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07-02-2019 дата публикации

Солнечный водонагреватель

Номер: RU2679341C1

Изобретение относится к гелиотехнике и предназначено для нагревания воды за счет преобразования солнечной энергии в тепловую и может быть использовано в биотехнологической, пищевой, сельскохозяйственной и других отраслях промышленности, а также в быту. Солнечный водонагреватель содержит аккумулирующую и рекуперативную емкости. Аккумулирующая и рекуперативная емкости образованы поверхностями двух коаксиально расположенных цилиндров со сферическим верхом. Аккумулирующая емкость дополнительно снабжена светопрозрачной оболочкой. Рекуперативная емкость имеет штуцер по оси цилиндров с отверстием внутри аккумулирующей емкости. При этом аккумулирующая емкость имеет патрубок для ввода воды, а рекуперативная емкость - для ее вывода. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности солнечного водонагревателя за счет сокращения времени нагрева воды до заданной температуры. 1 ил.

10-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2086743C1

Изобретение относится к строительству жилых зданий. Здание с целью экономии энергии, автономного обеспечения энергией и продуктами питания выполнено таким образом, что жилой корпус, теплица и овощной бункер соединены при помощи тросов попарно с резервуарами холодной и горячей воды и аккумулятором тепла. Тросы переброшены через блоки, закрепленные наверху лестнично-лифтовой шахты, расположенной в центре конусообразного светопрозрачного объема. Резервуары и аккумулятор тепла являются противовесами, позволяющими в зависимости от сезона менять местоположение жилого корпуса, теплицы и овощного бункера в вертикальном направлении вплоть до размещения их ниже уровня земли. Кроме того, теплица благодаря залповым выбросам аэрозоли и газа на корни растений, находящихся в вегетационных трубах, имеет возможность вместе с закрепленным с ней жилым корпусом перемещаться вокруг центральной оси, что способствует равномерной инсоляции растений и жилых помещений, а также нейтрализации геопатогенных факторов ...

20-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007149510A

... 1. Солнечный коллектор со встроенным тепловым аккумулятором (5), в котором указанный солнечный коллектор (1) содержит корпус (2), имеющий днище (4) и прозрачную крышку (3), причем в корпусе (2) между эвольвентным зеркалом (6) и прозрачной крышкой (3) предусмотрен бак-аккумулятор (5) для хранения воды, снабженный поглощающим световое излучение ребром (17), отличающийся тем, что бак-аккумулятор имеет нижний конец (8) и верхний конец, причем нижний конец вблизи окружности бака-аккумулятора снабжен системой оребрения, выполненной с возможностью передачи тепла на бак-аккумулятор (5), при этом система оребрения содержит светопоглощающее ребро (17), имеющее продольную составляющую в продольном направлении бака-аккумулятора (5), равную по меньшей мере 10 см, и выполнено таким образом, что при проецировании системы (9) оребрения из точки (С) на нижнем конце (8) бака-аккумулятора (5), расположенной на осевой линии бака-аккумулятора (5), на воображаемую единичную сферу (B), расположенную за пределами ...

25-06-1987 дата публикации

Use of a bulk-material storage structure as hot-water generating and hot-water storing installation

Номер: DE0003544271A1

Use of a bulk-material storage structure, in particular a grain storage structure, with a large number of storage cells as well as surrounding outer shell and cover as a hot-water generating and hot-water storage installation of a hot-water supply network. The outer shell and/or the cover are equipped with the collectors, and the storage cells arranged for receiving the water with the heat exchangers of a solar energy heating device built into the bulk material storage structure.

17-06-1999 дата публикации

Layered storage solar collector

Номер: DE0019753380A1

The solar collector (1,2) has several transparent, hollow, plastics fillet panels are stacked in sandwich manner and their both open, side ends are closed by two head panels such that the collector is rendered pressure- and medium-tight. The rear and side walls are well insulated. A transparent and heat insulating glass or plastics pane is used for surface cover. The medium flows through the fillet panel in a meandering path and is exposed to the solar radiation. The main solar radiation conversion into heat takes place inside the collector.

29-03-1990 дата публикации

Solar cells with cooling device

Номер: DE0003831631A1

The invention relates to a solar-cell module with a cooling device, in the case of which, according to the invention, a coolant with a large thermal capacity covers the rear face of the solar-cell module, and a hermetically sealed housing encloses the solar-cell module and a spatial part formed by the coolant on the rear face, the volume of the spatial part being dimensioned so that during the insolation the heat produced in the solar-cell module is stored almost completely in the coolant. As a result, during the insolation the temperature of the solar cells rises only very slowly, with the result that the efficiency of the solar-cell module remains virtually constant.

24-08-2006 дата публикации

Flat shaped solar heat collector has welded construction with inner guide walls and with integral circulation pump and heat exchanger tank

Номер: DE202006008162U1

A compact flat shaped solar heat collector has a welded construction with inner guide walls to provide a flow circuit. The module includes a circulation pump which is battery and/or photocell powered and a thermal storage tank which heats the hot water feed via a heat exchanger.

24-03-1977 дата публикации

Solar energy heating and hot water system - has temperature stratification in storage vessel to reduce entropy gain

Номер: DE0002542348A1

The system has a storage vessel (1) which contains a fluid suitable for storing heat. This fluid is heated by a heat exchanger (12) immersed in it through which flows primary fluid which has absorbed solar energy in a collector (2). Water for a central heating system is heated in an exchanger (13) immersed in the storage vessel and domestic hot water is heated in an exchanger (14) also immersed in the storage vessel. The vessel is arranged so that the fluid in it is stratified in layers of different temperature and particular care is taken that these layers o not mix. This minimises entropy gain in the system and thus increases efficiency. The output can be controlled by step selection of the appropriate temperature layer.

06-02-1997 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur solaren Erwärmung von Flüssigkeiten

Номер: DE0029621326U1

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Einrichtung zum Erwärmen von Wasser durch Sonnenwärme, die gleichzeitig Trinkwasser und Warmwasser liefert

Номер: DE112011100000B4

Es wird eine Einrichtung zum Erwärmen von Wasser durch Sonnenwärme, die gleichzeitig Trinkwasser und Warmwasser liefert, zur Verfügung gestellt, die mittels der Sonnenwärme Warmwasser und Trinkwasser herstellt letzteres fällt bei der Erzeugung des Warmwassers an. Sie ist ausgestattet: mit einem Sonnenwärmekollektorpanel; mit einem Verdampfungstank, der nahe an dem Sonnenwärmekollektorpanel aber höher als dieses angeordnet ist; er ist mit dem Sonnenwärmekollektorpanel verbunden und besitzt einen Raum, um das durch das Sonnenwärmekollektorpanel erhitzte Warmwasser aufzunehmen; mit einem Warmwasserreservoir, das nahe dem Verdampfungstank aber höher als dieser angeordnet ist; das darin aufgenommene Wasser wird durch Wärmetausch mit dem verdampfenden Warmwasser des Verdampfungstanks erwähnt; und mit einer Entnahmeöffnung, die an dem Verdampfungstank angebracht ist; durch Wärmetausch mit dem Wasser des Warmwasserreservoirs kondensiert das verdampfte Warmwasser und wird zu destilliertem Wasser ...

17-08-1989 дата публикации

Solar seating bench

Номер: DE0003803903A1

A bench with a warmed-up seat and back has always been the wish of many people. In the invention of the solar seating bench, a seat has been provided which constantly releases heat and thus offers man and animal a place to rest. The solar seating bench can 1a. be warmed by the sun's rays or b. be heated by daylight using solar power, 2. be supplied with heat by connection to the electrical network. Re 1a The seat and back consist of high-grade steel sheet. By means of the sun's rays, heating up takes place. The heat is stored by a water-filled plastic container situated directly below the high-grade steel sheet. 1b If no insolation takes place, an electric current is generated by means of a solar module situated above the back. The current is stored in a solar battery and released to the seat. 3. If the energy from 1a and 1b does not suffice to warm the seat, the current can be drawn from the network. With the solar seating bench, an ideal place to sit, constantly giving off the required ...

23-05-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE9102587U1

28-12-2000 дата публикации

Mobile solar heated shower comprises water tank on which solar collector is mounted

Номер: DE0019909900A1

The mobile solar heated shower comprises a water tank (2) on which a solar collector (1) is mounted. This heats the tank by solar energy and by convection. The tank may be insulated and may contain a heat exchanger.

27-08-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003544039C2

30-09-1993 дата публикации

Einrichtung für regenerative Energieumwandlung

Номер: DE0004208625A1

29-01-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE8104496U1

02-04-2009 дата публикации

Solarkollektor mit angeschlossenem Behälter zur Speicherung von Warmwasser

Номер: DE102007043964A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Solarkollektor mit angeschlossenem Behälter zur Speicherung von Warmwasser.

21-08-2003 дата публикации

Solarsystem zum Erwärmen und Speichern von Wasser

Номер: DE0010237925A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Solarsystem zum Erwärmen und Speichern von Wasser. DOLLAR A Um bei zuverlässiger Dichtheit und einfacher Produzierbarkeit Warmwasser mit hohem Wirkungsgrad in einer konstanten, wählbaren Temperatur zur Verfügung zu stellen, wird ein Solarsystem zum Speichern und Erwärmen von Wasser vorgeschlagen, bei dem das Solarsystem einen Speicherkasten und eine in dem Speicherkasten angeordnete Folie aufweist, wobei die Folie auf dem Wasser aufschwimmt. DOLLAR A Darüber hinaus werden im Wesentlichen eine Spiegelanordnung, eine Wärmedämmung und eine Entkeimungseinrichtung vorgeschlagen.

31-10-2012 дата публикации

Improved sun oven

Номер: GB0002484353B

15-12-2010 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to solar hot water systems

Номер: GB0201018222D0

22-12-2010 дата публикации

Improved sun oven

Номер: GB0201018939D0

23-07-2003 дата публикации

Insulating and solar collecting window shutters

Номер: GB0002341200B

08-02-2006 дата публикации

A Solar Water Heater

Номер: GB0002416831A

A solar water heater is manufactured using a plastics injection moulding or vacuum forming process. The heater includes a water tank 'a' within a transparent fibreglass cover 'b', and at least one solar reflector 'c'. Each reflector is mounted on a wing elements 'd' by fastening strips 'e', and the wing element may be curved or flat in profile. The heater may also include photovoltaic cells ('a' fig 12) arranged around a non-reflective area, which may be connected to a rechargeable battery. The rechargeable battery may provide power for a thermostatically controlled hot water outlet for discharging the heated water to a separate insulated storage tank. The solar heater may also include an injection moulded chassis which supports the water tank, and the chassis may include metal inserts ('b' fig 6) to improve rigidity and strength.

31-12-2008 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to heating and ventilating systems using solar heat collectors

Номер: GB0002450633A

A heating and ventilating system 100 has one or more solar panels 10 for absorbing and collecting energy from the sun during daylight hours, and a pump 20 for pumping fluid heated by the solar panels 10 through the system. An air handling unit 13 provides heated air and distributes the air throughout a house. A controller 12 provides a means for coordinating and controlling all the components and functions of the system. An air distribution system allows heat to be distributed throughout the house via a network of conduits. The air handling unit 13 comprises a heat exchanger 14,15. A hot water storage tank 11 provides heated water to a hot water supply system. It comprises a heat exchanger 120 which is supplied with heated fluid from the solar panels 10. Hot water storage tank 11 is configured to store energy which can be supplied to the air handling unit 13, when required.

01-04-2015 дата публикации

Energy system

Номер: GB0002518742A

An energy system 1 for a building, structure or similar, the system comprise a solar panel 5 spaced from a wall 6, which defines a channel 2, this channel is coupled to a heat exchanger 4 whereby a fluid 3, for example air, naturally raises to the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is connected to a fluid circuit 9 which extends to at least one subterranean loop 10 within a sub-terrain mass, the systems allows heat to be retained in the mass when the fluid within the circuit is above a pre-determined temperature, this also means that the fluid in the return to the heat exchanger should be modulated towards a desired temperate for operation of the heat exchanger. The conduit acts to capture the waste energy produced by cooling of solar panels, particularly photovoltaic, by the naturally rising fluid like air, this acts as an air source heat pump. The subterranean mass allows for the energy system to act as a ground source heat pump when there is no energy being produced by the solar panel ...

14-12-2016 дата публикации

Combined rain and solar energy collecting panel

Номер: GB0002500533B
Принадлежит: WENDY THOMSON, Wendy Thomson

25-09-2013 дата публикации

Combined rain and solar energy collecting panel

Номер: GB0002500533A

An apparatus for collecting solar energy and rainwater is disclosed, comprising: at least one panel (100); at least one solar cell (102) mounted on said panel; at least one ridge (104) around at least a portion of said panel; and at least one rainwater tank (105); whereby rainwater falling on said panel can be collected in said tank.

06-05-1982 дата публикации

Solar thermosyphon water heater

Номер: GB0002086033A
Автор: Zinn, Michael Francis

A solar thermosyphon water heater assembly wherein an inlet manifold and an outlet manifold which also serves as a storage tank are connected by a solar heat absorber comprising flexible rubber tube strips each formed of multiple tubes connected by separable webs, whereby prior to installation the strips can be rolled up about the storage tank or inlet manifold.

19-01-1983 дата публикации

Solar collector

Номер: GB0002101736A

A solar collector comprising a collector panel (22) which is dished in shape, the collector panel (22) having an included angle of between 60` and 110` and being in heat conductive relationship with a heat transfer medium whereby in use the collector panel (22) is mounted inverted with a fluid inlet (13) and a fluid outlet (14) positioned at opposite ends of the solar collector. A spirally wound pipe (30) of heat conductive material may be located on the collector panel (22) ...

06-11-2019 дата публикации

Thermal storage tank for heat pump system

Номер: GB0201913520D0

31-01-2014 дата публикации

Thermal energy storage and plant, method and use thereof

Номер: AP0201407350A0

31-10-2012 дата публикации

Heat driven self-circulating fluid heating and storage tank and system

Номер: AP2012006499A0

29-02-2012 дата публикации

Solar cooking range and appliances.

Номер: AP2012006138A0

31-01-2015 дата публикации

Solar cooking range and appliances

Номер: AP0000003087A

31-01-2015 дата публикации

Self-powered pump for heated liquid and heat driven liquid close-loop automatic circulating system emloying same

Номер: AP0000003088A

30-11-2014 дата публикации

Self-powered pump for heated liquid, fluid heatingand storage tank and fluid heating system employi ng same

Номер: AP0000003022A

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003706A

30-06-2011 дата публикации

Solar geysers.

Номер: AP2011005759A0

30-04-2012 дата публикации

Self-powered pump for heated liquid and heat driven liquid closeloop automatic circulating system employing same.

Номер: AP2012006174A0

30-06-2010 дата публикации

Gravity pressure solar hot water unit

Номер: AP2010005259A0

28-02-2010 дата публикации

A fluid heating system

Номер: AP2010005100A0

31-01-2014 дата публикации

Thermal energy storage and plant, method and use thereof

Номер: AP2014007350A0

31-12-2014 дата публикации

Insulating glass style solar heat collector and building using solar energy for heating and cooling employing same

Номер: AP2014008175A0

31-12-2010 дата публикации

Self-powered pump for heated liquid, fluid heatingand storage tank and fluid heating system employi ng same.

Номер: AP2010005457A0

31-08-1992 дата публикации

Solar-fired heater like apparatus of cooling and air-conditioning or desalination of sea water.

Номер: OA0000009297A

20-11-1986 дата публикации

Device of cast solid solar-fired heater of spherical form.

Номер: OA0000007896A

30-06-1981 дата публикации

Heat solar water provided with a shutter with automatic control.

Номер: OA0000006245A

30-04-2012 дата публикации

Self-powered pump for heated liquid and heat driven liquid closeloop automatic circulating system employing same.

Номер: AP0201206174A0

31-10-2012 дата публикации

Heat driven self-circulating fluid heating and storage tank and system

Номер: AP0201206499A0

31-12-2014 дата публикации

Insulating glass style solar heat collector and building using solar energy for heating and cooling employing same

Номер: AP0201408175A0

28-02-2010 дата публикации

A fluid heating system

Номер: AP0201005100A0

30-06-2010 дата публикации

Gravity pressure solar hot water unit

Номер: AP0201005259A0

30-06-2011 дата публикации

Solar geysers.

Номер: AP0201105759A0

25-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000408715B

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000449293T

15-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508483A2

TIFF 00000003.TIF 276 213 TIFF 00000004.TIF 276 213 ...

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508133B1

Es wird eine Vorrichtung zum Erwärmen von Brauchwasser mit einem Sonnenkollektor beschrieben, der einen zylindrischen Brauchwasserbehälter (7) als Absorber sowie eine den Brauchwasserbehälter (7) abdeckende Einhausung (1) umfasst, die einen lichtdurchlässigen zylindrischen Mantel (3) bildet, dessen Achse parallel zur Achse des Brauchwasserbehälters (7) verläuft. Um vorteilhafte Konstruktionsbedingungen zu schaffen, wird vorgeschlagen, dass der Brauchwasserbehälter (7) mit einer einen Boden der Einhausung (1) bildenden Absorberplatte (4) wärmeleitend verbunden ist und dass die Absorberplatte (4) und der Brauchwasserbehälter (7) mit einem grobmaschigen, wärmedämmenden Gewebe (11) abgedeckt sind.

15-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000507964B1

The invention concerns a combined solar collector comprising a transparent vacuum pipe (1) in which is disposed an absorber panel (2) with a heat pipe (3) which is attached to the absorber panel (2) and through which a fluid can flow, the combined solar collector being rotatably mounted in order to track the solar attitude. Disposed in the interior of the vacuum pipe (1) is a photovoltaic element (4), preferably of thin film modular construction. As a result thereof, optimal operating conditions, either for obtaining hot water or for obtaining power, are attained, depending on the distortion angle of the combined solar collector.

15-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000507964A2

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509404A1

Es wird ein Kollektor zur Ausnutzung der Sonnenenergie, insbesondere an Wand- und Dachkonstruktionen, mit einem bestrahlungsseitig von transparentem Material, z. B. Glas abgedeckten Aufnahmeraum für ein aufheizbaren Medium beschrieben. Der Aufnahmeraum ist allseitig mit einer Wärmeisolierung (1, 7, 9) ausgestattet, die an der Einstrahlungsseite aus solarstrahlungsdurchlässigen Material, insbesondere Isolierglas (7) mit einem Wärmedurchgangskoeffizienten Ug unter 1,6, insbesondere 0,3 bis 0,7 besteht, und hinter dem solarstrahlungsdurchlässigen Material der Einstrahlungsseite einen Wärmespeicher (2) enthält. Dieser Wärmespeicher (2) kann zur unmittelbaren Wärmeabgabe durch eine Wand dienen, oder mit Durchlässen (4) ein die Speicherwärme abtragendes Material, wie Gas oder eine Flüssigkeit, versehen sein.

15-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000510685A4

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Wärmespeichereinrichtung (1), insbesondere für ein Heizungs- und/oder Brauchwassersystem, mit zumindest einem ersten und einem zweiten Speicher (2, 3) für einen flüssigen Wärmeträger, welche Speicher (2, 3) über mehrere in unterschiedlichen Höhen angeordnete Verbindungsleitungen (4, 5, 6) miteinander strömungsverbunden sind, wobei jede Verbindungsleitung (4, 5, 6) ein erstes Ende (4a, 5a, 6a) im Bereich des ersten Speichers (2)und ein zweites Ende (4b, 5b, 6b) im Bereich des zweiten Speichers (3) aufweist, und zumindest eine erste Verbindungsleitung (4) in einem unteren Bereich (7), zumindest eine zweite Verbindungsleitung (5) in einem mittleren Bereich (8) und eine dritte Verbindungsleitung (6)in einem oberen Bereich (9) der Speicher (2, 3) angeordnet ist, und wobei der Wärmeträger im ersten Speicher (2) durch zumindest eine Heizeinrichtung (10) erwärmbar ist. Um möglichst rasch ein nutzbares Temperaturniveau zu erreichen, ist vorgesehen, dass derDurchfluss ...

15-10-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000094973T

15-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000009038T

15-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000250743T

05-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039838244B

15-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036371217B

23-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030645244B

26-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031871942B

09-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037750323B

28-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037969950B

06-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030134105B

16-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037119616B

10-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037312218B

07-01-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007322081A

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: AU2018203145A1

Inventive concentrated solar power systems using solar receivers, and related devices and methods, are generally described. See Fig. 7A. WO 2013/142275 PCT/US2013/031627 too ...

10-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000533184B2

12-07-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000537800B2

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Thermosolar hot-water preparation system

Номер: AU2018402350A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The invention relates to a thermosolar hot-water preparation system (1) comprising a closed tank (2) as a hot-water store with a sun-side surface (18) covered by a transparent panel (6) through which sunbeams radiate and heat a liquid (9) in the interior of the tank. The liquid dispenses the energy absorbed from the sunbeams to a heat exchanger (3) transferred through the tank, wherein the hot-water store is a steel sheet tank (2) which is operated without pressure and has a solar-selective coating (4) between the transparent panel (6) and the upper face (18) and the remaining sides (17a-17d) of which as well as the lower face (21) have a thermal insulation made of EPP molded parts (5).

22-06-1995 дата публикации

Solar power system

Номер: AU0000660404B3

08-05-1995 дата публикации

Solar collector

Номер: AU0005378294A

24-07-2003 дата публикации

Energy system

Номер: AU2003903512A0

23-08-2012 дата публикации

A shower heated by solar energy

Номер: AU2006313558B2

The shower heated by solar energy comprises a platform (2), to a base (2a) of which is connected a piping (3) containing a water supply. A tubular body (4) is connected superiorly to the platform (2), bearing a shower head (5) at a top thereof. The platform (2) internally exhibits a plurality of conduits (7) for retaining water, which plurality of conduits (7) is exposed to solar rays.

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Device for producing energy from solar radiation

Номер: AU2009299498B2

Device (D) for producing energy, from solar radiation (RS), intended for a building or industrial construction (1), comprising, on the outside, at least one first wall (2) made up of translucent photovoltaic panels (4) and towards the inside some distance away from the first wall, a dark-coloured opaque second wall (3) positioned facing the first wall (2), a gap (5) being created between the first (2) and the second (3) wall, the energy being produced in electrical form by the photovoltaic panels (4) and in thermal form by the second wall (3) which recovers, in the form of hot air or hot water, some of the radiation that has passed through the first wall (2).

03-02-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008342575A

06-01-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008267682A

07-07-2011 дата публикации

Solar geysers

Номер: AU2009327343A1

A solar geyser (10), especially for use in parts of the word with high levels of solar radiation, the geyser comprising a spherical container (12) housed within a translucent shell (14) and a vacuum providing insulation between the shell and the container. The container being painted black to ensure maximum absorption of solar radiation, and the geyser including an inner reservoir (30) for storage of warm water (16) and means for monitoring the heat of the water in the inner reservoir - if the temperature reaches a predetermined maximum more water is added to the outer tank. If a predetermined minimum temperature is reached the flow of water into the outer container will be interrupted to ensure that the available water reaches the desired temperature.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Solar cooking appliances

Номер: AU2012201056A1

Solar heat collector, especially an evacuated-tube solar heat collector, filled with first solid heat storage and conducting material transfers the solar heat to an electric power heat insulated utensil through second heat conducting/transferring material for cooking foods and making coffee/tea, A set of solar cooking appliance having a solar heat collector filed with a first solid heat storage and conducting material and a solar cooking range filled with third solid heat storage and conducting material. The solar cooking range having a heat insulated enclosed compartment and also having a cooktop. The cooking range having a set of cooking chambers which are in thermal contact with the first and second heat storage and conducting material for cooking food therein. The cooking appliance also has a group of removable parts that cover the cooking chambers separately. A electric power heater provide a backup energy source and electric heat storage. I~Ln 'Ik) qnn + ...

01-09-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000531581B2

13-06-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003677184A

08-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002678584A1

A heat driven liquid close-loop automatic circulating system is provided. This system circulates the liquid in a close-loop by the collected heat in the loop. The system may operate without external power for the pump. The heat driven liquid close-loop automatic circulating system may employ a modified self-powered pump for heated liquid. The pump includes an airtight container for containing the heated liquid, a inlet and a outlet of the heated liquid, further more the modified self-powered pump has a breathing channel with a liquid vapor condensing and reflux structure. The heat driven liquid close-loop automatic circulating system may be a solar heated liquid close-loop automatic circulating system with a solar heat collector.

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002781743A1

This disclosure provides a building using solar energy for heating and cooling without employing any air conditioning equipment. The building uses building elements for solar heat collecting and storing. The building also uses solar heat collector and/or solar heat storage device as the building elements. The building comprises a fluid channel arranged in said building element for a fluid to transfer absorbed solar heat. A solar heat storage bank store and supply solar heat. A mechanism directs and controls the flow of said fluid. Said building may further comprises a second air channel for heating or cooling said building, one or more of automation control system, electric power pump, heat driven self-powered pump, solar cooking appliance and solar heat appliance. This disclosure also releases some new building elements employed for building solar heating and cooling purpose. They are as follows: A solar heating device integrated solar heat collecting with heat storing in one unit. The ...

24-05-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1237035A

A spontaneous convection type solar heat collector arrangement including a reservoir in which a fluid is disposed. The reservoir includes an upper portion, a lower portion and an inner surface. At least one double-tubing type solar heat collecting tube having an open end and a closed end is positioned within at least one connecting opening provided in the lower portion of the reservoir. Insulating material is operatively positioned around the reservoir for protecting and insulating the reservoir. The open ends of said double-tubing type solar heat collecting tube is positioned in a fixed fluid-tight manner to the connecting opening and is mounted flush with the inner surface of the reservoir for increasing the area of fluid circulation within the reservoir.

06-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001308317C

A solar water heater comprising at least one casing having housed therein a heat collector of the heat pipe type having a condenser portion and a heat receiving tank for receiving heat from the condenser portion of the collector, and a hot water tank disposed outside the casing. The heat receiving tank is in communication with the hot water tank by a supply pipe and a return pipe to heat water in the hot water tank with the heat of a liquid within the heat receiving tank.

20-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002647377C

A solar heating block, designed for use in assembling solar heating panels in the walls of buildings, has a first compartment and a second compartment within its interior volume. The first compartment contains a translucent insulating material, such as an aerogel. The second compartment, which is inward of the solar heating block from the first compartment, contains a heat-absorbing material. The translucent insulating material allows light to be transmitted through the solar heating block, but reduces heat loss to the exterior of the building from the heat-absorbing material.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Thin-film integrated spectrally-selective plasmonic absorber/ emitter for solar thermophotovoltaic applications

Номер: US20120312360A1
Принадлежит: Ip Equity Management LLC

Thin-film integrated spectrally-selective plasmonic absorber/emitter (ISSAE) that is simultaneously (i) an efficient sunlight absorber; (ii) an efficient heat insulator that enables modest sunlight concentration to produce a high temperature by reducing infrared emission by a hot surface; (iii) a spectrally-selective infrared emitter that supplies infrared photons of the right energy to a targeted photovoltaic cell, thereby matching its bandgap. Additionally, said ISSAE is sufficiently thin to enable its use as a wrapping/cloaking material for use with hot storage pipes containing heat exchange fluid. Said ISSAE is incorporated into a number of solar-conversion apparatus, taking advantage of the unique properties of said ISSAE.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Roof Vent and Solar Water Heater

Номер: US20130167833A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The field of invention relates generally to roof systems and particularly to sloped roofs, which can incorporate a ridge vent to exhaust hot attic gases. More particularly, the invention serves not only as an improved roof venting system but also acts as a solar water heater. The invention uses a novel method of utilizing hot escaping gasses from the attic space to heat water from below in its integrated solar collector as well as utilizing a system of baffles to exclude precipitation while also incorporating a clear panel to heat water from the sun's rays while venting hot gases from the attic space below.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Multi-section heat-pipe solar collector

Номер: US20130167834A1
Принадлежит: Kunshan Jue Chung Electronics Co Ltd

A multi-section heat-pipe solar collector includes a heat-exchanging pipe and at least one heat-collecting module. The heat-collecting module includes a heat pipe and a plurality of heat-collecting plates serially connected on one side of the heat pipe at intervals. One end of the heat pipe is inserted into the heat-exchanging pipe. The heat-collecting plates are arranged on the other end of the heat pipe in multiple sections and have different heat transfer characteristics respectively.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Modular liquid heating assembly

Номер: US20140069415A1
Автор: Michael Bonnette
Принадлежит: Individual

A modular liquid heating assembly includes a plurality of liquid delivery modules in series. The liquid delivery modules each include a module body having an inlet fitting, an outlet fitting, and a plurality of vessel coupling ports. The vessel coupling ports each include inflow and outflow orifices. The inlet and outlet fittings and the plurality of vessel coupling ports are in serial communication with each other through respective inflow and outflow orifices of the plurality of vessel coupling ports. At least one of the liquid delivery modules are configured for coupling with an inflow liquid line coupled with a liquid reservoir. Similarly at least one of the liquid delivery modules are configured for coupling with an outflow liquid line coupled with the liquid reservoir.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220026078A1
Автор: FATTOUM Mourad

The present invention relates to a solar water heater (SWH) for producing hot water for domestic use, said SWH is inspired from the thermosiphon SWH to manufacture an SWH more efficient in winter and in summer. It is made up of two hot water storage tanks () () mounted in series in order to have an operating temperature as stable as possible, equipped with a guidance system for heating incoming cold water by passing through the collectors before entering the hot water storage tank (-) (-), a solar collector receiving solar radiation through its twin transparent faces () (), stainless steel sheet mirrors that reflect the solar radiation applied to the collector through its rear transparent face () and a low energy consumption integrated circulator for gaining heat by cancelling out load losses that characterize the resistances to the passage of water in the SWH circuit (). 1. Solar water heater (SWH) is used to heat water by solar energy for domestic use containing:{'b': 17', '18', '22', '19', '17', '22', '18', '21', '20', '27, 'A domestic hot water storage part consisting of two storage tanks mounted in series () () () instead of a single tank (commonly used), to ensure the stability of the hot water temperature during the use, the hot water leaving the collector () enters the first tank () through its ‘cold water inlet’, the second tank () is supplied with water by the ‘hot water outlet’ of the first tank (), the ‘hot water outlet’ of the second tank () is reserved for use. The collector () is supplied with cold water to be heated by the ‘cold water inlet’ () of the second tank.'}{'b': 20', '35', '36', '35', '36, 'A heating part consisting of a solar collector () mounted in series in a closed loop with the two storage tanks, the collector is glazed in his two faces () (), front face towards the sun glazed with glass () and back side with resistive and transparent plastic () to receive more solar radiation on the same absorbing surface and thus increase its ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Finned passive pvt system with adjustable angle insulating reflectors

Номер: US20170040930A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A photovoltaic-thermal device includes a housing unit, a photovoltaic panel, a fluid collector storage, adjustable angle reflector plates and an absorber plate. The photovoltaic panel is placed within the housing unit and includes a plurality of photoelectric cells. The adjustable angle reflector plates focus and distribute the sunlight on the photovoltaic cells. The fluid collector storage is within the housing unit and configured to store fluid. The absorber plate is within the housing unit between the photovoltaic panel and the fluid collector storage and configured to collect heat by absorbing electromagnetic radiations and to pass the collected heat to the fluid collector. The reflectors may be covered by a light sensor and may automatically close at nights and cloudy times.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049134A1
Принадлежит: Storenergy Holdings Ltd.

A solar concentrator () comprising: a base (); a framework (), the framework () being hingedly joined to the base () such that the framework () can be rotated relative to the base (); and a plurality of mirrors () arranged relative to a first axis () of the framework (), such that all of the mirrors () are located on one side of a plane which contains the first axis (), each mirror being fixed to the framework () and each mirror being arranged to reflect light travelling parallel to the first axis () towards a common focus which lies on the first axis (). 112.-. (canceled)13. A solar concentrator comprising:a base;a framework, the framework being hingedly joined to the base such that the framework can be rotated relative to the base; anda plurality of mirrors arranged relative to a first axis of the framework, each mirror being fixed to the framework and each mirror being arranged to reflect light travelling parallel to the first axis towards a common focus which lies on the first axis,the mirrors being arranged such that the first axis can be directed substantially towards the horizon of a ground plane by rotating the framework relative to the base while the base is rested on that ground plane, wherein the framework is hingedly joined to the base such that the framework can be rotated around a second axis other than the first axis, the second axis being coincident with the common focus.14. A solar concentrator comprising:a base;a framework, the framework being hingedly joined to the base such that the framework can be rotated relative to the base; anda plurality of mirrors arranged relative to a first axis of the framework, such that a majority of the area of the reflective surfaces of the mirrors is located on one side of a plane which contains the first axis, each mirror being fixed to the framework and each mirror being arranged to reflect light travelling parallel to the first axis towards a common focus which lies on the first axis, wherein the framework is ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056149A1
Автор: Thomson Wendy

A modular solar-energy and rainwater collection apparatus () comprising: a collector mount () adapted both for securement to a building and to an angularly-adjustable support (); a plurality of rainwater collectors () supportable by the collector mount (), each rainwater collector () having a base (), and at least one solar-cell retainer (), for securing at least one solar cell () relative to the base () of at least one said rainwater collector (); and connection means (), for rigidly interconnecting a plurality of like rainwater collectors () so that the bases () are in abutted liquid communication with each other thus forming a modular rainwater collection area (). 1. A modular solar-energy and rainwater collection apparatus comprising:a collector mount adapted both for securement to a building and to an angularly-adjustable support;a plurality of rainwater collectors supportable by the collector mount, each rainwater collector having:a base; andat least one solar-cell retainer, for securing at least one solar cell relative to the base of at least one said rainwater collector; anda connector for rigidly interconnecting a plurality of like rainwater collectors so that the bases are in abutted liquid communication with each other thus forming a modular rainwater collection area.2. A modular solar-energy and rainwater collection apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each rainwater collector has a discontinuous upstanding perimeter side wall.3. A modular solar-energy and rainwater collection apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising at least one of the following: the connector including at least one bridging infill element which interconnects at least parts of neighbouring side walls of two abutted rainwater collectors; and at least one corner infill element having a first wall connector part at each end portion of the corner infill element for engaging complementary second wall connector parts on the discontinuous upstanding perimeter side wall of each ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Hybrid Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Energy Collection

Номер: US20180083568A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Techniques for hybrid solar thermal and photovoltaic energy collection are provided. In one aspect, a photovoltaic concentrating thermal collector (PVCTC) includes: a thermal absorber collector; and bent solar panels forming a parabolic shaped trough reflector partially surrounding the thermal absorber collector so as to reflect incident light onto the thermal absorber collector. A PVCTC system including an array of PVCTC units and a method for hybrid electrical and thermal energy production are also provided.

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210088032A1

The invention relates to an improved Brayton concentrated solar power generation method, which belongs to the technical field of solar power generation. The method performs the following steps under normal pressure or micro positive pressure: (1) the heat storage medium enters the heat collection device from the low-temperature tank; (2) the sunlight is collected to the heat collection device to transform the heat storage medium into the high-temperature heat storage medium; (3) the high-temperature heat storage medium enters the heat exchanger and exchanges heat with the power working medium; (4) the high-temperature power working medium after heat exchange enters the turbine generator set to provide power generation. Based on the method, the invention also provides a matched power generation system. Adopting the method and device of the invention for power generation has the advantages of low cost, easy construction and maintenance, high efficiency, less restriction, etc., can realize long-term and stable power generation, can be applied to any area, and is conducive to large-scale promotion. 1. An improved Brayton concentrated solar power generation method , characterized in that , the following steps are carried out under normal pressure or micro positive pressure environment:(a) the heat storage medium enters the heat collection device from the low temperature tank;(b) collecting sunlight into the heat collection device to transform the heat storage medium into a high-temperature heat storage medium, which is stored in a high-temperature thermal storage cell;(c) the high-temperature heat storage medium enters the heat exchanger from the high-temperature thermal storage cell and exchanges heat with the power working medium;(d) after heat exchange, the high-temperature power working medium enters the turbine generator set to provide power generation.2. The Brayton concentrated solar power generation method according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Top-Surface-Cooled, Directly Irradiated Liquid Receiver For Concentrated Solar Power

Номер: US20220136738A1
Автор: Armstrong Peter Ross

A thermal energy storage (TES) for Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants consists of a two-tank molten salt storage. There is a provided need for a thermal energy receiving and storage system for CSP plants. To demonstrate how thermocline TES can be used in the CSPonD concept, a water tank is used for receiving a heat transfer fluid, which includes an absorbing mesh that is mountable within the tank for establishing and maintaining natural stratification resulting in a thermocline zone within the tank, and additionally comprises a plug flow injection system for establishing plug flow within the tank. A method of establishing and maintaining natural stratification, involves pumping cold heat transfer fluid, injecting the cold heat transfer fluid, and controlling the pumping and the injecting, all within the tank.

12-05-2022 дата публикации

A multi-chamber solar collector

Номер: US20220146152A1

The present invention provides an apparatus for heating a fluid using solar energy. The apparatus comprises: a fluid source, a first chamber comprising a fluid inlet to allow one-way movement of a fluid from the fluid source to the first chamber, a second chamber comprising a fluid outlet to allow the controlled movement of a fluid internal the second chamber to a further chamber or external the apparatus, and a fluid connection between the first and second chambers to allow substantially one-way movement of a fluid from the first chamber to the second chamber. Each of the chambers is fluid tight and configured as a solar collector to heat a fluid therein. The apparatus as a whole operates such that under even incident solar radiation a fluid is heated in each of the chambers and upon thermal expansion of the fluid, the fluid is moved in a controlled manner substantially one-way from the first chamber to the second chamber, and from the second chamber to a further chamber or to the outside the apparatus. By the movement of fluid from the first chamber to the second chamber, the first chamber donates a portion of the heat energy held by the fluid therein to the second chamber, the second chamber becomes enriched in heat energy by the gain of fluid and the first chamber becomes deprived in energy by the loss of fluid such that the second chamber contains fluid that is hotter than the first chamber.

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Insulating Glass Style Solar Heat Collector and Building Using Solar Energy For Heating And Cooling

Номер: US20150107581A1
Автор: Huazi Lin
Принадлежит: W&E International Canada Corp

A building using solar energy for heating and cooling without any air conditioning equipment is disclosed. The building comprises a fluid channel arranged for a fluid to transfer absorbed solar heat, a solar heat storage bank to store and supply the solar heat, and a mechanism for directing and controlling the flow of the fluid throughout the building. A insulating glass style solar heat collector (IGSHC) and building element comprises a insulating glass or the like; a solar heat absorber is arranged in hollow space of the insulating glass, and separates the space into two subspaces; a fluid channel is connected to the solar heat absorber; the channel connected to a convergent tube; and an air inlet and an air outlet are provided for drawing heated air out from one of the divided subspaces, each of the air inlet and air outlet has a respective cover for closing or opening the air channel.

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Steam or vapour condensing system

Номер: US20140208746A1
Автор: Allan James Yeomans
Принадлежит: Individual

A steam or vapour condensing system ( 10 ) for use with radiant solar energy collecting apparatus ( 17 ) of the type having solar energy concentrators ( 20 ) and in which steam or vapour is generated for supply to a load such as to a steam turbine, the system ( 10 ) using the solar energy concentrators ( 20 ) to directly or indirectly radiate heat energy of exhaust steam or vapour from the load. The collecting apparatus ( 17 ) may float on a body of liquid ( 19 ) and heat energy of the exhaust steam or vapour is transferred to the body of liquid for example by being passed through a duct ( 23 ) in the body of liquid ( 19 ) and heat energy transferred to the body of liquid ( 19 ) is radiated by the concentrators ( 20 ).

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220279730A1

Facades, roofs, and greenhouses that may capable of self-cooling are provided. For example, a façade for a greenhouse may include an internal glass wall and an external glass wall in a parallel plane to the internal glass wall and separated from the internal glass wall by a first distance. The distance may be configured to permit passage of a heat transfer liquid. The internal glass wall can include a first face, facing the external glass wall. The first face of the internal glass wall can include a reflective surface configured to reflect solar radiation into the heat transfer liquid when in operation. 1. A façade for a greenhouse , comprising:an internal glass wall; andan external glass wall in a parallel plane to the internal glass wall and separated from the internal glass wall by a first distance, wherein the distance is configured to permit passage of a heat transfer liquid,wherein the internal glass wall comprises a first face, facing the external glass wall, andwherein the first face of the internal glass wall comprises a reflective surface configured to reflect solar radiation into the heat transfer liquid when in operation.2. The façade of claim 1 , wherein the reflective surface comprises a textured surface having a texture.3. The façade of claim 2 , wherein the texture comprises pyramids.4. A roof for a greenhouse claim 2 , comprising:a pair of facades connected to one another along a first edge of each façade of the pair, wherein each façade comprises an internal glass wall and an external glass wall in a parallel plane to the internal glass wall and separated from the internal glass wall by a first distance, wherein the distance is configured to permit passage of a heat transfer liquid;a reflector along the first edge, wherein the facades of the pair are connected to one another via the reflector.5. The roof of claim 4 , further comprising:an adsorber tube configured to convey the heat transfer liquid from the pair of facades along a focus of the ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190144303A1

A continuous flow treatment apparatus comprises a heating fluid management portion and a feces treatment portion. The heating fluid management portion is configured to heat heating fluid and provide the heated heating fluid to a heat exchanger. The feces treatment portion comprises the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is configured to receive feces at a first position of the heat exchanger, indirectly heat the feces via the heated heating fluid as the feces are transported from the first position to a second position of the heat exchanger, and provide the heated feces at the second position. The feces are maintained at a minimum temperature for a predetermined amount of time such that the feces exiting the feces treatment portion have been rendered sanitary for at least one of storage or further processing. 1. A continuous flow treatment apparatus comprising:a heating fluid management portion configured to heat heating fluid and provide the heated heating fluid to a heat exchanger; anda feces treatment portion comprising the heat exchanger, the heat exchanger configured to receive feces at a first position of the heat exchanger, indirectly heat the feces via the heated heating fluid as the feces are transported from the first position to a second position of the heat exchanger, and provide the heated feces at the second position, wherein the feces are maintained at a minimum temperature for a predetermined amount of time such that the feces exiting the feces treatment portion have been rendered sanitary for at least one of storage or further processing.2. The continuous flow treatment apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the heating fluid management portion comprises a solar concentrator.3. The continuous flow treatment apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the heated heating fluid is low pressure steam.4. The continuous flow treatment apparatus of further comprising a holding tank configured to receive feces from the second position of the heat exchanger.5. The continuous ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210190044A1
Принадлежит: 247Solar Inc.

Inventive concentrated solar power systems using solar receivers, and related devices and methods, are generally described. 111.-. (canceled)12. A power generation system , comprising:a solar receiver;a compressor;a turbine;a first thermal storage system;a second thermal storage system; and in a first valving position, a first fluidic pathway is present between the solar receiver and the first thermal storage system, and a second fluidic pathway is present between the compressor, the turbine, and the second thermal storage system; and', 'in a second valving position, a third fluidic pathway is present between the solar receiver and the second thermal storage system, and a fourth fluidic pathway is present between the compressor, the turbine, and the first thermal storage system., 'a valving subsystem configured such that13. The power generation system of claim 12 , wherein the valving subsystem comprises a plurality of three-way valves.14. The power generation system of claim 12 , wherein the first and third fluidic pathways contain a fluid at a pressure of less than or equal to 2 atmospheres.15. The power generation system of claim 12 , wherein the second and fourth fluidic pathways contain a fluid at a pressure of above 2 atmospheres.16. The power generation system of claim 12 , wherein the first and second fluidic pathways are fluidically isolated from each other.17. The power generation system of claim 12 , wherein the third and fourth fluidic pathways are fluidically isolated from each other.18. The power generation system of claim 12 , wherein the first and/or second thermal storage systems each comprise a single thermal storage unit.19. The power generation system of claim 12 , wherein the first and/or second thermal storage systems each comprise a plurality of thermal storage units.20. A power generation system claim 12 , comprising:a first fluidic pathway fluidically interconnecting a solar receiver and a first thermal storage system; and the first thermal ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200162022A1
Автор: Ramani Dritan

A method for operating a hybrid collector solar system includes a heat transfer agent, which is present in a buffer accumulator, that passes via a pump into a thermal solar collector of the hybrid collector in order to heat the heat transfer agent. The pump is connected into a feed line that connects the buffer accumulator to the thermal solar collector. The hybrid collector solar system is partially filled with the heat transfer agent so that part of the hybrid collector solar system is not filled and so that the heat transfer agent is moved back and forth between the thermal solar collector and the buffer accumulator via the feed line depending on its temperature, thereby realizing an oscillating method of operation. 116-. (canceled)17. A method for operating a hybrid collector solar system , comprising:partially filling the hybrid collector solar system with a heat transfer agent so that part of the solar system is not filled;passing the heat transfer agent, which is present in a buffer accumulator, via a pump into a thermal solar collector to heat the heat transfer agent, the pump connected to a feed line that connects the buffer accumulator to the thermal solar collector; andmoving the heat transfer agent back and forth between the thermal solar collector and the buffer accumulator via the feed line depending on a temperature of the heat transfer agent to provide an oscillating method of operation.18. The method of claim 17 , wherein the heat transfer agent in a first operating state is primarily located in the buffer accumulator and in a second operating state it is primarily located in the thermal solar collector.19. The method of claim 18 , further comprising pumping the heat transfer agent with the pump from the buffer accumulator to the thermal solar collector via the feed line.20. The method of claim 18 , further comprising transferring the heat transfer agent from the second operating state to the first operating state by emptying the thermal solar ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210231348A1

Systems and methods for a thermosyphonic water heating system for a storage tank. A DC heat pump receives power from a DC power source and heats water via a heat exchanger using a thermosyphonic piping system. A passive back-flushing having a cold water inlet pipe connected to the hot water return pipe draws cold water into the storage tank through the heat exchanger. A vertical array of temperature sensors distributed throughout the storage tank monitor temperature of stored water at multiple heights and a communication unit communicates monitored data to an external control device. 17-. (canceled)921-. (canceled)2335-. (canceled) The embodiments disclosed herein relate to solar heating systems. In particular the embodiments presented relate to storage heaters operable to heat water using either direct current electricity or alternating current electricity.Storage heaters are used to provide hot water by heating a reservoir of water stored in a tank. Various fuels and heating methods may be used to heat the tank of water such as natural gas, propane, fuel oil, electricity or solar power.Electric water heaters heat the reservoir of water using electrical resistance elements typically connected to an alternative current (AC) mains electricity supply such as a 220 volt 50 hertz alternative current electrical supply or a 110 volt 60 hertz. In order to control heating, a thermostat is provided which is operable to disconnect the electrical elements when water in the tank exceeds a threshold temperature.Electrical water heaters may be combined with secondary heating methods. For example, a propane boiler may be provided with a backup electrical element for use when needed. Similarly in addition to electrical elements, solar powered water heaters may have a solar collector connected to the reservoir via piping such that water is drawn from the reservoir to the solar collector where it is heated and returned to the reservoir. Accordingly, solar thermal heated water tanks ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации

Solar water-collecting, air-conditioning, light-transmitting and power generating house

Номер: US20150214408A1
Автор: Farouk Dakhil
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for collecting solar energy and fresh water may be disclosed. The system may include one or more assemblies of collector modules, each of which module may contain a photovoltaic cell and a thermal fluid. The thermal fluid may be used to heat a building and/or produce electricity. The assembly may further be coupled to a collection shaft which may collect water and/or disseminate light through a building. Various configurations of single modules, single assemblies, or multiple large-scale assemblies are also possible. If integrated with a house, the system may reduce the net energy consumption of the household.

05-08-2021 дата публикации

Solar Water Pasteurizer

Номер: US20210238057A1

A solar water pasteurizer has a water jug removably disposed in a solar box with insulation and a solar window. The water jug has a lid to close an aperture in the solar box and a handle thermally isolated from the water jug to facilitate handling of the water jug with heated water. Multiple water jugs can be swapped in and out of the solar box. The solar box also has a thermal mass to preserve some heat in the solar box. 1. A solar powered water pasteurizer , comprising:a) a solar box with an insulated wall, a solar window in the insulated wall, and an aperture through the insulated wall;b) a water jug removably disposed in the solar box, and having a width smaller than a width of the aperture to pass through the aperture and into and out of the solar box; andc) a lid carried by the water jug and having a size larger than the water jug to extend beyond a profile of the water jug, the lid closing the aperture in the solar box when the water jug is disposed in the solar box and with the insulated wall, the solar window and the lid forming an enclosure.2. The solar powered water pasteurizer in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising:a spigot extending from the water jug and through the lid.3. The solar powered water pasteurizer in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising:the aperture being formed in a top of the solar box; andthe water jug being pendent in the solar box from the top of the solar box.4. The solar powered water pasteurizer in accordance with claim 3 , further comprising:a guide between a bottom of the water jug and a bottom of an interior of the solar box to maintain alignment of the lid of the water jug with the aperture.5. The solar powered water pasteurizer in accordance with claim 4 , further comprising:a seal positioned between the lid and the solar box; andthe seal being compressible between the lid and the solar box.6. The solar powered water pasteurizer in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising:a handle extending from the lid ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Solar thermal power system

Номер: US20160222948A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Technology GmbH

A solar thermal power system includes a solar receiver for heating thermal energy storage fluid and be stored and utilised from a thermal energy storage arrangement having hot and cold storage tanks. The system includes a steam generator arrangement, which utilises the heat of the thermal energy storage fluid to produces steam to run a turbine. The arrangement includes a bypass line configured to bypass the hot storage tank from the steam generator arrangement, and to supply the hot thermal energy storage fluid from the solar receiver directly to the steam generator arrangement, during day times, when the solar receiver the steam generator arrangement are both in operating mode, thereby recovering stored potential energy available in the down corner hot thermal energy storage fluid from the solar receiver.

09-08-2018 дата публикации

Advance Hybrid Roof, Advanced Cool Roof, Advanced Solar Roof, Ready Roof

Номер: US20180224132A1
Автор: Mike Montauk Gonzalez
Принадлежит: Individual

The advanced cool roof can make up the entire roof of a building or vehicle, or be integrated into a portion of said roofs. This invention utilizes and reduces the amount of solar radiation that enters a building or vehicle via the roof. This system consists of a water holding tank or plurality of tanks, thermal collectors, fire sprinkler heads and various glazing options. Said thermal collectors are contained between the rafters or trusses, and takes advantage of thermal syphoning to store energy in said tank or plurality of tanks. Additionally, this roof system can function as a fire suppression apparatus and a skylight apparatus that allows natural light into the structure, and may be integrated with LED lighting to illuminate said glazing and interior space. The exterior upper covering may consist of a glazing material like tempered glass coupled with additional roofing elements or standard upper covering assemblies.

09-09-2021 дата публикации

Thin-Film Integrated Spectrally-Selective Plasmonic Absorber/Emitter for Solar Thermophotovoltaic Applications

Номер: US20210278572A1
Принадлежит: IP Equity Management, LLC

A solar thermophotovoltaic system has a heat exchanger containing a heat exchange fluid, and a thin-film integrated spectrally-selective plasmonic absorber emitter (ISSAE) in direct contact with an outer surface of the heat exchanger, the ISSAE including an ultra-thin non-shiny metal layer that is strongly absorbing in a solar spectral range and strongly reflective in an infrared spectral range. The metal layer has an inner surface in direct contact with an outer surface of the heat exchanger. A photovoltaic cell support structure with an inner surface in a concentric configuration partially surrounds the ISSAE; and an airgap separates the support structure and the outer surface of the metal layer. Photovoltaic cells are arranged on a portion of the inner surface of the support structure to receive emissions from the ISSAE, and a solar energy collector/concentrator allows solar radiation to impinge a portion of the metal layer. 1. A day-and-night thermophotovoltaic (TPV) system for producing electricity with and without sunlight , comprising:an integrated spectrally-selective plasmonic absorber/emitter (ISSAE) configured to receive and absorb incident light in the range of 250 nm<λ<1 μm and reflect light for λ>3.5 μm, the ISSAE comprising an ultra-thin non-shiny metal layer formed from a metal chosen from a group consisting of tungsten, platinum, and molybdenum;a heat exchanger wrapped by the ISSAE; anda plurality of photovoltaic cells positioned to receive infrared emissions from the non-shiny metal layer.2. The TPV system of claim 1 , wherein the ultra-thin metal layer is wrapped continuously with no geometric breaks around the heat exchanger.3. The TPV system of claim 1 , wherein the ultra-thin metal layer has a thickness of 100 nm or less.4. The TPV system of claim 1 , the heat exchanger claim 1 , comprising:an outer cylinder, the outer cylinder comprising an inner surface, the inner surface comprising the photovoltaic cells;a concentric inner cylinder, the ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190252707A1

A hydride heat engine produces electricity from a heat source, such as a solar heater. A plurality of metal hydride reservoirs are heated by the heating device and a working fluid comprises hydrogen is incrementally move from one metal hydride reservoir to a success metal hydride reservoir. The working fluid is passed, at a high pressure, from the last of the plurality of metal hydride reservoirs to an electro-chemical-expander. The electro-chemical-expander has an anode, a cathode, and an ionomer therebetween. The hydrogen is passed from the anode at high pressure to the cathode at lower pressure and electricity is generated. The solar heater may be a solar water heater and the hot water may heat the metal hydride reservoirs to move the hydrogen. The working fluid may move in a closed loop. 1. A hydride heat engine comprising:a) a hot water source; i) a plurality of metal hydride reservoirs comprising a metal hydride forming compound;', 'ii) wherein the plurality of metal hydride reservoirs are coupled in series;, 'b) a multi-stage metal hydride compressor comprising i) an anode;', 'ii) a cathode;', 'iii) an ionomer configured between and anode and cathode;, 'c) an electrochemical-expander comprisingd) a working fluid comprising hydrogen;wherein the heating device heats the plurality of metal hydride reservoirs to move the working fluid from a first metal hydride reservoir at a first pressure to a second metal hydride reservoir at a second pressure; wherein the second pressure is higher than the first pressure;wherein the working fluid is passed to the electro-chemical-expander and wherein the hydrogen is transported from the anode to the cathode of the electro-chemical-expander to produce electricity.2. The hydride heat engine of claim 1 , wherein the heating device comprises a solar heating device.3. The hydride heat engine of claim 2 , wherein the solar heating device is a solar hot water heater and wherein hot water is produced by the solar hot water heater and ...

11-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210351615A1
Автор: Yogev Or

A system for energy storage and electricity generation is described. The system includes an energy storage system providing compressed air and an electricity generation system. The electricity generation system includes an airlift pumping system pneumatically coupled to the energy storage system. The airlift pumping system includes a water collecting tank containing collecting water and a riser tube having a base immersed in the collecting water and configured for injection of the compressed air into the riser tube through the air pipeline to provide air bubbles within the riser tube that produce an upward flow of the collecting water together with the air bubbles. The electricity generation system also includes a hydro-electric power system driven by upward flow of the collecting water together with the air bubbles to produce electricity, and a water heating system for heating the collecting water in the water collecting tank. 1. A system for energy storage and electricity generation , comprising:an energy storage system configured to store energy in the form of compressed air; and [ a water collecting tank containing collecting water;', 'a riser tube having a base immersed in the collecting water and configured for injection of the compressed air into the riser tube to provide air bubbles within the riser tube that produce an upward flow of the collecting water together with the air bubbles;, 'an airlift pumping system pneumatically coupled to energy storage to system providing compressed air, the airlift pumping system including, {'b': '1', 'a hydro-electric power system driven by upward flow of the collecting water together with the air bubbles of the airlift pumping system, and configured to produce electricity w utilizing the compressed air; and'}, 'a water heating system configured for heating the collecting water in the water collecting tank to a predetermined temperature greater than the temperature of ambient air in the atmosphere; and, 'an electricity ...

08-10-2015 дата публикации

Systems and methods for selectively producing steam from solar collectors and heaters for processes including enhanced oil recovery

Номер: US20150285490A1
Принадлежит: Glasspoint Solar Inc

Systems and methods for selectively producing steam from solar collectors and heaters, for processes including enhanced oil recovery, are disclosed herein. A system in accordance with a particular embodiment includes a water source, a solar collector that includes a collector inlet, a collector outlet, and a plurality of solar concentrators positioned to heat water passing from the collector inlet to the collector outlet, a fuel-fired heater, a steam outlet connected to an oil field injection well, and a water flow network coupled among the water source, the solar collector, the heater, and the steam outlet. The system can further include a controller operatively coupled to the water flow network and programmed with instructions that, when executed, direct at least one portion of the flow through the solar collector and the fuel-fired heater in a first sequence, and direct the at least one portion or a different portion of the flow through the solar collector and the fuel-fired heater in a second sequence different than the first sequence.

29-10-2015 дата публикации

Metal heat storage apparatus

Номер: US20150308751A1
Автор: Byunggyun KIM
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a metal heat storage apparatus used to store heat transmitted from the outside, and in particular, the present invention aims to provide a metal heat storage apparatus which stores, at a high temperature, high-temperature solar energy collected by means of a solar concentrator and such others, and allows a gradual discharge thereof, thereby significantly improving the storage of solar energy, which is a natural energy. The present invention doubly insulates a metal heat storage medium, which stores solar energy at a high temperature (100 to 1300 degrees), and disposes a heat exchanger so as to be proximal to the metal heat storage medium, so that a working heating fluid can be heated for an extended period, wherein, in order to doubly insulate the metal heat storage medium: a medium insertion chamber doubly has an arrangement of an insulating inner wall, an insulating outer wall and an insulating floor on the inner side, outer side and the floor, respectively, of the metal heat storage medium; an outer wall structure, made of concrete, includes a floor, a central column, an outer wall body, and an upper cover; a mirror for reflecting infrared rays is disposed below the upper cover; and a heat storage tank is vacuum-treated, thus blocking the air-induced convective process and heat conduction, and thereby allowing the loss of heat to be minimized.

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180316309A1

The present invention relates to SNS-595 and methods of treating cancer using the same. 125-. (canceled)26. A method for treating cancer comprising administering to a human patient having cancer (+)-1 ,4-dihydro-7-[(3S ,4S)-3-methoxy-4-(methylamino)-1-pyrrolidinyl]-4-oxo-1-(2-thiazolyl)-1 ,8-naphthyridine-3-carboxylic acid in a dose of about 10 mg/m-100 mg/mand a therapeutically effective amount of a second agent selected from an agent that inhibits nonhomologous end joining repair , an apoptosis enhancing agent , an alkylating agent , an anti-neoplastic antibiotic , a platinum coordination complex and a topoisomerase II inhibitor.27. The method of claim 26 , wherein the dose is about 30 mg/m-75 mg/m.28. The method of claim 26 , wherein the dose is about 40 mg/m-80 mg/m.29. The method of claim 26 , wherein the dose is about 50 mg/m-90 mg/m.30. The method of claim 26 , wherein the second agent is the agent that inhibits nonhomologous endjoining repair which is a DNA-PK inhibitor.31. The method of claim 26 , wherein the second agent is the agent that inhibits nonhomologous endjoining repair which is a ligase IV inhibitor.32. The method of claim 26 , wherein the second agent is the apoptosis enhancing agent which is a caspase-9 activator claim 26 , a caspase-3 activator or a Hsp90 inhibitor.33. The method of claim 26 , wherein the second agent is the alkylating agent is which is a nitrogen mustard claim 26 , an alkyl sulfonate claim 26 , a nitrosourea claim 26 , or a triazene34. The method of claim 26 , wherein the second agent is the anti-neoplastic antibiotic which is bleomycin claim 26 , dactinomycin claim 26 , daunorubicin or doxorubicin.35. The method of claim 26 , wherein the second agent is the platinum coordination complex which is carboplatin claim 26 , cisplatin or oxaliplatin.36. The method of claim 26 , wherein the cancer is leukemia. This application claims priority to U.S. Ser. No. 60/553,578 filed Mar. 15, 2004 and is incorporated herein by reference.SNS ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200309386A1

A solar assisted water heating system for an electric water heater is provided to include a water guiding unit, a solar conversion unit, a radiant energy collection unit, and a pump. When electrical energy from the solar conversion unit is being applied to the pump, the water is driven by the pump to flow into the water guiding unit so as to be heated by the radiant energy collection unit which absorbs sunlight. 1. A solar assisted water heating system for an electric water heater , comprising: a water inlet portion for introducing water into said water guiding unit,', 'a water heating portion disposed downstream of said water inlet portion, and', 'a water outlet portion disposed downstream of said water heating portion for discharging the water;, 'a water guiding unit including'}a solar conversion unit disposed outside said water guiding unit, and configured to convert solar energy into electrical energy;a radiant energy collection unit disposed on said water heating portion, and configured to absorb sunlight for heating the water inside said water heating portion; anda pump which is disposed upstream of said water inlet portion to drive the water to flow into said water guiding unit through said water inlet portion, and which is connected electrically to said solar conversion unit such that the water is driven by said pump to flow into said water guiding unit when the electrical energy from said solar conversion unit is being applied to said pump.2. The solar assisted water heating system according to claim 1 , wherein said solar conversion unit includes a solar panel.3. The solar assisted water heating system according to claim 1 , wherein said radiant energy collection unit includes a solar thermal collector panel.4. The solar assisted water heating system according to claim 1 , further comprising a voltage stabilizer which is electrically connected between said solar conversion unit and said pump claim 1 , and which is configured to permit the electrical energy ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации

Hybrid Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Energy Collection

Номер: US20190323734A1

Techniques for hybrid solar thermal and photovoltaic energy collection are provided. In one aspect, a photovoltaic concentrating thermal collector (PVCTC) includes: a thermal absorber collector; and bent solar panels forming a parabolic shaped trough reflector partially surrounding the thermal absorber collector so as to reflect incident light onto the thermal absorber collector. A PVCTC system including an array of PVCTC units and a method for hybrid electrical and thermal energy production are also provided. 1. A photovoltaic concentrating thermal collector (PVCTC) , comprising:a thermal absorber collector; andbent solar panels forming a parabolic shaped trough reflector partially surrounding the thermal absorber collector so as to reflect incident light onto the thermal absorber collector.2. The PVCTC of claim 1 , wherein the thermal absorber collector comprises an evacuated thermal absorber collector.3. The PVCTC of claim 1 , wherein the thermal absorber collector comprises a thermal absorber heat exchanger.4. The PVCTC of claim 1 , wherein the bent solar panels comprise crystalline silicon photovoltaic panels.5. The PVCTC of claim 1 , wherein the bent solar panels are glazed with an optical coating selected from the group consisting of: magnesium fluoride claim 1 , zinc sulfide claim 1 , silicon dioxide claim 1 , titanium oxide claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The PVCTC of claim 1 , further comprising:a trough shaped frame, wherein the bent solar panels are mounted to the trough shaped frame.7. The PVCTC of claim 6 , wherein the bent solar panels are mounted to the trough shaped frame using an adhesive.8. The PVCTC of claim 1 , further comprising:a solar tracking system configured to point the bent solar panels normal to the sun.9. The PVCTC of claim 1 , further comprising:a cooling fluid within the evacuated thermal absorber collector.10. The PVCTC of claim 9 , wherein the cooling fluid is selected from the group consisting of: water claim 9 , oil claim 9 ...

29-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180340716A1

The integrated solar absorption heat pump system includes an absorption heat pump assembly (AHPA) having a generator, a condenser in fluid communication with the generator, an evaporator/absorber in fluid communication with the condenser and the generator, and a heat exchanger in communicating relation with the evaporator/absorber; a solar collector in fluid communication with the generator of the AHPA; a photovoltaic thermal collector in communicating relation with the evaporator/absorber of the AHPA; a plurality of pumps configured for pumping a fluid throughout the system to provide the desired heating or cooling; a power storage source, e.g., a solar battery, in communicating relation with the photovoltaic thermal collector; and a coil unit in communicating relation to the evaporator/absorber for receiving an air-stream. The absorption heat pump assembly can include an absorber and a solution heat exchanger. 17-. (canceled)8: An integrated solar absorption heat pump system , comprising:an absorption heat pump assembly including a generator, a condenser in fluid communication with the generator, an evaporator/absorber in fluid communication with the condenser and the generator, an expansion valve in fluid communication with the condenser, the generator and the evaporator/absorber, and a heat exchanger in communicating relation with the evaporator/absorber;an evacuated tube solar collector in fluid communication with the generator of the absorption heat pump assembly;a photovoltaic thermal collector in communicating relation with the evaporator/absorber of the absorption heat pump assembly, wherein the photovoltaic thermal collector is a sheet-and-tube solar collector having an absorber covered by a photovoltaic layer comprising at least one of crystalline silicon, amorphous silicon and cadmium telluride;a plurality of pumps, each of the pumps being configured for pumping a fluid throughout the system;a first hot water tank in fluid communication with the solar ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Water Supply and Heating System with Flexible Tank and Heating Carpet

Номер: US20180347853A1
Автор: Harel Alex

A water supply and heating system that includes a flexible water tank, a flexible heating carpet and an electrical connection mechanism. The water tank includes a flexible outer layer and separable inflatable and collapsible water bag. The water bag is equipped with a water inlet and outlet hoses for receiving supplying water. The water bag is positioned inside the outer layer and is designed to remain collapsed when and to inflate when filled with water. The outer layer too is designed to inflate when the water bag is filled with the water and to deflate when the water is drained from the water bag. A dry space is defined between the outer layer and the water bag in which the heating carpet is positioned. The heating carpet includes flexible flat electrical heating strips that are connected to the electrical connection mechanism. 1wherein said flexible water tank comprises a flexible outer layer and separable inflatable and collapsible water bag;wherein said separable inflatable and collapsible water bag is equipped with a water inlet hose and a water outlet hose; wherein said separable inflatable and collapsible water bag is designed to receive water through the water inlet hose and to supply water through the water outlet hose;wherein said separable inflatable and collapsible water bag is positioned inside the flexible outer layer and is designed to remain collapsed when empty;wherein said water inlet hose and said water outlet hose are accessible through an opening in said flexible outer layer; wherein said separable inflatable and collapsible water bag can be replaced by a new one;wherein said separable inflatable and collapsible water bag is designed to inflate when filled with water while positioned in said flexible outer layer and to deflate when the water is drained from said separable inflatable and collapsible water bag; wherein said flexible outer layer is designed to inflate when said separable inflatable and collapsible water bag is filled with the ...

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190346179A1

A curved surface absorber type solar fluid heater having radially spaced curved surfaces, preferably hemispherical and closed at bottom periphery, defining a closed chamber termed as collector which receives a fluid to be heated. The curved surface absorber type solar fluid heater encompasses two radially spaced transparent curved surfaces preferably hemispherical, closed at bottom periphery, placed over collector termed as a glazing, and an insulated hemispherical hot fluid tank, placed within the cavity of inner curved surface of the collector and bottom insulation. A plurality of plumbing connections is made between the collector and the hot fluid tank with arrangement of non-return valves to prevent backflow of fluid from hot fluid tank towards the collector. An air vent is located at the highest position of the collector. A drain plug is located at a lowest position on the collector. 1. A curved surface absorber type solar fluid heater for heating fluid , comprising:a base insulation having a vapour barrier covered by reflective foil;a glazing, the glazing having at least two radially spaced transparent hemispherical curved surfaces, closed at bottom periphery, defining a first chamber therebetween, the glazing being supported with a support grill, the glazing being supported on the insulation base through a peripheral insulation ring;a collector, the collector having at least two radially spaced hemispherical curved surfaces, closed at bottom periphery, defining a second chamber therebetween, the collector positioned on the base insulation along the peripheral insulation ring, the collector configured to receive a fluid to be heated therein, the collector having an air vent configured on a highest position thereof, the collector having a drain plug configured on a lowest position thereof;a hot fluid tank, the hot fluid tank having a hemispherical configuration, the hot fluid tank positioned within an enclosure formed between the collector and the base ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180356134A1

The integrated solar absorption heat pump system includes an absorption heat pump assembly (AHPA) having a generator, a condenser in fluid communication with the generator, an evaporator/absorber in fluid communication with the condenser and the generator, and a heat exchanger in communicating relation with the evaporator/absorber; a solar collector in fluid communication with the generator of the AHPA; a photovoltaic thermal collector in communicating relation with the evaporator/absorber of the AHPA; a plurality of pumps configured for pumping a fluid throughout the system to provide the desired heating or cooling; a power storage source, e.g., a solar battery, in communicating relation with the photovoltaic thermal collector; and a coil unit in communicating relation to the evaporator/absorber for receiving an air-stream. The absorption heat pump assembly can include an absorber and a solution heat exchanger. 1. An integrated solar absorption heat pump system , comprising:an absorption heat pump assembly including a generator, a condenser in fluid communication with the generator, an evaporator/absorber in fluid communication with the condenser and the generator, an expansion valve in fluid communication with the condenser, the generator and the evaporator/absorber, and a heat exchanger in communicating relation with the evaporator/absorber;an evacuated tube solar collector in fluid communication with the generator of the absorption heat pump assembly;a photovoltaic thermal collector in communicating relation with the evaporator/absorber of the absorption heat pump assembly, wherein the photovoltaic thermal collector is a sheet-and-tube solar collector having an absorber covered by a photovoltaic layer;a plurality of pumps, each of the pumps being configured for pumping a fluid throughout the system;a power storage source in communicating relation with the photovoltaic thermal collector;a coil unit in communicating relation to the evaporator/absorber;a water tank ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190351468A1

A closed-loop system and method for heating of target contaminant zones having environmental contaminants of concern present in the groundwater and the soil by thermal conduction, and subsequent enhancements of physical, biological and chemical processes to attenuate, remove and degrade contaminants in the target contaminant treatment zones, is disclosed. The system and method collects solar or other heat and transfers the heat via a closed-loop and a set of borehole exchangers to subsurface soil in the proximity of and/or directly to the target contaminant treatment zones. The target contaminant treatment zone may comprise contaminated soil, contaminated groundwater in an aquifer, or industrial waste comprising water and/or solids. Solar collectors or heat exchangers capturing waste heat from industrial processes may be used as the heat source. 1. A system for remediating contaminants in a contaminated zone comprising:a target zone in the subsurface of the ground containing contaminants;at least one heat source disposed on the surface of the ground in the proximity of the target zone;a plurality of borehole heat exchangers installed in the subsurface in proximity of the target zone;piping that connects the at least one heat source to the borehole heat exchangers;heat transfer fluid contained within the piping; andat least one pump for circulating the heat transfer fluid within the piping,wherein heat from the at least one heat source is transferred to the heat transfer fluid, wherein thereafter heat is transferred from the heat transfer fluid to the borehole heat exchangers, wherein thereafter heat is transferred from the borehole heat exchangers to the target zone directly through the borehole heat exchangers to the target zone, thereby increasing the temperature of the target zone and enhancing remediation of contaminants within the target zone,wherein remediation is achieved without extraction or removal of the contaminants,and wherein the plurality of borehole ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180363952A1
Автор: Teoh Siang Teik

A solar heating system comprising: at least one collector array panel adapted for being located on a sloping roof of a building, the collector array panel including at least one thermosyphon heating tube; a liquid source adapted for supplying liquid to said heating tube of said collector array panel; and a cut-off valve coupled both to: a mains supply for receiving liquid therefrom; and said liquid source for automatically blocking liquid received by said cut-off valve from said mains supply from filling said heating tube of said collector array panel whenever such filling could damage said collector array panel, wherein said cut-off valve operates automatically responsive to light and/or temperature for blocking filling of said heating tube of said collector array panel whenever such filling could damage said collector array panel. 120. A solar heating system () comprising:{'b': 32', '36', '24', '26', '32', '36', '52, 'a. at least one collector array panel (, ) adapted for being located a sloping roof () of a building (), the collector array panel (, ) including at least one thermosyphon heating tube ();'}{'b': 52', '32', '36, 'b. a liquid source adapted for supplying liquid to said heating tube () of said collector array panel (, ); and'}{'b': '76', 'claim-text': [{'b': '84', 'i. a mains supply () for receiving liquid therefrom; and'}, {'b': 76', '84', '52', '32', '36', '32', '36, 'ii. said liquid source for automatically blocking liquid received by said cut-off valve () from said mains supply () from filling said heating tube () of said collector array panel (, ) whenever such filling could damage said collector array panel (, ).'}], 'c. a cut-off valve () coupled both to2206676523236. The solar heating system () of wherein said liquid source includes a chamber () that upon receiving liquid via said cut-off valve () supplies liquid by gravity to said heating tube () of said collector array panel ( claim 1 , ).320765232363236. The solar heating system () of ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200358390A1
Автор: Henry Asegun

Energy storage systems are disclosed. The systems may store energy as heat in a high temperature liquid, and the heat may be converted to electricity by absorbing radiation emitted from the high temperature liquid via one or more photovoltaic devices when the high temperature liquid is transported through an array of conduits. Some aspects described herein relate to reducing deposition of sublimated material from the conduits onto the photovoltaic devices. 1. An energy storage system comprising:a conduit constructed and arranged to transport liquid;a photovoltaic device;a gap positioned between the conduit and the photovoltaic device; andan intermediate layer positioned between the conduit and the gap, wherein a vapor pressure of a material of the intermediate layer is less than a vapor pressure of a material of the conduit.2. The energy storage system of claim 1 , wherein the intermediate layer forms an emission surface constructed and arranged to emit radiation into the gap.3. The energy storage system of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of emitters on the intermediate layer4. The energy storage system of claim 3 , wherein the emitters are formed as fins extending from the intermediate surface into the gap.5. The energy storage system of claim 1 , wherein the intermediate layer comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of tungsten claim 1 , tantalum claim 1 , rhenium claim 1 , and alloys thereof.6. The energy storage system of claim 1 , wherein the intermediate layer forms a diffusion barrier constructed and arranged to reduce diffusion of the material of the conduit into the gap.7. The energy storage system of claim 1 , wherein the conduit is formed from graphite.8. The energy storage system of claim 1 , wherein the liquid comprises silicon or ferrosilicon.9. The energy storage system of claim 1 , further comprising a reflective surface claim 1 , wherein the photovoltaic device is positioned between the reflective surface and the gap.10. ...

26-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CN201297783Y


09-11-2014 дата публикации

Solar collector

Номер: EG26862A
Принадлежит: Solfast Pty Ltd

26-08-2009 дата публикации

Solar collector

Номер: GB0912371D0
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Flynn James P

21-07-2011 дата публикации

Solar collector, facade element and method for operating a solar system

Номер: WO2011085875A1
Автор: Jürgen Kosok

The invention relates to a solar collector (2), in particular a flat solar collector, comprising at least one absorber (4) that absorbs solar radiation and has a channel structure (5) through which a solar fluid can flow, a glass cover (3) forming a composite with the absorber (4), a chamber (7) filled with gas between the glass cover (3) and absorber (4), and a component (1) receiving the solar collector (2), said component comprising connections for a ventilation unit of a room or building. The aim of the invention is to provide a solar collector, a facade element and a solar system that overcome the disadvantages of the prior art and can be easily integrated into building parts and building technology. The solar collector (2) is characterized in that at least one solar collector (2) forms an outer surface of a component (1) and in that the absorber (4) is arranged with the channel structure (5) through which a solar fluid can flow within a component (1) in an air channel (6) of a ventilation unit.

05-03-1998 дата публикации

Device for producing hot water using solar energy

Номер: DE19635653A1

The invention concerns a device for producing hot water by means of solar energy, said device comprising a hot water reservoir (4) in a housing (3) and an absorber (2) or collector which in cross-section is approximately triangular and is used to heat a heat-transfer medium. The object of the invention is to render the device more adaptable to different installation situations. To that end, the absorber (2) or collector, the insulating housing (3) and the hot water reservoir (4) housed therein are constructed as separate modules which can be interconnected. The gravity flue (12) and optionally the mounting flange regions are made of a solid material, preferably metal, such as copper or the like, whilst the other hot water reservoir walls (16) are made of a flexible material, such as rubber, plastics or the like.

12-03-1998 дата публикации

Device for producing hot water by means of solar energy

Номер: WO1998010230A1
Автор: Thomas Kramer
Принадлежит: Ecotec Consulting Gmbh

The invention concerns a device for producing hot water by means of solar energy, said device comprising a hot water reservoir (4) in a housing (3) and an absorber (2) or collector which in cross-section is approximately triangular and is used to heat a heat-transfer medium. The object of the invention is to render the device more adaptable to different installation situations. To that end, the absorber (2) or collector, the insulating housing (3) and the hot water reservoir (4) housed therein are constructed as separate modules which can be interconnected. The gravity flue (12) and optionally the mounting flange regions are made of a solid material, preferably metal, such as copper or the like, whilst the other hot water reservoir walls (16) are made of a flexible material, such as rubber, plastics or the like.

12-08-2010 дата публикации

Flat collector for solar heating for domestic hot water and / or for heating support

Номер: DE102008025612B4
Автор: Enrico Folta
Принадлежит: Enrico Folta

Flachkollektor zur Solarerwärmung für die Warmwasserbereitung und/oder zur Heizungsunterstützung, der mit üblicherweise bekannten Flachkollektoren zum Aufbau einer Solaranlage kombinierbar ist und aus einem Gehäuse besteht, das aus Rahmenprofilen (14), einer Rückwand (13), einer Abdeckung aus Solarglas (4) mit Dichtungsgummi (3) im Wesentlichen aufgebaut ist, wobei im Gehäuse Mäanderrohre (7), ein Absorberblech (6) und eine Dämmung (9) vorhanden sind, gekennzeichnet dadurch, dass der Flachkollektor ein Flachkollektor mit Tank (1) ist, in welchem sich die Wärmeträgerflüssigkeit mit wechselndem Füllstand in Abhängigkeit von der Fahrweise einer Solarkollektoranlage befindet und gegenüber des Tanks (12) ein das Gehäuse des Flachkollektors mit Tank (1) abschließendes PV-Modul (2) angeordnet ist, der Raum zwischen einer Dämmung (9) und dem PV-Modul (2) über eine Belüftung (5) belüftet ist und ein Füllstandsgeber (11) zur Überwachung des Flüssigkeitsspiegels mit dem Tank (12) in Wirkverbindung steht sowie weitere periphere Elemente zur Förderung der Wärmeträgerflüssigkeit und zur Steuerung von Heizzyklen sowie der Speicherung... Flat solar collector for solar water heating and / or heating support, which can be combined with commonly known flat panels to build a solar system and consists of a housing consisting of frame profiles (14), a rear wall (13), a cover made of solar glass (4) Sealing rubber (3) is substantially constructed, wherein in the housing meander tubes (7), an absorber plate (6) and an insulation (9) are present, characterized in that the flat collector is a flat plate collector with tank (1), in which the Heat transfer fluid with varying level depending on the mode of operation of a solar collector system is located and opposite the tank (12) a housing of the flat plate collector with tank (1) final PV module (2) is arranged, the space between an insulation (9) and the PV Module (2) via a vent (5) is ventilated and a level sensor (11) for monitoring the ...

20-07-2008 дата публикации

Solar collector (options) and method of solar shell production

Номер: RU2329437C1

FIELD: heating; engines and pumps. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to solar power engineering and can be used, in particular, in devices transforming solar electromagnetic radiation to the thermal energy for heating a coolant. According to the first option, the collector contains a closed shell made of a single-or multi-transparent plastic material, consisting of a central cylindrical surface of radius R, paired with it at its utmost edges of two lateral cylindrical surfaces of radius r and plane. The plane is tangent to the side cylindrical surfaces. Two end caps are mounted at the ends of the shell and heat receiving device for heat transfer to the coolant. Heat receiving device is carried out in the form of absorber with channels for the circulation of liquid coolant with selective covering of the front side. From the rear side thermal insolation is placed. Absorber is formed by a cylindrical surface of radius R 1 and the same axis as an axis of the cylindrical shell central surface. It consists of thin-wall modules, connected to each other. Two cylindrical shell lateral surfaces axis are remoted at a distance L. Central cylindrical surface is remoted at maximum distance from the plane by the value H with the following ratios: 8> L / H> 3.5; 10> R / H> 4.5; 4.2 > H / r> 3.8. Collector of the second option has following ratio: 3>L/H>2; 3.5>R/H>1.1; 9>H/r>5; 2>r/δ>0.4. A solar collector of the third option has flat absorbers with the following ratios: 8>L/H>5; 18>R/H>6; 5>H/r>3; 2>r/δ>0.4. A solar collector of the fourth option has heat receiving device for heat transfer which is made in the form of tank-battery with a selective coverage on the front side. On the rear side thermal isolation is placed with thickness δ. The tank-battery is formed by a cylindrical surface of radius R 1 with the same axis as the central axis of cylindrical surface and the plane parallel to the plane of the shell. The ...

12-12-2018 дата публикации

Modular solar-energy and rainwater collection apparatus

Номер: GB2545938B
Автор: Thomson Wendy
Принадлежит: Intuitive Designs Jersey Ltd

30-04-1982 дата публикации

Chauffe-eau solaire a thermosiphon

Номер: FR2492958A1
Автор: Michael Francis Zinn
Принадлежит: Bio Energy Systems Inc


03-06-1975 дата публикации

Combination solar water heater and chiller

Номер: US3886998A
Автор: Richard J Rowekamp
Принадлежит: Individual

This invention relates to a method and an apparatus which can be used either to heat or cool water through solar technology merely by the addition or removal of a few materials from a basic structure, thus making it possible to expose water to sunlight in winter so as to provide hot water for heating buildings, or to chill water by exposing it to cold night air during summer so as to cool the same buildings. The basic object is to reduce the cost of hot and cold water thus produced by using what is essentially a water chiller as a basic structure, and then adding it to during winter a glass panel at the top and an insulating panel at the bottom so the device can be converted into a solar water heater. Also provided are ways for heating or cooling several small houses or one very large building through the use of automatic controls, large storage tanks, and an enclosed collector area located in the backyard and in the midst of several houses so that it is not necessary to mount the devices on the roof of the buildings themselves, as has been the practice in most solar energy projects.

04-06-1980 дата публикации

Solar heating installations

Номер: GB1568663A
Принадлежит: Concordia Development AB

03-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220348476A1

A molybdenum sulfide powder according to the invention contains molybdenum disulfide having a 3R crystal structure. A heavy-metal adsorbent according to the invention contains molybdenum sulfide particles, and the molybdenum sulfide particles have a median diameter Dso of 10 nm to 1,000 nm obtained by a dynamic light scattering type particle diameter distribution measuring device. A photothermal conversion material according to the invention contains a material containing molybdenum sulfide particles and generates heat by absorbing light energy. 1. A molybdenum sulfide powder comprising:molybdenum disulfide having a 3R crystal structure, whereinprimary particles of molybdenum sulfide particles constituting the molybdenum sulfide powder have a string shape, a ribbon shape, or a sheet shape, and have a thickness in a range of 1 nm to 40 nm.2. The molybdenum sulfide powder according to claim 1 , further comprising:molybdenum disulfide having a 2H crystal structure and a 3R crystal structure.3. The molybdenum sulfide powder according to claim 2 , wherein in a spectrum obtained from powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) using Cu—Kα rays as an X-ray source claim 2 , both a peak in the vicinity of 39.5° and a peak in the vicinity of 49.5° include a synthetic peak of the 2H crystal structure and the 3R crystal structure claim 2 , and a half width is 1° or more.4. The molybdenum sulfide powder according to claim 1 , which has a specific surface area of 10 m/g or more measured by a BET method.5. The molybdenum sulfide powder according to claim 1 , which has a median diameter Dof 10 nm to 1000 nm obtained by a dynamic light scattering type particle diameter distribution measuring device.6. The molybdenum sulfide powder according to claim 1 , wherein in a radial distribution function obtained from an extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectrum of a K absorption edge of molybdenum claim 1 , a ratio (I/II) of peak intensity I caused by Mo—S to peak intensity II caused by ...

05-06-1981 дата публикации

Water heater utilizing solar heat

Номер: JPS5666647A
Автор: Tanehiko Soeda
Принадлежит: Individual

07-02-1993 дата публикации

Наружное ограждение

Номер: RU1793171C

1лспользование: в жилищном и гражданском строительстве. Сущность изобретени : наружное ограждение, использующее доого иМ .: 4 J М.: антеее Лсолнечную радиацию дл  обогрева, состоит из двух стенок 1 и 2 с воздушной прослойкой 4 между ними. Внутренн   стенка 1 непрозрачна , толщина определ етс , исход  из теплотехнических требований, Кроме того, внутрёйн   стенка имеет оконный проем 3 горизонтально-прот жённой формы, расположенный в верхней половине. Наружна  стенка 2 полностью прозрачна дл  проникновени  солнечных лучей. Причем обе стенки выполнены с входными и выходными вентил ционными отверсти ми 5 и б, распо- ложенными в нижних и верхних част х стенок . Между стенками 1 и 2 расположены аккумул торы тепла в ШДё ребер 7 из т желого бетона с металлическими стержн ми, которые могут быть заменены трубами, в которых нагреваетс  теплоноситель (вода, воздух). 3 ил. fe

29-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CN101787775B
Принадлежит: 曹树梁


16-11-1983 дата публикации

태양 열을 이용한 온수기

Номер: KR830008133A

내용 없음

23-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CN106152560A


05-06-1982 дата публикации

Solar heat collecting basin

Номер: JPS5790549A
Автор: Shigeya Nishihara
Принадлежит: Individual

17-01-1984 дата публикации


Номер: JPS597855A
Принадлежит: Inoue Kogyo Co Ltd, KURINATSUPU KK

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

13-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: JPS616545A
Принадлежит: Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

10-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: JPS5822841A
Принадлежит: Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

02-02-2021 дата публикации

축열과 방열기능을 갖는 다기능 단기 계간 축열시스템 및 그 운용 방법

Номер: KR102210405B1
Автор: 이병호
Принадлежит: 이병호

본 발명은 태양열 및 지중열원을 복합한 하이브리드 방식의 다기능 단기 계간 축열시스템 및 그 운용 방법에 관한 것으로, 본 발명에 따른 다기능 단기 계간 축열시스템은, 태양열을 집열하는 태양열 집열기; 압축기, 응축기, 팽창변, 증발기의 냉동사이클로 구성되어 냉난방을 필요로 하는 부하에 냉열 또는 온열을 공급하는 지열 히트펌프; 지중에 설치되며, 상기 태양열 집열기와 지열 히트펌프 및 부하와 배관을 통해 연결되어 태양열 집열기에서 생산된 온열과, 부하를 냉각시키지 않을 때 지열 히트펌프에서 생산된 냉열을 공급받아 저장하는 축열조; 상기 축열조를 둘러싸면서 지중에 매설되며, 상기 지열 히트펌프와 연결되어 지열 히트펌프에서 배출된 열매체가 통과하면서 지열과 열교환이 이루어지는 지중 열교환기; 상기 축열조와 배관을 통해 연결되어, 춘계에 축열조로부터 열매체를 공급받아 냉각시킨 후 축열조로 순환시키는 증발식 냉각기; 상기 태양열 집열기와 지열 히트펌프와 축열조와 지중 열교환기 및 증발식 냉각기를 연결하는 배관에 설치되어 유로를 전환하는 복수의 밸브; 상기 배관을 통해 열매체를 순환시키는 복수의 펌프; 및, 상기 태양열 집열기와 지열 히트펌프, 증발식 냉각기, 밸브, 펌프의 작동을 제어하는 제어기;를 포함한다.

20-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: JPS6050343A
Автор: Masami Hori, 正美 堀
Принадлежит: Matsushita Electric Works Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

23-03-1989 дата публикации

Accumulating collector

Номер: SU1467332A1

Изобретение .позвол ет повысить КПД коллектора-аккумул тора путем сокращени  его теплопотерь излучением и конвекцией при одновременном повышении температурного поглотител . В теплоизолирующем корпусе (К) 1 со светопрозрачным покрытием 2 расположены поглотитель (П) 3 и перегородка 4. Перегородка 4 образует с корпусом 1 аккумулирующую емкость 5, а с П 3 - канал 6 дл  теплоносител , гидравлически св занный с емкостью 5 со стороны торцов 7 К 1. К емкое The invention makes it possible to increase the efficiency of a collector-battery by reducing its heat loss by radiation and convection while increasing the temperature absorber. In the heat insulating casing (K) 1 with a translucent coating 2, the absorber (П) 3 and partition 4 are located. The baffle 4 forms a storage tank 5 with case 1, and a heat channel 6 for heat carrier connected to tank 5 from the ends 7 K 1. K capacious

30-01-2008 дата публикации

Solar energy water heater

Номер: CN201014777Y
Автор: 王毅
Принадлежит: Individual


15-01-1989 дата публикации

Solar power water heater

Номер: SU1451476A1

Изобретение относитс  к гелиотехнике и позвол ет стабилизировать теплообмен в течение дн  с повышением т-ры воды на выходе водонагревател . В вертикальном теплоаккумулирующем резервуаре 2 с прозрачными стенками 4, подключенном к кольцевому коллектору (к) 1, установлен вод ной: бак 3, снабженный вертикальной трубой 8. К 1 размещен под баком и имеет по периметру впускную и выпускную щели 5, 6, сообщенные соответственно с атмосферой и резервуаром, и вертикальные перегородки. Труба 8 концом 9 сообщена с атмосферой, а концом 10 - с резервуаром над К 1. Площадь проходного сечени  К 1 м.б. переменной , уменьщающейс  сверху вниз. Стабилизаци  т-ры воды достигаетс  благодар  частичному или полному включению и выключению из циркул ции К 1 в зависимости от положени  солнца и освещенности бака. 1 з,п, dr-лы. С , ю 3 ил. (Л The invention relates to solar technology and allows stabilization of heat exchange during the day with an increase in the temperature of the water at the outlet of the water heater. In a vertical heat-accumulating tank 2 with transparent walls 4 connected to an annular collector (k) 1, a water tank is installed: a tank 3 equipped with a vertical pipe 8. K 1 is placed under the tank and has inlet and outlet slots 5, 6 communicated respectively with atmosphere and reservoir, and vertical partitions. Pipe 8 end 9 communicates with the atmosphere, and end 10 - with the tank above K 1. The area of the flow area K 1 m. variable decreasing from top to bottom. Stabilization of the water temperature is achieved due to partial or full switching on and off of the K 1 circulation depending on the position of the sun and the illumination of the tank. 1 s, n, dr-ly. S, s 3 Il. (L

10-09-2020 дата публикации

Hybrid type collecting solar energy for hot water

Номер: KR102154639B1
Автор: 박경순, 전용준
Принадлежит: 동의대학교 산학협력단

본 발명은 하이브리드형 태양열 집열 장치에 관한 것으로, 제1 집열기 및 제2 집열기의 위치를 상, 하단에 위치하여 가열된 공기의 부력에 의한 상승 원리를 이용하여 제2 집열기로의 이동을 용이하게 하여, 에너지 손실을 최소화하며, 제1 집열기 및 제2 집열기 내의 집열판에 단열 코팅층을 형성하여 집열 효율을 높일 수 있다. 또한, 집열기에 의해 가열된 공기가 부력에 의해 상승하는 점을 이용하여, 이동관에 소형 발전기를 위치시켜 프로펠러를 회전시켜 전기 에너지를 함께 생산할 수 있는 하이브리드형 태양열 집열 장치를 제공하는 것이다. The present invention relates to a hybrid solar heat collecting device, wherein the positions of the first heat collector and the second heat collector are positioned at the top and bottom to facilitate the movement to the second heat collector using the principle of rising by the buoyancy of heated air. , It is possible to minimize energy loss, and increase heat collection efficiency by forming an insulating coating layer on the heat collecting plate in the first heat collector and the second heat collector. In addition, it is to provide a hybrid solar heat collecting device capable of producing electric energy together by rotating a propeller by placing a small generator in a moving pipe using the point in which the air heated by the collector rises due to buoyancy.

14-02-1986 дата публикации

Solar heat water heater

Номер: JPS6131855A
Принадлежит: Matsushita Electric Works Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

26-07-1986 дата публикации

Solar heat hot water apparatus

Номер: JPS61165551A
Принадлежит: Individual

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

06-07-2021 дата публикации

Concentrating photothermal electric coupling hydrogen production reaction system based on direct solar gradient utilization

Номер: CN113074359A
Принадлежит: Xian Jiaotong University


24-09-1997 дата публикации

All-weather solar water heater

Номер: CN2263320Y
Автор: 陈银荣
Принадлежит: Individual


23-01-1986 дата публикации

Solar heat utilizing hot water apparatus

Номер: JPS6115049A
Принадлежит: Showa Aluminum Corp

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

10-11-2021 дата публикации

Hybrid energy complex

Номер: RU2759192C1

Изобретение относится к гибридным энергетическим комплексам и предназначено для бесперебойного электро-, тепло- и холодоснабжения локальных объектов. Гибридный энергетический комплекс (ГЭК) содержит фотоэлектрический преобразователь, приводной дизель, механически связанный с аксиальным многофазным бесконтактным синхронным генератором, аккумуляторную батарею, выполняющую роль аварийного источника питания и выполненную с возможностью соединения через выпрямитель с выходом аксиального многофазного бесконтактного синхронного генератора и имеющую возможность подключения к потребителям постоянного тока и через инвертор к потребителям переменного тока, тепловой преобразователь, трехвходовую аксиальную генераторную установку, механически связанную с приводным дизелем и имеющую механический, световой и тепловой входы. Выход фотоэлектрического преобразователя соединен со световым входом трехвходовой аксиальной генераторной установки. Аккумуляторная батарея выполнена с возможностью подключения через выпрямитель к выходу трехвходовой аксиальной генераторной установки. Приводной дизель сообщен с блоком утилизации тепла. ГЭК дополнительно содержит солнечную тепловую панель, холодильный аппарат, преобразователь «тепло-холод» и тепловой аккумулятор, выполненный с первым и вторым входами и первым и вторым выходами, при этом его первый вход подключен к солнечной тепловой панели, а его второй вход подключен к выходу блока утилизации тепла, его первый выход выполнен с возможностью подключения к потребителям тепловой энергии, а его второй выход подключен ко входу преобразователя «тепло-холод», выход которого выполнен с возможностью подключения к потребителям холода. Аксиальная трехвходовая генераторная установка выполнена вертикально-осевой. Выход теплового преобразователя подключен к тепловому входу вертикально-осевой трехвходовой аксиальной генераторной установки. Вход холодильного аппарата выполнен с возможностью подключения к выходу вертикально-осевой трехвходовой аксиальной ...

22-12-2022 дата публикации

Power generation device using stirling engine

Номер: KR102480825B1
Автор: 오재석
Принадлежит: 오재석

본 발명은 'V'형 구조로 배열 설치된 실린더의 상호 작용을 통해 압력 손실이 최소화될 수 있도록 하여 발전장치의 전반적인 효율 향상을 도모하는 스털링 엔진을 이용한 발전장치에 관한 것으로, 그 구성은, 내부의 열원 온도에 따라 다수의 피스톤의 움직임을 기반으로 가동되는 스털링 엔진과, 태양열 집광기의 초점위치에 위치하고 집광된 태양광에 의해 가열되는 집열부와, 내부에 열매유가 충진되고 열매체의 열을 공급받아 충진된 열매유를 가열하는 열매유 탱크로 구성된 발전장치에 있어서, 상기 스털링 엔진은, 양측에 'V'형 형태로 대칭되게 배열된 다수의 실린더와, 상기 다수의 실린더 내에 각각 설치되어 승강되는 피스톤으로 이루어진 실린더블록; 상기 다수의 실린더 내에 설치된 피스톤에 각각 연결되고 상기 피스톤의 승강운동에 연동되어 작동되는 크랭크축; 상기 실린더블록 내부의 측부 일단과 측부 타단에 축 결합되고 상기 크랭크축의 직선운동에 연동되어 일정각도로 회전되는 로터부재; 및 상기 다수의 실린더에 연결되고 열매체를 고온으로 가열시킨 열매유 탱크에서 고온의 열매유를 공급받아 상기 실린더 내에 설치된 피스톤을 순간적으로 강하게 승강시키는 수열부재;를 포함한다. The present invention relates to a power generation device using a Stirling engine that seeks to improve the overall efficiency of the power generation device by minimizing pressure loss through the interaction of cylinders arranged in a 'V' shape, the configuration of which is, A Stirling engine operated based on the movement of a number of pistons according to the temperature of the heat source, a heat collecting unit located at the focal point of the solar collector and heated by the condensed sunlight, and filled with thermal oil and supplied with heat from the thermal medium. In the power generation device composed of a heat oil tank for heating heated heat oil, the Stirling engine includes a plurality of cylinders arranged symmetrically in a 'V' shape on both sides, and a piston installed in the plurality of cylinders and lifted, respectively. a cylinder block made of; A crankshaft connected to pistons installed in the plurality of cylinders and operated in conjunction with the lifting movement of the pistons; a rotor member that is axially coupled to one end of a side part and the other end of the side part inside the cylinder block and rotates at a predetermined angle in conjunction with the linear motion of the crankshaft; and a heat receiving member that is connected to the plurality of cylinders and receives high-temperature thermal oil from ...

22-05-2007 дата публикации

Devices using a medium having a high heat transfer rate

Номер: US7220365B2
Принадлежит: New QU Energy Ltd

Disclosed is a heat transfer medium having high heat transfer rate, being useful in even wider fields, simple in structure, easy to made, environmentally sound, and capable of rapidly conducting heat and preserving heat in a highly efficient manner. Further disclosed are a heat transfer surface and a heat transfer element utilizing the heat transfer medium. Further disclosed are applications of the heat transfer element.

23-03-2021 дата публикации

Novel passive combined cooling heating and power system

Номер: CN112539564A
Автор: 宋歌, 张恺, 龚延风


30-12-2014 дата публикации

Residential solar thermal power plant

Номер: CA2664827C
Автор: Charles Bennett

A high-efficiency residential solar thermal power plant for economically generating power from solar-thermal energy, using a parabolic trough mirror (210) having a longitudinal focal axis, for concentrating sunlight, a timer rotator for rotating the mirror (210) about the focal and longitudinal rotation axis to follow the sun, and a heat collector (220) surrounding a flow channel (288) that preferably has an oblong cross-sectional shape with a major axis aligned with a longitudinal plane of symmetry (213) of the parabolic trough mirror (210). The heat collector is coaxially positioned along the focal axis of said mirror (210) to receive concentrated sunlight so that a working fluid is heated and provided for use through an outlet end of the heat collector.

22-11-2007 дата публикации

Solar receiver device for solar thermal heating of a heat absorption medium

Номер: DE10248064B4

Solar-Receivervorrichtung mit mindestens einem Absorberrohr (32; 54; 82), welches mit konzentrierter Solarstrahlung (18) von einer primären Kollektorvorrichtung (12) beaufschlagbar ist und welches von einem Wärmeaufnahmemedium durchströmbar ist, wobei das mindestens eine Absorberrohr (32; 54; 82) in einem Beaufschlagungsbereich (40, 64) angeordnet ist, welcher eine größere Ausdehnung als eine Beaufschlagungsfläche des Absorberrohrs (32; 54; 82) aufweist, und wobei eine sekundäre Kollektorvorrichtung (38; 66; 86) für den Beaufschlagungsbereich (40; 64) vorgesehen ist, welche so angeordnet und ausgebildet ist, daß Wärmeaufnahmemedium über Strahlung aus dem Beaufschlagungsbereich (40; 64) erwärmbar ist, welche nicht direkt vom Absorberrohr (32; 54; 82) absorbiert wurde, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die sekundäre Kollektorvorrichtung (66; 86) einen Wärmespeicher (58; 86) umfaßt, durch welchen Solarstrahlung aus dem Beaufschlagungsbereich (64) absorbierbar ist und durch welchen Wärme an das Wärmeaufnahmemedium abgebbar ist.

07-01-2020 дата публикации

Solar air medium outdoor heating system

Номер: CN110657486A
Автор: 王志华
Принадлежит: Individual


30-06-2010 дата публикации

Solar heat collecting cake

Номер: CN101762086A
Автор: 唐资仪
Принадлежит: Hangzhou Liuyi Technology Co Ltd


29-10-2019 дата публикации

Solar energy cascade collecting system

Номер: CN110388757A


27-06-1985 дата публикации

Water heater

Номер: JPS60120146A
Принадлежит: Sanyo Machine Works Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

01-07-2010 дата публикации

Pressurized solar water heater

Номер: WO2010075031A2
Автор: Kaiping Ao
Принадлежит: A.O. Smith Corporation

A pressurized solar water heater. The water heater includes a water storage tank and a solar heat collection device. The solar heat collection device includes a lateral heat collector and longitudinal header. One end of the heat collector is connected with the header, forming a first heat exchange circulating loop; the header is installed at an angle to vertical and has a U-shaped heat exchange tube with two branch lines inside. The U-shaped heat exchange tube is also at an angle to vertical along with the header, and the two branch lines are at a high position and a low position respectively. The two branch lines extend upward and are connected with corresponding circulation connections of the water storage tank, forming a second heat exchange circulating loop.

01-02-2006 дата публикации

Solar heat-collecting pipe

Номер: CN2755515Y
Автор: 牛永庆, 高元运
Принадлежит: Individual


06-08-2014 дата публикации

Compact liquid-tube vacuum tube water heater compatible with phase change heat storage function

Номер: CN103968572A
Автор: 秦三根
Принадлежит: Individual


07-11-2007 дата публикации

Circulation exchange solar water heater

Номер: CN200972268Y
Автор: 汪本启
Принадлежит: Individual


22-06-2011 дата публикации

Pressure bearing type solar water heater

Номер: CN101435632B
Автор: 敖凯平
Принадлежит: AO Smith China Water Heater Co Ltd


26-12-2007 дата публикации

Multi-purpose efficient solar water heater

Номер: CN200996675Y
Автор: 卜令辉, 宋国强
Принадлежит: Individual


18-06-2014 дата публикации

Lying cross-flow horizontal axis roof wind power generation device

Номер: CN103867398A
Автор: 邓惠仪
Принадлежит: Individual


28-08-1981 дата публикации

Solar and off-peak electricity storage heating system - uses heat storing mass in which depression can be made to draw in air from heat collecting panels for later distribution

Номер: FR2476805A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: DuPont Paul

The heating system has a solar collector for heating an air stream which is subsequently fed through a heat storage mass for storing heat transferred from the warm air. The same storage mass can also be used to store heat obtained from off-peak electrical heating. A press reduction is provided in the storage mass by a suction fan to draw air from the collector or from the locality through it, so that it is heated by the stored heat for circulation to the space heating circuit. Pref., the solar collector has spaced superimposed panels defining an air circulation space to which the air is supplied at the bottom and exits at the top. Two hydraulically operated valves control the air circulation through the storage mass in dependence on the level of received solar energy. The system is designed for economy and max. energy utilisation.

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Metal heat storage apparatus

Номер: WO2014126342A1
Автор: 김병균
Принадлежит: Kim Byunggyun

The present invention relates to a metal heat storage apparatus used to store heat transmitted from the outside, and in particular, the present invention aims to provide a metal heat storage apparatus which stores, at a high temperature, high-temperature solar energy collected by means of a solar concentrator and such others, and allows a gradual discharge thereof, thereby significantly improving the storage of solar energy, which is a natural energy. The present invention doubly insulates a metal heat storage medium, which stores solar energy at a high temperature (100-1300 degrees), and disposes a heat exchanger so as to be proximal to the metal heat storage medium, so that a working heating fluid can be heated for an extended period, wherein, in order to doubly insulate the metal heat storage medium: a medium insertion chamber has an arrangement of an insulating inner wall, an insulating outer wall and an insulating floor on the inner side, outer side and the floor, respectively, of the metal heat storage medium; an outer wall structure, made of concrete, comprises a floor, a central column, an outer wall body, and an upper cover; a mirror for reflecting infrared rays is disposed below the upper cover; and a heat storage tank is vacuum-treated, thus blocking the air-induced convective process and heat conduction, and thereby allowing the loss of heat to be minimized.

13-04-2011 дата публикации

Water heating apparatus

Номер: EP2307818A2
Автор: David Akerman
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a solar water heating apparatus comprising a central tank and one or more outer layerswherein at least part of the exterior of the outermost layer is adapted to be exposed to the sun. The outer layers also formwater pathways such that, when the tank is substantially filled with water, said water is able to circulate around a path formed by said central tank and the outer layers.A pulsing pump may help circulatethe water. An auxiliary heating element may be also provided, such as a small gas burner.

18-04-2012 дата публикации

Separated heat pipe device used for high-temperature control of solar water heater

Номер: CN101975525B
Автор: 招玉春, 王�华, 韩晓明
Принадлежит: Individual


10-12-1997 дата публикации

Solar heat storage type road surface snow melting device

Номер: JP2689400B2
Принадлежит: Fujikura Ltd

15-12-2010 дата публикации

Solar heating sterilization device

Номер: CN201667963U
Автор: 王承辉
Принадлежит: Individual


10-10-2007 дата публикации

Internal cavity of solar heater

Номер: CN200958870Y
Автор: 丁力
Принадлежит: Individual


15-12-2017 дата публикации

A kind of energy control strategy based on solar energy, electric boiler complementation heat storage boiler

Номер: CN107477553A


12-07-2018 дата публикации

Solar heat power generator

Номер: KR101877006B1
Принадлежит: 장윤희

The present invention relates to a solar power generator, and more particularly, to a solar power generator using radiation heat to minimize heat loss and maximize and consistently maintain a temperature difference in a thermoelectric device by using solar heat. According to the solar power generator, a power generation unit includes: a heating tank through which a heating medium heated and circulated by solar heat passes; a thermoelectric element which is provided outside the heating tank; and a water block which is provided outside the thermoelectric element, and through which cooling water flows. A spacer is provided between the thermoelectric element and the heating tank so that one surface of the thermoelectric element and the heating tank are spaced apart from each other at predetermined intervals, thereby heating the thermoelectric element by radiation heat from the heating tank. The heating tank has a rectangular tube shape, and the thermoelectric element, the water block and the spacer are provided so as to surround the heating tank. A cooling unit supplying the cooling water to the water block is disposed on an upper side of the power generation unit, and the cooling water is supplied to the water block provided on the uppermost part of the heating tank disposed so that a longitudinal section thereof forms a diamond shape.

31-03-1984 дата публикации

Solenoid opening and closing valve for double structured solar heat hot-water heater

Номер: JPS5956047A
Принадлежит: Individual

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。
