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21-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2730412C2

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике, в частности к устройствам для измерения тока. Узел (10) датчика тока шины включает в себя элемент (12) шины, который включает в себя первую полость (60) и вторую полость (68). Вторая полость располагается напротив первой полости. Узел датчика тока шины также включает в себя первый датчик (78) тока, расположенный в первой полости, так что первая полость, по меньшей мере, частично окружает первый датчик тока, и второй датчик (86) тока, расположенный во второй полости, так что вторая полость, по меньшей мере, частично окружает второй датчик тока. Причем пограничная стенка первой полости образует первый ступенчатый участок, а пограничная стенка второй полости образует второй ступенчатый участок. Устройство также содержит первую и вторую крышки, при этом первый ступенчатый участок принимает первую крышку, а второй ступенчатый участок принимает вторую крышку так, чтобы закрывать первую полость и вторую полость соответственно. Техническим результатом ...

05-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2690710C2

Группа изобретений относится к датчику тока. В двух чипах датчика размещены соответствующие магнитоэлектрические преобразователи. Указанные два чипа датчика размещены в зазоре, при этом два чипа датчика размещены таким образом, что направление магнитной индукции относительно каждого из двух чипов датчика является таким же, как и перпендикулярное направление относительно торцевых поверхностей сердечника для улавливания магнитного поля, при этом торцевые поверхности обращены в зазор, и два чипа датчика расположены осесимметрично относительно прямой линии, проходящей через центр зазора. Технический результат – возможность определения неисправности датчика. 2 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

05-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2615597C2

Изобретение относится к комбинированному датчику тока. Комбинированный датчик тока содержит в кожухе датчик магнитного потока, содержащий катушку, намотанную на магнитопровод, устройство измерения тока, содержащее катушку Роговского, выполненную таким образом, что первичный контур магнитного датчика соответствует первичному контуру упомянутого устройства измерения тока, электронное средство для выполнения обнаружения и измерения электрического тока, причем упомянутое средство запитывается от катушки магнитного датчика; при этом датчик содержит соединяющую кассету, содержащую первое фиксирующее средство, выполненное с возможностью размещения и закрепления упомянутой кассеты путем клеммного скрепления на измерительном устройстве; второе фиксирующее средство, выполненное с возможностью размещения и закрепления упомянутой кассеты и измерительного устройства путем клеммного скрепления на кожухе; электрические контакты, соответствующим образом соединенные с катушкой Роговского и с электронным ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2719794C2

Изобретение относится к датчику, предназначенному для измерения тока в электрическом проводнике. Датчик тока типа катушки Роговского содержит два слоя катушек, окружающие проводник тока, при этом каждый слой катушек содержит множество обмоток, намотанных вокруг множества осей, образующих контур многоугольников правильной формы, расположенных в параллельных плоскостях и размещенных, будучи обращенными друг к другу, так, что каждая угловая зона первого многоугольника расположена, будучи обращенной к соответствующей угловой зоне второго многоугольника, и поэтому витки обмотки первого слоя катушек имеют ориентации, отличающиеся от ориентации витков обмотки второго слоя катушек в угловой зоне, обращенной к вышеупомянутой. Технический результат – повышение точности измерения и нечувствительности к внешним электромагнитным полям. 4 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

31-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2690170C1

Изобретение относится к печатной плате, содержащей проводящую дорожку, имеющую выемку, в которой расположен имплантат с левым, правым, нижним и верхним краем, служащий для измерения проходящего в проводящей дорожке тока. Технический результат - создание простым образом необходимого для волоконно-оптического принципа измерения тока проводника в качестве ЕОСВ (Electro Optical Circuit Board) с заделанными световодными каналами и использование его для выполняемого без соприкосновения и без обратного влияния измерения тока с использованием участков имеющейся печатной платы посредством интегрирования в нее импланта ЕОСВ. Достигается тем, что в имплантате (4) расположен проводник (5), который при установленном имплантате (4) замыкает прерванную с помощью выемки (3) проводящую дорожку (2), при этом имплантат (4) имеет первый оптический слой (6) и второй оптический слой (7), и проводник (5) расположен между обоими слоями (6, 7), первый и второй оптический слой (6, 7) имеют каждый по меньшей мере ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018142538A

17-07-2017 дата публикации

Датчик тока

Номер: RU2015148054A

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014102968A

... 1. Измерительная система для измерения входного электрического тока (Ics) от источника тока (CS) и генерирования сигнала измерения тока, содержащая схему (70) измерения тока, имеющую первый входной зажим (72), связанный с источником тока, и выходной зажим (74) для предоставления сигнала измерения тока,в которой схема измерения тока дополнительно содержит один или более зажимов (75, 76; 85, 86) источника питания, выполненных с возможностью принимать одно или более напряжений от источника питания (77a, 77b) для питания схемы измерения тока, ив которой схема измерения тока дополнительно содержит первый источник напряжения (VD; 20), связанный с одним или более зажимами источника питания, причем первый источник напряжения, предоставляющий напряжение возмущения одному или более зажимам источника питания, причем напряжение возмущения, представляющее напряжение на первом входном зажиме.2. Измерительная система по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая дифференцирующую схему (79), выполненную с возможностью ...

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014127845A

... 1. Устройство детектирования (35) возвращения в исходное положение электрического выключателя (10); причем выключатель (10) содержит неподвижные (12) и подвижные (14) контакты; причем подвижный контакт (14) выполнен с возможностью перемещаться между разомкнутым положением, в котором неподвижные и подвижные контакты (12, 14) разъединены, и замкнутым положением, в котором подвижный контакт (14) упирается в неподвижный контакт (12), механизм (16) разъединения контактов (12, 14), ручку (18) возвращения в исходное положение механизма (16) из разомкнутого положения в замкнутое положение подвижного контакта (14), привод (20) механизма разъединения (16); причем привод (20) содержит электромагнитную катушку (38) и подвижный сердечник (40), перемещающийся между нерабочим положением и рабочим положением, в котором механизм разъединения (16) приведен в действие; причем катушка (38) выполнена с возможностью вызывать перемещение подвижного сердечника (40) из его нерабочего положения в его рабочее положение ...

20-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014125260A

... 1. Компоновка гибкого датчика тока, содержащая множество дискретных токочувствительных элементов, распределенных вдоль удлиненного гибкого несущего элемента, причем удлиненный гибкий несущий элемент содержит множество катушек связанных друг с другом связывающими участками, при этом катушки выполнены с возможностью приема, по меньшей мере, одного токочувствительного элемента, причем связывающие участки выполнены с возможностью вращения соседних катушек вокруг оси вращения, причем связывающие участки совмещены с продольной осью удлиненного гибкого несущего элемента или смещены относительно продольной оси таким образом, чтобы соседние катушки вращались вокруг связывающих участков, причем межцентровое расстояние соседних катушек в среднем поддерживается ближе к постоянному значению, чем в случае, когда связывающие участки совмещены с продольной осью.2. Компоновка гибкого датчика тока по п. 1, причем поперечное сечение каждого чувствительного элемента, через который проходит гибкий несущий элемент ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Device for measuring current in e.g. motor car, has separate power supply having feeding terminals that are connected with electric line, so that current in electric line is measured with signal current from separate power supply

Номер: DE102012014969A1

The device has a computing unit (12) with measuring terminals (8,9) that are connected with an electric line of motor car. An electric resistor (6) is provided between the measuring terminals. Feeding terminals (2,3) of separate power supply (1) are connected with the electric line, so that the current in the electric line is measured with a signal current (4) from the separate power supply. The measuring terminals of computing unit are connected with a measuring resistor of power supply. An independent claim is included for a method for measuring current in motor car.

31-08-2017 дата публикации

Stromfühler und Messvorrichtung

Номер: DE112015005689T5

Es wird ein Signal über einen Übertragungsweg mit einer geringen Dämpfung ausgegeben, während Hochfrequenzstörungen beseitigt werden. Dafür ist ein Stromfühler ausgestattet mit: einer Spule 5, die um einen magnetischen Kern 2 gewickelt ist, durch dessen Inneres ein gemessener elektrischer Weg 21 eingeführt wird, die an einem Ende 5a mit Erde G verbunden ist, und einen Strom I2 mit einen Stromwert in Übereinstimmung mit einem Stromwert eines Messstroms I1 abgibt, der auf dem gemessenen elektrischen Weg 21 fließt; einen Filter 7 mit konstanter Impedanz, dessen Eingangsanschluss 7a mit einem anderen Ende 5b der Spule 5 verbunden ist, der einen Frequenzbereich des vom Eingangsanschluss 7a eingegebenen Stroms I2 auf einen erwünschten Frequenzbereich begrenzt und den Detektionsstrom aus einem Ausgangsanschluss 7b abgibt; einem Übertragungsweg 8, der direkt an ein Ende 8a des Ausgangsanschlusses 7b angeschlossen ist; und einem Abschlusswiderstand 9, der zwischen ein anderes Ende 8b des Übertragungswegs ...

18-03-2020 дата публикации

Passiver Stromsensor mit vereinfachter Geometrie

Номер: DE202020101280U1

Passiver Stromsensor (1), der Folgendes aufweist:ein Paar von elektrisch leitfähigen Sammelschienen (5);einen Nebenschlusswiderstand (7), der die Sammelschienen (5) elektrisch verbindet; undeinen Träger (9) mit einem ersten Paar (19) von Spannungsabfall-Messkontakten (23), wobei mindestens einer der Spannungsabfall-Messkontakte (23) an jeder der Sammelschienen (5) angebracht ist und einen direkten elektrischen Kontakt zwischen dem mindestens einen Spannungsabfall-Messkontakt (23) und der Sammelschiene (5) bildet.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Schaltungsanordnung mit einem Messtransistor

Номер: DE102011090101B4

Schaltungsanordnung, die aufweist:einen ersten Lasttransistor (T), der dazu ausgebildet ist, einen Laststrom (i) an eine erste Last (Z), die an eine Drainelektrode (D) des ersten Lasttransistors (T) anschließbar ist, zu steuern;einen zweiten Lasttransistor (T), der dazu ausgebildet ist, einen Laststrom (i) an eine zweite Last (Z), die an eine Drainelektrode (D) des zweiten Lasttransistors (T) anschließbar ist, zu steuern;einen Messtransistor (T) , der dazu ausgebildet ist, an den ersten oder zweiten Lasttransistor (T, T) abhängig von einem Schaltsignal gekoppelt zu werden, wobei der Messtransistor (T) eine Drainelektrode (D) aufweist, die einen Messstrom bereitstellt (i) , der einen Laststrom (i; i) des daran angeschlossenen Lasttransistors (T, T) repräsentiert, wobei die ersten und zweiten Lasttransistoren (T, T) und der Messtransistor (T) Feldeffekttransistoren aufweisen, die eine gemeinsame Sourceelektrode (S) haben; undeine Messschaltung, die dazu ausgebildet ist, den Messstrom (i) ...

03-09-2015 дата публикации

Befestigungselement für einen Stromsensor

Номер: DE102014102793A1

Der vorliegenden Erfindung liegt die Aufgabe zugrunde, den händischen Montageaufwand von Stromsensoren zu verringern, und ein Bauform für ein Befestigungselement (1) anzugeben, mit dem ein Stromsensor (2) mit möglichst geringem Aufwand nicht nur liegend sondern auch stehend auf einer Befestigungsfläche (3) befestigt werden kann. Dazu wird vorgeschlagen, dass das erfindungsgemäße Befestigungselement (1) mindestens eine, bevorzugt zwei Rastvorrichtungen aufweist und somit mit nur geringstem händischen Aufwand an dem Stromsensor befestigt (geklipst) werden kann. Beispielsweise können zwei erfindungsgemäße Befestigungselemente (1, 1´) mit ihren Rastvorrichtungen von gegenüberliegenden Seiten in die selben Schraubdurchlässe (23, 24) des Stromsensors (2) gesteckt werden und insbesondere in einer zum jeweiligen Schraubdurchlass (23, 24) gehörenden Schraubbohrung (231, 241) mit ihren Rastvorrichtungen aneinander verrasten und so am Stromsensor (2) gehalten sein.

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Zweispannungsbatterie mit Stromsensoren und Kalibrierverfahren hierfür

Номер: DE102016122438A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Zweispannungsbatterie für ein Fahrzeug umfassend eine Mehrzahl von Batteriezellen, wobei jeweils eine Gruppe von Batteriezellen zu einem Batteriezellblock verbunden ist, und umfassend eine Batterieelektronik mit einer Mehrzahl von Leistungsschaltelementen zum seriellen und/oder parallelen Verbinden jedenfalls einzelner Batteriezellblöcke, wobei in einer ersten Verbindungsanordnung der Batteriezellblöcke eine erste Spannung und wobei in einer zweiten Verbindungsanordnung der Batteriezellblöcke eine zweite Spannung bereitgestellt ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass wenigstens einzelnen Batteriezellblöcken ein Blockstromsensor mit einem Messwiderstand zugeordnet ist, welcher ausgebildet ist zum Messen eines Blockstroms durch den einen zugeordneten Batteriezellblock.

29-12-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Ermitteln der Abweichungen der gemessenen Stromist- von Stromsollwerten in einer Anzahl parallel geschalteter, stromgeregelter Schaltpfade

Номер: DE102015212080A1

Verfahren zum Ermitteln der Abweichungen der gemessenen Stromist- (Ia, Ib, Ic, Isum) von Stromsollwerten in einer Anzahl n mit n >= 2 parallel geschalteter, stromgeregelter Schaltpfade (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) zum Verbinden einer Last (RL) mit einer Energiequelle (C), wobei die Messung des von der Energiequelle (C) zur Last (RL) fließenden Gesamtstromistwerts (Isum) mittels einer Präzisionsstrommesseinrichtung (RP; RP‘; RP‘‘) mit geringer Genauigkeitstoleranz und die Messung der Teilströme (Ia, Ib, Ic) in den Schaltpfaden (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) durch Standardstrommesseinrichtungen (RS1, RS2, RS3; RS1‘, RS2‘, RS3‘; RS1‘‘, RS2‘‘, RS3‘‘) mit im Verhältnis zur Präzisionsstrommesseinrichtung (RP; RP‘; RP‘‘) großer Genauigkeitstoleranz erfolgt, bei dem durch Verändern der Teilströme (Ia, Ib, Ic) in den Schaltpfaden (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) bei konstantem Summenstrom (Isum) Werte für ein der Anzahl n der Schaltpfade entsprechendes n-dimensionales Gleichungssystem gewonnen werden, dessen Lösung ...

31-12-2014 дата публикации

Stomsensoranordnung mit Messspulen

Номер: DE102013106100A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Strommessanordnung mit einer Messinduktivität (103), wobei die Messinduktivität die folgenden Merkmale umfasst: eine erste Messspule (105); eine zweite Messspule (107); wobei die erste Messspule (105) und die zweite Messspule (107) elektrisch in Reihe verbunden sind und unterschiedliche Spuleneigenschaften aufweisen.

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Widerstand, Herstellungsverfahren dafür und Verbundmaterialband zum Herstellen des Widerstands

Номер: DE102014015805B3

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verbundmaterialband zur Herstellung eines elektrischen Bauelements, insbesondere eines Widerstands, insbesondere eines niederohmigen Strommesswiderstands, mit einem ersten Materialband (4) aus einem kupferhaltigen Material, insbesondere aus einem kupferhaltigen Leitermaterial, zur späteren Ausbildung eines ersten Anschlussteils des elektrischen Bauelements, und einem zweiten Materialband (3) zur späteren Ausbildung eines zweiten Anschlussteils des elektrischen Bauelements, wobei der erste Materialband (4) und das zweite Materialband (3) entlang einer Längsnaht elektrisch und mechanisch miteinander verbunden sind, wobei das zweite Materialband (3) aus einem aluminiumhaltigen Material besteht, insbesondere aus einem aluminiumhaltigen Leitermaterial. Weiterhin umfasst die Erfindung ein entsprechendes Herstellungsverfahren und ein entsprechendes Bauelement.

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Stromstärkesensor mit einem Messwiderstand in einer Umverteilungsschicht

Номер: DE102014113498A1

Die elektronische Vorrichtung zum Abtasten einer Stromstärke umfasst einen Halbleiterchip, der eine erste Hauptfläche umfasst, eine elektronische Schaltung, die in den Halbleiterchip integriert ist, eine Umverteilungsmetallisierungsschicht, die über der Hauptfläche des Halbleiterchips angeordnet ist, einen Strompfad, der in der Umverteilungsmetallisierungsschicht ausgebildet ist, wobei der Strompfad einen Widerstand ausbildet, der an zwei widerstandsdefinierenden Endpunkten mit der elektronischen Schaltung verbunden ist, um eine Stromstärke abzutasten, die durch den Strompfad fließt, und externe Kontaktelemente, die mit der Umverteilungsmetallisierungsschicht verbunden sind, um einen Strom, der abgetastet werden soll, in den Strompfad einzuspeisen.

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Messaufnehmer, Messeinrichtung, Erkennungsmodul, Messverfahren und Eichverfahren

Номер: DE102019107736A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft einen Messaufnehmer (19), umfassend wenigsten einen induktiven Stromwandler (12) zum Erzeugen eines elektrischen Messsignals in Abhängigkeit eines Stromflusses in einem durch den induktiven Stromwandler (12) geführten Leiter (11) und einen Anschluss zum Verbinden des induktiven Stromwandlers (12) mit einem Messumformer (16), wobei der induktiven Stromwandler (12) elektrisch mit wenigstens zwei Anschlusskontakten (15) des Anschlusses verbunden ist, um das elektrische Messsignal an den Messumformer zu übertragen. Der Messaufnehmer (19) ist ein zwischen den induktiven Stromwandler (12) und die zwei Anschlusskontakte (15) geschaltetes Erkennungsmodul (18) gekennzeichnet, das beim Anlegen eines Abfragesignals an die zwei Anschlusskontakte (15) ein Antwortsignal zurückliefert, wobei das Antwortsignal spezifisch für einen Messbereich des induktiven Stromwandlers (12) ist.Die Erfindung betrifft des Weiteren eine Messeinrichtung (10), ein Erkennungsmodul (18), ...

24-02-2021 дата публикации

Power supply

Номер: GB2545453B
Принадлежит: QUARCH TECH LTD, Quarch Technology Ltd

17-01-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for measuring an electric current in an electrical conductor

Номер: GB0201720154D0

01-05-2013 дата публикации

Thermionic valve tester

Номер: GB0201305047D0

15-01-2014 дата публикации

Distributed electricity metering system

Номер: GB0201321183D0

09-03-2005 дата публикации

Differential current sensing circuit

Номер: GB0002405701A

A current sensing circuit comprises a differential current input stage in which a current from a sensing device 14 is compared with a reference current generated by current source or dummy sensor 16. The differential current input stage is made up from matched transistors T1, T2 acting as a current mirror. A switch SW1 may be provided between nodes N1 and N2 of the current mirror to equalize the output voltages Vout2 and Vout1 when the sensing device is not in use. The difference in currents IIN and IREF is converted to a voltage difference Vout1 - Vout2, which can then be supplied to differential voltage output stage. The differential voltage output stage comprises two transistors T8, T9 configured as a current mirror which acts as a differential amplifier. The output from the differential voltage output stage may then be provided to a buffering stage. The current sensing circuit is fabricated as an integrated circuit, for example using thin film transistors (TFTs). The reference current ...

01-07-1998 дата публикации

Circuit for sensing motor load current

Номер: GB0002320762A

A current sensing circuit comprises a resistor RShunt suitable for coupling to a load supply arrangement such that the voltage across the resistor is proportional to the current delivered to the said load. The voltage signal across the resistor is processed via circuitry for adjusting the voltage signal relative to a reference signal such that the resulting voltage signal may be used as a feedback signal to control the commutation of a converter device. The current sensing resistor Rshunt may be located in the converter device with one end connected to a junction between a high-side switching device and a low-side switching device of a half bridge arrangement and the other end being connected to the load. Analog or digital circuitry arrangements may be employed for processing the voltage signal.

28-09-2005 дата публикации

Measuring residual current and power consumption

Номер: GB0002412511A

A measuring device for an AC electrical installation comprising live and neutral conductors 2,3 comprises a toroidal transformer 1 for detecting a residual current and shunt resistors 6a,6b providing a current signal for each conductor 2,3 and processor 13 which generates a trip signal 03 in response to residual current and/or the conductor current signals. Circuit breakers 15,16 may operate in response to trip signal 03. Optionally resistors 8a,9,8b provide a signal representing the voltage between conductors 2,3 which is fed to processor 13 with residual current signals and conductor current signals through analogue to digital converters and a multiplexer. Processor 13 may use the voltage and current signals to calculate power consumed, which may also be transmitted to a remote station.

20-02-2013 дата публикации

Metering system for detecting a three phase load.

Номер: GB0002493688A

An electrical measurement apparatus comprises a detector for measuring an electrical parameter, a metering device, and a means to transmit the detector signal which is indicative of the electrical parameter. The detector also provides an identification signal so that the meter can identify the detector sending the measured signal. The embodiment of the invention, as shown in figure 1, comprises a three-phase toroidal current transducer having a cuboid detector body 12 with three cylindrical passages 14 each for receiving a single-phase cable of a three-phase load (not shown). Each of the three passages 14 has an embedded toroidal winding which is used to detect a current in the load cable. Signals representing the current in each of the three individual load cables are sent to a meter, which may be located remotely. The signals are transmitted along a multi-core signal cable 16, which has a standard connector 18 for a plug-in connection to the meter. One of the wires in the multi-core signal ...

10-08-2005 дата публикации

Measuring devices

Номер: GB0000513482D0

28-08-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus for electrical measurement

Номер: GB0002571450A

A measurement apparatus for performing electrical measurements of a fuseway comprising a low resistivity busbar, with a pair of contacts 69, 64, arranged to measure voltage-drop across or current through a segment of the busbar between the contacts. Signal lines 63 and 65 are arranged to substantially cancel the magnetic coupling between the busbar and the signal lines. The current passing through the segment may be calculated from a measured voltage and a known resistance. The busbar may form a contact for a fuse or fuse-holder (13 figure 2). Secondarily, an apparatus comprising an interface for connecting to a fuseholder (9 figure 1) is defined, comprising a pair of contacts (13 figure 2) and a measurement circuit (50 figure 7), in addition to an electrical supply circuit (figure 11) arranged to provide power from the fuseway to the measurement circuit when the apparatus is engaged with a fuseway. A control panel (figure 5) may be provided to display or store results of tests.

06-03-2019 дата публикации

A device and method for generating a measurement signal for an AC current in a phase line

Номер: GB0002566044A
Автор: STEPHAN BOLZ, Stephan Bolz

A device and method for generating a measurement signal (Vm, DS) for an AC current i in a phase line, wherein the device 1 comprises at least one decoupling means 2 for decoupling a current signal from the phase line, wherein the device further comprises at least one burden resistance element 5 electrically connected to the decoupling means, wherein the measurement signal is provided by the voltage falling across the at least one burden resistance element or by a signal which is a function of the voltage falling across the at least one burden resistance element, characterized in that the device further comprises at least one rectifying means 11, wherein the at least one burden resistance element is electrically connected to the decoupling means via the at least one rectifying means such that a rectified decoupled current signal is provided to at least one terminal T1 of the burden resistance element. The decoupling means may be a current transformer and the rectifying means may be a bridge ...

18-01-2017 дата публикации

Sensing motor current

Номер: GB0201620524D0

22-02-2006 дата публикации

Component Current Measuring Arrangement

Номер: GB0000600656D0

20-05-2020 дата публикации

Current sensor for biomedical measurements

Номер: GB0202004917D0

28-04-2021 дата публикации

Current sensor for biomedical measurements

Номер: GB2583584B

16-12-2020 дата публикации

System and method for measuring powerline temerature based on self-powered power sensors

Номер: GB0202017394D0

01-11-2023 дата публикации

Self calibration by signal injection

Номер: GB0002606654B

25-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000395486B

15-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000365924T

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000475893T

15-09-1987 дата публикации


Номер: ATA100486A

15-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: ATA216689A

15-06-2021 дата публикации

Validierung von Phasenströmen eines Mehrphasensystems

Номер: AT523238A1

Um den sicheren Betrieb eines Mehrphasensystems (1) auch bei einer Mehrzahl (n) von Phasen (L1, …, Ln) zu gewährleisten, ist eine Anzahl (m) Phasengruppen (G1,…, Gm) vorgesehen ist, welche einen Teil der Phasen (L1, …, Ln) umfasst, wobei Phasenströme (i1, … ,in) der Anzahl (m) Phasengruppen (G1,…, Gm) in einem Gruppenknoten (K1,…Km) zu einem Gruppensummenstrom (ig1,…, igm) zusammengeführt werden und ein Gruppensummenstrommesswert (iMg1, …, iMgm) des Gruppensummenstroms erfasst wird. Die, der Anzahl (m) Phasengruppen (G1,…, Gm) zugehörigen, Strommesswerte (iM1, …, iMn) werden zu einer Gruppensumme (iG1, …, iGm) summiert und die Gruppensumme (iG1, …, iGm) mit dem Gruppensummenstrommesswert (iMg1, …, iMgm) verglichen, um die Phasenströme (i1,…, in) der Phasen (L1, …, Ln) zu validieren um den sicheren Betrieb sicherzustellen.

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000420369T

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0011402004A

15-02-2017 дата публикации

Active circuit for detecting a luminous means-stream s

Номер: AT0000015177U1

Die Erfindung stellt eine Treiberschaltung zum Betreiben eines Leuchtmittels, vorzugsweise wenigstens einer LED, bereit, aufweisend einen potentialgetrennten, primärseitig von einer Steuereinheit mittels wenigstens einer angesteuerten Schaltereinheit getakteten Wandler, der einen Gleichrichter speist, von dem ausgehend das Leuchtmittel versorgbar ist, wobei eine Erfassungsschaltung zur indirekten Erfassung des Stroms auf der Sekundärseite des Wandlers einen Transformator mit wenigstens einer primärseitigen Wicklung aufweist.

15-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000182218T

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000308052T

06-08-2015 дата публикации

System for monitoring electrical power usage of a structure and method of same

Номер: AU2011274387B2

Some embodiments can teach a system for monitoring usage of electrical power by a structure. The structure can have one or more main electrical power lines that supply the electrical power to a first load in the structure. A portion of the one or more main electrical power lines can run substantially parallel to a first axis. The structure can further have a panel that overlies the portion of the one or more main electrical power lines. The system can include: (a) a current sensor unit configured to be coupled to a portion of a surface of the panel, the current sensor unit having: (a) at least one magnetic field sensor having a length substantially parallel to a second axis, wherein the second axis is substantially perpendicular to the first axis, and the at least one magnetic field sensor is configured to detect a magnetic field generated by the one or more main electrical power lines; and (b) a processing unit configured to run on a processor. The current sensor unit can be configured ...

27-03-2008 дата публикации

Current control type power conversion device

Номер: AU2007298385A1

10-11-2011 дата публикации

Current-sensing circuit and air-conditioning device provided therewith

Номер: AU2010238132A1

Disclosed is a current-sensing circuit (1) provided with: a shunt resistance (R1) connected in series with a current path from an inverter (106); an op-amp (12) that amplifies the voltage across the terminals of the shunt resistance (R1) by a prescribed amplification factor; a low-pass filter (18) that averages the output voltage from the op-amp (12); and an arithmetic unit (50) that, on the basis of the output voltage from the low-pass filter (18), calculates the current flowing through the aforementioned current path. The power-supply voltage of the op-amp (12) is set higher than the power-supply voltage of the arithmetic unit (50), and the low-pass filter (18) averages the output voltage from the op-amp (12) to a level lower than the power-supply voltage of the arithmetic unit (50).

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Instrumentation circuit for shunt-based metrology measurement

Номер: AU2011379370A1

The present subject matter is directed to methods and apparatus for measuring current flow from a source at a first frequency using matched voltage drops in paired voltage drop circuits. The paired voltage drop circuits each comprise a fixed value component, such as a resistor, and an adjustable value component, such as an adjustable current source, coupled in series. The adjustable valued components are controlled based on differences in voltage drops produced by the voltage drop circuits based on a high-frequency signal, higher in frequency than the first frequency, applied to a control input for the adjustable value components.

28-10-2021 дата публикации

Direct current meter and method of use

Номер: AU2021240210A1

An apparatus and method measures and analyzes DC current passing through a substantially insulating member or dielectric material that is electrically connected to, or otherwise conductive, between an energized DC electrical transmission line and an Earth potential or ground. An apparatus may utilize a DC current measuring device, a DC voltage level selection switch, a DC display, a graphical display of momentary leakage current, and an audio speaker. A process may entail extending a substantially insulating member or dielectric material between an energized DC electrical transmission line and an Earth potential, detecting a DC momentary leakage current, using a DC momentary leakage current meter to measure DC current through the member or material, and a computer to analyze and compare the DC current, and deliver results or a warning that the DC current has reached a threshold value.

16-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002527681A1

Managing line power for network elements in an access network. In one embodiment a current sense system in a line power network is disclosed. The current sense system includes a power supply, a splitter and a sense circuit. The power supply is adapted to supply output current to a twisted pair drop. The splitter is adapted to combine communication signals and the output current on a twisted pair drop. The sense circuit is coupled to sample the output current of the power supply between the power supply and the splitter. The sense circuit is further adapted to output a sense signal that is representative of the output current.

10-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002467054C

The present invention provides a method of determining a current in a conductor. The method comprises the steps of determining the n th spatial derivative of at least one vector component of the magnetic field associated with the current at at least one position and calculating the current from the n th spatial derivative. The present invention also provides an apparatus for determining a current in a conductor. The apparatus comprises a means for determining at least one vector component of the magnetic field associated with the current at at least two different positions and a means for determining the n th spatial derivative of at least one vector component of the magnetic field from the or each vector component of the magnetic field measured at the at least two positions. The apparatus also comprises a means for calculating the current from the n th spatial derivative.

31-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002724608C

In one embodiment, a Sagnac interferometer-type fiber-optic sensor includes a synchronous detection circuit to carry out synchronous detection of detected light signal with a phase modulation angular frequency of a phase modulator. A signal processing circuit calculates and outputs the magnitude of current to be measured using the signal detected in the synchronous detection circuit. A phase modulator driving circuit controls the driving of the phase modulator. The phase modulator driving circuit controls a phase modulation depth of the phase modulator so that the amplitude of the second-order harmonics and the fourth-order harmonics obtained by carrying out the synchronous detection of the detected light signal with the phase modulation angular frequency becomes the same.

05-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA941455A

24-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002996941A1

Accessoire de contrôle (5) pour un appareil électrique (3) pourvu d'une borne de raccordement apte à être raccordée à un câble électrique (7), l'accessoire de contrôle (5) comprenant un bâti (9) pourvu d'un système de coopération (11) configuré pour coopérer avec l'appareil électrique (3) en une position montée, un capteur de courant (25) agencé pour mesurer une intensité électrique traversant le câble électrique (7), lorsque le câble électrique (7) est raccordé à la borne de raccordement (4), le capteur de courant (25) comprenant une partie de mesure (29) formant une boucle apte à entourer une section (31) du câble électrique (7), la partie de mesure (29) étant pourvue d'un système de fermeture (33) apte maintenir la boucle en une position fermée et à ménager un espace de passage pour ladite section (31) du câble électrique (7) à l'intérieur de la boucle en position ouverte.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003039786A1

An instrumented electric power arrester includes a temperature sensor, wireless transmitter, and a visual over-temperature indicator. A disk shaped module, a replacement varister block, or a dummy block containing the sensor/transmitter is placed between varister blocks inside the arrester housing. A strap-on module is attached to the outside of the arrester housing. The sensor/transmitter utilizes a harvesting power supply that draws electric power for the electronics from the power line protected by the arrester. An ambient temperature sensor may be utilized to enhance accuracy. The temperature sensor/transmitter typically sends arrester monitoring data wirelessly to an RTU or handheld unit located outside the arrester, which relays the monitoring data to an operations control center that scheduled replacement of the arrester based on the monitoring data. A surge counter keeps track of the number of equipment and lightening related temperature surges experienced by the arrester.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3111507A1

Systems and methods for managing an electrical load of a power strip. The systems include a power strip including an electrical connector connected to an AC power supply, outlet sockets electrically coupled to the electrical connector, a conductive path between the electrical connector and the electrical outlet sockets, an indicator, and a current monitoring circuit. The current monitoring circuit is electrically coupled to the conductive path and measures total current flowing in the conductive path, determines whether the total current is within a predetermined amount of current from a current rating of the power strip, and causes the indicator to indicate when the total current is within a predetermined amount of current from the current rating.

14-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002654554A1

A plurality of current sensors (41,42,51,52,61,62) are provided which are associated with a plurality of inverter circuits (40,50,60) that drive a pl urality of motor generators (MG1,MG2,MGR), respectively. The zero adjustment of each current sensor is executed, during a nonconductive state that is id entified by a halt of operation of the associated inverter circuit, if it is determined that noise affection is small due to the halt of operation of th e other inverter circuits in the same casing (105). As a result, this can av oid a risk of performing a zero adjustment during a state in which the outpu t of a current sensor exhibits no correct value corresponding to the zero cu rrent due to the noise affection by other inverter circuits. In this way, th e zero adjustment of each current sensor for measuring a motor drive current can be implemented with high precision.

19-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002948545A1

A system and method for a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system of a building is provided. A monitoring device installed at the building is configured to measure a current supplied to the HVAC system and transmit current data based on the measured current. The monitoring system includes a monitoring server, located remotely from the building, configured to receive the transmitted current data and, based on the received current data, determine an average motor current over a predetermined time period and determine whether a failure has occurred in an air filter of the HVAC system based on a comparison of the average motor current with a predetermined threshold. The monitoring server generates a notification based on the comparison indicating that the failure has occurred in the air filter.

02-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002719236C

Current measurement apparatus comprises a shunt resistor (1) located between two terminal members (5, 6), each connected electrically to a respective end (4, 3) of the shunt resistor, and each extending over substantially the whole of an adja-cent side face of the shunt resistor. Electrically insulating, thermally conductive material (8, 9) is provided between each side face of the shunt resistor (1) and the terminal members (5, 6), and serves to provide a thermal path for heat exchange between the shunt resistor and the terminals. The shunt resistor (1) is engineered to have the desired electrical properties, and the terminal members are connected by mechanical fasteners (13, 14) to ensure the required electrical properties without calibration. Measuring circuitry (15) is incorporated between the shunt resistor (1) and terminal members (5, 6). The invention is implemented as a compact as-sembly encased in an outer insulated housing (18, 19), and is conveniently connectable to a battery ...

09-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002804010A1

A method and system for measuring the current flowing through an electric meter. The electric meter includes a reactive sensor positioned in series with a bus bar contained in the meter. The reactive sensor includes an inductor and the voltage across the inductance is measured. A control unit contained in the electric meter calculates the current based on the detected voltage and the value of the inductor. The value of the inductor is determined by passing a reference current through the inductor at a known frequency, such as 50 Hz or 60 Hz, and the voltage drop across the inductor is measured. Once the value of the inductor is determined, the value is stored in the control unit.

21-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002836754A1

A hotstick assembly for installing and removing an electric power line conductor device includes an electrically insulated hotstick. A lead screw driver is attached to an upper portion of the electrically insulated hotstick, the lead screw driver includes a vertical slot extending through a tubular pipe for engaging a horizontal pin on the device for clamping and unclamping jaws on the device.

21-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002834544A1

A device for measuring a voltage of an electric power line conductor of a power system according to an exemplary aspect of the present disclosure includes, among other things, a first electrically conductive housing configured to be installed on a first power line conductor and a first virtual grounding member configured to electrically ground a first housing to a first power line conductor voltage. A first measuring resistor is electrically connected between the first virtual grounding member and an electrically isolated lead wire, the electrically isolated lead wire is electrically connected to a first voltage dropping device, the first voltage dropping device is configured to be electrically connected to a second power line conductor. A sensor electronics module is configured to measure a voltage drop across the first measuring resistor, the voltage drop being directly proportional to the voltage between the first power line conductor and the second power line conductor.

21-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002868663A1

Accurate measurements of electrical power at various points of a power grid is becoming more important and, at the same time, is getting more difficult as the old power distribution model of a few, large power generating stations and a multitude of relatively linear loads is replaced by a newer model containing a multitude of smaller, and to some degree unpredictable power sources, as well as a multitude of not always linear and often smart (essentially also unpredictable) loads. Embodiments of the invention provide for management of AC current measurements in the presence of a DC current. Such current measurement management including at least alarms, feedback, and forward correction techniques exploiting magnetic field measurements from within the magnetic core or upon the surface of magnetic elements and / or shields within the current transducer.

14-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002880736C
Принадлежит: 2351161 ONTARIO LIMITED, 2351161 ONTARIO LTD

A measuring instrument for detection of electrical properties in a liquid includes a main body configured to hold a tester, a first pole extending from the main body, and a second pole extending from the main body that is spaced apart from the first pole. The first pole carries a positive probe for attachment to the tester, and the second pole carries a negative probe for attachment to the tester. When the probes are placed in the liquid, electrical properties in the liquid are detected by the tester.

30-06-1938 дата публикации

Verfahren und elektrisches Messgerät zum Messen von Wechselstromgrössen.

Номер: CH0000198449A

13-05-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000587494A5
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

30-11-2010 дата публикации

Procedure and switching configuration for the measurement of the river by an inductive load.

Номер: CH0000701137A2

Die Erfindung sieht ein Verfahren und eine Schaltungsanordnung zur Messung des Stroms durch eine induktive Last L vor, wobei der Strom mit Hilfe einer Vollbrückenschaltung in die induktive Last L gespeist wird. Solche Vollbrückenschaltungen werden beispielsweise verwendet, um einen Strom pulsweitenmoduliert in eine Wicklung eines Gleichstrom-, Schritt- oder Tauchspulenmotors zu speisen. Es ist jeweils eine Messeinrichtung (Ra, Rb) für jede Halbbrücke vorgesehen. Dabei ist je eine Messeinrichtung (Ra, Rb) zwischen je einer Reihenschaltung von Schaltelementen und Masse (VSS) bzw. der Versorgungsspannung (VDD) angeordnet, an der jeweils eine Spannung abgegriffen wird, die ein Mass für den Strom durch die jeweilige Messeinrichtung ist. Die Einrichtung zur Messung der Ströme verfügt über mindestens eine Umschalteinrichtung (S), mit der einer der beiden Eingänge (e1, e2) eines Differenzverstärkers (D) wahlweise mit Masse (VSS) bzw. mit der Versorgungsspannung (VDD) oder einer der beiden Messeinrichtungen ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации

Device for measuring current.

Номер: CH0000708052B1

Eine Vorrichtung zur Strommessung umfasst ein Substrat (2) mit einem ersten Stromleiter (3) und einen Stromsensor (4) mit einem zweiten Stromleiter (5). Der Stromsensor (4) ist oberhalb des ersten Stromleiters (3) auf dem Substrat (2) montiert. Der zweite Stromleiter (5) ist mit angeformten ersten und zweiten elektrischen Anschlussbeinchen (7) ausgebildet, durch die ein zu messender Strom zu- und abgeführt wird. Der Stromsensor (4) umfasst weiter einen auf dem zweiten Stromleiter (5) auf der dem Substrat (2) zugewandten Seite des zweiten Stromleiters (5) montierten Halbleiterchip (10) mit einem Magnetfeldsensor (11). Der Magnetfeldsensor (11) ist auf eine parallel zur Oberfläche des Substrats (2) und senkrecht zu dem zweiten Stromleiter (5) verlaufende Komponente des Magnetfeldes empfindlich. Der zweite Stromleiter (5) verläuft oberhalb und parallel zum ersten Stromleiter (3).

14-11-2014 дата публикации

Device for measuring current.

Номер: CH0000708052A1

Eine Vorrichtung zur Strommessung umfasst ein Substrat (2) mit einem ersten Stromleiter (3) und einen Stromsensor (4) mit einem zweiten Stromleiter (5). Der Stromsensor (4) ist oberhalb des ersten Stromleiters (3) auf dem Substrat (2) montiert. Der zweite Stromleiter (5) ist mit angeformten ersten und zweiten elektrischen Anschlussbeinchen (7, 8) ausgebildet, durch die ein zu messender Strom zu- und abgeführt wird. Der Stromsensor (4) umfasst weiter einen auf dem zweiten Stromleiter (5) auf der dem Substrat (2) zugewandten Seite des zweiten Stromleiters (5) montierten Halbleiterchip (10) mit einem Magnetfeldsensor (11). Der Magnetfeldsensor (11) ist auf eine parallel zur Oberfläche des Substrats (2) und senkrecht zu dem zweiten Stromleiter (5) verlaufende Komponente des Magnetfeldes empfindlich. Der zweite Stromleiter (5) verläuft oberhalb und parallel zum ersten Stromleiter (3).

31-03-2010 дата публикации

Constant component-afflicted alternating current measuring device for use in e.g. single pulse unidirectional rectifier system, has control device outputting control signal at control input of transistor connected with winding

Номер: CH0000699531B1

The device has a primary winding (4) and two logic drivers (37, 45) with outputs forced to logic LOW, so that an electronic switch (31) and a power transistor (21) are opened. A terminating resistor (33) for a blocking interval is separated from a secondary winding (5). A state logic HIGH appears after a cycle of idle period at an output of a timing element (43), so that a control signal (26) outputted by a control device (9) is arrived at a control input (48) of the transistor. The resistor is connected with the winding, so that actual value of the current is detected.

30-06-2014 дата публикации

Method and circuit arrangement for measuring the current through an inductive load.

Номер: CH0000701137B1

Die Erfindung sieht ein Verfahren und eine Schaltungsanordnung zur Messung des Stroms durch eine induktive Last L vor, wobei der Strom mit Hilfe einer Vollbrückenschaltung in die induktive Last L gespeist wird. Solche Vollbrückenschaltungen werden beispielsweise verwendet, um einen Strom pulsweitenmoduliert in eine Wicklung eines Gleichstrom-, Schritt- oder Tauchspulenmotors zu speisen. Es ist jeweils eine Messeinrichtung (Ra, Rb) für jede Halbbrücke vorgesehen. Dabei ist je eine Messeinrichtung (Ra, Rb) zwischen je einer Reihenschaltung von Schaltelementen und Masse (VSS) bzw. der Versorgungsspannung (VDD) angeordnet, an der jeweils eine Spannung abgegriffen wird, die ein Mass für den Strom durch die jeweilige Messeinrichtung ist. Die Einrichtung zur Messung der Ströme verfügt über mindestens eine Umschalteinrichtung (S), mit der einer der beiden Eingänge (e1, e2) eines Differenzverstärkers (D) wahlweise mit Masse (VSS) bzw. mit der Versorgungsspannung (VDD) oder einer der beiden Messeinrichtungen ...

31-01-2011 дата публикации

Procedure and switching configuration for the measurement of the river by an inductive load.

Номер: CH0000701137A8

Die Erfindung sieht ein Verfahren und eine Schaltungsanordnung zur Messung des Stroms durch eine induktive Last L vor, wobei der Strom mit Hilfe einer Vollbrückenschaltung in die induktive Last L gespeist wird. Solche Vollbrückenschaltungen werden beispielsweise verwendet, um einen Strom pulsweitenmoduliert in eine Wicklung eines Gleichstrom-, Schritt- oder Tauchspulenmotors zu speisen. Es ist jeweils eine Messeinrichtung (Ra, Rb) für jede Halbbrücke vorgesehen. Dabei ist je eine Messeinrichtung (Ra, Rb) zwischen je einer Reihenschaltung von Schaltelementen und Masse (VSS) bzw. der Versorgungsspannung (VDD) angeordnet, an der jeweils eine Spannung abgegriffen wird, die ein Mass für den Strom durch die jeweilige Messeinrichtung ist. Die Einrichtung zur Messung der Ströme verfügt über mindestens eine Umschalteinrichtung (S), mit der einer der beiden Eingänge (e1, e2) eines Differenzverstärkers (D) wahlweise mit Masse (VSS) bzw. mit der Versorgungsspannung (VDD) oder einer der beiden Messeinrichtungen ...

29-10-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Bestimmung von Phasenfehlern bzw. Taktverzögerungen in einem Messwandler und Leistungsmessvorrichtung mit entsprechender Fehlerkorrektur.

Номер: CH0000713962B1

Stromwandler werden weitläufig in Strommesssystemen verwendet. Sie liefern gute Isolation zwischen der Versorgungsspannung und dem Messgerät. Sie können jedoch kleine Phasenfehler einführen, die wesentliche Fehlerquellen werden können, falls der Strom zu einer Last (24) zu der Versorgungsspannung für die Last (24) phasenverschoben ist. Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine robuste Messvorrichtung und ein Verfahren, die in situ verwendet werden können, um auf Phasenfehler zu überwachen und diese zu korrigieren. Ferner betrifft die Erfindung einen Leistungsmesser.

30-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201490006A1

30-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201590266A1

30-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201400645A1

28-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201370009A1

08-08-2017 дата публикации

Current sensing with compensation for component variations

Номер: CN0107025199A

25-11-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and method of measuring coil current of hydraulic valve

Номер: CN0105092951A

22-01-2019 дата публикации

A ferrite core for a current sensor

Номер: CN0109256252A

13-10-2017 дата публикации

Current sensor and method of sensing current

Номер: CN0107250812A

12-04-2012 дата публикации

High-accuracy low-power current sensor with large dynamic range

Номер: US20120086430A1
Автор: Victor Marten
Принадлежит: Sendyne Corp

A current sensing approach makes use of two shunts in series, embedded in a switching fabric, each shunt the object of a differential measurement of voltage drop across the shunt. Methodical make-before-break cycling of the switches in the switching fabric permit real-time or very near-real-time measurement of nearly all of the errors such as offset errors present in each differential-measurement path. Additional differential measurement paths can be connected with the shunts, with RFI filtering at shorter time constants to serve electronic fuse needs.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Current detection circuit for a power semiconductor device

Номер: US20120098573A1
Автор: Masahiro Sasaki
Принадлежит: Fuji Electric Co Ltd

A current detection circuit for a power semiconductor device utilizes a sense function of the power semiconductor device. The magnitude of current flowing in power semiconductor devices 1, 11 is detected by a current-voltage conversion circuit 24 connected to sense terminals S, S of the power semiconductor devices. The detected signal is delivered to a current direction detection circuit 27 , which detects the direction of the current and delivers the detected current direction signal to an external CPU 3 , which in turn gives gain-setting and offset-setting signals corresponding to the current direction signal. An output gain adjuster 221 adjusts the magnitude of gain and an output offset adjuster 231 adjusts the magnitude of offset to correct for differences between the characteristics of the sense regions and the main regions of the power semiconductor devices.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Electric current measuring device, electric current measuring method, and electric current measuring program

Номер: US20120112727A1
Принадлежит: Azbil Corp

A current measurement device has a rectification unit rectifying an alternating-current signal, an A/D conversion unit converting an analog signal corresponding to a signal obtained by the rectification into a digital signal, an addition unit for adding digital signals corresponding to alternating-current signals during a sampling period among the digital signals obtained by the conversion, and a current value conversion unit for converting an additional value obtained by the addition by the addition unit into a current value using a current value conversion function. The sampling period is a common multiple of the periods of alternating-current signals of 50 Hz and 60 Hz, the current values of which are to be measured.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Current sensing circuit

Номер: US20120139887A1
Автор: Chen-Ming Hsu
Принадлежит: Himax Technologies Ltd

A current sensing circuit includes a current sensing unit, a feedback control unit and a digital output unit. The current sensing unit senses a current and produces a pulse signal according to at least one reference signal and at least one feedback signal. The current sensing unit includes a first capacitor set and a second capacitor set. The current sensing unit selects at least one capacitor in the first capacitor set and at least one capacitor in the second capacitor set according to the current value so as to adjust the precision of the current sensing circuit. The feedback control unit is coupled to the current sensing unit and produces the feedback signals according to a clock signal and the pulse signal. The digital output unit is coupled to the current sensing unit and outputs a digital signal according to the pulse signal.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for measuring a current, in particular by means of a grounding apparatus

Номер: US20120200960A1
Автор: Burkhard Mueller
Принадлежит: SMA Solar Technology AG

The invention is a method and electric circuitry for measuring a grounding current of a photovoltaic power system incorporating a photovoltaic inverter, a measurement current being led through two shunts disposed at different points. The measurement current is a current that may flow alternatively at two different points at different electric potentials, the current flowing at a potential that differs by at least 50 V from the potential of the point of evaluation. The shunts are inserted in such a manner in a current mirror circuit that the voltage drop caused by the measurement in the shunts generates an asymmetry in the current mirror the magnitude of which is proportional to the measurement current. The measurement current is the grounding current of the photovoltaic power system with optional positive or negative pole grounding.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Biosensor, biosensor chip and biosensor device

Номер: US20120234677A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A biosensor includes a working electrode 101 , a counter electrode 102 opposing the working electrode 101 , a working electrode terminal 103 and a working electrode reference terminal 10 connected to the working electrode 101 by wires, and a counter electrode terminal 104 connected to the counter electrode 102 by a wire. By employing a structure with at least three electrodes, it is possible to assay a target substance without being influenced by the line resistance on the working electrode side.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Current detection apparatus

Номер: US20130015842A1
Автор: Yasunori KAWAGUCHI
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

A current detection apparatus includes two magnetic detectors that are arranged oppositely on a front surface and a back surface of a board which is located above a current path in order to detect a strength of a magnetic field, an electromagnetic shielding frame member that is mounted on the current path so that the two magnetic detectors and a part of the current path are accommodated inside the electromagnetic shielding frame member, and a control circuit that determines whether a failure which occurs in either of the two magnetic detectors from a difference between magnetic fields detected by the two magnetic detectors, respectively. Sensitivities of the two magnetic detectors are made adjusted so that current values outputted from the two magnetic detectors depending on detected magnetic fields are identical to each other in a normal state.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

High capacity electronic switch

Номер: US20130021086A1
Автор: Moon J. Kim
Принадлежит: Kim Moon J

Embodiments of the present invention provide an electronic switch for commodity use. Specifically, embodiments of this invention provide a high capacity intelligent electronic switch for commodity use. A flexible film substrate is used along with a field-effect transistor (FET) to produce a commodity switch. Multiple printed flexible electronics PFE substrates are stacked to and integrated into an electronic switch system. Various methods are used to measure power consumption within the switch. The modular cell design allows for horizontal and vertical scaling.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Current sensor

Номер: US20130057275A1
Принадлежит: Alps Green Devices Co Ltd

A current sensor includes a magnetic balance sensor including a feedback coil that is disposed in the vicinity of a magnetic sensor element whose characteristics are changed by an inducted magnetic field from a current to be measured and generates a cancellation magnetic field for offsetting the inducted magnetic field, a shunt resistant that is connected in series with a current line for circulating the current to be measured, and a switch circuit that switches to magnetic balance detection at the time of a small current and switches to shunt resistance detection at the time of a large current.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130113463A1

A current detection device includes a bus bar for current detection. The bus bar for current detection is constituted by a conductor provided with a first portion penetrating through a hollow portion of a magnetic material core in a first direction in which a current passes and plate-shaped second portions each linked to both sides in the first direction with respect to the first portion, the bus bar for current detection formed such that a width of the second portion is greater than a maximum width of the hollow portion of the magnetic material core and a minimum width of a contour of a section in the first portion is greater than a thickness of the second portion. 1. A current detection device for detecting a current flowing to a bus bar , comprising:a magnetic material core having both ends opposed to each other across a gap portion and continuously formed around a hollow portion:a magneto-electric converting element disposed in said gap portion for detecting a magnetic flux to be varied depending on a current passing through said hollow portion; anda bus bar for current detection constituted by a conductor provided with a first portion penetrating through said hollow portion of said magnetic material core in a current passing direction and plate-shaped second portions each linked to both sides in said current passing direction with respect to said first portion, the bus bar for current detection being formed such that a width of said second portion is greater than a maximum width of said hollow portion and a minimum width of a contour of a section in said first portion is greater than a thickness of said second portion.2. The current detection device according to claim 1 , wherein said bus bar for current detection is a member having a structure in which both end portions of a tubular metal member are crushed into a plate shape claim 1 , said both end portions crushed into the plate shape constitute said second portion and a portion provided therebetween ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141077A1

Apparatus, usable to measure current in a multiple-conductor cable having supply and return conductors spaced apart by a nominal conductor spacing and carrying respective supply and return currents in opposite directions, includes (1) a non-magnetic body having a cable-engaging portion defining a location and an orientation axis of the multiple-conductor cable relative to the apparatus when the cable-engaging portion engages the cable during use, (2) a planar, multi-turn wire coil supported by the body immediately adjacent to the location and lying in a plane parallel to the orientation axis, the wire coil having a coil diameter at least four times the nominal conductor spacing, and (3) signal conditioning circuitry operative in response to a voltage signal developed across output ends of the wire coil to generate a conditioned voltage signal having a voltage magnitude determined by and indicative of a magnitude of the supply current during use. 1. Apparatus for use in measuring alternating current in a multiple-conductor cable having supply and return conductors spaced apart by a nominal conductor spacing and carrying respective supply and return currents in opposite directions , comprising:a non-magnetic body having a cable-engaging portion defining a location and an orientation axis of the multiple-conductor cable relative to the apparatus when the cable-engaging portion engages the cable during use;a planar, multi-turn wire coil supported by the body immediately adjacent to the location and lying in a plane parallel to the orientation axis, the wire coil having a coil diameter at least four times the nominal conductor spacing; andsignal conditioning circuitry operative in response to a voltage signal developed across output ends of the wire coil to generate a conditioned voltage signal having a voltage magnitude determined by and indicative of a magnitude of the supply current during use.2. Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the coil is disposed ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147463A1

There are provided a deformed bus bar for electrically connecting terminals of adjacent battery cells in an assembled battery, a core having both ends opposed to each other across a clearance and continuously formed around a hollow portion through which a part of the deformed bus bar penetrates, and a Hall IC disposed in the clearance for outputting an electric signal depending on a magnetic flux. 1. A current sensor comprising:a conductor for electrically connecting terminals of adjacent battery cells in an assembled battery;a magnetic material core having both ends opposed to each other across a clearance and continuously formed around a hollow portion through which a part of said conductor penetrates; anda magneto-electric converting element disposed in said clearance for outputting an electric signal depending on a magnetic flux.2. The current sensor according to claim 1 , whereinsaid conductor is formed by extending from one of said two adjacent terminals toward the other and said conductor includes an erected portion formed in a direction crossing a terminal formation surface which is a surface on which said terminal is provided in said battery cell in a middle thereof, andsaid erected portion penetrates through the hollow portion of said magnetic material core.3. The current sensor according to claim 2 , whereinsaid conductor includes:two said erected portions; anda bridge portion laid between said two erected portions for connecting said erected portions, andone of said two erected portions penetrates through the hollow portion of said magnetic material core.4. The current sensor according to claim 3 , wherein said magneto-electric converting element is disposed between said bridge portion and said terminal formation surface.5. The current sensor according to claim 1 , whereinsaid conductor includes:two terminal corresponding portions making contact with said two adjacent terminals respectively;two first extended portions formed by extending in a second ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For Determining Current Flow Through A Utility Asset

Номер: US20130151187A1

The present invention describes systems and methods for determining current flow through a current-carrying utility asset. An exemplary embodiment can include measuring a first magnetic induction value at a first location near a targeted current-carrying utility asset and a second magnetic induction value at a second location near the targeted asset where the first location is a known distance from the second location; determining a correlation between a spatial angle and an electrical phase angle between the targeted asset and a second asset where the second asset contributes a first and second error component to the first and second magnetic induction values respectively; estimating error values for the first and second error components using the correlation between the spatial angle and the electrical phase angle; and estimating a current flowing through the targeted asset using the first and second magnetic induction values, the known distance, and the error values. 1. A method for determining current flowing through a nearby current-carrying utility asset in the vicinity of other current-carrying utility assets comprising:measuring a first magnetic induction value having a first error component at a first location near a targeted current-carrying utility asset and a second magnetic induction value having a second error component at a second location near the targeted current-carrying utility asset, the first location being a known distance from the second location;determining a correlation between a spatial angle and an electrical phase angle between the targeted current-carrying utility asset and a second current-carrying utility asset, the second current-carrying utility asset contributing the first error component and the second error component;estimating error values for the first error component and the second error component using the correlation between the spatial angle and the electrical phase angle;estimating a current flowing through the targeted ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Measuring Current in Hybrid Power Over Ethernet Architecture

Номер: US20130166236A1
Автор: Marius Ionel VLADAN
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

Systems and methods of measuring current in a power over Ethernet (PoE) system are provided. The PoE system includes an integrated circuit component having a controller, an internal transistor, a replica transistor, and an external transistor. Current in the system can be indirectly measured by enabling and disabling the transistors in known ways and then measuring the current through the replica transistor. The actual current in the system can be calculated based on the measured currents, thereby allowing for a PoE system that is capable of measuring current without a resistor in series with the external transistor.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187633A1

Provided is a current sensor including at least three bus bars made of flat-plate-shaped conductors and an inverter, a plurality of cores in which a core is formed by stacking flat plates made of U-shaped magnetic bodies, and a detecting element arranged on the side of an opening portion of each of the cores for detecting the intensity of a magnetic field, that the interval between the core and another bus bar that is adjacent to the bus bar inserted into the U groove of the core becomes 1/2 of the length of the opening portion in the spacing direction, and the tolerance of the gap is set to a value obtained by subtracting the value of 3/2 of the length of the opening portion in the spacing direction from the value of the interval between the bus bars that are adjacent to each other, with the gap as a median value. 1. A current sensor comprising:at least three bus bars that are made of flat-plate-shaped conductors that connect a three-phase motor and an inverter that energizes the three-phase motor and that are provided side by side along a direction parallel to the thickness of the flat plate shape;a plurality of cores in which a core is formed by stacking flat plates made of U-shaped magnetic bodies and in which each of the bus bars is inserted into the inside a U-shaped U groove of the core formed by stacking the flat plates so that the face of the bus bar in a plate width direction and the face of a side wall inside the U-shaped U groove of the core formed by stacking the flat plates become parallel to each other; anda detecting element that is arranged on the side of an opening portion of each of the cores so that a detection direction thereof runs along a spacing direction of the opening portion and detects the intensity of a magnetic field,wherein the core is configured so that the interval between the core and another bus bar that is adjacent to the bus bar inserted into the U groove of the core as viewed in the axial direction of the bus bar becomes 1/2 of ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193954A1

A current detecting device is readily attached to a wire while preventing variation in current detection accuracy. A current detecting device has a core module and an element module, the core module having a core support that supports a magnetic core, the element module having an element support that supports a Hall element therein. In a position of a gap of the magnetic core in the core module, a wire insertion path is provided, to which the element support is fitted. Two end portions of the magnetic core and the Hall element are positioned by first and second contact surfaces of the core support and by a third contact surface of the element support. The two modules are connected so as to be movable relative to each other and are fixated by a lock mechanism in a state where the element support is fitted to the wire insertion path. 1. A current detecting device comprising:a magnetic core having two ends opposite to each other with a gap therebetween and continuously surrounding a hollow portion;a magnetoelectric transducer provided in a position of the gap of the magnetic core and detecting a magnetic flux that varies in response to a current passing through the hollow portion of the magnetic core; a core support supporting the magnetic core; and', 'a wire insertion path provided in the position of the gap of the magnetic core and extending from an exterior of the magnetic core to the hollow portion of the magnetic core;, 'a first module comprising 'an element support in an interior thereof supporting the magnetoelectric transducer; and', 'a second module having an outer shape fitting the wire insertion path of the first module and comprisinga lock mechanism fixating the second module to the first module in a state where the element support is fitted to the wire insertion path in contact with a surface on an exterior of each of two end portions of the magnetic core.2. The current detecting device according to claim 1 , whereinthe core support is a portion provided ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221959A1

An electrical current sensor includes a first laminated body having a magnetic detection element disposed over a first substrate, a protective film formed over the first substrate and the magnetic detection element, and a coil formed over the protective film, and a second laminated body having a shield layer formed over a second substrate and which is formed by bonding the first laminated body and the second laminated body to each other with an adhesion layer interposed therebetween such that the magnetic detection element and the shield layer face each other. 1. An electrical current sensor comprising:a first laminated body having a first substrate, a magnetic detection element disposed over the first substrate, a protective film formed over the first substrate and the magnetic detection element, and a coil formed on the protective film; anda second laminated body having a second substrate and a shield layer formed on the second substrate,wherein the first laminated body and the second laminated body are bonded to each other with an adhesion layer interposed therebetween such that the magnetic detection element and the shield layer face each other.2. An electrical current sensor comprising:a first laminated body having a first substrate and a magnetic detection element disposed over the first substrate; anda second laminated body having a second substrate, a shield layer formed on the second substrate, a protective film formed over the second substrate and the shield layer, and a coil formed on the protective film,wherein the first laminated body and the second laminated body are bonded to each other with an adhesion layer interposed therebetween such that the magnetic detection element and the shield layer face each other.3. The electrical current sensor according to claim 1 , further comprising:an aluminum oxide layer formed between the first substrate and the magnetic detection element.4. A method of manufacturing an electrical current sensor claim 1 , the ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Fault direction parameter indicator device and related methods

Номер: US20130221977A1
Принадлежит: ABB Research Ltd Switzerland

A method of determining a fault direction parameter of a fault on an AC transmission line of a power distribution system relative to a measurement location of the transmission line. The method includes measuring a time-dependent AC current of the transmission line at the measurement location to obtain time-domain current data indicative of the measured current, obtaining a time of the fault on the transmission line, identifying first and second times by identifying a periodically re-occurring feature of the current data, such that the fault time is between the first and second times, extracting, from the current data, an offset indicative parameter indicative of a time offset of the current at the fault time and between the first and second times, calculating an offset direction parameter by comparing the offset indicative parameter to a non-offset indicative parameter, and establishing the fault direction parameter based on the offset direction parameter.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Current sensor

Номер: US20130249531A1
Принадлежит: Alps Green Devices Co Ltd

A current sensor includes a magnetic sensor module including a plurality of magnetic sensor units connected in series. The magnetic sensor units each include a first magnetic sensor element and a second magnetic sensor element which have sensitivity axes oriented in opposite directions. A first terminal of the first magnetic sensor unit is connected to a first potential source. A third terminal of the first magnetic sensor unit is connected to a second potential source. A second terminal and a fourth terminal of the last magnetic sensor unit are connected to constitute a sensor output terminal. The first terminal of each of the magnetic sensor units excluding the first magnetic sensor unit is connected to the second terminal of the next magnetic sensor unit and the third terminal thereof is connected to the fourth terminal of the next magnetic sensor unit.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Electric potential measuring apparatus

Номер: US20130271110A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

An electric potential measuring apparatus includes a detecting unit, a generating unit, and a measuring unit. The detecting unit is provided on a surface of a measurement subject and detects a second signal including a first signal within a first frequency range from the measurement subject. The generating unit generates a fourth signal by averaging a third signal within a second frequency range outside the first frequency range. The measuring unit measures electric potential of the first signal included in the second signal detected by the detecting unit with reference to electric potential of the fourth signal generated by the generating unit.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278251A1

A current sensor including a magnetic detecting bridge circuit which is constituted of four magneto-resistance effect elements with a resistance value varied by application of an induced magnetic field from a current to be measured, and which has an output between two magneto-resistance effect elements. The four magneto-resistance effect elements have the same resistance change rate, and include a self-pinned type ferromagnetic fixed layer which is formed by anti-ferromagnetically coupling a first ferromagnetic film and a second ferromagnetic film via an antiparallel coupling film therebetween, a nonmagnetic intermediate layer, and a soft magnetic free layer. Magnetization directions of the ferromagnetic fixed layers of the two magneto-resistance effect elements providing the output are different from each other by 180°. The magnetic detecting bridge circuit has wiring symmetrical to a power supply point. 1. A current sensor comprising a magnetic detecting bridge circuit formed of four magneto-resistance effect elements with a resistance value varied by application of an induced magnetic field from a current to be measured , the four magneto-resistance effect elements having a same resistance change rate , each of the four magneto-resistance effect elements including:a self-pinned type ferromagnetic fixed layer formed of a first ferromagnetic film and a second ferromagnetic film anti-ferromagnetically coupled to each other;a nonmagnetic intermediate layer; anda soft magnetic free layer,wherein the magneto detecting bridge circuit has an output between two of the four magneto-resistance effect elements, magnetization directions of the ferromagnetic fixed layers of the two magneto-resistance effect elements being different from each other by 180°,wherein the magnetic detecting bridge circuit has a wiring symmetrical to a power supply point,and wherein the magnetic detecting bridge circuit measures the current to be measured by the outputs of the four magneto- ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130325381A1
Принадлежит: Rosemount Inc.

Some embodiments are directed to a process device comprising a process variable sensor configured to generate an output signal indicative of a sensed process variable; loop current output circuitry configured to control a loop current on a two wire process control loop to a value based on the output signal; loop current measurement circuitry coupled to the process control loop and configured to generate a measured loop current value based on the loop current; and loop current verification circuitry configured to approximate the loop current value based on the output signal and properties of a low pass filter, and generate a diagnostic signal based on a comparison of the approximated loop current value and the measured loop current value. 1. A process device comprising:a process variable sensor configured to generate an output signal indicative of a sensed process variable;loop current output circuitry configured to control a loop current on a two wire process control loop to a value based on the output signal;loop current measurement circuitry coupled to the process control loop and configured to generate a measured loop current value based on the loop current; andloop current verification circuitry configured to approximate the loop current value based on the output signal and properties of a low pass filter, and generate a diagnostic signal based on a comparison of the approximated loop current value and the measured loop current value.2. The process device of claim 1 , including:a digital-to-analog conversion circuitry configured to convert a digital measured value representative of the output signal to an analog measured value, the conversion circuitry including a first low pass filter;wherein the loop current output circuitry is configured to control the loop current as a function of the analog measured value; andwherein the loop current verification circuitry is configured to approximate the loop current value based on properties of the first low pass filter.3 ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327481A1

Apparatus and methods for assessing RF return current azimuthal uniformity are disclosed. A plurality of non-linear substantially-enclosed RF current sensors are disposed azimuthally around a central axis of a plasma processing chamber. When a plasma is ignited in the plasma processing chamber, the RF return currents are sensed in the plurality of non-linear substantially-enclosed RF current sensors and analyzed to ascertain whether RF return current azimuthal uniformity is acceptable. 1. A plasma processing system having a plasma processing chamber , including a lower electrode assembly , comprising:a plurality of RF straps to permit RF currents to traverse said plurality of RF straps;a plurality of sensors, each of said plurality of sensors being coupled with one of said plurality of straps, wherein each sensor represents a non-linear substantially enclosed RF sensor.2. The plasma processing system of wherein said non-linear substantially enclosed RF sensor is formed of beryllium copper.3. The plasma processing system of wherein said non-linear substantially enclosed RF sensor is a part having a greater sidewall thickness than a thickness of a RF strap to which said non-linear substantially enclosed RF sensor is coupled.4. The plasma processing system of wherein said non-linear substantially enclosed RF sensor is coupled to a co-axial cable claim 1 , a sheath of said co-axial cable is coupled to a first portion of said non-linear substantially enclosed RF sensor and a core of said co-axial cable is coupled to a second portion of said non-linear substantially enclosed RF sensor to acquire voltage measurements between said first portion and said second portion.5. The plasma processing system of wherein said non-linear substantially enclosed RF sensor further includes insulating side enclosures to enclose side planes of said non-linear substantially enclosed RF sensor.6. The plasma processing system of wherein sensors of said plurality of sensors are arranged ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Biosensor, biosensor chip and biosensor device

Номер: US20140008217A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Healthcare Co Ltd

A biosensor includes a working electrode 101 , a counter electrode 102 opposing the working electrode 101 , a working electrode terminal 103 and a working electrode reference terminal 10 connected to the working electrode 101 by wires, and a counter electrode terminal 104 connected to the counter electrode 102 by a wire. By employing a structure with at least three electrodes, it is possible to assay a target substance without being influenced by the line resistance on the working electrode side.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140015514A1
Автор: Shibuya Tenda
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

A power consumption management system includes: a main part that is connected to a power line; a breaker that is electrically connected to the main part, and limits a current supplied to a load to a predetermined set value; a sensor unit including a current sensor and a signal processing part. The current sensor measures a current supplied from the main part to the breaker, and outputs a current detection signal based on the measured current. The signal processing part receives the current detection signal over a predetermined time, determines a range of a signal level from the received current detection signal, and adjusts an input range of the current detection signal in accordance with the determination result. 1. A power consumption management system comprising:a main part that is connected to a power line;a breaker that is electrically connected to the main part, and limits a current supplied to a load to a predetermined set value; anda sensor unit including a current sensor and a signal processing part,wherein the current sensor measures a current supplied from the main part to the breaker, and outputs a current detection signal based on the measured current, andthe signal processing part receives the current detection signal over a predetermined time, determines a range of a signal level from the received current detection signal, and adjusts an input range of the current detection signal in accordance with the determination result.2. The power consumption management system according to claim 1 , whereinthe current sensor includes a core that produces an induced current by a current that is supplied from the main part to the breaker, and a secondary coil that detects the induced current, andthe signal processing part includes a resistance circuit including a plurality of resistors having different resistance values, the resistors being connected in parallel, the resistors being connected in series with the secondary coil, the signal processing part adjusting ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Wireless Voltage Reference Broadcast In A Distributed Energy Metering System

Номер: US20140028282A1

A system and method of wireless voltage reference broadcast in a distributed energy metering system is provided. A voltage reference is determined at a distribution hub for wirelessly and transmitted in voltage reference data frames providing voltage samples and a clock synchronization from an alternating current (AC) line under measurement. Wireless metering units, each coupled to an AC load circuit, receive the voltage reference data frames wherein the current sampling clock of the wireless metering units are synchronized to a voltage sampling clock of the distribution hub for determining current samples from the respective AC load circuit to calculate energy data parameters. 153-. (canceled)54. A method of wireless distributed energy metering , the method comprising:determining a voltage reference sampling clock at a distribution hub;generating one or more digitized voltage samples from an alternating current (AC) line under measurement coupled to the AC line by a voltage sensing device;encoding a voltage reference data frame comprising the one or more digitized voltage samples; andbroadcasting the voltage reference data frame over radio frequencies (RF) to one or more wireless metering units each coupled to an AC load circuit of the AC line where a current sample clock of each of the wireless energy metering units is synchronized to the voltage reference sampling clock of the distribution hub and the one or more voltage samples and one or more current samples are utilized in calculating energy parameters sampled by the wireless energy metering units from the respective AC load circuit.55. The method of wherein the voltage reference sampling clock is a high-rate free-running clock which is non-synchronized to an AC-line rate.56. The method of wherein the voltage reference sampling clock is a high-rate clock synchronized to a zero-crossing of the AC line.57. The method of wherein the broadcast voltage reference data frame further comprises a clock synchronization ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140028287A1
Автор: Brookes Matthew

A current transformer is described which comprises a housing having one or more apertures, each for receiving a primary cable or busbar, one or more magnetic cores enclosed within the housing and being positioned proximate to respective ones of the apertures so that a magnetic field is produced in a magnetic core when a primary current flows through a primary cable or busbar received through the respective aperture, and one or more secondary windings enclosed within the housing, each secondary winding being wrapped around at least a portion of a respective magnetic core so that a secondary current is induced in a secondary winding when a magnetic field is produced in the respective magnetic core. Shunt circuitry is enclosed within the housing and is connected across the secondary windings to generate a respective voltage signal for each secondary winding. A connector socket is integrally mounted to the housing for outputting the voltage signals. In this way, the labour costs incurred during installation of the current transformer can be reduced, a risk of wiring errors can be avoided, and a risk of electrocution from secondary terminals being left open-circuit is removed. 1. A current transformer , comprising:a housing having one or more apertures, each for receiving a primary cable or busbar;one or more magnetic cores enclosed within the housing and being positioned proximate to respective ones of the apertures so that a magnetic field is produced in a magnetic core when a primary current flows through a primary cable or busbar received through the respective aperture;one or more secondary windings enclosed within the housing, each secondary winding being wrapped around at least a portion of a respective magnetic core so that a secondary current is induced in a secondary winding when a magnetic field is produced in the respective magnetic core;shunt circuitry enclosed within the housing and being connected across the secondary windings to generate a respective ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062454A1

Nanosensors including graphene and methods of manufacturing the same. A nanosensor includes a first insulating layer in which a first nanopore is formed; a graphene layer that is disposed on the first insulating layer and having a second nanopore or a nanogap formed therein adjacent to the first nanopore; and a marker element that is disposed adjacent to the graphene layer and identifies a position of the graphene layer. 1. A nanosensor comprising:a first insulating layer having a first pore formed therein;a graphene layer disposed on the first insulating layer and having a second pore or a gap formed therein adjacent to the first pore; anda marker element, disposed adjacent to the graphene layer, that identifies a position of the graphene layer.2. The nanosensor of claim 1 , wherein a size of the first pore is equal to or greater than a size of the second pore or a size of the gap.3. The nanosensor of claim 1 , wherein the second pore or the gap partially overlaps the first pore.4. The nanosensor of claim 1 , wherein the marker element is disposed on a portion of the first insulating layer where the graphene layer is not formed and wherein the marker element is spaced apart from the graphene layer.5. The nanosensor of claim 4 , wherein the marker element comprises a first marker and a second marker spaced apart from each other with the graphene layer located therebetween.6. The nanosensor of claim 5 , wherein the first marker and second marker are disposed such that a line that connects the first marker and the second marker crosses the graphene layer.7. The nanosensor of claim 5 , wherein the first marker and second marker are disposed such that a line that connects the first marker and the second marker passes through the second pore or the gap.8. The nanosensor of claim 5 , wherein each of the first marker and the second marker is spaced apart by about 50 nm to about 500 nm from the second pore or the gap.9. The nanosensor of claim 1 , wherein the marker element ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083993A1

A printed circuit board for a domestic appliance includes at least one conductive path which is provided on at least one of two sides of the printed board and adapted for supply with a load current. The printed circuit board has at least one magnetic field sensor which is configured and disposed to read a magnetic field that can be generated by the load current. The load current flowing through the at least one conductive path of the printed circuit board can be detected by contactless reading of the magnetic field generated by the load current through the at least one conductive path. 113-. (canceled)14. A printed circuit board for a domestic appliance , said printed circuit board comprising:at least one conductive path provided on at least one of two sides of the printed board and adapted for supply with a load current, andat least one magnetic field sensor configured and disposed to read a magnetic field that can be generated by the load current.15. The printed circuit board of claim 14 , wherein the magnetic field sensor is a magnetic field sensor based on a galvanomagnetic effect.16. The printed circuit board of claim 14 , wherein the magnetic field sensor is a Hall sensor.17. The printed circuit board of claim 14 , wherein the at least one magnetic field sensor comprises at least one analog magnetic field sensor.18. The printed circuit board of claim 17 , wherein the analog magnetic field sensor reads a superimposed magnetic field from two of said conductive path claim 17 , with the conductive paths representing different external conductors of a shared power line.19. The printed circuit board of claim 17 , wherein the analog magnetic field sensor is a Hall sensor.20. The printed circuit board of claim 18 , wherein the analog magnetic field sensor is disposed between the two conductive paths.21. The printed circuit board of claim 14 , wherein the at least one magnetic field sensor comprises at least one digital magnetic field sensor.22. The printed circuit ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091788A1

A current detector includes a magnetic core that is molded by sintering powder made from a magnetic material, and a current detection busbar. The current detection busbar is a conductor including a penetrating portion that penetrates a hole portion of the magnetic core in a first direction in which a current flows, and terminal portions that are in connection with the penetrating portion on both sides in the first direction. The width of the terminal portions is larger than the maximum width of the hole portion, and the minimum width of the cross-sectional contour of the penetrating portion is larger than the thickness of the terminal portions. An insulating casing holds the magnetic core, the current detection busbar, and the Hall element, while keeping them from coming into contact with each other. 1. A current detector for detecting a current that flows through a busbar , comprising: the magnetic core having at least two ends facing each other across a gap portion, and', 'the magnetic core being formed in one piece so as to surround a hole portion;, 'a magnetic core configured to be molded by sintering powder made from a magnetic material,'}a magneto-electric conversion element being disposed in the gap portion of the magnetic core and detecting a magnetic flux that changes in accordance with a current that passes through the hole portion of the magnetic core; and the current detection busbar including a penetrating portion that penetrates the hole portion of the magnetic core and terminal portions that are in connection with the penetrating portion on both sides in a direction in which the penetrating portion penetrates the hole portion;', 'the terminal portions being configured to be joined with an upstream connection end and a downstream connection end respectively of a current transmission path,', 'a width of the terminal portion being larger than a width of the hole portion., 'a current detection busbar made of a conductor;'}2. The current detector according ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Current-Monitoring Apparatus

Номер: US20140097828A1

A local area networking apparatus comprises a power stage for connecting to a network cable for carrying power and data. The power stage comprises a main current flow path which includes a switch comprising at least one transistor positioned in the main current flow path and a current monitoring apparatus for monitoring current flow in the main current flow path, and wherein the current monitoring apparatus comprises a sensor which is not placed in series with the main current flow path. The current monitoring apparatus can comprise a current mirroring stage which is arranged to mirror current flowing in the main current flow path to a monitoring current flow path. The switch can be implemented as a set of switches. 1. A power supply apparatus for connecting to a cable which carries power and data , the power supply apparatus comprising:a main current flow path which includes a switch comprising at least one transistor positioned in the main current flow path; anda current monitoring apparatus for monitoring current flow in the main current flow path, wherein the current monitoring apparatus comprises a sensor which is not placed in series with the main current flow path.2. The power supply apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the current monitoring apparatus comprises a current mirroring stage arranged to mirror current flowing in the main current flow path to a monitoring current flow path.3. The power supply apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the current mirroring claim 2 , stage comprises:a mirror transistor positioned in the monitoring current flow path; anda voltage setting stage arranged to set voltages at each side of the mirror transistor equal to a corresponding voltage at a respective side of the switch, or to set voltages between terminals of the mirror transistor equal to voltages across corresponding terminals of the switch.4. The power supply apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the voltage setting stage comprises a cascode current ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006279A1

An arc detection system for an aircraft high voltage and direct current electrical circuit which includes a sensor sensing high-frequency magnetic fields created by current pulses, a signal conditioning block, a database including a time threshold, status signals of events occurring in aircraft normal operation procedures, a processing unit configured to calculate a statistical dispersion of the high-frequency magnetic fields of the current pulses of the signals measured by the sensor, calculate a threshold under no-arc conditions as a function of the previous measured signals, check if the signals measured by the sensor are above the threshold under no arc-conditions during the time threshold, if positive, check if any status signal of events due to normal operation procedures has been activated, and if negative, activate the operation of an electrical protection. 1. An arc detection system for an aircraft high voltage and direct current electrical circuit , the arc detection system comprising:a sensor configured to measure an analogue signal of high-frequency magnetic fields created by current pulses of the electrical signal flowing through the electrical circuit,a signal conditioning block comprising an analogue to digital converter for converting the analogue signal measured by the sensor into a conditioned signal being a digital signal, a time threshold,', 'status signals of events occurring in aircraft normal operation procedures,', 'a processing unit configured to receive:', 'the conditioned signal measured by the sensor,', 'the time threshold from the database, and', calculate a statistical dispersion of the high-frequency magnetic fields of the current pulses in a time domain of the conditioned signals measured by the sensor,', 'calculate a threshold under no-arc conditions as a function of the statistical dispersion of the high-frequency magnetic fields of the current pulses of conditioned previous signals measured by the sensor,', 'check if the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Magnetic field sensor arrangement and current transducer therewith

Номер: US20170003325A1
Автор: Ludovic Simonin

Magnetic field sensor arrangement for positioning in a gap formed between end faces ( 12 ) of a magnetic core ( 4 ), comprising a magnetic field detector ( 5 ), a housing ( 10 ), and a grounding device ( 8 ), the magnetic field sensor and grounding device being mounted to the housing. The grounding device comprises at least one contact ( 20 ) elastically supported and configured for electrical contact with the magnetic core. The elastically supported contact is mounted adjacent a sensing portion of the magnetic field sensor and configured for insertion in the magnetic circuit core gap such that the contact elastically biases against the end face of the magnetic core.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003329A1

Methods and arrangements for computing disruptive current in a transformer. Transformer current is measured, and disruptive current is predicted. Based on the active transformer current and predicted disruptive current, a predicted reactive power and predicted neutral current are determined. At least one corrective action, to be taken with respect to the transformer, is thereupon identified. Other variants and embodiments are broadly contemplated herein. 1. A method of computing disruptive current in a transformer , said method comprising:utilizing at least one processor to execute computer code configured to perform the steps of:measuring active current in the transformer;predicting disruptive current in the transformer;determining, based on the active current and the predicted disruptive current, a predicted reactive power consumption of the transformer and a predicted neutral current in the transformer; andthereupon identifying at least one corrective action to be taken with respect to the transformer.2. The method according to claim 1 , comprising determining claim 1 , based on the active current and predicted disruptive current claim 1 , estimated active parameters of the transformer.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the estimated active parameters include at least one of: operating conditions claim 2 , reactive power and neutral current.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein:the estimated active parameters include operating conditions; andthe operating conditions include transformer flux.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the disruptive current comprises a current induced by an electromagnetic disturbance.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the disruptive current comprises a geomagnetically-induced current.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said measuring comprises determining even-order higher frequency components of the active current in the transformer.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said predicting ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Manufacturing a Low Profile Current Measurement Connector

Номер: US20160003870A1
Автор: Pasternak David R.

A current measurement connector may include a first part and a second part. Each part may include a mount and a joint. The first and second part may be joined via the respective joints through a current transformer interposed between the first and second parts. The respective mounts may be configured to receive a current from a current source and pass the received current through the current transformer via the first and second parts inducing a current in the current transformer. The induced current may be useable to measure the current from the current source. Methods for fabricating the current measurement connector may include die casting the first and second parts and press fitting the first and second parts at the respective joints through the current transformer. Methods for use may include withstanding a fault current pulse and dissipating heat associated with the pulse via the first and second parts. 1. A method for manufacturing a current measurement connector , the method comprising: a first mount; and', 'a first joint;, 'casting a first part of the current measurement connector, wherein the first part comprises a second mount; and', 'a second joint; and, 'casting a second part of the current measurement connector, wherein the second part comprisesjoining the first part and the second part via the first and second joints through a current transformer interposed between the first part and the second part, thereby electrically coupling the first mount to the second mount, wherein the first mount and the second mount are configured to receive a first current from a current source;wherein the current measurement connector is configured to pass the first current through the first and second joints thereby inducing a second current in the current transformer, wherein the second current is useable to measure the first current.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first part further comprises:one or more soldering pins, wherein the one or more soldering pins are ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Low Profile Current Measurement Connector and Use

Номер: US20160003872A1
Автор: Pasternak David R.

A current measurement connector may include a first part and a second part. Each part may include a mount and a joint. The first and second part may be joined via the respective joints through a current transformer interposed between the first and second parts. The respective mounts may be configured to receive a current from a current source and pass the received current through the current transformer via the first and second parts inducing a current in the current transformer. The induced current may be useable to measure the current from the current source. Methods for fabricating the current measurement connector may include die casting the first and second parts and press fitting the first and second parts at the respective joints through the current transformer. Methods for use may include withstanding a fault current pulse and dissipating heat associated with the pulse via the first and second parts. 1. A current measurement connector , comprising: a first mount; and', 'a first joint;, 'a first part, wherein the first part comprises a second mount; and', 'a second joint; and, 'a second part, wherein the second part is physically separate and distinct from the first part, and wherein the second part comprisesa current transformer, interposed between the first part and the second part;wherein the first part and the second part physically connect together at and via the first and second joints and extend through the current transformer, thereby electrically coupling the first mount to the second mount, wherein the first mount and the second mount are configured to receive a first current from a current source; andwherein the current measurement connector is configured to pass the first current from the current source through the first and second joints thereby inducing a second current in the current transformer, wherein the second current is useable to measure the first current.2. The current measurement connector of claim 1 , wherein the first joint is a ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003875A1
Автор: YUAN Gary

An alternating current detector is provided. The alternating current detector comprises a housing, a solenoid, a rectification and filtration circuit, an amplification and driving circuit. The housing has a penetration cavity in the middle thereof, and a wire loading an alternating current thereon passes through the penetration cavity. The solenoid surrounds the penetration cavity and detects a magnetic field generated by the alternating current to generate a first voltage. The rectification and filtration circuit rectifies and filters the first voltage to generate a second voltage. The amplification and driving circuit amplifies the second voltage to generate an output current between a first output terminal and a second terminal. 1. An alternating current detector having a first output terminal and a second output terminal comprising:a solenoid detecting a magnetic field of a specified zone and generating a first voltage in a first node according to the magnetic field, wherein a wire loading an alternating current generates the magnetic field in the specified zone;a rectification and filtration circuit coupled to the first node and a second node, rectifying and filtering the first voltage to generating a second voltage; andan amplification and driving circuit coupled to the second node, amplifying the second voltage to generate an output current between the first output terminal and the second output terminal.2. The alternating current detector as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising an indicating lamp which is coupled to the first node and a ground potential and emits light according to the first voltage.3. The alternating current detector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rectification and filtration circuit comprises:a diode coupled to the first node and the second node and rectifying a current through the first node and the second node; anda capacitor coupled to the second node and a ground potential.4. The alternating current detector as claimed in claim ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003741A1
Автор: Goeke Wayne C.

A nested ammeter for measuring the electrical current flowing through a device under test (DUT) can include an input configured to receive an input signal having a frequency within a frequency band and representing the electrical current flowing through the DUT. The nested ammeter can also include an output configured to generate an output voltage representing the electrical current flowing through the DUT. An active shunt can be used as the resistive feedback of the ammeter. A nested active shunt can be used as the resistive feedback element of the active shunt. 1. An ammeter for measuring current flowing through a device under test (DUT) , the nested ammeter comprising:an input configured to receive an input signal having a frequency within a frequency band and representing the current flowing through the DUT;an output configured to generate an output voltage representing the current flowing through the DUT;a first operational amplifier (op-amp) electrically coupled between the input and the output; anda first active shunt electrically coupled with the first op-amp and used as a resistive feedback element for the ammeter.2. The ammeter of claim 1 , wherein the first active shunt includes a second op-amp.3. The ammeter of claim 1 , further comprising a capacitor electrically coupled in parallel with the first active shunt.4. The ammeter of claim 2 , wherein the first active shunt includes a second active shunt electrically coupled with the second op-amp and used as a resistive feedback element for the first active shunt.5. The ammeter of claim 4 , wherein the second active shunt includes a third op-amp.6. The ammeter of claim 4 , further comprising a capacitor electrically coupled in parallel with the second active shunt.7. The ammeter of claim 5 , wherein the second active shunt includes a third active shunt electrically coupled with the third op-amp and used as a resistive feedback element for the second active shunt.8. The ammeter of claim 7 , wherein the third ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003422A1

A position estimation method of the present disclosure includes: acquiring learning data from a storage medium that stores the learning data including a sequence of a plurality of measurement values which define a waveform characteristic of a first electrical signal output from a sensor device when a rotor R is rotating; acquiring a sequence of a plurality of detection values which define a waveform characteristic of a second electrical signal output from the sensor device when the rotor starts rotating from a stopped state; and performing matching between an increase/decrease pattern of the sequence of the plurality of measurement values and an increase/decrease pattern of the sequence of the plurality of detection values to estimate a relationship between a rotation position of the rotor when the first electrical signal is output and a rotation position of the rotor when the second electrical signal is output. 1. A position estimation method of estimating a rotation position of a rotor in a motor , which includes: the rotor having a plurality of magnetic poles; a stator having a plurality of windings; and a sensor device outputting an electrical signal that periodically changes according to rotation of the rotor , the position estimation method comprising:acquiring learning data from a storage medium that stores the learning data including a sequence of a plurality of measurement values which define a waveform characteristic of a first electrical signal output from the sensor device when the rotor is rotating;acquiring a sequence of a plurality of detection values which define a waveform characteristic of a second electrical signal output from the sensor device when the rotor starts rotating from a stopped state; andperforming matching between an increase/decrease pattern of the sequence of the plurality of measurement values and an increase/decrease pattern of the sequence of the plurality of detection values to estimate a relationship between a rotation position ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003614A1

A current sensor includes an electrical-conduction member, a magnetoelectric converter and a shield. The shield includes a first shield and a second shield arranged such that surfaces are opposed to and spaced away from each other. A part of the electrical-conduction member and the magnetoelectric converter are located between the surface of the first shield and the surface of the second shield. The part of the electrical-conduction member located between the first shield and the second shield extends in an extension direction along the surface of the second shield. The second shield has two sides aligned in a lateral direction perpendicular to the extension direction, and has a plurality of extending parts extending toward the first shield at the sides and being aligned with and separated from each other in the extension direction. The magnetocelectric converter is located between the plurality of extending parts. 1. A current sensor comprising:an electrical-conduction member through which a measurement current to be measured flows;a magnetoelectric converter that converts a measurement magnetic field caused by a flow of the measurement current into an electric signal; anda shield that restricts an electromagnetic noise into the magnetoelectric converter, whereinthe shield includes a first shield and a second shield each having a plate shape, the first shield and the second shield being arranged such that surfaces are opposed to and spaced away from each other,a part of the electrical-conduction member and the magnetoelectric converter are located between the surface of the first shield and the surface of the second shield,the part of the electrical-conduction member located between the first shield and the second shield extends in an extension direction that is along the surface of the second shield,the second shield has two sides aligned in a lateral direction perpendicular to the extension direction,the second shield has a plurality of extending parts extending ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003615A1

A current sensor includes a wiring board, a shield, an insulating sensor housing, and a shield adhesive. The wiring board and the shield are accommodated in the sensor housing. The sensor housing has a shield support part to support the shield, and a shield adhesion part. An application surface of the shield adhesion part is further from the shield than a contact surface of the shield support part. The shield is mounted on the contact surface of the shield support part, and the shield adhesive is disposed between the application surface of the shield adhesion part and the shield. The shield and the wiring board are aligned with and spaced from each other in the sensor housing. 1. A current sensor comprising:a wiring board that has a magnetoelectric converter thereon, the magnetoelectric converter configured to convert a measurement magnetic field caused by a flow of a measurement current into an electric signal;a shield that restricts an electromagnetic noise into the magnetoelectric converter;an insulating sensor housing that accommodates the wiring board and the shield therein; anda shield adhesive that bonds the sensor housing and the shield together, whereinthe sensor housing has a shield support part to support the shield, and a shield adhesion part,the shield support part has a contact surface,the shield adhesion part has an application surface on which the shield adhesive is disposed,the application surface of the shield adhesion part is further from the shield than the contact surface of the shield support part, andthe shield is mounted on the contact surface of the shield support part, the shield adhesive is disposed between the application surface of the shield adhesion part and the shield, and the shield and the wiring board are aligned with and spaced from each other in the sensor housing.2. The current sensor according to claim 1 , further comprisingan electrical-conduction member that allows the measurement current to flow therein, whereinthe ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003616A1

A current sensor includes a plurality of individual sensors and a wiring case. Each of the individual sensors includes an electrical-conduction member through which a measurement current to be measured flows, a magnetoelectric converter and an insulating sensor housing. The magnetoelectric converter converts a measurement magnetic field caused by a flow of the measurement current into an electric signal. The sensor housing accommodates the electrical-conduction member and the magnetoelectric converter therein. The wiring case is larger than the sensor housing. The wiring case includes an insulating integrated housing in which the plurality of individual sensors is fixed, and an input/output wiring disposed in the integrated housing and electrically connected to the megnetoelectric converter of each of the plurality of individual sensors. 1. A current sensor comprising: an electrical-conduction member through which a measurement current to be measured flows;', 'a magnetoelectric converter that converts a measurement magnetic field caused by a flow of the measurement current into an electric signal; and', 'an insulating sensor housing that accommodates the electrical-conduction member and the magnetoelectric converter therein; and, 'a plurality of individual sensors, each including an insulating integrated housing in which the plurality of individual sensors is fixed; and', 'an input/output wiring disposed in the integrated housing and electrically connected to the megnetoelectric converter of each of the plurality of individual sensors., 'a wiring case being larger than the sensor housing, and including2. The sensor housing according to claim 1 , whereineach of the plurality of individual sensors includes a shield that restricts an electromagnetic noise into the magnetoelectric converter, whereinthe shield includes a first shield and a second shield each having a plate shape, the first shield and the second shield being arranged such that surfaces are opposed to and ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004096A1
Автор: Nagao Katsuhisa

A SiC semiconductor device is provided that is capable of improving the detection accuracy of the current value of a principal current detected by a current sensing portion by restraining heat from escaping from the current sensing portion to a wiring member joined to a sensing-side surface electrode. The semiconductor device includes a SiC semiconductor substrate, a source portion including a principal-current-side unit cell a current sensing portion including a sensing-side unit cell a source-side surface electrode disposed above the source portion and a sensing-side surface electrode that is disposed above the current sensing portion and that has a sensing-side pad to which a sensing-side wire is joined, and, in the semiconductor device the sensing-side unit cell is disposed so as to avoid being positioned directly under the sensing-side pad 1. A semiconductor device comprising:a semiconductor layer made of SiC;a source portion that is formed at the semiconductor layer and that includes a first unit cell on a principal current side;a current sensing portion that is formed at the semiconductor layer and that includes a second unit cell on a current detection side;a source-side surface electrode disposed above the source portion; anda sensing-side surface electrode disposed so that at least one part of the sensing-side surface electrode includes a region positioned above the current sensing portion,wherein the second unit cell is disposed at a position below the sensing-side surface electrode and so as to avoid being positioned directly under a joint part of a wiring member.2. The semiconductor device according to claim 1 , further comprising:an interlayer insulating film disposed between the current sensing portion and the sensing-side surface electrode; anda gate insulating film formed at a lower position than the interlayer insulating film,wherein the interlayer insulating film is formed thicker than the gate insulating film.3. The semiconductor device according ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005559A1

Disclosed is a system and method to improve the extraction of transistor and OLED parameters in an AMOLED display for compensation of programming voltages to improve image quality. A pixel circuit includes an organic light emitting device, a drive device to provide a programmable drive current to the light emitting device, a programming input to provide the programming signal, and a storage device to store the programming signal. A charge-pump amplifier has a current input and a voltage output. The charge-pump amplifier includes an operational amplifier in negative feedback configuration. The feedback is provided by a capacitor connected between the output and the inverting input of the operational amplifier. A common-mode voltage source drives the non-inverting input of the operational amplifier. An electronic switch is coupled across the capacitor to reset the capacitor. A switch module including the input is coupled to the output of the pixel circuit and an output is coupled to the input of the charge-pump amplifier. The switch module includes a set of electronic switches that may be controlled by external control signals to steer current in and out of the pixel circuit and provide a discharge path between the pixel circuit and the charge-pump amplifier and isolating the charge-pump amplifier from the pixel circuit. A controller is coupled to the pixel circuit, charge-pump amplifier and the switch module. The controller controls input signals to the pixel circuit, charge-pump amplifier and switch module in a predetermined sequence to produce an output voltage value which is a function of a parameter of the pixel circuit. The sequence includes providing a program voltage to the programming input to either pre-charge an internal capacitance of the pixel circuit to a charge level and transfer the charge to the charge-pump amplifier via the switch module to generate the output voltage value or provide a current from the pixel circuit to the charge-pump amplifier via ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006667A1

A cooking appliance apparatus includes at least one current supply line, and at least one current sensor unit configured to measure a high-frequency current in the at least one current supply line. The at least one current sensor has a first sensor inductance, at least one second sensor inductance, and at least one conduction path, which connects the first sensor inductance to the at least one second sensor inductance in an electrically conducting manner. 113-. (canceled)14. A cooking appliance apparatus , comprising:at least one current supply line; andat least one current sensor unit configured to measure a high-frequency current in the at least one current supply line, said at least one current sensor having a first sensor inductance, at least one second sensor inductance, and at least one conduction path, which connects the first sensor inductance to the at least one second sensor inductance in an electrically conducting manner.15. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 14 , constructed in the form of a cooktop apparatus.16. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 14 , wherein a first magnetic field claim 14 , generated by a hypothetical current flow through the first sensor inductance claim 14 , cancels out a second magnetic field generated by a hypothetical current flow through the at least one second sensor inductance claim 14 , at least at one point.17. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 14 , wherein the first sensor inductance and the at least one second sensor inductance have at least essentially identical inductance values.18. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 14 , wherein the first sensor inductance and the at least one second sensor inductance are at least essentially identical.19. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 14 , wherein the first sensor inductance and the at least one second sensor inductance are connected antiserially.20. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 14 , wherein at least one of the first and second sensor ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Current detection circuit, current detection method, and semiconductor module

Номер: US20210006242A1
Автор: Kazumi Takagiwa
Принадлежит: Fuji Electric Co Ltd

There is provide a current detection circuit including: a current detection unit that detects a control current flowing between a control terminal of a semiconductor element of voltage-controlled type having a current detection terminal, and a drive circuit; an overcurrent detection unit that detects an overcurrent in response to a sense current exceeding an overcurrent threshold value, the sense current flowing through the current detection terminal; and an adjustment unit that sets, based on a detection result of the current detection unit, the overcurrent threshold value in a transient period during turn on and turn off of the semiconductor element to be higher than the overcurrent threshold value in a period other than the transient period.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008911A1
Автор: Majer Alan

Disclosed is an apparatus for sensing current flowing the electric cord of an electric appliance. The electric cord includes at least two current carrying wires. The apparatus includes a current sensing unit, a computing unit, a power source and a housing. The current sensing unit is arranged proximate to the electric cord, the current sensing unit includes a three or more axis sensor operative to detect the changes in magnitude and orientation of magnetic field caused by the current flowing through the current carrying wires of the electric cord for generating an electrical signal. The computing unit is programmed to compute the value of current flowing from the generated electrical signal. The power source is operative to power the current sensing unit. The housing is operative to house the current sensing unit and the power source. 1. An apparatus for sensing current flowing through at least one electric cord of an electric appliance , the electric cord comprising at least two current carrying wires said apparatus comprising: at least one sensor of three or more axis operative to detect the changes in magnitude and orientation of magnetic field caused by the current flowing through in at least two current carrying wires of the electric cord for generating an electrical signal; and', 'a computing unit programmed to compute the value of current flowing from the generated electrical signal., 'a current sensing unit arranged proximate to at least one electric cord, said current sensing unit comprising2. The apparatus according to further comprising a visual display unit connected to said computing unit and said power source to display the computed value of the current flowing in the electrical cord.3. The apparatus according to further comprising a notification unit connected to said current sensing unit and said power source for producing notifications if the computed value of the current flowing exceeds a pre-stored reference current value.4. The apparatus ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150009715A1
Автор: PARK Joung Hu

Disclosed is a power saving current measuring apparatus which includes a sensing resistor; a switch that is connected to the sensing resistor in parallel; a controller that controls on and off operations of the switch; and a current measuring unit that measures current flowing in the sensing resistor, wherein when the switch is turned on, the controller controls the current to bypasses the sensing resistor to flow to the switch, and when the switch is turned off, the controller controls the current to flow in the sensing resistor.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220026471A1
Автор: Klien Dietmar
Принадлежит: TRIDONIC GMBH & CO KG

A current sensor () serves to detect an alternating current (). The current sensor () comprises a coupler () designed to decouple a proportional part of the alternating current () as a measurement current (). In addition, the current sensor () comprises a switching terminal designed to feed in a switching signal (). The current sensor () furthermore includes a switchable rectifier () designed to rectify the measurement current () in a manner controlled by the switching signal () and to output it as a rectified measurement current (Vsense). 11216. A current sensor () for detecting an alternating current () , comprising:{'b': 20', '16', '22, 'a coupler () designed to decouple a proportional part of the alternating current () as a measurement current ();'}{'b': '15', 'a switching terminal designed to feed in a switching signal (); and'}{'b': 21', '22', '15, 'a switchable rectifier () designed to rectify the measurement current () in a manner controlled by the switching signal () and to output it as a rectified measurement current (Vsense).'}212. The current sensor () according to claim 1 ,{'b': 21', '40', '41', '21', '15, 'wherein the switchable rectifier () includes a switching device (, ) designed to switch rectification by the switchable rectifier () on and off in a manner controlled by the switching signal ().'}312. The current sensor () according to claim 2 ,{'b': 40', '41', '40', '41', '21', '15, 'wherein the switching device (, ) comprises at least two transistors (, ) designed to switch rectification by the switchable rectifier () on and off in a manner controlled by the switching signal ().'}412. The current sensor () according to claim 2 ,{'b': 21', '40', '42', '41', '43, 'wherein the switchable rectifier () comprises a first transistor (), a first diode (), a second transistor (), and a second diode ();'}{'b': 40', '41, 'wherein at a first node, the first transistor () and the second transistor () are connected in parallel on the input side;'}{'b': 42', '40, ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011009A1
Принадлежит: RICOH COMPANY, LTD.

A position estimation device that estimates a position of a rotor of a motor, includes a current detection unit detecting a coil current as a first detection current, the coil current being generated in accordance with a signal where a control signal, which controls a drive current that rotationally drives the motor; and a harmonic wave signal that are superimposed on each other. The device further detects a harmonic wave current, which is a response of the harmonic wave signal, as a second detection current; and has a position estimation unit estimating the position of the rotor of the motor based on the second detection current. 1. A position estimation device that estimates a position of a rotor of a motor , comprising:a current detection unit configured to detect a coil current as a first detection current, the coil current being generated in accordance with a signal where a control signal, which controls a drive current that rotationally drives the motor, and a harmonic wave signal are superimposed on each other, and further detect a harmonic wave current, which is a response of the harmonic wave signal, as a second detection current; anda position estimation unit configured to estimate the position of the rotor of the motor based on the second detection current.2. The position estimation device according to claim 1 ,wherein the current detection unit includes a filter that attenuates a frequency of the drive current and passes a frequency of the harmonic wave current and is configured to detect the second detection current by using the filter.3. The position estimation device according to claim 2 ,wherein a gain of a passband of the filter is greater than one.4. The position estimation device according to claim 1 ,wherein the current detection unit includes an AD converter that converts the coil current and the harmonic wave current into digital values and outputs the digital values.5. The position estimation device according to claim 1 ,wherein the harmonic ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011237A1

Current measuring device keeps fluctuation range for the ratio error in output within ±0.5% range and simplified assembly thereof. The measuring device includes at least a light entrance and exit, optical fiber for a sensor, Faraday rotator, first and second ¼-wavelength plates, polarization separator, light source, and signal-processing-circuit including a photoelectric-conversion-element. Optical fiber for a sensor has birefringence and includes one end wherein two circularly polarized light-beams having different rotation enter directions and another end reflects circularly polarized light-beams entered. Phase difference of two linearly polarized light-beams in the round-trip light path between two ¼-wavelength plates is compensated, and the Faraday rotational angle when the Faraday rotator is magnetically saturated set to 22.5°+α° so fluctuation range for ratio error in measured value of the current to be measured is set in range, ±0.5%. The crystal-axes on optical faces of two ¼-wavelength plates are set to be perpendicular or same direction. 1. An electric current measuring apparatus at least comprising:a light incident and emitting unit,a optical fiber for a sensor,a Faraday rotator,a first quarter-wave plate and a second quarter-wave platea polarization splitter,a light source, anda signal processing circuit including a photoelectric conversion element; andthe light incident and emitting unit is constituted by two waveguides arrayed; the light incident and emitting unit, the polarization splitter, the first quarter-wave plate, the second quarter-wave plate, the Faraday rotator, and the optical fiber for a sensor are arranged in order;the optical fiber for a sensor is birefringent and, is provided around a periphery of an electric conductor through which measured electric current flows, and includes a first end into which two circularly polarized lights having different rotation directions for being incident and a second end for reflecting the incident ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011238A1

Apparatuses and methods to distinguish proprietary, non-floating and floating chargers for regulating charging current are disclosed. In one aspect, a charger detection circuit is provided in a portable electronic device. The charger detection circuit is configured to detect whether a connected Universal Serial Bus (USB) charger is compliant with a USB battery charging specification. If the connected USB charger is non-compliant with the USB battery charging specification, the charger detection circuit is configured to further detect if the non-complaint USB charger is a non-compliant floating USB charger or a non-compliant proprietary USB charger. If the connected USB charger is determined to be a non-compliant proprietary USB charger, the portable electronic device can be configured to draw up to a maximum charging current according to the USB battery charging specification. 1. A Universal Serial Bus (USB) charger detection circuit , comprising:a detection control circuit configured to initiate a timeout timer in response to receipt of a VBUS signal from a USB charger and generate a timeout output indicative of an expiration of the timeout timer; and receive a data input signal based on a received USB data pin signal from the connected USB charger;', 'receive a reference signal generated in response to detection of the VBUS signal from the USB charger; and', 'generate a comparator output based on a comparison of the data input signal and the reference signal; and, 'a comparison circuit configured tothe detection control circuit is configured to generate a detection output indicative of the connected USB charger being a proprietary USB charger if the comparator output indicates the data input signal is greater than the reference signal.2. The USB charger detection circuit of claim 1 , wherein the detection control circuit is further configured to generate the detection output indicative of the connected USB charger being the proprietary USB charger that is non- ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011241A1

An apparatus and method for measuring geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) is disclosed. The apparatus is configured to measure GICs temporarily flowing in high-voltage, 60 Hz power transmission conductors, and includes a securing means for securing the apparatus to the power transmission conductor. The apparatus further includes a flux concentrator having a toroidal ferrite core and winding wound around the core configured to capture a magnetic field from the power transmission conductor; a hall-effect sensor assembly configured to receive the magnetic field from the flux concentrator and produce a voltage signal corresponding to the magnetic field; and an electronics module configured to receive the voltage signal from the hall-effect sensor assembly, conduct measurements, and transmit the measurements to a local access point. 1. An apparatus configured to measure ground induced currents (GIC) temporarily flowing in high-voltage , 50 Hz or 60 Hz power transmission conductors , comprising:(a) a securing means for securing the apparatus to the power transmission conductor;(b) a flux concentrator having a toroidal ferrite core and winding wound around the core configured to capture a magnetic field from the power transmission conductor;(c) a hall-effect sensor assembly configured to receive the magnetic field from the flux concentrator and produce a voltage signal corresponding to the magnetic field; and(d) an electronics module configured to receive the voltage signal from the hall-effect sensor assembly, conduct measurements, and transmit the measurements to a local access point.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the securing means comprises a jaw assembly having a first jaw pivotally connected to a second jaw to allow the jaw assembly to move between an open position for receiving the power transmission conductor therein and a closed position for securing the apparatus to the power transmission conductor.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Capacitive current sensing using a current feedback amplifier

Номер: US20160011242A1
Автор: Michael D. Seeman
Принадлежит: Texas Instruments Inc

A circuit for sensing current in a capacitive network. A first capacitor carries a first current. A second capacitor is connected to the first capacitor thereby forming a current divider. The second capacitor carries a second current which is proportional to the first current. A transimpedance amplifier is connected to the second capacitor and has a voltage output that is proportional to the second current. Using a current feedback amplifier as the transimpedance amplifier significantly improves bandwidth and stability.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180011129A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric Industries SAS

A device for measuring electric currents includes multiple current sensors of Rogowski type, each suitable for measuring an electric current flowing through an electrical conductor, these current sensors being in adjacent pairs and each including coils for measuring the current and a central aperture for receiving the corresponding electrical conductor. Each current sensor includes two of the coils, which coils are positioned in parallel and facing one another on opposite edges of the central aperture and two ferromagnetic bars extending between ends of the coils, perpendicularly to a longitudinal axis of the coils. 2. The measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein each current sensor has a ferromagnetic bar in common with the immediately adjacent current sensor.3. The measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the device comprises first and second armatures arranged parallel to each other and common to all the current sensors of the device claim 1 , the two coils of each current sensor being arranged on the first and second armatures claim 1 , respectively.4. The measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second armatures have a rectilinear part claim 1 , and coils being arranged on these first and second armatures by winding about this rectilinear part.5. The measuring device according to claim 4 , wherein both the first and second armatures comprise housings each adapted to receive one end of one of the ferromagnetic bars.6. The measuring device according to claim 4 , wherein the first and second armatures are identical and each comprise fastening elements claim 4 , adapted for securing together the first and second armatures to form the measuring device.7. The measuring device according to claim 3 , wherein the first and second armatures each comprise a main part of rectilinear shape and secondary parts which protrude from the main part perpendicularly to the main part claim 3 , and coils being formed by winding on the first ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170011688A1
Автор: Kim Jin Woo

A current sensor includes a first resistor between a first node and a second node, a first voltage limiting device between the first node and the second node, and a second resistor between the second node and a third node, wherein a resistance level of the first resistor is greater than a resistance level of the second resistor, and wherein a current flowing from the third node to the first node is configured to be measured based on a voltage across the first resistor or a voltage across the second resistor. 1. A current sensor comprising:a first resistor between a first node and a second node;a first voltage limiting device between the first node and the second node; anda second resistor between the second node and a third node,wherein a resistance level of the first resistor is greater than a resistance level of the second resistor, andwherein a current flowing from the third node to the first node is configured to be measured based on a voltage across the first resistor or a voltage across the second resistor.2. The current sensor of claim 1 , wherein the first voltage limiting device comprises a Schottky diode or a diode-connected power transistor claim 1 ,wherein current flows from the second node to the first node through substantially only the first resistor when the voltage across the first resistor is less than a threshold voltage of the first voltage limiting device, andwherein current flows from the second node to the first node through the first voltage limiting device when the voltage across the first resistor is greater than or equal to the threshold voltage of the first voltage limiting device.3. The current sensor of claim 2 , wherein the current flowing from the third node to the first node is configured to be measured based on:the voltage across the first resistor or the voltage across the second resistor when the voltage across the first resistor is less than the threshold voltage of the first voltage limiting device; andthe voltage across the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011056A1
Автор: Weinstein Jeffrey Jay

A current transformer includes a first housing including a first handle portion and a first distal portion, a second housing including a second handle portion and a second distal portion, a first core having a first proximal core end and a first distal core end the first core mounted in rotational contact within the first distal portion, and a second core having a second proximal core end and a second distal core end, the second core mounted in rotational contact within the second distal portion, wherein the first housing is rotationally coupled to the second housing about a fulcrum point. 1. A current transformer comprising:a first housing comprising a first handle portion and a first distal portion;a second housing comprising a second handle portion and a second distal portion;a first core having a first proximal core end and a first distal core end, the first core mounted in rotational contact within the first distal portion; anda second core having a second proximal core end and a second distal core end, the second core mounted in rotational contact within the second distal portion;wherein the first housing is rotationally coupled to the second housing about a fulcrum point and wherein, when the first housing and the second housing are rotated into a closed position, the first core is adapted to rotate within the first distal portion and the second core is adapted to rotate within the second distal portion to enable contact between the first proximal core end and the second proximal core end and to enable contact between the first distal core end and the second distal core end.2. The current transformer of claim 1 , wherein a pivot member is attached to the first core and the first housing comprises an indentation to receive the pivot member.3. The current transformer of claim 1 , wherein a pivot member is attached to the first housing and the first core comprises an indentation to receive the pivot member.4. The current transformer of claim 1 , wherein there is ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011057A1

A current transformer assembly includes a first current transformer, a plug, a first wire and a second wire between the plug and the first current transformer adapted to transmit a measurement of the first current transformer; and a memory chip adapted to store a first scale factor of the first current transformer. 1. A current transformer assembly comprising:a first current transformer;a plug;a first wire and a second wire between the plug and the first current transformer adapted to transmit a measurement of the first current transformer; anda memory chip adapted to store a first scale factor of the first current transformer.2. The current transformer assembly of claim 1 , wherein the memory chip is situated inside the plug.3. The current transformer assembly of claim 1 , comprising:a third wire between the plug and the memory chip;wherein the memory chip is connected to the second wire.4. The current transformer assembly of claim 1 , comprising:a third wire between the plug and the memory chip; anda fourth wire between the plug and the memory chip.5. The current transformer assembly of claim 1 , comprising:a second current transformer; anda third wire and a fourth wire between the plug and the second current transformer adapted to transmit a measurement of the second current transformer; andwherein the memory chip is adapted to store a second scale factor of the second current transformer.6. The current transformer assembly of claim 5 , wherein the memory chip is connected to the second wire and the fourth wire.7. The current transformer assembly of claim 6 , wherein the memory chip is adapted to store the first scale factor of the first current transformer and the second scale factor of the second current transformer.8. A system comprising:a current transformer assembly comprising a plug, a first current transformer, and a memory chip; read a first scale factor for the first current transformer from the memory chip,', 'receive a first sensor value from the first ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011058A1
Автор: KAI Kenji, SUZUKI Kenji

Provided is a current sensor for reducing heat generation caused by energization. The current sensor is provided, including: primary terminals; a first magnetic sensor; a primary conductor; and a signal processing IC; wherein the primary conductor has a bend section including: a first region that surrounds at least a part of the first magnetic sensor in planar view and at least a part of which does not face the signal processing IC; and a second region that faces the signal processing IC; wherein the height of the first region is lower than that of the primary terminal, the height of the second region is lower than that of the first region, and the first magnetic sensor is connected to the signal processing IC through conductive wires, on the opposite side from the plane. 1. A current sensor comprising:primary terminals;a first magnetic sensor;a primary conductor that is arranged on the same plane as the primary terminals and that is connected to the primary terminals;a signal processing IC that is arranged on the opposite side from the first magnetic sensor relative to the primary conductor, away from the first magnetic sensor, in planar view; anda wire for connecting the first magnetic sensor and the signal processing IC, stepping over the primary conductor; whereinthe primary conductor has a first region that does not face the wire and a second region that faces the wire; andthe height of the second region is lower than that of the first region.2. The current sensor according to claim 1 , comprising:a plurality of the wires; whereinthe height of the second region that faces one of the plurality of wires and the height of the second region that faces other wires is lower than that of the first region.3. The current sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the first magnetic sensor claim 1 , the signal processing IC claim 1 , the wire claim 1 , a part of the primary terminals claim 1 , and the primary conductor are sealed in a package.4. The current sensor according ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011088A1

A sensor unit includes a current sensor that detects a current, a voltage sensor that detects a voltage, a ground fault sensor that detects a ground fault, and a common substrate on which the current sensor, the voltage sensor, and the ground fault sensor are mounted. In the sensor unit, for example, in a power supply circuit of a vehicle, the three sensors of the high voltage system can be integrated on the common substrate, so that an increase in the number of parts can be suppressed. 1. A detection device comprising:a current detector that detects a current;a voltage detector that detects a voltage;a ground fault detector that detects a ground fault; anda common substrate on which the current detector, the voltage detector, and the ground fault detector are mounted.2. The detection device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a positive terminal connected to both the voltage detector and the ground fault detector and connected to a positive electrode side of a power supply circuit supplying electric power from a power supply of a vehicle to a load unit; anda negative terminal connected to both the voltage detector and the ground fault detector and connected to a negative electrode side of the power supply circuit.3. The detection device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a controller that commonly processes signals output from the current detector, the voltage detector, and the ground fault detector, respectively.4. The detection device according to claim 2 , further comprising:a controller that commonly processes signals output from the current detector, the voltage detector, and the ground fault detector, respectively. The present application claims priority to and incorporates by reference the entire contents of Japanese Patent Application No. 2019-129677 filed in Japan on Jul. 12, 2019.The present invention relates to a detection device.Conventionally, as a detection device, for example, Japanese Patent Application Laid-open No. 2011-217544 ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Power electronics module with load connection elements

Номер: US20170011985A1
Автор: Walter Christian
Принадлежит: Semikron Elektronik gmbH & Co., KG

A power electronics module having a base plate, a circuit carrier arranged on the base plate and a plurality of conductor tracks which are electrically insulated from the base plate. A power semiconductor component is arranged on one of the conductor tracks, and has a load connection element. In this case, the base plate has a substantially continuous first recess and the circuit carrier has a substantially continuous second recess, wherein the first and second recesses are arranged such that they are in alignment with one another. The load connection element has a first contact device which is in electrically conductive contact with a contact area of that side of the conductor track which is averted from the base plate, a second contact device for externally making contact with the circuit carrier, and a connecting section, which extends through the first and second recesses, between the first and second contact devices. 1. A power electronics module comprising:a base plate having a substantially continuous first recess;a circuit carrier which is arranged on said base plate and has a substantially continuous second recess, said first and second recesses being disposed such that they are in alignment with one another;a plurality of conductor tracks which are electrically insulated from said base plate, wherein one of said conductor tracks is adapted to receive a power semiconductor component, said one of said conductor tracks having a side which is averted from said base plate, said side of said one conductor track which is averted from said base plate having a contact area; and a first contact device which is in electrically conductive contact with said contact area of said side of said conductor track which is averted from said base plate,', 'a second contact device for externally making contact with said circuit carrier, and', 'a connecting section, which extends through said first and second recesses, between said first and second contact devices., 'a load ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011899A1

Provided is a current sensing resistor including a plate-shaped resistive element containing a resistive material, and plate-shaped electrodes joined to opposite sides of the plate-shaped resistive element, each plate-shaped electrode containing an electrode material. Each electrode includes an upper electrode portion that is substantially flush with the resistive element, a lower electrode portion to be mounted on a wire pattern, and a step portion located between the upper electrode portion and the lower electrode portion. The upper electrode portion is wider than the resistive element and the lower electrode portion in the direction orthogonal to the direction in which the electrodes are arranged. 1. A current sensing resistor comprising:a plate-shaped resistive element containing a resistive material; andplate-shaped electrodes joined to opposite sides of the plate-shaped resistive element, each plate-shaped electrode containing an electrode material,wherein:each electrode includes an upper electrode portion that is substantially flush with the resistive element, a lower electrode portion to be mounted on a wire pattern, and a step portion located between the upper electrode portion and the lower electrode portion, andthe upper electrode portion is wider than the resistive element and the lower electrode portion in a direction orthogonal to a direction in which the electrodes are arranged.2. The current sensing resistor according to claim 1 , wherein a width of the resistive element is greater than or equal to a width of the lower electrode portion in a direction orthogonal to a direction in which the upper electrode portion is arranged.3. The current sensing resistor according to claim 1 , wherein:a recess portion that includes at least a part of the resistive element is formed on a side of the current sensing resistor, anda depth of the recess portion does not reach an imaginary line connecting opposite side faces of the lower electrode portion.4. A current ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011902A1
Автор: SHIMIZU Yasuhiro

A current sensor includes a conductor through which a current as a measurement target flows and two magnetic sensors. The conductor includes a first flow path, a second flow path adjacent to or in a vicinity of the first flow path in a width direction of the first flow path, and a first joining portion in which the first flow path and the second flow path merge with each other. The two magnetic sensors are provided side by side in a width direction and detect magnetic fields produced by currents that flow through the conductor. The conductor is provided with a first notch portion, in which a side edge in a farther side portion from the second flow path, of both of side edges of the first flow path in the width direction is notched. 1. A current sensor comprising:a conductor through which a current as a measurement target flows and which includes a first flow path, a second flow path adjacent to or in a vicinity of the first flow path in a width direction of the first flow path, and a first joining portion in which the first flow path and the second flow path merge with each other; andtwo magnetic sensors that detect magnetic fields produced by the current which flows through the conductor and are provided side by side in the width direction; whereinthe conductor includes a first notch portion, in which a side edge in a farther side portion from the second flow path, of both of side edges of the first flow path in the width direction is notched; anda first magnetic sensor of the two magnetic sensors, which is located in a position closer to the first flow path than to the second flow path, is positioned in a vicinity of the side edge on an opposite side to the first notch portion in the first flow path.2. The current sensor according to claim 1 , wherein a width of the first notch portion in the width direction of the first flow path is wider than an interval between the first and second flow paths in the width direction.3. The current sensor according to claim 1 , ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Electronic device and connection body

Номер: US20200011904A1

An electronic device has a sealing part 90 , a first main terminal 11 protruding outward from the sealing part 90 , a second main terminal 12 protruding outwardly from the sealing part, an electronic element 95 provided in the sealing part and having a front surface electrically connected to the first main terminal 11 and a back surface electrically connected to the second main terminal 12 , a head part 40 connected to the front surface of the electronic element 95 , a sensing terminal 13 protruding to an outside from the sealing part 90 and used for sensing and a connection part 35 integrally formed with the head part 40 and electrically connected to the sensing terminal 13 . A current flowing through the sensing terminal 13 and the connection part 35 among a sensing current path does not overlap a main current path flowing through the second main terminal 12 , the electronic element 95 and the first main terminal 11.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011905A1

A current sensor for detecting a current from or into a vehicle battery, comprising: * a measurement circuit; and * an electric conductor, having:—at least one first measurement path, defined by a first potential pick-up contacting means () and a second potential pick-up contacting means (), at which a first voltage (U) over the first measurement path can be detected;—a first connection contact () for electrically contacting a connection element;—a second connection contact () for electrically contacting a battery pole terminal; and—a current feed contacting means () for electrically contacting a device for providing a calibration current; wherein the first measurement path is formed in series between the first connection contact () and the second connection contact (), wherein the electrical conductor, on account of its geometrical parameters () and contacting means (), is formed in such a way that a calibration current (Iref) that can be fed at the current feed contacting means () causes a current density distribution in the first measurement path, which converges with a current density distribution in the first measurement path caused by a load current (Iload) of equal current strength that can be fed at the first connection contact (). 2. The current sensor as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the current feed contact is spaced at a first distance from the first measurement path claim 1 , the first measurement path being a conductor segment with a defined length claim 1 , width and height claim 1 , the first potential pick-up contact and the second potential pick-up contact being arranged on one edge of the first measurement path claim 1 , the length of the first measurement path being defined by a distance between the first potential pick-up contact and the second potential pick-up contact claim 1 , wherein the width of the first measurement path is greater than the height of the first measurement path claim 1 , the first distance being greater than ⅛ or 2/8 or ⅜ or ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Voltage Converter with VCC-Less RDSon Current Sensing Circuit

Номер: US20170012533A1
Автор: Ribarich Thomas J.

In one implementation, a voltage converter includes a driver providing a gate drive for a power switch and a sense circuit coupled across the power switch. The gate drive provides power to the sense circuit, and the sense circuit provides a sense output to the driver corresponding to a current through the power switch. In one implementation, the sense circuit includes a high voltage (HV) sense transistor coupled between a first sense input and a sense output, a delay circuit configured to be coupled to the gate drive to provide power to the HV sense transistor when the gate drive is high, and a pull-down transistor configured to couple the sense output to a second sense input when the gate drive is low. 1. A voltage converter comprising:a driver providing a gate drive for a power switch; anda sense circuit coupled across the power switch,the gate drive providing power to the sense circuit, andthe sense circuit providing a sense output to the driver corresponding to a current through the power switch, wherein the sense circuit comprises a delay circuit to prevent the sense circuit from providing the sense output until after the power switch turns on.2. The voltage converter of claim 1 , wherein the sense circuit is configured to force the sense output to a low voltage when the power switch is off.3. The voltage converter of claim 1 , wherein the power switch comprises a group IV field-effect transistor (FET).4. The voltage converter of claim 1 , wherein the power switch comprises a III-Nitride high electron mobility transistor (HEMT).5. The voltage converter of claim 1 , wherein the sense circuit includes a high voltage (HV) sense transistor connecting a drain of the power switch to the sense output when the power switch is on.6. The voltage converter of claim 1 , wherein the power switch comprises an insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT).7. The voltage converter of claim 6 , wherein the sense circuit includes a high voltage (HV) sense transistor connecting a ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Electric Power Conversion Device

Номер: US20170012555A1
Автор: Ken Toshiyuki
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An electric power conversion device includes: a switching element; a collector side wiring connected to a collector side of the switching element; an emitter side wiring connected to an emitter side of the switching element; a detection circuitry configured to detect an induction voltage generated in the collector side wiring or the emitter side wiring when a current flows through the collector side wiring or the emitter side wiring; and a comparison circuitry configured to compare the induction voltage detected by the detection circuitry and a predetermined threshold voltage determined in advance to each other.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Method and Device for Measuring Current at a Converter

Номер: US20150015235A1
Автор: Brendel Christian

In a method and device for measuring current at a converter, the prevailing phase current is determined at the output of the converter by current-measuring devices, in order to supply it to a closed-loop control device assigned to the converter. The prevailing phase current to be ascertained at an output of the converter is measured independently at two current-measuring devices, and the measuring results of both current-measuring devices are utilized to determine the prevailing phase current. 1. A method for measuring current at a converter in order to supply the measuring current to a closed-loop control device assigned to the converter , comprising:independently measuring a prevailing phase current at an output of the converter by at least two current-measurement devices, utilizing measuring results of both current-measurement devices to determine the prevailing phase current.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the current-measurement devices claim 1 , at which in each case a common phase current is measured claim 1 , are connected in parallel to each other.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising averaging the measured values of the current-measurement devices to determine a resultant value of the phase current.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the measuring includes processing a measurement voltage claim 1 , which drops at a resistor claim 1 , assigned to the current-measurement device claim 1 , as a function of the phase current.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising repeatedly calibrating the current-measurement devices during operation of the converter.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein to correct measuring errors claim 5 , the current-measurement devices are calibrated individually claim 5 , while at least one further current-measurement device used for measuring the phase current is in measuring operation.7. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the calibrating includes correcting an offset ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Circuit assembly for the state monitoring and logging of overvoltage protection devices or overvoltage protection systems

Номер: US20150015243A1
Принадлежит: Dehn and Soehne GmbH and Co KG

The invention relates to a circuit assembly for the state monitoring and logging of overvoltage protection devices or overvoltage protection systems by means of pulse current monitoring, comprising at least one passive RFID transponder having an inductively coupled voltage supply, wherein in the case of an event of the overvoltage protection device or the overvoltage protection system, the RFID transponder antenna circuit is influenced, in particular interrupted, short circuited, or detuned, so that disturbance processes can be identified. According to the invention, a coil L 2 is provided on a discharge line of the overvoltage protection device or the overvoltage protection system that carries pulse currents that occur, which coil L 2 is oriented in such a way that the field caused by pulse current passes through the coil winding surface, wherein the coil L 2 is connected to at least one switching device, which is connected on the antenna circuit of the RFID transponder to the inductor L 1 there in order to influence the antenna circuit at least at times.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015244A1

A temperature compensated current measurement device comprises a Rogowski coil having a terminating impedance arranged to adjust the attenuation of the coil to balance changes in coil sensitivity so that the output voltage indicative of measured current remains substantially unchanged, the terminating impedance having different values above and below a threshold frequency. 1. A current measuring device comprising a conductive coil , said conductive coil being arranged to produce a voltage as a result of a current being measured by the current measuring device , said conductive coil having a temperature-dependent coil sensitivity factor associated therewith;the device further comprising a terminating impedance connected to the conductive coil, said terminating impedance being arranged to attenuate the voltage produced by the conductive coil by a temperature-dependent attenuation factor and to connect the conductive coil to an output; said output being arranged to produce an output indicative of the current being measured;wherein the terminating impedance is arranged so that, when there is a temperature change in the conductive coil which causes a corresponding change in the coil sensitivity factor, the attenuation factor also changes so that a value of the output voltage remains substantially unchanged, and the terminating impedance has a first impedance value below a predetermined threshold frequency for the output and a second, different impedance value above said predetermined threshold frequency.2. A current measuring device as claimed in wherein the conductive coil comprises a Rogowski coil.3. A current measuring device as claimed in wherein the Rogowski coil comprises any of: a clip-around coil claim 2 , a closed-loop coil claim 2 , a printed circuit Rogowski coil and a coil wound on a non-conductive former.4. A current measuring device as claimed in wherein the output includes an integrator.5. A current measuring device as claimed in wherein the terminating ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015347A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric Industries SAS

The detection device () according to the invention makes it possible to detect resetting of an electric circuit breaker (). The electric circuit breaker () comprises fixed () and moving () contacts, the moving contact () being capable of moving between an open position, in which the fixed and moving contacts () are separated, and a closed position, in which the moving contact () is pressed against the fixed contact (), a mechanism () for separating the contacts (), a lever () for resetting the mechanism () from the open position to the closed position of the moving contact (), and an actuator () for actuating the separator mechanism (), the actuator () including an electromagnetic coil and a core movable between an idle position and a working position in which the separating mechanism () is actuated, the coil being capable of causing the moving core to move from its idle position to its working position. 1351010121414121414121612141816142016203840163840. A device () for detecting resetting of a circuit breaker () , the circuit breaker () comprising fixed () and moving () contacts , wherein the moving contact () is capable of moving between an open position , in which the fixed and moving contacts ( , ) are separated , and a closed position , in which the moving contact () is pressed against the fixed contact () , a mechanism () for separating the contacts ( , ) , a lever () for resetting the mechanism () from the open position to the closed position of the moving contact () , an actuator () for actuating the separator mechanism () , the actuator () including an electromagnetic coil () and a core () movable between an idle position and a working position in which the separating mechanism () is actuated , the coil () being capable of causing the moving core () to move from its idle position to its working position ,{'b': 35', '50', '54', '56', '56', '38', '40', '10, 'the detection device () being characterized in that it comprises means () for generating a resetting ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190013750A1
Автор: LEMAN Dirk, Zuo Xing

A method for controlling a single-coil BLDC motor, the method comprising: monitoring a signal indicative of a time derivative of a phase current through the coil of the BLDC motor during at least one commutation cycle; determining a first moment of the at least one commutation cycle such that at the first moment the absolute value of the time derivative of the phase current is smaller than or equal to a slope threshold; determining a rising edge of a driving signal in a commutation cycle, based on the first moment of that commutation cycle and/or based on the first moment of at least one earlier commutation cycle, and/or determining a falling edge of the driving signal in that commutation cycle based on the first moment of at least one earlier commutation cycle; driving the single-coil BLDC motor using the driving signal. 1. A method for controlling a single-coil brushless DC motor , the method comprising:monitoring a signal indicative of a time derivative of a phase current through the coil of the brushless DC motor during at least one commutation cycle,determining a first moment of the at least one commutation cycle such that at the first moment the absolute value of the time derivative of the phase current is smaller than or equal to a slope threshold,determining a rising edge of a driving signal in a commutation cycle, based on the first moment of that commutation cycle and/or based on the first moment of at least one earlier commutation cycle, and/or determining a falling edge of the driving signal in that commutation cycle based on the first moment of at least one earlier commutation cycle,driving the single-coil brushless DC motor using the driving signal defined in the determining step.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the driving signal is a pulse-width modulation signal or a linear controlled signal.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the driving signal is a pulse-width modulation signal and wherein the slope threshold is increased with ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150016002A1

A power battery assembly may include a battery circuit and a circuit protecting unit. The circuit protecting unit may be connected in series with the battery circuit. The circuit protecting unit may include a relay and a current sensing unit connected in series with the battery circuit. A switching unit is connected with the relay for controlling the switching of the relay, and a controller is connected with the switching unit and to the current sensing unit to control switching on or switching off the switching unit based on comparison of the current value detected by the current sensing unit, and sent to the controller with a first predetermined current value. 1. A power battery assembly , comprising:a battery circuit having a plurality of battery modules; a relay and a current sensing unit connected in series with the battery circuit, the current sensing unit configured to detect a value of a current passing through the relay;', 'a switching unit connected with the relay for controlling the relay;', 'wherein if the value of the current is greater than the first predetermined current value and current flow lasts for at least a first predetermined time period, the controller switches off the switching unit, so that the relay is switched off.', 'a controller connected with the switching unit and to the current sensing unit, and configured to control switching on or off the switching unit based on comparison of the value of the current detected by the current sensing unit with a first predetermined current value; and'}], 'a circuit protecting unit connected in series with the battery circuit, the circuit protecting unit having2. The power battery assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a power source configured to power the relay, the controller, and the current sensing unit, wherein the switching unit is connected in series between the power source and the relay.3. The power battery assembly of claim 1 , wherein the relay claim 1 , the controller claim 1 , and the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150016163A1

A detector for detecting an occurrence of a current strength of interest of a current of a signal to be sensed includes a magnetoresistive structure and a detection unit. The magnetoresistive structure varies a resistance depending on a magnetic field caused by the current of the signal to be sensed. Further, the detection unit generates and provides a current detection signal indicating an occurrence of the current strength of interest based on a detected magnitude of the varying resistance of the magnetoresistive structure. 1. A detector for detecting an occurrence of a current strength of interest of a current of a signal to be sensed , the detector comprising:a magnetoresistive structure configured to vary a resistance depending on a magnetic field caused by the current of the signal to be sensed; and a detection unit configured to generate and provide a current detection signal indicating an occurrence of the current strength of interest based on a detected magnitude of the varying resistance of the magnetoresistive structure.2. The detector according to claim 1 , wherein the detection unit is configured to detect a magnitude of the varying resistance of the magnetoresistive structure by generating a sensor signal indicating the resistance of the magnetoresistive structure and compare the sensor signal with a predefined threshold indicating a resistance of the magnetoresistive structure at the current strength of interest of the current of the signal to be sensed.3. The detector according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetoresistive structure comprises at least a non-magnetic layer arranged between a first magnetic layer and a second magnetic layer claim 1 , so that the resistance of this layer stack varies depending on a magnetic field caused by a current of the signal to be sensed.4. The detector according to claim 3 , wherein the non-magnetic layer is an electrically conductive layer claim 3 , so that the variation of the resistance is based on a giant ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015571A1

Disclosed are an infrared vision sensing detection method and device for narrow-gap weld seam deviation. The device includes a shaking (or rotating) arc narrow-gap welding torch, an arc current sensor (), a computer image processing system (), and an infrared photographing system. An infrared camera () acquires an infrared image of a welding region in an external triggering manner when an arc () shakes (or rotates) to a position closest to the left side wall or right side wall of a groove (). After computer image processing, welding wire position and groove edge information is extracted in real time, and weld seam deviation is calculated according to position changes of a welding wire relative to the left side wall and the right side wall of the groove, and the weld seam deviation is output. During pulsed arc welding, a signal in a base value period of the arc current pulse is detected by using the current sensor, thereby realizing welding image acquisition synchronized with the base value current period of the pulsed arc. The device has a simple constitution, a wide application range, high weld seam detection precision, high environment adaptability, and high anti-interference capability. 1. An infrared vision sensing detection device for narrow-gap weld seam deviation , comprising a narrow-gap welding torch , an arc current sensor , a computer image processing system , and an infrared photographing system , wherein one end of a bent conducting rod in the narrow-gap welding torch is connected to a motor driving and a feeding mechanism , and the other end is connected to a straight-type contact tube , a welding wire passing through the narrow-gap welding torch extends into a groove to be welded to generate a welding arc , and the infrared photographing system comprises a digital infrared camera and an infrared filtering system , wherein:{'sub': L', 'R', 'b', 'L', 'R, 'the computer image processing system comprises an image acquisition card, a welding wire position ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034945A1
Автор: Schuberth Stefan

A glass ring for current measurements includes a glass body, which can be disposed around an electrical conductor and has a light entry surface and a light exit surface. The glass ring allows light which enters the glass body through the light entry surface to circulate completely around the conductor in the glass body by reflection on external sides or outer faces of the glass body, the light exiting from the glass body on the light exit surface. The glass ring is formed of a monolithic glass body. A method for optical current measurement includes using a current flow in an electrical conductor to generate an electromagnetic field around the conductor, by which a polarization of a light beam in the glass ring around the conductor, in particular with a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the conductor, is changed as the light beam circulates around the conductor. 112-. (canceled)13. A glass ring for current measurements , the glass ring comprising:a monolithic glass body configured to be disposed around an electrical conductor, said glass body having a light entry surface, a light exit surface and external sides;said glass body configured to allow light entering said glass body through said light entry surface to completely circulate around the conductor in said glass body due to reflection at said external sides of said the glass body and to allow the light to exit said glass body at said light exit surface.14. The glass ring according to claim 13 , wherein said glass body includes at least one of:two mutually opposite sides each having exactly four corners, ora circular cylindrical through-opening.15. The glass ring according to claim 14 , wherein:said glass body includes first, second, third and fourth sides, and said two mutually opposite sides are fifth and sixth parallel planar sides, orsaid circular cylindrical through-opening extends through said two mutually opposite sides.16. The glass ring according to claim 13 , wherein said glass body is ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015752A1
Автор: Baxter John R

A mattress utilizing carbon nanotube alone or in combination with fibrous material in the form of a textile. The textile having semi conductive properties to allow for grounded ion exchange to improve electromagnetic hygiene, detect biological processes, and/or evaluate a health condition. 1. A sleep system comprising:a first textile including carbon nanotube material, wherein the textile is configured to exchange free-moving electrons with an organic body.2. The sleep system of claim 1 , wherein the first textile further includes fibrous material.3. The sleep system of claim 2 , wherein the first textile is comprised of about 30% carbon nanotube material and about 70% fibrous material.4. The sleep system of claim 2 , wherein the first textile is comprised of about 70% carbon nanotube material and about 30% fibrous material.5. The sleep system of claim 1 , wherein the sleep system further includes a second textile including carbon nanotube material.6. The sleep system of claim 5 , wherein the second textile further includes fibrous material.7. The sleep system of claim 5 , wherein the first and second textiles substantially enclose the body.8. The sleep system of claim 1 , wherein the first textile is coupled to a relatively greater negative electrical potential.9. The sleep system of claim 1 , wherein the first textile is coupled to a medical device capable of detecting the exchange of free-moving electrons.10. The sleep system of claim 1 , wherein the first textile is coupled to a local device claim 1 , the local device coupled to a remote electronic device claim 1 , and the remote electronic device capable of detecting the exchange of free-moving electrons.11. A method comprising:placing an organic body on a first textile, the first textile including carbon nanotube material; andexchanging free-moving electrons between the organic body and the first textile.12. The method of claim 11 , further comprising:exchanging free-moving electrons between the first textile ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Method For Determining The Time Behavior Of A Cyclic Motor Process During Use Of An Electrical Hair Removal Device And Hair Removal Device

Номер: US20190015998A1

Electrical hair removal device and method for determining the time behavior of a cyclic motor process during use of the electrical hair removal device with a motor-driven hair cutting unit by measuring the motor current. Parallel to measuring the motor current, the induced voltage of the motor is measured and a timing property of the induced voltage is evaluated, wherein the duration of a time pattern in the induced voltage is analyzed as timing property of the induced voltage. A cutting activity of the electrical hair removal device during use is determined based on the evaluated timing property of the induced voltage, and a force applied onto skin during use of the electrical hair removal device is determined based on the measured motor current and, optionally, on the determined cutting activity. 1. A method for determining the time behavior of a cyclic motor process during use of an electrical hair removal device with a motor-driven hair cutting unit by measuring the motor current , wherein parallel to measuring the motor current , the induced voltage of the motor is measured and a timing property of the induced voltage is evaluated , wherein the duration of a time pattern in the induced voltage is analyzed as timing property of the induced voltage.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a cutting activity of the electrical hair removal device during use is determined based on the evaluated timing property of the induced voltage.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a force applied onto skin during use of the electrical hair removal device is determined based on the measured motor current.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the time pattern is a half cycle of the induced voltage.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein fluctuations in the evaluated timing property during use of the electrical hair removal device are determined as a measure for the cutting activity.6. The method according to claim 5 , whereinseveral timing properties of ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016938A1

An averaging unit includes: a plurality of sensor connectors to which current sensors are detachably connected; an averager that generates an averaged signal for at least two detection voltage signals outputted from the current sensors connected to the sensor connectors; and an outputter that outputs the averaged signal. 1. An averaging unit comprising:a plurality of sensor connectors to which current sensors are detachably connected;an averager that generates an averaged signal for at least two detection voltage signals outputted from the current sensors connected to the sensor connectors; andan outputter that outputs the averaged signal.2. The averaging unit according to claim 1 ,wherein the averaging unit outputs number information showing a number of the sensor connectors to which the current sensors are connected.3. The averaging unit according to claim 1 ,wherein the averaging unit outputs range information showing a measurement range of the current sensors connected to the sensor connectors.4. The averaging unit according to claim 2 ,wherein the averaging unit outputs range information showing a measurement range of the current sensors connected to the sensor connectors.5. The averaging device according to claim 1 ,wherein input resistors that set an input impedance for the current sensors are connected to the sensor connectors,the averager includes: a buffer unit including an input terminal set at a high input impedance and an output terminal that is connected to the outputter; and an equal number of voltage dividing resistors to the sensor connectors, each voltage dividing resistor being set at the same resistance value and being connected between a corresponding sensor connector and the input terminal, andat least one voltage dividing resistor out of the voltage dividing resistors is connected between the sensor connector and the input terminal in a state where the voltage dividing resistor is connected in series to a switch and other voltage dividing ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

On-chip current sensing employing power distribution network voltage de-convolution

Номер: US20170016939A1
Автор: Sebastian Turullols
Принадлежит: Oracle International Corp

Systems, methods, and other embodiments are disclosed that are configured to provide on-chip current sensing by employing a power distribution network voltage de-convolution technique. A voltage signal on a voltage plane of a system-on-chip device is measured during operation of the system-on-chip device. The voltage signal derives from a power distribution network. The voltage signal is de-convolved, based at least in part on inverse convolution coefficients derived from the power distribution network, to recover a current signal being drawn by the system-on-chip device from the power distribution network.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Test circuit and semiconductor apparatus including the same

Номер: US20160018445A1
Автор: Dong Uk Lee, Young Ju Kim
Принадлежит: SK hynix Inc

A test circuit includes a through via test unit configured to be set to a first resistance value in response to a first test control signal and to a second resistance value in response to the first test control signal and a second test control signal, and form a current path including a through via that electrically connects a first chip and a second chip; and a test measurement unit configured to supply a test voltage to the through via and measure a current flowing through the through via.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017656A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

Provided is an electric current sensor with which it is possible to reduce errors arising between the true value of an alternating current and a current value inferred from a detection signal during detection of the alternating current by the electric current sensor. The electric current sensor is provided with a magnetic flux detection unit for detecting the alternating current by detecting the magnetic flux produced by the alternating current flowing through a bus bar, and a memory for storing settings data based on detection values resulting from the detection of a prescribed calibration current flowing through the bus bar by the magnetic flux detection unit 1. A current sensor comprising:a current detection unit that detects alternating current flowing in a conductor; anda storage unit that stores setting data based on a detection value of predetermined calibration alternating current flowing in the conductor, the detection value being detected by the current detection unit.2. The current sensor according to claim 1 , further comprising:a signal output unit that outputs a detection signal based on the resultant alternating current detected by the current detection unit and the setting data stored in the storage unit.3. The current sensor according to claim 1 , wherein a frequency of the calibration alternating current is determined based on a frequency of the alternating current to be measured.4. The current sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the current detection unit respectively detects the alternating current flowing in a plurality of conductors claim 1 , andwherein the calibration alternating current is multiphase alternating current, and current of respective phases flows in the plurality of conductors.5. The current sensor according to claim 4 , wherein the current sensor is mounted on a power inversion device that includes an inverter circuit including a plurality of switching elements claim 4 , an inverter direct-current terminal electrically ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Measuring Resistor and Method for Producing a Measuring Resistor

Номер: US20160020004A1

A measuring resistor for high-current measurements is provided, which has a defined resistance value. The measuring resistor has a resistive layer having a sheet resistivity. The resistance value of the measuring resistor is defined by the resistive layer and is less than the sheet resistivity of the resistive layer.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190018046A1
Автор: SHIMIZU Yasuhiro

A current sensor includes a conductor through which current to be measured flows and which has dimensions in a length direction, a width direction, and a height direction, and first and second magnetic sensors that detect the strength of a magnetic field generated by the current. Each of the first and second magnetic sensors is positioned in an area between first and second conductor portions in the width direction and an area extending from one end to the other end in the height direction of the first and second conductor portions. 1. A current sensor comprising:a conductor through which current to be measured flows and which has dimensions in a length direction, a width direction orthogonal or substantially orthogonal to the length direction, and a height direction orthogonal or substantially orthogonal to the length direction and the width direction; anda first magnetic sensor and a second magnetic sensor that detect a strength of a magnetic field generated by the current; wherein a first conductor portion that extends in the length direction and that includes a first end portion and a second end portion in the length direction;', 'a second conductor portion that extends in the length direction and is spaced apart from the first conductor portion in the width direction and that includes a third end portion and a fourth end portion in the length direction; and', 'a third conductor portion that is positioned between the first conductor portion and the second conductor portion, viewed from the height direction, that is positioned at one side of the height direction with respect to the first conductor portion and the second conductor portion, viewed from the length direction, and that includes a fifth end portion and a sixth end portion in the length direction;, 'the conductor includesthe sixth end portion is connected to the second end portion;the fifth end portion is connected to the third end portion; andeach of the first magnetic sensor and the second magnetic ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Low-power activation circuit with motion detector

Номер: US20170019103A1
Автор: Mario Motz

The present disclosure relates to a method and apparatus to perform a low power activation of a system. In one embodiment, the apparatus includes a sensor element configured to output a sensor output signal corresponding to a sensed quantity to a digital difference detection circuit. The digital difference detection circuit has a digital measurement element configured to track the sensor output signal and generate a digital signal therefrom, a digital storage element configured to store previous digital signals corresponding to the sensor output signal generated over time, and a difference detector configured to detect a difference between a current digital signal and at least one of the previous digital signals. If the difference is larger than a digital reference level, the difference detector causes an activation signal generator to generate an activation signal that awakens a system from a sleep mode or a low-power mode.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140103908A1
Автор: TAMURA Manabu

A current sensor of the present invention includes a mounting unit including a disposition region in which a current path is disposed, a pair of magnetic detection elements disposed in the mounting unit so as to sandwich therebetween the disposition region, and an arithmetic circuit performing an arithmetic operation on the current value of the current path on the basis of the detection values of the pair of magnetic detection elements. The pair of magnetic detection elements is disposed on sides opposite to each other with respect to a virtual line passing through the gravity center of the current path in cross-sectional view of the current path, and individually has sensitivity axes parallel to a direction perpendicular to the direction of a current conducted through the current path and the direction of the virtual line. 1. A current sensor comprising:a mounting unit configured to include a disposition region in which a current path is disposed;a pair of magnetic detection elements configured to be disposed on the mounting unit so as to sandwich therebetween the disposition region; andan arithmetic circuit configured to be provided on the mounting unit and perform an arithmetic operation on a current value of the current path on the basis of detection values of the pair of magnetic detection elements, whereinthe pair of magnetic detection elements is disposed on sides opposite to each other with respect to a virtual line passing through a gravity center of the current path in cross-sectional view of the current path, and individually has sensitivity axes parallel to a direction perpendicular to a direction of a current conducted through the current path and a direction of the virtual line.2. The current sensor according to claim 1 , whereinthe pair of magnetic detection elements is disposed so that entire portions of the pair of magnetic detection elements are located on sides opposite to each other with respect to the virtual line.3. The current sensor according ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140103918A1
Автор: NOMURA Masatoshi

A current sensor includes a first current path, a second current path disposed parallel to the first current path, and a pair of first magnetic sensors. The first current path has a pair of main surfaces and includes a plate-shaped first region. The second current path has a pair of main surfaces and includes a plate-shaped second region. The first magnetic sensors are arranged on the respective main surfaces in the first region such that sensing axes of the first magnetic sensors are parallel to the respective main surfaces in the first region. The first magnetic sensors are configured to sense a magnetic field generated by a target current flowing through the first region. The second region is placed such that the main surfaces in the second region are perpendicular to the sensing axes of the first magnetic sensors. 1. A current sensor comprising:a first current path having a pair of main surfaces and including a first region and a third region each having a plate-like shape;a second current path disposed parallel to the first current path, the second current path having a pair of main surfaces and including a second region and a fourth region each having a plate-like shape;a pair of first magnetic sensors arranged on the respective main surfaces in the first region such that sensing axes of the first magnetic sensors are parallel to the respective main surfaces in the first region and are parallel to each other, the first magnetic sensors being configured to sense a magnetic field generated by a target current flowing through the first region; anda pair of second magnetic sensors arranged on the respective main surfaces in the fourth region such that sensing axes of the second magnetic sensors are parallel to the respective main surfaces in the fourth region and are parallel to each other, the second magnetic sensors being configured to sense a magnetic field generated by a target current flowing through the fourth region,wherein the second region is placed such ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Current Sensor Using Modulation of or Change of Sensitivity of Magnetoresistance Elements

Номер: US20200018780A1
Принадлежит: Allegro Microsystems, LLC

A current sensor can indirectly measure a sensed current by directly measuring static perturbing AC magnetic fields with magnetoresistance elements, the perturbing magnetic fields generated by perturbing coils. The sensed current can be indirectly measured by modulating or changing sensitivities of the magnetoresistance elements in a way that is directly related to the sensed current. 1. A magnetic field sensor , comprising:a first magnetoresistance element having a first maximum response axis and having a first pinning layer with a first magnetic direction perpendicular to the first maximum response axis;a second magnetoresistance element having a second maximum response axis parallel to the first maximum response axis and having a second pinning layer with a second magnetic direction perpendicular to the second maximum response axis;a first magnetic field generator disposed proximate to the first magnetoresistance element, the first magnetic field generator configured to generate a first AC magnetic field experienced by the first magnetoresistance element and parallel to the first maximum response axis; anda second magnetic field generator disposed proximate to the second magnetoresistance element, the second magnetic field generator configured to generate a second AC magnetic field experienced by the second magnetoresistance element and parallel to the second maximum response axis, a first current conductor portion disposed proximate to the first magnetoresistance element; and', 'a second current conductor portion disposed proximate to the second magnetoresistance element, wherein the first current conductor portion is configured to generate a first current conductor magnetic field experienced by the first magnetoresistance element in response to the sensed current passing through the current conductor, wherein the second current conductor portion is configured to generate a second current conductor magnetic field experienced by the second magnetoresistance ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Half-bridge differential sensor

Номер: US20200018781A1

The present invention relates to a half-bridge signal processing circuit comprising a first and a second branch. The first branch comprises a first stimulus responsive sense element and a first current source arranged to provide a current to the first sense element. The second branch comprises a second stimulus responsive sense element and a second current source arranged to provide a current to said second sense element. The first and the second branch have a terminal in common. The first branch comprises a first node between said the current source and the first stimulus responsive sense element configured to generate a first signal related to a voltage over the first sense element. The second branch comprises a second node between the second current source and the second stimulus responsive sense element configured to generate a second signal related to a voltage over the second sense element.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Electric current sensor

Номер: US20200018804A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Metals Ltd

An electric current sensor includes a plate-like shape bus bar, through which an electric current to be detected is to be passed, one pair of shield plates, which are made of a magnetic material and disposed in such a manner as to sandwich the bus bar between the one pair of the shield plates in a thickness direction of the bus bar, a magnetic detection element, which is disposed between the bus bar and one of the shield plates to detect a strength of a magnetic field to be produced by the electric current to be passed through the bus bar, a core, which is made of a magnetic material and disposed between the one pair of the shield plates, and a winding, which includes one part wound around the core, and an other part wound around either of the shield plates.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Device And Method For Detecting High-Voltage Power Distribution Line Path Having Improved Stability

Номер: US20210018540A1
Автор: Hyun Chang Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

In an exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure for solving the problem, disclosed is a stability-improved high voltage power line path exploration apparatus. The stability-improved high voltage power line path exploration apparatus for tracking a high voltage power line and determining a buried path and a connection configuration up to a final power source of a power distribution system, wherein the high voltage power line is connected to a primary winding of a distribution transformer to supply voltage and current, wherein the distribution transformer converts high voltage for distribution to low voltage in proportion to a ratio of a winding combination may include: an exploration current generator for generating a current pulse signal in inverse proportion to a winding ratio for detecting a magnetic field signal around the high voltage power line, in which the exploration current generator is connected to a secondary winding of the distribution transformer; a buried path probe for tracking the buried path and connection configuration of the high voltage power line by detecting the magnetic field signal which is generated around the high voltage power line when the current pulse signal flows through the high voltage power line; and a reverse current limiter for suppressing a generation of a reverse magnetic field generated by an external conductor of the high voltage power line, to improve a reception performance of the buried path probe.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022182A1

A monitoring device is provided that includes a first line section with a first connection point and a second connection point spaced apart from the first connection point in the direction of the line, and with a control unit and with a first current sensing unit, having a current source. A first switch is inserted into the first connecting line and connects the first current source to the first connection point or disconnects it therefrom. In a first state the first switch is closed and the first current is impressed on the first line section and a first voltage determined by the amplitude of the actual current, and in a second state the first switch is open and a second voltage is determined, and the control unit is configured to ascertain the amplitude of the first actual current from the two voltages. 1. A monitoring device comprising:a first line section with a first connection point and a second connection point spaced apart from the first connection point in a direction of the line;a control unit;a first current sensing unit comprising:a first current source connectable to the first connection point via a first connecting line and connectable to the second connection point via a second connecting line, the first current source being configured to output a first current;a first switch having a control input, the first switch being inserted into the second connecting line and being configured to connect or disconnect the first current source to the second connection point; anda first differential amplifier having a first input, a second input, and an output, the first input being connectable to the first connection point via a third connecting line, the second input being connectable to the second connection point by a fourth connecting line;wherein the control unit is inserted between the output of the first differential amplifier and the control input of the first switch,wherein an actual current is passed through the first line section,wherein, in a first ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022184A1

A switching device is controlled by a microprocessor to selectively configure the circuit between a current measurement mode and a calibration mode. When the switch is set to the “on” state, the circuit acts as a normal prior art circuit, with the output Vbeing read by the microprocessor to determine the current to the load. However, when the switch is set to the “off” state, a small value resistor (which may be roughly three orders of magnitude greater than R) connects the inputs of the measuring circuit so that the circuit can generate an output Vcorresponding to the zero load current. By connecting the V and V inputs together with a low resistance resistor, the no-load condition V=V−V≈0 applies. In this state, the no-load offset can be determined by measuring the output voltage of the circuit without turning off the load. 1. A system for determining the no-load offset of a circuit comprising:a shunt resistor with an input and an output, wherein the input of the shunt resistor also leads to one input of an amplifier and the output of the shunt resistor also leads to a second input of the amplifier;a switch controlled by a microcontroller, a first side of said switch being connected to one of the input and output of the shunt resistor;a small value resistor, a first end of the small value resistor being connected to the other of the input and output of the shunt resistor, and a second end of the small value resistor being connected to a second side of the switch;wherein the switch is actuated by the microcontroller to selectively break the connection between its side of the shunt resistor and the respective input of the amplifier such that the other side of the shunt resistor leads to one input of the amplifier as normal, and also leads to the other input of the amplifier through the small value resistor.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the switch is a uni-directional switch.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the switch is a bi-directional switch.4. The system of ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022196A1

A current sensor includes a folded-shaped current path including a pair of arm portions extending in parallel with each other, and a pair of magnetoelectric conversion elements provided so as to sandwich therebetween a symmetric axis passing between the pair of arm portions, the pair of magnetoelectric conversion elements being used for detecting magnetism caused by a current passing through the pair of arm portions, wherein a half-bridge circuit in which the pair of magnetoelectric conversion elements is series-connected and a signal is able to be extracted from a connection point between the pair of magnetoelectric conversion elements is formed, and sensitivity axes of the pair of magnetoelectric conversion elements are oriented in a same direction and sensitivity-influencing axes of the pair of magnetoelectric conversion elements are oriented in a same direction. 1. A current sensor comprising:a folded-shaped current path including a pair of arm portions extending in parallel with each other; anda pair of magnetoelectric conversion elements provided so as to sandwich therebetween a symmetric axis passing between the pair of arm portions, the pair of magnetoelectric conversion elements being used for detecting magnetism caused by a current passing through the pair of arm portions, whereina half-bridge circuit in which the pair of magnetoelectric conversion elements is series-connected and a signal is able to be extracted from a connection point between the pair of magnetoelectric conversion elements is formed, andsensitivity axes of the pair of magnetoelectric conversion elements are oriented in a same direction and sensitivity-influencing axes of the pair of magnetoelectric conversion elements are oriented in a same direction.2. The current sensor according to claim 1 , whereinthe sensitivity-influencing axes of the magnetoelectric conversion elements are oriented in a direction of a bias magnetic field.3. The current sensor according to claim 1 , whereinthe two ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022199A1

A current sensor includes: four magnetic sensor elements arranged within a plane orthogonal to a measured current, having a symmetrical magnetic characteristics curve, and adapted to convert a magnitude of a magnetic field into an electrical signal and output the electrical signal; a bridge circuit including the four magnetic sensor elements; and a bias magnetic field application member adapted to applying a bias magnetic field to the magnetic sensor elements. 1. A current sensor including:four magnetic sensor elements arranged within a plane orthogonal to a measured current, having a symmetrical magnetic characteristics curve, and adapted to convert a magnitude of a magnetic field into an electrical signal and output the electrical signal;a bridge circuit including the four magnetic sensor elements; anda bias magnetic field application member adapted to applying a bias magnetic field to the magnetic sensor elements.2. The current sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic sensor elements are magneto-resistance elements electric resistances of which change in response to application of a magnetic field.3. The current sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic sensor elements are magneto-impedance elements electric impedances of which change in response to application of a magnetic field.4. The current sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the bias magnetic field application member includes a permanent magnet.5. The current sensor according to further having a sensor substrate made of a non-magnetic material on which the magnetic sensor elements are mounted.6. The current sensor according to claim 5 , wherein the magnetic sensor elements are mounted on one surface of the sensor substrate and the bias magnetic field application member is arranged on the other surface of the sensor substrate.7. The current sensor according to further having an attachment member made of a magnetic material for attaching the bias magnetic field application member to the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022225A1

An electronic device includes: a detection circuit to detect a voltage difference between both ends of a wiring portion which is at least a portion of a power supply wiring that connects a power supply circuit and a receiver circuit; a current supply circuit to supply a pilot current having a first current value which is smaller than a second current value of a main current to the power supply wiring; and a control circuit to control supply of the pilot current and stop of the supply of the pilot current, to calculate a wiring resistance value of the wiring portion based on a first value of the voltage difference when the supply is stopped, a second value of the voltage difference when the pilot current is supplied, and the first current value and to calculate the second current value based on the first value and the wiring resistance value. 1. An electronic device comprising:a power supply circuit configured to supply a main current;a receiver circuit configured to be driven by the main current supplied from the power supply circuit;a detection circuit configured to detect a voltage difference occurring between both ends of a wiring portion which is at least a portion of a power supply wiring that connects the power supply circuit and the receiver circuit, by a current flowing in the power supply wiring;a current supply circuit configured to supply a pilot current having a first current value which is smaller than a second current value of the main current to the power supply wiring; anda control circuit configured to control supply of the pilot current and stop of the supply of the pilot current for the current supply circuit, to calculate a wiring resistance value of the wiring portion based on a first value of the voltage difference detected by the detection circuit when the supply of the pilot current is stopped, a second value of the voltage difference detected by the detection circuit when the pilot current is supplied, and the first current value and to ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a printed circuit board element and printed circuit board element

Номер: US20180020552A1

The method for manufacturing a printed circuit board element () having an inlay () and a current sensor () for determining a current flowing in the inlay (), wherein, for the improvement of the positional accuracy of the inlay () relative to the current sensor (), the method comprises the following steps: 1. A method for manufacturing a printed circuit board element having an inlay and a current sensor for determining a current flowing through the inlay , wherein , for the improvement of the positional accuracy of the inlay relative to the current sensor , the method comprises the following steps:providing a layer of printed circuit board material having a recess;providing an inlay having an inlay outline;inserting the inlay in the recess;embedding the inlay in the recess;completing and laminating the layered printed circuit board structure;applying at least two alignment markings on an uppermost printed circuit board layer;forming a defined cross-section tapering on the inlay outline, the tapering being aligned with the at least two alignment markings;applying an assembly marking for a current sensor on an uppermost printed circuit board layer, the assembly marking being aligned with the at least two alignment markings.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein between the steps of forming the cross-section tapering and applying the current sensor claim 1 , further printed circuit board layers are applied and laminated.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein forming of the cross-section tapering is performed by means of milling claim 1 , laser cutting or similar.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the embedding of the inlay is performed by means of lamination claim 1 , compression or the like.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the cross-section tapering is performed by means of at least one indentation or slot.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the cross-section tapering is performed by means of a single-sided indentation or slot ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

System and method for improving a battery management and accumulator system

Номер: US20160023621A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc

Various systems, methods, and apparatuses disclosed herein provide for receiving pressure data for an accumulator system, the pressure data providing an indication of a pressure in an accumulator tank of the accumulator system; receiving energy data, the energy data indicating an availability of free energy for use to charge the accumulator tank; and activating a charging source of the accumulator tank to charge the accumulator tank based on at least one of the pressure data and the energy data.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021441A1
Автор: IMI Attilio, SIMIONI Ugo
Принадлежит: TRAFIMET GROUP S.P.A.

The invention is a sensor () for welding and/or cutting systems comprising a generator (), a welding and/or cutting torch () and a connection element () comprising one or more power supply cables (lib) of the torch and/or one or more control cables of the torch; the sensor () is such that it is suited to detect the passage of current in at least one of said one or more cables of the connection element (); the sensor () is such that it comprises a ferromagnetic circuit () that at least partially envelops said at least one of said one or more cables of the connection element () and a Hall sensor (). The invention furthermore concerns a welding and/or cutting unit comprising a current sensor (). 11541401111111540194018ba. Sensor () for welding and/or cutting systems comprising a generator () , a welding and/or cutting torch () and a connection element () comprising one or more power supply cables () of said torch () and/or one or more control cables () of said torch (); said sensor () being characterized in that it is suited to detect the passage of current in at least one of said one or more cables of said connection element (); and said sensor being characterized in that it comprises a ferromagnetic circuit () that at least partially envelops said at least one of said one or more cables of said connection element () and a Hall sensor ().21511b. Sensor () according to claim 1 , characterized in that it is suited to measure the intensity of said current that flows through said one or more power supply cables ().31519. Current sensor () according to any of the preceding claims claim 1 , characterized in that said ferromagnetic circuit () comprises one or more C-shaped elements.4151111b. Current sensor () according to claim 3 , characterized in that said one or more C-shaped elements at least partially envelop/envelops said one or more power supply cables () of said torch () or parts of said torch body ().5151719. Current sensor () according to any of the preceding ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Resistor with temperature coefficient of resistance (tcr) compensation

Номер: US20210020339A1
Принадлежит: Vishay Dale Electronics LLC

A current sense resistor and a method of manufacturing a current sensing resistor with temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) compensation are disclosed. The resistor has a resistive strip disposed between two conductive strips. A pair of main terminals and a pair of voltage sense terminals are formed in the conductive strips. A pair of rough TCR calibration slots is located between the main terminals and the voltage sense terminals, each of the rough TCR calibration slots have a depth selected to obtain a negative starting TCR value observed at the voltage sense terminals. A fine TCR calibration slot is formed between the pair of voltage sense terminals.
