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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 7867. Отображено 199.
27-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2422632C2

Группа изобретений относится к области исследования скважин, а именно к технологиям определения скважинных параметров. Техническим результатом является повышение качества и точности измерений скважинных параметров. Для чего в одном из вариантов коммуникационная система для определения скважинных параметров содержит сенсорную пробку, выполненную с возможностью размещения в отверстии, проходящем в стенке скважины. Система содержит гильзу, выполненную с возможностью размещения в отверстии, проходящем в стенке скважины, палец, выполненный с возможностью размещения в гильзе. При этом палец выполнен с возможностью расширять гильзу по мере его продвижения в нее, в результате чего гильза уплотняет отверстие. При этом гильза имеет камеру, а палец на своем конце имеет иглу, выполненную с возможностью прокалывания камеры при подаче пальца в гильзу. Система оборудована датчиком для измерения скважинных параметров и электронными схемами, соединенными с датчиком. Система также оборудована скважинным ...

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2593440C2

Изобретение относится к измерению свойств флюида, более конкретно к определению плотности флюида с применением плотномера, содержащего одиночный магнит. Прибор (300) для определения свойств флюида содержит трубку (304) для приема флюида, одиночный магнит (302), прикрепленный к трубке, и единственную обмотку (306), намотанную вокруг одиночного магнита. Единственная обмотка подсоединена к импульсному источнику (312) тока и принимает импульсный ток, который создает в единственной обмотке магнитное поле, взаимодействующее с одиночным магнитом с приведением трубки в состояние вибрации. Прибор содержит также детектор (306), который связан с трубкой, а также с измерительным блоком (310) и детектирует свойства трубки в процессе ее вибрации. Измерительный блок, основываясь на детектированных свойствах трубки, определяет свойства флюида. У прибора имеется корпус (314), в котором размещены трубка, одиночный магнит и намотанная на него единственная обмотка. Техническим результатом является повышение ...

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2586348C2

Изобретение относится к способу, устройству и системе распознавания ископаемых. Техническим результатом является определение происхождения шлама/ископаемых, особенно в вертикальных разведочных скважинах. Способ, реализуемый посредством процессора, включает получение информации об изображении флюида от формирователя изображений, у которого флюид находится в поле обзора, причем указанная информация об изображении флюида содержит информацию об изображении ископаемого, обработку информации об изображении ископаемого для идентификации типов ископаемых во флюиде в виде данных, связывающих типы ископаемых с пластом, из которого был получен флюид, определение местоположения первой скважины в пласте на основе упомянутых данных и записей смещения, связанных со второй скважиной, и публикацию упомянутых данных в сочетании с указаниями местоположения. 3 н. и 26 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

27-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2374440C2

Изобретение относится к нефтегазодобывающей промышленности, а именно к системам для исследования и контроля эксплуатационных скважин. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности передачи данных. Датчик содержит корпус, сенсорные элементы, которые воспринимают свойства пласта, и элементы связи, способные передавать информацию между сенсорными элементами и устройством связи в скважине. При этом корпус датчика включает в себя участок, который может быть герметично запечатан в обсадной колонне или напорно-компрессорной колонне во избежание переноса флюидов между внутренней стороной и внешней стороной обсадной колонны или напорно-компрессорной колонны. Датчики могут включать в себя датчики давления, температуры, удельного сопротивления, электропроводности, напряжения, деформации, рН и химического состава. При этом датчики устанавливают в отверстии, проделанном в обсадной колонне или напорно-компрессорной колонне таким образом, чтобы он проходил между внутренней стороной и внешней ...

04-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2665758C2

Использование: для измерения массового расхода газа, абсолютной влажности газа и контроля состава газа по определению средней молярной массы газовой смеси или молярной массы однокомпонентного газа. Устройство содержит в едином корпусе блок измерения с расположенными в нем датчиками и блок электронной обработки сигнала. В блоке измерения расположены датчик абсолютного давления газа мембранного типа, сорбционно-емкостный датчик влажности газа, датчики плотности газа на основе кварцевых резонаторов камертонного типа, датчики температуры и элемент измерения расхода газа по перепаду давления в виде газового канала с переменным сечением типа трубки Вентури. Блок электронной обработки сигналов датчиков содержит схемы формирования и усиления первичных сигналов датчиков, схемы вторичной нормализации сигналов датчиков давления, влажности и схемы вычисления значений молярной массы газа, массового расхода газа с компенсацией погрешности сжатия и цифровые индикаторы измеряемых величин. Технический результат ...

27-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2449116C2
Принадлежит: Интелисис Лимитед (GB)

Изобретение относится к области исследования скважин и применяется для мониторинга газа в буровой скважине (МГС). Техническим результатом является повышение точности измерений, повышение надежности работы устройства. Для этого измеряют параметр газа с использованием контроллера, выполненного с возможностью автоматического периодического измерения параметра газа. Обнаруживают воду в жидком виде в указанном МГС устройстве или вблизи него. При этом формируют реакцию на обнаружение воды, если обнаружена вода в жидком виде, включая по меньшей мере одну реакцию из: деактивации устройства, передачи сигнала тревоги, зажигания светового предупреждения. Автономное устройство для мониторинга газа в буровой скважине (МГС) содержит датчик для измерения параметра газа и контроллер, выполненный с возможностью автоматического периодического использования указанного датчика. МГС устройство дополнительно содержит датчик воды, выполненный с возможностью обнаружения воды в жидком виде в указанном МГС устройстве ...

20-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2310893C2

Прибор для измерения флуоресценции пластового флюида в стволе скважины содержит камеру с окошком, сообщающимся своей одной стороной с пластовым флюидом, другой стороной с источником ультрафиолетового излучения. Источник ультрафиолетового излучения для освещения пробы флюида и приемник излучения для измерения спектров флуоресценции пробы флюида расположены со второй стороны окошка. Также предложен способ для измерения флуоресценции пластового флюида в стволе скважины. Изобретение обеспечивает упрощение устройства и способа, а также повышение их надежности. 2 н. и 19 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

03-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2632249C1

Изобретение относится к способам и устройствам для определения расхода потока и/или фазного элемента различных компонентов в потоке многофазного флюида. Датчик многофазного расходомера задействуется для определения физической характеристики, относящейся к потоку многофазного флюида в канале многофазного расходомера. Стационарность потока многофазного флюида определяется на основании обнаруженной физической характеристики в фактических условиях по сравнению с ожидаемым шумом датчика в условиях стационарного потока. Переменную модели потока выбирают из множества переменных модели потока на основании содержания газа в потоке многофазного флюида и обнаруженной стационарности. Затем поток многофазного флюида моделируют посредством настройки выбранных переменных модели потока. Технический результат – обеспечение устройства и способов адаптации и/или настройки вычисления с целью определения расходов многофазного потока многофазных флюидов на основании распознания режима течения. 3 н. и 17 з.п.

23-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2768234C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для отбора проб газожидкостной среды из трубопроводов в нефтедобывающей промышленности. Техническим результатом является повышение качества контроля отбираемой пробы, обеспечение надежной эксплуатации устройства в условиях транспортировки газожидкостной среды с повышенным содержанием газовой фазы. Пробоотборник содержит корпус и пробоотборную трубку. Корпус выполнен из последовательно и жестко соединенных входной камеры, промежуточной камеры, пробозаборной камеры, камеры пониженного давления и выходной камеры таким образом, что входная и выходная камеры имеют одинаковый диаметр с диаметром трубопровода. Промежуточная камера выполнена диаметром больше диаметра входной камеры, диаметр пробозаборной камеры выполнен больше диаметра промежуточной камеры для обеспечения снижения скорости потока, интенсификации сепарации и повышения концентрации газовой фазы в верхней части пробозаборной камеры. Камера пониженного давления выполнена диаметром меньше диаметра ...

28-04-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016142515A3

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016133862A3

23-03-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018120187A3

25-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU179828U1

Полезная модель относится к нефтедобыче, а именно к устройствам для определения газового фактора.Техническим результатом полезной модели является сокращение материальных затрат и упрощение процедуры определения газового фактора.Для этого устройство содержит сепаратор и вентили подвода водонефтегазовой смеси, отвода нефтяного газа и пластовой воды. Сепаратор выполнен в виде калиброванной измерительной емкости из толстостенного стекла, заглушенной с торцов фланцами из нержавеющей стали. Ось емкости расположена перпендикулярно горизонтальной поверхности. Вентиль подвода водонефтегазовой смеси подсоединен к нижнему фланцу емкости. Емкость в нижней части оснащена узлом равномерного распределения смеси. Вентиль отвода нефтяного газа подсоединен к верхнему фланцу емкости. Верхний фланец емкости оснащен манометром, термометром и датчиком уровня. Вентиль отвода пластовой воды подсоединен к нижнему фланцу емкости. 1 ил.

16-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2700352C2

Группа изобретений относится к скважинной клапанной системе для управления притоком текучей среды в пласт и из пласта, а также способу управления потоком текучей среды. Система содержит обсадную колонну, имеющую внутреннюю поверхность, наружный диаметр и внутренний диаметр, а также поперечное сечение, определенное внутренним диаметром. Обсадная колонна содержит множество клапанов, расположенных на расстоянии друг от друга для управления притоком текучей среды из пласта через обсадную колонну. Кроме того, система содержит множество автономных регулировочных устройств, каждое из которых управляет одним из множества клапанов и каждое из которых содержит корпус, имеющий наружный диаметр корпуса и поперечное сечение корпуса. При этом множество автономных регулировочных устройств закреплено внутри обсадной колонны для обеспечения возможности протекания текучей среды между наружным диаметром корпуса автономного регулировочного устройства и обсадной колонной. Технический результат заключается в ...

04-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2780997C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для изоляции зоны испытания при исследовании скважин. Технический результат заключается в повышении надежности работы пакера за счет упрощения конструкции и снижения количества входящих в нее элементов при проведении исследовательских работ в скважине. Пакерное устройство содержит верхний и нижний пакеры и расположенные между ними трубы с перфорированными отверстиями. Каждый из верхнего пакера и нижнего пакера снабжен штоком с верхним и нижним резьбовыми соединениями, патрубком. Шток выполнен полым и имеет возможность взаимного осевого перемещения относительно патрубка, на штоке каждого из верхнего и нижнего пакеров поочередно расположены упругие элементы и металлические кольца. Упругие элементы находятся между металлическими кольцами, патрубок каждого из верхнего и нижнего пакеров расположен над упругими элементами и металлическими кольцами и выполнен с возможностью взаимодействия с упругими элементами для их сжатия и перекрытия ими затрубного пространства ...

29-11-2019 дата публикации

Устройство для отбора глубинных проб

Номер: RU194160U1

Полезная модель относится к нефтяной и газовой промышленности, в частности к технике отбора проб жидкости и газа в скважинах. Актуальной является проблема плановых отборов кондиционных проб нефтепродукта, не останавливая процесс добычи. Известно, что для обеспечения кондиции пробы отбор следует производить в скважине. Установленное в скважине оборудование для добычи вынуждает применять устройства для отбора глубинных проб малого диаметра. Задачей полезной модели является устройство малого диаметра (не более 30 мм) для отбора глубинных проб в скважинах с установленным оборудованием для добычи нефтепродукта. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 194 160 U1 (51) МПК E21B 49/08 (2006.01) G01N 1/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E21B 49/08 (2019.08); G01N 1/10 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019128633, 11.09.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Павлов Андрей Александрович (RU) Дата регистрации: 29.11.2019 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 11.09.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 29.11.2019 Бюл. № 34 1 9 4 1 6 0 R U (54) Устройство для отбора глубинных проб (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к нефтяной и газовой промышленности, в частности к технике отбора проб жидкости и газа в скважинах. Актуальной является проблема плановых отборов кондиционных проб нефтепродукта, не останавливая процесс добычи. Известно, что для обеспечения кондиции пробы отбор следует производить в скважине. Установленное в Стр.: 1 скважине оборудование для добычи вынуждает применять устройства для отбора глубинных проб малого диаметра. Задачей полезной модели является устройство малого диаметра (не более 30 мм) для отбора глубинных проб в скважинах с установленным оборудованием для добычи нефтепродукта. U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 144007, Московская обл., г. Электросталь, ул. Победы, 15, корп. 4, кв. 69, Павлов А.А. 1 9 4 1 6 0 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о ...

01-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2773235C1

Изобретение относится к способу бурения ствола скважины. Предложен способ бурения ствола скважины, включающий в себя размещение бурового устройства с хвостовиком в стволе скважины. Буровое устройство с хвостовиком содержит бурильную трубу, подвесное устройство для хвостовика, расположенное ниже по стволу скважины от бурильной трубы, а также скважинный инструмент, присоединенный ниже по стволу скважины от подвесного устройства для хвостовика. Скважинный инструмент содержит: обсадную колонну, содержащую три или более опорных подкладок, расположенных на ее наружном диаметре, причем по меньшей мере одна из опорных подкладок содержит в себе полость; одну или более аккумуляторных батарей и один или более датчиков, расположенных внутри указанной полости; и один или более дополнительных компонентов, соединенных с одним или более датчиками, расположенными внутри внутреннего диаметра обсадной колонны. Также способ включает разбуривание одного или более дополнительных компонентов из обсадной колонны ...

07-06-2022 дата публикации

Способ (варианты), система и машиночитаемый носитель для определения доли пластового флюида в смеси флюидов

Номер: RU2773670C1

Группа изобретений относится к нефтегазодобывающей промышленности и может применяться для раздельного учета продукции при совместной эксплуатации нескольких пластов. Для осуществления способа определения доли пластового флюида в смеси флюидов получают по меньшей мере одну пробу индивидуального пластового флюида из по меньшей мере двух разных пластов. Подготавливают калибровочные смеси путем смешения индивидуальных пластовых флюидов разных пластов в различных соотношениях. Определяют углеводородный состав полученных калибровочных смесей. Устанавливают взаимосвязи между содержанием индивидуальных пластовых флюидов в калибровочных смесях и полученными данными об углеводородном составе калибровочных смесей с использованием метода многомерной регрессии. Получают пробу исследуемого флюида и определяют её углеводородный состав. Определяют доли каждого индивидуального пластового флюида по полученным данным об углеводородном составе пробы исследуемого флюида и по установленной взаимосвязи между ...

04-07-2023 дата публикации

Способ геохимического мониторинга оценки эффективности работы скважин после применения химических методов увеличения нефтеотдачи

Номер: RU2799218C1

Изобретение относится к области разработки нефтяных месторождений, более подробно к способу геохимического мониторинга оценки эффективности работы скважин после применения химических методов увеличения нефтеотдачи. Согласно способу исследуют флюиды добывающих и нагнетательных скважин посредством исследования фоновых геохимических образцов флюида на выбранных скважинах участка воздействия химических методов увеличения нефтеотдачи с применением геохимических и фотоколориметрических методов. Далее выявляют целевые геохимические признаки пластового флюида исследуемых образцов флюида, полученных в результате выполнения первой операции. Производят закачку реагента химических методов увеличения нефтеотдачи в нагнетательную скважину. Выполняют отбор образцов флюидов для их анализа на геохимические и фотоколориметрические исследования по выбранным реагирующим добывающим скважинам. Производят геохимический и фотоколориметрический анализ полученных данных в условиях лаборатории, выполняют сравнительный ...

27-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2603646C1

Изобретение относится к технической области разработки подземных недр, разработки газоносного пласта-коллектора, к области мониторинга геологического объекта хранилища газа. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности отбора образца флюида под давлением, обеспечение полного наполнения камеры пробоотборника и передача флюида за пределы камеры при контроле давления. Устройство отбора проб флюидов под давлением из скважины содержит камеру пробоотборника, определяющую внутренний объем для приема флюида, корпус, расположенный сверху на камере пробоотборника, средства циркуляции флюида в указанной камере, средства удержания флюида в указанной камере и средства перекачки флюида за пределы указанной камеры. Указанный корпус содержит упругий элемент и средства для снятия натяжения или для сжатия упругого элемента, которые содержат кольцо с прорезью, которое взаимодействует с ручкой для сжатия и снятия натяжения упругого элемента. Средства удержания содержат первый поршень, выполненный ...

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2603976C1

Изобретение относится к системе и способу преобразования оценок запасов в модели пласта в стандартный формат. Техническим результатом является повышение точности определения геологического объема. Способ включает преобразование в последовательную форму оценок запасов, замкнутой триангулированной решетки и сетки мощности пласта, каждое из которых отражает модель пласта, в байтовый массив с помощью компьютерного процессора, сжатие байтового массива и преобразование сжатого байтового массива в печатную строку. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

11-08-2021 дата публикации

Способ исследования скважин при стационарных и не стационарных режимах работы

Номер: RU2752885C1

Изобретение относится к нефтегазодобывающей промышленности и может найти применение при разработке нефтяной залежи, представленной коллектором трещинно-порового типа, а также при проведении газодинамических и гидродинамических исследований скважин с вертикальным, субгоризонтальным и горизонтальным окончанием ствола посредством непрерывной диагностики и мониторинга объемного количества потоков флюида. Для повышения точности определения объема флюида, поступающего в скважину из каждого ствола скважины, и/или из каждой трещины в единицу времени при стационарных и нестационарных режимах работы с возможностью построения профилей притока по стволу скважины в режиме реального времени при проведении мониторинга используют проппант с нанесенным на него индикаторными частицами (индикаторами), в качестве индикатора используют нанесенный на проппант маслорастворимый-водорастворимый полимер толщиной от 20 до 200 мкм, с частицами, обладающими ферромагнитными свойствами размером от 500 нм до 10 мкм, и ...

06-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2679204C1
Принадлежит: ИНГРЕЙН, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к способу и системе определения величины пористости, связанной с органическим веществом, в скважине или в продуктивных пластах. Техническим результатом является создание усовершенствованного способа оценки величины пористости, связанной с органическим веществом геологического материала. Способ включает (a) получение изображений с помощью сканирующего электронного микроскопа (SEM) или сканирующего электронного микроскопа со сфокусированным ионным пучком (FIB-SEM) для множества проб горных пород, полученных из скважины или продуктивного пласта, (b) определение величины пористости, связанной с органическим веществом (PAOM), величины общей пористости (PHIT) и содержания (TOC) органического вещества (OM) с помощью изображений SEM или FIB-SEM, (c) определение максимального значения коэффициента кажущейся трансформации (ATR) для множества проб горных пород с использованием уравнения (1): ATR=PAOM/(PAOM+OM), в котором величины PAOM и OM определяются в (b), (d) подбор аппроксимирующей ...

27-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008115289A

... 1. Способ проверки работы эксплуатационной скважины, работающей с использованием технологии гидравлического разрыва пласта, включающий введение в пласт индикатора с носителем, отбор пробы из эксплуатационной скважины и определение наличия и количества индикатора с вынесением суждения о продуктивности областей пласта в скважине и с вынесением суждения о том, какая из трещин и/или зон трещины подвержена выносу проппанта, отличающийся тем, что предварительно создают в пласте, по меньшей мере, одну трещину методом гидроразрыва пласта, в качестве носителя и/или индикатора используют шлаки различных производств, вводимые на различных стадиях закачки проппанта в трещину гидроразрыва и различающиеся для различных стадий закачки. ! 2 Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на различных стадиях закачивают шлаки, отличающиеся по фазовому составу. ! 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на различных стадиях закачивают шлаки, отличающиеся по химическому составу.

02-06-2020 дата публикации

Способ определения состава и свойств пластового флюида на основе геологических характеристик пласта

Номер: RU2720430C9

Изобретение относится к области резервуарной геохимии, и может быть использовано для пространственной привязки проб пластовых флюидов к объектам разработки (пластам). Техническим результатом изобретения является упрощение и сокращение времени определения состава и/или свойств пластовых флюидов с обеспечением надежной различимости пластовых флюидов друг относительно друга. Способ определения состава и свойств пластового флюида, при котором обеспечивают определение перечня параметров состава и/или свойств пластовых флюидов, обеспечивающих различимость флюидов исследуемой пары пластов, по значению по меньшей мере одной геологической характеристики пары исследуемых пластов и по установленной и зафиксированной в базе данных взаимосвязи значения расстояния между пластами в паре, и/или среднего по паре значения коэффициентов проницаемости, и/или значения разницы плотностей пластовых флюидов, содержащихся в пластах пары, с перечнем параметров состава и свойств пластовых флюидов пары пластов, которые ...

12-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2646911C1

Изобретение относится к технике измерения обводненности скважинной нефти, то есть оценки доли нефти и воды в добываемой пластовой жидкости. Техническим результатом является отсечение пробы в трубке. Устройство включает вертикальную тонкостенную отсекающую трубку и узел герметизации нижнего отверстия трубки в соответствующем приемном гнезде днища емкости для сбора скважинной продукции. При этом нижняя часть отсекающей трубки снабжена со своей внешней стороны ободком, кромка которого по периметру имеет закругленный профиль, приемное отверстие в днище емкости соответствует внешнему диаметру трубки, днище емкости снабжено вокруг отверстия герметизирующим кольцом из маслостойкой резины, по периметру резинового кольца на высоту, превышающую высоту налива жидкости в емкость, расположены направляющие стержни для удобного и вертикального спуска отсекающей трубки сквозь набранную в емкость жидкость, причем в верхней части направляющих стержней расположена внутренняя резьба с крупным шагом, а в верхней ...

28-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2739783C1

Группа изобретений относится к бурению. Технический результат - точное без искажений количественное определение содержания нескольких добавок к буровому раствору. Способ количественного определения добавок к буровому раствору включает циркуляцию бурового раствора в стволе скважины, прохождение ствола скважины в один или более подземных пластов одновременно с циркуляцией бурового раствора, причем буровой раствор содержит химически меченые добавки к буровому раствору, а химически меченые добавки к буровому раствору каждая независимо друг от друга помечена разным флуорофором, где каждый флуорофор излучает разную длину световой волны, и где химически меченые добавки к буровому раствору каждая содержит разную добавку к буровому раствору. 5 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013143616A

... 1. Способ для определения характеристик образца из пористой среды, содержащей множество тел пор и множество каналов пор, включающий:подготовку образца из пористой среды, позволяющую получить изображение одной плоскости данного образца;получение двухмерного изображения высокого разрешения для одной плоскости подготовленного образца из пористой среды;частичную обработку изображения высокого разрешения с использованием алгоритма водораздела;обнаружение множества каналов пор на основе, по меньшей мере, использования, в частности, алгоритма водораздела; иопределение измерения, связанного с каждым обнаруженным множеством каналов пор.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что изображение высокого разрешения получают с использованием конфокальной микроскопии.3. Способ по п.2, отличающийся тем, что изображение высокого разрешения получают с использованием лазерной сканирующей флуоресцентной микроскопии.4. Способ по п.2, отличающийся тем, что глубина поля изображение высокого разрешения составляет менее ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012110978A

... 1. Внутрискважинное устройство для мониторинга газов, содержащее анализатор концентрации летучих органических соединений и коллектор летучих органических соединений.2. Внутрискважинное устройство по п.1, в котором анализатор концентрации летучих органических соединений выполнен с возможностью предоставления в реальном времени значения неудельной концентрации летучих органических соединений.3. Внутрискважинное устройство по п.1, в котором анализатор концентрации летучих органических соединений содержит фотоионизационный детектор.4. Внутрискважинное устройство по п.1, в котором коллектор летучих органических соединений выполнен с возможностью предоставления значения удельной концентрации по объему.5. Внутрискважинное устройство по п.1, в котором коллектор летучих органических соединений содержит сорбционный материал.6. Внутрискважинное устройство по п.1, дополнительно содержащее датчик давления, выполненный с возможностью измерения атмосферного давления.7. Внутрискважинное устройство по п ...

27-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006145002A

... 1. Модуль отбора проб инструмента отбора проб при бурении, помещаемого в ствол скважины при проникновении в подземные пласты, содержащий воротник бура, выполненный с возможностью присоединения к буровой колонне инструмента отбора проб при бурении, причем воротник бура имеет по меньшей мере одну выемку, проходящую вдоль его наружной поверхности и в его полость, при этом воротник бура имеет внутри канал для прохождения через него бурового раствора; по меньшей мере одну камеру пробоотборника, выполненную с возможностью размещения в полости воротника бура; по меньшей мере одну линию потока в воротнике бура, которая выполнена с возможностью соединения с камерой пробоотборника для прохождения в нее скважинного флюида, и по меньшей мере одну крышку, выполненную с возможностью размещения вокруг по меньшей мере одной выемки воротника бура, посредством чего в выемке съемно удерживается камера пробоотборника. 2. Модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно содержит дивертер потока для выборочного ...

04-10-1990 дата публикации

Method for the removal of liquid and gaseous samples and for measuring their characteristic parameters

Номер: DE0003908930A1

The invention is concerned with a method for the removal of liquid and gaseous samples and for measuring their characteristic parameters in mines. The method achieves the object of removing the samples with the exclusion of air at the pressure and temperature of the formation (stratum), as well as of measuring all relevant physical parameters on site. For this purpose, the necessary measuring and sample-taking devices, which are located in a pressure-proof housing, are accommodated in a sealing fashion in a borehole.

15-06-2011 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for formation evalution after drilling

Номер: GB0002476216A

Methods and apparatus for evaluating a formation in clude conveying a formation evaluation tool in a borehole on a tubular carrier extending from a surface location at least to the formation evaluation tool. A cable is conveyed to the formation evaluation tool and communication between the formation evaluation tool and the cable is established after the formation evaluation tool is moved to a selected borehole location.

24-08-2005 дата публикации

Controlling transient pressure conditions in a wellbore

Номер: GB0000514720D0

12-09-2007 дата публикации

Reservoir sample chain-of-custody

Номер: GB0000714789D0

10-05-2017 дата публикации

Assessment of flow networks

Номер: GB0002544098A

A method for assessment of an oil and gas flow network comprises: (1) gathering historical data and/or live data relating to the status of multiple control points at different branches within the flow network and to one or more flow parameter(s) in one or more flow path(s) of the flow network in which flows of more than one of the different branches have been combined: (2) identifying time intervals in the data during which all of the control points and all of the flow parameters are in a steady state: and (3) extracting statistical data representative of some or all steady state intervals identified in step (2) to thereby represent the original data from step (1) in a compact form. In an alternative embodiment there is a method of assessing and oil and gas flow network which involves identifying adjustments that have been made in one or more of the control points that result in changes to one of more of the flow parameters and determining relationships between the status of the control ...

11-03-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for representative fluid sampling

Номер: GB0201501414D0

10-01-2018 дата публикации

Channel estimation in mud pulse telemetry

Номер: GB0201719785D0

10-01-2018 дата публикации

Methods and systems using an optical receiver and electro-optic methods to transmit data from integrated computational elements

Номер: GB0201719784D0

10-01-2018 дата публикации

Sustained release system for reservoir treatment and monitoring

Номер: GB0201719802D0

30-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001441133A

... 1441133 Well fluids sampling LYNES INC 29 May 1973 [14 June 1972] 18686/75 Divided out of 1441131 Heading E1F The disclosure corresponds with that of the parent Specification but the claims are directed to a tool with a sample collector seating valve and a control valve used to control inflation and deflection of a packer element on the tool.

21-08-2013 дата публикации

In-well full-bore multiphase flowmeter for horizontal wellbores

Номер: GB0201312113D0

06-09-2017 дата публикации

Ultrasound color flow imaging for drilling applications

Номер: GB0201711671D0

13-10-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for obtaining downhole fluid properties

Номер: GB0002594026A

A downhole fluid analysis device (42) includes a piezoelectric helm resonator (92), a spectroscopy sensor (96) positioned symmetrically with respect to the piezoelectric helm resonator (92) in at least one direction, and a circuit (160) comprising a first terminal (162) and a second terminal (164) electrically coupled to a power supply. The piezoelectric helm resonator (92) and the spectroscopy sensor (96) are electrically coupled in parallel between the first and second terminals (162, 164). The power supply drives the piezoelectric helm resonator (92) with a voltage of a first polarity and the spectroscopy sensor (96) with a voltage of a second polarity. The circuit (160) includes at least one current flow control device (166) in the circuit (160) configured to prevent both the piezoelectric helm resonator (92) and the spectroscopy sensor (96) from being powered simultaneously.

06-10-2010 дата публикации

In-line composition and volumetric analysis of vent gases and flooding of the annular space of flexible pipe

Номер: GB0201014015D0

06-07-2011 дата публикации

Cylindrical shaped snorkel interface on evaluation probe

Номер: GB0201108850D0

19-03-2008 дата публикации

Borehole testing method including selecting the length of the interval to be sealed between two packer elements

Номер: GB0002441843A

A testing tool 10 has a plurality of packers 102, 103, 104, 105 spaced apart along the axis of the tool, and at least one testing port. The testing tool is positioned into the wellbore and the length of the interval of the wellbore to be sealed is selected, two packers are extended into sealing engagement with the wellbore wall 12, sealing the interval. The testing port may have an associated valve 110, 111, 112. The wellbore interval sealed between two packers may be determined by which of the packers are extended into sealing engagement with the wellbore wall or by sliding a sliding packer (361 fig. 4) longitudinally along the tool. Particle breaking devices 160, 161, 162 may be used to reduce blocking of the tool by debris.

05-12-2001 дата публикации

Optical tool and method for analysis of formation fluids

Номер: GB0002362948A

A formation fluid analysis tool has a sampling probe that is inserted into the formation for extracting formation fluid and a sample chamber wherein said fluid is measured. The chamber contains an internal reflectance crystal in contact with formation fluid. An acousto-optical tunable filter (AOTF) transmits a single wavelength of light from a broadband light source. This monochromatic light is carried by an optic fiber to the internal reflectance crystal where it undergoes total reflection at the crystal faces in contact with the formation fluid. The reflected light carries information about this absorption, which is determined by the chemical composition of the fluid. A return fiber conveys the reflected light back to a spectrometer, and a processor determines the absorption at the wavelength of the monochromatic light.

26-05-2004 дата публикации

Downhole water analysis

Номер: GB0002395555A

Downhole water chemistry is obtained in situ by addition of a colorimetric reagent to a water sample followed by determining the resulting colour of the sample in a colorimetric analyser. Apparatus for the downhole measurement comprises means to supply the reagent, e.g. an injector for injecting the reagent into a water flow line, and a colorimetric analyser e.g. a spectrometer. Typically the pH or the ion content of the water sample is measured.

30-01-2013 дата публикации

Formation evaluation probe set quality and data acquisition method

Номер: GB0201222456D0

03-09-2008 дата публикации

Device and method for obtaining a liquid or gas sample from a multiphase mixture flowing in a hydrocarbon pipeline

Номер: GB0002447041A

This disclosure relates methods and systems for obtaining a sample of a liquid or gas phase from a multiphase mixture flowing in a pipeline, where the multiphase mixture comprises oil and/or a gaseous hydrocarbon and the pipeline is configured for the transport of the oil and/or gaseous hydrocarbon. The sampling system comprises means for causing outward flow i.e away from a centre axis of the pipeline towards an inner surface of the pipeline. This may be an expansion chamber 30 or a restrictor (Figure 1C) Expansion causes the liquid phase to become dispersed onto the inner surface 40 of the expansion chamber such that it can be collected in sample collector 50. Gas may be collected separately. After obtaining the sample of the liquid or gas phase of the multiphase mixture, sensing devices, meters, sensor systems or the like may be used to analyze the properties of the collected samples.

05-04-2017 дата публикации

System and method for downhole inorganic scale monitoring and intervention in a production well

Номер: GB0201702547D0

14-09-2011 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for evaluating downhole fluids

Номер: GB0002478681A

An apparatus for evaluating downhole fluids is disclosed. The apparatus includes: an optical block having an adjustable opening that receives electromagnetic energy emitted by an electromagnetic energy source; a controller operatively associated with the optical block for adjusting the openiiig size, wherein the opening size is adjusted at least in part based on one or more estimated downhole parameters; and a sensor that receives the electromagnetic energy emitted by the electromagnetic energy source after the emitted electromagnetic energy interacts with a downhole fluid. A method for evaluating downhole fluids is also disclosed.

02-01-2002 дата публикации

Monitoring of downhole parameters and tools utilizing fiber optics

Номер: GB0000126785D0

09-08-2000 дата публикации

Chemical sensor for wellbore applications

Номер: GB0000015052D0

23-03-2016 дата публикации

Optical computing device having a redundant light source and optical train

Номер: GB0002530428A

An optical computing device having a redundant light source and/or a plurality of optical elements (i.e., optical train) in order to simultaneously determine characteristics of a sample in real-time by deriving the characteristic data from the output of the optical elements.

07-01-2004 дата публикации

Optical tool and method for analysis of formation fluids

Номер: GB0000328032D0

13-02-2002 дата публикации

Optical probe for analysis of formation fluids

Номер: GB0002345753B

29-09-2004 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for determining speed and properties of flowing fluids using nmr measurements

Номер: GB0000419045D0

16-03-2016 дата публикации

Mid-infrared acid sensor

Номер: GB0002530098A

A sensor and method is provided for monitoring a mineral acid dissolved in a liquid. The sensor includes an internal reflection window 4 which, in use, is in direct contact with the liquid. The sensor further includes a mid-infrared light source 1 which directs a beam of mid-infrared radiation into said window for attenuated internal reflection at an interface between the window and the liquid. The sensor further includes a first narrow bandpass filter 5 which preferentially transmits mid-infrared radiation over a band of wavelengths corresponding to an absorbance peak of the dissolved mineral acid to filter internally reflected mid-infrared radiation received from the window. The sensor further includes an infrared detector 6 which detects filtered mid-infrared radiation transmitted through the first filter. The sensor further includes a processor arrangement 7 operably coupled to the infrared detector, which measures the intensity of the detected mid-infrared radiation transmitted through ...

21-02-2007 дата публикации

System and method for analysis of well fluid samples

Номер: GB0000700835D0

30-08-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods for an expandable packer

Номер: GB0002547817A

The present disclosure relates to a system that includes a downhole packer assembly that includes an outer skin having a first axial length and an inner packer having a second axial length greater than the first axial length. The inner packer is disposed within the outer skin such that inflation of the inner packer causes the outer skin to expand.

30-11-2005 дата публикации

Downhole sampling apparatus and method for using same

Номер: GB0000521774D0

23-06-2004 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for downhole determination of characteristics of formation fluids

Номер: GB0000411510D0

07-04-2021 дата публикации

Drilling rig gas trap testing

Номер: GB2562912B

28-11-2018 дата публикации

Drilling rig gas trap testing

Номер: GB0002562912A

Various embodiments disclosed relate to drilling rig gas trap gas sampling. In various embodiments, the present invention provides a method of gas sampling. The method include flowing a gas sample from a sample container to a gas trap. The gas trap includes a mud inlet, a mud outlet, and a sample line fluidly connecting the gas trap to a gas detector. The sample container is fluidly and sealably connected to the gas trap. The method includes flowing the gas sample in the gas trap to the gas detector via the sample line. The method includes detecting the gas sample with the gas detector.

17-12-2008 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods to remove impurities at a sensor in a downhole tool

Номер: GB0000820553D0

08-07-2015 дата публикации

Sampling Assembly for a well

Номер: GB0002521897A

A sampling assembly for taking single or multiphase production fluid samples from a subsea well. The sampling assembly includes a receiving structure that houses a saver sub and a retrievable skid. The sampling assembly allows for repeated retrieval of collected samples and replenishment of empty sample chambers using the retrievable skid. A releasable connection interface between the retrievable skid and the saver sub allows an ROV to connect the retrievable skid to the saver sub and provide electrical and hydraulic power to the sampling assembly for taking samples.

21-03-2018 дата публикации

Multiphase flow in porous media

Номер: GB0002554013A

A method can include receiving information associated with a geologic environment; based at least in part on the information, computing values associated with multiphase fluid flow in the geologic environment using a viscous flow upwind scheme and a buoyancy flow upwind scheme; and outputting at least a portion of the computed values.

02-09-2020 дата публикации

Differential pressure switch operated downhole fluid control system

Номер: GB0002581881A

A downhole fluid flow control system includes a fluid control module having an upstream side, a downstream side and a main fluid pathway in parallel with a secondary fluid pathway each extending between the upstream and downstream sides. A valve element disposed within the main fluid pathway has open and closed positions. A viscosity discriminator including a viscosity sensitive channel forms at least a portion of the secondary fluid pathway. A differential pressure switch operable to open and close the valve element includes a first pressure signal from the upstream side, a second pressure signal from the downstream side and a third pressure signal from the secondary fluid pathway. The magnitude of the third signal is dependent upon the viscosity of the fluid flowing through the secondary fluid pathway such that the viscosity of the fluid operates the differential pressure switch, thereby controlling fluid flow through the main fluid pathway.

15-09-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002094375A

In the analysis of rock ahead of a working face a probe is pushed along a borehole formed in any desired direction in the rock and data produced by the probe is logged for later analysis, or for in-situ analysis. The probe may produce multiple logs. The data logged includes lithological information on the rock and the angular direction of the borehole. The presence of fluids, such as noxious gases, in the borehole can simultaneously be detected.

09-11-2011 дата публикации

Cleanup production during sampling

Номер: GB0201116564D0

28-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000178239U1

Полезная модель относится к добыче, сбору, подготовке и транспорту жидких и газовых продуктов и может быть использовано на нефтегазодобывающих, нефтегазоперерабатывающих и нефтетранспортных или иных предприятиях, где производятся работы по отбору проб жидкости из трубопроводов. Пробоотборник содержит корпус в виде присоединительного патрубка, приваренного к трубопроводу и шток с вентилем, отличающийся тем, что содержит пробоотборную трубку с уплотнительным кольцом из полиуретана, имеющим наружный диаметр 10 мм по всей длине и 19.5 мм со стороны присоединительного патрубка, длину от 107 мм до 162 мм в зависимости от диаметра применяемого трубопровода от 60 мм до 89 мм, при этом имеются от 4 до 9 отверстий радиальной конической формы с наружным диаметром 4-6 мм и внутренним диаметром 8-10 мм. Пробоотборник имеет рабочее давление Р=4 МПа. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 178 239 U1 (51) МПК E21B 49/08 (2006.01) G01N 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E21B 49/081 (2006.01); E21B 49/10 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017128942, 14.08.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 28.03.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 28.03.2018 Бюл. № 10 1 7 8 2 3 9 R U (54) ПРОБООТБОРНИК (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к добыче, сбору, подготовке и транспорту жидких и газовых продуктов и может быть использовано на н е ф т е г а з о д о б ы в а ю щ и х , нефтегазоперерабатывающих и нефтетранспортных или иных предприятиях, где производятся работы по отбору проб жидкости из трубопроводов. Пробоотборник содержит корпус в виде присоединительного патрубка, приваренного к трубопроводу и шток с вентилем, отличающийся тем, что содержит пробоотборную Стр.: 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2299983 C2, 27.05.2007. RU 47971 U1, 10.09.2005. RU 77349 U1, 20.10.2008. RU 49899 U1, 10.12.2005. RU 48362 U1, 10.10.2005. RU 61345 U1, 27.02.2007. RU 51102 U1, 27.01. ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Fluid control in reservior fluid sampling tools

Номер: US20120018152A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A pumping system comprising: a probe to suction a fluid from a fluid reservoir; a pump in fluid communication with said probe; a sensor for detecting phase changes in said pumping system, said sensor in fluid communication with said probe or pump, said sensor generating a sensor signal; a fluid exit from said pumping system, said fluid exit being in fluid communication with said pump; and a variable force check valve located between said probe and said fluid exit.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Downhole sample analysis method

Номер: US20120053838A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

A method for downhole fluid analysis is disclosed. The method includes positioning a downhole fluid sampling tool at first and second locations; extracting and compositionally analyzing samples of reservoir fluid while positioned at the first and second locations; comparing analysis results; and repositioning the tool to a third location depending on the results of the comparison. The compositional analysis can be performed using downhole gas chromatography and mass spectrometry systems and preferably can identify subtle non-homogeneities such as biomarkers. The fluid extraction can be performed using a focuses dual-flowline type sampling probe.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for determining phase fractions of multiphase flows

Номер: US20120111124A1
Автор: Jin-lin Hu
Принадлежит: Taylor Hobson Ltd

A multiphase meter for use in the quantification of the individual phase fractions of a multiphase flow has: a resonant cavity through which, in use, a multiphase fluid flows, a signal generator configured to apply electromagnetic energy at a range of frequencies to the cavity, and an enhancing and/or suppressing facility for enhancing and/or suppressing resonant modes of a signal produced resultant to the application of electromagnetic energy to the cavity.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

System and method for sampling and analyzing downhole formation fluids

Номер: US20120118040A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

A device for sampling fluid from an earth formation is disclosed. The device includes: an inlet port disposable in fluid communication with the fluid in a borehole; an injector including an injection chamber in fluid communication with the inlet port, the injector configured to receive a portion of the fluid and direct the fluid toward an analysis unit for analyzing constituent materials in the fluid; and a high pressure valve configured to admit the portion of the fluid at a borehole pressure and release the portion of the fluid into the injector, the portion having a volume that is less than or equal to about one microliter. A system and method for analyzing constituents of fluid in a borehole in an earth formation is also disclosed.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for configuring crude oil displacement system

Номер: US20120143579A1
Принадлежит: BP Exploration Operating Co Ltd

A computer-implemented method for determining one or more operating modes for a crude oil displacement system is provided. The crude oil displacement system is arranged to inject an aqueous displacement fluid into one or more reservoirs, each reservoir comprising a porous and permeable rock formation, wherein crude oil and formation water are contained within a pore space of the rock formation. The crude oil displacement system is for use in displacing crude oil from the pore space of the rock formation. The computer-implemented method comprises the steps of receiving measurement data associated with one or more chemical characteristics of the displacement fluid and one or more chemical characteristics of the rock formation, the crude oil and the formation water of the one or more reservoirs, and inputting the measurement data and data representing a predetermined volume of oil into a computer-implemented predictive model. The predictive model is operated so as to generate predicted data indicative of a predicted additional amount of oil, compared to the predetermined volume of oil, that will be displaced by configuring the crude oil displacement system so as to inject the displacement fluid having the chemical characteristics into the one or more reservoirs. On the basis of the predicted data, the one or more operating modes of the crude oil displacement system are determined. A further computer-implemented method employing the predictive model in which predicted data indicative of one or more predicted chemical characteristics of the displacement fluid are generated is also provided. Additionally, a system for configuring a crude oil displacement system is provided.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Method of determining reservoir pressure

Номер: US20120158310A1
Принадлежит: BP Corp North America Inc

A new approach is disclosed for measuring the pressure of tight gas reservoirs, using information obtain from continuous injection prior to hydraulic fracture stimulation. The technique can be obtained utilizing either bottom-hole or surface pressure gauges and properly instrumented surface injection pumps. The analysis is completed by plotting injection and rate data in a specialized form from terms arranged in Darcy's radial flow equation to obtain a curve or trend. The key component to proper application of this technique is to obtain both baseline and one or more calibration data sets. These calibration data sets are obtained by either increasing or decreasing the injection pressure and/or rate from the baseline data. Initial reservoir pressure is assumed, but the calibration data indicates if the guess was too high or low. Accurate estimates of reservoir pressure may be obtained in a few iterations.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Methods and devices for filling tanks with no backflow from the borehole exit

Номер: US20120227963A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

A method for sampling fluid from a subsurface formation includes retrieving fluids from the formation using a plurality of pumps, controlling a flow of the retrieved fluids using at least a first valve and a second valve, estimating an operating parameter of at least one pump of the plurality of pumps, and controlling the first valve and the second valve using the estimated operating parameter to initiate a fluid sampling event.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Surface Wave Sensor for Downhole Applications

Номер: US20120266668A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

The present disclosure relates to an apparatus and method for estimating a parameter of interest in a downhole fluid using a fluid analysis module. The fluid analysis module may include: a first transducer configured to generate a surface wave in a fluid. The first transducer may include one or more of: a piezoelectric crystal, a electromagnetic transducer, and a surface acoustic wave crystal. The apparatus may use the first transducer or a second transducer to generate a signal indicative of the dissipation of the surface wave in the fluid. The apparatus may include a compensator configured to reduce mechanical pressure on the transducer. The method may include estimating a parameter of interest of the fluid using a signal indicative of the dissipation of the surface wave.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Method of testing the operation of a producing pil well operated using the formation hydrofracturing process

Номер: US20120267096A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

This invention relates to oil production, more specifically, oil production using the formation hydrofracturing process, and can be used for monitoring the operation of a producing oil well.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Downhole mixing device for mixing a first fluid with a second fluid

Номер: US20120273203A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

Methods and devices for mixing a first fluid with a second fluid downhole include a chamber having a first end, a second end and an opening for fluid to flow there through. A top surface of a perforated piston is capable of contacting the second end and a top surface of a piston is capable of contacting a bottom surface of the perforated piston. The perforated piston is located at a first position within the chamber based upon characteristics of a first fluid. A first fluid delivery system supplies the first fluid and a second fluid delivery system supplies a second fluid to the chamber, wherein the second fluid is at a pressure that moves the piston approximate to the first end. An actuating device applies a force against the bottom surface of the piston to inject the fluids through channels of the perforated piston to produce spray droplets.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Petrographic image analysis for determining capillary pressure in porous media

Номер: US20120275658A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

This disclosed subject matter is generally related to methods for characterizing two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) samples to determine pore-body and pore-throat size distributions and capillary pressure curves in porous media using petrographic image analysis. Input includes high-resolution petrographic images and laboratory-derived porosity measurements. Output includes: (1) pore-body and pore-throat size distributions, and (2) simulated capillary pressure curves for both pore bodies and pore throats.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Electrochemical ph measurement

Номер: US20120279874A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

A method of measuring pH of aqueous liquid with little or no buffer present uses an electrochemical pH sensor which comprises a plurality of electrodes with a redox active organic compound attached to an electrode and having at least one functional group convertible electrochemically between reduced and oxidized forms with transfer of at least one proton between the compound and surrounding aqueous phase, wherein the compound has at least one substituent group which promotes hydrogen bonding at a said functional group and thereby increases the reaction rate of proton transfer. The substituent group may form an internal hydrogen bond with a redox-convertible group or may enhance polarity to promote electrostatic interaction with water molecules and reduce activation energy. Such an electrochemical sensor may be used for pH measurement in computer controlled equipment for processing an aqueous liquid.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Portable gas monitor

Номер: US20120297868A1
Автор: Charles Elkins
Принадлежит: Elkins Earthworks LLC

A portable monitor used to measure landfill gas and landfill well parameters. The portable monitor includes a control unit and a measuring unit that can communicate wirelessly with one another. The control unit and/or measuring unit can include a heating arrangement to increase the temperature of one or more components in the control unit and/or measuring unit in cold environments.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus to estimate fluid component volumes

Номер: US20120304757A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

Methods of and apparatus to estimate one or more volumes of one or more components of a fluid in a sample chamber of a downhole tool are described. An example method includes obtaining a sample chamber volume measurement, a flowline volume measurement and a supplemental volume measurement. The example method includes drawing the fluid into the sample chamber until the sample chamber is substantially full and measuring a characteristic of the fluid in the sample chamber at a first time to obtain a first characteristic measurement. The example method also includes adding a supplemental volume corresponding to the supplemental volume measurement to over-pressurize the sample chamber after measuring the characteristic at the first time and measuring the characteristic of the fluid in the sample chamber at a second time to obtain a second characteristic measurement. The second time is after the sample chamber is over-pressurized. In addition, the example method includes calculating a first volume of a first component of the one or more components of the fluid based on the first characteristic measurement, the second characteristic measurement, the sample chamber volume measurement, the flowline volume measurement and the supplemental volume measurement.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods of a sample bottle assembly

Номер: US20130014994A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A sample bottle assembly. At least some of the illustrative embodiments are apparatuses including a first drill collar that includes: a first outer surface; a pocket accessible through an aperture in the first outer surface; a bottle assembly disposed within the pocket; a first end-clamp coupled within a first recess disposed at an upper end of the pocket to at least partially retain the bottle assembly in the pocket; and a second end-clamp coupled within a second recess disposed at the lower end of the pocket to at least partially retain the bottle assembly in the pocket. The bottle assembly further includes: a sample bottle having an axial length; and a sleeve comprising a bore, the sample bottle received within the bore, and the sleeve has an axial length substantially the same as the sample bottle.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for retrieval of downhole sample

Номер: US20130025943A1
Автор: Sunil Kumar
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

Disclosed is an apparatus for retrieving a downhole sample. The apparatus includes: a carrier configured to be conveyed through a borehole penetrating an earth formation; a sample capsule configured to be disposed at the carrier and to contain the sample; and a discharge mechanism configured to discharge the sample capsule downhole into drilling fluid in the borehole.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Packer Assembly with a Standoff

Номер: US20130062073A1
Автор: Nathan Landsiedel
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

An apparatus including a downhole tool for conveyance in a wellbore extending into a subterranean formation. The downhole tool includes a mandrel, and a first packer and a second packer expandable from the mandrel into contact with a wall of the wellbore. The downhole tool includes a standoff coupled to the mandrel between the first packer and the second packer and having a rigid outer perimeter that is diametrically larger than an outer perimeter of the mandrel.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130068468A1
Автор: Intelisano Craig

A groundwater sampling and pumping device and system for withdrawing groundwater from a well of small size, not exceeding 1.5 inches I.D. The device includes a hollow outer housing having water inlet ports formed through a bottom thereof and a hollow inner housing sized to be positioned integrally within the outer housing and defining a water flow passage therebetween. An electric motor in the inner housing is connected to a water impeller operably positioned to draw groundwater into the water passage. The water passing upwardly through the water flow passage provides cooling for the motor. Preferably the housing is formed of a polymer material, and/or a metal, such as stainless steel. 1. A groundwater sampling and centrifugal pump device comprising a hollow outer housing having water inlet ports near a bottom thereof and an integral hollow conduit sized to be positioned as part of the outer housing;an inner housing sized and shaped to receive a DC electric motor therein;a DC electric motor, said motor having a downwardly extending shaft;said shaft carrying an impeller to move the water from the inlet ports through said integral hollow conduit;said maximum outer diameter of the outer housing being smaller than the inner diameter of 1.5 inches of a well;said device being capable of lifting groundwater to a height of at least 30 feet.2. The device of claim 1 , further including a voltage/current controller/booster electrically connected to said motor to provide a power input to the motor from 0 to 39 V DC.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the hollow conduit is positioned adjacent to the inner housing containing the water to provide cooling to the motor.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the inner and outer housings are made of at least one material selected from the group consisting of polymeric material and stainless steel.5. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a seal between the shaft and the inner housing.6. The device of claim 1 , further including a ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Single Pump Focused Sampling

Номер: US20130075088A1

An apparatus comprising first and second fluid intakes, a pump, and a sample chamber, may be positioned in a borehole penetrating a subterranean formation. A method of use thereof may comprise drawing fluid from the subterranean formation and into the first and second fluid intakes using the pump, discharging into the borehole at least a portion of the fluid drawn into the second fluid intake, and selectively diverting at least a portion of the fluid drawn into the first fluid intake to the sample chamber. 1. An apparatus , comprising:first and second intakes configured to receive formation fluid from a subterranean formation penetrated by a borehole; draw formation fluid into the first and second intakes; and', 'discharge into the borehole at least a portion of the formation fluid drawn into the second intake; and, 'a pump configured toa sample chamber in selective fluid communication with the first intake.2. The apparatus of further comprising a fluid connector configured to selectively establish a fluid connection between at least one of the first and second intakes and the pump.3. The apparatus of wherein:the first intake comprises a first flow channel; andthe second intake comprises a second flow channel surrounding the first flow channel.4. The apparatus of further comprising:a flow line in fluid communication with the first intake and the pump; anda valve disposed on the flow line between the first intake and the pump and configured to selectively divert formation fluid drawn into the flow line to the sample chamber.5. The apparatus of wherein the flow line is a first flow line claim 4 , and further comprising a second flow line in fluid communication with the second intake and the pump.6. The apparatus of wherein the second flow line is further in fluid communication with the first flow line at a merge point.7. The apparatus of further comprising a fluid analyzer configured to measure a property of formation fluid drawn into the flow line.8. The apparatus of ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Formation Evaluation While Drilling

Номер: US20130092443A1

In one embodiment, a sampling while drilling tool includes a drill collar having a first end, a second end, an outer wall extending between the first and second ends, and at least one opening extending through the outer wall to a cavity within the drill collar. The sampling while drilling tool also includes a sample chamber positionable in the cavity through the opening in the outer wall and a passage for conducting a drilling fluid through the drill collar. 1. A sampling while drilling tool comprising:a drill collar having a first end, a second end, an outer wall extending between the first and second ends, and at least one opening extending through the outer wall to a cavity within the drill collar;a sample chamber positionable in the cavity through the opening in the outer wall; anda passage for conducting a drilling fluid through the drill collar.2. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the first end comprises a hydraulic connection claim 1 , an electrical connection claim 1 , or both claim 1 , connectable to another drill collar.3. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the outer wall comprises a substantially cylindrical wall.4. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the passage extends through an inner portion of the drill collar and wherein the cavity is disposed in the drill collar radially outward from the passage.5. The tool of claim 1 , comprising a flowline extending between the first and second ends to convey a downhole fluid to the sample chamber.6. The tool of claim 1 , comprising a flowline disposed in the drill collar to convey downhole fluid through the drill collar claim 1 , and a flow diverter to selectively divert the downhole fluid to the sample chamber and to a wellbore surrounding the tool.7. The tool of claim 1 , comprising a cover positionable over the at least one opening to secure the sample chamber.8. The tool of claim 1 , comprising a retainer configured to absorb lateral loading of the sample chamber within the cavity.9. The tool of claim 8 , wherein the ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Consolidating Spacer Fluids and Methods of Use

Номер: US20130112405A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

Disclosed are spacer fluids and methods of use in subterranean formations. Embodiments may include use of consolidating spacer fluids in displacement of drilling fluids from a well bore annulus.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for measuring linear displacment

Номер: US20130113468A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

For some embodiments, a system includes a moveable structure, moveable in at least a linear direction relative to a supporting structure, a magnetic field sensor assembly including a magnetic field sensor, and a magnet, wherein one of the magnet and the magnetic field sensor is coupled to the moveable structure, and wherein the other of the magnet and the magnetic field sensor assembly is coupled to the supporting structure, and wherein the magnetic field sensor assembly is configured to determine the relative position of the magnet to the magnetic field sensor.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for estimating a downhole fluid property using a charged particle densitometer

Номер: US20130119245A1
Автор: Rocco DiFoggio
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

An apparatus, system and method are disclosed for estimating a property of a fluid downhole, the apparatus including but not limited to a carrier that is conveyable in a borehole; a test cell carried by the carrier for capturing a fluid downhole; a fluid channel immersed in the fluid downhole, the fluid channel having a first wall and a second wall, wherein the first wall faces the second wall; at least on charged particle source placed at location along the first wall of the fluid channel; and at least one charged particle detector placed at a location along the second wall of the fluid channel, wherein the at least one radioactive detector is in positioned to be in particle communication with the at least one of the charged particle source.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Detector, preamplifier selection apparatus, systems, and methods

Номер: US20130119246A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

Optical detection apparatus ( 300 ) comprising an optical detector ( 302, 304, 306 ), a detector amplifier ( 336, 338, 340 ), and switching means, e.g., a multiplexer ( 344, 348 ), for dynamically selecting at least one of the optical detector or the detector amplifier by switching from among at least two alternative optical detectors and/or at least two detector amplifiers such as to minimize noise equivalent power (NEP) of a selected detector or combination of detector and amplifier under given operating conditions.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131989A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Apparatus, computer readable media, method and program code for determining well characterstics and pore architecture for a hydrocarbon well utilizing data available from conventional/standard electronic well logs, are provided. An example apparatus is configured to perform operations which include determining the value of well constants from well log data to include calculating water saturation, free water level location, wettability, and pore throat heterogeneity, and calculating/pore architecture at log resolution responsive thereto. This can be accomplished, for example, by accessing well log data from a conventional well log, determining a linear regression line responsive to parameters calculated from the well log data, the linear regression line having a slope and an intercept, and determining a value of each of a plurality of well constants responsive to a value of the slope and of the intercept of the linear regression line. 1. Non-transitory computer readable medium having processor readable code embodied on the computer readable medium , the processor readable code for programming one or more processors to perform the operations of determining well characteristics and pore architecture for a well , the operations comprising:accessing well log data from a well log for a well, the well log data including permeability, porosity, and free water level height;determining a linear regression line responsive to parameters calculated from the well log data, the linear regression line having a slope and an intercept; anddetermining a value of each of a plurality of well constants responsive to a value of the slope and of the intercept of the linear regression line, the well constants comprising free water level location, average pore throat heterogeneity, and average wettability.2. Non-transitory computer readable medium as defined in claim 1 , wherein the operation of determining a linear regression line comprises:determining a best match linear regression line by ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Downhole Sensor Systems and Methods Thereof

Номер: US20130145837A1

A sensor module for a sensing apparatus configured for operation downhole, within a borehole. The sensor module comprises a sensor array having a plurality of sensors to sense selected formation parameters and a control system for selective and independent operation of each sensor of the sensor array. Each sensor of the sensor array is configured or designed as a discrete sensor unit for individual and independent communication and control. Each sensor of the sensor array may have an associated electronics module that provides standardized electronic connectivity with the control system. 1. A downhole fluid characterization system configured for operation downhole , within a borehole , comprising: a housing;', 'a flowline in the housing for fluids withdrawn from a formation to flow through the fluid sampling and analysis module downhole, within a borehole, the flowline having a first end for the fluids to enter and a second end for the fluids to exit the fluid sampling and analysis module;', 'a sensor array having a plurality of sensors arranged in fluid communication with the flowline to sense selected formation parameters; and', 'a control system configured or designed for selective and independent operation of each sensor of the sensor array, wherein', 'each sensor of the sensor array has an associated electronics module that provides standardized electronic connectivity with the control system., 'a fluid sampling and analysis module, the fluid sampling and analysis module comprising2. The downhole fluid characterization system according to claim 1 , wherein each sensor of the sensor array is arranged in a corresponding sensor port so that each sensor is in fluid communication with the flowline.3. The downhole fluid characterization system according to claim 2 , wherein each sensor of the sensor array is accessible from outside the housing.4. The downhole fluid characterization system according to claim 1 , wherein each sensor of the sensor array is ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168088A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A downhole piston accumulator system is disclosed, such as for a formation tester. The soft piston of the system is designed to withstand high pressure downhole fluids in small volume cylinders, the fluid being collected for optical fluid identification or other analyses. The temperature range of the fluid may vary widely, which can be accommodated by the soft piston. Sealing components on the soft piston include additional materials for sealing the soft piston and otherwise helping to accommodate the wide ranging pressures and temperatures. The piston container or cylinder is designed to properly capture the piston and accommodate piston movement. The piston accumulator system allows an outer or exterior position sensor to detect piston movement, such as by a magnetic sensor. 1. A piston accumulator system comprising:a cylindrical housing with an axial bore extending between end portions of the housing;a soft piston slidably disposed in the axial bore;an end cap coupled to each end portion of the cylindrical housing to contain the soft piston in the axial bore; anda seal assembly disposed between the soft piston and the axial bore, the seal assembly comprising rigid outer components and a pliable inner component.2. The piston accumulator system of wherein the soft piston comprises at least one of PTFE plus fiberglass and Rulon.3. The piston accumulator system of wherein the soft piston is operable during a pressure-temperature cycle including ambient to 25 claim 1 ,000 p.s.i. and ambient to 450° F.4. The piston accumulator system of wherein the soft piston is captured in a small volume of the capped cylindrical housing such that the system is connectable into an existing flow line of a formation tester.5. The piston accumulator system of wherein the seal assembly includes a pair of rigid outer sealing components claim 1 , a pair of pliable intermediate sealing components claim 1 , and a pliable center sealing component claim 1 , wherein the pliable intermediate ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Job Monitoring Methods And Apparatus For Logging-While-Drilling Equipment

Номер: US20130192357A1

Job monitoring methods and apparatus for logging-while-drilling equipment are disclosed. A disclosed example method includes identifying a downhole scenario based on a property of an underground geological formation, selecting a first telemetry frame type based on the identified downhole scenario, conveying an identifier representative of the selected first telemetry frame type to a downhole fluid sampling tool, and receiving a first telemetry data frame from the downhole fluid sampling tool, the telemetry data frame containing fluid analysis parameters for a fluid, and being constructed in accordance with the selected first telemetry frame type. 1. A method comprising:identifying a downhole scenario based on a property of an underground geological formation;selecting a first telemetry frame type based on the identified downhole scenario;conveying an identifier representative of the selected first telemetry frame type to a downhole fluid sampling tool; andreceiving a first telemetry data frame from the downhole fluid sampling tool, the telemetry data frame containing fluid analysis parameters for a fluid, and being constructed in accordance with the selected first telemetry frame type.2. The method as defined in claim 1 , further comprising receiving a second telemetry data frame from a second downhole fluid sampling tool claim 1 , the second telemetry data frame conveying information associated with the property of the formation.3. The method as defined in claim 2 , comprising conveying an identifier representative of the second telemetry frame type to the downhole fluid sampling tool in response to determining that an incorrect downhole scenario was identified.4. The method as defined in claim 2 , wherein the second telemetry data frame is constructed in accordance with a second telemetry frame type different from the first telemetry frame type.5. The method as defined in claim 2 , wherein the second downhole fluid sampling tool comprises the first downhole fluid ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192359A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

In some embodiments, an apparatus and a system, as well as a method an article, may operate to move a borehole seal in space with respect to the wall of a borehole while monitoring borehole seal contact quality data, which may comprise borehole seal contact pressure data and acoustic data. Operations may further include adjusting the movement of the borehole seal based on the borehole seal contact quality data. Additional apparatus, systems, and methods are disclosed. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a borehole seal;a location mechanism to locate the borehole seal in space with respect to a wall of a borehole;one or more sensors to provide borehole seal contact pressure data and acoustic data; anda processor to adjust operation of the location mechanism based on borehole seal contact quality data comprising the borehole seal contact pressure data and the acoustic data.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the one or more sensors include a first sensor comprising:at least one of a strain gauge or a resistivity sensor.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the one or more sensors include a second sensor comprising:at least one of a strain gauge, an acoustic sensor, or an ultrasonic sensor.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the one or more sensors is at least partially embedded in the borehole seal.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the one or more sensors comprise:a plurality of separated contact pressure sensors to sense contact pressure on a face of the borehole seal.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the plurality of separated contact pressure sensors comprise:one of a plurality of annular sensors or a plurality of spaced apart point contact sensors.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the location mechanism comprises:at least one of an electric drive mechanism or a hydraulic drive mechanism.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a pump to provide a drawdown pressure within a fluid passage through the seal; andanother sensor to ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Non-Invasive Compressibility and In Situ Density Testing of a Fluid Sample in a Sealed Chamber

Номер: US20130199286A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

In situ density and compressibility of a fluid sample are determined for a fluid sample collected downhole. The density and compressibility of the fluid sample is determined by measuring a distance to a piston contained within the sample chamber using an external magnetic field sensor that senses a magnetic field emanating from a magnetic provided on the piston internal to the sample chamber. The testing is performed quickly and at the surface in a noninvasive fashion (i.e., without opening the sample chamber).

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Determination Of Thermodynamic Properties Of A Fluid Based On Density And Sound Speed

Номер: US20130204533A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

Variable volume systems and methods of use thereof described herein are capable of making calibrated determinations of fluid properties and phase behavior of a fluid sample. The determinations can be calibrated based on one or more calibration functions, such as system volume corrected for pressure and temperature variations. Cross-checking the results of measurements can be used to determine accuracy of the calibration or monitor for leaks or other anomalies of the variable volume systems. The variable volume systems can be implemented in a well logging tool and are capable of being calibrated downhole.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Consolidating Spacer Fluids and Methods of Use

Номер: US20130213643A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

Disclosed are spacer fluids and methods of use in subterranean formations. Embodiments may include use of consolidating spacer fluids in displacement of drilling fluids from a well bore annulus. 1. A method of evaluating a spacer fluid for use in separating a drilling fluid and a cement composition in a well bore comprising:providing the spacer fluid; andmeasuring a transition time and/or zero gel time of the spacer fluid.2. The method of wherein the transition time of the spacer fluid is about 45 minutes or less at well bore conditions.3. The method of wherein the transition time of the spacer fluid is about 20 minutes or less at a temperature in a range of from about 40° F. to about 300° F. and a pressure in a range of from about 2 claim 1 ,000 psi to about 10 claim 1 ,000 psi.4. The method of further comprising measuring a compressive strength of the spacer fluid.5. The method of further comprising: providing a cement composition claim 1 , measuring a transition time of the cement composition claim 1 , and comparing the transition time of the cement composition and the transition time of the spacer fluid.6. The method of wherein the transition time of the spacer fluid is shorter than the transition time of the cement composition.7. The method of wherein the zero gel time of the spacer fluid is about 4 hours or less at well bore conditions.8. The method of further comprising: providing a cement composition claim 1 , measuring a zero gel time of the cement composition claim 1 , and comparing the zero gel time of the cement composition and the zero gel time of the spacer fluid.9. The method of wherein the zero gel time of the spacer fluid is longer than the zero time of the cement composition.10. The method of wherein the spacer fluid is foamed and has a density in a range of from about 4 pounds per gallon to about 13 pounds per gallon.11. The method of wherein the spacer fluid comprises cement kiln dust.12. The method of wherein the spacer fluid comprises lime kiln ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Downhole Formation Testing and Sampling Apparatus Having a Deployment Packer

Номер: US20130213645A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A downhole formation testing and sampling apparatus. The apparatus includes an expandable packer having a radially contracted running configuration and a radially expanded deployed configuration. At least one elongated sealing pad is operably associated with the expandable packer such that operating the expandable packer from the running configuration to the deployed configuration establishes a hydraulic connection between the at least one elongated sealing pad and the formation. The at least one elongated sealing pad has at least one opening establishing fluid communication between the formation and the interior of the apparatus. In addition, the at least one elongated sealing pad has an outer surface operable to seal a region along a surface of the formation to establish the hydraulic connection therewith. The at least one elongated sealing pad further has at least one recess operable to establish fluid flow from the formation to the at least one opening. 1. A downhole formation testing and sampling apparatus comprising:an expandable packer having a radially contracted running configuration and a radially expanded deployed configuration; andat least one elongated sealing pad operably associated with the expandable packer, the at least one elongated sealing pad having an outer surface operable to seal a region along a surface of the formation to establish a hydraulic connection therewith when the expandable packer is operated from the running configuration to the deployed configuration,wherein, the at least one elongated sealing pad has at least one opening establishing fluid communication between the formation and the interior of the apparatus; andwherein, the at least one elongated sealing pad has at least one recess operable to establish fluid flow from the formation to the at least one opening.2. The apparatus as recited in further comprising a fluid collection chamber for storing samples of retrieved fluids.3. The apparatus as recited in wherein the at least ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220594A1
Автор: Freifeld Barry M.

The present invention provides for a tube-in-tube system comprising: (a) an outer conduit having a proximal end and a distal end, and (b) an inner conduit having a proximal end and a distal end, wherein the inner conduit is disposed within the outer conduit, wherein the proximal end of the inner conduit is in fluid communication with a first aperture, and the proximal end of the outer conduit is in fluid communication with a second aperture, and the distal ends of the inner and outer conduits are in fluid communication with each other and to a third aperture. The present invention also provides for a split toroidal borehole clamp. 1. A tube-in-tube system comprising: (a) an outer conduit having a proximal end and a distal end , and (b) an inner conduit having a proximal end and a distal end , wherein the inner conduit is disposed within the outer conduit , wherein the proximal end of the inner conduit is in fluid communication with a first aperture , and the proximal end of the outer conduit is in fluid communication with a second aperture , and the distal ends of the inner and outer conduits are in fluid communication with each other and to a third aperture2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the tube-in-tube system is a well-bore sampler the first aperture in fluid communication with a high pressure gas source claim 1 , and the second aperture in fluid communication with a sample collector claim 1 , or vice versa claim 1 , and the third aperture in fluid communication with a downhole or well-bore.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a check valve in fluid communication with the third aperture claim 2 , wherein the check valve permits fluid moving in the direction towards the distal ends of the inner and outer conduits claim 2 , but does not permit fluid moving in the direction away from the distal ends of the inner and outer conduits.4. The system of claim 3 , further comprising a sliding end packer claim 3 , in fluid communication with the check valve ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Downhole Fluid Filter

Номер: US20130220595A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

An apparatus for testing a subterranean formation penetrated by a wellbore, comprising a tool having a sample flow line an inlet disposed with the tool and configured to establish fluid communication between the formation and the sample flow line to draw a fluid sample into the sample flow line, and an active filter positioned in the sample flow line and providing a filter flow route and a bypass flow route in the sample flow line.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Fluid Density From Downhole Optical Measurements

Номер: US20130239664A1

A system and method for determining at least one fluid characteristic of a downhole fluid sample using a downhole tool are provided. In one example, the method includes performing a calibration process that correlates optical and density sensor measurements of a fluid sample in a downhole tool at a plurality of pressures. The calibration process is performed while the fluid sample is not being agitated. At least one unknown value of a density calculation is determined based on the correlated optical sensor measurements and density sensor measurements. A second optical sensor measurement of the fluid sample is obtained while the fluid sample is being agitated. A density of the fluid sample is calculated based on the second optical sensor measurement and the at least one unknown value. 126-. (canceled)27. An apparatus , comprising:a main fluid flowline positioned within a housing;a circulating fluid flowline positioned within the housing;a multi-port valve positioned within the housing and coupling the main fluid flowline and the circulating fluid flowline, wherein the multi-port valve is configured to move between a first position that places the main fluid flowline and the circulating fluid flowline in fluid communication, and a second position that isolates the circulating fluid flowline from the main fluid flowline;a downhole analysis module positioned within the housing and having a pressure and volume control unit (PVCU) controlled by a motive force producer, a density-viscosity sensor, a circulating pump, an optical sensor, and a pressure/temperature sensor, wherein each of the PVCU, density-viscosity sensor, circulating pump, optical sensor, and pressure/temperature sensor are coupled to the circulating fluid flowline; and manipulating the multi-port valve to the first position to allow a fluid sample to move from the main fluid flowline to the circulating fluid flowline and then manipulating the valve to the second position to isolate the circulating fluid ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Gas generator for pressurizing downhole samples

Номер: US20130264053A1

An apparatus for obtaining fluid samples in a subterranean wellbore comprises a carrier assembly configured to be disposed in a subterranean wellbore; a sampling chamber operably associated with the carrier assembly; a pressure assembly coupled to the sampling chamber and configured to pressurize a fluid sample obtained in the sampling chamber, wherein the pressure assembly is configured to contain a pressure generating agent; an activation mechanism configured to activate the pressure generating agent; and a power device operably associated with the carrier assembly and configured to provide an impulse for activating the activation mechanism, wherein the power device is not disposed on the pressure assembly. 1. A method of pressurizing a fluid sample , the method comprising:disposing a fluid sampler comprising a sampling chamber, a pressure assembly, and an activation mechanism in a subterranean wellbore, wherein the pressure assembly comprises a pressure generating agent, and wherein the pressure assembly is at or near atmospheric pressure while disposing the fluid sampler in the subterranean wellbore;obtaining a fluid sample in the sampling chamber;activating, within the subterranean wellbore, the pressure generating agent with the activation mechanism to generate a pressurized fluid having a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure within the pressure assembly; andpressurizing the fluid sample using the pressurized fluid.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the activating of the pressure generating agent occurs after the obtaining of the fluid sample.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pressure generating agent comprises a solid composition.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the solid composition comprises an organic solid composition comprising a urea claim 3 , a multi-component system claim 3 , or any combination thereof.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the solid composition comprises a fuel and an oxidizer.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the fuel ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130304385A1
Автор: Gillette, II William J.

A holding tank monitoring system includes a sensor that is preferably located near the input of a holding tank and measures characteristics of the fluid entering the holding tank over time to predict the expected remaining production in the well. 1. A holding tank monitoring system comprising:a sensor device configured to receive total dissolved solids (TDS) data of a stored fluid from a TDS sensor in real-time, wherein the TDS sensor is located near an input of a holding tank storing the stored fluid;wherein the TDS sensor data is used to determine water production of a natural resource well; andwherein predictive analysis is used to determine expected remaining production of the well based in part on the water production.2. The holding tank monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the TDS sensor is an electrical conductivity meter.3. The holding tank monitoring system of claim 2 , wherein the electrical conductivity meter is configured to measure a salt solution percentage of the stored fluid.4. The holding tank monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the stored fluid is water by-product produced by a fracking well.5. The holding tank monitoring system of claim 1 , further comprising a central server configured to receive the TDS data from the sensor device.6. The holding tank monitoring system of claim 5 , wherein the TDS data is transmitted to the central server in real-time.7. The holding tank monitoring system of claim 5 , wherein the TDS data is transmitted to the central server in batch format.8. The holding tank monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor device is configured to filter the TDS data into a reduced subset of TDS data.9. The holding tank monitoring system of claim 8 , wherein the sensor device is configured to transmit the reduced subset of TDS data to at least one of the coordinator or the central server.10. The holding tank monitoring system of claim 9 , wherein the reduced subset of TDS data is transmitted to the at least one of the ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Single Packer System For Fluid Management In A Wellbore

Номер: US20130306309A1

A technique involves collecting formation fluids through a single packer having at least one drain located within the single packer. The single packer is designed with an outer structural layer that expands across an expansion zone to facilitate creation of a seal with a surrounding wellbore wall. An inflatable bladder can be used within the outer structural layer to cause expansion, and a seal can be disposed for cooperation with the outer structural layer to facilitate sealing engagement with the surrounding wellbore wall. One or more drain features are used to improve the sampling process and/or to facilitate flow through the drain over the life of the single packer. 128-. (canceled)29. A method , comprising:providing a single expandable packer with a plurality of drains having a sampling drain positioned between guard drains;delivering the single expandable packer downhole into a wellbore; 'removing mud cake from a region of the wellbore prior to sampling via the single expandable packer; and', 'expanding the single expandable packer against a surrounding wellbore wall;'}operating a pumping system to draw well fluid in through the plurality of drains and to obtain a sample of fluid through the sampling drain.30. The method are recited in claim 29 , wherein removing mud cake comprises flushing fluid down through at least one drain of the plurality of drains.31. The method as recited in claim 30 , wherein removing mud cake further comprises circulating the fluid between the sampling drain and the guard drains.32. The method as recited in claim 29 , wherein removing mud cake comprises drawing down pressure through at least one drain of the plurality of drains to break loose the mud cake after expanding the single expandable packer.33. The method as recited in claim 29 , wherein removing mud cake comprises injecting chemicals downhole to dissolve the mud cake prior to sampling.34. The method as recited in claim 29 , further comprising positioning a drain feature at ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130311099A1

A method of evaluating fluid sample contamination is disclosed. A formation tester tool is introduced into a wellbore. The formation tester tool comprises a sensor. Sensor data is acquired from the sensor and a contamination estimation is calculated. A remaining pump-out time required to reach a contamination threshold is then determined. 1. A method of evaluating fluid sample contamination , comprising:introducing a formation tester tool into a wellbore, wherein the formation tester tool comprises a sensor;automatically selecting the sensor to calculate the contamination estimation:acquiring sensor data from the sensor;calculating a contamination estimation; anddetermining a remaining pump-out volume required to reach a contamination threshold.2. The method of evaluating fluid sample contamination of claim 1 , further comprising:determining whether a contamination threshold has been reached.3. The method of evaluating fluid sample contamination of claim 1 , further comprising:taking a fluid sample if the contamination threshold has been reached.4. The method of evaluating fluid sample contamination of claim 1 , further comprising:curtailing a pump-out operation after the contamination threshold has been reached based, at least in part, on the contamination estimation.5. The method of evaluating fluid sample contamination of claim 1 , further comprising:curtailing a pump-out operation after the contamination threshold has been reached based, at least in part, on the remaining pump-out volume.6. The method of evaluating a fluid sample of claim 1 , wherein the contamination estimation is a function of volume.7. The method of evaluating a fluid sample of claim 1 , wherein the sensor data is acquired in real time.8. The method of evaluating fluid sample contamination of claim 1 , wherein the sensor data comprises one or more of fluid density data claim 1 , resistivity data claim 1 , dielectric data claim 1 , viscosity data claim 1 , and optical sensor data.9. The method ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312481A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc.

The invention relates to a method of determining an unknown property or information of a reservoir fluid. The method includes measuring a set of responses of a measuring instrument to the fluid and measuring one or more physical or chemical properties of the fluid. The method further includes determining the unknown property or information of the fluid based on the relationship between the instrument responses and the measured properties of the fluid using equation-of-state (EOS) model. 118-. (canceled)19. A method of calibrating a measuring instrument , the method comprising the steps of:measuring one or more responses of a measuring instrument to a fluid;obtaining one or more properties of the fluid; anddetermining calibration information of the measuring instrument by correlating the instrument responses and the obtained properties of the fluid using equation of state (EOS) model.20. The method of claim 19 , wherein the measuring instrument contains at least one detector and/or sensor selected from the group consisting of a density sensor claim 19 , capacity sensor claim 19 , resistivity sensor claim 19 , viscosity sensor claim 19 , radioactivity sensor claim 19 , acoustic sensor claim 19 , and optical sensor.21. The method of claim 19 , wherein the fluid is a clean sample.22. The method of claim 19 , wherein the fluid is a drilling fluid having a known composition.23. The method of claim 19 , wherein the calibration is absolute calibration.24. The method of claim 19 , wherein one or more constraints are used in the EOS model for calibrating the measuring instrument.25. The method of claim 19 , wherein the calibration is made at or about the same time that the measurements are made.261. The method of claim claim 19 , further comprising the steps of:obtaining one or more constraints through equation of state modeling; andadjusting the accuracy of the measuring instrument using the constraints.27. The method of claim 26 , wherein the act of obtaining the constraint ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

System and Method of Mixing a Formation Fluid Sample Obtained in a Downhole Sampling Chamber

Номер: US20130315024A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A system for mixing a formation fluid sample obtained in a downhole sampling chamber. The system includes a mixing element disposed in the downhole sampling chamber. A support stand is operable to receive the downhole sampling chamber. A magnetic field generator is operably associated with the downhole sampling chamber such that when the magnetic field generator generates a magnetic field, the mixing element moves through the formation fluid sample responsive to the magnetic field, thereby mixing the formation fluid sample.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Deploying Seismic Devices

Номер: US20130315032A1

Methods and systems for acoustically determining reservoir parameters of subterranean formations. A tool comprising at least one seismic source or seismic receiver mounted thereon; a conveyance configured for movement of the acoustic tool in a borehole traversing the subterranean formations; and a source retainer configured or designed for permanent deployment in the borehole to removably retain the acoustic tool in the borehole. The source retainer when deployed provides acoustic coupling with the borehole and removably retains the acoustic tool in the borehole so that, over multiple deployments, the acoustic tool is repeatedly deployed at the same predetermined location and orientation relative to the subterranean formation, and with the same acoustic coupling to the borehole. 1. A system for taking acoustic measurements relating to subterranean formations , comprising:at least one acoustic tool;a conveyance configured for movement of the acoustic tool in a borehole traversing the subterranean formations;a tool retainer configured or designed for permanent deployment in the borehole to removably retain the tool in the borehole so that the acoustic tool is deployed at a predetermined location and orientation relative to the subterranean formations;a computer in communication with the acoustic tool; and process the acoustic measurements; and', 'derive parameters relating to the formation based on the acoustic measurements., 'a set of instructions executable by the computer that, when executed2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the acoustic tool and the tool retainer are configured or designed such that the acoustic tool is deployed in or removed from the tool retainer by the downward or upward movement of the acoustic tool by the conveyance.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the tool comprises a housing and a plurality of standoffs located on the outside of the housing; andthe tool retainer comprises a slide and a groove, whereinat least one of the plurality of ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Smart Flowback Alarm to Detect Kicks and Losses

Номер: US20130325351A1

A method, apparatus and computer-readable medium for determining an influx at a wellbore is provided. A flowback parameter is obtained for a plurality of flowback events at the wellbore prior to a current flowback event. An average of the flowback parameter (μ) and a standard deviation (σ) of the flowback parameter is determined from the plurality of prior flowback parameters. An alarm threshold is set based on the determined average and the standard deviation. A current flowback parameter is measured and the influx is determined when the current flowback parameter meets the alarm threshold. 1. A method of determining an influx at a wellbore , comprising:obtaining a flowback parameter for a plurality of flowback events at the wellbore prior to a current flowback event;determining an average of the flowback parameter (μ) and a standard deviation (σ) of the flowback parameter from the plurality of prior flowback parameters;setting an alarm threshold based on the determined average and the standard deviation;measuring a current flowback parameter; anddetermining the influx when the current flowback parameter meets the alarm threshold.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining a kick when the current flowback parameter is greater than μ+Δσ claim 1 , where Δ is a positive number; and determining a loss when the current flowback parameter is less than μ−Δσ claim 1 , where Δ is a positive number.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determined average is a moving average of one of: (i) a selected number of prior flowback measurements; and (ii) prior flowback measurements occurring within a selected time period prior to the current flowback event.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising performing an action to reduce influx when the flowback parameter meets the alarm threshold.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising measuring a duration of time that the current flowback parameter exceeds the alarm threshold and determining the influx when the ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130340518A1

The present invention relates to a method of detecting synthetic mud filtrate in a downhole fluid including placing a downhole tool into a wellbore, introducing a downhole fluid sample into the downhole tool, analyzing the downhole fluid sample in the downhole tool, producing at least two filtrate markers from the analyzing of the downhole fluid sample and converting the at least two filtrate markers by vector rotation to a sufficiently orthogonal signal. The first pumped fluid sample giving initial plateau readings can be a proxy for 100% drilling fluid having an initial orthogonal signal and subsequent samples can be converted to orthogonal signals that are referenced to the first pumped fluid signal to give a calculation of percent contamination of the formation fluid. 1. A method of detecting synthetic mud filtrate or determining filtrate contamination in a downhole fluid , comprising:placing a downhole tool into a wellbore;introducing a downhole fluid sample into the downhole tool;analyzing the downhole fluid sample in the downhole tool;producing at least two filtrate markers from the analyzing of the downhole fluid sample; andconverting the at least two filtrate markers by vector rotation to a sufficiently orthogonal signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the analyzing comprises analyzing a first pumped fluid sample giving initial plateau readings that are a proxy for 100% drilling fluid having an initial sufficiently orthogonal signal.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein subsequent samples pumped after the first pumped fluid sample are converted to sufficiently orthogonal signals that are referenced to the initial sufficiently orthogonal signal of the first pumped fluid sample to give a calculation of percent contamination of the formation fluid.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the analyzing comprises illuminating the downhole fluid sample with light from a light source and detecting light passing through the downhole fluid sample claim 1 , and measuring ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Sampling Assembly With Outer Layer Of Rings

Номер: US20130341016A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

A sampling assembly has an inner expandable packer, and an outer layer formed by rings may be disposed about and/or may be positioned on the outer surface of the inner expandable packer member. Drains may be positioned between the rings and may be located under ports positioned between the rings. Flowlines may be connected to the drains, may be positioned in the rings and may extend through the rings. For each of the ports, a plate may be positioned between the port and the laterally adjacent port. The flowlines may be connected to a downstream component, such as a fluid analysis module, a fluid containment module and/or the like.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for Hydrocarbon Well Completion

Номер: US20140000965A1
Автор: Dutel Lewis J.
Принадлежит: M-I, LLC

A method of completing a hydrocarbon lateral well in a target shale formation. The method uses a data log generated from an optical flow cell assembly to identify areas in the lateral well of high free gas porosity. By evaluating such data, an operator can group “like” rock, determine stage length and variation in stage length, and determine perforation cluster spacing and location. The flow cell assembly can also be used in a completion program to assist in the steering of a lateral well being drilled below the target formation. 19.-. (canceled)10. A method comprising:generating a data log from an optical flow cell assembly within a gas flow line of a rig drilling a lateral well, the gas flow line being in fluid communication with a return flow line of the lateral well, the data log showing areas of the lateral well exhibiting high free gas porosity.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the optical flow cell assembly comprises:an optical probe disposed within an internal bore of the optical flow cell, the optical probe detecting raw point flow velocity data of gas in the gas flow line.12. The method of further comprising:filtering the raw point flow velocity data to reject errant velocity data to obtain filtered raw point flow velocity data;correcting the filtered raw point flow velocity data to obtain a bulk velocity data; andcalculating a corrected flow rate for the gas in the gas flow line based on the bulk velocity data and an internal diameter of the gas flow line.13. The method of further comprising:utilizing the corrected flow rate to determine an amount of gas in the return flow line.14. The method of claim 12 , wherein the optical flow cell assembly further comprises:a sensor array to receive temperature and pressure measurements, the corrected flow rate based on at least one of the temperature and pressure measurements.15. The method of claim 12 , wherein the optical flow cell assembly is communicatively coupled to a computer for filtering the raw point ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Flexibility of downhole fluid analyzer pump module

Номер: US20140008060A1
Автор: Stefan Sroka
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

An apparatus for pumping a downhole fluid includes: a carrier configured to be conveyed through a borehole penetrating the earth; a pump disposed at the carrier and configured to pump the downhole fluid; a multi-phase electric motor coupled to the pump and configured to receive multi-phase electrical energy from a power source in order to operate the pump, the multi-phase electrical motor having multiple windings; and a switch configured to connect the multiple windings in a configuration selected from a plurality of configurations that includes (i) a first configuration where one terminal of each winding of the multiple windings is uniquely connected to one terminal of another winding and (ii) a second configuration where one terminal of each winding of the multiple windings is commonly connected to one terminal of each of the other windings.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

In-well full-bore multiphase flowmeter for horizontal wellbores

Номер: US20140012507A1
Принадлежит: Weatherford Lamb Inc

Methods and apparatus for measuring individual phase fractions and phase flow rates in a multiphase flow based on velocity of the flow, speed of sound through the fluid mixture, and the density of the fluid mixture. Techniques presented herein are based on measuring frictional pressure drop across a flowmeter conduit, determining a surface roughness term for the conduit during initial flow tests or through other mechanical means, implementing a correction method to balance the momentum equation, and calculating the fluid mixture density using the measured pressure drop. The techniques may be applicable to measuring flow parameters in horizontally oriented conduits and, more generally, conduits of any orientation.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014331A1
Автор: Crocker Hugh

A method of evaluating a geological formation () of non-homogeneous porosity and permeability, particularly in exploration for hydrocarbon fluids, comprising the steps of: 117-. (canceled)18. A method of evaluating a geological formation of non-homogeneous porosity and permeability comprising the steps of:(a) inserting a formation evaluation tool into a borehole by wireline, after drilling of the borehole, to a location within the geological formation;(b) setting the formation evaluation tool into position isolating interval(s) of the borehole with a packer arrangement forming portion of the formation evaluation tool, for sample evaluation for said interval(s);(c) extracting representative samples of formation fluid from the location within the geological formation for evaluation under downhole conditions using sampling means for extracting formation fluid samples over a range of porosity and permeability encountered within the geological formation; and(d) analysing the formation fluid samples and measuring formation permeability, wherein said packer arrangement is a dual or straddle packer arrangement comprising a plurality of spaced apart packers, each packer comprising sealing elements for isolating sampling interval(s) within said borehole enabling extraction of samples for acquisition of data for formation evaluation through at least one sampling port located between said sealing elements of a packer.19. A method of wherein said geological formation includes a feature selected from the group consisting of vugs claim 18 , fractures claim 18 , variable diameter pores and moldic pores.20. A method of wherein the sampling port is set back from a wall of the borehole such that a space enabling sample draw down is disposed between said sealing elements isolating a sampling interval.21. A method of wherein said data is used to evaluate vertical continuity of said geological formation.22. A method of wherein measuring differential pressure between packers spaced a ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Sampling Assembly For A Single Packer

Номер: US20140020890A1

A sampling assembly of a single packer assembly may have more guard drains than sampling drains. The single packer assembly having the sampling assembly may be deployed in a wellbore formed in a subterranean formation, and the single packer assembly may be deployed on a wireline cable or another deployment or conveyance. The number and the area of the sampling drains, the number and the area of the guard drains, and the positions of the sampling drains and the guard drains may be designed so that the guard drains which are operational may provide a fluid intake rate exceeding a predetermined threshold if one of the guard drains is congested and/or blocked. 1. A packer assembly comprising:a sampling assembly having guard drains positioned adjacent to a first sampling drain wherein at least two of the guard drains are axially aligned with the first sampling drain;a guard flowline in fluid communication with at least one of the guard drains; anda sampling flowline in fluid communication with the first sampling drain so that the sampling flowline and the guard flowline are located adjacent to the sampling drain and the guard drains which are axially aligned with the sampling drain.2. The packer assembly of wherein the area of the first sampling drain is approximately equal to the area of each of the guard drains.3. The packer assembly of wherein the area of the first sampling drain is approximately twice the size of the area of each of the guard drains.4. The packer assembly of wherein the area of each of the guard drains is approximately twice the size of the area of the first sampling drain.5. The packer assembly of further comprising:a second sampling drain which is not axially aligned with any of the guard drains.6. The packer assembly of further comprising:a second sampling drain with which at least two of the guard drains are axially aligned.7. The packer assembly of further comprising:an aperture in each of the guard drains, the aperture fluidly connecting the ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027112A1

A method of measuring parameters of a formation along multiple axes is disclosed. A formation tester tool is introduced into a wellbore. The formation tester tool includes a first probe oriented at an angle from a second probe about an axis of the formation tester tool. The first and second probes are positioned against a surface of the wellbore. Fluid is injected via at least one of the first and second probes. Pressure parameters corresponding to the fluid injected into the formation are monitored. Formation stresses about the formation fractures along multiple axes are determined based, at least in part, on the pressure parameters. 1. A method of measuring parameters of a formation along multiple axes , the method comprising:introducing a formation tester tool into a wellbore, wherein the formation tester tool comprises a first probe oriented at an angle from a second probe about an axis of the formation tester tool;positioning the first and second probes against a surface of the wellbore;injecting fluid via at least one of the first and second probes;monitoring pressure parameters corresponding to the fluid injected into the formation;determining formation stresses about the formation fractures along multiple axes based, at least in part, on the pressure parameters.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein injecting fluid via at least one of the first and second probes comprises injecting fluid to at least one of to clean the borehole adjacent to the first and second probes and to induce formation fractures.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first and second probes are oriented orthogonally about the axis of the formation tester tool.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining a pressure profile based, at least in part, on the pressure parameters.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the pressure profile indicates one or more of a fracture volume and a fracture orientation.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:monitoring pressure parameters to ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Multi-Phase Region Analysis Method And Apparatus

Номер: US20140033816A1

A method and apparatus for measuring a presence of a multi-phase system is disclosed. The method includes positioning a fluid communication device of a down hole tool in a well bore, drawing fluid from the well bore to an evaluation cavity and sampling the fluid to determine a presence of a multi-phase system. 1. A method for measuring a presence of a multi-phase system , comprising:positioning a downhole tool with a fluid analysis assembly in a well bore;extracting fluid from a surrounding geotechnical formation into the wellbore to an evaluation cavity of the fluid analysis assembly, wherein the drawing of the fluid is performed at formation environmental conditions; andevaluating the fluid drawn from the surrounding geotechnical formation to determine a presence of a multi-phase system wherein the evaluating is performed to determine at least one of a liquid formed from a gas below a dew curve and a gas formed beneath a bubble curve.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the evaluating of the fluid drawn from the surrounding geotechnical formation is conducted by at least one of acoustic and electromagnetic measurements during the sampling.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:determining a tool orientation of the fluid communication device prior to the evaluating of the fluid drawn from the surrounding geotechnical formation.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the evaluating the fluid drawn from the surrounding geotechnical formation to determine a presence of a multi-phase system is performed by at least one of acoustic and electromagnetic wave sensors.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the evaluating the fluid to determine the presence of a multi-phase system is accomplished at a specified temperature and pressure by an operator.6. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:providing results to an operator of the evaluation done on the fluid.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the evaluating the ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Downhole elastomeric components including barrier coatings

Номер: US20140060811A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

An apparatus for performing a downhole operation includes: a carrier configured to be disposed in a borehole in an earth formation; and a deformable component configured to be disposed in the borehole, the deformable component including an elastomeric material and a barrier coating disposed on a surface of the elastomeric material, the barrier coating having properties configured to resist permeation of downhole gases into the elastomeric material at downhole temperatures.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060821A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A method and system for determining a property of a sample of fluid in a borehole. A fluid sample is collected in a downhole tool. While collecting, X-rays are transmitted proximate the fluid from an X-ray source in the tool and an X-ray flux that is a function of a property of the fluid is detected. The detected X-ray flux data is processed to determine the property of the fluid. 1. A method of determining a property of a sample of fluid , including:while in the borehole, collecting a sample of fluid in a downhole tool;while collecting the sample, transmitting X-rays proximate to the fluid from an X-ray source located in the tool;detecting an X-ray flux from the transmitted X-rays with a detector, the flux being a function of a property of the fluid in the downhole tool; andwhile the downhole tool is in the borehole, processing the detected X-ray flux data to determine the property of the fluid.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the fluid sample includes formation fluid.3. The method of claim 1 , further including collimating the transmitted X-rays on a path.4. The method of claim 3 , further including detecting the X-ray flux with a detector in-line with the path of the transmitted X-rays.5. The method of claim 3 , further including detecting the X-ray flux with a detector offset from the path of the transmitted X-rays claim 3 , the X-ray flux including X-rays scattered from the transmitted path.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the fluid property includes determining the density of the fluid.7. The method of claim 6 , further including determining the density of the fluid over time and determining if the fluid density substantially equilibrates.8. The method of claim 5 , wherein determining the fluid property includes determining the purity of the fluid by analyzing the flux associated with characteristic X-ray emission compared to the flux associated with Compton scattering X-rays.9. The method of claim 8 , further including: ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Reducing Differential Sticking During Sampling

Номер: US20140060824A1

A method includes lowering a downhole tool via a pipe into a wellbore drilled through a formation via the pipe and establishing a fluid communication between the downhole tool and the formation at a location in the wellbore. The method also includes extracting from the formation a first fluid stream through the fluid communication and passing the first fluid stream through the downhole tool for a first duration. The method further includes breaking the fluid communication between the downhole tool and the formation, moving the pipe in the wellbore, and reestablishing the fluid communication between the downhole tool and the formation essentially at the location in the wellbore subsequent to moving the pipe in the wellbore. 1. A method , comprising:lowering a downhole tool via a pipe into a wellbore drilled through a formation via the pipe;establishing a fluid communication between the downhole tool and the formation at a location in the wellbore;extracting from the formation a first fluid stream through the fluid communication and passing the first fluid stream through the downhole tool for a first duration;breaking the fluid communication between the downhole tool and the formation; 'moving the downhole tool away from the location after breaking the fluid communication between the downhole tool and the formation; and then moving the downhole tool towards the location before reestablishing the fluid communication between the downhole tool and the formation essentially at the location;', 'moving the pipe in the wellbore, wherein moving the pipe in the wellbore comprisesreestablishing the fluid communication between the downhole tool and the formation essentially at the location in the wellbore subsequent to moving the pipe in the wellbore;extracting, from the formation, a second fluid stream through the fluid communication and passing the second fluid stream through the downhole tool for a second duration; andcapturing, in the downhole tool, a fluid sample of the ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Passive Sampling Device and Method of Sampling and Analysis

Номер: US20140069184A1

The invention provides a device and method to quantitatively measure concentrations of volatile organic compound vapors below the ground surface using a preferably “fully” passive device that is placed in a drilled or bored hole for a specified period of time, wherein the sampler constrains the uptake rate to match values that minimize or eliminate the starvation effect and provide acceptable sensitivity for most soil types as calculated via mathematical models. 2. The sampler of wherein the mathematical models derive the relationship between the delivery rate of vapors to the void space in which a passive sampler is deployed and the soil moisture and porosity.3. The sampler of wherein the uptake rate of the sampler is similar to or smaller than the delivery rate of vapors from the surrounding soil claim 2 , so the concentration of vapors in the void space within which the sampler is exposed is similar to the concentration in the surrounding soil gas throughout the majority of the sampling interval.4. The sampler of wherein the membrane comprises polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS).5. The sampler of wherein the membrane is hydrophobic.6. The sampler of wherein the container has a volume of approximately 0.8 to 2.0 mL.7. The sampler of wherein the sampler container is smaller than 1.8 mL.8. The sampler of wherein the sampler container is smaller than the about 5.0 mL.9. The sampler of wherein the sorbent medium is suitable to retain and recover the target analytes consisting of a method selected from solvent extraction and thermal desorption.10. The sampler of wherein the uptake rate is within the range of about 0.1 to 1 milliliter per minute (mL/min).11. The sampler of wherein the uptake rate is within the range of about 0.01 to about 10 milliliter per minute (mL/min).12. The sampler of wherein the membrane thickness and area is selected to optimize the uptake rate for a specific chemical(s).13. The sampler of wherein the thickness of the membrane is in the range of about ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Single Trip Multi-Zone Drill Stem Test System

Номер: US20140076546A1
Автор: Patel Dinesh

A drill stem test string may include a tubular body having an axial bore formed at least partially therethrough. An axial flow valve may be coupled to the first tubular body and allow fluid to flow axially through the first tubular body when in an open state and prevent fluid from flowing axially through the first tubular body when in a closed state. A radial flow valve may be coupled to the first tubular body and allow fluid to flow radially through the first tubular body when in an open state and prevent fluid from flowing radially through the first tubular body when in a closed state. A seal assembly may be coupled to an outer surface of the first tubular body and positioned between a lower end of the first tubular member and the first radial flow valve. 1. A drill stem test string , comprising:a first tubular body having an axial bore formed at least partially therethrough;an axial flow valve coupled to the first tubular body and adapted to allow fluid to flow axially through the first tubular body when in an open state and to prevent fluid from flowing axially through the first tubular body when in a closed state;a first radial flow valve coupled to the first tubular body and adapted to allow fluid to flow radially through the first tubular body when in an open state and to prevent fluid from flowing radially through the first tubular body when in a closed state; anda seal assembly coupled to an outer surface of the first tubular body and positioned between a lower end of the first tubular member and the first radial flow valve.2. The drill stem test string of claim 1 , further comprising:a second tubular body disposed radially outward from the first tubular body, wherein a lower end of the second tubular body is positioned above a lower end of the first tubular body; anda second radial flow valve coupled to the first tubular body and adapted to allow fluid to flow radially through the first tubular body when in an open state and to prevent fluid from flowing ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Obtaining And Evaluating Downhole Samples With A Coring Tool

Номер: US20140090893A1

Samples of hydrocarbon are obtained with a coring tool. An analysis of some thermal or electrical properties of the core samples may be performed downhole. The core samples may also be preserved in containers sealed and/or refrigerated prior to being brought uphole for analysis. The hydrocarbon trapped in the pore space of the core samples may be extracted from the core samples downhole. The extracted hydrocarbon may be preserved in chambers and/or analyzed downhole. 1. A method of preserving hydrocarbon samples obtained from an underground formation , comprising:delivering a coring tool to the formation;obtaining a first core sample from the formation, the first core sample including a hydrocarbon therein;capturing the first core sample in a first container;sealing the first container downhole with the hydrocarbon contained therein; andstoring the sealed first container in the tool.2. The method of wherein sealing includes covering an open end of the container with a cap.3. The method of wherein sealing the first container includes abutting a second container to an open end of the first container.4. The method of further comprising applying a seal between the abutting ends of the two containers.5. The method of wherein the abutting ends of the containers comprise opposing structures to engage the first container with the second container.6. A method of preserving hydrocarbon samples obtained from an underground formation claim 3 , comprising:delivering a coring tool to the formation;obtaining a core sample from the formation;receiving the sample in the tool;cooling the core sample in the tool; andretrieving the tool with the cooled core sample to the surface.7. The method of wherein the cooling is accomplished by one of Stirling refrigeration and thermoacoustic refrigeration.8. The method of further comprising measuring a temperature of the core sample and adjusting the temperature of the core sample based on the measured temperature. This application is a ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096957A1
Принадлежит: Haliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A pumping system includes a probe to suction a fluid from a fluid reservoir, a pump in fluid communication with the probe, and a sensor for detecting phase changes in said pumping system. The sensor is in fluid communication with the probe or pump and is operable to generate a sensor signal. The pumping system also includes a fluid exit from the pumping system that is in fluid communication with said pump, and a variable force check valve that is located between the probe and fluid exit. 1. A pumping system comprising:a probe to suction a fluid from a fluid reservoir;a pump in fluid communication with said probe;a sensor to detect phase changes in said pumping system, said sensor in fluid communication with said probe or pump, said sensor generating a sensor signal;a fluid exit from said pumping system, said fluid exit being in fluid communication with said pump; anda variable force check valve having a controllable force adjustment mechanism and being located between said probe and said fluid exit.2. The pumping system of claim 1 , wherein said force adjustment mechanism comprises a hydraulic adjustment mechanism claim 1 , said hydraulic adjustment mechanism comprising a hydraulic chamber coupled to a valve holder.3. The pumping system of claim 1 , wherein said force adjustment mechanism comprises an electronic adjustment mechanism claim 1 , said electronic adjustment mechanism comprising an electromagnetic plunger coupled to a valve holder.4. The pumping system of claim 1 , further comprising a processor for receiving said sensor signal and generating a control signal to said variable force check valve.5. The pumping system of claim 1 , wherein said variable force check valve is selected from a group consisting of: a variable force check valve located between said probe and said pump; and a variable force check valve located between said pump and said fluid exit.6. The pumping system of wherein:said pump is a bidirectional pump having a first piston and a second ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000906A1

Disclosed are an apparatus for sampling water in a borehole and a method thereof. The apparatus includes a water sampling cylinder to sample the water in the borehole; a first camera to monitor the water sampling cylinder and a sample discharging part provided in the borehole; a first motor to insert the water sampling cylinder into the sample discharging part; a vacuum vessel to receive a sample input from the water sampling cylinder; a waterproof member having a hollow serving as a passage through which the water sampling cylinder moves back and forth; and a support unit that urges the waterproof member closely to the sample discharging part to prevent foreign substances from being introduced into the borehole. The first motor includes a plurality of protrusions meshed with a plurality of grooves provided in the water sampling cylinder. 1. An apparatus for sampling water in a borehole , the apparatus comprising:a water sampling cylinder to sample the water in the borehole;a first camera to monitor the water sampling cylinder and a sample discharging part provided in the borehole;a first motor to insert the water sampling cylinder into the sample discharging part;a vacuum vessel to receive a sample input from the water sampling cylinder;a waterproof member having a hollow serving as a passage through which the water sampling cylinder moves back and forth; anda support unit that urges the waterproof member closely to the sample discharging part to prevent foreign substances from being introduced into the borehole,wherein the first motor includes a plurality of protrusions meshed with a plurality of grooves provided in the water sampling cylinder.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a second camera to monitor an amount of the sample received in the vacuum vessel.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the water sampling cylinder comprises a suction to absorb the sample into the vacuum vessel.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vacuum vessel comprises ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

System and Method of Quantifying an Organic Material in a Sample

Номер: US20150001384A1

A system and methodology enables improved quantification of an organic material, e.g. oil, in a sample. The technique comprises adding a substance to a two-phase sample containing the organic material and water. The substance is mixed through the sample until the constituents of the sample are solubilized to create an optically clear mixture. An optical technique is employed with respect to the optically clear mixture to quantitatively analyze the organic material in the sample. 1. A method of quantifying oil in a sample , comprising:obtaining a fluid sample including oil from a reservoir;simultaneously solubilizing oil, water, and salt contained in the fluid sample to create an optically clear single-phase fluid; andusing a spectrophotometer to analyze the optically clear single-phase fluid so as to determine the concentration of oil in the fluid sample.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein obtaining the fluid sample comprises obtaining the oil from a core sample taken from the reservoir.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein simultaneously solubilizing oil claim 1 , water claim 1 , and salt contained in the fluid sample comprises injecting a substance into the fluid sample to create the optically clear single-phase fluid.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein injecting the substance into the fluid sample comprises injecting a mixture of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT) and isopropanol (IPA).5. The method of claim 3 , wherein injecting the substance into the fluid sample comprises injecting a mixture of AOT claim 3 , IPA claim 3 , and water.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein injecting the substance into the fluid sample comprises injecting a mixture of AOT claim 3 , IPA claim 3 , water claim 3 , and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid—sodium salt (EDTA-4Na).7. The method of claim 3 , wherein injecting the substance into the fluid sample comprises injecting a mixture of approximately 10% AOT in IPA.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein injecting the substance into the ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220003114A1

A method includes positioning a downhole acquisition tool in a wellbore in a geological formation. The method includes operating a pump module to gather information for a fluid outside of the downhole acquisition tool that enters the downhole acquisition tool from a first flowline, a second flowline, or both while the downhole acquisition tool is within the wellbore. Operating the pump module includes controlling a valve assembly to a first valve configuration that enables the fluid to flow into the downhole tool via the first flowline fluidly coupled to a first pump module. Operating the pump module includes controlling a valve assembly to a second valve configuration that enables the fluid to flow into the downhole tool via the second flowline fluidly coupled to a second pump module, and selectively using a turnaround module or a crossover portion disposed between the first flowline and the second flowline to permit discharging the fluid from one flowline to the other flowline by actuating a valve associated with the turnaround module when the first pump module or the second pump module is not in use. 1. A method comprising:positioning a downhole acquisition tool in a wellbore in a geological formation; controlling a valve assembly to a first valve configuration that enables the fluid to flow into the downhole tool via the first flowline fluidly coupled to a first pump module;', 'controlling a valve assembly to a second valve configuration that enables the fluid to flow into the downhole tool via the second flowline fluidly coupled to a second pump module; and', 'selectively using a turnaround module or a crossover portion disposed between the first flowline and the second flowline to permit discharging the fluid from one flowline to the other flowline by actuating a valve associated with the turnaround module when the first pump module or the second pump module is not in use., 'operating a pump module to gather information for a fluid outside of the downhole ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Estimating relative permeability and capillary pressures of a geological formation based on multiphase upscaling

Номер: US20220003651A1

A system can access geological data describing a plurality of rock types in a physical rock sample drilled from a reservoir. The system can generate synthetic rock samples and execute single phase upscaling to compute absolute permeabilities for the physical rock sample and the synthetic rock samples. The system can execute a first multiphase upscaling based on the single phase upscaling to determine relative permeabilities for the physical rock sample and the synthetic rock samples. The system can compare the relative permeability of the physical rock sample to the relative permeabilities for the synthetic rock samples and select a synthetic rock sample that varies the least from the physical rock sample. The system can perform at least one additional multiphase upscaling on the physical rock sample and the synthetic rock samples to determine a second multiphase upscaling result and to develop a plan for drilling operations.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Predicting Pump Performance in Downhole Tools

Номер: US20170002644A1

Systems, methods, and devices for predicting pump performance in a downhole tool are provided. A pump performance predictor may receive inputs and generate outputs that predict the performance of a pump of a pumpout module of a downhole tool. The pump performance predictor may calculate and output a set of first predictions that include, for example, the minimum alternator voltage of a power module used to power the electronics of the pumpout module, the maximum pump flowrate, the pumpout performance, and the achievable formation mobility. The pump performance predictor may also calculate and output a set of second predictions that may include, for example, a pump volume efficiency, a pressure profile in a flowline, the number of strokes to fill a sampling bottle, and the time to fill the sampling bottle. 1. A method , comprising:obtaining a plurality of operating conditions associated with a pump of a downhole tool configured to be operated in a wellbore of a well, the pump coupled to a flowline and a sample bottle for obtaining a sample of a formation fluid; anddetermining, from the plurality of operating conditions, predictions associated with performance of the pump, the predictions comprising at least one of a minimum power source voltage, a maximum pump flow rate, a pumpout performance estimate, and an achievable formation mobility.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the predictions comprise first predictions claim 1 , the method comprising:obtaining a type of the formation fluid, one or more wellbore properties associated with the wellbore, and one or more formation properties associated with the formation; anddetermining based at least in part on the formation fluid type, the one or more wellbore properties, the one or more formation properties, and a pump flow rate at a selected achievable formation mobility, second predictions associated with performance of the pump, the second predictions comprising at least one of: a volume efficiency of the pump, a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002651A1
Автор: TVEDT Jostein

An ROV-mountable flush and sample skid is described that reduces the project cost and deliveries, and also improves HSE risk during Subsea Pump installation campaigns. The ROV skid can be configured as part of a standard ROV tooling across different projects. The tool also reduces the total pump module installation weight that is important in deepwater applications. The ROV-mountable flushing and sampling skid is mounted to an ROV and deployed to a subsea location to provide flushing of and sampling of barrier oil from a barrier oil supply jumper from an subsea umbilical termination assembly. The Subsea pump flushing and sampling ROV skid includes of a set of flush accumulators with enough capacity to flush the installed jumpers clean, and also one or more sample accumulators configured to sample the barrier oil after the flushing has been performed. 1. A subsea deployable production fluid processing system comprising:a submersible electric motor configured to operate while filled with a barrier oil and to be deployed in a subsea location;a supply receptacle configured to accept a supply conduit carrying the barrier oil;an ROV mountable flushing unit configured to be deployed to the subsea location while mounted to an ROV, said flushing unit including one or more flushing accumulators; anda valve system configured to allow entry of the barrier oil from the supply conduit and to allow fluid communication with said ROV mountable flushing unit, said flushing accumulators configured to accept fluid in said supply conduit so as to flush said supply conduit.2. A system according to wherein the flushing unit includes at least one sampling accumulator configured to draw a fluid sample of barrier oil from said supply conduit after being flushed by the flushing accumulators.3. A system according to wherein said flushing unit is configured to produce a sample of barrier oil from said at least one sampling accumulator for analysis at a surface location after retrieval of said ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003040A1

A family of organic tracers is proposed for inter-well measurement of residual oil in petroleum reservoirs, as is their use as partitioning tracers in a petroleum reservoir. The tracers consist of at least one benzyl alcohol of formula i) wherein each of Rto Ris independently selected from H, F, CI, Br, I, CFCFCI, CFCIand CCIand wherein at least one of Rto Ris not H. 2. Use as claimed in wherein at least one of groups Rto Ris Cl claim 1 , CFCl claim 1 , CFClor CCl.3. Use as claimed in or wherein 1 claim 1 , 2 or 3 of groups Rto Rare independently F claim 1 , Cl claim 1 , CFor CCl.5. Use as claimed in wherein all R groups in formulae F1 to F26 are hydrogen.6. Use as claimed in wherein 1 claim 4 , 2 or 3 R groups of formulae F1 to F26 are Cl8. Use as claimed in wherein all R groups in formulae Cl1 to Cl26 are hydrogen.9. Use as claimed in wherein 1 claim 7 , 2 or 3 R groups of formulae Cl1 to Cl26 are F.12. The method as claimed in wherein said first tracer and optionally said second tracer is a benzyl alcohol as defined in any of to .13. The method of or wherein said second tracer is a passive tracer.14. The method of any of to further comprising injecting a third tracer having a third partition coefficient claim 7 , measuring the presence and/or concentration over time of said third tracer in produced water from said production well claim 7 , determining the retention time of said third tracer and relating the retention times and partition coefficients of each of said first claim 7 , second and third tracers to oil saturation of said oil field. The present invention relates to tracers useful for measurement of residual oil in petroleum reservoirs. In particular, the present invention relates to partitioning tracers suitable for such measurements.Institute for Energy Technology in Norway (IFE) has, since the nineteen sixties, worked with development of tracer technology for industrial applications. Since the beginning of the nineteen eighties the focus has been on ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002995A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A system and method for measuring rheology of a treatment fluid. The system may comprise an ultrasound transmitter positioned to direct ultrasound pulses into the treatment fluid as the treatment fluid is being introduced into a wellbore; an ultrasound receiver positioned to receive sound waves reflected from the treatment fluid; and a computer system configured to determine a velocity profile of the treatment fluid based at least in part on the reflected sound waves. The method may comprise introducing a treatment fluid into a wellbore by way of a conduit; directing ultrasound pulses into the treatment fluid; measuring sound waves reflected by the treatment fluid; and determining a velocity profile of the treatment fluid based at least on the measured sound waves. 1. A system for measuring rheology of a treatment fluid comprising:an ultrasound transmitter positioned to direct ultrasound pulses into the treatment fluid as the treatment fluid is being introduced into a wellbore;an ultrasound receiver positioned to receive sound waves reflected from the treatment fluid; anda computer system configured to determine a velocity profile of the treatment fluid based at least in part on the reflected sound waves.2. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the ultrasound transmitter and the ultrasound receiver are a single element.3. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the ultrasound transmitter and the ultrasound receiver are disposed on opposite sides of a conduit comprising flow of the treatment.4. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the ultrasound transmitter and the ultrasound received are disposed on the same side of a conduit comprising flow of the treatment fluid.5. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the rheology measurement system is configured to generate a color flow display of fluid flow in the conduit.6. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the rheology measurement system is configured to generate a Doppler sonogram of fluid flow in the conduit.7. ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Downhole Communications Using Frequency Guard Bands

Номер: US20180003037A1
Автор: Roberson Mark W.

A system that is positionable in a wellbore can include a chain of transceivers that are positionable external to a casing string. Each transceiver in the chain of transceivers can be operable to transmit a wireless signal using a separate frequency guard band that is assigned to that transceiver and to receive wireless signals using another frequency guard band assigned to a prior transceiver in the chain of transceivers. 1. A system that is positionable in a wellbore , the system comprising:a chain of transceivers that are positionable external to a casing string, each transceiver in the chain of transceivers being operable to transmit a wireless signal using a separate frequency guard band assigned to that transceiver and to receive wireless signals using another frequency guard band assigned to a prior transceiver in the chain of transceivers.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the frequency guard band comprises an unused range of frequencies that is between adjacent frequency bands for separating the adjacent frequency bands.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein each transceiver in the chain of transceivers is operable to receive a control signal from a remote device and select the separate frequency guard band based on the control signal.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein each transceiver in the chain of transceivers is remotely programmable subsequent to the transceiver being positioned in the wellbore.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein each transceiver in the chain of transceivers comprises:a processing device; and receive a control signal; and', 'select the frequency guard band and a particular frequency within the frequency guard band based on the control signal by consulting a lookup table stored in the memory device in which the frequency guard band and a plurality of frequencies within the frequency guard band are mapped to a plurality of characteristics of the control signal., 'a memory device in which instructions executable by the processing device are ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Downhole Communications Using Selectable Frequency Bands

Номер: US20180003041A1
Автор: Roberson Mark W.

A system that is positionable in a wellbore in a subterranean formation can include a first transceiver that is positionable external to a casing string in the wellbore. The first transceiver can wirelessly transmit data via a signal within a frequency band that is selected based on a fluid property of a fluid in the wellbore and a property of the subterranean formation. The system can also include a second transceiver that is positionable externally 1. A system that is positionable in a wellbore in a subterranean formation , the system comprising:a first transceiver that is positionable external to a casing string in the wellbore for wirelessly transmitting data via a signal within a frequency band that is selected based on a fluid property of a fluid in the wellbore and a property of the subterranean formation; anda second transceiver that is positionable externally the casing string and operable to receive the signal.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first transceiver is operable to transmit the data via the signal and via another signal within another frequency band substantially simultaneously.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid comprises a combination of a wellbore servicing fluid and a formation fluid.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first transceiver comprises:a processing device; and receive a sensor signal from a sensor;', 'determine the fluid property based on the sensor signal;', 'determine the property of the subterranean formation based on the sensor signal; and', 'select the frequency band based on the fluid property and the property of the subterranean formation by consulting a lookup table stored in the memory device in which a plurality of fluid properties and a plurality of subterranean formation properties are mapped to a plurality of frequency bands., 'a memory device in which instructions executable by the processing device are stored for causing the processing device to5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Ultrasound color flow imaging for drilling applications

Номер: US20180003045A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A system and method for rheology measurement of a drilling fluid. The system may comprise an ultrasound transmitter positioned to direct ultrasound pulses into the drilling fluid; an ultrasound receiver positioned to receive sound waves reflected from the drilling fluid; and a computer system configured to determine a velocity profile of the drilling fluid based at least in part on the reflected sound waves. The method may comprise flowing at least a portion of the drilling fluid through a rheology measurement system; directing ultrasound pulses into the drilling fluid while the drilling fluid is flowing through the rheology measurement system; measuring sound waves reflected by the drilling fluid; and determining a velocity profile of the drilling fluid based at least on the measured sound waves.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Methods to Determine Conditions of a Hydrocarbon Reservoir

Номер: US20180003046A1

A method of identifying in situ conditions of a hydrocarbon reservoir is disclosed. The method comprises, obtaining a sample from an area of interest, such as a sediment sample or water column sample near a hydrocarbon seep; analyzing the sample to detect nucleic acid signatures that are indicative of microbes associated with hypersaline aquifers; and using the signature to determine the salinity of the hydrocarbon reservoir. 1. A method of determining one or more conditions of a hydrocarbon reservoir comprising:(a) obtaining a sample near a hydrocarbon seep associated with the hydrocarbon reservoir;(b) extracting nucleic acids from the sample;(c) analyzing the extracted nucleic acids to identify signatures that are indicative of organisms from one or more of the phyla Flavobacteria, Cyanobacteria, Proteobacteria, Fermicutes, Methanosarcinales, and Halobacteriales;(d) using the signature to determine the salinity of the hydrocarbon reservoir.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon seep is a subsea seep.3. The method of any claim 2 , wherein the sample is obtained from the water column near the hydrocarbon seep.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the sample is a sediment sample obtained from the seafloor near the hydrocarbon seep.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sample is obtained from a location that is within a radius of 3 meters from the center of the location where the seep is emanating from the surface.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising preserving the obtained sample at a temperature at or less than −60° C. until the sample is ready to have the nucleic acids extracted.7Marinobacter, Desulfovibrio, MethanohalophilusHalanaerobioum.. The method of claim 1 , wherein the samples are analyzed to identify nucleic acid signatures that are indicative of organisms from one or more genera of claim 1 , and8Desulfovibrio gabonensis, Desulfovibrio bastinii, Desulfovibrio capillatus, Desulfovibrio gacillis, Desulfovibrio longus, Halanaerobium ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Downhole Fluid Analysis

Номер: US20180003047A1

The present disclosure relates to a system that includes a downhole that includes a packer module with an inlet disposed between an upper packer and a lower packer configured to seal an interval of a wellbore. The inlet is configured to admit a formation fluid disposed in the interval. The downhole tool also includes a pump out module, a fluid analysis module, and a sample module including a sample chamber containing an external fluid. The downhole tool also includes a data processing system configured to identify a composition of the formation fluid and includes one or more tangible, non-transitory, machine-readable media including instructions to identify a condition indicating stopping the pump out module, transfer the external fluid from the sample chamber to the interval the inlet, resume pumping of the formation fluid from the inlet via the pump out module, and output the composition of the formation fluid. 1. A system , comprising: [ an upper packer and a lower packer configured to seal an interval of a wellbore in a geological formation; and', 'an inlet disposed between the upper packer and the lower packer, wherein the inlet is configured to admit a formation fluid disposed in the interval into a flow line of the downhole tool;, 'a packer module, wherein the packer module comprises, 'a pump out module configured to pump the formation fluid from the inlet;', 'a fluid analysis module configured to analyze the formation fluid pumped to the fluid analysis module via the pump out module;', 'a sample module comprising a sample chamber containing an external fluid;', 'a flow line coupled to the packer module, pump out module, fluid analysis module, and sample module; and', identify a condition indicating stopping the pump out module;', 'transfer the external fluid from the sample chamber to the interval via the flowline and the inlet;', 'resume pumping of the formation fluid from the inlet via the pump out module; and', 'output the composition of the formation ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus and Methods for Automated Drilling Fluid Analysis System

Номер: US20180003048A1
Автор: Watson James Kelly

A mobile apparatus supported on a trailer measures, analyzes, and monitors drilling fluids on an oil & gas site. The system includes a modular automated test unit having instruments for measuring and analyzing physical and chemical drilling fluid parameters including but not limited to viscosity, density, pH, electrical stability, fluid loss, rheological parameters, retort analysis, titrations for mF, pF, POM, chlorides, hardness, calcium, and chromatographic analysis. 1. A mobile , automated drilling fluid analysis system that continuously performs analysis tests in sequence and periodically at timed intervals , and stores the data in a database , comprising:a housing disposed on a mobile frame and configured for connections to electrical power, and a fluid conduit system from and to a drilling fluid reservoir;a computer system disposed within the housing and configured with non-volatile storage, a communications interface to a network, and a suite of program software for controlling operations of the analysis system to measure, analyze, store, communicate, and compose output displays, summaries, and reports thereof through graphical peripherals and remote connections to the system; andan automated test unit enclosed within the housing and coupled through a manifold to the fluid conduits system, the automated test unit having a dual, motor-driven turntable including a first turntable for measuring physical parameters and a second turntable for measuring chemical parameters; anda metering mechanism for depositing drilling fluid samples pumped through the fluid conduits from the drilling fluid reservoir into test containers on the first or second turntables; whereinthe automated test unit provides for receiving, sensing, and measuring multiple physical and chemical parameters of the drilling fluid samples in a prescribed, continuous sequence according to analysis routines of the program software and compiling the analyzed parameters for storage or display.2. The ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003044A1

A corrosion measuring tool for controlling corrosion in an oil well comprising a tubing, wherein the tool comprises a hollow cylindrical barrel comprising a cylindrical wall, an upper end and a lower end; a hollow element located at the upper end of the hollow cylindrical barrel, wherein said hollow element comprises a conical upper portion and a cylindrical lower portion, the cylindrical lower portion being capable of sliding within the upper end of the barrel, wherein the cylindrical lower portion has linkage and retention sliding means to link and retain the hollow cylindrical barrel; expandable means located at the upper end of the hollow cylindrical barrel, below the conical upper portion, comprising fastening means to the tubing, wherein the movement of the hollow element relative to the barrel in a downwardly direction causes the conical upper portion to penetrate into the expandable means, forcing the expandable means to expand outwardly, putting in contact said fastening means with the tubing, while the movement of the hollow element in an upwardly direction releases the expandable means to retract inwardly and separates de fastening means from the tubing; at least one coupon for corrosion measurement; and an elongated member longitudinally and eccentrically fixed at the lower end of the barrel comprising mounting means for each of the at least one coupon, wherein the mounting means are aligned along the elongated member. 1. A corrosion measuring tool for controlling corrosion in an oil well comprising a tubing , the tool comprising:a hollow cylindrical barrel comprising a cylindrical wall, an upper end and a lower end;a hollow element located at the upper end of the hollow cylindrical barrel, wherein said hollow element comprises a conical upper portion and a cylindrical lower portion, the cylindrical lower portion being capable of sliding within the upper end of the barrel, wherein the cylindrical lower portion has linkage and retention sliding means to ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003053A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

Systems and methods for subterranean formation testing. A method may include: lowering a formation testing tool into a subterranean formation, wherein the formation testing tool may include memory, a pump, a formation probe, at least two sample chambers, wherein the at least two sample chambers may include probes to measure pressure and temperature; extracting a fluid from the subterranean formation with the pump and the formation probe; flowing the fluid into the at least two sample chambers with the pump; storing pressure and temperature data of the fluid in the memory; and removing the at least two sample chambers from the formation testing tool. 1. A method comprising:lowering a formation testing tool into a subterranean formation, wherein the formation testing tool comprises memory, a pump, a formation probe, at least two sample chambers, wherein the at least two sample chambers comprise probes to measure pressure and temperature;extracting a fluid from the subterranean formation with the pump and the formation probe;flowing the fluid into the at least two sample chambers with the pump;storing pressure and temperature data of the fluid in the memory; andremoving the at least two sample chambers from the formation testing tool.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least two sample chambers comprise a cushioned sample chamber comprising a nitrogen section and a fluid sample section claim 1 , and an un-cushioned sample chamber comprising a fluid sample section.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising continuously monitoring pressure and temperature of the fluid within the un-cushioned sample chamber and the cushioned sample chamber from a time of recovery of the fluid to a time of opening the un-cushioned sample chamber and the cushioned sample chamber.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the memory comprises volatile memory or non-volatile memory.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the probes comprise feed through wires configured to allow communication and ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003054A1
Принадлежит: Fiorentini USA Inc

Methods and systems for collecting high quality reservoir samples and determining producibility of those samples are disclosed that provide for a non-stop and no shock sampling process. The systems and methods of the present disclosure are especially important collecting samples of reservoir samples in a manner that most closely resembles production fluids and maintains the reservoir at or near the draw down pressure during the pumping and sampling processes. 1. A tool configured to sample a formation fluid from a reservoir comprising:a reservoir flowline configured to be in fluid communication with a portion of the reservoir;a main pump in fluid communication with the reservoir flowline;a sample container in fluid communication with the reservoir flowline;a sampling pump hydraulically coupled to the sample container and configured to transfer a buffer fluid in and out of the sample container; anda power and processing unit configured to control the main pump and the sampling pump to maintain the reservoir approximately at a drawdown pressure.2. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the sample container comprises:a housing having at least two pistons slidably disposed therein and dividing the housing into at least three chambers, each of the at least three chambers having a variable volume, including an intermediate chamber, a first end chamber and a second end chamber, the intermediate chamber defined by the pistons and wherein the pistons are free of valves;a first conduit configured to pressurize the intermediate chamber with a gas;a second conduit coupled to the first end chamber and the reservoir flowline; anda third conduit coupled to the second end chamber and the sampling pump.3. The tool of claim 2 , further comprising a packer claim 2 , the packer comprised of one of a donut packer and a straddle packer.4. The tool of further comprising a probe assembly claim 2 , the probe assembly comprising: a snorkel coupled to the reservoir flowline and configured to penetrate ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003793A1
Автор: Rowe Mathew D

Methods and systems are disclosed to determine total hydrocarbons from fluid-carrying fluids and solids from a geological formation during downhole operations. Gas extraction at a well site occurs through a gas extractor at a set pressure, detected temperature, detected density, and controlled volume rate. The quantities of various components of interest are determined from samples of fluid influent and effluent from the wellbore by solving a system of equations of state using a group contribution equilibrium model. Knowing approximate chemical compositions of the liquid fluid and solid phases before contamination with formation materials, with the detection of the gas phase and description of the solid phase from the geological formation, to allows for determination of total detectable hydrocarbons from geological formations at the surface, and their concentrations to be expressed as mole or mass fraction for materials coming from a wellbore while downhole operations. 1. A method for characterizing formation fluid , comprising:extracting a gas sample from a fluid exposed to a formation during downhole operations;measuring a temperature of the gas sample;determining from the gas sample a vapor-phase molar contribution of each of one or more components of interest in the fluid;determining a partial vapor pressure for each component of interest using the temperature;determining a liquid-phase molar contribution of each component of interest using the determined partial vapor pressure and the determined vapor-phase molar contribution and a vapor-liquid group contribution equilibrium equation of state; andsubtracting a known chemical composition of the drilling fluid from a sum of the determined vapor-phase and liquid-phase molar contributions of all components to characterize the formation fluid.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein extracting the gas sample comprises extracting an effluent or influent gas sample.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein calculating the liquid- ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002970A1
Автор: NESHEIM Gunvald

The invention relates to the measurement of the rheology of drilling fluid down a hydrocarbon well in real time during operations. A sensor device comprising a pipe rheometer with multiple diameters is installed in a bottom hole assembly tool, such that a portion of the total flow of drilling fluid passes through it. In this way the rheological properties of the drilling fluid can be determined under the high pressures and elevated temperatures encountered downhole. 1. A method of determining rheology characteristics of a non-Newtonian fluid at a point down an oil or gas well , the method including the steps of:a) installing in the drillstring or in a tool of a bottom hole assembly on the drillstring a test apparatus comprising a housing having either (i) a bore having different diameter bore sections along its length or (ii) more than one bore, each bore having a different diameter;b) arranging for a known flow of the fluid to pass through the or each bore;c) for each different diameter bore or bore section, sensing the pressure difference between two points along the bore or bore section; andd) calculating from the bore or bore section diameter, flow rates, sensed pressure differences and distance between pressure sensing points a viscosity value for each diameter bore or bore section.2. The method of wherein the flow through the test apparatus is only a portion of the total flow of the fluid in the well.3. A method of claim 1 , further including providing a volume flow sensor for sensing the volume flow rate of fluid passing through the test apparatus.4. The method of wherein the test apparatus is mounted in the drillstring or in a tool of a bottom hole assembly such that it is substantially prevented from rotating with the drillstring.5. A method of determining rheology characteristics of a non-Newtonian fluid at a point down an oil or gas well claim 1 , the method including the steps of:a) installing in the drillstring or in a tool of a bottom hole assembly on ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003970A1

A tool sensor calibration system and tool calibration method are disclosed herein. A tool sensor calibration system () comprises a flow pipe (), an isolation cell () in fluid communication with the flow pipe, a sensor () positioned proximate to the isolation cell, a fluid chamber ()containing a reference fluid () with a known property value, and a first valve () coupled to the fluid chamber that provides selective fluid communication between the fluid chamber and the flow pipe. A tool calibration method comprises introducing a first fluid () into a flow pipe, introducing a reference fluid into the flow pipe from a fluid chamber in fluid communication with the flow pipe through a valve, wherein the first fluid and the reference fluid mix to form a composite fluid, and detecting a property of the composite fluid at an isolation cell in fluid communication with the flow pipe. 1. A tool sensor calibration system , comprising:a flow pipe;an isolation cell in fluid communication with the flow pipe, wherein the isolation cell comprises a first window and a second window;a sensor positioned proximate to the isolation cell;a fluid chamber coupled to the isolation cell via the flow pipe, wherein the fluid chamber contains a reference fluid having a known property value; anda first valve coupled to the fluid chamber to provide selective fluid communication between the fluid chamber and the flow pipe.2. The system of claim 1 , whereinthe sensor comprises an optical sensor.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising an integrated computational element (ICE) in optical communication with the optical sensor.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the flow pipe is coupled to a reservoir through a second valve claim 1 , wherein the reservoir contains a first fluid.5. The system of claim 4 , further comprising a reciprocating pump coupled to the flow pipe.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the isolation cell contains a composite fluid claim 5 , wherein the composite fluid comprises a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003003A1

Systems and techniques for determining properties of a formation comprising are disclosed. A test tool attached to test string comprising a fluid conduit is deployed to a test position within a wellbore. The deployment includes hydraulically isolating a portion of the wellbore proximate the test tool to form an isolation zone containing the test position. A fluid inflow test is performed within the isolation zone and an initial formation property and a fluid property are determined based on the fluid inflow test. A fluid injection test is performed within the isolation zone including applying an injection fluid through the test string into the isolation zone, wherein the flow rate or pressure of the injection fluid application is determined based, at least in part, on the at least one of the formation property and fluid property, The fluid injection test further includes measuring pressure within the isolation zone to determine a pressure transient associated with the injection of the injection fluid. A property of the formation is determined based on the determined pressure transient. 1. A method for determining properties of a formation comprising:performing a fluid inflow test within an isolation zone of a wellbore;determining a first formation property based, at least in part, on the fluid inflow test; and applying an injection fluid into the isolation zone, wherein a flow parameter for the injection fluid application is determined based, at least in part, on the first formation property; and', 'measuring pressure within the isolation zone to determine a pressure transient associated with the application of the injection fluid., 'performing a fluid injection test within the isolation zone including2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining a second formation property based on the determined pressure transient.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein said determining a second formation property comprises determining at least one of a formation flow ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003607A1

Systems and methods for measuring the viscosity of a fluid may comprise a rotor cup having an inner chamber; a first bob rotatably disposed within a first region of the inner chamber; and a second bob rotatably disposed within a second region of the inner chamber, wherein the second bob rotates relative to the first bob based on a difference in viscosity of fluid in the first region and the second region. 1. A system for measuring the viscosity of a fluid , comprising:a rotor cup having an inner chamber;a first bob rotatably disposed within a first region of the inner chamber; anda second bob rotatably disposed within a second region of the inner chamber, wherein the second bob rotates relative to the first bob based on a difference in viscosity of fluid in the first region and the second region.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first bob is connected to a first shaft and the second bob is connected to a second shaft.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first shaft is concentric to the second shaft.4. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a first sensor connected to the first shaft capable of detecting a first property of the first bob and a second sensor connected to the second shaft capable of detecting a second property of the second bob.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a torque transducer connecting the first bob to the second bob.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a motor capable of rotating the rotor cup about the first bob and the second bob.7. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a heater disposed adjacent to the rotor cup capable of heating the rotor cup and fluid contained therein.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid includes a non-homogeneous fluid.9. A method for measuring the viscosity of a fluid claim 1 , comprising:containing the fluid within a rotor cup having a first bob rotatably disposed within a first region of the rotor cup and a second bob rotatably disposed within a second region of the rotor ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003303A1
Принадлежит: Openfield SA

A downhole local solid particles counting probe () for counting solid particles () in a fluid () present in a hydrocarbon well in production comprising: 1. A downhole local solid particles counting probe for counting solid particles in a fluid present in a hydrocarbon well in production comprising:an elongated and flexible protective tube defining an internal cavity terminating by a membrane wall defining a tip, the protective tube and the membrane wall isolating the internal cavity from the fluid of the hydrocarbon well, the protective tube and membrane wall are made of metal or metal alloy and have a thickness such as to resist to a downhole hydrocarbon well pressure;a passive acoustic sensor mounted inside the internal cavity, the passive acoustic sensor having a front side mechanically coupled on the membrane wall of the tip;wherein:a characteristic dimension of the passive acoustic sensor is similar to solid particles average characteristic dimension, ranging from 0.5 mm to 1.5 mm, and a characteristic dimension of the membrane wall defining the tip ranges from 1 mm to 2 mm;the passive acoustic sensor is arranged to detect acoustic waves generated by solid particles impacting the membrane wall defining the tip so as to resolve an individual impact from a single solid particle and to produce a signal representative of a count of solid particles.2. The probe of claim 1 , wherein the internal cavity is under a pressure ranging from 0 to 4 atm.3. The probe according to claim 1 , wherein the passive acoustic sensor has a disk shape claim 1 , and the protective tube claim 1 , internal cavity and membrane wall have a cylindrical shape.4. The probe according to claim 1 , wherein the passive acoustic sensor is a piezoelectric ceramic.5. The probe according to claim 1 , wherein the protective tube and the membrane wall are made of austenite nickel-chromium-based super-alloys.6. The probe according to claim 4 , wherein the piezoelectric ceramic comprises metallization ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Determining the Oleophilic to Aqueous Phase Fluid Ratio for Drilling Fluids

Номер: US20180003654A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A method for monitoring the oleophilic fluid to aqueous fluid ratio of a drilling fluid includes selecting a sample of the drilling fluid that has been recirculated, measuring the NMR response of the sample of the drilling fluid and determining the oleophilic fluid to aqueous fluid ratio of the drilling fluid based at least in part on the NMR response. 1. A method for monitoring the oleophilic fluid to aqueous fluid ratio of a drilling fluid comprising:selecting a sample of the drilling fluid that has been recirculated;measuring the NMR response of the sample of the drilling fluid; anddetermining the oleophilic fluid to aqueous fluid ratio of the drilling fluid based at least in part on the NMR response.2. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising adjusting the oleophilic fluid to aqueous fluid ratio of the drilling fluid in response to the determined oil to water ratio.3. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising adding drilling fluid additives to the drilling fluid in response to the determined oil to water ratio.4. A method according to claim 3 , wherein the drilling fluid additives may be any drilling fluid additive selected from the group consisting of emulsifiers claim 3 , viscosifiers claim 3 , density modifiers claim 3 , fluid loss control additives claim 3 , thinners claim 3 , lost circulation materials claim 3 , lubricants claim 3 , corrosion inhibitors claim 3 , hydrogen sulfide scavengers claim 3 , salts claim 3 , and combinations thereof.5. A method according to claim 3 , wherein the drilling fluid further comprises a paramagnetic ion selected from the group consisting of Fe claim 3 , Mn claim 3 , Ni claim 3 , Cu claim 3 , Gd claim 3 , 2 claim 3 ,2 claim 3 ,6 claim 3 ,6 claim 3 ,-tetramethylpiperidineyl-1-oxyl claim 3 , and combinations thereof.6. A method according to claim 5 , wherein the paramagnetic ion is Mn and further wherein the Mn is added to the drilling fluid as MnCl.7. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003854A1

The current disclosure is related to a downhole tool that comprises an electronic photon generator and at least one detector. The electronic photon generator comprises a cathode configured to emit electrons, a first target configured to generate photons when struck by the electrons, a second target configured to generate photons when struck by the electrons, and a beam steering device that directs the electrons to a first or second target. The at least one detector is configured to detect at least some of the photons emitted by the first target and at least some of the photons emitted by the second target. 1. A downhole tool , comprising: a cathode configured to emit electrons;', 'a first target configured to generate photons when struck by the electrons;', 'a second target configured to generate photons when struck by the electrons;', 'a beam steering device to direct the electrons to a first or second target; and, 'an electronic photon generator comprisingat least one detector configured to detect at least some of the photons emitted by the first target and at least some of the photons emitted by the second target.2. The downhole tool of claim 1 , wherein:the downhole tool is configured to direct the photons emitted by the first target out of the downhole tool at a first location and into materials outside of the downhole tool;the downhole tool is configured to direct the photons emitted by the second target out of the downhole tool at a second location and into the materials outside of the downhole tool; andthe first location is closer to the detector than the second location, thereby enabling the detector to achieve measurements of a first DOI based on photons emitted by the first target and measurements of a second DOI based on photons emitted by the second target.3. The downhole tool of claim 1 , wherein:the downhole tool is configured to direct the photons emitted by the first target out of the downhole tool at a first location and into materials outside of ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Method of and Apparatus for Determining Component Weight and/or Volume Fractions of Subterranean Rock

Номер: US20210003737A1
Автор: Whetton James Anthony

Component weight and/or volume fractions of subterranean rock are determined. A formation model generates mineral and fluid concentration data from which elemental concentrations are calculated. Forward modeling produces a simulated energy spectrum, and simulation produces a simulated constraining log. Spectra is generated by detecting gamma radiation with a neutron logging tool, and a constraining log is generated. The spectrum and the simulated energy spectrum are compared with resultant error determined. The constraining log and simulated constraining log are compared with resultant error determined. The formation model generates further mineral and fluid concentration to calculate further elemental concentrations. Forward modeling produces further simulated energy spectrum signal and further constraining logs. The spectrum signals and further simulated spectrum signal are compared with resultant error determined. The constraining log and further simulated constraining log are compared, and resultant error is determined. The mineral and fluid concentration are selected that result in minimal error. 1. A method of determining the component weight and/or volume fractions of subterranean rock , comprising the steps of:a. generating or selecting one or more formation model signal representing a formation model listing minerals present in the rock;b. using the one or more formation model signal to generate one or more first formation mineral and fluid concentration data set signal;c. calculating from the one or more first mineral and fluid concentration data set signal one or more first elemental concentration signal representing a first simulated log of elemental concentrations in the rock;d. forward modeling from the one or more elemental concentration signal one or more simulated energy spectrum signal and simulating one or more simulated constraining log signal;e. generating one or more spectrum signal, representing one or more spectra, from detection of gamma ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Simulation Method for Flow Field of Multi-Stage Fracturing on Horizontal Well in Tight Oil Reservoir

Номер: US20210003742A1

A simulation method for flow field of multi-stage fracturing on horizontal well in tight oil reservoir is provided. The tight oil reservoir comprises multiple horizontal wells with multi-stage fracturing, and for any horizontal well of the multiple horizontal wells, the method comprises: establishing a seepage mathematical model involving threshold pressure gradient according to reservoir physical property data and production data of the horizontal well, and determining formation pressure distribution of the horizontal well after multi-stage fracturing production according to the seepage mathematical model; determining formation pressure field distribution of the horizontal well after multi-stage fracturing production according to the formation pressure distribution and basing on principle of complex potential superposition; and establishing a criterion for identifying effective producing range of the horizontal well according to the formation pressure field distribution, and determining flow field range of the horizontal well according to the criterion. 1. A simulation method for flow field of multi-stage fracturing on horizontal well in tight oil reservoir , the tight oil reservoir comprises multiple horizontal wells with multi-stage fracturing , and for any horizontal well of the multiple horizontal wells , the method comprises:establishing a seepage mathematical model involving threshold pressure gradient according to reservoir physical property data and production data of the horizontal well, and determining formation pressure distribution of the horizontal well after multi-stage fracturing production according to the seepage mathematical model;determining formation pressure field distribution of the horizontal well after multi-stage fracturing production according to the formation pressure distribution and basing on principle of complex potential superposition; andestablishing a criterion for identifying effective producing range of the horizontal well ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180004234A1

In some embodiments, an apparatus and a system, as well as a method and article, may operate to identify one or more multiphase fluid flow regimes as an output of fuzzy logic processing, with inputs to the fuzzy logic processing comprising a set of physical parameter values as attributes at a location in a fluid flow that are determined by at least one of measurement or simulation, and to operate a controlled device based on the output. Additional apparatus, systems, and methods are disclosed. 1. A method comprising:identifying one or more fluid flow regimes as an output of fuzzy logic processing, with inputs to the fuzzy logic processing comprising a set of physical parameter values as attributes at a location in a fluid flow that are determined by at least one of measurement or simulation; andoperating a controlled device based on the output.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more fluid flow regimes comprise at least one of a two-phase flow regime claim 1 , a three-phase flow regime claim 1 , or a four-phase flow regime.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the two-phase flow regime comprises at least one of a liquid-liquid flow claim 2 , a gas-solid flow claim 2 , a liquid-solid flow claim 2 , or a gas-liquid flow claim 2 , the gas-liquid flow including at least one of a quiescent mixture claim 2 , a single-phase gas claim 2 , a single-phase liquid claim 2 , a dispersed bubble regime claim 2 , a stratified smooth regime claim 2 , a stratified wavy regime claim 2 , an annular regime claim 2 , a slug regime claim 2 , a churn regime claim 2 , an elongated bubble regime claim 2 , or a bubbly regime.4. (canceled)5. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the fluid flow for the two-phase flow regime occurs in at least one of an annulus, a channel, a conduit, or a duct having a non-circular cross-section;the fluid flow for the three-phase flow regime occurs in at least one of a non-circular pipe, an annulus, or a channel; andthe fluid flow for the four-phase flow regime ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010678A1

A methodology is provided to optimize the dynamic connectivity of a discrete fracture network (DFN) model of a subsurface reservoir against observed reservoir production measures using streamlines and machine learning. Adjustment of discrete fracture network properties of the reservoir is made locally and minimizes computer processing time spent in history matching. An iterative workflow identifies history match issues between measured and predicted or simulated water cut of reservoir produced fluids. Streamline analysis quantifies injector-producer communication and identifies reservoir grid block bundles that dominate dynamic response. A genetic algorithm updates discrete fracture network properties of the reservoir model to improve dynamic history match response. 1. A method of determining a location for drilling a well in a subsurface geological structure of a subsurface hydrocarbon reservoir having existing wells producing fluids comprising hydrocarbons and exhibiting water cut representing water mixed in the fluids being produced , the location being determined indicated by an optimized natural fracture network model of the reservoir , comprising the steps of:(a) obtaining reservoir parameters representing properties of the subsurface reservoir for processing in a data processing system, the reservoir properties including observed cumulative water cut of the produced fluids during production from the existing wells;(b) forming a proposed discrete fracture network model indicating the nature and extent of discrete fractures and fracture flow paths in the reservoir;(c) performing a reservoir simulation history match from the obtained reservoir parameters to determine simulated cumulative water cut of the fluids;(d) determining a measure of the difference between the determined simulated cumulative water cut from the performed reservoir simulation history match and the observed water cut of the produced hydrocarbon fluids from the existing wells;(e) determining ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Fabrication of Unrecorded Data by Gaussian Slowness Period Packet Extrapolation

Номер: US20190004199A1
Автор: William Curry, Yaxun TANG
Принадлежит: Individual

A computer-implemented method for generating missing frequencies within geophysical data, said method including: decomposing, with a computer, geophysical data into frequencies and slowness or wavenumber along time and one or more spatial dimensions; estimating, with a computer, a filter across known frequencies within the geophysical data for each time, spatial dimension, and slowness or wavenumber sample; extrapolating or interpolating, with a computer, the missing frequencies from the known frequencies by applying the filter; recomposing, with a computer, the known frequencies and the missing frequencies back into time and the one or more spatial dimensions; and prospecting for hydrocarbons with geophysical data that includes the missing frequencies.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004205A1
Автор: Guo Weijun, Lee Dongwon

A downhole tool can include a photon beam source configured to transmit a photon beam into materials lining a wellbore. The materials may comprise fluid, casing, and cement. A photon detector in the tool is configured to count detected photons received at a predetermined angle from the materials. The density of the borehole material may be determined in response to the number of detected photons. Changes in a distribution of a plurality of photon count ratio values may indicate the standoff distance. Additional apparatus, systems, and methods are disclosed. 1. A downhole tool comprising:a photon beam source configured to transmit a photon beam into a wellbore;a photon detector configured to count detected photons received at a predetermined angle from materials lining the wellbore; anda controller, coupled to the photon beam source and the photon detector, configured to determine a density of a borehole material based on a number of detected photons received at the predetermined angle.2. The downhole tool of claim 1 , wherein the detector is a multi-element photon detector.3. The downhole tool of claim 1 , further comprising a detector collimator coupled to the detector and configured such that only photons received at the predetermined angle are detected by the detector.4. The downhole tool of claim 1 , wherein the photon beam source comprises an X-ray tube claim 1 , a chemical source claim 1 , or a gamma-ray source.5. The downhole tool of claim 1 , wherein the detector is a photo-sensor configured to generate an electrical signal in response to scintillation photons.6. The downhole tool of claim 1 , further comprising a tool housing to contain the photon beam source and photon detector wherein the tool housing comprises a photon shielding material.7. The downhole tool of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to determine a plurality of photon count ratio values claim 1 , construct a distribution of the photon ratio values with respect to distance ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Method for Characterization of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs

Номер: US20150006084A1

A methodology that performs fluid sampling within a wellbore traversing a reservoir and fluid analysis on the fluid sample(s) to determine properties (including asphaltene concentration) of the fluid sample(s). At least one model is used to predict asphaltene concentration as a function of location in the reservoir. The predicted asphaltene concentrations are compared with corresponding concentrations measured by the fluid analysis to identify if the asphaltene of the fluid sample(s) corresponds to a particular asphaltene type (e.g., asphaltene clusters common in heavy oil). If so, a viscosity model is used to derive viscosity of the reservoir fluids as a function of location in the reservoir. The viscosity model allows for gradients in the viscosity of the reservoir fluids as a function of depth. The results of the viscosity model (and/or parts thereof) can be used in reservoir understanding workflows and in reservoir simulation. 1. A method for characterizing petroleum fluid in a reservoir traversed by at least one wellbore , the method comprising:(a) for at least one location within the at least one wellbore, acquiring at least one fluid sample at the location;(b) performing fluid analysis of the fluid sample(s) acquired in (a) to measure properties of the fluid sample(s), the properties including asphaltene concentration;(c) using at least one model that predicts asphaltene concentration as a function of location in the reservoir;(d) comparing the predicted asphaltene concentrations as derived in (c) with corresponding concentrations measured by the fluid analysis in (b) for corresponding locations in the wellbore to identify if the asphaltene of the fluid sample(s) corresponds to a particular asphaltene type;(e) in the event that the asphaltene of the fluid sample(s) corresponds to the particular asphaltene type, using a viscosity model to derive viscosity of the reservoir fluids as a function of location in the reservoir, wherein the viscosity model allows for ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Sampling Separation Module for Subsea or Surface Application

Номер: US20150007648A1

The disclosure describes a system to segregate, enrich and capture oil, water and gas samples from a multiphase flow. The system can be used in a subsea location, on the surface or in any other condition where it is connected to a flow of different phases of gas and/or liquid. The samples obtained are representative in composition of the phases flowing at well head conditions in terms of both pressure and temperature. Additionally, a relatively small volume of each phase is used in obtaining the samples. The system connects and disconnects to ports installed at the sampling location nearby the wellhead or the production line. The sampling flow is controlled by means of a pump. The collected samples are separated in mono (or nearly mono)—phase samples (oil, water and gas) and stored in individual bottles. 1. A system for separating and sampling fluid from a multiphase fluid , the system comprising:a separation chamber; andan inlet port operatively connected to the separation chamber at an inlet location for flowing the multiphase fluid into the separation chamber;an upper outlet port operatively connected to the separation chamber at an upper outlet location, the upper outlet location being above the inlet location during operation;a first sensor configured and operatively connected to make measurements indicative of phase content of fluid passing through the upper outlet port;a lower outlet port operatively connected to the separation chamber at a lower outlet location, the lower outlet location being below the inlet location during operation;a second sensor configured and operatively connected to make measurements indicative of phase content of fluid passing through the lower outlet port; anda pumping system adapted and configured to circulate fluid into the separation chamber via the inlet port and out of the separation chamber via the upper outlet port or the lower outlet port, wherein a desired fluid phase is accumulated within the separation chamber.25-. ( ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

AC/DC Downhole Power Switch Using Switching Communication System

Номер: US20180006684A1
Автор: NAITO Koichi, Sawaf Tamim

A method includes receiving a request to supply power of a first type to a toolstring. The toolstring includes a first tool that operates using the power of the first type and a second tool that operates using power of a second type. The method also includes receiving an indication of a relay configuration relating to relay positions of relays of a switching circuit in the toolstring. The relay configuration enables the switching circuit to selectively supply the power of the first type or the power of the second type to the toolstring via a switching communication system. The method further includes, when the relay configuration does not enable the switching circuit to supply the power of the first type, sending a first command to the switching communication system to change the relay configuration to enable the switching circuit to supply the power of the first type. 1. A method , comprising:receiving, via a processor at a surface location, a request to supply power of a first type to a toolstring disposed in a wellbore in a geological formation, wherein the toolstring comprises a first tool configured to operate using the power of the first type and a second tool configured to operate using power of a second type different from the first type;receiving, via the processor, an indication of a relay configuration relating to one or more relay positions of one or more relays of a switching circuit in the toolstring, wherein the relay configuration is configured to enable the switching circuit to selectively supply the power of the first type or the power of the second type to the toolstring via a switching communication system; andwhen the relay configuration does not enable the switching circuit to supply the power of the first type, sending, via the processor, a first command to the switching communication system to change the relay configuration to enable the switching circuit to supply the power of the first type.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising sending ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009543A1

Disclosed embodiments include systems and methods for improving the accuracy of bottom hole pressure control. One example embodiment includes a torque and drag model that calculates the elasticity of the drill string, which is included in a managed pressure drilling control system. The addition of the torque and drag calculations provide more accurate surge/swab effect calculations based on pipe movement corrected for elasticity effects. The results of these calculations will be used in a real-time hydraulics model to determine a setpoint pressure which will be utilized by a MPD choke system. Further, the real-time torque and drag models are calibrated to actual hole conditions in real-time using survey, temperature, pressure and downhole tool data to calculate friction factors in a wellbore. 1. A method comprising:obtaining at least one fluid property of an input fluid to a well and of a return fluid from the well;calculating an elasticity parameter of a drill string within the well based at least in part on the at least one fluid property;calculating a wellhead setpoint pressure that results in a predetermined downhole pressure at a predetermined location in the well, the calculation based at least in part on the elasticity parameter and the at least one fluid property; andcontrollably regulating the flow of the return fluid to maintain the calculated wellhead setpoint pressure.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one fluid property comprises at least one of: fluid density claim 1 , oil/water ratio claim 1 , chlorides content claim 1 , electric stability claim 1 , shear stress of the fluid claim 1 , gel strength claim 1 , plastic viscosity claim 1 , yield point claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein calculating the elasticity parameter further comprises using a torque and drag model to calculate the elasticity of the drill string.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising calibrating the torque and drag model to ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009558A1
Автор: Fleming Graham, Wong Terry

System and methods of modeling fluids in a simulation of fluid production in a multi-reservoir system with a common surface network are provided. Pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) data is determined for fluids in each of a plurality of reservoirs coupled to the common surface network. A shared equation of state (EOS) characterization representing each of the fluids across the plurality of reservoirs is generated based on the corresponding PVT data. Data representing properties of the fluids in each reservoir is calculated based on the shared EOS characterization of the fluids. When the calculated data is determined not to match the PVT data associated with the fluids in each reservoir, to the shared EOS characterization is adjusted based on a difference between the calculated data and the PVT data. 1. A computer-implemented method of modeling fluids in a simulation of fluid production in a multi-reservoir system with a common surface network , the method comprising:determining pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) data for fluids in each of a plurality of reservoirs coupled to the common surface network;generating a shared equation of state (EOS) characterization representing each of the fluids across the plurality of reservoirs, based on the corresponding PVT data for the fluids in each reservoir;calculating data representing properties of the fluids in each reservoir, based on the shared EOS characterization of the fluids;determining whether or not the calculated data matches the PVT data associated with the fluids in each reservoir; andwhen the calculated data is determined not to match the PVT data, adjusting the shared EOS characterization based on a difference between the calculated data and the PVT data.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the PVT data is based on existing data within a range of temperature and pressure conditions within the common surface network.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the PVT data is generated based on a previously established EOS ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220026314A1
Автор: Klentzman James T.

A sample pressure reducing system is provided that integrates various pressure applications into a single system that provides the end user with a high-integrity sample without damaging equipment. The system facilitates sampling high-pressure product into a low-pressure container. The system fills and transfers product to reduce pressure automatically and repeatedly. 1. A system for sampling a crude oil sample at a reduced pressure , the system comprising:a dual-cavity cylinder comprising each of a first cavity and a second cavity;a piston positioned between the first cavity and the second cavity;a blanket gas applied to the second cavity of the dual-cavity cylinder;a first solenoid;wherein when the first solenoid is activated, sample is provided to the system.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system includes a second solenoid claim 1 , and wherein when the second solenoid is activated claim 1 , sample is provided to the first cavity in the dual-cavity cylinder.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system includes a sample container from which sample from the dual-cavity cylinder may be transferred when the dual-cavity cylinder reaches a predetermined volume of sample.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the system includes each of a first actuation valve and a second actuation valve claim 3 , wherein each of the first actuation valve and the second actuation valve are in communication with the dual-cavity cylinder claim 3 , and wherein when the first actuation valve is open claim 3 , sample is provided to the dual-cavity cylinder via the first actuation valve claim 3 , and wherein when the second actuation valve is open claim 3 , sample is provided from the dual-cavity cylinder to the sample container via the second actuation valve.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system includes a maximum proximity switch associated with the dual-cavity cylinder claim 1 , and wherein when a volume of sample reaches a predetermined maximum volume in the dual-cavity ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Secondary hydrocarbon-fluid recovery enhancement

Номер: US20180010035A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A chelating agent can be used to enhance secondary hydrocarbon-fluid recovery during waterflooding operations. A composition can include a fluid and a chelating agent. The chelating agent can increase the viscosity of the fluid, which can enhance the efficacy of the waterflooding operations. The chelating agent can also form complexes with divalent cations in precipitates and solids formed by the divalent cations. The complexes can keep the cations in a soluble form until the composition exits the production well, which can prevent precipitates from forming in the production well and blocking pore throats in the production well.
