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20-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2594476C2

Изобретение относится к схемам управления двигателем для бесщеточного двигателя стиральной машины. Достигаемый технический результат - исключение возможности активации двигателя каскадом инвертора, пока на управляющий каскад подается напряжение. Схема (10) управления двигателем для бесщеточного двигателя (12) стиральной машины содержит каскад (14) инвертора, предназначенный для управления мощностью бесщеточного двигателя, и управляющий каскад (16), предназначенный для формирования управляющих сигналов для каскада (14) инвертора. Управляющий каскад активизирует каскад инвертора посредством управляющих проводов (46а, 46b, 46с, 48а, 48b, 48с). Предусмотрена схема (50) защиты для отключения управляющих проводов. 2 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2644328C2

Бытовой прибор Н имеет электрическую схему (1) с первым контуром (2) и со вторым контуром (3), гальванически изолированным от первого контура (1), причем во втором контуре (3) находится третий контур (10), причем второй контур (3) имеет первое управляющее устройство (35) для прерывания снабжения энергией третьего контура (10), при этом первое управляющее устройство (35) выполнено с возможностью оказания на него управляющего воздействия посредством третьего контура (10) и с возможностью снабжения третьего контура (10) в течение заданного времени самоудержания. Способ служит для эксплуатации бытового прибора (Н), причем при выключенном положении бытового прибора (Н) третий контур (10) отделен от своего снабжения (18), а при включении бытового прибора (Н): третий контур (10) снабжают энергией, и в результате этого снабжение (18) третьего контура (10) осуществляется по меньшей мере на протяжении времени самоудержания; и снабжаемый энергией третий контур (10) оказывает управляющее воздействие ...

06-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2671718C2
Принадлежит: КАНДИ С.П.А. (IT)

Машина для обработки белья содержит стиральный контейнер, в который загружают подлежащее обработке белье, обрабатывающее устройство для обработки белья с использованием воды, взаимодействующее со стиральным контейнером, первый подающий канал, соединенный с водопроводной сетью и обрабатывающим устройством, содержащий вертикальный участок с воздушным зазором, образованным между соосно расположенными концом верхней трубки и концом нижней трубки для предотвращения противотока стиральной жидкости и ее попадания в водопроводную сеть. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

20-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008133789A

... 1. Бытовой электрический прибор (1), содержащий корпус (2); установленный внутри него с возможностью вращения вокруг своей продольной оси (L) барабан (3), выполненный с возможностью вмещения белья для сушки; средства (5) нагревания воздуха для обеспечения циркуляции потока горячего воздуха внутри барабана (3); и электрический привод (7) для вращения барабана (3) вокруг продольной оси (L), отличающийся тем, что содержит электрические нагревательные средства (10), выполненные с возможностью рассеивания заданной электрической мощности (РЕ) в виде тепла для нагревания подаваемого в барабан (3) воздуха до заданной температуры (t); и электронные средства (20) управления, выполненные с возможностью управления работой привода (7) для вращения барабана (3) в первом направлении (D1) или в противоположном ему втором направлении (D2) и с возможностью управления электрическими нагревательными средствами (10) для регулирования рассеиваемой ими электрической мощности (РЕ) в виде тепла так, что температура ...

20-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012154068A

... а1. Стиральный и/или сушильный электроприбор, содержащий нагревательный контур (140), предназначенный для нагрева стиральной жидкости и/или потока воздуха для сушки и соединенный с системой (105а, 105b) электроснабжения, обеспечивающей подачу электропитания в электроприбор, причем нагревательный контур (140) содержит, по меньшей мере, один терморезистор (205), последовательно соединенный с переключающими устройствами (210а, 210b), управляемыми с помощью управляющего устройства (125) для избирательного включения терморезистора, когда это требуется, отличающийся тем, что:- переключающие устройства нагревательного контура содержат первый и второй переключатели (210а, 210b), последовательно соединенные с терморезистором, причем терморезистор установлен между первым и вторым переключателями;- контрольный контур, относящийся к нагревательному контуру и содержащий резистивную цепь, включающую в себя первый резистор (R1), подсоединенный к нагревательному контуру таким образом, чтобы обеспечивалось ...

20-07-1977 дата публикации

Номер: DD0000126524A1

13-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE102008019565A1

Es wird ein Trockner offenbart, der die von einer Heizvorrichtung erzeugte Wärmemenge entsprechend des Verstopfungsgrads eines Luftkanals steuern kann. Der Trockner weist auf: eine Heizvorrichtung zum Erwärmen von Luft, die durch einen Luftkanal geht, wobei die Heizvorrichtung Wärme in einer gesteuerten Menge erzeugt, und eine Steuereinrichtung zum Steuern der Wärmemenge, die von der Heizvorrichtung erzeugt wird, entsprechend eines Verstopfungsgrads des Luftkanals. Da die Menge der erzeugten Wärme entsprechend des Verstopfungsgrads des Luftkanals gesteuert wird, ist es möglich, eine Verbesserung der Stromverbrauchseffizienz zu erzielen.

14-05-1969 дата публикации

Programmschalteinrichtung fuer Waschautomaten

Номер: DE0001485007A1

15-01-1970 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Steuern eines Waschautomaten od.dgl.

Номер: DE0001485100A1

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Schaltungsanordnung zum Betreiben eines Hausgeräts und entsprechendes Verfahren

Номер: DE102010039667A1

Es werden eine Schaltungsanordnung sowie ein Verfahren geschaffen, welche einen bestimmungsgemäßen Betrieb eines Hausgeräts nach einem Ausfall einer Versorgungswechselspannung UN ermöglichen. Die Schaltungsanordnung 1 umfasst eine Motorsteuereinheit 6 sowie eine Hauptsteuereinheit 18. Die Motorsteuereinheit 6 wird mit Hilfe einer Motorversorgungsschaltung 7 mit elektrischer Energie U1 versorgt. Die Motorversorgungsschaltung 7 umfasst einen Zwischenkreiskondensator 14 zum Speichern von elektrischer Spannung. Die Hauptsteuereinheit 18 wird durch eine Hauptversorgungseinheit 19 mit elektrischer Energie U2 versorgt. Nach Ausfall der Versorgungswechselspannung UN wird die Hauptsteuereinheit 18 mit elektrischer Energie U3 aus dem Zwischenkreiskondensator 14 versorgt. Es kann somit ein unkontrolliertes Ausschalten der Hauptsteuereinheit 18 und der Motorsteuereinheit 6 vermieden werden.

12-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002800981A1

11-09-1975 дата публикации

Programme-controlled domestic appliance e.g. washing machine - has electronic programme switch comprising register allowing omission of stages

Номер: DE0002409577A1

The programme-controlled domestic appliance e.g. a dishwasher or washing machine is equipped with an electronic programme switch, which facilitates omission of steps in the operations cycle. The electronic switch comprises a register with a number of successive stages each of which relates to a specific step in the complete cycle e.g. initial fill, soak, top-up, heat etc., these being executed by the machine parts connected to the stage outlets. Programme steps can be bridged selectively by the programme selector switch through a switching line parallel to the register stages. Electronic components such as diodes transistors and thyristors can create a fully electronically working programming.

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Haushaltsgerät mit programmierbarem Steuerungsmodul

Номер: DE102004057007B4
Принадлежит: BSH HAUSGERAETE GMBH, BSH Hausgeräte GmbH

Haushaltsgerät, insbesondere Waschmaschine oder Geschirrspülmaschine, mit einer elektronischen Programmsteuerung zur Steuerung von Spülprogrammabläufen mit einem programmierbaren Steuerungsmodul (1), das eine Schnittstelle (8) zur Programmierung mindestens eines von der Programmsteuerung ausführbaren Spülprogrammablaufs aufweist, wobeieine Programmierung ohne Demontage von Teilen des Haushaltsgerätes ausführbar ist,das programmierbare Steuerungsmodul (1) einen Kaltgerätestecker (10) zur Stromversorgung des programmierbaren Steuerungsmoduls (1) des Haushaltsgeräts umfasst undder Kaltgerätestecker (10) und die Schnittstelle (8) zur externen Programmierung des programmierbaren Steuerungsmoduls (1) über einen Kombinationsstecker kontaktierbar sind, in dem vorzugsweise sowohl das komplementär ausgebildete Gegenstück zum Kaltgerätestecker (10) als auch das komplementär ausgebildete Gegenstück zur Schnittstelle (8) zu einer Einheit zusammengefasst sind.

09-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001438494A

... 1438494 Controlling the temperature in tumble dryers T I DOMESTIC APPLIANCES Ltd 31 Aug 1973 [11 Sept 1972] 42102/72 Heading F4G A thermally responsive control assembly, e.g. for a tumble dryer, comprises a manually operable control, e.g. a knob 8, for setting the assembly to a predetermined temperature and means, e.g. a bimetallic coil 10, responsive to ambient temperature in the vicinity of the manual control for causing an induction to be given of a change in ambient temperature and of a correction therefor which may be applied to the manually operable control. As shown the knob 8 is associated with a scale disc 4 and the bimetallic coil 10 is connected therebetween such that rotation of the knob 8 causes a corresponding rotation of the disc 4 to bring a temperature setting on the disc 4 opposite a fiducial mark 6 on a casing 1. On a change in the ambient temperature the relative positions of the scale 4 and mark 6 will change to indicate the correction required. The scale may be on ...

10-12-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008627101D0

23-12-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008726789D0

26-02-1997 дата публикации

Method and circuit for controlling vibrations in a washing machine

Номер: GB0009700455D0

11-01-1949 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to automatic clothes washing machines

Номер: GB0000615708A

... 615,708. Washing-machines. STEVENS, A. H. (Nineteen Hundred Corporation). May 4, 1944, No. 8452. [Class 138 (ii)] [Also in Groups XXIV and XXVI] An automatic clothes washing machine comprises an elongated member 318, Figs. 3 and 9, movable longitudinally between two positions and operatively connected to a working element of the machine for alternately rendering the said element operative and inoperative, and an oscillatable member 312, Figs. 3 and 13, connected to a motor of the machine so as to be continuously oscillated thereby whenever the motor is running; a mechanical connection between the oscillatable and elongated members has two effective settings and is of such a nature that, whenever the connection is adjusted from one setting to the other, the oscillatable member will engage the elongated member and move it from one effective position to the other, and, thereafter, continue to oscillate without affecting the position of the elongated member until the setting of the connection ...

05-06-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001354845A

... 1354845 Control of A.C. motors HOLZER PATENT AG 29 Feb 1972 [2 March 1971] 9300/72 Heading H2J [Also in Division G3] An electric motor 2, which may be the drive motor of a washing machine or the pump motor of a dish-washing machine, is connected in series with a power consuming device 1 such as a heating resistor of the machine and in parallel with a controlled electronic switch 3 such as a Triac. The switch is controlled by a firing circuit 5 responsive to a motor speed signal provided by a tacho-alternator 8 or by the back EMF of the motor and to the signal provided by a programme controller 7. The motor speed may thus be maintained at a desired value, which may be changed by the controller 7 in accordance with the signal provided by a level switch or thermostat 4 or directly by the latter signal if it is supplied to the firing circuit 5, Fig. 1b (not shown). The motor receives D.C. in one or other direction to produce corresponding directions of rotation, the A.C. supply from the mains ...

05-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001382899A

... 1382899 Dispensing liquids ECONOMICS LABORATORY INC 15 Dec 1972 [22 Dec 1971] 57949/72 Heading BIC [Also in Division D1] The invention relates to a system for automatically dispensing predetermined quantities of at least one liquid product in a carrier liquid to a washing machine having a main water supply controlled in a predetermined machine cycle. Illustrated is a washing machine 12 to which liquid products in containers 15a-15e have to be fed. A conduit 18 conducts a carrier liquid, water, therethrough. Electrically actuated valves 25a-25c are positioned in the conduit. The conduits leading from the valves pass through siphon breakers 28a-28c and then may divide into two. Namely conduit 18a passes into conduits 19a and 19b, conduit 18c passes into conduits 19d and 19e whilst conduit 18b passes into conduit 18c. The conduits 19a-19e have venturi-aspirators 30a-30e to which conduits 16a-16e are connected. A trigger signal generating means 20 associated with the washing machine generates ...

02-11-1994 дата публикации

Drum drive control in an automatic washing machine

Номер: GB2277530A

An automatic, program-controlled laundry washing machine comprises a rotatable laundry drum and a control adapting the rotary drive of the drum to selected programs. The control can vary the duration of drive of the drum in dependence on data concerning the quantity of laundry in the drum, so as to optimise the machine operation for different levels of load. The quantity data can be entered manually or be determined electronically. The variation of the duration of the rotary drive is determined by variable ratios of rotational drive pulse to rotational drive pause.

02-06-1988 дата публикации

Control system for an electronically commutated motor electronically commutated motor system laundry apparatus and methods for controlling same

Номер: GB0002198000A

A method of controlling laundry apparatus having first and second conductors for supplying power and being driven by an electronically commutated motor having a plurality of winding stages adapted to be selectively commutated. In practicing this method, voltages across the winding stages are converted to digital form thereby to digitize the voltages, and the winding stages are commutated by selectively switching the winding stages to the conductors in at least one preselected sequence. The commutating is temporarily interrupted to leave the winding stages temporarily unpowered, and the winding stages are switched from a first connection arrangement to a second connection arrangement. The digitized voltages are sensed while the winding stages are temporarily unpowered, and the commutating is resumed beginning at a point in the sequence determined from the sensed digitized voltages.

17-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002220681A

An inside-out salient pole core for a dynamo-electric machine. The core has an edgewise wound yoke including an edgewise and helically wound strip of generally thin ferromagnetic material having at least one edge defining an outer circumferential surface on the edgewise wound yoke and extending generally axially thereacross. A set of salient pole pieces is secured to the edgewise wound core at least generally adjacent its outer circumferential surface, and extends generally outwardly from the outer circumferential surface about a set of preselected pitch axes, respectively.

04-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002247516A

A spin dryer for use in washing clothes or the like includes a tub (4) mounted in an outer cabinet (1), a brushless motor (6) for rotating the tub (4), a motor drive circuit (10) for driving the brushless motor (6) under control of its rotational speed, and a microcomputer-based control circuit (8) for controlling the motor drive circuit (10) so that the rotational speed of the motor (6) is controlled so that the maximum rotational speed of the tub (4) during operation is ranged between its rated rotational speed or above and a rotational speed corresponding to a resonant point of the outer cabinet (1) or below. ...

14-09-1994 дата публикации

Operation control device for washing machines

Номер: GB0002276020A

An operation control device for a washing machine incorporating equipments such as a motor (4) and electromagnetic valves (2, 3) includes a sub microcomputer (25) for controlling the equipments and a host microcomputer (24) supplying control commands to the sub microcomputer (25) to control the same. The sub microcomputer (25) is provided with a first function of returning a command supplied from the host microcomputer (24) to the host microcomputer (24). The host microcomputer (24) is provided with a second function of collating the command returned from the sub microcomputer (25) with a corresponding command stored therein to thereby determine whether or not the command returned from the sub microcomputer (25) agrees with the corresponding command and a third function of supplying an operation command to the sub microcomputer (25) so that the command is executed by the sub microcomputer (25) when a result obtained by the second function is an affirmative. ...

18-11-1998 дата публикации

A drum-type washing machine

Номер: GB0002325245A

A drum-type washing machine having a drum for receiving laundry, comprises speed detection means for detecting the revolution speed of either the drum or a motor (3) arranged to drive the drum. First calculation means are provided to calculate a first angular acceleration after the speed detection means detects predetermined revolution speeds while the motor is accelerated, and second calculation means are provided to calculate a second angular acceleration after the speed detection means detects predetemined revolution speeds while the motor is decelerating in a de-energised free-running state. Load determination means determine the load on the drum according to the first and second angular accelerations, and hence the amount of laundry within the drum can be determined.

05-05-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001230853A

19-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008325153D0

18-09-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to washing machines

Номер: GB0001127891A

... 1,127,891. Transistor switching circuits. PHILIPS' GLOEILAMPENFABRIEKENN.V 10 Aug., 1965 [13 Aug., 1964], No. 34187/65. Heading H3T. [Also in Division D1] The cycle of a washing machine is controlled by transistor switching stages each controlling an action and having electro-optical couplings such that as one action is completed the following action is initiated. When switch 18 is momentarily pressed, water supply relay 6 is energized by circuit 1 (detailed in Fig. 2, not shown) and light source 12 illuminates photosensitive resistor 22 whose resistance drops to maintain the voltage at terminal 42 when switch 18 opens. When the water in tub 10 reaches level 83, terminal 41 is connected to the negative terminal of source 39 to change the state at circuit 1. Relay 6 and lamp 12 are de-energized and diode 29 becomes non-conducting to change over circuit 2 (detailed in Fig. 3, not shown). Heater relay 7 is thus switched on and lamp 13 illuminates resistor 22 whose resistance drops and maintains ...

25-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008611956D0

17-06-1970 дата публикации

Driving Arrangement for the Drum of a Wahsing Machine.

Номер: GB0001195179A

... 1,195,179. Control of D.C. motors. PHILIPS ELECTRONIC & ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES Ltd. 27 May, 1969 [30 May, 1968], No. 26764/69. Heading H2J. [Also in Divisions D1 and G3] A commutator motor 1 which drives a washing machine at high and low speeds is supplied through the heating element 7 whereby its speed decreases to a lower value than is normal with an increasing load. A switch 8 enables the element 7 to be connected directly to A.C. mains 2, 2<1>, to accelerate the heating of water in the tub. A switch 10, 10<1>, reverses the motor, whilst a thyristor 9 provides control of washing speed. The tub is first filled with water through valve 18 opened by device 17. A level detector 20 starts the motor 1 through cycle counter 16 under the control of heater 21 and temperatureresponsive resistor 22. A reversing circuit 12 causes the motor to run in alternate directions for set periods, with a pause between each period during which the element 7 is supplied directly from the mains. When the temperature ...

26-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB2175416A

A washer-dehydrator comprising a casing, a rotating tub disposed in the casing and resiliently adapted to hold an object of dehydration therein, and a weight detector including a stationary electrode and movable electrode which delivers an output signal indicative of a change of electrostatic capacity corresponding to a change of the weight load of the rotating tub. The rotation of the tub is controlled in accordance with the output signal from the weight detector, thereby regulating the rotation of the rotating tub.

03-07-1985 дата публикации

Tumble drier

Номер: GB0002150680A

A laundry drier is provided with control means for moisture- dependent termination of the drying operation, during which laundry being dried comes into contact at irregular intervals with two electrodes (1, 6) connected to a capacitor (7) which is constantly supplied with charging current and the charge voltage of which comprises at least one monitored threshold value. The capacitor (7) is connected in series with a constant current source (8), so that the capacitor charge, when laundry is only occasionally contacting the electrodes, does not reach the threshold voltage value before an associated value of the residual moisture content of the laundry is actually reached. ...

14-10-1987 дата публикации

Control system for an electronically commutated motor

Номер: GB0002189098A

A method of controlling laundry apparatus having first and second conductors for supplying power and being driven by an electronically commutated motor having a plurality of winding stages adapted to be selectively commutated. In practicing this method, voltages across the winding stages are converted to digital form thereby to digitize the voltages, and the winding stages are commutated by selectively switching the winding stages to the conductors in at least one preselected sequence. The commutating is temporarily interrupted to leave the winding stages temporarily unpowered, and the winding stages are switched from a first connection arrangement to a second connection arrangement. The digitized voltages are sensed while the winding stages are temporarily unpowered, and the commutating is resumed beginning at a point in the sequence determined from the sensed digitized voltages.

08-04-1987 дата публикации

Washing machines and control systems therefor

Номер: GB0002180961A

An automatic washing machine has a control system incorporating a microprocessor for progressing through a number of different selectable wash programmes, in at least one of which it controls electrically energisable means operative to maintain the wash liquid temperature constant at two or more predetermined values, increasing in steps, for respective periods of time, and also controls means for agitating the wash liquid either continuously or intermittently for predetermined times during such periods. ...

20-11-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002074612B

29-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001412138A

... 1412138 Time switches MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO Ltd 2 Nov 1972 [5 Nov 1971 20 June 1972] 50560/72 Heading H1N A timing system, for an automatic washing machine, for example, comprises cam means 71 for actuating a plurality of contact sets T1 to T10 to control a fundamental programme, a synchronous motor 58, a high speed gear train and a low speed gear train to impart respective drives from said motor to said cam means, means to prevent interference between the two drives, an electromagnetic clutch 69, 67 for releasably engaging the high speed gear train, a selector (54, Fig. 1, not shown) for selecting different combinations of said contact sets T1 to T10 to provide respective programmes, and a circuit (Fig. 14, not shown) including means for isolating one or more of said contact sets to omit a respective part or parts of the fundamental programme and for simultaneously energizing the electromagnetic clutch to impart high speed drive to the cam means 71, the circuit including self-holding ...

25-01-1956 дата публикации

Improvements in mechanism for controlling the operation of laundry or textile washing, dyeing, bleaching or similar machines

Номер: GB0000743786A

... 743,786. Washing-machines. FISHER, I. M. Dec. 14, 1953 [Dec. 12, 1952], No. 31481/52. Drawings to Specification. Class 138 (2). Mechanism for controlling the operation of a laundry and textile washing, dyeing, bleaching or similar machine, comprises an electromagnetically operated uniselector, a pair of contact banks of which, in conjunction with a set of switches, control the timing of the successive stages of an operating cycle and further contact banks of which are connected through preselector switches and relays to control the operating conditions of each stage. As applied to a washing-machine the uniselector has nine banks each of 25 contacts. Eight of the banks are used in pairs to provide four sets of 50 contacts. The uniselector is driven by a solenoid which is normally operated through a relay by a motor-driven switch having a rotating wiper and two diametrically opposite contacts. This is driven at the rate of one revolution every two minutes and the contacts therefore produce'current ...

21-02-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to programme timers

Номер: GB0001103685A

... 1,103,685. Ratchet gearing. CONTROLS CO. OF AMERICA. 5 Oct., 1966 [24 Oct., 1965], No. 44401/66. Heading F2Q. [Also in Division H1] A ratchet-and-pawl drive for a timer comprises a pawl 34 pivoted on a lever 18 engaging a motor-driven snail cam 20, the pawl 34 acting on the ratchet-wheel 10 which is on a cam-shaft of the timer. A stop pawl 42 is pivoted at 38 and both pawls engage the same tooth of the ratchet-wheel when the pawl 34 has completed a step (Fig. 1). Movement of the lever 18 when released by the cam is limited by a stop 40 which is engaged by the end of pawl 34. In a modification (Figs. 4, 5, not shown), the stop consists of a surface (74) on the stop pawl (70).

28-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008630153D0

08-01-1969 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to programmed washing machines

Номер: GB0001139003A

... 1,139,003. Washing machines. PHILIPS' GLOEILAMPENFABRIEKEN N.V. 4 Feb., 1966 [9 Feb., 1965], No. 5012/66. Heading D1A. A washing machine comprises a first timing circuit determining the number of rinsing cycles, a second timing circuit determining the period of a washing and rinsing cycle respectively, and a temperature-controlled switching circuit coupled to the second timing circuit, the arrangement being such that upon starting the washing programme a capacitor of the first timing circuit is connected to a D.C. supply, this timing circuit thereby closing a switch in series with the tub-filling means, and at the end of the washing cycle the D.C. supply to said capacitor is interrupted, whereby said switch is opened after a period determined by the first timing circuit. As shown, timing circuits 48 and 88 are energised when a main switch 2 is closed, whereby a relay 62 in circuit 48 is de-energised to maintain a switch 20 in the circuit of the tub-filling valve 3 open, and a relay 99 in ...

16-07-1952 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to control devices for electric washing machines

Номер: GB0000675768A

... 675,768. Time switches. BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON CO., Ltd. June 14, 1949. [June 19, 1948] No. 15807/49. Class 38 (v). [Also in Group XXIV] A control device for a washing machine comprises a sequential control for a series of operations, an interval control for varying the duration of one of the operations, a motor for alternatively driving the controls, a train of gears for transmitting motion to the controls, and a stop for maintaining one gear stationary so as normally to cause the motor to drive the sequential control over others of the gears, the interval control having a setting knob connected to the stationary gear through a friction clutch. The sequential control comprises a cam drum 15 co-operating with a switch assembly 6, which may be similar to that of Specification 636,039, and is driven by a motor 19 through gears 20, 22, 23, 24 and 25. The gear 25 is secured to a shaft 14 to the upper end of which is fixed a gear 26 which co-operates with a spring-pressed pawl 28 .pivoted to ...

25-10-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in laundering plants

Номер: GB0001088911A

... 1,088,911. Laundry systems. PELLERIN MILNOR CORPORATION. Feb. 1, 1965 [Aug. 3, 1964], No. 4335/65. Heading D1(A). In a laundry comprising two rooms separated by a partition having at least one washing machine 15 sealingly mounted therein, the machine has doors affording access thereto from each side of the partition and into locking means which prevent both doors being open at the same time. The dirty room is maintained at sub-atmospheric pressure by an extractor fan whereby air entrained into the machine when its doors are operated can only pass from the clean room to the dirty room. The working machine is of the rotary drum type having a variable speed drive. Each door 61 incorporates a lower port 62 which swings downward and outward about a horizontal axis when the door is open to form a support for feeding clothing into the machine. For control circuit for doors, soap supply injector and air control valve means, Figs. 4, 5 and 6 (not shown). should be referred to respectiyely.

22-06-1994 дата публикации

Washing machine

Номер: GB0009408695D0

01-12-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009321264D0

26-07-1937 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to the automatic control or washing and other machines

Номер: GB0000469408A

... 469,408. Fluid-pressure servomotorcontrol systems. TANQUERAY, D. Y. B., and BAKER PERKINS, Ltd. Jan. 24, 1936, No. 2267. [Class 135] [Also in Group VIII] In an apparatus for automatically controlling the supply of fluids to washing-machines embodying a rotary control element, such element is arranged to be driven at the appropriate times in the cycle of operations either from a time control drive or from a volumesensitive drive whereby a valve is opened at a predetermined time and closed after the passage of a predetermined quantity of liquid. As shown, a turntable 1 carrying a control disc 3-controlling, in conjunction with a stationary contact arm 8, circuits to electromagnetic valves 41 which operate the washing-Huid supply valves 20, 21, 28, 29, 30 by fluid-pressure from a header 39-is initially driven by an electric motor 9, the circuit of which is broken, immediately on a valve being opened, by one of a number of solenoid-operated switches 103 corresponding to the number of valves ...

18-08-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001243377A

... 1,243,377. Control of D.C. motors. FISHER-BENDIX Ltd. 14 Nov., 1969 [22 Jan., 1969], No. 3657/69. Heading H2J. [Also in Division G3] A washing machine drum is driven by a motor whose armature is regulated by a semi-conductor device receiving signals from a cyclically intermittent on-off control circuit C and a progressive control circuit D. Reversing and braking arrangements for the motor are actuated by relays. The circuit C is associated with an oscillator E, multivibrator G, and short duration oscillator F. The circuit D receives a spin signal from a programming unit, this signal being applied through diode D11 to capacitor C13 and then converted in an integrating circuit to a control signal for accelerating the motor from the washing speed through a distribution speed to a high-speed spin. The oscillator E comprises switch SCS1 which conducts at a predetermined voltage level on capacitor C6 whereby a reduced voltage appears across capacitor C10 of the controlled semi-conductor device ...

08-11-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001531336A

... 1531336 Automatic control of speed MULLARD Ltd 16 July 1976 29698/76 Heading G3R A control circuit for a washing machine similar to that disclosed in Specification 1266691 monitors the tachogenerator output so that if an interruption of the supply occurs during spinning, but the motor speed does not fall below the distribution speed the spin response voltage is reapplied to the control circuit thus avoiding loss of spinning time caused by the machine recycling from the washing speed through the distribution speed to spin speed. In the arrangement shown the series motor 1 is controlled by triac 3 whose gate electrode is supplied from a comparator supplied by a ramp voltage B and a reference voltage VR. The washing machine programmer energizes terminals IP1, IP2, IP3 for washing distribution and spinning respectively outputs the voltages SW, SD and SS accordingly-to produce a current output from I3 when gated by a signal on line F. The distribution timer 9 provides signals TE to the voltage ...

08-07-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001592759A

08-07-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001592823A

09-01-1980 дата публикации

Moisture control apparatus for a laundry drier

Номер: GB0002024387A
Автор: Heissmeier, Walter

A moisture control apparatus for a laundry drier comprises a moisture- sensitive resistor (1) to measure the moisture content of the drying air issuing from the drum. The moisture- sensitive resistor (1) comprises a carrier, a resistance layer and a covering layer to absorb water from the drying air. It is arranged in a bridge circuit unbalanced by any difference value between the respective resistance values of a fixed resistor (2) and the moisture-sensitive resistor (1). A delay device (6) maintains a self- holding circuit at the start of the drying process and until the drying air moisture has risen beyond a preset value. A discriminator (7) is connected through the delay device (6) to the bridge circuit and actuates a switching device (8) when the unbalance is reduced to a predetermined target value. ...

15-05-2015 дата публикации

Messvorrichtung zur Erfassung wenigstens eines Parameters einer Flüssigkeit

Номер: AT514640B1

Measuring apparatus (1) for recording at least one parameter of a liquid (2), in particular a cleaning or disinfectant liquid, comprising at least one sensor (3, 4), at least one apparatus for supplying energy to at least the at least one sensor (3, 4), and at least one apparatus for forwarding data to and/or from the at least one sensor (3, 4), wherein the measuring apparatus (1) is subdivided into at least one first subassembly (5) and one second subassembly (6) which is spatially separate from the first subassembly (5), and the two subassemblies (5, 6) are electromagnetically operatively connected to one another via at least one induction apparatus (7).

15-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000190120T

25-04-1969 дата публикации

A caustic solution procedure for washing laundry

Номер: AT0000270550B

25-11-1970 дата публикации

Device to the selection of two different drying temperatures in washing machines, dishwashers u.dgl.

Номер: AT0000286219B

10-05-1971 дата публикации

Control equipment for washing machines or dishwashers

Номер: AT0000289696B

25-08-1970 дата публикации

Program control for washing machines

Номер: AT0000284049B

26-09-1966 дата публикации

Control equipment for washing machines

Номер: AT0000249615B

12-05-1969 дата публикации

Program expensive mechanism for a wash device

Номер: AT0000270552B

10-07-1969 дата публикации

Program transmitter in automatic machines to cleaning household effects, like table-ware, laundry od.dgl.

Номер: AT0000272581B

20-08-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006873387A

19-03-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006270186A

22-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006963981A

24-08-2017 дата публикации

A laundry or tableware treating machine

Номер: AU2013283593B2
Принадлежит: Halfords IP

A laundry or tableware treating machine including a treating chamber where the items can be introduced to be treated with a treating medium, a control unit (UC1), a heat pump system including a compressor (C), a first heat exchanger for heating a refrigerant, a second heat exchanger for cooling the refrigerant and heating the treating medium and expansion means, at least an active switching device (RL), controllable by the control unit (UC1), for selectively switching ON/OFF the compressor (C), wherein the machine comprises at least a passive switching device, not controllable by control unit (UC1), and including a thermo protector circuit (P) adapted to cut the power supply to the compressor (C) when predetermined temperature or voltage load thresholds are exceeded, monitoring means to detect the opening of the thermo protector circuit (P) to cut the power supply to the compressor (C), wherein the monitoring means includes at least one of the following: a system for monitoring the temperature ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Control method of laundry treatment apparatus

Номер: AU2016224322B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

A control method of a laundry treatment apparatus that a first treatment device that has a first load unit and a second treatment device that has a second load unit includes the action of performing a first cycle in the first treatment device by supplying electric power to the first load unit. The actions further include performing a second cycle in the second treatment device by supplying electric power to the second load unit. The actions further include reducing power consumption by terminating the second cycle in the second treatment device and performing a third cycle in the second treatment device, the third cycle being different than the second cycle. The actions further include terminating the first cycle in the first treatment device. The actions further include terminating the third cycle in the second treatment device and repeating the second cycle in the second treatment device.

02-06-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1102435A

An automatic washing machine which automatically carries out the steps of washing, rinsing and dehydrating in accordance with a preselected program, comprises an indication means for indicating the occurrence of abnormal operation if it occurs in the steps of washing, rinsing and dehydrating, in such a manner that the indication mode differs from cause to cause of the occurrence of the abnormal operation.

09-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1085495A

A control circuit for controlling current supply to machines, such as a washing machine, the control circuit controlling the state of a first switch adapted to switch current to control means associated with the machine, functional means being monitored, such monitoring being operative to, should a fault occur, cause the first switch to open, and a back-up circuit, responsive to said monitors, including switching means operative to disconnect the current from the functional means if a fault occurs irrespective of the state of the first switch.

20-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA1228410A

An automatic temperature control for automatic washers is provided which minimizes the cycling of the water inlet valves to a maximum of two cycles each during the fill process. A predetermined volume of water from a first inlet line is admitted for measuring the temperature and flow rate and then that flow is terminated while a second predetermined volume of water from a second inlet line is admitted for measuring that temperature and flow rate. Then the amount of each of the two inlet streams is calculated so that a final preselected water level will be attained at a preselected temperature.

24-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1166036A

A method of washing textile articles in which, whilst the articles are immersed in a washing liquid, the liquid may be heated to a low temperature in the region of 30.degree.C and is agitated for brief periods in the region of 15 to 60 seconds by reversals of a drum rotatable about a substantially horizontal axis and containing the liquid and articles in each of a succession of longer basic periods in the region of 5 to 20 minutes, all continuing over a period of 2 hours or longer. Preferably increments of rotation are of different amounts in opposite directions respectively. A machine having a control means determining the temperature of the liquid and the durations of the basic periods and periods of agitation is also provided.

21-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1148375A

An automatic fabric washing machine is selectively operable through a plurality of cycles for washing either permanent press or regular fabrics. The drive system is selectively operable in either low or high speed for agitation of the fabric load or to spin the fabric basket for extraction of liquid from the fabric load. Circuitry is provided for bypassing the selected drive speed to assure that the initial cool-down spin increment for the permanent press cycle will always be at a low speed to reduce the quantity of liquid pumped from the machine and to allow the fabrics to cool down with potentially reduced wrinkling. After the assured slow speed initial spin increment, the machine will proceed through the remainder of the cycle at the operator selected speeds.

04-01-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA1003075A

11-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002182167C

A laundry washing machine in which water is conserved by replacing the conventional deep rinse by a series of spray rinses. Each spray rinse utilis es a predetermined quantity of water which is sprayed directly at the clothes loa d while the load is rotated, thereby allowing the rinse water to pass straight through t he clothes load, removing soil and/or detergent from the clothes on its way. The amount of water used in each spray rinse is determined from a first "sense rinse" cycl e in which the volume of water required to totally saturate the clothes load is found. In each subsequent rinse, a proportion (preferably from about 50% to about 100%) of this value is used.

14-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002185382C

A clothes dryer temperature control system or circuit is provided with a thermally biased thermostat adjacent to the air outlet of the drying drum. Further, a thermally biased control thermostat is provided adjacent the air inlet of the dryer drum. The two thermostats are controlled through a multiple contac t switch controller which allows the dryer to operate in a high heat, medium heat, low heat, and damp dry heating cycles. Additionally, in a gas dryer embodime nt a trimmer thermostat is located in circuit with the thermally biased resisto r of the thermally biased air inlet thermostat so as to decrease the response time of this thermostat on its first cycle to prevent damage to clothing during initial operation of a gas dryer.

20-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002192265A1

A household appliance, in particular a washing machine or a dishwasher, is operated by an electronic program control (6). An electric load (5) in the appliance is switched on and/or off via a semiconductor component or a relay. If this semiconductor component or the relay fails, e.g. by short circuit or by contact sticking, a safety device is activated after the recognition of the failure of the component. The safety device disconnects the load (5) from its voltage supply. In a preferred design, an intentional water overflow takes place after the failure of the component, which results in the actuation of the water safety device. Thereupon the water safety device switches off the electronic program control (6) and thus also the load (5).

15-09-1961 дата публикации

Automatische Waschmaschine

Номер: CH0000356744A

30-11-1965 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000402794A

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Drum type washing machine

Номер: US20120006076A1
Автор: Jae Won Chang

A drum type washing machine has a cabinet forming an outer appearance of the washing machine, a tub fixed inside the cabinet for storing the washing water, a drum disposed in the tub and having both side surfaces supported by the cabinet to be rotatable and an inlet through which laundries come in/go out on a circumferential surface thereof, and a driving motor fixed on one side surface of the drum to rotate the drum. Washing capacity can be increased while maintaining the entire size of the washing machine by increasing a diameter of the drum without increasing the size of the cabinet, and the entire size of the washing machine can be compacted by minimizing the installation space of the driving motor.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Laundry machine

Номер: US20120011893A1

A laundry machine is disclosed. The laundry machine includes a tub comprising a front surface part ( 112 ) having an opening formed in a center thereof to introduce laundry therein, a drum rotatably provided in the tub, the drum having an opening formed therein to load the laundry therein, and a gasket ( 200 ) provided between an inner surface of the front surface of the tub and a front end of the opening of the drum. The gasket ( 200 ) comprises a plurality of ribs ( 205 a, 205 b, 205 c ) arranged along a radial direction.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Washing machine

Номер: US20120169193A1

A washing machine including a main body and a control panel mounted to the main body. The control panel includes a control panel frame assembled to the main body, a circuit board housing coupled to a rear side of the control panel frame and having an open rear side, and a circuit board accommodated in the circuit board housing. The circuit board is inserted into the circuit board housing through the open rear side of the circuit board housing such that a front surface thereof, on which light emitting elements to display operational modes of the washing machine are mounted, faces an inner wall surface of a front wall portion of the circuit board housing.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Timing control and timed wash cycle for an automatic washer

Номер: US20130263387A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

A control for an automatic washer to operate the washer through a wash cycle determined based upon various soils and stains in the substrate load to be washed with a wash liquor in a wash zone of the washer. The control has a plurality of stain/soil type entrées, which can be at least one of selected and detected, and cleaned with a particular wash cycle. The control has dispensing control over at least one wash liquor additive. The control has a user input to permit the user to customize the operation of the control with regard to the dispensing of the various wash liquor additive and a timing mechanism. The control has operational control over the particular wash cycles using the dispensing control to dispense additives to the wash liquor at selected times during the wash cycle.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Laundry treatment appliance slider-based user interface

Номер: US20200002866A1
Принадлежит: Midea Group Co Ltd

A laundry treatment appliance, program product and method utilize a slider-based user interface to facilitate user selection of settings for a laundry treatment cycle. A slider-based user interface, for example, may include a fabric slider control that receives user input that selects from among a plurality of fabric selections and a cycle modifier slider control that receives user input that selects from among a plurality of cycle modifier selections capable of increasing and/or decreasing various default settings associated with various fabric selections.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010180A1

A laundry treating appliance having a door assembly with an inner door frame. One or more mechanical fasteners extending the inner door frame so secure one of a hinge or handle to the door frame. Hinge and handle covers are adhesively bonded to the inner door frame to cover the one or more mechanical fasteners. A user interface controller is affixed to the door frame through an aperture in an inner door subassembly. A touch film having an integrated flexible printed circuit board with touch buttons is in communication with and configured to control the user interface controller. The touch film is adhered to the interior surface of the outer screen door. 1. A laundry treating appliance comprising:an inner door subassembly comprising an inner door frame, an intermediate door frame attached to the inner door frame, an outer door screen attached to the intermediate door frame, the intermediate door frame being adhered to a front of the inner door frame;one or more mechanical fasteners extending from a front to a back of the inner door frame; a hinge cover adhesively bonded to the inner door frame to cover the one or more mechanical fasteners on the back of the inner door frame;a user interface controller being affixed to the intermediate door frame through an aperture in the inner door subassembly; anda touch film having an integrated flexible printed circuit board with touch buttons in communication with and configured to control the user interface controller; and wherein the touch film is adhered to the interior surface of the outer screen door.2. The laundry treating appliance of claim 1 , wherein the inner door frame further comprises a hinge seat.3. The laundry treating appliance of claim 2 , further comprising a hinge in the hinge seat and covered by the hinge cover.4. The laundry treating appliance of claim 1 , wherein the outer door screen further comprises an interior surface and an outer surface and having a compound curvature claim 1 , a section thereof ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Method for controlling filling with water of a water-conducting electric household appliance

Номер: US20160022113A1
Принадлежит: Indesit Co Spa

A method of controlling the filling with water of a household appliance after treatment including activating a wash pump to a first speed, opening a load valve and starting a time counter, closing the valve and stopping the counter, calculating a flow-rate, opening and closing the valve again based on the calculated flow-rate.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042230A1

Disclosed is a clothes care apparatus capable of preventing the spreading of fire when a fire occurs on a printed circuit board (PCB) assembly. The clothes care apparatus may comprise: a PCB assembly; a PCB housing having an accommodation space for accommodating the PCB assembly, the PCB housing including a sidewall that forms the accommodation space; and a protective body filled into the accommodation space to cover the PCB assembly, wherein the sidewall may include guide wall having a height lower than or equal to a height of the protective body filled in the accommodation space. 1. A clothes care apparatus comprising:a printed circuit board (PCB) assembly;a PCB housing having an accommodation space for accommodating the PCB assembly, the PCB housing including a sidewall that forms the accommodation space; anda protective body filled into the accommodation space to cover the PCB assembly,wherein the sidewall includes a guide wall having a height lower than or equal to a height of the protective body filled in the accommodation space.2. The clothes care apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the guide wall is disposed below the PCB assembly.3. The clothes care apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a housing cover to which the PCB housing is coupled; anda machine room cover coupled to the housing cover to accommodate the PCB together with the housing cover, the machine room cover including an air inlet.4. The clothes care apparatus according to claim 3 , further comprising:a lower cover provided to prevent the protective body from being discharged to an outside of the machine room cover through the air inlet when the protective body is melted.5. The clothes care apparatus according to claim 4 , whereinthe lower cover and the housing cover form a flow path provided to guide the protective body when the protective body is melted, andthe flow path guides the protective body to a cover hole provided at a lower portion of the housing cover.6. The clothes ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

User-interface system for a laundry appliance

Номер: US20220043629A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

A laundry appliance includes a cabinet. A door is coupled to the cabinet. The door is operable between an opened position and a closed position. An audio interface is disposed on the door. The audio interface includes a microphone for receiving a voice command and a speaker for projecting an audio output. A visual interface is disposed on the door. The visual interface is configured to display a message in response to at least one of the voice command and the audio output. A microcontroller is disposed on the door. The microcontroller is operably coupled to the audio interface and the visual interface. A proximity sensor is configured to communicate sensed information to the microcontroller. The microcontroller is configured to activate at least one of the audio interface and the visual interface in response to the sensed information.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Washing and drying machine

Номер: US20170028447A1
Принадлежит: Indesit Co Spa

A washing and drying machine has a treatment tub and comprises: a washing circuit for drawing liquid from the tub and conveying it back into the tub, having a pump and means for heating the liquid; a drying circuit for extracting air from the tub and conveying it back into the tub, having a first fan, means for dehumidifying the air, and means for heating the dehumidified air; and a heat-pump arrangement having a refrigerating circuit for a refrigerant fluid, which includes a first condenser, a first evaporator, a first lamination valve, and a compressor. The means for heating the liquid comprise the first condenser, and the refrigerating circuit further comprises a second condenser, in series to the first condenser, and a second evaporator. The means for dehumidifying the air comprise the second evaporator, and the means for heating the dehumidified air comprise the second condenser.

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Laundry Treating Machine

Номер: US20150033806A1
Принадлежит: Electrolux Home Products Corp NV

The present invention relates to a laundry treating machine ( 1 ) comprising a casing ( 10 ), a rotatable laundry container ( 7 ) suitable for receiving the laundry to be treated and one or more peripheral units (F 1, H 1, T 1, SW 1, SW 2, S 1, 11, Ml, M 2, P 1 ) which enable the treatment to be carried out. The laundry treating machine ( 1 ) comprises a control unit ( 20; 120; 220 ) comprising a printed circuit board ( 21; 121; 221 ) with electric and/or electronic devices ( 22 ) mounted thereon. The control unit ( 20; 120; 220 ) comprises a control and communication section ( 31 ) for communicating with a user interface ( 11 ), a motor driving section ( 32; 132 ) for setting and varying the speed of at least a motor and/or a high power loads section ( 28 ) comprising switching devices suitable for controlling at least one heater device (H 1, R 1, R 2 ) and a power section ( 24 ) for supplying power to at least one of said sections ( 28, 31, 32; 132 ).

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056628A1

A circuit that increases input voltage to higher output voltage connected to a variable frequency drive in an appliance. Several switching arrangements, timing, and safety mechanisms are in place to assist. When the circuit experiences high draw, high voltage output values of circuit decrease over time, but different aspects of the circuit can be constructed so that the amount of time required at a higher voltage does not exceed the amount of time in which the high voltage output is provided. 1. A method of operating a voltage doubling circuit for a household appliance configured to perform a cycle of operation , the method comprising:in response to receiving a voltage supply from an alternating current (AC) power source at a power input of the voltage doubling circuit, charging a first capacitor bank and a second capacitor bank through a current-limiting surge suppressor, wherein the second capacitor bank in series with the first capacitor bank, wherein the first capacitor bank is operable to be charged by a positive half wave of the AC power source, and the second capacitor bank is operable to be charged by a negative half wave of the AC power source, and wherein the current-limiting surge suppressor defines a current-limiting path connected with the power input;in response to charging the first capacitor bank and the second capacitor bank to a predetermined voltage, continuing to charge the first capacitor bank and the second capacitor bank by way of a bypass path operable to bypass the current-limiting path of the current-limiting surge suppressor; andin response to a ceasing of the voltage supply from the AC power source, disabling, by activation of a current drain, the bypass path of the current-limiting surge suppressor.2. The method of further comprising at least partially discharging the first capacitor bank or the second capacitor bank to supply a voltage greater than the voltage supply to a variable frequency drive.3. The method of claim 2 , further ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Washing machine and control method thereof

Номер: US20150061560A1

A washing machine and a control method thereof capable of determining whether a driving motor is locked. A pulsator is rotatably mounted in a spin basket, a driving motor generates rotational force, a clutch transmits the rotational force to the pulsator or the spin basket, a driving circuit supplies a driving current to the driving motor, and a control unit controls the driving circuit and the clutch so that the pulsator rotates in a forward or reverse direction and rotation of the spin basket is stopped in a washing or rinsing process. The control unit controls the driving circuit so that a motor lock detection current is supplied to the driving motor, and controls the clutch so that, if a rotating speed of the driving motor is less than a reference speed, the rotational force is transmitted only to the pulsator.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Control method of a laundry machine

Номер: US20180057992A1

A laundry machine and a control method thereof are provided in which laundering ability may be improved while also improving efficiency and noise/vibration. The laundry machine employs a plurality of drum motions by varying drum rotational speed, drum rotational direction, and drum starting and stopping point, to provide different motion of laundry items in the drum.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Atomizing generator and clothes treatment apparatus comprising the atomizing generator

Номер: US20220081821A1

An atomizing generator and clothes treatment apparatus including the atomizing generator. The atomizing generator includes a housing, a partition plate being provided within the housing, the partition plate dividing the housing into an atomizing cavity and a mounting cavity which are in communication with each other; the atomizing cavity can accommodate liquid, an air inlet, a liquid inlet and a mist outlet which are in communication with the atomizing cavity are provided on the housing; and the atomizing generator further includes an atomizing element capable of atomizing the liquid within the atomizing cavity; a controller is provided in the mounting cavity, and the controller is connected to the atomizing element through a control wire to control the start/stop of the atomizing element. The embodiments improve the integration level of the atomizing generator, facilitates the assembly and production of the clothes treatment apparatus, and improves the assembly efficiency and the yield.

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Electronic accessory for heat-transfer electrical appliances

Номер: US20140148967A1
Автор: Eliyahu Bayfus
Принадлежит: Individual

An external electronic accessory is connectable between one or more sensors and control circuitry of a heat-transfer electrical appliance. The external electronic accessory includes a processor that selectively disconnects the one or more sensors from the control circuitry and produces a preset fake electrical signal for sending to the control circuitry of the heat-transfer electrical appliance.

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Washing machine appliance having a heat pipe therein

Номер: US20200077542A1
Принадлежит: Haier US Appliance Solutions Inc

A washing machine appliance is provided herein. The washing machine appliance may include a cabinet, a heat-generating electronic circuit board, and a heat pipe. The cabinet may extend in a transverse direction from a front end to a rear end. The cabinet may define an interior volume therein. The cabinet may include a metal back panel positioned at the rear end and defining at least a portion of the interior volume. The heat-generating electronic circuit board may be positioned within the interior volume. The heat pipe may extend in conductive thermal communication between the heat-generating electronic circuit board and the metal back panel.

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Electronic equipment and control method for the same

Номер: US20180090982A1
Автор: Jeongwon HWANG

A method of controlling an electronic apparatus includes supplying power to a second controller, receiving an activation time for supplying power to a communication portion and a deactivation time for interrupting power to the communication portion, setting time information based on the activation time and the deactivation time, performing, based on the time information, a standby step that includes interrupting power to a first controller, a first load portion, and the communication portion while supplying power to the second controller, controlling the communication portion switch to supply power to the communication portion based on the activation time, determining whether the communication portion has received the control command from the remote control terminal, and interrupting the power supplied to the communication portion and re-executing the standby step based on determining that the communication portion has not received the control command from the remote control terminal.

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Washing machine, method for controlling washing machine, and computer readable recording medium

Номер: US20160108575A1
Автор: Seung-Hun Lee, Sung-Mo Lee

A washing machine, a method and computer readable recording medium. The washing machine includes a washing spindle and a spin-drying spindle, a coupling that is movable to be engaged with a rotation preventing unit of the washing machine so that power of the driving motor is transferred to the washing spindle but not to the spin-drying spindle, and is movable to a position in which the coupling is not engaged with the rotation preventing unit so that power of the driving motor is transferred to both the washing spindle and the spin-drying spindle, and a control device configured to, in a washing mode of the washing machine, bring the coupling into contact with the rotation preventing unit, cause the coupling to rotate in first and second directions so that the coupling is engaged with the rotation preventing unit, and determine an engagement state by test-operating the driving motor.

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Cost improved intelligent sensor

Номер: US20210123176A1
Принадлежит: emz Hanauer GmbH and Co KGaA

A sensor for integration into a domestic washing machine or dishwasher includes a sensor housing and an electronic assembly accommodated in the sensor housing with sensor components for a plurality of different measurement functions. The measurement functions include at least an optical measurement function as well as at least one non-optical measurement function. The electronic assembly has a plug-in interface for an electrical connection plug where the plug-in interface has a plurality of electrical interface contacts for the electrical supply of the electronic assembly and for conducting away measurement information obtained by means of the measurement functions.

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210156065A1
Автор: JE Jungmoon, LEE Kiwook

The present disclosure relates to a laundry treatment machine. According to an embodiment of the present disclosure, a laundry treatment machine includes a controller controlling a motor, during dewatering, to be driven at a first speed when a lift is at a first level and to drive the motor at a second speed greater than the first speed when the lift is at a second level greater than the first level, wherein the lift is a difference between a water level of a water introduction part through which water flows into a drain pump and a water level of a water discharge part through which the water is discharged out of the drain pump. Accordingly, noise or vibration can be reduced even if the lift is changed during the dewatering. 1. A laundry treatment machine comprising:a washing tub;a driver to drive the washing tub;a drain pump;a motor to drive the drain pump;a converter to output a direct current (DC) power;an inverter to convert the DC power at a DC terminal into an alternating current (AC) power based on a switching operation and to output the converted AC power to the motor;an output current detector to detect an output current flowing in the motor; anda controller configured to, during dewatering, drive the motor at a first speed when a lift is at a first level and to drive the motor at a second speed greater than the first speed when the lift is at a second level greater than the first level, wherein the lift is a difference between a water level of a water introduction part through which water flows into the drain pump and a water level of a water discharge part through which the water is discharged out of the drain pump,wherein the controller is configured to, during drainage before the dewatering, drive the motor with a first power when the lift is at the first level and to drive the motor with the first power when the lift is at the second level greater than the first level.2. The laundry treatment machine of claim 1 , wherein the controller calculates claim ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210156066A1

The present disclosure relates to a drain pump driving apparatus and a laundry treatment machine including the same. A drain pump driving apparatus according to an embodiment of the present disclosure includes a controller configured to drive a motor, during drainage, based on an output current and a direct current (DC) terminal voltage with a first power when a lift is at a first level and to drive the motor with the first power when the lift is at a second level that is greater than the first level, wherein the lift is a difference between a water level of a water introduction part through which water flows into a drain pump and a water level of a water discharge part through which the water is discharged out of the drain pump. Accordingly, water pumping can be performed smoothly even if the lift is changed during the drainage. 1. A drain pump driving apparatus comprising:a motor to drive a drain pump;a converter to output a direct current (DC) power;an inverter to convert the DC power at a DC terminal into an alternating current (AC) power based on a switching operation and output the converted AC power to the motor;an output current detector to detect an output current flowing in the motor; anda controller configured to, during drainage, drive the motor with a first power based on the output current when a lift is at a first level and drive the motor with the first power when the lift is at a second level that is greater than the first level, wherein the lift is a difference between a water level of a water introduction part through which water flows into the drain pump and a water level of a water discharge part through which the water is discharged out of the drain pump.2. The drain pump driving apparatus of claim 1 , wherein when the lift is at the first level claim 1 , the controller is configured to drive the motor with a power within a first allowable range based on the first power claim 1 , without decreasing over time claim 1 , from a first time point ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210156068A1
Автор: KIM Sangwon, LEE Jaehoon

An artificial intelligence apparatus determines whether a washing option in a washing course according to the input of a user is changed when input of the user is received, and collect use history information when the washing option is changed. In addition, the artificial intelligence apparatus inputs the collected use history information to an option resetting model to acquire a second washing option for resetting the washing course, and resets the washing option included in the washing course according to the second washing option. 1. An artificial intelligence apparatus mounted in a washing machine , the artificial intelligence apparatus comprising:an input interface configured to receive an input; anda processor configured to:determine whether a first washing option in a first washing course according to the input has changed, wherein the first washing option has been previously set;input usage history information reflecting change information of the first washing option to an option resetting model for acquiring a second washing option when the first washing option has changed, andreset the first washing course according to the second washing option.2. The artificial intelligence apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the usage history information includes course information and option information,wherein the option information includes at least one of a water temperature, a number of rinse cycles or a number of drying cycles, andwherein the course information corresponds to information on a combination of the option information according to a washing method.3. The artificial intelligence apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the option resetting model:extracts usage history information prior to a certain time period from a most recently acquired usage history information,assigns weights to a plurality of washing options in the first washing course included in the extracted usage history information, andoutputs, as the second washing option, a washing option in which a sum of ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210159819A1
Принадлежит: Electrolux Appliances Aktiebolag

A washing machine having a first single phase electric motor, a second single phase electric motor and an electric drive unit for the electric motors. The electric drive unit is connected to power supply lines and comprises three first legs, each leg comprising a pair of switches. Electrical terminals of the first electric motor are connected to the first and second legs of the electric drive unit and electrical terminals of the second electric motor are connected to the second and third legs of the electric drive unit. 1. A washing machine having a first single phase electric motor , a second single phase electric motor and an electric drive unit configured to operate the electric motors , the electric drive unit being connected to a first power supply line and a second power supply line , wherein the electric drive unit comprises:a first leg comprising a first switch and a second switch connected in series between the first power supply line and the second power supply line;a second leg comprising a third switch and a fourth switch connected in series between the first power supply line and the second power supply line;a third leg comprising a fifth switch and a sixth switch connected in series between the first power supply line and the second power supply line;wherein a first electrical terminal of the first electric motor is connected to the first leg and a second electrical terminal of the first electric motor is connected to the second leg and wherein a first electrical terminal of the second electric motor is connected to the second leg and a second electrical terminal of the second electric motor is connected to the third leg.2. The washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the first electrical terminal of the first electric motor is connected to a node between the first switch and the second switch of the first leg and the second electrical terminal of the first electric motor is connected to a node between the third switch and the fourth switch of ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220275557A1
Автор: MORITA Manabu

A washer control device includes a computer configured to: monitor a motor current value that is a value of electric current supplied to a washer motor; acquire an energization time for which the electric current is supplied to the washer motor; and calculate a usage amount of a washer fluid from the motor current value and the energization time, and calculate, as a margin of the washer fluid, a remaining amount of the washer fluid in a washer tank based on the usage amount. 1. A washer control system comprising:a situation monitoring device configured to monitor a situation related to traveling of a vehicle;a washer tank configured to store a washer fluid;a washer motor configured to perform washer spraying by suctioning the washer fluid stored in the washer tank and discharging the washer fluid in order to remove dirt that hinders monitoring by the situation monitoring device, in response to energization to the washer motor; anda washer control device configured to control the washer spraying by controlling the energization to the washer motor, whereinthe washer control device includes a computer configured to:monitor a motor current value that is a value of electric current supplied to the washer motor;acquire an energization time for which the electric current is supplied to the washer motor, andcalculate a usage amount of the washer fluid from the motor current value and the energization time, and calculate, as a margin of the washer fluid, a remaining amount of the washer fluid in the washer tank based on the usage amount.2. The washer control system according to claim 1 , whereinthe computer is further configured to:count a spray time during which the washer spraying is performed and adopt the spray time as the energization time; andcalculate the usage amount of the washer fluid from the motor current value and the spray time.3. The washer control system according to claim 1 , further comprisinga washer level sensor configured to detect that the remaining ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210164145A1

Disclosed herein is a washing machine and a control method thereof, and more particularly, to a technology capable of controlling washing modes in various manners by manipulating a control panel of the washing machine. The washing machine includes a display configured to display a washing mode, an inputter configured to receive a washing mode select command, a storage configured to store a selected washing mode, and a controller configured to allow a washing mode, which has the largest number of times selected during a predetermined number of times of washings, to be displayed on a first screen of the display, and in response to the number of the washing mode having the largest number of selection times being plural, configured to allow a washing mode, which is the last selected among the plurality of washing modes, to be displayed on the first screen of the display. 1. A washing machine comprising:a display configured to display a plurality of operating states of an external device connected to the washing machine;an inputter configured to receive an external device control command to control the external device;a communication circuitry configured to communicate with the external device; and transmit the received external device control command to the external device using the communication circuitry, and', 'display, on the display, an operating state of the external device operating in accordance with the transmitted external device control command., 'a controller configured to'}2. The washing machine of claim 1 , whereinthe communication circuitry is implemented as a wired communication circuitry or a wireless communication circuitry, and is configured to receive operation state information of the plurality of operating states of the external device.3. The washing machine of claim 1 , whereinthe external device includes a dryer, andin response to the communication circuitry communicating with the dryer, the display is configured to display a message indicating ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210189625A1

A remote control method for a washing machine includes the following steps: a status feedback channel that is between the washing machine and a mobile terminal and that is configured to transmit a working status of the washing machine is established; a control request sent by the mobile terminal is received by the washing machine; and after an activation key disposed on the washing machine is activated, a control channel between the washing machine and the mobile terminal, configured to transmit a control instruction, is established. The remote control method solves the safety problem of the remote control of the washing machine. The control channel between the washing machine and the mobile terminal can be established only when a person ensures that the washing machine is in a safe state, and further triggers the activation key, thereby implementing remote control of the washing machine. 1. A remote control method for a washing machine , wherein the washing machine is in wireless connection with a mobile terminal , and the remote control method comprises the following steps:establishing a status feedback channel used to transmit a working status of the washing machine between the mobile terminal and the washing machine;the washing machine receiving a control request being sent by the mobile terminal; and after an activation key disposed on the washing machine being activated, establishing a control channel that is configured to transmit a control instruction between the washing machine and the mobile terminal.2. The remote control method for the washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein: inputs activation information by pressing the activation key claim 1 , and it is determined that the activation key is activated based on the activation information claim 1 , ora near-field sensing module disposed on the activation key performs near-field sensing with the mobile terminal, so as to obtain the activation information, and it is determined that the activation key ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210189626A1
Автор: HYUN Sejong, Kim Sang Won

Disclosed is a washing machine that performs a washing process in response to a type of a contaminant in laundry in a 5G environment, a method for controlling a washing machine, and a server for supporting washing. The washing machine according to an embodiment of the present disclosure may include a processor, a memory operably coupled to the processor and for storing at least one code executed in the processor, and a driver for controlling rotation of an inner tub so as to perform a washing operation on laundry. The memory may store a code to, when executed by the processor, cause the processor to identify a type of a contaminant in the laundry, determine a first washing process corresponding to the type of the contaminant, and control the driver based on the first washing process. 1. A washing machine , comprising:an inner tube;a processor;a memory operably coupled to the processor, the memory configured to store codes to be executed in the processor; anda driver configured to control rotation of the inner tub so as to perform a washing operation on laundry inserted into the inner tub, identify a type of a contaminant in the laundry,', 'determine a first washing process corresponding to the type of the contaminant, and', 'control the driver based on the first washing process., 'wherein the memory stores a code configured to, when executed by the processor, cause the processor to2. The washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the memory further stores a code configured to cause the processor to acquire and determine the first washing process from the memory or a washing support server.3. The washing machine according to claim 2 , wherein the memory further stores a code configured to cause the processor to:request a search server for a washing method associated with the type of the contaminant, in response to a result of the first washing process not being acquired from the memory or the washing support server, andacquire the washing method from the search ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214875A1
Автор: CHOI Sunhwa

An electronic device includes a camera to capture an image, and a processor to input an image acquired by photographing a detergent container into a trained model to acquire detergent information corresponding to the detergent container, and to guide an amount of detergent dispensed based on washing information corresponding to the detergent information. The trained model is a neural network trained using images of a plurality of detergent containers. 1. An electronic device comprising:a camera to capture an image; anda processor configured to:input an image acquired by photographing a detergent container into a trained model to acquire detergent information corresponding to the detergent container; andguide an amount of detergent dispensed based on washing information corresponding to the detergent information,wherein the trained model is a neural network trained using images of a plurality of detergent containers.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the trained model infers a position of a region of interest and a text present in the region of interest claim 1 , from the image acquired by photographing the detergent container claim 1 , andwherein the processor is configured to:acquire the detergent information corresponding to the photographed detergent container using one or more texts which are inferred.3. The electronic device of claim 2 , wherein the text includes:at least one of a trademark, a product description, a product type, and a manufacturer.4. The electronic device of claim 2 , wherein the trained model is generated by training the neural network using the images of the plurality of the detergent containers and ‘coordinate of identification element and text corresponding to the coordinate’ labeled on each of the images of the plurality of detergent containers.5. The electronic device of claim 4 , wherein the text corresponding to the coordinate indicates the identification element present within the coordinate of an image of a detergent ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Phase control of dc bus in appliances

Номер: US20190190429A1
Принадлежит: Haier US Appliance Solutions Inc

A control system of an appliance having a motor is provided. The control system includes an inverter circuit configured to provide power to the motor. The inverter circuit has a direct-current (DC) bus. The control system further includes a controller device powered by the DC bus, and a phase fired control device operatively coupled to an input of the inverter circuit. Also, the phase fired control device is configured to control a magnitude of voltage applied to the DC bus based on a phase on angle of the phase fired control device.

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210230783A1

A washing machine appliance includes a wash tub defining a wash chamber, a wash basket rotatably mounted within the wash tub, and a camera mounted within the cabinet in view of the wash chamber. A controller is operably coupled to the camera for obtaining images of the load of clothes in the wash chamber and analyzing the images using a neural network image recognition process (such as a Mask R-CNN process) to determine a load characteristic of the load of clothes. The load characteristic can then be used to adjust at least one operating parameter of the washing machine appliance based on the load characteristic, e.g., for improved or optimized wash performance. 1. A laundry appliance comprising:a cabinet;a basket rotatably mounted within the cabinet and defining a chamber configured for receiving of a load of clothes;a camera mounted within the cabinet in view of the chamber; obtaining one of more images of the load of clothes in the chamber using the camera;', 'analyzing the one or more images using a neural network image recognition process to determine a load characteristic of the load of clothes; and', 'adjusting at least one operating parameter of the laundry appliance based on the load characteristic., 'a controller operably coupled to the camera, the controller being configured for2. The laundry appliance of claim 1 , wherein obtaining the one of more images of the load of clothes comprises:obtaining a first image;tumbling the clothes; andobtaining a second image.3. The laundry appliance of claim 1 , further comprising:a tub light for illuminating the chamber, wherein the controller is further configured for turning on the tub light prior to obtaining the one or more images of the load of clothes.4. The laundry appliance of claim 1 , wherein the image recognition process comprises a region based convolution neural network (R-CNN) image recognition process with image segmentation.5. The laundry appliance of claim 1 , wherein the load characteristic comprises ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Appliance having a touch film on a compound curved surface

Номер: US20180209087A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

An appliance having a door with an interior surface having a compound curvature, a section thereof configured to enable viewing a user interface on the interior surface through the door. The user interface includes a touch film adhered to the interior surface by application of a roller to activate a pressure sensitive adhesive between the touch film and the interior surface.

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Clog Resistant Appliance Diverter Valve

Номер: US20190203843A1

A diverter valve for an appliance having water containing filamentous materials such as hair or string provides a low turbulence conduit ( 48 ) interconnecting an inlet ( 18 ) and multiple outlets ( 22 a ) reducing dead space and opportunities for filamentous materials to catch or collect. The conduit may be contained in a rotating spool ( 40 ) within a watertight housing ( 34 ) allowing simplified gasketing augmented by an ability to turn on and off waterflow separately, for example, with the valve or pump.

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200208322A1
Автор: Choi Moonsuk, Lee Hoonbong

Disclosed is a control method of a laundry apparatus comprising: a drum provided to hold clothes; and a drive unit configured to rotate the drum, the control method comprising: an accelerating step for accelerating the drum; a decelerating step for decelerating the drum; and a laundry load sensing step for sensing the laundry load of the clothes held in the drum based on a measured acceleration value of the drive unit during the accelerating step and a measured deceleration value of the drive unit during the decelerating step. 1. A method of controlling a laundry apparatus having a drum to hold laundry , and a motor to rotate the drum , the method comprising:determining a first attribute value of the motor during an accelerating of the drum;determining a second attribute value of the motor during a decelerating of the drum; anddetermining a laundry load held in the drum based on the first attribute value of the motor during the accelerating of the drum and the second attribute value of the motor during the decelerating of the drum.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first attribute value is determined based on a first current value measured in the motor during the accelerating of the drum claim 1 , and the second attribute value is determined based on a second current value measured in the motor during the decelerating of the drum.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first current value is determined based on a first prescribed current order value to rotate the motor during the accelerating of the drum claim 2 , andthe second current value is determined based on a second prescribed current order value to rotate the motor during the decelerating of the drum.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first current value is determined based on a first output current value output from the motor during the accelerating of the drum claim 2 , andthe second current value is determined based on a second output current value output from the motor during the decelerating of ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210262139A1
Автор: OH Changhun, Son Jinhwan

A laundry treating apparatus includes first and second treating apparatuses; a first display on which a control command that may be input to the first treating apparatus; a first apparatus input unit for inputting the control command to the first treating apparatus; a first display controller controlling the first display and the first apparatus input unit; a first apparatus first power circuit connecting the first display controller and the first apparatus input unit to a power source; a first apparatus second power circuit connecting the power source with the first load controller, switched by a first controller switch; and a first apparatus third power circuit connecting the power source with the first driving unit, switched by a first load portion switch. When the control command is input through the first apparatus input unit, the first display controller controls the first controller switch to close the first apparatus second power circuit. 1. A laundry treating system comprising:a first treating apparatus including (i) a first cabinet, (ii) a first container configured to rotate in the first cabinet and receive laundry therein, and (iii) a first driver configured to rotate the first container in accordance with a first control signal of a first load controller;a second treating apparatus including (i) a second cabinet having an upper panel that supports the first cabinet, (ii) a second container configured to rotate in the second cabinet and receive laundry therein, and (iii) a second driver configured to rotate the second container in accordance with a second control signal of a second load controller;a first display configured to receive an input of a first control command for the first treating apparatus;a first apparatus input controller configured to input the first control command to the first treating apparatus;a first display controller configured to control the first display and the first apparatus input controller;a first apparatus first power ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210262140A1

Disclosed herein is a washing machine and a control method thereof, and more particularly, to a technology capable of controlling washing modes in various manners by manipulating a control panel of the washing machine. The washing machine includes a display configured to display a washing mode, an inputter configured to receive a washing mode select command, a storage configured to store a selected washing mode, and a controller configured to allow a washing mode, which has the largest number of times selected during a predetermined number of times of washings, to be displayed on a first screen of the display, and in response to the number of the washing mode having the largest number of selection times being plural, configured to allow a washing mode, which is the last selected among the plurality of washing modes, to be displayed on the first screen of the display. 1. An apparatus comprising:a washing machine having an opening through which to receive laundry into the washing machine;a dryer disposed above the washing machine and having an opening through which to receive laundry into the dryer; and a display to display an operation state of the washing machine and an operation state of the dryer,', 'a washing machine selection inputter that is operable by a user to select the washing machine,', 'a washing machine operation start/stop inputter which is displayable in a first state that indicates to the user that the washing machine operation start/stop inputter is not operable by the user, and a second state that indicates to the user that the washing machine operation start/stop inputter is operable by the user to start or stop an operation of the washing machine,', 'a dryer selection inputter that is operable by the user to select the dryer, and', 'a dryer operation start/stop inputter which is displayable in a first state that indicates to the user that the dryer operation start/stop inputter is not operable by the user, and a second state that indicates to the ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200232136A1
Автор: LIM Youngseok

Provided is a laundry treatment machine including a washing tub, a washing tub motor configured to rotate the washing tub, a drain pump configured to operate to drain the washing tub, a motor configured to operate the drain pump, a converter configured to output DC power, an inverter configured to convert the DC power, a dc terminal voltage detector configured to detect a dc terminal voltage output from the converter, and a controller configured to, when the dc terminal voltage continuously drops during a first period based on an operation of the inverter, perform control to turn off the inverter and operate the converter after the first period. Accordingly, it is possible to stably drive based on the dc terminal voltage during the operation of the drain pump. 1. A laundry treatment machine , comprising:a washing tub;a washing tub motor configured to rotate the washing tub;a drain pump configured to operate to drain the washing tub;a motor configured to operate the drain pump;a converter configured to output DC power;an inverter configured to convert the DC power from the converter into AC power by a switching operation and output the AC power to the motor;a dc terminal voltage detector configured to detect a dc terminal voltage output from the converter; anda controller configured to, when the dc terminal voltage continuously drops during a first period based on an operation of the inverter, perform control to turn off the inverter and operate the converter after the first period.2. The laundry treatment machine of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to:when the dc terminal voltage drops from a first level to a second level during the first period, turn off the inverter and operate the converter to increase a level of the dc terminal voltage during a second period after the first period.3. The laundry treatment machine of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to:when the dc terminal voltage drops from a first level to a second ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200248357A1
Автор: KOO Jain

The present disclosure relates to a washing machine and a method for controlling the same. The washing machine according to an embodiment of the present disclosure includes a washing tub to accommodate clothes and rotatably installed, a motor to rotate the washing tub, and a control unit to control the motor to rotate the washing tub, wherein the control unit measures a plurality of types of data previously set while the washing tub accelerates from a first rotation velocity to a second rotation velocity which is faster than the first rotation velocity, inputs the plurality of types of data into a pre-learned artificial neural network as an input value and calculates an expected UB pattern as a result value, and controls the motor so that the washing tub is rotated in a preset manner based on a type of the calculated UB pattern. 1. A washing machine comprising:a washing tub configured to accommodate clothes and rotatably installed;a motor configured to rotate the washing tub; anda control unit configured to control the motor to rotate the washing tub,wherein the control unit is further configured to:measure a plurality of types of data previously set while the washing tub accelerates from a first rotation velocity to a second rotation velocity which is faster than the first rotation velocity;input the plurality of types of data into a pre-learned artificial neural network as an input value and calculate an expected UB pattern as a result value; andcontrol the motor so that the washing tub is rotated in a preset manner based on a type of the calculated UB pattern.2. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein a clothes dispersion is performed in a way that the clothes are raised up by a predetermined height then fall in a maintaining section in which a rotation of the washing tub is maintained at the first rotation velocity and in an accelerating section in which the washing tub accelerates from the first rotation velocity to the second rotation velocity.3. The washing ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Washing machine and method for controlling same

Номер: US20200308750A1

Disclosed are a washing machine and a method for controlling same. A washing machine according to the present invention comprises: a drum for accommodating laundry; an additive input unit which inputs an additive into the drum so as to coat the laundry with fragrant particles; a temperature adjustment unit which generates a hot wind and a cold wind to adjust the temperature inside the drum; and a control unit that controls the temperature adjustment unit so that the temperature inside the drum is set to a first threshold temperature, controls the additive input unit so that the additive is input into the drum when the temperature is set to the first threshold temperature, and controls the temperature adjustment unit so that the temperature inside the drum is set to a second threshold temperature lower than the first threshold temperature when the additive is input into the drum. Accordingly, the washing machine can provide the same effect as a piece of laundry being washed in a normal washing cycle when laundry is washed through a refresh cycle.

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200325611A1

In a laundry treating apparatus, flat surfaces are installed at both sides of a tub for storing water therein, so that a spacing between each of the both sides of the tub and each side of a cabinet is smaller than a spacing between a lower surface of the tub and a bottom of the cabinet. Further, a control panel is disposed between the lower surface of the tub and the bottom of the cabinet. 1. A laundry treating apparatus comprising:a cabinet that defines an opening at a front face of the cabinet;a tub located in the cabinet, the tub defining an inlet that is in communication with the opening;a water supply configured to supply water into the tub;a water discharger located below the tub and configured to discharge water out of the tub;a drum rotatably provided inside the tub and configured to receive laundry;a driver coupled to the tub and configured to rotate the drum;a plurality of dampers connected the tub and configured to support the tub; anda control panel configured to control the water supply, the water discharger, and the driver,wherein the tub includes a first flat surface provided on one side of the tub and a second flat surface provided on the other side of the tub facing the one side of the tub,wherein each of the first flat surface and second flat surface having a larger radius of curvature than the lower surface of the tub, andwherein a distance between the first flat surface or second flat surface and the side of the cabinet is less than a distance between the lower surface of the tub and a bottom face of the cabinet,wherein the control panel is located between a lower surface of the tub and the bottom face of the cabinet2. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cabinet includes a base that seats the control panel and to which the plurality of dampers are coupled.3. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising:a damper coupling portion including a plurality of coupling portions that are located on the base and that ...

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200348905A1

A laundry appliance includes a cabinet. A door is coupled to the cabinet. The door is operable between an opened position and a closed position. An audio interface is disposed on the door. The audio interface includes a microphone for receiving a voice command and a speaker for projecting an audio output. A visual interface is disposed on the door. The visual interface is configured to display a message in response to at least one of the voice command and the audio output. A microcontroller is disposed on the door. The microcontroller is operably coupled to the audio interface and the visual interface. A proximity sensor is configured to communicate sensed information to the microcontroller. The microcontroller is configured to activate at least one of the audio interface and the visual interface in response to the sensed information. 1. A laundry appliance , comprising:a cabinet;a door coupled to the cabinet, wherein the door is operable between an opened position and a closed position;an audio interface disposed on the door, wherein the audio interface includes a microphone for receiving a voice command and a speaker for projecting an audio output;a visual interface disposed on the door, wherein the visual interface is configured to display a message in response to at least one of the voice command and the audio output;a microcontroller disposed on the door, wherein the microcontroller is operably coupled to the audio interface and the visual interface; anda proximity sensor configured to communicate sensed information to the microcontroller, wherein the microcontroller is configured to activate at least one of the audio interface and the visual interface in response to the sensed information.2. The laundry appliance of claim 1 , further comprising:a tactile interface disposed on the door, wherein the microcontroller is operably coupled to the tactile interface.3. The laundry appliance of claim 1 , further comprising:a door opening assembly including a motor, ...

19-11-2020 дата публикации

Manifold with a Plurality of Fluid Outlets and a Delivery Head

Номер: US20200362502A1

A manifold has a fluid inlet, a plurality of fluid outlets, a movable conduit member, a first drive mechanism, and a control module in which the conduit member has a fluid path therethrough, in which the fluid inlet is fluidly connected to a first end of the fluid path, in which the conduit member is mounted for movement on a support member, and in which the first drive mechanism is configured to move the conduit member on the support member to selectively associate a second end of the fluid path with one of the plurality of fluid outlets according to commands issued by the control module. 1. A manifold comprises a fluid inlet , a plurality of fluid outlets , a movable conduit member , a first drive mechanism , and a control module in which said conduit member comprises a fluid path therethrough , in which said fluid inlet is fluidly connected to a first end of said fluid path , in which said conduit member is mounted for movement on a support member , and in which said first drive mechanism is configured to move said conduit member on said support member to selectively associate a second end of said fluid path with one of said plurality of fluid outlets according to commands issued by said control module.2. A manifold as claimed in in which said conduit member comprises a delivery head claim 1 , in which said support member comprises a track upon which said delivery head is mounted for movement claim 1 , in which a fluid line extends from said fluid inlet to a first end of said fluid path claim 1 , and in which said first drive mechanism is configured to move said delivery head on said track to selectively associate a second end of said fluid path with one of said plurality of fluid outlets according to commands issued by said control module.3. A manifold as claimed in in which said plurality of fluid outlets are arranged in a line claim 2 , in which said track is parallel to said line claim 2 , in which at least a portion of said fluid path which terminates at ...

26-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200375019A1

Provided is a washing machine having a printed circuit board (PCB) assembly. The washing machine includes a cabinet forming an external appearance thereof, a top cover coupled to an upper side of the cabinet, and a PCB assembly provided in the cabinet and configured to control the washing machine, wherein the PCB assemble includes a frame in which a PCB is accommodated and a cover covering the PCB, and the cover includes a heat dissipation path configured to dissipate heat of the PCB and a water inflow preventer configured to prevent water from being introduced into the heat dissipation path. 1. A washing machine comprising:a cabinet forming an external appearance of the washing machine; a frame accommodating a PCB, and', 'a cover coupled to the frame and covering the PCB,', 'wherein the cover is configured to form a heat dissipation path to dissipate heat of the PCB, and includes a moisture inflow preventer configured to prevent water from being introduced into the heat dissipation path., 'a printed circuit board (PCB) assembly, provided in the cabinet and configured to control the washing machine, and including2. The washing machine of claim 1 , whereinthe frame includes a first region on which a main board is arranged and a second region positioned on at least one side of the first region, and,{'b': 1', '2, 'during operation of the washing machine, the first region has a temperature H higher than a temperature H of the second region due to the main board being arranged on the first region.'}3. The washing machine of claim 2 , wherein a heat sink is arranged on the first region.4. The washing machine of claim 2 , wherein the cover includes a first cover that covers the first region and a second cover that covers the second region.5. The washing machine of claim 4 , wherein the first cover is integrally formed with the second cover.6. The washing machine of claim 4 , wherein the heat dissipation path is formed by the first cover.7. The washing machine of claim 4 , ...

13-07-1994 дата публикации

Drying control method and circuit of complex sensor type

Номер: KR940006250B1
Автор: 김상두
Принадлежит: 이헌조, 주식회사 금성사

The method and circuit includes the steps of adding a temperature variation value per unit time calculated by a temperature sensor to a humidity value calculated by a humidity sensor; and averaging the added value, thereby preventing clothing from being not dried.

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Washing machine and control method thereof

Номер: KR102217534B1
Автор: 김영호, 이상우
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 발명의 실시예에 따른 세탁기는 포가 수용되는 내조, 상기 내조를 감싸는 외조, 상기 내조를 회전시키는 회전력을 공급하는 모터 및 상기 외조의 상단에 착탈되어 상기 포가 거치되는 거치유닛을 포함하고, 상기 모터의 회전 시에 발생되는 진동에 의해 상기 거치유닛에 거치된 포의 주름이 개선되는 것을 특징으로 한다. 또한, 다른 실시예에 따른 세탁기는 포가 수용되는 내조, 상기 내조를 회전시키는 회전력을 공급하는 모터 및 상기 내조에 착탈되어 상기 포가 거치되는 거치유닛을 포함하고, 상기 내조의 회전에 의해 상기 거치유닛이 회전되어 상기 포의 주름이 개선되는 것을 특징으로 한다. A washing machine according to an embodiment of the present invention includes an inner tub in which a cloth is accommodated, an outer tub surrounding the inner tub, a motor supplying a rotational force to rotate the inner tub, and a mounting unit detachable from the upper end of the outer tub to mount the cloth, and the motor It is characterized in that the wrinkles of the fabric mounted on the mounting unit are improved by the vibration generated during the rotation. In addition, the washing machine according to another embodiment includes an inner tank in which a cloth is accommodated, a motor supplying a rotational force to rotate the inner tub, and a mounting unit which is attached to and detached from the inner tub to mount the cloth, and the mounting unit is It is characterized in that the wrinkles of the fabric are improved by rotating.

19-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CN103161057A


08-03-2002 дата публикации

Drum washing machine

Номер: KR100320667B1

본 발명은 회전 드럼 내에 넣어진 세탁물량인 부하량을 정확하게 측정할 수 있는 드럼식 세탁기에 관한 것으로서, 모터의 회전수가 제 1 소정 회전수 3000rpm에서 제 2 소정 회전수 4000rpm까지 가속하기까지의 가속시간(△t1)을 측정하고(스텝(130∼230)), 그 다음 모터로의 통전을 끊은 자유 회전 상태의 감속 중에 있어서 회전수가 제 2 소정 회전수 4000rpm에서 제 1 소정 회전수 3000rpm까지 감속하기까지의 감속시간(△t2)을 계측하고(스텝(140∼290)), 이 계측한 가속시간(△t1)과 감속시간(△t2) 및 회전수의 차에 기초하여 가속시 및 감속시의 회전 각가속도를 산출하여, 이 회전 각가속도에 기초하여 세탁물의 관성 모멘트를 산출하고(스텝(330)), 이 관성 모멘트로부터 세탁물량을 산출함으로써, 회전 드럼 내에 투입된 부하량을 정확하고 동시에 단시간에 측정할 수 있는 드럼식 세탁기를 제공하는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to a drum type washing machine capable of accurately measuring a load amount of laundry placed in a rotating drum, wherein the acceleration time until the rotational speed of the motor accelerates from the first predetermined rotational speed 3000rpm to the second predetermined rotational speed 4000rpm (Δ deceleration from the second predetermined rotational speed 4000 rpm to the first predetermined rotational speed 3000 rpm during the deceleration of the free rotation state in which t1) is measured (steps 130 to 230), and then the energization to the motor is stopped. The time Δt2 is measured (steps 140 to 290), and the rotational angular acceleration at the time of acceleration and deceleration is calculated based on the difference between the measured acceleration time Δt1 and the deceleration time Δt2 and the rotation speed. By calculating and calculating the inertia moment of the laundry on the basis of the rotational angular acceleration (step 330), and calculating the amount of laundry from the moment of inertia, the amount of load put into the rotating drum can be measured accurately and in a short time. It is characterized in that to provide a drum type washing machine.

28-04-1995 дата публикации

세탁기의 포량감지 및 세제량 표시장치와 방법

Номер: KR950004259B1
Автор: 손권
Принадлежит: 이헌조, 주식회사금성사

내용 없음.

26-01-2006 дата публикации

Breaking control method in an electric washing machine

Номер: KR100547336B1
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 발명에 따른 세탁기에서의 제동 제어방법은, 세탁기의 제동 시 모터로부터 발생된 역기전력을 DC 링크단의 콘덴서에 충전하고 그 충전된 전압을 다시 모터쪽으로 방전하는, 충전과 방전의 반복 수행에 의해 상기 역기전력을 제어하는 단계; 및 상기 모터를 구동하기 위한 모터구동부(인버터)의 온도를 감지하여 그 값이 설정된 기준 온도(범위)를 초과할 때에는 모터구동부(인버터)에 출입하는 전압(전류) 펄스의 스위칭 듀티비를 가변 조정하여 모터쪽으로의 방전을 감소시키는 쪽으로 전압을 제어하는 단계를 포함한다. The braking control method in the washing machine according to the present invention is performed by repeatedly performing the charging and discharging, which charges back electromotive force generated from the motor during braking of the washing machine to the capacitor of the DC link stage and discharges the charged voltage back to the motor. Controlling counter electromotive force; And sensing the temperature of the motor driving unit (inverter) for driving the motor and adjusting the switching duty ratio of the voltage (current) pulse entering and exiting the motor driving unit (inverter) when the value exceeds the set reference temperature (range). Thereby controlling the voltage towards reducing discharge to the motor. 이와 같은 본 발명에 의하면, 제동 시 모터로부터 발생된 역기전력을 제동저항이 아닌 소프트웨어적인 제어 알고리즘에 의한 충전과 방전의 반복 수행에 의해 처리하므로, 종래와 같은 저항체의 설치에 따른 공간확보 문제와, 저항체로부터 발생되는 열의 방출 문제를 원천적으로 해결할 수 있고, 모터구동부의 온도감지값에 따라 듀티비를 가변 조정하여 역기전력에 대응하므로, 모터 내부의 지나친 온도 상승으로 인한 고정자 권선의 소손(燒損)이나 모터의 효율 저하를 방지할 수 있다. According to the present invention, since the counter electromotive force generated from the motor during braking is processed by repetitive charging and discharging by a software control algorithm instead of the braking resistor, there is a problem of securing space according to the installation of a resistor as in the prior art, and a resistor. The problem of dissipation of heat generated from the source can be solved at the source, and the duty ratio is adjusted according to the temperature detection value of the motor driving part to cope with the counter electromotive force, so that the stator winding is damaged due to excessive temperature rise inside the motor or the motor. It is possible to prevent the ...

15-11-2013 дата публикации

Laundry treatment machine

Номер: KR101330243B1
Автор: 이득희
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 발명의 실시예에 따른 세탁물 처리기기는, 세탁 운전 조작을 위한 세탁용 컨트롤러와, 건조 운전 조작을 위한 건조용 컨트롤러가 별도로 구비되고 서로 전기적으로 연결되지 않도록 구성됨으로써, 상기 세탁용 컨트롤러와 상기 건조용 컨트롤러 중 어느 하나가 고장나더라도 나머지 하나는 정상적으로 작동이 가능하기 때문에, 세탁 운전과 건조 운전 중 어느 하나는 정상적인 이용이 가능하므로, 부분 고장으로 인해 전체적인 작동 불능이 되는 상태를 방지하여, 사용 편의성이 향상될 수 있다. Laundry processing apparatus according to an embodiment of the present invention, the laundry controller for the laundry driving operation and the drying controller for the dry driving operation is provided separately and is not configured to be electrically connected to each other, the laundry controller and the drying Even if any one of the controllers fails, the other one can operate normally. Therefore, either one of the washing operation and the drying operation can be used normally, thereby preventing the entire operation from being disabled due to a partial failure. This can be improved.

12-05-2011 дата публикации

Washing machine and method to sense suds thereof

Номер: KR101034198B1
Автор: 채창주, 하요철
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

본 발명은 세탁기 및 그 거품감지방법에 관한 것으로, 배수구간에서 거품의 배수특성을 이용하여 거품발생을 정확히 감지하는데 그 목적이 있다. The present invention relates to a washing machine and a method for detecting the foam thereof, and an object thereof is to accurately detect the occurrence of foam by using the drainage characteristic of the foam in the drainage section. 이를 위해 본 발명은, 세탁기의 거품감지방법에 있어서, 배수동작 시 설정된 배수시간 내에 배수완료수위에 도달하였는가 판단하고, 상기 설정된 배수시간 내에 배수완료수위에 도달하지 않으면 배수장치를 온/오프 제어하여 설정된 거품배수시간 내에 거품감지수위에 도달하였는가 판단하고, 상기 설정된 거품배수시간 내에 거품감지수위에 도달하면 설정된 수위레벨에서 배수장치를 온/오프 제어하여 거품발생을 감지하는 것이다. To this end, the present invention, in the foam detection method of the washing machine, it is determined whether the drainage level is reached within the drainage time set during the drainage operation, and if the drainage level is not reached within the set drainage time by controlling the on / off drainage device It is determined whether the bubble detection level is reached within the set bubble drainage time, and when the bubble detection level is reached within the set bubble drainage time, bubbles are generated by controlling the drainage device on / off at the set level.

22-06-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus And Method Of Controlling Motor In A Washing Machine

Номер: KR101157826B1
Автор: 사미현, 임승무
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

본 발명은 세탁 모터; 상기 세탁 모터의 속도를 측정하기 위한 속도센서; 및 상기 세탁 모터에 인가되는 모터 전력을 추정하기 위해 상기 속도센서를 통해 측정한 측정 속도와 목표 속도를 비교하고, 그 비교결과에 따라 상기 세탁 모터의 운전율을 조정하고, 조정한 모터의 운전율에 따라 상기 세탁 모터를 제어하는 제어부를 포함하며, 이에 따라 세탁 운전 또는 헹굼 운전에서 발생할 수 있는 모터와 인버터의 과열을 방지하면서도 기존과 같이 별도의 온도센서를 사용하지 않으므로 경제적 부담을 줄일 수 있다. 또한 본 발명은 모터 온도의 상승으로 인한 모터 운전이 중단되지 않도록 함으로써 세탁시간이 불필요하게 길어지는 것을 방지한다. The present invention is a laundry motor; A speed sensor for measuring a speed of the washing motor; And comparing the measured speed measured by the speed sensor with a target speed to estimate the motor power applied to the washing motor, adjusting the driving rate of the washing motor according to the comparison result, and operating rate of the adjusted motor. In accordance with the control unit for controlling the washing motor, thereby preventing overheating of the motor and the inverter that may occur in the washing operation or rinsing operation, while not using a separate temperature sensor as in the conventional can reduce the economic burden. In addition, the present invention prevents the washing time from being unnecessarily long by not stopping the motor operation due to the increase of the motor temperature.

27-02-2012 дата публикации

Method of automatic setting of control parameters of washing machine and system of its implementation

Номер: RU2443816C2

Система настройки стиральной машины содержит блок стирки белья; электронный блок управления стиральным блоком при вращении барабана в зависимости от ряда управляющих параметров. Система содержит запоминающее устройство, включающее ряд заданных профилей установки стиральной машины, каждый из которых содержит ряд заданных параметров управления вращением барабана стирального блока, и управляющее устройство, позволяющее выбрать один из профилей установки, хранящихся в запоминающем устройстве, управляющее устройство, с помощью которого задают скорость вращения барабана. Электронный блок выполнен с возможностью управления стиральным блоком при вращении барабана на основе управляющих параметров выбранного профиля установки, хранящегося в запоминающем устройстве, и на основе выбранной пользователем скорости барабана. Предложен блок обработки данных и программный продукт, загружаемый в память блока. Обеспечивается возможность быстро и легко настраивать параметры управления вращением барабана для уменьшения вибрации, перемещения и уровня шума машины. 4 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 443 816 (13) C2 (51) МПК D06F 37/20 D06F 33/00 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2009112580/12, 23.08.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 23.08.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЭЛЕКТРОЛЮКС ХОУМ ПРОДАКТС КОРПОРЕЙШН Н.В. (BE) R U Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 07.09.2006 EP 06120330.3 (72) Автор(ы): МАРКЕТТО Фабио (IT) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.10.2010 Бюл. № 29 2 4 4 3 8 1 6 (45) Опубликовано: 27.02.2012 Бюл. № 6 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2003/0028270 A1, 06.02.2003. EP 0792963 A2, 03.09.1997. WO 2005/106096 A, 10.11.2005. RU 2204157 C2, 10.05.2003. 2 4 4 3 8 1 6 R U (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2007/007402 (23.08.2007) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 07.04.2009 (87) Публикация ...

21-09-2016 дата публикации

Washing machine and controlling method therefor

Номер: KR20160110341A
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 발명은 스팀세탁시 에너지 절약되는 세탁기 및 그 제어방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 따른 세탁기의 제어방법은, 세탁 세제가 혼합된 세탁수가 터브로 공급되고 드럼이 제 1 모션으로 회전하는 급수 단계와, 상기 포가 상기 드럼에 붙어 회전하도록 상기 드럼이 회전하며 상기 터브 내의 세탁수가 외부로 배출되는 간이탈수 단계와, 상기 드럼이 제 2 모션으로 회전하며 상기 드럼 내부로 스팀을 공급하는 스팀세탁 단계를 포함하고, 상기 제 1 모션은 상기 드럼이 1회전 하는 경우에 적어도 소정의 회전구간에서 1G 이상의 원심력을 가지는 회전속도로 회전하는 모션이고, 상기 제 2 모션은 상기 드럼이 1회전 하는 경우에 1G 이하의 원심력을 가지는 회전속도로 회전하는 모션이다.

12-07-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus for controlling motor and method for controlling motor

Номер: KR20220098884A
Автор: 김광식, 송하민, 이기욱
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

다양한 실시예에 따른 모터 제어 장치는, 모터의 센서리스 제어를 통해 회전자의 위치를 추정하기 위하여, 직류 전원을 교류 전원으로 변환하여 모터에 제공하는 인버터부; 및 상기 인버터부를 이용하여 상기 모터의 구동을 제어하는 제어부를 포함하고, 상기 제어부는, 이전 모터의 구동에서 회전자의 정지 위치를 확인하고, 상기 모터의 구동 개시에 대응하여, 상기 모터에 특정 패턴의 입력 신호를 인가하도록 상기 인버터부를 제어할 수 있다. 그밖에 다른 실시예들이 가능하다.

21-11-1996 дата публикации

Drum type washing machine

Номер: KR960015767B1
Автор: 사카네 사키오

내용없음 No content

22-10-1986 дата публикации

The dehydration method of operation of washing machine

Номер: CN86100859A
Автор: 広冈博, 齐藤猛
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp


01-11-2018 дата публикации

IoT washing machine control method, control system, and washing machine

Номер: JP2018531734A
Принадлежит: 青島海爾滾筒洗衣机有限公司


11-05-2016 дата публикации

Driving apparatus for washing machine and washing machine having the same

Номер: KR101619472B1
Автор: 고형환, 김병수
Принадлежит: 주식회사 아모텍

본 발명의 세탁기 모터는 아우터 샤프트와 연결되는 인너 로터와, 인너 샤프트와 연결되는 아우터 로터와, 상기 인너 로터와 아우터 로터 사이에 공극을 두고 배치되는 스테이터를 포함하고, 상기 아우터 샤프트는 인너 로터와 동일한 속도로 회전되고, 상기 인너 샤프트는 토크를 증가시킬 수 있도록 상기 아우터 로터의 회전속도에 비해 감속되고, 상기 아우터 샤프트의 외면에는 아우터 샤프트를 회전 가능하게 지지하는 제1베어링 및 제2베어링이 배치되고, 상기 제1베어링은 상기 스테이터에 설치된다. 이와 같은 세탁기 모터는 인너 샤프트에 회전속도를 감속하여 토크를 증대시키는 유성기어 장치를 구비하여 대용량 세탁기를 구현할 수 있다. The washing machine motor of the present invention includes an inner rotor connected to an outer shaft, an outer rotor connected to the inner shaft, and a stator disposed with an air gap between the inner rotor and the outer rotor, wherein the outer shaft is the same as the inner rotor The inner shaft is decelerated relative to the rotational speed of the outer rotor so as to increase the torque, and a first bearing and a second bearing are rotatably disposed on the outer surface of the outer shaft to rotatably support the outer shaft , And the first bearing is installed in the stator. Such a washing machine motor has a planetary gear device for increasing the torque by reducing the rotational speed of the inner shaft, thereby realizing a large-capacity washer.

20-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009112580A

1. Система (1) для настройки стиральной машины (2), содержащей стиральный блок (3) и электронный блок (4) управления стиральным блоком (3) при вращении барабана в зависимости от ряда управляющих параметров, характеризующаяся тем, что содержит запоминающее устройство (9), включающее в себя ряд заданных профилей установки стиральной машины (2), каждый из которых содержит ряд заданных параметров управления вращением барабана стирального блока (3); и управляющее устройство (5), с помощью которого пользователь может выбрать один из профилей установки, хранящихся в запоминающем устройстве (9); причем электронный блок (4) выполнен с возможностью управления стиральным блоком (3) при вращении барабана на основе управляющих параметров выбранного профиля установки, хранящегося в запоминающей устройстве (9). ! 2. Система по п.1, характеризующаяся тем, что каждый профиль установки, хранящийся в запоминающем устройстве (9), соответствует определенной особенности установки и/или опорной поверхности стиральной машины (2); управляющее устройство (5) выполнено с возможностью выбора особенности установки стиральной машины (2) и/или опорной поверхности; а электронный блок (4) выполнен с возможностью управления стиральным блоком (3) при вращении барабана на основе управляющих параметров профиля установки, соответствующего выбранной особенности установки стиральной машины (2) и/или опорной поверхности. ! 3. Система по п.1, характеризующаяся тем, что каждый профиль установки, хранящийся в запоминающем устройстве (9), соответствует определенному значению или диапазону значений вибрации стиральной машины (2); управляющее устройство (5) выполнено с возм� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2009 112 580 (13) A (51) МПК D06F 37/20 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009112580/12, 23.08.2007 (71) Заявитель(и): ЭЛЕКТРОЛЮКС ХОУМ ПРОДАКТС КОРПОРЕЙШН Н.В. (BE) (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 07.09.2006 ...

20-03-2007 дата публикации

Washing machine and method for measuring of foam amount for the same

Номер: RU2295596C1

FIELD: mechanical engineering. SUBSTANCE: method involves measuring amount of foam in washing machine at water drainage stage using foam flow rate characteristics; said foam measuring process includes steps of determining during water drainage operation whether water level reaches during predetermined water drainage period water level indicative of complete water drainage; determining whether water level reaches the level allowing foam amount to be measured during predetermined foam drainage period by providing controlling of water drainage apparatus in a manner enabling switching on and off of water drainage apparatus if during predetermined water drainage period water level does not reach the level indicative of complete water drainage level, and in a manner enabling measurement of foam amount by controlling water drainage apparatus in a manner enabling switching on and off of water drainage apparatus within predetermined water level range if during predetermined foam drainage period water level reaches the level indicative of level allowing foam amount to be measured. EFFECT: improved quality of washing cloths. 17 cl, 9 dwg ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 2 295 596 (13) C1 (51) ÌÏÊ D06F 39/06 D06F 33/02 (2006.01) (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2005124120/12, 28.07.2005 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÕÀ Éî ×óë (KR), ×ÀÉ ×àíã Äçîî (KR) (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 28.07.2005 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): ÑÀÌÑÓÍà ÝËÅÊÒÐÎÍÈÊÑ ÊÎ., ËÒÄ. (KR) R U (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 02.02.2005 (ïï.1-17) KR 2005-9573 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 20.03.2007 Áþë. ¹ 8 Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 129010, Ìîñêâà, óë. Á.Ñïàññêà , 25, ñòð.3, ÎÎÎ "Þðèäè÷åñêà ôèðìà Ãîðîäèññêèé è Ïàðòíåðû", ïàò.ïîâ. À.Â.Ìèöó 2 2 9 5 5 9 6 îïðåäåëåííîå âðåì ñëèâà âîäû óðîâåíü âîäû íå äîñòèã óðîâí çàâåðøåíè ñëèâà âîäû, âîäîîòëèâíîå óñòðîéñòâî âêëþ÷àåòñ è âûêëþ÷àåòñ , è èçìåðåíèå êîëè÷åñòâà ïåíû ïîñðåäñòâîì ...

22-12-2009 дата публикации

Motor control method of drum washing machine.

Номер: KR100933330B1
Автор: 이운용
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 발명의 실시예에 따른 드럼세탁기의 모터 제어방법은 모터의 과부하가 감지되면, 모터의 회전시작점을 기설정된 위치보다 뒤로 설정하여 모터를 구동함으로써, 모터의 과부하로 인한 구속현상을 해소하여 모터의 이상소음 및 온도 상승을 개선할 수 있음과 아울러, 모터의 기동성을 개선할 수 있는 효과가 있다. In the motor control method of the drum washing machine according to the embodiment of the present invention, when the overload of the motor is detected, the motor is started by setting the starting point of rotation of the motor behind a preset position, thereby eliminating the restraint phenomenon caused by the overload of the motor. The abnormal noise and temperature rise can be improved, and the mobility of the motor can be improved. 드럼세탁기, 모터, 부하, 회전, 구속, 위치, 기동성 Drum Washer, Motor, Load, Rotation, Restraint, Position, Mobility

15-09-1999 дата публикации

Drum type washing machine

Номер: KR100220275B1

본 발명은 세탁액을 저장한 수조내에 있어서 회전축이 수평으로 설치된 드럼형상의 회전조를 상기 회전조의 둘레에 회전시킴으로써 드럼형상의 회전조내의 세탁물을 세탁하는 드럼식 세탁기에 관한 것으로, 드럼형상의 회전조(3)를 예를들면 50rpm소정의 회전수로 반복하고, 정회전 및 역회전시켜 두드림세정을 실시하고 상기 두드림 세정후, 드럼형상의 회전조(3)를 다시 높은 회전수, 예를들면 300rpm으로 대략 20초 회전시키고, 드럼형상 회전조(3)내의 세탁물중의 세탁액을 원심력에 의해 드럼형상 회전조외부로 배출해서 탈수를 실시함으로써 세정력을 향상시키고 단시간에 효율적으로 세탁할 수 있는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to a drum-type washing machine for washing laundry in a drum-shaped rotating tank by rotating a drum-shaped rotating tank horizontally provided with a rotating shaft in a tank storing laundry liquid. (3) is repeated at a predetermined rotational speed of 50 rpm, for example, the forward and reverse rotations are performed by tapping and washing. After the tapping cleaning, the drum-shaped rotating tank 3 is again rotated at a high speed, for example, 300 rpm. By rotating for about 20 seconds, and the washing liquid in the laundry in the drum-shaped rotating tank (3) is discharged to the outside of the drum-shaped rotating tank by centrifugal force and dewatered to improve cleaning power and wash efficiently in a short time. It is done.

23-12-2022 дата публикации

Washing machine and control method thereof

Номер: KR102479818B1
Автор: 방은숙, 우지현, 표상연
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

세탁기 및 그 제어 방법이 개시된다. 본 발명에 따른 세탁기는 세탁물을 수용하는 드럼, 세탁물에 향기 입자를 입히기 위한 첨가제를 드럼 내부로 투입하는 첨가제 투입부, 열풍 및 냉풍을 발생시켜 드럼 내부 온도를 조절하는 온도 조절부 및 드럼 내의 온도가 제1 임계 온도로 설정되도록 온도 조절부를 제어하며, 제1 임계 온도로 설정되면, 첨가제가 드럼 내부에 투입되도록 첨가제 투입부를 제어하며, 첨가제가 드럼 내부에 투입되면, 드럼 내의 온도가 제1 임계 온도보다 낮은 제2 임계 온도로 설정되도록 온도 조절부를 제어하는 제어부를 포함한다. 이에 따라, 세탁기는 리플레쉬 행정을 통해 세탁물을 세탁 시, 일반 세탁 행정에서 세탁된 세탁물과 같은 효과를 제공할 수 있다. A washing machine and a control method thereof are disclosed. The washing machine according to the present invention includes a drum for accommodating laundry, an additive input unit for injecting additives for coating scent particles on laundry into the drum, a temperature control unit for controlling the internal temperature of the drum by generating hot and cold air, and a temperature inside the drum. The temperature control unit is controlled to be set to the first critical temperature, and when the temperature is set to the first critical temperature, the additive input unit is controlled so that the additive is put into the drum. When the additive is put into the drum, the temperature in the drum is set to the first critical temperature. and a control unit controlling the temperature controller to be set to a lower second threshold temperature. Accordingly, when washing laundry through the refresh process, the washing machine may provide the same effect as laundry washed in the general wash process.

01-10-2003 дата публикации

Amount of a laundry Sensing apparatus for washing machine and the method

Номер: KR100400460B1
Автор: 김정훈
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 발명에 의한 세탁기의 포량감지장치 및 방법은 세탁기의 회전날개를 구동시키고 소정시간 통전 후 오프시 잔류기전력에 의해 세탁포량에 반비례하는 회전력을 발생시키는 모터와, 상기 모터를 소정시간 구동 후 오프시 여력회전에 의해 발생된 아날로그 신호를 디지털 펄스신호로 변환시키는 펄스발생수단과, 상기 펄스발생수단에서 출력된 펄스신호를 평활하는 커패시터와, 상기 모터에 인가되는 교류전원을 제어하고 세탁기 제조시 포량 판정 기준치 및 기준전압이 설정 저장되고 상기 펄스발생수단에 의해 변환된 펄스신호 중 기준전압 이상의 펄스신호 발생시간을 카운트하는 제어수단을 포함하여 구성되어 세탁기의 모터를 소정시간 통전한 직후의 잔류기전력에 의해 발생되는 펄스를 평활하여 기준전압이하로 떨어질 때까지의 펄스발생시간을 측정함으로써 세탁물의 포량을 감지한다. The apparatus and method for detecting a quantity of washing machine according to the present invention includes a motor for driving a rotating blade of a washing machine and generating a rotational force inversely proportional to the amount of washing cloth by residual electromotive force when the washing machine is turned off after a predetermined time, and when the motor is turned off after a predetermined time. Pulse generation means for converting the analog signal generated by the force rotation into a digital pulse signal, a capacitor for smoothing the pulse signal output from the pulse generation means, AC power applied to the motor to determine the amount of production during washing machine manufacturing A control means for setting and storing a reference value and a reference voltage and counting a pulse signal generation time equal to or greater than the reference voltage among the pulse signals converted by the pulse generating means, by the residual electromotive force immediately after energizing the motor of the washing machine for a predetermined time. When a pulse occurs until the generated pulse is smoothed and falls below the reference voltage The measurement by detects poryang of laundry.

24-08-2016 дата публикации

Dryer and control method thereof

Номер: CN103161057B


10-05-2017 дата публикации

Internet of Things washing machine control method and control system and washing machine

Номер: CN106637805A


13-02-2001 дата публикации

Washing machine

Номер: JP3134848B2

13-04-2007 дата публикации

Method of controlling supply water for a washing machine

Номер: KR100707355B1
Автор: 장봉안
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

본 발명은 세탁기의 급수 제어방법에 관한 것으로, 냉수와 온수를 공급하기 위한 급수호스와, 상기 급수호스로부터 급수되는 세탁수를 수조 내부로 급수하기 위한 급수구와, 상기 급수구의 직하에 위치하여 세탁수의 온도를 감지하는 온도센서를 구비하는 세탁기의 급수 제어방법에 있어서, 상기 온도센서를 통해 외기온도를 감지하는 단계; 및 상기 단계에서 감지된 외기온도가 사전 설정된 기준온도 이하이면 세탁수를 급수하는 급수구를 포함한 급수계통과 세탁수를 배수하는 배수구를 포함한 배수계통의 동결위험을 경보하는 단계를 구비한다. The present invention relates to a water supply control method of a washing machine, comprising: a water supply hose for supplying cold water and hot water, a water supply port for supplying the wash water supplied from the water supply hose into the tank, and the wash water located under the water supply port. A water supply control method of a washing machine having a temperature sensor for detecting a temperature of a temperature, the method comprising: sensing an outside air temperature through the temperature sensor; And alerting a risk of freezing of the drainage system including a water supply system including a water supply port for supplying the wash water and a drainage system for draining the wash water when the outside air temperature detected in the step is equal to or less than a preset reference temperature. 또, 본 발명은 감지된 외기온도가 기준온도 이하가 아니면 상기 온도센서를 통해 상기 급수구에서 낙하하는 세탁수의 온도를 감지하는 단계와, 상기 단계에서 감지된 세탁수의 온도가 냉수와 온수의 온도중 어느 하나에 해당하고, 냉수급수밸브의 개방에 의한 냉수 혹은 온수급수밸브의 개방에 의한 온수가 상기 급수구를 통해 정상적으로 급수되는가를 판단하는 단계, 및 상기 단계에서 정상 급수가 아닌 경우 사용자가 확인할 수 있도록 급수이상을 경보하는 단계를 더 포함한다. In addition, the present invention detects the temperature of the washing water falling from the water supply port through the temperature sensor if the detected outside temperature is not less than the reference temperature, the temperature of the washing water detected in the step of the cold water and hot water Determining whether one of the temperatures corresponds to the temperature and whether the hot water by the opening of the cold water supply valve or the hot water by the opening of the hot water supply valve is normally supplied through the water supply port, and the user is not the normal water ...

08-12-2004 дата публикации

Rotary-drum type washing machine

Номер: CN1179080C
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp


10-11-2013 дата публикации

Method of controlling washing machine (versions)

Номер: RU2497988C2

Предложены варианты способа управления стиральной машиной, которые повышают стиральную способность при одновременном повышении эффективности и снижении шума/вибрации. Согласно способу управления барабан вращают посредством варьирования скорости вращения барабана, направления вращения барабана, точки запуска и остановки барабана. Также согласно вариантам способа при изменении направления вращения барабан приводят в слабое движение или в интенсивное движение, последнее, по меньшей мере, в течение двух циклов, что обеспечивает различное движение предметов для стирки в барабане. 3 н. и 20 з.п. ф-лы, 29 ил., 4 табл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 497 988 (13) C2 (51) МПК D06F 33/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011147904/12, 02.11.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 02.11.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЭлДжи ЭЛЕКТРОНИКС ИНК. (KR) (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2013 Бюл. № 31 2 4 9 7 9 8 8 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: EP 0742307 A1, 13.11.1996. EP 0781881 A1, 02.07.1997. DE 10326551, A1, 05.01.2005. EP 0542137 A1, 16.05.1993. DE 10234473 A1, 12.02.2004. (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 04.06.2012 2 4 9 7 9 8 8 R U (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2011/053096 (05.05.2011) C 2 C 2 (86) Заявка PCT: KR 2010/007670 (02.11.2010) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) СПОСОБ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ СТИРАЛЬНОЙ МАШИНОЙ (57) Реферат: Предложены варианты способа управления стиральной машиной, которые повышают стиральную способность при одновременном повышении эффективности и снижении шума/вибрации. Согласно способу управления барабан вращают посредством варьирования скорости вращения барабана, направления вращения барабана, точки запуска и остановки барабана. Также согласно вариантам способа при изменении направления вращения барабан приводят в слабое движение ...

28-05-1997 дата публикации

How to detect the level of drum washing machine

Номер: KR970021486A
Автор: 전영환
Принадлежит: Lg 전자 주식회사, 구자홍

본 발명은 드럼 세탁기의 수위감지방법에 관한 것으로써, 특히 드럼 세탁기의 정확한 수위감지로 세탁수의 소비를 줄이고, 세탁효과를 최대화할 수 있도록 한 드럼 세탁기의 수위감지방법에 관한 것이다. 상기와 같은 본 발명의 드럼 세탁기의 수위감지방법은 사용자가 드럼세탁기의 세탁행정 스위치를 온시키면 세탁기의 드럼내에 세탁 수의 급수가 실시되고, 상기 세탁수의 급수가 실시됨과 동시에 수위센서에서 수위센싱을 하며, 상기 세탁구의 수위센싱이 되면 세탁기의 세탁수가 설정된 수위에 도달하였는지를 비교판단하는 제1스텝과: 상기 제1스템에서 드럼 세탁기의 세탁수가 설정된 수위에 도달하였다면 세탁행정이 실시되고, 세탁행정이 완료되었는지를 비교 판단하는 제2스텝과: 상기 제2스텝에서 세탁행정이 완료 되었다면 드럼세탁기의 다음 행정을 진행하는 제3스텝과: 상기 제2스텝에서 세탁행정이 완료되지 않았을 경우 마이콤에서 모터의 온/오프상태를 판단하는 제4스텝과; 상기 제4스텝에서 모터가 온상태일 경우에는 계속적으로 세탁행정을 실시하는 제5스텝과; 상기 제4스텝에서 모터가 오프상태일 경우 상기 오프된 상태에서 소정의 시간의 경과 여부를 판단하는 제6스텝과; 상기 제6스텝에서 모터의 오프상태에서 소정 시간이 경과되어 드럼 세탁기내의 드럼이 무진동상태가 되면 다시 드럼내의 세탁수 수위를 센싱하도록 한 제7스텝과, 상기 제6스텝에서 모터의 오프상태에서 소정시간이 경과되지 않았을 경우 다시 계속적으로 세탁행정이 실시되도록 한 제8스텝으로 이루어져 드럼내의 수위를 보다 정확하게 감지할 수 있어 세탁수의 소비를 최대한으로 줄이고, 세탁효과를 향상시킬 수 있도록 한 것이다.

26-03-2003 дата публикации

Method for controlling automatic closure of full automatic washing machine

Номер: KR100370051B1
Автор: 신철호
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 발명은 전자동 세탁기에서 세탁물의 탈수시 도어부가 개방되어 행정이 진행되지 않는 것을 방지하기 위하여 자동으로 도어부를 폐쇄시킬 수 있도록 한 것이다. 이를 위해, 본 발명은 도어부(2)에 부착되며 탈수시 중앙부가 절첩가능하게 힌지 결합되어 개폐되는 도어부(2)가 개방되었을 경우 폐쇄시키기 위해 마이콤(3)의 신호를 받아 직류 전원이 유입됨에 따라 동작되는 전자석(4)과, 상기 도어부(2)에 부착되어 도어부(2)가 개방되었을 경우 폐쇄시키기 위해 전자석(4)과 동일한 극성이 되어 반발력에 의해 상기 도어부(2)를 폐쇄시키기 위한 영구 자석(5)과, 상기 도어부(2)에 힌지 결합되며 개방된 상태에서 슬라이딩되어 부드럽게 폐쇄시키기 위한 로울러(6)로 구성된 것을 특징으로 하는 전자등 세탁기의 도어부 자동 폐쇄 장치이다. 또한, 본 발명은 탈수시 도어부(2)의 개방된 상태가 감지되어 폐쇄시키기 위해 설정된 횟수만큼 전자석(4)을 구동하는 단계와, 상기 설정된 횟수내에 전자석(4)을 구동시 도어부(2)가 폐쇄되면 탈수를 진행하는 단계와, 상기 설정된 횟수만큼 전자석(4)을 구동하여도 도어부(2)가 폐쇄되지 않을 경우 도어부(2)를 폐쇄시키라는 에러 표시를 발생시키는 단계와, 상기 도어부(2)를 폐쇄시키라는 에어 표시의 발생후 도어부(2)가 폐쇄되었을 경우 탈수를 진행하는 단계를 순차적으로 진행하도록 된 것을 특징으로 하는 전자동 세탁기의 도어부 자동 폐쇄 제어 방법이다.

05-05-2010 дата публикации

Washing machine dehydration speed controlling devices and methods thereof

Номер: CN101701405A
Автор: 权纯贤
Принадлежит: Nanjing LG Panda Appliance Co Ltd


15-06-1999 дата публикации

A washing machine

Номер: KR200148205Y1
Автор: 정형교
Принадлежит: 정형교

본 고안은 세탁기에 관한 것으로서 특히 실린더 형상의 세탁조내에 담긴 세탁물을 피스톤 왕복 운동과 피스톤 회전왕복 운동에 의해서 가압하여 두드려 빠는 효과를 확보함으로써 세탁 효율을 향상시킬 수 있도록 한 세탁기에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a washing machine, and more particularly, to a washing machine to improve the washing efficiency by securing the effect of tapping and sucking the laundry contained in the cylindrical washing tub by the piston reciprocating motion and the piston reciprocating motion. 종래의 세탁기는 드럼을 회전시켜 세탁을 수행하거나, 세탁조내의 세탁물을 펄쉐이터(세탁날개) 등을 이용해서 반복 회전시켜 세탁을 수행하고 있다. Conventional washing machines perform washing by rotating drums, or by repeatedly rotating laundry in a washing tank using a pearl shader (washing blade) or the like. 그러나, 이러한 세탁기는 세탁수류를 일으켜서 세탁물 사이의 마찰력과 세탁수와 세탁물 사이의 마찰력으로 세탁을 수행하기 때문에 손빨래를 하거나 방망이로 세탁물을 두드려 빠는 손세탁에 비하여 그 세탁 효율이 크게 떨어지고, 세탁물 사이의 마찰에 의해서 세탁물이 손상되거나 그 수명이 짧아지고 또 보푸라기도 많이 생기는 단점이 있다. However, such a washing machine produces washing water and performs washing with friction between the laundry and friction between the laundry and the laundry, so that the washing efficiency is greatly reduced compared to hand washing by hand washing or tapping the laundry with a bat. The friction damages the laundry or shortens its life and creates a lot of lint. 본 고안은 상기한 종래의 문제점을 해결하기 위하여, 실린더 형상의 세탁조속에 세탁물을 넣고 세탁수를 공급한 상태에서 피스톤이 상하왕복 작동하면서 동시에 회전운동을 병행하여 수류를 일으키면서 세탁물을 가압하여 오염물질을 제거하는 방식으로 세탁을 수행하도록 함으로써, 종래의 드럼 세탁기나 펄쉐이터 방식 세탁기에 비하여 높은 세탁효율을 가지고, 또 세탁물 손상이나 보푸라기의 발생도 억제할 수 있게 하였다. In order to solve the above problems, the present invention puts laundry into a cylinder-shaped washing tank and pressurizes the laundry while causing the water flow by simultaneously rotating the piston in a state in which the piston moves up and down while supplying the washing water. By performing the washing in such a manner as to remove the washing machine, it has a higher washing efficiency than the conventional drum washing machine or the pearl shater washing machine, and also it is possible to suppress the occurrence of laundry ...

29-11-2002 дата публикации

Amount of a laundry Sensing apparatus for washing machine and the method

Номер: KR20020088817A
Автор: 김정훈
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지이아이

본 발명에 의한 세탁기의 포량감지장치 및 방법은 세탁기의 회전날개를 구동시키고 소정시간 통전 후 오프시 잔류기전력에 의해 세탁포량에 반비례하는 회전력을 발생시키는 모터와, 상기 모터를 소정시간 구동 후 오프시 여력회전에 의해 발생된 아날로그 신호를 디지털 펄스신호로 변환시키는 펄스발생수단과, 상기 펄스발생수단에서 출력된 펄스신호를 평활하는 커패시터와, 상기 모터에 인가되는 교류전원을 제어하고 세탁기 제조시 포량 판정 기준치 및 기준전압이 설정 저장되고 상기 펄스발생수단에 의해 변환된 펄스신호 중 기준전압 이상의 펄스신호 발생시간을 카운트하는 제어수단을 포함하여 구성되어 세탁기의 모터를 소정시간 통전한 직후의 잔류기전력에 의해 발생되는 펄스를 평활하여 기준전압이하로 떨어질 때까지의 펄스발생시간을 측정함으로써 세탁물의 포량을 감지한다.

15-04-1999 дата публикации

Water level detecting method of drum type washing machine

Номер: KR0166904B1
Автор: 전영환
Принадлежит: 구자홍, 엘지전자주식회사

본 발명은 드럼 세탁기의 수위감지방법에 관한 것으로써, 특히 드럼 세탁기의 정확한 수위감지로 세탁수의 소비를 줄이고, 세탁효과를 최대화할 수 있도록 한 드럼 세탁기의 수위감지방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a water level sensing method of a drum washing machine, and more particularly, to a water level sensing method of a drum washing machine to reduce the consumption of washing water and maximize the washing effect by the accurate level detection of the drum washing machine. 상기와 같은 본 발명의 드럼 세탁기의 수위감지방법은 사용자가 드럼세탁기의 세탁 행정 스위치를 온시키면 세탁기의 드럼내에 세탁 수의 급수가 실시되고, 상기 세탁수의 급수가 실시됨과 동시에 수위센서에서 수위센싱을 하며, 상기 세탁수의 수위센싱이 되면 세탁기의 세탁수가 설정된 수위에 도달하였는지를 비교판단하는 제1스텝과; 상기 제1스텝에서 드럼 세탁기의 세탁수가 설정된 수위에 도달하였다면 세탁행정이 실시되고, 세탁행정이 완료되었는지를 비교판단하는 제2스텝과; 상기 제2스텝에서 세탁행정이 완료되었다면 드럼세탁기의 다음 행정을 진행하는 제3스텝과; 상기 제2스텝에서 세탁행정이 완료되지 않았을 경우 마이콤에서 모터의 온/오프상태를 판단하는 제4스텝과; 상기 제4스텝에서 모터가 온상태일 경우에는 계속적으로 세탁행정을 실시하는 제5스텝과; 상기 제4스텝에서 모터가 오프상태일 경우 상기 오프된 상태에서 소정의 시간의 경과 여부를 판단하는 제6스텝과; 상기 제6스텝에서 모터의 오프상태에서 소정 시간이 경과되어 드럼 세탁기내의 드럼이 무진동상태가 되면 다시 드럼내의 세탁수 수위를 센싱하도록 한 제7스텝과; 상기 제6스텝에서 모터의 오프상태에서 소정시간이 경과되지 않았을 경우 다시 계속적으로 세탁행정이 실시되도록 한 제8스텝으로 이루어져 드럼내의 수위를 보다 정확하게 감지할 수 있어 세탁수의 소비를 최대한으로 줄이고, 세탁효과를 향상시킬 수 있도록 한 것이다. In the water level detection method of the drum washing machine of the present invention as described above, when the user turns on the washing stroke switch of the drum washing machine, water supply of the washing water is performed in the drum of the washing machine, water supply of the washing water is carried out and at the same time water level sensing by the water level sensor. A first step of comparing and determining whether the washing water of the washing machine reaches the set water level when the washing water level is sensed; A second step of performing a washing stroke if the washing water of the drum washing machine reaches the set level in the first step, and comparing and determining whether the washing stroke is completed; A third step of proceeding to the next stroke of the drum washing machine if the washing operation is completed in the second ...

20-09-1999 дата публикации

Washing machine

Номер: JP2950975B2
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

25-05-2006 дата публикации

Ambient air clothes dryer

Номер: US20060107548A1
Автор: Larry Ford
Принадлежит: Individual

The ambient air clothes dryer is an automated device providing axial flow of unheated ambient air through the dryer drum. The dryer may include different drum drive systems, timer and/or humidity detector controls, and a configuration utilizing a separate, portable fan for temporary, removable installation with the dryer housing to provide airflow through the drum. The ambient air dryer greatly reduces energy requirements for drying laundry when compared to conventional heated air dryers, and is quite effective in warm and/or dry climates. The ambient air dryer is portable and may be used indoors or outdoors. The device may be configured to use twelve-volt power from a motor vehicle for use in camping. When used indoors, the device may be placed with a heat source (heat register, etc.) to draw warm air through the drum while humidifying the air as it passes through damp laundry in the drum.

14-03-2012 дата публикации

Washing apparatus and control method thereof

Номер: CN1614118B
Автор: 安秉焕, 朴硕奎, 申秀希


04-01-2023 дата публикации

Laundry Treatment Apparatus

Номер: KR20230001232A
Автор: 신중일, 이규철, 이현승
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 출원은 패널 투입구 및 패널 설치홀이 형성된 장착 패널이 구비된 캐비닛, 상기 캐비닛 내부에 회전 가능하게 구비되어 의류가 수용되며, 상기 패널 투입구에 연통하는 드럼 투입구가 구비된 드럼, 상기 캐비닛 내부에 위치되는 제어회로기판, 상기 제어회로기판에 연결되고 상기 캐비닛 내부에 구비되며, 상기 제어회로기판에 의해 제어되는 정보가 표시되는 정보출력부, 상기 패널 설치홀에 위치되는 윈도우 바디, 상기 윈도우 바디의 가장자리에서 상기 패널 설치홀의 가장자리를 향해 연장되어 상기 캐비닛의 외부에 위치되는 외측연장부를 포함하는 윈도우를 포함하는 의류처리장치에 관한 것이다.

30-06-2020 дата публикации

Drainage-dehydration control method for multi-drum washing machine

Номер: CN106192290B


09-07-2007 дата публикации

Washing machine and control method of the same

Номер: KR100736601B1
Автор: 이상수
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

사용자의 요구에 따라 새로운 코스 또는 기능 다운로드시 그에 해당하는 도움말을 추가로 다운로드 받아 화면상에 디스플레이 함으로써 사용자가 이를 참조하여 최적의 세탁성능을 유지할 수 있도록 한 세탁기 및 그 제어방법에 관한 것으로, 세탁기 내조, 외조 또는 세탁 날개를 구동하기 위한 모터와 급수밸브 및 배수밸브를 포함하는 부하부와, 사용자가 각종 동작명령을 입력하거나 세탁기 기능 설정을 하기 위한 키 입력부와, 읽기/쓰기가 가능하며 세탁기 동작 알고리즘과 새로 추가되는 세탁코스 또는 기능에 따른 도움말을 포함한 세탁기 관련정보를 저장하기 위한 저장부와, 세탁기 기능, 세탁기 동작상태와 추가세탁코스 또는 기능에 따른 도움말을 표시하기 위한 디스플레이부와, 외부장치와의 데이터 교환을 위한 인터페이스부와, 상기 키 입력부를 통한 사용자의 요구에 따라 상기 인터페이스부를 통해 상기 외부장치에서 전송된 각종 세탁정보 및 도움말이 상기 저장부에 저장되도록 제어하고, 사용자의 요구에 따라 상기 도움말이 상기 디스플레이부에 표시되도록 제어하는 시스템 마이컴을 포함하여 구성된 것으로 새로운 코스나 기능이 추가되었을 경우 해당 코스 또는 기능에 따른 도움말을 추가로 다운로드받아 사용자의 요구에 따라 디스플레이부를 통해 표시함으로써 사용자는 이를 참조하여 보다 정확한 세탁행정을 진행시킴과 동시에 세탁 성능을 향상시킬 수 있으므로 제품에 대한 사용자 만족도를 향상시킬 수 있는 효과가 있다. 도움말/인터페이스/액정표시부

16-08-1999 дата публикации

Motor control method of washing machine

Номер: KR100215794B1
Автор: 정승규
Принадлежит: 구자홍, 엘지전자주식회사

세탁기의 모터 제어방법에 관한 것으로서, 홀센서에 의한 모터의 회전자 위치 감지신호를 지연제어부를 통하여 탈수시 필요로 하는 진상각을 갖도록 제어하는데, 탈수시 필요로 하는 진상각이 60°보다 일정각 이하 일때는 60°진상각을 갖는 구동로직을 출력하여 지연제어부에 의해 일정각을 가변 지연시기고, 진상각이 60°이상 120° 보다 일정각 이하일때는 120°진상각을 갖는 구동로직을 출력하여 지연 제어부에 의해 일정각을 가변 지연시킴으로써 탈수시 필요로 하는 진상각을 정확히 제어할 수 있다. The present invention relates to a motor control method for a washing machine, and more particularly, to a motor control method for a washing machine, in which a signal for detecting a rotor position of a motor by a hall sensor is controlled to have a phase angle required for dewatering through a delay control unit, A driving logic having a phase angle of 60 ° is output and a driving control signal having a phase angle of 120 ° is outputted when the phase angle is 60 ° or more and 120 ° or less, By delaying the constant angle by the delay control unit, it is possible to accurately control the phase angle required for dewatering.

27-06-2022 дата публикации

Clothes treating apparatus and the control method for the same

Номер: KR20220087884A
Автор: 김광식, 송하민, 정한수
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

의류 처리 장치 및 이의 제어 방법이 개시된다. 구체적으로, 의류 처리 장치는 모터; 직류 입력을 교류 출력으로 변환하여 상기 모터에 제공하는 인버터; 및 상기 모터의 구동과 관련하여 상기 인버터부를 제어하는 제어부를 포함할 수 있다.

05-12-1998 дата публикации

Drum Washing Machine

Номер: KR19980087064A

본 발명은 회전 드럼내에 넣어진 세탁물량인 부하량을 정확하게 측정할 수 있는 드럼식 세탁기에 관한 것으로서, 모터의 회전수가 제 1 소정 회전수 3000rpm에서 제 2 소정 회전수 4000rpm까지 가속하기까지의 가속시간(△t1)을 측정하고(스텝(130∼230)), 그리고 나서 모터로의 통전을 끊은 자유회전 상태의 감속 중에 있어서 회전수가 제 2 소정 회전수 4000rpm에서 제 1 소정 회전수 3000rpm까지 감속하기까지의 감속시간(△t2)을 계측하고(스텝(140∼290)), 이 계측한 가속시간(△t1)과 감속시간(△t2) 및 회전수의 차에 기초하여 가속시 및 감속시의 회전 각가속도를 산출하여, 이 회전 각가속도에 기초하여 세탁물의 관성 모멘트를 산출하고(스텝(330)), 이 관성 모멘트로부터 세탁물량을 산출함으로써, 회전 드럼내에 투입된 부하량을 정확하고 동시에 단시간에 측정할 수 있는 드럼식 세탁기를 제공하는 것을 특징으로 한다.

21-09-2022 дата публикации

Laundry treatment machine

Номер: KR102445370B1
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 발명의 실시 예는 마이크 어셈블리가 구비된 세탁물 처리기기에 관한 것으로, 세탁물이 투입되는 투입구가 형성된 캐비닛; 상기 캐비닛 내부에 회전 가능하게 구비되며, 세탁물이 수용되는 드럼; 전면 외형을 형성하며, 한쌍의 마이크 홀이 형성된 프론트 커버; 및 상기 프론트 커버에 장착되는 마이크 어셈블리를 포함하며, 상기 마이크 어셈블리는, 상기 프론트 커버의 후면에 접하도록 장착되며, 상기 마이크 홀과 연통되는 한쌍의 연통홀이 형성된 인쇄회로기판; 및 상기 인쇄회로기판에 서로 이격되도록 장착되며, 사용자의 음성이 입력되는 한쌍의 마이크;를 포함하며, 상기 마이크는 상기 인쇄회로기판의 후면에서 상기 연통홀을 차폐하도록 장착되는 것을 특징으로 한다. An embodiment of the present invention relates to a laundry treatment device provided with a microphone assembly, the cabinet having an inlet into which laundry is put; a drum rotatably provided in the cabinet and accommodating laundry; a front cover forming a front outer shape and having a pair of microphone holes; and a microphone assembly mounted on the front cover, the microphone assembly comprising: a printed circuit board mounted to be in contact with a rear surface of the front cover and having a pair of communication holes communicating with the microphone hole; and a pair of microphones mounted on the printed circuit board to be spaced apart from each other and through which a user's voice is input, wherein the microphone is mounted to shield the communication hole from the rear surface of the printed circuit board.

02-08-1999 дата публикации

Detergent dissolving apparatus for washing machine

Номер: KR200153251Y1
Автор: 송복남
Принадлежит: 대우전자주식회사, 전주범

본 고안은 세탁효과를 향상시키기 위하여 투입하게 되는 세제를 가열된 기포로 용해시킬수 있도록 한 세탁기의 세제용해장치에 관한 것으로, The present invention relates to a detergent dissolving apparatus of a washing machine that can dissolve the detergent to be heated with bubbles to improve the washing effect, 본 고안은 기포발생수단을 구비하여 발생되는 기포를 세탁조에 공급하여 기포로 세탁을 하게 되는 세탁기에 있어서, The present invention is to provide a bubble generated by the bubble generating means in the washing machine to wash the bubble in the washing machine, 상기 세탁기의 일측에 구비된 세제통에는 상기 기포발생수단에서 공급되는 기포를 세제통에 공급및 차단하는 기포공급및 차단수단을 구성하고, The detergent container provided on one side of the washing machine comprises a bubble supply and blocking means for supplying and blocking the bubbles supplied from the bubble generating means to the detergent container, 상기 기포공급및 차단수단에는 상기 기포발생수단에서 공급되는 기포를 비교적 고온으로 가열하는 가열수단을 구성하여서 된 것을 특징으로 한다. The bubble supply and blocking means is characterized by comprising a heating means for heating the bubble supplied from the bubble generating means to a relatively high temperature.

03-05-1994 дата публикации

Control apparatus and method of self-test for washing machine

Номер: KR940003814B1
Автор: 문경호
Принадлежит: 이헌조, 주식회사 금성사

The controller diagnoses the various functions of the washing machine by itself at initial state of the operation and displays the fault location to be repaired easily if it does not work properly. The load sensors (2a-2g) placed at a driving motor (M1), a cleanser valve (SV), a cleanser motor (SM), an automatic turn-off switch (AF), an outlet valve (SV), and cool and hot water valves (CI,HI) detect the voltage drops induced at the corresponding loads. They are feedbacked to a microprocessor (1) through a transistor array circuit (2h) to determine the operation state. If some faults are detected, the microprocessor stops the operation and provides the error message to the user.

24-09-1990 дата публикации

Weight detector of dehydration washer

Номер: KR900006917B1
Автор: 후미오 도리따

a casing; a rotating tub disposed in the casing and adapted to hold an object of dehydration therein; drive means for rotating the rotating tub; a weight detector delivering an output signal indicative of a change of electrostatic capacity corresponding to a change of the weight load of the rotating tub; and control means for controlling the drive means in accordance with the output signal from the weight detector, thereby regulating the rotation of the rotating tub.

05-06-2004 дата публикации

Washing Maching and controlling Method for the Same

Номер: KR20040046929A
Автор: 김명덕, 정보선
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 발명은 급수되는 물의 경도 측정이 가능한 세탁기와 그 경도 측정방법에 관한 것으로써 세탁기의 외조 하단에 급수되는 물의 전도도를 감지할 수 있는 전극센서를 장착하고 사용자 조작에 따라 상기 전극센서를 동작시켜 상기 전극센서가 감지한 바에 따라 상기 세탁기로 급수되는 물의 경도값을 상기 세탁기의 마이컴이 구하고 이를 디스플레이할 수 있도록 함으로써 세탁기의 사용자가 수도수의 경도값을 확인하고 이에 따라 세제 적정량을 결정할 수 있도록 하는 동시에 더 나아가 헹굼과 탈수 행정도 조절되도록 하여 수자원 절약을 꾀할 수 있는 효과가 있다.

03-04-2013 дата публикации

Control method of door open for a laundry treatment machine

Номер: KR101250549B1
Автор: 주영훈
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 발명에 따른 세탁물 처리기기의 도어 개방 제어방법은 세탁물 처리기기의 작동 중 도어 스위치가 온되면, 상기 터브내의 온도와 수위를 낮춘 후 도어를 개방시키기 때문에, 편의성 및 안전성이 향상될 수 있는 효과가 있다. The door opening control method of the laundry treatment machine according to the present invention, when the door switch is turned on during the operation of the laundry treatment machine, since the door is opened after lowering the temperature and water level in the tub, the convenience and safety can be improved. have. 세탁물 처리기기, 도어, 개방, 제어, 안전, 온도, 수위 Laundry Disposal Equipment, Doors, Opening, Control, Safety, Temperature, Water Level

14-12-2006 дата публикации

Apparatus for supplying liquid detergent

Номер: KR20060128409A
Автор: 윤형태
Принадлежит: 주식회사 대우일렉트로닉스

전자동 세탁기를 이용하여 세탁물을 세탁할 경우에 터브내로 액체세제가 자동으로 공급되도록 하는 액체세제 공급장치가 개시되어 있다. 드럼의 상측부에 설치되고, 상단부는 밀폐용 덮개가 구비되며, 일측면에는 급수밸브가 장착되는 액체세제저장용기; 상기 액체세제저장용기와 공급파이프를 통해 연결되고, 상기 액체세제저장용기와 터브의 사이에 설치되어 액체세제저장용기로부터 공급되는 저농도 액체세제를 일시적으로 저장하는 세제케이스; 상기 액체세제저장용기의 내측에 설치되어 액체세제저장용기로부터 세제케이스로 액체세제를 공급하는 드레인모터로 이루어지는 액체세제 공급장치를 제공한다. 액체세제저장용기, 드레인모터, 마이컴, 온도감지센서

18-10-2001 дата публикации

Apparatus for breaking of Washing Machine

Номер: KR100311650B1
Принадлежит: 구자홍, 엘지전자주식회사

본 발명은 세탁기의 제동시 모터에 의해 발생하는 역기전력으로 인해 시스템에 과전압이 흐르는 경우 이를 방출시키기 위한 제동 제어 회로에 관한 것으로서, The present invention relates to a braking control circuit for releasing an overvoltage flow in a system due to back EMF generated by a motor during braking of a washing machine. 종래에 시스템에 흐르는 과전압을 방출시키기 위해서 제동 저항을 구성했던 것과는 달리 상용(AC)전원을 인가받아 직류(DC)전원으로 변환하는 컨버터를 구성함에 있어 기존에 정류용 다이오드만 사용했던 것을 복수개의 다이오드에 각각 병렬로 트랜지스터들을 연결 구성하고, 트랜지스터들의 베이스를 마이콤에 의해 생성되는 신호들로 제어하여, 제동시 시스템에 흐르는 전압이 일정 전압 이상이 되면 복수개의 트랜지스터를 선택적으로 온/오프하도록 하여 시스템에 흐르는 과전압을 상용 전원쪽으로 흘려 보냄으로서 시스템에 일정 전압이상이 흐르지 않도록 하는 내용이다. Unlike conventional braking resistors for discharging the overvoltage flowing in the system, conventionally, only a rectifier diode is used to construct a converter that receives a commercial (AC) power and converts it into a direct current (DC) power. The transistors are connected in parallel to each other, and the bases of the transistors are controlled by signals generated by the microcomputer to selectively turn on / off a plurality of transistors when the voltage flowing in the system exceeds a predetermined voltage during braking. It is to prevent over voltage over the system by sending the over voltage flowing to the commercial power. 이러한 구성을 통해 종래 기술의 제동 저항을 제거할 수 있어 회로 구성이 간단해 지며, 세탁기가 대용량화 되어감에 따라 제동 저항의 용량도 커지기 때문에 제품의 원가를 낮추는데에도 크게 기여하는 효과를 제공하게 된다. This configuration can eliminate the braking resistor of the prior art, simplifying the circuit configuration, and as the washing machine becomes larger, the braking resistor has a larger capacity, thereby providing a significant contribution to lowering the cost of the product.

04-01-2023 дата публикации

Laundry Treatment Apparatus

Номер: KR20230001241A
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 출원은 패널 설치홀이 형성된 장착 패널이 구비된 캐비닛, 상기 캐비닛 내부에 회전 가능하게 구비되는 드럼, 상기 캐비닛 내부에 위치되는 제어회로기판, 상기 패널 설치홀에 위치되는 윈도우 바디, 상기 윈도우 바디에 구비되어 사용자의 신체가 상기 윈도우 바디에 접촉되었는지 여부를 감지하는 필름센서, 상기 필름센서와 상기 제어회로기판을 연결하는 필름와이어가 구비된 윈도우, 상기 투광부재와 상기 제어회로기판 사이에 위치되는 설치바디, 상기 필름와이어가 상기 설치바디를 관통하여 상기 제어회로기판에 연결되도록 구비되는 와이어 통과부를 포함하는 기판 지지부를 포함하는 의류처리장치에 관한 것이다.

13-11-2018 дата публикации

A kind of interaction washing machine and control method

Номер: CN108797008A
Автор: 吕佩师, 陈玉玲, 高秋英


25-10-1999 дата публикации

Washing machine control device

Номер: JP2966461B2
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

17-06-1996 дата публикации

Dryer washing machine safety device

Номер: KR960017636U
Автор: 송복남
Принадлежит: 대우전자주식회사

21-10-1992 дата публикации

Drum Washing Machine

Номер: KR920018283A
Автор: 사카네 사키오

내용 없음
