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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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04-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2615170C1

Изобретение относится к области преобразовательной техники. Предложено устройство преобразования энергии, которое может выполнять операцию потребления рекуперативной энергии, для потребления рекуперативной энергии, генерируемой двигателем, и операцию усиления, для усиления мощности постоянного тока, подаваемой на инвертор, без увеличения размера устройства и стоимости устройства, в конфигурации с использованием основной цепи, в которой образованы цепь выпрямителя и инвертор. Основная цепь (100) включает в себя диод (5), катод которого соединен с цепью положительного вывода источника питания, образованной между цепью (3) выпрямителя и инвертором (4); и переключающий элемент (6), который присоединен между анодом диода (5) и цепью отрицательного вывода источника питания, образованной между цепью (3) выпрямителя и инвертором (4). В основной цепи (100) участок между первым контактом P и вторым контактом P1, которые обеспечены в цепи положительного вывода источника питания, открыт, и реактор ...

17-12-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016152246A3

21-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU172707U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам импульсной преобразовательной техники, в частности к устройствам стабилизации тока и регулировки коэффициента мощности в преобразователях. Техническим результатом полезной модели является упрощение конструкции устройства. Устройство стабилизации тока с активным корректором коэффициента мощности содержит управляемый электронный ключ 1, схему управления 2, мостовой выпрямитель 3, первый диод 4, первую катушку индуктивности 5, первый конденсатор 6, второй диод 7, третий диод 8, вторую катушка индуктивности 9, второй конденсатор 10 для соединения с нагрузкой 11. 1 н.п. ф-лы, 4 з.п. ф-лы 3 ил. Ц 172707 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ ре в 53" 3) 72 707 4 $ > $ & 2 ой п | РЦ ‘’ х (50) МПК НО2М 3/156 (2006.01) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016152565, 30.12.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.12.2016 Дата регистрации: 21.07.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 30.12.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 21.07.2017 Бюл. № 21 Адрес для переписки: 197341, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Парашютная, 12, кв. 696, Рыжакову Владимиру Евгеньевичу (72) Автор(ы): Рыжаков Владимир Евгеньевич (КО) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Рыжаков Владимир Евгеньевич (КО) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: В02571952,27.12.2015. К02479955С2,20.04.2013. 0$6519164В1,11.02.2003. (54) УСТРОЙСТВО СТАБИЛИЗАЦИИ ТОКА С АКТИВНЫМ КОРРЕКТОРОМ КОЭФФИЦИЕНТА МОЩНОСТИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к устройствам импульсной преобразовательной техники, в частности к устройствам стабилизации тока и регулировки коэффициента мощности в преобразователях. Техническим результатом полезной модели является упрощение конструкции устройства. Устройство стабилизации тока с активным корректором Стр.: 1 коэффициента мощности содержит управляемый электронный ключ 1, схему управления 2, мостовой выпрямитель 3, первый диод 4, первую катушку индуктивности 5, первый конденсатор 6, второй ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2698110C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использовано в силовых преобразователях транспортного средства. Техническим результатом является улучшение фильтрации помех в шине питания. Силовой преобразователь постоянного тока в постоянный ток включает в себя схему переключения и индуктивно-емкостный фильтр, выполненный с возможностью уменьшения паразитной индуктивности. Индуктивно-емкостный фильтр включает в себя индуктор, конденсатор и катушку, размещенную и ориентированную относительно и электрически соединенную с конденсатором. Катушка, размещенная с конденсатором, обеспечивает течение пульсирующего тока, вызванного работой схемы переключения через конденсатор и катушку с противоположным направлением. Пульсирующий ток, текущий через катушку, ослабляет магнитное поле, создаваемое конденсатором, при уменьшении паразитной индуктивности конденсатора. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил., 1 табл.

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2503120C2

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и является устройством с питанием от солнечной батареи, которое включает в себя батарею, по меньшей мере, один фотоэлектрический элемент (который может быть частью солнечного модуля, содержащего множество фотоэлектрических элементов) и DC-восприимчивое АС устройство, такое как компактная флуоресцентная лампа. Устройство с питанием от солнечной батареи может также включать в себя первый DC-DC преобразователь, который получает первый электрический сигнал от, по меньшей мере, одного фотоэлектрического элемента и обеспечивает сигнал зарядки на батарею, и второй DC-DC преобразователь, который получает второй электрический сигнал от батареи и обеспечивает DC сигнал питания постоянного тока на DC восприимчивое АС устройство. Технический результат - повышение КПД. 2 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2697503C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использовано для зарядки аккумуляторов низкого напряжения от аккумулятора высокого напряжения в электромобиле, гибридном транспортном средстве и т.п. Техническим результатом является уменьшение шума при включении и выключении переключающего элемента. Устройство преобразования мощности, которое преобразует мощность, подаваемую через первую шину (93) подачи мощности и вторую шину (94) подачи мощности, включает в себя: индуктивный элемент (L1), соединенный с первой шиной (93) подачи мощности; силовой модуль (3), который преобразует мощность, подаваемую между первой шиной (93) подачи мощности и второй шиной (94) подачи мощности, посредством переключения. Устройство преобразования мощности дополнительно включает в себя: кожух (1), который вмещает в себя индуктивный элемент (L1) и силовой модуль (3); первый импедансный элемент (11), предоставленный между индуктивным элементом (L1) и кожухом (1). 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 29 ил.

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Ключевой нормализатор напряжения

Номер: RU2751078C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и радиотехники и предназначено для использования в первичных звеньях электропитания энергоемкой функциональной аппаратуры от объектовой электросети. Технический результат заключается в повышении энергоэффективности и надежности работы при расширении области использования, особенно при большой мощности потребления. Для достижения технического результата ключевой нормализатор напряжения обеспечивает ограничение выходного тока при включении и перегрузке, а также ограничение кратковременных перенапряжений в режимах ключевого регулирования при транзитной передаче напряжения электропитания в номинальных режимах работы. Ключевой нормализатор напряжения содержит двухтактный ключевой усилитель мощности 1 (КУМ), дроссель 2 (L), конденсатор 3 (С) выходного фильтра, датчик 4 тока (ДТ), датчик 5 напряжения (ДН), источники 6 и 7 опорных напряжений (ОН I и ОН U), двухканальный драйвер 18 (ДД), пороговое вычитающее устройство 12 (ПВУ), весовой сумматор 13 ...

20-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2111526C1

Использование: например, в качестве стабилизированных источников тока в преобразователях кода знаков ИКМ-приборов. Сущность: запуск переключательного элемента в релейном регуляторе производят через конденсатор связи от компаратора. Для этого на его инвертирующий вход подают пилообразное напряжение, а на его неинвертирующий вход подают управляющее напряжение, которое получается от включенного в цепь тока переключательного элемента токоизмерительного устройства. Компаратор служит в качестве широтно-импульсного модулятора, который также может реализовывать самые малые ширины импульсов. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

22-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2629554C9

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использовано в источнике питания и в устройстве, содержащем источник питания. Техническим результатом является обеспечение подвода требуемой мощности даже в режиме ожидания. Источник питания содержит схему резонанса токов, выполненную с возможностью управления трансформатором; к первичной стороне которого подключен резонансный контур с коммутационным элементом, выполненным с возможностью периодически повторяемых включения и отключения, а также контроллер, выполненный с возможностью управления коммутационным элементом так, что коммутационный элемент работает в непрерывном режиме, при котором он выполняет непрерывно повторяемые включение и отключение, или в прерывистом режиме, при котором он выполняет повторяемые с перерывами включение и отключение, в соответствии с внешним сигналом, указывающим на работу в непрерывном режиме или в прерывистом режиме. Источник питания также содержит индикатор напряжения, выполненный с возможностью ...

05-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2713481C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники. Предложена резервная сеть энергоснабжения, содержащая первый преобразователь (11) тока питания с первым промежуточным контуром (12) постоянного напряжения и второй преобразователь (21) тока питания с вторым промежуточным контуром (22) постоянного напряжения, а также первый источник (13) энергии и второй источник (23) энергии, сеть (2) переменного напряжения и присоединительный элемент (4) для внешней сети (5), причем первый и второй преобразователи (11, 21) тока питания со стороны переменного напряжения соединены с сетью (2) переменного напряжения, причем первый источник (13) энергии соединен с первым промежуточным контуром (12) постоянного напряжения, а второй источник (23) энергии соединен с вторым промежуточным контуром (22) постоянного напряжения. Для достижения технического результата, заключающегося в улучшения резервной сети энергоснабжения в отношении подачи энергии через внешнюю сеть, предлагается размещать между первым преобразователем ...

15-01-2020 дата публикации

Импульсный стабилизатор напряжения с защитой от перегрузок по току

Номер: RU2711138C1

Предлагаемое изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано при создании блоков питания радиоаппаратуры и регулируемых микроэлектроприводов постоянного тока. Техническим результатом данного изобретения является повышение надежности функционирования и КПД за счет исключения потерь мощности в силовом транзисторе. Импульсный стабилизатор напряжения с защитой от перегрузки по току содержит: регулирующий транзистор, коллектором подключенный к входу LCD-фильтра, эмиттер силового транзистора объединен с входным выводом, компаратор напряжения, инвертирующий вход которого объединен с выходом резистивного делителя напряжения, первый выход которого объединен с общей шиной питания, а его второй выход подключен через последовательно соединенный диод и второй дроссель к коллектору силового транзистора, второй конденсатор, подключенный своим первым выходом к второму выходу резистивного делителя напряжения, а вторым - к общей шине питания, неинвертирующий вход компаратора напряжения подключен ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2666225C1

Изобретение относится к импульсной технике, в частности к электроразрядным технологиям, и может быть использовано для электрогидравлического разрушения, дробления и дезинтеграции материалов. Технический результат заключается в повышении надежности генератора импульсного тока за счет увеличения ресурса работы его узлов - накопителя энергии на основе импульсного высоковольтного конденсатора и высоковольтного коммутирующего устройства на базе тиратрона, игнитрона или любого другого ключа, при высокой эффективности электромеханической трансформации энергии в рабочем искровом канале. Генератор включает разрядную цепь, схема замещения которой состоит из последовательного соединения сопротивления R технологического узла выделения энергии, электрической емкости C высоковольтного накопителя энергии на основе импульсных конденсаторов, индуктивности L соединительных кабелей, ключа на основе высоковольтного коммутатора S и кроубарной цепи на базе высоковольтных полупроводниковых диодов VD, устанавливенной ...

28-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2732991C1

Заявленное изобретение относится к области электронных преобразователей, в частности относится к электронному преобразователю электрического тока с входным постоянным электрическим током. Технический результат заявленного изобретения заключается в повышении оптимизации эффективности работы источника тока, упрощении конструкции, уменьшении габаритов. Электронный преобразователь (1) содержит пару входных клемм (IN+, IN-), в частности, выполненных с возможностью подсоединения к блоку (10) питания с выходом постоянного электрического тока, и пару выходных клемм (OUT+, OUT-), в частности, выполненных с возможностью подсоединения к электрической нагрузке (5). Электронный преобразователь (1) дополнительно содержит каскад (2) преобразования электрического тока, подсоединенный к указанным входным клеммам (IN+, IN-) и указанным выходным клеммам (OUT+, OUT-), и контроллер (3), подсоединенный к каскаду (2) преобразования электрического тока и, в частности, выполненный с возможностью управления электрической ...

20-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013105446A

... 1. Способ управления операцией переключения в модуле импульсного источника питания, причем модуль импульсного источника питания предназначен для подачи питания на элемент оборудования, при этом способ содержит этапы, на которых:- измеряют (S2) с помощью модуля (107) измерения в упомянутом импульсном источнике питания ток нагрузки,- сравнивают (S3) с помощью модуля (110) компаратора измеренный ток нагрузки с предварительно определенным пороговым значением (109) тока нагрузки, и,- если упомянутый измеренный ток нагрузки меньше, чем упомянутое предварительно определенное пороговое значение тока нагрузки, в течение первого периода времени, то управляют с помощью контроллера (111, 112, 115) операцией (S4) переключения упомянутого модуля (1) импульсного источника питания путем повторных активизаций и деактивизаций операции переключения до тех пор, пока измеренное значение упомянутого тока нагрузки не будет больше, чем упомянутое предварительно определенное пороговое значение тока нагрузки, в ...

10-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002128148A

... 1. Электропреобразователь, имеющий входные выводы для соединения с источником энергии и выходные выводы для соединения с устройством нагрузки, при этом указанный электропреобразователь отличается тем, что содержит выходной каскад для избирательного соединения входных выводов с выходными выводами с тем, чтобы подавать энергию от источника энергии в устройство нагрузки; контроллер, выполненный с возможностью соединения в ходе работы с выходным каскадом, для динамического управления указанным избирательным соединением входных и выходных выводов; причем выходной каскад также отличается тем, что содержит индуктивный элемент, соединенный с входными выводами, емкостной элемент, соединенный с выходными выводами, выпрямляющий элемент, который выполнен замыкающимся в ответ на первое состояние и размыкающимся в ответ на второе состояние, и выключатель, реагирующий на сигнал S2 управления от контроллера, при этом выпрямляющий элемент и выключатель выполнены с возможностью соединения в ходе работы с ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014104238A

... 1. Способ регулирования переключающего преобразователя в квазирезонансном режиме, причем PWM контроллеру (1) для определения момента времени отключения переключающего элемента (S) задается напряжение (U6) считывания, и причем момент времени включения переключающего элемента (S) приходится на впадину (V1, V2, V3, V4) приложенного на отключаемом переключающем элементе (S) колебательного напряжения (U1), отличающийся тем, что при каждой впадине (V1, V2, V3, V4), возникающей после процесса выключения, напряжение (U6) считывания уменьшается.2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что при каждой возникающей впадине (V1, V2, V3, V4) снижается вспомогательное напряжение (U4), и напряжение (U6) считывания формируется суммированием вспомогательного напряжения (U4) и измеренного напряжения (U5), пропорционального току через переключающий элемент (S).3. Способ по п. 2, отличающийся тем, что посредством аналогового счетчика (4) из выходного сигнала контура распознавания впадины формируется вспомогательное ...

27-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009134514A

... 1. Защитная схема блока электропитания установки постоянного тока, отличающаяся тем, что она установлена на выходе блока электропитания, а между положительной клеммой (3) блока электропитания и положительной выходной клеммой (1) установки постоянного тока предусмотрены переключательный элемент (S1), а также дроссель, включенный между переключательным элементом (S1) и положительной выходной клеммой (1) (L1), причем дроссель (L1) со своей стороны, соединенной с положительной выходной клеммой (1), подключен к выходному конденсатору (С2), а сторона дросселя (L1), соединенная с переключательным элементом (S1), подключена к диоду (D1), включенному параллельно выходному конденсатору (С2), со стороны катода, а также, что предусмотрено устройство управления переключательным элементом (S1), включающее переключательный элемент (S1) в зависимости от тока, измеренного в защитной схеме. ! 2. Защитная схема по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она встроена в корпус блока электропитания и что выходной конденсатор ...

15-04-1984 дата публикации

Стабилизированный блок питания для выдачи внутренних номиналов питания устройств связи, преимущественно для телефонных станций

Номер: SU1087090A3

... 1. СТАБИЛИЗИРОВАННЫЙ БЛОК ПИТАНИЯ ДЛЯ ВЬЩАЧИ ВНУТРЕННИХ НОМИНАЛОВ ПИТАНИЯ УСТРОЙСТВ СВЯЗИ, преимущественно для телефонных станций, содержащий несколько преобразовательных ступеней, каждая из которых состоит из узла включения преобразовательной ступени, входного фильтра, подключенного ко входу регулируемого преобразователя напряжения, выход которого подсоединен через выходной фильтр к .выходным выводам, одни из которых подсоединены ко входам узла индикации состояния преобразовательной ступени, связанного своими выходами со входами узла включения преобразовательной ступени, а также ко входу регулятора напряжения, выход которого связан с управляющим узлом , подсоединенным ко входу регулируемого преобразователя напряжения, и узел защиты от перегрузок, отличающийся тем, что, с целью улучшения зксплуатационных характеристик , в каждую из преобразовательных ступеней введен узел внутреннего контроля и переключения, подсоединенный одними из своих вхо .дов к выходам регулируемого преобразователя ...

03-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE102012205970A1

Ein Leistungswandler (10) hat eine Gruppe von zwei Halbleiterschaltern (S1a und S1b), die Schaltvorgänge durchführen, wobei jeder davon (S1a und S1b) aus einem FET (FET1a und FET1b) und einer Freilaufdiode (D1a und D1b) gebildet wird, die anti-parallel zu dem FET (FET1a und FET1b) verbunden ist, und einem Glättungskondensator (C1), und Leistung wandelt durch komplementäre Schaltvorgänge der FETs (FET1a und der FET1b) in den Halbleiterschaltern (S1a und S1b). Der Leistungswandler (10) wird mit einem Stromsensor (CS1) bereitgestellt, der eine Richtung eines durch die Halbleiterschalter (S1a und S1b) fließenden Stroms erfasst und einem Gate-Erzeugungsabschnitt (11) der EIN-Signale der PWM-Gatesignale der Halbleiterschalter (S1a und S1b) überspringt, wenn die Richtung des durch die Halbleiterschalter (S1a und S1b) fließenden Stroms negativ ist.

14-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004136809A1

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Erhöhen einer Batteriespannung mit Aufwärtswandlern

Номер: DE112019000212B4

Stromversorgung (200; 300), aufweisend:eine Gleichrichterschaltung (202; 302), die einen Gleichrichter-Eingangsbus und einen Gleichrichter-Ausgangsbus aufweist;eine Leistungswandlerschaltung (204; 304), die einen Leistungswandler-Eingangsbus (314) und einen Leistungswandler-Ausgangsbus (310) aufweist, wobei der Gleichrichter-Ausgangsbus elektronisch mit dem Leistungswandler-Eingangsbus verbunden ist und wobei der Gleichrichter-Ausgangsbus elektronisch mit einer Last (206; 306) verbunden ist;eine Batterie (402), die einen Entladepfad (316) und einen Ladepfad (312) aufweist, wobei der Entladepfad elektronisch mit dem Eingangsbus der Leistungswandlerschaltung und dem Leistungswandler-Ausgangsbus verbunden ist, und wobei der Ladepfad elektronisch mit dem Ausgangsbus der Leistungswandlerschaltung verbunden ist, wobei der Entladepfad eine Diode enthält, die die Batterie elektronisch mit dem Gleichrichter-Ausgangsbus verbindet und wobei der Ladepfad einen Ladeschalter (412) enthält;eine Mikrosteuereinheit ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015106688B4

Schalter (2) mit einem Feldeffekttransistor (200), in einem eine erste Hauptoberfläche (110) aufweisenden Halbleitersubstrat (100), umfassend:einen Sourcebereich (201) von einem zweiten Leitfähigkeitstyp;einen Drainbereich (205) von dem zweiten Leitfähigkeitstyp;einem Drainkontakt (206), der in einem in der ersten Hauptoberfläche ausgebildeten Drainkontakttrench angeordnet ist, wobei der Drainbereich (205) direkt an den Drainkontakt (206) angrenzt;einen Bodybereich (220) von einem ersten Leitfähigkeitstyp;und eine Gateelektrode (210) bei dem Bodybereich (220), wobei die Gateelektrode (210) gestaltet ist, um eine Leitfähigkeit eines in dem Bodybereich (220) gebildeten Kanales zu steuern, wobei die Gateelektrode (210) in Gatetrenches (212) vorgesehen ist,wobei der Bodybereich (220) längs einer ersten Richtung zwischen dem Sourcebereich (201) und dem Drainbereich (205) angeordnet ist, die erste Richtung parallel zu der ersten Hauptoberfläche ist, der Bodybereich (220) eine Gestalt eines Grates ...

13-11-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003016763A1

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015223114A1

Ein Knoten, der eine Ladung speichert, wird in zwei Phasen entladen, beginnend mit einer stromgesteuerten Phase, wo eine Stromspiegelsenke den an dem Knoten abgefallenen Strom steuert, und dann Übergehen zu einer zweiten Phase, wo eine resistive Entladung bereitgestellt ist. Eine Pull-down-Einrichtung wie ein Transistor schaltet von seinem Sättigungsmodus in der ersten Phase zu seinem linearen Modus in der zweiten Phase. Eine dieses Verfahren implementierende Entladungsschaltung stellt eine verglichen mit Ansätzen, die lediglich auf Stromspiegeln oder resistives Entladen setzen, optimierte Fläche und Steuerung für den Entladungsvorgang bereit.

08-04-2021 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zum Überwachen eines Schaltnetzteils

Номер: DE102020124345A1

Gemäß einer Ausführungsform umfasst ein Verfahren: Treiben einer vorgegebenen Last unter Verwendung einer Treiberschaltung gemäß einem Treibermuster; Versorgen der Treiberschaltung mit Strom unter Verwendung eines Schaltnetzteils (SMPS), das derart eingerichtet ist, dass es mit mindestens einer externen Komponente gekoppelt wird; und Überprüfen einer Funktionalität des SMPS während des Treibens der vorgegebenen Last. Das Überprüfen der Funktionalität umfasst: Überwachen von mindestens einem Betriebsparameter des SMPS, wobei der mindestens eine Betriebsparameter des SMPS vom Treibermuster und der mindestens einer externen Komponente abhängig ist, Vergleichen des mindestens einen Betriebsparameters mit mindestens einem erwarteten Betriebsparameter, um ein erstes Vergleichsergebnis zu bilden, und Anzeigen eines Fehlerzustands auf der Grundlage des ersten Vergleichsergebnisses.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020209738A1

Ein System zum Verbessern eines Leistungsfaktors (PF - power factor) eines Leistungswandlers in Signalkommunikation mit einem Gleichrichter und einem elektromagnetische-Interferenz-Kondensator ist offenbart. Das System umfasst eine Steuervorrichtung und einen Schwellendetektor. Der Schwellendetektor ist konfiguriert zum Messen und Vergleichen einer gleichgerichteten Spannung mit einer Schwellenspannung, und die Steuervorrichtung ist konfiguriert zum Setzen des Leistungswandlers in einen Stoppmodus. Der Leistungswandler wird in den Stoppmodus an einer Stoppzeit gesetzt, die geringer ist als eine erste Nulldurchgangszeit. Die Steuervorrichtung ist weiter konfiguriert zum Setzen des Leistungswandlers in einen Betriebsmodus an einem Zeitpunkt, der nach der ersten Nulldurchgangszeit ist.

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE112013005939T5

Es ist ein Wandlergerät offenbart, das einen Wandler, der ein Schaltelement und eine Spule aufweist, und eine Steuerungseinrichtung aufweist, die einen Tastgrad bei einem vorbestimmten Tastgradeinstellungszyklus einstellt, und ein EIN-/AUS-Schalten des Schaltelements des Wandlers zu einem Schaltzeitpunkt entsprechend einer Beziehung zwischen dem eingestellten Tastgrad und einem Trägersignal ausführt, wobei der vorbestimmte Tastgradeinstellungszyklus einem halben Zyklus des Trägersignals entspricht. Die Steuerungseinrichtung bestimmt den zu diesem Tastgradeinstellungszyklus einzustellenden Tastgrad derart, dass ein Abtasten eines Stromwerts eines durch die Spule fließenden Stroms und eine Berechnung des bei dem nächsten Tastgradeinstellungszyklus einzustellenden Tastgrads auf der Grundlage des abgetasteten Stromwerts vor einem nächsten Tastgradeinstellungszeitpunkt abgeschlossen sind.

15-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001563871B2

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE112017002585T5

Bei einer Stromversorgungssteuervorrichtung (10) erhöht eine Ladeschaltung (23) eine Basisspannung (Vb), wenn ein Halbleiterschalter (20) eingeschaltet ist. Ein erster Schalter (21) ist eingeschaltet, wenn eine Differenzspannung, die sich durch Subtraktion einer Gatespannung (Vg) von einer Basisspannung (Vb) ergibt, mindestens einer ersten Referenzspannung entspricht, und ist ausgeschaltet, wenn die Differenzspannung kleiner als die erste Referenzspannung ist. Wenn der erste Schalter (21) eingeschaltet ist, lädt eine Batterie (13) oder ein Kondensator (C1) parasitäre Kapazitäten (Cd1, Cs1) des Halbleiterschalters (20).

06-09-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002305920A1

31-03-2005 дата публикации

Switched regulator e.g. supplying regulated voltage for integrated circuit, has control input of electronic switch coupled to positive or negative output rail for charging and discharging capacitor regulating output voltage

Номер: DE0010339483A1

The switched regulator has an electronic switch (106) in series with a diode (104) which is connected to a positive or negative output rail (114,116) and coupled to an inductor (100), the control input (107) of the switch coupled via a change-over switch (109) to the positive or negative output rail, in response to a switching signal provided by a control system (111), for charging and discharging a capacitor (102), for regulation of the output voltage. An independent claim for a method for controlling ramp-up of a switched regulator is also included.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013108486A1

Eine Spannungsanpassungsvorrichtung umfasst einen Netzadapter, ein Spannungs- und Stromstärkesignalverarbeitungsmodul, ein Steuermodul und ein Spannungsanpassungsmodul. Der Netzadapter versorgt ein elektronisches Gerät mit Strom. Das Spannungs- und Stromstärkesignalverarbeitungsmodul ermittelt die von dem Netzadapter zugeführte Stromstärke und Spannung und berechnet die für das elektronische Gerät geeignete erwünschte Spannung anhand der ermittelten Stromstärke und Spannung und einer voreingestellten Spannung für das elektronische Gerät. Das Steuermodul erzeugt ein Steuersignal gemäß der berechneten erwünschten Spannung. Das Spannungsanpassungsmodul stellt die von dem Netzadapter zugeführte Spannung gemäß dem Steuersignal ein, um die von dem Netzadapter zugeführte Spannung für das elektronische Gerät anzupassen. Als Ergebnis kann die Spannungsanpassungsvorrichtung die von dem Netzadapter zugeführte Spannung so einstellen, dass sie auf das elektronische Gerät angepasst ist, das verwendet ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Ausgangskapazitätsberechnung und -steuerung in einer Leistungsversorgung

Номер: DE102016117492A1

Eine Steuerschaltung steuert eine Leistungsversorgungsschaltung derart, dass sie eine Ausgangsspannung erzeugt. Während der Operation der Erzeugung der Ausgangsspannung durch die Leistungsversorgungsschaltung berechnet die Steuerschaltung eine Größe einer Kapazität der Ausgangskondensatorschaltung in der Leistungsversorgung. Gemäß einer Ausgestaltung zieht die Steuerschaltung eine berechnete Größe der Kapazität als Grundlage für die Anpassung der Einstellungen der Leistungsversorgungsschaltung heran.

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016206098A1

Eine Schaltung und ein Verfahren zum Vorsehen einer Schaltregelung, konfiguriert zum Vorsehen eines Pulsfrequenzmodulation(PFM – pulse frequency modulation)-Betriebsmodus mit reduzierter elektromagnetischer Interferenz (EMI electromagnetic interference), aufweisend eine Ausgangsstufe, die konfiguriert ist zum Vorsehen eines Schaltens, aufweisend einen ersten und zweiten Transistor, eine Erfassungsschaltung, die konfiguriert ist zum Vorsehen eines Erfassens von Ausgangsstrominformation von einer Ausgangsstufe und einer Stromgrenzereferenz, einen ersten Digital-Analog-Wandler (DAC – digital-to-analog converter), der konfiguriert ist zum Vorsehen eines Signals an die Stromgrenzereferenz, eine Addiererfunktion, die konfiguriert ist zum Vorsehen eines Signals an den ersten Digital-Analog-Wandler (DAC – digital-to-analog converter), und ein linear rückgekoppeltes Schieberegister (LSFR – linear shift feedback register), das konfiguriert ist zum Vorsehen eines Signals an eine Addiererfunktion gefolgt ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Doppelflanken-Pulsbreitenmodulation für Merphasen-Schaltleistungsumsetzer mit Stromabgleich

Номер: DE102017219315B4

Verfahren, das Folgendes umfasst:Vergleichen einer Ausgangsspannung für einen Mehrphasen-DC-DC-Schaltleistungsumsetzer (100) mit einer Referenzspannung, um eine Fehlerspannung zu erzeugen;Erzeugen eines ersten Doppelrampen-Spannungssignals mit einem ersten DC-Spannungspegel für ein erstes induktives Bauelement (L1) in dem Mehrphasen-DC-DC-Schaltleistungsumsetzer (100);Pegelverschieben des ersten Doppelrampen-Spannungssignals, um ein zweites Doppelrampen-Spannungssignal mit einem zweiten DC-Spannungspegel, der von dem ersten DC-Spannungspegel verschieden ist, zu erzeugen;Einschalten eines ersten Leistungsschalters (S1), der mit dem ersten induktiven Bauelement (L1) gekoppelt ist, in Übereinstimmung mit einem Tastgrad, der als Reaktion auf einen Vergleich des zweiten Doppelrampen-Spannungssignals mit der Fehlerspannung bestimmt wird, wobei die Pegelverschiebung des ersten Doppelrampen-Spannungssignals den Tastgrad des ersten Leistungsschalters (S1) in der Weise einstellt, dass ein Strom in ...

26-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE102010060235A1

Eine Schaltervorrichtung (2) steuert eine Spannung, die an ein Lastelement (3) angelegt ist, gemäß einer Versorgung mit einer elektrischen Leistung von einer Leistungsquelle (1). Eine Treiberschaltung (8) steuert eine Aktivierung und Deaktivierung der Schaltervorrichtung (2). Ein Schaltungsabschnitt (4 bis 7) stellt ein Tastverhältnis ein und gibt das Tastverhältnis zu der Treiberschaltung (8) aus, zum Bewirken, dass die Treiberschaltung (8) die Schaltervorrichtung (2) gemäß dem Tastverhältnis aktiviert, um eine Spannung, die an das Lastelement (3) angelegt ist, zu steuern. Der Schaltungsabschnitt (4 bis 7) stellt das Tastverhältnis gemäß einer charakteristischen Tastverhältniskurve ein. Bei der charakteristischen Tastverhältniskurve verringert sich das Tastverhältnis allmählich mit einer Erhöhung einer Spannung der Leistungsquelle (1), und eine Verringerung des Tastverhältnisses mit einer Erhöhung der Spannung der Leistungsquelle (1) wird allmählich klein.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Schaltreglersteuerung mit nicht linearer Vorwärtskorrektur

Номер: DE102013111988A1

Ein Schaltregler umfasst eine Leistungsstufe und einen Controller. Die Leistungsstufe ist betriebsfähig, um eine Ausgangsspannung zu erzeugen. Der Controller ist betriebsfähig, um eine Einschaltdauer für die Leistungsstufe basierend auf einer Vorsteuerung einzustellen, so dass die Leistungsstufe die Ausgangsspannung als Funktion einer Eingangsspannung und einer Referenzspannung, die dem Schaltregler bereitgestellt werden, erzeugt. Der Controller ist ferner betriebsfähig, um die Vorsteuerung anzupassen, um der Auswirkung einer oder mehrerer Nicht-Linearitäten des Schaltreglers auf die Ausgangsspannung entgegenzuwirken.

31-12-2020 дата публикации

Tiefsetzer sowie LED-Einrichtung, insbesondere LED-Scheinwerfer oder LED-Signallicht, mit einem solchen Tiefsetzer

Номер: DE102014108775B4
Автор: FESKE ANDRE, Feske, Andre

Tiefsetzer, umfassend:- einen Spannungseingang mit einem ersten Pol (1')- einen Spannungsausgang mit einem ersten Pol (2')- wobei der Spannungseingang und der Spannungsausgang einen gemeinsamen zweiten Pol (3) aufweisen und wobei- zwischen den Polen des Spannungsausgangs ein Ausgangskondensator (C1) vorgesehen ist,- eine Reihenschaltung mit einem an den ersten Pol (1') des Spannungseingangs angeschlossenen ersten Schalter (S1) und einer Induktivität (L1), die mit einem ersten Ende an einen ersten Pol (2') des Spannungsausgangs angeschlossenen ist,- eine erste Diode (D1), welche eine Freilaufdiode des Tiefsetzers ist,- eine Steuerung mit einer Regelungsfunktion unter Vergleich einer Ist-Spannung mit einer Referenzspannung zur Erzeugung eines Steuersignals und mit einem Ausgang für das Steuersignal, der mit einem Gatter des ersten Schalters (S1) verbunden ist, und- eine Startschaltung (15)gekennzeichnet durch- zwei Bootstrap-Schaltungen, von denen jede eine Reihenschaltung mit einer Bootstrap-Diode ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102014110748A1

Gemäß einer Ausführungsform weist eine Schaltung einen Schalter, der zwischen einen ersten Referenzanschluss und einen ersten Ausgangsanschluss geschaltet ist, ein induktives Element, das zwischen einen Eingangsanschluss und einen zweiten Ausgangsanschluss geschaltet ist, und eine Diode, die zwischen den ersten Ausgangsanschluss und den Eingangsanschluss geschaltet ist, auf. Die Schaltung weist ferner einen Controller auf, die mit einem Steueranschluss des Schalters gekoppelt ist. Der Controller ist dazu ausgebildet, ein Schaltsignal auf der Grundlage eines Ausgangssignals am zweiten Ausgangsanschluss zu bestimmen und das Schaltsignal dem Steueranschluss des Schalters bereitzustellen.

05-02-1987 дата публикации

DC power supply generator e.g. for gas discharge lamp - obtains regulated DC from mains supply giving sinusoidal input to filter and rectifier

Номер: DE0003541308C1

The rectifier (4) output is controlled by a switching transistor (11) in parallel with a load (14). Switching is controlled by an impulse generator (6) which gives a maximum frequency when the rectified voltage is minimum, and a minimum frequency when the rectified voltage is maximum. The variation in frequency between these limits is arranged such that the second derivative of frequency with respect to time is zero or negative. The impulse generator input is from a voltage to frequency converter (25). The impulse generator contains an integrator (28) responsive to the rectifier output current as measured by a resistor (16). The integrator time constant is less than the reciprocal of the maximum frequency. The integrator output (U4) is compared (27) with a proportion (U5) of the rectifier voltage. If the integrator output (U4) is larger then the signal from the rectifier (U5), the comparator output (U6) ends the impulse. ADVANTAGE - Reduces interference voltages which can occur at lower ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Schutzvorrichtung für eine Stromversorgung

Номер: DE102014001749A1

Vorrichtungen und Verfahren stellen eine Schutzvorrichtung zum Aufrechterhalten eines stetigen Ausgangssignals am Anschluss eines Gate-Treibers trotz Schwankungen in einer Stromversorgung zur Verfügung. Die Schutzvorrichtung enthält eine Erkennungsschaltung für eine Unterspannung zur Überwachung der Stromversorgung und erkennt Schwankungen in der Stromversorgung. Eine Schaltung zum Abtrennen des Gates ist zum Trennen des Anschlusses des Gate-Treibers von der Stromversorgung, wenn die Erkennungsschaltung für eine Unterspannung eine Schwankung in der Stromversorgung erkennt, ausgebildet. Eine Spannung am Anschluss des Gate-Treibers wird in einem vorgewählten Bereich gehalten, wenn das Gate abgetrennt ist.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Stromversorgung einer Ansteuerschaltung für ein getaktetes Schaltnetzteil

Номер: DE0019946025B4

Vorrichtung zur Stromversorgung einer Ansteuerschaltung für ein getaktetes Schaltnetzteil, welche Vorrichtung eine einen Bootstrapkondensator (2) aufweisende Bootstrapschaltung (C1, D1, R1, C2) enthält und eine Aufladeschaltung (C3, R5, D4, R4) für den Bootstrapkondensator (C2) aufweist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Aufladeschaltung (C3, R5, D4, R4) bei gesperrtem Schaltnetzteil einen Anschluss des Bootstrapkondensators (C2) über einen Widerstand (R5) mit Masse verbindet und bei freigegebenem Schaltnetzteil den Bootstrapkondensator (C2) auflädt.

15-02-2001 дата публикации

Method for operating a DC-DC converter transforms DC voltage as power supply voltage into a higher output voltage applying a controller to affect the DC-DC converter in accordance with the output voltage regulated by it.

Номер: DE0019939983A1

A DC-DC converter (1) transforms DC voltage, referred to as 'power supply voltage' (Ui), into a comparatively higher output voltage (Uo). A controller (2) affects the DC-DC converter in accordance with the output voltage, which it regulates. The DC-DC converter acts as an up-converter having a reservoir choke (L1), a switch (S1) operating as a NMOS transistor, a diode (D1) and a filter capacitor (C1).

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013114271A1

In einem Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Wechselrichters (12), bei dem eine Eingangsspannung (UPV) des Wechselrichters (12) durch einen eingangsseitigen Gleichspannungswandler (14) und/oder eine ausgangsseitige Wechselrichterbrücke (16) eingestellt wird, wobei die Eingangsspannung (UPV) einer MPP-Spannung (UMPP) entspricht, bei der ein eingangsseitig anschließbarer Generator (11) eine maximale elektrische Leistung abgibt, wird ein erster Temperaturwert (TDCDC) in dem Gleichspannungswandler (14) und ein zweiter Temperaturwert (TDCAC) in der Wechselrichterbrücke (16) ermittelt und die Eingangsspannung (UPV) des Wechselrichters (12) gegenüber der MPP-Spannung (UMPP) geändert, wenn mindestens einer der ermittelten Temperaturwerte (TDCDC, TDCAC) einen ihm zugeordneten Grenzwert (Tmax,DCDC, Tmax,DCAC) überschreitet. In dem Verfahren wird die Eingangsspannung (UPV) gegenüber der MPP-Spannung (UMPP) erhöht, wenn ein Überschreiten des Grenzwertes (Tmax,DCDC) für den ersten Temperaturwert (TDCDC) in ...

28-06-1979 дата публикации

Regulator for DC voltage supply - using single control loop for regulating and low frequency load voltage modulation

Номер: DE0002757637A1

A regulator for a direct voltage supply receiving a primary voltage and contg. a switch as the central element has a switching frequency filter connected after the switch which is controlled by a variable pulse width signal from a control device. The latter is activated by a comparator with a demand signal input. It achieves regulation of the primary voltage and modulation of the direct load voltage using a single control loop. One of the comparator inputs has a superimposed alternating component to enable generation of a low frequency modulated direct voltage.

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Wechselstromgeneratorvorrichtung und Spannungsumsetzer hierfür

Номер: DE102018131846A1

Es werden eine Wechselstromgeneratorvorrichtung und ein Spannungsumsetzer hierfür geschaffen. Der Spannungsumsetzer umfasst eine Spannungsumsetzungsschaltung und eine Hilfsschaltung. Die Spannungsumsetzungsschaltung weist ein erstes Leistungsende, ein zweites Leistungsende und einen Induktor auf. Die Spannungsumsetzungsschaltung setzt eine erste Spannung am ersten Leistungsende um, um eine zweite Spannung am zweiten Leistungsende während einer Betriebszeitdauer zu erzeugen, oder die Spannungsumsetzungsschaltung setzt die zweite Spannung am zweiten Leistungsende um, um die erste Spannung am ersten Leistungsende während der Betriebszeitdauer zu erzeugen. Die Hilfsschaltung bildet eine erste Schleife zwischen dem ersten Leistungsende und dem Induktor während einer Rücksetzzeitdauer oder bildet eine zweite Schleife zwischen dem zweiten Leistungsende und dem Induktor während der Rücksetzzeitdauer oder bildet eine dritte Schleife in der Hilfsschaltung.

12-12-2019 дата публикации

HEV-E-Antriebe mit HV-Hochsetzverhältnis und breitem Gleichstromverteilerspannungsbereich

Номер: DE102019115885A1

Die vorliegende Offenbarung stellt HEV-E-Antriebe mit HV-Hochsetzverhältnis und breitem Gleichstromverteilerspannungsbereich bereit. Ein System beinhaltet einen Verteiler und einen variablen Spannungswandler (VVC), der einen Schalter, der mit einem Kondensator in Reihe geschaltet ist, und einen Induktor beinhaltet, der mit dem Kondensator und dem Schalter parallel geschaltet ist, und derart konfiguriert ist, dass der Betrieb des Schalters in einem Verstärkungsmodus über einen Aussteuerungsbereich von 0 bis weniger als 0,5 einen entsprechenden Spannungsausgang an den Verteiler von 0 bis zu einem Maximum des VVC bewirkt.

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020100601A1

Eine Controllerschaltung ist dazu ausgebildet, ein Schaltelement anzusteuern, um einen Kanal, der eine Quelle elektrisch mit einem induktiven Element des Tiefsetzstellers koppelt, aufzubauen und einen Minimum-Strommesswert zu erzeugen. Als Reaktion darauf, dass der Strom an dem Schaltelement einen Soll-Spitzenstromschwellenwert eines Satzes von Steuerungsparametern für den Tiefsetzsteller übersteigt, ist die Controllerschaltung dazu ausgebildet, einen Spitzenstrommesswert zu erzeugen, unter Verwendung des Minimum-Strommesswerts und des Spitzenstrommesswerts einen mittleren Strom zu berechnen und den Satz von Steuerungsparametern unter Verwendung des mittleren Stroms zu ändern. Als Reaktion darauf, dass das Schaltelement eine Aus-Zeit des Satzes von Steuerungsparametern erfüllt, ist die Steuerschaltung dazu ausgebildet, das Schaltelement anzusteuern, um für eine nachfolgende Schaltperiode während eines Ein-Zustands einen Kanal, der die Quelle elektrisch mit dem induktiven Element koppelt ...

19-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE102004030840A1

Es wird ein als Festspannungsregler ausgebildeter Schaltregler (1) mit einem Spannungsteiler (40) beschrieben, dem ein am Reglerausgang (2) anliegendes Spannungssignal über einen ersten Anschluss (V) zuführbar ist, um einer Treiberschaltung (35, 31) ein Ausgangssignal des Spannungsteilers (40) als Regelgröße zuzuführen, das mit einer Referenzspannung (Vref) bewertet wird. Dabei weist die Schaltungsanordnung (30) ein Überwachungsmittel (50) auf, das die Treiberschaltung (35, 31) in Abhängigkeit des am ersten Anschluss (V) anliegenden Spannungssignals mit einem über der Referenzspannung (Vref) liegenden Spannungssignal als neue Regelgröße beaufschlagt.

11-12-1969 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001513211A1

02-09-2010 дата публикации

Schaltwandler und Verfahren zum Steuern eines Schaltwandlers

Номер: DE102010001105A1

Ausführungsbeispiele der vorliegenden Erfindung betreffen einen Schaltwandler, eine integrierte Schaltung und ein Verfahren zum Steuern eines Schaltwandlers. Ein Ausführungsbeispiel betrifft einen Schaltwandler mit einem ersten Kompensationsnetzwerk, dem eine Fehlerspannung zugeführt ist, und ein zweites Kompensationsnetzwerk, dem die Fehlerspannung zugeführt ist. Eine Übertragungsfunktion im Frequenzbereich des ersten Kompensationsnetzwerks umfasst eine erste Nullstelle und mehrere erste Pole, und eine Übertragungsfunktion im Frequenzbereich des zweiten Kompensationsnetzwerks umfasst eine zweite Nullstelle und einen zweiten Pol.

30-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE102012003550A1

Ein Optimalwert-Steuersystem für einen Laststrom in einem Gleichstrom/Gleichstrom-Umsetzer (DC/DC-Umsetzer) umfasst ein Stromnormierungsmodul, ein Optimalwert-Erzeugungsmodul und ein Tastverhältnis-Erzeugungsmodul. Das Stromnormierungsmodul erzeugt einen normierten Laststrom, indem eine Verstärkung eines gemessenen Laststroms mit einer Verstärkung eines Induktivitätenstroms abgeglichen wird. Das Optimalwert-Erzeugungsmodul erzeugt ein Laststrom-Optimalwertsignal (LCFF-Signal) auf der Grundlage des normierten Laststroms. Das Tastverhältnis-Erzeugungsmodul erzeugt ein Tastverhältnis für den DC/DC-Umsetzer auf der Grundlage einer befohlenen Ausgangsspannung und des LCFF-Signals.

28-09-2006 дата публикации

Switch for controlling LED, has switching devices providing currents for diode arrangements, and logic device controlling devices such that current for corresponding arrangement is not provided at same time

Номер: DE102005012625A1

The arrangement has two light emitting diode arrangements with switching devices e.g. transistor that provide operating currents for the arrangements. The switching devices are switched off and on such that the two diode arrangements glow with given brightness. A logic device (1) is provided for controlling the switching devices such that respective operating current for corresponding arrangements is not provided at the same time. An independent claim is also included for a method for simultaneous operation of light emitting diodes.

26-10-2006 дата публикации

Selbsterregter Hochsetzteller

Номер: DE102005018794A1

Elektronisches Vorschaltgerät mit einem Hochsetzsteller, welcher eine Speicherdrossel, eine Diode, einen Zwischenkreiskondensator und ein Schaltelement aufweist, bei dem der Strom durch die Speicherdrossel als Indikator für die Ein- und Ausschaltzeitpunkte des Schaltelementes dient und der Hochsetzsteller selbsterregt oszilliert.

19-06-2008 дата публикации

Ansteuerungseinrichtung und Verfahren zum Betrieb wenigstens einer Reihenschaltung von Leuchtdioden

Номер: DE102006059355A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Anzeigevorrichtung für wenigstens eine Reihenschaltung mehrerer Leuchtdioden, mit einer Spannungsregelungseinheit zur Regelung einer Betriebsspannung für die wenigstens eine Reihenschaltung der Leuchtdioden, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass für jede Reihenschaltung von Leuchtdioden eine Stromregelungseinheit zur Regelung des Stroms durch die jeweilige Reihenschaltung der Leuchtdioden vorgesehen ist und dass die Stromregelungseinheit mit der Spannungsregelungseinheit zur Übertragung eines Stromregelsignals an die Spannungsregelungseinheit verbunden ist.

18-11-1971 дата публикации

Elektronisch geregelte Gleichspannungsteiler und -wandler

Номер: DE0002020095A1

12-02-1970 дата публикации

Schaltungsanordnung zur Regelung einer Gleichspannung

Номер: DE0001939459A1

19-01-2011 дата публикации

Primary side control circuit and method for ultra-low idle power operation

Номер: GB0002469003B
Принадлежит: IGO INC, IGO INC, IGO, INC.

12-03-2003 дата публикации

Low-frequency, low power switching voltage pre-regulator

Номер: GB0000302819D0

14-11-2012 дата публикации

Power converter

Номер: GB0201217569D0

10-11-2021 дата публикации

Circuitry for providing an output voltage

Номер: GB0002594752A

Circuitry for providing an output voltage to a load connected to node 120 comprises a voltage generator such as amplifier 110, a current limiter circuit such as controllable switch 140a, a circuit to detect when the load voltage reaches a target voltage and a delay circuit to deactivate the current limiting a delay period after the target voltage is reached. Amplifier 110 providing the voltage may be dynamically reconfigurable to operate in a second of two modes when the current limiter has been activated. The second amplifier mode may compensate for the absence of a load coupled to its output by adjustment of a parameter such as power consumption, noise, accuracy, stability or output voltage. Logic circuitry 920 may switch the amplifier to the second mode when current limitation is active at any of plural output nodes and switch it to a normal or default mode when current limit is disabled at a node. Controllable switch 140 may be a MOSFET that operates in either a current limiting mode ...

27-11-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009121796D0

03-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009110548D0

01-10-1997 дата публикации

Constant on-time architecture for switching voltage regulator

Номер: GB0002311629A

A switching voltage regulator whose switching frequency decreases with reduced load currents is disclosed. The switching voltage regulator includes a current-controlled oscillator that varies the frequency of switching by changing the off-time of the switch and maintaining a constant on-time. The lower frequency as a result of the constant on-time switching reduces switching loss and power consumption at lower load currents. The constant on-time architecture of the present invention significantly improves the overall efficiency of the switching voltage regulator, while reducing component count and die size.

24-12-2008 дата публикации

Remote sensing regulated voltage power supply

Номер: GB0002416867B

23-03-2011 дата публикации

Improvements in switching regulator circuits

Номер: GB0002437556B

02-06-1983 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to switching regulators

Номер: GB0002109597A

A buck boost type noninverting transformerless switching regulator utilizes two synchronized switches operating at either the same or different duty cycles to independently control energy storage and energy delivery from a two terminal inductor element to the output load. A wide range of output voltage is available and is continuously regulated.

25-05-2011 дата публикации

Two stage resonant converter for LED lamps

Номер: GB0002475518A

A power supply for driving one or more low voltage LED strings from a higher voltage ac or do supply also provides a dimming capability, either by direct variation of the input supply or independently of the input supply by a simple internal controller. The power supply comprises at least two conversion stages, a first conversion stage 101 comprising input terminals 100 for connection to an ac or do supply, a high frequency resonant converter with constant output current characteristics and output terminals 102 for connection to at least one second conversion stage 111. Each second conversion stage comprises a current multiplier circuit and output terminals 112 for connection to a load. The power supply does not require current feedback in order to obtain acceptable current regulation, even under significant changes in the LED voltage or the number of LEDs in a string. The power supply can drive one or more LED strings from a single power supply without the need to individually monitor ...

07-08-2002 дата публикации

Pulse width modulation signal generator

Номер: GB0000214728D0

23-07-2014 дата публикации

Fly-forward converter with energy recovery snubber

Номер: GB0002509982A

A converter, particularly a Fly-forward converter with energy recovery snubber, for transferring energy from a voltage supply to an output includes transformer T1, coupled inductor L1, switch S1, energy recovery capacitor Cs, and energy recovery winding T1b. In transformer T1, a secondary winding T1c transfers energy from the supply to the output when a primary winding T1a is connected to the voltage supply. In inductor L1, a secondary winding L1b stores energy from the supply when a primary winding L1a is connected to the supply, and transfers that energy to the output when the primary winding is disconnected from the supply. Switch S1 switches between an on-state in which windings T1a, L1a are connected to the supply, and an off-state in which the windings T1a, L1a are disconnected from the supply. Capacitor Cs provides a current path between the supply and windings T1a, L1a such that, in the off-state, energy associated with demagnetization and leakage inductance of transformer T1 is ...

21-01-1981 дата публикации

Micropower system

Номер: GB0002052116A

A micropower DC/DC conversion system providing a stabilized voltage output at a predetermined voltage higher than that of the energy source. The system is powered by one or more primary cells in parallel or by a suitable battery, and the system is of special use with systems requiring low power at stabilized voltage which is substantially independent of the energy source impedance and load variations. According to the preferred embodiment of the system the output voltage stabilization is controlled by voltage detection circuit based on C-MOS inverters which allows extremely low power drain. The system is of special value for use with electronic implantable devices such as cardiac pacemakers.

19-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002052116B

15-10-2014 дата публикации

Reducing current harmonics at light loads

Номер: GB0002513066A

Reducing current harmonics at light loads is disclosed. In an example, a method includes increasing output voltage of a boost converter to reach a higher potential in a low power mode. After reaching the higher potential, the method includes dropping a set point for the output voltage.

21-07-2010 дата публикации

Solar photovoltaic system

Номер: GB0201009430D0

14-01-1970 дата публикации

DC Voltage Modifying Arrangement.

Номер: GB0001177553A

... 1,177,553. Automatic voltage control. TECHNIPOWER Inc. June 29, 1967, No. 29996/67. Heading G3R. A D.C. voltage regulator comprises input terminals 6, 8; output terminals 10, 12; an inductor 14 having sections 16 and 18 serially connected with a rectifier 22 between terminals 6 and 10; a storage capacitor 24 connected across the output terminals 10, 12; a switching circuit 26 for controlling current flow in inductor section 16; and a flip-flop circuit 30 for controlling the mark/space ratio of the switching action of circuit 26 in dependence upon output voltage variations as detected by a sensing circuit 36 which is associated with a voltage divider 40, 42 connected across the capacitor 24. The voltages induced in inductor sections 16 and 18 by the switching of circuit 26 are added to the D.C. input voltage at terminals 6, 8, the D.C. output voltage of the regulator being thus higher than the input voltage and being maintained constant by the action of control circuits 30, 36; the components ...

22-06-1994 дата публикации

Feedback control loop circuits

Номер: GB0009408624D0

28-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001601178A

02-03-2016 дата публикации

Boost converter controller with inductance value determination

Номер: GB0201600931D0

28-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002022943B
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

26-08-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for charging a load handling device on a grid

Номер: GB0202010704D0

09-06-2021 дата публикации

Energy storage system for a handling device

Номер: GB202105746D0

09-06-2021 дата публикации

Energy storage system for a load handling device

Номер: GB202105739D0

09-12-2009 дата публикации

Improvements relating to DC-DC converters

Номер: GB0000918784D0

25-11-2020 дата публикации

Boosting battery voltage with boost converters

Номер: GB0002584235A

Systems and methods for boosting battery voltage with boost converters are provided. Aspects include coupling a discharge path of a battery to an input side of a power converter in a power supply, wherein the power supply comprises a rectifier and the power converter. A charge path of the battery is coupled to an output side of the power converter and a processor monitors an output voltage of the power converter. The processor also monitors an input voltage of the power converter and responsive to the output voltage of the power converter dropping below a threshold voltage, the processor enables the discharge path.

17-10-2018 дата публикации

Dc-dc converter with a dynamically adapting load-line

Номер: GB0201814079D0

18-10-2017 дата публикации

Power Supply Circuits

Номер: GB0201714325D0

04-01-2023 дата публикации

Maintaining operation within a stable region of a power curve of a power converter

Номер: GB0002608574A

A power converter system comprising an input for receiving power (e.g. from a rechargeable lithium ion battery), and output for outputting power to one or more loads 8, control circuitry 30 configured to monitor an input voltage derived from the input power and limit an output current to the loads based on a maximum power deliver capability of the power converter system, based on the lowest of a first current limit corresponding to a minimum end of discharge voltage of the battery, a second current limit corresponding to a maximum power delivery capability of the power converter system, a third current limit corresponding to an upper power limit for the output power or a fourth current limit corresponding to a maximum allowable current.

16-03-2022 дата публикации

Maintaining operation within a stable region of a power curve of a power converter

Номер: GB0002598833A

A power delivery system 10 may include a power converter 20 configured to electrically couple to a power source 12 (for example, a rechargeable lithium ion battery) and further configured to supply electrical energy to one or more loads 18 electrically coupled to an output of the power converter and control circuitry 30 configured to monitor a first voltage derived from the power source 12, wherein the first voltage is indicative of a total power demanded by the power converter, and control a limit for a current supplied from the power source to the one or more loads based on comparison of the first voltage to a threshold voltage, wherein the threshold voltage is indicative of a point within a range of operation of the power converter at which the power converter delivers a maximum amount of power to the one or more loads.

30-03-2021 дата публикации

Импульсный стабилизатор напряжения

Номер: RU0000203275U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники, в частности к импульсным стабилизаторам напряжения.Техническим результатом является повышение КПД устройства.Импульсный стабилизатор напряжения содержит входную шину, ключевой элемент, фильтр, схему сравнения, схему управления, выходную шину, общую шину. Ключевой элемент содержит резистор, диод, первый МДП транзистор с индуцированным каналом n-типа, второй МДП транзистор с индуцированным каналом n-типа, конденсатор. Фильтр содержит диод и конденсатор. Схема сравнения содержит первый резистор, транзистор р-n-р-типа, первый стабилитрон, второй стабилитрон, второй резистор. Схема управления содержит генератор импульсов, элемент ИЛИ с открытым стоком. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 203 275 U1 (51) МПК G05F 1/56 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G05F 1/00 (2021.02); G05F 1/10 (2021.02); H02M 1/08 (2021.02); H02M 3/156 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021100749, 13.01.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.03.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 13.01.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 30.03.2021 Бюл. № 10 (54) ИМПУЛЬСНЫЙ СТАБИЛИЗАТОР НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области транзистор с индуцированным каналом n-типа, электротехники, в частности к импульсным второй МДП транзистор с индуцированным стабилизаторам напряжения. каналом n-типа, конденсатор. Фильтр содержит Техническим результатом является повышение диод и конденсатор. Схема сравнения содержит КПД устройства. первый резистор, транзистор р-n-р-типа, первый Импульсный стабилизатор напряжения стабилитрон, второй стабилитрон, второй содержит входную шину, ключевой элемент, резистор. Схема управления содержит генератор фильтр, схему сравнения, схему управления, импульсов, элемент ИЛИ с открытым стоком. 1 выходную шину, общую шину. Ключевой элемент ил. содержит резистор, диод, первый МДП R U 2 0 3 2 7 5 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Constant on-time switching regulator, and control method and on-time calculation circuit therefor

Номер: US20120019219A1

The present invention discloses a constant on-time switching regulator, a control method therefor, and an on-time calculation circuit for calculating an on-time period of a constant on-time switching regulator. The on-time calculation circuit calculates on-time according to practical conditions. It includes: a driver gate receiving a gate signal of a power switch in a switching regulator, the driver gate operating between high and low levels of a first reference voltage and ground; a low pass filter receiving an output from the driver gate and generating a second reference voltage, a ratio between the second reference voltage and the first reference voltage being substantially the same as a duty ratio of the gate signal; and an on-time generator comparing the second reference voltage with a ramp signal to determine an on-time of the power switch.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Coupled inductors for improved power converter

Номер: US20120025791A1
Принадлежит: University of Alabama UA

The disclosure relates to inductors fabricated on a substrate. A first inductor is formed by depositing conducting material on a first side of the substrate and a second inductor is formed by depositing material on a second side of the substrate. The inductors have the same cross section and the paths of the conducting materials are mirror images and provide magnetic flux on a portion of the substrate when equal currents flow in the inductors.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Controllers for power converters

Номер: US20120025792A1
Принадлежит: O2Micro Inc

A controller for a power converter includes a first amplification stage and a second amplification stage coupled to the first amplification stage. The first amplification stage generates a first amplified signal at a first terminal of an energy storage element according to an output signal the power converter. The second amplification stage generates a second amplified signal at a second terminal of the energy storage element and varies the second amplified signal in response to a change in the output signal. The second amplification stage further decreases the variation of the second amplified signal based on the first amplified signal.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Switching power source apparatus

Номер: US20120032661A1
Автор: Masaru Nakamura
Принадлежит: Sanken Electric Co Ltd

A switching power source apparatus includes a high-side MOSFET 11 connected to an input voltage, a ramp signal generator 18 to generate a ramp signal in synchronization with a switching frequency of the high-side MOSFET 11, an amplitude signal generator to generate an amplitude signal Comp corresponding to an amplitude of the ramp signal, a superposing circuit 3 to generate a second ramp signal having a positive inclination corresponding to the amplitude and frequency of the ramp signal and provide a superposed signal by superposing the second ramp signal on a first reference voltage, a controller 1 to control the ON timing and ON width of the high-side MOSFET 11, and a sudden heavy load detector 23 to detect if light load changes to heavy load, and if detects such a change, widen the ON width of the high-side MOSFET 11.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Dynamic control loop for switching regulators

Номер: US20120038340A1

Some embodiments regard a method of controlling a regulator having an input voltage and an output voltage, comprising: turning on a first driver; determining a duration ratio having a first time period over the first time period and a second time period; the first time period and the second time period indicating a duration when the first driver and a second driver is on, respectively; generating a second voltage level for the reference voltage based on the duration ratio and a ripple voltage that is a difference between a high threshold voltage and a low threshold voltage; turning off the first driver and turning on the second driver based on a relationship between the second voltage level and a voltage level of the output voltage; turning off the second driver when a current flowing through a node of the output voltage reaches a pre-determined level; and generating a change in the first time period based on the duration ratio and a voltage difference between a peak of the output voltage and the high threshold voltage.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Active wire compensation circuit and controller with the same

Номер: US20120062195A1
Автор: Ming Chiang Ting
Принадлежит: Analog Vision Technology Inc

An active wire compensation circuit, adapted to compensate a level of an output voltage detecting signal, is disclosed. A feedback controller controls a converting circuit according to the compensated output voltage detecting signal to have a load voltage for driving a load stabilized at a predetermined voltage level. The active wire compensation circuit comprises a compensating unit and a feedback compensating unit. The compensating unit detects the load current flowing through the load and accordingly generates a compensating current. The feedback compensating unit modulates the level of the output voltage detecting signal according to the compensating current and generates the compensated output voltage detecting signal.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Switching regulator

Номер: US20120081093A1
Автор: Yuji Hidaka
Принадлежит: Elpida Memory Inc

A switching regulator includes: a switching element that controlling supply of power supply voltage according to a control signal; a smoothing circuit smoothing the power supply voltage supplied via the switching element and supplying the smoothed power supply voltage as an output voltage to an output terminal; an error amplifier outputting an error signal according to a difference between the output voltage supplied to the output terminal and a reference voltage; a delta sigma modulation circuit generating a delta sigma modulation signal according to the error signal; and a power supply abnormality detection circuit outputting the delta sigma modulation signal as the control signal and detecting an abnormality in the power supply voltage based on the delta sigma modulation signal.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Integrated circuit comprising voltage modulation circuitry and method therefor

Номер: US20120098510A1

An integrated circuit comprising voltage modulation circuitry arranged to convert an input voltage level at an input node to an output voltage level at an output node. The voltage modulation circuitry comprises a switching element arranged to connect the input node to the output node when in an ON condition, and switching control module operably coupled to the switching element and arranged to control the connection of the input node to the output node by the switching element in accordance with a switching frequency. The voltage modulation circuitry further comprises frequency control module operably coupled to the switching control module and arranged to receive an indication of the input voltage level at the input node, and to configure the switching frequency based at least partly on the input voltage level indication.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for a high voltage power supply circuit

Номер: US20120113690A1
Принадлежит: Power Integrations Inc

A power switch is switched to regulate an output of a power converter. A feedback signal representative of a power converter output during a feedback portion of an off time of the power switch is received. The feedback signal is above a threshold during a fraction of the feedback portion of the off time of the power switch and the feedback signal is below the threshold during another fraction of the feedback portion of the off time of the power switch. The fractions of the feedback portion of the off time of the power switch are regulated in response to the feedback signal by controlling the switching the power switch.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Switching regulator with balanced control configuration with filtering and referencing to eliminate compensation

Номер: US20120126773A1

A switching regulator and controller and an electronic device using same are disclosed in which the controller includes a sense circuit, an error amplifier circuit, a filter and reference circuit, and a comparator circuit. The switching regulator includes a pulse switch circuit coupled to an output inductor for developing an output voltage. The sense circuit provides a sense signal indicative of current through the output inductor. The error amplifier circuit develops an error signal indicative of error of the output voltage. The filter and reference circuit high pass filters the sense signal to provide a filtered sense signal and which balances the filtered sense signal and the error signal at a common DC level. The comparator circuit develops a pulse control signal using the error signal and the filtered sense signal, where the pulse control signal is for controlling switching of the pulse switch circuit.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Ramp controlled driver for series/parallel solid state lighting devices

Номер: US20120146542A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An electronic OLED driver apparatus is presented, which includes a DC-DC converter stage with a waveform generator generating converter setpoints with profiles having minimum rise time and fall time values.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Voltage regulator and pulse width modulation signal generation method thereof

Номер: US20120146608A1

In a PWM signal generation method of a voltage regulator, an output sense signal, a first ramp signal and a second ramp signal are provided. A first time point of the first ramp signal crossing with the output sense signal is used to determine a start point of an ON-time of a PWM signal, and a second time point of the second ramp signal crossing with the output sense signal is used to determine an end point of the ON-time of the PWM signal. Moreover, the first ramp signal is reset to a reference voltage at the first time point and then maintained at the reference voltage, and further ramps down starting from the end point of the ON-time. The second ramp signal ramps up starting from the start point of the ON-time, and then is reset to a preset voltage at the second time point.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Switching Mode Power Supply Control

Номер: US20120153919A1

A method for controlling a switching converter is disclosed whereby the switching converter is configured to convert an input voltage into an output voltage supplied to a load in accordance with a switching signal, The switching converter is configured to operate in a pulse width modulation mode or, alternatively, in a pulse frequency modulation mode. When operating in the pulse width modulation mode, generating, as the switching signal, a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal of a pre-defined constant switching frequency. The PWM signal has a duty cycle that is regulated such that the output voltage of the switching converter matches, at least approximately, a desired output voltage under the condition that the duty cycle being regulated such that it does not fall below a predefined minimum duty cycle. The output voltage is monitored and switched over to the pulse frequency modulation mode when the output voltage exceeds a predefined first threshold. The method further comprises, when operating in the pulse frequency modulation mode, monitoring the output voltage and generating, as the switching signal, a series of pulses of a predefined constant pulse length. A pulse is generated each time the output voltage falls to a predefined second threshold and monitoring the frequency of the switching signal and switching to the pulse width modulation mode when the frequency of the switching signal exceeds a predefined frequency threshold.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Methods and apparatuses for combinations of current feedback for frequency compensation, overload detection, and super overload detection in switching power conversion

Номер: US20120153921A1
Автор: A. Paul Brokaw
Принадлежит: Integrated Device Technology Inc

A single replica current is proportional to current through a main switch of a switching power converter. This replica current may be used for current compensation, detection and response to an overload, detection and response to a super-overload, and combinations thereof. An input voltage is switchably coupled to an output signal generating a load current responsive to a switch control. A replica switch generates a replica current proportional to the load current. A ramp modulation signal may be generated. A voltage ramp of the ramp modulation signal may be adjusted in response to the replica current. A feedback difference signal is compared to the ramp modulation signal to generate a comparison output. Comparison of an overload reference voltage to a replica voltage proportional to the replica current generates an overload signal. The switch control is generated responsive to the comparison output and may be modified responsive to the overload signal.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Switching-mode power supply device

Номер: US20120161738A1
Автор: Heisuke Nakashima
Принадлежит: Mitsumi Electric Co Ltd

Disclosed is a switching-mode power supply device which outputs a voltage having a different electrical potential from an input voltage including an inductor, a driving switching element and a control circuit, and the control circuit includes a trigger signal generating circuit which generates and outputs a signal which provides timing to turn the driving switching element on or off, a first timekeeping unit which times a fixed ON period or a fixed OFF period which defines the pulse width of a driving pulse of the driving switching element, a second timekeeping unit which times a minimum OFF period or a minimum ON period of the driving switching element and a sudden load change detection circuit which detects a sudden load change.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Semi resonant switching regulator, power factor control and led lighting

Номер: US20120169240A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Described are improvements in power factor control and systems embodying said improved power factor control. Improvements lie in a method of zero voltage switching in which a capacitor is placed in parallel with a switching device, and the switching device is operated responsive to a change in the polarity of the current through the capacitor. Switching therefore occurs at zero or close to zero voltage across the switching device in both on and off modes resulting in very low switching losses and electromagnetic interference. Systems employing the method include a power factor controller, LED light source, boost converter and a power source comprising one or more photovoltaic cells.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Power supplies and control methods for operating in quadrature-resonance-similar mode

Номер: US20120169315A1
Принадлежит: Shamrock Micro Devices Corp

Control method and power controller suitable for a switched mode power supply with a power switch are provided. An ON time of the power switch is recorded. An estimated OFF time is provided based on the ON time. The estimated OFF time is in positive correlation with the ON time. The power switch is turned ON after the elapse of the estimated OFF time.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

System and Method for Controlling a Switched-Mode Power Supply

Номер: US20120182003A1

In an embodiment, a method of operating a switched-mode power supply includes producing an error signal based on a difference between a power supply output voltage and a reference voltage. A clock frequency is produced that is proportional to the error signal up to maximum frequency, and a sensed current signal is produced that is proportional to a current in switched-mode power supply. The error signal is summed with the sensed current signal to produce a first signal, and the first signal is compared to a first threshold. The method also includes producing a first edge of a drive signal at a first edge of the clock signal, and producing a second edge of the drive signal when the first signal crosses the first threshold in a first direction based on the comparing, where the second edge opposite the first edge.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Dc-dc converter

Номер: US20120187934A1
Автор: Takamune Suzuki
Принадлежит: Sanken Electric Co Ltd

A DC-DC converter includes: a high-side MOSFET as a main switching element which is driven by using a bootstrap capacitor; a low-side MOSFET as a synchronous rectifier, wherein a series circuit of the high-side MOSFET and the low-side MOSFET is connected to a DC power supply; and a coil and a smoothing capacitor, which are serially connected between the drain and the source of the low-side MOSFET; an overvoltage protection unit, which clamps an overvoltage; an overcurrent interrupting unit, which interrupts an overcurrent that flows when the overvoltage protection unit clamps the overvoltage; and a protection circuit, wherein the protection circuit includes: a differential-voltage detecting unit detecting the voltage of both ends of the bootstrap capacitor; and a control unit that, when the voltage detected by the differential-voltage detecting unit exceeds a predetermined value, turns OFF the low-side MOSFET and turns ON the high-side MOSFET.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Constant off time boost converter

Номер: US20120206122A1
Принадлежит: Fairchild Semiconductor Corp

This document discusses, among other things, apparatus and methods for operating a voltage converter. In an example, a circuit for controlling a converter can include a comparator configured to receive an off-time charge voltage and an off-time threshold and to initiate a transition of a power transistor from an off-time state to an on-time state when the off-time charge voltage exceeds the off-time threshold, and a capacitor coupled to the comparator and configured to receive a voltage from an inductor in the off-time state and to provide the off-time charge voltage using the voltage from the inductor.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Input current shaping for transition and discontinuous mode power converter

Номер: US20120212276A1
Автор: Ivan Feno, Silvio Ziegler
Принадлежит: Power One Inc

A power converter operable to draw an input current that is in phase with an input voltage of the power converter and proportional to a voltage of the input voltage of the power converter includes a drive switch, a waveform generator, and a current shaping circuit. The drive switch is connected between an input inductor and ground and draws current through the input inductor when turned on. The current shaping circuit provides an on-time of the drive switch for a next cycle of the drive switch as a function of an input current decay time, a switching period of the waveform generator, and an output voltage of the power converter. The waveform generator is responsive to the on-time provided by the current shaping circuit for selectively turning the drive switch on and off to cycle the drive switch as a function of the received on-time.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Delay compensation systems and methods for dc to dc converters

Номер: US20120217940A1
Автор: Mansur Kiadeh, Paul Latham
Принадлежит: Maxim Integrated Products Inc

A control system for a DC to DC converter includes a predicted state generator module, a voltage estimation module, an error module, and a pulse width modulation (PWM) module. During a prior sampling period, the predicted state generator module generates a predicted capacitor voltage and a predicted capacitor current for a current sampling period. The voltage estimation module generates an estimated value of an output voltage of the DC to DC converter during the current sampling period based on the predicted capacitor current, the predicted capacitor voltage, a delay value, and a duty cycle value for the prior sampling period. The error module generates a voltage error value based on difference between a measured value of the output voltage and the estimated value. The PWM module controls the duty cycle of the DC to DC converter based on the voltage error value.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Control for switching between pwm and pfm operation in a buck converter

Номер: US20120217946A1
Автор: Shu-ing Ju
Принадлежит: National Semiconductor Corp

Mode control circuitry is disclosed for use in a buck switching voltage regulator capable of operating in a pulse width modulation (PWM) mode and a pulse frequency modulation (PFM) mode, with the regulator including an inductor having first and second opposite inductor terminals, a first transistor switch connected between the first inductor terminal and a power input terminal and a second transistor switch connected between the first inductor terminal and a circuit common. Current sensing circuitry is provided to sense inductor current through the second switching transistor when the second switching transistor is switched to an ON state and to produce a current sense signal which is integrated over time starting when the second switching transistor is switched to an ON state and to produce a sense signal. The mode switching circuitry switches between the PWM and PFM modes in response to the sense signal.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Voltage converters with reduced output frequency variations and associated methods

Номер: US20120235664A1
Принадлежит: Monolithic Power Systems Inc

Switch-mode voltage converters and associated methods are disclosed herein. In one embodiment, a switch-mode voltage converter includes a switching transistor coupled between an input voltage (V in ) and the ground and a controller coupled directly between the input voltage (V in ) and the ground. The controller is configured to periodically turn on the switching transistor for a generally constant period of time. The controller is further coupled to a DC bias voltage (V bias ) and configured to generate a control current based on the input voltage (V in ) and the DC bias voltage (V bias ) for generating a switching signal to the switching transistor.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Capacitive load drive circuit, fluid ejection device and medical device

Номер: US20120236051A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

Operation of a digital power amplifier for power amplification of a modulated signal is stopped in a period in which a voltage value of a drive signal applied to a capacitive load is constant, to thereby suppress power loss. The power amplification is stopped either when half a period of time when the modulated signal in a first voltage state maintains the first voltage state elapses or when half a period of time when the modulated signal in a second voltage state which is lower in voltage than the first voltage state maintains the second voltage state elapses. Accordingly, when electric current does not flow in a inductor of a low pass filter, it is possible to stop the power amplification. Thus, it is possible to prevent generation of voltage fluctuation in the drive signal due to an electromotive force caused by a self-induction phenomenon of the inductor.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Fixed-on-time controller utilizing an adaptive saw signal for discontinuous mode pfc power conversion

Номер: US20120242298A1
Автор: Yu-Ping Chu
Принадлежит: Grenergy Opto Inc

A fixed-on-time controller utilizing an adaptive saw signal for discontinuous mode PFC power conversion, the fixed-on-time controller comprising: an error amplifier, having a negative input end coupled to a feedback signal, a positive input end coupled to a reference voltage, and an output end for providing a threshold signal; an adaptive current source generator, used to generate an adaptive current source according to the threshold signal; a capacitor, charged by the adaptive current source, being used for carrying a saw signal; a switch, used to discharge the capacitor under the control of a reset signal; and a comparator, having a negative input end coupled to the threshold signal, a positive input end coupled to the saw signal, and an output end for providing a turn-off signal; and a fixed-on-time driver circuit, used to provide a driving signal and the reset signal according to the turn-off signal and a sensing signal.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

OTA Feedback Mechanism for Fixed Feedback Voltage Regulators

Номер: US20120250379A1
Автор: Kevin D'Angelo
Принадлежит: Advanced Analogic Technologies Inc

An operational transconductance amplifier used in conjunction with a multiple chip voltage feedback technique allows multiple strings of LEDs and current sinks to be efficiently powered by a simple feedback oriented voltage regulator within an appliance. A connected series of differential amplifiers or multiplexors are used to monitor the voltages between the connected LEDs and the current sinks, in order to progressively determine the lowest voltage. The operational transconductance amplifier compares this voltage to a reference voltage and injects or removes current from the feedback node of a voltage regulator, thereby altering the voltage present at the feedback node. This causes the voltage regulator to adjust its output, ensuring that the current sinks of the LED strings have adequate voltage with which to function, even as the LEDs have different forward voltages and the strings are asynchronously enabled and disabled.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Dc-dc converter control method and dc-dc converter control circuit

Номер: US20120268093A1
Автор: Kouhei Yamada
Принадлежит: Fuji Electric Co Ltd

The transient response of an output voltage to a load fluctuation is improved, in a switching power source that carries out a PWM control. In a DC-DC converter wherein a switching element of an output stage is controlled by a drive signal, whose pulse width is set at a minimum value, output from a PWM signal generating circuit based on an output voltage output from an error amplifier in accordance with the difference between a feedback voltage in accordance with an output voltage of the output stage and a reference voltage, there is provided a minimum pulse width detector circuit that supplies a current to a phase compensation capacitor when the pulse width of the drive signal is at the minimum value, thus preventing the output voltage from dropping below a value corresponding to the minimum value when the load fluctuates, and improving transient response characteristics of the output voltage.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Power Converting Circuit and Converting Controller

Номер: US20120274235A1
Принадлежит: Green Solution Technology Co Ltd

A converting controller, adapted to control a converting circuit to convert an electric power from an input power source, is provided. The controller comprises a duty cycle control unit, a protection enabling control unit and a protection unit. The duty cycle control unit controls the converting circuit according to a feedback signal for converting the electric power from the input power. The protection enabling control unit outputs protection enabling signals according to time results of a timing circuit. The protection unit detects the converting circuit and generates a protection signal when any circuit error is determined, so as to stop the duty cycle control unit, wherein the protection unit has a plurality of protection functions and enables the protection functions with respect to the protection enabling signals, respectively.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Controller for converting circuit

Номер: US20120274294A1
Принадлежит: Green Solution Technology Co Ltd

A control circuit adapted to a DC-DC converting circuit is disclosed. The controller comprises a reference voltage generator, a reference voltage adjusting circuit, a feedback circuit and a driving circuit. The reference voltage adjusting circuit generates an adjusted reference voltage according to a reference voltage generated by the reference voltage generator. The feedback circuit generates a feedback control signal according to the adjusted reference voltage and the feedback signal. The driving circuit generates at least one control signal for controlling the converting circuit according to the feedback control signal.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Power supply device of electronic equipment and power supply method thereof

Номер: US20120306473A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A power supply device is disclosed for use in electronic equipment. In an embodiment, the power supply device includes: a current transformer with N secondary winding parts connected in series, an energy storage capacitor and a winding selector, in which N is an integral number and N≧2, wherein the winding selector selectively enables one or more serially connected winding parts of the N secondary winding parts to output an electrical current, in response to a state signal indicating the operating state of the electronic equipment; and the energy storage capacitor is charged by the output current, and supplies power to a main circuit of the electronic equipment. In the embodiments of the present invention, there is also provided corresponding electronic equipment and a corresponding method. By way of the embodiments of the present invention, it is possible to supply electrical energy at relatively low power loss.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Switching power supply with quick transient response

Номер: US20120326688A1

A switching power supply with a quick transient response is provided. A hysteretic control loop which comprises a hysteretic controller ( 117 ) and a control signal gate ( 116 ) is added to the original PWM control loop of the switching power supply. The hysteretic controller ( 117 ) is used to detect an output voltage (Vout) of the switching power supply and compare the output voltage (Vout) of the switching power supply with a reference voltage (Vref). When a load current (Iout) of the switching power supply is suddenly changed, the output voltage (Vout) of the switching power supply fluctuates. If the output voltage (Vout) of the switching power supply is in a setting range of the hysteretic voltage, output terminals (SELp, SELn) of the hysteretic controller ( 117 ) are in a low potential, and the control signal gate ( 116 ) selects output signals (Qp 1 , Qn 1 ) from a PWM controller ( 101 ) as input signals of a gate signal drive circuit ( 106 ). If the fluctuation of the output voltage (Vout) of the switching power supply exceeds the setting range of the hysteretic voltage, an output terminal (SELp, SELn) of the hysteretic controller ( 117 ) outputs a high potential, and the control signal gate ( 116 ) selects output signals (Qp 2 , Qn 2 ) of the hysteretic controller ( 117 ) as input signals of the gate signal drive circuit ( 106 ), so the operation of switching tubes ( 111, 112 ) at the power lever ( 102 ) of the switching power supply is controlled to stabilize the output voltage (Vout).

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Power Harvesting Device

Номер: US20130002045A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Techniques are described to harvest power from a single current carrying conductor to furnish power to a powered device. The techniques employ a power harvesting device that is coupled to the conductor. In implementations, the conductor has a first path and a second path. The power harvesting device includes a first switch coupled to the second path. An energy storing element is coupled to the first path and configured to store energy based upon the direct current flowing through the first path. The power harvesting device also includes a power condition and management device coupled to the energy storing element configured to switch the first switch to a closed configuration when the energy storing element is measured to have a predefined high voltage threshold, and to switch the first switch to an open configuration when the energy storing element is measured to have a predefined low voltage threshold.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Dc-dc converter

Номер: US20130002212A1
Автор: Jiwei Fan
Принадлежит: Texas Instruments Inc

A DC-DC converter, having an input voltage and an output voltage, includes an inductor and a switch switching the input voltage to an input side of the inductor, where a feedback path controlling initiation of closing the switch includes capacitive coupling of the voltage at the input side of the inductor.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

System and method for switching voltage regulator

Номер: US20130038311A1
Принадлежит: LSI Corp

A system and method for controlling ripple in an output voltage of a switching regulator is described. In one embodiment, the method includes providing a ramp circuit to selectively charge and discharge a ramp capacitor. The ramp capacitor provides a ramp voltage. The ramp voltage is selectively added to the output voltage to generate a summation voltage. The summation voltage is compared to a reference voltage to generate a control signal. An input voltage is coupled to an LC circuit based on the control signal. The LC circuit provides the output voltage. The input voltage is selectively coupled to the LC circuit when the ramp capacitor is selectively charged.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Dc-dc converter, control circuit and information processing system

Номер: US20130049716A1
Автор: Mitsuo Saeki
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A DC-DC converter includes: an inductor provided between a power input node and a power output node; a plurality of switching elements which switch an input route of a power toward the inductor and a discharge route of the power from the inductor; a first pulse generation circuit which generates a first pulse based on a feed-back signal according to an output of the output node; a second pulse generation circuit which generates a second pulse having a second frequency being equal to or higher than a first frequency set as an upper limit of a human audible frequency band; a driver which drives the switching element based on one of the first pulse and the second pulse; and a control circuit which supplies the first pulse or the second pulse to the driver based on a load state of a load coupled to the output node.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Constant voltage power circuit and semiconductor integrated circuit

Номер: US20130049727A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, a constant voltage power circuit includes a bias generator, a reference voltage generator, and a constant voltage generator, a bias switch, a constant voltage controller. The bias generator generates a first bias voltage. The reference voltage generator is connected to the bias generator and generates a reference voltage. The constant voltage generator generates a constant voltage. The bias switch switches a bias supplied to the constant voltage generator in accordance with a switch control signal controlling the bias switch. The constant voltage controller obtains a detected voltage corresponding to the constant voltage or a power supply voltage, and generates a constant voltage control signal and the switch control signal. The constant voltage control signal sets an operating state of the constant voltage generator to an enable state or a disable state.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

DC/DC Converter, Method for Providing an Output Voltage on the Basis of an Input Voltage and Computer Program

Номер: US20130063100A1
Автор: Stephan Henzler
Принадлежит: Intel Mobile Communications GmbH

A DC/DC converter includes a switch mode converter for providing an output voltage based on an input voltage and a drive signal generator configured to to provide a drive signal for the switch mode converter. The drive signal generator is configured to switch between a non-pulse-skipping mode and a pulse-skipping mode. Moreover, the drive signal generator is configured to adapt a setting of a pulse generation such that a length of a first pulse following a pulse skipping is larger than a minimum length of a pulse in the non-pulse-skipping mode.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Dc-dc converter control circuit and dc-dc converter including same

Номер: US20130063106A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A DC-DC converter control circuit, to control a DC-DC converter having an inductor and two switching elements, including a first feedback circuit to generate a first feedback voltage indicating a DC component of an inductor current of the inductor based on an output voltage of the DC-DC converter; a second feedback circuit to generate a second feedback voltage indicating an AC component of the inductor current; a synthesis circuit to add the first and second feedback voltages to generate a third feedback voltage; a comparator to compare the third feedback voltage with a reference voltage to output a control signal; and a driving circuit to control the switching elements. The second feedback voltage is generated based on a difference between input and output voltages of the DC-DC converter when the control signal from the comparator is low and based on the output voltage when the control signal is high.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Average inductor current control using variable reference voltage

Номер: US20130069609A1
Автор: Yung-I Chang

A variable reference voltage generation unit used in DC/DC converter includes a sample-hold valley inductor current unit electrically connected to a reference voltage generation unit. The sample-hold valley inductor current unit receives the valley inductor current and converts it into the valley voltage. The reference voltage generation unit receives and converts a current signal two times of a designated current into a voltage signal two times of a designated voltage. The voltage signal two times of reference voltage is then subtracted by the valley voltage to produce the new reference voltage to compare with an inductor voltage for controlling the switching of a switching transistor of the DC/DC convertor.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Power Supply Circuit with a Control Terminal for Different Functional Modes of Operation

Номер: US20130070488A1

A method of operation for flyback power converter includes operating a controller of the flyback power converter in a regulation mode when a control signal is below a first threshold. The control signal is provided as an input to a terminal of the flyback power converter. When the control signal is below a second threshold and above the first threshold, the controller is operated in a limiting mode. The controller is operated in an external command mode when the control signal is below a third threshold and above the second threshold. Lastly, when the control signal is above the third threshold, the controller is operated in a protection mode. 115-. (canceled)16. A power converter for delivering an output signal to a load , the power converter comprising:an energy transfer element that galvanically isolates an input side of the power converter from an output side, the input side for coupling to an ac line voltage and the output side for coupling to the load;a power switch coupled to a primary winding of the energy transfer element for regulating a transfer energy to the load;a controller that generates a pulsed drive signal having a frequency in response to a control signal, the pulsed drive signal being coupled to control switching of the power switch such that the frequency determines the transfer energy:a feedback circuit coupled to receive the regulated output signal and a command signal, in response thereto the feedback circuit generating the control signal coupled to the controller;wherein when the control signal is within a first range the controller operates in a closed loop feedback mode such that the output signal is regulated at a certain value, and when the control signal is in a second range, the controller operates in a limiting mode in which the controller limits the output signal to a maximum value.17. The power converter of further wherein when the control signal is in a third range claim 16 , the controller operates in an open loop mode in which ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076264A1
Принадлежит: ams AG

In one embodiment, a DC converter has a frequency adjusting device with a frequency selection circuit, a frequency change-over switch (), a frequency generator (), a threshold signal generator (), a state machine () and a unit () for providing a ready signal (S). The frequency selection circuit has an output (), at which a control signal (S) is provided, which is set up to select a frequency of the switching frequency signal (DCLK) of the DC converter. The invention further relates to a method for selecting a frequency of the DC converter. 1. A DC converter comprising: [ a first input that is supplied with a first threshold signal in dependence on a switching frequency signal of the DC converter,', 'a second input that is supplied with a second threshold signal in dependence on the first threshold signal,', 'a third input that is supplied with a ready signal of the DC converter, and', 'an output, at which a control signal is provided that is designed for selecting a frequency of the switching frequency signal of the DC converter;, 'a frequency selection circuit, comprising'}, 'a frequency change-over switch that is coupled to the output of the frequency selection circuit and that is supplied with a main clock signal of the DC converter, a first clock signal with a first clock frequency and at least one second clock signal with a second clock frequency, wherein said frequency change-over switch is designed for providing the switching frequency signal of the DC converter in dependence on the control signal, the first and/or the at least one second clock signal;', 'a frequency generator that is supplied with the main clock signal and is designed for providing the first and at least the at least one second clock signal;', 'a threshold signal generator that is supplied with the switching frequency signal of the DC converter and is adapted for respectively providing the first and the second threshold signal in dependence on the switching frequency signal;', 'a state ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Selectable phase power supply system

Номер: US20130076334A1
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

A power supply system to provide power for a central processing unit (CPU) includes a bridge circuit, a pulse width modulation (PWM) controller and a pulse adjusting driver circuit. The bridge circuit detects a work state of the PWM controller to obtain a feedback signal output from the PWM controller, and provides the feedback signal to the CPU. The CPU outputs a control signal to the bridge circuit according to a work state of the CPU and the feedback signal, and the bridge circuit outputs a PWM signal to the pulse adjusting driver circuit according to the control signal. The pulse adjusting driver circuit receives a first driving signal provided by an external circuit, and adjusts the first driving signal according to the PWM signal to generate at least one second driving signal to drive the CPU.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Coordinated power converter system

Номер: US20130093243A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

The present invention relates to a switched power converter system ( 1 ), comprising at least a first power converter ( 2 ) and a second power converter ( 3 ). Each power converter ( 2, 3 ) has a corresponding input terminal ( 4 a, 5 a) and output terminal ( 4 b, 5 b ), where each power converter ( 2, 3 ) comprises a corresponding switch arrangement ( 6, 7 ). The system further comprises a control unit ( 8 ) that at least at start-up is connected to each power converter ( 2, 3 ) in the system ( 1 ) and arranged to control each switch arrangement ( 6, 7 ) by means of spread spectrum modulation, such that cross correlation between the conducted or radiated emissions of the switch arrangements ( 6, 7 ) is avoided.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Buck converter

Номер: US20130093405A1
Принадлежит: Analog Devices Inc

A buck converter comprising a controller arranged to monitor an output voltage of the converter, the controller comprising: a comparator arranged to compare an output voltage at an output of the buck converter with a reference voltage, and a modification circuit within the comparator or connected to a modification signal input of the comparator and arranged to produce a correction signal to modify the operation of the comparator; and an output.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for suppressing undesirable limit cycles in switching regulators

Номер: US20130099763A1
Автор: Emmanouil Terrovitis
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Atheros Inc

This disclosure involves methods and systems for suppressing undesired limit cycles in switching regulators by determining when a limit cycle causes the inductor to charge for a time greater than the clock period and destabilizing such cycles.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Rf switching converter with ripple correction

Номер: US20130106378A1
Автор: Nadim Khlat
Принадлежит: RF Micro Devices Inc

This disclosure relates generally to radio frequency (RF) switching converters and RF amplification devices that use RF switching converters. In one embodiment, an RF switching converter includes a switching circuit operable to receive a power source voltage, a switching controller configured to switch the switching circuit so that the switching circuit generates a pulsed output voltage from the power source voltage, and an RF filter configured to convert the pulsed output voltage into a supply voltage, wherein the RF filter includes a decoupling capacitor configured to receive the supply voltage. The switching controller is configured to generate a ripple correction current that is injected into the decoupling capacitor such that the decoupling capacitor filters the ripple correction current. The decoupling capacitor outputs the ripple correction current such that the ripple correction current reduces a ripple variation in a supply current level of a supply current resulting from the supply voltage.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Wide Input Voltage Range Power Supply Circuit

Номер: US20130121048A1
Автор: Michael Gasperi
Принадлежит: Rockwell Automation Technologies Inc

A wide input voltage power supply circuit for a load includes a first regulation stage and a second regulation stage. The first regulation stage includes a linear regulator circuit configured to maintain a bus voltage within a predefined voltage range when an input voltage exceeds a predefined input level. A second regulation stage includes a buck converter circuit configured to regulate an average bus voltage to a predetermined load level. The second regulation stage includes an under voltage lockout configuration, with the under voltage lockout configured to set a minimum turn-on voltage for the load.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for voltage converters

Номер: US20130127548A1
Принадлежит: Nujira Ltd, Skyworks Solutions Inc

Apparatus and methods for voltage converters are provided. In one embodiment, a voltage conversion system includes a bypass circuit and a voltage converter including an inductor and a plurality of switches configured to control a current through the inductor. The bypass circuit includes a first p-type field effect transistor (PFET), a second PFET, a first n-type field effect transistor (NFET), and a second NFET. The first and second NFET transistors and the first and second PFET transistors are electrically connected between a first end and a second end of the inductor such that a source of the first PFET transistor and a drain of the first NFET transistor are electrically connected to the first end of the inductor and such that a drain of the second PFET transistor and a source of the second NFET transistor are electrically connected to the second end of the inductor.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Chopper apparatus

Номер: US20130128633A1
Автор: Masafumi Ichihara
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

Positive-side DC terminals P 1 ′ and P′ connected to a positive-side DC bus of a chopper 4 are provided in the chopper 4 and the positive-side DC terminals P 1 ′ and P′ are connected to positive-side DC terminals P 1 and P, respectively. With this configuration, a current of a DC bus of an inverter 2 is drawn via the positive-side DC terminal P 1 ′ into the chopper 4 and is returned via the positive-side DC terminal P′ to the DC bus of the inverter 2.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Maximum power point tracking controllers and maximum power point tracking methods

Номер: US20130141067A1

A maximum power point tracking controller, suitable for controlling an output voltage of a power converter is provided, including a slope detection unit and a control unit. The slope detection unit calculates whether the output voltage is in a positive trend or in a negative trend according to a detection signal corresponding to the output voltage in order to output a trend signal, in which the voltage level of the trend signal is a first voltage level or second voltage level when the output voltage is in the positive trend or negative trend. The control unit has first and second operation modes to respectively increase and decrease a duty cycle of a PWM signal, in which the control unit switches current operation mode to perform a maximum power point tracking procedure when the trend signal is changed from the first voltage level to the second voltage level.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147456A1
Принадлежит: uPI Semiconductor Corporation

A DC-DC converter including a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) controller for converting an input voltage into an output voltage is provided. The PWM controller includes: an error amplifier, receiving a reference voltage and a feedback voltage and provides an error signal; a compensation unit coupled to an output of the error amplifier, compensating the error signal and comprising a first resister and a first capacitor; a ramp generator, generating a ramp signal according to a constant on time PWM signal; a first comparator coupled to the compensation unit and the ramp generator, comparing the compensated error signal with the ramp signal to generate a trigger signal; and a PWM generator coupled to the first comparator, providing the constant on time PWM signal according to the trigger signal, an input voltage of the DC-DC converter and the output voltage of the DC-DC converter. 1. A constant on time Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) controller of a DC-DC converter , comprising:an error amplifier, receiving a reference voltage and a feedback voltage corresponding to an output voltage of the DC-DC converter to provide an error signal;a compensation unit coupled to an output of the error amplifier, compensating the error signal and comprising a first resister and a first capacitor, wherein the capacitor is coupled between the first resistor and a ground;a ramp generator, generating a ramp signal according to a constant on time PWM signal;a first comparator coupled to the compensation unit and the ramp generator, comparing the compensated error signal with the ramp signal to generate a trigger signal, wherein the compensation unit causes an included angle between the compensated error signal and the ramp signal to increase; anda PWM generator coupled to the first comparator, providing the constant on time PWM signal according to the trigger signal, an input voltage of the DC-DC converter and the output voltage of the DC-DC converter.2. The constant on time PWM controller as ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

RTWO-Based Pulse Width Modulator

Номер: US20130147569A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A pulse width modulator based on a pair of rotary traveling wave oscillators. The first oscillator operates freely or as part of a phase-locked loop. The second oscillator operates at the same frequency as the first oscillator, but with a controllable phase offset from the first oscillator. The phase offset is set by an input voltage. A block takes the outputs of the first and second oscillators and combines them so that the output is a pulse whose width is the overlap of the oscillation signals from the first and second oscillators. The ouput pulse width is thus a function of the input voltage. When the pulse width modulator receives the input voltage from the output of a switching power supply, it can use the modulated pulse width to control the switching transistor of the power supply to maintain the output at a regulated voltage.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Voltage-to-current sensing circuit and related dc-dc converter

Номер: US20130154595A1
Автор: Martin Drinovsky

The present disclosure is directed to a voltage-to-current sensing circuit having a bias terminal configured to receive a reference voltage, an offset terminal configured to receive an offset current, and an operational amplifier configured to output a low voltage signal. The device includes a first amplifier having first and second high voltage inputs configured to receive a first voltage difference across a sense component on a high voltage line and to generate a first current, a second amplifier having first and second low voltage inputs configured to receive a second voltage difference between the bias terminal and the offset terminal and to generate a second current, a summing circuit configured to provide an intermediate voltage corresponding to a sum of the first and the second currents, and a low-voltage transistor coupled to an output of the amplifier and controlled by the intermediate voltage to generate the output current.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Pulse Width Modulation Controller Architectures

Номер: US20130154602A1
Принадлежит: Atmel Nantes SA

Systems, apparatuses, and techniques for pulse width modulation (PWM) are described. A described system includes a circuit that contains an inductor and a transistor that controls current through the inductor based on a PWM signal to produce an output; and a controller to provide the PWM signal, which includes PWM cycles that include on-durations and off-durations. The controller can receive a first signal indicating an input voltage that is applied to the inductor, receive a second signal indicating a current through the inductor, use an on-duration parameter value to control the on-duration, determine a maximum off-duration of the off-durations corresponding to the PWM cycles occurring within a first voltage cycle, the first voltage cycle being defined between two consecutive zero-crossing events as indicated by the first signal, and adjust the on-duration parameter value for a second, subsequent voltage cycle based on the maximum off-duration to regulate the output voltage.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Voltage regulator, envelope tracking power supply system, transmitter module, and integrated circuit device therefor

Номер: US20130176076A1
Автор: Patrick Stanley Riehl
Принадлежит: Mediatek Singapore Pte Ltd

A voltage regulator for use within an envelope tracking power supply system is described. The voltage regulator comprises a voltage regulation module. The voltage regulation module comprises at least one energy storage element, the at least one energy storage element comprising a first terminal operably coupled to a first node of the voltage regulation module, and a second terminal operably coupled to a second node of the voltage regulation module. The voltage regulation module further comprises an input arranged to receive a reference voltage supply signal, the input being selectively couplable to the first node and selectively couplable to the second node, an output selectively couplable to the first node and selectively couplable to the second node, and a ground plane selectively couplable to the second node.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Shunt regulator

Номер: US20130187619A1
Автор: Richard A. Dunipace
Принадлежит: Fairchild Semiconductor Corp

This document discusses, among other things, a circuit including a diode and a transistor. In certain examples, an integrated circuit can include the diode and the transistor. In some examples, an apparatus can include the diode having a first temperature coefficient, a bias resistor configured to bias the diode, and a bipolar junction transistor having a second temperature coefficient the bipolar junction transistor having a base coupled to the diode and the bias resistor, wherein the first temperature coefficient and the second temperature coefficient are configured to reduce at least a portion of a temperature drift effect of the diode and the bipolar transistor.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Switched-Mode Power Supply

Номер: US20130193936A1
Автор: Stephan Henzler
Принадлежит: Intel Mobile Communications GmbH

The switched-mode power supply includes a power stage, and a control unit to control the operation of the power stage based on a critical parameter of the power stage, wherein the control unit is configured to control the operation of the power stage to change from a first operational mode to a second operation mode if the critical parameter leaves a pre-defined range, and to change from the second operational mode to the first operational mode based on a measurement of a first time interval.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Driver circuit

Номер: US20130194833A1
Автор: Michael Penberth
Принадлежит: Global Inkjet Systems Ltd

A driver circuit ( 1 ) for driving a capacitive load ( 2 ) with a drive pulse having a rise time, a predetermined voltage period and a fall time. The driver circuit ( 1 ) includes an inductance ( 6 ), switches ( 10, 11, 12 ), and a transformer ( 8 ) having a primary side ( 8 ) and secondary side ( 9 ). The switches ( 10, 11, 12 ) are controlled by a controller ( 13 ) to charge the inductance ( 6 ) from a power supply ( 4 ), and, when the capacitive load ( 2 ) is to be driven, to enable a charge path from the inductance ( 6 ) to the capacitive load ( 2 ) during the rise time, to disable the charge path during the constant peak voltage period and to enable a discharge path via the primary side ( 8 ) of the transformer ( 7 ) during the fall time. As the capacitive load ( 2 ) discharges through the primary side ( 8 ) of the transformer ( 7 ), charge is induced on the secondary side ( 9 ) of the transformer ( 7 ) and is used to charge the inductance ( 6 ), thereby saving power and enabling a lower voltage power supply to be used.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194842A1

A control device controls a switching converter. The converter has an input alternating supply voltage, a regulated direct voltage on the output terminal, and a switch connected to an inductor. The control device controls the closing and opening time period of said switch for each cycle and receives a first input signal representative of the current flowing through one element of the converter. The control device comprises a counter configured to count a time period, a comparator configured to compare said first input signal with a second signal, digital control block configured to control the closing and opening of said switch and to activate said counter to start the counting of said time period when the said first input signal crosses said second signal, with said switch being closed. The digital control block is configured to open the switch when the counter finishes the counting of said time period. 1. A control device for controlling a switching converter that includes a switch coupled to an inductor , said control device comprising:a counter configured to count a time period;a comparator configured to compare a first signal, representative of a current flowing through an element of the converter, with a second signal; anda digital control block configured to control closing and opening of said switch and to activate said counter to start counting said time period when the said first signal crosses said second signal with said switch being closed, said digital control block being configured to open the switch when the counter finishes counting said time period.2. A control device according to claim 1 , comprising:a digital device configured to set a digital reference value, anda digital to analog converter configured to convert said digital reference value into said second signal.3. A control device according to claim 2 , wherein the digital to analog converter is configured to convert said digital reference value into said second signal at a value of zero.4. ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for dynamic management of switching frequency for voltage regulation

Номер: US20130207630A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems and methods are provided that may be implemented to dynamically manage voltage regulator switching frequency. In one embodiment, the disclosed systems and methods may be implemented to dynamically find the optimal voltage regulator switching frequency based on the load current (I OUT ) and efficiency in a switching voltage regulator device (VR), such as a voltage regulator down device (VRD) that is embedded on a system board of an information handling system.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214869A1

A semiconductor device includes: a resistance R whose resistance value varies in response to a substrate temperature variation; a resistance corrector that is coupled in series with the resistance R and switches its resistance value by a preset resistance step width to suppress a resistance value variation of the resistance R; a first voltage generator for generating a first voltage that varies in response to the substrate temperature; a second voltage generator for generating second voltages Vf to Vfn−1 for specifying the first voltage at a point when a switching operation of the resistance value of the resistance corrector is performed; and a resistance switch unit for switching the resistance value of the resistance corrector by comparing the first voltage and the second voltages Vf to Vfn−1.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Primary-side regulated modulation controller with improved transient response and audile noise

Номер: US20130215649A1
Принадлежит: Fremont Micro Devices Shenzhen Ltd

A switching mode power supply, and a primary-side controlled PFM converter using the primary-side regulated PFM controller are discussed. In present embodiment, the primary side cycle by cycle switch peak current is no longer a constant. The time detector is added to monitor the waveform of primary-side sample voltage and then generate the duty cycle. The transfer function should be selected to satisfy a specific relationship of switching frequency and switch peak current against with output loading current. The new design shows higher switching frequency but lower value of switch peak current at light load condition. This resolves the audible noise and poor transient response issue from the prior art PFM controller.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Test apparatus

Номер: US20130229197A1
Принадлежит: Advantest Corp

A main power supply is arranged such that its output terminal Po is connected to a power supply terminal of a DUT via a power supply line, and is configured to feedback control an output voltage V OUT output from the output terminal such that a detection value V DD ′ that corresponds to a power supply voltage V DD at the power supply terminal approaches a target value V REF ′. When a test pattern is supplied to the DUT, a power supply control unit is configured to feedforward control the main power supply such that the power supply voltage V DD approaches a predetermined target waveform V TGT .

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Boost converter and method for its operation

Номер: US20130234683A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

In a boost converter operation, a first voltage that is independent of an input voltage of the boost converter is preset in the boost converter, having an increased voltage level compared to the input voltage, as the setpoint output voltage, as long as the input voltage is below a first voltage threshold value, which is lower than the first voltage. As soon as the input voltage exceeds the first voltage threshold value, a second voltage that is a function of the input voltage is preset, having a lower voltage level compared to the input voltage, as the setpoint output voltage. As soon as the input voltage drops below a second voltage threshold value, which is lower than the first voltage, the first voltage is again preset as the setpoint output voltage.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130234690A1
Автор: Matsutani Takashi
Принадлежит: MegaChips Corporation

A power supply device includes a power supply circuit and a power information generation part. The power supply circuit performs voltage conversion in which an input voltage applied to a voltage input terminal is converted into a voltage having a predetermined voltage value, and outputs the voltage obtained as a result of the voltage conversion to a voltage output terminal. The power supply circuit includes a switching part for, by a switching operation thereof, chopping a voltage of the voltage input terminal side, and a control circuit that controls the switching operation of the switching part. The power information generation part generates power information concerning power that is outputted from the voltage output terminal based on a content of the switching operation. 1. A power supply device comprising:a power supply circuit that performs voltage conversion in which an input voltage applied to a voltage input terminal is converted into a voltage having a predetermined voltage value, and outputs the voltage obtained as a result of said voltage conversion to a voltage output terminal; anda power information generation part for generating power information concerning power that is outputted from said voltage output terminal, wherein a switching part for, by a switching operation thereof, chopping a voltage of said voltage input terminal side; and', 'a control circuit that controls said switching operation of said switching part,, 'said power supply circuit includessaid power information generation part generates said power information based on a content of said switching operation.2. The power supply device according to claim 1 , whereinsaid control circuit controls said switching operation by giving a switching control signal to said switching part,said power information generation part includes a derivation part in which the relationship between predetermined information and said power information is defined, said predetermined information including at least ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130235623A1
Автор: HUANG Wei-Hsuan

A two-switch Flyback power converter is disclosed. The two-switch Flyback power converter comprises a transformer, a first switch, a second switch, and a control circuit. The transformer includes a primary-winding and a secondary-winding. The primary-winding has a first winding and a second winding. The first switch is coupled to switch the first winding. The second switch is coupled to switch the first winding and the second winding. The control circuit generates a first-drive signal and a second-drive signal to control the first switch and the second switch for switching the transformer and regulating an output of the two-switch Flyback power converter. The two-switch Flyback power converter with less capacitance of the bulk capacitor or bulk capacitor-less can reduce the voltage ripples at the output voltage for cost saving. 1. A two-switch Flyback power converter , comprising:a transformer including a primary-winding and a secondary-winding, the primary-winding having a first winding and a second winding, the primary-winding coupled to a power source of the two-switch Flyback power converter;a first switch coupled to switch the first winding;a second switch coupled to switch the first winding and the second winding; anda control circuit generating a first-drive signal and a second-drive signal to control the first switch and the second switch for switching the transformer and regulating an output of the two-switch Flyback power converter, wherein the first switch and the second switch can deliver more power in a valley of the power source, which is rectified, by switching different winding to improve ripples of an output voltage of the two-switch Flyback power converter.2. The power converter as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a turn ratio of the primary-winding to the secondary-winding is a low level and a switching current flowing through the first winding is a high level when the first switch is switching and the second switch is turned off.3. The power ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Switching Power Source Device and Illuminating Apparatus

Номер: US20130257304A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Lighting and Technology Corp

A switching power source device includes: a direct power source; and a chopper circuit including a pair of input terminals connected to the direct power source and a pair of output terminals connected to a load, the chopper circuit including a first inductor, a second inductor magnetically coupled to the first inductor, a third inductor connected to the first inductor, a switching element causing an augmented current to flow from the direct power source to the first and third inductors while turned on, a constant current element connected to the switching element in series, a rectifier element causing a reduced current to flow through the first and third inductors while the switching element is turned off, and a drive circuit controlling and turning off a gate voltage of the switching element after the switching element is turned on and the augmented current reaches a constant current element saturated state.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Constant-On-Time Generation Circuit and Buck Converter

Номер: US20130257403A1
Принадлежит: Anpec Electronics Corp

A constant-on-time generation circuit for generating a turn-on signal to a buck is disclosed. The constant-on-time generation circuit includes a capacitor, a current source, a second resistor, an inverter, a transistor coupled to the inverter for generating a set turn-on signal according to a first front-end driver signal of the buck converter, a comparator including a negative input terminal coupled to a reference voltage, a positive input terminal coupled to the second resistor and the current source, and an output terminal, for comparing the reference voltage with the set turn-on signal to output a comparison result, and an SR-latch for outputting a turn-on signal to a driver stage circuit of the buck converter according to a trigger signal of the buck converter and the comparison result.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257409A1
Автор: KOMIYA Yasuhide

A control circuit for a DC-DC converter includes: an output control circuit configured to control an output voltage of a DC-DC converter according to a reference voltage; a reference control circuit configured to control the reference voltage according to an open-circuit voltage of an external power supply coupled to the DC-DC converter; a limiting circuit configured to limit a current flowing from DC-DC converter to an external load; and a stopping control circuit configured to stop operation of the limiting circuit until the reference voltage reaches a given value. 1. A control circuit for a DC-DC converter , comprising:an output control circuit configured to control an output voltage of the DC-DC converter according to a reference voltage;a reference control circuit configured to control the reference voltage according to an open-circuit voltage of an external power supply coupled to the DC-DC converter;a limiting circuit configured to limit a current flowing from the DC-DC converter to an external load; anda stopping control circuit configured to stop operation of the limiting circuit until the reference voltage reaches a given value.2. The control circuit for the DC-DC converter according to claim 1 , wherein the reference control circuit controls the reference voltage by selecting a capacitance value of capacitor coupled between the external power supply and the output control circuit according to the open-circuit voltage.3. The control circuit for the DC-DC converter according to claim 2 , wherein the reference control circuit outputs a notification signal notifying that the selection of the capacitance value has been completed claim 2 , to the output control circuit.4. The control circuit for the DC-DC converter according to claim 1 , wherein when the reference voltage is identical with the given value claim 1 , the stopping control circuit outputs a permission signal that permits the operation of the limiting circuit claim 1 , to the limiting circuit.5. The ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130264969A1
Автор: Hamond James
Принадлежит: INDICE PTY LTD

Power supply control system for a switching-mode power supply with cycle by cycle, asynchronous control scheme, making use of simulated electronic logic gates for the logical switching means and further including assimilation and artificial intelligence neural control network, such as a perceptron, to determine the electronic simulation and to make use of a mixing of instant and average signals through a feedback system. 1. Power supply control system comprising a switching-mode power supply with cycle by cycle , asynchronous control scheme , the control scheme using logical switching means , wherein the control is for managing the power source to match the required load as well as determining the regulation of the load.2. Power supply control system according to for a switching-mode power supply with cycle by cycle claim 1 , asynchronous control scheme claim 1 , making use of simulated electronic logic gates for the logical switching means and further including assimilation and artificial intelligence neural control network claim 1 , such as a perceptron claim 1 , to determine the electronic simulation and to make use of a mixing of instant and average signals through a feedback system.3. Power supply control system according to wherein the logical switching means of the cycle by cycle claim 1 , asynchronous control scheme is based on artificial intelligence neural nodes.4. Power supply control system according to wherein artificial intelligence neural nodes uses a perceptron type model to provide a control.5. Power supply control system according to wherein the logical switching means has a model making use of multiple inputs and use of simulated electronic NAND gates and NOR gates or combinations.6. Power supply control system according to wherein the power source includes boosting which provides a ‘Virtual load’ to the electronic transformers.7. Power supply control system according to wherein the model uses feedback in order to correct control and adapt to the ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265015A1

A boost converter for high power and high output voltage applications includes a low voltage controller integrated circuit and a high voltage, vertical, discrete field effect transistor. The low voltage controller integrated circuit and the high voltage, vertical, discrete field effect transistor are packaged together in a single package on a common electrically conductive die pad, wherein the controller IC is attached to the die pad using insulating adhesive and the FET is attached to the die pad using conductive adhesive. 1. A boost converter , comprising:a low voltage controller integrated circuit (IC);a high voltage, vertical, discrete field effect transistor (FET) having a gate coupled to the low voltage controller IC;wherein the low voltage controller integrated circuit and the high voltage, vertical, discrete field effect transistor are packaged together in a single package on a common electrically conductive die pad, wherein the controller IC is attached to the die pad using insulating adhesive and the FET is attached to the die pad using conductive adhesive.2. The boost converter of claim 1 , wherein the low voltage controller integrated circuit includes a pulse-wide modulation (PWM) controller.3. The boost controller of claim 1 , wherein the low voltage controller IC includes an internal sense device.4. The boost controller of claim 1 , wherein the internal sense device includes a resistor or transistor.5. The boost controller of wherein the internal sense device includes a field effect transistor.6. The boost converter of wherein the high voltage claim 1 , vertical claim 1 , discrete field effect transistor is attached to a die pad using a conductive epoxy.7. The boost controller of claim 6 , wherein the low voltage controller IC includes an internal current sense device.8. The boost controller of wherein the internal current sense device includes a resistor or transistor.9. The boost controller of wherein the internal current sense device includes a ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Differential driver for inductive load

Номер: US20130265018A1
Автор: Kouichi Yamanoue
Принадлежит: Visteon Global Technologies Inc

A small and low-cost load driving circuit device that reduces common mode noise without using a transformer, has a first switching arrangement provided between a high potential source and a terminal of an electrical load; a second switching arrangement provided between ground and the other terminal of the electrical load; a control arrangement that controls the first and second switching arrangements so as to simultaneously disconnect each other with the same frequency and the same duty ratio; and a synchronization arrangement that synchronizes the disconnect timing of the first switching arrangement and the disconnect timing of the second switching arrangement.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Clock-based soft-start circuit and power management integrated circuit device

Номер: US20130265807A1

In a clock-based soft-start circuit configured to generate a soft-start reference voltage that restrains an inrush current at an initialization of power supplied to a DC-DC converter, the clock-based soft-start circuit comprises a time setting unit configured to set a soft-start time period in response to a clock signal. A ramp circuit is configured to generate a soft-start reference voltage which is ramped upward or downward between a base level and a reference voltage level during the soft start time period set by the time setting unit. In this manner, the clock-based soft-start circuit is applicable for all DC-DC converters and the soft-start in a linear slope is possible.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Multimode Operation DC-DC Converter

Номер: US20130267187A1

Embodiments for at methods, apparatus and systems for operating a voltage regulator are disclosed. One apparatus includes a switching voltage regulator, wherein the switching voltage regulator includes a series switch element, a shunt switch element, a switching controller and a switched output filter. The switching controller is configured to generate a switching voltage through controlled closing and opening of the series switch element and the shunt switch element. The switched output filter filters the switching voltage and generates a regulated output voltage, wherein the switched output filter includes a plurality of capacitors that are selectively included within the switched output filter. 2. The switching voltage regulator of claim 1 , further comprising determining whether the switching voltage regulator is switching from an envelope tracking mode to a non-envelope tracking mode.3. The switching voltage regulator of claim 1 , wherein the switching voltage regulator receives an indicator that the switching voltage regulator is switching from an envelope tracking mode to a non-envelope tracking mode.4. The switching voltage regulator of claim 1 , wherein the capacitor is charged until a voltage on the capacitor is approximately equal to the regulated output voltage while maintaining a voltage ripple on the regulated output voltage within a predetermined threshold.5. The switching voltage regulator of claim 1 , wherein the capacitor is charged with a current source.6. The switching voltage regulator of claim 5 , further comprising ramping a magnitude of current conducted or sourced by the current source upon determining the switching voltage regulator is switching from an envelope tracking mode to a non-envelope tracking mode.7. The switching voltage regulator of claim 1 , further comprising a controller operative to control selection of two or more switched output filter settings.8. The switching voltage regulator of claim 7 , wherein when transitioning from ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271096A1
Автор: INAGAKI Ryosuke
Принадлежит: ROHM CO., LTD.

A switching power supply device includes: a positive voltage output circuit connected to a direct-current power supply, the positive voltage output circuit including a first switching element, a voltage boosting inductor, a first rectifying element and a first capacitor; a negative voltage output circuit connected to the power supply, the negative voltage output circuit including a second switching element, a voltage dropping inductor, a second rectifying element and a second capacitor; and an adder circuit configured to add switching currents flowing when the first and the second switching elements are operated. The circuit elements of the positive voltage output circuit are symmetrical with those of the negative voltage output circuit. The first switching current of the positive voltage output circuit and the second switching current of the negative voltage output circuit are generated in mutually opposite directions and are inputted to the adder circuit. 1. A switching power supply device , comprising:a positive voltage output circuit connected to a direct-current power supply, the positive voltage output circuit including a first switching element, a voltage boosting inductor, a first rectifying element and a first capacitor;a negative voltage output circuit connected to the direct-current power supply, the negative voltage output circuit including a second switching element, a voltage dropping inductor, a second rectifying element and a second capacitor; andan adder circuit configured to add switching currents flowing when the first switching element and the second switching element are operated,the first switching element, the voltage boosting inductor, the first rectifying element and the first capacitor of the positive voltage output circuit being symmetrical in arrangement with the second switching element, the voltage dropping inductor, the second rectifying element and the second capacitor of the negative voltage output circuit, and the positive voltage ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Dc/dc converter and image forming apparatus including the same

Номер: US20130272742A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A converter includes a switching unit configured to switch a voltage to be input, an inductor connected to the switching unit, a conversion unit configured to convert the voltage switched by the switching unit to be supplied to the inductor into a direct current voltage, a detection unit configured to detect the direct current voltage converted by the conversion unit, and a correction unit configured to correct the detected voltage detected by the detection unit, wherein an operation of the switching unit is controlled based on the voltage corrected by the correction unit.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130285633A1
Автор: Johnson Simon
Принадлежит: CLEVX, LLC

A battery power supply with extended shelf-life is composed of a plurality of batteries connected in series with a switching element and voltage booster. The switching element is composed of a transistor in parallel with a passive component that produces a voltage drop when the transistor is off. The voltage booster maintains an output voltage at set value when battery capacity deteriorates. A micro-controller is used to monitor voltage potentials to detect the presence of an external load. When no load is detected, all active components are disabled to conserve energy and avoid self-discharge. 1. A battery power supply with automatic load sensing , for extending battery life in an auxiliary power supply which can be connected to a load , comprising:a battery portion having a positive side and a negative side;a controllable ON-OFF portion; said controllable ON-OFF portion being in series with said positive side of said battery portion, and having an ON state and an OFF state;a voltage booster having an inductor, said voltage booster being in series with said controllable ON-OFF portion;a pair of voltage dividers respectively disposed on opposite sides of said controllable ON-OFF portion, for providing first and second sense voltages before and after said controllable ON-OFF portion;a micro-controller having inputs receiving said first and second sense voltages, and said micro-controller having a booster enable output for controlling said voltage booster and an FET control output for controlling said controllable ON-OFF portion; said micro-controller having an active mode and a sleep mode; and said micro-controller being capable of switching itself between said sleep mode and said active mode, and between said active mode and said sleep mode.2. A battery power supply with automatic load sensing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said controllable ON-OFF portion comprises a MOSFET transistor having an internal body diode.3. A battery power supply with automatic load ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130285635A1
Автор: SHIMIZU Yuichiro

There is provided a power supply circuit. A switching regulator is configured to drop a battery voltage to a first specific voltage. A series regulator includes a switching element and a capacitor connected at an output stage of the switching element. The series regulator is configured to drop the first specific voltage to a second specific voltage and output the second specific voltage. A control circuit is configured to adjust an amount of electric charge to be accumulated in the capacitor according to a voltage value of the first specific voltage. 1. A power supply circuit comprising:a switching regulator configured to drop a battery voltage to a first specific voltage;a series regulator including a switching element and a capacitor connected at an output stage of the switching element, the series regulator configured to drop the first specific voltage to a second specific voltage, and output the second specific voltage; anda control circuit configured to adjust an amount of electric charge to be accumulated in the capacitor according to a voltage value of the first specific voltage.2. The power supply circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the control circuit is configured to perform control for increasing the electric charge of the capacitor in a case where the first specific voltage is lower than a predetermined voltage claim 1 , and perform control for decreasing the electric charge of the capacitor in a case where the first specific voltage is higher than a predetermined voltage.3. The power supply circuit according to claim 2 ,wherein the series regulator further includes an arithmetic circuit configured to output a signal for controlling an operation state of the switching element according to a voltage value of the second specific voltage, andwherein the control by the control circuit for increasing the electric charge is control for accumulating electric charge from a constant current source in the capacitor, and the control by the control circuit for ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Power supply built-in testing

Номер: US20130289922A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A disclosed system includes a switching power supply including a switching circuit and one or more monitoring circuits configured to monitor one or more power characteristics of the switching power supply, and a processing circuit configured to control the one or more monitoring circuits to perform a built-in test (BIT) of the one or more monitoring circuits.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293004A1

A power supply controller includes a switch circuit to be provided between the power source and the power supply path, the switch circuit switches the power supply from the power source to the load between on and off, and a power-supply-path protection circuit. The power-supply-path protection circuit controls switching operation of the switch circuit according to a power-supply command signal that commands to start or terminate the power supply to the load, to calculate a temperature of the power-supply path, and if the calculated temperature reaches a predetermined upper limit, to inhibit the switch circuit from the power supply, thereby protecting the power-supply path. In a case where the power supply by the switch circuit is inhibited, if the temperature of the power supply path decreases to a predetermined threshold temperature, the power-supply-path protection circuit removes inhibition of the power supply by the switch circuit. 1. A power supply controller to be connected to a power supply path for supplying power from a power source to a load , the power supply controller being configured to control power supply from the power source to the load and comprising:a switch circuit to be provided between the power source and the power supply path, the switch circuit being configured to switch the power supply from the power source to the load between on and off; anda power-supply-path protection circuit configured to control switching operation of the switch circuit according to a power-supply command signal that commands to start or terminate the power supply to the load, to calculate a temperature of the power-supply path, and if the calculated temperature reaches a predetermined upper limit, to inhibit the switch circuit from the power supply, thereby protecting the power-supply path,wherein if the power-supply-path protection circuit receives the power supply command signal which commands to terminate the power supply to the load in case the power supply by ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293138A1
Автор: Takahashi Kei

Disclosed is a signal processing circuit including an analog-to-digital converter, an arithmetic processing unit electrically connected to the analog-to-digital converter, and a first register electrically connected to the arithmetic processing unit. The extremely small off-state current of a transistor included in the first register allows the first register to retain a signal output from the arithmetic processing unit. This structure enables stationary driving of a load even if the signal processing circuit is turned off, which contributes to a reduction in power consumption of an electronic device having the load. 1. A control circuit comprising: an analog-to-digital converter;', 'an arithmetic processing unit electrically connected to the analog-to-digital converter; and', 'a first register electrically connected to the arithmetic processing unit,, 'a signal processing circuit which compriseswherein the first register is configured to retain a signal output from the arithmetic processing unit.2. The control circuit according to claim 1 ,wherein the first register comprises a transistor comprising an oxide semiconductor in a channel region.3. The control circuit according to claim 1 , further comprising a pulse width modulator electrically connected to the arithmetic processing unit claim 1 , a digital pulse width modulator which is electrically connected to the arithmetic processing unit and comprises a second register; and', 'a clock generation circuit electrically connected to the digital pulse width modulator., 'wherein the pulse width modulator comprises4. The control circuit according to claim 3 ,wherein the pulse width modulator is configured to retain the signal output from the arithmetic processing unit in the second register and to output one of a high level signal and a low level signal depending on a count number of a clock pulse output from the clock generation circuit.5. An electronic device comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00003', 'claim 3 ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

System and method of predictive current feedback for switched mode regulators

Номер: US20130300388A1

A predictive current feedback system for a switched mode regulator including a sample and hold network for sampling voltage across a lower switch of the regulator and for providing a hold signal indicative thereof, and a predictive current feedback network which adds an offset adjustment to the hold signal based on a duration of a pulse width of a pulse control signal developed by the regulator. Sampling may be done while the lower switch is on for providing a hold value indicative of inductor current while the pulse control signal is low. The offset adjustment may be added to the hold signal in response to a transient event when the pulse signal is high. The offset may be incremental values after each of incremental time periods after a nominal time period, or may be a time-varying value. Adjustment may be made while the pulse signal is low as well.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300390A1

The present invention related to a switch control circuit, a coupled inductor boost converter including the same, and a driving method thereof. The coupled inductor boost converter includes a first inductor connected between an input voltage and a first node, a second inductor connected between the first node and a second node, and a power switch connected between the first node and a ground, and a switch control circuit. The switch control circuit receives a voltage of the second node and turn on the power switch by using the voltage of the second node at a time when a voltage of the first node becomes a zero voltage. 1. A coupled inductor boost converter comprising:a first inductor coupled between an input voltage and a first node;a second inductor coupled between the first node and a second node;a power switch coupled between the first node and a ground; anda switch control circuit configured to receive a voltage of the second node and turn on the power switch based on the voltage of the second node when a voltage of the first node is zero voltage.2. The coupled inductor boost converter of claim 1 , further comprising an output diode including an anode coupled to the second node and a cathode coupled to an output voltage.3. The coupled inductor boost converter of claim 2 , wherein the switch control circuit includes a zero voltage detector configured to generate a first level on-pulse signal when the voltage of the second node reaches a zero voltage claim 2 , the switch control circuit being configured to generate a gate voltage for turning on the power switch based on the first level on-pulse signal.4. The coupled inductor boost converter of claim 3 , wherein the switch control circuit is configured to turn off the power switch based on a result of a comparison between an error voltage and a sense voltage.5. The coupled inductor boost converter of claim 4 , wherein the switch control circuit further comprises:an error amplifier configured to generate the error ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Controller, controlling method, and digital dc-dc converter using the controller and the controlling method

Номер: US20130300391A1
Принадлежит: Fairchild Korea Semiconductor Ltd

An exemplary embodiment of the present invention generates a plurality of clock signals having a frequency according to an output voltage, a plurality of low clock signals of which frequencies are half of frequencies of the plurality of clock signals, and a phase signal corresponding to the output voltage by subtracting an average phase error from a count signal sampled by being synchronized with a reference clock signal from the count result of a first clock signal having the earliest phase among the plurality of clock signals. The average phase error is generated according to a comparison result of a first low clock signal corresponding to the first clock signal and each of other low clock signals among the plurality of low clock signals by being synchronized with the reference clock signal.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307497A1
Автор: Chen Jian
Принадлежит: FUJI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

Aspects of the invention include a switching power supply device that includes a zero current detecting circuit that detects zero current of electric current flowing through the inductor to turn ON the switching element, an ON width generating circuit that determines the ON width of the switching element to turn OFF the switching element, and an OFF width detecting circuit that detects the OFF width of the switching element based on the output of the ON width generating circuit and the output of the zero current detecting circuit, and holds the OFF width until the next operating cycle. Aspects of the invention also include an ON width adjusting circuit that is included in the ON width generating circuit and adjusts the ON width of the switching element in the next operation cycle according to the width detected by the OFF width detecting circuit. 1. A switching power supply device that has:an inductor connected to a rectifier circuit for rectifying AC power,a switching element forming a current path from the rectifier circuit through the inductor in an ON state of the switching element;a diode forming a current path from the inductor to an output capacitor in an OFF state of the switching element; anda control circuit controlling electric current flowing through the inductor by ON/OFF controlling the switching element; a zero current detecting circuit that detects zero current of the electric current flowing through the inductor and turns ON the switching element;', 'an ON width generating circuit that compares a comparison reference voltage generated based on an output voltage obtained at the output capacitor with a ramp voltage generated upon turning ON of the switching element to determine an ON width of the switching element, and turns OFF the switching element;', 'an OFF width detecting circuit that detects an OFF width of the switching element based on an output of the ON width generating circuit and an output of the zero current detecting circuit and holds ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307511A1
Автор: De Vries Ian Douglas

A system and circuit for achieving bidirectional hysteretic current mode control of a converter. The system comprises a summer that provides a constant hysteresis and has added switching noise immunity, a comparator, a lossless inductor current sense means and a converter. A circuit using the inductors internal resistance for sensing the current through an inductor in a lossless manner is described. The circuit preserves both DC and dynamic current information while incorporating the RC time constant, difference amplifier and signal amplification, all using only one amplifier. This circuit provides excellent common mode and differential noise immunity, while still having a high bandwidth and small group delay of the current signal. A method to accomplish stability of a current mode controlled converter when closing the loop to control the output voltage with very high accuracy and gain is described. 1. A lossless inductor current sensing and signal amplification circuit , comprisinga resistor with its first end connected to the first end of an inductora second resistor with its first end connected to second end of said inductor, said second resistor being of equal value to said first resistora capacitor connected between second end of said first resistor and second end of said second resistora second capacitor connected between second end of said first resistor and grounda third capacitor of equal value to second capacitor, connected between second end of said second resistor to grounda third resistor connected between second end of first resistor and the negative input of an amplifiera fourth resistor, of equal value to said third resistor, connected between second end of said second resistor and the positive input of said amplifiera fifth resistor connected between the negative input of said amplifier and its outputa sixth resistor, of equal value to said fifth resistor, connected between the positive input of said amplifier and a reference voltage2. The circuit ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Voltage converter

Номер: US20130321374A1
Автор: Didier H. Farenc
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Mems Technologies Inc

This disclosure provides systems, methods and apparatus for voltage conversion. In one aspect, a voltage converter includes a first feedback loop monitoring one of two converter outputs of opposite polarity. The converter may further include a second feedback loop for monitoring a weighted sum of the two converter outputs of opposite polarity. In another aspect, a voltage converter may include level shifters for driving switches coupled to a boost inductor. The voltage converter may switch at least one voltage rail coupled to the level shifters from a first voltage level to a second voltage level.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130328537A1

A buck converter is disclosed comprising a series combination of high-side and low-side switches, and including a protection switch in anti-series with the high-side switch. The protection switch is controlled by means of a shutter switch, which is powered from the output of the converter and gated from the half bridge node of the converter. 1. A buck converter having an input and an output and comprising:a high-side switch, a low-side switch, a protection switch and a shutter switch, each having a respective control terminal and respective first and second main terminals;the first low-side main terminal being connected to a ground,the second low-side main terminal and the first high-side main terminal being connected to a converter node,the second high-side main terminal being connected to the second protection main terminal and the first protection main terminal being connected to an input node such that the high-side switch and the protection switch are in anti-series,the first shutter main terminal being connected to the protection control terminal,the shutter control terminal being electrically coupled to the input node,and the second main shutter terminal being connected to the output.2. A buck converter as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one of the high-side switch claim 1 , low-side switch claim 1 , protection switch and shutter switch comprises a MOS transistor.3. A buck converter as claimed in in which the shutter control terminal is electrically coupled to the input node by a floating supply for providing an offset voltage from a voltage at the input node claim 1 , and wherein the protection switch is a PMOS transistor.4. A buck converter as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a resistive component between the protection control terminal and the second protection main terminal.5. A buck converter as claimed in wherein the shutter control terminal is electrically directly coupled to the input node claim 1 , and wherein the protection switch is a ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335051A1

A device and switching method for a circuit for generating an output voltage (Vout) via a control signal (CTRL) with two pulse-width modulated states are described. The control signal (CTRL) frequency (Fq) is measured. In order to generate the control signal (CTRL), either a first hysteresis comparator () or a second hysteresis comparator () is enabled depending on the control signal (CTRL) measured frequency (Fq). Advantageously, the voltage thresholds of the hysteresis comparators and at least one frequency threshold can be chosen in such a manner as to avoid the control signal (CTRL) frequency (Fq) entering into forbidden frequency bands. 1. An electronic device comprising:{'b': 20', '21, 'a switched circuit () having an output () designed to deliver an output voltage (Vout), and controlled by a control signal (CTRL) with two pulse-width modulated states;'}{'b': '31', 'a first hysteresis comparator (), with a first low-voltage threshold (Vmin) and a first high-voltage threshold (Vmax) higher than said first low-voltage threshold (Vmin), designed, when it is enabled, to generate the control signal (CTRL) depending on the result of the comparison between the output voltage (Vout), on the one hand, and the first low-voltage threshold (Vmin) and the first high-voltage threshold (Vmax), on the other;'}{'b': 32', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'at least a second hysteresis comparator (), with a second low-voltage threshold (Vmin) and a second high-voltage threshold (Vmax) higher than said second low-voltage threshold (Vmin), designed, when it is enabled, to generate the control signal (CTRL) depending on the result of the comparison between the output voltage (Vout), on the one hand, and the second low-voltage threshold (Vmin) and the second high-voltage threshold (Vmax), on the other, the difference between the second high-voltage threshold (Vmax) and the second low-voltage threshold (Vmin) being less than the difference between the first high-voltage threshold ( ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Variable frequency timing circuit for a power supply control circuit

Номер: US20130336021A1
Принадлежит: Power Integrations Inc

A timing circuit of a controller generates a clock signal having a switching period for use by a pulse width modulation (PWM) circuit to control a switch of a power supply. The switching period of the clock signal is based on a charging time plus a discharging time of a capacitor included in the timing circuit. A first current source charges the capacitor while the timing circuit is in a normal charging mode. A second current source charges the capacitor while the timing circuit is in an alternative charging mode that is when the on time of the switch exceeds a threshold time. The current provided by the second current source is less than the current provided by the first current source such that the switching period of the clock signal is increased in response to the timing circuit entering the alternative charging mode.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Power converting device, motor driving device, and refrigerating and air-conditioning apparatus

Номер: US20130342139A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A power converting device includes a rectifying circuit that rectifies voltage of an alternating-current power supply; smoothing means that smoothes output voltage from the rectifying circuit; short-circuiting means that is disposed more closely to the alternating-current power supply than the smoothing means and that short-circuits the alternating-current power supply and controls at least one of electric current and voltage; a reactor that is disposed more closely to the alternating-current power supply than the short-circuiting means; one or more backflow preventing elements that prevent electric current from flowing backward from a load side toward the alternating-current power supply; commutating means for performing a commutation operation for causing electric current to flow toward a different path that is connected in parallel with the one or more backflow preventing elements; malfunction detecting means for detecting a malfunction of the commutating means; and switching control means that performs operation control of the commutating means in accordance with detection by the malfunction detecting means.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Inverting Buck-Boost Using Single-Inductor Boost and Charge Pump with a Grounded Switch

Номер: US20140002046A1
Автор: Martin Alan Dean

The disclosed methodology for buck-boost inverted voltage conversion uses a boost stage coupled to a charge pump stage at a switch node controlled by a transistor switch coupled between the switch node and ground. The boost stage includes a boost inductor coupled between an input supply voltage and the switch node, and the charge pump stage includes a charge pump capacitor coupled between the switch node and a pump node which is coupled to the load and an output capacitor in parallel with the load. The regulated inverted output voltage is supplied to the output capacitor and the load by: (a) in a first phase, switching the transistor switch to conducting to couple the switch node to ground, and thereby (i) transferring energy from a source of input voltage source to the boost inductor, and (ii) transferring energy from a charge pump capacitor to the output node, and (b) in the second phase, switching the transistor switch to non-conducting and clamping the charge pump capacitor at a positive reference voltage, and thereby transferring energy from the boost inductor to the charge pump capacitor. In one embodiment, the positive reference voltage is the input voltage (i.e., during the second phase, the charge pump capacitor is clamped to the input voltage). 1. An inverting buck-boost converter for supplying a regulated voltage to a load by converting a positive input voltage with a predetermined range into a regulated inverted output voltage with a magnitude greater or less than the magnitude of the input voltage , the inverting buck-boost converter operable with a boost inductor and an output capacitor coupled in parallel with the load , the inverting buck-boost converter comprising:a boost stage including the boost inductor coupled between a source of the input voltage and a switch node;a charge pump stage including a charge pump capacitor and a charge transfer network, the charge pump capacitor coupled between the switch node and a pump node, which is coupled by the ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140002180A1

An integrated circuit may include a signal generator configured to generate a switching signal and a switching unit coupled to the signal generator. The switching unit may be configured to generate a pulsed current based on the switching signal using a first voltage. The integrated circuit may also include an inductive unit coupled to the switching unit. The inductive unit may be configured to receive the pulsed current and to generate a second voltage different from the first voltage. 1. An integrated circuit comprising:an input node configured to be coupled to a first voltage;a signal generator configured to generate a switching signal;a switching unit coupled to the signal generator, the switching unit comprising a plurality of switches that each comprise a plurality of transistors, the plurality of switches configured to generate a pulsed current based on the switching signal using the first voltage;an inductive unit coupled to the switching unit, the inductive unit configured to receive the pulsed current and generate a second voltage different from the first voltage;an avalanche photodiode configured to receive the second voltage; anda substrate upon which the avalanche photodiode, the inductive unit, the switching unit, and the signal generator are formed.2. The integrated circuit of claim 1 , wherein the switching signal has a frequency greater than fifty megahertz.3. The integrated circuit of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of transistors in each switch are arranged in a stacked formation.4. The integrated circuit of claim 1 , wherein the second voltage is greater in magnitude than the first voltage.5. An integrated circuit comprising:a signal generator configured to generate a switching signal;a switching unit coupled to the signal generator, the switching unit configured to generate a pulsed current based on the switching signal using a first voltage; andan inductive unit coupled to the switching unit, the inductive unit configured to receive the pulsed ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021934A1
Автор: Parikh Primit, Wu Yifeng

A circuit includes a switching device comprising a control terminal and first and second power terminals, and an inductive element having a first terminal electrically connected to the second power terminal of the switching device. The electronic circuit is configured such that in a first mode of operation, the control terminal of the switching device is biased off, current flows through the inductive element, and the switching device blocks a first voltage. In a second mode of operation, the control terminal of the switching device is biased off, and voltage blocked by the switching device decreases from the first voltage to a second voltage. In a third mode of operation, the control terminal of the switching device is biased on and the current flowing through the inductive element flows through the switching device. 1. An electronic circuit , comprising:a switching device comprising a control terminal and first and second power terminals; andan inductive element having a first terminal electrically connected to the second power terminal of the switching device; whereinthe electronic circuit is configured such that in a first mode of operation the control terminal of the switching device is biased off, a current flows through the inductive element, and the switching device blocks a first voltage, in a second mode of operation the control terminal of the switching device is biased off and voltage blocked by the switching device decreases from the first voltage to a second voltage, and in a third mode of operation the control terminal of the switching device is biased on and the current flowing through the inductive element flows through the switching device; andthe switching device is configured such that an output capacitance of the switching device while the first and second power terminals are at substantially the same voltage is less than 100 times the output capacitance of the switching device while the device is blocking at least 600V.2. The electronic circuit ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Boost converter for tracking input voltages

Номер: US20140027188A1
Автор: Eric J. HOLLAND

A boost converter is provided for tracking change in input voltage. The boost converter comprises at least one input for connection to a DC voltage source for supplying an input voltage; at least one output configured to supply an output voltage having a value that is greater than a value of said input voltage by at least a predetermined offset value; feedback means adapted to provide a feedback voltage, based on said output voltage, to a switching element of said boost converter, and a feedback voltage regulator means adapted to combine said feedback voltage with an input voltage characteristic so as to adjust said output voltage to be offset and proportional to said input voltage characteristic.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140028271A1

A DC-DC converter includes: a high-side switch; a low-side switch coupled to the high-side switch in series; a capacitor configured to be charged while the low-side switch is turned on and to increase a driving voltage for turning on the high-side switch by a charged voltage; a buffer configured to output a control signal for controlling the high-side switch; a latch configured to receive the control signal at a first input terminal, retain the control signal, and output the control signal to the high-side switch; and a switch configured to receive the control signal from the latch and deactivate the buffer. 1. A DC-DC converter comprising:a high-side switch;a low-side switch coupled to the high-side switch in series;a capacitor configured to be charged while the low-side switch is turned on and to increase a driving voltage for turning on the high-side switch by a charged voltage;a buffer configured to output a control signal for controlling the high-side switch;a latch configured to receive the control signal at a first input terminal, retain the control signal, and output the control signal to the high-side switch; anda switch configured to receive the control signal from the latch and deactivate the buffer.2. The DC-DC converter according to claim 1 , further comprising:a second buffer configured to receive an inverted signal of the control signal and output the inverted signal to a second input terminal of the latch.3. The DC-DC converter according to claim 2 , wherein the latch continues to output claim 2 , in accordance with the inverted signal claim 2 , the control signal for turning on the high-side switch to the high-side switch after deactivation of the buffer.4. The DC-DC converter according to claim 2 , further comprising:a second switch configured to deactivate the second buffer in accordance with the control signal for turning off the high-side switch from the latch.5. The DC-DC converter according to claim 1 , wherein the high-side switch has a N- ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Voltage regulator, semiconductor device, and data processing system

Номер: US20140032942A1
Принадлежит: Renesas Electronics Corp

A voltage regulator has a voltage converter circuit and a control unit. The control unit controls the voltage converter circuit so that an output voltage attains a target voltage when the voltage regulator is in a no-load condition so as to have a transition characteristic in which the output voltage decreases with increase in the load current. The control unit calculates deviation between the output voltage and an ideal value thereof when a load condition of the voltage regulator is a first load condition, and corrects the target voltage by the output voltage adjustment unit. so The control unit also calculates deviation between rate of change of the output voltage with respect to the load current and an ideal value thereof, and corrects the transition characteristic so that the deviation becomes small to minimize deviation.
