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10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2321550C2

Изобретение относится к устройству обработки текучей среды магнитным полем сверхвысокой напряженности. В устройстве посредством разделения кожуха образованы: передняя камера, задняя камера, две магнитные камеры, в каждую из которых помещен постоянный магнит, камера магнитной обработки в форме призмы, образованная в центре кожуха и соединенная как с передней, так и с задней камерами. Передняя и задняя камеры имеют форму трапецеидальной призмы. Магнитные камеры сформированы с правой и левой стороны кожуха. Устройство выполнено с промежуточным узлом, состоящим из перфорированных металлических пластин и магнитных полюсных стержней. Технический результат состоит в повышении эффективности магнитной обработки воды, в облегчении периодической очистки оборудования. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

27-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2422500C2
Принадлежит: АРЧ КЕМИКАЛЗ, ИНК. (US)

Настоящее изобретение относится к композиции для обработки воды, подвергнутой высушиванию, включающей: гипохлорит кальция, покрытый покрытием, выбранным из гидратированных галогенидных, сульфатных, фосфатных, силикатных или боратных солей щелочных и щелочно-земельных металлов, гидратированных гидроксидов щелочных и щелочно-земельных металлов и их комбинаций; где содержание активного хлора в расчете на общий вес указанной композиции, подвергнутой высушиванию, от около 20% вес. до около 80% вес., и содержание гидратной воды в расчете на общий вес композиции, подвергнутой высушиванию, от около 10,2% вес. до около 30% вес., где указанное покрытие составляет от около 1% до около 80% от общего веса композиции, подвергнутой высушиванию, и где указанная композиция, подвергнутая высушиванию, классифицируется как не принадлежащая к окислителям согласно Division-5.1 или как окислитель Класса 1 NFPA или Класса 2 NFPA. Технический результат - разработка новых композиций для обработки воды. 2 н. и 20 ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2602131C2

Изобретение относится к способам контроля и регулирования химии процесса с нулевым жидким сбросом (ZLD) и может быть использовано в электростанциях. Первую фракцию жидкого стока из устройства для обработки отходов, приходящих из установки обработки дымового газа, направляют в испарительную установку. Вторую фракцию направляют в резервуар для хранения. Периодически отбирают образцы жидких потоков, циркулирующих в выходных секциях из устройства обработки отходов, из устройства смягчения и входной секции в устройство кристаллизации/испарения и секции пополнения из резервуара для хранения в установку обработки дымового газа. Вычисляют коэффициенты насыщения для сульфата кальция и карбоната кальция для каждой из секций. Идентифицируют критические секции, которые подвержены осаждению сульфата кальция или карбоната кальция, имеющие вычисленные коэффициенты насыщения выше, чем фиксированный порог. Изменяют дозировку реагентов/добавок в упомянутую установку кристаллизации/испарения и/или в устройство ...

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2469960C2

Устройство для магнитной обработки жидкости, в частности воды, состоит из корпуса со снимаемой крышкой, входного и выходного патрубков и набора кольцевых постоянных магнитов. В средней части полости наружного корпуса (1) расположен открытый сверху внутренний корпус (7), пространство между которыми образует предварительную кольцевую проточную камеру (1'), к нижней части которой присоединены входной патрубок (5) и выходной патрубок (6). К наружной поверхности внутреннего корпуса (7) крепится каркасно-скелетная конструкция (9) с набором магнитов, представляющая собой магнитный пакет. Этот пакет состоит из постоянных кольцевых магнитов (10), образующих не менее двух пар противоположно поляризованных полюсных наконечников N и S, причем каждая из этих пар смещена относительно предыдущей пары на 90°. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2745061C2
Принадлежит: ЭКОЛАБ ЮЭсЭй ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к соединениям или полимерам для обработки источника воды, меченной графеновой квантовой точкой, а также способы их изготовления и использования. Также изобретение относится к меченым композициям, включающим в себя соединения или полимеры для обработки промышленного источника воды, объединенные с соединением или полимером для обработки источника воды, помеченными графеновой квантовой точкой. Меченые материалы специально созданы для флуоресцирования на длинах волн с минимальным соответствием естественной или «фоновой» флуоресценции облученных материалов в промышленных источниках воды, что позволяет количественно оценивать концентрацию соединения для обработки источника воды или полимераin situ(непосредственно в реакционной системе) посредством облучения и измерения флуоресценции источника воды, содержащего меченое соединение или меченый полимер для обработки источника воды. Способы измерения флуоресценции аналогичным образом применимы для количественной оценки смесей ...

12-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2697104C2
Принадлежит: КЕМИРА ОЙЙ (FI)

Настоящим изобретением создан способ предотвращения или уменьшения образования накипи на технологических поверхностях в процессе производства бумаги, картона и т.п., согласно которому используют пермуравьиную кислоту в качестве агента, препятствующего образованию накипи. 13 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

27-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2353587C2
Принадлежит: РОДИА ЮКей ЛИМИТЕД (GB)

Изобретение относится к применению эффективного количества неокисляющего водорастворимого биоцида для повышения качества ила за счет уменьшения склонности ила к набуханию. Для обработки используют ил из промышленных или бытовых стоков, из промышленных процессов, включающих производство бумаги, пищевую промышленность и химическую промышленность, из бытовых и коммунальных стоков поселений для проживания и жизнедеятельности человека и т.п. Биоцид представляет собой алкилзамещенное фосфониевое соединение. В качестве алкилзамещенного фосфониевого соединения используют сульфат, хлорид, бромид, ацетат или фосфат тетракис(гидроксиметил)фосфония (THPS). Эффективность биоцида рассчитывают по уменьшению индекса объема ила, определяемого индексом Mohlman, который должен быть до 200 см3/г или менее. Рецептура водорастворимого биоцида в предпочтительном варианте может дополнительно включать один или несколько следующих химикатов: поверхностно-активное вещество, пеногаситель, средство против накипи, ингибитор ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2632991C2
Принадлежит: БАСФ СЕ (DE)

Изобретение относится к сополимерам на основе изопренола. Сополимеры на основе изопренола включают: (a) от 5 до 40 мас.% изопренола, (b) от 5 до 93 мас.% по меньшей мере одной моноэтиленненасыщенной монокарбоновой кислоты с 3-8 атомами углерода, выбранной из акриловой кислоты и метакриловой кислоты, ее ангидрида или ее соли, и (c) от 2 до 90 мас.% одного или нескольких содержащих сульфокислотные группы мономеров, выбранных из 2-акриламидо-2-метил-пропансульфокислоты и аллилсульфокислоты, сополимеры получены путем полимеризации мономеров (а), (b) и (с) в присутствии редоксхимического инициатора и регулятора при температуре от 10 до 80°С, причем редоксхимический инициатор содержит пероксид водорода, соль железа и в качестве восстановителя гидроксиметансульфинат натрия или натрий-2-гидрокси-2-сульфинатоуксусную кислоту. Заявлен также способ получения и разные применения сополимеров. Технический результат – достижение высокого процента ингибирования образования отложений в водопроводящих системах ...

02-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2643554C2

Изобретение относится к способу эксплуатации водоумягчительной установки с автоматическим разбавительным устройством. Способ эксплуатации водоумягчительной установки (1) с автоматическим разбавительным устройством (19) заключается в том, что поступающий поток Vсырой воды подразделяется на первый частичный потоккоторый умягчается, и второй частичный потоккоторый не умягчается, и оба частичных потокаVобъединяются в поток Vсмешанной воды, причем долиAобоих частичных потоков в потоке Vсмешанной воды так регулируются автоматическим разбавительным устройством (19), что получается заданная жесткость SW в потоке Vсмешанной воды, причем регулируемые долиAобоих частичных потоков рассчитываются по жесткости Hсырой воды и жесткости Hумягченной воды, и величина жесткости Hсырой воды выводится из проводимости LFсырой воды, проводимость LFумягченной воды измеряется датчиком (9а) электропроводности в умягченном первом частичном потокеи проводимость LFсмешанной воды измеряется датчиком (9b) электропроводности ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2613356C1

Изобретение относится к технике получения насыщенного водяного пара. Способ подготовки питательной воды для змеевиковых парогенераторов низкого давления заключается в том, что в питательную воду добавляют химические реагенты, при этом в питательную воду добавляют два химических реагента: АМИНАТ™КО-2 для дообескислороживания питательной воды и АМИНАТ™КО-3п для предотвращения накипеобразования и корректировки рН питательной воды, при этом дозу химического реагента АМИНАТ™КО-2 рассчитывают по формуле: D=8×О+i, мг/дм, где О- содержание кислорода в питательной воде в мг/дм; i - избыток реагента АМИНАТ™КО-2, мг/дм, который составляет в питательной воде - в пределах 5-15 мг/дм, а в котловой воде - в пределах 10-25 мг/дм, а дозу химического реагента АМИНАТ™КО-3п рассчитывают по формуле: D=186×(Ж-Ж)+6,7С, мг/дм, где: Ж- жесткость питательной воды, мг-экв/дм; Ж- остаточная жесткость, мг-экв/дм; С- содержание железа в питательной воде в мг/дм. Изобретение направлено на предотвращение процессов накипеобразования ...

05-03-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017104654A3

31-07-2024 дата публикации

Устройство ультразвуковой очистки воды

Номер: RU227722U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам обработки воды и водных растворов с целью умягчения, снижения минерализации, опреснения путем испарения за счет ультразвуковой кавитации и может быть использована в разных отраслях промышленности, а также в быту. Устройство содержит реактор, оснащённый ультразвуковым распылителем, подводом воды и отводом, соединённым с вихревой камерой, соединённой с ёмкостью сбора очищенной воды. Ультразвуковой распылитель оснащён ультразвуковыми излучателями, работающими на частоте 2 МГц. Выход вихревой камеры соединён с ёмкостью сбора очищенной воды через вакуумный насос. Дополнительно реактор оснащён вентилирующим устройством. Технический результат: повышение скорости сбора очищенной воды, в том числе влияющей на увеличение производительности устройства. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

10-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2492146C2

FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to water or a beverage enriched with water by an electrolytic process, and method for production thereof. The method enriching water with oxygen by an electrolytic process includes the following successive steps: a) electrolysis of water that is mineralised but free of Cl - and Br - ions, in an electrolysis cell (3) in which the anode and cathode are separated by a membrane pervious to electric charges but impervious to gases; b) collecting the oxygen-enriched water from the anode compartment of the electrolysis cell (3b); c) re-injecting the water collected from the cathode compartment of the electrolysis cell (3a), free of hydrogen, into the oxygen-enriched water obtained at step (b); and d) packaging (5) the water obtained at step (c). EFFECT: obtaining water or a beverage in which oxygen is biologically accessible. 11 cl, 9 dwg, 7 tbl, 4 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 492 146 (13) C2 (51) МПК C02F 1/461 (2006.01) A23L 2/38 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010125033/05, 19.12.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.12.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): КОМПАНИ ЖЕРВЕ ДАНОН (FR) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.01.2012 Бюл. № 3 2 4 9 2 1 4 6 (45) Опубликовано: 10.09.2013 Бюл. № 25 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 2006/023876 A1, 02.03.2006. SU 1261599 A1, 07.10.1986. SU 1428707 A1, 07.10.1988. JP 11-262753 A, 28.09.1999. WO 02/085794 A1, 31.10.2002. JP 2006-043681 A, 16.02.2006. 2 4 9 2 1 4 6 R U (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2008/067982 (19.12.2008) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 21.07.2010 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2009/083489 (09.07.2009) Адрес для переписки: 197101, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 128, "АРСПАТЕНТ" (54) СПОСОБ ОБОГАЩЕНИЯ ВОДЫ КИСЛОРОДОМ ПОСРЕДСТВОМ ЭЛЕКТРОЛИТИЧЕСКОГО ПРОЦЕССА, ВОДА ИЛИ НАПИТОК, ОБОГАЩЕННЫЕ КИСЛОРОДОМ, И ИХ ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ проницаемой ...

08-08-2017 дата публикации

Композиция для удаления солей жёсткости

Номер: RU2627376C1

Изобретение относится к химическим составам, используемым для удаления солей жесткости с твердой поверхности. Предложена композиция следующего состава, мас. %: соляная кислота - 10-40, гексаметилентетрамин (уротропин) - 0,5-8,0, неионогенное поверхностно-активное вещество (ПАВ) - 0,5-3,0, этидроновая кислота - 5,0-10,0, изопропиловый спирт - 1,0-10,0, олеиновая кислота - 0,1-3,0, водный разбавитель - остальное. Композиция выполнена в виде жидкости или геля. Изобретение обеспечивает создание высокоэффективной композиции, обладающей повышенной скоростью растворения отложений солей жесткости и небольшим расходом при ее использовании. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 10 пр.

27-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007114624A

... 1. Состав для очисти моющей системой, содержащей: от примерно 15% до примерно 75% по меньшей мере одного поверхностно-активного вещества; от примерно 0,01% до примерно 10% по меньшей мере одного фермента; менее чем примерно 1% моющего компонента, и менее чем примерно 1% хелата. 2. Состав по п.1, при этом моющая система содержит: зону мытья, способную вмещать субстрат; зону смягчения воды, жидкостно соединенную с зоной мытья, при этом вышеупомянутая зона мытья способна получать подаваемую воду и образовывать по меньшей мере частично смягченную воду. 3. Состав по п.1, при этом состав комбинируется с по меньшей мере частично смягченной водой, имеющей удельную электропроводность менее чем примерно 200 μСм/см. 4. Состав по п.2, при этом зона смягчения воды содержит нанофильтрацию, электродеионизацию, электродиализ, обратный осмос, дистилляцию, емкостную деионизацию и их комбинации. 5. Состав по п.4, при этом зона емкостной деионизации содержит по меньшей мере один электрод, содержащий активированный ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015111105A

... 1. Способ адаптации системы (7; 26; 95) для управления работой аппарата для обработки текучей среды, включающегопо меньшей мере один первый путь текучей среды и по меньшей мере один второй путь текучей среды, причемкаждый первый путь текучей среды проходит через элемент (4; 34; 96) для обработки текучей среды с целью удаления по меньшей мере до некоторой степени по меньшей мере одного компонента из текучей среды, пропускаемой через элемент (4; 34; 96) для обработки текучей среды,каждый второй путь текучей среды обходит по меньшей мере один из элементов (4; 34; 96) для обработки текучей среды, так что по меньшей мере один компонент, удаляемый элементом (4; 34; 96) для обработки текучей среды, остается в текучей среде, пропускаемой по второму пути текучей среды, в некоторой более высокой степени, чем в текучей среде, пропускаемой через первый поток текучей среды; а устройство для обработки текучей среды дополнительно включает место (5; 35; 97) смешивания, где первый и второй пути текучей ...

27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015103676A

... 1. Способ определения меры концентрации компонентов, удаляемых из текучей среды с помощью элемента (3; 45) для обработки текучей среды устройства (3; 43) для обработки текучей среды, включающий приведение в действие аппарата для обработки текучей среды, который имеет в своем составе:вход (1; 39) для необработанной текучей среды;точку разветвления между входом (1; 39) и по меньшей мере одним первым путем текучей среды и по меньшей мере одним вторым путем текучей среды, причемкаждый первый путь текучей среды включает по меньшей мере один элемент (3; 45) для обработки текучей среды, предназначенный для удаления, по меньшей мере до некоторой степени, по меньшей мере некоторых типов компонентов, содержащихся в текучей среде, пропускаемой через элемент (3; 45) для обработки текучей среды,каждый второй путь текучей среды идет в обход по меньшей мере одного из элементов (3; 45) для обработки текучей среды, при этом вторые пути текучей среды при работе пропускают фракцию смешивания между нулем и ...

10-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013106229A

... 1. Сополимер, ингибирующий отложения, содержащий имидазольный фрагмент, включающий:по меньшей мере один полимеризованный мономер, ингибирующий отложения, выбранный из группы, состоящей из акриловой кислоты, винилсульфоновой кислоты или солей винилсульфоновой кислоты, винилфосфорной кислоты или солей винилфосфорной кислоты, винилидендифосфоновой кислоты или ее солей, метакриловой кислоты, винилацетата, винилового спирта, хлористого винила, ненасыщенных моно- или дикарбоновых кислот или ангидридов, хлористого винила, стирол-п-сульфоновой кислоты или солей стиролсульфоновой кислоты, акриламидо-2-метилпропансульфоновой кислоты (AMPS), гидроксифосфоноуксусной кислоты (НРА), акриламидов гипофосфорных кислот, пропаргилового спирта, имеющего формулу HCsC-CHz-OH, бутир-1,4-диола, и их смесей, и1-винилимидазольный полимеризованный мономер формулы:где R, Rи Rявляются одинаковыми или различными, и каждый из R, Rи Rвыбран из группы, состоящей из Н, алкильной группы, ароматической группы, фосфатной группы ...

27-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008152302A

... 1. Интегральная система для обработки воды для охлаждающих башен и других процессов, таких как ослабление обратного осмоса, регенерация анионных элементов систем деминерализации, авиационной голубой воды и сточных вод, где загрязнения, такие как кремниевая, кальциевая и магниевая общая жесткость, взвешенные твердые частицы, органические вещества, микроорганизмы, тяжелые металлы, красители, детергенты и ртуть уменьшены и/или удалены, с получением качества воды, позволяющего ее повторно использовать для некоторых отраслей промышленности, полупромышленных и бытовых процессов, экономя воду и химические продукты, технологической инновацией в предложенной системе является то, что она обеспечивает удаление кремния на 100% и уменьшение концентрации кальциевых и магниевых солей жесткости, которые вызывают образование накипи, она также обеспечивает удаление взвешенных твердых частиц в обрабатываемой воде, образуя шлам, который удаляется с помощью системы разделения твердых частиц или системой фильтрации ...

22-01-2018 дата публикации

Способ безреагентной обработки воды

Номер: RU2641822C1

Изобретение может быть использовано для безреагентной очистки воды в сельском хозяйстве, растениеводстве, пищевой промышленности. Заявленный способ обработки воды включает комбинированное физическое воздействие, в котором используют ультразвуковые колебания и вращающиеся противоположно направленные электромагнитные поля. При этом для создания ультразвуковых колебаний и вращающихся электромагнитных полей используют магнитопроводы системы ферритовых колец, которые располагают друг от друга на расстоянии, обеспечивающем исключение перекрытия создаваемых вращающихся магнитных полей, причем каждое ферритовое кольцо имеет электрические обмотки, на которые подают трехфазное переменное напряжение в резонансном звуковом диапазоне частот 32÷35 кГц. Способ обеспечивает повышение стабильности воды и упрощение процесса обработки. 2 ил.

20-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006114576A

... 1. Устройство обработки текучей среды магнитным полем сверхвысокой напряженности, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено коробчатым кожухом, образующим корпус устройства и имеющим нижнюю панель и верхнюю панель, в которой выполнен прямоугольный проем; впускным и выпускным каналами; передней камерой в форме трапецеидальной призмы, обращенной против направления потока текучей среды, соединенной с впускным каналом; задней камерой в форме трапецеидальной призмы, обращенной вдоль направления потока текучей среды, соединенной с выпускным каналом; корпусной камерой магнитной обработки, соединяющей переднюю камеру с задней камерой; парой обращенных друг к другу магнитных камер в форме трапецеидальных призм, каждая из которых размещена смежно с указанными передней камерой, камерой магнитной обработки и задней камерой, которые все, соответственно, образованы внутри кожуха посредством его разделения разделительными панелями в виде лицевых сторон прямоугольного параллелепипеда, образованного внутри кожуха ...

09-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2660651C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения водных растворов низкомолекулярных сополимеров моноэтиленненасыщенных карбоновых кислот с 3-4 атомами углерода и к их применению в качестве ингибиторов солеотложения в водооборотных системах и в теплоэнергетике. Способ получения полимерного ингибитора солеотложений осуществляют радикальной полимеризацией мономерных компонентов в смеси воды и органического растворителя. Проводят радикальную сополимеризацию акриловой, и/или метакриловой, и/или малеиновой, и/или фумаровой кислот, и/или аллилсульфокислоты, и/или их водорастворимые соли с концентрацией мономеров 10-30 мас.%, в качестве органического растворителя используют ацетонитрил, в качестве инициатора используют пероксосоединения в концентрации 0,1-1 мас.% без использования фосфор- и серосодержащих регуляторов молекулярной массы в режиме дозирования реагентов в реакционную массу, а после окончания полимеризации реакционную массу концентрируют путем упаривания органического растворителя. Технический ...

30-03-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001792304A1

03-05-2007 дата публикации

Procedure for softening drinking water in an industrial reactor using a weakly acidic cation exchanger, comprises regenerating the cation exchanger by the water after taking up alkaline earth metal ions

Номер: DE102006050608A1

The procedure for softening drinking water in an industrial reactor using a weakly acidic cation exchanger, comprises regenerating the cation exchanger by the water after taking up alkaline earth metal ions. The water contains carbon dioxide dissolved under 4-5 bar. The regeneration is carried out in a flow through system with a flow velocity of 5 m3>/m2>h. The water is softened up to 70%. Pre-filtrate is supplied to a buffer storage and is used for the next regeneration. Rinse water after passing through a filter containing the ion exchangers, is directly supplied to the buffer (14). The procedure for softening drinking water in an industrial reactor using a weakly acidic cation exchanger, comprises regenerating the cation exchanger by the water after taking up alkaline earth metal ions. The water contains carbon dioxide dissolved under 4-5 bar. The regeneration is carried out in a flow through system with a flow velocity of 5 m3>/m2>h. The water is softened up to 70%. Pre-filtrate is ...

24-08-1978 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Verwirbelung und Aufbereitung von Wasser

Номер: DE0002724471B1

07-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060035088T2

09-06-1937 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Behandlung von Wasser, insbesondere Kesselspeisewasser

Номер: DE0000646060C

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Verhinderung von Ablagerungen aus karbonatreichen Wässern bei der Flugstromvergasung

Номер: DE102010026172B4
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG, Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Verfahren zur Vermeidung von Ausfällungen von Erdalkalikarbonaten in Rohrleitungen und Apparaten der Flugstromvergasung bei der Kreislaufführung von Prozesswässern, demzufolge- die Prozesswässer, insbesondere Restquenchwasser aus dem Quencher (4), einer Entspannung und Staubabscheidung in einer Prozesswasseraufbereitung (15) unterzogen werden,- das wasserdampfgesättigte Rohgas aus dem Flugstromvergasungsreaktor (3) in einer Rohgaswäsche (7) entstaubt wird,- danach für das Rohgas in einer exothermen Rohgaskonvertierung (8) das erforderliche CO/H-Verhältnis eingestellt wird,- danach aus der Abkühlung des Rohgases in einer Abhitzegewinnung und Kühlung (9) ein CO-reiches Kondensat (16), das frei von Erdalkalien ist, gewonnen wird und- das CO-reiche Kondensat (16) in einem Sammeltank (19) dem aufbereiteten Prozesswasser (18) nach der Entspannung und Staubabscheidung und vor einer Temperaturerhöhung des Kreislaufwassers (12) in einer Kreislaufwasseraufheizung (14) zugesetzt wird.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Cleaning household water pipe and/or maintaining water quality in region between single household water connection and a fitting of water supply points, comprises moving water column without outlet, from a water outlet of the fitting

Номер: DE102012004719A1

Cleaning a household water pipe (6, 7) and/or maintaining the water quality in the region between a single household water connection (2) and a fitting (5) of a water supply point (1), comprises moving the water column that is provided without an outlet, from a water outlet opening of the fitting.

24-07-2003 дата публикации

Keeping reduced pressure drinking- or service water systems clean, further reduces pressure and monitors for sharp drop, on which pressure is increased

Номер: DE0010213612C1
Принадлежит: KAMP OTTO, KAMP, OTTO

In reduced pressure drinking or service water systems, system pressure (p1) is further reduced to an even lower pressure (p2), which is monitored. Should it (p2) fall sharply, the water pressure is raised. The pressure is raised to system pressure (p1). The pressure reducer (22) is opened to increase pressure, and a pressure instrument (34) monitoring system pressure (p2) operates the pressure reducer (22) through a controller. Operation is further detailed, based on the foregoing principles. An Independent claim is included for the corresponding drinking- or service water supply system.

01-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001407894A

... 1407894 Washing and rinsing system L E NEWENS 27 June 1973 30470/73 Heading C1C [Also in Division B7] Apparatus for washing vehicles includes a washing and rinsing means and a reclaiming means for reclaiming wash and rinse water; used wash water receiving means (10b and 10c) for receiving wash water draining from the surface of the vehicle being washed; sludge separating means (18) for separating sludge from the used wash water; conveying means (20) operable to convey used wash water from said receiving means to said sludge separating means; a storage area (10a) operable to receive and hold used wash water after separation of sludge; conveying means (12 and 14) operable to convey wash water from said storage area to the washing means (16) in the wash operation; used rinse water receiving means (30b and 30c) for receiving rinse water draining from the surface of the vehicle being rinsed; used rinse water filtering means (40 and 46); conveying means (38, 42 and 44) operable to convey used ...

27-02-2008 дата публикации

Water treatment system

Номер: GB0002405644B
Принадлежит: SALAMANDER

29-05-2002 дата публикации

Method for preventing contamination of a heat exchanger using an active oxygen generating polyaniline film.

Номер: GB0002369373A

A low cost method for preventing contamination of a heat exchanger whereby a film of polyaniline is formed on the metal surface of the heat exchanging portion. Upon operation condensed water makes contact with the film and oxygen dissolved within the water becomes active. The active oxygen reacts with organic substances within the water causing them to decompose. Thus the amount of organic substances adhered to the surface of the heat exchanger can be reduced. The oxygen generating capacity of the film can be regenerated by drying the surface of the metal base material.

03-11-2004 дата публикации

Controlled dosing device for toilet flush water or other applications

Номер: GB0002391186B

17-09-2003 дата публикации

Water softening apparatus

Номер: GB0002386370A

A fluid treatment device 10 comprising a control valve 8, a back-flushable filter, and a device 3 for promoting precipitation of the solids dissolved within the fluid. The fluid is directed to flow though the fluid conditioning device 3, causing precipitation of the solids dissolved in the fluid. The fluid is then directed to flow through the filter medium 13, where the precipitates and other solids are removed. The fluid then exits the apparatus through a control valve outlet 9. During back-washing, the outlet of the control valve is closed and a drain outlet 7 is opened. Fluid entering the control valve is directed to flow though a riser tube 1, and forced to pass through holes 15 in a spreader 14. This ensures that the filter medium is fluidised, and precipitates and other solids are flushed out of the filter through the control valve. In the treatment of hard water, carbonates are precipitated and removed form the water flow. Since the fluid conditioning device does not make use of ...

27-01-1988 дата публикации

Control of liquid treatment processes

Номер: GB0002192875A

The invention relates to methods and apparatus for treating liquids and lends itself to the continuous processing of many liquid treatments currently effected by batch processes. The raw liquid is continuously passed through a monitoring station where a condition of the liquid is monitored and an additive is supplied to the liquid downstream of the monitoring station in dependence upon the monitored condition, before the liquid and additive are passed to a mixer. Thus, the additive is supplied to the liquid in the exact amount necessary to effect the desired condition of the liquid. The invention has a wide range of uses including removal of solids in suspension in the liquid and the processing of hydroponic feed liquids. In particular the invention is useful for softening water having excessive bicarbonate content.

08-10-2008 дата публикации

Particle separator

Номер: GB2448232A

A method and apparatus 10 for separating magnetic and nonmagnetic particles from water in a domestic central heating system is disclosed. The apparatus comprises a housing 15 having an inlet 40 and an outlet 50 and an upper and lower end. A magnet 60 is located in the housing and the inlet and the outlet are arranged so that, in use, water flows through the apparatus in a cyclonic motion from the inlet downwardly proximate the walls of the housing, and then upwardly within the downwardly flowing water, to the outlet. Particles entrained within the water separate out by vortex separation as the water flows downwardly. Also, magnetic particles entrained within the water are collected on the magnet as the water flows upwardly. The apparatus also comprises a sleeve 30 located within the housing such that an outer circulation channel 31 is defined between the sleeve and the magnet. The inlet 40 of the housing is arranged to deliver the flow of water into the outer circulation channel, and the ...

16-04-2008 дата публикации

Water-softening mixture

Номер: GB0002442725A

A water softening mixture based on alkali carbonate and finely divided calcite. The mixture is for use to soften wash water first before laundering fabrics using a separate cleaning product based on anionic active.

02-07-2003 дата публикации

Controlled dosing device for toilet flush water or other applications

Номер: GB0000312207D0

22-09-2004 дата публикации

Water treatment

Номер: GB0000418609D0

01-05-2002 дата публикации

Fluid treatment apparatus

Номер: GB0000206178D0

21-10-1981 дата публикации

Corrosion inhibiting paint formulation and pigments therefor

Номер: GB2073730A

A corrosion inhibiting material comprises a water soluble glass of the calcium oxide/phosphorus pentoxide type which, when in contact with water, releases phosphate ions which inhibit corrosion of adjacent metal surfaces. The glass solubility may be controlled by the incorporation of one or more glass modifying oxides. Advantageously the glass is finely ground and then dispersed in a resin carrier to form a primer paint formulation. The preferred glass forming region of a typical calcium oxide/phosphorus pentoxide system is illustrated in the ternary phase/composition diagram of FIG. 1 of the accompanying drawings.

16-12-2009 дата публикации

Thermal desalination

Номер: GB0000918916D0

30-04-2003 дата публикации

Fluid treatment apparatus

Номер: GB0000306573D0

19-08-1938 дата публикации

Improvements in the removal of acids from boiler feed water

Номер: GB0000490704A

Boiler feed-water is deacidified by filtration through a bed of finely divided tanned or untanned skin, fine wool, or horn, or other albuminous material the acid-absorptive properties of which are renewed periodically by treatment with a solution containing hydroxyl ions. The albuminous material may be associated with carrier bodies. For example, carrier bodies may be impregnated with solutions of glue, gelatine and the like, which may be rendered insoluble by treatment with formaldehyde or heat. For the revivifying treatment solutions of sodium carbonate or bicarbonate or of caustic soda are suitable.

18-10-2017 дата публикации

A mechanically operable switch member

Номер: GB0201713927D0

31-12-1980 дата публикации

A method for reducing the process water requirement and the waste water production of thermal power stations

Номер: GB0002049470A

The requirements and treatment costs of water used in a fossil fuel fired power station are reduced by a process which employs multiple reverse osmosis stages. This process also employs station waste heat to concentrate solid waste material to facilitate disposal thereof.

15-03-2023 дата публикации

Physical water treatment device

Номер: GB0002610728A

The physical water treatment device, in particular in a flexible water inlet (1), comprises at least one pair of electrodes (2) for water galvanization and at least one means for inserting and fixing the electrodes (2). The means for inserting and fixing the electrodes (2) together with the electrodes (2) form an integral body (3), the resulting shape of which is adapted for the insertion into the flexible water inlet (1). The integral body (3) completely blocks the flexible water inlet (1) and is hollow so that the water flowing through the flexible inlet (1) flows through the electrodes (2) of the integral body (3). The electrodes (2) form a flow-through galvanization system in the integral body (3).

30-06-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for water treatment mainly bysubstitution using a dynamic electric field

Номер: AP0201508548D0

13-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003665A

30-04-2013 дата публикации

Water treatment

Номер: AP2013006827A0

30-06-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for water treatment mainly bysubstitution using a dynamic electric field

Номер: AP2015008548A0

10-11-2006 дата публикации

Removal of water solubilized organics.

Номер: OA0000013059A

30-06-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for water treatment mainly bysubstitution using a dynamic electric field

Номер: AP0201508548A0

30-04-2013 дата публикации

Water treatment

Номер: AP0201306827A0

30-04-2013 дата публикации

Water treatment

Номер: AP0201306827D0

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000362897T

15-03-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000458773A

15-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0017442002A

15-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0017002003A

15-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000138896T

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000010659U1

TIFF 00000004.TIF 298 213 ...

15-03-2016 дата публикации

Einrichtung zum Entkalken eines Wasserhahns

Номер: AT14675U1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Einrichtung (1) zum Entkalken eines Auslaufs (2) eines Wasserhahns (3), mit einem Aufnahmebehälter (7) zur Aufnahme einer Entkalkungsflüssigkeit, und mit einem Befestigungselement (5), welches eine Befestigungsöffnung (4) zur Befestigung des Aufnahmebehälters (7) an dem Auslauf (2) des Wasserhahns (3) aufweist. Zur Schaffung eines einfach zu benützenden Aufbaus ist vorgesehen, dass der Aufnahmebehälter (7) eine von der Befestigungsöffnung (4) gesonderte Einfüllöffnung (8) zum Einfüllen der Entkalkungsflüssigkeit aufweist.

11-03-1974 дата публикации

Procedure and device for adjusting the Karbonathärte as well as the Salzgehaltes of Wässern

Номер: AT0000313817B

15-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000250618T

15-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000213177T

24-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035979316T

27-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030791617T

01-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030481579T

15-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033893296T

19-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037218022T

19-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039509952T

19-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033531344T

11-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034188763T

26-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036578383T

05-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037245785T

14-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034291179T

25-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032693011T

10-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035276403T

25-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036087448T

14-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037185142T

31-01-2008 дата публикации

Fractional deionization process

Номер: AU2002359797B2

31-12-2008 дата публикации

Heat pump-type hot-water supply device

Номер: AU2008268084A1

27-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001256604A1

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Method of Recovering Potassium from Waste Waters for Use in Purification of Waste Water, including the Waste Water from which the potassium is Recycled, while retaining the Potassium in forms suitable for use as a Nutrient in Growing Microbes, Plants and Algae

Номер: US20120061315A1
Автор: Gerald J Grott
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for recovering and/or utilizing potassium from waste waters for a plurality of applications. As algae and plants are able to survive and flourish in environments with high salt concentrations, waste waters containing potassium can be applied as fertilizers to the growth of microbes, algae and plants. The microbes, plants, and algae are able to absorb the necessary nutrients, such as nitrogen and potassium, from the waste waters. After depletion of the potassium content from the waste water, that waste water can then be treated to separate other contaminants. In another aspect of the present invention, the potassium content may be first separated from the waste water to be applied for growth of microbes, plants, and algae and again used for regeneration of cation resins in specific potassium forms. The remaining contaminants that are separated through treatment of the waste water can be utilized for different productions.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Humidifier with ultraviolet disinfection

Номер: US20120234166A1

A humidifier for treating humidified air with germicidal light is provided. The humidifier includes a water reservoir, an atomizer to atomize a supply of water, and an ultraviolet light source to expose the atomized water to germicidal light. The ultraviolet light source extends vertically within a cylindrical channel to irradiate the atomized water dissipating upwardly from the atomizer. The water reservoir can include a carbon filter and a hardness-removing module for removing containments and metal oxides from the water supply. A control panel indicates the remaining useful life of the ultraviolet light source, the carbon filter and the hardness-removing module based on historical humidifier usage and water quality levels.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for struvite recovery using upstream phosphate injection

Номер: US20120261338A1

Formation of scale in a wastewater treatment system upstream of a struvite precipitation reactor is inhibited by injection of one or more of CO 2 and H 3 PO 4 . The injection may be performed at multiple locations. Injection may be controlled based on one or more of pH, fluid flow and fluid pressure. Scale may be inhibited while maintaining production of precipitated struvite.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Control valve assembly

Номер: US20120313018A1
Автор: Raymond Lillback
Принадлежит: Individual

A control valve assembly ( 10 ) controls the flow of water to and from a treatment tank ( 16 ) and the regeneration of the treatment material therein. A housing of the valve assembly includes connections for a tank inlet and tank outlet, an inlet chamber ( 60 ), outlet chamber ( 34 ), a pressure-operated inlet valve ( 24 ) and an outlet valve ( 32 ). A pair of venturi chambers ( 81 a, 81 b ) are configured to provide co-current and counter-current regeneration. A subsystem includes a turbine ( 104 ) and a nozzle. An external port ( 130 ) receives fluid to to drive the turbine in order to initiate regeneration. The inlet valve ( 24 ) has dual seating surfaces for controlling the communication between the inlet chamber, transfer chamber ( 70 ), a bypass chamber and tank inlet ( 26 ). The bypass chamber may receive a blocking wall for blocking communication between the chamber and the outlet.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130130961A1
Принадлежит: Green Source Energy LLC

A method of treatment for inhibiting sulfur-based corrosion or scaling or for removing scaling from a surface including inhibiting corrosion caused by sulfur-containing materials, reducing corrosion caused by sulfur-containing materials, inhibiting scaling caused by sulfur-containing and sulfur-containing materials in gas, liquid or solid phase or any combination of multiple phases of materials, reducing scaling caused by sulfur-containing and sulfur-containing materials, and removing scaling caused by sulfur-containing and sulfur-containing materials. The method involves contacting sulfur-containing materials with a composition containing a turpentine liquid. The method also involves contacting corrodible surfaces or surfaces prone to scaling with a composition containing a turpentine liquid. 1. A method of treatment for inhibiting sulfur-based corrosion or scaling or for removing scaling from a surface , said method selected from the group consisting of inhibiting corrosion caused by sulfur-containing materials , reducing corrosion caused by sulfur-containing materials , inhibiting scaling caused by sulfur-containing materials , reducing scaling caused by sulfur-containing materials , and removing scaling caused by sulfur-containing materials , comprising contacting said sulfur-containing material with a composition comprising a turpentine liquid , contacting said surface with said composition , or a combination thereof.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said turpentine liquid is selected from the group consisting of natural turpentine claim 1 , synthetic turpentine claim 1 , mineral turpentine claim 1 , pine oil claim 1 , α-pinene claim 1 , β-pinene claim 1 , α-terpineol claim 1 , β-terpineol claim 1 , γ-terpineol claim 1 , terpene resins claim 1 , α-terpene claim 1 , β-terpene claim 1 , γ-terpene claim 1 , geraniol claim 1 , 3-carene claim 1 , dipentene (p-mentha-1 claim 1 ,8-diene) claim 1 , nopol claim 1 , pinane claim 1 , 2-pinane hydroperoxide claim 1 , ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130234063A1
Автор: Clapp Laura, Moore Lucas

Scale inhibitor compositions and methods of inhibiting scale formation generally include a tagged scale inhibiting (co)polymer including at least one scale inhibiting moiety and an imidazole moiety. The imidazole moiety fluoresces at a wavelength of about 424 nm and can be used to detect the amount of scale inhibitor present. 16-. (canceled)7. A process for determining a concentration of a scale inhibiting (co)polymer for inhibiting scale formation , the process comprising:introducing an effective amount of the scale inhibition (co)polymer to an aqueous medium to inhibit calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, barium sulfate, and/or calcium phosphate scale formation, wherein the scale inhibition (co)polymer includes at least one scale inhibiting moiety and an imidazole moiety formed by polymerizing at least one scale inhibiting monomer and a 1-vinylimidazole monomer;measuring a fluorescence signal corresponding to the imidazole moiety; anddetermining a concentration of the scale inhibiting (co)polymer based on the fluorescence signal.8. The process of claim 7 , wherein the at least one scale inhibiting monomer is selected from the group consisting of acrylic acid; vinyl sulfonic acid or vinyl sulfonate salts; vinyl phosphoric acid or vinyl phosphonate salts; vinylidene diphosphonic acid or salts thereof; methacrylic acid; vinyl acetate; vinyl alcohol; vinyl chloride; unsaturated mono- or di-carboxylic acids or anhydrides; vinyl chloride; styrene-p-sulfonic acid claim 7 , or styrene sulfonates salts; acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid (AMPS); hydroxyphosphonoacetic acid (HPA); hypophosphorus acids acrylamides claim 7 , propargyl alcohol having formula H≡C—CH—OH; butyr-1 claim 7 ,4-diol claim 7 , and mixtures thereof.9. The process of claim 7 , wherein the at least one scale inhibiting monomer is the acrylic acid.10. The process of claim 7 , wherein the at least one scale inhibiting monomer is a sodium allyl sulfonate monomer and the acrylic acid monomer.11. The ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256135A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Industry, Inc.

A treatment system provides treated or softened water to a point of use by removing at least a portion of any undesirable species contained in water from a water source. The treatment system can be operated to reduce the likelihood of formation of any scale that can be generated during normal operation of an electrochemical device. The formation of scale in the treatment system, including its wetted components, may be inhibited by reversing or substituting the flowing liquid having hardness-causing species with another liquid having a low tendency to produce scale, such as a low LSI water. Various arrangements of components in the treatment system can be flushed by directing the valves and the pumps of the system to displace liquid having hardness-causing species with a liquid that has little or no tendency to form scale. 119-. (canceled)20. A method of treating a liquid comprising:establishing a first liquid circuit having liquid to be treated flowing therein from a reservoir to a first compartment inlet of an electrochemical device through a first pump;establishing a second liquid circuit having a concentrating liquid flowing therein from a second compartment outlet of the electrochemical device to a second compartment inlet through a second pump; andestablishing a third liquid circuit having liquid to be treated flowing therein from the reservoir to the second compartment inlet through the second pump.21. The method of claim 20 , further comprising establishing a fourth liquid circuit having the concentrating liquid flowing therein from the first compartment outlet to the first compartment inlet through the first pump.22. The method of claim 20 , further comprising applying an electric field across the electrochemical device.23. The method of claim 22 , further comprising reversing a polarity of the applied electric field after establishing the third liquid circuit.24. The method of claim 20 , wherein establishing the third liquid circuit comprises actuating a ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306578A1
Принадлежит: Pentair Residential Filtration, LLC

Embodiments of the invention provide a method and system for providing a regeneration stage in a water treatment system. The method can include entering a first air bleed state to allow pressurized, deoxygenated air to exit the water treatment system, entering a second air bleed state to equalize a first air pressure of remaining deoxygenated air inside the water treatment system with a second air pressure outside the water treatment system, entering a backwash state to expel remaining deoxygenated air and particulates from inside the water treatment system, and entering an air draw state to allow oxygenated air to enter the water treatment system. 1. A method of providing a regeneration stage in a water treatment system , the method comprising:pressurizing a tank by the addition of untreated water;entering a first air bleed state for a first time period to allow pressurized, deoxygenated air to exit the water treatment system;entering a second air bleed state for a second time period to equalize a first air pressure of remaining deoxygenated air inside the water treatment system with a second atmospheric air pressure outside the water treatment system;entering a backwash state for a third time period to expel the remaining deoxygenated air and particulates from inside the water treatment system; andentering an air draw state for a fourth time period to allow oxygenated air to enter the water treatment system.2. The method of and further comprising providing a valve assembly and a powerhead to operate the water treatment system in the first air bleed state claim 1 , the second air bleed state claim 1 , the backwash state claim 1 , and the air draw state.3. The method of wherein the first time period is about 2 minutes.4. The method of wherein the second time period is about 1 minute.5. The method of wherein each one of the first time period claim 1 , the second time period claim 1 , the third time period claim 1 , and the fourth time period is adjustable.6. The ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Scale Prevention Aircraft Water System

Номер: US20140014567A1

Embodiments of the present invention relate generally to systems and methods for preventing mineral scale deposits in an aircraft water system, and more specifically, within devices and water transport systems, such as coffeemakers and other galley equipment, as well as the water lines themselves. 1. A scale prevention device configured for use on board a passenger transport vehicle , the scale prevention device comprising:(a) a cartridge comprising a water inlet, a water outlet, and a media cavity for water treatment, the media cavity having a water treatment media, and(b) a system to provide uniform fluidization of water passing through the cartridge.2. The scale prevention device of claim 1 , wherein the system for uniform fluidization comprises an umbrella structure.3. The scale prevention device of claim 1 , wherein the system for uniform fluidization comprises a spinning nozzle.4. The scale prevention device of claim 1 , wherein the system for uniform fluidization comprises a screen/slot system.5. The scale prevention device of claim 1 , wherein the system for fluidization comprises a screen system claim 1 , wherein the screen maintains the media in place but wherein water to be treated is forced through the screen.6. The scale prevention device of claim 1 , wherein the scale prevention device comprises a housing for enclosing the cartridge.7. The scale prevention device of claim 1 , further comprising a by-pass system.8. The scale prevention device of claim 1 , wherein the inlet is located at the base of the cartridge and the outlet is located at the top of the cartridge.9. The scale prevention device of claim 1 , wherein the inlet is located at the top of the cartridge and a tube is provided to direct water flow to bottom of the cartridge and force turn-around to allow upflow of water through the media.10. The scale prevention device of claim 1 , wherein the device comprises more than one treatment cartridge to provide a multi-chamber device. This ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Selective Removal of Silica from Silica Containing Brines

Номер: US20140054233A1
Автор: Stephen Harrison
Принадлежит: Simbol Inc

This invention relates to a method for selective removal of silica and silicon containing compounds from solutions that include silica and silicon containing compounds, including geothermal brines.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140061023A1

According to one embodiment, a treatment apparatus includes a treatment liquid storage unit and a supply unit. The treatment liquid storage unit is configured to store a treatment liquid containing an acid and an oxidizing substance. The supply unit is configured to supply the treatment liquid stored in the treatment liquid storage unit to a fluid extracted via a production well. 1. A treatment apparatus comprising:a treatment liquid storage unit configured to store a treatment liquid containing an acid and an oxidizing substance; anda supply unit configured to supply the treatment liquid stored in the treatment liquid storage unit to a fluid extracted via a production well.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a first control unit configured to control the supply unit to control a supply amount of the treatment liquid claim 1 ,the first control unit being operable to control a supply amount of the treatment liquid so that a state of the fluid supplied with the treatment liquid enters a region in a potential-pH diagram (Pourbaix diagram) where a passivity region of iron, a corrosion region of magnesium, a corrosion region of calcium, and a corrosion region of manganese overlap.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a production unit including:an anode;a cathode;a diaphragm provided between the anode and the cathode;an anode chamber provided between the anode and the diaphragm;a cathode chamber provided between the cathode and the diaphragm; anda power source unit configured to apply a DC voltage between the anode and the cathode.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , whereinthe treatment liquid storage unit is connected to an anode inlet port and an anode outlet port of the anode chamber,the apparatus further comprises:a pump provided between the treatment liquid storage unit and the anode inlet port;a temperature control unit provided between the pump and the anode inlet port; anda second control unit configured to control ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Water Treatment with Notification

Номер: US20190002303A1

A water treatment device includes a water treatment material contained within a housing of the water treatment device. The incoming water is exposed to the water treatment material to produce treated water. A magnetic field-based or a light-based sensor may determine an amount of the water treatment material remaining in the water treatment device and provide notification. 1. A water treatment device comprising:a water treatment material contained within a housing of the water treatment device, wherein incoming water is exposed to the water treatment material to produce treated water;a magnetic object having a magnetic field, wherein the magnetic object rests on the water treatment material; anda magnetic sensor circuit that senses the magnetic field of the magnetic object, wherein the magnetic object moves closer to the magnetic sensor circuit as the water treatment material becomes depleted and wherein the magnetic sensor circuit provides a notification when the water treatment material is depleted to a threshold amount.2. The water treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic sensor circuit determines whether the water treatment material is depleted to the threshold amount based on a strength of the magnetic field of the magnetic object.3. The water treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic sensor circuit provides a second notification when the water treatment material is depleted to a second threshold amount.4. The water treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic sensor circuit provides periodic notifications corresponding to amounts of the water treatment material.5. The water treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic sensor circuit provides the notification by generating a visual or audio indicator.6. The water treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic sensor circuit provides the notification by transmitting a message wirelessly or via a wired connection.7. The water treatment device of claim 1 , further comprising an ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008781A1

Deionizing fluid filter devices and methods of use are described herein. An example filter device comprises a plurality stacked panels that comprise filter structures. The filter structures comprise filter features that filter a fluid. The fluid is processed by the filter device such that filtered fluid is output as well as a concentrate of particulate matter extracted from the fluid. 1. A filter panel , comprising:a substrate; anda plurality of filter structures extending from the substrate, the plurality of filter structures being spaced apart from one another to define a plurality of input boundaries on a top surface of the substrate and a plurality of output boundaries on a lower surface of the substrate, each of the plurality of filter structures comprising a pair of sidewalls spaced apart from one another, the pair of sidewalls comprising filter features that allow passage of fluid from the plurality of input boundaries into an outlet aperture formed by the spacing of the pair of sidewalls, and a filter port disposed within each outlet aperture.2. The filter panel according to claim 1 , wherein the filter features comprise any one of grooves claim 1 , notches claim 1 , slits claim 1 , indentations claim 1 , and any combinations thereof.3. The filter panel according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate is charged with an electrical charge.4. A filter device claim 1 , comprising:a plurality of filter panels in stacked arrangement, each comprising:a substrate having a front surface and a back surface; anda plurality of filter structures extending from the front surface of the substrate, the plurality of filter structures being spaced apart from one another to define a plurality of input boundaries on a top surface of the substrate and a plurality of output boundaries on a lower surface of the substrate, each of the plurality of filter structures comprising a pair of sidewalls spaced apart from one another, the pair of sidewalls comprising filter features that allow ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Method for processing waste water using zero process water discharge

Номер: US20150014142A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method for processing wastewater is provided. The method includes pretreating a flow of the wastewater using at least one of a softening/clarification system, a sludge handling system, a filtration system, and an ammonia stripping system, evaporating the pretreated flow to produce at least a distillate and an evaporator brine; separating the evaporator brine to produce a liquid recycle stream and salt crystal mixture; and channeling the liquid recycle stream to a feed stream. The method eliminates the salt drying process that significantly reduces the costs of construction and operation of the standard zero process water discharge process.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040640A1

A portable water conditioning system is provided that includes an incoming water inlet; a reverse osmosis stage in fluid communication with the incoming water inlet, the reverse osmosis stage having a permeate outlet and a concentrate outlet; a diversion device having a diversion valve, the diversion valve placing the concentrate outlet in fluid communication with a waste water outlet; a deionizing stage in fluid communication with a pure water outlet; a bypass valve configured to selectively place the permeate outlet in fluid communication with one or more of the waste water outlet, the deionizing stage, and the pure water outlet; and a controller configured to control the diversion device and the bypass valve to provide water at the pure water outlet of a desired condition. 1. A method for conditioning water comprising:receiving incoming water at a water inlet of a water conditioning system;passing the incoming water through a reverse osmosis stage of the water conditioning system, the reverse osmosis stage having a permeate outlet and a concentrate outlet;selectively placing the permeate outlet in fluid communication with each of a waste water outlet, a deionizing stage of the water conditioning system, and a pure water outlet using a bypass valve, wherein the deionizing stage is in fluid communication with the pure water outlet, wherein the selective placement of the permeate outlet is selected based on a desired condition of water to be output from the water conditioning system.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising starting operation of the water conditioning system by:opening the bypass valve; andincreasing a waste water flow to transfer water having high total dissolved solids to pass through the waste water outlet.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising shutting down operation of the water conditioning system by:closing the bypass valve to flush the system of waste water; andincreasing a flow of waste water through the concentrate outlet and ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Methods and systems for treating high temperature produced water

Номер: US20180028978A1
Автор: CHENG Chen
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

Produced water from a crude oil or natural gas production process is purified using a membrane purification system for petroleum production, agricultural, commercial and domestic uses. The produced water is pretreated to remove, at least, particulates and oil from the produced water. The minimally pretreated water is then purified in a membrane purification system, that is operated at conditions such that membrane scaling is reduced or prevented. In particular, the membrane purification system is operated to maintain the turbidity of clarified water feed to the system or intermediate aqueous streams that are cascading through the membrane purification system. Ensuring that the turbidity of the reject streams generated in the membrane system are useful in achieving long membrane operating life.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031735A1

The present invention relates to methods, apparatuses, and systems for treating water. The methods, apparatuses and systems reduce scaling associated with solubilized water hardness using a sequence of water treatment agents, including a first threshold agent shedding weak cation exchange resin and a second magnesium compound conversion agent water treatment. The system or apparatus and methods according to the invention provide synergistic reduction of hard water scaling and elimination of cementing on the insoluble magnesium compound. 1: An apparatus for treating a water source for use in a cleaning application comprising:(a) an inlet for providing a water source to a first treatment reservoir;(b) one or more treatment reservoirs housing (1) a first water treatment agent, wherein said first water treatment agent is an exhausted ionic resin that is incapable of performing ion exchange followed by (2) a second water treatment agent consisting of a metal oxide and/or hydroxide compound, wherein the first water treatment agent sheds a threshold agent;(c) an outlet for providing treated water from the one or more treatment reservoirs; and(d) a treated water delivery line for providing the treated water to a cleaning application, wherein the solubilized water hardness in the treated water source does not result in hard water scaling.2: The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the metal oxide and/or hydroxide is selected from the group consisting of insoluble metal oxides claim 1 , insoluble metal hydroxides and combinations thereof.3: The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the metal oxide and/or hydroxide is selected from the group consisting of magnesium oxide claim 2 , magnesium hydroxide claim 2 , aluminum oxide claim 2 , aluminum hydroxide claim 2 , titanium oxide claim 2 , titanium hydroxide and combinations thereof.4: The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ionic resin is a weak cation exchange resin selected from the group consisting of a gel type resin structure claim 1 , ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032663A1

A water lubrication air compression system disposes an lubricant heat dissipation system at a bearing chamber close to the high pressure end of the compressor for cooling and circulating lubricant due to the rise of temperature during operation of the compressor, hence enhancing the ability and stability of the compressor. On the other hand, a negative pressure system is connected to the air chambers between the oil lubrication and the water lubrication of the compressor in order to provide a negative pressure. If any leak of water vapor at the compressor chamber or oil vapor at the bearing chamber, the negative pressure system is able to produce a negative pressured condition toward the sealing structure so that the oil lubrication can be effectively isolated from the water lubrication and inter-contamination between the lubricant and water can be avoided. 1. A water lubrication air compression system comprising:a compressor comprising an inlet end, an outlet end, a compression chamber, a first bearing chamber, a second bearing chamber, a first air chamber between the first bearing chamber and the compression chamber, and a second air chamber between the second bearing chamber and the compression chamber;an air channel system connected between the inlet end and the outlet end of the compressor, the air channel system comprising a water vapor isolation device connected to the outlet end of the compressor;a water channel system connected between an external water source and the inlet end of the compressor;a lubricant channel system connected to the second bearing chamber where a lubricant in the second bearing chamber is circulated in the lubricant channel system; anda negative pressure system connected to the first air chamber and the second air chamber and providing a negative pressure for the first air chamber and the second air chamber.2. The water lubrication air compression system of claim 1 , wherein the first bearing chamber comprises a first oil seal claim 1 ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039688A1

An object of the invention is to reliably prevent the precipitation of scale during a reclamation step in a deionization treatment. A water reclamation system and a deionization treatment device of the present invention each comprises a deionization section, a supply section which supplies a scale inhibitor to a water to be treated, and a control section. The control section acquires a supply start time and a supply stop time for at least one of the scale inhibitor and a low ion concentration water based on the concentration of a scale component in the deionization section, and causes the supply section to supply at least one of the scale inhibitor and the low ion concentration water in the interval between the supply start time and the supply stop time. 1. A water reclamation system , comprising:a deionization section which comprises a pair of opposing electrodes that are charged with opposite polarities, an inter-electrode flow channel positioned between the electrodes and through which a water to be treated containing ions can flow, and ion exchange membranes disposed on the inter-electrode flow channel side of each of the electrodes, the deionization section performing a deionization treatment in which the ions are adsorbed to the electrodes and a reclamation treatment in which the ions are desorbed from the electrodes,a treated water discharge channel which is positioned downstream from the deionization section and discharges, from the deionization section, a treated water from which the ions have been removed during the deionization treatment,a concentrated water discharge channel which is positioned downstream from the deionization section and discharges, from the deionization section, a concentrated water which contains the ions desorbed from the electrodes during the reclamation treatment,a supply section which supplies, to the deionization section, at least one of a scale inhibitor and a low ion concentration water which has a lower concentration than the ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046509A1

A reverse osmosis membrane apparatus including an RO membrane that yields recycled water and concentrated water from pre-treated raw water (inflow water ), salts being removed in the recycled water and salts being concentrated in industrial park waste water monitoring apparatuses A and B disposed at an inflow water line Lthrough which the inflow water flows into the reverse osmosis membrane apparatus or a concentrated water line Lthrough which the concentrated water flows out from the reverse osmosis membrane apparatus which monitor the presence of chemical fouling causal substances in the inflow water or the concentrated water and a chemical supply section which is a removal apparatus that removes the chemical fouling causal substances from the inflow water on the front upstream side of the inflow into the reverse osmosis membrane apparatus upon the presence of chemical fouling causal substances in the inflow water or the concentrated water being confirmed. Thus, the chemical fouling preventing system removes chemical fouling causal substance from inflow water before it enters the reverse osmosis membrane apparatus 1. A system to prevent chemical fouling on a reverse osmosis membrane , the system comprising:a pre-treatment means that pre-treats raw water;a reverse osmosis membrane apparatus including a reverse osmosis membrane that yields recycled water and concentrated water from pre-treated inflow water, salts being removed in the recycled water and salts in raw water being concentrated in the concentrated water;a monitoring apparatus, disposed at an inflow water line through which the inflow water flows in and/or a concentrated water line through which the concentrated water flows out, which monitors the presence of chemical fouling causal substances in the inflow water or the concentrated water; anda removal apparatus that removes the chemical fouling causal substances from the inflow water on the front upstream side of the inflow into the reverse osmosis ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050132A1
Автор: Heitele Bernd

The present invention relates to a water filter cartridge, with a housing and a flow path for air for ventilating a water tank storing water to be processed by the water filter cartridge. The latter is distinguished in that shut-off means are provided for the flow path for air, preferably in the form of a valve or a membrane. 112341434. Water filter cartridge () , with a housing () and a flow path () for air () for ventilating a water-storing water tank which feeds the water filter cartridge , characterized in that shut-off means () are provided for the flow path () for air ().21415. Water filter cartridge according to claim 1 , characterized in that the shut-off means () are designed in the form of a valve ().314. Water filter cartridge according to or claim 1 , characterized in that the shut-off means () are designed in the form of a membrane.4192014. Water filter cartridge according to to claim 1 , characterized in that securing means () and/or resetting means () are formed for the shut-off means ().51920. Water filter cartridge according to claim 4 , characterized in that the securing means () and/or resetting means () have elastic properties.61920. Water filter cartridge according to or claim 4 , characterized in that the securing means () and/or resetting means () comprise a spring element.721141421. Water filter cartridge according to one of to claim 4 , characterized in that opening means () are provided for the shut-off means () claim 4 , and/or in that the shut-off means () can be opened via tank-side opening means () claim 4 , in particular via tank-closure-side opening means or opening means on the cartridge connecting part.82122. Water filter cartridge according to one of to claim 4 , characterized in that the opening means () are designed in the form of a structure () transmitting pressure mechanically.92123. Water filter cartridge according to one of to claim 4 , characterized in that the opening means () are designed in the form of a tappet (). ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060140A1

A method for removing a contaminant from a fluid, the method comprising contacting the fluid comprising a contaminant at a first concentration with a purification medium for a time sufficient for binding of the contaminant to the medium to provide and effluent comprising the contaminant at a second concentration, wherein the second concentration is lower than the first concentration. 1. A method for removing a contaminant from a fluid , the method comprising contacting the fluid comprising a contaminant at a first concentration with a purification medium for a time sufficient for binding of the contaminant to the medium to provide an effluent comprising the contaminant at a second concentration , wherein the second concentration is lower than the first concentration , wherein the purification medium comprises a matrix , and wherein the matrix is a non-polymeric matrix or a polymeric matrix.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluid is a liquid.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the fluid is water.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the contaminant is a biologic claim 2 , small molecule organic claim 2 , analyte claim 2 , cation claim 2 , anion claim 2 , ampholyte claim 2 , zwitterion claim 2 , or a combination thereof.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the contaminant is selenium claim 4 , selenate claim 4 , selenite claim 4 , selenide dimethyl selenide claim 4 , selenomethionine claim 4 , selenocysteine claim 4 , methylselenocysteine claim 4 , a selenium isotope claim 4 , calcium ion claim 4 , magnesium ion claim 4 , lead ion claim 4 , an arsenic salt claim 4 , an arsenate salt claim 4 , a radium salt claim 4 , or a combination of two or more thereof.69.-. (canceled)10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the matrix comprises a polypropylene polymer.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the matrix comprises particles comprising transition metal salts.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the particles comprise magnetite claim 11 , ulvospinel claim 11 , hematite claim 11 ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Method for Preventing Scale Deposits and Removing Contaminants from Fluid Columns

Номер: US20180057373A1

A method for providing magnetic fluid treatment in which at least one electrical conductor comprising at least one length of an electrical conducting material having a first conductor lead and a second conductor lead is energized. The electrical conductor is coiled with at least one turn to form at least one uninterrupted coil of electrical conductor encircling at least a section of an outer surface of a conduit. Energizing the at least one electrical conductor establishes a magnetic field having lines of flux directed along a flow path formed by the conduit and concentrated in a non-magnetically conductive region located between two magnetically conductive regions. A fluid is directed through the conduit past the non-magnetically conductive region to provide magnetic fluid treatment to the fluid. 1. A method for providing magnetic fluid treatment , comprising:energizing at least one electrical conductor comprising at least one length of an electrical conducting material having a first conductor lead and a second conductor lead, the electrical conductor coiled with at least one turn to form at least one uninterrupted coil of electrical conductor encircling at least a section of an outer surface of a conduit, wherein energizing the at least one electrical conductor establishes a magnetic field having lines of flux directed along a flow path formed by the conduit and concentrated in a non-magnetically conductive region located between two magnetically conductive regions; anddirecting a fluid through the conduit past the non-magnetically conductive region to provide magnetic fluid treatment to the fluid.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one electrical conductor is coiled around the outer surface of at least one magnetically conductive conduit segment.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one electrical conductor is coiled around the outer surface of at least two magnetically conductive conduit segments.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein a first ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061683A1

Use of porous carbon aerogel materials as capacitive deionization (CDI) electrodes to selectively remove scale forming divalent ions (e.g., Mg, Ca) from “hard” waters. A first electrode and/or a second electrode are made from activated carbon with graphite current collectors. A non-conductive, electrolyte permeable paper or polymer membrane separator is sandwiched between the first electrode and the second electrode. 1. Apparatus for water softening , comprising:a first electrode conductor having first pores;a second electrode conductor having second pores;a separator between said first electrode conductor having first pores and said second electrode conductor having second pores,a voltage system for applying a voltage to said first electrode conductor and said second electrode conductor; andchannels for directing the water into said first pores said second pores.2. The apparatus for water softening of wherein said first electrode conductor is made of activated carbon.3. The apparatus for water softening of wherein said first electrode conductor is made of activated hierarchical carbon aerogel material.4. The apparatus for water softening of wherein said first electrode conductor is made of activated hierarchical carbon aerogel monoliths.5. The apparatus for water softening of wherein said second electrode conductor is made of activated hierarchical carbon aerogel material.6. The apparatus for water softening of wherein said first electrode conductor is made of activated hierarchical carbon aerogel material with graphite current collectors.7. The apparatus for water softening of wherein said first electrode conductor is made of activated hierarchical carbon aerogel material with graphite current collectors.8. The apparatus for water softening of wherein said first electrode conductor is a hierarchical carbon aerogel monolith.9. The apparatus for water softening of wherein said separator is a non-conductive claim 1 , electrolyte permeable paper or polymer material.10 ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Method for Relieving Corrosive Environment of Boiling Water Reactor, Nuclear Power Plant, and Method for Injecting Noble Metal Which is Carried Out in Nuclear Power Plant

Номер: US20200055758A1

The present disclosure provides a method for relieving a corrosive environment of a boiling water reactor, the method including a step of injecting hydrogen and a noble metal compound into water to be replenished into the reactor pressure vessel during a period of a generating operation of a boiling water nuclear power plant including the reactor pressure vessel. In the method, the hydrogen is injected into water to be supplied into the reactor pressure vessel, and the noble metal compound is injected into water in a line of the boiling water nuclear power plant in which a concentration of oxygen or hydrogen peroxide is stoichiometrically higher than the concentration of hydrogen at which hydrogen undergoes a chemical reaction to turn to water. Thus, when a noble metal is injected into a boiling water reactor, the noble metal can be restrained from adhering onto a pipe for an injection and other pipes, and thereby can increase the amount of the noble metal to be injected into a cooling water in a reactor pressure vessel. 1. A method for injecting a noble metal which is carried out in a nuclear power plant ,the method comprising the steps of:sending a part of a reactor water filled into a reactor pressure vessel of the nuclear power plant to an outside of a reactor container of the nuclear power plant;cooling and cleaning the reactor water; andinjecting a liquid containing a noble metal into the reactor water subsequently,wherein the reactor water sent to the outside of the reactor container is cooled, before cleaned, with the cleaned reactor water into which the liquid containing the noble metal has been injected.2. The method for injecting the noble metal which is carried out in the nuclear power plant according to claim 1 ,wherein the reactor water into which the liquid containing the noble metal has been injected is mixed with a condensed water to be sent to the reactor pressure vessel outside the reactor container.3. The method for injecting the noble metal ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068565A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd.

A water softening apparatus having an improved structure to provide a function of an air brake, a dishwasher including the same and a control method thereof, the water softening apparatus having an air brake assembly and a regeneration tank and configured to soften wash water being supplied from a tub, wherein the air brake assembly including a water supply valve allowing wash water to be introduced therethrough, an ion exchange tank to accommodate an ion exchange resin therein, and a plurality of valves installed on a first path allowing wash water being introduced through the water supply valve to flow toward the ion exchange tank, wherein the regeneration tank is connected to the air brake assembly and accommodates regeneration material configured to purify the ion exchange resin. 1. A water softening apparatus having an air brake assembly and a regeneration tank and configured to soften wash water being supplied from a tub , wherein the air brake assembly comprises:a water supply valve allowing wash water to be introduced therethrough;an ion exchange tank accommodating an ion exchange resin therein; anda plurality of valves installed on a first path allowing wash water being introduced through the water supply valve to flow toward the ion exchange tank,wherein the regeneration tank is connected to the air brake assembly and accommodates regeneration material configured to purify the ion exchange resin.2. The water softening apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:a plurality of through holes are formed on the first path; andthe plurality of through holes are on/off controlled by the plurality of valves.3. The water softening apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of valves are formed on the first path in a number and a position corresponding to a number and a position of the plurality of through holes.4. The water softening apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the air brake assembly further comprising a supply water storage tank provided at an upper side of the ion ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081320A1
Автор: Soderholm Brian
Принадлежит: Water Control Corporation

A residential retrofit brine reclamation system includes a brine reclamation control panel; a flow sensor; and a three-way valve. The control panel includes a controller with an adjustable timer. The flow sensor is electrically connected to the controller and is connected to a tee fitting via a push-connect fitting with tubing. The three-way valve is electrically connected to the controller and has a softener effluent inlet, a brine water return outlet, and a drain outlet. A method of brine reclamation includes installing the brine reclamation system onto a resin tank and a brine tank and programming the controller to set a regeneration cycle time. The system identifies the start of a regeneration mode by sensing a flow in a softener brine line and directs softener effluent into the valve inlet. After draining some of the softener effluent, the system closes the drain outlet and opens the brine tank return outlet. 1. A residential retrofit brine reclamation system , comprising:a brine reclamation control panel with a controller having an adjustable timer; a flow sensor electrically connected to the controller, said flow sensor being connected to a tee fitting by way of a push-connect fitting with tubing; and a three-way valve electrically connected to the controller; wherein the three-way valve has a softener effluent inlet, a brine water return outlet, and a drain outlet.2. The residential retrofit brine reclamation system of claim 1 , wherein the flow sensor is selected from the group consisting of: a pressure transducer claim 1 , a vacuum switch claim 1 , a flow switch claim 1 , a flow meter claim 1 , and a liquid sensor.3. The residential retrofit brine reclamation system of claim 1 , wherein the three-way valve has a fitting coupled to the softener effluent inlet claim 1 , a fitting coupled to the brine water return outlet claim 1 , and a fitting coupled to the drain outlet.4. The residential retrofit brine reclamation system of claim 1 , wherein the three-way ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062616A1

The present invention provides a filter which, even when raw water is subjected to high-speed treatment, enables achieving a high solute rejection ratio and a long solute filtration life and which exhibits a low water flow resistance. The present invention pertains to a filter obtained by laminating woven fabrics or knitted fabrics, the filter being characterized in that: said woven fabrics or knitted fabrics comprise a fiber capable of adsorbing components dissolved in liquid: said fiber has a diameter of 100-600 μm; the woven fabrics or knitted fabrics have a porosity of 15-70%; and variation in area porosity in the thickness direction of the laminate is 15% or less.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063979A1
Принадлежит: Cotton Picking Mind, LP

Sensing level of submerged solids. At least some of the example embodiments are methods including: inserting a level sensing apparatus through an aperture at a top of a reservoir such that a bottom end of an inner tube abuts an upper surface of the submerged solids in the reservoir; utilizing the submerged solids such that the upper surface of the submerged solids recedes and the level sensing apparatus moves downward with the receding upper surface of the submerged solids; constraining downward movement of an outer tube when the upper surface of the submerged solids reaches a predetermined low level; and as the upper surface of the submerged solids continues to recede, sensing relative movement of the outer tube and an inner tube as an indication that the upper surface of the submerged solids is below the predetermined low level. 1. An apparatus for monitoring the level of submerged solids in a reservoir , comprising:a retention device disposed at an upper end of the reservoir, the retention device defines a top and an aperture with an inside dimension;an outer tube that defines a first end and a second end opposite the first end, the outer tube defines a shoulder region between a first outside dimension of the outer tube and a second outside dimension of the outer tube, the first outside dimension smaller than the inside dimension of the aperture, and the second outside dimension greater than the first outside dimension and the inside dimension of the aperture;an inner tube that defines an upper end, a lower end, and length between the upper and lower ends, wherein the lower end of the inner tube configured to abut an upper surface of the submerged solids;the inner tube telescoped within the outer tube, and the inner tube and outer tube telescoped through the aperture; anda switch device disposed at the first end of said outer tube;the apparatus has a first orientation in which the shoulder region is above the top of the retention device and the upper end of the ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067654A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A scale trapping unit includes a casing having a water inlet and a water outlet at respective ends, and a scale adsorbing element loaded in the casing, the scale adsorbing element having opening ports, each of the opening ports having a representative length greater than a length of a scale particle. The casing has a void region at least at the end where the water inlet is located. A scale trapping unit inlet pipe is perpendicularly connected to a central portion of a bottom surface at the end of the casing where the water inlet is located. The scale trapping unit inlet pipe, the void region, and the scale adsorbing element are linearly aligned so that water flows therethrough in a constant direction. 1. A scale trapping unit comprising:a casing having a water inlet and a water outlet at respective ends; anda scale adsorbing element loaded in the casing, the scale adsorbing element having opening ports, each of the opening ports having a representative length greater than a length of a scale particle,the casing having a void region at least at the end where the water inlet is located,an expression of 0.005≦X/Y≦0.5 being satisfied, where X is a volume of the void region and Y is a volume of the scale adsorbing element.2. The scale trapping unit of claim 1 , wherein a water inlet pipe is perpendicularly connected to a central portion of a bottom surface at the end of the easing where the water inlet is located claim 1 , the water inlet pipe being linearly aligned with the void region and the scale adsorbing element so that water flows therethrough in a constant direction.3. The scale trapping unit of claim 1 , whereinthe scale adsorbing element is configured to have adsorption force to trap scale particles, andwhen the scale particles are trapped onto the scale adsorbing element maintained at high temperature with hot water, the scale particles are crystallized on a surface of the scale adsorbing element.4. The scale trapping unit of claim 1 , wherein a central ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071326A1
Автор: HE Zhifeng, LIU Guohua

Disclosed is a water softener that includes a water softener valve and an ion exchange tank. The water softener valve includes a valve body and valve core assembly. The valve body includes a valve chamber, and a water inlet passage and a water outlet passage in communication with the valve chamber. The valve chamber, the water inlet passage, and the water outlet passage all extend in a first orientation, and the water inlet passage and the water outlet passage are both located at a periphery of the valve chamber and are disposed on opposite sides of the valve chamber in a second orientation. The water inlet passage and the water outlet passage respectively define a water inlet and a water outlet at a same end of the valve body along the first orientation. The second orientation and the first orientation are perpendicular to each other. 1. A water softener , comprising a water softener valve and an ion exchange tank , the water softener valve comprising a valve body and a valve core assembly , the valve body comprising a valve chamber , and a water inlet passage and a water outlet passage that are in communication with the valve chamber; wherein the valve chamber , the water inlet passage , and the water outlet passage all extend in a first orientation , and the water inlet passage and the water outlet passage are both located at a periphery of the valve chamber and are disposed on opposite two sides of the valve chamber in a second orientation; the water inlet passage and the water outlet passage respectively define a water inlet and a water outlet at a same end of the valve body in the first orientation , the second orientation and the first orientation are perpendicular to each other.2. The water softener according to claim 1 , wherein the valve body further comprises a softening inlet passage and a softening outlet passage both communicating with the valve chamber claim 1 , the water inlet passage communicates with the softening inlet passage claim 1 , and the ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Water softener water hardness automatic detection device

Номер: US20170073246A1
Принадлежит: Xiamen Runner Industrial Corp

A water softener water hardness automatic detection device includes: a water input tube; a water output tube; a valve head, disposed in a water softener; a bypass valve, disposed in a water softener, and connected to the valve head through the water input tube and the water input tube; and a water hardness detection device, disposed on the water input tube, used to detect hardness of water. The water hardness detection device is a TDS (total dissolved solids) detection probe, extending into a tube chamber of the water input tube, and connected electrically to a display panel of the water softener through a controller. The valve head and the bypass valve are both connected electrically to the controller. The water softener water hardness automatic detection device is simple in construction, user may adjust parameters of water softener, to achieve the most of its functions.

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Ejector of a water softener valve, water softener valve, and water softener

Номер: US20190072199A1
Автор: Guohua Liu, Zhifeng He

Disclosed is an ejector of a water softener valve, a water softener valve and a water softener. The ejector includes: an ejecting part, the ejecting part internally defines an ejecting hole, the ejecting hole is gradually tapered along an ejecting direction; a confluence part, the confluence part internally defines a confluence hole, an inlet of the confluence hole faces an outlet of the ejecting hole, an aperture of the inlet of the confluence hole is greater than an aperture of the outlet of the ejecting hole, a surface of the confluence part and a surface of the ejecting part facing the surface of the confluence part cooperatively form a saline solution suction opening; and a connecting part, fixedly connected with the ejecting part and the confluence part, the connecting part, the ejecting part, and the confluence part are integrated together.

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140158542A1

Disclosed herein is a water softening apparatus including an electrosorption unit to adsorb foreign matter contained in water with electrical attraction, a preprocessing unit having a preprocessing chamber which is connected with an external water supply source and is provided with a filter to filter out foreign matter contained in water transferred from the external water supply source, and a cleaning solution supply unit having a cleaning solution storage chamber which stores a cleaning solution to be supplied to the electrosorption unit. Since any one of the water transferred from the preprocessing unit and the cleaning solution transferred from the cleaning solution supply unit is selectively transferred to the electrosorption unit by a valve, a pump to inject the cleaning solution and the like are unnecessary. 1. A water softening apparatus comprising:an electrosorption unit to adsorb foreign matter contained in water with electrical attraction;a preprocessing unit having a preprocessing chamber which is connected with an external water supply source and is provided with a filter to filter out foreign matter contained in water transferred from the external water supply source;a cleaning solution supply unit having a cleaning solution storage chamber which stores a cleaning solution to be supplied to the electrosorption unit; andat least one valve which allows any one of the water transferred from the preprocessing unit and the cleaning solution transferred from the cleaning solution supply unit to be selectively transferred to the electrosorption unit.2. The water softening apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the cleaning solution storage chamber is connected with the preprocessing chamber to be supplied with the water from the preprocessing chamber; andthe cleaning solution supply unit comprises a diaphragm which moves depending on pressure of the water transferred from the preprocessing unit.3. The water softening apparatus according to claim 2 , further ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

System and Method for Monitoring Water Treatment Systems

Номер: US20190079064A1
Автор: Jenkins Mark J.
Принадлежит: Jentek Water Treatment, Inc.

Methods and systems are described for monitoring and managing fluid treatment or storage systems, such as HVAC hydronic water systems. Sensors located at a fluid system can detect various types of data, such as chemical amounts, pressures, temperatures, flow rates, and more. Servers in communication with the sensors can record the data and provide it to a user in a variety of graphical interfaces. One useful interface for display of the data includes a five-sided axis called the OPTI-GON. 1. A method for monitoring an HVAC hydronic water system comprising:receiving data from a plurality of sensors, the plurality of sensors operable to detect one or more properties of a fluid;controlling a plurality of relays or actuators operable to change a setting in the HVAC hydronic water system, the plurality of relays or actuators operating valves or pumps connected to additives that change a property of the fluid when added to the fluid;storing historical records of the one or more properties on one or more servers communicatively coupled to the plurality of sensors;comparing, using the one or more servers, the one or more properties to one or more predetermined ranges of values and to send a notification when a property is outside of the one or more predetermined range of values;providing a graphical interface to a user, the graphical interface operable to display the one or more properties and comprising a multi-axis graph with each axis extending outward in opposing directions from a single point and delineating actual sensed, threshold and target values of the properties and the indexes based on the properties; andactuating the plurality of relays or actuators in response to an instruction to change the property of the fluid.2. The method of wherein the multi-axis graph comprises five axes.3. The method of wherein the five-axis graph comprises an axis for a solubility index claim 2 , an axis for a chemical residual claim 2 , an axis for a steel corrosion rate claim 2 , an ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Activated solutions for water treatment

Номер: US20150090665A1
Принадлежит: R-Hangel LLC

The present invention relates to activated solutions comprising one or more of hypochlorous acid, bicarbonate ions, and phosphate ions for use in water treatment, in particular water purification and descaling, and processes for making the same.

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Method and device for water treatment using radio waves

Номер: US20170101327A1
Автор: Vladimir SUVOROV
Принадлежит: Individual

A method, device, and system for treating water solutions is disclosed for the purpose of preventing the formation of deposits on the inner surface of pipelines, boilers and other equipment. The method is based on the use of radio waves which are sent in batches of four pulses, either of equal amplitude or with larger amplitude of the first pulse and smaller the last. Different hatches have different interval between pulses. The water treatment system disclosed which is based on the method; it significantly improves a water solution's properties without extensive usage of chemicals.

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107125A1
Автор: Chau Yiu Chau

Provided is a fluid processing apparatus using a crystallization promoting medium (CPM) as a fluid processing medium. The apparatus comprises one or more column bed units in parallel connection, wherein the column bed units may be connected in parallel with a bypass flow path having a check valve, and except the first column bed unit, each of the column bed units is provided with a check valve upstream thereof. Also provided is a method for improving the efficiency of a CPM-based fluid processing apparatus having only one column bed unit. The method comprises: replacing the column bed unit of the CPM-based fluid processing apparatus having only one fluid processing column bed unit with: (i) a plurality of secondary column bed units in parallel connection, wherein the secondary column bed units may be connected in parallel with a bypass flow path having a check valve; and except the first secondary column bed unit, each of the secondary column bed units is provided with a check valve upstream thereof; or (ii) one column bed unit and a bypass flow path that is connected in parallel with the column bed unit and has a check valve. Also provided is a proportional check valve that opens proportionally as the pressure increases. 1. A fluid processing apparatus , comprising: a fluid inlet tube , N column bed units in parallel connection , and a fluid outlet tube; each column bed unit containing a crystallization promoting medium (CPM) as a fluid processing medium for processing the fluid flowing therein; said N column bed units are all in fluid communication with the fluid inlet tube; wherein N is an integer greater than 1 , and except the first column bed unit , each column bed unit is provided with one check valve upstream thereof in the inflow direction , each check valve being designed to open and close under a specific fluid pressure; wherein when the total number of the check valves is two or more , at least two check valves have different opening pressure thresholds ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Magnetic Scale Reducing and Inhibiting System

Номер: US20160115049A1
Автор: Vo Tuyen Long

An apparatus for reducing and inhibiting scale formation in water conduits is disclosed. The scale reducing apparatus has at least two stages, each stage containing one or more conduits therein surrounded by magnets. The magnets form a strong, substantially uniform magnetic field in the conduit(s) which is substantially perpendicular to the flow of water therein. Dissolved ions in the water interact with the magnetic field and may as a result be forced into contact with one another to form one or more non-dissolvable solids. The reduction in dissolved ions reduces and/or inhibits the formation of scale in the water supply lines of a structure, thus increasing the life of the conduits, appliances, and other structures where scale may form. 1. An apparatus for inhibiting scale formation , comprising:a water inlet configured for connection to a water source and being in fluid communication with a first end of at least one water treatment conduit;a water outlet configured for connection to a water supply for a structure and being in fluid communication with a second end of the at least one water treatment conduit; anda treatment assembly comprising the at least one water treatment conduit and at least one pair of magnets;wherein the diameter of the at least one water treatment conduit is smaller than the diameter of the water inlet such that a flow rate of water in the water treatment conduit is greater than a flow rate of water in the water inlet; andwherein the at least one pair of magnets are disposed symmetrically on opposite sides of the at least one water treatment conduit.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the treatment assembly further comprises at least two water treatment stages claim 1 , each water treatment stage comprising a single water treatment conduit and at least one pair of magnets.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein each water treatment stage comprises a plurality of pairs of magnets disposed along the length of the water treatment conduit.4. ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114903A1

A control valve is provided for a fluid treatment apparatus, including a housing with at least one cylinder defining a fluid flow path in the apparatus, each cylinder having an associated reciprocating piston valve. The valve includes a first piston valve half; a second piston valve half complementary to the first piston valve half; and a resilient seal constructed and arranged for being sandwiched between the first and second piston valve halves. The first piston valve half is constructed and arranged for engaging the cylinder before the second piston valve half, and having an exterior peripheral edge defined by a plurality of peripherally spaced teeth creating flow spaces between the teeth. 1. A control valve for a fluid treatment apparatus , including a housing with at least one cylinder defining a fluid flow path in the apparatus , each said cylinder having an associated reciprocating piston valve , said valve comprising:a first piston valve half;a second piston valve half complementary to said first piston valve half;a resilient seal constructed and arranged for being sandwiched between the first and second piston valve halves;said first piston valve half being constructed and arranged for engaging the cylinder before said second piston valve half, and having an exterior peripheral edge defined by a plurality of peripherally spaced teeth creating flow spaces between the teeth.2. The control valve of claim 1 , wherein said teeth comprise approximately half the periphery of said first valve half.3. The control valve of claim 1 , wherein said teeth are regularly spaced about said peripheral edge of said first valve half.4. The control valve of claim 1 , wherein said resilient seal has a generally “T”-shaped vertical cross-section including a main body and a pair of outwardly extending arms claim 1 , and wherein said arms are secured by respective portions of said first and second valve halves and a designated pocket in each half claim 1 , and said body extends ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120311A1
Принадлежит: U.S. Water Systems

The present invention provides methods and apparatus for cleaning and sanitizing potable water devices/appliances by recirculating and pulsing a rejuvenation solution through the device/appliance using a portable apparatus comprising a mechanical pump fluidly connected to the device/appliance. 1. A method of cleaning or sanitizing a potable water device , comprising the step of: recirculating a rejuvenation solution through the potable water device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the recirculation is a pulsing recirculation.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein air is introduced into the rejuvenation fluid during recirculation to induce agitation.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of injecting the rejuvenation solution into the potable water device.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the rejuvenation solution is a cleaning claim 1 , sanitizing claim 1 , or descaling solution.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the potable water device is a water softener claim 1 , filter claim 1 , reverse osmosis system claim 1 , water cooler claim 1 , water heater claim 1 , back flow regulator claim 1 , water dispenser claim 1 , commercial coffee maker claim 1 , soda machine claim 1 , or ice machine.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the potable water device is a water softener.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein the potable water device is a reverse osmosis system.9. The method of claim 2 , wherein the pulsing recirculation is performed by an external claim 2 , detachable claim 2 , portable apparatus comprising: a pump fluidly connected to the potable water device claim 2 , provided the pump is not a submersible pump.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the pump is a mechanical pump.11. An apparatus for cleaning or sanitizing a potable water device claim 9 , comprising: a pump to recirculate and/or pulsate a rejuvenating solution through the device claim 9 , provided the pump is not a submersible pump.12. The apparatus of claim 11 , wherein the pump is a mechanical ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации

Method for improving the percent recovery and water quality in high total hardness water

Номер: US20140202957A1
Автор: Fan-Sheng Teddy Tao
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

A method is disclosed for improving the percent recovery and water quality in water with high levels of hardness. Embodiments of the method include receiving a produced water composition, partially softening the water composition, and directing the partially softened water composition through at least one reverse osmosis unit. The method may be used to purify and clarify produced water from oil and gas operations for use in boilers or once-through steam generators.

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210156758A1
Автор: Carr Gregory Scott

A point of entry water treatment system is connected between a water supply and a plumbing system. The system includes a valve and a network communications module. The system is configured for receiving a signal from a remote sensor via the network communications module. The signal is indicative of a detected flow event. The controller is further configured for closing the valve either automatically in response to the signal from the remote sensor or in response to a signal received from a remote user interface device via the network communications module. 1. A method of operating a point of entry water treatment system connected between a water supply and a plumbing system , the water treatment system comprising a valve downstream of the water supply and upstream of the plumbing system , the method comprising:receiving a signal from a remote moisture sensor with a network communications module in the point of entry water treatment system, the remote moisture sensor positioned adjacent to a fixture connected to the plumbing system downstream of the point of entry water treatment system, the signal generated by the moisture sensor in response to detecting moisture, and the signal indicative of a detected leak from the fixture; andautomatically closing the valve in response to the signal from the remote moisture sensor immediately after receiving the signal and without waiting for any user input.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising sending a signal from the point of entry water treatment system to a remote user interface device via the network communications module of the point of entry water treatment system in response to the signal received from the remote moisture sensor.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the signal to the remote user interface device comprises a user notification corresponding to the detected leak from the fixture.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the user notification also corresponds to a location of the remote moisture sensor.5. The ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Method to prepare a coated current collector electrode for a flow through capacitor using two solvents with different boiling temperature

Номер: US20170129791A1
Принадлежит: Voltea BV

A method to prepare a coated current collector electrode of a flow through capacitor. The method includes preparing a coating paste includes: 10-50 weight % of carbon having a specific surface area of at least 500 m 2 /g; 0.3-5 weight % of a binder; 10-50 weight % based on the total paste of a first solvent having a first boiling point; and 10-50 weight % based on the total paste of a second solvent having a second boiling point. The method further includes applying the coating paste on a current collector; and allowing the second solvent in the coating paste applied on the current collector to evaporate at a temperature lower than the first boiling point.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123027A1

A water softening device includes a container configured to contain water, first and second electrodes arranged in fluid communication with the water, and a power source. The first electrode includes a conversion material that has a first composition and a second composition coexisting with the first composition. The first composition includes calcium ions bonded thereto and the second composition includes sodium ions bonded thereto. The power source supplies current in a first operating state such that the second composition exchanges sodium ions for calcium ions in the water to generate a soft water solution. The first and second electrodes are connected in a second operating state such that the first composition exchanges calcium ions for sodium ions in the water to generate a wastewater solution. The conversion material undergoes a reversible conversion reaction to convert between the first and second compositions within the water stability window. 1. A water softening device , comprising:{'sub': '1', 'a container configured to contain a water solution having a first concentration cof free calcium ions;'}a first electrode arranged in fluid communication with the water solution, the first electrode including a conversion material that has a first composition and a second composition coexisting with the first composition, the first composition including calcium ions bonded thereto and the second composition including sodium ions bonded thereto; and{'sub': '2', 'a power source configured to supply current to the first electrode in a first operating state such that the second composition exchanges the bonded sodium ions for the free calcium ions in the water solution and converts to the first composition to generate a soft water solution having a second concentration cof the free calcium ions,'}{'sub': 3', '3', '1', '2, 'wherein the first electrode is configured to be electrically connected to a load in a second operating state such that the first composition ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170135515A1
Автор: BUETTIKER Philipp

A beverage preparation apparatus, in particular coffee machine, comprising a process stage designed to convey and to heat supplied water and to dispense a prepared fluid. The process stage has a heater for heating the supplied water to a first target temperature or a second target temperature, which is different from the first target temperature, and also a path selection device for selectively choosing a direct path for the conveyed water or a softening path comprising a process stage softening device for the conveyed water. The path selection device is designed to choose the softening path when the heater heats the supplied water to the first target temperature. The path selection device is designed to choose the direct path when the heater heats the supplied water to the second target temperature. 1. A beverage preparation apparatus comprising:a process stage designed to convey and to heat supplied water and to dispense a prepared fluid, the process stage having a heater for heating the supplied water to a first target temperature and a second target temperature, which is different from the first target temperature, and also a path selection device for selectively choosing a direct path for the conveyed water or a softening path, the softening path comprising a process stage softening device for the conveyed water,wherein the path selection device is designed to choose the softening path when the heater heats the supplied water to the first target temperature, and wherein the path selection device is designed to choose the direct path when the heater heats the supplied water to the second target temperature.2. The beverage preparation apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first target temperature is higher than the second target temperature.3. The beverage preparation apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , the process stage is configured such that when the first target temperature is selected claim 2 , the prepared fluid at the outlet of the ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170137303A1
Принадлежит: Unger Marketing International, LLC

A portable water conditioning system is provided that includes an incoming water inlet; a reverse osmosis stage in fluid communication with the incoming water inlet, the reverse osmosis stage having a permeate outlet and a concentrate outlet; a diversion device having a diversion valve, the diversion valve placing the concentrate outlet in fluid communication with a waste water outlet; a deionizing stage in fluid communication with a pure water outlet; a bypass valve configured to selectively place the permeate outlet in fluid communication with one or more of the waste water outlet, the deionizing stage, and the pure water outlet; and a controller configured to control the diversion device and the bypass valve to provide water at the pure water outlet of a desired condition. 1. A portable water conditioning system , comprising:an incoming water inlet;a reverse osmosis stage in fluid communication with the incoming water inlet, the reverse osmosis stage having a permeate outlet and a concentrate outlet;a deionizing stage in fluid communication with a pure water outlet;a bypass valve configured to selectively place the permeate outlet in fluid communication with one or more of a waste water outlet, the deionizing stage, and the pure water outlet; anda controller configured to control the bypass valve to provide water at the pure water outlet of a desired condition.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a diversion device that places the concentrate outlet in fluid communication with the waste water outlet.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the diversion device further comprises a diversion valve that selectively places the concentrate outlet in fluid communication with a waste water outlet.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the diversion valve is in communication with the controller claim 3 , the controller being configured to detect a position of the diversion valve.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the diversion valve is in communication with the controller ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135868A1

An energy exchange system employing a hot water loop, a chilled water loop, an energy exchanger, a boiler plant for heating water flowing through the hot water loop and for heating water flowing through the chilled water loop via the energy exchanger, a chiller plant for chilling the water flowing through the chilled water loop and for chilling the water flowing through the hot water loop via the energy exchanger, and a control for calculating a hot energy load for operating the at least one boiler to heat the water flowing through the hot water loop and for heating the water flowing through the chilled water loop via the energy exchanger, and for calculating a chilled water energy load for operating the at least one chiller to chill the water flowing through the chilled water loop and for chilling the water flowing through the hot water loop via the energy exchanger. 1. An energy exchange system , comprising:a hot water loop and a chilled water loop;an energy exchanger connected to the primary hot water loop and the chilled water loop for transferring energy between the water loop and the chilled water loop;a boiler plant including at least one boiler connected to the hot water loop for heating water flowing through the hot water loop and for heating water flowing through the chilled water loop via the energy exchanger;a chiller plant including at least one chiller connected to the chilled water loop for chilling the water flowing through the chilled water loop and for chilling the water flowing through the hot water loop via the energy exchanger; and calculate a hot energy load for operating the at least one boiler to heat the water flowing through the hot water loop and for heating the water flowing through the chilled water loop via the energy exchanger, and', 'calculate a chilled water energy load for operating the at least one chiller to chill the water flowing through the chilled water loop and for chilling the water flowing through the hot water loop via the ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Water conditioning systems

Номер: US20220280898A1
Принадлежит: Unger Marketing International LLC

Portable water conditioning systems include a water conditioner having a plurality of conditioning stages including, in a direction of flow of the water through the water conditioner, a reverse osmosis stage having a reverse osmosis membrane, and a deionizing stage. A first sensor is configured to detect a first condition of the water before the reverse osmosis stage and a second sensor configured to detect a second condition of the water after the reverse osmosis stage. The conditions each include (i) a level of total dissolved solids of the water and (ii) temperature of the water. A controller is in communication with the sensors and configured to determine of a percent of dissolved solids that are rejected by the reverse osmosis membrane based on the conditions when backpressure on the reverse osmosis stage is at a known state.

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136388A1

Disclosed herein are phosphoester anticorrosion compositions comprising an adduct of an alkylphenol ethoxylate phosphate ester with 1,3,5,7-tetraazaadamantane. The adducts are storage stable neat or in a solvent. The adducts are suitably added at about 0.5 ppm to 500 ppm by weight or by volume to a water source comprising one or more corrodents to inhibit corrosion of metal surfaces contacting the water source. The phosphoester anticorrosion compositions are as effective or more effective at inhibiting corrosion than conventional sulfur-based corrosion inhibitors when compared on a weight or volume basis. 2. The phosphoester anticorrosion composition of wherein the alkylphenol ethoxylate phosphate ester is a mixture of formula I and formula II.3. The phosphoester anticorrosion composition of wherein each R is a C9 linear or branched alkyl.4. The phosphoester anticorrosion composition of wherein the molar ratio of alkylphenol ethoxylate phosphate ester to 1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5 claim 1 ,7-tetraazaadamantane in the composition is about 1:1.5. The phosphoester anticorrosion composition of further comprising a solvent claim 1 , wherein the solvent is present in the composition at about 10 wt % to 99 wt %.6. The phosphoester anticorrosion composition of wherein the solvent is selected from water claim 5 , C-Calkanols claim 5 , alkoxyalkanols claim 5 , glycols claim 5 , glycol ethers claim 5 , glycol esters and mixtures thereof.8. The method of wherein the combining is combining about 1 mole of alkylphenol ethoxylate phosphate ester with about 1 mole of 1 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,5 claim 7 ,7-tetraazaadamantane.9. The method of wherein the heating is to a temperature of about 80° C. to 200° C.10. A treated water source comprising:a water source comprising one or more corrodents; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'about 0.5 ppm to 500 ppm by volume of the adduct of .'}11. The treated water source of wherein the one or more corrodents comprise hydrogen ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150151982A1

A monitored release solid feed system having a solid chemical feed tank, a storage tank located below the solid chemical feed tank, and an automated valve. The solid chemical feed tank is loaded with a blend of inhibitors and an indicator-chemical in a solid form. A detector measures the amount of indicator in the recirculating water and periodically compares it to a setpoint. If the value is below the setpoint, the automated valve opens allowing water to pass through the storage tank and the solid chemical feed tank thus carrying inhibitors and a proportional amount of indicator-chemical into the recirculating system. 1. A chemical feeding device for recirculating water systems that lose water , comprising:a chemical feed tank having a water inlet, a water outlet, and an opening for receiving solid chemical, said chemical feed tank configured to receive through said opening solid chemicals containing an indicator-chemical and to allow said solid chemicals to dissolve or partially dissolve in water held in the tank;a storage tank connected to said inlet via an isolation valve and configured to receive the contents of said chemical feed tank during loading of solid chemical into said chemical feed tank, said storage tank having an inlet connected to a recirculating water system;said chemical feed tank outlet connected to said recirculating water system;a measuring device for measuring the level of an indicator-chemical in the recirculating water system,an automatic valve to allow dissolved chemical held in the chemical feed tank to flow into the recirculating water system based on a measured level of said indicator chemical.2. The device of where said indicator-chemical fluoresces.3. The device of where the water going into said water inlet is recirculating water from a cooling system.4. The device of where said indicator-chemical is blended in proportion to the active material in the chemicals.5. The device of where said indicator-chemical and active-chemical blend ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Method and System for Treating Brine Waste Water

Номер: US20180148350A1

The present invention relates to a method for zero-release treatment of brine waste water, comprising: (1) pretreatment; (2) reverse osmosis treatment; (3) advanced oxidation treatment; (4) biochemical treatment; (5) electrodialysis concentration; (6) circulating crystallization. Compared with the prior art, the method for zero-release treatment of brine waste water provided in the present invention realizes zero release or near zero release of waste water, improves salt recovery efficiency, can recover high-quality sodium sulfate, mirabilite and sodium chloride, and turns crystalline salts into a resource; the membrane treatment unit can operates stably in the process for a long operation period at a low cost, and the entire process has high economic efficiency. 1. A method for treatment of brine waste water , comprising:(1) pretreatment: the pretreatment includes softening, coagulation and sedimentation, rough filtration and ultrafiltration procedures, and the water outputted is treated by reverse osmosis treatment;(2) reverse osmosis treatment: the water outputted from the pretreatment process is treated by intermediate pressure reverse osmosis first, producing a first diluted water and a first concentrate water, the first diluted water produced through the intermediate pressure reverse osmosis is sent to be reused, the first concentrated water produced in the intermediate pressure reverse osmosis is treated by high pressure reverse osmosis then, producing a second diluted water and a second concentrate water, the second diluted water produced through the high pressure reverse osmosis is sent to be reused, and the second concentrated water produced in the high pressure reverse osmosis is treated by biochemical treatment;(3) biochemical treatment: carried out in a membrane bioreactor containing a salt-tolerant microbial inoculum and a microbial growth promoter therein, to reduce or even eliminate COD and total nitrogen;(4) electrodialysis concentration: the water ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Package System for Packaging and Administering Controlled Dosages of Chemical Agents

Номер: US20170152093A1

A package system is disclosed for dispensing controlled amounts of a chemical agent. The package system includes an outer package that is generally gas and liquid impermeable. The outer package contains an inner package made from a degradable material, such as a material that is water degradable. The inner package contains a measured amount of a chemical agent. The chemical agent may be difficult to handle and may have corrosive properties, may be an oxidizer, or the like. The package system facilitates dispensing the chemical agent into a particular environment. In one embodiment, the package system is designed to hold a chemical agent for treating recreational water sources, such as swimming pools. 1. A package system for administering controlled dosages of a chemical comprising:{'sup': 2', '2, 'an outer package comprising a first film attached to a second film, the outer package having a periphery surrounding a compartment having an interior volume, the first film and the second film being attached together at the periphery, the first film and the second film having a moisture vapor transmission rate of less than about 0.5 g/100 in/24 hrs. and an oxygen transfer rate of less than about 0.5 cc/100 in/24 hrs., the outer package including a tear promoting portion for facilitating opening of the outer package; and'}an inner sealed package contained in the compartment of the outer package, the inner package being degradable when exposed to a degrading agent, the inner package containing a measured amount of a chemical agent;and wherein the outer package maintains a non-degradable environment for the inner package and the chemical agent.2. A package system as defined in claim 1 , wherein the inner sealed package is water degradable.3. A package system as defined in claim 1 , wherein the first film and the second film are comprised of a polyester claim 1 , a polypropylene claim 1 , a polyethylene claim 1 , an oriented polypropylene claim 1 , a polyvinylidene chloride ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Water treatment system and methods using radial deionization

Номер: US20180155221A1
Принадлежит: Atlantis Technologies LLC

Apparatuses, systems, and methods for treating cooling tower water with a radial deionization unit are disclosed. The radial deionization unit may alone or in conjunction with other treatment units treat a make-up water being fed to a cooling tower, in order to remove dissolved solids from the water. The radial deionization unit may, in some cases, receive reclaimed water from the cooling tower or other unit operations

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200147549A1

A portable water conditioning system is provided that includes an incoming water inlet; a reverse osmosis stage in fluid communication with the incoming water inlet, the reverse osmosis stage having a permeate outlet and a concentrate outlet; a diversion device having a diversion valve, the diversion valve placing the concentrate outlet in fluid communication with a waste water outlet; a deionizing stage in fluid communication with a pure water outlet; a bypass valve configured to selectively place the permeate outlet in fluid communication with one or more of the waste water outlet, the deionizing stage, and the pure water outlet; and a controller configured to control the diversion device and the bypass valve to provide water at the pure water outlet of a desired condition. 1. A portable water conditioning system , comprising:an incoming water inlet;a reverse osmosis stage in fluid communication with the incoming water inlet, the reverse osmosis stage having a permeate outlet and a concentrate outlet;a deionizing stage in fluid communication with a pure water outlet;a bypass valve configured to selectively place the permeate outlet in fluid communication with one or more of a waste water outlet, the deionizing stage, and the pure water outlet; anda controller configured to control the bypass valve to selectively control a supply of water to the pure water outlet and the waste water outlet based on a desired condition,wherein, during a startup mode, the controller is configured to open the bypass valve to increase a waste water flow to transfer water having high total dissolved solids to pass through the waste water outlet and, during a shutdown mode, the controller is configured to close the bypass valve to flush the system of waste water and increase a flow waste water through the waste water outlet.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a diversion device that places the concentrate outlet in fluid communication with the waste water outlet.3. The system ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации

Intercalation-Based Materials and Processes for Softening Water

Номер: US20200148560A1

A device for removing ions from a flow of water includes a first electrode and a counter-electrode opposite the first electrode in the flow of water. The first electrode contains at least one material which is capable of intercalating one or both of Mg and Ca ions in the flow of water. The counter-electrode can include a material capable of binding to anions in the flow of water. 1. A device for removing ions from a flow of water comprising:a first electrode connectable to a current source and configured to be arranged in a flow of water; anda counter-electrode connectable to the current source and configured to be arranged in the flow of water opposite said first electrode,{'sup': 2+', '2+, 'wherein said first electrode contains at least one material which is capable of intercalating one or both of Mg and Ca ions in the flow of water.'}2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one material is selected from the group consisting of: ACuFe(CN)(A=Li claim 1 ,Na claim 1 ,K claim 1 ,Cs) 0≤x≤1; AMnFe(CN)(A=Li claim 1 ,Na claim 1 ,K claim 1 ,Cs) 0≤x≤1; AMnMn(CN)(A=Li claim 1 ,Na claim 1 ,K claim 1 ,Cs) 0≤x≤1; AZnFe(CN)(A=Li claim 1 ,Na claim 1 ,K claim 1 ,Cs) 0≤x≤1; ABaFe(CN)(A=Li claim 1 ,Na claim 1 ,K claim 1 ,Cs) 0≤x≤1; AFeFe(CN)(A=Li claim 1 ,Na claim 1 ,K claim 1 ,Cs) 0≤x≤1; ANiFe(CN)(A=Li claim 1 ,Na claim 1 ,K claim 1 ,Cs) 0≤x≤1; TiFe[Fe(CN)]0≤x≤1; polyimide; FePO; NaMnFe(PO); NaFe(PO); Na(M)PO claim 1 , M=Fe claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , or FeMn0≤x≤1; MnO; NaMnO claim 1 , 0≤x≤1; ZnMnO; MgFeSiO/C; MgMnSiO claim 1 , 0≤x≤2; MgTi(PO); LiTi(PO); TiAl(PO) claim 1 , 0≤x≤2; TiPO; NaMnTi(PO); KTiO; TiS; FeS; CaMO(M=Mn and/or Fe); potassium terephthalate; 2 claim 1 ,5-pyridinedicarboxylate (KPC); KFeF; KMnO; KMgFe(PO) claim 1 , 0≤x≤2; NaTi(PO); NaFePO claim 1 , TiO claim 1 , and NaTiO.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the counter-electrode includes a material capable of binding anions in the flow of water to the counter-electrode.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus Providing Softened Makeup Water for Cooling System

Номер: US20150175459A1
Автор: Hofmann Donald S.

An apparatus introduces partially-purified, softened makeup water into an open recirculating cooling system by injecting proportionated softened makeup water into a secondary side system (such as for filtering the system water) and connected to its primary recirculating system. Proportional unsoftened makeup water is introduced through the secondary side system lines. In particular, the present apparatus and method includes controlling proportional additions (via batch or continuously) of softened and unsoftened makeup water based on cycles of concentration of the system water, and based on characteristics (e.g. conductivity) of the unsoftened makeup water. For example, the present innovation allows the water softener equipment to be placed inside the building where components are easier to install, service, and maintain, while still resulting in optimal control for purposes of minimizing total makeup water required. This results in a more environmentally friendly system with less water usage and installation/maintenance savings. 1. An apparatus comprising:an open recirculating cooling system having recirculating system water therein;a blowdown system operably connected to the cooling system for periodically draining an amount of the system water from the cooling system when the system water is overloaded with one or both of minerals and impurities;an unsoftened makeup water source and a softened makeup water source each operably connected to one of the cooling system and the blowdown system for adding makeup water back into the system water;a water meter generating a signal indicating the amount of system water discharged to a drain; anda controller operably connected to the water meter and to the softened makeup water source and that is programmed to proportionately add to the system water an amount of the softened makeup water based on cycles of concentration of the system water and also based in part on the signal indicating the amount of system water drained ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140261697A1
Автор: Vaughan Don
Принадлежит: Clack Corporation

A valve assembly for a twin tank-type water treatment system includes and a tank selector valve assembly that includes first and second rotary selector valves driven in concert with another by a reversible electric motor. The motor drives the first and second selector valves between (a) a first position in which an untreated water inlet and a treated water outlet of the valve assembly are coupled to a first resin tank, and a second resin tank is connected to a regeneration valve, and (b) a second position which the untreated water inlet and the treated water outlet of the valve assembly are coupled to the second resin tank, and the first resin tank is connected to a regeneration valve. The rotary valves may be disks that rotate relatively rapidly on a common shaft driven by the electric motor through an arc of 180° or less. 1. A valve assembly for a water treatment system , the valve assembly comprising:(A) an untreated water inlet;(B) a treated water outlet;(C) a first outlet port coupled to an inlet of a first resin tank;(D) a second outlet port coupled to an inlet of a second resin tank;(E) a first inlet port coupled to an outlet of the first resin tank;(F) a second inlet port coupled to an outlet of the second resin tank;(G) a regeneration valve connected to a brine tank and to a drain; and (1) first and second rotary selector valves, and', (a) a first position in which the first outlet port is coupled to the untreated water inlet, the first inlet port is coupled to the treated water outlet, and the inlet and outlet of the second resin tank are connected to the regeneration valve, and', '(b) a second position which the second outlet port is coupled to the untreated water inlet, the second inlet port is coupled to the treated water outlet, and the inlet and outlet of the first resin tank are connected to the regeneration valve., '(2) a reversible electric motor that drives the first and second selector valves in concert between'}], '(H) a tank selector valve ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Control valve for fluid treatment apparatus

Номер: US20210207717A1
Принадлежит: Culligan International Co

A control valve for a fluid treatment apparatus is provided, including a valve body having a control portion and a treatment portion, the portions being separated from each other so that fluid in the control portion is isolated from fluid in the treatment portion. The treatment portion includes a plurality of piston valves reciprocating in corresponding openings defined in a corresponding number of cylinders for controlling water to be treated in the apparatus. Each of the cylinders has a plurality of peripherally spaced, vertically-extending guide ribs configured for facilitating engagement of the piston valves with the openings and for reducing unwanted cavitation.

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Brine Feed System

Номер: US20180194650A1
Автор: Herrington Rodney E

The present invention relates to an electrolytic cell producing oxidants that utilizes a vacuum venturi system to meter saturated brine to the water stream to produce the correct conductivity electrolyte for operation of the electrolytic cell. The present invention comprises a venture eductor configured to accept brine from a brine source and to communicate brine to the chlorine generation system, a first control device to discourage communication of brine from the venture eductor to the brine source, and a second control device to control the rate of flow of brine from the brine source to the venture eductor. 1. A brine metering system for supplying brine to a chlorine generation system , comprising a venture eductor configured to accept brine from a brine source and to communicate brine to the chlorine generation system , a first control device to discourage communication of brine from the venture eductor to the brine source , and a second control device to control the rate of flow of brine from the brine source to the venture eductor.2. A brine metering system as in claim 1 , wherein the first control device comprises a check valve.3. A brine metering system as in claim 1 , wherein the second control device comprises a manual valve.4. A brine metering system as in claim 1 , wherein the second control device comprises a variable control solenoid valve.5. A brine metering system as in claim 1 , wherein the second control device comprises a motor controlled valve.6. A brine metering system as in claim 1 , wherein the second control device comprises an air controlled valve.7. A brine metering system as in claim 2 , wherein the second control device comprises a manual valve.8. A brine metering system as in claim 2 , wherein the second control device comprises a variable control solenoid valve.9. A brine metering system as in claim 2 , wherein the second control device comprises a motor controlled valve.10. A brine metering system as in claim 2 , wherein the second ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160207811A1

A scale detection device of a concentrating device comprises: a reverse osmosis membrane device that is a concentrating device including a reverse osmosis membrane , which is a filtering membrane for concentrating salt in a water to be treated , containing at least calcium sulfate to obtain reclaimed water ; and a scale detection unit disposed in a branched line Lbranched from a concentrated water line Ldischarging concentrated water having a high concentration of salt, the scale detection unit further concentrating the salt in the concentrated water to obtain reclaimed water for detection , and including a detection membrane detecting the absence or presence of scale component deposition in the concentrated water 1. A scale detection device of a concentrating device , the scale detection device comprising:a concentrating device including a filtering membrane concentrating salt in a water to be treated containing at least calcium sulfate to obtain reclaimed water; anda scale detection unit disposed in a branched line branched from a concentrated water line discharging concentrated water having a high concentration of salt, the scale detection unit further concentrating salt in the concentrated water to obtain reclaimed water for detection, and including a detection membrane detecting the absence or presence of scale component deposition in the concentrated water.2. The scale detection device of a concentrating device according to claim 1 , further comprisinga booster pump to increase a pressure of the concentrated water supplied to the detection membrane in the scale detection unit.3. The scale detection device of a concentrating device according to claim 1 , further comprisinga valve that reduces an amount of the concentrated water for detection separated at the detection membrane.4. The scale detection device of a concentrating device according to claim 3 , further comprisinga circulation line that feeds the concentrated water for detection separated at the ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150218026A1
Автор: Yamaoka Shinya

A salt water supply unit includes a salt water plate that divides the interior of a salt water tank into a salt container and a salt water reservoir, and a salt water well that stands and penetrates the salt water plate. The salt water well accommodates a salt water valve device and a concentration detector. The salt water valve device includes a valve box having a valve hole that allows makeup water or salt water to flow therethrough, a float rod penetrating the valve hole, a valve element coupled to a first end of the float rod, and a water level detecting float coupled to a second end of the float rod. The concentration detector includes a switch that is incorporated in a stem holding a concentration detecting float. The switch outputs different detection signals in accordance with the position of the concentration detecting float. 1. (canceled)2. A salt water supply unit comprising:a salt water tank having a salt container configured to contain salt and a salt water reservoir configured to reserve salt water that is generated from the salt contained in the salt container and makeup water imported from outside;a salt water plate provided in the salt water tank and allowing the salt contained in the salt container to be placed thereon;a salt water valve device having functions of controlling a flow of makeup water from outside and a flow of salt water to outside and blocking the flow of makeup water when a water level of the salt water tank reaches a prescribed water level preliminarily set;at least one concentration detector having a concentration detecting float configured to float or sink in accordance with a concentration of salt water in the salt water tank and to output a detection signal in accordance with a position of the concentration detecting float; anda salt water well provided in the salt water tank and accommodating the salt water valve device and the concentration detector; whereinthe salt water well has an upper communication port connected to the ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180222777A1

The invention relates to a system for applying a superimposed time-varying frequency electromagnetic wave to a target object or a target region that is formed by the target object and a medium surrounding the target object, comprising a device for generating a superimposed time-varying frequency electromagnetic wave where the time-varying AC wave is riding on the predefined DC bias voltage. When applied to the object or region, the superimposed time-varying frequency electromagnetic wave is able to induce a flow of ionic current having a DC component traveling in a pulsating and time-varying manner in the target object and/or in the medium and effect induced vibration of electrons and molecules of the target object and the medium. The invention also relates to a method applying a superimposed time-varying frequency electromagnetic wave to a target object or a target region. The method and the system of the invention significantly reduce the capital cost and require very low energy, with the environmentally friendly final products, and are able to result in various treatment effects simultaneously. 1. A system for applying a superimposed time-varying frequency electromagnetic wave to a target object or a target region that is formed by the target object and a medium surrounding the target object , comprising: an alternating current (AC) wave generator for generating an AC driving signal of AC electromagnetic wave having a time-varying frequency at a desired sweeping time, and', 'a direct current (DC) biasing unit electrically coupled in series with the AC wave generator and for producing a DC output with a predefined DC bias voltage, the DC biasing unit being configured such that the DC output is mixed with the AC driving signal to produce the superimposed time-varying frequency electromagnetic wave where the time-varying frequency AC wave is riding on the predefined DC bias voltage, and, 'a device for generating the superimposed time-varying frequency ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180222778A1

The invention relates to a method and system for treating water within a water system to control one or more of scaling, corrosion, bacteria and algae. In particular, the invention relates to methods and systems for applying a superimposed time-varying frequency electromagnetic wave comprising both AC and DC components in a pulsating manner to water within a water system, such as, for example, cooling water systems, cooling towers, boiler systems and water storage systems. The method and the system of the invention significantly reduce capital costs and require very low energy, they avoid environmentally unfriendly final products, and are able to result in various treatment effects simultaneously. 1. A method for treating water within a water system to control one or more of scaling , corrosion , bacteria and algae , comprising applying a superimposed time-varying frequency electromagnetic wave to the water and the water system , the method comprising the steps of:generating the superimposed time-varying frequency electromagnetic wave in which an AC driving signal with time-varying frequency is riding on a DC output with a predefined DC bias voltage to provide a DC superimposed time-varying AC pulsating ionic wave current,transmitting the DC superimposed time-varying AC pulsating ionic wave current to one or more emitters placed in the water or the water and the water system,subjecting the water and the water system to the generated DC superimposed time-varying AC pulsating ionic wave current so as to excite the water or the water and the water system,wherein the excitation causes a flow of ionic current having a DC component travelling in a pulsating and time-varying manner in the water or the water and the water system and induces vibration of electrons and molecules of the water or the water and the water system.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the DC output is generated by a DC biasing unit selected from the group consisting of switch mode DC power ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Brine Feed System

Номер: US20200216336A1
Автор: Rodney E. Herrington

The present invention relates to an electrolytic cell producing oxidants that utilizes a vacuum venturi system to meter saturated brine to the water stream to produce the correct conductivity electrolyte for operation of the electrolytic cell. The present invention comprises a venture eductor configured to accept brine from a brine source and to communicate brine to the chlorine generation system, a first control device to discourage communication of brine from the venture eductor to the brine source, and a second control device to control the rate of flow of brine from the brine source to the venture eductor.

06-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140326653A1
Автор: Huang Chin-Yu
Принадлежит: Taiwell Tech. Co.,Ltd.

A water purification system may include a water purification unit and a clean water receiving unit. The water purification unit includes a purification space that has a sealing unit at a predetermined position and communicating with outside the water purification unit. The purification space has a receiving space containing liquid with resonating molecules, wherein a purification channel is formed between an outer wall of the receiving space and the purification space, and the purification space has at least one water inlet and one water outlet, and the water inlet is connected to a water source. The clean water receiving unit that has a clean water receiving space that has at least one clean water inlet and clean water outlet, wherein the clean water inlet is connected to the water outlet of the purification space to receive clean water that has been processed by the water purification unit. 1. A water purification system comprising:a water purification unit including a purification space that has a sealing unit at a predetermined position and communicating with outside said water purification unit, said purification space having a receiving space containing liquid with resonating molecules, wherein a purification channel is formed between an outer wall of the receiving space and the purification space, and the purification space has at least one water inlet and one water outlet, and the water inlet is connected to a water source; anda clean water receiving unit that has a clean water receiving space that has at least one clean water inlet and clean water outlet, wherein the clean water inlet is connected to the water outlet of the purification space to receive clean water that has been processed by the water purification unit.2. The water purification system of claim 1 , wherein the sealing unit has a bolt claim 1 , a cover and a through hole claim 1 , said cover secured at one screw end of the purification space and the bolt passing through the through hole.3. ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210292188A1
Автор: Nelson Clinton D.

The present invention relates to a residential home water filter system and method. Specifically, the present invention comprises a water filter system comprising a filter stage, and a water purification stage, a water storage state, and a back-up water softening stage, to deliver filtered and purified water to consumers when needed. 1. A system for supplying purified water to a building comprising:a water source; anda first junction to supply water from the water source alternately to a first water line leading to a reverse osmosis apparatus and to a second line leading to a water softener,wherein the first line leading to the reverse osmosis apparatus comprises a pump for increasing the pressure of the water in the first water line,wherein the water is supplied through the reverse osmosis apparatus when the pump is activated, and further wherein the water is supplied through the water softener when the pump is deactivated.2. The system of further comprising:at least one filter between the water source and the first junction.3. The system of further comprising:a pressurized tank configured to receive water from either the water softener or the reverse osmosis apparatus.4. The system of further comprising:a second junction downstream from both the water softener and the reverse osmosis apparatus.5. The system of further comprising:a pressurized tank downstream of the second junction, the pressurized tank configured to receive water from either the water softener or the reverse osmosis apparatus.6. The system of wherein the pressurized tank is configured to receive water from the reverse osmosis apparatus until a draw from the pressurized tank reduces the water in the pressurized tank to a pre-determined amount whereupon claim 3 , when the water in the pressurized tank is reduced to the pre-determined level claim 3 , the pressurized tank is configured to receive water from the water softener.7. The system of wherein the pre-determined amount is zero.8. The system of ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160262593A1

The present disclosure relates to a dishmachine that includes one or more features directed to water, energy or material savings. The disclosed dishmachines are still capable of meeting the soil demands of the articles to be cleaned. 116-. (canceled)17. A dishmachine comprising:an enclosure defining a wash chamber comprising at least one spray arm mounted therein and at least one spray nozzle on the spray arm, the enclosure further comprising a door and a vent; a. a first flow path in fluid communication with the wash chamber through the vent, the first flow path comprising a first end disposed adjacent to the vent, a second end positioned opposite of the first end, and a drain, wherein the drain is in fluid communication with the wash chamber and adapted to drain condensate from the first flow path into the wash chamber, and wherein the first flow path further comprises an exhaust port positioned at the second end, and wherein the exhaust port is in fluid communication with the wash chamber and with an exterior of the dishmachine when the door is in a closed position;', 'b. a second flow path extending between and in fluid communication with an external water source and the wash chamber;', 'c. a refrigerant-boosted heat exchanger circuit comprising a closed loop circuit filled with refrigerant fluid, the circuit comprising a first coil extending into the first flow path and constructed and arranged to absorb heat from fluid in the first flow path; and a second coil extending into the second flow path and constructed and arranged to release heat into fluid in the second flow path; and, 'a heat recovery system comprisingan integrated water conditioning system.18. The dishmachine of claim 17 , wherein the integrated water conditioning system is located on the dishmachine.19. The dishmachine of claim 17 , wherein the integrated water conditioning system is selected from the group consisting of a water softener claim 17 , a capacitive deionization system claim 17 , a ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации

Methods of inhibiting microorganism growth using moss

Номер: US20150266760A1
Принадлежит: Embro Corp

The invention provides a method of inhibiting microorganism growth comprising contacting a substance susceptible to microorganism growth with an amount of a non-decomposed moss effective to inhibit microorganism growth, wherein the moss is selected from the group consisting of sphagnum papillosum, sphagnum cristatum, and mixtures thereof.

14-10-2021 дата публикации

Water Softener Brine Tank Salt Bag Splitter

Номер: US20210316893A1

The present invention is a water softener brine tank salt bag splitter with a blade and telescoping mounting rod positioned below the tank lid to accommodate a variety of tank sizes and stiffen the lateral flexibility of the tank sidewall. Looped vertical mounting brackets secure over and around the upper edge of the tank sidewall to preserve the seal between the tank sidewall and lid. The mounting rod and brackets form a platform to support the weight of a salt bag when pouring salt pellets into the tank. The configuration of the brackets and the weight of the bag locks the bracket in place to prevent the blade from rotating when the bag drops down onto the blade. The device includes a rod assembly with an adjustable length, a cutting blade attached to a surface of the rod assembly, and brackets connectable to first and second ends of the rod assembly. 1. A salt bag splitter for a water softener brine tank having a thin laterally flexible sidewall extending around a tank perimeter to form a tank interior that holds salt pellets and water or brine in a lower interior portion and contains humid air and salty vapor in an upper interior portion , the sidewall extending upwardly and having an open upper end with opposed sides and a tank width or diameter , the brine tank having a tank lid with a thin laterally flexible downwardly extending rim adapted to snuggly engage the upper end of the sidewall to form an air seal around the upper end of the tank perimeter to close the open upper end of the sidewall and prevent the escape of the humid air and salty vapor; the lid being removable to add salt pellets from a salt bag , the salt bag having a salt bag weight , said salt bag splitter comprising:a telescoping rod assembly with first and second rods, first and second opposed rod ends and first and second mounting brackets, each of said mounting bracket being connected to one of said opposed rod ends, said rod assembly and mounting brackets having an adjustable rod length, ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Preventing Scale Deposits and Removing Contaminants From Fluid Columns

Номер: US20140360928A1
Принадлежит: Wilsa Inc

An apparatus for providing magnetic fluid treatment is described. The apparatus includes a serial coupling of conduit segments forming a conduit. At least two of the conduit segments are constructed of a magnetically conductive material and at least one of the conduit segments is constructed of a non-magnetically conductive material and positioned in between the conduit segments constructed of the magnetically conductive material to establish a non-magnetically conductive region. At least one electrical conductor encircles at least a section of the outer surface of the serial coupling of conduit segments. Energizing the electrical conductor establishes a magnetic field having lines of flux directed along a flow path of the conduit and concentrated in the non-magnetically conductive region of the conduit.

16-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210387873A1

Disclosed is a filter and a filter case using CDI, and a water purifier and a water softener using the filter case. Specifically, the filter case comprises: a case having a cylindrical shape and including a receiving space formed therein; a first cover having an inlet formed in the center thereof and configured to close one side of the case; and a second cover having an outlet formed in the center thereof and configured to close the other side of the case. 1. A filter case comprising:{'b': 100', '110, 'a case () having a cylindrical shape, the case having an accommodation space () formed therein;'}{'b': 210', '211, 'a first cover () having an inlet () formed in a center thereof, the first cover closing one side of the case;'}{'b': 220', '221, 'a second cover () having an outlet () formed in a center thereof, the second cover closing an opposite side of the case;'}{'b': '300', 'a CDI electrode () accommodated in the accommodation space;'}{'b': '214', 'a first flow guide () formed on an inner surface of the first cover so as to protrude;'}{'b': 120', '121, 'a division unit () comprising a partition plate () located in the case, the division unit dividing the accommodation space into two portions;'}{'b': '110', 'i': 'a', 'a first accommodation portion () formed between the first cover and the partition plate in the accommodation space;'}{'b': '110', 'i': 'b', 'a second accommodation portion () formed between the second cover and the partition plate in the accommodation space;'}{'b': '123', 'a second flow guide () formed on one surface of the partition plate so as to protrude;'}{'b': '400', 'one or more division plates () disposed in the first accommodation portion and the second accommodation portion;'}{'b': '420', 'division-plate flow grooves () formed in circumferential surfaces of the division plates so as to be arranged at regular intervals;'}{'b': '430', 'division-plate discharge holes () formed through centers of the division plates; and'}{'b': '440', 'a seating ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Method for Relieving Corrosive Environment of Boiling Water Reactor, Nuclear Power Plant, and Method for Injecting Noble Metal Which Is Carried out in Nuclear Power Plant

Номер: US20170287573A1

The present disclosure provides a method for relieving a corrosive environment of a boiling water reactor, the method including a step of injecting hydrogen and a noble metal compound into water to be replenished into the reactor pressure vessel during a period of a generating operation of a boiling water nuclear power plant including the reactor pressure vessel. In the method, the hydrogen is injected into water to be supplied into the reactor pressure vessel, and the noble metal compound is injected into water in a line of the boiling water nuclear power plant in which a concentration of oxygen or hydrogen peroxide is stoichiometrically higher than the concentration of hydrogen at which hydrogen undergoes a chemical reaction to turn to water. Thus, when a noble metal is injected into a boiling water reactor, the noble metal can be restrained from adhering onto a pipe for an injection and other pipes, and thereby can increase the amount of the noble metal to be injected into a cooling water in a reactor pressure vessel. 1. A method for relieving a corrosive environment of a boiling water reactor ,the method comprising a step of:injecting hydrogen and a noble metal compound into water to be replenished into the reactor pressure vessel during a period of a generating operation of a boiling water nuclear power plant including the reactor pressure vessel,wherein the hydrogen is injected into water to be supplied into the reactor pressure vessel, andthe noble metal compound is injected into water in a line of the boiling water nuclear power plant in which a concentration of oxygen or hydrogen peroxide is stoichiometrically higher than the concentration of hydrogen at which hydrogen undergoes a chemical reaction to turn to water.2. The method for relieving the corrosive environment of the boiling water reactor according to claim 1 ,wherein the noble metal compound is injected into the water in the line at a downstream side of a site of the line where the oxidizer is ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Non-Chemical Water Treatment Apparatus and System

Номер: US20150299014A1
Автор: McLaine Paul Q.

A system for the breakdown and removal of bio-materials and suspended solids in water cooling systems using a tri-partite bio-cell treatment unit utilizing electric and electro-magnetic fields and a mechanical vortex filtering system to remove particulate materials housed in the water complex as suspended solids. The system also uses high voltage electrodes for charging the water complex to breakdown laminar flow at the conduit walls to mechanically dislodge any build-up of bio-materials or chemical compounds along the walls resulting in an increase in thermal conductivity, all without the use of chemical compounds. 2. The water treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the first bio-cell has a dual electrode structure with each electrode made of titanium such that claim 1 , when charged claim 1 , the electrodes drive free Hand Ofrom the water complex depriving the water complex of those chemicals that will substantially eliminate most aerobic and anaerobic organisms that are in solution in the water complex for the lack of said chemicals.3. The water treatment system of claim 2 , wherein the first bio-cell is continually charged.4. The water treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the second bio-cell has a dual electrode structure with each electrode made of a copper/silver alloy claim 1 , where copper makes up 99% and silver makes up 1% of the alloy material claim 1 , such that said copper/silver alloy material is utilized to substantially eliminate and control the regrowth of surface growing algae and slime by the erosion of the copper component of the copper/silver alloy which is discharged into the water complex at a concentration rate of 0.1-0.3 ppm.5. The water treatment system of claim 4 , wherein the second bio-cell is energized 3-4 times daily where such cycle usually occurs once every four hours during daylight hours.6. The water treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the third bio-cell has a single electrode structure with said electrode made of a series of ...

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200283308A1
Принадлежит: Kyungdong Navien Co., Ltd.

A water-softening system includes a filter device including filter units that are provided in at least some of a plurality of supply channels arranged in parallel to supply raw water to a consumption site and that remove at least part of ionic matter contained in supplied raw water by electro-deionization and discharge soft water containing less ionic matter than the raw water, a plurality of supply valves provided in the plurality of supply channels to open or close the supply channels, and a processor connected to the filter device and the plurality of supply valves. The processor determines whether water is supplied to the consumption site and controls at least one of the plurality of supply valves to remain open to maintain a state in which water is allowed to be supplied to the consumption site, when it is determined that no water is supplied to the consumption site. 1. A water-softening system comprising:a filter device including filter units provided in at least some of a plurality of supply channels arranged in parallel to supply raw water to a consumption site, wherein the filter units remove at least part of ionic matter contained in supplied raw water by electro-deionization and discharge soft water containing less ionic matter than the raw water;a plurality of supply valves provided in the plurality of supply channels to open or close the supply channels; anda processor connected to the filter device and the plurality of supply valves,wherein the processor:determines whether water is supplied to the consumption site; andcontrols at least one of the plurality of supply valves to remain open to maintain a state in which water is allowed to be supplied to the consumption site, when it is determined that no water is supplied to the consumption site.2. The water-softening system of claim 1 , wherein the filter units selectively perform any one of a removal mode of removing the ionic matter by electro-deionization through electrodes and a regeneration mode of ...

03-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150344334A1
Автор: Lersch John Robert

Devices and systems for electromagnetic treatment of fluids are provided. In various embodiments, an electromagnetic fluid treatment apparatus comprises a first rod spacer, a second rod spacer, and at least one conductive rod. In various embodiments, the first rod spacer comprises a fluid pipe aperture and at least one rod aperture, and the second rod spacer comprises a fluid pipe aperture and at least one rod aperture wherein the rod aperture of the first rod spacer and the rod aperture of the second rod spacer are circumferentially aligned about a centerline axis. In various embodiments, the conductive rod comprises a first attachment portion and a second attachment portion, wherein the first attachment portion is disposed in the rod aperture of the first rod spacer, the second attachment portion is disposed in the rod aperture of the second rod spacer, and the conductive rod extends therebetween. 1. An electromagnetic fluid treatment apparatus comprising:a first rod spacer, comprising a fluid pipe aperture and at least one rod aperture disposed radially outward of the fluid pipe aperture;a second rod spacer, comprising a fluid pipe aperture and at least one rod aperture disposed radially outward of the fluid pipe aperture, the rod aperture of the first rod spacer and the rod aperture of the second rod spacer being circumferentially aligned about a centerline axis; andat least one conductive rod, comprising a first attachment portion and a second attachment portion, wherein the first attachment portion is disposed in the rod aperture of the first rod spacer, the second attachment portion is disposed in the rod aperture of the second rod spacer, and the conductive rod extends between the first rod spacer and the second rod spacer;wherein, in response to application of an electrical current to the at least one conductive rod, at least one magnetic field is generated.2. The electromagnetic fluid treatment apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the conductive rod comprises:a ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160340213A1

To provide a voltage-type device for killing microorganisms in which a microorganism killing effect is high and scale is less likely to clog up through holes in electrodes. The device for killing microorganisms includes: a main body which a liquid to be treated flows in at one end and flows out at the other end; opposed electrodes that are arranged in the main body in parallel with a flow of the liquid to be treated and have mutually-opposed through holes; and a voltage source of which an anode is connected to one of the opposed electrodes and a cathode is connected to the other of them. When a straightened liquid to be treated is passed through the device for killing microorganisms, a stirring action is produced between the opposed electrodes, whereby hypochlorous acid can be diffused throughout the entire device and a high killing effect can be obtained. 1. A device for killing microorganisms comprising:a main body which a liquid to be treated flows in at one end and flows out at the other end;opposed electrodes arranged in the main body in parallel with a flow of the liquid to be treated, having mutually-opposed through holes; anda voltage source with an anode being connected to one of the opposed electrodes and a cathode being connected to the other of the opposed electrodes.2. The device for killing microorganisms according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of the through holes are arranged in a direction orthogonal to the flow of the liquid to be treated to form a row claim 1 , and the plurality of rows are arranged in a direction of the flow of the liquid to be treated.3. The device for killing microorganisms according to claim 2 , wherein 25 or greater of the rows are arranged per unit flow velocity of the liquid to be treated in the direction of the flow of the liquid to be treated.4. The device for killing microorganisms according to claim 1 , comprising a straightening vane in an upstream side of the opposed electrodes.5. The device for killing ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации

Marine water treatment system built into dock box for high-pressure boat wash and onboard water supply

Номер: US20200325052A1
Автор: Michael Scott Waleski
Принадлежит: Individual

A marine water treatment dock box system is provided. The marine water treatment dock box system securely houses a water softener, a deionizer, a high-pressure washer and a selective control system for diverting water for cleaning a docked vessel, for onboard use by the vessel, and/or for high-quality potable water production. The above-mentioned components are operatively associated to outlets disposed along the exterior of the dock box body, maintaining the security and protection of the components. The water softener may be fluidly connected to an inlet to the dock box and a three-way valve for selectively controlling the softened water to one of the following: (1) a high-pressure pump for washing a vessel; (2) to the deionizing tanks for dissolving solids for a spot-free rinse; and or (3) to an outlet to fill onboard fresh water tanks.

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170341957A1

Disclosed is a water treatment apparatus including a pipe. Elements disposed in the pipe are respectively made of lead-free brass and nontoxic ultra high molecular weight polyethylene instead of brass and plastic polyethylene that are conventionally used materials. Therefore, when the elements come into contact with water, neither heavy metals, such as lead (Pb), nor organic and inorganic substances harmful to the human body are produced. 1{'b': 10', '10, 'i': 'a', 'a hollow body casing () serving as an outer shell, arranged at a middle portion of the water treatment apparatus, and provided with side couplings () combined with left and right ends thereof;'}{'b': 50', '10', '20', '40, 'a body holder () accommodated in the body casing () and connected to flange retainer arranged at left and right sides thereof via respective connection covers (); and'}{'b': 63', '50', '63, 'i': 'a', 'a carbon pipe () accommodated in the body holder (), having a water channel () through which water flows, provided with covers (46) attached to left and right ends thereof, and generating static electricity in water;'}{'b': 62', '63, 'a rod () made of aluminum and installed in a middle portion of the carbon pipe (); and'}{'b': 61', '61', '62, 'inner rods () disposed inside the rod () and arranged at left and right end portions of the rod (),'}{'b': 40', '20', '61', '64, 'sup': '6', 'wherein the connection covers () and the flange retainers () are made of lead-free brass that is a metal alloy containing copper (Cu) by 58.7316 wt %, lead (Pb) by 0.0035 wt %, iron (Fe) by 0.0182 wt %, tin (Sn) by 0.097 wt %, cadmium (Cd) by 0.0004 wt %, bismuth (Bi) by 1.0405 wt %, and zinc (Zn) by the remaining proportion, and wherein the inner rods () and the covers () are made of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene having a molecular weight of 5.0 to 6.8×10and containing no additive, thereby being non-toxic.'}. A water treatment apparatus for treating water without producing harmful substances, the ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации

System and Method for Monitoring Water Treatment Systems

Номер: US20200340967A1
Автор: Jenkins Mark J.
Принадлежит: Jentek Water Treatment, Inc.

Methods and systems are described for monitoring and managing fluid treatment or storage systems, such as HVAC hydronic water systems. Sensors located at a fluid system can detect various types of data, such as chemical amounts, pressures, temperatures, flow rates, and more. Servers in communication with the sensors can record the data and provide it to a user in a variety of graphical interfaces. One useful interface for display of the data includes a five-sided axis called the OPTI-GON. 1. A system for monitoring a fluid system comprising:a plurality of sensors each operable to detect one or more properties of a fluid in the fluid system;one or more valves operable to direct the fluid to or from the fluid system;one or more injection pumps each connecting a treatment substance reservoir to the fluid system;a local controller communicatively coupled to the plurality of sensors, one or more valves and one or more injection pumps and operable to collect and transmit data on the one or more properties of the fluid;one or more servers operable to receive data from the local controller and compare the one or more properties of the fluid sensed by the plurality of sensors to one or more target values and to notify a user when a property differs from the target value, the one or more servers further operable to provide a status for the fluid system, the status comprising at least the one or more properties sensed by the pluralities of sensors, a state of each of the one or more valves and a status of each treatment substance reservoir; anda client portal communicatively coupled to the one or more servers and operable to display the one or more properties of the fluid, the state of each of the one or more valves and the status of each treatment substance reservoir, wherein the user is able to issue a command to change one or more properties of the fluid;wherein the local controller is further operable to operate the one or more valves and the one or more injection pumps in ...

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200346952A1
Принадлежит: Kyungdong Navien Co., Ltd.

Provided is a soft-water system which connects to a main channel for supplying raw water to a place of consumption, removes at least a part of an ionic material contained in the raw water supplied through the main channel, and supplies soft water containing less ionic material than the raw water to the place of consumption. The soft-water system includes: a filter portion which receives supplied water derived from raw water, removes at least a part of an ionic material contained in the supplied water on the basis of electric power, and discharges first soft water containing less ionic material than the supplied water; and a storage portion which receives and stores the first soft water and discharges second soft water derived from the stored first soft water, wherein at least one of the first soft water and the second soft water is supplied to a place of consumption. 1. A water softening system connected to a main line configured to supply raw water to a consumption site , wherein the water softening system removes at least part of an ionic material contained in the raw water supplied through the main line and supplies soft water containing a smaller amount of ionic material than the raw water to the consumption site , the water softening system comprising:a filter device configured to receive water derived from the raw water, remove at least part of an ionic material contained in the received water based on an electric force, and release first soft water containing a smaller amount of ionic material than the received water; anda reservoir configured to store the first soft water supplied from the filter device and release second soft water derived from the stored first soft water,wherein at least one of the first soft water or the second soft water is supplied to the consumption site.2. The water softening system of claim 1 , wherein based on at least one of a supply amount that is an amount of water supplied to the consumption site or an amount of the ionic ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190350431A1

The present disclosure relates to a dishmachine that includes one or more features directed to water, energy or material savings. The disclosed dishmachines are still capable of meeting the soil demands of the articles to be cleaned. 116-. (canceled)17. A method of draining and filling a dishmachine sump comprising: (i) a wash chamber comprising a least one wash arm and at least one spray nozzle on the wash arm;', '(ii) a rack sensor for detecting a rack placed inside of the wash chamber;', '(iii) a sump comprising a turbidity sensor for measuring water turbidity and a level sensor for monitoring the water level in the sump;', '(iii) a drain at the bottom of the sump comprising a drain valve; and', '(iv) a controller in communication with the level sensor, turbidity sensor, and rack sensor;, '(a) running one or more dishmachine wash cycles, the dishmachine comprising(b) measuring the turbidity of the water in the sump using the turbidity sensor;(c) recording the number of racks that are washed by the dishmachine;(d) opening the drain valve to drain the sump in response to either the water turbidity exceeding a predetermined value or the number of racks exceeding a predetermined value; and(e) closing the drain valve and refilling the sump to the level sensor.18. The method of claim 17 , wherein the rack sensor in an RFID reader that senses an RFID tag located on the rack placed inside of the wash chamber.19. The method of claim 17 , wherein the RFID sensor records the total number of racks washed since the last time the drain valve was opened.20. The method of claim 17 , wherein the RFID sensor records the rack type placed inside of the wash chamber claim 17 , wherein the rack type is selected from the group consisting of glass claim 17 , plate claim 17 , utensil claim 17 , and pot and pan.21. The method of claim 20 , wherein the RFID sensor records the number of racks of a certain type washed since the last time the drain valve was opened.22. The method of claim 20 ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации

Fluid Treatment Tank Having A Laser Welded Distributor Plate

Номер: US20200353564A1

A distributor plate for a fluid treatment tank such as a water softener pressure vessel separates the resin bed from a lower end of the resin tank. The outer peripheral surface of the distributor plate is laser-welded to an inner peripheral surface of the tank. The outer peripheral surface of the distributor plate may have a biasing mechanism that biases the outer peripheral surface of the distributor plate against the inner peripheral surface of the tank. The biasing mechanism may include a plurality of peripherally-spaced resilient fingers extending axially and radially away from a circular base of an outer ring of the distributor plate into engagement with the inner peripheral surface of the tank liner, each of the fingers having a base connected to the base of the ring and having a free end. Also disclosed is a method of making a fluid treatment tank. 1. A treatment tank for a fluid treatment system , comprising:a tank configured to contain a bed of a fluid treatment media and a liquid, the tank having an at least generally cylindrical inner wall;a distributor plate received in the tank and configured to separate the bed from a lower end of the tank, the distributor plate having an upper surface, a lower surface, and an outer peripheral edge surface, the upper surface forming a support surface for fluid treatment media, a plurality of liquid-permeable slots being formed through the distributor plate from the upper surface to the lower surface,wherein the outer peripheral surface of the distributor plate is laser-welded to the inner wall of the tank.2. The treatment tank of claim 1 , wherein the outer peripheral surface of the distributor plate has a biasing mechanism that biases the outer peripheral surface of the distributor plate against the inner wall of the tank.3. The treatment tank of claim 2 , wherein the distributor plate has an outer ring having a circular outer base.4. The treatment tank of claim 3 , wherein the biasing mechanism comprises a plurality ...

10-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200384413A1

A portable water conditioning system is provided that includes a water conditioner, a first sensor, a second sensor, and a controller. The water conditioner has a plurality of conditioning stages that condition water. The plurality of conditioning stages include, in a direction of flow of the water through the water conditioner, a reverse osmosis stage and a deionizing stage. The first sensor detects a first condition of the water before the reverse osmosis stage. The second sensor detects a second condition of the water after the reverse osmosis stage. The controller is in communication with the first and second sensors and determines a health status of the reverse osmosis stage based the first and second conditions. The first and second conditions each include a level of total dissolved solids of the water. 1. A method for conditioning water , the method comprising:flowing water through a water conditioner of a portable water conditioning system, wherein a direction of flow is through the water conditioner, a reverse osmosis stage, and a deionizing stage;detecting a first condition of the water before the reverse osmosis stage of the portable water conditioning system;detecting a second condition of the water after the reverse osmosis stage, the first condition and the second condition each comprising a level of total dissolved solids in the water;determining a percent rejection of the reverse osmosis stage based on the first and second conditions when a pressure on the reverse osmosis stage is at a known state; anddiverting a portion of the water exiting the reverse osmosis stage out of the portable water conditioning system and maintaining the pressure at the known state.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing conditioned water having a desired condition from the portable water conditioning system.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the desired condition is based on a location of the portable water conditioning system.4. The method of claim 1 , ...

26-12-2019 дата публикации

Control valve for fluid treatment apparatus

Номер: US20190390777A1
Принадлежит: Culligan International Co

A control valve is provided for a fluid treatment apparatus, including a housing with at least one cylinder defining a fluid flow path in the apparatus, each cylinder having an associated reciprocating piston valve. The valve includes a first piston valve half; a second piston valve half complementary to the first piston valve half; and a resilient seal constructed and arranged for being sandwiched between the first and second piston valve halves. The first piston valve half is constructed and arranged for engaging the cylinder before the second piston valve half, and having an exterior peripheral edge defined by a plurality of peripherally spaced teeth creating flow spaces between the teeth.

24-12-2020 дата публикации

System and a method for purifying waste water in mobile homes

Номер: US20200399142A1
Автор: Vilko MAJERIC
Принадлежит: Vapromax d o o

A system, device, and method for treating waste water in mobile homes by cleaning waste water in toilets and/or reservoirs in motorhomes, boats, camp trailers and similar mobile homes. The system comprises a combining tank for receiving waste water from grey and black tanks, a pump for pumping the waste water, the pump having a mill and being connected to the waste water tank with a first pipe, an evaporator having a heating source for increasing the temperature of the waste water so that it vaporizes, the evaporator being connected to the heated pump, a separator for separating the vapour and dry particles, a condensor for condensing the vapour, a reservoir for the purified water for collecting the condensed vapour, an electronic controller for controlling the treatment process performed by the device/system.

03-07-2003 дата публикации

Liquid replacement systems

Номер: US20030122104A1
Принадлежит: Dober Chemical Corp

A liquid replacement system is provided for introducing additives to an open recirculating system or a closed loop boiler water system in a controlled manner. The liquid replacement system comprises a make-up line and an additive system disposed therein. A make-up liquid enters into the make-up line where the additive system is structured to provide a controlled release of an additive to the make-up liquid, and the make-up liquid carries the additives into the open recirculating system or a closed loop boiler water system. The liquid replacement system allows for controlled release of additive components to the open recirculating system or the closed loop boiler water system, thereby delivering an effective concentration of additive components over an extended period.

19-05-2005 дата публикации

Water treatment system and method

Номер: US20050103622A1
Принадлежит: United States Filter Corp

A treatment system provides treated or softened water to a point of use by removing at least a portion of any undesirable species contained in water from a water source. The treatment system can be operated to reduce the likelihood of formation of any scale that can be generated during normal operation of an electrochemical device. The formation of scale in the treatment system, including its wetted components, may be inhibited by reversing or substituting the flowing liquid having hardness-causing species with another liquid having a low tendency to produce scale, such as a low LSI water. Various arrangements of components in the treatment system can be flushed by directing the valves and the pumps of the system to displace liquid having hardness-causing species with a liquid that has little or no tendency to form scale.

24-11-2022 дата публикации

System and Method for Monitoring Water Treatment Systems

Номер: US20220373528A1
Автор: Jenkins Mark J.
Принадлежит: Jentek Water Treatment, Inc.

Methods and systems are described for monitoring and managing fluid treatment or storage systems, such as HVAC hydronic water systems. Sensors located at a fluid system can detect various types of data, such as chemical amounts, pressures, temperatures, flow rates, and more. Servers in communication with the sensors can record the data and provide it to a user in a variety of graphical interfaces. One useful interface for display of the data includes a five-sided axis called the OPTI-GON. 1a plurality of sensors each operable to detect one or more properties of a fluid in the fluid system;one or more valves operable to direct the fluid to or from the fluid system;one or more injection pumps each connecting a treatment substance reservoir to the fluid system;a local controller communicatively coupled to the plurality of sensors, one or more valves and one or more injection pumps and operable to collect and transmit data on the one or more properties of the fluid;one or more servers operable to receive data from the local controller and compare the one or more properties of the fluid sensed by the plurality of sensors to one or more target values and to notify a user when a property differs from the target value, the one or more servers further operable to provide a status for the fluid system, the status comprising at least the one or more properties sensed by the pluralities of sensors, a state of each of the one or more valves and a status of each treatment substance reservoir; anda client portal communicatively coupled to the one or more servers and operable to display the one or more properties of the fluid, the state of each of the one or more valves and the status of each treatment substance reservoir, wherein the user is able to issue a command to change one or more properties of the fluid;wherein the local controller is further operable to operate the one or more valves and the one or more injection pumps in response to the command.. A system for monitoring a ...

14-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN106574021B
Автор: 藤原正裕
Принадлежит: TOAGOSEI CO LTD


25-12-2019 дата публикации

Water-soluble polymer composition, production method thereof, and use thereof

Номер: JP6623613B2
Автор: 正裕 藤原
Принадлежит: TOAGOSEI CO LTD

17-12-2008 дата публикации

Novel phosphorus compounds

Номер: EP1254144B2
Принадлежит: Rhodia Consumer Specialties Ltd

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus for supplying functional chemicals to water tereatment

Номер: KR101841249B1
Автор: 민 태 박, 원 희 최
Принадлежит: 태광화학공업 주식회사

본 발명은 하우징 부재; 상기 하우징 부재의 내부로 유체를 공급하기 위한 유입구와 상기 하우징 부재의 외부로 유체를 배출시키기 위한 유출구; 및 상기 하우징 부재의 내부에 설치되는 밸브유닛;을 포함하고, 상기 밸브유닛은 일측에 돌출 형성되는 체결부를 구비하고, 내부에 기능성 제재가 충전되는 본체부; 상기 체결부에 일측이 결합하는 연결부; 상기 연결부를 따라 회전 이동 가능하도록 상기 연결부에 삽입 설치되는 이동부; 상기 이동부의 일측에 부유 가능하도록 설치되는 부유부; 및 상기 부유부가 이탈되는 것을 방지하기 위해 상기 하우징 부재의 내측 일부에 형성되는 이탈방지부;를 포함하며, 상기 이동부는 바디부; 및 외주면에 상기 하우징 부재의 길이방향을 따라 형성되는 그루브부를 구비하고, 상기 연결부를 관통하여 삽입되도록 상기 바디부의 타측에 연장 형성되는 삽입부;를 포함하되, 상기 유체 공급시에 상기 유체가 상기 하우징 부재의 길이방향을 따라 유동하면서 상기 이동부를 이동시키고 상기 부유부를 부유시킴에 따라 상기 밸브유닛이 개방되고, 상기 유체 공급차단시에 상기 유체와 상기 이동부 및 상기 유체와 상기 부유부의 겉보기 비중 차이에 의해 상기 밸브유닛이 폐쇄되는 것을 특징으로 하는 수처리용 기능성 제재 공급장치에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a washing machine comprising a housing member; An inlet for supplying fluid to the interior of the housing member and an outlet for discharging the fluid to the outside of the housing member; And a valve unit installed inside the housing member, wherein the valve unit has a fastening part protruding from one side, the body part being filled with a functional material therein; A connecting portion to which one side is coupled to the coupling portion; A moving part inserted into the connection part so as to be rotatable along the connection part; A floating unit installed on one side of the moving unit so as to be floating; And a separation preventing part formed on an inner part of the housing member to prevent the floating part from being detached, the moving part including: a body part; And a groove portion formed on an outer circumferential surface of the housing member along a longitudinal direction of the housing member, the insertion portion extending from the other side of the body portion to be inserted through the connection portion, wherein when the fluid is supplied, The valve unit is opened by floating the floating portion while flowing along the longitudinal direction of the member, and the valve unit is opened when the fluid is interrupted, and the apparent specific gravity difference between the ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации

Disinfecting water used in hydraulic fracturing

Номер: RU2552471C1
Принадлежит: Эм-Ай Эл.Эл.Си.

FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: method of disinfecting a well treatment fluid includes a step of mixing an aqueous solution containing two or more oxidants obtained via electrolysis of a salt solution with the well treatment fluid. The mixed oxidants can be produced on-site using a container system. EFFECT: invention provides efficient treatment without repeated growth of bacteria in the well bore. 24 cl, 6 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 552 471 C1 (51) МПК C02F 1/50 (2006.01) C02F 1/467 (2006.01) C02F 1/72 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013158356/05, 25.05.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.05.2012 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Эм-Ай Эл.Эл.Си. (US) (45) Опубликовано: 10.06.2015 Бюл. № 16 2259959 C2, 10.09.2005; . RU 98103243 A, 27.01.2000; . US 2011024122 A1, 03.02.2011. US 6610249 B1, 26.08.2003. US 2003042134 A1, 06.03.2003. (86) Заявка PCT: C 1 C 1 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 27.12.2013 US 2012/039736 (25.05.2012) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2012/166670 (06.12.2012) 2 5 5 2 4 7 1 2 5 5 2 4 7 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2100566 C1, 27.12.1997; . RU R U R U 30.08.2011 US 61/528,991; 12.08.2011 US 61/523,193; 27.05.2011 US 61/491,027 (72) Автор(ы): СТЮАРТ Колин (US), КАПИЛА Мукеш (US), ФЭДЖТ Джеймс Р. (US), ЛОМОНД Перри (US), ГАЛЛО Дэниел (US), БИНГХЭМ Ричард (US), МАККИ Алан (US) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) ДЕЗИНФИЦИРУЮЩАЯ ВОДА, ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМАЯ В ОПЕРАЦИИ ГИДРАВЛИЧЕСКОГО РАЗРЫВА ПЛАСТА (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к дезинфекции извлекаемой из скважины. Способ дезинфекции флюидов для обработки приствольной зоны с флюида для обработки приствольной зоны использованием смешанного окислителя, включает этап смешивания водного раствора, полученного ...

30-06-1998 дата публикации

Processo para limpeza e manutenção de sistema de água quente

Номер: BR9306274A
Принадлежит: Herc Prod Inc

16-03-2009 дата публикации

Piping deposit removal from stator water cooling systems

Номер: KR100889118B1
Принадлежит: 제너럴 일렉트릭 캄파니

본 발명은 스테이터 수냉 시스템 배관 재료 표면으로부터 산화구리 부착물을 제거하는 방법을 제공한다. 본 발명은 발전기를 스테이터 수냉 시스템으로부터 제거하며, 발전기가 분리된 지점에서 스테이터 수냉 시스템에 연결 배관을 연결하여 스테이터 수냉 시스템이 발전기없이 작동하게 하며, 모든 산화구리 부착물을 실질적으로 용해 또는 제거하기에 충분한 시간 동안 배관 재료 표면으로부터 산화구리 부착물을 용해 또는 제거하는 충분한 양의 약품 수용액을 공급하며, 배관 재료 표면을 세정한 배출수가 기본적으로 중성이 될 때까지 충분한 물로 배관 재료 표면을 세정한다. The present invention provides a method for removing copper oxide deposits from the stator water cooling system piping material surface. The present invention removes the generator from the stator water cooling system, connects the connecting pipe to the stator water cooling system at the point where the generator is disconnected so that the stator water cooling system operates without the generator, and is sufficient to substantially dissolve or remove all copper oxide deposits. A sufficient amount of chemical aqueous solution is supplied to dissolve or remove the copper oxide deposits from the piping material surface for a period of time, and the piping material surface is cleaned with sufficient water until the effluent that has cleaned the piping material surface is essentially neutral.

14-08-2009 дата публикации

Online monitoring system for polymer concentration, comprising a filter module and a detection module.

Номер: CL2008002598A1
Принадлежит: Gen Electric

Sistema de monitoreo de la concentración de polímero en línea, que comprende un modulo de filtro y un modulo de detección. On-line polymer concentration monitoring system, comprising a filter module and a detection module.

04-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CN105540972A


11-12-2007 дата публикации

apparatus and method for continuous electrodeionization

Номер: KR100784438B1
Принадлежит: 케미트리트 피티이 엘티디

본 발명에 의한 정수 방법은 최소한 한 개의 역삼투 유닛을 통하여 원수를 통과시켜 물 생성수와 배출수를 생산하는 단계와; The water purification method according to the present invention includes the steps of producing raw water and discharged water by passing raw water through at least one reverse osmosis unit; 역삼투 유닛으로부터의 생성수를 연속 전기탈이온화 유닛의 희석 스트리임으로 투입하는 단계와; Introducing the product water from the reverse osmosis unit into the dilution stream of the continuous electrodeionization unit; 제1 통과 역삼투 유닛으로부터 공급된 배출수를 연수기로 투입하여, 제1 통과 삼투 유닛으로부터 공급된 배출수보다 보다 적은 경도유발 물질를 갖는 물을 생산하는 단계와; Injecting effluent water supplied from the first pass reverse osmosis unit into a water softener to produce water having less hardness-inducing substance than the effluent water supplied from the first pass osmosis unit; 상기 연수기로부터 공급된 물을 연속 전기탈이온화 유닛의 농축 스트리임 내로 투입하는 단계를 구비하며, Injecting water supplied from the water softener into the concentrated stream of the continuous electrodeionization unit, 상기 연속 전기탈이온화 유닛은 희석 스트리임으로부터 공급된 물을 더 정제하는 것을 특징으로 한다. The continuous electrodeionization unit is further characterized by further purification of the water supplied from the dilution stream. 역삼투 유닛에서, 원수는 두개의 부분 즉, 배출 부분 물과 생성 부분 물로 나누어 진다. 역삼투 유닛에서, 배출 부분 물은 더 농축되고, 그리고 배출 부분 물의 물 분자가 최소한 한 개의 막을 경유하여 생성 부분 물 내로 공급되면서 희석된다. 배출 부분 물은 역삼투 유닛을 경유하면서 배출 부분 물이 되고, 생성 부분 물은 역삼투 작용을 거치면서 생성수이 되는 것이다. In the reverse osmosis unit, the raw water is divided into two parts, the discharge part and the product part. In the reverse osmosis unit, the drainage fraction is more concentrated and diluted as the water molecules of the drainage fraction are fed into the product fractional water via at least one membrane. The discharge part water becomes the discharge part water via the reverse osmosis unit, and the product part water becomes the generated water through the reverse osmosis action. 정수, 역삼투 Water purification, reverse osmosis
