. The method further includes calculating, by the one or more data processors, a road wheel angle command value based on the target vehicle position; determining, by the one or more data processors, a control signal based on the calculated road wheel command value; and providing the control signal to a steering controller. 1. A method for providing low speed lateral steering control for an autonomously driven or semi-autonomously driven vehicle , the method comprising:obtaining a desired final vehicle position relative to a current vehicle position;calculating, by one or more data processors, a target vehicle position based on the current vehicle position and the desired final vehicle position;calculating, by the one or more data processors, a road wheel angle command value based on the target vehicle position;determining, by the one or more data processors, a control signal based on the calculated road wheel command value; andproviding the control signal to a steering controller.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the desired final vehicle position includes longitudinal position claim 1 , lateral position claim 1 , and heading.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the target vehicle position is a point along a line that passes through the desired final vehicle longitudinal position and the desired final vehicle lateral position at an angle represented by the desired final vehicle heading.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the target vehicle position is at a predetermined fixed distance from the current vehicle position.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the desired final vehicle position is obtained from data ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210070313A1

Methods for management of a powertrain system in a vehicle. The methods receive data or signals from multiple sensors associated with the vehicle. Optimum thresholds for classifications of the sensor data can be changed based injecting signals into the powertrain system and receiving responsive signals. Expected priorities for the sensor signals can be altered based upon attributes of the signals and confirming actual priorities for the signals. Look-up tables for engine management can be modified based upon injecting signals into the powertrain system and measuring a utility of the responsive signals. The methods can thus dynamically alter and modify data for powertrain management, such as look-up tables, during vehicle operation under a wide range of conditions. 1. A method for automatically generating and applying causal knowledge to the management of a powertrain system in a vehicle , comprising steps of:injecting randomized controlled signals in powertrain control decisions;ensuring the signal injections occur within normal operational ranges and constraints;receiving data from a plurality of sensors and electronic control units associated with the vehicle in response to the signal injections and parsing those data into system responses associated with the injected signals;computing confidence intervals about the causal relationships between powertrain signals and a measured utility based on the signal injections and received data; andselecting optimal signals for the powertrain control decisions based on the computed confidence intervals about their effects and expected utility.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the powertrain control signals comprise actions claim 1 , queue orders claim 1 , sensor calibrations claim 1 , or any combination thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the normal operational ranges comprise a multidimensional space of possible control states generated based on control information and operational constraints.4. The method of claim ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Vehicle system

Номер: US20210072866A1
Принадлежит: Aptiv Technologies Ltd

A vehicle system includes a human machine interface (HMI) and a controller circuit. The HMI accepts inputs from a user. The controller circuit is configured to receive a first input from the user via the HMI, anticipate a potential second input from the user via the HMI, determine potential system failures based on at least one of an operating state of the system and the potential second input, determine, based on historical data, whether an input sequence comprising the first input from the user and the potential second input from the user is likely to impact performance of the system and or one or more components of the system, and if the input sequence is likely to result in the impact to the performance of the system and or the one or more components of the system, enact at least one countermeasure to avoid or reduce the impact.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160075341A1

A method is disclosed for managing rules or policies in a vehicle having a controllable unit. The method may include determining, at the start of a driving, an active route of the vehicle, selecting a set of control values from multiple stored sets of control values, where one control value of the set of control values corresponds to one predetermined interval of the determined active route, and controlling the at least one controllable unit based on the selected set of control values. The method may also include recording, during the current driving of the vehicle, a set of control result values, where one control result value corresponds to a predetermined interval of the determined active route which the vehicle has driven and, at the end of the driving based on the set of control result values, determining and storing an updated set of control values for the actually driven route. 1. A method for managing rules or policies in a vehicle , the vehicle comprising at least one controllable unit , the method comprising:determining, at the start of a driving, an active route of the vehicle;selecting a set of control values from a plurality of stored sets of control values, the plurality of stored sets of control values being based on a set of previously driven routes, where the selected set of control values corresponds to the determined active route, where one control value of the set of control values corresponds to one predetermined interval of the determined active route;controlling the at least one controllable unit based on the selected set of control values;recording, during current driving of the vehicle, a set of control result values, where one control result value corresponds to a predetermined interval of the determined active route which the vehicle has driven, and where the control result values are indicative of the result of the controlling during the predetermined interval;determining, at the end of the driving based on the set of control result ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Control device in hybrid vehicle

Номер: US20180072302A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A revolution rate sensor configured to detect a revolution rate of a first input shaft and a revolution rate estimation unit configured to estimate the revolution rate of the first input shaft using another method which is not based on detection of the revolution rate sensor are provided, and a control unit performs engagement permission determination of a switching mechanism associated with the lowest shift stage in first engagement switching mechanisms using an estimated value of the revolution rate of the first input shaft estimated by the revolution rate estimation unit when it is determined that a revolution rate of the first input shaft cannot be detected normally by the revolution rate sensor.

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089170A1
Автор: Hu Da, WANG Fenglei

The present disclosure relates to vehicle systems and methods. A system may determine first status information of one or more hardware components in a vehicle, together with second status information of one or more software components in the vehicle. The one or more software components may function at least partially depending on the one or more hardware components. The system may also convey a first notification indicating the first abnormal condition to a passenger in the vehicle in response to a determination that the first status information includes a first abnormal condition. The system may also convey a second notification indicating the second abnormal condition to the passenger in the vehicle in response to a determination that the second status information includes a second abnormal condition. The second notification may be distinct from the first notification. 1. A vehicle system , comprising:at least one storage medium including a set of instructions; and determine first status information of one or more hardware components in a vehicle, together with second status information of one or more software components in the vehicle, the one or more software components functioning at least partially depending on the one or more hardware components; and', 'in response to a determination that the first status information includes a first abnormal condition of the one or more hardware components, convey a first notification indicating the first abnormal condition to a passenger in the vehicle;', 'in response to a determination that the first status information does not include the first abnormal condition of the one or more hardware components, perform a first action;', 'in response to a determination that the second status information includes a second abnormal condition of the one or more software components, convey a second notification, which is distinct from the first notification, indicating the second abnormal condition to the passenger in the vehicle; and ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Method and System for On-Board Diagnosis in a Vehicle

Номер: US20220089172A1

A method for on-board diagnosis in a vehicle includes a) determining whether one or more release conditions for starting an on-board diagnosis are met; b) when it is determined that at least one release condition of the one or more release conditions is not met, controlling at least one driving function in such a manner that at least one release condition is met; and c) starting the on-board diagnosis. 110.-. (canceled)11. A method for onboard diagnosis in a vehicle , the method comprising:determining whether one or more release conditions for a start of an onboard diagnosis are fulfilled;upon determining that at least one release condition of the one or more release conditions is not fulfilled, controlling at least one vehicle function in such a way that the at least one release condition is fulfilled; andstarting the onboard diagnosis.12. The method according to claim 11 , wherein the controlling of the at least one vehicle function comprises:setting at least one operating point of an engine of the vehicle such that the at least one release condition is fulfilled.13. The method according to claim 17 , wherein the at least one operating point comprises at least one of a speed or a torque of an engine.14. The method according to claim 11 , wherein the controlling of the at least one vehicle function comprises:receiving input data, which wherein the input data indicate an accelerator pedal actuation by a driver; andprocessing the input data for engine control such that the at least one release condition is fulfilled based on the engine control.15. The method according to claim 14 , wherein the processing of the input data for the engine control comprises:compensating for accelerator pedal actuations by the driver which exceed a threshold.16. The method according to claim 11 , further comprising:ending the controlling of the at least one vehicle function such that the at least one release condition is fulfilled after the onboard diagnosis is carried out.17. The method ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071086A1

A controller is configured to receive a first signal indicative of a spatial locating speed or a spatial locating position for determining the spatial locating speed. The controller is configured to determine a sensed speed of the work vehicle based on a calibration and a second signal indicative of a rotational rate of a wheel of the work vehicle, and to determine whether a difference between the sensed speed and the spatial locating speed exceeds a calibration threshold. In response to determining that the difference exceeds the calibration threshold, the controller is configured to update the calibration such that the sensed speed is substantially equal to the spatial locating speed, and update the sensed speed based on the updated calibration and the second signal. Further, the controller is configured to instruct a speed control system to limit a ground speed of the work vehicle based on the sensed speed. 1. A control system of a work vehicle , comprising: receive a first signal from a spatial locating device indicative of a spatial locating speed of the work vehicle or a spatial locating position of the work vehicle for determining the spatial locating speed;', 'determine a sensed speed of the work vehicle based on a calibration and a second signal indicative of a rotational rate of a wheel of the work vehicle;', 'determine whether a difference between the sensed speed and the spatial locating speed exceeds a calibration threshold;', 'in response to determining that the difference exceeds the calibration threshold, update the calibration such that the sensed speed is substantially equal to the spatial locating speed, and update the sensed speed based on the updated calibration and the second signal; and', 'instruct a speed control system to limit a ground speed of the work vehicle based on the sensed speed., 'a controller having a memory and a processor, wherein the controller is configured to2. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the calibration comprises ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Electronic Control Device for Vehicle

Номер: US20200070847A1

An electronic control device for a vehicle according to the present invention includes an action prediction unit that predicts the action of an object around the vehicle on the basis of external information acquired from external information detection units that detect external information of the vehicle, and a determination unit for a detection unit that determines whether an abnormality has occurred in the external information detection unit by comparing external information acquired from the external information detection unit at the time corresponding to a prediction result of the action prediction unit to the prediction result of the action prediction unit.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180074510A1

An automatic traveling control apparatus includes an automatic traveling control unit, a function determining unit, a first notifying unit, an abnormality detecting unit, and a second notifying unit. The automatic traveling control unit makes an own vehicle automatically travel along a route to a destination. The function determining unit determines whether or not the state of a function used for automatic traveling is normal. The first notifying unit gives notification of the state of the function determined by the function determining unit. The abnormality detecting unit detects an abnormality in the notification of the state of the function by the first notifying unit. The second notifying unit gives a characteristic notification set in advance, when the abnormality detecting unit detects an abnormality in the notification of the state of the function by the first notifying unit and the function determining unit determines that the state of the function is normal. 1. An automatic traveling control apparatus comprising:an automatic traveling control unit that makes an own vehicle automatically travel along a route to a destination;a function determining unit that determines whether or not a state of a function used for automatic traveling is normal;a first notifying unit that gives a notification of the state of the function determined by the function determining unit;an abnormality detecting unit that detects an abnormality in the notification of the state of the function by the first notifying unit; anda second notifying unit that gives a characteristic notification set in advance, when the abnormality detecting unit detects an abnormality in the notification of the state of the function by the first notifying unit and the function determining unit determines that the state of the function used for automatic traveling is normal.2. The automatic traveling control apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:an input signal acquiring unit that acquires an ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Methods and devices for predictive maintenance of road vehicle components

Номер: US20220092885A1
Принадлежит: Vitesco Technologies GmbH

Disclosed are methods and devices for predictive maintenance of at least one component of a road vehicle. The general principle is based on the combination of the ranges of values of parameters that represent the wear of a road vehicle component. The method includes observing the duration of use of combinations of ranges of values in order to deduce therefrom a wear profile which is compared with a predetermined wear profile. This mechanism makes it possible to reduce the amount of information to be stored.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200073745A1
Автор: Fox Zohar
Принадлежит: Aurora Labs Ltd.

Disclosed embodiments relate to identifying Electronic Control Unit (ECU) anomalies in a vehicle. Operations may include monitoring data representing real-time processing activity of the ECU; receiving comparable data relating to processing activity of at least one other ECU deemed comparable in functionality to the ECU; comparing the real-time processing activity data with the comparable data, to identify at least one anomaly in the real-time processing activity of the ECU; and implementing a control action for the ECU when the at least one anomaly is identified. 120-. (canceled)21. A non-transitory computer readable medium including instructions that , when executed by at least one processor , cause the at least one processor to perform operations for identifying controller anomalies , comprising:receiving data representing real-time processing activity of a controller;receiving comparable data relating to processing activity of at least one other controller deemed comparable in functionality to the controller;comparing the real-time processing activity data with the comparable data, to identify, based on a deviation between the real-time processing activity data and the comparable data, at least one anomaly in the real-time processing activity of the controller; and the control action includes changing software of a first version on the controller based on a delta file corresponding to a second version of the software on the controller, and', 'the delta file comprises position-independent code., 'implementing a control action for the controller when the at least one anomaly is identified based on the deviation; wherein22. The non-transitory computer readable medium of claim 21 , wherein the comparing comprises implementing a statistical model.23. The non-transitory computer readable medium of claim 21 , wherein the delta file is a multidimensional delta file.24. The non-transitory computer readable medium of claim 21 , wherein the delta file comprises at least ...
