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27-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000020778U1

1. Пневмоэлектрогенераторный агрегат, включающий подключенную трубопроводами подвода и отвода к источнику газа высокого давления расширительную турбину (турбодетандер) с сопловым и направляющим аппаратами, вал который с установленным на нем ротором (лопаточной машиной) соединен посредством муфты с валом электрогенератора, отличающийся тем, что агрегат размещен в общем корпусе-капсуле, муфта соединяющая расширительную турбину и генератор выполнена упругой, а коллектор подвода рабочего газа и блок регулирования рабочего газа примыкают к корпусу турбины снаружи. 2. Пневмоэлектрогенераторный агрегат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что блок регулирования рабочего газа включает дозатор газа, соединенный с исполнительным устройством, которое, в свою очередь, через электронный блок-преобразователь соединено с датчиком частоты вращения. (19) RU (11) 20 778 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16H 41/00 (2000.01) F17D 1/04 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2001109277/20 , 09.04.2001 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 09.04.2001 (46) Опубликовано: 27.11.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Аксенов Д.Т., Лашкевич Е.Д. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Аксенов Дмитрий Тимофеевич, Лашкевич Екатерина Дмитриевна U 1 2 0 7 7 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Пневмоэлектрогенераторный агрегат, включающий подключенную трубопроводами подвода и отвода к источнику газа высокого давления расширительную турбину (турбодетандер) с сопловым и направляющим аппаратами, вал который с установленным на нем ротором (лопаточной машиной) соединен посредством муфты с валом электрогенератора, отличающийся тем, что агрегат размещен в общем корпусе-капсуле, муфта соединяющая расширительную турбину и генератор выполнена упругой, а коллектор подвода рабочего газа и блок регулирования рабочего газа примыкают к корпусу турбины снаружи. 2. Пневмоэлектрогенераторный агрегат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что блок регулирования рабочего ...

10-01-2004 дата публикации

Устройство для подвода в насос перекачиваемой жидкости

Номер: RU0000035400U1

1. Устройство для подвода в насос перекачиваемой жидкости, состоящее из входного патрубка, соединенного со стенкой корпуса насоса, и втулки уплотнения, установленной в цилиндрической выточке этой же стенки и закрепленной в ней через свою фланцевую часть, отличающееся тем, что входной патрубок выполнен отъемным в вертикальной плоскости от сопрягаемой с ним стенки корпуса, а втулка установлена в цилиндрической выточке стенки с радиальным зазором и закреплена с внешней стороны стенки корпуса в месте разъема. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что на внутренней поверхности втулки уплотнения выполнена винтовая канавка одного направления вращения с рабочим колесом насоса. (19) RU (11) 35 400 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16H 41/30 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003128258/20 , 25.09.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.09.2003 (46) Опубликовано: 10.01.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Научно-производственное объединение "ЭЛСИБ" Открытое акционерное общество U 1 3 5 4 0 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для подвода в насос перекачиваемой жидкости, состоящее из входного патрубка, соединенного со стенкой корпуса насоса, и втулки уплотнения, установленной в цилиндрической выточке этой же стенки и закрепленной в ней через свою фланцевую часть, отличающееся тем, что входной патрубок выполнен отъемным в вертикальной плоскости от сопрягаемой с ним стенки корпуса, а втулка установлена в цилиндрической выточке стенки с радиальным зазором и закреплена с внешней стороны стенки корпуса в месте разъема. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что на внутренней поверхности втулки уплотнения выполнена винтовая канавка одного направления вращения с рабочим колесом насоса. 3 5 4 0 0 (54) Устройство для подвода в насос перекачиваемой жидкости R U Адрес для переписки: 630088, г.Новосибирск, ул. Сибиряков-Гвардейцев, 56, НПО "ЭЛСИБ" ОАО (72) Автор(ы): Новосадов А. ...

27-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000058641U1

1. Гидротрансформатор, содержащий рабочие колеса, направляющий аппарат с обгонной муфтой, уплотнительные устройства магистралей подвода рабочей жидкости в контур циркуляции рабочих колес и отвода ее, турбинный вал на подшипниковых опорах, отличающийся тем, что в нем обгонная муфта выполнена с эксцентриковыми роликами. 2. Гидротрансформатор по 1, отличающийся тем, что в нем уплотнительные устройства выполнены в виде неразъемных колец, например, из угленаполненного фторопласта. 3. Гидротрансформатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в нем турбинный вал размещен на двух опорах. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 58 641 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16H 41/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006122495/22 , 23.06.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 23.06.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 27.11.2006 5 8 6 4 1 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Гидротрансформатор, содержащий рабочие колеса, направляющий аппарат с обгонной муфтой, уплотнительные устройства магистралей подвода рабочей жидкости в контур циркуляции рабочих колес и отвода ее, турбинный вал на подшипниковых опорах, отличающийся тем, что в нем обгонная муфта выполнена с эксцентриковыми роликами. 2. Гидротрансформатор по 1, отличающийся тем, что в нем уплотнительные устройства выполнены в виде неразъемных колец, например, из угленаполненного фторопласта. 3. Гидротрансформатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в нем турбинный вал размещен на двух опорах. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ГИДРОТРАНСФОРМАТОР 5 8 6 4 1 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "Проектно-конструкторское бюро "Автоматика" - Дочернее общество ОАО "Кировский завод" (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 198097, Санкт-Петербург, пр-кт Стачек, 47, ЗАО "ПКБ "Автоматика" (72) Автор(ы): Емельянов Борис Викторович (RU), Ильин Олег Константинович (RU), Кабиров Арман Маликович (RU), Лубневский Олег Романович (RU), Островский Владимир Григорьевич (RU ...

10-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000066455U1

Гидравлическая муфта, включающая турбинное колесо и насосное колесо, жестко связанное с корпусом, на внешней поверхности которого со стороны насосного колеса выполнены элементы крепления в виде приливов, отличающаяся тем, что приливы расположены по двум коаксиальным окружностям, продольной оси гидравлической муфты. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 66 455 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16D 33/18 F16H 41/24 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006137129/22 , 20.10.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.10.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.09.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Мартыненко Владимир Сергеевич (UA) , Мартыненко Сергей Анатольевич (UA) , Воробьев Дмитрий Леонидович (RU), Воробьев Андрей Леонидович (RU) U 1 6 6 4 5 5 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Гидравлическая муфта, включающая турбинное колесо и насосное колесо, жестко связанное с корпусом, на внешней поверхности которого со стороны насосного колеса выполнены элементы крепления в виде приливов, отличающаяся тем, что приливы расположены по двум коаксиальным окружностям, продольной оси гидравлической муфты. 6 6 4 5 5 (54) ГИДРАВЛИЧЕСКАЯ МУФТА R U Адрес для переписки: 83048, Украина, г. Донецк, ул. Артема, 108, ООО "Инновационная компания "ИК-Лтд" (72) Автор(ы): Мартыненко Владимир Сергеевич (UA) , Мартыненко Сергей Анатольевич (UA) , Воробьев Дмитрий Леонидович (RU), Воробьев Андрей Леонидович (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 66 455 U1 Полезная модель относится к горнорудной, химической, металлургической, нефтедобывающей и лесотехнической промышленности, а также к строительной, строительно-дорожной и транспортной технике и предназначена для передачи вращающего момента от двигателя в приводах различных машин таких как, например, конвейеры, экскаваторы, дробилки, мельницы, насосы. Известна предохранительная гидравлическая муфта ТЛ32/395 («Гидравлика и основы гидропривода» ...

20-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000092501U1

Пневмоприжим, включающий в себя корпус, толкатель, отличающийся тем, что имеет клин, который соприкасаясь с роликом образуют клиновую передачу, состоящую из клина, штока и ролика, через которую передается усилие на прижатие блока картера коробки перемены передач автомобиля марки КамАЗ, корпус штока, шток, пружину, пневмокамеру с краном для регулировки подачи воздуха, создающую силу прижатия, прижимную тарелку, которая и входит в посадочное место под подшипник, тем самым центрирует и прижимает блок картера коробки передач автомобиля марки КамАЗ. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 92 501 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16H 41/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009137446/22, 09.10.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 09.10.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 20.03.2010 9 2 5 0 1 R U Формула полезной модели Пневмоприжим, включающий в себя корпус, толкатель, отличающийся тем, что имеет клин, который соприкасаясь с роликом образуют клиновую передачу, состоящую из клина, штока и ролика, через которую передается усилие на прижатие блока картера коробки перемены передач автомобиля марки КамАЗ, корпус штока, шток, пружину, пневмокамеру с краном для регулировки подачи воздуха, создающую силу прижатия, прижимную тарелку, которая и входит в посадочное место под подшипник, тем самым центрирует и прижимает блок картера коробки передач автомобиля марки КамАЗ. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 U 1 (54) ПНЕВМОПРИЖИМ 9 2 5 0 1 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Оренбургский государственный аграрный университет" (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 460795, г.Оренбург, ул. Челюскинцев, 18, ОГАУ (72) Автор(ы): Шахов Владимир Александрович (RU), Михин Игорь Алексеевич (RU), Подковыров Алексей Алексеевич (RU), Михайлов Александр Васильевич (RU) U 1 U 1 9 2 5 0 1 9 2 5 0 1 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ...

27-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000127423U1

Устройство соединения деталей гидропередачи, снабженное демпфером, содержащим пружины, расположенные в окнах ведущего и двух ведомых дисков, соединенных со ступицей демпфера и ступицей турбинного колеса гидротрансформатора, отличающееся тем, что введено кольцо с резьбовыми отверстиями, а ступица демпфера имеет шлицевое соединение со ступицей турбинного колеса гидротрансформатора, при этом ступица турбинного колеса гидротрансформатора, ведомые диски и ступица демпфера соединены болтами, ввернутыми в резьбовые отверстия кольца. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F16H 41/00 (13) 127 423 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013100390/11, 10.01.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.01.2013 (72) Автор(ы): Румянцев Леонид Александрович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Румянцев Леонид Александрович (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 10.01.2013 (45) Опубликовано: 27.04.2013 Бюл. № 12 R U 1 2 7 4 2 3 Формула полезной модели Устройство соединения деталей гидропередачи, снабженное демпфером, содержащим пружины, расположенные в окнах ведущего и двух ведомых дисков, соединенных со ступицей демпфера и ступицей турбинного колеса гидротрансформатора, отличающееся тем, что введено кольцо с резьбовыми отверстиями, а ступица демпфера имеет шлицевое соединение со ступицей турбинного колеса гидротрансформатора, при этом ступица турбинного колеса гидротрансформатора, ведомые диски и ступица демпфера соединены болтами, ввернутыми в резьбовые отверстия кольца. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО СОЕДИНЕНИЯ ДЕТАЛЕЙ ГИДРОПЕРЕДАЧИ 1 2 7 4 2 3 Адрес для переписки: 109383, Москва, ул. Полбина, 64, кв. 138, Л.А. Румянцеву U 1 U 1 1 2 7 4 2 3 1 2 7 4 2 3 R U R U Стр.: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 127 423 U1 Техническое решение относится к транспортному машиностроению и может быть использовано в гидродинамических передачах автомобилей и дорожных машин, оборудованных ...

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000128909U1

1. Демпфер гидропередачи с фрикционом блокировки гидротрансформатора, ведомые диски которого соединены с ведущим диском демпфера, содержащим два ведомых диска демпфера, расположенных с двух сторон от ведущего диска демпфера и закрепленных на ступице демпфера, соединенной с турбинным колесом гидротрансформатора, при этом ведомые диски демпфера снабжены окнами, а ведущий диск демпфера со стороны внутреннего диаметра содержит пазы, в которых размещены опорные пластины, имеющие посадочные места для установленных между опорных пластин пружин демпфера, снабжен также гасителем крутильных колебаний, отличающийся тем, что выступы между пазами ведущего диска демпфера расположены на ступице демпфера и имеют на концах с двух сторон дугообразные утолщения до ведомых дисков демпфера, при этом каждая опорная пластина снабжена направленным в сторону ступицы демпфера расположенным в пазах ведущего диска хвостовиком для установки опорных пластин посредине между ведомыми дисками демпфера и содержит горизонтально расположенное ребро, входящее в гнезда ведущего и ведомых дисков демпфера. 2. Гаситель крутильных колебаний демпфера по п.1, отличающийся тем, что содержит расположенное между ведущим диском демпфера и ведомым диском, имеющее возможность осевого перемещения фрикционное кольцо с цилиндрическим пояском, установленным на наружном диаметре ведомого диска, торец которого в осевом направлении выведен за ведомый диск, при этом между торцом пояска фрикционного кольца и турбинным колесом гидротрансформатора установлена диафрагменная пружина, а на ведущем диске демпфера имеется кольцевой выступ, имеющий возможность контакта с другим ведомым диском демпфера. 3. Гаситель крутильных колебаний демпфера по п.2, отличающийся тем, что фрикционное кольцо содержит пазы для упора в цилиндрические головки заклепок, установленных на ведомом диске. 4. Гаситель крутильных колебаний демпфера по п.2, отличающийся тем, что торцовые поверхности дугообразного утолщения и кольцевого выступа ведущего диска ...

27-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000152998U1

Система автоматического управления гидропередачей, содержащая питательный насос, соединенный через трубопровод с входом золотника управления, второй, третий входы которого соединены через трубопроводы соответственно с первым и вторым выходами управляющего распределителя, четвертый вход золотника управления соединен через клапан быстрого включения с третьим выходом управляющего распределителя посредством трубопроводов, два гидротрансформатора и гидромуфту, входы которых через соответствующие трубопроводы соединены с соответствующими выходами золотника управления, три регулируемых дросселя, блок управления, первый выход которого соединен с управляющим распределителем, а оставшиеся три выхода соединены соответственно с первыми входами трех регулируемых дросселей, вторые входы которых соединены через трубопроводы с соответствующими выходами гидротрансформаторов и гидромуфты, выходы трех регулируемых дросселей соединены соответственно с пятым, шестым входами золотника управления и входом гидропередачи, датчик температуры, расположенный на трубопроводе, соединяющем питательный насос и золотник управления, выход которого соединен с первым входом блока управления, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно содержит три датчика температуры, каждый из которых расположен на соответствующем трубопроводе, соединяющих три регулируемых дросселя соответственно с двумя гидротрансформаторами и гидромуфтой, выходы которых соединены со вторым, третьим и четвертым входами блока управления. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 152 998 U1 (51) МПК B61C 9/18 (2006.01) F16H 41/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014142488/11, 21.10.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.10.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 27.06.2015 Бюл. № 18 1 5 2 9 9 8 R U Формула полезной модели Система автоматического управления гидропередачей, содержащая питательный насос, соединенный через трубопровод с входом золотника ...

20-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000164099U1

Гидродинамическая передача, содержащая корпус, установленные в нем турбинное и насосное колеса с внутренними торами; с лопатками, межлопаточными каналами, сформированными боковыми поверхностями двух соседних лопаток, внутренними поверхностями внутреннего и наружного торов, отличающаяся тем, что конструктивная форма внутренней поверхности наружного тора рассчитывается по формуле: где d - текущее значение высоты канала в i-ом меридиональном сечении, м, D - диаметр центра тора, м, d - диаметр тора, м, φ- угол поворота канала колеса гидромуфты, F - текущая площадь проходного сечения вдоль межлопаточных каналов, м. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 164 099 U1 (51) МПК F16H 41/00 (2006.01) F16H 41/26 (2006.01) F16D 33/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015155516/11, 23.12.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 23.12.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 20.08.2016 Бюл. № 23 1 6 4 0 9 9 Формула полезной модели Гидродинамическая передача, содержащая корпус, установленные в нем турбинное и насосное колеса с внутренними торами; с лопатками, межлопаточными каналами, сформированными боковыми поверхностями двух соседних лопаток, внутренними поверхностями внутреннего и наружного торов, отличающаяся тем, что конструктивная форма внутренней поверхности наружного тора рассчитывается по формуле: где di - текущее значение высоты канала в i-ом меридиональном сечении, м, Dz - диаметр центра тора, м, dT - диаметр тора, м, φi - угол поворота канала колеса гидромуфты, R U Fi - текущая площадь проходного сечения вдоль межлопаточных каналов, м2. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ГИДРОДИНАМИЧЕСКАЯ ПЕРЕДАЧА 1 6 4 0 9 9 Адрес для переписки: 454080, г. Челябинск, пр. им. В.И. Ленина, 76, ЮУрГУ, патентный отдел (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "ЮжноУральский государственный университет" (национальный исследовательский ...

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Rivet for use with angled fixture and method thereof

Номер: US20120073279A1
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

A method of connecting plates in a torque converter including: forming a head of a rivet with an end surface that is curved or forms multiple planes; forming a portion of an interior surface of the cover to protrude or indent with respect to a surrounding portion of the interior surface; disposing the body of the rivet in respective holes in respective portions of the plates; and displacing the plates such that the end surface of the rivet head contacts the portion of the interior surface, the respective portions of the first and second plates are at an acute angle with respect to the surrounding portion of the interior surface, and a longitudinal axis of the rivet is at an acute angle with respect to a line orthogonal to the surrounding portion of the interior surface.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Multiple-variator control for split power CVT and hydrostatic transmissions

Номер: US20120152056A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A system for providing hydraulic power in a machine transmission includes a first hydraulic variator and a second hydraulic variator, each variator having a mechanical input to a hydraulic pump, and a hydraulic motor linked to the hydraulic pump via a hydraulic circuit, and a mechanical output from the hydraulic motor. In an embodiment, the first hydraulic circuit side of one variator is hydraulically connected to the first hydraulic side of the other variator, and the second hydraulic circuit sides are likewise linked together. A common input is geared to the inputs of the variators and a common output is geared to the outputs of the variators, tying the pump and motor of each variator to rotate at the same speed as the counterpart components of the other variator.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Three-stage hysteresis for series damper

Номер: US20120160627A1
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

A torque converter damper, including: an output hub; a first side plate arranged for rotational connection to a lock-up clutch and a turbine of the torque converter. Includes first and second intermediate flange plates; a flange connected to the output hub; springs engaged with the first side plate and the intermediate flange plates; springs engaged with the intermediate flange plates and with the flange; and a resilient element creating frictional contact between first and second components of the torque converter damper. Relative rotation of the first and second components at the frictional contact attenuates vibration at the output hub. The first and second components are rotatable with respect to each other. Rotation of the first component is fixed to rotation of the hub. Rotation of the second component is arranged to be fixed to rotation of the turbine. The hub is arranged to be rotatable with respect to the turbine.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160438A1

A torque converter, including: an impeller and a turbine with: a shell; and at least one blade including: a blade body with a first edge connected to the shell; and a portion extending from the blade body. The torque converter includes a stator including: a stator body, and at least one stator blade axially disposed between the impeller and the turbine and connected to the stator body. A circumferential space is formed between the turbine shell and the stator body. At least a portion of the circumferential space is radially aligned with the portion of the at least one blade. 1. A torque converter , comprising:an impeller; a shell; and,', a blade body with a first edge connected to the shell; and,', 'a portion extending from the blade body; and,, 'at least one blade including], 'a turbine with a stator body; and,', a circumferential space is formed between the turbine shell and the stator body; and,', 'at least a portion of the circumferential space is radially aligned with the portion of the at least one blade., 'at least one stator blade axially disposed between the impeller and the turbine and connected to the stator body, wherein], 'a stator including2. The torque converter of claim 1 , wherein the circumferential space is wholly aligned with the portion of the at least one blade in a radial direction.3. The torque converter of claim 1 , wherein the portion of the at least one blade extends from the blade body at least partially in an axial direction toward the plurality of stator blades.4. The torque converter of claim 1 , wherein a first segment continuous with the blade body and including a first surface in contact with the shell; and,', 'a second segment extending from the first segment, at least partially separated from the blade body by the first segment, and forming a distal edge of the portion of the at least one blade; and,', 'the at least a portion of the circumferential space is radially aligned with the second segment of the at least one blade, 'the ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid module and torque transfer device

Номер: US20130165294A1
Автор: Dierk Reitz
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

The present invention relates to a hybrid module with fastening means for fastening, for example, detachable fastening, of the hybrid module with a torque transfer device, such as a torque converter or a clutch, such as a dual clutch, where the hybrid module includes a drive shaft that can be connected to an internal combustion engine and can rotate around a rotary axis and an electric motor with a stator, a rotor, and a power take-off component that can be connected to the rotor and where the torque transfer device has a transfer component for connecting to the hybrid module, where the fastening means axially secure the power take-off component with respect to the transfer component and can produce the connection between fastening means and transfer component.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Torque converter

Номер: US20130174538A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A torque converter of the present invention includes a pump impeller, a turbine impeller, a first stator impeller, a second stator impeller, a first one-way clutch annularly provided on the inner periphery of the first stator impeller, and a second one-way clutch annularly provided from the inner periphery of the first one-way clutch to the inner periphery of the second stator impeller. The first stator impeller is coupled to a fixed shaft via the first and second one-way clutches, and the second stator impeller is coupled to the fixed shaft only via the second one-way clutch.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Drive Train Having a Hydrodynamic Retarder and Method for Adjusting the Braking Torque

Номер: US20130205925A1

The invention relates to a drive train, especially a motor vehicle 19-. (canceled)10. A drive train , especially of a motor vehicle ,with a drive engine, comprising a main output shaft for driving drive wheels or any other unit;with a hydrodynamic retarder, comprising a driven bladed primary wheel and a bladed secondary wheel which is stationary or driven in opposite direction to the primary wheel, said wheels jointly forming a toroidal working chamber which is or can be filled with working medium in order to transfer torque hydrodynamically from the primary wheel to the secondary wheel;the drive engine comprises a power take-off shaft, via which the primary wheel of the retarder is driven;characterized in thatthe hydrodynamic retarder is arranged as a single-step, uncontrolled retarder which can be switched exclusively between an activated state and a deactivated state.11. The drive train according to claim 10 , characterized in that the hydrodynamic retarder comprises a heat exchanger claim 10 , via which heat is dissipated from the working medium claim 10 , especially oil claim 10 , to the ambient environment or to a vehicle cooling circuit which is connected concerning heat transmission on the secondary side with the heat exchanger claim 10 , with the drive engine also especially being cooled by said cooling circuit.12. The drive train according to claim 10 , characterized in that the hydrodynamic retarder is arranged in a vehicle cooling circuit claim 10 , by means of which the drive engine is especially also cooled claim 10 , and the working medium of the retarder is simultaneously the cooling medium of the vehicle cooling circuit claim 10 , especially water or a water mixture.13. The drive train according to claim 10 , characterized in that the retarder is free from temperature down-regulation claim 10 , in which the braking torque of the retarder is limited depending on the temperature of the working medium.14. The drive train according to claim 11 , ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Magnetic torque sensor for transmission converter drive plate

Номер: US20130232764A1
Автор: Seong-Jae Lee
Принадлежит: Methode Electronics Inc

A magnetic torque sensing device having a disk-shaped member with a magnetoelastically active region. The magnetoelastically active region has oppositely polarized magnetically conditioned regions with initial directions of magnetization that are perpendicular to the sensitive directions of magnetic field sensor pairs placed proximate to the magnetically active region. Magnetic field sensors are specially positioned in relation to the disk-shaped member to accurately measure torque while providing improved RSU performance and reducing the detrimental effects of compassing.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Torque converter with an input shaft centering feature

Номер: US20130233664A1
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

A torque converter, including: a cover arranged to receive torque from an engine; a centering flange fixedly connected to the cover and including a radially outwardly facing surface; a turbine; and a vibration damper with a first input component and a flange arranged to contact and engage an input shaft for a transmission to transmit torque to the input shaft. The torque converter includes: a torque convert clutch including a piston plate fixedly connected to the first input component, the piston plate including: a radially innermost distal end arranged to at least indirectly engage the input shaft; and a radially inwardly facing surface at least indirectly engaged with the radially outwardly facing surface.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277163A1

Providing a vehicle power transmission device including a hydraulic power transmission device and enabling a shorter entire axial length. 18-. (canceled)9. A vehicle power transmission device having a hydraulic power transmission device and a power transmission mechanism in a power transmission path between an engine and drive wheels , the hydraulic power transmission device including an input-side rotating member disposed with a plurality of pump blades and an output-side rotating member disposed with a plurality of turbine blades receiving a fluid flow from the pump blades , the power transmission mechanism transmitting power input to an input shaft from the hydraulic power transmission device to a subsequent stage ,the input-side rotating member being provided with the pump blades internally disposed on the power transmission mechanism side and having a function of an outer shell cover, the outer shell cover housing the output-side rotating member disposed with the turbine blades opposite to the pump blades and fluid flowing from the pump blades to the turbine blades,the vehicle power transmission device having an engine intermittent clutch and a lockup clutch disposed closer to the engine relative to the turbine blade in the input-side rotating member, the engine intermittent clutch selectively coupling a crankshaft of the engine to the input-side rotating member, the lockup clutch selectively coupling the input-side rotating member to the output-side rotating member,one of the engine intermittent clutch and the lockup clutch being a single plate clutch,the vehicle power transmission device further comprising an electric motor disposed on a second axial center parallel to an axial center of the hydraulic power transmission device and operatively coupled to the input-side rotating member, andthe hydraulic power transmission device including a first damper inserted in a power transmission path between the crankshaft of the engine and the electric motor, and a ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Starting Element With Hydrodynamic Torque Converter

Номер: US20140027230A1

A starting element for transmitting torque from a drive-side rotational input () of the starting element to a driven hub () includes a hydrodynamic torque converter () which has a turbine coupled to the driven hub () so as to be fixed with respect to rotation relative to it and which comprises a turbine shell () with turbine blades () arranged therein. A maximum extension of the turbine shell () opposite an axial direction () terminates at a first axial position (), and an impeller () located opposite the turbine in the axial direction (). A stator () is arranged between the turbine and the impeller () and is coupled via a stator flange () to a freewheel () adjoining the driven hub () in an axial direction (). A center of the freewheel () is located at a second axial position (). A difference between the first axial position () and the second axial position () is greater than a predetermined minimum value. 1. A starting element for transmitting torque comprising:{'b': '8', 'a driven hub ();'}{'b': '14', 'a drive-side rotational input () for transmitting torque to said driven hub;'}{'b': 4', '8', '56', '22', '56', '12', '53', '20', '12', '52', '24', '20', '58', '24', '52', '52', '54', '53', '54, 'a hydrodynamic torque converter () comprising a turbine coupled to said driven hub () so as to be fixed with respect to rotation relative thereto, a turbine shell () having turbine blades () arranged therein, wherein a maximum extension of said turbine shell () opposite an axial direction () terminates at a first axial position (); an impeller () located opposite said turbine in the axial direction (); a freewheel () having a center and adjoining said driven hub in said axial direction; and a stator () arranged between said turbine and said impeller () and including a stator flange () for coupling said stator () to said freewheel (); wherein said center of said freewheel () is located at a second axial position (); and wherein a difference between the first axial position () ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096514A1

A drain system for a torque converter may include a hydraulic drain path draining the oil used in the torque converter to the transmission, a hydraulic control path adapted to transmit the oil discharged out of the hydraulic pump to the hydraulic drain path, and a switch valve disposed at the hydraulic drain path, and adapted to operate by pressure of the oil supplied through the hydraulic control path, wherein the switch valve may selectively open/close the hydraulic drain path. 1. A drain system for a torque converter , the torque converter amplifying torque of an engine by using oil supplied from a hydraulic pump operated by torque of the engine and transmitting the amplified torque of the engine to an input shaft of a transmission , the system comprising:a hydraulic drain path draining the oil used in the torque converter to the transmission;a hydraulic control path adapted to transmit the oil discharged out of the hydraulic pump to the hydraulic drain path; anda switch valve disposed at the hydraulic drain path and adapted to operate by pressure of the oil supplied through the hydraulic control path,wherein the switch valve selectively opens or closes the hydraulic drain path.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the switch valve is operated by hydraulic pressure supplied from the hydraulic pump so as to open the hydraulic drain path.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the switch valve is operated so as to close the hydraulic drain path when operation of the hydraulic pump is stopped.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the switch valve includes:a valve body provided with a plurality of ports;a valve spool inserted into the valve body and adapted to slide along a longitudinal direction of the valve body; andan elastic member pushing the valve spool in one direction along the longitudinal direction of the valve body.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the plurality of ports include an inflow port and an outflow port offset from the inflow port in the longitudinal ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Turbine piston thrust path

Номер: US20140097055A1
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

A torque converter includes a torus with an impeller and a turbine having respective shells, a cover shell, and a first damper plate. The impeller shell has a radial wall disposed radially outside of the torus and the turbine shell has a radial wall arranged for frictionally engaging the impeller shell radial wall. The cover shell has a radial wall and the first damper plate has a radial wall for transmitting a turbine shell thrust force to the cover shell radial wall. In an example embodiment, the torque converter includes a friction material ring fixedly attached to the turbine shell radial wall or the impeller shell radial wall. In some example embodiments, the torque converter includes a friction material ring fixedly attached to the cover shell radial wall or the first damper plate radial wall.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002908A1
Автор: Saka Tokimori

A fluid transmission device is provided. The device comprises a rotatable case having a rotational axis, coupled to a drive source, and provided therein with a pump shell for integrally rotating with the case and a turbine shell facing the drive source side of the pump shell, a drive force being transmitted between the pump shell and the turbine shell via fluid, and a dynamic vibration absorber having a swing body and for reducing vibration caused by the drive source. The dynamic vibration absorber overlaps with at least one of the pump shell and the turbine shell in an axial direction of the case. 1. A fluid transmission device , comprising:a rotatable case having a rotational axis, coupled to a drive source, and provided therein with a pump shell configured to integrally rotate with the case, and a turbine shell facing a drive source side of the pump shell, a drive force being transmitted between the pump shell and the turbine shell via fluid; anda dynamic vibration absorber having a swing body and configured to reduce vibration caused by the drive source,wherein the dynamic vibration absorber overlaps with at least one of the pump shell and the turbine shell in an axial direction of the case.2. The fluid transmission device of claim 1 , wherein the dynamic vibration absorber is configured inside the case claim 1 , andwherein the dynamic vibration absorber is disposed on an outer circumferential side of the pump shell and the turbine shell.3. The fluid transmission device of claim 2 , wherein an extension part extending on an outer circumferential side of an outer-most circumferential part of the pump shell is configured on an outer-most circumferential part of the turbine shell claim 2 , andwherein the dynamic vibration absorber is coupled to an outer circumferential side of the extension part.4. The fluid transmission device of claim 3 , wherein a bulging part of the pump shell bulges away from the drive source as the pump shell extends circumferentially inward ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003278A1

A hydraulic torque converter comprises a housing (G), in which two vane cell stator/rotor sets (SR, SR) are arranged one behind the other. The two sets are in hydraulically communicating connection with one another. The rotors (′) are connected to a driveshaft (P) or an output shaft (M). The stators (′) are at a spacing from the associated rotors (′), and the spacing can be varied in at least one radial direction on the basis of pressure and/or centrifugal force, wherein means () are present in order to regulate the spacing from the associated rotor (′). This enables an inexpensive production of a continuously variable transmission which is, in addition, easy to regulate and has an optimized transmission of force. 110-. (canceled)11. A hydraulic torque converter , comprising:a housing,a first vane cell stator/rotor set arranged in the housing, with outer vane piston support, anda second vane cell stator/rotor set arranged in the housing, with outer vane piston support,a drive shaft having an axial direction,an output shaft,wherein each cell stator/rotor set comprises a rotor,wherein each cell stator/rotor set comprises a stator,wherein the rotor of the first vane cell stator/rotor set can be connected to the driveshaft, and the rotor of the second vane cell stator/rotor set can be connected to the output shaft,wherein the first and second vane cell stator/rotor sets are in hydraulically communicating connection,wherein the first and second vane cell stator/rotor sets are arranged one behind the other in the axial direction of the driveshaft and the output shaft,wherein at least one of the stators has a spacing from the associated rotor which can be varied in at least one radial direction on the basis of pressure and/or centrifugal force, andwherein spacing adjustment elements are provided for regulating the spacing from the associated rotor.12. The torque converter according to claim 11 , wherein all the stator/rotor sets comprise a stator claim 11 , the spacing of ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003279A1

A torque converter includes a cover assembly, an impeller assembly, a turbine assembly and a damper assembly. The impeller assembly includes an impeller shell drivingly connected with the cover assembly. The turbine assembly includes a shell with a clutch portion for selective driving engagement with the impeller shell. The damper assembly includes at least one cover plate, a flange for driving engagement with a transmission input shaft, and a first resilient element drivingly engaged with the at least one cover plate and the flange. The torque converter has a second resilient element for urging the turbine assembly away from the cover assembly. 1. A torque converter comprising:a cover assembly;an impeller assembly including an impeller shell drivingly connected with the cover assembly;a turbine assembly including a turbine shell with a clutch portion for selective driving engagement with the impeller shell; at least one cover plate;', 'a flange for driving engagement with a transmission input shaft; and,', 'a first resilient element drivingly engaged with the at least one cover plate and the flange; and,, 'a damper assembly includinga second resilient element for urging the turbine assembly away from the cover assembly.2. The torque converter of wherein the at least one cover plate is fixed to the turbine shell and the second resilient element urges the at least one cover plate away from the cover assembly.3. The torque converter of wherein: a centering plate; and,', 'a bushing press-fitted into the centering plate; and,, 'the cover assembly includesthe flange includes a hub portion installed into the bushing and rotatable relative to the bushing.4. The torque converter of wherein the second resilient element is disposed axially between the flange and the turbine shell.5. The torque converter of wherein the second resilient element is fixed to the turbine shell.6. The torque converter of further comprising a thrust washer disposed axially between the at least one ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003200A1
Автор: Ishikawa Yasuhiro

A transmission includes: a torque converter; a transmission input shaft; a seal member sandwiched between the hollow shaft and the transmission input shaft; and a bush, the transmission input shaft including a large diameter portion abutted on the seal member, and a small diameter portion which is positioned on the tip end side of the large diameter portion, and which has a diameter smaller than a diameter of the large diameter portion, the seal member having a diameter larger than a diameter of the bush, and the small diameter portion having an axial length set to be longer than a length from an insertion inlet of the transmission input shaft of the bush to the seal member. 1. A transmission comprising:a torque converter including a hollow shaft;a transmission input shaft provided radially inside the hollow shaft;a seal member sandwiched between the hollow shaft and the transmission input shaft; anda bush sandwiched between the hollow shaft and the transmission input shaft, and provided at a tip end side of the transmission input shaft with respect to the seal member,the transmission input shaft including a large diameter portion abutted on the seal member, and a small diameter portion which is positioned on the tip end side of the large diameter portion, and which has a diameter smaller than a diameter of the large diameter portion,the seal member having an inside diameter larger than an outside diameter of the bush, andthe small diameter portion having an axial length set to be longer than a length from an insertion inlet of the transmission input shaft of the bush to the seal member.2. The transmission as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the axial length of the small diameter portion is set to be shorter than a length from an insertion outlet of the transmission input shaft of the bush to the seal member.3. The transmission as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the small diameter portion includes an oil hole positioned between the bush and the seal member claim 1 , and ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003214A1
Автор: Goerend David J.

A torque converter is provided with a stator having adjustable fluid flow holes for changing the K-factor of the torque converter, as needed. The stator includes a base plate with fluid flow openings and an adjustable plate with fluid flow openings. The plates matingly engage, such that the fluid openings are adjacent one another. The degree of overlap of the openings can be varied from fully aligned to substantially misaligned by rotating the adjustable plate relative to the base plate, and thereby controlling the fluid flow through the openings. In alternative embodiments the stator holes can be automatically opened and closed in response to changes in fluid pressure in the torque converter, via reed values or spring biased balls. 13-. (canceled)4: An adjustable stator for a torque converter , comprising:a plate with a plurality of fluid openings;an automatic adjustment means to open and close the fluid openings to control fluid volume flowing through the openings as engine speed changes.5: The adjustable stator of wherein the adjustment means is a reed valve.6: The adjustable stator of wherein the adjustment means is a ball detent.7: The adjustable stator of wherein the adjustment means is a clutch.8: The adjustable stator of wherein the adjustment means is set to actuate at a desired RPM.9: A method of adjusting K-factor for a torque converter claim 4 , comprising:orienting fluid flow openings in a pair of mating plates of a stator in the torque converter so that the openings are adjacent on another;adjusting alignment of the openings from fully aligned for maximum fluid flow to misaligned for reduced fluid flow; andwherein the alignment is adjustable to at least 25% misalignment between the holes of the mating plates.10: The method of further comprising fixing the plates in a selected position.11: The method of wherein the plates are fixed together using threaded fasteners extending through one plate and into the other plate.12: The method of wherein the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003532A1
Автор: JEYABALAN Subramanian

A torsional vibration damper comprises an axially moveable locking piston including a piston plate, a torque input member including a cover plate, a support plate disposed axially opposite the cover plate and a supporting member mounted to both the cover and support plates, and a unitary radially elastic output member pivotable relative to and elastically coupled to the torque input member. The output member is disposed axially between the cover plate and the piston plate. The output member includes an output hub and a curved elastic blade configured to elastically and radially engage the supporting member and to elastically bend in the radial direction upon rotation of the cover plate with respect to the output member. The cover plate at least partially covers an axially first outer surface of the output member. The support plate partially covers an axially second outer surface of the output member. 1. A hydrokinetic torque-coupling device for coupling a driving shaft and a driven shaft together , comprising:a casing rotatable about a rotational axis and having a locking surface;a torque converter including an impeller wheel rotatable about the rotational axis and a turbine wheel disposed in the casing coaxially with the rotational axis, the turbine wheel disposed axially opposite to the impeller wheel and hydro-dynamically rotationally drivable by the impeller wheel;a lock-up clutch including a locking piston axially moveable along the rotational axis to and from the locking surface of the casing, the locking piston including a substantially radially oriented piston plate; and a torque input member including a substantially radially oriented cover plate, a support plate disposed axially opposite the cover plate, and at least one supporting member disposed between the cover plate and the support and mounted to both the cover plate and the support plate; and', 'a unitary radially elastic output member pivotable relative to and elastically coupled to the torque input ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220018426A1
Автор: LESCHUK Daniel

A launch device for rotationally coupling a prime mover to a transmission. The launch device includes a front and rear cover cooperating to define a chamber into which a plurality of blades extend forming an impeller. Located in the chamber and fluidically coupled to and rotationally driven by the impeller is a turbine. One or more roller bearings support the turbine and the rear cover for rotation about a central axis. The bearings include inner and outer members supporting the roller elements. A retention feature is further provided to aid in installation and retention of a support component with the bearing. The retention feature allows relative movement in an axial direction of assembly until the bearing and support components are fully engaged, but inhibits relative movement of the bearing and support components in an opposing axial direction. 1. A launch device for coupling together a rotary output member of a prime mover and a rotary input member of a transmission , the launch device comprising:a front cover configured to connect to the rotary output member of the prime mover, a rear cover connected to the front cover and rotatable therewith, the front cover and the rear cover cooperating to define a chamber, one of the front and rear covers integrally or unitarily defining an impeller having a plurality of impeller blades extending into the chamber;a turbine having a hub configured to be connected to the rotary input member of the transmission, the turbine integrally or unitarily including a plurality of turbine blades generally opposing the impeller blades, the impeller blades being shaped to direct a fluid contained within the chamber toward the turbine, and the turbine blades being shaped to redirect the fluid back toward the impeller blades;at least one bearing rotationally supporting one of the turbine and the rear cover for rotation about a central axis, the bearing including a rolling element and inner and outer members supporting the rolling element; ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Drive Train Device for a Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20170009864A1
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

A drive train device for a motor vehicle is disclosed. The drive train device has at least one component which is included for the purpose of transmitting a torque, and at least one cast-in element which is partially cast into the component, which is included for the purpose of transmitting the torque, where the component and the cast-in element are made of different materials. The drive train device has a sealing device which is included for the purpose of sealing a junction between the component and the cast-in element. 110.-. (canceled)11. A drive train device for a motor vehicle , comprising:a first component for a purpose of transmitting a torque;a cast-in element which is partially cast into the first component, wherein the cast-in element is for the purpose of transmitting the torque, wherein the first component and the cast-in element are made of different materials;wherein the first component is indirectly connected, in a manner which transmits torque, to a second component which is for the purpose of transmitting the torque, via the cast-in element such that the torque can only be transmitted between the first component and the second component via the cast-in element; anda sealing device, wherein the sealing device seals a junction between the first component and the cast-in element.12. The drive train device according to claim 11 , wherein the second component together with the first component at least partially enclose an inner space and wherein the sealing device seals the junction and the inner space against each other.13. The drive train device according to claim 11 , wherein the sealing device provides a sealing force due to an at least partially elastic deformation and/or due to adhesion to seal the junction.14. The drive train device according to claim 11 , wherein the sealing device has a sealing element which is disposed between the first component and the second component to provide a seal.15. The drive train device according to claim 11 , ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010697A1

A damper for a motor vehicle torque transmission device, in particular of the long travel damper type, having a torque input element (), a torque output element (), at least one group () of differing elastic members () mounted between the torque input element and torque output element and acting oppositely to the rotation of the torque input element () and torque output element () with respect to one another, the elastic members () of the group of elastic members being arranged in series by means of a phasing member () so that the elastic members () of the group () of elastic members deform in phase with one another, the group () of elastic members () being received in a receptacle () that is asymmetrical with respect to a median radial plane of the receptacle (). 1222826262622282626302626262626264444a,ba,ba,ba,b. A damper for a motor vehicle torque transmission device having a torque input element () , a torque output element () , at least one group () of differing elastic members () mounted between the torque input element and torque output element and acting oppositely to the rotation of the torque input element () and torque output element () with respect to one another , the elastic members () of the group of elastic members being arranged in series by means of a phasing member () so that the elastic members () of the group () of elastic members deform in phase with one another , the group () of elastic members () being received in a receptacle () that is asymmetrical with respect to a median radial plane of the receptacle ().244. The damper according to claim 1 , in which the receptacle () forms a bent tube whose bending radius claim 1 , measured along the receptacle with respect to the center of the damper claim 1 , is variable.34444. The damper according to claim 1 , in which the cross section of the receptacle () has a partly annular shape over the entire length of the receptacle ().4444444444444abca,b. The damper according to claim 1 , in which each ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Torque Converter Clutch System

Номер: US20210010578A1

A torque converter includes a front cover, an impeller having an outer shell non-rotatably connected to the front cover, and a turbine. A lock-up clutch is disposed axially between the front cover and the turbine. The lock-up clutch includes a piston axially displaceable and having a first opening extending from a first axial side facing the front cover to a second axial side facing the turbine. A seal ring is fixed to the front cover and sealed to the piston. A first fluid chamber is formed at least in part by the piston and the turbine, and a second fluid chamber is formed at least in part by the front cover, the seal ring, and the piston. A valve is connected to the piston and is configured to seal the first opening in response to a pressure difference in the first and second fluid chambers. 1. A torque converter , comprising:a front cover configured to receive an input torque;an impeller having an outer shell non-rotatably connected to the front cover;a turbine fluidly coupled with the impeller; and a piston axially displaceable and including a first opening extending from a first axial side facing the front cover to a second axial side facing the turbine;', 'a seal ring fixed to the front cover and sealed to the piston;', 'a first fluid chamber formed at least in part by the piston and the turbine;', 'a second fluid chamber formed at least in part by the front cover, the seal ring, and the piston; and', 'a valve connected to the piston on the second axial side and configured to seal the first opening in response to a difference between a first pressure in the first fluid chamber and a second pressure in the second fluid chamber., 'a lock-up clutch disposed axially between the front cover and the turbine, the lock-up clutch comprising2. The torque converter of claim 1 , wherein the valve is configured to seal the first opening in the piston in response to the first pressure exceeding the second pressure such that fluid is prevented from passing through the first ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011023A1
Автор: Dietrich Susan

A cone shaped transmission apparatus automatically changes gear ratios for the rear drive wheels. The conical shape of the transmission apparatus enables a pair of wing arms to hingedly articulate, so as to change spacing and position relative to each other. This changing articulation of the wing arms displaces a wing collar that works to drive a plurality of shaft gears along a central shaft into selective mesh engagement with drive gears in the vehicle. Gear ratios between about, 1:1 to 3:1 are achieved. A tapered cylinder forces the hingedly articulating wings to change spacing and position relative to each other to axially displace at least one shaft gear into meshed engagement and disengagement with a plurality of drive gears. The transmission connects to an engine, flywheel, and torque converter to transfer power to the drive wheels. A hydraulic and electrical system enables operation of the transmission apparatus. 1. A cone shaped variable gear cylinder apparatus , the apparatus comprising:a tapered cylinder defined by a sidewall, a wide end, and a narrow end, whereby the wide end is closed and the narrow end forms a narrow opening;a pair of rails running along the length of the sidewall between the wide end and the narrow end;a central shaft extending concentrically through the length of the tapered cylinder, the central shaft defined by a wing end and a gear end;a wing collar operatively joined with the central shaft, the wing collar sliding along the wing end of the central shaft;at least one shaft gear joined with the central shaft, the at least one shaft gear operatively connected to the wing collar, whereby the wing collar displaces the at least one shaft gear along the gear end of the central shaft, whereby the at least one shaft gear selectively engages and disengages a plurality of drive gears;a pair of wing arms defined by an inner end and an outer end, the inner end of the pair of wing arms hingedly joined with the wing collar, the outer end of the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Fluid-type rotary bladed wheel

Номер: US20190011030A1
Принадлежит: Exedy Corp

A fluid-type rotary bladed wheel to be used for a torque converter includes a shell and a plurality of blades each fixed to an inner surface of the shell. Each of the plurality of blades extends in a radial direction and an axial direction. The plurality of respective blades are disposed at intervals in a circumferential direction. The fluid-type rotary bladed wheel also includes a plurality of reinforcing portions each extending in the radial direction along a root between the shell and each of the plurality of blades. Each of the plurality of reinforcing portions joins the shell and each of the plurality of blades. The shell, the plurality of blades and the plurality of reinforcing portions are integrated.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

System for a hybrid torque converter with e-motor on an output

Номер: US20220032761A1
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

A hybrid powertrain includes a torque converter including an impeller, a turbine, and a stator, wherein the impeller is configured to receive torque from the engine input shaft without utilizing a torque converter cover or shell. The hybrid powertrain includes an electric machine including a rotor and motor stator, wherein the electrical machine is configured to transfer torque to a transmission input via the rotor.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017969A1

A stator according to the present invention includes a stator hub, a large number of blades radially provided in a projecting manner at regular intervals on an outer periphery of the stator hub, and a stator core formed so as to surround outer ends of the respective blades. The stator is integrated by separately molding a front side stator member and a rear side stator member as two axially split members, respectively, and then joining the front side stator member and the rear side stator member. 1. A split molded integrated stator being a stator including a stator hub , a large number of blades radially provided in a projecting manner at regular intervals on an outer periphery of the stator hub , and a stator core formed so as to surround outer ends of the respective blades , for which a front side stator member and a rear side stator member are respectively separately molded as two axially split members , and the front side stator member and the rear side stator member are then jointed to be integrated.2. The split molded integrated stator according to claim 1 , wherein as a splitting form into the front side stator member and the rear side stator member claim 1 , the stator core and the blade are longitudinally split in a radial direction in a manner divided into two nearly equal front and rear parts and divided into a front side stator core member and a rear side stator core member and into a front side blade member and a rear side blade member claim 1 , and the stator hub on an inner peripheral side has a rear side stator hub member in a range extending from an upper central part to an upper rear-side corner portion of the stator hub claim 1 , and a remaining range excluding the rear side stator hub member is provided as a front side stator hub member.3. The split molded integrated stator according to claim 1 , wherein as a splitting form into the front side stator member and the rear side stator member claim 1 , the stator core and the blade are longitudinally ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Lock-up device for torque converter

Номер: US20160017970A2
Принадлежит: Exedy Corp

A lock-up device is a device disposed in a space produced between a front cover and a turbine in a torque converter so as to mechanically connect the front cover and the turbine, and includes a clutch part and a release part. The clutch part is disposed in a power transmission path from the front cover to the turbine, and is configured to be in a clutch-on state of transmitting a power from the front cover to the turbine in a set posture. The release part is configured to be actuated by means of a hydraulic pressure, turn the clutch part of the clutch-on state into a clutch-off state, and block transmission of the power from the front cover to the turbine.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017971A1

A torque converter comprising: an axis of rotation; a first seal at a first radial distance relative to the axis of rotation; a second seal at a second radial distance relative to the axis of rotation; an impeller shell and a balancing plate defining at least a portion of a first hydraulic chamber; a piston plate sealed via the first seal to the balancing plate defining at least a portion of a second hydraulic chamber; a cover sealed to the piston plate via the second seal defining at least a portion of a third hydraulic chamber. A clutch plate is radially outward relative to the balancing plate. The sealing arrangement, effective at preventing drift-on or drift-off of the clutch due to dynamic pressure, features a first radial distance that is the same or equal to the second radial distance.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021137A1

A torque converter, including: a cover; an impeller including an impeller blade, and an impeller shell with a first surface extending beyond the impeller blade in a radial direction and at an acute angle with respect to a first line in the radial direction; a turbine including a turbine blade, and a turbine shell with a second surface axially aligned with the first surface and at the acute angle with respect to the first line; a turbine clutch including the first and second surfaces and friction material disposed between the first and second surfaces; a torus at least partially enclosed by the impeller and turbine shells; and a pressure chamber at least partially formed by the turbine shell and the cover. For torque converter mode, the turbine and the impeller are independently rotatably with respect to each other. For lock-up mode, the first and second surfaces are non-rotatably connected. 1. A multi-function torque converter , comprising:a cover arranged to receive torque;an impeller including an impeller shell and at least one impeller blade connected to the impeller shell;a turbine including a turbine shell and at least one turbine blade connected to the turbine shell;a torus at least partially enclosed by the impeller and turbine shells;a first pressure chamber at least partially formed by the impeller shell and the cover;an impeller clutch including a portion of the impeller shell; and, pressure in the torus is arranged to displace the impeller shell in a first direction to substantially non-rotatably connect the portion of the impeller shell to the cover for a closed mode for the impeller clutch; and,', 'the resilient element assembly urges, with a first force, the impeller shell in a second direction opposite the first direction., 'a resilient element assembly located in the first pressure chamber, wherein2. The multi-function torque converter of claim 1 , wherein:when a second force in the first direction, produced by pressure in the torus, is less than the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Torsional vibration damper and arrangement and method for the damping of a drivetrain of a motor vehicle

Номер: US20160025147A1
Автор: Christian DINGER
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

The invention relates to a torsional vibration damper, in particular a dual-turbine damper, for a drivetrain of a motor vehicle, preferably for a drivetrain of a motor vehicle having a hydrodynamic torque converter, having a first damper and a second damper connected to the latter in series, where the two dampers are situated essentially on a common circumference or essentially in a common plane of the torsional vibration damper, there being a damper intermediate mass connected between the two dampers connected in series, and a centrifugal pendulum device provided on the damper intermediate mass.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023073A1

A one-way clutch is provided. The one-way clutch includes an outer cam having a plurality of notches. Each of the plurality of notches is circumferentially spaced along an inner periphery of the outer cam. The one-way clutch also includes an inner race positioned coaxially within the outer cam. The inner race includes a plurality of pockets circumferentially spaced along an outer periphery of the inner race. The one-way clutch further includes a clutch mechanism. The clutch mechanism includes a plurality of leaf springs coupled to each of the plurality of notches. Each of the plurality of leaf springs is adapted to lock the outer cam and the inner race in first direction, and to slide on the outer periphery of the inner race in a second direction. The second direction is opposite to the first direction. 1. A one-way clutch comprising:an outer cam having a plurality of notches, wherein each of the plurality of notches is circumferentially spaced along an inner periphery of the outer cam;an inner race positioned coaxially within the outer cam, wherein the inner race includes a plurality of pockets circumferentially spaced along an outer periphery of the inner race; and selectively slide into at least one of the plurality of pockets for locking the outer cam and the inner race in a first direction; and', 'selectively slide along the outer periphery of the inner race for unlocking the outer cam and the inner race to allow at least one of the outer cam and the inner race, or both, to spin freely in a second direction, wherein the second direction is opposite to the first direction., 'a clutch mechanism including a plurality of leaf springs coupled to each of the plurality of notches, wherein each of the plurality of leaf springs is adapted to2. A one-way clutch comprising: a first notch surface;', 'a second notch surface, wherein the second notch surface is provided adjacent to the first notch surface; and', 'a pair of first holes disposed on the second notch surface;, ' ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

One-way clutch

Номер: US20170023074A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A one-way clutch includes an outer cam having a plurality of pockets circumferentially space along an inner periphery. The one-way clutch also includes an inner race positioned coaxially within the outer cam. The one-way clutch further includes a clutch mechanism. The clutch mechanism includes a plurality of teeth provided in association with each of the plurality of pockets. Each of the plurality of teeth is adapted to selectively lock and unlock the outer cam and the inner race. The clutch mechanism also includes a plurality of biasing members disposed in each of the plurality of pockets. Each of the plurality of biasing members is adapted to keep the corresponding teeth in contact with the inner race.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Clutch plate assembly with friction material flap

Номер: US20180023633A1
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

A clutch plate assembly includes a central axis, a clutch plate with a first friction surface and a radially outer depressed portion, and a friction material ring. The friction material ring is bonded to the first friction surface and extends radially outside of the first friction surface such that an outer portion of the friction material ring is axially aligned with the clutch plate radially outer depressed portion. In an example embodiment, the first friction surface is disposed at an acute angle to a plane orthogonal to the central axis. In some example embodiments, the first friction surface is conical. In an example embodiment, the radially outer depressed portion is conical and axially offset from the first friction surface. In an example embodiment, the radially outer depressed portion is manufactured by machining, stamping, or coining.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Torque converter including an elastic element preloading an axially movable turbine

Номер: US20150027110A1

A torque converter is provided. The torque converter includes an impeller; a turbine axially movable toward and away from the impeller; and a damper coupled to the turbine, the damper including an elastic element forcing the turbine against the impeller in a no pressure condition. A method of forming a torque converter is also provided. The method includes forming a damper to include an elastic element; providing the damper inside a front cover so the damper contacts the front cover; and providing axially movable turbine between the damper and an impeller such that the elastic element forces the turbine to engage an impeller in a no pressure condition.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024769A1
Автор: SPIELMAN Harold W.

A torque converter oil cooling system includes an air-oil cooler system that is adapted to be disposed between a torque converter charging oil outlet and charging oil inlet. The torque converter oil cooling system has a controller that directs oil when at a predetermined temperature to pass through an air oil cooler for cooling and then directs the cooled oil back to the inlet of the torque converter for torque converter operation. The torque converter oil cooling system normally operates in the non-lockup mode operation of the torque converter. Using the torque converter oil cooling system permits a vehicle to continuously operate in a torque converter mode for an extended period of time, which becomes extremely helpful when the vehicle is called upon to haul heavy loads over steep grades. 1. A torque converter oil cooling system comprising:a) an inlet to receive oil discharged for a torque converter charging pump;b) an oil cooler coil assembly having a fan configured to blow air across the coil assembly to cool oil passing through the coil assembly, the oil cooler coil assembly having an inlet and an outlet;c) a diverter valve, the diverter valve directing torque converter oil either back to an inlet for the torque converter or to the inlet of the oil cooler coil assembly for cooling of oil;d) a temperature sensor positioned at the outlet of the torque converter, the temperature sensor configured to send a signal indicative of a temperature of the oil discharged from the torque converter outlet,e) a controller adapted to control the position of the diverter valve between an operative position and a bypass position, the operative position based on a predetermined temperature from the temperature sensor and a signal from a torque converter system indicating the absence of a lockup mode for the torque converter, wherein when the oil discharged from the torque converter charging pump reaches the predetermined temperature, the diverter valve is put in the operative ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027570A1

A hydraulic pressure supply system may supply low hydraulic pressure generated at a low-pressure hydraulic pump to a low pressure portion through a low-pressure regulator valve, may supply a portion of the low hydraulic pressure to a high-pressure hydraulic pump, and may supply high hydraulic pressure generated at the high-pressure hydraulic pump to a high pressure portion through a high-pressure regulator valve. 1. A hydraulic pressure supply system of an automatic transmission for a vehicle which generates a low hydraulic pressure and a high hydraulic pressure using oil stored in an oil pan and supplies the low hydraulic pressure and the high hydraulic pressure respectively to a low pressure portion and a high pressure portion , the hydraulic pressure supply system comprising:a low-pressure hydraulic pump receiving the oil stored in the oil pan through an input line, generating the low hydraulic pressure, and discharging the low hydraulic pressure to a first low-pressure line;a low-pressure regulator valve connected to the first low-pressure line and regulating the hydraulic pressure of the first low-pressure line to stable low hydraulic pressure and supplying the stable low hydraulic pressure to a second low-pressure line;a first switch valve selectively connecting the second low-pressure line to a third low-pressure line connected to the low pressure portion;a first bypass line bypassing the first switch valve and connecting the first low-pressure line with the second low-pressure line;a high-pressure hydraulic pump connected to the first low-pressure line and increasing the hydraulic pressure supplied through the first low-pressure line to generate the high hydraulic pressure, and discharging the high hydraulic pressure to a high-pressure line connected to the high pressure portion;a second bypass line bypassing the high-pressure hydraulic pump and connecting the first low-pressure line with the high-pressure line;a second switch valve disposed on the second ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Torque converter with a flat annular core ring

Номер: US20170030450A1
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

A torque converter, including an axis of rotation, a cover arranged to receive torque, an impeller including an impeller shell non-rotatably connected to the cover and, at least one impeller blade fixedly connected to the impeller shell, a turbine including a turbine shell and at least one turbine blade fixedly connected to the turbine shell, a stator axially disposed between the impeller and turbine shells and including at least one stator blade and a first core ring fixedly secured to the at least one impeller blade and, including at least one first flat annular surface facing the at least one turbine blade or a second core ring fixedly secured to the at least one turbine blade and, including at least one second flat annular surface facing the at least one impeller blade.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Device for transmitting torque

Номер: US20170030451A1
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

A device for transmitting torque between an input side and an output side includes a hydrodynamic converter having a pump wheel that is connected to the input side and a turbine wheel that is coupled with the pump wheel hydrodynamically by a fluid, as well as a spring damper for coupling the turbine wheel with the output side and a centrifugal pendulum that is joined with one of the other elements in a torque-locked connection. In this case, only one spring damper is disposed in the flow of torque between the input side and the output side.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031098A1
Автор: ADARI Sagar

A torque converter is provided. The torque converter includes a front cover, an impeller shell and a turbine axially movable to frictionally engage the impeller shell such that the turbine forms a piston of a lockup clutch. A first pressure chamber is defined axially between the turbine and the impeller shell. The torque converter further includes a reaction plate positioned axially between the front cover and the turbine. A second pressure chamber is defined axially between the reaction plate and the turbine and a third pressure chamber is defined axially between the reaction plate and the front cover. A method of forming a torque converter is also provided. 1. A torque converter comprising:a front cover;an impeller shell;a turbine axially movable to frictionally engage the impeller shell such that the turbine forms a piston of a lockup clutch, a first pressure chamber being defined axially between the turbine and the impeller shell; anda reaction plate positioned axially between the front cover and the turbine, a second pressure chamber being defined axially between the reaction plate and the turbine, a third pressure chamber being defined axially between the reaction plate and the front cover.2. The torque converter as recited in wherein the turbine includes a turbine shell supporting a plurality of turbine blades claim 1 , the turbine shell including an outer radial extension radially outside of the turbine blades configured for frictionally engaging a radially extending wall of the impeller shell.3. The torque converter as recited in wherein the turbine shell includes an axially extending ring protruding axially away from the outer radial extension claim 2 , the reaction plate arranged for sealingly sliding along axially an inner circumferential surface of the axially extending ring.4. The torque converter as recited in further comprising a damper assembly configured for connecting to a transmission input shaft claim 3 , the damper assembly including a ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032887A1

A torque converter that includes an impeller hub with an elongated member portion including a beveled-surface running radially and axially outward from an impeller assembly from a first end in contact with an impeller assembly to a second end, wherein the impeller hub further includes a weld at the beveled-surface and in contact with the impeller assembly. 1. A torque converter , comprising:an impeller hub, wherein the impeller hub includes an elongated member portion including a beveled-surface running radially and axially outward from an impeller assembly from a first end in contact with an impeller assembly to a second end, wherein the impeller hub further includes a weld at the beveled-surface and in contact with the impeller assembly.2. The torque converter of claim 1 , wherein the weld does not include an open root.3. The torque converter of claim 1 , wherein the weld is in contact with both the first end and the second end of the beveled-surface.4. The torque converter of claim 1 , wherein the first end and the second end of the beveled-surface are not axially aligned with one another.5. The torque converter of claim 1 , wherein the elongated member portion includes an inner diameter surface extending axially away from the impeller assembly.6. The torque converter of claim 1 , wherein the elongated member portion includes an outer diameter surface extending axially away from the impeller assembly.7. A method of attaching an impeller hub of a torque converter to an impeller shell claim 1 , comprising:beveling the impeller hub, wherein the impeller hub is beveled to form a beveled-surface extending from a first end to a second end; andwelding the impeller hub to the impeller shell, wherein the welding creates a weld in contact with the impeller shell, and the first and second end of the beveled-surface.8. The method of wherein the method includes the step of removing a root of the weld at an inner diameter of the impeller shell.9. The method of claim 8 , ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150037158A1

A stamped stator for a torque converter includes a first blade plate, a second blade plate, an outer race, at least one wedge plate, and an inner race. The first blade plate includes a first blade portion, a first radial wall connected to the first blade portion, a first plurality of radially inwardly extending tabs, and a second radially inwardly extending surface. The second blade plate includes a second blade portion axially aligned with the first blade portion, and a second radial wall axially aligned with the first radial wall. The outer race is disposed axially between the first and second blade plates and includes a third radial wall radially and axially aligned with the first radial wall, a fourth radial wall radially and axially aligned with the second radial wall, and an inwardly facing circumferential notch. 1. A stamped stator for a torque converter comprising: a first blade portion;', 'a first radial wall connected to the first blade portion;', 'a first plurality of radially inwardly extending tabs; and,', 'a second radially inwardly extending surface;, 'a first blade plate including a second blade portion axially aligned with the first blade portion; and,', 'a second radial wall axially aligned with the first radial wall;, 'a second blade plate including a third radial wall radially and axially aligned with the first radial wall;', 'a fourth radial wall radially and axially aligned with the second radial wall; and;', 'an inwardly facing circumferential notch;, 'a outer race, disposed axially between the first and second blade plates, including a radially outer portion at least partially disposed in the outer race notch; and,', 'a radially inner portion including a ramped surface; and;, 'at least one wedge plate at least partially axially aligned with the first plurality of tabs and including complementary to and engageable with the wedge plate ramped surface;', 'disposed radially inside of the first plurality of tabs; and,', 'at least partially axially ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036667A1
Автор: Mihara Masaaki

Briefly stated, technologies are generally described for harvesting energy for a vehicle having an engine and a torque converter. In various examples, an energy harvesting system is described, where the torque converter may be configured to have an input shaft driven by the engine, and an output shaft. Each of the input shaft and output shaft of the torque converter may be mechanically coupled to one of a first portion and a second portion of an electric generator. The electric generator may generate electrical energy using a rotational speed difference between the input shaft and the output shaft of the torque converter. As a result, the electric generator may store at least a portion of the electrical energy, which otherwise would be lost at the torque converter, in a charge storage device. The stored electrical energy may be transmitted to an assist motor configured to drive a rotation of wheels. 1. An energy harvesting system for a vehicle having an engine and a drive shaft , the system comprising:a torque converter having an input shaft and an output shaft, wherein the input shaft is mechanically coupled to the engine, and the output shaft is mechanically coupled to the drive shaft;an electric generator having a first portion and a second portion,wherein the first portion is mechanically coupled to the input shaft of the torque converter, and the second portion is mechanically coupled to the output shaft of the torque converter,wherein the electric generator is operable to generate electrical energy when the first portion of the electric generator rotates relative to the second portion of the electric generator;a charge storage device, wherein the charge storage device is electrically coupled to the electric generator and operable to store at least a portion of the electrical energy as stored electrical energy; andan assist motor mechanically coupled to the drive shaft and operable to receive electrical energy generated by the electric generator.2. The system ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150040550A1

A cover assembly for a torque converter is also provided. The cover assembly includes a front cover and a drive plate connected to an outer surface of the front cover for coupling to the front cover to an engine crankshaft. The drive plate includes elastic preloading elements pressing against the outer surface of the front cover. A method of forming a cover assembly for a torque converter is also provided. 1. A cover assembly for a torque converter comprising:a front cover; anda drive plate connected to an outer surface of the front cover for coupling to the front cover to an engine crankshaft, the drive plate including elastic preloading elements pressing against the outer surface of the front cover.2. The cover assembly as recited in wherein each elastic preloading element is formed in an interior of the drive plate.3. The cover assembly as recited in wherein the elastic preloading elements are formed by tabs cut into the interior of the drive plate and bent toward the front cover.4. The cover assembly as recited in wherein the tabs extend radially in the interior of the drive plate.5. The cover assembly as recited in wherein the drive plate includes radial protrusions on an outer circumference thereof claim 4 , the tabs extending into the radial protrusions.6. The cover assembly as recited in wherein the drive plate is connected to the front cover by rivets.7. The cover assembly as recited in wherein the rivets are extruded from the front cover through holes in the drive plate.8. The cover assembly as recited in wherein the elastic preloading elements are radially outside of the rivets.9. A torque converter comprising the cover assembly as recited in .10. A method for forming a cover assembly for a torque converter comprising:fixing a drive plate to an outer surface of a front cover of the torque converter such that elastic preloading elements of the drive plate press against the outer surface and are compressed.11. The method as recited in further comprising ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037895A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A transmission includes a first shaft and a second shaft. The first shaft is made of a first metal material. The first shaft has a hollow structure. The second shaft is made of a second metal material different from the first metal material. The second shaft is fitted into the hollow structure of the first shaft at an axial overlap section. The first shaft and the second shaft are coaxially connected at the axial overlap section with friction stir welding. 1. A transmission comprising a dissimilar metal joined shaft in which at least a first shaft and a second shaft made of dissimilar materials are joined coaxially , whereinsaid first shaft has a hollow structure and said second shaft is press fitted into said first shaft,an inner circumferential face of said first shaft and an outer circumferential face of said second shaft have an axial overlap section where said first and second shafts overlap each other in an axial direction, andsaid axial overlap section is joined by friction stir welding.2. The transmission comprising the dissimilar metal joined shaft according to claim 1 , wherein said first shaft is constituted of light metal claim 1 , and the outer circumferential face of said second shaft is constituted of metal stronger and having a higher fusing point than said light metal.3. The transmission comprising the dissimilar metal joined shaft according to claim 1 , wherein said axial overlap section is joined by friction stir welding in such a way as to be: continuously by a predetermined length for every predetermined interval in a circumferential direction along any one of the circumferential direction claim 1 , the axial direction claim 1 , an inclination direction inclined by a predetermined angle with respect to the axial direction claim 1 , and a helical direction claim 1 , or; continuously along a complex direction made by a combination of said directions.4. The transmission comprising the dissimilar metal joined shaft according to claim 1 , wherein ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038464A1

A stator assembly for a torque converter having an impeller and a turbine includes a one-way clutch. The one-way clutch includes a plurality of rollers arranged radially in a spaced apart relation to one another. Each of the plurality of rollers is biased into a floating position by a corresponding resilient member. The stator assembly also includes a stator wheel mounted on the one-way clutch. A mass of the stator wheel is selected so as to operatively provide a predetermined amount of delay for engaging or disengaging the one-way clutch. 1. A stator assembly for a torque converter having an impeller and a turbine , the stator assembly comprising:a one-way clutch comprising a plurality of rollers arranged radially in a spaced apart relation to one another, each of the plurality of rollers being biased into a floating position by a corresponding resilient member; anda stator wheel mounted on the one-way clutch, wherein a mass of the stator wheel is selected to operatively provide a predetermined amount of delay for engaging or disengaging the one-way clutch.2. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein a deceleration of the stator wheel occurs such that the predetermined amount of delay operatively provided by the mass of the stator wheel is greater than or at least equal to a minimum amount of time required for each of the plurality of rollers to move from the floating position to an engaged position.3. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein an acceleration of the stator wheel occurs such that the predetermined amount of delay operatively provided by the mass of the stator wheel is greater than or at least equal to a minimum amount of time required for each of the plurality of rollers to move from an engaged position to the floating position.4. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the stator wheel is provided with a ring disposed on an outer circumference of the stator wheel claim 1 , the ring being configured to increase an amount of inertia associated with ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039620A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A protection device for a drivetrain of a motor vehicle having an engine and an automatic transmission, with at least one hydraulic converter. In order to protect the drivetrain, the protection device has a sensor device and a control device. The sensor device is designed to detect a rolling movement of the motor vehicle counter to the selected direction of travel of an engaged gearspeed of the automatic transmission, and the control device is designed to control a brake system of the motor vehicle as a function of the detected rolling movement, in order to limit a rolling speed of the motor vehicle counter to the selected direction of travel to a maximum speed. 110-. (canceled)11. A protection device for a drivetrain of a motor vehicle having an engine and an automatic transmission , comprising:at least one hydraulic converter, wherein the protection device comprises a sensor device and a control device, wherein the sensor device is designed for the purpose of detecting a rolling movement of the motor vehicle counter to the selected direction of travel of an engaged gearspeed of the automatic transmission, and wherein the control device is designed for the purpose of controlling a brake system of the motor vehicle as a function of the detected rolling movement, in order to limit a rolling speed of the motor vehicle counter to the selected direction of travel to a maximum speed.12. The protection device as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the control device is designed as part of an engine controller of the motor vehicle.13. The protection device as claimed in one of claims 11 , wherein the sensor device is designed as part of the engine controller of the motor vehicle.14. The protection device as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the control device comprises an interface with a brake controller claim 11 , by means of which the brake system of the motor vehicle is actuatable.15. The protection device as claimed in one of claim 11 , wherein the predetermined maximum speed ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040974A1

A torque converter for a hybrid module may include a hydraulic coupling arrangement, a front cover, an impeller shell, and an electric rotor. The hydraulic coupling arrangement may include an impeller and a turbine. The front cover may have a first rim extending in a first axial direction. The front cover may at least partially encase the hydraulic coupling arrangement. The impeller shell may be fixed to the front cover and may at least partially encase the hydraulic coupling arrangement. The impeller shell may have a second rim extending in a second axial direction, opposite the first axial direction, a circumferential ring at a distal end of the second rim, and at least one impeller blade. The electric rotor may be fixed to the impeller shell second rim and axially retained by the circumferential ring. 1. A torque converter for a hybrid module , comprising:a hydraulic coupling arrangement comprising an impeller and a turbine;a front cover comprising a first rim extending in a first axial direction, the front cover at least partially encasing the hydraulic coupling arrangement; a second rim extending in a second axial direction, opposite the first axial direction;', 'a circumferential ring at a distal end of the second rim; and,', 'at least one impeller blade; and,, 'an impeller shell, fixed to the front cover and at least partially encasing the hydraulic coupling arrangement, the impeller shell comprisingan electric rotor fixed to the second rim and axially retained by the circumferential ring.2. The torque converter of wherein the second rim comprises an axially extending radial protrusion for circumferentially retaining the electric rotor.3. The torque converter of wherein the second rim is disposed radially outside of the first rim and extends axially beyond the first rim in the second axial direction.4. The torque converter of further comprising a drive plate fixed to the front cover and arranged for driving engagement with a coil spring claim 1 , wherein the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040975A1
Автор: Norwich Victor

A torque converter having a hydraulically-actuated stator clutch therein is provided. In particular, the torque converter includes a stator, and a hub axially aligned with at least a portion of the stator and located radially inward of at least a portion of the stator. The hydraulically-actuated stator clutch is disposed within the stator and is configured to selectively couple the stator to the hub. The hub defines a dedicated fluid passageway extending therethrough to fluidly couple a transmission fluid source to the hydraulically-actuated clutch. Slipping of the clutch is therefore controlled via hydraulic fluid. This allows for modification of characteristics of the torque converter that are not otherwise possible with standard one-way clutches in torque converter stators. 1. A torque converter comprising:a stator;a hub axially aligned with at least a portion of the stator and located radially inward of at least a portion of the stator, anda hydraulically-actuated clutch disposed within the stator and configured to selectively couple the stator to the hub;wherein the hub defines a dedicated fluid passageway extending therethrough to fluidly couple a transmission fluid source to the hydraulically-actuated clutch.2. The torque converter of claim 1 , wherein the hydraulically-actuated clutch allows the torque converter to operate in:a locked mode in which the stator is rotationally fixed with the hub,a unlocked mode in which the stator and the hub are not rotationally fixed, anda slipping mode in which the stator is partially rotationally fixed with the hub.3. The torque converter of claim 2 , wherein an amount of slipping during the slipping mode is controllable by varying an amount of fluid passing through the dedicated fluid passageway.4. The torque converter of claim 1 , wherein the hydraulically-actuated clutch includes a plurality of clutch plates collectively compressible along an axis.5. The torque converter of claim 4 , further comprising a stator reaction ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040976A1

A hybrid module includes a housing, an electric motor, a hydraulic coupling, a first clutch, a second clutch, and a flow plate assembly. The housing is arranged for fixing to a planetary transmission and an engine. The electric motor is disposed in the housing. The electric motor has a stator fixed to the housing and a rotor rotatable relative to the housing. The hydraulic coupling is disposed in the housing and is at least partially radially inside of the electric motor. The first clutch is for drivingly connecting the rotor to the engine. The second clutch is arranged in parallel with the hydraulic coupling for drivingly connecting the rotor to an input shaft of the planetary transmission. The flow plate assembly is fixed to the housing. The flow plate assembly has a first flow plate with a first radial groove forming a first portion of a first radial flow channel, and a second flow plate, fixed to the first flow plate, forming a second portion of the first radial flow channel. 1. A hybrid module , comprising:a housing arranged for fixing to a planetary transmission and an engine;an electric motor disposed in the housing, the electric motor comprising a stator fixed to the housing and a rotor rotatable relative to the housing;a hydraulic coupling disposed in the housing and at least partially radially inside of the electric motor;a first clutch for drivingly connecting the rotor to the engine;a second clutch arranged in parallel with the hydraulic coupling for drivingly connecting the rotor to an input shaft of the planetary transmission; and, a first flow plate comprising a first radial groove forming a first portion of a first radial flow channel; and,', 'a second flow plate, fixed to the first flow plate, forming a second portion of the first radial flow channel., 'a flow plate assembly fixed to the housing, the flow plate assembly comprising2. The hybrid module of wherein:the first flow plate comprises a first radially inner orifice; and,the first flow plate ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047193A1

A method for manufacturing a torque converter shell is provided to induce favorable residual stress in a direction of a loading condition to improve durability during cycle pressurization. The method includes inducing favorable residual stress on a front cover, an impeller shell, or both the front cover and the impeller shell to improve the durability of these components. The induced residual stresses reduce the stress experienced by these components during operation. The front cover and impeller shell are welded together to form the torque converter shell. 1. A method for manufacturing a torque converter shell , comprising:forming a front cover of the torque converter shell from sheet metal to a first near net shape;forming an impeller shell of the torque converter shell from sheet metal to a second net shape;at least one of (a) plastically deforming the front cover past the first near net shape in a direction of an operating stress and creating a first residual compressive stress in the torque converter shell after formation of the front cover, or (b) plastically deforming the impeller shell past the second near net shape in a direction of an operating stress and creating a second residual compressive stress in the torque converter shell after formation of the impeller shell; andwelding the front cover to the impeller shell.2. The method for manufacturing a torque converter shell according to claim 1 , wherein at least a radially outer region of the front cover is plastically deformed.3. The method for manufacturing a torque converter shell according to claim 1 , wherein the front cover and the impeller shell are formed by stamping.4. The method for manufacturing a torque converter shell according to claim 1 , wherein at least a hub region of the impeller shell is plastically deformed.5. A method for manufacturing a torque converter shell claim 1 , comprising:forming a front cover of the torque converter shell from sheet metal to a first near net shape;forming an ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047469A1

A transmission includes a torque converter stator with controllable blade angle. The blade angle is adjusted by adjusting the rotational position of a control ring with respect to a stator hub. The stator blades are supported by the stator hob, a locking ring, and an outer ring. The stator blades have teeth that mesh with teeth on the control ring to determine blade angle. A controller adjust the blades by commanding fluid pressures in hydraulic circuits routed to the stator hub. Various circumstances in which the controller would adjust the blade angle are discussed. 1. A torque converter stator comprising:a hub;a ring supported to rotate relative to the hub about a rotational axis; anda plurality of blades supported by the hub, each blade configured to pivot relative to the hub about a radial axis perpendicular to the rotation axis to vary a blade angle, wherein the blade angle is a function of a rotational position of the ring relative to the hub.2. The torque converter stator of wherein the ring and the hub define a first chamber having a first volume that is a function of the rotational position of the ring relative to the hub.3. The torque converter stator of wherein the ring and the hub define a second chamber having a second volume and wherein a sum of the first volume and the second volume is constant as the rotational position of the ring relative to the hub varies.4. The torque converter stator of further comprising a return spring configured to exert a torque on the ring acting to decrease the first volume.5. The torque converter stator of further comprising and one way clutch configured to constrain rotation of the hub relative to a race about the rotational axis in a reverse direction while permitting rotation in a forward direction.6. The torque converter stator of wherein the one way clutch comprises a plurality of rockers supported to pivot relative to the hub about axes parallel to the rotational axis and configured to engage the race to prevent ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140123637A1

Among first and second stators of a torque converter supported on a fixed part by a one-way clutch corresponding to the stators, the number of second stator blades of the second stator on the downstream side in the direction of flow of oil is larger than the number of first blades of the first stator on the upstream side, and the maximum value t for blade thickness of the second stator blade is smaller than the minimum value t for blade thickness of the first stator blade. Therefore, it is possible to ensure that there is a sufficient gap (β) between a trailing edge of the first stator blade and a leading edge of the second stator blade, thus preventing the flow of oil from being stopped by the gap (β), and it is possible to align effectively the flow of oil by means of the second stator blades. 1. A torque converter stator structure comprising a pump impeller that is connected to a drive source and rotates around an axis , a turbine runner that is connected to an input shaft of a transmission and rotates around the axis , and a stator that is disposed between the pump impeller and the turbine runner , the stator comprising a first stator that is positioned on the upstream side in the direction of circulation of oil and a second stator that is positioned on the downstream side in the direction of circulation , and the first and second stators being supported on a fixed part via corresponding one-way clutches ,characterized in that the number of blades of one stator of the first and second stators is larger than the number of blades of the other stator, and the maximum value for blade thickness of the blade of said one stator is smaller than the minimum value for blade thickness of the blade of said other stator.2. The torque converter stator structure according to claim 1 , wherein the length in the axis direction of a radially outer end part of the blade of said one stator is larger than the length in the axis direction of a radially inner end part of the blade.3. ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047611A1
Автор: Matsuoka Yoshihiro

A power transmission device includes an electric motor, and a torque converter connected to the electric motor to transmit torque. A torque converter characteristic line is determined based on a capacity coefficient of the torque converter and indicates torque of the torque converter relative to each rotational speed of the torque converter. An electric motor characteristic line indicates a maximum output torque of the electric motor relative to each rotational speed of the electric motor. A first range corresponds to a range equal to and greater than a base rotational speed of the electric motor and equal to or less than a first average rotational speed, which is an average of the base rotational speed and a maximum rotational speed of the electric motor. The capacity coefficient is such that the characteristic line for the torque converter intersects the characteristic line for the electric motor in the first range. 1. A power transmission device for a vehicle , comprising:an electric motor; anda torque converter connected to the electric motor and configured to transmit torque of the electric motor to an output member, whereina characteristic line for the torque converter is determined based on a capacity coefficient of the torque converter and indicates torque of the torque converter relative to each rotational speed of the torque converter,a characteristic line for the electric motor indicates a maximum output torque of the electric motor relative to each rotational speed of the electric motor,a first range corresponds to a range that is equal to and greater than a base rotational speed of the electric motor and is equal to or less than a first average rotational speed, which is an average of the base rotational speed of the electric motor and a maximum rotational speed of the electric motor, andthe capacity coefficient of the torque converter is such that the characteristic line for the torque converter intersects the characteristic line for the electric motor ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Hybrid Transmission Coolant Flow Management System

Номер: US20190048991A1

A transmission assembly including a housing, an electric motor, and a baffle is provided. The housing may include first and second drainage channels. The electric motor may be disposed within the housing adjacent the drainage channels and a torque converter. The baffle may be disposed within the housing upon a housing inner surface, and may define an opening to the first and second drainage channels. The baffle may include a baffle flange sized for positioning adjacent the torque converter to minimize contact of oil within the housing to the torque converter. The housing may define first and second partition walls each partially extending over one of the first and second drainage channels. The baffle may further include first and second seal features each disposed at one of two baffle ends. 1. A transmission assembly comprising:a housing including first and second drainage channels;an electric motor disposed within the housing adjacent the drainage channels and a torque converter; anda baffle disposed within the housing upon a housing inner surface, defining an opening to the first and second drainage channels, and including a baffle flange sized for positioning adjacent the torque converter to minimize contact of oil within the housing to the torque converter.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the housing defines first and second partition walls each partially extending over one of the first and second drainage channels.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the baffle further includes first and second seal features each disposed at one of two baffle ends claim 1 , and wherein each of the first and second seal features are secured to the housing inner surface to prevent oil from accumulating between the baffle and the housing inner surface.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the housing further includes first and second trenches claim 1 , wherein the baffle defines third and fourth trenches with the opening disposed therebetween and each sized for resting within ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Drive device

Номер: US20220072946A1
Принадлежит: Exedy Corp

A drive device includes a fluid coupling, a rotary electrical machine, and a damper device. The fluid coupling includes an input unit and an output unit. The input unit includes an impeller. The output unit includes a turbine. The rotary electrical machine includes a first stator and a rotor. The first stator is disposed in a non-rotatable manner. The rotor is attached to the output unit. The damper device is disposed axially adjacent to the fluid coupling. The damper device is connected to the input unit.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200052536A1
Автор: UBELHART Eric

An electric motor includes a rotor rotatable about a center axis. The rotor includes a plurality of magnets and a plurality of radially extending channels extending radially outward from an inner circumferential surface of the rotor to provide fluid to the magnets. A method of constructing an electric motor includes creating a rotor rotatable about a center axis to include a plurality of magnets and a plurality of radially extending channels extending radially outward from an inner circumferential surface of the rotor to provide fluid to the magnets. 1. An electric motor comprising:a rotor rotatable about a center axis, the rotor including a plurality of magnets and a plurality of radially extending channels extending radially outward from an inner circumferential surface of the rotor to provide fluid to the magnets.2. The electric motor as recited in wherein the channels extend axially and circumferentially within the rotor.3. The electric motor as recited in wherein the channels have a stepped configuration.4. The electric motor as recited in wherein the rotor is formed by a plurality of plates stacked in an axial direction claim 3 , the channels being formed by a plurality of partially radially overlapping holes formed in the plates.5. The electric motor as recited in wherein the radially overlapping holes form the channels by the hole in each consecutive one of the plates in the axial direction being progressively further radially outward from the center axis.6. The electric motor as recited in wherein the plates have an identical configuration and are rotationally oriented such that each of the plates has a different rotational orientation than a directly axially adjacent one of the plates.7. The electric motor as recited in wherein each of the plates is rotationally offset from the directly axially adjacent plate by a same angle.8. The electric motor as recited in wherein each of the plates includes a plurality of circumferential sectors claim 7 , each of the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058558A1
Автор: HODGE Michael

A torque converter is provided. The torque converter includes a rear cover and a front cover. The rear cover includes a rear radially extending section and a rear axially extending section extending axially from an outer radial end of the rear radially extending section. The front cover includes a front radially extending section and a front axially extending section extending axially from an outer radial end of the front radially extending section. The front cover includes a plurality of baffles formed as part of the front cover and bent radially inward from the front axially extending section. A method of forming a torque converter is also provided. 1. A torque converter comprising:a rear cover, the rear cover including a rear radially extending section and a rear axially extending section extending axially from an outer radial end of the rear radially extending section; anda front cover, the front cover including a front radially extending section and a front axially extending section extending axially from an outer radial end of the front radially extending section, the front cover including a plurality of baffles formed as part of the front cover and bent radially inward from the front axially extending section.2. The torque converter as recited in wherein the front axially extending section includes a plurality of circumferentially spaced notches claim 1 , with each of the baffles extending radially from a respective one of the notches.3. The torque converter as recited in wherein each baffle has the same shape as the respective notch.4. The torque converter as recited in wherein the rear axially extending section covers the notches.5. The torque converter as recited in further comprising a weld fixing the rear axially extending section and the front axially extending section together.6. The torque converter as recited in wherein the weld contacts a rim of the rear axially extending section and an outer circumferential surface of the front axially extending ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058559A1

A rotor assembly includes a torque converter having a housing forming a hydraulic chamber, a rotor for an electric motor, a rotor carrier non-rotatably connected to the rotor, wherein the rotor carrier is fixed to the torque converter housing, and a seal is disposed between the torque converter housing and rotor carrier for sealing therebetween. In some example embodiments, the rotor assembly has at least one bolt for fixing the torque converter housing to the rotor carrier. In some embodiments, the rotor carrier includes an aperture and the at least one bolt is disposed in the aperture. 1. A rotor assembly , comprising:a torque converter including a housing forming a hydraulic chamber;a rotor for an electric motor;a rotor carrier non-rotatably connected to the rotor, wherein the rotor carrier is fixed to the torque converter housing; and,a seal disposed between the rotor carrier and the torque converter housing for sealing the torque converter housing to the rotor carrier.2. The rotor assembly of claim 1 , further comprising at least one bolt for fixing the torque converter housing to the rotor carrier.3. The rotor assembly of wherein:the rotor carrier includes a first aperture formed in an end of the rotor carrier facing the torque converter housing; and,the torque converter includes a second aperture, the first aperture being axially aligned with the second aperture, wherein the at least one bolt is disposed within the first and second apertures to fix the torque converter housing to the rotor carrier.4. The rotor assembly of wherein the seal is a compressible gasket.5. The rotor assembly of claim 3 , further comprising a hardened plate wherein:the hardened plate includes a third aperture axially aligned with the first and second apertures and arranged such that the at least one bolt is disposed in the third aperture; and,the hardened plate is disposed between a head of the bolt and an inner surface of the torque converter housing.6. The rotor assembly of claim 1 ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Thrust washer and torque converter containing the same

Номер: US20140137546A1

A thrust washer for a torque converter, the thrust washer having a curved front surface with a plurality of grooves for increasing fluid flow between the inner diameter and the outer diameter of the thrust washer. This increased fluid flow reduces the buildup of back pressure within the torque converter enabling better operation thereof.

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140137547A1

The present disclosure relates to a torque converter, and more particularly, to a torque converter containing a stator having blades with non-linear edges and non-ruled surfaces to increase fluid flow within the torque converter and improve the performance thereof. 1. A stator for a torque converter , the stator comprising:an inner circumference;an outer circumference;a plurality of stator blades, each extending between the inner circumference and outer circumference;the stator blades each having a leading edge, a trailing edge, a front surface and a rear surface,wherein the leading edge and trailing edge are non-linear from the inner circumference to the outer circumference, and the stator blade includes a non-ruled surface.2. The stator of claim 1 , wherein the stator blades are non-linear from the leading edge to the trailing edge.3. The stator of claim 1 , wherein the stator blades have an airfoil shaped cross-section from the leading edge to the trailing edge.4. The stator of claim 1 , wherein the stator blades have a uniform cross-section from the leading edge to the trailing edge.5. The stator of claim 1 , wherein the stator blades have a convex front surface and a concave rear surface.6. The stator of claim 1 , wherein the stator blades have a concave front surface and a convex rear surface.7. A torque converter comprising:a cover;an impeller attached to the cover, the impeller having a plurality of impeller blades, each impeller blade having a front surface and a rear surface;a turbine between the impeller and the cover, the turbine having a plurality of turbine blades, each turbine blade having a front surface and a rear surface;a thrust washer between the cover and the impeller; and an inner circumference;', 'an outer circumference;', 'a plurality of stator blades between the inner circumference and outer circumference, each stator blade having a leading edge, a trailing edge, a front surface and a rear surface;', 'wherein the leading edge and the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170059022A1

A torque converter includes a housing, and an impeller shell disposed within the housing. The impeller shell has a back wall, and a plurality of fins radially arranged and extending outwardly from the back wall. The torque converter further includes a backing hub rigidly coupled to the back wall of the impeller shell. The backing hub has a barrier element extending therefrom. A free end of the barrier element is disposed proximal to the housing to restrict a flow of fluid therebetween. 1. A torque converter comprising:a housing;an impeller shell disposed within the housing, the impeller shell having a back wall, and a plurality of fins radially arranged and extending outwardly from the back wall; anda backing hub rigidly coupled to the back wall of the impeller shell, the backing hub having a barrier element extending therefrom, wherein a free end of the barrier element is disposed proximal to the housing to restrict a flow of fluid therebetween.2. The torque converter of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises:a first portion disposed adjacent to the impeller shell;a second portion spaced apart from the first portion; anda third portion disposed between and rigidly coupled to the first and second portions.3. The torque converter of claim 2 , wherein the free end of the barrier element is disposed proximal to an inner surface of the third portion of the housing.4. The torque converter of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of fins are configured to operably increase backpressure to the flow of fluid between the free end of the barrier element and the inner surface of the third portion of the housing.5. The torque converter of claim 2 , wherein the backing hub further comprises a ledge member laterally extending partway towards the second portion of the housing.6. The torque converter of claim 5 , wherein the barrier element claim 5 , the ledge member claim 5 , the second portion of housing claim 5 , and the third portion of the housing are configured to mutually define ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Torque converter having one-way clutch for automatic transmissions

Номер: US20200056690A1
Принадлежит: BorgWarner Inc

A torque converter (10) translates torque between an internal combustion engine and an automatic transmission. The torque converter (10) includes a rotatable torque input member (20) adapted to be operatively coupled to a crankshaft of the internal combustion engine, and an impeller assembly (12) operatively coupled to rotate with the torque input member (20). The torque converter (10) further includes a turbine assembly (14) and a one-way clutch assembly (62). The turbine assembly (14) is fluidly connected in driven relationship with the impeller assembly (12) and adapted to be coupled to a rotatable transmission input shaft (56). The one-way clutch assembly (62) is disposed radially between the turbine assembly (14) and the transmission input shaft (56).

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063807A1

A hydrodynamic machine has a working chamber that may be filled with a working medium and in which a bladed pump impeller and a bladed turbine impeller are arranged to hydrodynamically transmit torque and/or drive power from the pump impeller to the turbine impeller. A working medium inlet and a working medium outlet are provided for inputting and discharging the working medium in/out of the working chamber. A control valve is furnished in the working medium inlet or in a bypass. The control valve changes the working medium quantity flowing into the working chamber. The control valve is connected to the working medium inlet and/or the working medium outlet and actuated such that the flow cross-section of the control valve is variably adjusted as a function of the working medium pressure in the working medium inlet and as a function of the working medium pressure in the working medium outlet. 113-. (canceled)14. A hydrodynamic machine , comprising:at least one bladed pump impeller;at least one bladed turbine impeller;a working chamber to be filled with a working medium and in which said at least one bladed pump impeller and said at least one bladed turbine impeller are disposed in order to hydrodynamically transmit torque and/or drive power from said at least one bladed pump impeller to said at least one bladed turbine impeller;a working medium inlet for supplying the working medium into said working chamber;a working medium outlet for discharging the working medium out of said working chamber;a bypass for the working medium that branches off from said working medium inlet;a control valve disposed in said working medium inlet or in said bypass, said control valve used to change a working medium quantity flowing into said working chamber by adjusting a flow cross-section for the working medium flowing through said control valve; andsaid control valve is connected to said working medium inlet and/or said working medium outlet and actuated such that the flow cross- ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063843A1
Автор: Hilty Drew, SOUERS Long

A stator assembly of a torque converter includes a stator having circumferentially arranged blades, an inner ring, and projections circumferentially arranged around the inner ring and extending radially inward therefrom. An annular plate is circumscribed by the inner ring and has a plurality of attachment portions circumferentially arranged around an outer surface of the plate. Each of the attachment portions engages with an associated one of the projections and has a pair of spaced anti-rotation tabs that define a receptacle. The receptacle receives the associated one of the projections to prevent relative rotation between the stator and the plate. 1. A stator assembly of a torque converter comprising:a stator including circumferentially arranged blades, an inner ring, and projections circumferentially arranged around the inner ring and extending radially inward therefrom; andan annular plate circumscribed by the inner ring and including a plurality of attachment portions circumferentially arranged around an outer surface of the plate, each of the attachment portions engaging with an associated one of the projections and having a pair of spaced anti-rotation tabs that define a receptacle that receives the associated one of the projections to prevent relative rotation between the stator and the plate.2. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein each of the projections radially overlaps the annular plate to axially retain the plate to the stator.3. The stator assembly of claim 2 , wherein each of the attachment portions includes a radially extending tab that is disposed against a face of the associated one of the projections.4. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the anti-rotation tabs include an axially extending portion.5. The stator assembly of claim 4 , wherein the plate includes opposing sides claim 4 , and the axially extending portion extend axially beyond one of the sides.6. The stator assembly of claim 5 , wherein the anti-rotation tabs each include a ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210070161A1

A vehicle drive apparatus includes a fluid coupling connected to an engine, and a rotating electric machine connected to the engine via the fluid coupling. The fluid coupling has an impeller to which torque having been output from the engine is input, and a turbine facing the impeller. The impeller rotates about a rotation axis. Torque having been output from the impeller is input to the turbine via a fluid. The turbine rotates about the rotation axis. The vehicle drive apparatus has a path provided between an output shaft of the engine and the impeller, the path through which torque having been output from the engine is transmitted to the impeller not via the turbine, and paths through which torque having been input to the impeller is output via the rotating electric machine, passing through a radially outside relative to the impeller with respect to the rotation axis from the impeller via the turbine. 1. A vehicle drive apparatus , comprising:a fluid coupling connected to an engine; anda rotating electric machine connected to the engine via the fluid coupling, whereinthe fluid coupling hasan impeller to which torque having been output from the engine is input, the impeller rotating about a rotation axis of an output shaft of the engine, anda turbine facing the impeller, the turbine to which torque having been output from the impeller is input via a fluid, the turbine rotating about the rotation axis, andthe vehicle drive apparatus hasa path provided between the output shaft of the engine and the impeller, the path through which torque having been output from the engine is transmitted to the impeller not via the turbine, anda path through which torque having been input to the impeller is output via the rotating electric machine, passing through a radially outside relative to the impeller with respect to the rotation axis from the impeller via the turbine.2. The vehicle drive apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe fluid coupling further hasan outer shell ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063863A1

A torque converter stator includes a hub, an outer ring, a plurality of blades, and a plurality of spokes. The hub is disposed about an axis. The blades are disposed radially between the outer ring and the hub. All of the blades are pivotable relative to the hub and outer ring. The spokes are spaced apart from the blades and fixed to the hub and the outer ring to support the outer ring relative to the hub. 1. A torque converter stator comprising:a hub disposed about an axis;an outer ring;a plurality of blades disposed radially between the outer ring and the hub, all of the blades being pivotable relative to the hub and outer ring; anda plurality of spokes space apart from the blades and fixed to the hub and the outer ring to support the outer ring relative to the hub.2. The torque converter stator of claim 1 , wherein the torque converter stator has a different number of spokes than blades.3. The torque converter stator of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of pivot members, each pivot member extending from a first side of a corresponding one of the blades;a plurality of actuation members, each actuation member extending from a second side of a corresponding one of the blades, the second side being opposite the first side, the pivot members and actuation members supporting the blades for rotation relative to the hub and outer ring;an actuator coupled to the actuation members and configured to move the actuation members to pivot the blades.4. The torque converter stator of claim 3 , wherein the spokes are thinner than pivot members and the spokes are thinner than the actuation members.5. The torque converter stator of claim 3 , wherein the first side is radially outward of the second side.6. The torque converter stator of claim 5 , wherein the actuator is disposed within the hub.7. The torque converter stator of claim 6 , further comprising a one-way clutch disposed within the hub.8. The torque converter stator of claim 6 , wherein the outer ring includes a ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Method for Controlling a Hydrodynamic Retarder which can be Disengaged Mechanically Via a Separating Clutch

Номер: US20140151176A1

The invention concerns a method for controlling a hydrodynamic retarder which can be disengaged mechanically via a separating clutch in a motor vehicle, which comprises a rotating bladed rotor and a bladed stator or a rotating bladed rotor and a bladed counter-rotor rotating in opposite direction thereto, which together form a working chamber filled with working medium in braking operation and emptied of working medium in non-braking operation, wherein the rotor is driven in braking operation via a drive train with a closed separating clutch and the working chamber is emptied when passing from the braking operation to the non-braking operation, wherein the transition from the braking operation to the non-braking operation is initiated via a retarder switch-off request of a driver assistance system or via actuation of an input device by the vehicle driver. The invention is characterised in that after determining the presence of a retarder switch-off request the separating clutch is kept closed for a preset time span and the working chamber of the retarder is emptied of the working medium by continuous actuation of the rotor and interruption of infeed of working medium into the working chamber, wherein the preset time span is varied according to at least one of the following parameters or at least one parameter correlated with one of the parameters and/or after determining the retarder switch-off request: the rotational speed of the rotor; an output pressure, against which the working medium is emptied from the working chamber; the filling level of the working chamber with working medium; the temperature of the working medium; the braking torque of the hydrodynamic retarder.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073790A1
Автор: SABO John R., Sulaj Sokol

A method for forming a component utilizing ultra-high strength steel and components formed by the method. The method includes the step of providing a flat blank of ultra-high strength 22MnB5 steel. The next step of the method is, cold forming the flat blank into an unfinished shape of a component while the blank is in an unhardened state. The method continues by providing an inert atmosphere. Then, heating the unfinished shape of the component in the inert atmosphere. The method proceeds by forming a finished shape of the component using a quenching die resulting in a fine-grained martensitic component material structure and enabling net shape processing to establish fmal geometric dimensions of the components. 1. A method for forming a component utilizing ultra-high strength steel including the steps of:providing a flat blank of ultra-high strength steel;forming the flat blank into an unfinished shape of a component;providing an inert atmosphere;heating the unfinished shape of the component in the inert atmosphere; andforming a finished shape of the component using a quenching die.2. The method as set forth in wherein the step of heating the unfinished shape of the component in the inert atmosphere is further defined as heating the unfinished shape of the component in the inert atmosphere at a temperature between 850 degrees Celsius and 950 degrees Celsius.3. The method as set forth in wherein the step of forming a finished shape of the component using a quenching die is further defined as forming a finished shape of the component using a quenching die while cooling the component to a temperature between 150 degrees Celsius and 250 degrees Celsius.4. The method as set forth in wherein the step of forming the flat blank into an unfinished shape of a component further includes the step of forming a plurality of spline teeth in the unfinished shape.5. The method as set forth in wherein the step of forming a finished shape of the component using a quenching die is ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090664A1
Автор: Flores Angel Salvador

A torque converter comprises a front cover, an impeller including an impeller shell fixed to the front cover, and a turbine including a turbine shell axially movable to frictionally engage the impeller shell such that the turbine shell forms a piston of a lock-up clutch. A reaction plate is positioned axially between the front cover and the turbine shell. A first pressure chamber is defined axially between the reaction plate and the turbine shell, a second pressure chamber is defined axially between the turbine shell and the impeller shell, and a third pressure chamber is defined axially between the reaction plate and the front cover. An output hub includes a first bore and a second bore radially offset from each other, wherein the first bore is in fluid communication with the first pressure chamber and the second bore is in fluid communication with the third pressure chamber. 1. A torque converter comprising:a front cover;an impeller including an impeller shell fixed to the front cover;a turbine including a turbine shell axially movable to frictionally engage the impeller shell such that the turbine shell forms a piston of a lock-up clutch;a reaction plate positioned axially between the front cover and the turbine shell, wherein a first pressure chamber is defined axially between the reaction plate and the turbine shell, a second pressure chamber is defined axially between the turbine shell and the impeller shell, and a third pressure chamber is defined axially between the reaction plate and the front cover; andan output hub including a first bore and a second bore radially offset from each other, wherein the first bore is in fluid communication with the first pressure chamber and the second bore is in fluid communication with the third pressure chamber, and wherein the reaction plate and the turbine shell are sealed to an outer surface of the output hub.2. (canceled)3. The torque converter of claim 1 , further comprising a seal plate fixed to the front cover at an ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Torsional vibration reduction device for torque converter

Номер: US20170074349A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A torsional vibration reduction device provided inside a torque converter includes rolling elements, a plate, and a cover. The plate includes rolling chambers housing the rolling elements. The cover encloses and shields the rolling elements and the plate from a working fluid surrounding the torsional vibration reduction device inside the torque converter. The cover includes first and second covers that are joined together with the plate held between the first and second covers. The first and second covers contact the plate in an axial direction of the torque converter at locations that are, with respect to an axis of the torque converter, on an inner peripheral side and on an outer peripheral side of the rolling chambers. Surfaces of the first and second covers are joined to the plate at least at part of the locations where the first and second covers contact the plate.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072331A1

A transmission comprising a motor, a torque converter cover including an outside surface and an inside surface, a clutch configured to contact a portion of the inside surface of the torque converter cover, and a sprayer including a first end and a second end and configured to emit fluid on an outside surface of the torque converter is disclosed. 1. A pump in a transmission of a vehicle , comprising:a top portion configured to mount onto a housing of the transmission;an outlet;an inlet in fluid communication with a sump that includes fluid; anda hose that includes a first end and a second end, wherein the first end is connected to the outlet and the second end includes a sprayer configured to emit fluid onto a torque converter cover.2. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the inlet is in fluid communication with the sump of the transmission.3. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the inlet is in fluid communication with the sump of the pump.4. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the sprayer is arranged to be located between a motor and a cover of a torque converter of the transmission.5. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the second end is closer in distance to an engine than the first end .6. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the first end is closer in distance to a an engine than the second end.7. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the inlet is in fluid communication with a sump of the pump.8. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the sprayer is configured to emit fluid in response to a threshold pressure in the transmission.9. An apparatus for a torque converter claim 1 , comprising:a hose mounted on a housing of a transmission, wherein the hose includes a sprayer configured to spray fluid received from a supply in fluid communication with the hose, wherein the sprayer is further configured to spray onto an outside surface of a cover of the torque converter.10. The apparatus of claim 9 , wherein the sprayer is further configured to spray onto the cover in response to a pressure of the torque converter ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Hydraulic control device for auto transmission

Номер: US20210080000A1
Автор: Sang Seok Park
Принадлежит: Hyundai Transys Inc

A hydraulic control device for an auto transmission may include: an oil pump unit configured to supply oil; a line pressure control unit configured to form line pressure using the oil supplied from the oil pump unit; a lubricating pressure control unit configured to form lubricating pressure using the oil passing through the line pressure control unit; a reducing pressure control unit configured to form reducing pressure using the oil passing through the lubricating pressure control unit; a damper control pressure control unit configured to form damper control pressure using the oil supplied from the oil pump unit; a switch unit configured to supply the lubricating pressure or the reducing pressure to a torque converter; a collection unit configured to collect the lubricating pressure; and a retention unit connected to the switch unit, and configured to retain the lubricating pressure of the torque converter.

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084364A1

A torque converter is provided. The torque converter includes a turbine including a turbine shell including a radially extending turbine shell wall, an impeller including an impeller shell including a radially extending impeller shell wall, a diaphragm spring rotationally fixed to one of the turbine and the impeller, and a friction material fixed to the diaphragm spring. The radially extending turbine shell wall and the radially extending impeller shell wall are engageable via the friction material and the diaphragm spring to form a lockup clutch. A method of forming a torque converter is also provided. 1. A torque converter comprising:a turbine including a turbine shell including a radially extending turbine shell wall;an impeller including an impeller shell including a radially extending impeller shell wall;a diaphragm spring rotationally fixed to one of the turbine and the impeller; anda friction material fixed to the diaphragm spring, the radially extending turbine shell wall and radially extending impeller shell wall being engageable via the friction material and the diaphragm spring to form a lockup clutch.2. The torque converter as recited in wherein the diaphragm spring includes a plurality of axially extending tabs claim 1 , the axially extending tabs rotationally fixing the diaphragm spring to the one of the turbine or the impeller.3. The torque converter as recited in wherein the turbine shell forms an axially movable piston.4. The torque converter as recited in wherein the impeller shell forms an axially movable piston.5. The torque converter as recited in further comprising a rear cover surrounding the impeller.6. The torque converter as recited in further comprising a damper rotationally fixed to the turbine shell claim 1 , the damper configured for transmitting torque from the impeller to a transmission input shaft during engagement of the lockup clutch.7. The torque converter as recited in wherein the turbine includes turbine blades fixed to the ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097521A1

The invention relates to a hydrodynamic transmission gear-box that contains two pump wheels, which are round flat disks, on the front peripheral part of which installed firmly are radially directed blades. The first wheel is rigidly connected to the input shaft. The second and subsequent pump wheels, each with a diameter greater than the previous one, are mounted with their own hubs onto the hubs of the preceding pump wheels with the possibility of free rotation on them. On the back side of each disk, a device is installed to block it with the next pump wheel, and the last pump wheel—with the turbine wheel. The turbine wheel is mounted on the input shaft and in the crankcase of the drive device on bearings and is connected to vehicle's reverse mechanism and running gear. Reduction in weight and size, increase of service life and performance improvement are achieved. 1at least two pump wheels, which are round flat discs, on a front peripheral part of which firmly mounted are radially directed blades,wherein a first wheel is rigidly connected with an input shaft;wherein a second wheel and subsequent pump wheels, a diameter of each of the subsequent pump wheels is larger than a diameter of a preceding one of the subsequent pump wheels, have hubs that are mounted onto the hubs of preceding pump wheels and are permitted to freely rotate thereon, but are restricted from mutual axial movement,wherein a device is installed on a back of each of the round flat discs to block each of the round flat discs with a corresponding one of the subsequent pump wheels, and a last of the pump wheels with a turbine wheel;wherein a front side of the second wheel and the subsequent pump wheels and a front side of the turbine wheel include cylindrical rings with internal teeth for coupling with the locking device;wherein blades of the turbine wheel from a side that faces blades of the pump wheels are covered with a cone-shaped ring disc,wherein a larger diameter of the cone-shaped ring disc ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160091035A1
Автор: Dattawadkar Aditya

A rocker one-way clutch including an outer race including a pocket and a ,strut including a main body rotatable within the pocket and a locking member including a first neck portion extending from the main body and a cutout operatively arranged within the first neck portion to prevent displacement of a spring member. A rocker one-way clutch including an inner race, an outer race arranged radially outward of the inner race concentrically, the outer race including a pocket, a strut including a main body rotatable within the pocket and a locking member, the locking member including a first neck portion extending from the main body, a cutout operatively arranged within the first neck portion to prevent displacement of a spring member and a protrusion operatively arranged within the first neck portion opposite of the cutout to ensure proper assembly of the strut within said inner and outer races. 1. A rocker one-way clutch , comprising:an outer race including a pocket; and, a main body rotatable within said pocket; and,', a first neck portion extending from said main body; and,', 'a cutout operatively arranged within said first neck portion to prevent displacement of a spring member., 'a locking member, said locking member including], 'a strut comprising2. The rocker one-way clutch recited in claim 1 , wherein said outer race includes a groove and said spring member includes a first end and a second end and wherein said first end of said spring member is arranged in said groove and said second end of said spring member is arranged within said cutout and said spring member is arranged to push said locking member radially inward from said outer race.3. The rocker one-way clutch recited in claim 1 , further comprising an inner race arranged radially inward of said outer race claim 1 , wherein:said outer race is rotatable with respect to said inner race in a first direction;in a second direction, said spring member is operatively arranged to cause a first end of said locking ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Drop-in lube-on-demand valve and kit

Номер: US20220136598A1
Принадлежит: Sonnax Transmission Co

A drop-in lube boost valve assembly replaces an OE lube boost valve assembly in a vehicle transmission hydraulic circuit. The OE valve assembly has a valve body with inlet, balancing and outlet ports. The drop-in valve assembly includes a sleeve having inlet and outlet ports, and a bore extending between and fluidically connecting the ports. The drop-in valve ports are spaced from each other. The sleeve includes valve and spring chambers. A valve has a valve face, a sealing portion and a spring stem and is positioned in the sleeve with the sealing portion positioned in the sleeve bore. A spring is positioned on the spring stem. The valve reciprocates in the sleeve between an open state in which the sealing portion does not overlie the sleeve outlet port and a closed state in which the sealing portion overlies and closes off the outlet port.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086371A1
Принадлежит: AISIN AW CO., LTD.

A method of manufacturing a case for a starting device, the case having at least one curved portion and having an interior configured to be supplied with oil includes forming a thickened portion by partially thickening a metal sheet material and forming the curved portion by bending the sheet material at the thickened portion by press working. An outer surface of the curved portion projects outward of the case beyond a curved surface that is concentric with an inner surface of the curved portion and that has a radius of curvature equal to the sum of the radius of curvature of the inner surface and the thickness of the sheet material forming the case. Metal flows in the curved portion are continuous from the inner surface to the outer surface without any break. 112-. (canceled)13. A method of manufacturing a case for a starting device , the case having at least one curved portion and having an interior configured to be supplied with oil , the method comprising:forming a thickened portion by partially thickening a metal sheet material; andforming the curved portion by bending the sheet material at the thickened portion by press working.14. The method of manufacturing a case for a starting device according to claim 13 , whereinafter an annular projecting portion is formed on the sheet material, the thickened portion is formed on the sheet material by compressing the annular projecting portion.15. The method of manufacturing a case for a starting device according to claim 14 , whereinthe sheet material is disposed between a first forming die having an annular forming recess and a second forming die having an annular forming projection, andthe annular projecting portion is formed on the sheet material by bringing the first forming die and the second forming die close to each other.16. The method of manufacturing a case for a starting device according to claim 14 , whereinthe thickened portion is formed on the sheet material by compressing the annular projecting portion ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200088282A1

A torque converter assembly configured to be connected between an engine and a transmission in a vehicle. The torque converter assembly comprises a cover plate having a cover plate pilot portion, a pump, a turbine, a stator, and a clutch assembly operably connected between the cover plate and the turbine. The clutch assembly comprises a piston plate having a single clutch face and a piston pilot portion. The cover plate pilot portion and the piston pilot portion are both configured to be piloted by the engine. A pilot plate located between the cover plate and clutch assembly can help control the amount and/or velocity of fluid that hydrodynamically connects various portions of the torque converter assembly. 1. A torque converter assembly configured to be connected between an engine and a transmission in a vehicle , the torque converter assembly comprising:a cover plate having a cover plate pilot portion;a pump having a plurality of impeller blades;a turbine having a plurality of turbine blades;a stator having a plurality of stator vanes disposed between the pump and the turbine; anda clutch assembly operably connected between the cover plate and the turbine, the clutch assembly comprising a piston plate having a single clutch face and a piston pilot portion, wherein the cover plate pilot portion and the piston pilot portion are both configured to be piloted by the engine.2. The torque converter assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a pilot plate between the cover plate and the clutch assembly.3. The torque converter assembly of claim 2 , wherein the pilot plate includes a plurality of fluid channels configured to limit fluid flow between the cover plate and the clutch assembly.4. The torque converter assembly of claim 2 , wherein the pilot plate includes a flanged central hub.5. The torque converter assembly of claim 4 , wherein the flanged central hub surrounds the piston pilot portion.6. The torque converter assembly of claim 5 , wherein a polymer bushing is ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140178192A1

A method for fabricating a stator including positioning a cutting device, with a diameter equal to a desired pocket diameter, with respect to pockets in a side of a housing. Each pocket has an end wall with an indentation. The method axially displaces the device to remove material from side and end walls for the pockets to form desired diameters and lengths for the pockets, while leaving a portion of the respective indentation in place. The housing includes a plurality of blades. Each pocket is arranged to receive an engagement assembly for a one-way clutch. Each pocket includes a first opening facing in a second axial direction and a second opening in communication with the first opening and at least partially facing in a circumferential direction. The first side faces the second axial direction and the side walls are in communication with the first and second openings. 1. A method for forming a stator for a torque converter , comprising:positioning, with respect to each pocket in a plurality of pockets in the first side of a housing for the stator, a cylindrically-shaped cutting device with an outer diameter equal to a desired diameter for said each pocket;rotating the cylindrically-shaped cutting device about a longitudinal axis for the cylindrically-shaped cutting device;axially displacing the rotating cylindrically-shaped cutting device in a first axial direction to contact a respective cylindrical wall for said each pocket;removing, with the cylindrically-shaped cutting device, respective material from the respective side wall; in contact with the respective ring-shaped surface;', 'substantially centered with respect to the respective ring-shaped surface; and,', 'extending further than the respective ring-shaped surface in the first axial direction;, 'removing, with the cylindrically-shaped cutting device, respective material from a respective ring-shaped surface forming a portion of a respective end wall for said each pocket, the end wall including a ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160102743A1

A hydrokinetic torque coupling device for coupling together a driving shaft and a driven shaft. The torque coupling device includes a casing rotatable about a rotational axis and having a casing cover shell and an impeller shell, an impeller coaxial aligned with the rotational axis and including the impeller shell, a turbine-piston coaxially aligned with and drivable by the impeller, a stator situated between the impeller and the turbine-piston, an output member including an output bevel gear, a torsional vibration damper operatively connecting the turbine-piston and the output hub, a rotatable input bevel gear drivenly connected to the torsional vibration damper, a carrier configured to connect to a stationary stator shaft, and a bevel pinion supported by and rotatable relative to the carrier. The bevel pinion meshes with gear teeth of the input bevel gear and gear teeth of the output bevel gear of the output member. 1. A hydrokinetic torque coupling device for coupling together a driving shaft and a driven shaft , the torque coupling device comprising:a casing rotatable about a rotational axis and having an interior volume, the casing comprising a casing cover shell and an impeller shell disposed axially opposite to and fixedly connected to the casing cover shell;an impeller coaxially aligned with the rotational axis and comprising the impeller shell;a turbine-piston coaxially aligned with and hydrodynamically drivable by the impeller and comprising a turbine-piston shell;a stator situated between the impeller and the turbine-piston;an output member including an output bevel gear;an input bevel gear drivenly connected to the turbine-piston;a carrier configured to connect to a stator shaft to prevent rotation of the carrier about the rotational axis of the casing; anda bevel pinion rotatably supported by the carrier, the bevel pinion meshing with the input bevel gear and the output bevel gear of the output member.2. The hydrokinetic torque coupling device as ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160102745A1
Автор: Maienschein Stephan

A starter element for a drivetrain of a motor vehicle having a housing, the housing being mounted on at least one shaft and the housing being coupled by means of an elastic element to a component located in a power stream of the starter element. 110-. (canceled)1112. A starter element () for a drivetrain of a motor vehicle () , comprising:{'b': 3', '4', '5, 'a housing () mounted on at least one shaft (, );'}{'b': 7', '1, 'a component () located in a power stream of the starter element (); and,'}{'b': '6', 'an elastic element () coupling the housing to the component.'}12168. The starter element () of claim 11 , wherein the elastic element () is a spring ().1313620. The starter element () of claim 11 , wherein the housing () is configured between at least two elastic elements ( claim 11 , ).141345. The starter element () of claim 11 , wherein the housing () is sealed fluid-tight with respect to the at least one shaft ( claim 11 , ).151312. The starter element () of claim 11 , wherein the housing () is coupled with the turbine wheel ().1613. The starter element () of claim 11 , wherein the power stream runs through the housing ().171491011124512. The starter element () of claim 11 , wherein a first shaft () is drivable by a crankshaft end () of a drive motor () claim 11 , an impeller () non-rotatably mounted and a turbine wheel () rotatably mounted on the first shaft () and a second shaft () being drivable by the turbine wheel ().1815123. The starter element () of claim 17 , wherein the second shaft () is drivable by the turbine wheel () by means of the housing ().1911345. The starter element () of claim 17 , further comprising a clutch () in the housing configured to non-rotatably connect the first shaft () to the second shaft ().202. A motor vehicle () claim 17 , comprising:{'b': '10', 'a drive motor ();'}{'b': '14', 'a transmission (); and,'} [{'b': 3', '4', '5, 'a housing () mounted on at least one shaft (, );'}, {'b': 7', '1, 'a component () located in a power ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094668A1

A hybrid module for a vehicle includes a torque converter and an electric motor. The torque converter includes an impeller shell and a cover. The cover is fixed to the impeller shell to form at least a portion of an outer shell for the torque converter. The electric motor includes a rotor supported on a rotor carrier. The cover and the rotor carrier are integrally formed from a same piece of material. In an example embodiment, the hybrid module includes a resolver rotor fixed to the rotor carrier. In some example embodiments, the hybrid module includes a cover disk, fixed to the rotor carrier and extending radially inward to form a portion of the outer shell. 1. A hybrid module for a vehicle , comprising: an impeller shell; and,', 'a cover, fixed to the impeller shell to form at least a portion of an outer shell for the torque converter; and,, 'a torque converter comprisingan electric motor comprising a rotor supported on a rotor carrier, wherein the cover and the rotor carrier are integrally formed from a same piece of material.2. The hybrid module of further comprising a cover disk claim 1 , fixed to the rotor carrier and extending radially inward to form a portion of the outer shell.3. The hybrid module of further comprising:a turbine shell arranged with the impeller shell to form a hydrodynamic coupling;a turbine hub, fixed to the turbine shell and including a first axial tab;a first clutch plate drivingly engaged with the first axial tab; and, the cover disk comprises a second axial tab; and,', 'the second clutch plate is drivingly engaged with the second axial tab., 'a second clutch plate, wherein4. The hybrid module of further comprising:a first piston disposed on a first axial side of the cover disk; and,a second piston disposed on a second axial side, opposite the first axial side, of the cover disk, wherein each of the first piston and the second piston is rotationally fixed and axially displaceable relative to the cover disk.5. The hybrid module of ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150107235A1

An impeller for a motor vehicle torque converter is provided. The impeller includes an impeller shell including blade supporting portions and fluid flow receiving portions between the blade supporting portions, the blade supporting portions being thicker than the fluid flow receiving portions; and a plurality of impeller blades, each of the impeller blades being connected to one of the blade supporting portions at an inner surface of the impeller shell. A method for forming an impeller of a torque converter is also provided. 1. An impeller for a motor vehicle torque converter comprising:an impeller shell including blade supporting portions and fluid flow receiving portions between the blade supporting portions, the blade supporting portions being thicker than the fluid flow receiving portions; anda plurality of impeller blades, each of the impeller blades being connected to one of the blade supporting portions at an inner surface of the impeller shell.2. The impeller as recited in wherein the impeller shell includes a rounded blade receiving portion and a radial extension extending radial inward from the rounded portion claim 1 , the blade supporting portions and fluid flow receiving portions being included in the rounded blade receiving portion.3. The impeller as recited in wherein the radial extension is thicker that the fluid flow receiving portions.4. The impeller as recited in wherein the rounded blade receiving portion is a ring including an inner circumference and an outer circumference claim 1 , each of the blade supporting portions extending from the inner circumference to the outer circumference.5. The impeller as recited in wherein the fluid flow receiving portions are formed by embossing the inner surface of the impeller shell outwardly.6. The impeller as recited in wherein inner surfaces of the fluid flow portions extend outward past inner surfaces of the blade supporting portions.7. The impeller as recited in wherein the fluid flow receiving portions ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150107952A1
Автор: KELLY Kenneth

An assembly kit and of method for modifying a standard torque converter assembly is provided. The assembly kit and method of modification results in a modified torque converter assembly that can withstand high horse power engine/transmission requirements with minimal additional/replacement parts and manufacturing steps. 1. A method for modifying a standard torque converter assembly comprising an original hub , an original cover , a plurality of snap rings , an original sprag center , an original turbine hub , an original impeller and an original clutch plate so as to withstand high performance torque applications , comprising:providing an assembly kit comprising: a, at least one new lock up plate, a new turbine hub, a new sprag center and a new impeller hub;removing the original cover and the original hub of the standard torque converter assembly;rigidly coupling the new impeller hub to the original new lock up cover impeller so as to replace the original hub;removing the plurality of snap rings so as to replace the original sprag center with the new sprag center;machining off the original turbine hub so as to replace the original turbine hub with the new turbine hub;setting and machining the new lock up plates to operably engage the new turbine hub;adding at least one clutch plate to operably engage the new lock up plate; andrigidly connect the new lock up cover to the original impeller, whereby forming a modified torque converter assembly.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the new lock up cover is forged from a unitary piece of high grade steel claim 1 , whereby the new lock up cover is smaller and stronger relative to the original cover.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one clutch plate comprises two lock up clutch plates claim 1 , whereby providing an increase in clutch surface of the modified torque converter assembly relative to the standard torque converter assembly.4. An assembly kit for modifying a standard torque converter assembly so as to ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170102061A1

A torque converter, including: an axis of rotation; a cover arranged to receive torque; an impeller including a shell non-rotatably connected to the cover; a turbine in fluid communication with the impeller and including a turbine shell including a radially outermost segment including a radially outermost end of the turbine shell, at least one blade connected to the turbine shell and an entirety of which is located radially inward of the radially outermost segment; a vibration damper including at least one spring and at least one tab directly engaged with at least one circumferential end of the at least one spring and non-rotatably connected to the turbine shell; at least one rivet passing though the radially outermost segment and fixedly connected to the radially outermost segment; and a torque converter clutch arranged to transmit torque from the cover to the damper when the torque converter clutch is closed. 1. A torque converter , comprising:an axis of rotation;a cover arranged to receive torque;an impeller including a shell non-rotatably connected to the cover; a turbine shell including a radially outermost segment including a radially outermost end of the turbine shell;', connected to the turbine shell; and,', 'an entirety of which is located radially inward of the radially outermost segment;, 'at least one blade], 'a turbine in fluid communication with the impeller and including at least one spring; and,', 'at least one tab directly engaged with at least one circumferential end of the at least one spring and non-rotatably connected to the turbine shell; and,, 'a vibration damper includingat least one rivet passing though the radially outermost segment and fixedly connected to the radially outermost segment.2. The torque converter of claim 1 , wherein the rivet is arranged to weight balance the turbine for rotation of the turbine.3. The torque converter of claim 1 , wherein no line parallel to the axis of rotation passes through the at least one blade and the ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170102067A1

A component and method for forming the component utilizing ultra-high strength steel is provided. The method includes the steps of providing a blank of ultra-high strength steel and forming the blank into an unfinished component. Next, heating the unfinished component and moving an inner tooling member and an outer tooling member relative to one another to sandwich the heated component therebetween. Further, moving a punch member from a withdrawn, unactuated position to an extended, actuated position to contact the component while sandwiched between the inner and outer tooling members to form a feature including at least one of a thickened region having an increased thickness relative to an adjacent region, a recessed annular groove, a recessed pocket, a through hole, a flange, a through hole having a tab extending outwardly therefrom, or spline teeth. Then, quenching the feature. 1. A method for forming a component utilizing ultra-high strength steel including the steps of:providing a blank of ultra-high strength steel;forming the blank into an unfinished component;heating the unfinished component;moving an inner tooling member and an outer tooling member relative to one another to sandwich the heated component therebetween;moving a punch member from a withdrawn, unactuated position to an extended, actuated position to contact the component while sandwiched between the inner and outer tooling members to form a feature including at least one of a thickened region having an increased thickness relative to an adjacent region, a recessed annular groove, a recessed pocket, a through hole, a flange, a through hole having a tab extending outwardly therefrom, or spline teeth; andquenching the feature.2. The method as set forth in claim 1 , further including maintaining the inner tooling member in a stationary position and moving the outer tooling member from a withdrawn claim 1 , unactuated position to an extended claim 1 , actuated position to sandwich the heated ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190101201A1
Автор: Dattawadkar Aditya

A torque converter impeller or turbine is provided. The torque converter impeller or turbine includes a plurality of blades and a shell including a rounded portion defining an annular bowl for receiving the blades on an interior surface of the shell. The interior surface of the shell is provided with at least one shell protrusion for each of the blades protruding away from the rounded portion. Each of the at least one shell protrusion contacts a radially extending circumferentially facing surface of the respective blade. 1. A torque converter impeller or turbine comprising:a plurality of blades; anda shell including a rounded portion defining an annular bowl for receiving the blades on an interior surface of the shell, the interior surface of the shell being provided with at least one shell protrusion for each of the blades protruding away from the rounded portion, each of the at least one shell protrusion contacting a radially extending circumferentially facing surface of the respective blade.2. The torque converter impeller or turbine as recited in wherein each of the blades includes at least one blade protrusion each extending into a corresponding shell slot formed in the interior surface of the shell in the rounded portion.3. The torque converter impeller or turbine as recited in wherein the at least one blade protrusion includes a first blade protrusion and a second blade protrusion for each blade claim 2 , the first blade protrusion being radially outside of the second blade protrusion claim 2 , each first blade protrusion being received in a corresponding first shell slot of the shell slots and each second blade protrusion being received in a second shell slot of the shell slots.4. The torque converter impeller or turbine as recited in wherein the shell protrusions are formed radially between the first shell slots and the second shell slots.5. The torque converter impeller or turbine as recited in wherein the at least one shell protrusion includes a first ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170538A1

A torque converter comprises a front cover, an impeller including an impeller shell fixed to the front cover, and a turbine including a turbine shell axially movable to frictionally engage the impeller shell such that the turbine shell forms a turbine piston of a lock-up clutch. A damper assembly disposed between the front cover and the turbine shell comprises: springs; a flange connected to the turbine shell and drivingly engaged with the springs; and a spring retainer supporting the springs and connected to a turbine hub. A piston plate may be disposed between the spring retainer and front cover and configured to be axially displaceable to force the turbine piston against the impeller shell for engagement of the lock-up clutch. A seal plate may be fixed to the front cover and disposed between the front cover and the piston plate with the piston plate sealed to the seal plate. 1. A torque converter comprising:a front cover;an impeller including an impeller shell fixed to the front cover;a turbine including a turbine shell axially movable to frictionally engage the impeller shell such that the turbine shell forms a turbine piston of a lock-up clutch; springs;', 'a flange connected to the turbine shell and drivingly engaged with the springs;', 'a spring retainer supporting the springs and connected to a turbine hub;, 'a damper assembly disposed between the front cover and the turbine shell, the damper assembly comprisinga piston plate disposed between the spring retainer and the front cover, wherein the piston plate is configured to be axially displaceable to force the turbine piston against the impeller shell for engagement of the lock-up clutch; anda seal plate fixed to the front cover and disposed between the front cover and the piston plate, wherein the piston plate is sealed to the seal plate.2. The torque converter of claim 1 , wherein the piston plate is sealed to the seal plate at an outer diameter and connected to the spring retainer and the turbine hub by a ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160109008A1
Автор: Maienschein Stephan

A hydrodynamic starting element for a drive train of a motor vehicle, having a pump wheel and a turbine wheel, wherein the turbine wheel is arranged on a drive side of the hydrodynamic starting element and the pump wheel is arranged on an output side of the hydrodynamic starting element, wherein a housing is fastened to the turbine wheel and wherein the housing extends from the turbine wheel in the direction of the output side and the housing at least partially encloses the pump wheel in the direction of the output side. 110-. (canceled)11. A hydrodynamic start-off element for a drive train of a motor vehicle , comprising:a housing in which an impeller and a turbine are disposed, the turbine directly or indirectly connected to a power take-off side of the hydrodynamic start-off element and the impeller directly or indirectly connected to a drive side of the hydrodynamic start-off element;wherein the impeller is rotatable relative to the housing.12. The hydrodynamic start-off element recited in claim 11 , wherein the impeller is rotatable through at least 360° relative to the housing.13. The hydrodynamic start-off element recited in claim 11 , wherein the housing extends from the turbine in the direction of the power take-off side and wherein the housing at least partly encloses the impeller in the direction of the power take-off side.14. The hydrodynamic start-off element recited in claim 11 , wherein the impeller is disposed for co-rotation on a drive shaft and the turbine is supported for relative rotation on the drive shaft.15. The hydrodynamic start-off element recited in claim 11 , wherein the housing is fixed behind the impeller in the direction of the power take-off side.16. The hydrodynamic start-off element recited in claim 11 , wherein the turbine is part of the housing.17. The hydrodynamic start-off element recited in claim 11 , wherein the housing is connected to a transmission power take-off shaft.18. The hydrodynamic start-off element recited in claim ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160109009A1

A torque converter including a stator, a one way clutch permitting rotation of the stator in a first direction and preventing rotation of the stator in a second opposite direction, and an adapter device including a first adapter portion connected to the stator and a second adapter portion connected to the one way clutch, so that the one way clutch is positioned offset and remote from the stator. 1. A torque converter comprising:a stator;a one way clutch permitting rotation of the stator in a first direction and preventing rotation of the stator in a second opposite direction; andan adapter device including a first adapter portion connected to the stator and a second adapter portion connected to the one way clutch, so that the one way clutch is positioned offset and remote from the stator.2. The torque converter of wherein the first adapter portion and the second adapter portion each comprises splines.3. The torque converter of wherein the first adapter portion comprises a first adapter portion diameter and the second adapter portion comprises a second adapter portion diameter claim 1 , wherein the first adapter portion diameter is larger than the second adapter portion diameter.4. The torque converter of wherein the stator comprises an inner diameter claim 1 , and the one way clutch comprises an outer diameter claim 1 , wherein the outer diameter of the one way clutch is larger than the inner diameter of the stator.5. The torque converter of wherein the one way clutch comprises a race configured to be connected to the second adapter portion.6. The torque converter of wherein the race is configured to rotate in the first direction and is prevented from rotating in the second direction.7. The torque converter of wherein rotation of the race translates into rotation of the adapter device.8. The torque converter of wherein the one way clutch comprises rollers and springs claim 6 , and the rollers and springs permit the race to rotate in the first direction claim 6 , and ...
