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07-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2634675C2
Принадлежит: Зе Боинг Компани (US)

Изобретение относится к области электротехники. Раскрыты устройство и способ преобразования напряжения. Сигналы модуляции с фазовым сдвигом создают и чередуют для создания перемежающихся сигналов модуляции с фазовым сдвигом. Управление несколькими мостовыми преобразователями напряжения осуществляют посредством перемежающихся сигналов модуляции с фазовым сдвигом для преобразования входного тока с входным напряжением в выходной ток с выходным напряжением. Технический результат – уменьшение пульсаций выходного тока. 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

28-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2617831C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использовано в адаптерах мощности для подачи мощности на переносное устройство. Техническим результатом является обеспечение мощности подачи на различные переносные устройства. Устройство источника питания, представляющего собой адаптер, содержит входную цепь (21) для приема входной мощности электросети, устройство (25) переключателя мощности, силовую катушку индуктивности (24) и выходную цепь (22), соединенную с силовой катушкой индуктивности для обеспечения мощности подачи на переносное устройство, и контроллер (26) для управления устройством переключателя мощности согласно требованию по мощности подачи для переносного устройства. Адаптер имеет измерительную катушку (27) индуктивности, магнитно связанную с силовой катушкой индуктивности, а контроллер содержит вход (28) измерения для обнаружения сигнала измерения, указывающего на магнитное состояние силовой катушки индуктивности. Контроллер обнаруживает требование мощности подачи ...

05-03-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017107189A3

30-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2701553C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, в частности к преобразованию постоянного напряжения в переменное, и предназначено для устранения условия появления кратковременных импульсных электромагнитных помех при получении высоковольтного импульсного напряжения в индуктивной нагрузке. Способ получения высоковольтного импульсного напряжения в индуктивной нагрузке заключается в обеспечении с помощью первого управляемого ключа периодических подключений индуктивной нагрузки к выходам источника высоковольтного постоянного напряжения, периодических отключений и подключений цепи управления вторым управляемым ключом с помощью первого управляемого переключателя, а также периодической подачи низковольтного напряжения с выхода источника низковольтного постоянного напряжения в цепь управления второго управляемого ключа через второй управляемый переключатель. 2 ил.

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2637773C9

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использовано в бытовых приборах, зарядных устройствах и других приборах. Техническим результатом является уменьшение потерь переключающей способности МОП-транзисторов. Схема обратноходового импульсного источника питания и драйвер подсветки, в котором она используется, включают: трансформатор с первичной обмоткой, вторичной обмоткой и вспомогательной обмоткой, расположенной на одной стороне с первичной обмоткой; выходной выпрямитель, соединенный с выходным выводом схемы обратноходового импульсного источника питания от вторичной обмотки трансформатора; переключающий транзистор, предназначенный для управления напряжением на первичной обмотке; контроллер, предназначенный для подачи сигнала ШИМ для возбуждения затвора переключающего транзистора; цепь фиксации задержки, предназначенную для фиксации потенциала затвора переключающего транзистора на низком потенциале, так что переключающий транзистор включается на впадине волны затухающих ...

22-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2629554C9

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использовано в источнике питания и в устройстве, содержащем источник питания. Техническим результатом является обеспечение подвода требуемой мощности даже в режиме ожидания. Источник питания содержит схему резонанса токов, выполненную с возможностью управления трансформатором; к первичной стороне которого подключен резонансный контур с коммутационным элементом, выполненным с возможностью периодически повторяемых включения и отключения, а также контроллер, выполненный с возможностью управления коммутационным элементом так, что коммутационный элемент работает в непрерывном режиме, при котором он выполняет непрерывно повторяемые включение и отключение, или в прерывистом режиме, при котором он выполняет повторяемые с перерывами включение и отключение, в соответствии с внешним сигналом, указывающим на работу в непрерывном режиме или в прерывистом режиме. Источник питания также содержит индикатор напряжения, выполненный с возможностью ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012142141A

... 1. Способ преобразования напряжения, согласно которому:создают несколько сигналов модуляции с фазовым сдвигом;чередуют сигналы модуляции с фазовым сдвигом для создания перемежающихся сигналов модуляции с фазовым сдвигом иуправляют несколькими преобразователями (100, 202-216) напряжения посредством использования перемежающихся сигналов модуляции с фазовым сдвигом для преобразования входного электрического тока при входном напряжении в выходной электрический ток при выходном напряжении.2. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий этап, согласно которому конфигурируют перемежающиеся сигналы модуляции с фазовым сдвигом для уменьшения пульсации входного электрического тока.3. Способ по п.1 или 2, дополнительно содержащий этап, согласно которому уменьшают пульсацию входного электрического тока посредством использования перемежающихся сигналов модуляции с фазовым сдвигом.4. Способ по п.1 или 2, дополнительно содержащий этап, согласно которому конфигурируют перемежающиеся сигналы модуляции с фазовым ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014104238A

... 1. Способ регулирования переключающего преобразователя в квазирезонансном режиме, причем PWM контроллеру (1) для определения момента времени отключения переключающего элемента (S) задается напряжение (U6) считывания, и причем момент времени включения переключающего элемента (S) приходится на впадину (V1, V2, V3, V4) приложенного на отключаемом переключающем элементе (S) колебательного напряжения (U1), отличающийся тем, что при каждой впадине (V1, V2, V3, V4), возникающей после процесса выключения, напряжение (U6) считывания уменьшается.2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что при каждой возникающей впадине (V1, V2, V3, V4) снижается вспомогательное напряжение (U4), и напряжение (U6) считывания формируется суммированием вспомогательного напряжения (U4) и измеренного напряжения (U5), пропорционального току через переключающий элемент (S).3. Способ по п. 2, отличающийся тем, что посредством аналогового счетчика (4) из выходного сигнала контура распознавания впадины формируется вспомогательное ...

17-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE102012204060A1

Bei einem Controller für einen Leistungswandler kann ein Steueranschluss ein Steuersignal zur Steuerung eines Leistungswandlers bereitstellen. Ein Zyklus des Steuersignals umfasst ein erstes Zeitintervall und ein zweites Zeitintervall. Die Steuerschaltung kann einen durch eine Primärwicklung der Transformatorschaltung fließenden Primärstrom und einen durch eine Sekundärwicklung der Transformatorschaltung fließenden Sekundärstrom in dem ersten Zeitintervall vergrößern und kann die Vergrößerung des Primärstroms in dem zweiten Zeitintervall beenden. Die Steuerschaltung kann auch das erste Zeitintervall derart steuern, dass dieses umgekehrt proportional zu einer an die Primärwicklung gelieferten Eingangsspannung ist.

03-09-2009 дата публикации

Ein Stromadaptor

Номер: DE202009009019U1

05-10-1989 дата публикации

Circuit arrangement for current and voltage regulation of a switched-mode power supply

Номер: DE0003810225A1

The regulating circuit contains a voltage regulator amplifier (URV) followed by a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), a first current regulator amplifier (IRV1) which is supplied by the current loop of the switching transistor (V1), and a second current regulator amplifier (IRV2) which is connected between the output loop of the switched-mode power supply and the input of the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). The outputs of the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) and of the first current regulator amplifier (IRV1) are each connected via a diode (V2, V3) to the input of the switching transistor (V1). ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Zusatzversorgung für eine Steuerung eines Schaltnetzteils unter Verwendung einer Ein-Aus-Regulierung

Номер: DE102016121917A1

Es werden ein Verfahren in einem Schaltnetzteil (SMPS) und SMPS-Schaltungen bereitgestellt. Das Verfahren und die Schaltungen verwenden Ein-Aus-Regulierung, um für eine Zusatzleistungsversorgung zu sorgen, die verwendet werden kann, um eine Steuerung des SMPS anzutreiben. Die zusätzlichen Schaltkreise, die erforderlich sind, um das Verfahren und die Schaltungen zu erreichen, sind minimal und zeigen Vorteile gegenüber Techniken, die eine zusätzliche Leistungsversorgung oder eine Zusatzwicklung in einem Transformator erfordern. Die Ein-Aus-Regulierung steuert Schaltvorrichtungen innerhalb des SMPS, so dass eine selbstleitende Schaltvorrichtung eingeschaltet ist, während eine selbstsperrende Schaltvorrichtung für eine gewisse Zeitspanne ausgeschaltet ist. Während dieser Zeitspanne wird der SMPS-Steuerung und einer zugehörigen Energie-Speicher-Vorrichtung Strom zugeführt.

13-10-2016 дата публикации

Lastabhängiger Jitter

Номер: DE102016205959A1

Es wird ein Controller für einen Leistungsumsetzer bereitgestellt, der erfassen kann, ob sich der Leistungsumsetzer in einem Leichtlastzustand befindet. Wenn sich der Leistungsumsetzer in einem Leichtlastzustand befindet, kann die Schaltfrequenz innerhalb des Bereichs von hörbaren Geräuschen liegen. Sobald der Controller den Leichtlastzustand erfasst, kann der Controller die Schaltfrequenz des Leistungsschalters so modulieren, dass die Schaltfrequenz nicht mehr innerhalb des Bereichs von hörbaren Geräuschen liegt. Der Controller besteht aus einem Stromstärkebegrenzungsgenerator, der angekoppelt ist, um ein anfängliches Stromstärkebegrenzungssignal zu erzeugen und ein Rückkopplungssignal zu empfangen. Der Controller kann einen Leichtlastzustand des Leistungsumsetzers erfassen und ein Leichtlastsignal ausgeben. Als Ergebnis des Leichtlastsignals kann der Controller die anfängliche Stromstärkebegrenzung als Antwort auf das Leichtlastsignal, das einen Leichtlastzustand angibt, modulieren.

22-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003663430D1

11-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112019001586T5

Ein LLC-Resonanzumrichter (100), in dem ein Kondensator (Cr), eine Induktivität (Lr) und eine Starkstromleitung (Anschlussleitung 160) zwischen dem Kondensator (Cr) und der Induktivität (Lr) eine Reihenresonanzeinheit bilden, ist durch ein Kunstharz (200) kunstharzverkapselt. Weil die Reihenresonanzeinheit, die ein Hochspannungsteil ist, als Ganzes kunstharzverkapselt ist, ist es möglich, einen Isolationsabstand sogar im Falle höherer Spannungen und Frequenzen zu verkürzen und eine Erhöhung der Größe zu verhindern.

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102021104986A1
Автор: GOTO JUN, Goto, Jun

Ein Schaltmodul umfasst eine Schalteinheit und eine Bestimmungseinheit, die konfiguriert ist zum Bestimmen einer Funktion der Schalteinheit und eines EIN/AUS-Zustands der Schalteinheit. Die Schalteinheit ist mit einer Vielzahl von Funktionsbestimmungswiderständen versehen. Die Bestimmungseinheit ist konfiguriert zum Bestimmen der Funktion der Schalteinheit gemäß einer Kombination aus Spannungen, die an der Vielzahl von Funktionsbestimmungswiderständen in Entsprechung zu Widerstandswerten der Vielzahl von Funktionsbestimmungswiderständen angelegt werden.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Schaltsteuerkreis und Schaltleistungsversorgungsvorrichtung

Номер: DE112011102488T5

Ein externer Schaltkreis (Rz, Cz) ist mit einem Polaritätsdetektionsanschluss (ZT) einer Schaltsteuerungs-IC (200) verbunden. Ein erhöhter Wert der Spannung eines Impulssignals, das zu dem Polaritätsdetektionsanschluss (ZT) zu dem Zeitpunkt der Aktivierung einer Leistungsversorgung eingegeben wird, ändert sich als Reaktion auf diesen externen Schaltkreis. Aufgrund des mit dem Polaritätsdetektionsanschluss (ZT) verbundenen externen Schaltkreises wird demgemäß die Gültigkeit/Ungültigkeit eines Standbymodus eingestellt. Wenn der Standbymodus validiert wird, ändert sich eine Austastfrequenz als Reaktion auf die Spannung eines Rückkopplungsanschlusses (FB) und ein Schaltverlust bei einer leichten Last wird reduziert. Demgemäß werden ein Schaltsteuerkreis und eine Schaltleistungsversorgungsvorrichtung konfiguriert, die die Gültigkeit/Ungültigkeit des Standbymodus einstellen oder das Verfahren des Standbymodus ohne Verwenden eines dedizierten Anschlusses wählen können.

18-12-2014 дата публикации

DC/DC-Wandler, Onboard-Einheit und Ladevorrichtung

Номер: DE112012005944T5

Ein DC/DC-Wandler 1 ist ausgelegt, um eine Trennung einer Primärseiteneinheit 3 von einer Sekundärseiteneinheit 4 eines Transformators 2 zu ermöglichen. Ein Sekundärseitenschaltelement FET 2 ist in der Sekundärseiteneinheit 4 vorgesehen und regelt eine Leistungsversorgung an eine Last 12 durch wiederholtes Unterbrechen eines Ausgangssignals einer Sekundärwicklung L2. Die Primärseiteneinheit 3 erfasst ein elektrisches Verhalten der Primärseite, das durch den wiederholt unterbrechenden Betrieb der Sekundärseite erzeugt wird, und regelt die Leistung, die von der Primärwicklung L1 in die Sekundärwicklung L2 eingespeist wird, durch Ausführen des wiederholt unterbrechenden Betriebs des Primärseitenschaltelements FET 1, so dass ein Zyklus oder eine Betriebsart des wiederholt unterbrechenden Betriebs der Sekundärseite in einen vorbestimmten Bereich fällt.

24-06-2004 дата публикации

Getaktete Leistungsversorgung

Номер: DE0010257908A1

Getaktete Leistungsversorgung mit einer Serienschaltung aus einem elektronischen Schalter (T1) und der Primärwicklung (W1) eines Transformators (TX1). Die Leistungsversorgung besitzt außerdem eine Schaltentlastungseinrichtung, in der beim Ausschalten des elektronischen Schalters (T1) die Energie der Primärwicklung (W1) in einem Kondensator (C1) gespeichert wird. Erfindungsgemäß besitzt die Schaltentlastungseinrichtung einen weiteren elektronischen Schalter (D1, T1), der solange eingeschaltet bleibt, bis die im Kondensator (C1) gespeicherte Energie wieder in den Transformator (TX1) zurückgespeist ist.

06-09-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002305920A1

24-07-1997 дата публикации

Stromversorgungsschaltung für eine Entladungslampe

Номер: DE0019700401A1

In a lighting circuit for operating a discharge lamp 28 from a DC source, such as a battery 16, via a DC/DC converter 20 feeding a converter 21, the negative side of source 16 is grounded, the output side of converter 20 is isolated from its input side by means of a transformer 20a, and the high side output line of converter 20 is also grounded so that the converter 21 can supply the lamp 28 with negative pulses (Fig.2). Because of the use of negative pulses, proximity of a metal member (such as reflector) to the lamp does not result in leakage of metal ions from the lamp, thus avoiding a prior problem of impaired colour rendering. The DC/DC converter 20 is controlled by a circuit 25 responsive to a detector (10', Fig. 1) which senses lamp voltage and/or current, or to a detector 22,23,23' which senses an output voltage and/or current of the converter 20, equivalent to the lamp voltage and/or current. A protection circuit 29 also responds to the detector to stop power supply to the lamp ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Stromgespeister Vollbrücke-Gleichspannungswandler

Номер: DE102013209302A1

Ein stromgespeister Vollbrücke-Gleichspannungswandler umfasst eine Stromquellenschaltung, die eine Gleichspannungsquellenschaltung und einen mit der Gleichspannungsquellenschaltung in Reihe geschalteten Induktor umfasst, eine Inverterschaltung, die Schaltelemente, Eingangsanschlüsse und Ausgangsanschlüsse umfasst, wobei Ausgänge der Stromquellenschaltung mit den Eingangsanschlüssen verbunden sind, einen Transformator mit einer Primärspule, die mit den Ausgangsanschlüssen verbunden ist, und einer Sekundärspule, und eine Gleichrichterschaltung, die mit der Sekundärspule verbunden ist, und über die der stromgespeiste Vollbrücke-Gleichspannungswandler eine Gleichstromausgabe erzeugt. Der stromgespeiste Vollbrücke-Gleichspannungswandler umfasst zusätzlich einen Kondensator, der mit dem Ausgangsanschluss und der Primärspule in Reihe geschaltet ist, und eine Steuereinheit, die Ein/Aus-Schaltvorgänge der Schaltelemente so steuert, dass beim Abschalten des stromgespeisten Vollbrücke-Gleichspannungswandlers ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102014103395A1

Ein Schaltspannungswandler, der eine Induktivität umfasst, die mit einem Anschluss verbunden ist, der im Betrieb mit einer Eingangsspannung gespeist wird. Ein Halbleiterschalter ist mit der Induktivität verbunden und so konfiguriert, dass er einen Eingangsstrom, der in Übereinstimmung mit einem Ansteuersignal durch die Induktivität fließt, freigibt oder ausschaltet. Eine Strommessschaltung ist mit der Induktivität oder dem Halbleiterschalter verbunden und ist so konfiguriert, dass sie ein Strommesssignal erzeugt, das den Eingangsstrom, der durch die Induktivität oder den Halbleiterschalter fließt, darstellt. Eine Steuerschaltung empfängt das Strommesssignal und ist so konfiguriert, dass sie: den Halbleiterschalter regelmäßig in Übereinstimmung mit einer Taktfrequenz schließt, um das Strommesssignal zu integrieren, was zu einem Bereitstellen eines integrierten Strommesssignals führt, um das integrierte Strommesssignal mit einer Schwelle, die eine Funktion der Eingangsspannung ist, vergleichen ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации

Entkopplungsvorrichtung und -system

Номер: DE102015107256B4

Eine Entkopplungsvorrichtung (100) aufweisend:einen ersten Halbleiter-Chip (120),einen zweiten Halbleiter-Chip (150), der benachbart zu, jedoch elektrisch entkoppelt von, dem ersten Halbleiter-Chip (120) ausgebildet ist,eine Modulatoreinrichtung (140), die dazu ausgelegt ist, ein erstes Signal (191) in ein moduliertes Impulssignal (192) zu modulieren,eine Sendereinrichtung (142), die dazu ausgelegt ist, das modulierte Impulssignal (192) von dem ersten Halbleiter-Chip (120) an den zweiten Halbleiter-Chip 8150) zu übertragen, wobei die Sendereinrichtung (142) und die Modulatoreinrichtung (140) sich in dem ersten Halbleiter-Chip (120) befinden,eine Detektoreinrichtung (162), die dazu ausgelegt ist, ein von der Sendereinrichtung (142) übertragenes Signal (190) zu empfangen und in Antwort darauf ein empfangenes moduliertes Impulssignal (193) als Ausgabe der Detektoreinrichtung (162) zu erzeugen,eine Zählereinrichtung (170), die an die Detektoreinrichtung (162) gekoppelt ist, wobei die Zählereinrichtung ...

01-09-2016 дата публикации

Erfassen einer offenen Verbindung einer Hilfswicklung bei einer Schaltmodus-Energieversorgung

Номер: DE102015206264A1

Ein Leistungswandler, der einen Transformator aufweist mit einer Primärwicklung, die mit einer Eingangsspannung gekoppelt ist, einer Sekundärwicklung, die mit einem Ausgang des Leistungswandlers gekoppelt ist, und einer Hilfswicklung, ist konfiguriert zum Erfassen eines „offene Verbindung”-Fehlers der Hilfswicklung. Der Leistungswandler umfasst eine Stromquelle, die mit der Hilfswicklung gekoppelt ist, die, wenn aktiviert, einen Strom an die Hilfswicklung liefert. Eine Steuervorrichtung misst eine Spannung über die Hilfswicklung. In Reaktion auf ein Erfassen einer Zunahme der Spannung über die Hilfswicklung, während die Stromquelle aktiviert ist, deaktiviert die Steuervorrichtung den Leistungswandler.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Schaltungsanordnung und Verfahren zum Ermitteln von Schaltzeiten eines DC/DC-Wandlers

Номер: DE102011087668A1

Ein Gegenstand der Anmeldung betrifft eine Schaltungsanordnung (1) zum Ermitteln von Schaltzeiten eines DC/DC-Wandlers (2), der eine Ansteuereinheit (3) aufweist, ausgebildet zum Ansteuern von auf einer Hochvoltseite (4) des DC/DC-Wandlers (2) angeordneten Leistungsschaltern (5) einer Vollbrücke (6). Zudem weist die Schaltungsanordnung (1) zumindest eine Vergleichseinheit (7) auf, die zum Vergleichen einer, über einen auf einer Niedervoltseite (8) des DC/DC-Wandlers (2) angeordneten Leistungsschalter (9) abfallenden Spannung ULV mit einer Referenzspannung Uref ausgebildet ist. Ferner weist die Schaltungsanordnung (1) eine Messeinheit (10) auf, ausgebildet zum Starten einer Zeitmessung, falls ein Paar der Leistungsschalter (5) der Vollbrücke (6) mittels der Ansteuereinheit (3) eingeschaltet wird und zum Beenden der Zeitmessung, falls ULV > Uref. Die Messeinheit (10) ist zudem zum Ausgeben einer ermittelten Messdauer der Zeitmessung an die Ansteuereinheit (3) ausgebildet und die Ansteuereinheit ...

11-08-2005 дата публикации

Schaltnetzteil und Verfahren zur Ermittlung der Versorgungsspannung in einem Schaltnetzteil

Номер: DE0019916915B4

Schaltnetzteil mit einem Schalter (T) zum getakteten Anlegen einer veränderlichen Versorgungsspannung (V) an eine Primärspule (L1) eines Transformators und mit einer ersten Strommessanordnung (MA, R1) zur Bereitstellung eines von einem Strom (IL) durch die Primärspule abhängigen Strommesssignals (Vs) dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß zur Ermittlung der Versorgungsspannung (V) eine an die erste Strommessanordnung (MA, R1) angeschlossene, den zeitlichen Verlauf des Stroms (IL) und/oder des Strommesssignals (VS) auswertende Auswerteschaltung (AWS) vorgesehen ist, die Schaltmittel (R2, C1, I K; R2, C1, OPV, K, Vref) zur Bereitstellung eines von einer Steigung des Strommesssignals (Vs) abhängigen Signals und zum Vergleich dieses Signals mit einem Referenzsignal (I; Vref) aufweist.

24-04-1986 дата публикации

Flux converter switched-mode power supply, having current limiting, and its use

Номер: DE0003438251A1

The invention relates to a flux converter in which a first transformer winding (PW) on the primary side is provided by means of a switching transistor (Tr) with an input voltage, and a transformer winding (SW) on the secondary side emits a rectified voltage, via a conventional circuit. The switching transistor (Tr) is driven by means of a control circuit (RS) which keeps the output voltage (Ua) constant in normal operation. If the output current (Ia) reaches a critical value, then Ua and Ia are reduced with increasing load. This overload characteristic is provided as follows: a comparator (OV) compares a voltage which is proportional to the switching transistor current ITr(ITr SIMILAR Ia in the flow phase) with a threshold voltage Us. If the threshold is exceeded, this comparator supplies the control variable for the control circuit (RS). Us is produced in a circuit which is connected to a second winding (VW) on the primary side and is connected downstream from the circuit on the secondary ...

14-10-2021 дата публикации

Isolierter DC/DC-Wandler, Steuereinheit für isolierten DC/DC-Wandler und DC/AC-Wandler

Номер: DE102019104539B4

Ein isolierter DC/DC-Wandler, welcher umfasst:einen DC/AC-Wandler (3), der so konfiguriert ist, dass er durch einen Betrieb von Halbleiterschaltvorrichtungen (3a, 3b, 3c, 3d) eine DC/AC-Umwandlung durchführt;einen Isolationstransformator (5), der so konfiguriert ist, dass er eine AC-Ausgangsspannung des DC/AC-Wandlers (3) isoliert, um die AC-Ausgangsspannung in eine vorbestimmte Größe zu transformieren;eine Gleichrichterschaltung (6), die so konfiguriert ist, dass sie die AC-Ausgangsspannung des Isolationstransformators (5) in eine DC-Spannung umwandelt; undeine Steuereinheit (20), die so konfiguriert ist, dass sie die Halbleiterschaltvorrichtungen (3a, 3b, 3c, 3d) treibt,wobei die Steuereinheit (20) umfasst:eine DC-Eingangsleistungs-Berechnungseinheit, die so konfiguriert ist, dass sie eine DC-Eingangsleistung des DC/AC-Wandlers (3) berechnet;eine erste Anpassungseinheit, die so konfiguriert ist, dass sie einen DC-Eingangsleistungs-Befehlswert berechnet, sodass ein DC-Ausgangsspannungs-Messwert ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Steuerung eines Serien-Resonanz-Wandlers

Номер: DE102018216749A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Steuerung eines Serien-Resonanz-Wandlers (110), wobei der Serien-Resonanz-Wandler (110) einen Primärkreis (112) und einen Sekundärkreis (114) aufweist, wobei der Primärkreis (112) oder der Sekundärkreis (114) einen Serien-Resonanz-Schwingkreis (118) aufweist, wobei der Serien-Resonanz-Schwingkreis (118) mindestens eine Kapazität Cund mindestens eine Induktivität Lumfasst, wobei an dem Primärkreis (112) eine Zwischenkreisspannung Uanliegt, und wobei der Sekundärkreis (114) einen mittleren Ausgangsstrombereitstellt, wobei die Steuerung des Serien-Resonanz-Wandlers (110) dadurch erfolgt, dass ein gemittelter Wert für den Ausgangsstrommittels einer Übertragungsfunktion eingestellt wird, wobei die Übertragungsfunktion eine Funktion der Zwischenkreisspannung Uder Ausgangsspannung U, der Induktivität L, einer Schaltperiode tund eines Tastgrades D ist, wobei zumindest die Schaltperiode tund/oder der Tastgrad D eingestellt werden.Die Erfindung betrifft weiterhin ...

11-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004392104T1

08-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE602004022808D1
Принадлежит: NXP BV, NXP B.V.

02-09-2010 дата публикации

Schaltwandler und Verfahren zum Steuern eines Schaltwandlers

Номер: DE102010001105A1

Ausführungsbeispiele der vorliegenden Erfindung betreffen einen Schaltwandler, eine integrierte Schaltung und ein Verfahren zum Steuern eines Schaltwandlers. Ein Ausführungsbeispiel betrifft einen Schaltwandler mit einem ersten Kompensationsnetzwerk, dem eine Fehlerspannung zugeführt ist, und ein zweites Kompensationsnetzwerk, dem die Fehlerspannung zugeführt ist. Eine Übertragungsfunktion im Frequenzbereich des ersten Kompensationsnetzwerks umfasst eine erste Nullstelle und mehrere erste Pole, und eine Übertragungsfunktion im Frequenzbereich des zweiten Kompensationsnetzwerks umfasst eine zweite Nullstelle und einen zweiten Pol.

17-07-1997 дата публикации


Номер: DE0019522956C2

28-04-1977 дата публикации

Blocking oscillator providing stabilised DC output - has zener diode voltage limiter and feedback circuit

Номер: DE0001940504B2

An oscillator used as a d.c. transformer providing a stabilised output, with a capacitor (C) acting as a smoothing element, obtains the stabilisation by using a chain of Zener diodes (ZD) in series with resistive elements (R1, R2, R3). The total zener voltage is about 90% of the nominal output voltage of the transformer. A tapping of one of the resistive elements (R2) provides the control input to a Schmitt trigger circuit (T3, T4) which acts on the oscillator control to stabilise the output. In addition the Zener chain will also suppress voltage peaks, for example those originating from the connected load.

14-11-2012 дата публикации

Power converter

Номер: GB0201217569D0

05-11-2014 дата публикации

Power overload protection using hiccup mode

Номер: GB0201416598D0

28-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001423149A

... 1423149 Converting; protective arrangements PHILIPS ELECTRONIC & ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES Ltd 27 July 1973 [2 Oct 1972] 45283/72 Headings H2F and H2K In a power supply arrangement, e.g. for a television receiver, comprising a first switchedmode D.C. supply in which the conduction angle of a switching device such as thyristor D9 is controlled in dependence on the charging time of a capacitor C4 to provide a first D.C. voltage from which is derived a second substantially lower D.C. voltage D. In the event of a fault on the load associated with supply D, so as to reduce the voltage at D, the charging time of capacitor C4 is increased so as to reduce or cut off the first D.C. voltage. As described, the supply mains AB are fed to a bridge recitifier D1-D4 which feeds a full wave rectified voltage to the thristor D9. Capacitor C4 is charged via R6 during each half cycle until its voltage reaches that at the junction of R8, R9, when silicon controlled switch D8 breaks down, triggering the thyristor ...

02-01-2013 дата публикации

Method for dimming at least one LED

Номер: GB0201220555D0

08-04-2009 дата публикации

A protection scheme for a switched-mode power converter

Номер: GB2453447A

The collector voltage of the main transistor switch 262 in a resonant discontinuous forward convener is monitored. The conduction period of the switch is ended early if the collector voltage exceeds a limit. The controller also uses the sensed collector voltage to control the degree of saturation of the main transistor switch, thereby reducing turn-off time and switching losses. The protection scheme allows the transistor to be protected, and converter output power to be limited, if the saturation control loop fails to restrain a rise in collector voltage despite increased base or gate drive.

12-05-2010 дата публикации

Energy-saving power converter having suspend mode

Номер: GB0201005143D0

29-05-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009107764D0

23-03-2011 дата публикации

Improvements in switching regulator circuits

Номер: GB0002437556B

22-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201509846D0

25-05-2011 дата публикации

Two stage resonant converter for LED lamps

Номер: GB0002475518A

A power supply for driving one or more low voltage LED strings from a higher voltage ac or do supply also provides a dimming capability, either by direct variation of the input supply or independently of the input supply by a simple internal controller. The power supply comprises at least two conversion stages, a first conversion stage 101 comprising input terminals 100 for connection to an ac or do supply, a high frequency resonant converter with constant output current characteristics and output terminals 102 for connection to at least one second conversion stage 111. Each second conversion stage comprises a current multiplier circuit and output terminals 112 for connection to a load. The power supply does not require current feedback in order to obtain acceptable current regulation, even under significant changes in the LED voltage or the number of LEDs in a string. The power supply can drive one or more LED strings from a single power supply without the need to individually monitor ...

23-07-2014 дата публикации

Fly-forward converter with energy recovery snubber

Номер: GB0002509982A

A converter, particularly a Fly-forward converter with energy recovery snubber, for transferring energy from a voltage supply to an output includes transformer T1, coupled inductor L1, switch S1, energy recovery capacitor Cs, and energy recovery winding T1b. In transformer T1, a secondary winding T1c transfers energy from the supply to the output when a primary winding T1a is connected to the voltage supply. In inductor L1, a secondary winding L1b stores energy from the supply when a primary winding L1a is connected to the supply, and transfers that energy to the output when the primary winding is disconnected from the supply. Switch S1 switches between an on-state in which windings T1a, L1a are connected to the supply, and an off-state in which the windings T1a, L1a are disconnected from the supply. Capacitor Cs provides a current path between the supply and windings T1a, L1a such that, in the off-state, energy associated with demagnetization and leakage inductance of transformer T1 is ...

10-03-2004 дата публикации

Wide range power supply for polyphase electricity meter

Номер: GB0000402319D0

26-02-2003 дата публикации

Switching power supply using partial switching

Номер: GB0000301580D0

11-06-2014 дата публикации

Switching power-supply device

Номер: GB0002508775A

A primary resonant inductor (Lr) and a primary resonant capacitor (Cr) form a primary resonant circuit, and secondary resonant inductors (Ls1, Ls2) and secondary resonant capacitors (Cs1, Cs2) form a secondary resonant circuit. Equivalent mutual inductances (Lms1, Lms2) and equivalent mutual capacitances (Cm1, Cm2, Cm3) are formed between a primary winding (np) and secondary windings (ns1, ns2) by electromagnetic resonance coupling, and a multi-resonant circuit containing an LC resonant circuit is formed on both the primary and secondary sides. Power is transferred from the primary circuit to the secondary circuit. Resonance energy that is not transmitted from the primary winding is retained in the multi-resonant circuit, as is resonance energy that is received by the secondary windings but not supplied as output. In particular, on the secondary side, resonance energy is retained in a current path in which rectification elements are not arranged in series.

08-08-2018 дата публикации

Converter circuit and method for controlling thereof

Номер: GB0002559316A

A converter circuit 3 comprises an actively switched boost converter stage 4, an actively switched DC-DC converter stage 5, and a switch S1 configured to be switched by a controller 6. Operation of both the actively switched boost converter stage and the actively switched DC-DC converter stage is controllable by the switch of the converter circuit. The boost converter stage may include the switch and operation of both the boost converter stage and the DC-DC converter stage is controlled using the switch of the boost converter stage. The boost converter stage may comprise a first electrical storage element and the DC-DC converter stage may comprise a second electrical energy storage element, where the charging and discharging of the first and second electrical energy storage elements is controlled by the switch. The DC-DC converter stage may be a flyback converter or a buck converter. The converter circuit may be used for a lighting means 7.

28-08-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002125641B

30-04-2014 дата публикации

A switched mode ac-dc converter

Номер: GB0201404655D0

26-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002523386A

An energy recovery snubber circuit for a power converter comprises a flyback transformer driven by a converter switch M1. The snubber circuit comprises two capacitors Cl, C2 which are connected such that, when the snubber circuit is connected to a primary winding L1a of the flyback transformer, the capacitors are charged in series by current flowing in a first direction in the primary winding when switch Ml is turned OFF, to recover energy stored in the leakage inductance of the transformer, and discharged in parallel to cause current flow in a second direction in the primary winding of the transformer, to thereby transfer the recovered energy to the transformer. A snubber switch M2 may be connected between the primary winding of the transformer and the capacitors such that the capacitors are discharged in parallel when switch M2 is on.

31-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009302942D0

15-02-1995 дата публикации

Voltage measuring circuit

Номер: GB0009423240D0

03-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002005496B
Принадлежит: SONY CORP

05-09-1979 дата публикации

Shutdown circuit for a switching power supply

Номер: GB0002015276A
Автор: Dolikian, Arman Vahe

In a regulated power supply in which the value of the D.C. output voltage B + is fed back to control the duty cycle of a pulse train controlling a switching circuit 24, a protective circuit 52-58 inhibits operation of the supply if the duty cycle increases to a value indicative of failure of the supply to produce a minimum desired output voltage. Operation of the supply is inhibited for a predetermined shutdown interval (54) following which the protective circuit is deactivated for a period (58) to allow the supply to attempt to establish its desired output. The power supply includes a master oscillator (20) and the protective circuitry (50) inhibits operation of the supply when the D.C. output from the oscillator (20) falls below a preset limit. ...

26-08-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for charging a load handling device on a grid

Номер: GB0202010704D0

09-06-2021 дата публикации

Energy storage system for a handling device

Номер: GB202105746D0

09-06-2021 дата публикации

Energy storage system for a load handling device

Номер: GB202105739D0

24-10-2018 дата публикации

A startup control circuit

Номер: GB0002561640A

A startup control circuit 100, used for supplying a startup voltage for a control circuit U20 of a switch power supply 200 e.g. in an LED driver, comprises a startup voltage generation circuit 101 having a first capacitor C41, C42 and a first output terminal 1011, the first capacitor being charged to generate a startup voltage, the startup voltage being outputted from the first output terminal to the control circuit; a charge switch element M21, a gate of which is connected to a charge node A, arranged such that when the charge switch element is closed it supplies a current for charging the first capacitor; and a short-circuit detecting and switching unit 102, which is connected to the first output terminal and which opens the charge switch element when the first capacitor is short-circuited so as to stop supplying the current for charging the first capacitor.

09-12-2009 дата публикации

Improvements relating to DC-DC converters

Номер: GB0000918784D0

15-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: ATA12292000A

25-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000403535B

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000441241T

15-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: ATA430278A

15-09-1987 дата публикации


Номер: ATA100486A

15-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: ATA210298A

15-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: ATA175795A

15-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000540464T

15-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000510117A1

The invention relates to a battery module and to an arrangement comprising a plurality of battery modules connected in series, comprising an energy store (3) having a positive and a negative connection (31, 32), a first and a second connection (A, B), a first and a second compensation connection (C, D), a boost converter (4) having a first and a second converter output (4a, 4b), and a decoupling switch (8), wherein the energy store (3) is connected at the positive connection (31) of the energy store to the first connection (A) and at the negative connection of the energy store to the second connection (B), wherein the first converter output (4a) is connected to the first compensation connection (C) and the second converter output (4b) is connected to the second compensation connection (D), wherein the converter (4) is designed to draw energy from the energy store (3) and to provide said energy to the converter outputs (4a, 4b) of the converter in the form of current, and wherein the decoupling ...

15-11-2013 дата публикации

Schaltnetzteil sowie Wechselrichter und Strangüberwachung mit einem solchen Schaltnetzteil

Номер: AT0000512780A4

The invention relates to a switched-mode power supply (14) for supplying the components of a photovoltaic system (1) with a constant DC output voltage (Ua), comprising connections (15) for connecting to the photovoltaic modules (2) of the photovoltaic system (1) for providing a DC input voltage (Ue), a DC/DC voltage converter (16) comprising at least one switch (17), a transformer (18), a control device (22) for controlling the at least one switch (17) at a switching frequency (fs) for obtaining the desired DC output voltage (Ua), an output equalizing voltage (23) and connections (24) for providing the DC output voltage, as well as the inverter (4) and a string monitoring assembly (3) of a photovoltaic system (1). In order to obtain a DC output voltage (Ua) with the losses as low as possible for a very wide range of DC input voltages (Ue) between 200V and 1500V, the DC/DC voltage converter (16) is formed by a combination of locking and flow converters having two serially arranged switches ...

15-12-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Regelung einer Stromquelle, sowie Stromquelle und Prozessregler hierfür

Номер: AT0000512995A1

The invention relates to a method for controlling a power source. The power source comprises a first converter (1) for converting an input voltage (UE) to an intermediate circuit voltage (UZK, UZKI), an intermediate circuit capacitor (2) and a second converter (3) for converting the intermediate circuit voltage (UZK, UZKI) to an output voltage (UA). A process is being controlled at the output of the second converter (3). A digital process controller predetermines at least one parameter and/or the value thereof to control the intermediate circuit voltage (UZK, UZKI) for the first converter (1) depending on an event at the output.

15-07-2016 дата публикации

Spannungsbegrenzer mit Rückspeisung

Номер: AT512623B1

Parasitäre Induktivitäten sind nicht zu vermeiden. Sie treten bei jeder realen Schaltung auf und hängen von den geometrischen Abmessungen des Schaltungsaufbaus ab. Werden gekoppelte Spulen verwendet, so kommt noch die nicht vermeidbare Streuinduktivtät der gekoppelten Spulen ins Spiel. Ein einfacher Spannungsbegrenzer besteht aus einem Kondensator C1 in Serie mit einer Diode D1. Um die Energie im Kondensator nicht zu groß werden zu lassen, lässt man die Spannung am Begrenzernetzwerk, das ist auch die maximal am Schalter auftretende Spannung, bis zu einem vorgegebenen Wert steigen und entlädt den Kondensator C1 über den Hilfsschalter S1 und die Spule L dann ganz oder teilweise durch einen Schwingvorgang z.B. in die Eingangsspannungsquelle U. Dadurch steht diese in den Streu- bzw. parasitären Induktivitäten gespeichert Energie großteils wieder zur Verfügung. Es ist eine potentialbehaftete und eine potentialfreie Variante mit gekoppelten Spulen möglich.

15-09-2013 дата публикации

Spannungsbegrenzer mit Rückspeisung

Номер: AT0000512623A1

Parasitäre Induktivitäten sind nicht zu vermeiden. Sie treten bei jeder realen Schaltung auf und hängen von den geometrischen Abmessungen des Schaltungsaufbaus ab. Werden gekoppelte Spulen verwendet, so kommt noch die nicht vermeidbare Streuinduktivtät der gekoppelten Spulen ins Spiel. Ein einfacher Spannungsbegrenzer besteht aus einem Kondensator in Serie mit einer Diode. Um die Energie im Kondensator nicht zu groß werden zu lassen, lässt man die Spannung am Begrenzernetzwerk, das ist auch die maximal am Schalter auftretende Spannung, bis zu einem vorgegebenen Wert steigen und entlädt den Kondensator dann ganz oder teilweise durch einen Schwingvorgang z.B. in die Eingangsspannungsquelle. Dadurch steht diese in den Streu- bzw. parasitären Induktivitäten gespeichert Energie großteils wieder zur Verfügung. Es ist eine potentialbehaftete und eine potentialfreie Variante möglich.

15-04-2018 дата публикации

Flyback converter arrangement

Номер: AT0000519188A1

Eine Sperrwandleranordnung (1) zur effizienten Wandlung einer Eingangsspannung (UE) in eine Ausgangsspannung (UA) umfasst einen ersten Sperrwandler (W) sowie zumindest einen mit diesem verbundenen zweiten Sperrwandler (W’). Der erste Sperrwandler (W) weist eine Primärspule (2) und eine Sekundärspule (4) zur Wandlung der Eingangsspannung (UE) in eine Master-Zwischenspannung (UMZ) sowie eine in Serie geschaltete Diode (D) auf, über die zumindest ein Teil der Master-Zwischenspannung (UMZ) als Ausgangsspannung (UA) an den Ausgang (A) geleitet wird. Seitens der zweiten Sperrwandler (W’) wandeln eine Primärspule (2’) und eine Sekundärspule (4’) die Eingangsspannung (UE) in eine Slave-Zwischenspannung (USZ), die zur Stützung der Ausgangsspannung (UA) über ein aus der Master- Zwischenspannung (UMZ) angesteuertes Hilfsschaltelement (H) im Wesentlichen unverändert an den Ausgang (A) weiterleitbar ist.

15-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000866875A

15-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000121234T

15-08-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000078379T

15-03-2016 дата публикации

LED-Betriebsschaltung mit Anlaufschaltung

Номер: AT14654U1

Die Erfindung stellt eine Betriebsschaltung zur Ansteuerung einer LED-Strecke (LS) bereit, aufweisend: einen primärseitig mit einer Versorgungsspannung versorgten potentialgetrennten getakteten Wandler, insbesondere einen Flyback-Konverter, der an seiner Primärseite ein getaktetes Schaltelement (S1) aufweist, wobei Anschlüsse für die LED-Strecke (LS) ausgehend von der Sekundärseite des Wandlers versorgt sind, eine Anlaufschaltung (AS), von der ausgehend das getaktete Schaltelement angesteuert Steuereinheit (S1) für die Dauer einer Anlaufphase ist, und eine sekundärseitig die dazu eingerichtet angeordnete ist, das getaktete Schaltelement (S1) insbesondere nach der Anlaufphase anzusteuern und die weiter dazu eingerichtet ist, die Anlaufschaltung (AS) nach der Anlaufphase zu deaktivieren.

15-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000019165T

15-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000175795A

15-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000058267T

15-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000011983T

15-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000162018T

15-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000167313T

15-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000313872T

07-05-2015 дата публикации

LED array auxiliary power supply

Номер: AU2012273291B2

A method and apparatus for providing one or more operating voltages and currents to one or more auxiliary loads by tapping an LED array driven by an LED driver providing a drive voltage to the LED array, and/or supplying an operating voltage to the LED driver itself using such a tap.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Ac-dc converter

Номер: US20120087155A1
Принадлежит: Delta Electronics Inc

An AC-DC converter is disclosed. The AC-DC converter includes an OFF-time clamping circuit. The OFF time clamping circuit outputs a triggering signal when a main switch circuit of the AC-DC converter is switched from ON state to OFF state. When an input AC voltage is too small, and a terminal voltage at a first current-conducting terminal of the main switch circuit of the AC-DC converter is lower than a specific voltage such that a switching control circuit can not turn on the main switch circuit again, the switching control circuit can still turn on the main switch circuit again by the triggering signal. Therefore, the OFF time of the main switch circuit is clamped. The switching control circuit can control the switching operation of the main switch circuit.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Circuits and methods for alternating current-to-direct current conversion

Номер: US20120099354A1
Принадлежит: O2Micro Inc

An AC-to-DC converter for converting an AC voltage to a DC voltage includes a first converter, a second converter, a sense circuit, a controller, and an enabling circuit. The first converter converts an AC voltage to a first DC voltage. The second converter converts the first DC voltage to a second DC voltage. The sense circuit coupled to the first and second converters provides a first sense signal indicative of the first DC voltage and a second sense signal indicative of the AC voltage. The controller coupled to the first and second converters controls the first and second DC voltages. The enabling circuit coupled to the sense circuit generates a control signal to the controller to disable both the first converter and the second converter by comparing the first sense signal to a first threshold voltage and comparing the second sense signal to a second threshold voltage.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Power conversion apparatus and brown-out protection method thereof

Номер: US20120106215A1
Автор: Ju-Lin Chia
Принадлежит: Power Forest Technology Corp

A power conversion apparatus and a brown-out protection method are provided. The brown-out protection method includes sampling a rectification signal relating to an AC voltage received by the power conversion apparatus by adopting a discrete sampling means; and when a peak value of the sampled rectification signal has reached to a predetei mined value within a predetermined duration, making a pulse width modulation (PWM) control chip in the power conversion apparatus provide a PWM signal to switch a power switch in the power conversion apparatus, and thereby making the power conversion apparatus provide an output voltage to an electronic device; otherwise, making the PWM control chip to stop providing the PWM signal.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for a high voltage power supply circuit

Номер: US20120113690A1
Принадлежит: Power Integrations Inc

A power switch is switched to regulate an output of a power converter. A feedback signal representative of a power converter output during a feedback portion of an off time of the power switch is received. The feedback signal is above a threshold during a fraction of the feedback portion of the off time of the power switch and the feedback signal is below the threshold during another fraction of the feedback portion of the off time of the power switch. The fractions of the feedback portion of the off time of the power switch are regulated in response to the feedback signal by controlling the switching the power switch.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Controllers, power supplies and control methods

Номер: US20120120533A1
Принадлежит: Leadtrend Technology Corp

Power supplies together with related over voltage protection methods and apparatuses. A power supply has a transformer including a primary winding and an auxiliary winding. A power switch is coupled to the primary winding and a sensing resistor coupled between the power switch and a grounding line. A multi-function terminal of a controller is coupled to the sensing resistor. A diode and a first resistor is coupled between the auxiliary winding and the multi-function terminal.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Flyback primary side output voltage sensing system and method

Номер: US20120140531A1
Автор: FENG Lin
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and apparatus of primary side output voltage sensing for a flyback power converter preserves secondary-side tranformer isolation without the use of opto-isolators and does not require multiple high-speed sample and hold circuits. A timing circuit measures the duration of the diode conduction interval during a first PWM control cycle and applies this measurement to set the voltage sampling time of the feedback loop during the next PWM cycle. The voltage sampling time for the next PWM cycle is configurable and may be set to occur near the middle of the diode conduction interval or near the end of the diode conduction interval. The cycle-to-cycle PWM duty cycle adjustment step size may be limited to ensure that the diode conduction interval does not vary substantially from cycle to cycle.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Switching Parameter Based Discontinuous Mode-Critical Conduction Mode Transition

Номер: US20120153858A1
Принадлежит: Cirrus Logic Inc

An electronic system includes a controller to provide at least dual-mode conduction control of a switching power converter. In at least one embodiment, the controller is capable to control transitions between discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) and critical conduction mode (CRM) of the switching power converter using a measured switching time parameter having a value corresponding with an approximately peak voltage of a time-varying supply voltage supplied to the switching power converter. In at least one embodiment, the controller dynamically compensates for changing parameters of the electronic system by dynamically determining a minimum non-conductive time of the control switch of the switching power converter using the measured switching time parameter value at approximately the peak of the supply voltage of the supply voltage.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus to limit output power in a switching power supply

Номер: US20120155129A1
Принадлежит: Power Integrations Inc

An example power supply includes an energy transfer element, a switch, and a controller. The controller includes a modulator, a drive signal generator, a comparator, and a variable current limit generator. The modulator generates an enable signal having logic states responsive to a feedback signal. The drive signal generator either enables or skips enabling a switch of the power supply during a switching period in response to the logic state of the enable signal. The comparator asserts an over current signal to disable the switch if the switch current exceeds a variable current limit. The variable current limit generator sets the variable current limit to a first current limit in response to one logic state of the enable signal and sets the variable current limit to a second current limit if the enable signal transitions logic states and the over current signal is asserted during the switching period.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Switching Power Converter Having Optimal Dynamic Load Response with Ultra-Low No Load Power Consumption

Номер: US20120176820A1
Принадлежит: iWatt Inc

A switch controller is disclosed that adaptively controls the operating frequency of a switching power converter in order to improve one-time load response and repetitive dynamic load responses. During a transition from a high load to low load condition, the switch controller clamps the operating frequency of the switching power converter at an intermediate frequency for a period of time before allowing the operating frequency to return to a frequency associated with the low load condition. The clamped frequency is higher than the frequency associated with the low load condition thereby allowing improved response to a subsequent load change to a high load condition. Thus, the system improves dynamic load response without compromising no-load power consumption.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Adaptive bleeder circuit

Номер: US20120188794A1
Принадлежит: Macroblock Inc

An adaptive bleeder circuit is applicable to a power converter, in which the power converter has a transformer primary side and a transformer secondary side, and the power converter enables input power to be selectively input or not input to the transformer primary side through a pulse-width-modulated signal. The adaptive bleeder circuit includes a switched bleeder circuit, and the bleeder circuit switch dynamically adjusts a turn on/off ratio (or referred to as duty ratio) of the switch element according to the TRIAC holding current and the converter input current of an alternating current (AC) TRIAC. When the input current is less than the holding current, the bleeder circuit increases conduction time ratio of the pulse-width-modulated signal, such that the input current recovers to the holding current to maintain normal conduction of the AC TRIAC.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Jittering frequency control circuit and method for a switching mode power supply

Номер: US20120194227A1
Автор: Kun-Yu Lin, Pei-Lun Huang
Принадлежит: Richpower Microelectronics Corp

A jittering frequency control circuit and method for a switching mode power supply enlarge the uttering frequency range of the switching frequency of the switching mode power supply when the switching mode power supplier enters a frequency reduction mode, to improve the electro-magnetic interference of the switching mode power supply operating with the frequency reduction mode.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Fault condition protection

Номер: US20120206842A1
Принадлежит: Power Integrations Inc

A switched mode power supply includes a transformer and an integrated circuit regulator. The integrated circuit regulator is coupled to the transformer and includes switching regulator logic, a counter, and a switching transistor. The regulator logic generates a switching signal in response to the feedback signal. The counter receives the feedback signal, where the feedback signal periodically cycles between a first state and a second state when the switched mode power supply operates normally. An output of the counter indicates an auto-restart mode of the regulator in response to the feedback signal remaining in the first state for a predetermined count due to a fault condition. The switching transistor is coupled to be turned on and off in response to the switching signal when the output of the counter does not indicate the auto-restart mode and is disabled when the output of the counter indicates the auto-restart mode.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Device for power conversion using switching element

Номер: US20120300512A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp, Toyota Motor Corp

A converter is provided as a power conversion device. The converter includes a switching circuit that performs switching on the basis of switching signals; and a control circuit that changes switching frequency of switching signals in a predetermined pattern with the elapse of time, and repeats the changes in switching frequency in the predetermined pattern at every repetition time. The converter sets the repetition time such that a repetition frequency that is the inverse of the repetition time does not coincide with a frequency band that can be demodulated as sound by a radio that receives radio broadcasts.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Power switch controllers and methods used therein for improving conversion effeciency of power converters

Номер: US20120320632A1
Принадлежит: Shamrock Micro Devices Corp

Power switch controllers and methods used therein are disclosed. An exemplifying power switch controller includes a window provider, a sensor and a logic controller. The window provider provides minimum and maximum time signals to indicate the elapses of a minimum time and a maximum time, respectively. The sensor detects a terminal of an inductive device, to generate a trigger signal. The logic controller prevents a power switch connected to the inductive device from being turned on before the elapse of the minimum time, forces the power switch to be turned on after the elapse of the maximum time, and turns on the power switch if the trigger signal is asserted.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Controlling Method, Power Supply, Power Controller, and Power Controlling Method

Номер: US20130070483A1
Автор: Yu-Yun Huang
Принадлежит: Leadtrend Technology Corp

A power supply has an inductor and determines loading state of the power supply according to a compensation signal. When the loading state is determined to be a light loading state or a no-loading state, a switch is operated at a low operating frequency. When the loading state is determined to be a heavy loading state, the switch is operated at a high operating frequency. If the compensation signal exceeds a critical value, it is determined that the loading state is an overloaded state. When the overloaded state continues past a tolerable duration, the switch is turned off. The tolerable duration is determined by an external capacitor and is independent of the operating frequency.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus, System and Method for Cascaded Power Conversion

Номер: US20130088078A1

An apparatus, method, and system are provided for power conversion to supply power to a load such as a plurality of light emitting diodes. An exemplary apparatus comprises: a first power converter stage having a first power switch and a first inductive element; a second power converter stage having a second power switch and a second inductive element; a plurality of sensors; and a controller. The second power converter stage provides an output current to the load. The controller is adapted to use a sensed input voltage to determine a switching period, and is further adapted to turn the first and second power switches into an on-state at a frequency substantially corresponding to the switching period while maintaining a switching duty cycle within a predetermined range. 1. An apparatus for power conversion , the apparatus comprising:a first power converter stage including a first power switch;a second power converter stage coupled to the first power converter stage, wherein the second power converter stage includes a second power switch, and wherein the second power converter stage is couplable to provide an output current to a load;a first sensor configured to sense an electrical parameter; anda controller coupled to the first power switch, the second power switch, and the first sensor, wherein the controller is configured to turn the first and second power switches into an on-state at a frequency substantially corresponding to a switching period.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to determine the switching period as a switching interval that maintains voltage stress of the first power switch and the second power switch below corresponding predetermined levels.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to maintain a switching duty cycle within a predetermined range to maintain voltage stress of the first power switch and the second power switch below corresponding predetermined levels.4. The ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Power supply device and lighting equipment

Номер: US20130088173A1

In a power supply device according to one embodiment, a reference signal Vref 1 , which changes from a value corresponding to a maximum current in a full lighting state to that corresponding to a minimum current in case of a deepest dimming depth, and a reference signal Vref 2 , which changes from a value corresponding to a load voltage at the time of a maximum current in a full lighting state to that corresponding to a minimum current in case of the deepest dimming depth, are prepared in accordance with dimming depths of a dimming signal. In a shallow dimming depth region close to a full lighting state, the reference signal Vref 1 is selected to apply constant-current control to light-emitting diodes in a current control mode. In a deep dimming depth region, the reference signal Vref 2 is selected to apply constant-voltage control to the diodes in a voltage control mode.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Switching power conversion circuit and power supply using same

Номер: US20130100713A1
Принадлежит: Delta Electronics Shanghai Co Ltd

A switching power conversion circuit having a two-stage power circuit topology and capable of performing power factor correction is disclosed. In a case that the electrical energy of the switching power conversion circuit needs not to be provided to the system circuit, for example the load and the electronic device fails to be operated, the switching power conversion circuit will be adaptively disabled. As a consequence, the switching power conversion circuit could achieve a power-saving purpose. Moreover, the switching power conversion circuit could be applied to a power supply. When the electronic device is not in use, the power supply has reduced power consumption, thereby achieving a power-saving purpose.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130100714A1

A power converter control circuit includes a ramp signal circuit, a blanking circuit, and a pulse driver circuit. The ramp signal circuit provides a ramp signal in response to a power converter feedback signal and an enable signal. The blanking circuit provides a blanking signal in response to the ramp signal and a clock signal. The blanking signal is provided when both the ramp signal is increasing in value and the enable signal indicates a light load operating condition. The pulse driver circuit provides a power switch control pulse in accordance with the clock signal and in the absence of the blanking signal. 1. A power converter control circuit comprising:a ramp signal circuit that is operative to provide a ramp signal in response to a power converter feedback signal and an enable signal;a blanking circuit that is operative to provide a blanking signal in response to the ramp signal and a clock signal, wherein the blanking signal is provided when the ramp signal is increasing in value and the enable signal indicates a light load operating condition; anda pulse driver circuit that is operative to provide a power switch control pulse in accordance with the clock signal and in the absence of the blanking signal.2. The power converter control circuit of wherein the enable signal indicates the light load operating condition when the power converter feedback signal is less than a predetermined threshold value.3. The power converter control circuit of comprising a comparator circuit that is operative to provide the enable signal in response to a comparison of a predetermined threshold value and the power converter feedback signal.4. The power converter control circuit of wherein the ramp circuit comprises:a capacitance; anda variable current source and sink circuit that is operative to provide a ramp current in response to the power converter feedback signal, wherein the ramp current charges the capacitance providing the ramp signal.5. The power converter control ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Switching Regulator and Control Circuit and Control Method Thereof

Номер: US20130114308A1

The present invention discloses a switching regulator and a control circuit and a control method thereof. The control circuit of the switching regulator, which controls rectified power within a predetermined range, detects an input voltage and an input current to generate a voltage detection signal and a current detection signal respectively, and the voltage detection signal and the current detection signal are multiplied by one the other to generate a power index. The control circuit generates an error signal according to the power index and a reference signal. A low-pass-filter filters a high frequency band in the process. A control signal generation circuit of the control circuit generates a control signal according to the error signal. And a driver circuit of the control circuit generates an operation signal according to the control signal, for switching a power switch to convert the rectified power to an output voltage. 1. A switching regulator , comprising:a rectifier circuit, for converting an AC power to a rectified power, wherein the rectified power includes an input voltage and an input current;a transformer, which includes a primary winding and a secondary winding, wherein the primary winding is for receiving the rectified power, and the secondary winding is for generating an output voltage;a power switch, which is coupled to the primary winding, for switching according to an operation signal to convert the rectified power to the output voltage; and a power index generation circuit, for generating a power index according to the input voltage and the input current;', 'an amplifier circuit, for generating an error signal according to the power index and a first reference signal;', 'a control signal generation circuit, for generating a control signal according to the error signal;', 'a driver circuit, for generating the operation signal according to the control signal; and', 'a low-pass-filter (LPF) circuit, which is coupled to or integrated in the power ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Battery Module

Номер: US20130114309A1

A battery module and an arrangement including a number of battery modules connected in series are disclosed. An energy store has a positive and a negative connection. A boost converter has a first and a second converter output. The energy store is connected at the positive connection of the energy store to a first connection and at the negative connection of the energy store to a second connection. The first converter output is connected to a first compensation connection and the second converter output is connected to a second compensation connection. The converter is designed to draw energy from the energy store and to provide the energy to the converter outputs of the converter in the form of current.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Power Supply Control Circuit and method for sensing voltage in the power supply control circuit

Номер: US20130114310A1

The present invention discloses a power supply control circuit, the power supply providing an output voltage to an output terminal from an input terminal through a transformer having a primary winding and a secondary winding, the power supply control circuit comprising: a power switch electrically connected with the primary winding; a switch control circuit controlling the power switch; and a sensing circuit supplying an output signal to the switch control circuit according to voltage signals obtained from two sides of the primary winding, wherein the sensing circuit includes a setting circuit for deciding the output voltage according to a reference signal. The present invention also relates to a voltage sensing method in the power supply control circuit. 1. A power supply control circuit , the power supply providing an output voltage to an output terminal from an input terminal through a transformer having a primary winding and a secondary winding , the power supply control circuit comprising:a power switch electrically connected with the primary winding;a switch control circuit controlling the power switch; anda sensing circuit converting voltage signals (Vin and Vsw) obtained from the two sides of the primary winding to a first and a second current signals (Ia and Ib), and supplies an output signal to the switch control circuit according to the first, the second, and a setting current signal, wherein the sensing circuit includes a setting circuit for providing the setting current signal to decide the output voltage according to a reference signal such that the output voltage is settable by the setting current signal in correspondence to a turn ratio of the secondary winding to the primary winding, the setting circuit providing the setting current signal irrespective of the voltage signals obtained from two sides of the primary winding.2. (canceled)3. The power supply control circuit of claim 1 , wherein the sensing circuit comprises a current comparator which ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Management of common mode noise frequencies in portable electronic devices

Номер: US20130121031A1
Автор: Nicholas A. Sims
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

The disclosed embodiments provide a system that facilitates the use of a portable electronic device. During operation, the system detects a coupling of a power supply to the portable electronic device through a set of wires. Next, the system uses the set of wires to identify a type of the power supply. The system then periodically determines a switching frequency of the power supply based on the type of the power supply and a current drawn from the power supply. Finally, the system uses the switching frequency to facilitate the operation of a touch control in the portable electronic device. For example, if the switching frequency corresponds to a sensing frequency of the touch control, the system may change the sensing frequency to an alternative sensing frequency.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130121040A1

An example controller for a primary side control power converter includes a feedback circuit, a driver circuit, and an adjustable voltage reference circuit. The feedback circuit compares a feedback signal representative of a bias winding voltage of the power converter with a voltage reference. The driver circuit outputs a switching signal having a switching period to control a switch to regulate an output of the power converter in response to the feedback signal and enables or disables a switching period based on the output of the feedback circuit. The adjustable voltage reference circuit adjusts the voltage reference by a first amount in response to a first number of disabled switching periods indicating a first load condition at the output of the power converter and by a second amount in response to a second number of disabled switching periods indicating a second load condition at the output of the power converter. 1. A controller for a primary side control power converter , the controller comprising:a feedback circuit coupled to compare a feedback signal representative of a bias winding voltage of the power converter with a voltage reference;a driver circuit coupled to output a switching signal having a switching period to control a switch to regulate an output of the power converter in response to the feedback signal, wherein the driver circuit allows the switch to turn on and off during an enabled switching period and prevents the switch from turning on during a disabled switching period, and wherein the driver circuit enables the switching period in response to the feedback circuit indicating that the feedback signal is less than or equal to the voltage reference and disables the switching period in response to the feedback circuit indicating that the feedback signal is greater than the voltage reference; andan adjustable voltage reference circuit coupled to adjust the voltage reference by a first amount in response to a first number of disabled switching ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128623A1
Автор: HOSOTANI Tatsuya

An external circuit is connected to a polarity detection terminal of a switching control IC. An increased value of the voltage of a pulse signal input to the polarity detection terminal at the time of the activation of a power supply changes in response to this external circuit. Accordingly, owing to the external circuit connected to the polarity detection terminal, the validity/invalidity of a standby mode is set. When the standby mode is validated, a blanking frequency changes in response to the voltage of a feedback terminal, and a switching loss in a light load is reduced. Accordingly, a switching control circuit and a switching power supply apparatus are configured that are able to set the validity/invalidity of the standby mode or select the method of the standby mode without using a dedicated terminal. 1. A switching control circuit comprising: a semiconductor integrated circuit configured to include a plurality of external terminals and be provided in a power converter circuit of a switching power supply apparatus to control a switching element , whereinthe plural external terminals include a polarity detection terminal, into which a polarity inversion timing signal indicating a change in a polarity of a current flowing through or a voltage generated in an inductor or a transformer of the power converter circuit owing to an operation of the switching control circuit is input, and a feedback terminal into which a feedback signal used for detecting and controlling an output voltage obtained owing to an operation of the switching control circuit is input, whereinthe switching control circuit includes a switching element control mechanism configured to perform switching control of the switching element on the basis of a signal of the polarity detection terminal and a voltage of the feedback terminal,a control mode switching mechanism configured to switch between a control mode of the switching element when a load of the power converter circuit is in a standby ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128625A1

A power converter includes a current controller coupled to an energy transfer element to selectively enable a first, second or third current in the current controller. The first current is substantially zero, the second current is greater than the third current, and the third current is greater than the first current. The third current only partially discharges a capacitance coupled to the energy transfer element and the current controller. A control circuit is to be coupled to the current controller to selectively enable the first, second or third current in the current controller. A first feedback circuit is coupled to generate a first feedback signal while the first current is enabled by the current controller after a full discharge pulse. A second feedback circuit is coupled to generate a second feedback signal while the first current is enabled in the controller after a partial discharge pulse. 1. A power converter , comprising:an energy transfer element;a current controller coupled to the energy transfer element and coupled to an input of the power converter, wherein the current controller is coupled to selectively enable one of a first current, second current or third current in the current controller, wherein the first current is substantially zero, the second current is greater than the third current, and the third current is greater than the first current, wherein the third current is controlled to only partially discharge a capacitance coupled to a terminal coupled between the energy transfer element and the current controller;a control circuit to be coupled to the current controller to selectively enable said one of the first current, second current or third current in the current controller;a first feedback circuit coupled to the control circuit and coupled to generate a first feedback signal representative of an output of the power converter while the first current is enabled by the current controller after a full discharge pulse of current in the ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128627A1

The present invention relates to a converter, a switch controller controlling switching operation of a power switch in the converter, and a switch control method. An exemplary embodiment of the present invention generates a reference current corresponding to an output current of the converter and generates a control voltage that depends on the reference current. The exemplary embodiment controls an increase or a decrease of the control voltage and determines a switching frequency of the power switch according to the control voltage. The exemplary embodiment controls on-time of the power switch using a reference voltage determined according to a control current that depends on the reference current. 1. A switch controller controlling switching operation of a power switch in a converter , comprising:a control voltage generator generating a reference current corresponding to an output current of the converter, and generating a control voltage that depends on the reference current;a frequency controller controlling increase or decrease of the control voltage, and controlling a switching frequency of the power switch according to the reference current; andan on-time controller controlling on-time of the power switch using a reference voltage determined by the control currents that depends on the reference current.2. The switch controller of claim 1 , wherein the control voltage generator comprises:a variable current source generating the reference current that varies according to the output current;a charging current source generating a charging current according to the reference current;a discharging current source generating a discharging current according to the reference current; anda capacitor connected to a node to which the charging current source and the discharging current source are connected, anda voltage charged in the capacitor is the control voltage.3. The switch controller of claim 2 , wherein the variable current source comprisesa transistor through which ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135905A1
Автор: Yeh Wen-Chung

An embodiment provides a control method capable of controlling a switching-mode power supply to provide an output power source. The switching-mode power supply has a winding coupled to an input power source and controlled by a switch to be energized or de-energized. The maximum current peak through the winding is set to be a predetermined value. A discharge time of the winding in a switching cycle period is detected. The switching cycle period of the switch is controlled to keep the ratio of the discharge time to the switching cycle period as a constant. 1. A control method for controlling an output power source of a switching power supply , the switching power supply comprising a winding coupled to an input power source , the winding controlling by a switch for charging or discharging , the control method comprising:controlling a peak current flowing through the winding to be a predetermined value;detecting a discharge time of the winding within a switching cycle period; andcontrolling a switching cycle period of the switch to make a ratio between the discharge time and the switching cycle period of the switch approximately equal to a constant value.2. The control method of claim 1 , further comprising:charging/discharging a capacitor with a first current source in the discharge time; andcharging/discharging the capacitor with a second current source in the switching cycle period of the switch;wherein a current ratio of the second current source to the first current source equals the constant value.3. The control method of claim 2 , further comprising:comparing a voltage of the capacitor to a reference voltage, and thus varying a control signal to influence a switching frequency of the switch.4. A constant current and constant voltage power converter claim 2 , comprising:a constant current feedback loop; anda constant voltage feedback loop;wherein the constant current feedback loop and the constant voltage feedback loop share one compensation capacitor.5. The ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141948A1

A control circuit includes a feedback circuit, a drive signal generator, an unregulated dormant mode and output reset control circuit, and a counter. The feedback circuit generates an enable signal and in response, the drive signal generator regulates the output of the power converter. The unregulated dormant mode and output reset control circuit powers down the drive signal generator such that the regulation is ceased when the energy requirement at the output has fallen below a threshold. The drive signal generator is then powered up after a first period of time such that the regulation resumes. The counter then counts cycles of a clock signal for which the enable signal indicates an increase in the energy requirement at the output. The counter disables the drive signal generator when a count of the counter reaches a threshold number to discharge the output to less than a regulation output voltage value. 1. A control circuit for use in a power converter , the control circuit comprising:a feedback circuit coupled to receive a feedback signal representative of an energy requirement at an output of the power converter and to generate an enable signal in response thereto;a drive signal generator coupled to the feedback circuit to generate a drive signal to control switching of a power switch in response to the enable signal to regulate the output of the power converter to a regulation output voltage value;an unregulated dormant mode and output reset control circuit coupled to power down the drive signal generator for a first period of time such that the regulation of the output of the power converter is ceased in response to the enable signal indicating that the energy requirement at the output of the power converter has fallen below a first threshold, wherein the drive signal generator is unresponsive to the enable signal when powered down during the first period of time, and wherein the unregulated dormant mode and output reset control circuit powers up the drive ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130148384A1

Provided are a resonance and PFC integrated control IC and a power converter. The resonance and PFC integrated control IC includes an interleave PFC control block and a resonance control block. The interleave PFC control block is configured to control first and second switches of an interleave switching converter and correct a power factor. The interleave switching converter includes a first converter comprising the first switch and a second converter comprising the second switch, and the first converter and the second converter are connected in parallel. The resonance control block is configured to resonate and control a Direct Current (DC)-DC converter that receives and converts the output of the interleave switching converter. 1. A resonance and Power Factor Correction (PFC) integrated control Integrated Circuit (IC) , which comprises:an interleave PFC control block configured to control first and second switches of an interleave switching converter and correct a power factor, wherein the interleave switching converter comprises a first converter comprising the first switch and a second converter comprising the second switch, and the first converter and the second converter are connected in parallel; anda resonance control block configured to resonate and control a Direct Current (DC)-DC converter that receives and converts the output of the interleave switching converter.2. The resonance and PFC integrated control IC according to claim 1 , wherein the interleave PFC control block comprises:a PFC driving unit configured to drive the first and second switches;a zero-cross detecting unit configured to detect a zero-cross of power flowing in a first inductor of the first converter and a second inductor of the second converter;an interleave signal generating unit configured to receive the output of the zero-cross detecting unit and generate an interleave signal to allow the PFC driving unit to control the first and second switches; anda Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

AC-DC flyback converter and loop compensation method thereof

Номер: US20130148388A1
Принадлежит: Vimicro Corp

The prevent invention provides an AC-DC flyback converter and a loop compensation method thereof. The AD-DC flyback converter comprises an isolating transformer, a power switch, and a feed control module. The feed control module includes a compensating circuit, a voltage buffer, and an error amplifier having a first resistor and a second resistor, and a pulse width modulation controller. With the AC-DC flyback converter and the loop compensating method, the system stability can be improved and the loop bandwidth can be reduced.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154496A1
Принадлежит: Cirrus Logic, Inc.

In at least one embodiment, an electronic system and method includes a controller to control a switching power converter in at least two different modes of operation depending on whether the controller detects a dimmer or not and/or whether a load requests more power than either of the two operational modes can provide. In at least one embodiment, the controller detects whether a dimmer is phase cutting an input voltage to a switching power converter. The controller operates the switching power converter in a first mode if the dimmer is detected, and the controller operates the switching power converter in a second mode if the dimmer is not detected. The controller also transitions between operating the switching power converter in the first mode and the second mode if a status of detection of the dimmer changes. 1. A method comprising:detecting whether a dimmer is phase cutting an input voltage to a switching power converter;operating the switching power converter in a first mode if the dimmer is detected;operating the switching power converter in a second mode if phase cutting of the input voltage is not detected; the dimmer is not detected; andtransitioning between operating the switching power converter in the first mode and the second mode if a status of a detection of the dimmer changes.2. The method of further comprising:generating a control signal to control a switch to control a current in the switching power converter;wherein operating the switching power converter in the first mode if a dimmer is detected comprises operating the switching power converter to draw a substantially constant average input current to the switching power converter during an active time of a control signal.3. The method of wherein operating the switching power converter in the second mode if a dimmer is not detected comprises operating the switching power converter to draw an input current to the switching power converter to provide a power factor correction.4. The method of ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Isolation of Secondary Transformer Winding Current During Auxiliary Power Supply Generation

Номер: US20130155728A1
Принадлежит: Cirrus Logic, Inc.

An electronic system and method include a controller to actively control power transfer from a primary winding of a switching power converter to an auxiliary-winding of an auxiliary power supply. The switching power converter is controlled and configured such that during transfer of power to the auxiliary-winding, the switching power converter does not transfer charge to one or more secondary-windings of the switching power converter. Thus, the switching power converter isolates one or more secondary transformer winding currents from an auxiliary-winding current. By isolating the charge delivered to the one or more secondary-windings from charge delivered to the auxiliary-winding, the controller can accurately determine an amount of charge delivered to the secondary-windings and, thus, to a load. 1. A method comprising:transferring energy from a primary winding of a transformer of a switching power converter to a secondary-winding and to an auxiliary-winding for an auxiliary power supply during mutually exclusive periods of time by at least controlling a first value of a reflected voltage of the auxiliary-winding of the transformer to be lower than a reflected voltage of the secondary-winding of the transformer during transfer of energy to the auxiliary-winding and controlling a second value of the reflected voltage of the auxiliary-winding of the transformer to be greater than the reflected voltage of the secondary-winding of the transformer during transfer of energy to the secondary-winding.2. The method of wherein transferring energy from a primary winding of a transformer to a secondary-winding and to an auxiliary-winding of the transformer during mutually exclusive periods of time comprises:during a first period of time, transferring energy from a primary-winding of a transformer to a secondary-winding of the transformer; andduring a second period of time, actively controlling transfer of energy from the primary-winding of the transformer to the auxiliary- ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130156459A1
Автор: Kawakatsu Jun

A power supply includes a rectification unit configured to be able to switch a rectification method between a voltage doubler rectification method and a full-wave rectification method according to an input alternating voltage, two capacitive elements serially connected between lines from the rectification unit, a monitoring unit configured to monitor a first voltage applied between the lines between which the two capacitive elements are connected and a second voltage applied across one of the capacitive elements that is connected to a lower potential side of the lines, and a switch configured to operate according to the second voltage, wherein the power supply interrupts the alternating voltage according to an operating state of the switch, the first voltage, and the second voltage. 1. A power supply , comprising:a rectification unit configured to be able to switch a rectification method between a voltage doubler rectification method and a full-wave rectification method according to an input alternating voltage;two capacitive elements serially connected between lines from the rectification unit;a monitoring unit configured to monitor a first voltage applied between the lines between which the two capacitive elements are connected and a second voltage applied across one of the capacitive elements that is connected to a lower potential side of the lines; anda switch configured to operate according to the second voltage,wherein the power supply interrupts the alternating voltage according to an operating state of the switch, the first voltage, and the second voltage.2. The power supply according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in a case where an overvoltage is applied across both of the capacitive elements or in a case where an overvoltage is applied to the capacitive element connected to the lower potential side claim 1 , the switch operates to interrupt the alternating voltage when the second voltage exceeds a first threshold.3. The power supply according to claim 2 , ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130163291A1

The present invention relates to a switch circuit, a power supply including the same, and a method for driving the power supply. When a load of the power supply represents an overload state, a sense resistor for controlling a drain current flowing through a power switch is controlled. In this instance, the sense resistor is controlled according to an on-time of the power switch. 1. A switch circuit for controlling a power supply including a power transmitting element for transmitting an input voltage that is input to a first end to a second end , comprising:a power switch; anda sense resistor for sensing a drain current flowing through the power switch, whereinwhen a load of the power supply represents an overload state, the sense resistor is controlled according to an on-time of the power switch.2. The switch circuit of claim 1 , whereinthe switch circuit detects the on-time when the load represents an overload state, and it controls the sense resistor according to the detected on-time so that a drain current of the power switch may not exceed a peak current limit corresponding to a maximum output power.3. The switch circuit of claim 2 , whereinthe switch circuit includes:an on-time detector for detecting an on-time by using a signal for controlling the power switch during the overload period; andan overload comparator for determining an overload state by using a feedback voltage corresponding to an output voltage of the power supply.4. The switch circuit of claim 3 , whereinthe overload comparator includes:a first end for receiving a reference voltage for determining the overload state; anda second end for receiving the feedback voltage, andthe overload comparator determines a period in which the feedback voltage is greater than the reference voltage to be an overload period.5. The switch circuit of claim 3 , whereinthe on-time detector detects the on-time by using a gate signal for switching the power switch during the overload period.6. The switch circuit of ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169182A1

Disclosed herein are a PWM control circuit, a flyback converter, and a PWM control method. The PWM control circuit includes: a peak storing and reference signal generating unit storing a peak value of one period of a feedback signal from a secondary side output and inverting the peak signal arid outputting the inverted peak signal as a reference signal; and a PWM control signal generating unit generating a PWM control signal by using an output obtained by comparing the reference signal with a reference waveform from the peak storing and reference signal generating unit. In addition, the flyback converter including the same and the method for controlling PWM are proposed. 1. A PWM control circuit , comprising:a peak storing and reference signal generating unit storing a peak value of one period of a feedback signal from a secondary side output and inverting the peak signal and outputting the inverted peak signal as a reference signal; anda PWM control signal generating unit generating a PWM control signal by using an output obtained by comparing the reference signal with a reference waveform.2. The PWM control circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the peak storing and reference signal generating unit includes: a peak detector detecting a peak value of one period of the feedback signal from the secondary side output; a sample and hold circuit storing a peak signal detected by the peak detector for one period and outputting; and an inverter inverting the peak signal output from the sample and hold circuit and outputting the inverted peak signal as the reference signal.3. The PWM control signal according to claim 1 , wherein the PWM control signal generating unit includes:a PWM comparator comparing the reference signal output from the peak storing and reference signal generating unit with the reference waveform and outputting;a zero point detector detecting a point at which an input voltage is zero by using a signal sensed from the secondary side output; anda ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130170251A1

A controller for use in a power converter includes a sensor coupled to receive a signal from a single terminal of the controller. The signal from the single terminal represents an output voltage of the power converter during at least a portion of an off time of a power switch and a line input voltage during a portion of an on time of the power switch. A switching control is to be coupled to switch the power switch to regulate the output of the power converter in response to the sensor. A power limiter is coupled to the sensor to output a power limit signal to the switching control in response to the line input voltage of the power converter. The switching control is further coupled to switch the power switch to regulate the output of the power converter in response to the power limit signal. 1. A controller for use in a power converter , comprising:a sensor coupled to receive a signal from a single terminal of the controller, the signal from the single terminal to represent an output voltage of the power converter during at least a portion of an off time of a power switch and the signal from the single terminal to represent a line input voltage during a portion of an on time of the power switch;a switching control to be coupled to switch the power switch to regulate the output of the power converter in response to the sensor; anda power limiter coupled to the sensor to output a power limit signal to the switching control in response to the line input voltage of the power converter, wherein the switching control is further coupled to switch the power switch to regulate the output of the power converter in response to the power limit signal.2. The controller of wherein the power limiter is further coupled to receive a current sense signal from a current sensor claim 1 , wherein the current sense signal is generated in response to a switch current in the power switch claim 1 , wherein the power limiter is further coupled to output the power limit signal in response to ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130170252A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

An electric power supply apparatus, which enables a driving frequency of a switching circuit connected to a primary side of a transformer constant and output of a secondary side variable, comprises a transformer (), a series circuit of two first switching elements (Q, Q) connected between terminals of a direct current power supply (), an LC resonant circuit connected between both ends of one of the first switch element (Q) and a primary winding (Np) of the transformer (), bidirectional switch elements (Q, Q) connected to secondary windings (Ns, Ns) of the transformer () and having a rectification function and a phase control function, and a control circuit for inputting gate driving signals having a phase difference into the first switch elements (Q, Q) and the second switch elements (Q, Q). 1. A variable output type electric power supply apparatus comprising a multi-resonant type half bridge converter , whereinthe multi-resonant type half bridge converter comprises:a transformer;a series circuit of two of first switch elements connected between terminals of a direct current electric power supply;an LC resonant circuit connected between both terminals of one of the first switch elements and a primary winding of the transformer;bidirectional second switch elements connected to secondary windings of the transformer and having rectification function and phase control function; anda control circuit which inputs gate driving signals each having phase differences to the first switch elements and the second switch elements, andoutputs from the secondary windings of the transformer are variable.2. The electric power supply apparatus in accordance with claim 1 , whereinthe second switch element has two channels of a forward direction and a reverse direction with respect to an electric current flowing in the secondary winding of the transformer and a first gate and a second gate corresponding thereto; andthe control circuit realizes the phase control function by inputting ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130170253A1
Автор: USHIJIMA Masakazu

An auxiliary power generation circuit adopted for use on a filter power circuit includes a first voltage stabilization capacitor and a second voltage stabilization capacitor connecting to the first voltage stabilization capacitor via a first diode. The first and second voltage stabilization capacitors form a capacitor voltage division circuit. The first voltage stabilization capacitor and first diode are bridged by a first connection point which is connected to a short circuit element and a second diode with a set on current opposite to the short circuit element. The short circuit element has a control end connecting to a first Zener diode which is connected to a first resistor with a desired resistance. The first resistor is connected to a second connection point between the second voltage stabilization capacitor and first diode. 1. An auxiliary power generation circuit used on a filter power circuit consisting of a main duty power output end and a ground end , characterized in that the main duty power output end connecting to a first voltage stabilization capacitor , a first diode connecting to another end of the first voltage stabilization capacitor opposing the main duty power output end and a second voltage stabilization capacitor connecting to the first voltage stabilization capacitor through the first diode , the second voltage stabilization capacitor having another end opposing the first diode and connecting to the ground end , the first and second voltage stabilization capacitors forming a capacitor voltage division circuit , the first and second voltage stabilization capacitors being interposed by a first connection point connected to a short circuit element which contains a control end set on to form a short circuit with the ground end and a second diode set on by a current opposite to the short circuit element , the short circuit element being connected to a first Zener diode via the control end , the first Zener diode containing another end opposing the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130170850A1

In a power supply device, the controller outputs a control signal specifying a voltage value. The voltage conversion unit converts a first voltage to a second voltage in response to a control signal specifying a voltage value output from the controller. The voltage conversion unit converts the first voltage to a start voltage, as the second voltage, in response to a first control signal specifying a start voltage value output from the controller and further converts the first voltage to a target voltage, as the second voltage, in response to a second control signal specifying a target voltage value output from the controller. A transition period of time is intervened between generation of the start voltage and generation of the target voltage during which the controller outputs a third control signal specifying the intermediate voltage value between the start voltage value and the target voltage value. 1. A power supply device comprising:a first voltage generating unit configured to generate a first voltage;a controller configured to output a control signal specifying a voltage value; anda voltage conversion unit configured to convert the first voltage to a second voltage in response to a control signal specifying a voltage value output from the controller, and output the second voltage,wherein the voltage conversion unit converts the first voltage to a start voltage, as the second voltage, in response to a first control signal specifying a start voltage value output from the controller and further converts the first voltage to a target voltage, as the second voltage, in response to a second control signal specifying a target voltage value output from the controller,wherein a transition period of time is intervened between generation of the start voltage and generation of the target voltage during which the controller outputs a third control signal specifying the intermediate voltage value between the start voltage value and the target voltage value.2. The power ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

LED Driver with Primary Side Sensing

Номер: US20130181635A1
Автор: LING Hok-Sun

The disclosed switching regulator, including a controller for a switching regulator, is adaptable to supplying, or controlling the supply of, regulated current to a load that is isolated from a source of input power by a flyback transformer, and includes: (a) detecting, after transistor SW, a zero crossing ZCD corresponding to a primary side switching node voltage Vdecreasing to the input voltage Vin, which occurs after a secondary current Iis substantially zero and before the next SW; (c) establishing a time-integral window T-I_W with a leading edge corresponding to SWand a trailing edge corresponding to ZCD; and (d) modulating at least the time SWFrelative to SWbased on the primary peak current Iat SWand the time-integral window, such that a regulated load current is supplied to the load. 1. A circuit for controlling a switching regulator including a flyback transformer with primary and secondary windings and a switching transistor coupled to the primary side winding at a switching node SW , and configured to supply regulated current to a load that is isolated from a source of input power by the flyback transformer , the circuit comprising{'sub': ON', 'OFF', 'P', 'ON', 'PP', 'OFF', 'S', 'SP', 'OFF', 'ON, 'controller circuitry configured to switch the transistor on at a time SW and off at a time SW, such that a primary current Ithrough the primary side winding increases from substantially zero at SWto a primary peak current Iat SW, thereby inducing in the secondary side winding a secondary current Ithat decreases from a peak current Iat SWto substantially zero before the transistor is switched on at a next SW, in accordance with discontinuous conduction mode operation;'}{'sub': OFF', 'SW', 'IN', 'ON, 'a zero crossing detect circuit configured to detect, after SW, a zero crossing ZCD corresponding to a voltage Vat the primary side switching node SW decreasing in magnitude to an input voltage V, which occurs after the secondary current k is substantially zero and ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

DC Converter With Low Starting Voltage

Номер: US20130182464A1
Автор: WOIAS Peter

The present invention relates to an electronic circuit with which input voltages at an input of the circuit are converted into higher output voltages at an output of the circuit, whereby the voltage conversion already starts at low voltages at the input. According to the present invention, the DC converter circuit for the generation of an output voltage from an input voltage (V) comprises a transformer (Tr) with a first primary winding () that can be connected to the input voltage (V) via a first transistor (T) that is connected in series, and a second primary winding () that can be connected to the input voltage (V) via a second transistor (T) that is connected in series. The transformer (Tr) furthermore has at least one secondary winding () that has a higher number of windings than the first and the second primary winding () and that is connected to control inputs of the first and second transistor (T T), as well as to an output terminal of the DC converter circuit for the output of the output voltage (V). 1. DC converter circuit for the generation of an output voltage from an input voltage (V) , comprising:{'b': 1', '2, 'sub': in', '1', 'in', '2, 'a transformer (Tr) with a first primary winding (), which can be connected to the input voltage (V) via a first transistor (T) that is connected in series, and a second primary winding (), which can be connected to the input voltage (V) via a second transistor (T) that is connected in series,'}{'b': 3', '4', '1', '2, 'sub': 1', '2', 'out, 'wherein the transformer (Tr) furthermore has at least one secondary winding (, ) that has a larger number of windings than the first and the second primary winding (, ), and that is connected to the control inputs of the first and second transistor (T, T) as well as to an output terminal of the DC converter circuit for the output of the output voltage (V).'}234. DC converter circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the transformer (Tr) has a first secondary winding () that is connected ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Dimming Method and System for LED Lamp Assemblies

Номер: US20130187568A1
Принадлежит: Dialog Semiconductor GmbH

The present document relates to a method and system for dimming low power illumination devices, such as LED (Light Emitting Diode) assemblies. A controller for a driver circuit of a light source is described. The driver circuit controls a plurality of illumination states of the light source using a power converter, which converts power from an input voltage waveform of a mains power supply into a drive signal for the light source. The controller comprises an event detection unit; a state register to store an indication of a current state of the illumination states; a state processor to determine a target state of the illumination states, based on the detected event and based on the current state; and an output control unit controls the power converter of the driver circuit to provide a drive signal for the target state.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Power Supply Device and Lighting Equipment Provided with Power Supply Device

Номер: US20130193880A1

A power supply device according to one embodiment is configured to control a lighting of semiconductor light-emitting elements, wherein a dimming signal is canceled during a predetermined time period (T) from a timing immediately after power-ON, so as to light on light-emitting diodes to have a predetermined light amount, for example, a minimum light amount. After an elapse of the predetermined time period (T), cancellation of the dimming signal is released to light on the light-emitting diodes to have a light amount instructed by the dimming signal.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194827A1
Автор: Chen Jian
Принадлежит: FUJI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

A switching power supply of certain aspects of the invention includes a minimum dead time generating circuit that generates a minimum dead time from an OFF timing of an ON pulse detected from the voltage across an auxiliary winding of the transformer by a differentiating circuit. An ON width-determining means of a voltage control oscillator is started, after this minimum dead time, into operation to determine the ON width of the semiconductor switch. 1. A switching power supply comprising:a transformer having a primary winding, a secondary winding, and a auxiliary winding, the auxiliary winding being disposed in a primary side of the transformer and detecting variation in a voltage across the primary winding;a series-connected circuit including a first semiconductor switch and a second semiconductor switch, the series connected circuit being connected in parallel to a DC power source;a series-connected resonance circuit including series-connected components of a resonance capacitor, an inductance element of at least one of a resonance reactor or a leakage inductance of the transformer, and the primary winding of the transformer;a differentiating circuit for detecting a timing of an inversion beginning timing or an inversion ending timing of the voltage detected by the auxiliary winding after receiving a first trigger signal for turning OFF of the first semiconductor switch or the second semiconductor switch;a dead time adjusting circuit for generating a second trigger signal at a timing of turn ON the first semiconductor switch or the second semiconductor switch delaying a predetermined time period from the timing detected by the differentiating circuit; anda voltage control oscillator including an ON width determining means that comprises a minimum dead time-generating circuit for generating a minimum dead time on receiving the first trigger signal and starts up operation to determine an ON width of the first semiconductor switch or the second semiconductor switch ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194828A1

In a power source of a welding system, an inverter rectifier output circuit and method for reducing the blocking voltages across saturable reactors associated with a rectifier coupled to a transformer winding in the inverter rectifier output circuit during both turn-on and turn-off transitions of the rectifier. At least a portion of a reverse recovery current associated with the rectifier is blocked by allowing blocking voltages to build across associated saturable reactors during a transition phase of the rectifier. During a turn-off portion of the transition phase, the blocking voltages are reduced using a RC circuit, thereby suppressing a peak voltage associated with the rectifier. During a turn-on portion of the transition phase, the blocking voltages are reduced using another saturable reactor in series with a free-wheeling diode. 1. An inverter rectifier output circuit , said circuit comprising:a secondary winding of a transformer, said secondary winding having a first node, a second node, and a center tap node;a first saturable reactor connected to said first node;a first rectifying diode connected in series with said first saturable reactor at an anode of said first rectifying diode;a second saturable reactor connected to said second node;a second rectifying diode connected in series with said second saturable reactor at an anode of said second rectifying diode;a third saturable reactor connected to said center tap node;a free-wheeling diode connected in series with said third saturable reactor at an anode of said free-wheeling diode;a first series RC network connected between said anode of said first rectifying diode and said anode of said free-wheeling diode;a second series RC network connected between said anode of said second rectifying diode and said anode of said free-wheeling diode;a first output node defined by connected cathodes of said first rectifying diode, said second rectifying diode, and said free-wheeling diode; anda second output node ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194831A1
Автор: Hu Gordon Zongbo
Принадлежит: Power-One, Inc.

A resonant power converter is provided with auxiliary circuit branches and control circuitry for switchably coupling the auxiliary branches to resonant circuit components during holdup times. Auxiliary branches are coupled in parallel with any one or more of a resonant inductor, a resonant capacitor, and a magnetizing inductive winding via respective switches. When a holdup time condition is detected in accordance with, for example, a drop in the mains line voltage, the switches are controlled to adjust the corresponding inductance or capacitance for the duration of the holdup time condition or otherwise for a predetermined duration. The power converter in normal operation is configured for high efficiency and in a holdup time operation is configured to produce sufficient holdup time. 1. A resonant power converter comprising:an input power conversion switching circuit comprising a plurality of power conversion switches coupled to a line voltage input to the power converter;a series resonant circuit coupled to an output side of the power conversion switching circuit and comprising a resonant inductance circuit, a resonant capacitance circuit, and a magnetizing inductance circuit;wherein at least one of the resonant inductance circuit, the resonant capacitance circuit, and the magnetizing inductance circuit in the series resonant circuit further comprise at least first and second circuit branches and a switch controllable to regulate an inductance or capacitance value corresponding to the respective circuit; and detect a holdup time condition associated with a line voltage failure, and', 'generate control signals to adjust a switch state for the switch in the series resonant circuit in accordance with determining a first operating mode associated with the holdup time condition or a second operating mode associated with normal operation of the converter., 'a control circuit effective to'}2. The resonant power converter of wherein the resonant inductance circuit ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194832A1

Disclosed herein are a converter driving circuit for adjusting a variable range of a driving control voltage according to an amplitude and frequency change of a feedback voltage, a dual-mode LLC resonant converter system, and a method of driving the dual-mode LLC resonant converter. 1. A converter driving circuit for driving a dual-mode LLC resonant converter , the converter driving circuit comprising:a feedback voltage sensing unit that feed-back a voltage output from the dual-mode LLC resonant converter;a driving control voltage generating unit that is connected to the feedback voltage sensing unit and generates a driving control voltage by using the feedback voltage;a driving control voltage limit variable setting unit that is connected to the driving control voltage generating unit and generates an upper limit voltage and a lower limit voltage that limit a variable range of the driving control voltage; anda clock generating unit that is connected to the driving control voltage generating unit, receives the driving control voltage, and generates switch control signals for respectively controlling on/off of switches of the dual-mode LLC resonant converter,wherein the upper limit voltage and the lower limit voltage vary by reflecting a change in the driving control voltage.2. The converter driving circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the driving control voltage limit variable setting unit includes:a limit voltage generating unit that receives a limit determining voltage and generates the upper limit voltage and the lower limit voltage;a control current generating unit that receives the limit determining voltage as feedback and generates a control current;a control frequency signal generating unit that is connected to the control current generating unit, compares the control current with the driving control voltage, and generates a control frequency signal;a reference frequency signal generating unit that generates a reference frequency signal; anda limit ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194834A1
Автор: Mayell Robert J.

An example power supply includes a first power converter, a second power converter, and a shared clamp reset circuit. The first power converter is adapted to convert an input to a first voltage output and includes a first diode and a first transformer having a first primary winding. The second power converter is adapted to convert the input to a second voltage output and includes a second diode and a second transformer having a second primary winding. The shared clamp reset circuit is included in the first power converter and is coupled to the cathode of the first diode. The shared clamp reset circuit also includes a clamp connection that is coupled to the cathode of the second diode. The shared clamp reset circuit is adapted to manage leakage inductance energy within the first transformer and within the second transformer. 1. A power supply , comprising: a first transformer having a first primary winding; and', 'a first diode having an anode coupled to the first primary winding;, 'a first power converter adapted to convert an input to a first voltage output, the first power converter including a second transformer having a second primary winding; and', 'a second diode having an anode coupled to the second primary winding; and, 'a second power converter adapted to convert the input to a second voltage output, the second power converter includinga shared clamp reset circuit included in the first power converter and coupled to a cathode of the first diode, wherein the shared clamp reset circuit includes a clamp connection coupled to a cathode of the second diode, and wherein the shared clamp reset circuit is adapted to manage leakage inductance energy within the first transformer and within the second transformer.2. The power supply of claim 1 , wherein the second power converter is adapted to remain powered up while the first power converter is powered down.3. The power supply of claim 1 , wherein the first power converter further comprises circuitry arranged in a ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194835A1
Автор: Mayell Robert J.

A power supply includes a forward converter having a first transformer coupled to an input of the power supply and to a first voltage output. The power supply also includes a separate flyback converter having a second transformer that is coupled to the input and to a second voltage output. A clamp reset circuit is coupled to the first transformer and to the second transformer. The clamp reset circuit includes a capacitor and a voltage limiting element. The voltage limiting element is coupled to prevent energy received at the capacitor from both the power converters from exceeding a threshold. The voltage limiting element limits a voltage on the capacitor. 1. A power supply , comprising:a first power converter having a first set of circuit components arranged in a forward converter topology, the first set of circuit components including a first transformer coupled to an input and to a first voltage output of the power supply;a second power converter having a second set of circuit components arranged in a flyback converter topology, the second set of circuit components including a second transformer coupled to the input and to a second voltage output of the power supply; and a capacitor coupled to store energy received from the first power converter and the second power converter; and', 'a voltage limiting element coupled to the capacitor to prevent the energy received from both the first power converter and the second power converter from exceeding a threshold, wherein the voltage limiting element limits a voltage on the capacitor., 'a clamp reset circuit coupled to the first transformer and to the second transformer, the clamp reset circuit comprising2. The power supply of claim 1 , wherein the clamp reset circuit is further coupled to reduce magnetizing energy in the first transformer of the first power converter.3. The power supply of claim 1 , wherein the clamp reset circuit is further coupled to limit voltage on a component of the second power converter.4. The ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194837A1

A control circuit and method are provided for a flyback converter converting an input voltage to an output voltage, to compensate for an entry point of a burst mode of the flyback converter, so that the entry point is not affected by the input voltage, and audible noise resulted from a higher input voltage is reduced without impacting the light load efficiency of the flyback converter. 1. A control circuit for a flyback converter including a transformer connected with a power switch switched by a control signal for the transformer to convert an input voltage into an output voltage , the control circuit comprising:a compensator compensating a feedback signal with a sawtooth wave to generate a compensated feedback signal, the sawtooth wave independent of the input voltage, the feedback signal being a function of the output voltage; anda pulse width modulation circuit connected to the compensator to generate the control signal according to the compensated feedback signal and a current sense signal, the current sense signal being a function of a current flowing through the power switch.2. The control circuit of claim 1 , wherein the pulse width modulation circuit comprises:a comparator connected to the compensator to compare the compensated feedback signal with the current sense signal to generate a comparison signal; anda flip-flop connected to the comparator to generate the control signal according to the comparison signal and a clock.3. The control circuit of claim 1 , wherein the compensator comprises an adder having a positive input to receive the feedback signal claim 1 , a negative input to receive the sawtooth wave claim 1 , and an output to provide the compensated feedback signal.4. The control circuit of claim 1 , further comprising a burst circuit to determine whether to control the flyback converter to enter a burst mode according to the feedback signal and a preset value.5. The control circuit of claim 4 , wherein the burst circuit comprises a comparator to ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201729A1

The present invention is a system, apparatus and method of a PFC rectifier having a programmable output voltage that does not incur a drastic penalty in the overall size or volume of the device, or a significant degradation in efficiency. The PFC rectifier of the present invention may incorporate a two-stage solution for output voltage regulation. The present invention provides a topology of a small-size/volume PFC rectifier with a variable (i.e. programmable) output voltage and a complementary control method. The two-stage system of the present invention incorporates a smaller and lower cost capacitor than the bulky size and costly energy storage capacitors required in conventional prior art. The present invention also achieves tight output regulation. The two-stage topology of the present invention further achieves on-line efficiency optimization and significantly reduces the volume of the downstream stage over the prior art examples through dynamic adjustment of the downstream stage supply voltage. 1) A PFC rectifier with a programmable output voltage operable to reduce the size or volume of a converter in a downstream stage of the PFC rectifier , comprising: i) the top capacitor is operable to store energy at a sufficiently high voltage to provide hold up time and increase a current slew rate during transients to provide a fast dynamic transient response; and', 'ii) the bottom capacitor is operable to dynamically adjust on-line power processing and regulate the efficiency of a downstream stage of the PEG rectifier; and, 'a) a front converter incorporated in a front stage, and said front converter incorporating a non symmetric capacitive divider incorporating a top capacitor and a bottom capacitor, whereinb) a buck converter incorporated in the downstream stage.2) The PFC rectifier of claim 1 , wherein the non symmetric capacitive divider incorporates independently controllable tap voltages claim 1 , such that the voltages are dynamically controllable.3) The PEG ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Alternating Parallel Fly Back Converter with Alternated Master-Slave Branch Circuits

Номер: US20130201730A1
Автор: Luo Yuhao

An alternating parallel flyback converter with alternated master and slave circuit branches is provided. The flyback converter includes a master flyback circuit branch, a slave flyback circuit branch connected with the master flyback circuit branch in parallel, and a controller. The controller controls the operation of each of the flyback circuit branches based on the current and the voltage at the output terminal of the flyback converter. The master flyback circuit branch operates continuously while the slave flyback circuit branch only operates when the output power of the flyback converter is higher than a threshold. The master flyback circuit branch and the slave flyback circuit branch are periodically alternated, and in particular, through zero crossing of the power. With the flyback converter of the present invention, the reliability and the service life of the converter can be improved. 1. An alternating parallel flyback converter with alternated master-slave branch circuits , comprising:a plurality of flyback circuits connected in parallel;an output current detector for detecting an output current at an output terminal of said alternating parallel flyback converter;an output voltage detector for detecting an output voltage at an output terminal of said alternating parallel flyback converter; anda controller, coupled to said output current detector and said output voltage detector, and coupled to a switch of each of the plurality of flyback circuits, for controlling operation of each flyback circuit based on detected output current and output voltage; a portion of the plurality of flyback circuits being set as master branch circuits, and the remaining portion of the plurality of flyback circuits being set as slave branch circuits, wherein said master branch circuits operate continuously under the control of said controller, and said slave branch circuits only operate when a power at the output terminal of said alternating parallel flyback converter is higher ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201731A1

A power factor correction device, and a controller and a total harmonic distortion (THD) attenuator used by same. The power factor correction device comprises a converter and a controller () connected to the converter to obtain an input voltage. The controller () comprises a THD attenuator () for automatic THD optimization. The converter comprises an input current detection resistor (R), a power switch tube (NMOS) and an output circuit. The input current detection resistor (R), the power switch tube (NMOS) and the output circuit form a feedback control loop to maintain a constant output voltage. A THD optimization function is built in the device so that the entire device is capable of being accurately offset to a designed voltage so as to be used for THD optimization, thereby dispensing with external manual adjustment and overcoming internal technical deviations while achieving high consistency. 1. A power factor correction device comprising a converter and a controller coupled to the converter to obtain an input voltage , wherein , the controller comprises a THD reducer capable of achieving an automatic THD optimization , the converter comprises an input current sense resistor , a power switch tube and an output circuit , wherein , the input current sense resistor , power switch tube and output circuit form a feedback control loop to maintain a constant output voltage level.2. The power factor correction device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the converter further comprises:a bridge rectifier connected to an AC voltage to have a rectified sinusoidal voltage,a rectified main voltage divider connected to the bridge rectifier to scale down the rectified sinusoidal voltage such that a scale-down rectified sinusoidal voltage is provided to the controller.3. The power factor correction device according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , the output circuit comprises an output diode claim 2 , an output voltage divider and an output filtering capacitor claim 2 , ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for controlling a series resonant DC/DC converter

Номер: US20130208512A1

The invention relates to a method for controlling a series resonant DC/DC converter. The method comprises the steps of: defining a switching period TP having a first half period TA and a second half period TB and defining a subsequent switching period TP+1 after the switching period TP. In a next step, a first set (Ssc; Ssc, Ssc) of switches of a first switching circuit (SC) is controlled to be ON from the beginning Tstart of the first half period TA minus a time interval ΔTAE, where the time interval ΔTAE is provided at the end of the first half period TA and a second set (Ssc; Ssc, Ssc) of switches of the first switching circuit (SC) is controlled to be ON from the beginning Tcenter of the second half period TB minus a time interval ΔTBE, where the time interval ΔTBE is provided at the end of the second half period TB. A first set (Ssc; Ssc, Ssc) of switches of a second switching circuit (SC) is controlled to be ON in the first half period TA minus a time interval ΔTAS and minus a time interval ΔTAE, where the time interval ΔTAS is provided at the beginning of the first half period TA and where the time interval ΔTAE is provided at the end of the first half period TA and a second set (Ssc; Ssc, Ssc) of switches of the second switching circuit (SC) is controlled to be ON in the second half period TB minus time interval ΔTBS and minus time interval ΔTBE, where the time interval ΔTBS is provided at the beginning of the second half period TB and where the time interval ΔTBE is provided in the end of the second half period TB. Time intervals Tscoff and Tscoff, and time intervals Tscoff and Tscoff, where the sets of the first and second switching circuits all are off, are at least partially overlapping. 211211222. Method according to claim 1 , where the method comprises the step of controlling the centre of interval Tscoff to be close to or equal to the centre of time interval Tscoff and the centre of interval Tscoff to be close to or equal to the centre of time ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Power converter with compensation circuit for adjusting output current provided to a constant load

Номер: US20130214702A1
Принадлежит: Power Integrations Inc

A method for use in a power converter includes generating a peak input voltage signal that is representative of a peak value of the input voltage for phase angles less than a phase angle threshold and is representative of a value that is less than the peak value of the input voltage for phase angles greater than the phase angle threshold. The method also includes controlling a switching of a switch to regulate an output current of the power converter in response to the peak input voltage signal and the feedback signal. A compensation current is then added to the peak input voltage signal when the phase angle is greater than the phase angle threshold to allow for natural dimming at an output of the power converter.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130223105A1
Принадлежит: Power Integrations, Inc

An example power converter includes an energy transfer element, a switch, a feedback circuit, a feedforward circuit, and an integrated circuit controller. The integrated circuit controller includes a gain selector circuit and a switch duty cycle controller. The gain selector circuit selects a gain multiplier according to a value of a feedforward signal generated by the feedforward circuit and applies the gain multiplier to the feedforward signal to generate a duty cycle adjust signal. The switch duty cycle controller generates a drive signal to control the switch in response to a feedback signal generated by the feedback circuit. A duty cycle of the drive signal is varied in response to the duty cycle adjust signal such that the duty cycle varies according to a plurality of linear functions over a range of values of the feedforward signal. 1. A power converter , comprising:an energy transfer element to be coupled to receive a direct-current (DC) input voltage;a switch coupled to the energy transfer element to control a transfer of energy through the energy transfer element;a feedback circuit coupled to generate a feedback signal that is representative of an output of the power converter;a feedforward circuit coupled to generate a feedforward signal that is representative of the DC input voltage; and a gain selector circuit coupled to select a gain multiplier according to a value of the feedforward signal and to apply the gain multiplier to the feedforward signal to generate a duty cycle adjust signal; and', 'a switch duty cycle controller coupled to generate the drive signal in response to the feedback signal, wherein a duty cycle of the drive signal is varied in response to the duty cycle adjust signal such that the duty cycle varies according to a plurality of linear functions over a range of values of the feedforward signal., 'an integrated circuit controller coupled to generate a drive signal to control switching of the switch to regulate the output of the power ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for protecting power conversion systems based on at least feedback signals

Номер: US20130223107A1
Принадлежит: On Bright Electronics Shanghai Co Ltd

System and method for protecting a power conversion system. An example system controller includes a protection component and a driving component. The protection component is configured to receive a demagnetization signal generated based on at least information associated with a feedback signal of the power conversion system, process information associated with the demagnetization signal and a detected voltage generated based on at least information associated with the feedback signal, and generate a protection signal based on at least information associated with the detected voltage and the demagnetization signal. The driving component is configured to receive the protection signal and output a driving signal to a switch configured to affect a primary current flowing through a primary winding of the power conversion system. The detected voltage is related to an output voltage of the power conversion system. The demagnetization signal is related to a demagnetization period of the power conversion system.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130235621A1
Принадлежит: IWATT INC.

A switching power converter includes a controller configured to transition from a first operating mode to a second operating mode by determining the operating conditions at the transition point between the operation modes. The controller uses a point where a switch included in the power converter would have been turned on if operating under the first operating mode as a reference point to determine when to turn on the switch under the second operating mode. Using the reference point, the switching power converter determines a control period for regulating the switching period of the switch in a second operating mode.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Power supply device

Номер: US20130235622A1

A power supply device comprises: a rectifier circuit converting AC input voltage to DC; a smoothing capacitor connected to an output terminal of the rectifier circuit; a switching element turning on and off output from the smoothing capacitor to provide to a load; a switching controller controlling the switching of the switching element; a first signal input part generating a first signal for stopping the switching and keeping it stopped and inputting the first signal to the switching controller via a particular terminal thereof, when a trouble occurs on the power supply device; a detector detecting that the AC input voltage is a predetermined value or less; and a second signal input part generating a second signal for stopping the switching and keeping it stopped and inputting the second signal to the switching controller via the particular terminal, when the AC input voltage is the predetermined value or less.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236204A1
Автор: Yamaguchi Tsuyoshi

A power source device includes: a transformer; a switching section driving a primary side of the transformer; and a controller capable of performing a switching operation on driving of the switching section for controlling an output of a secondary side of the transformer. The device detects a drive frequency for the switching section in the switching operation, and switches the drive frequency so as not to be a frequency in a prescribed range when the detected drive frequency reaches a threshold. 1. A power source device comprising:a transformer;a switching section driving a primary side of the transformer;a controller capable of performing a switching operation including a time period for driving the switching section and a time period for suspending the switching section, to control an output from a secondary side of the transformer;a detector detecting a drive frequency for the switching section in the switching operation; anda frequency switch switching the drive frequency so as not to be a frequency in a prescribed range, when the drive frequency detected by the detector reaches a threshold.2. The power source device according to claim 1 , further comprisinga threshold switch switching the threshold according to the drive frequency detected by the detector.3. The power source device according to claim 2 ,wherein, when the frequency detected by the detector is lower than a prescribed frequency, the threshold switch adopts a first threshold as the threshold, and, when the frequency detected by the detector is higher than the prescribed frequency, the threshold switch adopts a second threshold different from the first threshold as the threshold.4. The power source device according to claim 1 , further comprisinga feedback section outputting information relating to an output on the secondary side of the transformer, to the controller via a resistor,wherein the frequency switch switches the drive frequency by switching a resistor value of the resistor.5. The power ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236206A1

The power supply device includes a transformer, a switching unit for driving a primary side of the transformer, a detection unit for detecting an output corresponding to a current flowing on the primary side, a transmission unit for transmitting an output voltage from a secondary side to the primary side, and a control unit for controlling an operation of the switching unit in accordance with an output from the transmission unit, in which, when a switching frequency for driving the switching unit falls within a predetermined frequency range including a resonant frequency of the transformer, the control unit controls the switching unit so as to shorten a turn-ON time of the switching unit in accordance with an output from the detection unit. 1. A power supply device , comprising:a transformer in which a primary side and a secondary side are insulated with each other;a switching unit for driving the primary side of the transformer;a detection unit for detecting a current flowing on the primary side to output an output value corresponding to the current and a resonant frequency of the transformer;a transmission unit for transmitting an output voltage from the secondary side to the primary side; anda control unit for controlling an operation of the switching unit in accordance with an output from the transmission unit,wherein when a switching frequency for driving the switching unit falls within a predetermined frequency range including the resonant frequency of the transformer, the control unit controls the switching unit to shorten a turn-on time of the switching unit, in accordance with the output value output by the detection unit.2. A power supply device according to claim 1 , wherein when the output from the detection unit has a positive value claim 1 , the control unit turns on the switching unit to shorten a time period until the output value output by the detection unit reaches a value higher than the output of the transmission unit.3. A power supply device ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Phase angle measurement of a dimming circuit for a switching power supply

Номер: US20130241440A1
Принадлежит: Power Integrations Inc

An example switched mode power supply includes a timer, a threshold adjust circuitry, a comparator, and a control circuitry. The timer times a duration between crossings of a phase-dimmed signal across a first threshold. The threshold adjust circuitry adjusts a second threshold representative of a desired output of the switched mode power supply, where the second threshold is adjusted responsive to the timed duration between crossings. The comparator compares a feedback signal with the second threshold and generates a comparison result. The control circuitry controls switching of a power switch responsive to the comparison result to regulate the output of the switched mode power supply.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242621A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

A power supply with reduced electromagnetic interference (EMI) is described. This power supply includes cascaded stages with switched-mode power-supply circuits that are switched synchronously during operation by switching signals that have a common fundamental frequency. EMI associated with the power supply is reduced by establishing a phase shift between the switching signals in at least two of the stages. 1. A power supply , comprising:a first switched-mode power-supply circuit configured to output a first power signal based on a first switching signal;a second switched-mode power-supply circuit, electrically coupled to the first switched-mode power-supply circuit, configured to output a second power signal based on a second switching signal, wherein the first switching signal and the second switching signal have a common fundamental frequency; anda storage mechanism configured to store information specifying a phase value, wherein the power supply is configured to establish a phase shift, corresponding to the phase value, between the first switching signal and the second switching signal based on the stored information.2. The power supply of claim 1 , wherein the second switched-mode power-supply circuit is configured to establish the phase shift of the second switching signal relative to the first switching signal.3. The power supply of claim 1 , wherein the first switched-mode power-supply circuit is configured to establish the phase shift of the first switching signal relative to the second switching signal.4. The power supply of claim 1 , wherein the storage mechanism includes a programmable register.5. The power supply of claim 4 , further comprising a feedback mechanism claim 4 , coupled to the programmable register claim 4 , configured to monitor electromagnetic interference (EMI) associated with the power supply and to adjust the stored information based on an EMI criterion.6. The power supply of claim 1 , further comprising a third switched-mode power- ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242622A1

Aspects of the disclosure provide a method. The method includes receiving an input voltage rectified from an alternating current (AC) power supply, detecting a time duration that the input voltage is between a first threshold voltage and a second threshold voltage, determining a line voltage of the AC power supply based on the time duration, and regulating a time for turning on a switch to transfer energy via a transformer based on the detected line voltage. 1. A method , comprising:receiving an input voltage rectified from an alternating current (AC) power supply;detecting a time duration that the input voltage is between a first threshold voltage and a second threshold voltage;determining a line voltage of the AC power supply based on the time duration; andregulating a time for turning on a switch to transfer energy via a transformer based on the detected line voltage.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:regulating the time for turning on the switch to transfer energy via the transformer at a power up based on an assumption that the AC power supply is a high line AC power supply with a dimmer.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein regulating the time for turning on the switch to transfer energy via the transformer at the power up comprises:regulating the time for turning on the switch to limit a substantially constant peak current flowing through the switch.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein regulating the time for turning on the switch to limit the substantially constant peak current flowing through the switch further comprises:generating pulses with a pulse width modulated based on a sensed current.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the line voltage of the AC power supply based on the time duration comprises:determining the line voltage to be a high line voltage when a ratio of the detected time duration to an AC cycle is lower than a first value; anddetermining the line voltage to be a low line voltage when the ratio is high than a second value ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130250622A1

A switching power-supply circuit includes a second rectifying/smoothing circuit arranged to generate a second output voltage by rectifying and smoothing the output of a second secondary winding, and the second rectifying/smoothing circuit includes a second rectifier circuit and a capacitor, connected to the second secondary winding. A second switching control circuit operates in response to an alternating-current winding voltage occurring in the second secondary winding, and includes a time constant circuit causing a switch mechanism connected to the control terminal of a rectifier switch element to operate, and a second feedback circuit arranged to detect and feed back the second output voltage to the time constant circuit. 1. A switching power-supply circuit comprising:a transformer including a primary winding, a first secondary winding, and a second secondary winding;a main switching element connected in series to the primary winding;a first rectifying/smoothing circuit arranged to generate a first output voltage by rectifying and smoothing an output of the first secondary winding;a second rectifying/smoothing circuit arranged to generate a second output voltage by rectifying and smoothing an output of the second secondary winding;a first feedback circuit arranged to generate a feedback signal according to the first output voltage; anda first switching control circuit arranged to control the main switching element based on the feedback signal and stabilize the first output voltage; whereinthe second rectifying/smoothing circuit includes a second rectifier circuit;the second rectifier circuit includes a rectifier switch element and a second switching control circuit arranged to control the rectifier switch element; andthe second switching control circuit operates in response to an alternating-current winding voltage occurring in the second secondary winding provided in the transformer or a drive winding provided in the transformer, and includes a time constant ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Resonant Conversion Circuit

Номер: US20130250623A1
Автор: PAN Denghai, Xu Jinzhu
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

A resonant conversion circuit includes resonant conversion circuit units having at least two phases interleaved in parallel, where magnetic devices in the resonant conversion circuit units are magnetically integrated in an inter-phase manner on a same magnetic core. Because a magnetic coupling action exists between the magnetic devices integrated on the same magnetic core, automatic current sharing effect is produced on currents in circuit branches of different phases. In this way, current sharing of the resonant conversion circuit units of various phases is achieved, and the volume of a power supply is reduced because of integration of the magnetic devices. 1. A resonant conversion circuit comprising:resonant conversion circuit units having at least two phases interleaved in parallel,wherein magnetic devices in the resonant conversion circuit units are magnetically integrated in an inter-phase manner on a same magnetic core.2. The resonant conversion circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic devices in the resonant conversion circuit units are magnetically integrated in the inter-phase manner on the same magnetic core comprises resonant inductors in the resonant conversion circuit units being magnetically integrated in the inter-phase manner on the same magnetic core.3. The resonant conversion circuit according to claim 2 , wherein the resonant inductors in the resonant conversion circuit units are magnetically integrated in the inter-phase manner on the same magnetic core comprises resonant inductors of different phases being separately disposed on different E-type magnetic cores claim 2 , wherein the different E-type magnetic cores are integrated on a same I-type magnetic core.4. The resonant conversion circuit according to claim 3 , wherein a coupling coefficient between resonant inductors of two phases is adjusted by adjusting an air gap between at least one of the E-type magnetic cores and the I-type magnetic core.5. The resonant conversion circuit ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130250625A1
Автор: YAMAGUCHI Naoki

In a switching power supply apparatus, a low-side switching device is connected in series with a primary winding. A high-side switching device and the primary winding define a closed loop. A voltage induced in a high-side drive winding is applied to the high-side switching device to turn on the high-side switching device. A transistor, which is turned on/off in accordance with the voltage across a capacitor charged by the voltage induced in the high-side drive winding, is connected to the gate terminal of the high-side switching device. When the capacitor is charged and the transistor is turned on, the high-side switching device is turned off. The capacitor is discharged by the voltage induced in the high-side drive winding, during the ON period of the low-side switching device. 1. A switching power supply apparatus comprising:a power supply input portion to which an input voltage is input;a transformer including a primary winding, a secondary winding, and a drive winding magnetically coupled to one another;a low-side switching device connected in series with the primary winding and that is turned on and off such that the input voltage is intermittently applied to the primary winding;a resonant capacitor, a resonant inductor, and a high-side switching device connected across the primary winding so as to define a closed loop;a first control circuit arranged to control the low-side switching device; anda second control circuit arranged to control the high-side switching device in accordance with a voltage generated in the drive winding; wherein a first capacitor connected between the drive winding and a control terminal of the high-side switching device and charged during an ON period of the low-side switching device;', 'a second capacitor connected to a connection node between the first capacitor and the drive winding;', 'a charging circuit connected between the second capacitor and a connection node between the high-side switching device and the first capacitor and ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130250626A1
Автор: HOSOTANI Tatsuya

A switching power-supply circuit includes a transformer, a first switching element, a first rectifying/smoothing circuit generating a first output voltage by rectifying and smoothing the output of a first secondary winding, a second rectifying/smoothing circuit generating a second output voltage by rectifying and smoothing the output of a second secondary winding, a first feedback circuit generating a feedback signal according to the first output voltage, and a first switching control circuit. When the voltage of the second secondary winding is greater than the second output voltage and the second output voltage is less than the voltage of a reference-voltage circuit, a second rectifier circuit turns on a rectifier switch element, and stabilizes the second output voltage by controlling the number of pulses per unit time in a pulse current flowing through the second rectifier circuit. 1. A switching power-supply circuit comprising:a transformer including a primary winding, a first secondary winding, and a second secondary winding;a first switching element connected in series to the primary winding;a first rectifying/smoothing circuit arranged to generate a first output voltage by rectifying and smoothing an output of the first secondary winding;a second rectifying/smoothing circuit arranged to generate a second output voltage by rectifying and smoothing an output of the second secondary winding;a first feedback circuit arranged to generate a feedback signal according to the first output voltage; anda switching control circuit arranged to control the first switching element based on the feedback signal and to stabilize the first output voltage; whereina rectifier circuit in the second rectifying/smoothing circuit includes a rectifier switch element and a drive control circuit arranged to cause the rectifier switch element to be conductively connected when an input voltage is greater than the second output voltage and the second output voltage is less than a ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Power converter with reduced power consumption in standby mode

Номер: US20130250627A1
Автор: Michael Herfurth

In accordance with various embodiments a converter is provided, including: a transformer comprising a primary side and a secondary side; a primary side circuit arrangement coupled to the primary side of the transformer; a secondary side circuit arrangement coupled to the secondary side of the transformer, wherein the secondary side circuit arrangement is configured to provide at least one of an output voltage and an output current; a coupling component configured to provide information about at least one of the output voltage and the output current to the primary side circuit arrangement; a first energy supply configured to provide the coupling component with a first current; and second energy supply configured to provide the coupling component with a second current, wherein the second current is lower than the first current.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257162A1
Автор: YAMADA Tomokazu

A power supply device connected to an electronic device for supplying power to the electronic device, including a plurality of control units configured to control supply of power to the electronic device and a switching circuit configured to receive, from the electronic device, a status signal indicating power status of the electronic device or operating status of the electronic device, and to control supply of a power supply voltage to the plurality of control units based on the status signal. 1. A power supply device connected to an electronic device for supplying power to the electronic device , comprising:a plurality of control units configured to control supply of power to the electronic device; anda switching circuit configured to receive, from the electronic device, a status signal indicating power status of the electronic device or operating status of the electronic device, and to control supply of a power supply voltage to the plurality of control units based on the status signal.2. The power supply device according to claim 1 , wherein the switching circuit sets an input voltage to the plurality of control units used to control supply of power to the electronic device to low level based on the status signal.3. The power supply device according to claim 1 , wherein the switching circuit sets supply of the power supply voltage to the plurality of control units to low level when the status signal is a high-level signal.4. The power supply device according to claim 1 , wherein the switching circuit starts supply of the power supply voltage to the plurality of control units when the status signal is a low-level or open signal.5. The power supply device according to claim 2 , wherein the switching circuit simultaneously stops the input voltage and the power supply voltage to the plurality of control units.6. The power supply device according to claim 1 , wherein the switching circuit is a photocoupler or a photo-MOS.7. The power supply device according to claim ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258719A1
Автор: Kikkawa Toshihide

An AlGaN/GaN.HEMT includes, a compound semiconductor lamination structure; a p-type semiconductor layer formed on the compound semiconductor lamination structure; and a gate electrode formed on the p-type semiconductor layer, in which Mg being an inert element of p-GaN is introduced into both sides of the gate electrode at the p-type semiconductor layer, and introduced portions of Mg are inactivated. 1. A compound semiconductor device , comprising:a compound semiconductor lamination structure;a p-type semiconductor layer formed at upward of the compound semiconductor lamination structure; andan electrode formed at upward of the p-type semiconductor layer,wherein an inert element is introduced into both sides of the electrode, and introduced portions of the inert element are inactivated at the p-type semiconductor layer.2. The compound semiconductor device according to claim 1 ,wherein the inert element is introduced into a surface layer portion, and a non-introduced portion of the inert element remains at downward of the surface layer portion at the p-type semiconductor layer.3. The compound semiconductor device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a protective insulating film that covers the introduced portion of the inert element of the p-type semiconductor layer.4. The compound semiconductor device according to claim 1 ,{'sub': '2', 'wherein the inert element is argon (Ar), iron (Fe), phosphorus (P), oxygen (O) or boron (B) or any combination thereof.'}5. A manufacturing method of a compound semiconductor device claim 1 , comprising:forming a compound semiconductor lamination structure;forming a p-type semiconductor layer at an electrode formation region at upward of the compound semiconductor lamination structure; andinactivating an introduced portion of an inert element of the p-type semiconductor layer by introducing the inert element at both sides of the electrode formation region of the p-type semiconductor layer.6. The manufacturing method of the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258720A1

A resonant-mode power supply comprising an integrated inductor (ZER), the integrated inductor (ZER) comprising an inductor (IR) and a transformer (TR). The main internal winding () of the transformer (TR) is surrounded by magnetic elements () for closing the magnetic flux lines around the main internal winding () of the transformer (TR), wherein at least one magnetic element () is surrounded by at least one auxiliary external winding () of the inductor (IR) arranged orthogonally to the main internal winding () of the transformer (TR), and the power supply being configured such that during operation the current (I) flowing through the inductor (IR) is shifted in phase with respect to the current (I) flowing through the primary winding of the transformer (TR). 112312341. A resonant-mode power supply comprising an integrated inductor (ZER) , the integrated inductor (ZER) comprising an inductor (IR) and a transformer (TR) , characterized in that the main internal winding () of the transformer (TR) is surrounded by magnetic elements ( , ) for closing the magnetic flux lines around the main internal winding () of the transformer (TR) , wherein at least one magnetic element ( , ) is surrounded by at least one auxiliary external winding () of the inductor (IR) arranged orthogonally to the main internal winding () of the transformer (TR) , and the power supply being configured such that during operation the current (I) flowing through the inductor (IR) is shifted in phase with respect to the current (I) flowing through the primary winding of the transformer (TR).223. The resonant-mode power supply according to claim 1 , characterized in that the magnetic elements ( claim 1 , ) of the integrated inductor (ZER) are separated by non-magnetic gaps in at least one of a vertical and a horizontal plane.3. The resonant-mode power supply according to claim 1 , characterized in that the shift in phase between the currents (I claim 1 , I) is close to 90°.412312341. A method for ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258722A1

A power supply includes a phase-cut pre-regulator. The phase-cut pre-regulator comprises a switching device connected between a line voltage and an input voltage of a bulk capacitor and a comparator receiving the line voltage and a reference voltage, comparing the line voltage with hysteresis reference voltages based on the reference voltage, and switching the switching device according to the compared result. 1. A phase-cut pre-regulator comprising:a switching device connected between a line voltage and an input voltage of a bulk capacitor; anda comparator receiving the line voltage and a reference voltage, comparing the line voltage with a plurality of hysteresis reference voltages that are based on the reference voltage, and switching the switching device according to a result of comparing the line voltage with the plurality of hysteresis reference voltages.2. The phase-cut pre-regulator of claim 1 , wherein the comparator is configured to output a switching signal to turn-off the switching device when the line voltage is higher than a first hysteresis reference voltage in the plurality of hysteresis reference voltages.3. The phase-cut pre-regulator of claim 2 , wherein the comparator is configured to output the switching signal to turn-on the switching device when the line voltage is lower than a second hysteresis reference voltage in the plurality of hysteresis reference voltages.4. The phase-cut pre-regulator of claim 3 , wherein the first hysteresis reference voltage is higher than the second hysteresis reference voltage.5. The phase-cut pre-regulator of claim 1 , wherein the bulk capacitor is charged by the line voltage in a turn-on time of the switching device when the switching device is turned on and energy stored in the bulk capacitor is discharged in a turn-off time of the switching device when the switching device is turned off.6. A power supply comprising:a rectifier circuit rectifying an AC input to generate a line voltage;a bulk capacitor;a ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258723A1
Автор: Fang Lieyi, Sun Zhiqiang

System and method for regulating a power conversion system. A system controller for regulating a power conversion system includes a first controller terminal, a second controller terminal and a third controller terminal. The system controller is configured to receive an input signal at the first controller terminal and turn on or off a switch based on at least information associated with the input signal to adjust a primary current flowing through a primary winding of the power conversion system, receive a first signal at the second controller terminal from the switch, and charge a capacitor through the third controller terminal in response to the first signal. 1. A system controller for regulating a power conversion system , the system controller comprising:a first controller terminal;a second controller terminal; anda third controller terminal; receive an input signal at the first controller terminal and turn on or off a switch based on at least information associated with the input signal to adjust a primary current flowing through a primary winding of the power conversion system;', 'receive a first signal at the second controller terminal from the switch; and', 'charge a capacitor through the third controller terminal in response to the first signal., 'wherein the system controller is configured to2. The system controller of wherein the first controller terminal is connected claim 1 , directly or indirectly to a resistor claim 1 , the resistor being configured to receive a third signal associated with an AC signal received by the power conversion system and output the input signal to the first controller terminal based on at least information associated with the third signal.3. The system controller of wherein the second controller terminal is connected claim 1 , directly or indirectly to a diode claim 1 , the diode including an anode terminal and a cathode terminal; the anode terminal is connected, directly or indirectly, to the second controller terminal; and ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130272036A1
Автор: Fang Lieyi

System and method for regulating a power conversion system. A system controller for regulating a power conversion system includes a first controller terminal and a second controller terminal. The system controller is configured to receive at least an input signal at the first controller terminal, and generate a gate drive signal at the second controller terminal based on at least information associated with the input signal to turn on or off a transistor in order to affect a current associated with a secondary winding of the power conversion system. The system controller is further configured to, if the input signal is larger than a first threshold, generate the gate drive signal at a first logic level to turn off the transistor. 1. A system controller for regulating a power conversion system , the system controller comprising:a first controller terminal; anda second controller terminal; receive at least an input signal at the first controller terminal; and', 'generate a gate drive signal at the second controller terminal based on at least information associated with the input signal to turn on or off a transistor in order to affect a current associated with a secondary winding of the power conversion system;, 'wherein the system controller is configured to if the input signal is larger than a first threshold, generate the gate drive signal at a first logic level to turn off the transistor; and', 'if the input signal changes from a first value larger than a second threshold to a second value smaller than the second threshold, change the gate drive signal from the first logic level to a second logic level to turn on the transistor., 'wherein the system controller is further configured to2. The system controller of is further configured to claim 1 , if the input signal changes from a first value larger than a second threshold to a second value smaller than the second threshold claim 1 , change the gate drive signal after a delay from the first logic level to the ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130272037A1

A power supply circuit for an electrical appliance, including a turning-on stage configured for determining a transition from a turned-off state, in which the power supply circuit is off and does not supply electric power, to a turned-on state of the power supply circuit. The turning-on stage includes a transducer of the remote-control type configured for triggering the transition in response to the reception of a wireless signal. In some embodiments, operating power is transmitted from a remote controller to a control circuit of the electronic equipment, such that the electronic equipment can be turned on remotely but draws zero standby power. 1. A control circuit configured to control electronic equipment in response to a remote controller , comprising:a converter circuit configured to convert electromagnetic energy received from the remote controller to stored energy;a power management circuit configured to provide a regulated supply voltage based on the stored energy;a control logic circuit energized by the regulated supply voltage and configured to to detect a match between an ID code received from the remote controller and a local ID code representative of the electronic equipment, and to provide an enable signal in response to detecting the match; andan actuator circuit configured to activate the electronic equipment in response to the enable signal.2. A control circuit as defined in claim 1 , wherein the converter circuit is configured to convert radio frequency energy to the stored energy.3. A control circuit as defined in claim 1 , wherein the converter circuit is configured to convert infrared energy to the stored energy.4. A control circuit as defined in claim 1 , further comprising a receiver configured to receive the ID code from the remote controller.5. A control circuit as defined in claim 1 , wherein the actuator circuit is configured to activate a main power converter of the electronic equipment.6. A control circuit as defined in claim 4 , wherein ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130279204A1

A power converter includes a power module, a feedback module, and a control module. The power module is used for converting an input voltage into an output voltage. The feedback module is electrically connected with the power module for generating a feedback voltage according to the output voltage. The control module is electrically connected with the feedback module and the power module for comparing a reference duty cycle value with a duty cycle, generating a variable reference voltage according to the comparison between the reference duty cycle value and the duty cycle, comparing the variable reference voltage with the feedback voltage, and adjusting the duty cycle according to the comparison between the variable reference voltage and the feedback voltage. 1. A power converter , comprising:a power module for converting an input voltage into an output voltage;a feedback module electrically connected with said power module for generating a feedback voltage according to said output voltage; anda control module electrically connected with said feedback module and said power module for comparing a reference duty cycle value with a duty cycle, generating a variable reference voltage according to the comparison between said reference duty cycle value and said duty cycle, comparing said variable reference voltage with said feedback voltage, and adjusting said duty cycle according to the comparison between said variable reference voltage and said feedback voltage.2. The power converter according to claim 1 , wherein as said input voltage is changed claim 1 , said variable reference voltage is adjusted by said control module claim 1 , said duty cycle is correspondingly adjusted by said control module claim 1 , and a driving control signal corresponding to said adjusted duty cycle is generated by said control module so as to control said power module.3. The power converter according to claim 1 , wherein said control module further comprises:a first comparing circuit for ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130279205A1
Автор: Keung Lee Tai

An open loop half-bridge LLC power converter includes circuitry to reliably increase hold-up time without sacrificing efficiency. An LLC resonant circuit includes resonant inductance, a primary transformer winding, and resonant capacitance. An auxiliary circuit includes an auxiliary transformer winding, an inductor, and a third switching element coupled in series. A controller is coupled across a voltage sensor and effective thereby to determine a holdup time condition. In a “normal” operating condition the controller generates switch driver signals to turn OFF the third switching element and disable the auxiliary circuit, and in a hold-up time condition the controller turns ON the third switching element and enables the auxiliary circuit wherein the output voltage is increased via current supplied from the auxiliary winding. In various embodiments the auxiliary winding may be an auxiliary primary or secondary, or a secondary to an auxiliary primary winding of a second transformer. 1. A power conversion system comprising:first and second switching elements coupled in series across first and second power input terminals;an LLC resonant circuit coupled between the first and second switching elements and comprising a first inductor, a primary winding of a transformer, and one or more resonant capacitors;an output circuit comprising one or more secondary transformer windings and a bulk capacitor coupled across first and second output terminals;a voltage sensor;a hold-up time enhancement circuit further comprising an auxiliary primary winding of the transformer, a second inductor coupled on a first end to the auxiliary transformer winding, and a third switching element coupled to a second end of the second inductor;a controller coupled to the voltage sensor and effective to determine a holdup time condition based on a voltage across the voltage sensor;the controller is further effective in a first operating mode associated with a normal condition to generate switch ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130279206A1
Автор: YANG Ta-Yung

A control circuit for an inverter according to the present invention comprises a PWM circuit and a controller. The PWM circuit generates switching signals in accordance with a PWM control signal. The switching signals are coupled to switch a transformer through transistors for generating an output of the inverter. The controller is coupled to receive a command signal and an input signal for generating the PWM control signal. The input signal is correlated to an input voltage waveform of the inverter. The command signal is utilized to determine a power level of the output of the inverter. The advantages of the control circuit are lower cost, small size, good power factor and higher reliability. 1. A control circuit of an inverter , comprising:a PWM circuit generating switching signals coupled to switch a transformer through transistors for generating an output of the inverter in accordance with a PWM control signal; anda controller coupled to receive a command signal and an input signal for generating the PWM control signal;wherein the input signal is correlated to an input voltage waveform of the inverter; the command signal is utilized to determine a power level of the output of the inverter.2. The circuit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the controller further comprises:a memory storing at least one instruction code for executing the instruction code to generate the PWM control signal.3. The circuit as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a current-sense device coupled to sense a switching current of the transformer and generate a current-sense signal coupled to limit the value of the switching current of the transformer.4. The circuit as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a comparator coupled to receive a current-sense signal for generating an interrupt signal when the current-sense signal being over a threshold; wherein the interrupt signal is coupled to interrupt the controller and directly turn off the switching signals claim 1 , the current-sense ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Power supply device and a synchronous rectifier pcb

Номер: US20130279207A1

A power supply device includes a main unit and a power switching module. The main unit includes a primary circuit board, a transformer including a primary and a secondary coil, a primary-side circuit and a secondary-side circuit. The power switching module includes a separate PCB formed with at least two connection pads and two conductive tracks, and at least one power switching element disposed on the PCB and having two terminals respectively connected to the two connection pads through the two conductive tracks. The power switching module is in the form of a separate PCB that is electrically connected to the primary- or secondary-side circuits through the two connection pads.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130279209A1

The drive current of the switch in a switching power converter is adjusted dynamically according to line or load conditions within a switching cycle and/or over a plurality of switching cycles. The magnitude of the switch drive current can be dynamically adjusted within a switching cycle and/or over a plurality of switching cycles, in addition to the pulse widths or pulse frequencies of the switch drive current. 1. A switching power converter comprising:a magnetic component coupled between a power source and a load;a switch coupled to the magnetic component for coupling or decoupling the load to or from the power source through the magnetic component; anda switch controller coupled to the switch and generating a switch drive signal for turning on or off the switch during a plurality of switching cycles, the switch controller adjusting a current magnitude or a voltage magnitude of the switch drive signal within a part of a switching cycle of the plurality of switching cycles during which the switch is turned on.2. The switching power converter of claim 1 , wherein the switch controller includes:a pulse generator generating an output drive signal at a first logic state during the part of the switching cycle during which the switch is turned on and a second logic state during another part of the switching cycle during which the switch is turned off; anda dynamic switch drive module receiving the output drive signal and dynamically adjusting the magnitude of the switch drive signal.3. The switching power converter of claim 1 , wherein the dynamic switch drive module adjusts the magnitude of the switch drive signal to be at a predetermined level for a predetermined period of time at a beginning of the part of the switching cycle during which the switch is turned on.4. The switching power converter of claim 3 , wherein the predetermined period of time is fixed according to device characteristics of one or more components of the switching power converter.5. The switching ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Power converting apparatus, operating method thereof, and solar power generation system

Номер: US20130286698A1

There are provided a power converting apparatus and an operating method thereof, and a solar power generation system. The power converting apparatus for a solar power generation system includes: a power converting unit converting an input signal generated by a solar cell module into an output signal; and a control circuit unit controlling an operation of the power converting unit, wherein the power converting unit includes at least one transformer, and a current sensor and a switching circuit connected to a primary winding of the at least one transformer, and the control circuit unit calculates a voltage and a current of the input signal using a current of the primary winding of the at least one transformer sensed by the current sensor and performs a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control so that the power converting unit is operated at a maximum power point.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Driver circuits for dimmable solid state lighting apparatus

Номер: US20130293135A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A voltage regulator for generating a housekeeping voltage in a high voltage power supply circuit includes a charging switch coupled to a high voltage node and to a storage device at an output node, and a control voltage regulation circuit coupled to the charging switch and configured to cause the charging switch to generate a current pulse for charging the storage device.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293193A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric Industries SAS

The electric conversion stage according to the invention can be connected on one hand to intermediate terminals of a DC voltage electric bus, and on the other hand to output terminals. It comprises P switching branches, P≧2, the switching branches being connected in parallel between the intermediate terminals, each switching branch including first and second controllable electronic switches connected serially and connected to each other by a midpoint, each switch including a semiconductor switching element and a diode connected in anti-parallel to the semiconductor element, and means for controlling the electronic switches according to a control law. 1. An electric conversion stage , capable of being connected on one hand to intermediate terminals of a DC voltage electric bus , and on the other hand to output terminals , the conversion stage comprising:P switching branches, P being greater than or equal to 2, the switching branches being connected in parallel between the intermediate terminals, each switching branch including first and second controllable electronic switches connected serially and connected to each other by a midpoint, the first switch being connected between the first intermediate terminal and the corresponding midpoint, and the second switch being connected between the second intermediate terminal and the corresponding midpoint, each switch including a semiconductor element and a diode connected in anti-parallel to the semiconductor element, each semiconductor element being switchable between an on state and an off state,control means for controlling the electronic switches according to a control law,wherein the conversion stage also comprises a capacitor connected between the two output terminals and, for each switching branch, an electromagnetic coil connected between a terminal of the capacitor and the midpoint of the corresponding switching branch, andwherein the control law is selected from among a first control law and a second control law, ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Overload detection in a switched mode power supply

Номер: US20130294111A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

A switched mode power supply includes a switching device, the switched mode power supply being operable to convert an input voltage (V in ) to an output voltage (V out ) by switching the switching device, and a voltage regulator operable to generate a feedback signal based on at least one of the output voltage and an output current of the switched mode power supply. The power supply further comprises an overload detector, which is arranged to receive the feedback signal and operable to determine whether the feedback signal is outside a predetermined range. If the feedback signal is outside the predetermined range, the overload detector is operable to determine that the switched mode power supply is in an overload state, and when an overload state is determined, perform control to place the switched mode power supply in a non-operational state.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Regulating Controller for Controlled Self-Oscillating Converters Using Bipolar Junction Transistors

Номер: US20130294112A9
Принадлежит: Russell Jacques

A power converter controller and methods for its operation are provided that can control a self-oscillating power converter that uses a Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) as a switch by manipulating the current flowing in a control winding. The controller is able to determine the optimum time to remove a short circuit applied to the control winding, as well as being able to determine the optimum time to pass current through the control winding. The controller can further draw power from the power converter using the control winding. The controller is capable of maintaining the midpoint voltage of the power converter in the case that the converter has more than one switch. The controller estimates the output power of the converter without requiring a connection to the secondary side of the converter transformer. The controller further controls entry and exit into a low-power mode in which converter oscillations are suppressed.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Direct-Current Converter

Номер: US20130294114A1
Автор: Nakanishi Ryouta
Принадлежит: Sanken Electric Co., Ltd.

A direct-current converter comprises: a first series circuit, which is connected in parallel with a smoothing capacitor and in which a first switching element and a second switching element are connected in series; a second series circuit, which is connected in parallel between main electrodes of the first switching element and in which a resonance capacitor, a resonance reactor and a primary winding of a transformer are connected in series; a half wave rectification smoothing circuit, which rectifies and smoothes a voltage of a secondary winding of the transformer; a control circuit configured to alternately turn on and off the first switching element and second switching element, based on art output voltage of the rectification smoothing circuit; and a third series circuit, which is connected in parallel with the second switching element and in which a boost reactor and a direct-current power supply are connected in series. 1. A direct-current converter comprising:a first series circuit, which is connected in parallel with a smoothing capacitor and in which a first switching element and a second switching element are connected in series;a second series circuit, which is connected in parallel between main electrodes of the first switching element and in which a resonance capacitor, a resonance reactor and a primary winding of a transformer are connected in series;a half wave rectification smoothing circuit, which rectifies and smoothes a voltage of a secondary winding of the transformer;a control circuit configured to alternately turn on and off the first switching element and second switching element, based on an output voltage of the rectification smoothing circuit; anda third series circuit, which is connected in parallel with the second switching element and in which a boost reactor and a direct-current power supply are connected in series.2. The direct-current converter according to claim 1 ,wherein the control circuit performs frequency control with fixing an ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130294116A1

An automatic adjusting device is provided, which is used for adjusting an output power of a power supply and comprises an automatic adjusting circuit. The automatic adjusting circuit includes a comparing unit and a programmable signal generating unit. The comparing unit compares a limiting level and a protection level and produces a comparison signal. The protection level limits the output power provided by the power supply. The programmable signal generating unit generates the protection level and adjusts the protection level according to the comparison signal for adjusting the output power. The programmable signal generating unit will adjust the protection level according to the limiting level. Thereby, the output power can be adjusted automatically without manual adjustment. Consequently, the cost can be reduced and the adjusting accuracy can enhanced. 1. An automatic adjusting device used for adjusting an output power of a power supply , comprising an automatic adjusting circuit , and said automatic adjusting circuit including:a comparing unit, comparing a limiting level and a protection level for producing a comparison signal, and said protection level limiting said output power provided by said power supply; anda programmable signal generating unit, generating said protection level, and adjusting said protection level according to said comparison signal for adjusting said output power.2. The automatic adjusting device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a test load coupled to said power supply claim 1 , said test load drawing said output power according to a set value for producing said limiting level claim 1 , and the level of said output power provided to said test load by said power supply corresponding to said set value.3. The automatic adjusting device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said automatic adjusting circuit further includes a sensing device coupled to said comparing unit and an output of said power supply claim 2 , said sensing device ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130301306A1
Автор: HOSOTANI Tatsuya

In a switching power supply device with reduced size and increased power conversion efficiency, a secondary-side rectifier circuit includes an adder-rectifier circuit that stores a voltage generated in a secondary winding in a capacitor as electrostatic energy in an on period of one of a high-side and low-side switching circuits or, and adds the voltage in the capacitor and the voltage generated in the secondary winding and outputs the sum as a direct-current voltage during in an on period of the other of the high-side and low-side switching circuits. A switching control circuit adjusts an output power to be output from the secondary-side rectifier circuit, by using on-period ratio controller that controls a proportion of periods during which the respective high-side side and low-side switching elements are brought into a conductive state. 117-. (canceled)18. A switching power supply device comprising:a transformer including a primary winding and a secondary winding;a primary-side alternating-current voltage generating circuit electrically connected to the primary winding and including high-side and low-side switching circuits, the primary-side alternating-current voltage generating circuit generating an alternating-current voltage having a substantially square or trapezoidal wave shape from an input direct-current voltage;a secondary-side rectifier circuit that rectifies the alternating-current voltage into a direct-current voltage;a first LC series resonant circuit on a primary side, the first LC series resonant circuit including a first series resonant inductor and a first series resonant capacitor; anda switching control circuit that performs control to alternately turn on and off the high-side and low-side switching circuits of the primary-side alternating-current voltage generating circuit with a dead time; whereinthe secondary-side rectifier circuit includes an adder-rectifier circuit configured to store a voltage generated in the secondary winding in a ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130301307A1
Принадлежит: ABB B.V.

A resonant power converter includes a resonance tank formed by a capacitance component and an inductance component, at least two switches connected to the resonance tank and a voltages source in a bridge configuration, a number of snubber capacitors connected in parallel to each of the switches, a controller configured to control ON and OFF timings of the at least two switches so as to excite the resonance tank, and a voltage sensor configured to sense a voltage drop across at least one of the switches. The controller is configured to switch the at least one of the switches to the ON state when the absolute value of the sensed voltage drop reaches a minimum. 1. A resonant power converter comprising:a resonance tank formed by a capacitance component and an inductance component;at least two switches connected to the resonance tank and a voltage source in a bridge configuration;a plurality of snubber capacitors connected in parallel to each of the switches;a controller configured to control ON and OFF timings of the at least two switches so as to excite the resonance tank; anda voltage sensor configured to sense a voltage drop across at least one of the switches,wherein the controller is configured to switch the at least one of the switches to the ON state when the absolute value of the sensed voltage drop reaches a minimum.2. The converter according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to determine switch timings of the switches into the OFF state on the basis of a clock signal with a given frequency.3. The converter according to claim 2 , wherein the clock signal is synchronized with one of an AC input voltage and a fluctuating DC input voltage.4. The converter according to claim 2 , wherein the frequency is variable for adjusting at least one of an output power an output current of the converter to a given demand.5. The converter according to claim 1 , wherein the controller has a mode of operation in which isolated ON periods of the at least two ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130301308A1
Автор: HOSOTANI Tatsuya

In a switching power supply device with reduced size and increased power conversion efficiency, a first resonant circuit including a series resonant inductor and a series resonant capacitor, and a second resonant circuit including a series resonant inductor and a series resonant capacitor, are caused to resonate with each other to cause sympathetic vibration of each resonant circuit, such that transmission is performed by utilizing both magnetic field coupling and electric field coupling between a primary winding and a secondary winding. Operation at a switching frequency higher than a specific resonant frequency of an overall multi-resonant circuit allows a ZVS operation to be performed, enabling a significant reduction in switching loss and high-efficiency operation. 115-. (canceled)16. A switching power supply device comprising:an electromagnetic field coupling circuit including a primary winding and a secondary winding;a primary-side alternating-current voltage generating circuit including switching circuits connected to the primary winding, each of the switching circuits including a parallel connection circuit which includes a switching element, a diode, and a capacitor, the primary-side alternating-current voltage generating circuit generating an alternating-current voltage from an input direct-current voltage;a secondary-side rectifier circuit that rectifies the alternating-current voltage into a direct-current voltage;a first resonant circuit on a primary side, the first resonant circuit including a first series resonant inductor and a first series resonant capacitor;a second resonant circuit on a secondary side, the second resonant circuit including a second series resonant inductor and a second series resonant capacitor; anda switching control circuit that alternately turns on and off the switching elements of the primary-side alternating-current voltage generating circuit with a dead time to generate an alternating-current voltage having a substantially ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130301311A1

A switching mode power supply, having: an input port; an output port; an energy storage component and a pair of power switches coupled between input port and the output port; an error amplifier configured to generate an amplified error signal based on the feedback signal and the reference signal; an error comparator configured to generate a frequency control signal based on the amplified error signal and the first sawtooth signal; a peak current generator configured to generate a peak current signal based on the frequency control signal; a peak current comparator configured to generate a current limit signal based on the peak current signal and the current sense signal; and a logic circuit configured to generate a switching signal to control the power switches based on the frequency control signal and the current limit signal. 1. A switching mode power supply , comprising:an input port configured to receive an input voltage;an output port configured to provide an output voltage to a load;an energy storage component and a power switches coupled between the input port and the output port;an error amplifier having a first input terminal configured to receive a feedback signal indicative of the output voltage, a second input terminal configured to receive a reference signal, and an output terminal configured to generate an amplified error signal based on the feedback signal and the reference signal;an error comparator having a first input terminal configured to receive the amplified error signal, a second input terminal configured to receive a first sawtooth signal, and an output terminal configured to generate a frequency control signal based on the amplified error signal and the first sawtooth signal;a peak current generator having an input terminal coupled to the output terminal of the error comparator to receive the frequency control signal, and an output terminal configured to generate a peak current signal based on the frequency control signal;a peak current ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130301312A1

An isolated switching power supply apparatus includes a transformer, a primary-side circuit that includes at least a switching element and supplies input power from an input terminal to a primary winding by controlling on/off of the switching element, and a secondary-side circuit that is electrically isolated from the primary-side circuit and that outputs output power resulting from power conversion performed by the transformer from a secondary winding to an output terminal. The apparatus includes a first circuit board to which the primary winding is connected and that includes the primary-side circuit and the input terminal, and a second circuit board to which the secondary winding is connected and that includes the secondary-side circuit and the output terminal. The first and second circuit boards are stacked in a multilayer manner. The primary and secondary windings are arranged around a core that extends through the first and second circuit boards. 1. (canceled)2. An isolated switching power supply apparatus comprising:a transformer that includes a primary winding, a secondary winding, and a core;a primary-side circuit that includes at least a switching element and supplies input power from an input terminal to the primary winding by controlling on/off of the switching element;a secondary-side circuit that is electrically isolated from the primary-side circuit and outputs, from the secondary winding to an output terminal, output power resulting from power conversion performed by the transformer;a first circuit board to which the primary winding is connected and that includes the primary-side circuit and the input terminal; anda second circuit board to which the secondary winding is connected and that includes the secondary-side circuit and the output terminal; whereinthe first circuit board and the second circuit board are stacked in a multilayer manner, and the core extends through the first circuit board and the second circuit board such that both the primary ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Variable Duty Cycle Switching With Imposed Delay

Номер: US20130308345A1

Power conversion methods, systems, articles of manufacture, and devices are provided. The power conversion may include converting between direct current and alternating current wherein switching losses associated with latent electrical charges are reduced. Current sensing may be low-side bus reference. Solid-state implementations, code implementations, and mixed implementations are provided. 117.-. (canceled)18. A power converter comprising:a step-down converter circuit of switching type having an input port to couple to a supply voltage and having an output port to provide an output voltage at a magnitude that is lower than a magnitude of the supply voltage;a control circuit configured to receive a feedback signal and regulate the magnitude of the output voltage in response thereto;a DC/AC converter circuit of switching type having a primary side and a secondary side, the primary side having an input port coupled to the output port of the step-down converter circuit, the secondary side having an output port to provide an AC output voltage;a rectifier circuit having an input port and an output port, the input port being coupled to the secondary side of the DC/AC converter circuit, the output port supplying a DC voltage; anda feedback circuit to generate the feedback signal in response to the output port of the rectifier circuit.1921.-. (canceled) The present invention relates to solid-state power conversion and more specifically to solid-state switch management, feedback, and control.An inverter is an electrical device that uses switches to convert direct current into alternating current. The switches open and close in a pattern to create a reciprocating current back and forth through a load. Conditioning and other circuit functionality can be applied to the resulting reciprocating current to change or manage its frequency, voltage, and size. Switches in inverters may be both mechanical and solid-state.Devices performing the converse function of inverters are called ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130308347A1
Принадлежит: FUJI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

A winding voltage arising in a first winding on the primary side of a transformer is detected in a winding voltage detector unit formed of a second winding, and current flowing through a resonant circuit is detected in a resonant current detector unit formed of an auxiliary capacitor and a resistor. The timing at which the polarity of the detected winding voltage is inverted is detected in a control and drive unit, and the time at which the polarity of the resonant current, whose phase is delayed with respect to that of the winding voltage, will be inverted is determined in advance. In the event that there is a switch in an on-state when the timing immediately before the inversion of the polarity of the resonant current is detected from the output of the resonant current detector unit, the control and drive unit forcibly turns off the switch. 1. A resonant switching power supply device , comprising:a first switch and a second switch connected in series to either terminals into which a direct current voltage is input;a series circuit of a resonant capacitor, at least one of a resonant inductor and transformer leakage inductor, and a first winding on a primary side of a transformer, connected to the first switch or the second switch;a resonant current detector unit that detects a resonant current flowing through the series circuit;a winding voltage detector unit that detects a winding voltage, which is a voltage across a first winding of the transformer; anda control and drive unit that drives the first switch and second switch to be turned on and off alternately, whereinthe control and drive unit has a protection function whereby, in the event that, after it is detected that a polarity of the winding voltage detected by the winding voltage detector unit has been inverted, either the first switch or the second switch is not in an off-state when it is detected that the resonant current detected by the resonant current detector unit has exceeded a threshold value with ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130322127A1
Автор: MOISEEV Sergey

A current-fed full-bridge DC-DC converter includes a current source circuit including a direct-current voltage source circuit and a reactor connected to the direct-current voltage source circuit in series, an inverter circuit including switching elements, input terminals and output terminals, wherein outputs of the current source circuit are connected to the input terminals, a transformer having a primary coil that is connected to the output terminals and a secondary coil and a rectifier circuit which is connected to the secondary coil and through which the current-fed full-bridge DC-DC converter generates direct-current output. The current-fed full-bridge DC-DC converter further includes a capacitor connected to the output terminal and the primary coil in series and a controller controlling on/off operations of the switching elements so that a current can flow from the current source circuit through the primary coil and the capacitor in stopping of the current-fed full-bridge DC-DC converter. 1. A current-fed full-bridge DC-DC converter comprising:a current source circuit including:a direct-current voltage source circuit anda reactor connected to the direct-current voltage source circuit in series;an inverter circuit including a plurality of switching elements, input terminals and output terminals, wherein outputs of the current source circuit are connected to the input terminals of the inverter circuit;a transformer having a primary coil that is connected to the output terminals of the inverter circuit and a secondary coil; anda rectifier circuit which is connected to the secondary coil of the transformer and through which the current-fed full-bridge DC-DC converter generates direct-current output, wherein the current-fed full-bridge DC-DC converter further includes:a capacitor connected to the output terminal of the inverter circuit and the primary coil of the transformer in series; anda controller controlling on/off operations of the switching elements so that a ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Bidirectional dc-dc converter and method of controlling bidirectional dc-dc converter

Номер: US20130322128A1
Автор: Eiji Takegami
Принадлежит: TDK Corp

A bidirectional DC-DC converter is configured with a transformer that has a first winding and a second winding, a first DC-AC converter that is provided between a first DC voltage line and the first winding, a second DC-AC converter that is provided between a second DC voltage line and the second winding, and a controller that performs a switching control operation that bidirectionally transmits DC power between the first DC voltage line and the second DC voltage line. When the bidirectional DC-DC converter is in a light load operation state, the controller provides an operation stop period that periodically stops the switching control operation so as to perform an intermittent switching control operation.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Flash charging protection circuit and control method thereof

Номер: US20130328520A1
Принадлежит: Altek Corp

A flash charging protection circuit and a control method thereof adapted to a charging circuit coupled to a power supply are provided. An analog-to-digital converter receives a feedback voltage output from the charging circuit and an input voltage output from the power supply. A power voltage detection module detects whether the input voltage is abnormal or not. A charging state detection module detects whether a rising curve of the feedback voltage is abnormal or not. If a controller receives a power abnormal signal or a charging state abnormal signal, the controller disables a pulse width modulation signal generator to produce a pulse width modulation signal.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130329463A1
Автор: Chen Wei

The present invention discloses circuits and methods for high efficiency and fast response AC-DC voltage converters. In one embodiment, an AC-DC voltage converter can include: (i) a first stage voltage converter having an isolated topology with a power factor correction function, where the first stage voltage converter is configured to convert an AC input voltage to a series-connected N branches of first stage voltages, where N is a positive integer of at least two; (ii) a second stage voltage converter having a non-isolated topology, where the second stage voltage converter is configured to convert one of the N branches of the first stage voltages to a second stage voltage; and (iii) where the second stage voltage and a remaining of the N branches of the first stage voltages are configured to be series-connected and converted to a DC output voltage. 1. An AC-DC voltage converter configured to convert an AC input voltage to a DC output voltage , the AC-DC voltage converter comprising:a) a first stage voltage converter having an isolated topology with a power factor correction function, wherein said first stage voltage converter is configured to convert said AC input voltage to a series-connected N branches of first stage voltages, wherein N is a positive integer of at least two;b) a second stage voltage converter having a non-isolated topology, wherein said second stage voltage converter is configured to convert one of said N branches of said first stage voltages to a second stage voltage; andc) wherein said second stage voltage and a remaining of said N branches of said first stage voltages are configured to be series-connected and converted to said DC output voltage at an output terminal of said AC-DC voltage converter.2. The AC-DC voltage converter of claim 1 , wherein said second stage voltage converter comprises a pulse-width modulation (PWM) control circuit configured to receive said DC output voltage claim 1 , and to generate a PWM signal configured to ...
