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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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24-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2686289C2

Группа изобретений относится к области транспортного машиностроения. По первому варианту крепежное устройство для транспортного средства содержит корпус, имеющий крепежную часть, и датчик давления, соединенный с корпусом в отдалении от крепежной части и имеющий камеру. Корпус содержит первый канал, проходящий через корпус от отверстия в его внешней поверхности и непосредственно сообщающийся по текучей среде с камерой и датчиком давления. По второму варианту крепежное устройство для транспортного средства содержит корпус, который имеет головку и протяженную часть. Головка имеет внутреннюю поверхность, соединенную с первым концом протяженной части и перекрывающую его. Первый канал проходит от внешней поверхности протяженной части. Узел крепежного устройства для транспортного средства содержит первый компонент, ограничивающий первый объем, и упомянутое крепежное устройство. Достигается улучшение определения столкновения с транспортным средством. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

04-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2632377C1

Предложена система обеспечения безопасности оконного проема. Она содержит в качестве защитного устройства металлическую решетку, состоящую из ограждающих элементов в виде двух ригелей, на концах которых выполнены сквозные соосные отверстия, и расположенных между ригелями и соединенных с ними по меньшей мере двух вертикальных стоек с расстоянием между ними не более 11 см, и установочный комплект. В состав установочного комплекта входят четыре кронштейна, с помощью которых указанная решетка устанавливается с наружной стороны окна на вертикальную поверхность оконной рамы. Каждый кронштейн представляет собой изготовленную из листовой заготовки объемную деталь, имеющую в плане Т- или Г-образную форму, вертикальный и горизонтальный элементы которой являются соответственно консольной и опорной частями кронштейна. На краях опорной части имеются сквозные отверстия под крепежные винты, с помощью которых осуществляется крепление кронштейна к оконной раме. Продольные края консольной части кронштейна ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016143190A3

27-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017101527A3

20-09-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2020111096A3

01-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU206934U1

Полезная модель относится к области строительства, а именно к кронштейнам для установки рамных конструкций в проемы, и может быть использована, например, при установке дверной коробки в проем стены. Техническим результатом предлагаемого технического решения является снижение материалоемкости кронштейна крепежного для установки рамных конструкций в стенные проемы за счет кронштейна крепежного, содержащего верхнюю и нижнюю соединенные между собой стенки, при этом в нижней стенке выполнен вертикально ориентированный открытый снизу вырез, а верхняя стенка содержит отверстие, при этом верхняя стенка в верхней своей части снабжена боковыми ограничительными выступами; в нижней стенке расположена группа вертикально ориентированных открытых снизу вырезов; нижняя часть нижней стенки выполнена с возможностью размещения в пространстве между ограничительными выступами аналогичного кронштейна.

08-09-2020 дата публикации

Бак масляный гидросистемы рулевого управления

Номер: RU199582U1

Полезная модель относится к области транспортного машиностроения, а именно к бакам масляным гидросистем рулевого управления транспортных средств.Бак масляный гидросистемы рулевого управления содержит корпус 1, состоящий из соединенных верхней 2 и нижней 3 частей, горловину 4 в верхней части 2, съемную крышку 5, навинченную на горловине 4, впускной 6 и выпускной 7 патрубки в нижней части 3, расположенные внутри корпуса 1 цилиндрический фильтр 8, успокоитель 9 колебаний рабочей жидкости и устройство 10 контроля уровня рабочей жидкости, установленное в съемной крышке 5.Цилиндрический фильтр 8 бака масляного неподвижно установлен в гнезде 17 дна нижний части 3 корпуса 1 посредством крепежного элемента 18, расположенного на центральной продольной оси «а» цилиндрического фильтра 8.Успокоитель 9 колебаний рабочей жидкости бака масляного выполнен на верхней стенке 20 цилиндрического фильтра 8 в форме вытянутых вверх (вертикально ориентированных) четырех плоских стенок 21 и 22 одинаковой высоты ...

13-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU206480U1

Полезная модель относится к области строительства, а именно к кронштейнам для установки рамных конструкций в проемы, и может быть использована, например, при установке дверной коробки в проем стены. Техническим результатом предлагаемого технического решения является повышение удобства установки рамных конструкций в проемы стен за счет кронштейна крепежного, содержащего верхнюю и нижнюю взаимно параллельные стенки, при этом в верхней стенке выполнены по меньшей мере два горизонтально вытянутых взаимно параллельных отверстия, а в нижней стенке выполнена вертикально ориентированная открытая снизу прорезь; в нижней стенке расположена группа вертикально ориентированных открытых снизу прорезей; горизонтальные взаимно параллельные отверстия в верхней стенке выполнены смещенными друг относительно друга по горизонтали. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 206 480 U1 (51) МПК F16B 1/00 (2006.01) E06B 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16B 1/00 (2021.05); E06B 1/00 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021104109, 18.02.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Андреянов Сергей Геннадьевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 13.09.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 18.02.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 13.09.2021 Бюл. № 26 2 0 6 4 8 0 R U (54) КРОНШТЕЙН КРЕПЕЖНЫЙ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области строительства, а именно к кронштейнам для установки рамных конструкций в проемы, и может быть использована, например, при установке дверной коробки в проем стены. Техническим результатом предлагаемого технического решения является повышение удобства установки рамных конструкций в проемы стен за счет кронштейна крепежного, содержащего верхнюю и нижнюю взаимно Стр.: 1 параллельные стенки, при этом в верхней стенке выполнены по меньшей мере два горизонтально вытянутых взаимно параллельных отверстия, а в нижней стенке выполнена вертикально ориентированная открытая снизу ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU189460U1

Полезная модель относится к спортивному оборудованию, а именно к конструктивному элементу неподвижных ворот для игр с мячом. Горизонтальный и вертикальный участки соединительного элемента 6 ворот, выполненного Г-образным в плане и предназначенного для соединения концов перекладины 2 и штанги 4, имеют как минимум на части своей длины П-образное поперечное сечение и содержат сквозные отверстия 8 для прохода крепежных элементов 7, причем отверстия 8 расположены симметрично относительно оси О - О. За счет выполнения соединительного элемента 6 П-образного поперечного сечения, он получается достаточно жестким. Соединительный элемент 6 при монтаже накладывается своими концами на соответствующие концы штанги 4 и перекладины 2. Крепежные элементы 7 могут быть выполнены в виде болтов. За счет выполнения сквозных отверстий 8 для прохода крепежных элементов 7 симметрично относительно оси О - О, достигается унификация правого и левого соединительных элементов 6. Для упрощения монтажа, отверстия 8 для ...

25-06-2024 дата публикации

Замковое устройство для трансформируемых элементов конструкций космического аппарата

Номер: RU2821613C1

Изобретение относится к области ракетно-космической техники, а именно к механизмам и узлам для удержания в сложенном транспортном положении трансформируемых систем. Замковое устройство для фиксации трансформируемых элементов конструкции КА содержит прочный не разрушаемый при срабатывании корпус с узлами крепления к элементам конструкции КА и с четырьмя внутренними цилиндрической формы полостями. В одной из полостей находится рабочий поршень с коническим фиксатором. Во второй полости, перпендикулярной полости с рабочим поршнем и соединяющейся с ней каналом, размещен механизм стопорения. В его состав входят поршень со стопором и стержень, поджатый витой пружиной. В третьей полости корпуса размещены инициатор-электродетонатор и энергодатчик-заряд высокобризантного взрывчатого вещества. В четвертой полости установлен пневмоклапан для подачи дозированной порции сжатого воздуха от наземной пневмосистемы с возможностью замены на электродетонатор и заряд ВВ. Достигается повышение надежности устройства ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2655195C1

Предложена стопка (1) тонколистового материала в виде гигиенических изделий, помещаемых в раздаточном устройстве. Стопка содержит, по меньшей мере, один непрерывный тонколистовой материал (2, 3), сложенный гармошкой по поперечным линиям сгиба (4), с образованием панелей, имеющих длину (L) в направлении линий сгиба и ширину (W) в направлении, перпендикулярном линиям сгиба, причем панели укладываются друг на друга и образуют высоту (H) стопки от первой торцевой поверхности (5) до второй торцевой поверхности (6). Первая торцевая поверхность (5) содержит первое соединительное устройство (11a), а вторая торцевая поверхность (6) содержит второе соединительное устройство (11b). Одно из первого и второго соединительных устройств (11a, 11b) содержит первую (51) и вторую (52) механические соединительные конструкции, которые представляют собой две соответствующие конструкции, каждая из которых может образовывать взаимное механическое соединение с другой конструкцией и не может образовывать взаимное ...

11-12-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для фиксации отделяемых в процессе эксплуатации частей изделия от корпуса

Номер: RU2674539C1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения и может быть использовано при проектировании, например, космических аппаратов с отделяемыми элементами. В устройстве для фиксации отделяемых в процессе эксплуатации частей изделия от корпуса введены продольные упоры, жестко связанные с корпусом и равномерно расположенные на его внутренней поверхности, цилиндрические фланцы, расположенные по торцам стяжной муфты, продольные ребра, жестко связанные со стяжной муфтой. Камеры пиротехнического привода образованы указанными продольными ребрами стяжной муфты и продольными упорами корпуса. Продольные ребра стяжной муфты выполнены с возможностью взаимодействия со смежными продольными упорами цилиндрического корпуса при срабатывании устройства. На внутренней поверхности стяжной муфты выполнен кольцевой упор с возможностью взаимодействия с фиксирующими элементами при эксплуатации устройства. Цилиндрический корпус устройства выполнен с кольцевой герметичной полостью, расположенной в цилиндрической стенке ...

28-02-2020 дата публикации

Кондуктор для сборки главного фрикциона боевой машины пехоты

Номер: RU2715429C1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения, в частности к оборудованию, используемому преимущественно при ремонте гусеничных и колесных машин. Кондуктор для сборки главного фрикциона боевой машины пехоты состоит из основания (1) с направляющими стержнями (2). При этом направляющие стержни (2) для облегчения процесса сборки фрикциона выполнены с небольшим конусом к вершине, а их размещение на основании (1), являющемся опорным диском главного фрикциона, обеспечивает строго определенное положение ведущих частей главного фрикциона. Все части фрикциона размещаются на опорной пластине (4), к которой крепятся фиксирующими шпильками (7). Обеспечивается простота сборки и монтажа фрикциона, сокращение времени выполнения работ, снижение трудоемкости выполнения работ за счет исключения необходимости удерживать на весу и в определенном положении все монтируемые составные части главного фрикциона в течение всего процесса монтажа. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011108932A

... 1. Соединение, имеющее структурную формулу: ! , ! где Ra выбран из группы, состоящей из водорода, C1-6алкила, C1-6галоалкила, циклоалкила, гетероциклоалкила, арила, гетероарила, ORe, N(Re)2, и SRe; альтернативно, или Ra и R1 или NRe и R1 вместе с атомами углерода, к которым они присоединены, формируют пяти- или шестичленное алифатическое карбоциклическое или гетероциклическое кольцо; ! Rb выбран из группы, состоящей из водорода, C1-6алкила, C1-6 галоалкила, циклоалкила, гетероциклоалкила, арила, гетероарила, ORe, N(Re)2, и SRe, альтернативно, или Rb и R6 или NRe и R6 вместе с атомами углерода, к которым они присоединены, формируют пяти- или шестичленное алифатическое карбоциклическое кольцо или пяти- или шестичленное алифатическое карбоциклическое или гетероциклическое кольцо; ! Rc выбран из группы, состоящей из водорода, C1-6алкила C1-6гидроксиалкила, гетероциклоалкила арила гетероарила и С(=O)Re, или Rc и Rd взяты вместе, чтобы формировать пяти-, шести- или семичленное алифатическое кольцо ...

12-11-2024 дата публикации

Устройство для крепления технологического оборудования к платформе

Номер: RU230050U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для фиксации технологического оборудования к платформе базового шасси транспортирования, хранения, заправки горючим и смазочными материалами. Технической задачей полезной модели является расширение функциональных возможностей технического средства за счет придания возможности оперативной замены одного технологического оборудования на другое в полевых условиях без снижения показателей надежности при эксплуатации. Техническая задача решена за счет того, что устройство для крепления технологического оборудования к платформе, состоящее из направляющей, жестко зафиксированной винтом с внутренним шестигранником к платформе и связанной через винт с балкой, в теле которой проделано отверстие с жестко зафиксированной в нижней части гайкой и перфорация в верхней части, а также вмонтирован бортик, обеспечивающий неподвижную фиксацию опоры через паз, шканта в перфорации, а болта в гайке.

23-05-1990 дата публикации

Securing element for connecting at least two bodies

Номер: DE0003838916A1

In the case of a device with securing screws for connecting a plurality of bodies, the danger of the securing screws loosening when the bodies are connected by additional connecting screws is never completely ruled out. The securing screws are replaced by novel securing elements (10). The securing element (10) has a thread (30), a retaining element (33) and two latching tongues (38) with stop (50). The retaining element prevents the securing element from falling out. Assembly and release of the parts is easily possible. The device may form part of a suction system of an internal combustion engine. The securing elements serve to hold together a pre-assembled unit which, at a later point in time, is fixedly screwed on the internal combustion engine.

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Haltersystem für ein elektronisches Gerät

Номер: DE102016116580B4
Автор: BURY HENRYK, Bury, Henryk
Принадлежит: BURY SP ZOO, Bury Sp.z.o.o

Haltersystem für ein elektronisches Gerät (46) mit einem zur ortsfesten Befestigung vorgesehenen Haltestück (20) und einer mit dem Haltestück (20) verbindbaren Halterung (40), an der das elektronische Gerät (46) lösbar befestigbar ist, wobei das Haltestück (20) an einer Befestigungsplatte (29) und die Halterung (40) an einer Rückwand (41) Befestigungselemente (52, 53) aufweisen und in die Befestigungsplatte (29) einerseits und in die Rückwand (41) andererseits Magnete (50, 51) oder ferromagnetische Stücke eingesetzt sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Befestigungselemente (52, 53) mittels einer Drehbewegung um weniger als 180° aus einer Ausgangsstellung in eine mechanische Raststellung bringbar sind und dass die Magnete (50, 51) oder ferromagnetischen Stücke so eingesetzt sind, dass die Drehbewegung in Richtung der Raststellung durch eine zunehmende magnetische Anziehung aus der Ausgangsstellung in die Raststellung hinein unterstützt wird.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Befestigungsanordnung zum Befestigen einer Komponente eines Luft- oder Raumfahrzeuges, Klebehalter einer derartigen Befestigungsanordnung und Luft- oder Raumfahrzeug mit einer derartigen Befestigungsanordnung und/oder einem derartigen Klebehalter

Номер: DE102010064060A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung schafft eine Befestigungsanordnung (11) zum Befestigen einer Komponente, insbesondere einer Versorgungsleitung, eines Luft- oder Raumfahrzeuges, mit: einem Strukturelement (7) des Luft- oder Raumfahrzeuges; einem Klebehalter (12), welcher einen flexiblen Anbindungsabschnitt (13) mit einer Klebefläche (19) zum Auflegen auf das Strukturelement (7) und einen mit dem Anbindungsabschnitt (13) wirkverbundenen Halteabschnitt (14) zum zumindest abschnittsweisen Aufnehmen der Komponente aufweist; und einem adhäsiven Material (20), welches zwischen der Klebefläche (19) und dem Strukturelement (7) angeordnet ist. Die vorliegende Erfindung schafft ferner einen Klebehalter (12) einer derartigen Befestigungsanordnung (11) und ein Luft- oder Raumfahrzeug mit einer derartigen Befestigungsanordnung (11) und/oder einem derartigen Klebehalter (12).

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020001162A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen die eine Stellfläche (100) für im Klimaschrank (2) zu behandelnde Gegenstände (G) sowie eine der Stellfläche (100) gegenüberliegende Unterseite (101) aufweist, wobei der Einlegeboden (1) in einer Klimakammer (20) des Klimaschrankes (2) gehaltert werden kann. An der Bodenplatte (10) ist wenigstens eine Versteifungsrippe (3) lösbar befestigt. Die Erfindung betrifft weiterhin ein Set, umfassend einen Einlegeboden (1) für einen Klimaschrank (2) sowie wenigstens eine lösbar an dem Einlegeboden befestigbare Versteifungsrippe (3), und einen Klimaschrank (2), der wenigstens einen derartigen Einlegeboden (1) enthält.

25-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010123946B4

Sicherungselement (1) zur Eingliederung zwischen zwei zu verbindende Bauteile, welches in Richtung auf die Bauteile vorstehende Formschlusskörper (2) besitzt, die auf einem Haftträger (3) adhäsiv gehalten sind, wobei der Haftträger (3) ein doppelseitig klebebeschichtetes Gewebe ist und eine Haftfläche (9) des Haftträgers (3) mit einer Abziehfolie (5) versehen ist und die Formschlusskörper (2) durch eine Schutzfolie (6) abgedeckt sind.

07-08-1969 дата публикации

Halterung,z.B. fuer die Sonnenblende in einem Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE0001500767A1

13-08-2014 дата публикации

Lockable slider for zipper

Номер: GB0002510579A

A slider 14 for a zipper, the slider comprising a control member 58 and a casing 18, 40, 46, the control member 58 being moveable between a locking position and an unlocking position. When the control member 58 is in the locking position the casing 18, 40, 46 at least partially encloses the control member 58 to prevent the application of a contact force to the control member 58. The control member 58 is formed of a material that ensures it can be moved from the locking position to the unlocking position by application of a magnetic force to the control member 58. The slider may have means for resiliently urging the control member into the locking position using a spring 64,72. The locking member preferably has a pivot portion 52 and a pin portion 56. Also claimed is a security bag closed by a zipper having such a slider.

20-04-2011 дата публикации

Mannequinn part connector

Номер: GB0201103818D0

23-02-1925 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to locking or securing devices for retaining in position adjustable elements in precision machines or apparatus

Номер: GB0000229727A

... 229,727. Wickman, A. C. Oct. 23, 1923. Locking rotary elements by positive detents.- A device for locking adjustable elements in precision machines comprises a locking member e carried by two parallel resilient plates b, b<1> which are anchored at c, c<1> so that by pulling or pushing the handle h the locking bolt g may be withdrawn from a recess in the. element with which it is engaged. A restraining spring i is provided. Fig. 3 shows the application to a machine for gauging toothed gearing j as described in Specification 209,793, [Class 106 (ii), Dynamometers &c.]. Fig. 2 shows the application to a division plate a. The locking member e in this case has a central hole e<1> through which the spindle of the plate passes, and the locking bolt g is bent round to engage notches in the periphery of the plate.

18-07-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008415183D0

02-10-1996 дата публикации

Riveting apparatus

Номер: GB0002299288A

A riveting apparatus which includes an elongated mandrel, a mandrel gripping mechanism, a mechanism for feeding rivets forwardly along the mandrel, and an abutment provided by a plurality of members, and a control system including an actuation device such that, upon actuation by an operator of the actuation device, the control system controls the riveting apparatus so that the rivet feeding mechanism is activated and deactivated, the abutment members are closed or opened, and the mandrel gripping mechanism is activated or deactivated, with a time delay between each step, to enable rapid removal and replacement of the mandrel.

13-12-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in strip coupling means

Номер: GB0001094610A

... 1,094,610. Clips; metal strip. PEUGEOT ET CIE SOC. ANON. and EUROTECHNI OFFICE EUROPEEN D'ETUDES ET DE REALISATIONS TECHNIQUES. June 14, 1965 [June 17, 1964; June 9, 1965], No. 25139/ 65. Headings E1K and E2B. [Also in Division F2] A strip for coupling two members having concentric cylindrical surfaces consists of resiliently bendable material and comprises tabs which are cut out from the strip and permanently deformed, so as to constitute projection on both faces of the strip, the projections on the two faces being symmetrical and having sharp edges. Various forms of the tabs and strips are described. The tabs may be oblique to the width of the strip, they may be alternately inclined, the ends may be apertured or secured to the strip. The tabs may project from corrugations or folds in the strip. As shown in Figure 24, two parts GH of a strip have each a row of tabs 1g, 1h, inclined in opposite directions and are combined with a central strip with apertures producing resilient tabs 17.

04-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008610679D0

14-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001442770A

... 1442770 Lighting fittings KAISER & CO LEUCHTEN KG LICHTTECHNISCHE SPEZIALFABRIK Gebr 5 Oct 1973 [5 Oct 1972] 46574/73 Heading F4R [Also in Division E2] A lighting fitting comprises a mounting part 11 adapted to be fixed to a ceiling and a lamp housing part 12 which is releasably secured to the mounting part by a lock, the lock consisting of an elongate locking member 15 connected to one of the parts and a catch member 14 connected to the other part, the elongate locking member moving freely longitudinally into the catch member when the housing part 12 is moved towards the mounting part 11 but the lock preventing movement of the parts away from one another in a plurality of positions of the catch member along the locking member. The locking member is preferably in the form of a bolt the shank 26 of which has teeth around part of its circumference and at least one flat side (27), and the catch member is a sheet of spring metal having an opening for the bolt and at least one resilient tongue ...

09-10-1963 дата публикации

A new or improved lock for drawer assemblies

Номер: GB0000938942A

... 938,942. Drawers. FISHER & LUDLOW Ltd. Aug. 2, 1962 [Aug. 23, 1961], No. 30360/61. Class 52 (1). In a drawer slide arrangement having a bracket 14 secured to the cabinet, a bracket 11 secured to the drawer, an intermediate member 13 and rollers 12, 26, 27 the parts 11, 13 having abutments 39, 40 which engage to prevent inadvertent removal of the drawer 10 from its slide and the member 13 having a pivoted finger 42 to limit the forward withdrawal by engaging a shoulder 43 on bracket 14 a pivoted, spring- urged catch 28 normally prevents tilting of bracket 11 to allow shoulder 40 to clear abutment 39 until it is tilted against the spring bias and also has a nose portion 38 which can engage a slot 37 in part 14 and prevent the drawer being opened.

18-04-2007 дата публикации

Multi-use retaining means

Номер: GB0000704573D0

03-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002560977A

A connector 1 for attaching an aircraft seat cushion to a frame, has a body 2; a first fastener 5; a second fastener 6; and a cushion attachment means 7a,7b to removably attach the cushion. The first fastener is mounted on the body facing the frame and the frame and the second fastener 6 at least partially surrounds the frame. Preferably, the first fastener is an adhesive pad, and the second fastener is a cable tie, securing the body against the frame. The body may be shaped to partially surround the frame and have an outer surface groove 8, accommodating the second fastener; apertures 9 at the ends of the groove hold the second fastener against the body. The cushion attachment means may be a pair of hook and loop strips either side of the groove. Also claimed is seat base cushion (fig.4D,3) with one or more receiving elements (fig.4E,13) for receiving the second fastener of the connector. The receiving elements may be one or more loops and the cushion may have channels (fig.3,10a,10b) ...

02-10-2019 дата публикации

Attachment device for monitoring power systems

Номер: GB0002572405A
Автор: LIRAN KATZIR, Liran Katzir

A monitoring device 12 for monitoring high voltage power equipment, such as a transformer, is attached to the casing of the equipment using one or more magnets. The device has a housing which detachably mates with the end of an electrically insulating elongate handle member 31, allowing the user to maintain a safe distance from the power equipment during installation. Once the magnetic attraction attaches the monitor to the transformer, the handle can be detached. The detachable coupling may be slots in the housing which mate with protrusions on the elongate handle. Alternatively a threaded rod and hole may be used, or fingers on the elongate member may engage contours of the monitor’s housing. The monitoring device may be energy harvesting and include an environmental sensor and an antenna for wireless data transmission. The elongate member may be a manually operated tool or a robotic arm.

07-06-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001277071A

... 1277071 Welding by pressure TINNERMAN PRODUCTS Inc 30 May 1969 [31 May 1968 3 Jan 1969] 27592/69 Heading B3R [Also in Division E2] A fastening device 2, Fig. 1, to be welded to a support and shown inverted in Fig. 1 comprises a cup-shaped body with an endless side wall and a base 8, the base having a slender tip like projection 4 extending therefrom. The metal body has flat side walls and curved end walls and an upper flange 6, the walls being inclined outwardly from the base and the base being inclined downwardly towards the projection which preferably has a sharp point. The projection may be welded to the support by capacitor welding. In one application the device 2, Fig. 12, is welded to a panel P and a clip 80 having a U-shaped body with resilient legs and a key hole slot 90, 92 in the lower leg is assembled with the device 2 by pushing the keyhole slot over the device 2 until the flange 6 holds the clip, the upper leg 86 of the clip then being engaged with the end of the slot in the ...

09-02-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001463823A

... 1463823 Electromagnetically operated bolts E S WHITWORTH and D B THOMSON 30 Jan 1975 [13 Feb 1974] 06482/74 Heading E2A [Also in Division A5] A latch mechanism has a plunger 4 retained against the bias of a spring 6 by a retaining member 10 biased by opposed springs 14, 15 of which the latter is stronger so as to maintain the member 10 in its latching position unless a member 17 is moved to reduce the force of the spring 15 or an electromagnet coil 13 is energised to move the member 10 away from the plunger 4. The plunger may have an extension 5 retaining a smoke venting flap 21 and the member 17 may be connected to a fusible link (not shown). The coil 13 may be in series with a temperature-actuated switch, not shown.

06-06-2018 дата публикации

Combinational electronic apparatus

Номер: GB0201806478D0

22-06-1960 дата публикации

Improvements in locking devices for rotatable shafts

Номер: GB0000838499A

... 838,499. Locking-devices. METROPOLITAN - VICKERS ELECTRICAL CO. Ltd. Aug. 21, 1956 [Aug. 30, 1955], No. 24847/55. Class 80 (3). [Also in Group XXV] A rotatable shaft such as a valve shaft 1 is frictionally clamped in position by the axial adjustment of a tapered spindle 2 screwthreaded in a bore in the shaft and acting through balls 10 and plungers 11 to force a series of friction members 15 against a fixed cupshaped member 14. The members 15 are connected to the plungers 11, and the latter move in aligned radial openings in the shaft 1 and in a collar 12 thereon. The spindle 2 has a hand wheel 4 and is held captive in the shaft 1 by a screw 8 coacting with a collar 7 on the spindle.

10-10-1979 дата публикации

Luminous device

Номер: GB0002018033A

A support of a pivotable rod antenna 1 comprises encased in a housing 5 a tip 2 of the antenna 1 and an antenna tilt locking device 10. The tip 2 of the antenna 1 is mounted so as to be pivotable about a transverse pivot and has a rounded base 3 with alternate projections 8 and recesses 9 formed around the profile thereof. The antenna tilt locking device 10 has detent members 11 which are spring-loaded towards the surfaces of respective recesses 9 and each have a round cross section in the pivoting plane of the antenna 1. Both detent members 11 are urged against the inner surface of the housing 5 by a separating member 12 mounted so as to be movable along the axis of the housing 5. ...

22-11-2023 дата публикации

Mobile device holder

Номер: GB0002618946A

A mobile device holder includes an attachment assembly and a support assembly. The attachment assembly includes a magnet enclosed in a shell. When brought into proximity to a magnetic part of a mobile device, the magnet causes the mobile device holder to be attached to the mobile device by magnetic attraction. The magnet has a ring shape. Toward the center of the ring-shaped magnet, the attachment assembly has an accommodating recess. The support assembly includes a handle that is movable on a hinge in and out of the accommodating recess. The joint permits the handle to rotate about a first axis and a second axis not parallel to the first axis.

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609193D0

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009193A0

30-04-2011 дата публикации

Carbazole compounds and therapeutic uses of the compounds.

Номер: AP2011005637A0

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609193A0

30-04-2011 дата публикации

Carbazole compounds and therapeutic uses of the compounds.

Номер: AP0201105637A0

15-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA779673A

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000490904T

15-09-2017 дата публикации

Spacer with adjustable length

Номер: AT0000518276A4

Um die Position, insbesondere die Höhe oder das Niveau, einer Platte zu ändern und dabei Spalten, Ritzen, etc. zu vermeiden, wird eine Vorrichtung (10) zur Verstellung der Länge (d) eines Abstandselements (3) bestehend aus einem Einstellschlüssel (1) und einem Drehelement (2) angegeben, wobei der Einstellschlüssel (1) und das Drehelement (2) jeweils zumindest einen Magnet (M1, M2) aufweisen, die angeordnet sind um die Übertragung der Drehbewegung des Einstellschlüssels (1) auf das Drehelement (2) über ein erzeugtes Magnetfeld zu ermöglichen. Das Drehelement (2) ist als Mitnehmer für ein Stellorgan (6) des Abstandselements (3) ausgebildet, wobei durch Verdrehen des Stellorgans (6) mit dem Drehelement (2) die Länge (d) des Abstandselements (3) in Richtung der Drehachse veränderbar ist. Zudem wird ein höhenverstellbares Bodenelement (13) für eine Feuchtraumeinrichtung, vorzugsweise eine Bodenplatte einer Duschwanne, mit zumindest einer derartigen Vorrichtung (10) angegeben, wobei die Position ...

15-01-2019 дата публикации

Magnetic coupling

Номер: AT0000520078B1

Beschrieben wird eine Kupplung (1), umfassend einen als Magnet ausgebildeten ersten Körper (2) und einen als Kern ausgebildeten zweiten Körper (3) aus weichmagnetischem Werkstoff. Der zweite Körper (3) umfasst einen inneren Teilkern (5), der gegenüber einem äußeren Teilkern (4) in einem Durchgangsloch (6) des äußeren Teilkernes (4) aufgenommen und in seine vorstehende Stellung durch eine Feder (7) belastet ist. Beim Verbinden von Bauteilen mit Hilfe der Kupplung (1) wird zunächst die Stirnfläche (11) des inneren Teilkernes (5) an die gegenüberliegende Fläche (12) des ersten Körpers (2) angelegt und erst nach dem Justieren durch Ausrichten der Bauteile, zueinander der zweite Körper (3) soweit auf den ersten Körper (2) hinbewegt, dass auch die Ringfläche (10) des äußeren Teilkernes (4) an dem ersten Körper (2) angelegt und eine endgültige Verbindung der Bauteile mit Hilfe von Magnetkräften erreicht ist.

15-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000522185B1

Beschrieben wird eine Kupplung (1), umfassend einen als Magnet ausgebildeten ersten Körper (2) und einen als Kern ausgebildeten zweiten Körper (3) aus weichmagnetischem Werkstoff. Der zweite Körper (3) umfasst einen inneren Teilkern (5), der gegenüber einem äußeren Kern (4) in einen Durchgangsloch (6) des äußeren Teilkerns (4) aufgenommen und in seine vorstehende Stellung durch eine Feder (7) belastet ist. Beim Verbinden von Bauteilen mit Hilfe der Kupplung (1) wird zunächst die Stirnfläche (11) des inneren Teilkerns (5) an die gegenüberliegende Fläche (12) des ersten Körpers (2) angelegt und erst nach dem Justieren durch Ausrichten des Bauteile zueinander der zweite Körper (3) soweit auf den ersten Körper (2) hinbewegt, dass auch die Ringfläche (10) des äußeren Teilkerns (4) an dem ersten Körper (2) angelegt und eine endgültige Verbindung der Bauteile mit Hilfe von Magnetkräften erreicht ist. Die Fläche (12) des ersten Körpers (2) und/oder die Fläche (10) des zweiten Körpers (3) sind strukturiert ...

15-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000073908T

15-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000209542T

15-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000224016T

15-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000269181T

04-08-2005 дата публикации

Washer, fastener provided with a washer, method of and power tool for fastening objects

Номер: AU2004237822A1

29-05-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005325479A

15-09-2016 дата публикации

Consumer product system

Номер: AU2015222683A1
Принадлежит: Pini IP

A user interface is disclosed comprising a display region having an array of configurable button elements operatively connected to processor means adapted to operate in accordance with a predetermined instruction set, said processor means, in conjunction with said instruction set, being adapted to activate a predetermined set of the button elements corresponding to a matching set of device nodes determined by the processor to be in operative connection for a user to control via the user interface. There is also a method of releasably retaining a first portion with a second portion of a mounted electronic device, the method comprising the steps of: locating the first portion in non- contacting proximity to the second portion of the electronic device such that at least one magnet located in one of the first or second portions exerts attractive force on at least one ferrous component of the other of the first or second portions such that the magnetic force guides the first portion into self-aligning ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Double-gripper for the application of teat cups to an animal to be milked, rinse cup for this and milking machine provided therewith, and a method for milking

Номер: AU2015348016B2

This invention is related to a double grab, its rinsing cup and milking machine provided therewith, and the method for automatically applying teat cups to the teats of an udder of an animal to be milked. The double grab according to the invention includes: - a first housing part provided with a first magnet designed to hold a first teat cup; - a second housing part, installed substantially in a horizontal plane next to the first housing part, provided with a second magnet designed to hold a second teat cup; - whereby each housing part is provided with separate pivoting means that can be activated and is designed to make the related housing part pivot around a pivoting axis which in use, extends substantially in a horizontal direction, substantially in a widthwise direction of the arm.

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019236673A1
Принадлежит: Ahearn Fox

This invention relates to a clip 110 for securing a fragment of coral 200, or a larval settlement unit 201, to a rock substrate 203. The clip 110 includes securement means 115 for securing the clip 110 to the rock substrate 203 and engagement means 116 that in use shall engage a fragment of coral 200, or a larval settlement unit 201, and whereby the fragment of coral 200, or the larval settlement unit 201, is held firmly between the engagement means 116 and the rock substrate 203 by the action of biasing means 117 connecting the securement means 115 to the engagement means 116. -U7)I/Fn I n i'6 ...

04-07-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003262384A

11-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002674905A1

A flange joint for structural members is provided, wherein by avoiding stress concentration at a welded portion, the cross-sectional size can be determined based on the base material strength, and a structure can be reduced in weight and size. In a flange joint (20) for structural members, structural members are connected to each other in a state where an end face (21a), for example, of an H-shaped steel beam (21) is connected to a structural-member-connecting face (22a) of an end plate (22) by welding and a non-connection face (22b) of the end plate (22) is coupled to another structural member. The structural-member-connecting face (22a) of the end plate (22), to which the end face (21a) of the H-shaped steel beam (21) is connected, is provided with recessed grooves (23) along the shape of the welded portion of the end face (21a).

05-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002691923A1

A door shipping clip for securing a pre-hung door to a door jamb in a closed position during shipping is provided. The door shipping clip comprises a substantially rigid door interacting portion for interacting with a surface of the door in proximity of a door lock bore disposed in the door and an elongated bendable strike jamb interacting portion extending from the door interacting portion for being disposed through the door lock bore and for interacting with a surface of the strike jamb. The strike jamb interacting portion in concert with the door interacting portion for holds the door in a closed position with a strike edge of the door abutting a respective abutting surface of the strike jamb.

20-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001276662C

A ceramic to metal joint particularly advantageous in a recuperator tube assembly, includes a ceramic tube and a spaced, circumferentially disposed metal sleeve. A bonding material is cast between the ceramic and metal members. A seal member has sufficient ductility within a predetermined thermal operating range to plastically deform and yet maintain an effective fluid seal between the ceramic and metal members. The present invention is particularly useful in the construction of a modular heat exchanger unit. Both individual tube assemblies and module units can be individually removed for cleaning, inspection, or replacement.

01-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001289733C

Means for securing objects comprising a locking arm (6) pivotally mounted in a frame (2). With the means in a securing position the locking arm is forced against a surface of the frame with the object lying in between and is swung into a released position from the securing position. The surface forms a limit stop for the locking arm (6) which restricts the pivotal motion of the locking arm (6) in one direction of pivoting. The means incorporates devices (7) for rearranging the locking arm in such a way that it is able to swing past the limit stop into a released position.

16-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002530135A1

Assemblage de plusieurs pièces permettant de reconstituer un dispositif de forme complexe. Au moins l'une des pièces (12, 13, 18, 19) comporte deux nervures (24, 30) en chevron et au moins une autre pièce comporte deux rainures (26, 28) en chevron, de formes complémentaires et de dimensions correspondantes.

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA3129310A1

08-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003050985A1
Принадлежит: BERESKIN & PARR LLP/S.E.N.C.R.L.,S.R.L.

The object of the invention is a modular furniture arrangement comprising electrically and mechanically attachable module furniture parts (101). The modular furniture arrangement comprises for fixing modular furniture parts (101) to each other and for conducting electricity to the at least one surface level of the module furniture part at least two module furniture parts (101) attachable electrically and mechanically to each other, into which is formed at least two mutually electrically insulated electrically conductive supporting structure (102), and at least two attachment components (103) for mechanical fastening of support structures (102) of the module furniture parts (101) to each other and for conducting electricity between the modular furniture parts (101), and to be attached to the attachment components (103) of the modular furniture parts (101) and conducting electricity in the direction of the surface of the module furniture part at least two clamping components (104) for fixing ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002907360A1
Принадлежит: NA

Mounting apparatus for securing an electronic device to facilitate operation of the device by a user in a hands-free manner are disclosed herein, as well as kits comprising and methods of using the same. Many electronic devices that are designed for handheld use (e.g., mobile phones, tablet devices, or the like) provide useful functionalities in a variety of activities that are not conducive to handheld use, particularly when considering that typical handheld use often requires availability of both hands (i.e., one hand to hold the device and the other hand for operating the device, e.g., interacting with a touchscreen user interface).

10-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002986185A1

A magnetic mounting apparatus has a base structure that includes a steel ball. A magnet is provided that has a peripheral exterior sidewall, a first face and a second face. The steel ball is secured to the first face of the magnet solely by magnetic attraction. A friction collar is provided that has an internal shoulder, a skirt section that extends in a first direction from the shoulder along the peripheral exterior sidewall of the magnet and terminates in a contact edge co-planar with the second face of the magnet and a bowl section extends in a second direction from the shoulder and surrounds the first face. The contact edge provides friction to dampen movement of the magnet along a surface of an object to which the second face of the magnet is secured. The bowl section provides friction to dampen movement of the steel ball.

10-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002944089A1

A shelf assembly is provided. The shelf assembly includes at least one board. Each board has at least on connector on the bottom surface. Legs are configured to mate with the connector during assembly. In addition, the shelf assembly includes a shoe with a magnet in the shoe to position the legs on top of the board using positioning elements disposed on the board. A board and shoe are also provided.

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002948503A1

A ganging mechanism is configured to releasably attach a first object to a second object. The ganging mechanism includes a first part that is coupled to the first object. The first part includes a movable portion that carries a first ganging member. The movable portion is positionable between a stowed position and an extended position. The second part is coupled to the second object. The second part includes a receiver portion that receives the movable portion in the extended position. The second part includes a second ganging member that is configured to couple to the first ganging member resulting in the first object being ganged to the second object. The first and second ganging members are releasably coupled to one another by magnetic attraction.

13-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2952004C

The present disclosure relates to a stack of web material for hygiene products, for use in a dispenser, comprising at least one continuous web material being Z-folded about transverse folding lines, thereby providing panels having a length along said folding lines, and a width perpendicular to said folding lines, said panels being piled on top of each other to form a height of said stack extending between a first end surface and a second end surface of said stack, and said first end surface being provided with a first connector, and said second end surface being provided with a second connector. At least one of said first and second connectors comprises a first mechanical connector structure and a second mechanical connector structure, said first and second mechanical connector structures being two corresponding structures, each structure being capable of forming a mechanical interconnection with said other structure, and being incapable of forming a mechanical interconnection with an identical ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002973401A1
Принадлежит: MOFFAT & CO.

Systems and apparatuses for supporting electronic devices are described. Such systems and apparatuses provide significant adaptability to position an electronic device in commonly used locations by using an interface that is readily provided in virtually any location. Furthermore, the systems and apparatuses described herein include cradles that adaptable to a wide array of electronic device dimensions, including width and depth or thickness.

08-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002943720A1

The invention relates to a method in which provision is made of a first assembly (10) comprising a field of gripping elements (12) and a second assembly (20) provided with holding means (22) designed to engage with the gripping elements (12) of the first assembly (10) in order to realize touch-and-close attachment. The first and second assemblies are brought into contact such that the gripping elements (12) of the first assembly and the holding means (22) of the second assembly realize touch-and-close attachment. A treatment zone of the touch-and-close attachment is treated so as to deform the gripping elements (12) of the first assembly (10) and/or the holding means (22) of the second assembly (20), with the result that the first and the second assembly (10, 20) are definitively secured and thus form a joined structure.

31-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002959908A1

A structure comprising five interlocking concrete component walls; three parallel of equal length, two being gable ends, all have a solid male bottom row, which inverted serves as its top one, all exterior wall surfaces of interlocking components are embedded with decorative lines; a second row female interlocking component, alternating thereafter, is placed between holding a male common's upper and lower protrusions in position; a higher center wall secures upper ends of suitable roofing, and the lower side walls secures its lower ends; two similar type end walls are continued upward and with suitable top strip, provide finished gable ends; both male and female "half components" are provided as necessary to construct the walls; a triple length male component provides door or window "headers"; a female tri-connector interlocking component provides a starting place for perpendicular interior or exterior walls of any size or length desired.

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002980577A1

A method of making beverage container (such as a wineglass, a stemless wineglass, a beer mug or the like) having a magnet adhesively affixed to the bottom of the beverage container. The magnetic base beverage container can be used in combination with a metal strip to support the magnetic base beverage container by attraction of the magnet to the metal support. The method includes providing a base and a drinking glass, coupling at least one magnet to the base forming an assembly, and attaching the assembly to a bottom surface of the drinking glass. Attaching the assembly to a bottom surface of the drinking glass includes applying a waterproof adhesive to one or both of the assembly and the the the bottom surface of the drinking glass and applying sufficient pressure between the assembly and the drinking glass to spread the adhesive as a layer over at least part of an upper surface of the assembly.

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002877240A1

A magnetic article holder includes a first flexible panel, a second flexible panel, a plurality of pockets, a plurality of magnets, and a plate. The first flexible panel has a first outer surface and a first inner surface opposite to the first outer surface. The second flexible panel has a second outer surface and a second inner surface opposite to the second outer surface. The pockets are defined between the first inner surface and the second outer surface. The pockets are at least partially isolated from one another. The magnets are each respectively positioned in one of the plurality of pockets. The plate is spaced from the first outer surface. The plate is magnetically engaged with each of the first plurality of magnets.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002851051A1

Safety apparatuses for objects having a nut are disclosed. Contemplated apparatuses comprise a nut cap and a nut rotation indicator that can readily be observed by an operator. A retention wall can also be included to operate in conjunction with an additional component to block a rotation of a nut. Apparatuses are preferably configured to remain stable in harsher environments.

27-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002861295A1

The bolt has, in sequence along a bolt axis: a threaded portion, a thread run-out portion, a shank, and a head, the threaded portion having a thread with a given root radius and a given depth, the thread run-out portion connected to the shank via a thread run-out fillet having a thread run-out fillet radius, the thread run-out fillet radius being between two and six times the thread root radius.

15-11-1943 дата публикации

Dispositif de verrouillage d'un organe mécanique.

Номер: CH0000229632A

31-12-1958 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000335255A

30-09-1959 дата публикации

Dispositif de blocage de deux éléments articulés l'un sur l'autre

Номер: CH0000341279A

15-03-1954 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000297057A

15-03-1954 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000297056A

15-03-1954 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000297058A

24-10-2018 дата публикации

Разнонаправленное соединительное устройство для алюминиевых экструдированных деталей

Номер: RU0000184376U1
Принадлежит: Жуэй-Син ЛИНЬ

Разнонаправленное соединительное устройство для алюминиевых экструдированных деталей содержит стыковочный элемент для изменения направления, имеющий два конца, соответственно образующих первую и вторую стыковочные части, расположенные под углом друг к другу, чтобы проходить в разных направлениях, причем каждая из указанных частей может соединяться с соединительным элементом. Первая алюминиевая экструдированная пластина предназначена для приема одного из соединительных элементов, который проходит через нее, чтобы располагаться в месте, соответствующем первой стыковочной части. Вторая алюминиевая экструдированная пластина предназначена для приема другого из соединительных элементов, который проходит через нее, чтобы располагаться в месте, соответствующем второй стыковочной части. Таким образом, первая и вторая алюминиевые экструдированные пластины соединяются друг с другом под некоторым углом для образования соединительного модуля, характеризующегося наличием некоторого угла. Соединительные элементы могут дополнительно соединяться с двумя предварительно изготовленными алюминиевыми экструдированными деталями для стыковки соответственно с первой и второй алюминиевыми экструдированными пластинами. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 184 376 U1 (51) МПК F16B 1/00 (2006.01) E04B 1/38 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16B 1/00 (2006.01); E04B 1/38 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017139774, 15.11.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЛИНЬ, Жуэй-Син (TW) Дата регистрации: 24.10.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU2495285C2, 10.10.2013. RU2258843C1, 20.08.2005. RU100154U1, 10.12.2010. RU134258U1, 10.11.2013. WO2007065520A1, 14.06.2007. US4630550A, 23.12.1986. (45) Опубликовано: 24.10.2018 Бюл. № 30 1 8 4 3 7 6 (54) РАЗНОНАПРАВЛЕННОЕ СОЕДИНИТЕЛЬНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ АЛЮМИНИЕВЫХ ЭКСТРУДИРОВАННЫХ ДЕТАЛЕЙ (57) Реферат: Разнонаправленное ...

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Rotating Attachment Device and Method of Use

Номер: US20130062489A1
Принадлежит: Visor Frames LLC

The present teachings relate to an improved rotating connector portion and clip portion for attachment to a secondary item. More specifically, the present teachings relate to a connector portion and clip portion that can be attached to a secondary item, such that the clip portion may be rotated about the secondary item.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087074A1

A copper-based alloy which contains 7.8 to 8.8 mass % of Al, 7.2 to 14.3 mass % of Mn and a remainder made up by Cu and unavoidable impurities, has a largest crystal grain diameter of more than 8 mm, has good shape memory properties, and enables the production of a structural material having a cross-section size suitable for use as a structure body or the like; and a structural material comprising the copper-based alloy. The copper-based alloy may additionally contain at least one element selected from the group consisting of Ni, Co, Fe, Ti, V, Cr, Si, Ge, Nb, Mo, W, Sn, Bi, Sb, Mg, P, Be, Zr, Zn, B, C, S, Ag and a misch metal in the total amount of 0.001 to 5 mass %. 1. A copper-based alloy that has shape-memory properties and can be applied to various structures , comprising:7.8 to 8.8 mass % of Al;7.2 to 14.3 mass % of Mn; anda remainder comprising Cu and unavoidable impurities;wherein the copper-based alloy has a maximum crystal particle size of more than 8 mm.2. The copper-based alloy of claim 1 , further comprising one kind or two or more kinds of elements selected from the group consisting of Ni claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , V claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Si claim 1 , Ge claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , W claim 1 , Sn claim 1 , Bi claim 1 , Sb claim 1 , Mg claim 1 , P claim 1 , Be claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , B claim 1 , C claim 1 , S claim 1 , Ag and a misch metal by 0.001 to 5 mass % in total.3. A concrete element having a main reinforcement comprising the copper-based alloy of .4. A pre-stressed concrete element that comprises a PC tendon comprising the copper-based alloy of .5. A reinforcing material comprising the copper-based alloy of claim 1 , which is configured to be disposed inside of a masonry wall.6. A splice plate comprising the copper-based alloy of claim 1 , which is configured to be used in joining elements.7. A joint bolt comprising the copper-based alloy of claim 1 , which is configured to be used in joining elements.8 ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130092351A1
Автор: Kim Kidong, Lee Jungwoo

An outdoor unit bracket and an outdoor unit comprising the same, which can ensure safe and simple installation, are provided. An outdoor unit bracket includes an outer wall coupling portion, an upper supporting portion, an outer wall contacting portion and a lower supporting portion. The outer wall coupling portion is coupled to the outer wall of the building. 1. An outdoor unit bracket for supporting an outdoor unit of an air conditioner , being installed on an outer wall of a building , comprising:an outer wall coupling portion coupled to the outer wall of the building;an upper supporting portion coupled to a rear upper portion of the outdoor unit, being spaced apart from the outer wall coupling portion in the direction vertical to the outer wall of the building;an outer wall contacting portion contacting the outer wall of the building, being spaced apart from the outer wall coupling portion below the outer wall coupling portion; anda lower supporting portion contacting a rear lower portion of the outdoor unit, being spaced apart from the outer wall contacting portion in the direction vertical to the outer wall of the building.2. The outer unit bracket of claim 1 , wherein the upper supporting portion is coupled to a flange at the rear upper portion of the outdoor unit.3. The outer unit bracket of claim 2 , wherein an upper side of the upper supporting portion is bent toward the outer wall coupling portion so that the upper supporting portion is sliding coupled to the flange.4. The outer unit bracket of claim 1 , wherein the outer wall coupling portion has a rod shape claim 1 , and is horizontally disposed at the rear upper portion of the outdoor unit.5. The outer unit bracket of claim 1 , wherein an anchor bolt hole through which an anchor bolt passes is formed in the outer wall coupling portion claim 1 , and the anchor bolt couples the outer wall coupling portion to the outer wall of the building.6. The outer unit bracket of claim 1 , further comprising a level ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130094915A1
Автор: Chen Chao-Yang

The invention relates to a positioning sleeve for an electrical drill dust collector and an electrical drill dust collector using the positioning sleeve. The positioning sleeve comprises: a sleeve portion coupled with a flange at a front edge of an electrical drill and a support body forward extended from the sleeve portion, surrounding and isolating a rotated portion of the electrical drill to enhance the drill operating safety. The electrical drill dust collector using the aforesaid positioning sleeve comprises: a fixing base fixing on the support body, a telescoping sleeve having a ring body at an front end thereof, a dust collection section at a front end section thereof and a bellows section at a tail end section thereof, and an elastic member having a positioning end connected to the fixing base and a free end thereof connected to the ring body to improve the dustproof effect. 1. A positioning sleeve for electrical drill dust collector , comprising:a sleeve portion coupled with a flange at a front edge of an electrical drill; anda support body forward extended from the sleeve portion, surrounding and isolating a rotated portion of the electrical drill and provided for coupling with a dust collector.2. The positioning sleeve for electrical drill dust collector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the support body has a connecting ring body outward expanded from a front end section thereof and an internal part of the connecting ring body together with an internal part of the dust collector form a dust collection chamber.3. The positioning sleeve for electrical drill dust collector as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the connecting ring body has an air outlet connecting to the dust collection chamber and a filter net corresponding to the air outlet.4. The positioning sleeve for electrical drill dust collector as claimed in claim 3 , the connecting ring body has an outer thread on an outer periphery thereof for screwing to the dust collector.5. The positioning sleeve for ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130099079A1
Автор: Jo Young-Chul

A clip for a construction machine is provided, which prevents the damage of a fastening structure of a connector and facilitates the release of the connector when the connector is fastened to the clip using a connector fastening structure having the same shape in upper, lower, left, and right directions and a moving latch provided in the clip, in the case where the connector that is included in various kinds of wires and signal cables is mounted using the clip that is fixed to a structure of a vehicle of the construction machine. In addition, the clip has a structure whereby two connectors can be simultaneously fastened to one click using the fastening structure having the same shape, and the connector can be fixed to the clip in a desired direction without twisting of the wires using the fastening structure having the same shape in left and right directions. 14.-. (canceled)5. A clip for a construction machine that is used to fix a connector to a structure in a vehicle for the construction machine , comprising:a mounting having an engagement hole formed thereon to be engaged with the structure;a connection plate formed to extend from the mounting;a pair of guides formed to extend from one side surface and the other side surface of the connection plate, respectively;a moving latch fixing portion located in the center in the pair of guides and extending from the one side surface and the other side surface of the connection plate, respectively; anda moving latch provided to extend from the one side surface and the other side surface of the moving latch fixing portion, respectively, and having a lower surface formed to keep a predetermined distance from the connection plate,wherein the moving latch includes;a projection piece projecting to an outside of the guides;an extension piece formed to extend from the projection piece to the moving latch fixing portion; andan inclined piece projecting from one end of the extension piece to an end of the guide, and having ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130104807A1

An improved animal feed dispenser is provided having a slow speed paddle wheel and a high speed distributor wheel. The high speed distributor wheel transports feed out of an opening in the device to spread it on the ground. The slow speed paddle wheel moves feed at a measured rate from a storage hopper and feeds it to the distributor wheel. A detachable mounting plate is used to attach the dispenser to a storage hopper, and is releasable therefrom without emptying the hopper of feed. The slow speed paddle wheel is formed from a material flexible enough to prevent feed jams caused by water absorption of the feed and other events. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. A feed dispensing device , comprising:a housing having a feed discharge chute at a front side thereof;a first motor mounted inside the housing and having in impeller connected thereto, wherein the impeller is located so as to propel feed through the discharge chute;a second motor mounted inside the housing and having a paddle wheel connected thereto, wherein the paddle wheel is located so as to drop feed to the impeller when the second motor is operated, and wherein the paddle wheel is further located so as to block feed from flowing down through an opening in a top of the housing when the second motor is not operated;a feed hopper for holding feed to be dispensed;an adapter connected to the top of the housing and the lower portion of the hopper, wherein the adapter is separable into two parts, and wherein a first part remains connected to the hopper, and a second part remains connected to the housing, when a separation occurs, and further wherein the adapter includes a blocking plate within the adapter first part, wherein the blocking plate is operable to block flow of feed from the hopper when a separation occurs;a controller mounted inside the housing for separately operating the first and second motors ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Fastening Element, Luminous Module and Luminous Apparatus

Номер: US20130121759A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM GMBH

A fastening element for fastening a light source substrate to a support, wherein the fastening element is configured to be seated on the light source substrate, and includes at least one fastening means for fastening to the support.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130136525A1
Автор: Graham John A.

A system for separating a first component and a second component is provided. The system includes a first joinder flange having at least one first fastener feature for coupling the first joinder flange to the first component. A second joinder flange is provided having at least one second fastener feature for coupling the second joinder flange to the second component. A separation portion is coupled between the first joinder flange and the second joinder flange, the frangible joint having at least one groove extending along width of the separation portion. An explosive member is arranged adjacent the separation portion. Wherein the first joinder flange includes at least one integral shock attenuation feature formed therein between the explosive member and the at least one first fastener feature. 1. A system for separating a first component and a second component comprising:a first joinder flange having at least one first fastener feature for coupling the first joinder flange to the first component;a second joinder flange having at least one second fastener feature for coupling the second joinder flange to the second component;a separation portion coupled between the first joinder flange and the second joinder flange, the frangible joint having at least one groove extending along width of the separation portion;an explosive member arranged adjacent the separation portion; and,wherein the first joinder flange includes at least one integral shock attenuation feature formed therein between the explosive member and the at least one first fastener feature.2. The system of further comprising a pair of coupling flanges extending from one end of the first joinder flange claim 1 , the pair of coupling flanges being spaced apart to define a gap claim 1 , wherein the second joinder flange and the explosive member are disposed within the gap.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one integral shock attenuation feature is formed at least partially through a thickness of ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for Forming and Mounting a Photovoltaic Array

Номер: US20130140416A1
Принадлежит: ZEP SOLAR, INC.

A photovoltaic (PV) module framing and coupling system enables the attachment of PV modules to a roof or other mounting surface without requiring the use of separate structural support members which attach directly to and span between multiple PV modules in a formed PV array. The apparatus provides a parallel coupling for securely interlocking the outside surfaces of parallel frame members together in a side to side arrangement to form an array with improved structural load distribution. The coupling may attach to a slot in the frame at substantially any position along the length of the frame thereby enabling the interconnection of adjacent PV modules along both an x and y axis. The apparatus may further provide a rotating portion and locking portion, mounting brackets for direct connection to a mounting surface, grounding teeth, and a twist-lock engagement means for interlocking and aligning PV modules in the array. 1. A snap-in bracket for attaching a device to a photovoltaic module , comprising:a spring and an engaging portion, wherein a force applied to said photovoltaic module by said spring at least partially engages said engaging portion with a female portion of said photovoltaic module.2. A snap-in bracket according to claim 1 , wherein said engaging portion comprises a tooth.3. A snap-in bracket according to claim 2 , wherein said tooth catches behind a lip of said female portion of said photovoltaic module.4. A snap-in bracket according to claim 1 , wherein said spring is made of sheet metal.5. A snap-in bracket according to claim 1 , wherein said spring applies said force to a photovoltaic module frame.6. A snap-in bracket according to claim 1 , wherein said spring applies said force to said female portion.7. A snap-in bracket according to claim 1 , wherein said engaging portion engages a photovoltaic module frame.8. A snap-in bracket according to claim 1 , wherein a frame of said photovoltaic module comprises said female portion and said engaging portion ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140753A1

A kitchen appliance includes a coupling plate having an edge enclosing an inner area and provided with coupling points of a coupling device for removable coupling of a processing container. The coupling plate is configured in the inner area in either of two ways, a first way in which the coupling plate has a pin which projects in a coupling direction for engagement in a groove in a base section of the processing container, a second way in which the coupling plate has a groove for engagement of a pin which projects in the coupling direction from the base section of the processing container. 114-. (canceled)15. A kitchen appliance , comprising a coupling plate having an edge enclosing an inner area and provided with coupling points of a coupling device for removable coupling of a processing container , said coupling plate being configured in the inner area in either of two ways , a first way in which the coupling plate has a pin which projects in a coupling direction for engagement in a groove in a base section of the processing container , a second way in which the coupling plate has a groove for engagement of a pin which projects in the coupling direction from the base section of the processing container.16. The kitchen appliance of claim 15 , wherein the pin of the coupling plate is disposed eccentrically claim 15 , when the coupling plate is configured in the first way.17. The kitchen appliance of claim 15 , wherein the groove of the coupling plate extends along a section of an imaginary circle with a center of the coupling plate as a center point of the circle claim 15 , when the coupling plate is configured in the second way.18. The kitchen appliance of claim 15 , wherein the coupling points of the coupling device are disposed rotationally symmetrically around a coupling axis.19. The kitchen appliance of claim 15 , further comprising a latch securing the processing container in a coupled position.20. The kitchen appliance of claim 19 , wherein the latch is ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Method of forming a frontal toothing on an inner ring of a wheel hub, upset collar and wheel hub with frontal toothing thus obtained

Номер: US20130181504A1
Принадлежит: SKF AB

A method including the steps of forming an inner ring of a wheel hub, by joining a spindle and an insert ring fitted onto the spindle, on the side of a first end of the spindle; axially blocking the insert ring on the spindle by plastically deforming the first end of the spindle so as to form an upset collar therewith, which axially protrudes from the insert ring; and once the step of forming the upset collar has finished, frontally obtaining a frontal toothing; the finished collar has, in the part of the collar which axially protrudes from the ring, a predetermined geometric shape which substantially defines, in the radial section, a scalene triangle having the base facing the upset ring and the vertex opposite the base rounded in shape.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Hierarchical Functional Digital Materials

Номер: US20130189028A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A hierarchical digital material comprises a set of self-similar digital voxels and connectors. Each voxel is connectable to other self-similar digital voxels by means of the connectors and each voxel is configured to accept connectors of differing sizes. Voxels and connectors may be of differing sizes. Voxels and connectors of the same or differing sizes are connectable to each other in order to assemble two- and three-dimensional structures. The voxels within a structure may be made of differing materials, as may the connectors. 1. A hierarchical digital material , comprising:a plurality of self-similar digital voxels, each voxel being connectable to other self-similar digital voxels, wherein at least some of the plurality of voxels are of differing sizes and wherein voxels of differing sizes are connectable to each other; anda plurality of connectors, the connectors being connectible between voxels and configured for connecting the voxels to each other in order to assemble two- and three-dimensional structures, wherein at least some of the plurality of connectors are of differing sizes, and wherein each voxel is configured to accept connectors of differing sizes.2. The hierarchical digital material of claim 1 , wherein the voxels are hexagonal.3. The hierarchical digital material of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the plurality of voxels are made of differing materials.4. The hierarchical digital material of claim 3 , wherein at least some of the plurality of connectors are made of differing materials claim 3 , the materials being the same materials from which the voxels are made.5. The hierarchical digital material of claim 1 , wherein the connectors are press-fit connectors.6. A hierarchical digital material voxel claim 1 , comprising:a digital material component having a regular shape, wherein the component is configured to have finite set of possible connections to self-similar components of differing sizes, and wherein the component is connectable to other ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Bracket for Use With Boardwalk System

Номер: US20130219824A1
Принадлежит: Perma Trak North America LLC

A bracket system including a bracket for use with a deck or boardwalk system. The bracket has an upper portion and a lower portion at least partially spaced away from the upper portion. The bracket is configured to receive a portion of the deck or boardwalk system between said upper and lower portions. The bracket further includes a fastener extending between the upper and lower portions and configured to urge the upper and lower portions toward each other to thereby press against the portion of the deck or boardwalk system therebetween to secure the bracket to the portion of the deck or boardwalk system. 1. A bracket system comprising: an upper portion;', 'a lower portion at least partially spaced away from said upper portion, wherein the bracket is configured to receive a portion of said deck or boardwalk system between said upper and lower portions; and', 'a fastener extending between said upper and lower portions and configured to urge said upper and lower portions toward each other to thereby press against said portion of said deck or boardwalk system therebetween to secure said bracket to said portion of said deck or boardwalk system., 'a bracket for use with a deck or boardwalk system including2. The bracket system of further including a supplemental fastener extending between said upper and lower portions and configured to urge said upper and lower portions toward each other claim 1 , wherein said supplemental fastener is laterally spaced from said fastener.3. The bracket system of wherein said upper portion is shaped to be coupled to a deck accessory or boardwalk accessory.4. The bracket system of wherein said upper portion includes a recess that is generally square in cross section and is configured to closely receive a post claim 3 , having a generally square cross section claim 3 , therein.5. The bracket system of further comprising a securing fastener attachable to said upper portion in a direction generally perpendicular to said fastener and configured ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236245A1
Автор: Yu Chuanying

The utility model provides a frame assembly base for frame structures, being characterized in that, a longitudinal beam and a transverse beam, the transverse beam and an intermediate beam, the intermediate beam and a transverse reinforcing beam, and the longitudinal beam and the transverse reinforcing beam are all connected by bolts, and connecting blocks are provided at connections between the longitudinal beam and the transverse beam and between the longitudinal beam and the transverse reinforcing beam. In the present utility model, bolt connections are used throughout the base, and connecting blocks are provided at the connections between the longitudinal beam and the transverse beam and between the longitudinal beam and the transverse reinforcing beam, so that frame widths can be adjusted to be adapted to assembling of frames having different widths by adjusting widths of the connecting blocks, thereby saving manufacturing costs of tooling, reducing difficulties of tooling storage and management. The base is detachable to facilitate storage and management. 1. A frame assembly base for frame structures, being characterized in that, a longitudinal beam and a transverse beam, the transverse beam and an intermediate beam, the intermediate beam and a transverse reinforcing beam, and the longitudinal beam and the transverse reinforcing beam are all connected by bolts, and connecting blocks are provided at connections between the longitudinal beam and the transverse beam and between the longitudinal beam and the transverse reinforcing beam. The present utility model relates to a base in a frame assembly tooling used for frame structures.Nowadays, when welding and assembling bogie frameworks, a new set of tooling needs to be manufactured for each type of rail car due to different widths of the frameworks, resulting in wasting human and material resources, increasing costs for manufacturing and welding the frameworks, and raising technical requirements for workers, which ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130243520A1

Disclosed is a hinge with securing features, the hinge including a first hinge body portion including a first frame association end and a nesting cavity, the first frame association end and the nesting cavity being disposed at opposite ends of the first hinge body portion, a second hinge body portion defining a second frame association end and a nesting body configured for nesting in the nesting cavity of the first hinge body portion, the second frame association end and the nesting body being disposed at opposite ends of the second hinge body portion, wherein the first hinge body portion and the second hinge body portion are rotatably associated via a pivot point, and at least one securing feature configured for securing the nesting body within the nesting cavity in a manner that prevents rotation of the first body portion relative to the second body portion about the pivot point. 1. A hinge with securing features , the hinge comprising:a first hinge body portion including a first frame association end and a nesting cavity, said first frame association end and said nesting cavity being disposed at opposite ends of said first hinge body portion;a second hinge body portion defining a second frame association end and a nesting body configured for nesting in said nesting cavity of said first hinge body portion, said second frame association end and said nesting body being disposed at opposite ends of said second hinge body portion, wherein said first hinge body portion and said second hinge body portion are rotatably associated via a pivot point; andat least one securing feature configured for securing said nesting body within said nesting cavity in a manner that prevents rotation of said first body portion relative to said second body portion about said pivot point.2. The hinge of claim 1 , wherein said at least one securing feature comprises:at least one outer pin opening defined by said first hinge body portion, said at least one outer pin opening communicating said ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130269157A1

A mounting device for securing a cable assembly includes a chassis and a mounting member. The chassis includes a sidewall, and a limiting portion and a positioning portion extending from the sidewall. The mounting member is removably mounted to the chassis and includes a mounting piece and a latching portion. The positioning portion defines a positioning hole. The mounting piece clasps the limiting portion. The latching portion is received in the positioning hole and engaged with the positioning portion. A receiving space is defined between the mounting member and the sidewall for securing the cable assembly therein. 1. A mounting device for securing a cable assembly comprising:a chassis comprising a sidewall, and a limiting portion and a positioning portion extending from the sidewall; anda mounting member removably mounted to the chassis and comprising a mounting piece and a latching portion;wherein the positioning portion defines a positioning hole; the mounting piece clasps the limiting portion; the latching portion is received in the positioning hole and engaged with the positioning portion to secure the cable assembly between the mounting member and the sidewall; and a receiving space is defined between the mounting member and the sidewall for securing the cable assembly therein.2. The mounting device of claim 1 , wherein the latching portion comprises two elastically deformable hooks and two blocks extending from the two elastically deformable hooks; the positioning portion comprises two first positioning pieces and a second positioning piece connected to the two first positioning pieces; the two first positioning pieces extend from the sidewall; the two elastically deformable hooks are received in the positioning hole; and the two blocks are engaged with the two first positioning pieces.3. The mounting device of claim 2 , wherein the second positioning piece is substantially parallel to the sidewall; and the positioning hole is defined cooperatively by the ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277381A1

The handle end portions are attached to the tray by separate connectors. The tray has spaced openings to receive the connectors. Each connector has an anchor-shaped section which is received in a tray opening and a section which engages a handle end portion. The anchor-shaped section has arms which flex to permit the connector to be received in the tray opening and thereafter return to their extended position to cooperate with the tray to securely attach the connector to the tray and prevent free rotation of the connector. The handle engaging section includes a hook-shaped member which is received an opening in the handle end portion. 1. A horticultural tray and a handle system for the horticultural tray , said tray having a plurality of cells adapted to receive plants and a surface having an opening; said handle system comprising a flexible handle having an end portion and a separate connector adapted to attach said handle end portion to said tray , said connector comprising a section adapted to be received in and engage said tray surface opening and a section adapted to engage said handle end portion.2. The tray and handle system of wherein said tray surface at least partially defines one of said cells.3. The tray and handle system of wherein said handle end portion comprises an edge and an opening spaced from said edge and wherein said handle engaging section of said connector is adapted to be received in said handle end opening.4. The tray and handle system of wherein said handle engaging section of said connector has a hook-like configuration.5. The tray and handle system of wherein said tray engaging section of said connector includes a first part extending away from the handle engaging section and a flexible part extending outwardly from said first part.6. The tray handle system tray of wherein said flexible part extends from said first part at an acute angle.7. The tray and handle system of further comprising a second flexible part extending from said first ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298356A1
Автор: Scandora Matt
Принадлежит: Flux Audio LLC

A headphone cord management system comprised of a plurality of small magnets attached to and spaced along a length of the headphone cord. Where the cord may split for separate ear pieces, the magnets along the two lines preferably align to bring the two lines together when not in use. The magnets allow the cord to be coiled and looped in different ways to facilitate carrying and storage. 1. A cord management system comprising:a flexible headphone cord having a first end including a male plug connector and a second end which is split into two lines to form a Y and including a speaker device attached to each of the two lines; anda plurality of magnets attached to and spaced along the cord, including the split lines where the position of magnets align with one another.2. The cord management system of claim 1 , wherein the magnets are permanently affixed to the cord.3. The cord management system of claim 1 , wherein the magnets are retrofitted to an existing cord.4. The cord management system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of magnets comprise at least one magnet pair of a first size and at least one magnet of a second size.5. The cord management system of claim 4 , wherein the at least one magnet pair of a first size are smaller than the at least one magnet of a second size.6. The cord management system of claim 5 , wherein each of the magnets of the at least one magnet pair of a first size are positioned on one of the two lines of the cord and the at least one magnet pair of a second size are positioned on the headphone cord before the split lines.7. The cord management system of claim 6 , wherein magnet pairs on the two lines are aligned.8. A method for preventing a headphone cord from tangling during use and storage claim 6 , the method comprising the steps of:providing a set of headphones comprising a cord having a first end for plugging into an audio device and a second end having two diverging lines, each with an speaker device attached thereto for placement ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Fastening arrangement for fastening a component of an aircraft of spacecraft, adhesive retainer of a fastening arrangement of this type and aircraft or spacecraft having a fastening arrangement of this type and/or adhesive retainer of this type

Номер: US20130298357A1

A fastening arrangement for fastening a component, in particular a supply line, of an aircraft or spacecraft. The fastening arrangement includes a structural element of the aircraft or spacecraft; an adhesive retainer, which comprises a flexible connection portion having an adhesive surface for placing onto the structural element and a retaining portion, operatively connected to the connection portion, for receiving the component, at least in portions; and an adhesive material, which is arranged between the adhesive surface and the structural element. Also provided is an adhesive retainer of a fastening arrangement of this type, and an aircraft or spacecraft having a fastening arrangement of this type and/or an adhesive retainer of this type. 115-. (canceled)16. A fastening arrangement for fastening a component of an aircraft or spacecraft , comprising:a structural element of the aircraft or spacecraft;an adhesive retainer comprising a flexible connection portion having an adhesive surface for placing onto the structural element and a retaining portion, operatively connected to the connection portion, for receiving the component, at least in portions; andan adhesive material arranged between the adhesive surface and the structural element.17. The fastening arrangement according to claim 16 , wherein the adhesive retainer comprises a fibre reinforcement.18. The fastening arrangement according to claim 17 , wherein a fibre density of the fibre reinforcement increases claim 17 , starting from a peripheral region of the connection portion claim 17 , towards the retaining portion.19. The fastening arrangement according to claim 17 , wherein the fibre reinforcement comprises at least one branching fibre braid which comprises main fibres and secondary fibres branching off from the main fibres.20. The fastening arrangement according to claim 19 , wherein the main fibres have a larger fibre cross-section than the secondary fibres.21. The fastening arrangement according to ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130343805A1

The present invention provides a structural element for an aircraft and spacecraft, having a core which includes core regions which are uncoupled from one another by means of an expansion joint arranged between the core regions. The present invention further provides a method for producing a structural element for an aircraft or spacecraft, including the following method steps: providing a core of the structural element, which core includes core regions; and arranging an expansion joint between the core regions. The present invention relates still further to an aircraft and/or spacecraft having such a structural element. 1. A structural element for an aircraft and spacecraft , comprising a core having core regions which are uncoupled from one another by means of an expansion joint arranged between the core regions.2. The structural element according to claim 1 , wherein the expansion joint is formed in such a way that damage occurring in a corresponding core region is limited to the corresponding core region by means of the expansion joint.3. The structural element according to claim 1 , wherein the expansion joint is formed in such a way that propagation of damage present in a corresponding core region to further core regions is inhibited by means of the expansion joint.4. The structural element according to claim 1 , wherein the structural element has a sandwich structure comprising a cover layer which surrounds the core at least in portions claim 1 , in particular a cover layer comprising carbon fibres.5. The structural element according to claim 4 , wherein the expansion joint is connected claim 4 , in particular bonded claim 4 , to the cover layer.6. The structural element according to claim 4 , wherein the core comprises an integrated reinforcement.7. The structural element according to claim 6 , wherein the integrated reinforcement couples together opposing cover skins of the cover layer of the structural element claim 6 , the integrated reinforcement and the ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Shape memory polymer devices

Номер: US20140026390A1
Принадлежит: Composite Technology Development Inc

Various shape memory polymer (SMP) devices are disclosed. Many of these SMP devices can be used as attachment and/or release mechanisms for any number of different applications. These SMP devices can use various characteristics of the SMP material to allow for various shape changes. These shape changes, in some embodiments, can be used to provide for release and/or attachment devices, for example, SMP bolts, SMP screws, SMP collars, SMP pillars, SMP panels, and/or SMP rivets, to name a few. An SMP device can include a first geometric state and a second geometric shape. The first geometric shape can restrict motion of two distinct objects relative to one another and the second geometrical shape can allow motion of two distinct objects relative to one another.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140072365A1
Принадлежит: KIDS II, INC.

A male inserter and a female receiver fixed to a toy bar and a child-support device for relative movement between upright locked and inclined unlocked positions. The male inserter includes a lock element and the female receiver includes a catch surface. In the upright unlocked position, the male inserter can pass through the female receiver. But in the inclined locked position, the lock element engages and locks against the catch surface. If a child in the child-support device pulls down and/or forward on the toy bar in the locked position, it does not move to the unlocked position. But an upward lifting force applied to the toy bar causes it to pivot from the locked position to the unlocked position and to then detach from the child-support device. 2. The mounting mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the male inserter is fixed to a mounting portion of the toy bar for movement therewith claim 1 , and the female receiver is included in a housing fixed to a frame of the child-support device for movement therewith.3. The mounting mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the movement of the toy bar is pivotal claim 1 , the movement of the male inserter relative to the female receiver in response thereto is pivotal claim 1 , in the unlocked position the toy bar and the fixed thereto male inserter or female receiver is generally upright claim 1 , and in the locked position the toy bar and the fixed thereto male inserter or female receiver is inclined relative to the locked position.4. The mounting mechanism of claim 3 , wherein with the male inserter inserted into the lock opening with the lock element inserted past the catch surface claim 3 , the toy bar pivots from the upright unlocked position to the inclined locked position under the force of gravity claim 3 , which relatively pivots the lock element behind and into locking engagement with the catch surface.5. The mounting mechanism of claim 4 , wherein in the inclined locked position claim 4 , the force of gravity on the toy bar ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140077044A1

A connection mechanism between two components may use one or more metallic pins that are magnetically extended when the components are engaged, and a sloped groove that retracts and unlocks the pins when the components are rotated. The components are locked in place by the pins during engagement. Disengagement may be performed by rotating the two components with respect to each other. The connection mechanism may include one or more magnets mounted on either or both components. The magnets may be arranged to attract the components when the components are in the locking orientation and to repel the components when the components are rotated to an unlocked position. The connection mechanism may include electrical connections between the components. 1. A connection mechanism comprising:a first component adapted to mechanically lock to a second component when the connection mechanism is in a locked position, the first component comprising one or more pins, the one or more pins being magnetically attractive, wherein the one or more pins are adapted to extend from the first component when the connection mechanism is in the locked position, and wherein the one or more pins are adapted to retract into the first component when the connection mechanism is in an unlocked position;the second component comprising an engagement face and one or more slots disposed in the engagement face, the one or more slots comprising a first slot, the second component further comprising a first magnet positioned near the first slot, wherein the first magnet is adapted to magnetically attract a first pin of the one or more pins thereby causing the first pin to extend into the first slot as the connection mechanism transitions from the unlocked position to the locked position, wherein the first pin extended into the first slot mechanically resists the first component from being separated from the second component when the connection mechanism is in the locked position.2. The connection mechanism ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Electronics Enclosure Mounting

Номер: US20200000218A1

A system for magnetically securing an electronics enclosure proximate a surface of a separate structure. The system includes a mounting apparatus that has a first surface, a second surface, and an interface structure that is constructed and arranged to allow the mounting apparatus to be secured to the surface of the separate structure, with the first surface of the mounting apparatus closer to the surface of the separate structure than is the second surface of the mounting apparatus. One or more magnets are fixed to one or both of the mounting apparatus and the electronics enclosure such that the one or more magnets are arranged to magnetically couple the electronics enclosure to the mounting apparatus. 1. A system for magnetically securing an electronics enclosure that has a first surface , proximate a surface of a separate structure , comprising:a mounting apparatus comprising a first surface, a second surface, and an interface structure that is constructed and arranged to allow the mounting apparatus to be secured to the surface of the separate structure, with the first surface of the mounting apparatus closer to the surface of the separate structure than is the second surface of the mounting apparatus; andone or more magnets fixed at one or both of the second surface of the mounting apparatus and the first surface of the electronics enclosure, such that the one or more magnets are arranged to magnetically couple the electronics enclosure to the mounting apparatus;wherein the mounting apparatus further comprises spaced electronics enclosure alignment features that prevent magnetic engagement until the electronics enclosure is properly oriented;wherein the electronics enclosure alignment features are structured to engage with the electronics enclosure so as to accomplish a predefined orientation and alignment of the electronics enclosure on the mounting apparatus.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the mounting apparatus further comprises at least one magnet ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Magnetic Furniture Leg Glide

Номер: US20200000228A1
Автор: Quintong Theresa

A magnetic leg glide apparatus for holding an outdoor furniture article against a ground surface in windy weather conditions includes a bottom portion having a disc shaped configuration constructed of a magnetic material and at least one upstanding member coupled to and extending upwardly from a top surface of the bottom portion. The upstanding member is configured for receipt into an interior area of the furniture article. The upstanding member may be a single shaft configured to impale the interior of the chair leg or a plurality of upstanding walls arranged in a circular and annular pattern for friction fit receipt in the interior area of the furniture article. 1. A magnetic leg glide apparatus for holding an outdoor furniture article having at least a leg against a magnetic base member on a floor or ground surface in windy weather conditions , said magnetic leg glide apparatus comprising:a glide member including a bottom portion having a disc shaped configuration constructed of a magnetic material and an upstanding member extending upwardly from said base member for receipt into the leg of the outdoor furniture article.2. The magnetic leg glide apparatus as in claim 1 , wherein said upstanding member is a leg shaft that extends upwardly from a center point of a top surface of said bottom portion.3. The magnetic leg glide apparatus as in claim 2 , wherein said leg shaft has a linear configuration.4. The magnetic leg glide apparatus as in claim 1 , wherein said upstanding member includes a plurality of angular upstanding walls claim 1 , each angular upstanding wall having a curved configuration and being spaced apart from an adjacent angular upstanding wall.5. The magnetic leg glide apparatus as in claim 4 , wherein each angular upstanding wall includes a partially annular configuration and claim 4 , together claim 4 , said plurality of angular upstanding walls are arranged in a circular configuration having a diameter for receipt into an interior of the leg of ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Water Container and Holder Structure

Номер: US20170000296A1
Автор: Wang Hsiao-Chin

A water container and holder structure includes: a container body and a holder capable of being secured onto an intended vertical face or wall surface. The holder includes a horizontally projecting extending portion and a receiving space with an opening at the top thereof. The receiving space is used for holding toothbrushes that are not in use. The bottom of the receiving space includes a sloping bottom surface, and a hollow slot is provided at the lowest level of the sloping bottom surface for water drainage. The bottom of the extending portion is provided with a coupling element, and the bottom of the container body is provided with a coupled element that can be easily coupled with (magnetically attracted to or “hook-and-loop” fastened with) the coupling element, such that the container body is conveniently received underneath the extending portion of the holder in an upside down position. 1. A water container and holder structure , comprising:a holder including a securing portion to be secured on an intended vertical face and a projecting extending portion with a coupling element provided at the bottom of the extending portion; anda container body including a coupled element at the bottom thereof that is coupled to the coupling element, wherein the container body is stored underneath the extending portion of the holder in a upside down position.2. The water container and holder structure of claim 1 , wherein the holder includes a receiving space having an opening at the top thereof.3. The water container and holder structure of claim 2 , wherein the receiving space includes a sloping bottom surface at the bottom thereof claim 2 , and the sloping bottom surface includes a hollow slot at its lowest level.4. The water container and holder structure of claim 3 , wherein the coupling and coupled elements are selected from one of a pair of magnetically attracted bodies or a hook-and-loop fastener.5. The water container and holder structure of claim 3 , wherein the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000258A1

A modular furniture assembly includes: a base member having a frame assembly, a transverse member having a frame assembly, a foot configured to contact a support surface, and a mounting platform having a plurality of apertures therethrough. The mounting platform is configured to be mounted on the base member frame assembly and the transverse member frame assembly, thereby connecting the frame assemblies. The foot is selectively mounted on the mounting platform, such that the foot is configured to contact the support surface when the modular furniture assembly is in an upright configuration. The mounting platform connects the base and transverse member frame assemblies together and also acts as a platform for receiving a variety of different types of feet. 1. A modular furniture assembly comprising:a base defining a seating surface;a transverse member having a hole therein, wherein a height of the transverse member is substantially greater than the height of the seating surface of the base;wherein the base includes a frame assembly, the frame assembly defining a storage compartment providing a convenient storage area in which a user can store desired items; anda coupler configured to selectively couple the base to the transverse member, wherein the coupler selectively extends through the hole of the transverse member to thereby couple the base to the transverse member.2. The modular furniture assembly of claim 1 , wherein the storage compartment is located beneath the seating surface defined by the base.3. The modular furniture assembly of claim 1 , wherein the base further comprises a cushion selectively mountable on the frame assembly of the base claim 1 , the storage compartment being hidden beneath the cushion when the cushion is mounted on the frame assembly of the base.4. The modular furniture assembly of claim 1 , where both the base member and the transverse member have a generally rectangular shape.5. The modular furniture assembly of claim 4 , wherein the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000459A1

A fixture for securing a sonography transducer in place against a test surface of a phantom has a cap having a cap surface, wherein the cap is formed to seat against an edge of the phantom and to maintain spacing between the cap surface and the test surface. One or more cutouts in the cap surface are dimensioned to accept the sonography transducer. One or more flexible supports within or adjacent the one or more cutouts are configured to stabilize at least one side of the transducer within the cutout. 1. A fixture for securing a sonography transducer in place against a test surface of a phantom , comprising:a cap having a cap surface, wherein the cap is configured to seat against an edge of the phantom and to maintain spacing between the cap surface and the test surface;one or more cutouts disposed in the cap surface dimensioned to receive a sonography transducer; andone or more flexible supports within or adjacent the one or more cutouts and configured to stabilize at least one side of the transducer within the cutout.2. The fixture of further comprising one or more fasteners for coupling the cap against the phantom.3. The fixture of wherein the one or more fasteners are taken from the group consisting of mechanical latches claim 2 , clips claim 2 , hinges claim 2 , magnetic elements claim 2 , and hook and loop fasteners.4. The fixture of further comprising a bracket that extends outward from the cap for gripping the sonography transducer.5. The fixture of wherein the cutouts further comprise a slotted diaphragm formed from rubber or plastic.6. A fixture for securing a sonography transducer in place against a test surface of a sonography phantom claim 1 , comprising:a cap having a cap surface, wherein the cap is formed to fasten against an edge of the phantom and to maintain spacing between the cap surface and the test surface;one or more cutouts in the cap surface dimensioned to accept the sonography transducer;at least one flexible support within or adjacent the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001176A1
Автор: Siklosi Tibor
Принадлежит: Century, LLC

A structurally unified free standing bag joined by its exterior skin to effectively absorb impact energy. impact energies may be dampened before reaching the bag's center. Therefore, this invention produces a durable and efficiently manufactured product by minimizing the use of expensive structural materials while still improving quality, durability, and product performance. 1. A punching bag comprising:a foam top with a top, a bottom, and at least one side;a base with a rim and a channel below the rim, where the channel has a diameter smaller than a diameter of the rim;a cover, where the foam top attaches to the base via the cover; anda clamp assembly attached to the cover, where the clamp assembly has an open position and a closed position, where the clamp assembly has a diameter greater than the diameter of the rim when in the open position and smaller than the diameter of the rim when in the closed position, and where the clamp assembly is capable of being placed in the channel and secured in the closed position to attach the foam top to the base.2. The punching bag of where the clamp assembly comprises: each arc has a first end and an opposed second end;', 'the one or more arcs are aligned with each first end respectively adjacent to each opposed second end to form a circle or a segmented circle; and', 'the one or more arcs are flexibly connected to the cover such that the one or more arcs are capable of being bent outward;, 'one or more arcs attached to and extending downward from the cover, where each tab is respectively connected to the first end of each arc; and', 'each tab is removably attachable to the opposed second end of the arc adjacent the first end of the arc to which the tab is attached, such that the one or more tabs are capable of connecting the one or more arcs to form a circle with a fixed diameter, securing the clamp assembly in the closed position., 'one or more tabs, where3. The punching bag of where each tab is removably attachable to its ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002848A1

A friction connecting means includes a receiving element and engagement elements. The receiving element has a pressure pocket provided with a carbon fiber composite material layer. 1. A receiving element of a friction connecting means which comprises the receiving element and an engagement element , wherein the receiving element is arranged to secure the position of the engagement element to the receiving element by means of friction , wherein the receiving element comprises:at least one pressure pocket with at least one pressurizing space which is arranged to contain a pressure medium; andat least one first carbon fiber composite material layer at least partly arranged on one side of the pressure pocket;wherein said layer is configured to expand in a direction away from the pressure pocket under a predetermined pressure from the pressure pocket, creating a friction engagement between the receiving element and the engagement element.2. The receiving element according to claim 1 , wherein said layer is arranged to at least partly surround the pressure pocket.3. The receiving element according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure pocket in an idle state has a circular or oval cross section expanding radially when the pressure is increased forcing said first layer to expand radially.4. The receiving element according to claim 1 , further comprising:at least one second carbon fiber composite material layer at least partly arranged on the opposite side of the pressure pocket with respect to the first carbon fiber composite material layer, wherein said first layer and/or said second layer is/are configured to expand in a direction away from the pressure pocket under a predetermined pressure, creating said friction engagement between the receiving element and the engagement element.5. The receiving element according to claim 4 , said first layer and said second layer are connected in an integral body.6. The receiving element according to claim 4 , wherein a carbon fiber ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003269A1

A system for carrying or using a device includes the device and at least one attachment apparatus. The device may include at least one attachment element. The attachment apparatus may include a length of material and at least one attachment point arranged on an end of the length of material. The at least one attachment point may include at least one magnetic feature configured to attach and detach the device and the length of material. The material can include but is not limited to cloth, metallic (magnetic and non-magnetic), fibrous material, and so forth. 1. A strapping assembly , comprising:a first flexible member having at least one first attachment element; anda second flexible member having at least one second attachment element, the at least one second attachment element being configured to releasably couple to the at least one first attachment element so as to secure the first and second flexible members together, the at least one first attachment element and the at least one second attachment element including at least one magnetic feature that provides at least a portion of the coupling force of the at least one first attachment element relative to the at least one second attachment element.2. The strapping assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first flexible member or the second flexible member is adjustable to accommodate a user preference.3. The strapping assembly of claim 1 , wherein a size of at least one of the first flexible member or the second flexible member is adjustable.4. The strapping assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one magnetic feature is included in at least one of the at least one first attachment element or the at least one second attachment element.5. The strapping assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the at least one first attachment element or the at least one second attachment element is further associated with at least one mechanical feature that provides at least an additional portion of the coupling ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003270A1

A mounting apparatus and system and method for making the same are provided. The mounting apparatus allows an object to be mounted to a mounting surface via magnetic attractions between different planes of engagement. Through the movement of planes of magnets, an object that is brought in proximity to the mounting apparatus may engage one of the magnetic planes and then be moved further to engage the other magnetic plane, with the combined magnetic force being configured to support the particular object for which the mounting apparatus is designed. The engagement and/or disengagement of the object from the mounting apparatus can thus occur in stages, by degrees, and/or in a tiered manner. 1. An apparatus for mounting an object to a mounting surface , comprising:a bay configured to receive a plurality of modular apparatus components;a modular first mounting magnet configured to define a first plane; anda modular engagement member comprising a plurality of engagement member components, wherein at least one of the engagement member components is configured to respond to magnetism;wherein, when the plurality of modular apparatus components is received by the bay, the modular engagement member is disposed relative to the modular first mounting magnet along a line of engagement that intersects the first plane;wherein the bay is configured to substantially prevent movement of the plurality of modular apparatus components along the line of engagement;wherein the modular engagement member is configured so that at least one of the plurality of engagement member components is movable between an extended state and a retracted state along the line of engagement;wherein the modular first mounting magnet and the modular engagement member are configured to cooperate to engage the object to be mounted to produce a total engagement force, andwherein a disengaging force that is less than the total engagement force and that is applied to a mounted object overcomes the total engagement ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Assembly for Storing and Deploying for Use a Handheld Digital Device

Номер: US20170003711A1
Автор: Rowley Donald Lee

An assembly for storing and deploying for use a handheld digital device, the assembly incorporating a case adapted for nestingly receiving the handheld digital device; a pin and socket combination having upper and lower halves, the upper half being fixedly attached to or formed wholly with the case; a flexible lanyard; a pair of loops interconnecting the flexible lanyard and the pin; a base; a socket; and a hinge mount interconnecting the socket and the base; the pin and socket combination's socket being slotted for passage of the lanyard. 1. An assembly for storing and deploying for use a handheld digital device , the handheld digital device having upper and lower ends and having front and back sides , the assembly comprising:(a) a case adapted for nestingly receiving the handheld digital device;(b) a pin and socket combination, said combination having upper and lower halves, said upper half being fixedly attached to or formed wholly with the case;(c) a flexible lanyard;(d) a fastener interconnecting the flexible lanyard and the pin and socket combination's upper half; and(e) a base, the pin and socket combination's lower half being fixedly attached to the base.2. The assembly of wherein the case has a lower end which claim 1 , upon the case's nesting receipt of the handheld digital device claim 1 , underlies said device's lower end claim 1 , the pin and socket fastener's upper half being positioned at the case's lower end.3. The assembly of wherein the pin has a lower end configured as a lanyard engaging loop.4. The assembly of wherein the lanyard comprises a distal end loop claim 3 , and wherein the fastener comprises a combination of the pin's lanyard engaging loop and the lanyard's distal end loop.5. The assembly of wherein the pin and socket fastener's socket opens upwardly for pin receipt claim 4 , and further comprising a lanyard passage slot claim 4 , said slot further opening said socket.6. The assembly of wherein the lanyard passage slot is positioned at ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003360A1

A foldable supporting device for supporting a display is provided. The foldable supporting device comprises a first plate, a second plate, a rotating module, and a supporting element. The first plate and the second plate are able to transform between a folding position and a supporting position by using the rotating module, and the supporting element is able to accept the display. 1. A foldable supporting device for supporting a display , the foldable supporting device comprising:a first plate, including a first contact end;a second plate, including a second contact end contacting with the first contact end;a rotating module, being disposed between the first contact end and the second contact end for the first plate and the second plate being rotating with respect to each other; anda supporting element, disposed on the first plate for supporting the display;wherein the first plate and the second plate are able to transform between a folding position and a supporting position, wherein the first plate and the second plate form a first angle at the folding position, and form a second angle at the supporting position, wherein the first angle is larger than the second angle.2. The foldable supporting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first contact end has a first surface and a first groove claim 1 , and the second contact end has a second surface and a second groove claim 1 , wherein the first surface and the second surface contact with each other at both the folding position and the supporting position claim 1 , and the rotating module is disposed in the first groove and the second groove.3. The foldable supporting device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first angle is substantially 180 degrees claim 2 , and the second angle is from 15 degrees to 75 degrees.4. The foldable supporting device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the rotating module has a first sheet claim 3 , a second sheet claim 3 , and a rotating shaft claim 3 , wherein the first sheet is ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Articulated stabilizer frame with magnetic attachment for monopod

Номер: US20190004404A1
Автор: Gerald F Buttimer
Принадлежит: Individual

A camera support apparatus includes a telescopically collapsible monopod, a pad sized and shaped to be set on by a user, especially a user in a wheelchair and a center mount assembly having a magnet that is selectively interconnectably joined between the pad and the monopod. When used with a wheelchair, the wheelchair preferably includes a magnetically attachable side mount to secure the monopod to the side when not in use.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005687A1

A case for a tablet shaped device. The case comprises a body comprising a first face and a second face. The first face has a tablet shaped device receiving area. The body comprises a stylus holder for holding a stylus at the second face. The body comprises a collapsible stand attached to the body. The collapsible stand defines a space in which the stylus, when so held, is disposed when the collapsible stand is collapsed. 1. A case for a tablet shaped device , the case comprising:a body comprising a first face and a second face, the first face having a tablet shaped device receiving area;a stylus holder for holding a stylus at the second face; anda collapsible stand attached to the body, wherein the collapsible stand defines a space in which the stylus, when so held, is disposed when the collapsible stand is collapsed.2. The case of claim 1 , wherein the collapsible stand has an aperture in which the stylus claim 1 , when so held claim 1 , is disposed when the collapsible stand is collapsed.3. The case of claim 1 , wherein the stylus holder comprises a groove for receiving the stylus.4. The case of claim 1 , comprising at least one support configured for supporting the stylus holder above a case bearing surface.5. The case of claim 1 , wherein a distal edge of the collapsible stand comprises a slip-resistant material.6. The case of claim 1 , wherein the collapsible stand and the body are magnetically attracted to each other for fastening the collapsible stand at the second face when collapsed.7. The case of claim 1 , wherein the stylus holder comprises a loop for receiving the stylus.8. The case of claim 7 , wherein the collapsible stand and the loop are relatively disposed such that the loop is constricted by the collapsible stand when collapsed.9. The case of claim 8 , wherein a portion of the collapsible stand presses the loop inwardly when the collapsible stand is collapsed to constrict the loop.10. The case of claim 8 , wherein the portion of the collapsible ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005368A1

A magnetic mounting system is provided. The system includes a device having a magnetic attachment feature and a magnetic device mount. The magnetic device mount has a mating magnetic attachment feature. The magnetic attachment feature and mating magnetic attachment feature allow specific angular, radial, and/or longitudinal alignment of the device relative to the mount without a mechanical interface. An electronic device holder and charging system with integrated charging and data transfer interface and a self-aligning, magnetic coupling and docking interface with on-demand decoupling feature are also disclosed. 16-. (canceled)7. An electronic device holder and charging system with integrated charging and data transfer interface comprising:a device case for holding an electronic device, the device case comprising a housing having one or more indexing magnets, control circuitry, ports, a male device plug, and a charging mechanism, wherein the charging mechanism includes multiple ports for different charger types, a wireless charging coil, and a cordless contact-charging system; andan electronic device mount having a mating indexing magnet, an attachment mechanism, and a mating charging mechanism, wherein mating charging mechanism includes a mating wireless charging coil and/or mating cordless contact chargers.8. The electronic device holder and charging system of claim 7 , wherein the electronic device mount further comprises a power input port.9. The electronic device holder and charging system of claim 7 , wherein the system further comprises a device peripheral for interaction with the device case and/or mount claim 7 , wherein the device peripheral is selected from the group consisting of a power bank claim 7 , a portable charging system claim 7 , a controller claim 7 , and a device having a mating cordless contact-charging system.10. The electronic device holder and charging system of claim 7 , wherein the electronic device holder is hermetically sealed.11. The ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Solar panel rack

Номер: US20150007871A1
Принадлежит: Industrial Origami LLC

A solar panel rack may comprise one or more sheet metal brackets configured to attach solar panels to the solar panel rack. The sheet metal brackets may include clinching tabs configured to be clinched to features on the solar panels to attach the solar panels to the solar panel rack. The sheet metal brackets may further include protrusions configured to facilitate electrical contact between the brackets and the solar panels when the clinching tabs are clinched to features on the solar panels. The sheet metal brackets may additionally or alternatively include positioning tabs configured to contact features on the solar panels to position the solar panels in desired locations on the solar panel rack.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007697A1
Автор: DE JONG Erik G.

This application relates generally to various embodiments of a magnetic wristband. More specifically the application describes a design for a magnetic wristband having a number of configurations. In one configuration the wristband is magnetically coupled around a user's wrist. In another configuration the magnetic wristband can be magnetically coupled around an electronic device to which it is attached. In this second described configuration the magnetic wristband acts as a protective cover for the electronic device to which the wristband is attached. In this way a user can reduce the likelihood of damage being inflicted upon the electronic device while it is not being worn. 1. A magnetic wristband , comprising:a first wrist strap having a first end configured for attaching to a first end of an object, the first wrist strap comprising: a first surface, a second surface opposite the first surface, and a first plurality of magnets disposed between the first and second surface in accordance with a first polarity pattern; anda second wrist strap having a first end configured for attaching to a second end of the object, the second wrist strap comprising: a first surface, a second surface opposite the first surface, and a second plurality of magnets disposed between the first and second surface in accordance with a second polarity pattern,wherein in a first wrapping configuration the first wrist strap is magnetically coupled concurrently to both the first and second surface of the second wrist strap, and wherein in a second wrapping configuration the first wrist strap is magnetically coupled only to the first surface of the second wrist strap.2. The magnetic wristband as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first and second polarity patterns comprise repeating polarity sequences for the first and second plurality of magnets that read the same from both a first and second end of each of the wrist straps.3. The magnetic wristband as recited in claim 2 , wherein in the second ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Universal Fishing Rod Holder

Номер: US20190008130A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A fishing rod holder consists of a first panel, a second panel, a plurality of connecting members, a first strap portion, and a second strap portion. The plurality of connecting members is positioned in between the first panel and the second panel. The spacing between each of the plurality of connecting members allows a user to position a fishing rod handle in between an arbitrary connecting member and an adjacent connecting member selected from the plurality of connecting members. Since the plurality of connecting members is radially positioned, the fishing rod can be mounted at a preferred angle. The first strap portion and the second strap portion are used for attaching purposes. When the apparatus is being used with an external weighted object, the first strap portion and the second strap portion are wrapped around the external weighted object.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220022288A1

An item, in particular for domestic and/or furniture use, in particular a countertop or furniture unit, includes a carcass on which a glass-ceramic assembly is arranged, the glass-ceramic assembly including a glass-ceramic plate and an electronic module including at least one heating element, the carcass including a support surface on which the glass-ceramic plate is placed and fastened and a housing in which the heating element is arranged, wherein the glass-ceramic plate bears a fastening system for reversibly fastening it to the carcass. 1. An item , comprising a carcass on which a glass-ceramic assembly is arranged , said glass-ceramic assembly comprising a glass-ceramic plate and an electronic module comprising at least one heating element , said carcass comprising a support surface on which the glass-ceramic plate is placed and fastened and a housing in which said at least one heating element is arranged , wherein said glass-ceramic plate directly bears a fastening system to fasten it to said carcass.2. The item as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fastening system comprises at least two assemblies formed of a threaded rod fastened to the glass-ceramic plate and a nut that is able to be screwed onto the threaded rod claim 1 , said carcass comprising at least one opening into which the threaded rod is inserted.3. The item as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the threaded rod is mounted on a block adhesively bonded to the glass-ceramic plate.4. The item as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the at least two assemblies are arranged on an axis of symmetry of a larger of the two dimensions of the glass-ceramic plate.5. The item as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the at least two assemblies are arranged on an axis of symmetry of a smaller of the two dimensions of the glass-ceramic plate.6. The item as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the fastening system comprises at least four assemblies formed of a threaded rod and a nut that are arranged symmetrically in pairs with respect to axes ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Fastening clip

Номер: US20170009789A1

The invention relates to a fastening clip for fastening a component on a carrier component, comprising a latching element for insertion into a fastening opening of the carrier component and having latching means for latching to the fastening opening, further comprising an arresting element which, in the case of the latching element being inserted into the fastening opening of the carrier component, is insertable into an arresting opening of the latching element, wherein mechanical blocking means, which are adjustable between a blocking position, in which full insertion of the arresting element into the arresting opening is prevented, and an unblocking position, in which full insertion of the arresting element into the arresting opening is enabled, are provided, the mechanical blocking means, in the case of the latching element not being inserted into the fastening opening of the carrier component, being situated in their blocking position and, by way of insertion of the latching element into the fastening opening of the carrier component, being adjusted into their unblocking position.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Magnetic Tool Holder

Номер: US20190009402A1

A magnetic tool holder includes a body having a bottom and side walls defining an elongate central channel, wherein the bottom defines a first plane and ends of the side walls define a second plane, wherein the body further includes side edges laterally extending from said side walls in the second plane, and outer side walls extending from the side edges back to the first plane; and at least one magnet in the elongate central channel, the at least one magnet having a tool securing surface positioned substantially coplanar with the second plane. The outer side walls configured in this manner greatly increase the magnetic flux in both planes or surfaces of the holder. 1. A magnetic tool holder configured to be magnetically secured to a ferrous support surface , comprising:a body having a bottom defining a first securing surface and a pair of inner side walls defining an elongate central channel therebetween, wherein the first securing surface defines a first plane and upper ends of the pair of inner side walls define a second plane, wherein the body further comprises a pair of side edges, each one of said pair of side edges laterally extending outward from a corresponding one of said pair of inner side walls in the second plane away from said elongate central channel, and a pair of outer side walls each extending from a corresponding one of the side edges back to the first plane, each of said pair of outer side walls being spaced apart from the first securing surface to define a void between each of said pair of outer side walls and the first securing surface, the first securing surface and bottom ends of the pair of outer side walls are configured to form a three point contact with the ferrous support surface in the first plane; andat least one magnet in the elongate central channel, said at least one magnet having a bottom surface and an opposite second securing surface, said bottom surface located within the elongate central channel facing said bottom of the body, ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009936A1
Автор: Lan Yung-Huei

The present invention provides an adhesion-type holding structure mounted onto a wall comprising: a main attaching member including a holding portion for bearing an external object, and an adhering portion for adhering to a wall; a backup attaching member including an adhering portion for adhering to a wall; and a safety mechanism including a replacement device disposed between the main attaching member and the backup attaching member. When the main attaching member and the backup attaching member are attached to a wall on positions close to each other and the main attaching member comes loose from the wall and falls down, the backup attaching member can prevent, by means of the replacement device, the main attaching member from falling down, and timely replaces the main attaching member to hold the holding portion. 1. An adhesion-type holding structure mounted onto a wall , comprising:a main attaching member, comprising a holding portion for bearing an external object and an adhering portion for adhering to a wall;a backup attaching member, comprising an adhering portion for adhering to a wall; anda safety mechanism, comprising a replacement device disposed between the main attaching member and the backup attaching member, wherein when the main attaching member and the backup attaching member are attached to a wall on positions close to each other, and the main attaching member comes loose from the wall and falls down, the backup attaching member can prevent, by means of the replacement device, the main attaching member from falling down, and timely replaces the main attaching member to hold the holding portion.2. The adhesion-type holding structure mounted onto a wall according to claim 1 , wherein the safety mechanism further comprises a guiding device for enabling the holding portion to keep an upright posture when the holding portion comes loose from the wall and falls down; ora buffer device for reducing a falling speed of the main attaching member that comes ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010673A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

A system for carrying or using a device includes the device and at least one attachment apparatus. The device may include at least one attachment element. The attachment apparatus may include a length of material and at least one attachment point arranged on an end of the length of material. The at least one attachment point may include at least one magnetic feature configured to attach and detach the device and the length of material. The material can include but is not limited to cloth, metallic (magnetic and non-magnetic), fibrous material, and so forth. 1. A modular assembly for electronic devices , comprising:a first base unit, the first base unit having at least a first functional system and a first enclosure with a first characteristic, the first base unit having a first attachment coupling;a second base unit, the second base unit having at least a second functional system and a second enclosure with a second characteristic, wherein the second functional system is different than the first functional system, wherein the second characteristic is different than the first characteristic, the second base unit having the same attachment coupling as the first base unit,wherein the first base unit and the second base unit are associated with one another such that they are considered a family of base units;a first strap unit, the first strap unit having at least one strap with a first strap characteristic and a second attachment coupling that is configured to securely engage to the first attachment coupling of the first and second base units and releasably engage from the first attachment coupling of the first and second base units, the first strap unit having a strap attachment coupling for attaching to a portion of a strap unit; anda second strap unit, the second strap unit having at least one strap with a second strap characteristic and a second attachment coupling that is configured to securely engage to the first attachment coupling of the first and second base ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010009A1
Автор: Muri Roger

A strap securing device and method for securing a free end of a strap to a metallic surface including an upper jaw, a lower jaw, and a leverage arm is disclosed. One of either the lower jaw or the upper jaw has a jagged contour and a magnetic surface. The upper jaw and the lower jaw are secured together through the leverage arm, which pinches the free end of a strap between the upper and lower jaws. The magnetic surface allows for attachment of the strap securing device to a metallic surface, such as the surface of a truck bed. 1. A strap securing device comprising:a lower jaw;an upper jaw; anda leverage arm coupled to both the upper jaw and the lower jaw, wherein the leverage arm forces the upper jaw against the lower jaw and pinches a strap between the upper jaw and the lower jaw;wherein at least one of the lower jaw and the upper jaw comprises a jagged contour configured for entanglement with the strap,wherein at least one of the lower jaw and the upper jaw further comprises a magnetic surface configured for attachment to a metallic surface, andwherein the upper jaw further comprises two opposing arms sized to allow for insertion into the leverage arm.2. (canceled)3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the two opposing arms are pinched together to allow for removal from the leverage arm.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the upper jaw further comprises a stopper protruding from the metallic surface of the upper jaw and configured to contact the leverage arm when the two opposing arms are placed into the leverage arm.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein each opposing arm comprises at least one prong claim 1 , each prong having a serration pattern with an angled portion and a horizontal portion.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the leverage arm comprises at least one slot positioned on the leverage arm to allow the at least one prong of each opposing arm to secure inside the slot claim 5 , securing the strap between the upper jaw and the lower jaw.7. The device of claim ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010763A1

A holster for mounting a bar gun to a surface, the bar gun having a nozzle and a handle magnet. The holster has an elongated mounting plate having a top side, bottom side, first end and second end, and an aperture located between the first end and second end where the aperture penetrates the mounting plate from the top side to the bottom side and is configured to receive the nozzle of the bar gun. A holster magnet is fixed to the mounting plate adjacent the aperture between the aperture and the second end. 1. A holster for a bar gun , the bar gun including a nozzle , a handle and a handle magnet disposed on the handle , the bar gun connected to multiple fluid lines communicating with the nozzle , the holster comprising:a member having a top side, bottom side, a first end, a second end and a connector portion oriented at or adjacent to the first end, the member being configured to connect the holster to a surface;an aperture penetrating the member from the top side to the bottom side and configured to receive the bar gun nozzle; anda holster magnet disposed on the member between the aperture and the second end and positioned to magnetically couple with handle magnet when the bar gun nozzle is received in the aperture.2. The holster of wherein the holster magnet is disposed to the bottom side of the member.3. The holster of wherein the first end of the member is configured to mount to the bottom side of a table.4. The holster of claim 3 , further comprising at least one mounting hole located between the aperture and the first end for mounting the holster to a surface.5. The holster of claim 4 , further comprising a bend between the first end and the aperture such the second end angles downward when the holster is mounted to the underside of a surface.6. The holster of further comprising an aperture sidewall extending from the aperture.7. The holster of wherein the aperture sidewall extends from the member bottom side.8. The holster of further comprising a magnet ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Multipurpose firearm securing device and methodology

Номер: US20160010939A1
Принадлежит: Evergreen Asset Management LLC

Consistent with various embodiments, a firearm securing apparatus has a first securing interface that is configured to generate a holding force between the apparatus and a support surface in response to an applied pressure. A second securing interface is configured and arranged to receive and secure a firearm barrel and includes a graspable feature. A support piece is configured and arranged to physically connect the two securing interfaces and to provide space, to allow a person's fingers to seize a graspable feature and to allow the person to apply pressure sufficient to overcome the holding force between the apparatus and the surface in order to remove the firearm from the apparatus when desired.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Camera Stand Having Constant Resistance for a Portion of a Range Of Motion Along an Axis Of Rotation

Номер: US20180010731A1

This application discloses a stand assembly that includes an upper portion for holding electronic components and a lower portion for supporting the upper portion. The lower portion including a base, a joint, and a second fastener structure configured to mate with a first fastener structure of the upper portion. The first fastener structure and the joint are configured to respectively provide a first degree of freedom of motion and a second degree of freedom of motion of the upper portion with respect to the lower portion. Movement of the upper portion at the first degree of freedom has substantially consistent resistance through first part of a first full range of motion associated with the first degree of freedom of motion. Movement of the upper portion at the second degree of freedom has substantially consistent resistance through a second full range of motion associated with the second degree of freedom. 1. A stand assembly , comprising:an upper portion configured to hold one or more electronic components, the upper portion including a first fastener structure; anda lower portion configured to support the upper portion, the lower portion including a base, a joint, and a second fastener structure configured to mate with the first fastener structure;wherein the first fastener structure and the joint are configured to respectively provide a first degree of freedom of motion and a second degree of freedom of motion of the upper portion with respect to the lower portion, and wherein the movement of the upper portion at the first degree of freedom has substantially consistent resistance through first part of a first full range of motion associated with the first degree of freedom of motion, and the movement of the upper portion at the second degree of freedom has substantially consistent resistance through a second full range of motion associated with the second degree of freedom.2. The stand assembly of claim 1 , wherein the upper portion is configured to move with ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010970A1
Автор: MORIMOTO Teppei

The object of the invention is a modular furniture arrangement comprising electrically and mechanically attachable module furniture parts (101). The modular furniture arrangement comprises for fixing modular furniture parts (101) to each other and for conducting electricity to the at least one surface level of the module furniture part at least two module furniture parts (101) attachable electrically and mechanically to each other, into which is formed at least two mutually electrically insulated electrically conductive supporting structure (102), and at least two attachment components (103) for mechanical fastening of support structures (102) of the module furniture parts (101) to each other and for conducting electricity between the modular furniture parts (101), and to be attached to the attachment components (103) of the modular furniture parts (101) and conducting electricity in the direction of the surface of the module furniture part at least two clamping components (104) for fixing the support structures (10 a the attachment component (103) to each other. 1101101. Modular furniture arrangement comprising electrically and mechanically attachable module furniture parts () , characterized in that the modular furniture arrangement comprises for fixing modular furniture parts () to each other and for conducting electricity to the at least one surface level of the module furniture part:{'b': '101', 'at least two module furniture parts () attachable electrically and mechanically to each other, into which'}{'b': '102', 'is formed at least two mutually electrically insulated electrically conductive supporting structure (), and'}{'b': 103', '102', '101', '101, 'at least two attachment components () for mechanical fastening of support structures () of the module furniture parts () to each other and for conducting electricity between the modular furniture parts (), and'}{'b': 103', '101', '104', '102', '103, 'to be attached to the attachment components () of the modular ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Harness for clip

Номер: US20220031051A1
Автор: Jeremy B. Ross
Принадлежит: First Light USA LLC

A harness system for a clip. The clip has a base portion and a pair of elongated members, the elongated members folded over the base portion, thereby defining a gap configured to receive portions of a harness. The elongated members are separated from one another by a longitudinal opening for accommodating a rib between the portions of the harness. A gate is securably engaged to a first one of the elongated members and rotatable between an open position in which the gate does not obstruct said longitudinal opening and a closed position in which said gate obstructs said longitudinal opening. The harness is fashioned from a strip of webbing secured to a base along its midline and edges. The webbing thereby forms two pockets, each sized to accommodate one of the elongated members of the clip.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Label, Device, System and method for sorting bolts

Номер: US20180012520A1
Автор: Cournoyer Michel

The present invention relates to label, device, system and method for sorting bolts, bars, pins, studs, dowels, screws or the like (collectively and individually described herein as a bolt). The bolts are being characterized by a first and a second dimension. The identification system comprises a color chart defining all ten numerals and most commonly used bolt diameters corresponding to various colors and an identification label. The identification label comprises a main section and at least one other section being both adapted to receive at least one color and/or a numeral. Each combination of a color and a numeral being defined by the color chart. The combination of colors and/or numerals of the main section defines the first dimension of the bolt and the combination of colors and/or numerals of the at least one other section defines the second dimension of the bolt. 1A system for sorting bolts , bars , pins , studs , dowels , screws or the like (collectively and individually herein described herein as a bolt) , the bolts being characterized by a first and a second dimension , wherein each of the most commonly used first dimension of said bolts is associated to a numeral and/or to a selected color and wherein each of the most commonly used second dimension of said bolts is associated to a numeral and/or to a selected color , the system comprising: a main section adapted to receive at least one color and/or a numeral which is associated with said first dimension; and', 'at least a first other section adapted to receive at least one color and/or a numeral which is associated with said second dimension., 'an identification label comprising2) The system of ) claim 1 , wherein the identification label comprises at least a second other section adapted to receive at least one color and/or a numeral when the said dimensions are identified using the imperial measurement system.3) The system of ) claim 2 , wherein each combination of a color and a numeral is pre-defined by ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Fastening Tape With Flexibility In The Longitudinal Direction And Associated Methods

Номер: US20170013918A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corp

A fastening tape having flexibility in a longitudinal direction of the fastening tape. The fastening tape includes a plurality of fasteners, a support, and magnetic material positioned on the support. The support defines a plurality of plateaus and a plurality of valleys. The magnetic material is positioned on at least a portion of one of the plurality of plateaus or the plurality of valleys of the support such that a height of the magnetic material varies in the longitudinal direction. Because the height of the magnetic material varies, the fastening tape is more flexible in the longitudinal direction. In some cases, the fastening tape is also flexible in the lateral direction.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013548A1

A tablet stand is disclosed which incorporates a near field antenna configuration which couples to a near field antenna in the back of a tablet and provides a near field antenna coupling region for near field communication at the front of the tablet. The stand may be completely passive and use conductive antenna elements and passive resonance matching circuit elements to provide efficient coupling. In another aspect a thin profile passive keyboard adapted for use with a near field enabled tablet is provided. In another aspect a mounting bracket or holder, embedded antenna, and passive keyboard combination is provided adapted for converting a tablet into a notebook type configuration. 1. A stand for a portable device having a near field communication capability and antenna , comprising:a first section;a second section having a device support surface adapted to receive at least a portion of the portable device, the second section having a near field coupling antenna; anda third section connected to the first or second section and wherein at least two of the sections are configurable to form a stand configuration having an angled side view with an angled device support surface.2. A stand for a portable device as set out in claim 1 , wherein the first claim 1 , second and third sections are further reconfigurable to a flat configuration.3. A stand for a portable device as set out in claim 2 , wherein one or more of the sections include means to attach to the portable device in said flat configuration.4. A stand for a portable device as set out in claim 3 , wherein said means to attach to the portable device comprises a magnet.5. A stand for a portable device as set out in claim 1 , wherein the first section is reconfigurable from a first stand configuration wherein the first section is behind the portable device to a second stand configuration wherein the first section extends in front of the portable device.6. A stand for a portable device as set out in claim 1 , ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Clip and Fixing Mechanism

Номер: US20190014676A1
Автор: Nakamura Tatsuya

A clip is provided with a base portion, at least one holding portion, and a guiding portion. The holding portion includes spring pieces including a first and second spring pieces connected to the base portion and facing each other, and sandwiches an insert inserted between these spring pieces. The guiding portion includes a contact surface that guides the insert toward a position between the first and second spring pieces when the insert moves in an insertion direction and the guide portion comes into contact with the insert. The contact surface is at least partially in a position farther away from the base portion than the second portion of at least one of the first or second spring pieces. The contact surface is at least partially, in relation to a facing direction, in a position farther away from the corresponding spring piece than the second portion of the one spring piece. 1. A clip to be soldered to a conductive portion of a printed wiring board , the clip comprising:a base portion having a plate shape and including a joining portion soldered to the conductive portion;at least two holding portions each comprising a pair of spring pieces including a first spring piece and a second spring piece connected to the base portion and facing each other, and disposed side-by-side allowing an insert having a plate shape inserted between the first spring piece and the second spring piece to be sandwiched from a front surface side and a rear surface side; andtwo guiding portions extending from different positions of the base portion to face each other, and configured to guide the insert to a position between the first spring piece and the second spring piece,the first spring piece and the second spring piece constituting the at least two holding portions each including a first portion extending in a direction that intersects the base portion, and a second portion connected in a bent manner to an end portion of the first portion opposite to an end portion connected to the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Closure Device with Status Display

Номер: US20170015229A1
Автор: Fiedler Joachim
Принадлежит: FIDLOCK GMBH

A closure device for connecting two parts with one another includes a first closure part and a second closure part attachable in an attachment direction on the first closure part and has a housing and connection element arranged moveably on the housing along an adjustment direction which differs from the attachment direction. The connection element is attachable to the first closure part in the attachment direction and during attachment is moved in the adjustment direction relative to the housing from a first position into a second position. In a closed position, the connection element is located in the second position and is connected to the first closure part in such that the second closure part is held on the first closure part. The connection element is tensioned in the direction of the first position with respect to the housing. 1. A closure device for connecting two parts with one another , comprising a first closure part and a second closure part which is attachable in an attachment direction to the first closure part and which has a housing and a connection element arranged movably on the housing in an adjustment direction which differs from the attachment direction , wherein the connection element:for closing the closure device is attachable to the first closure part in the attachment direction and during attachment is moved in the adjustment direction relative to the housing from a first position into a second position,in a closed position of the closure device is located in the second position and is connected to the first closure part such that the second closure part is held on the first closure part, andis pretensioned in the direction of the first position relative to the housing,further comprisinga display device which is arranged on the second closure part and which is adjustable by a movement of the connection element relative to the housing and which is located in a first display position in the first position of the connection element and which ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Technology to fasten or attach a squeegee to a duct knife or duct knife sheath

Номер: US20160016301A1
Автор: Miles Heitzeberg
Принадлежит: Individual

Ability to fasten a squeegee to a duct knife or a duct knife sheath. This will solve the problem of where to put the squeegee when not using it. Squeegee secured to duct knife sheath allowing convenient access and reducing the chance of misplacing the squeegee.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016306A1

A retaining system embodying a method and apparatus for adjustably retaining hand tools in any position on a ferromagnetic surface, such as on the exterior of heavy equipment or in a truck bed is provided. The retaining system may embody an elongated channel member and a tool retainer. The tool retainer may include a pair of clip flanges extending generally perpendicular from a base. The pair of clip flanges may form a tension clip for securing handles of the hand tools within a receptive cavity. The base may provide a magnet for removably attaching to the ferromagnetic surface. Moreover, the base may provide interlocking projections along its periphery so that two or more tool retainer may be interlocked together when stacked one on top of another. Alternatively, the tool holders may be slidably secured within the channel member, when nearby attachment surfaces are made of non-ferromagnetic material.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015262A1
Автор: III Eddie L., Mitchell

A modular standing board for use with a standing desk or an adjustable height desk. The modular standing board includes a rigid base having an outer top perimeter which has a raised lip configured to securely contain a plurality of mat modules. The rigid base also has a bottom side having a recessed round area for receiving a balancing dome. The balancing dome has a flat top side and a curved bottom side. The flat top side of the balancing dome is magnetically attached to the recessed round area of the bottom of the rigid base. The plurality of mat modules provide a substantially continuous top surface when contained within the raised lip of the rigid base. The standing board alleviates problems that typically arise due to standing for a long time at a standing desk by providing a comfortable, balanced, and changeable standing board having swappable standing mat modules. 1. A modular standing board for use with a standing desk or an adjustable height desk , the modular standing board comprising:a rigid base, the rigid base having an outer top perimeter, the outer top perimeter having a raised lip configured to house a plurality of mat modules, the rigid base also having a bottom side, the bottom side having a recessed round area for receiving a balancing dome, the recessed round area having a perimeter specifically matching the perimeter of a flat side of the balancing dome;a plurality of mat modules configured so as to provide a substantially continuous top surface when housed within the raised lip of the rigid base; anda balancing dome, the balancing dome having a flat top side and a curved bottom side, the flat top side of the balancing dome configured to be attached to the recessed round area of the bottom of the rigid base.2. The modular standing board of claim 1 , further comprising:a ferrous metal insert in the rigid base; andmagnets on the flat top side of the balancing dome, the magnets configured to be cooperative with the ferrous metal insert such that ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220035424A1

A device mounting system includes a device bracket coupled to a device, and a support surface mount coupled to the device bracket. The support surface mount includes a base member mounted to a support surface, a securing member extending from the base member, and a securing latch that is included in the securing member and that moves between a secured orientation in which it engages the device bracket to secure the device bracket to the support surface mount, and an unsecured orientation that allows the device bracket to be decoupled from the support surface mount. A release member in the securing member may be actuated to move the securing latch between the secured and unsecured orientations. A locking element in the securing member may be actuated to prevent movement of the securing latch from the secured to the unsecured orientation to lock the device bracket to the support surface mount. 1. A device mounting system , comprising:a base member that is configured to mount to a support surface;a securing member that extends from the base member; a secured orientation in which the securing latch engages the device when the device is coupled to the support surface mount in order to secure the device to the support surface mount; and', 'an unsecured orientation that allows the device to be decoupled from the support surface mount when the device is coupled to the support surface mount; and, 'a securing latch that is included in the securing member and that is configured to be provided ina release member that is configured to move the securing latch between the secured orientation and the unsecured orientation.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a locking element that is included in the securing member and that is configured to be actuated to prevent movement of the securing latch from the secured orientation to the unsecured orientation in order to lock the device to the support surface mount.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the locking element is ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Magnetic Fastening and Retaining Device and Method

Номер: US20210016619A1
Автор: Columbia John R.

A magnetic fastening includes a cinch-block having a body with a first and a second opposing side, a throughbore passing through the body from the first opposing side to the second opposing side along a first axis, and a first magnet disposed on a second axis, wherein the second axis is laterally offset from and parallel to the first axis, wherein the first magnet is configured to apply magnetic force to removably attach a cinch-block to the first metallic object, and wherein the throughbore of the cinch-block is configured to align with a first aperture of the first metallic object and a first aperture of a second object; a cinch-pin configured to pass through the aligned throughbore and apertures to securely fasten the first metallic object, the cinch-block, and the second object; and wherein the body of the cinch-block is configured to limit rotation during fastening. 1. A magnetic fastening device for fastening a first metallic object having a first aperture to a second object having a first aperture , comprising: a body comprising a first and a second opposing side,', 'a throughbore passing through the body from the first opposing side to the second opposing side along a first axis, and', 'a first magnet disposed on a second axis, wherein the second axis is laterally offset from and parallel to the first axis,', 'wherein the first magnet is configured to apply magnetic force to removably attach the cinch-block to the first metallic object, and', 'wherein the throughbore of the cinch-block is configured to align with the first aperture of the first metallic object and the first aperture of the second object;, 'a cinch-block comprising 'a proximal end, a distal end, and an elongated midsection connecting the proximal and distal ends;', 'a cinch-pin comprisingwherein the cinch-pin is configured to pass through the aligned throughbore and apertures to securely fasten the first metallic object, the cinch-block, and the second object; andwherein the body of the cinch ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017526A1

A receiving device for an electronic device, to hold a stylus, includes a top member, a bottom member, and a connection member. The bottom member faces the top member, the connection member is arranged between the top member and the bottom member. A clamping member and a receiving member are formed between the top member, the bottom member, and the connection member. The clamping member faces away from the receiving member, the clamping member is clamped onto an electronic device, the receiving member receives a stylus.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017535A1

A carabiner apparatus includes a first carabiner portion and a second carabiner portion. The carabiner apparatus further includes a first piece of magnetic material attached to the first carabiner portion. The carabiner apparatus further includes a second piece of magnetic material attached to the second carabiner portion, the first piece and second piece of magnetic material attracted to each other and releasably holding the first carabiner portion and the second carabiner portion together at an angle. 1. A carabiner apparatus comprising:a first carabiner portion;a second carabiner portion;a first piece of magnetic material attached to the first carabiner portion;a second piece of magnetic material attached to the second carabiner portion, the first piece and second piece of magnetic material attracted to each other and releasably holding the first carabiner portion and the second carabiner portion together at an angle.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a sleeve, the sleeve attached to the first carabiner portion and attachable to the second carabiner portion.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a flange claim 2 , the flange attached to the first carabiner portion claim 2 , the sleeve surrounding the flange claim 2 , the sleeve rotatable around the flange.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the flange includes a lip claim 3 , the lip presenting the sleeve from advancing off an end of the flange claim 3 , the end of the flange projecting away from the first carabiner portion.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein an inner portion of the sleeve is threaded and a corresponding outer portion of the second carabiner portion is complementarily threaded such that sleeve is screwable onto the second carabiner portion claim 4 , attaching the first carabiner portion and the second carabiner portion.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , further comprising a screw claim 5 , the screw attaching the flange to the first carabiner portion.7. The apparatus of ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170018165A1

A sensor housing system is used to monitor the lifetime of a motor or other device. A protected housing shields a microprocessor and several sensors. The device communicates to a user information about the health of the motor or other device using thermal, vibrational, or other measurements. The information is compared to a baseline which provides a warning threshold. Once the threshold is passed, the microprocessor can alert the user that the motor or other device is about to fail. 1. A sensor mounting device comprising:a protective body containing a microcontroller fixed to the body including a memory and a transceiver;at least one sensor operably coupled to the microcontroller wherein the microcontroller monitors operating data from the at least one sensor regarding a motor;an attachment mount for mounting at least part of the sensor mounting device onto the motor; storing a set of current operating data in the memory;', 'comparing the set of current operating data to a set of previously collected operating data from this device or a baseline set of operating data stored in the memory provided;', 'executing a preset command when the comparison has been reached anomalous or threshold levels., 'wherein the microcontroller is capable of2. The sensor mounting device of claim 1 , wherein the preset command is the microcontroller notifying a user when the operating data of the motor passes a predefined threshold.3. The sensor mounting device of claim 1 , wherein the preset command is the microcontroller signaling for the motor to be turned off.4. The sensor mounting device of claim 1 , wherein the attachment means further comprises a strap.5. The sensor mounting device of claim 4 , wherein the body claim 4 , the at least one sensor claim 4 , and the microcontroller are woven into the strap.6. The sensor mounting device of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is substantially contained within the protective body.7. The sensor mounting device of claim 1 , wherein the protective ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Shelf Cover System Configured To Releasably Attach To Wire Frame Shelves

Номер: US20170020286A1
Автор: Pierson Diane

In some embodiments, an apparatus may include a shelf cover including a plurality of openings and an attachment mechanism configured to extend through selected ones of the plurality of openings to secure the shelf cover to a wire shelf. In an example, the attachment mechanism may include at least one of a clip, a threaded fastener, a flange, and a fabric tie, such as a hook and loop fabric tie. The apparatus may further include a cap having a depth corresponding to a depth of the shelf cover and including an adhesive configured to adhere the cap to at least one of the wire shelf and the shelf cover. The cap may be configured couple the shelf cover to a second shelf cover. 1. An apparatus comprising:a shelf cover including a plurality of openings;an attachment mechanism configured to extend through selected ones of the plurality of openings to secure the shelf cover to a wire shelf; anda cap having a depth corresponding to a depth of the shelf cover and including an adhesive configured to adhere the cap to at least one of the wire shelf and the shelf cover, the cap configured to couple the shelf cover to a second shelf cover.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the shelf cover comprises:a horizontal surface portion; anda front portion configured to extend over a front edge of the wire shelf3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the front portion includes a front mounting apparatus configured to secure at least one of a decorative element and an organizational element to the front edge of the wire shelf.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the shelf cover further comprises a rear portion configured to extend over a rear edge of the wire shelf.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the shelf cover comprises:a rigid upper layer; anda compressible lower layer, the compressible lower layer configured to engage wires of the wire shelf6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the attachment mechanism comprises a c-shaped clip configured to couple the shelf cover to a wire of ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020287A1

The present invention is directed to a support bracket system configured to support and/or hold one or more panels so that a panel array may be provided by the support bracket system. The support bracket system may include a vertical end support on each vertical end of the support bracket system. The support bracket system may also include at least one top horizontal support, and at least one bottom horizontal support. The support bracket system may also include at least one vertical middle support and at least one horizontal middle support that are attached together in order to form an internal support structure of the support bracket system. The support bracket system provides a mechanism by which the one or more panels may be affixed to a surface without showing any visible means of support. 1. A support bracket system , comprising:at least one vertical support having a longitudinal body and at least one channel formed in the longitudinal body and extending along at least a portion of the longitudinal body; andat least one horizontal support having a body portion and at least one central track formed in the body portion and extending along at least a portion of the body portion;wherein the at least one horizontal support is configured for attachment to at least one of the at least one vertical supports; andwherein when the at least one horizontal support is attached to the at least one vertical support one channel of the at least one channel of the vertical support is integral with one central track of the at least one track of the horizontal support.2. The support bracket system according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one support pin configured to connect the at least one vertical support with the at least one horizontal support claim 1 , wherein the support pin comprises a head portion and a tapered body portion.3. The support bracket system according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one vertical support comprises at least one pin hole configured to ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020631A1

This invention is related to a double grab, its rinsing cup and milking machine provided therewith, and the method for automatically applying test cups to the teats of an udder of an animal to be milked. The double grab according to the invention includes: —a first housing part provided with a first magnet designed to hold a first teat cup; —a second housing part, installed substantially in a horizontal plane next to the first housing part, provided with a second magnet designed to hold a second teat cup; —whereby each housing part is provided with separate pivoting means that can be activated and is designed to make the related housing part pivot around a pivoting axis which in use, extends substantially in a horizontal direction, substantially in a widthwise direction of the arm. 115-. (canceled)16. A double grabber mounted on an arm of a robotic attacher , the double grabber comprising:a first housing part operable to hold a first teat cup; anda second housing part operable to hold a second teat cup and positioned side-by-side with the first housing part;wherein the first housing part is operable to retract longitudinally in relation to the arm of the robotic attacher in conjunction with the second housing part attaching the second teat cup to a dairy livestock; andwherein the second housing part is operable to retract longitudinally in relation to the arm of the robotic attacher in conjunction with the first housing part attaching the first teat cup to the dairy livestock.17. The double grabber of claim 16 , further comprising a cylinder to pivot the first housing part.18. The double grabber of claim 16 , wherein:the first housing part is operable to pivot downwardly in relation to the second housing part in conjunction with the second housing part attaching the second teat cup to the dairy livestock; andthe second housing part is operable to pivot downwardly in relation to the first housing part in conjunction with the first housing part attaching the first ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140105682A1
Автор: Chen Sheng-Chi

An engaging fixing module including a carrying main body, a shell surface, a placement adjusting component, and an engaging element is provided. The carrying main body includes a carrying surface and a first protruding column. The shell surface is assembled on the carrying main body and includes a second protruding column. The placement adjusting component is disposed on the carrying surface. The engaging element is disposed on the placement adjusting component, and includes a resist structure and moves relative to the carrying surface when an external magnetic force is applied on the placement adjusting component. When the engaging element moves away from the carrying surface, the second protruding column resists the resist structure. When the engaging element moves towards the carrying surface so that the resist structure is aligned to the first protruding column, the shell surface is slidable relative to the carrying surface. 1. An engaging fixing module , comprising:a carrying main body, comprising a carrying surface and a first protruding column;a shell surface assembled on the carrying main body, wherein the shell surface comprises a second protruding column;a placement adjusting component disposed on the carrying surface; andan engaging element disposed on the placement adjusting component, wherein the engaging element moves relative to the carrying surface in a direction perpendicular to the carrying surface when an external magnetic force is applied on the placement adjusting component, and the engaging element comprises a resist structure;wherein, when the engaging element moves away from the carrying surface so that the resist structure is higher than the first protruding column relative to the carrying surface, the second protruding column of the shell surface resists the resist structure, and when the engaging element moves towards the carrying surface so that the resist structure is aligned to the first protruding column relative to the carrying ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Wireless Keyboard Module, Portable Electronic Device And Methods For Charging And Pairing A Wireless Keyboard Module To A Portable Electronic Device

Номер: US20180020829A1

A wireless keyboard module, portable electronic device and methods for charging and pairing a wireless keyboard module to a portable electronic device are provided herein. According to one embodiment, the wireless keyboard module includes a wired connector configured to electrically connect to a wired connector on a back surface of the portable electronic device when the wireless keyboard module is mounted onto the back surface of the portable electronic device. Upon connecting the wired connectors of the wireless keyboard module and the portable electronic device, the wireless keyboard module is configured to receive a charging signal from the portable electronic device and configured to transmit a pairing code to the portable electronic device across the wired connectors. 1. A wireless keyboard module for use with a portable electronic device , the wireless keyboard module comprising:a wired connector configured to electrically connect to a wired connector on a back surface of the portable electronic device when the wireless keyboard module is mounted onto the back surface of the portable electronic device;wherein upon connecting the wired connectors of the wireless keyboard module and the portable electronic device, the wireless keyboard module is configured to receive a charging signal from the portable electronic device and configured to transmit a pairing code to the portable electronic device across the wired connectors.2. The wireless keyboard module as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a battery and a charging circuit coupled for charging the battery upon receiving the charging signal from the portable electronic device via the wired connectors.3. The wireless keyboard module as recited in claim 2 , further comprising a microcontroller configured to automatically initiate and run a pairing subroutine once the wired connectors of the wireless keyboard module and the portable electronic device are connected and the battery is charged to at least a ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Booster Belt

Номер: US20170021744A1

Vehicle seatbelts are designed to increase the likelihood of passenger survival in the case of a crash or collision. The optimal positioning of a vehicle seatbelt is over a passenger's shoulder, across their chest and upper thighs. Children weighing between 18 and 36 kg should be placed in a booster seat in order to raise them up to an appropriate height so that the adult seatbelt may protect them better. The current design of booster seats makes it difficult for children to buckle themselves into a vehicle and thus requires an adult to reach around the child and buckle them in. The current design of booster seats also does not ensure that the lap belt portion of a seatbelt will not move up to the lower abdomen of a child under normal driving conditions. The addition of a booster belt to a child booster seat will address both of the above-mentioned inconveniences and safety concerns with existing booster seat designs. Attracting magnetic materials will be used to set the female buckle on the booster belt in a more favourable position on the booster seat. This allows for easy buckling of the belt by children and ensures the lap belts are correctly positioned for safety. The lap belt will cross the child's upper thighs and eliminate risk of the belt moving into the child's lower abdomen while seated in normal driving conditions. 1. A magnetic seat belt extender and a booster seat , comprising:An elongate anchor extension of limited flexibility, have a first end a second end opposite said first end;A male seatbelt latch tongue immovably fixed to and extending from said first end of said anchor extension; andA female seatbelt latch receptacle immovably affixed to and extending from said second end of said anchor extension;A magnet immovably affixed to the female seat belt latch receptacle.2. A seat belt extender according to claim 1 , wherein said anchor extension comprises a flat strap having a cover selected from materials consisting of rubber and plastic and/or metal ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Device Base

Номер: US20160025118A1
Автор: Gerlovin Mark

Embodiments for a base and an assembly of a device and the base are provided. The assembly includes a device having at least one device alignment magnet along a surface of the device, and a base having, along an upper surface of the base, at least one base alignment magnet configured to act on the at least one device alignment magnet to align the device on top of the base, and at least one insert orthogonally plungable through the upper surface of the base. In a first position, the insert is below the upper surface of the base. In a second position, the insert protrudes the upper surface of the base and is contact with the device. 1. A base comprising:at least one alignment magnet along an upper surface of the base, wherein the at least one alignment magnet is configured to act on a magnetic portion of a device to align the device on top of the base; andat least one insert orthogonally plungable through the upper surface of the base, wherein (i) in a first position, the insert is below the upper surface of the base, and (ii) in a second position, the insert protrudes the upper surface of the base and contacts a lower surface of the device.2. The base of claim 1 , wherein a weight of the device on top of the acting on the base causes the at least one insert to plunge from the first position to the second position.3. The base of claim 1 , wherein in the first position claim 1 , the at least one insert protrudes a lower surface of the base.4. The base of claim 1 , wherein in the second position claim 1 , the at least one insert protrudes a lower surface of the base.5. The base of claim 1 , wherein the at least one insert comprises a rubberized material.6. The base of claim 1 , wherein the at least one insert comprises a silicon material.7. The base of claim 1 , wherein the at least one insert comprises a solid core material.8. The base of claim 1 , wherein the at least one insert comprises a high-friction material.9. The base of claim 1 , wherein the upper surface of ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025119A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

A system for carrying or using a device includes the device and at least one attachment apparatus. The device may include at least one attachment element. The attachment apparatus may include a length of material and at least one attachment point arranged on an end of the length of material. The at least one attachment point may include at least one magnetic feature configured to attach and detach the device and the length of material. The material can include but is not limited to cloth, metallic (magnetic and non-magnetic), fibrous material, and so forth. 1. A system , comprising:a device comprising at least one attachment element; andat least one attachment apparatus comprising a length of material and at least one attachment point arranged on an end of the length of material, wherein at least one attachment point is associated with at least one magnetic feature that provides at least a portion of the coupling force to attach and detach the device and the length of material.2. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the attachment apparatus is adjustable to accommodate a user preference.3. The system as recited in claim 2 , wherein a size of the length of material is adjustable.4. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the at least one magnetic feature is included in at least one of the at least one attachment element or the at least one attachment point.5. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the at least one attachment point is further associated with at least one mechanical feature that provides at least an additional portion of the coupling force to attach and detach the device and the length of material.6. The system as recited in claim 5 , wherein the at least one mechanical feature comprises at least one of a loop claim 5 , a buckle claim 5 , a snap claim 5 , a clasp claim 5 , a protruding member claim 5 , an aperture claim 5 , a hook claim 5 , a hook clamp claim 5 , or a plug.7. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the length of ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Magnetic fasteners

Номер: US20200022460A1
Автор: Matthew VODA
Принадлежит: Individual

The present disclosure relates to fasteners for a variety of items including but not limited to luggage, clothing, handbags, etc. The fasteners have magnetic properties to ensure a solid yet removable connection between the fasteners. In at least one embodiment, a magnetic member is wrapped, at least partially, in a length of material thereby shielding the magnetic member from damage as well as assisting in coupling with another magnetic member.

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Portable Medical Armrest

Номер: US20200022500A1

A portable medical apparatus for supporting a patient's arm having a top surface, a bottom surface, a peripheral surface, and an outer layer. The top surface has a front edge and a back edge opposite the front edge. The top surface defines a concave depression that extends into the top surface and slopes downward from the back edge to the front edge. The bottom surface is opposite the top surface. The peripheral surface connects the top surface to the bottom surface. The outer layer is connected to a portion of the peripheral surface and defines a pocket between the outer layer and the portion of the peripheral surface. The pocket has an opening adjacent to the top surface. 1. A portable medical apparatus for supporting a patient's arm , the portable medical apparatus comprising:a top surface having a front edge and a back edge opposite the front edge, wherein the top surface defines a concave depression extending into the top surface that extends an entire length from the back edge to the front edge, and the concave depression slopes downward for the entire length from the back edge to the front edge;a bottom surface opposite the top surface;a peripheral surface connecting the top surface to the bottom surface; andan outer layer connected to a portion of the peripheral surface, the outer layer defining a pocket between the outer layer and the portion of the peripheral surface, the pocket having an opening adjacent to the top surface, wherein the bottom surface comprises:a bottom front edge; anda bottom back edge located opposite the bottom front edge, the bottom back edge extending further away from the top surface than the bottom front edge.2. The portable medical apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the top surface claim 1 , the bottom surface claim 1 , the peripheral surface claim 1 , and the outer layer are made of material impervious to liquid.3. The portable medical apparatus of claim 1 , comprising a strap connected to the bottom surface claim 1 , wherein the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023405A1

A plug for preventing corrosion of an attachment opening, includes a bottom surface including an opening for receiving a head of a tightening device; a top surface; and a substantially cylindrical side wall extending between the bottom surface and the top surface. The side wall includes a first side area, wherein the plug is formed of a elastically deformable material and has a diameter at rest and resiliency enabling the plug to block, and be held in, a top portion of the attachment opening via resilient change in shape; and the top surface includes at least one first blind hole, the shape of which is such that, when the plug is subjected to an elastic deformation that causes a ridge to appear between the top surface and the first side area of the plug, the ridge is removed by elastic deformation of the blind hole. 2. The plug according to claim 1 , wherein the first blind hole includes a blind extremal portion inclined with respect to the first side area.3. The plug according to claim 1 , wherein the first blind hole comprises an emerging extremal portion claim 1 , said emerging extremal portion having a slot shape.4. The plug according to claim 1 , wherein the top surface comprises a second blind hole claim 1 , said second blind hole being diametrically opposite to the first blind hole.5. The plug according to claim 1 , wherein the first blind hole is positioned substantially at the center of the top surface claim 1 , and comprises a cylindrical emerging portion followed by a cylindrical blind portion claim 1 , the blind extremal portion having a diameter greater than the diameter of the emerging extremal portion.6. The plug according to claim 1 , wherein the side wall includes a succession of circumferential undulations substantially perpendicular to the axial direction of said plug.8. The sealing system according to claim 7 , wherein the top surface of the plug is inclined with respect to the bottom surface such that when the plug is placed in the top portion ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023608A1

Provided is a fastener for fastening a resin component. The fastener is interposed between an insertion hole provided in the resin component and a fastening member inserted through the insertion hole. The fastener includes: an insertion portion having a tubular shape and insertable through the insertion hole in a non-press-fitted state; a flange portion protruding radially outward of the insertion portion from an end portion of the fastener; and a recessed portion provided on an outer surface of the insertion portion. In the state where the insertion portion is inserted through the insertion hole, the flange portion is disposed outside the insertion hole, and a projecting portion protruding from an inner surface of the insertion hole is disposed in the recessed portion of the insertion portion. 1. A fastener for fastening a resin component , the fastener configured to be interposed between an insertion hole provided in the resin component and a fastening member inserted through the insertion hole , the fastener comprising:an insertion portion having a tubular shape and insertable through the insertion hole in a non-press-fitted state;a flange portion protruding radially outward of the insertion portion from an end portion of the fastener; anda recessed portion provided on an outer surface of the insertion portion, wherein, in a state where the insertion portion is inserted through the insertion hole, the flange portion is disposed outside the insertion hole, and a projecting portion protruding from an inner surface of the insertion hole is disposed in the recessed portion of the insertion portion.2. The fastener according to claim 1 , wherein a depth from an opening of the recessed portion to its bottom is greater than the projecting portion.3. The fastener according to claim 1 , wherein the fastener is a nut for the fastening member.4. The fastener according to claim 1 , wherein the insertion portion includes an abutting portion formed by cutting out the outer ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023872A1

A plurality of modular tiles can be connected to form a writing surface. The modular tiles are shaped to enable multiple tiles to be connected to form a continuous surface (e.g., hexagonal, rectangular, etc.). Each modular tile has a writing element and a friction element opposite the writing surface to prevent the modular tile form slipping when placed on a horizontal surface. The modular tiles may also have a coupling mechanism, such as magnets with appropriate polarization, allowing the modular tiles to be coupled to one another to form a large surface and then be detached for simpler storage of the modular tiles. The modular tiles may further include lights, displays, or additional electronics to allow a connected computing device to display on the writing surface. 1. A modular tile comprising:a writing element on one side of the modular tile,a friction element on another side of the modular tile opposite the writing element, the friction element comprising a material having a coefficient of friction that resists movement of the modular tile when the friction element contacts a surface on which the modular tile is placed, andone or more coupling mechanisms positioned along one or more edges of the modular tile, a coupling mechanism configured to couple an edge of the modular tile to another coupling mechanism on an edge of an adjacent modular tile.2. The modular tile of claim 1 , wherein a coupling mechanism comprises a plurality of magnets having alternating polarities positioned proximate to the edge of the modular tile.3. The modular tile of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of magnets includes a magnet having a north pole nearest the edge of the modular tile and another adjacent magnet having a south pole nearest the edge of the modular tile.4. The modular tile of claim 1 , wherein the friction element comprises a layer of cork on a lower surface of the friction element configured to contact the surface on which the modular tile is placed.5. The modular tile ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Mounting Apparatus

Номер: US20190024683A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A mounting apparatus and system and method for making the same are provided. The mounting apparatus allows an object to be mounted to a mounting surface via magnetic attractions between different planes of engagement. Through the movement of planes of magnets, an object that is brought in proximity to the mounting apparatus may engage one of the magnetic planes and then be moved further to engage the other magnetic plane, with the combined magnetic force being configured to support the particular object for which the mounting apparatus is designed. The engagement and/or disengagement of the object from the mounting apparatus can thus occur in stages, by degrees, and/or in a tiered manner.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024159A1
Автор: Avolio Christopher

An apparatus for securing articles to structural members includes a main strap assembly having at least three distinct portions configured for forming a secure loop by attachment of at least one of the portions to another of the portions. The apparatus further includes a pair of parallel ancillary strap assemblies attached transversely to the main strap assembly. Each of the pair is attached to a respective one of ancillary releasable engagement mechanisms at an end thereof, for forming an engageable loop. The ancillary strap assemblies can be used to attach the main strap assembly parallel to an elongate structural member. The secure loop of the main strap assembly can be used for securing a heavy article to a bicycle frame, or the like. 1. An apparatus for securing a U-lock to a bicycle frame , comprising:a main strap assembly for holding a U-lock and attaching to a bicycle frame, the assembly comprising an elongate webbing having at least three distinct portions configured for forming a secure loop by releasable adhesion of at least one of the portions to another of the portions, wherein the at least three distinct portions comprise a proximal portion, an intermediate portion and a distal portion, in which the proximal portion comprises a rubberized surface oriented towards a back side of the main strap assembly, the intermediate portion comprises a first adhesive material oriented towards the back side, and the distal portion comprises a second adhesive material oriented towards the back side for adhesion to the first adhesive material, such that when the elongate webbing is formed into the secure loop the rubberized surface faces radially outward and an interior of the secure loop is substantially free of the rubberized surface and is sized to fit around parallel bars of the U-lock; anda pair of parallel ancillary strap assemblies attached transversely to the main strap assembly, each of the pair attached to a respective one of ancillary releasable engagement ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025227A1
Автор: TIMMS Jack William

A locking mechanism includes a locking member moveable in an axial direction A between a first position and a second position. The locking mechanism is able to lock the system when the locking member is in the first position and not to lock the system when the locking member is in the second position. The locking mechanism comprises an actuator for moving the locking member between the first position and the second position, and a housing that houses the locking member and the actuator. The actuator comprises a piston that is static relative to the housing and a cylinder that is moveable relative to the housing, and the cylinder forms at least a part of the locking member. The locking mechanism is configured to lock the system by absorbing bending forces F applied to the locking member by the system when the locking member is in the first position. 1. A locking mechanism for locking a system , the locking mechanism comprising:a locking member moveable in an axial direction (A) between a first position and a second position, the locking mechanism being able to lock the system when the locking member is in the first position and not to lock the system when the locking member is in the second position;an actuator for moving the locking member between the first position and the second position; anda housing that houses the locking member and the actuator, characterised in that:the actuator comprises a piston that is static relative to the housing and a cylinder that is moveable relative to the housing;the cylinder forms at least a part of the locking member; andthe locking mechanism is configured to lock the system by absorbing bending forces (F) applied to the locking member by the system when the locking member is in the first position.2. The locking mechanism as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the locking member has a hollow prismatic form.3. The locking mechanism as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the locking member and the cylinder are formed by a common tube with walls ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Stemware Stabilizer

Номер: US20170027356A1
Автор: Dodd Keeley

A stemware stabilizer apparatus engages a piece of stemware between the stem and foot of the stemware to prevent tipping over. The stabilizer apparatus includes a stabilizer body having an upper side and a lower side. A contact surface is defined on the lower side of the stabilizer body. The contact surface is positioned to contact the upper side of a foot on stemware. A stem receiver slot is defined in the stabilizer body allowing passage of the stem. The stem protrudes upwardly through the slot when the apparatus is installed on the stemware. A concave chamber is defined by the lower side of the stabilizer body shaped to at least partially receive the foot. The stabilizer body applies a downward force against the foot and includes a sufficiently heavy material to prevent the stemware from tipping over under some conditions. 1. An apparatus for stabilizing a wine glass , the wine glass including a foot with an upper side having a tapered profile , a stem , and a bowl , the apparatus comprising:a stabilizer body in the shape of a round disk having an upper side, a lower side, a vertical center axis and an outer edge;a stem receiver slot defined through the stabilizer body from the upper side to the lower side, the stem receiver slot positioned on the stabilizer body from the outer perimeter radially inwardly toward the center axis of the stabilizer body, the stem receiver slot shaped to allow radial passage of the wine stem toward the center axis; andan open-bottom, concave foot chamber defined below the lower side on the stabilizer body, the foot chamber defining a volume shaped to at least partially receive the foot on the wine glass when the stem is received in the stem receiver slot, wherein the stabilizer body is moveable along the stem in the axial direction,wherein the foot chamber includes a tapered profile substantially matching the tapered profile on the upper side of the foot.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a stem support positioned on ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Stemware Stabilizer

Номер: US20170027357A1
Автор: Keeley Dodd
Принадлежит: Individual

A stemware stabilizer apparatus engages a piece of stemware between the stem and foot of the stemware to prevent tipping over. The stabilizer apparatus includes a stabilizer body having an upper side and a lower side. A contact surface is defined on the lower side of the stabilizer body. The contact surface is positioned to contact the upper side of a foot on stemware. A stem receiver slot is defined in the stabilizer body allowing passage of the stem. The stem protrudes upwardly through the slot when the apparatus is installed on the stemware. A concave chamber is defined by the lower side of the stabilizer body shaped to at least partially receive the foot. The stabilizer body applies a downward force against the foot and includes a sufficiently heavy material to prevent the stemware from tipping over under some conditions.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029803A1
Автор: HAENGA Mason
Принадлежит: WINEREST PTY LTD.

Disclosed herein is a stemmed glass holder. The stemmed glass holder comprises a glass holding portion and a resilient portion. The glass holding portion comprises an aperture, a periphery of the aperture defining a bowl support edge adapted to abut an underside of a bowl of the stemmed glass. The glass holding portion also comprises a passage via which a stem of the stemmed glass is slidable into and out of the aperture. The resilient portion normally blocks the passage, but is moveable to enable the stem to be slid through the passage. 1. A stemmed glass holder comprising: an aperture, a periphery of the aperture defining a bowl support edge adapted to abut an underside of a bowl of the stemmed glass; and', 'a passage via which a stem of the stemmed glass is slidable into and out of the aperture, and, 'a glass holding portion comprisinga resilient portion that normally blocks the passage, the resilient portion being moveable to enable the stem to be slid through the passage.2. The stemmed glass holder of claim 1 , wherein the resilient portion comprises a member which overlies the passage claim 1 , the member being moveable to enable the stem to be slid through the passage.3. The stemmed glass holder of or claim 1 , wherein the resilient portion comprises a tab which overlies at least a portion of the passage claim 1 , between a side of the stemmed glass holder and the aperture.4. The stemmed glass holder of any one of to claim 1 , wherein the resilient portion comprises a tab which overlies substantially all of the passage.5. The stemmed glass holder of any one of to claim 1 , wherein the resilient portion comprises first and second tabs which extend from opposing sides of the passage and overlap each other.6. The stemmed glass holder of claim 5 , wherein the first and second tabs overlap each other around a centre of the passage.7. The stemmed glass holder of or claim 5 , wherein the first and second tabs overlap each other by about 2 mm.8. The stemmed glass ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029825A1

A garment separator assembly is provided including at least two separators. Each separator includes a first member defining a first half of the separator; and a second member defining an opposing second half of the separator. The second member is coupled to the first member and, together with the first member, defines a first inner-surface circumference and a second inner-surface circumference adjacent and non-coaxial with the first inner-surface circumference. The first inner-surface circumference is larger than the second inner-surface circumference. The first inner-surface circumference is shaped and sized to mate with a first outer diameter of a standard clothing rod; and the second inner-surface circumference is shaped and sized to mate with a second outer diameter of a clothing rod, wherein the second outer diameter is smaller than the first outer diameter of the standard clothing rod. 1. A garment separator assembly comprising: a first member defining a first half of the separator; and', 'a second member defining an opposing second half of the separator, the second member being coupled to the first member and, together with the first member, defining a first inner-surface circumference and a second inner-surface circumference adjacent and non-coaxial with the first inner-surface circumference, the first inner-surface circumference being larger than the second inner-surface circumference;', 'the first inner-surface circumference shaped and sized to mate with a first outer diameter of a standard clothing rod; and', 'the second inner-surface circumference shaped and sized to mate with a second outer diameter of a clothing rod, wherein the second outer diameter is smaller than the first outer diameter of the standard clothing rod., 'at least two separators, each separator including2. The garment separator assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising:a hinge attaching the first member to the second member.3. The garment separator assembly according to claim ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Connecting element and method for producing the latter

Номер: US20140112711A1

A connecting element for connecting profile rails and/or profiles of various shape comprises a planar base part which comprises a central web and two lateral limbs which are angled with respect to the web. At least one of the limbs comprises a base part surface section slung out from the web.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Microprojection Device and Magnetic Suspension Base

Номер: US20190027955A1
Автор: LV Xuewen
Принадлежит: BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

A microprojection device and a magnetic suspension base are provided. The microprojection device comprises a microprojector and a main suspension magnet. The microprojector is fixed to the main suspension magnet. The magnetic field direction at a magnetic field center of the main suspension magnet is in the vertical direction so the microprojector can be driven to be suspended in a magnetic field environment. The magnetic suspension base comprises: a housing and at least three base magnets disposed therein. The magnetic field direction at the center of a combined magnetic field formed by the at least three base magnets is in the vertical direction; the magnetic intensity at the center of the combined magnetic field is less than the magnetic intensity near the base magnets; and the microprojector can be driven to be suspended under the magnetic field environment by being fixed on the magnet. 1. A microprojection device , comprising a microprojector and a main suspension magnet ,wherein the microprojector is fixed to the main suspension magnet; and a magnetic field direction at a magnetic field center of the main suspension magnet is in a vertical direction, so that the microprojector is able to be driven to be suspended in a magnetic field environment.2. The microprojection device according to claim 1 , wherein the main suspension magnet is provided with a counterweight.3. The microprojection device according to claim 2 , further comprising: at least one auxiliary magnet disposed on the microprojector or the counterweight claim 2 ,wherein a straight line in which a magnetic field direction at a magnetic field center of each auxiliary magnet is disposed is perpendicular to a straight line in which the magnetic field direction at the magnetic field center of the main suspension magnet is disposed.4. The microprojection device according to claim 1 , further comprising a wireless charging receiver disposed in the microprojector.5. The microprojection device according to ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028766A1
Автор: Avedian Raymond

A flattening device for bank checks and other small documents, made of two transparent sheets of material that are rotatable at a common hinge point and attracted together with sufficient force to flatten creased or crumpled checks inserted between them to allow for easier viewing and photographing. 1. A checkpress , comprising:a base made of a clear material with small embedded magnets at two adjacent corners of its short end;an end piece, fixed to the end of said base opposite the magnets and supported by said base;a top piece made of clear material and supported by said base and laid flush against said end piece; andwherein said top piece is rotatably connected to said end piece by means of adhesive tape to enable a check to be sandwiched between said base and said top piece.2. The checkpress of claim 1 , wherein said adhesive tape is replaced by hinges.3. The checkpress of claim 1 , wherein said top piece has an extra pair of embedded magnets in the corners adjacent to said end piece claim 1 , and wherein said base has an extra pair of embedded magnets located directly under the extra pair of magnets in said top piece.4. The checkpress of claim 3 , wherein said embedded magnets in the said top piece are replaced by pegs and said embedded magnets in said base are replaced by holes for said pegs.5. The checkpress of claim 1 , wherein said base is made of a dark claim 1 , opaque material.6. The checkpress of claim 1 , wherein said end piece contains an RFID chip that can be synched with cellular phone banking apps.7. The checkpress of claim 1 , wherein an LED light can be inserted into said endpiece to provide lighting for picture taking. With the creation of banking apps, people can now deposit checks from home by taking a picture of the check with their phones. However, the deposit may not be successful if the check is not sufficiently flat or does not have an appropriately dark background and hence does not photograph well. My invention is a device that allows ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Tool Holder

Номер: US20160031074A1

A tool holder includes a rack and at least one seat connected to the rack. The seat includes an assembling portion and an attached portion spaced from the assembling portion. The assembling portion is detachably mounted to the rack. The attached portion includes an abutted face and a recess. The abutted face is located opposite to the rack. The recess is located between the abutted face and the assembling portion. The recess receives a magnet adapted to magnetically attach to a metal object. 1. A tool holder comprising:a rack; andat least one seat connected to the rack, with the seat including an assembling portion and an attached portion spaced from the assembling portion, with the assembling portion detachably mounted to the rack, with the attached portion including an abutted face and a recess, with the abutted face located opposite to the rack, with the recess located between the abutted face and the assembling portion, and with the recess receiving a magnet.2. The tool holder as claimed in claim 1 , with the assembling portion including a slot engaged with the rack.3. The tool holder as claimed in claim 2 , with the rack including a rail extending along an axis claim 2 , with the rail including a body and at least one hole formed on the body claim 2 , with the assembling portion including a protrusion formed in the slot and engaged into the hole of the rail.4. The tool holder as claimed in claim 3 , with the assembling portion including a guiding face formed on an end of the protrusion claim 3 , with a tilted angle formed between the guiding face and the axis claim 3 , and with the tilted angle less than 10 degrees.5. The tool holder as claimed in claim 1 , with an extending direction of the recess parallel to abutted face.6. The tool holder as claimed in claim 1 , with the recess having an opening disposed at a side thereof to be adapted to receive the magnet7. The tool holder as claimed in claim 3 , with the rack including a plurality of clips claim 3 , with ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Stroller cup holder

Номер: US20170029006A1
Автор: Sunny Kim, Tiffany Chen
Принадлежит: Helen of Troy Ltd

A cup holder for an associated stroller includes a cup for releasably holding therein an associated drink container and a base detachably connected to the cup. The base includes a mounting member releasably connecting the cup holder to an associated stroller bar and a tightening mechanism separately engaging the associated stroller bar for tightening the base against the associated stroller bar and holding the cup holder at a predetermined location on the associated stroller bar.

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Magnetic Coolie Beverage Holder

Номер: US20220047103A1
Автор: Leimer Stefan

A beverage holder with an insulating sleeve holds a beverage container and a magnetic mount to magnetically secure the insulating sleeve with the beverage container therein to a ferromagnetic support structure. The magnetic mount comprises an exterior housing located outside the insulating sleeve and on a lateral wall of the insulating sleeve. A magnet is carried by the exterior housing and located outside of the insulating sleeve. An interior backing is located on an interior of the insulating sleeve and fastened to the exterior housing through the insulating sleeve. The exterior housing and the interior backing sandwich a portion of the lateral wall of the insulating sleeve. 1. A beverage holder with an insulating sleeve configured to hold a beverage container and a magnetic mount configured to magnetically secure the insulating sleeve with the beverage container therein to a ferromagnetic support structure , the magnetic mount comprising:an exterior housing located outside the insulating sleeve and on a lateral wall of the insulating sleeve;at least one magnet carried by the exterior housing and located outside of the insulating sleeve;an interior backing located on an interior of the insulating sleeve and fastened to the exterior housing through the insulating sleeve; andthe exterior housing and the interior backing sandwiching a portion of the lateral wall of the insulating sleeve therebetween.2. The beverage holder of claim 1 , further comprising:an array of teeth carried by at least one of the exterior housing and the interior backing, the array of teeth penetrating into the insulating sleeve.3. The beverage holder of claim 1 , wherein the array of teeth circumscribe a perimeter of the at least one of the exterior housing and the interior backing.4. The beverage holder of claim 1 , wherein both of the exterior housing and the interior backing carry arrays of teeth penetrating into the insulating sleeve.5. The beverage holder of claim 1 , further comprising:a ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030386A1

An elongate article holder with a flexible band, along with two terminal ends that may be removably secured to each other, is used to wrap around an elongate article, such as a cable, or coils of the elongate article. In various exemplary embodiments, removable coupling of the two terminal ends may be provided by magnet(s). Further, the flexible non-magnetic band may have an integral closed loop for removably attaching to the elongate article, operating by passing a portion of the elongate article through a formed orifice that is formed from the integral closed loop. 1. A magnetic cable organizer for organizing at least one cable; wherein the magnetic cable organizer comprises: 'an integral closed loop for attaching the magnetic cable organizer to the at least one cable by a portion of the at least one cable passing through an orifice formed between the integral closed loop and a portion of the flexible elongate band;', 'a flexible elongate band, wherein the flexible elongate band comprisestwo terminal ends disposed opposite of each other with the flexible elongate band disposed between the two terminal ends, with each terminal end comprising a mating surface such that are at least two mating surfaces;wherein one of the two mating surfaces comprises at least one magnet and the other mating surface comprises at least one magnetically attractable material;wherein when the two mating surfaces are removably brought together, the flexible elongate band bends and forms a formed receiving cavity; wherein the formed receiving cavity circumscribes at least one different portion of the at least one cable or a portion of a different cable; andwherein the flexible elongate band, including the integral closed loop, and the two terminals ends are all integral with respect each other; wherein each terminal end of the two terminals ends is located at an opposing end of the flexible elongate band.2. The magnetic cable organizer according to claim 1 , wherein the integral closed loop ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032954A1
Автор: PORTER James Blake

Magnetic fasteners, magnetic joints, and methods for making and using the magnetic fasteners and joints, and articles utilizing the magnetic fasteners and magnetic joints are provided. The magnetic fasteners and joints may be used in furniture, cabinetry, and the like, and enable facile and consistent assembly of furniture and cabinetry. 1. A magnetic fastener for joining first and second members , the fastener comprising:a first magnet secured to a first member;a second component that is secured to the second member and magnetically attracted to the first magnet;a first planar magnetic junction between the first magnet and the second component; anda second planar junction between mating surfaces of the first and second members,wherein the first and second planar junctions are parallel and offset relative to each other.2. The magnetic fastener of claim 1 , wherein the second component is a magnet.3. The magnetic fastener of claim 1 , comprising a coupling device that restricts movement between the first and second members in an axial direction perpendicular to the planar magnetic junction.4. The magnetic fastener of claim 1 , wherein:the first magnet comprises a planar face and a mounting surface opposing its planar face;the second component comprises a planar face and a mounting surface opposing its planar face;a circumferential shape and circumferential dimension of the first magnet is substantially the same as a circumferential shape and circumferential dimension of the second component;one of the first magnet and second component is secured to the first member so that its planar face protrudes from the mating surface of the first member;the other of the first magnet and second component is secured in a recess in the mating surface of the second member with its mounting surface directed inward toward a base of the recess and its planar face is within the recess and facing outward, the recess having a circumferential shape and circumferential dimension ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Hook and Loop Strap with a High Powered Magnet

Номер: US20180031014A1
Автор: Bulat Daniel

An apparatus for removeably attaching an object to a metal surface is provided. The apparatus comprises a loop portion with a top surface and a bottom surface, a hook portion with a top surface and a bottom surface, a connector, and at least one magnet. 1. An apparatus for removeably attaching an object to a metal surface , comprising:a loop portion with a looped top surface and a first smooth bottom surface;a hook portion with a hooked top surface and a second smooth bottom surface;a connector; andat least one magnet.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a top rubber portion attached to the hooked top surface of the hook portion and a bottom rubber portion attached to the second smooth bottom surface of the hook portion claim 1 , wherein the at least one magnet is located between the top rubber portion and the bottom rubber portion.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the hook portion comprises a first end and a second end claim 1 , wherein the connector is attached at the first end claim 1 , and wherein the loop portion is attached at the second end.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the magnet is positioned closer to the first end than the second end.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a second magnet.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the connector is a buckle.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the magnet is positioned between a looped bottom surface and the hooked top surface of the hooked portion.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a first weld configured for attaching the hook portion to the loop portion.9. The apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the first weld comprises a flexible material.10. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a second weld configured for attaching the hook portion to the connector.11. An apparatus for removeably attaching an object to a metal surface claim 1 , comprising:a hook portion with a hooked top surface;a first magnet;a second magnet; anda loop portion with a bottom surface.12. ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032687A1

A locking mechanism assembly can include a locking member that can move between a retracted position and a deployed position. A first spring is coupled to a proximal portion of the locking member and exerts a force on the locking member in the proximal direction toward the retracted position. A second spring is coupled to the locking member and exerts a force on the locking member in a distal direction toward the deployed position, opposite to the direction of force exerted by the first spring. One of the first and second springs includes a shape memory material that moves to a pre-deformed state when exposed to heat, thereby increasing in tension such that the force it exerts on the locking member exceeds the force exerted on the locking member by the other of the first and second springs, causing the locking member to move to the retracted or deployed position. 1. A device comprising:a first component; a locking member configured to move between a retracted position and a deployed position,', 'a first spring coupled to a proximal portion of the locking member, the first spring configured to exert a force on the locking member in a first direction toward one of the retracted and deployed positions, and', 'a second spring coupled to the locking member, the second spring configured to exert a force on the locking member in a second direction opposite the first direction toward the other of the retracted and deployed positions, the second spring comprising a shape memory material, where the second spring moves to a pre-deformed state when exposed to heat, thereby increasing in tension such that the force exerted by the second spring on the locking member exceeds the force exerted on the locking member by the first spring, causing the locking member to move in the second direction, and wherein the second spring moves to a deformed state when cooled below a predetermined level, thereby decreasing in tension such that the force exerted by the first spring on the locking ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170033730A1

A photovoltaic (PV) mounting system having a base portion with a plurality of rails. The system includes a spring clip unit having a foot configured to hold a PV module coupling device and arranged to slide on one of the plurality of rails. A first spring clip is moveable on the foot from a first position in which the first spring clip is disengaged with the rail to allow the foot to move freely along the rail, to a second position in which the first spring clip engages the rail to attach the foot to the rail. A second spring clip is held by the foot and is forcibly engaged with the rail when the first spring clip is moved to the second position to help lock the foot. 1. A photovoltaic (PV) mounting system comprising:a base portion comprising at least one rail; a foot configured to hold a PV module coupling device and arranged to slide on one of the plurality of rails;', 'a first spring clip moveable on the foot from a first position in which the first spring clip is disengaged with the at least one rail to allow the foot to move freely along the at least one rail, to a second position in which the first spring clip engages the rail to couple the foot to the at least one rail;', 'a second spring clip held by the foot, the second spring clip being forcibly engaged with the at least one rail when the first spring clip is moved into the second position., 'at least one spring clip unit comprising2. The PV system of claim 1 , wherein each rail of the plurality of rails comprises a pair of channels on either side of the rail.3. The PV system of claim 2 , wherein the first spring clip comprises an elongated lever extending to first and a second tabs.4. The PV system of claim 3 , wherein the first tab and a second tab are each arranged to pass through the foot and engage the pair of channels in the base when the lever is actuated to the second position of the first spring clip.5. The PV system of claim 4 , wherein the first tab and a second tab are each arranged to ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032954A1
Автор: MANTELLA Anthony R.
Принадлежит: Eneflux Armtek Magnetics, Inc.

An article for attachment to a hinge for holding items is disclosed. The article includes a magnetic member for attachment to a door hinge. 1. An article for attachment to a hinge for holding items comprising a member for holding said items , an elongated member having a recessed area attached to said member for holding said items and one or more magnets attached in said recessed area of said elongated member , wherein said article is adapted to attach to said hinge.2. The article of wherein the member for holding items comprises a hook.3. The article of wherein the elongated member is arc shaped.4. The article of wherein the hook includes a first hook end and a second hook end.5. The article of wherein the hook includes a horizontal L-shaped portion adapted to seat atop of the hinge and a portion to seat behind the hinge.6. The article of wherein the hook is attached to the elongated member by a fastening means.7. The article of wherein the one or more magnets comprises two magnets.8. The article of wherein the one or more magnets are neodymium magnets.9. An article for attachment to a hinge for holding items comprising a hook for holding said items claim 7 , an elongated member having a recessed area attached to said hook for holding said items and one or more neodymium magnets attached in said recessed area of said elongated member claim 7 , wherein said article is adapted to attach to said hinge.10. The article of wherein the elongated member is arc shaped.11. The article of wherein the hook includes a first hook end and a second hook end.12. The article of wherein the hook includes a horizontal L-shaped portion adapted to seat atop of the hinge and a portion to seat behind the hinge.13. The article of wherein the hook is attached to the elongated member by one or more screws.14. The article of wherein the one or more magnets comprises two magnets. This is a continuation application claiming priority on U.S. application Ser. No. 15/915,918, filed Mar. 8, 2018, ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Bracket For Connection of a Junction Box To Photovoltaic Panels

Номер: US20180034409A1

A device for attaching a junction box to a photovoltaic. The photovoltaic panel has a photovoltaic side and a non-photovoltaic side. The device includes a bracket with a first side attachable to the junction box and a second side attachable to the non-photovoltaic surface of the photovoltaic panel. A central fastener is attachable at one end to the bracket and a plate is adapted for connecting to the other end of the central fastener and for mounting on the photovoltaic side of the photovoltaic panel. One or more rotatable spacers, connectible to the central fastener, may be located on the non-photovoltaic side of the photovoltaic panel. One or more fixed spacers may be located on the non-photovoltaic side connectible to the bracket. 117-. (canceled)18. An apparatus , comprising:a fastener configured to extend between at least two photovoltaic panels and to extend across respective front and rear sides of each of the at least two photovoltaic panels;a bracket connected to the fastener, wherein the bracket is configured to enable attachment a junction box configured to service the at least two photovoltaic panels; andwherein the fastener and the bracket, are configured to clamp the at least two photovoltaic panels to therebetween.19. The apparatus of claim 18 , further comprising an adjustable spacer configured to be mounted and adjustable in position in a space between the junction box and the at least two photovoltaic panels.20. The apparatus of claim 19 , wherein the adjustable spacer is rotatable around the fastener.21. The apparatus of claim 18 , further comprising the junction box claim 18 , wherein the junction box includes a direct-current-to-direct-current converter or a direct-current-to-alternating-current converter.22. The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein the junction box is adapted to attach to a non-photovoltaic side of a photovoltaic panel of the at least two photovoltaic panels.23. The apparatus of claim 18 , further comprising a plate connected to an ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033129A1
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

A method of inserting a pin in a bore of an article may include first providing an article with a bore, the bore having an inside diameter. The method may then include providing a pin having a hollow body, the hollow body having a diameter with a profile with a pattern of voids. The method may then include applying an axial force on an end of the hollow body to cause the diameter of the pin to reduce in size to a point where the diameter of the pin is less than the inside diameter of the article. The method may further include aligning the pin inside of the bore of the article, and then removing the axial force on the end of the hollow body. 116.-. (canceled)17. A method of inserting a pin in a bore of an article comprising the steps of:providing an article with a bore, the bore having an inside diameter;providing a pin having a hollow body, the hollow body having a diameter with a profile with a pattern of voids, the hollow body having an end;applying an axial force on the end of the hollow body to cause the diameter of the pin to reduce in size to a point where the diameter of the pin is less than the inside diameter of the article;aligning the pin inside of the bore of the article; andremoving the axial force on the end of the hollow body.18. The method as claimed in claim 17 , wherein the step of removing the axial force causes the diameter of the pin to increase.19. The method as claimed in claim 17 , further comprising the step of providing a fixture claim 17 , the fixture has a driver that applies the axial force on the end of the hollow body.20. The method as claimed in claim 17 , wherein the pin is made by:providing a sheet of metal,stamping a pattern of shapes into the sheet of metal, androlling a stamped sheet of metal into a cylindrically shaped structure.21. The method as claimed in claim 19 , further comprising:loading the article on to a shaft of the fixture; andloading the pin in to the fixture, where an end of the shaft impinges upon an end of the ...
