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10-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2369945C2

Изобретение относится к электронному устройству, в котором в качестве, по меньшей мере, одного источника электропитания используют топливный элемент, и к способу управления им. Согласно изобретению блок топливного элемента содержит блок выработки электроэнергии, предназначенный для вывода электроэнергии, полученной посредством химической реакции между топливным газом и газом окислителя, устройство продувки, предназначенное для продувки блока выработки электроэнергии, и блок управления продувкой, предназначенный для выдачи команды на выполнение продувки в устройство продувки. Электронное устройство содержит блок обнаружения, предназначенный для обнаружения потребления мощности, режима работы или регулируемого режима работы электронного устройства, и блок выдачи разрешения на продувку, предназначенный для принятия решения о том, разрешено ли блоку управления продувкой выдать команду на выполнение продувки, которое принимают на основании выходного сигнала из блока обнаружения, и для вывода ...

10-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2361331C2

Изобретение относится к батарее топливных элементов. Согласно изобретению батарея (10) топливных элементов включает топливный элемент (20), который вырабатывает электроэнергию при подаче в него химически активного газа, воздушный компрессор (С1), подающий окисляющий газ в топливный элемент (20), датчик давления (Р2), определяющий давление окисляющего газа, клапан регулировки давления (С2), регулирующий давление окисляющего газа, и устройство (50) управления, регулирующее степень открытия клапана регулировки давления (С2), исходя из давления, определенного датчиком давления (Р2). При обнаружении неисправности датчика давления (Р2) устройство управления (50) открывает клапан регулировки давления (С2) таким образом, чтобы степень его открытия была равна или превышала заданную степень открытия. За счет данной конструкции в случае неисправности датчика давления (Р2) топливный элемент не прекращает немедленно работать, а продолжает действовать в течение определенного времени. Техническим результатом ...

27-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2351041C2

Изобретение относится к топливным элементам (ТЭ) с твердым полимерным электролитом. Согласно изобретению ТЭ содержит мембрано-электродную сборку (МЭС), имеющую наружную поверхность электрода анода; анодную пластину, примыкающую к указанной наружной поверхности электрода МЭС и присоединенную к ней с помощью уплотнительной прокладки. Уплотнительная прокладка, наружная поверхность электрода и анодная пластина вместе образуют замкнутый объем для заполнения текучей средой, предназначенный для подвода анодной текучей среды к наружной поверхности электрода. В указанном объеме для заполнения текучей средой расположен лист пористого диффузионного материала и имеется, по меньшей мере, одна камера, образованная между, по меньшей мере, одним боковым торцом листа диффузионного материала и уплотнительной прокладкой. Текучая среда может подводиться к активной поверхности МЭС посредством камеры и за счет диффузии через диффузионный материал, причем в таком количестве, что наличие каналов раздачи текучей ...

20-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006139130A

... 1. Топливный элемент, содержащий мембрано-электродную сборку, имеющую наружную анодную электродную поверхность, анодную пластину, примыкающую к указанной наружной анодной электродной поверхности мембрано-электродной сборки и присоединенную к ней с помощью уплотнительной прокладки, при этом уплотнительная прокладка, наружная поверхность электрода и анодная пластина вместе образуют замкнутый объем для заполнения текучей средой, предназначенный для подвода анодной текучей среды к наружной поверхности электрода, и, кроме того, топливный элемент содержит лист пористого диффузионного материала, расположенный в указанном объеме для заполнения текучей средой и имеющий, по меньшей мере, одну камеру, образованную между, по меньшей мере, одним боковым торцом листа диффузионного материала и уплотнительной прокладкой. 2. Топливный элемент по п.1, в котором камера образована между всем одним боковым торцом листа диффузионного материала и уплотнительной прокладкой. 3. Топливный элемент по п.2, в котором ...

20-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013108846A

... 1. Система производства электроэнергии, содержащая:систему топливных элементов, включающую в себя топливный элемент, сконфигурированный для выработки электрической энергии с использованием газового топлива и окисляющего газа, и корпус, сконфигурированный для размещения топливного элемента;вентилятор;контроллер;устройство сжигания; ивыпускной канал, выполненный с возможностью соединения корпуса и выпускного отверстия устройства сжигания друг с другом и сконфигурированный для выпуска отработанного газа из системы топливных элементов и отработанного газа из устройства сжигания в атмосферу через отверстие выпускного канала, причем отверстие открыто в атмосферу, при этом:вентилятор выполнен с возможностью выпуска газа в корпусе в выпускной канал для вентиляции внутреннего пространства корпуса; иконтроллер выполнен с возможностью приведения в действие вентилятора, когда система топливных элементов находится в состоянии остановки производства электроэнергии, а устройство сжигания работает.2. Система ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Spülen einer Brennstoffzelle sowie Vorrichtung zur Durchführung des Verfahrens

Номер: DE102014207450A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Spülen einer Brennstoffzelle. Das Verfahren ist durch den Schritt des Saugens von Spülgas durch die Brennstoffzelle mittels Unterdruck gekennzeichnet.

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Brennstoffzellenvorrichtung und Verfahren zum Betrieb einer Brennstoffzellenvorrichtung

Номер: DE102015215821A1

Um eine Brennstoffzellenvorrichtung bereitzustellen, welche eine unbeschadete Lagerung bei tiefen Temperaturen und/oder einen optimierten Kaltstart ermöglicht, wird vorgeschlagen, dass die Brennstoffzellenvorrichtung wahlweise (a) in einen Normalbetrieb oder (b) in einen Vorbereitungsbetrieb zur Vorbereitung der Brennstoffzellenvorrichtung (100) auf eine Abkühlung, insbesondere unterhalb des Gefrierpunkts von Wasser, oder (c) in einen Heizbetrieb zum Erwärmen der Brennstoffzellenvorrichtung, insbesondere über den Gefrierpunkt von Wasser, versetzbar ist, wobei in dem Vorbereitungsbetrieb die Anodenseite und/oder die Kathodenseite mit dem Füllstoff befüllbar oder befüllt sind und wobei in dem Heizbetrieb der Kathodenseite Oxidator zuführbar oder zugeführt ist, so dass der Oxidator mit chemisch reaktiven Bestandteilen des Füllstoffs exotherm reagiert.

21-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE112005000392T5

Brennstoffzellensystem, mit: Einem Brennstoffzellenkörper mit einer Anodenelektrode, die mit einem Wasserstoff enthaltenden Brennstoffgas versorgt wird, und einer mit einem Oxidationsgas versorgten Kathodenelektrode; einer Vorrichtung zum Unterdrücken einer Verschlechterung der Katalysatorwirkung, die betreibbar ist zum Unterbrechen der Zufuhr des Oxidationsgases zu der Kathodenelektrode nach Abtrennen einer externen Last von dem Brennstoffzellenkörper, und um zu gestatten, dass ein durch den Brennstoffzellenkörper generierter Laststrom durch eine interne Last extrahiert wird, während das Brennstoffgas der Anodenelektrode zugeführt wird; einer Wasserstoffzufuhr-Stoppvorrichtung, die betreibbar ist zum Unterbrechen der Zufuhr des Brennstoffgases zu der Anodenelektrode ausgenommen von Restwasserstoff, der der Anodenelektrode zugeführt wird während einer Periode, in welcher der Laststrom durch die interne Last extrahiert wird; und einer Laststrom-Regelvorrichtung zum Kontrollieren eines Solllaststromes ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Brennstoffzellensystem und Steuerungsverfahren für dasselbe

Номер: DE112008001997B4

Brennstoffzellensystem (1), aufweisend: eine Brennstoffzelle (2); ein Brenngassystem (4), das der Brennstoffzelle (2) ein Brenngas zuführt und das aus der Brennstoffzelle (2) abgeführte Gas umwälzt; ein Ableitventil (29), das das Gas aus dem Brenngassystem (4) abführt; und eine Steuerungseinrichtung (6) zum Steuern des Öffnungs- und Schließbetriebs des Ableitventils (29), wobei ein Teildruck von Verunreinigungen in dem Brenngassystem (4), wenn die Betriebstemperatur (T2) der Brennstoffzelle (2) höher ist als eine Normaltemperatur (T1), stärker zunimmt als im Fall der Normaltemperatur (T1), wobei die Steuerungseinrichtung (6) den Öffnungs- und Schließbetrieb des Ableitventils (29) so steuert, dass der Teildruck von Verunreinigungen in dem Brenngassystem (4) im gesamten Lastbereich in einem Fall konstant ist, wo die Betriebstemperatur (T2) der Brennstoffzelle (2) die Normaltemperatur (T1) aufweist, und so, dass der Teildruck von Verunreinigungen in dem Brenngassystem (4) im gesamten Lastbereich ...

19-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE112005001278B4

Brennstoffzellensystem mit einer Brennstoffzelle, einem Auslassventil, das in einem Abströmungskanal für ein Anodengas, das aus der Brennstoffzelle abgelassen wird, installiert ist, und einer Störungsdiagnosevorrichtung zur Diagnostizierung einer Störung des Auslassventils, wobei die Störungsdiagnosevorrichtung folgendes einschließt: ein Drosselmittel zur Verkleinerung eines Strömungskanal-Querschnitts des Abströmungskanals zwischen einem Auslassport für das Anodenabgas der Brennstoffzelle und dem Auslassventil; ein Erfassungsmittel zur Erfassung eines Anodenabgasdrucks zwischen dem Drosselmittel und dem Auslassventil; und ein Feststellungsmittel zur Feststellung einer Störung des Auslassventils aufgrund des Anodenabgasdrucks, der vom Erfassungsmittel erfasst wird.

23-10-2014 дата публикации

Brennstoffzellensystem und Verfahren zum Reduzieren von Wasser in einem Brennstoffzellensystem

Номер: DE112007000300B4

Brennstoffzellensystem, aufweisend: eine Brennstoffzelle (1); einen Gaszufuhrkanal (2), der der Brennstoffzelle Gas zuführt; einen Gasaustrittskanal (3), in den Gas von der Brennstoffzelle austritt; eine Gassendevorrichtung, die Gas über den Gaszufuhrkanal zu der Brennstoffzelle sendet; einen Steuerungsteil (17); einen Restwassermengen-Berechnungsteil (18), der dazu eingerichtet ist, eine Menge (Qini) eines Restwassers in dem Brennstoffzellensystem, basierend auf einer Betriebsbedingung der Brennstoffzelle und einer Umgebungsbedingung, unter der die Brennstoffzelle betrieben wird, zu berechnen; einen Entscheidungsteil, der dazu eingerichtet ist, zu entscheiden, ob mindestens eine Zustandsgröße, umfassend eine Dauer der Erzeugung elektrischer Leistung der Brennstoffzelle, eine durch die Brennstoffzelle erzeugte elektrische Leistung und/oder eine Temperaturänderung eines Kühlmittels während einer Erzeugung elektrischer Leistung der Brennstoffzelle, gleich einem oder kleiner als ein vorgeschriebener ...

12-12-2002 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Erzeugung von elektrischer Energie mittels eines Brennstoffzellensystems und Brennstoffzellensystem

Номер: DE0010127600A1

Um ein Verfahren zur Erzeugung von elektrischer Energie mittels eines Brennstoffzellensystems, bei welchem einem oder mehreren Brennstoffzellenblöcken ein Brennstoff und ein Oxidator zugeführt werden und in einem Brennstoffzellenblock eine Umwandlung von chemischer Energie in elektrische Energie erfolgt, bereitzustellen, durch das das Brennstoffzellensystem einfach aufbaubar ist, wird vorgeschlagen, daß Zuführungsparameter von Brennstoff und Oxidator fest vorgegeben werden.

31-08-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Brennstoffzellensystems, insbesondere während eines Abstellvorganges des Brennstoffzellensystems

Номер: DE102016203169A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Brennstoffzellensystems (1), insbesondere während eines Abstellvorganges des Brennstoffzellensystems (1), mit mindestens einer Brennstoffzelle (1), einer Kathodenluft führenden Kathodenleitung (10), einer Brennstoff führenden Anodenleitung (20) und einem Bleed-Down-Schaltkreis (31, 32) zum Abbauen einer Spannung (U) beim Abstellen des Brennstoffzellensystems (1). Hierzu ist es erfindungsgemäß vorgesehen, dass das Verfahren folgende Schritte aufweist: a) Abstellen des Brennstoffzellensystems (1), b) anschließendes Homogenisieren eines Gasgemisches in der Anodenleitung (20) für eine Zeitdauer (Δt1).

14-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016212683A1

Ein Verfahren zum Steuern einer Inbetriebnahme eines Brennstoffzellenfahrzeugs ist vorgesehen. Das offenbarte Verfahren umfasst ein Erfassen einer Erzeugung eines Inbetriebnahmebefehls von einem Fahrzeug und Zuführen von Wasserstoff an eine Brennstoffzelle durch Öffnen eines Wasserstoffventils. Zusätzlich umfasst das Verfahren ein Erfassen, ob eine Brennstoffzellenspannung nach der Zufuhr von Wasserstoff zugenommen hat, und eine erste Inbetriebnahme zum Verbrauchen von erzeugter elektrischer Leistung der Brennstoffzelle durch Verbindung einer Lastvorrichtung mit der Brennstoffzelle, Zuführen von Luft an die Brennstoffzelle durch Öffnen eines Luftventils und Einstellen der Brennstoffzellenspannung, so dass sie auf einem vorgegebenen Wert oder weniger gehalten wird, durch Einstellung einer Bus-Stufenspannung eines Stromrichters, wenn die Steuerung bestimmt, dass die Brennstoffzellenspannung nach Zufuhr von Wasserstoff angestiegen ist.

22-10-2009 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Starten einer gefrorenen Brennstoffzelle

Номер: DE0010393032B4

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Brennstoffzellenstapels (54), der Gefriertemperaturen ausgesetzt ist, umfassend, dass: vor einem längeren Halten bei Gefriertemperaturen der Normalbetrieb des Brennstoffzellenstapels (54) beendet wird; und eine Befeuchtung von Reaktanden, die an eine Anode (28) und/oder eine Kathode (26) des Brennstoffzellenstapels (54) geliefert werden, unterbrochen wird, um nicht befeuchtete Reaktanden vorzusehen; Kühlmittelfluid von dem Brennstoffzellenstapel (54) abgezogen wird; und der Brennstoffzellenstapel (54) bei Gefriertemperaturen gehalten wird; dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Anode (28) und/oder Kathode (26) mit den nicht befeuchteten Reaktanden gespült wird, um Einlassbereiche (58, 60) des Brennstoffzellenstapels (54) freizumachen und dass nach dem Halten auf Gefriertemperaturen nicht befeuchtete Reaktanden mit einer zweiten Strömungsrate an den Brennstoffzellenstapel (54) geliefert werden, wobei die zweite Strömungsrate ausreichend ist, um einen ersten Laststrom ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018112612A1

Ein Brennstoffzellensystem weist Folgendes auf: einen Brennstoffzellenstapel mit einer Mehrzahl an Einheitszellen, in denen Anodengasströmungspfade ausgebildet sind; eine Anodengaszufuhreinheit, die eingerichtet ist, Anodengas an den Brennstoffzellenstapel über eine Anodengas-Zufuhröffnung des Brennstoffzellenstapels zuzuführen; einen Drucksensor, der zwischen der Anodengas-Zufuhröffnung und der Anodengaszufuhreinheit angeordnet ist, um einen Anodengaszufuhrdruck zu messen; einen Stromsensor, der eingerichtet ist, eine Stromstärke des Brennstoffzellenstapels zu messen; und einen Controller, der eingerichtet ist, eine Anodengaszufuhrmenge der Anodengaszufuhreinheit zu steuern und so den Anodengaszufuhrdruck zu steuern. Der Controller ist eingerichtet, einen ersten Druck zur Einstellung eines stöchiometrischen Verhältnisses von Anodengas auf einen vorgegebenen Wert zu berechnen, wobei das stöchiometrische Verhältnis aus einer Stromstärke des Brennstoffzellenstapels und der Anodengaszufuhrmenge ...

18-08-2005 дата публикации

Frostschutzsystem für parallele Stapel

Номер: DE102005002196A1

Ein Frostschutzsystem für Brennstoffzellenstapel, das eine Vielzahl von parallel geschalteten Brennstoffzellenstapeln spült, umfasst einen Kompressor, der unter Druck stehendes Kathodengas an jeden der Vielzahl von Brennstoffzellenstapeln liefert. Eine Steuereinheit deaktiviert eine erste Gruppe aus einem oder mehreren der Vielzahl von Brennstoffzellenstapeln und hält einen Betrieb der zweiten Gruppe aus einem oder mehreren der Vielzahl von Brennstoffzellenstapeln aufrecht. Die zweite Gruppe treibt den Kompressor an und der Kompressor spült überschüssiges Fluid von der ersten Gruppe unter Verwendung des unter Druck stehenden Kathodengases.

24-08-2006 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Brennstoffzelle

Номер: DE102006007077A1

Die Erfindung schafft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Brennstoffzelle (1), die folgendes aufweist: eine Brennstoffelektrode (2), eine Oxidationsmittelelektrode (3) sowie eine Elektrolytschicht (4) mit Wasserstoffionenleitfähigkeit, die sandwichartig zwischen der Brennstoffelektrode (2) und der Oxidationsmittelelektrode (3) angeordnet ist, so daß die Brennstoffzelle (1) als Ergebnis einer elektrochemischen Reaktion zwischen einem Brennstoff und einem Oxidationsmittel elektrischen Strom erzeugt. Bei jedem Betrieb der Brennstoffzelle (1), ausgehend von Betriebsstillstandsbedingungen, wird der Brennstoff der Brennstoffelektrode (2) zugeführt, wobei die Brennstoffelektrode (2) und die Oxidationsmittelelektrode (3) elektrisch miteinander verbunden sind, um an der Oxidationsmittelelektrode (3) Wasserstoff zu erzeugen, indem elektrochemische Reaktionen, die durch die chemischen Gleichungen H¶2¶ -> 2H·+· + 2e·-· und 2H·+· + 2e·-· -> H¶2¶ ausgedrückt werden, an der Brennstoffelektrode (2) bzw.

28-02-2007 дата публикации

Utilization-based fuel cell monitoring and control

Номер: GB2429577A

Fuel cell systems and methods for controlling the operation of components of the fuel cell system, which may include a fuel source and a fuel cell stack. In some examples, a fuel source is adapted to provide supply fuel to a fuel cell stack at a supply pressure. The fuel cell stack produces electric current at a production amperage. In some examples, a control system is adapted to control operation of the fuel cell stack based on a pressure detected at the fuel cell stack. In some examples, a target production amperage is determined based on the detected pressure, such that when electric current is produced at the target production amperage for the detected pressure, the fuel cell stack consumes a predetermined proportion of the supply fuel.

29-07-2009 дата публикации

Utilization-based fuel cell monitoring and control

Номер: GB0002429577B
Принадлежит: IDATECH LLC

24-01-1973 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001304092A

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000489739T

15-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000459990T

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000518269T

15-10-2021 дата публикации

Sensorvorrichtung für ein Brennstoffzellensystem

Номер: AT523373B1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Sensorvorrichtung (10) für ein Brennstoffzellensystem (100) zur Bestimmung eines Spülparameters (SP) für eine Kontrolle eines Spülvorgangs des Brennstoffzellensystems (100), aufweisend einen ersten Strömungskanal (20) für eine Anordnung in einem Anodenzuführabschnitt (122) eines Anodenabschnitts (120) eines Brennstoffzellenstapels (110) und einen zweiten Strömungskanal (130) für eine Anordnung in einem Rezirkulationsabschnitt (126) des Anodenabschnitts (120) des Brennstoffzellenstapels (110), welche voneinander wenigstens abschnittsweise mittels einer gasdichten Membran (40) getrennt sind, wobei die Membran (40) permeabel für Protonen ausgebildet ist und beidseitig einen Elektrodenabschnitt (42, 44) aufweist, weiter aufweisend eine Messvorrichtung (50) zum Bestimmen eines Konzentrationsunterschiedes von Brennstoff zwischen dem ersten Strömungskanal (20) und dem zweiten Strömungskanal (30) als Spülparamater (SP) auf Basis einer elektrischen Spannung ...

15-06-2021 дата публикации

Brennstoffzellensystem, Computerprogrammprodukt, Speichermittel und Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Brennstoffzellensystems

Номер: AT523209A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Brennstoffzellensystems (10) mit einem Brennstoffzellenstapel (11), der einen Anodenabschnitt (12) und einen Kathodenabschnitt (13) umfasst, einem Spülventil (14) für einen Spülvorgang zum Spülen des Anodenabschnitts (12), eine Betriebszustandsermittlungseinheit (15) zum Ermitteln eines Betriebszustandes des Brennstoffzellensystems (10) und einer Einstelleinheit (16) zum Einleiten des Spülvorgangs und zum Einstellen des Spülventils (14) in wenigstens einen Öffnungszustand zum Ermöglichen des Spülvorgangs und in einen Sperrzustand zum Verhindern des Spülvorgangs, aufweisend die Schritte: Ermitteln eines Betriebszustandes des Brennstoffzellensystems (10) durch die Betriebszustandsermittlungseinheit (15), und Einleiten des Spülvorgangs durch die Einstelleinheit (16) abhängig vom ermittelten Betriebszustand, wobei das Spülventil (14) während des Spülvorgangs durch die Einstelleinheit (16) zum abwechselnd mehrmaligen Einstellen ...

15-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000540444T

15-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000510313T

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000505822T

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Reducing gas generators and methods for generating reducing gas

Номер: AU2012275561A2

One embodiment of the present invention is a unique reducing gas generator. Another embodiment is a unique method for generating a reducing gas. Other embodiments include apparatuses, systems, devices, hardware, methods, and combinations for generating reducing gas. Further embodiments, forms, features, aspects, benefits, and advantages of the present application will become apparent from the description and figures provided herewith.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Reducing gas generators and methods for generating reducing gas

Номер: AU2012275561A1

One embodiment of the present invention is a unique reducing gas generator. Another embodiment is a unique method for generating a reducing gas. Other embodiments include apparatuses, systems, devices, hardware, methods, and combinations for generating reducing gas. Further embodiments, forms, features, aspects, benefits, and advantages of the present application will become apparent from the description and figures provided herewith.

14-06-2007 дата публикации

Fuel cell anomaly detection method and apparatus

Номер: AU2002355301B2

20-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002593149A1

30-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002527028C
Принадлежит: DCN

Procédé pour alimenter en gaz oxygéné la cathode (3) d'une pile à combustible (1) du type à membrane échangeuse de protons selon lequel on mélange un gaz riche en oxygène tel que de l'oxygène pur et du gaz effluent de la cathode de façon à constituer un mélange d'alimentation de la cathode contenant plus de 60% de gaz neutre.

24-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002690766A1

A fuel cell system (1) and a method for controlling the same. The system and method employ a fuel cell stack (2) that generates electrical power by electrochemical reaction of a fuel gas and an oxidant gas, a total generated electrical energy computation device (31) that computes a value pertaining to the total generated electrical energy as the sum of the electrical energy generated by said fuel cell stack from start-up of the fuel cell system, and a residual water volume estimation device (32) that estimates the residual water volume left in the fuel cell stack based on said value pertaining to said total generated electrical energy computed by said total generated electrical energy computation device (31).

31-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002776982C

After the stopping process of a fuel cell system, air may cause oxidation of the carbon component material of the cathode. The instantly described fuel cell system stops the delivery of a first gas in a first state thereby preventing permeation of the fuel gas across the electrolyte membrane after the system stop by the partial pressure difference of the fuel gas between the anode and the cathode. This reduces the variation of the cathode total pressure and prevents introduction of air from outside the fuel cell into the cathode, thus effectively inhibiting oxidation of the cathode component material after a system stop.

10-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002500680A1

Electrochemical fuel cell stacks comprising a plurality of membrane electrode assemblies stacked in an alternating manner, such that the polarity of adjacent membrane electrode assemblies are opposite, are disclosed. The fuel cell stacks comprise a plurality of membrane electrode assemblies, each membrane electrode assembly comprising an anode fluid distribution layer, a cathode fluid distribution layer, a polymer electrolyte membrane interposed between the anode and cathode fluid distribution layers, an anode electrocatalyst layer interposed between the polymer electrolyte membrane and the anode fluid distribution layer, and a cathode electrocatalyst interposed between the polymer electrolyte membrane and the cathode fluid distribution layer, wherein the plurality of membrane electrode assemblies are stacked in an alternating manner such that the polarity of adjacent membrane electrode assemblies are opposite, and wherein the plurality of membrane electrode assemblies are externally jumpered ...

13-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002530451A1

A fuel cell system wherein system components are arranged to facilitate the transfer of heat from those components which generate heat in operation to those which cool in operation.

06-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002454683A1

A fuel cell system includes fuel cells forming a fuel stack, having a fuel passage and an oxidant passage. A purge valve is coupled to the fuel passage to exhaust contaminants, and a controller is coupled to temporarily increase the oxidant stream flow rate through the oxidant passage, and to temporarily open the fuel purge valve, if a voltage across a pair of fuel cells is less than a defined threshold voltage. In this resuscitation step, the oxidant flow rate can be temporarily increased by increasing a duty cycle of an air compressor by approximately 50% for a duration of between approximately 5 to 10 seconds. The controller can further shut down fuel cell operation if a voltage across a pair of fuel cells is less than a defined threshold voltage in an inter-resuscitation period immediately following the resuscitation step.

07-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003008772C

A fuel cell system has an oxidant supplying device configured to supply oxidant gas to a fuel cell, a fuel supplying device configured to supply fuel gas to the fuel cell and a combustor configured to burn fuel off-gas and oxidant off-gas discharged from the fuel cell and discharge thereof. The a control method for the fuel cell system includes a power generation control step of supplying the fuel gas and the oxidant gas to the fuel cell and causing the fuel cell to generate power. The a control method further includes a stop control step of stopping the supply of the fuel gas to the fuel cell and supplying the oxidant gas to the combustor on the basis of an amount of unburned fuel gas of the fuel cell system in the case of stopping the fuel cell system.

12-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002374361C
Принадлежит: IDATECH, LLC

The instant invention is to a system for optimizing the purge cycle of a fuel cell stack (10) responsive to the performance of the fuel cell. The system includes a controller that measures a process parameter (52) indicative of the rate at which water is being produced in the fuel cell. If the measured value exceeds the threshold value (54), then the purge assembly is automatically actuated (56).

06-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002653046A1

In one embodiment the present invention provides for an anode side gas fl ow heater for a fuel cell generator that comprises a recirculating anode gas flow (28), at least one burner (24), and an energy source (22). The energy source heats the burner, the anode gas flow passes over the at least one bur ner and is heated, and the heated anode gas flow is then passed through the anode side of the fuel cell generator (4), where the fuel cell generator is heated.

09-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002641188A1

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002930361A1

A fuel cell system comprises: a cathode pressure control unit for, based on the load of a fuel cell stack, controlling the pressure of a cathode gas supplied to the fuel cell stack; and an anode pressure control unit for controlling the pressure of an anode gas supplied to the fuel cell stack to a pressure greater than or equal to the pressure of the cathode gas so that the pressure difference between the pressure of the cathode gas and the pressure of the anode gas becomes a predetermined pressure difference or less. When returned from no idling, the anode pressure control unit controls the pressure of the anode gas supplied to the fuel cell stack to a return-time pressure which is obtained by adding the predetermined pressure difference to a predetermined pressure equivalent to atmospheric pressure.

05-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002911556C

There is provided a control method of a flow regulating valve of an oxidizing gas in a fuel cell. In a load disconnected state that the fuel cell is electrically disconnected from a load, the control method gradually opens the flow regulating valve that is configured to supply the oxidizing gas to a cathode of the fuel cell by a predetermined valve opening each time from a full-close position or gradually closes the flow regulating valve by a predetermined valve opening each time from a full-open position, so as to gradually change a supply amount of the oxidizing gas introduced to the cathode and cause hydrogen transmitted from an anode to the cathode in the fuel cell to be oxidized. The control method measures an open circuit voltage of the fuel cell accompanied with oxidation of the hydrogen and stores at least one valve-opening position among valve-opening positions of the flow regulating valve at a predetermined number of timings including a timing when the measured voltage shifts ...

05-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002293898A1

The present invention relates to a process for purging the gas circuits of fuel cells, adapted to evacuate from these circuits, the water in liquid phase which may be there, as well as if desired the unusable gases or the like that the circuit is adapted to channel, for example nitrogen in circuits adapted for the circulation of hydrogen of air-hydrogen cells; it also relates to a device for practicing this process.

30-04-1968 дата публикации

Installation de pile à combustible

Номер: CH0000454975A

21-10-2009 дата публикации

Shutdown operations for an unsealed cathode fuel cell system

Номер: CN0101562258A

The present invention relates to shundown operations for an unsealed cathode fuel cell system. Processes to shut down a fuel cell system are described. In one implementation (300), a load (215) is cyclically engaged and disengaged across a fuel cell stack (205) so as to deplete the fuel available to the system's fuel cells (205). Voltage and/or current thresholds may be used to determine when to engage and disengage the load (215) and when to terminate the shutdown operation. In another implementation (500), a variable load (405) is engaged and adjusted so as to deplete the fuel available to the system's fuel cells (205). As before, voltage and/or current thresholds may be used to determine when to adjust the load (405) and when to terminate the shutdown process. In still another implementation, a load (215 or 405) may be periodically engaged and disengaged during some portion of the shutdown process and engaged but adjusted during other portions of the shutdown process.

17-09-2008 дата публикации

Fuel cell system

Номер: CN0101267044A

In a fuel cell system, a humidifier is attached to an end plate. A pipe connector of a fluid pipe provided at the end plate such as an oxygen-containing gas inlet manifold and a pipe connector of a fluid pipe of the humidifier such as a humidified air supply pipe are connected through a substantially ring-shaped intermediate pipe. O-rings are attached to annular grooves in the outer circumferential portions of the intermediate pipe. One of the O-rings tightly contacts the inner circumferential surface of the pipe connector of the oxygen-containing gas inlet manifold, and the other of the O-rings tightly contacts the inner circumferential surface of the pipe connector of the humidified air supply pipe.

22-10-2008 дата публикации

Fuel battery system, anode gas production amount estimation apparatus, and method for estimating anode gas production amount

Номер: CN0101292384A

This invention provides, for example, a fuel battery system that can sufficiently reduce the concentration of hydrogen in exhaust gas even when a fuel battery is operated in a low power generation efficiency. A bypass valve (B1) is provided between an oxidizing gas supply path (11) and a cathode off-gas flow path (12). When the supply of the oxidizing gas to the cathode is insufficient, pumping hydrogen is contained in the cathode off-gas. Accordingly, in this case, the concentration of hydrogen in the exhaust gas is controlled by regulating the valve opening of the bypass valve (B1) to regulate the flow rate of bypass air.

12-10-2016 дата публикации

Fuel cell system and controlling method thereof

Номер: CN0104160538B

08-07-2009 дата публикации

Fuel cell power-generating system

Номер: CN0100511799C

12-05-2020 дата публикации

Fuel cell system and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: CN0107078319B

26-05-2006 дата публикации

PROCESS AND Management system Of a SYSTEM OF Combustible battery

Номер: FR0002866475B1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

27-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003017488B1

29-11-1968 дата публикации

Process and device for the inert gas and drainage of reaction in the combustible batteries

Номер: FR0001547570A

02-03-1962 дата публикации

Combustible battery

Номер: FR0001285927A

17-05-2002 дата публикации

Fuel cell for electricity production includes hydrogen circuit providing periodic purging of anode cells to remove impurities

Номер: FR0002816761A1

... - Pile à combustible. - L'installation comprend des cellules qui sont composées chacune de deux compartiments anodes (41 et 42), d'un raccordement entre la sortie (91) du premier compartiment anode et l'entrée (82) du second compartiment anode, d'un raccordement entre la sortie (92) du second compartiment anode et l'entrée (81) du premier compartiment anode, d'un circuit (10) d'alimentation en hydrogène des circuits anodes des cellules par l'intermédiaire de deux branchements en parallèle (111 et 112) contrôlés par deux organes d'ouverture-fermeture (121 et 122), des moyens pour piloter périodiquement l'inversion d'états desdits organes. - Application aux piles air-hydrogène.

30-06-1967 дата публикации

Improvements with the combustible batteries, in particular with the devices of purging

Номер: FR0001486405A

06-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002952232A1

La pile à combustible (1) peut être alimentée en oxygène ou en air atmosphérique comme gaz comburant ; la pile à combustible comporte un dispositif de remplissage en air atmosphérique pressurisé comportant un orifice d'admission d'air (126), une boucle de recyclage (12R) du gaz comburant et des moyens d'isolation de l'air atmosphérique tels que vanne d'isolation (128), vanne de coupure (120), ou clapet anti-retour, permettant d'isoler le canal d'alimentation aux cathodes et ladite boucle de recyclage de l'air atmosphérique ; cela permet la mise en œuvre d'une procédure d'arrêt comprenant les actions suivantes : • (i) coupure de l'alimentation en gaz carburant et en gaz comburant, et • (ii) maintien d'un prélèvement de courant de façon à consommer le gaz comburant résiduel dans le système d'alimentation en gaz comburant ; • (iii) injection de gaz enrichi en azote dans le système d'alimentation en gaz comburant. A l'arrêt, la pile à combustible est dans des conditions évitant sa dégradation ...

27-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002873498A1

Procédure d'arrêt d'un système de fourniture d'électricité comportant une pile à combustible, la pile étant alimentée en oxygène pur comme comburant et délivrant une tension électrique sur une ligne électrique de puissance, le système comportant un circuit d'alimentation en gaz carburant côté anodes, un circuit d'alimentation en oxygène côté cathodes, le circuit d'alimentation en oxygène comportant des moyens permettant la mise à l'atmosphère dudit circuit d'alimentation en oxygène, des moyens pour délivrer à ladite unité de contrôle de la pile à combustible un signal d'arrêt, la procédure d'arrêt étant activée à réception d'un signal d'arrêt et comprenant une étape initiale pendant laquelle l'alimentation en oxygène est interrompue, une étape intermédiaire pendant laquelle un courant de maintien est prélevé à la pile à combustible, une étape de neutralisation pendant laquelle le circuit d'alimentation en oxygène est mis à l'atmosphère et une étape d'arrêt pendant laquelle l'alimentation ...

07-11-2017 дата публикации

연료 전지의 시동과 정지에 사용 가능한 가스 발생 장치

Номер: KR0101795082B1

... 본 발명은 연료 전지의 시동과 정지에 사용할 수 있는 가스 발생기를 제공하기 위한 것이다. 한가지 구현예로서, 여기에 한정하는 것은 아니지만, 상기 가스 발생기는 공기를 수용하고, 공기로부터 산소(O2)는 추출하며, 나머지는 질소 농축 가스로 배출할 수 있는 구조로 된 질소 발생기, 탄화수소 연료, 상기 질소 농축 가스를 수용하고, 이 두 가지를 모두 포함하는 공급원료 혼합물을 배출할 수 있는 구조로 된 합류실, 상기 공급원료 혼합물을 수용하고 이것을 환원 가스로 촉매적으로 전화할 수 있는 구조로 된 촉매 반응기를 포함한다.

28-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100751976B1

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101049920B1

07-04-2017 дата публикации

연료전지 스택의 연료극 입출구 가변 장치

Номер: KR0101724835B1
Автор: 김종성
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

... 본 발명은 연료전지 스택의 초기 시동시 및 운전시 연료극의 입출구를 가변시킴으로써, 연료전지 차량의 운전 안정성을 확보함과 더불어 수소 배출량 저감에 따른 연비 향상을 도모할 수 있도록 한 연료전지 스택의 연료극 입출구 가변 장치에 관한 것이다. 즉, 본 발명은 연료전지 스택의 초기 시동시에는 연료극의 입구 및 출구 즉, 입구 매니폴드의 입구와 출구 매니폴드의 출구를 서로 반대방향을 향하도록 제어하여, 입구 매니폴드와 각 셀의 연료극과 출구 매니폴드를 차례로 통과하는 수소의 유로 패스를 동일한 길이가 되도록 함으로써, 스택의 연료극에 대한 수소 농도를 증가시켜서 초기 시동 안정성을 도모하는 동시에 수소가 외기로 배출되는 양을 최소화시켜 연비 향상을 도모할 수 있도록 한 연료전지 스택의 연료극 입출구 가변 장치를 제공하고자 한 것이다.

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101543092B1
Автор: 손익제
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

... 연료전지 수소극측에 마련된 공기토출부; 및 재순환되는 수소의 퍼징 정도와 연료전지의 운전온도를 측정하고, 측정된 결과값에 따라 공기토출부를 작동시켜 수소극의 피독을 해소하는 제어부;를 포함하는 연료전지 시스템 및 그 운전방법이 소개된다.

29-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020090069192A

There is provided a diluting mechanism for an exhaust fuel including: a fuel inlet provided for supplying the exhaust fuel that is exhausted from the device using the fuel to the dilution chamber; a diluent inlet provided for supplying a diluent to the dilution chamber; a diffusion flow path provided in the dilution chamber for mixing the exhaust fuel that is supplied from the fuel inlet with the diluent that is supplied from the diluent inlet; a fuel exhaust port for exhausting the diluted exhaust fuel out of the dilution chamber through the diffusion flow path; and a nozzle that narrows a flow path, provided at the fuel inlet, in which the nozzle limits a supply quantity of the exhaust fuel to the dilution chamber. © KIPO & WIPO 2009 ...

23-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160057117A

The present invention relates to a method for controlling air flow in fuel cells. More specifically, provided is a method for controlling air flow in fuel cells, which includes a step of periodically supplying air to a cathode under an idle stop state at which the air supply to the cathode of the stack is halted in order to prevent the fuel cell from drying, thereby reliving the reduction speed for hydrogen concentration in an anode under the idle stop state. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 (AA) Start (BB) Increase a flow rate of air supply (CC) Start to generate output in a fuel cell system (DD) End (S100) Generate idle stop entrance signals (S200) Stop the operation of the air supply device equipped in the fuel cell system (S300) Periodically operate the air supply device, and periodically supply the air to a cathode (S400) Determine to generate the signal of idle stop release (S500) Reoperate the air supply device (S600) Measure the flow rate of the air supplied to the cathode, and determine whether ...

20-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170105838A

A device for decreasing hydrogen concentration of a fuel cell system is disclosed. The disclosed device for decreasing hydrogen concentration of the fuel cell system is configured in an exhaust system of the fuel cell system which discharges exhaust gas containing hydrogen and air discharged from a fuel cell to an atmosphere through an exhaust line. The device for decreasing hydrogen concentration of the fuel cell system includes: i) a catalyst diluter connected to the exhaust line including a catalyst for diluting hydrogen in the exhaust gas by a catalytic reaction; and ii) an air diluter provided outside the catalyst diluter and guiding the external air to the gas exhaust side of the catalyst diluter. The catalyst diluter includes a valve unit for opening and closing an external air flow passage of the air diluter in accordance with the flow pressure of the exhaust gas. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 ...

24-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020070084599A

A fuel cell system operation method enables intermittent operation for temporarily stopping generation of the fuel cell to suppress fuel gas consumption in vain. During the intermittent operation (yes in step S5), if the secondary side pressure of a tank regulator (pressure value A in step S1) exceeds a first threshold value (yes in step S3), the intermittent operation is stopped and the mode is reset to the normal operation (step S7). When the stop of the intermittent operation is repeated a plurality of times, it is possible to inhibit the intermittent operation thereafter. © KIPO & WIPO 2007 ...

29-12-2015 дата публикации

célula de combustível, e, pilha de célula de combustível

Номер: BRPI0509680B1

22-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002009011456A1
Автор: KAJIWARA, Shigeto

A fuel cell system includes a fuel cell, a reaction gas supply device, and an accumulation device which supplies power to various devices when the fuel cell is in a temporary generation stop state. The fuel cell system generates electricity by driving a reaction gas supply device and supplying a reaction gas to a fuel cell according to a predetermined current instruction value. The fuel cell system includes a control device which judges whether the current instruction value is below the water balance zero current value when a water content of the fuel cell is below a predetermined threshold and the accumulation amount of the accumulation device is above a predetermined threshold. If yes, the control device switches the fuel cell generation state to a temporary generation stop state.

19-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO2006007464A2

L'invention concerne une vanne de purge à combustible (26) pour une centrale électrique à pile à combustible, laquelle vanne est commandée en réponse à un paramètre (40, 40a) d'un ventilateur de recyclage de combustible (20), indiquant le combustible de recyclage refoulé par ce ventilateur, soit seul soit avec le courant de charge (33), l'augmentation de pression du ventilateur (50, 51) et la température du gaz de recyclage combustible (44), pour fournir un signal de commande à modulation d'impulsions en largeur (28) commandant la vanne de purge.

06-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013129553A1

This fuel cell system is equipped with: a regulator for controlling the pressure of anode gas fed to the fuel cell, a pulsating operation control means which, when the anode gas pressure increases as load increases, pulsates the anode gas pressure under the same load; and an anode gas pressure limiting means for limiting the anode gas pressure to a higher pressure than the anode gas pressure according to the load, when the load drops.

06-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013129453A1

A fuel cell system is provided with a regulator which controls the anode gas fed to a fuel cell, a buffer section that stocks the anode off gas discharged from the fuel cell, and a purge valve which controls the volume of anode off gas stored in the buffer section discharged to the exterior. By cyclically opening and closing the regulator, the pressure of the anode gas is increased and reduced cyclically. In pulsating operating control, during depressurization of pulsating operation, the purge value is controlled in such a manner that the purge flowrate is increased relative to when pressure is increased.

06-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013129241A1

A fuel cell system for supplying an anode gas and a cathode gas to a fuel cell and generating electricity in response to a load, wherein a target anode gas pressure which periodically increases and decreases in the fuel cell is set, and from before a predetermined period in which the target anode gas pressure is increased, a standby electric current is channeled to a pressure regulator valve for regulating the anode gas pressure in the fuel cell on the basis of the target anode gas pressure.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014048526A1

The invention relates to a method for detecting a critical concentration of hydrogen in the exhaust gas of a fuel cell system (1), in which exhaust gas from an anode chamber (4) of a fuel cell (3) is subjected to post-combustion by means of a burner (17). The invention is characterised in that the temperature of the combustion exhaust gases is detected, said temperature being compared to a predetermined limit value. In said comparison, if the temperature of the combustion exhaust gases exceeds the limit value, a critical concentration of hydrogen can be assumed.

29-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009012854A1
Автор: KNOOP, Andreas

The invention is based on the object of providing an apparatus for recirculation of a cathode gas in a fuel cell arrangement, which apparatus allows the fuel cell arrangement to be shut down safely, and proposing a corresponding method for shutting down the fuel cell apparatus. An apparatus (2) for recirculation of a cathode gas in a fuel cell arrangement (3) having a cathode gas supply (7) for supplying the cathode gas to a cathode area (5) in the fuel cell arrangement (3), having a cathode gas outlet (9) for carrying the partially consumed cathode gas out of the cathode area (5), having a recirculation line (11) for recirculation of the partially consumed cathode gas from a junction point (10) in the cathode gas outlet (9) into a supply point (12) in the cathode gas supply (7), is characterized by a blocking apparatus (15, 16) which is designed to block the cathode gas supply (7) in the flow direction upstream of the supply point (12) and to block the cathode gas outlet in the flow direction ...

25-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007120872A3

Systems and methods are provided in which a fuel cell purge cycle recaptures fluid material such as water and hydrogen from an electrode of a fuel cell and can recycle the hydrogen to the anode, leading to improved fuel cell efficiency with minimal parasitic load. Pressure fluctuations of a hydrogen generation system may be integrated with the fuel cell purge cycle to recycle hydrogen to the fuel cell and water to the hydrogen generation system.

23-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO0003007410A1

The invention relates to fuel cells. The inventive device is embodied in the form of a battery of fuel cells and comprises at least two series-connected, according to a working gas, fuel cells disposed prior to an output main line for gas discharge, and an input main line. The inventive method consists in supplying the working gas to the input main line and periodically discharging said working gas from the output main line. At the moment of discharge of a gas from the battery, the working gas is supplied from the input main line to the corresponding input of at least one series-connected fuel cell disposed prior to the output main line for discharging the working gas from the fuel cell, the supply of the working gas from the input main line being stopped after the gas discharge termination from the battery.

12-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO2002099911A3

A fuel cell system (100) is shut down by disconnecting the primary load (148), shutting off the air flow (139), and controlling the fuel flow (141) into the system (including shutting off the fuel flow) and the gas flow out of the system in a manner that results in the fuel cell gases coming to equilibrium across the cells at a gas composition of at least 0.0001 % hydrogen (by volume), and preferably between 1.0 % and less than 4.0 % hydrogen, by volume, with a balance of nitrogen and possibly other gases inert and harmless to the fuel cell, all the oxygen having been consumed by reacting with the hydrogen within the cell. That gas composition is maintained within the cells throughout shut-down, such as by adding hydrogen to replace any that is consumed by reaction with air leaking into the cells during the period of shut-down. This shut-down procedure causes virtually no cell performance losses.

10-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: WO2004076017A2

High temperature fuel cell electrical generation systems are provided that are adapted to enable selective generation of electrical power, and/or hydrogen fuel, and/or useable heat, allowing flexible operation of the generation system. In such embodiments, the high temperature fuel cell may be either a MCFC or a SOFC. The disclosed systems relate to high temperature fuel cells exploiting gas separation devices in which a first gas mixture is to be separated so that a first product of the separation is enriched in a first component, while a second component is mixed with a displacement purge stream to form a second gas mixture, with provision to prevent cross contamination of purge gas components into the first product stream. The invention may be applied to hydrogen (component A) enrichment from syngas mixtures such as fuel cell anode exhaust, where dilute carbon dioxide (component B) is to be rejected such as to the atmosphere or for recycle to the fuel cell cathode in the case of molten ...

06-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO0002045247A3

The invention relates to a direct-current power supply device (1, 21, 41), which comprises a fuel cell block (3, 23, 43) and a protective device (5, 25), and to a method for shutting down a fuel cell block (3, 23, 43). If, after operation, a fuel cell block (3, 23, 43) is disconnected from an electrical consumer (9, 29, 49) or from a direct current network (7, 27, 47), a problem arises in that remainders of fuel gases are still present in the fuel cell block. These fuel gases have to be removed from the fuel cell block (3, 23, 43). In order to solve for this problem, the invention provides that an electrical resistor (11, 31, 51) is connected in parallel to the fuel cell block (3, 23, 43). When shutting down the fuel cell block (3, 23, 43), a current flow from the fuel cell block (3, 23, 43) is maintained by the electrical resistor (11, 31, 51), whereby the remaining fuel gases inside the fuel cell block (3, 23, 43) are completely consumed.

17-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO2003032426A1

A procedure for purging a fuel cell system (100) at start-up or shutdown comprises directing the organic fuel (108), along with air (106A & B), into a burner (110) to produce a gas that is essentially inert to the fuel cell, such as a gas of nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water vapor. That inert gas is passed through either or both the fuel cell and fuel processing system (104) components, such as a reformer (134) and shift converter (136), to purge those components of undesirable gases. In the case of shutdown, after the cell has been disconnected from the primary load (130), the inert gas produced in the burner is passed either in series or in parallel through the fuel cell and fuel processing system.

21-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005036682A1
Автор: GOEBEL, Steven, G.

A method and device for operating a fuel cell system. A recirculation loop coupled to a fuel cell cathode ensures that fluids passing through the cathode are recycled, thereby enabling reaction between residual oxygen in the recycled fluid and fuel that has been introduced into the recirculation loop until substantially all of the oxygen is reacted, leaving a substantially oxygen-free, predominantly nitrogen compound in the cathode and related flowpath. Thereafter, this compound can be redirected to purge the remaining residual hydrogen resident in the fuel cell's anode and related flowpath. While the present invention is usable during any period of system operation, it is especially valuable for operational conditions associated with starting up and shutting down a fuel cell system to inhibit the formation of high voltage potentials that could otherwise damage fuel cell catalysts or catalysts supports.

21-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: WO2004091031A1

An operational cycle for a fuel processor capable of reforming a fuel, the operational cycle is disclosed. The operational cycle includes: an off state; a manager check state entered into from the off state, and in which the operational readiness of the fuel processor is checked; a preheat state entered into from the manager check state, and in which the fuel processor preheats gases, including the fuel, for mixing into a process feed stream; a startup state entered into from the preheat state, and in which the fuel processor begins operating under start-up conditions; a run state entered into from the startup state, and in which the fuel processor reforms the process feed stream into a reformate under steady-state conditions; and a shutdown state entered into any one of the manager check state, preheat state, startup state, and run state. The operational cycle may be employed in a fuel processor for a fuel cell or a fuel cell power plant.

30-05-2017 дата публикации

Condensed water removing method and apparatus of gas diffiusion layer and catalyst layer of fuel cell and apparatus

Номер: US0009666886B2
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Company, HYUNDAI MOTOR CO LTD

Disclosed are a method and an apparatus for removing condensed water in a gas diffusion layer and a catalyst layer of a fuel cell. The method comprises steps of: a step of determining whether the condensed water is generated in the gas diffusion layer and the catalyst layer of the fuel cell; a step of reducing and supplying an amount of air supplied to a cathode of the fuel cell at a predetermined level, when it is determined that the condensed water is generated in the gas diffusion layer and the catalyst layer in the step of determining; a step of measuring a temperature of a stack of the fuel cell; and a step of increasing the amount of air supplied to the cathode of the fuel cell to an amount of air prior to being reduced at the predetermined operation level, when the measured temperature of the stack of the fuel cell is elevated to a predetermined temperature.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Purging device and method for improving cold-startability of fuel cell

Номер: US20120123620A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

The present invention provides a purging device and method for improving cold start performance of a fuel cell by direct heating, in which a gas mixture of hydrogen and air is supplied to a cathode of a fuel cell stack after shutdown of a fuel cell system to generate heat by a reaction of hydrogen and air, and the generated heat is used to increase the temperature of the fuel cell stack and, at the same time, remove water from the fuel cell stack.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Fuel cell system and method of operating fuel cell system

Номер: US20120164546A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A fuel cell system ( 100 ) includes: a hydrogen generator ( 2 ) including a reformer ( 3 ); a combustor ( 5 ) configured to supply heat to the reformer ( 3 ); a fuel cell ( 1 ); a first channel ( 10 ); a second channel ( 8 ); a third channel ( 16 ) through which an oxidation gas flows, the oxidation gas being supplied to the first channel ( 10 ) extending between a branch portion ( 10 a ) and the fuel cell ( 1 ); a first on-off valve ( 7 a ) provided on the first channel ( 10 ) located downstream of a meeting portion ( 10 c ); a second on-off valve ( 6 ) provided on the second channel ( 8 ); an oxidation gas supply unit ( 15 ) provided on the third channel ( 16 ); and a controller ( 200 ) configured such that when the first on-off valve ( 7 a ) is closed and the second on-off valve ( 6 ) is opened, and a hydrogen-containing gas is discharged from the hydrogen generator ( 2 ) at the time of start-up, the controller ( 200 ) activates the oxidation gas supply unit ( 15 ) to supply the oxidation gas through the third channel ( 16 ) to the first channel ( 10 ) located downstream of the branch portion ( 10 c ).

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Fuel cell system and method of operating fuel cell system

Номер: US20120189925A1
Автор: Masaaki Matsusue
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A fuel cell system in which excess water vapor or nitrogen gas is prevented from remaining inside the fuel cell in intermittent operation. The fuel cell system is provided with a fuel cell having a cell stack formed by stacking a plurality of unit cells each having an anode electrode, a cathode electrode, an electrode membrane located between the anode electrode and the cathode electrode, and a reaction gas flow channel. The fuel cell system includes an estimation unit that estimates a water vapor amount and a nitrogen gas amount at a plurality of predetermined positions inside at least one of the electrolyte membrane and the reaction gas flow channel; and an operation control unit that compares, during an operation stop of intermittent operation, at least either of the water vapor amount or the nitrogen gas amount at each of the predetermined positions that has been estimated by the estimation unit with a threshold for each of the predetermined positions that has been set with consideration for a stacking direction of the unit cells and a flow channel direction of the reaction gas flow channel, and supplies a gas including hydrogen gas to the reaction gas flow channel and discharges water vapor and nitrogen gas from inside the fuel cell when at least either of the water vapor amount and the nitrogen gas amount exceeds the threshold at at least one of the positions.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Method for controlling fuel cell system

Номер: US20120225365A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A method includes determining, if an instruction to stop a operation of a fuel cell is detected, whether an in-stop-mode power generating process has been executed, a fuel gas being to be stopped and an oxide gas being to be supplied to the fuel cell to generate power from the oxide-gas supply apparatus in the in-stop-mode power generating process, and shortening a time for a diluting process to be executed by a scavenging apparatus when it is determined that the in-stop-mode power generating process has been executed, as compared with a case where it is determined that the in-stop-mode power generating process has not been executed.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for controlling fuel cell system

Номер: US20120251910A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A method includes an in-stop-mode power generating process and a first startup process. In the a first startup process, if an operation start instruction to start a fuel cell system is detected after the in-stop-mode power generating process, supply of a fuel gas from a fuel-gas supply apparatus is started, and supply of an oxide gas from an oxide-gas supply apparatus is started after a predetermined time has elapsed from the starting of supply of the fuel gas, when a pressure of an anode side is equal to or lower than a first threshold pressure.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for Detecting the Permeability State of the Ion Exchanger Polymer Membrane of a Fuel Cell

Номер: US20120270127A1
Автор: Gino Paganelli
Принадлежит: Individual

Procedure for detecting the permeability state of the polymeric ion-exchange membrane of a fuel cell stack, in which, as soon as the pressure difference in the anode and cathode circuits drops to a value below a threshold value P S , the pressure variation in said circuits for a predetermined time period t C is measured and the pressure difference in these circuits at the end of a predetermined time period, called the control pressure P C , is calculated and a warning is given when the control pressure P C is below a warning threshold P A .

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Anode purge and drain valve strategy for fuel cell system

Номер: US20130089797A1

A combined water drain and diluent gas purge valve routes fluid from the anode side of a fuel cell to the cathode inlet. When a purge of diluent gas is requested, the valve opens, draining any liquid present in the sump of a water separation device, for example. After the liquid has drained, the diluent gas is purged. An anode bleed model using fuel injector feedback can determine the amount of gas exiting the valve, and can request the valve to close once the required amount of diluent is purged. During operation, an amount of hydrogen may exit the valve. Hydrogen passing through the valve can be catalytically consumed once it reaches the cathode electrode, causing the cathode exhaust, and the fuel cell exhaust to have a reduced hydrogen content.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130095403A1
Автор: KOGA Futoshi
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A fuel cell system and a stop method thereof are provided that can supply inert gas to the anode with a simple configuration during system stop. The method includes the steps of: cutting off new supply of fuel gas to the anode and discharge of discharge gas from the anode to outside after a stop command for the system (S and S); continuing electric power generation by way of the stack in a state in which the supply and discharge of gas is cut off according to the step of cutting off (S to S); storing, in a Nstorage portion, gas discharged to an air discharge line in the step of continuing (Steps S to S); and introducing inert gas stored inside of the Nstorage portion to inside of a hydrogen supply line, after the step of continuing (S to S). 1. A fuel cell system comprising:a fuel cell that generates electric power by supplying fuel gas to an anode and oxidizing gas to a cathode;a fuel gas supply channel in which fuel gas supplied to the anode flows;an oxidizing gas supply channel in which oxidizing gas supplied to the cathode flows;a fuel gas discharge channel in which discharge gas from the anode flows;an oxidizing gas discharge channel in which discharge gas from the cathode flows;a discharge gas storage portion that connects the oxidizing gas discharge channel and the fuel gas supply channel;a supply shutoff valve that is provided to the fuel gas supply channel and cuts off new supply of fuel gas to the anode;a discharge shutoff valve that is provided to the fuel gas discharge channel and cuts off discharge of discharge gas from the anode to outside of the system;a post-stop shutoff means for cutting off both supply and discharge of gas by way of the supply shutoff valve and the discharge shutoff valve, after a stop command for the fuel cell system;an electric power generation continuing means for continuing electric power generation by the fuel cell in a state in which the supply and discharge of gas are cut off by way of the post-stop shutoff means; anda ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Fuel cell system and operating method thereof

Номер: US20130164649A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

An anode gas non-recirculation type fuel cell system includes a fuel cell, a buffer tank for purging impurity gas included in anode off-gas from the fuel cell stack, an impurity gas concentration detector for detecting impurity gas concentration in the buffer tank, and an anode gas supply unit for supplying anode gas to the fuel cell stack. When pressure-supplying impurity gas in the fuel cell stack to the buffer tank while pulsating a supply pressure by the anode gas supply unit, an activation control is executed by changing, by the anode gas supply unit, at least one of a pulsative pressure and a pulsative cycle of anode gas supply according to impurity gas concentration in the buffer tank. According to the system, it is possible to get adequate hydrogen gas concentration in a fuel cell stack and to remove impurity at its activation.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196240A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

In a method for stopping an operation of a fuel cell system, supply of a fuel gas to an anode side of a fuel cell provided in the fuel cell system is stopped. A fuel exhaust gas discharged from the fuel cell is recirculated to the anode side of the fuel cell. An oxidant-exhaust-gas discharge path through which an oxidant exhaust gas is to be discharged from the fuel cell is sealed at a downstream position of a connecting portion at which the oxidant-exhaust-gas discharge path is connected to an oxidant-exhaust-gas recirculation path. The oxidant exhaust gas is recirculated to a cathode side of the fuel cell through the oxidant-exhaust-gas recirculation path. Recirculation of the fuel exhaust gas is stopped. Recirculation of the oxidant exhaust gas is stopped. An oxidant-gas supply path through which an oxidant gas is to be supplied to the fuel cell is sealed. 1. A method for stopping an operation of a fuel cell system , the method comprising:stopping supply of a fuel gas to an anode side of a fuel cell provided in the fuel cell system;recirculating a fuel exhaust gas discharged from the fuel cell to the anode side of the fuel cell;sealing an oxidant-exhaust-gas discharge path through which an oxidant exhaust gas is to be discharged from the fuel cell at a downstream position of a connecting portion at which the oxidant-exhaust-gas discharge path is connected to an oxidant-exhaust-gas recirculation path;recirculating the oxidant exhaust gas to a cathode side of the fuel cell through the oxidant-exhaust-gas recirculation path;stopping recirculation of the fuel exhaust gas;stopping recirculation of the oxidant exhaust gas; andsealing an oxidant-gas supply path through which an oxidant gas is to be supplied to the fuel cell.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:determining that a remaining oxidant gas on the cathode side of the fuel cell is consumed,wherein the stopping of the recirculation of the fuel exhaust gas includes stopping the recirculation of ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Device for fuel cell system

Номер: US20130202980A1
Автор: Shuichiro Saito
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A method of replacing a gas in a fuel cell system is provided, which comprises the steps of detecting that a fuel cartridge is connected to the fuel cell system having a fuel cell and supplying a fuel from the fuel cartridge on the basis of the detection to start replacement of gas in the fuel cell system. Thereby, a simple gas replacement method is provided for replacing the gas other than the fuel, which has entered the fuel cell system that is supplied with the fuel from the fuel cartridge, with the fuel. Especially, a user does not have to perform the gas replacement operation manually. The gas replacement can be automatically performed.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Operational method for a simplified fuel cell system

Номер: US20130209907A1
Автор: Steven G. Goebel

A system and method for reducing the corrosive effects of an air/hydrogen front in a fuel cell stack. The method includes shutting down the fuel cell stack and then initiating a hydrogen sustaining process where hydrogen is periodically injected into an anode side of the fuel cell stack while the stack is shut down for a predetermined period of time. The method determines that the hydrogen sustaining process has ended, and then purges the anode side and a cathode side of the fuel cell stack with air after the hydrogen sustaining process has ended and the stack is still shut-down.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209908A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

In a method for starting a fuel cell system, an oxidizer gas bypass passage is operated by an oxidizer gas bypass passage controller to supply oxidizer gas to a diluter from an oxidizer gas supply device under a condition where an oxidizer gas supply passage is sealed by an oxidizer gas supply passage sealing device and an oxidizer exhaust gas exhaust passage is sealed by an oxidizer exhaust gas exhaust passage sealing device. A fuel exhaust gas recirculation passage is operated by a fuel exhaust gas recirculation passage controller to supply fuel gas to the fuel cell from a fuel gas supply device. 1. A method for starting a fuel cell system , the method comprising:operating an oxidizer gas bypass passage by an oxidizer gas bypass passage controller to supply oxidizer gas to a diluter from an oxidizer gas supply device under a condition where an oxidizer gas supply passage is sealed by an oxidizer gas supply passage sealing device and an oxidizer exhaust gas exhaust passage is sealed by an oxidizer exhaust gas exhaust passage sealing device, the oxidizer gas bypass passage being branched from the oxidizer gas supply passage and connected to the oxidizer exhaust gas exhaust passage to bypass a fuel cell, the fuel cell being provided to generate electric power by an electrochemical reaction between fuel gas supplied to an anode side and oxidizer gas supplied to a cathode side, the oxidizer gas supply device being provided to supply the oxidizer gas to the fuel cell through an oxidizer gas supply passage, the oxidizer gas bypass passage controller being configured to control an operating state of the oxidizer gas bypass passage, the oxidizer gas supply passage sealing device being provided to seal the oxidizer gas supply passage downstream of a branch portion where the oxidizer gas bypass passage is branched from the oxidizer gas supply passage, the oxidizer exhaust gas exhaust passage sealing device being provided to seal the oxidizer exhaust gas exhaust passage ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

System and method for minimizing fuel cell degradation after shutdown

Номер: US20130323616A1
Автор: Richard Fellows
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG, Ford Motor Co

A system and method is provided for minimizing the degradation of a fuel cell after shutdown by forcing remaining air out of a fuel cell system. Upon fuel cell shutdown, the flow of air to the cathode of the fuel cell can be kept at a low rate. The flow of cathode exhaust gases along an exhaust conduit is substantially restricted while the pressure of the supply air supplied is increased. As a result, the pressure of the cathode exhaust gases in the exhaust conduit increases. The voltage of the fuel cell can be to deplete the oxygen in the supply air. The pressure of the supply air is decreased to a pressure lower than the pressure of the cathode exhaust gas in the exhaust conduit such that the cathode exhaust gas flows backward through the system to push out any remaining air.

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130344410A1
Автор: Park Bong Hyun, Son Ik Jae

Disclosed is a system and method for operating a fuel cell system, which improves durability of a fuel cell stack by purging oxygen diffusing into an air electrode of the fuel cell stack while the fuel cell vehicle is parking. That is, the present invention provides a system and method for operating a fuel cell system, which prevents an interface between oxygen and hydrogen from forming at an anode by periodically supplying hydrogen to a cathode to purge oxygen when the oxygen concentration is greater than a predetermined level to prevent oxygen in the air from diffusing into the cathode while parking the fuel cell vehicle, thus preventing durability of a membrane electrode assembly of a fuel cell stack from deteriorating. 1. A method for operating a fuel cell system , the method comprising:identifying, a controller, a hydrogen purge cycle of a cathode based on an oxygen concentration measuring in relation an amount of time a fuel cell vehicle has remained parked after shutdown; andpurging oxygen from the cathode by supplying hydrogen to the cathode at an end of each hydrogen purge cycle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogen purge cycle is a time at which the oxygen concentration at the cathode exceeds a predetermined oxygen concentration threshold.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the oxygen concentration threshold is determined as the oxygen concentration at a time when an open circuit voltage for each oxygen concentration of the fuel cell stack claim 2 , which is monitored after forcibly introducing oxygen into the cathode claim 2 , reaches a predetermined value.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oxygen concentration is measured by an oxygen sensor mounted on the cathode.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising supplying hydrogen and air to an anode and the cathode at the same time without a potential exceeding a predetermined value for any amount of time during startup after the fuel cell vehicle has been parked.6. A system for operating a ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140050996A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A hydrogen generator () includes: a reformer () configured to generate a hydrogen-containing gas by a reforming reaction using a material gas; a hydro-desulfurizer () configured to remove a sulfur compound in the material gas; a recycled gas passage () through which the hydrogen-containing gas added to the material gas before the material gas flows into the hydro-desulfurizer () flows; a first on-off valve () disposed on the recycled gas passage (); a material gas passage through which the material gas supplied to the reformer () flows; a second on-off valve () disposed on a portion of the material gas passage, the portion being located downstream of a connection portion where the material gas passage and the recycled gas passage () are connected to each other; and a controller () configured to open the first on-off valve () after the generation stop of the hydrogen-containing gas to supply the material gas to the recycled gas passage (), and the controller () closes the second on-off valve () when it opens the first on-off valve (). 1. A hydrogen generator comprising:a reformer configured to generate a hydrogen-containing gas by a reforming reaction using a material gas;a hydro-desulfurizer configured to remove a sulfur compound in the material gas;a recycled gas passage through which the hydrogen-containing gas added to the material gas before the material gas flows into the hydro-desulfurizer flows;a first on-off valve disposed on the recycled gas passage;a material gas passage through which the material gas supplied to the reformer flows;a second on-off valve disposed on a portion of the material gas passage, the portion being located downstream of a connection portion where the material gas passage and the recycled gas passage are connected to each other; anda controller configured to open the first on-off valve after generation stop of the hydrogen-containing gas to supply the material gas to the recycled gas passage, whereinthe controller closes the second on ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170012306A1

A purging circuit for purging an anodic compartment of a cell of a fuel cell, this circuit including: a capacity, forming a related volume at least equal to 500 ml, for containing and homogenising a recovery gas, including an inlet and an outlet; a first nonreturn valve to prevent the recovery gas from returning through the outlet and allowing gas to flow from the first outlet to an inlet of the compartment; a second nonreturn valve to prevent gas from being discharged from the capacity through the inlet; a pressure sensor able to measure the pressure of a fluid present in the circuit; a valve controlling the flow of a supply gas to and from the compartment as a function of data of the sensor and allowing gas to flow from the first nonreturn valve to the inlet of the compartment. 128-. (canceled)29. A purging circuit for purging an anodic compartment of an electrochemical cell of a fuel cell , this circuit including:a volume, having connexity, of at least equal to 300 ml, for containing and homogenising a recovery gas, comprising a first inlet and a first outlet;a first nonreturn valve connected to the first outlet of said volume for containing a recovery gas so as to prevent a gas from being introduced into said volume through the first outlet and to allow a part of a gas to be flown, from the first outlet to an inlet of the anodic compartment;a second nonreturn valve connected to the first inlet of said volume for containing a recovery gas, so as to prevent a gas from being discharged, from said volume, through the first inlet;a pressure sensor able to measure at least one of the pressure of a fluid present in said circuit and a pressure between an outlet of said anodic compartment and the second nonreturn valve;a valve having an inlet and an outlet and allowing a supply gas to be flown or prohibiting it from being flown from said compartment to its inlet, as a function of pressure data from said pressure sensor and allowing recovery gas to be flown, from the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Fuel cell system and method for controlling fuel cell system

Номер: US20210013529A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A fuel cell system comprises: a gas-liquid separator separating exhaust gas of a fuel cell stack into a liquid component and a gas component and storing liquid water of the liquid component; a circulation pipe; a drain pipe discharging the liquid water; and a drain valve opening and closing the drain pipe. In an end scavenging process that is executed when operation of the fuel cell system is finished, the control unit opens the drain valve when a valve opening condition for the drain valve is satisfied. The valve opening condition is set such that an amount of the liquid water stored in the gas-liquid separator at the time the drain valve is opened in the end scavenging process is larger than an amount of the liquid water stored in the gas-liquid separator at the time the drain valve is opened during normal operation of the fuel cell system.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170018791A1
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

A fuel cell system includes: a wetness target value calculating unit configured to calculate a target value of a wet state of the fuel cell; a gas required flow rate calculating unit configured to calculate a cathode gas required flow rate on the basis of a power generation request to the fuel cell; a wetness-control anode gas flow rate calculating unit configured to calculate a wetness-control anode gas circulation flow rate at least on the basis of the wetness target value and the cathode gas required flow rate during a dry control; an anode gas flow rate control unit configured to control an anode gas circulation flow rate on the basis of the wetness-control anode gas circulation flow rate; a wetness-control cathode gas flow rate calculating unit configured to calculate a wetness-control cathode gas flow rate at least on the basis of the wetness target value and a measured value or estimated value of the anode gas circulation flow rate during the dry control; and a cathode gas flow rate control unit configured to control a cathode gas flow rate on the basis of the cathode gas required flow rate and the wetness-control cathode gas flow rate. 14.-. (canceled)5. A fuel cell system including a fuel cell for generating electric power while receiving supplies of an anode gas and a cathode gas and a circulation mechanism configured to supply an anode off-gas discharged from the fuel cell to the fuel cell , the fuel cell system comprising:a wetness target value calculating unit configured to calculate a target value of a wet state of the fuel cell;a gas required flow rate calculating unit configured to calculate a cathode gas required flow rate on the basis of a power generation request to the fuel cell;a wetness-control anode gas flow rate calculating unit configured to calculate a wetness-control anode gas circulation flow rate at least on the basis of the wetness target value and the cathode gas required flow rate during a dry control;an anode gas flow rate control ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180019485A1

A fuel cell system in a vehicle includes a fuel cell stack and a cooling system for cooling the fuel cell stack. The cooling system has a radiator and at least one pump configured to supply coolant to the fuel cell stack. A controller operates the cooling system to actively cool the fuel cell stack while the vehicle is shut down in response to conditions indicating that the next time the vehicle will be started, it will be a cold start. The controller can then, subsequent to initiating the cooling, purge the fuel cell stack. 1. A vehicle comprising:a fuel cell stack;a cooling system having a radiator and at least one pump configured to supply coolant to the fuel cell stack; andat least one controller programmed to operate the cooling system to actively cool the fuel cell stack while the vehicle is shut down in response to an anticipated upcoming cold start.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the operation of the cooling system includes activating radiator fans.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the operation of the cooling system includes operating the at least one pump to send the coolant to the fuel cell stack.4. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the anticipated upcoming cold start is defined at least in part by stored driving history.5. The vehicle of claim 4 , wherein the stored driving history includes stored data indicating a plurality of times and locations in which the vehicle was started.6. The vehicle of further comprising a receiver configured to receive data indicative of a weather forecast claim 1 , wherein the anticipated upcoming cold start is defined at least in part by the weather forecast.7. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the at least one controller is further programmed to disable the cooling system in response to an amount of time of cooling system operation exceeding a maximum time threshold.8. The vehicle of further comprising a temperature sensor configured to detect a coolant temperature claim 1 , wherein the at least one controller is ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Recycling system of anode off gas in fuel cell

Номер: US20180026278A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A recycling system in which anode off gas of a fuel cell is recycled to a stack includes a purge flow path purging the anode off gas passing through the stack, and a sprayer spraying pure gas supplied from a fuel tank to the stack. The sprayer is disposed on a path where the anode off gas passing through the stack is discharged, the purge flow path is spaced a certain distance from the sprayer, and the anode off gas passing through the stack is mixed with the pure gas by suction force of the sprayer to be introduced to the stack, thereby being recycled.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180026279A1
Автор: SON Seha

A fuel cell system includes a fuel cell stack, a separator and a scavenging reservoir. The separator is downstream of and in fluid communication with the fuel cell stack. The scavenging reservoir is downstream of and in fluid communication with the separator. The scavenging reservoir includes an inlet, an outlet, and a partially toroidal middle interconnecting the inlet and outlet. The partially toroidal middle has a radius of curvature, a torus diameter, and an arc length selected such that a minimum volume of liquid necessary to completely block passage of fluid therethrough is the same over a range of tilt angles defined by the minimum volume of liquid, the radius of curvature, and torus diameter. The arc length is based on the radius of curvature and the torus diameter. 1. A combined water and anode knock-out purge line for a fuel cell comprising:an inlet portion having a first end;an outlet portion symmetrical to the inlet portion about a central axis and having a second end; anda partially toroidal middle portion interconnecting the inlet portion and the outlet portion, having a radius of curvature, a torus diameter, and an arc length selected such that a minimum volume of liquid necessary to completely block passage of fluid therethrough is the same over a range of tilt angles defined by the minimum volume of liquid, the radius of curvature, and torus diameter, wherein the arc length is based on the radius of curvature and the torus diameter.2. The purge line of claim 1 , wherein the middle portion includes a reservoir.3. The purge line of claim 1 , wherein the first end has an inlet portion inclination angle defined by a latitudinal cross-section of the first end and the second end has an outlet portion inclination angle defined by a latitudinal cross-section of the second end.4. The purge line of claim 3 , wherein the inlet portion has an inlet inclination angle defining the inlet portion inclination between the radius of curvature of the middle portion and ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180026281A1
Автор: SON Seha

A knock-out assembly for a fuel cell purge line includes a separator, a valve and a tube. The separator has a drain fluidly coupled to a body attached to an anode. The valve has a first inlet attached to and in fluid communication with the drain. The tube is disposed within the drain and the first inlet, and is configured to extend into the body and away from the drain. 1. A knock-out assembly for a fuel cell purge line comprising:a separator having a drain fluidly coupled to a body attached to an anode;a valve having a first inlet attached to and in fluid communication with the drain; anda tube disposed within the drain and the first inlet, and being configured to extend into the body and away from the drain.2. The knock-out assembly of further comprising a plurality of supports disposed around the tube being configured to secure the tube to the drain and inlet.3. The knock-out assembly of claim 1 , wherein the tube defines a circular cross-section such that a diameter of the tube is less than a diameter of the drain.4. The knock-out assembly of claim 1 , wherein the tube is concentric with the drain and the inlet.5. The knock-out assembly of claim 1 , wherein the valve further includes a second inlet disposed adjacent and parallel to the first inlet.6. A fuel cell system comprising:a fuel cell stack; anda knock-out assembly in fluid communication with the fuel cell stack and including a separator having a body and first and second drains fluidly coupled to first and second inlets of a valve, respectively, wherein the first inlet and drain includes a tube disposed therein and configured to extend into the body and away from the first drain.7. The fuel cell system of claim 6 , wherein the first and second inlets are disposed in a parallel orientation.8. The fuel cell system of claim 6 , wherein the tube and the first inlet are concentric.9. The fuel cell system of claim 6 , wherein the valve is a normally closed valve.10. The fuel cell system of claim 6 , wherein ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210028474A1
Автор: Son Ik Jae

An apparatus configured for controlling emergency driving for a fuel cell vehicle may include a failure detector configured to detect whether a purge valve and a drain valve fails; a determination portion configured to measure voltages of channels of a fuel cell stack to determine whether stability of the fuel cell stack is secured; and a controller configured to control, when the stability of the fuel cell stack is not secured and a failure occurs on one or more of the purge valve and the drain valve, one or more of an operating pressure and an operating temperature of the fuel cell stack and a current applied to the fuel cell stack. 1. An apparatus of controlling emergency driving for a fuel cell vehicle , the apparatus comprising:a failure detector configured to detect when at least one of a purge valve and a drain valve of a hydrogen supply device fails;a determination portion configured to measure voltages of channels of a fuel cell stack connected to the hydrogen supply device to determine when stability of the fuel cell stack is secured; anda controller configured to control at least one of an operating pressure and an operating temperature of the fuel cell stack and a current value applied to the fuel cell stack, upon determining that the stability of the fuel cell stack is not secured and a failure occurs on the at least one of the purge valve and the drain valve.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein when the drain valve fails claim 1 , the controller is configured to increase the operating temperature of the fuel cell stack within a predetermined operating temperature range.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to increase air stoichiometry (SR) of the fuel cell stack to be equal to or greater than a predetermined air SR.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the controller is configured to control the current value provided to the fuel cell stack to be less than or equal to a predetermined current value.5. The apparatus of ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160036072A1

An air supply device using a cooling water heater of a fuel cell vehicle can effectively reduce cold starting time of the fuel cell vehicle and effectively remove moisture in a stack in cold shut down (CSD) of the fuel cell vehicle. In the air supply device, a bypass flow path is formed to be branched from a first air supply line connected between an air blower for supplying air to a fuel cell stack and a humidifier for humidifying the air supplied to the stack. The bypass flow path allows air exhausted from the air blower to pass through a cooling water heater by bypassing the humidifier and then to be supplied to the stack. 1. An air supply device using a cooling water heater of a fuel cell vehicle , comprising:a bypass flow path formed to be branched from a first air supply line connected between an air blower for supplying air to a fuel cell stack and a humidifier for humidifying the air supplied to the stack, andthe bypass flow path allowing air exhausted from the air blower to pass through the cooling water heater by bypassing the humidifier and then to be supplied to the stack.2. The air supply device of claim 1 , wherein an air flow control valve for connecting between the bypass flow path and the first air supply line is provided to the first air supply line claim 1 , andwherein the air flow control valve controls a flow direction of the air exhausted from the air blower.3. The air supply device of claim 2 , wherein the air flow control valve closes the bypass flow path and opens the first air supply line so that the air exhausted from the air blower flows in the stack through the humidifier claim 2 , or the air flow control valve opens the bypass flow path and closes the first air supply line so that the air exhausted from the air blower flows in the stack through the cooling water heater by bypassing the humidifier.4. The air supply device of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in cold starting of the fuel cell vehicle claim 2 , the air flow control valve opens ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034082A1
Автор: Wilkosz Daniel E.

A method of operating a fuel cell stack including, prior to shut down, flowing dry purge gas from an inlet port to an outlet port of a fuel cell stack unit cell to purge water from the fuel cell stack and subsequently flowing dry purge gas from the outlet port to the inlet port to further purge water from the fuel cell stack. 1. A method of operating a fuel cell stack comprising: flowing a purge gas from an inlet port to an outlet port of a fuel cell stack unit cell to purge water from the fuel cell stack, and', 'subsequently flowing the purge gas from the outlet port to the inlet port to further purge water from the fuel cell stack, prevent water formation in outlet channels of the fuel cell stack, or both., 'prior to shut down,'}2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising operating a two way valve to redirect an initial flow of the purge from the inlet port to the outlet port to flow in the opposite direction.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising releasing the purge gas from the same pressurized reservoir to flow in both directions.4. The method of claim 1 , further releasing the purge gas discontinuously in pulses.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising breaking up bulk water droplets claim 1 , water reservoirs claim 1 , or both to form a film of dispersed water molecules while flowing the purge gas from the outlet port to the inlet port.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fuel cell stack has a pancake fuel cell stack orientation.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising flowing the purge gas from the inlet port to the outlet port for a longer period of time than flowing the purge gas from the outlet port to the inlet port.8. A method of operating a fuel cell stack comprising:repeatedly flowing a purge gas from an inlet port to an outlet port of a fuel cell stack unit cell for a period of time followed by flowing the purge gas from the outlet port to the inlet port to purge water from the fuel cell stack.9. The method of claim 8 , further ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034083A1

A fuel cell system includes a fuel cell in which at least one of an anode electrode and a cathode electrode with an electrolyte membrane interposed therebetween from both sides contains a radical inhibitor; a purging device which performs a purging process of purging water in the fuel cell by supplying a purging gas into the fuel cell after a power generation stop request of the fuel cell is issued; and a purging control unit which sets a purging condition of the purging process so as to increase a purging power in stages or continuously as a correlation value correlated with an accumulated amount of the radical inhibitor accumulated in the electrolyte membrane changes with an increase in the accumulated amount. 1. A fuel cell system comprising:a fuel cell in which at least one of an anode electrode and a cathode electrode with an electrolyte membrane interposed therebetween from both sides contains a radical inhibitor;a purging device which performs a purging process of purging water in the fuel cell by supplying a purging gas into the fuel cell after a power generation stop request of the fuel cell is issued; anda purging control unit which sets a purging condition of the purging process so as to increase a purging power in stages or continuously as a correlation value correlated with an accumulated amount of the radical inhibitor accumulated in the electrolyte membrane changes with an increase in the accumulated amount.2. The fuel cell system according to claim 1 ,wherein the purging control unit increases the purging power by performing at least one of increasing a purging time, increasing a supply amount of the purging gas, decreasing a backpressure of the fuel cell, increasing an amplitude of pulsation of the purging gas, shortening a period of the pulsation of the purging gas, and raising a temperature of the fuel cell.3. The fuel cell system according to claim 1 ,wherein the correlation value is any one of an elapsed time from start of use of the fuel cell, ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034085A1
Автор: Kim Chang Ho, Shim Ji Hyun

A method of eliminating leakage from a fuel tank valve includes when the leakage occurs, consuming fuel stored in a passage between a fuel tank and a stack in a state in which a tank valve is closed. 1. A method of eliminating leakage from a fuel tank valve , comprising:when the leakage occurs, consuming fuel stored in a passage between a fuel tank and a stack in a state in which a tank valve is closed.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fuel is consumed by opening a purge valve.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fuel is consumed by driving the stack4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fuel is consumed by opening a purge valve and driving the stack.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of consuming fuel is performed for a certain time after ignition of a vehicle equipped with the fuel tank is turned off.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of consuming fuel is performed when the cumulative number of ignition times of a vehicle equipped with the fuel tank is executed exceeds a reference number of times claim 1 , regardless of whether or not the leakage occurs claim 1 , or when the occurrence of the leakage in the valve is detected.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising detecting an occurrence of leakage before the step of consuming fuel is performed claim 1 , wherein:the passage between the fuel tank and the stack comprises a high-pressure portion having a relatively high pressure therein and a low-pressure portion having a relatively low pressure therein, the high-pressure portion being formed adjacent to the tank valve, the low-pressure portion being formed adjacent to the stack; andthe occurrence of the leakage in the valve is detected based on a difference between values obtained by multiplying passage volumes and pressure variations in the respective high and low-pressure portions.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising driving the stack by supplying fuel to the stack from the fuel tank at a reference flow rate.9. The method of ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190036135A1

The invention relates to a flushing arrangement for flushing (purging) a fuel cell unit on its anode side and/or an electrolysis unit on its cathode side. The flushing arrangement has a flushing channel with a first and a second flushing channel section, which can be fluidically connected to one another via a purge valve of the flushing arrangement, and with a buffer store which is fluidically connected to the flushing channel and downstream of the purge valve, and which has a storage chamber that is provided for intermediate storage of a fluid mass to be flushed in a pulse-type manner with a flush mass flow from the fuel cell unit and/or from the electrolysis unit, so that this fluid mass can be discharged with a discharge mass flow, which is smaller than the flush mass flow, out of an outflow element fluidically connected to the second flushing channel section. 1. A flushing arrangement for flushing (purging) a fuel cell unit on its anode side and/or an electrolysis unit on its cathode side comprising:a flushing channel with a first and a second flushing channel section, which can be fluidically connected to one another via a purge valve of the flushing arrangement, anda buffer store which is fluidically connected to the flushing channel and downstream of the purge valve and which has a storage chamber that is provided for intermediate storage of a fluid mass to be flushed in a pulse-type manner with a flush mass flow from the fuel cell unit and/or the electrolysis unit, so that this fluid mass can be discharged with a discharge mass flow, which is smaller than the flush mass flower, out of an outflow element fluidically connected to the second flushing channel section.2. The flushing arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the storage chamber expandable by the fluid mass to be flushed in a pulse-type manner with the flush mass flow from the fuel cell unit and/or the electrolysis unit.3. The flushing arrangement according to claim 2 , wherein the storage ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Fuel cell system

Номер: US20200036021A1
Автор: Manabu Takahashi
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A fuel cell system includes a component in a circulation passage for off-gas, a battery temperature acquisition unit configured to acquire a fuel cell temperature, a component temperature acquisition unit configured to acquire a component temperature, a state-of-charge acquisition unit configured to acquire a state of charge of a secondary battery, and a controller configured to, when a temperature difference between the acquired fuel cell temperature and the acquired component temperature is greater than or equal to a predetermined temperature difference at the time of a stop of power generation of the fuel cell system, perform a warm-up operation of a fuel cell and store electric power generated through the warm-up operation in the secondary battery while the state of charge of the secondary battery is lower than a predetermined state of charge, and, after completion of the warm-up operation, perform the scavenging operation at predetermined scavenging power.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160043417A1

A method for creating an oxygen depleted gas in a fuel cell system, including operating a fuel cell stack at a desired cathode stoichiometry at fuel cell system shutdown to displace a cathode exhaust gas with an oxygen depleted gas. The method further includes closing a cathode flow valve and turning off a compressor to stop the flow of cathode air. 1. A method for creating an oxygen depleted gas in a fuel cell system where the system includes a fuel cell stack and a compressor , said method comprising:determining that the fuel cell system can be shutdown;cooling the fuel cell stack;adjusting a cathode exhaust valve and the compressor to increase the pressure on a cathode side of the fuel cell stack and applying a shutdown load to achieve a desired voltage and a desired cathode stoichiometry;operating the fuel cell system at the desired voltage and the desired cathode stoichiometry so as to create a volume of oxygen depleted gas in the cathode side of the fuel cell system, a water vapor transfer unit and a water vapor transfer unit by-pass line;closing the cathode exhaust valve and water vapor transfer unit by-pass valves and shutting off the compressor; andclosing a cathode inlet valve when the pressure of the oxygen depleted gas on the cathode side drops to approximately ambient pressure.2. The method according to further comprising feeding the oxygen depleted gas created in the cathode side to the anode side of the fuel cell stack.3. The method according to wherein the desired cathode stoichiometry is approximately 1.4. The method according to further comprising calculating the volume of oxygen depleted gas created while operating the fuel cell system at the desired voltage.5. The method according to further comprising adding hydrogen after the stack is cooled to maximize the hydrogen available in the fuel cell stack.6. The method according to further comprising measuring the cathode flow in the stack to calculate the volume of oxygen depleted gas created while ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Fuel Cell Purge Line System

Номер: US20170040623A1

A fuel cell system including a fuel cell stack, separator and a scavenging reservoir. The fuel cell stack is configured to generate water and reusable fuel. The separator is downstream of and in fluid communication with the fuel cell stack. The separator is configured to separate the water from the reusable fuel. The scavenging reservoir is downstream of and in fluid communication with the separator. The scavenging reservoir is configured to receive the water from the separator. The scavenging reservoir includes an inlet portion, an outlet portion, and a middle portion positioned between the inlet and outlet portions. The middle portion includes a reservoir and a passageway extending there between. The passageway is configured to allow a fluid stream to flow there through when the reservoir is occupied by a frozen fluid. 1. A fuel cell system comprising:a fuel cell stack configured to generate water and reusable fuel;a separator downstream of and in fluid communication with the fuel cell stack, the separator configured to separate the water from the reusable fuel; anda scavenging reservoir downstream of and in fluid communication with the separator, the scavenging reservoir configured to receive the water from the separator, the scavenging reservoir including an inlet portion, an outlet portion, and a middle portion positioned between the inlet and outlet portions, the middle portion including a reservoir and a passageway extending there between, the passageway configured to allow a fluid stream to flow there through when the reservoir is occupied by a frozen fluid.2. The fuel cell system of claim 1 , wherein the scavenging reservoir is in fluid communication with an anode of the fuel cell stack.3. The fuel cell system of claim 1 , wherein the scavenging reservoir is in fluid communication with a cathode of the fuel cell stack.4. The fuel cell system of claim 1 , further comprising a valve downstream of the outlet portion and having an open position and a closed ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Flushing system and method for monitoring same

Номер: US20220059854A1

The present invention relates, amongst other things, to a flushing system ( 40 ) for flushing an energy source device ( 15 ) and/or an energy sink device ( 16 ) of an energy system ( 10 ), the flushing system comprising: a flushing device ( 41 ) having a storage chamber ( 45 ), which on the input side is fluidically connected to a first line portion ( 46 ), which is formed as a flushing line starting from the energy source device ( 15 ), and/or to a second line portion ( 47 ), which is formed as a flushing line starting from the energy sink device ( 16 ); a first monitoring device ( 50 ) for monitoring the state of the storage chamber ( 45 ), the first monitoring device ( 50 ) comprising at least one sensor device ( 50 a ) associated with the storage chamber ( 45 ) for monitoring the fill level of the storage chamber ( 45 ); and also optionally a compensation container device ( 54 ) fluidically connected to the storage chamber ( 45 ). In order to further advantageously modify the flushing system ( 40 ) by simple structural and economical measures so that the flushing system can be monitored in a safety-related manner, the flushing system ( 40 ) comprises a safety control device ( 53 ); the sensor device ( 50 a ) for monitoring the fill level of the storage chamber ( 45 ) is connected to the safety control device ( 53 ) via an interface ( 80, 81 ) associated with the storage chamber; and the flushing system ( 40 ) optionally has at least one further monitoring device ( 66, 70 ) for monitoring the state of the compensation container device ( 54 ) and/or for monitoring valve devices ( 48, 49, 57, 59 ) which is/are connected to the safety control device ( 53 ) via interfaces associated with the compensation container device and/or valve devices.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220069323A1

A method and apparatus for comparing fuel sources to assess the suitability of a fuel for use in a fuel cell. The apparatus comprising an electrochemical sensor comprising a fuel flow channel configured to receive a plurality of input fuels at a plurality of locations along the fuel flow channel. The fuel flow channel configured to supply the plurality of input fuels to an anode of the electrochemical sensor and an electrolyte configured to transmit ionised input fuels from the anode to a cathode of the electrochemical sensor. A control system connected to the electrochemical sensor where the anode and/or the cathode is divided into a plurality of segments and the control system is configured to measure the current in each of the plurality of segments and determine the current density of each of the plurality of segments. 1. An apparatus for comparing fuel sources comprising:an electrochemical sensor comprising a fuel flow channel configured to receive a plurality of input fuels at a plurality of locations on the fuel flow channel;the fuel flow channel configured to supply the plurality of input fuels to an anode;an electrolyte configured to transmit ionized input fuels from the anode to a cathode; anda control system connected to the electrochemical sensor;wherein the anode or the cathode is divided into a plurality of segments and the control system is configured to measure the current and determine the current density of each of the plurality of segments.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising a control circuit connected to each of the plurality of segments and configured to maintain the segments at a constant equipotential.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the control system is configured to compare the quality of the input fuels by detecting differences in the current densities of the plurality of segments.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the control system is configured to produce an output dependent on the quality of the fuel.5. The apparatus of ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Hydrogen purging device and method for fuel cell system

Номер: US20150056527A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A hydrogen purging device for a fuel cell system includes a humidifier that humidifies dry air supplied from an air blower, using moist air discharged from a cathode of a stack and supplies the humidified air to the cathode. A water trap and a hydrogen recirculation blower are sequentially connected to an outlet of an anode, wherein a hydrogen outlet of the water trap and an inlet of the humidifier are connected by a cathode-hydrogen purging line for purging hydrogen to the cathode so that the hydrogen discharged from the anode of the fuel stack is purged to the cathode during idling or during normal driving.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160056485A1
Принадлежит: Intelligent Energy Limited

Purge valves (I , I ) that are manually turned ON but are automatically or electrically turned OFF as the fuel cell ()'s production of electricity reaches a predetermined level, e.g., steady state or thereabout are disclosed. The purge valve may be opened at system start-up, or may be opened at system shut-down so that the purge valve is anned and the fuel cell system is purged at the next start-up. Also disclosed is an integrated fluidic interface module () that contains various fluidic components including one of these purge valves. The integrated fluidic interface module () can operate passively or without being actively controlled by a processor. Methods of operating a fuel cell system, wherein the fuel cell system is purged at system start-up, are also disclosed. The purging automatically stops when the anode plenum is fully purged and replaced with fuel. 1. A valve comprising:an inlet, an outlet, a diaphragm,a biasing member that urges the diaphragm toward the inlet or outlet to a sealing position to close the valve,a slider that moves the biasing member to an open position to allow the diaphragm to move away from the inlet or outlet to open the valve, and,a shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator connected to the biasing member and is actuated by an electrical current to move the biasing member to the open position.2. A valve comprising:an inlet, an outlet, a diaphragm, a biasing member that is biased away from the inlet or outlet,a slider that moves in one direction to move the biasing member and the diaphragm toward the inlet or outlet to a sealing position to close the valve, wherein the slider moves in another direction to move the biasing member to an open position to allow the diaphragm to move away from the inlet or outlet to open the valve, and,a shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator connected to the biasing member and is actuated by an electrical current to move the biasing member to the open position.3. The valve of claim 1 , wherein the electrical current is ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150064582A1
Автор: LEE Jong Hyun, Oh Dong Jo

A fuel cell startup apparatus and method reduces high-voltage generation and corrosion of a cathode electrode that may occur because the density of oxygen is locally high in a cell near a central flow distributor after long-term parking of a fuel-cell vehicle. To this end, density control gas is selectably injected into a fuel supply line prior to supply of reaction gas of hydrogen and air in a fuel cell startup process after long-term parking to forcedly mix anode-side gas in the fuel supply line and the cell with the density control gas. 1. A fuel cell startup method comprising:operating, by a controller, a density control gas supply to supply density control gas to an anode of a fuel-cell stack and to forcedly mix anode-side gas in a cell of the fuel-cell stack with the density control gas; andsubsequently to supplying the density control gas to the anode, supplying a fuel gas and an oxidation gas to the fuel-cell stack.2. The fuel cell startup method of claim 1 , wherein the density control gas supply is a hydrogen recirculation device and the density control gas are supplied from an anode-side exhaust line of the fuel-cell stack to a fuel supply line by a hydrogen recirculation device.3. The fuel cell startup method of claim 2 , wherein a recirculation blower of the hydrogen recirculation device is driven to selectably supply gas fed in the anode-side exhaust line of the fuel-cell stack to the fuel supply line and then supply the fuel gas and the oxidation gas.4. The fuel cell startup method of claim 1 , wherein the density control gas supply comprises:a supply unit storing and supplying the density control gas;a gas supply line connected from the supply unit to a fuel supply line of the fuel-cell stack; anda valve installed in the gas supply line and opened to supply the density control gas of the supply unit to the fuel supply line through the gas supply line according to a control signal of a controller.5. The fuel cell startup method of claim 4 , wherein ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160064753A1
Автор: Iaconis Jean-Louis
Принадлежит: Intelligent Energy Limited

Purge valves that are manually turned ON but are automatically or electrically turned OFF as the fuel cell production of electricity reaches a predetermined level, e.g., steady state or thereabout are disclosed. The purge valve may be opened at system start-up, or may be opened at system shut-down so that the purge valve is armed and the fuel cell system is purged at the next start-up. Also disclosed is an integrated fluidic interface module that contains various fluidic components including one of these purge valves. The integrated fluidic interface module can operate passively or without being actively controlled by a processor. Methods of operating a fuel cell system, wherein the fuel cell system is purged at system start-up, are also disclosed. The purging automatically stops when the anode plenum is fully purged and replaced with fuel. 1. A method for operating a fuel cell system comprising at least one fuel cell , said method comprises the steps of(a) activating a switch to enable a flow a fuel from a fuel source to the at least one fuel cell and to initiate a venting step of an anode compartment in the at least one fuel cell with said fuel;wherein the venting step continues until a power from the at least one fuel cell stops the venting step, and(b) deactivating the switch to stop the flow of said fuel from said fuel source.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein step (a) further comprises opening a purge valve.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein step (b) further comprises opening a purge valve.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one fuel cell stops the venting step when the anode compartment is substantially vented.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said power is generated during the at least one fuel cell's conditioning period.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein said power is substantially free of power from other sources.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein step (a) further comprises the step of regulating a pressure of said fuel.8. The method of claim ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200058949A1

An apparatus and method for controlling hydrogen purging are provided. The hydrogen purging control apparatus includes a purge valve that is disposed at an outlet on an anode side of a fuel cell stack and is configured to adjust an amount of emission of hydrogen containing impurities. Additionally, a controller is configured to adjust an opening and closing cycle of the purge valve based on a required output or an output current of the fuel cell stack. 18.-. (canceled)9. A method for controlling hydrogen purging , comprising: determining , by a controller a driving level based on a required output or an output current of a fuel cell stack; and varying , by the controller , an opening and closing cycle of a purge valve based on the determined driving level , wherein the purge valve is disposed at an outlet on an anode side of the fuel cell stack and is configured to adjust an amount of emission of hydrogen containing impurities.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the determination of the driving level includes: determining claim 9 , by the controller claim 9 , the driving level to be a first level or a second level based on whether a moving average of the required output or the output current of the fuel cell stack is greater than a preset reference value.11. The method of claim 9 , wherein the determination of the driving level includes: classifying claim 9 , by the controller claim 9 , driving levels into a first level at which a magnitude of the required output or the output current of the fuel cell stack is less than or equal to a reference value preset for the required output or the output current claim 9 , and a second level at which the magnitude of the required output or the output current of the fuel cell stack is greater than the preset reference value.12. The method of claim 10 , wherein the varying of the opening and closing cycle of the purge valve includes: when the moving average of the required output or the output current of the fuel cell stack is ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Anode-cathode supply device

Номер: US20170062850A1
Автор: Christian Lucas
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG

An anode-cathode supply device for a fuel cell of a fuel cell system, including an anode supply system and a cathode supply system, which may be brought into a fluid communication with each other with the aid of an overflow line situated therebetween and through an overflow valve, the overflow valve being designed as an NC overflow valve, the NC overflow valve being closed in a de-energized state of the NC overflow valve and at a balanced pressure ratio at the NC overflow valve is provided. A method for supplying an operating medium or a device for supplying an operating medium, in particular hydrogen, from an anode to a cathode of a fuel cell of a fuel cell system, preferably a vehicle, in particular an electric vehicle, chronologically during and/or after the fuel cell is deactivated is also provided. A fuel cell system for a vehicle, in particular an electric vehicle, or to a vehicle, in particular an electric vehicle is also provided.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210066732A1

A fuel cell system includes at least one membrane electrode assembly arranged in a housing, a cathode supply having a compressor, and a device for housing ventilation, the device for housing ventilation having a medium pressure tap associated with the compressor. Such a fuel cell system may be used to perform a method for cathode recirculation. 1. A fuel cell system comprising:at least one membrane electrode assembly arranged in a housing;a cathode supply having a compressor; anda device for housing ventilation,wherein the device for housing ventilation has a medium pressure tap associated with the compressor.2. The fuel cell system according to claim 1 , wherein the compressor has an outlet opening in a region of a medium pressure internally present during operation claim 1 , said outlet opening being connected via a pressure line to a housing opening of the housing.3. The fuel cell system according to claim 2 , wherein a valve is associated with the outlet opening claim 2 , the pressure line claim 2 , and/or the housing opening.4. The fuel cell system according to claim 3 , wherein the valve is a passive valve which opens automatically when a minimum pressure is exceeded.5. The fuel cell system according to claim 1 , wherein an active throttle element is associated with the medium pressure tap.6. The fuel cell system according to claim 1 , wherein the compressor is selected from a group consisting of screw compressors and Roots compressors.7. The fuel cell system according to claim 1 , wherein the housing has an outlet opening for housing ventilation.8. The fuel cell system according to claim 7 , wherein a venting line runs from the outlet opening to a turbine outlet downstream of a turbine.9. The fuel cell system according to claim 8 , wherein a first shut-off valve is arranged upstream of the compressor and a second shut-off valve is arranged at the turbine outlet downstream of the connection of the venting line.10. A method of using the fuel cell system ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Fuel cell system and control device therefor, and control method for fuel cell system

Номер: US20190074526A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A fuel cell system includes an anode gas supply device configured to supply an anode gas to a fuel cell and an ejector configured to merge an anode discharged gas, discharged from the fuel cell; with the anode gas to be supplied to the fuel cell. The fuel cell system includes an actuator configured to supply the anode discharged gas to the ejector and a cathode gas supply device configured to supply a cathode gas to the fuel cell. A control method for A fuel cell system includes a cathode gas control step of controlling a pressure of the cathode gas to be supplied to the fuel cell according to a magnitude of a load that is required of the fuel cell, and an anode gas control step of increasing a differential pressure between the pressure of the cathode gas and a pressure of the anode gas by the anode gas supply device when the load is low compared to when the load is high.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170077533A1
Автор: Lee Hyun Jae

A control method and system of a fuel cell system are provided. The control method includes measuring humidity of air in a fuel cell stack and temporarily stopping an electricity generation of a fuel cell mounted within a vehicle when the measured humidity is predefined humidity or less. 1. A control method of a fuel cell system , comprising:measuring, by a controller, humidity of air in a fuel cell stack; andtemporarily stopping, by the controller, an electricity generation of a fuel cell mounted within a vehicle when the measured humidity is predefined humidity or less.2. The control method according to claim 1 , wherein the temporary stopping of the electricity generation is performed when the vehicle is being driven.3. The control method according to claim 1 , wherein the temporary stopping of the electricity generation is performed when the vehicle is stopped.4. The control method according to claim 1 , wherein the temporary stopping of the electricity generation is performed when the measured relative humidity value is less than a predefined relative humidity value.5. The control method according to claim 4 , wherein in the measuring of the humidity claim 4 , the humidity is measured by calculating an average charge amount accumulated for a predefined interval.6. The control method according to claim 1 , wherein the temporary stopping of the electricity generation is performed when the accumulated average charge amount is less than a predefined value.7. The control method according to claim 5 , wherein in the measuring of the humidity claim 5 , an average voltage of a high potential interval of a predefined voltage or greater is measured.8. The control method according to claim 1 , wherein the temporary stopping of the electricity generation is performed when the average voltage of the high potential interval is less than a predefined value.9. The control method according to claim 7 , further comprising:re-measuring, by the controller, the humidity of the air ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200075971A1
Автор: Lo Charles, Weng Dacong

A fuel cell secondary power and thermal management system includes a compressor, a turbine, a first heat exchanger, a proton exchange membrane fuel cell, and a second heat exchanger. The first heat exchanger has first and second air flow circuits and transfers heat between the first and second air flow circuits. The proton exchange membrane fuel cell includes a cathode air flow circuit and an anode hydrogen flow circuit. The cathode air flow circuit receives air from the first air flow circuit. The second heat exchanger has a third and fourth air flow circuits and is configured to transfer heat between the third and fourth air flow circuits. The third air flow circuit receives air from the second air flow circuit outlet. The fourth air flow circuit receives the air discharged from the cathode air flow circuit and supplies air to the turbine. 1. A fuel cell secondary power and thermal management system , comprising:a compressor configured to draw in air and supply compressed air;a turbine coupled to receive and discharge air, the turbine configured, upon receipt of the air, to supply a drive torque;a first heat exchanger having a first air flow circuit and a second air flow circuit and configured to transfer heat between the first and second air flow circuits, the first air flow circuit having a first air flow circuit inlet and a first air flow circuit outlet, the first air flow circuit inlet coupled to receive the compressed air from the compressor, the second air flow circuit having a second air flow circuit inlet and a second air flow circuit outlet, the second air flow circuit inlet coupled to receive the air discharged from the turbine;a proton exchange membrane fuel cell including a cathode air flow circuit and an anode hydrogen flow circuit, the cathode air flow circuit having a cathode air flow circuit inlet and a cathode air flow circuit outlet, the cathode air flow circuit coupled to receive air from the first air flow circuit outlet via the cathode air ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Anode Exhaust Reservoir Assembly

Номер: US20190084442A1
Автор: Darrenkamp Alysa
Принадлежит: Ford Motor Company

An anode exhaust assembly including a housing and a base member is provided. The base member supports the housing and includes a base reservoir having a channel reservoir defined between two walls and a purge outlet open to the channel reservoir. Each of the walls defines an opening fluidly connecting the reservoirs located at a base reservoir inner surface such that fluid accumulating on a housing inner surface collects in the base reservoir prior to entering the channel reservoir. A cone member may be secured to an inner surface of the housing and include at least one cone opening oriented within the housing to direct fluid from a housing cavity to the base reservoir and not to the channel reservoir. 1. An anode exhaust assembly comprising:a housing; anda base member supporting the housing and including a base reservoir having a channel reservoir defined between two walls and a purge outlet open to the channel reservoir,wherein each of the walls defines an opening fluidly connecting the reservoirs located at a base reservoir inner surface such that fluid accumulating on a housing inner surface collects in the base reservoir prior to entering the channel reservoir.2. The assembly of further comprising a cone member secured to an inner surface of the housing and including at least one cone opening oriented within the housing to direct fluid from a housing cavity to the base reservoir and not to the channel reservoir.3. The assembly of further comprising a cap mounted to the base member and including a divert member oriented above the channel reservoir to direct fluid to the base reservoir instead of the channel reservoir.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein each of the openings is located at a curvature of the base reservoir.5. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein each of the walls is arranged upon the base reservoir inner surface such that fluid accumulating on the housing inner surface collects in the base reservoir prior to entering the channel reservoir under ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210091394A1

A fuel cell system includes a fuel cell stack, an anode system apparatus, a control unit, an anode outlet temperature sensor, and a purge valve. In a method of starting operation of the fuel cell system at low temperature, a control unit compares a predetermined freezing temperature threshold value with an anode outlet temperature detected by an anode outlet temperature sensor. Then, the control unit performs low temperature control to place the purge valve in the constantly open state in the case where the temperature is not higher than the freezing temperature threshold value, and performs normal control for switching opening/closing of the purge valve in the case where the temperature exceeds the freezing temperature threshold value. 1. A method of starting operation of a fuel cell system at low temperature ,the fuel cell system comprising:a fuel cell stack;an anode system apparatus configured to circulate an anode gas between the fuel cell stack and the anode system apparatus; anda purge valve provided in an anode circulation circuit of the anode system apparatus, the purge valve having an orifice for allowing the anode off gas discharged from the fuel cell stack to flow through the orifice,the method comprising:detecting the temperature of the fuel cell system by a temperature sensor;comparing a predetermined freezing temperature threshold value with the detected temperature by a control unit; andperforming low temperature control to place the purge valve in a constantly open state in case where the temperature is not higher than the freezing temperature threshold value, and performing normal control for switching opening/closing of the purge valve in a case where the temperature exceeds the freezing temperature threshold value.2. The method of starting operation of the fuel cell system at low temperature according to claim 1 , wherein at the low temperature control claim 1 , the control unit calculates an ice particle quantity as a blocking state where the ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170092969A1

A solid oxide fuel cell system includes: a fuel cell unit including a solid oxide fuel cell and a mixer, the solid oxide fuel cell including an anode gas passage and a cathode gas passage, the mixer mixing an anode off gas discharged from the anode gas passage and a cathode off gas discharged from the cathode gas passage; a power-generating raw material supply device operative to supply a power-generating raw material to the fuel cell unit; a combustible gas passage, which extends from the power-generating raw material supply device to a downstream end of the anode gas passage; an oxidizing gas supply device operative to supply an oxidizing gas to the cathode gas passage; and a controller operative to, after electric power generation by the fuel cell unit is stopped, control the power-generating raw material supply device to supply the power-generating raw material in a volume more than or equal to a volume of the combustible gas passage to the combustible gas passage, and concurrently control the oxidizing gas supply device to supply the oxidizing gas to the cathode gas passage. 1. A solid oxide fuel cell system comprising:a fuel cell unit including a solid oxide fuel cell and a mixer, the solid oxide fuel cell including an anode gas passage and a cathode gas passage, the mixer mixing an anode off gas discharged from the anode gas passage and a cathode off gas discharged from the cathode gas passage;a power-generating raw material supply device operative to supply a power-generating raw material to the fuel cell unit;a combustible gas passage, which extends from the power-generating raw material supply device to a downstream end of the anode gas passage;an oxidizing gas supply device operative to supply an oxidizing gas to the cathode gas passage; anda controller operative to, after electric power generation by the fuel cell unit is stopped, control the power-generating raw material supply device to supply the power-generating raw material in a volume more than or ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170104228A1

A metal air battery system includes an air intake apparatus configured to draw external air, a metal air battery module configured to receive oxygen from the air intake apparatus to perform a discharging reaction, and comprising at least one inlet through configured for oxygen inflow and at least one outlet configured for oxygen outflow, and a flow path connection unit connecting the air intake apparatus to the metal air battery module. A position of the at least one inlet and a position of the at least one outlet is con figured to alternate between a first opening in the metal air battery module and a second opening in the metal air battery module as the metal air battery module is discharged, and the metal air battery system is configured so that at least a portion of the oxygen in the metal air battery module is removed during a charging reaction. 1. A metal air battery system comprising:an air intake apparatus configured to draw external air;a metal air battery module configured to receive oxygen from the air intake apparatus to perform a discharging reaction and comprising at least one inlet configured for oxygen inflow and at least one outlet configured for oxygen outflow; anda flow path connection unit connecting the air intake apparatus to the metal air battery module,wherein a position of the at least one inlet and a position of the at least one outlet is configured to alternate between a first opening in the metal air battery module and a second opening in the metal air battery module as the metal air battery module is discharged, andwherein the metal air battery system is configured so that at least a portion of the oxygen in the metal air battery module is removed during a charging reaction of the metal air battery module.2. The metal air battery system of claim 1 , wherein the air intake apparatus comprises a purifier configured to purify air and remove moisture from the air claim 1 , and a separator configured to separate the air purified by the ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140186725A1

A fuel cell system and a method of purging the same are provided. The fuel cell system includes: a fuel cell stack that includes a fuel electrode and an air electrode as well as an air supply unit that supplies air of a blower to the air electrode via a humidifier through an air supply line. A water trap collects condensed water that is generated at the fuel electrode, and a drain valve that is installed within a drain line between the water trap and the humidifier is also provided. A purge valve is installed at a purge line that is branched from the drain line between the fuel cell stack and the water trap. in particular, by opening the drain valve and the purge valve during operation, condensed water and unreacted hydrogen are each exhausted to the humidifier, and when operation is terminated, by opening the drain valve, condensed water and unreacted hydrogen are exhausted to the humidifier, and by opening the purge valve in a different flow direction, unreacted hydrogen is purged to the air electrode inlet side. 1. A fuel cell system , comprising:a fuel cell stack that includes at least one fuel electrode and at least one air electrode;an air supply unit that supplies air from a blower to the air electrode via a humidifier through an air supply line;a water trap that collects condensed water that is generated within the fuel electrode;a drain valve that is installed within a drain line between the water trap and the humidifier so that condensed water may be drained to the humidifier when the drain valve is open while the fuel cell system is operating; anda purge valve that is installed within a purge line that is branched from the drain line between the fuel cell stack and the water trap so that the condensed water and unreacted hydrogen may be exhausted to the humidifier when the purge valve is open while the fuel cell system is operating,wherein, when operation is terminated, the drain valve is opened so that the condensed water and the unreacted hydrogen are ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Methods for Operating a Fuel Cell System

Номер: US20150118590A1
Автор: Jean-Louis Iaconis
Принадлежит: BIC SA

Methods of operating a fuel cell system, wherein the fuel cell system is purged at system start-up, are disclosed. The purging automatically stops when the anode plenum is fully purged and replaced with fuel. Also discussed are purge valves that are manually turned ON but are automatically turned OFF as the fuel cell's production of electricity reaches a predetermined level, e.g., steady state or thereabout. The purge valve may be opened at system start-up, or may be opened at system shut-down so that the purge valve is armed and the fuel cell system is purged at the next start-up. Also disclosed is integrated fluidic interface module that contains various fluidic components including one of these purge valves. The integrated fluidic interface module can operate passively or without being actively controlled.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170117562A1

A fuel cell device () having a fuel cell () with a housing () and, accommodated therein, a membrane-electrode assembly () with a cathode and an anode, having a cathode gas path () that serves to transport a cathode gas and that extends through the membrane-electrode assembly () on the cathode side, and having a flushing gas path () that serves to transport a flushing gas to flush the housing () during operation and that extends through the housing () is provided. It is provided that a section of the flushing gas path () runs through the cathode gas path (). In this manner, the fuel cell device () has a compact structure of just a few parts. 110-: (canceled)11: A fuel cell device comprising:a fuel cell with a housing;a membrane-electrode assembly with a cathode and an anode and accommodated in the housing, the membrane-electrode assembly having a cathode gas path serving to transport a cathode gas and extending through the membrane-electrode assembly on the cathode side; anda flushing gas path serving to transport a flushing gas to flush the housing during operation and extending through the housing, a section of the flushing gas path running through the cathode gas path.12: The fuel cell device as recited in wherein claim 11 , in certain sections claim 11 , the flushing gas path runs through a section of the cathode gas path on an inlet side extending towards the fuel cell or through a further section of the cathode gas path on an outlet side extending away from the fuel cell.13: The fuel cell device as recited in wherein the flushing gas path has a separate section on an inlet side upstream from the housing and a further separate section on an outlet side downstream from the housing claim 11 , and the flushing gas path extending through the cathode gas path from an inlet of the cathode gas path to a further inlet of the separate section on an inlet side claim 11 , or the flushing gas path extends through the cathode gas path from an outlet of the further separate ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150125773A1
Автор: Katsumata Momoe

An electronic apparatus using a fuel cell as at least one electric power source. The fuel cell has an electric power output unit for outputting an electric power through a chemical reaction between fuel gas and oxidant gas, a purge device for purging the electric power output unit and a purge control unit for issuing a purge instruction to the purge device. The electronic apparatus has a monitor unit for monitoring a consumption power, an operation state or a manipulated state of the electronic apparatus, and a purge permission unit for judging from an output of the monitor unit whether the purge control unit is permitted to issue the purge instruction, and outputting a judgment result to the purge control unit. 1. A fuel cell device supplying electric power with an electronic apparatus which can detect a consumption power of the electronic apparatus , comprising:an electric power output unit for outputting an electric power through a chemical reaction between fuel gas and oxidant gas;a purge unit device for purging the electric power output unit; anda purge control unit for outputting a purge instruction to the purge device, in accordance with the consumption power detected by the electronic apparatus.2. The fuel cell unit according to claim 1 , wherein the purge control unit requests the electronic apparatus about a purge execution permission.3. The fuel cell unit according to claim 2 , wherein the purge execution permission is requested when an output voltage of the electric power output unit becomes lower. This application is a divisional of application Ser. No. 11/908,892, filed Sep. 17, 2007, which is the National Stage application under 35 U.S.C. 371 of International Application No. PCT/JP2006/309977, filed May 12, 2006, the entire disclosures of which are hereby incorporated by reference.The present invention relates to an electronic apparatus capable of using a fuel cell as a power source, and its control method and program, and more particularly to an ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200119376A1

A fuel cell purging method is provided to effectively prevent fuel cell deterioration and degradation of durability of the fuel cell by performing hydrogen purging at a point in time at which negative pressure of an anode peaks after a fuel cell vehicle is stopped. The fuel cell purging method includes stopping the driving of a fuel cell vehicle and continuously measuring pressure of an anode of a fuel cell after the fuel cell vehicle is stopped. Additionally, hydrogen is supplied to the anode when the measured pressure of the anode reaches a negative pressure peak time point. 15.-. (canceled)6. A fuel cell purging method , comprising:executing, by the controller, shutdown hydrogen purging before a fuel cell vehicle is stopped;stopping, by the controller, the fuel cell vehicle after the shutdown hydrogen purging;measuring, by the controller, pressure of an anode of a fuel cell after the fuel cell vehicle is stopped; andsupplying, by the controller, hydrogen to the anode when the measured pressure of the anode reaches a negative pressure peak time point.7. The fuel cell purging method according to claim 6 , wherein claim 6 , pressure of the anode is measured continuously at a predetermined time interval with the passage of time after the fuel cell vehicle is stopped to calculate current pressure of the anode measured at a current point in time and previous pressure of the anode measured previously before the current point in time.8. The fuel cell purging method according to claim 7 , further comprising:calculating, by the controller, a pressure difference value by subtracting the previous pressure of the anode from the current pressure of the anode; anddetermining, by the controller, whether the pressure difference value is greater than or equal to about 0,wherein when the pressure difference value is greater than or equal to about 0, pressure of the anode is determined to have reached the negative pressure peak time point.9. The fuel cell purging method according to ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200119378A1

A fuel cell hydrogen supply fault diagnosis system is provided. The system includes multiple fuel tanks that store hydrogen therein to supply the hydrogen and a fuel tank valve disposed at each of the fuel tanks and configured to be opened or closed to supply or shut off the hydrogen of the fuel tanks. A pressure sensor measures pressure in a fuel supply line that extends from each of the multiple fuel tanks to be integrally connected to a fuel cell stack A supply amount estimator then estimates a supply amount of hydrogen supplied to the fuel cell stack and a consumption amount estimator estimates a consumption amount of hydrogen consumed in a reaction in the fuel cell stack or discharged therefrom. A fault detector then detects a hydrogen supply state. 1. A fuel cell hydrogen supply fault diagnosis system , comprising:multiple fuel tanks that store hydrogen therein;a fuel tank valve disposed at each of the fuel tanks and configured to be opened or closed to supply or shut off the hydrogen of the fuel tanks;a pressure sensor configured to measure pressure in a fuel supply line that extends from each of the multiple fuel tanks to be integrally connected to a fuel cell stack;a supply amount estimator configured to estimate a supply amount of hydrogen supplied to the fuel cell stack based on the pressure in the fuel supply line measured by the pressure sensor;a consumption amount estimator configured to estimate a consumption amount of hydrogen consumed in a reaction in the fuel cell stack or discharged therefrom; anda fault detector configured to detect a hydrogen supply state based on the estimated supply amount of hydrogen and the estimated consumption amount of hydrogen.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the supply amount estimator assumes that the pressure in the fuel supply line measured by the pressure sensor when the fuel tank valves are opened is pressure in the multiple fuel tanks claim 1 , and is configured to calculate an amount of hydrogen stored in the ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Residual water scavenging processing method in fuel cell system and fuel cell system

Номер: US20160133963A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A method includes predicting, while fuel cell system is operated, whether or not the outside temperature becomes equal to or less than a first predetermined temperature; performing, when it is predicted that the outside temperature becomes equal to or less than the first predetermined temperature, residual water scavenging processing on only an oxidizer gas supply/discharge mechanism and thereafter stopping the operation of the fuel cell system; predicting, after the stop of the operation of the fuel cell system, whether or not the temperature of a predetermined component included in the fuel cell system becomes equal to or less than a second predetermined temperature; and performing the residual water scavenging processing on the fuel gas supply/discharge mechanism when it is predicted that the temperature of the predetermined component becomes equal to or less than the second predetermined temperature.

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220278344A1

A fuel cell system () for providing electrical energy. The system () comprises a fuel cell stack (), an anode subsystem () with a proportional valve () for dosing a volume of gas to be fed to the fuel cell stack (), a purge valve () for discharging gas from the anode subsystem () into an exhaust-gas path () of the fuel cell system (), and a control unit () for controlling the proportional valve () and the purge valve (). The control unit () is configured to use an electrical control current that is fed to the proportional valve () to readjust for a purging operation to draw conclusions regarding a hydrogen concentration in a gas that is fed to the purge valve (), wherein the control unit () is furthermore configured to adjust the fuel cell system () in a manner dependent on the determined hydrogen concentration. 1200. A fuel cell system () for providing electrical energy ,{'b': '200', 'wherein the fuel cell system () comprises{'b': '201', 'a fuel cell stack (),'}{'b': 203', '205', '201, 'an anode subsystem () with a proportional valve () for dosing a volume of gas to be fed to the fuel cell stack (),'}{'b': 207', '203', '209', '200, 'a purge valve () for discharging gas from the anode subsystem () into an exhaust-gas path () of the fuel cell system (),'}{'b': 211', '205', '207, 'a control unit () for controlling the proportional valve () and the purge valve (),'}{'b': 211', '207, 'wherein the control unit () is configured to use an electrical control current that is fed to the proportional valve in order to readjust for a purging operation to draw conclusions regarding a hydrogen concentration in a gas that is fed to the purge valve (),'}{'b': 211', '200, 'wherein the control unit () is furthermore configured to adjust the fuel cell system () in a manner dependent on the determined hydrogen concentration.'}2200. The fuel cell system () according to claim 1 ,characterized{'b': 211', '207, 'in that the control unit () is configured to lengthen an actuation time of a ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Operation Method for Hydrogen Production Apparatus, and Hydrogen Production Apparatus

Номер: US20190135629A1

A hydrogen production apparatus including a desulfurizer, a reformer, a CO transformer a gas flow path, and a purge gas supply path which is provided where a purge gas is supplied to an upstream side of a pressure feeding apparatus in the gas flow path, prior to a stopping operation, a purging step of replacing gas within the gas flow path with the purge gas and filling the purge gas into the gas flow path is performed, and in a start-up operation in which a heating means is operated to increase the temperature of the gas within the gas flow path, which is performed prior to a hydrogen purification operation, a pressure increasing step of supplying the purge gas from the purge gas supply path to the closed circulation circuit and increasing the pressure within the closed circulation circuit is performed. 1. A hydrogen production apparatus comprising a desulfurizer that desulfurizes a source gas , a reformer that heats the desulfurized source gas in a state mixed with steam with a heating means and obtains a reformed gas , a CO transformer that causes carbon monoxide in the reformed gas to react with steam , and a hydrogen purification unit that separates impurities other than hydrogen from transformed gas after processing by the CO transformer to purify hydrogen gas , further comprising:a gas flow path that allows gas to flow to the desulfurizer, the reformer, the CO transformer, and the hydrogen purification unit, and a pressure feeding apparatus being provided that causes gas to flow in the gas flow path, anda control apparatus that performs, in order, a hydrogen purification operation for driving the heating means and the pressure feeding apparatus to supply the source gas to the gas flow path, and a stopping operation for stopping the heating means and the pressure feeding apparatus,wherein a closed circulation circuit that returns and circulates gas by the pressure feeding apparatus in order of the desulfurizer, the reformer, and then the CO transformer while ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180138529A1

A fuel cell purge system includes a primary fuel cell in fluid communication with a purge cell. Fuel and oxidant purged with inert gas impurities from the primary fuel cell react in the purge cell, thereby decreasing the volume of purged gases and facilitating storage while maintaining fuel cell electrochemical performance. 1. A fuel cell purge system comprising:a primary fuel cell comprising a primary fuel line and a primary oxidant line; wherein the fuel inlet of the purge cell is in fluid communication with the primary fuel line of the primary fuel cell through a fuel purge line; and', 'wherein the oxidant inlet of the purge cell is in fluid communication with the primary oxidant line of the primary fuel cell through an oxidant purge line;, 'a purge cell comprising a fuel inlet, an anode product outlet in fluid communication with the fuel inlet, an oxidant inlet, and a cathode product outlet in fluid communication with the oxidant inletan anode product storage vessel in fluid communication with the anode product outlet of the purge cell through an anode product line; anda cathode product storage vessel in fluid communication with the cathode product outlet of the purge cell through a cathode product line.2. The fuel cell purge system of claim 1 , further comprising a fuel purge valve located in the fuel purge line claim 1 , and an oxidant purge valve located in the oxidant purge line claim 1 , wherein the fuel purge valve is configured to control the transport of fuel fluid from the primary fuel cell through the fuel purge line to the purge cell claim 1 , and wherein the oxidant purge valve is configured to control the transport of oxidant fluid from the primary fuel cell through the oxidant purge line to the purge cell.3. The fuel cell purge system of claim 1 , further comprising an anode product valve located in the anode product line claim 1 , and a cathode product valve located in the cathode product line claim 1 , wherein the anode product valve is ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220285707A1

Systems and methods for controlling fluid flow in a fuel cell circuit of a vehicle. A system may have a fuel cell stack configured to receive hydrogen gas. The system may have a current sensor configured to detect current flowing through the fuel cell stack. The system may have a plurality of actuators, which may include at least one injector, a pump, and a shut valve. The system may have an electronic control unit (ECU). The ECU may estimate pressures of the hydrogen gas and non-hydrogen gases in the circuit. The ECU may determine a current increase rate based on the detected current. The ECU may apply a compensatory hydrogen gas stoic to a base hydrogen gas stoic to meet a target hydrogen gas stoic by controlling one or more of the actuators based on the estimated pressures when the current increase rate is above a predetermined threshold value. 1. A system for controlling flow of fluids in a fuel cell circuit of a vehicle comprising:a fuel cell stack having a plurality of fuel cells, the fuel cell stack configured to receive hydrogen gas;a current sensor configured to detect a current flowing through the fuel cell stack; at least one injector configured to supply the hydrogen gas to the fuel cell stack and adjust a pressure of the hydrogen gas;', 'a pump or a blower configured to facilitate the flow of the fluids in the fuel cell circuit, the fluids comprising the hydrogen gas and non-hydrogen gases;', 'a shut valve configured to purge the fluids from the fuel cell circuit to adjust pressures of the non-hydrogen gases; and, 'a plurality of actuators including estimate the pressure of the hydrogen gas and the pressures of the non-hydrogen gases in real-time, the pressures of the hydrogen gas and the non-hydrogen gases defining a total system pressure;', 'determine a current increase rate based on the detected current; and', 'apply a compensatory hydrogen gas stoic to a base hydrogen gas stoic to meet a target hydrogen gas stoic by controlling one or more of the ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190140292A1
Автор: Jeon Yei Sik, Son Ik Jae

A system and method of controlling a performance of a fuel cell stack is provided. In particular, the output performance of the fuel cell stack is determined by comparing the difference between an initial voltage and a voltage after a predetermined time lapses with the difference between the initial voltage and a preset minimum voltage. 19-. (canceled)10. A controller for controlling a performance of a fuel cell stack , the controller comprising:a processor configured to execute one or more processes; waiting for a period of time to lapse;', 'once the period of time has lapsed, determining an output performance of the fuel cell stack by comparing the difference between an initial voltage and a voltage after the period of time has lapsed with the difference between the initial voltage and a preset minimum voltage;', 'determining whether the output performance is decreasing;', 'in response to the output performance decreasing, determining based on the comparison why the performance is decreasing; and', 'executing processes to increase the performance of the fuel cell stack., 'a memory configured to store the one or more processes executable by the processor, the one or more processes including11. The controller for controlling a performance of a fuel cell stack of claim 10 , wherein the one or more processes further include:determining that the performance of the fuel cell stack after the period of time has lapsed is lower than a minimum required performance when the difference between an initial voltage and a voltage after the period of time has lapsed is greater than the difference between the initial voltage and a preset minimum voltage.12. The controller for controlling a performance of a fuel cell stack of claim 10 , wherein the one or more processes further include: operating the fuel cell stack at an increased pressure by increasing a hydrogen pressure and an amount of air inside the fuel cell stack in accordance with the determining result.13. The controller ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220293976A1
Автор: Lee Kevin

Methods and systems are described for optimizing water discharge in fuel cell vehicles. The system includes a fuel cell stack, a blower for purging water from the fuel cell stack and a controller. The controller detects that an ambient temperature satisfies a threshold temperature. The controller determines the fuel cell vehicle is approaching a stopping location. The controller calculates a water discharge time prediction necessary to purge excess water from the fuel cell stack while the fuel cell vehicle is operating in response to detecting that the ambient temperature satisfies the threshold temperature and the fuel cell vehicle is approaching the stopping location. The water discharge time prediction is calculated based on the blower operating while the fuel cell stack is in at least one of an idle state and a stopped state as the fuel cell vehicle approaches the stopping location. 1. A water discharge system for a fuel cell vehicle comprising:a fuel cell stack;a blower for purging water from the fuel cell stack; and detect that an ambient temperature satisfies a threshold temperature;', 'determine the fuel cell vehicle is approaching a stopping location; and', 'in response to detecting that the ambient temperature satisfies the threshold temperature and the fuel cell vehicle is approaching the stopping location, calculate a water discharge time prediction necessary to purge excess water from the fuel cell stack while the fuel cell vehicle is operating,', 'wherein the water discharge time prediction is calculated based on the blower operating while the fuel cell stack is in at least one of an idle state and a stopped state as the fuel cell vehicle approaches the stopping location., 'a controller configured to2. The water discharge system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to:in response to detecting that the ambient temperature satisfies the threshold temperature, determine an ambient temperature level based on the ambient temperature.3. The ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180151902A1

A fuel cell system includes: a fuel cell that generates electricity by an electrochemical reaction of a fuel gas with an oxidant gas; a supply channel that supplies the fuel gas to an anode; a recycle channel that supplies an anode off-gas discharged from the anode, as the fuel gas, to the supply channel; a discharge channel that is connected to the recycle channel between the anode and the circulation pump, that is arranged in the recycle channel, and that discharges the anode off-gas to outside; a controller that brings a purge valve, that is provided on the discharge channel, into an open state and determines whether a purge operation to discharge the anode off-gas to the outside is abnormal, and performs an operation to decrease a flow rate of the fuel gas supplied to the anode when determining that the purge operation is abnormal. 1. A fuel cell system , comprising:a fuel cell that generates electricity by an electrochemical reaction of a fuel gas supplied to an anode with an oxidant gas supplied to a cathode;a supply channel that supplies the fuel gas to the anode;a recycle channel that supplies an anode off-gas discharged from the anode to the supply channel;a circulation pump that is arranged in the recycle channel;a discharge channel that is connected to the recycle channel between the anode and the circulation pump and that discharges the anode off-gas to outside;a purge valve that is provided on the discharge channel; anda controller, wherein:the controller determines whether a purge operation in which the purge valve is brought into an open state to discharge the anode off-gas to the outside is abnormal, andwhen the controller determines that the purge operation is abnormal, the controller performs a decreasing operation to decrease a flow rate of the fuel gas supplied to the anode.2. The fuel cell system according to claim 1 , whereinthe decreasing operation includes an operation to decrease a flow rate of the anode off-gas flowing through the recycle ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Fuel Cell System

Номер: US20170155160A1
Автор: BOEHM Gustav
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

A fuel cell system is disclosed. The fuel cell system has at least one fuel cell stack which is arranged in a housing. The housing has at least one ventilation connection to the surroundings or to another volume. The ventilation connection has a valve device. 110.-. (canceled)11. A fuel cell system , comprising:a fuel cell stack which is disposed in a housing, wherein the housing has a ventilation connection to surroundings or to a volume and wherein the ventilation connection has a valve device;wherein the housing is made of at least two housing parts between which a housing seal is disposed and wherein a length of the housing seal is less than a total length of seals in the fuel cell system by a factor of more than 100.12. The fuel cell system according to claim 11 , wherein the housing is connected via a valve which opens and/or closes according to pressure to the surroundings or to a compensation volume.13. The fuel cell system according to claim 11 , further comprising a catalytic recombination device for converting oxygen and hydrogen into water claim 11 , wherein the catalytic recombination device is disposed in the housing.14. The fuel cell system according to claim 11 , wherein a cathode chamber of the fuel cell stack is equipped with an air intake line and an air outlet line and wherein the air intake line and/or the air outlet line is closable via a respective shut-off valve device.15. The fuel cell system according to claim 11 , wherein a cathode chamber of the fuel cell stack is equipped with an air intake line and an air outlet line and wherein the air intake line is connectable connected to the air outlet line via a system bypass valve.16. A method for switching off a fuel cell system according to claim 11 , comprising the steps of:halting an air feed to a cathode chamber;after the air feed has been halted, closing the valve device in the ventilation connection and closing a respective shut-off valve device in an air intake line and/or an air outlet ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210184237A1
Автор: Kenney James

An illustrative example fuel cell reactant flow control valve assembly includes a pneumatic valve configured to allow reactant flow when the pneumatic valve is in an open condition and to prevent reactant flow when the pneumatic valve is in a closed condition. A control valve selectively allows a pressure of the reactant to provide pneumatic pressure to maintain the pneumatic valve in the open condition. The control valve selectively vents the pneumatic pressure reservoir to control a rate at which the pneumatic pressure decreases and a rate at which the pneumatic valve changes from the open condition to the closed condition. 1. A fuel cell reactant flow control valve assembly , comprising:a pneumatic valve configured to allow reactant flow when the pneumatic valve is in an open condition and to prevent reactant flow when the pneumatic valve is in a closed condition; anda control valve that selectively allows a pressure of the reactant to provide pneumatic pressure to maintain the pneumatic valve in the open condition, the control valve selectively venting the pneumatic pressure reservoir to control a rate at which the pneumatic pressure decreases and a rate at which the pneumatic valve changes from the open condition to the closed condition.2. The fuel cell reactant flow control valve assembly of claim 1 , comprising a pressure reservoir associated with the control valve claim 1 , the pressure reservoir providing the pneumatic pressure based on being pressurized by the pressure of the reactant.3. The fuel cell reactant flow control valve assembly of claim 2 , whereinthe pressure reservoir is coupled to an actuator of the pneumatic valve;the actuator of the pneumatic valve includes a piston that is biased in a first direction to urge the pneumatic valve into the closed condition; andthe pneumatic pressure of the reservoir moves the piston in a second direction to urge the pneumatic valve into the open condition.4. The fuel cell reactant flow control valve assembly ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160164124A1

An apparatus and method for controlling hydrogen purging are provided. The hydrogen purging control apparatus includes a purge valve that is disposed at an outlet on an anode side of a fuel cell stack and is configured to adjust an amount of emission of hydrogen containing impurities. Additionally, a controller is configured to adjust an opening and closing cycle of the purge valve based on a required output or an output current of the fuel cell stack. 1. An apparatus for controlling hydrogen purging , comprising:a purge valve disposed at an outlet on an anode side of a fuel cell stack and configured to adjust an amount of emission of hydrogen containing impurities; anda controller configured to adjust an opening and closing cycle of the purge valve based on a required output or an output current of the fuel cell stack.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to claim 1 , when a moving average of the required output or the output current of the fuel cell stack is greater than a preset reference value claim 1 , decrease the opening and closing cycle of the purge valve.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to claim 1 , when a moving average of the required output or the output current of the fuel cell stack is less than or equal to a preset reference value claim 1 , increase the opening and closing cycle of the purge valve.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to classify driving states of a fuel cell vehicle into a plurality of driving levels claim 1 , based on a magnitude of the required output or the output current of the fuel cell stack.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the controller is configured to vary the opening and closing cycle of the purge value to correspond to the plurality of classified driving levels.6. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the driving levels include a first level at which the magnitude of the required output or the output current of the fuel cell ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Fuel cell system and method of operating fuel cell system

Номер: US20180159157A1

A fuel cell system includes a fuel cell that generates power through electrochemical reaction between fuel gas and oxidant gas, a fuel gas supply path for supplying the fuel gas to an anode of the fuel cell, an offgas discharge path for discharging offgas from the anode of the fuel cell, a recycle gas path bifurcated from the offgas discharge path at a bifurcation and then joining the fuel gas supply path, a flow rate adjuster that is provided on the recycle gas path and adjusts a flow rate of gas flowing through the recycle gas path, a purge valve provided on the offgas discharge path downstream of the bifurcation, and a controller that controls the flow rate adjuster so that an internal pressure of the offgas discharge path upstream of the purge valve is positive.

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Method for controlling emergency driving of fuel cell vehicle and apparatus for the same

Номер: US20170162924A1
Автор: Sung Gone Yoon
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A method for controlling emergency driving of a fuel cell vehicle, in which a motor is used as a main driving source, includes, by a controller, determining whether a stack voltage monitoring (SVM) apparatus for measuring a stack voltage of a fuel cell is in a failure state; estimating a voltage of the fuel cell using a DC/DC converter which is connected to a high voltage battery when the SVM apparatus is in the failure state; and performing the emergency driving by controlling at least one of the amount of air supply to the fuel cell and the number of hydrogen purge when the estimated voltage is a threshold voltage value.

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200153006A1

A fuel cell purge system includes a primary fuel cell in fluid communication with a purge cell. Fuel and oxidant purged with inert gas impurities from the primary fuel cell react in the purge cell, thereby decreasing the volume of purged gases and facilitating storage while maintaining fuel cell electrochemical performance. 1. A fuel cell purging process comprising:transporting fuel and inert gas from a primary fuel line in a primary fuel cell to a fuel inlet on an anode side in a purge cell;transporting oxidant and inert gas from a primary oxidant line in a primary fuel cell to an oxidant inlet on a cathode side in the purge cell;reacting the fuel and the oxidant in the purge cell to produce anode products and cathode products; andtransporting the anode products, cathode products, and inert gas to at least one storage vessel.2. The fuel cell purging process of claim 1 , further comprising controlling the transport of fuel and inert gas from the primary fuel line in the primary fuel cell to the fuel inlet using a fuel purge valve located in a fuel purge line.3. The fuel cell purging process of claim 1 , further comprising controlling the transport of oxidant and inert gas from the primary oxidant line in the primary fuel cell to the oxidant inlet using an oxidant purge valve located in an oxidant purge line.4. The fuel cell purging process of claim 1 , further comprising controlling the transport of anode products from the purge cell through an anode product line to an anode product storage vessel using an anode product valve located in the anode product line.5. The fuel cell purging process of claim 1 , further comprising controlling the transport of cathode products from the purge cell through a cathode product line to a cathode product storage vessel using a cathode product valve located in the cathode product line.6. The fuel cell purging process of claim 1 , further comprising driving the transport of anode products from the purge cell through the anode product ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200153012A1
Автор: Kim Jae Hoon

A method of correcting error of hydrogen pressure sensor of vehicle fuel cell system, may checking, whether an opening ratio of a hydrogen pressure regulation valve is in a normal range by use of data map; checking whether a hydrogen purge valve is opened when the opening ratio of the hydrogen pressure valve is not within the normal range; changing the opening ratio of the hydrogen pressure regulation valve at least one time when the hydrogen purge valve is determined as being opened, and detecting two or more measurement values of the hydrogen pressure sensor at two or more different opening ratios of the hydrogen pressure regulation valve; and comparing, the two or more measurement values of the hydrogen pressure sensor detected at the two more opening ratios, respectively with predetermined pressure values corresponding to the opening ratios, and correcting errors between the measurement values and the predetermined pressure values. 1. A method of correcting an error of a hydrogen pressure sensor of a vehicle fuel cell system , the method comprising:checking, by a controller, when an opening ratio of a hydrogen pressure regulation valve is in a predetermined range by use of a data map showing a relationship between at least one of a stack current, an air electrode pressure, and an air flow rate, and the opening ratio of the hydrogen pressure regulation valve;checking when a hydrogen purge valve is opened when the opening ratio of the hydrogen pressure valve is not within the predetermined range;changing the opening ratio of the hydrogen pressure regulation valve at least one time when the hydrogen purge valve is determined as being opened, and detecting two or more measurement values of the hydrogen pressure sensor at two or more different opening ratios of the hydrogen pressure regulation valve, respectively; andcomparing, by the controller, the two or more measurement values of the hydrogen pressure sensor detected at the two more opening ratios, respectively ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140248547A1

An arrangement for high temperature fuel cell system for substantially reducing the amount of purge gas in an emergency shut-down situation. The arrangement includes a known volume for containing a pneumatic actuation pressure, the known volume including at least one discharge route for designed discharge rate, at least one pressure source providing pressure capable of performing the pneumatic actuation, at least one purge gas source having a gas overpressure capable of displacing residual reactants in the fuel cell system. Purge gas is discharged through the discharge route causing pressure decline in the known volume, accomplishing a designed time delay in state change of at least one pneumatically actuated valve, to reduce or close down completely emergency shutdown actuated flow of the purge gas into the fuel cell system piping after the designed time delay. 1. An arrangement suitable for use in a high temperature fuel cell system , for reducing an amount of a purge gas in an emergency shut-down situation , wherein the system comprises a fuel cell including an anode side , a cathode side , and an electrolyte between the anode side and the cathode side , and a fuel cell system piping for reactants , wherein the arrangement is located in the cathode side of the high temperature fuel cell system for reducing the amount of purge gas in the cathode side in the emergency shut-down situation , the arrangement comprising:a known volume for containing a pneumatic actuation pressure, wherein the known volume comprises at least one discharge route,at least one pressure source providing pressure capable of performing the pneumatic actuation,at least one purge gas source containing as the purge gas nitrogen or nitrogen with an amount of oxygen, wherein the purge gas is directed to the cathode side of the fuel cell system to lessen or prevent oxygen from bleeding to the anode side of the fuel cell system from the cathode side of the fuel cell system to lessen or avoid anode ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180166712A1

An air shut-off valve apparatus for a fuel cell system and a method of controlling the same are provided. In particular, hydrogen injected into a fuel cell stack is discharged by being diluted with external air when starting the fuel cell system. The apparatus includes a valve body that has an inlet air path connected to a cathode of the fuel cell stack and through which air injected into the fuel cell stack flows, and an outlet air path through which air discharged from the fuel cell stack flows. A bypass body is provided and includes a bypass air path that connects the inlet air path and the outlet air path and a valve flap is disposed at the valve body and opens and closes the inlet and outlet air paths at a first side thereof, and the bypass air path at a second side thereof. 1. An air shut-off valve apparatus for a fuel cell system , comprising:a valve body having an inlet air path connected to a cathode of a fuel cell stack and through which air injected into the fuel cell stack flows, and an outlet air path through which air discharged from the fuel cell stack flows;a bypass body having a bypass air path that connects the inlet air path and the outlet air path; anda valve flap disposed at the valve body and configured to open and close the inlet air path and the outlet air path at a first side thereof, and to open and close the bypass air path at a second side thereof.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the bypass body communicates with both the inlet air path and the outlet air path in a direction in which the air injected into the fuel cell stack is introduced claim 1 , based on a position of the valve flap.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a valve motor disposed at the valve body; anda valve shaft rotatably disposed at the valve body to be operated in conjunction with operation of the valve motor, with the valve flap fixedly coupled with the valve shaft.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein a plurality of valve flaps are provided to open ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180166717A1

A method of estimating hydrogen crossover loss of a fuel cell system including a stack for producing power through a reaction of hydrogen serving as fuel and air serving as an oxidizer includes driving the fuel cell system; estimating a hydrogen crossover rate right after a channel of an anode is purged; determining whether a cell voltage of a fuel cell is normal; and comparing the estimated hydrogen crossover rate with a predetermined reference value based on a result of the determining of whether the cell voltage of the fuel cell is normal to determine whether a pinhole or leakage occurs. Accordingly, whether a pinhole or leakage occurs in the fuel cell system may be more effectively sensed. 1. A method of estimating hydrogen crossover loss of a fuel cell system including a fuel cell stack for producing power through a reaction of hydrogen serving as fuel and air serving as an oxidizer , the method comprising:driving the fuel cell system;estimating a hydrogen crossover rate right after a channel of an anode is purged;determining whether a cell voltage of a fuel cell is normal; andcomparing the estimated hydrogen crossover rate with a predetermined reference value based on a result of the determining of whether the cell voltage of the fuel cell is normal to determine whether a pinhole or leakage occurs.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the cell voltage of the fuel cell is normal claim 1 , the estimated hydrogen crossover rate is compared with a predetermined leakage occurrence reference value to determine whether leakage occurs.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the cell voltage of the fuel cell is abnormal claim 1 , the estimated hydrogen crossover rate is compared with a predetermined pinhole occurrence reference value to determine whether a pinhole occurs.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the estimated hydrogen crossover rate exceeds a predetermined minimum reference value claim 1 , the determining of whether the ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170170496A1

A method for controlling startup of a fuel cell vehicle is provided. The disclosed method includes detecting generation of a startup command from a vehicle and supplying hydrogen to a fuel cell by opening a hydrogen valve. Additionally, the method includes detecting whether a fuel cell voltage has increased after supply of hydrogen, and a first startup of consuming generated electric power of the fuel cell through connection of a load device to the fuel cell, supplying air to the fuel cell through opening an air valve and adjusting the fuel cell voltage to be maintained at a predetermined level or less through adjustment of a bus stage voltage of a power converter when the controller determines that the fuel cell voltage has increased after supply of hydrogen. 1. A method for controlling startup of a fuel cell vehicle , comprising:detecting, by a controller, generation of a startup command from a vehicle;supplying, by the controller, hydrogen to a fuel cell through opening of a hydrogen valve;detecting, by the controller, whether a fuel cell voltage has increased after supply of hydrogen; andfirst startup of consuming, by the controller, generated electric power of the fuel cell through connection of a load device to the fuel cell, supplying air to the fuel cell through opening an air valve and adjusting the fuel cell voltage to be maintained at a predetermined level or less through adjustment of a bus stage voltage of a power converter when the controller determines that the fuel cell voltage has increased after supply of hydrogen.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , during the first startup claim 1 , when the controller determines that the voltage of the fuel cell has increased after supply of hydrogen claim 1 , the controller is configured to increase a pressure of supplied hydrogen through operation of a hydrogen valve claim 1 , and purge hydrogen from the fuel cell to the outside through operation of a hydrogen purge device.3. The method ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220311029A1
Автор: Mohri Masahiro

A method of operating a water electrolysis and electricity generating system includes, at a time of switching from the water electrolysis mode to the electricity generating mode, a water electrolysis stopping step, a purging step and an electricity generation starting step. In the purging step after the water electrolysis stopping step, an oxygen-containing gas is caused to flow from an oxygen-containing gas flow path to a first gas-liquid separator via an oxygen-containing gas introduction flow path, a first supply flow path, a first inlet port member, a first fluid flow path, a first outlet port member, and a first lead-out flow path. In the electricity generation starting step after the purging step, the cell member is caused to generate electricity based on a predetermined required load value. 1. A method of operating a water electrolysis and electricity generating system comprising a cell member having a membrane electrode assembly in which an electrolyte membrane is sandwiched between a first electrode and a second electrode , a first fluid flow path configured to supply water and an oxygen-containing gas to the first electrode , and a second fluid flow path configured to supply hydrogen gas to the second electrode;wherein the water electrolysis and electricity generating system is configured to be capable of being switched between a water electrolysis mode, in which the water supplied to the first electrode is electrolyzed to thereby generate product hydrogen gas at the second electrode, and an electricity generating mode, in which electricity is generated by an electrochemical reaction that takes place between the oxygen-containing gas supplied to the first electrode and the hydrogen gas supplied to the second electrode;the water electrolysis and electricity generating system further comprises:a supply flow path connected to an inlet port member configured to communicate with the first fluid flow path;a lead-out flow path connected to an outlet port member ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150180064A1

A fuel cell management method includes removing droplets remaining in a fuel cell stack using air supplied to a cathode and hydrogen supplied to an anode. Hydrogen and oxygen remaining are removed in the fuel cell stack by stopping the supply of the hydrogen and the air, and the hydrogen and the oxygen in the fuel cell stack are chemically reacted to remove residual hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is generated in the cathode of the fuel cell stack after removing the residual hydrogen and oxygen. The residual oxygen is additionally removed using the generated hydrogen, the generated hydrogen is absorbed on a surface of a catalyst layer formed on the anode and cathode and accelerating the chemical reaction of hydrogen and air. 1. A fuel cell management method , comprising steps of:removing, by a controller, droplets remaining in a fuel cell stack using air supplied to a cathode and hydrogen supplied to an anode;removing hydrogen and oxygen remaining in the fuel cell stack by stopping the supply of hydrogen and air and chemically reacting the hydrogen and oxygen in the fuel cell stack to remove the residual hydrogen and oxygen;generating hydrogen in the cathode of the fuel cell stack after removing the residual hydrogen and oxygen; andadditionally removing the residual oxygen using the generated hydrogen and adsorbing the generated hydrogen on a surface of a catalyst layer formed on the anode and the cathode and accelerating the chemical reaction of the air and the hydrogen.2. The fuel cell management method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the step of removing the droplets claim 1 , the droplets are removed by supplying dry air to the cathode and the dry air is warmed by heat generated by the application of an electric current to a stack load.3. The fuel cell management method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the step of generating the hydrogen in the cathode of the fuel cell stack claim 1 , the hydrogen is generated by applying claim 1 , by the controller claim 1 , a ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150180065A1

A fuel cell system having a hydrogen purge unit may include a purge pipe that connects an air discharge pipe connecting a fuel cell stack and a humidifying device and a hydrogen discharge pipe that discharges hydrogen from the fuel cell stack, and a purge valve provided at the purge pipe. In particular, a plurality of purge branch apertures are structured to discharge a purge gas from the fuel cell stack into the air discharge pipe by providing the purge branch apertures at intervals along the bottom surface of the purge pipe in a downstream section of the purge pipe that extends from the purge valve in a downstream direction. 1. A hydrogen purge unit of a fuel cell system including:a purge pipe connecting an air discharge pipe that connects a fuel cell stack and a humidifying device and a hydrogen discharge pipe that contains hydrogen that is discharged from the fuel cell stack; and 'wherein the purge pipe includes a plurality of purge branch apertures that discharge a purge gas discharged from the fuel cell stack into the air discharge pipe, the purge branch apertures are formed separately along a downstream section of the purge pipe that extends from the purge valve.', 'a purge valve provided at the purge pipe,'}2. The hydrogen purge unit of a fuel cell system of claim 1 , wherein:connection apertures are formed in the air discharge pipe, and are connected to the purge branch apertures.3. The hydrogen purge unit of a fuel cell system of claim 2 , wherein:the downstream section of the purge pipe is bonded to an outer surface of the air discharge pipe.4. The hydrogen purge unit of a fuel cell system of claim 2 , wherein:the downstream section of the purge pipe is bonded to an outer top surface of the air discharge pipe.5. The hydrogen purge unit of a fuel cell system of claim 1 , wherein:an end of the purge pipe is closed.6. The hydrogen purge unit of a fuel cell system of claim 1 , wherein:the purge branch apertures formed in the purge pipe are separated from each ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Fuel cell system and method for purging and removing water during start and stop process thereof

Номер: US20210202965A1
Автор: Blaszczyk Janusz, Yong Gao

A fuel cell system and a method for purge and removing water during its stop and start process, the system comprises a fuel cell stack, an air supply system connected to a cathode at a cathode side of the fuel cell stack, and a hydrogen supply system connected to an anode at an anode side of the fuel cell stack, the air supply system includes an air compressor, an air inlet tube, and an air outlet tube, the air outlet tube is connected to a low-oxygen gas storage tank through a manifold, and the low-oxygen gas storage tank is connected back to the hydrogen supply system through a circulating tube. The method expels standing water from the fuel cell stack using an air compressor to continuously supply air to both the anode side and the cathode side of the fuel cell stack, so as to further protect the stack.

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210202967A1

A fuel cell system includes a fuel cell, a gas supply unit, an electric power storage device, a remaining capacity monitor, and a control unit. The control unit determines whether the temperature conditions are met, wherein the low temperature conditions include temperature related to a state of the fuel cell being equal to or lower than a predetermined threshold value set, when the control unit determines that the low temperature conditions are met, the control unit executes the purging process so as to discharge more of moisture stored in the fuel cell to an outside of the fuel cell, as compared with when the control unit determines that the low temperature conditions are not met, and the control unit executes the charging process with target remaining capacity of the electric power storage device set to a smaller value, as compared with when the control unit determines that the low temperature conditions are not met. 1. A fuel cell system comprising:a fuel cell;a gas supply unit configured to supply gas to the fuel cell;an electric power storage device capable of storing at least electric power generated by the fuel cell;a remaining capacity monitor configured to detect remaining capacity in the electric power storage device; anda control unit configured to execute purging process for purging an inside of the fuel cell with the gas by driving the gas supply unit, and charging process for charging the remaining capacity of the electric power storage device with the power generated by the fuel cell, whereinupon input of stop instruction of the fuel cell system, the control unit determines whether the temperature conditions are met, wherein the low temperature conditions include temperature related to a state of the fuel cell being equal to or lower than a predetermined threshold value set,when the control unit determines that the low temperature conditions are met, the control unit executes the purging process so as to discharge more of moisture stored in the fuel ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Anode chambers with variable volumes

Номер: US20160181634A1

Described herein are articles, systems, and methods relating to fuel cell systems that include anode chambers with variable volumes. The volume of the anode chamber may be relatively small or essentially zero upon start up to prevent influx of contaminants that would have to be purged from the system. As fuel is directed into the anode chamber, the chamber volume increases to accommodate the flow of fuel.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180175409A1

A fuel cell system includes: a fuel cell including an anode gas flow channel and a cathode gas flow channel and generating electricity from a hydrogen-containing anode gas of the anode gas flow channel and an oxygen-containing cathode gas of the cathode gas flow channel; an anode off-gas emission path through which an anode off-gas emitted from the anode gas flow channel flows; and a cathode off-gas emission path through which a cathode off-gas emitted from the cathode gas flow channel flows. After stoppage of generation of electricity by the fuel cell, gas purging is performed in which at least a part of the cathode off-gas emission path is purged with a hydrogen-containing gas having passed through a junction where the anode off-gas emission path and the cathode off-gas emission path meet each other. The hydrogen-containing gas contains at least either the anode gas or the anode off-gas. 1. A fuel cell system comprising:a fuel cell including an anode gas flow channel and a cathode gas flow channel, the fuel cell generating electricity from a hydrogen-containing anode gas flowing through the anode gas flow channel and an oxygen-containing cathode gas flowing through the cathode gas flow channel;an anode off-gas emission path through which an anode off-gas emitted from the anode gas flow channel of the fuel cell flows; anda cathode off-gas emission path through which a cathode off-gas emitted from the cathode gas flow channel of the fuel cell flows,wherein after stoppage of generation of electricity by the fuel cell, gas purging is performed in which at least a part of the cathode off-gas emission path is purged with a hydrogen-containing gas having passed through a junction where the anode off-gas emission path and the cathode off-gas emission path meet each other, andthe hydrogen-containing gas contains at least either the anode gas or the anode off-gas.2. The fuel cell system according to claim 1 , further comprising:a purge valve provided in the anode off-gas ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Closed anode fuel cell startup method

Номер: US20180175415A1
Принадлежит: Hydrogenics Corp

A process for starting a PEM fuel cell module includes blowing air through the cathode side of the module using external power. An amount hydrogen is released into the anode side of the module under a pressure greater than the pressure of the air on the cathode side, while the anode is otherwise closed. Cell voltages in the module are monitored for the appearance of a charged state sufficient to start the module. When the charged state is observed, the module is converted to a running state.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180175416A1

A method of controlling the driving of a fuel cell system includes: determining whether the fuel cell system enters idle stop in which air supply to the fuel cell stack stops; dropping a DC-link terminal voltage controlled by a DC-DC converter up to a first set voltage by controlling an operation of the DC-DC converter connected to a DC-link terminal outputting generation power of the fuel cell stack at the time of entering the idle stop; and dropping a voltage of the fuel cell stack to reduce an oxide of platinum which is a catalyst of a fuel cell by allowing the anode exhaust gas to flow backward into a cathode of the fuel cell stack by performing the hydrogen purge in an idle stop state of opening the hydrogen purge valve after the voltage of the DC-link terminal drops. 1. A method of controlling driving of a fuel cell system , in which hydrogen purge is performed by opening a hydrogen purge valve to discharge anode exhaust gas of a fuel cell stack through a cathode outlet of the fuel cell stack , the method comprising:determining, by a controller, whether the fuel cell system enters idle stop in which air supply to the fuel cell stack stops;dropping, by the controller, a DC-link terminal voltage controlled by a DC-DC converter up to a first set voltage by controlling an operation of the DC-DC converter connected to a DC-link terminal outputting generation power of the fuel cell stack when entering the idle stop; anddropping, by the controller, a voltage of the fuel cell stack to reduce an oxide of platinum, which is a catalyst of a fuel cell, by allowing the anode exhaust gas to flow backward into a cathode of the fuel cell stack by performing the hydrogen purge in an idle stop state of opening the hydrogen purge valve after the voltage of the DC-link terminal drops.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:closing, by the controller, an air cut-off valve at a cathode outlet of the fuel cell stack or reducing an opening level of the air cut-off valve before ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Method For Shutting Down A System Containing a Fuel Cell Stack and System Comprising a Fuel Cell Stack

Номер: US20170179507A1

The invention relates to a method for stopping a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel-cell stack and to a system containing a fuel-cell stack implementing such a method. The system comprises a gas circuit and a stack of electrochemical cells forming a fuel-cell stack comprising a polymer ion exchange membrane, said circuit comprising: a fuel-gas supply circuit () connecting a fuel-gas tank to the anode of the fuel-cell stack; and an oxidant-gas supply circuit () connecting an oxidant-gas tank, or atmospheric air, to the cathode of the fuel-cell stack; characterized in that the system furthermore comprises means able to completely eliminate hydrogen present at the anode of the fuel-cell stack. 1. A method for stopping a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel-cell stack , the fuel-cell stack comprising a stack of cells and being installed in a system comprising a fuel-gas supply circuit connecting a fuel-gas tank to the anode of the fuel-cell stack , and an oxidant-gas supply circuit connected to an oxidant-gas tank , or to atmospheric air , the method comprising a procedure for shutting down the fuel-cell stack comprising the following steps:(i) cutting off the supply of fuel gas and oxidant gas;(ii) continuing to draw current until the oxidant gas is sufficiently consumed; and(iii) injecting gas enriched with nitrogen into the oxidant-gas supply system,wherein the method further comprises the step of completely eliminating the hydrogen still present at the anode of the stack.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of completely eliminating the hydrogen comprises a mechanical suction step.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of eliminating the hydrogen comprises a blowing step claim 1 , consisting in injecting claim 1 , at the cathode claim 1 , a positive pressure of nitrogen claim 1 , intended to replace the hydrogen.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of eliminating the hydrogen is carried out by consuming the hydrogen by ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Fuel cell and fuel cell system

Номер: US20170179510A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A fuel cell includes: a membrane electrode assembly; cathode and anode-side water-repellent layers; a cathode-side separator that includes a cathode gas passage and an air exhaust manifold communicated to the cathode gas passage. The cathode gas passage includes a water exhaust inhibiting portion and a water storage portion. The water exhaust inhibiting portion is provided on a lowermost passage positioned on a lowermost side in a gravity direction. The water storage portion is provided upstream of the water exhaust inhibiting portion such that liquid water is stored in the water storage portion by the water exhaust inhibiting portion. A liquid water connection portion is provided in the water-repellent layer so as to pass through the water-repellent layer such that liquid water flows between the catalyst layer and the water storage portion.

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Method of controlling purge of fuel cell system for vehicle

Номер: US20170179511A1
Автор: Bu Kil Kwon, Se Kwon Jung
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A method of controlling purge of a fuel cell system for a vehicle is provided. The method determines whether a purge function is normally performed in controlling purge of discharging nitrogen, hydrogen, and vapor within an anode of a fuel cell system. Particularly, the method confirms whether purge is performed by measuring a duty or a current applied to a hydrogen supply valve and measuring a change in the duty before and after an application of a purge valve operation command while adjusting a pressure inside the anode, which supplies hydrogen, to be uniform. Further, a hydrogen supply amount supplied into an anode is estimated and a change rate of a hydrogen supply amount supplied to the anode and a hydrogen amount consumed during a generation of the fuel cell system are estimated during a purge function, to determine whether purge is actually performed based on the estimated information.

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Solid oxide fuel cell system and method for controlling same

Номер: US20150188174A1
Автор: Yasunori Iwakiri
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A solid oxide fuel cell system includes: a fuel cell stack having a fuel electrode and an oxidant electrode; and a combustion unit provided to start the system; a control unit configured to perform control in such a way as to fill a combustion gas discharged from the combustion unit into the fuel electrode of the fuel cell stack at a time of stopping the system, the combustion gas containing an inert gas as a component.

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Fluidic Interface Module for a Fuel Cell System

Номер: US20140272647A1
Принадлежит: BIC SA

Purge valves that are manually turned ON but are automatically or electrically turned OFF as the fuel cell's production of electricity reaches a predetermined level, e.g., steady state or thereabout are disclosed. The purge valve may be opened at system start-up, or may be opened at system shut-down so that the purge valve is armed and the fuel cell system is purged at the next start-up. Also disclosed is an integrated fluidic interface module that contains various fluidic components including one of these purge valves. The integrated fluidic interface module can operate passively or without being actively controlled by a processor. Methods of operating a fuel cell system, wherein the fuel cell system is purged at system start-up, are also disclosed. The purging automatically stops when the anode plenum is fully purged and replaced with fuel.

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210210777A1

A fuel cell system includes a fuel cell, a hydrogen tank, a hydrogen supply passage connecting the hydrogen tank and the fuel cell, a cutoff valve configured to cut off circulation of hydrogen in the hydrogen supply passage, a detection unit configured to detect a start of filling of the hydrogen tank with hydrogen, and a purge controller configured to close the cutoff valve in a case where the fuel cell system is stopped and the detection unit detects the start of filling with hydrogen in a state in which purge processing of purging the in-cell hydrogen flow passage is to be executed, and to execute processing of purging the in-cell hydrogen flow passage by causing hydrogen remaining on a downstream side of the cutoff valve in a hydrogen flow in the hydrogen supply passage to flow in the in-cell hydrogen flow passage as the purge processing. 1. A fuel cell system comprising:a fuel cell formed having an in-cell hydrogen flow passage through which hydrogen flows;a hydrogen tank configured to store hydrogen;a hydrogen supply passage connecting the hydrogen tank and the fuel cell;a cutoff valve configured to cut off circulation of hydrogen in the hydrogen supply passage;a detection unit configured to detect a start filling of the hydrogen tank with filling of the hydrogen tank with hydrogen; anda purge controller configured to close the cutoff valve in a case where the fuel cell system is stopped and the detection unit detects the start of filling with hydrogen in a state in which purge processing of purging the in-cell hydrogen flow passage is to be executed, and to execute processing of purging the in-cell hydrogen flow passage by causing hydrogen remaining on a downstream side of the cutoff valve in a hydrogen flow in the hydrogen supply passage to flow in the in-cell hydrogen flow passage as the purge processing.2. The fuel cell system according to claim 1 , further comprising:a circulation flow passage including the in-cell hydrogen flow passage and a part of the ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160190618A1
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

A fuel cell system includes a compressor for supplying the cathode gas to the fuel cell, an anode gas discharge system for discharging anode off-gas discharged from the fuel cell into a cathode gas flow passage, a pulsating operation control unit for causing a pressure of the anode gas to pulsate based on an operating state of the fuel cell, a purge control unit for purging the anode off-gas into the cathode gas flow passage based on an impurity concentration of an anode of the fuel cell and a pressure of the anode, and a compressor control unit for controlling the compressor based on a purge flow rate controlled by the purge control unit, and the purge control unit for setting the pressure of the anode to a predetermined value determined according to a pulsating state of the anode gas. 19.-. (canceled)10. A fuel cell system for generating power by supplying anode gas and cathode gas to a fuel cell , comprising:a compressor for supplying the cathode gas to the fuel cell;an anode gas discharge system for discharging anode off-gas discharged from the fuel cell into a cathode gas flow passage;a pulsating operation control unit configured to cause a pressure of the anode gas to pulsate based on an operating state of the fuel cell;a purge control unit configured to purge the anode off-gas into the cathode gas flow passage based on an impurity concentration of an anode of the fuel cell and calculating a purge flow rate based on the impurity concentration of the anode of the fuel cell and a pressure of the anode; anda compressor control unit configured to control the compressor based on the purge flow rate calculated by the purge control unit,the purge control unit configured to set the pressure of the anode to a predetermined value determined according to a pulsating state of the anode gas to suppress beat noise of the compressor due to the pulsation of the anode gas.11. The fuel cell system according to claim 10 , wherein the predetermined value is an upper limit target ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160190620A1

A fuel cell system and a method of controlling the fuel cell system are provided. The fuel cell system includes at least one bypass valve that is disposed between a passage in an inlet of a fuel cell stack and a bypass passage that is branched from the passage within the inlet and that is connected to a discharge port of the fuel cell stack. In addition, a controller bypasses air supplied from an air blower to the discharge port by adjusting an opening degree of the bypass valve. 1. A fuel cell system , comprising:at least one bypass valve disposed between a passage within an inlet of a fuel cell stack and a bypass passage branched from the passage within the inlet and connected to a discharge port of the fuel cell stack; anda controller configured to bypass air supplied from an air blower to the discharge port by adjusting an opening degree of the bypass valve.2. The fuel cell system of claim 1 , wherein the bypass valve is disposed to correspond to at least one of between the air blower and a humidifier and between the humidifier and an inlet of a fuel cell stack.3. A method of controlling the fuel cell system of claim 1 , comprising:estimating, by a controller, after an ignition is turned off or after hydrogen is supplied by a Wakeup, hydrogen concentrations in an air supply system and an air discharge system; andadjusting, by the controller, an opening degree of a bypass valve when the vehicle is subsequently started, based on the estimated hydrogen concentrations,wherein the air discharge system includes an air discharge part that discharges air from a fuel cell stack, andwherein the air supply system includes a cathode of the fuel cell stack, a humidifier, and an air blower.4. The control method of claim 3 , wherein:estimating the hydrogen concentrations includes: predicting, by the controller, by measuring an elapsed time after the ignition is turned off or after hydrogen is supplied by the Wakeup, that the hydrogen concentrations in the air supply system and ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190181471A1
Автор: MATHÉ Jörg, Tanaka Daiki

The present invention relates to a method for shutting down a generator unit () comprising a fuel cell device () having the steps (a) shutdown of a current generation via a control unit (); (b) detection of at least one anode temperature of an anode () of the fuel cell device (), in particular during a cool-down process; (c) blocking of an escape of carbon monoxide from an anode chamber () in which the anode () is arranged at least partially, in particular, at least for the most part, completely, if the anode temperature is higher than the first limit temperature T; (d) at least partial removal of carbon monoxide from an anode chamber () in which the anode () is arranged at least in part, in particular, at least for the most part, completely, if the anode temperature falls below a first limit temperature T. The present invention further relates to a generator unit (), a vehicle having this generator unit () and a use of this generator unit (). 1. A method for shutting down a generator unit comprising a fuel cell device , having the following steps:(a) Shutdown of current generation via a control unit;(b) Detection of at least one anode temperature of an anode of the fuel cell device;{'sub': '1', '(c) Blocking of an escape of carbon monoxide from an anode chamber in which the anode is arranged at least in part if the anode temperature is higher than a first limit temperature T;'}{'sub': '1', '(d) At least partial removal of carbon monoxide from the anode chamber if the anode temperature falls below the first limit temperature T.'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least partial removal of carbon monoxide from the anode chamber occurs if the anode temperature is in a range between Tand T claim 1 , wherein Tis lower than T.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising the step:{'sub': 2', '2', '1, '(e) Stopping the at least partial removal of carbon monoxide at least if the anode temperature falls below a second limit temperature Tor the ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190181473A1

A hydrogen concentration estimating method for a fuel cell includes: measuring a flow rate of air supplied to a fuel cell stack, and comparing the measured flow rate of the air with a predetermined flow rate; determining a model of an air processing system according to a comparison result; and estimating hydrogen concentration of a fuel processing system based on the determined model of the air processing system. 1. A hydrogen concentration estimating method for a fuel cell , the method comprising:measuring a flow rate of air supplied to a fuel cell stack, and comparing the measured flow rate of the air with a predetermined flow rate;determining a model of an air processing system according to a comparison result; andestimating hydrogen concentration of a fuel processing system based on the determined model of the air processing system.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein in comparing the measured flow rate of the air with the predetermined flow rate claim 1 , the predetermined flow rate is set by a flow rate of air that occurs when air supply to the fuel cell stack is shut off.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein in determining the model of the air processing system claim 1 , when the measured flow rate of air exceeds the predetermined flow rate claim 1 , the air processing system is determined to be an open model.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein when the air processing system is determined to be the open model claim 3 , when estimating the hydrogen concentration of the fuel processing system claim 3 , hydrogen partial pressure of the air processing system is zero.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein when the air processing system is determined to be the open model claim 3 , when estimating the hydrogen concentration of the fuel processing system claim 3 , nitrogen partial pressure or oxygen partial pressure of the air processing system is based on gas pressure and water vapor partial pressure of the air processing system.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein in the ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170187052A1

A hydrogen purging device for a fuel cell system includes a humidifier that humidifies dry air supplied from an air blower, using moist air discharged from a cathode of a stack and supplies the humidified air to the cathode. A water trap and a hydrogen recirculation blower are sequentially connected to an outlet of an anode, wherein a hydrogen outlet of the water trap and an inlet of the humidifier are connected by a cathode-hydrogen purging line for purging hydrogen to the cathode so that the hydrogen discharged from the anode of the fuel stack is purged to the cathode during idling or during normal driving. 1. A hydrogen purging method comprising:a first step of purging hydrogen from an anode of a fuel cell stack;a second step of supplying the purged hydrogen to an inlet of a humidifier; anda third step of passing the hydrogen supplied to the inlet of the humidifier through the humidifier with air and dispersing the hydrogen to the anode of the fuel cell stack.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first to third steps are periodically performed during idling or during normal driving of a fuel cell vehicle.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein hydrogen is purged to a cathode in accordance with the first to third steps when beginning idling idling section claim 2 , and the hydrogen purging to the cathode is stopped in accordance with the first to third steps when a cell voltage drops to or below a reference voltage.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the hydrogen is purged to a cathode in accordance with the first to third steps when the amount of charge of cells is a predetermined level or more during the normal driving claim 2 , and the hydrogen purging to the cathode is stopped in accordance with the first to third steps when a voltage differences of the cells are at or above a predetermined level. This application is a divisional patent application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/102,296, filed on Dec. 10, 2013 which in turn claims under 35 U.S.C. §119(a) ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190190042A1

A method and system of controlling hydrogen purge are provided. The method includes estimating an air supply rate supplied to a fuel cell stack and then executing hydrogen purge based on the estimated air supply rate. 1. A method of controlling hydrogen purge , comprising:estimating, by a controller, an air supply rate supplied to a fuel cell stack; andexecuting, by the controller, hydrogen purge based on the estimated air supply rate.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:prior to estimating the air supply rate, estimating, by the controller, a concentration of hydrogen; anddetermining, by the controller, a timing when hydrogen purge is required.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the executing of hydrogen purge includes:comparing, by the controller, the estimated air supply rate and a predetermined first air flow,wherein when the estimated air supply rate is equal to or greater than the predetermined first air flow, hydrogen purge is executed at the timing when hydrogen purge is required.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the predetermined first air flow is set to a value equal to or greater than a minimum air supply rate at which purged hydrogen does not flow backward to a cathode.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the executing of hydrogen purge includes:preventing, by the controller, a reduction of an air supply rate supplied to the fuel cell stack during hydrogen purge.6. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:adjusting, by the controller, the air supply rate the comparing when the air supply rate estimated in the comparing is less than the predetermined first air flow.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the adjusting of the air supply rate includes:setting, by the controller, a target air supply rate and adjusting an opening degree of an air control valve or a revolutions per minute (RPM) of an air compressor to adjust the air supply rate to correspond to the target air supply rate.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the adjusting of the air supply ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200185737A1

A purging circuit for purging an anodic compartment of a cell of a fuel cell, this circuit including: a capacity, forming a related volume at least equal to 500 ml, for containing and homogenising a recovery gas, including an inlet and an outlet; a first nonreturn valve to prevent the recovery gas from returning through the outlet and allowing gas to flow from the first outlet to an inlet of the compartment; a second nonreturn valve to prevent gas from being discharged from the capacity through the inlet; a pressure sensor able to measure the pressure of a fluid present in the circuit; a valve controlling the flow of a supply gas to and from the compartment as a function of data of the sensor and allowing gas to flow from the first nonreturn valve to the inlet of the compartment. 1. A method for operating a purging circuit for purging an anodic compartment of an electrochemical cell of a fuel cell , this circuit including:a volume, having connexity, of at least equal to 300 ml, containing and homogenising a recovery gas comprising hydrogen and an inert gas, said volume comprising a first inlet and a first outlet;a first nonreturn valve connected to the first outlet of said volume containing a recovery gas, said first nonreturn valve preventing a gas from being introduced into said volume through the first outlet and further allowing a part of a gas to be flown, from the first outlet to an inlet of the anodic compartment;a second nonreturn valve connected to the first inlet of said volume for containing a recovery gas, preventing a gas from being discharged, from said volume, through the first inlet;said method including:measuring with a pressure sensor a pressure of a fluid present in said purging circuit;a valve allowing a supply gas to be flown to the inlet of said compartment, or prohibiting it from flowing to said inlet, as a function of pressure data of said pressure sensor.2. The method according to claim 1 , the compartment being supplied with recovery gas ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Solid oxide fuel cell

Номер: US20140295303A1
Принадлежит: TOTO LTD

Problem: To suppress the occurrence of damage to fuel cell units caused by oxidation shrinkage of fuel electrodes. Solution Means: The invention is a solid oxide fuel cell for generating electricity by reacting hydrogen and oxidant gas in individual fuel cell units, wherein the individual fuel cell units comprise a fuel electrode, an oxidant gas electrode, and a solid electrolyte erected between fuel electrode and oxidant gas electrode; the fuel electrode comprises a composite material containing nickel, and the solid oxide fuel cell prevents shrinkage due to oxidation of the fuel electrode by maintaining the fuel electrode in an oxygen-free atmosphere until the temperature of the fuel electrode has dropped to 350° C. after electrical generation is stopped.

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190198895A1

A fuel cell system includes: a fuel cell; an anode off-gas discharge path through which an anode off-gas exhausted from an anode of the fuel cell is discharged; a heating medium circulation path through which a heating medium that recovers heat generated in the fuel cell is circulated; a heat exchanger disposed in the heating medium circulation path; an electric power converter that converts the electric power output from the fuel cell; a case that houses the electric power converter; a first air feeder that supplies air to the case; a housing that houses the fuel cell, the case, and the first air feeder; and an air discharge path through which the air having passed through the case is discharged to outside of the housing. A downstream end of the anode off-gas discharge path is connected to the air discharge path. 1. A fuel cell system comprising:a fuel cell that generates and outputs electric power using a fuel gas supplied to an anode and an oxidant gas supplied to a cathode;an anode off-gas discharge path through which an anode off-gas exhausted from the anode of the fuel cell is discharged;an electric power converter that converts the electric power output from the fuel cell;a case that houses the electric power converter;a first air feeder that supplies air to the case;a housing that houses the fuel cell, the case, and the first air feeder; andan air discharge path through which the air having passed through the case is discharged to outside of the housing,wherein a downstream end of the anode off-gas discharge path is connected to the air discharge path.2. The fuel cell system according to claim 1 , further comprising:a heating medium circulation path through which a heating medium that recovers heat generated in the fuel cell is circulated;a heat exchanger disposed in the heating medium circulation path; anda second air feeder that supplies air to the heat exchanger,wherein the housing further houses the heat exchanger and the second air feeder.3. The fuel ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190207235A1
Автор: JANG Sang Eun

A method of controlling a hydrogen partial pressure can be carried out in a fuel cell system including a stack having a hydrogen electrode and an air electrode. The method includes: determining a point of time to purge the hydrogen electrode using a hydrogen concentration at an outlet of the hydrogen electrode or an accumulated amount of charge generated in the stack; and setting a target supply pressure of hydrogen supplied to the stack, in which the target hydrogen supply pressure is set in consideration of a hydrogen pressure and a partial pressure of nitrogen resulting from crossover in the stack. 1. A method of controlling a stack in a fuel cell system , the stack including a hydrogen electrode and an air electrode , the method comprising:supplying hydrogen to the stack at a target hydrogen supply pressure;computing a hydrogen concentration at an outlet of the hydrogen electrode or an accumulated amount of electric charge generated in the stack; andupdating the target hydrogen supply pressure of the hydrogen supplied to the stack,wherein the updated target hydrogen supply pressure is set in consideration of the target hydrogen supply pressure and a partial pressure of nitrogen resulting from crossover in the stack.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the target hydrogen supply pressure is set by adding the partial pressure of the nitrogen to a hydrogen pressure in the stack.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the target hydrogen supply pressure is variably set over time in consideration of a rate of increase in the partial pressure of the nitrogen.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:determining to carry out a purge of the hydrogen electrode when the hydrogen concentration at an outlet of the hydrogen electrode exceeds a predetermined hydrogen concentration or the accumulated amount of electric charge generated in the stack exceeds a predetermined target amount of electric charge.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190214662A1

A fuel cell system and a method of controlling the fuel cell system is provided. A fuel cell generates power, and a coolant system provides coolant flow through the stack. A controller is configured to, in response to at least one of an ambient temperature and a coolant temperature being below a threshold value after a vehicle shut down command or event, command the coolant system to circulate coolant through the stack to reduce ice formation in the stack prior to commanding a purge of the fuel cell stack. 1. A fuel cell system comprising:a fuel cell stack to generate power;a coolant system configured to provide coolant flow through the stack; anda controller configured to, in response to a signal indicative of an ambient temperature being below a threshold value after a vehicle shut down command, command the coolant system to circulate coolant through the stack prior to commanding a purge of the fuel cell stack.2. The system of wherein the threshold value corresponds to five degrees Celsius or less.3. The system of wherein the coolant system comprises a fluid circuit having a pump claim 1 , a radiator claim 1 , and a coolant passage arranged in the stack.4. The system of wherein the coolant passage extends through a central region of the stack and extends adjacent to vias of an anode outlet for a cell in the fuel cell stack.5. The system of wherein vias of the anode outlet are adjacent to an edge region of the stack.6. The system of wherein the coolant system further comprises a valve and a radiator bypass passage claim 3 , the valve positioned to control the coolant flow between the radiator and the radiator bypass passage.7. The system of wherein the controller is further configured to operate the valve to deliver the coolant flow through the radiator bypass passage while circulating the coolant flow through the stack.8. The system of wherein the controller is further configured to operate the valve to blend in the coolant flow from the radiator to control and ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Fuel cell power system for an unmanned surface vehicle

Номер: US20210249671A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co, Liquid Robotics Inc

A power system for an unmanned surface vehicle includes a fuel cell including a fuel cell stack, where the fuel cell stack includes a fuel inlet. The power system also includes a fuel storage including at least one fuel-storage module fluidly connected to the fuel inlet of the fuel cell stack. The fuel-storage module is a source of energy for the fuel cell. The power system also includes a fuel and thermal management system fluidly connected to the fuel inlet of the fuel cell stack. The fuel and thermal management system includes a heat exchanger in thermal communication with the fuel cell stack for removing waste heat produced by the fuel cell stack during operation. The fuel and thermal management system also includes a flow valve, a pressure regulator, and a conduit.
