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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

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20-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2622805C2

Изобретение относится к устройству для ориентации капсул. Устройство содержит контейнер для приема произвольно ориентированных капсул, который имеет нижнюю стенку, содержащую по меньшей мере два отверстия. Ротор расположен с возможностью вращения в контейнере и над нижней стенкой. Ротор содержит гнезда для приема капсул. Под отверстиями нижней стенки расположено отделение для сбора капсул, для приема капсул, выгруженных из гнезд для приема капсул или через одно или другое из двух отверстий. Гнездо для приема капсул, два отверстия и отделение для сбора капсул имеют определенную форму и расположены таким образом, что капсулы, произвольно содержащиеся в контейнере, выходят из отделения для сбора капсул с заданной ориентацией. Таким образом, достигается упрощение конструкции устройства с одновременным повышением надежности при эксплуатации. 3 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 18 ил.

20-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2164212C2

Группа изобретений предназначена для изготовления и установки прокладочного материала в узле клапана. Усовершенствованный узел клапана содержит уплотнение, представляющее собой сложенную шарнирную муфту. Шарнир прокладочного материала отдален от участка корпуса узла клапана. Описан способ изготовления прокладочного материала путем образования линии изгиба или шарнира отгибанием и наложением одного сегмента материала на другой. Линию изгиба получают штампом. Изобретения обеспечивают надежную герметизацию между узлом клапана и кромкой контейнера. 4 с. и 19 з.п.ф-лы, 7 ил.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2678268C2

Изобретение относится к упаковке, включающей: контейнер, имеющий корпус контейнера, который является достаточно кислородопроницаемым, чтобы предотвращать отверждение содержащейся внутри него композиции, анаэробно отверждающейся вследствие отсутствия кислорода; и анаэробно отверждающуюся композицию, содержащуюся внутри контейнера. Изготовление корпуса контейнера из пластмассового материала, который образуется из смеси термопластического крахмального компонента и полиэтилена, позволяет получить упаковку, предназначенную для устойчивого хранения анаэробно отверждающихся композиций. 19 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 5 табл.

27-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2371363C2
Принадлежит: КИМ Йонг-Соо (KR)

Дозатор одноразового использования, использующий давление воздуха и содержащий внешний сосуд, обеспечиваемый давлением воздуха и содержащимся материалом; фиксированный корпус, соединенный с открытым верхним концом внешнего сосуда; клапан, установленный в фиксированном корпусе, для избирательного дозирования содержащегося материала при помощи воздуха под давлением; и нажимную кнопку, соединенную с верхом клапана, для нажатия на клапан для распыления содержащегося материала и воздуха. Клапан содержит полый корпус; при этом полый корпус клапана упруго опирается на верх корпуса и выполнен с возможностью его перемещения в полость корпуса и из нее; уплотнительный элемент, установленный на корпусе клапана и блокирующий дроссельную трубку; и всасывающее воздух отверстие, которое проходит в корпус и дополняет давление воздуха внешнего сосуда. Предусмотрены варианты дозаторов одноразового и многоразового использования. Изобретение направлено на создание новой конструкции дозатора, с помощью которого ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Аппликаторная система для нанесения вязкой жидкости на кожу человека

Номер: RU2634638C2
Принадлежит: Ферринг Б.В. (NL)

Группа изобретений относится к аппликаторной системе и набору для нанесения вязкой жидкости, в частности трансдермальной фармацевтической композиции, на кожу человека, включающей в себя дозирующее подающее устройство, в свою очередь включающее в себя контейнер, вмещающий вязкую жидкость, и насос для дозирования жидкости, и аппликатор, соединенный с подающим устройством с возможностью отсоединения и содержащий аппликационную поверхность, получающую дозированное количество жидкости из подающего устройства. Аппликационная поверхность является выпуклой. Группа изобретений позволяет повысить точность нанесения отмеренной дозы. 2 н. и 19 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 3 ил.

26-03-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017117609A3

12-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU173816U1

Полезная модель относится к упаковочным изделиям в форме коробки для удовлетворения жизненных потребностей человека, а именно к складной картонной коробке для перчаток.Складная картонная коробка для перчаток образована из одной заготовки с линиями сгиба, содержащей переднюю и заднюю панели, боковые стенки, сборочные участки. К передней и задней панелям примыкают по две боковые стенки. Боковые стенки, примыкающие к передней панели, на внешней грани имеют соединительные язычки, а на торце сборочные участки. Линии сгиба между боковыми стенками и задней панелью имеют прорези, соответствующие язычкам боковых стенок передней панели. Внешние грани передней и задней панелей примыкают к торцевым стенкам, образующим днище, при этом торцевая стенка передней панели имеет соединительный язычок, а на линии сгиба между задней панелью и примыкающей к ней торцевой стенкой выполнена прорезь, соответствующая язычку торцевой стенки передней панели. Внутренние грани передней и задней панелей примыкают к верхним ...

09-03-2021 дата публикации

Контейнер для флакона

Номер: RU202832U1

Полезная модель относится к производству упаковок, а именно к контейнерам для транспортировки единичной промышленной или потребительской упаковки готовой парфюмерно-косметической и фармацевтической продукции. Контейнер для флакона, представляющий собой цилиндрический полый корпус, открытый с одного торца и закрытый с другого торца, при этом на закрытом торце выполнено отверстие, эквивалентное колпачку флакона, а на внутренней цилиндрической поверхности корпуса выполнены ребра жесткости, фиксирующие флакон. Технический результат предлагаемой полезной модели заключается в повышении надежности защиты тары и содержащейся в ней продукции от повреждений в процессе транспортировки с одновременным упрощением эксплуатации флакона с продукцией, включающей извлечение флакона из контейнера, перевозку, хранение и демонстрацию цвета продукции. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

21-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU215632U1

Полезная модель относится к упругодеформируемым упаковкам, в частности к эластичным тубам, и может быть использована для наполнения консистентными продуктами, для заполнения вязкими пластичными продуктами, такими как консистентные смазки, герметики и прочие вещества с различной вязкостью. Технический результат: упрощение конструкции, снижение физических усилий и удобство выдавливания консистентных, вязких продуктов из картридж-тубы. Заявляемое техническое решение представляет собой гофрированную конструкцию тубы из прозрачного эластичного (деформируемого) полимерного материала. Устройство представляет собой сменный картридж, который предназначен для использования совместно с рычажно-плунжерным шприцем. Также данное устройство может использоваться для выдавливания продукта с помощью пальцев рук. 1 ил.

10-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009135831A

... 1. Дозатор содержит: ! корпус, имеющий полость, образованную в нем и имеющую выпускное отверстие; ! поршень, размещенный внутри корпуса; ! подпружиненный предохранительный механизм, соединенный с поршнем и имеющий отверстие, образованное в нем; ! удлиненный элемент, способный выполнять поступательное перемещение в первом направлении и во втором направлении, противоположном первому направлению, причем удлиненный элемент способен фрикционно входить в зацепление с предохранительным механизмом на краю отверстия таким образом, что когда удлиненный элемент перемещается в первом направлении, предохранительный механизм заставляет поршень перемещаться в первом направлении, при этом предохранительный механизм способен поворачиваться, когда удлиненный элемент перемещается во втором направлении таким образом, что удлиненный элемент проходит через отверстие в предохранительном механизме и перемещается во втором направлении независимо от поршня; ! спусковой крючок, находящийся в функциональной связи ...

27-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010148131A

... 1. Упаковка с контактной линзой, содержащая: ! контактную линзу, хранящуюся в упаковке; ! пружинящий диск, хранящийся в упаковке; и ! первый лист, герметично закрывающий упаковку для удерживания линзы и пружинящего диска в упаковке так, что пружинящий диск и линза удерживаются в сжатом состоянии и возвращаются к естественному равновесному состоянию только тогда, когда упаковка открывается посредством отделения первого листа от остальной части упаковки. ! 2. Упаковка с контактной линзой по п.1, в которой упаковка содержит второй лист и отрывной запечатывающий элемент, окружающий пружинящий диск и линзу и герметично соединяющий второй лист и первый лист вместе таким образом, что первый лист может быть оторван от второго листа; и пружинящий диск размещен на втором листе, и линза расположена между пружинящим диском и первым листом. ! 3. Упаковка с контактной линзой по п.2, в которой, по меньшей мере, один из второго листа и первого листа представляет собой ламинат. ! 4. Упаковка с контактной ...

27-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010151595A

... 1. Деталь выдачного устройства, содержащая, по меньшей мере, два компонента (17, 18; 31, 32; 41а, 42а), каждый из которых присоединен посредством шва (21; 33; 43а), причем указанная деталь выдачного устройства содержит первый пластиковый компонент (17; 31; 41а), полученный литьем под давлением с соответствующей первой сопрягающейся поверхностью вдоль первого края; второй пластиковый компонент (18; 32; 42а), полученный литьем под давлением, имеющий соответствующую вторую сопрягающуюся поверхность; шов, образованный указанной первой сопрягающейся поверхностью и указанной второй сопрягающейся поверхностью во время литья под давлением для соединения указанного первого компонента (17; 31; 41а) и указанного второго компонента (18; 32; 42а) для образования детали (20) выдачного устройства, отличающаяся тем, что поперечное сечение шва (21; 33; 43а) содержит, по меньшей мере, одну ступень (44, 45, 46) и, по меньшей мере, одну поверхность контакта, промежуточную между наружной и внутренней поверхностям ...

07-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017107024A

27-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014102230A

... 1. Укупорочное устройство для выпуска жидкой добавки в емкость за счет приведения в действие укупорочного устройства, где емкость имеет основное отделение для жидкости и горлышко емкости с отверстием, игде укупорочное устройство содержит колпачок, образующий камеру для текучей среды, имеющую узкую часть на своем нижнем конце, и кожух, по существу, окружающий камеру для текучей среды и имеющий пробку, проходящую в узкую часть камеры для текучей среды, при этом:узкая часть имеет верхний участок, имеющий первый диаметр;пробка содержит первичное уплотнение, выполненное с возможностью уплотнения между пробкой и верхним участком узкой части, верхнее уплотнение, выполненное с возможностью уплотнения между пробкой и верхним участком узкой части, и сопло в сообщении по текучей среде с наружной поверхностью пробки под первичным уплотнением; иколпачок выполнен с возможностью подъема относительно кожуха из закрытого положения, в котором пробка уплотняет верхний участок узкой части, через открытое положение ...

20-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011127889A

... 1. Выдачное устройство для выдачи жидкостной среды, содержащее:резервуар для удержания жидкости;насос в сообщении с резервуаром, причем насос содержит впускное отверстие, выпускное отверстие и средство восстановления, причем насос имеет стадию бездействия, стадию выгрузки, при которой порция жидкости выделяется из насоса через выпускное отверстие, стадию загрузки, при которой порция жидкости втягивается из резервуара через впускное отверстие в насос, а средство восстановления возвращает насос в стадию бездействия из стадии выгрузки и через стадию загрузки;механизм обратного всасывания, который отделен от насоса, причем механизм обратного всасывания содержит по меньшей мере один упругий элемент, способный хранить жидкость, первое отверстие и второе отверстие, причем первое отверстие механизма обратного всасывания соединено с выпускным отверстием насоса, а упругий элемент расположен между первым отверстием и вторым отверстием, ивыдачной конец для выдачи текучей среды из выдачного устройства ...

03-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015135598A

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014106984A

... 1. Пополняемый диспенсер для вязких составов, содержащий:бутылку, имеющую стенки, образующие верхнюю полость и нижнюю полость;механизм пополнения вязкого состава, выполненный с возможностью обеспечения вхождения вязкого состава в указанную верхнюю полость, когда указанный механизм пополнения соединен по текучей среде с источником вязкого состава;механизм выдачи вязкого состава, выполненный с возможностью выдачи вязкого состава из указанной верхней полости наружу бутылки, когда механизм выдачи приведен в действие;прокладку, выполненную с возможностью, по существу, уплотнять указанную верхнюю полость от указанной нижней полости, причем указанная прокладка способна перемещаться по направлению к верхней полости при приведении в действие механизма выдачи и перемещаться по направлению к нижней полости при входе вязкого состава в указанную верхнюю полость.2. Пополняемый диспенсер по п. 1, в котором механизм пополнения продолжается через прокладку в верхнюю полость.3. Пополняемый диспенсер по п ...

20-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014108883A

... 1. Аппликатор (1) для гелеобразных продуктов, в частности, туалетного чистящего продукта, содержащий- по меньшей мере одно приемное пространство (2а, 2b) для первого гелеобразного продукта (3а, 3b),- при этом приемное пространство (2а, 2b) имеет первое отверстие (4а, 4b) и второе отверстие (5а, 5b), при этом первое отверстие (4а, 4b) предусмотрено для выпуска гелеобразного продукта (3а, 3b), в второе отверстие (5а, 5b) предусмотрено для размещения подвижного в приемном пространстве (2а, 2b) поршня (6а, 6b), с помощью которого можно выдавливать гелеобразный продукт (3а, 3b) через первое отверстие (4а, 4b),отличающийся тем, что на аппликаторе (1) вокруг первого отверстия (4а, 4b) приемного пространства (2а, 2b) расположены и выполнены по меньшей мере два, предпочтительно по меньшей мере три дистанционирующих элемента (7a, 7b, 7c, 7d, 7e, 7f) так, что при прижимании аппликатора (1) к подлежащей покрытию гелеобразным продуктом (3а, 3b), в частности, керамической туалетной поверхности (8), образуется ...

27-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014124992A

... 1.Безопасное насосное устройство для различных емкостей, включающее средство выкачивания, установленное на верхней части емкости с содержимым для выкачивания содержимого, при этом средство выкачивания выполнено в виде средства выкачивания любого типа, которое включает нажимную головку сверху и выпускную трубку, выполненную вместе с нажимной головкой и выступающую с одной стороны нажимной головки для выпуска выкачиваемого содержимого наружу, цилиндрическую часть, установленную снаружи опорного трубчатого элемента, который соединен с нижней частью нажимной головки, и крышку с колпачком, которые установлены сверху цилиндрической части, причем крышка соединена с верхней частью емкости с содержимым;отличающееся тем, что дополнительно включает внутреннюю резьбовую часть, выполненную на внутренней стороне колпачка, и регулирующий элемент, соединенный с внутренней резьбовой частью колпачка и установленный так, чтобы выступать выше колпачка с возможностью перемещения вверх или вниз.2.Устройство ...

06-10-1966 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001226484B

20-04-1967 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001226360C2

23-12-1964 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001184231B

07-05-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE9200337U1

23-09-1971 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001454838B2

09-02-1995 дата публикации

Container for receiving liquid (eau de toilette, perfume, hairspray, etc.) for spraying using an atomiser

Номер: DE0004326228A1

For the convenient conveying and inconspicuous operation of an atomiser, an item of jewellery (bracelet) was used as a container. The bracelet comprises a hollow space (1) which is separated by a recess (2). The liquid is introduced through the flap (3) which can be opened. By depressing the lever (9), the slide (10) moves, as a result of which the cord (8) is tightened, which actuates the atomiser (5). The liquid is fed through the suction pipe (4) to the atomiser (5) where it subsequently emerges from the atomiser aperture (7) through an elastic feed line (6). ...

22-04-1965 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001914544U

29-09-1977 дата публикации

Aufnahmebehaelter fuer Bindfadenknaeuel

Номер: DE0007636934U1

08-05-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001352452A

... 1352452 Packaging thermometers BIOMEDIOAL SCIENCES Inc 23 July 1971 [4 March 1971] 34721/71 Heading B8C [Also in Division G1] A disposable thermometer (see Division G1) comprising a pair of superimposed sheets which carry temperature responsive material and a temperature indicating arrangement, respectively, and which, prior to use of the thermometer, are separated by a removable shield, is housed together with a plurality of similar thermometers in a housing, the housing being so constructed that upon manual withdrawal of one of the thermometers from the housing the shield associated with that thermometer is automatically removed to render the thermometer ready for use as soon as it has left the housing. As shown in Fig. 7, the housing is a box-like construction having at one end an opening 214 through which extend handle portions of the thermometers 10, the shields 30 being provided with holes which are engaged by upstanding posts 218, 220 on the bottom wall 204 of the housing. A pressure ...

09-01-1928 дата публикации

An improved container for surgeons' ligatures

Номер: GB0000283278A

... 283,278. Ritchie, G. B. Oct. 7, 1926. Putting-up ligatures.-A cylindrical box for holding bundles of surgeons' ligatures has an opening in the cylindrical wall and a resilient tongue located opposite said opening, the ligatures being passed over the tongue and held thereby with a portion projecting through or adjacent the opening so that they can be withdrawn as required when the lid, which normally covers the ligatures, is moved to expose them through an opening therein. As shown, the box wall is cut to form two tongues e, f having holes e<1>, f<1> through which the bundle of ligatures m is passed. The lid b has an opening g which is normally out of register with the opening c between the tongues and is held in position by the resiliency of the tongues. The top of the lid is formed with a recess for holding needles, &c., and is provided with a removable cap i; the needles may be held between the coils of a helical spring n disposed in the recess and the bottom of the lid may be perforated ...

02-07-2014 дата публикации

Container with outlet

Номер: GB0201408728D0

24-01-2007 дата публикации

Anti spiking drinking vessel

Номер: GB0002428238A

An anti spiking drinking vessel to prevent the spiking of a person's drink with so called 'date rape' drugs or other foreign material, comprises an inner container/cylinder 1 closed at one end and encapsulated in an outer container/cylinder 2 and defining a cavity 9 there between for the passage of a liquid; a cylindrical band 3 is disposed within the cavity to control the flow of liquid, a protection device or plate 4 is provided to direct any foreign material being introduced into the vessel to outlets or drains 1c provided on the outer container, and a filter ring 5 including a plurality of angled fins 5b to prevent the insertion of tools such as a pipette. A lockable cap 6 at the base of the vessel may be provided to allow access to the vessel for cleaning purposes but may only be opened by a key. The vessel must be tilted in order to dispense liquid out of the inner container along the cavity, past the band 3 and out of the vessel.

09-12-2009 дата публикации

A paint container

Номер: GB2460594A

A paint container including a main body and a neck portion having a rim with an internal web projecting radially inwardly from the rim, in which the internal web includes an aperture (216) dimensioned such that it can receive an associated dip-tube and remove excess paint from the dip-tube when it is removed from the paint container.

21-06-2006 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for expelling contents of container

Номер: GB0002421282A

Apparatus for expelling the viscous contents of a container 10 includes a piston 40, which is used to compress the container 10 and expel the contents. The piston has an outer annular part 50, and an inner part 60, slidable within the annular part. When the piston is used to compress the container, the outer part compresses the radially outer part of the container (which may be formed with concertina pleats 14). When the outer part is fully compressed, the inner part 60 of the piston forces the viscous fluid from the radially inner part of the container. The radially inner part of the container may be cup-shaped, and the inner part of the piston may serve to evert the cup-shaped portion so that it projects into the container.

13-01-2010 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for expelling contents of container

Номер: GB0002421282B

11-03-2009 дата публикации

Dispenser for dispensing a water-dispersible substance

Номер: GB2452565A

A dispenser for dispensing a water-dispersible substance such as a corrosive substance has a handle 6 and a dispensing chamber 8 with a plurality of openings 4 in a wall thereof. The chamber contains one or more dosage units 16 comprising a water-swellable or water-soluble polymer, which polymer has encapsulated therein a water-dispersible substance. The dispenser is configured such that when it is agitated or stirred in an aqueous medium within a container C, the aqueous medium can pass through the openings 4 to elute or wash out the water-dispersible substance from the polymer thereby to provide a dispersion of that substance in the aqueous medium. The chamber 8 may be tubular and may have means 10 for monitoring a parameter such as the pH of the dispersion. The dosage units may comprise discs or biscuits and may encapsulate a liquid concentrate such as an acid, alkali or bleach.

15-10-2014 дата публикации

Container and cap assembly

Номер: GB0002513006A

A cap 14 for closing an opening in a container 12. The cap includes an end face 28 having at least one fluid inlet 26 that allows air to flow through the cap and at least one fluid outlet 24. The outlet is adapted to allow liquid to flow through the cap. A first retaining element 31 provided on at least a portion of the side wall 30 extends from the end face and the side wall. The bottle can contain a fluid such as a treating chemistry for use with a cleaning machine where the fluid can be dispensed from the bottle by air flowing through the inlet to pressurize the container and displace the fluid. The first retaining element can be a shoulder that extends outwardly from the side wall to form a cam surface, whereby this shoulder may extend only partially around a perimeter of the cap. The cap can comprise of a seal (50 fig.2) to seal the fluid inlet and outlet. The cap may comprise of multiple fluid inlets and the single fluid outlet may be surrounded by the multiple outlets.

12-12-2018 дата публикации

Wiper container

Номер: GB0002563201A

A container 100 comprising a body 102 with a removable lid 104 for storing and dispensing wipes 106. The wipes may be saturated in solvents. The lid can removably engage with the body. The lid comprising a dispensing port (114, Fig. 4) allowing wipes to be pulled through the lid whilst attached to the body. The lid comprises a conductive material to facilitate the flow of electrical discharge (static charge) brought on by the frictional interaction between the wipes and the dispensing port. Preferably the conducting material is a grounding (earthing) leash (118, Fig 3) or wire that extends from a protruding tab 116 of the lid and extends to a grounded potential. Both the lid and the body may comprise fluorinated plastic to prevent erosion. The conductive material may be include carbon fibers or filaments. The wipes may be a roll of wipes. The body may also comprises a conductive material. The dispensing port maybe interchangeable.

26-02-2020 дата публикации

Dispensing Head and Dispenser

Номер: GB0002576611A

A dispensing head 11 for dispensing sauces and other flowable materials from a rigid container 13 having an outlet region (12 figure 1). The head comprises a body portion which defines a through bore and contact surface for seemingly engaging with the outlet region of the container. There is a closure member 18 for inhibiting the dispensing of flowable material from the container, the body portion having associated therewith or defining an airflow passage 20 which communicates between an air pump (16 figure 3) positioned, in use, externally of the container and an air flow outlet 20 from which air can be introduced via the body portion into the container by operation of the air pump.

13-03-2013 дата публикации

Dispensing device

Номер: GB0201301370D0

28-10-2020 дата публикации

Packaged food product and method of producing the packaged food product

Номер: GB0202014490D0

07-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201909007D0

15-01-2020 дата публикации

Fuel storage apparatus for forestry machines

Номер: GB0201917614D0

22-08-1962 дата публикации

Fluid containers or cartons

Номер: GB0000904078A

... 904,078. Opening containers. PLASTIC PACKAGING Ltd. Oct. 20, 1959 [Dec. 3, 1958], No. 39042/58. Class 66. The wall of a thin walled fluid container 1 or permanent closure 4 therefor is formed with a protrusion 9, 10 having a corner, at its junction with the remainder of the wall, which is ruptured, Fig. 4, when the protrusion is pressed. The edge 3 of the closure 4 is heatsealed to the rim 2 of the container, both parts being of synthetic plastics material e.g. polystyrene. The protrusion may be formed, alternatively, in the base wall of the container which has a rim to protect the protrusion from unintentional pressure. In a modification the member 9, 10 projects inwards and has a tab attached so that it may be pulled out to rupture the container wall. Specification 904,079 is referred to.

25-11-2009 дата публикации

A painting apparatus

Номер: GB0000917845D0

16-02-2022 дата публикации

Contact lens blister package with lens cradle

Номер: GB0002598048A

A blister package for a contact lens is provided. The blister package includes a body defining a handle and a well, a flexible top contacting the body and closing the well, and a lens cradle that includes a lens support bowl. The lens cradle is attached to the inner surface of the flexible top. By peeling away the flexible top, the lens cradle is lifted away from the bottom surface of the well and the lens is raised out of the well, cradled by the lens support bowl, and presented for easy fingertip manipulation by a user.

28-09-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000000409A

A container (4)for a lubricant has a cap (31)for sealing of one end (50)of a cylindrical tube (2). The cap shows a bottom (32), from the periphery of which extends in axial direction a circumferential interior collar (36), which abuts the inside of said tube end and has a double function, namely apart from the sealing function a second function as plunger for feeding out the tube contents by means of e.G. a plunger rod of a pistol-like tool as known per se. To this purpose, the delimitation edge of the interior collar (36)which is turned away from the bottom connects to a bridge (39)located within a radial plane and leading to an exterior collar (40)which is concentric with the interior collar (40)which is concentric with the interior collar and surrounds said tube end together with the interior collar and the bridge. This cap is provided with a groove-like circumferential weakened part (38)permitting release of the bottom (32)during transition to plunger function. According to the invention ...

30-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AP0009300488A0

30-04-2010 дата публикации

Container with deformable inner container and method for manufacture thereof

Номер: AP2010005220A0

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000504289T

15-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000492348T

15-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA509877A

15-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: ATA139691A

15-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000538872T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000537362T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000552915T

15-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509877A

15-02-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000060660T

25-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000000895U1

15-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AT17320U1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Transport-und Aufbewahrungsbox für handelsüblich verpackte, verschiedene farbige Elektrodrähte, wobei gleichzeitig 6 Packungen (Fig. 6 und Fig.11) übersichtlich und die Drähte verwicklungsfrei sowie die Verpackung schonend transportiert und gelagert werden kann. Es können auch mehrere Boxen übereinander gestapelt werden (Fig. 7 und Fig. 8). Die Box kann umweltschonend und nachhaltig aus Holz, aber auch aus Kunststoff oder Metall gefertigt werden.

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000308469T

15-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000204242T

10-06-1963 дата публикации

Device for donating an easily dripping liquid

Номер: AT0000227885B

15-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000231744T

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000263086T

15-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000281777T

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Outer shell for a dispenser and method for producing such an outer shell

Номер: AU2018299747A1
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

The present disclosure relates to an outer shell for a dispenser, the outer shell comprising: a first injection moulded plastic component part and a second injection moulded plastic component part, wherein the first and second component parts each comprise an outer surface and an inner surface, wherein the first component part has a first mating surface directed to the outer surface of the first component part and the second component part has a second mating surface directed to an inner surface of the second component part, wherein the first and second component parts are joined to each other along a seam by mating said first mating surface and said second mating surface during injection moulding, wherein a plurality of recesses is formed in the inner surface of the first component part along at least a part of the seam and/or on a gate protrusion extending away from a free end of the first mating surface of the first component part. The present disclosure also relates to a method for ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Packaging concept for solid products

Номер: AU2019203560B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

PACKAGING CONCEPT FOR SOLID PRODUCTS A device (12) for packaging a solid chemical product and dispensing said chemical product from a container, the device (12) comprising: a first portion (30) comprising a sidewall (42) including a first portion of a first perimeter; a second portion (40) connected to the first portion (30) via an annular rim of the second portion (40) at least partially surrounding and interacting with an annular portion of the first portion (30), the second portion (40) comprising a sidewall (56) with a first portion having a first perimeter and a screen integrated with the second portion; and a film removably connected to an opening of the second portion (40), the film having an adhesive; wherein the screen of the second portion (40) comprises a plurality of apertures; wherein the annular rim of the second portion (40) extends generally perpendicular to the screen; said annular rim including an interior surface for attaching to the first portion (30) of the device ( ...

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Bifurcated stem foam pump

Номер: AU2009200381B2

... 5 A bifurcated stem foam pump for use in foam dispensers. An air compressor portion of the bifurcated pump is attached to and maintained as a portion of the dispenser housing. A portion of the pump for transferring liquid and including a portion for generating foam is sealingly attached to and provided as a portion of a replaceable liquid-containing cartridge in the foam dispenser. The 10 two portions mate and form a completed pump assembly operative for generating foam from the liquid of the cartridge when the cartridge is placed within the dispenser housing and the two pump portions are mated. The air compressor portion includes a collar having an air piston reciprocatingly received therein. The collar is attached to the dispenser housing. A collar receiving a hollow stem pump 15 is attached to the liquid cartridge. Actuation of the air piston correspondingly actuates the stem pump such that air and liquid are forced together in the sten pump and through a foam generating member.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Air piston and dome foam pump

Номер: AU2009202124B2

A foam pump for pumping a foamable liquid from a foamable liquid source includes a premix chamber having an interior volume receiving the foamable liquid from the foamable liquid source. The foam pump also include a premix chamber air inlet 5 valve, and a collapsible air chamber surrounds the premix chamber and fluidly communicates with the interior volume of the premix chamber through said premix chamber air inlet valve. The collapsible air chamber has an expanded volume and a compressed volume, and, when the collapsible air chamber is moved from its expanded volume to its compressed volume, air within the collapsible air chamber 10 is forced into the premix chamber through the premix chamber air inlet valve and mixes with the foamable liquid received in the premix chamber. An outlet communicates with the premix chamber and, upon compression of the collapsible air chamber from its expanded volume to its compressed volume, foamable liquid and air are advanced from the premix chamber into ...

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Foam dispenser having selectively pressurized soap cartridge

Номер: AU2011242612A1

A foam dispenser and method of operation of the foam dispenser provides that a cartridge of liquid (14) having an air head (18) is retained in the dispenser and maintained under pressure by an air compressor (22) when at rest, i.e., when the foam dispenser in not being actuated. Air (32) and liquid (36) conduits communicate respectively between the air head and liquid maintained in the cartridge and a foam generating head (40). Valves (50, 52) selectively close flow through the conduits. In this way, when the foam dispenser is actuated the valves can simply be opened for the appropriate amount of time to advance air and liquid to the foam generating head and dispense foam at a dispensing location.

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Delivery member for container, method of producing delivery member for container, container, and food product packaged in container

Номер: AU2012218518B2

Provided is a pull-top delivery member for a container mounted in a dispenser. The delivery member for a container comprises an outer frame (70) that has an opening at the center, a lid (71) that seals the opening in the outer frame (7) and is capable of unsealing the opening when pulled, and a sheet member (61) that is disposed on the reverse surface of the outer frame (70) and the lid (71) and has a delivery hole (61a) formed by slits through which the contents pass. The sheet member (61) and the outer frame (70) are fused together, the outer frame (70) is formed from a metallocene polyethylene material, and the sheet (61) is formed from a polypropylene material.

12-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2004207998A1

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Product dispensing container, system and method with priming area

Номер: AU2011305766A1

A product dispensing container (14) is disclosed that comprises a plurality of walls defining an internal volume for receiving a plurality of products, wherein at least one of the walls includes an access door panel (38,40), a priming area (42), and a severance line (46). The priming area is displaceable relative to the wall to form a free edge (62), and the access door panel is at least partially defined by the free edge and the severance line when the priming area is displaced relative to the wall. A product dispensing system includes the disclosed container and a dispenser (12) comprising an opening tool (106) positioned to sever the severance line of the container so as to release the packaged products from the container.

13-03-2002 дата публикации

Dispenser with resilient display bottom

Номер: AU0008281201A

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Display apparatus

Номер: AU2015354393A1
Принадлежит: James & Wells Intellectual Property

A display apparatus (10) is disclosed. Apparatus (10) comprises a panel (20) for receiving and/or displaying advertising material; a connector (70) that is attachable to the panel (20), and a fastener (30) for removably connecting the panel (20) to a pipe (80) of a beverage font (85), the fastener (30) being removably attachable to the connector (70) in two or more orientations.

27-08-2009 дата публикации

Air-pump type operator and a casing provided with the same

Номер: AU2009216025A1

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Protective cap for a dispenser, and discharge device for discharging pharmaceutical and/or cosmetical liquids

Номер: AU2014368816B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

Protective cap (3) for a dispenser (2) and discharge device (1) comprising a dispenser (2) for discharging pharmaceutical and/or cosmetical liquids, wherein the protective cap (3) has an inner cap (4) and an outer cap (5), the inner cap has at least one ventilation opening (40) for communication between an interior of the protective cap (3) and an external environment, wherein, before a use, the outer cap is mounted on the inner cap in a first position in which the inner cap and the outer cap are sealingly in contact with each other and the at least one ventilation opening is separated in an airtight and germproof manner from the environment, and the outer cap is movable relative to the inner cap from the first position to at least a second position in which the at least one ventilation opening communicates with the environment.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Drink bottles with bite-actuated mouthpieces

Номер: AU2011201183B2

DRINK BOTTLES WITH BITE-ACTUATED MOUTHPIECES Drink bottles (10), or containers, with bite-actuated mouthpieces (72). In some embodiments, the mouthpieces (72) are self-sealing mouthpieces that are biased to return 5 from a dispensing configuration to a closed configuration. The bottles (10) may be rigid or collapsible and may include a removable cap assembly (14). In some embodiments, the bottles (10) include a manual on/off valve (72) adapted to prevent drink fluid from being dispensed regardless of the mouthpiece's (72) configuration. In some embodiments, the bottles (10) include a straw extending into the bottle (10) and/or a drink tube (74) 1o extending from external of the bottle (10) and/or an air return system. In some embodiments, the bottles (10) include a dispensing spout (100) that is pivotally coupled to the cap (14) of the drink bottle (10). In some embodiments, the dispensing spout (100) includes a mount for the mouthpiece (72) and/or cooperates with the cap (14) to provide ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Protective cap for a dispenser, and discharge device for discharging pharmaceutical and/or cosmetical liquids

Номер: AU2014368816A1

Protective cap (3) for a dispenser (2) and discharge device (1) comprising a dispenser (2) for discharging pharmaceutical and/or cosmetical liquids, wherein the protective cap (3) has an inner cap (4) and an outer cap (5), the inner cap has at least one ventilation opening (40) for communication between an interior of the protective cap (3) and an external environment, wherein, before a use, the outer cap is mounted on the inner cap in a first position in which the inner cap and the outer cap are sealingly in contact with each other and the at least one ventilation opening is separated in an airtight and germproof manner from the environment, and the outer cap is movable relative to the inner cap from the first position to at least a second position in which the at least one ventilation opening communicates with the environment.

20-10-2016 дата публикации

Container, indicator device, and nebulizer

Номер: AU2015258108A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A nebulizer as well as a container and an indicator device for such a nebulizer are proposed. The indicator device is fixedly mounted from the bottom of the container and comprises a piercing element for opening an aeration of the container. The indicator device and its piercing part are preferably actuated by axial movement of the indicator device and container within the nebulizer.

10-10-2019 дата публикации

Container, indicator device, and nebulizer

Номер: AU2015258108B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A nebulizer as well as a container and an indicator device for such a nebulizer are proposed. The indicator device is fixedly mounted from the bottom of the container and comprises a piercing element for opening an aeration of the container. The indicator device and its piercing part are preferably actuated by axial movement of the indicator device and container within the nebulizer.

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Sheet-material container for a dispensing unit and method for producing a sheet-material container

Номер: AU2017206177A1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

A method for producing a sheet-material container for a dispensing unit, comprising the following steps: applying a head part (16) to a first end (14) of a sheet-material bag (10; 12) filled with a composition, wherein the head part (16) has at least one outlet channel (36; 38) for the composition; opening the sheet-material bag (10; 12) and closing the outlet channel (36; 38). The opening of the sheet-material bag (10;12) and the closing of the outlet channel (36; 38) take place prior to the initial use of the sheet-material container in the dispensing unit. A sheet-material container for a dispensing unit comprises at least one sheet-material bag (10; 12), which is filled with a composition, and a head part (16), which accommodates a first end (14) of the sheet-material bag (10; 12). The head part (16) has at least one outlet channel (36; 38) for the composition. The sheet-material bag (10; 12) is opened on the first end (14), and the outlet channel (36; 38) of the head part (16) is closed ...

09-05-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000461613B2

12-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003250789A

22-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001234368A1

23-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002517649A1

L~invention concerne : - un dispositif de distribution unité par unité d~objets de forme oblongue, de section en particulier sensiblement polygonale, circulaire ou elliptique ; - et un conteneur de conditionnement desdits objets sur lequel est monté le dispositif de distribution. Le dispositif de distribution comporte une ouverture principale de distribution (3), au moins une autre ouverture de forme allongée (2) don~t l~une des extrémités débouche dans l~ouverture principale, et des surfaces de guidage (6, 6~) des objets à distribuer disposés sur les côtés antérieurs de l~ (ou des) ouvertures(s) allongée(s). Les objets de forme oblongue peuvent être des lamelles, des bandelettes rigides, des pansements ou autres, destinés à faire des tests médicaux ou des protections de petites blessures.

23-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002684263A1

A painting apparatus (10) comprising a paint module (20) able to receive a paint container (43) containing paint, an applicator (50), a conduit fluid ly (130) connecting the paint to the applicator, and a pump assembly (80) to supply a flow of paint to the applicator via the conduit, in which the pain ting apparatus includes a control unit to prevent the flow of paint to the a pplicator until the applicator is applying paint to the surface to to be pai nted.

18-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002736123A1

A foam pump (24) having a flexible member for engagement with a dispenser, the pump being part of a refill unit (20) including a product reservoir (22). The flexible connecting member extends from an extreme end of the pump and is received by an actuating carriage that is movably connected to an actuating mechanism. The flexible connecting member permits insertion of the pump into a dispenser (10), and may act to dampen actuating forces to reduce foam shearing. The flexible connecting member may be provided in the form of a flared tip (28) that is received through an oval opening in the product dispenser, and the pump may include a locking member (30) to prevent unwanted actuation thereof during insertion of the refill unit into the dispenser.

29-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA1021706A

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003043865A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

Systems and methods for formulating a radioactive liquid using a disposable container (108) are described. The disposable container includes a flexible sidewall (144) defining an interior space (146) for containing the radioactive liquid during formulation. The flexible sidewall is constructed of sterile, pyrogen-free material to prevent contamination of the radioactive liquid. The flexible sidewall includes a first portion and a second portion. The disposable container also includes an access port (154) and a dispense port (156). The access port is defined by the first portion of the flexible sidewall to provide access to the interior space. The dispense port is defined by the second portion of the flexible sidewall for the radioactive liquid within the interior space to be dispensed through.

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003054538A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

Provided is a small capacity container for a viscous substance that is capable of quickly ejecting a viscous content at any time even when held in an inverted state thereof or a state thereof close to the inverted state. A small capacity container having an inner capacity of 300 ml or less in which a viscous substance is to be accommodated is characterized in that an inner surface of a barrel part of the container has, when the container is held in an inverted state thereof, a region from which a substance is to be quickly ejected and a region from which the substance is to be slowly ejected.

08-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000192956U1

Устройство относится к области тары и упаковки, в частности, к жестким тубам, и может быть использовано для наполнения вязкими продуктами, такими как герметики, консистентные смазки, косметические средства, замазки, клеи или жидкие продукты питания с различной вязкостью, и может найти широкое использование на предприятиях пищевой, косметической и химической промышленности. Технический результат, обеспечиваемым полезной моделью, заключается в снижении усилия выдавливания вязких продуктов из тубы. Упакованный в пресс-тубу продукт выдавливается под давлением через отверстие крышки при фиксации крышки и вращении по часовой стрелке корпуса пресс-тубы. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 192 956 U1 (51) МПК B65D 83/76 (2006.01) B65D 35/30 (2006.01) B65D 35/28 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B65D 35/30 (2019.08); B65D 83/0072 (2019.08); B65D 83/0005 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019110373, 09.04.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кошкарёв Алексей Александрович (RU) Дата регистрации: 08.10.2019 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 09.04.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 08.10.2019 Бюл. № 28 1 9 2 9 5 6 R U (54) ПРЕСС-ТУБА (57) Реферат: Устройство относится к области тары и упаковки, в частности, к жестким тубам, и может быть использовано для наполнения вязкими продуктами, такими как герметики, консистентные смазки, косметические средства, замазки, клеи или жидкие продукты питания с различной вязкостью, и может найти широкое использование на предприятиях пищевой, косметической и химической промышленности. Стр.: 1 Технический результат, обеспечиваемым полезной моделью, заключается в снижении усилия выдавливания вязких продуктов из тубы. Упакованный в пресс-тубу продукт выдавливается под давлением через отверстие крышки при фиксации крышки и вращении по часовой стрелке корпуса пресс-тубы. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: ...

28-12-2020 дата публикации

Емкость для средств бытовой химии

Номер: RU0000201697U1

Предложенная полезная модель относится к таре для хранения и использования средств бытовой химии, таких как средства для мытья посуды, жидкости для мытья окон, пола, жидкого мыла и других средств, и может быть использована в заведениях общественного питания, в быту и другом. Емкость для средств бытовой химии, содержащей корпус с дном, плечики, которые соединены с цилиндрической горловиной, и колпачок с устройством для выдачи средства, находящегося в емкости, дополнительно оснащена губкой, которая выполнена с отверстием в центре, которое предназначено для размещения вокруг внешней поверхности горловины, губка и корпус емкости изготовлены в виде цилиндров, причем диаметр губки равен или меньший диаметра емкости. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 201 697 U1 (51) МПК B65D 1/02 (2006.01) B65D 23/00 (2006.01) B65D 83/76 (2006.01) A47L 1/15 (2006.01) A47L 17/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A47L 1/15 (2020.05); A47L 17/08 (2020.05); B65D 1/02 (2020.05); B65D 23/00 (2020.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020113051, 20.09.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ТОВАРЫСТВО З ОБМЭЖЭНОЮ ВИДПОВИДАЛЬНИСТЮ "БЭРКАНА 7" (UA) Дата регистрации: 28.12.2020 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: CN 202657391 U, 09.01.2013. CN 203780959 U, 20.08.2014. CN 201301034 Y, 02.09.2009. WO 2017/180413 A1, 19.10.2017. CN 103508037 A, 15.01.2014. JP 2000271056 A, 03.10.2000. CN 206761069 U, 19.12.2017. 01.02.2018 UA u 2018 00916 (45) Опубликовано: 28.12.2020 Бюл. № 1 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 07.04.2020 2 0 1 6 9 7 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 20.09.2018 (72) Автор(ы): БИЛОНОЖКО Андрий Олэксандровыч (UA) (86) Заявка PCT: UA 2018/000104 (20.09.2018) U 1 (87) Публикация заявки PCT: R U 2 0 1 6 9 7 U 1 WO 2019/151968 (08.08.2019) Адрес для переписки: 105077, Москва, а/я 154, Мызников Борис ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Dispenser with Variable-Volume Storage Chamber, One-Way Valve, and Manually-Depressible Actuator

Номер: US20120018455A1
Автор: Daniel Py
Принадлежит: Py Daniel C

A dispenser has a housing, and a variable-volume storage chamber formed within the housing and defining a substantially fluid-tight seal between the chamber and exterior of the housing for storing a substance to be dispensed. A piston is mounted within the housing, and a one-way valve is mounted within the housing and coupled in fluid communication with the variable-volume storage chamber. A compression chamber is coupled in fluid communication between the piston and one-way valve, and at least one of the piston and valve is manually depressible relative to the other between (i) a first position in which the piston is located at least partially outside of the compression chamber for permitting substance to flow from the variable-volume storage chamber into the compression chamber, and (ii) a second position in which the piston is located at least partially within the compression chamber for pressurizing substance within the compression chamber above a valve opening pressure and, in turn, dispensing substance through the one-way valve and out of the dispenser.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Dispenser for a composition in stick form

Номер: US20120039656A1
Принадлежит: Conopco Inc

An oval dispenser for stick material suitable for being filled through its base comprises a skeletal platform ( 30 ) having a threaded hub ( 32 ), a rim wall ( 31 ), a circular wall intermediate between the hub and the rim defining a filling zone, and a rotor wheel ( 3 ) having a hollow boss ( 13 ) that defines with the filling ring ( 34 ) a continuous passage for stick material to be charged into the dispenser interior.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Composite delivery system

Номер: US20120064481A1
Принадлежит: Ultradent Products Inc

A syringe delivery system for dispensing a highly viscous material through a syringe delivery opening includes a syringe barrel having a delivery opening, a plunger stem including a threaded shaft that threadably engages a proximal end of the syringe barrel for selectively dispensing a viscous material through the delivery opening, and a sheath. The sheath is rigidly attached with the plunger stem so that the plunger stem and sheath rotate together in unison relative to the syringe barrel. The sheath and syringe barrel may enclose the plunger stem. In order to dispense a viscous material, the syringe barrel is rotated relative to the sheath, causing the syringe barrel to be progressively received within the sheath and simultaneously forcing the plunger stem further into the syringe barrel so as to dispense a viscous material from the delivery opening.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Method of cigarette package for two lengths of cigarettes

Номер: US20120079794A1
Автор: Alon malka, Lilakh malka
Принадлежит: Individual

Method of cigarette package for two lengths of cigarettes size, fitted and divided to accommodates the two type of the different cigarettes, on, is the ordinary common cigarettes, and the second, is a shorter length of cigarettes, wherein, the longer cigarettes, the ordinary common cigarettes, designated to be use by the user to his purposes in a convenience time, and the seconded type of cigarettes, designated to be consumed by the users at time when the user expecting a minimum time or will of consuming the cigarettes. Wherein, the cigarette packaging box, designated from at list two compartments, one, is similar to the ordinary cigarette package, and the seconded one, has a higher raising hollowed platform, that enable the user to reach the cigarette as in the usual way.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Container for a device for preparing a frozen confection and device for preparing a frozen confection

Номер: US20120096875A1
Принадлежит: Nestec SA

The present invention relates to a container ( 20 ) designed for being inserted into a device ( 1 ) for preparing a frozen confection ( 17 ), said container ( 20 ) comprising a sealed flexible casing ( 25 ) and said container ( 20 ) containing ingredients ( 15 ) for producing a frozen confection ( 17 ) when being cooled and mechanically forced. The present invention further relates to a device ( 1 ) for preparing a frozen confection ( 17 ) from a container ( 20 ) inserted into the device ( 1 ). The present invention further relates to a method for preparing a frozen confection.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Pocket vial packaging and dispensing device

Номер: US20120097707A1
Принадлежит: Lablabo SA

A pocket vial device for packaging and dispensing fluid products has a flexible pouch placed in a rigid vial ( 9 ) and associated with a pump or a valve for expelling the product contained in the pouch, the pouch including a cylindrical wall made of at least one sheet ( 1 ) wound into a cylinder having one of its side edges tightly attached to a solid flange ( 8 ) defining the bottom of the flange, while the other is tightly attached to an annular flange ( 7 ) defining a fixation ring to the vial. The two longitudinal edges ( 3, 5 ) of the sheet ( 1 ) are tightly attached to each other and the end of the inner edge being masked by a flexible cover strip ( 6 ). The pocket vial device can be used for reducing the risk of contamination of the product contained in the pouch.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Dual-supply product container

Номер: US20120282007A1
Принадлежит: Balm Chicky Inc

A dual-supply container comprises a first compartment having a first opening, the first compartment being configured to contain therein a multiple-use amount of a product; a second compartment having a second opening, the second compartment being configured to contain a limited-use amount of the product; and a removable cover for each compartment that covers the opening of the compartment to seal the product in the compartment.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Low cost radio frequency identification (rfid) dispensing systems

Номер: US20130001244A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A radio frequency identification (RFID) dispenser is configured to communicate with an RFID tag provided by a refill cartridge utilizes a multi band pass filter to convert the radio frequency identification into a digital signal. The digital signal read by the dispenser is processed by a controller to enable a dispensing function that is representative of the code associated with the RFID tag. In addition, the dispenser includes a pair of transistors that write to the RFID tag provided by the refill cartridge. The dispenser may also be configured to communicate with the RFID tags that are disposed upon cartridges utilized by the dispenser. In addition, the dispenser may be configured to utilize cartridges that include adjustable or telescoping partitions that allow the size of the cartridge to vary.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

High alcohol content foaming compositions with silicone-based surfactants

Номер: US20130011490A1
Принадлежит: DEB Worldwide Healthcare Inc

This invention relates to a “high lower alcohol content” (>40% v/v of a C 1-4 alcohol) liquid composition able to be dispensed as a stable foam with the use of non-propellant foam dispensing devices from non-pressurized containers. The liquid compositions comprise an alcohol, C 1-4 (>40% v/v), a silicone-based surfactant of at least 0.001% by weight to prepare a foamable composition, 0-10% w/w of additional minor components added to obtain the desired performance (a foamable composition), and the balance being purified water. The compositions may include emulsifier-emollients and moisturizers, secondary surfactants, foam stabilizers, fragrances, antimicrobial agents, other type of medicinal ingredients, and the like ingredients or additives or combinations thereof commonly added to alcohol gels or foams, aerosol compositions or to toiletries, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and the like.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Multiple Dose Delivery Device with Manually Depressible Actuator and One-Way Valve for Storing and Dispensing Substances, and Related Method

Номер: US20130037574A1
Автор: Beniot Adamo, Daniel Py
Принадлежит: Medinstill Development LLC

A dispenser has a body with a variable-volume storage chamber for storing substance, and a dispensing portion defining a dosage chamber in fluid communication with the storage chamber. A first valve includes a valve seat and a flexible valve cover seated thereon defining a normally-closed fluid-tight seam therebetween. The valve cover relative to moves from the valve seat to allow substance through the seam and out of the dispenser. A second valve allows substance from the storage chamber into the dosage chamber and substantially prevents flow from the dosage chamber into the storage chamber. An actuator is manually movable between (i) a first non-actuated position, and (ii) a second actuated position extending into the dosage chamber for compressing a dose of substance therein, dispensing substance through the first valve. The elasticity of the actuator causes it to return to the first non-actuated position upon manually releasing the actuator.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Ratcheting bottle

Номер: US20130062302A1
Автор: Efrain Otero
Принадлежит: Individual

The purpose of the invention is to remove the excess air in an opened, partially used bottle containing effervescent beverages. Further use of the invention can be employed when viscous substances are contained. This is achieved by rotating a base of a bottle that is connected to a tab at the bottom of an inner bladder liner that is contained inside a bottle. The invention shows a bottle system for dispensing and maintaining effervescent beverages fresher for a longer period of time after a bottle has been opened. The bottle also improves the dispensing of thick substances found in many products that have viscous properties. The system offers a more efficient, easy solution for the dispensing of such substances from their containers by employing a collapsible inner bladder liner contained inside a bottle.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Hand applicator to be fastened onto the valve connection of the bottle with the adapter of the gun applicator

Номер: US20130062369A1
Принадлежит: AS ENKO

A hand applicator (FIG. ) to be fastened to the valve connection of the bottle with the gun applicator adapter where the hand applicator contains an adapter with a cavity to be fastened to the valve connection of the bottle, where the adapter contains an extension of the cavity wall at the end to be fastened to the valve connection as well as a sealing ring for sealing the adapter on the valve connection close to the lower edge of the inner side of the cavity wall extension a support foot formed on the handle where there is a spigot to be fixed to the support of the fun applicator adapter at the end of the support foot and the handle whose support surface is directly above the valve connection on the hand applicator placed onto the valve connection Whereby the support surface of the handle of the hand applicator is formed with a concavity whose bottom is directly above the valve connection if the hand applicator is placed onto the valve connection in such a way that the centre axis of the cavity of the adapter and the centre axis of the valve connection run through the bottom of the concavity so that the imaginary tangent of the lowest point of the concavity bottom is mainly perpendicular to the centre axis of the valve connection The support surface of the handle of the hand applicator may also be formed with two concavities and with the elevation 1321425656611114412424241532527. A hand applicator () to be fastened to the valve connection () of the bottle with the gun applicator adapter () comprising where the hand applicator contains an adapter () to be fastened to the valve connection () of the bottle , a handle () and a support foot () to be formed on the handle (); at the end of the support foot () a spigot (.) to be fixed to the support (.) of the gun applicator adapter (); where the adapter () contains an extension (.) of the cavity wall at the end to be fastened to the valve connection () and a sealing ring (.) for sealing the adapter () on the valve ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Ejection liquid and ejection method

Номер: US20130068784A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

The ejection liquid of the present invention includes a compound having a guanidine group, and a carboxyl group or a sulfonic acid group in one molecule, and being represented by the general formula (1), or a salt of the compound, for the purpose of stably ejecting a solution including at least one of a protein and a peptide by imparting thermal energy to the solution.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130075421A1
Автор: Holliday Antony James

A fuel dispenser includes first and second cylinders adapted to contain respective first and second fluids, one being fuel and the other being a fuel additive such as a lubricant. First and second pistons in the cylinders displace the fluids through outlets and into a mixing line. The dispenser typically allows the volume of fluids displaced from each cylinder to be accurately controlled and adjusted in order to change the ratios. This is achieved by an adjustable aperture adapted to be opened and closed and optionally varied in degree of opening, typically by rotation of at least one of the components, to release fluid contained in the cylinder in front of the piston without passing the fluid into a mixing line. The adjustable aperture includes an aperture in a piston head, allowing the fluid in front of the piston to pass into or through the piston. 2. A dispenser according to claim 1 , further including a container claim 1 , the container being in fluid communication with the mixing line claim 1 , and wherein the flashback arrestor is provided in the container.3. A dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein the flashback arrestor is provided in the mixing line.4. A dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein the dispenser further includes an actuator adapted mechanism adapted to simultaneously move the first piston in the first cylinder and the second piston in the second cylinder claim 1 , and wherein the handle comprises a cam device adjustable to apply a first force to one of the pistons and a second force to the other of the pistons claim 1 , and wherein the first force is different from the second force.5. A dispenser according to claim 1 , further including at least one non-return valve preventing upstream movement of the first and second fluids after entering the mixing line.6. A dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first and second fluids comprises a fuel additive claim 1 , selected from the group consisting of lubricants claim 1 , oils ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079707A1

A fluid injection device includes: a pulse generation section that includes a fluid chamber whose volume is changeable, and an inlet flow passage and an outlet flow passage that are connected to the fluid chamber; a first connection flow passage connected to the outlet flow passage, having an end portion; a second connection flow passage connected to the inlet flow passage; a fluid injection opening formed at the end portion of the first connection flow passage, having a diameter smaller than the diameter of the outlet flow passage; a connection flow passage tube including the first connection flow passage and having rigidity adequate to transmit pulses of fluid flowing from the fluid chamber to the fluid injection opening; and a pressure generation section that supplies fluid to the inlet flow passage. 1. A fluid injection device comprising:a pulse generation section that includes a fluid chamber whose volume is changeable, and an inlet flow passage and an outlet flow passage that are connected to the fluid chamber, the inlet flow passage including a curved portion;a first connection flow passage connected to the outlet flow passage, having an end portion;a second connection flow passage connected to the inlet flow passage;a fluid injection opening formed at the end portion of the first connection flow passage, having a diameter smaller than a diameter of the outlet flow passage;a connection flow passage tube including the first connection flow passage and having rigidity adequate to transmit pulses of fluid flowing from the fluid chamber to the fluid injection opening; anda pressure generation section that supplies fluid to the inlet flow passage, wherein{'b': 1', '2, 'inertance L is expressed by L=ρ×h/S, where density of fluid is ρ, cross-sectional area of flow passage is S, and length of the flow passage is h, and inertance L on the inlet flow passage is greater than inertance L on the outlet flow passage.'}2. The fluid injection device according to claim 1 , ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087578A1
Автор: Brem William, Greter Andy

Proposed is a dispenser for discharging at least one flowable component from a cartridge. The dispenser comprises a cartridge holder () and an advancing element () that is slidable therein. A cartridge () can be axially inserted into the cartridge holder against a direction of advancing (V). In order to axially fix the cartridge, a rotating element () has been provided on the cartridge holder. In a first orientation the cartridge can be slid into the cartridge holder against the direction of advancing, while in the second orientation the rotating element axially fixes the inserted cartridge. Furthermore, in a third orientation the rotating element can be rotatable on the rotary axis in order to open at least one outlet opening of the cartridge. 1. A discharging device for discharging at least one flowable component from a cartridge comprising at least one reservoir , comprising:a cartridge holder; andat least one advancing element that is mounted on the cartridge holder and that is adapted to be axially advanced relative to the cartridge holder along a distal direction of advancing, which advancing element is configured to act on the at least one reservoir of the cartridge in order to dispense from the reservoir a component received in the reservoir;wherein the cartridge holder is configured in such a manner that it is possible for the cartridge to be axially inserted against the direction of advancing into the cartridge holder,wherein the discharging device further comprises a rotating element that is mounted on the cartridge holder and is axially secured relative to the cartridge holder and is rotatable at least between a first orientation and a second orientation about a rotary axis that extends along the direction of advancing, wherein in the first orientation the rotating element makes it possible to axially insert the cartridge into the cartridge holder against the direction of advancing, and wherein the rotating element is configured to axially fix the ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130092713A1
Принадлежит: Evergreen Packaging Inc.

A fitment for use in the discharge of pourable contents from a container wherein the constancy of uniform flow of contents from the container is minimally, if at all, adversely affected by the need for accommodating inflow of ambient air into the container as the contents are discharged from the container, the fitment including a conduit an exit end having an ellipsoidal cross-sectional geometry including a minor portion and an major portion, the geometry of the conduit exit being oriented uppermost toward (topwise of) the top end of the container. A method is disclosed. 1. A fitment for a container having a top end and a wall associated with the top end comprisingmeans defining an opening through said wall associated with said top end of said container,a circumferential flange member, said wall defining an conduit having entrance and exit ends through which contents of said container may be discharged,', 'at least said exit end of said conduit having a substantially ellipsoidal cross-sectional geometry having at least one major portion and at least one minor portion,, 'a wall circumscribing said opening through said container wall associated with said top end of said container and upstanding from said flange member,'}said minor portion being disposed vertically above said major portion when said fitment is affixed to said container.2. The fitment of wherein said cross-sectional geometry of at least said exit end of said conduit has an aspect ratio of less than one.3. The fitment of wherein said container and said fitment each includes a longitudinal centerplane and said centerplanes are coincident when said fitment is affixed to the top end of said container.4. The fitment of and including a cap member integrally formed in hinged relationship with said wall defining said conduit.5. The fitment of wherein said cap member includes first and second annular projections extending from a surface thereof claim 2 , said projections being spaced apart from one another to ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098498A1
Автор: Cuzydlo Michael
Принадлежит: Piramal Critical Care, Inc.

The present invention may be embodied as a device for selectively opening or closing an anesthetic reservoir, the device having a first component adaptable to a reservoir and a second component adaptable to a vaporizer. The first component may have a base, a nozzle, and a through-hole. The second component may have a support member with a knob for engaging the through-hole of the first component and preventing liquid from flowing from the through-hole. The first and second components may be threaded to engage with each other such that when the components are twisted relative to each other, the knob may move toward or away from the through-hole to prevent or allow liquid flow. 1. A device for controlling the flow of liquid anesthetic from an anesthetic reservoir comprising: (a) a base that is adapted to be fixedly secured to an opening of a reservoir; and', '(b) a nozzle attached to the base and having at least one external thread formed thereon, wherein the nozzle and the base define a passage extending therethrough; and, 'a first component having (a) an inner surface and an outer surface which is adapted to couple with a anesthetic device, wherein the inner surface has at least one internal thread engaged with the external threads to moveably couple the second component to the first component; and', '(b) an occlusion member fixedly attached to the inner surface;, 'a second component havingwhereby relative rotation between the first component and second component causes the occlusion member to move from a first position in which the passageway is open to a second position in which the passageway is sealed by the occlusion member.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the occlusion member comprises a cantilever support member having one end fixedly attached to the inner surface and a knob attached to a free end of the support member.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first component has screw threads formed in the base claim 1 , wherein the screw threads are adapted ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130101438A1
Принадлежит: ENTEGRIS, INC.

Embodiments disclosed provide a customizable dispense system implementing modular architecture, the customizable dispense system comprising a smart controller configured to operate various pneumatic pumps and motor pumps in various semiconductor manufacturing processes that are sensitive to defects in printed patterns. The smart controller is configured to, upon switching from communicating with a first pump to a second pump, automatically recognize the second pump and apply a control scheme to control the second pump, which may be a motor pump or a pneumatic pump. The switching may be due to physical disconnection of the first pump and physical connection of the second pump or it can be entirely done via software. The smart controller may be connected to track and a variety of devices, including smart filters. 1. A customizable dispense system , comprising:a smart controller configured to operate a plurality of pumps in semiconductor manufacturing processes that are sensitive to defects in printed patterns, the plurality of pumps including at least one pneumatic pump and at least one motor pump; anda plurality of lines connecting the smart controller with a track and a variety of devices, including pump heads for the at least one pneumatic pump and the at least one motor pump, wherein the smart controller is configured to, upon switching one of the plurality of lines from communicating with a first pump to a second pump, automatically recognize the second pump and apply a control scheme corresponding to the second pump.2. A customizable dispense system according to claim 1 , wherein the first pump is a pneumatic pump and the second pump is a motor pump.3. A customizable dispense system according to claim 1 , wherein both the first pump and the second pump are motor pumps.4. A customizable dispense system according to claim 1 , wherein both the first pump and the second pump are pneumatic pumps.5. A customizable dispense system according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Dispenser for viscous condiments

Номер: US20130102446A1
Принадлежит: Huhtamaki Inc

A dispenser is provided for viscous condiments. The dispenser includes a tubular sidewall having opposite ends. One opposite end is open and can receive a plunger or piston therein for applying force to condiment contained within a compartment inside of the sidewall. The other end of the sidewall includes a dispenser valve assembly comprising a member secured to an inturned flange portion of the sidewall with the flange portion being generally normal to the sidewall. The dispenser valve assembly is suitably secured to the flange portion as by heat sealing to form a composite laminated structure that is resistant to the penetration of liquids from the condiments. A bead of hot melt can be provided to seal an exposed outer edge of the dispenser valve assembly and to seal the dispenser valve assembly to the sidewall. The dispenser valve assembly includes a valve plate having one or more selectively openable discharge openings formed therein that will open and close under the influence of pressure applied to the condiment within the dispenser.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105521A1
Принадлежит: NESTEC S.A.

A method and a device for dispensing multiple portions of a fluid, the fluid being stored in a container comprising a port and a flexible dispensing tube having an inlet and an outlet, the inlet being integrally sealed to the port and visco-elastic valve is mounted in the outlet. The method comprising a compression step and a step of terminating compression wherein the method comprises a further step implemented at the end of the compression step of releasing the pressure in the tube portion between the first tube portion and the valve. 1. Method for dispensing multiple portions of a fluid , the fluid being stored in a container comprising a port and a flexible dispensing tube having an inlet and an outlet , the inlet being sealed to the port and a valve being mounted in the outlet , the valve comprising a delivery block having an input port for receiving fluid exiting the tube outlet and an internal channel beginning at the input port and terminating in at least one output port , an elastomeric membrane for enveloping the delivery block such that a portion of the elastomeric membrane covers the output port and the downstream end of the elastomeric membrane forms the valve outlet , the method comprising:a compression step during which a first portion of the flexible dispensing tube is compressed such that the fluid is compressed and forced downstream through the internal channel of the valve delivery block and the compressed fluid extends the elastomeric membrane at the output port and is able to flow between the elastomeric membrane and the delivery block and reach the valve outlet;a terminating compression step; anda further step performed at the end of the compression step comprising releasing the pressure between the first tube portion and the valve by rotating a peristaltic pump in a direction opposite to the pumping direction.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the compression step is performed by rotation of a peristaltic pump.38-. (canceled)9. Method ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112711A1

A hot melt system includes a melt system, a feed system, and a dispensing system. Unlike traditional hot melt systems, the melt system is directly connected to a motor-driven pump of the dispensing system, without an intervening accumulation device. 1. A hot melt system comprising:a melt system capable of heating hot melt pellets into a liquid;a feed system for transporting hot melt pellets to the melt system; and a motor;', 'a pump driven by the motor; and', 'a dispenser directly connected to the pump., 'a dispensing system for administering liquefied hot melt pellets from the melt system, the dispensing system including2. The hot melt system of claim 1 , further comprising a container for storing unmelted hot melt pellets claim 1 , and from which the feed system receives hot melt pellets.3. The hot melt system of claim 1 , wherein the pump has a changeover time of less than 250 milliseconds.4. The hot melt system of claim 1 , wherein the motor is an air motor.5. The hot melt system of claim 3 , wherein the motor is a double acting piston pump.6. The hot melt system of claim 1 , wherein the dispenser comprises a manifold and a dispensing module claim 1 , the dispensing module having an outlet.7. The hot melt system of claim 6 , wherein the pump has an outlet and the dispenser manifold has an inlet claim 6 , and the outlet of the pump is directly connected to the inlet of the dispenser manifold.8. The hot melt system of claim 6 , wherein the manifold has an outlet and the dispensing module has an inlet claim 6 , and the outlet of the manifold is directly connected to the inlet of the dispensing module.9. The hot melt system of claim 6 , further comprising a plurality of outlets from the dispenser manifold.10. The hot melt system of claim 1 , wherein the dispenser is coupled to the pump via a coupling that defines a fixed flow path volume.11. A hot melt adhesive dispensing system claim 1 , comprising:a motor;a pump having a changeover time of less than 250 ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Displacement Syringe

Номер: US20130126559A1
Принадлежит: Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH

A displacement syringe having a housing with a distal tip and a proximal end; a moveable outer plunger within the housing having an elongated passageway; at least one moveable inner plunger within the passageway of the outer plunger; at least one first seal between the outer plunger and the housing; and at least one second seal between the inner plunger and the outer plunger is disclosed herein. The syringe may have a lock at the proximal end of the housing and/or a valve at the distal tip of the housing. The syringe may also have a plurality of inner plungers of various diameters. A transfer system and delivery system are also disclosed herein. Methods to accurately and efficiently deliver small volumes using the displacement syringe are also disclosed. 1. A syringe comprising:a housing having a distal tip and a proximal end;a moveable outer plunger within the housing having an elongated passageway;at least one moveable inner plunger within the passageway of the outer plunger;at least one first seal between the outer plunger and the housing; andat least one second seal between the inner plunger and the outer plunger.2. The syringe of claim 1 , further comprising a locking mechanism.3. The syringe of claim 1 , further comprising a a valve at the distal tip of the housing.4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the inner plunger is a centerless ground rod claim 1 , threaded screw claim 1 , or combination.8. (canceled)9. The syringe of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of inner plungers with various diameters.10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the inner plunger is moveable within the outer plunger claim 1 , inside the housing claim 1 , or into the distal tip.14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the inner plunger is stepped or tapered.17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. (canceled)20. The syringe of claim 1 , wherein the first seal and the second seal are ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Container and Closure

Номер: US20130134057A1

An improved container provides a container body and a closure. In some embodiments, a scooping utensil retainer is disposed on the closure. The scooping utensil retainer includes opposing flanges protruding from the closure surface. A flange rib protrudes from the first flange into the flange gap, extending from the closure surface to the distal end of the flange. A tapered retainer gap is provided between flanges for resiliently clamping the handle of a scooping utensil. In some embodiments, the closure can include an annular ridge shaped for engaging a downwardly extending skirt on a like container when two like containers are vertically stacked. In some embodiments the container body includes an in-mold label affixed to a substantially straight side wall, the in-mold label covering at least about 95% of the exterior surface area of the container body. 1. A container for storing material , the container comprising:a container body having a side wall;a closure attached to the container body;a base attached to the side wall;a skirt extending coextensively downward from the side wall substantially surrounding the base, the skirt including a skirt end defining an inner skirt surface substantially facing the base; andan annular ridge extending upward from the closure, the annular ridge shaped to mate with the inner skirt surface of a like container when two like containers are vertically stacked.2. The container of claim 1 , further comprising the base including a bottom interior surface.3. The container of claim 2 , further comprising a rounded interior corner defining a first radius of curvature between the side wall and the bottom interior surface.4. The container of claim 3 , further comprising a scooping utensil having a utensil bowl disposed in the container.5. The container of claim 4 , wherein the utensil bowl has a second radius of curvature.6. The container of claim 5 , wherein the first radius of curvature is substantially equal to the second radius of ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134188A1

A cartridge-type dispenser has a cartridge main body with a filling space, an extrusion nozzle on the front, and a piston slidably disposed in the filling space. The piston extrudes contents of the filling space from the extrusion nozzle by applying a push-in force. The piston includes a trunk portion having an outer circumferential wall running along an inner wall of the main body with a gap therebetween, a front wall on one end of the trunk portion directly contacting the contents of the filling space, and a rear wall on the other end whereon a rod of a push-in tool applies the push-in force on the piston. On the outer circumferential wall of the trunk portion, protrusions are provided, which contact the inner circumferential wall of the main body. The points of contact form sliding parts of the piston but do not seal the main body interior. 1. A cartridge-type dispenser comprising: a cartridge main body defining a filling space for contents and provided with an extrusion nozzle at a front end portion of the cartridge main body; and a piston slidably arranged in the filling space of the cartridge main body and configured to cause the contents of the filling space to be extruded from an end of the extrusion nozzle in response to application of a push-in force , wherein:the piston includes (i) a trunk portion having an outer circumferential wall arranged opposite to an inner circumferential wall of the cartridge main body so as to define a gap therebetween, (ii) a front end wall portion provided at one end portion of the trunk portion in direct contact with the contents of the filling space, and (iii) a rear end wall portion provided at another end portion of the trunk portion to be pressed with a rod of a push-in tool for application of the push-in force to the piston; andthe outer circumferential wall of the trunk portion is provided with a protrusion, which is in contact with the inner circumferential wall of the cartridge main body to form a sliding part of the ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134189A1
Принадлежит: Kotobuki & Co., Ltd.

A knock-type propelling container includes a body storing a medium therein and having a tip end opening for allowing the medium to be propelled therefrom, a propelling member slidably arranged in the body and capable of propelling the medium toward the opening, the propelling member being provided with a forward/rearward extending prolongation portion having engaging-stop portions formed at fixed intervals in a forward/rearward direction, a knock member provided at the body so as to be reciprocably moved relative to the body, a thrusting member arranged in the body so as to be moved forward by knocking the knock member, and having an engagement portion engageable with the engaging-stop portions, and a detent member fixedly arranged in the body and engageable with the propelling member. 1. A knock-type propelling container comprising:a body storing a medium therein and having a tip end opening for allowing the medium to be propelled therefrom;a propelling member arranged in the body so as to be slidable in a forward/rearward direction of the body and capable of propelling the medium toward the tip end opening;the propelling member being provided with a forward/rearward extending prolongation portion which has a series of engaging-stop portions formed at fixed intervals in the forward/rearward direction;a knock member provided at the body so as to be reciprocably moved with respect to the body;a thrusting member arranged in the body and always biased in a rearward direction;the thrusting member being adapted to be moved forward by knocking the knock member and provided with an engagement portion engageable with the engaging-stop portions; anda detent member fixedly arranged in the body and engageable with the engaging-stop portions;the portion being configured in such a manner that the engaging-stop portions thereof slip forward relative to the detent member but do not slip rearward relative to the detent member and are maintained in an engagement state with the ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130137621A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co., KGaA

A cartridge, in particular for use in water-conveying household appliances, encompassing an enzyme-containing preparation that contains at least one enzyme protein and has a specific heat capacity cat 20° C. of less than 3.8 J/(g*K), preferably less than 3.0 J/(g*K), and is stocked in a cartridge or cartridge chamber having an internal volume of between 20 and 500 ml and an average wall thickness of between 0.1 and 2 mm, and the cartridge material has a specific heat capacity cat 20° C. of between 1 and 2 J/(g*K), preferably between 1.15 and 1.9 J/(g*K), particularly preferably between 1.5 and 1.8 J/(g*K). 1. A cartridge for use in water-conveying household appliances , comprising an enzyme-containing preparation that contains at least one enzyme protein and has a specific heat capacity cat 20° C. of less than 3.8 J/(g*K) , preferably less than 3.0 J/(g*K) , and is stocked in a cartridge or cartridge chamber having an internal volume of between 20 and 500 ml and an average wall thickness of between 0.1 and 2 mm , and wherein the cartridge material has a specific heat capacity cat 20° C. of between 1 and 2 J/(g*K).2. The cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein the enzyme-containing preparation contains at least 0.005 wt % of at least one enzyme protein.3. The cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein one or more enzyme protein(s) are selected from the group of the amylases claim 1 , proteases claim 1 , cellulases claim 1 , and/or lipases.4. The cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein at least two are provided in ora cartridge claim 1 , preparations differing from one another being stocked in the chambers.5. The cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein the cartridge material of the chamber(s) that contain(s) no enzyme protein has/have a specific heat capacity cat 20° C. of between 1 and 2 J/(g*K).6. The cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein the preparations in the chamber(s) that contain(s) no enzyme protein has/have a specific heat capacity cat 20° C. of less ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Fluid container having plurality of chambers, valves, and air bag assembly

Номер: US20130141497A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

A fluid container includes a housing unit including a free-fluid chamber, a regulated chamber, and a plurality of valves. The free-fluid chamber is configured to store fluid. The regulated chamber includes an air bag assembly, an outlet, and a plurality of states. The air bag assembly is configured to regulate respective fluid therein and includes at least one air bag including an internal chamber having a volume capacity. The outlet is configured to transport the respective fluid from the regulated chamber. At least one of the plurality of valves is configured to selectively stop fluid communication between the regulated chamber and the free-fluid chamber based on the respective state of the regulated chamber.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Locking aerosol actuators

Номер: US20130146611A1
Автор: Steven A. Sell
Принадлежит: MeadWestvaco Calmar Inc

An aerosol actuator which may be connected to a container to form an aerosol delivery system or package wherein the aerosol actuator includes four parts: a base, a trigger, a locking ring, and an orifice cup; the locking ring including a lock stop and the trigger including a locking post to lock and unlock actuation of the aerosol actuator.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Medicament dispensing machine and medicament dispensing method

Номер: US20130153594A1
Принадлежит: YUYAMA MFG CO LTD

The disclosed device and method increase the accommodation amount of blister packages, can dispense quickly and are capable of always positioning in a prescribed position and dispensing in the right manner, even when dispensing fractions. A storage container (), wherein blister packages () are accommodated in a stacked state, is provided with an outlet () and an opening/closing door (). The opening/closing door () is provided with: a holding part () which can move to a holding position which holds the blister package () being discharged from the outlet in the storage container () and a releasing position which releases the package; a biasing part which biases the holding part () to the holding position; and a reference surface, which, when the holding part is moved to the releasing position, the lower edge part of the blister package can come into contact with, and which enables positioning to be carried out. A gripping member () is provided with an action part () which moves the holding part () against a biasing force of the biasing part, from the holding position to the releasing position, grips the blister package () held in the holding part () of the opening/closing door (), and can transport the blister package () toward a cutting member (), and transport the remainder of the blister package () after the fraction is cut by the cutting member (), so the remainder is held in the holding part () of the opening/closing door (). 2. The medicine dispensing device according to claim 1 , wherein the gripping member includes a pair of holding pieces that is openable and closable claim 1 , and a sensor that is capable of detecting the blister package.3. The medicine dispensing device according to claim 1 , wherein the opening/closing door can be positioned at a normal dispensing position and at a fraction dispensing position claim 1 , the normal dispensing position allowing a dispensing operation of the blister package by the dispensing member claim 1 , and the fraction ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153606A1
Автор: Toporek Maurice

The invention relates to an actuator for dispensing fluid from a cartridge, the actuator being configured to be moveable within the cartridge along the longitudinal axis of the cartridge and comprising a first radial element configured to face the dispensing opening of the cartridge, a second radial element configured to face in the opposite direction than the first radial element and a connecting element connecting the first and the second radial element and configured to extend along the longitudinal axis of the cartridge. 119-. (canceled)20. Actuator for dispensing fluid from a cartridge , the actuator being configured to be moveable within the cartridge along the longitudinal axis (L) of the cartridge and comprising:a first radial element configured to face the dispensing opening of the cartridge,a second radial element configured to face in the opposite direction than the first radial element anda connecting element connecting the first and the second radial element and configured to have a length along the longitudinal axis (L) of the cartridge,wherein the connecting element comprises length variation means for variation of the longitudinal length of the connecting element,wherein the first radial element comprises a first locking means and the second radial element comprises a second locking means, andwherein the locking means are configured for releasably locking each of the first and the second radial element separately against movement along the longitudinal axis (L) of the cartridge and to be activated and released by the length variation means depending on the variation of the longitudinal length of the connecting element,wherein the locking means comprise stopping parts which are moveable in the radial direction of the actuator,wherein the locking means are passive locking means without active drive, triggered by the direction of the length variation movement of the length variation means.21. The actuator according to claim 20 , wherein the first ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160621A1

A caulking gun may have a tip cutter mechanism that is supported to the body of the caulking gun and that has a blade with a cutting edge. When the dispensing tip of a caulk tube is properly positioned with respect to the body, the blade may be moved with respect to the body to contact the dispensing tip with the cutting edge and cut the dispensing tip of the caulk tube to adjust the amount of caulk material that is dispensed. 1. A caulking gun for use with an associated caulk tube comprising a canister and a dispensing tip through which caulk material in the canister is dispensed , the caulking gun comprising:a body having a tube housing for housing the associated caulk tube while caulk material is dispensed;a piston assembly that is supported to the body and that comprises: (1) a piston rod; and, (2) a piston attached to the piston rod;a trigger mechanism that is supported to the body and that comprises: (1) a trigger that: (a) comprises a contact surface; and, (b) is movable with respect to the body; and (2) an advance plate that grips the piston rod;a tip cutter mechanism, supported to the body, comprising a blade having a cutting edge;wherein the trigger mechanism is operable by moving the trigger with respect to the body to contact the advance plate with the second contact surface of the control cam to move the piston rod and the piston to cause the caulk material to dispense through the dispensing tip; and,wherein when the dispensing tip is positioned properly with respect to the blade, the blade is movable with respect to the body, while being supported to the body, to contact the dispensing tip with the cutting edge and cut the dispensing tip of the associated caulk tube to adjust the amount of caulk material that is dispensed.2. The caulking gun of further comprising:structure supported to the body and comprising a first tip reception opening; and,wherein the dispensing tip is properly positionable with respect to the blade when the dispensing tip is ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130161353A1
Автор: Baldelli Enrico
Принадлежит: Sulzer Mixpac AG

A dispensing device for a multi component cartridge includes a housing in which a reception element for receiving a cartridge end of the multicomponent cartridge is arranged. The cartridge end is located at the inlet side of a first and second storage container filled with a filling mass and respectively sealed in a fluid tight manner at the cartridge end by a respective piston. A plunger arrangement and a drive arrangement for moving the plunger arrangement are arranged in the housing. A movement of the plunger arrangement in a dispensing direction can be carried out by the drive arrangement for dispensing the filling mass from the storage containers of the multicomponent cartridge. The reception element has an axis of rotation which is substantially arranged in parallel to the dispensing direction. The cartridge end pushed into the reception element can be transferred from an assembly position into a dispensing position by a rotation about the axis of rotation. 1. A dispensing device for a multi component cartridge including a housing in which a reception element for receiving a cartridge end of the multicomponent cartridge is arranged , wherein the cartridge end is located at the inlet side of a first and second storage container filled with a filling mass and respectively sealed in a fluid tight manner at the cartridge end by a respective piston , wherein a plunger arrangement and a drive arrangement for moving the plunger arrangement are arranged in the housing , wherein a movement of the plunger arrangement in a dispensing direction can be carried out by the drive arrangement for dispensing the filling mass from the storage containers of the multicomponent cartridge , wherein the reception element has an axis of rotation which is substantially arranged in parallel to the dispensing direction , characterized in that the cartridge end pushed into the reception element can be transferred from an assembly position into a dispensing position by a rotation about the ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Hopper and Medicine Supply Apparatus Including the Same

Номер: US20130161356A1
Автор: Kawata Kenji

A hopper having a passage through which a medicine can be passed downward is provided. The hopper is configured to cause rippling vibration on an inner surface thereof by an external force applied to the hopper. According to this configuration, the rippling vibration applies a force to the medicine to separate the medicine away from the inner surface of the hopper. This prevents the medicine from easily adhering to the hopper. 1. A hopper having a passage through which a medicine can be passed downward , wherein the hopper is configured to cause rippling vibration on an inner surface thereof by an external force applied to the hopper.2. The hopper according to claim 1 , wherein the external force is vibration applied over the entire hopper claim 1 , andthe vibration of the external force is different from the vibration on the inner surface in terms of phase, amplitude, or cycle at a given time.3. The hopper according to claim 1 , wherein the hopper is made of an elastic material.4. A medicine supply apparatus comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a hopper according to ; and'}a vibrator that provides vibration to the hopper.5. The medicine supply apparatus according to claim 4 , further comprising a hopper holder that holds the hopper claim 4 , wherein the hopper holder includes the vibrator.6. The medicine supply apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein the hopper holder is supported by a vertically displaceable spring.7. The medicine supply apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein the hopper holder holds the hopper at a portion between an upper end and a lower end of the hopper.8. The hopper according to claim 2 , wherein the hopper is made of an elastic material.9. A medicine supply apparatus comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00002', 'claim 2'}, 'a hopper according to ; and'}a vibrator that provides vibration to the hopper.10. A medicine supply apparatus comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00003', 'claim 3'}, 'a hopper according ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Caulking gun with drip free mechanism

Номер: US20130161361A1
Принадлежит: Sherwin Williams Co

A caulking gun that dispenses caulking material may have a drip free mechanism that is operable to prevent additional caulk material from being dispensed. In another embodiment a caulking gun may have a lever that can be adjusted to permit additional caulk material to be dispensed.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168407A1
Автор: Silagy Jeff

An apparatus for dispensing incontinence products includes a base defining a base axis and having an internal chamber, and a support disposed within the internal chamber of the base. The support is arranged to support at least two incontinence products in superposed relation. The support is dimensioned and adapted to translate within the internal chamber along the base axis to direct the incontinence products toward an access opening associated with the base to permit individual and/or sequential removal of the incontinence products through the access opening by the user. 1. An apparatus for dispensing incontinence products , which comprises:a base defining a base axis and having an internal chamber; anda support disposed within the internal chamber of the base, the support arranged to support at least two incontinence products in superposed relation, the support dimensioned and adapted to translate within the internal chamber along the base axis to direct the incontinence products toward an access opening associated with the base to permit sequential removal of the incontinence products through the access opening by the user.2. The apparatus according to including a biasing member in operative engagement with the support claim 1 , the biasing member dimensioned to bias the support to translate along the base axis toward the access opening.3. The apparatus according to wherein the biasing member includes a spring claim 2 , the spring disposed in operative engagement with the support member.4. The apparatus according to including first and second spring in operative engagement with the support member and cooperating to bias the support member toward the access opening.5. The apparatus according to including a lid mounted to the base claim 2 , the lid defining a lid aperture claim 2 , the lid aperture being the access opening.6. The apparatus according to wherein the lid is adapted to move between an open position to permit loading of the internal chamber of the base ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168415A1
Автор: Bacon Raymond John

The invention relates a metering device for fluids from a containment volume. The metering device is a means to dispense metered volumes of fluids such as detergents, medicaments, lotions and the like. The invention further provides a container for fluid material to be dispensed in metered doses. 1. A metering device for fluids from a containment volume , the metering device comprising:an exit from the containment volume through which the fluid material is pressurised above ambient pressure,a metering chamber,a first valve for allowing a dose of the fluid material to flow from the exit into the metering chamber and fill the chamber to meter the dose, a dispensing outlet open to ambient pressure,a second valve allowing the fluid material in the metering chamber to flow from metering chamber to the dispensing outlet andmanually operable means for co-ordinating action of the valves whereby when the first valve is open for filling the metering chamber the second valve is closed and vice versa.2. A metering device for fluids from a containment volume as claimed in wherein the first and second valves are kink valves.3. A metering device for fluids from a containment volume as claimed in wherein the fluid material is pressurised above ambient pressure by means of a propellant.4. A metering device for fluids from a containment volume as claimed in wherein the fluid material is pressurised above ambient pressure by means of a resilient diaphragm.5. A metering device for fluids from a containment volume as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the metering chamber is a compliant or resilient chamber.6. A metering device for fluids from a containment volume as claimed in wherein the compliant or resilient chamber is a diaphragm claim 5 , elastic membrane claim 5 , bellows bottle or flexible container.7. A metering device for fluids from a containment volume as claimed in wherein the device is a metered drug delivery device and the fluid is a drug.8. A metering device for fluids from a ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Fluid Dispenser Having a One-Way Valve, Pump, Variable-Volume Storage Chamber, and a Needle Penetrable and Laser Resealable Portion

Номер: US20130175299A1
Автор: Py Daniel, Ting Joseph M.

A dispenser for dispensing a fluid includes a rigid vial that has a main fluid chamber containing a fluid, and a pump assembly that is in fluid communication with the main fluid chamber and is configured to dispense a predetermined quantity of fluid from the main fluid chamber. A flexible bladder is provided which is located within the main fluid chamber and is configured to expand to fill the ullage created within the main fluid chamber during dispensing of fluid by the pump assembly. The resilient bladder tends to force itself outwardly toward the rigid vial and, in turn, increases the pressure within the main fluid chamber in comparison to the interior of the bladder to thereby prevent the ingress of air or vapors through the bladder or otherwise into the main fluid chamber. 1. A dispenser for dispensing a fluid , comprising:a rigid housing;a flexible bladder mounted within the housing and defining an interior chamber within the flexible bladder, and a fluid-receiving chamber between the flexible bladder and the rigid housing; andfirst means for creating a first pressure within the fluid-receiving chamber greater than a second pressure within the interior chamber of the bladder and thereby preventing the ingress of gases or vapors into the fluid-receiving chamber.2. A dispenser as defined in claim 1 , further comprising:a pump coupled in fluid communication with the fluid-receiving chamber for pumping a fluid received therein from the dispenser; anda one-way valve coupled in fluid communication with the pump for allowing the passage of the pumped fluid therethrough and preventing the passage of fluids in the opposite direction.3. A dispenser as defined in claim 1 , wherein the flexible bladder is movable between a collapsed condition upon filling the fluid-receiving chamber with a fluid and an expanded condition upon dispensing the fluid from the fluid-receiving chamber.4. A dispenser as defined in claim 3 , wherein the first means is formed by a resilient ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175301A1
Автор: Ray Eugene W.
Принадлежит: GOJO Industries, Inc.

Liquid dispenser systems, pumps for use in liquid dispenser systems, and disposable/replaceable liquid container units for use in liquid dispenser systems are disclosed. A refill unit for refilling a liquid dispenser system comprises a container for holding a supply of liquid and a pump connected to the container. The pump comprises a fitment portion configured for attachment to a liquid container, and a pump portion which comprises an upper valve member and a lower valve member disposed along a common longitudinal axis, such that the fitment portion and the pump portion are formed as one integral piece. 1. A refill unit for a liquid dispenser system , the refill unit comprising:a liquid container for holding a supply of liquid; anda pump connected to the liquid container,the pump comprising a fitment portion and a pump portion,wherein the fitment portion is configured for attachment to the liquid container, and the pump portion comprises an upper valve member and a lower valve member disposed along a common longitudinal axis;wherein the fitment portion and the pump portion are formed as one integral piece.2. The refill unit of wherein the pump portion comprises a bellows.3. The refill unit of wherein the upper valve and the lower valve are formed of one integral piece.4. The refill unit of wherein the upper valve and the lower valve are connected to each other by a resilient member.5. The refill unit of wherein the upper valve and the lower valve are separate pieces but are connected to each other.6. The refill unit of further comprising an outlet cap.7. The refill unit of wherein the liquid container is in the form of a plastic bag.8. The refill unit of wherein the fitment further comprises one or more locking tabs.9. A pump comprising:a unitary pump body including a fitment portion and a bellows portion;a substantially straight passage extending through the pump body;the passage having a proximal inlet end near the fitment portion and a distal outlet end opposite ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181008A1

A cartridge system has two cartridges and a discharge opening, wherein the cartridges are delimited by cartridge walls and by a cartridge head, wherein at least one cartridge opening for expelling the cartridge contents from both cartridges is provided in each case in the cartridge head. A device regulates streams of fluid from the cartridges and is arranged rotatably or slideably on the cartridge head, wherein on at least two openings at least one wing is in each case arranged which at least in some areas protrudes past the opening, such that a flow through the openings applies to the device a force which force leads to a sliding or turning of the device against the cartridge head, such that a housing having a discharge opening is arranged on the cartridge head, in which the housing is arranged so as to rotate or slide. 1108010201203013023010. A cartridge system , for mixing and applying two fluids , comprising two cartridges () and a dispensing opening () , whereby the cartridges () are bordered through cartridge walls and through a cartridge head ( , ) , whereby at least one cartridge opening ( , , ) , each for expelling the cartridge contents from both cartridges () , is provided in the cartridge head , wherein{'b': 40', '140', '240', '10', '20', '120', '60', '160', '260', '50', '150', '250', '30', '130', '230', '40', '140', '240', '20', '120', '50', '150', '250', '60', '160', '260', '50', '150', '250', '50', '150', '250', '60', '160', '260', '40', '140', '240', '50', '150', '250', '40', '140', '240', '20', '120', '30', '130', '230', '40', '140', '240', '20', '120', '70', '80', '40', '140', '240, 'a device (, , ), for regulating fluid flows from the cartridges (), is arranged on the cartridge head (, ) and comprises at least two wings (, , ) and at least two openings (, , ) which overlap, at least partly, with at least two cartridge openings (, , ), whereby the device (, , ) is arranged on the cartridge head (, ) such as to be rotatable or shiftable, whereby at ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Reconfigurable applicator system having combination trigger actuation

Номер: US20130186912A1
Автор: Stanley Yeh

A reconfigurable applicator system for extrusive dispensing of a work material is provided. The system includes a body portion having an actuator coupled thereto. A frame portion coupled to the body portion defines a support structure for at least one cartridge unit containing the work material. A combination trigger handle portion is coupled to the body portion to be adjustable between angularly displaced first and second grip positions relative to the frame portion. The combination trigger handle portion includes at least first and second selectable triggers coupled to the actuator, which responds to each of the first and second triggers to actuate extrusive dispensing of the work material from the cartridge unit. The combination trigger handle portion in the first and second grip positions alternatively configures the system between overhand and underhand configurations.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Multi-component dispenser

Номер: US20130193163A1
Принадлежит: Polymer Systems Ltd

A dispensing device for a multi-component composition comprises a plurality of collapsible bag compartments ( 109, 110 ) located within a housing ( 101 ). The compartments extend adjacent each other and have cross-sectional areas that are proportional to an intended volume mixing ratio for the multi-component composition. Each compartment has an opening ( 123 ) that communicates with a device outlet at one end of the housing, and an opposite, sealed end that is exposed to pressure from a compression device ( 103 ). The compression device acts to collapse the compartments and dispenses the components through the device outlet. The components have different viscosities. The chamber of a less viscous component has a flow control regulator ( 111 ) to compensate for extra pressure exerted on that compartment by an adjacent compartment containing a more viscous component. The flow control regulator restricts the flow of the less viscous component, thereby achieving a volume mixing ratio that is closer to the intended volume mixing ratio.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Substantially rigid collapsible liner, container and/or liner for replacing glass bottles, and enhanced flexible liners

Номер: US20130193164A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Technology Materials Inc

The present disclosure relates to a blow-molded, rigid collapsible liner that can be suitable particularly for smaller storage and dispensing systems. The rigid collapsible liner may be a stand-alone liner, e.g., used without an outer container, and may be dispensed from a fixed pressure dispensing can. Folds in the rigid collapsible liner may be substantially eliminated, thereby substantially reducing or eliminating the problems associated with pinholes, weld tears, and overflow. The present disclosure also relates to systems and liners, including the liners just mentioned, that may be used as alternatives to, or replacements for, simple rigid-wall containers, such as those made of glass. Such advantageous systems and liners may replace simple rigid-wall containers in a system for delivering a high purity material to a semiconductor process substantially without modification to an end user's existing pump dispense or pressure dispense systems.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193167A1

A dispenser comprising an inner barrel, outer shell, screw member, platform and control member; the outer shell, screw member and control member having configurations that provides for particular engagement features in the assembled dispenser, including features that compensate for dimensional variation. 1. A dispenser comprising:A) an inner barrel comprising a tubular sidewall and a bottom wall that together define an interior space of the inner barrel, wherein the bottom wall of the inner barrel includes an opening surrounded by an inner collar that extends upward from such bottom wall into the interior space of the inner barrel and an outer collar that extends downward from the bottom wall of the inner barrel, the inner collar and the outer collar each comprising an inner and outer surface; wherein the tubular sidewall of the inner barrel terminates at its upper end in an upper edge, the tubular sidewall of the inner barrel further comprising an external ridge that is optionally chamfered;B) an outer shell comprising a tubular side wall and a bottom wall that together define an interior space of the outer shell that holds the inner barrel, the tubular sidewall of the outer shell terminating at its upper end in an upper edge that is optionally chamfered; [ a) one or more lugs,', 'b) a sealing means, and', 'c) a barrel snap; and, 'i) a base comprising, 'ii) a threaded shaft;, 'C) a screw member comprisingD) a moveable platform; andE) a control member comprising a tubular sidewall and a top wall that together define an interior space of the control member, i. the interior space of the outer shell surrounds the inner barrel, with the outer collar of the inner barrel extending outside of the interior space of the outer shell through an opening in the bottom wall of the outer shell; the external ridge of the inner barrel engages with the upper edge of the outer shell; and the inner barrel and outer shell do not move in relation to one another;', 'ii. the screw member ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193168A1
Автор: Ginter Herbert
Принадлежит: Hilti Aktiengesellschaft

In the case of a dispenser for packs containing single-component or multi-component compounds, having a receptacle for the pack, having at least one piston rod and having an advancing mechanism for moving the at least one piston rod in the direction of the receptacle, whereby the advancing mechanism has at least one clamping element that can engage with the piston rod and that can be detachably clamped to the at least one piston rod in order to move it, it is provided that the advancing mechanism is movably joined to the receptacle for the pack in such a way that the advancing mechanism with the piston rod can be moved along the advancing axis out of a first position into a second position. This can prevent or minimize afterflow of the compounds. 1. A dispenser for at least one pack containing a single-component or multi-component compound , the dispenser comprising:a receptacle for the pack;at least one piston rod; andan advancing mechanism for moving the at least one piston rod in a direction of the receptacle so as to define an advancing direction, the advancing mechanism having at least one clamping element engageable with the piston rod and detachably clampable to the at least one piston rod in order to move the at least one pison rod, the advancing mechanism with the piston rod being movably joined to the receptacle for the pack in such a way that the advancing mechanism with the piston rod can be moved along an advancing axis out of a first position into a second position relative to the receptacle.2. The dispenser as recited in wherein the advancing mechanism is joined to the receptacle for the pack in such a way that the advancing mechanism claim 1 , together with the at least one piston rod claim 1 , is movable opposite to the advancing direction.3. The dispenser as recited in wherein the advancing mechanism is movable at least one of actively and passively.4. The dispenser as recited in wherein the advancing mechanism and the receptacle for the pack are ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Metering device

Номер: US20130200110A1
Принадлежит: F Holzer GmbH

The invention relates to a metering device for metered dispensing of a fluid, in which a storage container is connected to a metering head, a spindle being guided in the metering head and having a through-channel for the fluid to be transported.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206774A1

A container is provided. In exemplary embodiments, a container may comprise side wall, a top edge surrounding an opening, bottom portion; a voluminous body defined by a volume within the side wall and the bottom portion; a support platform for supporting a product within the container; and a spring positioned between an inner surface of the bottom portion and a bottom surface of the support platform. 1. A spring-loaded container comprising:a side wall;a top edge surrounding an opening;a bottom portion;a voluminous body defined by a volume within the side wall and the bottom portion;a support platform for supporting a product within the container; anda spring positioned between an inner surface of the bottom portion and a bottom surface of the support platform.2. The spring-loaded container of claim 1 , further comprising:a sealing means adapted to fit over the top edge and seal the voluminous body.3. The spring-loaded container of claim 2 , wherein the sealing means comprises at least one of a lid claim 2 , a cap claim 2 , and a peelable tab.4. The spring-loaded container of claim 2 , wherein the sealing means is removably affixed over the opening by an adhesive.5. The spring-loaded container of claim 1 , wherein the support platform comprises a substantially planar disc having a diameter substantially similar to the diameter of an inner surface of the side wall.6. The spring loaded container of claim 1 , wherein the support platform comprises a food grade acceptable material.7. The spring-loaded container of claim 1 , wherein the side wall and bottom portion comprise at least one of a polymer claim 1 , a metal claim 1 , a metal alloy claim 1 , and glass.8. The spring-loaded container of claim 1 , wherein the spring is a compression spring adapted to operate with a compression load.9. The spring-loaded container of claim 8 , wherein the compression spring comprises at least one of a coil spring claim 8 , a flat spring claim 8 , and a helical spring.10. The spring- ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Synthetic resin container having inverted, folded back bottom wall

Номер: US20130206796A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a synthetic resin container provided with an inverting, foldback bottom wall that can maintain a stable, self-supporting position while being able to minimize the amount of residual contents, and that can be formed by blow-molding, etc., and maintain the favorable producibility or low cost of the past. The synthetic resin container is provided with a bottom wall that forms the bottom of the container, and a drum section that is united to the perimeter of the bottom wall and forms a filling space M for contents on the inside, and is a synthetic resin container wherein a raised bottom is formed by inverting and folding back said bottom wall toward said drum section. Said drum section has a lower peripheral wall that touches or approaches the outer wall part of said bottom wall and forms a self-supporting base by the inversion and folding back of said bottom wall.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209159A1
Автор: GOOSSENS Francis
Принадлежит: Grocon bvba

The invention is a reservoir having a piston assembly for filing and/or dispensing fluids contained in the reservoir. The refillable reservoir includes a cylinder defining a reservoir for containing a fluid; a piston body axially slidable in the reservoir; and a piston rod releasably fixed to the piston body for actuating the piston body. A first locking mechanism is provided between the piston body and the cylinder. A second locking mechanism is provided between the piston body and the piston rod. 2. The refillable reservoir according to claim 1 , wherein the first locking mechanism comprises a lock preventing rotation of the piston body around an axial axis of the cylinder in a first direction when in a locked position.3. The refillable reservoir according to claim 2 , wherein the first locking mechanism comprises a lock preventing axial displacement of the piston body when in a locked position.4. The refillable reservoir according to claim 1 , wherein the first locking mechanism is provided between a distal end of the piston body and a distal end of the cylinder.5. The refillable reservoir according to claim 3 , wherein the first locking mechanism comprises a slot provided on the cylinder and a hook provided on the piston body or vice versa.6. The refillable reservoir according to claim 1 , wherein a wedge provided between the piston body and the cylinder claim 1 , wherein the wedge is oriented axially in view of the cylinder such as to force the piston body to move axially when releasing the first locking mechanism.7. The refillable reservoir according to claim 2 , wherein the second locking mechanism locks the piston rod in view of the piston body against rotation in a second direction claim 2 , opposite to said first direction.8. The refillable reservoir according to claim 1 , wherein the piston body comprises a through opening whereby the piston rod slidably extends through said opening.9. The refillable reservoir according to claim 8 , wherein the piston rod ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209333A1

A method and apparatus for opening a reaction vessel having a body forming a volume for liquid, and a lid. In the method at least one reaction vessel is placed on a transport vehicle and the reaction vessel is positioned on the vehicle so that the vessel's rotation about its own axis is prevented. Then, the at least one reaction vessel is transferred on the vehicle and a guide rod, attached to the lid that is attached by a hinge to the reaction vessel, is pushed by the movement of the vehicle against a guide surface that forces the lid to turn on the hinge so that the lid is at least partially opened. 1. A reaction vessel that can be opened and closed , the vessel comprising a body forming a volume for liquid , an opening and a lid for closing the opening , wherein:a guide rail for positioning the reaction vessel on a seat so that the reaction vessel's rotation about its own axis is prevented,a hinge for attaching the lid to the reaction vessel, anda guide rod, attached to the lid and extending therefrom.2. The vessel according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , a force can be applied to push said guide rod so that the guide rod and the lid turn on the hinge to open said lid.3. The vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the guide rod extends outwards from the outer surface of said lid so that the guide rod remains horizontally within the edge of the lid when the lid is in a closed position.4. The vessel according to the claim 3 , wherein the guide rod is mounted on the lid between the center point of said lid and said hinge.5. The vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the vessel claim 1 , the lid and the hinge are made of a single piece of material.6. The vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the vessel has a stopping collar under the gripping collar and the stopping collar has at least one modified surface part for preventing vessel rotation in a robot gripper claim 1 , the surface part being preferably two opposite flat faces claim 1 , one on each side of the vessel.7. ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Box, rack, system and method for the presentation of products

Номер: US20130212985A1
Автор: Werner Ringler

A box includes a floor, two end walls and two side walls. In the floor, a plurality of openings are provided, which are dimensioned to each receive a supporting bar. The openings are arranged to evenly lift a carrier introduced into the box with supporting bars introduced into the openings and position the same at a position above the floor. A rack for receiving such a box includes a supporting frame and the plurality of supporting bars which are mountable to the supporting frame. Further, a system and a method for the presentation of products are described.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Dispensing device for edible goods and/or novelties

Номер: US20130213998A1
Принадлежит: Brookstone Purchasing Inc

A dispensing device may include a main body including a wall having a dispensing mouth defined in the wall; a storage portion, wherein the storage portion is retained by the main body; and a conveyance path providing communication between the storage portion and the dispensing mouth. In addition, the dispensing device may include a conveyor disposed in the conveyance path; a drive motor mechanically coupled to the conveyor; and a sensor, wherein the sensor is directly or indirectly electrically coupled to the drive motor and the sensor is in optical communication with the environment proximate to the dispensing mouth.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221023A1

Methods and devices for micro-dosing a liquid are disclosed herein. According to one embodiment, a method for a time controlled micro-dosing of a liquid from a liquid reservoir includes: receiving the liquid reservoir with a structure wherein the structure is portable; securing the liquid reservoir to the structure; connecting a second end of a drive unit to a piston disposed within the liquid reservoir; activating a drive motor; displacing the drive unit with respect to the structure towards the piston in an axial direction with the drive motor; moving the piston axially within the liquid reservoir; and micro-dosing the liquid from the liquid reservoir. 1. A micro-dosing device for micro-dosing a liquid from a liquid reservoir , the micro-dosing device comprising:a structure configured to receive a liquid reservoir;a drive unit comprising a first end, a second end, and a drive motor;a displacement piston configured to move axially and dispense the liquid from the liquid reservoir when the drive motor activates and axially displaces the drive unit relative to the structure and relative to a sleeve wherein the sleeve comprises an inner thread that engages the outer thread of a rotatable member and the rotatable member is coupled to the first end of the drive unit and comprises an outer thread coaxially arranged around an axis of rotation; andan anti-rotation element disposed between the drive unit and the sleeve wherein the anti-rotation element prevents a rotation of the drive unit relative to the sleeve and permits an axial displacement of the drive unit relative to the sleeve and wherein the anti-rotation element extends radially outward from the periphery of the drive unit through a longitudinal slot formed through the structure and through the sleeve.2. The micro-dosing device of further comprising a flexprint coupled to the structure and arranged directly at the drive unit adjacent the anti-rotation element.3. The micro-dosing device of further comprising a ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233892A1

An electric caulking gun may include a cartridge setting portion to which a cartridge containing a caulking material can be set, an electric motor, a push rod driven by the electric motor via a power transmission path and configured to be pressed against the cartridge for dispensing the caulking material from the cartridge, and an interruption device provided in the power transmission path and operable for interrupting the power transmission path and allowing the push rod to be freely moved. 1. An electric caulking gun comprising:a cartridge setting portion to which a cartridge containing a caulking material can be set;an electric motor;a push rod driven by the electric motor via a power transmission path and configured to be pressed against the cartridge set at the cartridge setting portion to cause the caulking material to be dispensed from the cartridge, anda transmission state switching device provided in the power transmission path and configured to switch between a power transmission state in which the power transmission path is connected to transmit the power of the electric motor to the push rod, and a transmission interruption state in which the power transmission path is interrupted to permit the push rod to make a free movement independently of the rotation of the electric motor.2. The electric caulking gun according to claim 1 , wherein the transmission state switching device switches from the power transmission state to the transmission interruption state when the rotation of the electric motor is reversed.3. The electric caulking gun according to claim 1 , wherein the transmission state switching device comprises:an upstream side transmission member provided on an upstream side in the power transmission path and having an outer circumferential surface with a plurality of flat transmission switching surfaces;a downstream side transmission member provided on a downstream side in the power transmission path and having an inner circumferential surface with ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233893A1

An electric caulking gun may include a main body portion including a cartridge setting portion to which a cartridge containing a caulking material can be set, an electric motor disposed within the main body portion, and a push rod configured to be pressed against the cartridge for dispensing the caulking material from the cartridge. The push rod may be coupled to the electric motor so as to advance and retract along a moving path. The electric motor may extend in a right and left direction across a vertical plane including the moving path of the push rod. 1. An electric caulking gun comprising:a main body portion including a cartridge setting portion to which a cartridge containing a caulking material can be set;an electric motor disposed within the main body portion;a drive gear rotatably driven about a gear axis by the electric motor;a push rod configured to be pressed against the cartridge set at the cartridge setting portion to cause the caulking material to be dispensed from the cartridge, the push rod having a rack meshing with the drive gear, so that the push rod advances and retracts along a moving path across a substantially central position with respect to a width in a right and left direction of the main body portion;wherein the electric motor is arranged substantially parallel to the gear axis and extends in the right and left direction across a vertical plane including the moving path of the push rod.2. The electric caulking gun according to claim 1 , wherein the vertical plane of the push rod extends through a substantially central position of the electric motor with respect to the right and left direction.3. The electric caulking gun according to claim 1 , wherein the electric motor has a motor axis extending substantially perpendicular to the vertical plane of the push rod.4. The electric caulking gun according to claim 1 , wherein the electric motor is disposed On the lower side of the moving path of the push rod.5. The electric caulking gun ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248545A1

Disclosed is a fastener container to provide fasteners to a fastener feeder for use in fastener driving operations. The fastener container may comprise a fastener housing and a rotating fastener mechanism. The fastener housing may include a plurality of fastener chambers, wherein each of the fastener chambers is configured to hold a plurality of fasteners. The rotating fastener mechanism may be located within the fastener housing and may include a plurality of bins. Each bin may be configured to receive fasteners from an adjacent fastener chamber of the fastener housing. The rotating fastener mechanism may be rotatable, such that, when a rotation occurs, a first bin drops fasteners to the fastener feeder and a second bin receives fasteners from an adjacent fastener chamber of the fastener housing. 1. A fastener container to provide fasteners to a fastener feeder for use in a fastener driving operation , the fastener container comprising:a fastener housing including a plurality fastener chambers, wherein each of the fastener chambers is configured to hold a plurality of fasteners; anda rotating fastener mechanism located within the fastener housing, wherein the rotating fastener mechanism includes a plurality of bins and each bin is configured to receive fasteners from an adjacent fastener chamber of the fastener housing, and wherein the rotating fastener mechanism is rotatable, such that, when a rotation occurs, a first bin drops fasteners to the fastener feeder and a second bin receives fasteners from an adjacent fastener chamber of the fastener housing.2. The fastener container of claim 1 , wherein each bin of the rotating fastener mechanism comprises a cut-out portion of the rotating fastener mechanism.3. The fastener container of claim 2 , wherein each bin is configured to receive fasteners from a fastener chamber in the fastener housing at a first predetermined angle corresponding to the bin and then drop the fasteners contained in the bin to the fastener ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Medium Filling Device And Method

Номер: US20130248562A1

A medium filling device includes a container rotatably supported, to contain an image forming medium, a dispenser configured to receive a constant quantity of the image forming medium from the container by a turn of the container, and a discharger configured to discharge the image forming medium from the dispenser to a target. 1. A medium filling device , comprising:a container rotatably supported, to contain an image forming medium;a dispenser configured to receive a constant quantity of the image forming medium from the container by a turn of the container; anda discharger configured to discharge the image forming medium from the dispenser to a target.2. A medium filling device , comprising:a container rotatably supported, to contain an image forming medium;a dispenser provided in a top part of the container and configured to receive a constant quantity of the image forming medium from the container when the container is turned to be inverted; anda discharger provided in a bottom part of the container and configured to discharge the image forming medium from the dispenser to a target when the container is turned again to be erected.3. The medium filling device according to claim 2 , whereinthe container comprises a tubular member to connect the dispenser and the discharger, through which the received image forming medium is conveyed from the dispenser to the discharger when the container becomes erected.4. The medium filling device according to claim 2 , further comprising:an inflow hole between the container and the dispenser, through which the image forming medium is flowed into the dispenser; anda check valve provided between the dispenser and the tubular member and configured to allow the image forming medium to be conveyed from the dispenser to the discharger when the container becomes erected.5. The medium filling device according to claim 4 , whereinthe container comprises a cone-shaped top portion and is formed such that a bottom end of the inflow hole is ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263939A1

The invention relates to a liquid extraction module () for extracting liquid from a liquid tank, in particular of an exhaust-gas aftertreatment system of a motor vehicle, comprising a basic body () which can be arranged in and/or on the vehicle tank and which bears a liquid extraction device () with an extraction orifice () that can be assigned to the tank interior, and at least one electric heating element (). According to the invention, at least one heat-conducting element () is provided, said element having at least one first portion () assigned to the heating element () and one second portion () assigned to the extraction orifice (), in order to transport the heat from the heating element () to the extraction orifice (). The invention further relates to a liquid tank for a vehicle. 1126520182420255205. A liquid extraction module () for extracting liquid from a liquid tank , comprising a base body () which can be arranged in and/or on the vehicle tank and which carries a liquid extraction device () with an extraction orifice () which can be allocated to the tank interior and at least one electric heating element () , characterized in that at least one heat-conducting element () is provided which has at least one first portion () allocated to the heating element () and a second portion () allocated to the extraction orifice () in order to transport the heat from the heating element () to the extraction orifice ().21834362719. The liquid extraction module as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the heat-conducting element () is formed as a heat-conducting pin ( claim 1 , ) claim 1 , a heat-conducting sleeve () or a heat-conducting plate ().324183720. The liquid extraction module as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the first portion () of the heat-conducting element () is allocated to an underside () or a side face of the heating element ().452. The liquid extraction module as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the extraction orifice () is ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Plastic Packages For Dispensing Aerosol Products Having Improved Crazing Resistance And Sustainability

Номер: US20130270295A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

A plastic package for dispensing a product in aerosol form having improved crazing resistance and sustainability is disclosed. The plastic package comprises a bottle having a delivery device, a valve to control flow, and a stable plastic package that holds the product when sealed using the valve. In one embodiment, at least a portion of the plastic package comprises PEF. 1. A plastic package for dispensing a product in aerosol form comprising a bottle having a delivery device , a valve to control flow , and a stable plastic package that holds the product when sealed using said valve , wherein at least a portion of said stable plastic package comprises poly(ethylene 2 ,5-furandicarboxylate) (PEF).2. The plastic package of claim 1 , further comprising a bag connected to said valve claim 1 , wherein said bag contains the product claim 1 , and further claim 1 , wherein the product is a liquid claim 1 , gel claim 1 , suspension claim 1 , solution claim 1 , paste claim 1 , or foam.3. The plastic package of claim 2 , wherein said bag comprises PEF.4. The plastic package of claim 1 , wherein said bottle has a neck region and said neck region comprises PEF.5. The plastic package of claim 1 , wherein said plastic package further comprises a base cup and said base cup comprises PEF.6. The plastic package of claim 1 , wherein said plastic package further comprises a label and said label comprises PEF.7. The plastic package of claim 1 , wherein said plastic package further comprises a cap and said cap comprises PEF.8. The plastic package of claim 1 , wherein said plastic package further comprises a trigger and said trigger comprises PEF.9. The plastic package of claim 1 , wherein said product contains a propellant claim 1 , wherein said propellant is selected from the group consisting of dimethylether claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,1-difluoroethane claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2-tetrafluoroethane claim 1 , butane claim 1 , isobutane claim 1 , propane claim 1 , isopentane ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277390A1

The disclosure relates to a metering and mixing device for multi-component substances, such as multi-component adhesives, which includes at least two associated cartridge accommodating deices for accommodating replaceable cartridges having individual substance components, a discharging device for disclosing (e.g., simultaneously discharging) the substance components from the cartridges through component outlets by discharging pistons that plunge into the cartridge accommodating device or cartridges, and a mixing device, which is connected to the component outlets, mixes the discharged substance components, and outputs the substance components in the mixed state. At least one discharging piston can have a thread such that the discharging piston can be driven forward by the thread when the discharging piston is rotated relative to the cartridge accommodating device. 1. A metering and mixing device for a multi-component substance , comprising:at least two associated cartridge accommodating devices for accommodating replaceable cartridges having individual substance components;a discharging device for discharging the substance components from cartridges through component outlets by means of discharging pistons that plunge into the cartridge accommodating device or cartridges; anda mixing device, which is connected to the component outlets, for mixing the discharge substance components, and outputting them in a mixed state, wherein:at least one of the discharging pistons has a thread such that the discharging piston will be driven forward by the thread when the discharging piston is rotated relative to the cartridge accommodating device.2. A metering and mixing device according to claim 1 , comprising:at least one cartridge configured the at least one cartridge being a hollow cylinder in which at least one substance component is located, and wherein the discharging device is configured for simultaneously discharging of plural substance components.3. A metering and mixing ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277393A1

The disclosure relates to an application device for multi-component substances, such as multi-component adhesives or multi-component sealants, having at least two interconnected cartridge receiving devices for receiving replaceable cartridges containing substance components to be mixed, wherein one of which cartridges has a rigid outside wall, including a drive device for expelling the substance components from the cartridges in predetermined quantity ratios through component outlets with the aid of expulsion pistons, and a mixing device, which is connected to the component outlets, mixes the expelled substance components and discharges them in the mixed state. At least one of the cartridge receiving devices can be designed to be loaded with cartridges on the discharge side, at least one of the cartridge receiving devices being designed to support a cartridge having a rigid outside wall. A cover adapter is provided on the discharge side on the at least two cartridge receiving devices, and a cartridge cover is provided, which is designed to receive or attach the replaceable mixing device. 1. An application device for a multi-component substance , comprising:at least two interconnected cartridge receiving devices for receiving replaceable cartridges containing substance components to be mixed, one of the cartridges having a rigid outside wall;a drive device for simultaneously expelling the substance components from cartridges in predetermined quantity ratios through component outlets with expulsion pistons;a mixing device, which is connected to the component outlets, for mixing the expelled substance components and discharging them in a mixed state, wherein at least one of the cartridge receiving devices is configured to be loaded with cartridges on the discharge side; and wherein at least one of the cartridge receiving devices is configured with a rigid outside wall so as to mount a cartridge;a cover adapter provided on the discharge side on the at least two ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277398A1

A pneumatic dosing unit includes a housing having a first housing part for a pump-fluid receiving pump channel and a second housing part for dosing-fluid receiving channels. A cavity is formed between the housing parts. A flexible diaphragm is clamped between the housing parts and divides the cavity into a pump chamber and a dosing chamber that are fluidically separated from each other. At least one feed channel and at least one drain channel in the second housing part lead to the dosing chamber and start from the dosing chamber, respectively. Diaphragm valves in the feed channel and in the drain channel are spaced apart from the pump chamber and the dosing chamber and are controllable via control channels in the first housing part. The diaphragm and the diaphragm valves are arranged in such a way that dosing fluid does not come into contact with the first housing part. 1. A pneumatic dosing unit comprisinga multipart housing having a first housing part in which at least one pump-fluid receiving pump channel is formed, and a second housing part in which dosing-fluid receiving channels are formed,a cavity formed between the housing parts,a flexible diaphragm clamped between the first and the second housing parts and dividing the cavity into a pump chamber and a dosing chamber that are fluidically separated from each other,at least one feed channel and at least one drain channel in the second housing part leading to the dosing chamber and starting from the dosing chamber, respectively,diaphragm valves in the feed channel and in the drain channel that are spaced apart from the pump chamber and the dosing chamber and that are controllable via control channels in the first housing part, andthe diaphragm and the diaphragm valves being arranged in such a way that dosing fluid does not contact the first housing part.2. The dosing unit according to claim 1 , wherein at least one ofone or more pump channels andcontrol channelsare exclusively provided in the first housing part ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130279965A1
Автор: TANI Yoshikazu

An application material extruding container has a filling member including a filling area filled with an application material, a piston inward inserted to the filling member in a rear end of the filling area, and a hole portion arranged in the filling member. A front end surface of the piston is arranged in front of a rear end of an opening of the hole portion when the piston is at a backward moving limit, and a part of the application material is flowed out of the filling area while passing through the hole portion. When the piston is assembled in the filling member, the piston is inward inserted to the filling member while securely discharging an air between the application material and the piston out of the filling area via the hole portion, until the application material is flowed out of the filling area via the hole portion. 1. An application material extruding container comprising:a filling member which has a filling area filled with an application material;an extruding portion which is inward inserted to the filling member so as to be in close contact with the filling member and constructs a rear end of said filling area; andthe application material extruding container discharging said application material from a discharge port in a leading end side of the container on the basis of a forward movement of said extruding portion,wherein the application material extruding container comprises a passage portion which is provided in said filling member and extends so as to be communicated with an external side of said filling member in said container from said filling area, andwherein a part of said application material is flowed out of said filling area through said passage portion.2. The application material extruding container according to claim 1 , wherein a wall portion is further provided within said container claim 1 , andwherein said wall portion covers an opening in an outer side of said filling area in an opposed side to said filling area side in said ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130284766A1

The present disclosure, in one embodiment, relates to a dispenser including a dispense assembly having a head assembly, and also including a collapsible liner that contains a material to be dispensed, the liner detachably secured to the dispense assembly with the head assembly in fluid communication with the liner, wherein the material in the liner is dispensed out the liner and through the head assembly. 1. A dispenser comprising:a dispense assembly having a head assembly; anda collapsible liner that contains a material to be dispensed, the liner detachably secured to the dispense assembly with the head assembly in fluid communication with an interior of the liner, wherein the material in the liner is dispensed out the liner and through the head assembly.2. The dispenser of claim 1 , further comprising a diptube operably connected with the dispense assembly and in fluid communication with the material to be dispensed.3. The dispenser of claim 2 , wherein the material to be dispensed is dispensed by pumping the material from the liner claim 2 , through the diptube claim 2 , and to the head assembly.4. The dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the dispense assembly is operably coupled with a dispense mechanism claim 1 , the dispense assembly and dispense mechanism causing dispense of the material to be dispensed by introducing a fluid or gas into the liner claim 1 , thereby forcing the material in the liner out of the liner and to the head assembly.5. The dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the dispense assembly comprises a dispense mechanism claim 1 , the dispense mechanism causing dispense of the material to be dispensed by introducing a fluid or gas into the liner claim 1 , thereby forcing the material in the liner out of the liner and to the head assembly.6. The dispenser of claim 1 , further comprising an overpack that holds the liner and that detachably secures to the dispense assembly.7. The dispenser of claim 6 , wherein the dispense assembly is operably coupled with a ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Oral care dispenser & oral care system implementing the same

Номер: US20130298341A1
Принадлежит: Colgate Palmolive Co

An oral care system comprising a toothbrush and a dispenser is disclosed. In one embodiment, the dispenser comprises a housing having a longitudinal axis and an internal reservoir containing an oral care material; a drive component rotatably disposed within the housing and comprising a drive screw, the drive component being axially retained relative to the housing through mechanical interference; and an elevator coupled to the drive screw so that rotation of the drive component in a first rotational direction causes the elevator to axially advance along the drive screw in a first axial direction to dispense the oral care material from a dispensing orifice.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130299520A1

The invention relates to a novel electrolytic process for removing impurities from the inner surface of a metallic container. The process is particularly useful for cleaning process reactors used for culturing microorganisms, and storage tanks used for storing metabolites formed in the process reactor, as well as containers for dairy products. 1. A medical delivery system comprising: a) a container adapted to contain a medicament in a reservoir and to contain a slideably arranged piston which is moveable along a first axis in a distal direction towards an outlet of the reservoir so as to reduce the volume of the reservoir and expel the medicament through the outlet , the container further comprising a first protrusion , the location of the first protrusion representing at least one parameter associated with the container; b) a dosing assembly adapted to be secured to the container so as to allow driving means of the dosing assembly to move the piston of the container in the distal direction , the dosing assembly further having electric circuitry configured for identifying the location of the first protrusion on the container ,wherein the medical delivery system comprises a first electric resistive track disposed in the dosing assembly, and, in use, a first wiper slideably engaging said first electric resistive track, the first wiper being associated with said first protrusion when the container is secured to the dosing assembly, the first electric resistive track and the first wiper being coupled to the electric circuitry so as to detect the relative position of the first wiper with respect to the first electric resistive track to thereby identify said container.2. The medical delivery system according to claim 1 , wherein the dosing assembly comprises a first switch element which is adapted to cooperate with a second protrusion disposed on the container claim 1 , the first switch element and the electric circuitry being adapted to detect when the container is ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130299521A1
Автор: Brown Scott

A container assembly for storing and dispensing viscous and other materials comprises a container body, a lid, a disc, an elongated threaded member, and a base structure. The elongated threaded member is connected to the disc and received by the base structure. Rotating the disc causes the base structure to ascend or descend within the container body such that the materials stored therein may be conveniently and efficiently dispensed. At least one scraper scrapes materials stored on the inner surface of the container body therefrom, thereby reducing wastage by retrieving otherwise difficult to dispense materials. A rotation limiter precludes rotation of the base structure while the disc is rotated, which rotation limiter may be a rail contacting the bottom of the container body or a friction fit between the base structure and the inner surface of the container body. 1. A container assembly for storing and dispensing viscous and other materials , the assembly comprising:a container body, said container body having a first end and a second end, said container body open on said first end, said container body further comprising a neck portion, a body portion, and a bottom portion, said neck portion disposed at said first end, said bottom portion disposed at said second end, said body portion disposed between said neck portion and said bottom portion, said body portion having an inner surface;a lid, said lid further comprising a top and a skirt, said skirt extending angularly from said top, said skirt capable of being operatively coupled to at least a portion said neck portion of said container body;a disc, said disc capable of being rotated in at least one of a clockwise direction and a counterclockwise direction, said disc disposed below said bottom portion of said container body;an elongated threaded member, said elongated threaded member having a top end and a bottom end, said bottom end operatively connected to said disc;a base structure, said base structure further ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Material storage and dispensing packages and methods

Номер: US20130301959A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Technology Materials Inc

Packages and methods for storage and dispensing of materials, e.g., high purity liquid reagents and chemical mechanical polishing compositions used in the manufacture of microelectronic device products, including containment structures and methods adapted for pressure-dispensing of high-purity liquids. Liner packaging of liquid or liquid-containing media is described, in which zero or near-zero head space conformations are employed to minimize adverse effects of particle generation, formation of bubbles and degradation of contained material.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Gravity-fed dispenser

Номер: US20130306668A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems and methods related to dispensing food (e.g., fruit) or other items in a “first-in, first-out” manner are discussed. The system can include a base having one or more cavities therein and a plurality of chutes configured to align within a subset of the cavities. Each of the chutes can include an inlet that can provide access to an open interior for storage of items, and the plurality of chutes can dispense the plurality of items in a “first-in first out” manner. An ice chest capable of cooling the plurality of chutes can be included, as can a drip tray or other mechanism for separating the fruit from its juices to prolong its useful lifespan.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306671A1
Автор: Herman Timm, Whited Kevin
Принадлежит: Meritool, LLC

A material dispensing assembly () and method of operation is disclosed for converting a portable cartridge dispensing tool to a bag-type dispensing tool. The assembly comprises a single piece piston () for advancing material though a material housing (), the single piece piston () includes a substantially square-shaped receptacle (). The assembly further comprises a square shaped drive rack () for attaching to the piston () at the substantially square-shaped receptacle () at a connection end (). The drive rack () further comprises a plurality of teeth () located thereon. The assembly () further has a support () with a substantially square profile for receiving and supporting the drive rack () during operation such that the construct of the drive rack and piston () are prevented from rotating during operation. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. (canceled)20. A method of dispensing material from a material dispensing gun comprising;loading a sausage bag comprising dispensing material into a tube removably attached to a dispensing gun, the tube having an exit end from which the dispensing material is dispensed during operation;locating said sausage bag between the exit end and a single piece piston in said tube, said single piece piston comprising a substantially square-shaped receptacle and first and second ends., the first end having a dome profile with an annular taper extending outwardly toward said second end and a circular seal lip integral with and extending from said annular taper about the perimeter of the piston, the circular seal lip comprising a plurality of substantially equal segments;engaging the sausage bag with an annular dome located at a front end of the single piece piston located in said tube;advancing said single piece piston against said ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Elevating lift dispenser and container

Номер: US20130313258A1
Автор: Sines Randy D.
Принадлежит: Twist 'n Serve, LLC

A container includes a canister having an upper lip, and an operator having an operator main body. The operator has a gripping ring at one end that defines an operator upper lip and a container opening. The gripping ring outside diameter is greater than an outside diameter of the operator main body. The canister includes a helical grooved canister engagement feature which extends about the canister. The operator includes an operator engagement feature which is a longitudinal slot formed through the operator main body. A lift having a lift projection is received in the operator, and the operator main body is received within the canister, with the lift projection extending through the operator engagement feature and into the canister engagement feature. The gripping ring extends at least partially over the canister upper lip, and a lower edge of the gripping ring is located adjacent the canister upper lip. 1. A container comprising:a canister defining a canister interior cavity which is defined by a canister inside diameter, and having at least one interior sidewall, and a canister top opening defined by a canister upper lip and a canister opening diameter;an operator comprising an operator main body portion which is defined by an operator interior cavity and an operator main body portion outside diameter, the operator having a gripping ring disposed at a first end of the operator, the gripping ring defining an operator upper lip and a container main opening, the gripping ring being defined by a gripping ring outside diameter which is greater than the operator main body portion outside diameter, the gripping ring further being defined by a gripping ring lower edge which is opposite the operator upper lip;a lift having at least one lift projection extending there from;and wherein:the canister includes at least one canister engagement feature which comprises a groove formed in the canister interior sidewall and which extends in an essentially diagonal direction about ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Method of dispensing analytic reference material

Номер: US20130313281A1
Принадлежит: Restek Corp

A method of dispensing an analytic reference material includes providing a dispensing device including an ampoule having at least two storage lumens extending axially along the length of an ampoule body, an analytic reference material subunit in each of the storage lumens, distal gaskets sealing the analytic reference material subunits from a distal end of the ampoule, and an outlet lumen. The method also includes providing a plunger assembly coupled to a proximal end of the ampoule, the plunger assembly in communication with the storage lumens and depressing the plunger assembly to force the distal gaskets into gasket seats in the dispensing device and expelling the analytic reference material subunits from the storage lumens via the outlet lumen to form the analytic reference material.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327270A1

An ejecting device includes a supporting plate and a balloon member. The supporting plate includes a top surface. The balloon member is fixed on the top surface and includes a main portion and a number of ejecting portions. The main portion is configured for receiving fluid. The ejecting portions are positioned on the main portion. When the main portion is full filled with the fluid, each ejecting portion protrudes from the main portion. 1. An ejecting device comprising:a supporting plate comprising a top surface; anda balloon member fixed on the top surface, the balloon member comprising a main portion and a number of ejecting portions, the main portion being configured for receiving fluid, the ejecting portions being positioned on the main portion;wherein, when the main portion is full filled with the fluid, each ejecting portion protrudes from the main portion.2. The ejecting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the main portion comprises an elastic upper layer and an elastic lower layer claim 1 , a periphery of the upper layer is connected and sealed with a periphery of the lower layer; the lower layer is attached to the top surface claim 1 , the upper layer defines a number of through holes claim 1 , each ejecting portion is balloon-like and is adhered to the upper layer to seal a respective one of the through holes.3. The ejecting device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the upper layer claim 2 , the lower layer and the ejecting portions cooperatively define a receiving chamber for receiving the fluid claim 2 , the main portion has an invariable shape when the receiving chamber is full filled with the fluid.4. The ejecting device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the main portion comprises a pipe-liked inlet portion extending from the lower layer claim 2 , the inlet portion is in communication with the receiving chamber; the ejecting device comprises a fluid supplying device connected to the inlet portion for supplying the fluid to the receiving chamber.5. The ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334257A1
Автор: Brugger Anton

For a cost-effective design of a metering dispenser for dispensing a substance (), which is poured into a container () that is open at an end face and which can be removed from the container () by means of a pump unit (), wherein a piston () is inserted in the container (), the piston () has smaller dimensions than the inner contour of the container () and a film () of the pasty substance () is provided in order to seal between the piston () and the inner contour of the container (). 1. A dispenser for the delivery of a substance which is filled in a container being open at an end side and can be removed from the container by a pump unit , wherein a piston is inserted in the container , characterized in that{'b': 5', '1', '5', '12', '5', '1, 'i': 'a', 'the piston () is smaller in size than an inner contour of the container () and a film () of a pasty substance () is provided for sealing between the piston () and the inner contour of the container ().'}251. Dispenser according to claim 1 , characterized in that the piston () is a ball claim 1 , inserted into a cylindrical container ().35. Dispenser according to claim 1 , characterized in that the piston () has a lateral guide wall or guide ribs.45151a. Dispenser according to claim 1 , characterized in that the piston () is circumferentially spaced from 0.02 to 0.2 mm by an annular gap (′) from an inner wall of the container ().512. Dispenser according to claim 1 , characterized in that the pasty substance () is free of volatile components612. Dispenser according to claim 5 , characterized in that the pasty substance () is a lip care product or lip decoration product.712. Dispenser according to claim 1 , characterized in that the substance () consists of at least 50% of oils and waxes.8512. Dispenser according to claim 1 , characterized in that the piston () is first applied as a liquid composition to the substance () and then hardens.95. Dispenser according to claim 8 , characterized in that the piston () shrinks ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Freshness and Carbonation Potency Maintenance Apparatus for Containerized Consumer Beverages

Номер: US20130334259A1
Автор: White Chester Lewis

An apparatus of multiple embodiments for potency preservation of consumer beverages is herein disclosed. Multiple embodiments presume several objective techniques for improved maintenance of a perishable product. A rigid and semi-rigid beverage container, a container cap and lever, a tubular and non-tubular spindle, and coordinated means for torque comprise concerted cause for both preservation of freshness of beverages and for capability of causing a given volume of such beverages to conveniently flow from their containers and for the containers to then efficiently preserve potency of remaining volumes of such beverages. The spindle is the integral connection to a ratcheting and lever device, providing necessary torque, and is further connected to a substratum at base of container; such substratum serving to elevate a volume of beverage to container cap and its spout for egress. Alternative embodiments vary by method of air intake, spindle features, and conduction method for flow of beverage. 1. A freshness and carbonation potency maintenance apparatus for containerized consumer beverages , comprising:a. a substratum sealing means for occluding a volume of a beverage from being oxidized and diluted by an admixture of air with said beverage in a container, said substratum sealing means thus preventing said beverage from onset of degradation of potency carbonation, effervescence, and freshness;b. a compression means for causing said beverage to flow from the container; 1. facilitating torque of a spiral spindle,', '2. opening a pour spout,', '3. a connecting point disposing a torque mechanism and a connective means for a turning process of said spiral spindle; and, 'c. a cap for said container, the cap utilizing functional devices within itself as means for at leastd. a lever pivotably attached to said cap as a means for initiating said torque of a spiral spindle.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said substratum sealing means is composed of at least a semi- ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345647A1
Автор: HAR-SHAI Gadi

Devices and methods for dispensing a fluidly dispensable material under pressure but without using a gas propellant are presented. In some embodiments an elastic sleeve is utilized to impart pressure to a bag of dispensable material positioned within the sleeve. Pressure so created pressurizes contents of the bag, which can then be dispensed through a valve. Methods for manufacturing various embodiments are presented. 1. A device for dispensing a material under pressure , comprising:a) a flexible bag for containing said material and a valve positioned at a first extremity of said bag and operable to control exit of said material from said bag; andb) an elastic compressing device which comprises a lumen, said compressing device being fitted over said bag and containing said bag within said lumen;said compressing device and said bag being sized and positioned so that elastic contraction forces in said compressing device exert compressive pressure of at least 6 bar on said bag when said bag is filled with said material.2. The device of claim 1 , comprising a mechanism which converts said material to an aerosol in air.37-. (canceled)8. The device of claim 1 , wherein said compressing device is constructed of an elastic material which comprises nano-particles.910-. (canceled)11. The device of claim 1 , wherein said valve is held by a valve assembly structure claim 1 , said compressing device has at least a first open end claim 1 , and said first open end of said compressing device surrounds a portion of said valve assembly structure claim 1 , and only compressive forces exerted by said compressing device on said valve assembly structure anchor said first open end of said compressing device to said valve assembly structure.1214-. (canceled)15. The device of claim 1 , wherein said compressing device comprises a plurality of layers at least some of which have differing physical characteristics.16. The device of claim 1 , wherein said compressing device comprises a plurality ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Liquid Metering Assembly

Номер: US20140001212A1
Автор: Steininger Jeff
Принадлежит: ZAK DESIGNS, INC.

A liquid metering assembly is described and which includes a container for enclosing a source of liquid to be dispensed, a container cap defining a dispensing aperture, and a vent aperture, and which is releasably affixed to container; a movable diaphragm releasably-cooperating with the container cap, and coupled in fluid flowing relation relative to the dispensing aperture; and a movable liquid volume control member which cooperates with the movable diaphragm, and which further allows a user to withdraw a given volume of liquid from the beverage container. 1. A liquid metering assembly , comprising;a container enclosing a source-of a liquid to be dispensed;a container cap for releasably engaging, and enclosing, the source of the liquid within the container, and wherein the container has a top and bottom surface, and wherein a cavity is formed in the top surface, and the container cap defines a first liquid dispensing aperture, and a vent aperture;a moveable cover which is matingly coupled to the container cap, and which defines a second liquid dispensing aperture which can be adjustably positioned so as to be selectively aligned with the first liquid dispensing aperture;a moveable diaphragm releasably cooperating with the container cap, and which has a flexible liquid dispensing conduit which extends through each of the aligned first, and second liquid dispensing apertures, and a moveable valve member: anda moveable liquid volume control member which sealably, and matingly cooperates with the moveable diaphragm, and which further defines a liquid receiving chamber, and wherein the flexible liquid dispensing conduit is coupled in fluid flowing relation relative to the liquid receiving chamber, and wherein the moveable liquid volume control member has a fluid flowing aperture formed therein, and wherein the valve member of the moveable diaphragm is received in the fluid flowing aperture, and is moveable relative thereto when a suction is applied to the flexible ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Package discharge member, method for manufacturing package discharge member, package and packaged food product

Номер: US20140008397A1
Принадлежит: BESPACK CORP, Cargill Inc, Kewpie Corp

Provided is a pull-top style discharge member for a package to be mounted on a dispenser. The package discharge member is provided with an outer frame 70 having an opening in the center thereof, a cap 71 that closes the opening in the outer frame 70 , and can open the opening by being pulled, and a sheet 61 disposed on the reverse surface of the outer frame 70 and the cap 71 and formed with a discharge hole 61 a in the form of slits to allow passage of food contents. The sheet 61 and the outer frame 70 are welded together, and metallocene polyethylene is used as the material of the outer frame 70 , while polypropylene is used as the material of the sheet 61.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140010928A1
Автор: Orel Rafi

A packaged edible including a generally cylindrical body of a foodstuff mixed with a preserving binder and arranged about a longitudinal axis and a dispensing package generally enclosing the generally cylindrical body of a foodstuff mixed with a preserving binder, the dispensing package including a first hand engageable enclosure portion generally surrounding the generally cylindrical body of a foodstuff mixed with a preserving binder, a distributing and driving element arranged to rotate about the longitudinal axis and a second hand engageable element arranged for manual rotation about the longitudinal axis and arranged to rotate the distributing and driving element about the longitudinal axis in operative engagement with the generally cylindrical body of a foodstuff mixed with a preserving binder for dispensing the foodstuff mixed with a preserving binder in a user controllable manner. 1. A packaged edible comprising:a generally cylindrical body of a foodstuff mixed with a preserving binder and arranged about a longitudinal axis; and a first hand engageable enclosure portion generally surrounding said generally cylindrical body of a foodstuff mixed with a preserving binder;', 'a distributing and driving element arranged to rotate about said longitudinal axis; and', 'a second hand engageable element arranged for manual rotation about said longitudinal axis and arranged to rotate said distributing and driving element about said longitudinal axis in operative engagement with said generally cylindrical body of a foodstuff mixed with a preserving binder for dispensing said foodstuff mixed with a preserving binder in a user controllable manner., 'a dispensing package generally enclosing said generally cylindrical body of a foodstuff mixed with a preserving binder, said dispensing package including2. A packaged edible according to and wherein said dispensing package also comprises a piston assembly including an axial screw element and a piston claim 1 , said axial screw ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018943A1
Автор: Lee Ho

The present invention relates to an Internet-linked cooking assistant system that includes a digital chef providing continuously updated recipe information, and an automatic seasoning dispensing unit for storing and automatically dispensing seasonings to the outside, wherein the Internet-linked cooking assistant system comprises: seasoning containers respectively installed on the digital chef and defining a dispensing hole through which seasoning is dispensed; a screw shaft movably and rotatably installed on a dispensing hole of a seasoning container to open and close the dispensing hole; dispensing means coupled to the screw shaft and moving the screw shaft, so as to rotate the screw shaft and dispense seasoning; and rotating means for rotating the digital chef and selecting a seasoning container. By being able to supply a more accurate amount of seasoning stored in a seasoning container, a precise amount of seasoning can be dispensed according to provided cooking information and the number of servings, so that the same taste can always be replicated for a certain dish. 1. A seasoning dispensing device for an Internet-linked cooking assistant system that includes a digital chef providing continuously updated recipe information , and an automatic seasoning dispensing unit for storing and automatically dispensing seasonings to the outside , wherein the Internet-linked cooking assistant system comprises: seasoning containers respectively installed on the digital chef and defining a dispensing hole through which seasoning is dispensed; a screw shaft movably and rotatably installed on a dispensing hole of a seasoning container to open and close the dispensing hole; dispensing means coupled to the screw shaft and moving the screw shaft , so as to rotate the screw shaft and dispense seasoning; and rotating means for rotating the digital chef and selecting a seasoning container.2. A seasoning dispensing device for an Internet-linked cooking assistant system of claim 1 , ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021223A1

A dispensing mechanism for a liquid container includes a hollow flexible dispensing portion and a dispenser. The dispensing mechanism includes a first lever arranged to pivot about a first pivot axis and a second lever arranged to pivot about a second pivot axis and includes a user operated portion. The first lever includes a first sliding surface and the second lever includes a second sliding surface. The first and second sliding surfaces bear in sliding abutment against each other at an abutment point. The first and second pivot axes are substantially parallel to each other, and a first plane extends through the first and second pivot axes. In a non-actuated position of the dispensing mechanism, the user operated portion of the second lever and the abutment point are arranged on a first side of the first plane. The first sliding surface at least at the abutment point, is convex and the abutment point remains on the first side of the first plane over at least a first ⅔ of a dispensing stroke of the first lever. 1. A dispensing mechanism for a liquid container arranged in liquid communication with a hollow flexible dispensing portion , the dispensing mechanism comprising:a fixed dolly adapted to abut against the hollow flexible dispensing portion,a first lever arranged to pivot about a first pivot axis and comprising a contact surface adapted to abut against the flexible dispensing portion such that the hollow flexible dispensing portion is able to be arranged between the contact surface and the dolly, anda second lever arranged to pivot about a second pivot axis and comprising a user operated portion,wherein the first lever comprises a first sliding surface and the second lever comprises a second sliding surface, the first and second sliding surfaces bearing in sliding abutment against each other at an abutment point,wherein the first and second pivot axes are substantially parallel to each other, and a first plane extends through the first and second pivot axes, ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021225A1
Автор: Francavilla Frank

The present invention is related to a dispensing device. The dispensing device includes a container; a dispensing opening located at one end of the container; a plunger located inside the container; a push button associated with the plunger; and a drive mechanism configured to drive the plunger linearly inside the container from a first position towards the dispensing opening when the push button is pressed and to hold the plunger at a second position, wherein the second position is closer to the dispensing opening than the first position. 1. A push unit configured to dispense a product from a container , comprising:a housing;a push button located at a rear end of said housing;a holding unit located at a front end of said housing configured to hold said container;a push rod threadably engaged in a front surface of said housing and configured to push with a front portion against a plunger located inside said container; anda rotator configured to turn said push rod so as to linearly move said front portion away from said front surface.2. The push unit according to claim 1 , further comprising:an engager linked with said push button and suspended against said rotator;wherein said engager is configured to turn said rotator when said push button is pressed.3. The push unit according to claim 2 , wherein said engager comprises:a crown having saw-tooth like front blades configured to turn said rotator when said push button is pressed. The present application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/974,178, filed Oct. 11, 2007, which is set to issue as U.S. Pat. No. 8,540,124 on Sep. 24, 2013, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to the field of dispensing containers, more particularly to a dispensing pen or a longitudinal dispensing container that is configured to dispense a certain dosage of personal care, pharmaceutical, nutritional, manufacturing fluids or liquids.Dispensing containers that are designed ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027322A1
Автор: Fontana Antonio
Принадлежит: LAMEPLAST S.P.A.

A bottle for extemporaneous-preparation products includes: a tank for containing a first substantially liquid substance, which has at least a dispensing mouth; and a container for containing a second substantially powdery substance associable with the tank substantially in proximity of the dispensing mouth, the inner volume of the container being temporarily separated from the inner volume of the tank and arranged to communicate therewith for mixing the first and second substances to form a product. The container includes a blistered capsule having: a first foil substantially deformable and shaped to define a containment cavity of the second substance; and a second foil substantially breakable, which is associated with the first foil to close the containment cavity and is turned towards the dispensing mouth, wherein applying pressure on the first foil causes the breaking of the second foil for the outflow and mixing of the first and of second substances. 121-. (canceled)221. Bottle () for extemporaneous-preparation products , particularly medicinal , pharmaceutical , cosmetic products or the like , comprising:{'b': 2', '3', '4, 'at least a tank () for the containment of a first substance () substantially liquid, which has at least a dispensing mouth (); and'}{'b': 6', '7', '8', '2', '4', '6', '7', '2', '3', '8, 'at least a container (, ) for the containment of a second substance () substantially in powder associable with said tank () substantially in proximity of said dispensing mouth (), the inner volume of said container (, ) being temporarily separated from the inner volume of said tank () and suited to be put in communication with it for mixing the first substance () and the second substance () to form a product,'}{'b': 6', '7, 'wherein said container (, ) comprises a blistered capsule having{'b': 6', '9', '8, 'a first foil () substantially deformable and shaped to define a containment cavity () of said second substance (); and'}{'b': 7', '6', '9', '4', '6', '7 ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027340A1

A slide card for selective insertion and withdrawal from a sleeve includes a base panel, a locking panel and at least one embossment. The locking panel is integrally formed with the base panel and hingedly connected to one of the opposing end edges of the base panel to engage at least part of the sleeve to lock the base panel in the sleeve. The locking panel extends from the one of the opposing end edges of the base panel to its free end edge that is located opposed to the one of the opposing end edges of the base panel. The at least one embossment is formed on one of the opposed surfaces of the base panel. The at least one embossment projects from the one of the opposed surfaces of the base panel and is spaced apart from receiving blisters on the base panel. 1. A slide card for selective insertion and withdrawal from a sleeve , the slide card comprising:a base panel having a pair of opposing end edges, the base panel having a hinge extending along one of the end edges, the other of the end edges being free of connection to any other part of the slide card, the base panel having a first surface extending between the end edges, the base panel having at least one receiving blister integrally formed therewith, the first surface of the base panel including a first region where none of the at least one receiving blister is located and a second region where the at least one receiving blister is located, the first region extending between the second region and the one of the end edges;a locking panel integrally formed with the base panel, the locking panel being hingedly connected directly to the one of the end edges of the base panel along the hinge to engage at least part of the sleeve to lock the base panel in the sleeve, the locking panel being folded about the hinge to take a folded position where the locking panel is disposed at a first angle with respect to the base panel, the locking panel extending from the one of the end edges of the base panel to a free end edge ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Contact lens dispensing apparatus

Номер: US20140027465A1

A contact lens dispensing apparatus may include a container with a lid that removably seals the container, a cradle that cradles a contact lens, and a lifting mechanism connected to the cradle and the lid. The container and lid may collectively form a blister pack with the contact lens sealed therein. The lid may protect the contact lens from foreign matter including bacteria while the contact lens is stored in the container. The lifting mechanism may lift the cradle from a storage position within the container to a dispensing position above the container in response to opening the lid of the container. The cradle may cradle a contact lens placed thereon and enable a user to slide the contact lens off of the cradle. The lifting mechanism and the cradle may be a laminar emergent mechanism that is integrally formed from a planar sheet of material.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034683A1
Автор: Py Daniel
Принадлежит: Medical Instill Technologies, Inc.

A dispenser has a housing, and a variable-volume storage chamber formed within the housing and defining a substantially fluid-tight seal between the chamber and exterior of the housing for storing a substance to be dispensed. A piston is mounted within the housing, and a one-way valve is mounted within the housing and coupled in fluid communication with the variable-volume storage chamber. A compression chamber is coupled in fluid communication between the piston and one-way valve, and at least one of the piston and valve is manually depressible relative to the other between (i) a first position in which the piston is located at least partially outside of the compression chamber for permitting substance to flow from the variable-volume storage chamber into the compression chamber, and (ii) a second position in which the piston is located at least partially within the compression chamber for pressurizing substance within the compression chamber above a valve opening pressure and, in turn, dispensing substance through the one-way valve and out of the dispenser. 1. A dispenser comprising:a housing;a variable-volume storage chamber located within the housing and defining a substantially fluid-tight seal between the chamber and exterior of the housing for storing a substance to be dispensed;a manually engageable surface mounted on the dispenser that is manually engageable and depressible to actuate the dispenser, wherein the manually engageable surface is manually depressible between first and second positions and is normally biased in a direction from the second position toward the first position;a one-way valve mounted on the dispenser and connectible in fluid communication with the variable-volume storage chamber, wherein the one-way valve includes an elastic valve member defining a normally closed outlet forming a substantially fluid-tight seal that prevents a flow of the substance therethrough but that allows the substance within the valve to flow therethrough when ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048563A1
Автор: Xiong Mei, Xu Liang

The present disclosure provides a liquid crystal dropping device, including: a container for containing liquid crystal and being provided with at least one nozzle on an end thereof for ejecting liquid crystal from the container; a driver connected to the container for driving the liquid crystal to eject from the container; at least two dropping heads connected to the at least one nozzle; and at least one corrosion-resistant connecting pipe arranged between the at least one nozzle and the at least two dropping heads for communicating the at least one nozzle with the at least two dropping heads. The dropping device of the present disclosure is capable of shortening the time of manufacturing the liquid crystal panel, improving the efficiency of manufacturing the liquid crystal panel, and avoiding uneven arrangement of the liquid crystal. 1. A liquid crystal dropping device , comprising:a container for containing liquid crystal and being provided with at least one nozzle on an end thereof for ejecting liquid crystal from the container;a driver connected to the container for driving the liquid crystal to eject from the container;at least two dropping heads connected to the at least one nozzle; andat least one corrosion-resistant connecting pipe arranged between the at least one nozzle and the at least two dropping heads for communicating the at least one nozzle with the at least two dropping heads.2. The dropping device as claimed in further comprising at least one protective member arranged between the at least one nozzle and the at least two dropping heads for surrounding the at least one connecting pipe.3. The dropping device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the at least one protective member and the at least two dropping heads are respectively conical shaped claim 2 , and a bottom side of each of the at least one protective member is tightly connected to a bottom side of each of the at least two dropping heads.4. The dropping device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048565A1
Автор: Williams Cornelious
Принадлежит: C & M W2 and Associates LLC

Systems and apparatus of refillable containers with dispensing apparatuses are provided. A system can include a housing adapted to receive material and having first and second ends; a platform located within the housing; a lead screw coupled to the platform; and a thumb screw coupled to the lead screw and adapted to be rotated. The thumb screw is adapted to cause rotation of the lead screw resulting in first movement of the platform towards the second end of the housing or second movement of the platform towards the first end of the housing, wherein a direction of the first movement or the second movement is based, at least, on a direction of a rotation of the thumb screw. The system can be prepared for filling/refilling with material or can dispense material based on the operation of the direction of the rotation of the thumb screw. 1. A system , comprising:a housing adapted to receive material and having a first end and a second end;a platform located within the housing;a lead screw coupled to the platform; anda thumb screw coupled to the lead screw and adapted to be rotated, wherein the thumb screw is adapted to cause rotation of the lead screw resulting in first movement of the platform towards the second end of the housing or second movement of the platform towards the first end of the housing, wherein a direction of the first movement or the second movement is based, at least, on a direction of a rotation of the thumb screw.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising the material.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the material is located substantially between the platform and the second end of the housing claim 2 , and wherein the system is configured to dispense the material based claim 2 , at least claim 2 , on the first movement of the platform towards the second end of the housing.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the material comprises a high-viscosity material.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the material comprises at least one of toothpaste or hand ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054314A1
Принадлежит: Astrium GmbH

The invention relates to a container, particularly in syringe form, for an at least substantially separate storage and release of substances, in particular for storage and release in outer space, with an outflow opening, a storage chamber for the storage of the substances, with at least one slideable separator element which divides the storage chamber into sub-chambers, and with at least one shaped overflow channel which is provided for transporting substances from a sub-chamber into a sub-chamber which is arranged forward as seen in the direction of the outflow opening, and/or into the outflow opening. It is proposed that the overflow channel and the separator element are designed for an at least substantially sequential release of substances and/or for washing-out a stored solid by a liquid. 1. A container , particularly in syringe form , for an at least substantially separate storage and release of substances , in particular for storage and release in outer space , with an outflow opening , a storage chamber for the storage of the substances , with at least one slideable separator element which divides the storage chamber into sub-chambers , and with at least one shaped overflow channel which is provided for transporting substances from a sub-chamber into a sub-chamber which is arranged forward as seen in the direction of the outflow opening , and/or into the outflow opening , wherein the overflow channel and the separator element are designed for an at least substantially sequential release of substances and/or for washing-out a stored solid by a liquid.2. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the separator element has the overflow channel.3. The container according to claim 2 , wherein the overflow channel is arranged on an outside of the separator element.4. The container according to claim 1 , comprising at least one second overflow channel claim 1 , wherein the overflow channels are arranged symmetrically to each other.5. The container according to ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Rodless Dispenser

Номер: US20140054327A1

A dispenser for viscous, extrudable materials uses a sprocket-driven push chain that is drawn from a chain magazine responsive to actuation of a user trigger. The sprocket for the chain is driven by a toothed wheel, which is driven by a first, ratcheting drive pawl, which is actuated by the trigger. A second ratcheting locking pawl prevents the toothed wheel and hence the chain sprocket from rotating backward when the trigger is released. A single “button” or actuator can be actuated by one hand of a user while the user's other hand grasps a chain retractor to pull an extended chain back to a starting position whereat the dispenser can be reloaded. 1. A dispenser comprising:a first pawl coupled to a first axle and configured to engage and disengage notches on a toothed wheel coupled to a second axle responsive to angular translation of the first pawl about the first axle, the first pawl being configured to drive the toothed wheel in a first direction responsive to engagement of the first pawl with a notch in the toothed wheel and angular translation of the first axle around the second axle in said first direction;a second pawl coupled to a third axle, the second pawl having first and second portions, both of which extend away from the third axle, the first portion extending from the third axle toward the toothed wheel and configured to engage and disengage notches in the toothed wheel responsive to rotation of the second pawl around the third axle, the first portion being biased to engage notches on the toothed wheel, the first portion capable of being disengaged from the notches responsive to a force applied to the second portion of the second pawl;the first pawl, toothed wheel and second pawl being configured such that engagement of the first end of the second pawl with notches in the toothed wheel allows the toothed wheel to be driven in the first direction by the first pawl but prevents the toothed wheel from rotating in an opposite second direction, ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140057174A1
Принадлежит: Microlin, LLC

An orientation independent delivery device. The delivery device includes a gas chamber, a delivery chamber, a gas cell, and a delivery aperture. The gas chamber includes a gas-side rigid portion and a gas-side flexible barrier. The gas-side flexible barrier is sealed to the gas-side rigid portion. The delivery chamber includes a delivery-side rigid portion and a delivery-side flexible barrier. The delivery-side flexible barrier is sealed to the delivery-side rigid portion and is oriented adjacent to the gas-side flexible barrier. The gas cell is coupled to the gas-side rigid portion of the gas chamber. The gas cell increases a gas pressure within the gas chamber to expand the gas-side flexible barrier. Expansion of the gas-side flexible barrier applies a compressive force to the delivery-side flexible barrier allowing a delivery material to escape from the delivery chamber. 1. An orientation independent delivery device comprising:a gas chamber comprising a gas-side rigid portion and a gas-side flexible barrier, wherein the gas-side flexible barrier is sealed to the gas-side rigid portion;a delivery chamber comprising a delivery-side rigid portion and a delivery-side flexible barrier, wherein the delivery-side flexible barrier is sealed to the delivery-side rigid portion, the delivery-side flexible barrier oriented adjacent to the gas-side flexible barrier;a gas cell coupled to the gas-side rigid portion of the gas chamber, the gas cell to increase a gas pressure within the gas chamber to expand the gas-side flexible barrier, wherein expansion of the gas-side flexible barrier applies a compressive force to the delivery-side flexible barrier; anda delivery aperture to allow a delivery material to escape from the delivery chamber in response to compression of the delivery-side flexible barrier into the delivery chamber.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the gas-side flexible barrier comprises a material with a permeability of between about 7.4 and about 0.002 cm/s-Pa ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Serving and preserving system

Номер: US20140061234A1
Автор: Eldreth David C.

Embodiments of a container system for ingestion by humans and method of storing and dispensing liquids for ingestion by humans that include at least at least one first structure that can be in the general shape of a bottle. The system further includes at least one at least partially flexible container that is positioned at least partially in an inner space. The system also includes at least one liquid passageway and at least one air purger that is capable of purging air out of the at least one at least partially flexible container through at least one opening. The system also includes at least one ball check valve and at least one manually initiated valve. The invention also includes embodiments of an air pump purging system and embodiments of a method for an air pump purging system for a container system for liquids ingestible by humans. 1) I claim a container system for liquids that are ingestible by humans, said container system comprising at least one bottle shell, said at least one bottle shell having at least one partially shape-retaining side wall, said at least one partially shape-retaining side wall at least partially defining at least one inner space, said system further comprising at least one at least partially flexible container, said at least one at least partially flexible container being positioned in said inner space, said flexible container being at least partially fillable with said liquid, said flexible container further comprising at least one opening, said system further comprising at least one liquid passageway, and said system further comprising at least one ball check valve and at least one manually initiated valve, said at least one liquid passageway being at least partially sealable by gravity by said at least one ball check valve, said at least one liquid passageway being at least partially sealable by said at least one manually initiated valve; said ingestible liquid being removable from said flexible container through said at least one ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140061240A1

The present invention is a two-component fluid dispensing system. In particular, the present invention relates to a two-component fluid dispensing system that uses a dual rotor pump for precision ratio metering and precision fluid flow shut off of a mixed fluid. 1. A fluid dispensing system for mixing and dispensing two fluid components comprising:a dual pump for supplying said two fluid components and having first and second pump discharges;a static mixer hydraulically coupled to said first and second pump discharges for receiving said two fluid components for mixing said components therein and discharging via an exit; andan anti-drip valve hydraulically coupled to the exit of said static mixer for controlled on-off dispensing of said mixed fluid components.2. A fluid dispensing system of wherein said dual pump is selected from the group consisting of a dual rotor pump claim 1 , a dual eccentric rotor pump claim 1 , a dual auger pump claim 1 , a dual gear pump claim 1 , or a similar family of dual pumps.3. A fluid dispensing system of wherein said static mixer is elongate and is hydraulically coupled at one end to said pump and at the other end to said anti-drip valve.4. A fluid dispensing system of wherein said dual pump claim 1 , said static mixer and said anti-drip valve form an assembly which is movable about the work piece onto which said mixed fluid is dispensed.4a. A fluid dispensing system of claim 1 , wherein said dual pump is in a fixed location claim 1 , said static mixer and said anti-drip valve are hydraulically connected to said dual pump and are movable about a work piece onto which said mixed fluid is dispensed.5. A fluid dispensing system of wherein said static mixer and said anti-drip valve are movable about said working piece and said dual pump is positionally fixed and hydraulically coupled to said static mixer.6. A fluid dispensing system of wherein said dual pump is fed said fluid components from a dual cartridge pusher.7. A fluid dispensing ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Method for producing a container for a bulk product

Номер: US20140061244A1
Автор: Kertels Peter
Принадлежит: NOAFLEX GMBH

The invention relates to a container () for a bulk product, comprising a housing () and a rubber-elastic force-generating body () protruding into the housing and having a filling space for receiving the bulk product. The force-generating body has a closed first longitudinal end and is suspended relative to the housing in the area of an opposite second longitudinal end. When being filled, the force-generating body expands radially and axially in the housing in such a manner that, when a partially filled state is reached, said body makes contact with a first wall part () of the housing () radially bounding the expansion, and when filling is continued, the first longitudinal end approaches a second wall part () of the housing axially bounding the expansion as the axial enlargement of the area of contact between the force-generating body and the first wall part increases. Before the force-generating body is filled, at least one part of the first wall part on the inside of the housing and/or at least one part of the outer face of the force-generating body is subjected to a friction-reducing surface treatment. 1. A method for manufacturing a container for a filling product , the method comprising:forming a container having a housing and a rubber-like force generating body projecting into the housing and having a longitudinal axis and a filling space for receiving the filling product, wherein the force-generating body has a closed first longitudinal end and is suspended relative to the housing in the region of an opposite second longitudinal end, wherein the force-generating body, when being filled, expands radially and axially with respect to the longitudinal axis in the housing in such a manner that it abuts on a first wall portion of the housing upon reaching a partial filling state, the first wall portion limiting the expansion radially, and that upon continued filling the first longitudinal end approaches a second wall portion of the housing while the area of abutment ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081369A1

Electrical-stimulation device with gel-dispensing kit, and a method of making and using the parts of the kit. A convenient and easy-to-use system to provide an electrically conductive path from a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) device to the skin surface of a patient to supply transcutaneous stimulation, even through hair. The invention provides improved prevention and treatment for headache, depression, alertness, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), epilepsy, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and behavioral and/or other disorders. Some embodiments provide a headache-treatment system that includes an electrode base shaped to conform to a back of a human head; a TENS having projecting spring electrodes each connected to the electrode base; means for holding an electrically conductive gel in a plurality of sealed pockets; and means for unsealing the means for holding the gel and applying the gel substantially simultaneously to the projecting spring electrodes. 1. A method comprising:providing a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator (TENS) headache-treatment system having a first plurality of projecting spring electrodes and operating the TENS with the first plurality of projecting spring electrodes in direct contact with a human user's head;providing a sealed gel dispenser separate from the TENS headache-treatment system and having a first plurality of pockets each containing an electrically conductive gel, the gel-containing pockets being covered by a membrane seal;unsealing the sealed gel dispenser;applying the gel from the dispenser substantially simultaneously to a distal end of each of the first plurality of projecting spring electrodes; andseparating and detaching the first plurality of pockets from the first plurality of projecting spring electrodes after the gel is applied and before TENS is operated with the distal ends of the first plurality of projecting spring electrodes in direct contact with the human ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140084022A1
Автор: Paul Carol, Paul William

An assist assembly incorporated into a dispensing gun supporting an elongated cartridge containing a volume of a flowable material. An internally collapsible seating end of the cartridge is engaged by a rod and forward most plunger of the gun in order to force a flowable material through a forward disposed nozzle of the cartridge. A body contains a compressible spring and is mounted to the plunger so that the body contacts the internally collapsible seating end of the mounted cartridge. Forward advancing of the plunger results in a continuous force application by the spring in order to continuously and evenly dispense through the nozzle the flowable material. A secondary spring is mounted between a forward end of the cartridge from which the nozzle projects and an opposing forward end of the gun for additionally assisting in applying a controlled force discharge of fluid from the cartridge. 1. A spring assist assembly incorporated into a dispensing gun in which is mounted an elongated cartridge containing a volume of a flowable material , an internally collapsible seating end of the cartridge being engaged by a rod and forward most plunger of the gun in order to force a flowable material through a forward disposed nozzle of the cartridge , said assembly comprising:a body containing a compressible spring which is adapted to being mounted to the plunger; andsaid body being adapted to contacting the internally collapsible seating end of the mounted cartridge such that forward advancing of the plunger results in a continuous force application by said spring in order to continuously and evenly dispense through the nozzle the flowable material.2. The assembly as described in claim 1 , further comprising a secondary spring adapted to being mounted between a forward end of the cartridge from which the nozzle projects and an opposing forward end of the gun for additionally assisting in applying a controlled force discharge of fluid from the cartridge.3. The assembly as ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140086807A1

A pipette () includes an ejector member () with an ejector end () configured to be moved from the retracted position () to the extended position () to eject a gripped pipette tip () from an end portion () of the body () of the pipette (). The pipette () further includes an adjustment device () configured to adjust the extended position () of the ejector end () with respect to the body () and a lock device () configured to selectively inhibit operation of the adjustment device () to adjust the extended position () of the ejector end (). 1110120110. A pipette () for use with a pipette tip () , the pipette () comprising:{'b': 130', '132, 'a body () including an end portion ();'}{'b': 140', '142', '147', '147', '130', '132', '130', '120', '142', '147', '142', '147', '147', '120', '132', '130, 'i': a', 'b', 'a', 'a', 'b, 'an ejector member () including an ejector end () configured to reciprocate between a retracted position () and an extended position () with respect to the body (), wherein the end portion () of the body () is configured to releasably grip the pipette tip () when the ejector end () is oriented in the retracted position (), and wherein a movement of the ejector end () from the retracted position () to the extended position () is configured to eject a gripped pipette tip () from the end portion () of the body ();'}{'b': 160', '147', '142', '130, 'i': 'b', 'an adjustment device () configured to adjust the extended position () of the ejector end () with respect to the body (); and'}{'b': 200', '160', '147', '142, 'i': 'b', 'a lock device () configured to selectively inhibit operation of the adjustment device () to adjust the extended position () of the ejector end ().'}2110180160140180147142b. The pipette () of claim 1 , further comprising a link member () claim 1 , wherein the adjustment device () adjustably couples the ejector member () relative to the link member () to adjust the extended position () of the ejector end ().3110200160147180130b. The pipette ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Set of multicomponent cartridges

Номер: US20140091094A1
Принадлежит: Sulzer Mixpac AG

A set of multicomponent cartridges is proposed having at least two multicomponent cartridges ( 2 ), with each multicomponent cartridge ( 2 ) including at least one first and one second reception chamber ( 3, 4 ) for components to be dispensed, with each reception chamber ( 3, 4 ) having a substantially cylindrical design and extending in a longitudinal direction (A), with the reception chambers ( 3, 4 ) being arranged parallel to one another and having the same extent (L) in the longitudinal direction (A), with each multicomponent cartridge ( 2 ) being manufactured in one piece so that their reception chambers ( 3, 4 ) are non-releasably connected to one another, and wherein the first reception chamber ( 3 ) of each multicomponent cartridge ( 2 ) of the set ( 2 ) has the same outer diameter (D1).
