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10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2519568C2

Изобретение относится к навигационным устройствам по предоставлению информации о парковочных местах. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении адаптации устройства при изменении навигационной информации. Устройство (620, 720, 820) содержит процессор (210), средство (250) определения местоположения для определения географического местоположения устройства (620, 720, 820) и средство (320) связи для беспроводной передачи данных, в котором процессор (210) выполнен с возможностью определения, что устройство (620, 720, 820) находится в транспортном средстве, которое освободило парковочное место, и, в ответ, передавать сообщение (625, 725, 825) через средство (620, 720, 820) связи, указывающее местоположение парковочного места. 4 н. и 12 з. п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

08-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2782969C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам контроля расхода топлива транспортными средствами. Технический результат заключается в повышении энергоэффективности транспортного средства при его движении по заданному маршруту, включающему точку обязательной остановки. Технический результат достигается за счет того, что процессор устройства выполняет формирование энергоэффективного трека, заключающееся в выполнении следующих этапов: этапа сбора первичных данных, содержащих информацию о первом и втором транспортных средствах, а также об участке пути; этапа сбора вторичных данных, содержащих информацию о пройденном треке, включающем точку остановки, первого транспортного средства; и этапа формирования расчетного трека, включающего точку остановки, второго транспортного средства. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

10-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008112196A

... 1. Система, которая облегчает определение одного или более пунктов назначения пользователя, содержащая ! компонент (102) интерфейса, который принимает входные данные; и ! компонент (104) оценки пункта назначения, который вероятностным образом предсказывает один или более пунктов назначения для передвижения на основе, по меньшей мере, одного из априорных данных и вероятности, основанной, по меньшей мере, частично, на принятых входных данных. ! 2. Система по п.1, в которой априорными данными являются априорные данные о персональных пунктах назначения, относящихся к набору предыдущих пунктов назначения пользователя. ! 3. Система по п.1, в которой априорными данными являются априорные данные о свойствах местности с вероятностью того, что ячейка является пунктом назначения, основанной на свойстве местности в ячейке. ! 4. Система по п.1, в которой вероятность является вероятностью эффективного движения, основанной на изменении во времени до прибытия в возможный пункт назначения, причем вероятность ...

27-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011102582A

... 1. Навигационное устройство (731, 831, 931), отличающееся содержанием модуля (490) уведомления о парковочном месте, при этом навигационное устройство выполнено с возможностью беспроводного приема сообщения (730, 830, 930), указывающего местоположение парковочного места, и, в ответ, модуль (490) уведомления о парковочном месте выполнен с возможностью либо отображения на устройстве (240) отображения указания местоположения парковочного места, либо выбора в качестве местоположения пункта назначения местоположения парковочного места. ! 2. Навигационное устройство (731, 831, 931) по п.1, в котором: ! сообщение указывает время, в которое парковочное место стало доступным, и модуль (490) уведомления о парковочном месте выполнен с возможностью отображения на устройстве (240) отображения указания местоположения парковочного места и указания времени, в которое парковочное место стало доступным. ! 3. Навигационное устройство (731, 831, 931) по п.1 или 2, в котором модуль (490) уведомления о парковочном ...

10-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003129924A

... 1. Способ управления на перекрестке, включающий следующие операции: проверка сети перекрестка для формирования заданного перекрестка на основании информации о местоположении транспортного средства; формирование направляющей стрелки поворота, отображаемой на перекрестке; и одновременное отображение перекрестка и направляющей стрелки поворота, сформированной на нем. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что операция формирования заданного перекрестка включает следующие шаги: вычисление угла подхода подъездной дороги, по которой приближается транспортное средство, углов отхода расходящихся выездных дорог, соединяющихся с подъездной дорогой, и углов между подъездной дорогой и расходящимися выездными дорогами относительно заданного направления; расположение подъездной дороги по вертикали; и представление расходящихся выездных дорог согласно вычисленным углам между подъездной дорогой и выездными дорогами, взятыми относительно подъездной дороги, расположенной по вертикали. 3. Способ по п.2, отличающийся ...

27-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069512511T2

20-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060028546D1

02-02-2006 дата публикации

Vorrichtung für die Darstellung von Informationen in drei Dimensionen

Номер: DE0060302927D1

24-12-2013 дата публикации

Method for providing data for electronic horizon for e.g. navigation apparatus of motor car, involves merging parameters from group of vehicles to data packet for electronic horizon when group of vehicles, comprises two other vehicles

Номер: DE102012210454A1

The method involves determining one vehicle group in the surroundings of the vehicle (100) located with external vehicles (102,104) based on transmitted parameters (112,114) of the other vehicles. The parameters from the group of vehicles included other vehicles is merged to a data packet for the electronic horizon when the group of vehicles, comprises two other vehicles. The vehicle group is determined based on the comparison of external vehicle with reference parameter value. Independent claims are included for the following: (1) device for providing data for electronic horizon for driver assistance system of vehicle; and (2) computer program product for providing data for electronic horizon for driver assistance system of vehicle.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

System und Verfahren für den umweltfreundlichen Betrieb eines Elektrofahrzeugs

Номер: DE102012214195A1

Es werden ein System und ein Verfahren für den umweltfreundlichen Betrieb eines Elektrofahrzeugs offenbart. Das umweltfreundliche Führungssystem kann enthalten: einen Routengenerator, der mindestens eine Kandidatenroute von einer aktuellen Position zu einem Ziel erzeugt; einen Informations-Erfasser, der Echtzeit-Verkehrsinformationen, Wetterinformationen und die Last der Klimaanlage des Fahrzeugs erfasst; eine Recheneinrichtung für die Höhe des Energieverbrauchs, die die Höhe des Energieverbrauchs jeder Kandidatenroute auf Basis geographischer 3D-Informationen der Kandidatenroute und der Echtzeit-Verkehrsinformationen, der Wetterinformationen und der Last der Klimaanlage des Fahrzeugs berechnet; einen Detektor für die Fahrtendenz, der das Fahrmuster des Fahrers analysiert, um die Tendenz des Fahrverhaltens zu bestimmen; einen Datenbankabschnitt, der alle Programme und Daten zum Führen des umweltfreundlichen Fahrens speichert; und einen Steuerabschnitt, der eine umweltfreundliche Fahrstrecke ...

25-06-1998 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Übertragung von eine als Navigationshilfe vorgeschlagene Route eines Fahrzeuges in einem Verkehrsnetz definierenden Routeninformationen von einer Verkehrszentrale an ein Endgerät in einem Fahrzeug, eine Zentrale und ein Endgerät

Номер: DE0019750778A1

A comfortable navigation with a reduced amount of transmitted information is enabled by a terminal, a traffic information centre and a process for transmitting (15) from a traffic information centre (14) to a terminal mounted in a vehicle, route information which completely defines a proposed route (1, 5, 6) for the vehicle (13) in a road network (1 to 6) and which serves as a navigation aid (13). The route information concerns points (7, 12) lying in the proposed route (1, 5, 6). A point (7, 12) is defined as the place where the traffic information centre (14) advises (15) the vehicle (13) to turn (13-5; 5-6) away from a road (1; 5). Additional information which defines the next point (12) of the proposed route, in the driving direction (1, 5, 6) (23 km, "third possibility to turn left, turn left"), is transmitted together with the route information on each point (7, 12) of the route.

03-11-2005 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Übertragung von eine als Navigationshilfe vorgeschlagene Route eines Fahrzeuges in einem Verkehrsnetz definierenden Routeninformationen von einer Verkehrszentrale an ein Endgerät in einem Fahrzeug, eine Zentrale und ein Endgerät

Номер: DE0019750778B4
Принадлежит: ATX EUROPE GMBH

Verfahren zur Übertragung (15) von eine als Navigationshilfe vorgeschlagene Route (1, 5, 6) eines Fahrzeuges (13) in einem Verkehrsnetz (1 bis 6) vollständig definierenden Routeninformationen von einer Verkehrszentrale (14) an ein Endgerät im Fahrzeug (13), wobei die Routeninformationen auf der vorgeschlagenen Route (1, 5, 6) liegende Wegpunkte (7, 12) betreffen, wobei ein Wegpunkt (7, 12) jeweils dort definiert wird, wo dem Fahrzeug (13) von der Verkehrszentrale (14) das Abbiegen (13-5; 5-6) von einer Straße (1; 5) empfohlen (15) wird, wobei zu einer Routeninformation zu einem Wegpunkt (7, 12) jeweils eine den in Fahrtrichtung (1, 5, 6) der vorgeschlagenen Route nächsten Wegpunkt (12) definierende Zusatzinformation (23 km; "3. Linksabbiegemöglichkeit nach links abbiegen") übertragen wird, wobei die Zusatzinformation (23 km, „zwischen dieser und der nächsten Abbiegemöglichkeit zwei Abbiegemöglichkeiten nach links passieren") die Streckenlänge (23 km) zwischen dem ersteren Wegpunkt (7) und ...

01-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003640109A1

System for guiding a vehicle inside a road network or a network of other traffic routes, comprising a record, memorized in the form of data, of the roads or symbols allocated to said roads, a memory comprising data relating to the road itineraries representing connections between several crossing points and branch points represented in the form of nodes associated with the symbols and the distance to cover when passing over the sections between the nodes, as well as the directions of travel by means of which it is possible to pass from one section to another depending on the direction of travel, when passing through a node. The system comprises also a memory for recording the symbol for an exit point, display means which reproduce in an adjacent manner and in the appropriate order the designation of the route which is being covered, the nodes which are to be crossed and the symbols for diversions, as well as the symbols for the travel directions; also, switching means, which, on a control ...

30-06-2005 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Auswahl und Aufbereitung von Verkehrsinformationen

Номер: DE0010354218A1

Mit der Erfindung wird ein Verfahren zur Auswahl und Aufbereitung von Verkehrsinformationen für einen Fahrer eines Kraftfahrzeuges mit den folgenden Verfahrensschritten vorgeschlagen: DOLLAR A - Bestimmung einer Fahrzeugposition und einer Fahrtrichtung des Kraftfahrzeuges, DOLLAR A - Zuordnen der Fahrzeugposition zu einer Straße anhand von Straßenkartendaten, DOLLAR A - Bestimmung möglicher Fahrtrouten unter Einbeziehung der Fahrzeugposition, der Fahrtrichtung und der Straßenkartendaten, DOLLAR A - Empfangen mindestens einer Verkehrsmeldung, die Informationen über eine Verkehrsbehinderung und einen von der Verkehrbehinderung betroffenen Streckenabschnitt enthält, DOLLAR A - Vergleichen der empfangenen Verkehrsmeldungen mit den möglichen Fahrtrouten zur Ermittlung von für eine der möglichen Fortrouten des Fahrzeuges relevanten Verkehrbehinderungen und, falls eine relevante Verkehrsbehinderung auf einer der möglichen Fahrtrouten des Fahrzeuges ermittelt wurde: DOLLAR A - Festlegen eines Zwischenziels ...

28-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069736954D1

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Fahrerinformation für ein Fahrzeugreservierungssystem und Fahrzeugreservierungssystem

Номер: DE102014215188A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Fahrerinformation für ein Fahrzeugreservierungssystem (30) mit mindestens einer Fahrzeugstation (2) zur Fahrzeugübergabe von einem ersten Fahrzeugnutzer an einen zweiten Fahrzeugnutzer innerhalb eines Bereichs (7) der Fahrzeugstation (2) in einem Straßennetz mit den Verfahrensschritten des Erfassens von Fahrzeugreservierungen mindestens zweier aufeinander folgender Fahrzeugnutzer, wobei die Fahrzeugreservierungen mindestens einen präferierten Fahrtendeort (3) des ersten Fahrzeugnutzers und mindestens einen präferierten Fahrtantrittsort (5) des zweiten Fahrzeugnutzers enthalten, des Berechnens des Bereichs (7), sowie des Bereitstellens des Bereichs (7) an die mindestens zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Fahrzeugnutzer und des Bereitstellens eines Fahrzeugübergabeortes in dem berechneten Bereich (7) nach Abstellen eines Fahrzeugs durch den ersten Fahrzeugnutzer, wobei sich der Bereich (7) aus einer Menge aller Orte im Straßennetz (1) zusammensetzt, deren Distanz ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Anzeige von Verkehrsinformationen

Номер: DE102017000373A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Ermitteln und Ausgeben einer Verkehrsvergleichsinformation für ein erstes Fahrzeug (1) mit den Schritten: – Ermitteln (S1) einer aktuellen Fahrzeugposition des ersten Fahrzeugs (1), – Vorgeben (S2) zumindest eines Vergleichsparameters, – Vorgeben (S3) einer Vergleichsreferenz, die das erste Fahrzeug (1) oder ein anderes Fahrzeug (5) oder eine Vielzahl anderer Fahrzeuge (5) ist, – Ermitteln (S4) eines ersten Wertes des jeweiligen Vergleichsparameters für das erste Fahrzeug (1) abhängig von der Fahrzeugposition, – Ermitteln (S5) eines zweiten Wertes des jeweiligen Vergleichsparameters für die Vergleichsreferenz abhängig von der Fahrzeugposition, – Ermitteln (S6) der Verkehrsvergleichsinformation auf Basis des ersten und des zweiten Wertes, – Ausgeben (S9) der Verkehrsvergleichsinformation, wobei der Vergleichsparameter zumindest auf einem der folgenden Elemente basiert: Aktueller Treibstoffverbrauch, durchschnittlicher Treibstoffverbrauch auf einer ...

27-09-2012 дата публикации

End device for visualizing address points on digital geographical cards, has display unit for representing digital geographical card and for visualizing address points and data memory

Номер: DE102011015216A1

The end device (1) has a display unit (3) for representing a digital geographical card (2) and for visualizing the address points and a data memory (4), in which one or multiple address points are stored with assigned geo-coordinates and one or multiple assigned additional information. A data communication unit (5) is provided for transmission of a suitable card request (KA) to a card data provider (6) and for transmitting digital geographical card on the data memory of the end device. An independent claim is also included for a method for visualizing address points on digital geographical cards.

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102014209170A1

Ein Überwachungssystem für visuelle Bilder zur Verwendung in Verknüpfung mit einem Fahrzeugnavigationssystem kann zum Lokalisieren von Verkehrskameras und zum Übertragen visueller Bilder von den entlang einer ersten und/oder zweiten Route bis zu einem Ziel angeordneten Verkehrskameras betrieben werden, um dem Fahrzeugbediener einen visuellen Vergleich von Verkehrsbedingungen bereitzustellen.

31-10-2018 дата публикации

Bildübermittlungsprogramm, Bildübermittlungsvorrichtung und Bildübermittlungsverfahren

Номер: DE102018206420A1

Offenbart wird ein Bildübermittlungsprogramm, welches an einer Fahrzeug-eigenen Vorrichtung, die in einem Fahrzeug (10) angebracht ist, aufweisend eine Bildgebungseinheit (200), die dazu konfiguriert ist, eine Umgebung des Fahrzeugs (10) abzubilden, um ein Bild zu erlangen, und eine Kommunikationseinheit (300), die dazu konfiguriert ist, eine Kommunikation mit einem Informationszentrum (500A, 500B) durchzuführen, ausgeführt wird. Das Bildübermittlungsprogramm enthält einen Bilderlangungsschritt, wobei basierend darauf, ob ein der Kreuzung zugewandtes Markierungsziel prominent ist, oder ob nicht, verursacht wird, das die Bildgebungseinheit (200) ein eine Kreuzung betreffendes Bild erlangt, und einen Übermittlungsschritt, wobei verursacht wird, das die Kommunikationseinheit (300) das erlangte Bild zu dem Informationszentrum (500A, 500B) übermittelt.

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Lotsen von Fahrzeugen sowie Fahrzeugleitsystem

Номер: DE102004032346B4
Автор: HENNEL UDO, Hennel, Udo
Принадлежит: BOSCH GMBH ROBERT, Robert Bosch GmbH

Verfahren zum Lotsen von Fahrzeugen zu freien oder vorbestimmten Parkflächen in Fahrzeugparkeinrichtungen, insbesondere Parkhäusern, bei dem freie Parkflächen in der Fahrzeugparkeinrichtung detektiert werden und Informationen über die freie Parkfläche werden an eine Ausgabeeinheit, insbesondere Navigationssystem, in einem Fahrzeug von einer Sendeeinheit übermittelt, wobei die Ausgabeeinheit die Informationen an den Fahrer ausgibt, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass ein Lageplan der Fahrzeugparkeinrichtung beim Einfahren in die Fahrzeugparkeinrichtung in das Fahrzeug übermittelt wird.

26-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069627932T2

14-02-2002 дата публикации

Navigationssystem und Verfahren zur Darstellung von Informationen in Navigationssystemen

Номер: DE0010037207A1

Verfahren zur Darstellung von Informationen in Navigationssystemen, mittels einer auf einer Anzeigeeinheit dargestellten digitalen Straßenkarte (1), wobei vom Nutzer ausgewählte oder vom Navigationssystem ermittelte Zusatzinformationen als Icons (4) auf der digitalen Straßenkarte (1) dargestellt werden, wobei mindestens einzelne Zusatzinformationen Kriterien zugeordnet sind, bei deren Erfüllung eine optische und/oder akustische Warnmeldung erfolgt.

11-05-2011 дата публикации

Vehicle safety system

Номер: GB0201105046D0

14-11-2007 дата публикации

GPS navigation device having VGA LCD landscape display

Номер: GB0002437987A

A navigation device (41), which may be programmed with map data and a navigation application that enables a route to be planned between two user-defined places, includes a GPS receiver and displays a navigation map on a touch screen display. The display is a 3.5" 1/4VGA LCD display as mandated for use in PocketPCs. mounted in a landscape orientation. The device (41) may comprise an internal aerial for picking up GPS signals that is attached directly to the radio frequency printed circuit board of the GPS receiver. The device may further include only a single hard button that is used to turn the device on and off.

10-10-2007 дата публикации

Phase persistent agile signal source method,apparatus,and computer program product

Номер: GB2436984A

A phase persistent agile signal source method, apparatus, and/or computer program product provides a direct digital synthesizer (DDS) clock rate, provides a frequency tuning word (FTW) for a desired output frequency, provides a DDS update for a desired DDS update rate, provides an equivalent frequency least significant bit (LSB) for the desired DDS update rate, provides a current phase of an LSB accumulator, and generates a coherent phase of the desired output frequency based on the DDS clock rate, FTW, DDS update rate to the DDS, equivalent LSB for the desired DDS update rate, and current phase of the LSB accumulator. The coherent phase can be the fraction portion of the result obtained from the multiplication of the FTW and the current phase of the LSB accumulator.

04-06-2008 дата публикации

Route Guidance System

Номер: GB0002444413A

A route guidance system comprising an in- vehicle device and a central route advisory system in which the in-vehicle device comprises audio and visual units which provide instructions, e.g. pictographs, to a user to perform manoeuvres required to complete an optimal route. The optimal route is determined by the central route advisory system using real-time and historical traffic data acquired from monitored routes together with static typical traffic information acquired from non- monitored routes and transmitted by the central route advisory system to the in-vehicle device in response to a route request from the user to the central route advisory system to a specified destination. A call line identity of a user's device can be received at the advisory system and the user's current position may be determined by a dual tone multifrequency (DTMF) transmission. A traffic forecasting model may be used to determine an optimal route.

04-06-2008 дата публикации

Route Guidance

Номер: GB0002444416A

Route guidance comprises receiving a call from a user's in-vehicle device indicating a desired destination and entering the destination into a route-guidance system. The vehicle current location is determined from a dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) transmission from the device. The potential routes to the desired destination are determined, and associated traffic conditions are ascertained. The optimal route to the desired destination is determined using the distances of the potential routes and the traffic conditions along the routes. Optimal route key-points are determined and flags are associated with them. Both these are transmitted to the user's in-vehicle device and provide visual (e.g. pictographs) and audio instructions to the user as the vehicle approaches the key-points. The optimal route may be determined using a traffic forecasting model. Call line identity of a user's device can be received at the advisory system. Real-time and historical traffic data acquired from monitored ...

23-07-2003 дата публикации

Method of locating and aiding a pedestrian

Номер: GB0000314194D0

28-06-2006 дата публикации

GPS navigation device

Номер: GB0000610034D0

09-08-2006 дата публикации

GPS navigation device

Номер: GB0000612718D0

06-07-2022 дата публикации

Adaptive transit resource allocation

Номер: GB0002602605A

A method of providing adaptive transit resource allocation may include receiving journey planning information from a mobile device. The method may include generating one or more routes based on the journey planning information. The method may include providing the one or more routes and details associated with each of the routes to the mobile device. The method may include receiving a selection of one of the one or more routes from the mobile device. The method may include analyzing the selection and selected routes from a number of other mobile devices. The method may include adjusting an allocation of transit resources based on the analysis.

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000357646T

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000465389T

15-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000459951T

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000435478T

15-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000459061T

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000530876T

15-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000507461T

15-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000145082T

15-08-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000078357T

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000311589T

15-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000274688T

01-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033790956T

14-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037232380T

17-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035634010T

24-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035808429T

04-12-2008 дата публикации

Method for guiding crossroad using point of interest and navigation system

Номер: AU2007354429A1

30-12-2009 дата публикации

Navigation device and method for providing parking place availability

Номер: AU2009264280A1

08-04-2010 дата публикации

Vehicle safety system

Номер: AU2009300361A1

12-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004658789A

01-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002767495A1

Vehicle navigation devices comprising a map database are disclosed. The map database includes information (42, 43) relating to additional road information icons which may serve to differentiate different roads having the same road number.

14-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002765521C

The present invention relates to a method for determining a position of a navigation device (100). The navigation device (100) is adapted to determine a position of the navigation device (100) based on a plurality of different positioning procedures (301-304). Each positioning procedure (301-304) is working with a predefined parameter set. A plurality of geographical areas (A-C) is provided and each geographical area (A-C) is associated with one of the positioning procedures (301-304). An approximate position of the navigation device (100) is determined and based on this approximate position a geographical area (A-C), in which the navigation device (100) is located, is determined. Based on the determined geographical area (A-C) one of the plurality of positioning procedures (301-304) is selected, and based on the selected positioning procedure (301-304) the position of the navigation device (100) is determined.

30-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002725661A1

This invention relates to a navigation device (200) comprising a method of determining parking information, comprising the steps of receiving, at a server (302), journey information from a plurality of navigation devices (200), the journey information indicating one or more journeys made by each navigation device (200) and determining, by the server (302) from the journey information, parking information indicating a geographical location of one or more parking areas (930, 940, 950).

30-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002725691A1

Embodiments of the present invention relate to a navigation device (731, 831, 931) characterised by comprising a parking place notification module (490), wherein the navigation device is arranged to wirelessly receive a message (730, 830, 930) indicating a location of a parking place and, in response, the parking place notification module (490) is arranged to either display on a display device (240) an indication of the location of the parking place, or to select as a destination location the location of the parking place.

20-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1164116A

The invention provides a system for video display by superposing, on the screen of a vehicle-based receiver's image tube, a relatively high definition image defining a road map or a town plan taken from amongst a plurality of such maps or plans and a relatively low definition image defining indication signals to be represented on the map or the plan for information purposes, said system comprising: means for radio-transmitting a plurality of data items related to said low definition images, said data items including respective addresses; means for selectively receiving said data items related to the low definition image of given address; memorizing means for storing said data items of given address; means for displaying said road map or the town plan on the said image tube screen; and means for scanning said memorizing means containing the data items related to the low definition image at a predetermined frequency and for displaying it on the said screen.

23-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002608698A1

A method for identifying traffic information includes receiving traffic data including a first identifier, information corresponding to a predicted amount of time to traverse a particular link, and information corresponding to a location associated with the particular link, where the first identifier enables a determination of a type of the information that is included within the received traffic data. The method also includes determining a type of information included within the received traffic data based on the first identifier and determining travel time prediction information based on the predicted amount of time included in the received traffic data only if the first identifier enables a determination that the received traffic data includes a prediction related to an amount of time. The method further includes determining location information based on the information that is included in the received traffic data corresponding to the location associated with the particular link and ...

12-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002478496A1

The present invention is directed to a method and apparatus for sending and retrieving location relevant information to a user by selecting and designating a point of interest that is displayed on a graphical user interface and sending the location information associated with that point of interest to a receiver that is also selected using the graphical user interface. The location relevant information may also include mapped routes, waypoints, geo-fenced areas, moving vehicles etc. Updated location relevant information may also be continuously sent to the user while generating updated mapping information on the graphical user interface. The present invention may be practiced by using communication devices such as a personal computer, a personal digital assistance, in-vehicle navigation systems, or a mobile telephone.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003075247A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

Provided are a driving assistance method and driving assistance device that make it possible for a vehicle to appropriately enter a branch road at a road section where, after a branching point is passed, one of two adjacent lanes on a main road becomes the branch road and the other becomes the main road. In the present invention, the planned travel road path of a vehicle on map data is retrieved (S1-S3), and at a road section where, after a branching point is passed, one of two adjacent lanes on a main road becomes a branch road and the other becomes the main road, when the vehicle enters the range of a prescribed distance from the branching point, if the vehicle is traveling on the lane that will become the main road after the branching point is passed, guidance is provided for switching to the lane that will become the branch road after the branching point is passed (S4, S5).

26-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002618989A1

25-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002582583C

A wireless communications device obtains sets of map data for rendering portions of a map on a display of the device. The map data includes label data for rendering labels on the map for identifying map features. Once the map data is obtained, the wireless device generates a list of all the labels to be rendered on the map, and for each duplicated label in the list, determines whether the map features associated with the duplicated labels connect on the map. If the labels connect, the device then generates a reconstructed map feature and renders a single instance of the label for the map feature. Accordingly, a map feature, such as a path, can be rendered with a single label even if the map data for the map feature, including its associated labels, was transmitted over-the-air as discrete sets of data.

13-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002726929C
Принадлежит: THALES, THALES SA

La présente invention est relative à un procédé de protection d'un utilisateur de récepteur de radio-navigation vis-à-vis de mesures de pseudo-distances aberrantes. Ce procédé est caractérisé en ce que l'on détecte une erreur de mesure par une méthode d'estimation statistique à partir du calcul des résidus des mesures. Ce procédé permet, en particulier, de façon autonome de tout segment sol (donc implémentant une fonctionnalité RAIM) d'augmenter les performances d'un récepteur (dit primaire ) du commerce sans fonction d'intégrité, de détecter d'éventuelles erreurs contaminant des mesures en entrée du calcul de la position, par l'utilisation d'un algorithme statistique d'estimation robuste, c'est-à-dire réellement non affecté par les erreurs de mesures, et mettant en oeuvre un critère dynamique, et de calculer une correction robuste pour la position fournie par le récepteur primaire en excluant une telle erreur si elle est détectée, ...

25-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002310273C

A system for acquiring map information reliably even when a vehicle is running in a blind area where the map information is not acquirable in real time, assisting the vehicle to keep running smoothly. In this system, necessary map information can be acquired from an external information center upon request via a communication device. Specifying data of a blind area in which the map information is not acquirable in real time is previously stored in a memory. Based on the specifying data stored in the memory and a current position of the vehicle detected as by GPS, a processor acquires the map information of the blind area from the information center upon request when the vehicle approaches the blind area. The acquired map information is stored in the memory and is read out for use in navigation.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Information display apparatus for map display

Номер: US20120081281A1
Автор: Kazumasa Morichika
Принадлежит: Casio Computer Co Ltd

An information display apparatus, including a nonvolatile database memory 14 that stores map data, a display unit 16 , a user state detection unit 31 that detects a kind of user movement state indicative of a current user movement state from among a plurality of kinds of user movement states, a display setting unit 32 that sets a display form of the map data to be displayed by the display unit based on the user movement state detected by the user state detection unit, and a display control unit 33 that controls a display of the map data by the display unit in the display form set by the display setting unit.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Gps navigator

Номер: US20120095680A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a method and system for identifying a location of interest between a user and an identified endpoint and creating a user preference profile containing at least one location of interest to the user. A sampling bandwidth is designated based on current distance to the identified endpoint, wherein the navigation unit dynamically expands the sampling bandwidth as the user approaches within a predetermined distance of the endpoint. At least one user preference profile location of interest is selected that is within the sampling bandwidth that is between the user and the indentified endpoint. A sampling vector is computed for the at least one location of interest within the sampling bandwidth, and the user is alerted to the sampling vector for the at least one location of interest within the sampling bandwidth.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus of route guidance

Номер: US20120143504A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

Systems and methods of route guidance on a user device are provided. In one aspect, a system and method transmit partitions of map data to a client device. Each map partition may contain road geometries, road names, road network topology, or any other information needed to provide turn-by-turn navigation or driving directions within the partition. Each map partition may be encoded with enough data to allow them to be stitched together to form a larger map. Map partitions may be fetched along each route to be used in the event of a network outage or other loss of network connectivity. For example, if a user deviates from the original route and a network outage occurs, the map data may be assembled and a routing algorithm may be applied to the map data in order to direct the user back to the original route.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Navigation system having maneuver attempt training mechanism and method of operation thereof

Номер: US20120191343A1
Автор: Ambreen Haleem
Принадлежит: Telenav Inc

A method of operation of a navigation system includes: generating a maneuver instruction for a driving maneuver, the maneuver instruction including an explanation of how to turn, merge, park or operate a driver's vehicle; monitoring a maneuver attempt for a compliance to the maneuver instruction; modifying the maneuver instruction based on the maneuver attempt; assigning a driver skill grade for the maneuver attempt based on the compliance to the maneuver instruction; and generating a training feedback to improve the driver skill grade of the maneuver attempt for displaying on a device.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for providing poi information for mobile terminal and apparatus thereof

Номер: US20120203460A1
Автор: Chae-Guk CHO, Ki-Hyung Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and apparatus for providing point of interest (POI) information of a mobile terminal. The method and apparatus extract POI information, where the POI information and/or associated road information is included in an image captured by a camera. Location information of an image capture place and image capture direction information are read from the digital photo image, and the POI information corresponding to the location and image capture direction information is extracted from a map data, and the extracted POI information is thereafter displayed on the digital photo image.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Navigation system

Номер: US20120239281A1
Автор: Ole Hinz
Принадлежит: Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH

A system provides a description of a road segment using location reference points. The system may receive traffic information about a road segment along a road. The system may determine two sets of location reference points based on the traffic information. The system may generate a description of the road segment based on the two determined sets of location reference points.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Navigation Device and Guiding Method Thereof

Номер: US20120259539A1
Автор: Akio Sumizawa
Принадлежит: Clarion Co Ltd

Disclosed is a navigation device capable of guiding HOV lanes more intelligibly. The device comprises a storage unit that stores installation information relating to traffic lanes that become passable when predetermined conditions are satisfied (hereinafter referred to as “conditional traffic lanes”) and a guiding unit that guides entrances to the conditional traffic lanes. The guiding unit displays entrance guide images for guiding the car in which the device is installed to the entrances to the conditional traffic lanes instead of images that have been displayed until then when the position of the car approaches the entrances to the conditional traffic lanes.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

System for providing traffic data and driving efficiency data

Номер: US20120296559A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Current and predicted traffic information is provided from incident data, traffic flow data, and media related to traffic received from multiple sources. The crowd sourced data may be provided passively by applications on remote mobile devices or actively by users operating the remote mobile devices. An application on a mobile device may receive the multiple data types, aggregate and validate the data, and provides traffic information for a user. The traffic information may relate to the current position and route of the user or a future route. The present technology may also provide driving efficiency information such as fuel consumption data, carbon footprint data, and a driving rating for a user associated with a vehicle.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Methods and systems for early warning detection of emergency vehicles

Номер: US20120313792A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A system and method for warning of emergency vehicles includes a computing device that receives location data from a transmitter associated with a first vehicle based on a warning system of the first vehicle being activated. The computing device transmits vehicle notification data to a second vehicle based on the location data.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Customized system for vehicle driving assistance

Номер: US20130033384A1

A system for signaling a risk level in the presence of a road obstruction. The method is characterized in that the on-board device include a mechanism whereby the vehicle user inquires about the presence of an obstruction, a mechanism capable of enabling the user to respond to the inquiry, and a mechanism capable of communicating to the remote server the content of the response or non-response of the user. The remote server includes a mechanism for analyzing the response or non-response and capable of generating a reliability index parameter for the user. The on-board device also includes a mechanism capable of communicating to the vehicle user, in particular in visual form and/or audio form, information related to a reliability index parameter for the user(s) that have passed “over” the obstruction within a given time.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Providing Traffic Notifications to Mobile Devices

Номер: US20130106618A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

A system and method for providing traffic notifications to mobile devices is provided. The system obtains device data from a plurality of mobile devices within a similar area, gathered using, e.g., a GPS system. According to the speed that the mobile devices are travelling and the location of the similar area, traffic events can be identified and other mobile devices notified to provide dynamic updates as traffic situations change. Follow up notifications can be provided to update the user regarding the progress of traffic congestion, detours can be suggested, and various alerts provided. The mobile device may be connected to or part of a vehicle and leverage the notification system to provide different types of alerts and to notify users using various mechanisms.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus to provide location information

Номер: US20130304370A1

A method of providing location information through a navigation device, the method including: obtaining location information from the Internet; and converting the obtained location information into data that can be used in the navigation device.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Real-Time Drive Assistance System And Method

Номер: US20130321179A1

There are described a real-time drive assistance system and method. The system proposes a centralized architecture capable of determining and preventing, in real time, potentially dangerous road situations, increasing road safety. The system is based on a communication network obtained through specific portable mobile communication devices () capable of exchanging information related to the state of a plurality of vehicles () in motion along a road network, with a single centralized processing unit (). The method comprises the steps of: periodical acquisition, through the portable mobile communication devices (), of the information related to the state of the vehicles () in motion along the road network; 1. Real-time drive assistance system comprising:{'b': 10', '12', '12', '10', '14', '12', '18', '12, 'a single centralized processing unit () able to receive a plurality of information related to the state of a plurality of vehicles () in motion along a road network, and also to detect road situations that are potentially dangerous for said vehicles (), the centralized processing unit () comprising in turn a web server () connected to Internet, that receives and processes the information received by each vehicle (), and a geographical database (), provided with corresponding digital maps on which the vehicles () are positioned according to the information communicated thereby;'}{'b': 16', '12', '16, 'claim-text': one or more processing unit,', 'one or more wireless communication systems,', 'a user identification card (“SIM” card),', 'an operating system that allows a high level programming,', {'b': 12', '14, 'one or more application programs capable of acquiring the information related to the state of the vehicles () and exchanging said information with the web server (),'}, {'b': 12', '14, 'one or more user communication interfaces for generating warnings that can alert the drivers of the vehicles () based on the processing performed by the web server ().'}], 'a ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Navigation device and navigation method capable of presenting prompt information with different light effects

Номер: US20130325324A1
Принадлежит: Wistron Corp

The present disclosure discloses a navigation device and a navigation method. The navigation method includes a satellite signal receiving module of the navigation device for receiving a positioning signal, a control unit of the navigation device for controlling a display module to display a navigation map on a map region according to the positioning signal, and the control unit of the navigation device for controlling a prompt region to present prompt information with different light effects according to traffic information. The prompt region is located outside the map region. Therefore, it is unnecessary for the user to further pay too much cognitive attention on understanding or referring to the navigation images and instructions, so the driving safety can be ensured.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Information providing method and information providing vehicle therefor

Номер: US20140063064A1

A method of providing information about a predetermined external vehicle on a transparent display of an information providing vehicle, the method including: acquiring status information of the external vehicle; determining a display mode for displaying an object corresponding to the external vehicle based on the acquired status information; and displaying the object corresponding to the external vehicle on the transparent display in the determined display mode, wherein the display mode may include an augmented reality mode displaying an image obtained by overlaying a virtual image on an actual image of the external vehicle that is observed through the transparent display, and a map mode displaying the object corresponding to the external vehicle after mapping the object to a map.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003572A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

An object of the present invention is to achieve an efficient route search and a creation of detailed guidance information. A travel assistance device according to the present invention includes: an information acquisition unit acquiring road connection information which expresses a connection relationship of roads in units of roads and does not include shape information of roads, first traffic lane reference information which expresses a connection relationship of roads in units of traffic lanes and includes shape information of traffic lanes, and corresponding information which associates the road connection information with first traffic lane reference information; a route search unit searching a travel route of a vehicle using the road connection information; and a guidance information creation unit creating guidance information for guiding the vehicle using the first traffic lane reference information of the travel route. 1. A travel assistance device , comprising:a processor to execute a program; anda memory to store the program which, when executed by the processor, performs processes of,acquiring road connection information which expresses a connection relationship of roads in units of roads by a plurality of road nodes and a plurality of road links connecting each of the plurality of road nodes and does not include a coordinate of a road link shape point constituting each of the plurality of road links, first traffic lane reference information which expresses a connection relationship of roads in units of traffic lanes by a plurality of traffic lane nodes and a plurality of traffic lane links connecting each of the plurality of traffic lane nodes and includes a coordinate of a traffic lane link shape point constituting each of the plurality of traffic lane links, and corresponding information which associates the road connection information with first traffic lane reference information;searching a travel route of a vehicle using the road connection ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Image control apparatus, display apparatus, movable body, and image control method

Номер: US20210003414A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

An image control apparatus installed in a movable body, includes a controller to generate data of an image to be displayed so as to appear to be superimposed on a predetermined position including at least a road surface in a direction along which the movable body moves, as viewed from an occupant of the movable body. The controller generates a pattern to be displayed at the predetermined position, upon detecting that a change in a route is included in a planned path that is generated in advance, and that a change position of the route is further away than the predetermined position as viewed from the occupant, and the pattern is displayed in such a manner that an actual position of the change position of the route appears to be positioned on an extended line of at least part of information forming the pattern, as viewed from the occupant.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220011125A1
Автор: GAN Xun, GE Tingting, Li Zhao

A navigation method, an electronic device, and a storage medium, which are related to a field of artificial intelligence, such as depth learning, maps, and navigation. The specific implementation scheme includes: obtaining a parking space located in an indoor parking lot in response to an operation acquired based on a map application, generating an indoor-outdoor navigation route in the map application by taking the parking space as a destination address in the indoor-outdoor navigation route, and navigating a vehicle driven by a user to the parking space according to the indoor-outdoor navigation route. 1. A navigation method , comprising:obtaining a parking space located in an indoor parking lot in response to an operation acquired based on a map application;generating an indoor-outdoor navigation route in the map application by taking the parking space as a destination address in the indoor-outdoor navigation route; andnavigating a vehicle driven by a user to the parking space according to the indoor-outdoor navigation route.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the obtaining the parking space located in the indoor parking lot in response to the operation acquired based on the map application comprises:determining a selected target parking space as the parking space located in the indoor parking lot, in a case that the operation is selecting a parking space from candidate idle parking spaces.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:displaying the candidate idle parking spaces in the map application in response to a query processing of the parking space; andinitiating a navigation operation based on the selected target parking space, in a case that the selected target parking space is determined.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:triggering a navigation recommendation in response to the vehicle driven by the user approaching the indoor parking lot.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the navigation recommendation comprises a recommended idle parking ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus and associated methods

Номер: US20170004708A1
Принадлежит: Here Global BV

An apparatus comprising a processor and memory including computer program code, the memory and computer program code configured to, with the processor, enable the apparatus at least to: identify, for use in route navigation, a complete set of lane traversals for a road intersection from two or more different complete sets of lane traversals for the road intersection based on respective safety-traffic flow scores assigned according to one or more predefined safety-traffic flow criteria, wherein each lane traversal defines a path of travel from an inbound lane of the road intersection to an outbound lane of the road intersection, and wherein each different complete set of lane traversals comprises a different combination of lane traversals for the road intersection.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005527A1

Embodiments described herein provide approaches for visualizing navigation information for a connected autonomous vehicle. Specifically, navigation communications (e.g., communications that are used in the decision making process of autonomous vehicles) from a plurality of vehicles within a particular area are received by a server. The server analyzes all of the navigation communications to determine which of the navigation communications is relevant to a particular connected autonomous vehicle. These relevant navigation communications are used by the server to generate contextual information about the other vehicles in the area. This contextual information is applied to a video display of the area. 1. A computer-implemented method for visualizing navigation information for a connected autonomous vehicle , the method comprising:obtaining, by a server, navigation communications from a plurality of vehicles within an area;determining which of the navigation communications is relevant to the connected autonomous vehicle;generating contextual information about the plurality of vehicles based on the relevant navigation communications; andapplying the contextual information to a video display of the area.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the navigation communications include communications between each of the plurality of vehicles and a navigation control server and communications between each of the plurality of vehicles and others of the plurality of vehicles.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the navigation communications include a vehicle speed claim 2 , a vehicle distance from another vehicle claim 2 , a vehicle intended action claim 2 , and an ability to communicate with another vehicle.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising taking an action to stop another vehicle in response to an inability to communication with the another vehicle.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the generated contextual information includes other vehicle status information that is ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005635A1

An information processing apparatus () includes a calculation unit () and a process execution unit (). The calculation unit () calculates a probability distribution of an estimation position of a vehicle by using information and map data, the information including at least one of a detection result of a target object in a vicinity of the vehicle, positioning information received from a positioning satellite, and information of an inertial measurement unit (IMU). In a case where accuracy of the estimation position of the vehicle based on the probability distribution calculated by the calculation unit () is lower than a predetermined reference, the process execution unit () executes at least one predetermined process for improving accuracy of a position estimation process. 1. An information processing apparatus comprising:a calculation unit that calculates a probability distribution of an estimation position of a vehicle by using information and map data, the information including at least one of a detection result of a target object in a vicinity of the vehicle, positioning information received from a positioning satellite, and information of an inertial measurement unit (IMU); anda process execution unit that executes at least one predetermined process in a case where accuracy of the estimation position of the vehicle based on the probability distribution is lower than a predetermined reference.2. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the process execution unit executes a process of outputting first information including position information of a position at which the accuracy of the estimation position of the vehicle based on the probability distribution is lower than the predetermined reference.3. The information processing apparatus according to claim 2 ,wherein the process execution unit executes a process of outputting first information including date and time information indicating a date and time when the accuracy of the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005637A1

The disclosed computer-implemented method may include receiving, by a transportation requestor device, progress information that indicates progress of a transportation provider toward a request location, presenting, via a graphical user interface of the transportation requestor device, the progress of the transportation provider toward the request location with a graphical representation of the transportation provider according to the progress information, receiving, by the transportation requestor device, contextual information from a server that explains the progress of the transportation provider as indicated by the progress information, and changing, via the graphical user interface of the transportation requestor device, the graphical representation of the transportation provider with a graphical representation of the contextual information. Various other methods, systems, and computer-readable media are disclosed. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:receiving, by a transportation requestor device, progress information that indicates progress of a transportation provider toward a request location;presenting, via a graphical user interface associated with the transportation requestor device, the progress of the transportation provider toward the request location with a graphical representation of the transportation provider according to the progress information;receiving, by the transportation requestor device, contextual information from a server that explains the progress of the transportation provider as indicated by the progress information; andchanging, via the graphical user interface of the transportation requestor device, the graphical representation of the transportation provider with a graphical representation of the contextual information.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the contextual information explains a diminished progress of the transportation provider.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190007798A1

A location-based and preference-based system and method for matching media content about persons, places and things with the expressed preferences of mobile users to notify users about and provide users with access to media content about persons, places and things that match the user's expressed preferences. The system thus provides information such as stories or articles that match the user's interests and relate to their location. The system may assign ranks to all of the media content that meets that user's preferences wherein, in one embodiment, it will automatically play them in the assigned order. Comparison of the user's preferences with the various profiles of the media content allows the user only to be informed of the media content for those persons, places or things that the user is likely to be interested in. The system and method thus provides for a mobile real-time point of interest exchange network. 122.-. (canceled)23. An electronic processor-implemented method for matching a user of a mobile device with information , comprising:facilitating input to the mobile device of a user preference, including a geographic area limitation;determining a location of the mobile device;obtaining, for a plurality of objects, respective sets of attributes and locations of the objects, the obtaining being performed at the mobile device;determining, by the mobile device, a matching object, of the plurality of objects, that matches the user based on at least: (a) the set of attributes satisfying the user preference; and (b) a distance between the location of the mobile device and the object being within the geographic area limitation; anddisplaying on a display of the mobile device, in response to a positive outcome of the determining, information about the matching object;wherein the matching object is a person, place and/or thing.24. The method of claim 23 , further comprising receiving at the mobile device one or more updates to the plurality of objects claim 23 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Method for associating a hazard with a zone of a digital map

Номер: US20170010113A1
Принадлежит: TomTom Traffic BV

There is disclosed herein methods of operating a computing device, such as a server, to associate a hazard with a zone of a digital map. The method comprises the computing device: receiving data representative of a location of a hazard matched to a location on a digital map accessible to said computing device; and determining if the repository comprises data representative of a zone corresponding to a region of a digital map containing the location of the hazard, to which the hazard should be associated. If the repository does not comprise data representative of such a zone, the method further comprises generating data representative of a zone corresponding to a region of a digital map containing the location of the hazard, and storing the generated data representative of said zone in the data repository. There is also disclosed herein computing devices and software for carrying out these methods.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011685A1

Route search devices and programs obtain network data including nodes and links, and link information including (i) travel times for traveling a link included in the network data, the nodes and the links representing a road network, and (ii) for each entry link or each exit link, information that identifies a value representing statistical variation of travel times for the link, the entry link being a link entering a node at one end of the link, and the exit link being a link exiting from a node at another end of the link. The devices and programs search for a recommended route by taking into account (i) a travel time to a destination, based on the network data and the link information, and (ii) cost values identified based on a representative value of travel times for a link and a value representing statistical variation of the travel times. 1. A route searching device comprising: [ travel times for traveling a link included in the network data, the nodes and the links representing a road network; and', 'for each entry link or each exit link, information that identifies a value representing statistical variation of travel times for the link, the entry link being a link entering a node at one end of the link, and the exit link being a link exiting from a node at another end of the link; and, 'obtain network data including nodes and links, and link information including, a travel time to a destination, based on the network data and the link information; and', 'cost values identified based on a representative value of travel times for a link and a value representing statistical variation of the travel times., 'search for a recommended route by taking into account], 'a processor programmed to2. The route searching device according to claim 1 , wherein:the processor is programmed to store, in a storage medium, a representative value of travel times for a link and a value representing variation of travel times for a link such that the values are associated with an entry ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200012279A1

An information processing device () includes a route acquisition unit () and an automatic driving section determination unit (). The route acquisition unit () acquires route information indicating a moving route of a mobile body. The automatic driving section determination unit () acquires adaptation coefficients for a plurality of sections included in the moving route indicated by the route information, with reference to an adaptation coefficient storage unit () that stores automatic driving adaptation coefficients set for the respective sections. Further, the automatic driving section determination unit () determines the automatic driving sections of the mobile body in the moving route, based on the acquired adaptation coefficients. 1. An information processing device comprising:a route acquisition unit that acquires route information indicating a moving route of a mobile body; andan automatic driving section determination unit that refers to an adaptation coefficient storage unit which stores an adaptation coefficient of automatic driving set for each section, and determines an automatic driving section of the mobile body in the moving route, based on the adaptation coefficients of a plurality of the sections included in the moving route indicated by the route information.2. The information processing device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a setting unit that sets the adaptation coefficient, based on a calculation element including at least any one of a frequency of occurrence of overrides occurring during automatic driving, a frequency of occurrence of communication between the mobile body or a driver of the mobile body and an outside of the mobile body, a frequency of occurrence of transfer of authority from automatic driving to manual driving, and a frequency at which an accuracy of location estimation of the mobile body is a predetermined threshold or less.3. The information processing device according to claim 2 ,wherein the calculation element is ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013283A1

A roadside device is configured to adapt to a vehicle road including at least a first lane and a second lane. The roadside device includes an input circuit configured to receive input of traffic light information of a traffic light for the first lane and an output circuit. The output circuit outputs the traffic light information, first road information corresponding to the first lane, second road information at least partially corresponding the second lane, and information that the second road information is substituted for the first road information. 1. A roadside device that is configured to adapt to a vehicle road including at least a first lane and a second lane , the roadside device comprising:an input circuit configured to receive input of traffic light information of a traffic light for the first lane; andan output circuit,wherein the output circuit outputs the traffic light information, first road information corresponding to the first lane, second road information at least partially corresponding the second lane, and information that the second road information is substituted for the first road information.2. The roadside device according to claim 1 , further comprisinga control circuit,wherein the control circuit executes control that the output circuit outputs the traffic light information, the first road information corresponding to the first lane, the second road information at least partially corresponding the second lane, and the information that the second road information is substituted for the first road information.3. The roadside device according to claim 1 , further comprisinga storage circuit,wherein the storage circuit stores the first road information and/or the second road information.4. The roadside device according to claim 1 , whereinthe output circuit includes an antenna, andthe antenna outputs the first road information, the second road information, and the information that the second road information is substituted for the first road ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Electronic device, server, and control method and location information providing method for the electronic device

Номер: US20210014191A1
Принадлежит: Thinkware Corp

Provided is an electronic device which periodically transmits current location information to the location information service providing server in case of executing grouping applications, produces group including at least one member, selected by a user, of address list information received from the location information service providing server, requests messages requesting group participation to the member included in the group through the social network service providing server in case of generating predetermined events, and periodically receives the location information from the member accepting the group participation and displays the received location information on a map.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220036732A1

Systems and methods of traffic light detection/perception are provided for detecting traffic lights states and/or transitions for different traffic light layouts. Basic traffic light information can be obtained regarding, e.g., the existence of a traffic light(s) at an intersection being approached by a vehicle, and which bulb(s) may apply to/control a particular lane of traffic at the intersection. Based on that information, bulb-specific or bulbwise detection can be performed. Upon determining the existence of a traffic light, specific bulbs within or making up the traffic light can be detected, and their various states can be predicted or estimated relative to a corresponding bulb group. The various states can then be simplified and output as a message(s) upon which autonomous control of a vehicle can be based. 1. A method , comprising:generating images of a traffic light;detecting current characteristics of each bulb of a plurality of bulbs comprising the traffic light based on the images;temporally filtering the current characteristics of each bulb in one or more bulb groups to refine the detected current characteristics; andoutputting one or more bulb-specific states regarding the one or more bulb groups.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising generating an autonomous vehicle navigation plan based on the one or more bulb-specific states.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the generating of the images comprises projecting information regarding the traffic light from a high definition (HD) map onto a plurality of in-vehicle camera-captured images of the traffic light.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the one or more bulb groups are defined in the HD map.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the one or more bulb groups are defined relative to a lane or lanes of roadway controlled by the traffic light.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the detecting of the current characteristics comprises determining a data intersection between each bulb of each of the one or ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for recognizing position of vehicle

Номер: US20150022381A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co Ltd

The present invention relates to an apparatus and method for recognizing a position of a vehicle to notify the position to a driver. The vehicle position recognizing apparatus includes a WiFi module configured to receive signals from a plurality of WiFi APs, a WPS module configured to measure RSSI values of the signals received by the WiFi module, and estimate a position of a vehicle, and a WPS correction controller configured to correct the RSSI values measured by the WPS module to recognize the position of the vehicle.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210020043A1
Автор: LIN Kuo-Hung

A navigation method comprising: scanning two-dimensional codes using a code scanning unit of a user terminal and obtaining two-dimensional code; comparing the information of the acquired two-dimensional code with the information in a database, and marking the position corresponding to each two-dimensional code in a map, wherein the database stores the map of the preset area and a relation of all positions of the map and the two-dimensional code information; receiving a target position input by a user, and finding a path information between the current position corresponding to the two-dimensional code and the target position; and outputting the current position and the path information. 1. A navigation method , comprising:scanning a two-dimensional code using a code scanning unit of a user terminal and obtaining a piece of two-dimensional code information;comparing the acquired two-dimensional code information with information stored in a database, and positioning a current positional information determined by the two-dimensional code information in a map, wherein the database stores the map of a preset area and a corresponding relation between each positional information in the map and a corresponding two-dimensional code information of the preset area;receiving a target position input by a user, and finding a path information between the current positional information corresponding to the two-dimensional code information and the target position; andoutputting the current positional information and the path information to the user terminal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the two-dimensional code is a doorplate two-dimensional code or a store two-dimensional code.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the method for acquiring the two-dimensional code information at least can be selected from one of two methods as follows:a doorplate two-dimensional code is scanned by a code scanning unit of a user terminal, and positional information in the two-dimensional code ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Dynamic navigation service

Номер: US20150025792A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

Systems and methods may provide for implementing a dynamic navigation service. In one example, the method may include generating user behavior data for a user, generating community user behavior data, generating a user suggested route, and generating a community user suggested route.

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Method for selecting route, terminal, system for selecting route, and program

Номер: US20220042809A1
Автор: Yuki Matsushita
Принадлежит: Faurecia Clarion Electronics Co Ltd

The on-board apparatus 50 calculates an automated driving route of the vehicle 55 from the parking space of the vehicle 55 to the destination and an estimated time required to reach the destination in the case in which the vehicle 55 drives by automated driving by following the automated driving route. The server apparatus 30 calculates a walking travel route in the case of traveling by walk from the position of the terminal apparatus 10 to the parking space of the vehicle 55 and an estimated time required to reach the parking space of the vehicle 55 in the case of walking by following the walking travel route. The terminal apparatus 10 displays at the display unit 140 the automated driving route, the estimated time required for the automated driving route, the walking travel route, and the estimated time required for the walking travel route; and when a selection of the automated driving route is accepted, the terminal apparatus 10 starts the drive of the autonomous vehicle.

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for upcoming turn identification and assistance

Номер: US20210025726A1

A system includes a processor configured to determine a navigation instruction execution location within a predefined distance from a vehicle location. The processor is also configured to communicate with a wireless transceiver to receive information identifying an intervening turn-option location, between the execution location and vehicle location. The processor is further configured to determine a distance between the vehicle location and turn-option location and display the determined distance on a navigation display, until the vehicle passes the turn-option location.

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Image output device

Номер: US20200027273A1

The present invention relates to an image output device provided in a vehicle. The image output device includes: an image output unit; and a processor obtaining a plurality of coordinate values constituting a certain building from a map, generating a graphic object, which overlaps at least a portion of the building, using the coordinate values when the building is searched from within a predetermined range with respect to the vehicle, and outputting the generated graphic object through the image output unit.

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Methods and systems for promoting environmentally friendly transportation mechanisms

Номер: US20180031379A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

Traffic management methods for promoting environmentally friendly transportation include the following acts: transmitting, by a routing unit to a requesting road user, computed traffic route proposals that include different transport mechanisms; selecting a traffic route from the transmitted traffic route proposals, by the requesting road user, and transmitting the selected traffic route to the routing unit, which provides the road user with traffic route data for the selected traffic route; transmitting position data, from the road user, along the traffic route taken by the road user in order to validate the transportation mechanism used by the road user in the process; and rating a behavior of the road user based on the transportation used by the road user.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031385A1

At an application executing in a device in a vehicle, a phrase is detected in a conversation occurring between two users. A determination is made that the phrase is usable in providing a navigation directive. Using NLP, a deep parsing the conversation is performed to extract a context applicable to the phrase. the context is evaluated to determine whether the context is related to a navigation of the vehicle. At the device, from the conversation, a future location is computed of the vehicle during the navigation. Using data from a data source, a suboptimal driving condition is identified on a route between a present location of the vehicle and the future location. A user in the vehicle is alerted about the suboptimal driving condition on the route. 1. A method comprising:detecting, at an application executing in a device in a vehicle, in a conversation occurring between two users, a phrase;determining that the phrase is usable in providing a navigation directive;performing, using Natural Language Processing (NLP), a deep parsing the conversation, the deep parsing extracting a context applicable to the phrase;evaluating the context to determine whether the context is related to a navigation of the vehicle;computing, at the device, from the conversation, a future location of the vehicle during the navigation;identifying, using data from a data source, a suboptimal driving condition on a route between a present location of the vehicle and the future location; andalerting a user in the vehicle about the suboptimal driving condition on the route.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:presenting to the user an option to use a navigation application for navigating the vehicle; andinitiating the navigation application responsive to an input from the user, the input selection the option, wherein the initiating populates a value in the navigation application, the value being calculated from the conversation.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:extracting a ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033419A1

A remote operation system including a processor that is configured to acquire position information and communication quality information from each of a plurality of vehicles, on a regular basis, create position-specific communication quality information in which the position information and the communication quality information are associated with each other, create communication-prioritized route information representing a route linking together positions where communication quality is a predetermined value or greater, and also to create time-prioritized route information representing a route with a shorter journey time to a destination than the communication-prioritized route, supply the communication-prioritized route information and the time-prioritized route information to an occupant of a remote operation target vehicle, instruct a remote operation station of a selected route selected, and execute a countermeasure enabling travel stability to be maintained at a position where communication quality is below a predetermined value. 1. A remote operation system comprising:a processor that is configured to:acquire position information and communication quality information from each of a plurality of vehicles, on a regular basis;create position-specific communication quality information in which the position information and the communication quality information are associated with each other;create communication-prioritized route information representing a route linking together positions where communication quality is a predetermined value or greater based on the position-specific communication quality information, and also to create time-prioritized route information representing a route with a shorter journey time to a destination than the communication-prioritized route;supply the communication-prioritized route information and the time-prioritized route information to an occupant of a remote operation target vehicle;instruct a remote operation station as to a ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190035258A1

The present disclosure relates to a method and system for monitoring on route transportations. The method includes obtaining a driving route of a target vehicle; obtaining a reference position on the driving route away from a first current position of the target vehicle; determining a second current position of the target vehicle after a reference time; determining a distance between the second current position and the reference position is greater than a preset distance; and sending a signal to a target terminal indicating that the target vehicle is off-route.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200035097A1
Автор: JIN XIN, TANIZAKI Daisuke

To provide a technique for recognizing a tendency of a parking lot that was actually used by users visiting a target facility, a parking lot information management system includes: a parking information collecting unit that collects parking information indicating a parking point at which a vehicle is parked from the vehicle; and a history information accumulating unit that accumulates history information for every target facility that is set as a destination, the history information configured so that a tendency of a parking lot that the vehicle was actually parked in when the target facility was set as the destination is derived, based on the parking information. 1. A parking lot information management system comprising:a parking information collecting unit that collects parking information indicating a parking point at which a vehicle is parked from the vehicle; anda history information accumulating unit that accumulates history information for every target facility that is set as a destination, the history information configured so that a tendency of a parking lot that the vehicle was actually parked in when the target facility was set as the destination is derived, based on the parking information.2. The parking lot information management system according to claim 1 , wherein the history information is information indicating whether the parking point is in a subordinate parking lot that is a parking lot subordinate to the target facility.3. The parking lot information management system according to claim 2 , wherein acquires map information indicating a position of a facility, a parking lot region in which there is a parking lot, and a subordinate relationship of the parking lot region with respect to the facility;', 'determines that the vehicle is parked in the subordinate parking lot subordinate to the target facility when the parking point is in the parking lot region subordinate to the target facility; and', 'determines that the vehicle is not parked in the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210035448A1

An objective of the present invention is to provide a method for processing surrounding information which enables improvement of accuracy for estimation of a current position of a moving body. The objective is achieved by detecting light transparent region information of the surrounding information acquired by a sensor in a detection step, wherein the light transparent region information corresponds to a light transparent region. Further, in a generation step, information after removal is generated by removing the light transparent region information from the surrounding information. In this manner, a current position for a travelling vehicle can be estimated with the information after removal. The estimation accuracy can be improved by omitting the information about the light transparent region for which the acquired information may vary. 1. A method for processing surrounding information , comprising:an acquisition step for acquiring surrounding information about an object with a sensor positioned at a moving body, the object existing in surroundings of the moving body;a detection step for detecting light transparent region information of the surrounding information which corresponds to a light transparent region; anda generation step for generating information after removal by removing at least the light transparent region information from the surrounding information.2. The method for processing surrounding information according to claim 1 , further comprising:a transmission step for transmitting the information after removal to outside.3. A method for processing surrounding information claim 1 , comprising:an acquisition step for acquiring surrounding information about an object from a moving body with a sensor positioned thereon, the object existing in surroundings of the moving body;a detection step for detecting light transparent region information of the surrounding information which corresponds to a light transparent region; anda generation step for ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Route search device, control method, program and storage medium

Номер: US20180038701A1
Принадлежит: Increment P Corp, Pioneer Corp

An enhanced map information processing unit 14 of a driving assistance device 1 acquires from a determination unit 13 information on surroundings of a vehicle which is needed to perform autonomous driving, and acquires from a server device 2 environment information on surroundings of a route on which autonomous driving is performed. On the basis of the acquired environment information, the enhanced map information processing unit 14 extracts, as an autonomous driving unsuitable location Pn, a location at which the accuracy of the acquirement of the sensor unit 12 is predicted not to satisfy a standard for acquiring the information on the surroundings of the vehicle needed to perform autonomous driving. An informing unit 18 alerts the extracted autonomous driving unsuitable location Pn to a user.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041531A1

A mesh network localization system includes at least one base station located on a building roof to receive a GPS signal from a satellite and to transmit a base station location signal. An infrastructure device is located at a ground level to derive its global position based on the base station location signal. A mobile end-device is in communication with the infrastructure device via DSRC, and the infrastructure device transmits a derived global position to the mobile end-device unable to receive a GPS signal. 1. A mesh network localization system comprising:a base station located on a building to receive a GPS signal from a satellite and to transmit a base station location signal; andan infrastructure device located at ground level to derive global position based on the base station location signal and to transmit a derived global position to a mobile end-device in communication with the infrastructure device via DSRC and unable to receive a GPS signal.2. The mesh network localization system of claim 1 , wherein the infrastructure device derives a global position based on long-range signals transmitted from three base stations each located on a different building.3. The mesh network localization system of claim 1 , wherein the infrastructure device includes a DSRC transmission range that overlaps with a transmission range of at least one adjacent infrastructure device.4. The mesh network localization system of claim 1 , wherein the infrastructure device is a street lamp having a DSRC transceiver.5. The mesh network localization system of claim 1 , wherein the infrastructure device is initialized upon power-up by requesting at least one of the base station location signal from a base station and a derived global position of an adjacent infrastructure device.6. The mesh network localization system of claim 1 , wherein the mobile end-device is a vehicle including a user interface display claim 1 , and the end-device displays a vehicle location based on the derived ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190043235A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

An image generation unit generates a support image indicating a reference position of an object. A visibility determination unit determines whether or not a reference range based on the reference position can be visually recognized from a moving body. If it has been determined that the reference range can be visually recognized, a display control unit causes the support image to be displayed, such that the support image without alteration is superimposed on a landscape around the moving body. If it has been determined that the reference range cannot be visually recognized, the display control unit alters the support image, and then causes the altered support image to be displayed, such that the altered support image is superimposed on the landscape around the moving body. 19-. (canceled)10. A support image display apparatus to cause a support image to be displayed , such that the support image is superimposed on a landscape that is observed from a viewpoint position of a moving body , the support image indicating a reference position of an object included in the landscape , the support image display apparatus comprising:processing circuitry to:generate the support image;determine whether or not a structure that is present between the moving body and the object overlaps a reference range based on the reference position of the object, in the landscape; andalter the support image and cause the altered support image to be displayed when the reference range overlaps the structure.11. The support image display apparatus according to claim 10 ,wherein when the reference range overlaps the structure, the processing circuitry alters a position of the support image and then causes the altered support image to be displayed.12. The support image display apparatus according to claim 11 ,wherein the processing circuitry moves the support image to a road where the moving body travels, to a position where a position indicated by the support image does not overlap the structure in ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200043260A1

To provide a recording device enabling information to be acquired that enables a possibility of leading to identification of the cause of an accident to be raised. A recording device according to the present embodiment includes an imaging data acquisition unit configured to acquire imaging data obtained by capturing an outside or an inside of a vehicle, an event detection unit configured to detect an occurrence of an event, a route information acquisition unit configured to acquire route information for the vehicle, and a recording control unit configured to, when the event detection unit detects an occurrence of an event, record data in which the route information is included in the imaging data from a first timing before the occurrence of the event to a time point at which the event occurred as first recorded data. 1. A recording control device comprising:an imaging data acquisition unit configured to acquire imaging data obtained by capturing an outside or an inside of a vehicle;an event detection unit configured to detect an occurrence of an event;a route information acquisition unit configured to acquire route information for the vehicle; anda recording control unit configured to, when the event detection unit detects an occurrence of an event, record data including the imaging data from a first timing before the occurrence of the event to a time point at which the event occurred and the route information notified to the vehicle user in the period including the time point at which the event occurred as first recorded data.2. The recording control device according to claim 1 , wherein the route information includes at least one of traveling direction information claim 1 , recommended lane information claim 1 , via-point information claim 1 , and destination information.3. The recording control device according to claim 1 , further comprising a superimposed-video generation unit configured to generate superimposed video data in which the route information is ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Utilizing determined optimized time windows for precomputing optimal path matrices to reduce computer resource usage

Номер: US20200043334A1
Принадлежит: Salesforce com Inc

A method involves accelerating the electronic determination of high quality solutions to routing problems by utilizing determined optimized time windows for precomputing optimal path matrices to reduce computer resource usage. The use of traffic windows defined based on changes in rates of change of speeds for traffic on road segments allows for more rapid determination of a set of one or more high quality solutions as compared to requiring on-demand, in-process determination of a shortest path for a particular time during comparison of paths or routes performed as part of a process for determining high quality solutions to the routing problem.

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Driver Feedback for Efficiently Traversing Intersections

Номер: US20210049907A1

In a method for efficiently guiding a driver of a vehicle through intersections, information regarding status of one or more traffic lights positioned at one or more intersections is received by a computing device or system associated with the driver or vehicle, and a current speed of the vehicle is monitored as the vehicle approaches the intersection(s). A dynamic visual or audio indicator is set based on the status information and the current speed, and presented to the driver via a display or speaker, respectively, of the computing device or system. The dynamic indicator is indicative of one or more changes in speed that, if matched by the driver as the vehicle approaches the one or more intersections, would cause the driver to avoid one or more stops as the vehicle moves through the one or more intersections. 1. A method for efficiently guiding a driver of a vehicle through one or more intersections , the method comprising:receiving, by a computing device or system associated with the driver or the vehicle, information regarding status of one or more traffic lights positioned at the one or more intersections;monitoring, by the computing device or system, a current speed of the vehicle over time as the vehicle approaches the one or more intersections; andcausing, by the computing device or system, a dynamic visual or audio indicator to be presented to the driver via a display or speaker, respectively, of the computing device or system, wherein the dynamic indicator is indicative of one or more changes in speed that, if matched by the driver as the vehicle approaches the one or more intersections, would cause the driver to avoid one or more stops as the vehicle moves through the one or more intersections, and wherein causing the dynamic indicator to be presented to the driver includes setting the dynamic indicator based on (i) the information regarding status of the one or more traffic lights and (ii) the current speed.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220067768A1

A navigation system includes: a communication circuit configured to: transmit a request for an initial mapping of a region, and receive a sensor data packet for the region from a map generation resource; a control circuit, coupled to the communication circuit, configured to: compile the high definition map from the sensor data packet; and publish the high definition map, as metric-based content, to a navigation exchange mechanism.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220068130A1

A computer-implemented method of receiving and processing a wireless emergency alert at a vehicle comprises receiving, at a computer system of the vehicle, the wireless emergency alert over a wireless communication network. The wireless emergency alert may include an alert message and geographical coordinates defining one or more alert areas associated with the emergency alert. The method may further include comparing, via the vehicle computer system, a current location of the vehicle with the geographical coordinates to determine whether the vehicle is within or near the alert area(s) and, if the vehicle is within or near the alert area(s), generating via the computer system a map illustrating the current location of the vehicle with respect to the alert area(s), and displaying the map at a display screen of the vehicle. 1. A non-transitory computer readable medium for storing instructions for:receiving, at a computer system of a vehicle, a wireless emergency alert over a wireless communication network, the wireless emergency alert including an alert message and geographical coordinates defining one or more alert areas associated with the wireless emergency alert;comparing, via the vehicle computer system of the vehicle, a current location of the vehicle with the geographical coordinates to determine whether the vehicle is within or near the one or more alert areas defined by the geographical coordinates; andif the vehicle is within or near the one or more alert areas,generating, via the computer system of the vehicle, a map that illustrates the current location of the vehicle with respect to the one or more alert areas;displaying, via the computer system of the vehicle, the map at a display screen of the vehicle;creating, via the computer system of the vehicle, a notification that the vehicle is within or near the one or more alert areas, andtransmitting, over the wireless communication network, the notification to one or more user devices of contacts provided in ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Display device, display method and control device

Номер: US20200049523A1

A display device includes an emission level calculator and a display. On the basis of a first route for a vehicle from an origin to a destination and electricity information of electricity stored in an in-vehicle battery in which electricity to be used for travel of the vehicle is stored, the emission level calculator calculates a first emission level of carbon dioxide to be caused by travel of the vehicle on the first route. Furthermore, on the basis of a second route for public transportation from the origin to the destination, the emission level calculator calculates a second emission level of carbon dioxide to be caused by travel of the public transportation on the second route. The display displays information based on the first emission level and the second emission level.

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Devices and methods for comparing and selecting alternative navigation routes

Номер: US20200049526A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Devices, methods, and machine-readable media to facilitate intuitive comparison and selection of calculated navigation routes are disclosed. An electronic device for navigation includes a touch-sensitive screen and a processing module for displaying a map, calculating a number or navigation routes simultaneously on the touch-sensitive screen, and receiving a selection of a route. Callouts, or markers for presenting key information about each route, are also displayed discretely on the map. Navigation tiles including key route information and route pictorials can also be created and displayed for each calculated route.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180053413A1

Various aspects of a system and method to process traffic sound data to provide in-vehicle driver assistance are disclosed herein. The system includes one or more circuits in an electronic control unit (ECU) of a first vehicle. The one or more circuits in the ECU are configured to receive sound data captured by two or more audio-input devices associated with the first vehicle. The sound data corresponds to sound emanated from one or more other vehicles. Thereafter, a relative position (distance and/or angle) of the first vehicle from a second vehicle of the one or more other vehicles is determined based on the received sound data. Further, an in-vehicle alert is generated for the first vehicle based on the determined relative position. The in-vehicle alert comprises a virtual sound representative of sound emanated from the second vehicle. 1. A system for providing in-vehicle driver assistance comprising: receive sound data captured by two or more audio-input devices associated with said first vehicle, wherein said sound data corresponds to sound emanated from one or more other vehicles;', 'determine a distance of said first vehicle from a second vehicle of said one or more other vehicles based on said received sound data; and', 'generate an in-vehicle alert for said first vehicle based on said determined distance, wherein said in-vehicle alert comprises a virtual sound representative of sound emanated from said second vehicle., 'one or more circuits in an electronic control unit (ECU) of a first vehicle, said one or more circuits being configured to2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said first vehicle includes: a first set of audio-output devices associated with a driver of said first vehicle claim 1 , and a second set of audio-output devices associated with said driver and one or more co-passengers of said first vehicle.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein said in-vehicle alert is reproduced via said first set of audio-output devices associated ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074759A1

Example embodiments are directed to systems and methods for providing end of route navigation. In example embodiments, a network system identifies a destination of a route and retrieves a display template based on the destination. The display template provides guidelines for display of end of route content, whereby the display of the end of the route content is different than display of content during a middle of the route. The network system identifies, based on the display template, a display time to trigger the display of the end of the route content. The display time may be associated with a threshold distance to the destination. The network system monitors a location of a vehicle along the route and accesses end of route content. Responsive to detecting that the location of the vehicle is at the threshold distance to the destination, the network system causes presentation of the end of the route content on a device associated with the vehicle. 1. A method comprising:identifying a destination of a route;retrieving a display template based on the destination, the display template providing guidelines for display of end of route content, the display of the end of the route content being different than display of content during a middle of the route;identifying, based on the display template, a display time to trigger the display of the end of the route content, the display time being associated with a threshold distance to the destination;monitoring, by a hardware processor, a location of a vehicle along the route;accessing end of route content; andresponsive to detecting that the location of the vehicle is at the threshold distance to the destination, causing presentation of the end of the route content on a device associated with the vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining a context of an area within a predetermined distance of the destination claim 1 , the end of route content being based in part on the context.3. The method of claim 2 ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140136099A1
Автор: CHOI Yun Seok, Lee Eun Bok
Принадлежит: SK PLANET CO., LTD.

The present invention relates to a system and a method for partially updating map data based on a user's movement path, a service apparatus and a terminal apparatus thereof, and a recording medium therefor, and the method includes checking a major movement path of a user; receiving map data update information; extracting partial map data to be updated from map data matched with the major movement path of the user to request update information for the extracted partial map data; and receiving the requested update information on the partial map data to update the map data, and according to the present invention, map data matched with a user's major movement path is partially updated by determining the user's major movement path to more efficiently update the map data. 1. A system for partially updating map data based on a user's movement path , the system comprising:a service apparatus configured to transmit map data update information, when receiving a request for update information for partial map data, extract the requested update information for the partial map data, and transmit the extracted update information for the partial map data; anda terminal apparatus configured to extract major movement path information of a user to check a major movement path of the user through the extracted major movement path information, receive the map data update information from the service apparatus, extract partial map data to be updated from map data matched with the major movement path of the user, request update information for the extracted partial map data to the service apparatus, receive the update information for the partial map data matched with the major movement path of the user from the service apparatus, and partially update the map data by using the received update information for the partial map data.2. A service apparatus comprising:a transceiving unit configured to transmit and receive data;a storage unit configured to store map data; anda control unit ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Navigation data processing system, apparatus and computer readable medium

Номер: US20210063171A1
Принадлежит: Micware Co Ltd

A navigation system and a computer program are capable of changing the role of an apparatus that implements navigation in accordance with its performance and circumstances, and achieving single navigation, in a coordinated fashion, with multiple apparatuses to which their roles are appropriately distributed. At least one apparatus is provided with: a plurality of function executing units that independently have different functions for navigation, each of the function executing units performing processing associated with the function in response to a given instruction and returning a result of the processing; and an instruction unit that provides an instruction to each of the plurality of function executing units, and receives a result of the processing returned in response to the instruction; the instruction unit of the apparatus provides an instruction to one or more of the plurality of function executing units according to a procedure suitable for a purpose to be accomplished as to navigation, and outputs navigation data based on a result of processing returned in response to the instruction.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180060986A1

According to an embodiment, an information processing device includes an input, a first storage, an acquirer, and a second storage. The input receives image data from an imager that captures, from a vehicle, an image of surroundings of the vehicle. The first storage stores, in correlation with each other, identification information for identifying a road structure contained in the image data for guiding the vehicle, and category information indicating a category of the road structure. The acquirer acquires location information representing a spot at which the vehicle is traveling. The second storage stores, in correlation with one another, the image data from which the road structure is detected based on the identification information stored in the first storage, the category information, and the location information indicating a spot at which the vehicle is traveling at the time of capturing the image data containing the road structure. 1. An information processing device comprising:an input that receives image data from an imager, the imager that captures, from a vehicle being in motion, an image of surroundings of the vehicle;a first storage that stores identification information and category information in correlation with each other, the identification information being for identifying a road structure contained in the image data, the road structure being for guiding the vehicle while traveling on a road, the category information indicating a category of the road structure;an acquirer that acquires location information representing a spot at which the vehicle is traveling; anda second storage that stores the image data, the category information, and the location information in correlation with one another, the image data from which the road structure is detected based on the identification information stored in the first storage, the category information correlated with the identification information in the first storage, the location information acquired by ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210065548A1
Автор: Li Yan

The present disclosure provides systems and methods for navigation based on intersection coding. A method may include obtaining a current location of a subject and navigation information. The method may also include determining, based on the current location and the navigation information, one or more road features associated with an upcoming intersection with respect to a current road segment. The method may also include determining, based on the one or more road features and a coding system, one or more navigation codes corresponding to the upcoming intersection. The method may further include determining, based on the one or more navigation codes, a prompt for navigation associated with the upcoming intersection. 1. A system for navigation based on intersection coding , comprising:at least one storage medium including a set of instructions; and obtain a current location of a subject and navigation information;', 'determine, based on the current location and the navigation information, one or more road features associated with an upcoming intersection with respect to a current road segment;', 'determine, based on the one or more road features and a coding system, one or more navigation codes corresponding to the upcoming intersection; and', 'determine, based on the one or more navigation codes, a prompt for navigation associated with the upcoming intersection., 'at least one processor in communication with the at least one storage medium, wherein when executing the set of instructions, the at least one processor is configured to cause the system to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the coding system provides a mapping relationship between a plurality of specific road features and a plurality of specific navigation codes claim 1 , each of the plurality of specific navigation codes corresponds to a specific prompt for navigation claim 1 , and the prompt for navigation is selected from the specific prompts.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more road ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Method of presenting information for vehicle, electronic device, and storage medium

Номер: US20220081007A1
Автор: Yunfeng Liu

The present disclosure provides a method of presenting information for vehicle, an electronic device, and a storage medium, which are applied to a field of automatic driving, intelligent transportation, and navigation technology. The specific implementation scheme is: acquiring a target navigation path, wherein the target navigation path includes a plurality of road segments; acquiring operation information of an automatic driving system of a vehicle, in response to determining that the plurality of road segments include a target road segment that allows automatic driving; and controlling the vehicle to present the target navigation path and a touch object used to switch an operation state of the automatic driving system, in response to the operation information indicating that the automatic driving system is in a normal state, wherein the target road segment in the presented target navigation path is highlighted.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Method, computer program and apparatus for controlling operation of a vehicle equipped with an automated driving function

Номер: US20220081011A1
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG

A method, a computer program, and an apparatus for controlling operation of a transportation vehicle equipped with an automated driving function and a transportation vehicle equipped with an automated driving function which uses the method or apparatus. A first signal state of a traffic light is determined from data of at least one vehicle sensor, the determined first signal state of the traffic light is then validated based on information available in the transportation vehicle, and an operation mode of the transportation vehicle is set as a function of a validation result.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063934A1
Автор: Napier Parhys L.

A computer device for use in modifying route navigation with waypoints is provided. The computer device includes at least one processor in communication with at least one memory device. The computer device is in communication with at least one display screen and at least one touchpad. The computer device is programmed to (a) activate an edit mode from a route overview mode, (b) display a list of a plurality of destinations on a display screen, (c) detect a first touching and a first tapping on a touchpad in an area that corresponds to a destination of the plurality of destinations on the list to select the destination, (d) detect a second touching and a second tapping on the touchpad in an area that corresponds to a position in the list, and (e) move the destination to the position in the list. 1. A method for modifying route navigation with waypoints , said method implement by a computer device including at least one processor in communication with at least one memory device , said method comprising:activating an edit mode from a route overview mode;displaying a list of a plurality of destinations on a display screen;detecting a first touching and a first tapping on a touchpad in an area that corresponds to a destination of the plurality of destinations on the list to select the destination;detecting a second touching and a second tapping on the touchpad in an area that corresponds to a position in the list; andmoving the destination to the position in the list.2. A method in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising displaying a first indicator on the destination to indicate selection after the first tapping.3. A method in accordance with claim 2 , further comprising displaying a second indicator between two destinations to indicate the position on the list after the second touching and before the second tapping.4. A method in accordance with claim 3 , further comprising simultaneously displaying the first indicator and the second indicator.5. A method in ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Method and remote control device for reconfiguring travel route of objects by reflecting predicted risk level to risk map

Номер: US20210072755A1
Принадлежит: Hanwha Defense Co Ltd

According to a non-limiting example embodiment, a remote control device includes a display configured to display a risk map; an input interface configured to input a travel route for an object to move along; a computing device, including at least one processor, the computing device configured to: receive obstacle information detected as the object moves along an actual travel route based on the travel route, and receive route information of the actual travel route of the object; and reset the travel route inputted by the input interface to a reset travel route in real time based on a mission given to the object or a risk level in each of a safe area and a dangerous area displayed on the risk map.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210074156A1

This disclosure relates to a distributed data center that includes resources carried by a fleet of vehicles. The system includes sensors configured to generate output signals conveying information related to the vehicles and/or the surroundings of vehicles. The system includes a remote computing server configured to maintain map data and distribute it to the fleet, including local map data to individual vehicles pertaining to their surroundings. Individual vehicles may compare the local map data with the information related to their individual surroundings. Based on such comparisons, individual vehicles may detect discrepancies between the local map data and the information related to their individual surroundings. The remote computing server may modify and/or update the map data based on the detected discrepancies. 1. A system configured to use data-processing resources carried by a fleet of vehicles as a distributed data center to create and update map data , the system configured to couple with the fleet of vehicles , wherein the fleet includes a first vehicle located near first surroundings and a second vehicle located near second surroundings , the system comprising: maintain a real-time map of a geographical area, wherein the real-time map includes information related to one or more location-specific features of the first surroundings and the second surroundings, wherein the one or more location-specific features are not pertaining to current local traffic conditions;', 'receive, from a first transceiver carried by the first vehicle, first discrepancy information, wherein the first discrepancy information reflects a first detected discrepancy between the real-time map and the first surroundings of the first vehicle that have been detected based on first output signals generated by a first set of sensors carried by the first vehicle, wherein the first detected discrepancy is based on a first comparison of the real-time map data and the first surroundings of the ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150077270A1

A vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication transponder for use in V2V communication, safety and anti-collision systems incorporating a location point store and a lane records store, wherein the lane records are constructed by the transponder from the point in the location point store, location points are received from other moving transponders, and lane records are shared between transponder response to a request. Separate source counts are kept for internally generated and shared lane records. Methods of sharing are described. Lane types are also derived from the location point store and other vehicle behavior. No central authority, road-side equipment, (RSU), or pre-determined lane maps are required. Embodiments include a hybrid protocol using both TDMA and CSMA. Some embodiments are free of MAC and IP addresses. Embodiments include equipped vehicles and V2V system using the transponder. 1. A vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication transponder adapted to operate in a first vehicle wherein the transponder is adapted to accept as input a first location of the first vehicle and a vehicle heading of the first vehicle , and wherein the transponder is adapted to broadcast a series of V2V safety messages wherein a majority of V2V safety messages comprise: (i) the first vehicle position; (ii) the first vehicle heading; and (iii) a first vehicle speed; and wherein the transponder comprises a lane map data store in non-transitory memory; wherein the improvement is:the lane map data store further comprises: (i) a location point store comprising one or more location points, and (ii) a lane records store;wherein the location point store comprises a plurality of locations contained in V2V safety messages received by or transmitted by the V2V communication transponder;wherein the lane records store comprises one or more lane records and wherein each lane record comprises: (i) a lane type, and (ii) location data that identifies the location of the lane.2. The vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Navigation system and navigation device

Номер: US20190072406A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

Whether route guidance information output from a navigation device to which an external device is connectable is provided by a navigation function of the external device or by that of the navigation device is able to be identified. A navigation device ( 100 ) that outputs route guidance information to HMI devices ( 104 ) to ( 110 ) and an external device ( 102 ) having a navigation function connected to the navigation device are included. The navigation device includes an external device detection means ( 322 ) that detects an input from the external device and an output control means ( 324 ) that controls output of route guidance information to the HMI devices. When the external device detection means has detected an input from the external device, the output control means outputs route guidance information provided by the navigation function included in the external device to the HMI devices in an output mode different from when route guidance information is output to the HMI devices by a navigation function included in the navigation device.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200073977A1
Автор: Montemerlo Michael

Methods, systems, and techniques for validating road intersections are presented. The method includes receiving annotated intersection data that, for each lane of a particular candidate intersection, indicates one or more attributes of the lane; processing the annotated intersection data to generate an intersection fingerprint for the particular candidate intersection that is sensitive to a topological structure of the lanes of the particular candidate intersection and is invariant to a geometry of the lanes of the particular candidate intersection; designating the particular candidate intersection as validated without performing the one or more quality control processes based at least on the intersection fingerprint; and storing a representation of the particular candidate intersection in the roadgraph. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:receiving, by a system that includes (i) a quality assurance engine that designates, as validated, candidate intersections that have successfully completed one or more quality control processes, (ii) one or more databases that store a roadgraph, and (iii) a roadgraph manager that causes representations of validated, candidate intersections to be stored in the roadgraph, annotated intersection data that, for each lane of a particular candidate intersection, indicates one or more attributes of the lane;processing, by the system, the annotated intersection data to generate an intersection fingerprint for the particular candidate intersection that is sensitive to a topological structure of the lanes of the particular candidate intersection and is invariant to a geometry of the lanes of the particular candidate intersection;designating, by the system, the particular candidate intersection as validated without performing the one or more quality control processes based at least on the intersection fingerprint for the particular candidate intersection; andin response to designating the particular candidate intersection as ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190079290A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

An image display apparatus having a display part () that is arranged on a mount body which is mounted on the head of a user includes a detection part () and a control part (). The detection part () detects a tilt of the head of the user. The control part () sets a virtual horizon based on the tilt which is detected by the detection part () and sets a non-display region having a band shape that is parallel to the set virtual horizon. 1. An image display apparatus having a display part that is arranged on a mount body which is mounted on a head of a user , the image display apparatus comprising:a detection part that detects a tilt of a head of the user; anda control part that sets a virtual horizon based on the tilt which is detected by the detection part and that sets a non-display region having a band shape which is parallel to the virtual horizon.2. The image display apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the non-display region is a region between a first boundary line that is provided by a first distance in an upper direction from and in parallel with the virtual horizon and a second boundary line that is provided by a second distance in a lower direction from and in parallel with the virtual horizon.3. The image display apparatus according to claim 2 ,wherein the first distance is shorter than the second distance.4. The image display apparatus according to claim 2 , comprisinga speed detection part that detects a movement speed,wherein the control part changes a relationship between the first distance and the second distance in accordance with the movement speed that is detected by the speed detection part.5. The image display apparatus according to claim 4 ,wherein the control part shortens the second distance when the movement speed that is detected by the speed detection part is fast, andthe control part shortens the first distance when the movement speed is slow.6. The image display apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein, when an information image and a ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220100202A1

A server device stores a distribution map DB including autonomous driving regulatory information Ir for regulating autonomous driving of a vehicle in a predetermined section, and sends map data D including the autonomous driving regulatory information Ir to a driving assistance device Then, the driving assistance device receives the map data D including the autonomous driving regulatory information Ir and controls the autonomous driving of the vehicle based on the received autonomous driving regulatory information Ir. 1. A driving assistance device for an autonomous vehicle , comprising:an electronic memory;one or more electronic sensors;an electronic display output unit configured to display maps; and retrieve, from the one or more electronic sensors, electronic information indicating a current position of the vehicle;', 'acquire, from an external electronic device in electronic communication with the processor, map information and autonomous driving regulatory information for a point of interest within a geographical area correspondent to the retrieved current position of the vehicle,', 'the acquired autonomous driving regulatory information indicating an automation level for at least one autonomous driving function that the autonomous vehicle is capable of performing during autonomous driving,', 'the automation level being selected from any one of a level corresponding to a prohibition of the vehicle from performing the at least one autonomous driving function and plural levels respectively corresponding to degrees of abilities by which the vehicle is permitted to perform the at least one autonomous driving function, and', 'the at least one autonomous driving function being selected from any of lane keeping assist, self-steering, and automatic speed adjustment;', 'display, on the electronic display output unit, and based on the acquired autonomous driving regulatory information and the map information, a graphic representation of a map of the geographical area ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220101729A1

In a method for efficiently guiding a driver of a vehicle through intersections, information regarding status of one or more traffic lights positioned at one or more intersections is received by a computing device or system associated with the driver or vehicle. A value of speed for the vehicle that, if matched by the driver, causes the vehicle to arrive at the intersection while the traffic light is green and avoids stopping as the vehicle moves through the intersection, is calculated. A dynamic visual or audio indicator is caused, by the computing device or system, to be presented to the driver via a display or speaker, respectively, of the computing device or system. Causing the dynamic indicator to be presented to the driver includes setting the dynamic indicator based on the calculated value of speed. 1. A method for efficiently guiding a driver of a vehicle through one or more intersections , the method comprising:receiving, by a computing device or system associated with the driver or the vehicle, information regarding status of one or more traffic lights positioned at the one or more intersections;calculating a value of speed for the vehicle that, if matched by the driver, causes the vehicle to arrive at the intersection while the traffic light is green and avoids stopping as the vehicle moves through the intersection; andcausing, by the computing device or system, a dynamic visual or audio indicator to be presented to the driver via a display or speaker, respectively, of the computing device or system, wherein causing the dynamic indicator to be presented to the driver includes setting the dynamic indicator based on the calculated value of speed.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:monitoring, by the computing device or system, a current speed of the vehicle over time as the vehicle approaches the one or more intersections,wherein causing the dynamic indicator to be presented to the driver includes setting the dynamic indicator based on the ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210089038A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

In a vehicle control system, when an occupant visually recognizes a signboard and signboard course information is included in signboard information corresponding to the signboard, the signboard information is displayed on a display device. When the signboard course information out of the signboard information is visually recognized continuously, a control device generates course information based on the signboard course information. The generated course information is output to a vehicle control ECU, and course change processing based on the course information is performed by the vehicle control ECU. 1. A vehicle control system comprising:a front imaging device configured to image a front of a vehicle;a signboard position detector configured to detect, based on a front image imaged by the front imaging device, a position of a signboard in the front image;a sightline-state imaging device configured to image eyes of an occupant of the vehicle;a sightline state detector configured to detect, based on a sightline image imaged by the sightline-state imaging device, a sightline state that is a state of a sightline;a first sightline determination unit configured to determine, based on the position of the signboard and on the sightline state, whether the sightline is located at a signboard region corresponding to the signboard in the front image;a signboard-information acquisition unit configured to acquire signboard information corresponding to the signboard from map information, when it is determined that the sightline is located at the signboard region;a signboard-information determination unit configured to determine, based on the signboard information, whether signboard course information that is one or more pieces of information on a course of the vehicle is included in the signboard information;a display device configured to display the signboard information when it is determined that the signboard information includes the signboard course information;a second ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Method for sharing images between vehicles

Номер: US20220103789A1
Автор: Dukyung JUNG, Kihyung LEE

The present invention relates to a method for allowing vehicles driving on a road to share captured images with each other. At least one from among an autonomous vehicle, a user terminal, and a server of the present invention can be linked with an artificial intelligence module, a drone (unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV), a robot, an augmented reality (AR) device, a virtual reality (VR) device, a device related to a 5G service, and the like

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170089713A1

The present disclosure relates to approaches for providing real time traffic information to a user using a control panel of a building automation system. The control panel includes a processor, a memory in electronic communication with the processor, and instructions stored in the memory that are executable by the processor to couple the control panel to at least one of a sensor and a controller of the building automation system, receive traffic data for a geographic area associated with the control panel, and generate at least one audible notification to communicate the traffic data to a user through the control panel. 120- (canceled)21. A method for traffic monitoring at a control panel , the method comprising:receiving a destination at an interface of the control panel, the control panel being located in a premises of one or more occupants;determining a route to the destination;monitoring traffic conditions in relation to the determined route, the traffic conditions comprising at least one of traffic congestion, a traffic accident, construction, weather, or any combination thereof;identifying a traffic condition that affects an aspect of the determined route based at least in part on the monitoring;identifying an alternative route to the destination based at least in part on the identified traffic condition;sending an audio signal to a speaker associated with the control panel, the audio signal comprising at least one of an audible alert, text-to-speech information, or any combination thereof regarding the alternative route and the identified traffic condition that affects the determined route.22. The method of claim 21 , comprising:display a map comprising at least a portion of the determined route on a display of the control panel; andoverlay a visual representation of the monitored traffic conditions onto the map.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein the audio signal comprises audibly communicated traffic data claim 21 , audibly communicated traffic data ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Use of road lane data to improve traffic probe accuracy

Номер: US20170089717A1

A mobile computing device is described that provides navigational guidance with lane-level granularity. The mobile computing device may be configured to measure and transmit its respective traffic data, which may include an indication of a vehicle road lane in which a vehicle is currently travelling, the speed of the vehicle driving in this road lane, and/or an indication of how long it takes for the vehicle to pass through various intersections in various lanes. The traffic data may be transmitted from several mobile computing devices to a traffic aggregation service, which may calculate an average vehicle speed and average intersection timing on a per-road lane basis. The traffic service may broadcast the averaged data to one or more mobile computing devices configured to receive this information. The mobile computing devices may use the averaged data to optimize routing and/or to improve the accuracy in which route driving times are calculated.

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle and server to communicate with vehicle

Номер: US20220135084A1
Автор: Byung Il Choi
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Corp

A server includes a communication device configured to communicate with a plurality of vehicles, a controller configured to receive location information of the vehicles, generate route information based on the received location information of the vehicles and goods transport information, transmit the generated route information to a first vehicle among the plurality of vehicles, select a second vehicle among the plurality of vehicles and a takeover location to take over goods based on delivery point information including a delivery point and location information of the vehicles when the delivery point information among the goods transport information is changed during traveling of the first vehicle, generate route information of the first and second vehicles based on waypoint information for the takeover location, and transmit the generated route information of the first and second vehicles to the first and second vehicles

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190088107A1

The present disclosure relates to a method and system for monitoring on route transportations. The method includes obtaining a driving route of a target vehicle; obtaining a reference position on the driving route away from a first current position of the target vehicle; determining a second current position of the target vehicle after a reference time; determining a distance between the second current position and the reference position is greater than a preset distance; and sending a signal to a target terminal indicating that the target vehicle is off-route. 1. An on-route transportations monitoring system for sending an emergency alert to a target terminal , comprising:one or more network ports to communicate with user terminals registered with an online transportation service platform; initiate a transportation transaction between a passenger of a vehicle and a driver of the vehicle through the online transportation service platform, the passenger accessing the online transportation service platform via a first user terminal associated with the passenger, the driver accessing the online transportation service platform via a second user terminal associated with the driver;', 'send first signals to the first user terminal to generate a first presentation including registration information of the driver;', 'determine an occurrence of a predefined emergency by receiving an alert for the occurrence of the predefined emergency from the first user terminal, the alert resulting from activation of an alert button as part of a user interface displayed by the first user terminal;', 'receive emergency information from the first user terminal; and', 'send second signals including the emergency information to a target terminal, the emergency information including a location of the occurrence of the predefined emergency and the registration information of the driver., 'logic circuits coupled to the one or more network ports, wherein during operation the logic circuits2. The ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190088123A1

A system includes a processor and a memory. The memory stores instructions executable by the processor to, upon receiving a first message including a map, a vehicle location, and a first location, navigate the vehicle to the first location, and then, after stopping the vehicle at the first location, navigate the vehicle to a second location upon receiving a second message. 1. A system , comprising a processor; and a memory , the memory storing instructions executable by the processor to:upon receiving a first message including a map, a vehicle location, and a first location, navigate the vehicle to the first location; andthen, after stopping the vehicle at the first location, navigate the vehicle to a second location upon receiving a second message.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the second message includes the second location.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the map specifies locations according to a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the map includes coordinates of location markers including at least one of a cone claim 1 , a post claim 1 , a pattern claim 1 , a text claim 1 , and a sign.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the map further includes physical characteristics of the location markers.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the memory stores further instructions executable by the processor to determine current location coordinates of the vehicle by:detecting a location marker based on received image data;determining a location of the vehicle relative to the location marker; anddetermining the current location coordinates of the vehicle based on the detected location marker and the determined location of the vehicle relative to the location marker.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the memory stores further instructions executable by the processor to:receive image data from a vehicle sensor;identify a path to the first location based on the received image data and the first message; andnavigate the vehicle to ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200088537A1
Автор: Matsunaga Hideyuki

A configuration in which content indicating the danger of a danger point on a traveling route set by a driver is selected and is then presented to the driver to thereby enhance the driver's awareness of safe driving is achieved. The configuration includes a traveling-route setting unit of an automobile; an output-content determining unit determining, as output content, content indicating danger corresponding to the set traveling route; and a content output unit outputting output content determined by the output-content determining unit. The output-content determining unit determines content indicating danger of a danger point extracted from the traveling route as output content. For example, past accident content near a site of a danger point is determined as output content. 1. An information processing apparatus comprising:a traveling-route setting unit setting a traveling route of an automobile;an output-content determining unit determining, as output content, content indicating danger corresponding to the traveling route set by the traveling-route setting unit; anda content output unit outputting output content determined by the output-content determining unit,wherein the output-content determining unit determines content indicating danger of a danger point extracted from the traveling route as output content.2. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the output-content determining unit determines, as output content, accident content indicating a danger corresponding to road characteristics of the danger point extracted from the traveling route.3. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the output-content determining unit determines, as output content, past accident content at a site near the danger point extracted from the traveling route.4. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the output-content determining unit estimates a time of arrival to the danger point from a time of ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации

Image display apparatus and operating method of image display apparatus

Номер: US20160097651A1
Автор: Dukyung JUNG, Kwangjae Lee

Disclosed are a mobile terminal and a control method thereof. Embodiments according to the present invention comprise: a display unit for outputting a first map screen; a communication unit for accessing at least one external device and receiving location data related to the first map screen selected on a second map screen output by the external device; and a control unit for determining a geographical location corresponding to the selected location data, calculating coordinate values of the first map screen corresponding to the determined geographical location and displaying the calculated coordinate values on the first map screen, and outputting a request signal for setting the determined geographical location as at least one of a destination and a waypoint of a vehicle.

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for providing map data and system thereof

Номер: US20210095988A1
Автор: Won Kyung Choi
Принадлежит: Thinkware Corp

A system and a method are provided that are capable of providing map data for supporting a variety of user network environments and selecting data zones freely. A navigation terminal includes a reception unit adapted to receive a file in which map data of a specific zone is stored, from a map provision server; and an execution unit adapted to execute a navigation function on the specific zone using the file. The file is produced by an individual unit with respect to each of geographic areas divided by a mesh unit having a variable size. The size of the mesh unit is decided according to the amount of information included in the geographic area such that the file has an equalized size.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200090516A1
Автор: DING Sihao, SERT Korkut

A parking availability map system and method, including: a sensor-based parking space detection system coupled to a vehicle and operable for detecting and identifying open and occupied parking spaces within a predetermined vicinity of the vehicle; and an application server disposed remotely from the vehicle and executing an algorithm operable for receiving open and occupied parking space data from the sensor-based parking space detection system, receiving a parking space availability query from a user disposed remotely from the server, and, responsive to the parking space availability query, transmitting parking space availability information to the user. Optionally, the sensor-based parking space detection system includes a camera-based parking space detection system. 1. A parking availability map system , comprising:a sensor-based parking space detection system coupled to a vehicle and operable for detecting and identifying open and occupied parking spaces within a predetermined vicinity of the vehicle; anda parking space data system operable for one or more of receiving open and occupied parking space data from the sensor-based parking space detection system and receiving a parking space availability query from a user disposed remotely from the parking space data system, and, responsive to the parking space availability query, transmitting parking space availability information to the user.2. The parking availability map system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor-based parking space detection system comprises a camera-based parking space detection system.3. The parking availability map system of claim 1 , wherein the detecting and identifying the open and occupied parking spaces comprises claim 1 , for each parking space claim 1 , classifying a type of parking space.4. The parking availability map system of claim 1 , wherein the receiving the open and occupied parking space data comprises claim 1 , for each parking space claim 1 , receiving location information based ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180094945A1
Автор: Rosario Barbara

Navigation systems and associated methods for providing navigation services are provided. Information associated with a desired route for a vehicle, such as a route between a current location and a desired destination, may be determined. Additionally, contextual information associated with the vehicle may be identified. Based upon the desired route and the contextual information, a direction may be generated for presentation to one or more users, and the generated direction may be output for presentation. 1. (canceled)2. A vehicle electronic system , comprising:at least one processor;an input/output (I/O) interface to couple to the at least one processor to one or more output devices;a communications interface to transmit information to and receive information from a user's mobile device; and ["cause a communication, via the communications interface, of user information between user's mobile device and the vehicle electronic system, wherein the user information includes address information;", "cause a determination of a destination based on the user information from the user's mobile device;", 'cause a determination of data corresponding to a route to the destination; and', 'cause a communication of the data corresponding to the route to the destination to the one or more output devices., 'at least one computer-readable storage device having instructions stored thereon that, when executed by the at least one processor, result in operations comprising3. The vehicle electronic system of wherein the instructions claim 2 , when executed by the at least one processor claim 2 , result in operations comprising:cause communication of the address information from the user's mobile device to the vehicle electronic system.4. The vehicle electronic system of wherein the instructions claim 2 , when executed by the at least one processor claim 2 , result in operations comprising:cause the user's mobile device to pair to the vehicle electronic system.5. The vehicle electronic ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190094037A1
Автор: HANAI Miharu, JIN XIN

An in-vehicle device that is connected to an image pickup device and that is utilized by a first user, the in-vehicle device includes: a location information transmission unit configured to transmit first location information indicating a location of the in-vehicle device to an information processing device; a visit history receiving unit configured to receive visit history information of a second user, the visit history information being acquired by the information processing device based on preference information of the first user indicating a preference of the first user; and an image pickup control unit configured to cause the image pickup device to acquire an image based on a result of comparison between a first location indicated by the first location information and a second location indicated by second location information about a visited place which is visited by the second user included in the visit history information. 1. An in-vehicle device that is connected to an image pickup device and that is utilized by a first user , the in-vehicle device comprising:a location information transmission unit configured to transmit first location information indicating a location of the in-vehicle device to an information processing device;a visit history receiving unit configured to receive visit history information of a second user, the visit history information being acquired by the information processing device based on preference information of the first user indicating a preference of the first user; andan image pickup control unit configured to cause the image pickup device to acquire an image based on a result of comparison between a first location indicated by the first location information and a second location indicated by second location information about a visited place which is visited by the second user included in the visit history information.2. The in-vehicle device according to claim 1 , wherein the second user is a user having a relationship with ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220172614A1

An approach is provided for determining map improvements based on detected accidents. The approach involves determining that a vehicle was involved in an accident. The approach also involves receiving a report indicating map data configured in the vehicle at a time of the accident. The approach further involves determining an association between the configured map data and the accident. The approach further involves performing one or more of the following operations: (1) transmitting the association and/or at least a portion of the configured map data to a database and/or a computing device; or (2) determining at least one map change to the configured map data based on the determined association, and transmitting the at least one map change to the vehicle, at least one other vehicle, the database, and/or the computing device. 1. A method comprising:determining, by one or more processors, that a vehicle was involved in an accident;receiving, by the one or more processors, a report indicating map data configured in the vehicle at a time of the accident;determining, by the one or more processors, an association between the configured map data and the accident; andperforming, by the one or more processors, one or more of the following operations:(i) transmitting the association, at least a portion of the configured map data, or a combination thereof to a database, a computing device, or a combination thereof; or(ii) determining at least one map change to the configured map data based on the determined association, and transmitting the at least one map change to the vehicle, at least one other vehicle, the database, the computing device, or a combination thereof.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one map change is determined based on the at least one map change reducing a probability of an occurrence of a subsequent accident.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving sensor data from the vehicle, the at least one other vehicle, at least one ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220172616A1

A method, apparatus and computer program product for determining a road work event confidence are described herein. In the context of a method, the method may determine a road network speed profile corresponding with a road work event location. The method may determine, based at least in part on probe data corresponding with the road work event location, a probe speed profile. The method may determine the road work event confidence based at least in part on evaluation of the road network speed profile and the probe speed profile. Evaluation of the road network speed profile and the probe speed profile may comprise identifying a plurality of road segments corresponding with the road work event location and correlating road network speed profile characteristics and probe data characteristics for each respective road segment. 1. A computer-implemented method for determining a road work event confidence , the method comprising:receiving an indication of an active road work eventdetermining a road network speed profile corresponding with a geographical location that is associated with the active road work event;determining, based at least in part on probe data corresponding with the geographical location, a probe speed profile, wherein each instance of probe data comprises a timestamp within a time period that is associated with the active road work event; in response to determining that the road work event confidence satisfies a predetermined threshold,', 'causing transmission of road work event information corresponding with the road work event location, wherein the road work event information is configured to cause publication of a road work event warning to a mapping or navigation system of at least one vehicle apparatus., 'determining the road work event confidence based at least in part on evaluation of the road network speed profile and the probe speed profile; and'}2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the evaluation of the road network speed ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

System having travel guidance and reality games

Номер: US20210123767A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system includes a server, a mobile device with a positioning unit, and an operation module. The server has a mascot database and a map database where main areas are defined. The positioning unit determines a current location of the mobile device for navigation. The operation module includes a mascot collecting unit linked to the mascot database, a photograph collecting unit linked to the map database, and a camera module connected to both collecting units. When the current location corresponds to a main position of one main area, at least one mascot linked to the main area is incorporated into the mascot collecting unit so that the mascot, a real scene of the main area, and the user are caught in a frame by the camera module to form and store a picture in the photograph collecting unit, thereby enjoying collecting mascots and combining travel guidance with reality games.

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150116135A1

A road information sharing method according to the present invention is a road information sharing method for sharing the road information via a terminal device, the road information sharing method including the steps of storing sensor information acquired from a vehicle moving in accompaniment with the terminal device, detecting the road information from the sensor information on the basis of detection rules for detecting the road information, notifying a user about the road information detected, and prompting the user to make a judgment of necessity/unnecessity of registration about the detected road information, and storing the detected road information, if the detected road information is judged to be registration-necessary by the user. 1. A road information sharing method in a road information sharing system for sharing road information , comprising the steps of:storing sensor information acquired from a terminal device or a vehicle moving in accompaniment with said terminal device;detecting said road information from said sensor information on the basis of detection rules for detecting said road information;notifying a user about said road information detected, and prompting said user to make a judgment of necessity/unnecessity of registration about said detected road information; andstoring said detected road information, or outputting said detected road information to the outside, if said detected road information is judged to be registration necessary by said user.2. The road information sharing method according to claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:estimating a driving state of said vehicle from said sensor information on the basis of estimation rules for estimating said driving state of said vehicle moving in accompaniment with said terminal device; andjudging based on said driving state estimated whether or not said driving state is a state in which it is allowable to prompt said user to make said judgment of necessity/unnecessity of registration ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Traffic Disruption Detection Using Passive Monitoring Of Vehicle Occupant Frustration Level

Номер: US20210125495A1
Принадлежит: eBay Inc.

Aspects of the present disclosure include a navigation system and computer-implemented methods for detecting traffic disruption events based on an analysis of input component data obtained from navigation-enabled devices of vehicles near a particular location. Traffic disruption events are events such as accidents, construction road closures, police and speed traps, or road hazards that cause a decrease in the flow of traffic along a particular route and thus, added time delays for occupants of vehicles traveling along those routes. The navigation system scores the input component data associated with each vehicle and aggregates the scored input component data to obtain a frustration score associated with the vehicle. The navigation system may detect traffic disruption events based on a number of vehicles near a particular area having associated frustration scores above a certain threshold. 1. A method comprising:detecting a traffic disruption event at a particular location;obtaining sensor data from a plurality of devices, the sensor data captured by respective sensors associated with the plurality of devices;determining, based on the sensor data, a measure of frustration associated with one or more of the plurality of devices within a threshold distance of a location of the traffic disruption event; andverifying the traffic disruption event based on the determined measure of frustration.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the verifying the traffic disruption event includes comparing the particular location of the traffic disruption event to location data received with the sensor data obtained from the plurality of devices.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining the measure of frustration includes comparing the sensor data to baseline data stored in user account records maintained in a database.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising transmitting a verification of the traffic disruption event to one or more of the plurality of devices.5. The method ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Vehicle location tracking device and method

Номер: US20150120188A1
Автор: Eun Tai JUNG
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co Ltd

A vehicle location tracking device may include: a GPS (Global Positioning System) module configured to detect location information and time information of an owner vehicle using a GPS satellite; a transmitter/receiver configured to transmit/receive a tracking message required for vehicle tracking; a main processor configured to generate a tracking message of the owner vehicle using the location information and time information of the owner vehicle, detected through the GPS module, transmit the tracking message of the owner vehicle through the transmitter/receiver, analyze a tracking message of a tracked vehicle, received through the transmitter/receiver, and generate tracking information on the tracked vehicle; and a navigation terminal configured to output the tracking information on the tracked vehicle, generated through the main processor.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180112992A1
Автор: AKAHO Kengo
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

The present invention aims to create an information presentation plan suitable for characteristics of output devices in view of driver's driving leeway. A presentation plan creation apparatus of the present invention includes: a driving behavior proportion prediction unit that predicts a driving behavior proportion, for each divided path; a device leeway acquisition unit that acquires device leeway data; a presentation item extraction unit that acquires presentation item data; and a presentation plan creation unit that creates a presentation plan in line with a selection condition. The selection condition is that a time of performing, on the selected path, any of the driving behaviors that allows the leeway of the selected device to be equal to or greater than the required leeway required to present the presentation item is equal to or longer than the required viewing time required to view the presentation item. 1. A presentation plan creation apparatus for creating a presentation plan of a presentation item presented by a plurality of output devices installed in a moving object , the presentation plan creation apparatus comprising:a processor to execute a program: anda memory to store the program which, when executed by the processor, performs processes of:setting a path of said moving object to a destination;divides dividing said path into divided paths in accordance with a road type;predicts predicting a driving behavior proportion for each of said divided paths, the driving behavior proportion being a proportion of a total time of performing each of a plurality of driving behaviors in a time of traveling on the divided path;acquires acquiring device leeway data indicating, for each of combinations of said output devices and said driving behaviors, leeway representing the amount of information capable of being presented by said output devices;acquires acquiring presentation item data indicating required leeway and a required viewing time, the required leeway ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180113474A1

A server device stores a distribution map DB including autonomous driving regulatory information Ir for regulating autonomous driving of a vehicle in a predetermined section, and sends map data D including the autonomous driving regulatory information Ir to a driving assistance device . Then, the driving assistance device receives the map data D including the autonomous driving regulatory information Ir and controls the autonomous driving of the vehicle based on the received autonomous driving regulatory information Ir. 1. A map information storage device comprising:a storage unit configured to store autonomous driving regulatory information and map information used for a display unit to display a map, the autonomous driving regulatory information indicating a level at which vehicles can perform autonomous driving; anda transmission unit configured to send the map information and the autonomous driving regulatory information corresponding to a predetermined section on the map to a vehicle or a distribution device which communicates with the vehicle.2. (canceled)3. The map information storage device according to claim 1 ,wherein the autonomous driving regulatory information is information indicating the level at which vehicles can perform each function of the autonomous driving.47-. (canceled)8. A control method executed by a map information storage device claim 1 , the map information storage device including a storage unit claim 1 , the storage unit storing autonomous driving regulatory information and map information used for a display unit to display a map claim 1 , the autonomous driving regulatory information indicating a level at which vehicles can perform autonomous driving claim 1 , the control method comprisinga transmission process to send the map information and the autonomous driving regulatory information corresponding to a predetermined section on the map to a vehicle or a distribution device which communicates with the vehicle.9. A program stored on a ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220178718A1
Автор: XIA Zhenchun, YEHLIU Kuen

A local computing device receives lidar data and radar data from one or more road side units (RSUs). The local computing device performs ground plane removal based on range to detect targets and perform local sensor fusion. The local computing device may use a global nearest neighbor (GNN) algorithm and a Kalman filter. The local computing device may create an HD map or the data may be brought together with other target data at a central computing device to produce the HD map. Vehicle position and motion are controlled based on the HD map. Detecting and removing a ground plane based on range are illustrated. Fusion, ground plane removal, and delay filtering may be used in various contexts, such as roadways, parking lots and shipping yards. 1. A method for producing a high definition map (HD map) for control of one or more autonomous vehicles , the one or more autonomous vehicles including a first vehicle , the method comprising:receiving, at a local computing device, first lidar data and first radar data related to the first vehicle;performing a local sensor fusion at the local computing device, wherein the local sensor fusion includes removing, based on a range to the first vehicle, a ground plane associated with the first vehicle, anddetermining, based on the local sensor fusion, the HD map, wherein the HD map indicates a position and a velocity of the first vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising controlling claim 1 , based on the position and the velocity indicated by the HD map claim 1 , the first vehicle to navigate in a parking lot to pick up or drop off a person.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising controlling claim 1 , based on the position and the velocity indicated by the HD map claim 1 , the first vehicle to navigate in a shipping yard to pick up or drop off a shipment.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving, at the local computing device, second lidar data and second radar data related to the first vehicle, ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180114299A1

An image processing apparatus includes: a contrast correcting unit which creates a contrast-corrected image in which contrast of an input image photographed by an in-vehicle camera that is mounted to a vehicle is corrected; a color analyzing unit which creates a color-corrected image in which a color of the input image is corrected; an object detecting unit which detects a first target object included in the input image based on the contrast-corrected image, and which detects a second target object included in the input image based on the color-corrected image; and an object association analyzing unit which recognizes the first target object and the second target object based on a time series association between the first target object and the second target object detected by the object detecting unit. 1. An image processing apparatus , comprising:a contrast correcting unit which creates a contrast-corrected image in which contrast of an input image photographed by an in-vehicle camera that is mounted to a vehicle is corrected;a color analyzing unit which creates a color-corrected image in which a color of the input image is corrected;an object detecting unit which detects a first target object included in the input image based on the contrast-corrected image, and which detects a second target object included in the input image based on the color-corrected image; andan object association analyzing unit which recognizes the first target object and the second target object based on a time series association between the first target object and the second target object detected by the object detecting unit.2. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a reliability determining unit which acquires positions of the first target object and the second target object and which determines, based on an accumulated result of the acquired positions of the first target object and the second target object, a reliability of the first target object and ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220179423A1
Автор: KAKUTA Takatoshi

Provided is an apparatus for providing obstacle information and reliability information to vehicle based on information received from roadside units. The apparatus includes a communication module that receives obstacle information from multiple roadside units, each roadside unit including multiple sensors for detecting obstacles within a predetermined field of view. A reliability judgement unit in the apparatus determines a reliability of the received obstacle information to output a reliability value based on a number of roadside units detecting a same obstacle, a number of sensor of one roadside unit detecting a same obstacle, and a difference value of detection of the same obstacle between different roadside units or different sensors. 1. A processing apparatus comprising:a processor configured to implement:a communication module that receives obstacle information from multiple roadside units, each roadside unit including multiple sensors for detecting obstacles within a predetermined field of view;a reliability judgement unit that determines a reliability of the received obstacle information to output a reliability value based on a number of roadside units detecting a same obstacle, a number of sensor of one roadside unit detecting a same obstacle, and a difference value of detection of the same obstacle between different roadside units or different sensors.2. The processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the obstacle information includes a location and a height of the obstacle as detected by each sensor and each roadside unit claim 1 , and a time of detection of the obstacle by each roadside unit.3. The processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the processing apparatus further includes a map generator that generates a map and a target route for a vehicle.4. The processing apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the communication module that is configured to communicate wirelessly claim 3 , andwherein the communication module transmits the ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Determining And Displaying Auto Drive Lanes In An Autonomous Vehicle

Номер: US20210140786A1

Aspects of the present disclosure relate generally to identifying and displaying traffic lanes that are available for autonomous driving. This information may be displayed to a driver of a vehicle having an autonomous driving mode, in order to inform the driver of where he or she can use the autonomous driving mode. In one example, the display may visually distinguishing between lanes that are available for auto-drive from those that are not. The display may also include an indicator of the position of a lane (autodrive or not) currently occupied by the vehicle. In addition, if that lane is an autodrive lane the display may include information indicating how much further the vehicle may continue in the autonomous driving mode in that particular lane. The display may also display information indicating the remaining autodrive distance in other lanes as well as the lane with the greatest remaining autodrive distance. 1. A method comprising:receiving, by the one or more processors, a current location of a vehicle, the vehicle having a manual driving mode and an autonomous driving mode;identifying, by the one or more processors, lanes currently available for the autonomous driving mode based on pre-stored map information;determining, by the one or more processors, a distance available for the autonomous driving mode for each of the lanes based on the map information;generating, by the one or more processors, display information based on the determined distances, the display information including the lanes; anddisplaying, by the one or more processors,on a display of the vehicle, the display information.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the display information further includes wherein the display information includes an indicator indicating in which of the lanes the vehicle is currently located.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising generating a route for navigating the vehicle claim 1 , and wherein determining the distances is further based on the route.4. The ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200110951A1
Принадлежит: Xevo Inc.

A method or system is able to refine Global Positioning System (“GPS”) information for guiding a vehicle via extracted metadata using a GPS refinement (“GR”) model managed by a virtuous cycle containing sensors, machine learning center (“MLC”), and a cloud based network (“CBN”). The GR system includes a set of outward facing cameras, a vehicle onboard computer (“VOC”), and GR model. The outward facing cameras mounted on a vehicle are capable of collecting external images representing a surrounding environment in which the vehicle operates. The VOC is configured to generate a positional vehicle location with respect to the surrounding environment in accordance with the external images and historical stored data obtained from CBN. The GR model is configured to generate a driving guidance based on combined information between the positional vehicle location and GPS data. 1. A method for goal oriented navigational guidance via metadata extraction utilizing a virtuous cycle including sensors , machine learning center (“MLC”) , and cloud-based network (“CBN”) , comprising:detecting a vehicle approaching a preset destination in accordance with information obtained from a Global Positioning System (“GPS”) navigation system;signaling at least a portion of outward facing cameras mounted to the vehicle for capturing external images representing a surrounding environment in which the vehicle operates;obtaining, from the virtuous cycle, parking options nearby the preset destination in accordance with present time, traffic condition, and events; anddisplaying parking options via a parking compass of the GPS navigation system to inform a driver of the vehicle about potential locations for parking.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising presenting a probability of available parking spaces on the parking compass based on which direction the vehicle turns.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising changing predefined modalities set by the GPS navigation system to proceed ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210142667A1

An electronic device and a method are provided. The electronic device includes: at least one sensing unit configured to acquire position data and image data for each of a plurality of nodes at predetermined intervals while the electronic device is moving; and a processor configured to extract an object from the image data, generate first object data for identifying the extracted object, and store position data of a first node corresponding to the image data from which the object has been extracted and the first object data corresponding to the first node. 1. An electronic device comprising:at least one sensing unit configured to acquire position data and image data for each of a plurality of nodes at predetermined intervals while the electronic device is moving; and extract an object from the image data,', 'generate first object data for identifying the extracted object, and', 'store position data of a first node corresponding to the image data from which the object has been extracted and the first object data corresponding to the first node., 'a processor configured to2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,when it is determined that the object corresponding to the first object data is the same as an object corresponding to pre-stored second object data, calculate relative position data between the first node and a second node corresponding to the second object data and an error value corresponding to the relative position data between the first node and the second node by using the first object data and the second object data, and', 'correct position data of the first node and the second node such that the error value is minimized., 'the processor is further configured to3. The electronic device of claim 2 , wherein 'correct a path graph including the first node and the second node, based on the corrected position data of the first node and the second node.', 'the processor is further configured to4. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180120120A1
Автор: Rosario Barbara
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

Navigation systems and associated methods for providing navigation services are provided. Information associated with a desired route for a vehicle, such as a route between a current location and a desired destination, may be determined. Additionally, contextual information associated with the vehicle may be identified. Based upon the desired route and the contextual information, a direction may be generated for presentation to one or more users, and the generated direction may be output for presentation. 1. A vehicle electronic system , comprising:at least one processor;a first I/O interface to couple to the at least one processor and receive sensor data from one or more sensors on a vehicle, the one or more sensors including at least one camera;a second I/O interface to couple to the at least one processor and transmit output information to at least one output device; and identify contextual information based on the sensor data from the one or more sensors, the contextual information representative of an external environment associated with the vehicle, the contextual information including image data from the at least one camera;', 'evaluate the contextual information to identify one or more objects in the external environment associated with the vehicle; and', 'generate output information that includes one or more directions for the vehicle to travel relative to the one or more objects in the external environment associated with the vehicle., 'at least one computer-readable storage device having instructions stored thereon, that when executed by the at least one processor result in operations that include2. The vehicle electronic system of wherein the contextual information includes information representative of a sign in the external environment associated with the vehicle.3. The vehicle electronic system of wherein the contextual information includes information representative of one or more vehicles in the external environment associated with the vehicle.4. ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180120121A1
Автор: Rosario Barbara
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

Navigation systems and associated methods for providing navigation services are provided. Information associated with a desired route for a vehicle, such as a route between a current location and a desired destination, may be determined. Additionally, contextual information associated with the vehicle may be identified. Based upon the desired route and the contextual information, a direction may be generated for presentation to one or more users, and the generated direction may be output for presentation. 1. A vehicle electronic system , comprising:at least one processor;a first I/O interface to couple to the at least one processor and receive sensor data from one or more sensors on a vehicle;a second I/O interface to couple to the at least one processor and transmit output information to an output device;a communications interface to transmit a first contextual information to a network-based navigation application and receive a second contextual information from the network-based navigation application; and identify sensor information from the one or more sensors, the sensor information including image data from at least one camera;', 'identify the first contextual information based on the information from the one or more sensors, the first contextual information including the image data associated with an external environment of the vehicle from the at least one camera;', 'communicate the first contextual information to the network-based navigation application;', 'receive the second contextual information from the network-based navigation application;', 'generate output information that includes at least a portion of one or more directions for the vehicle to travel, the one or more directions for the vehicle to travel based on the second contextual information from the network-based navigation application., 'at least one computer-readable storage device having instructions stored thereon, that when executed by the at least one processor result in operations that ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170122764A1

The same navigation information and facility information are directly distributed to both a vehicle-mounted navigation device and a portable terminal. A server is connected to the vehicle-mounted navigation device and portable terminal in a manner able to communicate, wherein on the basis of an information distribution request from the vehicle-mounted navigation device, facility information satisfying a predetermined standard is searched from a storage unit and distributed to the vehicle-mounted navigation device, it is determined whether or not the portable terminal is present within the vehicle on the basis of the current position information of the vehicle received from the vehicle-mounted navigation device and the current position information of the portable terminal received from the portable terminal, and when it has been determined that the portable terminal is present within the vehicle, the searched-for facility information satisfying the predetermined standard is directly distributed to the portable terminal as well. 1. A server which is communicably connected to a portable terminal and a vehicle-mounted navigation device mounted on a vehicle , the server comprising:a wireless unit;a storage unit that stores facility information;a facility retrieval unit that retrieves facility information that satisfies predetermined criteria from the storage unit;a first determination unit that determines whether the portable terminal is present inside the vehicle based on current vehicle position information received from the vehicle-mounted navigation device via the wireless unit and current position information of the portable terminal, received from the portable terminal via the wireless unit; anda facility information providing unit that transmits the facility information retrieved by the facility retrieval unit to the vehicle-mounted navigation device via the wireless unit, whereinthe facility information providing unit further transmits the facility information ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170122766A1

Aspects of the present disclosure relate generally to identifying and displaying traffic lanes that are available for autonomous driving. This information may be displayed to a driver of a vehicle having an autonomous driving mode, in order to inform the driver of where he or she can use the autonomous driving mode. In one example, the display may visually distinguishing between lanes that are available for auto-drive from those that are not. The display may also include an indicator of the position of a lane (autodrive or not) currently occupied by the vehicle. In addition, if that lane is an autodrive lane the display may include information indicating how much further the vehicle may continue in the autonomous driving mode in that particular lane. The display may also display information indicating the remaining autodrive distance in other lanes as well as the lane with the greatest remaining autodrive distance. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:accessing, by one or more processors of the computer, detailed map information identifying the locations of autodrive lanes, wherein each autodrive lane is a lane of a roadway pre-approved for an autonomous driving mode of the vehicle, the autonomous driving mode allowing a driver to relinquish control of the vehicle to a computer;identifying, by the one or more processors, an autodrive lane based on at least the detailed map information and a route being followed by the vehicle;generating, by the one or more processors, display information including lanes and identifying which of the lanes is the autodrive lane, the display information including a visual marker identifying a range of the lane for the autonomous driving mode; andproviding, by the one or more processors, the display information for display to the driver.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising displaying the display information when the vehicle is not being operated in the autonomous driving mode.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the visual ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Travel lane estimation system

Номер: US20190120632A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A travel-lane estimation system includes: a GNSS receiver; a vehicle-speed calculator; an angular-velocity measurement mechanism; a subject-vehicle-position positioner calculating a vehicle's reference coordinate and reference orientation from a GNSS coordinate, and calculating time series data of vehicle's positions; a map information storage storing positional information about a division line of each lane; and a lane estimator calculating, as an optimal correction amount, an error pattern having a highest posterior probability among plural error patterns, correcting the time series data using the optimal correction amount, and comparing the corrected time series data with the division line, to estimate a vehicle's travel lane, the posterior probability calculated with the product of prior occurrence probability of the time series data by the plural error patterns and a likelihood calculated, under condition that the error pattern has occurred, based on a relative positional relationship between the corrected time series data and the division line.
