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24-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2617314C2

FIELD: machine building. SUBSTANCE: invention may be used in internal combustion engines supercharged. The operation method is made for a turbocharged engine having an electronic control unit, comprising instructions stored in memory. The operating conditions of the compressor indicating whether the compressor is in surge or out surging area are defined. The amount of the supercharge air flow is reduced by a valve actuator control (210) the supercharge air cooling (80) to reduce the number of channels in the tubes (204) through which the supercharge air passes inside the cooler (80), the charge air downstream of the compressor in response to working conditions of the compressor. The method of operation of the engine with the turbocharger and engine system are disclosed. EFFECT: invention prevents compressor surge. 20 cl, 8 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 617 314 C2 (51) МПК F02B 29/04 (2006.01) F02D 23/00 (2006.01) F02M 26/05 (2016.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2013138590, 20.08.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.08.2013 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Форд Глобал Технолоджис, ЛЛК (US) 20.08.2012 US 13/590,072 (45) Опубликовано: 24.04.2017 Бюл. № 12 Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2008/0155983 A1, 03.07.2008. US 2009/0050117 A1, 26.02.2009 . US 8191369 B2, 05.06.2012. US 2003/0183212 A1, 02.10.2003. SU 1055344 A, 15.11.1983. 2 6 1 7 3 1 4 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.02.2015 Бюл. № 6 R U 24.04.2017 (72) Автор(ы): ГЛУГЛА Крис Пол (US), КОКЕРИЛЛ Чарльз Аллен (US), БУКЛАНД Джули Хелен (US), УЭЙД Роберт Эндрю (US), ДЕВРИС Джейсон Юджин (US), МАККОНВИЛЛ Грег Патрик (US) 2 6 1 7 3 1 4 R U (57) Формула изобретения 1. Способ эксплуатации ...

28-04-2018 дата публикации

Patent RU2014146281A3

Номер: RU2014146281A3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

7 ВУ’” 2014146281” АЗ Дата публикации: 28.04.2018 Форма № 18 ИЗ,ПМ-2011 Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение ж Я «Федеральный институт промышленной собственности» (ФИПС) ОТЧЕТ О ПОИСКЕ 1. . ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ ЗАЯВКИ Регистрационный номер Дата подачи 2014146281/06(074586) 18.11.2014 Приоритет установлен по дате: [ ] подачи заявки [ ] поступления дополнительных материалов от к ранее поданной заявке № [ ] приоритета по первоначальной заявке № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи первоначальной заявки № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи ранее поданной заявки № [Х] подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) в государстве-участнике Парижской конвенции (31) Номер первой(ых) заявки(ок) (32) Дата подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) (33) Код страны 1. 14/084,295 19.11.2013 05 Название изобретения (полезной модели): [Х] - как заявлено; [ ] - уточненное (см. Примечания) СПОСОБ ДЛЯ ДВИГАТЕЛЯ (ВАРИАНТЫ) И СИСТЕМА ДЛЯ ДВИГАТЕЛЯ Заявитель: ФОРД ГЛОУБАЛ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ, ЭлЭлСи, 05 2. ЕДИНСТВО ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ [Х] соблюдено [ ] не соблюдено. Пояснения: см. Примечания 3. ФОРМУЛА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ: [Х] приняты во внимание все пункты (см. Примечания) [ ] приняты во внимание следующие пункты: [ ] принята во внимание измененная формула изобретения (см. Примечания) 4. КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ОБЪЕКТА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ (ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ) (Указываются индексы МПК и индикатор текущей версии) Е02В 29/04 (2006.01) Е02р 9/02 (2006.01) Е020 23/00 (2006.01) 5. ОБЛАСТЬ ПОИСКА 5.1 Проверенный минимум документации РСТ (указывается индексами МПК) 802В29/00-Е02В29/04, Е02В33/00-Е02В33/44, Н02В37/00-Е02В37/12, Н0209/00- 0209/18, Е02023/00-Е02023/02, Е02041/00-Е02041/26, Е02043/00-Е02043/04, ЕО2045/00, 802М25/00- #02М25/14, Е02М26/00- Е02М26/74, Е02МЗ5/00- Е02МЗ5/16 5.2 Другая проверенная документация в той мере, в какой она включена в поисковые подборки: 5.3 Электронные базы данных, использованные при поиске (название базы, и если, возможно, поисковые термины): РУ\У/РТ, ...

10-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015108585A
Принадлежит: Ман Трак Унд Бас Аг

1. Двигатель внутреннего сгорания для транспортного средства, содержащийрасположенный в подводе массового потока воздуха по потоку перед устройством (8) для подмешивания топлива охладитель (6) наддувочного воздуха, иизмерительное устройство для определения массового потока (3) воздуха,отличающийся тем, чтоизмерительное устройство имеет систему датчиков (19, 20) для измерения потери давления в охладителе (6) наддувочного воздуха иизмерительное устройство содержит дополнительно вычислительный блок (21) в качестве оценочного блока, с помощью которого в хранящейся в нем модели охладителя наддувочного воздуха, в которой охладитель (6) наддувочного воздуха образует геометрически постоянный дроссель для проходящего массового потока (3) воздуха, по меньшей мере из измеренной с помощью системы датчиков (19, 20) потери давления обеспечивается возможность вычисления массового потока (3) воздуха.2. Двигатель внутреннего сгорания по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что система датчиков для измерения потери давления на охладителе (6) наддувочного воздуха содержит датчик (19) давления по потоку перед охладителем наддувочного воздуха (датчик p-vLLK) и датчик (20) давления по потоку после охладителя наддувочного воздуха (датчик p-nLLK), или что система датчиков образована с помощью датчика разницы давления, при этом предпочтительно предусмотрено, что система датчиков дополнительно содержит по меньшей мере один температурный датчик для измерения температуры массового потока (3) воздуха.3. Двигатель внутреннего сгорания по п. 1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что измерительное устройство имеет систему датчиков для измерения потери давления на дроссельной заслонке (7) и для измерения положения РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F02B 43/00 (11) (13) 2015 108 585 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015108585, 11.03.2015 (71) Заявитель(и): МАН ТРАК УНД БАС АГ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 12.03.2014 DE ...

13-11-2008 дата публикации

Luftgekühlter Abgaswärmeübertrager, insbesondere Abgaskühler für Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: DE202005021555U1
Принадлежит: BEHR GMBH & CO KG, BEHR GMBH & CO. KG

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Combustion engine for vehicle such as motor car, has heat exchanger that is arranged at intercooler such that cooling performance of intercooler for cooling compressed combustion air is increased

Номер: DE102011056616A1

The combustion engine has an intercooler (2) for cooling the compressed combustion air. The refrigerant is circulated in a refrigerant circuit (4) of a refrigeration apparatus. A heat exchanger (3) is used within the refrigerant circuit of the refrigeration apparatus as an evaporator. The intercooler is provided for cooling the charge air flowing along with surrounding air. The heat exchanger is arranged at the intercooler such that the cooling performance of the intercooler is increased. An independent claim is included for a vehicle.

02-12-2010 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Steuerung der Temperatur eines durch einen Ladeluftkühler hindurchtretenden Ladeluftstroms

Номер: DE102009026613A1

Vorrichtung (10) zu Steuerung der Temperatur eines durch einen luftgekühlten Ladeluftkühler (12) hindurchtretenden Ladeluftstroms für einen aufgeladenen Verbrennungsmotor (20), mit einer Lüftereinrichtung (22) zur Erzeugung eines den Ladeluftkühler (12) beaufschlagenden Kühlluftstroms (24), und mit einer Stelleinrichtung (44) zur Beeinflussung der Kühlluftmenge nach Maßgabe einer zugeführten Steuergröße. Erfindungsgemäß gibt die Steuergröße einen am Ladeluftkühler (12) anliegenden Ladedruck wieder.

22-02-2007 дата публикации

Wasserkühler mit Ladeluftkühler

Номер: DE0004332919B4
Принадлежит: VALEO GMBH

Wasserkühler (1) mit daran befestigtem Ladeluftkühler (2) insbesondere für schwere Nutzfahrzeuge, wobei am Ladeluftkühler (2) Vorsprünge (10) befestigt sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Vorsprünge (10) einen durchgängig verlaufenden, zylindrischen Hohlraum (6) aufweisen, der mit einer elastischen Auskleidung (7) versehen ist, in der eine selbstsichernde Schraube (13) mit ihrem Schaft formschlüssig einliegt, und dass an der Außenseite des Wasserkühlers Öffnungen (14) sind, in die die selbstsichernde Schraube (13) mit ihrem vorderen Ende eingreift, wobei der Rand der Öffnung (14) von dem Schraubenende hintergriffen ist.

11-12-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust turbine throttled normally aspirated and turbocharger throttled turbocharged eco-boost type engines

Номер: GB0201318956D0

11-09-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001366327A

... 1366327 Cooling I C engine combustion air GARRETT CORP 8 Sept 1971 [11 Sept 1970] 41952/71 Heading F1B I.C. engine has an exhaust gas driven turbine 20 connected by a shaft to a compressor 22, the output air from the compressor being fed to the engine through a heat exchanger 28 in which it is cooled, ambient air being passed across the heat exchanger by means which are continuously driven by a portion of the compressed air leaving the compressor. The withdrawn portion of compressed air drives a motor-fan unit 26 which blows air through the heat exchanger 28.

06-08-2003 дата публикации

Condensation control for internal combustion engine having an exhaust gas recirculation circuit

Номер: GB0002384870A

A system and method for controlling an internal combustion engine to reduce or eliminate formation of EGR condensate is disclosed. Said method comprises monitoring current ambient 200 and engine operating conditions 210 and determining whether conditions are favourable for condensation of the EGR gases 222. If said conditions are favourable the engine is controlled accordingly 228 to avoid condensation; preferably by increasing the intake manifold temperature. The intake manifold temperature may be increased by redirecting some or all of the EGR flow 230 to avoid an EGR cooler. Alternatively, or in combination, some or all of the charge air may be redirected 232 to bypass the charge air cooler and/ or redirected from the outlet of a turbocharger compressor to the intake, effectively increasing the intake air temperature and resulting in a corresponding increase of the intake manifold temperature. Conditions favourable for condensation may be determined based on engine speed and load 214 ...

10-09-2003 дата публикации

High voltage fault discrimination for EGR temperature sensor

Номер: GB0002386195A

Systems and methods for discriminating between an EGR temperature sensor (51) fault and actual EGR temperatures which produce similar signals includes suppressing high voltage faults for a calibratible period of time after the engine (12) is started. Alternatively, or in addition, a sensor fault is not indicated unless secondary indicators suggest that EGR temperature is sufficiently different from EGR temperature corresponding to the sensor signal. Secondary indicator may include signals provided by various other engine and/or vehicle sensors (22, 24) such as ambient air temperature sensor (46), engine coolant temperature sensor (50), oil temperature sensor (44), or the like.

12-09-2007 дата публикации

Air-cycle refrigerated boosted intercooling of i.c. engines

Номер: GB0002435902A

Boosted intercooling requires high pressure turbocharging such that with a much higher charge air temperature the intercooler removes much more heat than conventionally. This extra cooled, over-boosted charge air, eg from compressor 2 of a turbocharger via an air-air intercooler 4, is air-cycle refrigerated by pressure reduction via an expander (cooling) turbine/reverse-acting supercharger 7, that outputs power at output shaft 9 when 'braked' via an underdriven belt-and-pulley drive to the engine crank, or a generator plus battery pack. A CVT belt drive enables a positive displacement supercharger to be operated as a throttle such that at less than WOT/underdrive conditions engine vacuum pressure drives the supercharger causing expansion cooling and reducing engine idle rpm. Expansion cooling allows high turbo boost pressures that extract more exhaust energy resulting in expander power output that increases fuel economy and power. High boost charge air temperatures may require face-split ...

13-08-2003 дата публикации

Condensation reduction in the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system of a compression ignition i.c. engine based on humidity

Номер: GB0002385094A

The exhaust gas recirculation is shut off depending upon the sensed or calculated humidity in the intake manifold relative to the dew point of the exhaust/intake air mixture. The humidity of the exhaust/intake air mixture may be measured in the intake manifold, charge air mixer or the ambient humidity may be sensed. If humidity is measured in the air charge mixer or in the ambient air, other factors such as engine speed and load, intake manifold pressure, EGR flow and air/fuel ratio may be used to calculate the humidity in the intake manifold. When the temperature of the mixture in the intake manifold is less than the dew point of the mixture, the engine control strategy may be shut off the EGR to prevent condensation in the exhaust gas recirculation system or engine.

04-07-2001 дата публикации

Automotive system including charge air delivery

Номер: GB0000111533D0

30-05-2007 дата публикации

Variable Speed Positive Displacement Superchargers Plus Air-Cycle Refrigerated Boosted Intercooling

Номер: GB0000707545D0

15-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000383503T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000486207T

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000499295T

15-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000615874A

28-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000002541U1

Between the exhaust gas sequence (3,4) and the charge air conduit (10,11) at least one exhaust gas feedback conduit (16,17) is provided, which via a nozzle - diffuser unit (14,15) upstream of a charge air cooler (9) issues into the charge air conduit. The nozzle - diffuser unit can be bypassed by a first control unit (20,21) in a main air sequence (18,19). The cylinders (2) on the inlet side and preferably also on the outlet side are brought together in groups (A,B). Each group has an air collection chamber (12,13) in which a charge air conduit issues and in each charge air conduit a nozzle - diffuser unit is arranged.

27-12-1972 дата публикации

Cooling system for loaded internal-combustion engines

Номер: AT0000304188B

22-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002045263C

Disclosed are methods of and means for an improved internal combustion engine performance and of substantially reduced or eliminated pollutants. A relatively slow and long burning combustion is provided which produces an exhaust of high pressure which can be utilized to drive a turbocharger or cylinder or subsequent cylinders. Ideally, the compression ratio is reduced with respect to current internal combustion engines, and the maximum temperature in the power or combustion cylinder can be below the temperature at which NOx is formed. Preferably the pressure during combustion remains substantially constant and the air or air/fuel mixture is externally compressed 40 to 100% of its compression pressure in the combustion cylinder. This results in a controlled energy release tailored to a change in volume per unit of time which results in more torque and horsepower, less fuel consumption and drastically decreases pollution, both chemical and heat to the atmosphere. A number of preferred embodiments ...

17-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002887297B1

04-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002951782B1

22-08-2003 дата публикации

Exhaust gas recirculation control for motor vehicle diesel I.C. engine, parallel gas return branches with cooler and throttling butterflies

Номер: FR0002836184A1

Ce système d'alimentation en gaz d'un moteur Diesel de véhicule automobile, du type comportant une arrivée d'air frais (4) et une arrivée de gaz d'échappement (5) à recycler dans le moteur (1) délivrés par un circuit de prélèvement correspondant (13), muni de moyens (14) d'ouverture/ fermeture de celui-ci, sur une ligne d'échappement du moteur (10), l'air frais et les gaz d'échappement se mélangeant avant leur entrée dans des moyens d'admission de gaz dans le moteur, est caractérisé en ce que les moyens d'admission de gaz comportent des moyens de contrôle (16) de leur température, munis de deux branches de circulation des gaz en parallèle (17, 18) équipées de papillons motorisés d'ouverture/ fermeture de celles-ci (19, 20), et dont l'une (18) comporte un refroidisseur (21) de gaz.

14-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003067402A1
Принадлежит: Valeo Systemes Thermiques SAS

L invention se rapporte à un procédé de gestion du débit de gaz de suralimentation au sein d un refroidisseur de gaz de suralimentation (1) d un moteur de véhicule automobile, ledit refroidisseur de gaz de suralimentation (1) comprenant un faisceau d échange (40) comprenant un faisceau de tubes (4) parcourus par un gaz de suralimentation (30, 31), ledit procédé de gestion du débit de gaz de suralimentation comprenant une étape de déplacement d un déflecteur (11) pour dévier le flux de gaz de suralimentation (30) de manière à augmenter le débit de gaz de suralimentation (30) dans une partie prédéfinie du faisceau de tubes (4). L invention de rapporte à un refroidisseur de gaz de suralimentation (1) apte à mettre en œuvre un tel procédé. The invention relates to a method for controlling the supercharging gas flow rate in a charge-gas cooler (1) of a motor vehicle engine, said charge-gas cooler (1) comprising an exchange beam (40). ) comprising a bundle of tubes (4) carrying a charge gas (30, 31), said supercharging gas flow rate management method comprising a step of moving a deflector (11) to deflect the supercharging gas flow (30) to increase the charge gas flow (30) in a predefined part of the tube bundle (4). The invention relates to a supercharger gas cooler (1) adapted to implement such a method.

14-04-2006 дата публикации

Oxidant mixture intake method for e.g. Diesel engine, involves passing part of exhaust gas and part of air in gas-gas exchanger having air circuits connected respectively to recycling circuit and to air supply circuit

Номер: FR0002876418A1

L'invention a pour objet un procédé et un dispositif d'admission, dans un moteur, d'un mélange comburant comportant de l'air alimenté par un premier circuit (1) et du gaz d'échappement recyclé, alimenté par un second circuit (2). Selon l'invention, on fait passer au moins une partie du gaz d'échappement et au moins une partie de l'air dans un échangeur gaz-gaz (5) ayant deux circuits (52, 51) reliés respectivement au circuit de recyclage (2) et au circuit d'alimentation en air (1), de façon à réaliser, avant le mélange du gaz recyclé et de l'air, par simple échange de chaleur et sans apport d'énergie, d'une part une augmentation du taux de gaz d'échappement dans le mélange comburant, par abaissement de la température dudit gaz et, d'autre part, le maintien de la température du mélange à un niveau souhaité, par un échauffement de l'air susceptible de compenser le refroidissement du gaz d'échappement recyclé. L'invention s'applique en particulier aux moteurs Diesel.

07-11-2017 дата публикации

다중 냉각 매질을 활용한 하이브리드형 인터쿨러 시스템 및 그 제어방법

Номер: KR0101795148B1
Автор: 박당희
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

... 본 발명은 다중 냉각 매질을 활용한 하이브리드형 인터쿨러 시스템 및 그 제어방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 일 실시 예에 따른 다중 냉각 매질을 활용한 하이브리드형 인터쿨러 시스템은 변속기 오일을 이용하여, 터보차저에서 과급된 공기를 냉각하는 제 1 냉각부(100); 냉각수를 이용하여, 상기 제 1 냉각부를 통과한 상기 과급공기를 냉각하는 제 2 냉각부(200); 및 외기를 이용하여, 상기 제 2 냉각부를 통과한 상기 과급공기를 냉각하는 제 3 냉각부(300);를 포함한다. 본 발명에 따르면, 수냉부를 이용하여 인터쿨러 입구를 통과한 흡기의 온도를 안정화하면서, 공냉부를 이용하여 인터쿨러의 냉각효율을 극대화하고, 이에 따라 엔진 동력 및 연비 성능을 극대화할 수 있다.

26-12-2007 дата публикации

arranjo para recirculação de gases de exaustão em um motor à combustão interna supercarregado

Номер: BRPI0511450A

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014006213A1

The invention relates to a heat exchanger (1), particularly such as a charge air cooler or exhaust gas cooler, having a pipe-pipe base assembly (2), in which pipes (5) are inserted in a sealed manner with their opposite pipe ends into openings in two opposing pipe bases (3, 4), wherein between the two pipe bases (3, 4) at least one partial region of a housing (8) is disposed which engages around the pipes (5) of the assembly (2) and seals it from the outside, wherein the two pipe bases (3, 4) have two sides extending in parallel to each other and each adjoining an end region (6, 7) of the pipes (5), on which sides, on a side of a pipe base opposite the housing between the pipe bases, a further housing part (15, 16) is disposed in each case and is connected to the housing (8) in a sealed manner between the pipe bases, wherein on at least one of the pipe bases (3, 4) a seal (21, 22) is arranged in a sealing manner between the housing (8) and this pipe base (3, 4) and/or between this pipe ...

02-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: WO1997036102A1
Автор: JOHANSSON, Bengt

The invention relates to a method and an intake system for filtering of intake air for an internal combustion engine (2), in which the intake aire is first made to pass a first filter (5) for filtering of the intake air, whereafter the intake air is compressed and then cooled in order to subsequently be introduced into the internal combustion engine (2). After the intake air has been cooled and before it is introduced into the internal combustion engine (2) the intake air is made to pass a safety filter (8). The safety filter (8) is intended to collect particles in the intake air in the event the first filter (5) fails or if air leaks into the intake system (1) downstream of the first fitler (5).

28-02-2008 дата публикации

Arrangement For Recirculation Of Exhaust Gases Of A Super-Charged Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20080047267A1

An arrangement for recirculation of exhaust gases of a supercharged combustion engine. A return line which connects an engine exhaust line to an air inlet line for air supply to the combustion engine, to recirculate exhaust gases via the return line. A first EGR cooler in which the recirculating exhaust gases in the return line are cooled, as a first step, by a first coolant in a first cooling system. A second EGR cooler in which the recirculating exhaust gases in the return line are cooled, as a second step, by a second coolant in a second cooling system, and the second coolant is adapted to be at a temperature substantially corresponding to the temperature of the ambient surroundings when it is led into the second EGR cooler. A charge air cooler for the inlet line, a radiator for the second cooling system to cool the exhaust gases and a radiator element for cooling the second coolant.

23-11-2006 дата публикации

Supercharging pressure controller for engine

Номер: US20060260305A1
Автор: Yuji Ishiwatari

A supercharging pressure controller of an internal combustion engine estimates time to execute a process of bringing power supplied to an assist motor to zero based on delay characteristics of actual emission energy immediately before actual supercharging pressure reaches target supercharging pressure. The supercharging pressure controller sets a gradient of a power gradual reduction waveform in a power gradual reduction control period at a gradient for bringing the power supplied to the assist motor to zero at the estimated time. Thus, the power supplied to the assist motor gradually reduces at the predetermined gradient over time finally to zero at the estimated time. The assist motor is turned off while the actual supercharging pressure follows the target supercharging pressure, without wastefully consuming electric energy.

24-08-1976 дата публикации

Supercharged water cooled internal combustion engine

Номер: US0003976041A1

A water cooled internal combustion engine with a cooling blower arranged at one end face of the engine and with at least one water cooler which is acted upon by the cooling blower and extends alongside the engine. The internal combustion engine is supercharged and equipped with a supercharger intercooler arranged below the water cooler and parallel to the central axis of the engine. The cooling air delivered by the cooling blower passes through the supercharger intercooler in a direction perpendicularly with regard to the central axis of the engine. The supercharger intercooler has a gap of its own for the discharged air which has an exit parallel to the discharged air of the water cooler.

29-07-2003 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine EGR system utilizing stationary regenerators in a piston pumped boost cooled arrangement

Номер: US0006598396B2
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc, CATERPILLAR INC

A piston-pumped EGR system for an internal combustion engine includes first and second stationary regenerators. Alternating flow through the first and second stationary regenerators is controlled by a regenerator directional flow control valve in fluid communication with at least one check valve disposed between the regenerator directional flow control valve and an exhaust manifold of the engine. Flow through the stationary recuperators is controlled so that exhaust gas and cooling bleed flow are alternatingly directed through the stationary recuperators whereby heat is removed from the recirculated exhaust gas prior to reintroduction into an intake manifold and one of the stationary regenerators is cooled by bleed air, which is subsequently discharged into the exhaust manifold of the engine.

15-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001625294A2

09-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: JP2006037769A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To surely perform reduction treatment of NOx. SOLUTION: When a temperature of a NOx reduction catalyst 14 is below a predetermined temperature range, a recirculation amount of exhaust gas G fed to an intake passage 6 is increased to reduce NOx content in the exhaust gas G exhausted from a diesel engine 1. When the temperature of the NOx reduction catalyst 14 is above the predetermined temperature range, the recirculation amount of the exhaust gas G fed to the intake passage 6 is decreased to reduce particulate matter content in the exhaust gas G exhausted from the diesel engine 1. When a low engine load is estimated, fuel injection is corrected to increase an exhaust temperature and thereby to maintain the optimum temperature of the NOx reduction catalyst. On the other hand, when a high engine load is estimated, the fuel injection is corrected to decrease the exhaust temperature and thereby to reduce the particulate matter content in the exhaust gas G. COPYRIGHT: ( ...

17-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: JP2004169629A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a control device for a turbocharger with an electric motor capable of improving responsiveness of starting of supercharge pressure during supercharge assist using the electric motor. SOLUTION: The control device for the turbocharger with the electric motor includes a turbocharger 11, the electric motor 11b capable of increasing the supercharging pressure by rotating the compressor 11a of the turbocharger 11, basic electric power amount calculating means 14, 15, 16, 29 and 26 for calculating a basic electric power amount to the electric motor based on a target supercharging pressure and an actual supercharging pressure, an electric power amount determining means 16 for determining a supply electric power amount to the electric motor, and an electric motor controlling means 21 for controlling the electric motor 11b based on the supply electric power amount by the electric power amount determining means 16. The electric power amount determining means 16 determines ...

01-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2656218C2

Предложена группа изобретений, включающая способы и системы для регулировки параметров сгорания для повышения стабильности сгорания в условиях, в которых конденсат, образовавшийся в охладителе наддувочного воздуха, может поступать в цилиндры двигателя. Техническим результатом является повышение стабильности сгорания. Сущность изобретений заключается в том, что в ответ на повышенный массовый расход воздуха и уровень конденсата в охладителе наддувочного воздуха двигатель может осуществлять сгорание на богатом воздушно-топливном соотношении наряду с увеличением положительного перекрытия клапанов. 3 н. и 19 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

21-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2639431C2

FIELD: engines and pumps.SUBSTANCE: depending on the increased level of condensate accumulated in the boost air cooler, the air flow rate through the engine for blowing the condensate is increased by depletion of the mixture by its delamination, and an engine actuating mechanism is adjusted to maintain engine torque at the required level. Problems associated with the combustion stability in the engine cylinders are addressed by adjusting fuel supply to each individual cylinder at the time of condensate entry.EFFECT: increased engine reliability due to elimination of misfiring when condensate gets into cylinders.8 cl, 10 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F02B 29/04 F02D 23/00 F02D 33/00 F02D 43/00 F02D 41/04 (11) (13) 2 639 431 C2 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F02B 29/0468 (2017.08); F02D 23/00 (2017.08); F02D 33/006 (2017.08); F02D 41/042 (2017.08); F02D 41/045 (2017.08); F02D 41/0052 (2017.08); F02D 41/047 (2017.08); F02D 41/0007 (2017.08); F02D 41/008 (2017.08); F02D 41/0295 (2017.08); F02D 41/3076 (2017.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2014121662, 28.05.2014 28.05.2014 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: JP2012132364 A 12.07.2012. 29.05.2013 US 13/904,875 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.12.2015 Бюл. № 34 US2007277792 A1 06.12.2007. US2012279200 A1 08.11.2012. US2003114978 A1 19.06.2003. RU2184251 C1 27.06.2002. 2 6 3 9 4 3 1 R U Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б.Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и партнеры" (54) СПОСОБ ПРОДУВКИ КОНДЕНСАТА ИЗ ОХЛАДИТЕЛЯ НАДДУВОЧНОГО ВОЗДУХА (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области управления воздуха, увеличивают расход воздуха через двигателем внутреннего сгорания. Техническим двигатель для продувки конденсата путем результатом является повышение надежности обеднения смеси за счет ее расслоения, и ...

15-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015108585A3

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU152512U1

... 1. Промежуточный охладитель для двигателя, содержащий сторону впуска, через которую наддувочный воздух поступает в промежуточный охладитель, сторону выпуска, через которую наддувочный воздух выходит из промежуточного охладителя, переднюю поверхность, через которую наружный воздух поступает в промежуточный охладитель, заднюю поверхность, через которую наружный воздух выходит из промежуточного охладителя, и устройство управления течением наружного воздуха для регулирования течения наружного воздуха через ту часть промежуточного охладителя, которая перекрыта указанным устройством управления, отличающийся тем, что устройство управления течением наружного воздуха выполнено с возможностью управления в зависимости от одного из двух параметров: температуры наддувочного воздуха на его выходе из промежуточного охладителя и температуры наружного воздуха на его выходе из промежуточного охладителя.2. Промежуточный охладитель по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что устройство управления течением наружного воздуха ...

27-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013138590A

... 1. Способ эксплуатации двигателя, в котором в первом режиме уменьшают объем охладителя наддувочного воздуха в зависимости от режима работы компрессора, расположенного выше по потоку.2. Способ по п.1, в котором первый режим характеризуется работой компрессора в области помпажа или предполагаемым в ближайшее время переходом в область помпажа, и в котором режим работы компрессора основан на отношении давлений компрессора и массовом расходе воздуха.3. Способ по п.2, в котором на основании скорости и нагрузки двигателя определяют, работает ли компрессор в текущий момент в области помпажа, или предполагается ли в ближайшее время его переход в область помпажа.4. Способ по п.2, в котором на основании массового расхода воздуха и уровня создаваемого наддува определяют, работает ли компрессор в текущий момент в области помпажа, или предполагается ли в ближайшее время его переход в область помпажа.5. Способ по п.1, в котором для уменьшения объема охладителя наддувочного воздуха закрывают клапан на ...

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012151835A

... 1. Устройство нагрева теплоносителя в системе охлаждения, которая охлаждает двигатель (2) внутреннего сгорания транспортного средства (1), при этом система охлаждения содержит охладитель (18) теплоносителя, расположенный в том месте в транспортном средстве, где через него проходит воздух при температуре (T, T), которая выше температуры окружающей среды; коллектор, содержащий первую магистраль (16а), подающую теплоноситель в двигатель (2) внутреннего сгорания, и вторую магистраль (16b), подающую теплоноситель в охладитель (18) теплоносителя, а также клапанное устройство (17), которое может быть приведено в первое положение, в котором оно подает теплоноситель в двигатель (2) внутреннего сгорания, и во второе положение, в котором оно подает теплоноситель в охладитель (18) теплоносителя, отличающееся тем, что оно содержит блок (22) управления, выполненный с возможностью определения того, имеет ли теплоноситель в системе охлаждения более низкую температуру (T), чем рабочая температура (T), и ...

13-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2716649C1

FIELD: engine building.SUBSTANCE: invention can be used in internal combustion engines. Air cooler of supercharging air in internal combustion engine (1) includes heat exchanger (5), fan (7), supply (11) and discharge (13) pipelines and inlet header (3). Cooling ribs are made on intake manifold housing and supply pipelines. Intake manifold and its supply pipelines are arranged in casing (6). Casing is made in the form of a cavity with an outlet flared end (10) and inlet nozzle (12) by means of which the casing cavity is connected to the supplying pressure cone (9). Heat exchanger is mounted in the base of the pressure cone, and on its opposite side diffuser (8) with a delivery fan is installed. Fan has electric drive with electronic control unit of its engine speed.EFFECT: technical result consists in improvement of engine operation by reducing temperature of supercharging air and its constant in different temperature conditions.3 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 716 649 C1 (51) МПК F02B 29/04 (2006.01) F01P 5/06 (2006.01) F04D 29/54 (2006.01) F28F 9/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F02B 29/04 (2020.01); F02B 29/0425 (2020.01); F01P 5/06 (2020.01); F04D 29/54 (2020.01); F28F 9/00 (2020.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019128565, 12.09.2019 12.09.2019 Дата регистрации: 13.03.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 13.03.2020 Бюл. № 8 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 115834 U1, 10.05.2012. RU 2608798 C2, 24.01.2017. US 2016363039 A1, 15.12.2016. US 4685513 A1, 11.08.1987. JP 2002201940 A, 19.07.2002. 2 7 1 6 6 4 9 R U (54) ВОЗДУШНЫЙ ОХЛАДИТЕЛЬ НАДДУВОЧНОГО ВОЗДУХА В ДВИГАТЕЛЯХ ВНУТРЕННЕГО СГОРАНИЯ (57) Реферат: иможет быть использовано в двигателях подводящим напорным конусом (9). В основании внутреннего сгорания. Воздушный охладитель напорного конуса монтируют теплообменник, а наддувочного воздуха в двигателе внутреннего с противоположной его стороны диффузор (8) с сгорания ...

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014101692A

... 1. Впускное устройство для двигателя внутреннего сгорания с нагнетателем, причем впускное устройство содержит впускной канал, оснащенный расходомером воздуха, дроссельным клапаном и рециркуляционным клапаном, компрессор нагнетателя, расположенный между дроссельным клапаном и расходомером воздуха, причем рециркуляционный клапан выполнен с возможностью сброса давления из области ниже по потоку от компрессора в область выше по потоку от компрессора в ходе закрытия дроссельного клапана, и EGR-канал двигателя внутреннего сгорания, соединенный с впускным каналом в соединении с областью выше по потоку от компрессора таким образом, что EGR-газ вводится в систему впуска через EGR-канал,при этом пропускная способность (V) впускного канала от расходомера воздуха до соединения впускного канала и EGR-канала, пропускная способность (V) впускного канала от компрессора до дроссельного клапана и максимальное давление (P) наддува в рабочем режиме, в котором выполняется введение EGR-газа, задаются таким образом ...

20-01-2011 дата публикации

Einrichtung zur Ladeluftkühlung sowie Verfahren zum Betreiben derselben

Номер: DE102009033656A1

Einrichtung zur Ladeluftkühlung für eine aufgeladene Kraftfahrzeug-Brennkraftmaschine, wobei die Phasenwechselenthalpie eines Phasenwechselmediums zur Wärmeübertragung von der Ladeluft zu dem Phasenwechselmedium genutzt wird, sowie Verfahren zum Betreiben derselben.

17-02-2005 дата публикации

Reciprocating piston engine, esp. 2-stroke heavy Diesel engines has exhaust gas re-circulation device with turbine charged by drive air branched-off charging air compressed by exhaust turbocharger

Номер: DE0010331187A1
Принадлежит: MAN B&W Diesel AS

The engine has an exhaust gas re-circulation device (16) with compressor (20), which is driven by a turbine (19). The turbine is charged with drive air, which is a part volume branched off the charging air compressed by the exhaust turbocharger (7), and is heated by the re-circulated part exhaust volume, while cooling it at the same time. The re-circulation device has a low-pressure turbo compressor (18), which contains the turbine and the compressor. It also has a rotary heat exchanger (22) connected to the turbo compressor, which in turn has an electrical auxiliary motor.

16-03-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002141538A1

01-06-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002752498A1

22-07-1999 дата публикации

Internal combustion motor exhaust turbo charger

Номер: DE0019859329A1

The exhaust gas turbo charger (6), for an internal combustion motor (1), has a jet diffuser unit (3) with a longitudinal axis (3a) parallel to the cooling plane (4a) of the charging air cooler unit (4). The longitudinal axis (3a) of the jet diffuser unit (3) is on the normal plane (14) of the crankshaft axis (15).

21-05-2008 дата публикации

Abgasrückführungssystem für einen Verbrennungsmotor

Номер: DE102007053847A1

Ein Motor mit einem Abgassystem, das dazu dient, um Abgase aus dem Motor zu transportieren. Ein Turbolader steht in fluidmäßiger Verbindung mit dem Abgassystem. Ein Dieselpartikelfilter, der in fluidmäßiger Verbindung mit dem Abgassystem angeordnet ist und sich in unterstromiger Beziehung zu dem Turbolader befindet, dient dazu, um Partikelmaterial aus den Abgasen im Wesentlichen zu entfernen. Ein Abgasrückführungsdurchgang, der in oberstromiger Beziehung von dem Turbolader und dem Dieselpartikelfilter angeordnet ist, dient dazu, um einen Teil der Abgase zu einem Luft/Luft-Wärmetauscher weiterzuleiten, der dazu dient, um den Teil der Abgase zu kühlen. Ein Abgasrückführungsventil dient dazu, um den Teil der Abgase selektiv und variabel zu einem Einlassluftkanal eines Einlasssystems weiterzuleiten. Eine Motorabdeckung definiert eine Öffnung, die dazu dient, um Umgebungsluft zu dem Luft/Luft-Wärmetauscher weiterzuleiten, um die Kühlung des Teils der Abgase zu unterstützen.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Ladeluftkühleinrichtung für einen Verbrennungsmotor

Номер: DE102010047092A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Ladeluftkühleinrichtung für einen Verbrennungsmotor mit einem ersten Wärmetauscher (11) zur Übertragung thermischer Energie eines Ladeluftstroms an ein Kühlmittel (30) und mit einem zweiten Wärmetauscher (7) mittels welchem thermische Energie des Kühlmittels (30) an die Umgebung (32) abführbar ist, wobei der erste Wärmetauscher (11) als Koaxialrohr-Wärmetauscher (11) ausgebildet ist, der einen für die Verbrennungsluft vorgesehenen Verdichter (3) unmittelbar mit dem Motor (1) verbindet.

28-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013216471A1

Ein Motorkühlsystem umfasst einen Ladeluftkühler mit einem Einlass, einer Mehrzahl von Wärmetauschkanälen, die mit dem Einlass fluidisch gekoppelt sind, und einem Auslass, der mit den Wärmetauschkanälen fluidisch gekoppelt ist, und eine Leitung, die mit dem Auslass und einem Ansaugkrümmer eines Motors gekoppelt ist, wobei die Leitung so geteilt ist, dass sie einen ersten und einen zweiten Strömungsweg zum Ansaugkrümmer umfasst, wobei ein Ventil an einem Einlass des ersten Strömungswegs positioniert ist. Auf diese Weise kann angesammeltes Kondensat im Ladeluftkühler bei Bedingungen niedriger Ansauggeschwindigkeit zum Motor bewegt werden.

19-07-2001 дата публикации

Brennkraftmaschine mit mehreren Zylindern

Номер: DE0019858771C2

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015201619B3

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Ladeluftkühler (2) mit einem Luftkühler (4) in einem ersten Luftpfad (I) und mit einem Bypass (6) in einem zweiten Luftpfad (II), der parallel zum ersten Luftpfad (I) geschaltet ist, wobei dem Bypass (6) eine thermische Isolierung (8) zugeordnet ist, die den Bypass (6) thermisch von dem Luftkühler (4) isoliert, wobei der Luftkühler (4) einen doppelwandigen Grundkörper (10) mit einer Außenwand (12) und mit einer Innenwand (14) aufweist, wobei die thermische Isolierung (8) an der Innenwand (14) angeordnet ist. Ferner betrifft die Erfindung ein Ventil (16) für einen derartigen Ladeluftkühler (2) sowie eine turboaufgeladene Verbrennungskraftmaschine mit einem derartigen Ladeluftkühler (2) und ein Kraftfahrzeug mit einer derartigen Verbrennungskraftmaschine.

22-10-2014 дата публикации

An improved intercooler for an engine

Номер: GB0002513171A

An air to air intercooler 5 for an engine (2, fig.7) of a motor vehicle is disclosed in which a flow control device 10 is located on the intercooler 5 to vary the flow of ambient air through the intercooler 5. The flow control device 10 includes a number of louvres or slats 11 that are moveable between respective closed and open positions by an actuator (20, fig.3). The position of the slats 11 is adjusted based upon either the temperature of the charge air exiting the intercooler 5 or the temperature of the ambient air exiting the intercooler 5 so as to vary the temperature of the charge air flowing through the intercooler 5 and thereby prevent condensation of water vapour in the heat transfer matrix 6.

18-02-2004 дата публикации

Engine control based on exhaust back pressure

Номер: GB0000401141D0

11-03-2015 дата публикации

Exhaust turbine throttled normally aspirated and turbocharger throttled turbocharger eco-boost type engines

Номер: GB0002518015A

Turbocharger (compressor 10/turbine 11) is braked by variable speed motor-generator (M-G) 8 controlled by a throttle position sensor (TPS) connected to a throttle control system (TCS) and engine control unit (ECU), and whose maximum speed is lim­ited by boost pressure sensor 15. M-G 8 outputs power to a variable speed M-G connected to the engine's crank, or to a battery-pack, upon throttle lift-off and when it is braked by a connected vehicle's braking system and accumulated power is subsequently discharged into the engine crank via the M-G conn­ected to the engine crank such that turbocharger engine throttling and the M-G 8 output increases or, less economically, boosts turbo pressure. When idling at low/sub-zero temperatures, bypass valve 13 is closed so that the engine becomes only ex­haust throttled, and at high ambient temperatures bypass valve 12 is closed so that compressor 10 adiabatically expansion refrigerates charge air, and intercooler bypass valve 23 opens when temperature ...

02-04-2014 дата публикации

An improved intercooler for an engine

Номер: GB0201402897D0

30-04-2003 дата публикации

High voltage fault discrimination for EGR temperature sensor

Номер: GB0000306812D0

15-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA615874A

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000535700T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508180A2

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000465340T

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000467755T

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508180A3

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000503458B1

The system has a heat transferring unit (11) decoupled with a heat energy from an exhaust gas situated in an exhaust gas recirculation circuit (5) and coupled into an exhaust gas sealing system (10). The heat transferring unit is arranged in such a manner that an exhaust gas pressure pulsation is transmitted from an exhaust gas inlet to an exhaust gas outlet of the heat transferring unit. Pressure to be present in a regulating device (14) is higher than pressure prevalent in a discharge point of a combustion air supply (2).

25-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000002688U2

The exhaust gas turbo charger (6), for an internal combustion motor (1), has a jet diffuser unit (3) with a longitudinal axis (3a) parallel to the cooling plane (4a) of the charging air cooler unit (4). The longitudinal axis (3a) of the jet diffuser unit (3) is on the normal plane (14) of the crankshaft axis (15).

19-08-2010 дата публикации

Charge air cooling system and method

Номер: AU2006306583B2

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AU2013245468A1

A method includes combusting air within a plurality of cylinders of an internal combustion engine by injecting a fuel into the plurality of cylinders. The method further includes expanding a first portion of an exhaust gas generated from the plurality of combustion cylinders via a turbine. The method further includes controlling at least one of feeding a second portion of the exhaust gas via an exhaust channel bypassing the turbine; and recirculating a third portion of the exhaust gas to the plurality of combustion cylinders via a recirculation channel, as a function of an intake manifold air temperature and pressure at which the engine is operated. 0r l ------- ---- -------- 4-o ---- a--- ................ --------- ...

26-03-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000944239A1

10-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002413788A1

A system for providing exhaust gas recirculation in a mufti-cylinder compression ignition internal combustion engine include an EGR valve in communication with an exhaust side of the engine to selectively direct exhaust gases to the EGR system. Charge air is directed through the engine and/or EGR system to purge exhaust gases from the EGR system. Charge air may be supplied to the EGR system by maintaining the intake manifold pressure above the pressure in the exhaust manifold.

16-04-2014 дата публикации

Engine control system and method

Номер: CN103726938A

The invention relates to an engine control system and method. Methods and systems are provided for purging condensate from a charge air cooler to an engine intake. During an engine deceleration event, airflow through a charge air cooler is temporarily increased to purge stored condensate to the engine intake. By delivering condensate while an engine is not fueled, misfire events resulting from ingestion of water are reduced.

15-11-2019 дата публикации

Method and system for high temperature and low temperature coolant circuits

Номер: CN0110454271A

07-08-2009 дата публикации

Air supply line component e.g. duct, for internal combustion engine, has collecting and evacuation vents positioned to permit circulation of ambient air by natural convection through space between internal and external walls

Номер: FR0002927126A1

The component has an internal wall (2) delimiting an air passage conveyed to an internal combustion engine and an external wall (1) contacting with ambient air i.e. hot air (AC), where space (6) is provided between the walls. The external wall includes a collecting vent (3) for penetrating the ambient air in the space between the walls, and an evacuation vent (4) for evacuating the ambient air. The vents are positioned to permit circulation of the ambient air by natural convection through the space. The internal wall is coated with an insulator i.e. reflective coating. An independent claim is also included for an air supply line of an internal combustion engine, comprising internal space.

07-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003063523A1
Принадлежит: MANITOU BF

Groupe motopropulseur comprenant un moteur (2) thermique, un circuit (3) d'alimentation en air dudit moteur (2), un circuit (16) de liquide de refroidissement du moteur (2) et un ventilateur (7), ledit circuit (3) d'alimentation en air du moteur (2) comprenant un compresseur (4) et un radiateur (5), ledit radiateur (5) à air à l'intérieur duquel l'air comprimé par le compresseur (4) est apte à circuler pour y être refroidi étant disposé entre le compresseur (4) et l'entrée (6) d'admission d'air du moteur (2) et à proximité du ventilateur (7) pour être disposé au moins partiellement dans le flux d'air produit par le ventilateur (7). Au moins une portion du circuit (16) du liquide de refroidissement du moteur (2) forme, avec au moins une partie de la portion (31) du circuit (3) d'alimentation en air du moteur (2) disposée entre le compresseur (4) et le radiateur (5) à air, un échangeur (20) thermique air/liquide.

29-04-2011 дата публикации

Air cooler for combustion engine i.e. diesel engine, has heat exchange units separated by noiseless zone, where heat exchange units are comprised of bundle of ducts, and plunging tube formed in noiseless zone and arranged in cases

Номер: FR0002951782A1

The cooler has heat exchange units (3, 4) separated by a noiseless zone (5). Air flows between inlet case (1) and outlet case (2). The heat exchange unit comprises bundle of ducts that are connected together with fins. Plunging tube is formed in the noiseless zone and arranged in the inlet case and outlet case. The ducts are arranged in beams and connected by wings that increases heat exchange with ambient air. Charge air exchanges heat in the ducts with cooling liquid of a coolant circuit.

13-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020060128038A

An exhaust emission control device of an internal combustion engine capable of satisfactorily atomizing a reducing agent and surely securing combustion air. Since the controller of the exhaust emission control device controls the nozzle opening of a variable discharge turbo for spraying urea water, even when the engine is in a low load area of T1 to T2 and a supercharging pressure does not rise normally, the supercharging pressure P suitable for spraying the urea water can be provided by controlling the nozzle opening of the variable discharge turbo so as to be closed more than a normal one (chain double-dashed line), and the urea water can be securely atomized by a part of the supercharging air. Also, since the amount of combustion air supplied to the engine is increased by raising the supercharging pressure to P, satisfactory combustion can be realized and the generation of particulates and the discharge of unburned fuel can be suppressed. © KIPO & WIPO 2007 ...

11-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: KR20040012494A

PURPOSE: To provide an engine control device capable of enhancing the rate of NOx purification by increasing the NO2 content of the NOx in case the rate of NOx purification is low. CONSTITUTION: The engine control device is equipped with a NOx catalyst 13 to make a selective reduction of the NOx in the exhaust gas of an engine 1, a reducing agent supplying means 14 to supply a reducing agent to the exhaust line upstream of the NOx catalyst 13, an upper 15 and a lower NOx sensor 22 to sense the amount of exhausted NOx in the exhaust gas from the engine 1, fuel injection devices n1 and n2 to perform fuel injection selectively in two modes, the main injection mode M1 to perform the main injection and the pilot injection mode M2 to make the main injection and a pilot injection prior to the main injection, and a control means 3 to drive the fuel injection devices n1 and n2 in the pilot injection mode M2 when the rate η of NOx purification in the engine 1 is judged to be the specified rate ηL ...

01-04-2015 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020150033721A

16-09-2021 дата публикации

Air cooling chamber assembly and internal combustion engine having the same

Номер: TW202134531A

Present disclosure relates to air cooling chamber assembly. The air cooling chamber assembly includes: an air intake duct receiving ambient air outside of an internal combustion engine, an air cooling chamber cooling the ambient air received from the air intake duct to generate cooled air, and an air output duct providing the cooled air generated from the air cooling chamber to the internal combustion engine. The air cooling chamber assembly is connected to an air intake of the internal combustion engine to cool the ambient air to generate the cooled air prior to entering the internal combustion engine, and to provide the cooled air generated to the air intake of the internal combustion engine. The cooled air from air cooling chamber contains increased amount of oxygen molecules, and increased amount of oxygen molecules in the cooled air improves fuel efficiency and reduces greenhouse gas emission of the internal combustion engine.

25-09-2012 дата публикации

Kylsystem i ett fordon

Номер: SE0000535564C2
Принадлежит: SCANIA CV AB

05-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO2008066476A1

The present invention relates to a cooling arrangement for a vehicle (1). The cooling arrangement comprises at least one cooling element (9, 15) which has flowing through it a gaseous medium adapted to being cooled by an external air flow which flows in a specified direction through the cooling element (9, 15) during operation of the combustion engine (2). The cooling arrangement further comprises a heat- supplying element (26) fitted at a location upstream from said cooling element (9, 15) with respect to the direction of the cooling air flow so that at least part of the air flowing through the heat-supplying element (26) also flows through the cooling element (9, 15), and control means (22, 23) adapted to activating the heat-supplying element (26) so that the air flowing through the heat-supplying element (26) is warmed during situations where there is risk of the gaseous medium in the cooling element (9, 15) being cooled to below a lowest acceptable temperature, and that the heat-supplying ...

10-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008005382A1

A system for recirculating exhaust gas in an engine system (100) includes a turbocharger and an exhaust gas recirculation system. The turbocharger (137) includes a turbine (133) driven by the exhaust gas from an engine, and a compressor operatively connected to the turbine. The compressor includes an air inlet and a diffuser portion (166) located downstream of the air inlet (145). The exhaust gas recirculation system (112) includes a fluid passage (180) having an inlet fluidly connected to an outlet of the engine, and an outlet fluidly connected to the diffuser portion of the compressor and located downstream of the air inlet of the compressor.

25-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: WO2004101977A1

A piston engine and a method for controlling a diesel-type piston engine comprising at least one combustion chamber formed by a cylinder, a movably arranged piston in each cylinder, which piston is connected to a crankshaft, an injection device designed to inject fuel directly into said combustion chamber and turbo system comprising a low pressure turbo and a high pressure turbo. The object of the invention is to provide a method and engine by which the thermal efficiency of the internal combustion can be increased, whilst the requirement relating to nitrogen oxide and soot particle emissions continue to be maintained.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Thermal management systems and methods

Номер: US20120180768A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Thermal management systems and methods related to controlling temperature of internal combustion engines are provided. In one embodiment, a thermal management system includes an air intake structure defining an air intake passage therethrough coupled to a plurality of cylinders in an engine, a multi-stage cooling assembly, positioned in the air intake passage, including an air-to-coolant intercooler for cooling intake air and an air-to-air heat exchanger for cooling intake air, an air-to-coolant radiator fluidly coupled with the air-to-coolant intercooler of the multi-stage cooling assembly, a first fan operable to provide air flow to the multi-stage cooling assembly and the air-to-coolant radiator, and a second fan operable to provide air flow to the air-to-coolant radiator.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Engine control system and method

Номер: US20140100758A1

Methods and systems are provided for purging condensate from a charge air cooler to an engine intake. During an engine deceleration event, airflow through a charge air cooler is temporarily increased to purge stored condensate to the engine intake. By delivering condensate while an engine is not fueled, misfire events resulting from ingestion of water are reduced.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047297A1

Embodiments for a charge air cooler are provided. In one example, an engine method comprises during a first mode, decreasing a volume of a charge air cooler in response to a compressor operation upstream of the charge air cooler. In this way, compressor surge may be prevented. 1. A method of operating an engine having an electronic control unit including non-transitory instructions stored in memory , the method comprising:coordinately adjusting a position of a compressor recirculation valve configured to divert intake air around a compressor and a volume of charge air flowing through a charge air cooler disposed downstream of the compressor based on determined operating conditions of the compressor indicating whether the compressor is operating in a compressor surge region and an estimated condensation value of the charge air cooler.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coordinately adjusting the position of the compressor recirculation valve and the volume of charge air flowing through the charge air cooler includes adjusting the volume of charge air flowing through the charge air cooler by adjusting an actuator of the charge air cooler to adjust a number of passages through which the charge air flows within the charge air cooler.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the actuator includes a charge air cooler valve positioned in an inlet tank of the charge air cooler claim 2 , where the inlet tank includes inlets to the passages through which charge air flows within the charge air cooler.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the coordinately adjusting includes closing the charge air cooler valve to reduce the volume of charge air flowing through the charge air cooler claim 3 , in addition to or instead of adjusting the compressor recirculation valve claim 3 , in response to the estimated condensation value being above a threshold and the determined operating conditions of the compressor indicating that the compressor is operating in the compressor surge region.5. The ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054778A1

A snowmobile including a frame; at least one ski; an engine with an engine air inlet and an exhaust outlet; a turbocharger including an exhaust turbine, and a compressor. An air intake system includes a first flow path connecting the compressor to the atmosphere; a second flow path connecting the compressor to the engine air inlet; an intake bypass flow path connecting atmosphere to the engine air inlet for bypassing the compressor; and an intake bypass valve for controlling the flow through the intake bypass flow path. An exhaust system includes a third flow path connecting the exhaust outlet to the exhaust turbine; a fourth flow path connecting the exhaust turbine to the atmosphere; an exhaust bypass flow path connecting the exhaust outlet to the atmosphere for at least partially bypassing the exhaust turbine; and an exhaust bypass valve for controlling the flow through the exhaust bypass flow path. 1. A snowmobile comprising:a frame;at least one ski connected to the frame;an engine supported by the frame, the engine having an engine air inlet and an exhaust outlet;a first airbox fluidly connected to the engine air inlet for providing intake air to the engine;an exhaust pipe fluidly connected to the exhaust outlet of the engine; an exhaust turbine, and', 'a turbocharger housing housing the exhaust turbine;, 'a turbocharger fluidly connected to the exhaust pipe and the first airbox, the turbocharger includinga second airbox fluidly connected to the turbocharger, the second airbox receiving air from atmosphere surrounding the snowmobile;an intake bypass conduit for bypassing the turbocharger, the intake bypass conduit being fluidly connected the second airbox to the first airbox;an intake valve operatively connected to the intake bypass conduit for selectively controlling the flow of intake air from the second airbox to the first airbox;an exhaust bypass fluidly connected to the exhaust pipe;an exhaust valve operatively connected to the exhaust bypass conduit for ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049093A1

A method for diagnosing a waste gate valve malfunction in a power generation system is presented. The method includes determining an actual pressure differential across a throttle valve. The method further includes determining an estimated pressure differential across the throttle valve based on one or more first operating parameters of the power generation system. Furthermore, the method includes determining an absolute difference between the actual pressure differential and the estimated pressure differential. Moreover, the method also includes comparing the absolute difference with a threshold value and if the absolute difference is greater than the threshold value, determining an operating condition of the throttle valve. Additionally, the method includes determining whether the waste gate valve has malfunctioned based on the determined operating condition of the throttle valve. An engine controller and a power generation system employing the method are also presented. 1. A method for diagnosing a waste gate valve malfunction in a power generation system , comprising:(i) determining an actual pressure differential across a throttle valve;(ii) determining an estimated pressure differential across the throttle valve based on one or more first operating parameters of the power generation system;(iii) determining an absolute difference between the actual pressure differential and the estimated pressure differential; and (a) determining an operating condition of the throttle valve; and', '(b) determining whether the waste gate valve has malfunctioned based on the determined operating condition of the throttle valve without any sensors associated with the waste gate valve, wherein determining whether the waste gate valve has malfunctioned enables the engine controller to determine one or more corrective measures for the power generation system., '(iv) comparing the absolute difference between the actual pressure differential and the estimated pressure differential ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Intake device for internal combustion engine with supercharger

Номер: US20140130783A1
Автор: Daisuke Takaki
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A compressor ( 5 ) of a turbo supercharger ( 3 ) is located between an air flow meter ( 12 ) and a throttle valve ( 13 ). An EGR passage ( 21 ) is connected to an intake passage ( 10 ) at a joint ( 22 ) upstream of the compressor ( 5 ). The following relationship ( 1 ) is satisfied between an intake passage volume (V 1 ) from the air flow meter ( 12 ) to the junction ( 22 ), an intake passage volume (V 2 ) from the compressor ( 5 ) to the throttle valve ( 13 ) and a maximum boost pressure (P b ) under operating conditions in which the introduction of EGR gas is performed, in order to prevent a mixed gas of fresh air and EGR gas from flowing back to the air flow meter ( 12 ) even under the maximum boost pressure (P b ). V 1 > V 2 × ( P b - P 1 P 1 ) × ( P 1 P b ) κ - 1 κ ( 1 )

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063304A1

A snowmobile has a frame including a tunnel having a passage therethrough, at least one ski, an engine having an engine air inlet and an engine exhaust outlet, and a drive track operatively connected thereto and disposed at least partly below the tunnel around a rear suspension. A heat exchanger connected to the tunnel has heat exchanger engine air inlet and outlet, a cooling air inlet and a cooling air outlet fluidly connected between the cooling air inlet and the passage. A snowmobile has a pipe fluidly connected to the exhaust outlet and having first and second pipe outlets. The snowmobile further has a muffler having first and second muffler inlets and a muffler outlet, a turbocharger, first and second exhaust flow passages, and a valve disposed between the pipe and the first muffler inlet for selectively controlling the flow of exhaust gas flowing through the first exhaust flow path. 1. A snowmobile comprising:a frame including a tunnel, the tunnel having a passage defined therethrough;at least one ski connected to the frame;an engine supported by the frame and having an engine air inlet;a rear suspension assembly operatively connected to the tunnel; anda drive track supported by the rear suspension assembly and disposed at least in part below the tunnel, the drive track being operatively connected to the engine; and a heat exchanger engine air inlet fluidly connected to atmosphere;', 'a heat exchanger engine air outlet fluidly connected between the heat exchanger engine air inlet and the engine air inlet;', 'a cooling air inlet fluidly connected to the atmosphere; and', 'a cooling air outlet fluidly connected between the cooling air inlet and the passage of the tunnel., 'a heat exchanger connected to the tunnel, the heat exchanger comprising2. The snowmobile of claim 1 , wherein air flowing from the heat exchanger engine air inlet to the heat exchanger engine air outlet is cooled by air flowing from the cooling air inlet to the cooling air outlet.3. The ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170082014A1
Автор: PARK Dang-Hee

A hybrid intercooler system using multiple cooling media includes a first cooler for cooling air supercharged in a turbocharger using transmission oil, a second cooler for cooling the supercharged air passing through the first cooler using cooling water, and a third cooler for cooling the supercharged air passing through the second cooler using outdoor air. 1. A hybrid intercooler system using multiple cooling media , comprising:a first cooler for cooling air supercharged in a turbocharger using transmission oil;a second cooler for cooling the supercharged air passing through the first cooler using cooling water; anda third cooler for cooling the supercharged air passing through the second cooler using outdoor air.2. The hybrid intercooler system of claim 1 , further comprising:a transmission oil cooler for cooling the transmission oil supplied into the first cooler.3. The hybrid intercooler system of claim 2 , further comprising:a first transmission oil channel for connecting the transmission oil cooler to a transmission including an oil pump, and further including a first transmission oil inflow channel communicating between an outlet of the transmission oil cooler and an inlet of the transmission, and further including a first transmission oil outflow channel communicating between an outlet of the transmission and an inlet of the transmission oil cooler.4. The hybrid intercooler system of claim 3 , further comprising:a second transmission oil channel branched from the first transmission oil channel to connect the transmission oil cooler to the first cooler, and further including a second transmission oil inflow channel communicating between the first transmission oil inflow channel and an inlet of the first cooler; and a second transmission oil outflow channel communicating between an outlet of the first cooler and the first transmission oil outflow channel5. The hybrid intercooler system of claim 4 , further comprising:an intercooler valve for opening and ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170089286A1

A method for diagnosing a waste gate valve malfunction in a power generation system is presented. The method includes determining an actual pressure differential across a throttle valve. The method further includes determining an estimated pressure differential across the throttle valve based on one or more first operating parameters of the power generation system. Furthermore, the method includes determining an absolute difference between the actual pressure differential and the estimated pressure differential. Moreover, the method also includes comparing the absolute difference with a threshold value and if the absolute difference is greater than the threshold value, determining an operating condition of the throttle valve. Additionally, the method includes determining whether the waste gate valve has malfunctioned based on the determined operating condition of the throttle valve. An engine controller and a power generation system employing the method are also presented. 1. A method for diagnosing a waste gate valve malfunction in a power generation system , comprising:(i) determining an actual pressure differential across a throttle valve;(ii) determining an estimated pressure differential across the throttle valve based on one or more first operating parameters of the power generation system;(iii) determining an absolute difference between the actual pressure differential and the estimated pressure differential; and (a) determining an operating condition of the throttle valve; and', '(b) determining whether the waste gate valve has malfunctioned based on the determined operating condition of the throttle valve., '(iv) comparing the absolute difference between the actual pressure differential and the estimated pressure differential with a threshold value, and, if the absolute difference between the actual pressure differential and the estimated pressure differential is greater than the threshold value,'}2. The method of claim 1 , comprising determining that the ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Turbo Air Cooler

Номер: US20220170411A1
Автор: Ouzts Eric R.

An air cooler for a natural gas engine. The air cooler includes a cooler body having an air inlet, an air outlet, a natural gas inlet, and a natural gas outlet, wherein the air inlet is configured to receive air and the air outlet is configured to discharge the air, and wherein the natural gas inlet is configured to receive natural gas and the natural gas outlet is configured to discharge the natural gas; and a plurality of cooling tubes disposed within the cooler body between the air inlet and the air outlet and in fluid communication with the natural gas inlet and the natural gas outlet, wherein the plurality of cooling tubes are configured to draw heat away from the air using the natural gas when the air flows through the cooler body from the air inlet to the air outlet and passes over the plurality of cooling tubes. 1. An air cooler for a natural gas engine , comprising ,a cooler body having an air inlet, an air outlet, a natural gas inlet, and a natural gas outlet, wherein the air inlet is configured to receive air and the air outlet is configured to discharge the air, and wherein the natural gas inlet is configured to receive natural gas and the natural gas outlet is configured to discharge the natural gas; anda plurality of cooling tubes disposed within the cooler body between the air inlet and the air outlet and in fluid communication with the natural gas inlet and the natural gas outlet, wherein the plurality of cooling tubes are arranged in multiple passes that flow the natural gas in opposite directions within the cooler body in a repeating pattern to draw heat away from the air using the natural gas when the air flows through the cooler body from the air inlet to the air outlet and passes over the plurality of cooling tubes.2. The air cooler of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of cooling tubes has radially-outwardly projecting fins.3. The air cooler of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of cooling tubes are arranged in four of the multiple passes ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106070A1

A vehicle includes a body, a bumper and a plurality of self-tapping fasteners. The body defines mounting orifices. The bumper has an exterior shell that includes an interior wall. The interior wall has receiving portions that protrude inward relative to the shell such that the receiving portions are thicker than adjacent portions of the interior wall. Each of the plurality of self-tapping fasteners extend through one of the orifices and into one of the receiving portions to secure the bumper to the body. 1. A vehicle comprising:a body defining mounting orifices;a bumper having an exterior shell that includes an interior wall, the interior wall having receiving portions that protrude inward relative to the shell such that the receiving portions are thicker than adjacent portions of the interior wall; anda plurality of self-tapping fasteners, each extending through one of the orifices and into one of the receiving portions to secure the bumper to the body.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the shell includes an exterior wall opposite the interior wall claim 1 , the exterior wall defining a pocket that protrudes inward from an outer surface of the exterior wall to a recessed surface of the exterior wall.3. The vehicle of further comprising an electronic sensing device claim 2 , and wherein the electronic sensing device is disposed within the pocket and secured to the recessed surface of the exterior wall.4. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the shell includes a lower wall and a flange protruding downward from the lower wall claim 1 , the flange having forward and rearward facing surfaces and defining a plurality of apertures that extend through the flange from the forward to the rearward facing surface.5. The vehicle of further comprising a heat exchanger claim 4 , and wherein the heat exchanger is secured to the flange by a second set of fasteners that engage the heat exchanger and extend through the plurality of apertures.6. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170122186A1
Автор: PARK Dang-Hee

A hybrid intercooler system is provided and includes an air cooler that is configured to exchange heat with exterior air passing through an outer wall of a plurality of compressed intake air paths to cool a compressed intake air passing through the inside of the compressed intake air paths. Further, a water cooler is configured to exchange heat between a water cooler coolant enclosing the outer wall of the compressed intake air paths and the compressed intake air which is cooled in the air cooler. The water cooler includes a water cooler coolant tank that encloses the compressed intake air paths. 1. A hybrid intercooler system , comprising:an air cooler configured to exchange heat with exterior air passing through an outer wall of a plurality of compressed intake air paths to cool a compressed intake air passing through the inside of the compressed intake air paths; anda water cooler configured to exchange heat between a water cooler coolant enclosing the outer wall of the compressed intake air paths and the compressed intake air cooled in the air cooler,wherein the water cooler includes a water cooler coolant tank that encloses the compressed intake air paths.2. The hybrid intercooler system of claim 1 , further comprising:a bypass line configured to be branched from a receiver drier, pass through the water cooler coolant tank, and communicate with a condensation line that connects a compressor and an air-conditioner condenser.3. The hybrid intercooler system of claim 2 , wherein the bypass line is disposed to penetrate through between the compressed intake air paths and an inner wall of the water cooler coolant tank.4. The hybrid intercooler system of claim 3 , wherein the bypass line is branched into a plurality of lines in a section in which the bypass line penetrates through between the compressed intake air paths and the inner wall of the water cooler coolant tank.5. The hybrid intercooler system of claim 2 , further comprising:a bypass valve installed on the ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135508A1

A charge air cooler (CAC) includes a first header including a first interior portion, a second header spaced from the first header. The second header includes a second interior portion. At least one conduit extends between the first header and the second header. The at least one conduit includes a first end fluidically connected to the first interior portion, a second end fluidically connected to the second interior portion, and an intermediate portion extending therebetween. A heating system is arranged in a heat exchange relationship with the at least one conduit. The heating system is selectively operable to increase a temperature of fluids passing through the at least one conduit into one of the first and second headers. 1. A charge air cooler (CAC) comprising:a first header including a first interior portion;a second header spaced from the first header, the second header including a second interior portion;at least one conduit extending between the first header and the second header, the at least one conduit including a first end fluidically connected to the first interior portion, a second end fluidically connected to the second interior portion, and an intermediate portion extending therebetween; anda heating system arranged in a heat exchange relationship with the at least one conduit, the heating system being selectively operable to increase a temperature of fluids passing through the at least one conduit into one of the first and second headers.2. The CAC according to claim 1 , wherein the first header defines an inlet header for receiving a flow of gases from a turbocharger and the second header defines an outlet header for delivering the flow of gases to an internal combustion engine.3. The CAC according to claim 2 , wherein the heating system is arranged adjacent to the outlet header.4. The CAC according to claim 3 , wherein the at least one conduit includes at least a first conduit claim 3 , a second conduit spaced from the first conduit by a first gap ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180142633A1

A system, method and apparatus for controlling a gas substitution characteristic in a dual fuel engine are provided. The gas substitution characteristic can be controlled based on measured characteristics directly or indirectly associated with operation of the dual fuel engine, including intake manifold air pressure (IMAP), load of the dual fuel engine, ambient air temperature, exhaust temperature, fan speed, and/or pressure of natural gas supplied to the dual fuel engine. Further, the gas substitution characteristic can be controlled by controlling intake manifold air temperature (IMAT) based on control of a cooling capacity of a cooling circuit. 1. An integrated diesel-natural gas combustion engine system comprising: an intake manifold, and', 'an exhaust manifold;, 'a reciprocating compression ignition diesel-natural gas combustion engine configured to operate using injected diesel fuel as the primary fuel source and natural gas as a secondary fuel source, the reciprocating compression ignition diesel-natural gas combustion engine includinga turbocharger operatively connected to the exhaust manifold and configured to use energy of exhaust gas from the exhaust manifold to compress intake air and output compressed intake air for supply to the intake manifold; a radiator, and', 'a fan configured to cool the radiator;, 'an intake manifold air temperature (IMAT) cooling circuit configured to receive the compressed intake air from the turbocharger and cool the compressed intake air, the IMAT cooling circuit includingan IMAT sensor configured to measure IMAT; and receive signals from the IMAT sensor regarding measured IMAT, and', 'control IMAT to optimize natural gas to diesel substitution rate by varying a cooling capacity of the IMAT cooling circuit as a function of at least intake manifold air pressure (IMAP) and load of the reciprocating compression ignition diesel-natural gas combustion engine based on the received signals from the IMAT sensor., 'a controller in ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200158003A1

Methods and systems are provided for a coolant circuit. In one example, the coolant circuit comprises high and low-temperature radiators, where only one pump is configured to conduct coolant through the entire coolant circuit. 1. A system , comprisinga control valve for controlling the flow of a first fluid medium from a high-temperature coolant circuit to a low-temperature coolant circuit, wherein the control valve comprises a housing, a flow channel, an inlet for receiving the first fluid medium and an outlet for expelling the first fluid medium, a closure configured to open or close the flow channel, an access for at least one second fluid medium to flow and contact the closure, and a thermostat fluidly coupled to the flow channel, wherein the thermostat is arranged between the closure and the outlet, wherein the control valve comprises a first spring arranged between the closure and the thermostat and a second spring arranged between the thermostat and the outlet, wherein a second spring force presses against the first spring, wherein the closure is moved counter to a second spring pressure via a second fluid medium pressure, and the thermostat is configured to control an opening characteristic curve of the closure such that the closure closes the flow channel of the first fluid medium in a first working state and at least partially opens said flow channel in a second working state.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first fluid medium is a coolant of a high-temperature coolant circuit for a charge-air cooler for an internal combustion engine of a vehicle.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the access for the second fluid medium has a fluid connection to an intake tract of an internal combustion engine.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the control valve is configured to detect the temperature of the first fluid medium via the thermostat.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the closure is configured such that claim 1 , in the first working state claim 1 , the ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210199043A1

Various systems are provided for a charge-air cooler system. In one example, a system includes a turbocharger system having at least one compressor and one turbine and configured to provide charge air to an engine. The system also includes a charge-air cooler system having at least one charge-air cooler arranged below the at least one compressor, a turbocharger bracket arranged directly below the charge-air cooler system and shaped to mount the charge-air cooler and the turbocharger system to the engine, and a stator adapter physically coupling an alternator to the engine. The stator adapter includes an accessibility window arranged below the charge-air cooler system. The at least one charge-air cooler is closer to the accessibility window than the turbocharger system. 1. An engine system comprising:a turbocharger system configured to provide charge air to an engine, the turbocharger system comprising at least one compressor and one turbine;a charge-air cooler system comprising at least one charge-air cooler arranged below the at least one compressor;a turbocharger bracket arranged directly below the charge-air cooler system and shaped to mount the charge-air cooler and the turbocharger system to the engine; anda stator adapter physically coupling an alternator to the engine, and where the stator adapter comprises an accessibility window arranged below the charge-air cooler system.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one charge-air cooler is a first charge-air cooler claim 1 , the charge-air cooler system further comprising a second charge-air cooler claim 1 , the first charge-air cooler configured to provide cooled charge-air to a first cylinder group of the engine and the second charge-air cooler configured to provide cooled charge-air to a second cylinder group claim 1 , wherein two turbochargers of the turbocharger system each have a rotational axis claim 1 , the rotational axes parallel to one another.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Leading-Air Type Two-Stroke Air-Cooled Engine

Номер: US20170175615A1

To balance a “low-temperature scavenging effect” and a “high-temperature scavenging effect.” A scavenging system applicable to a leading-air type two-stroke air-cooled engine has a low-temperature scavenging passage and a high-temperature scavenging passage. The low-temperature scavenging passage has first and second passages and includes scavenging ports at upper end parts thereof. The high-temperature scavenging passage has first and second passages and includes scavenging ports at upper end parts thereof. An air is filled through a piston groove into the passages. The low-temperature scavenging passage has a relatively small capacity. The high-temperature scavenging passage has a relatively large capacity. 1. A leading-air type two-stroke air-cooled engine introducing an air into a combustion chamber in an early phase of a scavenging stroke and subsequently introducing a fuel-air mixture in a crank chamber into the combustion chamber for scavenging , the engine comprising:a low-temperature scavenging passage communicating with the crank chamber and the combustion chamber and having the communication with the combustion chamber opened and closed by a piston; anda high-temperature scavenging passage located opposite to the low-temperature scavenging passage, the high-temperature scavenging passage communicating with the crank chamber and the combustion chamber and having the communication with the combustion chamber opened and closed by the piston,the high-temperature scavenging passage having a temperature during engine operation higher than that of the low-temperature scavenging passage,the high-temperature scavenging passage having a capacity larger than that of the low-temperature scavenging passage.2. The leading-air type two-stroke air-cooled engine of claim 1 , whereinin each of the low-temperature scavenging passage and the high-temperature scavenging passage, an air is located in an upper portion from an air filling line in each the scavenging passage ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Freewheel clutch for supercharger resonance reduction

Номер: US20170211467A1
Принадлежит: Accessible Technologies Inc

A supercharger system includes an impeller, a compressor housing, an input shaft, an input pulley assembly, and a freewheel clutch. The impeller is for acquiring air. The compressor housing surrounds at least a portion of the impeller so as to direct the acquired air toward an internal combustion engine. The input shaft is configured to rotate the impeller. The input pulley assembly is configured to drive the input shaft and interface with a serpentine belt that is associated with the power source. The input pulley is configured to rotate in a primary direction correlating with rotation of the serpentine belt in the primary direction. The freewheel clutch is configured to interface with an input shaft of the supercharger, wherein the freewheel clutch prevents rotation in a reverse direction that is opposite the primary direction.

16-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140305122A1

An internal combustion engine is provided. The engine includes a cylinder head having a cylinder having an exhaust valve opening and an intake valve opening, an intake port in fluidic communication with the intake valve opening and configured to flow intake air to the cylinder through the intake valve opening, and a condensate drainage channel extending into a wall of the intake port and including an inlet positioned downstream of an outlet, the inlet positioned vertically above the outlet. 1. An internal combustion engine comprising: at least exhaust valve opening in fluidic communication with an exhaust port configured to discharge exhaust gases via an exhaust system; and', 'at least one intake valve opening in fluidic communication with an intake port configured to supply air to the cylinder;', 'at least one channel extending into a wall of the intake port, the channel having an inlet and outlet and configured to flow condensate toward the cylinder, where the outlet is positioned downstream of the inlet; and', 'a charge-air cooler is positioned in the intake system., 'a cylinder head with at least one cylinder, each cylinder having;'}2. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , where the at least one channel is an open channel.3. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , where the at least one channel is a circumferentially closed duct.4. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , where the at least one channel is substantially straight.5. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , where the at least one channel is arranged at an inclined angle in a direction toward the intake valve opening.6. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , where the at least one channel extends into a plenum included in the cylinder head.7. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , where the intake system comprises an inlet manifold which has a plenum from which the at least one intake port leads to the at least one intake valve opening of the at least one cylinder.8. The ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Method and systems for a charge air cooler bypass

Номер: US20160222871A1

The present disclosure concerns a charge cooler with an air cooler in a first air path and with a bypass in a second air path which is connected in parallel to the first air path, wherein a thermal insulation is assigned to the bypass which thermally isolates the bypass from the air cooler, wherein the air cooler has a double-walled base body with an outer wall and with an inner wall, wherein the thermal insulation is arranged on the inner wall. The present disclosure also concerns a valve for such a charge cooler, and a turbo-charged internal combustion engine with such a charge cooler, and a motor vehicle with such an internal combustion engine.

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Multiple Turbulator Heat Exchanger

Номер: US20180216519A1

The present disclosure relates to an air-to-air charge air cooler (CAC) for cooling air supplied to an internal combustion engine. The CAC may have a housing and a plurality of trays located in the housing. A first one of the trays may include a first turbulator having a first internal configuration. A second one of the trays may include a second turbulator having a second internal configuration different from the first internal configuration. 1. An air air-to-air charge air cooler (CAC) for cooling air supplied to an internal combustion engine , the CAC comprising:a housing;a plurality of trays located in the housing;a first one of the trays including a first turbulator having a first internal configuration; anda second one of the trays including second turbulator having a second internal configuration different from the first internal configuration.2. An air-to-air charge air cooler (CAC) for cooling air supplied to an internal combustion engine , the CAC comprising:a housing;a plurality of trays located in the housing;a first one of the trays including a lanced-offset turbulator; anda second one of the trays including a smooth style turbulator.3. The CAC of claim 2 , wherein at least one additional lanced-offset turbulator is disposed in one of the trays.4. The CAC of claim 2 , wherein at least one additional smooth style turbulator is disposed in one of the trays.5. The CAC of claim 3 , wherein the lanced-offset turbulator and the additional lanced-offset turbulator are located immediately next to one another in the housing.6. The CAC of claim 4 , wherein the smooth style turbulator and the additional smooth style turbulator are positioned immediately adjacent one another in the housing.7. The CAC of claim 2 , further comprising:an additional plurality of lanced-offset turbulators; andan additional plurality of smooth style turbulators.8. The CAC of claim 7 , wherein the lanced-offset turbulator and the additional plurality of lanced-offset turbulators are ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации

High Temperature Capable Tube-To-Header Mechanical Joint for Air-to-Air Aftercooler

Номер: US20180224216A1

An air-to-air aftercooler (ATAAC) configured to cool compressed air from an air compressor is disclosed. The ATAAC may comprise a first header. The first header may include a plurality of slots each having a recessed groove. The ATAAC may further comprise a plurality of core tubes each including a first end inserted in a respective one of the slots of the first header. The ATAAC may further comprise a plurality of mechanical joints each connecting the first end of one of the core tubes to the first header. Each of the mechanical joints may include a C-ring inserted in the recessed groove of one of the slots, and a clamp clamping the core tube to the first header. The C-ring and the clamp may both be formed from a metallic material. 1. An air-to-air aftercooler (ATAAC) configured to cool compressed air from an air compressor , the ATAAC having a hot end configured to receive the compressed air from the air compressor , comprising:a first header at the hot end, the first header including a plurality of slots each having a recessed groove surrounding the slot on a surface of the first header;a plurality of core tubes each including a first end inserted in a respective one of the slots of the first header; anda plurality of mechanical joints each connecting the first end of one of the core tubes to the first header, each of the mechanical joints including a C-ring inserted in the recessed groove of one of the slots, and a clamp clamping the core tube to the first header, the clamp including an opening receiving the first end of the core tube therein, the C-ring and the clamp both being formed from a metallic material.2. (canceled)3. The ATAAC of claim 1 , wherein the core tubes are individual components.4. The ATAAC of claim 1 , wherein each of the core tubes are formed from a material selected from aluminum and an aluminum alloy.5. The ATAAC of claim 1 , wherein the clamp clamps two of the core tubes to the first header.6. The ATAAC of claim 1 , wherein the clamp is ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации

Multiple Intake Air Coolers Arranged in Parallel

Номер: US20170234208A1
Автор: Gary Nola

Charge air coolers (CACs) are commonly used in pressure-charged, internal combustion engines to reduce the temperature of the air entering the combustion chamber. Typically, one CAC is provided and all of the intake air is inducted past the one CAC. An intake manifold in which a plurality of CACs are provided in the intake runners, i.e., a parallel flow arrangement, is disclosed herein. By positioning the CACs in the intake runners, the CACs are more effective than when they are positioned upstream in the plenum. In some embodiments, the coolant is supplied and returned to the multiple CACs via headers. By providing coolant to each CAC that is substantially the same temperature, the cylinder-to-cylinder temperature variation is reduced compared to a single CAC.

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170254257A1
Автор: PARK Dang-Hee

The present disclosure provides a hybrid intercooler system integrated with an air conditioning system and a method of controlling the same. In accordance with the present disclosure, it is possible to stabilize the temperature of intake air passing through the inlet of an intercooler using a water cooling unit and increase the cooling efficiency of the intercooler using an air cooling unit. Consequently, it is possible to improve engine power and fuel efficiency. 1. A hybrid intercooler system integrated with an air conditioning system , comprising:an air cooling unit configured to exchange heat between outside air passing through outer walls of a plurality of compressed intake air passages and compressed intake air flowing in the compressed intake air passages so as to cool the compressed intake air;a water cooling unit configured to exchange heat between a water-cooling-unit refrigerant surrounding the outer walls of the compressed intake air passages and the compressed intake air cooled by the air cooling unit, a water-cooling-unit refrigerant tank configured to surround the compressed intake air passages, and', 'a bypass line branched from a receiver drier, and configured to communicate with a compressor through the water-cooling-unit refrigerant tank; and, 'wherein the water cooling unit comprisesa first bypass valve and a second bypass valve mounted on the bypass line at locations upstream and downstream of the water-cooling-unit refrigerant tank, respectively, so as to open or close the bypass line.2. The hybrid intercooler system of claim 1 , further comprising an expansion line configured to allow the receiver drier to communicate with an expansion valve.3. The hybrid intercooler system of claim 2 , further comprising an evaporation line configured to allow the expansion valve to communicate with a heating core.4. The hybrid intercooler system of claim 2 , further comprising a first air conditioning valve mounted on the expansion line and configured to ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170276059A1

An internal combustion engine includes an intake air temperature adjustment apparatus that adjusts the temperature of intake air, and a control apparatus that operates at least the intake air temperature adjustment apparatus. When the internal combustion engine operates in a stoichiometric EGR mode, the control apparatus operates the intake air temperature adjustment apparatus so that the temperature of intake air entering a combustion chamber enters a first temperature region. When the internal combustion engine operates in a lean mode, the control apparatus operates the intake air temperature adjustment apparatus so that the temperature of intake air entering a combustion chamber enters a second temperature region that is a lower temperature region than the first temperature region. 1. An internal combustion engine which has an EGR apparatus that recirculates a part of exhaust gas to an intake passage , and which , in accordance with an operating region , switches between a stoichiometric EGR mode in which operation is performed at a theoretical air-fuel ratio while executing recirculation by means of the EGR apparatus and a lean mode in which operation is performed at an air-fuel ratio that is leaner in fuel than the theoretical air-fuel ratio without performing EGR by means of the EGR apparatus , comprising:an intake air temperature adjustment apparatus that adjusts a temperature of intake air that enters a combustion chamber, anda control apparatus that operates at least the intake air temperature adjustment apparatus;wherein the control apparatus is configured to operate the intake air temperature adjustment apparatus so that the temperature of intake air enters a first temperature region when the internal combustion engine operates in the stoichiometric EGR mode, and to operate the intake air temperature adjustment apparatus so that the temperature of intake air enters a second temperature region which is a lower temperature region than the first temperature ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190264602A1
Автор: Farhat Hassan, GOPAL Ravi

Methods and systems are provided for variable thermal capacity charge air cooler (VTC-CAC). In one example, the VTC-CAC includes a plurality of cooling channels and an integrated bypass that diverts air around the cooling channels. Division of boosted intake air between the cooling channels and the bypass is regulated by a positioning of dual-gate mechanism that is adjusted in response to manifold charge temperature. 1. A cooling system of an engine , comprising:an intake passage configured to deliver boosted air to an intake manifold of the engine;a charge air cooler adapted to received boosted air from the intake passage via an inlet and return boosted air to the intake passage via an outlet, the charge air cooler comprising an integrated bypass, a plurality of cooling channels, and a dual-gate mechanism including a first gate dividing the integrated bypass from the plurality of cooling channels and a second gate dividing the plurality of cooling channels into open channels and blocked channels, the blocked channels fluidically blocked from receiving intake air.2. The cooling system of claim 1 , wherein the inlet is arranged in a first header tank and the outlet is arranged in a second header tank that is positioned at an opposite end from the first header tank of the charge air cooler claim 1 , and wherein the plurality of cooling channels and the integrated bypass each fluidly couple the first header tank to the second header tank.3. The cooling system of claim 2 , wherein the dual-gate mechanism is positioned in the first header tank claim 2 , and wherein the engine is coupled in a hybrid-electric vehicle powertrain.4. The cooling system of claim 3 , further comprising a stepper motor configured to actuate the dual-gate mechanism and drive simultaneous movement of the first gate and the second gate claim 3 , the stepper motor arranged external to the first header tank.5. The cooling system of claim 2 , wherein the second gate extends along an entirety of the ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Engine System with Exhaust Gas Recirculation, and Method of Operating the Same

Номер: US20180274498A1
Автор: ROUSSEAU Tony

An engine system with exhaust gas recirculation includes a combustion engine, a flow mixer, and a turbocharger. An exhaust flow path and a charge air flow path each extend to an inlet of the flow mixer, and a mixed gas flow path extends between the outlet of the flow mixer and an intake manifold of the engine. A charge air heat exchanger is arranged along the charge air flow path to cool the charge air, and a mixed gas heat exchanger is arranged along the mixed gas flow path to cool mixed charge air and recirculated exhaust gas. The exhaust gas recirculation flow path does not extend through any heat exchangers. 1. An engine system with exhaust gas recirculation , comprising:a combustion engine having an intake manifold and an exhaust manifold;a turbocharger including an exhaust turbine and an air compressor coupled to the exhaust turbine;an exhaust flow path extending between the exhaust manifold and an inlet of the exhaust turbine;a flow mixer having a first and a second inlet and an outlet;a charge air flow path extending between an outlet of the air compressor and the first inlet of the flow mixer;a first heat exchanger located along the charge air flow path to transfer heat from compressed charge air traveling along the charge air flow path from the air compressor to the flow mixer;an exhaust gas recirculation flow path extending between the exhaust manifold and the second inlet of the flow mixer, wherein the exhaust gas recirculation flow path does not extend through any heat exchangers;a mixed gas flow path extending between the outlet of the flow mixer and the intake manifold; anda mixed gas heat exchanger located along the mixed gas flow path to transfer heat from a mixed gas traveling along the mixed gas flow path.2. The engine system of claim 1 , wherein the first heat exchanger is a liquid-cooled heat exchanger and is additionally located along a portion of an engine coolant circuit of the engine system.3. The engine system of claim 1 , wherein the mixed ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190292979A1

An intercooler of a liquid-cooled precooler and an air-cooled main cooler. Between two distributor/collector units, disposed at end sides, with sealing plate several layers of flat tubes for charge air are disposed. Flat tubes in the region of the precooler are spaced apart in parallel via flat tubes for coolant of the precooler in thermal contact with the flat tubes and the flat tubes in the region of the main cooler are spaced apart in parallel via outer fins for cooling air. The precooler includes of several layers of flat tubes for coolant which form in the horizontal direction a U-shaped flow channel with an inlet zone, an onward-flow field, a deflection field, a return-flow field and an outlet zone for coolant. Inlet and outlet zones of individual layers of flat tubes are directly connected with one another in the vertical direction and disposed on one side on the intercooler. 1. An intercooler of a liquid-cooled precooler and an air-cooled main cooler , wherein between two distributor/collector units disposed at end sides with sealing plate several layers of flat tubes for charge air are disposed , wherein the flat tubes in the region of the precooler are spaced apart in parallel via flat tubes of the precooler in thermal contact with these flat tubes and that the flat tubes in the region of the main cooler are spaced apart in parallel via outer fins for cooling air wherein the precooler is developed of several layers of flat tubes for coolant , wherein the flat tubes form in the horizontal direction a U-shaped flow channel with an inlet zone , an onward-flow field , a deflection field , a return-flow field and an outlet zone for the coolant , wherein the inlet zones and the outlet zones of the individual layers of the flat tubes are directly connected with one another in the vertical direction and are disposed on one side on the intercooler and that the flat tubes for the coolant are disposed in the precooler in cross counterflow transversely to the flat ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации

Fuel selection method and related system for a mobile asset

Номер: US20190293004A1
Принадлежит: GE Global Sourcing LLC

Embodiments of methods and systems related to operating a mobile asset are provided. In one example, a method for operating a mobile asset includes supplying an engine with a fuel controller a first amount of a first fuel and a second amount of a second fuel and combusting the first fuel and the second fuel at a fuel combustion ratio in at least one cylinder of the engine, the first amount and the second amount being selected based on route information for a route along which the mobile asset is operable to travel and a projected exhaustion of the first fuel that does not precede a projected exhaustion of the second fuel, wherein the mobile asset is unable to operate with the second fuel alone.

03-10-2019 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Charge Air Control

Номер: US20190301352A1
Принадлежит: Air Cycle Technology Limited

A charge air control system for a forced induction internal combustion engine, comprising sensing means, comparison means and temperature control means. The sensing means are arranged to measure one or more attributes of charge air proximal to an air inlet of the internal combustion engine. The comparison means are arranged to compare the one or more attributes of charge air to at least one predetermined value. The temperature control means are arranged to control the temperature of the charge air in dependence on the comparison means. 1. A charge air control system for a forced induction internal combustion engine , comprising:sensing means arranged to measure one or more attributes of charge air proximal to an air inlet of the internal combustion engine;comparison means arranged to compare the one or more attributes of charge air to at least one predetermined value; andtemperature control means arranged to control the temperature of the charge air in dependence on the comparison means; wherein the temperature control means comprises:a turbo-expander having a turbine driving a compressor, configured such that, in use, charge air is compressed in the compressor and then expanded in the turbine, and the turbine outlet is in fluid communication with the air inlet of the internal combustion engine; andone or more ducts having a valve configured to redirect charge air when the valve is switched between a closed and an open position.2. The charge air control system of claim 1 , wherein the temperature control means further includes at least one heat exchanger configured to transfer heat between the charge air and a control fluid of the heat exchanger.3. The charge air control system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one heat exchanger includes a first heat exchanger positioned between the compressor of the turbo-expander and the turbine of the turbo-expander.4. The charge air control system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one heat exchanger includes a second heat ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160326950A1

Support assembly for installation of a first core and a second core on a frame of an air-to-air aftercooler (ATAAC) is provided. The first core includes a first fluid connection portion. The second core includes a second fluid connection portion. Each support assembly includes a first attachment member, a second attachment member, and a spacer member. The first attachment member removably attaches to the first fluid connection portion. The second attachment member is positioned parallel to the first attachment member and removably attaches to the second fluid connection portion. The spacer member is perpendicularly positioned between and maintains a predetermined distance between the first attachment member and the second attachment member. Therefore, the support assembly axially aligns the first fluid connection portion and the second fluid connection portion during installation of the frame on the first core and the second core of the aftercooler. 1a first attachment member adapted to be removably attached to the first fluid connection portion of the first core; anda second attachment member adapted to be removably attached to the second fluid connection portion of the second core, wherein the second attachment member is positioned parallel to the first attachment member; anda spacer member perpendicularly positioned between the first attachment member and the second attachment member, wherein the spacer member is adapted to maintain a predetermined distance between the first attachment member and the second attachment member, such that the support assembly is adapted to axially align the first fluid connection portion of the first core and the second fluid connection portion of the second core during the installation of the frame on the first core and the second core of the aftercooler.. A support assembly for installation of a frame on a first core and a second core of an aftercooler, the first core including a first fluid connection portion, the second core ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180328298A1

A method includes operating a spark ignition engine and flowing low pressure exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) from an exhaust to an inlet of the spark ignition engine. The method includes interpreting a parameter affecting an operation of the spark ignition engine, and determining a knock index value in response to the parameter. The method further includes reducing a likelihood of engine knock in response to the knock index value exceeding a knock threshold value. 122-. (canceled)23. A system comprising:an internal combustion engine having an intake system structured to deliver induction gas to an intake manifold of the engine, and a fuel system structured to provide a mixed fuel and air charge to a combustion chamber of the engine;a compressor coupled to an inlet of the intake system;a low pressure exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system structured to recirculate exhaust gas to the intake system;means for determining a knock index value; andmeans for reducing a likelihood of engine knock in response to the knock index value exceeding a knock threshold value.24. The system of claim 23 , further comprising means for regenerating a particulate filter operationally coupled to an engine exhaust system including a three-way catalyst.25. The system of claim 23 , further comprising a means for flowing EGR when a temperature of the EGR is below a condensation limit temperature for the EGR.26. A method claim 23 , comprising:operating a spark ignition engine;flowing low pressure exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) from an exhaust to an inlet of the spark ignition engine;interpreting a parameter affecting an operation of the spark ignition engine;determining a knock index value in response to the parameter; andreducing a likelihood of engine knock in response to the knock index value exceeding a knock threshold value.27. The method of claim 26 , wherein the reducing the likelihood of engine knock comprises reducing an intake manifold temperature of the spark ignition engine.28. The ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190338696A1
Автор: Guenter Hans, Mehring Jan

Methods and systems are provided for a cooling arrangement of a hybrid vehicle. In one example, a system comprises a high-temperature coolant circuit with a pressure line shaped to actuate an actuator of a pressure-actuated valve arranged in a low-temperature coolant circuit. 1. A system comprising:a high-temperature coolant circuit comprising a coolant pump; anda low-temperature coolant circuit comprising a pressure-actuated valve, the pressure-actuated valve shaped to adjust a coolant flow therethrough based on a pressure directly downstream of the coolant pump.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a pressure line coupling a portion of the high-temperature coolant circuit to the pressure-actuated valve claim 1 , wherein the portion is directly downstream of the coolant pump.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the pressure line is fluidly sealed from outlet ports of the pressure-actuated valve.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein coolant in the pressure line does not enter the low-temperature coolant circuit.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the coolant pump is fluidly coupled to a first cylinder head coolant jacket and a turbocharger claim 1 , the first cylinder head coolant jacket being arranged on an exhaust side of a cylinder head adjacent to a second cylinder head coolant jacket arranged on an intake side of the cylinder head.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the second cylinder head coolant jacket receives coolant from a cylinder block coolant jacket.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the low-temperature coolant circuit comprises a first heat exchanger for an engine and a second heat exchanger for an additional torque device.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein a thermostat valve adjusts coolant flow to the first heat exchanger and where the pressure-actuated valve adjusts coolant flow to the second heat exchanger.9. The system of claim 8 , further comprising a charge-air cooler in the low-temperature coolant circuit claim 8 , wherein the pressure- ...

21-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170363024A1

A turbocharger () includes a turbine wheel () driven by exhaust gas, first and second compressor wheels () coaxially coupled to the turbine wheel () via a shaft member (), a compressor housing () accommodating the first and second compressor wheels () and having defined therein a communication passage () through which air compressed by the first compressor wheel () flows to the second compressor wheel (), and an electric motor () arranged in the communication passage () and using the shaft member () as a rotation shaft thereof. 1. A turbocharger , comprising:a turbine wheel driven by exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine;first and second compressor wheels coaxially coupled to the turbine wheel via a shaft member;a main housing accommodating the first and second compressor wheels and having defined therein a communication passage through which air compressed by the first compressor wheel flows to the second compressor wheel; andan electric motor arranged in the communication passage and comprising the shaft member as a rotation shaft thereof.2. The turbocharger according to claim 1 , wherein the electric motor has a plurality of heat radiating fins formed protrudingly on an outer circumferential surface thereof.3. The turbocharger according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , when viewed in an axial direction of the shaft member claim 2 , the heat radiating fins protrude radially from the electric motor.4. The turbocharger according to claim 2 , wherein the heat radiating fins are formed contentiously from one end portion of the electric motor facing the first compressor wheel to the other end portion of the electric motor facing the second compressor wheel.5. The turbocharger according to claim 1 , wherein the electric motor has a cylindrical motor housing formed such that air is introduced to the inside of the motor housing from one end portion of the motor housing facing the first compressor wheel and is discharged to the communication passage from the other ...

26-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190390592A1
Автор: PARK Dang-Hee

A method of controlling a hybrid intercooler system integrated with an air conditioning system includes: starting operation of the air conditioning system by opening first and second air conditioning valves and operating a compressor, when an operation signal of the air conditioning system is determined to be applied; measuring a first temperature by measuring a temperature of compressed air at an outlet of the hybrid intercooler system, after the starting operation of the air conditioning system; and starting operation of a first water cooling unit by opening first and second bypass valves, when the measured first temperature exceeds a predetermined first reference temperature. This method stabilizes the temperature of intake air passing through the inlet of an intercooler using a water cooling unit and increases the cooling efficiency of the intercooler using an air cooling unit. 1. A method of controlling a hybrid intercooler system integrated with an air conditioning system , the method comprising:determining whether or not an operation signal of an air conditioning system is applied;starting operation of the air conditioning system by opening first and second air conditioning valves and operating a compressor, when the operation signal of the air conditioning system is determined to be applied;measuring a first temperature by measuring a temperature of compressed air at an outlet of the hybrid intercooler system integrated with the air conditioning system, after the starting operation of the air conditioning system;determining whether the measured first temperature exceeds a predetermined first reference temperature; andstarting operation of a first water cooling unit by opening first and second bypass valves, when the measured first temperature exceeds the predetermined first reference temperature.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising stopping the operation of the first water cooling unit by closing at least one of the first or second bypass valves ...

07-06-2001 дата публикации

Exhaust gas recirculation system in an internal combustion engine and method of using it

Номер: DE10054604A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

Ein Verbrennungsmotor, der mindestens einen Zylinderkopf aufweist, der eine Vielzahl von Verbrennungszylindern definiert, wird offenbart. Jeder Verbrennungszylinder hat ein Verdrängungsvolumen. Eine Auslaßsammelleitung ist strömungsmittelmäßig mit jedem Zylinder verbunden, um Abgas daraus zu transportieren. Eine Einlaßsammelleitung liefert Verbrennungsluft zu jedem Zylinder. Ein Turbolader wird vom Abgas von der Auslaßsammelleitung angetrieben und liefert aufgeladene Verbrennungsluft zu der Einlaßsammelleitung. Ein Vermischungsgefäß hat mindestens zwei Einlässe, mindestens einen Auslaß und eine Mischkammer. Einer der Einlässe ist strömungsmittelmäßig mit der Auslaßsammelleitung verbunden, und der andere der Einlässe strömungsmittelmäßig mit dem Turbolader verbunden. Der eine Einlaß und der andere Einlaß sind mit dem Mischgefäß in paralleler Weise verbunden. Die Mischkammer hat ein Volumen, welches von einer Vielzahl der Verdrängungsvolumen abhängig ist. An internal combustion engine having at least one cylinder head that defines a plurality of combustion cylinders is disclosed. Each combustion cylinder has a displacement. An exhaust manifold is fluidly connected to each cylinder to carry exhaust gas therefrom. An intake manifold provides combustion air to each cylinder. A turbocharger is driven by the exhaust gas from the exhaust manifold and delivers supercharged combustion air to the intake manifold. A mixing vessel has at least two inlets, at least one outlet and a mixing chamber. One of the inlets is fluidly connected to the exhaust manifold and the other of the inlets is fluidly connected to the turbocharger. One inlet and the other inlet are connected to the mixing vessel in a parallel manner. The mixing chamber has a volume which is dependent on a large number of the displacement volumes.

29-04-2010 дата публикации

Controlled collection and removal of condensate for intercooler

Номер: DE102009042981A1

Es wird eine Kondensatabführanordnung zum Sammeln und Entfernen von Kondensat aus dem Inneren eines Ladeluftkühlers in einer Verbrennungsmotoranordnung vorgesehen. Die Kondensatabführanordnung umfasst einen Sumpf, der an dem Ladeluftkühler angebracht ist oder in diesem ausgebildet ist. Der Sumpf ist derart ausgelegt, dass er Kondensat aus dem Ladeluftkühler ablässt und sammelt. Ein Schlauch ist an einem Ende mit dem Sumpf fluidisch gekoppelt und an einem zweiten Ende mit dem Ansaugkrümmer fluidisch gekoppelt. Der Schlauch ist derart konfiguriert, dass er als Reaktion auf den Druckgradienten, der von der Motoranordnung erzeugt wird, wenn sie in einem Ein-Zustand ist, Kondensat aus dem Sumpf entfernt und es direkt zu dem Ansaugkrümmer leitet. Der Schlauch legt eine Öffnung fest, die die Strömung von Luft und Kondensat durch den Schlauch beschränkt. Mit dem Schlauch ist fluidisch zwischen der Öffnung und dem Sumpfelement ein Filter fluidisch gekoppelt. A condensate discharge assembly is provided for collecting and removing condensate from within an intercooler in an internal combustion engine assembly. The Kondensatabführanordnung comprises a sump, which is attached to the intercooler or is formed in this. The sump is designed so that it drains condensate from the intercooler and collects. A hose is fluidically coupled at one end to the sump and fluidly coupled to the intake manifold at a second end. The hose is configured to remove condensate from the sump and direct it to the intake manifold in response to the pressure gradient created by the engine assembly when in an on-state. The hose defines an opening that restricts the flow of air and condensate through the hose. The fluidically coupled between the opening and the sump element is a fluidically coupled filter.

23-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN107725171A
Автор: 卞周来, 姜盛军
Принадлежит: Yizheng Macau Auto Parts Co Ltd


27-06-1997 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine and method of its operation

Номер: RU2082891C1

FIELD: mechanical engineering; divided cycle engines. SUBSTANCE: combustion products from expansion cylinder and additional expansion cylinder are directed into turbine which drives a compressor. Processes of fuel combustion and partial expansion of combustion products in combustion cylinder are carried out with 180 crankshaft degree advance relative to processes of passage through valve and further expansion of combustion products in expansion cylinders. For this purpose engine is provided with additional expansion cylinder with expansion piston. Additional expansion cylinder is connected with combustion cylinder through bypass member in form of valve. Engine is furnished with turbine to drive compressor. Turbine is connected to one or two expansion cylinders. One or both pistons, if two expansion cylinders are used, and compression piston are coupled through connecting rods with corresponding cranks of crankshaft. Cranks of crankshaft engaging with expansion pistons are shifted through 180 degrees relative to crank engaging with combustion piston. EFFECT: enlarged operating capabilities. 3 cl, 4 dwg Е6зЗсз0с ПЧ Го РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) (51) МПК8 ВИ” 2 082 891 ' 13) СЛ Е 02 В 33/22, 44/06, Е 02 © 3/02 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 4895830/06 , 21.06.1991 (30) Приоритет: 22.06.1990 Ц$ 542433 06.06.1991 Ц$ 708837 (46) Дата публикации: 27.06.1997 (56) Ссылки: Заявка Великобритании М 1190948, кл. Е 02 В 41/06, 19170. (71) Заявитель: Бетти Джин Хэринг (Ц$), Роберт Томас Хэринг (ЦЗ) (72) Изобретатель: Джон МакМастер Хэрин[Ц$] (73) Патентообладатель: Бетги Джин Хэринг (ЦЗ), Роберт Томас Хэринг (ЦЗ) (54) СПОСОБ РАБОТЫ ДВИГАТЕЛЯ ВНУТРЕННЕГО СГОРАНИЯ И ДВИГАТЕЛЬ ВНУТРЕННЕГО СГОРАНИЯ (57) Реферат: Использование: двигатели внутреннего сгорания с разделенным циклом. Сущность изобретения: продукты сгорания из цилиндра расширения и дополнительного цилиндра расширения перед выпуском направляют в турбину ...

12-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CN101142382A
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corp


10-06-2014 дата публикации

Device and method for heating of heat carrier circulating in cooling system

Номер: RU2518764C1
Принадлежит: Сканиа Св Аб

FIELD: engines and pumps. SUBSTANCE: proposed heater serves to heat heat-carrier in ICE cooling system (2) of vehicle (1). Cooling system comprises heat carrier cooler (18) arranged at vehicle point where through air flows at temperature (T A1 , T A2 ) higher than ambient temperature, manifold with first line (16a) feeding heat carrier into engine (2) and second line (16b) feeding heat carrier into appropriate cooler (18). Besides it comprises valve (17) to be set to first position whereat it feeds heat carrier to ICE (2) and second position whereat it feeds heat carrier to appropriate cooler (18). Heater comprises control unit (22) to define if heat carrier in cooling system features temperature (T C ) lower than working temperature (T D ) if air in cooler (18) features temperatures (T A1 , T A2 ) exceeding heat carrier temperature (T C ). In case these conditions are satisfied, control unit (22) can drive valve (17) to second position so that heat carrier is fed to heat carrier cooler (18) whereat heat carrier is heated by air flowing through cooler (18). Invention covers also the heat carrier heating. EFFECT: accelerated heating of heat carrier. 11 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F01P 3/18 F01P 7/16 F02B 29/04 F02M 25/07 F02N 19/10 (13) 2 518 764 C1 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2010.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012151835/06, 12.04.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.04.2011 (72) Автор(ы): ВИКСТРЕМ Ханс (SE) (73) Патентообладатель(и): СКАНИА СВ АБ (SE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 04.05.2010 SE 1050444-7 (45) Опубликовано: 10.06.2014 Бюл. № 16 2001173444 A, 26.06.2001. WO 2005116438 A1, 08.12.2005 . US 2008271721 A1, 06.11.2008 . WO 2007108761 A1, 27.09.2007 . RU 2251021 C2, 27.04.2005 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 04.12.2012 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 5 1 8 7 6 4 (56) Список документов, ...

11-09-2018 дата публикации

Method of managing the engine operation (versions)

Номер: RU2666697C2

FIELD: engines and pumps.SUBSTANCE: way to control engine operation (10) is that regulate by means of the electronic controller (12) heating (44) charge air cooler inlet (18) charge air cooler (CAC) type "from the air into the air”. The adjustment of the heating is to adjust the valve (40) connected to the motor (10) in response to the operating state for heating the charge air flowing through the charge air inlet side of the CAC (18) with the liquid refrigerant when the ambient air flows through the CAC (18) to cool the charge air. Heat adjustment includes the stage at which increases the temperature of the air entering the inlet side (44) charge air intake CAC (18) in response to the increased formation of condensation in the CAC (18). The versions of the method for controlling the operation of the engine are disclosed.EFFECT: reduction of condensate formation in the charge air cooler.20 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 666 697 C2 (51) МПК F02B 29/04 (2006.01) F02M 31/04 (2006.01) F02M 35/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F02B 29/0425 (2017.08); F02B 29/0493 (2017.08); F02M 31/042 (2017.08); F02M 31/10 (2017.08); F02M 35/1038 (2017.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2013153577, 03.12.2013 03.12.2013 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 7669417 B2, 02.03.2010. US 2010/ 04.12.2012 US 13/693,874 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.06.2015 Бюл. № 16 0077995 A1, 01.04.2010. RU 2449136 C1, 27.04.2012. US 2009/0050117 A1, 26.02.2009. US 2008/0295785 A1, 04.12.2008. 2 6 6 6 6 9 7 R U Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) СПОСОБ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ РАБОТОЙ ДВИГАТЕЛЯ (ВАРИАНТЫ) (57) Реферат: Способ управления работы двигателя (10) охлаждения наддувочного воздуха. Регулировка заключается в том, что регулируют посредством нагрева включает в ...

10-05-2017 дата публикации

Hybrid intercooler system and control method thereof

Номер: CN106640341A
Автор: 朴唐熙
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co


21-12-2018 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine, in particular gas engine, for motor vehicle

Номер: RU2675645C2
Принадлежит: Ман Трак Унд Бас Аг

FIELD: internal combustion engines.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to engine design, in particular, to a device and method for controlling a gas internal combustion engine. Internal combustion engine (1) for a vehicle comprises charge air cooler (6) and a measuring device for determining air mass flow (3). Charge air cooler (6) is located downstream of air mass flow (3) upstream of device (8) for mixing fuel and forms a geometrically constant choke for the passing air mass flow (3). Measuring device for determining air mass flow (3) has sensor system (19, 20) and computing unit (21). Sensor system (19, 20) is designed to measure the pressure loss in charge air cooler (6). Computing unit (21) stores the model of charge air cooler (6). Computing unit (21), based on the model of charge air cooler (6) and the pressure loss measured by sensor system (19, 20), makes it possible to calculate air mass flow (3).EFFECT: technical result consists in increasing the accuracy and reliability of the air mass flow measurement system.18 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F02D 19/02 F02D 41/18 F02M 21/02 F02M 35/10 (11) (13) 2 675 645 C2 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F02B 29/0406 (2018.08); F02B 29/0425 (2018.08); F02D 41/0027 (2018.08); F02D 41/18 (2018.08); F02M 21/0215 (2018.08); F02M 21/0278 (2018.08); F02M 21/0284 (2018.08); F02M 21/04 (2018.08); F02M 21/042 (2018.08); F02M 35/1038 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2015108585, 11.03.2015 11.03.2015 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2264550 C2, 20.11.2005. RU 12.03.2014 DE 102014003276.0 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.10.2016 Бюл. № 28 2495268 C2, 10.10.2013. EP 1662127 A2, 31.05.2006. US 2014034026 A1, 06.02.2014. US 6457467 B1, 01.10.2002. 2 6 7 5 6 4 5 R U Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр. 3, ООО " ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

EGR with temperature-controlled venturi flowmeter

Номер: DE112013002480T5
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

Es wird ein Durchflussmesser (31) offenbart, der in einem Abgasrückführungs-(AGR-)System benutzt werden kann. Das AGR-System (14) kann Teil eines Verbrennungsmotors (11) oder einer anderen Leistungsquelle (11) sein. Der Durchflussmesser (31) weist ein Venturi-Rohr (35) auf, das einen Körper (41) aufweist, welcher einen Einlassteilabschnitt (36), eine Verengung (38) und einen divergierenden Auslassteilabschnitt (37) definiert. Der Durchflussmesser (31) enthält außerdem einen Sensor, der über mehrere Druckdurchgänge an das Venturi-Rohr (35) gekoppelt ist. A flow meter (31) is disclosed which may be used in an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system. The EGR system (14) may be part of an internal combustion engine (11) or another power source (11). The flow meter (31) includes a venturi (35) having a body (41) defining an inlet portion (36), a throat (38) and a divergent outlet portion (37). The flowmeter (31) also includes a sensor that is coupled to the venturi tube (35) through multiple pressure passages.

08-02-2001 дата публикации

Exhaust gas recirculation system

Номер: DE10028608A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

Ein Abgasrückzirkulationssystem (AGR-System) für einen turboaufgeladenen Verbrennungsmotor wird vorgesehen. Das Abgasrückzirkulationssystem weist eine Rückzirkulationsleitung auf, um ein Abgasvolumen von der Auslaßsammelleitung zur Einlaßsammelleitung zurück zu zirkulieren bzw. zu führen; eine Kühluftleitung zum Transportieren eines Flusses von Kühlluft und einen Gas-Luft-Wärmetauscher, der in betrieblicher Assoziation zur Rückzirkulationsleitung und der Kühlluftleitung angeordnet ist, und zwar geeignet, um das Volumen des rückzirkulierenden Abgases in der Rückzirkulationsleitung zu kühlen. Die Kühlluft, die durch den Gas-Luft-Wärmetauscher läuft, kann von der unter Druck gesetzten Einlaßluft, gekühlte (ATAAC-)Luft, abgeleitet werden, oder auch frische Umgebungsluft, die von einer Quelle außerhalb des Motors erhalten wurde, und die optional durch Kraft durch den Wärmetauscher über ein Gebläse geleitet werden kann. Die offenbarten Ausführungsbeispiele offenbaren Abgasrückzirkulationssysteme, wobei die Abgase von der Auslaßsammelleitung zur Einlaßsammelleitung durch unterschiedliche Techniken getrieben werden wie beispielsweise Spitzenabschnittsabgasrückzirkulationssysteme, venturibasierte Abgasrückzirkulationssysteme, Abgasrückzirkulationssysteme mit Pumpen oder durch Kolbenpumpen angetriebene Abgasrückzirkulationssysteme.

20-08-2014 дата публикации

Assembly for reclaiming and cooling waste gas from a combustion engine

Номер: EP2295772A3
Автор: Martin Bauer
Принадлежит: Behr America Inc

Bei einer Anordnung (1) zur Rückführung und Kühlung von Abgas einer Brennkraftmaschine (2), insbesondere eines Dieselmotors (3), umfassend eine Abgasleitung (4), vorzugsweise mit einer Abgasturbine (8), eine Ladeluftleitung (9) mit einem, vorzugsweise von der Abgasturbine (8) antreibbarein, Ladeluftverdichter (12), eine Abgasrückführleitung (11) zur Leitung von Abgas von der Abgasleitung (4) zu der Ladeluftleitung (9), einen Abgaswärmeübertrager (13) zur Kühlung von Abgas in der Abgasrückführleitung (11) und/oder einen Ladeluftwärmeübertrager (14) zur Kühlung von Ladeluft in der Ladeluftleitung (9) in Strömungsrichtung der Luft nach dem Ladeluftverdichter (12), ein Absassteuerorgan (15) zur Steuerung und/oder Regelung der durch die Abgasrückführleitung (11) leitbaren Menge an Abgas pro Zeiteinheit und/oder ein Ladeluftsteuerorgan (17) zur Steuerung und/oder Regelung der durch die Ladeluftleitung (9) leitbaren Menge an Ladeluft pro Zeiteinheit soll eine Kondensatbildung in dem Abgas und in der Ladeluft sicher und zuverlässig mit einem geringen technischen Aufwand und kleinen Energlebedarf vermieden werden können. In an arrangement (1) for the return and cooling of exhaust gas of an internal combustion engine (2), in particular a diesel engine (3), comprising an exhaust pipe (4), preferably with an exhaust gas turbine (8), a charge air line (9) with one, preferably of the exhaust gas turbine (8) drivable, charge air compressor (12), an exhaust gas recirculation line (11) for the passage of exhaust gas from the exhaust pipe (4) to the charge air line (9), an exhaust gas heat exchanger (13) for cooling exhaust gas in the exhaust gas recirculation line (11) and or a charge air heat exchanger (14) for cooling charge air in the charge air line (9) in the flow direction of the air after the charge air compressor (12), a Absassteuerorgan (15) for controlling and / or regulating the exhaust gas recirculation line (11) conductive amount of exhaust gas per unit of time and / or ...

12-07-2006 дата публикации

EGR device

Номер: JP3796102B2
Принадлежит: HINO MOTORS LTD

27-05-2008 дата публикации

Exhaust gas recirculation in a homogeneous charge compression ignition engine

Номер: US7377270B2
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A homogeneous charge compression ignition engine operates by injecting liquid fuel directly in a combustion chamber, and mixing the fuel with recirculated exhaust and fresh air through an auto ignition condition of the fuel. The engine includes at least one turbocharger for extracting energy from the engine exhaust and using that energy to boost intake pressure of recirculated exhaust gas and fresh air. Elevated proportions of exhaust gas recirculated to the engine are attained by throttling the fresh air inlet supply. These elevated exhaust gas recirculation rates allow the HCCI engine to be operated at higher speeds and loads rendering the HCCI engine a more viable alternative to a conventional diesel engine.

09-07-2018 дата публикации

Method for engine (versions) and system for engine

Номер: RU2660686C2

FIELD: internal combustion engines. SUBSTANCE: invention can be used in internal combustion engines. Control method is for engine (10) comprising controller (12) that comprises executable instructions stored on a permanent machine-readable medium. Method comprises determining whether there are conditions for the formation of condensate in charge air cooler (80). In response to the presence of condensation conditions, the degree of opening of the secondary throttle (90) located downstream of compressor (60) and upstream of charge air cooler (80) is controlled by electronic throttle control. Version of the engine control method and system for the engine are disclosed. EFFECT: technical result is limiting the level of condensate in the charge air cooler. 20 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 660 686 C2 (51) МПК F02B 29/04 (2006.01) F02D 9/02 (2006.01) F02D 23/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F02B 29/0431 (2018.02); F02B 29/0493 (2018.02); F02D 23/00 (2018.02); F02D 41/0007 (2018.02); F02D 9/02 (2018.02); F02M 26/05 (2018.02); F02M 26/06 (2018.02); F02M 26/24 (2018.02); F02M 35/088 (2018.02); F02M 35/1038 (2018.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2014146281, 18.11.2014 18.11.2014 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФОРД ГЛОУБАЛ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ, ЭлЭлСи (US) Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 6408831 B1, 25.06.2002. US 2008/ Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 19.11.2013 US 14/084,295 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.06.2016 Бюл. № 16 0127939 A1, 05.06.2008. US 2003/0114978 A1, 19.06.2003. US 2011/0132334 A1, 09.06.2011. RU 2184251 C1, 27.06.2002. (54) СПОСОБ ДЛЯ ДВИГАТЕЛЯ (ВАРИАНТЫ) И СИСТЕМА ДЛЯ ДВИГАТЕЛЯ (57) Реферат: Изобретение может быть использовано в степень открывания вспомогательного дросселя двигателях внутреннего сгорания. Способ (90), расположенного ниже по потоку от управления предназначен для двигателя (10), компрессора (60) и выше по потоку от ...

18-09-2013 дата публикации

Thermal management system and method

Номер: CN103314196A
Принадлежит: General Electric Co


10-07-2013 дата публикации

Particulate filter regeneration system for an internal combustion engine

Номер: CN101302955B
Принадлежит: Deere and Co


16-07-2019 дата публикации

For the internal combustion engine of motor vehicle, especially gas motor

Номер: CN104963780B
Принадлежит: MAN Truck and Bus SE


06-09-2007 дата публикации

reciprocating internal combustion engine

Номер: DE10331187B4
Автор: Peter Berg-Sonne
Принадлежит: MAN B&W Diesel AS

Zweitakt-Großdieselmotor, mit wenigstens einem an eine Ladeluftverteilerleitung (4) und eine Abgassammelleitung (6) anschließbaren Zylinder (2), wenigstens einem mit Abgas aus der Abgassammelleitung (6) betreibbaren, die der Ladeluftverteilerleitung (4) zuführbare Ladeluft verdichtenden Abgasturbolader (7) und wenigstens einer Abgasrezirkuliereinrichtung (16), durch die eine von dem die Abgassammelleitung (6) verlassenden Abgas abzweigbare Abgasteilmenge stromabwärts vom Abgasturbolader (7) der Ladeluft beimischbar ist, wobei ein die der Ladeluft beimischbare Abgasteilmenge treibender Verdichter (20) vorgesehen ist, wobei der Verdichter (20) der Abgasrezirkuliereinrichtung (16) mittels einer Turbine (19) antreibbar ist, die mit Antriebsluft beaufschlagbar ist, die als Luftteilmenge von der mittels des Abgasturboladers (7) verdichteten Ladeluft abgezweigt wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Abgasrezirkuliereinrichtung (16) einen Wärmetauscher (22) enthält, der einerseits von der rezirkulierbaren Abgasteilmenge und andererseits von der die Antriebsluft der Turbine (19) bildenden Luftteilmenge durchströmbar ist, so dass die Antriebsluft unter gleichzeitiger Kühlung der rezirkulierbaren Abgasteilmenge durch diese erwärmt wird. Two-stroke diesel engine, with at least one of a charge air manifold (4) and an exhaust manifold (6) connectable Cylinder (2), at least one with exhaust gas from the exhaust manifold (6) operable, the charge air distribution line (4) can be supplied charge air compacting exhaust gas turbocharger (7) and at least one Abgasrezirkuliereinrichtung (16) through which one of which leaves the exhaust manifold (6) Exhaust gas branchable exhaust gas downstream of the exhaust gas turbocharger (7) the charge air is admixed, one of the charge air can be mixed Exhaust portion of the driving compressor (20) is provided, wherein the compressor (20) of the Abgasrezirkuliereinrichtung (16) by means of a turbine (19) can be driven, which can be acted upon by ...

31-12-2013 дата публикации

Cooling system in a vehicle

Номер: KR20130143704A

본 발명은 차량(1)의 연소 엔진을 냉각하기 위한 냉각수가 순환하는 냉각 시스템에 관한 것이다. 냉각 시스템은 제1 라디에이터(13)와, 제1 라디에이터(13)로부터 엔진(2)까지 냉각수를 유도하는 제1 라인 회로(14, 15, 16)와, 엔진(2)으로부터 제1 라디에이터(13)까지 냉각수를 유도하는 제2 라인 회로(17, 18)를 포함한다. 상기 냉각 시스템은, 제1 라디에이터(13)의 상류 위치에 배치된 제2 라디에이터(20)와, 제1 라인 회로 내의 라인(16)으로부터 제2 라디에이터(20)로 냉각수를 유도할 수 있도록 하는 적어도 하나의 라인(21, 24)을 포함하는 제3 라인 회로(21, 22, 24)와, 제2 라디에이터(20)로부터 제1 라인 회로(15)로 냉각수를 유도하고 차량(1)의 매체 또는 구성요소를 냉각하는 적어도 하나의 쿨러(29, 30, 31)를 포함하는 제4 라인 회로(25, 26a 내지 26d, 27)을 포함한다.

13-01-2010 дата публикации

Charger-air cooler

Номер: CN101624934A
Автор: F·胡贝尔, M·松纳
Принадлежит: Audi AG


12-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017131537A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2017 131 537 A (51) МПК B60H 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017131537, 08.09.2017 (71) Заявитель(и): Форд Глобал Текнолоджиз, ЛЛК (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 27.09.2016 US 15/277,943 08 Адрес для переписки: 197101, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 128, "АРСПАТЕНТ", М.В. Хмара Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 7 1 3 1 5 3 7 R U A (57) Формула изобретения 1. Способ эксплуатации системы кондиционирования воздуха транспортного средства, в котором: посредством насоса и пропорционального клапана, соединенного с охладителем наддувочного воздуха и конденсатором кондиционера воздуха, регулируют поток охлаждающей жидкости через конденсатор, в котором протекает хладагент, отличный от охлаждающей жидкости, при этом указанное регулирование осуществляют в зависимости от температуры охлаждающей жидкости охладителя наддувочного воздуха и фактического давления нагнетания компрессора кондиционера воздуха. 2. Способ по п. 1, в котором регулирование в зависимости от опорного давления нагнетания включает в себя регулирование в зависимости от разности между фактическим давлением нагнетания и опорным давлением нагнетания, при этом поток охлаждающей жидкости через конденсатор увеличивают, когда фактическое давление нагнетания превышает опорное давление нагнетания. 3. Способ по п. 2, в котором опорное давление нагнетания моделируют с помощью двумерной диаграммы, при этом диаграмма сохранена в памяти в виде зависимости от температуры охлаждающей жидкости и расхода охлаждающей жидкости. 4. Способ по п. 1, в котором фактическое давление нагнетания представляет собой давление в месте ниже по потоку от компрессора KB и выше по потоку от расширительного вентиля и конденсатора в контуре хладагента, соединенном с системой КВ. 5. Способ по п. 4, в котором насос и пропорциональный клапан выполнены с возможностью выборочного соединения с контуром охлаждения системы KB, при этом контур ...

29-07-2009 дата публикации

Intake controller of internal combustion engine

Номер: CN100520007C
Автор: 小野寺康之
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD


09-02-2017 дата публикации

System and method to identify ambient condition (versions)

Номер: RU2610359C2

FIELD: measurement technology. SUBSTANCE: disclosed are methods for determining ambient humidity, used to determine condensate formation in a charge air cooler. Value of humidity is determined from charge air cooler efficiency and windshield wiper speed thresholds. Humidity value is used to calculate an amount of condensate in a charge air cooler and control engine systems to reduce condensate formation and engine misfire. EFFECT: high accuracy of monitoring condensate level. 20 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 610 359 C2 (51) МПК F02B 29/04 (2006.01) F02M 25/022 (2006.01) F02M 35/08 (2006.01) F02D 29/02 (2006.01) F02M 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2013149388, 06.11.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.11.2013 Дата регистрации: (72) Автор(ы): ГЛУГЛА Крис Пол (US), ЯР Кен (US), ЯМАДА Шуя Шарк (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФОРД ГЛОУБАЛ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ, ЭлЭлСи (US) 09.02.2017 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 6024669 A1, 15.02.2000. US 08.11.2012 US 13/672,571 (45) Опубликовано: 09.02.2017 Бюл. № 4 20100229548 A1, 16.09.2010. US 20080264619 A1, 30.10.2008. RU 2450133 C1, 10.05.2012. SU 1772368 A1, 30.10.1992. Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" 2 6 1 0 3 5 9 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.05.2015 Бюл. № 14 2 6 1 0 3 5 9 R U (57) Формула изобретения 1. Способ оценки влажности окружающей среды, включающий в себя этапы, на которых: регулируют рабочий параметр в ответ на оцененное количество конденсата в охладителе наддувочного воздуха, и определяют оцененное количество конденсата в охладителе наддувочного воздуха на основании каждого из влажности окружающей среды, температуры окружающей среды, температуры на выпуске охладителя наддувочного воздуха, давления в охладителе ...

25-06-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle engine cooling system

Номер: KR20120067020A
Автор: 이동근
Принадлежит: 한라공조주식회사

본 발명은 차량용 엔진 냉각 시스템에 관한 것으로서, 더욱 상세하게 과급기로부터 압축된 공기를 냉각하는 인터쿨러가 차량의 첫 주행 및 공회전 시에는 공기 흐름 방향으로 냉각팬 뒤쪽에 장착된 보조 인터쿨러로 공기가 흐르도록 하고, 주행 시에는 냉각팬 앞쪽에 설치된 메인 인터쿨러로 공기가 흐르도록 하여 첫 주행 시 발생할 수 있는 터보랙을 효과적으로 저감시키는 차량용 엔진 냉각 시스템에 관한 것이다.

16-10-2000 дата публикации

Super charger for internal combustion engines

Номер: KR100268707B1
Автор: 이헌석
Принадлежит: 이헌석

본 발명은 내연 기관의 출력 향상을 위한 과급 장치에 관한 것으로, 보다 상세하게는 내연 기관의 출력 효율을 향상시키기 위하여 흡입되는 공기의 양을 증대시켜 주는 과급기(차저, charger)에 관한 것으로, 내연 기관에 공급되는 공기를 과급하여 내연 기관의 출력을 향상시켜 주는 과급 장치에 있어서, 공급되는 공기를 압축시켜 고온/고압 상태로 배출시켜 주는 압축기(11)와; 상기한 압축기(11)에 의하여 압축된 고온/고압의 공기를 저온/고압 상태로 변환해 주는 열 교환기(15)와; 상기한 열 교환기(15)에 의하여 저온/고압 상태로 변환된 공기를 팽창시켜 외부로 열을 함으로써 공기의 온도를 더욱 낮추어 내연 기관(17)에 공급해 주는 터빈(13)으로 구성된다.

10-04-2012 дата публикации

Charge air cooling system and method

Номер: US8151566B2

In accordance with one embodiment, the present techniques relate to a ground power unit that supplies electricity to an aircraft. The ground power unit may include a generator coupled to a diesel piston engine. A turbocharger may pre-compress the air consumed by the diesel engine, and a charge air cooler may cool this air before it is introduced to the diesel engine. The charge air cooler may be placed upstream from the diesel engine in a primary air flow. Advantageously, drawing air through the charge air cooler that has not first passed over the engine may lower the operating temperature of the ground power unit.

04-06-2008 дата публикации

Piston type internal combustion engine

Номер: CN100392216C
Автор: 彼得·贝格-松内
Принадлежит: MAN B&W Diesel AS


22-01-2018 дата публикации

Method for blowing condensate from boost air cooler

Номер: RU2641784C2

FIELD: engines and pumps. SUBSTANCE: methods of controlling the engine are explained. The essence of the invention is that depending on the increased level of condensation accumulated in the charge air cooler, the air flow through the engine is increased to a level that allows the condensate to be removed, the actuator, which keeps the engine torque at the required level, is regulated. Problems associated with the combustion stability in the engine cylinders are addressed by adjusting fuel supply to each individual cylinder at the time of condensate entry. EFFECT: increase the reliability of the engine by eliminating misfiring due to the entry of condensate from the charge air cooler into the cylinders. 20 cl, 10 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F02B 29/04 F02D 23/00 F02D 33/00 F02D 41/04 F02D 43/00 (11) (13) 2 641 784 C2 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F02B 29/0468 (2017.08); F02D 23/00 (2017.08); F02D 33/006 (2017.08); F02D 41/042 (2017.08); F02D 41/045 (2017.08); F02D 41/0052 (2017.08); F02D 41/047 (2017.08); F02D 41/0007 (2017.08); F02D 41/008 (2017.08); F02D 41/0295 (2017.08); F02D 41/3076 (2017.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2014121663, 28.05.2014 28.05.2014 Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Форд Глобал Технолоджис, ЛЛК (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 29.05.2013 US 13/904,839 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.12.2015 Бюл. № 34 (54) СПОСОБ ПРОДУВКИ КОНДЕНСАТА ИЗ ОХЛАДИТЕЛЯ НАДДУВОЧНОГО ВОЗДУХА (57) Реферат: Группа изобретений относится к области в охладителе наддувочного воздуха, увеличивают регулирования двигателей внутреннего сгорания расход воздуха через двигатель до уровня, с наддувом. Техническим результатом является позволяющего удалить конденсат, и регулируют повышение надежности работы двигателя за счет исполнительный механизм, поддерживающий устранения пропусков зажигания из-за попадания крутящий момент двигателя ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Patent RU2017131537A3

Номер: RU2017131537A3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

7 ВУ“” 2017131537” АЗ Дата публикации: 04.04.2019 Форма № 18 ИЗПМ-2011 Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение 5 «Федеральный институт промышленной собственности» (ФИПС) ОТЧЕТ О ПОИСКЕ 1. . ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ ЗАЯВКИ Регистрационный номер Дата подачи 2017131537/11(055292) 08.09.2017 Приоритет установлен по дате: [ ] подачи заявки [ ] поступления дополнительных материалов от к ранее поданной заявке № [ ] приоритета по первоначальной заявке № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи первоначальной заявки № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи ранее поданной заявки № [Х] подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) в государстве-участнике Парижской конвенции (31) Номер первой(ых) заявки(ок) (32) Дата подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) (33) Код страны 1. 15/277,943 27.09.2016 05 Название изобретения (полезной модели): [Х] - как заявлено; [ ] - уточненное (см. Примечания) СПОСОБ ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ СИСТЕМЫ КОНДИЦИОНИРОВАНИЯ ВОЗДУХА ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА (ВАРИАНТЫ) И СИСТЕМА ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА Заявитель: Форд Глобал Текнолоджиз, ЛЛК, 05 2. ЕДИНСТВО ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ [Х] соблюдено [ ] не соблюдено. Пояснения: см. Примечания 3. ФОРМУЛА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ: [Х] приняты во внимание все пункты (см. Примечания) [ ] приняты во внимание следующие пункты: [ ] принята во внимание измененная формула изобретения (см. Примечания) 4. КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ОБЪЕКТА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ (ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ) (Указываются индексы МПК и индикатор текущей версии) ВбОН 1/00 (2006.01) 5. ОБЛАСТЬ ПОИСКА 5.1 Проверенный минимум документации РСТ (указывается индексами МПК) В60Н1/00-1/32, Е02В29/00-29/04, ЕОТР3З/О0-3/22, 11/00-11/16 5.2 Другая проверенная документация в той мере, в какой она включена в поисковые подборки: 5.3 Электронные базы данных, использованные при поиске (название базы, и если, возможно, поисковые термины): РУ/РТ, ЕАРАТГУ, Ебрасепеё, Раеагсв, КОРТО 6. ДОКУМЕНТЫ, ОТНОСЯЩИЕСЯ К ПРЕДМЕТУ ПОИСКА Кате- Наименование документа с указанием (где необходимо) частей, Относится ...

20-09-2015 дата публикации

Intake device for internal combustion engine with supercharger

Номер: RU2563427C2
Принадлежит: Ниссан Мотор Ко., Лтд.

FIELD: engines and pumps. SUBSTANCE: invention can be used in internal combustion engines. The intake device is intended for internal combustion engines (1) with supercharger. The intake device contains the inlet channel (10) fitted with air flowmeter (12), the throttle valve (13) and the recirculation valve (17). The supercharger compressor (5) is located between the throttle valve (13) and the airflowmeter (12). The recirculation valve (17) is implemented with a possibility of pressure relief from the area downstream the compressor (5) into the area upstream the compressor (5) during closing of the throttle valve (13). The exhaust gas recirculation channel (16) (EGR) of the engine is connected to the inlet channel (10) with the area upstream the compressor (5). The capacity (V 1 ) of the inlet channel (10) from a flowmeter (12) air before connection of the inlet channel and the EGR channel (16), the capacity (V 2 ) of the inlet channel from the compressor (5) to the throttle valve (13), and the maximum pressure (P b ) of turbocharge in operating mode in which EGR gas is injected, are mutually related by the following mathematical expression: V 1 >V 2 ×(P b -P 1 /P 1 )×(P 1 /P b ) k-1/k , where P 1 is the pressure upstream the compressor (5), and k is the specific heat of gas mix from of air and EGR gas downstream the compressor (5). The version of implementation of the intake device is described. EFFECT: technical result consists in prevention of the back flow of gas mix of air and EGR gas into an air flowmeter. 5 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 563 427 C2 (51) МПК F02M 25/07 (2006.01) F02B 37/16 (2006.01) F02D 23/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014101692/06, 15.02.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.02.2012 (72) Автор(ы): ТАКАКИ Дайсуке (JP) (73) Патентообладатель(и): НИССАН МОТОР КО., ЛТД. (JP) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный ...

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Powertrain with supercharged combustion engine and turbocompound system

Номер: DE102011011637A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Antriebsstrang, insbesondere Kraftfahrzeugantriebsstrang, – mit einem einen Abgasstrom erzeugenden Verbrennungsmotor, der eine Abtriebswelle aufweist, zum Einspeisen von Antriebsleistung in den Antriebsstrang; – mit einem Turbolader; – mit einem Turbocompoundsystem, umfassend eine Abgasnutzturbine, die im Abgasstrom angeordnet ist und in einer Triebverbindung mit der Abtriebswelle des Verbrennungsmotors steht oder in eine solche schaltbar ist. Die Erfindung ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass – der Turbolader wenigstens zweistufig ausgeführt ist und eine erste Turboladerturbine umfasst, die im Abgasstrom angeordnet ist und einen ersten Turboladerverdichter, der in einem dem Verbrennungsmotor zugeleiteten Frischluftstrom angeordnet ist, antreibt, sowie eine zweite Turboladerturbine umfasst, die stromabwärts der ersten Turboladerturbine im Abgasstrom angeordnet ist und einen zweiten Turboladerverdichter, der stromaufwärts des ersten Turboladerverdichters im Frischluftstrom angeordnet ist, antreibt; und – die Abgasnutzturbine des Turbocompoundsystems im Abgasstrom hinsichtlich ihrer Durchströmung parallel zu der zweiten Turboladerturbine angeordnet ist.

07-12-2006 дата публикации

Turbocompound charging system with switchable compressor

Номер: DE102005003714B4

Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10) mit einem Turbocompound-System (60), welches einen Abgasturbolader (14), einen Ladeluftkühler (24) sowie eine Nutzturbine (42) enthält, die über ein Getriebe (50) mit Kupplung (52) mit der Kurbelwelle (58) der Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10) verbindbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass ein zusätzlicher, zuschaltbarer Verdichter (40) vorgesehen ist, der bei Zuschaltung wahlweise entweder mit der Nutzturbine (42) oder mit der Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10) oder mit der Nutzturbine und der Verbrennungskraftmaschine (10) kuppelbar ist. Internal combustion engine (10) with a turbocompound system (60), which is an exhaust gas turbocharger (14), a charge air cooler (24) and a power turbine (42) via a transmission (50) with coupling (52) with the crankshaft (58) of the internal combustion engine (10) is connectable, characterized in that an additional, switchable compressor (40) is provided, which when connected optionally either with the power turbine (42) or with the internal combustion engine (10) or with the power turbine and the internal combustion engine (10) is detachable.

17-10-2007 дата публикации

Turbocompound-charging system comprising a switchable compressor

Номер: EP1844221A1

The invention relates to an internal combustion engine (10) comprising a turbocompound-system (60) which comprises a waste gas turbo charger (14), a charge air cooler (24), in addition to a user turbine (42). Said user turbine (42) can be connected to the crankshaft (58) of the internal combustion engine (10) by means of a drive (50) with damping coupling (52). A switchable compressor (40) is received in a multi-cylinder suction pipe (28) and can be coupled either to the user turbine (42) or to the internal combustion engine (10).

26-02-2014 дата публикации

Intake device for internal combustion engine with supercharger

Номер: CN103608560A
Автор: 高木大介
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

涡轮增压器(3)的压缩机(5)位于空气流量计(12)和节流阀(13)之间。EGR通路(21)在压缩机(5)上游的合流点(22)处与进气通路(10)连接。以在最大增压压力(P b )时包含EGR气体在内的新气不会吹回至空气流量计(12)中的方式,将从空气流量计(12)至合流点(22)为止的进气通路容积(V 1 )、从压缩机(5)至节流阀(13)为止的进气通路气体(V 2 )、以及在进行EGR导入的运行条件下的最大增压压力(P b ),设定为下述的(1)式的关系。【式1】

25-09-2003 дата публикации

Exhaust gas recirculation device

Номер: US20030178013A1
Принадлежит: DaimlerChrysler AG

A mixing device is provided for an exhaust gas recirculation system of an internal combustion engine with an intake air line and an exhaust gas recirculation line. The outlet opening of the recirculation line or admission opening of the intake air line opens into the intake air line and a swirl generating element and/or a turbulence generating element is provided in the area of the admission opening of the mixing device.

24-01-2006 дата публикации

Dual loop exhaust gas recirculation system for diesel engines and method of operation

Номер: US6988365B2
Автор: Shizuo Sasaki
Принадлежит: Southwest Research Institute SwRI

A catalyst bed temperature of an aftertreatment device is maintained and the operational regime for stable and smokeless rich combustion is expanded by use of a dual loop exhaust gas recirculation system. Under light load conditions, at least a portion of the exhaust gas is recirculated through a relatively high pressure exhaust gas recirculation loop, wherein there is no substantial reduction in recirculated exhaust gas temperature or pressure. When operating in relatively medium or higher load operating regimes of the engine, at least a portion of the exhaust gas is passed through a relatively low pressure recirculation mode in which work is extracted from the recirculated gas by the turbine stage of a turbocharger and an exhaust gas recirculation cooler prior to reintroduction into the intake manifold of the engine.

15-06-1999 дата публикации

Apparatus of preventing overheat for an automobile

Номер: KR200148187Y1
Автор: 지선호
Принадлежит: 대우자동차주식회사, 양재신

본 고안은 차량의 과열 방지 장치에 관한 것으로서, 종래에는 여름철과 같이 더운 날씨에 고속도로나 등산로 등에서 엔진의 과열로 인한 차량이 멈추는 주요 원인은, 정비상에 있어서 냉각수가 부족한 것에 있다. 따라서 상기 냉각수 부족의 경우는 연소실로부터 열을 받아들이는 매체 부족이므로 냉각팬만으로는 대응이 부족하게 되어 과열에 이르게 되는 문제점이 있었다. The present invention relates to a device for preventing overheating of a vehicle. In the related art, the main cause of stopping the vehicle due to overheating of the engine in a highway or a hiking trail in a hot weather like summer is that the cooling water is insufficient in maintenance. Therefore, in the case of the lack of cooling water, since there is a lack of a medium that receives heat from the combustion chamber, there is a problem in that the cooling fan alone is insufficient in correspondence and leads to overheating. 따라서 본 고안은 엔진 본체(100)에 설치된 배기 매니폴드(120)와 흡기 매니폴드(110)를 연결하는 파이프(130)가 설치되고, 상기 흡기 매니폴드(110)와 파이프(130) 연결 부위에는 배기 가스가 저장 또는 배출되는 공기실(140)이 형성되고, 상기 공기실(140)에는 상기 배기 매니폴드(120)를 통하여 유입된 배기 가스를 차단 또는 유입시키는 솔레노이드(150)가 설치되어 있고, 상기 솔레노이드(150)는 전자제어장치(160; ECU)와 접속된 구조를 제공한 것으로서 이러한 본 고안은 차량의 과열을 방지할수 있는 것이다. Therefore, in the present invention, a pipe 130 connecting the exhaust manifold 120 and the intake manifold 110 installed in the engine main body 100 is installed, and the intake manifold 110 and the pipe 130 are connected to the site. An air chamber 140 in which the exhaust gas is stored or discharged is formed, and the air chamber 140 is provided with a solenoid 150 for blocking or introducing the exhaust gas introduced through the exhaust manifold 120. The solenoid 150 is to provide a structure connected to the electronic control unit 160 (ECU) as this invention can prevent overheating of the vehicle.

21-11-2017 дата публикации

Methods for engine (variants)

Номер: RU2636252C2

FIELD: engines and pumps.SUBSTANCE: method for an engine is that during the engine deceleration, the airflow through the intercooler is temporarily increased to purge the accumulated condensate to the engine intake. By supplying the condensate, while the engine is not supplied with fuel, the ignition failures start to reduce due to suction of water. Invention discloses versions of described method for engine.EFFECT: reduction of ignition failures.15 cl, 8 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 636 252 C2 (51) МПК F02B 29/04 (2006.01) F02D 23/00 (2006.01) F02D 41/12 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2013145076, 08.10.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.10.2013 (72) Автор(ы): ГЛУГЛА Крис Пол (US), УАЙТХЕД Джозеф Патрик (US) 21.11.2017 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2011/0094219 A1, 28.04.2011. US 10.10.2012 US 13/648,784 (45) Опубликовано: 21.11.2017 Бюл. № 33 2009/0050117 A1, 26.02.2009. US 2009/013977 A1, 15.01.2009. US 2007/0107425 A1, 17.05.2007. US 2004/0064242 A1, 01.04.2004. RU 2184251 C1, 27.06.2002. 2 6 3 6 2 5 2 R U (54) СПОСОБЫ ДЛЯ ДВИГАТЕЛЯ (ВАРИАНТЫ) (57) Реферат: Изобретение может быть использовано в двигателях внутреннего сгорания, снабженных охладителями наддувочного воздуха. Способ для двигателя заключается в том, что во время замедления двигателя поток воздуха через охладитель наддувочного воздуха временно увеличивается для продувки накопленного Стр.: 1 конденсата на впуск двигателя. Посредством подачи конденсата, в то время как двигатель не снабжается топливом, сокращаются пропуски зажигания, являющиеся результатом засасывания воды. Раскрыты варианты способа для двигателя. Технический результат заключается в сокращении пропусков зажигания. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил. C 2 C 2 Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации

Hybrid drive comprising an internal combustion engine and a further torque source for driving a motor vehicle

Номер: DE102018207011B3

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Hybrid-Antrieb umfassend eine flüssigkeitsgekühlte Brennkraftmaschine (1) und eine weitere Drehmoment-Quelle zum Antrieb eines Kraftfahrzeuges, bei dem ein Niedertemperatur-Kühlmittelkreislauf (8) vorgesehen ist, in dem eine weitere Pumpe (9) zur Förderung von Kühlmittel, ein Radiator (10) und mindestens ein zur Brennkraftmaschine (1) gehörender Wärmetauscher (11) angeordnet sind, wobei zwecks Umgehung stromaufwärts des mindestens einen zur Brennkraftmaschine (1) gehörenden Wärmetauschers (11) eine Bypassleitung (12) unter Ausbildung eines ersten Knotenpunktes (12a) abzweigt, in der mindestens ein zur weiteren Drehmoment-Quelle gehörender Wärmetauscher (13) angeordnet ist.Es soll ein Hybrid-Antrieb bereitgestellt werden, der hinsichtlich der Kühlung verbessert ist.Erreicht wird dies mit einem Hybrid-Antrieb, bei dem im Niedertemperatur-Kühlmittelkreislauf (8) ein druckgesteuertes Stellelement (14) angeordnet ist, welches in einer ersten Schaltposition den Kühlmittelstrom via dem mindestens einen zur Brennkraftmaschine (1) gehörenden Wärmetauscher (11) freigibt und in einer zweiten Schaltposition den Kühlmittelstrom via dem mindestens einen zur Brennkraftmaschine (1) gehörenden Wärmetauscher (11) sperrt und den Kühlmittelstrom via dem mindestens einen zur weiteren Drehmoment-Quelle gehörenden Wärmetauscher (13) freigibt. The invention relates to a hybrid drive comprising a liquid-cooled internal combustion engine (1) and a further torque source for driving a motor vehicle, in which a low-temperature coolant circuit (8) is provided, in which a further pump (9) for conveying coolant, a radiator (10) and at least one to the internal combustion engine (1) associated heat exchanger (11) are arranged, wherein for the purpose of bypass upstream of the at least one of the internal combustion engine (1) associated heat exchanger (11) a bypass line (12) to form a first node (12a A hybrid drive is to be provided, which is improved in terms of ...

14-04-2006 дата публикации

Waste gas recirculation system for motor vehicle`s internal combustion engine, has waste gas recirculation circuit with cooler associated to cooling circuit which is integrated to air conditioning circuit of motor vehicle

Номер: FR2876417A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

The system has a waste gas recirculation circuit (22) reintroducing waste gas in an internal combustion engine (1) and comprising a cooler (9). The cooler is associated to a cooling circuit (23) which is integrated to an air conditioning circuit (24) of a motor vehicle. The circuit (24) has an evaporator (12) and a three-way control valve (14) to distribute coolant between the cooler and the evaporator.

26-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: FR2876416B1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

28-03-1975 дата публикации

Exhaust turbine super charger for compression ignition engines - has heat exchanger between two compressor stages

Номер: FR2242884A5
Принадлежит: Wallace Murray Corp

14-01-2011 дата публикации

System for controlling temperature of supercharging gas of heat engine of vehicle, has heat exchanger incorporated to another heat exchanger, where former heat exchanger cools or heats supercharging gas

Номер: FR2947872A1
Автор: Ludovic Lefebvre

The system has a heat exchanger (10) including an inlet (16) for receiving gas issued from a supercharging gas compressor. Another heat exchanger (12) e.g. supercharging gas exchanger, is incorporated to the former heat exchanger, where the latter heat exchanger is placed in downstream of the former heat exchanger. The latter heat exchanger cools or heats the supercharging gas, where the latter heat exchanger is placed in upstream of an output air case (18).

01-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: FR2853011A1
Принадлежит: Melchior Jean F

Moteur alternatif utilisé entre des régimes minimum et maximum, avec groupe de turbocompression (2) dimensionné pour être en fonctionnement autonome quand :> Il alimente en air le collecteur d'admission (8) via un réfrigérant> Il est alimenté en gaz d'échappement (9, CR et CT)> La pression d'alimentation turbine (P3) est égale à celle du compresseur (P2).caractérisé par le fait que la pression turbine (P3) est maintenue égale à la pression compresseur (P2) par un by-pass EGR (3) entre le collecteur d'admission (8) et d'échappement (9) sans perte de charge significative, le volume d'air refroidi Vc est inférieur au volume aspiré par le moteur au régime Nmax, du gaz chaud étant réaspiré par le moteur via le by-pass (3) au-dessus du régime Na d'adaptation de la compression, et un débit d'air est détourné vers la turbine au-dessous du régime Na. Reciprocating engine used between minimum and maximum speeds, with a turbocharging unit (2) sized to be in autonomous operation when:> It supplies air to the intake manifold (8) via a refrigerant> It is supplied with exhaust gas (9, CR and CT)> The turbine supply pressure (P3) is equal to that of the compressor (P2), characterized by the fact that the turbine pressure (P3) is kept equal to the compressor pressure (P2) by a EGR bypass (3) between the intake (8) and exhaust (9) manifold without significant pressure drop, the volume of cooled air Vc is less than the volume drawn in by the engine at Nmax speed, of the gas hot being sucked back by the engine via the bypass (3) above the Na speed of adaptation of the compression, and an air flow is diverted towards the turbine below the Na speed.

13-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR2932853B1
Автор: Olivier Boucher

25-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR3048028A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

L'invention concerne un dispositif de gestion thermique d'un refroidisseur d'air de suralimentation comprenant un refroidisseur d'air de suralimentation à air (5) placé en amont d'un moteur à combustion interne (1), ledit refroidisseur à air comprenant une entrée (57) d'air de suralimentation provenant d'un turbocompresseur (3, 7), une sortie (58) d'air de suralimentation vers l'admission d'air du moteur, et un faisceau d'échange de chaleur (51) constitué d'une pluralité de surfaces d'échange thermique (52) entre un air de refroidissement circulant à travers lesdites surfaces d'échange thermique et l'air de suralimentation distribué entre lesdites surfaces d'échange thermique. Selon l'invention, on prévoit des moyens de détermination de la température (T1) de l'air de refroidissement traversant ledit refroidisseur à air (5), un dispositif de chauffage (13) desdites surfaces d'échange thermique et des moyens d'activation dudit dispositif de chauffage (13) lorsque la température (T1) de l'air de refroidissement est inférieure à un seuil de température prédéterminé. The invention relates to a device for thermal management of a charge air cooler comprising an air charge air cooler (5) placed upstream of an internal combustion engine (1), said air cooler comprising a charge air inlet (57) from a turbocharger (3, 7), a charge air outlet (58) to the engine air intake, and a heat exchange bundle ( 51) consisting of a plurality of heat exchange surfaces (52) between a cooling air flowing through said heat exchange surfaces and the supercharging air distributed between said heat exchange surfaces. According to the invention, there are provided means for determining the temperature (T1) of the cooling air passing through said air cooler (5), a heating device (13) for said heat exchange surfaces and means for activation of said heater (13) when the temperature (T1) of the cooling air is below a ...

10-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR3048028B1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

L'invention concerne un dispositif de gestion thermique d'un refroidisseur d'air de suralimentation comprenant un refroidisseur d'air de suralimentation à air (5) placé en amont d'un moteur à combustion interne (1), ledit refroidisseur à air comprenant une entrée (57) d'air de suralimentation provenant d'un turbocompresseur (3, 7), une sortie (58) d'air de suralimentation vers l'admission d'air du moteur, et un faisceau d'échange de chaleur (51) constitué d'une pluralité de surfaces d'échange thermique (52) entre un air de refroidissement circulant à travers lesdites surfaces d'échange thermique et l'air de suralimentation distribué entre lesdites surfaces d'échange thermique. Selon l'invention, on prévoit des moyens de détermination de la température (T1) de l'air de refroidissement traversant ledit refroidisseur à air (5), un dispositif de chauffage (13) desdites surfaces d'échange thermique et des moyens d'activation dudit dispositif de chauffage (13) lorsque la température (T1) de l'air de refroidissement est inférieure à un seuil de température prédéterminé. The invention relates to a device for thermal management of a charge air cooler comprising an air charge air cooler (5) placed upstream of an internal combustion engine (1), said air cooler comprising a charge air inlet (57) from a turbocharger (3, 7), a charge air outlet (58) to the engine air intake, and a heat exchange bundle ( 51) consisting of a plurality of heat exchange surfaces (52) between a cooling air circulating through said heat exchange surfaces and the charge air distributed between said heat exchange surfaces. According to the invention, means are provided for determining the temperature (T1) of the cooling air passing through said air cooler (5), a device (13) for heating said heat exchange surfaces and means for activation of said heating device (13) when the temperature (T1) of the cooling air is below a ...

28-06-1943 дата публикации

Method and devices for cooling gases discharged by compressors supplying aircraft engines

Номер: FR883215A

02-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: FR2836184B1
Автор: Christophe Colignon

02-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: FR2730010A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

L'invention concerne un système (10) d'alimentation en carburant et en air comprenant un réservoir (14) de gaz naturel liquide, un premier échangeur de chaleur (22) destiné à vaporiser du gaz naturel liquide, une pompe (18) raccordée entre le réservoir (14) et le premier échangeur (22) de manière à refouler du gaz naturel liquide sous pression depuis le réservoir (14) jusqu'au premier échangeur (22), un tube (46) d'alimentation en air, un deuxième échangeur de chaleur (48) couplé au tube d'alimentation en air (46) et destiné à refroidir l'air, et des tubes (52, 54) d'échange thermique qui interconnectent les premier (22) et deuxième (48) échangeurs de manière à faire circuler un milieu d'échange thermique dans les premier (22) et deuxième (48) échangeurs de sorte que le premier échangeur (22) vaporise le gaz naturel liquide et que le deuxième échangeur (48) refroidisse l'air fourni par le tube d'alimentation en air (46). The invention relates to a fuel and air supply system (10) comprising a tank (14) for liquid natural gas, a first heat exchanger (22) for vaporizing liquid natural gas, a pump (18) connected. between the reservoir (14) and the first exchanger (22) so as to deliver pressurized liquid natural gas from the reservoir (14) to the first exchanger (22), an air supply tube (46), a second heat exchanger (48) coupled to the air supply tube (46) and for cooling the air, and heat exchange tubes (52, 54) which interconnect the first (22) and second (48) exchangers so as to circulate a heat exchange medium in the first (22) and second (48) exchangers so that the first exchanger (22) vaporizes the liquid natural gas and the second exchanger (48) cools the air supplied by the air supply tube (46).

21-02-1986 дата публикации

Patent FR2495689B1

Номер: FR2495689B1
Автор: [UNK]

21-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR3048021B1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

Agencement d'un refroidisseur de fluide réfrigérant (15) et d'un refroidisseur d'air de suralimentation (10) de moteur à combustion interne de véhicule automobile de forme sensiblement parallélépipédique disposés parallèlement l'un à l'autre selon une face latérale verticale (14,16), chacun des refroidisseurs (10, 15) comprenant au moins un connecteur d'entrée (11) et un connecteur de sortie de fluide (12), Caractérisé en ce que le connecteur (18) du refroidisseur d'air de suralimentation (10) s'étend transversalement vers une face latérale du refroidisseur de fluide réfrigérant pour participer à la fixation du refroidisseur d'air (10) avec le refroidisseur de fluide (15). Arrangement of a coolant cooler (15) and a charge air cooler (10) of an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle of substantially parallelepipedal shape arranged parallel to one another along a vertical lateral face (14,16), each of the coolers (10, 15) comprising at least one inlet connector (11) and a fluid outlet connector (12), characterized in that the connector (18) of the air cooler boost (10) extends transversely to a side face of the coolant to participate in the fixing of the air cooler (10) with the cooler (15).

23-06-2006 дата публикации

Drive train for motor vehicle, has controller selectively controlling, based on signal representing exhaust gas output temperature in cooled/non-cooled recirculation, EGR valve and control valves to control gas flow and gas temperature

Номер: FR2879669A1
Автор: Jacky Guezet
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

The train has an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) circuit (54) with an EGR valve (44) and control valves (80, 82). A controller (88), based on a signal representative of exhaust gas output temperature in cooled or non-cooled recirculation, selectively controls the valve (44) to control the flow of exhaust gas in the circuit, and the valves (80, 82) to adjust the temperature of the gas in the circuit. The EGR valve controls the recirculation of exhaust gas to an internal combustion engine (12), and the control valves (80, 82) selectively direct the gas to by-pass channels (72, 78) and/or upstream, intermediate and downstream sections (66, 68, 70).
