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10-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000045468U1

1. Система очистки и рециркуляции выхлопных газов дизельного двигателя, включающая впускной трубопровод, выпускной трубопровод, трубопровод рециркуляции, снабженный охладителем, регулируемый клапан, устройство фильтрации, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно содержит датчик давления выхлопных газов, всасывающе-нагнетающее устройство, при этом датчик давления выхлопных газов, устройство фильтрации, всасывающе-нагнетающее устройство расположены последовательно по ходу потока выхлопных газов в выпускном трубопроводе, трубопровод рециркуляции с одной стороны соединен с выпускным трубопроводом после всасывающе-нагнетающего устройства или через всасывающе-нагнетающее устройство, а с другой стороны сообщен с впускным трубопроводом через регулируемый клапан, всасывающе-нагнетающее устройство снабжено электроприводом, выполненным с возможностью регулирования частоты вращения. 2. Система очистки по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что всасывающе-нагнетающее устройство выполнено в виде ротора с лопатками, установленного в цилиндрическом корпусе с торцевыми стенками, образующем проточную камеру, снабженную впускным, выпускным и рециркуляционным патрубками, причем впускной патрубок устройства сообщен с выпускным трубопроводом, рециркуляционный патрубок сообщен с рециркуляционным трубопроводом. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 45 468 (13) U1 (51) МПК F01N 9/00 (2000.01) F02B 35/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005102176/22 , 24.01.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.01.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2005 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Корабельников Сергей Кимович (RU), Капустин Александр Александрович (RU), Рыженков Анатолий Анатольевич (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 4 5 4 6 8 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Система очистки и рециркуляции выхлопных газов дизельного двигателя, включающая впускной трубопровод, выпускной трубопровод, трубопровод рециркуляции, ...

20-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000151041U1

1. Система двигателя, содержащая блок отбора мощности; дизельный сажевый фильтр систему рециркуляции выхлопных газов; и контроллер двигателя, выполненный с возможностью оценки уровня сажевой нагрузки в дизельном сажевом фильтре и уменьшения интенсивности рециркуляции выхлопных газов, когда двигатель находится в режиме отбора мощности стационарно, и уровень сажевой нагрузки в дизельном сажевом фильтре находится выше заданного порогового значения. 2. Система двигателя по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая форсунку для мочевины выше по потоку от дизельного сажевого фильтра. 3. Система двигателя по п. 2, в которой впрыск мочевины форсункой для мочевины увеличивается контроллером двигателя в ответ на уровень сажевой нагрузки в дизельном сажевом фильтре выше заданного порогового значения. 4. Система двигателя по п. 1, в котором величина, на которую уменьшается интенсивность рециркуляции выхлопных газов, обратно пропорциональна нагрузке отбора мощности, чтобы по мере возрастания нагрузки отбора мощности интенсивность рециркуляции выхлопных газов уменьшалась на меньшую величину. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 151 041 U1 (51) МПК F01N 3/08 (2006.01) F01N 9/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014118563/06, 07.05.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.05.2014 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (45) Опубликовано: 20.03.2015 Бюл. № 8 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФОРД ГЛОУБАЛ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ, ЭлЭлСи (US) 1 5 1 0 4 1 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Система двигателя, содержащая блок отбора мощности; дизельный сажевый фильтр систему рециркуляции выхлопных газов; и контроллер двигателя, выполненный с возможностью оценки уровня сажевой нагрузки в дизельном сажевом фильтре и уменьшения интенсивности рециркуляции выхлопных газов, когда двигатель находится в режиме отбора мощности стационарно, и уровень сажевой нагрузки в дизельном сажевом фильтре находится выше заданного ...

20-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000152740U1

1. Система контроля устройства снижения токсичности выхлопа, присоединенного к двигателю внутреннего сгорания, содержащая: датчик топливовоздушного соотношения, присоединенный ниже по потоку от объема материала каталитического нейтрализатора устройства снижения токсичности выхлопа; систему управления, имеющую машиночитаемый носитель с командами, закодированными на нем, причем команды содержат: команды для инициирования перекрытия топлива при замедлении на основании условий эксплуатации двигателя; вслед за перекрытием топлива при замедлении, команды для начала топливоснабжения в ответ на нажатие педали акселератора водителем; вслед за нажатием педали акселератора водителем, команды для оценки суммарной величины массы топлива, поданной от начала топливоснабжения до переключения датчика топливовоздушного соотношения с обеднения на обогащение без учета задержки распространения; команды для применения оцененной суммарной величины массы топлива к машине опорных векторов, чтобы формировать выходной сигнал классификации; и команды для указания ухудшения характеристик каталитического нейтрализатора на основании выходного сигнала классификации. 2. Система по п. 1, в которой машина опорных векторов включает в себя алгоритм группирования для сокращения количества опорных векторов, определяющих плоскость классификации и зону буферизации вокруг плоскости классификации, в которой выходной сигнал классификации не формируется. Ц 152740 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 152 740” 4 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 15.03.2021 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 11.11.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 11.11.2021 Бюл. №32 Стр.: 1 па ОДС ЯчР ЕП

03-07-2017 дата публикации

Электропроводка "насос дозатор мочевины - электронный блок управления двигателем" системы избирательного каталитического восстановления транспортного средства

Номер: RU0000172263U1

Полезная модель относится к электропроводке для подключения электрических приборов и устройств, предназначенной, в частности, для управления работой двигателей внутреннего сгорания транспортных средств. Техническим результатом полезной модели является повышение надежности системы SCR в условиях низких температур окружающей среды. Технический результат обеспечивается электропроводкой «насос-дозатор мочевины - электронный блок управления ДВС» системы избирательного каталитического восстановления транспортного средства, при этом электропроводка выполнена в виде жгута проводов, снабженного на концах соединительными контакт-деталями, одна из которых предназначена для подключения к ответной контакт-детали насоса-дозатора мочевины, а другая, соответственно, для подключения к ответной контакт-детали электронного блока управления двигателем, причем согласно предложенному решению, упомянутая электропроводка дополнительно снабжена промежуточным открытым электрическим разъемным соединителем. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 172 263 U1 (51) МПК F01N 3/10 (2006.01) F01N 9/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016137579, 20.09.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.09.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Пугачев Станислав Андреевич (RU), Козыркин Владимир Борисович (RU) 03.07.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 20.09.2016 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2545264 27.03.2015 C2. RU 1 7 2 2 6 3 R U (54) Электропроводка "насос дозатор мочевины - электронный блок управления двигателем" системы избирательного каталитического восстановления транспортного средства (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к электропроводка выполнена в виде жгута электропроводке для подключения электрических проводов, снабженного на концах приборов и устройств, предназначенной, в соединительными контакт-деталями, одна из частности, для управления работой двигателей которых ...

07-08-2019 дата публикации

Устройство для обеспечения оптимальных условий работы при техническом обслуживании орудий бронетанкового вооружения

Номер: RU0000191470U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам, обеспечивающим оптимальные условия работы при техническом обслуживании орудий бронетанкового вооружения. Недостатком известного технического решения является несовершенство его конструкции, выраженное в том, что отработавшие газы из устройства выпуска отработавших газов двигателя внутреннего сгорания машины, выходят в атмосферу в районе механизма для чистки ствола, то есть там, где располагается технический персонал, проводимый техническое обслуживание, что оказывает на него негативное влияние, снижая эффективность проведения работ по техническому обслуживанию орудий при использовании механизма чистки ствольных труб. Техническим результатом настоящей полезной модели является обеспечение оптимальных условий работ по техническому обслуживанию орудий, уменьшение воздействия вредных веществ отработавших газов двигателя внутреннего сгорания контрольно-проверочной машины на личный состав технического персонала. Предлагаемое устройство позволяет снизить вредное и опасное воздействие на личный состав технического персонала вредных веществ отработавших газов, повысить эффективность выполнения работ по техническому обслуживанию орудий. И 1 191470 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 194 470” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 06.03.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 16.11.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 16.11.2020 Бюл. №32 Стр.: 1 па ОДУГб | ЕП

21-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000204359U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения, а именно к системам очистки отработавших газов двигателей внутреннего сгорания, и может быть использована в выпускной системе дизельных двигателей, для снижения выбросов сажи и вредных веществ. Устройство состоит из датчика положения коленчатого вала 1, двух времязадающих цепей 2, 17 интегрального блок-таймера 3, выхлопного коллектора 4, впускного патрубка 5 аэрозольной камеры, ионизирующего контура 21, трубок 6 для подачи раствора (водяного аэрозоля), форсунок 7, бака с нейтрализующим раствором 8, жидкостного насоса 9, центробежного каплеуловителя 10, жидкостного нейтрализатора, выпускного патрубка 12, блока измерителя температуры 13, формирователя тока заряда 14, электронного блока управления 15, операционного усилителя 16, ключа 18, источника тока 19, блока питания ионизатора (блока зарядки) 20 и положительного электрода 22 бака 6 нейтрализующего раствора. Использование предлагаемой полезной модели позволит повысить эффективность работы устройства для очистки отработавших газов, что в свою очередь позволит улучшить экологические показатели дизельного двигателя, снизив выбросы сажи и вредных веществ в атмосферу. 204359 И 1 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 204 359” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 12.05.2021 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 15.07.2022 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 15.07.2022 Бюл. №20 Стр.: 1 69 $ 70С па ЕП

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Injection system for an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20120006011A1
Принадлежит: Scion Sprays Ltd

The present invention relates to an internal combustion engine having an injector which functions as a a positive displacement pump and dispenses an amount of lubricant fixed for each and every operation of the injector. The fluid dispensed could be a lubricant delivered directly to crankshaft bearings, camshaft bearings, tappets or cylinder sleeve. Alternatively the fluid could be fuel, water or urea delivered to an exhaust system upstream of a catalytic converter. The injector can have a one-way valve with a valve element having a domed or conical surface for directing fluid flow across a sharp edge which induces turbulence in the fluid flow.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for regenerating a particle filter

Номер: US20120031076A1

A method for the targeted initiation of a regeneration of a particle filter in an exhaust-gas duct of an internal combustion engine which has a catalytic converter downstream of the particle filter in the flow direction of the exhaust gas, the regeneration of the particle filter taking place by means of an oxidative burn-off of the particles during the regeneration phase.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust gas cleaning system for engineering vehicle

Номер: US20120047883A1

An exhaust gas cleaning system is provided in an engineering vehicle such as a hydraulic excavator. During automatic regeneration, when a gate lock lever 5 is in a locked state and work is not performed, the exhaust gas temperature detected by the exhaust temperature detecting device 37 may be lower than the threshold value, so temperature-rising assistance is started as follows. The minimum engine output PS 1 (pump discharge pressure P 1 and pump discharge amount Q 1 ) is brought to engine output PS 2 (pump discharge pressure P 2 and pump discharge amount Q 2 ). In this way, a hydraulic load is applied to an engine to thereby increase exhaust gas temperature. When the work is resumed during the regeneration, an operator pulls down the gate lock lever to the first position A, and the engine output is returned to PS 1. Thus, the temperature-rising assistance is stopped, however the automatic regeneration is continued.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Filtration arrangement for an exhaust aftertreatment system for a locomotive two-stroke diesel engine

Номер: US20120079818A1
Автор: Gary R. Svihla
Принадлежит: Individual

A diesel locomotive filter arrangement for maintaining elements used to filter particulate matter generated by diesel engines. Servicing the filters is accomplished in a modular fashion through either the complete aftertreatment system and/or the individual elements in-situ. As to the in-situ arrangement, modularity is accomplished without structural liability to the system and with minimum system joint breakage. As to the complete system arrangement, modularity is accomplished via residing the entirety of the aftertreatment system on a support tray which is removable with minimum connection separation.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Particulate filter ash loading prediction method and vehicle using same

Номер: US20120083967A1
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

A particulate filter ash loading prediction method including the steps of determining a service age for the particulate filter; calculating an ash accumulation rate in the particulate filter; determining a maximum service age for the particulate filter dependent upon the ash accumulation rate; and comparing the service age to the maximum service age. If the service age exceeds the maximum service age then indicating that a service and/or replacement of the particulate filter is needed due to ash loading.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Particulate filter ash loading prediction method and vehicle using same

Номер: US20120083990A1
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

A particulate filter ash loading prediction method including the steps of determining a maximum average time for the filter; performing a calculation of a running average of time between regenerations of the filter; calculating an end-of-service life ratio of the filter dependent upon the maximum average time and the running average. The method further includes the steps of determining a delta pressure adjustment factor to compensate for ash loading of the filter depending upon the end-of-service life ratio; and comparing the delta pressure adjustment factor to a predetermined maximum delta pressure value, and, if the delta pressure adjustment factor exceeds the predetermined maximum normalized delta pressure adjustment factor, then indicating that a service or replacement of the filter is needed due to the ash loading.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Control of aftertreatment regeneration in a hybrid powered vehicle

Номер: US20120090294A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc

A method for controlling aftertreatment regeneration for a system having a hybrid powertrain is described. The method includes determining that an engine aftertreatment regeneration is indicated when a regeneration request index exceeds a first threshold. The method includes determining an acceptable battery usage amount based on a current battery state of charge (SOC) and a minimum battery SOC. The method further includes determining a battery usage amount for an engine aftertreatment regeneration operation. The method includes initiating an engine aftertreatment regeneration when the battery usage amount is less than or equal to the acceptable battery usage amount.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

System and method for controlling regeneration of an exhaust after-treatment device

Номер: US20120102921A1

A method for controlling regeneration of an exhaust after-treatment device for an internal combustion engine in a vehicle includes establishing a baseline value for a mass of soot collected in the exhaust after-treatment device. The baseline value is a threshold mass of soot to be reached for regenerating the filter, and is determined as a function of a speed of the engine and a quantity of fuel entering the engine. The method also includes modifying the baseline value in response to an engine operating parameter that alters a fuel-air ratio of a combustible mixture entering the engine to generate a modified baseline value. The method additionally includes regenerating the exhaust after-treatment device using the modified baseline value. A system for controlling regeneration of an exhaust after-treatment device for an internal combustion engine is also provided.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for detecting particulate matter contained in a gas to be measured

Номер: US20120103059A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A particulate matter detection element includes a capacitance component disposed in parallel with a detected resistance R SEN . A direct current-power source that supplies a direct current (I DC ) for particulate matter detection, and an alternating-current power source that supplies an alternating current (I AC ) for disconnection detection are provided.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust particulate filter system and methods

Номер: US20120159929A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A method of operating an exhaust particulate filter system for an internal combustion engine includes transmitting electromagnetic energy, for example having a frequency above about 2 GHz through an exhaust particulate filter containing trapped soot. The transmitted electromagnetic energy may be attenuated in response to the trapped soot, and a filter soot loading value calculated based at least in part upon a correlation among an attenuation of the electromagnetic energy, a temperature of the filter, and a mass of the trapped soot. An algorithm based upon a partial derivative of an equation representing the correlation may be used in calculating the filter soot loading value, and a resulting soot mass. Responsive to determining the calculated soot mass satisfies regeneration suitability conditions, a regeneration initiation command may be outputted.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust gas pressure loss calculation device for engine

Номер: US20120192635A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

An object of the present invention is to provide a corrected exhaust gas pressure loss calculation device which corrects an exhaust gas pressure loss that varies from moment to moment in accordance with engine operating conditions to a corrected exhaust gas pressure loss that can be used directly in control. The present invention converts an exhaust gas pressure into the corrected exhaust gas pressure loss, which is an exhaust gas pressure loss under a reference condition, from a relationship between an exhaust gas mass flow rate and an exhaust gas mass flow rate under the reference condition, a relationship between an exhaust gas temperature and an exhaust gas temperature under the reference condition, a relationship between the exhaust gas pressure and an exhaust gas pressure under the reference condition, and a relationship between an exhaust gas viscosity coefficient under a condition of the exhaust gas temperature and a viscosity coefficient of a viscous gas under the reference condition.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Adaptive diesel particulate filter regeneration control and method

Номер: US20120204537A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

An after-treatment device that includes a diesel particulate filter (DPF) requiring periodic regeneration includes a sensor providing a signal indicative of a soot accumulation and at least one device providing an operating parameter indicative of a work mode of the machine. A controller determines a soot loading of the DPF based least partially on the soot signal, and a readiness level based on the operating parameter. A soot level trigger is determined based on a time period since a regeneration was completed and the readiness level, and a debounce time period is determined based on the soot loading and the readiness level. The controller is configured to initiate a regeneration event of the DPF when the debounce time period has expired while the soot loading exceeds the soot level trigger.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust purification system for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20120222406A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An exhaust purification system for an internal combustion engine capable of lean-burn driving comprises: an NSR catalyst disposed in an exhaust passageway; an SCR disposed downstream of the NSR catalyst; a NOx sensor, disposed downstream of the SCR, for producing output in response to NOx concentration; and rich-spike means for causing a rich-spike. When the NOx sensor has produced output indicative of a NOx concentration higher than a given NOx concentration, the system increases the amount of the NOx contained in the exhaust gas discharged during the rich-spike. Under a given high-load condition, the air-fuel ratio is made stoichiometric during the rich-spike caused at a particular timing. Under a given low-load condition, the amount of exhaust gas is increased during the rich-spike.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Catalyst warming-up controller for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20120222407A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A catalyst warming-up controller executes a catalyst warming-up control in which an ignition timing is retarded to warm-up a catalyst and performs a compression-stroke injection in which a fuel is injected into a cylinder in a compression stroke. While the catalyst warming-up control is executed, a variable valve timing controller controls a valve timing of an intake valve and/or an exhaust valve to establish a negative-valve-overlap period in which both of the exhaust valve and the intake valve are closed. A fuel injector injects the fuel into a cylinder in this period and a quantity of the compression-stroke injection is decreasingly corrected according to the injection quantity in the above period.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust purifying apparatus for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20120240559A1
Автор: Kenichi Tsujimoto
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

Degradation of ignition means due to combustion of foreign objects attached to the ignition means is suppressed. There are provided a fuel supplying apparatus for supplying fuel into an exhaust passage in an internal combustion engine, a heating apparatus for burning the supplied fuel, and a controller. The controller, in a case where unburned components of an exhaust gas are deposited in the heating apparatus, burns the deposited unburned components by the heating apparatus for removal before increasing a temperature of the exhaust gas by igniting the fuel supplied from the fuel supplying apparatus by the heating apparatus.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust methane control systems and methods

Номер: US20120247086A1

A system for a vehicle, includes a conversion temperature determination module and a heating control module. The conversion temperature determination module generates a methane conversion temperature corresponding to a predetermined methane conversion efficiency. The heating control module selectively applies power to a substrate of an electrically heated catalyst (EHC) based on a temperature of the EHC and the methane conversion temperature. The EHC includes at least one catalyst that reacts with methane in exhaust output from an engine.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Methods And System For Ash Detection In Exhaust Particulate Filter

Номер: US20120291419A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A method of detecting ash in an exhaust particulate filter system for an internal combustion engine includes transmitting electromagnetic energy through an exhaust particulate filter containing soot and ash, and sensing a strength of the transmitted electromagnetic energy after having been attenuated in response to the soot. The method further includes electronically storing a filter monitoring history responsive to a difference between the transmitted strength and the sensed strength of the electromagnetic energy, and detecting an amount of the ash based at least in part upon a pattern of electromagnetic energy attenuation defined by the stored filter monitoring history. An exhaust particulate filter system for implementing related methodology includes a microprocessor configured to determine a value indicative of an amount of ash contained within an exhaust particulate filter responsive to a pattern of electromagnetic energy attenuation defined by a stored filter monitoring history.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust treatment methods and systems

Номер: US20120291421A1

A control method for an exhaust treatment system is provided. The method includes: selectively determining a fluid state from a plurality of fluid states based on a temperature of a fluid supply source; estimating an average consumption rate based on the fluid state; and evaluating a fluid supply within the fluid supply source based on the average consumption rate.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Anti-sound system for exhaust systems and method for controlling the same

Номер: US20130013147A1
Принадлежит: J Eberspaecher GmbH and Co KG

Based on sound measured in the interior of an exhaust system components of an ideal control signal are calculated, the components comprising sine wave oscillations comprising amplitudes phase-shifted by 90° relative to each other. From the amplitudes, an overall amplitude is calculated. If the overall amplitude is greater than a reference amplitude, calculating a correction factor from the reference amplitude and the overall amplitude, weighting the amplitudes with the correction factor to obtain weighted amplitudes, and forming the sum of the products of the weighted amplitudes with the associated sine wave oscillations and outputting the sum as control signal to a loudspeaker, follows. Otherwise, if the overall amplitude is smaller or equal to the reference amplitude, forming the sum of the products of the amplitudes of the ideal control signal with the associated sine wave oscillations and outputting the sum as control signal to the loudspeaker, follows.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Reductant Injection Control System

Номер: US20130031890A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A control system for reducing nitrogen oxides in an engine exhaust of an engine includes an emissions catalyst having an inlet adapted to receive an exhaust from the engine. A reductant tank stores a reductant. An injector is in fluid communication with the reductant tank and is operable to inject the reductant into the exhaust upstream of the catalyst. A reductant pump pumps the reductant from the reductant tank to the injector. A controller determines a target pressure of the reductant based on an engine operating condition and operates the reductant pump based on the target pressure.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Desulfurization method for lnt system

Номер: US20130040802A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A desulfurization method of a nitrogen oxide absorption catalyst when diesel is used may include determining how many times a regeneration of a diesel particulate filter (DPF) is completed, ending a DPF regeneration, if the number of times of the DPF regeneration reaches a predetermined value and entering into a desulfurization mode to desulfurize the DPF, ending the desulfurization mode after the desulfurization mode is performed for a predetermined time, and calculating a particulate matters (PM) amount that is trapped in the DPF after the desulfurization, compensating the trapped PM amount, and determining a time of the DPF regeneration. A desulfurization timing is determined based on the number of times that the DPF is regenerated to be able to simplify the desulfurization logic and also reduce the memory of ECU, when the LNT catalyst is poisoned by a small amount of sulfur included in exhaust gas.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust gas purification system in upland area

Номер: US20130061582A1
Принадлежит: Isuzu Motors Ltd

When a diesel particulate diffuser (“DPD”) of a vehicle traveling in a normal drive mode in the upland area is to be automatically regenerated by raising a temperature of exhaust gas from an engine, an exhaust gas purification system determines an upland full-load injection quantity from the atmospheric pressure in the upland area and an engine speed while the vehicle is in motion and drives the vehicle with the injection quantity determined. The system determines, during the regeneration mode, an upland drive regeneration injection quantity obtained by decreasing the upland full-load injection quantity on the basis of a quantity required for the post-injection. The injection quantity is gradually decreased from the upland full-load injection quantity to the upland regeneration drive injection quantity when the vehicle shifts from the normal drive mode in the upland area to the upland regeneration mode, so that the decreased quantity is used for the post-injection.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Selective catalytic reduction system

Номер: US20130064718A1
Принадлежит: Isuzu Motors Ltd

An SCR system that can detect a NO x concentration accurately irrespective of an operation state of an engine is provided. The SCR system including: an SCR device 103 provided in an exhaust pipe 102 for an engine E; a dosing valve 104 that injects urea solution on an upstream side of the SCR device 103 ; a NO x sensor 110 provided in the exhaust pipe 102 ; and an urea solution injection control unit 127 that controls a urea solution injection quantity according to a NO x concentration value detected by the NO x sensor 110 includes a pressure estimation unit 131 that estimates a NO x sensor pressure that is a pressure inside the exhaust pipe 102 at a position where the NO x sensor 110 is provided, and a NO x concentration detection value correction unit 136 that corrects the NO x concentration value detected by the NO x sensor 110 , according to the NO x sensor pressure estimated by the pressure estimation unit 131.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130067892A1

A selective catalytic reduction system (SCR) that reduces a burden on a battery resulting from energization of a heater and a decrease in time during which an NOx concentration cannot be detected. The SCR system includes: an SCR device; a dosing valve; NOx sensors; an urea solution injection control unit; electric heaters for raising respective temperatures of the NOx sensors to a sensor operating temperature; and an energization permission unit that prohibits energization of the heaters at the time of a start of an engine and permits energization of the heaters when engine revolutions become equal to or exceed a preset energization permission threshold value and such state lasts for a period of time equal to or exceeding a preset stabilization wait time. 1. An SCR system comprising:a selective catalytic reduction device provided in an exhaust pipe for an engine;a dosing valve that injects urea solution on an upstream side of the selective catalytic reduction device;{'sub': x', 'x, 'an NOsensor that detects an NOconcentration in an exhaust gas;'}{'sub': x', 'x, 'a urea solution injection control unit that controls the urea solution injection according to the NOconcentration detected by the NOsensor;'}{'sub': 'x', 'an electric heater for raising a temperature of the NOsensor to a sensor operating temperature; and'}an energization permission unit that prohibits energization of the heater at the time of a start of the engine, and permits energization of the heater when an engine revolutions becomes equal to or higher than a preset energization permission threshold value and such state lasts for a period of time equal to or exceeding a preset stabilization wait time.2. The SCR system according to claim 1 , wherein the energization permission unit prohibits energization of the heater when the engine revolutions becomes equal to or falls below a preset energization prohibition threshold value during operation of the engine and such state lasts for a period of time equal ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Method for Operating a Particle Filter

Номер: US20130074476A1
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

A method for operating a particle filter that filters particles contained in the exhaust of motor vehicle combustion engines. A conditioning step is performed such that the separation efficiency of the particle filter for particles is increased relative to the value existing in the new condition.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust gas purification system

Номер: US20130081367A1
Принадлежит: Isuzu Motors Ltd

A diesel particulate defuser (DPD) for collecting particulate matter (PM) in exhaust gas is connected to an exhaust pipe of a diesel engine, and when the amount of PM in the DPD becomes equal to or greater than a predetermined amount, the exhaust gas temperature of the diesel engine is increased by performing exhaust pipe injection and DPD is automatically regenerated. In such an exhaust gas purification system, an exhaust gas temperature during DPD regeneration in automatic regeneration is detected, a difference between the detected exhaust gas temperature and a target regeneration temperature is determined, and in a case where an exhaust pipe injection amount is PID controlled based on the difference, when a transition is made from the traveling automatic regeneration to the idle automatic regeneration conducted during a stop, an integral control term in the PID control is reset to zero to control the exhaust pipe injection amount.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085733A1
Принадлежит: Volvo Car Corp

A NO x emission estimation method and arrangement for a diesel engine for estimating the amount of NO x generated in a combustion chamber of the diesel engine. The method comprises the steps of: providing values for speed and load by measuring the engine speed and the fuel injection amount; providing a base NO x value from an engine speed-load resolved reference NO x map; defining and providing emission influencing input parameters by measuring corresponding signal values; calculating a deviation between at least one emission influencing input parameter and a speed-load resolved reference value for the at least one emission influencing input parameter; multiplying the calculated deviation with an individual value from an individual speed-load resolved weight map for the at least one emission influencing input parameter, thereby creating an emission influencing input parameter related correction for the at least one emission influencing input parameter; adding and summarizing the at least one emission influencing input parameter related correction to the base NO x value and thereby obtaining an estimated NO x mass flow value.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130086890A1
Автор: Noma Yasuo, Togashi Taichi

An exhaust gas purification system is provided with an exhaust gas purification device which is arranged in an exhaust gas route of a common rail type engine, and is structured such that a plurality of renewing modes which burn and remove a particulate matter deposited within the exhaust gas purification device is executed. One of the plurality of renewing modes is an initialization renewing (a forced renewing) mode which supplies a fuel into the exhaust gas purification device by a post injection regardless of a clogged state of the exhaust gas purification device, in the case that an accumulated drive time of the engine becomes equal to or more than a previously set time. 1. An exhaust gas purification system comprising: an exhaust gas purification device which is arranged in an exhaust gas route of a common rail type engine; and the exhaust gas purification system being structured such that a plurality of renewing modes for burning and removing a particulate matter deposited in the exhaust gas purification device can be executed , whereinone of a plurality of renewing modes is an initialization renewing mode which supplies a fuel into the exhaust gas purification device by a post injection regardless of a clogged state of the exhaust gas purification device, in the case that an accumulated drive time of the engine becomes equal to or more than a previously set time.2. The exhaust gas purification system according to claim 1 , further comprising:renewal advance notifying means which calls attention for promoting execution of each of the renewing modes; andrenewal admittance input means which allows the execution of each of the renewing modes, whereinin the case that the renewal admittance input means is in a non-operated state under operation of the renewal advance notifying means, the initialization renewing mode is not executed.3. The exhaust gas purification system according to claim 2 , wherein the non-operated state of the renewal admittance input means ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Engine and aftertreatment optimization system

Номер: US20130111878A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell sro

An approach and system for engine and aftertreatment system optimization. Emissions of an engine may be reduced by an aftertreatment mechanism. Control of the engine and the aftertreatment mechanism may be coordinated for the best overall efficiency relative to both fuel consumption and the emissions reduction. Engine and aftertreatment control may also be optimized in terms of cost function minimization. Individual efficiencies of the engine and aftertreatment mechanism are not necessarily significant by themselves. Therefore, the engine and aftertreatment mechanism should be controlled in a manner to achieve the optimality of the engine and the aftertreatment mechanism together as one entity.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130111884A1
Принадлежит: SCANIA CV AB

A method pertaining to an HC dosing system wherein fuel from a container () is supplied to a feed device which supplies to at least one consumption point (). Determining presence of air supplied upstream of the feed device (). When such presence is found reducing an operating power of the feed device () compared with its ordinary operation. A computer programme product containing programme code (P) for a computer () for implementing the method. Also an HC dosing system and a motor vehicle () which is equipped with the HC dosing system are disclosed. 1. A method pertaining to an HC dosing system comprising:supplying fuel from a container to a feed device and then via the feed device, supplying said fuel to at least one consumption point;determining presence of air supplied upstream in a path of said fuel to said feed device, and when said presence of air is determined, reducing an operating power of said feed device compared with ordinary operation of said feed device.2. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising:determining said presence of air based on at least one of detecting operating power of a power source which is configured to power said feed device, detecting delivery pressure of said feed device, and after a determined period during which a deviant operation of said feed device occurs during said presence of air.3. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising the step ofmaintaining said reduced operating power of said feed device until said presence of air is brought down to a selected level.4. A method according to claim 3 , wherein said selected level of air caters for at least one of a detected operating power of a power source which is configured to powering said feed device claim 3 , a detected delivery pressure of said feed device claim 3 , and a determined period during which running of said feed device is at reduced operating power compared with ordinary operating power of said feed device.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130125532A1

A method pertaining to an HC dosing system in which fuel in liquid form is supplied to a feed device () via which fuel is supplied from a container () to at least one consumption point () continuously detecting the feed pressure (P) which the feed device () furnishes. Also, the step of controlling the operation of the feed device () on the basis of changes (P′) in the feed pressure (P), to reduce the impact of unwanted air supply at the feed device (). Also a computer programme product containing programme code (P) for a computer () for implementing the method. Also an HC dosing system and a motor vehicle () which is equipped with the HC dosing system are disclosed. 1. A method pertaining to an HC dosing system wherein the system includes a feed device which supplies fuel in liquid form from a container to at least one consumption point , the method comprising:continuously detecting a feed pressure furnished by said feed device; andcontrolling said operation of said feed device based on changes in said feed pressure, with the object of reducing impact of unwanted air supply at said feed device.2. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising altering the operation of the said feed device in correlation with the changes in said feed pressure.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the controlling of the operation of said feed device is by a pump speed of said feed device.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein control of the operation of said feed device is towards a predetermined level of the feed pressure which said feed device is intended to furnish.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein control of the operation of said feed device is based on a time derivative of said detected feed pressure.6. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising determining presence of air supplied upstream of said feed device claim 1 , and when such presence of air is found claim 1 , controlling operation of said feed device based on changes in said feed pressure.7. ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126000A1

A method pertaining to a liquid supply system which supplies liquid to a feed device () via which liquid is supplied to at least one consumption point (): Determining presence of air supplied upstream to the feed device (), and, when presence of air is found, of reducing operating power of the feed device () compared with ordinary operation. Also a computer programme product containing programme code (P) for a computer () for implementing the method. Also a device and a motor vehicle () which is equipped with the device. 1. A method pertaining to a liquid supply system , the method performed with an SCR system comprising:supplying liquid from a container to a feed device and the feed device supplying the liquid to at least one consumption point;determining presence of air supplied upstream to the feed device; andwhen said presence of air is found, reducing an operating power of said feed device compared with ordinary operation of said feed device.2. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising the step of:determining said presence of air based on at least one of detecting operating power of a power source which is configured and operable to powering said feed device, detecting delivery pressure of said feed device, and a determined time during which deviant operation of said feed device takes place.3. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising maintaining said reduced operating power of said feed device until said presence of air is brought down to a desirable level.4. A method according to claim 3 , wherein said desirable level is a predetermined level catering for at least one of detecting operating power of a power source which is configured and operable to at least one of powering said feed device claim 3 , detecting delivery pressure of said feed device claim 3 , and a determined time during which running the feed device at reduced operating power takes place.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid is a reducing agent.6. A method ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Power system and method for energizing an electrically heated catalyst

Номер: US20130133307A1

A power system and a method for energizing an electrically heated catalyst are provided. The system includes a controller that generates a first control signal to set a switching device to a first operational state if the first temperature level downstream of the catalyst is less than a threshold temperature level and the engine is being decelerated. The controller further generates a second control signal to induce a generator to output a second voltage if the first temperature level is less than the threshold temperature level and the engine is being decelerated, such that the second voltage is applied through the switching device in the first operational state to the catalyst to increase a temperature of the catalyst.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Work Machine

Номер: US20130133315A1

A work machine, comprising: 1. A work machine , comprising:a diesel engine;a gas emission cleaning device having a filter for trapping particulate matter included in gas emissions emitted from the diesel engine; anda filter regenerating device for performing automatic regeneration to automatically combust and eliminate particulate manner that has accumulated in the gas emission cleaning device, when the accumulated amount of the particulate matter has exceeded a predetermined value;wherein the filter regenerating device has an automatic-regeneration-allowing device for allowing the automatic regeneration to be carried out by an external command; and, at startup, the automatic-regeneration-allowing device disallows carrying out automatic regeneration.2. The work machine of claim 1 , whereinthe work machine has an automatic-regeneration-allowing switch for outputting a command allowing the automatic regeneration to be carried out;when the accumulated amount of particulate matter has exceeded the predetermined value, the filter regenerating device outputs an alert signal showing the necessity of carrying out the automatic regeneration; andduring the interval that the filter regenerating device is outputting the alert signal, the automatic-regeneration-allowing device allows the automatic regeneration to be preformed on the filter regenerating device provided that a command allowing the automatic regeneration to be carried out is received from the automatic-regeneration-allowing switch.3. The work machine of claim 2 , whereinthe automatic-regeneration-allowing switch outputs a command for allowing automatic regeneration to be carried out, and outputs a command for disallowing the allowed automatic regeneration from being carried out.4. The work machine of claim 3 , whereinthe filter regenerating device outputs the alert signal to the automatic-regeneration-allowing switch; and, based on the outputted alert signal, the automatic-regeneration-allowing switch issues an ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Particulate trap regeneration

Номер: US20130145747A1
Автор: John M. Bailey
Принадлежит: Illinois Valley Holding Co

A particulate trap is regenerated with a valving mechanism downstream of the trap for periodically creating a reverse pressure of about 15 to 60 psig throughout the entire trap, a reversing apparatus operative after the reverse pressure is created for starting a regeneration cycle by creating a substantially instantaneous reverse pressure drop across the porous walls of the trap to dislodge accumulated particulate cake and by causing the filtered exhaust gas to flow back through the porous walls to remove the dislodged particulate from the trap, and controls for starting and stopping a regeneration cycle.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152549A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc.

An operation mode of an engine and after-treatment system is determined based on a reductant-to-fuel cost ratio. The operation mode optimizes fuel consumption and reductant consumption in an engine system including an internal combustion engine and a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst while satisfying a target emissions emission level. 1. A system for optimizing consumption of fuel and reductant for an internal combustion engine system , the system comprising:a combustion engine producing a flow of engine exhaust emissions;a dosing unit configured to introduce a reducing agent into the engine exhaust emissions flow;a cost ratio determining module configured to determine a reductant-to-fuel cost ratio value from among plural predetermined reductant-to-fuel cost ratio values;at least one exhaust after-treatment device including a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst adapted to convert the engine exhaust emissions to converted exhaust emissions through a reduction process utilizing the reducing agent; anda mode determining module configured to determine an operating mode of the combustion engine and the after-treatment device based on the determined cost ratio value,wherein the exhaust emissions downstream the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst is below a target emissions level while operating in the determined operating mode.2. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising:an input device configured to receive information relating to unit cost of reductant and unit cost of fuel, wherein the cost ratio determining module determines the reductant-to-fuel cost ratio value from among plural predetermined reductant-to-fuel cost ratio values based on the received information.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the input device includes a receiver and the information relating to unit cost of reductant and unit cost of fuel is transmitted from a site remote from the input device to the receiver.4. The system according to claim 2 , ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167507A1

In a diesel engine equipped with a system for automatic regeneration of a particulate filter, an automatic regeneration mode is inhibited in the case where there is recorded a number higher than a pre-set threshold of unfavorable event. When the automatic regeneration mode is inhibited, an on-demand regeneration mode is simultaneously enabled, which can be activated manually by the driver. If an on-demand regeneration is not performed before the vehicle has covered a certain mileage since the automatic regeneration mode was inhibited, the vehicle is set in a condition of limited performance. 1. A diesel engine , comprising:a particulate filter set in an exhaust line of the engine, and an electronic control unit for controlling the fuel injectors associated to the cylinders of the engine, which is programmed for activating—when an amount of particulate accumulated in said filter higher than a threshold value is detected or estimated—a modality of control of the injectors that determines automatic regeneration of the filter by an increase in a temperature of the exhaust gases sent to the filter sufficient for burning the particulate in the filter, exceeding of a pre-set threshold value of a number of unfavorable events; and', 'detection of a value lower than a pre-set threshold of a parameter identifying the quality of engine lubricating oil, and, 'the electronic control unit programmed for activating an alarm condition and inhibiting the automatic regeneration mode and enabling simultaneously an on-demand regeneration mode activatable manually by the driver when said electronic control unit detects the presence of at least one of the following two conditionssaid engine provided with manual control means for activation of the on-demand regeneration mode.2. The engine according to claim 1 , wherein said electronic control unit is programmed in such a way that claim 1 , in the case of detection of a number of unfavorable events higher than the threshold value claim 1 , ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167508A1
Автор: Nishimura Hiroyuki

A control device of a diesel engine is provided. The device includes an engine body having a cylinder, a fuel injection valve for injecting fuel into the cylinder, a valve timing control module for changing opening and closing timings of at least an intake valve or an exhaust valve, an oxidation catalyst arranged within an exhaust passage for purifying HC discharged from the cylinder, and a DPF arranged downstream of the oxidation catalyst for capturing soot within exhaust gas. The device also includes a DPF regenerating module for supplying, when a predetermined DPF regeneration condition is satisfied, HC to the oxidation catalyst to regenerate the DPF by heat generated from an oxidation reaction of HC, and a fuel cutting module for stopping, when the diesel engine is in a deceleration state, a main injection of the fuel that is performed on a compression stroke of the cylinder. 1. A control device of a diesel engine including an engine body having a cylinder to which fuel containing diesel fuel as its main component is supplied , a fuel injection valve for injecting the fuel into the cylinder , a valve timing control module for changing opening and closing timings of at least one of an intake valve and an exhaust valve provided to the cylinder , an oxidation catalyst arranged within an exhaust passage connected with the engine body , and for purifying HC discharged from the cylinder , and a DPF arranged downstream of the oxidation catalyst and for capturing soot contained within exhaust gas , the device comprising:a DPF regenerating module for supplying, when a predetermined DPF regeneration condition is satisfied, HC to the oxidation catalyst to regenerate the DPF by heat generated from an oxidation reaction of HC; anda fuel cutting module for stopping, when the diesel engine is in a deceleration state, a main injection of the fuel that is performed on a compression stroke of the cylinder,wherein in a regeneration-in-deceleration state in which the diesel engine ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167509A1
Автор: Nishimura Hiroyuki

A control device of a diesel engine with a turbocharger is provided. The device includes an engine body having a cylinder, a fuel injection valve, a turbine of the turbocharger, a bypass passage for bypassing the turbine, a bypass valve for opening and closing the bypass passage, an oxidation catalyst for purifying HC, and a DPF for capturing soot. The device includes a fuel cutting module for stopping, when the diesel engine is in a deceleration state, a main injection of the fuel performed on compression stroke, a DPF regenerating module for performing, when a predetermined DPF regeneration condition is satisfied, a post injection on expansion stroke to supply HC to the oxidation catalyst and regenerate the DPF by heat generated from an oxidation reaction of HC, and a bypass valve control module for controlling the bypass valve. 1. A control device of a diesel engine with a turbocharger including an engine body having a cylinder to which fuel containing diesel fuel as its main component is supplied , a fuel injection valve for injecting the fuel into the cylinder , a turbine of the turbocharger provided within an exhaust passage through which exhaust gas is discharged from the cylinder , a bypass passage for bypassing the turbine , a bypass valve for opening and closing the bypass passage , an oxidation catalyst arranged within the exhaust passage downstream of the turbine and the bypass passage , and for purifying HC contained within the exhaust gas , and a DPF arranged within the exhaust passage downstream of the oxidation catalyst and for capturing soot contained within the exhaust gas , the device comprising:a fuel cutting module for stopping, when the diesel engine is in a deceleration state, a main injection of the fuel that is performed on compression stroke of the cylinder;a DPF regenerating module for performing, when a predetermined DPF regeneration condition is satisfied, a post injection on expansion stroke of the cylinder to supply HC to the oxidation ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174536A1

The invention relates to a method for protecting a DPF in the exhaust section of an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle from unintentional combustion of soot in the DPF. According to the invention, the motor vehicle is a hybrid vehicle having at least one electric machine and is able to be driven exclusively by one or more electric machine(s) for some time. The vehicle is operated in a DPF protection mode if the system detects that unintentional combustion of soot is taking place or threatening to take place in the DPF, initiating an automatic decoupling of the combustion engine from the wheel drive train, forward propulsion demands by the driver are met exclusively with the aid of the one or more electric machine(s), and the combustion engine is switched off completely or is operated with stable stoichiometric combustion. 6. A method , comprising:responsive to DPF over-temperature, decoupling an engine from a vehicle wheel and propelling the wheel only via an electric motor, the engine continuing to carry out combustion and transitioning to stoichiometric combustion.7. The method of wherein the stoichiometric combustion occurs within a selected engine speed and load range in which stable stoichiometric combustion occurs claim 6 , the engine speed and load limited to the range while stoichiometric combustion occurs.8. The method of wherein during the stoichiometric combustion claim 7 , the engine is coupled to an electric machine to generate electrical current for driving the electric motor or charging a battery.9. The method of further comprising adjusting engine operation during the stoichiometric combustion to reduce exhaust temperature.10. The method of wherein the engine operation includes injection timing.11. The method of wherein the adjusting includes advancing injection timing.12. The method of further comprising adjusting engine operation during the stoichiometric operation to reduce exhaust gas recirculation.13. The method of wherein the engine ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust system and method for controlling an exhaust system

Номер: US20130186063A1

In one exemplary embodiment of the invention, a method for controlling an exhaust system includes determining an air to fuel ratio within a combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine, measuring a temperature of an exhaust gas flow from the internal combustion engine into the exhaust system and determining a specific heat for the exhaust gas flow in a first segment of the exhaust system based on the temperature of the exhaust gas flow from the internal combustion engine and the air to fuel ratio, wherein the first segment is upstream of the particulate filter. The method also includes determining a first temperature of the exhaust gas in the first segment based on the specific heat for the exhaust gas flow and selectively controlling a regeneration process for the particulate filter using the determined temperature of the exhaust gas at the selected location.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Method and device pertaining to cooling of dosing units of hc dosing systems for exhaust cleaning

Номер: US20130186068A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method pertaining to an HC dosing system for exhaust cleaning for an engine which comprise a dosing unit ( 250 ) for fuel. After cessation of an exhaust flow, deciding about a need to cool the fuel dosing unit by use of fuel. Predicting a temperature pattern of the dosing unit ( 250 ) as a basis for deciding. Predicting whether a predetermined temperature of the dosing unit ( 250 ) will be reached after exhaust flow cessation. Also a computer programme product containing programme code (P) for implementing the method. Also an HC dosing system and a motor vehicle which is equipped with the HC dosing system are disclosed.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Entering and leaving a motor vehicle freewheel running condition with internal combustion engine off

Номер: US20130190998A1
Принадлежит: Centro Ricerche Fiat SCpA

An automotive electronic control system for a motor vehicle is provided. The automotive electronic control system is designed to cause the motor vehicle to enter a freewheel running condition with internal combustion engine off if the automotive electronic control system determines, based on received quantities indicative of operative conditions of the motor vehicle, occurrence of a driver-performable action indicative of the will of the driver to enter a freewheel running condition with internal combustion engine off and occurrence at or within a given time from the occurrence of the driver-performable action and the maintaining for a given time of specific predetermined entry conditions. The automotive electronic control system is further designed to cause the motor vehicle to leave a freewheel running condition with internal combustion engine off if the automotive electronic control system determines, based on the received quantities, occurrence of at least one of specific predetermined exit conditions.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192211A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

An emission control system for an engine includes a catalyst and an exhaust-gas sensor provided downstream of the catalyst in a flow direction of exhaust gas. The exhaust-gas sensor includes a sensor element that includes a pair of electrodes and a solid electrolyte body located between the electrodes. The emission control system further includes a constant current supply portion that changes an output characteristic of the exhaust-gas sensor by applying a constant current between the electrodes, a catalytic-state determination portion which determines a rich/lean state of the catalyst, a rich direction control portion which performs and terminates a rich direction control depending on the rich/lean state of the catalyst, a lean direction control portion which performs a lean direction control after the rich direction control, and a characteristic control portion which performs a lean responsiveness control at least during the lean direction control. 1. An emission control system for an internal combustion engine , comprising:a catalyst used for purification of exhaust gas discharged from the engine;an exhaust-gas sensor provided downstream of the catalyst in a flow direction of the exhaust gas to detect an air-fuel ratio of the exhaust gas or detect whether the exhaust gas is rich or lean, the exhaust-gas sensor including a sensor element that includes a pair of electrodes and a solid electrolyte body located between the pair of electrodes;a constant current supply portion configured to change an output characteristic of the exhaust-gas sensor by applying a constant current between the pair of electrodes;a catalytic-state determination portion configured to determine whether the catalyst is in a rich state or in a lean state;a rich direction control portion configured to perform a rich direction control, in which an air-fuel ratio of the exhaust gas flowing into the catalyst is made to be richer than a normal target air-fuel ratio set based on a normal operation ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust gas purification system

Номер: US20130202493A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An exhaust gas purification system comprises an exhaust gas purification device which is arranged in an exhaust gas route of an engine, renewing devices, for burning and removing a particulate matter within the exhaust gas purification device, renewal advance notifying means which is actuated in the case that a clogged state of the exhaust gas purification device becomes equal to or more than a prescribed level, and renewal informing means which informs of a fact that the renewing devices are under operation. The renewal advance notifying means is actuated before actuating the renewing devices.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

System and method for controlling an engine

Номер: US20130204508A1

A method for controlling regeneration within an after-treatment component of an engine comprises receiving an upstream temperature signal representing a temperature of an exhaust stream upstream from the after-treatment component and calculating an expected downstream temperature based on the upstream temperature signal and a model for calculating the expected downstream temperature. A temperature index is calculated based on the upstream temperature signal and the expected downstream temperature, and an estimate of accumulated particulate matter in the after-treatment component is calculated based, at least in part, on the temperature index. The estimate of accumulated particulate matter in the after-treatment component is compared to a predetermined threshold associated with the after-treatment component, and a remedial action is initiated when the estimate of accumulated particulate matter in the after-treatment component exceeds the predetermined threshold.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Electric Heating Assisted Passive and Active Regeneration for Efficient Emission Controls of Diesel Engines

Номер: US20130213010A1

A method of heating an exhaust gas in an exhaust aftertreatment system including a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and a diesel particulate filter (DPF) is provided. The method includes heating the exhaust gas to a predetermined temperature to increase NOgeneration in the DOC when the DPF is not actively regenerated, and heating the exhaust gas to reduce an exhaust temperature gradient when the DPF is actively regenerated. The exhaust temperature gradient is reduced by providing more heat proximate a wall of an exhaust conduit and less heat proximate a center of the exhaust conduit. 1. A heater control module for controlling an electric heater in an exhaust aftertreatment system including a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and a diesel particulate filter (DPF) , the heater control module comprising:a heating mode determination module that selects a desired heating mode from a plurality of heating mode based on an engine load and a status of the DPF; anda heater operating module that operates the electric heater based on the desired heating mode.2. The heater control module according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of operating modes include a passive regeneration heating mode and an active regeneration heating mode.3. The heater control module according to claim 2 , wherein the electric heater is operated in the active regeneration heating mode to provide differential heating when the DPF is actively regenerated.4. The heater control module according to claim 3 , wherein the electric heater is operated in the active regeneration heating mode to reduce a temperature gradient across an exhaust conduit.5. The heater control module according to claim 1 , wherein the electric heater is operated in the passive regeneration heating mode to heat an exhaust gas to a predetermined temperature to increase NOgeneration when the DPF is not actively regenerated.6. The heater control module according to claim 5 , wherein the electric heater is operated in the passive ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for reducing the amount of nox in the exhaust gases of a motor vehicle

Номер: US20130213011A1
Автор: Arnaud Audouin
Принадлежит: AAQIUS and AAQIUS SA

The invention relates to a method for controlling a system for reducing the amount of NOx in the exhaust gases of a motor vehicle. The system comprises a storage chamber ( 8 ) which contains a pollutant-removing agent and which is arranged that the temperature thereof is controlled by a heating device ( 9 ). The system further comprises a supply module ( 6 ) arranged so as to inject the pollutant-removing agent into the exhaust gases, the supply module ( 6 ) comprising a device for measuring the pressure ( 6 a ) or the temperature inside the storage chamber ( 8 ), as well as a device ( 6 b ) for proportioning the pollutant-removing agent. The control method involves, for example: defining a predetermined moving criterion, in particular on the basis of the engine torque during a first period; filtering the moving criterion with a filtering period (T 1 ) corresponding to the first period; comparing the filtered moving criterion with various thresholds in order to determine a type of moving; determining the elapsed time for each type of moving during a second period (T 2 ) in order to associate a trend representing moving conditions throughout said second period; calculating a set pressure or set temperature according to the type and the trend representing past moving conditions; comparing the set pressure or set temperature with the pressure or temperature measured by the pressure- or temperature-measuring device ( 6 a ); and heating the storage chamber ( 8 ) if the pressure or temperature inside the latter is lower than the set pressure or set temperature.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213016A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

An emission control system for an engine includes an upstream sensor provided upstream of a catalyst in a flow direction of exhaust gas, a downstream sensor provided downstream of the catalyst to detect an air-fuel ratio so that the air-fuel ratio approaches a target air-fuel ratio in a sub feedback control, a constant current supply portion which changes an output characteristic of the downstream sensor by applying a constant current on a pair of electrodes thereof. A characteristic control portion controls the constant current supply portion in the sub feedback control to advance a timing of lean detection of the downstream sensor when the air-fuel ratio is richer than the target air-fuel ratio, and to advance a timing of rich detection of the downstream sensor when the air-fuel ratio is leaner than the target air-fuel ratio. 1. An emission control system for an internal combustion engine ,a catalyst used for purification of exhaust gas discharged from the engine;an upstream exhaust-gas sensor provided upstream of the catalyst in a flow direction of the exhaust gas to detect an upstream air-fuel ratio of the exhaust gas flowing upstream of the catalyst or to detect whether the exhaust gas is rich or lean;a main feedback control portion which corrects a fuel injection amount of the engine based on an output value of the upstream exhaust-gas sensor in a main feedback control so that the upstream air-fuel ratio becomes equal to an upstream target air-fuel ratio;a downstream exhaust-gas sensor provided downstream of the catalyst in the flow direction of the exhaust gas to detect a downstream air-fuel ratio of the exhaust gas flowing downstream of the catalyst or to detect whether the exhaust gas is rich or lean, wherein the downstream exhaust-gas sensor includes a sensor element that includes a pair of electrodes and a solid electrolyte body located between the pair of electrodes;a sub feedback control portion which corrects the upstream target air-fuel ratio or the ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Working Machine

Номер: US20130213020A1

A load application means, which applies a load to an engine such that a temperature of exhaust gas is raised to a temperature required to burn particulate matter, is comprised of an electric load application means for applying the load to the engine to raise the temperature of the exhaust gas by operating an electric assist motor to generate electric power and a hydraulic load application means for applying the load to the engine to raise the temperature of the exhaust gas by increasing a delivery pressure of a variable displacement hydraulic pump, and a selection control unit is provided for performing control processing to selectively actuate the electric load application means and/or the hydraulic load application means. 1. A working machine , comprising: an engine , a variable displacement hydraulic pump drivable by the engine , an electric assist motor for assisting the engine in driving the variable displacement hydraulic pump or generating electric power , an exhaust gas purification system for trapping , by a filter , particulate matter in exhaust gas produced from the engine , an actuator control valve interposed between the variable displacement hydraulic pump and the hydraulic actuator and switchable to one of a feed state in which hydraulic oil from the variable displacement hydraulic pump is to be fed to the hydraulic actuator and a non-feed state in which the hydraulic oil is returned to a hydraulic oil reservoir without feeding the hydraulic oil to the hydraulic actuator , an electrical storage device connected to the electrical assist motor , and a load application means for applying a load to the engine such that a temperature of the exhaust gas is raised to a temperature required to burn the particulate matter , wherein:the load application means comprises an electric load application means for applying the load to the engine to raise the temperature of the exhaust gas by operating the electric assist motor to generate electric power and a ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Failure detecting apparatus for particulate filter

Номер: US20130213236A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An object of the present invention is to detect any breakdown or failure of a particulate filter more appropriately. A failure detecting apparatus for detecting failure of a particulate filter according to the present invention comprises an acquiring section which acquires an amount of PM contained in an exhaust gas allowed to outflow from the particulate filter; a regeneration process executing section which executes a filter regeneration process for oxidizing and removing PM deposited in the particulate filter; and a failure judging section which judges that the particulate filter is in the failure state if a decreased amount of the amount of PM contained in the exhaust gas acquired by the acquiring section, during a predetermined period of time as started from a point in time at which the execution of the filter regeneration process performed by the regeneration process executing section is completed, is not equal to or larger than a predetermined reference amount.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130227936A1

A hydraulic drive system executing load sensing control is capable of efficiently combusting and removing filter deposits inside an exhaust gas purification device by pump output power increasing control when there is no actuator operation, eliminating interference between the actuator operation and the pump output power increasing control. A first solenoid selector valve selects between tank pressure and delivery pressure of a pilot pump. A second solenoid selector valve is arranged in a line leading the output pressure of a differential pressure reducing valve to an LS control valve for selecting between enabling and disabling of the load sensing control. When the exhaust gas purification device needs regeneration, a controller executes switching to make the first solenoid selector valve output the delivery pressure of the pilot pump as dummy load pressure and to make the second solenoid selector valve disable the load sensing control. 1. A hydraulic drive system for a construction machine , comprising:an engine;a hydraulic pump of a variable displacement type, the pump being driven by the engine;a plurality of actuators that are driven by hydraulic fluid delivered from the hydraulic pump;a plurality of flow rate/direction control valves that control flow rates of the hydraulic fluid supplied from the hydraulic pump to the actuators;a maximum load pressure detecting circuit that detects maximum load pressure of the actuators;a pump control device including a torque control unit that conducts constant absorption torque control for controlling absorption torque of the hydraulic pump not to exceed preset maximum torque by reducing displacement of the hydraulic pump with the increase in delivery pressure of the hydraulic pump, and a load sensing control unit that controls the delivery pressure of the hydraulic pump to be higher than the maximum load pressure of the actuators by target differential pressure; andan unload valve that is arranged in a line connecting the ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Operating method for a particle filter

Номер: US20130239800A1

The systems and methods herein relate the operation of a particle filter which is arranged in an exhaust-gas path of an internal combustion engine, to a device for exhaust-gas aftertreatment which can be operated in accordance with the method that comprises determining a mass flow rate of an exhaust-gas flow flowing in the exhaust-gas path; and supplying ambient air into the exhaust-gas path as a function of the determined mass flow rate. By this method, the spontaneous regeneration of a particle filter within the exhaust system may be abated.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust gas purification system for an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130247546A1
Автор: Masahiko Masubuchi
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

The present invention is intended to suppress, in an exhaust gas purification system for an internal combustion engine capable of mixing and combusting liquid fuel and compressed natural gas, an excessive rise in temperature of an exhaust gas purification device at the time when the exhaust gas purification device is caused to regenerate. In the exhaust gas purification system for an internal combustion engine according to the present invention, when the liquid fuel and the compressed natural gas are caused to mix and combust in the internal combustion engine at the time of regenerating the exhaust gas purification device, an amount of HC to be supplied to the exhaust gas purification device from an HC supply device is decreased in comparison with the time when only the liquid fuel is caused to combust in the internal combustion engine.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130269320A1

The present disclosure relates to an active diesel particulate filter (DPF) regeneration system of an engine, and more particularly, to an active DPF regeneration system and method, in which a non-work load is arbitrarily provided to the engine to quickly perform an active DPF regeneration even in a state where substantial work of a construction machine is stopped. 1. An active diesel particulate filter regeneration system using a non-work load , comprising:an engine;pumps serially connected to the engine to discharge a working fluid, and configured to be capable of varying a discharge flow of the working fluid;a diesel particulate filter (DPF) disposed on an exhaust path through which exhaust gas discharged from the engine is discharged to the outside;a fuel injection means configured to perform an active DPF regeneration of combusting and removing soot collected in the diesel particulate filter by injecting a fuel into the exhaust path at a predetermined temperature;a selection switch configured to select the active DPF regeneration; andan active load generating means configured to provide a non-work load to the engine by increasing a discharge flow of the pump when the active DPF regeneration is selected.2. The active diesel particulate filter regeneration system of claim 1 , wherein the pump includes a main pump serially connected to the engine to supply the working fluid for driving a working unit claim 1 , andwhen the main pump is driven by a negative control system controlling the discharge flow of the working fluid by feeding back a signal value based on pressure of the working fluid collected in a tank through a center by-pass line, the active load generating means enables the main pump to discharge a maximum flow of working fluid by arbitrarily adjusting the fed back value to a minimum level during the active DPF regeneration.3. The active diesel particulate filter regeneration system of claim 2 , wherein the fed-back signal value is generated by applying ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Particulate matter deposition amount estimation device, exhaust gas purification system, and particulate matter deposition amount estimation method

Номер: US20130269323A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD

There are provided a differential pressure deposition amount of PM deposited in a DPF based on an exhaust gas flow rate and a differential pressure of the DPF, calculating a model deposition amount of the PM using a model in which a PM amount burned in the DPF is subtracted from the PM amount, calculating a time change rate of the differential pressure deposition amount, and setting a first coefficient to be larger than a second coefficient when the exhaust gas flow rate exceeds a predetermined value and setting the first coefficient to be small when the exhaust gas flow rate exceeds the predetermined value and the time change rate is a predetermined threshold or more when multiplying the differential pressure deposition amount and the model deposition amount by the first and second coefficients, respectively, and calculating an addition value of the respective multiplied values as the PM deposition amount.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130289857A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A method of operating an internal combustion engine is proposed, the engine comprising an exhaust system with a DOC and a DPF and, downstream thereof a SCR catalyst. The ECU is configured to allow operation in at least one of a normal mode and a heat-up mode. A predicted temperature evolution of said second exhaust after treatment means is regularly determined based on a thermal model taking into account the thermal inertia of the exhaust system and having as input the current temperatures of the DOC/DPF and SCR. The predicted temperature evolution of SCR is indicative of the temperature that the SCR may reach during a simulated time period in case the operating mode. The engine operating mode is changed depending on the predicted temperature evolution. 1. A method of operating an internal combustion engine comprising an exhaust system with first exhaust aftertreatment means and , downstream thereof , second exhaust aftertreatment means , said engine comprising a ECU configured to allow engine operation in at least one of a normal operating mode and a heat-up operating mode , the method comprising the steps of:determining a predicted temperature evolution of said second exhaust aftertreatment means based on a thermal model taking into account the thermal inertia of the exhaust system and having as input the current temperatures of said first and second exhaust aftertreatment means and, wherein said predicted temperature evolution of said second exhaust aftertreatment means is indicative of the temperature that the second exhaust aftertreatment means may reach during a simulated time period in case the operating mode was changed; andchanging the operating mode depending on said predicted temperature evolution.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said operating mode is changed when a predicted temperature exceeds or drops below a predetermined temperature threshold.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein an extremum of said predicted temperature evolution ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

System and method for controlling exhaust regeneration

Номер: US20130291516A1
Автор: Patrick Barasa

A system for controlling regeneration in an after-treatment component comprises a feedback module, an error module, a gain module, and a regeneration control module. The feedback module is configured for determining a rate of change of the value of a controlled parameter. The error module is in communication with the feedback module and is configured for determining a value of an error term by subtracting a value of a target parameter from the value of the controlled parameter. The gain module is configured for determining a value of a proportional gain factor by raising a mathematical constant “e” to the negative power of the value of a tuned gain exponent and for determining a value of a derivative gain factor by multiplying the value of the proportional gain factor by a tuning factor. The regeneration control module is configured for determining a value of a rational control increment.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust gas processing device for diesel engine

Номер: US20130305694A1
Принадлежит: Kubota Corp

An exhaust gas processing device for a diesel engine includes a DPF, a PM deposition amount estimating unit for PM deposited in the DPF, a DPF regenerating unit, a DPF regeneration control unit, a storage unit, an acceleration regeneration request information notifying unit, an acceleration regeneration start operating unit, and a mode selecting unit. When a normal regeneration process is selected, the time at which acceleration regeneration request determination reserve period T 1 elapses from the start of the normal regeneration process without the end of the normal regeneration process is time T 2 for acceleration regeneration request determination, at which time, if the PM deposition amount estimation value is greater or equal to acceleration regeneration request determination value J 2 , it is determined that there is the acceleration regeneration request. The DPF regeneration control unit allows the acceleration regeneration request information notifying unit to start notification of the acceleration regeneration request information.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312393A1
Автор: Yoshioka Mamoru

An object of the invention is to enhance the exhaust gas purification rate and to reduce the possibility of breakage of a heater element in an electric heating catalyst (EHC) by generating heat by the heater element in a improved manner. A pair of electrodes including surface electrodes extending in the axial and circumferential directions of the heater element along the outer circumferential surface of said heater element are provided in such a way as to be opposed to each other on the heater element located therebetween. The surface electrodes are adapted in such a way that current flowing between the surface electrodes flows mainly on the outer circumferential surface of the heater element in a part of the heater element with respect to the axial direction and flows mainly in an inner portion of the heater element in another part of the heater element with respect to the axial direction. 1. An electric heating catalyst comprising:a heater element which has a cylindrical shape and generates heat by supply of electric current, thereby heating a catalyst;a pair of electrodes by which electric power is supplied to said heater element and which include surface electrodes extending in axial and circumferential directions of said heater element along an outer circumferential surface of said heater element, said surface electrodes being arranged to be opposed to each other on said heater element located therebetween,wherein said surface electrodes are adapted in such a way that current flowing between said surface electrodes flows mainly on the outer circumferential surface of said heater element in a part of said heater element with respect to the axial direction and flows mainly in an inner portion of said heater element in another part of said heater element with respect to the axial direction.2. An electric heating catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the width along the circumferential direction of said heater element of at least one of said surface electrodes ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust air injection

Номер: US20130312407A1

Embodiments for controlling exhaust air-fuel ratio are provided. In one example, an engine method comprises adjusting upstream exhaust air-fuel ratio to maintain a first emission control device at or below a threshold temperature, and when the upstream exhaust air-fuel ratio is below a threshold, injecting air into an exhaust passage between the first emission control device and a second emission control device to maintain downstream exhaust at a different, higher air-fuel ratio. In this way, excess emissions may be converted while maintain the emission control devices below a maximum temperature.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Method to control and diagnose an exhaust gas heat exchanger

Номер: US20130313031A1

A method for controlling a vehicle having an engine with an exhaust heat recovery system, includes generating a signal to control exhaust gas flow through an exhaust gas heat exchanger, and generating a diagnostic code based on the signal and a rate of change of coolant temperature. A vehicle has an engine and an exhaust heat recovery system with an exhaust gas heat exchanger and a temperature sensor. A controller for the vehicle is configured to (i) generate a signal to control exhaust gas flow through the exhaust gas heat exchanger, and (ii) generate a diagnostic code based on the signal and a rate of change of coolant temperature.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313243A1

A control circuit for a vehicle powertrain includes a switch that selectivity interrupts current flow between a first terminal and a second terminal. A first power source provides power to the first terminal and a second power source provides power to the second terminal and to a heater of a heated diesel particulate filter (DPF). The switch is opened during a DPF regeneration cycle to prevent the first power source from being loaded by the heater while the heater is energized. 1. A control circuit for a vehicle powertrain , comprising:a first power source that provides power to a vehicle load;a second power source that selectively provides power to a heater of a heated diesel particulate filter (DPF); anda switch having a first position and a second position, wherein when the switch is in the first position, the second power source is electrically connected to the first power source and the second power source is electrically connected to the heater of the DPF, andwhen the switch is in the second position, (i) the second power source is electrically connected to the heater, (ii) the second power source is electrically disconnected from the first power source to prevent the first power source from being loaded by the heater while the heater is energized, and (iii) the power provided by the first power source to the vehicle load is limited to maintain an output voltage of the first power source above a predetermined voltage.2. The control circuit of wherein the first power source comprises a battery.3. The control circuit of wherein the second power source comprises a generator.4. The control circuit of wherein the switch comprises a relay switch.5. The control circuit of further comprising a powertrain control circuit that estimates a quantity of soot in the DPF and that opens the relay switch after the estimated quantity exceeds a predetermined quantity.6. The control circuit of further comprising a plurality of switches that selectively communicate the power from ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust purification system of internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130315790A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

In an internal combustion engine, inside of an engine exhaust passage, a hydrocarbon feed valve ( 15 ), an exhaust purification catalyst ( 13 ), and a particulate filter ( 14 ) are arranged. At the time of engine operation, the amplitude of change of the concentration of hydrocarbons which flow into the exhaust purification catalyst ( 13 ) is made to become within a predetermined range of amplitude by control of the injection amount of hydrocarbons from the hydrocarbon feed valve ( 15 ). When the temperature of the particulate filter ( 14 ) is to be raised to be regeneration temperature, the injection amount of hydrocarbons is increased and thereby the pass through amount of hydrocarbons which pass through the exhaust purification catalyst ( 13 ) is increased.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130324363A1
Автор: Hashimoto Keita

A hybrid vehicle () in which at least two shift ranges can be selected for a single running direction includes an engine (), a motor generator (), an EHC () raising the temperature of a catalyst for cleaning up an exhaust gas from the engine (), and an ECU (). While the vehicle () is running, if the engine () is stopped and, of the two shift ranges, a shift range where larger decelerating force is produced by regenerative braking of the motor generator () has been selected, the ECU () causes the EHC () to raise the temperature of the catalyst using electric power generated by the motor generator (). 1. A vehicle in which at least two shift ranges can be selected for a single running direction , comprising:an internal combustion engine;a rotating electric machine coupled to a driving wheel of said vehicle, the rotating electric machine producing driving force for causing said vehicle to run, and being capable of generating electric power by rotary force of said driving wheel;a warming-up device configured to raise the temperature of a catalyst for cleaning up an exhaust gas from said internal combustion engine; anda control device for controlling said warming-up device,while said vehicle is running, if a predetermined condition that said internal combustion engine is stopped and, of said two shift ranges, a shift range where larger decelerating force is produced by regenerative braking of said rotating electric machine has been selected is met, said control device causing said warming-up device to start raising the temperature of said catalyst using generated electric power by said rotating electric machine when the temperature of said catalyst falls below a predetermined first threshold value, and to stop raising the temperature of said catalyst in response to arrival of the temperature of said catalyst at a second threshold value which is higher than said first threshold value.2. (canceled)3. The vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein said first threshold value is ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333353A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc.

A method for controlling aftertreatment regeneration for a system having a hybrid powertrain is described. The method includes determining that an engine aftertreatment regeneration is indicated when a regeneration request index exceeds a first threshold. The method includes determining an acceptable battery usage amount based on a current battery state of charge (SOC) and a minimum battery SOC. The method further includes determining a battery usage amount for an engine aftertreatment regeneration operation. The method includes initiating an engine aftertreatment regeneration when the battery usage amount is less than or equal to the acceptable battery usage amount. 1. A method , comprising:determining that an engine aftertreatment regeneration is indicated in response to a regeneration request index exceeding a first threshold;calculating a battery usage amount for an engine aftertreatment regeneration operation in response to the determining the engine aftertreatment regeneration is indicated;determining an acceptable battery usage amount in response to a current battery state of charge (current SOC) and a minimum battery state of charge (minimum SOC); andinitiating the engine aftertreatment regeneration operation in response to the battery usage amount being not greater than the acceptable battery usage amount.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising preventing the engine aftertreatment regeneration operation in response to the battery usage amount exceeding the acceptable battery usage amount.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining a plurality of battery usage amounts, each corresponding to one of a plurality of engine aftertreatment regeneration operation modes;selecting one of the engine aftertreatment regeneration operation modes having a corresponding battery usage amount that is not greater than the acceptable battery usage amount; andwherein the initiating comprises initiating the selected engine aftertreatment regeneration ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Control of exhaust flow in an engine including a particulate filter

Номер: US20130340424A1

Methods and systems for controlling operation of exhaust of an engine including a particulate filter are provided. One example method includes generating vacuum during engine operation, and storing the vacuum. The method further includes, during or after engine shutdown, drawing ambient air through the particulate filter via the vacuum.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000243A1

Aggregation of particulate matter is facilitated. Provision is made for an electrode arranged in an exhaust passage of an internal combustion engine, a power supply connected to the electrode for applying a voltage thereto, an air fuel ratio detection device to detect or estimate an air fuel ratio of an exhaust gas which flows through the exhaust passage, and an electric power control device to make electric power supplied to the electrode from the power supply larger in cases where the air fuel ratio detected or estimated by the air fuel ratio detection device is a rich air fuel ratio than in cases where it is a stoichiometric air fuel ratio or a lean air fuel ratio. 1. A particulate matter processing apparatus comprising:an electrode that is arranged in an exhaust passage of an internal combustion engine;a power supply that is connected to said electrode and applies a voltage thereto;an air fuel ratio detection device that detects or estimates an air fuel ratio of an exhaust gas which flows through said exhaust passage; andan electric power control device that makes electric power supplied to said electrode from said power supply larger in cases where the air fuel ratio detected or estimated by said air fuel ratio detection device is a rich air fuel ratio than in cases where it is a stoichiometric air fuel ratio or a lean air fuel ratio.2. The particulate matter processing apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said power control device controls said electric power in a such manner that the lower the air fuel ratio detected or estimated by said air fuel ratio detection device claim 1 , the larger becomes said electric power.3. The particulate matter processing apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising:an exhaust gas amount detection device that detects or estimates an amount of exhaust gas of the internal combustion engine;wherein said power control device controls said electric power in a such manner that the more the amount of exhaust gas ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Model-based system and method for mitigating diesel emission fluid deposits

Номер: US20140000247A1

A system and method for mitigating deposit of diesel emission fluid (DEF) decomposition products on interior surfaces of an internal combustion engine exhaust system ( 14 ). A processor in a controller ( 34 ) contains a model-based control algorithm ( 50 A; 50 B) for controlling DEF injection by a DEF injector ( 24 ) to mitigate deposit formation.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Particulate matter processing apparatus

Номер: US20140000248A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A concentration of HC in an exhaust gas is estimated with a high degree of accuracy by making use of a particulate matter processing apparatus ( 1 ). In the particulate matter processing apparatus ( 1 ) in which a processing part ( 3 ) with an electrode ( 5 ) installed therein is arranged in an exhaust passage ( 2 ) of an internal combustion engine, wherein particulate matter is caused to aggregate by generating a potential difference between the electrode ( 5 ) and the processing part ( 3 ), provision is made for a power supply ( 6 ) that is connected to the electrode ( 5 ) and applies a voltage thereto, an insulation part ( 4 ) that insulates electricity between the processing part ( 3 ) and the exhaust passage ( 2 ), and a ground part ( 53 ) that grounds the processing part ( 3 ), a detection device ( 9 ) that detects an electric current in the ground part ( 53 ), and an estimation device ( 7 ) that estimates a concentration of HC in an exhaust gas based on the electric current detected by the detection device ( 9 ) at the time when the voltage is applied to the electrode ( 5 ) by means of the power supply ( 6 ).

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Sensor for measuring sof of diesel vehicle

Номер: US20140004007A1
Автор: Cheol Beom Lim
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A sensor device for measuring SOF (Soluble Organic Fraction) of a diesel engine, may include an exothermic catalyst including a TiO 2 support impregnated with platinum (Pt) and causing a combustion reaction of the SOF to generate heat, a comparative catalyst including a TiO 2 support and not causing a combustion reaction of the SOF, and a measuring unit determining a discharge amount of the SOF using a temperature difference between the exothermic catalyst and the comparative catalyst.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007561A1
Автор: HABU Ikue, SHIKAMA Mahito

A catalytic converter warm-up control apparatus for a hybrid vehicle includes a catalytic converter warm-up controller, a temperature parameter acquisition device, a warm-up control parameter setting device, and a motoring execution device. The catalytic converter warm-up controller is configured to execute warm-up control to warm up a catalytic converter of the hybrid vehicle for activating the catalytic converter upon start-up of an internal combustion engine provided in the hybrid vehicle. The warm-up control parameter setting device is configured to set warm-up control parameters used in the warm-up control in accordance with the temperature parameter acquired by the temperature parameter acquisition device. The motoring execution device is configured to execute motoring of the internal combustion engine by a first electric motor in a predetermined operation state. The catalytic converter warm-up controller is configured to execute the warm-up control in accordance with an execution state of the motoring. 1. A catalytic converter warm-up control apparatus for a hybrid vehicle , comprising:a catalytic converter warm-up controller configured to execute warm-up control to warm up a catalytic converter of the hybrid vehicle for activating the catalytic converter upon start-up of an internal combustion engine provided in the hybrid vehicle, the catalytic converter being provided to purify an exhaust gas discharged from the internal combustion engine;a temperature parameter acquisition device configured to acquire a temperature parameter indicating a temperature of the internal combustion engine;a warm-up control parameter setting device configured to set warm-up control parameters used in the warm-up control in accordance with the temperature parameter acquired by the temperature parameter acquisition device; anda motoring execution device configured to execute motoring of the internal combustion engine by a first electric motor in a predetermined operation state, ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Method and device for determining a lambda air ratio using a gas sensor

Номер: US20140007651A1

A method for determining a lambda air ratio using a gas sensor having a ceramic measuring element, an output voltage of the gas sensor changing abruptly if lambda is changed in the range around lambda=1 and the gas sensor having an initial inverse voltage which is dependent on the temperature of the gas sensor. A threshold value for the initial inverse voltage is established for a limit between a lambda value below and above 1 as a function of the temperature of the gas sensor. Also described is a device for implementing the method. The method and the device make it possible to operate gas sensors having a ceramic measuring element at an even lower temperature than according to the related art and thus reduce the period between the start of an internal combustion engine and the operational readiness of a lambda regulation. This makes it possible to reduce the fuel consumption as well as the emission of undesirable components of the exhaust gas.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Kinetic energy consumer mode control

Номер: US20140025240A1

A system for providing a set point increase for a vehicle combustion engine includes a control that is operable to control vehicle secondary systems to control the power consumption of the vehicle secondary systems to increase a mechanical load to the vehicle combustion engine. The load increase of the combustion engine may be for increasing the lost heat, which enhances the filtering of exhaust gases of the vehicle combustion engine. The lost heat may be utilized to increase the heat of a carbon particle filter, through which exhaust gases flow.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for model-based determination of a temperature distribution of an exhaust gas post-treatment unit

Номер: US20140032189A1
Принадлежит: MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH

In a method for a model-based determination of a temperature distribution of an exhaust gas post-treatment unit, a differentiation is made between steady operating states and non-steady operating states by taking into account the axial and the radial temperature distribution, and, on the basis of virtual segmentation of the post-treatment unit, in particular the radial heat transfer to the surroundings is taken into account in the model-based determination for steady operating states, and for non-steady operating states the heat transfer from the exhaust gas which flows axially through the post-treatment unit to the segments is taken into account by a heat transfer coefficient k.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Accumulated ash correction during soot mass estimation in a vehicle exhaust aftertreatment device

Номер: US20140033679A1

A method of correcting a soot mass estimate in a vehicle exhaust aftertreatment device includes monitoring an exhaust gas pressure drop across a particulate filter included with the vehicle exhaust aftertreatment device. Following the detection of a pressure drop, a controller may determine a soot mass estimate from the monitored pressure drop; determine an ash volume estimate representative of an amount of ash within the particulate filter; determine an ash correction factor from the soot mass estimate and the ash volume estimate; and calculate a corrected soot mass value by multiplying the ash correction factor with the soot mass estimate. If the corrected soot mass value exceeds a threshold, the controller may generate a corresponding particulate filter regeneration request.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Heating of an exhaust gas aftertreatment system by dragging of an internal combustion engine with the aid of an electric motor

Номер: US20140041368A1

A method is introduced for heating an exhaust-gas aftertreatment system ( 15 ). The method has the following steps: detection of a necessity to heat (S 1 ) the exhaust-gas aftertreatment system ( 15 ), and actuation (S 5 ) of an electric motor ( 5 ) in such a way that the electric motor ( 5 ) drags the internal combustion engine ( 3 ) which produces exhaust gas. Here, the internal combustion engine ( 3 ) is held at a predefinable rotational speed by the electric motor ( 5 ).

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Process for operating an engine supplied with a fuel containing a catalyst for regenerating a particulate filter

Номер: US20140048029A1
Принадлежит: Rhodia Operations SAS

The invention relates to a process for operating an internal combustion engine of a vehicle equipped with an exhaust system comprising a catalysed particulate filter in which the engine is supplied with a fuel containing a catalyst for regenerating the particulate filter. The process is characterized in that the concentration of catalyst in the fuel varies discontinuously.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Electrically heated catalyst device having a variable resistance monolith

Номер: US20140060014A1

An exhaust gas treatment system for an internal combustion engine is provided and includes an exhaust gas conduit, a generator, an electrically heated catalyst (“EHC”) device, and a control module. The exhaust gas conduit is in fluid communication with, and is configured to receive an exhaust gas from the internal combustion engine. The generator operates at a generator speed to produce electrical power. The EHC device is in fluid communication with the exhaust gas conduit. The EHC device includes a monolith structure that is divided into a plurality of segments that define discrete resistive paths. The resistive paths are selectively connected to the generator for receiving electrical power. The control module is in communication with the EHC device, the generator, and the internal combustion engine. The control module includes control logic for determining the generator speed.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Device and method for manipulating the exhaust outlet noise of a motor vehicle

Номер: US20140069739A1
Принадлежит: Dr Ing HCF Porsche AG, TECHNOFIRST

A device for manipulating the exhaust outlet noise of a motor vehicle, having an exhaust flap which can be positioned in an exhaust pipe and which can be displaced in oscillatory fashion about an exhaust flap basic position in a defined angle range about the exhaust flap basic position in order to manipulate the exhaust outlet noise, wherein the exhaust flap basic position can be actively adjusted as a function of an engine rotational speed and/or an engine load, and wherein the angle range can be actively adjusted as a function of a frequency to be eliminated or attenuated, or a frequency to be generated or enhanced, of the exhaust outlet noise.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140090460A1
Принадлежит: IBIDEN CO., LTD.

A particulate collection filter state detection device according to the present invention includes first pressure detection means for detecting a first pressure produced at an upstream side of the filter on an exhaust gas flow path, second pressure detection means for detecting a second pressure produced at a downstream side of the filter on the exhaust gas flow path, first Fourier transformation means for applying Fourier transformation to a value of the first pressure detected by the first pressure detection means, second Fourier transformation means for applying Fourier transformation to a value of the second pressure detected by the second pressure detection means, comparison means for comparing a spectral intensity and/or a phase at a zero frequency and a spectral intensity and/or a phase at a predetermined frequency obtained by the first Fourier transformation means and a spectral intensity and/or a phase at a zero frequency and a spectral intensity and/or a phase at a predetermined frequency obtained by the second Fourier transformation means, and filter state determination means for determining a state of the filter based on a comparison result provided by the comparison means, so as to conduct determination of a state of a filter for collecting particulates in an exhaust gas at a good precision. 111.-. (canceled)12. A filter state detection device , comprising:a first pressure detection part configured to detect a first pressure at an upstream side of a filter on an exhaust gas flow path;a second pressure detection part configured to detect a second pressure at a downstream side of the filter on the exhaust gas flow path; anda filter state determination part configured to include an operation part and a storage part, the storage part is configured to store values of the first and second pressures and transmit the values of the first and second pressures to the operation part, the operation part is configured to apply Fourier transformation to each of the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Propulsion system for an aircraft

Номер: US20190001955A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A hybrid-electric propulsion system includes a turbomachine, a propulsor coupled to the turbomachine, and an electrical system, the electrical system including an electric machine coupled to the turbomachine. A method for operating a hybrid-electric propulsion system includes operating, by one or more computing devices, the turbomachine in an idle operating condition; receiving, by the one or more computing devices, a command to accelerate the turbomachine while operating the turbomachine in the idle operating condition; and providing, by the one or more computing devices, electrical power to the electric machine to add power to the turbomachine and increase an acceleration of the turbomachine in response to the received command to accelerate the turbomachine.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001974A1

Methods and systems are presented for regenerating a particulate filter. In one example, vehicle speed control mode parameters may be adjusted in response to an amount of soot stored in a particulate filter being greater than a first threshold. The vehicle speed control parameters may be returned to base values in response to the amount of soot stored in the particulate filter being less than a second threshold. 1. A vehicle system , comprising:a spark ignited, direct injection, engine;an exhaust system coupled to the spark ignited engine, the exhaust system including a particulate filter; anda controller, the controller including executable instructions stored in non-transitory memory to operate the spark ignited engine and adjust a vehicle speed range about a desired vehicle speed between which vehicle speed is maintained by a vehicle speed control the range adjusted in response to an amount of soot stored in the particulate filter greater than a threshold amount.2. The vehicle system of claim 1 , wherein the range is increased in response to the amount of soot stored in the particulate filter greater than the threshold amount.3. The vehicle system of claim 1 , wherein the range is increased even when the desired vehicle speed is maintained fixed.4. The vehicle system of claim 3 , further comprising additional instructions to claim 3 , after having been increased claim 3 , decrease the range in response to the amount of soot stored in the particulate filter below a lower threshold amount.5. The vehicle system of claim 4 , further comprising additional instructions to control an amount of air flowing through the spark ignited engine during a condition of deceleration fuel shutoff in response to the amount of soot stored in the particulate filter.6. The vehicle system of claim 1 , further comprising additional instructions to retard spark timing of the spark ignited engine in response to being within a threshold distance of an expected road condition where ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Method and system for monitoring the operation of a catalytic converter

Номер: US20170002714A1

The present disclosure concerns a method for monitoring the operation of a catalytic converter that is disposed in an exhaust system of an internal combustion engine, in particular of a motor vehicle, wherein an exhaust gas temperature upstream of the catalytic converter and an exhaust gas temperature downstream of the catalytic converter are determined. In order to improve the monitoring of such a catalytic converter regardless of the respective type of catalytic converter used, it is proposed with the present disclosure that an exhaust gas mass flow through the catalytic converter is determined, wherein it is determined whether a thermal inertia of the catalytic converter is present or absent according to the presence of a triggering event taking into account the exhaust gas temperatures and the exhaust gas mass flow.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002760A1
Автор: Hayashita Go, Ide Koji

A control device for an internal combustion engine comprises an air-fuel ratio control part configured to control the air-fuel ratio of the exhaust gas and a heating control part configured to control the heating of the air-fuel ratio sensors. The heating control part controls the sensor heaters so that the temperature of the upstream air-fuel ratio sensor becomes less than the activation temperature and so that the temperature of the downstream air-fuel ratio sensor becomes the activation temperature or more while the internal combustion engine is stopped by the automatic stop function. The air-fuel ratio control part controls the exhaust air-fuel ratio based on the outputs of the two air-fuel ratio sensors during engine operation and control the air-fuel ratio temporarily based on only the output of the downstream air-fuel ratio sensor after the internal combustion engine has been restarted after automatic stop. 1. A control device for an internal combustion engine which has an automatic stop function , the internal combustion engine equipped with:an exhaust purification catalyst provided in an exhaust passage;an upstream air-fuel ratio sensor provided in the exhaust passage at an upstream side of the exhaust purification catalyst in a direction of flow of exhaust;a downstream air-fuel ratio sensor provided in the exhaust passage at a downstream side of the exhaust purification catalyst in the direction of flow of exhaust;an upstream side sensor heater heating the upstream air-fuel ratio sensor; anda downstream side sensor heater heating the downstream air-fuel ratio sensor, the control device comprising:an electronic control unit operatively connected to the internal combustion engine, the upstream air-fuel ratio sensor, the downstream air-fuel ratio sensor, the upstream side sensor heater, and the downstream side sensor heater, the electronic control unit configured to:control an air-fuel ratio of exhaust gas flowing into the exhaust purification catalyst; ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003123A1

An electronic control module for operating an internal combustion engine is disclosed. The electronic control module is configured to monitor a first air-fuel equivalence ratio of engine exhaust gases upstream of a NOx trap, and to activate a diagnostic routine for the NOx trap when the first air-fuel equivalence ratio is smaller than one. The diagnostic routine enables the electronic control module to monitor a second air-fuel equivalence ratio of engine exhaust gases downstream of the NOx trap, to use the first and second air-fuel equivalence ratios to calculate an index that is representative of the conversion efficiency of the NOx trap, and to identify a failure of the NOx trap when the efficiency index is lower than a predetermined threshold value. 110-. (canceled)11. An electronic control module for operating an internal combustion engine , wherein the electronic control module is configured to:monitor a first air-fuel equivalence ratio of engine exhaust gases upstream of a NOx trap; andactivate a diagnostic routine for the NOx trap when the first air-fuel equivalence ratio is smaller than 1;wherein the diagnostic routine enables the electronic control module to:monitor a second air-fuel equivalence ratio of engine exhaust gases downstream of the NOx trap;use the first and second air-fuel equivalence ratios to calculate an index that is representative of a conversion efficiency of the NOx trap; andidentify a failure of the NOx trap when the efficiency index is lower than a predetermined threshold value.12. The electronic control module according to claim 11 , wherein the electronic control module is configured to:use the first air-fuel equivalence ratio to calculate a total quantity of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide entering the NOx trap in a given time period;use both the first and second air-fuel equivalence ratios to calculate a total quantity of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide converted in the NOx trap in the same time period; andcalculate the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Improved soot load estimation using dual differential pressure sensors

Номер: US20210003060A1
Автор: Sriram Srinivasan
Принадлежит: Cummins Emission Solutions Inc

An exhaust filtration system comprises a first pressure sensor and a second pressure sensor, each configured to measure pressure in the exhaust filtration system under low-flow conditions. The exhaust filtration system comprises a third pressure sensor and a fourth pressure sensor, each configured to measure pressure in the exhaust filtration system under high-flow conditions. A flow rate of exhaust gas flowing through the exhaust filtration system is periodically determined. When the flow rate is below a predetermined flow rate threshold, the first and second pressure sensors are used to measure pressure in the exhaust filtration system, and a soot load of the exhaust filtration system is estimated using the pressure measured by the first and second pressure sensors. When the flow rate is above the predetermined flow rate threshold, the third and fourth pressure sensors are used to measure pressure in the exhaust filtration system and a soot load of the exhaust filtration system is estimated using the pressure measured by the third and fourth pressure sensors.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003365A1
Автор: Dhanraj Vijay

A method for optimizing an active regeneration of a diesel particulate filter of a motor vehicle, including the following steps: First, information regarding the planned travel route of the motor vehicle is ascertained; subsequently, a query is made as to whether the remaining travel time is less than the time needed for an upcoming regeneration of the diesel particulate filter, and/or a query is made as to whether the following engine phase of the motor vehicle is an overrun phase; and the active regeneration of the diesel particulate filter is prevented, if the remaining travel time is less than the time needed for an upcoming regeneration of the diesel particulate filter, or if the following engine phase is an overrun phase. 19-. (canceled)11. A method for optimizing an active regeneration of a diesel particulate filter of a motor vehicle , comprising:a. ascertaining information regarding a planned travel route of the motor vehicle;b. at least one of: (i) querying as to whether a remaining travel time is less than a time needed for an upcoming regeneration of the diesel particulate filter, and (ii) querying as to whether a following engine phase of the motor vehicle is an overrun phase; andc. preventing the active regeneration of the diesel particulate filter, if one of: (i) the remaining travel time is less than the time needed for an upcoming regeneration of the diesel particulate filter, or (ii) if the following engine phase is an overrun phase.12. The method as recited in claim 11 , wherein an active regeneration of the diesel particulate filter is initiated claim 11 , as soon as the active regeneration has been prevented more often than a specifiable number of times.13. The method as recited in claim 11 , wherein the information about the planned travel route is used to determine sections along the planned travel route which are suitable for carrying out a regeneration of the diesel particulate filter successfully.14. The method as recited in claim 11 , ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003950A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Emission Solutions Inc.

A system includes: an exhaust aftertreatment system that includes a particulate matter sensor that includes a heating element configured to selectively provide heat to the particulate matter sensor; and a controller programmed to: receive particulate matter data indicating a state of the particulate matter sensor; determine that the particulate matter sensor is in a full state based on the particulate matter data; and activate the heating element to: (i) a first temperature for a first period of time, the first temperature being sufficient to burn off water or ammonia; (ii) a second temperature for a second period of time immediately after the first period of time, the second temperature being greater than the first temperature and being sufficient to burn off urea, biuret, or melamine; and (iii) a third temperature for a third period of time immediately after the second period of time, the third temperature being greater than the second temperature and being sufficient to burn off carbon. 1. A system comprising:an exhaust aftertreatment system configured to receive exhaust gas from an engine, wherein the exhaust aftertreatment system includes a particulate matter sensor that includes a heating element configured to selectively provide heat to the particulate matter sensor; and receive particulate matter data indicating a state of the particulate matter sensor;', 'determine that the particulate matter sensor is in a full state based on the particulate matter data; and', (i) a first temperature for a first period of time, the first temperature being sufficient to burn off water or ammonia;', '(ii) a second temperature for a second period of time immediately after the first period of time, the second temperature being greater than the first temperature and being sufficient to burn off urea, biuret, or melamine; and', '(iii) a third temperature for a third period of time immediately after the second period of time, the third temperature being greater than the second ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007551A1

A control system includes an electrical heating catalyzer, a measuring device and an electronic control unit. The measuring device measures an insulation resistance between a catalyst carrier and case of the electrical heating catalyzer. The electronic control unit determines that the electrical heating catalyzer has a failure when a variation width of the insulation resistance is smaller than or equal to a set value in a historical variation in the insulation resistance measured by the measuring device. 1. A control system comprising: a catalyst carrier configured to generate heat through energization,', 'a case configured to accommodate the catalyst carrier, and', 'an electrical insulating member arranged between the catalyst carrier and the case;, 'an electrical heating catalyzer arranged in an exhaust passage of an internal combustion engine, the electrical heating catalyzer including'}a measuring device configured to measure an insulation resistance between the catalyst carrier and the case; andan electronic control unit configured to determine whether the electrical heating catalyzer has a failure on the basis of a historical variation in the insulation resistance measured by the measuring device.2. The control system according to claim 1 , whereinthe electronic control unit is configured to determine that the electrical heating catalyzer has a failure when a variation width of the insulation resistance measured by the measuring device in a predetermined period is smaller than or equal to a set value.3. The control system according to claim 2 , wherein the predetermined period at least includes a period from when an ignition switch is turned on to when a warm-up of the electrical heating catalyzer completes.4. The control system according to claim 2 , whereinthe measuring device is configured to intermittently measure the insulation resistance in the predetermined period, andthe electronic control unit is configured to determine that the electrical heating ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009625A1
Принадлежит: MGI COUTIER

This delivery module includes: a pump for making the liquid flow; and an electronic circuit for controlling the pump. The delivery module further includes a channeling block having two channeling elements which define, when they are superimposed, channels for the liquid and which include: an inlet channel and an outlet channel. 1. A delivery module , for delivering a liquid from a tank toward a downstream conduit in a motor vehicle , the delivery module comprising at least:a pump configured to make the liquid flow from the tank toward the downstream conduit; andan electronic circuit connected to the pump and configured to control the pump;wherein the delivery module further comprises a channeling block, the channeling block comprising two channeling elements which are configured to define, when they are superimposed, at least two channels adapted for the circulation of the liquid, the channels including at least:i) an inlet channel configured to channel the liquid toward the pump, andii) an outlet channel configured to channel the liquid coming out from the pump.2. The delivery module according to claim 1 , wherein one of the channeling elements presents at least one cavity configured to define at least one of the channels claim 1 , and wherein another channeling element is configured to seal said cavity when the channeling elements are superimposed.3. The delivery module according to claim 1 , wherein each channeling element has generally the shape of a plate.4. The delivery module according to claim 1 , wherein at least one channeling element is formed by a flat gasket having at least one opening defining one of the channels claim 1 , the delivery module further comprising at least one retaining member configured to retain the flat gasket.5. The delivery module according to claim 1 , wherein at least one channeling element includes at least one protruding rim defining a closed contour.6. The delivery module according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Engine device

Номер: US20170009634A1
Автор: Hideo Shiomi, Taiki Hori
Принадлежит: Yanmar Co Ltd

An engine device includes an engine, an exhaust gas purification device arranged on an exhaust path of the engine, and an engine control device that controls drive of the engine. The engine control device executes a plurality of regeneration controls with which particulate matter accumulated in the exhaust gas purification device is combusted and removed. As the plurality of regeneration controls, at least non-work regeneration control, in which an exhaust gas temperature is raised in combination of post-injection and a predetermined high rotational speed, is included. The engine control device drives the engine so as to solely combust and remove the particulate matter in the non-work regeneration control and compulsorily executes isochronous control in which a rotational speed of the engine is maintained constant, irrespective of variation in load of the engine.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Engine device

Номер: US20170009635A1
Автор: Masataka Mitsuda
Принадлежит: Yanmar Co Ltd

A diesel engine includes an exhaust-gas purification device and allows the exhaust-gas purification device to be disposed at the upper face side of the diesel engine. The exhaust-gas purification device purifies exhaust gas discharged from the diesel engine. The direction of a long side of the exhaust-gas purification device is perpendicular to the direction in which a crankshaft, included in the diesel engine, extends. An exhaust throttle device is disposed between an exhaust manifold, included in the diesel engine, and an exhaust gas inlet, included in the exhaust-gas purification device.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Heater control device for exhaust gas sensor

Номер: US20170010236A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

An exhaust gas sensor includes a sensor element having a plurality of cells, and a heater heating the sensor element. A heater control device for the exhaust gas sensor includes a heater power control unit that performs an impedance control, in which an energization of the heater is controlled by detecting an impedance of one cell to be measured, of the plurality of cells, such that the impedance of the one cell agrees with a target impedance. The heater power control unit, in the impedance control, estimates a temperature of the other cell other than the one cell based on at least one parameter of an energization condition of the heater and an operating condition of the internal-combustion engine, and corrects the target impedance so that the temperature of the other cell becomes lower than or equal to a permissible upper limit temperature.
