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20-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2577787C2

Полупроводниковое светоизлучающее устройство белого цвета содержит оптически прозрачный корпус с нанесенным на стенках люминофором. Внутри корпуса установлены лазерные диоды, имеющие ось симметрии. Причем лазерные диоды расположены последовательно на оси симметрии светоизлучающего устройства таким образом, что их оси симметрии совпадают между собой. Торцы лазерных диодов соединены так, что они находятся в электрическом и механическом контакте и образуют линейку лазерных диодов, диаграмма направленности излучения которой имеет ось симметрии, совпадающую с осью симметрии светоизлучающего устройства. Технический результат заключается в создании полупроводникового светоизлучающего устройства белого света большой интенсивности светового излучения без увеличения размеров светоизлучающих элементов, обеспечивающего при этом однородную засветку люминофора. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

09-09-2021 дата публикации

Lichtemittierendes Element, Herstellungsverfahren für ein lichtemittierendes Element und Verfahren zum Entwerfen einer Phasenmodulationsschicht

Номер: DE112019006251T5

Das lichtemittierende Element gemäß einer Ausführungsform gibt ein klares optisches Bild aus, während es eine Verringerung der Lichtausgangsleistung unterdrückt, und umfasst ein Substrat, eine Lichtemissionseinheit und eine Bondschicht. Die Lichtemissionseinheit hat einen Halbleiterstapel, einschließlich einer Phasenmodulationsschicht, zwischen ersten und zweiten Elektroden. Die Phasenmodulationsschicht hat eine Basisschicht und modifizierte Brechungsindexbereiche und enthält einen ersten Bereich mit einer Größe, die die zweite Elektrode aufweist, und einen zweiten Bereich. Jeder Schwerpunkt des modifizierten Brechungsindexbereichs des zweiten Bereichs ist durch eine Anordnungsbedingung angeordnet. Das Licht von dem Stapel ist ein einzelner Strahl, und bezüglich eines ersten Abstands von dem Substrat zu der Vorderfläche des Stapels und eines zweiten Abstands von dem Substrat zu der Rückfläche des Stapels ist ein Änderungsbetrag des ersten Abstands entlang einer Richtung auf dem Substrat ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации

Licht emittierender Halbleiterchip und Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Licht emittierenden Halbleiterchips

Номер: DE102017109812A1

Es wird ein Licht emittierender Halbleiterchip (100) angegeben mit einer ersten Halbleiterschicht (1), die zumindest Teil einer zur Lichterzeugung vorgesehenen aktiven Schicht ist und die entlang zumindest einer Erstreckungsrichtung eine laterale Variation einer Materialzusammensetzung aufweist. Weiterhin wird ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Halbleiterchips (100) angegeben.

07-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060227232D1

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE112017005532T5
Принадлежит: SONY CORP, SONY Corporation

Dieses lichtemittierende Element ist mit einer laminierten Struktur 20, die aus einem GaN-basierten Verbundhalbleiter gebildet ist, ausgestattet, wobei die laminierte Struktur darin laminiert Folgendes aufweist: eine erste Verbundhalbleiterschicht 21, die eine erste Oberfläche 21a und eine zweite Oberfläche 21b auf der Rückseite der ersten Oberfläche 21a enthält; eine aktive Schicht 23, die zu der zweiten Oberfläche 21b der ersten Verbundhalbleiterschicht 21 weist; und eine zweite Verbundhalbleiterschicht 22, die eine erste Oberfläche 22a, die zu der aktiven Schicht 23 weist, und eine zweite Oberfläche 22b auf der Rückseite der ersten Oberfläche 22a enthält. Das lichtemittierende Element ist außerdem mit Folgendem ausgestattet: einer ersten Lichtreflexionsschicht 41, die auf der Seite der ersten Oberfläche 21a der ersten Verbundhalbleiterschicht 21 vorgesehen ist; und einer zweiten Lichtreflexionsschicht 42, die auf der Seite der zweiten Oberfläche 22b der zweiten Verbundhalbleiterschicht ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112019002936T5

Eine lichtemittierende Vorrichtung gemäß einer Ausführungsform reduziert das in der Ausgabe eines S-iPM-Lasers enthaltene Licht nullter Ordnung. Die lichtemittierende Vorrichtung umfasst eine Lichtemissionseinheit und eine Phasenmodulationsschicht. Die Phasenmodulationsschicht umfasst eine Basisschicht und modifizierte Brechungsindexbereiche, die jeweils modifizierte Brechungsindexelemente enthalten. In jedem Einheitskomponentenbereich, der auf einen Gitterpunkt eines imaginären Quadratgitters zentriert ist, das auf der Phasenmodulationsschicht eingestellt ist, ist der Abstand vom entsprechenden Gitterpunkt zu jedem der Schwerpunkte der modifizierten Brechungsindexelemente größer als das 0,30-fache und nicht größer als das 0,50-fache des Gitterabstands. Darüber hinaus ist der Abstand vom entsprechenden Gitterpunkt zum Schwerpunkt der modifizierten Brechungsindexelemente insgesamt größer als 0 und nicht größer als das 0,30-fache des Gitterabstandes.

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Halbleiterlaseranordnung und Projektor

Номер: DE102015118715A1

In einer Ausführungsform umfasst die Halbleiterlaseranordnung (1) elektrisch gepumpte aktive Zonen (31, 32, 33). Die aktiven Zonen (31, 32, 33) sind dazu eingerichtet, im Betrieb Laserstrahlung (R) mit voneinander verschiedenen Emissionswellenlängen (L1, L2, L3) zu erzeugen. Die Erzeugung der Laserstrahlung (R) erfolgt durch Rekombination von Ladungsträgern in einem Halbleitermaterial, auf dem die aktiven Zonen (31, 32, 33) basieren. Ferner beinhaltet die Halbleiterlaseranordnung (1) eine Wellenleiterstruktur (4). Die aktiven Zonen (31, 32, 33) sind elektrisch unabhängig voneinander betreibbar und entlang einer Strahlrichtung (x) hinsichtlich ihrer Emissionswellenlängen (L1, L2, L3) absteigend angeordnet. Die Wellenleiterstruktur (4) wird im Bereich der entlang der Strahlrichtung (x) letzten aktiven Zone (33) von der Laserstrahlung (R) aller aktiven Zonen (31, 32, 33) gemeinsam durchlaufen.

22-06-2011 дата публикации

Semiconductor laser

Номер: GB0201107674D0

04-05-2005 дата публикации

Manufacture of a semiconductor light-emitting device

Номер: GB0002407701A

A method of fabricating the active region of a semiconductor light-emitting device in a nitride material system, in which the active region comprises a plurality of barrier layers 11, 13, 15, 17 with each pair of barrier layers being separated by a quantum well layer 12, 14, 16, comprises annealing each barrier layer 11, 13, 15, 17 separately. After growth, each barrier layer 11, 13, 15, 17 is annealed at a temperature greater than the growth temperature, before a layer is grown over the barrier layer. A device grown by the method of the invention has a significantly higher optical power output than a device made by a conventional fabrication process having a single annealing step.

29-07-2009 дата публикации

AlInGaN Light-Emitting devices

Номер: GB2456756A

A semiconductor light-emitting device fabricated with the AlGalnN materials system has an active region for light emission 3 comprising InGaN quantum dots or InGaN quantum wires. An AlGaN layer 6 is provided on a substrate side of the active region which improves carrier injection into the quantum dots and increases the optical output of the light-emitting device.

11-09-1996 дата публикации

Semiconductor device having a miniband

Номер: GB0002298735A

An optoelectronic semiconductor device is provided in which carrier transport towards the active region thereof is enhanced by the formation of a miniband within a superlattice region of the device having a repeating pattern of first and second semiconductor regions. The minimum energy level of the miniband is equal to or greater than the energy level of a guiding region between the active region and the superlattice region.

31-08-2005 дата публикации

Light emitting device having heat-dissipating element

Номер: GB0002411522A

A light emitting device (e.g. a GaN based III-V nitride device) having a heat dissipating element is provided. The device includes an active layer 160b between first and second material layers for inducing laser emission, a first electrode 154 contacting the lowermost layer 152 of the first material layers, a second electrode contacting the uppermost layer 164 of the second material layers, and a heat dissipating element in contact with the lowermost layer 152. The heat dissipating element is a thermal conductive layer 156 which contacts a region of the lowermost layer 152, while a substrate 150 is present on the remaining region of the lowermost layer 152. The thermal conductive layer may contact the lowermost layer 152 through one or more via holes formed in the substrate. A dent extending into the lowermost layer 152 may also be formed along with the via hole (figure 10).

20-02-2008 дата публикации

An allnGaN light-emitting device

Номер: GB0000800742D0

03-12-2003 дата публикации

Manufacture of a semi-conductor device

Номер: GB0000325099D0

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000552633T

15-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000424052T

21-01-2002 дата публикации

Nitride semiconductor device

Номер: AU0006945901A

28-12-2000 дата публикации

Nitride semiconductor device

Номер: AU0005106000A

14-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002394460A1

A light-emitting device having an active layer made of a nitride semiconductor containing In, especially a light-emitting device emitting a light of long wavelength (above 550 nm) and having an improved output power, wherein the active layer is formed between an n-type semiconductor layer and a p-type semiconductor layer and includes a well layer made of Inx1Ga1-x1N (x1>0) containing In and a first barrier layer formed on the well layer and made of Aly2Ga1-y2N (y2>0) containing Al.

31-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002360502A1

... ▓▓▓The invention relates to an optical semiconductor device comprising a multiple ▓quantum well structure, in which well layers and barrier layers consisting of ▓different types of semiconductor layers are stacked alternately on top of one ▓another. The invention is characterised in that the well layers (6a) have a ▓first composition, based on a nitride semiconductor material with a first ▓electron energy and the barrier layers (6b) have a second composition based on ▓a nitride semiconductor material with a higher electron energy in relation to ▓the first electron energy. An active radiative quantum well layer (6c) is ▓located downstream of said layers in the epitaxial direction and the ▓essentially non-radiative well layers (6a) positioned upstream, together with ▓the barrier layers (6b) form a superlattice for said active quantum well layer.▓ ...

11-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002884169C

... [Problem] The purpose of the present invention is to provide a high-efficiency, high-quality group-III nitride semiconductor element, and to provide a novel aluminum nitride substrate (aluminum nitride single crystal substrate) for fabricating the group-III nitride semiconductor element. [Solution] A substrate comprising aluminum nitride, wherein the aluminum nitride substrate has on at least a surface thereof an aluminum nitride single-crystal layer having as a principal plane a plane that is inclined 0.050 to 0.40° in the m-axis direction from the (0001) plane of a wurtzite structure.

22-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002258080A1

A method of growing a nitride semiconductor crystal having very few crystal defects and capable of being used as a substrate, comprising the step of forming a first selective growth mask equipped with a plurality of first windows for selectively exposing the surface of a support on the support having a main plane and including different kinds of substrates made of materials different from those of a nitride semiconductor, and the step of growing the nitride semiconductor, by using a gaseous Group III element source and a gaseous nitrogen source, until portions of the nitride semiconductor crystal growing in adjacent windows from the surface of the support exposed from the window join with one another on the upper surface of the selective growth mask.

28-11-2012 дата публикации

Semiconductor light emitting element and method for manufacturing same

Номер: CN102804416A
Автор: Orita Kenji

Disclosed is a semiconductor light emitting element that is provided with a nitride semiconductor multilayer film, which is provided on the upper surface of a substrate (1), and which includes an active layer (6). A layer in contact with the lower surface of the active layer (6) or the active layer (6) has at least a recessed section (2), a step or a protruding section formed thereon, and on the upper portion of the nitride semiconductor multilayer film, a ridge stripe, which has the front end surface and the rear end surface, and which is to be an optical waveguide, is formed. The distance between the center in the width direction of the ridge stripe and the center in the width direction of the recessed section (2), the step or the protruding section continuously or gradually changes from the front end surface toward the rear end surface, and the band gap energy in the active layer (6) continuously or gradually changes from the front end surface toward the rear end surface.

25-06-2014 дата публикации

Suppression of relaxation by limited area epitaxy on non-c-plane (in,al,b,ga)n

Номер: CN103890243A

An (AlInGaN) based semiconductor device, including one or more (In,Al)GaN layers overlying a semi-polar or non-polar Ill-nitride substrate or buffer layer, wherein the substrate or buffer employs patterning to influence or control extended defect morphology in layers deposited on the substrate; and one or more (AlInGaN) device layers above and/or below the (In,Al)GaN layers.

08-05-2020 дата публикации

Laser combined with ultraviolet light and infrared light and production process thereof

Номер: CN0108767657B

28-10-2009 дата публикации

Semiconductor light-emitting device and its production method

Номер: CN0100555686C

11-01-2013 дата публикации

Laser diode having ridge portion

Номер: KR0101221067B1

05-02-2007 дата публикации

Lighting Emitting Device Structure Using Nitride Bulk Single Crystal layer

Номер: KR0100679377B1

13-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100432762B1

PURPOSE: A semiconductor laser and a method of manufacturing the same are provided to reduce threshold current density of a single wavelength semiconductor laser using a nitride compound semiconductor. CONSTITUTION: A nitride compound semiconductor laser comprises a substrate(1), and the first clad layer(2) being formed on the substrate and containing the first type impurity. The first light waveguide layer(3) is formed on the first clad layer. An active layer(4) is formed on the first light waveguide layer, and is constituted with a single gain layer and contains indium. The second light waveguide layer(5) is formed on the active layer. An electron block layer is formed between the active layer and the second light waveguide layer. And the second clad layer(6) is formed on the electron block layer and contains the second type impurity. © KIPO 2005 ...

11-11-2008 дата публикации

Nitride Semiconductor Light Emitting Device and Method of Fabricating Nitride Semiconductor Laser Device

Номер: KR0100868268B1

28-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020080103943A

PURPOSE: A nitride semiconductor light emitting device and a method for manufacturing a nitride semiconductor laser device improve COD level of the nitride semiconductor light emitting device after aging by enhancing adhesion between a light emitting part and a coating layer by the coating layer made of oxy-nitride on the light emitting layer. CONSTITUTION: A nitride semiconductor laser device(100) includes a resonator section. A light emitting part is made of a nitride semiconductor. A coating layer made of oxy-nitride is formed on the resonator section of the light emitting side. The coating layer made of the oxy-nitride is formed on the resonator section of a light reflecting side. The coating layer on the light emitting side and the light reflecting side is the oxy-nitride of aluminum. © KIPO 2009 ...

06-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120099136A

05-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020140026486A

06-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120075473A

08-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: KR20020018633A

PURPOSE: To reduce the threshold current density of a semiconductor laser using a gallium nitride-based semiconductor material. CONSTITUTION: The semiconductor laser has a structure in which a gallium nitride-based semiconductor layer containing an n-type clad layer 22 and a multiple quantum well layer 24 containing an InxAlyGa1-x-yN (0 Подробнее

23-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020090029685A

PURPOSE: A method of growing semiconductor hetero-structures based on a gallium nitride is provided to reduce a defect density and a mechanical stress by performing the weather deposition step of one or multiple hetero-structure layers. CONSTITUTION: A gallium nitride group semiconductor hetero-structure growth process comprises a weather deposition step of one expressed as the general equation AlxGa1-xN(0 Подробнее

20-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020060131652A

PURPOSE: A method for fabricating a single ELOG growth transverse p-n junction nitride semiconductor laser and a structure of a semiconductor laser are provided to create vertical quantum wells by deposing a vertical a-face of laterally growing edges. CONSTITUTION: A dielectric layer is deposited and patterned over a substrate. An ELOG(Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth) region is grown on the substrate in a single growth step. The ELOG region includes an InGaN/InGaN multiple quantum well region(160) positioned between an n-type region and a p-type region. A first portion of the InGaN/InGaN multiple quantum well region is oriented substantially nonparallel to said substrate. A GaN layer is grown on the substrate. © KIPO 2007 ...

16-04-2011 дата публикации

Group iii nitride semiconductor laser diode, and method for producing group iii nitride semiconductor laser diode

Номер: TW0201114128A

Disclosed is a group III nitride semiconductor laser diode which has a cladding layer capable of providing high light confinement effect and carrier confinement effect. An n-type Al0.08Ga0.92N cladding layer (72) is grown on a (20-21)-plane GaN substrate (71) in such a manner that the lattice is relaxed. A GaN light guide layer (73a) is grown on the n-type cladding layer (72) in such a manner that the lattice is relaxed. An active layer (74), a GaN light guide layer (73b), an Al0.12Ga0.88N electron blocking layer (75) and a GaN light guide layer (73c) are grown on the light guide layer (73a) in such a manner that the lattice is not relaxed, respectively. A p-type Al0.08Ga0.92N cladding layer (76) is grown on the light guide layer (73c) in such a manner that the lattice is relaxed. A p-type GaN contact layer (77) is grown on the p-type cladding layer (76) in such a manner that the lattice is not relaxed, thereby producing a semiconductor laser (11a). The dislocation densities of junctions ...

16-08-2004 дата публикации

GaN single crystal substrate and method of making the same

Номер: TW0200415712A

This invention relates to a method of producing a GaN single crystalline substrate, characterized by comprising forming a mask layer (8) having a plurality of opening windows (10) mutually spaced on a GaAs substrate (2), and growing an epitaxial layer (12) of GaN on the mask layer (8).

16-08-2007 дата публикации

Semiconductor device, method for fabricating an electrode, and method for manufacturing a semiconductor device

Номер: TW0200731627A

A semiconductor device includes a p-type nitride semiconductor layer (14); and a p-side electrode (18) including a palladium oxide film (30) connected to a surface of the nitride semiconductor layer (14).

01-10-2007 дата публикации

Gallium nitride semiconductor light-emitting element

Номер: TW0200737632A

To provide a gallium nitride semiconductor light-emitting element capable of stabilizing a drive voltage by reducing carrier depletion, due to spontaneous polarization and piezo polarization generated at the interface between an AlGaN semiconductor layer and a GaN-based semiconductor layer. A gallium nitride semiconductor crystal 2 containing a light emitting region is formed on an R surface in a sapphire substrate 1. In another configuration, the gallium nitride semiconductor crystal 2 is formed on the surfaces or on the M surface of GaN substrates 3, 4. In the gallium nitride semiconductor crystal 2, the growth surface becomes a nonpolar surface instead of an N (nitrogen) polar surface and a Ga polar surface, thus reducing the magnitude of an electric field due to the spontaneous polarization and the piezo polarization generated on the interface of p-side GaN/AlGaN and hence avoiding carrier depletion.

21-07-2005 дата публикации

Semiconductor element and its manufacture

Номер: TWI236791B

A semiconductor element which is adapted to make the stable operation possible is provided. The semiconductor element includes a substrate having a dislocation concentration region on at least a part of the rear surface thereof, a semiconductor element layer formed on the front surface of the substrate, an insulation film formed on the dislocation concentration region, and a rear surface side electrode formed in such a manner of contacting with a region on the rear surface of the substrate except for the dislocation concentration region.

21-05-2013 дата публикации

Номер: TWI396781B

16-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007091920A2

The method of growing non-polar epitaxial heterostructures for light-emitting diodes producing white emission and lasers, on the basis of compounds and alloys in AlGaInN system, comprising the step of vapor-phase deposition of one or multiple heterostructures layers described by the formula AlxGa1-xN(0< x ≤1), wherein the step of growing A3N structures using (a)-langasite (La3Ga5SiO14) substrates is applied for the purposes of reducing the density of defects and mechanical stresses in heterostructures.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013047107A1

Provided is a high-output light emitting element capable of emitting a single-mode light beam. The light emitting element is provided with a laminated structure (20) formed by sequentially laminating a first compound semiconductor layer (21), an active layer (23), and a second compound semiconductor layer (22) on a substrate (20'), a second electrode (32), and a first electrode (31). The first compound semiconductor layer (21) has a laminated construction of a first clad layer (121A) and a first light guide layer (121B) from the substrate side, and the laminated structure has a ridge stripe structure (20A) configured from the second compound semiconductor layer (22), the active layer (23), and a part (121B') in the thickness direction of the first light guide layer. 6×10-7m Подробнее

02-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009082013A1

A light-emitting device which includes a semiconductor light-emitting element (12), and a plurality of plate-like wavelength conversion members (14) which are disposed to face the semiconductor light-emitting element and are inclined with respect to the optical axis (p) of excitation light emitted from the semiconductor light-emitting element, the plate-like wavelength conversion members containing respectively a fluorescent material which is capable of absorbing the excitation light and outputting light having a different wavelength from that of the excitation light, and the plate-like wavelength conversion members as a whole emitting visible light.

03-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013001014A1

The invention relates to a method for manufacturing, by means of epitaxy, a monocrystalline layer (3; 3', 3") of GaN on a substrate (1) wherein the coefficient of thermal expansion is less than the coefficient of thermal expansion of GaN, comprising the following steps: (b) three-dimensional epitaxial growth of a layer (3a) of GaN relaxed at the epitaxial temperature, (c1) growth of an intermediate layer (4a) of BwAlxGaylnzN, (c2) growth of a layer (3b) of BwAlxGaylnzN, (c3) growth of an intermediate layer (4b) of BwAlxGaylnzN, at least one of the layers (3b, 4a, 4b) formed in steps (c1) to (c3) being an at least ternary III-N alloy comprising aluminium and gallium, (d) growth of said layer (3; 3', 3") of GaN.

24-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO2003061021A3

Ion implantation is used to increase the resistivity of semiconductor device layers for channeling the current through a low resistivity, unimplanted region such that carrier recombination takes place away from regions underneath the contacts. This eliminates absorption of light by the contact thereby providing higher light output power and better current-voltage characteristics to the semiconductor device. The incorporation of a regrown contact layer allows for an undamaged lateral conduction path, and the fabrication of ohmic contacts.

12-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002009020033A1

Provided is a method for manufacturing a semiconductor light emitting element, by which a sapphire wafer can be divided into chips accurately at an extremely high yield. The semiconductor light emitting element is manufactured from the wafer wherein a gallium nitride compound semiconductor is laminated on a sapphire substrate having an orientation flat surface. The method includes the steps wherein a semiconductor layer is laminated on a first main surface of the sapphire substrate having an off-angle (θ) in an Xo direction parallel to the orientation flat surface, a first breaking groove extending in a direction (Y) substantially vertical to the Xo direction is formed on the side of the semiconductor layer, a second breaking line is formed in parallel to the first breaking groove inside the sapphire substrate by being shifted a prescribed distance in ±Xo directions from a planned dividing line in the first breaking groove, corresponding to the inclination of the off-angle (θ), and the ...

19-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009140395A3
Автор: CSUTAK, Sebastian

A gallium-nitride semiconductor apparatus may include an active region having one or more nitride-based barrier layers that are modulation-doped using a nitride-based doped layer. An active region may have at least two nitride-based barrier layers, and a nitride-based blocking layer may be disposed between the at least two barrier layers.

29-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005124948A2

A semiconductor laser includes a multilayer semiconductor laser heterostructure including at least one active layer of a II-VI semiconductor material and is optically pumped by one or more indium gallium nitride (InGaN) diode-lasers. Group II elements in the II-VI semiconductor material are zinc, cadmium, magnesium, beryllium, strontium, and barium. Group VI elements in the II-VI semiconductor material are Sulfur, Selenium, and Tellurium. In one example of the laser an edge emitting heterostructure includes two active layers of zinc cadmium selenide, two waveguide layers of zinc magnesium sulfoselenide, and two cladding layers, also of zinc magnesium sulfoselenide. Proportions of elements in the cladding layer material and the waveguide layer material are selected such that the waveguide layer material has a higher bandgap than the material of the waveguide layers. In another example, a two dimensional array of InGaN diode-lasers is arranged to optically pump a one dimensional array of ...

18-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO0002056434A1

A nitride semiconductor light emitting element chip, wherein a mask pattern on a nitride semiconductor substrate (101) consists of a growth restricting film on which a nitride semiconductor layer is hard to grow, there exist a plurality of windows having this growth restricting film not formed thereon, at least two different mask widths are available between adjacent windows, the mask pattern includes a mask A group (MAG) and mask B groups (MBG) disposed on the opposite sides of the mask A group with the mask A width of the mask A group being larger than the mask B width of the mask B groups, a light emitting element structure including a nitride semiconductor substrate layer (102) for covering the windows and the mask pattern and a light emitting layer (106) containing at least one quantum well layer and formed between an n-type layer (103-105) and a p-type layer (107-110) on this substrate layer is further included, and a current constricting portion (RS) through which current is substantially ...

07-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO0000141271A1

A semiconductor laser device (10) includes a resonator (12) in which a quantum well active layer (11) comprising a barrier layer made of gallium nitride and a well layer made of indium gallium nitride is sandwiched vertically between light guide layers made of at least n- and p-type aluminum gallium nitrides. The output face (10a) and the reflection face (10b) opposed to the output face of the resonator (12) each have a face reflecting film (13). The face reflecting film (13) comprises unit reflecting films (130) each constituted of a low reflectance film (13a) made of silicon oxide and a high reflectance film (13b) made of niobium oxide, both formed in order on the face of the resonator (12).

11-08-2015 дата публикации

Phase-coupled arrays of nanowire laser devices and method of controlling an array of such devices

Номер: US0009106056B1

According to various embodiments, the present teachings include an array of nanowire devices. The array of nanowire devices comprises a readout integrated circuit (ROIC). An LED array is disposed on the ROIC. The LED array comprises a plurality of LED core-shell structures, with each LED core-shell structure comprising a layered shell enveloping a nanowire core, wherein the layered shell comprises a multi-quantum-well (MQW) active region. The LED array further comprises a p-side electrode enveloping the layered core-shell structure and electrically connecting the ROIC, wherein each p-side electrode has an average thickness ranging from about 100 nm to about 500 nm. A dielectric layer is disposed on the plurality of LED core-shell structures, with each nanowire core disposed through the dielectric to connect with an n-side semiconductor that is situated on the dielectric.

30-04-2019 дата публикации

Pumped edge emitters with metallic coatings

Номер: US0010277005B2

An edge emitting structure includes an active region configured to generate radiation in response to excitation by a pumping beam incident on the structure. A front facet of the edge emitting structure is configured to emit the radiation generated by the active region. A metallic reflective coating disposed on at least one of the front and rear facets of the edge emitting structure. The metallic reflective coating is configured to reflect the radiation generated by the active region.

26-01-2006 дата публикации

Semiconductor device and method of fabricating the same

Номер: US2006017073A1

A first buffer layer is formed on a substrate at a lower temperature than a single-crystal-growth-temperature, one or more of a layer composed of a nitride containing neither Ga nor In, a layer which has two or more thin films having different moduli of elasticity cyclically laminated therein, and a layer having an Al composition ratio which decreases and a Ga composition ratio which increases in a direction from the first buffer layer to a device-constituting layer are formed as a second buffer layer on the first buffer layer at the single-crystal-growth-temperature, and a device-constituting layer composed of a nitride semiconductor is formed on the second buffer layer.

02-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: US20100220754A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corporation, Tohoku University

A method of driving an ultrashort pulse and ultrahigh power laser diode device having a simple composition and a simple structure is provided. In the method of driving a laser diode device, light is injected from a light injection means into a laser diode device driven by a pulse current having a value 10 or more times as large as a value of a threshold current.

24-02-2005 дата публикации

Semiconductor light-emitting device, surface-emission laser diode, and production apparatus thereof, production method, optical module and optical telecommunication system

Номер: US20050040413A1

A semiconductor light-emitting device has a semiconductor layer containing Al between a substrate and an active layer containing nitrogen, wherein Al and oxygen are removed from a growth chamber before growing said active layer and a concentration of oxygen incorporated into said active layer together with Al is set to a level such that said semiconductor light-emitting device can perform a continuous laser oscillation at room temperature.

05-09-2002 дата публикации

Semiconductor light-emitting device

Номер: US20020121863A1
Автор: Yukiko Morishita

A semiconductor laser device as one example of semiconductor light-emitting devices includes a semiconductor laser chip and a submount serving respectively as a semiconductor light-emitting device chip and a mount member, the semiconductor laser chip including a GaN substrate and a stack. The semiconductor laser chip is bonded to a mount surface of the submount by means of solder, with the stack facing the mount surface. The submount includes a material having a higher thermal expansion coefficient than GaN which is a material for the GaN substrate.

26-08-2003 дата публикации

Light emitting element and method of fabrication thereof

Номер: US0006611003B1

This invention provides a light-emitting element that comprises a light-emitting portion made of a nitride semiconductor; and a first wavefront converter for converting the radiated shape of light that is emitted from the light-emitting portion into a radiated shape that is smaller than the wavelength thereof, and emitting the same as output light. In this case, the first wavefront converter has a small aperture of a diameter that is smaller than the wavelength of light that is emitted from the light-emitting portion. If the output light is made to comprise an evanescent wave that is emitted to the exterior through this small aperture, it is possible to obtain an extremely small light spot. This invention also relates to a surface-emitting type of light-emitting element comprising a multi-layered structure comprising a light-emitting layer; and a pair of electrodes for supplying a current to the light-emitting layer; wherein output light is emitted from a light-emitting surface on top of ...

30-05-2000 дата публикации

Semiconductor substrate, semiconductor device and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US6069394A

A sapphire substrate, a buffer layer of undoped GaN and a compound semiconductor crystal layer successively formed on the sapphire substrate together form a substrate of a light emitting diode. A first cladding layer of n-type GaN, an active layer of undoped In0.2Ga0.8N and a second cladding layer successively formed on the compound semiconductor crystal layer together form a device structure of the light emitting diode. On the second cladding layer, a p-type electrode is formed, and on the first cladding layer, an n-type electrode is formed. In a part of the sapphire substrate opposing the p-type electrode, a recess having a trapezoidal section is formed, so that the thickness of an upper portion of the sapphire substrate above the recess can be substantially equal to or smaller than the thickness of the compound semiconductor crystal layer.

16-04-2002 дата публикации

Semiconductor laser and optical disk device using the laser

Номер: US0006373874B1

An n-type GaAs buffer layer 702, an n-type AlGaInP cladding layer 703, a multiple quantum well active layer 704 made of AlGaInP and GaInP, a first p-type AlGaInP cladding layer 705a, an optical guide layer 707, a second p-type cladding layer 705b, a p-type GaInP saturable absorption layer 706, and a third p-type AlGaInP cladding layer 707 are sequentially formed on an n-type GaAs substrate 701. In this structure, the volume of the saturable absorption layer is reduced, and the optical guide layer is provided. As the volume of the saturable absorption layer becomes smaller, the more easily the carrier density can be increased, the more easily the saturated state can be attained, and the more remarkable the saturable absorption effect becomes. Thus, a semiconductor laser having stable self-oscillation characteristics and, as a result, having a low relative noise intensity is realized.

28-12-2004 дата публикации

Semiconductor laser, semiconductor device and nitride series III-V group compound substrate, as well as manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US0006836498B2
Принадлежит: Sony Corporation, SONY CORP, SONY CORPORATION

A semiconductor laser, a semiconductor device and a nitride series III-V group compound substrate capable of obtaining a crystal growth layer with less fluctuation of the crystallographic axes and capable of improving the device characteristics, as well as a manufacturing method therefor are provided. The semiconductor laser comprises, on one surface of a substrate used for growing, a plurality of spaced apart seed crystal layers and an n-side contact layer having a lateral growing region which is grown on the basis of the plurality of seed crystal layers. The seed crystal layer is formed in that a product of width w1 (unit: mum) at the boundary thereof relative to the n-side contact layer along the arranging direction A and a thickness t1 (unit: mum) along the direction of laminating the n-side contact layer is 15 or less.A semiconductor layer comprising a nitride series III-V group compound semiconductor is laminated on a substrate 11 comprising an n-type GaN. Protruded seed crystal portions ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140056324A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

A III-nitride semiconductor laser device including: a laser structure including a support base and a semiconductor region, the support base including a hexagonal III-nitride semiconductor and having a semipolar primary surface, and the semiconductor region being provided on the semipolar primary surface of the support base; and an electrode provided on the semiconductor region of the laser structure, the semiconductor region including a first cladding layer, a second cladding layer, and an active layer.

06-12-2011 дата публикации

Group-III nitride semiconductor laser device, and method for fabricating group-III nitride semiconductor laser device

Номер: US0008071405B2

Provided is a group-III nitride semiconductor laser device with a laser cavity enabling a low threshold current, on a semipolar surface of a support base the c-axis of a hexagonal group-III nitride of which tilts toward the m-axis. In a laser structure 13, a first surface 13a is a surface opposite to a second surface 13b and first and second fractured faces 27, 29 extend each from an edge 13c of the first surface 13a to an edge 13d of the second surface 13b. A scribed mark SM1 extending from the edge 13c to the edge 13d is made, for example, at one end of the first fractured face 27, and the scribed mark SM1 or the like has a depressed shape extending from the edge 13c to the edge 13d. The fractured faces 27, 29 are not formed by dry etching and thus are different from the conventional cleaved facets such as c-planes, m-planes, or a-planes. It is feasible to use emission of a band transition enabling a low threshold current.

23-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: US2009185589A1

A light-emitting device which includes a semiconductor light-emitting element, and a plurality of plate-like wavelength conversion members which are disposed to face the semiconductor light-emitting element and are inclined with respect to the optical axis of excitation light emitted from the semiconductor light-emitting element, the plate-like wavelength conversion members containing respectively a fluorescent material which is capable of absorbing the excitation light and outputting light having a different wavelength from that of the excitation light, and the plate-like wavelength conversion members as a whole emitting visible light.

19-07-2011 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing semiconductor optical device

Номер: US0007981704B2

After a metal cap layer is laminated on a semiconductor laminated structure, a waveguide ridge is formed, the waveguide ridge is coated with an SiO2 film, and a resist is applied; then, a resist pattern is formed, the resist pattern exposing the surface of the SiO2 film on the top of the waveguide ridge, and burying the SiO2 film in channels with a resist film having a surface higher than the surface of the metal cap layer of the waveguide ridge and lower than the surface of the SiO2 film of the waveguide ridge; the SiO2 film is removed by dry etching, using the resist pattern as a mask. The metal cap layer is removed by wet etching, and a p-GaN layer of the waveguide ridge is exposed to form the electrode layer.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027644A1
Принадлежит: Wright State University

Gallium nitride based devices and, more particularly to the generation of holes in gallium nitride based devices lacking p-type doping, and their use in light emitting diodes and lasers, both edge emitting and vertical emitting. By tailoring the intrinsic design, a wide range of wavelengths can be emitted from near-infrared to mid ultraviolet, depending upon the design of the adjacent cross-gap recombination zone. The innovation also provides for novel circuits and unique applications, particularly for water sterilization. 1. A solid-state device , comprising:a bottom n-type layer;a top n-type layer;a middle layer inserted between the top layer and bottom layer, where the middle layer comprises at least two materials provided between the top and bottom layers which serve as heterojunction tunnel barriers;and where the top layer and the middle layer form an interband tunnel barrier to generate holes by Zener tunneling across the potential barrier of the forbidden energy gap, and where the middle layer forms at least one intraband tunnel barrier to control electron flow.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the top claim 1 , middle and bottom layers are comprised of gallium nitride claim 1 , aluminum nitride claim 1 , indium nitride or alloys and combinations of III-nitride semiconductors or III-nitride compatible semiconductors.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the heterojunction interband tunnel barrier is formed by the polarization effects at III-nitride heterojunctions.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the middle layer forms at least two intraband tunnel barriers claim 1 , wherein the at least two intraband tunnel barriers form a quantum well within the middle layer.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the middle layer forms at least two intraband tunnel barriers claim 1 , wherein the at least two intraband tunnel barriers form a double barrier resonant tunneling diode.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the middle layer is either undoped or doped less than the top ...

22-10-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor laser element, semiconductor laser device, and optical apparatus employing the same

Номер: US0008565280B2

This semiconductor laser element includes a semiconductor element layer including an active layer and having an emitting side cavity facet and a reflecting side cavity facet, and a facet coating film on a surface of the emitting side cavity facet. The facet coating film includes a photocatalytic layer arranged on an outermost surface of the facet coating film and a dielectric layer arranged between the photocatalytic layer and the emitting side cavity facet. A thickness of the dielectric layer is set to a thickness defined by m×lambda/(2×n) (m is an integer), where a wavelength of a laser beam emitted from the active layer is lambda and a refractive index of the dielectric layer is n, and at least 1 mum.

09-08-2007 дата публикации

Nitride semiconductor laser element and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US2007184591A1

A nitride semiconductor laser element, has: a nitride semiconductor layer comprising a first nitride semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second nitride semiconductor layer laminated in that order; and resonator end faces formed mutually opposing at the end of said nitride semiconductor layers, wherein an impurity is contained in at least an optical output region of the resonator end faces, with the concentration of said impurity having a concentration distribution that is asymmetric in reference to a peak position, in the lamination direction of the nitride semiconductor layers, and said optical output region has a wider bandgap than other regions in the active layer or said optical output region has a higher impurity concentration than other regions in the active layer.

18-10-2001 дата публикации

Nitride compound semiconductor light emitting device and method for producing the same

Номер: US2001030329A1

A nitride compound semiconductor light emitting device includes: a GaN substrate having a crystal orientation which is tilted away from a <0001> direction by an angle which is equal to or greater than about 0.05° and which is equal to or less than about 2°, and a semiconductor multilayer structure formed on the GaN substrate, wherein the semiconductor multilayer structure includes: an acceptor doping layer containing a nitride compound semiconductor; and an active layer including a light emitting region.

23-03-2004 дата публикации

Nitride semiconductor laser device

Номер: US0006711191B1

A nitride semiconductor laser device has an improved stability of the lateral mode under high output power and a longer lifetime, so that the device can be applied to write and read light sources for recording media with high capacity. The nitride semiconductor laser device includes an active layer, a p-side cladding layer, and a p-side contact layer laminated in turn. The device further includes a waveguide region of a stripe structure formed by etching from the p-side contact layer. The stripe width provided by etching is within the stripe range of 1 to 3 mum and the etching depth is below the thickness of the p-side cladding layer of 0.1 mum and above the active layer. Particularly, when a p-side optical waveguide layer includes a projection part of the stripe structure and a p-type nitride semiconductor layer on the projection part and the projection part of the p-side optical waveguide layer has a thickness of not more than 1 mum, an aspect ratio is improved in far field image. Moreover ...

13-07-2010 дата публикации

Semiconductor light-emitting device

Номер: US0007756177B2

A semiconductor laser, having an active layer with a double-quantum-well structure, includes two InGaN well layers, each of which has a thickness of 5 nm. The threshold current deteriorates to a relatively small degree while differential efficiency is improved considerably in a region having a light confinement coefficient of 3.0% or less. The light confinement coefficient indicates the proportion of light in the well layers with respect to light in the light emitting device, during light emission. When the light confinement coefficient is less than 1.5%, the threshold current increases considerably and the improvement in differential efficiency becomes small. It is therefore preferable that the lower limit of the light confinement coefficient be about 1.5%. A differential efficiency of 1.6 W/A or more is obtained when light the confinement coefficient is 3.0% or less, and a differential efficiency of 1.7 W/A or more is obtained when the light confinement coefficient is 2.6% or less.

17-03-2020 дата публикации

Nitride semiconductor multilayer film reflector and light-emitting device using the same

Номер: US0010593831B2

Achieving resistance reduction of a nitride semiconductor multilayer film reflector. In the nitride semiconductor multilayer film reflector, a first semiconductor layer has a higher Al composition than a second semiconductor layer. A first composition-graded layer is interposed between the first and second semiconductor layers so as to be located at a group III element face side of the first semiconductor layer, the first composition-graded layer being adjusted so that its Al composition becomes lower as coming close to the second semiconductor layer. A second composition-graded layer is interposed between the first and second semiconductor layers so as to be located at a nitride face side of the first semiconductor layer. The second composition-graded layer is adjusted so that its Al composition becomes lower as coming close to the second semiconductor layer.

06-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: US2008054252A1

The semiconductor layer structure includes an active layer ( 6 ) and a superlattice ( 9 ) composed of stacked layers ( 9 a , 9 b) of III-V compound semiconductors of a first (a) and at least one second type (b). Adjacent layers of different types in the superlattice ( 9 ) differ in composition with respect to at least one element. The layers ( 9 a , 9 b) have predefined layer thicknesses, such that the layer thicknesses of layers ( 9 a) of the first type (a) and of the layers ( 9 b) of the second type (b) increase from layer to layer with increasing distance from an active layer ( 6 ). An increasing layer thickness within the layers of the first and the second type (a, b) is suitable for adapting the electrical, optical and epitaxial properties of the superlattice ( 9 ) to given requirements in the best possible manner.

31-12-2013 дата публикации

Group III nitride semiconductor laser diode

Номер: US8619828B2

A group III nitride substrate has a semi-polar primary surface. A first cladding layer has a first conductivity type, and comprises aluminum-containing group III nitride. The first cladding layer is provided on the substrate. An active layer is provided on the first cladding layer. A second cladding layer has a second conductivity type, and comprises aluminum-containing group III nitride. The second cladding layer is provided on the active layer. An optical guiding layer is provided between the first cladding layer and the active layer and/or between the second cladding layer and the active layer. The optical guiding layer comprises a first layer comprising Inx1Ga1-x1N (0@x1<1) and a second layer comprising Inx2Ga1-x2N (x1 Подробнее

17-04-2018 дата публикации

Semiconductor light-emitting device with an axis of symmetry

Номер: US9948065B2

The present invention proposes a semiconductor light-emitting device having an axis of symmetry, the device including two or more laser diodes, each of the laser diodes has an axis of symmetry, wherein the laser diodes are arranged in series on the axis of symmetry of the light-emitting device in such a way that their axes of symmetry coincide, wherein faces of the laser diodes are connected so that they are in electric and mechanic contact and form a bar of the laser diodes, a directional pattern of radiation thereof has an axis of symmetry coinciding with the axis of symmetry of the light-emitting device. The proposed light-emitting device can be used in laser lamps of white light for exciting phosphors since it provides a high degree of flare of cylindrical surfaces.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013365A1

A method of fabricating a semiconductor device, comprising: forming a growth restrict mask on or above a III-nitride substrate, and growing one or more island-like III-nitride semiconductor layers on the III-nitride substrate using the growth restrict mask The III-nitride substrate has an in-plane distribution of off-angle orientations with more than 0.1 degree; and the off-angle orientations of an m-plane oriented crystalline surface plane range from about +28 degrees to about −47 degrees towards a c-plane. The island-like III-nitride semiconductor layers have at least one long side and short side, wherein the long side is perpendicular to an a-axis of the island-like III-nitride semiconductor layers. The island-like III-nitride semiconductor layers do not coalesce with neighboring island-like III-nitride semiconductor layers. 1. A device , comprising:one or more island-like III-nitride semiconductor layers having a just-orientation and an off-angle orientation of an m-plane oriented crystalline surface plane, wherein:the off-angle orientation of the m-plane oriented crystalline surface plane ranges from about +28 degrees to about −47 degrees towards a c-plane; andthe island-like III-nitride semiconductor layers have at least one long side and short side, wherein the long side is perpendicular to an a-axis of the island-like III-nitride semiconductor layers.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the island-like III-nitride semiconductor layers do not coalesce with neighboring island-like III-nitride semiconductor layers.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the island-like III-nitride semiconductor layers are formed on a III-nitride substrate.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the island-like III-nitride semiconductor layers are removed from the III-nitride substrate.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the island-like III-nitride semiconductor layers have an emitting region.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the emitting region is at least 1 μm from an edge of a layer ...

18-05-2021 дата публикации

Manufacturable multi-emitter laser diode

Номер: US0011011889B2

A multi-emitter laser diode device includes a carrier chip singulated from a carrier wafer. The carrier chip has a length and a width, and the width defines a first pitch. The device also includes a plurality of epitaxial mesa dice regions transferred to the carrier chip from a substrate and attached to the carrier chip at a bond region. Each of the epitaxial mesa dice regions is arranged on the carrier chip in a substantially parallel configuration and positioned at a second pitch defining the distance between adjacent epitaxial mesa dice regions. Each of the plurality of epitaxial mesa dice regions includes epitaxial material, which includes an n-type cladding region, an active region having at least one active layer region, and a p-type cladding region. The device also includes one or more laser diode stripe regions, each of which has a pair of facets forming a cavity region.

28-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120162783A1

A lens includes a main body and a potting material. The main body includes a first major face, a second major face and at least one cavity arranged on the first major face. The potting material is arranged in the cavity and includes at least one diffuser which scatters radiation of at least one wavelength range.

29-06-2010 дата публикации

Double wavelength semiconductor light emitting device and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US0007745839B2
Принадлежит: Rohm Co., Ltd., ROHM CO LTD, ROHM CO., LTD.

Provided are a double wavelength semiconductor light emitting device, having an n electrode and p electrode disposed on the same surface side, in which the area of a chip is reduced to increase the number of chips taken from one single wafer, in which light focusing performance of double wavelength optical beams are improved, and in which an active layer of a light emitting element having a longer wavelength can be prevented from deteriorating in a process of manufacturing; and a method of manufacturing the same. Semiconductor lasers D1 and D2 as two light emitting elements having different wavelengths are integrally formed on a common substrate 1. A semiconductor laminate A is deposited on an n-type contact layer 21 in a semiconductor laser D1, and a semiconductor laminate B is deposited in a semiconductor laser D2. The semiconductor laminate A and semiconductor laminate B are configured to have different layer structures. An n electrode 12 formed between the semiconductor lasers D1 and ...

30-05-2017 дата публикации

Manufacturable thin film gallium and nitrogen containing devices

Номер: US0009666677B1

A method for manufacturing a laser diode device includes providing a substrate having a surface region and forming epitaxial material overlying the surface region, the epitaxial material comprising an n-type cladding region, an active region comprising at least one active layer overlying the n-type cladding region, and a p-type cladding region overlying the active layer region. The epitaxial material is patterned to form a plurality of dice, each of the dice corresponding to at least one laser device, characterized by a first pitch between a pair of dice, the first pitch being less than a design width. Each of the plurality of dice are transferred to a carrier wafer such that each pair of dice is configured with a second pitch between each pair of dice, the second pitch being larger than the first pitch.

01-07-2014 дата публикации

Integrated laser diodes with quality facets on GaN substrates

Номер: US8767787B1

A laser diode device operable at a one or more wavelength ranges. The device has a first waveguide provided on a non-polar or semipolar crystal plane of gallium containing material. In a specific embodiment, the first waveguide has a first gain characteristic and a first direction. In a specific embodiment, the first waveguide has a first end and a second end and a first length defined between the first end and the second end. The device has a second waveguide provided on a non-polar or semipolar crystal plane of gallium containing material. In a specific embodiment, the second waveguide has a second gain characteristic and a second direction. In a specific embodiment, the second waveguide has a first end, a second end, and a second length defined between the first end and the second end.

20-04-2006 дата публикации

Group III nitride semiconductor light-emitting element and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US2006081860A1

A Group III nitride semiconductor light-emitting element includes a crack-preventing layer 15 of n-type GaN provided between a n-type contact layer 4 A and a n-type clad layer 5 A, wherein the crack-preventing layer 15 has a dopant concentration lower than that of the n-type contact layer 4 A.

31-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: US2008181274A1

A nitride semiconductor laser element comprises; a nitride semiconductor layer that includes a first nitride semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second nitride semiconductor layer, and that has a cavity with end faces, and a protective film formed on at least one end face of the cavity, wherein the protective film is formed of a first film with a crystal structure that has the same axial orientation as that of the nitride semiconductor layer constituting the end face of the cavity, and a second film with a crystal structure that has a different axial orientation from that of the first film, in this order from the side of the end face.

21-07-2020 дата публикации

Infrared illumination device configured with a gallium and nitrogen containing laser source

Номер: US0010718491B1

A light source system or apparatus configured with an infrared illumination source includes a gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode based white light source. The light source system includes a first pathway configured to direct directional electromagnetic radiation from the gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode to a first wavelength converter and to output a white light emission. In some embodiments infrared emitting laser diodes are included to generate the infrared illumination. In some embodiments infrared emitting wavelength converter members are included to generate the infrared illumination. In some embodiments a second wavelength converter is optically excited by a UV or blue emitting gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode, a laser diode operating in the long wavelength visible spectrum such as a green laser diode or a red laser diode, by a near infrared emitting laser diode, by the white light emission produced by the first wavelength converter, or by some combination ...

13-08-2019 дата публикации

Hybrid photon device having etch stop layer and method of fabricating the same

Номер: US0010381798B2

Provided are a hybrid photon device including an etch stop layer and a method of manufacturing the hybrid photon device. The hybrid photon device includes: a silicon substrate including a waveguide on a surface thereof; a front etch stop layer and a rear etch stop layer disposed on a surface of the waveguide, the front and rear etch stop layers formed respectively to either side of the first region in a length direction of the waveguide; and a group III/V light-emitting unit generating light on a region of the silicon substrate between the front and rear etch stop layers.

21-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: US20100265977A1
Принадлежит: Postech Academy-Industry Foundation

A photonic quantum ring (PQR) laser includes an active layer having a multi-quantum-well (MQW) structure and etched lateral face. The active layer is formed to be sandwitched between p-GaN and n-GaN layers epitaxially grown on a reflector disposed over a support substrate. A coating layer is formed over an outside of the lateral faces of the active layer, an upper electrode is electrically connected to an upper portion of the n-GaN layer, and a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) is formed over the n-GaN layer and the upper electrode. Accordingly, the PQR laser is capable of oscillating a power-saving vertically dominant 3D multi-mode laser suitable for a low power display device, prevent the light speckle phenomenon, and generate focus-adjusted 3D soft light.

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210159977A1

A packaged integrated white light source configured for illumination and communication or sensing comprises one or more laser diode devices. An output facet configured on the laser diode device outputs a laser beam of first electromagnetic radiation with a first peak wavelength. The first wavelength from the laser diode provides at least a first carrier channel for a data or sensing signal.

26-01-2016 дата публикации

Method of manufacture for an ultraviolet laser diode

Номер: US0009246311B1

A method for fabricating a laser diode device includes providing a gallium and nitrogen containing substrate member comprising a surface region, a release material overlying the surface region, an n-type gallium and nitrogen containing material; an active region overlying the n-type gallium and nitrogen containing material, a p-type gallium and nitrogen containing material; and a first transparent conductive oxide material overlying the p-type gallium and nitrogen containing material, and an interface region overlying the first transparent conductive oxide material. The method includes bonding the interface region to a handle substrate and subjecting the release material to an energy source to initiate release of the gallium and nitrogen containing substrate member.

19-10-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230333316A1

Photonic devices including a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) having a stack of Group III-Nitride layers and Aluminum Scandium Nitride layers.

24-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EP2816618A1

A semiconductor device includes: a semiconductor substrate made of a hexagonal Group III nitride semiconductor and having a semi-polar plane; and an epitaxial layer formed on the semi-polar plane of the semiconductor substrate and including a first cladding layer of a first conductive type, a second cladding layer of a second conductive type, and a light-emitting layer formed between the first cladding layer and the second cladding layer, the first cladding layer being made of Inx1Aly1Ga1-x1-y1N, where x1>0 and yl>0, the second cladding layer being made of Inx2Aly2Ga1-x2-y2N, where 0≤x2≤about 0.02 and about 0.03≤y2≤about 0.07.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Semiconductor optical amplifier

Номер: US20120002271A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp, Tohoku University NUC

A semiconductor optical amplifier includes: a laminated structure sequentially including a first compound semiconductor layer composed of GaN compound semiconductor and having a first conductivity type, a third compound semiconductor layer having a light amplification region composed of GaN compound semiconductor, and a second compound semiconductor layer composed of GaN compound semiconductor and having a second conductivity type; a second electrode formed on the second compound semiconductor layer; and a first electrode electrically connected to the first compound semiconductor layer. The laminated structure has a ridge stripe structure. When widths of the ridge stripe structure in a light output end face and the ridge stripe structure in a light incident end face are respectively W out , and W in , W out >W in is satisfied. A carrier non-injection region is provided in an internal region of the laminated structure from the light output end face along an axis line of the semiconductor optical amplifier.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Semiconductor device

Номер: US20120056153A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

A semiconductor device of an embodiment includes: a semiconductor layer made of p-type nitride semiconductor; an oxide layer formed on the semiconductor layer, the oxide layer being made of a polycrystalline nickel oxide, and the oxide layer having a thickness of 3 nm or less; and a metal layer formed on the oxide layer.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Optoelectronic device based on non-polar and semi-polar aluminum indium nitride and aluminum indium gallium nitride alloys

Номер: US20120061645A1

A high-power and high-efficiency light emitting device with emission wavelength (λ peak ) ranging from 280 nm to 360 nm is fabricated. The new device structure uses non-polar or semi-polar AlInN and AlInGaN alloys grown on a non-polar or semi-polar bulk GaN substrate.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Limiting strain relaxation in iii-nitride hetero-structures by substrate and epitaxial layer patterning

Номер: US20120097919A1

A method of fabricating a substrate for a semipolar III-nitride device, comprising patterning and forming one or more mesas on a surface of a semipolar III-nitride substrate or epilayer, thereby forming a patterned surface of the semipolar III-nitride substrate or epilayer including each of the mesas with a dimension/along a direction of a threading dislocation glide, wherein the threading dislocation glide results from a III-nitride layer deposited heteroepitaxially and coherently on a non-patterned surface of the substrate or epilayer.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Group iii nitride semiconductor element and epitaxial wafer

Номер: US20120104433A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

A primary surface 23 a of a supporting base 23 of a light-emitting diode 21 a tilts by an off-angle of 10 degrees or more and less than 80 degrees from the c-plane. A semiconductor stack 25 a includes an active layer having an emission peak in a wavelength range from 400 nm to 550 nm. The tilt angle “A” between the (0001) plane (the reference plane S R3 shown in FIG. 5 ) of the GaN supporting base and the (0001) plane of a buffer layer 33 a is 0.05 degree or more and 2 degrees or less. The tilt angle “B” between the (0001) plane of the GaN supporting base (the reference plane S R4 shown in FIG. 5 ) and the (0001) plane of a well layer 37 a is 0.05 degree or more and 2 degrees or less. The tilt angles “A” and “B” are formed in respective directions opposite to each other with reference to the c-plane of the GaN supporting base.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Group-iii nitride semiconductor device, method for fabricating group-iii nitride semiconductor device, and epitaxial substrate

Номер: US20120112203A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

Provided is a Group III nitride semiconductor device, which comprises an electrically conductive substrate including a primary surface comprised of a first gallium nitride based semiconductor, and a Group III nitride semiconductor region including a first p-type gallium nitride based semiconductor layer and provided on the primary surface. The primary surface of the substrate is inclined at an angle in the range of not less than 50 degrees, and less than 130 degrees from a plane perpendicular to a reference axis extending along the c-axis of the first gallium nitride based semiconductor, an oxygen concentration Noxg of the first p-type gallium nitride based semiconductor layer is not more than 5×10 17 cm −3 , and a ratio (Noxg/Npd) of the oxygen concentration Noxg to a p-type dopant concentration Npd of the first p-type gallium nitride based semiconductor layer is not more than 1/10.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Iii-nitride semiconductor laser device, and method of fabricating the iii- nitride semiconductor laser device

Номер: US20120202304A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

A method of fabricating a III-nitride semiconductor laser device includes: preparing a substrate with a semipolar primary surface, the semipolar primary surface including a hexagonal III-nitride semiconductor; forming a substrate product having a laser structure, an anode electrode, and a cathode electrode, the laser structure including a substrate and a semiconductor region, and the semiconductor region being formed on the semipolar primary surface; after forming the substrate product, forming first and second end faces; and forming first and second dielectric multilayer films for an optical cavity of the nitride semiconductor laser device on the first and second end faces, respectively.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Semiconductor light emitting device, optical pickup unit and information recording/reproduction apparatus

Номер: US20120205680A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A semiconductor light emitting device downsized by devising arrangement of connection pads is provided. A second light emitting device is layered on a first light emitting device. The second light emitting device has a stripe-shaped semiconductor layer formed on a second substrate on the side facing to a first substrate, a stripe-shaped p-side electrode supplying a current to the semiconductor layer, stripe-shaped opposed electrodes that are respectively arranged oppositely to respective p-side electrodes of the first light emitting device and electrically connected to the p-side electrodes of the first light emitting device, connection pads respectively and electrically connected to the respective opposed electrodes, and a connection pad electrically connected to the p-side electrode. The connection pads are arranged in parallel with the opposed electrodes.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Group iii nitride semiconductor multilayer structure and production method thereof

Номер: US20120248457A1
Принадлежит: Showa Denko KK

According to the present invention, an AlN crystal film seed layer having high crystallinity is combined with selective/lateral growth, whereby a Group III nitride semiconductor multilayer structure more enhanced in crystallinity can be obtained. The Group III nitride semiconductor multilayer structure of the present invention is a Group III nitride semiconductor multilayer structure where an AlN crystal film having a crystal grain boundary interval of 200 nm or more is formed as a seed layer on a C-plane sapphire substrate surface by a sputtering method and an underlying layer, an n-type semiconductor layer, a light-emitting layer and a p-type semiconductor layer, each composed of a Group III nitride semiconductor, are further stacked, wherein regions in which the seed layer is present and is absent are formed on the C-plane sapphire substrate surface and/or regions capable of epitaxial growth and incapable of epitaxial growth are formed in the underlying layer.

11-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120256158A1

A method for fabricating Al x Ga 1-x N-cladding-free nonpolar III-nitride based laser diodes or light emitting diodes. Due to the absence of polarization fields in the nonpolar crystal planes, these nonpolar devices have thick quantum wells that function as an optical waveguide to effectively confine the optical mode to the active region and eliminate the need for Al-containing waveguide cladding layers.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Light projection unit and light projection apparatus

Номер: US20120275134A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A light projection unit capable of improving light use efficiency is provided. This light projection unit includes: a fluorescent member that includes an illuminated surface to which laser light is directed, converts at least part of the laser light into fluorescent light and outputs the fluorescent light from chiefly the illuminated surface; and a reflection member that includes a first reflection surface which reflects the fluorescent light output from the fluorescent member. The illuminated surface of the fluorescent member is inclined with respect to a predetermined direction in such a way that the illuminated surface faces in a direction opposite to a light projection direction.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Light projection unit and light projection device

Номер: US20120275174A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A light projection unit is provided that can reduce the production of a portion where the light density is excessively increased on a fluorescent member. This light projection unit includes: a light collection member that includes a light entrance surface and a light emission surface which has an area smaller than that of the light entrance surface; a fluorescent member that includes an application surface to which the laser light emitted from the light collection member is applied and that mainly emits fluorescent light from the application surface; and a light projection member that projects the fluorescent light. The light emission surface of the light collection member is arranged a predetermined distance from the application surface of the fluorescent member.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Bi-section semiconductor laser device, method for manufacturing the same, and method for driving the same

Номер: US20120281726A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp, Tohoku University NUC

A method for manufacturing a bi-section semiconductor laser device includes the steps of (A) forming a stacked structure obtained by stacking, on a substrate in sequence, a first compound semiconductor layer of a first conductivity type, a compound semiconductor layer that constitutes a light-emitting region and a saturable absorption region, and a second compound semiconductor layer of a second conductivity type; (B) forming a belt-shaped second electrode on the second compound semiconductor layer; (C) forming a ridge structure by etching at least part of the second compound semiconductor layer using the second electrode as an etching mask; and (D) forming a resist layer for forming a separating groove in the second electrode and then forming the separating groove in the second electrode by wet etching so that the separating groove separates the second electrode into a first portion and a second portion.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Semiconductor laser manufacturing method and semiconductor laser

Номер: US20120307854A1
Автор: Shunsuke NOZU
Принадлежит: Renesas Electronics Corp

Provided are a semiconductor laser manufacturing method and a semiconductor laser with a low device resistance. First, an active layer is deposited above a GaN substrate of a first conductivity type. A first guide layer made of GaN of a second conductivity type is deposited above the active layer. An AlN layer is deposited on the first guide layer. An opening is formed in the AlN layer. A first cladding layer made of a group-III nitride semiconductor of the second conductivity type is formed on the AlN layer and the first guide layer exposed through the opening such that a first growth rate at a start of growth on the first guide layer exposed through the opening becomes greater than a second growth rate at a start of growth on the AlN layer. A contact layer of the second conductivity type is formed on the first cladding layer.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Hole blocking layers in non-polar and semi-polar green light emitting devices

Номер: US20130044783A1
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

Light emitting devices are provided comprising an active region interposed between n-type and p-type sides of the device and a hole blocking layer interposed between the active region and the n-type side of the device. The active region comprises an active MQW structure and is configured for electrically-pumped stimulated emission of photons in the green portion of the optical spectrum. The n-type side of the light emitting device comprises an n-doped semiconductor region. The p-type side of the light emitting device comprises a p-doped semiconductor region. The n-doped semiconductor region comprises an n-doped non-polar or n-doped semi-polar substrate. Hole blocking layers according to the present disclosure comprise an n-doped semiconductor material and are interposed between the non-polar or semi-polar substrate and the active region of the light emitting device. The hole blocking layer (HBL) composition is characterized by a wider bandgap than that of the quantum well barrier layers of the active region.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for the reuse of gallium nitride epitaxial substrates

Номер: US20130214284A1

A method for the reuse of gallium nitride (GaN) epitaxial substrates uses band-gap-selective photoelectrochemical (PEC) etching to remove one or more epitaxial layers from bulk or free-standing GaN substrates without damaging the substrate, allowing the substrate to be reused for further growth of additional epitaxial layers. The method facilitates a significant cost reduction in device production by permitting the reuse of expensive bulk or free-standing GaN substrates.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Methods for producing optoelectronic semiconductor components, and optoelectronic semiconductor lasers

Номер: US20130230067A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

A method for producing an optoelectronic semiconductor component includes: epitaxially growing a semiconductor layer sequence including an active layer on a growth substrate, shaping a front facet at the semiconductor layer sequence and the growth substrate, coating a part of the front facet with a light blocking layer for radiation generated in the finished semiconductor component, wherein the light blocking layer is produced by a directional coating method and the light blocking layer is structured during coating by shading by the growth substrate and/or by at least one dummy bar arranged at and/or alongside the growth substrate.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Group-iii nitride semiconductor laser device

Номер: US20130308670A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp, Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

A group-III nitride semiconductor laser device comprises: a laser structure including a semiconductor region and a support base having a semipolar primary surface of group-III nitride semiconductor; a first reflective layer, provided on a first facet of the region, for a lasing cavity of the laser device; and a second reflective layer, provided on a second facet of the region, for the lasing cavity. The laser structure includes a laser waveguide extending along the semipolar surface. A c+ axis vector indicating a <0001> axial direction of the base tilts toward an m-axis of the group-III nitride semiconductor at an angle of not less than 63 degrees and less than 80 degrees with respect to a vector indicating a direction of an axis normal to the semipolar surface. The first reflective layer has a reflectance of less than 60% in a wavelength range of 525 to 545 nm.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Lateral electrochemical etching of iii-nitride materials for microfabrication

Номер: US20140003458A1
Автор: Jung Han

Conductivity-selective lateral etching of III-nitride materials is described. Methods and structures for making vertical cavity surface emitting lasers with distributed Bragg reflectors via electrochemical etching are described. Layer-selective, lateral electrochemical etching of multi-layer stacks is employed to form semiconductor/air DBR structures adjacent active multiple quantum well regions of the lasers. The electrochemical etching techniques are suitable for high-volume production of lasers and other III-nitride devices, such as lasers, HEMT transistors, power transistors, MEMs structures, and LEDs.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Laser Light Source

Номер: US20140064311A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

A laser light source having a ridge waveguide structure includes a semi-conductor layer sequence having a number of functional layers and an active region that is suitable for generating laser light during operation At least one of the functional layers is designed as a ridge of the ridge waveguide structure The semiconductor layer sequence has a mode filter structure that is formed as part of the ridge and/or along a main extension plane of the functional layers next to the ridge and/or perpendicular to the main extension plane of the functional layers below the ridge.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Photonic Devices with Embedded Hole Injection Layer to Improve Efficiency and Droop Rate

Номер: US20140077153A1
Принадлежит: Chip Star Ltd

The present disclosure involves a light-emitting device. The light-emitting device includes an n-doped gallium nitride (n-GaN) layer located over a substrate. A multiple quantum well (MQW) layer is located over the n-GaN layer. An electron-blocking layer is located over the MQW layer. A p-doped gallium nitride (p-GaN) layer is located over the electron-blocking layer. The light-emitting device includes a hole injection layer. In some embodiments, the hole injection layer includes a p-doped indium gallium nitride (p-InGaN) layer that is located in one of the three following locations: between the MQW layer and the electron-blocking layer; between the electron-blocking layer and the p-GaN layer; and inside the p-GaN layer.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Semiconductor Material Doping

Номер: US20140077154A1
Принадлежит: Sensor Electronic Technology Inc

A solution for designing and/or fabricating a structure including a quantum well and an adjacent barrier is provided. A target band discontinuity between the quantum well and the adjacent barrier is selected to coincide with an activation energy of a dopant for the quantum well and/or barrier. For example, a target valence band discontinuity can be selected such that a dopant energy level of a dopant in the adjacent barrier coincides with a valence energy band edge for the quantum well and/or a ground state energy for free carriers in a valence energy band for the quantum well. Additionally, a target doping level for the quantum well and/or adjacent barrier can be selected to facilitate a real space transfer of holes across the barrier. The quantum well and the adjacent barrier can be formed such that the actual band discontinuity and/or actual doping level(s) correspond to the relevant target(s).

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Method for handling a semiconductor wafer assembly

Номер: US20140087499A1
Принадлежит: SemiLEDs Optoelectronics Co Ltd

Systems and methods for fabricating a light emitting diode include forming a multilayer epitaxial structure above a carrier substrate; depositing at least one metal layer above the multilayer epitaxial structure; removing the carrier substrate.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006217A1

An optical device includes a gallium nitride substrate member having an m-plane nonpolar crystalline surface region characterized by an orientation of about −1 degree towards (000-1) and less than about +/−0.3 degrees towards (11-20). The device also has a laser stripe region formed overlying a portion of the m-plane nonpolar crystalline orientation surface region. In a preferred embodiment, the laser stripe region is characterized by a cavity orientation that is substantially parallel to the c-direction, the laser stripe region having a first end and a second end. The device includes a first cleaved c-face facet, which is coated, provided on the first end of the laser stripe region. The device also has a second cleaved c-face facet, which is exposed, provided on the second end of the laser stripe region. 154.-. (canceled)55. A method for forming an optical device comprising:providing a gallium and nitrogen containing substrate member having a {20-21} crystalline surface region characterized by an off-cut orientation of −8 degrees to −2 degrees or 2 degrees to 8 degrees toward a c-plane, the gallium and nitrogen containing substrate member having a laser stripe region overlying a portion of the crystalline surface region, the laser stripe region having a first end and a second end;forming a first cleaved facet on the first end of the laser stripe region; andforming a second cleaved facet on the second end of the laser stripe region.56. The method of wherein the first cleaved facet is substantially parallel with the second cleaved facet.57. The method of wherein the first cleaved facet comprises a first mirror surface characterized by a scribed region having a saw tooth profile.58. The method of wherein the first mirror surface is provided by a scribing and breaking process from either a front side or a backside of the gallium and nitrogen containing substrate member.59. The method of wherein the first mirror surface comprises a coating to modify the reflection ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006040A1

A light emitting element includes a laminated structure formed by laminating a first light reflecting layer , a light emitting structure , and a second light reflecting layer . The light emitting structure is formed by laminating, from the first light reflecting layer side, a first compound semiconductor layer , an active layer , and a second compound semiconductor layer . In the laminated structure , at least two light absorbing material layers are formed in parallel to a virtual plane occupied by the active layer 1. A light emitting element comprising a laminated structure formed by laminating:a first light reflecting layer;a light emitting structure; anda second light reflecting layer, whereinthe light emitting structure is formed by laminating:from the first light reflecting layer side,a first compound semiconductor layer;an active layer; anda second compound semiconductor layer, andin the laminated structure, at least two light absorbing material layers are formed in parallel to a virtual plane occupied by the active layer.2. The light emitting element according to claim 1 , wherein at least four light absorbing material layers are formed.3. The light emitting element according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': eq', '0, 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': m·λ', 'n', 'L', 'm·λ', 'n, 'sub': 0', 'eq', '0', '0', 'eq, '0.9×{()/(2·)}≤≤1.1×{()/(2·)}'}, 'when an oscillation wavelength is represented by Ao, an equivalent refractive index of a whole of the two light absorbing material layers and a portion of the laminated structure located between the light absorbing material layers is represented by n, and a distance between the light absorbing material layers is represented by L,'}is satisfied.Provided that m is 1 or any integer of 2 or more including 1.4. The light emitting element according to claim 1 , wherein the light absorbing material layers have a thickness of λ0/(4·n) or less.5. The light emitting element according to claim 1 , wherein the light absorbing material ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006042A1

A group-III nitride semiconductor laser device includes a GaN substrate, and an active layer provided on the GaN substrate, in which the GaN substrate has an oxygen concentration of 5×10cmor more, and an absorption coefficient of the GaN substrate with respect to an oscillation wavelength of the active layer is greater than an absorption coefficient of the active layer with respect to the oscillation wavelength. 1. A group-III nitride semiconductor laser device , comprising:a GaN substrate; andan active layer provided on the GaN substrate,{'sup': 19', '−3, 'wherein the GaN substrate has an oxygen concentration of 5×10cmor more, and'}an absorption coefficient of the GaN substrate with respect to an oscillation wavelength of the active layer is greater than an absorption coefficient of the active layer with respect to the oscillation wavelength.2. The group-III nitride semiconductor laser device of claim 1 ,{'sup': 2', '−3, 'wherein the GaN substrate has an oxygen concentration of 1×10cmor more.'}3. The group-III nitride semiconductor laser device of claim 1 ,{'sup': '−1', 'wherein the GaN substrate has a light absorption coefficient of 10 cmor more.'}4. The group-III nitride semiconductor laser device of claim 1 ,wherein the GaN substrate has an n-type electrical conductivity. The present disclosure relates to a group-III nitride semiconductor laser device.Group-III nitride crystals such as GaN are expected to be applied to next-generation optical devices such as a high-power light emitting diode (LED) for illumination, a laser display, and a laser diode (LD) for a laser processing machine, new-generation electronic devices such as a high-power transistor mounted on an electric vehicle (EV) and a plug-in hybrid vehicle (PHV), or the like. In order to improve performance of the optical and electronic devices using the group-III nitride crystals, it is desirable that a substrate as a base material is constituted with a high-quality group-III nitride single crystal ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006914A1

A method for manufacturing a semiconductor element includes: providing a nitride semiconductor layer; performing plasma treatment to at least part of a surface of the nitride semiconductor layer in an oxygen-containing atmosphere while applying bias power; after the performing of the plasma treatment, heat treating the nitride semiconductor layer in an oxygen-containing atmosphere; forming a protective film on a region of the surface of the nitride semiconductor layer where the plasma treatment was performed; and forming an electrode in a region of the surface of the nitride semiconductor layer where the protective film was not formed. 1. A method for manufacturing a semiconductor element , comprising:providing a nitride semiconductor layer;performing plasma treatment to at least part of a surface of the nitride semiconductor layer in an oxygen-containing atmosphere while applying bias power;after the performing of the plasma treatment, heat treating the nitride semiconductor layer in an oxygen-containing atmosphere;forming a protective film on a region of the surface of the nitride semiconductor layer where the plasma treatment was performed; andforming an electrode in a region of the surface of the nitride semiconductor layer where the protective film was not formed.2. The method for manufacturing a semiconductor element according to claim 1 , whereinthe heat treating of the nitride semiconductor layer is conducted in an atmosphere having an oxygen content of 0.01% to 2.0%.3. The method for manufacturing a semiconductor element according to claim 1 , whereinthe performing of the plasma treatment and the heat treating of the nitride semiconductor layer are conducted so that, after the heat treating, an area of the surface of the nitride semiconductor layer in which gallium and oxygen are bonded is larger in a region where the plasma treatment was performed than in a region that has not been subjected to the plasma treatment.4. The method for manufacturing a ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Bloch mirror resonator and distributed feedback laser using same

Номер: US20200006919A1
Автор: Victor POGREBNYAK

A resonator is provided having a waveguide with a first boundary, a second boundary parallel to the first boundary, a first end, a second end, and a waveguide cavity at least partly between the first boundary and the second boundary. A first grating, having a period of distance a, is at the first boundary of the waveguide, and a second grating, having a period of distance a, is at the second boundary of the waveguide. The first and second boundaries are separated by a constant distance d. The first boundary may have a periodic profile aligned with a periodic profile of the second boundary. The periodic profile of the first boundary and the second boundary may be a sinusoidal profile, a square profile, or profile of another shape. The resonator may be suitable for use in a distributed feedback laser.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220029387A1

A vertical cavity surface emitting laser element includes a first light reflecting film, a nitride semiconductor layered body, a p-electrode and a second light reflecting film. The nitride semiconductor layered body includes an n-side semiconductor layer disposed on the first light reflecting film, an active layer disposed on the n-side semiconductor layer, and a p-side semiconductor layer disposed on the active layer. The p-side semiconductor layer includes a protrusion and a surface around the protrusion. The p-electrode is in contact with an upper surface of the protrusion, and extends to the surface around the protrusion. The p-electrode is light-transmissive. The second light reflecting film is disposed on the p-electrode. A height of the protrusion as measured from the surface around the protrusion is smaller than a thickness of the p-electrode. 1. A vertical cavity surface emitting laser element , comprising:a first light reflecting film; an n-side semiconductor layer disposed on or above the first light reflecting film,', 'an active layer disposed on or above the n-side semiconductor layer, and', a protrusion and', 'a surface around the protrusion;, 'a p-side semiconductor layer disposed on or above the active layer, the p-side semiconductor layer including'}], 'a nitride semiconductor layered body including'}a p-electrode in contact with an upper surface of the protrusion, and extending to the surface around the protrusion, the p-electrode being light-transmissive; anda second light reflecting film disposed on the p-electrode, wherein a height of the protrusion as measured from the surface around the protrusion is smaller than a thickness of the p-electrode.2. The vertical cavity surface emitting laser element according to claim 1 , whereinthe protrusion includes a lateral surface extending between the upper surface and the surface around the protrusion, andan angle of inclination of the lateral surface of the protrusion with respect to the surface around ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Two-stage seeded growth of large aluminum nitride single crystals

Номер: US20200010975A1
Принадлежит: Crystal IS Inc

In various embodiments, growth of large, high-quality single crystals of aluminum nitride is enabled via a two-stage process utilizing two different crystalline seeds.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013035A1

A method for growth and fabrication of semipolar (Ga,Al,In,B)N thin films, heterostructures, and devices, comprising identifying desired material properties for a particular device application, selecting a semipolar growth orientation based on the desired material properties, selecting a suitable substrate for growth of the selected semipolar growth orientation, growing a planar semipolar (Ga,Al,In,B)N template or nucleation layer on the substrate, and growing the semipolar (Ga,Al,In,B)N thin films, heterostructures or devices on the planar semipolar (Ga,Al,In,B)N template or nucleation layer. The method results in a large area of the semipolar (Ga,Al,In,B)N thin films, heterostructures, and devices being parallel to the substrate surface. 1. A light emitting device configured as a laser device , comprising:a semipolar III-nitride film including a light emitting device structure, wherein:the light emitting device structure includes a semipolar III-nitride active region grown on or above a surface of a nitride substrate, the surface oriented at a crystal angle θ from a c-plane of the nitride substrate, wherein 75°≦θ<90°; andan edge configured on the light emitting device structure for emission of light.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the semipolar III-nitride film comprises a gallium and nitrogen material.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the semipolar III-nitride active region is grown on or above a semipolar surface of the substrate comprising a free-standing gallium nitride (GaN) substrate claim 1 , the semipolar surface having a {20-21} orientation or offcut thereof.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the light emitting device structure comprises a green light emitting semipolar diode.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein:a material property of the semipolar III-nitride active region is such that the device emits light in response to a drive current density of 278 Amps per centimeter square, andthe drive current density is direct current density.6. The device of ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Low Voltage Laser Diodes on Gallium and Nitrogen Containing Substrates

Номер: US20160013620A9
Принадлежит: Kaai, Inc.

A low voltage laser device having an active region configured for one or more selected wavelengths of light emissions. 1. An optical device comprising:a gallium and nitrogen containing substrate including a {20-21} crystalline surface region orientation;an n-type cladding material overlying the n-type gallium and nitrogen containing material, the n-type cladding material being substantially free from an aluminum bearing material;an active region comprising at least three quantum wells, each of the quantum wells having a thickness of 1 nm and greater, and at least two barrier layers, each of the barrier layers having a thickness ranging from about 1.5 nm to about 5 nm, each of the barrier layers being configured between a pair of quantum wells;a p-type cladding material overlying the active region, the p-type cladding material being substantially free from an aluminum bearing material; andwherein the active region is configured to operate at a forward voltage of less than 7 v for an output power of 60 mW and greater.2. The device of wherein the active region comprises at least three quantum well regions; and further comprises a p++ contact region overlying the p-type cladding material; wherein the substantially free from the aluminum bearing material is about 2% and less atomic percent.3. The device of wherein the active region comprises at least four quantum well regions; and further comprises a p++ contact region overlying the p-type cladding material; wherein the substantially free from aluminum bearing material is about 1 and less atomic percent.4. The device of wherein the active region comprises at least four quantum wells.5. The device of wherein the active region comprises at least five quantum wells.6. The device of wherein the active region comprises at least six quantum wells.7. The device of wherein the active region comprises at least seven quantum wells.8. The device of wherein the barrier layers are at least about 2.5 nm to about 3.5 nm in thickness.9. ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013265A1

A method for manufacturing a laser diode device includes providing a substrate having a surface region and forming epitaxial material overlying the surface region, the epitaxial material comprising an n-type cladding region, an active region comprising at least one active layer overlying the n-type cladding region, and a p-type cladding region overlying the active layer region. The epitaxial material is patterned to form a plurality of dice, each of the dice corresponding to at least one laser device, characterized by a first pitch between a pair of dice, the first pitch being less than a design width. Each of the plurality of dice are transferred to a carrier wafer such that each pair of dice is configured with a second pitch between each pair of dice, the second pitch being larger than the first pitch. 132.-. (canceled)33. A method for manufacturing a laser diode device , the method comprising:providing a gallium and nitrogen containing substrate having a surface region;forming an epitaxial material overlying the surface region, the epitaxial material comprising a release material overlying the surface region, an n-type gallium and nitrogen containing region overlying the release material, an active region comprising at least one quantum well layer overlying the n-type gallium and nitrogen containing region, a p-type gallium and nitrogen containing region overlying the active region; and an interface region overlying the p-type gallium and nitrogen containing region;forming a plurality of dies by patterning the epitaxial material, each pair of adjacent dies being characterized by a first pitch between the pair of dies, each of the dies corresponding to at least one laser diode device;bonding the interface region associated with a portion of the plurality of dies to a carrier substrate to form bonded dies;subjecting the release material of the bonded dies to an energy source to release the bonded dies from the gallium and nitrogen containing substrate and transfer ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Strain-relaxed InGaN-alloy template

Номер: US20210013373A1
Автор: Stephen R. Lee

The invention is directed to a method for fabricating strain-relaxed InGaN-alloy templates with higher indium compositions, reduced threading-dislocation densities, improved surface morphologies, and lowered point-defect densities. The method employs nanopatterns fabricated onto the surface of GaN-based templates or bulk-GaN substrates using conventional semiconductor processing. The nanopatterns are specifically designed to enable maskless nanoepitaxial growth of InGaN alloys while simultaneously promoting combined elastic and plastic strain relaxation during nanoepitaxy of InGaN alloys in a manner that raises alloy compositions and reduces defect formation. These templates enable subsequent growth of III-Nitride optoelectronics operating at wavelengths spanning most of the visible-light spectrum while simultaneously enabling higher efficiencies than attained using strain-relaxed InGaN alloys grown by conventional planar heteroepitaxy.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013700A1

A surface emission laser formed of a group III nitride semiconductor includes a first conductivity type first clad layer; a first conductivity type first guide layer on the first clad layer; a light-emitting layer on the first guide layer; a second guide layer on the light-emitting layer; and a second conductivity type second clad layer on the second guide layer. The first or second guide layer internally includes voids periodically arranged at square lattice positions with two axes perpendicular to one another as arrangement directions in a surface parallel to the guide layer. The voids have a polygonal prism structure or an oval columnar structure with a long axis and a short axis perpendicular to the long axis in the parallel surface, and the long axis is inclined with respect to one axis among the arrangement directions of the voids. 1. A surface emission laser formed of a group III nitride semiconductor comprising:a first conductivity type first clad layer;a first conductivity type first guide layer on the first clad layer;a light-emitting layer on the first guide layer;a second guide layer on the light-emitting layer; anda second conductivity type second clad layer on the second guide layer, the second clad layer having a conductivity type opposite to the first conductivity type,wherein:the first guide layer or the second guide layer internally includes voids periodically arranged at square lattice positions with two axes perpendicular to one another as arrangement directions in a surface parallel to the guide layer, andthe voids have a polygonal prism structure or an oval columnar structure having a polygonal shape or an oval shape with a long axis and a short axis perpendicular to the long axis in the parallel surface, and the long axis is inclined with respect to one axis among the arrangement directions of the voids by an inclination angle a2. The surface emission laser according to claim 1 , wherein the surface parallel to the first guide layer is a (0001 ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Infrared illumination device configured with a gallium and nitrogen containing laser source

Номер: US20210018161A1
Принадлежит: Kyocera SLD Laser Inc

A light source system or apparatus configured with an infrared illumination source includes a gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode based white light source. The light source system includes a first pathway configured to direct directional electromagnetic radiation from the gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode to a first wavelength converter and to output a white light emission. In some embodiments infrared emitting laser diodes are included to generate the infrared illumination. In some embodiments infrared emitting wavelength converter members are included to generate the infrared illumination. In some embodiments a second wavelength converter is optically excited by a UV or blue emitting gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode, a laser diode operating in the long wavelength visible spectrum such as a green laser diode or a red laser diode, by a near infrared emitting laser diode, by the white light emission produced by the first wavelength converter, or by some combination thereof. A beam shaper may be configured to direct the white light emission and an infrared emission for illuminating a target of interest and transmitting a data signal. In some configurations, sensors and feedback loops are included.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037849A1

The light-emitting element of an embodiment outputs a clear optical image while suppressing light output efficiency reduction, and includes a substrate, a light-emitting unit, and a bonding layer. The light-emitting unit has a semiconductor stack, including a phase modulation layer, between first and second electrodes. The phase modulation layer has a base layer and modified refractive index regions, and includes a first region having a size including the second electrode, and a second region. Each gravity center of the second region's modified refractive index region is arranged by an array condition. The light from the stack is a single beam, and regarding a first distance from the substrate to the stack's front surface and a second distance from the substrate to the stack's back surface, a variation amount of the first distance along a direction on the substrate is smaller than a variation amount of the second distance. 1. A light-emitting element , comprising:a substrate having a main surface;a light-emitting unit configured to output light for forming an optical image along a normal direction of the main surface or a tilt direction intersecting the normal direction, or both the normal direction and the tilt direction; anda bonding layer provided between the substrate and the light-emitting unit, and bonding the main surface of the substrate and the light-emitting unit, whereinthe light-emitting unit has:a semiconductor stack having a back surface and a front surface positioned on an opposite side of the bonding layer with respect to the back surface, the semiconductor stack including a first cladding layer of a first conductivity type provided between the back surface and the front surface, a second cladding layer of a second conductivity type provided between the first cladding layer and the front surface, an active layer provided between the first cladding layer and the second cladding layer, and a phase modulation layer provided between the first cladding ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037857A1
Принадлежит: Silanna UV Technologies Pte Ltd

A method for manufacturing a light emitting device can include providing a substrate; forming a first active layer with a first electrical polarity; forming a light emitting region configured to emit light with a target wavelength between 200 nm and 300 nm; forming a second active layer with a second electrical polarity; forming a first electrical contact layer, optionally comprising a first optical reflector; removing a portion of the first electrical contact layer, the second active layer, the light emitting region, and the first active layer to form a plurality of mesas; and forming a second electrical contact layer. Each mesa can include a mesa width smaller than 10 times the target wavelength that confines the emitted light from the light emitting region to fewer than 10 transverse modes, or a mesa width smaller than twice a current spreading length of the light emitting device. 1. A method for manufacturing a light emitting device comprising:providing a substrate, the substrate having a substrate area comprising a substrate length and a substrate width;forming a first active layer on the substrate, at least a first portion of the first active layer comprising a first electrical polarity;forming a light emitting region on the first active layer, the light emitting region being configured to emit light with a target wavelength between 200 nm and 300 nm;forming a second active layer on the light emitting region, at least a first portion of the second active layer comprising a second electrical polarity;forming a first electrical contact layer on the second active layer; a mesa area comprising a mesa length and a mesa width, the mesa area being smaller than the substrate area, and the mesa width being smaller than 10 times the target wavelength and confining the emitted light from the light emitting region to fewer than 10 transverse modes;', 'a second portion of the first active layer having an area that is equal to the mesa area;', 'a second portion of the light ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Surface-emitting laser module, optical scanner device, and image forming apparatus

Номер: US20150023381A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A disclosed surface-emitting laser module includes a surface-emitting laser formed on a substrate to emit light perpendicular to its surface, a package including a recess portion in which the substrate having the surface-emitting laser is arranged, and a transparent substrate arranged to cover the recess portion of the package and the substrate having the surface-emitting laser such that the transparent substrate and the package are connected on a light emitting side of the surface-emitting laser. In the surface-emitting laser module, a high reflectance region and a low reflectance region are formed within a region enclosed by an electrode on an upper part of a mesa of the surface-emitting laser, and the transparent substrate is slanted to the surface of the substrate having the surface-emitting laser in a polarization direction of the light emitted from the surface-emitting laser determined by the high reflectance region and the low reflectance region.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Nitride semiconductor light-emitting element, method for manufacturing nitride semiconductor light-emitting element, and nitride semiconductor light-emitting device

Номер: US20200021083A1

In a method for manufacturing a nitride semiconductor light-emitting element by splitting a semiconductor layer stacked substrate including a semiconductor layer stacked body with a plurality of waveguides extending along the Y-axis to fabricate a bar-shaped substrate, and splitting the bar-shaped substrate along a lengthwise split line to fabricate an individual element, the waveguide in the individual element has different widths at one end portion and the other end portion and the center line of the waveguide is located off the center of the individual element along the X-axis, and in the semiconductor layer stacked substrate including a first element forming region and a second element forming region which are adjacent to each other along the X-axis, two lengthwise split lines sandwiching the first element forming region and two lengthwise split lines sandwiching the second element forming region are misaligned along the X-axis.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150024526A1
Автор: Raring James W.
Принадлежит: Soraa Laser Diode, Inc.

Optical devices having a structured active region configured for selected wavelengths of light emissions are disclosed. 14-. (canceled)5. A method for manufacturing an optical device , the method comprising:{'sup': 7', '−2, 'providing a gallium nitride substrate member having a semipolar crystalline surface region, the substrate member having a thickness of less than 500 microns, the gallium and nitride substrate member characterized by a dislocation density of less than 10cm, the semipolar surface region having a root mean square surface roughness of 10 nm and less over a 5 micron by 5 micron analysis area, the semipolar surface region being characterized by a specified off-set from a (20-21) semipolar plane;'}{'sup': '−3', 'forming a surface reconstruction region overlying the semipolar crystalline surface region, the surface reconstruction region having an oxygen bearing concentration of greater than 1E17 cm;'}{'sup': −3', '−3, 'forming an n-type cladding layer comprising a first quaternary alloy, the first quaternary alloy comprising an aluminum bearing species, an indium bearing species, a gallium bearing species, and a nitrogen bearing species overlying the surface region, the n-type cladding layer having a thickness from 100 nm to 4000 nm with an n-type doping level of 1E17 cmto 6E18 cm;'}forming a first gallium and nitrogen containing epitaxial material comprising a first portion characterized by a first indium concentration, a second portion characterized by a second indium concentration, and a third portion characterized by a third indium concentration overlying the n-type cladding layer;forming an n-side separate confining heterostructure (SCH) waveguiding layer overlying the n-type cladding layer, the n-side SCH waveguide layer comprising InGaN with a molar fraction of InN of between 1% and 8% and having a thickness from 30 nm to 150 nm;forming a multiple quantum well active region overlying the n-side SCH waveguiding layer, the multiple quantum well ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042672A1
Принадлежит: KYOCERA SLD Laser, Inc.

A light source or system configured to emit visible white light and infrared emissions includes a laser diode, a wavelength converter, and an infrared emitting laser diode. 1. A mobile machine comprising: a gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode having a ridge waveguide with facet regions on ends of the ridge waveguide;', 'the gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode configured to output directional electromagnetic radiation through one of the facet regions;', 'the directional electromagnetic radiation from the gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode characterized by a first peak wavelength;', 'a first wavelength converter arranged in a pathway of the directional electromagnetic radiation from the gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode, wherein the first wavelength converter is configured to convert at least a fraction of the directional electromagnetic radiation with the first peak wavelength to at least a second peak wavelength that is longer than the first peak wavelength and to generate a white light emission comprising at least the second peak wavelength; and', 'a common support member configured to support the gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode and the first wavelength converter;, 'a white light system comprising 'an infrared emitting laser diode configured to output an infrared emission, the infrared emitting laser diode configured to output a directional electromagnetic radiation characterized by a third peak wavelength in the infrared region of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum.', 'an infrared (IR) system comprising2. The mobile machine of wherein the gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode and/or the infrared emitting laser diode are configured for use with time of flight sensing claim 1 , LIDAR sensing claim 1 , or other sensing applications.3. The mobile machine of wherein the gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode and/or the infrared emitting laser diode are configured for use with communication or transmission of ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025687A1
Автор: Raring James W., RUDY PAUL

The present invention is directed to a laser light source for a vehicle. 120-. (canceled)21. A light apparatus for a vehicle , the apparatus comprising:a housing coupled to the vehicle; a gallium and nitrogen containing material;', {'b': '100', 'an n-cladding layer with a thickness of greater than about nm and a Si doping level of about 1E17 cm−3 to about 3E18 cm−3;'}, 'an n-side separate confinement heterostructure (SCH) layer comprised of InGaN;', 'multiple quantum well active region layers;', 'a p-cladding layer; and', 'a p++ contact layer;, 'an edge emitting laser diode device coupled to the housing, the edge emitting laser diode device comprisingan optical member configured to receive a laser beam output from the edge emitting laser diode device, the optical member including a phosphor material arranged to be excited by the laser beam, the optical member configured to provide a substantially white light output.22. The apparatus of wherein the substantially white light output is provided in a projection system.23. The apparatus of wherein the phosphor material is selected from at least one of a red phosphor claim 21 , a green phosphor claim 21 , or a blue phosphor.24. The apparatus of further comprising a reflector coupled to an output of the edge emitting laser diode device.25. The apparatus of wherein the edge emitting laser diode device includes a plurality of edge emitting laser diode devices.26. The apparatus of further comprising a controller coupled to the edge emitting laser diode device.27. The apparatus of further comprising a reflector coupled to an output of the edge emitting laser diode device and a controller coupled to the edge emitting laser diode device.28. The apparatus of wherein the optical member comprises a waveguide coupled to the edge emitting laser diode device.29. The apparatus of further comprising a controller coupled to the edge emitting laser diode device and a reflector coupled to an output of the edge emitting laser diode device ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Semiconductor light-emitting device and manufacturing method for the same

Номер: US20180026419A1
Принадлежит: Hamamatsu Photonics KK

The embodiment relates to a semiconductor light-emitting device comprising a semiconductor substrate, a first cladding layer, an active layer, a second cladding layer, a contact layer, and a phase modulation layer located between the first cladding and active layers or between the active and second cladding layers. The phase modulation layer comprises a basic layer and plural first modified refractive index regions different from the basic layer in a refractive index. In a virtual square lattice set on the phase modulation layer such that the modified refractive index region is allocated in each of unit constituent regions constituting square lattices, the modified refractive index region is arranged to allow its gravity center position to be separated from the lattice point of the corresponding unit constituent region, and to have a rotation angle about the lattice point according a desired optical image.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027900A1

Provided is an optical semiconductor device including a laminate structural body in which an n-type compound semiconductor layer , an active layer , and a p-type compound semiconductor layer are laminated in this order. The active layer includes a multiquantum well structure including a tunnel barrier layer , and a compositional variation of a well layer adjacent to the p-type compound semiconductor layer is greater than a compositional variation of another well layer . Band gap energy of the well layer adjacent to the p-type compound semiconductor layer is smaller than band gap energy of the other well layer . A thickness of the well layer adjacent to the p-type compound semiconductor layer is greater than a thickness of the other well layer . 1. An optical semiconductor device comprising a laminate structural body in which an n-type compound semiconductor layer , an active layer , and a p-type compound semiconductor layer are laminated in this order ,wherein the active layer includes a multiquantum well structure including a tunnel barrier layer, anda compositional variation of a well layer adjacent to the p-type compound semiconductor layer is greater than a compositional variation of another well layer.2. The optical semiconductor device according to claim 1 , wherein band gap energy of the well layer adjacent to the p-type compound semiconductor layer is smaller than band gap energy of the other well layer.3. The optical semiconductor device according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the well layer adjacent to the p-type compound semiconductor layer is greater than a thickness of the other well layer.4. The optical semiconductor device according to claim 3 , wherein band gap energy of the well layer adjacent to the p-type compound semiconductor layer is smaller than band gap energy of the other well layer.5. The optical semiconductor device according to claim 1 , wherein the tunnel barrier layer is formed between a well layer and a barrier layer.6. An ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Light-emitting device and light-emitting apparatus

Номер: US20200028325A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A light-emitting device according to an embodiment of the present disclosure includes a laminate. The laminate includes an active layer, a first semiconductor layer, and a second semiconductor layer. The first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer sandwich the active layer in between. The light-emitting device further includes a current confining layer, a concave-shaped first reflecting mirror provided on side of the first semiconductor layer, and a second reflecting mirror provided on side of the second semiconductor layer. The current confining layer has an opening. The first reflecting mirror and the second reflecting mirror sandwich the laminate and the opening in between. The light-emitting device further includes a first reflecting layer and a phosphor layer. The first reflecting layer is disposed at a position opposed to the first reflecting mirror with a predetermined gap in between. The phosphor layer is disposed between the first reflecting mirror and the first reflecting layer, and performs wavelength conversion on light leaking from the first reflecting mirror.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160036197A1

A nitride semiconductor light emitting device includes a first coat film of aluminum nitride or aluminum oxynitride formed at a light emitting portion and a second coat film of aluminum oxide formed on the first coat film. The thickness of the second coat film is at least 80 nm and at most 1000 nm. Here, the thickness of the first coat film is preferably at least 6 nm and at most 200 nm. 17-. (canceled)8. A nitride semiconductor light emitting device comprising:a light emitting side;a light reflecting side;a first film of aluminum nitride or aluminum oxynitride on a first facet at the light emitting side;a second film of aluminum nitride or aluminum oxynitride on a second facet at the light reflecting side; andan oxide film having a thickness of at least 80 nm and at most 1000 nm on the first film,wherein the first film has an oxygen content of at most 20 atomic %, and a thickness of the first film is at least 12 nm and at most 200 nm.9. The nitride semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 8 , wherein the oxide film is an oxide of an element selected from the group consisting of aluminum claim 8 , silicon claim 8 , and titanium.10. The nitride semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 8 , wherein the thickness of the first film is at least 50 nm and at most 200 nm.11. The nitride semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 8 , wherein the thickness of the oxide film is at least 160 nm and at most 1000 nm.128. The nitride semiconductor light emitting device according to claim claim 8 , wherein the first film directly contacts nitride semiconductor layers forming the light emitting side claim 8 , and the second film directly contacts nitride semiconductor layers forming the light reflecting side. This application is a continuation under 35 U.S.C. §120 of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/805,644, filed Aug. 11, 2010, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 11/713,760, filed Mar. 5, 2007, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,792,169, which ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150036709A1
Принадлежит: ROHM CO., LTD.

A semiconductor laser device generates blue-violet light with an emission wavelength of 400 to 410 nm. The device includes an n-type group III nitride semiconductor layer, an active layer laminated on the n-type semiconductor layer and having an InGaN quantum well layer, a p-type group III nitride semiconductor layer laminated on the active layer, and a transparent electrode contacting the p-type semiconductor layer and serving as a clad. The n-type semiconductor layer includes an n-type clad layer and an n-type guide layer disposed between the clad layer and the active layer. The guide layer includes a superlattice layer in which an InGaN layer and an AlGaN layer (0≦X<1) are laminated periodically, the superlattice layer contacting the active layer and having an average refractive index of 2.6 or lower. The In composition of the InGaN layer is lower than that of the InGaN quantum well layer. 1. A semiconductor laser device for generating blue-violet light with an emission wavelength of 400 nm to 410 nm , comprising:an n-type group III nitride semiconductor layer;an active layer laminated on the n-type group III nitride semiconductor layer and having an InGaN quantum well layer;a p-type group III nitride semiconductor layer laminated on the active layer; anda transparent electrode in contact with the p-type group III nitride semiconductor layer, the electrode serving as a clad, whereinthe p-type group III nitride semiconductor layer includes a p-type contact layer in contact with the transparent electrode,the n-type group III nitride semiconductor layer includes an n-type clad layer and an n-type guide layer disposed between the n-type clad layer and the active layer,{'sub': x', '1-x, 'the n-type guide layer includes a superlattice layer in which an InGaN layer and an AlGaN layer (0≦X<1) are laminated periodically, the superlattice layer having an average refractive index of 2.6 or lower,'}the In composition of the InGaN layer is lower than the In composition of the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Monolithic wdm vcsel arrays by quantum well intermixing

Номер: US20180034242A1

An array of monolithic wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) is provided with quantum well intermixing. Each VCSEL includes a bottom distributed Bragg reflector (DBR), an upper distributed Bragg reflector, and a laser cavity therebetween. The laser cavity includes a multiple quantum well (MQW) layer sandwiched between a lower separate confinement heterostructure (SCH) and an upper SCH layer. Each MQW region experiences a different amount of quantum well intermixing and concomitantly a different lasing wavelength shift.

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Semiconductor devices with structures for emitting or detecting light

Номер: US20220052236A1
Принадлежит: Crayonano AS

The invention relates to a semiconductor device, e.g. for the emission or absorption of light, preferably in the deep ultraviolet (DUV) range. The device, e.g. a resonant cavity light emitting diode (RCLED) or a laser diode, is formed from: a substrate layer ( 302 ), preferably comprising a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR); a graphitic layer ( 304 ); and at least one semiconductor structure ( 310 ), preferably a wire or a pyramid, grown on the graphitic layer, with or without the use of a mask layer ( 306 ). The semiconductor structure is constructed from at least one III-V semiconductor n-type doped region ( 316 ) and a hexagonal boron-nitride (hBN) region ( 312 ), preferably being p-type doped hBN.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200035146A1
Автор: Pan Shaoher

Integrated laser arrays based devices and systems and methods of forming the integrated laser arrays based devices and systems are provided. In one aspect, an integrated display includes a semiconductor substrate including a first side and a second side, an array of active-matrix light-emitting pixels, each of the pixels including one or more light-emitting elements formed on the first side and at least one non-volatile memory coupled to the one or more light-emitting elements, each of the light-emitting elements including a lasing structure that has an optical resonator and one or more semiconductor layers in the optical resonator and is operable to emit a laser light, one or more integrated circuits formed on the second side, and conductive interconnects penetrating from the second side through the semiconductor substrate and conductively coupling the one or more integrated circuits to the light-emitting elements. 1. An integrated device comprising:a semiconductor substrate including a first side and a second side;an array of active-matrix light-emitting pixels, each of the pixels including one or more light-emitting elements formed on the first side and at least one non-volatile memory coupled to the one or more light-emitting elements, each of the light-emitting elements including a lasing structure that has an optical resonator and one or more semiconductor layers in the optical resonator and is operable to emit laser light;one or more integrated circuits formed on the second side; andconductive interconnects penetrating from the second side through the semiconductor substrate and conductively coupling the one or more integrated circuits to the light-emitting elements.2. The integrated device of claim 1 , wherein the optical resonator comprises a pair of distributed Bragg reflectors claim 1 , and the one or more semiconductor layers are arranged between the pair of distributed Bragg reflectors.3. The integrated device of claim 1 , wherein each of the light- ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200035742A1

The optoelectronic device includes a matrix of optoelectronic components including semiconductor optical amplifiers SOAs, the semiconductor optical amplifiers SOAs containing an active layer of gallium nitride GaN having multiple InGaN/GaAsN or InGaN/AlGaN quantum wells on a substrate of p-doped gallium nitride and covered with a layer of n-doped gallium nitride. The p-doped gallium nitride GaN substrate forms a column of p-GaN covered with a layer of an insulator in biocompatible material. The device can include a matrix having multiple electronic components of different heights. The optoelectronic component can be a photodiode or a semiconductor optical amplifier SOA. This optoelectronic device can be used in epiretinal or subretinal prostheses. A single epiretinal or subretinal prosthesis can include a matrix of photodiodes and a matrix of semiconductor optical amplifiers SOAs. 1. A retinal prosthesis comprising:a matrix of optoelectronic components including semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs), the semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) containing an active layer of gallium nitride (GaN) with multiple indium-gallium nitride/arsenic-gallium nitride (InGaN/GaAsN) or indium-gallium nitride/aluminum-gallium nitride (InGaN/AlGaN) quantum wells on a substrate of p-doped gallium nitride (GaN) and covered with a layer of n-doped gallium nitride (GaN).2. The retinal prosthesis according to claim 1 , in which the p-doped gallium nitride (GaN) substrate forms a column of p-GaN.3. The retinal prosthesis according to claim 2 , in which the column of p-GaN is covered with an insulating layer of biocompatible material chosen from carbon claim 2 , diamond claim 2 , titanium dioxide claim 2 , silica claim 2 , silicon nitride claim 2 , or gallium nitride.4. The retinal prosthesis according to claim 2 , in which the ratio of height to transverse dimension of the p-GaN column is less than 20.5. The retinal prosthesis according to claim 1 , in which the matrix of optoelectronic ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Light emitting apparatus and projector

Номер: US20200036163A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp, Sophia School Corp

A light emitting apparatus including a plurality of first light emitters and a plurality of second light emitters that differ from the first light emitters in terms of resonance wavelength, in which the second light emitters are each disposed between each adjacent pair of the first light emitters, first light that resonates in the plurality of first light emitters is in phase, and second light that resonates in the plurality of second light emitters is in phase.

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Semiconductor structure with chirp layer

Номер: US20210036183A1
Принадлежит: Silanna UV Technologies Pte Ltd

A semiconductor structure can comprise a plurality of first semiconductor layers comprising wide bandgap semiconductor layers, a narrow bandgap semiconductor layer, and a chirp layer between the plurality of first semiconductor layers and the narrow bandgap semiconductor layer. The values of overlap integrals between different electron wavefunctions in a conduction band of the chirp layer can be less than 0.05 for intersubband transition energies greater than 1.0 eV, and/or the values of overlaps between electron wavefunctions and barrier centers in a conduction band of the chirp layer can be less than 0.3 nm −1 , when the structure is biased at an operating potential. The chirp layer can comprise a short-period superlattice with alternating wide bandgap barrier layers and narrow bandgap well layers, wherein the thickness of the barrier layers, or the well layers, or the thickness of both the barrier and well layers changes throughout the chirp layer.

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150043603A1

Provided is a high-output light-emitting device capable of emitting a light beam in a single mode. The light-emitting device includes a laminate structure body configured by laminating, in order, a first compound semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second compound semiconductor layer on a base substrate, a second electrode, and a first electrode. The first compound semiconductor layer has a laminate structure including a first cladding layer and a first light guide layer in order from the base substrate, and the laminate structure body has a ridge stripe structure configured of the second compound semiconductor layer, the active layer, and a portion in a thickness direction of the first light guide layer. Provided that a thickness of the first light guide layer is t, and a thickness of the portion configuring the ridge stripe structure of the first light guide layer is t′, 6×10m Подробнее

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150043606A1

Light emitting elements, and methods of producing the same, the light emitting elements including: a laminated structure, the laminated structure including a first compound semiconductor layer that includes a first surface and a second surface facing the first surface, an active layer that is in contact with the second surface of the first compound semiconductor layer, and a second compound semiconductor layer; where the first surface of the first compound semiconductor layer has a first surface area and a second surface area, the first and second surface areas being different in at least one of a height or a roughness, a first light reflection layer is formed on at least a portion of the first surface area, and a first electrode is formed on at least a portion of the second surface area.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160043183A1

According to one embodiment, a semiconductor wafer includes a substrate, an AlN buffer layer, a foundation layer, a first high Ga composition layer, a high Al composition layer, a low Al composition layer, an intermediate unit and a second high Ga composition layer. The first layer is provided on the foundation layer. The high Al composition layer is provided on the first layer. The low Al composition layer is provided on the high Al composition layer. The intermediate unit is provided on the low Al composition layer. The second layer is provided on the intermediate unit. The first layer has a first tensile strain and the second layer has a second tensile strain larger than the first tensile strain. Alternatively, the first layer has a first compressive strain and the second layer has a second compressive strain smaller than the first compressive strain. 124-. (canceled)25. A semiconductor wafer , comprising:a substrate having a first surface;an AlN buffer layer of AlN, the AlN buffer layer being provided on the first surface of the substrate;a first layer provided on the AlN buffer layer, the first layer comprising a first nitride semiconductor comprising Al and Ga;a second layer provided on the first layer, the second layer comprising a second nitride semiconductor comprising Ga;a third layer provided on the second layer, the third layer comprising a third nitride semiconductor comprising Al, a Ga composition ratio in the third layer being lower than a Ga composition ratio in the second layer;a fourth layer provided on the third layer, the fourth layer comprising a fourth semiconductor comprising Al and Ga, a Ga composition ratio in the fourth layer being lower than the Ga composition ratio in the second layer, an Al composition ratio in the fourth layer being lower than an Al composition ratio in the third layer;an intermediate unit provided on the fourth layer, the intermediate unit comprising one element selected from the group consisting of Si, Mg, and B, a ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Light Emitting Device And Projector

Номер: US20200041889A1

A light emitting device has a columnar portion including a light emitting layer, and: (b−a)/L1>(d−c)/L2; a()/2,'}, {'br': None, 'i': 'a Подробнее

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Semiconductor Device

Номер: US20220059723A1

A p-type semiconductor layer includes a plurality of unit semiconductor layers, and each of the plurality of unit semiconductor layers includes a p-type nitride semiconductor whose main surface is a polar surface or a semi-polar surface. The nitride semiconductor constituting the unit semiconductor layer includes nitrogen and two or more elements, and each of the plurality of unit semiconductor layers has a composition changing in a stacking direction such that, for example, a lattice constant in a c-axis direction increases in a c-axis positive direction. 16.-. (canceled)7. A semiconductor apparatus comprising: the p-type semiconductor layer includes a plurality of unit semiconductor layers;', 'each of the plurality of unit semiconductor layers includes a p-type nitride semiconductor whose main surface is a polar surface or a semi-polar surface;', 'the p-type nitride semiconductor includes nitrogen and two or more elements; and', 'each of the plurality of unit semiconductor layers has a composition changing in a stacking direction., 'a p-type semiconductor layer on a substrate, wherein8. The semiconductor apparatus according to claim 7 , wherein:each of the plurality of unit semiconductor layers changes such that a lattice constant in a c-axis direction increases in a c-axis positive direction.9. The semiconductor apparatus according to claim 7 , wherein:each of the plurality of unit semiconductor layers has a composition that varies continuously.10. The semiconductor apparatus according to claim 7 , wherein each of the plurality of unit semiconductor layers are doped with p-type impurities.11. The semiconductor apparatus according to claim 7 , wherein the plurality of unit semiconductor layers includes AlGaN claim 7 , and a composition ratio of Al to Ga changes in the stacking direction.12. The semiconductor apparatus according to claim 7 , further comprising:a light emitting layer on the substrate; andan n-type semiconductor layer on the substrate.13. A method ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150048381A1

A method for the reuse of gallium nitride (GaN) epitaxial substrates uses band-gap-selective photoelectrochemical (PEC) etching to remove one or more epitaxial layers from bulk or free-standing GaN substrates without damaging the substrate, allowing the substrate to be reused for further growth of additional epitaxial layers. The method facilitates a significant cost reduction in device production by permitting the reuse of expensive bulk or free-standing GaN substrates. 1. A method for reusing a III-nitride substrate , comprising:providing an epitaxy-ready bulk III-nitride substrate;growing one or more sacrificial layers on or above the substrate;growing one or more device layers on or above the sacrificial layers; andselectively etching the sacrificial layers to separate the device layers from the substrate without substantially etching the device layers or the substrate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sacrificial layers comprise one or more InGaN layers where 0 Подробнее

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150049776A1

An optoelectronic semiconductor laser includes a growth substrate; a semiconductor layer sequence that generates laser radiation; a front facet at the growth substrate and at the semiconductor layer sequence, wherein the front facet constitutes a main light exit side for the laser radiation generated in the semiconductor laser and has a light exit region at the semiconductor layer sequence; a light blocking layer for the laser radiation, which partly covers at least the growth substrate at the front facet such that the light exit region is not covered by the light blocking layer; and a bonding pad at a side of the semiconductor layer sequence facing away from the growth substrate, wherein a distance between the bonding pad and the light blocking layer at least at the light exit region is 0.1 μm to 100 μm. 2. The optoelectronic semiconductor laser according to claim 1 , wherein the light blocking layer is a metallic layer or a metallic layer stack claim 1 , the light blocking layer having a thickness of 10 nm to 2 μm.3. The optoelectronic semiconductor laser according to claim 2 , wherein the light blocking layer is the metallic layer stack and consists of Ti and/or Cr claim 2 , the light blocking layer having a thickness of at least 50 nm.4. The optoelectronic semiconductor laser according to claim 2 , wherein an electrically insulating layer is situated at a side of the light blocking layer facing the semiconductor layer sequence as well as at a side of the light blocking layer facing away from the semiconductor layer sequence.5. The optoelectronic semiconductor laser according to claim 2 , wherein an antireflection layer is applied continuously and over a whole area of the front facet claim 2 , and the light blocking layer is situated at a side of the antireflection layer facing away from the growth substrate and the semiconductor layer sequence.6. The optoelectronic semiconductor laser according to claim 2 , wherein an antireflection layer for the laser radiation ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200044416A1
Принадлежит: RICOH COMPANY, LTD.

A light emitting device includes: a first n-type semiconductor layer disposed on a substrate; a tunnel junction layer disposed on a part of the first n-type semiconductor layer; a p-type semiconductor layer disposed on the first n-type semiconductor layer and covering the tunnel junction layer; an active layer disposed on the p-type semiconductor layer; and a second n-type semiconductor layer disposed on the active layer. 1. A light emitting device comprising:a first n-type semiconductor layer formed on a substrate;a tunnel junction layer disposed on a part of the first n-type semiconductor layer;a p-type semiconductor layer disposed on the first n-type semiconductor layer and covering the tunnel junction layer;an active layer disposed on the p-type semiconductor layer; anda second n-type semiconductor layer disposed on the active layer.2. The light emitting device according to claim 1 ,wherein in a plane parallel to the substrate including the tunnel junction layer,a refractive index of the p-type semiconductor layer is smaller than a refractive index of the tunnel junction layer.3. The light emitting device according to claim 1 ,wherein a distance between the tunnel junction layer and the active layer is 120 nm or shorter.4. The light emitting device according to claim 1 , a first layer contacting the tunnel junction layer and having a first refractive index, and', 'a second layer disposed on the first layer and having a second refractive index lower than the first refractive index, and, 'wherein the p-type semiconductor layer includesan effective refractive index of the p-type semiconductor layer is higher in a first area overlapping the tunnel junction layer in a plan view than in a second area separated from the tunnel junction layer in a plan view.5. The light emitting device according to claim 1 ,wherein above the tunnel junction layer, the active layer and the second n-type semiconductor layer are located next to each other in a plane parallel to the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200044418A1

Alight emitting device includes a substrate, and a stacked body provided to the substrate, and including a columnar part aggregate constituted by p columnar parts, wherein the stacked body includes a plurality of the columnar part aggregates, the p columnar parts each have a light emitting layer, a diagram configured by respective centers of the plurality of columnar parts has rotation symmetry when viewed from a stacking direction of the stacked body, a diametrical size of q columnar parts out of the p columnar parts is different from a diametrical size of r columnar parts out of the p columnar parts, a shape of the columnar part aggregate is not rotation symmetry, the p is an integer not less than 2, the q is an integer not less than 1 and less than the p, and the r is an integer satisfying r=p−q. 3. The light emitting device according to claim 2 , whereinthe q is an integer larger than a half of the p.4. A projector comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the light emitting device according to .'} The present application is based on, and claims priority from, JP Application Serial Number 2018-147680, filed Aug. 6, 2018, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.The present disclosure relates to a light emitting device and a projector.A semiconductor laser is promising as a high-luminance next-generation light source. In particular, a semiconductor laser to which nano-columns are applied is expected to be able to realize narrow-radiation angle high-power light emission due to an effect of a photonic crystal derived from the nano-columns. Such a semiconductor laser is applied as, for example, a light source for a projector. In a projector using a liquid crystal light valve, it is desirable for the light emitted from a light source to be linearly polarized light.In the semiconductor laser using the photonic crystal of GaN type nano-columns, it is possible to achieve designs corresponding respectively to ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170047480A1

A semiconductor optical device includes: a ridge stripe structure portion in which a first compound semiconductor layer , an active layer , and a second compound semiconductor layer are stacked and which has a first end surface which emits light and a second end surface opposite to the first end surface ; and a current regulation region provided to be adjacent to at least one of ridge stripe adjacent portions positioned at both sides of the ridge stripe structure portion , at the second end surface side, and to be away from the ridge stripe structure portion . A bottom surface of the current regulation region is under the active layer , and a top surface of the ridge stripe adjacent portion excluding the current regulation region is above the active layer 1. A semiconductor optical device comprising:a ridge stripe structure portion in which a first compound semiconductor layer, an active layer made of a compound semiconductor, and a second compound semiconductor layer are stacked and which has a first end surface which emits light and a second end surface opposite to the first end surface; anda current regulation region provided to be adjacent to at least one of ridge stripe adjacent portions positioned at both sides of the ridge stripe structure portion, at the second end surface side, and to be away from the ridge stripe structure portion,{'sub': 1', '2', '1', '3', '2, 'claim-text': [{'br': None, 'i': H', '≦T, 'sub': 1', '1, ', and'}, {'br': None, 'i': T', '+T', '≦H', '≦T', '+T', '+T, 'sub': 1', '3', '2', '1', '3', '2, '.'}], 'wherein, when a distance from a bottom surface of the first compound semiconductor layer to a bottom surface of the current regulation region is H, a distance from the bottom surface of the first compound semiconductor layer to a top surface of the ridge stripe adjacent portion excluding the current regulation region is H, a thickness of the first compound semiconductor layer is T, a thickness of the active layer is T, and a thickness of the ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170047481A1
Принадлежит: MLED LIMITED

There is herein described a process for providing improved device performance and fabrication techniques for semiconductors. More particularly, the present invention relates to a process for forming features, such as pixels, on GaN semiconductors using a p-GaN modification and annealing process. The process also relates to a plasma and thermal anneal process which results in a p-GaN modified layer where the annealing simultaneously enables the formation of conductive p-GaNand modified p-GaN regions that behave in an n-like manner and block vertical current flow. The process also extends to Resonant-Cavity Light Emitting Diodes (RCLEDs), pixels with a variety of sizes and electrically insulating planar layer for electrical tracks and bond pads. 1. A fabrication process for electronic components comprising the following steps:depositing a mask feature onto a GaN p-layer to form a structure wherein some areas of the structure are protected by the mask feature and others are not, forming unprotected mask regions; andwherein processing of unprotected mask regions is capable of forming areas with modified electrical characteristics.2. A fabrication process for electronic components according to claim 1 , wherein the processing of unprotected mask regions causes a reversal in the effective doping of the p-GaN regions such that it behaves as n-doped GaN.3. A fabrication process for electronic components according to claim 1 , wherein the process comprises:exposing the structure to a plasma treatment;wherein the areas not protected by the mask feature are exposed to the plasma treatment and form modified n-doped behaving regions due to the plasma and the areas protected by the mask are shielded from the plasma treatment and remain unmodified p-GaN.4. A fabrication process for electronic components according to claim 3 , wherein after plasma treatment claim 3 , an annealing process is applied to the structure claim 3 , and wherein optionally the mask is removed or retained ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053917A1
Автор: HAYASHI Seiichi

A semiconductor light emitting device is provided which has improved light emission efficiency. The semiconductor light emitting device includes an active layer having a quantum well structure. The quantum well structure includes well and barrier layers that are alternately and repeatedly deposited on one another. The well layer is formed of a gallium nitride group semiconductor that contains In. The well layer has a profile of composition ratio of In that includes a first portion, and a second portion that is in contact with the first portion. The concentration of In in the first portion is substantially fixed or reduced along the thickness direction of the well layer from the negative side to the positive side of the piezoelectric field that is produced in the well layer. The concentration of In in the second portion is sharply reduced with respect to the first portion. 1. A semiconductor light emitting device comprising an active layer that includes well and barrier layers ,wherein said well layer is formed of a gallium nitride group semiconductor that contains In,wherein the well layer has a profile of composition ratio of In that includes a first portion, and a second portion that is in contact with said first portion,wherein the concentration of In in said first portion is substantially fixed or reduced, and the concentration of In in said second portion is sharply reduced with respect to said first portion along the thickness direction of said well layer from the negative side to the positive side of the piezoelectric field that is produced in said well layer.2. A semiconductor light emitting device comprising:an n-type semiconductor layer;an active layer that includes well and barrier layers; anda p-type semiconductor layer,wherein said n-type semiconductor layer, said active layer and said p-type semiconductor layer are deposited on or above one another in this order,wherein said well layer is formed of a gallium nitride group semiconductor that contains In ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150055671A1

The present disclosure involves a light-emitting device. The light-emitting device includes an n-doped gallium nitride (n-GaN) layer located over a substrate. A multiple quantum well (MQW) layer is located over the n-GaN layer. An electron-blocking layer is located over the MQW layer. A p-doped gallium nitride (p-GaN) layer is located over the electron-blocking layer. The light-emitting device includes a hole injection layer. In some embodiments, the hole injection layer includes a p-doped indium gallium nitride (p-InGaN) layer that is located in one of the three following locations: between the MQW layer and the electron-blocking layer; between the electron-blocking layer and the p-GaN layer; and inside the p-GaN layer. 1. A photonic device , comprising:an n-doped III-V group compound layer disposed over a substrate;a multiple quantum well (MQW) layer disposed over the n-doped III-V group compound layer;an electron-blocking layer disposed over the MQW layer;a p-doped III-V group compound layer disposed over the electron-blocking layer; anda hole injection layer disposed inside the p-doped III-V group compound layer or in between the electron-blocking layer and the p-doped III-V group compound layer, wherein the hole injection layer contains a p-doped III-V group compound material different from the p-doped III-V group compound layer.2. The photonic device of claim 1 , wherein the p-doped III-V group compound material of the hole injection layer includes magnesium-doped indium gallium nitride (InGaN).3. The photonic device of claim 2 , wherein a concentration of the magnesium in the InGaN is in a range from about 1.0×10ions/centimeterto about 1.0×10ions/centimeter.4. The photonic device of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the hole injection layer is less than about 100 nanometers.5. The photonic device of claim 1 , wherein the substrate includes one of: a gallium nitride substrate claim 1 , a sapphire substrate claim 1 , a silicon substrate claim 1 , and a substrate ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Laser bars having trenches

Номер: US20190052062A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

A laser bar includes a semiconductor layer including a plurality of layers and includes an active zone, wherein the active zone is arranged in an x-y-plane, laser diodes each form a mode space in an x-direction between two end faces, the mode spaces of the laser diodes are arranged alongside one another in a y-direction, a trench is provided in the semiconductor layer between two mode spaces, the trenches extend in the x-direction, and the trenches extend from a top side of the semiconductor layer in a z-direction to a predefined depth in the direction of the active zone.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200052153A1

The invention relates to an optoelectronic semiconductor element () comprising a semiconductor layer sequence () with a first layer () of a first conductivity type, a second layer () of a second conductivity type, and an active layer () which is arranged between the first layer () and the second layer () and which absorbs or emits electromagnetic radiation when operated as intended. The semiconductor element () is equipped with a plurality of injection regions () which are arranged adjacently to one another in a lateral direction, wherein the semiconductor layer sequence () is doped within each injection region () such that the semiconductor layer sequence () has the same conductivity type as the first layer () within the entire injection region (). Each injection region () passes at least partly through the active layer () starting from the first layer (). Furthermore, each injection region () is laterally surrounded by a continuous path of the active layer (), the active layer () being doped less in the path than in the injection region () or oppositely thereto. During the operation of the semiconductor element (), charge carriers reach the injection regions () at least partly from the first layer () and are directly injected into the active layer () from there. 1. An optoelectronic semiconductor body , comprisinga semiconductor layer sequence with a first layer of a first conductivity type, a second layer of a second conductivity type and an active layer, which is arranged between the first layer and the second layer and which absorbs or emits electromagnetic radiation when operated as intended,at least one injection region, which is superimposed on the grown semiconductor layer sequence, wherein the semiconductor layer sequence is doped within the at least one injection region such that the semiconductor layer sequence has the same conductivity type as the first layer within the entire injection region, wherein{'b': '11', 'the at least one injection region ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Distributed feedback surface emitting laser

Номер: US20140133506A1
Автор: Thomas Wunderer
Принадлежит: Palo Alto Research Center Inc

A semiconductor surface emitting laser (SEL) includes an active zone comprising quantum well structures separated by spacer layers. The quantum well structures are configured to provide optical gain for the SEL at a lasing wavelength, λ lase . Each quantum well structure and an adjacent spacer layer are configured to form an optical pair of a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR). The active zone including a plurality of the DBR optical pairs is configured to provide optical feedback for the SEL at λ lase .

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058640A1

A method and device for emitting electromagnetic radiation at high power using nonpolar or semipolar gallium containing substrates such as GaN, AlN, InN, InGaN, AlGaN, and AlInGaN, is provided. In various embodiments, the laser device includes plural laser emitters emitting green or blue laser light, integrated a substrate. 144.-. (canceled)45. A lighting system comprising:an apparatus comprising a white lighting device, a multi-colored lighting device, a flat panel device, a beam projector device, or a display device; a free space with a non-guided characteristic capable of transmitting the laser beam from each of the 1 to N laser diode devices;', 'an optical device configured to receive the laser beam from each of the 1 to N laser diode devices and to provide an output beam characterized by a selected wavelength range, a selected spectral width, a selected power, and a selected spatial configuration;', 'an output power characterizing the output beam, the output power being at least 0.5 W, at least 5 W, at least 50 W, at least 100 W, or at least 200 W;', 'a phosphor material optically coupled to the output beam;', 'a support member configured to transport thermal energy from the 1 to N laser diode devices to a heat sink;', 'a free space optics included in the optical device and configured to create one or more free space optical beams;', 'a thermal path from the 1 to N laser diode devices to the heat sink characterized by a thermal impedance; and', 'whereupon the output beam is characterized by an optical output power degradation of less than 20% in 500 hours when the 1 to N laser diode devices are operated at the output power and with a substantially constant input current at a base temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius., '1 to N laser diode devices configured to provide light for the apparatus, wherein N ranges from 2 to 50, at least one of the 1 to N laser diode devices comprises gallium and nitrogen, and each of the 1 to N laser diode devices is configured to ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Optoelectronic Semiconductor Chip

Номер: US20150063395A1

An optoelectronic semiconductor chip, based on a nitride material system, comprising at least one active quantum well, wherein during operation electromagnetic radiation is generated in the active quantum well, the active quantum well comprises N successive zones in a direction parallel to a growth direction z of the semiconductor chip, N being a natural number greater than or equal to 2, the zones are numbered consecutively in a direction parallel to the growth direction z, at least two of the zones have average aluminium contents k which differ from one another, and the active quantum well fulfils the condition: 1. An optoelectronic semiconductor chip , based on a nitride material system , comprising at least one active quantum well , whereinduring operation electromagnetic radiation is generated in the active quantum well,the active quantum well comprises N successive zones in a direction parallel to a growth direction z of the semiconductor chip, N being a natural number greater than or equal to 2,the zones are numbered consecutively in a direction parallel to the growth direction z,at least two of the zones have average aluminium contents k which differ from one another, and {'br': None, 'i': k', 'z', 'dz−', 'N−', 'dz≦, '50≦∫(35−())2.51.5∫120.'}, 'the active quantum well fulfils the condition3. The optoelectronic semiconductor chip according to claim 2 , wherein the aluminium content k is in each case constant within the zones of the at least one active quantum well.4. The optoelectronic semiconductor chip according to claim 3 , wherein N is greater than or equal to 3 and wherein claim 3 , in a direction parallel to the growth direction z and from a p-connection side towards an n-connection side of the semiconductor chip claim 3 , the following applies for the average aluminium content for at least some of the zones:{'sub': i', 'i+1', 'i+1', 'i+2, 'k>kand k Подробнее

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180059525A1
Автор: Raring James W., RUDY PAUL

The present invention is directed to a laser light source for a vehicle. 120.-. (canceled)21. A lighting apparatus for a vehicle , the apparatus comprising:a housing coupled to the vehicle; [{'sup': '−3', 'an n-cladding layer with a thickness from 100 nm to 5000 nm and a Si doping level of 1E17 to 3E18 cm;'}, 'an n-side separate confinement heterostructure (SCH) layer comprised of InGaN having a molar fraction of In of between 3% and 10%;', 'multiple quantum well active region layers comprised of at least two InGaN quantum wells, where each pair of the InGaN quantum wells is separated by a GaN barrier layer;', {'sup': '−3', 'a p-cladding layer with a doping level of 2E17 to 2E19 cm; and'}, {'sup': '−3', 'a p++-GaN contact layer with a doping level of 1E19 to 1E21 cm;'}], 'an edge emitting laser diode device disposed within the housing, the edge emitting laser diode device comprising a gallium and nitrogen containing material having a non-polar, semipolar, or polar surface orientation, the edge emitting laser diode device comprisingan optical component aligned with an output laser beam of the edge emitting laser diode device; anda phosphor material aligned with the output laser beam of the edge emitting laser diode device and configured to convert at least a portion of the output laser beam from a first wavelength to a different wavelength, wherein the lighting apparatus is configured to output a substantially white light comprising a portion of the output laser beam having the first wavelength and a converted portion of the output laser beam having the different wavelength.22. The apparatus of wherein the housing is disposed in a projection system.23. The apparatus of wherein the phosphor material is selected from at least one of a red phosphor claim 21 , a green phosphor claim 21 , or a blue phosphor.24. The apparatus of further comprising a reflector aligned with the output laser beam of the edge emitting laser diode device.25. The apparatus of further comprising ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160064901A1

A terahertz quantum cascade laser (THz-QCL) element operable at an unexplored frequency is obtained. A crystal of a nitride semiconductor is used to fabricate a repeated set of unit structures into a super lattice. Each unit structure includes a first barrier layer, a first well layer, a second barrier layer, and a second well layer disposed in this order. An energy level structure for electrons under a bias electric field has a mediation level, an upper lasing level, and a lower lasing level. The energy value of the mediation level is close to the energy value of either an upper lasing level or a lower lasing level, each belonging to either the unit structure or the other unit structure adjacent thereto, and is separated from the energy value of the other level by at least the energy value of a longitudinal-optical (LO) phonon exhibited by the crystal. 1. A quantum cascade laser element comprising:a super lattice formed by a crystal of a nitride semiconductor;the super lattice having a plurality of unit structures, each of which includesa first barrier layer;a first well layer stacked on the first barrier layer;a second barrier layer stacked on the first well layer; anda second well layer stacked on the second barrier layer, the barrier layers and the well layers having high and low potentials, respectively, relative to potentials of conduction-band electrons of the crystal, a mediation level that has a significant probability of finding an electron in at least one of the first well layer and the second well layer;', 'an upper lasing level that has a significant probability of finding an electron in the first well layer; and', 'a lower lasing level that has a significant probability of finding an electron in the second well layer,, 'each unit structure including an energy level structure for electrons under a bias electric field in a stacking direction due to external voltage, the energy level structure havingunder the bias electric field, an energy value of the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180062029A1

The invention relates to an optoelectronic semiconductor element () comprising a semiconductor layer sequence () with a first layer () of a first conductivity type, a second layer () of a second conductivity type, and an active layer () which is arranged between the first layer () and the second layer () and which absorbs or emits electromagnetic radiation when operated as intended. The semiconductor element () is equipped with a plurality of injection regions () which are arranged adjacently to one another in a lateral direction, wherein the semiconductor layer sequence () is doped within each injection region () such that the semiconductor layer sequence () has the same conductivity type as the first layer () within the entire injection region (). Each injection region () passes at least partly through the active layer () starting from the first layer (). Furthermore, each injection region () is laterally surrounded by a continuous path of the active layer (), the active layer () being doped less in the path than in the injection region () or oppositely thereto. During the operation of the semiconductor element (), charge carriers reach the injection regions () at least partly from the first layer () and are directly injected into the active layer () from there. 1. An optoelectronic semiconductor body , comprisinga semiconductor layer sequence with a first layer of a first conductivity type, a second layer of a second conductivity type and an active layer, which is arranged between the first layer and the second layer and which absorbs or emits electromagnetic radiation when operated as intended,a plurality of injection regions, which are arranged adjacent to one another in a lateral direction, wherein the semiconductor layer sequence is doped within each injection region such that the semiconductor layer sequence has the same conductivity type as the first layer within the entire injection region, whereineach injection region passes through the active layer at ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170063045A1

A method for manufacturing a laser diode device includes providing a substrate having a surface region and forming epitaxial material overlying the surface region, the epitaxial material comprising an n-type cladding region, an active region comprising at least one active layer overlying the n-type cladding region, and a p-type cladding region overlying the active layer region. The epitaxial material is patterned to form a plurality of dice, each of the dice corresponding to at least one laser device, characterized by a first pitch between a pair of dice, the first pitch being less than a design width. Each of the plurality of dice are transferred to a carrier wafer such that each pair of dice is configured with a second pitch between each pair of dice, the second pitch being larger than the first pitch. 132.-. (canceled)33. A method for manufacturing an article that includes a laser diode device , the method comprising: providing a gallium and nitrogen containing substrate having a surface region characterized by a polar c-plane or an offcut of a polar c-plane surface;', 'forming an epitaxial material overlying the surface region, the epitaxial material comprising a release material overlying the surface region, an n-type gallium and nitrogen containing region overlying the release material, an active region comprising at least one quantum well layer overlying the n-type gallium and nitrogen containing region, and a p-type gallium and nitrogen containing region overlying the active region; and an interface region overlying the p-type gallium and nitrogen containing region, the at least one quantum well layer being characterized by an internal polarization field;', 'forming a plurality of dice by at least patterning the epitaxial material, each pair of dice being characterized by a first pitch between the pair of dice, each of the dice corresponding to at least one laser diode device;', 'bonding the interface region associated with at least one of the plurality of ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170063046A1
Автор: FUKAGAI Kazuo

A semiconductor laser including current block layers disposed between a p-type clad layer and a p-type light guide layer and a current confinement region which is a region between the current block layers is configured as follows. A width of an opening portion of an insulating layer is made narrow above a wide portion of the current confinement region in which the wide portion, a tapered portion, a narrow portion, a tapered portion and the wide portion are disposed in this order between an incidence side (HR side) and an emission side (AR side), and both ends of the wide portion are covered by an insulating layer. According to such a configuration, it is possible to suppress generation of super luminescence in the wide portion, and it is thus possible to achieve improvement in beam quality and higher output of the beam. 1. A semiconductor device comprising:a substrate;a first nitride semiconductor layer disposed above a main surface of the substrate;a second nitride semiconductor layer disposed above the first nitride semiconductor layer;a third nitride semiconductor layer disposed above the second nitride semiconductor layer;two fourth nitride semiconductor layers which are disposed between the third nitride semiconductor layer and the second nitride semiconductor layer and are spaced apart from each other;a current confinement region which is a region between the two fourth nitride semiconductor layers;an insulating film which is disposed above the third nitride semiconductor layer and includes an opening portion above the current confinement region; anda first side surface and a second side surface to which the second nitride semiconductor layer is exposed,wherein each of the first side surface and the second side surface extends in a first direction,the current confinement region extends in a second direction intersecting the first direction and includes a first portion, a second portion disposed on the first side surface on one side of the first portion, and a ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170063047A1
Принадлежит: Soraa Laser Diode, Inc.

A multi-emitter laser diode device includes a carrier chip singulated from a carrier wafer. The carrier chip has a length and a width, and the width defines a first pitch. The device also includes a plurality of epitaxial mesa dice regions transferred to the carrier chip from a substrate and attached to the carrier chip at a bond region. Each of the epitaxial mesa dice regions is arranged on the carrier chip in a substantially parallel configuration and positioned at a second pitch defining the distance between adjacent epitaxial mesa dice regions. Each of the plurality of epitaxial mesa dice regions includes epitaxial material, which includes an n-type cladding region, an active region having at least one active layer region, and a p-type cladding region. The device also includes one or more laser diode stripe regions, each of which has a pair of facets forming a cavity region. 1. A multi-emitter laser diode device , the laser diode device comprising:a carrier chip singulated from a carrier wafer, the carrier chip being characterized by a length and a width; wherein the width defines a first pitch;a plurality of epitaxial mesa dice regions transferred to the carrier chip from a substrate and attached to the carrier chip at a bond region; each of the epitaxial mesa dice regions arranged on the carrier chip in a substantially parallel configuration and positioned at a second pitch defining the distance between adjacent epitaxial mesa dice regions, each of the plurality of epitaxial mesa dice regions comprising epitaxial material; the epitaxial material comprising an n-type cladding region, an active region comprising at least one active layer overlying the n-type cladding region, and a p-type cladding region overlying the active layer region;one or more laser diode stripe regions formed in the plurality of epitaxial mesa dice regions; andeach of the laser diode stripe regions configured with a pair of facets wherein the first facet is configured on a first end of the ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Semiconductor laser and electronic apparatus

Номер: US20210066887A1
Принадлежит: Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corp

A semiconductor laser according to one embodiment of the present disclosure includes a semiconductor stack. The semiconductor stack includes, in the following order, a first cladding layer, an active layer, one or a plurality of low-concentration impurity layers, a contact layer, and a second cladding layer that includes a transparent conductive material. The semiconductor stack further has, in a portion including the contact layer, a ridge extending in a stacked in-plane direction. Each low-concentration impurity layer has an impurity concentration of 5.0×10 17 cm −3 or less, and a total thickness of the low-concentration impurity layer is 250 nm or more and 1000 nm or less. A distance between the second cladding layer and the low-concentration impurity layer closest to the second cladding layer is 150 nm or less.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200064476A1

The present disclosure provides a mobile machine including a laser diode based lighting system having an integrated package holding at least a gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode and a wavelength conversion member. The gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode is configured to emit a first laser beam with a first peak wavelength. The wavelength conversion member is configured to receive at least partially the first laser beam with the first peak wavelength to excite an emission with a second peak wavelength that is longer than the first peak wavelength and to generate the white light mixed with the second peak wavelength and the first peak wavelength. The mobile machine further includes a light detection and ranging (LIDAR) system configured to generate a second laser beam and manipulate the second laser beam to sense a spatial map of target objects in a remote distance. 188.-. (canceled)89. A distance detecting system comprising:a power source;a processor coupled to the power source and configured to supply power and generate a driving current;a gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode configured to be driven by the driving current to emit a first light with a first peak wavelength;a wavelength conversion member configured to receive at least partially the first light to reemit a second light with a second peak wavelength that is longer than the first peak wavelength and to combine a portion of the first light with the second light to produce a white light;the distance detecting system further comprising a first sensing light signal based on the first peak wavelength;one or more optical elements configured to direct at least partially the white light to illuminate one or more target objects or areas and to transmit respectively the first sensing light signal for sensing at least one remote point including the one or more target objects or areas and their surroundings; anda detector configured to detect reflected signals of the first sensing light ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180069150A1

A semiconductor device includes a semiconductor structure including a first conductive semiconductor layer, a second conductive semiconductor layer, and an active layer provided between the first conductive semiconductor layer and the second conductive semiconductor layer, and a semiconductor device package including the semiconductor device. The active layer includes a plurality of barrier layers and a plurality of well layers. The second conductive semiconductor layer includes a conductive second semiconductor layer and a conductive first semiconductor layer provided on the conductive second semiconductor layer. The conductive second semiconductor layer has a higher aluminum composition than the well layers, and the conductive first semiconductor layer has a lower aluminum composition than the well layers. 1. A semiconductor device comprising:a first conductive semiconductor layer;a second conductive semiconductor layer; andan active layer provided between the first conductive semiconductor layer and the second conductive semiconductor layer, wherein:the active layer comprises a plurality of barrier layers and a plurality of well layers;the second conductive semiconductor layer includes a conductive first semiconductor layer and a conductive second semiconductor layer, and the conductive first semiconductor layer provided on the conductive second semiconductor layer;the barrier layers, the well layers, the conductive second semiconductor layer, and the conductive first semiconductor layer include aluminum;the conductive second semiconductor layer has a higher aluminum composition than the plurality of well layers;the conductive first semiconductor layer has a lower aluminum composition than the plurality of well layers;the aluminum composition of the conductive first semiconductor layer decreases in a first concentration gradient as the conductive first semiconductor is further away from the active layer;the aluminum composition of the conductive second ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190067912A1

A group III nitride based laser light emitting device includes an n-side group III nitride based semiconductor region, a p-side group III nitride based semiconductor region, and a group III nitride based active region between the p-side group III nitride based semiconductor region and n-side group III nitride based semiconductor region. The group III nitride based active region includes first and second quantum well layers and a barrier layer between the first and second quantum well layers, the respective compositions of the first and second quantum well layers comprising different respective amounts of indium. The first quantum well is closer to the n-side group III nitride based semiconductor region than the second quantum well, the second quantum well is closer to the p-side group III nitride based semiconductor region than the first quantum well, and the first quantum well has a larger band gap than the second quantum well. 1. A group III nitride based laser diode , comprising:an n-side group III nitride based semiconductor region, the n-side group III nitride based semiconductor region comprising an n-cladding layer and an n-guide layer;a p-side group III nitride based semiconductor region, the p-side group III nitride based semiconductor region comprising a p-cladding layer and a p-guide layer; anda group III nitride based active region between the p-side group III nitride based semiconductor region and the n-side group III nitride based semiconductor region, the group III nitride based active region comprising first and second quantum well layers and a barrier layer between the first and second quantum well layers, respective compositions of the first and second quantum well layers comprising different respective amounts of indium, an amount of indium of the second quantum well layer being greater than an amount of indium of the first quantum well layer, an indium amount ratio of the indium of the second quantum well layer to the indium of the first quantum ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170069788A1
Автор: Wunderer Thomas

A thin film device described herein includes a first thin film layer, a second film layer and a heterostructure within the second film layer. The first thin film layer is atop a substrate. The second thin film layer is grown from the first thin film layer through a patterned mask, having openings, under selective area growth (SAG) conditions. The second thin film layer is configured to be released from the first thin film layer by etching a trench. The etched trench may provide access to the patterned mask and the patterned mask may be eliminated with a wet etchant. 1. A device comprising:a first thin film layer atop a substrate;a second thin film layer, grown from the first thin film through a patterned mask, having openings, under selective area growth (SAG) conditions; anda heterostructure within the second thin film layer,wherein the second thin film layer is configured to be released from the first thin film layer atop the substrate by etching a trench.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the trench provides access to the patterned mask and the patterned mask is eliminated with a wet etchant.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the trench comprises a vertical trench that is configured substantially similarly to the mask openings and wherein the trench has a depth that is substantially the thickness of the second thin film layer.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the second thin film layer is a gallium-nitride based film.5. The device of claim 1 , the second thin film layer has a height substantially in the range of 2 μm to 20 μm.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the released second thin film layer has an area substantially in the range of 25 μmto 1 mm.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the second thin film layer is configured to be incorporated into a printed electronic device claim 1 , a flexible transparent display claim 1 , a flexible large area luminaire display claim 1 , a photovoltaic display claim 1 , a micro-display claim 1 , an integrated circuit claim 1 ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200067267A1

A nitride light emitter includes: a nitride semiconductor light-emitting element including an AlGaN substrate (0≤x≤1) and a multilayer structure above the AlGaN substrate; and a submount substrate on which the nitride semiconductor light-emitting element is mounted. The multilayer structure includes a first clad layer of a first conductivity type, a first light guide layer, a quantum-well active layer, a second light guide layer, and a second clad layer of a second conductivity type which are stacked sequentially from the AlGaN substrate. The multilayer structure and submount substrate are opposed to each other. The submount substrate comprises diamond. The nitride semiconductor light-emitting element has a concave warp on a surface closer to the AlGaN substrate. 1. A nitride light emitter , comprising:{'sub': x', '1-x', 'x', '1-x', 'x', '1-x, 'a nitride semiconductor light-emitting element including an AlGaN substrate, where x ranges from 0 to 1, inclusive, and a multilayer structure disposed above an AlGaN substrate, the multilayer structure including a first clad layer of a first conductivity type, a first light guide layer, a quantum-well active layer, a second light guide layer, and a second clad layer of a second conductivity type which are stacked in stated order from the AlGaN substrate; and'}a submount substrate on which the nitride semiconductor light-emitting element is mounted,wherein the nitride semiconductor light-emitting element is mounted on the submount substrate such that the multilayer structure and submount substrate are opposed to each other,the submount substrate comprises diamond, and{'sub': x', '1-x, 'the nitride semiconductor light-emitting element has a concave warp on a surface closer to the AlGaN substrate.'}2. The nitride light emitter according to claim 1 , wherein the AlGaN substrate is a GaN substrate.3. The nitride light emitter according to claim 1 , wherein the multilayer structure has a compressive mean strain relative to the ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200067271A1

A projector includes a laser light source, and a light modulating element that modulates light emitted from the laser light source in accordance with image information. The laser light source includes a substrate, and a photonic crystal structure that includes a light emitting layer that emits light, and causes the light emitted by the light emitting layer to be confined in an in-plane direction of the substrate and be emitted in a normal direction of the substrate. 1. A projector comprising:a laser light source; anda light modulating element that modulates light emitted from the laser light source in accordance with image information,the laser light source including:a substrate; anda photonic crystal structure that includes a light emitting layer that emits light, and causes the light emitted by the light emitting layer to be confined in an in-plane direction of the substrate and be emitted in a normal direction of the substrate.2. The projector according to claim 1 , whereinthe photonic crystal structure includes columnar portions arranged periodically.3. The projector according to claim 2 , whereineach of the columnar portions includes the light emitting layer.4. The projector according to claim 1 , whereinthe photonic crystal structure includes a layer provided with pores periodically.5. The projector according to claim 4 , whereinthe layer includes the light emitting layer.6. A projector comprising:a laser light source; anda light modulating element that modulates light emitted from the laser light source in accordance with image information,the laser light source including:a substrate;a light emitting layer that emits light; anda photonic crystal structure that causes the light emitted by the light emitting layer to be confined in an in-plane direction of the substrate and be emitted in a normal direction of the substrate.7. The projector according to claim 6 , whereinthe photonic crystal structure includes columnar portions arranged periodically.8. The ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Protection for the epitaxial structure of metal devices

Номер: US20140151630A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Techniques for fabricating metal devices, such as vertical light-emitting diode (VLED) devices, power devices, laser diodes, and vertical cavity surface emitting laser devices, are provided. Devices produced accordingly may benefit from greater yields and enhanced performance over conventional metal devices, such as higher brightness of the light-emitting diode and increased thermal conductivity. Moreover, the invention discloses techniques in the fabrication arts that are applicable to GaN-based electronic devices in cases where there is a high heat dissipation rate of the metal devices that have an original non-(or low) thermally conductive and/or non-(or low) electrically conductive carrier substrate that has been removed.

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Selective Layer Disordering in III-Nitrides with a Capping Layer

Номер: US20150079770A1

Selective layer disordering in a doped III-nitride superlattice can be achieved by depositing a dielectric capping layer on a portion of the surface of the superlattice and annealing the superlattice to induce disorder of the layer interfaces under the uncapped portion and suppress disorder of the interfaces under the capped portion. The method can be used to create devices, such as optical waveguides, light-emitting diodes, photodetectors, solar cells, modulators, laser, and amplifiers. 1. A method for selective layer disordering in III-nitrides , comprising:growing a III-nitride heterostructure on a substrate at a growth temperature chosen to prevent layer disordering, wherein one or more of the heterostructure layers are doped with an impurity during growth,depositing a dielectric capping layer on a portion of the surface of the heterostructure to provide a capped portion and an uncapped portion, andannealing the heterostructure at an annealing temperature and time sufficient to induce disordering of the heterostructure layer interfaces under the uncapped portion and suppress disordering of the interfaces under the capped portion.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the III-nitride heterostructure comprises a plurality of AlGaN/AlN claim 1 , GaN/AlN claim 1 , GaN/AlGaN claim 1 , InGaN/GaN claim 1 , InGaN/AlN claim 1 , InGaN/AlGaN claim 1 , AlInN/GaN claim 1 , AlInN/AlN claim 1 , or AlInN/InGaN layers.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the impurity comprises silicon claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , selenium claim 1 , or tellurium.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dopant concentration in the heterostructure is greater than 5×10cm.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the growing comprises metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy claim 1 , molecular beam epitaxy claim 1 , and vapor phase epitaxy.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the growth temperature is less than 885° C.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the annealing temperature is greater than 700° C.8. The method of ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Nitride-based light-emitting device

Номер: US20190074665A1

A nitride-based light-emitting device includes, on a GaN substrate: a first-conductivity-side first semiconductor layer; an active layer; and a second-conductivity-side first semiconductor layer, in the stated order, and further includes an electron barrier layer of a second conductivity type between the active layer and the second-conductivity-side first semiconductor layer, the electron barrier layer including a nitride-based semiconductor containing at least Al. The electron barrier layer has a first region in which an Al composition changes. The Al composition in the first region monotonically increases in a direction from the active layer to the second-conductivity-side first semiconductor layer. An impurity concentration in the second-conductivity-side first semiconductor layer is lower in a region nearer the electron barrier layer than in a region farther from the electron barrier layer.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170077677A1
Принадлежит: Soraa Laser Diode, Inc.

A method for fabricating a laser diode device includes providing a gallium and nitrogen containing substrate member having a surface region, forming a patterned dielectric material overlying the surface region to expose a portion of the surface region within a vicinity of an recessed region of the patterned dielectric material and maintaining an upper portion of the patterned dielectric material overlying covered portions of the surface region, and performing a lateral epitaxial growth overlying the exposed portion of the surface region to fill the recessed region and causing a thickness of the lateral epitaxial growth to be formed overlying the upper portion of the patterned dielectric material. The method also includes forming an n-type gallium and nitrogen containing material, forming an active region, and forming a p-type gallium and nitrogen containing material. The method further includes forming a waveguide structure in the p-type gallium and nitrogen containing material. 1. A method for fabricating a laser diode device comprising:providing a gallium and nitrogen containing substrate member comprising a surface region;forming a patterned dielectric material overlying the surface region to expose a portion of the surface region within a vicinity of an recessed region of the patterned dielectric material and maintaining an upper portion of the patterned dielectric material overlying covered portions of the surface region;performing a lateral epitaxial growth overlying the exposed portion of the surface region to fill the recessed region overlying the exposed portion and causing a thickness of the lateral epitaxial growth to be formed overlying the upper portion of the patterned dielectric material;forming an n-type gallium and nitrogen containing material overlying the dielectric material;forming an active region overlying the n-type gallium and nitrogen containing material;forming a p-type gallium and nitrogen containing material;forming a waveguide structure ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Light emitter and projector

Номер: US20200076160A1
Автор: Takafumi Noda, Yoji Kitano
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A light emitter includes a substrate, a first semiconductor layer having a first conductivity type, a second semiconductor layer having a second conductivity type different from the first conductivity type, a light emitting layer provided between the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer and capable of emitting light when current is injected into the light emitting layer, and a third semiconductor layer provided between the substrate and the first semiconductor layer and having the second conductivity type, in which the first semiconductor layer is provided between the third semiconductor layer and the light emitting layer, and the third semiconductor layer has a protruding/recessed structure.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200076165A1
Автор: NAGAO Yoji

A semiconductor laser element includes a first nitride semiconductor layer of a first conductivity-type; a second nitride semiconductor layer of a second conductivity-type; and an active region disposed between the first nitride semiconductor layer and the second nitride semiconductor layer. The active region includes a first barrier layer, an intermediate layer, a well layer and a second barrier layer. A lattice constant of the intermediate layer is greater than a lattice constant of each of the first barrier layer and the second barrier layer, and smaller than a lattice constant of the well layer. A thickness of the intermediate layer is greater than a thickness of the well layer. The well layer and the second barrier layer are in contact with each other, or a distance between the well layer and the second barrier layer is smaller than a distance between the first barrier layer and the well layer. 1. A semiconductor laser element comprising:a first nitride semiconductor layer of a first conductivity-type;a second nitride semiconductor layer of a second conductivity-type; andan active region disposed between the first nitride semiconductor layer and the second nitride semiconductor layer, the active region having a single quantum well structure, wherein:the active region comprises a first barrier layer, an intermediate layer, a well layer, and a second barrier layer, in this order in a direction from the first nitride semiconductor layer toward the second nitride semiconductor layer,a lattice constant of the intermediate layer is greater than a lattice constant of each of the first barrier layer and the second barrier layer, and smaller than a lattice constant of the well layer,a thickness of the intermediate layer is greater than a thickness of the well layer, andthe well layer and the second barrier layer are in contact with each other, or a distance between the well layer and the second barrier layer is smaller than a distance between the first barrier layer and ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Semiconductor laser element

Номер: US20140161145A1
Автор: Takashi Miyoshi
Принадлежит: Nichia Corp

A semiconductor laser element includes: a light emitting layer of a nitride semiconductor that is placed above a substrate of GaN and has a refractive index higher than the substrate, wherein the semiconductor laser element further includes the following layers between the substrate and the light emitting layer in an order from the substrate: a first nitride semiconductor layer of AlGaN; a second nitride semiconductor layer of AlGaN having an Al ratio higher than the first nitride semiconductor layer; a third nitride semiconductor layer of an InGaN; and a fourth nitride semiconductor layer of AlGaN having an Al ratio higher than the first nitride semiconductor layer and having a thickness greater than the second nitride semiconductor layer.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190081457A1

An edge emitting structure includes an active region configured to generate radiation in response to excitation by a pumping beam incident on the structure. A front facet of the edge emitting structure is configured to emit the radiation generated by the active region. A metallic reflective coating disposed on at least one of the front and rear facets of the edge emitting structure. The metallic reflective coating is configured to reflect the radiation generated by the active region. 1. An electron beam pumped edge emitting structure comprising:an active region configured to generate radiation in response to excitation by an electron pumping beam incident on the structure;a front facet configured to emit the radiation generated by the active region;a rear facet;a first side disposed between the front facet and the rear facet;an opposing second side disposed between the front facet and the rear facet;at least one metallic reflective coating comprising a metal layer disposed directly on one of the front and rear facets, the metallic reflective coating configured to reflect the radiation generated by the active region; andone or more contact layers configured to discharge electrons created by the electron pumping beam, each contact layer respectively disposed on one of the metallic reflective coating disposed directly on the front facet, the metallic reflective coating disposed directly on the rear facet.2. The structure of wherein the metallic reflective coating comprises an aluminum coating and the contact layer comprises a layered structure comprising Ti and Au.3. The structure of wherein the metallic reflective coating has a thickness of between about 1 nm and about 200 nm and the contact layer only partially covers the metallic reflective coating.4. The structure of claim 2 , wherein the aluminum coating is unannealed and the contact layer comprises a different metal than the aluminum coating.5. The structure of wherein the at least one metallic reflective coating ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160087153A1

A structure of a high luminance LED and a high luminance LD is provided. The present invention provides a light emitting device containing, on a zinc blende-type BP layer formed on an Si substrate, an AlInGaN (y≧0, x>0) crystal as a mother crystal maintaining the zinc blende-type crystal structure and In dots having an In concentration higher than that of the AlInGaN (y≧0, x>0) crystal as the mother crystal. 1. A light emitting device , comprising:an Si substrate;a buffer layer formed on the Si substrate, the buffer layer containing a BP crystal;an n-type GaN-based crystal formed on the buffer layer containing the BP crystal; and{'sub': y', 'x', '1-y-x', 'y', 'x', '1-y-x', 'y', 'x', '1-y-x', 'y', 'x', '1-y-x', 'y', 'x', '1-y-x, 'an active region containing a zinc blende-type AlInGaN (y≧0, x>0) mother crystal formed on the n-type GaN-based crystal, and AlInGaN (y≧0, x>0) nanodots formed in the zinc blende-type AlInGaN (y≧0, x>0) mother crystal, the AlInGaN (y≧0, x>0) nanodots having an In concentration higher than that of the zinc blende-type AlInGaN (y≧0, x>0) mother crystal.'}2. The light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the n-type GaN-based crystal contains silicon incorporated thereto as an impurity.3. The light emitting device according to claim 2 , wherein the silicon is contained in the n-type GaN-based crystal at a concentration of 5×10/cmor higher and 5×10/cmor lower.4. The light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the Si substrate is a crystal substrate obtained as a result of being inclined at an angle in the range of 5 degrees or greater and 10 degrees or less from a (100) plane toward a (110) plane.5. The light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the Si substrate is a crystal substrate obtained as a result of being inclined at an angle in the range of 5 degrees or greater and 10 degrees or less from a (100) plane toward a (110) plane and being inclined at an angle in the range of 5 degrees or greater and 10 degrees or ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150092386A1

A lighting apparatus for emitting polarized white light, which includes at least a first light source for emitting primary light comprised of one or more first wavelengths and having a first polarization direction; and at least a second light source for emitting secondary light in the first polarization direction, comprised of one or more secondary wavelengths, wherein the first light and the secondary light are combined to produce a polarized white light. The lighting apparatus may further comprise a polarizer for controlling the primary light's intensity, wherein a rotation of the polarizer varies an alignment of its polarization axis with respect to the first polarization direction, which varies transmission of the primary light through the polarizer, which controls a color co-ordinate or hue of the white light. 1. A white light-emitting device for emitting polarized white light , comprising:one or more Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), Super Luminescent Diodes (SLDs), or Laser Diodes (LDs) that emit at least blue polarized light; andone or more phosphors for emitting yellow polarized light when optically pumped by the blue polarized light, wherein:the LEDs, SLDs, or LDs are nonpolar or semipolar III-nitride LEDs, SLDs, or LDs;the phosphors have a structure that maintains a polarization of the blue polarized light, so that the yellow polarized light has the polarization of the blue polarized light; anda combination of the blue polarized light and the yellow polarized light is polarized white light having a same polarization as the blue polarized light.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the nonpolar LEDs claim 1 , SLDs claim 1 , or LDs are fabricated on an m-plane or an a-plane of a wurtzite III-nitride substrate.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the semipolar LEDs claim 1 , SLDs claim 1 , or LDs are fabricated on any crystallographic plane other than a c-plane claim 1 , m-plane or a-plane of a wurtzite III-nitride based substrate.4. The device of claim 3 , further ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Optical Subassembly Having Side-Emitting Optical Fiber Coupled to High-Energy UV-C Laser Diode

Номер: US20220102937A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

An optical subassembly includes a housing, a laser package, and first and second end sections of side-emitting optical fiber. The housing defines first, second, and third channels which extend from a central space. The laser package is affixed to the third channel and comprises an edge-emitting UV-C laser diode disposed in the central space and having first and second edges. The first end section of side-emitting optical fiber is retained in the first channel and has a first end face which confronts the first edge. The second end section of side-emitting optical fiber is retained in the second channel and has a second end face which confronts the second edge. The housing further defines a fourth channel which extends from the central space. The optical subassembly further includes a transparent window seated in an opening of the fourth channel. 1. An optical subassembly comprising:a housing that defines first, second, and third channels which extend from a central space;a laser package affixed to the third channel and comprising a UV-C laser diode chip disposed in the central space and having first and second edges;a first end section of side-emitting optical fiber retained in the first channel and having a first end face which confronts the first edge; anda second end section of side-emitting optical fiber retained in the second channel and having a second end face which confronts the second edge.2. The optical subassembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the housing further defines a fourth channel which extends from the central space and has an offset claim 1 , further comprising a transparent window seated on the offset.3. The optical subassembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the laser package further comprises:a header base having first and second throughholes;a ground pin having one end connected to the header base;a heat sink having a top, a base, and first and second throughholes that pass through the base and not the top, the base of the heat sink being ...
