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06-12-2017 дата публикации

Электронный деселерометр

Номер: RU0000175489U1

Полезная модель относится к средствам измерения. Электронный деселерометр предназначен для определения коэффициента сцепления колеса самолета с поверхностью взлетно-посадочной полосы. Сущность заявляемого технического решения состоит в том, что известный электронный деселерометр, который состоит из модуля вычисления, соединенного с двухосевым электронным акселерометром, модулем памяти, модулем измерения времени, модулем управления, модулем печати, модулем отображения информации и модулем подключения к источнику питания, согласно настоящей полезной модели дополнительно содержит модуль передачи данных и модуль приема сигналов спутниковой навигации, которые соединены с упомянутым модулем вычисления. Технический результат – расширение возможностей заявленного устройства с одновременным повышением достоверности информации. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. Ц 1 175489 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 19 11 ааа а за за (13 7 ВУ” +478 489 94 (51) МПК ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ СОР 15/00 (2006.01) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017103017, 30.01.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.01.2017 Дата регистрации: 06.12.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 30.01.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 06.12.2017 Бюл. № 34 Адрес для переписки: 198215, Санкт-Петербург, Дачный пр-кт, 36, кори. 8, кв. 40, Сахаров В.М. (72) Автор(ы): Сахаров Вадим Михайлович (КП), Кутузов Сергей Викторович (КП), Куртуков Дмитрий Николаевич (КО) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Сахаров Вадим Михайлович (КП), Кутузов Сергей Викторович (КП) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: Каталог компании "Во\утопкК", деселерометр Во\утопЕ АЕМ2. КП 13099 1, 20.03.2000. ВУ 2259569 С1, 27.08.2005. 05 5659137 А1, 19.08.1997. (54) ЭЛЕКТРОННЫЙ ДЕСЕЛЕРОМЕТР (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к средствам измерения. Электронный деселерометр предназначен для определения коэффициента сцепления колеса самолета с поверхностью взлетно-посадочной полосы. Сущность заявляемого ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Волоконно-оптическое устройство регистрации вибраций

Номер: RU0000179547U1

Полезная модель относится к области измерительной техники. Волоконно-оптическое устройство регистрации вибраций содержит корпус, установленный с возможностью прикрепления к контролируемой поверхности, последовательно соединенные с помощью волоконного световода источник электромагнитного излучении, чувствительный элемент, выполненный в виде участка волоконного световода, размещенного в корпусе устройства, и фотоприемник, входящий в блок обработки информации. Чувствительный элемент выполнен в виде петли световода, закрепленной на основании корпуса устройства. В верхней части петли световода закреплен груз, а вдоль нижней части петли установлены бортики для гашения горизонтальных колебаний. Источник электромагнитного излучения выполнен с возможностью переключения рабочей длины волны. Технический результат – непрерывная регистрация вибрации контролируемого объекта при отсутствии необходимости настройки рабочей точки перед эксплуатацией устройства. 7ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 179 547 U1 (51) МПК G01P 15/02 (2013.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01P 15/02 (2018.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017139623, 14.11.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.05.2018 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 14.11.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 17.05.2018 Бюл. № 14 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2017137566 A, 26.10.2017. RU (54) ВОЛОКОННО-ОПТИЧЕСКОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО РЕГИСТРАЦИИ ВИБРАЦИЙ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области выполнен в виде петли световода, закрепленной измерительной техники. Волоконно-оптическое на основании корпуса устройства. В верхней устройство регистрации вибраций содержит части петли световода закреплен груз, а вдоль корпус, установленный с возможностью нижней части петли установлены бортики для прикрепления к контролируемой поверхности, гашения горизонтальных колебаний. Источник последовательно соединенные с помощью электромагнитного ...

25-03-2019 дата публикации

Чувствительный элемент мэмс-акселерометра с измеряемым диапазоном ускорений большой амплитуды

Номер: RU0000187949U1

Полезная модель относится к области измерительной техники и может быть использована в инерциальных системах для измерения величины и направления ускорения большой амплитуды. Задачей полезной модели является повышение надежности чувствительного элемента МЭМС-акселерометра за счет упрощения конструкции с сохранением возможности ограничения перемещения инерционной массы вдоль оси чувствительности в условиях действия ускорения большой амплитуды. Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что чувствительный элемент МЭМС-акселерометра с измеряемым диапазоном ускорений большой амплитуды содержит корпус, выполненный в виде платы, инерционную массу, выполненную в виде пластины из кремния, расположенную с зазором относительно корпуса и связанную с ним через точки крепления, образованные путем анодного сращивания двух областей на инерционной массе и на корпусе, образующие упругий подвес, обеспечивающий перемещение инерционной массы вдоль оси, направленной перпендикулярно плоскости инерционной массы, емкостной датчик выходного сигнала, содержащий подвижные электроды, расположенные на инерционной массе, и неподвижные электроды, расположенные на корпусе, использует в качестве элемента, ограничивающего перемещение инерционной массы вдоль оси чувствительности в условиях действия ускорения большой амплитуды, элемент конструкции (упор), образованный с помощью корпуса и инерционной массы, связанной с ним через точки крепления, образованные путем анодного сращивания двух областей на инерционной массе и на корпусе. Технический результат заключается в упрощении конструкции и повышению ее надежности. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 187 949 U1 (51) МПК G01P 15/02 (2013.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01P 15/02 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018139514, 09.11.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 25.03.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 25.03.2019 Бюл. № 9 Адрес для переписки: 124498, ...

21-12-2020 дата публикации

Магнитный держатель пьезоэлектрического вибропреобразователя

Номер: RU0000201522U1

Полезная модель относится к крепежным вспомогательным элементам диагностической аппаратуры, а также может быть использована в качестве устройства крепления диагностической аппаратуры на объект мониторинга при неразрушающем контроле параметров трещин в системах водо-, нефте-, газопроводов, в авиационной и космической промышленностях, при оценке ресурса работоспособности строительных металлоконструкций и железнодорожных рельсов. Удобство и надежность крепления вибропреобразователя достигается за счет того, что магнитопроводящий упор нижней цилиндрической частью выступает на 4-5 мм относительно нижней поверхности круглого основания фланца, что позволяет производить установку/съем преобразователя для снятия акустоэмиссионного сигнала с поверхности объекта мониторинга даже при наличии на ней различного рода пленок, микронеровностей и искривлений поверхности (вогнутость, выпуклость). 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 201 522 U1 (51) МПК G01P 15/09 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01P 15/09 (2020.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020122908, 06.07.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 21.12.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 21.12.2020 Бюл. № 36 (54) МАГНИТНЫЙ ДЕРЖАТЕЛЬ ПЬЕЗОЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКОГО ВИБРОПРЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к крепежным надежность крепления вибропреобразователя вспомогательным элементам диагностической достигается за счет того, что магнитопроводящий аппаратуры, а также может быть использована упор нижней цилиндрической частью выступает в качестве устройства крепления диагностической на 4-5 мм относительно нижней поверхности аппаратуры на объект мониторинга при круглого основания фланца, что позволяет неразрушающем контроле параметров трещин в производить установку/съем преобразователя системах водо-, нефте-, газопроводов, в для снятия акустоэмиссионного сигнала с авиационной и космической промышленностях, поверхности объекта ...

09-02-2021 дата публикации

Пьезоэлектрический акселерометр

Номер: RU0000202246U1

Полезная модель относится к области измерительной техники, в частности, к пьезоэлектрическим акселерометрам, предназначенным для измерения вибраций и ударных ускорений.Повышение метрологической надежности достигается исполнением пьезоэлектрического элемента в виде полого цилиндра из пьезокерамики, скрепленного с полым инерционным цилиндрическим элементом, расположенным осесимметрично на внутреннем цилиндрическом магнитном держателе корпуса, что позволяет повысить чувствительность и увеличить соотношение сигнал/шум с обеспечением помехозащищенности акселерометра и высокой метрологической надежности. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 202 246 U1 (51) МПК G01P 15/09 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01P 15/09 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020122907, 06.07.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 09.02.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 09.02.2021 Бюл. № 4 2 0 2 2 4 6 R U (54) ПЬЕЗОЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИЙ АКСЕЛЕРОМЕТР (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области измерительной техники, в частности, к пьезоэлектрическим акселерометрам, предназначенным для измерения вибраций и ударных ускорений. Повышение метрологической надежности достигается исполнением пьезоэлектрического элемента в виде полого цилиндра из пьезокерамики, скрепленного с полым Стр.: 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 143487 U1, 27.07.2014. RU 2098831 C1, 10.12.1997. SU 1809393 A1, 15.04.1993. RU 2566411 C1, 27.10.2015. US 2012204644 A1, 16.08.2012. инерционным цилиндрическим элементом, расположенным осесимметрично на внутреннем цилиндрическом магнитном держателе корпуса, что позволяет повысить чувствительность и увеличить соотношение сигнал/шум с обеспечением помехозащищенности акселерометра и высокой метрологической надежности. U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 197101, Санкт-Петербург, Кронверкский пр., 49, лит. А, Университет ИТМО, ОИС и НТИ (73) Патентообладатель(и): федеральное ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Method and handheld electronic device for detecting and providing notification of a device drop

Номер: US20120007745A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

A method and handheld electronic device for detecting and providing notification of a device drop are provided. In accordance with one embodiment, there is provided a method for providing notification of a device drop on an electronic device having a processor coupled to a memory and an accelerometer, the method comprising: receiving an input from the accelerometer; and issuing an alert when the input indicates a freefall event and at least one secondary indication of a device drop exists.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

MEMS Sensor Device With Multi-Stimulus Sensing and Method of Fabricating Same

Номер: US20120043627A1

A device ( 20, 90 ) includes sensors ( 28, 30 ) that sense different physical stimuli. A pressure sensor ( 28 ) includes a reference element ( 44 ) and a sense element ( 52 ), and an inertial sensor ( 30 ) includes a movable element ( 54 ). Fabrication ( 110 ) entails forming ( 112 ) a first substrate structure ( 22, 92 ) having a cavity ( 36, 100 ), forming a second substrate structure ( 24 ) to include the sensors ( 28, 30 ), and coupling ( 128 ) the substrate structures so that the first sensor ( 28 ) is aligned with the cavity ( 36, 100 ) and the second sensor ( 30 ) is laterally spaced apart from the first sensor ( 28 ). Forming the second structure ( 24 ) includes forming ( 118 ) the sense element ( 52 ) from a material layer ( 124 ) of the second structure ( 24 ) and following coupling ( 128 ) of the substrate structures, concurrently forming ( 132 ) the reference element ( 44 ) and the movable element ( 54 ) in a wafer substrate ( 122 ) of the second structure ( 24 ).

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Resonant sensing using extensional modes of a plate

Номер: US20120067124A1
Принадлежит: Sand 9 Inc

A device or system that incorporates teachings of the present disclosure may include, for example, a resonant structure having a plate, a mass and a set of electrodes. The plate can have an extensional mode at a frequency when excited. The set of electrodes can be used to measure an acceleration of the mass when the acceleration of the mass changes the frequency of the plate. Other embodiments are disclosed.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Seismic streamer

Номер: US20120069703A1
Принадлежит: Optoplan AS

There is provided a solid seismic streamer cable for use in seismic surveying in marine environments. The streamer is characterised by a buffer layer 2 which is provided with a cut-out 50 and a sensor element arranged in the cut-out 50. There is also provided an associated hydrophone for integration into the seismic streamer cable. The hydrophone is characteristic in a split-element sensor base 10, 11 being suited for efficient mounting into the cut-outs 50 of the seismic cable. There is also provided an associated accelerometer for integration into the seismic streamer cable. The accelerometer is characteristic by a split-element sensor base 30, 35 for being efficiently arranged into the cut-outs 50 of the seismic cable. A method of producing a seismic streamer cable according to the invention incorporating a hydrophone or accelerometer according to the invention is also provided.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Functional device, method of manufacturing the functional device, physical quantity sensor, and electronic apparatus

Номер: US20120111615A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A functional device according to an embodiment of the invention includes: an insulating substrate; a movable section; movable electrode fingers provided in the movable section; and fixed electrode fingers provided on the insulating substrate and arranged to be opposed to the movable electrode fingers. The fixed electrode fingers include: first fixed electrode fingers arranged on one side of the movable electrode fingers; and second fixed electrode fingers arranged on the other side of the movable electrode fingers. The first fixed electrode fingers and the second fixed electrode fingers are arranged to be spaced apart from each other.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Acceleration and angular velocity detection device

Номер: US20120125105A1
Автор: Kenji Hirano
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

An acceleration and angular velocity detection device includes a first oscillation element and a second oscillation element that are movable in a direction along a first axis and a direction along a second axis, an oscillating portion oscillating the first and second oscillation elements in opposite directions along the first axis, a first detection capacitance element and a second detection capacitance element whose capacitances change in a complementary way in accordance with a displacement of the first oscillation element, a third detection capacitance element and a fourth detection capacitance element whose capacitances change in a complementary way in accordance with a displacement of the second oscillation element, a charge amplifier having a fully differential structure, and a detecting portion detecting an acceleration and an angular velocity of a rotation.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Motion analyzing apparatus

Номер: US20120128203A1
Автор: Yasushi Nakaoka
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A sensor unit is installed to a target object and detects a given physical amount. A data acquisition unit acquires output data of the sensor unit in a period including a first period for which a real value of a value of m time integrals of the physical amount is known and a second period that is a target for motion analysis. An error time function estimating unit performs m time integrals of the output data of the sensor unit and estimates a time function of an error of a value of the physical amount detected by the sensor unit with respect to the real value of the value of the physical amount detected by the sensor unit based on a difference between a value of m time integrals of the output data and the real value for the first period.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Micromechanical component

Номер: US20120133003A1
Автор: Jochen Reinmuth

A micromechanical component includes: a substrate having a multitude of trench structures which separate a first and a second mass element of the substrate from a web element of the substrate, in such a way that the first and second mass elements enclose the web element along an extension direction of the main surface of the substrate and are disposed to allow movement relative to the substrate in the direction of a surface normal of the main surface; a first electrode layer applied on the main surface of the substrate and forms a first electrode on the web element between the first and second mass elements; and a second electrode layer applied on the first and second mass elements and forming a self-supporting second electrode above the first electrode in the area of the web element, the first and second electrode forming a capacitance.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Movement Monitoring Device For Action Sports, And Associated Methods

Номер: US20120143514A1
Принадлежит: PhatRat Tech LLC

A movement monitoring device (MMD) for action sports has a detector for sensing motion associated with action sports, a processor for processing data from the detector to determine one or more movement metrics, and a communications port for wirelessly relaying the movement metrics to a remote location. A method collects motion data within action sports, including: detecting motion of a person or object engaged in action sports; determining one or more events associated with the motion; and wirelessly relaying the events to a remote network. One MMD for action sports is formed within a cell phone having a detector for sensing motion associated with action sports and a processor for processing data from the detector to determine one or more movement metrics for (a) display to a person using carrying the cell phone during action sports or (b) relaying the movement metrics to an external network for review by others.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Micromechanical component and manufacturing method for a micromechanical component

Номер: US20120167681A1
Автор: Jochen Reinmuth

A micromechanical component having a fixing point and a seismic weight, which is connected to the fixing point by at least one spring and is made at least partially out of a first material, the first material being a semiconductor material, the seismic weight being additionally made out of at least one second material, and the second material having a higher density than the first material. In addition, a manufacturing method for a micromechanical component is provided, having the steps of forming a seismic weight at least partially out of a first material, the first material being a semiconductor material, connecting the seismic weight to a fixing point of the micromechanical component, using at least one spring, and forming the seismic weight from the first material and at least one second material, which has a higher density than the first material.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

External force detecting device and external force detecting sensor

Номер: US20120180568A1
Принадлежит: Nihon Dempa Kogyo Co Ltd

A device is provided for a detecting external force applied to piezoelectric piece. A crystal piece is cantilever-supported in a container. Excitation electrodes are formed on an upper face and lower face, respectively. A movable electrode, connected via a lead-out electrode to the excitation electrode, is formed on the lower face side at a front end of the crystal piece. A fixed electrode is provided on a bottom portion of the container to face this movable electrode. The excitation electrode on the upper face side and the fixed electrode are connected to an oscillation circuit. When the crystal piece bends in response to an applied external force, capacitance between the movable electrode and fixed electrode, changes. This capacitance change results in a corresponding change in oscillation frequency of the crystal piece.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods to provide communication, positioning and monitoring of user status

Номер: US20120195446A9
Принадлежит: Sonitus Medical Inc

A communication apparatus includes a bone conduction communication apparatus with a housing having a shape which is conformable to at least a portion of at least one tooth of a user; a transceiver mounted in the housing; and a transducer disposed within or upon the housing and in vibratory communication with a surface of the at least one tooth to transmit sound through the at least one tooth. A positioning system is provided to transmit positional information to the transceiver to be delivered to the transducer; and a communication device links the transceiver with a second person. The electronic and transducer assembly may receive incoming sounds either directly or through a receiver to process and amplify the signals and transmit the processed sounds via a vibrating transducer element coupled to a tooth or other bone structure, such as the maxillary, mandibular, or palatine bone structure.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Twin sub-wavelength grating optical signal processor

Номер: US20120198935A1
Принадлежит: SRI International Inc

The present disclosure relates generally to an optical signal processor. In one embodiment, the optical signal processor includes a first sub-wavelength grating having a first grating period and a second sub-wavelength grating having a second grating period that is different than the first grating period of the first sub-wavelength grating.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Micro-electromechanical system devices and methods of making micro-electromechanical system devices

Номер: US20120205753A1
Принадлежит: Kionix Inc

A micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) device includes a substrate, a first beam, a second beam, and a third beam. The first beam includes first and second portions separated by an isolation joint. The first and second portions each comprise a semiconductor and a first dielectric layer. An electrically conductive trace is mechanically coupled to the first beam and electrically coupled to the second portion's semiconductor but not the first portion's semiconductor. The second beam includes a second dielectric layer. The profile of each of the first, second, and third beams has been formed by a dry etch. A cavity separates a surface of the substrate from the first, second, and third beams. The cavity has been formed by a dry etch. A side wall of each of the first, second, and third beams has substantially no dielectric layer disposed thereon, and the dielectric layer has been removed by a vapor-phase etch.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

MEMS Sensor with Movable Z-Axis Sensing Element

Номер: US20120223726A1
Автор: Michael W. Judy, Xin Zhang
Принадлежит: Analog Devices Inc

A MEMS sensor includes a substrate and a MEMS structure coupled to the substrate. The MEMS structure has a mass movable with respect to the substrate. The MEMS sensor also includes a reference structure electrically coupled to the mass of the MEMS sensor. The reference structure is used to provide a reference to offset any environmental changes that may affect the MEMS sensor in order to increase the accuracy of its measurement.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Impact indicator

Номер: US20120227661A1
Принадлежит: ShockWatch Inc

According to one aspect of the present disclosure, a device and technique for impact detection and indication is disclosed. The device includes a housing and a detection assembly configured to detect receipt by the housing of an acceleration event. In response to detecting the acceleration event, the detection assembly causes a display element coupled to the housing to provide an encoded indication of impact status.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Method for estimating velocities and/or displacements from accelerometer measurement samples

Номер: US20120232823A1

There is provided a fall detector for use in detecting falls by a user, the fall detector comprising an accelerometer for producing a time series of measurement samples representing the acceleration acting on the fall detector; a processor for estimating a vertical velocity and/or vertical displacement of the fall detector from the measurement samples and using the estimated vertical velocity and/or vertical displacement to determine whether the user has suffered a fall; wherein the processor is configured to estimate a vertical velocity and/or vertical displacement of the fall detector from the measurement samples by estimating a corresponding time series of unit vectors representing acceleration due to gravity in the reference frame of the accelerometer from the time series of measurement samples; projecting each measurement sample onto the corresponding unit vector and subtracting acceleration due to gravity to give a series of estimates for the vertical acceleration of the fall detector; and integrating the series of estimates for the vertical acceleration over a time period to give a time series of values for the vertical velocity and/or vertical displacement of the fall detector.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Micromechanical Component and Manufacturing Method for a Micromechanical Component

Номер: US20120248931A1
Автор: Jochen Reinmuth

A micromechanical component is described having a substrate which has at least one stator electrode fixedly mounted with respect to the substrate, a movable mass having at least one actuator electrode fixedly mounted with respect to the movable mass, and at least one spring via which the movable mass is displaceable. The movable mass is structured from the substrate with the aid of at least one separating trench, at least one outer stator electrode spans at least one section of the at least one separating trench and/or of the movable mass, the at least one actuator electrode protrudes between the at least one outer stator electrode and the substrate, and at least one inner stator electrode protrudes between the at least one actuator electrode and the substrate. A related manufacturing method is also described for a micromechanical component.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Fiber optic transducers, fiber optic accelerometers and fiber optic sensing systems

Номер: US20120257208A1

A fiber optic transducer is provided. The fiber optic transducer includes a fixed portion configured to be secured to a body of interest, a moveable portion having a range of motion with respect to the fixed portion, a spring positioned between the fixed portion and the moveable portion, and a length of fiber wound between the fixed portion and the moveable portion. The length of fiber spans the spring. The fiber optic transducer also includes a mass engaged with the moveable portion. In one disclosed aspect of the transducer, the mass envelopes the moveable portion.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for evaluating hit feeling

Номер: US20120266652A1
Принадлежит: Dunlop Sports Co Ltd

An evaluation method for hit feeling of a sport implement according to the present invention includes an acceleration measurement step for measuring acceleration of a sport hitting tool 4 and a data analysis step for analyzing data obtained in the measurement. In the data analysis step, an amount of change in acceleration in a first cycle of vibration after hitting is calculated. The evaluation method evaluates hit feeling to be felt by a person, using the amount of change in the acceleration. Preferably, in the data analysis step, an amount of change in acceleration in the first cycle of predetermined time is calculated. The predetermined time is within 1.5 msec from the time of hitting. Preferably, the sport hitting tool 4 has the hitting section detachably attached to a shaft section.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Micromechanical Rotary Acceleration Sensor and Method for Detecting a Rotary Acceleration

Номер: US20120272735A1

The disclosure relates to a micromechanical rotary acceleration sensor including a substrate with at least one anchoring device and at least two flywheel masses. At least one of the flywheel masses is connected to at least one anchoring device by means of a coupling element. The at least one anchoring device is designed in such a manner that the at least two flywheel masses are elastically deflectable from a respective rest position about at least one axis of rotation. The at least two flywheel masses is designed in such a manner that they have different natural frequencies.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Inertial unit with several detection axes

Номер: US20120279300A1
Автор: Arnaud Walther

Inertial unit for the measurement of accelerations and/or rotations comprising four sensors, spread out on two intersecting axes, each sensor comprising two inertial masses, each inertial mass comprising a moveable excitation part and a moveable detection part, the moveable excitation parts of a sensor being separate from those of the other sensors, said unit also comprising means for exciting the excitation parts of the sensors and means for detecting the movement of the detection parts, the two inertial masses of each sensor) being mechanically coupled, the four sensors being coupled by elastically deformable mechanical coupling means and able to transmit the excitation vibrations from one axis to the other.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Processes and mounting fixtures for fabricating electromechanical devices and devices formed therewith

Номер: US20120286380A1

Processes and fixtures for producing electromechanical devices, and particularly three-dimensional electromechanical devices such as inertial measurement units (IMUs), through the use of a fabrication process and a three-dimensional assembly process that entail joining single-axis device-IC chips while positioned within a mounting fixture that maintains the orientations and relative positions of the chips during the joining operation.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Impact indicator

Номер: US20120312071A1
Автор: Clinton A. BRANCH
Принадлежит: ShockWatch Inc

According to one aspect of the present disclosure, a device and technique for impact detection is disclosed. The impact indicator includes a tube having a first fluid and a second fluid disposed therein, wherein a viscosity of the second fluid is greater than a viscosity of the first fluid, and wherein, responsive to a predetermined level of impact received by the impact indicator, at least a portion of the first fluid mixes into the second fluid to create a change in color of the second fluid to provide a visual indication of the received impact.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Inertial sensor and angular velocity detection method using the same

Номер: US20130019679A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

Disclosed herein is an inertial sensor including: a driving part displaceably supported by a support; a driving electrode vibrating the driving part; and a detecting electrode detecting a force acting on the driving part in a predetermined direction, wherein the driving part includes: a center driving mass positioned at the center of the inertial sensor; side driving masses connected to and interlocking with the center driving mass and positioned at four sides based on the center driving mass; and connection bridges connecting the center driving mass, the side driving masses, and the support to each other.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Nano-Resonator Inertial Sensor Assembly

Номер: US20130019682A1
Автор: Ying Hsu
Принадлежит: Irvine Sensors Corp

The invention is a frequency modulated (FM) inertial sensing device and method which, in one embodiment, comprises an accelerometer having a proof mass coupled to a nano-resonator element. The nano-resonator element is oscillated at a first predetermined frequency, which may be a first resonant frequency, and is altered to oscillate at a second frequency, which may be a second resonant frequency, in response to a resultant force produced by the acceleration of the proof mass. The degree of change in nano-resonator element output frequency is sensed and processed using suitable processing circuitry as a change in acceleration.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Inertial sensor and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130036818A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

Disclosed herein are an inertial sensor and a method of manufacturing the same. The inertial sensor 100 according to a preferred embodiment of the present invention is configured to include a plate-shaped membrane 110, a mass body 120 disposed under a central portion 113 of the membrane 110, a post 130 disposed under an edge 115 of the membrane 110 so as to support the membrane 110, and a bottom cap 150 of which the edge 153 is provided with the first cavity 155 into which an adhesive 140 is introduced, wherein the adhesive 140 bonds an edge 153 to a bottom surface of the post, whereby the edge 153 of the bottom cap 150 is provided with the first cavity 155 to introduce the adhesive 140 into the first cavity 155, thereby preventing the adhesive 140 from being permeated into the post 130.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Motion sensing apparatus and method thereof

Номер: US20130054196A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

The present disclosure provides a motion sensing apparatus comprising a sensor configured to sense a motion of an object; a variation determination unit configured to determine a variation in the sensed signal provided from the sensor; an ODR control unit configured to control an output data rate (ODR) in proportion to a determination result at the variation determination unit; and a digital signal output unit configured to read the signal provided from the sensor based on the ODR controlled by the ODR control unit, and output the same as a digital value.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Portable monitoring devices and methods of operating same

Номер: US20130073254A1
Принадлежит: Fitbit LLC

The present inventions, in one aspect, are directed to a portable activity monitoring device to calculate a number of stairs or flights of stairs traversed by a user, the monitoring device comprising (i) a housing having a physical size and shape that is adapted to couple to the body of the user, (ii) an altitude sensor, disposed in the housing, to detect a change in altitude of the user and, in response thereto, to generate data which is representative of the change in altitude of the user, and (iii) processing circuitry, disposed in the housing and coupled to the motion sensor and the altitude sensor, to calculate a number of stairs or flights of stairs traversed by the user using the data which is representative of a change in altitude of the user.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130082844A1

A method and handheld electronic device for detecting and providing notification of a device drop are provided. In accordance with one embodiment, there is provided a method for providing notification of a device drop on an electronic device, the method comprising: receiving first data from a first sensor; monitoring second data from at least one of a second sensor or input device to detect one or more secondary indications of a device drop; and issuing an alert when the first data indicates a freefall event and the second data indicates at least one secondary indication of a device drop has been detected. 1. A method for providing notification of a device drop on an electronic device , the method comprising:receiving first data from a first sensor;monitoring second data from at least one of a second sensor or input device to detect one or more secondary indications of a device drop; andissuing an alert when the first data indicates a freefall event and the second data indicates at least one secondary indication of a device drop has been detected.2. The method of wherein the secondary indication of a device drop is inactivity of the electronic device claim 1 , the method comprising:issuing the alert when a freefall event and after a predetermined duration of inactivity of the electronic device has elapsed.3. The method of wherein the secondary indication of a device drop is impact of the electronic device claim 1 , the method comprising:issuing the alert when the first data indicates a freefall event and impact of the electronic device within a predetermined duration of the freefall event.4. The method of wherein the secondary indication of a device drop is whether the electronic device is out of a holster claim 1 , the method comprising determining whether the electronic device is out of a holster; wherein the alert is issued when the first data indicates a freefall event and the electronic device is out of the holster.5. The method of wherein the alert is issued ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle Stability Systems and Methods

Номер: US20130096867A1

Systems and methods for determining angular velocity of a vehicle. Systems include an array of accelerometers and a computing unit configured to determine angular velocity as a function of acceleration measured by the array of accelerometers. Angular velocity can then be used, for example, by stability systems to control the vehicle.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Piezoresistive Micromechanical Sensor Component and Corresponding Measuring Method

Номер: US20130098154A1

A piezoresistive micromechanical sensor component includes a substrate, a seismic mass, at least one piezoresistive bar, and a measuring device. The seismic mass is suspended from the substrate such that it can be deflected. The at least one piezoresistive bar is provided between the substrate and the seismic mass and is subject to a change in resistance when the seismic mass is deflected. The at least one piezoresistive bar has a lateral and/or upper and/or lower conductor track which at least partially covers the piezoresistive bar and extends into the region of the substrate. The measuring device is electrically connected to the substrate and to the conductor track and is configured to measure the change in resistance over a circuit path which runs from the substrate through the piezoresistive bar and from the piezoresistive bar through the lateral and/or upper and/or lower conductor track. 1. A piezoresistive micromechanical sensor component comprising:a substrate;a seismic mass suspended deflectably from the substrate;at least one piezoresistive beam, which is provided between the substrate and the seismic mass and is subject to a resistance change when the seismic mass is deflected, the at least one piezoresistive beam comprises including a lateral and/or upper and/or lower conductor track, which at least partially covers the at least one piezoresistive beam and extends into a region of the substrate; anda measuring device, which is electrically connected to the substrate and to the conductor track and is configured to measure the resistance change over a circuit path which extends from the substrate through the piezoresistive beam and from the at least one piezoresistive beam through the lateral and/or upper and/or lower conductor track.2. The sensor component as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the seismic mass is suspended from the substrate over the at least one piezoresistive beam.3. The sensor component as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the seismic mass is ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098155A1

A physical quantity sensor includes a sensor portion, a casing, and a vibration isolator. The casing includes a supporting portion with a supporting surface that is located to face an end surface of the sensor portion. The vibration isolator is located between the end surface of the sensor portion and the supporting surface of the casing to join the sensor portion to the casing. The vibration isolator reduces a relative vibration between the sensor portion and the casing. 1. A physical quantity sensor comprising:a sensor portion having an end surface;a casing including a supporting portion having a supporting surface located to face the end surface of the sensor portion; anda vibration isolator located between the end surface and the supporting surface to join the sensor portion to’ the casing, the vibration isolator configured to reduce a relative vibration between the sensor portion and the casing.2. The physical quantity sensor according to claim 1 , whereinthe casing has an opening that extends through the supporting portion from the supporting surface to a surface opposite to the supporting surface.3. The physical quantity sensor according to claim 2 , further comprising:a temporally supporting member removably fixed to the casing to cover the opening of the casing, the temporally supporting member having a surface in contact with the end surface of the sensor portion; and.a guide member located on a Y” all portion of the casing, the wall portion, facing an outer wall of the sensor portion, whereinthe guide member is in contact with the outer wall of the sensor portion to define a position of the sensor portion with respect to the casing.4. The physical quantity sensor according to claim 1 , whereinthe vibration isolator includes a distance setting member, and an adhesive member,the distance setting member defines a distance between the end surface of the sensor portion and the supporting surface of the supporting portion of the casing, andthe adhesive member ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130104655A1

A fibre optical accelerometer comprising a base structure, a first seismic mass movably coupled to the base structure through a first hinge element, a second seismic mass movably coupled to the base structure through a second hinge element, an optical fibre coupled to the first and second seismic masses at first and second attachment joints, respectively, to subject the optical fibre to varying strain by displacement of the first and second seismic masses about the first and second hinge structures, respectively. 1. A fibre optical accelerometer comprising:a base structure,a first seismic mass movably coupled to the base structure through a first hinge element,a second seismic mass movably coupled to the base structure through a second hinge element,an optical fibre coupled to the first and second seismic masses at first and second attachment joints, respectively, to subject the optical fibre to varying strain by displacement of the first and second seismic masses about the first and second hinge structures, respectively.2. A fibre optical accelerometer according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second hinge elements are arranged in a common horizontal plane.3. A fibre optical accelerometer according to claim 2 , wherein a center of gravity of the first seismic mass and a center of gravity of the second seismic mass are arranged in the common horizontal plane.4. A fibre optical accelerometer according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second seismic masses claim 1 , the first and second hinge elements and the base structure are formed in the same material.5. A fibre optical accelerometer according to claim 4 , wherein the material comprises a metallic material selected from a group of {Wolfram claim 4 , stainless steel claim 4 , brass claim 4 , copper claim 4 , titanium claim 4 , silicon}.6. A fibre optical accelerometer according to claim 4 , wherein the first and second seismic masses claim 4 , the first and second hinge elements and the base structure are ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Electronic damper circuit for mems sensors and resonators

Номер: US20130104656A1
Автор: Eric B. Smith
Принадлежит: Silicon Laboratories Inc

An apparatus includes a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) device including a mass anchored to a substrate. The MEMS device is configured to generate an output signal indicative of motion of the mass with respect to the substrate. The MEMS device includes a feedback module configured to provide a control signal to the MEMS device. The control signal is based on the output signal. The MEMS device is configured to apply a damping force to the mass in response to the control signal.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118257A1
Принадлежит: TiaLinx, Inc.

A tunneling accelerometer includes a proof mass that moves laterally with respect to a cap wafer. Either the proof mass or the cap wafer includes a plurality of tunneling tips such that the remaining one of proof mass and the cap wafer includes a corresponding plurality of counter electrodes. The tunneling current flowing between the tunneling tips and the counter electrodes will thus vary as the proof mass laterally displaces in response to an applied acceleration. 1. A tunneling accelerometer , comprising:a frame;a proof mass including a plurality of counter electrodes;a plurality of springs suspending the planar proof mass within the frame such that the frame is suspended within a first plane defined by the frame and such that the proof mass responds to applied accelerations by lateral displacements within the first plane, the plurality of springs biasing the planar proof mass counter to the lateral displacements; anda wafer including a plurality of tunneling tips, the frame being bonded to the wafer such that the tunneling tips are arranged in a second plane displaced from first plane by a tunneling separation, the first plane and second planes being parallel, the frame being bonded to the wafer such that the tunneling tip align with the counter electrodes in the absence of the applied accelerations.2. The tunneling accelerometer of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of counter electrodes comprise a plurality of parallel-arranged linear counter electrodes.3. The tunneling accelerometer of claim 1 , wherein a tunneling separation between the counter electrodes and the tunneling tips ranges approximately from 10 to 100 Angstroms. This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 12/826,605 filed Jun. 29, 2010, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.The present invention relates generally to accelerometers, and more particularly to a MEMS-based tunneling accelerometer with enhanced sensitivity.MEMS-based developments for accelerometers can ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Acceleration sensor

Номер: US20130118259A1
Автор: JR. Whitmore B., Kelley
Принадлежит: SignalQuest, Inc.

An acceleration sensor is provided. The acceleration sensor contains a first electrically conductive element and a second electrically conductive element. An electrically insulative element is connected to the first electrically conductive element and the second electrically conductive element, where at least a portion of the first electrically conductive element and at least a portion of the second electrically conductive element make contact with the electrically insulative element. At least one electrically conductive spring is located within a cavity of the sensor, wherein the cavity is defined by at least one surface of the first electrically conductive element, at least one surface of the electrically insulative element, and at least one surface of the second electrically conductive element. 1. A sensor , comprising:a first electrically conductive element having a first diameter on a proximate portion of the first electrically conductive element and a second diameter on a distal portion of the first electrically conductive element, where the second diameter of the first electrically conductive element is smaller than the first diameter of the first electrically conductive element;a second electrically conductive element having a first diameter on a proximate portion of the second electrically conductive element and a second diameter on a distal portion of the second electrically conductive element, where the second diameter of the second electrically conductive element is smaller than the first diameter of the second electrically conductive element, and wherein the distal portion of the first electrically conductive element faces the distal portion of the second electrically conductive element;an electrically insulative element connected to the first electrically conductive element and the second electrically conductive element, where at least a portion of the first electrically conductive element and at least a portion of the second electrically conductive ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Fall detection using sensor fusion

Номер: US20130120147A1
Принадлежит: Vital Connect Inc

A method and system for fall detection using sensor fusion are disclosed. In a first aspect, the method comprises in response to any of first and second acceleration magnitude thresholds being satisfied, determining whether a height difference before and after impact of a fall satisfies a threshold and whether an angle threshold between an acceleration vector and a calibration vector is satisfied. In a second aspect, the system comprises a processing system and an application coupled to the processing system, wherein the application carries out the steps of the method.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Protective head gear with moveable members

Номер: US20130125296A1
Автор: Noam Rabinovitch
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed are devices, systems, methods, products, and implementations, including a head gear device that includes a helmet adapted to be worn by a user, at least one sensor to measure one or more of, for example, force and/or motion, and one or more moveable members, the one or more moveable members configured to be displaced to apply a counterforce to a head of the user based, at least in part, on detection of one or more of, for example, a force component applied to the user and/or motion undergone by the user.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133424A1
Автор: Donaldson Thomas Alan

Techniques for system-based motion detection is described, including a first accelerometer configured to detect a first acceleration associated with a system element, a second accelerometer configured to detect a second acceleration associated with the system, and a differential amplifier configured to generate a signal corresponding to the first acceleration, wherein the signal is used to distinguish the first acceleration from the second acceleration. 1. A system , comprising:a first element configured to generate an output signal representative of an acceleration applied to the first element;a coupling element configured to couple the first element to a system element;a second element configured to generate another output signal representative of another acceleration applied to the second element; anda mounting element to which the first element and the second element are coupled, the mounting element coupled to the system.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first element is an accelerometer coupled to a system element.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first element is configured to detect the acceleration associated with the system element.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the second element is coupled to the system.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the second element is configured to detect the another acceleration claim 1 , the another acceleration being associated with the system.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the acceleration is associated with a pulse.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the acceleration is associated with a heart rate.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the acceleration is associated with speech.9. A system claim 1 , comprising:a first accelerometer configured to detect a first acceleration associated with a system element;a second accelerometer configured to detect a second acceleration associated with the system; anda differential amplifier configured to generate a signal corresponding to the first acceleration, wherein the ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133425A1
Автор: LIN Jium Ming

A thermal convection-type accelerometer includes a first insulating substrate, a circuit formed on the first insulating substrate, a first acceleration-sensing device coupled with the circuit, and a first supporting layer attached on the insulating substrate. The first acceleration-sensing device includes two temperature-sensing components and a heater disposed between the temperature-sensing components. The temperature-sensing components and the heater are directly formed on the first supporting layer. 1. A thermal convection-type accelerometer , comprising:a first insulating substrate;a circuit formed on the first insulating substrate;a first acceleration-sensing device coupled with the circuit, comprising two first temperature-sensing components and a first heater disposed between the two first temperature-sensing components; anda first supporting layer attached to the first insulating substrate, wherein the first temperature-sensing components and the first heater are directly formed on the first supporting layer.2. The thermal convection-type accelerometer of claim 1 , further comprising two first acceleration-sensing devices claim 1 , wherein the circuit comprises two connecting points claim 1 , and the first temperature-sensing components of the two first acceleration-sensing devices on opposites sides relative to the first heaters connect to a same one of the two connecting points.3. The thermal convection-type accelerometer of claim 2 , further comprising two second acceleration-sensing devices claim 2 , each comprising two second temperature-sensing components and a second heater disposed between the two second temperature-sensing components claim 2 , wherein the first heater and the two first temperature-sensing components of each first acceleration-sensing device are arranged along a direction different from a direction along which the second heater and the two second temperature-sensing components of each second acceleration-sensing device are arranged. ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133427A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed, Inc.

A portable medical device is provided with an internal accelerometer device. The medical device includes a circuit board, the accelerometer device, and a response module coupled to the accelerometer device. The accelerometer device is mechanically and electrically coupled to the circuit board, and it includes a plurality of mass-supporting arms for a plurality of electrically distinct sensor electrodes, piezoelectric material for the mass-supporting arm, and a proof mass supported by the mass-supporting arms. Each of the mass-supporting arms has one of the sensor electrodes located thereon. Acceleration of the proof mass causes deflection of the piezoelectric material, which generates respective sensor signals at one or more of the sensor electrodes. The response module is configured to initiate an acceleration-dependent operation of the portable medical device in response to generated sensor signals present at the sensor electrodes. 1. An omnidirectional accelerometer device comprising:a piezoelectric sensor element comprising a mass-supporting platform and a plurality of mass-supporting arms for a plurality of electrically distinct sensor electrodes, each of the mass-supporting arms extending from the mass-supporting platform, and each of the mass-supporting arms having one of the sensor electrodes formed thereon;a connecting rod having a mounting end, a mass end, and a longitudinal length defined between the mounting end and the mass end, the mounting end being coupled to the mass-supporting platform; anda proof mass coupled to the mass end of the connecting rod, wherein acceleration of the proof mass causes deflection of the mass-supporting arms, which generates distinct sensor signals at the sensor electrodes; wherein:the longitudinal length of the connecting rod is tuned in accordance with a predetermined parallel acceleration sensitivity for the omnidirectional accelerometer device;each of the sensor electrodes has a longitudinal sensor length along its ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130138388A1
Принадлежит: ARBITRON INC.

Systems and methods are disclosed for identifying users of portable user devices according to one or more accelerometer profiles created for a respective user. During a media session, the portable computing device collects media exposure data, while at the same time, collects data from the accelerometer and compares it to the user profile. The comparison authenticates the user and determines the physical activity the user is engaged in. Additional data may be collected from the portable computing device to determine one or more operational conditions of the device itself, including the detection of multiple devices being physically carried by one user. Gross motion strings may also be generated by devices and compared to see if strings match, thus suggesting multiple devices are being carried by one user. 1. A computer-implemented method for determining multiple portable computing devices being physically carried by one person , comprising the steps of:receiving media exposure data over a data network from at least one of a plurality of portable computing devices;receiving motion strings over the data network respectively from each of the plurality of portable computing devices, each of said strings comprising a successive binary representation of motion over a first period of time;comparing the motion strings in a processor to determine if at least two motion strings match within a predetermined threshold; andidentifying the devices that produced matching motion strings.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the first period of time comprises a plurality of shorter periods of time claim 1 , and wherein the successive binary representation comprises a series of values representing motion for each of the shorter periods of time.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 2 , wherein each of the series of values are formed by determining if the gross motion within the shorter period of time exceeded a motion threshold.4. The computer-implemented ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for detecting disease in dairy animals

Номер: US20130138389A1
Принадлежит: Icerobotics Ltd

Disclosed is apparatus and a method for detecting udder disease in dairy animals. An accelerometer is attached to each of a plurality of dairy animals. A processor determines a measure of the activity of the dairy animals to which the accelerometers are attached. Data is recorded by and automatically transmitted from a sensor unit secured to an animal, without the requirement for costly and time consuming chemical analysis of milk, or of visual or veterinary inspection of individual animals in a herd. The development of an udder disease in a dairy animal, such as mastitis, may be identified from a decrease in the monitored measure of activity of a dairy animal. A separate baseline measure of activity may be determined for each dairy animal and the ac tivity of a plurality of dairy animals in one or more herds may be taken into account, in order to reduce false positives due to external effects which are not specific to a single dairy animal.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130138395A1

A method for detecting a fall by a user is provided that comprises a method of detecting a fall by a user, the method comprising processing measurements obtained from one or more sensors to extract a respective value for a plurality of features associated with a fall; determining a respective log likelihood ratio for each of said values; and determining whether the user has fallen based on the determined log likelihood ratios. 1. A method of detecting a fall by a user , the method comprising:processing measurements obtained from one or more sensors to extract a respective value for a plurality of features associated with a fall;determining a respective log likelihood ratio for each of said values; anddetermining whether the user has fallen based on the determined log likelihood ratios.2. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of determining whether the user has fallen comprises determining whether the user has fallen based on a sum of the log likelihood ratios for each of said extracted values.3. A method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the step of determining whether the user has fallen comprises determining whether the user has fallen based on a weighted sum of the log likelihood ratios for each of said extracted values.4. A method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the step of determining whether the user has fallen comprises comparing the sum of the determined log likelihood ratios to a detection threshold.5. A method as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the step of determining whether the user has fallen comprises determining that the user has fallen in the event that the sum of the determined log likelihood ratios is greater than the threshold claim 4 , and that the user has not fallen in the event that the sum of the determined log likelihood ratios is less than the threshold.6. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of determining a log likelihood ratio comprises using said value to look up the log likelihood ratio in a table.7. A method as ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139594A1

An inertia MEMS sensor and a manufacturing method are provided. The inertia MEMS sensor includes a main body and a weight block relatively removable. The main body includes a first main body with a first surface and a second main body vertically connecting with the first surface. A first electrode parallel to the first surface is in the first main body. A second electrode perpendicular to the first surface is in the second main body. The weight block is suspended in a space defined by the first and second main bodies. The weight block includes a third electrode parallel to the first surface, a forth electrode is perpendicular to the first surface, and a weight layer. The third electrode connects with the forth electrode to form a U-shaped groove for accommodating the weight layer, thereby increasing the weight block weight, improving precision and reducing the cost. 1. An inertia MEMS sensor comprising:a main body comprising a first main body with a first surface, and a second main body connecting with and being perpendicular to the first surface, a first electrode being provided in the first main body and being parallel to the first surface, a second electrode being provided in the second main body and being perpendicular to the first surface; anda weight block being suspended in a space defined by the first main body and the second for being movable relative to the main body, and comprising a third electrode, a forth electrode and a weight layer, the third electrode being parallel to the first surface, the forth electrode being perpendicular to the first surface, the third electrode connecting with the forth electrode to form a U-shaped groove for accommodating the weight layer therein.2. The inertia MEMS sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the first main body further comprises a semiconductor material layer under the first electrode claim 1 , a MOS device being provided in the semiconductor material layer.3. The inertia MEMS sensor according to claim 1 , ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Method of detecting an acceleration

Номер: US20130141729A1
Принадлежит: Leland Stanford Junior University

A method detects an acceleration. The method includes providing a spatial mode filter positioned such that light emitted from the spatial mode filter is reflected by at least a portion of a reflective surface. The spatial mode filter and the portion of the reflective surface form an optical resonator having an optical resonance with a resonance lineshape. The method further includes emitting light from the spatial mode filter and irradiating the portion of the reflective surface. The portion of the reflective surface is responsive to acceleration of the optical resonator by changing curvature. The method further includes measuring a change of the resonance lineshape due to the acceleration of the optical resonator.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130151193A1

A method and apparatus for determining motion explosiveness is described herein. In some configurations, a system is provided that includes a display, an inertial sensor operable to generate signals corresponding to user motion; and a processing system in communication with the inertial sensor and the display. The processing system is operable to calculate a histogram representing the sensed user motion, the histogram providing an indication of motion explosiveness, and communicate with the display to present the indication of motion explosiveness on the display. 1. A system for indicating motion explosiveness for a user , the system comprising:a display;an inertial sensor operable to couple with the user to generate signals corresponding to user motion; and calculate a histogram representing the sensed user motion, the histogram providing an indication of motion explosiveness, and', 'communicate with the display to present the indication of motion explosiveness on the display., 'a processing system in communication with the inertial sensor and the display, the processing system operable to—'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensed user motion is acceleration and the histogram represents a statistical distribution of user motion over a period of time.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensed user motion is heart rate and the histogram represents a statistical distribution of user heart rate over a period of time.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensed user motion is speed and the histogram represents a statistical distribution of speed over a period of time.5. The system of claim 1 , further including a communications element coupled with the processing system claim 1 , the communications element operable to wirelessly transmit information from the processing system to the display.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the display is remote from the processing system.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processing system calculates the histogram in ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Personal items network, and associated methods

Номер: US20130151699A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

A personal items network, comprising a plurality of items, each item having a wireless communications port for coupling in network with every other item, each item having a processor for determining if any other item in the network is no longer linked to the item, each item having an indicator for informing a user that an item has left the network, wherein a user may locate lost items. A method for locating lost personal items, comprising: linking at least two personal items together on a network; and depositing one or both of time and location information in an unlost item when one of the items is lost out of network.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152688A1

A micro-electro-mechanical sensing device including a substrate, a semiconductor layer, a supporting pillar, a first suspended arm, a connecting member, a second suspended arm, and a proof mass is provided. The semiconductor layer is disposed on or above the substrate. The supporting pillar is disposed on or above the semiconductor layer. The first suspended arm is disposed on the supporting pillar. The supporting connects a portion of the first suspended arm. The connecting member directly or indirectly connects another portion of the first suspended arm. The second suspended arm has a first surface and a second surface opposite to the first surface. The connecting member connects a portion of the first surface. The proof mass connects the second suspended arm and it includes a portion of the second suspended arm as a portion of the proof mass. A method for manufacturing the device is also provided. 1. A micro-electro-mechanical sensing device , comprising:a substrate;a semiconductor layer, disposed on or above the substrate;a supporting pillar, disposed on or above the semiconductor layer;a first suspended arm, disposed on the supporting pillar, wherein the supporting pillar connects a portion of the first suspended arm;a first connecting member, which directly or indirectly connects another portion of the first suspended arm;a second suspended arm including a first surface and a second surface opposite to the first surface, wherein the first connecting member connects a portion of the first surface; anda proof mass, which connects the second suspended arm, and which includes a portion of the second suspended arm as a portion of the proof mass.2. A device of claim 1 , wherein the first suspended arm includes a third surface and a fourth surface opposite to the third surface claim 1 , and the supporting pillar connects a portion of the third surface.3. A device of claim 2 , wherein the first connecting member directly connects a portion of the fourth surface or ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167641A1
Автор: Heller Martin

The present invention relates to a MEMS acceleration sensor comprising a substrate and a sensor mass that is disposed parallel to the substrate in an X-Y plane. The sensor mass is rotatable about a rotary axis, and includes a plurality of holes. The weight of the sensor mass is different on the two sides of the rotary axis. The sensor further includes sensor elements for detecting a rotary motion of the sensor mass about the rotary axis. To change the weight of the sensor mass on one side of the rotary axis relative to the other side, material of the sensor mass is partially removed in some of the holes for reducing the weight of the sensor mass, and/or material of the sensor mass is added in the Z-direction, in particular in the extension of the holes, for increasing the weight of the sensor mass. 1. An MEMS acceleration sensor , comprising:a substrate;a sensor mass that is disposed parallel to the substrate in an X-Y plane, the sensor mass being attached to the substrate that is rotatable about a rotary axis, the sensor mass comprising a plurality of holes, the weight of the sensor mass being different on the two sides of the rotary axis, the sensor mass including sensor elements for detecting a rotary motion of the sensor mass about the rotary axis; andwherein in order to change the weight of the sensor mass on one side of the rotary axis relative to the other side of the rotary axis, material of the sensor mass is changed by at least one of the two methods including (a) partially removing material of the sensor mass in the region of some of the plurality of holes for reducing the weight of the sensor mass and (b) adding material of the sensor mass in the Z-direction in the extension of some of the plurality of holes for increasing the weight of the sensor mass.2. The MEMS acceleration sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the rotary axis is disposed symmetrically with respect to a projection surface of the sensor mass.3. The MEMS acceleration sensor according to ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Piezoelectric Transducers

Номер: US20130167642A1

An inertial sensor includes driving piezoelectric transducers for enabling an oscillation of a resonator, sensing piezoelectric transducers for enabling a detection of a movement of the inertial sensor, and piezoelectric compensating elements substantially equidistantly among the driving and the sensing piezoelectric transducers, wherein the compensating elements and the resonator form corresponding capacitors having capacitive gaps, and wherein, during the oscillation of the resonator, changes in electrostatic charges stored in the capacitors are measured with the compensating elements and are modified so as to modify the oscillation of the resonator. 1. A piezoelectric transducer comprising: a set of substantially flat concentric frames having a common top surface and a common bottom surface and characterized by a direction of elongation, the top and the bottom surfaces being substantially parallel to a reference plane, and', 'bridges connecting the frames, the bridges disposed symmetrically about a plane of symmetry of the structure so as to allow the frames to deform in the reference plane; and, 'a structure made of piezoelectric material, the structure includinga set of at least two top electrodes disposed on the top surface of the frames; anda set of at least two bottom electrodes disposed on the bottom surface of the frames, the sets of top and bottom electrodes being substantially equivalent and positioned opposite to each other, each of corresponding top and bottom electrodes disposed on at least two frames along a path that is symmetric about the plane of symmetry and crosses some of the bridges,wherein the transducer transduces energy, through piezoelectric effect, between electrostatic energy associated with voltage differential between corresponding top and bottom electrodes and mechanical energy associated with deformation of the frames.2. A transducer according to claim 1 , wherein the deformation of the frames is reciprocating.3. A transducer ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Miniaturized Inertial Measurement Unit and Associated Methods

Номер: US20130173207A1
Автор: Martin E. Tanenhaus
Принадлежит: Jaymart Sensors LLC

An inertial measurement unit includes a base having a plurality of physically distinct sectors, upon which are positioned thereon groups of orthogonally oriented angle rate sensors, each group positioned on a different sector of the base. High-G and Low-G orthogonally oriented accelerometers are also positioned on the base. A processor is positioned on the base having software resident thereon for receiving signals from the angle rate sensors and the accelerometers. Software is also resident on the processor for calculating from the received signals one or more of the following: a change in attitude, a change in position, a change in angular rate, a change in velocity, and a change in acceleration of the unit over a plurality of finite time increments.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130173209A1
Автор: SHIMODA Sadashi

In an acceleration sensor, it has been difficult to realize a circuit which has no current consumption at all during OFF of a system and is capable of activating a sensor main body when applied with vibration. Provided is an acceleration switch having one terminal connected to one of a positive power supply or a negative power supply, and another terminal connected to an interrupt input terminal of a microcomputer. 1. An acceleration signal processing device , comprising:power supply sections having power supply voltages;an acceleration switch including one electrode to be supplied with the power supply voltage from one of the power supply sections;a microcomputer connected to another electrode of the acceleration switch; anda sensor main body capable of bi-directionally exchanging signals to and from the microcomputer,the sensor main body being configured to be one of activated and stopped in response to a signal from the microcomputer, and being configured to, when activated, output acceleration information to the microcomputer.2. An acceleration signal processing device according to claim 1 , further comprising a load element including one terminal connected between the acceleration switch and the microcomputer and another terminal connected to another of the power supply sections.3. An acceleration signal processing device according to claim 2 , wherein the load element comprises at least one of a resistor claim 2 , a capacitor claim 2 , and a transistor.4. An acceleration signal processing device according to claim 3 , wherein the acceleration switch comprises:a mass body having a space inside;a beam for supporting the mass body; anda counter electrode positioned inside the space.5. An acceleration signal processing device according to claim 2 , wherein the acceleration switch comprises:a mass body having a space inside;a beam for supporting the mass body; anda counter electrode positioned inside the space.6. An acceleration signal processing device according ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174345A1
Автор: Chow David, LEU Brian
Принадлежит: MyWellnessGuard Inc.

Example implementations are directed to a system that can be used to monitor the state of an occupant of a structure, such as a bed or a mattress. The states that can be monitored include whether or not the occupant is present, the position of the occupant, entry or exit of the occupant, and other signs that can be detected via movement, such as activity level, breathing, epileptic seizures, and heart rate. Example implementations involve one or more accelerometers disposed on the structure, such that the movement or changes in position by the occupant is transferred to the accelerometers, and a computing system to process the data from the accelerometers. 1. A system , comprising:a sensor sheet comprising one or more accelerometers configured to detect one or more respective surface deflections of an occupant supporting structure, and a module configured to record data based on the one or more detected surface deflections and to communicatively connect with a computing device.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the computing device is further configured to send a notification to a remote device based on the received data meeting a condition.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the remote device is configured to connect to the computing device by a wireless network claim 2 , and to adjust controls associated with the occupant supporting structure by the wireless network.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the controls associated with the occupant supporting structure comprises environmental controls of a room containing the occupant supporting structure.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the condition comprises a configurable rule-set based on a profile of the occupant claim 2 , the configurable rule-set comprising a calibration directed to the occupant.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the computing device is further configured to determine vital sign data based on the processing of the data from the sensor sheet.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor sheet ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174660A1

The terminal holding device includes an attaching unit to be attached to a vehicle, a holding unit which removably holds a terminal device in such a manner that a display unit of the terminal device is exposed and which includes a contact surface to be contact with the terminal device, an acceleration sensor which detects acceleration in a direction from a side of the contact surface to a side opposite to the contact surface, and a supplying unit which supplies a detection signal of the acceleration sensor to the terminal device. 1. A terminal holding device comprising:an attaching unit to be attached to a vehicle;a holding unit which removably holds a terminal device in such a manner that a display unit of the terminal device is exposed and which includes a contact surface to be contact with the terminal device;an acceleration sensor which detects acceleration in a direction from a side of the contact surface to a side opposite to the contact surface;a supplying unit which supplies a detection signal of the acceleration sensor to the terminal device; anda connecting unit which changes an attaching angle of the holding unit with respect to the acceleration sensor.2. (canceled)3. The terminal holding device according to claim 1 , wherein the connecting unit changes the attaching angle of the holding unit with respect to the acceleration sensor claim 1 , without changing an attaching angle of the acceleration sensor with respect to the attaching unit.4. The terminal holding device according to claim 3 , further comprising a housing unit which houses the acceleration sensor claim 3 ,wherein the connecting unit rotates the holding unit with respect to the housing unit.5. The terminal holding device according to claim 4 , wherein the acceleration sensor is provided on the holding unit at a side opposite to the side holding the terminal device.6. The terminal holding device according to claim 5 ,wherein the holding unit includes a hole which exposes a camera unit provided ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130179002A1
Автор: Tohta Yuzuru
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

An acceleration detection device is provided with a zero point correction unit for correcting a zero point position of a sensor signal by a correction amount based on the acceleration signals when the neutral control starts and ends, respectively, and an acceleration signal Gsen-r that is eliminated of a body vibration from an acceleration signal Gsen-f after passing a filter at transition from a vehicle stationary state to the running state. 1. An acceleration detection device , comprising:a vibration component elimination unit that eliminates a vehicle body vibration component included in an acceleration sensor signal at transition from a vehicle stationary state to a running state; anda zero point correction unit that corrects a zero point position of the acceleration sensor signal by a correction value based on the acceleration sensor signal after the vehicle body vibration component is eliminated.2. The acceleration detection device claimed in claim 1 , wherein the vibration component elimination unit is configured to eliminate the vehicle body vibration component caused by release of twisting of a power train of a vehicle.3. The acceleration detection device claimed in claim 1 , wherein the vibration component elimination unit is configured to eliminate the vehicle body vibration component caused by a suspension vibration of a vehicle.4. The acceleration detection device claimed in claim 1 , wherein the vibration component elimination unit is configured to apply a filtering process on a plurality of acceleration signals obtained at transition from the vehicle stationary state to the running state.5. The acceleration detection device claimed in claim 1 , wherein the vibration component elimination unit is configured to apply an averaging process on a plurality of acceleration signals obtained at transition from the vehicle stationary state to the running state. The present invention relates to an acceleration detection device.In the conventional acceleration ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186171A1
Принадлежит: MCube Inc.

A method for providing acceleration data with reduced substrate-displacement bias includes receiving in an accelerometer an external acceleration, determining the acceleration data with reduced substrate displacement bias in a compensation portion in response to a first and a second displacement indicators from a MEMS transducer, and, in response to substrate compensation factors from a MEMS compensation portion, outputting the acceleration data with reduced substrate displacement bias, wherein the first displacement indicator and the second displacement indicator are determined by the MEMS transducer relative to a substrate in response to the external acceleration and to a substrate displacement, and wherein the substrate compensation factors are determined by the MEMS compensation portion relative to the substrate in response to the substrate displacement. 1. A method for providing acceleration data , with reduced substrate- displacement bias , from an accelerometer comprising a substrate , a MEMS transducer , a MEMS compensation portion , and a compensation portion , wherein the substrate is subject to a substrate displacement , the method comprising:receiving in the accelerometer an external acceleration;determining the acceleration data with reduced substrate displacement bias in the compensation portion in response to a first displacement indicator and a second displacement indicator from the MEMS transducer and in response to substrate compensation factors from the MEMS compensation portion; andoutputting the acceleration data with reduced substrate displacement bias from the compensation portion;wherein the first displacement indicator and the second displacement indicator are determined by the MEMS transducer relative to the substrate in response to the external acceleration and to the substrate displacement; andwherein the substrate compensation factors are determined by the MEMS compensation portion relative to the substrate in response to the substrate ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186200A1
Автор: CLASSEN Johannes

A micromechanical structure includes: a substrate which has a main plane of extension; and a mass which is movable relative to the substrate, the movable mass being elastically suspended via at least one coupling spring. A first subregion of the movable mass is situated, at least partially, between the substrate and the coupling spring along a vertical direction which is essentially perpendicular to the main plane of extension. 1. A micromechanical structure , comprising:a substrate which has a main plane of extension; anda mass which is movable relative to the substrate, the movable mass being elastically suspended via at least one coupling spring, wherein at least one first subregion of the movable mass is at least partially situated between the substrate and the coupling spring along a vertical direction which is essentially perpendicular to the main plane of extension.2. The micromechanical structure as recited in claim 1 , wherein the micromechanical structure has a first functional layer and a second functional layer claim 1 , the first and second functional layers being offset relative to one another along the vertical direction in such a way that claim 1 , along the vertical direction claim 1 , the first functional layer is situated between the substrate and the second functional layer claim 1 , and wherein the first subregion is provided in the first functional layer claim 1 , and the coupling spring is provided in the second functional layer.3. The micromechanical structure as recited in claim 2 , wherein a second subregion of the movable mass is provided in the second functional layer claim 2 , and wherein the coupling spring engages directly at the second subregion.4. The micromechanical structure as recited in claim 3 , wherein the first subregion and the second subregion mutually overlap in an overlap area along the vertical direction claim 3 , and wherein the first and the second functional layers in the overlap area are one of (i) directly fixedly ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Micro-Electro-Mechanical System Device, Out-of-Plane Sensor and Method for Making Micro-Electro-Mechanical System Device

Номер: US20130186201A1
Принадлежит: PixArt Imaging Inc

The present invention discloses a micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) device, comprising: a mass including a main body and two capacitor plates located at the two sides of the main body and connected with the main body, the two capacitor plates being at different elevation levels; an upper electrode located above one of the two capacitor plates, forming one capacitor therewith; and a lower electrode located below the other of the two capacitor plates, forming another capacitor therewith, wherein the upper and lower electrodes are misaligned with each other in a horizontal direction.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186202A1
Автор: Hansen Jens
Принадлежит: FIRST SENSOR AG

A device for measuring acceleration includes a base plate and mass elements connected to the base plate via elastic support elements having measuring points. The support elements of a first and a second mass element are constructed such that the support element of the first and the second mass element have at the measuring points an identical response characteristic for a first acceleration component in a first direction, and mutually different response characteristics for a second acceleration component perpendicular to the first component. The deflection of the measurement points is measured and evaluated. The component in the first and second directions is stepwise eliminated, and the result adjusted for the eliminated component is used for recovering these two components. The result adjusted for the eliminated component is measured as static acceleration and the component acting in the first and the second direction is measured as dynamic acceleration. 138-. (canceled)39. A device for measuring at least one acceleration , comprising:at least one base plate, andat least two mass elements,an elastic support element constructed for deflection in a common plane or in parallel planes and connecting a respective mass element with the at least one base plate, anda corresponding measuring point disposed on the at least two mass elements or on the elastic support elements, or both,wherein the elastic support elements of at least one first and at least one second mass element are constructed such that the elastic support element of the at least one first mass element and the elastic support element of the at least one second mass element have at the corresponding measuring points an identical response characteristic for a first component, acting in a first direction, of an acceleration acting in the common plane or in parallel planes and mutually different response characteristics for a second component of the acceleration acting in a second direction perpendicular to the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192362A1
Автор: RYTKÖNEN Ville Pekka

A MEMS structure comprises an anchor, a spring, and a seismic mass that is suspended to the anchor via the spring to pivot around an axis of rotation. Errors from unwanted vibration modes are reduced by including in the MEMS structure a spring structure that extends from the seismic mass to the anchor. Said spring structure comprises a side arm that is connected to the seismic mass or the anchor. At least part of the spring structure is formed by a side arm that extends in the spring structure in a direction parallel to the axis of rotation of the seismic mass; and is attached to one end of the spring. 1. A MEMS structure , comprising an anchor , a spring , and a seismic mass that is suspended to the anchor via the spring to pivot around an axis of rotation , whereinthe MEMS structure comprises a spring structure that extends from the seismic mass to the anchor;at least part of the spring structure is formed by a side arm that extends in the spring structure in a direction parallel to the axis of rotation of the seismic mass; and is attached to one end of the spring.2. The MEMS structure of claim 1 , wherein the side arm is connected to the seismic mass claim 1 , and the MEMS structure comprises a shoulder means connected to one end of the side arm and to the one end of the spring for attaching the side arm to the one end of the spring.3. The MEMS structure of claim 2 , wherein the shoulder means extends in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the axis of rotation.4. The MEMS structure of claim 1 , wherein the side arm is connected to the seismic mass claim 1 , the anchor is an elongated element that extends along the axis of rotation at least partly into the seismic mass.5. The MEMS structure of claim 1 , wherein the side arm extends from the seismic mass aligned to the axis of rotation of the seismic mass.6. The MEMS structure of claim 1 , wherein the MEMS structure comprises two side arms in opposite sides of the seismic mass.7. The MEMS structure of ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192370A1
Автор: YODA Mitsuhiro

A physical quantity sensor includes a substrate, an oscillating member that is disposed over the substrate, support portions that support the oscillating member and that are disposed along a first axis, and detection electrodes that are disposed on the substrate so as to oppose the oscillating member. The oscillating member has a pair of side faces intersecting a second axis perpendicular to the first axis in a plane, and a protrusion is formed on at least one of the pair of side faces. 1. A physical quantity sensor comprising:a substrate;an oscillating member that is disposed over the substrate;a support portion that supports the oscillating member and that is disposed along a first axis; anda detection electrode that is disposed on the substrate and that is disposed to oppose the oscillating member,wherein the oscillating member has a side face intersecting a second axis perpendicular to the first axis in a plane, andwherein a protrusion protruding in the plane is formed on at least a part of the side face.2. The physical quantity sensor according to claim 1 , further comprising an electrode that is disposed outside the arrangement area of the detection electrode on the substrate and that opposes the oscillating member claim 1 ,wherein the electrode is electrically connected to the oscillating member.3. The physical quantity sensor according to claim 2 , wherein the protrusion does not overlap with the detection electrode and the electrode when seen in a plan view.4. The physical quantity sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the planar shape of the protrusion has a sharp-pointed tip.5. The physical quantity sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the planar shape of the protrusion has an arc-like tip.6. The physical quantity sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the protrusion is formed as a unified body along with the oscillating member.7. The physical quantity sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the oscillating member has a rectangular planar shape and includes ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192371A1

A MEMS-sensor structure comprising first means and second means coupled for double differential detection and positioned symmetrically to provide quantities for the double differential detection in a phase shift. If the sensor deforms, due to a specifically symmetric positioning of the first and second means, the effect of the displacement is at least partly eliminated. 1. A MEMS-sensor structure , comprising:first means for providing a first differentially coupled pair of detectable quantities including a diminishing first quantity at a first location and an increasing second quantity at a second location mutually coupled so that said diminishing and increasing occur because of the same operation,second means for providing a second differentially coupled pair of quantities including a diminishing third quantity at a third location and an increasing fourth quantity at a fourth location mutually coupled so that said diminishing and increasing occur because of the same operationthe first means and the second means being coupled for double differential detection and positioned symmetrically to generate quantities for the double differential detection in a phase shift.2. The MEMS-sensor structure of claim 1 , wherein the phase shift is 180° causing the first differentially coupled pair and the second differentially coupled pair to provide quantities for the double differential detection in opposite phase.3. The MEMS-sensor structure of claim 1 , including:a frame suspendable to a substrate with one or more springs:first capacitive elements supported by the frame;an anchor element for connection to the substrate;second capacitive elements supported by the anchor element; the detectable quantities are capacitances between the first capacitive elements and the second capacitive elements, the capacitances varying according to movements of the frame in respect of the substrate;', 'the second capacitive elements comprise the first means and the second means., 'wherein'}4. The ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for discerning a false positive in a fall detection signal

Номер: US20130197856A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods reduce the likelihood of an MPERS device falsely reporting a high acceleration event as a fall impact. The device stores acceleration data acquired before the high acceleration and afterward. If a number of samples of magnitude values from accelerometer sensors in the device acquired during as interval before the high acceleration that approach 0G exceeds a predetermined number, the high acceleration is deemed from a non-fall. Acceleration sensors can also indicate an orientation change before/after the high acceleration, and a barometric pressure sensor can do the same, to further characterize an event as a non-fall. A method compares current event data to composite data sets that have been determined from a plurality of empirically derived data sets of fall and non-fall events. High correlations can indicate falls, or non-falls, respectively. Further statistical analysis of data acquired after an event reduces the likelihood of falsely indicating a fall.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Micromechanical component and method for the manufacture of same

Номер: US20130200473A1

A method for manufacturing a micromechanical component is described in which a trench etching process and a sacrificial layer etching process are carried out to form a mass situated movably on a substrate. The movable mass has electrically isolated and mechanically coupled subsections of a functional layer. A micromechanical component having a mass situated movably on a substrate is also described.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Power line management system

Номер: US20130205900A1
Автор: Gregory M. Nulty
Принадлежит: Tollgrade Communications Inc

Techniques comprising obtaining, using a sensor unit coupled to a power line in a power distribution system, at least one measurement of at least one inertial property of the power line; and detecting at least one condition of the power line at least in part by analyzing the at least one measurement. A sensor unit configured to be coupled to a power line in a power distribution system, the sensor unit comprising an inertial sensor configured to collect at least one measurement of at least one inertial property of the power line.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for building three-dimensional mems elements

Номер: US20130209747A1

The disclosure generally relates to method and apparatus for forming three-dimensional MEMS. More specifically, the disclosure relates to a method of controlling out-of-plane buckling in microstructural devices so as to create micro-structures with out-of-plane dimensions which are 1×, 5×, 10×, 100× or 500× the film's thickness or above the surface of the wafer. An exemplary device formed according to the disclosed principles, includes a three dimensional accelerometer having microbridges extending both above and below the wafer surface.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213135A1

Embodiments described herein provide for a method of launching atoms in an atom interferometer. The method includes determining a direction of the total effective acceleration force on the atoms, controlling a direction of launch of the atoms for measurement in the atom interferometer based on the direction of the total effective acceleration force, and obtaining measurements from the atoms. 1. A method of launching atoms in an atom interferometer , the method comprising:determining a direction of the total effective acceleration force on the atoms;controlling a direction of launch of the atoms for measurement in the atom interferometer based on the direction of the total effective acceleration force; andobtaining measurements from the atoms.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the total effective acceleration force includes the force of gravity and any other acceleration forces on the atoms.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the other acceleration forces on the atoms are forces with respect to the body of the atom interferometer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining a direction of the total effective acceleration force includes determining a direction of the total effective acceleration force using readings from a micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) vibratory structure accelerometer.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein determining a direction of the total effective acceleration force includes determining a direction of the total effective acceleration force based on a combination of readings from the MEMS vibratory structure accelerometer and the atom interferometer.6. The method of claim 1 , comprising:repeating the acts of determining a direction, controlling the direction of launch of atoms, and obtaining measurements for subsequent atom launches such that the direction of an atom launch is adaptively determined based on an estimate of a current direction of the total effective acceleration force on the atom interferometer.7. The method of claim 1 , ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Mems-based dual and single proof-mass accelerometer methods and apparatus

Номер: US20130214367A1
Принадлежит: MCube Inc

An integrated MEMS inertial sensor device includes one or more three-axis MEMS inertial sensor devices, such as accelerometers, with dual or single proof mass configurations. These designs can be compact and can decouple the motion of each axis to minimize the measurement errors due to cross-axis sensitivity. Some embodiments include a frame to decouple the motion of two axes and to provide geometric symmetry. Some embodiments also include double-folded springs. In a specific embodiment, the three axes of an integrated MEMS accelerometer device are entirely decoupled. Thus, the actuation of each axis, through a force due to acceleration, has little or substantially no effect on the other axes.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Microelectromechanical sensor with out-of-plane sensing and process for manufacturing a microelectromechanical sensor

Номер: US20130220016A1

A microelectromechanical sensor that in one embodiment includes a supporting structure, having a substrate and electrode structures anchored to the substrate; and a sensing mass, movable with respect to the supporting structure so that a distance between the sensing mass and the substrate is variable. The sensing mass is provided with movable electrodes capacitively coupled to the electrode structures. Each electrode structure comprises a first fixed electrode and a second fixed electrode mutually insulated by a dielectric region and arranged in succession in a direction substantially perpendicular to a face of the substrate.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228013A1
Автор: Tanaka Satoru

A physical quantity sensor includes a base section, a movable body having a movable electrode section, pivot sections connected to the movable body, and forming a pivot axis of the movable body, a fixation section fixed to the substrate, and adapted to support the movable body via the pivot sections, and a fixed electrode section disposed on the substrate so as to be opposed to the movable electrode section, and the fixation section is provided with opening sections disposed on a line of the pivot axis. 1. A physical quantity sensor comprising:a substrate;a movable body having a movable electrode section;a pivot section connected to the movable body, and forming a pivot axis of the movable body;a fixation section fixed to the substrate, and adapted to support the movable body via the pivot section; anda fixed electrode section disposed on the substrate so as to be opposed to the movable electrode section,wherein the fixation section is provided with an opening section disposed on the pivot axis.2. The physical quantity sensor according to claim 1 , whereinthe substrate is formed of an insulating material, andthe movable body is formed of a semiconductor material.3. The physical quantity sensor according to claim 1 , whereinthe opening section penetrates the fixation section.4. The physical quantity sensor according to claim 1 , whereinthe opening section extends in a direction intersecting with the pivot axis.5. The physical quantity sensor according to claim 1 , whereinthe movable body has a mass different between one of regions bounded on the pivot axis and the other of the regions.6. The physical quantity sensor according to claim 5 , wherein a first detection electrode disposed at a position opposed to the one of the regions of the movable body, and', 'a second detection electrode disposed at a position opposed to the other of the regions of the movable body., 'the fixed electrode section includes'}7. The physical quantity sensor according to claim 1 , ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231890A1

A method is provided for controlling an electric apparatus having a sensor unit, the apparatus being operated in a first potential motion mode and/or in a second potential motion mode; a sensor signal being generated in the sensor unit; the first information and/or the second information being calculated as function of the sensor signal, as a function of a requirement for providing a first information with respect to the presence of the first potential motion mode and/or a second information with respect to the presence of the second potential motion mode. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for controlling an electric apparatus having a sensor unit , the apparatus being operated in at least one of a first potential motion mode and a second potential motion mode , the method comprising:generating a sensor signal in the sensor unit; andcalculating, as a function of a requirement for providing at least one of the first information with respect to a presence of the first potential motion mode and the second information with respect to the presence of the second potential motion mode, at least one of a first information and a second information as a function of the sensor signal.12. The method as recited in claim 11 , further comprising:determining at least one of a first event corresponding to the first potential motion mode and a second event corresponding to the second potential motion mode in a processing unit as a function of the sensor signal, at least one of the first event and the second event being used for at least one of triggering and controlling calibration of the sensor signal.13. The method as recited in claim 11 , wherein claim 11 , for the generating of the sensor signal in the sensor unit claim 11 , at least one of an acceleration sensor claim 11 , a magnetic field sensor claim 11 , a gyroscope claim 11 , a pressure sensor and an approach sensor claim 11 , are used.14. The method as recited in claim 11 , further comprising:filtering and storing the sensor ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239650A1
Принадлежит: Merlin Technology Inc.

A device is described for use in performing an inground operation. An accelerometer is supported by the device for generating accelerometer readings that characterize the inground operation subject to a native temperature drift of the accelerometer. A set of compensation data is developed and stored for use in compensating for the native temperature drift. The compensation data is applied to the accelerometer readings to produce compensated accelerometer readings that externally compensate for the native temperature drift to yield an enhanced thermal performance which is improved as compared to a native thermal performance of the accelerometer. A seven position calibration method for a triaxial accelerometer is described. An air module is described which isolates the accelerometer of the device at least from a potting compound that at least fills otherwise unoccupied volumes of the device interior. 1. A device for use in performing an inground operation , said device comprising:at least one accelerometer for generating accelerometer readings that characterize an operational condition of the device during the inground operation, which accelerometer readings are subject to a native temperature drift that is a characteristic of the accelerometer;a set of compensation data for use in compensating for said native temperature drift; anda processor that is configured to apply said compensation data to said accelerometer readings to produce accelerometer readings that compensate for said native temperature drift.2. The device of wherein the operational condition is an orientation parameter of the device.3. The device of including a memory for storing said compensation data locally with the accelerometer and wherein said processor is separated from the accelerometer and the memory by at least one interface.4. The device of wherein the interface is an IC interface.5. The device of wherein said compensation data comprises a set of coefficients.6. The device of wherein said set ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239686A1
Принадлежит: STMicroelectronics S.r.I.

A MEMS detection structure is provided with: a substrate having a top surface, on which a first fixed-electrode arrangement is set; a sensing mass, extending in a plane and suspended above the substrate and above the first fixed-electrode arrangement at a separation distance; and connection elastic elements that support the sensing mass so that it is free to rotate out of the plane about an axis of rotation, modifying the separation distance, as a function of a quantity to be detected along an axis orthogonal to the plane. The MEMS detection structure also includes: a coupling mass, suspended above the substrate and connected to the sensing mass via the connection elastic elements; and an anchoring arrangement, which anchors the coupling mass to the substrate with a first point of constraint, set at a distance from the axis of rotation and in a position corresponding to the first fixed-electrode arrangement. 1. A MEMS structure , comprising:a substrate having a top surface;a first fixed-electrode arrangement on the top surface of the substrate;a mobile mass extending in a plane and suspended above said substrate and said first fixed-electrode arrangement by a separation distance;connection elastic elements configured to support said mobile mass and allow the mobile mass to move out of said plane and modify said separation distance;a coupling mass suspended above said substrate and connected to said mobile mass via said connection elastic elements; andan anchoring arrangement configured to couple said coupling mass to said substrate, the anchoring arrangement being coupled to said substrate at a first point of constraint and in a position corresponding to said first fixed-electrode arrangement, wherein said anchoring arrangement includes a first anchoring element rigidly coupled to said substrate at the first point of constraint, and a first supporting elastic element coupling said coupling mass to said first anchoring element.2. The structure according to claim 1 , ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245470A1

A state detection device includes an acquisition part that acquires an acceleration detection value from an acceleration sensor, and a judgment part that judges a running state or a walking state based on the acceleration detection value. The judgment part detects as to whether a positive/negative sign of the acceleration detection value in a first axis reversed in a predetermined judgment period, determines the running state when the sign reverses, and determines the walking state when the sign does not reverse. 1. A state detection device comprising:an acquisition part that acquires an acceleration detection value from an acceleration sensor; anda judgment part that judges a running state or a walking state based on the acceleration detection value,the judgment part detecting as to whether a positive/negative sign of the acceleration detection value in a first axis reversed in a predetermined judgment period,determining the running state when the sign reverses, anddetermining the walking state when the sign does not reverse.2. A state detection device according to claim 1 , wherein the judgment part judges the running state or the walking state based on the acceleration detection value in an axis in a direction corresponding to the direction of gravity set as the first axis.3. A state detection device according to claim 2 , wherein the judgment part judges claim 2 , based on the acceleration detection value in the first axis claim 2 , if the sign corresponding to the direction of gravity in the first axis is positive or negative claim 2 ,the judgment part determining the running state when the acceleration detection value in the first axis with the sign different from the sign corresponding to the direction of gravity is detected at least once in the predetermined judgment period.4. A state detection device according to claim 1 , wherein the judgment part determines the running state claim 1 , when the sign of the acceleration detection value in the first axis in ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247662A1

An accelerometer comprises an elastic substrate beam having a first end and a second end and having upper and lower surfaces; supports to support the first and second ends of the substrate beam; sensing elements comprising piezoelectric material bonded onto the upper, lower or both the upper and lower surfaces of the substrate beam; and force applying elements for applying forces at two locations between the first and second ends. The substrate beam and the piezoelectric materials operate in a four-point bending configuration. Optionally the first and second ends of the substrate beam are formed by bending the substrate beam to reduce the physical dimensions of the device. 1. An accelerometer comprising:an elastic substrate beam having a first end and a second end and having upper and lower surfaces;supports to support the first and second ends of the substrate beam;sensing elements comprising piezoelectric material bonded onto the upper, lower, or both the upper and lower surfaces of the substrate beam; andforce applying elements for applying forces at two locations between the first and second ends,whereby the substrate beam and the piezoelectric materials operate in a four-point bending configuration.2. The accelerometer of claim 1 , wherein:(a) the first and second ends of the substrate beam are fixed by the supports;(b) the first and second ends of the substrate beam are simply-supported by the supports;(c) the first and second ends of the substrate beam are supported by the supports in the way between fixed-end and simply-supported condition; or(d) the substrate beam is bent at both ends to reduce the physical dimensions of the device.35-. (canceled)6. The accelerometer of :(a) wherein two proof masses are positioned across the beam substrate in between the two ends to provide a load to the beam substrate;(b) the accelerometer of (a), wherein the proof masses are each positioned at an equal distance from either support of the substrate beam;(c) the ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Inertial sensor mode tuning circuit

Номер: US20130247668A1
Автор: Janusz Bryzek
Принадлежит: Fairchild Semiconductor Corp

This document discusses, among other things, an mode matching circuit for a inertial sensor including an oscillator circuit configured to selectively couple to a sense axis of an inertial sensor and to provide sense frequency information of the sense axis, a frequency comparator configured to receive the sense frequency information of the sense axis and drive frequency information of the inertial sensor, and to provide frequency difference information to a processor, and a programmable bias source configured to apply a bias voltage to the sense axis to set a sense frequency of the sense axis in response to a command from the processor, and to maintain a desired frequency difference between the sense frequency and a drive frequency of the inertial sensor.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255380A1

Optical accelerometers may be provided that detect acceleration in up to six axes. An optical accelerometer may include an image sensor and optical elements such as light pipes that extend over the image sensor. Light may be injected into the optical elements by a light source. The optical elements may guide the light onto corresponding portions of an image pixel array on the image sensor. The image pixels may be used to detect changes in the location, size, and intensity of illuminated portions of the pixel array when the optical elements move due to acceleration of the optical accelerometer. The optical accelerometer may include multiple light pipes having various lengths and thicknesses. Light pipes of matching length and thickness may be formed over opposing sides of a pixel array. The light pipes may be coated with a material that responds to electric or magnetic fields. 1. An optical accelerometer , comprising:an image sensor; andlight-guide structures on the image sensor, wherein the light-guide structures include optical elements that extend over the image sensor and herein the optical elements are configured to move when the light-guide structures are moved.2. The optical accelerometer defined in wherein the image sensor is configured to capture images of light from the light-guide structures claim 1 , the optical accelerometer further comprising:processing circuitry configured to extract acceleration information from the captured images.3. The optical accelerometer defined in claim 2 , further comprising:a light source that provides the light to the light-guide structures.4. The optical accelerometer defined in wherein the light-guide structures comprises a base and wherein the optical elements comprise a plurality of light pipes that extend from the base and receive the light from the base.5. The optical accelerometer defined in wherein each light pipe includes a reflective structure at an end of that light pipe that reflects a portion of the light onto ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255383A1
Автор: LIM Jun, Yi Yu Heon

Disclosed herein is an inertial sensor. The inertial sensor includes a sensor unit provided with an electrode layer and including piezo-electric elements so as to detect a movement of a driving unit supported to be able to be displaced to detect inertial force; an IC electrically connected to the sensor unit; and a switch connected between the sensor unit and an IC so as to control electrical connection between the sensor unit and the IC. 1. An inertial sensor , comprising:a sensor unit provided with an electrode layer and including piezo-electric elements so as to detect a movement of a driving unit supported to be able to be displaced to detect inertial force;an IC electrically connected to the sensor unit; anda switch connected between the sensor unit and the IC so as to control electrical connection between the sensor unit and the IC.2. The inertial sensor as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the sensor unit includes:a sensor unit electrode including a driving electrode for vibrating the driving unit and a sensing electrode detecting the movement of the driving unit;a sensor unit pad electrically connected to the IC to transfer a signal of the sensor unit to the outside and transfer the external signal to the sensor unit; anda sensor unit wiring electrically connecting the sensor unit electrode to the sensor unit pad.3. The inertial sensor as set forth in claim 2 , further comprising: a package pad for polarization for applying external voltage to the sensor unit claim 2 , wherein the sensor unit pad of the sensor unit is electrically connected to the package pad for polarization.4. The inertial sensor as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the IC includes:a sensor side IC pad electrically connected to the sensor unit; andan input and output IC pad transferring a signal of the IC to the outside and transferring the external signal to the IC.5. The inertial sensor as set forth in claim 4 , wherein the sensor side IC pad is electrically connected to the sensor unit pad of ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Control Module for a Vehicle System, the Vehicle System and a Vehicle Having this Vehicle System

Номер: US20130261875A1
Автор: Waldemar Kamischke
Принадлежит: WABCO GmbH

A control module for a vehicle system has: a lateral acceleration sensor for measuring a lateral acceleration and outputting a lateral acceleration measurement signal, a yaw rate sensor for detecting a yaw rate and outputting a yaw rate measurement signal, and a central control device for receiving the yaw rate measurement signal and the lateral acceleration measurement signal and determining a lateral acceleration of the vehicle at its center-of-gravity. The central control device determines the center-of-gravity lateral acceleration from a sensor distance of the lateral acceleration sensor from the vehicle center-of-gravity and the yaw rate measurement signal, forming a derivative over time. The central control device filters the yaw rate measurement signal with a low-pass filter and subsequently forms a derivative over time and determines the sensor distance on an up-to-date basis.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Inclination calculation apparatus and inclination calculation program, and game apparatus and game program

Номер: US20130262022A1
Автор: Keizo Ohta
Принадлежит: Nintendo Co Ltd

An inclination calculation apparatus calculates an inclination of an input device operable in terms of a posture thereof. The input device includes an acceleration sensor and an imaging element. In one non-limiting example implementation, the inclination calculation apparatus computes first inclination information representing an inclination of the input device based upon a coordinate position of an imaging target in an acquired image obtained by the imaging element and an estimated coordinate position of a second imaging target not acquired by the imaging element. The inclination calculation apparatus also computes second inclination information representing an inclination of the input device solely from an acceleration detected by the acceleration sensor. The inclination calculation apparatus then calculates an inclination of the input device using the first inclination information and the second inclination information.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Physical quantity sensor and electronic apparatus

Номер: US20130263662A1
Автор: Satoru Tanaka
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A physical quantity sensor includes: a substrate; a movable body including, with a first axis as a boundary, a first movable electrode portion disposed in a first region, a second movable electrode portion disposed in a second region, and a damping adjusting portion disposed in at least one of the first region and the second region; beam portions supporting the movable body; a first fixed electrode portion; and a second fixed electrode portion. A first through-hole is disposed in the damping adjusting portion. Second through-holes are disposed in the movable electrode portions. The area of a region where the first movable electrode portion overlaps with the first fixed electrode portion is the same as the area of a region where the second movable electrode portion overlaps with the second fixed electrode portion. The width of the first through-hole is greater than the widths of the second through-holes.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130268231A1
Автор: SATO Masatoshi

A sensor system includes: plural sensor modules, each having a unique ID; a connecting unit which has plural ports, each having the sensor module connected thereto and having a unique address allocated thereto; a voltage generating unit which generates a different voltage for each of the addresses and supplies the voltage to each of the plural sensor modules; and a control unit which communicates with the sensor modules via the connecting unit. The sensor module determines the address of the port based on the voltage from the voltage generating unit, and transmits a predetermined physical quantity that is detected and the unique ID to the control unit. 1. A sensor system comprising:plural sensor modules, having a unique identification data;a connecting unit which has plural ports, having a unique address allocated thereto, and which connects the sensor modules to each of the ports;a voltage generating unit which generates a different voltage for each of the addresses and supplies the voltage to each of the plural sensor modules; anda control unit which communicates with the sensor modules via the connecting unit;wherein the sensor moduledetermines the address of the port based on the voltage from the voltage generating unit, and transmits a physical quantity that is detected and the unique identification data to the control unit.2. The sensor system according to claim 1 , wherein 'includes a reference voltage generating unit which supplies a reference voltage to the voltage generating unit, and', 'the control unit'} 'performs resistive division of the reference voltage and thus generates different voltages from each other corresponding to the address.', 'the voltage generating unit'}3. The sensor system according to claim 2 , wherein 'includes plural resistor ladder circuits in which resistance elements are connected in series, and', 'the voltage generating unit'}a resistance value of the resistor elements is decided in such a way that all the voltages obtained by ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Matching System for Correlating Accelerometer Data to Known Movements

Номер: US20130282324A1

The present invention extends to methods, systems, and computer program products for providing a matching system for correlating accelerometer data to known movements. Data representing known movements can be obtained and stored in a database such as by processing and storing accelerometer data obtained from one or more accelerometers worn by a user while performing a particular movement. The accelerometer data obtained from a particular movement can be processed to generate a feature set descriptive of the accelerations associated with a particular movement or series of movements. 1. A method for identifying a particular movement from accelerometer data by comparing an identified sequence in the accelerometer data to known sequences , the method comprising:storing a plurality of entries in a database on a portable computing device, each entry representing one or more known sequences of accelerometer data that are generated when a particular movement is performed;receiving accelerometer data from one or more accelerometers worn by a user while performing a first movement;accessing the database to determine that the accelerometer data received from the one or more accelerometers includes the one or more known sequences of a first entry; anddetermining that the first entry is associated with a first particular movement.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:displaying an indication that the first particular movement has been performed by the user.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein displaying the indication comprises incrementing a count of the number of times the user has performed the first particular movement.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the entries in the database include known sequences generated by more than one accelerometer when the corresponding particular movement is performed.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:creating a new entry in the database, the new entry containing sequences of accelerometer data received from ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Microelectromechanical systems devices and methods for the fabrication thereof

Номер: US20130283913A1

Embodiments of compact micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) devices are provided, as are embodiments of methods for fabricating MEMS devices. In one embodiment, the MEMS device includes a substrate, a movable structure resiliently coupled to the substrate, and an anchored structure fixedly coupled to the substrate. The movable structure includes a first plurality of movable fingers, and a second plurality of movable fingers electrically isolated from and interspersed with the first plurality of movable fingers. The anchored structure includes fixed fingers interspersed with first and second pluralities of movable fingers in a capacitor-forming relationship. First and second interconnects are electrically coupled to the first and second pluralities of movable fingers, respectively.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283914A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

An acceleration sensor includes a frame having a hollow space at an inside thereof, four beams extending from the frame to the hollow space, four plummets connected to ends of the four beams, and four sensing units provided on the four beams. One ends of the beams is connected to portions of the frame opposite to each other with respect to the hollow space. The two plummets face each other across the center of the hollow space. One ends of the other two beams are connected to portions of the frame opposite to each other with respect to the hollow space. The other two plummets face each other across the center of the hollow space. This acceleration sensor reduces variations and temporal changes in its sensitivity. 1. An acceleration sensor comprising:a frame having a hollow space at an inside thereof;first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth beams extending to the hollow space, the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth beams having one ends and other ends opposite to the one ends, the one ends being connected to the frame;first, second, third, and fourth plummets connected to the other ends of the first, second, third, and fourth beams, respectively; andfirst, second, third, and fourth sensing units disposed at the first, second, third, and fourth beams, respectively,wherein each of the one ends of the first and second beams are connected to respective one of portions of the frame opposite to each other with respect to the hollow space,wherein the first plummet faces the second plummet across a center of the hollow space,wherein each of the one ends of the third and fourth beams are connected to respective one of portions of the frame opposite to each other with respect to the hollow space, andwherein the third plummet faces the fourth plummet across the center of the hollow space,wherein the one end of the sixth beams is connected to the frame,wherein the other end of the fifth beams being a free and,wherein the fifth beam is provided between the first ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method for configuring a motion sensor as well as a configurable motion sensor and a system for configuring such a motion sensor

Номер: US20130289932A1
Автор: Herbert Baechler

The present invention provides a method for configuring a motion sensor ( 1 ) comprising an accelerometer ( 2 ) and/or a gyroscope ( 2 ), a processing unit ( 3 ), a memory unit ( 4 ) and a program selection means ( 7 ). The proposed method comprises providing configuration data to the program selection means ( 7 ), selecting by the program selection means ( 7 ) a signal processing program from a plurality of signal processing programs stored in the memory unit ( 4 ) dependent on the provided configuration data, and determining by the processing unit at least one motion parameter from one or more output signals of the accelerometer ( 2 ) and/or the gyroscope ( 2 ) using the selected signal processing program. Furthermore, the present invention proposes a corresponding configurable motion sensor ( 1 ) as well as a system for configuring such a versatile motion sensor ( 1 ).

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Electronic Pitching Trainer and Method for Determining the True Speed of a Sports Projectile

Номер: US20130291636A1
Автор: Jerry B. Roberts
Принадлежит: Individual

A sensing device obtains range-related data—such as Doppler data or pulse time-of-flight data—from a sports projectile during flight. The time course of the range-related data is employed, in light of predictable characteristics of the projectile trajectory, to determine and output an accurate determination of the projectile speed for one or more points of interest in its flight. Such determination of speed may, for instance, be the speed at the time of projectile release, even though range-related data is gathered later in the flight, when the projectile is traveling neither so fast, nor straight at the sensor. Such sensing device may employ inexpensive short-range acoustic Doppler, and be incorporated into a target device that automatically displays to a pitcher-in-training the speed and ball/strike condition of each pitch.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Portable Monitoring Devices and Methods of Operating Same

Номер: US20130297220A1

A portable activity monitoring device adapted to couple to a body of a user, the portable activity monitoring device comprising a housing having a physical size and shape that is adapted to couple to the user's body, (i) one or more motion sensors, disposed in the housing, to detect motion, and (ii) a user interface, disposed in the housing. The monitoring device further includes processing circuitry, disposed in the housing, to: (i) detect one or more user inputs to the user interface using data from at least one of the one or more motion sensors, (ii) calculate data which is representative of a progress toward a user activity goal using data from at least one the motion sensors, and (iii) generate display data which is representative of the progress toward the user activity goal in response to detecting the user input to the user interface. 1. A portable activity monitoring device adapted to couple to a body of a user , the portable activity monitoring device comprising:a housing having a physical size and shape that is adapted to couple to the body of the user;one or more motion sensors, disposed in the housing, to detect motion;a user interface, disposed in the housing, including a display; and detect one or more user inputs to the user interface using data from at least one of the one or more motion sensors,', 'calculate data which is representative of a progress toward a user activity goal using data from at least one of the one or more motion sensors, and', 'generate display data which is representative of the progress toward the user activity goal in response to detecting the one or more user inputs to the user interface., 'processing circuitry, disposed in the housing and coupled to the plurality of sensors and the user interface, to2. The portable activity monitoring device of wherein the user activity goal corresponds to a bicycle claim 1 , swimming claim 1 , distance claim 1 , sleep claim 1 , step claim 1 , altitude and/or motion activity metric.3. The ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130297250A1

Device and method for providing inertial indications with high accuracy using micro inertial sensors with inherent very small size and low accuracy. The device and method of the invention disclose use of the cluster of multiple micro inertial sensors to receive from the multiple sensors an equivalent single inertial indication with high accuracy based on the multiple independent indications and mathematical manipulations for averaging the plurality of single readings and for eliminating common deviations based, for example, on measurements of the deviation of the single readings. 1. An inertial measurement device comprising:at least one sensor cluster, the sensor cluster comprising a plurality of micro inertial sensors to sample movement with respect to at least one axis of a plurality of axes x, y and z; anda summing unit to receive samples from at least some of said plurality of sensors indicative of said movement with respect to said at least one axis and to sum said samples to an equivalent vector indicative of a sampled movement.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a computing unit to receive said equivalent vector and to compensate said equivalent vector based on stored data representing pre-measured misalignment of said equivalent vector.3. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said plurality of micro inertial sensors is of the micro-electromechanical sensors type.4. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said plurality of micro inertial sensors comprise more than one micro-electromechanical sensor.5. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said plurality of micro inertial sensors comprise more than one gyroscope sensor.6. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least some of said plurality of micro inertial sensors is substantially aligned with one axis of a reference frame.7. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least some of said plurality of micro inertial sensors are substantially aligned with each one of the axes of a ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298674A1

The purpose of the present invention is to provide an angular velocity sensor capable of measuring an exact angular velocity, an ink jet head capable of producing an exact amount of ink, and a piezoelectric generating element capable of generating electric power due to positive piezoelectric effect. 1. A method of measuring an angular velocity with an angular velocity sensor , comprising steps of:a step (a) of preparing the angular velocity sensor comprising a substrate having a vibration part and a piezoelectric film bonded to the vibration part, wherein,the piezoelectric film comprises a piezoelectric layer, a first electrode and a second electrode;the piezoelectric layer is interposed between the first electrode and the second electrode;the first electrode comprises an electrode layer with a (001) orientation;{'sub': x', 'y', '0.5x+1.5y+2', '3, 'the piezoelectric layer comprises a (NaBi)TiO—BaTiOlayer with a (001) orientation only;'}x is not less than 0.30 and not more than 0.46;y is not less than 0.51 and not more than 0.62;{'sub': x', 'y', '0.5x+1.5y+2', '3, 'the (NaBi)TiO—BaTiOlayer has composition around a Morphotropic Phase Boundary; and'}one of the first and second electrodes selected therefrom is constituted of an electrode group including a drive electrode and a sense electrode;a step (b) of applying a driving voltage to the piezoelectric layer through the drive electrode and the other of the first and second electrodes selected therefrom to oscillate the vibration part; anda step (c) of measuring, through the other electrode and the sense electrode, a deformation of the vibration part caused by an angular velocity applied to the oscillating vibration part to obtain a value of the applied angular velocity; {'br': None, 'i': 'B=cA'}, 'wherein an amount B of the deformation B of the piezoelectric film and an electric field A between the first electrode and the second electrode satisfy the following equation(c is a constant).2. The method according to claim ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

MEMS Inertial Sensor and Method of Inertial Sensing

Номер: US20130298675A1
Принадлежит: Cambridge Enterprise Limited

The invention comprises an inertia! sensor comprising a frame, a proof mass; a first resonant element having a proximal end and a distal end, the first resonant element being fixed to the frame at its proximal end and coupled to the proof mass at its distal end, a second resonant element having a proximal end and a distal end, the second resonant element being fixed to the frame at its proximal end, adjacent to the first resonant element such that there is no coupling between the second resonant element and the proof mass, a means for coupling the first resonant element to the second resonant element; a drive means coupled to the first and second resonant elements for vibrating the first and second resonant elements; and a sensor assembly for detecting the amplitude of vibration of the resonant elements. 1. An inertial sensor comprising:a frame;a proof mass;a first resonant element having a proximal end and a distal end, the first resonant element being fixed to the frame at its proximal end and coupled to the proof mass at its distal end;a second resonant element having a proximal end and a distal end, the second resonant element being fixed to the frame at its proximal end, adjacent to the first resonant element, such that there is no coupling between the second resonant element and the proof mass;a means for coupling the first resonant element to the second resonant element;a drive means coupled to the first and second resonant elements for vibrating the first and second resonant elements; anda sensor assembly for detecting the amplitude of vibration of the resonant elements.2. An inertial sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the means for coupling the first resonant element to the second resonant element is an electrostatic coupling means.3. An inertial sensor according to claim 2 , wherein the electrostatic coupling means is a pair of plates claim 2 , one plate in the pair of plates coupled to or forming part of the first resonant element and the other plate ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130304375A1

Provided is an apparatus and method for switching a navigation mode between a vehicle navigation mode and a personal navigation mode in a navigation device supporting vehicle navigation and personal navigation. Switching between the vehicle navigation mode and the personal navigation mode is performed according to whether the navigation device is mounted in a navigation device holder, whether a GPS speed provided by a GPS receiver is higher than a predetermined speed, and whether a step is detected using an output of an accelerometer. Since mode switching between the vehicle navigation mode and the personal navigation mode is automatically performed, a user does not need to manually perform mode switching. 1. An apparatus for switching a navigation mode between a vehicle navigation mode and a personal navigation mode in a navigation device , the apparatus comprising:a speed measuring unit configured to provide an acceleration of the navigation device; anda controller configured to implement one of a personal navigation mode and a vehicle navigation mode, and to automatically switch the navigation mode between the vehicle navigation mode and the personal navigation mode according to whether the acceleration of the navigation device is output as a predetermined pattern.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the speed measuring unit includes a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver for receiving a GPS signal and an accelerometer.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined pattern is a constant frequency waveform or a specific frequency waveform.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , when the navigation device is in a car claim 3 , the acceleration of the navigation device is output as the specific frequency waveform.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the accelerometer measures the acceleration according to movement of the navigation device claim 2 , outputs the measured acceleration and detects a step using the measured acceleration.6. The ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312520A1
Автор: Kho Rex

A rotational rate sensor is provided having a substrate and having a seismic mass that is movable relative to the substrate, the seismic mass being capable of being excited by a drive unit to a working oscillation relative to the substrate, and a Coriolis deflection of the seismic mass perpendicular to the working oscillation being capable of being detected, the rotational rate sensor having an interface for sending out a sensor signal as a function of the Coriolis deflection, the drive unit being configured for the modification of a frequency and/or of an amplitude of the working oscillation when a control signal is present at the interface. 110-. (canceled)11. A rotational rate sensor , comprising:a substrate;a seismic mass that is movable relative to the substrate;a drive unit, the seismic mass being capable of being excited by the drive unit to a working oscillation relative to the substrate, and a Coriolis deflection of the seismic mass perpendicular to the working oscillation being capable of being detected; andan interface to send out a sensor signal as a function of the Coriolis deflection;wherein the drive unit is configured to modify at least one of a frequency and an amplitude of the working oscillation, when a control signal is present at the interface.12. The rotational rate sensor as recited in claim 11 , wherein the rotational rate sensor has a switching unit that is functionally coupled to the interface and the drive unit claim 11 , the switching unit being configured to detect the control signal claim 11 , and the switching unit being configured to control the drive unit as a function of the control signal in such a way that when the control signal is detected claim 11 , a modification is provided of at least one of the frequency and the amplitude of the working oscillation.13. A sensor system claim 11 , comprising:a rotational rate sensor including a substrate, a seismic mass that is movable relative to the substrate, a drive unit, the seismic mass ...
