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13-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2657381C2

Изобретение относится к производству труб с бетонным покрытием, используемым при прокладке трубопроводов на морских шельфах, водных переходах, в обводненной или заболоченной местности, а также при подземной или надземной прокладке трубопроводов в многолетнемерзлых, сезонно-мерзлых и слабонесущих грунтах, с целью балластировки и/или защиты трубопроводов от механических повреждений. Техническая задача - создание способа производства обетонированной трубы с кабель-каналом, который применяется при изготовлении секций нового трубопровода в заводских условиях, обладает высокой надежностью, связанной с размещением кабель-канала в толще бетонного покрытия трубопровода, а также - универсальностью. Трубу устанавливают на сборочном стенде, размещают на ней армирующую конструкцию, собранную конструкцию помещают в опалубку с выступом вдоль всей ее формообразующей поверхности. Затем внутрь пространства между трубой и опалубкой закачивают бетонную смесь. После набора прочности бетоном трубу извлекают ...

22-02-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018103765A3

24-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU182643U1

Полезная модель относится к строительству и может быть использована при нанесении теплоизоляции на металлические трубы, а также при строительстве трубопроводов, в том числе тепловых сетей. Техническим результатом полезной модели является создание нового устройства гидроизоляции трубопровода, обеспечивающего герметичность контакта и равномерность прижима торцевого гидроизолирующего элемента к внешней гидроизоляционной оболочке при любых допустимых отклонениях размеров и взаимного расположения осевых линий стальной трубы и внешней гидроизоляционной оболочки для одностороннего выхода конденсата, теплоносителя или внешних грунтовых вод при возникновении дефекта на стальной трубе или на внешней гидроизоляционной оболочке из теплоизоляционного слоя через торцевые гидроизолирующие элементы только в межтрубное пространство стыковых соединений со смежными трубами трубопровода. Технический результат достигается в заявляемом устройстве гидроизоляции трубопровода, содержащем теплоизоляционный слой ...

11-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU196649U1

Техническое решение относится к области сталебетонных изделий и конструкций, используемых в различных областях техники, в которых внешний армированный металлическим каркасом бетонный слой используется в качестве защитного и утяжеляющего конструкцию покрытия. Задача - создание длинномерного сталебетонного элемента (обетонированной металлической трубы), обеспечивающего при соединении с конструкцией требуемую точность позиционирования соединяемых между собой кабель-каналов. Технический результат - обеспечение соосности входящих и выходящих из длинномерного сталебетонного элемента отверстий кабель-каналов при использовании для армирования продольно спирально витой арматуры с закрепленной к ней стержневой арматурой, образующей объемный металлокаркас. Достигается это тем, что длинномерный сталебетонный элемент включает стальную обетонированную посредством набрызга трубу с установленным на ней посредством дистанцирующих опор арматурным каркасом из продольно спирально витой арматуры с ориентированными ...

16-09-2019 дата публикации

Конструкция стыка труб с наружным бетонным покрытием

Номер: RU192391U1

Конструкция стыка труб с наружным бетонным покрытием состоит их двух проводящих труб 1, имеющих наружное бетонное покрытие 2 и снабженных теплоизолирующим слоем 3. Проводящие трубы 1 соединены между собой сварочным швом 4. Теплоизолирующий слой 3 изолирован манжетами 5. Враспор к торцевым поверхностям бетонного покрытия 2 концентрично проводящим трубам 1 установлены распорки 6, например деревянные. На внешних поверхностях бетонного покрытия 2 установлен кожух 7, закрепленный обечайками 8. Кожух 7 снабжен отверстием 9 для залива отвердевающего материала 10 и отверстием 11 для выхода воздуха, происходящего при заливе отвердевающего материала 10.

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2691429C1
Принадлежит: А.И. ИННОВЕЙШНЗ Н.В. (US)

Группа изобретений относится к области оросительных труб, устойчивых против грызунов, червей и насекомых. Устройство содержит по меньшей мере однослойную гибкую трубу (12), множество выпусков (26) и мелкодисперсные гидрофильные частицы диоксида кремния. Труба (12) имеет внутренний участок (14) и внешний участок (16) и представляет собой полиэтилен низкой плотности или гибкий поливинилхлорид (ПВХ). Множество выпусков (26) проходит через трубу (12) и они разнесены друг от друга подобным образом по длине трубы (12). Мелкодисперсные гидрофильные частицы диоксида кремния распределены во внешнем участке (16) трубы (12), а не во внутреннем участке (14). Способ изготовления оросительного устройства содержит следующие этапы. Экструдируют по меньшей мере однослойную гибкую трубу (12) и размещают выпуски (26) в трубе (12) разнесенным друг от друга образом по длине трубы (12). Обеспечивается поверхностная твердость оросительной трубы, обеспечивающая устойчивость трубы против грызунов, червей и насекомых ...

22-10-2019 дата публикации

Полевой сборно-разборный трубопровод

Номер: RU2703880C1

Изобретение относится к области трубопроводного транспорта нефтепродуктов, в частности, к полевым сборно-разборным трубопроводам для подачи горючего на занимаемые военной техникой боевые позиции. Полевой сборно-разборный трубопровод содержит выполненные из композиционного неметаллического материала трубы с раструбными вставками с размещенными в них прижимными, уплотнительными, стопорными элементами, пружинящими кольцами и фиксирующими элементами. Раструбные вставки попарно соединены перемычками, а бункер выполнен с возможностью размещения в нем комплекта труб. Технический результат заключается в повышении военно-технической эффективности применения полевого сборно-разборного трубопровода для подачи горючего на занимаемые военной техникой боевые позиции, а также сокращении сроков монтажа трубопровода и объемов. 6 ил.

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015110980A

... 1. Краска для детали выхлопной системы, предназначенная для нанесения на основу, изготовленную из металла, причем данная краска содержитаморфный неорганический материал, содержащий диоксид кремния,частицы кристаллического неорганического материала, содержащие диоксид циркония, ичастицы порообразующего материала;причем частицы кристаллического неорганического материала имеют средний размер от 0,1 до 150 мкм,масса частиц кристаллического неорганического материала составляет от 30 до 180 мас. ч. на 100 мас. ч. аморфного неорганического материала,частицы порообразующего материала имеют средний размер от 0,1 до 25 мкм, имасса частиц порообразующего материала составляет от 0,001 до 1 мас. ч. на 100 мас. ч. аморфного неорганического материала.2. Краска для детали выхлопной системы по п. 1, в которой порообразующий материал содержит углерод, карбонат или пенообразующее вещество.3. Краска для детали выхлопной системы по п. 1 или 2, в которой порообразующий материал образует газ при температуре от ...

22-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2734727C1

Изобретение относится к области строительства и ремонта трубопроводов, а именно к устройствам для защиты стыков трубопроводов с балластным покрытием. Устройство защиты стыка трубопровода с бетонным покрытием включает парные полукольца с монтажными петлями (2) на наружной поверхности и технологическими петлями (1) на одной из торцевых поверхностей. Полукольца выполнены из бетона и включают в себя армирующий каркас (3). Армирующий каркас (3) расположен внутри бетонного тела полуколец, выполнен из проволоки и включает в себя закладные детали. Закладные детали состоят из двух пластин (13) и втулки (14), расположенной между ними и размещенной в сквозных отверстиях. Сквозные отверстия выполнены в площадках, расположенных в выемках на внешней поверхности боковых частей полуколец. Технический результат заключается в увеличении срока службы устройства для защиты стыков трубопроводов с бетонным покрытием. 5 ил.

10-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009107718A

... 1. Труба, входящая в состав системы трубопроводов летательного аппарата, отличающаяся тем, что она изготавливается из композитного материала, содержащего матрицу на основе геополимерной смолы, усиленной волокнами. ! 2. Труба, входящая в состав системы трубопроводов летательного аппарата по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она изготавливается из композитного материала на основе волокон, залитых геополимерной смолой типа сиаллит (xSiO2,AlO2), в котором х находится в диапазоне или равен 1,75 и 50. ! 3. Труба, входящая в состав системы трубопроводов летательного аппарата по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что с волокон было, по меньшей мере, частично устранено замасливание перед пропиткой геополимерной смолой. ! 4. Трубопровод летательного аппарата, содержащий, по меньшей мере, одну трубу по любому из пп.1-4. ! 5. Трубопровод летательного аппарата по п.4, отличающийся тем, что содержит две трубы, изготовленные из композитного материала, содержащего матрицу на основе геополимерной смолы, усиленную волокнами ...

20-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013145686A

... 1. Композиция, содержащая:полимер на основе этилена;соединение, выбранное из соединений формулы 1:(Формула 1)где Rи R, каждый независимо, выбраны из C-Cалкильных групп,X выбран из Cl, Br, I, F, OH, NH, NHR′ или NR′R′′, где R′ и R′′, каждый независимо, представляют C-Cалкил,n равно от 1 до 10, иm равно от 10 до 30,и где это соединение присутствует в количестве более чем или равном 500 частей на млн. в расчете на общую массу композиции;C) соединение, выбранное из соединений формулы 2:(Формула 2)где R, Rи R, каждый независимо, выбраны из C-Cалкильных групп;R, R, R, R, Rи R, каждый независимо, выбраны из C-Cалкильных групп,X, Xи X, каждый независимо, выбраны из Cl, Br, I, F, OH, NH, NHR′ или NR′R′′, где R′ и R′′, каждый независимо, представляют C-Cалкил,n равно от 1 до 6,m равно от 1 до 6, иo равно от 1 до 6;и где массовое отношение компонента C к компоненту B (C/B) более чем 1.2. Композиция по п.1, где массовое отношение C/B равно от 1 до 6.3. Композиция по п.1, где компонент B присутствует ...

10-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014111676A

... 1. Способ изготовления трубы с термопластичным слоем на ее внутренней поверхности, который включает следующие стадии:a) подготовка трубы,b) подготовка внутренней обкладки из термопластичного материала,c) при необходимости уменьшение поперечного сечения внутренней обкладки при воздействии внешней силы,d) введение внутренней обкладки в трубу,e) нагревание трубы извне до температуры, превышающей точку плавления Tкристаллитов формовочной массы наружной поверхности внутренней обкладки, во время или после которого введенная в трубу внутренняя обкладка расширяется в радиальном направлении таким образом, что ее наружная поверхность приобретает контур, соответствующей внутреннему контуру трубы,f) охлаждение внутренней обкладки.2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что наружный диаметр внутренней обкладки превышает внутренний диаметр трубы максимум на 25%, причем на стадии с) поперечное сечение внутренней обкладки уменьшают на величину от 3 до 30%.3. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что наружный ...

15-02-1979 дата публикации

Sealing strip for waterproofing plastics-lined building elements - has Y-cross=section with one flange inserted into gap to be sealed

Номер: DE0002734054A1

Plastics e.g., plasticised PVC, strip for sealing the gap between abutting plastics - lined building components, esp. concrete components, e.g. prefabricated drainage or sewerage pipes, has a vaguely "Y"-cross-section. This profiling efficiently and simply seals the abutting ends of the building components and the intervening gap.

27-08-2020 дата публикации

Rohrstruktur und Verfahren zum Herstellen einer solchen Rohrstruktur

Номер: DE102019104536A1

Die vorliegende Offenbarung betrifft eine Rohrstruktur für Hochdruckanwendungen. Um eine Rohrstruktur bereitzustellen, dass zumindest einen der Nachteile der aus dem Stand der Technik bekannten Rohre überwindet, wird offenbarungsgemäß vorgeschlagen, dass die Rohrstruktur ein Innenrohr aus einem Metall, wobei das Innenrohr eine Innenfläche und eine Außenfläche aufweist, mindestens einen der Außenfläche des Innenrohres umgebenden Strang mit einer Mehrzahl von Garnen, wobei zumindest eines der Garne Kohlenstofffasern aufweist, und einem den Strang und das Innenrohr umgebenden Schutzrohr aufweist.

15-12-2011 дата публикации

Pipework system for conveying mediums, has outer pipe half-shell upper part and outer pipe half-shell lower part, where outer pipe-half shells are made of steel or plastic in composite construction

Номер: DE102010014923A1

The pipework system has an outer pipe half-shell upper part (15) and an outer pipe half-shell lower part (20). The outer pipe-half shells are made of steel or plastic in composite construction by extrusion, pultrusion, pressing or resin transfer molding process or from prepregs. The manufacturing of individual segments is not limited to the shape of outer pipe- half shells.

02-06-2005 дата публикации

Flat pipes for use in solar collectors have 0.04 mm thick surface coating of silicon carbide, allowing temperatures to be reached which are suitable for steam production

Номер: DE0010327644A1

The flat pipes for use in solar collectors have a 0.04 mm thick surface coating of silicon carbide. This allows temperatures to be reached which are suitable for steam production.

16-10-2008 дата публикации

Fuel-injected motor vehicle has fuel line comprising inner pipe made of metal and surrounded by fiber-reinforcement

Номер: DE102007061220A1

A motor vehicle has a fuel tank and an engine to which fuel is supplied via a connection to the fuel tank. The connection comprises a line and an inner pipe (10) made of metal that is surrounded by reinforcement (12) of fibers embedded in a matrix material. Independent claims are included for the following: (1) (A) A tubular line to motor vehicle engine. (2) (B) Application of a tubular line for a motor vehicle.

30-01-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001345323A

... 1345323 Plastics tube INTERNATIONAL COMPUTERS Ltd 23 July 1971 34603/71 Heading F2P A tubular member is formed by laying tows of fibres 12 longitudinally on a mandrel 1 between pairs of pins 8, 9 and bonding them together with a synthetic resin. The fibres are preferably carbon fibres and the mandrel has movable end rings 4, 5 for straightening and tensioning the fibre tows. Glass fibres 13 or an insulating tape incorporating carbon fibres are substituted for one row of carbon fibres to prevent the formation of a short circuited ring around the tubular member The mandrel is pre-coated with a releasing agent and a glass fibre tape 10 may be initially helically wound on the mandrel and a further glass fibre tape 16 may be helically wound on the outside of the fibre bundles 12 to compress them and squeeze out excess of resin.

11-03-2015 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for performing operations in fluid conduits

Номер: GB0201501432D0

08-12-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001457754A

... 1457754 Prefabricated refractory sections B J WILCE 22 July 1974 [16 Aug 1973] 38727/73 Heading F2P [Also in Division F4] A prefabricated refractory section for protecting a metal pipe, such as a support pipe in a furnace, comprises a metal backing member 2 covered by refractory material 3 held in place by radially projecting anchors 5 that are welded to the backing member. A layer of material 4 of low thermal conductivity is interposed between the refractory material 3 and the backing member 2. For protecting a pipe prefabricated sections are secured by cement 7 and joints between sections are sealed by a layer 9 of material of low thermal conductivity and refractory insulation 8. Sections may have backing members with overlapping tongues 10.

25-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001425952A

... 1425952 Bitumen/aluminium composition ASHLAND OIL Inc 31 Jan 1973 [7 Feb 1972 2 Aug 1972] 35954/75 Divided out of 1425951 Heading C3N Compositions comprise particulate aluminium pigment of particle size less than 44 Á suspended in a bituminous material. The aluminium may be leafing or non-leafing aluminium pigment and may be present in amount at least 0À1% of the composition. The bituminous material may be coal tar pitch, oxidized petroleum pitch, unoxidized petroleum pitch or mixtures of these.

11-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009116040D0

15-12-1993 дата публикации

Thick-walled small diameter metal tubing

Номер: GB0002240288B

13-03-2002 дата публикации

Method of reinforcing metal panels

Номер: GB0002366543A

A method of reinforcing a metal panel 10 of an existing structure comprises attaching a reinforcing metal layer 20 to said metal panel in a spaced apart relation to form a cavity between the inner surfaces of the panels, then injecting an intermediate layer of uncured plastics material 40 into the cavity and curing the plastics material so that it adheres to the inner surfaces of the panels. The metal layer which may be between 10mm and 20mm thick may be spaced from the panel by adhered or welded spacers 32. The method may be used to reinforce metal panels in a ships decks, bulkheads or cargo holds, in tunnel linings, in bridge decks or in containment vessels.

20-11-1985 дата публикации

Composite pipes

Номер: GB0002158762A

A concrete pipe is provided with a preformed external, inert synthetic plastics coating (2) within which the pipe annulus (1) has been cast. The composite pipe is formed by creating a master sleeve within a concrete casting mould and making a laying-up mould to lay-up a glass reinforced plastics sleeve, the sleeve is cured and inserted in the casting mould, concrete is poured into the cast and allowed to cure, the bonding between annulus and sleeve may be assisted by ties, and the addition of grit before the final cure. ...

24-12-2003 дата публикации

Buoyancy control systems for tubes

Номер: GB0000327175D0

20-03-1968 дата публикации

Pipes or conduits and method for the production thereof

Номер: GB0001107132A

... 1,107,132. Pipes. SOUTH AFRICAN INVENTIONS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. 29 April, 1965, No. 18092/65. Heading F2P. A pipe or conduit comprises two concentric tubular elements 1, 2 at least One of which is made of a deformable synthetic plastics material the elements being separated by spacers 23 to form one or more spaces. A filling material and reinforcing members are disposed in the space or spaces. If one of the tubular elements is rigid, materials which may be used comprise metal, asbestos cement, reinforced polyester resin, unplasticized P.V.C. and polyethylene. Deformable materials comprise pliable synthetic plastics, vulcanised rubber and suitable compounded synthetic rubber mixed with selected resins or plastics materials. The spacers may be apertured as at 24 to allow the flow of the filling material, e.g., cement grout. In the construction shown the same tubular element 1 is deformable and is expanded by a fluid through an inlet 30 before the filling material is introduced through ...

08-04-1981 дата публикации

A method of lining a pipe

Номер: GB2058281A
Автор: Shaw, Douglas William

In a method of lining a metal pipe with a rigid thermoplastics material lining tube, an adhesive is applied to the external surface of the tube or to the internal surface of the pipe, and the tube is inserted into the pipe. An internal pressure is applied within the tube and the assembly is subjected to an axially progressive heating so that air between the tube and the pipe is expelled and internal pressure presses the tube against the pipe. Axially progressive quenching follows the axially progressive heating. The tube may be of polypropylene and its surface etched e.g. by corona discharge.

03-04-2019 дата публикации

Pressurized composite fluid lines and method

Номер: GB0201901973D0

31-05-2014 дата публикации

Pipeline unit

Номер: AP0201407654A0

31-05-2014 дата публикации

Construction of pipes

Номер: AP0201407656A0

06-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000000554A

In this invetion a pipe which is suitable for use in underground pipelines and the ...

31-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AP0009500753A0

31-05-2014 дата публикации

Pipeline unit

Номер: AP2014007654A0

31-05-2014 дата публикации

Construction of pipes

Номер: AP2014007656A0

31-05-2014 дата публикации

Construction of pipes

Номер: AP0201407656D0

31-05-2014 дата публикации

Pipeline unit

Номер: AP0201407654D0

31-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AP0009500753D0

26-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000405321B

15-07-1990 дата публикации


Номер: ATA903385A

15-11-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000070295A

15-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000088411T

25-09-1939 дата публикации

Piping for hot gases, steam od. such.

Номер: AT0000157041B

25-07-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000344466B

25-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000349842B

18-08-2011 дата публикации

Pipe-Shaped product with Ballistic Protection

Номер: AU2011200598A1

Pipe-shaped product with ballistic protection The present invention concerns a fibre composite product with embedded ballistic 5 protection with at least one layer of reinforced fibres which are arranged by fibre fila ment windings and forms a pipe-shaped fibre composite product. Such pipe-shaped fibre composite product is typical circular pipe-shaped; however may also be oval or even angular. Simultaneously such fibre composite product is essentially suitable for use in different constructions where it is desired to built-in armouring elements, in 10 cluding the body of the vehicles, for instance in military vehicles. In connection with manufacturing military vehicles attempts are made to reduce the weight of the vehicles compared to the load capacity of the vehicles. Fig. 2 ...

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Fiber-reinforced resin pipe

Номер: AU2009241032B2

Provided is a highly practical and easy-to-handle lightweight tubular body made of fiber reinforced resin wherein excellent corrosion resistance is ensured, welding joint is not required when an introduction/exhaustion portion or a closing lid is provided, and production cost is extremely low as compared with a tubular body made of super stainless steel. In a tubular body made of fiber reinforced resin and introducing or exhausting fluid, a plurality of portions (2) for introducing or exhausting fluid from the circumferential surface are juxtaposed on the tubular body (1) made of fiber reinforced resin at intervals in the axial direction.

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2016219626B2

A liner tube for lining a pipe and pipe lining method. Liner material that includes a strength layer and felt backing layer forms the liner tube. The strength layer includes chopped strands of fiber oriented generally parallel to one another and distributed along the strength layer. The felt backing layer can be needle punched to the strength layer. Joining structure can connect opposite longitudinal edge margins of the liner material to form a tube shape. The liner tube is impregnated with a curable polymer, positioned in the pipe, and cured to form the liner. The liner stretches radially when it is positioned in the pipe. As the liner stretches, the strength layer remains fixed to the felt backing and the width of the overlapping edge margins does not decrease.

24-06-2010 дата публикации

Layer for pipes made of multimodal polyethylene composition

Номер: AU2009328587A1

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Ventilation Duct

Номер: AU2017204308A1
Принадлежит: WRAYS PTY LTD

Abstract 10 A ventilation duct 10, the duct 10 comprising a substantially rigid, elongate tube section 12 moulded from plastics material and having a tube wall 14 comprising a plurality of layers. At least one of the layers comprises an intumescent material which acts as a fire retardant in the event of exposure to extreme heat. Figure to accompany drawings: Figure 3 d 0' ---- -- -r I-- ...

05-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002912277A

10-02-1972 дата публикации

Номер: AU0001854970A

19-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000942206A1

21-07-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001105431A1

29-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002692261A1

Method of weighting of a plastic pipe with a hollow, air- filled wall, a weighted lightweight pipe with a hollow wall, and a pipeline formed by a plu rality of weighted, lightweight pipes which are welded together. According t o the method the hollow wall of the pipe is filled with a flowing medium whi ch displaces air and which increases the weight of the pipe and which thereb y facilitates submerging of the pipe. The flowing medium is suitably a concr ete mix which has delayed hardening and low long-term strength. The concrete mix gives reliable weighting of the pipe without external point loadings. T he binder of the mix prevents segregation of the aggregate and the material thereby becomes evenly distributed inside the wall of the pipe.

16-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA1264447A

A specific feature of the claimed pipeline is that it is made of coaxially arranged envelopes rigidly connected to each other, wherein an internal envelope is made of non hermetic as well as hermetically sealed layers and an external envelope is made of ground soil, the whole set of envelopes being impregnated with a binder, thus forming a monolithic structure. The method is characterized by the formation of holes in the ground, the insertion therein of the non hermetic and hermetically sealed layers of the internal envelope, the impregnation of the ground soil with the binder, followed by the expansion and the densing of the envelopes, by producing an excess pressure of the working medium in the pipeline. The device includes a propelling unit having a frame on which a working member for forming a hole in the ground is mounted as well as a mechanism for inserting the layers of the internal envelope of the pipeline. The mechanism comprises two units, one of which is stationarily mounted ...

17-01-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1160415A
Принадлежит: ARMCO INC, ARMCO INC.

PIPE BUILDING METHOD AND APPARATUS Method and apparatus for producing a tube containing sand particles bonded by a thermosetting resin. Examples of such resin include unsaturated polyesters and epoxy resins. Further, the sand core can be bonded by reinforcing material on the inner and outer surfaces of the sand core. The products are useful in situations where liquid or gaseous corrosive or abrasive materials are conveyed. Additional utility will be found in the sewer and water distribution markets.

10-10-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA1040116A

A pipe or pipe fitting including a straight pipe and a joint such as an elbow or bend comprises a hollow cylindrical core member made of ceramic material. The core member, after cintered, is uniformly covered with an outer sheath made of an easily machinable material having a high mechanical strength. The outer sheath is generally made of thermoplastic synthetic resin or metal. The hollow core member is wear-, pressure- and corrosion-resistant to a waste water flowing in it, and the outer sheath resists against the external impact and bending stress to prevent a crack or breakage of the core member.

06-09-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA1016882A

30-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000986257A1

27-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002351609C

A steel strip laminate pipe having increased lap shear strength and peel off strength between the steel layers (44, 48, 52) in the pipe and a method for making such a steel strip pipe are provided. Steel strips (44, 48, 52) coated with a sol-gel or a silane adhesion promoter are wound over an inner lining (40) to form steel layers bonded to each other in a steel strip laminate pipe. In an alternate embodiment, fiber fillers (46, 50) and resin are used to bond the steel layers in the pipe together. In a further embodiment, glass sphere and resin are used to bond the steel layers together. The steel strips bonded together using continuous reinforced fiber filler or glass spheres may be coated with sol-gel or silane. In an alternate embodiment, the sol-gel or silane may also be mixed in the resin used to bond the steel layers together.

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002994275A1

An irrigation tube having outlets extending along the length of the tube in a spaced relationship and finely-divided silica or iron oxide particles dispersed in the tube thereby increasing a surface hardness of the tube to deter rodent, worm or insect damage, the silica particles further can include an odor repellant located within the particles.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002987828A1

A hemp twisted composite tube, comprising successively, in its radial direction from interior to exterior an inner liner (1), enhancement layers (2, 3) and an outer protective layer (4), wherein the enhancement layers (2, 3) are numb cortex layers formed by connecting hemp skins into a continuous hemp skin belt and twisting same on the inner liner. In order to further increase the intensity and the rigidity of the resulting tube, an auxiliary enhancement layer (5) is also included between the enhancement layers (2, 3), and the auxiliary enhancement layer (5) is a mastic layer formed by mixing a resin and a filler. The tube relates to the industry pipeline field, is environmentally friendly, and has renewable resources; the resulting tube has a light weight, and is simple to transport and install, can be used for replacing the current industry pipelines which consume petroleum resources and is not environmentally friendly, so as to have the function of saving the petroleum resources and ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002905548A1

This disclosure includes coatings for increasing the physical and/or chemical properties of articles, for example, tubular metal articles such as those found in the oil and gas industry, as well as processes for making such coatings and articles comprising such coatings. This disclosure describes coatings comprising nanolaminates that may be applied to articles, including steels and polymeric substrates for example, to improve their physical and/or chemical properties.

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002973024A1

A thermosetting type bamboo wood composite tube, being provided with an inner liner layer (1), an enhancement layer (2), a structural layer (3)and an outer protective layer (4) in a radial direction sequentially from inside to outside. The enhancement layer is formed by winding bamboo strips, and the structural layer is formed by winding a planed wood plate or a two-ply board. The tube is energy-saving and environment-friendly, and the raw material is reproducible, and is low in cost and is convenient to transport due to the light weight.

15-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002692261C

Method of weighting of a plastic pipe with a hollow, air- filled wall, a weighted lightweight pipe with a hollow wall, and a pipeline formed by a plurality of weighted, lightweight pipes which are welded together. According to the method the hollow wall of the pipe is filled with a flowing medium which displaces air and which increases the weight of the pipe and which thereby facilitates submerging of the pipe. The flowing medium is suitably a concrete mix which has delayed hardening and low long-term strength. The concrete mix gives reliable weighting of the pipe without external point loadings. The binder of the mix prevents segregation of the aggregate and the material thereby becomes evenly distributed inside the wall of the pipe.

14-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002847171A1

The invention relates to pipeline technology, specifically to ballast materials applied to the outer surface of pipes of underwater main pipelines for weighting said pipes. The ballast material for underwater main pipelines comprises cement, a filler, a plasticizer and water. The cement used is sulphate-resistant Portland cement, while the filler used is barite ore and iron-manganese concentrate. A variant material composition has the following ratio of components, mass%: Portland cement - 8.2-10.5, water - 5.2-6.7, plasticizer - 0.1-0.15, barite product - 18-28 with a density of 3.78-3.82 kg/cm3, barite ore - 18-28 with a density of 3.9-4.1 kg/cm3 and iron-manganese concentrate - 25-45 with a density of 4.2-4.5 kg/cm3. The ratio of water to Portland cement is 0.35-0.5. The filler components have the following granulometric composition: 0-0.16 cm - up to 5%, 0.16-1.0 cm - up to 25%, 1.0-2.5 cm - up to 35% and 2.5-5.0 cm - remainder. The invention makes it possible to reduce the outer diameter ...

07-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002730509C

The invention pertains to a method for reducing gas hydrate adhesion to the interior surface of a conduit and associated equipment transporting or processing a fluid stream in oil and gas exploration and production, petroleum refining and/or petrochemistry, by providing the conduit interior surface with a coating layer exhibiting a static contact angle of the sessile water drop on the coating layer in air higher than 75° at ambient air conditions, as measured according to ASTM D7334-08, wherein said coating layer comprises diamond like carbon (DLC) comprising fractions of one or more components selected from the group consisting of silicon (Si), oxygen (O) and fluor (F).

25-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002727776A1

The present invention concerns a fibre composite product with embedded ballistic protection with at least one layer of reinforced fibres which are arranged by fibre fila-ment windings and forms a pipe-shaped fibre composite product. Such pipe-shaped fibre composite product is typical circular pipe-shaped; however may also be oval or even angular. Simultaneously such fibre composite product is essentially suitable for use in different constructions where it is desired to built-in armouring elements, in-cluding the body of the vehicles, for instance in military vehicles. In connection with manufacturing military vehicles attempts are made to reduce the weight of the vehicles compared to the load capacity of the vehicles.

13-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002794702A1

Provided is a multilayered pipe having a layer formed from a resin composition comprising EVOH. The multilayered pipe has excellent gas barrier performance even with long-term use under high temperatures because there is unlikely to be cracking associated with oxidative degradation of the EVOH layer. Also provided is a resin composition for obtaining the pipe. The resin composition comprises, with respect to (A) 100 parts by mass of an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer, (B) 0.001 to 5 part by mass of an antioxidant and (C) 0.00001 to 0.3 part by mass of a conjugated polyene compound having a molecular weight of 1,000 or less.

20-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002852945C

An elongate hollow structure such as a pipe (10) and a method of constructing such an elongate hollow structure. The pipe (10) comprises a radially inner portion (11) and a radially outer portion (13), with the two portions (11, 13) merging together to provide an integrated tubular wall structure. The method comprising: providing the radially inner portion (11) in the form of an inner tube (21) and assembling the radially outer portion (13) about the inner tube (21). The outer portion (13) comprises an outer tube (30) of fibre reinforced composite construction surrounded by a flexible outer casing (31). The inner tube (21) is expanded to give form and shape to the outer portion (13).

12-12-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002017772A1

File No. 0130 A TUBULAR MEMBER HAVING A LINER AND A METHOD OF LINING A TUBULAR MEMBER A tubular member having a liner adhesively affixed to an inner surface thereof. The liner comprises a porous material formed from a plurality of needle-punched unwoven fibers so as to have a pair of oppositely facing surfaces. The liner also includes a first mat of finespun woven filaments of glass defining an inner surface thereof and a second mat of finespun woven filaments of glass defining an outer surface thereof. The inner and outer surfaces of the liner, formed by the first and second mats, are generally coextensive with the porous material. The liner also includes the first mat being secured to an inwardly facing surface of the porous material and the second mat being secured to an outwardly facing surface of the porous material. The liner is adhesively impregnated so as to adhesively bond the outer surface of the liner to the inner surface of the tubular member. Further, a method of lining a tubular ...

31-08-1967 дата публикации

Doppelwandiges Muffenrohr

Номер: CH0000442895A
Принадлежит: BRAAS & CO GMBH, BRAAS & CO. GMBH

29-04-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000587391A5

29-09-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000605467A5

13-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000715075A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Kunststoff-Composite-Bauteil (11), insbesondere Rohr (13) oder Ring in Composite-Bauweise, mit einer Wand mit einer ersten Schicht, in der ein Halbzeug mit einem Fasergelege oder Fasergewebe eingesetzt ist, wobei zwischen zwei Enden des Fasergeleges oder Fasergewebes eine Stossverbindung (21) definiert ist. Eine zweite Schicht ist mit der ersten Schicht vollflächig verbunden. Das Composite-Bauteil ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Stossverbindung (21) als keil- oder fingerzinkenähnliche Stossverbindung ausgestaltet ist. Das Bauteil weist im Vergleich zu Bauteilen mit einer geraden Stossverbindung eine markant höhere Zugfestigkeit auf. Im Falle von Rohren ist der Berstdruck gemessen gemäss DIN ISO 2758 um mindestens 50% höher als bei Rohren, die ein Fasergelege oder Fasergewebe mit einer geraden Stossverbindung aufweisen.

07-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201991654A1

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201490878A1

28-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201201469A1

16-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000076119C2

30-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201391661A1

30-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201690800A1

30-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201391472A1

23-11-2018 дата публикации

Insulating anti-corrosion petroleum pipeline

Номер: CN0108869898A
Автор: XU TAO

01-10-2014 дата публикации

Multilayer pipe with polyamide layer

Номер: CN104075042A

The present invention relates to a multilayer pipe with a polyamide layer. A pipe, or pipeline comprises the following layers: a) an external reinforcement layer and b) an internal liner which comprises the following layers securely bonded to one another: I. a layer made of a thermoplastic moulding composition selected from a polyolefin moulding composition and a fluoropolymer moulding composition and a layer made of a polyamide moulding composition, wherein not only the polyamide moulding composition but also the moulding composition of the layer according to I. in essence comprises no blend component which is composed of another polymer and which has disperse distribution in the moulding composition. The pipes are used in the oil and gas industry for conveying lines, collection pipelines and transport pipelines with reduced operating risk and increased lifetime.

01-01-2014 дата публикации

Fluid transport system for preventing electrical discharge

Номер: CN103482076A

A method and apparatus for reducing an intensity of an electrical discharge that occurs within a fluid transport system in an aerospace vehicle are disclosed. The aerospace vehicle is operated. The fluid transport system in the aerospace vehicle is comprised of materials selected such that the fluid transport system has an electrical configuration. The intensity of the electrical discharge that occurs within the fluid transport system during operation of the aerospace vehicle is reduced to within selected tolerances by the electrical configuration of the fluid transport system.

13-11-2018 дата публикации

Novel tubular product for building decoration

Номер: CN0108799640A

19-06-2020 дата публикации

Труба комбинированная с тепловой изоляцией и с бетонным покрытием

Номер: RU0000198141U1

Труба комбинированная с тепловой изоляцией и бетонным покрытием состоит из центральной трубы 1, первого кольцевого слоя 2 тепловой изоляции, размещенного соосно центральной трубе 1 на ее внешней поверхности, и второго кольцевого слоя 3 бетонного покрытия, размещенного соосно центральной трубе 1. Между первым кольцевым слоем 2 тепловой изоляции и вторым кольцевым слоем 3 бетонного покрытия расположена оболочка 4. Оболочка 4 выполнена с гофром 5. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 198 141 U1 (51) МПК F16L 9/14 (2006.01) F16L 51/02 (2006.01) F16L 59/10 (2006.01) F16L 59/02 (2006.01) F16L 57/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16L 9/14 (2020.02); F16L 51/022 (2020.02); F16L 59/10 (2020.02); F16L 57/02 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020111090, 17.03.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «БТ СВАП» (RU) Дата регистрации: 19.06.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 19.06.2020 Бюл. № 17 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 120739 U1, 27.09.2012. RU 24535 U1, 10.08.2002. RU 181066 U1, 04.07.2018. CN 110513544 A, 29.11.2019. KR 101381310 B1, 04.04.2014. US 3933182 A1, 20.01.1976. 1 9 8 1 4 1 R U (54) ТРУБА КОМБИНИРОВАННАЯ С ТЕПЛОВОЙ ИЗОЛЯЦИЕЙ И С БЕТОННЫМ ПОКРЫТИЕМ (57) Реферат: Труба комбинированная с тепловой изоляцией размещенного соосно центральной трубе 1. и бетонным покрытием состоит из центральной Между первым кольцевым слоем 2 тепловой трубы 1, первого кольцевого слоя 2 тепловой изоляции и вторым кольцевым слоем 3 бетонного изоляции, размещенного соосно центральной покрытия расположена оболочка 4. Оболочка 4 трубе 1 на ее внешней поверхности, и второго выполнена с гофром 5. кольцевого слоя 3 бетонного покрытия, Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 117593, Москва, Соловьиный пр-д, 2, кв.506, Колчинский Евгений Янович 1 9 8 1 4 1 Приоритет(ы): (66) Номер(а) и дата(ы) подачи ранее поданной(ых) заявки( ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Aircraft refuel system piping

Номер: US20120025025A1
Принадлежит: Airbus Operations Ltd

The invention provides a pipe 100 for an aircraft refuel system, the pipe comprising an outer section 200 making up a pipe wall, the pipe wall having an outer and inner 230 surface, a surface texture 310 on the inner pipe wall surface, the surface texture comprising projections 311 projecting inwards from the inner pipe wall surface towards the centre of the pipe. The surface texture may be riblets 311 and may be coated with an anti-bacterial coating 340 . The surface texture may be formed from a layer of conductive material, in the form of a foil 300 . The outer section 200 may be made from a non-conductive, preferably composite material. The invention also provides a method of manufacturing piping for an aircraft refuel system using a mandrel 400.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

In-Line Static Electricity Removal Grounding Device

Номер: US20120147513A1
Принадлежит: Carmeuse Lime Inc

A portable, in-line conveyor grounding system includes an electrically conductive metal pipe having a material flow section, with an inner diameter greater than that of an inlet and outlet, and a metallic grating disposed in the material flow section. An inlet attachment device and an outlet attachment device, as well as an electrically conductive wire with a grounding clamp, is provided. An electrically insulating wrapping is wrapped about the conductive wire and electrically conductive pipe, with a section of the wire having the grounding clamp exposed.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Multi-layered fuel tubing

Номер: US20120177857A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Performance Plastics Corp

The invention describes a flexible tubular article for transport of volatile hydrocarbons comprising: (a) an inner layer of a polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) polymer or a polyvinylidene difluoride copolymer; (b) an intermediate thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) layer extruded in tubular form over the inner PVDF layer, and (c) a polyvinyl chloride polymer extruded in tubular form over the outside surface of the intermediate layer and being coextensive therewith. The tubular articles of the invention have a maximum permeation rating of 15 g/m 2 /day under SAE J1737 test conditions.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118421A1

In order to protect heat exchanger pipes () in steam boiler systems, special casing elements () made of fiber-reinforced ceramic are proposed. The casing elements prevent or reduce the formation of films and corrosion on the heat exchanger pipes and thus enable higher steam parameters of the boiler system and a correspondingly increased thermal efficiency. 1. A method for protecting heat exchanger pipes in steam boiler systems , wherein heat exchanger pipes of the steam boiler system are surrounded at least partially with ceramic.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic is fiber-reinforced.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic is formed at least partially from silicon carbide.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the ceramic is formed at least partially by silicization of a graphite film or carbon film claim 3 , especially a film made of expanded graphite.51. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic is disposed so as to be displaceable relative to the heat exchanger pipe ().6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic is disposed in the form of a plurality of casing elements lying adjacent to one another.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the casing elements are formed by circular-segment shells.8. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the circular-segment shells are connected to one another axially and/or radially in a form-fit manner.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic comprises carbon fibers.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic is exposed to temperatures of over 400° C.11. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger pipes are exposed at their inner side to a pressure of over 40 bar.12. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic has a thickness between the internal diameter and external diameter of less than 10 millimeters and preferably less than 5 millimeters.13. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130125993A1
Принадлежит: Advance Pipe Lining, LLC

The present invention relates to a system and method for coating the interior surface of a pipe, which coated pipe can then be used in the transmission of corrosive petroleum fluids. 1. A method for coating an interior surface of a pipe , the method comprising the steps of:a. disposing a pipe about a horizontal axis on an assembly configured to axially rotate the pipe;b. supplying a quantity of a coating composition to a flexible conduit;c. inserting the flexible conduit into the pipe;d. depositing the coating composition into the pipe through the flexible conduit; and,e. rotating the pipe on the assembly at a selected rate of speed to form a uniform coating about the interior surface of the pipe.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coating composition comprises a thermosetting synthetic resin claim 1 , a cross-linking agent claim 1 , at least one filler for increasing tensile strength claim 1 , a flex agent for adding flexibility claim 1 , and a catalyst.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the thermosetting synthetic resin is selected from the group consisting of polyester resin claim 2 , polyurethane resin claim 2 , vinyl ester resin claim 2 , epoxy resin claim 2 , nylon resin claim 2 , and combinations thereof.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the cross-linking agent is any agent that reacts with the resin to form cross-links.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the cross-linking agent is styrene.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein the at least one filler is selected from the group consisting of calcium carbonate claim 2 , fibrous reinforcements claim 2 , and combinations thereof.7. The method of claim 2 , wherein the flex agent is putty resin.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises withdrawing the flexible conduit from the pipe at a selected rate of speed while depositing the coating composition in a stream of uniform beads inside the pipe.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein a drive mechanism is engaged to withdraw the flexible conduit from ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126032A1

The invention relates to a multilayer tube product comprising inner and outer plastic, or polymer, layers and an intermediate metallic layer characterized in that the intermediate metallic layer comprises an aluminium sheet having the composition (values in weight %): 2. A product as claimed in wherein the Si content is 2 to 4.3. A product as claimed in wherein the Mn content is 0.3 to 1.0.4. A product as claimed in wherein the Cu content is up to 0.3.5. A product as claimed in wherein the Fe content is up to 0.4.6. A product as claimed in wherein the aluminium sheet is clad on at least one side with a clad layer composition selected from the group consisting of 1XXX claim 1 , 3XXX and 7XXX series alloys.7. A product as claimed in wherein the at least one clad layer comprises an alloy selected from the group consisting of 1050 claim 6 , 1050A claim 6 , 1070 and 1200.8. A product as claimed in wherein the at least one clad layer comprises the 1050A alloy.9. A product as claimed in wherein the at least one clad layer comprises an alloy selected from the group consisting of 3002 claim 6 , 3102 claim 6 , 3105 claim 6 , 3105A claim 6 , 3105B claim 6 , 3006 claim 6 , 3X07 claim 6 , 3010 claim 6 , 3015 claim 6 , 3016 claim 6 , 3019 claim 6 , 3020 claim 6 , 3025 and 3030.10. A product as claimed in wherein the at least one clad layer comprises the 3105 alloy.11. A product as claimed in wherein the at least one clad layer comprises a composition where the Zn content is <2 weight % claim 6 , and the maximum contents of Mg and Cu are both 0.2 weight %. The present invention relates to multilayer tubes, (also known as compound tubes), in which a metallic layer element is provided made from an aluminium sheet product. It also relates to multilayer tubes in which the aluminium sheet product comprises at least one clad layer on at least one side of a core layer.Multilayer tubes are used in a wide variety of applications. Applications include use as drinking water pipes for hot or ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust subsystem with polymer housing

Номер: US20130126034A1
Автор: Baljit Sierra
Принадлежит: Novo Plastics Inc

A vehicle exhaust system includes a subsystem having an exterior pipe formed of a polymer. A rigid liner extends along the length of the exterior pipe and defines a passageway. A fiber insulating layer is formed between the rigid liner and the exterior pipe. The liner is formed to define at least one groove circumscribing the periphery of the passage-way. The groove defines a region of increased volume of the exhaust passage along the length. The liner is further formed to define at least one void extending between the wall of the liner and the insulating layer, around the periphery of the passageway. A plurality of apertures in the liner, allow sound waves to pass from the passageway into the fiber insulating layer, and into the void.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126035A1

The invention relates to the assembly of a tube () made from composite material and a tubular metal part () in order to produce pipes. The assembly process comprises:—inserting a portion of the metal part () into the composite material tube (); and—radially deforming the metal part () to a plastic deformation range sufficient to cause elastic deformation of said composite material tube (), in order to obtain a radial contact between the outer wall of the metal part () and the inner wall of the composite material tube (). 1. A method of assembling a tube made from composite material and a tubular metal part , comprising:inserting a portion of said metal part into said tube made from composite material,radially deforming said metal part up to a plastic deformation range sufficient to cause elastic deformation of said tube made from composite material in order to obtain radial contact between the external wall of the metal part and the internal wall of said tube made from composite material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein radially deforming the metal part comprises applying pressure inside said metal part in order to cause radial expansion of said metal part3. The method of claim 2 , wherein said pressure is generated by a high-pressure hydraulic tool or by a mechanical tool.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said metal part is made from steel.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composite material of said tube made from composite material comprises fibres embedded in a thermoplastic matrix or a thermosetting matrix.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , prior to inserting the portion of said metal part into said tube made from composite material:placing an adhesive or attachment primer on an external wall of said metal part or on an internal wall of the tube made from composite material.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , prior to inserting the portion of said metal part into said tube made from composite material:pre- ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133777A1
Автор: Ellersiek Carsten

The present invention relates to a continuous process for producing insulated pipes comprising a conveying pipe, a jacketing pipe, a layer made of at least one polyurethane between conveying pipe and jacketing pipe, and a foil tube between the at least one polyurethane and the jacketing pipe, comprising at least the steps of (A) in a gripper-belt system, providing a foil tube formed continuously from a foil, and providing a conveying pipe, where the arrangement has the conveying pipe within the foil tube in such a way that an annular gap is formed between conveying pipe and foil tube, (B) charging a polyurethane system comprising at least one isocyanate component (a) and at least one polyol mixture (b) to the annular gap, (C) foaming the polyurethane system and allowing the same to harden, and (D) applying a layer made of at least one thermoplastic to the foil tube via extrusion, in order to form the jacketing pipe, which comprises using a multiple nozzle system having curvature corresponding to the radius of the annular gap to charge the material in step (B). 1. A continuous process for producing insulated pipes comprising a conveying pipe , a jacketing pipe , a layer made of at least one polyurethane between conveying pipe and jacketing pipe , and a foil tube between the at least one polyurethane and the jacketing pipe , comprising at least the following steps:(A) in a gripper-belt system, providing a foil tube formed continuously from a foil, and providing a conveying pipe, where the arrangement has the conveying pipe within the foil tube in such a way that an annular gap is formed between conveying pipe and foil tube,(B) charging a polyurethane system comprising at least one isocyanate component (a) and at least one polyol mixture (b) to the annular gap,(C) foaming the polyurethane system and allowing the same to harden, and(D) applying a layer made of at least one thermoplastic to the foil tube via extrusion, in order to form the jacketing pipe,which comprises ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Coated Pipes for Conveying Oil

Номер: US20130160887A1

The present invention relates to an oil pipe having a lining imparting substantially reduced adhesion of asphaltenes, paraffin wax, and inorganic scale, so as to reduce plugging of said oil pipe, and impermeability to salt water so as to protect the oil pipe from corrosion. 1. A down-hole oil pipe comprising a rigid pipe and a lining exposed to oil , said lining comprising a primer layer adhered to the interior surface of the pipe , and an overcoat disposed on top of said primer layer , wherein said overcoat comprises multiple layers including a lower layer and an upper layer , wherein said lower layer comprises a plurality of particles which form a mechanical barrier against permeation of water to the pipe and said upper layer has an exterior anti-stick surface exposed to the oil and consists essentially of baked perfluoropolymer , said lining thereby reducing the deposition of asphaltenes , paraffin wax , and inorganic scale as compared to the interior surface of said oil pipe without said lining being present , so as to avoid pluggage of said rigid pipe , wherein said overcoat is applied as a liquid based composition.2. A down-hole oil pipe comprising a rigid pipe and a lining exposed to oil , the lining comprising a primer layer adhered to the interior surface of the pipe , and an overcoat disposed on top of the primer layer , wherein the overcoat comprises multiple layers including a lower layer and an upper layer , where the upper layer has an exterior anti-stick surface exposed to the oil and comprises a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene with at least one perfluoro(alkyl vinyl ether) , the alkyl containing from 1 to 8 carbon atoms , the lining thereby reducing the deposition of at least one of asphaltenes , paraffin wax , and inorganic scale as compared to the interior surface of the oil pipe without the lining being present , so as to avoid pluggage of the rigid pipe , wherein the overcoat is applied as a liquid based composition.3. A pipe of claim 2 , ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Coating compositions, applications thereof, and methods of forming

Номер: US20130167965A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

Disclosed herein is an article having a surface modified to alter its surface tension property and increase resistance to sand abrasion as characterized by a material volume loss of less than 75 mm 3 according to ASTM G65-04 Procedure B. In one embodiment of the method, an intermediate layer is first deposited onto a substrate of the article. At least a substrate on the article is protected by a coating layer, which comprises: an intermediate layer adjacent to the substrate with a thickness of at least 2 mils containing a plurality of pores with a total pore volume of 5 to 50% within a depth of at least 2 mils; and a surface layer comprising a lubricant material deposited onto the intermediate layer. The lubricant material infiltrates at least a portion of the pores for the coating to have the desired surface tension depending on the application.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213490A1

A system for producing and transporting crude oil, comprising a well for producing the crude oil; a processing facility for processing the crude oil; and a pipeline traversing at least a portion of the distance between the well and the processing facility, wherein at least a portion of the pipeline travels through an atmosphere having a temperature less than 20° C., wherein the pipeline comprises a coating on an inner surface of the pipeline, and wherein the crude oil comprises a surfactant additive. 1. A system for producing and transporting crude oil , comprising:a well for producing the crude oil;a processing facility for processing the crude oil; anda pipeline traversing at least a portion of the distance between the well and the processing facility, wherein at least a portion of the pipeline travels through an atmosphere having a temperature less than 20° C., wherein the pipeline comprises a coating on an inner surface of the pipeline, and wherein the crude oil comprises a surfactant additive.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the atmosphere has a temperature less than 15° C.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the atmosphere has a temperature less than 10° C.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the coating comprises a polymer.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the coating comprises silicone and/or PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene).6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the surfactant comprises an anionic surfactant.7. A method of producing and transporting crude oil claim 1 , comprising:extracting crude oil from a well;placing the crude oil in a pipeline to transport the crude oil away from the well;coating at least a portion of an interior surface of the pipeline with a non-metallic surface;adding a surfactant to the crude oil prior to placing the crude oil in the pipeline;wherein at least a portion of the pipeline travels through an atmosphere having an ambient temperature less than 20° C.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the atmosphere has a temperature less than 15° ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Composite Pipe

Номер: US20130255821A1
Принадлежит: Magma Global Ltd

A pipe comprises a pipe wall formed of a composite material of a matrix and a plurality of reinforcing fibres embedded within the matrix, wherein the composite material in at least one region of the pipe wall is pre-stressed. The composite material in at least one region of the pipe wall comprises or defines at least one of a level of pre-tension and pre-compression.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263443A1

An air inversion and steam cure apparatus for installing a flexible resin impregnated cured in place liner in an existing conduit is provided. The apparatus has a low friction seal between a moving liner and the stationary apparatus gland. The gland is operated and adjusted by displaceable members that move substantially perpendicular to the liner being inverted to engage the moving liner as it passes through the gland. No part of the gland extends into the chamber so that once a pre-shaped gland is adjusted, the pressure on the moving liner is not increased. As the liner reaches the distal end, it enters a sample and porting pipe with an exhaust pipe gland and exhaust pipe and is pierced by a rigid porting tool. Steam is then introduced into the liner to cure the resin and is exhausted through an exhaust hose connected to the porting tool. After cure, steam is replaced with air to cool the liner and the ends are cut to restore service through the existing conduit. 1. An air inversion apparatus for installing a resin impregnated cured in place pipe liner , comprising:a substantially rigid container having an inlet surface and an outlet surface, the container being dimensioned to allow an impregnated cured in place liner to pass therethrough;the container having an elongate inlet slot opening on the inlet surface and an inversion chamber and outlet on the outlet surface;an air inlet on the inversion chamber for pressurizing the container;compressible material portions disposed on opposite sides of the inlet slot opening in generally opposing relationship with each other, the compressible material portions each extending from said inlet surface of the container away from and outside of the container for forming a seal with the liner at a location outside the container, the compressible material portions defining a gap across the inlet slot opening; andan adjustment mechanism, the compressible material portions being selectively adjustable by the adjustment mechanism ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263960A1

A pipe system for the conducting of highly flammable liquids and method for making the pipe system. The pipe system includes at least one tubular conducting element having an inner pipe and an outer casing surrounding the inner pipe. The inner pipe and the outer casing respectively include a plastic, and the outer casing has a flame protection durability of 3 minutes at 600° C. and of 2 minutes at 800° C. 1. A pipe system for the conducting of highly flammable liquids comprising:at least one tubular conducting element having an inner pipe and an outer casing surrounding the inner pipe,wherein the inner pipe and the outer casing respectively comprise a plastic, andwherein the outer casing has a flame protection durability of 3 minutes at 600° C. and of 2 minutes at 800° C.2. The pipe system according to claim 1 , wherein no materially bonded connection is embodied between inner pipe and outer casing.3. The pipe system according to claim 1 , wherein the inner pipe is formed as a multilayer pipe.4. The pipe system according to claim 1 , wherein the plastic of the outer casing is uncrosslinked.5. The pipe system according to claim 4 , wherein the uncrosslinked plastic is an amorphous polymer material.6. The pipe system according to claim 1 , wherein the outer casing has a wall thickness of at least 1 mm.7. The pipe system according to claim 6 , wherein the outer casing has a wall thickness of at least 1.5 mm.8. The pipe system according to claim 1 , wherein the outer casing has a lower Shore hardness and a higher impact toughness than the inner pipe.9. The pipe system according to claim 8 , wherein the Shore hardness of the outer casing is between Shore A 50 and Shore D 50.10. The pipe system according to claim 1 , wherein the outer casing has a weldable plastic material.11. The pipe system according to claim 1 , wherein the outer casing has an additive crosslinkable by irradiation.12. The pipe system according to claim 1 , wherein at least one additional outer layer is ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263961A1
Автор: Ahn Kyung Wook
Принадлежит: LORDO AMERICA, INC.

The present disclosure relates to a composite pipe having improved bonding strength between heterogeneous materials, which provides continuous bonding strength by chemical bond between heterogeneous materials, thereby preventing separation between the heterogeneous materials even at a high temperature and a high pressure, so as to replace a metal-based pipe used in fields of industry demanding heat resistance and chemical resistance, and an apparatus and a method of manufacturing the composite pipe. Accordingly, strong bonding strength according to chemical bond in the unit of nano between the heterogeneous materials is achieved, so that separation between the heterogeneous materials is not generated even at a high temperature and a high pressure, thereby being capable of further expanding the applicable fields of industry. 1. A composite pipe with improved bonding strength between heterogeneous materials , the composite pipe being formed of the heterogeneous materials including a polymer resin and a metal , the composite pipe comprising:a first polymer layer formed in an innermost side of the composite pipe;a metal layer formed on an external surface of the first polymer layer; anda second polymer layer formed on an external surface of the metal layer,wherein a connection between the first polymer layer and the metal layer and a connection between the metal layer and the second polymer layer are formed by ion substitution bond.2. The composite pipe of claim 1 , wherein the first polymer layer is formed of at least one selected from a fluorine resin claim 1 , polytetrafluoroethylene claim 1 , a polyamide resin claim 1 , polyamide 6 claim 1 , polyamide 66 claim 1 , polyamide 12 claim 1 , high-density polyethylene claim 1 , medium-density polyethylene claim 1 , a crosslinked olefin resin claim 1 , poly phenylene sulfide (PPS) claim 1 , poly butylene terephthalate (PBT) claim 1 , and grafting copolymer of the fluorine resin and the polyamide resin.3. The composite pipe ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Pipe Section Having Bonded Composite Barrier Layer

Номер: US20130269819A1
Принадлежит: Ticona LLC

Pipe sections and methods for forming pipe sections are disclosed. A pipe section includes a hollow body formed from a metal material, the hollow body having an inner surface and an outer surface, the inner surface defining an interior. The pipe section further includes a barrier layer surrounding and bonded to the hollow body, the barrier layer having an inner surface and an outer surface. The barrier layer is formed from a continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic material. Such pipe sections may be lightweight and flexible while exhibiting improved strength characteristics. 1. A pipe section , comprising:a hollow body formed from a metal material, the hollow body having an inner surface and an outer surface, the inner surface defining an interior;a barrier layer surrounding and bonded to the hollow body, the barrier layer having an inner surface and an outer surface, the barrier layer formed from a continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic material.2. The pipe section of claim 1 , wherein the barrier layer is a tape.3. The pipe section of claim 2 , wherein the tape is wrapped generally helically around the hollow body with respect to a longitudinal axis of the hollow body.4. The pipe section of claim 1 , wherein the continuous fibers are generally unidirectional.5. The pipe section of claim 1 , wherein the hollow body is formed from a steel.6. The pipe section of claim 1 , wherein the continuous fibers are carbon fibers.7. The pipe section of claim 1 , wherein the continuous fibers are glass fibers.8. The pipe section of claim 1 , wherein the continuous fibers are aramid fibers.9. The pipe section of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic material is a polyarylene sulfide composition.10. The pipe section of claim 9 , wherein the polyarylene sulfide composition comprises a polyarylene sulfide and a crosslinked impact modifier.11. The pipe section of claim 1 , wherein the hollow body is formed from a plurality of interlocking strips.12. The pipe section of claim 1 , ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Graphite foil-bonded device and method for preparing same

Номер: US20130284737A1
Принадлежит: National Cheng Kung University NCKU

A device has a layered structure, and the layered structure has a graphite foil bonded to a surface of a substrate, wherein the graphite foil contains a laminate of a plurality of natural graphite flakes parallel to the surface of the substrate, wherein the graphite foil and the surface of the substrate are bonded through diffusion bonding directly, or bonded with a cured resin, a cured pitch, a carbonized resin, a carbonized pitch, a graphitized resin or a graphitized pitch in between, wherein the graphite foil contains not less than 95%, preferably 99%, of carbon.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Conveying pipe part of a pneumatic material conveying system and a method for forming a pipe joint

Номер: US20130299034A1
Автор: Goran Sundholm
Принадлежит: MARICAP OY

A conveying pipe part ( 2 ) of a pneumatic material conveying system, more particularly of a conveying system for wastes, which conveying pipe part comprises a wall, which is formed from at least two layers, at least the first one of which is a plastic material layer ( 12 ) and extends to the outer surface of the pipe part ( 2 ). The plastic material layer ( 12 ) is of plastic material or of plastic composite material, and that the wall of the pipe part ( 2 ) comprises a second layer, a reinforcement part ( 8 ), which reinforcement part is preferably a tubular part, and arranged in the wall of the pipe part ( 2 ) at a distance inwards from the outer surface.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306187A1
Автор: Sundholm Göran
Принадлежит: MARICAP OY

A conveying pipe part () of a pneumatic material conveying system, more particularly of a conveying system for wastes, which conveying pipe part comprises a wall, which is formed from at least two layers, at least the first one of which is a plastic material layer () and extends to the outer surface of the pipe part (). The plastic material layer () is of plastic material or of plastic composite material, and in that the wall of the pipe part () comprises a second layer, a reinforcement part (), which reinforcement part is preferably tubular part, and arranged in the wall of the pipe part () at a distance inwards from the outer surface. 1. A conveying pipe part of a pneumatic material conveying system , more particularly of a conveying system for wastes , which conveying pipe part comprises a wall , which is formed from at least two layers , at least the first one of which is a plastic material layer and extends to the outer surface of the pipe part , wherein the plastic material layer is of plastic material or of plastic composite material , and in that the wall of the pipe part comprises a second layer , a reinforcement part , which reinforcement part is preferably a tubular part , and arranged slidingly in the wall of the pipe part at a distance inwards from the outer surface , and that reinforcement part comprises at least one relief and/or cut and/or slit.2. The pipe part according to claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement part is a tubular metal part.3. The pipe part according to claim 1 , wherein the plastic material layer and the reinforcement part are each separate pipe parts claim 1 , in which case the reinforcement part is arranged in the channel space of the tubular plastic material layer.4. The pipe part according to claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement part is in its thickness less than ½ (50%) of the thickness of the wall of the pipe part claim 1 , preferably 1/10-¼ (10-25%) of the thickness of the wall of the pipe part.5. The pipe part according to claim ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312863A1
Принадлежит: O'Brien Holding Co., Inc.

A highly corrosion and abrasion resistant coating combination for high precision metal tubing comprises a passivation layer applied to the tubing and a thermoplastic jacket extruded onto the passivated tubing. In an embodiment, the passivation layer is formed by electropolishing the exterior surface of the tube to remove impurities in an upper layer of the tube. 1. A method of forming environmentally protected tubing comprising applying an extruded thermoplastic coating over tubing having a passivation layer thereon , the passivation layer being formed by electropolishing , the thermoplastic coating forming a friction fit with the tubing without bonding to the tubing.2. The method of wherein the tubing is formed of stainless steel.3. The method of comprising a further step of coiling the tubing on a spool having helical grooves which prevent tubing wraps from contacting each other.4. The method of wherein the spool is made of a non-metallic material.5. The method of wherein the tubing is coiled on the spool after electropolishing and before extruding the thermoplastic coating.6. The method of further comprising bundling the tube with at least one other tube claim 1 , and applying a protective wrap around the tubes.7. The method of wherein applying a protective wrap around the tubes comprises wrapping a tape around the tubes.8. A method of forming environmentally protected tubing comprising applying an extruded thermoplastic coating over stainless steel tubing having a passivation layer on an outer surface thereof claim 6 , the passivation layer having a lower iron content and a higher content of at least one element selected from the group consisting of chromium and molybdenum than the tubing below the passivation layer.9. The method of wherein the tubing is coiled and thereafter passivated.10. The method of comprising a step of producing the passivation layer by electropolishing.11. The method of further comprising bundling the tube with at least one other tube ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319568A1

A fluid handling assembly includes a first pipe. The first pipe includes an inner layer made of a CPVC composition, an intermediate layer made of a metal at least partially surrounding the inner layer, and an outer layer made of a CPVC composition at least partially surrounding the intermediate layer. A first tubular coupling bushing has a first portion and a second portion. The first portion is coupled to the first pipe. The second portion has an engaging portion that is configured to engage to a mechanical fix tune that sealingly engages the first pipe and a second pipe. A method of making the fluid handling assembly is also disclosed. 1. A fluid handling assembly comprising:a) a first pipe, the first pipe including:an inner layer comprising a CPVC composition, an intermediate layer comprising a metal at least partially surrounding the inner layer; and an outer layer comprising a CPVC composition at least partially surrounding the intermediate layer; andb) a first tubular coupling bushing having a first portion and a second portion, the first portion being tapered in a direction away from the second portion and being inserted into the first pipe in engaging relation with said inner layer of said first pipe, wherein the first tubular coupling bushing is coupled to the first pipe by solvent cement, the second portion having a continuous annular groove in an annular exterior wall of the second portion that is configured to releasibly engage a mechanical fixture that sealingly engages the first pipe to a second pipe.2. The fluid handling assembly of and further comprising:the second pipe, the second pipe including an inner layer comprising a CPVC composition, an intermediate layer comprising a metal at least partially surrounding the inner layer; and an outer layer comprising a CPVC composition at least partially surrounding the intermediate layer; anda second tubular coupling bushing having a first portion and a second portion, wherein the first portion is inserted ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319570A1
Принадлежит: Uponor Innovation Ab

The invention relates to an apparatus for making a multilayer composite pipe. The multilayer composite pipe comprises an innermost layer () made of plastic. The pipe has a seamless metal layer () or a metal layer () having an axial, non-overlapping seam. The outer surface of the metal layer is treated for changing its outer appearance. There-after a transparent outermost layer () is provided on the outer surface of the metal layer. The structure of the pipe is such that the pipe can be permanently bent to certain angles without significant spring back. 1. A multilayer composite pipe comprising an innermost layer made of plastic , a seamless metal layer or a metal layer having an axial , non-overlapping seam , the outer surface of the metal layer being treated after its formation for changing its outer appearance , and a transparent outermost layer protecting the treated outer surface of the metal layer , whereby the multilayer composite pipe can be permanently bent to certain angles without significant spring back.2. The multilayer composite pipe as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the metal layer is a seamless metal layer.3. The multilayer composite pipe as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the outer surface of the metal layer is treated by texturing.4. The multilayer composite pipe as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the metal layer forms an oxygen barrier layer for the pipe.5. The multilayer composite pipe as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the transparent outermost layer protecting the outer surface of the metal layer is made of thermal cure lacquer or UV cure lacquer.6. A method of manufacturing a multilayer composite pipe claim 1 , comprising forming an innermost layer of plastic by extrusion claim 1 , forming a metal layer by extrusion or by wrapping and butt-welding claim 1 , treating the outer surface of the metal layer for changing its outer appearance and providing a transparent outermost layer on the treated outer surface of the metal layer for protecting the outer ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327435A1

The present invention provides a method for producing a coated stainless steel member, comprising: performing Wood's strike nickel plating on a stainless steel substrate, and then performing cationic electrodeposition on a formed Wood's strike nickel plating layer. 1. A coated stainless steel member comprising:a stainless steel substrate; anda Wood's strike nickel plating layer and a cationic electrodeposition coating layer which are stacked in this order on the stainless steel substrate.2. The coated stainless steel member according to claim 1 , which is obtained by subjecting a surface of the Wood's strike nickel plating layer to a zinc phosphate treatment after formation of the Wood's strike nickel plating layer.3. The coated stainless steel member according to claim 1 , which is a stainless steel fuel inlet pipe for an automobile fuel tank.4. The coated stainless steel member according to claim 2 , which is a stainless steel fuel inlet pipe for an automobile fuel tank.5. A method for producing a coated stainless steel member claim 2 , comprising:performing Wood's strike nickel plating on a stainless steel substrate; and thenperforming cationic electrodeposition on a formed Wood's strike nickel plating layer.6. The production method according to claim 5 , comprising:degreasing the stainless steel substrate;performing the Wood's strike nickel plating on the degreased stainless steel substrate; andperforming the cationic electrodeposition on the formed Wood's strike nickel plating layer; followed by baking.7. The production method according to claim 6 , further comprisingsubjecting the Wood's strike nickel plating layer to a zinc phosphate treatment before the cationic electrodeposition is performed.8. The production method according to claim 5 , whereinthe coated stainless steel member is a fuel inlet pipe for an automobile fuel tank.9. The production method according to claim 6 , whereinthe coated stainless steel member is a fuel inlet pipe for an automobile fuel ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Conductive Coupling Assembly

Номер: US20130327888A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method and apparatus for conducting an electrical current between a first transport member and a second transport member. In one illustrative embodiment, a coupling assembly comprises a first fitting associated with a first end of a first transport member, a second fitting associated with a second end of a second transport member, and a seal. The seal is configured for placement around the first fitting and the second fitting when the first end of the first transport member is positioned relative to the second end of the second transport member. The seal is further configured to seal an interface between the first transport member and the second transport member. The seal is comprised of a material configured such that the seal has a level of conductivity within a selected range and such that a conductive pathway is formed between the first transport member and the second transport member.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Composite Tubes for a Fluid Transport System

Номер: US20130328307A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method and apparatus for reducing an intensity of an electrical discharge that occurs within a fluid transport system in an aerospace vehicle. In one illustrative embodiment, an apparatus comprises a transport member. The transport member is configured for use in the fluid transport system. The transport member is comprised of a material configured to reduce voltages and currents, induced in response to an electromagnetic event, along the transport member.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130337166A1
Принадлежит: TWISTER B.V.

The present invention relates to a method for reducing gas hydrate adhesion to the interior surface of a conduit and associated equipment transporting or processing a fluid stream in oil and gas exploration and production, petroleum refining and/or petrochemistry, by providing the conduit interior surface with a coating layer exhibiting a static contact angle of the sessile water drop on the coating layer in air higher than 75° at ambient air conditions, as measured according to ASTM D7334-08, wherein said coating layer comprises diamond like carbon (DLC) comprising fractions of one or more components selected from the group consisting of silicon (Si), oxygen (O) and fluor (F). 1. A method for reducing the adhesion of solidified condensables to the interior surface of a conduit and/or associated equipment transporting or processing a fluid stream in oil and gas exploration and production , petroleum refining and/or petrochemistry , by providing the conduit interior surface with a coating layer exhibiting a static contact angle of the sessile water drop on the coating layer in air higher than 75° at ambient air conditions , as measured according to ASTM D7334-08 , wherein said coating layer comprises diamond like carbon (DLC) comprising fractions of one or more components selected from the group consisting of silicon (Si) , oxygen (O) and fluor (F).2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said solidified condensables comprise gas hydrates.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said fluid stream is a natural gas stream.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said DLC coating is a fluorinated DLC.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said coating layer exhibits an adhesion reduction factor equal to or greater than 1.5 claim 1 , preferably equal to or greater than 3.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said coating layer exhibits a difference between the advancing and receding water drop contact angle at atmospheric conditions of 30 degrees ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014219A1

A lower arm that is a shaped pipe body includes an outer layer and an inner layer that are each formed into a circular pipe shape from CFRP, and therefore, rigidity is ensured. Further, the lower arm includes a vibration damping layer disposed between the outer layer and the inner layer, and therefore, a vibration damping property is enhanced. Therefore, in a robot arm using the lower arm, rigidity is ensured, and the vibration damping property is enhanced. 1. A shaped pipe body for use in a robot arm of a picking robot for picking up and transferring an object , comprising:an outer layer that is formed into a circular pipe shape from a carbon fiber reinforced plastic;an inner layer that is formed into a circular pipe shape from a carbon fiber reinforced plastic, and is disposed in an inner side of the outer layer to extend from one end of the outer layer to the other end; anda vibration damping layer that is disposed between the outer layer and the inner layer.2. The shaped pipe body according to claim 1 ,wherein the vibration damping layer is formed into a circular pipe shape.3. The shaped pipe body according to claim 1 ,wherein the vibration damping layer is disposed between the outer layer and the inner layer to extend from the one end to the other end.4. The shaped pipe body according to claim 1 ,wherein the vibration damping layer is disposed between the outer layer and the inner layer to extend from the one end to a predetermined position between the one end and the other end.5. A shaped pipe body for use in a robot arm of a picking robot for picking up and transferring an object claim 1 , comprising:an outer layer that is formed into a circular pipe shape from a carbon fiber reinforced plastic,wherein a male screw is provided on at least one end portion of the outer layer.6. The shaped pipe body according to claim 5 ,wherein a sectional shape of a screw groove of the male screw is a rectangular shape.7. The shaped pipe body according to claim 5 ,wherein a ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Buoyancy control material for subsea main pipelines and high-density buoyancy control material for subsea main pipelines

Номер: US20140018476A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The buoyancy control material for subsea main pipelines and high-density buoyancy control material for subsea main pipelines are suggested predominantly for use while manufacturing pipes for subsea pipeline installations. Creation of a buoyancy control material with a density greater than 2800 kg/m 3 and the required mobility is an engineering problem solved by this invention. The buoyancy control material for subsea main pipelines contains cement, filler, plasticizing agent and water.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053908A1

Disclosed is a multilayer structure useful for preparing highly abrasion-resistant protective liners, including tubular articles such as multilayer tubes or pipes. 1. A thermoplastic multilayer structure comprising at least three layers wherein(a) a first surface layer acts comprises a soft thermoplastic polyether based urethane composition with melting point in a range from about 120 to about 220° C., Shore A hardness (ASTM D2240, ISO 868) from 85 to 95, and Shore D hardness from 32 to 50; optionally blended with a surface modifying agent;(b) a second surface layer comprises a thermoplastic ethylene acid copolymer composition, or an ionomer thereof, with melting point in a range from about 60 to about 100° C.;{'sub': 4', '8, '(c) at least one tie layer positioned in contact with one of the surface layers and in contact with one other layer, comprising a coextrudable tie layer composition comprising a polyolefin graft copolymer comprising a trunk polymer comprising polyethylene, polypropylene, styrene-ethylene-butene-styrene triblock copolymer, polybutadiene or a copolymer comprising copolymerized units of ethylene and copolymerized units of vinyl acetate, alkyl acrylate or alkyl methacrylate wherein the alkyl groups have from 1 to 8 carbon atoms, wherein the trunk polymer is modified by grafting thereto a cyclic anhydride of C-Cunsaturated acids; and optionally'}{'sup': '2', '(d) an interior layer of a material comprising a thermoplastic composition with melting point in a range from about 75 to about 150° C., and moisture vapor permeation value less than 2 g-mil/100 in-day.'}2. The multilayer structure of wherein the second surface layer comprises an ethylene acid terpolymer comprising an E/X/Y terpolymer wherein E represents copolymerized units of ethylene claim 1 , X is present in an amount of about 2 to about 30 weight % of the E/X/Y polymer and represents copolymerized units of a Cα claim 1 ,β-ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic acid claim 1 , and Y is ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069545A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A flow passage component according to an embodiment of the present invention is a component composed of ceramics, which forms a flow passage (R-R) through which a liquid flows. The flow passage has a discharge opening (lower end surface of the flow passage R), at an end of the flow passage, for discharging the liquid in the flow passage to a space outside of the flow passage component . The discharge opening is exposed to the outside space. A flow passage wall surface forming the flow passage is covered by/with a protection film (parylene-film) formed of a paraxylylene-based polymer. Further, the parylene-film is formed so as to have its end at a position upstream of the discharge opening by a predetermined distance D along the flow passage wall surface from the discharge opening. This can decrease a possibility that the liquid goes around the “outer wall surface on which the discharge opening is formed.” 1. A flow passage component in which a discharge opening for discharging a liquid to an outside space is formed on an outer wall surface exposed to said outside space , and a flow passage of said liquid is formed in its inside , said flow passage having said discharge opening at one end of said flow passage , wherein ,a flow passage wall surface forming said flow passage is covered with a protection film formed of a paraxylylene-based polymer, and said protection film is formed so as to have its end at a position upstream of said discharge opening by a predetermined distance along said flow passage wall surface from said discharge opening.2. The flow passage component according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,said protection film is formed in such a manner that a film thickness of a portion of said protection film becomes smaller as said portion comes closer to said discharge opening. The present invention relates to a flow passage component forming a flow passage through which a liquid flows in its inside.Conventionally, a “flow passage component composed of ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069547A1
Принадлежит: Borealis AG

Coating composition comprising an ethylene copolymer containing not more than 5 mole-% comonomer, whereby the fraction of the ethylene copolymer having a molecular weight of 300 000 g/mol-600 000 g/mol has a methyl branching of more than 4.0 Methyl per 1000 C as determined by SEC/FT-IR analysis. 115-. (canceled)16. Coating composition comprising an ethylene copolymer containing not more than 5 mole-% comonomer , whereby the fraction of the ethylene copolymer having a molecular weight of 300 000 g/mol-600 000 g/mol has a methyl branching of more than 4.0 Methyl per 1000 C as determined by SEC/FT-IR analysis.17. Coating composition according to claim 16 , whereby the comonomer(s) is/are selected from Cto Calpha olefins.18. Coating composition according to claim 16 , whereby the ethylene copolymer has an eta(1 kPas) of 1800 kPas or higher.19. Coating composition according to claim 16 , whereby the ethylene copolymer has a Mw/Mn of 15 to 25.20. Coating composition according to claim 16 , whereby the ethylene copolymer has a methyl branching of 1.0 to 3.7 Methyl per 1000 C as determined by SEC/FT-IR analysis.21. Coating composition according to comprising a pigment.22. Coating composition according to claim 21 , wherein the pigment is carbon black.23. Coating composition according to claim 21 , wherein the coating composition including the pigment has a density of at least 961.0 kg/m.24. Pipe being coated with the coating composition according to .25. Pipe according to claim 24 , wherein the coating layer is the outermost layer of the pipe.26. Pipe according to claim 25 , whereby the coating layer representing the outermost layer of the pipe directly covers an adhesive layer comprising a polymeric composition obtained by grafting with an acid grafting agent.27. Process for the coating of a pipe including the extrusion of a coating composition according to .28. Process according to claim 27 , whereby the pressure in the extruder for extrusion of the coating composition is ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083552A1

The present disclosure relates to an ink composition for printing an outer layer of a laminate. The present disclosure provides an ink composition for printing on a laminate, comprising: a printing ink; and an additive; wherein the printing ink and the additive is in a ratio of 70:30 to 95:5 (wt/wt), and the additive is a translucent to transparent extender that reduces the pigment solid content in the ink composition by 50%-95%. The present disclosure further provides a process for printing the outer layer of a laminate including the seam area of the laminate with the ink composition, more preferably, for achieving a 360 degree printing effect over the laminated tube formed by the laminate. 2. The ink composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the printing ink and the additive is in a ratio of 90:10 (wt/wt).3. The ink composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the printing ink is an ultra violet curable letterpress or flexo printing ink.4. The ink composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the extender is a translucent to transparent claim 1 , inert mineral pigment of low opacity.5. The ink composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ink composition is use in printing of a laminate over the whole surface area of the laminate including the longitudinal ends capable of forming seam when fused together.6. A laminated tube comprising of a printed surface area including the longitudinal seam claim 1 , wherein the printed surface area is printed with an ink composition comprising:a printing ink; andan additive:wherein the printing ink and the additive is in a ratio of 70:30 to 95:5 (wt/wt) and the additive is a translucent to transparent extender that reduces the pigment solid content in the ink composition by 50%-95%.74. A process for printing the outer layer of a laminate including the seam area of the laminate with the ink composition as claimed in any of the - claims 1 , said process comprising:modifying a printing plate to form 50% dots of nylon polymer on a ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Vacuum Insulated Structure With End Fitting And Method Of Making Same

Номер: US20140090737A1
Автор: Reid Aarne H.

A vacuum insulated structure including a tube having an outer wall, a jacket surrounding the tube to enclose an annular insulating space, the jacket having an end that terminates at the outer wall of the tube, a seal formed between the end of the jacket and the tube to preserve a vacuum within the insulating space, and a fitting affixed to one of the tube and the jacket for coupling the vacuum insulated structure to an external device. A method of making a vacuum insulated structure including forming a tube and a jacket, positioning the jacket over the tube to form an annular insulating space, with an end of the jacket being positioned adjacent to an outer wall of the tube to form a vent, causing air to escape through the vent, sealing the vent, and affixing a fitting to one of the tube and the jacket. 1. A vacuum insulated structure comprising:a tube having an outer wall;a jacket surrounding the tube to enclose an annular insulating space between the tube and the jacket, the jacket having an end that terminates adjacent to the outer wall of the tube;a seal formed between the jacket and the outer wall of the tube to preserve a vacuum within the insulating space; anda fitting affixed to one of the tube and the jacket for coupling the vacuum insulated structure to an external device.2. The vacuum insulated structure of claim 1 , wherein the seal is formed by a first vacuum brazing process and the fitting is affixed to the jacket by a second vacuum brazing process.3. The vacuum insulated structure of claim 2 , wherein the first and second vacuum brazing processes are performed concurrently.4. The vacuum insulated structure of claim 2 , wherein the first and second vacuum brazing processes are performed sequentially.5. The vacuum insulated structure of claim 1 , wherein the fitting is selected from the group consisting of: a welding socket claim 1 , a female threaded fitting claim 1 , a male threaded fitting claim 1 , a compression fitting claim 1 , a flange fitting ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096858A1

Provided are an apparatus for manufacturing a compound powder, a method of manufacturing an iron-boron compound powder by using the apparatus, a boron alloy powder mixture, a method of manufacturing the boron alloy powder mixture, a combined powder structure, a method of manufacturing the combined powder structure, a steel pipe, and a method of manufacturing the steel pipe The method of manufacturing the boron alloy powder mixture includes: preparing a mixed powder including a boron iron alloy powder and a target powder; heat-treating the mixed powder to boronize at least a portion of the target powder and de-boronize at least a portion of the boron iron alloy powder, thereby de-boronizing the boron iron alloy powder to reduce the melting point of the boron iron alloy powder. 117.-. (canceled)18. A method of manufacturing a boron alloy powder mixture , the method comprising:preparing a mixed powder including a boron iron alloy powder and a target powder; andheat treating the mixed powder to form a boronized region in the target powder by boronizing at least a portion of the target powder and to form a de-boronized region in the boron iron alloy powder by de-boronizing at least a portion of the boron iron alloy powder, thereby reducing the melting point of the boron iron alloy powder.19. The method of claim 18 , wherein a boron content in the boron iron alloy powder before the de-boronizing is 17 atomic % or more.20. The method of claim 18 , wherein a boron content in the boron iron alloy powder after the de-boronizing is in a range of 5 atomic % to 35 atomic %.21. The method of claim 20 , wherein a boron content in the boron iron alloy powder in the mixed powder after the de-boronizing is in a range of 10 atomic % to 25 atomic %.22. (canceled)23. The method of claim 18 , wherein the target powder includes a metal that forms a solid solution with boron or that combines with boron to form a boron compound.24. The method of claim 23 , wherein the metal is at least one ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000259A1
Автор: Dietz Peter T.

A component of an exhaust system for an internal combustion engine. The component comprises an exhaust system structure () having an interior () through which exhaust gases flow and an exterior (), and a thermal insulating wrap () for thermally insulating at least a portion of the exterior () of the exhaust system structure (). The thermal insulating wrap () comprises an aqueous mixture comprising an inorganic binder and inorganic filler particles, and a fabric comprising inorganic fibers. The fabric is impregnated with the aqueous mixture so as to form a pliable binder wrap (). The pliable binder wrap () is wound completely around at least a portion of the exhaust system structure (). It can be desirable for the component to further comprise at least one thermal insulator comprising inorganic fibers, where the thermal insulator is disposed between the pliable binder wrap () and the exterior of the exhaust system structure (). 1. A component of a system , where (a) a portion or all of the component exhibits or produces an external elevated temperature and the system needs to be thermally insulated to prevent or reduce the loss or transfer of heat from the component into the surrounding environment , (b) a portion or all of the component or something within the component is susceptible to being damaged by exposure to elevated temperatures , or (c) both (a) and (b) , said component comprising a system component structure; and a thermal insulating wrap for thermally insulating at least a portion of said system component structure , with said thermal insulating wrap comprising:a mixture comprising an inorganic binder, inorganic filler particles, and water; anda fabric comprising inorganic fibers, said fabric being impregnated with said mixture so as to form a pliable binder wrap,wherein said pliable binder wrap is wound almost completely or at least once around at least a portion of said system component structure such that said pliable binder wrap forms an exposed ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Nanolaminate Coatings

Номер: US20160002806A1

This disclosure includes coatings for increasing the physical and/or chemical properties of articles, for example, tubular metal articles such as those found in the oil and gas industry, as well as processes for making such coatings and articles comprising such coatings. 1. A method of coating an article comprising:applying to all or part of a surface of said article one or more electrodeposited multilayered coatings comprising a plurality of alternating first and second layers of to form a coated article, said first layers comprising nickel or an alloy comprising nickel; and said second layers comprising an alloy of nickel and cobalt;wherein said one or more multilayer coatings comprises from about 50 to about 100, from about 100 to about 1,000, from about 1,000 to about 2,000, from about 2,000 to about 4,000, from about 4,000 to about 8,000 or greater than 8,000 alternating first and second layers independently selected for each multilayer coating;wherein each of said first layers and each of said second layers have a thickness in a range selected independently from about 5 nm to about 200 nm, from about 5 nm to about 25 nm, from about 10 nm to about 30 nm, from about 30 nm to about 60 nm, from about 40 nm to about 80 nm, from about 75 nm to about 100 nm, from about 100 nm to about 120 nm, from about 120 nm to about 140 nm, from about 140 nm to about 180 nm, from about 180 nm to about 200 nm or from about 200 to about 250 nm; andwherein the burst pressure and collapse pressure of said coated article are increased relative to said article or a substantially identical article having the same overall dimensions and composition but uncoated.23.-. (canceled)4. The method of claim 1 , wherein each said first layer comprises greater than about 50% nickel by weight.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein each second layer comprises cobalt in a range from 5% to 35% by weight.67.-. (canceled)8. The method of claim 1 , wherein one or more of said first and/or second layers ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003058A1
Автор: DURKIN Steven Peter

A ventilation duct , the duct comprising a substantially rigid, elongate tube section moulded from plastics material and having a tube wall comprising a plurality of layers. At least one of the layers comprises an intumescent material which acts as a fire retardant in the event of exposure to extreme heat. 1. A ventilation duct , the duct comprising:a substantially rigid, elongate tube section moulded from plastics material and having a tube wall comprising a plurality of layers, at least one of the layers comprising an intumescent material which acts as a fire retardant in the event of exposure to extreme heat.2. A ventilation duct as defined in claim 1 , wherein the tube section has a tube wall comprising an inner layer of a first plastics material and an outer layer of a second plastics material claim 1 , the second plastics material of the outer layer comprising an intumescent material.3. A ventilation duct as defined in claim 1 , wherein the tube section has an intermediate layer of first plastics material claim 1 , an inner layer of a second plastics material claim 1 , and an outer layer of the second plastics material claim 1 , the second plastics material of both the inner layer and the outer layer comprising an intumescent material.4. A ventilation duct as defined in claim 2 , wherein the second plastics material is a metallocene polyethylene-based compound.5. A ventilation duct as defined in claim 1 , wherein the intumescent material is an intumescent resin provided in a powder form suitable for rotational moulding.6. A ventilation duct as defined in claim 5 , wherein the intumescent resin is a product called DPO P509 developed by Total Petrochemicals & Refining SA/NV.7. A ventilation duct as defined in claim 6 , wherein DPO P509 has a density of 1.07 g/cm claim 6 , a melt flow rate of 12.0 g/10 min claim 6 , and a melting point of 119° C.8. A ventilation duct as defined in claim 1 , wherein the first plastics material is a high density polyethylene (HDPE) ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009597A1
Автор: KARAU Friedrich

The invention relates to corrosion-protected ductile cast iron pipes, a method for producing corrosion-protected ductile cast iron pipes, and the use of specific compositions for producing corrosion-protected ductile cast iron pipes. More particularly, the invention relates to corrosion protection for ductile cast iron pipes using latex-modified cement mortars based on calcium-aluminium cements. 1. A ductile cast iron pipe having a surface , at least a part of said surface comprising a coating of a latex-modified cement mortar , wherein said latex-modified cement mortar is a cement mortar based on a calcium aluminate cement which , based on 100% by mass of dry cement , comprises the following:{'sub': 2', '4, 'at least 5% by mass of CaAlO,'}{'sub': 3', '2', '6, 'at least 5% by mass of CaAlO, and'}at least one inorganic filler.2. The ductile cast iron pipe of claim 1 , wherein said surface comprises an inner cylindrical surface claim 1 , wherein said coating of a latex-modified cement mortar is at least on part of said inner cylindrical surface.3. The ductile cast iron pipe of claim 1 , wherein said surface comprises an outer cylindrical surface claim 1 , wherein said coating of a latex-modified cement mortar is at least on part of said outer cylindrical surface.4. The ductile cast iron pipe of claim 1 , wherein said surface comprises an inner cylindrical surface and an outer cylindrical surface claim 1 , wherein said coating of a latex-modified cement mortar is at least on part of said inner cylindrical surface and said outer cylindrical surface.5. The ductile cast iron pipe of claim 1 , wherein said latex-modified cement mortar further comprising one or more further aluminates.6. The ductile cast iron pipe of claim 1 , wherein said latex-modified cement mortar further comprising auxiliaries claim 1 , secondary phases and amorphous components.7. The ductile cast iron pipe of claim 1 , wherein said latex-modified cement mortar comprises 5-35% by mass of CaAlO claim 1 ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008827A1

The present invention pertains to a pipe comprising at least one layer at least comprising, preferably consisting essentially of (or being made of), a tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) copolymer comprising from 0.8% to 2.5% by weight of recurring units derived from at least one perfluorinated alkyl vinyl ether having formula (I) here below: CF=CF—O—Rf (I) wherein Ris a linear or branched C-Cperfluorinated alkyl group or a linear or branched C-Cperfluorinated oxyalkyl group comprising one or more ether oxygen atoms, said TFE copolymer having a melt flow index comprised between 0.5 and 6.0 g/10 min, as measured according to ASTM D1238 at 372° C. under a load of 5 Kg [polymer (F)]. The invention also pertains to use of said pipe in heat exchangers and in downhole operations including drilling operations. 1. A process for lining a metal pipeline , said process comprising the following steps: {'br': None, 'sub': 2', 'f, 'CF=CF-—O—R\u2003\u2003(I),'}, '(i) providing a pipe comprising at least one layer at least comprising a tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) copolymer, polymer (F) comprising from 1.2% to 2.5% by weight of recurring units derived from at least one perfluorinated alkyl vinyl ether having formula (I) here below{'sub': 3', '5, 'wherein Rf is a linear or branched C-Cperfluorinated alkyl group, said TFE copolymer having a melt flow index comprised between 0.5 and 6.0 g/10 min, as measured according to ASTM D1238 at 372° C. under a load of 5 kg, said pipe having an outer diameter greater than an inner diameter of a metal pipeline;'}(ii) deforming said pipe thereby providing a deformed pipe having an outer diameter smaller than the inner diameter of said metal pipeline;(iii) introducing the deformed pipe in said metal pipeline; and(iv) expanding the deformed pipe so as to fit with the inner diameter of said metal pipeline.2. The process according to , wherein the polymer (F) comprises from 1.2% to 2.5% by weight by weight of recurring units derived from at least one ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008828A1

The present invention pertains to a pipe comprising at least one layer at least comprising, preferably consisting essentially of (or being made of), a tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) copolymer comprising from 0.8% to 2.5% by weight of recurring units derived from at least one perfluorinated alkyl vinyl ether having formula (I) here below: CF═CF—O—R(I) wherein Ris a linear or branched C-Cperfluorinated alkyl group or a linear or branched C-Cperfluorinated oxyalkyl group comprising one or more ether oxygen atoms, said TFE copolymer having a melt flow index comprised between 0.5 and 6.0 g/10 min, as measured according to ASTM D1238 at 372° C. under a load of 5 Kg [polymer (F)]. The invention also pertains to use of said pipe in heat exchangers and in downhole operations including drilling operations. 1. A pipe being an unbonded flexible riser and comprising at least one layer made of a tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) copolymer consisting of: {'br': None, 'sub': 2', 'f, 'CF═CF—O—R\u2003\u2003(I)'}, 'from 1.2% to 2.5% by weight of recurring units derived from at least one perfluorinated alkyl vinyl ether having formula (I) here below{'sub': f', '3', '5', '3', '12, 'claim-text': one or more ether oxygen atoms, and', 'from 97.5% to 98.8% by weight of recurring units derived from TFE,, 'wherein Ris a linear or branched C-Cperfluorinated alkyl group or a linear or branched C-Cperfluorinated oxyalkyl group comprisingsaid TFE copolymer having a melt flow index comprised between 0.5 and 6.0 g/10 min, as measured according to ASTM D1238 at 372° C. under a load of 5 kg, and a melting point comprised between 311° C. and 321° C., polymer (F).2. The pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer (F) has a melt flow index comprised between 0.6 and 5.5 g/10 min claim 1 , as measured according to ASTM D1238 at 372° C. under a load of 5 kg.3. The pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the perfluorinated alkyl vinyl ether complies with formula (II) here below:{'br': None, 'sub': 2', 'f, 'CF═CF—O—R′\ ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011454A1
Принадлежит: Sandvik Intellectual Property AB

A tube structure () comprising an inner tube () of metal and an outer tube () of metal, wherein the inner tube () extends in the outer tube (), wherein a spacer tube () is located between the inner tube () and the outer tube (), wherein the spacer tube () comprises at least one slit (), wherein the at least one slit () extends in a longitudinal direction of the spacer tube () and over an entire longitudinal extension of the spacer tube (), and wherein the at least one slit () forms a space in a radial direction of the tube structure () extending from an outer surface () of the inner tube () to an inner surface () of the outer tube (), wherein the tube structure () further comprises at least one signal line () located in the at least one slit () of the spacer tube (), wherein the at least one signal line () extends in the longitudinal direction of the spacer tube (). 1. A tube structure comprising:an inner tube of metal; andan outer tube of metal,wherein the inner tube extends in the outer tube,wherein a spacer tube is located between the inner tube and the outer tube,wherein the spacer tube comprises at least one slit,wherein the at least one slit extends in a longitudinal direction of the spacer tube and over an entire longitudinal extension of the spacer tube,wherein the at least one slit forms a space in a radial direction of the tube structure extending from an outer surface of the inner tube to an inner surface of the outer tube,wherein the tube structure comprises at least one signal line located in the at least one slit of the spacer tube, andwherein the at least one signal line extends in the longitudinal direction of the spacer tube.2. The tube structure according to claim 1 , wherein the outer tube and the spacer tube are mechanically force-fitted over part of the length of the inner tube.3. The tube structure according to claim 1 , wherein the inner tube claim 1 , the spacer tube and the outer tube extend concentrically with respect to each other.4. The ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015050A1

Installation fittings for use with induction weldable pipe connectors for assembling multi-layer pipe fluid distribution systems. Induction welding pipe connectors including a major central pipe connector section and a minor lateral pipe connector section pair having reduced thickness relative to the major central pipe connector section. Induction welding pipe connectors with 5 integral solder flow barrier for assembling fluid distribution systems. Electromagnetic induction coil reverse action pliers for use with induction weldable pipe connectors for assembling fluid distribution systems. 1. An installation fitting for use with an induction weldable pipe connector and a multi-layer pipe for forming a welded sealed joint connecting the installation fitting and the multi-layer pipe ,the induction weldable pipe connector including i) an induction weldable pipe socket pair having a first induction weldable pipe socket and a second induction weldable pipe socket, ii) an internal thermoplastic solder lining having a central inward directed stop, and iii) a solid metal susceptor sleeve entirely peripherally enveloping the internal thermoplastic solder lining,the multi-layer pipe including i) a multi-layer construction having an external plastic layer, an aluminum core layer, an internal plastic layer, and ii) an exposed annular pipe end face having an annular aluminum core end face,the installation fitting comprising a tubular plastic pipe end having a pipe end centerline and an exposed external peripheral plastic surface co-directional with said pipe end centerline,said pipe end having a shoulder converging to a tubular pipe tang having at least two O rings,the arrangement being that said pipe end stops against the central inward directed stop on forced sliding insertion into the first induction weldable pipe socket and the multi-layer pipe stops against the central inward directed stop on forced sliding insertion into the second induction weldable pipe socket thereby ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017589A1
Автор: Presby David W.

A fluid conduit with layered and partial covering material thereon is disclosed. The fluid conduit may be used for processing and treatment of fluids which must be treated to remove materials so that the resultant treated fluid may be reused and/or returned to the earth and particularly to the water table. The fluid conduit may be of many forms and types and may have attached thereto and configured thereon covering material in partial form and a selected number of layers. The fluid conduit may be a septic pipe of smooth wall, of corrugated form, and/or of any form of cross-sectional configuration including circular, elliptical, rectangular, triangular, or any other geometric shape. The fluid conduit may be used in combination with conduit in a drainage field or leaching system usually associated with a septic tank or septic system.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016514A1

Installation fittings for use with induction weldable pipe connectors for assembling multi-layer pipe fluid distribution systems. Induction welding pipe connectors including a major central pipe connector section and a minor lateral pipe connector section pair having reduced thickness relative to the major central pipe connector section. Induction welding pipe connectors with integral solder flow barrier for assembling fluid distribution systems. Electromagnetic induction coil reverse action pliers for use with induction weldable pipe connectors for assembling fluid distribution systems. 1. An installation fitting for use with an induction weldable pipe connector and a multi-layer pipe for forming a welded sealed joint connecting the installation fitting and the multi-layer pipe ,the induction weldable pipe connector including i) an induction weldable pipe socket pair having a first induction weldable pipe socket and a second induction weldable pipe socket, ii) an internal thermoplastic solder lining having a central inward directed stop, and iii) a solid metal susceptor sleeve entirely peripherally enveloping the internal thermoplastic solder lining,the multi-layer pipe including i) a multi-layer construction having an external plastic layer, an aluminum core layer, an internal plastic layer, and ii) an exposed annular pipe end face having an annular aluminum core end face,the installation fitting comprising a tubular plastic pipe end having a pipe end centerline and an exposed external peripheral plastic surface co-directional with said pipe end centerline,said pipe end having a shoulder converging to a tubular pipe tang having at least two O rings,the arrangement being that said pipe end stops against the central inward directed stop on forced sliding insertion into the first induction weldable pipe socket and the multi-layer pipe stops against the central inward directed stop on forced sliding insertion into the second induction weldable pipe socket thereby ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023157A1
Автор: Hayes Richard Allen

A pipe- or tube-shaped article having an innermost layer is disclosed which comprises a polyolefin composition comprising a polyolefin comprising ethylene and an α-olefin. The article provides long lifetime, highly abrasion-resistant pipes for mining and other transportation uses. Also disclosed are methods for preparing the article and transporting abrasive materials. 1. A pipe- or tube-shaped article having an innermost layer whereinthe innermost layer has a thickness of about 0.001 to about 102 mm and comprises a polyolefin; andthe polyolefin comprises repeat units derived from ethylene and 5 to 50 wt %, based on the total weight of the polyolefin, of an α-olefin having 3 to 20 carbons and has a density of about 0.92 g/cc (ASTM D-792) or less.2. The article of wherein the polyolefin has a density of about 0.90 g/cc or less.3. The article of wherein the polyolefin has a density of about 0.88 g/cc or less and the α-olefin contains from 3 to 10 carbons; and the α-olefins are selected from the group consisting of propene claim 2 , 1-butene claim 2 , 3-methyl-1-butene claim 2 , 4-methyl-1-pentene claim 2 , 1-hexene claim 2 , 1-heptene claim 2 , 1-octene claim 2 , 1-decene claim 2 , 1-dodecene claim 2 , 1-tetradecene claim 2 , 1-hexadecene claim 2 , 1-octadecene claim 2 , 3-cyclohexyl-1-propene claim 2 , vinyl cyclohexane.4. The article of wherein the polyolefin has a density of about 0.84-0.88 g/cc and composition further comprises from about 0.1 wt % to about 80 wt % of an abrasion-resistant filler claim 3 , based on the total weight of the polyolefin composition.5. The article of further comprising an outer layer having a thickness of about 0.1 to about 102 mm and comprising rubber claim 3 , elastomer claim 3 , thermoplastic elastomer claim 3 , acid terpolymer claim 3 , ionomer terpolymer claim 3 , or mixtures of two or more thereof.6. The article of further comprising an intermediate layer between the innermost layer and the outer layer and the intermediate layer ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027581A1

A pipeline system is enclosed including unlined or plastic lined pipes. A mechanical metal to metal connection is employed that can provide a fluid tight seal. A pipe coupling may be employed to span the connection. Plastic lined pipes can have their plastic liners connected to form a fluid tight bladder. Electro-fusion may be employed. 1. A pipe connection assembly comprising:a first pipe section and a second pipe section, each of the first pipe section and the second pipe section including:a metal tube having a length, an inner surface defining an inner diameter, an outer surface, and a wall thickness defined by the distance between the inner surface and the outer surface; and;a pipe coupling for mechanically engaging the first pipe section to the second pipe section, the pipe coupling formed as a cylindrical tube and including a first tubular end configured to mechanically engage the first pipe section and a second tubular end configured to mechanically engage the second pipe section.2. The pipe connection assembly of wherein the wall thickness of each of the first pipe section and the second pipe section is 0.250 inches or less.3. The pipe connection assembly of wherein at least the first pipe section includes a retaining flange secured without welding onto the outer surface of the metal tube claim 1 , the retaining flange having an axial length and extending radially and outwardly from the outer surface of the metal tube near an end of the metal tube.4. The pipe connection assembly of wherein the retaining flange is connected by a method selected from the group consisting of threading claim 3 , plastic deformation or frictional engagement.5. The pipe connection assembly of wherein each of the first pipe section and the second pipe section include a plastic liner formed of a plastic material compatible with electro-fusion claim 1 , the plastic liner having a length and an inner diameter claim 1 , wherein the plastic liner is positioned within the metal tube.6. ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033057A1
Принадлежит: IBIDEN CO., LTD.

A heat releasing pipe includes a metal pipe and a surface coating layer. The metal pipe has an outer circumferential surface. The surface coating layer is provided on the outer circumferential surface of the metal pipe. The surface coating layer contains an inorganic glass base material and has concave portions and convex portions on an outer surface of the surface coating layer. The concave portions and the convex portions are constructed using electrocoating with an electrocoating resin. The concave portions have a virtually circular shape when seen in a direction perpendicular to the outer circumferential surface of the metal pipe and are lower than a first reference surface. The first reference surface has an average height of the outer surface of the surface coating layer. The convex portions are located on peripheral edge portions of the concave portions and surround the concave portions. 1. A heat releasing pipe comprising:a metal pipe having an outer circumferential surface;a surface coating layer provided on the outer circumferential surface of the metal pipe, the surface coating layer containing an inorganic glass base material and having concave portions and convex portions on an outer surface of the surface coating layer, the concave portions and the convex portions being constructed using electrocoating with an electrocoating resin;the concave portions having a virtually circular shape when seen in a direction perpendicular to the outer circumferential surface of the metal pipe and being lower than a first reference surface, the first reference surface having an average height of the outer surface of the surface coating layer; andthe convex portions being located on peripheral edge portions of the concave portions and surrounding the concave portions, the convex portions being higher than the first reference surface.2. The heat releasing pipe according to claim 1 ,wherein{'sub': 'max', 'the convex portions are higher than a second reference surface, the ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Method of Producing a Composite Pipe and Such a Composite Pipe

Номер: US20160033058A1
Автор: Sandner Horst, Wood Alan

A composite pipe comprises a polyetheretherketone innermost pipe around which a reinforcing overwrap is arranged. A protective sheath surrounds the overwrap. Such a composite pipe may be made by selecting a polyetheretherketone pipe having an outer region having a crystallinity of less than 25%; overlaying the selected pipe with overwrap; and subjecting the combination to heat, thereby causing the crystallinity of the outer region of the polyetheretherketone pipe to increase. The method reduces the risk of pipe failure. 1. A composite pipe comprising a pipe having an outer region comprising a polymeric material having a crystallinity of greater than 25% , said pipe being overlaid with a reinforcing structure , wherein said polymeric material includes:(a) phenyl moieties;(b) at least one of ether and thioether moieties, and(c) at least one of ketone and sulphone moieties.2. The pipe according to claim 1 , wherein said pipe has a length of at least 50 m.3. The pipe according to claim 1 , wherein said pipe comprises a polymeric material comprising polyetheretherketone defining an inside surface having a crystallinity of at least 20% and an outside surface having a crystallinity of at least 20% claim 1 , said pipe being overlaid with a reinforcing means which comprises polyetheretherketone.4. The pipe according to claim 1 , wherein said reinforcing structure comprises a first material and a second material claim 1 , where said first material comprises one of a thermoplastic and a thermosetting resin.5. The pipe according to claim 4 , wherein said second material comprises a fibrous material.6. The pipe according to claim 5 , wherein said reinforcing structure comprises 25-75 wt % of said first material and 25-75 wt % of said second material.7. A method of using a composite pipe claim 5 , the method comprising: phenyl moieties,', 'at least one of ether and thioether moieties, and', 'at least one of ketone and sulphone moieties; and, 'providing a composite pipe that ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Performing Operations in Fluid Conduits

Номер: US20180030814A1

A method and apparatus for cleaning a fluid conduit in a hydrocarbon production installation. The method comprises providing a composite pipe having a cleaning head coupled to a first end, and introducing the first end of the composite pipe and the cleaning head into a fluid conduit to be cleaned. Fluid is circulated between an annulus between an interior wall of the fluid conduit and the composite pipe, through a fluid circulation path defined by the cleaning head. The method comprises running the first end of the composite pipe and the cleaning head into the fluid conduit and cleaning at least one substance from the fluid conduit. An aspect of the invention relates to methods comprising circulating a heavy fluid through the fluid circulation path to reduce the effective weight of the pipe in the fluid conduit, and another aspect relates to a method comprising generating at least one pressure pulse in fluid in the fluid circulation path while imparting a pulling force or a pushing force on the pipe. 1. A method of cleaning a fluid conduit in a hydrocarbon production installation , the method comprising:providing a composite pipe having a cleaning head coupled to a first end;introducing the first end of the composite pipe and the cleaning head into a fluid conduit to be cleaned;circulating fluid between an annulus between an interior wall of the fluid conduit and the composite pipe, through a fluid circulation path defined by the cleaning head;running the first end of the composite pipe and the cleaning head into the fluid conduit; andcleaning at least one substance from the fluid conduit.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the composite pipe is a glass fibre reinforced plastic pipe.3. The method according to or claim 1 , wherein the composite pipe is a carbon fibre pipe or a carbon fibre polymer pipe.4. The method according to any preceding claim claim 1 , wherein the composite pipe is manufactured from carbon fibre material and a semi-crystalline ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031151A1
Автор: BANG Manhyuk

The present invention may manufacture a composite pipe by forming an adhesive layer and a resin layer on an outer surface of a metal pipe, and although the composite pipe is wound in a ring shape after the composite pipe is manufactured, a circular cross sectional shape may be maintained without deformation, and after the composite pipe is straightened for the purpose of construction, separation or buckling may be prevented, resulting in excellent transportability and constructability of a product. 1. A method of manufacturing a three-layer metal resin composite pipe , the method comprising the steps of:{'b': '30', '(a) manufacturing a metal pipe using thin plate stainless steel; and,'}{'b': 30', '40', '30', '50', '40, '(b) coating the metal pipe by forming an adhesive layer on an outer surface of the metal pipe and by forming a resin layer by extruding a polyethylene resin on the adhesive layer ,'}{'b': 30', '40', '50, 'wherein the metal pipe forms the first layer, the adhesive layer forms the second layer and, the resin layer forms the third layer,'}{'b': 30', '50, 'wherein a thickness (p) of the metal pipe is within a range of 5% to 20% of a thickness q of the resin layer ,'}{'b': '30', 'wherein while the metal resin composite pipe is manufactured as a straight pipe, the metal resin composite pipe is adapted to be wound in a ring shape and to go back to a straight shape without deformation to the circular cross section of the metal pipe and the metal resin composite pipe.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein after the step (b) claim 1 , the method comprises winding the composite pipe in a ring shape claim 1 , and a diameter (u) of the ring shape is greater 20 times to 50 times than the outer diameter (G) of the composite pipe.330200. The method of claim 2 , wherein the step (b) is performed by extruding the adhesive resin and the polyethylene resin in a sequential order while the metal pipe passes through a coating mold unit claim 2 ,{'b': 200', '210', '230', '210 ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030964A1
Принадлежит: FANUC Corporation

For the purpose of achieving a further reduction in weight while maintaining strength and of reducing the manufacturing cost, the present invention provides a robot arm including: a long cylindrical arm body; and mounting interface portions that are fixed at both sides of the arm body and that are used to mount the robot arm to another member. At least sections of outer surfaces of the arm body and the mounting interface portions are formed of a resin. A first part that has one of the mounting interface portions and a section of the arm body and a second part that has the other one of the mounting interface portions and a section of the arm body are joined to each other. 1. A robot arm comprising:a long cylindrical arm body;mounting interface portions that are fixed to both sides of the arm body and that are used to mount the robot arm to another member;wherein at least sections of outer surfaces of the arm body and the mounting interface portions are formed of a resin; anda first part that has one of the mounting interface portions and a section of the arm body and a second part that has the other one of the mounting interface portions and another section of the arm body are joined to each other.2. The robot arm according to claim 1 , wherein each of the mounting interface portions is provided with: a metal member that forms a mounting surface used to mount the robot arm to the other member; and a connection section that is formed of a resin claim 1 , in which the metal member is embedded in a state in which at least the mounting surface on the metal member is exposed claim 1 , and that is connected to the arm body.3. The robot arm according to claim 2 ,wherein the metal member is formed into a ring-shaped plate having, at the center thereof, a center hole penetrating therethrough in the plate-thickness direction; andwherein the connection section has an internal space that is connected to an inner hole of the arm body and that is open to the outside in the center ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032420A1
Автор: Speer Ian, Strange Warren

A well casing system () for installation in a well () is drilled into the ground () comprises a number of separate lengths of well casing (Cn). Each length of well casing (Cn) comprises a single continuous length of rigid composite material pipe or tube. 1. A well casing comprising: a continuous length of rigid composite material pipe.2. The well casing according to wherein the pipe has a constant wall thickness.3. The well casing according to wherein the pipe has a wall thickness that varies along an axial direction of the pipe.4. The well casing according to wherein the wall thickness increases from one end of the pipe to an opposite end of the pipe.5. The well casing according to wherein the wall thickness increases in a stepped manner.6. The well casing according to wherein the wall thickness increases in a progressive manner.7. The well casing according to any one of to wherein the pipe has a constant inner diameter.8. The well casing according to any one of to wherein the pipe has an outer circumferential surface is textured or profiled in a manner to promote adhesion to cementitious material.9. The well casing according to any one of to comprising one more integrally formed centralising mechanisms formed about the pipe and capable of centralising the casing within a well.10. A method of casing a well comprising: running a casing in accordance with any one of to into the well.11. The method according to wherein running the casing comprises running the casing into well until the casing reaches a bottom of the well.12. The method according to comprising cutting the casing at or near a mouth of the well subsequent to the casing being run in the bottom of the well.13. The method according to any one of to wherein running the casing comprises running the casing along an arcuate path from a substantially horizontal disposition when outside of the well to a substantially vertical disposition when the casing initially enters the well.14. The method according to ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150041145A1

The present invention pertains to a pipe comprising at least one layer at least comprising, preferably consisting essentially of (or being made of), a tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) copolymer comprising from 0.8% to 2.5% by weight of recurring units derived from at least one perfluorinated alkyl vinyl ether having formula (I) here below: CF═CF—O—R(I) wherein Ris a linear or branched C-Cperfluorinated alkyl group or a linear or branched C-Cperfluorinated oxyalkyl group comprising one or more ether oxygen atoms, said TFE copolymer having a melt flow index comprised between 0.5 and 6.0 g/10 min, as measured according to ASTM D1238 at 372° C. under a load of 5 Kg [polymer (F)]. The invention also pertains to use of said pipe in heat exchangers and in downhole operations including drilling operations. 2. The pipe according to claim 1 , wherein polymer (F) has a melt flow index comprised between 0.6 and 5.5 g/10 min claim 1 , as measured according to ASTM D1238 at 372° C. under a load of 5 Kg.4. The pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the perfluorinated alkyl vinyl ether is perfluoropropyl vinyl ether (PPVE).5. The pipe according to claim 1 , said pipe being a monolayer pipe or a multilayer pipe.6. The pipe according to claim 1 , said pipe being a flexible riser.7. The pipe according to claim 6 , the pipe being a bonded flexible riser.8. The pipe according to claim 6 , the pipe being a rough-bore flexible riser.9. The pipe according to claim 6 , the pipe being a smooth-bore flexible riser.10. A process for lining a metal pipeline claim 6 , said process comprising: {'br': None, 'sub': 2', 'f, 'CF═CF—O—R\u2003\u2003(I)'}, '(i) providing a pipe comprising at least one layer at least comprising, a tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) copolymer [polymer (F)] comprising from 0.8% to 2.5% by weight of recurring units derived from at least one perfluorinated alkyl vinyl ether having formula (I){'sub': f', '3', '5', '3', '12, 'wherein Ris a linear or branched C-Cperfluorinated alkyl group or a ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038521A1
Автор: NIU Lin, YE Ling

A hemp-winding composite pipe including a lining layer, a reinforcement layer winding on the lining layer, and an external protective layer, in that order from the inside to the outside in the radial direction. The reinforcement layer is a hemp bast layer, including continuously connected hemp basts. 1. A composite pipe comprising: a lining layer , a reinforcement layer winding on the lining layer , and an external protective layer in that order from the inside to the outside in a radial direction; wherein the reinforcement layer is a hemp bast layer comprising continuously connected hemp basts.2. The pipe of claim 1 , wherein the hemp basts are disposed in parallel on the hemp bast layer in a forward direction and in a backward direction alternately.3. The pipe of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement layer comprises a hoop reinforcement layer and a helical crossing reinforcement layer; the hemp bast layer in the hoop reinforcement layer is hoop winding; and the hemp bast layer in the helical reinforcement layer are helical winding.4. The pipe of claim 1 , further comprising an auxiliary reinforcement layer between reinforcement layers claim 1 , wherein the auxiliary reinforcement layer is a daub layer comprising a resin and a filler.5. The pipe of claim 2 , further comprising an auxiliary reinforcement layer between reinforcement layers claim 2 , wherein the auxiliary reinforcement layer is a daub layer comprising a resin and a filler6. The pipe of claim 3 , further comprising an auxiliary reinforcement layer between reinforcement layers claim 3 , wherein the auxiliary reinforcement layer is a daub layer comprising a resin and a filler7. The pipe of claim 4 , wherein the filler is an inorganic filler or natural plant filler8. The pipe of claim 5 , wherein the filler is an inorganic filler or natural plant filler.9. The pipe of claim 6 , wherein the filler is an inorganic filler or natural plant filler.10. The pipe of claim 7 , wherein the natural plant filler ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Pipe and method for manufacturing pipe

Номер: US20150047734A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Zosen Corp

A pipe includes: a tubular pipe main body made from fiber reinforced plastic; and a substantially tubular connection portion centered on a central axis of the pipe main body, which receives an end portion of the pipe main body, thereby being fixed to the end portion, the connection portion having an external tapered male screw portion. The male screw portion engages a tapered female screw portion on an internal surface of a substantially tubular coupling of another pipe main body. The male screw portion includes, near a screw thread surface, a corresponding metallic mesh layer as a reinforcement layer, other regions of the tapered male screw portion being made from resin, to suppress breakage of the male screw portion.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045339A1
Автор: SUBACCHI Claudio

A concrete layer having an upper surface and a lower surface, a first fiber layer having longitudinally oriented and radially oriented fiber embedded in the upper surface of the concrete layer, and a second fiber layering having longitudinally oriented and radially oriented fiber embedded in the lower surface of the concrete layer. 1. A concrete pipe comprising:a concrete layer having an upper surface and a lower surface;a first fiber layer having longitudinally oriented and radially oriented fiber embedded in the upper surface of the concrete layer; anda second fiber layering having longitudinally oriented and radially oriented fiber embedded in the lower surface of the concrete layer.2. The concrete pipe of claim 1 , wherein the first fiber layer is embedded in the upper surface of the concrete layer at least 0.5 mm deep and less than 8 mm deep.3. The concrete pipe of claim 1 , wherein the second fiber layer is embedded in the lower surface of the concrete layer at least 0.5 mm deep and less than 8 mm deep.4. The concrete pipe of claim of claim 1 , and further comprising a polymer layer on the upper surface of the concrete layer for providing an environmental barrier to corrosive elements.5. The concrete pipe of claim 1 , and further comprising a polymer layer on the lower surface of the concrete layer for providing an environmental barrier to corrosive elements.6. The concrete pipe of claim 5 , and further comprising an abrasive substance between the polymer layer and the lower surface of the concrete layer to increase adhesion of the concrete layer to the polymer layer.7. The concrete pipe of claim 6 , wherein the abrasive substance is one chosen from a sand claim 6 , silica claim 6 , and ceramic substance.8. The concrete pipe of claim 1 , wherein the concrete pipe has a wall thickness and inner diameter claim 1 , wherein the ratio between the wall thickness and the inner diameter is at least 1 (wall thickness)/100 (inner diameter).9. The concrete pipe of claim ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150050087A1

The invention is directed generally to improvements in irrigation and fertilization assessment and delivery. More specifically, embodiments of the invention provide an improved fluid delivery tube, method to manufacture such tube, and systems that include such tube. The delivery tube is beneficial at least because it minimizes the life cycle cost of a plant-responsive delivery tube. 1. A delivery tube , comprising:a substrate, at least a portion of the substrate being treated with a hydrophilic polymer; anda backer coupled to the substrate, the delivery tube being configured such that the substrate and the backer are each disposed along a functional length of the delivery tube.2. The delivery tube of claim 1 , wherein the substrate includes a nonwoven polyethylene (PE) fabric and the backer includes PE.3. The delivery tube of wherein the substrate includes Dupont Tyvek.4. The delivery tube of wherein the backer includes at least one of Metallocene polyethylene (PE) claim 2 , low-density polyethylene (LDPE) claim 2 , linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) claim 2 , copolymer polypropylene (PP) claim 2 , homopolymer polypropylene (PP) claim 2 , and urethane film.5. The delivery tube of claim 1 , wherein the substrate includes a nonwoven polypropylene (PP) fabric and the backer includes PP.6. The delivery tube of claim 1 , wherein the hydrophilic polymer includes a polyhydroxystyrene (PHS) co-polymer.7. A method for manufacturing the delivery tube of claim 1 , the method comprising:preparing a hydrophilic polymer solution;coating at least a portion of the substrate with the hydrophilic polymer solution to produce a responsive web;drying the responsive web; andwelding the responsive web to the backer to form a delivery web.8. The method of wherein the preparing includes mixing a dry hydrophilic powder with a solvent.9. The method of wherein the coating is performed using a gravure coating apparatus.10. The method of wherein the coating is performed using a dip coating ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124081A1
Автор: KANAO Shigeki

A spirally waved synthetic resin conduit has a coupling and a connection structure, and is configured with a small number of components, achieving sufficient water and pressure resistances, excellent sealing properties with no need for any rigid material or high accuracy, reduction in weight and cost, and easy handling with facilitated connection work on site. The spirally waved synthetic resin conduit, provided with a coupling, includes a receiver opening provided at an end of the conduit and connected to another spirally waved synthetic resin conduit. The receiver opening is formed with a foamable resin into a cylindrical shape so as to extend from the end of the spirally waved synthetic resin conduit in an axial direction of the conduit, and an FRP layer is formed by impregnating reinforcing fibers with a resin, at least on an outer peripheral surface of the formed receiver opening at a connection end. 1. A spirally waved synthetic resin conduit provided with a coupling , the conduit comprising a receiver opening provided at an end of the conduit and connected to another spirally waved synthetic resin conduit , whereinthe receiver opening is formed with a foamable resin into a cylindrical shape so as to extend from the end of the spirally waved synthetic resin conduit in an axial direction of the conduit, andan FRP layer is formed by impregnating reinforcing fibers with a resin, at least on an outer peripheral surface of the formed receiver opening at an connection end.2. The spirally waved synthetic resin conduit provided with a coupling according to claim 1 , wherein the FRP layer is provided further on an end surface of the receiver opening.3. The spirally waved synthetic resin conduit provided with a coupling according to claim 1 , wherein a reinforcing member is provided at the receiver opening.4. The spirally waved synthetic resin conduit provided with a coupling according to claim 3 , wherein as the reinforcing member claim 3 , a spirally waved synthetic ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053922A1
Автор: Ehsani Mohammad R.

Method and article of manufacture are disclosed for on-site manufacturing of any length, any shape, size, and any thickness pipe. Sheets of materials fulfilling the requirements of the inner surface of the pipe is first wrapped around a mandrel of a desired size and cross-section to form a pipe-liner. As described, the pipe-liner can also be manufactured by spraying fast-setting materials on the mandrel or injecting desired materials into a form surrounding the mandrel. Afterwards, fabrics saturated with resin are wrapped around the manufactured pipe-liner. Completed pipe section is partially pushed off the mandrel and another similar partial pipe is manufactured around the mandrel as a continuation of the previous partial pipe section. This process is repeated to manufacture a seamless pipe of any desired length. Disclosed pipes eliminate almost all weaknesses of plastic, metal, and concrete pipes and noticeably reduce costs of transportation and manufacturing. 1. A method of manufacturing a pipe of any length and any cross-section , the method comprising:forming at least one inner-layer around a mandrel, using sheets of desired material or using sprayed chemical compounds;wrapping a desired number of resin-saturated fabric layers over the formed inner-layer, to complete a pipe segment;partially removing the completed pipe segment from the mandrel;adding, over the mandrel, a similarly formed inner-layer to the inner-layer of the partially removed pipe segment;wrapping a desired number of resin-saturated fabric layers over the similarly formed inner-layer on the mandrel, to complete a new pipe segment; andwherein curing of the resin-saturated fabric layers may be optionally accelerated.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mandrel is cantilevered and/or collapsible.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inner-layer is made of plastic claim 1 , FRP claim 1 , metal claim 1 , vinylester claim 1 , HDPE claim 1 , PVC claim 1 , PET claim 1 , PETE claim 1 , polymers claim ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140134456A1

A coating for a metal surface that provides excellent resistance to both electrochemical corrosion and mechanical insult is provided. The coating involves at least an inner coating that is a sacrificial anodic layer and an outer coating that is a protective dielectric material made of inorganic metal oxide. Some versions of the coating include an intermediate layer as well that serves to improve adhesion between the coatings and may provide additional galvanic protection. Although the coating can be made by a variety of methods, advanced methods of spray application are provided for making high-quality lightweight versions the coating. 1. A process for coating a ductile iron surface , comprising:(a) thermally spraying a first spray onto the ductile iron surface, the first spray comprising at least 95% w/w metallic zinc, to form an inner galvanizing coating that is anodic relative to the ductile iron surface and in direct contact with the ductile iron surface; and{'sub': 3', '2, '(b) thermally spraying a second spray onto the inner coating, the second spray comprising at least 90% w/w AlO, to form an outer dielectric coating in direct contact with the inner coating; wherein the sum of the thicknesses of the inner and outer coatings is at most 10 mils (254 μm).'}2. A process for coating a metal surface , comprising: (i) the first spray comprises a first metal that is anodic to the metal surface, and', '(ii) the inner coating is anodic to the metal surface; and, '(a) thermally spraying a first spray to form a galvanizing inner coating substantially electrically connected to the metal surface, wherein'}(b) thermally spraying a second spray to form a dielectric outer coating on the side of the inner coating opposite the metal surface, wherein the second spray comprises a dielectric oxide of a second metal.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the first spray is thermally sprayed directly onto the metal surface.4. The process of claim 2 , wherein the second spray is ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Automotive pipe

Номер: US20180056777A1
Автор: Kazuhisa Nakamura
Принадлежит: Sanoh Industrial Co Ltd

An automotive pipe mounted on an automobile includes an inner pipe portion through which a fluid passes, an outer pipe portion surrounding a part of the inner pipe portion, and a restricting portion restricting the outer pipe portion from moving in an axial direction thereof, and at least an outer circumferential surface of the inner pipe portion facing the outer pipe portion is made of a resin.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074525A1

An article and method for forming a coated metal pipe for use as an automotive fluid transport tube including a copper plated carbon steel tubing formed into a circular cross sectional profile. At least one intermediate layer including any of a corrosion inhibiting zinc/aluminum alloy, electroplated zinc or hot dip aluminum is applied over said tubing. One or more outer polymer or copolymer layers are applied over the intermediate layer, with the outer layer or multi-layers compounded with a graphene or graphene oxide powder. 1. A coated metal pipe for use as an automotive fluid transport tube , comprising:a tubing formed into a circular cross sectional profile;a solvent based primer layer applied over said tubing; andat least one layer of a polymer or copolymer incorporating a graphene or graphene oxide powder applied over said primer layer.2. The coated metal pipe of claim 1 , said at least one layer of polymer or copolymer further comprising any of a thermoplastic claim 1 , thermoset claim 1 , elastomer or other natural or synthetic polymer and which may be chosen from claim 1 , but not restricted to claim 1 , any of a polypropylene claim 1 , nylon 6 claim 1 , nylon-12 claim 1 , nylon-6 claim 1 ,12 claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , terephthalate claim 1 , polybutylene claim 1 , polyvinyl fluoride claim 1 , polyphthalamide claim 1 , polyoxymethylene claim 1 , polycarbonate claim 1 , polyvinylchloride claim 1 , polyester claim 1 , and polyurethane.3. The coated metal pipe of claim 1 , said tubing further comprising any of a copper plated low carbon steel claim 1 , low carbon steel claim 1 , stainless steel claim 1 , or extruded aluminum.4. The coated metal pipe of claim 3 , further comprising a nickel plating applied to an inner diameter of said tubing.5. The coated metal pipe of claim 1 , further comprising any of a corrosion inhibiting zinc/aluminum alloy claim 1 , electroplated zinc or hot dip aluminum applied directly over said tubing.6. The coated metal pipe of ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Metallic pipe having a hydrolysis-resistant layer of a polyamide moulding composition

Номер: US20160060459A1
Принадлежит: EVONIK DEGUSSA GmbH

A metallic pipe for contact with a hydrolyzing medium provides longer operating times and improved high temperature resistance. The pipe contains a layer of a polyamide moulding composition containing at least 50% by weight of polyamide content containing: I) 60 to 98 parts by weight of a polyamide which contains 10 to 70 meq/kg of a terminal carboxy group and has a relative solution viscosity η rel of at least 1.90, and II) 2 to 40 parts by weight of a polyamine-polyamide graft copolymer produced from: a) 0.5 to 25% by weight, based on the entire monomer mixture, of a polyamine having at least 4 nitrogen atoms, and b) 75 to 99.5% by weight, based on the entire monomer mixture, of polyamide-forming monomers selected from lactams, ω-aminocarboxylic acids and/or equimolar combinations of diamine and dicarboxylic acid, with the proviso that the amino group concentration of the graft copolymer is in the range from 100 to 2500 meq/kg, wherein the sum of the parts by weight of I) and II) is 100.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Biocompatible Tubing for Liquid Chromatography Systems

Номер: US20180058612A1

A biocompatible tube and fitting system that can be used in a liquid chromatography system is described. The tube can have a polymer tip and can be used in conjunction with one or more fitting assembly. 1. A fitting assembly for use in an analytical instrument system comprising:a) a tube comprising: i) an outer layer having an inner surface and an outer surface, and having a first and a second end; and ii) a biocompatible inner layer having a passageway therethrough and having a first and a second end, wherein said inner layer is located within said outer layer;b) a nut having a first end and a second end, and having a passageway therethrough, wherein said passageway has a first internal portion and a lip proximal said second end of said nut, and wherein said second end of said nut has a threaded portion;c) a ferrule having a first end and a second end and having a passageway therethrough, wherein said first end of said ferrule is adapted to securely engage with said first internal portion of said passageway in said nut; andd) a ferrule tip having a first end portion, a central portion, and a second end portion, wherein said first end portion and said central portion define a first lip, and wherein said first end portion of said ferrule tip is adapted to abut with said second end of said ferrule within said passageway of said nut, and said first lip of said ferrule tip is adapted to securely engage with said lip of said nut.2. The fitting assembly according to wherein said biocompatible inner layer comprises one or more polymers selected from the group comprising: polyetheretherketone (PEEK) claim 1 , TEFLON claim 1 , TEFZEL claim 1 , DELRIN claim 1 , perfluoroalkoxy (PFA claim 1 , also called perfluoroalkoxyethylene) claim 1 , fluorinated ethylene propylene (PEP) claim 1 , polytetrafluoroethylene (PETE) claim 1 , ETFE (a polymer of tetrafluoroethylene and ethylene) claim 1 , polyetherimide (PEI) claim 1 , polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Dynamically Vulcanized Polyarylene Sulfide Composition

Номер: US20170058124A1

Polyarylene sulfide compositions are described that exhibit high strength and flexibility. Methods for forming the polyarylene sulfide compositions are also described. Formation methods include dynamic vulcanization of a polyarylene sulfide composition that includes an impact modifier dispersed throughout the polyarylene sulfide. A crosslinking agent is combined with the other components of the composition following dispersal of the impact modifier throughout the composition. The crosslinking agent reacts with the impact modifier to form crosslinks within and among the polymer chains of the impact modifier. The compositions can exhibit excellent physical characteristics at extreme temperatures and can be used to form, e.g., tubular member such as pipes and hoses and fibers. 1. A polyarylene sulfide composition including a polyarylene sulfide and a crosslinked impact modifier , wherein the polyarylene sulfide composition has a notched Charpy impact strength of greater than about 3 kJ/mas measured according to ISO Test No. 179-1 at a temperature of 23° C. and a notched Charpy impact strength of greater than about 8 kJ/mas measured according to ISO Test No. 179-1 at a temperature of −30° C.2. The polyarylene sulfide composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition has at least one of the following characteristics:an elongation at yield of greater than about 4.5% as determined according to ISO Test No. 527 at a temperature of 23° C. and a test speed of 5 mm/min;{'sup': '2', 'a notched Charpy impact strength of greater than about 30 kJ/mas measured according to ISO Test No. 179-1 at a temperature of 23° C.;'}{'sup': '2', 'a notched Charpy impact strength of greater than about 10 kJ/mas measured according to ISO Test No. 179-1 at a temperature of −30° C.;'}a ratio of the notched Charpy impact strength as determined according to ISO Test no. 179-1 at 23° C. to that at −30° C. greater than about 3.5;a tensile break stress of greater than about 30 MPa as measured ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Polyamide compositions and articles made therefrom

Номер: US20220081564A1
Автор: John F. Buzinkai
Принадлежит: Individual

The present disclosure relates to compositions and compounded compositions including polyamide and a maleated polyolefin, articles formed from the same such as extruded or molded articles, and methods of making the compositions and articles. A composition includes a condensation polyamide that is at least 30 wt % of the composition and that is the predominant polyamide in the composition. The composition also includes from ≥10 wt % to ≤50 wt % of a maleic anhydride grafted polyolefin having a grafted maleic anhydride incorporation of ≥0.05 to ≤1.5 wt % based on total weight of the maleated polyolefin.

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065216A1

One aspect of the invention provides a method of forming an energy-dissipative tube. In one embodiment, the method includes: extruding a resin layer over an outer surface of corrugated stainless steel tubing and impregnating the resin layer with metal particles. In another embodiment, the method includes: extruding a resin layer comprising a fire retardant over an outer surface of corrugated stainless steel tubing and impregnating the resin layer with metal particles. In another embodiment, the method includes: extruding a resin layer comprising between about 20% to 60% magnesium hydroxide, aluminum trihydrate, or halogenated fire retardants by weight over an outer surface of corrugated stainless steel tubing and impregnating the resin layer with metal particles selected from the group consisting of: copper, aluminum, gold, silver, and nickel. 1. A method of forming an energy-dissipative tube , the method comprising:extruding a resin layer over an outer surface of corrugated stainless steel tubing; andimpregnating the resin layer with metal particles.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal particles include copper.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal particles include aluminum.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal particles include one or more metal selected from the group consisting of: gold claim 1 , silver claim 1 , and nickel.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resin layer includes a fire retardant.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the resin layer includes between about 20% to 60% magnesium hydroxide claim 5 , aluminum trihydrate claim 5 , or halogenated fire retardants by weight.7. A method of forming an energy-dissipative tube claim 5 , the method comprising:extruding a resin layer comprising a fire retardant over an outer surface of corrugated stainless steel tubing; andimpregnating the resin layer with metal particles.8. A method of forming an energy-dissipative tube claim 5 , the method comprising:extruding a resin layer comprising ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068627A1

Described herein is a curable composition comprising: a crosslinkable epoxy resin; a curing agent; and a compound, wherein the compound comprises a pyrazine moiety but not a primary amine 1. A curable composition comprising:a crosslinkable epoxy resin;an epoxy curing agent; anda compound comprising a pyrazine moiety wherein the compound does not comprise a primary amine.2. The curable composition of claim 1 , wherein the curable composition further comprises an adhesion promoter selected from at least one of: a hydroxyl amine claim 1 , a silane claim 1 , a titanate claim 1 , polyhydric phenol claim 1 , and a plastisol.4. The curable composition of claim 1 , wherein the crosslinkable epoxy resin is selected from at least one of: a diglycidyl ether of polyhydric phenols claim 1 , epoxy novolak resins claim 1 , epoxy cresol novolak resins claim 1 , epoxy phenol novolak resins claim 1 , and isocyanate-modified epoxy resins.5. The curable composition of claim 1 , wherein the crosslinkable epoxy resin has a softening temperature of greater than 75° C.6. The curable composition of claim 1 , wherein the epoxy curing agent is selected from at least one of dicyandiamide; 3′ claim 1 ,4′-benzophenone tetracarboxylic dianhydride; tetramethyl guanidine; bisphenol A claim 1 , bisphenol A—terminated curing agent claim 1 , isophthaloyl dihydrazide claim 1 , and 4 claim 1 ,4′-diaminodiphenyl sulfone.7. An article comprising a substrate and the cured composition of on the surface of the substrate.8. A method of making adhering substrates comprising:providing a first substrate and second substrate; a crosslinkable epoxy resin;', 'a curing agent; and', 'a compound comprising a pyrazine moiety wherein the compound does not comprise a primary amine; and, 'providing a curable epoxy resin composition between the first substrate and the second substrate, wherein the curable epoxy resin composition comprisescuring the curable epoxy resin composition.10. A method of protecting a substrate ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Fluid Handling Assembly Having a Robust Insert

Номер: US20140144538A1
Принадлежит: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Inc

A fluid handling assembly provides conduits that deliver fluids therethrough. The fluid conduits include pipes, having an inner annular layer ( 2 ) of CPVC material, an intermediate annular layer ( 3 ) of metallic material and an outer annular layer ( 4 ) of CPVC material. Pipes are joined using inserts ( 9 ) that are engaged in cemented relation with a coupling. The inserts are configured to resist deformation at relatively high pressures that reduces the risk of separation of the layers of the pipe due to fluid infiltration between such layers.

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Process for lining metal pipelines

Номер: US20160069503A1

The present invention pertains to a process for lining a metal pipeline, said process comprising the following steps: (i) processing a thermoplastic polymer composition thereby providing a pipe liner having an outer diameter greater than the inner diameter of said metal pipeline, said thermoplastic polymer composition comprising, preferably consisting of:—at least one poly(aryl ether ketone) polymer [(PAEK) polymer],—at least one poly(phenylene sulfone) polymer [(PPSU) polymer],—optionally, at least one poly(arylene sulfide) [(PAS) polymer], and—optionally, at least one plasticizer; (ii) deforming said pipe liner thereby providing a deformed pipe liner having an outer diameter smaller than the inner diameter of said metal pipeline; (iii) inserting the deformed pipe liner in said metal pipeline; and (iv) expanding the deformed pipe liner to fit with the inner diameter of said metal pipeline. The present invention also relates to a pipeline system comprising at least two coaxial pipes, an outer metal pipeline and inner pipe comprising at least one layer comprising, preferably made of said thermoplastic polymer composition. 114-. (canceled)15. A process for lining a metal pipeline , said process comprising the following steps:(i) processing a thermoplastic polymer composition thereby providing a pipe liner having an outer diameter greater than the inner diameter of said metal pipeline, said thermoplastic polymer composition comprising:at least one poly(aryl ether ketone) polymer, (PAEK) polymer,at least one poly(phenylene sulfone) polymer, (PPSU) polymer,optionally, at least one poly(arylene sulfide), (PAS) polymer, andoptionally, at least one plasticizer;(ii) deforming said pipe liner thereby providing a deformed pipe liner having an outer diameter smaller than the inner diameter of said metal pipeline;(iii) inserting the deformed pipe liner in said metal pipeline; and(iv) expanding the deformed pipe liner to fit with the inner diameter of said metal pipeline.17. The ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220085582A1

An easy pull conduit for receipt of wire and/or wire bundles reduces the resistance to pulling wire and/or wire bundles. The conduit has an inner surface and a boron nitride coating applied to the inner surface. An aluminum EMT conduit having the boron nitride coating exhibits a 55 percent reduction in pull force compared to a bare aluminum conduit. A method for reducing the pull force required to pull wire and/or wire bundles through a conduit is also disclosed. 1. A conduit for receipt of wire and/or wire bundles , the conduit having reduced resistance to pulling wire and/or wire bundles , comprising:a conduit having an inner surface; anda boron nitride coating applied to the inner surface.2. The conduit of claim 1 , wherein the conduit is an aluminum conduit.3. The conduit of claim 2 , wherein the aluminum conduit is an electrical metal tubing (EMT).4. The conduit of claim 3 , wherein the conduit exhibits a 55 percent reduction in pull force compared to a bare aluminum conduit.5. The conduit of claim 1 , wherein the conduit is rigid metal conduit.6. The conduit of claim 1 , wherein the conduit is an intermediate metal conduit (IMC).7. The conduit of claim 1 , wherein the conduit is a steel conduit.8. The conduit of claim 1 , wherein the conduit is polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or fiberglass.9. The conduit of claim 1 , wherein the boron nitride is applied in a carrier.10. The conduit of claim 9 , wherein the carrier is a liquid carrier.11. The conduit of claim 10 , wherein the boron nitride is present in a concentration of about 85 percent in the liquid carrier.12. The conduit of claim 10 , wherein the carrier is water.13. The conduit of claim 1 , wherein the boron nitride is applied as a powder.14. A method for reducing the pull force required to pull wire and/or wire bundles through a conduit claim 1 , comprising:providing a conduit having applied to an inner surface thereof boron nitride; andpulling a wire or wire bundle through the conduit.15. The method of claim ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071806A1

A carbon steel main body defines a flow passage. The carbon steel main body includes an end. The carbon steel main body includes a beveled edge at the end. A corrosion resistant cladding is deposited along an inner surface of the carbon steel main body. The corrosion resistant cladding extends from the end to a distance into the carbon steel main body. 1. A tubular comprising:a carbon steel main body defining a flow passage, the carbon steel main body comprising an end, the carbon steel main body comprising a beveled edge at the end; anda corrosion resistant cladding deposited along an inner surface of the carbon steel main body, the corrosion resistant cladding extending from the end to a distance into the carbon steel main body; anda galvanic protection system configured to reduce galvanic corrosion between the carbon steel and the corrosion resistant cladding.2. The tubular of claim 1 , further comprising:an epoxy or glass-flake coating along an interior surface of the tubular.3. The tubular of claim 1 , wherein the distance into the carbon steel main body that the corrosion resistant cladding extends is substantially four to seven inches.4. The tubular of claim 1 , wherein the corrosion resistant cladding comprises alloy 625.5. The tubular of claim 1 , wherein an inner surface of the corrosion resistant cladding smoothly transitions to the inner surface of the carbon steel main body.6. The tubular of claim 1 , wherein the corrosion resistant cladding is deposited as a weld overlay.7. The tubular of claim 6 , wherein the corrosion resistant cladding comprises two layers of weld overlay.8. The tubular of claim 1 , wherein the end is a first end claim 1 , the corrosion resistant cladding is a first corrosion resistant cladding claim 1 , and the distance is a first distance claim 1 , the carbon steel main body comprising a second end claim 1 , the tubular further comprising:a second corrosion resistant cladding deposited along the inner surface, the second corrosion ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160072265A1
Принадлежит: UACJ Corporation

A wire harness pipe includes an aluminum pipe, a heat shrink tube that coats the outer surface side of the aluminum pipe, and an adhesive layer that is disposed between the aluminum pipe and the heat shrink tube. 1. A wire harness pipe comprising:an aluminum pipe;a heat shrink tube that coats an outer surface side of the aluminum pipe; and,an adhesive layer that is disposed between the aluminum pipe and the heat shrink tube.2. The wire harness pipe of wherein the adhesive layer comprises an ethylene-vinyl acetate resin or an olefin-based elastomer resin.3. The wire harness pipe of wherein the adhesive layer comprises the ethylene-vinyl acetate resin and has a shear viscosity ranging from 1 claim 1 ,000 to 100 claim 1 ,000 (Pa·s) at a temperature of 200° C. and at a shear rate of 1/s.4. The wire harness pipe of any one of wherein the heat shrink tube comprises a polyolefin-based resin and claims 1 , a thickness of the heat shrink tube after coating is within a range of 0.05 mm to 0.90 mm.5. The wire harness pipe of any one of wherein an adhesive ability between the heat shrink tube and the aluminum pipe is 7(N/10 mm·0.1 mm) or greater. This international application claims the benefit of the U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/805,718 filed Mar. 27, 2013 in the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and the entire disclosure thereof is incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to a metallic wire harness pipe for protecting a wire harness for an automobile and a method of producing the same.A painted metallic pipe, such as of aluminum, is conventionally used as a wire harness pipe for protecting a wire harness from stone chips and rainwater.The wire harness pipe is bent into various shapes when attached to an automobile. When the painted wire harness pipe is bent, its paint film peels off or cracks. In addition, there was a problem of a high manufacturing cost due to a need of paint facilities and waste disposal/liquid waste treatment ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140150916A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention generally relates to coating materials, including photoactive coating materials. In some aspects of the invention, a sol-gel is provided that can be formed as a coating on a microfluidic channel. One or more portions of the sol-gel can be reacted to alter its hydrophobicity, in some cases. For instance, in one set of embodiments, a portion of the sol-gel may be exposed to light, such as ultraviolet light, which can be used to induce a chemical reaction in the sol-gel that alters its hydrophobicity. In one set of embodiments, the sol-gel can include a photoinitiator, that upon exposure to light, produces radicals. Optionally, the photoinitiator may be conjugated to a silane or other material within the sol-gel. The radicals so produced may be used to cause a polymerization reaction to occur on the surface of the sol-gel, thus altering the hydrophobicity of the surface. In some cases, various portions may be reacted or left unreacted, e.g., by controlling exposure to light (for instance, using a mask). Such treated surfaces within a microfluidic channel may be useful in a wide variety of applications, for instance, in the creation of emulsions such as multiple emulsions. 1. An article , comprising:a sol-gel coating coated on at least a portion of a microfluidic channel, wherein the sol-gel comprises a moiety containing a double bond.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the microfluidic channel is defined within a microfluidic device comprising polydimethylsiloxane.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the microfluidic channel is defined within a microfluidic device comprising glass.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein a first portion of the sol-gel coating is relatively hydrophobic claim 1 , and a second portion of the sol-gel coating is relatively hydrophilic.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the coating comprises a silane.6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the coating comprises a fluorosilane.7. The article of claim 1 , wherein the coating ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074865A1
Автор: Duong Quoc, Rao Nagasatish

A method for uniquely identifying tubes may include programming a motion of a laser relative to a tube pad printed with a mixture of ink and a laser sensitive material and exposing the laser-sensitive material to the laser to colorimetrically transform the material and reveal a unique identifier. A method of coating tubes includes plasma or flame treating the tube and mixing a laser-sensitive material with ink to form a mixture to pad print onto the tube. A system for identifying tubes coated with laser-sensitive material includes a laser mounted in translational relationship to a stage, a camera positioned to capture an image of a tube on a stage, a processor that receives the image and translates the laser relative to the stage in order to position the laser for marking the tube, and a laser controller to move the laser in order to mark the tube. 1. A tube with a laser-sensitive coating , comprising:a tube; anda coating applied on a portion of the tube comprising a mixture of ink and a laser-sensitive, color-changing material.2. The tube of claim 1 , wherein at least one of a top and a bottom of the tube is flat.3. The tube of claim 1 , wherein the tube is at least one of plasma- claim 1 , corona- claim 1 , or flame-treated prior to receiving the coating.4. The tube of claim 1 , wherein the coating is at least one of air-dried claim 1 , oven-dried claim 1 , and UV cured onto the tube.5. The tube of claim 1 , wherein the coating is applied to at least one of a curved side claim 1 , a top claim 1 , and a bottom of the tube.6. The tube of claim 1 , wherein the coating is marked using a COlaser to excite the laser-sensitive claim 1 , color-changing material.7. The tube of claim 1 , wherein the tube is molded or blown.8. The tube of claim 1 , wherein the ink is pad print ink or screen print ink.9. A tube with a laser-sensitive coating on an insert claim 1 , comprising:a tube; anda coating applied on an insert comprising a mixture of pad print ink and a laser-sensitive, ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210079673A1
Автор: Nakamura Mitsuhiro

A water-containing fluid transport pipe and a water-containing fluid transport method, where, when transporting water-containing fluids, pipe clogging does not easily occur compared to conventional pipes that use general structural steel or the like; and quality degradation in the water-containing fluid caused by significant changes in the temperature of the pipe itself due to environmental effects can be suppressed. This water-containing fluid transporting pipe has an innermost layer formed on an inner surface thereof and containing a material that has a water absorption rate of at most 0.2 mass % and a thermal conductivity of at most 10 W/m·K. The water-containing fluid is fresh concrete, and the pipe is preferably a pressure-feeding pipe for fresh concrete. This water-containing fluid transport method includes a step for transporting a water-containing fluid inside said pipe. This concrete pouring method includes a step for pressure-feeding fresh concrete inside said pipe. 119-. (canceled)20. A method of producing a fresh concrete set , the method comprising: pressure-feeding fresh concrete within a pipe for pressure-feeding fresh concrete , whereinthe fresh concrete set includes a series of fresh concretes which are pressure-fed for at least part of a period of time from start of the pressure feeding until finish of the pressure feeding;the pipe comprises an innermost layer formed on at least an inner surface of the pipe, the innermost layer including a material that has a water absorption rate of equal to or less than 0.2% by mass and a thermal conductivity of equal to or less than 10 W/m·K;a time from the start of the pressure feeding until the finish of the pressure feeding is divided into four equal phases, and the phases are referred to as first to fourth phases in time order;a fresh concrete which finishes being pressure-fed and is discharged from the pipe at an intermediate point of the second phase is referred to as a fresh concrete at the intermediate ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Self-illuminating tubing

Номер: US20150083265A1
Автор: John Thomas Waldrip
Принадлежит: Individual

The disclosure provides self-illuminating tubing that may be uncoupled from external power sources. The disclosed tubing is useful in a variety of low-light environments. Applications include medical devices and tubing for use in building construction and for industrial purposes. Embodiments in which the illuminating material indicates where tubing has been damaged are also disclosed.

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140158599A1
Автор: Michienzi Joseph D.

Described is a tubing assembly which includes a permanently deformable outer tube, an intermediate tube and an inner tube. A radial seal is provided by a uniform radial crimp having a non-zero longitudinal length at a longitudinal location on the tubing assembly. In some embodiments one or both ends of the assembly have a uniform radial crimp and are polished so that the ends of two or more of the tubes are substantially flush with each other to thereby block the passage of fluids between the ends of the tubes. In other embodiments the uniform radial crimps are at other longitudinal locations where a high pressure seal is desired. The longitudinal length and the depth of each uniform radial crimp can be formed to accommodate the requirements of a particular application so that leakage along the tubing assembly is prevented and void volume is reduced or eliminated. 1. A method of making a tubing assembly comprising:inserting an inner tube into an intermediate tube comprising a polymeric material;inserting the intermediate tube into an outer tube comprising a metallic material; andcompressing a collet to deform the outer tube to form a uniform radial crimp at a longitudinal location to thereby press the intermediate tube against the inner tube and generate a fluid-tight radial seal between the inner, intermediate and outer tubes.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the longitudinal location is proximate to an inlet end or an outlet end of the tubing assembly.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the longitudinal location is proximate to an abutment of tubes.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the inlet end or the outlet end of the tubing assembly is polished flush such that the inner claim 2 , intermediate and outer tubes terminate in a plane perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of the tubing assembly.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the collet is compressed by applying one of a hydraulic pressure claim 1 , a pneumatic pressure and a mechanical pressure thereto.6. The ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190077069A1

A process produces a tubular hybrid molding made of a plastics foam element that exhibits temperature-dependent shrinkage and a fiber-plastics composite. The method includes inserting the plastics foam element, unhardened first and second fiber-plastics composite sections into a mold, where the plastics foam element has open pores at locations in contact with the fiber-plastics composite. The plastics foam element and the fiber-plastics composite sections are shaped by the mold. The mold is exposed to a first temperature to minimize the viscosity of the resin in the fiber-plastics composite. The mold is exposed to a second temperature to harden the fiber-plastics composite and to achieve mechanical fixing of the plastics foam element thereon. The mold is exposed to a third temperature to shrink the plastics foam element and cause its shape to conform to that of the mold and achieve a final shape of the said element. 1. A process for producing a tubular hybrid molding made of a plastics foam element and a fiber-plastics composite , the plastics foam element having a temperature-dependent shrinkage , which comprises the following steps of:a) inserting the plastics foam element, at least one first fiber-plastics composite section in an unhardened state and at least one second fiber-plastics composite section in an unhardened state into a mold, the first fiber-plastics composite section being inserted along one lateral edge of the plastics foam element and the second fiber-plastics composite section at least to some extent covering the plastics foam element, wherein regions of a surface of the plastics foam element covered by the first and second fiber-plastics composite sections have open pores;b) shaping the plastics foam element, the at least one first fiber-plastics composite section and the second fiber-plastics composite section by means of the mold to give a preliminary shape in a manner such that the first fiber-plastics composite section forms a sandwich ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078706A1

The invention relates to a device for guiding liquid, in particular a drainage channel, comprising a guiding section () and at least one functional region (), wherein the guiding section () is formed of concrete, which has a binder and a filler having a first grain size K, wherein the functional region () is formed at least partially of a filled reaction resin, which has a filler having a second grain size K, wherein KH.7. The device according to claim 6 , wherein the binding agent proportion His greater than 20% by weight.81011. The device according to claim 4 , wherein the guiding section () and the functional region () are firmly bonded.91110. The device according to claim 8 , wherein the functional region () forms a layer of the reactive resin with filler claim 8 , disposed on the guiding section () made from concrete.10. The device according to claim 9 , wherein the thickness of the layer of the reactive ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Vacuum Insulated Structure With End Fitting And Method Of Making Same

Номер: US20160084425A1
Автор: Reid Aarne H.

A vacuum insulated structure including a tube having an outer wall, a jacket surrounding the tube to enclose an annular insulating space, the jacket having an end that terminates at the outer wall of the tube, a seal formed between the end of the jacket and the tube to preserve a vacuum within the insulating space, and a fitting affixed to one of the tube and the jacket for coupling the vacuum insulated structure to an external device. A method of making a vacuum insulated structure including forming a tube and a jacket, positioning the jacket over the tube to form an annular insulating space, with an end of the jacket being positioned adjacent to an outer wall of the tube to form a vent, causing air to escape through the vent, sealing the vent, and affixing a fitting to one of the tube and the jacket. 110-. (canceled)11. A vacuum insulated structure comprising:a tube having an outer wall;a jacket surrounding the tube to enclose an annular insulating space between the tube and the jacket, the jacket having an end that terminates adjacent to the outer wall of the tube;a first seal formed between the jacket and the outer wall of the tube to preserve a vacuum within the insulating space; anda first fitting affixed to at least one of the tube and the jacket for coupling the vacuum insulated structure to an external device.12. The vacuum insulated structure of claim 11 , wherein the first fitting is affixed to the jacket.13. The vacuum insulated structure of claim 12 , wherein the first fitting is affixed at an end of the jacket.14. The vacuum insulated structure of claim 12 , wherein the first fitting is affixed at an intermediate position along the jacket.15. The vacuum insulated structure of claim 11 , wherein the first fitting is affixed to the tube.16. The vacuum insulated structure of claim 15 , wherein the first fitting is affixed to an inner wall of the tube.17. The vacuum insulated structure of claim 11 , wherein the first fitting is affixed to the jacket and to ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Method of lining pipe with high strength liner, high strength liner, and pipe lined with high strength liner

Номер: US20170082220A1
Принадлежит: Ina Acquisition Corp

A liner tube for lining a pipe and pipe lining method. Liner material that includes a strength layer and felt backing layer forms the liner tube. The strength layer includes chopped strands of fiber oriented generally parallel to one another and distributed along the strength layer. The felt backing layer can be needle punched to the strength layer. Joining structure can connect opposite longitudinal edge margins of the liner material to form a tube shape. The liner tube is impregnated with a curable polymer, positioned in the pipe, and cured to form the liner. The liner stretches radially when it is positioned in the pipe. As the liner stretches, the strength layer remains fixed to the felt backing and the width of the overlapping edge margins does not decrease.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170082221A1

Non-straight ducts for conducting fluids at temperatures higher than 280° C. and pressures higher than 4 bar made of a composite material and, particularly, hot air bleed ducts of an aircraft made of a carbon-fiber reinforced polymer aimed to reduce weight of the bleeding system by replacing most of the metallic material from which the bleeding ducts are currently made. 1. A non-straight duct for conducting fluids at temperatures higher than 280° C. and pressures higher than 4 bar made of a composite material comprising layers of a braided carbon fiber fabric and a high temperature phenylethinyl-terminated imide resin injected or infused in said layers.2. The non-straight duct according to claim 1 , wherein the high temperature resin is injected or infused in a temperature range of 280-290° C. and in a pressure range of 12-13 atm.3. An aircraft bleeding system comprising one or more of the non-straight ducts recited in .4. An aircraft propulsion system comprising a bleeding system recited in .5. A method comprising bleeding hot gases in an aircraft using one or more non-straight ducts made of a composite material comprising layers of braided carbon fiber fabric and a high temperature phenylethinyl-terminated imide resin injected or infused in said layers.6. The method of wherein the carbon fiber fabric is a braided carbon fiber fabric and the high temperature resin is a phenylethinyl-terminated imide.7. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the high temperature resin is injected or infused in a temperature range of 280-290° C. and in a pressure range of 12-13 atm.8. A hot air bleed duct comprising:a passage configured for hot gases having a temperature greater than 280° C. and pressures higher than 4 bar; anda duct defining the passage formed of a composite material comprising layers of a braided carbon fiber fabric and a phenylethinyl-terminated imide resin injected or infused in said layers,wherein the duct includes at least one section which is curved or bent ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Vacuum Insulated Structure With End Fitting And Method Of Making Same

Номер: US20220099237A1
Автор: Aarne H Reid
Принадлежит: Concept Group LLC

A vacuum insulated structure including a tube having an outer wall, a jacket surrounding the tube to enclose an annular insulating space, the jacket having an end that terminates at the outer wall of the tube, a seal formed between the end of the jacket and the tube to preserve a vacuum within the insulating space, and a fitting affixed to one of the tube and the jacket for coupling the vacuum insulated structure to an external device. A method of making a vacuum insulated structure including forming a tube and a jacket, positioning the jacket over the tube to form an annular insulating space, with an end of the jacket being positioned adjacent to an outer wall of the tube to form a vent, causing air to escape through the vent, sealing the vent, and affixing a fitting to one of the tube and the jacket.

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Pipe member, gasification combined power generation device, and pipe member assembly method

Номер: US20210087482A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Power Ltd

In order to allow for thermal elongation of a liner, a pipe member, in the interior of which flows a fluid containing solids, is provided with: a tubular outer pipe; a single tubular liner provided inside the outer pipe with a gap therebetween in the radial direction, or a plurality thereof arranged serially in the direction of the pipe axis C; a refractory material filled in between the outer pipe and the liner; a first liner holding member that is provided on an end portion side of the outer pipe, and that holds the liner arranged on the end portion side in a restrained state in the pipe axis C direction and the circumferential direction around the pipe axis C; and a second liner holding member that is provided on an end portion side of the outer pipe, and that holds the liner arranged on the end portion side.

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210088171A1

The invention relates to a system and method for forming a pipe assembly. The method comprises: providing a composite pipe () having an inner diameter; providing a liner () having a first outer diameter which is smaller than the inner diameter of the composite pipe; placing the liner () in the composite pipe (); and expanding the liner such that the liner has a second outer diameter which is greater than the first outer diameter, and an outer surface of the liner is in contact with an inner surface of the composite pipe, so as to form a pipe assembly including said composite pipe and said liner. 1. A method for forming a pipe assembly , comprising:a. providing a composite pipe having an inner diameter;b. providing a liner having a first outer diameter which is smaller than the inner diameter of the composite pipe;c. placing the liner in the composite pipe; andd. expanding the liner such that the liner has a second outer diameter which is greater than the first outer diameter, and an outer surface of the liner is in contact with an inner surface of the composite pipe, so as to form a pipe assembly including said composite pipe and said liner.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inner surface of the composite pipe is at least partially formed by a polymeric material.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the polymeric material is reactable with and/or permeable to hydrocarbons.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the composite pipe further comprises an adhesive layer outside said inner surface claim 3 , the adhesive layer is reactable with hydrocarbons.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:forming the composite pipe at a first site;forming the liner at a second site; andtransporting the composite pipe and the liner to a third site;wherein steps a-d are conducted at the third site where the pipe assembly is installed to a pipeline system, as an in situ part of the installation process, the first site, the second site and the third site being different from each ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160091124A1

A pipe including an inner layer, an outer layer, a jacket layer, and an anisotropic layer positioned between the jacket and outer layers is provided. The anisotropic layer is formed from weaving a number of more rigid, monofilament fill strands and a number of less rigid multifilament warp strands. The fill strands may be formed from single, six hundred-ten (610) denier polyester filament while the warp strands may be formed from a series of two hundred-twenty (220) denier polyester threads. The anisotropic layer permits limited rotation of the inner and outer pipe layers without inserting into the gaps formed by the jacket layer when exposed to intense heat and pressure and is not subjected to significant creep during use. 1. A pipe comprising a flexible jacket positioned between an anisotropic liner and a cylinder , whereby the anisotropic fabric is configured to cover a gap defined by the jacket upon flexion.2. The pipe of whereby the cylinder is formed from a polymeric material.3. The pipe of whereby the cylinder is formed from a high density polyethylene.4. The pipe of whereby the flexible jacket is formed from a metallic material.5. The pipe of whereby the anisotropic fabric is formed from a woven yarn.6. The pipe of whereby the anisotropic fabric is formed from a monofilament polyester.7. The pipe of whereby the anisotropic fabric is formed from a polyester warp material and a monofilament polyester fill material.8. A pipe comprising a flexible jacket positioned between an anisotropic fabric and a cylinder claim 1 , and a cylindrical shield sized to receive the anisotropic fabric claim 1 , the flexible jacket claim 1 , and the cylinder therein claim 1 , whereby the anisotropic fabric is configured to cover a gap defined by the jacket upon flexion without becoming inserted within said gap.9. The pipe of whereby the cylinder is formed from a polymeric material.10. The pipe of whereby the cylinder is formed from a high density polyethylene.11. The pipe of ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Piston ring comprising a groove in the circumferential direction

Номер: US20170089461A1
Автор: Markus Mahl
Принадлежит: Federal Mogul Friedberg GmbH

The present invention relates to a piston ring for an internal combustion engine or respectively for a compressor, in particular a piston ring with an external running surface ( 3 ), two flanks ( 5, 6 ) and an internal circumferential surface ( 7 ), wherein the running surface ( 3 ) has a profiling with a groove ( 2 ), wherein the groove ( 2 ) is arranged with respect to the cross-section of the piston ring ( 1 ) between an upper running surface portion ( 3′ ) and a lower running surface portion ( 3 ″).

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Linepipe with cermet internal liner

Номер: US20140174583A1
Автор: Yang Yongli

A linepipe with cermet internal liner includes: a base pipe; a cermet layer comprising corundum and titanium; and an alloy layer comprising chromium, nickel and iron; wherein the cermet layer and the alloy layer are respectively provided on an internal wall of the base pipe from inside out along a radial direction thereof. From inside out, the cermet layer includes: anα-AlOceramic layer, a transition layer combined by two phases ofα-AlOand metallic titanium, and a metallic titanium layer, wherein thicknesses of the three layers respectively account for ¼, ½ and ¼ thereof the cermet layer. A simple method for preparing the linepipe includes: mixing powders of FeO, Al, TiO, CrOand NiO and sending into a base pipe, and sending the base pipe into a ultra-long centrifuge, so as to produce a linepipe of over 10 meters. 1. A linepipe with cermet internal liner for oil-gas gathering and transferring and water injecting , which is produced by a self-propagation high-temperature synthesis-centrifugal method , comprising: an internal anticorrosion layer which comprises a cermet layer comprising α-AlOand titanium , and an alloy layer , wherein a length thereof is capable of reaching 6˜12 m , and a diameter thereof is capable of reaching 38˜800 mm , and a length thereof is below 0.2%.2. The linepipe with cermet internal liner claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , wherein additives matched with thermite and metal oxide in the producing process thereof are adjusted according to different requirement of products.3. The linepipe with cermet internal liner claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , wherein when requirements of utilization thereof is not high claim 1 , common linepipe with cermet internal liner is produced and utilized.4. A linepipe with cermet internal liner claim 1 , comprising:a base pipe;a cermet layer comprising corundum and titanium; andan alloy layer comprising chromium, nickel and iron;wherein the cermet layer and the alloy layer are respectively ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220143948A1
Автор: Weisenberg Kent
Принадлежит: Brain Drip LLC

Methods and manufactures disclosed herein generally relate to a tubular composite (TCS) structure composed of multiple layers of sealing, reinforcement, sensing, protection and interspatial injected materials. 1. A tubular composite structure , comprising 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , or 5 of the following tubular assembly , from innermost surface to outermost surface:(a) a sealing layer,(b) one or more axial reinforcement layers,(c) a hoop reinforcement layer, and(d) a protective layer;each tubular assembly optionally further comprising a sensor array layer; andthe tubular composite structure optionally further comprising one or more interspatial annular cylinders between adjacent tubular assemblies.2. The tubular composite structure of claim 1 , further comprising a protective coating on either the innermost surface of the innermost tubular assembly claim 1 , or on the outermost surface of the outermost tubular assembly claim 1 , or both.3. The tubular composite structure of claim 2 , wherein the protective coating is a cold spray metalized coating claim 2 , a thermal coating claim 2 , or a conventional protective coating.4. The tubular composite structure of claim 2 , wherein the protective coating confers insulative properties buckling resistance claim 2 , fire resistance claim 2 , weather resistance claim 2 , or vandalism resistance to the tubular composite structure.5. The tubular composite structure of claim 2 , wherein the protective coating confers resistance to long term hydrogen diffusion or embrittlement.6. The tubular composite structure of claim 5 , wherein the protective coating comprises austenitic steel claim 5 , aluminum claim 5 , or nickel.7. The tubular composite structure of claim 2 , wherein the protective coating is applied via a “cold spray” metalizing process.8. The tubular composite structure of claim 2 , wherein the protective coating is applied via a thermoset process.9. The tubular composite structure of claim 1 , wherein the sealing layer on the ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190092481A1

An air conditioning pipe for carrying a gas in an aircraft includes a wall which is a sandwich component. The wall contains at least one woven fabric which forms a first ply of the wall and at least one fibrous web, made from a material containing glass, which forms a second ply of the wall. A method for producing the air conditioning pipe is also provided. 1. An air conditioning pipe for carrying a gas in an aircraft , the air conditioning pipe comprising: at least one woven fabric forming a first ply of said wall, and at least one fibrous web made of a material containing glass and forming a second ply of said wall;', 'said at least one woven fabric including at least one woven fabric of a prepreg; and, 'a gas-carrying air conditioning pipe wall being a sandwich component containingsaid at least one fibrous web containing a resin soaking said at least one fibrous web.2. The air conditioning pipe according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one fibrous web includes a fibrous web forming a covering ply facing an internal space.3. The air conditioning pipe according to claim 1 , wherein:said wall contains a further woven fabric forming a third ply of said wall; andsaid at least one fibrous web of said second ply is disposed between said at least one woven fabric of said first ply and said woven fabric of said third ply.4. The air conditioning pipe according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one fibrous web has a basis weight of 20 g/mto 70 g/m.5. The air conditioning pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the air conditioning pipe is configured for carrying air as the gas.6. The air conditioning pipe according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one fibrous web includes at least one fibrous web having a thickness of 0.1 to 0.8 millimeters.7. The air conditioning pipe according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one fibrous web includes at least one fibrous web having a binder content of 3 to 10 percent.8. A method for producing an air conditioning pipe for carrying a ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220146021A1

The present disclosure concerns a pipe structure for high-pressure applications. To provide a pipe structure which overcomes at least one of the disadvantages of the pipes known from the state of the art, it is proposed according to the disclosure that the pipe structure has an inner pipe comprising a metal, wherein the inner pipe has an inner surface and an outer surface, at least one strand which surrounds the outer surface of the inner pipe and has a plurality of yarns, wherein at least one of the yarns has carbon fibres, and a protective pipe surrounding the strand and the inner pipe. 1. A pipe structure which has:an inner pipe comprising a metal, wherein the inner pipe has an inner surface and an outer surface;at least one strand which surrounds the outer surface of the inner pipe and has a plurality of yarns, wherein at least one of the yarns has carbon fibres; anda protective pipe surrounding the strand and the inner pipe.2. A pipe structure according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one strand is selected from a woven fabric claim 1 , a mesh fabric claim 1 , a knitted fabric and a multi-axial fabric or any combination thereof.3. A pipe structure according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one strand is of a tubular configuration.4. A pipe structure according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one strand has a proportion of at least 50% carbon fibres.5. A pipe structure according to claim 1 , wherein the inner pipe is a high-pressure pipe with an inside diameter claim 1 , an outside diameter and a wall thickness claim 1 , wherein the wall thickness is equal to or greater than the inside diameter.6. A pipe structure according to claim 1 , wherein the inner pipe is a seamless pipe.7. A pipe structure according to claim 1 , wherein the inner pipe is a cold-formed pipe.8. A pipe structure according to claim 1 , wherein a material of the inner pipe is selected from a carbon steel claim 1 , a low-alloy steel and a high-alloy steel.9. A pipe structure according to ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140182735A1
Автор: Dyksterhouse Joel A.

A reinforced thermoplastic extrusion and a related method of manufacture are provided. The reinforced thermoplastic extrusion includes an extruded polymeric member, a thermoplastic reinforcing layer, and an intermediate vapor barrier between the extruded polymeric member and the thermoplastic reinforcing layer. The intermediate vapor barrier is bonded to the exterior of the extruded polymeric member and/or the interior of the thermoplastic reinforcing layer to limit the transfer of volatile hydrocarbons therethrough. Surface sulfonation can additionally be included to decrease the permeability of the thermoplastic extrusion to volatile hydrocarbons and other gases that can affect the performance of the outer thermoplastic reinforcing layer. 1. A method for forming a reinforced extrusion , the method comprising:extruding a polymeric material into a tubular member;applying a first vapor barrier to the tubular member; andoverwrapping the first vapor barrier with a thermoplastic reinforcing layer, the first vapor barrier being between the tubular member and the thermoplastic reinforcing layer to reduce the transfer of volatile hydrocarbons therethrough.2. The method according to further including decreasing the permeability of an inner surface of the tubular member to volatile hydrocarbons.3. The method according to further including applying a second vapor barrier to the inner surface of the tubular member.4. The method according to wherein applying the first vapor barrier includes co-extruding the first vapor barrier with the tubular member.5. The method according to wherein applying the first vapor barrier includes depositing a vapor barrier film to an exterior surface of the tubular member.6. The method according to further including encasing the thermoplastic reinforcing layer with a liner.7. The method according to wherein the polymeric material includes high density polyethylene and the first vapor barrier includes ethylene vinyl alcohol.8. The method according ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Fluid Conduit

Номер: US20140182737A1

A fluid conduit () comprises a wall () defining a fluid flow path () and a confinement feature () within the wall () and being configured to confine energy within a cavity (), wherein at least a portion of the fluid flow path () extends through the cavity (). The confinement feature () may be configured to confine electromagnetic energy. The fluid conduit () may comprise an oscillator defined by the cavity () and a positive feedback arrangement (). The fluid conduit () may be configured for sensing a property of a fluid present in or flowing through the fluid conduit () or for use in sensing a property of a fluid present in or flowing through the fluid conduit (). More specifically, the present invention deals with a microwave cavity sensor wherein the cavity member () is embedded in the wall () of the fluid conduit (), the wall () including a composite region (). 1. A fluid conduit for use in imparting energy to a fluid present in or flowing therethrough , the fluid conduit comprising:a wall defining a fluid flow path and comprising a composite material formed of at least a matrix and one or more reinforcing elements embedded within the matrix; anda confinement feature within the wall and being configured to confine energy within a cavity, wherein at least a portion of the fluid flow path extends through the cavity.2. A fluid conduit according to claim 1 , wherein the matrix material defines a monolithic structure.3. A fluid conduit according to claim 1 , wherein the distribution or concentration of the reinforcing elements varies within the matrix.4. A fluid conduit according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the reinforcing elements increases with distance from the fluid flow path.5. A fluid conduit according to claim 1 , wherein a region of the wall adjacent to the fluid flow path is substantially devoid of reinforcing elements.6. A fluid conduit according to claim 1 , wherein a region of the wall between the confinement feature and the fluid flow path ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Non-Bursting Pipe and Method of Manufacturing Same

Номер: US20200096139A1
Автор: Chaudhry Afzal M.

The present invention is a non-bursting pipe which has an inner layer of copper and an outer layer of high carbon steel. The pipe is shaped such that its area of cross-section can increase under the pressure of expanding water when water cools below 4° C. When water turns into ice at freezing temperature in severe winter the area of cross-section of the pipe can increase enough to accommodate the increase in volume of water when it turns into ice. This saves the pipe from bursting and causing any damage to properties. 1. A non-bursting pipe comprising:a. An inside layer of copperb. An outer layer of high carbon steel{'figref': {'@idref': 'DRAWINGS', 'FIG. 1'}, 'c. The pipe is shaped such that the area of cross-section of the pipe is less than the area of cross-section of a regular pipe when water flows at normal temperature (see ).'}2. In the non-bursting pipe ofa. The area of cross-section of the pipe increases under pressure of the expanding water when water cools below 4° C.b. The area of cross-section of the pipe increases further when water freezes in severe winter.{'figref': {'@idref': 'DRAWINGS', 'FIG. 2'}, 'c. The increased area of cross-section makes more space inside the pipe for frozen water and this saves the pipe from bursting (see ).'}3. In the non-bursting pipe ofa. When ice starts melting in warm weather the volume of water decreases and the area of cross-section of the pipe starts decreasing due to the spring like action of high carbon steel layer.{'figref': {'@idref': 'DRAWINGS', 'FIG. 1'}, 'b. When ice has completely melted the area of the cross-section of the pipe becomes the same as shown in .'}c. The non-bursting pipe is now ready to face another severe winter The present invention of non-bursting pipe relates to the water pipes which burst in severe winter when water freezes in the pipes. The bursting of water pipes can cause property damage besides the damage to the water supply. The repair of property and the water supply can cost great deal ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160105944A1

One aspect of the invention provides an energy dissipative tube including: a length of corrugated stainless steel tubing; a conductive resin layer adjacent to the outside of the tubing; and an insulative resin layer adjacent to the conductive layer. Another aspect of the invention provides an energy dissipative tube consisting of: a length of corrugated stainless steel tubing; a conductive thermoplastic polymer layer adjacent to the outside of the tubing, the conductive thermoplastic polymer layer having a volume resistivity of less than about 10ohm-cm; and an insulative resin layer adjacent to the conductive layer. 1. An energy dissipative tube consisting of:a length of corrugated stainless steel tubing;a conductive resin layer adjacent to the outside of the tubing; andan insulative resin layer adjacent to the conductive layer.2. The energy dissipative tube of claim 1 , wherein the conductive resin has a volume resistivity of less than about 10ohm-cm.3. The energy dissipative tube of claim 1 , wherein the conductive resin layer has a thickness between about 0.015″ and about 0.035″.4. The energy dissipative tube of claim 1 , wherein the insulative resin layer has a thickness between about 0.015″ and about 0.035″.5. The energy dissipative tube of claim 1 , wherein the conductive resin layer is a resin impregnated with a conductive material.6. The energy dissipative tube of claim 1 , wherein the conductive material is metallic particles.7. The energy dissipative tube of claim 6 , wherein the metallic particles are copper particles.8. The energy dissipative tube of claim 6 , wherein the metallic particles are aluminum particles.9. The energy dissipative tube of claim 6 , wherein the metallic particles are gold particles.10. The energy dissipative tube of claim 6 , wherein the metallic particles are silver particles.11. The energy dissipative tube of claim 6 , wherein the metallic particles are nickel particles.12. The energy dissipative tube of claim 1 , wherein the ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160111739A1
Автор: Takeshita Masahiro

There is provided a hydrogen supply piping for supplying hydrogen to a fuel cell, the hydrogen supply piping includes a flow path pipe member through which the hydrogen flows, and a coating member having a tube shape for covering an outer surface of the flow path pipe member. The coating member is divided into a plurality of divided pieces in pipe axis directions of the hydrogen supply piping. The divided pieces are disposed in the pipe axis directions so that an end of one of the divided pieces overlaps with an end of the adjacent divided piece. The divided pieces are wrapped tightly around an outer surface of the flow path pipe member by thermal contraction. 1. A hydrogen supply piping for supplying hydrogen to a fuel cell , comprising:a flow path pipe member through which the hydrogen flows; anda coating member having a tube shape for covering an outer surface of the flow path pipe member, the coating member being divided into a plurality of divided pieces in pipe axis directions of the hydrogen supply piping, the divided pieces being disposed in the pipe axis directions so that an end of one of the divided pieces overlaps with an end of the adjacent divided piece, and the divided pieces being wrapped tightly around an outer surface of the flow path pipe member by thermal contraction.2. The hydrogen supply piping in accordance with claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in a posture of the hydrogen supply piping in use claim 1 , an end of one of the adjacent divided pieces located relatively above covers an end of the other divided piece located relatively below.3. The hydrogen supply piping in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the hydrogen supply piping includes a curved portion and a substantially straight extended portion connected with the curved portion claim 1 , andwherein an overlapping portion that is a portion of the adjacent divided pieces where ends of the adjacent divided pieces are mutually overlapped is located in the extended portion of the hydrogen supply ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Metal-resin composite pipe that can be easily wound into ring shape and, methods for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20150114508A1
Автор: Manhyuk Bang
Принадлежит: KUMKANG CO Ltd

The present invention may manufacture a composite pipe by forming an adhesive layer and a resin layer on an outer surface of a metal pipe, and although the composite pipe is wound in a ring shape after the composite pipe is manufactured, a circular cross sectional shape may be maintained without deformation, and after the composite pipe is straightened for the purpose of construction, separation or buckling may be prevented, resulting in excellent transportability and constructability of a product.
