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17-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2719113C2

Предложены способы и системы для снижения износа электродов датчика содержания сажи в агрессивной химической среде, возникающей в результате десульфатации накопителя оксидов азота, установленного выше по потоку от датчика содержания сажи. В соответствии с одним примером способ может предусматривать в ответ на превышение нагрузкой оксидов серы порогового значения, перед инициированием десульфатации НОА, обеспечение функционирования датчика содержания сажи в режиме предесульфатации, в котором отрицательный электрод на короткий период времени соединяют с положительным электродом, причем положительный электрод отсоединяют от положительного электрода. Тем не менее, во время десульфатации, во время которой происходит выделение HS в качестве побочного продукта, оба электрода могут быть открыты, т.е. не соединены с положительным электродом или с массой, тем самым уменьшая возможность износа датчика. 3 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

22-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2677915C2

Изобретение относится к способам и системам для использования зависимости показаний кислородного датчика от давления для оценки внешнего давления для двигателя. Впускной или выпускной кислородный датчик используют для оценки внешнего давления посредством приложения опорного напряжения к датчику в период, когда частота вращения двигателя в гибридном автомобиле уменьшается, и корректируют показания датчика для компенсации эффектов разбавления вследствие влажности окружающей среды. Значение оцененного внешнего давления используют для исправления или подтверждения значения давления, оцененного при помощи других источников данных, таких как другие датчики давления или модель давления, а также используют для настройки производительности двигателя. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2707685C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в системах топливоподачи двигателей внутреннего сгорания. Предложены способы и системы для перемещения иглы инжектора узла топливного инжектора из первого положения во второе положение для обеспечения первого впрыска топлива в первом положении, перемещения иглы из второго положения в третье положение для обеспечения второго впрыска топлива в третьем положении и перемещения иглы назад в первое положение через второе положение и обеспечения третьего впрыска топлива во втором положении. Таким образом могут быть выполнены три впрыска топлива в течение одного цикла срабатывания инжектора во время одного цикла сгорания. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

24-05-2019 дата публикации

Система и способ (варианты) для эксплуатации топливоподкачивающего насоса

Номер: RU2689241C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в системах топливоподачи двигателей внутреннего сгорания. Предложены способы и системы для эксплуатации топливоподкачивающего насоса топливной системы двигателя. В одном примере способа, при включении питания топливоподкачивающего насоса из выключенного состояния, ограничивают напряжение топливоподкачивающего насоса до нижнего первого уровня. Согласно способу поддерживают напряжение топливоподкачивающего насоса на нижнем первом уровне в течение некоторого периода времени перед тем, как повысить напряжение топливоподкачивающего насоса выше первого уровня. Изобретение позволяет уменьшить скачки напряжения при включении топливоподкачивающего насоса, а также уменьшить скачки давления в топливной рампе и ведущей к ней топливной линии и ошибки дозирования топлива за счет постепенного повышения давления топлива в топливных линиях, что способствует улучшению эксплуатационных показателей двигателя. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

20-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2362039C2
Принадлежит: БиАрПи ЮЭс ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к двигателестроению, в частности к топливной аппаратуре двигателей внутреннего сгорания. Изобретение позволяет улучшить нагнетание текучей среды в насосе, обеспечить короткое время цикла в насосах для текучей среды, одновременно сохраняя или даже улучшая точность насоса для текучей среды. Способ перемещения насосного узла содержит следующие этапы: подают питание на узел катушки для перемещения приводного узла из исходного положения к включенному положению для создания, по меньшей мере частично, первого хода нагнетания, возвращают приводной узел в исходное положение для создания, по меньшей мере частично, второго хода нагнетания, во время возврата приводного узла в исходное положение подают питание на узел катушки для торможения приводного узла до того, как он достигнет исходного положения. Способ управления топливной форсункой двигателя внутреннего сгорания включает следующие этапы: обеспечивают контроллер, выполненный с возможностью подавать формы сигнала на приводной ...

13-01-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016141633A3

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017136735A3

21-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015149957A3

20-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013137204A

... 1. Топливная форсунка для двигателя, содержащая клапанный механизм и седло клапанного механизма, где клапанный механизм и/или седло клапанного механизма является постоянно намагниченным, привод форсунки для приведения в действие клапанного механизма и пружину, выполненную с возможностью смещения клапанного механизма в закрытое положение с седлом клапанного механизма.2. Топливная форсунка по п.1, в которой клапанный механизм является постоянно намагниченным, а седло клапанного механизма является ферромагнитным.3. Топливная форсунка по п.1, в которой седло клапанного механизма является постоянно намагниченым, а клапанный механизм является ферромагнитным.4. Топливная форсунка по п.1, в которой и клапанный механизм, и седло клапанного механизма являются постоянно намагниченными.5. Топливная форсунка по п.4, в которой магнитный диполь клапанного механизма является по существу встречным магнитному диполю седла клапанного механизма.6. Топливная форсунка по п.1, в которой клапанный механизм содержит ...

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015118991A

... 1. Способ, содержащий этапы, на которых:во время первого состояния, запитывают током соленоидный перепускной клапан топливного насоса непосредственного впрыска только на угловую длительность, основанную на положении поршня топливного насоса непосредственного впрыска; иво время второго состояния, запитывают током соленоидный перепускной клапан на или дольше, чем минимальная угловая длительность, при этом, соленоидный перепускной клапан отключают после того, как достигнуто положение верхней мертвой точки поршня.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором минимальная угловая длительность составляет 10 градусов угла поворота распределительного вала.3. Способ по п. 1, в котором первое состояние включает в себя те случаи, когда объемная доля захвата топливного насоса непосредственного впрыска находится выше порогового значения, а второе состояние включает в себя те случаи, когда объемная доля захвата находится ниже порогового значения.4. Способ по п. 3, в котором пороговое значение объемной доли захвата равно ...

31-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003805031A1

A circuit arrangement for cyclic supply of an electromagnetic consumer, with a control device actuated by a control signal equal to the difference between the instantaneous signal to the consumer and a given guiding signal, comprises a cyclic current regulator whose timing pulse rate is adjustable.

19-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069303945D1

08-08-1985 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003403750A1

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Kraftstoffversorgungssystems

Номер: DE102019219900A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Kraftstoffversorgungssystems für eine Brennkraftmaschine, bei dem ein Kraftstoffinjektor (110) mit einem als Magnetventil (120) ausgebildeten Schaltventil aus einem Hochdruckspeicher mit Kraftstoff versorgt wird und zum Einbringen von Kraftstoff in einen Brennraum der Brennkraftmaschine verwendet wird, wobei das Magnetventil (120) einen Magnetanker (124) zum Verschließen und Freigeben einer Durchflussöffnung (150) und einen in einer Öffnung (126) des Magnetankers (124) angeordneten Ankerbolzen (125) aufweist, wobei, wenn bestimmt wird, dass Ablagerungen (200) zwischen Magnetanker (124) und Ankerführung (125) vorhanden sind, die ein Freigeben der Durchflussöffnung (150) durch den Magnetanker (124) beeinträchtigen oder verhindern, in einem Oszillations-Vorgang aktiv Druck-Oszillationen in dem Kraftstoff im Hochdruckspeicher erzeugt werden.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015111086A1

Eine ECU (30), die eine Kraftstoffeinspritzsteuerung ist, weist eine Abbildungsspeicherungseinheit (43), eine Erregungszeitraumeinstelleinheit (42), eine Erfassungsschaltung (52), eine Lerneinheit (44) und eine Korrektureinheit (46) auf. Die Abbildungsspeicherungseinheit (43) speichert einen geeigneten Wert für einen Erregungszeitraum (Ti), der einer Anfrageeinspritzmenge entspricht. Die Erregungszeitraumeinstelleinheit (42) stellt basierend auf dem gespeicherten geeigneten Wert den Erregungszeitraum (Ti) ein. Die Erfassungsschaltung (52) erfasst ein Verhalten eines Ventilelements. Die Lerneinheit (44) lernt die Erfassungsresultate als Korrekturdaten. Die Korrektureinheit (46) korrigiert basierend auf den gelernten Korrekturdaten den Erregungszeitraum (Ti). Die Lerneinheit (44) führt zusätzlich das Lernen durch, wenn der Erregungszeitraum (Ti) ein Zeitraum in einem vorbestimmten Bereich ist, in dem eine Teilhubeinspritzung ausgeführt werden wird.

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015106027A1

Eine Treibstoffeinspritzungsvorrichtung weist auf: einen Stromsteuerteil, der einen Strom, der durch einen Stromausgabeteil ausgegeben wird, so ausschaltet, dass ein Zeitpunkt, zu dem Treibstoffeinspritzung eines Treibstoffeinspritzteils beendet wird, zu einem Zeitpunkt wird, der mit einem Zeitpunkt zusammenfällt, zu dem Treibstoffeinspritzung in einem Fall beendet wird, in dem ein Strom von einer vorbestimmten Strommenge ausgeschaltet wird, bei der Fortsetzung der Treibstoffeinspritzung des Treibstoffeinspritzteils möglich wird, falls ein Treibstoffeinspritzungs-Beendigungsanforderungszeitpunkt des Treibstoffeinspritzteils in einem dritten Zeitbereich liegt, in dem sich ein Strom, der durch den Stromausgabeteil ausgegeben wird, übergangsweise zwischen einem ersten Zeitbereich, in dem der Stromausgabeteil eine vorgegebene Strommenge ausgibt, bei der die Treibstoffeinspritzung des Treibstoffeinspritzteils möglich wird, und einem zweiten Zeitbereich ändert, in dem der Stromausgabeteil eine ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015225378B4

Kraftstoffeinspritzsteuerung, die zwischen einem mit Energie versorgten Zustand, in dem eine Spule (14) einer Kraftstoffeinspritzung (10) mit Energie versorgt ist und einem abgeschalteten Zustand umschaltet, in dem eine Energieversorgung der Spule abgeschaltet ist, wobei die Kraftstoffeinspritzsteuerung Folgendes umfasst:ein erstes Schaltelement (a1), das in einem Energieversorgungsdurchlass (20L) vorgesehen ist, der mit der Spule verbunden ist;ein zweites Schaltelement (a2), das mit dem ersten Schaltelement parallel verbunden ist; undeine Steuereinrichtung (21), die Einsätze des ersten Schaltelements und des zweiten Schaltelements steuert, wobeidie Steuereinrichtung zwischen einem ersten mit Energie versorgten Zustand, der der mit Energie versorgte Zustand ist, in dem das erste Schaltelement eingeschaltet ist und das zweite Schaltelement abgeschaltet ist, und einem zweiten mit Energie versorgten Zustand umschaltet, der der mit Energie versorgte Zustand ist, in dem das erste Element abgeschaltet ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Schaltungsanordnung mit mindestens einem ersten induktiven Element

Номер: DE102015220102A1

Vorgeschlagen wird eine Schaltungsanordnung (10) mit mindestens einem ersten induktiven Element (12a, 12b, 12c, 12d), insbesondere eines elektromagnetischen Aktors, wobei ein erster Anschluss (14_1) des ersten induktiven Elements (12a, 12b, 12c, 12d) mittels eines ersten Schalters (16a, 16b, 16c, 16d) mit einem ersten Potenzial (18) einer Betriebsspannung verbunden ist, und wobei ein zweiter Anschluss (14_2) des ersten induktiven Elements (12a, 12b, 12c, 12d) mit einem zweiten Potenzial (20) der Betriebsspannung verbunden ist. Dabei ist vorgesehen, dass der erste Anschluss (14_1) des ersten induktiven Elements (12a, 12b, 12c, 12d) mittels einer Diode (22a, 22b, 22c, 22d) mit einem ersten Anschluss (24_1) eines Kondensators (26) verbunden ist, wobei ein zweiter Anschluss (24_2) des Kondensators (26) mit einem Bezugspotenzial (18; 20) verbunden ist, und dass der erste Anschluss (24_1) des Kondensators (26) mittels eines zweiten Schalters (28) mit einem ersten Anschluss (30_1) eines zweiten ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015226786B4

Linearsolenoidstrommessvorrichtung, umfassend einen Mikrocomputer (21) und einen Linearsolenoidtreiber (27) zum Antreiben eines Linearsolenoids (16, 17) in Reaktion auf ein Antriebsanweisungssignal aus dem Mikrocomputer (21), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass: der Mikrocomputer (21) umfasst:ein Zielhydraulikdruck-Berechnungsmittel (31) zum Berechnen eines Zielhydraulikdrucks aus Eingabeinformation;ein Anweisungsstrom-Berechnungsmittel (32) zum Berechnen eines Anweisungsstroms, basierend auf einem durch das Zielhydraulikdruck-Berechnungsmittel (31) berechneten Hydraulikdruck;ein Messstromlesemittel (33) zum Ablesen eines aus dem Linearsolenoidtreiber (27) gesendeten Messstroms; undein Linearsolenoid-Ausfallbestimmungsmittel (34) zum Bestimmen, ob ein Ausfall im Linearsolenoid aufgetreten ist oder nicht, unter Verwendung eines durch das Messstromlesemittel gelesenen Stroms,der Linearsolenoidtreiber (27) umfasst:ein Strommessmittel (35) zum Messen eines im Linearsolenoid (16, 17) fließenden Stroms ...

05-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016105883B4

Fahrzeugmotorsteuervorrichtung (100A-100D) zum sequentiellen Antreiben eines Kraftstoffeinspritz-Elektromagnetventils, das für jeden Zylinder (i (i=1, 2,...m)) eines Mehrzylindermotors vorgesehen ist, umfassend:einen Antriebssteuerschaltungsteil (120A-120D), der eine Mehrzahl von Schaltelementen (121j, 122, 123i) zum abwechselnden und sequentiellen Antrieb einer Mehrzahl von Elektromagnetspulen (103i) zum öffnenden Antrieb der Elektromagnetventile beinhaltet, für sowohl eine erste Zylindergruppe (j (j=1)) als auch eine zweite Zylindergruppe (j (j=2)), einen Verstärkungssteuerschaltungsteil (110A-110D), der eine verstärkte Hochspannung zum schnellen Anregen der Elektromagnetspulen (103i) erzeugt, und einen Betriebssteuerschaltungsteil (130A-130D), der hauptsächlich aus einem Mikroprozessor (CPU) und einem Programmspeicher (PGM) aufgebaut ist, wobei:der Verstärkungssteuerschaltungsteil ein oder mehrere Induktionselemente (112a, 112b) enthält, die intermittierend durch ein oder mehrere Verstärkungsschaltelemente ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016108778A1

Ein durch eine Spule geschickter Ansteuerstrom wird von einem Zeitpunkt, zu dem ein erstes Kollisionssignal eingegeben wird, das die Kollision eines beweglichen Kerns mit einem Ventilelement anzeigt, bis zu einem Zeitpunkt reduziert, zu dem ein zweites Kollisionssignal eingegeben wird, das die Kollision des beweglichen Kerns mit einem stationären Kern anzeigt.

08-09-2016 дата публикации

Elektrisches Wastegat-Ventilsystem und Verfahren zum Steuern eines elektrischen Wastegate-Ventilsystems

Номер: DE112014005997T5

Ein elektrisches Wastegate-Ventilsystem umfasst ein Wastegate-Ventil, eine elektrische Betätigungseinrichtung, die das Wastegate-Ventil ansteuert, einen Flügelraddrehzahlsensor und eine elektronische Steuerungseinheit. Das Wastegate-Ventil öffnet und schließt einen Umgehungskanal bzw. Bypass-Kanal, der ein Turbinenflügelrad eines Turboladers umgeht. Die elektronische Steuerungseinheit ist konfiguriert, einen vorausgesagten Wert der Drehzahl des Flügelrads zu berechnen, wenn das Wastegate-Ventil geschlossen ist. Die elektronische Steuerungseinheit ist konfiguriert, die elektrische Betätigungseinrichtung in der Ventilschließrichtung anzusteuern, um das Wastegate-Ventil zu schließen. Die elektronische Steuerungseinheit ist konfiguriert, die Ansteuerung des Wastegate-Ventils durch die elektrische Betätigungseinrichtung zu stoppen, wenn die Drehzahl des Flügelrads, die durch den Flügelraddrehzahlsensor erfasst wird, auf einen Referenzwert zunimmt, der auf der Grundlage des vorausgesagten Werts ...

28-06-2016 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur variablen Steuerung eines Injektors

Номер: DE202015002329U1

Vorrichtung (10, 20–22) zur variablen Steuerung von wenigstens einem Injektor (1) eines Verbrennungsmotors eines Kraftfahrzeugs, wobei die Vorrichtung folgendes umfasst: Mittel (11, 12) zum Bestimmen einer Injektortemperatur (TI) für wenigstens einen Injektor (1) des Verbrennungsmotors; und Mittel (14–16), um auf Basis der bestimmten Injektortemperatur (TI) eine Steuerungsausgabe (ET) zur Steuerung von wenigstens einem Injektor (1) des Verbrennungsmotors zu bestimmen.

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Aktorvorrichtung zur Steuerung eines mechanisch wirkenden Bauteils; Ventil, umfassend eine Aktorvorrichtung; Motor; Anordnung, umfassend einen Motor und eine Motorsteuerungseinrichtung; Verfahren zur Steuerung einer Aktorvorrichtung, eines Ventils, eines Motors oder einer Anordnung

Номер: DE102020108543A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Aktorvorrichtung (10) zur Steuerung eines mechanisch wirkenden Bauteils (11') für ein Fahrzeug (20), insbesondere zur Steuerung eines Ventils (11), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Aktorvorrichtung (10) eine Strommessvorrichtung (3) zur Messung eines Aktorstroms (14) umfasst.

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE112015000721B4

Kraftstoffeinspritzsteuereinheit, die auf ein Kraftstoffeinspritzventil (10) angewendet ist, das einen Kraftstoff, der für eine Verbrennung in einer internen Verbrennungsmaschine verwendet wird, durch Öffnen eines Ventilkörpers (12) aufgrund einer elektromagnetischen Anziehungskraft, die durch eine Erregung einer Spule (13) erzeugt wird, einspritzt, mit:einer Steuerung (22), die die Erregung der Spule gemäß einer Erregungszeit der Spule, die einem erforderlichen Wert einer Einspritzmenge, die während eines Öffnens des Ventilkörpers einmal eingespritzt wird, entspricht, steuert;einem Einspritzmengendetektor (21d), der eine physikalische Größe, die eine Korrelation mit der Einspritzmenge besitzt, erfasst, wenn eine Teilhubeinspritzung implementiert wird, bei der ein Ventilschließbetrieb gestartet wird, nachdem der Ventilkörper einen Ventilöffnungsbetrieb gestartet hat, und bevor der Ventilkörper eine maximale Ventil-offen-Position erreicht; undeiner Korrektureinheit (21e), die, wenn die Teilhubeinspritzung ...

11-02-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002036655A1

03-01-2008 дата публикации

Internal-combustion engine controlling device, has connecting lines connecting electronic engine control device and injector, for signal transmission and discontinuous energy transmission from control device to electronic storage

Номер: DE102006029082A1

The device has an injector (2) for injecting fuel into combustion chambers of an internal-combustion engine, and connecting lines (3) e.g. two-wire lines, for signal transmission, which connects an electronic engine control device (1) and the injector. An intelligent electronic component (4) has an electronic memory unit (6) for storing data, a measuring technique unit (8) for detecting injector-actual size and an energy storage (9) storing electricity and power supply while operating the engine. The lines are provided for discontinuous energy transmission from the device (1) to the storage. An independent claim is also included for a method for controlling an internal-combustion engine with an electronic engine control device.

07-04-2005 дата публикации

Brennstoffeinspritzventil und Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Brennstoffeinspritzventils

Номер: DE0010341810A1

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Brennstoffeinspritzventils und ein Brennstoffeinspritzventil (1) mit einem sich bei Erregung axial ausdehnenden piezoelektrischen Antrieb (2) und einem mit dem Antrieb (2) in Wirkverbindung stehenden Ventilschließkörper (7), der mit einer Ventilsitzfläche (13) zu einem Dichtsitz zusammenwirkt. Der Dichtsitz öffnet sich in der Phase der Ausdehnung des Antriebs (2) und ein Anschlag (5) begrenzt die Bewegung des Ventilschließkörpers (7) in Öffnungsrichtung. Das Verfahren umfaßt die folgenden Verfahrensschritte: DOLLAR A - Anlegen einer Erregungsspannung an den Antrieb (2) DOLLAR A - Erfassen elektrischer Meßgrößen am Antrieb (2) DOLLAR A - Bestimmung der Erregungsminimalspannung, die mindestens notwendig ist, damit der Anschlag (5) die Öffnungsbewegung des Ventilschließkörpers (7) begrenzt, anhand der erfaßten elektrischen Meßgrößen DOLLAR A - Anpassen der Höhe der Erregungsspannung des Antriebs (2) und/oder des Verlaufs der Erregungsspannung des Antriebs (2) anhand ...

12-06-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Regelung eines elektromagnetischen Aktuators

Номер: DE0010360799B4

Verfahren zur Regelung eines elektromagnetischen (Hub-)Aktuators (2) mit mindestens einem Elektromagneten (2.1, 2.2) und einem auf ein Stellglied einwirkenden Anker (2.3), der gegen die Kraft eines Federelementes (6.1, 6.2) durch die Bestromung des Elektromagneten (2.1, 2.2) mittels einer Steuereinrichtung aus einer ersten Schaltstellung in eine zweite Schaltstellung überführbar ist, bei dem – ein der Position (z) des Ankers (2.3) entsprechendes Positionssignal gebildet wird, – der Stromistwert (Iist) des Elektromagneten (2.1, 2.2) erfasst wird, – der Elektromagnet (2.1, 2.2) über hinterlegte ankerpositionsabhängige Bereiche (KL1, KL2, KL3) mit Stromvorsteuerwerten (IVorsteuer) mittels einem ersten Regler (20) angesteuert wird, – aus einer hinterlegten Solltrajektorie (ST1, ST2, ST3) zu der Position des Ankers (2.3) ein Sollgeschwindigkeitswert (vsoll) zugeordnet wird, – in Abhängigkeit von einer aus Sollgeschwindigkeit (vsoll) und Istgeschwindigkeit (vist) ermittelten Differenz mittels ...

28-10-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002516347A1

07-11-2002 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Einstellung der Einspritzstromdauer für jeden Brennstoffschuß in einem mehrfachen Brennstoffeinspritzereignis zur Kompensation der inherenten Einspritzvorrichtungsverzögerung

Номер: DE0010210583A1

Ein Brennstoffeinspritzsteuersystem und -verfahren zur Steuerung von mehreren Brennstoffeinspritzungen in einen Zylinder eines Motors während eines Brennstoffeinspritzereignisses, basierend auf den Motorbetriebszuständen, wird offenbart, wobei das Steuersystem eine elektronische Steuervorrichtung aufweist, die mit einer elektronisch gesteuerten Brennstoffeinspritzvorrichtung gekoppelt ist, wobei die Steuervorrichtung betreibbar ist, um ein Brennstoffeinspritzstromsignal an die Brennstoffeinspritzvorrichtung zu bestimmen und zu liefern, um die Dauer von jedem Brennstoffschuß einzustellen, der mit einem speziellen Brennstoffeinspritzereignis assosiiert ist, um die inherente Verzögerung der Brennstoffeinspritzvorrichtung ansprechend auf das Einspritzstromsignal zu kompensieren, d. h. die Verzögerung zwischen dem Beginn des Einspritzstromsignals und dem tatsächlichen Beginn der Brennstoffeinspritzung.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Method for determining low pass-filtered actuator temperature of fuel injector for combustion engine of motor car, involves applying temperature correction quantities to uncorrected actuator temperature to determine actuator temperature

Номер: DE102010042364A1

The method involves determining uncorrected actuator temperature (T-Au) from machine temperature (T-0) of a combustion engine. A temperature correction quantity is determined based on electrical power-dissipation supplied at a fuel injector and a heat transition factor (F1). Another temperature correction quantity (deltaT-H) is determined based on a heat contribution due to a fuel return flow and another heat transition factor (F2). The determined temperature correction quantities are applied to the uncorrected actuator temperature to determine a low pass-filtered actuator temperature (T-A). Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) a computer program product with program instructions for performing a method for determining actuator temperature of a fuel injector for a combustion engine (2) a device for determining actuator temperature of a fuel injector for a combustion engine.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE102010063380A1

Es wird ein Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Brennkraftmaschine, insbesondere eines Kraftfahrzeugs, beschrieben. Die Brennkraftmaschine umfasst einen Injektor mit einer Düsennadel zur Einspritzung von Kraftstoff in einen Brennraum der Brennkraftmaschine und einen Endstufenbaustein. Ein Soll-Signal (70) für einen Hubverlauf der Düsennadel wird vorgegeben. Der Injektor wird durch den Endstufenbaustein angesteuert. Ein Hubsignal wird ermittelt, das dem tatsächlichen Hubverlauf der Düsennadel entspricht. Ein Ist-Signal (60) wird aus Hubsignal ermittelt. Bei einer Abweichung des Ist-Signals (60) von dem Soll-Signal (70) wird ein Abweichungssignal (82) ermittelt.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Kraftstoffeinspritzvorrichtung eines Direkteinspritzungsmotors, Direkteinspritzungsmotor, Verfahren zum Steuern eines Motors und Computerprogammprodukt

Номер: DE102013010271A1

Eine Kraftstoffeinspritzvorrichtung eines Direkteinspritzungsmotors wird zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Vorrichtung beinhaltet einen Motorkörper, ein Kraftstoffeinspritzventil und eine Regel- bzw. Steuereinrichtung für ein Regeln bzw. Steuern einer Kraftstoffeinspritzung durch das Kraftstoffeinspritzventil. Das Kraftstoffeinspritzventil weist ein Düsenloch, einen Ventilkörper für ein Öffnen und Schließen des Düsenlochs und eine erste und zweite Solenoid- bzw. Magnetspule für ein Anheben des Ventilkörpers um ein erstes bzw. zweites Hubausmaß auf. Die Regel- bzw. Steuereinrichtung führt die Kraftstoffeinspritzung durch die erste Magnetspule in einer Einlasshubperiode innerhalb eines Motorbetriebsbereichs mit einer Motorlast unter einer vorbestimmten Last durch. Die Regel- bzw. Steuereinrichtung führt die Kraftstoffeinspritzung mit einem Kraftstoffdruck von 40 MPa oder darüber durch die zweite Magnetspule in einer Periode zwischen einer späten Stufe eines Verdichtungshubs und einer frühen Stufe ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013215229A1

Es werden Systeme und Verfahren für einen permanent magnetisierten Ventilmechanismus und/oder Ventilmechanismussitz für eine Kraftstoffeinspritzdüse offenbart. Eine Kraftstoffeinspritzdüse umfasst einen Ventilmechanismus und einen Ventilmechanismussitz, wobei der Ventilmechanismus und/oder der Ventilmechanismussitz permanent magnetisiert sind; eine Einspritzdüsen-Antriebsschaltung zum Betätigen des Ventilmechanismus; und eine Feder, die den Ventilmechanismus in einer geschlossenen Position gegen den Ventilmechanismussitz vorbelastet. Eine erste Strommenge kann z. B. in einer ersten Richtung dem Einspritzdüsen-Antrieb zugeführt werden, um den permanent magnetisierten Einspritzventilmechanismus von dem Einspritzventilmechanismussitz zu heben, während eine zweite Strommenge in einer zweiten Richtung dem Einspritzdüsen-Antrieb zugeführt werden kann, um den permanent magnetisierten Einspritzventilmechanismus auf dem Einspritzventilmechanismussitz zu schließen.

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Sicherstellung des Kaltstarts eines mit Ethanol-Kraftstoff betriebenen Ottomotors

Номер: DE102013221320A1

Es wird ein Verfahren zur Sicherstellung des Kaltstarts eines mit Ethanol-Kraftstoff betriebenen Ottomotors, der mindestens ein Einspritzventil (10) zum dosierten Einspritzen von Kraftstoff in den Verbrennungszylinder (12) mit einem Ventilglied (19) zum Schließen und Freigeben einer Ventilöffnung (18) und einem das Ventilglied (19) betätigenden, von einem Steuergerät (37) gesteuerten elektrischen Aktor (21) aufweist, angegeben, bei welchem zur Bildung eines brennfähigen Kraftstoffgemisches im Verbrennungszylinder (12) vor dem Einspritzen im Einspritzventil (10) thermische Energie erzeugt und dem im Einspritzventil (10) befindlichen Kraftstoff zugeführt wird. Um den Einbau zusätzlicher Komponenten in das Einspritzventil (10) zu vermeiden, wird die für die Erwärmung des Kraftstoffs auf Verdampfungsniveau erforderliche thermische Energie aus der Verlustleistung des elektrischen Aktors (21) gewonnen, indem in einer dem Kaltstart zeitlich vorgeschalteten Vorlaufphase der elektrische Aktor (21 ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102014209298A1

Ein Kraftstoffeinspritzeigenschaftserfassungssystem für eine Brennkraftmaschine (10) umfasst ein Kraftstoffeinspritzventil (2), ein Kraftstoffzufuhrsystem (20, 31a, 31b, 33, 34), einen Drucksensor (51) und eine elektronische Steuerungseinheit (40). Das Kraftstoffzufuhrsystem (20, 31a, 31b, 33, 34) führt unter Druck gesetzten Kraftstoff dem Kraftstoffeinspritzventil (20) zu. Der Drucksensor erfasst einen Kraftstoffdruck innerhalb des Kraftstoffzufuhrsystems (20, 31a, 31b, 33, 34). Die elektronische Steuerungseinheit (40) erfasst eine Betriebseigenschaft bzw. Betriebskennlinie des Kraftstoffeinspritzventils (20) auf der Grundlage des Kraftstoffdrucks, der durch den Drucksensor (51) erfasst wird. Die elektronische Steuerungseinheit (40) verwendet den Kraftstoffdruck, der durch den Drucksensor (51) in einer vorbestimmten Zeitdauer erfasst wird, bei einer Erfassung der Betriebseigenschaft bzw. Betriebskennlinie und verwendet den Kraftstoffdruck, der zu einem Zeitpunkt erfasst wird, der zu der ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации

Bestimmung eines Hubes eines Magnetventils

Номер: DE102015206739A1

Bereitgestellt ist eine Vorrichtung und ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung eines Hubes eines Ankers (9) eines Magnetventils (1), das eine Spule (3) und den durch Magnetkraft verschiebbaren Anker (9) aufweist, wobei das Verfahren aufweist: Bereitstellen mindestens eines Referenzdatensatzes (42, 44, 46, 57, 59, 61, 63), der eine Größe eines Stroms (I) durch die Spule und eine Größe des magnetischen Flusses (Ψ) bei einer bekannten Größe des Hubes enthält; Erzeugen eines Stromflusses durch die Spule (3) des Magnetventils (1), um ein Magnetfeld zu erzeugen, um eine Magnetkraft auf den Anker (9) zu erzeugen, die den Anker (9) in Richtung zum Öffnen eines Verschlusselements (11) verschiebt; Bestimmen einer Größe des magnetischen Flusses (Ψ) bei Anliegen des Ankers (9) an einen Mitnehmer (13) des Verschlusselements (11); und Bestimmen der Größe des Hubes basierend auf der bestimmten Größe des magnetischen Flusses und dem Referenzdatensatz.

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Bestimmen mindestens einer Eigenschaft eines Kraftstoffs

Номер: DE102016205577A1

Es werden ein Verfahren und eine Anordnung zum Bestimmen mindestens einer Eigenschaft eines Kraftstoffs (314) vorgestellt. Bei dem Verfahren wird eine Schließdauer eines Ankers (310) eines Magnetventils (306), der sich durch einen Kraftstoff (314) bewegt, bei einer Ansteuerdauer gemessen, wobei abhängig von der gemessenen Schließdauer ein Faktor ermittelt wird, der die mindestens Eigenschaft repräsentiert, wobei die Messung bei einer Ansteuerdauer durchgeführt wird, bei der sich der Anker (310) des Magnetventils (306) in einem Anschlagpunkt befindet.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren und Einrichtung zum Betreiben eines elektromagnetisch betätigten Ventils eines Kraftstoffeinspritzers

Номер: DE102017215017A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung bezieht sich auf ein Verfahren und eine Einrichtung zum Betreiben eines elektromagnetisch betätigten Ventils eines Kraftstoffeinspritzers, wobei das elektromagnetische Ventil ein Ventilelement, das zwischen einer geschlossenen Position und einer offenen Position bewegbar ist, und einen elektromagnetischen Aktor, der dazu ausgelegt ist, eine Bewegung des Ventilelements zu betätigen, enthält, wobei das Verfahren umfasst: Anlegen eines ersten Spannungswerts durch eine aktive Spannungssteuerung während einer ersten Zeitspanne und Ausschalten des ersten Spannungswerts nach der ersten Zeitspanne, Anlegen eines zweiten Spannungswerts, der kleiner oder gleich dem ersten Spannungswert ist, während einer zweiten Zeitspanne und Ausschalten des zweiten Spannungswerts nach der zweiten Zeitspanne, und/oder Ermöglichen, dass eine induzierte Spannung in dem elektromagnetischen Aktor durch eine passive Spannungssteuerung während einer dritten Zeitspanne abnimmt; wobei die Dauer ...

08-09-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Steuerung eines Common-Rail-Einspritzsystems

Номер: DE102015204037A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Ansteuern wenigstens eines Injektors (1, 2) eines Common-Rail-Einspritzsystems einer Brennkraftmaschine insbesondere eines Kraftfahrzeugs, zur Einspritzung von Kraftstoff in wenigstens einen Brennraum der Brennkraftmaschine, wobei der wenigstens eine Injektor mittels eines einen Ankerraum (5) und einen Steuerraum (8) aufweisenden Schaltventils (1) betrieben wird, und wobei insbesondere vorgesehen ist, dass zu wenigstens einer eine Einspritzung bewirkenden Ansteuerung des wenigstens einen Injektors (1, 2) wenigstens eine zusätzliche Ansteuerung (410) mit einer Ansteuerdauer durchgeführt wird, durch welche der Kraftstoffdruck im Steuerraum (8) des Schaltventils (1) nur so weit absenkt wird, so dass aufgrund der zusätzlichen Ansteuerung keine Einspritzung von Kraftstoff in den Brennraum der Brennkraftmaschine erfolgt, jedoch eine Dämpfung von Druckschwingungen im Ankerraum (5) des Schaltventils (1) erfolgt.

22-09-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Steuerung der Kraftstoffzumessung

Номер: DE102015204686A1

Es wird ein Verfahren zur Steuerung der Kraftstoffzumessung beschrieben. Ausgehend von einem gemessenen Signalverlauf wird ein Merkmal ermittelt, das den Schaltzeitpunkt eines Ventils charakterisiert. Das Merkmal wird einem Regler als Istgröße zugeführt. Ein Kriterium des Merkmals wird ermittelt, wobei der Regler das Kriterium des Merkmals berücksichtigt.

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017118343A1

Eine Druckreduzierventil-Steuerungsvorrichtung (ECU) ist für ein Kraftstoffzuführsystem mit einem Common-Rail (12) und einem Druckreduzierventil (20) vorgesehen, um einen Raildruck in dem Common-Rail (12) durch Steuern eines Stromzuführzustands des Druckreduzierventils (20) zu steuern. Das Druckreduzierventil (20) arbeitet, um einen Ventilkörper (22) zum Abgeben von Kraftstoff von dem Common-Rail (12) gegen eine in einer Ventilschließrichtung aufgebrachte Vorspannkraft (Fs) durch eine durch Kraftstoff erzeugte Ventilöffnungskraft (Fp), welche den Ventilkörper (22) durch den Raildruck in einer Ventilöffnungsrichtung vorspannt, und eine durch eine Stromzuführung zu einer elektromagnetischen Spule (25) erzeugte elektromagnetische Kraft (Fc) zu öffnen. Die ECU startet das Öffnen des Ventilkörpers (22) während einer Haltephase eines Haltewerts (Ih) durch Halten des zu der elektromagnetischen Spule (25) geführten Stroms auf einem vorbestimmten Haltewert nach dem Starten der Stromzuführung zu ...

10-03-2011 дата публикации

Fuel injection-control device for e.g. controlling four unit injection nozzles to supply fuel to cylinders of four-cylinder diesel engine of vehicle, has compensation section extending excitation time interval adjusted by adjusting section

Номер: DE102010040123A1

The device (100) has a storage section storing a reference value as a value of rising evaluation time. A measuring section measures the value of the evaluation time during start of an excitation time interval and exceedance of the measured evaluation time by the stored reference value as deceleration time. The measured evaluation time is longer than the stored value. A compensation section is designed to extend the time interval adjusted by an adjusting section around time depending on the measured deceleration time when the deceleration time is measured by the measuring section.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Method for determining change in control quantity of injector of internal combustion engine of vehicle, involves detecting pressure drop in high-pressure accumulator during different time periods to determine change in control quantity

Номер: DE102011005981A1

The method involves injecting fuel by an injector (109) from a high-pressure accumulator (108) into combustion chamber (124) of a cylinder (116) during a time period. A pressure drop in the high-pressure accumulator is detected and change in control quantity of the injector is determined based on comparison of pressure drop in the accumulator during different time periods. An independent claim is included for computing unit.

08-09-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren und Steuerungseinrichtung zur Funktionsüberprüfung von Zündfluid-Injektoren

Номер: DE102015003012A1

Verfahren zur Funktionsüberprüfung von Zündfluid-Injektoren (13) eines Motors, insbesondere eines Dual-Fuel-Motors, wobei der Motor mehrere Zylinder (2) und ein Zündfluid-Einspritzsystem mit einer für mehrere Zylinder gemeinsamen Zündfluid-Förderpumpe (16), mit einem für die mehreren Zylinder gemeinsamen Zündfluid-Speicher (22) und mit für die mehreren Zylinder individuellen Zündfluid-Injektoren (13) umfasst, wobei zunächst alle Zündfluid-Injektoren (13) des Zündfluid-Einspritzsystems minimal bestromt werden und weiterhin die Zündfluid-Förderpumpe derart betrieben wird, dass im Zündfluid-Speicher (22) ein definierter Druck aufgebaut wird, wobei hierbei der Druck des Zündfluid-Speichers (22) als Referenzdruck und/oder eine Saugdrosselstellung der Zündfluid-Förderpumpe (16) als Referenzsaugdrosselstellung ermittelt werden; wobei darauffolgend an einem ersten Zündfluid-Injektor (13) für eine definierte Zeitdauer die Bestromung erhöht wird, während und an allen anderen Zündfluid-Injektoren ...

14-08-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Ansteuern eines Ventils

Номер: DE102018202048A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Ansteuern eines Ventils, das zur Steuerung des Kraftstoffflusses in einem Einspritzinjektor verwendet wird, wobei das Ventil zur Einspritzung von Kraftstoff bestromt wird, wobei das Ventil zwischen zwei Einspritzungen mit einem Ruhestrom einer bestimmten Dauer und Höhe zur Erwärmung des Kraftstoffs beaufschlagt wird.

18-05-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003423111C2

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013204005A1

Eine Berechnungssteuerungs-Schaltkreiseinheit (110A) ist versehen mit einem Mikroprozessor (111), einer Zusatzsteuerungs-Schaltkreiseinheit (190A) und einem Hochgeschwindigkeits-A/D-Wandler (115), an den die Erfassungssignale der Erregungsströme für elektromagnetische Spulen (81 bis 84) eingegeben werden; auf Grundlage eines Ventilöffnungs-Befehl-Signals, das erzeugt worden ist durch den Mikroprozessor (111) und eine Erregungsstrom-Setzinformation, nimmt die Zusatzsteuerungs-Schaltkreiseinheit (190A) eine Öffnungs-/Schließ-Steuerung von Energieversorgungssteuerungs-Öffnungs-/Schließ-Vorrichtungen durch Verwendung eines Zahlenwert-Komparators und einer dedizierten Schaltkreiseinheit vor und überwacht und speichert wenigstens einen von dem Spitzenwert eines Schnellerregungsstroms und einer Spitzenstrom-Erreichungszeit; der Mikroprozessor (111) führt eine Korrektursteuerung mit Bezug auf die Überwachungsspeicherungsdaten durch und realisiert eine Kraftstoffeinspritzungssteuerung, während eine ...

12-06-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren und Schaltungsanordnung zur Ansteuerung eines Doppelspulen-Hochdruckeinspritzmagnetventils für die Kraftstoffeinspritzung

Номер: DE0019922485B4

Verfahren zur Ansteuerung eines Doppelspulen-Hochdruckeinspritzventils für die Kraftstoffeinspritzung insbesondere im Kraftfahrzeugmotor, wobei zwei in Reihe geschaltete Magnetspulen (L1, L2) von einem gemeinsamen Boosterschalter (S2), einem Boosterkondensator (Cboost), einem Lowsideschalter (S1) und einem Highsideschalter (S3) jeweils zum Öffnen und Schließen des Ventils mit Strom gespeist werden, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass während einer Vorbereitungszeit (Tv) bei geschlossenem Boosterschalter (S2) und geöffnetem Lowsideschalter (S1) diejenige der beiden Spulen (L2), die als Vorbereitungsspule an ihrem einen Ende mit der Batteriespannung UBatt und an ihrem anderen Ende mit dem Boosterkondensator (CBoost) und dem Boosterschalter (S2) verbunden ist, mit Energie (EL2 = L2 × IL22/2) geladen wird.

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Einspritzventils sowie Verfahren zum Betrieb mehrerer Einspritzventile

Номер: DE102014202106B3

Es wird ein Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Einspritzventils beschrieben. Eine Ventilnadel des Einspritzventils wird durch Einprägen eines Öffnungsstroms (a) in einer Spule geöffnet, die eine aus dem Öffnungsstrom (a) resultierende Magnetkraft auf die Ventilnadel ausübt. Ein Induktionssignal (f), das durch das Erreichen einer Schließstellung (S) der Ventilnadel in der Spule induziert wird, wird erfasst. Dann wird eine Bremskraft in der Ventilnadel durch Einprägen eines Bremsstroms (e) zu einem Bremszeitpunkt (B) in der Spule erzeugt. Der Bremsstrom (e) wird als Stellgröße innerhalb einer Schließgeschwindigkeitsregelung eingestellt. Die Schließgeschwindigkeitsregelung verwendet eine Zeitdauer zwischen dem Bremszeitpunkt und dem Induktionssignal als ein Maß für eine Ist-Schließgeschwindigkeit der Ventilnadel als Regelgröße. Schließlich stellt die Schließgeschwindigkeitsregelung den Bremszeitpunkt gemäß einer vorgegebenen Soll-Schließgeschwindigkeit ein.

01-10-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines elektromagnetisch betriebenen Schaltantriebs, Vorrichtung zur Durchführung des Verfahrens, Computerprogramm sowie Computerprogrammprodukt

Номер: DE102014205919A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Verfahren zum Betreiben eines elektromagnetisch betriebenen Schaltantriebs (14), der eine Magnetspule (16) enthält, die zum Betätigen des Schaltantriebs (14) an eine Spulenspannung (UV) gelegt wird, wobei der Schaltantrieb (14) in einem Fluid-System (10) eingesetzt wird, in welchem ein Druck (p_Ist) des Fluids auftritt. Die erfindungsgemäße Vorgehensweise sieht vor, dass eine adaptive Festlegung der Spulenspannung (UV) vorgenommen wird, um die Spulenspannung (UV) auf einen Wert festzulegen, bei welchem der Schaltantrieb (14) sicher schaltet und bei welchem der Wirkungsgrad möglichst hoch ist, dass zu Beginn der Adaption im Fluid-System (10) ein Startdruck (PS) vorgegeben wird, dass der Druck (p_Ist) des Fluids erfasst wird, dass die Spulenspannung (UV) ausgehend von einem Spulenspannungs-Startwert (US), bei welchem der Schaltantrieb (14) noch nicht schaltet, erhöht wird, bis eine Druckänderung des Fluids festgestellt wird, die ein Schalten des Schaltantriebs ...

29-07-1999 дата публикации

Pulse flank setting device for semiconductor switch controlling servo braking amplifier magnetic valve

Номер: DE0019900383A1

The pulse flank setting device uses at least one feedback device (21,22) providing a signal in response to an alteration in the output value of the semiconductor switch (10), for correction of the control signal (11) for the switch, provided by discrete pulses. The switch (10) is provided by a MOSFET, supplied with the control signal (11) via a summation point receiving subtractive values from 2 feedback devices (21,22), respectively receiving the drain voltage and the source current of the switch.

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Steuerung eines Kraftstoffversorgungssystems einer Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE102018214663A1

Es wird ein Verfahren zur Steuerung eines Kraftstoffversorgungssystems einer Brennkraftmaschine beschrieben. Bei Stillstand der Brennkraftmaschine wird das Druckbegrenzungsventil durch Vibrationen angeregt.

17-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003423111A1

12-01-1995 дата публикации

Verfahren und Einrichtung zur Ansteuerung eines elektromagnetischen Verbrauchers

Номер: DE0004322199A1

A method of determining a control parameter for control of an electromagnetic load 100 incorporating a movable element (e.g. a fuel injection valve of an i.c. engine) comprises the step of ascertaining a switching instant (TBIP) at which the movable element reaches an end position (X2) by detection of a discontinuity in the temporal course of a magnitude which corresponds to the current (IM) through the electromagnetic load, the switching instant being ascertained during a freewheel phase. The stroke of the movable element is shown by a chain-dotted line, the current by a dashed line in Fig. 2b. In the freewheel phase, switch 110 is open and the load (coil) current flows through diode 150 and current sensor 145. A time window T2 - T3, within which the switching instant is expected, is set in dependance on engine operating conditions. ...

04-05-2016 дата публикации

Schaltungsanordnung für eine Mehrzahl von Gruppen von Kraftstoff-Einspritzvorrichtungen einer Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE102004061246B4
Принадлежит: BOSCH GMBH ROBERT, Robert Bosch GmbH

Schaltungsanordnung (28) für eine Mehrzahl von Gruppen (16, 18) von Kraftstoff-Einspritzvorrichtungen (16a–d, 18a–d) einer Brennkraftmaschine (10), bei der die Gruppen (16, 18) an die selbe Energieversorgung (30) angeschlossen, jedoch nur alternativ zueinander betreibbar sind, und die Schaltungsanordnung mindestens eine elektrische Schalteinrichtung (36) umfasst, durch die eine Gruppe (16, 18) ausgewählt werden kann, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Schaltungsanordnung eine Mehrzahl von Sammelschienen (44, 46) umfasst, wobei jeweils an eine Sammelschiene (44, 46) die Kraftstoff-Einspritzvorrichtungen (16a–d, 18a–d) einer Gruppe (16, 18) angeschlossen sind, und dass durch die Schalteinrichtung (36) wahlweise eine der Sammelschienen (44, 46) mit der Energieversorgung (30) verbunden werden kann.

11-08-2005 дата публикации

Fuel-injection control apparatus for internal combustion engine, has injection limiters limiting specific injection side which restrains heat energy released of injector drive circuit when increase of temperature exceeds predetermined value

Номер: DE102005001501A1

The apparatus has a controller, which controls an injector which injects fuel according to operational status of an engine. Injection limiters (S205-S210) limit the specific injection on the side, which restrains the heat energy released of an injector drive circuit when increase of temperature in predetermined period exceeds a predetermined value : An ECU temperature detector detects or estimates the temperature of the injector drive circuit. The controller outputs a drive signal to the injector to drive the injector.

13-09-2001 дата публикации

Magnetic fuel injection valve control method has booster capacitor discharged via valve magnetic coil during booster phase before connecting battery voltage across valve magnetic coil

Номер: DE0010011924A1

The fuel injection valve control method has the charge obtained from the vehicle battery (BATT) and held in a booster capacitor (C boost) discharged via a magnetic coil (1,2,3) of at least one magnetic fuel injection valve, in a booster phase at the beginning of the fuel injection valve control cycle. The battery voltage (U batt) is connected across the valve magnetic coil immediately after the booster phase for a timed duration. An Independent claim for a control circuit for a magnetic fuel injection valve is also included.

11-10-2001 дата публикации

Correcting drive voltage for electrically operated actuator for internal combustion engine injection valve involves using maximum offset bandwidth formed from past offset values

Номер: DE0010016475A1

The method involves increasing or reducing the drive voltage depending on the operating conditions of the injection valve. Past offset values for the drive voltage are stored, the highest and lowest (Mx, Mn) are selected and used to form a maximum bandwidth for the offset values that remains available for subsequent operation and any required adaptation of the drive voltage.

14-01-2010 дата публикации

Fuel injection valve operating method for internal-combustion engine, involves exposing component of fuel injection valve to fuel pressure, and controlling electrical operating variable of control element at fuel pressure

Номер: DE102008040244A1

The method involves exposing a component of a fuel injection valve (10) operated by an electromagnetic control element (11) to fuel pressure (P). An electrical operating variable of the control element is controlled at the fuel pressure. A temporal process of an operating current of the control element is evaluated to determine an opening velocity of the fuel injection valve and to determine an opening- and/or a closing time of the fuel injection valve. A value determined by a pressure sensor is verified for the fuel pressure. An independent claim is also included for a control device for a fuel injection valve.

29-07-2010 дата публикации

Schaltungsanordnung zur Ansteuerung eines Einspritzventils

Номер: DE102009006179A1

Die Erfindung beschreibt eine Schaltungsanordnung zur Ansteuerung zumindest eines Einspritzventils, insbesondere eines Magnet-Einspritzventils, für einen Verbrennungsmotor, umfassend: - einen Versorgungspotentialanschluss (VP1), an dem eine erste Spannung abgreifbar ist; - einen Bezugspotentialanschluss (BP); - eine oder mehrere Zylinderspulen (L1, L2), wobei zum Betätigen eiens zugeordneten Einspritzventils an einen ersten Spulenanschluss (SP1(Lbar ist; - eine steuerbare Spannungserhöhungsschaltung (VD), die dazu ausgebildet ist, aus der ersten Spannung eine zweite Spannung zu erzeugen, welche höher als die erste Spannung ist, wobei die Spannungserhöhungsschaltung (VD) an einem ersten Eingang (E1) mit dem Versorgungspotentialanschluss (VP3) und an einem ersten Ausgang (A1) über ein jeweiliges erstes steuerbares Halbleiterschaltelement (T3, T5) mit den Zylinderspulen (L1, L2) verbunden ist; und - eine Ansteuerschaltung, die zur Ansteuerung zumindest mit einem jeweiligen ersten Halbleiterschaltelement ...

17-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001428353A

... 1428353 I C engine fuel injectors HITACHI Ltd 7 Feb 1973 Divided out of 1427995 29696/75 Heading F1B [Also in Division H3] The opening and closing times of an I.C. engine fuel injection valve which is opened by an electromagnetic coil are reduced by an arrangement comprising first control means for applying a voltage to one side of the coil when the valve is to be opened and second control means for applying the voltage to the other side of the coil when the valve is to be closed; third control means arranged to connect the other side of the coil to earth while the voltage is being applied to the one side so as to pass a current through the coil which is only sufficient to hold the valve open; fourth control means also arranged to connect the other side of the coil to earth, for a predetermined period, while the voltage is applied to the one side, so as to pass a current sufficient to open the valve; and fifth control means arranged to connect the one side of the coil to earth when the ...

11-07-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002226896A

PURPOSE:To enable detection immune to effect of aging or the like of a sensor by calculating a circuit current from an offset output of a current detection sensor when no current flows through an electric circuit and a sensor output detected a specified time after the start of a measurement. CONSTITUTION:An offset output as given when no current flows through an electric circuit so arranged by having an injector in a current detection sensor 22 or others is stored into a non-voltatile RAM 4a of an electronic control circuit 1. Then, a circuit current is calculated from a current of the electric circuit detected with the sensor 22 a specified time after the start of a measurement and storage contents of the RAM 4a and compared with a reference value of an RAM 3 thereby enabling detection of abnormality of circuits.

18-06-2003 дата публикации

Auxiliary systems for an engine having two electrical actuators on a single circuit

Номер: GB0002383089A

An engine (10) is provided comprising an engine housing (12) defining at least one cylinder (14). At least one engine auxiliary system (20) is attached to the engine housing (12) and has a different portion associated with each engine cylinder (14). Each different portion of the engine auxiliary system (20) has a first electrical actuator (21) coupled to a first valve (24) and a second electrical actuator (36) coupled to a second valve (37) which are wired in series. For example, a fuel injection system is provided with a first electrical actuator (21) operably coupled to a fuel pressurizer (50) and a second electrical actuator (36) operably coupled to a direct control needle valve (39). The electrical actuators (21, 36) are wired in series on an electrical circuit (70). A method of controlling a portion of the engine auxiliary system (20) is also provided which consists of actuating a first electrical actuator (21) with a relatively low current and actuating a second electrical actuator ...

12-07-2000 дата публикации

Electronic fuel injection quiet operation

Номер: GB0002345516A

A method of controlling hydraulically actuated electrically controlled unit fuel injectors to operate quietly and with less seat wear on a valve disposed therein is disclosed. The disclosed method comprises controlling the pressure of a high pressure working fluid which operates the injector to inject the proper amount of fuel in the cylinders of an internal combustion engine; and responding to changes in the pressure of the working fluid to vary the timing duration and amplitude of a current pulse which activates a stator that draws an armature to the stator and opens a first seat of the poppet valve or other flow regulating device against a spring bias to allow the high pressure working fluid into the injector and closes a second seat to prevent the working from draining from the injector to allow the working fluid to operate the injector. Upon deactivation of the stator the spring bias moves the armature away from the stator, closes the first seat and opens the second seat of the poppet ...

14-01-1998 дата публикации

A fuel control system for an internal combustion engine

Номер: GB0002314946A

A system for controlling fuel flow in an internal combustion engine (224) receives a command specifying a desired fuel flow rate from an electronic control module (222). The system generates a feedforward estimate of actuator current required to produce the desired flow rate. This estimate is combined with a fueling current offset value generated using a proportional-integral feedback controller (208). A differential pressure between the fuel rail and cylinder gas is converted, by surface interpolation based on a lookup table, to an estimate of actual fuel flow rate. The difference between this actual fuel flow rate and the desired flow rate is provided to the feedback controller (208) as an error signal. The feedback controller (208) uses different gain values depending on an operating mode of the engine (224) speed control and torque control modes).

13-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008503074D0

04-03-1998 дата публикации

Electromagnetically operated valve driving system for driving intake or exhaust valves of i.c. engines

Номер: GB0002316711A

The system comprises a valve 7a with an armature 10a, an opening solenoid 9a, a closing solenoid 7a, and a control apparatus for energizing or de-energizing these opening and closing solenoids. Springs 11a, 12a are provided in order to balance a valve body 7a on a specified position between the fully open and fully closed positions. Further, when the intake or exhaust valve is closed, the closing solenoid is de-energized for a very short time immediately before the intake or exhaust valve is fully closed so as to reduce a travelling speed of the valve body when said valve body is seated. Similarly, when the intake or exhaust valve is opened, the opening solenoid is de-energized for a very short time immediately before the intake or exhaust valve is fully opened so as to reduce a travelling speed of the valve body when the valve body is fully opened. Noise is reduced and durability increased.

27-08-1997 дата публикации

Controlling armature movement in an electromagnetic device

Номер: GB0002310540A

A method of controlling movement of an armature of an electromagnetic device having an excitation winding comprises the steps of setting a first target value for the current (I) from a first instant (t1) onwards and setting a second target value IH for the current from a second instant (tr) onwards. The second target value is smaller than the first target value and the second instant (tr) lies before a third instant (t2) at which the armature has reached its end position. The armature may be the needle of a valve for determining the quantity of fuel to be injected in an internal combustion engine or part of a valve in a braking system. The energising current is reduced to the holding current valve IH shortly before the needle reaches the valve seat.

29-10-2003 дата публикации

Method for controlling fuel injector valve solenoid current

Номер: GB0002387924A

A method of controlling a fuel injector valve solenoid 22 includes generating a set-point signal 24 which models a desired current profile flowing through the valve solenoid, providing a current controller which is adapted to regulate the current flowing through the valve solenoid, and regulating the current flowing through the valve solenoid such that the current flowing through the valve solenoid closely matches the set point signal. Regulating the current includes measuring the current flowing through the valve solenoid, comparing the current flowing through the valve solenoid to the current profile of the set-point signal, and adjusting the current flowing through the valve solenoid to more closely match the current profile of the set-point signal.

20-04-1988 дата публикации

Electromagnetic device with ceramic bobbin

Номер: GB0002196182A

An electromagnetic actuator, eg for a fuel injection valve, has a bobbin 47 of ceramic material, and coil 50 formed on the bobbin under high mechanical tension, The bobbin may be reinforced with metal 44, 51, or with soft magnetic material, The coil 50 may be formed of electrically conductive foil. ...

13-05-2015 дата публикации

Method of controlling a solenoid valve

Номер: GB0002520084A

A solenoid valve such as a fuel injector of an automotive system is charged by a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal and is controlled by: determining a target end of command EOCtgt of the valve as a function of a PWM state and a time interval from a last change of PWM state; monitoring a current value, a PWM phase period and the PWM state of a last pulse width modulated signal; and correcting in the next pulse width modulated signal at least one of the current value and the PWM phase period, so that a next end of command of the valve will occur at the target end of command. The current value can be the maximum hold current Imax and the PWM phase period the phase period before the PWM holding phase. Both may be controlled using a weight value (k) between zero and one for the PWM phase period and one minus the weight value (1-k) for the maximum hold current.

30-01-2002 дата публикации

A fuel injection conflict monitoring and resolution installation

Номер: GB0002364576A

A fuel injection installation for a multicylinder internal a combustion engine (eg. a common rail injection diesel engine), comprises at least one respective actuator element 10, 20, 30, 40 (eg. a piezoelectric or an electromagnetic actuator element) associated with each cylinder and serving to control injection of fuel into that cylinder and an injection regulator F for monitoring and resolving a conflict in the drive control of the actuator elements. In use the regulator F is operable to recognise a conflict in the form of, for example, a requirement to charge one of the actuator elements (which are electrically interconnected) when another is to be discharged and to resolve the conflict by, for example, shortening, delaying or otherwise displacing injection phases associated with operation of conflicting actuator elements. A further embodiment is disclosed comprising a multiple phase injection arrangement. A priority is assigned to each phase relative to each other, said shortening, ...

31-10-2018 дата публикации

A control apparatus for a diesel exhaust fluid in-jector

Номер: GB0002517141A9

A control method and apparatus for a diesel fluid injector located in an exhaust pipe of a diesel internal combustion engine. The method comprises: energizing a solenoid of the injector to perform a diesel exhaust fluid injection; determining a voltage value (Vcoil) indicative of a voltage applied to the solenoid; determining an electric current (Icoil) value indicative of a current flowing through the solenoid; calculating an electric resistance (Rcoil) of the solenoid as a function of the voltage and current; and estimating an injector temperature (Tcoil) value as a function of the resistance. Preferably the diesel fluid injector is a urea injector upstream of a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) device. The current value may correspond to a maximum or average current flowing through the solenoid. Methods of refining the injector temperature estimate include using parameters such as the exhaust gas temperature, a fuel quantity value, an ambient air temperature, and an ambient air pressure ...

06-03-2002 дата публикации

Failure detection circuit of a fuel injection

Номер: GB0000200830D0

07-11-2001 дата публикации

Method of and control means for controlling an electrical load

Номер: GB0000122305D0

22-04-2020 дата публикации

Liquid Coolant Injector Operation

Номер: GB0002574774B
Принадлежит: DOLPHIN N2 LTD, Dolphin N2 Limited

20-04-1988 дата публикации

Electromagnetic injection valve

Номер: GB0002196181A

An electromagnetic injection valve especially for fuel in which a valve needle or spherical armature is controlled by an electromagnet comprising an armature (52), guide tube (53) and yoke (46). There is a gap between abutting surfaces of armature guide tube 53 and pole piece abutment 44. With the gap closed and the abutting surfaces lying one on top of the other a certain free cross-section remains permitting uninterrupted fuel flow. Additionally one of the abutting surfaces is flat, the other beveled. These features prevent hydraulic sticking and interruption of flow. Hydrodynamic oscillations in the electromagnetic valve may be reduced by a hose-like elastic damping body within, or embracing, the fuel inflow cross-section, The jacket of the magnetic circuit of the valve may be broken by large area openings to reduce field leakage. ...

07-08-2019 дата публикации

Fuel Injector For An Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: GB0002570663A

A fuel injector for an internal combustion engine is disclosed. The injector is characterised by a detection circuit 64 for monitoring the position of both an injection needle 14 and a valve member 28 of a control valve 20. The circuit includes first and second circuit branches 64.1, 64.2, connected at one end to a common detection voltage terminal 66. The first leg 64.1 switches to closed when the needle rests on its seat 42 and has a first predetermined resistance value R1. The second leg 64.2 is configured to be complete when the valve member 28 rests on its seat 26. The second circuit branch has a predetermined impedance value R2 which is different to that of the first circuit branch. The two circuit branches may be in parallel, such that the circuit takes four different resistance values depending on the status of the needle and valve member. The configuration means only one terminal wire and detection circuit is needed to monitor both valves.

21-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008721547D0

21-02-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008928587D0

20-07-2016 дата публикации

Method of energizing a solenoidal fuel injector for an internal combustion engine

Номер: GB0002534172A

Disclosed is a method of energizing a solenoid 165 of a fuel injector 160 for an internal combustion engine 110. The fuel injector 160 is electrically connected to a battery 500 capable of providing a battery voltage and to a boost converter 520 capable of providing a boost voltage, the boost voltage being higher than the battery voltage. The method comprises the steps of applying the boost voltage to the solenoid 165 of the fuel injector 160 to perform a first opening phase of the injector 160, discharging the energy from the solenoid 165 of the fuel injector 160, performing a second opening phase of the fuel injector 160, performing a hold phase using the battery voltage and performing a closing phase of the fuel injector 160. The discharging phase may be implemented by either inverting the voltage across the solenoid or by switching off the voltage across the solenoid. The second opening phase may be at the battery voltage or the boost voltage.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Method for operating an output stage for at least one piezoactuator

Номер: US20120032556A1
Автор: Marco Graf, Stefan Fuchs

A method for operating an output stage for a piezoactuator includes checking, during an operating phase, in response to the undershooting of a current for the piezoactuator below a setpoint current, whether a point in time for the undershooting lies outside or within a time window. A subsequent current pulse is controlled via the setpoint current if the point in time is located outside the time window, and the subsequent current pulse is controlled via a turn-on time if the point in time is located within the time window.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Programmable diesel fuel injector

Номер: US20120037126A1
Автор: Charles B. Bright
Принадлежит: Great Plains Diesel Technologies LC

An apparatus for injecting fuel into a combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine. The apparatus includes a solid magnetostrictive material with a favored direction of magnetostrictive response formed into a shape with ends that are substantially parallel to each other and substantially perpendicular to the favored direction of magnetostrictive response. A fuel control valve element is located coaxial to the favored direction of magnetoelastic response of the magnetostrictive material, the element opening inwardly. A solenoid coil is located concentric with the magnetostrictive material and coaxial to the favored direction of magnetoelastic response, the solenoid coil adapted to excite the magnetostrictive material into mechanical motion. An excitation signal is provided within the solenoid coil consisting of a signal, before a main current signal, sufficient to cause magnetic domain alignment but not rotation, and finally a magnetic return path circuit is provided in magnetic communication with the solid magnetostrictive material.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Fuel property determining apparatus

Номер: US20120047992A1
Автор: Mie Sasai
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A fuel property determining apparatus is provided that can reduce power consumption in energization of a fuel property sensor by efficiently determining a fuel property as determined by activating the fuel property sensor. Upon starting an internal combustion engine, it is determined whether or not determination is made of the fuel property in a preceding trip. When the fuel property is determined in the preceding trip, a switch is turned ON to activate the fuel property sensor after waiting for a short period of time after the start of the internal combustion engine. When the fuel property is not determined in the preceding trip, the switch is turned ON to activate the fuel property sensor immediately after the start of the internal combustion engine.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Hysteresis-type electronic controlling device for fuel injectors and associated method

Номер: US20120055449A1

A hysteresis-type electronic controlling device is provided for fuel injectors that includes, but is not limited to a power driving unit for driving the fuel injectors with an electric signal, a control stage connected to the power driving unit and a sensing stage fed by the power driving unit and feeding the control stage, the device has a feedback frequency control stage for measuring a waveform period of the signal feeding the fuel injectors; the feedback frequency control stage is fed by the control stage with an electric signal. A fuel injector control method is also provided that includes, but is not limited to driving fuel injectors with an electric signal coming from a power driving unit fed by a control stage , sensing the signal with a sensing stage, and measuring a waveform period of the signal through the feedback frequency control stage.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Digital i/o signal scheduler

Номер: US20120173777A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus and method of scheduling signals. In one embodiment, the method includes a first circuit receiving a first plurality of reference values. The first circuit selects a reference value from the first plurality according to a first reference identifier (ID) that is stored in memory. The first circuit compares the selected reference value to a first match value.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Fuel injector interface and diagnostics

Номер: US20120203442A1

A method comprising receiving a fuel injection signal from a first driver circuit via a control line, feeding the fuel injection signal to a second fuel injector driver circuit, sending a control signal output from the second fuel injector driver circuit to a fuel injector, monitoring the fuel injector for degradation based on operation according to the control signal, and in response to degradation of the fuel injector, changing a state of the control line.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for the open-loop control and closed-loop control of an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20120221226A1
Автор: Armin Dolker
Принадлежит: MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH

The invention relates to a method for the open-loop control and the closed-loop control of an internal combustion engine ( 1 ), the rail pressure (pCR) being controlled in a closed loop mode in the normal operating state and an emergency operation mode being activated once a defective rail pressure sensor ( 9 ) is detected, in which emergency operation the rail pressure (pCR) is controlled in an open loop mode. The invention is characterized in that in the emergency operation mode, the rail pressure (pCR) is gradually increased until a passive pressure relief valve ( 11 ) is activated which redirects fuel from the rail ( 6 ) to the fuel tank ( 2 ) when it is open.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Synchronous full-bridge oscillator

Номер: US20120267359A1
Автор: Perry Czimmek
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive Systems US Inc

An electronic high frequency induction heater driver, for a variable spray fuel injection system, uses a zero-voltage switching oscillator that utilizes a full H-bridge topology wherein the semiconductor switches are synchronized within the bridge for function. The induction heater driver, upon receipt of a turn-on signal, multiplies a supply voltage through a self-oscillating series resonance, wherein one component of the tank resonator circuit comprises an induction heater coil magnetically coupled to an appropriate loss component so that fuel inside a fuel component is heated to a desired temperature.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Control system implementing polarity-switching waveforms

Номер: US20120316755A1
Автор: Daniel R. Ibrahim
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A control system is disclosed. The control system may have an armature, windings associated with the armature, and at least one power supply. The control system may also have a controller in communication with the windings and the at least one power supply. The controller may be configured to direct a first current waveform having a first polarity into the windings during a first period of time to move the armature in a desired manner, and to direct a second current waveform having a second polarity into the windings during a second period of time to move the armature in the desired manner.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Arrangement structure for drive circuit

Номер: US20120318240A1
Автор: Hiaki Sugawara, Ryuji Aso
Принадлежит: Keihin Corp

A shortest distance (d) between a drive circuit ( 4 ) and an electric wire ( 8 b ) is set such that an electric field caused by an electric current flowing in the electric wire ( 8 b ) that electrically connects an ignition-voltage generating device (IG) and an ignition plug ( 6 ) induces a surge voltage to the drive circuit ( 4 ) via an electrostatic capacity (Cm) between the drive circuit ( 4 ) that can freely inject fuel from a fuel injection device ( 7 ) provided in an internal-combustion engine ( 5 ) to the internal-combustion engine ( 5 ) under control of a microcomputer and the electric wire ( 8 b ), and the surge voltage becomes equal to or lower than predetermined surge withstanding capability of the semiconductor power device.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Method And Control Unit For Operating A Valve

Номер: US20130013170A1

A method for operating a valve, in particular a fuel injector of an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle, in which an auxiliary variable is obtained as a function of at least one electrical operating variable of an electromagnetic actuator driving a component of the valve, in particular a valve needle, and in which the auxiliary variable is checked for the presence of a predefinable characteristic. A reference variable is ascertained as a function of the auxiliary variable, the auxiliary variable is modified as a function of the reference variable to obtain a modified auxiliary variable, and the modified auxiliary variable is checked for the presence of the predefinable characteristic.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Injector Valve with Miniscule Actuator Displacement

Номер: US20130068200A1

An injector comprising one or more piezoelectric driving stacks wherein a flow control member of the injector is driven directly by the one or more piezoelectric stacks without additional amplification means or interposing elements while a flow area of the nozzle is variably adjustable to deliver controlled flow rates in a desired flow profile to improve engine performance and reduce emissions. The injector is configured to support required flow rates with minimal linear movement of the flow control member. The injector and drive electronics are configured to deliver higher frequency operation and response with increased operational stability due to minimal response lag.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Switch-Mode Synthetic Power Inductor

Номер: US20130146034A1
Автор: Perry Robert Czimmek
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive Systems Inc

A fuel delivery system for a vehicle includes a fuel injector that meters fuel flow and provides for preheating fuel to aid combustion. A control circuit including a synthetic inductor drives a heated element within the fuel flow.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Method and Device for Operating an Injection Valve

Номер: US20130166179A1

An injection nozzle has a nozzle needle that suppresses metering of fluid in a closed position and otherwise allows the metering of fluid. Furthermore, the injection valve has a solid-state actuator that acts on the nozzle needle. A first operating phase is performed for a closing operation in a first operating mode, during which first operating phase the solid-state actuator is discharged to a predefined part charge. Furthermore, a second operating phase is performed, during which the solid-state actuator is operated as a sensor. An operating duration of the second operating phase is predefined such that the closed position of the nozzle needle is reached during the operating duration. A third operating phase is performed, during which the solid-state actuator is discharged further to a predefined reference state. In a second operating mode, the first and second operating phases are carried out and the third operating phase is omitted. 1. A method for operating an injection valve including a nozzle needle that prevents a metering of fluid when in a closed position and otherwise permits the metering of fluid , a solid-state actuator configured to act on the nozzle needle and influence the position thereof , the method comprises:performing a closing process of the nozzle needle in a first operating mode by:performing a first operating phase during which the solid-state actuator is discharged to a predefined partial charge,performing a second operating phase during which the solid-state actuator is operated as a sensor, the operating duration of which second operating phase is predefined such that the nozzle needle reaches the closed position during the operating duration, andperforming a third operating phase during which the solid-state actuator is discharged further to a predefined reference state, andperforming a closing process of the nozzle needle in a second operating mode by:performing the first operating phase,performing the second operating phase, ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Fuel injection control device and fuel injection method for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130192562A1
Автор: Eriko Matsumura
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A fuel injection control device is provided for an internal combustion engine which includes a fuel injection valve including: a housing which includes a fuel passage, a sac portion, an injection hole, and a valve seat portion; a needle valve which reciprocates in the housing and comes into contact with the valve seat portion; and a drive unit which opens and closes the needle valve. The fuel injection control device includes an injection control portion that performs control for the drive unit to perform a plurality of injections including at least a first injection and a second injection, the first injection being performed by opening the needle valve to an intermediate lift, and the second injection being started when the needle valve is closing after the first injection and being performed by opening the needle valve to a full lift.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for Monitoring the Condition of a Piezo Injector of a Fuel Injection System

Номер: US20130226472A1
Автор: Robert Hoffmann
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A method for monitoring the condition of a piezoinjector of a fuel injection system is disclosed. The fuel injection is carried out in injection cycles, each of which comprises a filling phase, a holding phase, and an emptying phase. The discharge resistance is ascertained during the holding phase of the piezoinjector. Conclusions about the working order of the piezoinjector are drawn using the ascertained discharge resistance.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Method for Actuating a Piezo Injector of a Fuel Injection System

Номер: US20130239929A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A method for actuating a piezoelectric actuator and a piezo injector of a fuel injection system having a nozzle needle which can be moved between the closed position and an open position by the piezoelectric actuator are disclosed. Current is applied to the piezoelectric actuator from a source for the duration of a charging time as a function of a required quantity of fuel, in order to move the nozzle needle into its opened position for a time period which is dependent on the required quantity of fuel. The charging time is selected according to the following relationships: t charge (p)=t nom,charge (p) for TI>t EP,p and t charge (p, TI)≦Ti for TI≦t EP,p .

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Fuel injection control apparatus

Номер: US20140034025A1
Автор: Toshio Nishimura
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

In a fuel injection control apparatus, an injector is driven to open its valve by supplying a coil of the injector with a current during a high-level period of a power supply command signal outputted from a microcomputer. A valve-closing time of the injector is detected based on a coil current, which decreases from a fall time of the power supply command signal. By comparing the coil current with plural equally-divided comparison threshold values by comparators, times are detected when the coil current decreases to the comparison threshold values, respectively. The valve-closing time is detected based on time differences among the detected times.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method And Device For Controlling A Valve

Номер: US20140070124A1
Автор: Hans Riepl, Thomas Kraft
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A method is provided for controlling a valve having a spring, a pin, and an actuator for actuating the pin. A current having a specified current profile is applied to the actuator, starting from an initial current value at which the pin is in an initial position in which the pin allows the valve to move between open and closed positions. The current profile includes a section or several consecutive sections, wherein each section defines an initial current value and a final current value, a first time interval having a continuously falling current, and a subsequent second time interval having a continuously rising current. For each section, the final current value is less than the initial current value. After the specified current profile has been passed through, the pin is in a final position in which the pin prevents the valve from moving between open and closed positions.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

End-position-monitoring of a gas injector

Номер: US20140095052A1
Принадлежит: GE Jenbacher GmbH and Co oHG

The invention relates to a method for checking whether an electromagnetically actuated gas injector ( 1 ) arranged in an internal combustion engine between a fuel source and a combustion chamber is in the closed end position thereof. According to said method, an electric test voltage is applied to the gas injector ( 1 ) and the discharge current (I) generated by the electric test voltage is measured.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002728A1
Автор: SAEKI Masanori

An electric waste gate valve system includes a waste gate valve, an electric actuator that drives waste gate valve, an impeller rotation speed sensor, and an electronic control unit. The waste gate valve opens and closes a bypass passage that bypasses a turbine impeller of a turbocharger. The electronic control unit is configured to calculate a predicted value of the rotation speed of the impeller when the waste gate valve is closed. The electronic control unit is configured to drive the electric actuator in a valve-closing direction to close the waste gate valve. The electronic control unit is configured to stop the driving of the waste gate valve by the electric actuator when the rotation speed of the impeller detected by the impeller rotation speed sensor increases to a reference value determined based on the predicted value. 1. An electric waste gate valve system comprising:a waste gate valve configured to open and close a bypass passage that bypasses a turbine impeller of a turbocharger;an electric actuator configured to drive the waste gate valve;an impeller rotation speed sensor configured to measure a rotation speed of the turbine impeller of the turbocharger; andan electronic control unit configured to:calculate a predicted value of the rotation speed of the turbine impeller when the waste gate valve is closed;drive the electric actuator in a valve-closing direction to close the waste gate valve; andstop the driving of the waste gate valve by the electric actuator when the rotation speed of the turbine impeller detected by the impeller rotation speed sensor increases to a reference value determined based on the predicted value;detect a current value of a driving current of the electric actuator when the waste gate valve is closed; anddecrease an operation speed of the waste gate valve, driven by the electric actuator when the current value exceeds a reference current value, the operation speed of the waste gate valve when the current value exceeds the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Control Device for Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20160003182A1

A control device is provided which prevents a temperature increase within an ECU by suppressing heat generation in the ECU without using a new cooling device such as a blow fan. In one step, an open valve voltage target value is calculated. An open valve voltage is a voltage applied to a fuel injection valve when opening the fuel injection valve. As the number of times of the multi-stage injections increases, an opportunity to boost the open valve voltage increases, heat is generated in the open valve voltage boosting section, a temperature within the ECU excessively increases, and there is a concern that an electronic component within the ECU malfunctions or fails. Thus, a temperature sensor is provided on an inside of the ECU and if an ECU temperature is high, it is determined that heat is generated in the open valve voltage generating section and the open valve voltage target value is reduced.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Determining The Opening Energy Of A Fuel Injector

Номер: US20160003183A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A method for determining the opening energy of a fuel injector of an internal combustion engine includes (a) operating the engine in a steady-state operating state, wherein electrical excitation is applied to the fuel injector to cause a fuel injection in each working cycle of the engine, (b) applying additional electrical excitation to the fuel injector for subsequent working cycle(s) for a possible additional partial fuel injection, wherein the additional electrical excitation is initially insufficient to cause an additional partial fuel injection, (c) successively increasing the additional electrical excitation until an additional partial fuel injection occurs, which brings about a second operating state of the engine different from the steady-state operating state, (d) detection of the second operating state, and (e) determination of the opening energy for the fuel injector based on the energy of the additional electrical excitation needed to bring about the second operating state of the engine. 1. A method for determining a minimum opening energy for a fuel injector of an internal-combustion engine , the method comprising:operating the internal-combustion engine in a non-transient first operating state, wherein in each working cycle of the internal-combustion engine an electrical excitation that results in an injection of fuel is applied to the fuel injector, applying an additional electrical excitation, corresponding to a possible additional partial injection of fuel, to the fuel injector, wherein an energy of the additional electrical excitation is initially insufficient to effectively cause an additional partial injection of fuel,', 'successively increasing the energy of the additional electrical excitation until an additional partial injection of fuel by the fuel injector occurs, which additional partial injection changes the operating state from the non-transient first operating state to a second operating state of the internal-combustion engine different ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003139A1

A fuel injector assembly in one embodiment includes a nozzle, at least one needle, and at least one actuator. The nozzle includes at least one cavity in fluid communication with nozzle openings. The at least one needle is movably disposed within the at least one cavity, and prevents flow through the nozzle openings in a closed position. The at least one actuator is configured to move the at least one needle within the cavity. The at least one actuator is configured to move the at least one needle to at least a first fuel delivery configuration and a second fuel delivery configuration. A first amount of fuel is delivered through the nozzle openings with the at least one needle in the first fuel delivery configuration, and a second amount of fuel is delivered through the nozzle openings with the at least one needle in the second fuel delivery configuration. 1. A fuel injector assembly comprising:a nozzle comprising at least one cavity in fluid communication with nozzle openings;at least one needle movably disposed within the at least one cavity, the at least one needle preventing flow through the nozzle openings in a closed position; andat least one actuator configured to move the at least one needle within the cavity, the at least one actuator configured to move the at least one needle to at least a first fuel delivery configuration and a second fuel delivery configuration, wherein a first amount of fuel is delivered through the nozzle openings with the at least one needle in the first fuel delivery configuration, and a second amount of fuel is delivered through the nozzle openings with the at least one needle in the second fuel delivery configuration.2. The fuel injector assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one cavity comprises a plurality of cavities claim 1 , the at least one needle comprises a plurality of corresponding needles claim 1 , and the at least one actuator comprises a plurality of corresponding actuators claim 1 , each needle movably disposed ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003088A1

In one embodiment, an electromagnetic soft actuator includes a first soft outer member comprising a soft internal electrically conductive coil, a second soft outer member comprising a soft internal electrically conductive coil, and a soft inner shaft on which the first and second soft outer members are mounted, the first and second soft outer members being linearly displaceable along a length of the soft inner shaft, the soft inner shaft comprising a permanent magnet, wherein the first and second outer members linearly move under an electromagnetic force relative to the soft inner shaft and each other when an electric current is applied to the soft internal electrically conductive coils. 1. An electromagnetic soft actuator comprising:a first soft outer member comprising a soft internal electrically conductive coil;a second soft outer member comprising a soft internal electrically conductive coil; anda soft inner shaft on which the first and second soft outer members are mounted, the first and second soft outer members being linearly displaceable along a length of the soft inner shaft, the soft inner shaft comprising a permanent magnet;wherein the first and second outer members linearly move under an electromagnetic force relative to the soft inner shaft and each other when an electric current is applied to the soft internal electrically conductive coils.2. The actuator of claim 1 , wherein the first and second soft outer members are made of a flexible polymeric material that comprises a ferromagnetic material.3. The actuator of claim 1 , wherein the first and second soft outer members are made of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) that is impregnated with ferromagnetic powder.4. The actuator of claim 1 , wherein the soft internal electrically conductive coil comprises a continuous microchannel or microtube configured as a multilayer helix that forms the shape of the coil and is filled with an electrically conductive fluid.5. The actuator of claim 1 , wherein the soft ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Fuel Injection Control Device

Номер: US20220010747A1

Provided is a fuel injection control device capable of reducing variations in injection amounts of a plurality of fuel injection valves. Thus, the fuel injection control device of the present invention includes a control unit that controls voltages applied to coils of a plurality of fuel injection valves, the coils being adapted for energization. The control unit performs control such that the voltage being applied to the coil is cut off. The control unit changes a timing at which the cutoff of the voltage to the coil of at least one fuel injection valve is started or a timing at which the cutoff of the voltage to the coil of at least one fuel injection valve is ended, based on a valve closing time until closing of the fuel injection valve is completed or a valve opening time until opening of the fuel injection valve is completed. 1. A fuel injection control device comprising a control unit that controls voltages applied to coils of a plurality of fuel injection valves , the coils being adapted for energization ,wherein the control unitperforms control such that the voltage being applied to the coil is cut off, andchanges a timing at which the cutoff of the voltage to the coil of at least one fuel injection valve is started or a timing at which the cutoff of the voltage to the coil of at least one fuel injection valve is ended, based on a valve closing time from when energization to the fuel injection valve is stopped to when closing of the fuel injection valve is completed or a valve opening time from when the energization to the fuel injection valve is started to when opening of the fuel injection valve is completed.2. The fuel injection control device according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit sets the timing at which the cutoff of the voltage to the coil of the fuel injection valve of which the valve closing time is longer than a predetermined time is ended to be later than the timing at which the cutoff of the voltage to the coil of the fuel injection ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Sensorless Control Device for DC Fuel Pump

Номер: US20220010748A1
Принадлежит: COAVIS

Provided is a sensorless control device for a DC fuel pump that may be downsized as compared to a conventional control device for a DC fuel pump and may implement the same operation at a relatively low cost, and the sensorless control device for a DC fuel pump.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006073A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a valve () that can be electromagnetically actuated which method comprises an electromagnet (), an armature () that can be moved by the electromagnet (), and a valve body (), having means () for converting a movement of the armature () into an opening or closing of the valve (), wherein the electromagnet () and the armature () are inserted into the valve body (), wherein, before the electromagnet () is inserted into the valve body (), a magnetic hysteresis curve () of a combination () of the electromagnet () having a test armature () lying against said electromagnet () is recorded, the slope mof a first, substantially linear curve segment () of the hysteresis curve () is determined in the unsaturated state, and, from the slope m, the slope m* of a curve segment () of a hysteresis curve () of the finally assembled valve () having the armature () lying continuously against the electromagnet () is determined, said curve segment corresponding to the first curve segment (). The invention further relates to a method for determining the armature stroke AH, wherein the magnetic energy ΔE in the air gap () formed between the armature () and the electromagnet () is evaluated from the difference between the first slope mand the second slope m*. 11222322254444312223510622232222225111031113013222abababcababaababab. A method for ascertaining a hysteresis curve of an electromagnetically actuatable valve () made of an electromagnet ( , , ) , an armature () that is movable by way of the electromagnet ( , , ) , and a valve body () with means ( , , , ) for converting a movement of the armature () into opening or closing of the valve () , wherein the electromagnet ( , , ) and the armature () are inserted into the valve body () , the method comprising recording a magnetic hysteresis curve () of a combination () of the electromagnet ( , , ) with a test armature () contacting said electromagnet ( , , ) prior to inserting the electromagnet ( ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220016658A1

An injection control device for a fuel injection valve includes: a current detection unit; and a current area correction control unit that corrects, based on an energization current profile, an area correction amount of an energization time to equalize the integrated current value of the energization current profile and an integrated current value of the detected current, and obtains the integrated current value of the current based on an attainment time from a start of energization of the fuel injection valve to an attainment of each of a plurality of reference current values; a storage unit that stores a reference attainment time; and a reference current value correction unit that corrects each reference current value based on a difference between the reference attainment time and a detected attainment time at a time of actual drive. 1. An injection control device for controlling fuel injection by driving a fuel injection valve with a current to supply a fuel to an internal combustion engine , the injection control device comprising:a current detection unit that detects the current flowing through the fuel injection valve; anda current area correction control unit that performs current area correction for correcting and calculating, based on an energization current profile showing a relationship between an energization time and an energization current to obtain an integrated energization current value corresponding to a fuel injection amount command value, an area correction amount of an energization time to equalize the integrated current value of the energization current profile and an integrated current value of the current detected by the current detection unit according to a difference between the integrated current value of the energization current profile and the integrated current value of the current, wherein:the current area correction control unit is configured to obtain the integrated current value of the current based on an attainment time from a ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220018301A1

An injection control device for a fuel injection valve includes: a current detection unit of the fuel injection valve; a current area correction control unit that performs current area correction for an area correction amount of an energization time to equalize the integrated current value of the energization current profile and an integrated current value of the detected current; and an information correction unit that learns and stores a reference attainment time, from a start of energization to an attainment of each of the plurality of reference currents, in a storage unit, and corrects information related to the current area correction based on a difference between the reference attainment time and an actual attainment time from the start of energization to the attainment of each reference current. 1. An injection control device for controlling fuel injection by driving a fuel injection valve with a current to supply a fuel to an internal combustion engine , the injection control device comprising:a current detection unit that detects the current flowing through the fuel injection valve;a current area correction control unit that performs current area correction for correcting and calculating, based on an energization current profile showing a relationship between an energization time and an energization current to obtain an integrated energization current value corresponding to a fuel injection amount command value, an area correction amount of an energization time to equalize the integrated current value of the energization current profile and an integrated current value of the current detected by the current detection unit according to a difference between the integrated current value of the energization current profile and the integrated current value of the current; andan information correction unit that learns and stores a reference attainment time, from a start of energization to an attainment of each of the plurality of reference currents when the fuel ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009689A1
Автор: Imai Keita

A fuel injection controller includes an increase control portion applying the boost voltage to the coil to increase a coil current to a first target value, and a constant current control portion applying a voltage to the coil to hold the coil current to a second target value. A threshold is an energization time period that is necessary to reach a boundary point between a seat throttle area of a property line and an injection-port throttle area of the property line from an energization start time point. An initial-current applied time period is from the energization start time point that the boost voltage starts to be applied to the coil to a time point that the coil current is decreased to the second target value. The increase control portion controls the coil current such that the initial-current applied time period is less than the threshold. 1. A fuel injection controller for a fuel injector including a movable core moved by an electromagnetic force generated by an energization of a coil , a valve body connected with the movable core , a seated surface where the valve body abuts on or separates from , and an injection port exposed to the seated surface , the fuel injector directly injecting a fuel used in a combustion of an internal combustion engine from the injection port into a combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine by moving the valve body to separate from the seated surface together with the movable core that is moved by the electromagnetic force , the fuel injection controller controlling an injection state of the fuel injector by controlling a coil current flowing through the coil , the fuel injection controller comprising:a boost circuit boosting a battery voltage to a boost voltage; andan increase control portion controlling the boost voltage to be applied to the coil, so as to increase the coil current to be equal to or greater than a first target value, whereinthe fuel injector is inserted into an attachment hole disposed at a ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Injection Valve For An Accumulator Injection System

Номер: US20170009697A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

The present disclosure relates to the field of electromechanics. The teachings may be applied to high-pressure valves, including methods for operating a valve and with devices which are used for activating the valves. Some embodiments include methods for operating a pressure reduction valve for an accumulator injection system, wherein the valve is driven, against a return spring, with an energizable coil and armature, between a closed position and an open position. The method may include: supplying the coil with a defined electrical signal to move the armature, sensing the current intensity profile over time, and determining a movement profile for the defined current signal, including an opening or closing time, based at least in part on the current intensity profile over time. 1. A method for operating a pressure reduction valve for an accumulator injection system , wherein the valve has a valve opening and a closure element driven , against the force of a return spring element , by means of an electromagnetic drive with an energizable coil and a magnetically drivable armature , between a closed position , in which it effects closure of the valve opening , and an open position , in which it at least partially unblocks the valve opening , the method comprising:supplying the coil with a defined electrical signal, at least once, in order to move the armature against the force of the return spring element,sensing the current intensity profile over time in the coil with a current sensor, anddetermining a movement profile of the closure element for the defined current signal, including an opening or closing time, based at least in part on the current intensity profile over time.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:supplying the coil successively with multiple different electrical signals; anddetermining the differences in the current time profiles and the movement data of the armature therefrom.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010545A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

The present invention determines whether multi-stage injection control is operating normally or abnormally, and carries out a failsafe of multi-stage injection control as necessary. The present invention, which solves the problem described above, has means such as the following. The invention is provided with fuel injection valves provided respectively to each cylinder, an opened/closed valve detection means for detecting either one or both of an open valve state and a closed valve state of the fuel injection valves on the basis of the drive currents or drive voltages of the fuel injection valves, and a detection execution determination means for determining a detection execution time period including the detection start timing and the detection end timing of the open valve state or closed valve state; detection interference such as overlapping detection with another cylinder and overlapping of open valve detection and closed valve detection being preventable, and risks such as erroneous detection being reducible. 1. A control device of a fuel injection valve that controls the fuel injection valve for injecting fuel to an internal combustion engine according to a control command ,wherein it is determined whether the fuel injection valve operates as many as the number of times of injection or by a lift amount corresponding to the control command on the basis of a parameter that is changed according to an operation state of the fuel injection valve.2. The control device of the fuel injection valve according to claim 1 , comprising:a calculation processing device that executes a program related to the control of the fuel injection valve,wherein the calculation processing device performs the determination on whether the fuel injection valve performs an operation corresponding to the control command on the basis of the parameter that is changed according to the operation state of the fuel injection valve.3. The control device of the fuel injection valve according to ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011256A1

Disclosed is a control device of an engine including an injector. The injector has a needle which is displaced between a close position where no fuel is allowed to flow into a sac portion and an open position where the fuel is allowed to flow into the sac portion. The control device has a fuel injection controller controlling a fuel injection period and an injector controller controlling a motion of the needle. The injector controller executes control to reduce a moving speed of the needle before the needle reaches the closed position when the injection period ends. 1. An engine control device comprising: an injector injecting fuel in a combustion chamber within a cylinder ,the injector having:a body a tip end portion of which is exposed to the combustion chamber;a sac portion which is a space formed in the tip end portion and into which the fuel flows;an injection hole communicating with the combustion chamber and the sac portion; anda needle slidably disposed within the body to be displaced between a close position where no fuel is allowed to flow into the sac portion and an open position where the fuel is allowed to flow into the sac portion,whereinthe control device includesa fuel injection controller controlling a fuel injection period in accordance with an operating state of the engine, andan injector controller controlling a motion of the needle in accordance with a fuel injection condition set by the fuel injection controller, andwhereinthe injector controller executes slow close control to reduce a moving speed of the needle before the needle reaches the close position when the fuel injection period ends.2. The engine control device of claim 1 , whereinthe slow close control includes executing processing of temporarily stopping the motion of the needle in a period during which the needle is displaced from the open position to the close position.3. The engine control device of claim 1 , whereinthe slow close control includes executing processing of setting a ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013345A1
Автор: Kakuno Yutaka

As paths for a current flowing through a conductor, a first current path through which a current flows from a first conductive portion to a second conductive portion, and a second current path through which a current flows from a third conductive portion to the second conductive portion are provided. Each of the first conductive portion, the second conductive portion, and the third conductive portion has a plate shape, a point P is located on a plate surface of the first conductive portion, and a point P is located on a plate surface of the second conductive portion. A current detecting circuit detects a value related to a potential difference between the points P and P and outputs a voltage value corresponding to a values of a current flowing through each of the first current path and the second current path. 1. A current detecting circuit configured to output a voltage value corresponding to a value of a current flowing through a first current path extending from a first conductive plate to a second conductive plate , and a value of a current flowing through a second current path extending from a third conductive plate to the second conductive plate , the current detecting circuit comprising:a potential difference detecting portion that detects a value related to a potential difference between two points located on plate surfaces of the first conductive plate and the second conductive plate.2. The current detecting circuit according to claim 1 , comprising:a conductive wire connected between the two points, whereinthe potential difference detecting portion detects a value of a current flowing through the conductive wire.3. The current detecting circuit according to claim 1 , whereinthe potential difference detecting portion detects a voltage value between the two points.4. The current detecting circuit according to claim 1 , whereineach of the first conductive plate and the third conductive plate is connected to the second conductive plate via a resistive portion ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Load Drive Device and Method of Controlling Fuel Injection Device

Номер: US20220034275A1
Автор: TSUKIO Koichi

Provided is a load drive device for controlling a fuel injection device for a vehicle engine and capable of checking an operation of the fuel injection device with high reliability without actually injecting fuel before starting the engine. The load drive device includes: a first switching element that is connected to a high-side of a load; a second switching element that is connected to a low-side of the load; a pre-driver circuit that transmits a drive instruction to the first switching element and the second switching element; and an arithmetic device that transmits a control instruction to the pre-driver circuit, in which a first monitor line and the second monitor line are connected to the arithmetic device, the first monitor line monitoring the drive instruction from the pre-driver circuit to the first switching element before starting an engine, and the second monitor line monitoring the drive instruction from the pre-driver circuit to the second switching element, and the pre-driver circuit has a first control mode in which the first switching element is turned off and the drive instruction is transmitted to the second switching element, and a second control mode in which the second switching element is turned off and the drive instruction is transmitted to the first switching element. 1. A load drive device comprising:a first switching element that is connected to a high-side of a load;a second switching element that is connected to a low-side of the load;a pre-driver circuit that transmits a drive instruction to the first switching element and the second switching element; andan arithmetic device that transmits a control instruction to the pre-driver circuit,whereina first monitor line and the second monitor line are connected to the arithmetic device, the first monitor line monitoring the drive instruction from the pre-driver circuit to the first switching element, and the second monitor line monitoring the drive instruction from the pre-driver circuit to ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034276A1

An electromagnetic valve driving device includes: a maximum detection unit configured to detect a maximum point when time-series data of a differential value of a counter electromotive voltage generated in a solenoid has changed from an increase to a decrease by retrospectively tracing the time-series data in an opposite direction of a time series; and a valve closing time detection unit configured to execute a determination process of retrospectively tracing the time-series data from the maximum point detected by the maximum detection unit in the opposite direction and scanning whether or not an amount of decrease in the differential value from the maximum point exceeds a predetermined threshold value and detect a maximum time, which is a time of the maximum point, as a valve closing time of a fuel injection valve when there is an event in which the amount of decrease exceeds the predetermined threshold value. 1. A control device for controlling driving of a fuel injection valve having a solenoid coil , the control device comprising:a voltage detection unit configured to detect a counter electromotive voltage generated in the solenoid coil in time-series order;a differential calculation unit configured to obtain a differential value by differentiating the counter electromotive voltage detected by the voltage detection unit with respect to time;a storage unit configured to store time-series data of the differential value;a maximum detection unit configured to detect a maximum point when the differential value has changed from an increase to a decrease by retrospectively tracing the time-series data in an opposite direction of a time series; and execute a determination process of retrospectively tracing the time-series data from the maximum point detected by the maximum detection unit in the opposite direction and scanning whether or not an amount of decrease in the differential value from the maximum point exceeds a predetermined threshold value, and', 'detect a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034277A1

An injection control device includes a control IC that obtains, as sample data, a time change of a voltage generated when a fuel injection valve is driven, and determines a valve closing timing at which injection of fuel from the fuel injection valve is stopped by calculating a degree of variation from the sample data of the voltage. Further, the control IC changes the calculation of the degree of variation when a predetermined condition is satisfied. 1. An injection control device for controlling injection of fuel into an internal combustion engine by driving a fuel injection valve with an electric current , the injection control device comprising:an obtainer obtaining as sample data a time change of a voltage generated when the fuel injection valve is driven;a calculator calculating a valve closing timing to stop the injection of fuel from the fuel injection valve by calculating a degree of variation from the sample data of the voltage; anda changer changing the calculation of the degree of variation when a predetermined condition is satisfied.2. The injection control device of claim 1 , whereinthe changer changes a period of sampling the sample data of the voltage used for calculating the degree of variation when a predetermined condition is satisfied.3. The injection control device of claim 1 , whereinthe changer changes a number of the sample data of the voltage used for calculating the degree of variation when a predetermined condition is satisfied.4. The injection control device of claim 1 , whereinthe changer changes an equation of calculation used for calculating the degree of variation when a predetermined condition is satisfied.5. The injection control device of claim 1 , whereinthe changer changes the calculation of the degree of variation when a result of comparison between an arithmetic processing load of the injection control device with a predetermined first threshold value satisfies a predetermined condition.6. The injection control device of claim ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017005A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a drive device that improves the precision of injection quantities by stabilizing the behavior of a valve body under the condition that a valve body reaches a height position lower than a maximum height position and making the injection pulse width and the injection quantity gradient small. The present invention is a drive device for a fuel injection device for use in an internal combustion engine, wherein: the fuel injection device is provided with a valve body that can open and close a fuel passage, a needle that activates an opening and closing valve by transmitting power between itself and the valve body , and an electromagnet that comprises a solenoid and a fixed core provided as drive means for the needle , and a cylindrical nozzle holder disposed on the outer peripheral side of the needle ; and the drive device controls a drive current flowing to the coil so as to decrease from the maximum drive current to a first drive current that is lower than the maximum drive current before the valve body reaches the maximum height position so that the valve body reaches a height position lower than the maximum height position. 1. A drive device for a fuel injection device including a valve body , a valve seat portion having a seat surface on which the valve body sits , a needle driving the valve body , and a coil driving the needle by a drive current flowing thereto , the drive device for the fuel injection device comprising:a control unit which controls a drive voltage or a drive current applied to the solenoid,wherein the control unit controls a height position of the valve body to be a height position region lower than a maximum height position by decreasing the drive current flowing to the coil from a maximum drive current to a first drive current lower than the maximum drive current and changing the first drive current application time.2. The drive device for the fuel injection device according to claim 1 ,wherein ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017944A1

An electrical system for a vehicle having a chassis ground (G) and an engine having an engine ground (G), the system comprising a first electrical energy storage device (), denoted EESD, a second electrical energy storage device (), denoted EESD, a starter device () having a starter motor (), a generator (), a first cable () coupling a positive terminal (+) of EESD to the positive terminal (+) of the starter device, a second cable () coupling the positive terminal (+) of the generator to a positive terminal (+) of EESD, a third cable () coupling a negative terminal (−) of EESD to the negative terminal (−) of the starter device, a control unit () for controlling the charge of EESD, a fusible link () coupling a negative terminal (−) of EESD to the chassis ground (G). 11. An electrical system for a vehicle having a chassis ground (GO) and an engine having an engine ground (G) , the system comprising:{'b': '1', 'a first electrical energy storage device, denoted EESD,'}{'b': '2', 'a second electrical energy storage device, denoted EESD,'}a starter device having a starter motor,a generator,{'b': '1', 'a first cable coupling a positive terminal of EESD to the positive terminal of the starter device,'}{'b': '2', 'a second cable coupling the positive terminal of the generator to a positive terminal of EESD,'}{'b': '1', 'a third cable coupling a negative terminal of EESD to the negative terminal of the starter device,'}{'b': '1', 'a control unit for controlling the charge of EESD,'}{'b': '1', 'a fusible link coupling a negative terminal of EESD to the chassis ground (GO).'}21. The electrical system according to claim 1 , wherein the chassis ground (GO) and the engine ground (G) are coupled via a fourth cable.3. The electrical system according to claim 1 , wherein the starting circuit loop comprising the first electrical energy storage device claim 1 , the first cable claim 1 , the starter motor and the third cable is deprived of fusible link or circuit breaker.4112. The ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180019746A1

Disclosed is an electronic circuit for controlling a half H bridge, the half split H bridge including first and second MOSFET transistors of different respective types, with sources connected respectively to a supply line and to an electric mass, and with respective drains connected to a load. Moreover, the control circuit includes first and second bipolar transistors of different respective types, with collectors connected to the supply line and to the electric mass, respectively, and with respective bases connected to a control module for controlling the MOSFET transistors, as well as first and second arms mounted parallel relative to one another between the gates of the MOSFET transistors, connected to the emitter of the first bipolar transistor and of the second bipolar transistor, respectively, the first arm including a first diode and a first resistor, and the second arm including a second diode and a second resistor. 178245561. An electronic circuit for controlling a half H-bridge , said half H-bridge including a first () and a second () MOSFET transistor of different respective types , with sources linked to a power supply line () and to an electrical ground () , respectively , and with respective drains linked to a center tap () , said center tap () being intended to be linked to a terminal () of a load () ,{'b': 7', '8, 'said control circuit being designed to switch said MOSFET transistors (,) from an on-state to an off-state, respectively,'}{'b': 9', '10', '11', '12', '2', '4', '13', '13', '16', '7', '8, 'wherein the circuit includes a first () and a second () bipolar transistor of different respective types, with emitters linked to a first node () and to a second node (), respectively, with collectors linked to the power supply line () and to the electrical ground (), respectively, and with respective bases linked to a third node (), said third node () being linked to a module (), for controlling said MOSFET transistors (,), that may be configured in ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Assuring dropout of solenoid valve controlled by peak-and-hold driver

Номер: US20170023147A1
Автор: John J. Haller
Принадлежит: Automatic Switch Co

Systems and methods of controlling a solenoid coil in a solenoid valve provide a controller that allows a supervisory or leakage current to be used in a peak-and-hold driver. The controller introduces a delay time after detection of a dropout voltage that prevents the solenoid coil from being immediately re-energized in order to ensure proper dropout of the solenoid coil. The delay time imposes a wait period during which the controller takes no action with respect to the current in the solenoid coil, allowing the solenoid coil to deenergize and return the valve to its normally-open or normally-closed position. Such use of a delay time may be limited to instances where the controller has already gone through a power-up cycle such that the response time needed by the controller to energize the solenoid coil is minimized, thus reducing the valve startup time.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Control device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20180023503A1

Provided is a control device for an internal combustion engine, the control device enabling the suppression of variations in the amount of fuel injected by injection while the boost voltage is charging, without offsetting the injection timing. A boost circuit ( 211 ) boosts a first voltage supplied from a battery ( 201 ), and supplies a boosted second voltage to a fuel injection device ( 214 ). Switches ( 212, 213 ) switch the second voltage supplied to the fuel injection device from the booster circuit on and off. Computation devices ( 204, 207 ) control the switches. Each computation device comprises: an estimation unit that, before the initial fuel injection in a combustion cycle, estimates the second voltage for all of the fuel injection times in the combustion cycle; and a correction unit that corrects the amount of fuel injected for each fuel injection time depending on the estimated second voltage.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024601A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

A control device of a fuel injection device improves stabilization in an opening operation of a valve element and stabilizes an injection amount. The control device includes a valve element to open a fuel passage by being separated from a valve seat, a movable iron core to perform an opening/closing operation of the valve element, and a fixed iron core to attract the movable iron core when a current flows to a coil. The control device includes a control unit which performs an intermediate energization in which the coil is energized again to attract the movable iron core to the fixed iron core and then the energizing to the coil is blocked and the movable iron core is displaced in a direction away from the fixed core. The control unit controls whether the intermediate energization is performed according to an injection interval of the fuel injection device. 1. A control device of a fuel injection device which includes a valve element to open a fuel passage by being separated from a valve seat , a movable iron core to perform an opening/closing operation of the valve element , and a fixed iron core to attract the movable iron core when a current flows to a coil , the control device comprising:a control unit which performs an intermediate energization in which the coil is energized again when the coil is energized to attract the movable iron core to the fixed iron core and then the energizing to the coil is blocked and the movable iron core is displaced in a direction away from the fixed core,wherein the control unit controls whether the intermediate energization is performed according to an injection interval of the fuel injection device.2. The control device of the fuel injection device according to claim 1 ,wherein the control unit makes control to perform the intermediate energization in a case where the injection interval of the fuel injection device is equal to or less than a setting value.3. The control device of the fuel injection device according to claim 1 , ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Fuel Injector with a Solenoid Drive

Номер: US20190024602A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

In some embodiments, a method includes: setting an actuation time based on a predefined injection quantity; detecting a duration of a resulting closing process; calculating an injection quantity based on the time and the duration; determining the difference of the injection quantity and the predefined quantity; and determining a corrected value of the actuation time based on the difference; and using the corrected value to control further actuation of the fuel injector. The injection quantities and the actuation time are on a characteristic diagram of the relationship between the actuation time, the duration of the closing process, and the injection quantity. 1. A method for actuating a fuel injector with a solenoid drive to obtain a predefined injection quantity , the method comprising:setting a starting value of an electrical actuation time on the basis of the predefined injection quantity;actuating the fuel injector with the starting value;detecting a duration of a closing process during the actuation of the fuel injector with the starting value;calculating an injection quantity on the basis of the starting value and the detected duration;determining a difference between the acquired injection quantity and the predefined injection quantity; anddetermining a corrected value of the electrical actuation time on the basis of the determined difference;wherein acquiring the injection quantities and the value of the electrical actuation time includes using a characteristic diagram representing a relationship between the electrical actuation time, the time duration of the closing process, and the injection quantity; andusing the corrected value to control further actuation of the fuel injector.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:during a further actuation of the fuel injector with the corrected value,detecting a further time duration (TS) of the closing process;acquiring a further injection quantity on the basis of the corrected value and the further ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Adaptive fuel direct injection system

Номер: US20140109875A1
Автор: Jerome Lachaize

A direct fuel injection system including a common rail and control unit, a pump, an on/off valve, controlled by the control unit, to regulate the volume of fuel sent to the pump to be fed into the common rail, the control unit including: first determination elements for determining a peak phase duration during which a command must be applied to the valve to obtain a peak current to cause a change of state of the valve; second determination elements for determining a holding ratio according to which a command must be applied to the valve, after its change of state, to maintain a holding current necessary to maintain the state of the valve; application elements for applying the command to the valve first continuously during the peak phase duration and then by pulse width modulation according to the holding ratio; and at least one recurrent and automatic adaptation element.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027415A1
Автор: Radeczky Janos

A method for controlling pressure in a high-pressure region of an internal combustion engine includes adjusting a fuel outflow from the high-pressure region into a low-pressure region by means of an injector, which has a control valve adjusted by a piezo actuator and a control chamber. The method includes charging the piezo actuator by a first signal such that the control valve is moved from a closed position to a partially open position and fuel flows out from the high-pressure region into the low-pressure region, discharging the piezo actuator by a second signal such that the control valve is moved into the closed position, and partially discharging the piezo actuator by a third signal after the first signal and before the second signal. The method provides pressure control in the high-pressure region via an injector with high reliability even at high rail pressure. 1. A method for controlling pressure in a high-pressure region of an internal combustion engine by adjusting the quantity of fuel flowing out from the high-pressure region into a low-pressure region via an injector that comprises a control valve adjusted by a piezo actuator , and a control chamber , wherein the method comprises:charging the piezo actuator with a first signal to move the control valve from a closed position into a partially open position such that fuel flows out of the high-pressure region into the low-pressure region,discharging the piezo actuator with a second signal to move the control valve into the closed position, andpartially discharging the piezo actuator with a third signal after the first signal and before the second signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein fuel is not injected into the combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine during the charging claim 1 , discharging claim 1 , and partially discharging steps.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the third signal is selected that provides an essentially stable control valve position.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Solenoid Actuator

Номер: US20140110508A1
Принадлежит: SENTEC LTD

A solenoid actuator is described. The solenoid actuator comprises an armature, pole piece(s), electromagnet coil(s) arranged, in response to energisation, to cause travel of the armature between first and second positions along a direction of travel, permanent magnet(s) positioned and orientated for latching the armature in at least the first position when the armature is in the first position and spring(s) arranged to bias the armature. The solenoid actuator can be operated to provide partial lift.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025122A1
Автор: Etzler Dirk

A valve controller and method for controlling a valve having a solenoid are disclosed, including receiving a least one input signal, detecting a first edge of the at least one signal and in response to the detection activating the valve. Activating the valve includes activating the valve in a rise-to-peak phase during which the valve is opened, a hold phase following the rise-to-peak phase during which the valve remains open and a current level of the valve is less than a current level of the valve during the rise-to-peak phase, and an ending-of-activation phase following the hold phase during which current ripple in the valve is less than the current ripple in the valve during the hold phase. 1. A valve controller configured to control a valve having a solenoid , the valve controller comprising:a first input and at least one output for coupling to the valve, the valve controller configured to selectively activate the valve following receipt of a first edge of a first signal at the first input, the valve activation including a rise-to-peak phase followed by a hold phase in which a current level of the valve during the hold phase is less than a current level of the valve in the rise-to-peak phase, and an ending-of-activation phase following the hold phase in which current ripple of the valve is less than the current ripple of the valve in the hold phase.2. The valve controller according to claim 1 , wherein the valve controller transitions activation of the valve from the hold phase to the ending-of-activation phase following receipt of a second edge of the first input signal at the first input.3. The valve controller according to claim 2 , wherein a duration of the ending-of-activation phase is predetermined.4. The valve controller according to claim 3 , wherein a duration of the hold phase is larger than the duration of the ending-of-activation phase.5. The valve controller according to claim 2 , wherein the first edge of the first signal is a negative edge and the ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032856A1

A system and method are provided for monitoring a pressure of fuel supplied to the fuel injector, and providing a control input voltage to the piezostack in response to the pressure to cause the injector to provide a fuel injection having a desired shape. In the system and method, providing a control input voltage includes applying a model-based algorithm to the pressure to determine the control input voltage. 1. A method , comprising:monitoring a pressure of fuel supplied to a fuel injector of an engine; andproviding a control input voltage to a piezostack of the fuel injector in response to the pressure to cause the injector to provide a fuel injection having a desired shape;wherein providing a control input voltage includes applying a model-based algorithm to the pressure to determine the control input voltage.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing a control input voltage includes causing the injector to provide a fuel injection having a boot shape with a shank wherein a needle valve of the fuel injector is fully opened and a toe wherein the needle valve is partially opened.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing a control input voltage includes applying a state space model having seven dynamic states to the pressure.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing a control input voltage includes applying a model-based algorithm having a hysteresis model of the piezostack to an output voltage of the piezostack.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the control input voltage is provided to the piezostack to cause an upper section of the needle valve to move to a desired position which is determined by applying the model-based algorithm claim 1 , the desired position corresponding to a desired fuel flow rate through a needle valve of the fuel injector.6. The method of claim 1 , further including repeating monitoring the pressure claim 1 , and providing the control signal a plurality of times during each cycle of operation of the engine.7. A system claim 1 , ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030912A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A device and a method are provided for controlling a magnetic valve which has a coil and an armature which is displaceable by magnetic force, by means of which armature a closure element is displaceable for the purposes of injecting fuel into a combustion chamber, the method includes the steps of: energizing the coil with a voltage in accordance with a first voltage profile in order to generate a first electrical current through the coil; determining a first profile as a function of a first magnetic flux and the first current; identifying, in the first profile, a first characteristic of at least one first start of displacement at which the armature begins to displace the closure element, generating a second voltage profile and energizing the coil in accordance with the second voltage profile, such that, in a second profile, as a function of a second magnetic flux and a second current, a second characteristic of a second start of displacement is more similar to a reference characteristic than the first characteristic. 1. A method for controlling a magnetic valve , comprising the steps of:{'b': '3', 'providing a coil () for producing a magnetic force;'}{'b': '9', 'providing an armature () which is displaceable by the magnetic force generated by the coil;'}{'b': '11', 'providing a closure element () which is displaceable by the armature;'}{'b': 19', '23, 'providing a combustion chamber, the closure element being displaceable for the purposes of injecting fuel () into the combustion chamber ();'}{'b': 3', '84', '81', '3, 'energizing the coil () with a voltage () in accordance with a first voltage profile in order to generate a first electrical current () through the coil ();'}{'b': 31', '37, 'determining a first profile (, ) as a function of a first magnetic flux (Ψ) and the first current (i);'}{'b': 9', '11, 'identifying, in the first profile, a first characteristic of at least one first start of displacement (I) at which the armature () begins to displace the closure ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Load Drive Device, Engine System

Номер: US20220049669A1

Provided is a load drive device capable of diagnosing a failure of an output terminal of the load drive device before a charging voltage stabilizes in a configuration in which a capacitor is connected to an output terminal of the load drive device that drives an inductive load. In the load drive device according to the present invention, a capacitor is connected between a load terminal and a ground terminal, and the presence or absence of a failure of the load terminal is diagnosed on the basis of a current flowing between an internal power supply included in a diagnosis circuit and the load terminal. 1. A load drive device comprising:a low-side driver which drives an inductive load;a gate drive circuit which performs drive control of the low-side driver;an inter-terminal capacitor which is provided between a ground terminal and the load terminal; anda diagnosis circuit which detects the presence or absence of a failure of the load terminal by a current flowing between an internal power supply and an output terminal of the low-side driver when the low-side driver is in an off state.2. The load drive device according to claim 1 , further comprising a diagnosis circuit which specifies a failure mode indicating whether the failure is an open failure or a ground short-circuit failure claim 1 , by a voltage value of the inter-terminal capacitor or a current value flowing between the output terminal of the low-side driver and a ground.3. The load drive device according to claim 2 , further comprising a diagnosis circuit which determines the ground short-circuit failure and the open failure of the inductive load on the basis of a comparison result between a current value and a predetermined threshold current in a case where the failure mode is specified by the current.4. The load drive device according to claim 1 , wherein the diagnosis circuit that detects the presence or absence of the failure of the load terminal includes:a second power supply which supplies a second ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032725A1
Автор: Weigt Florian

A purge pump system of a vehicle is provided for purging C—H-gas of a tank system to an induction line of a combustion engine of the vehicle. A purge pump and gas connection lines connect the purge pump with the tank system and the induction line. A brushless DC motor and a control unit are also provided. The brushless DC motor comprises a rotor and a stator. The control unit is configured for providing the brushless DC motor with a commutative current to effect a relative rotation of the rotor to the stator. The purge pump system further comprises a shutdown unit for receiving an enable-signal of the vehicle via an enable signal line. The shutdown unit is configured to short-circuit the brushless DC motor as a response to a loss of the enable signal. 1. A purge pump system of a vehicle for purging C—H-gas of a tank system to an induction line of a combustion engine of the vehicle , the purge pump system comprising:a purge pump;gas connection lines for connecting the purge pump with the tank system and the induction line,a brushless DC motor comprising a rotor and a stator;a control unit configured for providing the brushless DC motor with a commutative current to effect a relative rotation of the rotor to the stator,a shutdown unit for receiving an enable-signal of the vehicle via an enable signal line, wherein the shutdown unit is configured to short-circuit the brushless DC motor as a response to a loss of the enable signal.2. The purge pump system according to claim 1 , wherein the brushless DC motor is configured to generate the enable signal from the commutative current provided from the control unit.3. The purge pump system according to further comprising a reset unit for receiving the enable signal claim 1 , wherein the reset unit is configured to initiate a reset of the control unit as a response to a loss of the enable signal.4. The purge pump system according to claim 3 , wherein the reset unit comprises a first low pass connected to the enable signal ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032751A1
Принадлежит: Vitesco Technologies GmbH

An example embodiment relates to a method for switching a current in an electromagnet of a switchable solenoid valve, wherein, in successive switching cycles, the current is in each case switched on in order to close the valve against a force of a spring, and thereby the current is generated by electrical connection of the electromagnet to a voltage source. The example embodiment makes provision for the current in the electromagnet to be generated with a current direction opposite to the respective previous switching cycle in at least two successive switching cycles in a switched operation of the valve. 1. A method for switching a current in an electromagnet of a switchable solenoid valve , comprising:in successive switching cycles, switching the current on in order to close the valve against a force of a spring of the solenoid valve, and thereby generating the current by electrical connection of the electromagnet to a voltage source, wherein the current in the electromagnet is generated with a current direction opposite to the respective previous switching cycle in at least two successive switching cycles in a switched operation of the valve.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a connection direction of two connections of the electromagnet is changed with respect to connection poles of the voltage source by a switching device for reversing the current direction.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the current direction of the current is set by a bridge circuit.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , depending on a switchover signal claim 1 , a switchover is made between the switched operation and a constant operation in which the current direction is kept the same in the successive switching cycles.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an injection valve of a high-pressure pump of a fuel injection system of a motor vehicle is controlled as the valve.6. The method as claimed in claim 5 , wherein claim 5 , depending on a ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150040871A1
Автор: Ravenda Francois

A method is provided for determining the velocity of a pintle assembly in a solenoid fuel injector during a closing stroke of the pintle assembly, such that a braking step is performed during the closing stroke, which includes operating an injector driver with a current regulator to establish a braking current in the solenoid coil. The velocity of the pintle assembly is derived from the duty-cycle of the current regulator during the braking step. A method of operating a solenoid fuel injector, in particular for gaseous fuel, using the so-determined pintle velocity is also provided. 1. Method of determining the velocity of a pintle assembly in a solenoid fuel injector during a closing stroke of said pintle assembly , wherein a braking step is performed during said closing stroke , which comprises operating an injector driver with a current regulator to establish a braking current in the solenoid coil;wherein the velocity of the pintle assembly is derived from the duty-cycle of the current regulator during said braking step; andwherein the velocity of the pintle assembly is estimated on the basis of a collapse duration of the solenoid coil voltage during said braking phase.2. (canceled)3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein said collapse duration is determined claim 1 , by monitoring the coil voltage claim 1 , as the maximum duration of voltage collapse during said braking step.4. Method according to claim 3 , wherein said pintle velocity is estimated by way of an inverse-proportionality rule relative to said maximum duration of collapse of the solenoid coil voltage during said braking phase.5. Method according to claim 3 , wherein said pintle velocity is read from a table mapping the pintle velocity in function of the duration of voltage collapse of the solenoid coil during said braking phase.6. Method according to claim 1 , wherein said current regulator receives a logic signal triggering the switching of a voltage source of said injector driver; and wherein the ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037808A1

A closed loop control system for a fuel pump based on characteristics of speed, pressure, and current. The pressure generated by the pump system is increased at the point in time when the pump system is working against a dead head system (i.e., coasting) to a level that a calibration valve is opened to a determined working point. By measuring the characteristic phase current as a function of the speed, the characteristic is able to be compared, with the pre-calibrated value of the hardware to perform an error compensation algorithm. The error compensation is overlaid with the standard pressure characteristic as a function of speed and phase current, and uses the pre-calibrated opening pressure value (i.e., the inflection point) of the calibration valve and/or in addition the change of the speed to the initial (first calibration), or to a sliding average therefrom. 1. An apparatus , comprising: a motor;', 'a device for generating a pumping action to transfer fluid, the device connected to and powered by the motor; and', 'a valve in fluid communication with the device;', 'wherein the device transfers the fluid at a selected pressure, and the selected pressure is based on the measured current applied to the motor, and the valve opens when the device pumps the fluid at a predetermined pressure, providing a calibration function., 'a pump system having a closed loop function, including2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:an inlet conduit in fluid communication with the motor, such that the fluid is transferred from the inlet conduit to the device as the motor powers the device;an outlet conduit in fluid communication with the device, such that the fluid flowing into the outlet conduit is pressurized by the device, and the pressure of the fluid in the outlet conduit is controlled by the device; anda secondary conduit in fluid communication with the outlet conduit;wherein the portion of the fluid in the secondary conduit is at substantially the same pressure as ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038332A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A device and a method are provided for determining a stroke of an armature of a magnetic valve which has a coil and the armature is displaceable by magnetic force, including: providing at least one reference data set which includes a magnitude of a current through the coil and a magnitude of the magnetic flux in the case of a known magnitude of the stroke; generating a current flow through the coil of the magnetic valve in order to generate a magnetic field for generating a magnetic force on the armature, which magnetic force displaces the armature in the direction for the opening of a closure element coupled to the armature; determining a magnitude of the magnetic flux when the armature abuts against a driver of the closure element; and determining the magnitude of the stroke based upon the determined magnitude of the magnetic flux and the reference data set. 1. A method for determining a stroke of an armature of a magnetic valve which has a coil and the armature which is displaceable by magnetic force , the method comprising:providing at least one reference data set which comprises a magnitude of a current through the coil and a magnitude of magnetic flux of the coil in the case of a known magnitude of the stroke;generating a current flow through the coil of the magnetic valve in order to generate a magnetic field for generating a magnetic force on the armature, which magnetic force displaces the armature in the direction for the opening of a closure element;determining a magnitude of the magnetic flux when the armature abuts against a driver of the closure element; anddetermining the magnitude of the stroke on the basis of the determined magnitude of the magnetic flux and the reference data set.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the reference data set is representative of a curve in a coordinate system in which the current through the coil is plotted on one axis and the magnetic flux is plotted on another axis.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038885A1
Автор: KIM Sug Whan
Принадлежит: SPHEREDYNE CO., LTD.

The present invention provides a sensor with a simple structure which can precisely sense movement, etc., the sensor comprising: a head; and a support which is disposed to support one side of the head, wherein the support comprises: a first support portion for supporting the head; a second support portion which supports the head and is spaced apart from the first support portion; a first extension portion which is extended from the first support portion; a second extension portion which is extended from the second support portion; and a sensing portion which senses the deformation of the first extension portion and the second extension portion. 1. A sensor comprising:a head; anda support disposed to support one side of the head,wherein the support comprises:a first support portion supporting the head;a second support portion supporting the head and spaced apart from the first support portion;a first extension portion extending from the first support portion;a second extension portion extending from the second support portion; anda sensing portion configured to sense deformation of the first extension portion and the second extension portion.2. The sensor according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first extension portion and the second extension portion includes a conductive material claim 1 , and the sensing portion considers the at least one of the first extension portion and the second extension portion including the conductive material as an electrode to sense a change in capacitance claim 1 , to thereby sense a change in distance between the first extension portion and the second extension portion.3. The sensor according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first extension portion and the second extension portion includes a conductive material and is connected to a coil claim 1 , and the sensing portion senses a change in inductance of the coil to sense a change in distance between the first extension portion and the second extension portion.4. The ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056863A1

An electric current detection apparatus, the electric current detection apparatus is configured to detect an electric current flowing in a solenoid configured to be electrified by a PWM control, the apparatus includes a switch, an electric current value detection portion configured to detect a first electric current value at a first timing corresponding to a timing when the switch transitions from a closed state to an open state, the electric current value detection portion being configured to detect a third electric current value at a third timing, and a second electric current value calculation portion configured to calculate a second electric current value on the basis of the first electric current value and the third electric current value, the second electric current value being an electric current value of the electric current at the second timing. 1. An electric current detection apparatus , the electric current detection apparatus being configured to detect an electric current flowing in a solenoid configured to be electrified by a PWM control , the electric current detection apparatus comprising:a switch configured to be switched from either one of an open state and a closed state to the other by the PWM control;an electric current value detection portion configured to detect a first electric current value, the first electric current value being an electric current value of the electric current at a first timing corresponding to a timing when the switch transitions from the closed state to the open state;the electric current value detection portion configured to detect a third electric current value, the third electric current value being an electric current value of the electric current at a third timing, the third timing being a timing when a first time period has passed from a second timing corresponding to a timing at which the switch transitions from the open state to the closed state and which is immediately prior to the first timing, the third timing ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056864A1

A fuel injection device includes: an injector, an electronic control device, a communication circuit, and a power supply circuit. A memory is provided in the injector for storing fuel injection control data set for each injector. The electronic control device controls a fuel injection of the injector based on the control data. The communication circuit is installed for each injector, and enables the electronic control device to access the memory via wireless communication. The power supply circuit is installed for each injector, has a power source that supplies electric power to the communication circuit, and receives electric power to charge the power source from a drive line that connects the electronic control device and a drive unit of the injector. 1. A fuel injection device comprising:an injector having a memory that stores fuel injection control data set for each injector installed in each cylinder of an engine;an electronic control device configured to control fuel injection of the injector based on the control data stored in the memory;a communication circuit installed for each injector, enabling the electronic control device to access the memory via wireless communication; anda power supply circuit installed for each injector, having a power source that supplies electric power to the communication circuit, and receives electric power to charge the power source from a drive line that connects the electronic control device and a drive unit of the injector.2. The fuel injection device of claim 1 , whereinthe electronic control device supplies a pulse signal having a pulse width of 0.1 ms to 2.5 ms when a frequency is 200 Hz, or supplies a pulse signal having a pulse width of 0.1 ms to 1.0 ms when the frequency is 500 Hz, when the frequency is in a range of 200 Hz to 500 Hz and the pulse width is in a range of 0.1 ms to 2.5 ms.3. The fuel injection device of claim 2 , whereinthe electronic control device is configured to cause the communication circuit to ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Calibration of a Pressure Sensor of an Injection System for a Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20200040835A1
Принадлежит: CPT Group GmbH

Various embodiments include a method for checking a calibration of a pressure sensor comprising: moving a piston toward a TDC in successive cycles; while the piston moves toward TDC, closing an inlet valve thereby adjusting a setpoint value of a fluid pressure; measuring the fluid pressure with the pressure sensor arranged downstream of the outlet valve; applying a measurement current to the electromagnet when the inlet valve is closed; while the piston moves away from TDC, detecting an opening position of the inlet valve on the basis of a predetermined change with respect to time of the measurement current at which an opening movement of the inlet valve begins; over multiple pump cycles, changing the setpoint value of the fluid pressure by a predetermined difference; checking whether the change in opening position satisfies a predetermined correspondence criterion; and if the criterion is met, generating a fault signal.

06-02-2020 дата публикации

A Pressure Sensor of a High-Pressure Injection System, Control Device, High-Pressure Injection System, and Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20200040837A1
Принадлежит: CPT Group GmbH

Various embodiments include a method comprising: moving a piston toward TDC in successive pump cycles; during the movement, closing an inlet valve by applying current to an electromagnet; generating a pressure signal downstream of the outlet; applying a measurement current to the electromagnet when the inlet valve is closed; while the piston moves away from TDC, detecting an opening position at which an opening movement of the inlet valve begins on the basis of a predetermined change with respect to time of the measurement current; checking whether a value sequence of the ascertained opening positions over multiple pump cycles satisfies a predetermined discrepancy criterion with regard to the sensor signal; and if the discrepancy criterion is satisfied, generating a fault signal relating to the pressure sensor. 1. A method for checking a pressure sensor of a high-pressure injection system of an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle , the method comprising:moving a piston toward a top dead center within a compression chamber of a high-pressure pump in successive pump cycles during an expulsion phase, expelling a fluid from the compression chamber;during movement of the piston toward top dead center, closing an inlet valve using a control device by applying current to an electromagnet, wherein the expelled fluid generates a fluid pressure downstream of the outlet valve in a high-pressure region;{'b': '35', 'generating a pressure signal using the pressure sensor () is arranged downstream of the outlet valve;'}applying a measurement current to the electromagnet using the control device when the inlet valve is closed;while the piston moves away from top dead center, detecting an opening position of the piston at which an opening movement of the inlet valve begins on the basis of a predetermined change with respect to time of the measurement current;checking whether a value sequence of the ascertained opening positions over multiple pump cycles satisfies a ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Software Hierarchy for Controlling Multiple Injection Events

Номер: US20140121846A1
Автор: Carroll G. Dase
Принадлежит: National Instruments Corp

An engine control system may be implemented with a multi-tier, or multi-layer software hierarchy, or modular algorithms (algorithm modules) to control injection events. In a first hierarchy, the program instructions may be executed to define time periods during which a series of fuel injections of an engine take place. In a second hierarchy, the program instructions may be executed to generate control commands during the defined time periods. In a third hierarchy, the program instructions may be executed to adapt the control commands to a specified injector type. Finally, in a fourth hierarchy, the program instructions may be executed to map the adapted control commands to physical hardware configured to perform the series of fuel injections. Execution of the program instructions may be carried out in any desired combination of software executed by one or more processing elements, implemented in an FPGA, and/or coded in hardware.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Method and device for operating a piezoelectric actuator

Номер: US20140125257A1

A method for operating a piezoelectric actuator which may be activated with the aid of an activation signal. The piezoelectric actuator is operable in a passive and in an active operating mode. The piezoelectric actuator is activated without a functional operating request if the piezoelectric actuator is in a passive operating mode.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065186A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc.

Methods and apparatuses for connecting multiple loads with a common return pin in engine control module application are disclosed. Only one of the multiple loads can be connected to a power source at a time. At the high side, each load is coupled to the power source through a respective pin at a connector. At the low side, the multiple loads share a common return pin at the connector that connects the loads to the ground. When a first load is connected to the power source at the high side, a first low side driver circuit is used to connect the first load to the ground at the low side. When a second load is connected to the power source at the high side, the second low side driver circuit is used to connect the second load to the ground at the low side. 1. An electronic control module comprising:a first high side driver circuit configured to control connection of a first load to a voltage source;a second high side driver circuit configured to control connection of a second load to the voltage source, wherein only one of the first load and the second load is connected to the voltage source at a time;a first low side driver circuit configured to control connection of the first load to a ground, wherein the first low side driver circuit is coupled to the first load through a common element of a connector;a second low side driver circuit configured to control connection of the second load to the ground; and selectively use the first high side driver circuit to connect the first load to the voltage source and the first low side driver circuit to connect the first load to the ground; and', 'selectively use the second high side driver circuit to connect the second load to the voltage source and the second low side driver circuit to connect the second load to the ground., 'a controller configured to2. The electronic control module of claim 1 , wherein the first high side driver circuit includes a switch device having a source electrically coupled to the common element of the ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053730A1
Принадлежит: Cummins, Inc.

A fuel system includes an electronic control module (ECM), at least one injector coupled to the ECM, and a configurable output driver circuit coupled to the at least one injector. The configurable output driver circuit includes a channel that enables adaptation of ECM outputs. The configurable output driver circuit is configurable based on a value stored in a register circuit. 1. A fuel system , comprising:an electronic control module (ECM);at least one injector coupled to the ECM; anda configurable output driver circuit coupled to the at least one injector, wherein the configurable output driver circuit comprises a channel that enables adaptation of ECM outputs.2. The fuel system of claim 1 , wherein the configurable output driver circuit comprises a configurable output driver application-specific integrated circuit (COD ASIC).3. The fuel system of claim 2 , wherein the COD ASIC is configurable based on a value stored in a register of the ASIC.4. The fuel system of claim 3 , wherein the channel comprises a High-Side (HS)/Low-Side (LS) pair and a boost drive.5. The fuel system of claim 4 , wherein the channel comprises a bootstrap capacitor to create a drive required for the High-Side (HS).6. The fuel system of claim 4 , wherein the channel comprises a charge pump to create a drive required for the High-Side (HS).7. The fuel system of claim 4 , wherein the HS/LS pair drives an un-boosted voltage injector type (solenoid) load.8. The fuel system of claim 4 , wherein the HS/LS pair combined with the boost drive drives a boosted voltage injector type (solenoid) load.9. The fuel system of claim 4 , wherein the channel is a first channel claim 4 , and wherein the configurable output driver circuit further comprises a second channel claim 4 , and wherein the second channel comprises a second HS/LS pair and a second PFET boost drive.10. The fuel system of claim 9 , wherein the second channel is configurable based on a second value stored in a second register of the ASIC.11. ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Operating a Fuel Injector Having a Hydraulic Stop

Номер: US20200049092A1
Принадлежит: CPT Group GmbH

Various embodiments include a method for operating a fuel injector with a solenoid drive having a hydraulic stop at a predetermined fuel pressure comprising: applying a first current profile to the solenoid including a first holding current value prespecifying the current flowing during a holding phase; determining a resulting first flux; determining a first force based on the first flux corresponding to a hydraulic force exerted on the armature by fuel; determining a deviation between the first force and an optimal force corresponding to the predetermined fuel pressure; determining a second holding current based on the first holding current and the determined deviation; and applying a second current profile to carry out a second injection process using the second holding current value to apply a hydraulic force on the armature by the fuel adapted to the optimal force value. 1. A method for operating a fuel injector having a hydraulic stop at a predetermined fuel pressure , wherein the fuel injector has a solenoid drive having a solenoid and a movable armature , the method comprising:applying a first current profile to the solenoid drive to carry out a first injection process, wherein the first current profile includes a first holding current value prespecifying a current level of the current flowing through the solenoid during a holding phase;determining a first flux value corresponding to a magnetic flux in the holding phase;determining a first force value based on the first flux value, wherein the first force value corresponds to a hydraulic force exerted on the armature by fuel in the holding phase;determining a deviation between the first force value and an optimal force value which corresponds to the predetermined fuel pressure;determining a second holding current value based on the first holding current value and the determined deviation; andapplying a second current profile to the solenoid drive to carry out a second injection process using the second ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051643A1

A method is described for controlling the metering of fuel. A feature, which characterizes the switching point in time of a valve, is ascertained based on a measured signal curve. The feature is fed as an actual variable to a controller. A criterion of the feature is ascertained, the controller taking the criterion of the feature into account. 111-. (canceled)12. A method for controlling the metering of fuel , the method comprising:ascertaining a feature which characterizes the switching point in time of a valve or is a function of the switching point in time based on a measured signal curve;feeding the feature as an actual variable to a controller; andascertaining a criterion of the feature, the controller taking into account the criterion of the feature.13. The method of claim 12 , wherein the controller adapts an actuating variable.14. The method of claim 12 , wherein the criterion of the feature describes the quality and/or the characteristic strength of the feature characterizing the switching point in time.15. The method of claim 12 , wherein the criterion is ascertained based on the measured signal curve.16. The method of claim 12 , wherein the behavior of the controller is selected as a function of the criterion.17. The method of claim 13 , wherein in an adaptation claim 13 , the feature is weighted as a function of the criterion.18. The method of claim 12 , wherein one or a combination of the following signals claim 12 , a gradient change of the signal curve at the switching point in time claim 12 , a higher derivation of the signal curve at the switching point in time and/or a filtered signal curve at the switching point in time claim 12 , are used as the criterion.19. A computer readable medium having a computer program claim 12 , which is executable by a processor claim 12 , comprising: ascertaining a feature which characterizes the switching point in time of a valve or is a function of the switching point in time based on a measured signal curve;', ' ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051696A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

Because the relationship of the fuel injection quantity to a designated injection period differs in a half-lift region and a full-lift region, the purpose of the present invention is to bring the flow rate characteristics of an intermediate-lift region close to the flow rate characteristics of the full-lift region and improve the controllability of small fuel injection quantities. Provided are a peak current supply period in which a valve body of a fuel injection valve causes the magnetic force necessary for a valve-opening action to be generated, and a lift quantity adjustment period in which, after the peak current supply period, a current lower than the peak current is passed for a prescribed period; further provided is a current interrupt period in which a drive current is rapidly lowered before the lift quantity adjustment period. 1. A control device for electromagnetic fuel injection valve that supplies a driving current to a solenoid to open a valve body with a magnetic force and injects a fuel into an internal combustion engine , a supply period of the driving current comprising:a peak current supply period in which a magnetic force necessary for a valve-opening action of the valve body is generated; anda lift quantity adjustment period in which a current lower than the peak current is passed for a prescribed period after the peak current supply period,wherein the control device controls, based on a length of the lift quantity adjustment period, at least one of a lift quantity of the valve body, an actual valve-opening period before the valve body reaches a full-lift position, and a fuel injection quantity injected into the internal combustion engine before the valve body reaches the full-lift position, and performs control such that injection pulse width regions are continuous between time of half-lift control before the valve body reaches the full-lift position and time of full-lift control after the valve body reaches the full-lift position.2. The control ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150061461A1

A device for charging and discharging a capacitive actuator connectable to an output connection has a first capacitor disposed between an input connection and a reference potential. The device has a series connection composed of a first and a second power switching element which is connected in parallel with the first capacitor. The device additionally has a first coil with a first connection connected to the center tap of the series connection, wherein the second connection of the first coil is connected to the reference potential via a third power switching element and to the output connection via a fourth power switching element. Wherein the power switching elements have diodes connected in parallel therewith such that they are reverse-biased from the input connection or the output connection to the reference potential. Wherein a connection of the fourth power switching element is connected to the input connection via a diode. 1. A device for charging and discharging a capacitive actuator , the device comprising:an output connection to be connected to the capacitive actuator;an input connection;a reference potential connection;a first capacitor disposed between said input connection and said reference potential connection;a first series connection containing a first power switching element, a second power switching element and a center tap, said first series connection connected in parallel with said first capacitor;a third power switching element;a fourth power switching element;a first coil having a first connection connected to said center tap of said first series connection and a second connection coupled to said reference potential connection via said third power switching element and to said output connection via said fourth power switching element;said first through fourth power switching elements having diodes connected in parallel therewith such that said diodes are reverse-biased from said input connection or said output connection to said reference ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055896A1

Disclosed is a fuel injection control device for an engine equipped with a solenoid-type fuel injector The fuel injection control device comprises: a voltage sensor SW configured to detect a voltage of a solenoid of the fuel injector and a PCM configured to set a valve-open period of the fuel injector based on a fuel injection amount according to an operation state of the engine and control the fuel injector based on the valve-open period. The PCM is configured to perform correction for gradually shortening the set valve-open period, as the voltage (residual voltage) detected by the voltage sensor SW when opening the fuel injector becomes larger, and control the fuel injector based on the corrected valve-open period. 1. An engine fuel injection control device equipped with a solenoid-type fuel injector , comprising:a voltage sensor configured to detect a voltage of a solenoid in the fuel injector; anda controller configured to set a valve-open period of the fuel injector based on an fuel injection amount according to an operation state of the engine, in order to control the fuel injector based on the set valve-open period,wherein the controller is configured to correct the set valve-open period so that said valve-open period becomes shorter as the voltage detected by the voltage sensor at the time of opening the fuel injector becomes larger, in order to control the fuel injector based on the corrected valve-open period.2. An engine fuel injection control device equipped with a solenoid-type fuel injector , comprising:a voltage sensor configured to detect a voltage of a solenoid in the fuel injector; anda controller configured to derive an attenuation characteristic of a residual voltage of the solenoid in the fuel injector based on a variation of the voltage detected by the voltage sensor, and configured to set a valve-open period of the fuel injector based on an fuel injection amount according to an operation state of the engine, in order to control the fuel ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Semiconductor device and fuel injection device

Номер: US20180058363A1
Автор: Takashi Otsuji
Принадлежит: Renesas Electronics Corp

A semiconductor device has a peak value storage register, a threshold value storage register, a peak determination circuit, and an end timing determination circuit. The peak determination circuit determines whether or not to update a value stored in the peak value storage register. Further, the peak determination circuit ends an operation if the end timing determination circuit determines that an end timing has arrived. The peak value storage register updates a storage value if the peak determination circuit determines to perform updating. The end timing determination circuit determines that the end timing of the operation of the peak determination circuit has arrived if the value of an input signal becomes smaller than a value obtained by decreasing or increasing the value stored in the peak value storage register by a value corresponding to a threshold value stored in the threshold value storage register.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058793A1

An engine () includes an engine body, an injector (), and an engine controller (). The engine body includes a piston () inside a cylinder (), and a combustion chamber () defined by the cylinder () and the piston (). The injector () injects fuel containing at least gasoline into the combustion chamber () via a nozzle port (). The engine controller () allows the injector () to inject the fuel in at least a second half of a compression stroke, and controls an injection condition of the injector (). The injector () has a parameter for adjusting spread of fuel spray. The engine controller () adjusts the parameter to increase the spread of fuel spray with an increase in pressure in the combustion chamber (). 1. A device for controlling a direct-injection gasoline engine , the device comprising:an engine body including a piston inside a cylinder, and a combustion chamber defined by the cylinder and the piston;an injector injecting fuel containing at least gasoline into the combustion chamber via an injection port; anda controller allowing the injector to inject the fuel in at least a second half of a compression stroke, and controlling an injection condition of the injector; whereinthe injector has a parameter for adjusting spread of fuel spray,pressure in the combustion chamber is increased by controlling such that the higher an engine load is, the larger a filling amount of intake air is, and allows the injector to inject the fuel in the second half of the compression stroke to form, at ignition of an air-fuel mixture of the mixture layer formed in the combustion chamber, a gas layer of fresh air and/or burnt gas between the mixture layer and a wall surface which defines the combustion chamber,', 'predicts the pressure in the combustion chamber, and', 'adjusts the parameter so that the spread of fuel spray is greater when the predicted pressure is high than that when the predicted pressure is low, even if a same amount of fuel is injected., 'in low and intermediate ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058815A1

A fuel injection system for an internal combustion engine includes a fuel injector and an engine control system. The engine control system is configured to send electrical fuel injection signals to the fuel injector to open the fuel injector, monitor a current amplitude of electrical fuel injection signals, detect the mechanical openings of the fuel injector based on the monitored current amplitudes of electrical fuel injection signals according to inflection points between a decreasing slope and an increasing slope in the monitored current amplitudes of electrical fuel injection signals, calculate time delays between the sent electrical fuel injection signals and the mechanical openings of the fuel injector, and set durations of electrical fuel injection signals based on the calculated time delays. 1. A fuel injection system for an internal combustion engine comprising:a fuel injector; and send electrical fuel injection signals to the fuel injector to open the fuel injector;', 'monitor an electrical current amplitude of electrical fuel injection signals;', 'detect the mechanical openings of the fuel injector based on the monitored electrical current amplitudes of electrical fuel injection signals according to inflection points between a decreasing slope and an increasing slope in the monitored electrical current amplitudes of electrical fuel injection signals;', 'calculate time delays between the sent electrical fuel injection signals and the mechanical openings of the fuel injector; and', 'set durations of electrical fuel injection signals based on the calculated time delays., 'an engine control system configured to2. The fuel injection system of claim 1 , wherein the engine control system is configured to detect the mechanical openings of the fuel injector based on the monitored electrical current amplitudes of electrical fuel injection signals further according to dips in the monitored electrical current amplitudes of electrical fuel injection signals.3. The ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056554A1
Автор: Sekita Tomoaki

The control device includes a microcomputer which controls operation of the internal combustion engine, a power regulator which outputs a direct current regulated voltage regulated from electric power of the AC generator, a 5V regulator which receives an output from the power regulator and supplies it to the microcomputer; a first capacitor with a small capacity connected to an output of the power regulator, plural second capacitors connected in parallel with the first capacitor; and plural opening and closing means connected in series to the plural second capacitors, respectively. The opening and closing means are controlled to be opened and closed by the microcomputer so that the second capacitors are charged when the output of the power regulator has reached an ON voltage below the regulated voltage. 1. An internal combustion engine control device that controls a battery-less internal combustion engine with electric power generated by an AC generator mounted on an end portion of a crankshaft of the internal combustion engine directly or via a power transmission device , comprising:a microcomputer which controls operation of the internal combustion engine;a power regulator which outputs a direct current regulated voltage regulated from electric power of the AC generator;a 5V regulator which receives an output from the power regulator and supplies it to the microcomputer;a first capacitor with a small capacity connected to an output of the power regulator;a plurality of second capacitors connected in parallel with the first capacitor; anda plurality of opening and closing means connected in series to the plurality of second capacitors, respectively,wherein the opening and closing means are controlled to be opened and closed by the microcomputer so that the second capacitors are charged when the output of the power regulator has reached an ON voltage below the regulated voltage.2. The internal combustion engine control device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063358A1

A fuel injection control device has a valve opening control portion which opens a control valve by electrically charging a piezoelectric element, and a valve closing portion which closes the control valve. The valve opening control portion includes a first rising control portion, a pause control portion and a second control portion. The first rising control portion increases a charge amount of the piezoelectric element during a first rising period. The pause control portion pauses an increase in the charge amount of the piezoelectric element during a pause period after the first rising period. The second rising control portion increases the charging amount of the piezoelectric elements again during a second rising period after the pause period. The pause period includes a period of immediately before the control valve is opened. 1. A fuel injection control device which is applied to a fuel injector having:a valve body opening/closing an injection port through which a fuel is injected;a control chamber for receiving the fuel which applies a valve-closing force to the valve body;a control valve controlling the valve-closing force by opening/closing an outlet passage through which the fuel flows out from the control chamber; anda piezoelectric element opening the control valve when being electrically charged to expand;the fuel injection control device comprising:a valve opening control portion opening the control valve by electrically charging the piezoelectric element; anda valve closing control portion closing the control valve by electrically discharging the piezoelectric element, whereinthe valve opening control portion includes:a first rising control portion for increasing a charge amount of the piezoelectric element during a first rising period;a pause control portion for pausing an increase in the charge amount of the piezoelectric element during a pause period after the first rising period;a second rising control portion for increasing the charge amount of the ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Fuel Injection Device

Номер: US20190063387A1

A fuel injection valve includes a valve body, a coil, an inner fixed iron core that is arranged on an inner peripheral side of the coil, and an outer fixed iron core that is arranged on an outer peripheral side of the coil. The fuel injection valve also includes a movable element that is configured to be attracted to the inner fixed iron core and the outer fixed iron core, wherein the movable element is configured to be separable from the valve body and is configured to move the valve body. 1. A fuel injection valve comprising:a valve body;a coil;a first fixed core;a second fixed core that is separated from the first fixed core;a movable element that is configured to be attracted to the first fixed core and the second fixed core; anda non-magnetic member fixed between the first fixed core and the second fixed core.2. The fuel injection valve according to claim 1 , whereinthe movable element has a first magnetic attraction surface being attracted to the first fixed core and a second magnetic attraction surface being attracted to the second fixed core, by energizing the coil.3. The fuel injection valve according to claim 1 , whereinthe movable element connects a magnetic circuit of the first fixed core and the second fixed core.4. The fuel injection valve according to claim 1 , further comprisinga third fixed core provided above the second fixed core in an axial direction of the fuel injection valve.5. The fuel injection valve according to claim 4 , whereina magnetic circuit is formed by the first fixed core, the second fixed core, the third fixed core and the movable element so as to avoid the non-magnetic member.6. The fuel injection valve according to claim 1 , whereinthe non-magnetic member is joined to the first fixed core and the second fixed core by welding.7. The fuel injection valve according to claim 1 , further comprising:a nozzle body which opens and closes a fuel passage,wherein the second fixed core is maintained at an upper end surface of the nozzle ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle engine control system

Номер: US20180066597A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

In voltage boosting circuit for performing rapid power supply to a plurality of electromagnetic coils that drive fuel-injection electromagnetic valves, an overcurrent from vehicle battery is suppressed, and continuous noise is prevented from being produced. Each of rapid-power-supply voltage boosting capacitors that are connected in parallel with each other is charged from corresponding one of a pair of induction devices, which are asynchronously on/off-magnetized by first and second voltage boosting control circuits, by way of corresponding one of charging diodes in a pair; when addition value of exciting currents for induction devices in a pair continuously exceeds predetermined value, driving modes of one of and the other one of voltage boosting control circuits are set to large-current low-frequency mode and to small-current high-frequency mode, respectively, so that on/off timing of exciting current becomes irregular even when respective inductances values of induction devices in a pair are close to each other.

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Fuel injection system

Номер: US20170067429A1
Автор: Lihang Nong
Принадлежит: Picospray Inc

A fuel injector is provided. The fuel injector includes a sleeve having a first end proximate an outlet; a piston slidingly received in the sleeve, the piston having a first end proximate the outlet; a pumping chamber at least partially defined by the sleeve between the first end of the piston and the outlet; and a normally-open inlet valve through which fuel passes to enter the pumping chamber.

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Electromagnetic Coil Driving Control Device

Номер: US20160071642A1

The present invention is to provide a magnet coil drive control device that can efficiently suppress conduction noise while reducing the capacitance of a capacitor. A capacitor and an impedance element are arranged in series on the connecting line connecting the positive electrode line and the negative electrode line of a DC power supply, the connecting line between the capacitor and the impedance element is connected to one end of a magnet coil via a freewheeling diode, and the portion between the freewheeling diode and the one end of the magnet coil is connected to the positive electrode line or the negative electrode line by a switching element. Conduction noise caused by the driving current of the magnet coil can be suppressed by the impedance element, and the capacitance of the capacitor can be further reduced. Accordingly, the magnet coil drive control device can be made smaller in size.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071609A1

An energization instruction switch switches energization instruction signals to instruct energization of fuel injection valves. A first cylinder designation switch designates one of the energization instruction signals to designate a valve closing detection cylinder. A valve closing detection unit monitors downstream voltage of the fuel injection valve to detect occurrence of an inflection point in change of the downstream voltage to detect a valve closing. A second cylinder designation switch designates one of the downstream voltages and designates the valve closing detection cylinder. A valve closing time measuring unit measures a valve closing time, which is from a switching timing of the energization instruction signal from ON to OFF to a valve closing detection timing, for injection of the valve closing detection cylinder. A valve closing time learning unit learns the valve closing time measured by the valve closing time measuring unit. 1. An injection control device configured to control opening and closing of a plurality of fuel injection valves to inject fuel to an internal combustion engine , the injection control device comprising:an energization instruction switch configured to switch a plurality of energization instruction signals ON and OFF to instruct energization of the plurality of fuel injection valves;a first cylinder designation switch configured to designate one of the plurality of energization instruction signals, which correspond to the plurality of fuel injection valves respectively, to designate a valve closing detection cylinder;a valve closing detection unit configured to monitor a plurality of downstream voltages of the fuel injection valve to detect occurrence of an inflection point in change of the plurality of downstream voltages and to detect valve closing;a second cylinder designation switch configured to designate one of the plurality of downstream voltages, which correspond to the plurality of fuel injection valves respectively, and ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071610A1
Автор: INABA Masashi

A first switch designates one of energization instruction signals to designate a valve closing detection cylinder. A valve closing detection unit monitors downstream voltages of the fuel injection valves to detect occurrence of an inflection point in change of the downstream voltages and detects valve closing. A second switch designates one of the downstream voltages and designates the valve closing detection cylinder. A stage number designation unit designates a valve closing detection stage number. A valve closing time measuring unit measures a valve closing time, which is from a switching timing at which the energization instruction signal is switched from ON to OFF to a valve closing detection timing of the valve closing, for injection of the valve closing detection stage number of the valve closing detection cylinder. A valve closing time learning unit learns the valve closing time measured by the valve closing time measuring unit. 1. An injection control device configured to control opening and closing of a plurality of fuel injection valves to inject fuel to an internal combustion engine , the injection control device comprising:an energization instruction switch configured to switch a plurality of energization instruction signals ON and OFF to instruct energization of the plurality of fuel injection valves;a first cylinder designation switch configured to designate one of the plurality of energization instruction signals, which correspond to the plurality of fuel injection valves respectively, to designate a valve closing detection cylinder;a valve closing detection unit configured to monitor a plurality of downstream voltages of the fuel injection valve to detect occurrence of an inflection point in change of the plurality of downstream voltages and to detect valve closing;a second cylinder designation switch configured to designate one of the plurality of downstream voltages, which correspond to the plurality of fuel injection valves respectively, and to ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071612A1

Methods and systems, using a controller (), for performing fuel pressure control operation of an engine () having at least one cylinder () is disclosed. The controller () includes a fuel system control unit () configured to control a fuel pressure applied to at least one injector () of the engine () during a motoring condition period () based on a commanded pulse train duration (). During the motoring condition period (), no combustion occurs in the at least one cylinder () of the engine (). The commanded pulse train duration is a time period during which the at least one injector () of the engine () is activated for a drain operation. The fuel system control unit () is configured to command the at least one injector (), for the commanded pulse train duration during the motoring condition period (), to release fuel from the at least one injector () without injecting the fuel into the at least one cylinder () of the engine (). 11216. A system for performing fuel pressure control operation of an engine () having at least one cylinder () comprising:{'b': 20', '42', '18', '12', '412', '410', '412', '16', '12', '410', '18', '12, 'a controller () including a fuel system control unit () configured to control a fuel pressure applied to at least one injector () of the engine () during a motoring condition period () based on a commanded pulse train duration (), the motoring condition period () during which no combustion occurs in the at least one cylinder () of the engine (), the commanded pulse train duration being a time period () during which the at least one injector () of the engine () is activated for operation,'}{'b': 42', '18', '412', '18', '16', '12, 'wherein the fuel system control unit () is configured to command the at least one injector (), for the commanded pulse train duration during the motoring condition period (), to release fuel from the at least one injector () without injecting the fuel into the at least one cylinder () of the engine ().'}242. The system ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Method and system for controlling a free piston mover

Номер: US20220085743A1

Adaptive control of a Free Piston Mover (1, 19), wherein a Control Parameter Set (COPS′) for closed loop control of a Target Control Variable (CVt) is adapted using a Future-Stroke Controller (20) to respond to Input Demand (21) signals whilst ensuring a sufficient current control margin and compensating for system changes over time. The Control Parameter Set (COPS′) is transmitted to an In-Stroke Controller (23) in advance of the start of a stroke to be controlled, and the In-Stroke Controller (23) transmits a Current Demand (Qt) to a Current Controller (25) of the Free Piston Mover (119).

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140150751A1

A system and component for generating a drive signal suitable to operate a fuel injector. The drive signal includes one or more injector pulses. Each injector pulse is characterized by a desired pulse profile. The system includes an injector driver and a controller. The injector driver is operable to apply a supply voltage to the fuel injector. The controller is configured to store a plurality of state definitions that determine an operation state of the injector driver when a selected definition of the plurality of state definitions is communicated to the injector driver. The controller is further configured to receive a sequence of state values that determine an order that the state definitions are communicated to the injector driver to generate piecewise an injector pulse exhibiting the pulse profile, and thereby generate the drive signal. 1. A system for generating a drive signal suitable to operate a fuel injector , said drive signal comprising one or more injector pulses , each injector pulse having a pulse profile , said system comprising:an injector driver operable to apply a supply voltage to the fuel injector;a controller configured to operate the injector driver in a manner effective to generate the drive signal, wherein said controller is configured to store a plurality of state definitions that determine an operation state of the injector driver when a selected definition of the plurality of state definitions is communicated to the injector driver, said controller further configured to receive a sequence of state values that determine an order that the state definitions are communicated to the injector driver to generate piecewise an injector pulse exhibiting the pulse profile, and thereby generate the drive signal.2. The system in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the selected state definition includes a state duration value indicative of a time duration that the selected state definition is in effect claim 1 , wherein the controller is further ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090553A1
Автор: BAVOIS Thierry

Disclosed is a method for controlling a fuel injector provided with a solenoid for actuating a needle which opens the injector and with a spring for returning the needle to the closed position. The solenoid is supplied with power by a controller including a first potential and a second potential, a first diode and a second diode, a first transistor, a second and a third transistor which is controlled so as to generate various currents using the potentials. 1. A method for controlling a high-pressure fuel injector for an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle , the injector being provided with a solenoid for actuating a needle which opens the injector and with a spring for returning said needle to the closed position , the solenoid of the fuel injector being supplied with current by a control means comprising a first potential connected to the drain of a first transistor , the source of the first transistor being connected to the anode of a first diode , the cathode of the first diode being connected to the cathode of a second diode , to a first connector of the solenoid of the injector , and to the source of a second power transistor , the drain of the second transistor being connected to a second potential , the anode of the second diode being connected to ground , the second potential being connected to ground via a capacitance , to the cathode of a third diode , and to the drain of the second transistor , the anode of the third diode being connected to a second connector of the solenoid of the injector and to the drain of a third transistor , the source of the third transistor being connected to ground via a resistor ,{'claim-text': ['determining whether the second potential is lower than the potential threshold allowing a current for opening the needle of the injector to be generated,', 'if the second potential is lower than the potential threshold, determining whether an injection is not required,', 'if an injection is not required, charging the solenoid ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090554A1

An injection control device includes: a booster circuit that boosts a battery voltage; a boosting control unit that performs boosting control on the booster circuit; a charge control setting unit that sets a charge prohibition time of the booster circuit for the boosting control unit; and a maximum time specification unit that specifies a maximum valve-closing detection time based on a valve-closing detection time. 1. An injection control device configured to open and close a fuel injection valve by driving the fuel injection valve with a current to control fuel injection to an internal combustion engine , the injection control device comprising:a booster circuit configured to boost a battery voltage;a boosting control unit configured to perform boosting control on the booster circuit;a charge control setting unit configured to set a charge prohibition time of the booster circuit for the boosting control unit; anda maximum time specification unit configured to specify a maximum valve-closing detection time based on a valve-closing detection time,whereinthe charge control setting unit is configured to set the maximum valve-closing detection time as the charge prohibition time for the boosting control unit.2. The injection control device according to claim 1 , further comprising:{'claim-text': ['learn a valve-closing detection time when a minute injection for learning is performed in a period in which the maximum valve-closing detection time is set and', 'acquire a valve-closing detection learning time; and'], '#text': 'a learning time acquisition unit configured to'}a maximum value storage unit configured to store a maximum value of the valve-closing detection learning time as a learned maximum time.3. The injection control device according to claim 2 , wherein:{'claim-text': ['calculate a time obtained by adding a margin time to the learned maximum time as a learned valve-closing detection time, and', 'set the learned valve-closing detection time as a charge ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090555A1

An injection control device opens and closes a fuel injection valve by driving the fuel injection valve with a current to control fuel injection to an internal combustion engine. The injection control device includes: a booster circuit that boosts a battery voltage; a boosting control unit that performs boosting control on the booster circuit; and a charge control setting unit that sets charge permission or charge prohibition for the booster circuit to the boosting control unit. 1. An injection control device configured to open and close a fuel injection valve by driving the fuel injection valve with a current to control fuel injection to an internal combustion engine , the injection control device comprising:a booster circuit configured to boost a battery voltage;a boosting control unit configured to perform boosting control on the booster circuit; anda charge control setting unit configured to set charge permission or charge prohibition for the booster circuit to the boosting control unit,whereinthe charge control setting unit is configured to set the charge permission or the charge prohibition for the booster circuit to the boosting control unit according to an injection type.2. The fuel injection control device according to claim 1 , further comprising:an injection type determination unit configured to determine an injection type,whereinthe charge control setting unit sets the charge prohibition to the boosting control unit when the injection type determination unit determines that the injection type is learning minute injection.3. The fuel injection control device according to claim 2 , wherein:the charge control setting unit switches a charge setting from the charge permission to the charge prohibition when the injection type determination unit determines that a current injection is the learning minute injection while the charge permission is set to the boosting control unit.4. The fuel injection control device according to claim 2 , further comprising:a valve ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090556A1

An injection control device controls fuel injection to an internal-combustion engine by driving a fuel injection valve with an electric current to open and close the valve. The injection control device includes a boost circuit boosting a battery voltage; a boost controller controlling the boosting of the boost circuit; and a charge control setter setting charge permission or charge prohibition of the boost circuit to the boost controller. The charge control setter sets the charge permission or charge prohibition of the boost circuit to the boost controller according to a magnitude of an influence of a drive current error. 1. An injection control device that controls fuel injection to an internal-combustion engine by driving a fuel injection valve with an electric current to open and close the valve , the injection control device comprising:a boost circuit boosting a battery voltage;a boost controller controlling the boosting of the boost circuit; anda charge control setter setting charge permission or charge prohibition of the boost circuit to the boost controller, whereinthe charge control setter sets charge permission or charge prohibition of the boost circuit to the boost controller according to a magnitude of an influence of a drive current error on an injection amount.2. The injection control device of further comprising:an influence determiner determining the magnitude of the influence of the drive current error on the injection amount, whereinthe charge control setter sets charge prohibition to the boost controller when it is determined that the drive current error has a large influence on the injection amount.3. The injection control device of claim 2 , whereinthe influence determiner determines a type of injection, and determines that the influence of the drive current error on the injection amount is large when the injection is a microinjection or a learning microinjection.4. The injection control device of claim 2 , whereinthe influence determiner ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Method for determining the closing characteristic of the control valve of a piezo servo injector

Номер: US20170074197A1
Автор: Janos Radeczky
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A method for determining a closing characteristic of a valve of a piezo servo injector, including carrying out test charging of an actuator of the piezo servo injector in order to open the control valve and in order to reduce pressure in a control chamber of the piezo servo injector; incompletely discharging the actuator down to a residual partial stroke of the actuator; ascertaining a gradient profile of the pressure drop in the pressure accumulator during the residual partial stroke; and determining the closing characteristic of the control valve from the gradient profile of the pressure drop. The closing characteristic may be the closing time of the valve. The method further includes modifying or adapting a closing process for the valve based upon the determined closing time.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074203A1

A method for regulating a common rail injector, the method including acquiring a signal of a sensor, which signal is proportional to a pressure in a valve space of the common rail injector; evaluating a change in the signal over time in order to detect at least one operating event of the common rail injector; and modifying at least one operating variable of the common rail injector as a function of the at least one operating event, the at least one operating variable being selected from an opening duration, a closing duration, an opening point in time, and a closing point in time of a switching valve of the common rail injector, and from an opening duration, an opening point in time, and a closing point in time of a needle valve of the common rail injector. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for regulating a common rail injector , comprising:acquiring a signal of a sensor, the signal being proportional to a pressure in a valve space of the common rail injector;evaluating a change in the signal over time to detect at least one operating event of the common rail injector; andmodifying at least one operating variable of the common rail injector as a function of the at least one operating event, the at least one operating variable being selected from an opening duration, a closing duration, an opening point in time, and a closing point in time of a switching valve of the common rail injector, and from an opening duration, an opening point in time, and a closing point in time of a needle valve of the common rail injector.12. The method as recited in claim 11 , wherein an oscillation overlaid on the signal is filtered before evaluation of the change in the signal.13. The method as recited in claim 11 , wherein the at least one operating event is selected from the group consisting of: a beginning of an opening of the switching valve claim 11 , a force superelevation at the beginning of the opening of the switching valve claim 11 , an end of the opening of the switching valve ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Method of detecting a doser valve opening or closing event

Номер: US20200072113A1
Автор: Martin A. Sykes
Принадлежит: Delphi Technologies IP Ltd

A method of detecting a valve opening or closing event in a solenoid operated reductant injector valve includes applying a voltage to the solenoid to actuate the valve, the voltage having a chopped waveform. A resultant current through the solenoid is sampled at local maxima and minima. Values of a difference between the local maxima and subsequent local minima or between local minima and subsequent local maxima are determined. A rate of change of the difference values are determined and a valve opening or closing event based on the rate of change is determined.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210079878A1
Автор: YANOTO Keisuke

A control device controls a drive current that flows through a drive coil of a fuel injection valve that is electromagnetically driven. A control device includes a determination unit configured to determine whether a supply fuel pressure, which is a pressure of fuel supplied to the fuel injection valve, is higher than a determination pressure at which the fuel pressure is determined abnormally high; a first control unit configured to control the drive current in a first mode when the determination unit determines that the supply fuel pressure is not higher than the determination pressure; and a second control unit configured to control the drive current in a second mode that facilitates maintaining of the fuel injection valve in an open state more than in the first mode when the determination unit determines that the supply fuel pressure is higher than the determination pressure. 1. A control device configured to control a drive current that flows through a drive coil of a fuel injection valve that is configured to be electromagnetically driven , the control device comprising:a determination unit configured to determine whether a supply fuel pressure, which is a pressure of fuel supplied to the fuel injection valve, is higher than a determination pressure at which the fuel pressure is determined abnormally high;a first control unit configured to control the drive current in a first mode, when the determination unit determines that the supply fuel pressure is not higher than the determination pressure; anda second control unit configured to control the drive current in a second mode that facilitates maintaining of the fuel injection valve in an open state more than in the first mode, when the determination unit determines that the supply fuel pressure is higher than the determination pressure, whereina voltage applied to the drive coil when the drive current is increased to a maximum value in an injection period in the second mode is higher than a voltage applied to ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078526A1
Автор: Le-Hung Frédéric

A method for controlling the electrical power supply of injectors for a hybrid automotive vehicle, including an internal combustion engine and an electric motor. A first electrical network, having a first DC voltage, supplies power to a motor control of the engine. A second electrical network having a second DC voltage, higher than the first DC voltage, supplies power to the electric motor. The method includes connecting the second DC voltage to the injectors; reading the value of the second DC voltage; adapting control parameters of the injectors based on the value of engine speed, engine temperature and injection pressure upstream of the injectors; and controlling the injectors using the second DC voltage. Wherein there is no change in the control parameters when the value is higher than a threshold value; and changing at least one of the control parameters when the value is lower than the threshold value. 1. A method for controlling the electrical power supply of solenoid fuel injectors for a hybrid automotive vehicle , including both an internal combustion propulsion engine and an electric motor , said hybrid automotive vehicle being provided with a first electrical network powered at a first DC voltage that is intended to supply power to a motor control of the internal combustion propulsion engine and a second electrical network powered at a second DC voltage , said second DC voltage being higher than the first DC voltage and intended to supply power to the electric motor , said method comprising:i. connecting the second DC voltage to the electrical power supply of the solenoid fuel injectors;ii. reading the value of the second DC voltage;iii. adapting the control parameters of the solenoid fuel injectors on the basis of the value read in step ii, of an engine speed of the internal combustion propulsion engine, of a temperature of the internal combustion propulsion engine and of an injection pressure upstream of the solenoid fuel injectors; iv.a. there is no ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Actuator/Sensor Device

Номер: US20160084186A1

An actuator/sensor device () includes: at least one actuator () controlled by a control signal and at least one sensor () transmitting an acquisition signal, the actuator () and the sensor () being integrated into the same component; an actuator/sensor pin () connecting a terminal of the actuator () and an output of the sensor () to the same single electrical wire () external to the actuator/sensor device (); and switching elements adapted to cause either the control signal in a control phase () or the sensor information in an acquisition phase () to be sent on the electrical wire (). 23. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the actuator () is a valve of the solenoid type.33. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the actuator () is driven by a pulse width modulation (PWM) signal.4. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sensor information is transmitted by using a standardized “Single Edge Nibble Transmission” (SENT) communication line.5. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the switching means comprise an arrangement of the open collector output type adapted to transmit the control signal and an arrangement of the open collector output type adapted to transmit the sensor information.631937919. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the switching means furthermore comprise a grounding system () adapted to force the connection of the electrical wire () to an electrical ground and an inverter system () adapted to invert the voltage of the signal of the electrical wire () during a control phase ().74183. The device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a filtering system () between the actuator/sensor pin () and the actuator ().817179. An assembly comprising an actuator/sensor device () as claimed in and a central processing unit () claim 1 , wherein said actuator/sensor device () is connected to the central processing unit () via only one electrical wire ().91. A vehicle comprising at least one actuator/sensor device () as claimed in ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084191A1
Автор: Dölker Armin
Принадлежит: MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH

A method and an assembly for controlling the pressure in a high-pressure region of an injection system in an internal combustion engine. A set high pressure is compared to an actual high pressure in order to determine a control deviation, the control deviation representing an input variable of a controller. A high pressure pump is controlled by a solenoid valve and the angle at which the delivery of fuel by the at least one high-pressure pump is to start is used as a manipulated variable of the high-pressure closed-loop control system. 113-. (canceled)14. A method for controlling pressure in a high-pressure region of an injection system in an internal combustion engine comprising at least one high-pressure pump , the method comprising the steps of comparing a nominal high pressure with an actual high pressure to determine a control deviation , wherein the control deviation represents an input variable to a controller; controlling the at least one high-pressure pump by a solenoid valve; and using an angle at which delivery of fuel by the at least one high-pressure pump begin as a control input to a high-pressure control circuit.15. The method according to claim 14 , wherein the angle is determined based on a nominal volumetric flow.16. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the angle is determined from a characteristic diagram having input variables that are engine speed and the nominal volumetric flow.17. The method according to claim 14 , wherein the controller is a PI(DT) high-pressure controller.18. The method according to claim 17 , wherein a proportional coefficient is calculated as a function of the actual high pressure.19. The method according to claim 17 , wherein an integrating component is initialized with a value 0 as long as the engine is still in a starting phase and the actual high pressure is less than a presettable limit value.20. The method according to claim 17 , wherein an integrating component is limited in an upward direction as a function ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Control Device for Fuel Injection Device

Номер: US20220099040A1

Provided is a control device for a fuel injection device capable of detecting a variation in valve opening start timing of the fuel injection device and stabilizing a fuel injection quantity. Therefore, the control device for the fuel injection device of the present invention is a control device for a plurality of fuel injection devices each including: a valve body that opens a fuel passage by separating from a valve seat; a movable element that causes an opening/closing operation of the valve body; and a stator that attracts the movable element by a drive current flowing through a coil. This control device includes a control unit that controls the energization time of the drive current by a pulse width of a drive command pulse. The control unit estimates a valve opening start timing having a correlation with a detected valve closing completion timing. Further, the pulse width of the drive command pulse is corrected based on the valve opening start timing. 1. A control device for a fuel injection device including a valve body that opens a fuel passage by separating from a valve seat , a movable element that causes an opening/closing operation of the valve body , and a stator that attracts the movable element by a drive current flowing through a coil , the control device comprisinga control unit that controls an energization time of the drive current by a pulse width of a drive command pulse,wherein the control unitestimates a valve opening start timing having a correlation with a detected valve closing completion timing, andcorrects the pulse width of the drive command pulse based on the valve opening start timing.2. The control device for the fuel injection device according to claim 1 , whereinthe control unit corrects the pulse width of the drive command pulse so as to set a valve closing completion timing according to a target injection quantity of fuel injected from the fuel injection device and the valve opening start timing.3. The control device for the fuel ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099042A1

An electromagnetic valve driving device that drives an electromagnetic valve for injecting a fuel, includes: a first charging route that charges a bootstrap capacitor from a battery without intervention of a boost circuit; a second charging route that charges the bootstrap capacitor from the boost circuit; and a switching control unit that switches a charging route for charging the bootstrap capacitor to the first charging route or the second charging route. 1. An electromagnetic valve driving device that receives power from a battery and drives a fuel injection valve having a solenoid coil , the electromagnetic valve driving device comprising:a boost circuit that boosts a battery voltage, which is an output voltage of the battery;a first switching element that is disposed between the boost circuit and a first end of the solenoid coil;a second switching element that is disposed between the battery and the first end;a third switching element that is disposed between a second end of the solenoid coil and a ground;a fourth switching element that is disposed between the first end and the ground;a bootstrap capacitor that generates a voltage necessary to turn the first switching element and the second switching element into an ON state;a first charging route that charges the bootstrap capacitor from the battery without intervention of the boost circuit;a second charging route that charges the bootstrap capacitor from the boost circuit; anda switching control unit that switches a charging route for charging the bootstrap capacitor to the first charging route or the second charging route.2. The electromagnetic valve driving device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first voltage generation unit that is provided in the first charging route and generates a voltage for charging the bootstrap capacitor by dropping the battery voltage; anda second voltage generation unit that is provided in the second charging route and generates a voltage for charging the bootstrap ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099059A1

An electromagnetic valve driving device which drives a fuel injection valve having a solenoid coil, includes: a regenerative switching element disposed between a first end portion of the solenoid coil and the ground; and a control unit configured to control the regenerative switching element to be in an ON state or an OFF state, wherein the control unit includes: a voltage detection unit configured to detect a voltage of the first end portion of the solenoid coil; and an abnormality detection unit configured to detect an abnormality of the regenerative switching element on the basis of the voltage detected by the voltage detection unit. 1. An electromagnetic valve driving device which drives a fuel injection valve having a solenoid coil , comprising:a regenerative switching element disposed between a first end portion of the solenoid coil and a ground; anda control unit configured to control the regenerative switching element to be in an ON state or an OFF state,wherein the control unit includes:a voltage detection unit configured to detect a voltage of the first end portion of the solenoid coil; andan abnormality detection unit configured to detect an abnormality of the regenerative switching element on the basis of the voltage detected by the voltage detection unit.2. The electromagnetic valve driving device according to claim 1 ,wherein the control unit includes a drive control unit configured to control the regenerative switching element to be in an ON state or an OFF state, andwherein the abnormality detection unit detects an abnormality of the regenerative switching element on the basis of the voltage detected by the voltage detection unit when the drive control unit controls the regenerative switching element to be in an ON state.3. The electromagnetic valve driving device according to claim 2 ,wherein the abnormality detection unit detects an abnormality of the regenerative switching element when the voltage detected by the voltage detection unit is a ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Fuel supply apparatus for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20140163843A1
Автор: Susumu Kojima
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A drive circuit ( 52 ) that is commonly provided with respect to two fuel injection valves ( 24 R and 24 L) for the same cylinder, and drive the two fuel injection valves ( 24 R and 24 L) for the same cylinder on the basis of a command from an ECU ( 40 ), is provided. An electric conduction line ( 52 ) that electric current supplied to the two fuel injection valves ( 24 R and 24 L) flows through, is provided. The electric conduction line ( 52 ) includes a common section ( 56 a ) one end of which is connected to the drive circuit ( 52 ), and branch sections ( 56 b ) which are sections following the other end of the common section ( 56 a ) that the electric conduction line ( 56 ) branches off at and on which the two fuel injection valves ( 24 R and 24 L) for the same cylinder are respectively installed. The electric current value I flowing through the common section ( 56 a ) is detected. An electric resistance ( 58 ) that is inserted in the branch section ( 56 b ) for the fuel injection valve ( 24 L), is provided. A fuel injection valve, at which an occurrence of abnormality concerning electric conduction is recognized, out of the two fuel injection valves ( 24 R and 24 L) for the same cylinder, is detected on the basis of the magnitude of the electric current value I.
