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19-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2721530C2

Изобретение относится к способу газофазной полимеризации пропилена, необязательно в смеси с другими олефинами. Описан способ гомополимеризации или сополимеризации пропилена с прочими олефинами, осуществляемый в присутствии каталитической системы. Каталитическая система включает (а) твердый компонент катализатора, содержащий Mg, Ti, галоген, электронный донор, выбранный из 1,3-диэфиров, и 10-85 мас.% олефинового полимера; (b) алкилалюминиевое соединение; и (c) внешнее электронодонорное соединение, выбранное из соединения кремния. Компоненты (b) и (c) берутся в таких количествах, чтобы молярное соотношение Al/(ED) составляло 2-200. Твердый компонент имеет средний размер частиц 10-100 мкм. Способ пригоден для получения полипропиленового продукта, имеющего хорошие морфологические свойства, высокую стереорегулярность и обладающего свойствами самозатухания, выборочно решая или смягчая вредные воздействия, вызванные полимеризацией мелких частиц катализатора. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 18 пр.

20-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2219190C2

Изобретение относится к (со)полимерам полибутена-1, способу их получения и к изделиям, получаемым из (со)полимеров полибутена-1. Описаны гомополимеры полибутена-1 или его сополимеры, содержащие вплоть до 20% (вес.) альфа-олефинов, имеющие от 2 до 10 углеродных атомов, отличных от бутена-1, характеризуемые следующими свойствами: (i) показатель изотактичности (мммм %) по измерениям согласно анализу методом ядерного магнитного резонанса в соответствии со способом, приведенным ниже, превышающий 93; (ii) молекулярно-массовое распределение (ММР), выраженное как Mw/Mn, по измерениям согласно анализу методом гель-проникающей хроматографии в соответствии со способом, приведенным ниже, превышающее 6; и (iii) содержание остаточного катализатора, выраженное в терминах м. д. Ti, меньшее чем 50. Упомянутые полимеры очень хорошо подходят для изготовления изделий, в частности труб. Описан также способ получения гомо- или сополимеров полибутена-1, который проводят в присутствии катализатора, содержащего ...

05-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2624703C2

Изобретение относится к термоформованным изделиям, в частности к термоформованным стаканам, включающим боковую стенку, состоящую из полимера на основе пропилена, содержащего ароматический сложный диэфир замещенного фенилена, выбранный из группы 3-метил-5-трет-бутил-1,2-фенилендибензоата и 3,5-диизопропил-1,2-фенилендибензоата и характеризующуюся значением мутности от 1 до 10% при измерении в соответствии с ASTM D 1003. Термоформованные изделия имеют высокую жесткость, хорошую прочность на сжатие, превосходную технологичность и превосходные оптические свойства. 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл., 3 ил.

10-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2127148C1

Изобретение относится к компонентам и катализатором для полимеризации олефинов. Описывается компонент катализатора для полимеризации олефинов CH2= CHR, где R - водород или C1 - C10 - алкил, содержащий носитель - галогенид магния и нанесенный на него продукт взаимодействия: (1) титанового соединения, содержащего по крайней мере одну связь Ti-OR1, где R1 - низший алкил; с (2) твердым продуктом, полученным в результате разложения (образованием галогенида магния или продукта, содержащего галогенид магния) комплекса формулы MgX2•nAlR11X 1 2p AlX3 (A), где X является хлором или бромом; X1 - хлор, бром или алкокси-группа; R11 - алкил, содержащий C1 - C20; n = 1-6; р от 0 до 1; (n+p)= 1-6, включительно, отличающийся тем, что носитель имеет сферическую форму и пористость (определенную по ртутному методу) более 0,5 см3/г. Способ получения каталитического компонента по п.1 или 2, заключающийся в том, что сферический носитель пропитывают углеводородным раствором титанового соединения (1), а затем подвергают ...

13-01-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018109999A3

29-01-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018121643A3

13-12-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018104667A3

09-12-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019109042A3

05-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2697706C9

Изобретение относится к пропиленовой композиции, предназначенной для получения формованных изделий. Композиция содержит А) от 60 до 75 мас.% гомополимера пропилена, имеющего коэффициент полидисперсности (P.I.) от 4,3 до 4,9, фракцию, нерастворимую в ксилоле при 25°C, выше чем 95%, и скорость течения расплава (MFR), составляющую от 20 до 75 г/10 мин, измеренную при 230°С и нагрузке 2,16 кг, и В) от 25 до 40 мас.% сополимера пропилена, содержащего от 46,0 до 49,0 мас.% звеньев, полученных из этилена. Кроме того, композиция имеет характеристическую вязкость фракции, растворимой в ксилоле при 25°C, от 2,2 до 2,9 дл/г и отношение 10,7+1,3xMFRa-17,7xP.I.-29,3xIV+4,9xXs (I), составляющее от 40 до 66, где MFR представляет собой скорость течения расплава компонента А), P.I. представляет собой коэффициент полидисперсности компонента A), IV представляет собой характеристическую вязкость фракции, растворимой в ксилоле при 25°C, а Xs представляет собой растворимую в ксилоле при 25°C фракцию и составляет ...

03-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2737832C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения твердого компонента катализатора для (со)полимеризации CH2=CHR олефинов, в котором R представляет собой водород или углеводородный радикал с 1-12 атомами углерода, включающий соединение Ti и, необязательно, электронодонорное соединение на носителе на основе хлорида Mg. Способ включает одну или несколько стадий (а), проводимых при температуре, составляющей от 0 до 150°C, в котором соединение на основе Mg формулы (MgClmX2-m)·nC2H5OH, где m составляет от 0 до 2, n составляет от 0 до 6, и где X представляет собой галоген, вступает в реакцию с жидкой средой, содержащей соединение Ti, имеющее, по меньшей мере, связь Ti-Cl, в таком количестве, чтобы молярное соотношение Ti/Mg составляло больше чем 3, и по меньшей мере одну стадию (b), в которой твердые частицы, поступающие со стадии (а), суспендируются в жидкой среде, содержащей углеводород, при температуре, составляющей от 10 до 100°С. Способ характеризуется тем, что по меньшей мере одна из указанных ...

29-06-2016 дата публикации

Unsymmetrical metallocene catalysts and uses thereof

Номер: GB0201608384D0

15-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000159733T

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3120265A1

The present invention relates to a novel tetraarylborate compound, a catalyst composition comprising same, and a method for preparing ethylene homopolymers or copolymers of ethylene and a-olefins by using same. In detail, the tetraarylborate compound has the excellent thermal stability and can be completely dissolved in an aliphatic hydrocarbon-based solvent, thereby facilitating operation of commercial processes and effectively inducing activation of a single-site catalyst. When used as a catalyst activator, the tetraarylborate compound allows high catalytic activity and can provide high molecular weight ethylene homopolymers and ethylene-based copolymers selected from copolymers of ethylene and a-olefin, and the like.

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003044697A1
Принадлежит: ELAN IP INC.

A polyethylene composition particularly suited for producing blow-molded hollow articles, having the following features: 1) density from greater than 0.952 to 0.957 g/cm3, determined according to ISO 1183-1 at 23°C; 2) ratio MIF/MIP from 12 to 25; 3) MIF from 18 to 40 g/10 min.; 4) ?0.02 from 30,000 to 55,000 Pa.s; 5) long-chain branching index, LCBI, equal to or greater than 0.55; 6) ratio (?0.02/1000)/ LCBI from 55 to 75.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003026181A1

The present invention is directed to solid catalyst particles comprising a Ziegler-Natta catalyst and a polymeric nucleating agent. Further, the present invention is also directed to a process for the preparation of said solid catalyst particles, the use of said solid catalyst particles in a process for the manufacture of a polymer and a polyolefin obtained in the presence of said solid catalyst particles.

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003038093A1

A phthalate-free procatalyst composition is disclosed for olefin polymerization that exhibits excellent polymerization activity and response to hydrogen, and can produce a polyolefin exhibiting high stereoregularity, high melt flow rate, and desirable molecular weight distribution. The method for producing the procatalyst composition includes reaction of a magnesium support precursor with a tetravalent titanium halide and a combination of different internal electron donors. The first internal electron donor may comprise one or more substituted phenylene aromatic diester and the second internal electron donor may comprise a polyether, preferably a 1,3-diether. In one embodiment, the support precursor comprises a spherical spray crystalized MgCI2-EtOH adduct.

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003075240A1

The present invention relates to: a novel indene-based transition metal compound; a transition metal catalyst composition comprising same and having a high catalytic activity for preparing an ethylene homopolymer or a copolymer of ethylene and one or more a-olefins; a method for preparing an ethylene homopolymer or a copolymer of ethylene and an a-olefin by using the transition metal catalyst composition; and an ethylene homopolymer or a copolymer of ethylene and an a-olefin prepared thereby.

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003082147A1

A process of preparing a solid catalyst component for the production of polypropylene includes a) dissolving a halide-containing magnesium compound in a mixture, the mixture including an epoxy compound, an organic phosphorus compound, and a hydrocarbon solvent to form a homogenous solution; b) treating the homogenous solution with an organosilicon compound during or after the dissolving step; c) treating the homogenous solution with a first titanium compound in the presence of a first non-phthalate electron donor, and an organosilicon compound, to form a solid precipitate; and d) treating the solid precipitate with a second titanium compound in the presence of a second non-phthalate electron donor to form the solid catalyst component, where the process is free of carboxylic acids and anhydrides.

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002975026A1

The present invention relates to a process for producing ethylene copolymers in a multistage process comprising at least one slurry phase polymerization stage and at least one gas phase polymerization stage in the presence of Ziegler Natta catalyst comprising a solid catalyst component, a cocatalyst of a compound of group 13 metal and an external additive selected from alkoxysilanes of formula (I) R1 nSi(OR2)4-n, (I) where n is an integer 0 to 3, each R1 are equal or different and are selected among H, halogen,alkyl groups of 1 to 6 10 carbon atoms optionally substituted with one or more halogen atoms,alkenyl groups of 2 to 6 carbon atoms optionally substituted with one or more halogen atoms, and aryl groups of 6 to 12 carbon atoms optionally substituted with one or more halogen atoms, or the R1groups can form with the Si atom they are linked to a ring of 3 to 8 ring atoms, provided that all R1 are not hydrogen, R2 are equal or different and are selected among alkyl groups of 1 to 6 carbon ...

12-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002111308A1

The present invention relates to spherical solid catalyst components for the polymerization of olefins, comprising a titanium compound, supported on a magnesium halide, containing more than one Ti-halogen link and optionally containing groups different from halogen in an amount lower than 0.5 mole per mole of Ti. Spherical solid compounds of the invention are characterized by having a surface area, measured by the BET method, of lower than 70 m2/g, a total porosity, measured by the mercurium method, higher than 0.5 cm3/g and a pore radius such that at least 50% have values higher than 800 .ANG..

11-06-2020 дата публикации

A solid catalyst for Polypropylene polymerization and a method for low Volatile organic compound

Номер: KR0102122133B1

09-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200065148A

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180087868A

The present invention relates to a supported hybrid catalyst which enables a user to easily produce an olefin polymer exhibiting improved melting strength for improving bubble stability and providing excellent blown-film processing ability, while maintaining the haze characteristic of high transparency. The present invention also relates to a production method of an olefin polymer using the supported hybrid catalyst. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации

Novel transition metal compound, catalyst composition comprising the same, and method for preparing ethylene homopolymer or copolymer of ethylene and a-olefin using the same

Номер: TW0201829432A

Provided are a novel transition metal compound based on a cyclopenta[a]naphthalene group, a transition metal catalyst composition comprising the same and having high catalytic activity for preparing an ethylene homopolymer or a copolymer of ethylene and at least one [alpha]-olefin, and a method for preparing an ethylene homopolymer or a copolymer of ethylene and [alpha]-olefin using the same. The metallocene compound according to the present invention and the catalyst composition including the same may provide a high thermal stability of the catalyst to maintain high catalytic activity even at a high temperature, have good copolymerization reactivity with other olefins, and prepare a high molecular weight polymer with high yield.

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Olefin Polymer, Preparation Method of the Same, and Film Using the Same

Номер: US20200115475A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem, Ltd.

An olefin polymer capable of simultaneously satisfying excellent drop impact strength and transparency, a preparation method of the same, and a film using the same, can be provided. In an embodiment, an olefin polymer comprises a plurality of polymer chains, and satisfies the following conditions: i) each polymer chain of the plurality having an average number of short chain branches (SCBs) per 1000 carbon atoms of 20/1000C or more, wherein an SCB has C2 to C7 carbon atoms, ii) a molded film of the olefin polymer having a drop impact strength of 1500 g to 2400 g as measured in accordance with ASTM D1709A, wherein the molded film having a thickness of 100 μm, and iii) a molded film of the olefin polymer having a haze is 10% to 30% as measured in accordance with ASTM D1003, wherein the molded film having a thickness of 0.05 mm.

19-01-2021 дата публикации

Olefin polymer, preparation method of the same, and film using the same

Номер: US0010894843B2
Принадлежит: LG Chem, Ltd., LG CHEMICAL LTD

An olefin polymer capable of simultaneously satisfying excellent drop impact strength and transparency, a preparation method of the same, and a film using the same, can be provided. In an embodiment, an olefin polymer comprises a plurality of polymer chains, and satisfies the following conditions: i) each polymer chain of the plurality having an average number of short chain branches (SCBs) per 1000 carbon atoms of 20/1000C or more, wherein an SCB has C2 to C7 carbon atoms, ii) a molded film of the olefin polymer having a drop impact strength of 1500 g to 2400 g as measured in accordance with ASTM D1709A, wherein the molded film having a thickness of 100 μm, and iii) a molded film of the olefin polymer having a haze is 10% to 30% as measured in accordance with ASTM D1003, wherein the molded film having a thickness of 0.05 mm.

15-11-2007 дата публикации

Polymerization catalyst system utilizing external donor systems and processes of forming polymers therewith

Номер: US2007265403A1

External donor systems, catalyst systems and olefin polymerization processes are described herein. The external donor systems generally include a first external donor represented by the general formula SiR2m(OR3)4-m, wherein each R2 is independently selected from alkyls, cycloalkyls, aryls and vinyls, each R3 is independently selected from alkyls and m is from 0 to 4. The external donor systems further include a second external donor represented by the general formula SiR4m(OR5)4-m, wherein each R4 is independently selected from alkyls, cycloalkyls, aryls and vinyls, each R5 is independently selected from alkyls, m is from 0 to 4 and at least one R4 is a C3 or greater alkyl.

04-08-2020 дата публикации

Gas-phase process for the polymerization of propylene

Номер: US0010730974B2

A gas-phase process for the homopolymerization or copolymerization of propylene with other olefins, including carrying out the polymerization in the presence of a catalyst system made from or containing: (a) a solid catalyst component made from or containing Mg, Ti, halogen, an electron donor selected from 1.3-diethers and an olefin polymer in a specific amount; (b) an aluminum alkyl compound and (c) an external electron donor (ED) compound, wherein components (b) and (c) being employed in amounts such that the Al/(ED) molar ratio ranges from about 2 to about 200.

02-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2731441C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу получения компонентов катализатора для (со)полимеризации олефинов. Способ получения твердого компонента катализатора для (со)полимеризации олефинов CH=CHR, где R представляет собой водород или углеводородный радикал с 1-12 атомами углерода, содержащего соединение Ti, соединение Bi и донор электронов на носителе из хлорида Mg; включает одну или несколько стадий (а), проводимых при температуре от 0 до 150°С; в котором соединение на основе Mg, которое выбирают из аддуктов формулы MgCl⋅nROH, где n представляет собой число от 0,1 до 6, а Rпредставляет собой C-Cуглеводородную группу, реагирует с жидкой средой, содержащей соединение Ti, имеющее, по меньшей мере, связь Ti-Cl, в таком количестве, что молярное соотношение Ti/Mg превышает 3; причем указанный способ характеризуется тем, что, по меньшей мере, на одной из указанных стадий (а) соединение Bi растворяется или диспергируется в указанной жидкой среде, содержащей соединение титана. Новый способ получения ...

20-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2282092C2

Промышленная сеть трубопроводов из полиолефинов с улучшенными жесткостью, ударной вязкостью, предназначенная для использования при высокой рабочей температуре, включает однослойные или многослойные трубы, фитинги, камеры, клапаны и емкости, состоящие по существу из пропиленовых гомополимеров с зародышеобразователями кристаллизации в β -форме, имеющих IRτ≥0,98, модуль упругости при растяжении ≥1500 МПа, ударную вязкость с надрезом по Шарпи при +23°С ≥30 кДж/м2, температуру размягчения по Вика В>90°С и деформационную теплостойкость >100°С. Техническим результатом изобретения является повышение жесткости труб. Также заявлен способ изготовления промышленной сети труб и применение промышленной сети трубопроводов из полиолефинов для конструкций на химических предприятиях, включающих однослойные или многослойные трубы, фитинги, камеры, клапаны и емкости с улучшенными жесткостью, ударной вязкостью и используемых при высокой рабочей температуре предпочтительно для транспортировки природного газа ...

30-04-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019109043A3

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017111613A3

02-04-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016138464A3

26-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016145950A3

19-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2736726C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к полиолефиновым каталитическим системам, более конкретно к внутренним или внешним донорам электронов. Описан твердый компонент предкатализатора для применения в полимеризации олефинов, который включает титан, магний и соединение, являющееся донором электронов. Соединение, являющееся донором электронов, содержит по меньшей мере одно соединение, представленное формулой (I), где E представляет собой кремний (Si) или германий (Ge), при условии, что когда E представляет собой Si, два или более из R1, R2, R3и R4формируют цикл с образованием гидрокарбильной циклической структуры, необязательно прерываемой или замещенной функциональной группой сложного эфира. Также описаны каталитическая система и способ полимеризации. Применение каталитических систем, содержащих твердый компонент предкатализатора, придает катализаторам одновременно высокую каталитическую эффективность и одно или более из отличной текучести расплава, экструдируемости, формуемости, баланса жесткости ...

29-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069723516T2

27-07-2016 дата публикации

Catalytic compositions

Номер: GB0201610464D0

15-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000201702T

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000261997T

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000407153T

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000474880T

15-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003044695C

A polyethylene composition particularly suited for producing blow-molded hollow articles, having the following features: 1) density from greater than 0.957 to 0.965 g/cm3, determined according to ISO 1183-1 at 23°C; 2) ratio MIF/MIP from 12 to 25; 3) MIF from 18 to 40 g/10 min.; 4) Mw equal to or greater than 230,000 g/mol; 5) ?0.02 from from 35,000 to 55,000 Pa.s; 6) long-chain branching index, LCBI, equal to or greater than 0.55; 7) ratio (?0.02/1000)/ LCBI from 55 to 75.

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002947095A1

Disclosed is a catalyst component for propylene polymerization in the present invention, comprising titanium, magnesium, halogen, and internal electron donor compound A. Said internal electron donor compound A is selected from compounds represented by general formula I, wherein R is selected from hydrogen, hydroxyl and substituted or unsubstituted C1-C30 hydrocarbyl, and preferably selected from hydrogen, hydroxyl and substituted or unsubstituted C1-C20 alkyl, C6-C30 aryl, C6-C30 heteroaryl, C7-C30 alkaryl and C7-C30 aralkyl; R1 and R2 identically or differently are selected from hydrogen and substituted or unsubstituted C1-C30 hydrocarbyl, and preferably selected from hydrogen and substituted or unsubstituted C1-C20 alkyl, C6-C30 aryl, C7-C30 alkaryl and C7-C30 aralkyl. According to the present invention, the catalyst employing the compound presented by general formula I as internal electron donor compound has high catalytic activity and slow active decay when applied to propylene polymerization ...

23-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002112214A1

Catalyst components for the polymerization of olefins are obtained by supporting on a magnesium dihalide in spherical form having particular porosity values; the product of the reaction of: a titanium compound containing at least one Tihalogen link and/or a Ti-OR link with the solid obtained from the decomposition to magnesium dihalide or to a product containing magnesium dihalide, of a complex having the formula: MgX ? nAlRIIX21 ? pAlX3 wherein X is chorine or bromine, X1 is chlorine, bromine or alkoxy group; RII is a hydrocarbon radical having 1-20 carbon atoms; n is an integer from 1 to 6; p is an integer from 0 to 1; (n+p) is an integer comprised between 1 and 6 inclusive.

18-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002289026C

The present invention relates to polybutene-1 homopolymers, or copolymers containing up to 20 % by weight of alpha olefins having from 2 to 10 carbon atoms other than butene-1, characterized by the followin g properties: (i) an isotactic index (mmmm %), measured by NMR analysis according to the method specified below, of higher than 93; (ii) a Molecular Weight Distribution (MWD) in terms of Mw/Mn, measured by GPC analysis according to the method specified below, of higher than 6; and (iii) a content of catalytic residues expressed in terms of Ti ppm of lower than 50. Said polymers are very suitab le for the preparation of articles, in particular pipes, having improved creep and burst stress resistance.

30-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201990152A1

13-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102065715B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지화학

본 발명에서는 적절한 분자량 분포를 가지면서도 용융 강도가 개선되어 버블 안정성이 향상되고 우수한 블로운 필름 가공성을 나타낼 수 있는 올레핀 중합체를 용이하게 제조할 수 있는 혼성 담지 촉매 및 이를 이용한 올레핀 중합체의 제조 방법이 제공된다. In the present invention, there is provided a hybrid supported catalyst capable of easily preparing an olefin polymer having an appropriate molecular weight distribution and improved melt strength to improve bubble stability and exhibit excellent blown film processability, and a method for preparing an olefin polymer using the same. do.

18-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102180532B1

11-06-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0101988156B1

04-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180075317A

The present invention relates to a novel hybrid metallocene supported catalyst and to a method for producing an olefin based polymer using the same. The hybrid metallocene supported catalyst according to the present invention can be used when producing the olefin based polymer, has superior processability, mechanical properties and haze characteristics and also has a narrow distribution of molecular weights. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 ...

07-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200036691A

28-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200123282A

07-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: BR112019018083A2

12-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: BE0001025913B1

Il est proposé un composant de catalyseur pour la polymérisation d'oléfines, un catalyseur pour la polymérisation d'oléfines, un catalyseur de pré-polymérisation obtenu par pré-polymérisation du catalyseur, et un procédé pour la polymérisation d'oléfines. Le composant de catalyseur pour la polymérisation d'oléfines inclut du magnésium, du titane, un halogène, un composé base de Lewis A tel que montré dans la formule (I), et un autre composé base de Lewis B, dans lequel un rapport molaire d'une quantité totale de composé A et de composé B par rapport au magnésium est dans une plage de (0,03 à 0,20):1. Lorsque le catalyseur est utilisé dans la polymérisation d'oléfines, en particulier dans la polymérisation de propylène, le catalyseur a une haute activité.

16-03-2021 дата публикации

Catalyst systems and processes for using the same

Номер: US0010947329B2

A catalyst system including two or more metallocene catalysts and processes for using the same to produce polyolefin polymer compositions are provided. The polyolefin polymer compositions have a good balance of a melt index ratio and normalized melt strength.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2576519C2

Изобретение относится к твердому не растворимому в углеводородах компоненту катализатора для полимеризации олефинов и к способу полимеризации в присутствии указанного компонента катализатора. Компонент катализатора содержит магний, титан, галоген и дополнительно внутренний донор электронов, имеющий структуру [R-O-C(O)-O-]R, где Rнезависимо в каждом случае представляет алифатическую или ароматическую углеводородную или замещенную углеводородную группу, содержащую от 1 до 20 атомов углерода; х равен 2-4; Rпредставляет алифатическую или ароматическую углеводородную или замещенную углеводородную группу, содержащую от 1 до 20 атомов углерода, при условии, что в самой короткой цепи, соединяющей первую R-O-C(O)-O- группу и вторую R-O-C(O)-O- группу, содержится 2 атома. Технический результат - высокая эффективность работы катализатора и получение полимера с улучшенными и разнообразными свойствами. 3 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл., 13 пр.

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2752084C2

Изобретение относится к композиция прокатализатора для стереоселективной полимеризации пропилена, каталитической системе и способу полимеризации. Композиция прокатализатора содержит: комбинацию магниевого фрагмента, титанового фрагмента и смешанного внутреннего донора электронов, причем смешанный внутренний донор электронов содержит, по меньшей мере, первый внутренний донор электронов и второй внутренний донор электронов. Первый внутренний донор электронов содержит не являющийся фталатом и не являющийся сукцинатом внутренний донор электронов, где данный первый внутренний донор электронов имеет следующую структуру:,где заместители R1-R4являются одинаковыми или различными, и каждый из заместителей R1-R4выбирают из группы, включающей атом водорода, замещенную гидрокарбильную группу, имеющую от 1 до 20 атомов углерода, незамещенную гидрокарбильную группу, имеющую от 1 до 20 атомов углерода, замещенную или незамещенную арильную группу, имеющую от 6 до 20 атомов углерода, алкокси-группу, имеющую ...

15-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2762112C2

Изобретение относится к способам получения катализатора и к композиции предшественника катализатора для получения полимера этилена. Способ включает: приведение в контакт гидратированного материала носителя, содержащего диоксид кремния и хром, с водой с образованием первой водной смеси; приведение в контакт первой водной смеси, содержащей хромированный носитель, с раствором, содержащим (i) растворитель и (ii) оксотитановое соединение, с образованием второй водной смеси, содержащей предшественник катализатора; термическую обработку предшественника катализатора с образованием катализатора. Оксотитановое соединение характеризуется общей формулой R1R2TiO, где R1 и R2 каждый независимо представляет собой дикарбоксилат, дикетонат или аммониевую соль дикарбоксилата. Другой способ включает: а) приведение в контакт (i) материала носителя на основе диоксида кремния, содержащего от 0,1 до 20 масс.% воды, (ii) раствора, содержащего (1) 2,4-пентадионатное соединение оксотитана, (2) растворитель и (3) ...

31-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2690192C2

Изобретение относится к компоненту катализатора, предназначенного для полимеризации пропена, способу его получения, катализатору полимеризации пропена, катализатору предполимеризации и к способу полимеризации пропена. Компонент катализатора содержит титан, магний, галоген и внутренний донор электронов А, где указанный внутренний донор электронов А выбран из соединений Формулы I,где в Формуле I R выбран из водорода, гидроксигруппы и замещенного или незамещенного C-С-гидрокарбила, предпочтительно из водорода, гидроксигруппы и замещенного или незамещенного C-С-алкила, С-С-арила, С-С-гетероарила, С-С-алкиларила и С-С-арилалкила; Rи Rмогут быть одинаковыми или отличаться друг от друга и выбраны из водорода и замещенного или незамещенного C-С-гидрокарбила, предпочтительно из водорода и замещенного или незамещенного С-С-алкила, С-С-арила, С-С-алкиларила и С-С-арилалкила, где замещенный С-С-гидрокарбил означает C-С-гидрокарбил, замещенный заместителем, выбранным из группы, включающей галоген, атом ...

24-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2692246C1

Изобретение относится к средствам регулирования селективности при полимеризации олефинов. Предложена внешняя электронодонорная композиция для полимеризации олефинов, содержащая простой моноэфир в качестве ограничивающего активность средства вместе с алкоксисиланом в качестве средства регулирования селективности, причем мольное процентное отношение алкоксисилана к моноэфиру составляет 50:50, алкоксисилан выбран из диалкоксисиланов и триалкоксисиланов и их смеси, а простой моноэфир выбран из дифенилового простого эфира, дибутилового простого эфира, дибензилового простого эфира и бутилфенилового простого эфира. Предложен также способ полимеризации олефинов, в котором каталитическая система содержит указанную внешнюю электронодонорную композицию. Технический результат – возможность получения олефинов с требуемыми характеристиками без загрязнения реактора при длительном сохранении активности катализатора. 2 н. и 1 з.п. ф-лы, 5 табл.

27-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013102506A

... 1. Термоформованное изделие, включающее в себя:гомополимер пропилена, содержащий ароматический сложный диэфир замещенного фенилена;причем термоформованное изделие имеет значение мутности от примерно 1% до примерно 10% при измерении в соответствии с ASTM D 1003.2. Изделие по п.1, при этом ароматический сложный диэфир замещенного фенилена выбран из группы, состоящей из замещенного 1,2-фенилендибензоата, 3-метил-5-трет-бутил-1,2-фенилендибензоата и 3,5-диизопропил-1,2-фенилендибензоата.3. Изделие по п.1, при этом гомополимер пропилена представляет собой подвергнутый зародышеобразованию гомополимер пропилена.4. Изделие по п.3, при этом подвергнутый зародышеобразованию гомополимер пропилена имеет модуль изгиба от примерно 260 килофунтов на кв. дюйм до примерно 370 килофунтов на кв. дюйм при измерении в соответствии с ASTM D 790.5. Изделие по п.1, при этом гомополимер пропилена имеет индекс полидисперсности от более чем 5,0 до примерно 10,0.6. Изделие по п.1, содержащее от примерно 0,1 части ...

10-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2674440C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения катализатора для полимеризации олефинов и процессу полимеризации олефинов. Способ получения катализатора для полимеризации олефинов осуществляют путем контактирования металлического магния с органическим галогенидом RX, в котором R является органической группой, содержащей от 5 до 20 атомов углерода, X является атомом галогена, с образованием растворимого продукта (I), с последующим добавлением к продукту (I) соединения кремния, содержащего алкоксигруппу или арилоксигруппу, с образованием твердого продукта (II), и последующей обработки продукта (II) четыреххлористым титаном и электронодонорным соединением, контактирование металлического магния с органическим галогенидом RX проводят в присутствии ароматического углеводорода, содержащего от 6 до 10 углеводородных атомов. Технический результат - предложенный способ обеспечивает возможность получения катализатора с показателями активности и морфологии, не уступающими известному образцу, и сократить ...

04-10-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018136949A3

27-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014124115A

... 1. Способ полимеризации пропилена, при необходимости с одним или несколькими дополнительными сомономерами, который включает:a) введение катализатора в газофазный реактор, имеющий заданную температуру;b) введение рециркулирующей текучей среды, содержащей пропилен и при необходимости сомономер, в газофазный реактор, причем указанная рециркулирующая текучая среда имеет заданную температуру конденсации на входе в газофазный реактор;c) введение смешанной электронодонорной системы, которая содержит по меньшей мере один агент регулирования селективности и по меньшей мере один агент ограничения активности, в газофазный реактор;отличающийся тем, что разность между указанной температурой в реакторе и указанной температурой конденсации рециркулирующей текучей среды составляет 12°С или больше.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором общее давление в реакторе составляет меньше, чем 375 фунт/кв. дюйм.3. Способ по п. 1, в котором температура в реакторе составляет больше, чем 72°С.4. Способ по п. 1, в котором рециркулирующая ...

15-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000152739T

15-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000176676T

06-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3026181C
Принадлежит: BOREALIS AG

... 84886158 ABSTRACT There is provided solid catalyst particles comprising (a) a Ziegler-Natta catalyst comprising compounds of a transition metal of Group 4 to 6, a Group 2 metal compound and an internal donor, (b) a co-catalyst, (c) optionally an external donor, and (d) a polymeric nucleating agent obtained from vinyl .. monomer units of the formula CH2=CH-CHR'R2, wherein R' and R2 and the carbon atom they are attached to form an optionally substituted saturated or unsaturated or aromatic ring or fused ring system, wherein the ring or fused ring contains four to 20 carbon atoms, wherein the solid catalyst particles are not dissolved or suspended in a liquid medium. There is also provided a process for the preparation of the solid catalyst particles, the use of the solid catalyst particles in a process for the manufacture of a polymer and a polyolefin obtained in the presence of the solid catalyst particles. Date Recue/Date Received 2020-05-27 ...

15-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003044697C

A polyethylene composition particularly suited for producing blow-molded hollow articles, having the following features: 1) density from greater than 0.952 to 0.957 g/cm3, determined according to ISO 1183-1 at 23°C; 2) ratio MIF/MIP from 12 to 25; 3) MIF from 18 to 40 g/10 min.; 4) ?0.02 from 30,000 to 55,000 Pa.s; 5) long-chain branching index, LCBI, equal to or greater than 0.55; 6) ratio (?0.02/1000)/ LCBI from 55 to 75.

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003082119A1

The present disclosure is generally directed to polyolefin polymers, such as polypropylene homopolymers, and propylene-ethylene copolymers that have improved flow properties. In one embodiment, the polymers can be produced using a solid catalyst component that includes a) dissolving a halide-containing magnesium compound in a mixture, the mixture including an epoxy compound, an organic phosphorus compound, and a hydrocarbon solvent to form a homogenous solution; b) treating the homogenous solution with an organosilicon compound during or after the dissolving step; c) treating the homogenous solution with a first titanium compound in the presence of a first non-phthalate electron donor, and an organosilicon compound, to form a solid precipitate; and d) treating the solid precipitate with a second titanium compound in the presence of a second non-phthalate electron donor to form the solid catalyst component, where the process is free of carboxylic acids and anhydrides.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003069270A1

The present invention relates to a catalyst composition comprising: catalyst component A comprising a bridged metallocene compound with two tetrahydroindenyl groups, each group being unsubstituted or substituted; catalyst component B comprising a bridged metallocene compound with a substituted or unsubstituted cyclopentadienyl group and a substituted or unsubstituted fluorenyl group; an optional activator; an optional support; and an optional co-catalyst. The present invention also relates to a polymerization process using said composition. The invention further relates to olefin polymers at least partially catalyzed by said catalyst composition and articles comprising said olefin polymers.

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003035247A1
Принадлежит: MACRAE & CO.

A polymerization process includes contacting an olefin or a mixture of the olefin and one or more copolymerizable comonomers under polymerization conditions with a catalyst composition and forming a polymer with a total ash content of less than 15 ppm. The catalyst composition includes one or more polymerization catalysts; and a mixed external electron donor comprising a selectivity control agent comprising at least one silicon-containing compound containing at least one C1-C10 alkoxy group bonded to a silicon atom.

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003044695A1

A polyethylene composition particularly suited for producing blow-molded hollow articles, having the following features: 1) density from greater than 0.957 to 0.965 g/cm3, determined according to ISO 1183-1 at 23°C; 2) ratio MIF/MIP from 12 to 25; 3) MIF from 18 to 40 g/10 min.; 4) Mw equal to or greater than 230,000 g/mol; 5) ?0.02 from from 35,000 to 55,000 Pa.s; 6) long-chain branching index, LCBI, equal to or greater than 0.55; 7) ratio (?0.02/1000)/ LCBI from 55 to 75.

19-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003102001A1
Принадлежит: ITIP CANADA, INC.

Propylene and alpha olefin random copolymers are disclosed that have excellent flow characteristics. For instance, the copolymers can be formulated so as to have a melt flow rate of greater than about 45 g/10 min. While still retaining the above flow characteristics, the copolymer can also be formulated to have greater stiffness, low xylene soluble content, and excellent transparency characteristics especially when combined with one or more clarifying agents.

22-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002198177A1

The invention relates to a high-molecular-weight copolymer comprising ethylene and propylene units which has an ethylene content in the range from 1 to 10% by weight, a melt flow rate MFR (230/5) of < 5 dg/min and a molecular-weight distribution Mw/Mn in the range from 6 to 20. The invention also relates to a process for the preparation of the copolymer in the presence of a catalyst, an organoaluminum compound (B) and an organosilicon compound (C), in which the polymerization is carried out in two reaction steps, where the suspension medium in the first step is simultaneously the monomer, and a polypropylene having a viscosity of from 500 to 1400 ml/g which makes up aproportion of from 20 to 80% of the total polymer is prepared in the first reaction step.

04-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002256707A1

A crystalline polypropylene which meets the following property requirements (1 to 4), contains a component insoluble in decane at 64 ~C, is excellent particularly in hardness and rigidity, and has high melt tension and excellent moldability; a process for preparing the same; and a polypropylene composition and a thermoformed article comprising the above crystalline polypropylene: (1) an intrinsic viscosity ¢! (in decaline at 135 ~C) of 0.5 to 10 dl/g; (2) a molecular weight distribution (Mz/Mw) of at least 5 as determined by gel permeation chromatography (GPC; o-chlorobenzene solvent, measurement temp. 140 ~C); (3) a pendat isotacticity (mmmm fraction), an index of stereotacticity, of at least 98 % as determined by 13C-NMR spectroscopy; and (4) a D value of at least 4.0 as determined by the equation (I) based on loss tan .delta.0.05 and loss tan .delta.10 as measured at a temperature of 230 ~C under constant strain by means of a melt viscoelasticity measuring instrument at frequencies of ...

12-09-2018 дата публикации

할로-말로네이트 내부 전자 공여체를 가진 촉매 조성물 및 이로부터의 중합체

Номер: KR1020180101614A

... 전촉매 조성물, 촉매 조성물 및 이로부터 생산된 중합체, 즉 프로필렌-기재 중합체가 본원에서 개시된다. 본 전촉매 조성물은 특히 할로-말로네이트 및 2-플루오로-말로네이트를 함유한다. 본 촉매 조성물은 중합 중에 촉매 선택성을 향상시키고, 촉매 활성을 향상시키고, 또한 수소 반응을 향상시킨다. 본 촉매 조성물로부터 생산된 프로필렌-기재 중합체는 50 g/10 분 초과의 용융 유량을 가진다.

30-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200077155A

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180067939A

It is an object of the present invention to provide a metallocene catalyst composition, capable of preparing a polyolefin having remarkably excellent mechanical properties such as flexural strength and the like with excellent processability. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016834A1
Автор: Vestberg Torvald

Catalyst composition comprising a phthalate-free electron donor, which is highly effective during polymerisation in the presence of a polymeric nucleating agent, and its use and a process for its preparation. 1. A catalyst composition containing a catalyst component obtained by a process comprising the steps of:a1) providing a solution of at least a Group 2 metal alkoxy compound (Ax) being the reaction product of a Group 2 metal compound (MC) and a monohydric alcohol (A) comprising in addition to the hydroxyl moiety at least one ether moiety optionally in an organic liquid reaction medium; ora2) providing a solution of at least a Group 2 metal alkoxy compound (Ax′) being the reaction product of a Group 2 metal compound (MC) and an alcohol mixture of the monohydric alcohol (A) and a monohydric alcohol (B) of formula ROH, optionally in an organic liquid reaction medium; ora3) providing a solution of a mixture of the Group 2 metal alkoxy compound (Ax) and a Group 2 metal alkoxy compound (Bx) being the reaction product of a Group 2 metal compound (MC) and the monohydric alcohol (B), optionally in an organic liquid reaction medium; or{'sub': n', 'm', '2−n−m', 'n′', '2−n′', 'm′', '2−m′, 'a4) providing a solution of Group 2 metal alkoxy compound of formula M(OR1)(OR2)Xor mixture of Group 2 alkoxides M(OR1)X and M(OR2)X, where M is Group 2 metal, X is halogen, R1 and R2 are different alkyl groups of C2 to C16 carbon atoms, and 0≤n<2, 0≤m<2 and n+m+(2−n−m)=2, provided that both n and m ≠0, 0 Подробнее

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041768A1
Автор: Brita Diego

A process for the preparation of a solid catalyst component made from or containing a Ti compound, a coloring agent and optionally an electron donor on a Mg chloride based support, including step (a), carried out at a temperature ranging from 0 to 150° C., wherein (i) a Mg-based compound of formula (MgClX).nLB, wherein m ranges from 0 to 2, n ranges from 0 to 6, X is, independently halogen, R, OR, —OCORor O—C(O)—ORgroup, wherein Ris a C-Chydrocarbon group and LB is a Lewis base, is reacted with (ii) a liquid medium made from or containing a Ti compound having at least a Ti—Cl bond in an amount such that the Ti/Mg molar ratio is greater than 3; and an organic coloring agent is present either associated to the Mg-based compound or dispersed in the liquid medium made from or containing the titanium compound. 1. A process for the preparation of a solid catalyst component for the homopolymerization or copolymerization of CH═CHR olefins , if wherein R is hydrogen or hydrocarbyl radical with 1-12 carbon atoms , comprising a Ti compound , an organic coloring agent and optionally an electron donor on a Mg chloride based support , comprising: [{'sub': m', '2-m', '1', '20, 'sup': 1', '1', '1', '1', '1, '(i) a Mg-based compound of formula (MgClX).nLB, where m ranges from 0 to 2, n ranges from 0 to 6, X is, independently halogen, R, OR, —OCORor O—C(O)—ORgroup, wherein Ris a C-Chydrocarbon group, and LB is a Lewis base, is reacted with'}, '(ii) a liquid medium comprising a Ti compound, having at least a Ti—Cl bond, in an amount such that the Ti/Mg molar ratio is greater than 3; and, 'step (a), carried out at a temperature ranging from 0 to 150° C., wherein'}in step (a), an organic coloring agent is present either associated to (i) the Mg-based compound or dispersed in (ii) the liquid medium comprising the titanium compound.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the coloring agent compound is dissolved or dispersed in a liquid medium comprising a Ti compound of formula Ti( ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Process for Preparing a Catalyst for Olefin Polymerization

Номер: US20220049026A1
Принадлежит: Hanwha Solutions Corp

The present invention relates to a process for preparing a catalyst for olefin polymerization. Specifically, the present invention relates to a process for preparing a supported metallocene catalyst capable of enhancing the operational stability during olefin polymerization by treating the supported metallocene catalyst with an antistatic agent. In the process for preparing a supported metallocene catalyst according to the embodiment of the present invention, it is possible to enhance the operational stability during olefin polymerization by treating the supported metallocene catalyst with an antistatic agent in an improved method.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056174A1

A process for the preparation of a propylene polymer containing a coloring agent in an amount ranging from 0.2 to 30 ppm referred to the weight of propylene polymer, including the steps of: a) providing a solid ZN catalyst component made from or containing Mg, Ti, halogen and an internal electron donor compound, wherein the Ti being in an amount ranging from 0.1 to 10% of the total weight of solid catalyst component; b) providing a coloring agent made from or containing at least a pigment; c) mixing the ZN catalyst particles and the coloring agent in a liquid hydrocarbon medium, thereby obtaining a slurry and d) feeding the slurry to a polymerization reactor and subjecting the reactor to polymerization conditions, thereby yielding the propylene polymer. 1. A process for the preparation of a propylene polymer containing a coloring agent in an amount ranging from 0.2 to 30 ppm referred to the weight of propylene polymer , comprising the steps of:a) providing a solid ZN catalyst component comprising Mg, Ti, halogen and an internal electron donor compound, wherein the Ti being in an amount ranging from 0.1 to 10% of the total weight of solid catalyst component;b) providing a coloring agent comprising at least a pigment;c) mixing the ZN catalyst particles and the coloring agent in a liquid hydrocarbon medium, thereby obtaining a slurry; andd) feeding the slurry to a polymerization reactor and subjecting the reactor to polymerization conditions, thereby yielding the propylene polymer.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the ZN catalyst has a regular morphology and is obtained by reacting Ti-halides with precursors comprising adducts of formula MgCl(ROH)where Ris a C-Calkyl group claim 1 , and n is from 2 to 6.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the ZN catalyst component the amount of Mg ranges from 8 to 30% and the amount of Ti ranges from 0.5 to 8% wt with respect to the total weight of solid catalyst component.4. The process according to ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Mixed Catalyst Systems Containing Bridged Metallocenes with a Pendant Group 13 Element, Processes for Making a Polymer Product Using Same, and Products Made from Same

Номер: US20210054111A1

A mixed metallocene catalyst system can comprise at least one metallocene catalyst compound comprising a structure represented by formula (A) below and optionally at least one other metallocene catalyst compound having a structure represented by formula (B) below: 1. A polymer product made from an alpha-olefin feed comprising ethylene (C) monomer and a Cto Calpha-olefin comonomer , wherein the polymer product exhibits:an Mn, as measured by GPC, from 7,000 g/mol to 70,000 g/mol;a PDI, as measured by GPC, from 4.1 to 11.0;a reversed-co-monomer index (RCI,m) of at least 200 kg/mol; anda comonomer distribution ratio (CDR2,m) of at least 2.0.2. The polymer product of claim 1 , further exhibiting claim 1 , as measured by GPC claim 1 , an average content of polymerized Cto Calpha-olefin comonomer claim 1 , relative to a total content of alpha-olefin monomers and comonomers polymerized in the polymer product claim 1 , that increases for each quartile of increasing MWD of the polymer product.3. The polymer product of claim 1 , further exhibiting a melt index ratio (MIR) from 35 to 100.4. The polymer product of claim 1 , further exhibiting claim 1 , according to cross-fractionation chromatography (CFC):a (Tw1-Tw2) value between −30° C. and −36° C., a Tw2 of at least 90° C., an Mw1/Mw2 value of at least 0.9, or a combination thereof; andan Mw1/Mw2 value less than or equal to [0.6*(Tw1-Tw2)]−17. This application is a divisional of U.S. Ser. No. 16/250,624, filed Jan. 17, 2019 which claims priority to and the benefit of U.S. Ser. No. 62/624,558, filed Jan. 31, 2018 and is incorporated by reference in its entirety.This application also claims priority to and the benefit of U.S. Ser. No. 62/624,549, filed Jan. 31, 2018 and is incorporated by reference in its entirety.The present disclosure relates to mixed metallocene catalyst systems comprising a first metallocene catalyst compound comprising first and second cyclopentadienyl rings connected by a bridging group (BG) and a second ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073718A1

The present invention is directed to a propylene polymer composition comprising at least one propylene copolymer (C-PP), and an α-nucleating agent (NU), wherein the propylene copolymer (C-PP) comprises two propylene copolymer fractions (PP1) and (PP2), wherein propylene copolymer fraction (PP1) is contained in the propylene copolymer (C-PP) in an amount of 30 to 70 wt. % and the propylene copolymer fraction (PP2) is contained in the propylene copolymer (C-PP) in an amount of 70 to 30 wt. %, the comonomer content of propylene copolymer fraction (PP1) is in the range of 0.5 to 2.5 wt.-% and the comonomer content of the propylene copolymer fraction (PP1) is lower compared to the comonomer content of the propylene copolymer fraction (PP2), and the propylene polymer composition has (a) a melt flow rate MFR(230° C.) measured according to according to ISO 1133 of 1 to 5 g/10 min., and (b) a comonomer content of 4.0 to 8.0 wt. %, the comonomer(s) being ethylene and/or at least one Cto Cα-olefin. The above propylene polymer composition has improved impact and optical properties. The invention further provides a method of producing the above propylene polymer composition and an extrusion blow molded article comprising the above propylene polymer composition. 1. A propylene polymer composition comprising at least one propylene copolymer (C-PP) , and an α-nucleating agent (N) , wherein the propylene copolymer (C-PP) comprises two propylene copolymer fractions (PP1) and (PP2) , whereinpropylene copolymer fraction (PP1) is contained in the propylene copolymer (C-PP) in an amount of 30 to 70 wt. % and the propylene copolymer fraction (PP2) is contained in the propylene copolymer (C-PP) in an amount of 70 to 30 wt. %,the comonomer content of propylene copolymer fraction (PP1) is in the range of 0.5 to 2.6 wt.-% and the comonomer content of the propylene copolymer fraction (PP1) is lower compared to the comonomer content of the propylene copolymer fraction (PP2), and the propylene ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Catalyst Component for High Activity and high Stereoselectivity in Olefin Polymerization

Номер: US20180066084A1
Автор: Demin Xu
Принадлежит: Formosa Plastics Corp USA

What is disclosed is a method for preparing a catalyst system and a catalyst system for polymerizing or copolymerizing an α-olefin. Catalyst component (A) is obtained by a process of reacting a magnesium complex (A-1) containing acid salts of group IB-VIIIB elements formed by contacting a magnesium halide with an acid salt solution of group IB-VIIIB metals or spherical particles adducts, an internal electron donor (A-2) of diester or diether or composite compounds, and a titanium compound (A-3). The catalyst compound (A) is contacted with a silicon compound (B) and an organoaluminium compound (C) to complete the catalyst system providing a good balance of catalyst performance in terms of activity and stereo-specificity.

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140163185A1

A catalyst component (A) for olefin polymerization is prepared by contacting a solid component (a) containing magnesium, titanium, halogen and an internal electron donor compound with an organosilicon compound (b), wherein the organosilicon compound (b) is one or more selected from a Si—H functional group containing chainlike polysiloxane (b1) represented by formula (I), a cyclic polysiloxane (b2) represented by formula (I) and a Si—H functional group containing organosilicon compound (b3) represented by formula (I). In addition, a process for preparing the catalyst component and the corresponding catalyst is described. The catalyst component and its catalyst have high catalytic activity, good hydrogen response, and good stereospecificity, the catalyst can release its activity more evenly, and the obtained polymer has significantly increased bulk density. The definitions of Rto R, n and z in the formulae (I), (l) and (I) are as described in the specification. 2. The catalyst component according to claim 1 , wherein the solid component is prepared by contacting a magnesium compound claim 1 , a titanium compound and an internal electron donor under certain conditions.3. The catalyst component according to claim 1 , wherein an alkoxy magnesium compound represented by formula (II) or an alcohol adduct of the alkoxy magnesium compound represented by formula (II) is used as the magnesium compound for preparing the solid component claim 1 ,{'br': None, 'sup': 11', '12, 'sub': 2-y', 'y, 'Mg(OR)(OR)\u2003\u2003(II)'}{'sup': 11', '12, 'in the formula (II), Rand R, which are identical or different, independently of each other represent a linear or branched alkyl group having 1 to 8 carbon atoms, and 0≦y≦2.'}4. The catalyst component according to claim 1 , wherein the titanium compound used for preparing the solid component according to the present invention is a compound represented by formula (III) claim 1 ,{'br': None, 'sub': m', '4-m, 'TiX(OR″)\u2003\u2003(III)'}in the ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087431A1

The invention relates to a process for the preparation of a propylene homopolymer or a propylene α-olefin random copolymer comprising the step of a) preparing a propylene homopolymer or a propylene α-olefin random copolymer, wherein the α-olefin is chosen from the group consisting of ethylene, and α-olefins having 4 to 10 carbon atoms, for example 1-butene or 1-hexene by contacting at least the propylene and optionally α-olefin, with a catalyst in a gas-phase reactor at a temperature T1 and a pressure P1, wherein T1 is chosen in the range from 75 to 90° C., for example in the range from 77 to 85° C., for example in the range from 78 to 83° C., wherein P1 is chosen in the range from 22 to 30 bar to prepare a propylene homopolymer (A′) or a propylene α-olefin random copolymer (A′). 1. A process for the preparation of a propylene homopolymer or a propylene α-olefin random copolymer comprising the steps of:a) preparing a propylene homopolymer or a propylene α-olefin random copolymer, wherein the α-olefin is chosen from the group consisting of ethylene, and α-olefins having 4 to 10 carbon atoms, for example 1-butene or 1-hexene by contacting at least the propylene and optionally α-olefin with a catalyst in a gas-phase reactor at a temperature T1 and a pressure P1;wherein T1 is chosen in the range from 75 to 83° C.; andwherein P1 is chosen in the range from 22 to 30 bar;to prepare a propylene homopolymer (A′) or a propylene α-olefin random copolymer (A′).2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein a melt flow rate of the propylene homopolymer (A′) or the propylene α-olefin random copolymer (A′) is in the range from 5.0 to 150dg/min as measured according to ISO1133 (2.16 kg claim 1 , 230° C.).3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the FOG value of the propylene homopolymer (A′) or the propylene α-olefin random copolymer (A′) is at most 400 μg/g claim 1 , as determined by VDA 278.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein in step a) the propylene homopolymer or ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Olefin-Based Copolymer and Method for Preparing the Same

Номер: US20210095062A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

An olefin-based copolymer and a method of making the same are disclosed herein. In some embodiments, an olefin-based copolymer has a density (d) of 0.85 to 0.89 g/cc, a melt index (MI), measured at 190° C. and 2.16 kg load, of 15 g/10 min to 100 g/10 min, a number of unsaturated functional groups (total V) per 1,000 carbon atoms of 0.8 or less, a vinylene content, and a vinyl content, wherein the vinylene content, the vinyl content and the total V satisfy (a) vinylene content/total V=0.1 to 0.7 and (b) vinylene content/vinyl content=0.8 to 1.6. The olefin-based copolymer has controlled content and kind of an unsaturated functional group in the olefin-based copolymer and thus, has high flowability, and may show improved physical properties of hardness, flexural strength and tensile strength. 1. An olefin-based copolymer having a density (d) of 0.85 to 0.89 g/cc ,a melt index (MI), measured at 190° C. and 2.16 kg load, of 15 g/10 min to 100 g/10 min,a number of unsaturated functional groups (total V) per 1,000 carbon atoms of 0.8 or less,a number of vinylene (vinylene content) per 1,000 carbon atoms, anda number of vinyl (vinyl content) per 1,000 carbon atoms,wherein the vinylene content, the vinyl content, and the total V satisfy the following (a) and (b):(a) vinylene content/total V=0.1 to 0.7(b) vinylene content/vinyl content=0.8 to 1.6.2. The olefin-based copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the olefin-based copolymer has a weight average molecular weight (Mw) of 10 claim 1 ,000 g/mol to 80 claim 1 ,000 g/mol.3. The olefin-based copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the olefin-based copolymer has a molecular weight distribution (MWD) of 1.5 to 3.0.4. The olefin-based copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the total V is 0.15 to 0.7.5. The olefin-based copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein:(a) vinylene content/total V=0.2 to 0.6(b) vinylene content/vinyl content=0.8 to 1.5.6. The olefin-based copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the olefin-based ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220144975A1

Olefin polymers are produced having a relatively high bulk density and a dramatically reduced amount of fines. The polymers are produced using a catalyst system containing a selectivity control agent. In one embodiment, the selectivity control agent is diisobutyldimethoxysilane. 2. The process as defined in claim 1 , wherein the selectivity control agent comprises diisobutyldimethoxysilane.3. The process as defined in claim 1 , wherein the catalyst system includes the activity limiting agent.4. The process as defined in claim 3 , wherein the activity limiting agent comprises isopropyl myristate claim 3 , pentyl valerate claim 3 , or mixtures thereof.5. The process as defined in claim 1 , wherein the catalyst system further comprises a second selectivity control agent.6. The process as defined in claim 5 , wherein the second selectivity control agent comprises propyltriethoxysilane.7. The process as defined in claim 1 , wherein the catalyst system is a non-pre prepolymerized catalyst system.8. The process as defined in claim 1 , wherein Ris a methyl group.9. (canceled)10. The process as defined in claim 1 , wherein the catalyst system further comprises a cocatalyst.11. (canceled)12. The process as defined in claim 1 , wherein the solid catalyst component further contains an organic phosphorus compound claim 1 , an organosilicon compound claim 1 , and an epoxy compound.13. (canceled)14. The process as defined in claim 1 , wherein the olefin comprises a propylene for producing a propylene homopolymer and wherein the polypropylene homopolymer has a bulk density of greater than about 0.38 g/cc and contains less than 1% by weight fines.15. (canceled)16. The process as defined in claim 1 , wherein the olefin comprises propylene and ethylene for forming a propylene and ethylene copolymer.17. The process as defined in claim 16 , wherein the process produces a heterophasic polymer claim 16 , wherein the heterophasic polymer comprises a first polymer phase comprising a ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Hybrid supported metallocene catalyst and method of preparing polypropylene using the same

Номер: US20220144983A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

Provided are a hybrid supported metallocene catalyst comprising one or more first metallocene compounds selected from compounds represented by the following Chemical Formula 1; one or more second metallocene compounds selected from compounds represented by the following Chemical Formula 2, and showing high activity in propylene polymerization and being usefully applied to the preparation of a polypropylene having high melt strength by introducing long chain branches into the polypropylene molecule, and a method of preparing a polypropylene using the same wherein all the variables are described herein.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200140577A1
Принадлежит: TOHO TITANIUM CO., LTD.

A catalyst for polymerization of an olefin is disclosed, including a compound represented by the general formula RRSi(NHR)wherein Ris a cycloalkyl group having 3 to 12 carbon atoms or an aromatic hydrocarbon group having 6 to 12 carbon atoms; Ris a linear alkyl group having 1 to 10 carbon atoms or a branched alkyl group having 3 to 10 carbon atoms; the number of carbon atoms of Ris larger by 2 or more than that of R; and Ris a linear alkyl group having 2 to 6 carbon atoms, a branched alkyl group having 3 to 6 carbon atoms or a cycloalkyl group having 3 to 6 carbon atoms, as an external electron-donating compound. The catalyst can prepare a polymer having excellent hydrogen activity and high stereoregularity and melt flow rate even in homopolymerization at a high temperature, with high productivity. 2. The catalyst for polymerization of an olefin according to claim 1 , further comprising: a solid catalyst component containing magnesium claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , halogen and an internal electron-donating compound; and an organoaluminum compound.3. A method for producing a polymer of an olefin claim 1 , comprising polymerizing the olefin in the presence of the catalyst for polymerization of an olefin according to .4. A method for producing a polymer of an olefin claim 2 , comprising polymerizing the olefin in the presence of the catalyst for polymerization of an olefin according to .5. A propylene-α-olefin copolymer being a product of copolymerization reaction of propylene and α-olefin other than propylene in the presence of the catalyst for polymerization of an olefin according to .6. A propylene-α-olefin copolymer being a product of copolymerization reaction of propylene and α-olefin other than propylene in the presence of the catalyst for polymerization of an olefin according to . The present invention relates to a catalyst for polymerization of an olefin, a method for producing a polymer of an olefin and a propylene-α-olefin copolymer.Automobile parts, home ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации

High-density ethylene-based polymer using supported hybrid metallocene catalyst, and manufacturing method therefor

Номер: US20190169325A1
Принадлежит: Hanwha Chemical Corp

A high-density ethylene-based polymer is provided. The high-density ethylene-based polymer contains an ethylene homopolymer or a copolymer of ethylene and at least one comonomer selected from the group consisting of an α-olefin, a cyclic olefin, and a straight, branched and cyclic diene. The high-density polyethylene resin has a wide molecular weight distribution and excellent comonomer distribution characteristics, has excellent melt flowability due to a long chain branched structure, and has excellent mechanical characteristics since the comonomer distribution is concentrated in a high-molecular-weight body. The high-density ethylene polymer has excellent molding processability during processing such as extrusion, compression, injection and rotational molding by having excellent mechanical characteristics and melt flowability.

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Catalyst System For The Production Of Polyolefins And Method Of Making And Using Same

Номер: US20190194438A1
Автор: Jan Willem VAN EGMOND
Принадлежит: WR Grace and Co Conn

Catalyst systems for polymerization of mixtures comprising an olefin include a selectivity control agent comprising at least one silicon-containing compound containing at least one C1-C10 alkoxy group bonded to a silicon atom and an amount of one or more agent compounds. The agent compound comprises C2-C13 mono- or polycarboxylic esters of aliphatic C2-C7 carboxylic acids and inertly substituted derivatives thereof. One or more polymerization catalysts may also be present. A polymerization process includes contacting an olefin or a mixture of the olefin and one or more copolymerizable comonomers under polymerization conditions with the catalyst composition.

02-07-2020 дата публикации

Propylene-Butene Copolymer Resin Composition and Method of Preparing the Same

Номер: US20200207968A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

The present invention relates to a propylene-butene copolymer resin composition used for non-woven fabric, a method of preparing the same, and spunbond non-woven fabric manufactured using the composition, and particularly, by optimizing a content of 1-butene in a metallocene polypropylene resin composition to 0.5 to 5.0 wt %, while simultaneously optimizing both of a melt index and a residual stress ratio of the resin composition, has a merit of having a reduced modulus together with a high conversion rate to manufacture non-woven fabric which is softer than existing products while maintaining high strength.

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190211117A1
Автор: Vestberg Torvald

The present invention is directed to solid catalyst particles comprising a Ziegler-Natta catalyst and a polymeric nucleating agent. Further, the present invention is also directed to a process for the preparation of said solid catalyst particles, the use of said solid catalyst particles in a process for the manufacture of a polymer and a polyolefin obtained in the presence of said solid catalyst particles. 1: Solid catalyst particles , comprising:(a) a Ziegler-Natta catalyst (ZN-C) comprising compounds (TC) of a transition metal of Group 4 to 6 of IUPAC, a Group 2 metal compound (MC) and an internal donor (ID);(b) a co-catalyst (Co),(c) optionally an external donor (ED), and {'br': None, 'sub': '2', 'sup': 1', '2, 'CH═CH—CHRR\u2003\u2003(I),'}, '(d) a polymeric nucleating agent obtained from a vinyl monomer of formula (I){'sup': 1', '2, 'wherein Rand R, together with the carbon atom they are attached to, form an optionally substituted saturated or unsaturated or aromatic ring or a fused ring system, wherein the ring or fused ring moiety contains four to 20 carbon atoms,'}wherein said solid catalyst particles are not dissolved or suspended in a liquid medium.2: Solid catalyst particles according to claim 1 , wherein the polymeric nucleating agent is selected from the group of polyvinylalkanes or polyvinylcycloalkanes.3: Solid catalyst particles according to claim 1 , wherein the compounds (TC) of a transition metal of Group 4 to 6 of IUPAC are selected from the group consisting of Group 4 and Group 5 compounds.4: Solid catalyst particles according to claim 1 , wherein the Group 2 metal compound (MC) is a magnesium compound.5: Solid catalyst particles according to claim 1 , wherein the polymeric nucleating agent comprising vinyl monomer units is obtained in the presence of the Ziegler-Natta catalyst (ZN-C) comprising compounds (TC) of a transition metal of Group 4 to 6 of IUPAC claim 1 , a Group 2 metal compound (MC) and an internal donor (ID) claim 1 , a co-catalyst ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Propylene-ethylene random copolymers with low xs/et ratio and high mfr

Номер: US20210246240A1
Принадлежит: WR Grace and Co Conn

Propylene and alpha olefin random copolymers are disclosed that have excellent flow characteristics. For instance, the copolymers can be formulated so as to have a melt flow rate of greater than about 45 g/10 min. While still retaining the above flow characteristics, the copolymer can also be formulated to have greater stiffness, low xylene soluble content, and excellent transparency characteristics especially when combined with one or more clarifying agents.

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Polyethylene composition having high mechanical properties and processability

Номер: US20180237621A1

A polyethylene composition having the following features: 1) density from about 0.945 to about 0.951 g/cm 3 , determined according to ISO 1183 at 23° C.; 2) ratio MIF/MIP from about 25 to about 43; 3) MIF from about 3.5 to less than about 8.5 g/10 min.; 4) HMWcopo index from about 1 to about 40; and 5) long-chain branching index, LCBI, equal to or greater than about 0.83. The polyethylene composition can be used to produce pipes.

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Bridged Metallocene Catalysts with a Pendant Group 13 Element, Catalyst Systems Containing Same, Processes for Making a Polymer Product Using Same, and Products Made from Same

Номер: US20190233552A1

A metallocene catalyst compound can comprise a structure represented by formula (F-MC) below comprising a first cyclopentadienyl ring with carbon atoms directly connected with R, R, R, and R, and a second cyclopentadienyl ring with carbon atoms directly connected with R, R, R, and R, and a bridging group (BG) directly connecting the first and second cyclopentadienyl rings 2. The metallocene compound of claim 1 , wherein M comprises Zr or Hf and m is 2.3. The metallocene compound of claim 1 , wherein each X is independently a methyl claim 1 , an ethyl claim 1 , an n-propyl claim 1 , an isopropyl claim 1 , an n-butyl claim 1 , a sec-butyl claim 1 , an isobutyl claim 1 , a tert-butyl claim 1 , a phenyl claim 1 , a benzyl claim 1 , a perfluorophenyl claim 1 , a perfluorobenzyl claim 1 , a perfluorinated oxyphenyl claim 1 , a perfluorinated oxynaphthyl claim 1 , a chloride claim 1 , a bromide claim 1 , or an iodide.5. The metallocene compound of claim 4 , wherein at least eight of R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , and Rare a hydrogen.6. The metallocene compound of claim 5 , wherein:{'sup': 4', '5, 'sub': 1', '8, 'each of Rand Ris a hydrogen or a substituted or unsubstituted linear, branched linear, or cyclic C-Chydrocarbyl group;'}{'sup': 10', '11, 'sub': 1', '8, 'each of Rand Ris a hydrogen or a substituted or unsubstituted linear, branched linear, or cyclic C-Chydrocarbyl group;'}{'sup': 4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '15', '16', '17', '18, 'at least ten of R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, and Rare a hydrogen;'}M is Hf or Zr, and m is 2;each X is independently a methyl, an ethyl, an n-propyl, an isopropyl, an n-butyl, a sec-butyl, an isobutyl, a tert-butyl, a phenyl, a benzyl, a perfluorophenyl, a perfluorobenzyl, a perfluorinated oxyphenyl, a perfluorinated oxynaphthyl, a chloride, a bromide, or an iodide; and{'sup': 20', '20', '20', '21', '21, 'sub': 2', '1', ' ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации

Producing propylene impact copolymers and products

Номер: US20160289436A1
Принадлежит: WR Grace and Co Conn

A process for producing a propylene impact copolymer (ICOP), the process comprising the steps of feeding propylene and optionally one or more first comonomers into a first reactor; feeding into the first reactor a catalyst mixture; contacting the propylene with the catalyst mixture under first polymerization conditions to form an active propylene-based polymer; transferring at least a portion of the first reactor contents to a second reactor; feeding additional activity limiting agent, additional selectivity control agent and, optionally additional cocatalyst and one or more second comonomers into the second reactor; and maintaining the second reactor at a second reactor temperature in a range that is sufficient to allow copolymerization to form the propylene impact copolymer (ICOP), wherein the second reactor temperature is below 70° C.

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Adhesive composition comprising amorphous propylene-ethylene copolymer and propylene polymer

Номер: US20180282449A1
Принадлежит: Eastman Chemical Co

Amorphous propylene-ethylene copolymers are described herein that can include high amounts of ethylene and exhibit desirable softening points and needle penetrations. The desirable combinations of softening points and needle penetrations in these propylene-ethylene copolymers allow them to have a broad operating window. Due their broad operating window, the propylene-ethylene copolymers can be utilized in a wide array of applications and products, including hot melt adhesives.

12-10-2017 дата публикации

Containers comprising propylene-based terpolymers

Номер: US20170291972A1
Принадлежит: Basell Poliolefine Italia Srl

The present disclosure provides an article of manufacture made from or containing a propylene-based terpolymer, having (i) ethylene-derived units in the range from about 0.5 wt. % to about 1.8 wt. %; (ii) 1-butene-derived units in the range from about 1.5 wt. % to about 2.5 wt. %; (iii) a ratio of C 2 wt %/C 4 wt % in the range from about 0.40 to about 0.80, wherein C 2 wt % is the weight percent of ethylene-derived units and C 4 wt % is the weight percent of 1-butene-derived units; (iv) a melt flow rate in the range from about 30 g/10 min to about 80 g/10 min; (v) a xylene soluble fraction at 25° C. lower than about 5.0 wt. %; and (vi) a melting point higher than about 140° C. The article can be a container, which can be used for food applications.

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200277419A1

Amorphous propylene-ethylene copolymers are described herein that can include high amounts of ethylene and exhibit desirable softening points and needle penetrations. The desirable combinations of softening points and needle penetrations in these propylene-ethylene copolymers allow them to have a broad operating window. Due their broad operating window, the propylene-ethylene copolymers can be utilized in a wide array of applications and products, including hot melt adhesives. 1. An adhesive comprising at least one propylene-ethylene copolymer and at least one polyolefin , wherein said at least one propylene-ethylene copolymer comprisesa) at least 10 weight percent of ethylene, andb) a softening point of at least 99° C., andc) a glass transition temperature (Tg) in the range of about −60 to about 20° C., ord) a polydispersity of about 3 to about 25.2. The adhesive of claim 1 , wherein said at least one polyolefin is selected from the group consisting of metallocene-catalyzed polyolefin polymers and elastomers claim 1 , and chain shuttling catalyzed olefin block copolymers.3. The adhesive of claim 1 , wherein said at least one polyolefin is selected from the group consisting of amorphous poly alpha olefins (APAO) claim 1 , wherein said amorphous poly alpha polyolefin comprises at least one monomer selected from the group consisting of ethylene claim 1 , propylene claim 1 , linear C-Calpha-olefin monomers claim 1 , and branched C-Calpha-olefin monomers.4. The adhesive of claim 2 , wherein said adhesive comprises:(a) 5 to 95 weight percent of said at least one propylene-ethylene copolymer;(b) 5 to 90 weight percent of said at least one polyolefin;(c) not more than 70 weight percent of at least one tackifier;(d) not more than 20 weight percent of at least one processing oil; and(e) not more than 30 weight percent of at least one wax.5. The adhesive of claim 2 , wherein said adhesive comprises:(a) 10 to 70 weight percent of said at least one propylene-ethylene copolymer ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации

Mixed Catalyst Systems Containing Bridged Metallocenes with a Pendant Group 13 Element, Processes for Making a Polymer Product Using Same, and Products Made from Same

Номер: US20190284312A1

A mixed metallocene catalyst system can comprise at least one metallocene catalyst compound comprising a structure represented by formula (A) below and optionally at least one other metallocene catalyst compound having a structure represented by formula (B) below: 2. The mixed metallocene catalyst system of claim 1 , wherein M in the first metallocene catalyst compound comprises Zr or Hf and m in the first metallocene catalyst compound is 2.3. The mixed metallocene catalyst system of claim 1 , wherein each X in the first metallocene catalyst compound is independently a methyl claim 1 , an ethyl claim 1 , an n-propyl claim 1 , an isopropyl claim 1 , an n-butyl claim 1 , a sec-butyl claim 1 , an isobutyl claim 1 , a tert-butyl claim 1 , a phenyl claim 1 , a benzyl claim 1 , a perfluorophenyl claim 1 , a perfluorobenzyl claim 1 , a perfluorinated oxyphenyl claim 1 , a perfluorinated oxynaphthyl claim 1 , a chloride claim 1 , a bromide claim 1 , or an iodide.5. The mixed metallocene catalyst system of claim 4 , wherein at least eight of R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , and Rin the first metallocene catalyst compound are a hydrogen.6. The mixed metallocene catalyst system of claim 5 , wherein:{'sup': 4', '5, 'sub': 1', '8, 'each of Rand Rin the first metallocene catalyst compound is a hydrogen or a substituted or unsubstituted linear, branched linear, or cyclic C-Chydrocarbyl group;'}{'sup': 10', '11, 'sub': 1', '8, 'each of Rand Rin the first metallocene catalyst compound is a hydrogen or a substituted or unsubstituted linear, branched linear, or cyclic C-Chydrocarbyl group;'}{'sup': 4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '15', '16', '17', '18, 'at least ten of R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, and Rin the first metallocene catalyst compound are a hydrogen;'}M in the first metallocene catalyst compound is Hf or Zr, and m in the first metallocene catalyst compound is 2; ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации

Polyethylene composition for blow molding having high stress cracking resistance

Номер: US20190309148A1

A polyethylene composition for producing blow-molded hollow articles, having the following features: 1) density from 0.948 to 0.952 g/cm 3 determined according to ISO 1183-1 at 23° C.; 2) ratio MIF/MIP from 12 to 25; 3) MIF from 18 to 40 g/10 min.; 4) Mz equal to or greater than 1,200,000 g/mol; 5) η 0.02 from 35,000 to 55,000 Pa·s; 6) long-chain branching index, LCBI, equal to or greater than 0.55; and 7) ratio (η 0.02 /1000)/LCBI from 55 to 75.

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200308381A1

A polypropylene composition made from or containing: 1. A polypropylene composition comprising:A) from 50 wt % to 90 wt %, based upon the total weight of the polypropylene composition, of a propylene homopolymer having a fraction insoluble in xylene at 25° C., higher than 90%; and a MFR L (Melt Flow Rate according to ISO 1133, condition L, at 230° C. and 2.16 kg load) from 0.5 to 200 g/10 min; andB) from 10 wt % to 50 wt %, based upon the total weight of the polypropylene composition, of a copolymer of propylene and ethylene having from 30.0 wt % to 70.0 wt %, based upon the total weight of the copolymer, of ethylene derived units;wherein the sum of the amount of component A) and B) being 100;the polypropylene composition having:i) an intrinsic viscosity of the fraction soluble in xylene at 25° C. between 2.2 and 4.0 dl/g;ii) a MFR L (Melt Flow Rate according to ISO 1133, condition L, at 230° C. and 2.16 kg load) from 0.5 to 100 g/10 min; andiii) a xylene soluble fraction ranging from 10 wt % to 50 wt %, based upon the total weight of the polypropylene composition; andthe polypropylene composition being obtained by a polymerization process including the steps of:step a) polymerizing propylene to obtain component A) in the presence of a catalyst comprising the product of a reaction between:a) a solid catalyst component comprising Ti, Mg, Cl, and an internal electron donor compound containing from 0.1 to 50% wt of Bi with respect to the total weight of solid catalyst component;b) an alkylaluminum compound and, {'br': None, 'sup': 1', '2, 'sub': a', 'b, '(R)Si(OR)'}, 'c) an external electron-donor compound having the formula{'sup': 1', '2, 'wherein Rand Rare independently selected among alkyl radicals with 1-8 carbon atoms, optionally containing heteroatoms, and a is 0 or 1 and a+b=4; and'}step b) polymerizing propylene and ethylene to obtain component B) in the presence of the polymerization product of step a).2. The polypropylene composition according to claim 1 , ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190315952A1

High flow nucleated heterophasic polyolefin compositions comprising a matrix comprising a propylene homo- and/or copolymer and an elastomeric alpha-olefin copolymer phase dispersed in the matrix, which have rather high melt flow rate, improved impact strength but also an excellent impact/stiffness balance and a process for the preparation of such a heterophasic polyolefin composition, articles made therefrom and uses of the heterophasic polyolefin composition. 1. A heterophasic propylene copolymer (HECO) comprising:{'sub': 'M', '(a) a matrix (M) being a polypropylene (PP), said polypropylene (PP) comprises at least two polypropylene fractions (PP1) and (PP2) and optionally a third polypropylene fraction (PP3), and having a matrix melt flow rate (MFR) as determined at 230° C. and 2.16 kg load according ISO 1133 in the range of 50.0 to 1000.0 g/10 min, and'}(b) an elastomeric propylene copolymer (EPC) being a copolymer of propylene and ethylene and/or an α-olefin with 4-10 carbon atoms and being dispersed in said matrix (M), said elastomeric propylene copolymer (EPC) comprises at least one propylene copolymer fractions (EPC1) and optionally a second propylene copolymer fraction (EPC2),wherein the elastomeric propylene copolymer (EC) is the xylene cold soluble fraction (XCS) determined at 25° C. according ISO 16152 of the heterophasic propylene copolymer (HECO) and has an intrinsic viscosity (iV) measured according to ISO 1628-1 (at 135° C. in decaline) in the range of 2.0 dl/g-4.0 dl/g.(c) optionally a crystalline ethylene copolymer (CEC) with an α-olefin with 3-10 carbon atoms being present in the composition as inclusions of the dispersed particles of (b), and {'sub': 'T', '(i) said heterophasic propylene copolymer (HECO) has a total melt flow rate (MFR) (230° C.) measured according to ISO 1133 in the range of 25.0 g/10 min to 250 g/10 min.'}, '(d) a polymeric nucleating agent (PNA),'}2. The heterophasic propylene copolymer (HECO) according to claim 1 , which ...

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200317833A1

Amorphous propylene-ethylene copolymers are described herein that can include high amounts of ethylene and exhibit desirable softening points and needle penetrations. The desirable combinations of softening points and needle penetrations in these propylene-ethylene copolymers allow them to have a broad operating window. Due their broad operating window, the propylene-ethylene copolymers can be utilized in a wide array of applications and products, including hot melt adhesives. 1. An adhesive comprising at least one propylene-ethylene copolymer and at least one high propylene-content polymer, wherein said propylene-ethylene copolymer comprises at least 10 weight percent of ethylene and a softening point of at least 99° C. This application is a continuation application claiming priority to U.S. application Ser. No. 16/002734 filed on Jun. 7, 2018, now allowed, which claims benefit to U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/517251 filed on Jun. 9, 2017, now expired; U.S. application Ser. No. 16/002734 is also a continuation-in-part application claiming priority to U.S. application Ser. No. 15/443278 filed Feb. 27, 2017, now issued as U.S. Pat. No. 10,214,600, which is a continuation application claiming priority to U.S. application Ser. No. 14/567028 filed Dec. 11, 2014, now issued as U.S. Pat. No. 9,611,341, which claims benefit to U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/937024, filed Feb. 7, 2014, now expired; and U.S. application Ser. No. 16/002734 is also a continuation-in-part application claiming priority to U.S. application Ser. No. 15/683964, filed Aug. 23, 2017, now issued as U.S. Pat. No. 10,308,740, which claims benefit to U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/378698, filed Aug. 24, 2016 now expired; the disclosures of which are herein incorporated by reference in their entireties.The present invention is generally related to amorphous propylene-ethylene copolymers and processes for producing such copolymers. Particularly, the present invention is generally related to ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190322773A1

Provided are a transition metal compound for an olefin polymerization catalyst, an olefin polymerization catalyst containing the transition metal compound, and a polyolefin prepared using the olefin polymerization catalyst for polymerization thereof, wherein the transition metal compound is represented by Chemical Formula 1. 2. The transition metal compound of claim 1 , wherein a neighboring two among the Rto Rare connected to each other claim 1 , forming a substituted or unsubstituted Cring.4. The transition metal compound of claim 1 , wherein the Rto Rare each a hydrogen atom.10. A polyolefin prepared through the polymerization of olefin-based monomers in the presence of the olefin polymerization catalyst of .11. The polyolefin of claim 10 , wherein the olefin-based monomer includes one or more selected from the group consisting of a Cα-olefin claim 10 , a Cdiolefin claim 10 , a Ccycloolefin claim 10 , and a Ccyclodiolefin.12. The polyolefin of claim 10 , which has been prepared through the copolymerization of ethylene and 1-octene.13. The polyolefin of claim 10 , which has a molecular weight (Mw) of 210 claim 10 ,000 or more.14. The polyolefin of claim 10 , which has a density of 0.900 g/cmor less.15. A polyolefin prepared through the polymerization of olefin-based monomers in the presence of the olefin polymerization catalyst of .16. A polyolefin prepared through the polymerization of olefin-based monomers in the presence of the olefin polymerization catalyst of .17. A polyolefin prepared through the polymerization of olefin-based monomers in the presence of the olefin polymerization catalyst of . The present invention relates to a transition metal compound for an olefin polymerization catalyst, an olefin polymerization catalyst containing the transition metal compound, and a polyolefin prepared using the olefin polymerization catalyst for polymerization thereof.A metallocene catalyst, which is a type of catalyst used for polymerizing olefins, is based on a ...

22-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200332034A1

Amorphous propylene-ethylene copolymers are described herein that can include high amounts of ethylene and exhibit desirable softening points and needle penetrations. The desirable combinations of softening points and needle penetrations in these propylene-ethylene copolymers allow them to have a broad operating window. Due their broad operating window, the propylene-ethylene copolymers can be utilized in a wide array of applications and products, including hot melt adhesives. 1(i) a first propylene-ethylene copolymer, wherein said first propylene-ethylene copolymer comprises a polydispersity of at least 3, at least 10 weight percent of ethylene, and a softening point of at least 99° C.;(ii) a second propylene-ethylene copolymer or a metallocene-catalyzed polyolefin; and{'sub': 4', '10', '4', '10, '(iii) optionally, at least one polyolefin selected from the group consisting of amorphous polyolefins, semi-crystalline polyolefins, alpha-polyolefins, reactor-ready polyolefins, metallocene-catalyzed polyolefin polymers and elastomers, reactor-made thermoplastic polyolefin elastomers, olefin block copolymers, thermoplastic polyolefins, atactic polypropylene, polyethylenes, ethylene-propylene polymers, propylene-hexene polymers, ethylene-butene polymers, ethylene-octene polymers, propylene-butene polymers, propylene-octene polymers, metallocene-catalyzed polypropylene polymers, metallocene-catalyzed polyethylene polymers, propylene-based terpolymers including ethylene-propylene-butylene terpolymers, copolymers produced from propylene and linear or branched C-Calpha-olefin monomers, copolymers produced from ethylene and linear or branched C-Calpha-olefin monomers, and functionalized polyolefins.'}. An adhesive comprising: This application is a continuation application claiming priority to U.S. application Ser. No. 16/002,739 filed on Jun. 7, 2018, now allowed, which claims benefit to U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/517,253 filed on Jun. 9, 2017, now expired; U.S. ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации

Ethylene/1-Butene Copolymer Having Excellent Processability

Номер: US20200339790A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

Provided is an ethylene/1-butene copolymer having excellent processability and stress cracking resistance. The ethylene/1-butene copolymer according to the present invention may be applied to a high-pressure resistant heating pipe, a PE-RT pipe, a large diameter pipe, etc.

21-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170362357A1

Propylene is polymerised in the presence of a polymerisation catalyst comprising a solid catalyst component, an organoaluminium compound and an external electron donor, the process comprising the steps of (i) contacting propylene and hydrogen with the polymerisation catalyst in polymerisation conditions in a polymerisation reactor to produce a polymer of propylene; (ii) recovering the polymer of propylene from the polymerisation reactor; wherein the polymer of propylene has MFR of from more than 100 to 10000 g/10 min. The solid catalyst component comprises titanium, magnesium, halogen and an internal electron donor, characterised in that the internal electron donor is a compound according to formula (I) with Rand Rbeing the same or different and being a linear or branched C-C-alkyl group, and with R being H or a linear, branched or cyclic Cto C-alkyl, whereby it is preferred that R is not H. The external electron donor is a silane compound having the formula Si(OR)R, wherein each Ris independently a linear or branched C-Calkyl, preferably methyl or ethyl; and each Ris independently a linear or branched alkyl group having from 1 to 24 and optionally containing an atom of group 15 of periodic table of elements or comprises a cyclic group having from 6 to 12 carbon atoms. 115-. (canceled)17. The process according to wherein Rand Rare a linear or branched C-C-alkyl group claim 16 , preferably a linear or branched C-C-alkyl group.18. The process according to wherein Rand Rare the same.19. The process according to wherein R is a linear or branched Cto C-alkyl.20. The process according to wherein R is methyl.21. The process according to wherein each Ris independently selected from the group consisting of methyl claim 16 , ethyl claim 16 , propyl claim 16 , isopropyl claim 16 , tert-butyl claim 16 , cyclohexyl and phenyl.22. The process according to wherein each Ris independently selected from the group consisting of methyl claim 21 , ethyl claim 21 , iso-butyl or ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200354554A1

The invention relates to a process for producing a polypropylene composition by sequential polymerization, said polypropylene composition having low sealing initiation temperature (SIT) and high melting point (Tm), thus providing abroad sealing window. 1. A process for producing a polypropylene composition by sequential polymerization comprising the steps:{'sub': 4', '10, 'a) polymerizing in a first reactor monomers comprising propylene and one or more comonomers selected from C-Calpha-olefins, to obtain a first propylene polymer fraction having a comonomer content in the range of from 2.0 to 8.0 mol %,'}{'sub': 4', '10, 'b) polymerizing in a second reactor monomers comprising propylene and one or more comonomers selected from ethylene and C-Calpha-olefins, in the presence of the first propylene polymer fraction, to obtain a second propylene polymer fraction,'}{'sub': 4', '10', '4', '10, 'c) polymerizing in a third reactor monomers comprising propylene and one or more comonomers selected from ethylene and optionally C-Calpha-olefins, in the presence of the second propylene polymer fraction, to obtain a polypropylene composition having an ethylene comonomer content in the range of from 0.5 to 5.0 mol % and a C-Calpha-olefin comonomer content in the range of from 3.0 to 10.0 mol %, relative to the total amount of monomers present in the polypropylene composition.'}2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the second propylene polymer fraction has an ethylene comonomer content in the range of from 0.5 to 5.0 mol % and a C-Calpha olefins comonomer content in the range of from 3.0 to 9.0 mol % claim 1 , relative to the total amount of monomers present in the second propylene polymer fraction.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the polymerization in the first reactor is carried out at a temperature in the range of from 62 to 85° C.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the polymerization is carried out in the presence of a Ziegler-Natta catalyst.5. ...

26-11-2020 дата публикации

Metallocene-Supported Catalyst and Method for Preparing Polypropylene Using the Same

Номер: US20200369701A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

A supported catalyst including a novel metallocene compound having excellent polymerization activity, and a method for producing polypropylene by polymerizing propylene in the presence of the catalyst are provided. The metallocene-supported catalyst of the present invention can produce a polypropylene having a relatively narrow molecular weight distribution and a SPAN value.

05-08-2021 дата публикации

올레핀 중합용 촉매의 제조방법

Номер: KR102287064B1
Принадлежит: 한화솔루션 주식회사

본 발명은 올레핀 중합용 촉매의 제조방법에 관한 것이다. 구체적으로, 본 발명은 메탈로센 담지 촉매를 대전방지제로 처리함으로써 올레핀 중합 시 조업 안정성을 향상시킬 수 있는 메탈로센 담지 촉매의 제조방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 구체예에 따른 메탈로센 담지 촉매의 제조방법은 개선된 방법으로 메탈로센 담지 촉매를 대전방지제로 처리함으로써, 올레핀 중합 시 조업 안정성을 향상시킬 수 있다.

11-01-2017 дата публикации

Method for polymerizing polypropylene

Номер: EP2780379B1
Принадлежит: WR Grace and Co Conn

12-05-2004 дата публикации

Method for producing supported catalyst for producing ethylene polymer and ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer

Номер: KR100430978B1
Принадлежит: 삼성아토피나주식회사

본 발명은 에틸렌 중합체 및 에틸렌과 α-올레핀과의 공중합체 제조 및 공중합체 제조를 위한 담지촉매의 제조방법에 관한 것으로서, 더욱 상세하게는 MgPh 2 .nMgCl 2 .mR 2 O(여기서, Ph=페닐, n=0.37∼0.7; m≥1 ; R 2 0=에테르)의 조성을 갖는 유기마그네슘 화합물과 유기염소 화합물을 -20℃∼80℃의 온도에서 마그네슘에 대한 유기염소 화합물의 몰비를 0.5 이상으로 하여 반응시키는 단계; 상기 반응에서 얻어진 마그네슘함유 담체를 티타늄 화합물, 바나듐 화합물 또는 티타늄 화합물과 바나듐 화합물의 혼합물 및 알콕시실란 화합물과 반응시키는 단계를 포함하여 이루어지는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to a method for preparing an ethylene polymer and a copolymer of ethylene and an α-olefin and a supported catalyst for preparing a copolymer, more specifically MgPh 2 .nMgCl 2 .mR 2 O (where Ph = phenyl and an organic magnesium compound and an organic chlorine compound having a composition of n = 0.37 to 0.7; m≥1; R 2 0 = ether) at a temperature of -20 ° C to 80 ° C with a molar ratio of organochlorine compound to magnesium of 0.5 or more. Reacting; And reacting the magnesium-containing carrier obtained in the reaction with a titanium compound, a vanadium compound or a mixture of a titanium compound and a vanadium compound and an alkoxysilane compound. 본 발명의 방법에 의하면 분자량 분포가 좁은 폴리에틸렌 및 폴리에틸렌 공중합체를 제조할 수 있는 촉매를 제공하게 된다. The method of the present invention provides a catalyst capable of producing polyethylene and polyethylene copolymers having a narrow molecular weight distribution.

18-04-2017 дата публикации

Supported hybrid metallocene catalyst and good processability polyolefin using the same

Номер: KR101725004B1
Автор: 김동옥, 정동욱, 정의갑
Принадлежит: 한화케미칼 주식회사

The present invention relates to a supported hybrid metallocene catalyst comprising at least one first metallocene compound, at least one second metallocene compound, at least one co-catalyst compound and a carrier; a method for preparing the same; and a polyolefin resin polymerized in the presence of the catalyst. The second metallocene compound is a branch structured compound having ligands with an asymmetric structure. The polyolefin resin has a density of 0.910-0.960 g/cm^3, a unimodal molecular distribution with a polydispersity of 3-5, a melt index of 0.05-100 at 2.16 kg, and a melt flow rate of 20-40.

14-09-2021 дата публикации

Method For Preparing Supported Hybrid Metallocene Catalyst, Supported Hybrid Metallocene Catalyst Prepared By The Same Method, And Method For Preparing Polyolefin Using The Same

Номер: KR102301666B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지화학

본 발명은 담체에 조촉매를 담지시키는 단계; 상기 조촉매가 담지된 담체에 금속 염화물을 담지시키는 단계; 및 상기 조촉매, 금속 염화물이 담지된 담체에 제1 메탈로센 화합물 및 제2 메탈로센 화합물을 담지시키는 단계;를 포함하는 혼성 담지 메탈로센 촉매의 제조 방법, 이로부터 제조된 혼성 담지 메탈로센 촉매 및 이를 이용한 폴리올레핀의 제조 방법을 제공한다. The present invention comprises the steps of supporting a promoter on a carrier; supporting a metal chloride on the support on which the promoter is supported; and supporting the first metallocene compound and the second metallocene compound on the support on which the cocatalyst and the metal chloride are supported, a method for preparing a hybrid supported metallocene catalyst comprising a, a hybrid supported metal prepared therefrom Provided are a Rosene catalyst and a method for preparing polyolefin using the same.

15-12-2020 дата публикации

Mixed catalyst systems containing bridged metallocenes with a pendant group 13 element, processes for making a polymer product using same, and products made from same

Номер: US10865258B2
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

A mixed metallocene catalyst system can comprise at least one metallocene catalyst compound comprising a structure represented by formula (A) below and optionally at least one other metallocene catalyst compound having a structure represented by formula (B) below: A mixed metallocene catalyst system can additionally include a non-coordinating anion type activator comprising a supported alumoxane or aluminum alkyl, and optionally a scavenger. A process for making a polymeric product can comprise: contacting a C 2 -C 22 alpha-olefin feed with the catalyst system to obtain a polymerization reaction mixture; and obtaining a polymer product from the polymerization reaction mixture. A polymer product can be made by the process.

01-12-2020 дата публикации

Bridged metallocene catalysts with a pendant group 13 element, catalyst systems containing same, processes for making a polymer product using same, and products made from same

Номер: US10851187B2
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

A metallocene catalyst compound can comprise a structure represented by formula (F-MC) below comprising a first cyclopentadienyl ring with carbon atoms directly connected with R 1 , R 2 , R 4 , and R 5 , and a second cyclopentadienyl ring with carbon atoms directly connected with R 10 , R 11 , R 12 , and R 13 , and a bridging group (BG) directly connecting the first and second cyclopentadienyl rings A catalyst system can include the metallocene compound, a non-coordinating anion type activator comprising a supported alumoxane or aluminum alkyl, and optionally a scavenger. A process for making a polymeric product can comprise: contacting a C2-C22 alpha-olefin feed with the catalyst system to obtain a polymerization reaction mixture; and obtaining a polymer product from the polymerization reaction mixture. A polymer product can be made by the process to exhibit at least an Mn from 7000 g/mol to 70000 g/mol and a PDI from 4.1 to 9.0.

10-03-2021 дата публикации

Catalyst composition for preparing polyolefin having an excellent flexural modulus using the same

Номер: KR102226823B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지화학

본 발명은 우수한 가공성과 함께 굴곡강도 등의 기계적 물성이 현저히 향상된 폴리올레핀을 제조할 수 있는 메탈로센 촉매 조성물을 제공한다. The present invention provides a metallocene catalyst composition capable of producing a polyolefin having remarkably improved mechanical properties such as flexural strength with excellent processability.

21-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN111051367A
Принадлежит: Total Research and Technology Feluy SA


02-06-2020 дата публикации

Olefin based copolymer and preparation method for the same

Номер: KR102117623B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지화학

본 발명은 (1) 밀도(d)가 0.85 내지 0.89 g/cc이고, (2) 용융지수(Melt Index, MI, 190℃, 2.16 kg 하중 조건)가 15 g/10분 내지 100 g/10분이고, (3) 탄소원자 1,000개당 불포화 작용기 수(total V)가 0.8 이하이며, (4) 핵자기 분광 분석을 통해 측정된 탄소원자 1,000개당 비닐렌, 비닐, total V가 (a) 비닐렌/total V = 0.1 내지 0.7 및 (b) 비닐렌/비닐 = 0.8 내지 1.6을 만족하는 공중합체에 관한 것으로, 본 발명에 따른 올레핀계 공중합체는 올레핀계 공중합체 내 불포화 작용기의 함량 및 종류가 조절되어 고유동성이면서도, 경도, 굴곡강도, 인장 강도 등에 있어서 향상된 물성을 나타낼 수 있다. The present invention (1) density (d) is 0.85 to 0.89 g / cc, (2) melt index (Melt Index, MI, 190 ℃, 2.16 kg load conditions) is 15 g/10 minutes to 100 g/10 minutes , (3) The number of unsaturated functional groups per 1,000 carbon atoms (total V) is 0.8 or less, and (4) vinylene, vinyl, and total V per 1,000 carbon atoms measured through nuclear magnetic spectroscopy (a) vinylene/total V = 0.1 to 0.7 and (b) vinylene / vinyl = relates to a copolymer that satisfies 0.8 to 1.6, the olefin-based copolymer according to the present invention is controlled by controlling the content and type of unsaturated functional groups in the olefin-based copolymer While being dynamic, it can exhibit improved physical properties in hardness, flexural strength, tensile strength, and the like.

09-10-2018 дата публикации

Process of preparation of drag reducing polymers and usage thereof

Номер: US10094399B2
Принадлежит: Indian Oil Corp Ltd

The present invention relates to a process for preparing ultra-high molecular weight polyalphaolefin. The process consists of polymerizing alphaolefin monomers using the catalyst system consisting of supported Ziegler-Natta catalyst without internal donor in presence of co-catalyst based on alkyl aluminums. The resulting ultra-high molecular weight polyalphaolefins having intrinsic viscosity ≥10 dL/g are used as drag reducing polymers for increasing throughput in the pipelines by reducing frictional resistance in turbulent flow.

19-06-2018 дата публикации

Catalyst system for polymerization of an olefin

Номер: US10000591B2

A process for the preparation of a catalyst system for olefin polymerization, including: A) providing said procatalyst obtainable via a process comprising: i) contacting a compound R 4 z MgX 4 2-z with an alkoxy- or aryloxy-containing silane compound to give a first intermediate reaction product, ii) optionally contacting the solid product obtained in step i) with at least one activating compound selected from an activating electron donor or metal alkoxide compound; iii) contacting the first or second intermediate reaction product, with a halogen-containing Ti-compound and optionally an internal electron donor to obtain the procatalyst; and B) contacting the procatalyst with a co-catalyst and at least diethylaminotriethoxysilane as the external donor. Further disclosed is a catalyst system obtained by the process; a process for preparing a polyolefin by contacting at least one olefin with the catalyst system; a polyolefin obtained thereby; a composition comprising a propylene-ethylene copolymer; a shaped article thereof; and use of the polyolefin.

05-05-2020 дата публикации

Catalyst system for polymerization of an olefin

Номер: US10640586B2

The present invention relates to a process for the preparation of a catalyst system suitable for olefin polymerization wherein the external electron donor is n-propyltriethoxysilane, and a catalyst system obtained or obtainable by said process. The invention also relates to a process for preparing a polyolefin using said catalyst system. The invention further relates to a polyolefin, in particular polyprolyene, obtainable by such a process, and shaped articles manufactured from such a polymer. The polymers produced using the catalyst system exhibit low volatiles and therefore have a reduced environmental and health impact.

17-04-2018 дата публикации

Catalyst system for polymerization of an olefin

Номер: US9944734B2

The invention relates to a process for preparing a catalyst system suitable for olefin polymerization. The present invention further relates to a catalyst system obtainable by such process. In addition, the invention relates to a polyolefin. The invention also relates to ashaped article. The catalyst system comprises a procatalyst, a co-catalyst and optionally at least one external electron donor.

28-09-2016 дата публикации

Producing high comonomer content propylene-based polymers

Номер: EP3071608A1
Принадлежит: WR Grace and Co, WR Grace and Co Conn

A gas-phase process for making a propylene-based polymer in a fluidized-bed reactor, the reactor containing a fluidized bed including polymer product particles and a catalyst, the process having a set of quantitative criteria for maximum monomer partial pressure, maximum reactor temperature, and comonomer content(s) in the propylene-based polymer. The propylene-based polymer may be EBPT or BPRCP. The catalyst may include a catalyst/donor system comprising (1) a supported Ziegler-Natta pro-catalyst, (2) a co-catalyst, and (3) a mixed external electron donor system including (a) an activity limiting agent including at least one carboxylate ester functional group, and (b) a selectivity control agent.

10-10-2018 дата публикации

Process for production of high melt flow propylene-based polymer and product from same

Номер: KR101906621B1

3,6-이-치환된-1,2-페닐렌 방향족 디에스테르를 포함하는 내부 전자 공여체를 가지는 촉매 조성물이 개시된다. 본 촉매 조성물을 함유하는 지글러-나타 촉매 조성물은 매우 높은 수소 반응, 높은 활성, 높은 선택성을 나타내고, 높은 용융 유량을 가진 프로필렌-기재 올레핀을 생산한다. Disclosed is a catalyst composition having an internal electron donor comprising a 3, 6-iodo substituted -1,2-phenylene aromatic diester. The Ziegler-Natta catalyst composition containing the present catalyst composition exhibits very high hydrogen reaction, high activity, high selectivity and produces propylene-based olefins with a high melt flow rate.

02-06-2011 дата публикации

Two atom bridged dicarbonate compounds as internal donors in catalysts for polypropylene manufacture

Номер: US20110130530A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A solid, hydrocarbon-insoluble, catalyst component useful in polymerizing olefins, said catalyst component containing magnesium, titanium, and halogen, and further containing an internal electron donor having a structure: [R 1 —O—C(O)—O—] x R 2 wherein R 1 is independently at each occurrence, an aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbon, or substituted hydrocarbon group containing from 1 to 20 carbon atoms; x is 2-4; and R 2 is an aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbon, or substituted hydrocarbon group containing from 1 to 20 carbon atoms, provided that there are 2 atoms in the shortest chain connecting a first R 1 —O—C(O)—O— group and a second R 1 —O—C(O)—O— group.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Process for production of high melt flow propylene-based polymer and product from same

Номер: WO2012088028A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Disclosed are catalyst compositions having an internal electron donor which includes a 3,6- di-substituted-1,2-phenylene aromatic diester. Ziegler-Natta catalyst compositions containing the present catalyst compositions exhibit very high hydrogen response, high activity, high selectivity and produce propylene-based olefins with high melt flow rate.

12-12-1995 дата публикации

Componenti e catalizzatori per la polimerizzazione delle olefine

Номер: IT1256648B
Автор: Mario Sacchetti
Принадлежит: Montecatini Tecnologie Srl


09-06-2011 дата публикации

Two atom bridged dicarbonate compounds as internal donors in catalysts for polypropylene manufacture

Номер: WO2011068770A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies Inc.

A solid, hydrocarbon-insoluble, catalyst component useful in polymerizing olefins, said catalyst component containing magnesium, titanium, and halogen, and further containing an internal electron donor having a structure: [R 1 -O-C(O)-O-] x R 2 wherein R 1 is independently at each occurrence, an aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbon, or substituted hydrocarbon group containing from 1 to 20 carbon atoms; x is 2-4; and R 2 is an aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbon, or substituted hydrocarbon group containing from 1 to 20 carbon atoms, provided that there are 2 atoms in the shortest chain connecting a first R 1 O C(O)-O- group and a second R 1 -O-C(O)-O- group.

19-05-2022 дата публикации

Bis-phenyl-phenoxy-polyolefin catalysts having a methylenetrialkylsilicon ligand on the metal to improve solubility

Номер: ES2911503T3
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Un sistema catalítico que comprende un complejo metal-ligando según la fórmula (I): **(Ver fórmula)** donde: M es un metal elegido entre titanio, zirconio o hafnio, estando el metal en un estado de oxidación formal de +2, +3 o +4; X se selecciona del grupo que consiste en -(CH2)SiRX3, donde cada RX es independientemente un hidrocarbilo(C1- C30) o un heterohidrocarbilo(C1-C30) y al menos uno de RX es un (C2-C30)hidrocarbilo, donde dos RX cualesquiera o los tres RX están opcionalmente enlazados covalentemente; cada Z se elige independientemente de -O-, -S-, -N(RN)-, o -P(RP)-; cada uno de R1 y R16 se selecciona independientemente del grupo que consiste en -H, hidrocarbilo(C1-C40), heterohidrocarbilo(C1-C40), -Si(RC)3, -Ge(RC)3, -P(RP)2, -N(RN)2, -ORC, -SRC, -NO2, -CN, -CF3, RCS(O)-, RCS(O)2-, (RC)2C=N-, RCC(O)O-, RCOC(O)-, RCC(O)N(R)-, (RC)2NC(O)-, halógeno, radicales de fórmula (II), radicales de fórmula (III) y radicales de fórmula (IV): **(Ver fórmula)** donde cada uno de R31-35, R41-48 y R51-59 se elige independientemente de -H, hidrocarbilo(C1-C40), heterohidrocarbilo(C1-C40), -Si(RC)3, -Ge(RC)3, -P(RP)2, -N(RN)2, -ORC, -SRC, -NO2, -CN, -CF3, RCS(O)-, RCS(O)2-, (RC)2C=N-, RCC(O)O-, RCOC(O)-, RCC(O)N(RN)-, (RC)2NC(O)-, o halógeno, siempre que al menos uno de R1 o R16 sea un radical de fórmula (II), un radical de fórmula (III) o un radical de fórmula (IV); cada uno de R2-4, R5-8, R9-12 y R13-15 se selecciona independientemente de -H, hidrocarbilo(C1-C40), heterohidrocarbilo(C1-C40), -Si(RC)3, -Ge(RC)3, -P(RP)2, -N(RN)2, -ORC, -SRC, -NO2, -CN, -CF3, RCS(O)-, RCS(O)2-, (RC)2C=N-, RCC(O)O-, RCOC(O)-, RCC(O)N(R)-, (RC)2NC(O)-, y halógeno; L es (C2-C40)hidrocarbileno o (C2-C40)heterohidrocarbileno; y cada RC, RP y RN en la fórmula (I) es independientemente un (C1-C30)hidrocarbilo, (C1-C30)heterohidrocarbilo, o -H. A catalytic system comprising a metal-ligand complex according to formula (I): **(See formula)** where: M is a metal chosen from titanium, zirconium or ...

22-06-2022 дата публикации

Transition metal compound, and catalystic composition comprising the same

Номер: KR102411597B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지화학

본 발명은 신규한 리간드 화합물, 전이금속 화합물 및 이를 포함하는 촉매 조성물에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 전이금속 화합물은 저밀도를 가지는 올레핀계 중합체의 제조에 있어 중합 반응의 촉매로 유용하게 사용될 수 있다. 또한, 상기 전이금속 화합물을 포함하는 촉매 조성물을 이용하여 중합한 올레핀 중합체는 용융지수(MI)가 높은 저분자량의 제품 제조가 가능하다. The present invention relates to a novel ligand compound, a transition metal compound, and a catalyst composition comprising the same. The transition metal compound of the present invention can be usefully used as a catalyst for a polymerization reaction in the preparation of an olefin-based polymer having a low density. In addition, the olefin polymer polymerized using the catalyst composition containing the transition metal compound can produce a low molecular weight product with a high melt index (MI).

13-02-2017 дата публикации

High density ethylene polymer with excellent processability using supported hybrid metallocene catalyst and methods for producing the same

Номер: KR101706073B1
Принадлежит: 한화케미칼 주식회사

The present invention relates to a high density ethylene polymer consisting of ethylene-exclusive monomers or a copolymer of ethylene and at least one comonomer selected from the group consisting of alpha olefin, ring-shaped olefin and linear, branching and ring-shaped diene. According to the present invention, the high density ethylene polymer has excellent wide molecular weight distribution and comonomer distribution properties; and has excellent melting flowability by having a long chain branch structure; and has excellent mechanical properties since comonomer distribution is concentrated in a polymer. Also, the high density ethylene polymer has excellent processability in processes such as extrusion, compression, injection, rotating molding, etc.

28-05-2021 дата публикации

혼성 담지 메탈로센 촉매 및 이를 이용한 폴리에틸렌 공중합체의 제조 방법

Номер: KR20210061954A
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지화학

본 발명은, 에틸렌 중합 반응에서 우수한 공정안정성 및 높은 중합 활성을 나타내면서도, 높은 공중합성으로 기계적 물성이 우수한 폴리에틸렌 공중합체 제조에 유용한 혼성 담지 메탈로센 촉매를 제공한다.

12-03-2019 дата публикации

Process for preparing propylene/1-butene copolymers

Номер: US10227427B2
Принадлежит: Borealis AG

The present invention relates to an olefin polymerization process, wherein propylene and 1-butene and optionally ethylene are reacted in the presence of a Ziegler-Natta catalyst system so as to obtain a polypropylene, wherein the polypropylene comprises 1-butene-derived comonomer units in an amount of from 5 to 20 wt % and optionally ethylene-derived comonomer units in an amount of up to 3 wt %, and the Ziegler-Natta catalyst system comprises an external donor of the following formula (I): (R3)z(R2O)ySi(R1)x.

01-03-2016 дата публикации

Propylene copolymer for injection molded articles or films

Номер: US9273167B2
Принадлежит: Borealis AG

Propylene copolymer having a melt flow rate MFR 2 (230° C.) in the range of 2.5 to 12.0 g/10 min, a xylene cold soluble content (XCS) in the range of 20.0 to 45.0 wt.-%, a comonomer content in the range of more than 7.5 to 12.0 wt.-%, wherein further the comonomer content of xylene cold soluble (XCS) fraction of the propylene copolymer is in the range of 16.0 to 28.0 wt.-%.

26-03-2002 дата публикации

High-molecular-weight polypropylene having a broad molecular-weight distribution

Номер: US6362298B2

The invention relates to a high-molecular-weight copolymer comprising ethylene and propylene units which has an ethylene content in the range from 1 to 10% by weight, a melt flow rate MFR (230/5) of <5 dg/min and a molecular-weight distribution M W /M n in the range from 6 to 20. The invention also relates to a process for the preparation of the copolymer in the presence of a catalyst, an organoaluminum compound (B) and an organosilicon compound (C), in which the polymerization is carried out in two reaction steps, where the suspension medium in the first step is simultaneously the monomer, and a polypropylene having a viscosity of from 500 to 1400 ml/g which makes up a proportion of from 20 to 80% of the total polymer is prepared in the first reaction step.

18-03-2020 дата публикации

Polypropylene composition

Номер: EP3553096B1
Принадлежит: Borealis AG

20-03-2020 дата публикации

Prepolymerized catalyst components for olefin polymerization

Номер: RU2717314C2

FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: present invention relates to prepolymerized catalyst components for polymerising olefins, particularly propylene, having characteristic chemical properties and containing Mg, Ti, chlorine and an electron donor selected from 1,3-diethers. Said pre-polymerised catalyst component is characterized in that electron donor (ID) contains at least 80 mol. % of 1,3-diethers in terms of total molar amount of electron-donor compounds; prepolymerized catalyst has a porosity of less than 0.2 cm 3 /g according to the Hg method due to pores with a diameter up to 1 micron; said component of prepolymerised catalysts contains less than 45 % ethylene prepolymer with respect to the total weight of the pre-polymerised catalyst and said component of prepolymerized catalysts further contains an alkylaluminium compound. Catalytic system includes a reaction product between: (i) a pre-polymerised solid catalyst component as claimed in any of the preceding claims; (ii) an alkylaluminium compound and, optionally, (iii) an external electron-donor compound. Gas-phase method of olefin polymerisation is carried out in the presence of said catalytic system. EFFECT: technical result is considerable reduction or elimination of formation of entangled fibres at the stage of dispersion. 15 cl, 1 tbl, 2 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 717 314 C2 (51) МПК C08F 2/34 (2006.01) C08F 110/06 (2006.01) C08F 4/651 (2006.01) C08F 4/649 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C08F 2/34 (2020.01); C08F 110/06 (2020.01); C08F 4/6494 (2020.01); C08F 4/651 (2020.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018104680, 14.07.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 20.03.2020 04.08.2015 EP 15179708.1 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 07.08.2019 Бюл. № 22 (73) Патентообладатель(и): БАЗЕЛЛ ПОЛИОЛЕФИН ИТАЛИЯ С.Р.Л. (IT) (45) Опубликовано: 20.03.2020 Бюл. № 8 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной ...

13-08-2019 дата публикации

A solid catalyst for propylene polymerization and a method for preparation of polypropylene

Номер: KR101965982B1
Автор: 고수민, 박한규, 이영주
Принадлежит: 한화토탈 주식회사

The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a solid catalyst for manufacturing polypropylene. Specifically the present invention is to provide: the method for manufacturing the solid catalyst composed of a carrier, titanium halide, an organic electron donor and the like produced by conducting a reaction of dialkoxy magnesium with a metal halide; and a method for manufacturing polypropylene using the same. Especially, by using an internal electron donor containing a succinimide group among two organic electron donors used in the present invention, a solid catalyst system proposed in the present invention can be applied to various types of propylene polymerization processes such as a slurry polymerization method, a bulk polymerization method, or a gas phase polymerization method, and thus can manufacture a propylene resin with high activity and stereoregularity.

16-02-2006 дата публикации

Polymerization catalyst system using n-butylmethyldimethoxysilane for preparation of polypropylene film grade resins

Номер: US20060035781A1
Принадлежит: Fina Technology Inc

It has been discovered that using n-butylmethyldimethoxysilane (BMDS) as an external electron donor for Ziegler-Natta catalysts can provide a catalyst system that may prepare polypropylene films with improved properties. The catalyst systems of the invention provide for controlled chain defects/defect distribution and thus a regulated microtacticity. Consequently, the curve of storage modulus (G′) v. temperature is shifted such that the film achieves the same storage modulus at a lower temperature enabling faster throughput of polypropylene film through a high-speed tenter.

30-12-2008 дата публикации

Polymerization catalyst system using n-butylmethyldimethoxysilane for preparation of polypropylene film grade resins

Номер: US7470764B2
Принадлежит: Fina Technology Inc

It has been discovered that using n-butylmethyldimethoxysilane (BMDS) as an external electron donor for Ziegler-Natta catalysts can provide a catalyst system that may prepare polypropylene films with improved properties. The catalyst systems of the invention provide for controlled chain defects/defect distribution and thus a regulated microtacticity. Consequently, the curve of storage modulus (G′) v. temperature is shifted such that the film achieves the same storage modulus at a lower temperature enabling faster throughput of polypropylene film through a high-speed tenter.

24-12-2008 дата публикации

Polymerization catalyst system utilizing external donor systems and processes of forming polymers therewith

Номер: WO2008157568A2

External donor systems, catalyst systems and olefin polymerization processes are described herein. The external donor systems generally include a first external donor represented by the general formula SiR2m(OR3)4-m, wherein each R2 is independently selected from alkyls, cycloalkyls, aryls and vinyls, each R3 is independently selected from alkyls and m is from 0 to 4. The external donor systems further include a second external donor represented by the general formula SiR4m(OR5)4-m, wherein each R4 is independently selected from alkyls, cycloalkyls, aryls and vinyls, each R5 is independently selected from alkyls, m is from 0 to 4 and at least one R4 is a C3 or greater alkyl.

05-11-2019 дата публикации

Low comonomer propylene-based impact copolymers

Номер: US10465025B2
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

A propylene-based impact copolymer having a high gloss and suitable for appliance components comprising a polypropylene homopolymer and within a range of from 6 wt % to 20 wt % of propylene copolymer based on the weight of the impact copolymer, wherein the copolymer comprises from 20 wt % to 44 wt % ethylene, and/or C4 to C10 α-olefin derived units and the remainder propylene-derived units based on the weight of the propylene copolymer, the impact copolymer having a melt flow rate (230° C./2.16 kg) within a range of from 10 g/10 min to 50 g/10 min.

22-02-2022 дата публикации

Polypropylene copolymers with improved stiffness and impact behaviour

Номер: US11254811B2
Принадлежит: Borealis AG

The present invention is directed towards random-heterophasic propylene copolymers with a specific ratio of stiffness to impact balance and specific relation between glass transition temperature and comonomer content. The invention is further directed to articles comprising said random-heterophasic propylene copolymer and their use.

02-09-2008 дата публикации

Polymerization catalyst system utilizing external donor systems and processes of forming polymers therewith

Номер: US7420022B2
Принадлежит: Fina Technology Inc

External donor systems, catalyst systems and olefin polymerization processes are described herein. The external donor systems generally include a first external donor represented by the general formula SiR 2 m (OR 3 ) 4-m , wherein each R 2 is independently selected from alkyls, cycloalkyls, aryls and vinyls, each R 3 is independently selected from alkyls and m is from 0 to 4. The external donor systems further include a second external donor represented by the general formula SiR 4 m (OR 5 ) 4-m , wherein each R 4 is independently selected from alkyls, cycloalkyls, aryls and vinyls, each R 5 is independently selected from alkyls, m is from 0 to 4 and at least one R 4 is a C 3 or greater alkyl.

30-11-2004 дата публикации

Catalyst components for the polymerization of olefins

Номер: US6825309B2
Принадлежит: Basell Poliolefine Italia SpA

The present invention relates to catalyst components for the polymerization of olefins comprising Mg, Ti, halogen and at least two electron donor compounds, said catalyst component being characterized by the fact that at least one of the electron donor compounds, present in an amount from 20 to 50% by mol with respect to the total amount of donors, is selected from esters of succinic acids which are not extractable, for more than 25% by mol and at least another electron donor compound which is extractable, for more than 35%. The said catalyst component are capable to give polymers with high xylene insolubility, high stereoblock content and broad MWD suitable for making the polymers usable in the BOPP sector.

03-07-2018 дата публикации

Polypropylene for microporous film

Номер: US10011693B2
Принадлежит: Prime Polymer Co Ltd

[Problem] To provide polypropylene for a microporous film having excellent heat resistance and strength. [Solution] Polypropylene for a microporous film satisfying the following requirements (1) and (2): (1) the weight-average molecular weight (Mw) value, as determined by gel permeation chromatography (GPC), is not less than 100,000 but less than 800,000, the value (Mw/Mn) obtained by dividing the weight-average molecular weight by the number-average molecular weight is more than 7.0 but not more than 12.0, and the value (Mz/Mw) obtained by dividing the Z-average molecular weight by the weight-average molecular weight is not less than 3.8 but not more than 9.0, and (2) the mesopentad fraction, as measured by 13 C-NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance method), is not less than 95.5%.

18-06-2019 дата публикации

Heterogeneous ziegler-natta catalyst system and a process for olefin polymerization using the same

Номер: KR101990665B1

본 발명은 초고분자량 중합체(UHMWP) 제조에 사용되는 균질계 지글러-나타 촉매 시스템을 제공한다. 상기 시스템은 적어도 하나의 전촉매, 적어도 하나의 공-촉매, 적어도 하나의 탄화수소 매질, 적어도 하나의 외부 공여체를 포함하며 여기서 전촉매에 존재하는 원소 마그네슘 대 원소 타이타늄 대 할라이드의 비율은 1: 1.3: 3.7이며, 공-촉매에 존재하는 원소 알루미늄 대 전촉매에 존재하는 원소 타이타늄의 비율은 6:1 - 12: 1 범위이며, 외부 공여체에 존재하는 원소 실리콘 대 전촉매에 존재하는 원소 타이타늄의 비율은 1: 10 - 10: 1범위이다. 본 발명은 또한 본 발명의 비균질계 지글러-나타 촉매 시스템을 이용한 UHMWPE의 제조 공정을 제공한다. The present invention provides a homogeneous Ziegler-Natta catalyst system for use in the preparation of ultra high molecular weight polymers (UHMWP). The system comprises at least one catalyst, at least one co-catalyst, at least one hydrocarbon medium, and at least one external donor, wherein the ratio of elemental magnesium to elemental titanium to halide present in the catalyst is 1: 1.3: 3.7, the ratio of elemental titanium present in the co-catalyst to the elemental titanium present in the catalyst is in the range of 6: 1 - 12: 1, and the proportion of elemental titanium present in the elemental silicon- 1: 10 - 10: 1. The present invention also provides a process for the preparation of UHMWPE using the heterogeneous Ziegler-Natta catalyst system of the present invention.

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Producing high comonomer content propylene-based polymers

Номер: WO2015077598A1
Принадлежит: W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn

A gas-phase process for making a propylene-based polymer in a fluidized-bed reactor, the reactor containing a fluidized bed including polymer product particles and a catalyst, the process having a set of quantitative criteria for maximum monomer partial pressure, maximum reactor temperature, and comonomer content(s) in the propylene-based polymer. The propylene-based polymer may be EBPT or BPRCP. The catalyst may include a catalyst/donor system comprising (1) a supported Ziegler-Natta pro-catalyst, (2) a co-catalyst, and (3) a mixed external electron donor system including (a) an activity limiting agent including at least one carboxylate ester functional group, and (b) a selectivity control agent.

15-03-2022 дата публикации

Dual catalyst composition

Номер: US11274171B2
Принадлежит: Total Research and Technology Feluy SA

The present invention relates to a catalyst composition comprising:catalyst component A comprising a bridged metallocene compound with two indenyl groups, each indenyl being substituted with one or more substituents, wherein at least one of the substituent is an aryl or heteroaryl;catalyst component B comprising a bridged metallocene compound with a substituted or unsubstituted cyclopentadienyl group and a substituted or unsubstituted fluorenyl group;an optional activator; an optional support; and an optional co-catalyst.The present invention also relates to a polymerization process using said composition. The invention further relates to olefin polymers at least partially catalyzed by said catalyst composition and articles comprising said olefin polymers.

09-10-2018 дата публикации

Producing high comonomer content propylene-based polymers

Номер: US10093759B2
Принадлежит: WR Grace and Co Conn

A gas-phase process for making a propylene-based polymer in a fluidized-bed reactor, the reactor containing a fluidized bed including polymer product particles and a catalyst, the process having a set of quantitative criteria for maximum monomer partial pressure, maximum reactor temperature, and comonomer content(s) in the propylene-based polymer. The propylene-based polymer may be EBPT or BPRCP. The catalyst may include a catalyst/donor system comprising (1) a supported Ziegler-Natta pro-catalyst, (2) a co-catalyst, and (3) a mixed external electron donor system including (a) an activity limiting agent including at least one carboxylate ester functional group, and (b) a selectivity control agent.

03-08-2022 дата публикации

Method for preparing olefin polymerization catalyst

Номер: EP3878871A4
Принадлежит: Hanwha Solutions Corp

02-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: JP2022512219A


23-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN113166293A
Принадлежит: Hanhua Thinksin Co ltd


18-06-2020 дата публикации

Method for preparing olefin polymerization catalyst

Номер: WO2020122500A1
Принадлежит: 한화솔루션 주식회사

The present invention relates to a method for preparing an olefin polymerization catalyst. Particularly, the present invention relates to a method, for preparing a supported metallocene catalyst, which enhances the operation stability during olefin polymerization by treating a supported metallocene catalyst with an antistatic agent. A method for preparing a supported metallocene catalyst according to a specific example of the present invention can enhance the operation stability during olefin polymerization by treating a supported metallocene catalyst with an antistatic agent by means of an improved method.

15-09-2021 дата публикации

Method for preparing olefin polymerization catalyst

Номер: EP3878871A1
Принадлежит: Hanwha Solutions Corp

The present invention relates to a process for preparing a catalyst for olefin polymerization. Specifically, the present invention relates to a process for preparing a supported metallocene catalyst capable of enhancing the operational stability during olefin polymerization by treating the supported metallocene catalyst with an antistatic agent. In the process for preparing a supported metallocene catalyst according to the embodiment of the present invention, it is possible to enhance the operational stability during olefin polymerization by treating the supported metallocene catalyst with an antistatic agent in an improved method.

02-08-2021 дата публикации

Process for preparing a catalyst for polymerizing an olefin

Номер: KR102285140B1
Принадлежит: 한화솔루션 주식회사

본 발명은 올레핀 중합용 촉매의 제조방법에 관한 것이다. 구체적으로, 본 발명은 젤의 형성이 억제된 폴리올레핀을 제조할 수 있는 메탈로센 담지 촉매의 제조방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 구체예에 따른 메탈로센 담지 촉매의 제조방법은 전이금속 화합물의 담지 후에 금속 스테아레이트로 처리하여 거대 분자인 폴리올레핀의 생성을 억제함으로써, 젤의 생성이 최소화된 폴리올레핀을 제조할 수 있다. The present invention relates to a method for preparing a catalyst for olefin polymerization. Specifically, the present invention relates to a method for producing a metallocene-supported catalyst capable of producing a polyolefin in which the formation of a gel is suppressed. In the method for preparing a metallocene-supported catalyst according to an embodiment of the present invention, the polyolefin with minimal gel formation can be prepared by treating the transition metal compound with a metal stearate to suppress the formation of a macromolecular polyolefin. .

02-08-2021 дата публикации

Process for preparing a catalyst for polymerizing an olefin

Номер: KR102285143B1
Принадлежит: 한화솔루션 주식회사

본 발명은 올레핀 중합용 촉매의 제조방법에 관한 것이다. 구체적으로, 본 발명은 담체의 기공 구조를 조절함으로써 젤의 형성이 억제된 폴리올레핀을 제조할 수 있는 메탈로센 담지 촉매의 제조방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 구체예에 따른 메탈로센 담지 촉매의 제조방법은 담체의 기공 구조를 조절하여 거대 분자인 폴리올레핀의 생성을 억제함으로써, 젤의 생성이 최소화된 폴리올레핀을 제조할 수 있다. The present invention relates to a method for preparing a catalyst for olefin polymerization. Specifically, the present invention relates to a method for preparing a metallocene-supported catalyst capable of producing a polyolefin in which gel formation is suppressed by controlling the pore structure of the carrier. The method for preparing a metallocene-supported catalyst according to an embodiment of the present invention suppresses the formation of macromolecular polyolefins by controlling the pore structure of the support, thereby producing polyolefins with minimized gel formation.

22-05-2020 дата публикации

Supported catalyst for propylene polymerization and method for producing polypropylene resin using same

Номер: WO2020101373A1
Принадлежит: 롯데케미칼 주식회사

The present invention relates to a supported catalyst for propylene polymerization in which a first transition metal compound contributing to the production of crystalline polypropylene and a second transition metal compound contributing to the production of rubbery polypropylene are co-supported, and a method for producing a polypropylene resin using same. By using the supported catalyst, according to the present invention, it is possible to produce, by a single step of propylene polymerization, a polypropylene resin in which crystalline polypropylene and rubbery polypropylene are simultaneously formed .

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: WO2020130719A1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지화학

본 발명은 폴리올레핀에 관한 것이다. 보다 구체적으로, 본 발명은 우수한 낙하 충격 강도를 가지며, 향상된 투명도를 나타낼 수 있는 폴리올레핀에 관한 것이다.

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Olefin-based copolymer, and preparation method therefor

Номер: WO2019212302A1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지화학

The present invention relates to a copolymer (1) having a density (d) of 0.85-0.89 g/cc, (2) having a melt index (MI) (a condition of 190°C and a load of 2.16 kg) of 15-100 g/10 min, (3) having 0.8 or less unsaturated functional groups (total V) per 1,000 carbon atoms, and (4) satisfying (a) vinylene/total V = 0.1-0.7 and (b) vinylene/vinyl = 0.8-1.6 by a vinylene, vinyl and total V per 1,000 carbon atoms, measured by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. An olefin-based copolymer according to the present invention can exhibit improved physical properties such as hardness, flexural strength and tensile strength even while having high flowability since the amount and type of unsaturated functional groups in the olefin-based copolymer are controlled.

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Methods of preparing a catalyst

Номер: WO2018064050A2

A method of preparing a catalyst comprising a) contacting (i) a silica-support, (ii) an oxotitanium compound, (iii) a chromium-containing compound, and (iv) an optional solvent to form a first aqueous mixture comprising a pre-catalyst and a reaction media having from about 1 wt.% to about 99 wt.% water; b) thermally treating the pre-catalyst by heating to a temperature of from about 400 C to about 1000 C for a time period of from about 1 minute to about 24 hours to form the catalyst. A method of preparing a catalyst comprising contacting a hydrated support material comprising silica with a chromium-containing compound to form a first aqueous mixture comprising a chrominated support; contacting the first aqueous mixture comprising a chrominated support with a solution comprising (i) a solvent and (ii) an oxotitanium compound to form a second aqueous mixture comprising a pre-catalyst; and thermally treating the pre-catalyst to form the catalyst.

05-06-2018 дата публикации

Methods of preparing a catalyst

Номер: US9988468B2
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

A method of preparing a catalyst comprising a) contacting (i) a silica-support, (ii) an oxotitanium compound, (iii) a chromium-containing compound, and (iv) an optional solvent to form a first aqueous mixture comprising a pre-catalyst and a reaction media having from about 1 wt. % to about 99 wt. % water; b) thermally treating the pre-catalyst by heating to a temperature of from about 400° C. to about 1000° C. for a time period of from about 1 minute to about 24 hours to form the catalyst. A method of preparing a catalyst comprising contacting a hydrated support material comprising silica with a chromium-containing compound to form a first aqueous mixture comprising a chrominated support; contacting the first aqueous mixture comprising a chrominated support with a solution comprising (i) a solvent and (ii) an oxotitanium compound to form a second aqueous mixture comprising a pre-catalyst; and thermally treating the pre-catalyst to form the catalyst.

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Catalyst systems and processes for using the same

Номер: WO2018208414A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc.

A catalyst system including two or more metallocene catalysts and processes for using the same to produce polyolefin polymer compositions are provided. The polyolefin polymer compositions have a good balance of a melt index ratio and normalized melt strength.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for polymerizing polypropylene

Номер: WO2013074087A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

The present disclosure relates to a method for polymerizing polypropylene, optionally with one or more additional comonomers in a gas phase reactor in the presence of a mixed electron donor system comprising at least one selectivity control agent and at least one activity limiting agent. The process involves controlling the polymerization process to ensure that the difference between the reactor temperature and the dew point temperature of the incoming monomer stream is 12°C or greater.

30-07-2019 дата публикации

Process for producing polyethylene

Номер: US10364310B2
Принадлежит: Borealis AG

The present invention relates to a process for producing ethylene copolymers in a multistage process comprising at least one slurry phase polymerization stage and at least one gas phase polymerization stage in the presence of Ziegler Natta catalyst comprising a solid catalyst component, a cocatalyst of a compound of group 13 metal and an external additive selected from alkoxysilanes of formula (I) R 1 n Si(OR 2 ) 4-n , (I) where n is an integer 0 to 3, each R 1 are equal or different and are selected among H, halogen, alkyl groups of 1 to 6 10 carbon atoms optionally substituted with one or more halogen atoms, alkenyl groups of 2 to 6 carbon atoms optionally substituted with one or more halogen atoms, and aryl groups of 6 to 12 carbon atoms optionally substituted with one or more halogen atoms, or the R 1 groups can form with the Si atom they are linked to a ring of 3 to 8 ring atoms, provided that all R 1 are not hydrogen, R 2 are equal or different and are selected among alkyl groups of 1 to 6 carbon atoms optionally substituted with one or more halogen atoms, alkenyl groups of 2 to 6 carbon atoms optionally substituted with one or more halogen atoms, and aryl groups of 6 to 12 carbon atoms optionally substituted with one or more halogen atoms, or the OR 2 groups can form with the Si atom they are linked to a ring of 3 to 8 ring atoms, halogen is Br, CI or F. The invention further relates to the catalysts and use thereof in said multistage process r for producing ethylene copolymers having melt flow rate ratio FRR 21/5 at least 40 and/or polydispersity index PDI of at least 27.

02-12-2021 дата публикации

Catalyst systems and processes for producing polyethylene using the same

Номер: WO2021243214A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Embodiments of the present application are directed to procatalysts, and catalyst systems including procatalysts, including a metal-ligand complex having the structure of formula (I):

24-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CN104066755A
Принадлежит: WR Grace and Co


12-06-2018 дата публикации

Two-stage process for producing polypropylene compositions

Номер: US9994656B2
Принадлежит: Borealis AG

A process for polymerizing propylene in the presence of a polymerization catalyst by polymerizing propylene with a comonomer selected from the group of ethylene and C4-C10 alpha-olefins in two polymerization stages where the comonomer is present in at least one of the polymerization stages. The first polymerization stage is conducted in a loop reactor and the second polymerization stage in a gas phase reactor. The polymer produced in first polymerization stage has a higher melt flow rate and a lower content of comonomer units than the final polymer mixture. The process can be operated with a high throughput and catalyst productivity. The polymers are useful for making films.

13-10-2020 дата публикации

Process for producing polyethylene

Номер: US10800864B2
Принадлежит: Borealis AG

The present invention relates to a process for producing ethylene copolymers in a multistage process comprising at least one slurry phase polymerization stage and at least one gas phase polymerization stage in the presence of Ziegler Natta catalyst comprising a solid catalyst component, a cocatalyst of a compound of group 13 metal and an external additive selected from alkoxysilanes of formula (I) R 1 n Si(OR 2 ) 4-n , (I) where n is an integer 0 to 3, each R 1 are equal or different and are selected among H, halogen, alkyl groups of 1 to 6 carbon atoms optionally substituted with one or more halogen atoms, alkenyl groups of 2 to 6 carbon atoms optionally substituted with one or more halogen atoms, and aryl groups of 6 to 12 carbon atoms optionally substituted with one or more halogen atoms, or the R ′ groups can form with the Si atom they are linked to a ring of 3 to 8 ring atoms, provided that all R 1 are not hydrogen, R 2 are equal or different and are selected among alkyl groups of 1 to 6 carbon atoms optionally substituted with one or more halogen atoms, alkenyl groups of 2 to 6 carbon atoms optionally substituted with one or more halogen atoms, and aryl groups of 6 to 12 carbon atoms optionally substituted with one or more halogen atoms, or the OR 2 groups can form with the Si atom they are linked to a ring of 3 to 8 ring atoms, halogen is Br, Cl or F. The invention further relates to the catalysts and use thereof in said multistage process r for producing ethylene copolymers having melt flow rate ratio FRR 21/5 at least 40 and/or polydispersity index PDI of at least 27.
