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20-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2165435C2

Описывается каталитическая композиция, включающая в себя металлоценовые комплексы, содержащие полимеризующиеся группы, и полимеризационные катализаторы, например катализаторы Циглера-Натта, которая может быть использована для получения полиолефинов. С использованием этих каталитических композиций могут быть получены полимеры с широким диапазоном молекулярно-массового распределения и распределения сомономерных звеньев. Каталитическая композиция отличается тем, что в качестве металлоценового комплекса она содержит соединение общей формулы (I) М[ХRn]xYp, где М - металл IV А группы, Х - замещенная или незамещенная циклопентадиенильная группа, R - полимеризующаяся олефиновая группа, содержащая 3-20 атомов углерода, Y - одновалентный анионоактивный лиганд, а n - целое число 1 - 10, х - число 1 или 2, когда х = 1, то р = 0 - 3, когда х = 2, то р = 0 - 2. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл.

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2670755C2

Изобретение относится к этилен/альфа-олефиновым сополимерам. Полимер содержит этилен и по меньшей мере один альфа-олефин с 4-20 атомами углерода. Полимер имеет отношение индекса расплава (ОИР) больше чем приблизительно 40. Полимер также имеет значение Mw1/Mw2 по меньшей мере приблизительно 2,0, где Mw1/Mw2 представляет собой отношение средневесовой молекулярной массы (Мw) для первой половины кривой фракционирования при элюировании с повышением температуры (TREF) из кросс-фракционной хроматографии (CFC) к Mw для второй половины кривой TREF. Полимер также имеет значение Tw1-Tw2 меньше чем приблизительно -15°С, где Tw1-Tw2 представляет собой разницу средневзвешенной температуры элюирования (Tw) для первой половины кривой TREF и Tw для второй половины кривой TREF. Технический результат – получение полимера с улучшенными физическими свойствами. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил., 10 табл., 10 пр.

20-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2238281C2

Изобретение относится к каталитической композиции и способу полимеризации, включающему объединение в газовой или суспензионной фазе реактора олефина с этой каталитической композицией. Композиция включает суспензию минерального масла, порошкообразный наполнитель, соединение металлоценового катализатора и каталитическое соединение, отвечающее формуле: в которой М обозначает атом металла групп 4, 5 или 6, каждый Х независимо обозначает анионную уходящую группу, n обозначает состояние окисления М, m обозначает формальный заряд лиганда, Y обозначает атом элемента группы 15, Z обозначает атом элемента группы 15, L обозначает атом элемента группы 15, R1 и R2 каждый независимо обозначает углеводородную C1-C20-группу, гетероатомсодержащую группу, где гетероатомом является атомом кремния, германия, олова, свинца или фосфора, предпочтительно R1 и R2 могут быть также связанными между собой; R3 отсутствует или обозначает атом водорода, группу, содержащую атом элемента группы 14, атом галогена или гетероатомсодержащую ...

10-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2452740C2

Изобретение относится к способу полимеризации олефинов с использованием мультимодальных каталитических систем, к способу контроля старения мультимодальной каталитической системы и к контейнеру или резервуару. Первый способ включает (а) приготовление каталитической системы, включающей бисамидную каталитическую систему и небисамидную каталитическую систему; (b) хранение мультимодальной каталитической системы при регулируемой температуре менее чем 1°С; (с) контактирование мультимодальной каталитической системы с С2-С4-альфа-олефином в процессе полимеризации и (d) получение мультимодального полимера. Второй способ включает (а) приготовление указанной выше каталитической системы и (b) транспортирование этой системы в переносном резервуаре, где переносной резервуар поддерживается при регулируемой температуре менее чем 1°С или менее чем -9°С. Контейнер или резервуар содержит мультимодальную каталитическую систему, в котором она поддерживается при регулируемой температуре. Заявленная группа изобретений ...

27-01-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019115582A3

29-01-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2020141187A3

27-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2103277C1
Принадлежит: Амоко Корпорэйшн (US)

Способ получения титансодержащего и гафнийсодержащего и/или цирконийсодержащего катализатора или компонента катализатора на магнийсодержащем носителе для полимеризации или сополимеризации альфаолефинов. 19 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2740918C1

Изобретение относится к полимерам. Описан полимер этилена, содержащий сополимер этилена/1-бутена, сополимер этилена/1-гексена, этилена/1-октена, или их комбинацию и имеющий плотность в диапазоне от 0,89 до 0,93 г/см3; отношение средневесовой молекулярной массы к среднечисловой молекулярной массе (Mw/Mn) в диапазоне от 3 до 6,5; z-среднюю молекулярную массу (Mz) в диапазоне от 200000 до 650000 г/моль; параметр Карро-Яшида (CY-a) при 190°С от 0,2 до 0,4; количество короткоцепочечных разветвлений (SCB) на 1000 всех атомов углерода полимера при Mz, которое больше, чем при Mn; и следующие фракции полимера в испытании ATREF: от 0,1 до 8 мас.% полимера, элюированного при температуре ниже 40°С; более 45 мас.% полимера, элюированного при температуре между 40 и 76°С; менее 36 мас.% полимера, элюированного при температуре между 76 и 86°С; и от 1 до 26 мас.% полимера, элюированного при температуре выше 86°С. Технический результат - получены полимеры с улучшенной технологичностью, разжижением при сдвиге ...

17-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2670755C9

Изобретение относится к этилен/альфа-олефиновым сополимерам. Полимер содержит этилен и по меньшей мере один альфа-олефин с 4-20 атомами углерода. Полимер имеет отношение индекса расплава (ОИР) больше чем приблизительно 40. Полимер также имеет значение Mw1/Mw2 по меньшей мере приблизительно 2,0, где Mw1/Mw2 представляет собой отношение средневесовой молекулярной массы (Мw) для первой половины кривой фракционирования при элюировании с повышением температуры (TREF) из кросс-фракционной хроматографии (CFC) к Mw для второй половины кривой TREF. Полимер также имеет значение Tw1-Tw2 меньше чем приблизительно -15°С, где Tw1-Tw2 представляет собой разницу средневзвешенной температуры элюирования (Tw) для первой половины кривой TREF и Tw для второй половины кривой TREF. Технический результат – получение полимера с улучшенными физическими свойствами. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил., 10 табл., 10 пр.

08-03-2019 дата публикации

Olefinbasiertes Polymer

Номер: DE202014011298U1
Принадлежит: LG CHEMICAL LTD, LG Chem, Ltd.

Olefinbasiertes Polymer mit einer Elutionstemperatur 1 (Tel) und einer Elutionstemperatur 2 (Te2), die Elutionstemperaturen des olefinbasierten Polymers in einem Temperaturbereich von -20 °C bis 130 °C sind, gemessen mittels Temperaturanstiegs-Elutionsfraktionierung (TREF), das ein erstes semikristallines olefinbasiertes Polymer und ein zweites semikristallines olefinbasiertes Polymer umfasst, wobei das Fraktionsverhältnis des Peaks für das erste semikristalline olefinbasierte Polymer (P1) 20 bis 90 % beträgt und das Fraktionsverhältnis des Peaks für das zweite semikristalline olefinbasierte Polymer (P2) 10 bis 80 % beträgt, gemessen mittels TREF, undmit einer Verzweigungsgradientenzahl (BGN) von -1,0 bis -0,001, gemessen mittels Chromatographie/Fourier-Transformations-Infrarotspektroskopie (GPC/FT-IR),wobei die Verzweigungsgradientenzahl (BGN) durch Berechnung unter Verwendung der folgenden Gleichung 1 erhalten wird:wobei in der oben stehenden Gleichung 1das niedrige Molekulargewicht das ...

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000498635T

15-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000181930T

15-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000187744T

15-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000194993T

26-11-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000567562B2

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019200925A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Catalyst systems and methods for making and using the same. A method of polymerizing olefins to produce a polyolefin polymer with a multimodal composition distribution, includes 5 contacting ethylene and a comonomer with a catalyst system. The catalyst system includes a first catalyst compound and a second catalyst compound that are co-supported to form a commonly supported catalyst system. The first catalyst compound includes a compound with the general formula (C5HaRIb)(C 5HcR2 d)HfX 2 . The second catalyst compound comprises the following formula: SiR3 2 R4\ Zr X R - SiR 10 4 (A) wherein each R3 or R4 is independently H, a hydrocarbyl group, a substituted hydrocarbyl group, or a heteroatom group, wherein each R3 or R4 may be the same or different, and each X is independently a leaving group selected from a labile hydrocarbyl, a substituted hydrocarbyl, a heteroatom group, or a divalent radical that links to an R group.

15-09-2016 дата публикации

Method of producing polyethylene and polyethylene thereof

Номер: AU2015217394A1
Принадлежит: Madderns Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

A system and method of producing polyethylene, including: polymerizing ethylene in presence of a catalyst system in a reactor to form polyethylene, wherein the catalyst system includes a first catalyst and a second catalyst; and adjusting reactor conditions and an amount of the second catalyst fed to the reactor to control melt index (MI), density, and melt flow ratio (MFR) of the polyethylene.

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Producing polyolefin products

Номер: AU2015217402B2
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Catalyst systems and methods for making and using the same are described. A method includes selecting a catalyst blend using a blend polydispersity index (bPDI) map. The polydispersity map is generated by generating a number of polymers for at least two catalysts. Each polymer is generated at a different hydrogen to ethylene ratio. At least one catalyst generates a higher molecular weight polymer and another catalyst generates a lower molecular weight polymer. A molecular weight for each polymer is measured. The relationship between the molecular weight of the polymers generated by each of the catalysts and the ratio of hydrogen to ethylene is determined. A family of bPDI curves for polymers that would be made using a number of ratios of a blend of the at least two catalysts for each of a number of ratios of hydrogen to ethylene. A ratio for the catalyst blend of the catalysts that generates a polymer having a bPDI that matches a polymer fabrication process is selected, and the product ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации

Producing polyolefin products

Номер: AU2015217390A1
Принадлежит: Madderns Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

Catalyst systems and methods for making and using the same. A method of polymerizing olefins to produce a polyolefin polymer with a multimodal composition distribution, includes contacting ethylene and a comonomer with a catalyst system. The catalyst system includes a first catalyst compound and a second catalyst compound that are co-supported to form a commonly supported catalyst system. The first catalyst compound includes a compound with the general formula (C ...

01-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002595588A

13-12-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002910984A

07-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002736685A1

A supported catalyst system comprising a phosphinimine ligand containing catalyst on a porous inorganic support treated with a metal salt has improved reactor continuity in a dispersed phase reaction in terms of initial activation and subsequent deactivation. The resulting catalyst has a lower consumption of ethylene during initiation and a lower rate of deactivation. Preferably the catalyst is used with an antistatic agent.

19-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1231701A

Polyolefins having a broad molecular weight distribution are obtained by polymerizing ethylene or higher alpha-olefins in the presence of a catalyst system comprising two or more metallocenes each having different propagation and termination rate constants and alumoxane.

12-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002466612A1

Methods of preparing bimetallic catalysts are disclosed. The methods include the steps of providing a supported non-metallocene catalyst, contacting a slurry of the supported non-metallocene catalyst in a non-polar hydrocarbon with a solution of a metallocene compound and an alumoxane, and drying the contact product to obtain a supported bimetallic catalyst. The supported non- metallocene catalyst is prepared by dehydrating a particulate support material at a temperature of greater than 600 ~C, preparing a slurry of the dehydrated support in a non-polar hydrocarbon, contacting the slurry with an organomagnesium compound and an alcohol, contacting the resulting slurry with a non-metallocene compound of a Group 4 or Group 5 transition metal, and drying the contact product to obtain a supported non-metallocene catalyst as a free-flowing powder. The bimetallic catalysts show increased activity relative to catalysts prepared using support materials dehydrated at lower temperatures.

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3123238A1

The present invention relates to polyethylene with high pressure resistance and a crosslinked polyethylene pipe comprising same. Polyethylene according to the present invention has a high melt index and high density and exhibits a sufficient crosslinking degree, thereby being able to exhibit excellent strength and pressure resistant properties.

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003056440A1

Disclosed herein are methods for synthesizing low valence, titanium-aluminum complexes from half-metallocene titanium compounds and alkylaluminum compounds. The titanium-aluminum complexes can be used as components in catalyst systems for the polymerization of olefins.

29-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002997123C

Methods for controlling the die swell of an olefin polymer produced using a dual catalyst system are disclosed. The die swell of the olefin polymer can be increased or decreased as a function of the catalyst weight ratio and the reactant molar ratio used during the olefin polymerization process.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3112405A1

The present invention relates to a catalyst mixture containing at least one metal complex according to the formula (1) CyLMZp, and at least one metal complex according to the formula (2) InLMZp, wherein Cy is a substituted cyclopentadienyl ligand that contains the substituents R1, R2 and 3 additional methyl groups, wherein R1 means H, halogen or a C3-C20 substituent and R2 means a C1-C20 substituent, In is an indenyl ligand, optionally substituted with one or more substituents R3, wherein the one or more substituents R3 mean independently C1-C20 hydrocarbyl substituents, and independently for each formula (1) and (2) M is a group 4 metal Z independently is an anionic ligand, p is number of 1 to 2, preferably 2, and L is an amidinate ligand of the formula (3) wherein the amidine-containing ligand is covalently bonded to the metal M via the imine nitrogen atom, and Sub1 is a substituent comprising a group 14 atom through which Sub1 is bonded to the imine carbon atom and Sub2 is a substituent ...

18-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002394516C

This invention relates to a polymerization process comprising combining an olefin in the gas or slurry phase with a spray dried catalyst comprising an activator, a particulate filler and a metal catalyst compound.

22-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002668880A1

A method of polymerizing olefins with catalyst systems, such as, for exam ple, a multimodal catalyst system, wherein the catalyst system is stored at a controlled temperature to minimize loss of catalyst system productivity. ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002909093A1

This disclosure relates to multilayer films having improved caulkability. These multilayer films have at least one layer containing an ethylene interpolymer product, or a blend containing an ethylene interpolymer product, where the ethylene interpolymer product has: a Dilution Index (Y d) greater than 0; total catalytic metal 2 3.0 ppm; >= 0.03 terminal vinyl unsaturations per 100 carbon atoms, and; optionally a Dimensionless Modulus (X d) greater than 0. The ethylene interpolymer products have a melt index from about 0.4 to about 100 dg/minute, a density from about 0.950 to about 0.970 g/cm3, a polydispersity (M w/M n) from about 2 to about 25 and a CDBI50 from about 55% to about 97%. Further, the ethylene interpolymer products are a blend of at least two ethylene interpolymers; where one ethylene interpolymer is produced with a single-site catalyst formulation and at least one ethylene interpolymer is produced with a heterogeneous catalyst formulation.

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002923004A1

Disclosed herein are polymerization processes for the production of olefin polymers. These polymerization processes can employ a catalyst system containing two or three metallocene components, resulting in ethylene-based copolymers that can have a medium density and improved stress crack resistance.

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002938841A1
Принадлежит: Univation Technologies Llc

A system and method of producing polyethylene, including: polymerizing ethylene in presence of a catalyst system in a reactor to form polyethylene, wherein the catalyst system includes a first catalyst and a second catalyst; and adjusting reactor conditions and an amount of the second catalyst fed to the reactor to control melt index (MI), density, and melt flow ratio (MFR) of the polyethylene.

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002938846A1

Catalyst systems and methods for making and using the same are described. A method includes selecting a catalyst blend using a blend polydispersity index (bPDI) map. The polydispersity map is generated by generating a number of polymers for at least two catalysts. Each polymer is generated at a different hydrogen to ethylene ratio. At least one catalyst generates a higher molecular weight polymer and another catalyst generates a lower molecular weight polymer. A molecular weight for each polymer is measured. The relationship between the molecular weight of the polymers generated by each of the catalysts and the ratio of hydrogen to ethylene is determined. A family of bPDI curves for polymers that would be made using a number of ratios of a blend of the at least two catalysts for each of a number of ratios of hydrogen to ethylene. A ratio for the catalyst blend of the catalysts that generates a polymer having a bPDI that matches a polymer fabrication process is selected, and the product ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002868640A1

This disclosure relates to a continuous solution polymerization process wherein production rate is increased. Process solvent, ethylene, optional comonomers, optional hydrogen and a single site catalyst formulation are injected into a first reactor forming a first ethylene interpolymer. Process solvent, ethylene, optional comonomers, optional hydrogen and a heterogeneous catalyst formulation are injected into a second reactor forming a second ethylene interpolymer. The first and second reactors may be configured in series or parallel modes of operation. Optionally, a third ethylene interpolymer is formed in an optional third reactor, wherein an optional heterogeneous catalyst formulation may be employed. In a solution phase, the first, second and optional third ethylene interpolymers are combined, the catalyst is deactivated, the solution is passivated and following a phase separation process an ethylene interpolymer product is recovered.

26-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2868640C

This disclosure relates to a continuous solution polymerization process wherein production rate is increased. Process solvent, ethylene, optional comonomers, optional hydrogen and a single site catalyst formulation are injected into a first reactor forming a first ethylene interpolymer. Process solvent, ethylene, optional comonomers, optional hydrogen and a heterogeneous catalyst formulation are injected into a second reactor forming a second ethylene interpolymer. The first and second reactors may be configured in series or parallel modes of operation. Optionally, a third ethylene interpolymer is formed in an optional third reactor, wherein an optional heterogeneous catalyst formulation may be employed. In a solution phase, the first, second and optional third ethylene interpolymers are combined, the catalyst is deactivated, the solution is passivated and following a phase separation process an ethylene interpolymer product is recovered.

12-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002040713C

The present invention provides an ethylene copolymer comprising constituent units (a) derived from ethylene and constituent units (b) derived from an .alpha.-olefin having 3 to 20 carbon atoms, the ethylene copolymer being characterized in that (A) the ethylene copolymer has a density (d) of 0.86 to 0.95 g/cm3; (B) the ethylene copolymer has a MFR of 0.001 to 50 g/10 min as measured at a temperature of 190.degree.C and a load of 2.16 kg; (C) the melt tension (MT) and MFR of the ethylene copolymer satisfy the relation log MT > -0.6610g MFR + 0.6; and (D) the temperature (T) at which the exothermic curve of the ethylene copolymer measured by a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) shows the highest peak and the density (d) satisfy the relation T < 400d - 250.

11-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002027124A1

This invention is for a metallocene compound which can be used in a catalyst system to produce hemiisotactic polymer. The compound is a bridged metallocene compound having dissimilar cyclopentadienyl groups and no bi-lateral symmetry. One example of the compound is isopropylidene(3-methylcyclopentadienyl-1-fluorenyyl) zirconium dichloride. The catalyst of this invention can be converted to an ionic metallocene catalyst by an ionizing agent, such as methylaluminoxane. The polymer produced with this catalyst is characterized by having an isotactic structure effecting only every other asymmetric carbon atom. In the case of polypropylene, every other methyl group is on the same side of the principal polymer chain as represented by a Fisher projection. The remaining methyl groups can be either on the same side or on the opposite side of the principal polymer chain. The polymer produced with the catalyst of this invention can be used as a plasticizer.

02-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002072489C

A catalyst component is disclosed for use in the homo- or copolymerization of olefinic hydrocarbons. The catalyst component is comprised of a first compound of the formula Me1(OR1)p R2q X1 4-p-q and a second compound which is an organocyclic compound having two or more conjugated double bonds. A process is also disclosed for the production of hydrocarbon polymers in which the above catalyst component is combined with a modified organoaluminum compound to form a catalyst composition capable of providing high molecular weight, wide distribution thereof and other desirable qualities in the polymer product.

22-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002256668C

A process for polymerizing ethylene .alpha.-olefin and optionally diene monomers is disclosed. The process comprises the steps of contacting: (1) ethylene, (2) at least one C3-C20 aliphatic .alpha.-olefin, (3) optionally, at least one C4-C20 diene, (4) a catalyst, the catalyst comprising (a) a metallocene complex, and (b) an activator, and (5) a solven t. The process can be conducted in a single or multiple reactors, and if in multiple reactors, then the reactors can be configured in series o r parallel. Solvent is removed from the polymer stream in an anhydrous, first stage solvent recovery operation such that the solids concentration of the product stream is increased by at least 100 percent. Additional solvent is removed in an anhydrous, second stage solvent recovery operation from the product of the first stage solvent recovery operation such that the solids concentration of the product stream is in excess of 65 weight percent.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000017729B9

Настоящее изобретение относится к каталитической системе, включающей несколько мостиковых бис-инденильных или бис-тетрагидроинденильных компонентов, имеющих различную схему замещения, предназначенной для получения полимеров с широким молекулярно-массовым распределением.

26-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200700680A1

Настоящее изобретение относится к каталитической системе, включающей несколько мостиковых бис-инденильных или бис-тетрагидроинденильных компонентов, имеющих различную схему замещения, предназначенной для получения полимеров с широким молекулярно-массовым распределением.

30-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EA201171340A1

Данное изобретение относится к способу получения активирующей подложки для металлоценовых комплексов при полимеризации олефинов, включающего этапы: I) обеспечения подложки, содержащей частицы, образованные по меньшей мере из одного пористого минерального оксида; II) необязательно фиксирования количества силанолов на поверхности подложки; III) функционализации подложки раствором, содержащим металлическую соль; IV) нагревания функционализированной подложки этапа с) в инертном газе или водороде; V) окисления подложки этапа IV обработкой в N2O, а затем в кислороде; VI) извлечения активной подложки, имеющей контролированное число ОН-групп. Такая активирующая подложка используется для активации металлоценового компонента катализатора для полимеризации олефинов.

22-12-2016 дата публикации

헤테로 원자를 갖는 전이금속 화합물, 이를 포함하는 촉매 조성물 및 이를 이용한 중합체의 제조방법

Номер: KR0101689063B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지화학

... 본 명세서에는 헤테로 원자가 도입된 신규한 구조의 전이금속 화합물, 이를 포함하는 촉매 조성물 및 이를 이용한 중합체의 제조방법이 기재된다. 본 발명의 일 실시예에 따른 상기 전이금속 화합물은 공중합성이 우수하고 저밀도 고분자를 제조할 수 있으므로 다양한 용도의 공중합체 제조가 가능할 수 있다.

27-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020110043464A

PURPOSE: A producing method of mixture deposition metallocene catalyst, and the mixture deposition metallocene catalyst produced therefrom are provided to improve the activity of the catalyst by deeply dispersing each catalyst components into a carrier. CONSTITUTION: A producing method of mixture deposition metallocene catalyst comprises the following steps: partially dipping a co-catalyst into a carrier at the first temperature; secondly dipping the remain co-catalyst into the carrier at the second temperature lower than the first temperature; dipping a first metallocene compound into the carrier; and dipping a second metallocene compound into the carrier. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2011 ...

28-08-2017 дата публикации

중합체 조성물의 제조 방법

Номер: KR1020170097696A

... 고분자량 중합체를 생성할 수 있는 메탈로센 촉매 및 60% 이상 비닐 말단을 갖는 중합체를 생성할 수 있는 메탈로센 촉매 중 하나 또는 둘 다를 이용한 공중합을 포함하는 방법이 제공된다. 중합 방법은 메탈로센 촉매 둘 다를 포함하는 단일 중합 구역에서 이중 촉매 중합을 포함한다. 다른 방법은, 각각의 중합 구역에서 한쪽 또는 양쪽 촉매를 이용하는, 다중 중합 구역에서 직렬식 또는 병렬식 중합을 포함한다. 상기 중합 방법은 반응기 블렌드를 제조하고, 개선된 용융 탄성 및 유동학적 특성을 나타내는 공중합체 조성물(예컨대, EP 또는 EPDM 공중합체 조성물) 제조하는데 특히 적합하다.

05-07-2005 дата публикации

Processo para produzir catalisadores fluorados

Номер: BR0314332A

03-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: WO1998054230A1

Provided is a metallocene catalyst component for use in preparing isotactic polyolefins, which component has the general formula (I): R'' (CpR1R2R3) (Cp'R'n) MQ2 wherein Cp is a substituted cyclopentadienyl ring; Cp' is a substituted or unsubstituted fluorenyl ring; R'' is a structural bridge imparting stereorigidity to the component; R1 is a substituent on the cyclopentadienyl ring which is distal to the bridge, which distal substituent comprises a bulky group of the formula XR*3 in which X is chosen from Group IVA, and each R* is the same or different and chosen from hydrogen or hydrocarbyl of from 1 to 20 carbon atoms, R2 is a substituent on the cyclopentadienyl ring which is proximal to the bridge and positioned non-vicinal to the distal substituent, and is of the formula YR#3, in which Y is chosen from Group IVA, and each R# is the same or different and chosen from hydrogen or hydrocarbyl of 1 to 7 carbon atoms, R3 is a substituent on the cyclopentadienyl ring which is proximal to ...

21-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO2001044323A1

The present invention relates to a process for polymerizing olefin(s) in the presence of polymerization catalyst a Group 13 containing compound and a carboxylic acid. The invention also relates to a process for transitioning from one polymerization catalyst to another.

28-12-2010 дата публикации

Ethylene-based resin and molded object obtained therefrom

Номер: US0007858723B2

Ethylene-based resin, which exhibits a satisfactorily high melt tension and can provide a molded object excellent in mechanical strength, the ethylene-based resin characterized in simultaneously satisfying the requirements [1] to [5] described below: [1] melt flow rate (MFR) under a loading of 2.16 kg at 190° C. is in the range of 0.1 to 100 g/10 minutes; [2] density (d) is in the range of 875 to 970 kg/m3; [3] ratio [MT/*(g/P)] of melt tension [MT(g)] at 190° C. to shearing viscosity [*(P)] at 200° C. at an angular velocity of 1.0 rad/sec. is in the range of 1.50×104 to 9.00×104; [4] sum [(A+B)(/1000C)] of the number of methyl branches [A(/1000C)] and the number of ethyl branches [B(/1000C)] per 1000 carbon atoms measured by 13C-NMR is 1.8 or less; and [5] zero shear viscosity [0(P)] at 200° C. and weight-average molecular weight (Mw) measured by GPC-viscosity detector method (GPC-VISCO) satisfy the following relational expression (Eq-1): 0.01×1013×Mw3.404.5×1013×Mw3.4(Eq-1).

02-04-1996 дата публикации

Addition of lithium compounds to Ziegler-Natta catalysts for increased molecular weight in polyolefins

Номер: US0005504048A1
Принадлежит: Fina Technology, Inc.

This invention relates to a conventional supported heterogeneous Ziegler-Natta catalyst for the polymerization of olefins. It has been found that adding a lithium compound to a transition metal catalyst component and then adding an organoaluminum co-catalyst and an organosilicon electron donor produces a catalyst which yields polymer with increased molecular weight. The lithium compound is of the general formula LiCp wherein Cp is a cyclopentadienyl or substituted cyclopentadienyl and is preferably lithium cyclopentadienide or lithium indene. Preferably, the molar ratio of lithium compound/transition metal is at least 0.2.

19-12-2000 дата публикации

Ethylene-α-olefin copolymer and composition, and film, laminate and electrical insulating material comprising same

Номер: US0006162871A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

A polyolefin resin composition containing an ethylene-α-olefin copolymer having: (A) a density d of 0.86 to 0.96 g/cm3 ; (B) a melt flow rate MFR of 0.01 to 200 g/10 min; (C) a molecular weight distribution Mw/Mn of 1.5 to 4.5; (D) a composition distribution parameter Cb of 1.08 to 2.00; and (E) an orthodichlorobenzene-soluble content X (wt %), at 25° C. a density of d (g/cm3) and a melt flow rate MFR (wt %) satisfying that: (i) when the density (d) and the melt flow rate MFR satisfy relationship (I): d-0.008×logMFR≧0.93 (I) the orthodichlorobenzene-soluble content X satisfies relationship (II): X<2.0 (II) (ii) when the density d and the melt flow rate MFR satisfy relationship (III): d-0.008×logMFR<0.93 (III) the orthodichlorobenzene-soluble content X satisfies relationship (IV): X<9.8×103 ×(0.9300-d+0.008×logMFR)2 +2.0(IV) ...

23-06-1998 дата публикации

Catalyst component for producing polyolefin, catalyst for producing polyolefin comprising the catalyst component, and process for producing polyolefin in the presence of the catalyst

Номер: US0005770664A1
Принадлежит: Japan Polyolefins Co., Ltd.

A catalyst component for producing polyolefin, a catalyst for producing polyolefin using the catalyst component, and a process for producing polyolefin in the presence of the catalyst. The catalyst component comprises a metallocene compound represented by formula (1): см. иллюстрацию в PDF-документе All the symbols in formula (1) are defined in the description.

18-09-2003 дата публикации

Isotactic propylene copolymer fibers, their preparation and use

Номер: US20030176611A1

Fibers comprising a propylene homopolymer or a copolymer of propylene and at least one of ethylene and one or more unsaturated comonomers exhibit desirable properties. The homopolymers are characterized as having13C NMR peaks corresponding to a regio-error at about 14.6 and about 15.7 ppm, the peaks of about equal intensity. The copolymers are characterized as (A) comprising at least about 60 weight percent (wt %) of units derived from propylene, and (B) having at least one of the following properties: (i)13C NMR peaks corresponding to a regio-error at about 14.6 and about 15.7 ppm, the peaks of about equal intensity, (ii) a B-value greater than about 1.4 when the comonomer content of the copolymer is at least about 3 wt %, (iii) a skewness index, S1x, greater than about −1.20, (iv) a DSC curve with a Tmethat remains essentially the same and a Tmaxthat decreases as the amount of comonomer in the copolymer is increased, and (v) an X-ray diffraction pattern that reports more gamma-form crystals ...

04-09-2003 дата публикации

Ethylene interpolymer polymerizations

Номер: US20030166784A1

A new process of interpolymerizing ethylene interpolymer products having improved properties, such as increased onset of crystallization temperature, is disclosed. Preferably, the process comprises interpolymerizing a first homogeneous ethylene/alpha-olefin interpolymer and at least one second homogeneous ethylene/alpha-olefin interpolymer using-at least two constrained geometry catalysts having different reactivities such that the first ethylene/alpha-olefin interpolymer has a narrow molecular weight distribution (NMWD) with a very high comonomer content and relatively high molecular weight and the second ethylene/alpha-olefin interpolymer has a NMWD with a low comonomer content and a molecular weight lower than that of the first interpolymer. The resultant first homogeneous interpolymer is combined with the resultant second homogeneous interpolymer in appropriate weight ratios resulting in the desired finished polymer structure. The first interpolymer and the second interpolymer can be ...

20-06-2002 дата публикации

Olefin oligomerization catalysts, their production and use

Номер: US20020077431A1
Автор: Gregory Whiteker

This invention relates to a method to oligomerize ethylene comprising combining ethylene with a catalyst system comprising an activator and one or more phenoxide group metal compounds represented by the formula: wherein R3, R4, R5, R8, R9and R10may each independently be hydrogen, a halogen, a heteroatom containing group or a C1to C100group, provided that at least one of these groups has a Hammett σpvalue (Hansch, et al Chem. Rev. 1991, 91, 165) greater than 0.20; R2and R7may each independently be alkyl, aryl or silyl groups; R1and R6may each independently be an alkyl group, an aryl group, an alkoxy group, or an amino group; N is nitrogen; H is hydrogen; O is oxygen; M is a group 4 transition metal; and each X may each independently be an anionic ligand or a dianionic ligand.

12-10-1993 дата публикации

Olefin polymerization catalyst and olefin polymerization

Номер: US5252529A

05-07-2011 дата публикации

De-foaming spray dried catalyst slurries

Номер: US0007973112B2

A method for preparing a spray dried catalyst and a low viscosity, low foam spray dried catalyst system for olefin polymerization are provided. In one aspect, the method includes preparing a catalyst system including one or more components selected from metallocenes, non-metallocenes, and activators, adding mineral oil to the catalyst system to form a slurry, and adding one or more liquid alkanes having three or more carbon atoms to the slurry in an amount sufficient to reduce foaming and viscosity of the slurry. In one aspect, the catalyst system includes one or more catalysts selected from metallocenes, non-metallocenes, and a combination thereof, wherein the catalyst system is spray dried. The system further includes mineral oil to form a slurry including a catalyst system, and one or more liquid alkanes having three or more carbon atoms in an amount sufficient to reduce foaming and viscosity of the slurry.

09-12-2004 дата публикации

Polymerization catalyst systems, their use, their products and articles thereof

Номер: US2004249091A1

The present invention relates to a process for the polymerization of monomers utilizing a bulky ligand hafnium transition metal metallocene-type catalyst compound, to the catalyst compound itself and to the catalyst compound in combination with an activator. The invention is also directed to an ethylene copolymer composition produced by using the bulky ligand hafnium metallocene-type catalyst of the invention, in particular a single reactor polymerization process.

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190256696A1

A bimodal linear polyethylene composition, products made therefrom, methods of making and using same, and articles containing same. 1. A bimodal linear low density polyethylene composition comprising a lower molecular weight (LMW) polyethylene component and a higher molecular weight (HMW) polyethylene component , wherein each of the LMW and HMW polyethylene components comprises ethylene-derived monomeric units and (C-C)alpha-olefin-derived comonomeric units; and wherein the bimodal linear low density polyethylene composition is characterized by each of limitations (a) to (c): (a) a resolved bimodality showing in a chromatogram of gel permeation chromatography (GPC) of the bimodal linear low density polyethylene composition , wherein the chromatogram shows a peak representing the HMW polyethylene component , a peak representing the LMW polyethylene component , and a resolved bimodal molecular weight distribution characterized by a local minimum in a range of Log(molecular weight) (“Log(MW)”) 1.5 to 5.0 between the peak representing the HMW polyethylene component and the peak representing the LMW polyethylene component , measured according to the Bimodality Test Method; (b) a molecular mass dispersity (M/M) , D , from 5 to 30.1 , measured according to the Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Test Method; and (c) no measurable , alternatively no detectable , amount of long chain branching per 1 ,000 carbon atoms (“LCB Index”) , measured according to LCB Test Method.2. The bimodal linear low density polyethylene composition of described by any one of limitations (i) to (vii): (i) a density from 0.9000 to less than (<) 0.930 gram per cubic centimeter (g/cm) claim 1 , measured according to ASTM D792-13 Method B; (ii) a melt index (190° C. claim 1 , 2.16 kilograms (kg) claim 1 , “MI”) from 0.1 to 5.0 grams per 10 minutes (g/10 min.) claim 1 , measured according to the Melt Index MITest Method; (iii) a tan delta (tan δ) from 5 to 35 claim 1 , measured at 190° C. and 0.1000 ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190241724A1
Принадлежит: NOVA Chemicals (International) S.A.

This disclosure relates to ethylene interpolymer compositions. Specifically, ethylene interpolymer products having: a Dilution Index (Yd) greater than 0; total catalytic metal ≥3.0 ppm; ≥0.03 terminal vinyl unsaturations per 100 carbon atoms, and; optionally a Dimensionless Modulus (Xd) greater than 0. The disclosed ethylene interpolymer products have a melt index from about 0.3 to about 500 dg/minute, a density from about 0.869 to about 0.975 g/cm3, a polydispersity (Mw/Mn) from about 2 to about 25 and a CDBI50 from about 20% to about 97%. Further, the ethylene interpolymer products are a blend of at least two ethylene interpolymers; where one ethylene interpolymer is produced with a single-site catalyst formulation and at least one ethylene interpolymer is produced with a heterogeneous catalyst formulation.

17-08-2021 дата публикации

Modified Ziegler-Natta (pro) catalysts and system

Номер: US0011091572B2

A modified Ziegler-Natta procatalyst that is a product mixture of modifying an initial Ziegler-Natta procatalyst with a molecular (pro)catalyst, and optionally an activator, the modifying occurring before activating the modified Ziegler-Natta procatalyst with an activator and before contacting the modified Ziegler-Natta procatalyst with a polymerizable olefin. Also, a modified catalyst system prepared therefrom, methods of preparing the modified Ziegler-Natta procatalyst and the modified catalyst system, a method of polymerizing an olefin using the modified catalyst system, and a polyolefin product made thereby.

14-11-2010 дата публикации

Еthуlеnе-bаsеd rеsin аnd mоldеd оbjесt оbtаinеd thеrеfrоm

Номер: US0021265249B2

Еthуlеnе-bаsеd rеsin, whiсh ехhibits а sаtisfасtоrilу high mеlt tеnsiоn аnd саn prоvidе а mоldеd оbjесt ехсеllеnt in mесhаniсаl strеngth, thе еthуlеnе-bаsеd rеsin сhаrасtеrizеd in simultаnеоuslу sаtisfуing thе rеquirеmеnts [1] tо [5] dеsсribеd bеlоw: [1] mеlt flоw rаtе (МFR) undеr а lоаding оf 2.16 kg аt 190° С. is in thе rаngе оf 0.1 tо 100 g/10 minutеs; [2] dеnsitу (d) is in thе rаngе оf 875 tо 970 kg/m3; [3] rаtiо [МТ/*(g/Р)] оf mеlt tеnsiоn [МТ(g)] аt 190° С. tо shеаring visсоsitу [*(Р)] аt 200° С. аt аn аngulаr vеlосitу оf 1.0 rаd/sес. is in thе rаngе оf 1.50×104 tо 9.00×104; [4] sum [(А+В)(/1000С)] оf thе numbеr оf mеthуl brаnсhеs [А(/1000С)] аnd thе numbеr оf еthуl brаnсhеs [В(/1000С)] pеr 1000 саrbоn аtоms mеаsurеd bу 13С-NМR is 1.8 оr lеss; аnd [5] zеrо shеаr visсоsitу [0(Р)] аt 200° С. аnd wеight-аvеrаgе mоlесulаr wеight (Мw) mеаsurеd bу GРС-visсоsitу dеtесtоr mеthоd (GРС-VISСО) sаtisfу thе fоllоwing rеlаtiоnаl ехprеssiоn (Еq-1): 0.01×1013×Мw3.404.5×1013×Мw3.4(Еq-1).

07-06-2022 дата публикации

Dual metallocene catalyst copolymer compositions

Номер: US0011352451B2
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc.

Processes are provided which include copolymerization using two different metallocene catalysts, one capable of producing high Mooney-viscosity polymers and one suitable for producing lower Mooney-viscosity polymers having at least a portion of vinyl terminations. The two catalysts may be used together in polymerization to produce copolymer compositions of particularly well-tuned properties. For instance, polymerizations are contemplated to produce high-Mooney metallocene polymers that exhibit excellent processability and elasticity, notwithstanding their high Mooney viscosity. Other polymerizations are also contemplated in which lower-Mooney metallocene polymers are produced, which also exhibit excellent processability and elasticity, while furthermore having excellent cure properties suitable in curable elastomer compound applications. Many of the contemplated polymerizations include controlling the ratio of the two metallocene catalysts used in the polymerization so as to obtain the ...

02-03-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2791110C2

Изобретение относится к бимодальным полиэтиленовым композициям для изготовления изделий, таких как трубы, пленки, листы, экструдированные изделия и изделия, полученные литьем под давлением. Бимодальная полиэтиленовая композиция содержит полиэтиленовый компонент с более низкой молекулярной массой (LMW) и полиэтиленовый компонент с более высокой молекулярной массой (HMW), в которой каждый из полиэтиленовых компонентов LMW и HMW содержит мономерные звенья, полученные из этилена, и сономерные звенья, полученные из (С3-С20)альфа-олефинов. При этом бимодальная полиэтиленовая композиция низкой плотности характеризуется каждым из ограничений (а)-(g): (а) бимодальность (молекулярно-массовое распределение), показываемая на хроматограмме гель-проникающей хроматографии (GPC) бимодальной полиэтиленовой композиции низкой плотности, где хроматограмма показывает пик, представляющий полиэтиленовый компонент HMW, пик, представляющий полиэтиленовый компонент LMW, и локальный минимум в диапазоне Log (молекулярной ...

03-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2690371C2

Изобретение относится к полиэтиленовым смолам. Полиэтиленовая смола содержит звенья, полученные из этилена и необязательно одного или более других олефинов. Смола имеет плотность, большую или равную 0,945 г/см, измеренную согласно ASTM D792, отношение текучестей расплава (I/I) в диапазоне 10-60, измеренное согласно ASTM D1238 (Iи Iизмерены при 190°C и массе 21,6 кг или 5 кг соответственно), и индекс текучести (I) в диапазоне 2-60. Смолу получают путем приведения этилена, водорода и необязательно одного или более других олефинов в контакт с каталитической системой, содержащей по меньшей мере два разных каталитических соединения в соотношении от 2,5 до 1,8. Полиэтиленовые смолы проявляют изменяемое отношение текучестей расплава и/или изменяемые свойства набухания с применением одной каталитической системы. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 5 табл., 4 пр.

20-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2312869C2

В настоящем изобретении описан способ получения фторированного каталитически активного соединения, каталитических композиций, и способов полимеризации, включающих такое соединение. Способ получения фторированного каталитически активного соединения включает контактирование металлоценового компонента катализатора с фторированной неорганической солью, в течение времени, достаточного для получения фторированного металлоценового компонента катализатора, такого как описанный в следующем примере: где R представляет собой замещающие группы, выбранные из группы, включающей алкилы C1-С10 в конкретном предпочтительном варианте, р представляет собой 0 или целое число от 1 до 5. Фторированную неорганическую соль в конкретном предпочтительном варианте описывают как соединение, которое генерирует фторид-ионы при контактировании с разбавителем, по крайней мере на 50 мас.% состоящем из воды. Технический результат - увеличение выхода продукта, высокая производительность фторированного каталитически активного ...

27-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2118329C1
Принадлежит: Эникем С.п.А. (IT)

Предложен катализатор для полимеризации олефинов, который получают (l) путем взаимодействия диалкилмагния или галогенида алкилмагния с галогенидом кремния или олова в растворе инертного органического растворителя с образованием гранулированного твердого осадка; (ll) суспендированием указанного твердого осадка в инертном органическом растворителе и введением его в реакцию с соединением, которое может быть описано формулой (l) где М - металл из группы lУВ Периодической системы элементов, а значение для каждой из группы R и Cp указано в описании изобретения с целью образования гранулированного твердого катализатора; (lll) путем выделения указанного твердого катализатора из образовавшейся суспензии. Кроме того, описан способ полимеризации олефинов, в котором используется новая каталитическая система, указанная выше. Предложенный способ обеспечивает получение доступных катализаторов на носителе, пригодных для осуществления контроля над морфологическими характеристиками полимеров. 3 c. и 11 з.п.ф-лы ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2674254C1

Описаны каталитические системы и способы их получения. Способ включает выбор каталитической смеси с помощью карты комбинированного коэффициента полидисперсности (bPDI). Карту полидисперсности строят посредством получения множества полимеров для по меньшей мере двух катализаторов. Каждый полимер получают с разными соотношениями водорода к этилену. По меньшей мере один катализатор обеспечивает получение более высокомолекулярного полимера, а другой катализатор обеспечивает получение более низкомолекулярного полимера. Измеряют молекулярную массу каждого полимера. Определяют зависимость между молекулярной массой полимеров, полученных на каждом из катализаторов, и соотношением водорода к этилену. Строят группу кривых bPDI для полимеров, которые будут получены с применением множества соотношений смеси по меньшей мере двух катализаторов для каждого из множества соотношений водорода к этилену. Выбирают соотношение для каталитической смеси катализаторов, которое обеспечивает получение полимера с ...

29-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2745620C1
Принадлежит: БОРЕАЛИС АГ (AT)

Настоящее изобретение относится к композиции полипропилена, содержащей гетерофазный полипропилен (HECO) и бимодальный металлоценовый линейный полиэтилен низкой плотности (mLLDPE), к изделиям, полученным из указанной композиции полипропилена, а также дополнительно к применению (mLLDPE) в качестве модификатора для гетерофазных полипропиленов (HECO) для улучшения ударной прочности и оптических свойств. Описана композиция полипропилена для получения различных изделий, таких как пленки, а также литых в форме изделий, содержащая гетерофазный полипропилен (HECO), бимодальный металлоценовый линейный полиэтилен низкой плотности (mLLDPE), необязательно гомополимер полипропилена со скоростью течения расплава MFR2(ISO 1133; 230°C; 2,16 кг) в пределах от 0,5 до 100,0 г/10 минут и/или необязательно альфа-нуклеирующий агент. Технический результат - обеспечение композиции полипропилена с оптимизированным или улучшенным балансом механических свойств, таких как жесткость и ударная прочность, и оптических ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2727776C1

Изобретения относится к сополимеру этилена/α-олефина и могут найти применение в экструзионно-раздувной пленке и других областях конечного применения. Описаны полимеры на основе этилена, характеризующиеся Mw 70000-200000 г/моль, соотношением Mz/Mw 1,8-20, параметром ИШ 0,92-1,05 и профилем АTREF, характеризующимся одним широким пиком. Также описаны варианты сополимера этилена/α-олефина, промышленного изделия и экструзионно-раздувной пленки. Данные полимеры обладают ударной прочностью при падении заостренного груза, прочностью на раздир и оптическими свойствами ЛПЭНП, получаемого с помощью металлоценового катализатора, но с улучшенными технологическими свойствами, прочностью расплава и устойчивостью ЦМД. 11 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил., 5 табл., 14 пр.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Ethylene-a-olefin copolymer and article

Номер: US20120065352A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd

An ethylene-α-olefin copolymer comprising monomer units derived from ethylene and monomer units derived from an α-olefin having 3 to 20 carbon atoms, having a density (d) of 860 to 950 kg/m 3 , having a melt flow rate (MFR) of 0.05 to 100 g/10 min, having a ratio (Mw/Mn) of the weight average molecular weight (Mw) thereof to the number average molecular weight (Mn) thereof of 2 to 10, having a swell ratio (SR) of less than 1.35, and having a g* of 0.50 to 0.75.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Polyolefin and preparation method thereof

Номер: US20120172548A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

A polyolefin has 1) a density in the range of 0.93 to 0.97 g/cm 3 , 2) a BOCD (Broad Orthogonal Co-monomer Distribution) index defined by a given equation in the range of 1 to 5, and 3) a molecular weight distribution (weight average molecular weight/number average molecular weight) in the range of 4 to 10. A supported hybrid metallocene catalyst comprises a first metallocene compound represented by a first given formulae, a second metallocene compound represented by one of three given formulae, and a support.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Polyolefin and preparation method thereof

Номер: US20140094574A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

A polyolefin has 1) a density in the range of 0.93 to 0.97 g/cm 3 , 2) a BOCD (Broad Orthogonal Co-monomer Distribution) index defined by a given equation in the range of 1 to 5, and 3) a molecular weight distribution (weight average molecular weight/number average molecular weight) in the range of 4 to 10. A supported hybrid metallocene catalyst comprises a first metallocene compound represented by a first given formulae, a second metallocene compound represented by one of three given formulae, and a support.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

On-Line Adjustment of Mixed Catalyst Ratio and Olefin Polymerization

Номер: US20220033535A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

The present disclosure provides processes for polymerizing olefin(s). In at least one embodiment, a method for producing a polyolefin is provided. The method includes contacting a first composition and a second composition in a line to form a third composition. The first composition includes a contact product of a first catalyst, a second catalyst, a support, a first activator, and a diluent, and the mol ratio of first catalyst to second catalyst is from 90:10 to 40:60. The second composition includes a contact product of the second catalyst, a second activator, and a second diluent. The third composition includes a mol ratio of first catalyst to second catalyst of from 89:11 to 10:90. The method includes introducing the third composition from the line into a gas-phase fluidized bed reactor, exposing the third composition to polymerization conditions, and obtaining a polyolefin.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

On-Line Adjustment of Mixed Catalyst Ratio By Trim and Olefin Polymerization with the Same

Номер: US20220033536A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

In an embodiment, a method for producing a polyolefin is provided. The method includes: contacting a first composition and a second composition in a line to form a third composition, wherein: the first composition comprises a contact product of a first catalyst, a second catalyst, a support, and a diluent, wherein the mol ratio of second catalyst to first catalyst is from 60:40 to 40:60, the second composition comprises a contact product of the second catalyst and a second diluent; introducing the third composition from the line into a gas-phase fluidized bed reactor; exposing the third composition to polymerization conditions; and obtaining a polyolefin.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

On-Line Adjustment of Catalysts by Trim and Olefin Polymerization

Номер: US20220033537A1

In an embodiment, a method for producing a polyolefin includes contacting a first composition and a second composition in in a line to form a third composition, wherein: the first composition comprises a contact product of a first catalyst, a second catalyst, a support, a first activator, and a diluent, wherein the mol ratio of second catalyst to first catalyst is from 60:40 to 40:60, the second composition comprises a contact product of the third catalyst, a second activator, and a second diluent, and the third composition comprises a mol ratio of the third catalyst to the second catalyst to the first catalyst of from 10:35:55 to 60:15:25, such as 30:20:30; introducing the third composition from the line into a gas-phase fluidized bed reactor; exposing the third composition to polymerization conditions; and obtaining a polyolefin. 1. A method for producing a polyolefin comprising: the first composition comprises a contact product of a first catalyst, a second catalyst, a support, a first activator, and a diluent, wherein the mol ratio of second catalyst to first catalyst is from 60:40 to 40:60,', 'the second composition comprises a contact product of a third catalyst, a second activator, and a second diluent, and', 'the third composition comprises a mol ratio of third catalyst to second catalyst to first catalyst of from 10:35:55 to 60:15:25;, 'contacting a first composition and a second composition in a line to form a third composition, whereinintroducing the third composition from the line into a gas-phase fluidized bed reactor;exposing the third composition to polymerization conditions; andobtaining a polyolefin.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first catalyst is a metallocene catalyst and the second catalyst is a metallocene catalyst.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the third catalyst is a metallocene catalyst.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first composition further comprises a wax.5. (canceled)6. The method of claim 1 , wherein a mol ratio of ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Methods for Determining Transition Metal Compound Concentrations in Multicomponent Liquid Systems

Номер: US20190025200A1
Автор: QING Yang, Richard M. Buck
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

Methods for determining the concentration of transition metal compounds in a solution containing more than one transition metal compound are described. Polymerization reactor systems providing real-time monitoring and control of the concentrations of the transition metal components of a multicomponent catalyst system are disclosed, as well as methods for operating such polymerization reactor systems and for improving methods of preparing the multicomponent catalyst system.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024670A1

Catalyst systems and methods for making and using the same. A method of polymerizing olefins to produce a polyolefin polymer with a multimodal composition distribution, includes contacting ethylene and a comonomer with a catalyst system. The catalyst system includes a first catalyst compound and a second catalyst compound that are co-supported to form a commonly supported catalyst system. The first catalyst compound includes a compound with the general formula (CHR)(CHR)HfX. The second catalyst compound includes at least one of the following general formulas: 144.-. (canceled)46. The catalyst composition of claim 45 , wherein the least one Group 13 to 16 atom are selected from carbon claim 45 , oxygen claim 45 , nitrogen claim 45 , silicon claim 45 , aluminum claim 45 , boron claim 45 , germanium claim 45 , tin and combinations thereof.47. The catalyst composition of claim 45 , wherein the at least one bridging group is selected from a Cto Calkylene claim 45 , a substituted Cto Calkylene claim 45 , R′C< claim 45 , R′Si< claim 45 , >Si(R′)Si(R′)< claim 45 , R′Ge< claim 45 , and R′P< claim 45 , wherein R′ is independently selected from the group consisting of a hydride claim 45 , a hydrocarbyl claim 45 , a substituted hydrocarbyl claim 45 , a halocarbyl claim 45 , substituted halocarbyl claim 45 , a hydrocarbyl-substituted organometalloid claim 45 , a halocarbyl-substituted organometalloid claim 45 , disubstituted boron claim 45 , a disubstituted Group 15 atom claim 45 , a substituted Group 16 atom and a halogen radical.48. The catalyst composition of claim 47 , wherein two or more R′ form a ring.49. The catalyst composition of claim 45 , wherein the at least one bridging group is selected from a divalent Cto Chydrocarbyls and Cto Chydrocarbonyls containing one to three heteroatoms.50. The catalyst composition of claim 45 , wherein the at least one bridging group is a cyclic structure having 4 to 10 ring members.56. The catalyst composition of claim 45 , wherein the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056162A1

The present invention relates to a catalyst mixture containing at least one metal complex according to the formula (1) 2. The catalyst mixture according to wherein M in formula (1) and (2) respectively is titanium.3. The catalyst mixture according to claim 1 , wherein in formula (1) and (2) respectively Z independently means a halogen atom claim 1 , a Calkyl group claim 1 , a Caralkyl group claim 1 , a Caryl group or a Chydrocarbon-substituted amino group.4. The catalyst mixture according to claim 1 , wherein in formula (1) and (2) respectively independently of each other ligand L of formula (2) Sub1 is an substituted or unsubstituted aryl residue selected from the group consisting of particular phenyl claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,6-dimethylphenyl claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,6-dichlorophenyl or 2 claim 1 ,6-difluorophenyl.5. The catalyst mixture according to claim 1 , wherein in formula (1) and (2) respectively independently of each other ligand L of formula (2) Sub2 is of the general formula —NRRwith Rand Rbeing individually selected from the group consisting of aliphatic Chydrocarbyl claim 1 , halogenated Caliphatic hydrocarbyl claim 1 , aromatic Chydrocarbyl and halogenated aromatic Chydrocarbonyl residues or Roptionally forming a heterocyclic ring with Ror Sub1.6. The catalyst mixture according to claim 1 , wherein in formula (1) Cy means a cyclopentadienyl ring which is substituted with one C-Chydrocarbyl substituent claim 1 , which is bonded to the cyclopentadienyl ring via a tertiary or quaternary carbon atom and 4 methyl groups.7. The catalyst mixture according to claim 1 , wherein in formula (1) Cy means a cyclopentadienyl ring which is substituted with 4 methyl groups.8. The catalyst mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of the catalysts of formula (1) to formula (2) is from 50:1 to 1:50 claim 1 , in particular from to 1:1 to 1:20 claim 1 , more preferred from 1:5 to 1:15.9. The catalyst mixture according to claim 1 , wherein in formula (1) ligand L of ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Catalyst for Olefin Polymerization and Polyolefin Prepared Using the Same

Номер: US20220064344A1
Принадлежит: Hanwha Solutions Corp

The present invention relates to a catalyst for olefin polymerization. Specifically, the present invention relates to a hybrid catalyst, which is capable of preparing a polyolefin, particularly a linear low-density polyethylene, which has excellent processability and is capable of providing a film having good mechanical and optical properties.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Mixed Catalyst Systems Containing Bridged Metallocenes with a Pendant Group 13 Element, Processes for Making a Polymer Product Using Same, and Products Made from Same

Номер: US20210054111A1

A mixed metallocene catalyst system can comprise at least one metallocene catalyst compound comprising a structure represented by formula (A) below and optionally at least one other metallocene catalyst compound having a structure represented by formula (B) below: 1. A polymer product made from an alpha-olefin feed comprising ethylene (C) monomer and a Cto Calpha-olefin comonomer , wherein the polymer product exhibits:an Mn, as measured by GPC, from 7,000 g/mol to 70,000 g/mol;a PDI, as measured by GPC, from 4.1 to 11.0;a reversed-co-monomer index (RCI,m) of at least 200 kg/mol; anda comonomer distribution ratio (CDR2,m) of at least 2.0.2. The polymer product of claim 1 , further exhibiting claim 1 , as measured by GPC claim 1 , an average content of polymerized Cto Calpha-olefin comonomer claim 1 , relative to a total content of alpha-olefin monomers and comonomers polymerized in the polymer product claim 1 , that increases for each quartile of increasing MWD of the polymer product.3. The polymer product of claim 1 , further exhibiting a melt index ratio (MIR) from 35 to 100.4. The polymer product of claim 1 , further exhibiting claim 1 , according to cross-fractionation chromatography (CFC):a (Tw1-Tw2) value between −30° C. and −36° C., a Tw2 of at least 90° C., an Mw1/Mw2 value of at least 0.9, or a combination thereof; andan Mw1/Mw2 value less than or equal to [0.6*(Tw1-Tw2)]−17. This application is a divisional of U.S. Ser. No. 16/250,624, filed Jan. 17, 2019 which claims priority to and the benefit of U.S. Ser. No. 62/624,558, filed Jan. 31, 2018 and is incorporated by reference in its entirety.This application also claims priority to and the benefit of U.S. Ser. No. 62/624,549, filed Jan. 31, 2018 and is incorporated by reference in its entirety.The present disclosure relates to mixed metallocene catalyst systems comprising a first metallocene catalyst compound comprising first and second cyclopentadienyl rings connected by a bridging group (BG) and a second ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048379A1
Автор: Kuhlman Roger L.

Novel polyethylene copolymers having a relatively high comonomer partitioning tendency are disclosed as are methods for their preparation. The comonomer partitioning tendency is the tendency for a copolymer to have comonomer in the higher molecular weight chains. Novel metrics for describing the comonomer partitioning tendency are also disclosed. 1. A method for preparing a polyethylene copolymer having a comonomer partitioning tendency of greater than 1.16 by polymerizing ethylene and one or more comonomers in the presence of one or more catalyst compositions.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more catalyst compositions comprises a catalyst compound having a titanium claim 1 , a zirconium or a hafnium atom.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the catalyst composition comprises two or more catalyst compounds comprising a titanium claim 2 , a zirconium or a hafnium atom.4. A method according to any one of to claim 2 , wherein the catalyst composition further comprises one or more activators or co-catalysts.9. A method according to any one of to wherein the catalyst composition comprises two or more of the catalyst compounds according to any one of to in any ratio.10. A method according to any one of to claim 2 , wherein the comonomer is one or more comonomers containing 3 to 16 carbon atoms.11. A method according to any one of to claim 2 , wherein the polymerization is performed in gas phase claim 2 , slurry phase claim 2 , solution phase claim 2 , high pressure or combinations thereof.12. A method according to any one of to claim 2 , wherein the polymerization is performed in a single gas phase reactor. This application is a Divisional of U.S. National Stage Application Ser. No. 15/568,662 filed Oct. 23, 2017 and published as U.S. Publication No. 2018-0155473 A1 on Jun. 7, 2018, which claims priority to International Application Number PCT/US2016/028545, filed Apr. 21, 2016 and published as WO 2016/172279 on Oct. 27, 2016, which claims the ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Low Density Polyolefin Resins With Low Molecular Weight and High Molecular Weight Components, and Films Made Therefrom

Номер: US20190055329A1
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

Disclosed herein are ethylene-based polymers produced using dual metallocene catalyst systems. These polymers have low densities, high molecular weights, and broad molecular weight distributions, as well as having the majority of the long chain branches in the lower molecular weight component of the polymer, and the majority of the short chain branches in the higher molecular weight component of the polymer. Films produced from these polymers have improved impact and puncture resistance.

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Method For Preparing Polyolefin Using Supported Hybrid Metallocene Catalyst

Номер: US20210061930A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

The present disclosure relates to a method for preparing a polyolefin using a supported hybrid metallocene catalyst. According to the present disclosure, a polyolefin having a narrow molecular weight distribution can be prepared very effectively by introducing a cocatalyst in an optimum conent in the presence of a supported hybrid metallocene catalyst containing two or more metallocene compounds having a specific chemical structure. The polyolefin prepared according to the present disclosure exhibits excellent uniformity in chlorine distribution in polyolefin during chlorination, thereby significantly improving elongation of the chlorinated polyolefin, compatibility with PVC and impact reinforcing performance. Thus, it exhibits excellent chemical resistance, weather resistance, flame retardancy, processability and impact strength reinforcing effect, and can be suitably applied as an impact reinforcing agent for PVC pipes and window profiles.

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Methods for Making Polyolefin Polymer Compositions

Номер: US20200056026A1

A method for increasing the melt strength of a polyolefin polymer composition is provided. The method includes mixing a first polyolefin composition derived from at least one olefin polymerization catalyst (a) and at least one olefin polymerization catalyst (b) with a second polyolefin composition derived from the at least one olefin polymerization catalyst (b) or from at least one olefin polymerization catalyst (c), and obtaining the polyolefin polymer composition. 1. A method for increasing the melt strength of a polyolefin polymer composition , the method comprising:mixing a first polyolefin composition derived from at least one olefin polymerization catalyst (a) and at least one olefin polymerization catalyst (b) with a second polyolefin composition derived from the at least one olefin polymerization catalyst (b), andobtaining the polyolefin polymer composition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polyolefin polymer composition has a melt strength 10% or greater than the melt strength of the first polyolefin composition or the second polyolefin composition.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polyolefin polymer composition has a melt strength 20% or greater than the melt strength of the first polyolefin composition or the second polyolefin composition.4. (canceled)5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polyolefin polymer composition has a melt strength of 10 cN or greater.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polyolefin polymer composition has a melt strength of 11 cN or greater.7. (canceled)8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one olefin polymerization catalyst (a) comprises a metallocene catalyst.10. The method of claim 8 , wherein the metallocene catalyst comprises bis(cyclopentadienyl)zirconium dichloride claim 8 , bis(n-butylcyclopentadienyl)zirconium dichloride claim 8 , bis(n-butylcyclopentadienyl)zirconium dimethyl claim 8 , bis(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)zirconium dichloride claim 8 , bis(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)zirconium dimethyl ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066088A1

Catalyst systems and methods for making and using the same. A method of polymerizing olefins to produce a polyolefin polymer with a multimodal composition distribution, includes contacting ethylene and a comonomer with a catalyst system. The catalyst system includes a first catalyst compound and a second catalyst compound that are co-supported to form a commonly supported catalyst system. The first catalyst compound includes a compound with the general formula (CHR)(CHR)HfX. The second catalyst compound includes at least one of the following general formulas: 147-. (canceled)49. The method of claim 48 , comprising adding a solution comprising a catalyst to a slurry comprising another catalyst.50. The method of claim 48 , comprising forming a product from the polyolefin polymer.51. The method of claim 48 , comprising:measuring a sample of the polyolefin polymer to obtain an initial product property; andchanging a process parameter to obtain a second product property, based, at least in part, on the initial product property.52. The method of claim 51 , wherein measuring a sample of the polyolefin polymer comprises at least one of:(i) measuring comonomer incorporation as a function of a molecular weight;(ii) determining a physical property of a plastic sample;(iii) determining a flow index, a melt index, a ratio of two melt indices, a density, a molecular weight distribution, a comonomer content.53. The method of claim 51 , wherein changing a process parameter comprises at least one of:(i) adjusting the molar amount of a catalyst component that is combined with a catalyst component slurry;(ii) adjusting a reactor temperature;(iii) adjusting the ethylene partial pressure.54. The method of claim 48 , comprising adjusting a ratio of the hydrogen to ethylene within a polymerization reactor to control a composition distribution claim 48 , a molecular weight distribution claim 48 , a melt index (I) claim 48 , or a ratio of two melt indices claim 48 , or any combinations ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Olefin Polymer And Preparation Method Thereof

Номер: US20220089797A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

The present disclosure provides an olefin polymer having excellent film processability and physical properties, and a preparation method of the same.

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Polymerization Processes and Polymers Made Therefrom

Номер: US20200071436A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

The present disclosure provides processes for polymerizing olefin(s). Methods can include contacting a first composition and a second composition in a line to form a third composition. The first composition can include a contact product of a first catalyst, a second catalyst, a support, a first activator, a mineral oil. The second composition can include a contact product of an activator, a diluent, and the first catalyst or the second catalyst. Methods can include introducing the third composition from the line into a gas-phase fluidized bed reactor, introducing a condensing agent to the line and/or the reactor, exposing the third composition to polymerization conditions, and/or obtaining a polyolefin. Polyethylene compositions including at least 65 wt % ethylene derived units, based upon the total weight of the polyethylene composition, are provided.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210079129A1

A hafnocene-titanocene catalyst system comprising a hafnocene catalyst and a titanocene catalyst; polyolefins; methods of making and using same; and articles containing same. 1. A hafnocene-titanocene catalyst system comprising a hafnocene catalyst and a titanocene catalyst , wherein the hafnocene catalyst comprises a product of an activation reaction of ((R)-cyclopentadienyl)((R)-cyclopentadienyl)hafnium dichloride/dibromide/dialkyl and an alkylaluminoxane , wherein subscript x is 1 or 2; subscript y is 0 , 1 or 2; and each Rand Rindependently is methyl , ethyl , a normal-(C-C)alkyl (linear) , or an iso-(C-C)alkyl; and wherein the titanocene catalyst comprises a product of an activation reaction of bis(cyclopentadienyl)titanium dichloride with a trialkylaluminum; wherein the hafnocene-titanocene catalyst system is characterized by a trialkylaluminum/Hf molar ratio from 0.1 to 50 and a Ti/Hf molar ratio from 0.1 to 5.2. The hafnocene-titanocene catalyst system of characterized by any one of limitations (i) to (vi): (i) subscript x is 1 and subscript y is 0 claim 1 , (ii) subscripts x and y are each 1 claim 1 , (iii) subscript x is 1 and subscript y is 2 claim 1 , (iv) subscript x is 2 and subscript y is 0 claim 1 , (v) subscript x is 2 and subscript y is 1 claim 1 , (vi) subscript x is 2 and subscript y is 2.3. The hafnocene-titanocene catalyst system of characterized by any one of limitations (i) to (iv): (i) the ((R)-cyclopentadienyl)((R)-cyclopentadienyl)hafnium dichloride/dibromide/dialkyl is selected from bis(propylcyclopentadienyl)hafnium dichloride claim 1 , bis(propylcyclopentadienyl)hafnium dibromide claim 1 , bis(propylcyclopentadienyl)hafnium dimethyl claim 1 , and bis(propylcyclopentadienyl)hafnium diethyl; (ii) the ((R)-cyclopentadienyl)((R)-cyclopentadienyl)hafnium dichloride/dibromide/dialkyl is bis(propylcyclopentadienyl)hafnium dichloride; (iii) the ((R)-cyclopentadienyl)((R)-cyclopentadienyl)hafnium dichloride/dibromide/dialkyl is bis( ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210079139A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Embodiments of methods for producing a trimodal polymer in a solution polymerization process comprise three solution polymerization reactors organized in parallel or in series. 1. A method of producing a trimodal polymer in a solution polymerization process comprising:{'sub': 3', '12', '1', 'w(GPC),1, 'introducing at least one catalyst, ethylene monomer, at least one C-Cα-olefin comonomer, solvent, and optionally hydrogen to a first solution polymerization reactor to produce an effluent comprising a first ethylene-based component, wherein the first ethylene-based component has a density (ρ) of 0.870 to 0.910 g/cc, and a weight-average molecular weight (M) of 150 to 350 kg/mol as measured according to Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC);'}{'sub': 3', '12', '2', 'w(GPC),2, 'introducing the first ethylene-based component, at least one catalyst, ethylene monomer, at least one C-Cα-olefin comonomer, solvent, and optionally hydrogen to a second solution polymerization reactor downstream from the first solution polymerization reactor to produce an effluent comprising the first ethylene-based component and a second ethylene-based component, wherein the second ethylene-based component has a density (ρ) from 0.895 to 0.925 g/cc, and a weight-average molecular weight (M) from 120 to 170 kg/mol; and'}{'sub': 3', '12', '3', 'w(GPC),3, 'introducing the first ethylene-based component, the second ethylene-based component, at least one catalyst, ethylene monomer, at least one C-Cα-olefin comonomer, solvent, and optionally hydrogen to a third solution polymerization reactor downstream from the second solution polymerization reactor to produce an effluent comprising the trimodal polymer, wherein the trimodal polymer comprises the first ethylene-based component, the second ethylene-based component, and a third ethylene-based component, wherein the third ethylene-based component has a density (ρ) of 0.920 to 0.980 g/cc, and a weight-average molecular weight (M) of 18 to 60 kg/mol;'} ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Crosslinked Polyethylene Pipe Having Excellent Physical Properties

Номер: US20220098393A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present disclosure relates to a crosslinked polyethylene pipe having excellent physical properties. The crosslinked polyethylene pipe according to the present disclosure has optimized the degree of crosslinking and storage modulus by finding out the optimum physical property range between the degree of crosslinking and the storage modulus which have a mutual trade-off relationship, whereby the crosslinked polyethylene pipe according to the present disclosure has excellent long-term durability and short-term pressure resistance, and thus can be applied to various fields requiring these physical properties. 1. A crosslinked polyethylene pipe which is produced by a crosslinking reaction of a polyethylene and a crosslinking agent , andsatisfies: a storage modulus (E′) at 95° C. of 100 to 115 MPa when the dynamic viscoelasticity is measured under the conditions of vibrational frequency of 1 Hz and strain of 0.1%; anda degree of crosslinking of 80 to 90% as measured according to KS M ISO 10147.2. The crosslinked polyethylene pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene has an integration value in a region where log Mw value is 5.5 or more claim 1 , of 18 to 23% relative to the total integration value claim 1 , in a GPC curve graph in which the x axis is log Mw and the y axis is dw/d log Mw.3. The crosslinked polyethylene pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene has a polydispersity index (PDI claim 1 , Mw/Mn) of 3.7 to 4.8.4. The crosslinked polyethylene pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene has a density of 0.940 g/cmor more and 0.960 g/cmor less as measured according to ASTM D792.5. The crosslinked polyethylene pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene has a melt index (MI) of 1 to 10 g/10 min as measured at a temperature of 190° C. under a load of 21.6 kg according to the ASTM D1238 standard.6. The crosslinked polyethylene pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the crosslinking agent comprises at least one selected from ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095109A1

A bimodal linear polyethylene composition, products made therefrom, methods of making and using same, and articles containing same. 16.-. (canceled)7. A method of making a bimodal linear low density polyethylene composition , the method comprising contacting ethylene (monomer) and at least one (C-C)alpha-olefin (comonomer) with a mixture of a bimodal catalyst system and a trim solution in the presence of molecular hydrogen gas (H) and an inert condensing agent (ICA) in one , two or more polymerization reactors under (co)polymerizing conditions , thereby making the bimodal linear low density polyethylene composition; wherein prior to being mixed together the trim solution consists essentially of a (tetramethylcyclopentadienyl)(n-propylcyclopentadienyl)zirconium complex and an inert liquid solvent and the bimodal catalyst system consists essentially of an activator species , a non-metallocene ligand-Group 4 metal complex and a metallocene ligand-Group 4 metal complex , all disposed on a solid support; and wherein the (co)polymerizing conditions comprise a reaction temperature from 80 degrees (°) to 110° Celsius (C.); a molar ratio of the molecular hydrogen gas to the ethylene (H2/C2 molar ratio) from 0.001 to 0.050; and a molar ratio of the comonomer to the ethylene (Comonomer/C2 molar ratio) from 0.005 to 0.10.8. The method of further described by any one of limitations (i) to (vi): (i) wherein the bimodal catalyst system consists essentially of a bis(2-pentamethylphenylamido)ethyl)amine zirconium complex and (tetramethylcyclopentadienyl)(n-propylcyclopentadienyl)zirconium complex claim 7 , in a molar ratio thereof from 1.0:1.0 to 5.0:1.0 claim 7 , respectively claim 7 , and a methylaluminoxane species claim 7 , all disposed by spray-drying onto the solid support; (ii) wherein the bimodal catalyst system further consists essentially of mineral oil and the solid support is a hydrophobic fumed silica; (iii) wherein the mixture is a suspension of the bimodal catalyst ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Hybrid supported metallocene catalyst and method of preparing polypropylene using the same

Номер: US20220144983A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

Provided are a hybrid supported metallocene catalyst comprising one or more first metallocene compounds selected from compounds represented by the following Chemical Formula 1; one or more second metallocene compounds selected from compounds represented by the following Chemical Formula 2, and showing high activity in propylene polymerization and being usefully applied to the preparation of a polypropylene having high melt strength by introducing long chain branches into the polypropylene molecule, and a method of preparing a polypropylene using the same wherein all the variables are described herein.

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Catalyst composition and method for preparing polyethylene

Номер: US20210102017A1
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

Disclosed are metallocene compounds, catalyst compositions comprising at least one metallocene compound, processes for polymerizing olefins, methods for making catalyst compositions, olefin polymers and articles made from olefin polymers. In an aspect, a metallocene compound and catalyst composition are disclosed in which the metallocene contains at least one indenyl ligand, the indenyl ligand containing at least one halogenated substituent, such as a fluorinated substituent. These metallocene compounds and catalyst compositions can produce polyethylene having unexpectedly low levels of short chain branching.

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Dual Catalyst System for Producing LLDPE Copolymers with Improved Processability

Номер: US20190100606A1
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

Disclosed herein are ethylene-based polymers generally characterized by a density from 0.89 to 0.93 g/cm 3 , a ratio of Mw/Mn from 3 to 6.5, a Mz from 200,000 to 650,000 g/mol, a CY-a parameter at 190° C. from 0.2 to 0.4, and a reverse short chain branching distribution. The ATREF profile of these polymers can have a high temperature peak from 92 to 102° C., and a low temperature peak from 18 to 36° C. less than that of the high temperature peak. These polymers can have comparable physical properties to that of a metallocene-catalyzed LLDPE, but with improved processability, shear thinning, and melt strength, and can be used in blown film and other end-use applications.

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Ethylene/1-hexene Copolymer Having Excellent Processability And Mechanical Properties

Номер: US20190100611A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

The ethylene/1-hexene copolymer according to the present invention has excellent processability and mechanical properties, and thus can be applied to various fields such as food containers.

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Dilution index

Номер: US20160108218A1
Принадлежит: Nova Chemicals International SA

This disclosure relates to ethylene interpolymer compositions. Specifically, ethylene interpolymer products having: a Dilution Index (Y d ) greater than 0; total catalytic metal≧3.0 ppm; ≧0.03 terminal vinyl unsaturations per 100 carbon atoms, and; optionally a Dimensionless Modulus (X d ) greater than 0. The disclosed ethylene interpolymer products have a melt index from about 0.3 to about 500 dg/minute, a density from about 0.869 to about 0.975 g/cm 3 , a polydispersity (M w /M n ) from about 2 to about 25 and a CDBI 50 from about 20% to about 97%. Further, the ethylene interpolymer products are a blend of at least two ethylene interpolymers; where one ethylene interpolymer is produced with a single-site catalyst formulation and at least one ethylene interpolymer is produced with a heterogeneous catalyst formulation.

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105625A1

Catalyst systems and methods for making and using the same are described. A method includes selecting a catalyst blend using a blend polydispersity index (bPDI) map. The polydispersity map is generated by generating a number of polymers for at least two catalysts. Each polymer is generated at a different hydrogen to ethylene ratio. At least one catalyst generates a higher molecular weight polymer and another catalyst generates a lower molecular weight polymer. A molecular weight for each polymer is measured. The relationship between the molecular weight of the polymers generated by each of the catalysts and the ratio of hydrogen to ethylene is determined. A family of bPDI curves for polymers that would be made using a number of ratios of a blend of the at least two catalysts for each of a number of ratios of hydrogen to ethylene. A ratio for the catalyst blend of the catalysts that generates a polymer having a bPDI that matches a polymer fabrication process is selected, and the product specific polyolefin is made using the catalyst blend. 1. A polymerization catalyst for forming a polyethylene copolymer , comprising:a catalyst support;{'sub': 2', '2', '6', '2, 'sup': −6', '−6, 'a first catalyst that is impregnated on the catalyst support, wherein the first catalyst generates polymers having a slope for a plot of H/Cversus 1/Mw of between about 1.0×10and about 1.5×10, and wherein at a C/Cratio of between about 0.008 and about 0.012, the first catalyst generates a polymer having an MI of about 1.0 dg/10 min, a density of about 0.92 g/cc, and a melt index ratio (MIR) less than about 25; and'}{'sub': 2', '2', '6', '2, 'sup': −6', '−6, 'a second catalyst that is impregnated on the catalyst support with the first catalyst, wherein the second catalyst generates polymers having a slope for a plot of H/Cversus 1/Mw of between about 3.0×10and about 4×10, and wherein at a C/Cratio of between about 0.03 and about 0.04, the second catalyst generates a polymer having an MI of ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Polyethylene and Its Chlorinated Polyethylene

Номер: US20220177614A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present disclosure relates to a polyethylene, which is reacted with chlorine to prepare a chlorinated polyethylene having excellent chlorination productivity and thermal stability by enabling an increase in chlorination temperature, and facilitating deoxidation, dehydration and drying processes during chlorination processing, by implementing an enlarged area of the middle and high molecular weight regions in the molecular structure of the polyethylene. 1. A polyethylene , having:{'sub': '5', 'a MI(a melt index measured at 190° C. under a load of 5 kg) of 0.55 g/10 min or less,'}{'sub': '21.6', 'a MI(a melt index measured at 190° C. under a load of 21.6 kg) of 6 g/10 min or less,'}a complex viscosity (η*(ω0.05)) of 68000 Pa·s or more, measured at a frequency (ω) of 0.05 rad/s, anda complex viscosity (η*(ω500)) of 900 Pa·s to 1600 Pa·s, measured at a frequency (ω) of 500 rad/s.2. The polyethylene of claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene is an ethylene homopolymer.3. The polyethylene of claim 1 , wherein the MI(a melt index measured at 190° C. under a load of 5 kg) is 0.1 g/10 min to 0.55 g/10 min.4. The polyethylene of claim 1 , wherein the MI(a melt index measured at 190° C. under a load of 21.6 kg) is 2.2 g/10 min to 6 g/10 min.5. The polyethylene of claim 1 , which has a melt flow rate ratio (MFRR claim 1 , a value obtained by dividing the melt index measured at 190° C. under a load of 21.6 kg by the melt index measured at 190° C. under a load of 5 kg in accordance with ASTM D 1238) of 10 to 18.6. The polyethylene of claim 1 , wherein the complex viscosity (η*(ω0.05)) is 68000 Pa·s to 180000 Pa·s claim 1 , measured at a frequency (ω) of 0.05 rad/s.7. The polyethylene of claim 1 , which has a density of 0.947 g/cmor more.11. The method for preparing the polyethylene according to claim 8 , wherein Rand Rare each independently Calkylsilyl claim 8 , or Csilylalkyl.12. The method for preparing the polyethylene according to claim 8 , wherein the polymerization is ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Dual Catalyst Systems for Producing Polymers with a Broad Molecular Weight Distribution and a Uniform Short Chain Branch Distribution

Номер: US20170114169A1
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

Disclosed herein are ethylene-based polymers having a melt index less than 50 g/10 min, a ratio of Mw/Mn from 4 to 20, a density from 0.90 to 0.945 g/cm 3 , and a substantially constant short chain branch distribution. These polymers can be produced using a dual catalyst system containing a boron bridged metallocene compound with a cyclopentadienyl group and an indenyl group, and a single atom bridged metallocene compound with a fluorenyl group.

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Dual Catalyst System for Producing LLDPE Copolymers with a Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution and Improved Processability

Номер: US20180127526A1
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

Disclosed herein are ethylene-based polymers generally characterized by a Mw ranging from 70,000 to 200,000 g/mol, a ratio of Mz/Mw ranging from 1.8 to 20, an IB parameter ranging from 0.92 to 1.05, and an ATREF profile characterized by one large peak. These polymers have the dart impact, tear strength, and optical properties of a metallocene-catalyzed LLDPE, but with improved processability, melt strength, and bubble stability, and can be used in blown film and other end-use applications.

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210179743A1

The present disclosure relates to processes for producing a catalyst composition. A process may include mixing a catalyst compound having a transition metal atom, an activator, and a support to form a supported catalyst mixture. A process may also include drying the supported catalyst mixture at a pressure of about 10 kPa or less and a temperature of about 60° C. or greater for a period of about 6 h or less. The present disclosure also relates to processes for producing polyolefins. A process may include introducing a catalyst composition and at least one olefin to a polymerization reactor, where the catalyst composition has about 0.5 wt % to about 1.5 wt % aromatic hydrocarbon content, and less than 1 wt % of aliphatic hydrocarbon content. A process may also include obtaining a polyolefin having about 300 ppb or less aromatic hydrocarbon. 1. A process for producing a catalyst composition , the process comprising:mixing a catalyst compound having a transition metal atom, a support, and optionally an activator, to form a supported catalyst mixture; anddrying the supported catalyst mixture at a pressure of about 10 kPa or less and a temperature of about 60° C. or greater for a period of about 6 hours or less, wherein aliphatic hydrocarbon is not introduced to the supported catalyst mixture after drying.2. The process of claim 1 , consisting of: (a) mixing the catalyst compound claim 1 , the support claim 1 , and optional activator to form the supported catalyst mixture; (b) drying the supported catalyst mixture; and (c) obtaining the catalyst composition.3. A catalyst composition comprising:a catalyst compound having a transition metal atom;an aluminum activator; anda support,wherein the catalyst composition has from about 0.5 wt % to about 1.5 wt % aromatic hydrocarbon; andwherein the catalyst composition has less than 1 wt % of aliphatic hydrocarbon.4. The catalyst composition of claim 3 , wherein the catalyst composition is made by a process comprising:mixing a ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Olefin Polymerization Catalyst Systems and Methods for Making the Same

Номер: US20180155459A1

Borate activated catalyst systems and methods for making the same for gas phase or slurry phase olefin polymerization are provided. The catalyst system can include a first catalyst comprising a borate activated mono cyclopentadienyl metallocene compound and a second catalyst comprising a supported bis cyclopentadienyl metallocene complex. A supported bis cyclopentadienyl metallocene complex can be prepared to provide a preformed, supported catalyst, wherein the supported bis cyclopentadienyl metallocene complex comprises bis(1,3-methylbutyl cyclopentadienyl) zirconium dichloride. The preformed, supported catalyst can be mixed with mineral oil or hydrocarbon solvent to form a slurry. The slurry can be mixed with a borate activated mono cyclopentadienyl metallocene compound to form the borate activated catalyst system. 1. A polymerization catalyst system comprising the product of:a first catalyst comprising the product of a borate activator and mono cyclopentadienyl metallocene compound; anda second catalyst comprising a supported bis cyclopentadienyl metallocene complex.2. The catalyst system of claim 1 , wherein the first catalyst is about 0.5 wt % to about 1 wt % of the total weight of the catalyst system.3. The catalyst system of claim 1 , wherein the borate activator comprises tris perfluorophenyl borane.4. The catalyst system of claim 1 , wherein the mono cyclopentadienyl metallocene compound comprises [(MeCp)SiMe(NtBu)]TiMe.5. The catalyst system of claim 1 , wherein the supported bis cyclopentadienyl metallocene complex comprises bis(1 claim 1 ,3-methylbutyl cyclopentadienyl) zirconium dichloride.6. The catalyst system of claim 5 , wherein the supported bis cyclopentadienyl metallocene complex is activated with methyl alumoxane.7. The catalyst system of claim 1 , wherein the supported bis cyclopentadienyl metallocene complex is supported on silica.8. The catalyst system of claim 1 , wherein:(a) the borate activator comprises tris perfluorophenyl borane;{'sub': ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Dual Metallocene Catalyst Copolymer Compositions

Номер: US20190169322A1

Processes are provided which include copolymerization using two different metallocene catalysts, one capable of producing high Mooney-viscosity polymers and one suitable for producing lower Mooney-viscosity polymers having at least a portion of vinyl terminations. The two catalysts may be used together in polymerization to produce copolymer compositions of particularly well-tuned properties. For instance, polymerizations are contemplated to produce high-Mooney metallocene polymers that exhibit excellent processability and elasticity, notwithstanding their high Mooney viscosity. Other polymerizations are also contemplated in which lower-Mooney metallocene polymers are produced, which also exhibit excellent processability and elasticity, while furthermore having excellent cure properties suitable in curable elastomer compound applications. Many of the contemplated polymerizations include controlling the ratio of the two metallocene catalysts used in the polymerization so as to obtain the desired Mooney viscosity and desired rheology (indicated by Mooney Relaxation Area) of the copolymer compositions. 2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first C-Cα-olefin monomer is ethylene claim 1 , and the second C-Cα-olefin monomer is one of propylene and 1-butene.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of monomers comprises one or more dienes selected from the group consisting of: 5-ethylidene-2-norbornene (ENB) claim 1 , 5-vinyl-2-norbornene (VNB) claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,4-hexadiene claim 1 , dicyclopentadiene claim 1 , and any combination thereof.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the molar ratio of the first metallocene catalyst to the second metallocene catalyst is controlled within the range from 0.8 to 6.5. The process of claim 4 , wherein the molar ratio of the first metallocene catalyst to the second metallocene catalyst is controlled within the range from 1.5 to 2.0.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the controlling (b) is based at least in part upon one or ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190169323A1
Принадлежит: Hanwha Chemical Corporation

The present invention relates to a high-density ethylene-based polymer comprising an ethylene homopolymer or a copolymer of ethylene and at least one comonomer selected from the group consisting of an α-olefin, a cyclic olefin, and a straight, branched and cyclic diene. According to the present invention, the high-density polyethylene resin has a wide molecular weight distribution and excellent comonomer distribution characteristics, has excellent melt flowability due to a long chain branched structure, and has excellent mechanical characteristics since the comonomer distribution is concentrated in a high-molecular-weight body. The high-density ethylene polymer of the present invention has excellent molding processability during processing such as extrusion, compression, injection and rotational molding by having excellent mechanical characteristics and melt flowability. 1. A high-density ethylene-based polymer prepared by polymerizing ethylene and at least one monomer selected from the group consisting of α-olefin-based monomers ,{'sup': 3', '3, 'wherein a density is 0.930 g/cmto 0.970 g/cm,'}an MI is 0.1 g/10 min to 50 g/10 min,an MFR is 35 to 100, anda characteristic relaxation time (λ) is 0.3 s to 2.0 s at 190° C.2. The high-density ethylene-based polymer according to claim 1 , wherein a relationship between the MI and the characteristic relaxation time (λ) is expressed by Equation 1:{'br': None, '−0.445In(MI)+3.6.23>λ,>−0.323In(MI)+0.696.\u2003\u2003[Equation 1]'}3. The high-density ethylene-based polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer includes a long chain branch (LCB).4. The high-density ethylene-based polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the α-olefin-based monomer comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of propylene claim 1 , 1-butene claim 1 , 1-pentene claim 1 , 4-methyl-1-pentene claim 1 , 1-hexene claim 1 , 1-heptene claim 1 , 1-octene claim 1 , 1-decene claim 1 , 1-undecene claim 1 , 1-dodecene claim 1 , 1-tetradecene ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190169333A1

Catalyst systems and methods for making and using the same are described. A method includes selecting a catalyst blend using a blend polydispersity index (bPDI) map. The polydispersity map is generated by generating a number of polymers for at least two catalysts. Each polymer is generated at a different hydrogen to ethylene ratio. At least one catalyst generates a higher molecular weight polymer and another catalyst generates a lower molecular weight polymer. A molecular weight for each polymer is measured. The relationship between the molecular weight of the polymers generated by each of the catalysts and the ratio of hydrogen to ethylene is determined. A family of bPDI curves for polymers that would be made using a number of ratios of a blend of the at least two catalysts for each of a number of ratios of hydrogen to ethylene. A ratio for the catalyst blend of the catalysts that generates a polymer having a bPDI that matches a polymer fabrication process is selected, and the product specific polyolefin is made using the catalyst blend. 17.-. (canceled)8. A method of making a product specific polyolefin , comprising: generating a plurality of polymers for at least two catalysts, wherein each polymer is generated at a different hydrogen to ethylene ratio, wherein one of the at least two catalysts generates a higher molecular weight polymer and another of the at least two catalysts generates a lower molecular weight polymer;', 'measuring the molecular weight for each polymer;', 'determining the relationship between the molecular weight of the polymers generated by each of the at least two catalysts and the ratio of hydrogen to ethylene; and', 'generating a family of bPDI curves for polymers that would be made using a plurality of ratios of a blend of the at least two catalysts for each of a plurality of ratios of hydrogen to ethylene; and', 'selecting a ratio for the catalyst blend of the at least two catalysts that generates a polymer having a bpdi that matches a ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200165422A1

This disclosure relates to a continuous solution polymerization process wherein production rate is increased. Process solvent, ethylene, optional comonomers, optional hydrogen and a single site catalyst formulation are injected into a first reactor forming a first ethylene interpolymer. Process solvent, ethylene, optional comonomers, optional hydrogen and a heterogeneous catalyst formulation are injected into a second reactor forming a second ethylene interpolymer. The first and second reactors may be configured in series or parallel modes of operation. Optionally, a third ethylene interpolymer is formed in an optional third reactor, wherein an optional heterogeneous catalyst formulation may be employed. In a solution phase, the first, second and optional third ethylene interpolymers are combined, the catalyst is deactivated, the solution is passivated and following a phase separation process an ethylene interpolymer product is recovered. 1. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The process of further comprising:a) optionally adding a catalyst deactivator A to said third exit stream, downstream of said first and said second reactor, forming a deactivated solution A;b) adding a catalyst deactivator B to said fourth exit stream, downstream of said third reactor, forming a deactivated solution B; with the proviso that step b) is skipped if said catalyst deactivator A is added in step a); 'wherein, the production rate is increased at least about 9% relative to a continuous solution polymerization process wherein said first heterogeneous catalyst formulation is replaced with said single site catalyst formulation.', 'c) phase separating said deactivated solution A or B to recover said ethylene interpolymer product;'}5. (canceled)6. The process of further comprising:a) adding a passivator to said deactivated solution A or B forming a passivated solution, and; 'wherein, the production rate is increased at least about 9% relative to a continuous solution polymerization process wherein ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190177452A1

A system and method of producing polyethylene, including: polymerizing ethylene in presence of a catalyst system in a reactor to form polyethylene, wherein the catalyst system includes a first catalyst and a second catalyst; and adjusting reactor conditions and an amount of the second catalyst fed to the reactor to control melt index (MI), density, and melt flow ratio (MFR) of the polyethylene. 116.-. (canceled)17. A polymer comprising: in a polymerization reactor via a polymerization catalyst system comprising a first catalyst and a second catalyst; and', 'by adjusting operating conditions of the polymerization reactor and an amount of the second catalyst fed to the polymerization reactor to control melt index (MI) and density of the polyethylene based on a target melt flow ratio (MFR) and a desired MWD and CD combination., 'polyethylene formed18. The polymer of claim 17 , wherein the polyethylene comprises a copolymer of ethylene and an alpha olefin comonomer having from 4 to 20 carbon atoms.19. The polymer of claim 18 , wherein the alpha olefin comonomer comprises 1-hexene.20. The polymer of claim 17 , wherein the polyethylene comprises a bimodal polyethylene with respect to molecular weight (Mw).21. The polymer of claim 17 , wherein the MI of the polyethylene is in a range from 0.1 to 5.0 dg/min.2249.-. (canceled) This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Applications having the following serial numbers: Ser. No. 61/938,466, by Ching-Tai Lue et al., filed Feb. 11, 2014 (2014U002.PRV); Ser. No. 61/938,472, by Ching-Tai Lue et al., filed Feb. 11, 2014 (2014U003.PRV); Ser. No. 61/981,291, by Francis C. Rix et al., filed Apr. 18, 2014 (2014U010.PRV); Ser. No. 61/985,151, by Francis C. Rix et al., filed Apr. 28, 2014 (2014U012.PRV); Ser. No. 62/032,383, by Sun-Chueh Kao et al., filed Aug. 1, 2014 (2014U018.PRV); Ser. No. 62/087,905, by Francis C. Rix et al., filed Dec. 5, 2014 (2014U035.PRV); Ser. No. 62/088,196, by Daniel P. Zilker, Jr. et al., ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180186912A1

Catalyst systems and methods for making and using the same. A method of methylating a catalyst composition while substantially normalizing the entiomeric distribution is provided. The method includes slurrying the organometallic compound in dimethoxyethane (DME), and adding a solution of RMgBr in DME, wherein R is a methyl group or a benzyl group, and wherein the RMgBr is greater than about 2.3 equivalents relative to the organometallic compound. After the addition of the RMgBr, the slurry is mixed for at least about four hours. An alkylated organometallic is isolated, wherein the methylated species has a meso/rac ratio that is between about 0.9 and about 1.2. 112.-. (canceled)14. The method of claim 13 , wherein the X group is methyl claim 13 , and the meso/rac ratio is adjusted by methylation with a solution of about 2.3 equivalents of MeLi in ether relative to the catalyst compound.15. The method of claim 13 , comprising forming a product from the polyolefin polymer.16. The method of claim 13 , comprising continuously combining a catalyst component slurry with a catalyst component solution to form the commonly supported catalyst system.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein the catalyst component slurry comprises the first catalyst compound and the catalyst component solution comprises the second catalyst compound.18. The method of claim 13 , comprising adjusting a ratio of the comonomer to ethylene within a polymerization reactor to control a composition distribution claim 13 , a molecular weight distribution claim 13 , a melt index (I) claim 13 , or a ratio of two melt indices claim 13 , or any combinations thereof claim 13 , of the polyolefin polymer.19. The method of claim 13 , comprising adjusting a ratio of the hydrogen to ethylene within a polymerization reactor to control a composition distribution claim 13 , a molecular weight distribution claim 13 , a melt index (I) claim 13 , or a ratio of two melt indices claim 13 , or any combinations thereof claim 13 ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Ethylene interpolymers having improved color

Номер: US20180186981A1
Принадлежит: Nova Chemicals International SA

This disclosure relates to a continuous solution polymerization process where ethylene interpolymer products having an improved color index; for example, products having higher whiteness (Whiteness Index (WI)) and lower yellowness (Yellowness Index (YI)). Product color was improved by adjusting selected solution polymerization reaction conditions. The disclosed ethylene interpolymer products have improved color relative to comparative polyethylene compositions.

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Polyethylene and Chlorinated Polyethylene Thereof

Номер: US20210230322A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

The polyethylene according to the present disclosure reacts with chlorine to prepare a chlorinated polyethylene having excellent processability during extrusion with a high tensile strength by implementing a molecular structure having a high content of medium molecular weight, and may also prepare a CPE compound including the chlorinated polyethylene.

05-08-2021 дата публикации

Catalyst Composition and Method for Preparing Polyolefin Using the Same

Номер: US20210238317A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

According to the present disclosure, a catalyst composition capable of preparing a polyolefin having excellent mechanical stability, while exhibiting excellent process stability and high polymerization activity during the preparation of a polyolefin in a slurry process, and a method for preparing a polyolefin using the same is provided. 2. The catalyst composition of claim 1 , wherein the Rand Rare each independently Calkyl claim 1 , or Clinear alkyl substituted with tert-butoxy.3. The catalyst composition of claim 1 , wherein the Rand Rare each independently Calkyl.6. The catalyst composition of claim 1 , further comprising a support for supporting the first transition metal compound and the second transition metal compound.7. The catalyst composition of claim 6 , wherein the support includes any one selected from the group consisting of silica claim 6 , alumina claim 6 , magnesia claim 6 , and a mixture of one or more thereof.8. The catalyst composition of claim 1 , further comprising at least one cocatalyst selected from the group consisting of compounds represented by the following Chemical Formulas 3 to 5{'br': None, 'sub': 6', '5', 'n', '7, 'R—[Al(R)—O]—R\u2003\u2003[Chemical Formula 3]'}wherein, in Chemical Formula 3,{'sub': 5', '6', '7', '1-20', '1-20, 'R, Rand Rare each independently hydrogen, halogen, a Chydrocarbyl group, or a Chydrocarbyl group substituted with halogen, and'} {'br': None, 'sub': 8', '3, 'D(R)\u2003\u2003[Chemical Formula 4]'}, 'n is an integer of 2 or more,'}wherein, in Chemical Formula 4,D is aluminum or boron, and{'sub': 8', '1-20', '1-20', '1-20, 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'sup': +', '−', '+', '−, 'sub': 4', '4, '[L-H][W(A)] or [L][W(A)]\u2003\u2003[Chemical Formula 5]'}, 'each Ris independently halogen, a Chydrocarbyl group, a Chydrocarbyloxy group, or a Chydrocarbyl group substituted with halogen,'}wherein, in Chemical Formula 5,L is neutral or cationic Lewis base,H is a hydrogen atom,W is a Group 13 atom, and{'sub': 1-20', '1-20', ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210246288A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A bimodal ethylene-based polymer, including a high density fraction (HDF) from 3.0% to 25.0%, wherein the high density fraction is measured by crystallization elution fractionation (CEF) integration at temperatures from 93° C. to 119° C., an I/Iratio from 5.5 to 7.5, wherein Iis the melt index when measured according to ASTM D 1238 at a load of 2.16 kg and temperature of 190° C. and Iis the melt index when measured according to ASTM D 1238 at a load of 10 kg and temperature of 190° C., and a short chain branching distribution (SCBD) less than or equal to 10° C., wherein the short chain branching distribution is measured by CEF full width at half height. 1. A bimodal ethylene-based polymer , comprising:a high density fraction (HDF) from 3.0% to 25.0%, wherein the high density fraction is measured by crystallization elution fractionation (CEF) integration at temperatures from 93° C. to 119° C.;{'sub': 10', '2', '2', '10, 'an I/Iratio from 5.5 to 7.5, wherein Iis the melt index when measured according to ASTM D 1238 at a load of 2.16 kg and temperature of 190° C. and Iis the melt index when measured according to ASTM D 1238 at a load of 10 kg and temperature of 190° C.; and'}a short chain branching distribution (SCBD) less than or equal to 10° C., wherein the short chain branching distribution is measured by CEF full width at half height.2. The bimodal ethylene-based polymer of claim 1 , wherein the bimodal ethylene-based polymer has a density from 0.900 g/cc to 0.925 g/cc.3. The bimodal ethylene-based polymer of claim 1 , wherein the bimodal ethylene-based polymer has a melt index (I) from 0.5 g/10 mins to 7.0 g/10 mins.4. The bimodal ethylene-based polymer of claim 1 , wherein the bimodal ethylene-based polymer has a melt index (I) from 2.0 g/10 mins to 4.0 g/10 mins.5. The bimodal ethylene-based polymer of claim 1 , wherein the bimodal ethylene-based polymer has an HDF from 3.0% to 7.5%.6. The bimodal ethylene-based polymer of claim 1 , wherein the bimodal ethylene- ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Dual Catalyst System for Producing LLDPE Copolymers with Improved Processability

Номер: US20190233551A1

Disclosed herein are ethylene-based polymers generally characterized by a density from 0.89 to 0.93 g/cm, a ratio of Mw/Mn from 3 to 6.5, a Mz from 200,000 to 650,000 g/mol, a CY-a parameter at 190° C. from 0.2 to 0.4, and a reverse short chain branching distribution. The ATREF profile of these polymers can have a high temperature peak from 92 to 102° C., and a low temperature peak from 18 to 36° C. less than that of the high temperature peak. These polymers can have comparable physical properties to that of a metallocene-catalyzed LLDPE, but with improved processability, shear thinning, and melt strength, and can be used in blown film and other end-use applications. 118-. (canceled)19. An olefin polymerization process , the process comprising contacting a catalyst composition with an olefin monomer and an olefin comonomer in a polymerization reactor system under polymerization conditions to produce an olefin polymer , wherein:the catalyst composition comprises a half-metallocene titanium compound, a bridged metallocene compound, an activator, and a co-catalyst; and [{'sup': '3', 'a density in a range from about 0.89 to about 0.93 g/cm;'}, 'a ratio of Mw/Mn in a range from about 3 to about 6.5;', 'a Mz in a range from about 200,000 to about 650,000 g/mol;', 'a CY-a parameter at 190° C. in a range from about 0.2 to about 0.4; and', "a number of short chain branches (SCB's) per 1000 total carbon atoms of the polymer at Mz that is greater than at Mn."], 'the olefin polymer is characterized by20. The process of claim 19 , wherein:the olefin monomer comprises ethylene;{'sub': 3', '10, 'the olefin comonomer comprises a C-Calpha-olefin; and'}the polymerization reactor system comprises a slurry reactor, a gas-phase reactor, a solution reactor, or a combination thereof21. The process of claim 20 , wherein the olefin polymer is an ethylene polymer having the following polymer fractions in an ATREF test:from about 0.1 to about 8 wt. % of the polymer eluted below a temperature ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации

Polyethylene Compositions and Films Prepared Therefrom

Номер: US20200231790A1

A polyethylene composition comprising from about 0.5 to about 20 wt % of alpha-olefin derived units other than ethylene-derived units, with the balance including ethylene-derived units, total internal unsaturations (Vy1+Vy2+T1) of from about 0.10 to about 0.40 per 1000 carbon atoms, an MI of from about 0.1 to about 6 g/10 min, an HLMI of from about 5.0 to about 40 g/10 min, a density of from about 0.890 to about 0.940 g/ml, a Tw-Twvalue of from about −25 to about −20° C., an Mw/Mwvalue of from about 1.2 to about 2.0, an Mw/Mn of from about 4.5 to about 12, an Mz/Mw of from about 2.0 to about 3.0, an Mz/Mn of from about 7.0 to about 20, and a g′greater than 0.90. 1. A polyethylene composition comprising:from about 80 wt % to about 99.5 wt % ethylene-derived units; andfrom about 0.5 to about 20 wt % of alpha-olefin derived units other than ethylene-derived units;{'sub': 1', '2', '1', '2', '(vis), 'wherein the composition has total internal unsaturations (Vy1+Vy2+T1) of from about 0.10 to about 0.40 per 1000 carbon atoms, an MI of from about 0.1 to about 6 g/10 min, an HLMI of from about 5.0 to about 40 g/10 min, a density of from about 0.890 to about 0.940 g/ml, a Tw-Twvalue of from about −25 to about −20° C., an Mw/Mwvalue of from about 1.2 to about 2.0, an Mw/Mn of from about 4.5 to about 12, an Mz/Mw of from about 2.0 to about 3.0, an Mz/Mn of from about 7.0 to about 20, and a g′greater than 0.90.'}2. The polyethylene composition of claim 1 , where said polyethylene composition has a density of from about 0.912 to about 0.917 g/ml.3. The polyethylene composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene composition has an MIR of from about 20 to about 40 and an HLMI of from about 7.0 to about 35.4. The polyethylene composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene composition has a Tw-Twvalue of from about −24 to about −20.5° C. claim 1 , an Mw/Mwvalue of from about 1.35 to about 1.85 claim 1 , an Mw/Mn of from about 4.7 to about 12 claim 1 , an Mz/Mw of from about 2.2 ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Dual Catalyst System for Producing LLDPE Copolymers with a Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution and Improved Processability

Номер: US20180258205A1

Disclosed herein are ethylene-based polymers generally characterized by a Mw ranging from 70,000 to 200,000 g/mol, a ratio of Mz/Mw ranging from 1.8 to 20, an 1B parameter ranging from 0.92 to 1.05, and an ATREF profile characterized by one large peak. These polymers have the dart impact, tear strength, and optical properties of a metallocene-catalyzed LLDPE, but with improved processability, melt strength, and bubble stability, and can be used in blown film and other end-use applications. 120-. (canceled)21. An ethylene polymer having:a Mw in a range from about 70,000 to about 200,000 g/mol;a ratio of Mz/Mw in a range from about 1.8 to about 20;an IB parameter in a range from about 0.92 to about 1.05; anda CY-a parameter in a range from about 0.2 to about 0.3.22. An article of manufacture comprising the ethylene polymer of .23. The polymer of claim 21 , wherein:the Mw is in a range from about 80,000 to about 160,000 g/mol;the ratio of Mz/Mw is in a range from about 1.9 to about 8; andthe IB parameter is in a range from about 0.94 to about 1.03.24. The polymer of claim 23 , wherein the ethylene polymer has:a melt index in a range from about 0.5 to about 5 g/10 min; and{'sup': '3', 'a density in a range from about 0.90 to about 0.93 g/cm.'}25. The polymer of claim 24 , wherein:the ethylene polymer has a unimodal molecular weight distribution; andthe ethylene polymer comprises an ethylene/1-butene copolymer, an ethylene/1-hexene copolymer, an ethylene/1-octene copolymer, or a combination thereof.26. An article of manufacture comprising the ethylene polymer of .27. The polymer of claim 21 , wherein the ethylene polymer has:a melt index in a range from about 0.5 to about 2.5 g/10 min; and{'sup': '3', 'a density in a range from about 0.905 to about 0.925 g/cm.'}28. The polymer of claim 27 , wherein:the ethylene polymer has a ratio of Mw/Mn in a range from about 2.4 to about 4; andthe ratio of Mz/Mw is in a range from about 2.2 to about 7.29. The polymer of claim 21 , ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации

Rotomolded articles

Номер: US20170267822A1
Принадлежит: Nova Chemicals International SA

This disclosure relates to rotomolded articles, having a wall structure, where the wall structure contains at least one layer containing an ethylene interpolymer product, or a blend containing an ethylene interpolymer product and an ethylene polymer, where the ethylene interpolymer product has a Dilution Index (Y d ) greater than 0 and improved Environmental Stress Crack Resistance (ESCR). The ethylene interpolymer product has a melt index from about 0.5 to about 15 dg/minute, a density from about 0.930 to about 0.955 g/cm 3 , a polydispersity (M w /M n ) from about 2 to about 6 and a CDBI 50 from about 50% to about 98%. Further, the ethylene interpolymer products are a blend of at least two ethylene interpolymers; where one ethylene interpolymer is produced with a single-site catalyst formulation and at least one ethylene interpolymer is produced with a heterogeneous catalyst formulation.

08-10-2015 дата публикации

Bisaryl metallocenes and use thereof to produce polyolefins

Номер: US20150284418A1

The present disclosure provides metallocene catalysts for use in polymerization processes. Such catalysts may be used to generate polymers with low branching and high molecular weights. Also, the present disclosure provides methods of bimodal polymerization resulting in a duality of average molecular weight polymers being simultaneously produced. In the system, the size of the polymers produced can be controlled by modifying the type and amount of catalyst activator.

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190276573A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Embodiments of the present disclosure are directed to multimodal elastomers produced by olefin polymerization with a mixed catalyst system, specifically, a constrained geometry catalyst and a biphenyl phenol catalyst. The multimodal elastomers may be incorporated as impact modifiers in thermoplastic olefins. 1. A multimodal elastomer comprising a copolymer of ethylene and at least one α-olefin monomer , wherein the multimodal elastomer comprises:20 to 90% by weight of a high molecular weight (HMW) fraction, wherein the HMW fraction has a number average molecular weight (Mn) of at least 50 kg/mol, when measured according to gel permeation chromatography (GPC), and wherein the HMW fraction comprises at least 35% by weight ethylene and at least 30% by weight α-olefin comonomer;a low molecular weight fraction (LMW) fraction, wherein the LMW fraction has an Mn of 4 to 25 kg/mol, and wherein the LMW fraction comprises at least 50% by weight ethylene and at least 29% by weight α-olefin comonomer, and wherein the ratio of the Mn of HMW fraction to the Mn of the LMW fraction is at least 5 to 1;wherein the multimodal elastomer has a density between 0.853 to 0.875 g/cc, a shear viscosity at 100 rad/s of less than 2,500 Pa-s, and a shear viscosity at 0.1 rad/s of less than 120,000 Pa-s.2. The multimodal elastomer of claim 1 , wherein the α-olefin monomer includes one or more α-olefins selected from C-Cα-olefins.3. The multimodal elastomer of claim 1 , wherein the α-olefin monomer is 1-octene4. The multimodal elastomer of claim 1 , wherein the percent by weight of the α-olefin monomer incorporated in the HMW fraction is greater than the percent by weight of the α-olefin monomer incorporated in the LMW fraction.5. The multimodal elastomer of claim 1 , wherein the percent by weight of the α-olefin monomer in the HMW fraction is at least 4% greater than the percent by weight of the α-olefin monomer in the LMW fraction.6. The multimodal elastomer of claim 1 , wherein the multimodal ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации

Catalyst Systems Containing Low Valent Titanium-Aluminum Complexes and Polymers Produced Therefrom

Номер: US20180291042A1
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

Disclosed herein are methods for synthesizing low valence, titanium-aluminum complexes from half-metallocene titanium compounds and alkylaluminum compounds. The titanium-aluminum complexes can be used as components in catalyst systems for the polymerization of olefins.

19-09-2019 дата публикации

Olefin Polymer And Preparation Method Thereof

Номер: US20190284317A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

The present disclosure provides an olefin polymer having excellent film processability and physical properties, and a preparation method of the same.

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190322780A1

Catalyst systems and methods for making and using the same. A method of polymerizing olefins to produce a polyolefin polymer with a multimodal composition distribution, includes contacting ethylene and a comonomer with a catalyst system. The catalyst system includes a first catalyst compound and a second catalyst compound that are co-supported to form a commonly supported catalyst system. The first catalyst compound includes a compound with the general formula (CHR)(CHR)HfX. The second catalyst compound includes at least one of the following general formulas: 116-. (canceled)1821-. (canceled)23. The catalyst composition of claim 17 , wherein the mole ratio of the first catalyst compound to the second catalyst compound is between about 10:1 to 1:10.24. The catalyst composition of claim 17 , wherein the mole ratio of the first catalyst compound to the second catalyst compound is between about 3:1 to 1:3.25. The catalyst composition of claim 17 , comprising an activator comprising an acid from a non-coordinating anion.26. The catalyst composition of claim 25 , wherein the activator comprises an aluminoxane compound claim 25 , an organoboron claim 25 , an organoaluminum compound or combinations thereof27. The catalyst composition of claim 25 , wherein the activator comprises methyl aluminoxane or modified methylauminoxane.2829-. (canceled)30. The catalyst composition of claim 25 , wherein the weakly coordinating anion comprises BArR- claim 25 , or AlArR- claim 25 , or both claim 25 , wherein c+d=4 claim 25 , c≥2 claim 25 , and Ar is an aryl or heteroaryl group comprising a substituent containing fluorine claim 25 , and Ris a hydrocarbyl group claim 25 , a substituted hydrocarbyl group claim 25 , or a heteroatom group.31. (canceled)32. The catalyst composition of claim 17 , comprising a support comprising a mineral claim 17 , a clay claim 17 , a metal oxide claim 17 , a metalloid oxide claim 17 , a mixed metal oxide claim 17 , a mixed metalloid oxide claim 17 , a mixed ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Long Chain Branched Polypropylene

Номер: US20180346618A1

A process for preparing a long chain branched polypropylene in presence of two metallocene-based active catalyst systems is provided. The polypropylene obtained therefrom has new molecular architecture and improved elasticity properties. The polypropylene is further characterized by new signals in its C NMR spectrum. 110.-. (canceled)11. A long chain branched polypropylene having C NMR signals at δ 44.88 , 44.74 , 44.08 and 31.74 ppm characterized in that the long chain branched polypropylene further has one or more of the following C NMR signals at δ 51.1 , 49.0 , 38.9 , 27.1 , 26.6 , 24.0 , 23.3 , 23.0 , 22.9 or 19.8 ppm.12. The long chain branched polypropylene according to claim 11 , characterized in that the long chain branched polypropylene has a molecular weight Mof at least 20 claim 11 ,000 g·mol.13. The long chain branched polypropylene according to claim 11 , having total long chain branching content higher than 3 per 10 claim 11 ,000 C.14. The long chain branched polypropylene according to claim 11 , wherein the loss angle claim 11 , δ claim 11 , evolution as a function of complex modulus G* comprises a portion increasing with the complex modulus in the range of G* greater than 1 claim 11 ,000 Pa.15. The long chain branched polypropylene according to claim 11 , wherein said long chain branched polypropylene has a melting temperature greater than 135° C.16. The long chain branched polypropylene according to claim 11 , wherein the long chain branching has at least 420 carbon atoms.17. An article comprising the long chain branched polypropylene according to . The present invention relates generally to the field of polypropylene, and in particular to polypropylene having long chain branchings. The present invention further relates to a process for the preparation of said long chain branched polypropylene.Polypropylene is a commodity polymer well appreciated in many applications. However, one of the major drawbacks of polypropylene is the low melt strength of ...

21-12-2017 дата публикации

Process for Producing Polymer Compositions

Номер: US20170362350A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

Processes are provided which include copolymerization using one or both of a metallocene catalyst capable of producing high molecular weight polymers and a metallocene catalyst capable of producing polymers having 60% or more vinyl terminations. Polymerization processes include dual catalyst polymerization in a single polymerization zone comprising both metallocene catalysts. Other processes include serial or parallel polymerizations in multiple polymerization zones, using either or both catalysts in each polymerization zone. Such polymerization processes produce reactor blends, and are particularly suited for producing copolymer compositions (such as EP or EPDM copolymer compositions) exhibiting improved melt elasticity and rheological properties.

31-12-2015 дата публикации

Higher Density Polyolefins With Improved Stress Crack Resistance

Номер: US20150376312A1
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

Disclosed herein are polymerization processes for the production of olefin polymers. These polymerization processes can employ a catalyst system containing two or three metallocene components, resulting in ethylene-based copolymers that can have a medium density and improved stress crack resistance.

05-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190367650A1

Catalyst systems and methods for making and using the same. A method of methylating a catalyst composition while substantially normalizing the entiomeric distribution is provided. The method includes slurrying the organometallic compound in dimethoxyethane (DME), and adding a solution of RMgBr in DME, wherein R is a methyl group or a benzyl group, and wherein the RMgBr is greater than about 2.3 equivalents relative to the organometallic compound. After the addition of the RMgBr, the slurry is mixed for at least about four hours. An alkylated organometallic is isolated, wherein the methylated species has a meso/rac ratio that is between about 0.9 and about 1.2. 1. A method of alkylating an organometallic compound while substantially normalizing stereochemical configuration , comprising:slurrying the organometallic compound in ether;adding a solution of RLi in ether, wherein R is a methyl group or a benzyl group, and wherein the RLi is greater than about 2.3 equivalents relative to the organometallic compound;mixing for at least about four hours to form an alkylated organometallic compound; andisolating the alkylated organometallic, wherein the alkylated species has a meso/rac ratio that is between about 0.9 and about 1.2.3. The polyolefin polymer of claim 2 , wherein the meso enantiomer is about 19 parts in the mixture claim 2 , and the rac enantiomer is about 1 part in the mixture.4. A method of forming a catalyst composition claim 2 , comprising:dissolving 1-ethylindenyllithium in dimethoxyethane to form a precursor solution;cooling the precursor solution to about −20° C.;{'sub': '4', 'adding solid ZrClover about five minutes to start a reaction;'}continuing the reaction overnight;removing volatiles to form a raw product;{'sub': 2', '2, 'extracting the raw product with CHCl; and'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'removing the CHClunder vacuum to form a mixture comprising about 19 parts meso-(1-EtInd)ZrCland about 1 part rac-(1-EtInd)ZrCl.'}5. The method of claim ...

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Dual Catalyst System for Producing LLDPE Copolymers with a Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution and Improved Processability

Номер: US20190382516A1

Disclosed herein are ethylene-based polymers generally characterized by a Mw ranging from 70,000 to 200,000 g/mol, a ratio of Mz/Mw ranging from 1.8 to 20, an IB parameter ranging from 0.92 to 1.05, and an ATREF profile characterized by one large peak. These polymers have the dart impact, tear strength, and optical properties of a metallocene-catalyzed LLDPE, but with improved processability, melt strength, and bubble stability, and can be used in blown film and other end-use applications. 120-. (canceled)21. An ethylene polymer having:a Mw in a range from about 70,000 to about 200,000 g/mol;a ratio of Mz/Mw in a range from about 2.2 to about 7;a melt index in a range from about 0.5 to about 5 g/10 min;{'sup': '3', 'a density in a range from about 0.90 to about 0.93 g/cm;'}a CY-a parameter in a range from about 0.15 to about 0.5; andan ATREF profile characterized by a peak ATREF temperature in a range from about 68 to about 78° C.22. An article of manufacture comprising the ethylene polymer of .23. The polymer of claim 21 , wherein the ethylene polymer has an IB parameter in a range from about 0.92 to about 1.05.24. The polymer of claim 21 , wherein:the Mw is in a range from about 80,000 to about 160,000 g/mol;the melt index is in a range from about 0.5 to about 2.5 g/10 min; and{'sup': '3', 'the density is in a range from about 0.905 to about 0.925 g/cm.'}25. The polymer of claim 24 , wherein:the ethylene polymer has a unimodal molecular weight distribution; andthe ethylene polymer comprises an ethylene/1-butene copolymer, an ethylene/1-hexene copolymer, an ethylene/1-octene copolymer, or a combination thereof.26. The polymer of claim 25 , wherein the ethylene polymer has:a ratio of Mw/Mn in a range from about 2.4 to about 4; anda zero-shear viscosity in a range from about 4000 to about 18,000 Pa-sec.27. The polymer of claim 25 , wherein:{'sup': '3', 'the density is in a range from about 0.91 to about 0.925 g/cm; and'}the CY-a parameter is in a range from about 0. ...

06-01-2011 дата публикации

The use of hydrogen scavenging catalysts to control polymer molecular weight and hydrogen levels in a polymerization reactor

Номер: WO2011002498A1

The present invention provides dual catalyst systems containing a metallocene catalyst and a hydrogen scavenging catalyst, and polymerization processes employing these dual catalyst systems. Due to a reduction in hydrogen levels in the polymerization processes, olefin polymers produced from these polymerization processes may have a higher molecular weight, a lower melt index, and higher levels of unsaturation.

26-08-2003 дата публикации

Olefin polymerization process

Номер: US6610799B1

A process for olefin polymerization in a reaction vessel, said process comprising polymerizing at least one α-olefin in a polymerization stage employing a catalyst feed comprising 1) a first catalyst composition having at least two active catalytic sites capable of producing a first set of polymer components; 2) a second catalyst composition having at least two active catalytic sites capable of giving essentially the same set of polymer components as produced by the catalyst in feed (1) under the same polymerization conditions but these components in a different ratio to those produced by the catalyst composition of feed (1); wherein the amounts of catalyst compositions (1 and 2) fed into the reaction vessel are independently controlled.

23-07-1985 дата публикации

Process and catalyst for producing polyethylene having a broad molecular weight distribution

Номер: US4530914A
Принадлежит: Exxon Research and Engineering Co

Polyolefins having a broad molecular weight distribution are obtained by polymerizing ethylene or higher alpha-olefins in the presence of a catalyst system comprising two or more metallocenes each having different propagation and termination rate constants and alumoxane.

20-10-1987 дата публикации

Supported polymerization catalyst

Номер: US4701432A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

An olefin polymerization catalyst comprising (a) a supported transition metal containing component comprising the support treated with at least one metallocene and at least one non-metallocene transition metal compound, and a cocatalyst comprising an alumoxane and an organometallic compound of a metal of Groups IA, IIA, IIB, or IIIA of the Periodic Table.

19-06-1990 дата публикации

Process and catalyst for producing polyethylene having a broad molecular weight distribution

Номер: US4935474A
Принадлежит: Exxon Research and Engineering Co

Polyolefins having a broad molecular weight distribution are obtained by polymerizing ethylene or higher alpha-olefins in the presence of a catalyst system comprising two or more metallocenes each having different propagation and termination rate constants and alumoxane.

26-06-1990 дата публикации

Process and catalyst for producing reactor blend polyolefins

Номер: US4937299A
Принадлежит: Exxon Research and Engineering Co

Polyolefin reactor blends obtained by polymerization of ethylene and higher alpha-olefins in the presence of a catalyst system comprising two or more metallocenes and alumoxane.

31-12-1991 дата публикации

New supported polymerization catalyst

Номер: US5077255A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

An olefin polymerization supported catalyst comprising the supported reaction product of at least one metallocene of a metal of Group IVB, VB, and VIB of the Periodic Table, a non-metallocene transition metal containing compound of a Group IBV, VB, or VIB metal and an alumoxane, said reaction product formed in the presence of the support. The supported product is highly useful for the polymerization of olefins especially ethylene and especially for the copolymerization of ethylene and other mono and diolefins.

09-07-1996 дата публикации

Catalyst systems for producing broad molecular weight polyolefin

Номер: US5534473A
Принадлежит: Phillips Petroleum Co

A catalyst system comprising a bridged fluorenyl-containing metallocene, an unbridged metallocene, and a suitable cocatalyst and the use of such catalyst systems to produce olefin polymers. Also novel olefin polymers produced by those processes.

03-02-1998 дата публикации

Catalyst system comprising two zirconocenes and aluminoxane

Номер: US5714427A
Принадлежит: Hoechst AG

A catalyst system comprising an aluminoxane and a transition-metal component (metallocene) is used, the transition-metal component comprising at least one zirconocene of the formula I ##STR1## and at least one zirconocene of the formula Ia or alternatively at least 2 zirconocenes of the formula I.

02-02-1993 дата публикации

Polymerization process using a new supported polymerization catalyst

Номер: US5183867A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

An olefin polymerization supported catalyst comprising the supported reaction product of at least one metallocene of a metal of Group IVB, VB, and VIB of the Periodic Table, a non-metallocene transition metal containing compound of a Group IVB, VB, or VIB metal and an alumoxane, said reaction product formed in the presence of the support. The supported product is highly useful for the polymerization of olefins especially ethylene and especially for the copolymerization of ethylene and other mono and diolefins.

17-03-1998 дата публикации

Catalyst component for the polymerization of olefins

Номер: US5728641A
Принадлежит: Nippon Oil Corp

According to the present invention there are provided a catalyst component, a catalyst using the catalyst component and a process using the catalyst, for the preparation of olefin polymers high in molecular weight and relatively wide in molecular weight distribution, using an extremely small amount of a modified organoaluminum compound such as methylaluminoxane and in high yield. The catalyst component is prepared by contacting at least the following constituents (1), (2), (3) and (4) with one another: (1) a compound represented by the general formula Me 1 R 1 p (OR 2 ) q X 4-p-q where R 1 and R 2 are each independently a hydrocarbon group having 1 to 24 carbon atoms, X is a halogen atom, Me is Zr, Ti or Hf, p and q are each an integer in the ranges of 0≦p≦4 and 0≦q≦4, provided 0≦p+q≦4; (2) at least one compound selected from the group consisting of compounds represented by the following general formulas 1 to 4: General formula 1: Me 2 R 3 m (OR 4 ) n X 2 z-m-n General formul 2: Me 3 H 2 R 5 3-a General formula 3: Me 4 Me 3 H b R 6 c (OR 7 ) 4-b-c ! y General formula 4: ##STR1## where R 3 ,R 4 , R 5 , R 6 , R 7 and R 8 , which may be the same or different, are each independently a hydrocarbon group having 1 to 24 carbon atoms, Me 2 is a Group 1, 2, 12 or 13 element in the Periodic Table of Elements, Me 3 is a Group 13 element in the same Table, Me 4 is a Group 1, 2, or 12 element in the same Table, X 2 is a halogen atom, z is the valence of Me 2 , y is the valence of Me 4 , and m, n, a, b, c and d are each an integer in the ranges of 0≦m≦z, 0≦n≦z, provided 0≦m+m≦z, 0<a≦3, 1≦b≦4, 1≦c≦3, provided 1≦b+c≦4; and 0≦d≦4; (3) an organocyclic compound having two or more conjugated double bonds; and (4) a compound containing a carbon-halogen bond.

01-03-2005 дата публикации

Titanium (ii) or zirconium (ii) complexes and addition polymerization catalysts therefrom

Номер: CA2164525C
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Novel titanium or zirconium complexes containing one and only one cyclic delocalized, anionic, .pi.-bonded, group, said complexes corresponding to formula (I), wherein: M is titanium or zirconium in the +2 formal oxidation state; L is a group containing a cyclic, delocalized, anionic, .pi.-system through which the group is bound to M, and which group is also bound to Z: Z is a moiety bound to M via a .sigma.-bond, comprising boron, or a ember of Group 14 of the Periodic Table of the Elements, and also comprising nitrogen phosphorus, sulfur or oxygen, said moiety having up to 60 non-hydrogen atoms; and X is a neutral, conjugated or nonconjugated diene, optionally substituted with one or snore hydrocarbyl groups, said X having up to 40 carbon atoms and forming a .pi.-complex with M; are catalytically activated for use as addition polymerization catalysts. Preferably, L is an optionally substituted cyclopentadienyl or fused ring cyclopentadienyl group.

30-12-2010 дата публикации

Use of hydrogen scavenging catalysts to control polymer molecular weight and hydrogen levels in a polymerization reactor

Номер: US20100331501A1
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

The present invention provides dual catalyst systems containing a metallocene catalyst and a hydrogen scavenging catalyst, and polymerization processes employing these dual catalyst systems. Due to a reduction in hydrogen levels in the polymerization processes, olefin polymers produced from these polymerization processes may have a higher molecular weight, a lower melt index, and higher levels of unsaturation.

30-12-2010 дата публикации

Dual metallocene catalyst systems for decreasing melt index and increasing polymer production rates

Номер: US20100331505A1
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

The present invention provides dual catalyst systems and polymerization processes employing these dual catalyst systems. The disclosed polymerization processes can produce olefin polymers at higher production rates, and these olefin polymers may have a higher molecular weight and/or a lower melt index.

27-10-2015 дата публикации

Dual metallocene catalyst systems for decreasing melt index and increasing polymer production rates

Номер: US9169333B2
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

The present invention provides dual catalyst systems and polymerization processes employing these dual catalyst systems. The disclosed polymerization processes can produce olefin polymers at higher production rates, and these olefin polymers may have a higher molecular weight and/or a lower melt index.

26-06-2012 дата публикации

Use of hydrogen scavenging catalysts to control polymer molecular weight and hydrogen levels in a polymerization reactor

Номер: US8207280B2
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

The present invention provides dual catalyst systems containing a metallocene catalyst and a hydrogen scavenging catalyst, and polymerization processes employing these dual catalyst systems. Due to a reduction in hydrogen levels in the polymerization processes, olefin polymers produced from these polymerization processes may have a higher molecular weight, a lower melt index, and higher levels of unsaturation.

11-12-2012 дата публикации

Dual metallocene catalyst systems for decreasing melt index and increasing polymer production rates

Номер: US8329834B2
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

The present invention provides dual catalyst systems and polymerization processes employing these dual catalyst systems. The disclosed polymerization processes can produce olefin polymers at higher production rates, and these olefin polymers may have a higher molecular weight and/or a lower melt index.

28-05-2013 дата публикации

Dual metallocene catalyst systems for decreasing melt index and increasing polymer production rates

Номер: US8450436B2
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

The present invention provides dual catalyst systems and polymerization processes employing these dual catalyst systems. The disclosed polymerization processes can produce olefin polymers at higher production rates, and these olefin polymers may have a higher molecular weight and/or a lower melt index.

06-08-2013 дата публикации

Use of hydrogen scavenging catalysts to control polymer molecular weight and hydrogen levels in a polymerization reactor

Номер: US8501654B2
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

The present invention provides dual catalyst systems containing a metallocene catalyst and a hydrogen scavenging catalyst, and polymerization processes employing these dual catalyst systems. Due to a reduction in hydrogen levels in the polymerization processes, olefin polymers produced from these polymerization processes may have a higher molecular weight, a lower melt index, and higher levels of unsaturation.

10-06-2014 дата публикации

Dual metallocene catalyst systems for decreasing melt index and increasing polymer production rates

Номер: US8748546B2
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

The present invention provides dual catalyst systems and polymerization processes employing these dual catalyst systems. The disclosed polymerization processes can produce olefin polymers at higher production rates, and these olefin polymers may have a higher molecular weight and/or a lower melt index.

16-09-2014 дата публикации

Use of hydrogen scavenging catalysts to control polymer molecular weight and hydrogen levels in a polymerization reactor

Номер: US8835588B2
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

The present invention provides dual catalyst systems containing a metallocene catalyst and a hydrogen scavenging catalyst, and polymerization processes employing these dual catalyst systems. Due to a reduction in hydrogen levels in the polymerization processes, olefin polymers produced from these polymerization processes may have a higher molecular weight, a lower melt index, and higher levels of unsaturation.

11-02-1997 дата публикации

Process and a catalyst for preventing reactor fouling

Номер: US5602067A
Принадлежит: Mobil Oil Corp

A support containing methylalumoxane and derivatives thereof is described which is formed by an incipient impregnation technique. The most preferred support is silica. Incipient impregnation in accordance with the invention provides a supported alumoxane, methylalumoxane, which substantially eliminates the problem of fluidized bed reactor fouling when methylalumoxane is introduced into the reactor during its operation. In accordance with the invention, the process comprises providing methylalumoxane activated metallocene compound in particulate form as catalysts in fluidized bed gas phase operation.

16-05-2002 дата публикации


Номер: ES2167488T3
Принадлежит: Fina Technology Inc


29-07-1999 дата публикации

Supported metallocene catalyst for alpha-olefin (co) polymerization

Номер: DE69601857T2
Принадлежит: Enichem SpA

31-01-2006 дата публикации

Catalyst systems, method for preparing and using same in a polymerization process

Номер: US6992036B2
Автор: David E. Gindelberger
Принадлежит: Univation Technologies Llc

A polymerization catalyst system and process, which utilizes a Group 14 and Group 16 containing non-crystalline compound to solubilize or emulsify polymerization catalyst components, is disclosed.

13-01-1999 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of an olefin polymerization catalyst component

Номер: EP0585512B1
Автор: Guy Debras, Patrick Brems
Принадлежит: Fina Research SA

14-09-2021 дата публикации

Methods for operating a polymerization reactor

Номер: US11117991B2
Принадлежит: Univation Technologies Llc

Methods for olefin polymerization are described. The methods include a) forming a first polyolefin under a first set of polymerization conditions in the presence of a first catalyst composition and a first concentration of at least a first continuity additive composition, the first polyolefin composition having a target density, ρ1, and a target Flow Index, FI1; and b) forming a second polyolefin composition under a second set of polymerization conditions in the presence of a second catalyst composition and a second concentration of a second continuity additive composition, the second polyolefin composition having a target density, ρ2, and a target Flow Index, FI2; wherein the process is essentially free of providing a polymerization neutralizing composition between steps a) and b).

11-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: KR100355623B1
Принадлежит: 엑손모빌 오일 코포레이션

본 발명은 지지체상에 2 개의 전이 금속 성분을 갖는, 이중 하나의 성분은 메탈로센 형태인 에틸렌 중합 촉매에 관한 것으로서, 상기 지지체는 (i) 마그네슘 알킬이 혼입된 실라놀-함유 실리카와 (ii) 알코올을 반응시킴으로써 제조되는 무수성 물질이다. 상기 촉매는 또한 비-메탈로센 전이 금속 화합물도 포함하며, 단일 반응기내에서, 2 가지 형태의 분자량 분포를 갖는 에틸렌 공중합체를 생성시킨다.

06-11-2003 дата публикации

olefin polymerization

Номер: DE60002056T2

02-06-2015 дата публикации

Process of making modified metallocene catalyst, catalyst produced and use thereof

Номер: US9045569B2
Принадлежит: WR Grace and Co Conn

Olefin polymerization catalysts or catalyst systems comprising a mixture, contact product, reaction product or complex comprising as elements or components: (A) at least one metallocene pre-catalyst compound or polymerization active metallocene compound; (B) at least one titanium containing metallocene compound; and when (A) is a metallocene pre-catalyst compound, (C) at least one activator; provided however: (I) the titanium-containing metallocene compound is inactive or substantially inactive for the polymerization of olefins prior to or concurrently with the use of the catalyst system for olefin polymerization. Also disclosed are processes for producing the catalyst system and polyolefins having desirable combinations of properties, including melt index and molecular weight distribution, which properties are particularly desirable for the manufacture of polyolefin film products, especially LLDPE film A preferred catalyst comprises a zirconium or hafnium metal containing metallocene, an inactivated titanocene and a SiO2 support carrier.

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Hafnocene-titanocene catalyst system

Номер: WO2019125880A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A hafnocene-titanocene catalyst system comprising a hafnocene catalyst and a titanocene catalyst; polyolefins; methods of making and using same; and articles containing same.

10-04-1996 дата публикации

Catalyst systems and process for producing broad molecular weight distribution polyolefin

Номер: EP0705851A2
Принадлежит: Phillips Petroleum Co

A catalyst system comprising a bridged fluorenyl-containing metallocene, an unbridged metallocene, and a suitable cocatalyst and the use of such catalyst systems to produce olefin polymers. Also novel olefin polymers produced by those processes.

17-02-2015 дата публикации

Multiple catalyst system for olefin polymerization and polymers produced therefrom

Номер: US8957159B2
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

This invention relates to an adhesive comprising an olefin polymer composition comprising a first amorphous polymer having a crystallinity of 5% or less, prepared with a first catalyst; and a second crystalline polymer, differing in chemical and physical properties from the first polymer, having a crystallinity of 20% or more, prepared with a second catalyst; and where the olefin polymer composition has a Dot T-Peel of 1 Newton or more on Kraft paper; an Mw of at least 7,000 to 80,000; a branching index (g′) of from 0.4 to 0.90 measured at the Mz of the polymer composition; and a crystallinity of between 5 and 40%.

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Method of producing polyethylene and polyethylene thereof

Номер: WO2015123172A1

A system and method of producing polyethylene, including: polymerizing ethylene in presence of a catalyst system in a reactor to form polyethylene, wherein the catalyst system includes a first catalyst and a second catalyst; and adjusting reactor conditions and an amount of the second catalyst fed to the reactor to control melt index (MI), density, and melt flow ratio (MFR) of the polyethylene.

09-04-2019 дата публикации

Method of producing polyethylene and polyethylene thereof

Номер: US10253121B2
Принадлежит: Univation Technologies Llc

A system and method of producing polyethylene, including: polymerizing ethylene in presence of a catalyst system in a reactor to form polyethylene, wherein the catalyst system includes a first catalyst and a second catalyst; and adjusting reactor conditions and an amount of the second catalyst fed to the reactor to control melt index (MI), density, and melt flow ratio (MFR) of the polyethylene.

31-03-2020 дата публикации

Producing polyolefin products

Номер: US10604606B2
Принадлежит: Univation Technologies Llc

Catalyst systems and methods for making and using the same are described. A method includes selecting a catalyst blend using a blend polydispersity index (bPDI) map. The polydispersity map is generated by generating a number of polymers for at least two catalysts. Each polymer is generated at a different hydrogen to ethylene ratio. At least one catalyst generates a higher molecular weight polymer and another catalyst generates a lower molecular weight polymer. A molecular weight for each polymer is measured. The relationship between the molecular weight of the polymers generated by each of the catalysts and the ratio of hydrogen to ethylene is determined. A family of bPDI curves for polymers that would be made using a number of ratios of a blend of the at least two catalysts for each of a number of ratios of hydrogen to ethylene. A ratio for the catalyst blend of the catalysts that generates a polymer having a bPDI that matches a polymer fabrication process is selected, and the product specific polyolefin is made using the catalyst blend.
