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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 30324. Отображено 200.
04-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2637475C2
Принадлежит: СЯОМИ ИНК. (CN)

Изобретение относится к средствам для регулирования отображения страницы. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении оптимального регулирования разметки прикладной программы. Согласно потребности пользователя в отношении отображения страницы, получение первой логической плотности, соответствующей потребности пользователя в отношении отображения страницы, причем первая логическая плотность задана в операционной системе разработчиком. Получают вторую логическую плотность прикладной программы, которая должна быть отображена, причем вторая логическая плотность задана разработчиком прикладной программы, которая должна быть отображена. Определяют коэффициент масштабирования элементов на странице прикладной программы согласно первой логической плотности и второй логической плотности. Масштабируют элементы на странице прикладной программы для отображения согласно коэффициенту масштабирования. 3 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

10-02-2017 дата публикации

Способ связывания графических элементов приложений и файлов с одним или несколькими экранами электронного устройства и электронное устройство, которое его реализует

Номер: RU2610420C2

Группа изобретений относится к технологиям обработки графических объектов приложения для отображения на экране электронного устройства. Техническим результатом является расширение арсенала технических средств для организации интерфейса электронного устройства. Предложен способ организации интерфейса электронного устройства, интерфейс электронного устройства обладает множеством экранов, которые включают в себя первый экран и второй экран, первый и второй экраны выполнены с возможностью переключения между собой по действию пользователя, способ выполняется электронным устройством. Способ включает в себя этап, на котором осуществляют определение типа содержимого первого экрана, связанного с первым экраном, и типа содержимого второго экрана, связанного со вторым экраном, и тип содержимого первого экрана и тип содержимого второго экрана являются исключительными среди типов содержимого множества экранов. А также определяют тип первого ресурса, связанного с первым ресурсом, первый ресурс является ...

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2538297C2
Принадлежит: Нокиа Корпорейшн (FI)

Изобретение относится к совместному использованию множества дисплеев и/или пользовательских интерфейсов для улучшения взаимодействия мобильных устройств. Технический результат - улучшение пользовательского интерфейса в мобильном устройстве за счет объединения дисплеев множества устройств для их совместного функционирования. В частности, примеры способов могут обеспечить обнаружение первого события касания или перетаскивания, прием от соседнего устройства сообщения, указывающего второе событие касания или перетаскивания, происходящее во время упомянутого первого события касания или перетаскивания, формирование события объединения и обеспечение передачи упомянутого события объединения в упомянутое соседнее устройство. Способ также может включать обновление реестра соседних устройств в ответ на прием сообщения о событии касания или перетаскивания от соседнего устройства. Способ также может включать обеспечение представления контента на дисплее устройства и указание контента, который должен ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2601831C2

Изобретение относится к пользовательским интерфейсам. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении переноса открытого экземпляра приложения с одного устройства на другое устройство с сохранением временного контента при переносе задач. Такой результат достигается тем, что устройство включает процессор и по меньшей мере одну память, которая содержит компьютерный программный код, при этом упомянутые по меньшей мере одна память и компьютерный программный код сконфигурированы для обеспечения, с помощью упомянутого по меньшей мере одного процессора, выполнения упомянутым устройством приема пользовательского ввода и предоставления, на основе упомянутого пользовательского ввода, экземпляра первого приложения, открытого на первом устройстве, как соответствующего открытого экземпляра по меньшей мере сходного приложения на втором устройстве. 4 н. и 34 з.п. ф-лы, 27 ил.

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2604518C2

Изобретение к области компьютерной техники, и более конкретно к обеспечению поддержки изменения объектов на экране мобильных терминалов. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении быстрого распознавания функций, ассоциированных с индивидуальными объектами, отображенными на экране мобильных терминалов. Технический результат достигается за счет приема ввода для изменения размера первого виджета, причем первый виджет отображается в форме первой конфигурации и ассоциирован с отображением первого набора информации, обеспеченной посредством этого виджета, отображения, когда ввод для изменения размера первого виджета достигает порогового уровня, второго виджета в форме второй конфигурации, который ассоциирован с отображением второго набора информации, обеспеченной посредством этого виджета, и который имеет размер, отличный от размера первого виджета, при этом вторая конфигурация отлична от первой конфигурации, а первый набор информации и второй набор информации обновляются посредством использования ...

29-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2676512C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к хирургическим рассекающим и сшивающим скобками инструментам с электропитанием и используемым в них кассетам со скобками, которые выполнены с возможностью разрезания и сшивания ткани скобками. Хирургический сшивающий инструмент содержит концевой эффектор, двигатель и систему управления. Концевой эффектор содержит множество устанавливаемых скобок и пусковой элемент. Двигатель выполнен с возможностью приведения в действие пускового элемента. Двигатель содержит первичный комплект катушек и вторичный комплект катушек. Система управления находится в соединении посредством сигналов с двигателем. Система управления содержит аккумулятор, схему широтно-импульсной модуляции и переключатель. Схема широтно-импульсной модуляции выполнена с возможностью управлять продолжительностью импульсов тока, подаваемых от аккумулятора на двигатель. Переключатель выполнен с возможностью переключать электрический двигатель между множеством рабочих состояний ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2677591C2

Изобретение относится к пользовательским интерфейсам. Технический результат заключается в предотвращении непреднамеренного удаления элементов с сенсорного дисплея. Способ включает в себя распознавание касания в виде перетаскивания на элементе, отображаемом на сенсорном дисплее, определение того, удовлетворяет или нет шаблон касания в виде перетаскивания первому условию удаления, определение того, удовлетворяется или нет второе условие удаления, ассоциированное с пользовательским вводом на сенсорном дисплее, если удовлетворяется первое условие удаления, и удаление элемента с сенсорного дисплея, если удовлетворяется второе условие удаления. 3 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 25 ил.

10-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2529872C2

Изобретение относится к области пользовательских интерфейсов для мобильных устройств, а именно к столбцовой организации контента. Техническим результатом является обеспечение пользователю упрощенной и ускоренной навигации между элементами контента в мобильном устройстве. Для этого устройство мобильной связи конфигурирует и отображает пользовательский интерфейс, в который включено множество представлений контента, размещенных согласно множеству столбцов, отделенных промежутком, что позволяет выполнять переход между первым и вторым столбцами при обнаружении жестового ввода посредством сенсорного экрана устройства мобильной связи. При этом первый столбец сконфигурирован для вертикального перехода по каждому из множества представлений, а второй столбец включает в себя фильтрованное подмножество из множества представлений так, что по меньшей мере одно представление включается в первый, а не во второй столбец. Кроме того, фильтрованное подмножество из множества представлений, включенных во второй ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2685463C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к системе обнаружения концевого эффектора для хирургических инструментов. Хирургическая инструментальная система для сшивания ткани содержит хирургический инструмент и первый концевой эффектор. Хирургический инструмент включает пусковой элемент, двигатель и аккумулятор. Двигатель выполнен с возможностью приведения в движение пускового элемента. Аккумулятор выполнен с возможностью подавать электропитание на двигатель. Первый концевой эффектор выполнен с возможностью прикрепления к хирургическому инструменту. Первый концевой эффектор содержит первый набор сохраненных данных первого набора параметров концевого эффектора, имеющих отношение к первому концевому эффектору. Хирургический инструмент выполнен с возможностью определять первый набор сохраненных данных и вводить рабочее состояние после того, как определен первый набор сохраненных данных. Рабочее состояние содержит ограничение мощности, подаваемой аккумулятором на двигатель, до первой ...

03-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2659731C2
Принадлежит: Сяоми Инк. (CN)

Изобретение относится к области технологий связи. Технический результат заключается в повышении скорости отрисовки графического интерфейса пользователя. Технический результат достигается за счет синтаксического анализа документа SVG в соответствии с командой изменения стиля, получения имени целевой переменной атрибута каждого из графических элементов в документе SVG из синтаксически проанализированных данных, определения общей таблицы сравнения в соответствии с командой изменения стиля, получения значения целевого атрибута, соответствующей значению целевой переменной, из определенной общей таблицы сравнения или в соответствии с командой переключения состояния для элемента интерфейса, которая содержится в команде отрисовки, синтаксического анализа документа SVG, причем команда переключения состояния содержит идентификацию состояния и значение состояния, решения о том, является ли атрибут каждого из графических элементов в документе SVG атрибутом, отслеживающим состояние в соответствии с ...

10-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2389069C2

Изобретение относится к области создания и редактирования визуальных представлений. Техническим результатом является облегчение работы с графикой. Раскрыты способ и система для представления графики, основываясь на пользовательских настройках в прикладной компьютерной программе для работы с графикой. Настройки касаются различных свойств одного или более графических элементов в графике. Такие свойства включают в себя позиционирование, размер, форматирование и другие визуальные атрибуты, связанные с графическими элементами. Эти свойства могут быть определены или как семантические свойства, или как свойства представления. Семантические свойства постоянны для всех графических определений. Свойства представления являются специфичными для графического определения, которому принадлежит каждая специфическая графика. Таким образом, настройка к семантическому свойству отображаемой графики сохраняется в памяти для приложения не только для отображаемой в настоящее время графики, но также и ко всем ...

02-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2643661C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам обнаружения касания. Технический результат заключается в снижении вероятности выполнения непреднамеренного касания. Устройство содержит детектор касания, способный обнаруживать касание, контроллер, осуществляющий управление так, что операция касания аннулируется в случае, когда область касания, обнаруженная посредством детектора касания, является равной или большей порогового значения, причем операция касания подтверждается в случае, когда область касания, обнаруженная посредством детектора касания, является меньшей порогового значения, и блок задания, задающий пороговое значение, используемое посредством контроллера так, чтобы пороговое значение, используемое в случае отображения первого экрана, являлось меньшим порогового значения, используемого посредством контроллера в случае отображения второго экрана, в соответствии с выполняемой операцией, относящейся к отображаемому элементу, который отображается на первом экране. 9 н. и 41 з.п. ф-лы, 38 ил.

10-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2439653C2

Изобретение относится к виртуальным контроллерам для визуальных отображений. Технический результат заключается в повышении точности детектирования и отслеживания жестов и движений рук. Такой результат достигается благодаря тому, что камера захватывает изображение рук напротив фона, изображение сегментируется на области рук и области фона, различные жесты рук и пальцев изолируют части фона в независимые области, которым затем назначаются управляющие параметры для манипулирования визуальными отображениями. Несколько управляющих параметров могут быть ассоциированы с атрибутами нескольких независимых областей, образованных двумя руками, для расширенного управления, включающего в себя одновременные функции щелканья, выбора, выполнения, горизонтального перемещения, вертикального перемещения, прокручивания, перетаскивания, вращательного движения, изменения масштаба, развертывания, свертывания, выполнения функций работы с файлами и выполнения выбора из меню. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

21-07-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019132899A3

09-06-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018131924A3

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2491608C2

Изобретение относится к области машиночитаемых носителей, компьютеризованных способов и компьютерных систем вызова действия представления путем применения операции перетаскивания к кнопке управления верхнего уровня, визуализированной на дисплее с сенсорным экраном. Технический результат заключается в улучшении опыта пользователя в осуществлении доступа к меню с помощью кнопки управления верхнего уровня. Технический результат достигается за счет инициированного пользователем ввода, примененного к кнопке управления верхнего уровня, включающего в себя место активации и расстояние перемещения перетаскиванием от него; если расстояние перемещения перетаскиванием на дисплее с сенсорным экраном намного больше, чем пороговое расстояние в конкретном радиальном направлении от места активации, инициированный пользователем ввод рассматривается как операция перетаскивания, а набор триггерных границ создается на основании системных показателей, чтобы помочь отличить операцию перетаскивания от операции ...

27-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2497178C2

Изобретение относится к области управления отображением, а именно к управлению переключением режима работы устройства управления отображением. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении переключения режима работы при изменении расположения устройства отображения, а также в обеспечении его устойчивости относительно усилия, прикладываемого посредством действия касания. Для этого устройство управления отображением содержит блок отображения, включающий в себя устройство отображения типа сенсорной панели и присоединенный с возможностью перемещения к корпусу, блок рисования для рисования объекта отображения на основе координат касания при рисовании от руки в качестве действия касания для устройства отображения, и блок обнаружения для обнаружения взаимного расположения блока отображения относительно корпуса. Кроме того, устройство содержит блок управления для управления, когда блок обнаружения обнаруживает, что блок отображения был перемещен, чтобы иметь взаимное расположение, такое, что ...

22-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2703958C1

Изобретение относится к средствам для создания объекта, приспособленного к требованиям пользователя. Технический результат заключается в уменьшении времени создания объекта. Показывают страницу редактирования, которая содержит список выбора типа, который показывает некоторое количество типов объекта, каждый из которых обладает конкретной формой, список элементов оформления, который показывает некоторое количество доступных элементов оформления, и область редактирования. В ответ на выбор пользователем типа объекта, показывают изображение объекта, которое соответствует выбранному типу объекта, в области редактирования, что позволяет пользователю создать изображение, приспособленное к его требованиям, путем редактирования изображения объекта. В ответ на некоторую команду, которая указывает, что завершено редактирование изображения объекта, передают на сервер данные, касающиеся изображения, приспособленного к требованиям пользователя. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

20-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004130734A

... 1. Способ выбора и манипулирования множеством объектов, включающий в себя этапы, на которых принимают информацию для выбора двух или более объектов в документе; отображают объекты выделения, которые соответствуют упомянутым двум или больше объектам, при этом объекты выделения обеспечивают визуальную обратную связь для индикации выбора каждого из упомянутых двух или более объектов; и отображают объект выделения множественного выбора, который соответствует объектам выделения, при этом объект выделения множественного выбора, по меньшей мере, частично ограничивает объекты выделения для обеспечения визуальной обратной связи в отношении множественного выбора упомянутых двух или более объектов, при этом объекты выделения автоматически сконфигурированы для манипулирования ими в соответствии с манипулированием объектом множественного выбора до тех пор, пока, по меньшей мере, с одного из упомянутых двух или более объектов не будет снят выбор, и с этого момента каждым из упомянутых двух или более ...

26-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2640746C9
Принадлежит: Сяоми Инк. (CN)

Изобретение относится к терминалам. Технический результат направлен на повышение надежности работы. Способ взаимного изменения положения значков содержит прием первого и второго сигналов сдвига, определение первого вектора в соответствии с первым сигналом сдвига и второго вектора в соответствии со вторым сигналом сдвига, оценку, удовлетворяют ли первый и второй сигналы сдвига указанному предварительно заданному условию, осуществление взаимного изменения. 3 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

03-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2663338C1

Изобретение относится к пользовательским интерфейсам. Технический результат заключается в повышении скорости ввода данных. Способ включает: получение операции, выполненной над областью пиктограммы папки; определение того, выполнена ли операция над предварительно установленной областью в области пиктограммы папки, где предварительно установленная область отображает информацию о предварительно установленном файле в папке; и если операция выполнена над предварительно установленной областью в области пиктограммы папки, открывание предварительно установленного файла. 4 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 24 ил.

20-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009104062A

... 1. Способ, содержащий ! детектирование (502) изображения одной или более рук напротив фона посредством камеры; ! сегментацию (504) изображения на области рук и области фона; ! с интервалами, подсчет (506) количества независимых областей фона, причем каждая часть фона, которая визуально независима от других частей фона по меньшей мере частью одной из областей рук, определяется как независимая область; ! ассоциирование (508) управляющего параметра для манипулирования отображаемым изображением на пользовательском интерфейсе с каждой подсчитанной независимой областью; ! изменение (510) отображаемого изображения посредством управляющего параметра в зависимости от каждого изменения формы и/или положения независимой области, ассоциированной с управляющим параметром. ! 2. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий разобщение управляющего параметра и ассоциированной независимой области, когда независимая область снова становится связной. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором управляющий параметр содержит имитирование ...

10-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011108311A

... 1. Способ (22) манипулирования изображением (28) на устройстве (12) отображения, при этом способ содержит этапы, на которых: ! представляют (24) изображение на устройстве отображения; ! распознают (30) первый ввод касанием в первой позиции (34) на устройстве отображения; ! устанавливают (36) точку привязки в первой позиции; ! после завершения первого ввода касанием распознают (42) второй ввод касанием на устройстве отображения; и ! изменяют (50) характеристику изображения на устройстве отображения на основе траектории (54) второго ввода касанием относительно точки привязки, установленной посредством первого ввода касанием. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором изменение характеристики изображения на устройстве отображения включает в себя этап, на котором увеличивают масштаб изображения, если траектория второго ввода касанием направлена от точки привязки, установленной посредством первого ввода касанием. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором изменение характеристики изображения на устройстве отображения ...

20-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013115304A

... 1. Способ управления перемещением объекта на сенсорном экране устройства, причем упомянутый способ содержит этапы, на которыхраспознают давления, по меньшей мере, в двух положениях на сенсорном экране устройства; иуправляют перемещением объекта на сенсорном экране, используя разность давлений, по меньшей мере, между двумя распознанными положениями.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором распознавание давлений дополнительно содержит этап, на которомраспознают интенсивность давления, по меньшей мере, в двух положениях.3. Способ по п. 2, в котором управление перемещением объекта содержит этапы, на которыхсравнивают расстояние по оси X с расстоянием по оси Y, по меньшей мере, между двумя положениями; иопределяют, что перемещение объекта должно производиться в направлении по оси X, когда расстояние по оси X больше, чем расстояние на оси Y, и перемещение объекта должно производиться в направлении по оси Y, когда расстояние по оси Y больше, чем расстояние по оси X.4. Способ по п. 2, в котором управление ...

10-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012107711A

... 1. Устройство, содержащее:контроллер отображения, выполненный с возможностью управлять блоком отображения для отображения меток, соответствующих множеству изображений;блок обнаружения, выполненный с возможностью обнаруживать информацию выбора, введенную пользователем, причем информация выбора включает в себя маршрутную информацию и дополнительную информацию; иблок воспроизведения, выполненный с возможностью воспроизводить некоторое число изображений из множества изображений на основе дополнительной информации.2. Устройство по п.1, дополнительно содержащее:память, выполненную с возможностью хранения множества изображений.3. Устройство по п.1, в котором блок воспроизведения выполнен с возможностью изменять по меньшей мере одно из порядка изображений, числа изображений из множества изображений, длительности воспроизведения изображений или данных, указывающих, какие изображения подлежат воспроизведению, когда изменяется дополнительная информация.4. Устройство по п.1, дополнительно содержащее ...

27-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010147229A

... 1. Один или более машиночитаемых носителей, содержащих выполняемые компьютером команды, которые при выполнении осуществляют способ инициирования действия представления, используя операцию перетаскивания на графическом интерфейсе пользователя (GUI), визуализированном на дисплее с сенсорным экраном, при этом способ содержит этапы, на которых: ! обнаруживают (305) инициированный пользователем ввод при нажатии на кнопку управления верхнего уровня; ! распознают (320) инициированный пользователем ввод как операцию перетаскивания путем различения операции перетаскивания от операции типа касания на основании расстояния непрерывного перемещения перетаскиванием с места активации инициированного пользователем ввода на дисплее с сенсорным экраном, причем операция типа касания при нажатии на кнопку управления верхнего уровня индицирует основное действие, соответствующее кнопке управления верхнего уровня; ! при невозможности распознавания, что операция перетаскивания применена к кнопке управления верхнего ...

10-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014112554A

... 1. Способ отображения веб-ресурса пользователю в окне браузера электронного устройства, который выполняется на электронном устройстве и включает в себя:отображение веб-ресурса в существенной части окна браузера;в ответ на получение через пользовательский интерфейс электронного устройства указания на желание пользователя выполнить действие в окне браузера разделение окна браузера на первую и вторую часть, причем эти части занимают отдельные части окна браузера;отображение в первой части браузера панели управления, которая позволяет пользователю выполнять действие в окне браузера;отображение во второй части браузера уменьшенной версии веб-ресурса.2. Способ по п. 1, дополнительно включающий в себя отображение во второй части браузера возле уменьшенной версии веб-ресурса по меньшей мере одной определяемой контентом панели инструментов, позволяющей пользователю взаимодействовать с ресурсом.3. Способ по п. 1, дополнительно включающий в себя отображение во второй части браузера возле уменьшенной ...

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014100954A

... 1. Устройство обработки информации, содержащее:процессор, выполненный с возможностью управления устройством отображения для отображения данных первого уровня; имодуль обнаружения, выполненный с возможностью определения движения устройства обработки информации,при этом процессор выполнен с возможностью управления устройством отображения для отображения данных второго уровня, соответствующих данным первого уровня, совместно с данными первого уровня на основе движения, обнаруженного модулем обнаружения.2. Устройство обработки информации по п.1, в котором модуль обнаружения представляет собой модуль обнаружения наклона, выполненный с возможностью обнаружения движения наклона устройства обработки информации.3. Устройство обработки информации по п.1, дополнительно содержащее:устройство отображения исенсорный датчик, расположенный на устройстве отображения, для определения сенсорного ввода.4. Устройство обработки информации по п.1, в котором данные второго уровня соответствуют процессу, подлежащему ...

10-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002123833A

... 1. Способ навигации трехмерной сцены в области наблюдения, заключающийся в том, что связывают представляющую интерес точку с опорной формой, относящейся к трехмерному объекту, и отображают сцену согласно запрашиваемому пользователем действию, удерживая при этом представляющую интерес точку в пределах опорной формы и области наблюдения. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что запрашиваемое пользователем действие выбирают из поворота, перемещения и изменения масштаба. 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что представляющая интерес точка содержит информацию сцены. 4. Способ по п.3, отличающийся тем, что информация сцены содержит по меньшей мере одно из увеличения сцены, глобальной ориентации и локальной ориентации. 5. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что представляющая интерес точка зафиксирована в точке, находящейся в пределах области наблюдения. 6. Способ по п.3, отличающийся тем, что в качестве точки используют центр области наблюдения. 7. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что трехмерный ...

10-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009144110A

... 1. Устройство обработки изображения, содержащее: ! средство детектирования указанного по инструкции положения, предназначенное для приема операции инструкции пользователя на экране дисплея устройства дисплея, детектирования положения, где была выполнена операция инструкции, и вывода детектированного положения; ! средство сохранения, предназначенное для сохранения множества элементов данных изображения, каждый из которых включает в себя информацию, соответствующую ключу поиска; ! средство управления отображением ключа поиска, предназначенное для обеспечения избирательного отображения, по меньшей мере, одного ключа поиска на экране дисплея устройства дисплея; ! средство поиска, предназначенное для, если ключ поиска, отображаемый на экране дисплея устройства дисплея, указан как инструкция средством управления отображением ключа поиска через средство детектирования положения, указанного по инструкции, поиска в средстве сохранения данных изображения, соответствующих указанному по инструкции ...

14-02-2008 дата публикации

3D-Grafik Manipulator

Номер: DE0060035149T2

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018130753A1

In bestimmten Ausführungsformen sind Verfahren, Systeme und Fahrzeuge zum Steuern von Informationen für einen Benutzer vorgesehen. Einer oder mehrere Sensoren sind konfiguriert, um eine oder mehrere Eingaben vom Benutzer zu erhalten, wobei die eine oder die mehreren Eingaben eine durch den Benutzer erstellte Zeichnung auf einer Anzeige betreffen, die einer geografischen Region von Interesse für den Benutzer entspricht. Ein Prozessor ist konfiguriert, um zumindest das Identifizieren des geografischen Region von Interesse basierend auf den einen oder den mehreren Eingaben zu erleichtern; und um Anweisungen zum Bereitstellen der Informationen über einen oder mehrere Interessenspunkte innerhalb der identifizierten geografischen Region basierend auf den einen oder mehreren Eingaben bereitzustellen.

10-07-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Bewegen eines auf einer Anzeigevorrichtung eines Fahrzeugs dargestellten Bildinhalts, Bedien- und Anzeigevorrichtung für ein Fahrzeug und Computerprogrammprodukt

Номер: DE102013000272A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung schafft ein Verfahren zum Bewegen von Bildinhalten (1), die auf einer Anzeigevorrichtung eines Fahrzeugs dargestellt werden. Ein Verschieben der Bildinhalte (1) erfolgt mittels einer Benutzereingabe an einer sich von der Anzeigevorrichtung unterscheidenden berührungsempfindlichen Oberfläche (T), wobei die Benutzereingabe zum Verschieben des Bildinhalts (1) ein Berühren der berührungsempfindlichen Oberfläche (T) mit einem Finger an einer ersten Stelle (A), das Bewegen des Fingers über die berührungsempfindliche Oberfläche (T) von der ersten Stelle zu einer zweiten Stelle und das Halten des Fingers an der zweiten Stelle während des Verschiebens des Bildinhalts (1) aufweist. Eine Richtung, in die der Bildinhalt (1) verschoben wird, wird nicht durch eine absolute Position der zweiten Stelle (B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) auf der berührungsempfindlichen Oberfläche (T), sondern durch eine in Bezug zu der ersten Berührungsstelle (A) relative Position der zweiten Stelle (B, ...

08-10-2020 дата публикации

Gestapelte Medienelemente mit selektiven Parallax-Effekten

Номер: DE102020106961A1

Gemäß einer Ausführungsform schließt ein Verfahren das Erhalten einer Medienkomposition zum Anzeigen auf einer elektronischen Anzeigevorrichtung ein. Die Medienkomposition schließt eine Vielzahl von Schichten ein, wobei jede Schicht ein visuelles Element einschließt. Das Verfahren schließt auch das Auswählen von mindestens einigen der Schichten der Medienkomposition, um einen Parallax-Effekt darauf anzuwenden, und das Bestimmen eines Ausmaßes des gesamten Parallax-Effekts ein, der auf die ausgewählten Schichten angewendet werden soll. Das Verfahren schließt auch das Bestimmen eines geeigneten Versatzausmaßes, das individuell auf jede der ausgewählten Schichten angewendet werden soll, und das Verschieben der ausgewählten Schichten in einer oder mehreren Richtungen um ihre jeweils geeigneten Ausmaße ein. Darüber hinaus schließt das Verfahren das Anzeigen der Medienkomposition, das den Parallax-Effekt zeigt, auf der elektronischen Anzeigevorrichtung ein.

18-11-2004 дата публикации

Übersetzung von Daten mit elektronischen Bildern

Номер: DE0060008201T2

04-01-2012 дата публикации

Media player with image-based browsing

Номер: GB0002480777B

22-02-2017 дата публикации

Hint based spot healing techniques

Номер: GB0002541582A

A method for automatic spot healing comprises: obtaining data indicative of spot patterns corresponding to different types of unwanted features (e.g. defects, spots, dirt, streaks, artifacts, or facial blemishes such as pimples, acne, hair, cuts, freckles, birthmarks, or background, obscuring or distracting objects) detectable by an image processing module including at least some spot patterns learned from prior user interaction; recognizing unwanted features in an image matching the spot patterns; and performing an automatic spot (defect) healing (correction) operation, removing recognized unwanted features without reliance upon explicit user selection of image defects. A spot pattern library, containing both learned and pre-defined spot patterns, may be used. Hint based spot (defect) healing may be used, comprising: detecting user selection of a feature in a particular image, the selection used as a hint to detect additional features matching the user selected feature and generate a feature ...

27-03-2013 дата публикации

User interfaces for image processing

Номер: GB0201302296D0

09-11-2011 дата публикации

Transforming displayed objects on a gui

Номер: GB0201116836D0

19-09-2012 дата публикации

Portable apparatus with a GUI

Номер: GB0201214055D0

02-05-2012 дата публикации

Point and click lighting for image based lighting surfaces

Номер: GB0201204872D0

01-07-2015 дата публикации

Control system for media manipulation

Номер: GB0201508953D0

04-05-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008906647D0

01-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008908612D0

22-01-2014 дата публикации

Manipulating graphic representations of words

Номер: GB0201321468D0

07-11-2012 дата публикации

Device with screen

Номер: GB0201217175D0

15-05-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002237911A

First, a table composed of a plurality of cells is initialized. At this time, the positional data, the size data and the medium of each cell are stored in a table cell management data memory 7 for each cell. Subsequently, editing activity in each cell is performed, which is performed individually for each cell according to the management data of each cell stored in the table cell management data memory 7. Furthermore, when editing activity is performed for each cell, a data processing portion of a corresponding medium in a multimedia processing portion 5 is selectively enabled. In this way, not only characters but also graphic symbols, images and so forth can be displayed in each cell. ...

27-11-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002244411A

A video graphics system is provided with a framestore 3 and a viewing store 10. The framestore 3 is arranged to receive new image data created by a processor 6 in response to user manipulations of a stylus/touch tablet device 1. The framestore 3 and the viewing store 10 both have the capacity to store a high definition image and to facilitate display of the image on a high definition monitor 13 the framestore is arranged to transfer only portions of its data contents to the viewing store 10 during a frame period. The portion transferred is determined by the position of the stylus on the touch tablet at the beginning of a frame period. Data in the viewing store 10 is output in faster sequence for display on the monitor 13.

11-02-1987 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for determining a colour for use in a fashion design

Номер: GB0002178628A

A computer aided design system includes a means for varying the colour of a part of a design created on a visual display screen. A selected colour for a part of the design, selected by a stylus 20, is then measured to provide a set of colour describing values useful in later reproducing the selected colour in an actual garment or other article. The selected colour may be measured by reading calibrated control knobs 22,24,26 on the colour varying means or by analysis the colour of light from the screen, detected by a probe 34. The probe may include (Fig. 2) optical fibres leading to respective colour filters (44) and light detectors (46) for measuring the individual colour components. These values may be used by a processor (54) to generate dye specifications. ...

26-11-2003 дата публикации

Method for navigating in a multi-scale three-dimensional scene

Номер: GB0002380382B

04-01-2012 дата публикации

Media player with image-based browsing

Номер: GB0002455257B
Принадлежит: APPLE INC, APPLE INC.

04-07-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009011054D0

12-02-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002207587B

18-03-1998 дата публикации

Information signal range selecting method, information signal range selector and information signal editor

Номер: GB0002317315A

A method by which the range of information signals is selected, comprising the steps of knowing in which area among a plurality of range specifying areas displayed on a display an information signal is specified, and selecting a range of information signals in units of an information signal according to the area in which the information is specified. Since the unit of selectable information signals is varied in accordance with the selected area, there are at least two types of selectable information signal units which can be selected.

16-03-2011 дата публикации

Zoomed viewing of terminal charts

Номер: GB0002468194B

04-01-2017 дата публикации

Data browse apparatus, data browse method, program, and storage medium

Номер: GB0002540032A

A data browse apparatus acquires a direction indicated by data 1311, 1312 expressing a path of a target. It then acquires an instruction direction 1320 which may be the direction of movement of a camera or a direction indicated by a users interaction with a touch screen display. A relationship is then determined between the data direction and the instruction direction by, for example, calculating the inner product of the two vectors. A display control means then highlights the data direction from among a plurality of data trajectories based on the determined relationship. For example, data directions which are similar to the instruction direction may be highlighted by changing their style or colour. This allows easier following or tracking of specific targets among a plurality of targets. The data direction may be distinguished based on whether the correlation between the data and the instruction direction is above a threshold value.

13-01-2021 дата публикации

Enhanced design collaboration using design-based feedback

Номер: GB0002585463A

Methods and systems are provided for collaboration using design-based feedback, for example through a manipulation of a graphical element. A method is provided which includes generating a feedback indicator 212 that indicates obtained text-based feedback and design-based feedback 210 related to a graphical design element. The feedback indicator is provided over a network to enable presentation of the feedback to collaborators. A program is provided in which design based feedback for a graphical element in a document is received at a server 206, a second user is notified of the feedback, and the feedback is sent to the second user 202 for display in the document upon request. A system is also provided where design based feedback from a first user is presented 220 in a document to be viewable by a second user 202 upon selection of a preview element 216 in the document. The feedback indicator may indicate the design based feedback by indicating the differences 214 in the document.

29-08-2018 дата публикации

Control for vehicle sound output

Номер: GB0002560078A

Adjusting audio output in a physical listening environment, preferably the cabin of a vehicle, so as to create a simulated environment. Preferably the simulated environment includes a configurable venue which can be altered in size by the user interacting with a user interface (UI). Preferably the perceived distance from a stage of the configurable venue can be altered as well as the volume and the perceived positioning of the user in the configurable venue. Preferably the UI comprises a first control and a second control which are both displayed as concentric circles. Each circle being associated with the size of the configurable venue and the perceived distance from the virtual stage of the configurable venue respectively. Preferably there are further controls for changing the treble, bass balance and volume. Preferably there exists a third control in the shape of an arc. Preferably the colour of the controls changes based on the current settings. Preferably internal vehicle lights also ...

09-01-2019 дата публикации

Browsing interface for item counterparts having different scales and lengths

Номер: GB0002564328A

Features are disclosed for an interface for browsing images of items having different scales and lengths such as clothing. The interface may present two portions of a subject, each portion selected from different data stores of images. The interface may provide a unified view of the portions. For example, a first portion may be taken from an image of the subject wearing a golf shirt and long pants. A second portion may be taken from an image of the subject wearing a long sleeved shirt and shorts. The first portion may show only the golf shirt and the second portion may show only the shorts thereby providing a depiction of what the subject would look like wearing the shirt shown in the first image with the shorts shown in the second image.

12-05-2021 дата публикации

Manoeuvring items into a boot space

Номер: GB0002588783A

A method comprises deriving a first set of dimensions corresponding to a real-world space 202, such as a vehicle boot space, and deriving a second set of dimensions corresponding to a first physical item 201 in the real-world, such as cargo or luggage. The method also comprises deriving a virtual representation of the real-world space from the first set of dimensions in a virtual environment and deriving a virtual representation of the first physical item from the second set of dimensions in the virtual environment. The virtual representation of the real-world space is represented as a hollow space, and the virtual representation of the first physical item is represented as a solid item that is user manipulatable within the virtual environment and the virtual representation of the real-world space. This can enable a user to determine how to best pack items into a space. A method of deriving a virtual physical item based on a first, second, third and four position and corresponding volume ...

03-08-2011 дата публикации

A Hand Operated Controller

Номер: GB0002477347A

A controller for maneuvering an interrogation plane relative to a reference surface; the interrogation plane intersects the reference surface and is associated with a pole about which the interrogation plane is rotatable; the pole has an adjustable angle of inclination relative to the reference surface; the controller comprises a base 10, a handle 12 and an arm 14 extending from a connection 16 with the base to a connection 18 with the handle; the arm has hinge able joints 16, 20 which hinge to allow the handle to be translated relative to the base in arbitrary directions across a user surface; position sensors which measure the translation of the handle relative to the base on the user surface, the translation provides a corresponding translation of the interrogation plane relative to the reference surface; the handle is rotatable about a rotation axis 30 and is tiltable about a tilt axis 34 to allow the handle to be angularly moved relative to the user surface; angle sensors are used ...

25-09-2013 дата публикации

Adjusting a lighting surface surrounding an image in real time by user interaction with rendered image

Номер: GB0002500405A

A method of interacting with a three dimensional (3D) image-based lighting surface (e.g. sphere or cuboid), in order to adjust the lighting properties of the surface, comprises: defining an image plane and user viewpoint for the lighting surface; rendering and displaying a scene containing an object in situ within the lighting surface taking into account of the image plane and user viewpoint; by way of a user interaction with the displayed scene, receiving identification of a point on the image plane; and performing ray tracing to identify a lighting surface intersection point. As independently claimed, this comprises tracing a ray from the user viewpoint through the image plane identified point and either, determining a surface intersection point of the ray with the surface or determining an object intersection point of the ray with the object, tracing a further ray either being a reflection of, or normal to, the surface of the object at the intersection point, and determining a surface ...

18-10-2017 дата публикации

Gestures and touch in operator interface

Номер: GB0002549381A

A method for adjusting process variables (e.g. a tank level) in a process plant entity (e.g. a tank) via a user interface device comprises presenting a process plant display 400 including a graphic representation associated with an entity 402 within the plant and a process variable value 402a for at least one process variable for the entity as measured within the plant, receiving gesture-based input 430 (e.g. tap, press, flick, drag, pinch or spread) from a user at a location on the display corresponding to the graphic representation associated with the process plant entity and indicating an adjusted process variable value, and in response to the gesture-based input from the user presenting the adjusted process variable value for the variable on the display and setting the process variable to the adjusted value during on-line operation of the process plant. The user interface device may comprise a microfluidics screen including a plurality of holes and overlaying a display screen, and a ...

21-10-2015 дата публикации

Computer implemented methods and systems for generating virtual body models for garment fit visualisation

Номер: GB0201515814D0

21-10-2015 дата публикации

Computer implemented methods and systems for generating virtual body models for garment fit visualisation

Номер: GB0201515817D0

27-05-2015 дата публикации

System and method for producing edited images using embedded plug-in

Номер: GB0201506224D0

20-07-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008814388D0

19-04-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008905267D0

20-11-2013 дата публикации

Augmenting user interface elements

Номер: GB0002502229A

Example embodiments disclosed herein relate to augmenting user interface elements of a large interactive display. A user interface element displayed on a region of interest of the large interactive display is determined. A location of the user interface element is augmented based on timing information.

13-09-2017 дата публикации

Methods and systems for displaying vehicle data parameters with operating conditions indicators

Номер: GB0002548259A

Methods and system pertaining to displaying vehicle data parameters (VDP) are described. A vehicle service tool (VST) with a display can receive vehicle data messages or signals from a vehicle to receive the VDP. Some of the VDP can be associated with a PID. The VST can display the VDP parameters as VDP graphs. It can also display VDP thresholds and indicators when a received VDP has breached a VDP threshold.

10-06-2009 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for projecting 3D images

Номер: GB0000907459D0

14-02-2018 дата публикации

Techniques for displaying layouts and transitional layouts of sets of content items in response to user touch inputs

Номер: GB0002552908A

A computer-implemented technique can include displaying, at a touch display of a computing system having one or more processors, a first layout of a set of content items. The technique can include receiving, at the touch display, a first touch input from a user, the first touch input comprising two spot inputs. The technique can include receiving, at the touch display, a second touch input comprising a slide input from one of the spot inputs in a direction towards or away from the other spot input, the slide input having a length. The technique can include displaying, at the touch display, one or more transitional layouts of the set of content items based on the direction and length of the slide input. The technique can also include when the user breaks contact with the touch display, displaying, at the touch display, a second layout of the set of content items.

25-11-2020 дата публикации

3D object composition as part of a 2D digital image through use of a visual guide

Номер: GB0002567028B
Автор: QINGNAN ZHOU, Qingnan Zhou
Принадлежит: ADOBE INC, Adobe Inc.

31-10-2018 дата публикации

Image search and retrieval using object attributes

Номер: GB0201814947D0

22-01-2020 дата публикации

Electronic device, control method, program, and computer readable medium

Номер: GB0201917830D0

10-08-2016 дата публикации

Image processing

Номер: GB0201611152D0

27-01-2016 дата публикации

Television display and remote control

Номер: GB0201521788D0

27-01-2016 дата публикации

Television display and remote control

Номер: GB0201521790D0

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Resizing objects in regions of virtual universes

Номер: US20120026177A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Embodiments of the present invention provide an approach to resize (e.g., shrink and/or enlarge) objects in a region of a VU so that additional objects can be accommodated. Specifically, embodiments of the present invention provide a mechanism for a region/room to calculate when it has reached full capacity, and use a configurable multiplier to decrease the size of all objects in the room, including avatars, desks, chairs, tables, etc. This allows for accommodation of a significantly higher quantity of objects within the region. In a typical embodiment, the transition to smaller size would be seamless to the user. Moreover, in one embodiment, if the room is of a certain type (e.g., auditorium), additional objects may be auto-created or deleted based on the number of avatars entering or exiting the room. Still yet, objects can be enlarged as the occupancy falls below the capacity.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Manipulation of Graphical Objects

Номер: US20120032982A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Methods of manipulating graphical objects are described. One or more graphical objects are displayed in a fixed orientation with reference to a sensed reference direction. Manipulation is achieved by fixing the orientation or position of a displayed graphical object with reference to an apparatus, such as the display itself or a proxy device, detecting a change in orientation of that apparatus and editing the orientation of the graphical object based on the detected change.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for controlling interface

Номер: US20120050273A1

In an apparatus and method for controlling an interface, a user interface (UI) may be controlled using information on a hand motion and a gaze of a user without separate tools such as a mouse and a keyboard. That is, the UI control method provides more intuitive, immersive, and united control of the UI. Since a region of interest (ROI) sensing the hand motion of the user is calculated using a UI object that is controlled based on the hand motion within the ROI, the user may control the UI object in the same method and feel regardless of a distance from the user to a sensor. In addition, since positions and directions of view points are adjusted based on a position and direction of the gaze, a binocular 2D/3D image based on motion parallax may be provided.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for interfacing

Номер: US20120056900A1

A method and apparatus for interfacing includes outputting at least one object to a display embodying a three-dimensional space and determining a radius of rotation of the at least one object, based on a distance between the at least one object and a rotation axis in the three-dimensional space. The method and apparatus further include controlling the at least one object to rotate around the rotation axis based on the radius of rotation when a rotation command for the at least one object is received.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus including plurality of display portions and information processing system

Номер: US20120075294A1
Принадлежит: Nintendo Co Ltd

An exemplary apparatus at least partially displays a first object group on a first display portion, selects at least one first object from the first object group in response to an operation of a direction operation portion, changes a selected position in an order of alignment in a second object group in response to an operation of a first or second operation portion, displays at least one object included in the second object group and corresponding to the selected position on a second display portion, adds a new object corresponding to the selected first object at a position corresponding to the selected position in the second object group in response to an operation of a third operation portion, and displays at least one object included in the second object group on the second display portion.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Desktop reveal expansion

Номер: US20120081267A1
Принадлежит: IMERJ LLC

A dual-screen user device and methods for revealing a combination of desktops on single and multiple screens are disclosed. Specifically, a determined number of desktops is displayed to at least one of the screens of the device conditioned upon input received and the state of the device. Where a screen of the device is determined to be inactive, the desktop is not displayed to the screen, but is stored in a virtually displayed state by the device. Upon receiving input that the inactive screen is active, the device can actually display the desktop to the screen.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Launching applications into revealed desktop

Номер: US20120081268A1
Принадлежит: IMERJ LLC

A dual-screen user device and methods for launching applications from a revealed desktop onto a logically chosen screen are disclosed. Specifically, a user reveals the desktop and then launches a selected application from one of two desktops displayed on a primary and secondary screen of a device. When the application is launched, it is displayed onto a specific screen depending on the input received and the logical rules determining the display output. As the application is displayed onto the specific screen, the desktop is removed from display and the opposite screen can display other data.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Gravity drop

Номер: US20120081269A1
Автор: Alex de Paz
Принадлежит: IMERJ LLC

A dual-screen user device and methods for controlling data displayed thereby are disclosed. Specifically, the data displayed by the multiple screens of the dual-screen user device is conditioned upon the relative position of the multiple screens and whether the data being displayed originated from a single-screen application or a multi-screen application.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Multi-screen display control

Номер: US20120081302A1
Принадлежит: IMERJ LLC

A dual-screen user device and methods for controlling data displayed thereby are disclosed. Specifically, the data displayed by the multiple screens of the dual-screen user device is conditioned upon the type of user gesture or combination of user gestures detected. The display controls described herein can correlate user inputs received in a gesture capture region to one or more display actions, which may include maximization, minimization, or reformatting instructions.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Swipeable key line

Номер: US20120081305A1
Автор: Rodney W. Schrock
Принадлежит: IMERJ LLC

Methods and devices for the display of virtual keyboards are provided. More particularly, virtual keyboards that include selectable sets of virtual keys that can be selected or changed through direct input by a user are provided. The user input can include a touch screen input or gesture applied to an area of a display in which a selectable set of virtual keys is presented. The touch screen input or swipe can cause the displayed selectable set of virtual keys to be replaced by an alternate selectable set of virtual keys.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Receiving calls in different modes

Номер: US20120083319A1
Принадлежит: IMERJ LLC

Embodiments are described for handling receipt of call in a multi-screen device. In embodiments, the device may be in a closed mode in which a primary screen is being used. A message regarding the incoming call is displayed on the primary screen to a user so that a user can decide whether to answer the call from the primary screen. If the device is being used in a closed secondary screen mode (with the user interacting with the secondary screen) when the call is received, a notice will be displayed to the user to turn the phone around to the primary screen so that the user can decide whether to answer the phone.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Focus change upon use of gesture

Номер: US20120084687A1
Принадлежит: IMERJ LLC

Embodiments are described for handling focus when a gesture is input in a multi-screen device. In embodiments, a first image displayed on a first touch sensitive display of a first screen may be currently in focus. In embodiments, the gesture is a tap on a second touch sensitive display of the device. In response to the gesture, focus is changed from the first image on the first touch sensitive display to the second touch sensitive display.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

User interface with independent drawer control

Номер: US20120084697A1
Автор: Paul E. Reeves
Принадлежит: Flextronics Innovative Development LLC

Methods and apparatus for controlling the display of one or more drawers of a user interface. One or more displays may be provided, each of which may have a corresponding independently controllable drawer displayable therein. The drawers may be opened in response to a gesture input to display data, such as notification data, application data, contact data, calendar data, weather data, etc. the drawers may be opened and/or closed individually or collectively. For instance, a characteristic of the gesture (e.g., a location of the gesture) may determine which of the drawers are opened in response to the gesture input.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Keyboard fills bottom screen on rotation of a multiple screen device

Номер: US20120084699A1
Принадлежит: IMERJ LLC

Methods and devices for presenting a virtual keyboard are provided. More particularly, in connection with a multiple screen device, a virtual keyboard can be presented in a first mode using portions of both of the screens. In a second mode, the virtual keyboard can be presented using all of one of the screens. Movement between the different modes can be effected by rotating the device between a dual portrait orientation, corresponding to the first mode, and a dual landscape orientation, corresponding to the second mode. More particularly, with the screens of the device in a landscape orientation, one screen can be devoted to present the virtual keyboard while the other screen remains available to present other information.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Changing the screen stack upon application open

Номер: US20120084718A1
Принадлежит: IMERJ LLC

Systems and methods are provides for opening a full screen window in a window stack for a multi-screen device. The window stack can change based on the opening of a window. The system can receive a gesture indicating an application with a new window is to be executed or a new window is to be opened in the device. Upon receiving the gesture, the system determines that the new window is to occupy substantially all of a composite display that spans substantially all of the two screens of the device. Then, the system can determine that the full screen window is to be associated with the composite display and create a logic data structure associated with the opened window to describe the position of the opened window in the window stack.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Window stack modification in response to orientation change

Номер: US20120084721A1
Принадлежит: IMERJ LLC

A multi-screen user device and methods for controlling data displayed thereby are disclosed. Specifically, the control of data displayed by at least one of the multiple screens of the multi-screen user device is conditioned upon the relative orientation of the multiple screens, whether the device orientation is changed from a first state to a second state, and user input received.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Sleep state for hidden windows

Номер: US20120084724A1
Принадлежит: IMERJ LLC

Systems and methods are provides for changing a user interface for a multi-screen device. The user interface can change based on the movement of a window. The system can receive a user interface event that modifies the display of windows in the user interface. Upon receiving the user interface event, the system determines if a window has been covered or uncovered. If a window has been covered, the window is placed in a sleep state. If a window is uncovered, the window is activated from a sleep state. A sleep state is a window state where an application associated with the window does not receive user interface inputs and/or does not render the window.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Gesture controls for multi-screen hierarchical applications

Номер: US20120084737A1
Принадлежит: Flextronics Innovative Development LLC

Control of a computing device using gesture inputs. The computing device may be a handheld computing device with a plurality of displays. The displays may be capable of displaying a graphical user interface (GUI). The plurality of displays may be modified in response to receipt of a gesture input such that a hierarchical application having related GUI screens are modified in response to the gesture input. The modification may include changing the hierarchical application from being displayed in a single screen mode to being displayed in a multi screen mode or vice versa.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Graphical manipulation of data objects

Номер: US20120110519A1
Принадлежит: SAP SE

In an embodiment, a user input defining an enclosed, graphical shape on a video display is received. A number of graphical items are identified as being included within the enclosed, graphical shape. Here, each graphical item is displayed on the video display and represents a data object that has a number of properties. A property is extracted from the number of properties that the data objects have in common based on the identification. A number of other manipulation techniques are also described.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Moving an object by drag operation on a touch panel

Номер: US20120127102A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A contact state of a finger with respect to an object displayed on a first layer is detected. The object is moved onto a second layer and displayed on the second layer in response to detecting that the finger has moved from the contact state to a proximity state with respect to the object and in response to the finger reaching a second layer displayed nearer than the first layer.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Flexible display device and method for changing display area

Номер: US20120127205A1
Принадлежит: PANTECH CO LTD

A display device to change an image displayed in a display area when the display area is changed includes a memory, a location output unit and a screen display unit. The memory stores size information of a display area displayed on a screen and the image data of the displayed image. The location computing unit computes a start point of the changed display area when the display area is changed. The display unit decodes data corresponding to the size of the display area based on the computed new start point from the image data to display the decoded data in the display area. Since the start point is obtained with center point of the changed display area and its size information and then a display area to be displayed is determined based on the start point, a current search location is maintained even when the screen is swung.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus, information processing method, and program

Номер: US20120146945A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An information processing apparatus includes a detection unit for detecting a contact operation and a pressure of an operating object on a contact operation surface, a display switching unit for switching display on a display screen according to the pressure of the operating object detected by the detection unit, and an execution unit for performing a predetermined process, in a case a predetermined operation of the operating object on the contact operation surface is detected by the detection unit while the display on the display screen is being switched by the display switching unit, according to the predetermined operation.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Mobile terminal and control method thereof

Номер: US20120159364A1
Автор: Juha Hyun

According to an embodiment of the present invention, a mobile terminal includes a touch screen configured to display a user interface of a multi-layered structure, the user interface including at least one layer stack having a plurality of layers, a command input unit configured to receive a command from a user, and a controller configured to display a first layer of a first plurality of layers in the first layer stack on a first zone of the touch screen, display the first plurality of layers in a spread mode in response to a first command to enter the spread mode, and in the spread mode, change a location of the first layer on the touch screen to a second zone of the touch screen and display the first plurality layers of the first layer stack except for the first layer on a third zone of the touch screen.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

System and method for contextualizing patient health information in electronic health records

Номер: US20120166225A1
Принадлежит: Individual

System and method for contextualizing input and presentation of patient information in Electronic Health Record systems. The system and method enhance the ease of use and usefulness of Electronic Health Record systems, and are configurable to capture and automatically integrate dictated and transcribed free-form text into an Electronic Health Record (“EHR”) and present discrete health data maintained in an EHR to system users in an interactive, contextualized, and annotated graphical form.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Natural input for spreadsheet actions

Номер: US20120180002A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Different gestures and actions are used to interact with spreadsheets. The gestures are used in manipulating the spreadsheet and performing other actions in the spreadsheet. For example, gestures may be used to move within the spreadsheet, select data, filter, sort, drill down/up, zoom, split rows/columns, perform undo/redo actions, and the like. Sensors that are associated with a device may also be used in interacting with spreadsheets. For example, an accelerometer may be used for moving and performing operations within the spreadsheet.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Remote Location Monitoring

Номер: US20120188080A1
Принадлежит: La Crosse Tech Ltd

A remote location monitoring system, for example, a home monitoring or weather monitoring system may include one or more sensors and/or receivers at a remote location such as a residence or business to be monitored. The sensors and receivers may communicate with a central server via a gateway device, and may be controlled by users locally or remotely via the server. Users may register to receive remote notifications of weather events and other home monitoring events. Users may also access remotely sensors and receivers to configure alerts, notifications, and automatic responses for the devices and integrated appliances at the remote location.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Target selection apparatus that detects target, control method therefor, and storage medium

Номер: US20120200572A1
Автор: Shuya Kaechi
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A target selection apparatus capable of quickly carrying out selection processing when selecting a desired target according to a target detection result and carrying out image processing on the target. An image corresponding to image data is displayed on a display unit. A drawing line is drawn on the image displayed on the display unit. A target included in the image data is selected based on the drawing line. In response to the drawing line becoming a closed curve, the selected target is determined.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

System, method, and touch screen graphical user interface for managing photos and creating photo books

Номер: US20120210200A1
Автор: Edward Han, Kelly Berger
Принадлежит: Shutterfly LLC

An touch-screen apparatus and method for viewing and editing a story. For example, a touch-screen apparatus for viewing and editing a story containing photos, videos, audio and/or text entries is described in one embodiment, the touch screen apparatus including a touch screen display, a memory for storing program code and a processor for processing the program code to perform the operations of: displaying a plurality of graphical elements representing photos, videos, audio and/or text entries from a user's library, the plurality of graphical elements arranged according to a first set of selectable options; receiving an indication that a user has touched a first one of the graphical elements a first time using the touch screen display and responsively highlighting the first graphical element with a first highlight graphic to indicate that the photo, video, audio and/or text entry represented by the first graphical element is to be used in a current story; receiving an indication that the user has touched the first one of the graphical elements a second time using the touch screen display and responsively highlighting the first graphical element with a second highlight graphic to indicate that the photo, video, audio and/or text entry represented by the first graphical element is to be a favorite for the current story.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Controlling application windows in an operating system

Номер: US20120235946A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Systems and methods are provided for controlling the appearance of application windows on a computer display screen. A user identifies either an application window currently running on the computer or a new application to be started. The user also identifies a size, shape, and screen location by inputting a geometric shape, such as by drawing a rectangle with a pen or stylus input device, on the display screen. The appearance of the application window is set based on the geometric shape. The application window is resized and moved, for a currently running application, or created, for a new application, on the display screen.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Method and Terminal Device for Operation Control of Operation Object

Номер: US20120242611A1

A method and a terminal device for operation control of an operation object are provided. The method includes getting a first operation direction and a second operation direction of the operation object, determining an operation corresponding to the direction combination relation between the first operation direction and the second operation direction, and performing the operation on the operation object. The solution enables two kinds of operations on the operation object simultaneously and generates an operation effect that two kinds of operations are performed simultaneously.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Input device and image display apparatus

Номер: US20120249413A1
Автор: Hiroto Sugahara
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

An input device including: an operation device including: a flexible base member; a first detector configured to detect that the base member is being bent; and a second detector configured to detect that the base member is being nipped; and an output section connected to the first detector and the second detector, the output section being configured to output a first signal when the first detector has detected that the base member is being bent and configured to output a second signal when the second detector has detected that the base member is being nipped.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Email client display transitions between portrait and landscape in a smartpad device

Номер: US20120266098A1
Автор: Paul Webber
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods and devices for selectively presenting a user interface for an email application are provided. More particularly, a change in the operating mode of a multiple virtual display smartpad device from a multiple virtual display operating mode to a single virtual display operating mode, or from a single virtual display operating mode to a multiple virtual display operating mode, can be determined. Moreover, a change in the operating mode can effect a change in a presentation of a user interface associated with an email application. More particularly, a presentation of a user interface can be retained, where the number of virtual displays of the device in view of the user is changed, provided a user interface for the email application remains in view of the user after the change in operating mode.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Selection of three-dimensional parametric shapes

Номер: US20120280981A1
Автор: Frédéric Letzelter
Принадлежит: Dassault Systemes SE

It is provided a computer-implemented method for designing a CAD modeled object. The method comprises displaying three-dimensional parametric shapes; user-interacting with a screen; defining on a support at least one stroke corresponding to the user-interacting; determining, for each shape, a projection of the shape on the support; selecting at least one shape, the selected shape having a projection with a smallest distance to the stroke. Such a method makes the design of a CAD modeled object easier.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Automated Electronic Message Filing System

Номер: US20120284272A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A sender selection is detected at a sender computer system within a user interface of at least one suggested folder name for a composed electronic message for a recipient receiving the electronic message to select as a folder name for filing the electronic message. The at least one suggested folder name is attached to the electronic message at the sender computer system for distribution to the recipient. The electronic message is sent with the suggested filing folder name from the sender computer system to a recipient, wherein a recipient receiving the electronic message receives the at least one suggested folder name specified by the sender in the electronic message for selecting a folder for filing the electronic message in a messaging filing directory for the recipient.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Information processing device, and information processing system

Номер: US20120287152A1
Принадлежит: Sony Computer Entertainment Inc

A displayed image generation unit enlarges, reduces, or scrolls a displayed image in accordance with a command for change from a user. When a clip command receiving unit receives a clip command, a clipping area identification unit identifies an area to be clipped according to the clip command. A thumbnail image generation unit generates a thumbnail image corresponding to the identified area. A positional information acquisition unit acquires positional information identifying a position of the identified area in an image as a whole. A content ID acquisition unit acquires identification information identifying an image when the clipping command is received. A hard disk drive maps the identification information, the thumbnail image, and the positional information and stores the mapped information.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Image display apparatus and method of selecting image region using the same

Номер: US20120293544A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to an embodiment of the invention, in an image display apparatus, the image capturing unit captures an image including the hands of the operator. The gesture recognition unit recognizes at least one type of hand shapes of both hands in the captured image of the operator as a recognition object, compares a first geometric region defined by the hand shapes of both hands presented by the operator with the display screen, and recognizes the first geometric region as a second geometric region in a display screen coordinate system. The image generation unit performs emphasis processing of an image of the second geometric region displayed on the display screen. The display unit displays the emphasized image of the second geometric region on the display screen.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for inputting user commands using relative movements of device panels

Номер: US20120299813A1

A method and apparatus for inputting various operation instructions to a device including two movable panels. The method includes determining whether a relative angle between the first panel and the second panel is within an effective angle range; determining whether the relative angle within the effective angle range is maintained during an effective time; and inputting an operation instruction to the device based on whether the relative angle between the first panel and the second panel is within the effective angle range and whether the relative angle within the effective angle range is maintained during the effective time.

29-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120301006A1

A controller is provided for manoeuvring an interrogation plane relative to a reference surface. The interrogation plane intersects the reference surface and is associated with a pole about which the interrogation plane is rotatable. The pole has an adjustable angle of inclination relative to the reference surface. The controller has a base, a handle, and an arm extending from a connection with the base to a connection with the handle. The arm has hingeable joints which hinge to allow the handle to be translated relative to the base in arbitrary directions across a user surface. The controller further has position sensors which measure the translation of the handle relative to the base on the user surface. The translation provides a corresponding translation of the interrogation plane relative to the reference surface. The handle is rotatable about a rotation axis and is tillable about a tilt axis to allow the handle to be angularly moved relative to the user surface. The controller further has angle sensors which respectively detect the rotation about the rotation axis and the tilt about the tilt axis. The rotation about the rotation axis and the tilting about the tilt axis provide angular movement of the interrogation plane relative to the reference surface corresponding to the angular movement of the handle relative to the user surface.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Dynamic visual statistical data display and navigation system and method for limited display device

Номер: US20120303548A1
Принадлежит: Visible Market Inc

Embodiments include methods for distributing visual display information related to a plurality of items to one or more display devices, and methods for rendering visual display information related to a plurality of items by a display device. Embodiments also comprise display devices, servers, and computer-readable media embodying one or more of these methods. Embodiments display of large data sets and associated statistics, such as trading activity of securities or other business statistics, on devices with limited-size display screen, e.g. smartphone or tablet. Embodiments enable visual navigation of large dynamic data sets via relative and absolute contextual statistics. Embodiments combine dynamic visual displays with a multi-tiered navigation structure, supporting more effective information gathering and processing across a variety of users with different objectives. Embodiments provide more relevant, individualized user experience through flexibility to observe patterns, correlation, and contextuality, and to explore subsections of the data quickly via unique navigation paths.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Graphical Display with Integrated Recent Period Zoom and Historical Period Context Data

Номер: US20120306888A1
Автор: Brian J. Buck
Принадлежит: Trading Technologies International Inc

A system and method are provided for displaying a data series. In one embodiment, a graphical interface is provided including at least one axis that is divided into a plurality of axis regions. Preferably, each axis region uses a different linear scale, and the plurality of axis regions forms a continuous non-linear scale. The graphical interface also displays the data series in relation to the plurality of axis regions, and the data series is plotted in relation to each axis region based on a scale resolution corresponding to each respective axis region.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for collecting and providing map images

Номер: US20120306922A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

Aspects of the present disclosure relate to collecting images of maps at plurality of client devices, orienting the images with respect to the Earth, and providing the oriented maps to users. The map images may be collected by users who orient the maps by arranging the position of the image over a picture of the Earth. In another example, users may orient the maps by using “pushpins” to indicate the location of two or more points in the map image to two or more locations on the image of the Earth. The images may be processed in order to generate high quality images which may then be downloaded and used by other users.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Backend systems and methods for graphically enabled retirement planning

Номер: US20120310677A1
Принадлежит: Hartford Fire Insurance Co

According to some embodiments, supplemental data associated with a user's retirement planning may be received. In addition, a first set of user goals may be received, from the user, as basic expenses along with a second set of user goals as optional expenses. Predictable monthly retirement income and retirement assets associated with the user may then be determined A retirement planning platform may then automatically calculate a financial gap for the user based at least in part on the supplemental data, the first set of user goals, the predictable monthly retirement income, and the retirement assets associated with the user.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Devices, Methods, and Graphical User Interfaces for Document Manipulation

Номер: US20120311422A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

An electronic device displays at least a portion of an electronic document with a predefined page layout at a first magnification level on a display; detects a first input indicating a first insertion point in the document, where the first insertion point is proximate to a first portion of text in the document; and in response to detecting the first input: selects a second magnification level different from the first magnification level, where the second magnification level is selected so as to display the first portion of text at a target text display size, and, while maintaining the predefined page layout of the document, displays, at the second magnification level, a portion of the document that includes the first portion of text.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus, method of controlling the same, and storage medium

Номер: US20120311469A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image processing apparatus which makes it possible to realize easy accessing of registered information of any function and provide a user interface having high operability. The image processing apparatus stores setting information configured via an operating section and access information for use in accessing the setting information in association with each other. Further, the image processing apparatus stores the setting information and button information in association with each other. The button information is displayed on a touch panel in a user selectable form. When an item of the button information displayed on the touch panel is selected by a user, a portal application detects the access information associated with the selected button information item. The setting information is acquired based on the detected access information. The image processing apparatus performs image processing based on the acquired setting information.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Information mapping approaches

Номер: US20120320089A1
Автор: Keith Kreft
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods, systems and applications for updating, enhancing, organizing, and utilizing geographic maps, for locating points of interest and places of businesses, or POI's. Embodiments provide a method for collecting geo-coordinate data on POIs by eliciting participation of the business owners or designated employees to identify the specific locations of POI's on a map; a map program which synchronizes to a centralized database where POI and other more frequently changing and time-dependent map information is downloaded to individual users; a map program, where in addition to the standard contact information, “qualitative” information and website links are included in an POI information box to aid in pre-qualifying a POI before selection and in booking a reservation; a method for locating markers on an Internet-based search engine map; and an improved contact management system that allows locations of contacts to be viewed on a map while minimizing address geocoding.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: US20130002548A1
Принадлежит: Kyocera Corp

According to an aspect, a display device includes a display unit and a control unit. The display unit stereoscopically displays a display object. When a movement of an object is detected in a three-dimensional space where the display object is stereoscopically displayed, the control unit for changes the display object in the three-dimensional space according to the movement of the object.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Audio-visual navigation and communication dynamic memory architectures

Номер: US20130007670A1
Автор: Jan Peter Roos
Принадлежит: AQ Media Inc

According to one embodiment, a plurality of spatial publishing objects (SPOs) is provided in a multidimensional space in a user interface. Each of the plurality of spatial publishing objects is associated with digital media data from at least one digital media source. The user interface has a field for the digital media data. A user is provided via the user interface with a user presence that is optionally capable of being represented in the user interface relative to the plurality of spatial publishing objects. The digital media data associated with the at least one spatial publishing object are combined to generate a media output corresponding to the combined digital media data.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Accessing a menu utilizing a drag-operation

Номер: US20130042207A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Computer-readable media, computerized methods, and computer systems for intuitively invoking a presentation action (e.g., rendering a menu) by applying a drag-operation at a top-level control button rendered at a touchscreen display are provided. Initially, aspects of a user-initiated input applied at the top-level control button are detected. These aspects may include an actuation location and a distance of a drag-movement therefrom. If a distance of the drag-movement at the touchscreen display is greater than a threshold distance in a particular radial direction from the actuation location, the user-initiated input is considered a drag-operation. Typically, a set of trigger boundaries are constructed based on system metrics to assist in disambiguating the drag-operation from a tap-type operation. If a drag-operation is identified, the presentation action is invoked; otherwise, a principle action associated with the top-level control button (e.g., manipulating content of an application) may be invoked.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Detail on triggers: transitional states

Номер: US20130076591A1
Принадлежит: IMERJ LLC

A multi-display device is adapted to turn on and off certain device functionality based on one or more of device state and triggers. These triggers include a transition trigger, an open trigger and a closed trigger. Furthermore, and based on one or more of these triggers and device state, the device can provide feedback to a user, such as visual feedback, audio feedback and vibration feedback to assist a user with determining when the device is changing state. The operation of the primary screen, secondary screen, system and feedback options are also described relative to the beginning and endpoint of the device transition. Furthermore, the trigger corresponding to a transitional trigger where primary and secondary screens have a certain angle orientation and the trigger corresponding to a trigger point where the primary and secondary screens have a second angle orientation relative to one another are described.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Smartpad - suspended app management

Номер: US20130076596A1
Принадлежит: Z124 Co

A multi-display device is adapted to be dockable or otherwise associatable with an additional device. In accordance with one exemplary embodiment, the multi-display device is dockable with a smartpad. The exemplary smartpad can include a screen, a touch sensitive display, a configurable area, a gesture capture region(s) and a camera. The smartpad can also include a port adapted to receive the device. The exemplary smartpad is able to cooperate with the device such that information displayable on the device is also displayable on the smartpad. Furthermore, any one or more of the functions on the device are extendable to the smartpad, with the smartpad capable of acting as an input/output interface or extension of the smartpad. Therefore, for example, information from one or more of the displays on the multi-screen device is displayable on the smartpad.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Smartpad dual screen keyboard

Номер: US20130076632A1
Принадлежит: Z124 Co

A multi-display device is adapted to be dockable or otherwise associatable with an additional device. In accordance with one exemplary embodiment, the multi-display device is dockable with a smartpad. The exemplary smartpad can include a screen, a touch sensitive display, a configurable area, a gesture capture region(s) and a camera. The smartpad can also include a port adapted to receive the device. The exemplary smartpad is able to cooperate with the device such that information displayable on the device is also displayable on the smartpad. Furthermore, any one or more of the functions on the device are extendable to the smartpad, with the smartpad capable of acting as an input/output interface or extension of the smartpad. Therefore, for example, information from one or more of the displays on the multi-screen device is displayable on the smartpad.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Dual display pinyin touch input

Номер: US20130076679A1
Автор: Andreas Kretz
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods and devices including providing a device having at least a primary screen and a secondary screen; receiving a first input, where the first input comprises a pinyin input on the primary screen; processing the first input to estimate a character based on the first input; displaying the estimated character(s); and displaying a selection, where the selection includes a chosen character selected from the estimated character(s).

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Multiscreen phone emulation

Номер: US20130076680A1
Принадлежит: Z124 Co

A computer system including a computer display; a computer processor, where the computer processor is running at least one computer operating system, where the at least one computer operating system communicably interfaces with a device operating system, where the device operating system resides on a device and the device includes a device processor and two or more device displays; and where the computer display mimics the two or more device displays.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Smartpad smartdock - docking rules

Номер: US20130076795A1
Принадлежит: Z124 Co

A multi-display device is adapted to be dockable or otherwise associatable with an additional device. In accordance with one exemplary embodiment, the multi-display device is dockable with a smartpad. The exemplary smartpad can include a screen, a touch sensitive display, a configurable area, a gesture capture region(s) and a camera. The smartpad can also include a port adapted to receive the device. The exemplary smartpad is able to cooperate with the device such that information displayable on the device is also displayable on the smartpad. Furthermore, any one or more of the functions on the device are extendable to the smartpad, with the smartpad capable of acting as an input/output interface or extension of the smartpad. Therefore, for example, information from one or more of the displays on the multi-screen device is displayable on the smartpad.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Data path selection

Номер: US20130078995A1
Принадлежит: Z124 Co

A wireless communication device is provided that includes a cellular telephony module to access a cellular network, a wireless communication module to access a non-cellular network, an antenna configured to be in wireless communication with a plurality of compatible and currently accessible communication networks including the cellular and non-cellular networks, and a mobile network selector to select a compatible and currently accessible communication network for current access by the wireless communication device based on a network characteristic other than network speed.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Orientation arbitration

Номер: US20130079062A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods and devices for configuring and displaying individual display screens of a multi-display device. More particularly, the method includes determining and presenting the display orientation of each display independently of other displays. The method and device may present a portrait display orientation in one display screen while simultaneously present a landscape display orientation in another display screen. Display orientation may be based on the user's desires and/or requirements of a hosted application. Upon rotation of the multi-display device, each screen display may be configured to maintain its orientation or may be configured to allow its display orientation to change, for example from portrait to landscape orientation. The display orientation characteristics for each display screen may be selectable by the user.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Secondary single screen mode activation through menu option

Номер: US20130080931A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods and devices for selectively presenting a user interface on a second screen. More particularly, the method includes a change in the display mode of a multiple screen device from a first screen to a second screen while the device is closed. The change in the display mode may be made in a menu. The menu can be rendered in response to a request. The change to the second screen can be received by the selection of a user interface device in the menu. In response to the selection, the device can render the user interface in the second screen.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Secondary single screen mode activation through user interface toggle

Номер: US20130080932A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods and devices for selectively presenting a user interface on a second screen. More particularly, the method includes a change in the display mode of a multiple screen device from a first screen to a second screen while the device is closed. The change in the display mode may be made in response to a request from an application. The application may be executed and have the user interface window associated with the application moved to a second screen. The change to the second screen can be requested based on input into the application or automatically generated based on the type of application. In response to the request from the application, the device can render the user interface in the second screen.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Activating applications in unified desktop

Номер: US20130080934A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Embodiments provide for a handheld device with a unified desktop for integrating the functionality of the handheld device with a larger computer system. When connected to a peripheral display and/or a display of the larger computer system, the handheld device provides a unified desktop displayed across the screen(s) of the handheld device and the peripheral display. The unified desktop unifies the functionality provided by the larger computer system and the handheld functionality, e.g., communication applications (e.g., phone, SMS, MMS). A user can seamlessly interact with applications, e.g., open, move, close, receive notifications, on the unified desktop whether the applications are displayed on the screens of the handheld device, or the peripheral display of the larger computer system.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Unified desktop freeform window mode

Номер: US20130080938A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods and devices for selectively presenting a user interface or “desktop” across two devices are provided. More particularly, a unified desktop is presented across a device and a computer system. The unified desktop acts as a single user interface that presents data and receives user interaction in a seamless environment that emulates a personal computing environment. To function within the personal computing environment, freeform windows are generated to encapsulate user interfaces for device applications. The freeform windows allow the user interfaces for the device applications to function as other windows in the personal computing environment.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Desktop application manager: card dragging of dual screen cards - smartpad

Номер: US20130080957A1
Принадлежит: IMERJ LLC

Methods and devices for selecting a card from an application stack, wherein the card represents a corresponding application that a user would like to make active or bring focus to. The selecting includes one or more of a dragging and a tapping action, with these actions being triggers for transitioning the device to an optional drag state or tapped state, respectively. Transitioning through this state executes the activating of a corresponding application or other action on the device to facilitate window/application/desktop management. The selecting further allows a user to specify which a touch screen (or portion hereof) on which a particular application should be launched.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Display frame for handheld dual display device

Номер: US20130083464A1
Принадлежит: Z124 Co

A display frame for a communication device includes: a substantially planar body to receive a display panel for a screen of the device, plural clips positioned around a periphery of the body to engage at least one of a slot and lip of a housing of the device, and a cutout to pass a flexible circuit extending from a printed circuit board and to the display panel, thereby enabling the flexible circuit to bend to connect to the display panel.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Calendar application views in portrait dual mode

Номер: US20130086480A1
Принадлежит: Z124 Co

A communication device comprising a microprocessor readable computer readable medium is provided that includes microprocessor executable instructions to provide graphical output, in a first mode, simultaneously on multiple screens and, in a second mode, simultaneously as multiple displays on a common screen.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Gallery video player

Номер: US20130088446A1
Принадлежит: Z124 Co

Methods and devices for selectively presenting a user interface in a dual screen device. More particularly, the method includes providing a gallery for the dual screen device. The gallery can present one or more images in a user interface. The gallery user interface can adapt to changes in the device configuration. Further, the gallery can display images or videos in the various configurations.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Predictive motion interpolation

Номер: US20130097532A1
Принадлежит: Z124 Co

Methods and devices for receiving input and presenting a user interface with two screens and an off screen gesture area. The device may have an off screen gesture area that accepts user input outside the display area. The interface inputs received in the off screen gesture are may have special handling and cause different display changes. Further, the device, having two screens, may receive user interface inputs that cross the seam between the two displays. To provide a display that acts like a single display area, the device can predict motions may cross the seam and then interrelate separate inputs on separate screens. The interrelated inputs can cause display changes as if the inputs were received as a single user interaction.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130097553A1

An information display device includes a display that includes a touch panel and displays an on-screen button to which a given function is allocated on a display screen; and a controller that (a) detects two or more points that an operator touches on the touch panel, (b1) judges whether or not the touched points coincide with an outline of the on-screen button, and (c1) transfers a normal operation mode to a shifting mode for shifting a position of the on-screen button when the touched points coincide with the outline of the on-screen button. According to the information display device, an on-screen button can be shifted at a short time. 115-. (canceled)16. An information display device comprising:a display that includes a touch panel and displays an on-screen button to which a given function is allocated on a display screen; anda controller that (a) detects two or more points that an operator touches on the touch panel, (b1) judges whether or not the touched points coincide with an outline of the on-screen button, (c1) transfers a normal operation mode to a shifting mode for shifting a position of the on-screen button when the touched points coincide with the outline of the on-screen button, (d) shifts a position of the on-screen button on the display screen in conjunction of a movement of the touched points, and (e) arranges the on-screen button at a position where a pinch-out operation to widen a distance of the touched points is detected and then ends the shifting mode.17. The information display device according to claim 16 , wherein the controller claim 16 , after the (b1) claim 16 , (b2) judges whether or not an pinch-in operation to narrow a distance of the touched points is done when the touched points doesn't coincide with the outline of the on-screen button claim 16 , and (c2) transfers the normal operation mode to the shifting mode when the pinch-in operation is done and then the touched points coincide with the outline of the on-screen button by the ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus

Номер: US20130106773A1
Автор: Kenji TOKUTAKE
Принадлежит: Sony Mobile Communications Japan Inc

An information processing apparatus including a touch panel that detects a non-contact operation of an operation element by detecting an electrostatic capacitance of an operation surface of the touch panel; and a controller that determines a distance between the operation surface and the operation element based on the detected electrostatic capacitance, and controls a predetermined operation of the information processing apparatus based on the determined distance.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130113834A1
Принадлежит: NOREGIN ASSETS N.V., L.L.C.

A method for generating a presentation of a region-of-interest in an original image for display on a display screen, comprising: establishing a lens for the region-of-interest, the lens having a magnified focal region for the region-of-interest at least partially surrounded by a shoulder region having diminishing magnification, the focal region having a perimeter defined by a radius r from a line segment; receiving one or more signals to adjust at least one of the radius r and a length len of the line segment to thereby adjust the perimeter; and, applying the lens to the original image to produce the presentation. 1. A method comprising: an extent of the lens,', 'a focal region having a magnification and a perimeter shaped according to a radius extending from a plurality of line segments, and', 'a shoulder region having a width between the focal region and the extent of the lens, wherein the shoulder region provides context for the focal region with respect to a portion of the image outside of the lens by preserving visibility of information surrounding the focal region., 'applying a lens to an image, wherein the lens includes2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: a maximum value for the radius based at least on a present value of the magnification of the focal region, or', 'a minimum value for the width of the shoulder region based at least on the present value of the magnification of the focal region., 'determining at least one of3. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of line segments is adjoined to a different one of the plurality of line segments.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of line segments comprises at least one handle.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising automatically constraining the focal region to fit a feature in the image.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising automatically constraining the plurality of line segments to fit a feature in the image.7. The method of claim 1 , further ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Calendar application views in landscape dual mode

Номер: US20130113835A1
Принадлежит: Z124 Co

A communication device comprising a microprocessor readable computer readable medium is provided that includes microprocessor executable instructions to alter displayed information based on screen orientation.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus and method

Номер: US20130120255A1
Принадлежит: Nikon Corp

An image processing apparatus provided with a display unit for displaying an operation picture, showing control indicia (e.g., icons) corresponding to multiple image processing functions, is operated to display the operation picture on an external display device. The operator selects one of the indicia shown on the external display device by operating an input device, such as touch screen of the apparatus or a remote control, to indicate the position of the desired one of the indicia. The operator can thereby quickly and reliably select an image processing function to be executed, without any need to view an operation picture on the display unit when making the selection.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus including a touch screen under a multiapplication environment and controlling method thereof

Номер: US20130125045A1

An apparatus including a touch screen is provided. The apparatus includes the touch screen to display a first window for executing a first application and a second window for executing a second application, and a controller to detect whether a display change event for changing a screen display occurs in at least one of the first window and the second window, and to analyze the display change event in order to rotate a display direction of the at least one of the first window and the second window in which the display change event occurs.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for image handling and presentation

Номер: US20130129243A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Certain embodiments provide systems and methods for adaptive compression, transmission, and display of clinical images. Certain embodiments provide a method for adaptive compression of image data for transmission and display at a client workstation. The method includes identifying one or more images for display, the one or more images including a plurality of image slices. The method also includes determining a compression scheme for the one or more images based on at least one of bandwidth, processing power, and diagnostic modality. The method further includes transferring the one or more images for display at the client workstation. The method additionally includes adapting the compression scheme based on resource availability.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for transforming and/or generating a tangible physical structure based on user input information

Номер: US20130130797A1
Автор: Janos Stone
Принадлежит: Individual

A method including the steps of displaying on an input device an initial virtual object and a target virtual object; receiving by the input device user input information related to transformation of one or more characteristics of the initial virtual object; transforming, using one or more processors, the one or more characteristics of the initial virtual object from a first configuration to a second configuration based on the user input information; displaying on the input device the initial virtual object with the transformed one or more characteristics as a modified initial virtual object; and determining, using one or more processors, whether the modified initial virtual object matches the target virtual object.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for peripheral connection

Номер: US20130132880A1
Автор: Young-Soo Chun

Attaching a peripheral device to a portable terminal includes determining one or more application programs operating in connection with an attached peripheral device, displaying a depiction of a plug of the attached peripheral device and the one or more application programs on a screen of the portable terminal, and, when a user drags the displayed depiction of a plug to select one of the one or more application programs, executing the selected application program.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139086A1
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD

In a case where a service for performing specified processings of document data as one job is processed in a cooperative manner on a network, a service processing state is exhibited in a proper notice form in each job unit and in each processing unit in the job, so that the processing state can be properly recognized from the viewpoint of accounting, security and privacy. 1. A job flow information creation apparatus comprising:a displaying unit that displays display information including information of a plurality of processes, information showing a linkage pattern of the processes, and setting parameters of the respective processes; anda receiving unit that receives an instruction from a user based on the display information; anda job flow information creation unit that creates job flow information to require a plurality of processing units to perform the processes in coordination based on the instruction.2. The job flow information creation apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the information of the plurality of processes is displayed as a first set of icons in the first window and the information showing the linkage pattern of the processes is displayed as a second set of icons in the second window, and', 'a job flow is defined on the flow window by dragging and dropping icons from the first set of icons and icons from the second set of icons to the flow window and by setting parameters of the respective processes according to input from the user., 'the display information further includes a first window, a second window, and a flow window,'}3. The job flow information creation apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the linkage pattern defines a sequence in which the processes are performed.4. The job flow information creation apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a sending unit that sends the job flow information to a script creation apparatus that creates a script based on the job flow information claim 1 , the script configured to ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for movement of image object

Номер: US20130152004A1
Автор: Yang Liu
Принадлежит: Individual

Provided is a method for the movement of an image object. In the method: A. determining the direction of movement of an image object to be moved, and a module X corresponding to same; B. moving the module X along the direction of movement by one unit; determining whether or not an overlap exists between the module X and another module; if no overlap exists, making the post-movement state as a movement result, and terminating the process; if an overlap exists, restoring the module X to the original position; determining a minimum mirror area comprising the module X; flipping the minimum mirror area; C. determining whether or not the module X can continue to move along the direction of movement; if not, then the movement has failed, terminating the process; if yes, then moving the module X upwards by one unit from the direction of movement; determining whether or not an overlap exists between module X and another module; if no overlap exists, making the post-movement state as the movement result, and terminating the process; if an overlap exists, repeating step C. Also provided is a device for the movement of the image object. The user experience is enhanced by using the method and the device.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130159895A1
Автор: Aarabi Parham

Provided is a method and system of providing a cosmetics enhancement interface. The method comprises showing, at the display screen of a computing device having a memory and a processor: a digital photograph including facial features; an interactive dialog portion reflecting a conversational input received and a subsequent response provided thereto from the computing device, and a product display portion; receiving an inquiry, as reflected in the interactive dialog portion, related to a cosmetic product for application onto a selected facial feature; receiving a selection of the cosmetic product based on a matching to the at least one facial feature according to a predefined rule; displaying, at the product display portion, a product representation associated with the selected cosmetic product; receiving an update request, and updating the digital photograph showing a modification to the facial feature on the display screen by simulating application of the selected cosmetic product thereon. 1. A method , executed in a computing device having a display screen and a processor , of providing a cosmetics enhancement interface comprising: a digital photograph including a plurality of facial features;', 'an interactive dialog portion reflecting a conversational input received and a subsequent response provided thereto from the computing device; and', 'a product display portion;, 'showing, at the display screenreceiving an inquiry, as reflected in the interactive dialog portion, related to a cosmetic product for application onto at least one facial feature of the plurality of facial features;receiving a selection of the cosmetic product based on a matching to the at least one facial feature according to a predefined rule;displaying, at the product display portion, a product representation associated with the selected cosmetic product;receiving an update request; andupdating the digital photograph showing a modification to the at least one facial feature on the display ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162569A1
Автор: Sudo Tomohiro

An object of the present invention is to provide a device, a method, and a computer-readable recording medium, all of which improve the operability for enlarging or reducing an image. A controller sets a scale factor for enlarging or reducing a display image displayed on a touch-screen display, in response to detecting a touch to a plurality of points on the touch-screen display. The controller enlarges or reduces the display image, based on a gesture after touching the plurality of points (multi-touch gesture), and the scale factor thus set. 1. A device comprising:a touch-screen display that detects a touch to a plurality of points; anda controller that changes a scale factor for enlarging or reducing an image displayed on the touch-screen display in response to the touch to the plurality of points, and displays the image by enlarging or reducing the image, based on the scale factor thus changed.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the controller enlarges or reduces the image claim 1 , based on a relative distance between two points among the plurality of points thus touched.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the controller changes the scale factor for enlarging or reducing the image claim 1 , based on a number of the plurality of points claim 1 , the touch to which was detected.4. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the controller changes the scale factor for enlarging or reducing the image claim 3 , based on the number of the plurality of points claim 3 , the touch to which was detected claim 3 , regardless of whether the number of the plurality of points is increased or decreased after detecting the touch to the plurality of points.5. The device according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , in a case in which a touch to a second plurality of points is detected within a predetermined period since the touch to the plurality of points was released claim 3 , the controller displays the image by enlarging or reducing the image claim 3 , based on ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for creating or storing resultant image which changes in selected area

Номер: US20130162856A1

An image processing method includes: defining a selection area in a first still image according to a user input; extracting image data that correspond to the selected area from a second still image; combining the image data extracted from the second still image on the selection area of the first still image to create a composite image; and sequentially displaying the first still image and the composite image.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167070A1
Принадлежит: NINTENDO CO., LTD.

An example information-processing device includes a display controller that, when a scaling operation for changing a scale of an image to be displayed is not performed, displays in a display the image with a first magnification, and when the operation is performed, displays in the display the image with a second magnification that is greater than the first magnification. 1. An information-processing device comprising:a display controller that, when a magnifying operation for magnifying a partial image, which is a predetermined part of a display image, is not performed, displays the partial image with a first magnification, and when the magnifying operation is performed, displays the partial image with a second magnification that is greater than the first magnification.2. The information-processing device according to claim 2 , further comprising a scroll controller that claim 2 , when the magnifying operation is performed claim 2 , scrolls the partial image in response to an input operation3. The information-processing device according to claim 2 , wherein a position of the partial image is retained when the magnifying operation is stopped claim 2 , and claim 2 , when the magnifying operation is performed again after retention of the position claim 2 , displays the partial image at the retained position with the second magnification.4. The information-processing device according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , when a user performs a predetermined operation where the magnifying operation is not performed claim 3 , the display controller changes the retained position to a predetermined initial position.5. The information-processing device according to claim 4 , whereinthe predetermined operation is a scrolling, andthe scroll controller scrolls the image, irrespective of whether the magnifying operation is performed.6. The information-processing device according to claim 2 , further comprising a motion detector that obtains motion information indicative of a motion of ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167083A1
Автор: JUNG Hae-Bin

A screen editing apparatus and method capable of editing a background screen in a wireless terminal, the apparatus including: a display unit for displaying a fixed area selected by a user on a background screen; and a controller for controlling the display unit to display the fixed area selected by the user on the background screen. 1. An apparatus for editing a screen in a wireless terminal , comprising:a display unit for displaying a fixed area defined during a background screen editing mode; anda controller for controlling the display unit to display the fixed area with a desired plurality of applications on the background screen.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller performs a control so that an area defined in the background screen during the background screen area editing mode is set as the fixed area to be displayed during any of background screen modes.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller performs a control so that an area defined in the background screen during a background screen area editing mode is set as the fixed area containing the plurality of applications claim 1 , so that the selected applications are displayed in the fixed area during any of background screen modes.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein when a standby mode of the wireless terminal includes a plurality of initial screens on which the background screen is displayed claim 1 , the controller displays the fixed screen every time the wireless terminal moves to any of the plurality of initial screens.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller controls the display unit to display at least one of the plurality of applications or widgets of the wireless terminal in the fixed area on the background screen.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein when an application is downloaded to the wireless terminal claim 1 , the controller performs a control so that the application is downloaded and displayed in the fixed area on the background screen.7. The ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Electronic device and method for controlling rotation or zooming operations on touch screen

Номер: US20130169552A1
Автор: Hsing-Chun Hsieh
Принадлежит: Fih Hong Kong Ltd

An electronic device sets a condition for triggering zooming operations or rotation operations of a file displayed on the touch screen. When the condition has been met, the device determines an equation of a movement route of an object on the touch screen according to data in relation to contacts from the object, determines a distance difference and a tangential angle difference between a present contact and a next contact, and determines whether the file needs to be rotated or zoomed based on an absolute value of the angle difference. When the file needs to be rotated, the device determines a rotation angle based on the angle difference, and controls a rotation operation of the file accordingly. When the file needs to be zoomed, the device determines a zoom ratio based on the distance difference, and controlling a zooming operation of the file accordingly.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for viewing medical images

Номер: US20130169661A1
Принадлежит: DR Systems Inc

For certain medical images, it is important and/or required that a user view all of a medical image at full resolution so that minute, but important, indicia in the medical image are not missed. A computing systems monitor the portions of the medical image that are displayed on the display device, notates those portions that have been displayed at full resolution (or other user-defined display parameters), and provides the user with information indicating portions that have not been viewed at full resolution and/or provides information indicating for which images of a multiple image examination full pixel display has been accomplished. The process reduces the possibility of missing an abnormality in a medical image due to the viewer not viewing a portion of the image at full resolution or using other user-defined display parameters.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130179830A1

A display apparatus includes a display unit; an image processor which generates a user interface (UI) screen and displays the UI screen on the display unit; and a controller which controls the image processor to display on the display unit the UI screen comprising an object of a first group of objects, to reduce the size of the UI screen displayed on the display unit in response to a first, and to display the UI screen comprising an object of a second group in response to a command to scroll the UI screen. 1. A display apparatus comprising:a display unit;an image processor which generates a user interface (UI) screen and displays the UI screen on the display unit; anda controller which controls the image processor to display on the display unit the UI screen comprising an object of a first group of objects, to reduce a size of the UI screen displayed on the display unit in response to a first command, and to scroll the UI screen comprising an object of a second group in response to a command to scroll the UI screen.2. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the controller controls the image processor to display the UI screen comprising the object of the first group and at least a part of the object of the second group.3. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the UI screen comprising the object of the first group and the UI screen comprising the object of the second group are reduced in size at a same rate.4. The display apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein in response to a command to discontinue scrolling the UI screen claim 3 , the UI screen comprising the object of the second group is enlarged and displayed in the same size as the original size of the UI screen comprising the object of the first group.5. The display apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the command to discontinue scrolling the UI screen comprises at least one of a user input to discontinue scrolling the UI screen claim 4 , absence of a user input for ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Imaging apparatus and method for controlling the same

Номер: US20130179831A1
Автор: Yuko Izaki
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An imaging apparatus includes a touch detection unit configured to detect a touch operation on a display unit, a display control unit configured to control display of an indicator indicating a reference value in an autobracketing shooting and an indicator indicating a bracketing value in the autobracketing shooting, a control unit configured to perform control to increase a width between the reference value and the bracketing value to be set when the touch detection unit detects a touch operation moving in a first direction while keeping touching a setting area for setting the bracketing value on the display unit and to decrease the width when the touch detection unit detects a touch operation moving in a second direction opposite the first direction while keeping touching the setting area, and a bracketing value setting unit configured to set the bracketing value based on the width.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Information processing device, control method for the same and program

Номер: US20130181933A1
Автор: Jun Kobayashi
Принадлежит: NEC Casio Mobile Communications Ltd

Information processing device includes display unit that displays operation object; tactile contact detection unit that detects a plurality of push-down points; and control unit that performs first operation assessment for detecting whether or not outer peripheral distance of first area formed by connecting adjacent push-down points among a plurality of push-down points detected by tactile contact detection unit decreases over time to predetermined value or less, and that performs second operation assessment for detecting whether or not the outer peripheral distance of second area formed by connecting adjacent push-down points among a plurality of push-down points detected by tactile contact detection unit increases over time to predetermined value or more. Control unit puts operation object in selected state when there is overlapping part between operation object and first area after first operation assessment, and performs first operation corresponding to place where second operation assessment has been performed on operation object.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Visual Embellishment for Objects

Номер: US20130194307A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Particular embodiments display a series of objects across a screen of an electronic device, the objects being arranged side by side; display a boundary of each object in the series, the boundary of an object near the center of the series slightly overlapping a portion of each of two objects next to the object nearer the center of the series; and display a shadow around the object near the center of the series, the shadow overlapping a portion of each of the two objects next to the object near the center of the series to simulate an visual effect that the object near the center of the series is above the other objects in the series.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130198609A1

A website construction tool allows website construction via an interactive graphical user interface (GUI) using containers and modules defining predetermined website constructs from a robust assortment of common and popular rendering formats and content source definition for individual webpages, and arranges the individual pages for navigation. A user selects from the predefined constructs by selecting modules for generating code, corresponding to the desired content, source and rendering format. Pointing device positioning locates the on-screen location by generating a container dedicated to the desired content. Webpage structure, or page flow, is generated by insertion of navigation controls and page insertions for navigating between pages in the deployed site, The predetermined constructs, therefore, provide templates of complex rendering formats allowing for content insertion without burdening the user with development of the constructs so rendered. Constructed websites may be hosted by the development entity, further relieving the user from website maintenance. 1. A method of editing a digital video image , comprising:identifying a rendered digital image having aspects, the aspects defining translation of a raw image to a rendered image;invoking an edit function for modifying at least one of the aspects, the edit function simultaneously performing a corresponding modification to aspects responsive to other edit functions; andrendering the modified digital image such that the corresponding aspects maintain an undistorted appearance of the rendered digital image.2. The method of wherein the undistorted appearance maintains an aspect ratio and pixelation of the raw image for at least a rendered portion of the raw image.3. The method of wherein the edit functions modify aspects of an image such that each edit function affects aspects for which a subset of the aspects are affected by one of the other edit functions.4. The method of wherein simultaneous modification ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Designing website user controls

Номер: US20130198658A1
Принадлежит: Vistaprint Ltd

A website construction tool allows website construction via an interactive graphical user interface (GUI) using containers and modules defining predetermined website constructs from a robust assortment of common and popular rendering formats and content source definition for individual webpages, and arranges the individual pages for navigation. A user selects from the predefined constructs by selecting modules for generating code, corresponding to the desired content, source and rendering format. Pointing device positioning locates the on-screen location by generating a container dedicated to the desired content. Webpage structure, or page flow, is generated by insertion of navigation controls and page insertions for navigating between pages in the deployed site, The predetermined constructs, therefore, provide templates of complex rendering formats allowing for content insertion without burdening the user with development of the constructs so rendered. Constructed websites may be hosted by the development entity, further relieving the user from website maintenance.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Implementing website themes in a website under construction

Номер: US20130198659A1
Принадлежит: Vistaprint Ltd

A website construction tool allows website construction via an interactive graphical user interface (GUI) using containers and modules defining predetermined website constructs from a robust assortment of common and popular rendering formats and content source definition for individual webpages, and arranges the individual pages for navigation. A user selects from the predefined constructs by selecting modules for generating code, corresponding to the desired content, source and rendering format. Pointing device positioning locates the on-screen location by generating a container dedicated to the desired content. Webpage structure, or page flow, is generated by insertion of navigation controls and page insertions for navigating between pages in the deployed site, The predetermined constructs, therefore, provide templates of complex rendering formats allowing for content insertion without burdening the user with development of the constructs so rendered. Constructed websites may be hosted by the development entity, further relieving the user from website maintenance.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Overlay Images and Texts in User Interface

Номер: US20130198666A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In one embodiment, overlaying a first element on top of a second element in a user interface; and adjusting visual appearance of the first element based on a portion of the second element underneath the first element.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Transitions Among Hierarchical User Interface Components

Номер: US20130198681A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In one embodiment, one or more components of a user interface are arranged in a hierarchy of layers. The user interface is presented according to the structure of the hierarchy, with a first component of the user interface presented at a first layer. One or more second component are presented at a second layer, the second components being one or more children of the first component and the second layer being one layer above the first layer. Each child component of a parent component is locked to their respective parent component.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Portable device and method for controlling the same

Номер: US20130201093A1

A method for controlling a portable device is provided. The method includes detecting bending of the portable device and determining whether to perform motion sensing correction due to the bending; acquiring a motion sensing correction factor for performing the motion sensing correction due to the bending; performing motion sensing correction of at least one motion sensor using the motion sensing correction factor; and controlling the portable device according to the corrected motion sensing.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Navigating among content items in a browser using an array mode

Номер: US20130205194A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

In any context where a user can view multiple different content items, switching among content items is provided using an array mode. In a full-frame mode, one content item is visible and active, but other content items may also be open. In response to user input the display can be switched to an array mode, in which all of the content items are visible in a scrollable array. Selecting a content item in array mode can result in the display returning to the full-frame mode, with the selected content item becoming visible and active. Smoothly animated transitions between the full-frame and array modes and a gesture-based interface for controlling the transitions can also be provided.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Touch Control Presentation System and the Method thereof

Номер: US20130205201A1
Принадлежит: Phihong Technology Co Ltd

A method of operating presentation through a multi-touch panel, comprises steps of providing a presenting module having a format transformation module, user interface generator and presenting/reading mode switching module to a system; activating the presenting module and display interface generated by the user interface generator on a multiple-touch panel of the system, wherein the interface generated by the user interface generator includes a shrinkage image area to display the non-activated file, an operation area to display file which is activated and a buffer zoon to allow a user drag file in the shrinkage image area to the operation area, thereby activating the dragged file.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Global Z-Order for Windows

Номер: US20130205239A1
Автор: Philip James Holland
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

In some implementations, windows can be displayed based on a global z-order. The global z-order can be maintained for all open windows. The global z-order can include windows that are not currently displayed. The global z-order can define a display order of windows across multiple workspaces. In some implementations, workspaces can be associated with respective levels. The workspace levels can be used to determine how to display windows associated with each workspace when multiple workspaces are displayed simultaneously.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus, method for controlling image processing apparatus, and storage medium

Номер: US20130212525A1
Автор: Yohei Shogaki
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image processing apparatus displays image data including a first area with significant information and a second area without significant information and moves an area to be displayed target from a part of an area to another part of the area according to a flick operation performed by a user in a state where the part of the area in the image data is displayed in a predetermined display area. If the first area is not included in the another part of the area to which the area to be displayed target is moved, the image processing apparatus performs control not to move the area to be displayed target to the another part of the area.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Adaptive video processing apparatus and method of scaling video based on screen size of display device

Номер: US20130222434A1

Provided are an apparatus for processing adaptive video and a method of scaling video, which generate a graphical user interface (GUI) so that a GUI suitable for the screen size of a display device can be displayed according to the screen size of the display device. The apparatus can realize a GUI most suitable for the screen size of an external display device connected to the apparatus by enlarging or reducing the size of the GUI according to the screen size of the external display device, or by changing the arrangement of items arranged on the GUI.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for Text Input, Apparatus, and Computer Program

Номер: US20130227428A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

A method for a graphical user interface of an electronic device is disclosed. The graphical user interface has a plurality of selectable items for input to the electronic device. The method comprises receiving ( 100 ) a first user input related to the graphical user interface causing a first selection ( 102 ) of a first item and a first action involving the selected item; invalidating ( 105 ) the first action and setting ( 108 ) the first item or the first action as non-selectable; receiving ( 110 ) a further user input related to the graphical user interface; determining ( 112 ) a second selection of an item and an action involving the selected item excluding non-selectable items and actions; and executing ( 114 ) the action related to the second selection. An apparatus ( 200 ) comprising a graphical user interface ( 201 ) with an input device ( 202 ) and a display ( 203 ) arranged to view a plurality of selectable input items is also disclosed, wherein a processor ( 204 ) is arranged to control the graphical user interface ( 201 ). A computer program is also disclosed.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130227457A1

A method and device for generating a captured image for display windows displayed on a screen are provided. The method includes determining a first display window to be captured from among a plurality of display windows displayed on the screen, capturing data displayed on the first display window based on a user input, and overlapping a captured image, which is generated by the capturing of the data displayed on the first display window, with the first display window to a size of the first display window, and displaying the captured image on the first display window. 1. A method of generating a captured image for display windows displayed on a screen , the method comprising:determining a first display window to be captured from among a plurality of display windows displayed on the screen;capturing data displayed on the first display window based on a user input;overlapping a captured image, which is generated by the capturing of the data displayed on the first display window, with the first display window to a size of the first display window; anddisplaying the captured image on the first display window.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the displaying of the captured image comprises:when there are a plurality of first display windows, overlapping the captured image with each of the plurality of first display windows and displaying the captured image on each of the first display windows.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the displaying of the captured image comprises:when the first display window is an entire screen mode display window, displaying the captured image in a partial area of the first display window.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:inserting at least a part of the captured image in a second display window.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the inserting of the at least the part of the captured image comprises inserting at least a part of the captured image in the second display window based on a user input corresponding to a touching of the ...
