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20-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2317648C2

Изобретение относится к области передачи данных. Достигаемый технический результат - обеспечение высокой пропускной способности. Предложены способы обработки передачи данных в передатчике и приемнике с использованием собственного разложения канала, инверсии канала. В передатчике проводят собственное разложение канала, чтобы определить собственные моды МВМВ-канала и получить первое множество векторов управления; проводят инверсию канала, чтобы получить весовые коэффициенты, например, одно множество для каждой собственной моды, используемые для минимизации искажений, вносимых межсимвольными помехами, получают масштабирующие значения, характеризующие мощности передачи, распределяемые по собственным модам, при этом первое множество векторов управления, весовые коэффициенты и масштабирующие значения используются для получения матрицы формирования импульсов, которая используется для предварительного приведения к требуемым условиям символов модуляции перед передачей. В приемнике проводят собственное ...

11-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2666623C2

Изобретение относится к системе беспроводной связи. Технический результат изобретения заключается в повышении производительности оценки канала за счет включения большего количества длинных учебных полей (LTF) в кадр, чем это предусматривает технический стандарт (TS) 802.11ac Института инженеров по электротехнике и радиоэлектронике (IEEE) для количества пространственно-временных потоков. Способ передачи данных в системе беспроводной связи содержит этапы, на которых генерируют первый набор пространственно-временных потоков для первой станции (STA); генерируют первый набор длинных учебных полей для первой STA, причем первый набор длинных учебных полей включает по меньшей мере еще два длинных учебных поля по сравнению с пространственно-временными потоками в первом наборе пространственно-временных потоков; передают первый набор длинных учебных полей и первый набор пространственно-временных потоков на первую STA. 4 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

21-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2767776C2
Принадлежит: ИДАК ХОЛДИНГЗ, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к технике связи и может использоваться в системах беспроводной связи. Технический результат состоит в обеспечении обнаружения физического канала управления нисходящей линии связи с повышенной надежностью и малым временем задержки. Для этого модуль беспроводной передачи/приема принимает конфигурацию набора ресурсов управления (CORESET), включая индикатор приоритетного высвобождения PDCCH. Если приоритетное высвобождение PDCCH разрешено на основе индикатора приоритетного высвобождения, модуль WTRU может идентифицировать и удалять приоритетно высвобожденные группы ресурсных элементов путем сравнения оценок канала для каждого пакета. WTRU выполняет оценку и обнаруживает PDCCH посредством выполнения слепого декодирования. 2 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

25-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2768958C2

Изобретение относится к области связи. Технический результат заключается в возможности приемному устройству идентифицировать группы гипотез последовательностей, имеющие одинаковые значения в первом наборе местоположений общих тонов опорных сигналов демодуляции, DMRS, и каждую гипотезу последовательности в группе, имеющей второй набор местоположений общих DMRS-тонов с другими значениями. Для этого одна последовательность из множества последовательностей может передаваться в нескольких тонах по меньшей мере одного короткого пакетного символа, передающего по меньшей мере один бит информации. Множество последовательностей могут иметь идентичные значения в первом наборе местоположений общих тонов для опорных сигналов демодуляции (DMRS), и группы последовательностей из множества последовательностей могут идентифицироваться, причем каждая последовательность в группе имеет второй набор местоположений общих тонов для DMRS. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 22 ил.

03-09-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019141084A3

06-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2699586C1

Изобретение относится к беспроводной связи и, в частности, к способу и устройству для передачи отчета с информацией состояния канала (CSI). Техническим результатом изобретения является обеспечение способа для определения смещения слота, связанного с отчетом CSI, когда посредством информации DCI инициируется множество настроечных параметров отчета. Технический результат достигается за счет того, что в способе выполняется прием от базовой станции сигнализации RRC, которая содержит множество настроечных параметров отчета, причем каждый настроечный параметр отчета содержит соответствующий список первых значений, представляющих смещения времени для передачи отчета CSI, формируя множество списков первых значений; прием от базовой станции информации DCI, инициирующей отчет CSI, причем информация DCI содержит значение индекса, относящееся ко времени, в которое следует передать отчет CSI на канале PUSCH; определение на основе информации DCI множества элементов списка; определение второго значения ...

10-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2411681C1

Изобретение относится к области радиосвязи, более конкретно, к структуре пилот-сигнала для беспроводной системы связи. Технический результат - более эффективная оценка канала и помех для каждого терминала посредством оценки отклика канала на основании пилот-сигналов. Терминал может формировать пилот-символы для первого кластера в частотно-временном блоке на основании первой последовательности и может формировать пилот-символы для второго кластера в частотно-временном блоке на основании второй последовательности. Первая и вторая последовательности могут включать в себя общие элементы, расположенные в разных порядках, и могут быть рассмотрены как разные варианты одной последовательности. Терминал может передавать пилот-символы в соответствующих им кластерах в частотно-временном блоке. Базовая станция может формировать каждый из множества базисных векторов с помощью множества вариантов последовательности, назначаемой терминалу, и может обрабатывать принятые пилот-символы с помощью множества ...

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014146288A

... 1. Устройство связи в системе связи, содержащее:набор схем обработки приема, выполненный с возможностью получения сигнала канала управления, включающего в себя информацию об опорном сигнале демодуляции (DMRS), указывающую по меньшей мере один порт DMRS, и информацию о квазисовмещении, указывающую по меньшей мере один порт опорного сигнала информации о состоянии канала (CSI-RS), и получения сигнала канала данных, указанного сигналом канала управления, на основе информации о DMRS и информации о квазисовмещении; иконтроллер, выполненный с возможностью управления работой набора схем обработки приема,причем упомянутый по меньшей мере один порт DMRS, соответствующий информации о DMRS, и упомянутый по меньшей мере один порт CSI-RS, соответствующий информации о квазисовмещении, являются квазисовмещенными в отношении по меньшей мере одного из доплеровского сдвига, доплеровского расширения, средней задержки или разброса по задержке.2. Устройство по п. 1, в котором набор схем обработки приема дополнительно ...

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011120063A

... 1. Способ беспроводной связи в беспроводной сети связи, в котором беспроводная сеть связи содержит множество мобильных терминалов, скомпонованных в системе связи V-MIMO (виртуальная система с многими входами и многими выходами) с базовой станцией, включающий в себя следующие этапы:прием опорного сигнала восходящего канала связи от каждого из множества мобильных терминалов;определение, на основе соответствующего принятого опорного сигнала, первой оценки канала опорного сигнала для каждого из множества мобильных терминалов;определение оценки с учетом компенсации помехи для каждого из множества мобильных терминалов с использованием соответствующей первой оценки канала опорного сигнала иопределение соответствующей второй оценки канала опорного сигнала для каждого из множества мобильных терминалов на основе соответствующей оценки с учетом компенсации помехи.2. Способ по п.1, в котором каждая вторая оценка канала опорного сигнала определяется с использованием метода на основе критерия минимальной ...

27-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008141676A

... 1. Способ обработки данных для передачи в системе связи с большим количеством входов и выходов (БКВВ), заключающийся в том, что ! принимают по меньшей мере один поток символов данных для передачи от множества антенн; ! масштабируют каждый из по меньшей мере одного потока символов данных с помощью соответственного весового коэффициента, соответствующего величине мощности передачи, распределенной для этого потока символов данных; и ! обрабатывают по меньшей мере один поток символов данных с помощью основной матрицы передачи для обеспечения множества потоков передаваемых символов, причем основную матрицу передачи определяют таким образом, что каждый из по меньшей мере одного потока символов данных передается от множества антенн, и каждый поток передаваемых символов передается на полной или близкой к полной мощности, доступной для связанной антенны. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором основной матрицей передачи является матрица Уолша-Адамара. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором основной матрицей передачи ...

27-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010138737A

... 1. Устройство приемника в системе связи с большим количеством входов и выходов (БКВВ), содержащее ! средство для получения множества потоков принимаемых символов для множества приемных антенн, причем множество потоков принимаемых символов включает в себя, по меньшей мере, один поток символов данных, обработанных с помощью основной матрицы передачи, для формирования множества потоков передаваемых символов для множества передающих антенн, причем основная матрица передачи определена таким образом, что каждый из, по меньшей мере, одного потока символов данных передается от множества передающих антенн, и каждый поток передаваемых символов передается на полной или близкой к полной мощности, доступной для связанной передающей антенны; и ! средство для обработки множества потоков принимаемых символов для восстановления, по меньшей мере, одного потока символов данных. ! 2. Устройство приемника по п.1, в котором средство для обработки включает в себя ! средство для выравнивания множества потоков ...

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012106119A

... 1. Способ передачи информации состояния канала (CSI) обратной связи в абонентском оборудовании (UE) в системе беспроводной связи, при этом способ содержит этапы, на которых:принимают из усовершенствованного узла В (eNB) информацию о по меньшей мере одном ресурсе, сконфигурированном для UE;принимают из eNB индикатор, указывающий конкретный ресурс по меньшей мере одного ресурса для CSI обратной связи и тип CSI обратной связи, соответствующий конкретному ресурсу; ипередают в eNB CSI обратной связи для конкретного ресурса согласно типу CSI обратной связи, соответствующему конкретному ресурсу, на основании индикатора.2. Способ по п.1, в котором указанный тип CSI обратной связи является типом CSI апериодической обратной связи и CSI обратной связи, соответствующая типу CSI апериодической обратной связи, передается по физическому совместно используемому каналу восходящей линии связи (PUSCH).3. Способ передачи информации состояния канала (CSI) обратной связи в абонентском оборудовании (UE) в системе ...

27-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012110228A

... 1. Способ беспроводной связи, содержащий:оценку канала из принятого сигнала, используя одну или более схем оценки канала;удаление компонентного сигнала, используя оцененный канал, из принятого сигнала для генерирования обработанного сигнала; иобнаружение остаточного сигнала в обработанном сигнале.2. Способ по п.1, в котором принятый сигнал содержит компоненты из множества ячеек.3. Способ по п.1, в котором оценка дополнительно содержит:обнаружение первичного сигнала синхронизации в принятом сигнале; игенерирование оценки канала, используя первичный сигнал синхронизации.4. Способ по п.1, в котором оценка дополнительно содержит:обнаружение вторичного сигнала синхронизации в принятом сигнале; игенерирование оценки канала, используя вторичный сигнал синхронизации.5. Способ по п.1, в котором оценка дополнительно содержит:получение опорного сигнала; игенерирование оценки канала, используя опорный сигнал.6. Способ по п.5, в котором получение дополнительно содержит:обнаружение сигнала от первой ...

27-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006129926A

... 1. Способ оценивания частотной характеристики беспроводного канала в системе беспроводной связи, содержащий: получение, по меньшей мере, двух групп принятых символов пилот-сигнала для, по меньшей мере, двух наборов поддиапазонов пилот-сигнала, по одной группе принятых символов пилот-сигнала для каждого набора поддиапазонов пилот-сигнала, причем каждый из упомянутых, по меньшей мере, двух наборов поддиапазонов пилот-сигнала используется для передачи пилот-сигнала в разном периоде символа; получение, по меньшей мере, двух начальных оценок частотной характеристики, базирующееся на упомянутых, по меньшей мере, двух группах принятых символов пилот-сигнала, по одной начальной оценке частотной характеристики для каждой группы принятых символов пилот-сигнала; вывод полной оценки импульсной характеристики канала, базирующийся на упомянутых, по меньшей мере, двух начальных оценках частотной характеристики, причем полная оценка импульсной характеристики канала содержит больше ответвлений (составляющих ...

05-03-2009 дата публикации

Mobiles Endgerät und dazu gehörige Methode zur Kanalkompensation

Номер: DE602006004837D1

03-04-2013 дата публикации

Tank tray for an extractor cleaning machine

Номер: GB0201302806D0

02-09-2015 дата публикации

Receiver and method of receiving

Номер: GB0201512953D0

12-12-2012 дата публикации

Wireless communication methods and apparatus

Номер: GB0201219498D0

04-07-2007 дата публикации

Multiple antenna multicarrier communication system and method with reduced mobile-station processing

Номер: GB2433862A

In a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multicarrier communication system, a mobile station sends a quantized time-domain representation of the channel transfer function to a base station for use by the base station in generating beamforming coefficients for use in subsequent transmissions to the mobile station. In some embodiments, the quantized time-domain representation of the channel transfer function may be generated from selected most significant rays of an initial estimated sampled channel impulse response. Other embodiments may be described and claimed.

05-08-2009 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for detecting a data stream based on an estimated data stream and an estimated interference.

Номер: GB2456874A

A method and an apparatus fof detecting a data stream comprising estimating a data stream from a received signal, generating an interference estimate based on said estimated data stream, detecting the data stream using said interference estimate.

18-10-2006 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for providing channel state information

Номер: GB0000617919D0

31-08-2008 дата публикации

Adaptive preamble length for continuing connectivity transmission

Номер: AP2008004563A0

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000412274T

15-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000320120T

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for transmitting and receiving control information in wireless communication system

Номер: AU2018334842A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

Disclosed are a method for transmitting and receiving control information in a wireless communication system, and an apparatus therefor. The method according to one embodiment of the present disclosure comprises: receiving, from a base station, information related to an interruption setting through upper signaling; searching for an interruption indicator according to the determination, based on the received information on the interruption setting, of a format of the interruption indicator transmitted from the base station to a terminal; and identifying, on the basis of the format of the interruption indicator, the information included in the interruption indicator detected through the search.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for providing efficient precoding feedback in a MIMO wireless communication system

Номер: AU2007284477B2

Precoding feedback scheme based on Jacobi rotations to generate the feedback in the uplink. For a wireless communication system including a transmitter and a receiver. The system may use either a single codeword (SOW) or a double codeword (DCW). The precoding scheme is based on transmit beamforming (TxBF). Differential feedback is considered, with periodic non-differential feedback to avoid error accumulation or propagation due to differential processing.

22-03-2002 дата публикации

A method of channel estimation and the receive system for implementing said method

Номер: AU0006817200A

19-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2017205032B2
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Provided is an information transmission method for a wireless local area network. The method comprises: generating a legacy signalling domain and/or a repeated legacy signalling domain L-SIG/RL-SIG, comprising sub-carriers with sequence numbers of the L-SIG or the RL-SIG being -28, -27, 27 and 28 under the bandwidth of 20MHz sequentially carrying -1, -1, -1 and 1; and sending the generated L-SIG/RL-SIG.

11-06-2002 дата публикации

Using different channel models for different training sequences

Номер: AU0003320002A

09-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002398484A1

In a full duplex PCM modem system (figure 2), a method and apparatus is provided for robust measuring of the communications channel (67) in which the digital modem (26) transmitter is silenced (54) during generation of training signal by analog modem (12), with silencing of the digital modem's transmitter eliminating problems associated with echo during channel measurement at the digital modem. The above method thus eliminates echo during channel estimation and removes any dependencies on the performance of the echo canceller normally used.

19-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002762235A1

Techniques for performing sphere detection to recover data symbols sent in a MIMO transmission are described. In an aspect, sphere detection is performed for data symbols generated with at least two modulation schemes. In another aspect, sphere detection is performed for the data symbols in an order determined based on at least one attribute of the data symbols, which may be error probabilities, modulation schemes, and/or link margins for the data symbols. In yet another aspect, rates for multiple data streams detected with sphere detection are selected based on channel state information. Signal qualities of the data streams may be estimated based on the channel state information, e.g., (1) an upper triangular matrix used for sphere detection and/or (2) an assumption that interference from data streams already detected is canceled. The rates for the data streams may be selected based on the estimated signal qualities.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3127834A1

Methods, systems, and devices for channel state estimating and reporting schemes in wireless communication are described. In one aspect, a wireless communication method is provided to include transmitting, by a communication device, a channel state report message that includes at least one of a first field indicative of a value of a parameter or a second field that includes a deviation or a change rate of the parameter.

21-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002637648C

A disclosed communication system includes multiple mobile stations and a base station. The mobile station maps a pilot channel comprising a CAZAC code to a signal including multiple frequency components arranged at regular intervals in a given frequency band, and transmits a transmission signal including the signal according to scheduling information. The mobile station performs the mapping such that its transmission signal and transmission signals of other mobile stations using different frequency bands become orthogonal to each other on a frequency axis. The base station calculates the correlation between a received signal and a pilot channel replica, performs channel estimation, and demodulates the received signal based on the result of channel estimation. The base station generates the pilot channel replica by mapping a pilot channel comprising a CAZAC code to a signal including multiple frequency components arranged at regular intervals in a given frequency band.

19-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002918494A1

A method performed by a wireless communication infrastructure entity, comprising allocating radio resources in a super-frame including a plurality of radio frames wherein each radio frame includes at least two regions, characterized in that at least one frame of the super-frame includes a control message specifying a configuration characteristic of regions within each radio frame of a super-frame, wherein the configuration characteristic of the regions is selected from a group comprising a number regions, a type of region, and an ordering of the regions.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002953167A1

Provided in the present invention are an apparatus and method for use in radio communication, an electronic device, and a method for use with the electronic device. The apparatus comprises: a location determination unit, which is configured to determine a cell subdivision corresponding to the geographic location of a communication device, where each cell comprises multiple cell subdivisions; and, a pilot determination unit, which is configured to determine an uplink pilot sequence corresponding to the cell subdivision as the uplink pilot sequence of the communication device.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002956099A1

A method for operating a user equipment (UE) configured for estimating channel quality includes receiving a downlink fractional control channel from a non-serving HS-DSCH cell, estimating a quality of the downlink fractional control channel over a specified time period, and deriving downlink synchronization primitives in accordance with the quality of the downlink fractional control channel. Further methods for deriving the transmit power of an uplink control channel from downlink fractional control channels transmitted by the serving and non-serving HS-DSCH cells are disclosed.

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002821697A1

Provided are a transmission line estimation device, a transmission line estimation method, and a receiver in which desired performance is obtained even when the known signal series length is equal to a tap length or shorter than a tap length. The transmission line estimation device generates an estimated reception signal from a tap coefficient and a known signal series stored in the transversal filter unit (2), generates an error signal from the difference between the reception signal and the estimated reception signal, generates a known signal series, a tap coefficient, and a tap coefficient updated from the error signal, designates an effective interval formed from a predetermined number of taps in a plurality of taps in the transversal filter unit (2), and designates a first interval and a second interval set so as to include the center tap. The generation of the estimated reception signal and the generation of the updated tap coefficient are performed by generating an estimated reception ...

01-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002865770C

Methods and apparatuses indicate and identify quasi co-located reference signal ports. A method of identifying by a UE includes identifying, from downlink control information, a CSI-RS port that is quasi co-located with a DM-RS port assigned to the UE. The method includes identifying large scale properties for the assigned DM -RS port based on large scale properties for the CSI -RS port. The method includes performing channel estimation and/or time/frequency synchronization using the identified large scale properties for the DM-RS port. Another method for identifying by a UE includes identifying, from downlink control information, a CRS port that is quasi co-located with a CSI-RS port configured for the UE. The method includes identifying large scale properties for the configured CSI-RS port based on large scale properties for the CRS port. The method includes performing channel estimation and/or time/frequency synchronization using the identified large scale properties for the CSI-RS port ...

26-06-1994 дата публикации

Digital Data Demodulating Apparatus

Номер: CA0002112151A1

06-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002176945C
Принадлежит: MOTOROLA, INC.

A method and apparatus is provided for facilitating coherent communication reception. A received reference symbol coded spreadspectrum communication signal is despread with a spreading code to derive a stream of reference samples (152) and a stream of data samples (158). The channel response is estimated by utilizing the stream of reference samples (152). An offset frequency detector (443) determines an offset to be applied to the received signal via a frequency locked loop (456), while a timing control (176) compensates for slow timing drift and fast fading based on power estimates derived from the stream of reference samples (152) and or the stream of data samples (158). A rate estimator determines the rate at which the information was encoded, and the rate information is used to optimize the timing control (176), frequency offset detector (443) and channel estimator (154). Thus an improved detection of estimated data symbols from the stream of received data samples (158) is provided.

25-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002303388A1

A simple block coding arrangement is created with symbols transmitted over a plurality of transmit channels, in connection with coding that comprises only of simple arithmetic operations, such as negation and conjugation. The diversity created by the transmitter utilizes space diversity and either time or frequency diversity. Space diversity is effected by redundantly transmitting over a plurality of antennas, time diversity is effected by redundantly transmitting at different times, and frequency diversity is effected by redundantly transmitting at different frequencies. Illustratively, using two transmit antennas and a single receive antenna, one of the disclosed embodiments provides the same diversity gain as the maximal-ratio receiver combining (MRRC) scheme with one transmit antenna and two receive antennas. The principles of this invention are applicable to arrangements with more than two antennas, and an illustrative embodiment is disclosed using the same space block code with two ...

08-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002303388C

A simple block coding arrangement is created with symbols transmitted over a plurality of transmit channels, in connection with coding that comprises only simple arithmetic operations, such as negation an d conjugation. The diversity created by the transmitter utilizes space diversity and either time or frequency diversity. Space diversity is effected by redundantly transmitting over a plurality of antennas, time diversity is effected by redundantly transmitting at different times, a nd frequency diversity is effected by redundantly transmitting at different frequencies. Illustratively, using two transmit antennas and a single receive antenna, one of the disclosed embodiments provides the same diversity gain as the maximal-ratio deceiver combining (MRRC) schem e with one transmit antenna and two receive antennas. The principles of this invention are applicable to arrangements with more than t wo antennas, and an illustrative embodiment is disclosed using the same space block code with two ...

28-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EA201170893A1

Предусмотрены система связи, устройство базовой станции, устройство мобильной станции и способ связи, которые позволяют эффективно управлять измерительной информацией, сохраненной посредством устройства базовой станции и устройства мобильной станции в системе, имеющей множество составных несущих. Устройство мобильной станции используется в системе мобильной связи, конфигурируемой посредством устройства базовой станции и устройства мобильной станции. Для множества сот, имеющих различные частоты, опорная сота относительно объекта, который должен измеряться, задается как опорная сота для измерения при выполнении измерения. Устройство мобильной станции указывает одну или более опорных сот для измерения для объекта, который должен измеряться, и выполняет измерение объекта, который должен измеряться, для указанной одной или более опорных сот для измерения.

25-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000089609C2

Предложены способы обработки передачи данных в передатчике и приемнике с использованием собственного разложения канала, инверсии канала и (по выбору) метода "заливания воды". В передатчике (1) проводят собственное разложение канала, чтобы определить собственные моды МВМВ -канала и получить первое множественное число векторов управления; (2) проводят инверсию канала, чтобы получить весовые коэффициенты (например, одно множественное число для каждой собственной моды), которые используются для минимизации искажений, которые вносятся МСП; и (3) можно провести "заливание воды", чтобы получить масштабирующие значения, которые характеризуют мощности передачи, которые распределяются по собственным модам. Первое множественное число векторов управления, весовые коэффициенты и масштабирующие значения, используются для получения матрицы формирования импульсов, которая используется для предварительного приведения к необходимым условиям символов модуляции перед передачей. В приемнике проводят собственное ...

10-12-2003 дата публикации

Transmitter Diversity Technique for Wireless Communications

Номер: GE0P20033127B

24-03-2010 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for improved utilization of air link resources in a wireless communications system

Номер: CN0101682496A

Methods and apparatus for improving the utilization of air link resources in a wireless communications system, e.g., an OFDM MIMO system, including a base station with multiple transmit antennas are described. Superposition signaling in the downlink is employed. The superimposed signal includes a first transform result signal and a second lower power signal. The first transform result signal is generated from a first signal, which uses position modulation, e.g., including null components and high power non-null components. Different components of the first transform result signal are directedto different transmit antennas. The first transform result signal communicates information to a first wireless terminal, e.g., a weak receiver. The non-null received elements of the first transform result signal are utilized by a second wireless terminal, e.g., a superior receiver, as pilots to determine a channel estimate. The second wireless terminal uses the determined channel estimate to demodulate ...

16-09-2009 дата публикации

Noise based quality estimation for signals

Номер: CN0101536392A

The invention relates to a method of calculating the noise power in a received signal containing a pilot channel, the method comprising estimating the power of the received signal, estimating the power of the pilot channel and calculating the noise power as a function of the estimated signal and the pilot channel powers. The noise power thus deduced may be used as a parameter of a function defining a channel quality indicator. The invention extends to corresponding apparatus.

22-06-2018 дата публикации

Wireless communication control channel system and method

Номер: CN0108200651A

15-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN0107171983A

26-09-2017 дата публикации

Management and mitigation of narrowband interference

Номер: CN0107210979A

20-05-2009 дата публикации

Improved method of codification and decodification with at least two pairs of orthogonal sequences

Номер: CN0101438552A

Improved method of codification and decodification with at least two pairs of orthogonal sequences to improve the time required for calculationg filter coefficients with a view to reducing by half data overload in communication systems, by means of transmission of both sequences simultaneously and transmission of the result by means of quadrature modulation to a means of transmission.

01-05-2020 дата публикации

User channel estimation method

Номер: CN0106685625B

13-11-2018 дата публикации

In a wireless communication system performing channel estimation device and method

Номер: CN0104065594B

12-03-2008 дата публикации

Dynamic power control for space time diversity transmit antenna pairs

Номер: CN0100375419C

27-04-2011 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for adapting channel estimation in a communication system

Номер: CN0102037693A
Автор: R Krishna Muer Di

Methods and apparatus for adapting a channel estimation scheme in a transceiver in a communication system are disclosed to adapt channel estimation to the transceiver environment, particularly for high Doppler environments. The disclosed methods and apparatus effect determination of an estimate of a power delay profile of a channel or a time correlation of the channel, or both. A channel estimation scheme is then determined based on at least one of the determined power delay profile and time correlation of the channel. By basing determination of a channel estimation scheme on the power delay profile and/or the time correlation of the channel, the channel estimation scheme is adapted to the particular environment of the transceiver by accounting for the delay spread of the channel and/or the speed of the transceiver.

17-12-2008 дата публикации

Wireless communication method, wireless communication device and wireless communication system

Номер: CN0101326742A

A wireless communication system is disclosed. The wireless communication system performs data transmission using spatially multiplexed streams from a first terminal including N antennas to a second terminal including M antennas (N and M are integers larger than or equal to 2 and N Подробнее

28-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101099939B1

26-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100949987B1

30-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101088602B1

13-04-2017 дата публикации

무선랜 시스템에서 MU-MIMO 방법, MU-MIMO를 위한 액세스 포인트 및 스테이션

Номер: KR0101726864B1
Автор: 최인경
Принадлежит: 한국전자통신연구원

... 다중 채널을 이용하는 무선랜 시스템에서 MU-MIMO 방법, MU-MIMO를 위한 액세스 포인트 및 스테이션에 관한 기술이 개시된다. 이러한 기술에 따르면, 적어도 하나 이상의 스테이션을 포함하며 다중 채널을 이용하는 무선랜 시스템에서, 액세스 포인트의 MU-MIMO 방법에 있어서, 상기 다중 채널 각각에 대해, 상기 스테이션에 의해 선택된 빔에 대한 프리코딩 벡터를 나타내는 인덱스 정보 및 채널 품질 정보를 상기 스테이션으로부터 수신하는 단계; 상기 채널 품질 정보를 이용하여, 상기 다중 채널 중 기 설정된 채널 대역폭에 따른 채널 조합 그룹의 제1채널 용량 정보를 생성하는 단계; 및 상기 제1채널 용량 정보에 따라 상기 채널 조합 그룹 중 선택된 채널 조합에서, 상기 인덱스 정보 및 상기 채널 품질 정보를 이용하여, 상기 스테이션에 자원을 할당하는 단계를 포함하며, 상기 액세스 포인트 및 상기 스테이션은 상기 MU-MIMO를 위한 복수의 빔에 대한 프리코딩 벡터 정보를 기 저장하고 있는 MU-MIMO 방법이 개시된다.

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020140121541A

30-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170074779A

In a staggercasting system, a receiver estimates a delivery time of a packet from a main stream, and substitutes a corresponding packet from a stagger stream if the packet from the main stream is not received at the estimated delivery time. As a result, a loss can be quickly detected since the receiver does not have to wait until detecting a missing sequence number. Therefore, the receiver can accommodate a display time such that a user does not suffer a loss in service quality. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 (405) Estimate a transfer time (D) for a packet (410) Check the loss by using the transfer time (D) (AA) Start (BB) End ...

11-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020080052192A

PURPOSE: An apparatus and a method for receiving a digital signal based on an OFDM are provided to decide a time synchronizing point for minimizing ISI(Inter-Symbol Interference) and to perform the channel estimation accurately, at the same time. CONSTITUTION: An apparatus for receiving a digital signal comprises a signal receiving part(100), a time synchronizing estimating part(101), a channel estimating part(102), and a data restoring part(103). The signal receiving part receives a signal which is modulated by an OFDM using a preamble including a CAZAC(Constant Amplitude Zero Auto Correlation) sequence. The time synchronizing estimating part measures the degree of cross-correlation between the received digital signal and the preamble and a power value of the received digital signal, calculates a point at which the ISI is minimal, and estimates the point as a time synchronizing point. The channel estimating part estimates a channel compensation value through a first fast Fourier transform ...

19-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020080084588A

PURPOSE: A method for performing an AMC(Adaptive Modulation and Coding) scheme in a mobile communication system are provided to reduce the complexity in a multi user access of a system by using a downlink AMC scheme through an uplink feedback in a wireless communication system. CONSTITUTION: A method for performing an AMC scheme in a mobile communication system includes the steps of: measuring a channel state through a pilot signal received from a mobile station to a base station(S101); selecting a first MCS(Modulation and Coding Selection) level in an MCS subset as a predetermined number of level sets base don the measured channel state(S102); and performing the feedback of the first MCS level information to the base station(S103). The MCS levels are included in a predetermined MCS set. The MCS subset is configured to have larger SNR(Signal to Noise Ratio) unit information than an SNR unit information of the MCS. © KIPO 2008 ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180037448A
Автор: HUH, HEON

Disclosed are a method and an apparatus for estimating a channel in a communication system which can reduce an unnecessary waste of a channel resource. A wireless transmitting apparatus can sense a channel environment, can calculate the amount of channel variation based on the sensed channel environment, and can allocate a pilot symbol to a frequency region according to the amount of channel variation. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 (111,122) Processor (112) Sensor (121) Receiver ...

13-07-2018 дата публикации

장치 및 방법

Номер: KR1020180081049A

... 데이터 신호의 간섭의 상황을 보다 적절하게 아는 것을 가능하게 하는 구조를 제공한다. 서빙 기지국 및 주변 기지국으로부터 수신된 레퍼런스 신호의 측정 결과, 및 상기 주변 기지국의 레퍼런스 신호와 데이터 신호의 전력의 차에 관한 정보에 기초하여 산출한, 상기 서빙 기지국의 CQI(Channel Quality Indicator)를 상기 서빙 기지국에 피드백하는 처리부를 구비하는 장치이다.

01-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020070096059A

A method and apparatus is used for generating a perfectly random secret key between two or more transceivers in a wireless communication network. In a point-to-point system, both transceivers produce an estimate of the channel impulse response (CIR) based on the received radio signal. The CIR estimation is synchronized and may include error correction and detection. A long secret key of bits is generated from a digitized version of the CIR estimate, from which a perfectly secret encryption key is derived by privacy amplification. © KIPO & WIPO 2007 ...

24-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020130054391A

12-03-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190025875A

13-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020100080950A

Techniques for processing a data transmission at a transmitter and receiver, which use channel eigen- decomposition, channel inversion, and (optionally) ~water-pouring~. At the transmitter, channel eigen-decomposition is performed to determine eigenmodes of a MIMO channel and to derive a first set of steering vectors, channel inversion is performed to derive weights (e.g., one set for each eigenmode) used to minimize ISI distortion, and water-pouring may be performed to derive scaling values indicative of the transmit powers allocated to the eigenmodes. The first set of steering vectors, weights, and scaling values are used to derive a pulse-shaping matrix, which is used to precondition modulation symbols prior to transmission. At the receiver, channel eigen-decomposition is performed to derive a second set of steering vectors, which are used to derive a pulse-shaping matrix used to condition received symbols such that orthogonal symbol streams are recovered. COPYRIGHT KIPO & WIPO 2010 ...

16-10-2011 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for generation and use of reference signals in a communications system

Номер: TW0201136247A

Apparatus and methods for generation and use of reference signals in a wireless communications system are described. A group-specific reference signal pattern may be generated for provision to a group of UEs or terminals in communication with an eNodeB or base station. The reference signal may be generated based on system parameters. Reference signals may be generated to span multiple contiguous physical resource blocks.

11-02-2006 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for estimating response characteristic, and receiving method and receiver utilizing the same

Номер: TWI249295B

BB input units input baseband received signals. Initial value computation units compute correlation values by performing correlation processings between the baseband received signals and a training signal in the interval of the training signal. A phase error estimating unit outputs a phase error signal based on the baseband received signals and the training signal. Weight computation units generate initial weighting coefficients by compensating the correlation values with the phase error signal, when the interval of the training signal ends. In the interval of a data signal, the weighting coefficients are updated from the initial weighting coefficients. A synthesizing unit adds up the weighting coefficients after weighting the baseband received signals with the weighting coefficients.

08-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012031116A1

An extractor cleaning machine including a base or foot movable along a surface to be cleaned and a handle pivotally coupled to the foot for movement between an upright position and a reclined position. The handle includes a tank tray having an inlet and a drain. A channel communicates with the drain and extends away from the tank tray. A distributor communicates with the inlet and is operable to distribute cleaning fluid to the surface. A supply tank is removably coupled to the handle and has an outlet in fluid communication with the inlet when the supply tank is coupled to the handle. The supply tank is at least partially supported by the tank tray and the tank tray is configured to collect fluid spilt from the supply tank and to divert the fluid away from the tank tray by way of the channel.

05-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO2006001909A2

Selon l'invention, pour choisir un mode de transmission à utiliser pour transmettre des données par une voie MIMO d'une station A à une station B, la station A reçoit des informations de voie utilisées pour un traitement spatial et détermine l'âge de ces informations. La station A choisit un parmi plusieurs modes transmission en fonction de l'âge des informations de voie et éventuellement d'autres informations (telles que la caractéristique d'affaiblissement de la voie MIMO). Pour choisir un ou des débits à utiliser pour la transmission de données, la station A reçoit de la voie (CSI) des informations d'état indiquant la qualité du signal reçu pour la voie MIMO, par exemple les SNR reçus ou les débits "initiaux". La station A détermine l'âge de la CSI et choisit un ou plusieurs débits "définitifs" sur la base de la CSI, de l'âge de la CSI, du mode transmission choisi, et éventuellement d'autres informations. La station A traite les données conformément au mode transmission choisi et au( ...

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012061798A1

An interference cancellation repeater employing zero-IF or direct conversion radio architecture implements IQ imbalance compensation using a metric and an adaptive algorithm. The metric is based on the image rejection ratio of the repeater and is indicative of the level of spectral image caused by the repeater's receiver or transmitter IQ imbalance.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013100930A1

Disclosed is an improved channel estimation by post-processing of the channel response that is generated by a Golay correlator. The processing is done using time-domain operations such as gating and filtering. Gating is performed on the estimated channel response taps in order to reduce the noise level. Pre-filtering the channel response through a filter matched to the transmitted pulse-shape improves the probability of detecting the channel peaks. Post-filtering the processed channel impulse response to eliminate the high frequency effects that are added by the windowing and gating operations.

22-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012035453A1

Interference is estimated in an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing system by receiving at a wireless receiver pilot symbols and data symbols transmitted in time and frequency via resource blocks, detecting a first one of the data symbols transmitted to the wireless receiver via a time-frequency resource element of a first one of the resource blocks and identifying a second one of the resource blocks adjacent the first resource block having related interference parameters. The interference is estimated based on the pilot symbols transmitted via the first resource block and the pilot symbols transmitted via the second resource block.

31-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005029804A3

Briefly, in accordance with one embodiment of the invention, a channel state information packet is encoded by a receiver side device and is fed back to the transmitter side device. The transmitter side device decodes the channel state information packet to extract an estimate of the channel response function.

20-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO0002049236A3

The present invention is a system and method for transmitting data symbols in a CDMA communication system including a transmitter having an antenna array and a receiver. The system generates a first and second data field of symbols, then encodes them to produce complex conjugates of the respective symbols. A first communication burst including the first and second data fields, which are separated by a midamble, over a first antenna, and a second communication burst produced using said complex conjugates of said first and second data fields, which are separated by a midamble, over a second antenna are then transmitted by the transmitter. The receiver then receives and decodes the first and second communication bursts to recover the first and second data fields.

11-04-1996 дата публикации

Номер: WO1996010879A1

25-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO2001037474A1
Автор: ANDRÉ, Tore

L'invention concerne un procédé et une installation permettant de compenser le brouillage intersymbole (ISI) dans un système de transmission à ondes porteuses multiples. La compensation est basée sur la génération d'une évaluation de la queue de brouillage intersymbole et sur sa soustraction des signaux reçus. Pour ce faire, on détermine une valeur estimée des symboles transmis au niveau du récepteur par filtrage par une fonction de transfert (1/h¿est) qui fait une évaluation approximative de l'inverse de la fonction de transfert de canal par les fréquences porteuses utilisées. Pour générer un symbole de différence, on utilise des estimations de deux symboles transmis consécutivement. Quand une suite de zéros est annexée à ce symbole de différence et que le tout est passé à travers un filtre (245) ayant la même ou approximativement la même fonction de transfert que le canal (30), on obtient un transitoire équivalent à celui généré par les symboles transmis consécutivement et passés par ...

13-04-2021 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for reference signal signaling for advanced wireless communications

Номер: US0010979191B2

A method of a user equipment (UE) for configuring a phase noise reference signal (RS) in an advanced communication system. The method comprises receiving, from a base station (BS), configuration information of the phase noise RS using a radio resource control (RRC) signal and downlink control information (DCI) through a hybrid signaling scheme including information of the phase noise RS; identifying an RS mapping pattern based on the configuration information of the phase noise RS signaled in the RRC and DCI through the hybrid signaling scheme; performing a channel estimation and phase tracking for a downlink channel in a scheduled bandwidth (BW) according to the identified RS mapping pattern; and receiving, from the BS, downlink data over the downlink channel in the scheduled BW.

05-06-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods for pilot signal and control data retransmission

Номер: US0009991988B2

Historical decoding can be performed in accordance with pilot signal retransmission or control information retransmission to reduce the amount network resources consumed during data recovery. In one example, historical decoding is achieved through retransmitting a sub-set of coded bits carried by an earlier transmission, which are compared with a corresponding portion of the original signal (stored in memory) to obtain improved channel state information (CSI) relating to that earlier transmission. In another example, historical decoding is achieved through communicating parity information related to a sub-set of the coded bits carried by an earlier transmission, which are used in accordance with a data aided CSI technique to obtain the improved CSI relating to that earlier transmission. In yet another example, historical decoding is achieved by re-transmitting control information carried by an earlier transmission, which is used to decode an original signal (stored in memory).

22-09-2015 дата публикации

Method for channel estimation in vehicle-to-environment communication and communication device arranged therefor

Номер: US0009143363B2

The invention relates to a method and a correspondingly arranged communication device for channel estimation in vehicle-to-environment communication, wherein a model of the environment influencing the vehicle-to-environment communication is produced from parameters of a vehicle-to-environment communication and the quality of the model for the environment is ascertained by the convergence of the parameters used in the model. The course of the convergence of the parameters in the model is monitored and conclusions are drawn with regard to the environment from the course of the convergence of the parameters.

22-01-2004 дата публикации

Scaling using gain factors for use in data detection for wireless code division multiple access communication systems

Номер: US20040013171A1
Принадлежит: InterDigital Technology Corporation

Data from a plurality of communications is transmitted in a code division multiple access communication system. The transmitted communications are received. Gain factors are determined for at least one of the received communications. Data of the received communications is detected using a scaling factor derived from the determined gain values.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for Transmitting and Receiving Data to Provide High-Speed Data Communication and Method Thereof

Номер: US20120051474A1

In the present invention, data generated from a source unit are distributed to at least one bandwidth; the data distributed to the respective bandwidths are encoded in order to perform an error correction; the encoded data are distributed to at least one antenna; a subcarrier is allocated to the data distributed to the respective antennas, and an inverse Fourier transform is performed; a short preamble and a first long preamble corresponding to the subcarrier are generated; a signal symbol is generated according to a data transmit mode; and a frame is generated by adding a second long preamble between the signal symbol and a data field for the purpose of estimating a channel of a subcarrier which is not used.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Communication apparatus and communication method

Номер: US20120069920A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A wireless communication apparatus and a wireless communication method wherein even when the permissible delay amount of data is small, the permissible delay thereof can be satisfied. A data type determining part ( 101 ) determines whether the delay of transport data or control information should be allowed or not. A pilot signal insertion control part ( 102 ) decides, based on pilot insertion interval information and allowable delay information, that a pilot signal is placed adjacently to data that is not allowed to delay. A multiplexing part ( 106 ) multiplexes encoded and modulated transport data with the pilot signal generated by a pilot signal generating part ( 105 ) in such a manner that realizes the placement decided by the pilot signal insertion control part ( 102 ).

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Multiple-input multiple-output signal detectors based on relaxed lattice reduction

Номер: US20120114058A1
Автор: Wai Ho Mow, Ying Hung Gan
Принадлежит: Hui Long Fund LLC

System and methodologies for reduced-complexity signal detection and decoding in a wireless communication system are provided herein. Systems and methodologies presented herein can utilize a relaxed form of the Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz (LLL) lattice reduction algorithm to reduce the complexity of lattice reduction operations in the context of MIMO detection. Additional systems and methodologies presented herein can apply lattice reduction in the context of a maximum likelihood (ML) detector for spherical or elliptical lattice space-time (LAST) codes.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Wireless communication device and wireless communication method

Номер: US20120120907A1
Автор: Takaaki Kishigami
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A bias of reception qualities between spatial streams to a plurality of terminal devices is suppressed in a multiuser MIMO transmission. A wireless communication device according to the invention is one for performing a spatial multiplexing transmission to the plurality of terminal devices, that includes an additional data area setting section that allocates, as an additional data area, a part of a resource allocation area to which no data addressed to each terminal device of the plurality of terminal devices is allocated among resource allocation areas for the spatial multiplexing transmission which are allocated to each terminal device of the plurality of terminal devices, an additional data generator that generates additional data corresponding to the additional data area allocated by the additional data area setting section, and a transmitter that transmits the data which is addressed to each of the plurality of terminal devices and the additional data.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for Transmitting and Receiving Data to Provide High-Speed Data Communication and Method Thereof

Номер: US20120121040A1

In the present invention, data generated from a source unit are distributed to at least one bandwidth; the data distributed to the respective bandwidths are encoded in order to perform an error correction; the encoded data are distributed to at least one antenna; a subcarrier is allocated to the data distributed to the respective antennas, and an inverse Fourier transform is performed; a short preamble and a first long preamble corresponding to the subcarrier are generated; a signal symbol is generated according to a data transmit mode; and a frame is generated by adding a second long preamble between the signal symbol and a data field for the purpose of estimating a channel of a subcarrier which is not used.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Estimating frequency-offsets and multi-antenna channels in mimo ofdm systems

Номер: US20120155512A1
Принадлежит: University of Minnesota

Techniques are described for carrier frequency offset (CFO) and channel estimation of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmissions over multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) frequency-selective fading channels. A wireless transmitter forms blocks of symbols by inserting training symbols within two or more blocks of information-bearing symbols. The transmitter applies a hopping code to each of the blocks of symbols to insert a null subcarrier at a different position within each of the blocks of symbols, and a modulator outputs a wireless signal in accordance with the blocks of symbols. A receiver receives the wireless signal and estimates the CFO, and outputs a stream of estimated symbols based on the estimated CFO.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Receiving apparatus and receiving method

Номер: US20120243593A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

A receiving apparatus receives a digital modulation signal. The receiving apparatus has a receiving part for down-converting the digital modulation signal to a baseband signal and to obtain channel estimates, a channel estimation part for estimating a multi-path channel, a first replica generation part for generating a first replica, based on the channel estimates obtained by the channel estimation part, a first replica removal part for removing the first replica from a target frame in the baseband signal, a nulling part for forcefully nulling he baseband signal for at least a portion of the time period where an inter-frame interference occurs due to a delay wave having a delay time longer than the known signal, and a cyclic-addition part for performing cyclic-addition between a front side portion and a rear side portion in the target frame, including the portion nulled by the nulling part.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Resource assignments for uplink control channel

Номер: US20120263124A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A wireless communication method includes allocating physical uplink control channel (PUCCH) data in first slot to a first orthogonal cover code (OCC). The method also includes allocating PUCCH data in a second slot of the same subframe to a different orthogonal cover code (OCC). Another method includes mapping PUCCH resources to physical resource blocks based on a user equipment (UE) specific signaling parameter (e.g., a resource index) and a number of symbols in a slot of a subframe.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Encoding and decoding methods and apparatus for use in a wireless communication system

Номер: US20120269282A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

The claimed subject matter relates to encoding and decoding information in a wireless communication system using soft-demodulation and interleaving of concatenated code received in a strip channel. A set of symbols is received containing a plurality of information bits, dividing the received set of symbols into a plurality of subsets of symbols, each subset corresponding to the input of an inner code demodulation selecting a set of initial a priori values of the inner code demodulation for each subset of symbols, and demodulating each subset of symbols, using the initial a priori values of the subset of symbols and an inner code generator matrix, to generate a plurality of first soft information values as the output of the inner code demodulation.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Measurement and feedback calculation for wireless communication network

Номер: US20120281552A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

A method for performing measurement by a radio apparatus is presented. In one embodiment, the method includes determining raw measurements (e.g., a channel estimation and a noise variance estimation) of a subband and determining a rank indicator (RI) without requiring a precoding matrix indicator (PMI) search. The method includes calculating, based at least on the raw measurements, a mean instantaneous capacity (MIC) for the subband and determining a channel quality indicator (CQI) and a PMI based at least on the MIC. In one embodiment, the method uses subband-based measurements for performing feedback/measurement.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Preamble configuring method in the wireless lan system, and a method for a frame synchronization

Номер: US20120294296A1
Автор: Sok-Kyu Lee, Woo-Yong Lee

A method of configuring a preamble of a downlink frame for synchronization in data frame transmission of a 60 GHz a wireless local area network system, the method comprising arranging a short preamble having a plurality of repetitive S symbols, and an IS symbol, and arranging a long preamble having a long cyclic prefix (CP) and a plurality of L symbols for frame synchronization and symbol timing by performing auto-correlation according to the length of window of the auto-correlation.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Adaptive Feedback of Channel Information for Coordinated Transmission on a Wireless Backhaul

Номер: US20120300654A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

A backhaul link is established between a base station and a relay that assists the base station in communicating with a mobile device over an access link established between the relay and the mobile device. The channel response of the back-haul link is determined by estimating first and second parts of the backhaul link channel response, the second part changing faster than the first part. The first part of the backhaul link channel response is estimated by calculating an average of the backhaul link channel response over a predetermined period at the relay and the second part is estimated by calculating variation in the backhaul link channel response over the predetermined period at the relay. Quantized versions of the first and second parts of the backhaul link channel response are transmitted from the relay to the base station over the backhaul link

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Codes and preambles for single carrier and ofdm transmissions

Номер: US20120307938A1
Автор: Ismail Lakkis
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Certain aspects of the present disclosure relate to a method for generating a frame structure suitable for use in both single carrier (SC) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) transmission modes, while ensuring accurate channel estimation at a receiver.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Communicating Over Single- or Multiple- Antenna Channels Having Both Temporal and Spectral Fluctuations

Номер: US20120321016A1
Принадлежит: Alcatel Lucent USA Inc

This inventions provides techniques for estimating both temporal and spectral channel fluctuations with the duration of a data symbol. Certain pulse shaping functions are Discrete Prolate Spheroidal Sequences (DPSSs) and are used primarily because of their relatively limited Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) properties. During reception, these properties allow one or more parameters of a joint time-frequency channel model to be more easily determined. Once the one or more parameters are determined, they can be applied to received symbols to correct the temporal fluctuations, spectral fluctuations, or both of the channel over which a communication took place. The techniques may be adapted for the Multiple-In, Multiple-Out communication situation.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Progressive Feedback For High Resolution Limited Feedback Wireless Communication

Номер: US20130064315A1
Принадлежит: FutureWei Technologies Inc

A system and method is proposed for progressively quantizing channel state information for application in a MIMO (multiple input multiple output) communication system. A method includes computing an estimate of a communications channel between a subscriber unit and a base station, quantizing the estimate with a first codebook, thereby producing a first quantized estimate, quantizing an (n−1)-th quantized estimate with an n-th codebook, thereby producing an n-th quantized estimate, where n is an integer value ranging from 2 to R, R is a total number of quantizations of the estimate, wherein the n-th codebook is a localized codebook. The method also includes incrementing n, repeating the quantizing an (n−1)-th quantized estimate until n=R, and transmitting information based on the R quantized estimates to the base station.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Low Complexity Robust Reconstruction Of Noisy Signals

Номер: US20130070831A1
Принадлежит: Alcatel Lucent USA Inc

Embodiments relate to a method and apparatus for low complexity robust reconstruction of noisy signals. The method includes receiving, by a receiving unit, a set of noisy measurements. The method further includes obtaining, by a reconstruction unit, an estimate of the signal based on the set of noisy measurements and a plurality of parameters. The plurality of parameters includes a projection matrix that transforms the signal from a sparse domain to a compressed domain and postulated parameters.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for downlink scheduling in multiple input multiple output wireless communications systems

Номер: US20130101008A1
Принадлежит: Transpacific IP Ltd

Systems and methods for downlink scheduling in wireless communications systems are described. In some embodiments, a method includes: applying channel prediction at a transmitter for transmitting information to one or more mobile devices; predicting channel state information for a channel over which the information is transmitted, the channel state information being based, at least, on the channel prediction; determining a precoding matrix to apply to the information, the determining the precoding matrix being based, at least, on predicted channel state information; and scheduling transmission of the information to the one or more mobile devices based, at least, on an asymptotic ergodic rate for the one or more mobile devices. The asymptotic ergodic rate can be based on large-scale channel behavior and a maximum Doppler shift between the mobile devices.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Method, base station and user equipment for transmitting physical resource blocks and estimating channels

Номер: US20130142150A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

A method, a base station and a user equipment for transmitting physical resource blocks and estimating channels are provided. The method includes: scheduling, by a base station, M PRBs for the user equipment, and configuring reference signal patterns for the M PRBs as following: allocating (X−1)M+1 demodulation reference signal subcarriers for M PRBs in a frequency domain, configuring only one demodulation reference signal subcarrier within a range of (−N, N] subcarriers in a border of every two PRBs, where locations of the rest (X−2)M+2 demodulation reference signal subcarriers keep consistent with locations of demodulation reference signal subcarriers in M contiguous first demodulation reference signal patterns in a frequency domain; and transmitting the configured M PRBs to the user equipment, so that the user equipment performs joint channel estimation according to the configured M PRBs. This saves reference signal overheads and optimizes data transmission rate.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Soft linear and non-linear interference cancellation

Номер: US20130148711A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A two stage interference cancellation (IC) process includes a linear IC stage that suppresses co-channel interference (CCI) and adjacent channel interference (ACI). The linear IC stage disambiguates otherwise super-trellis data for non-linear cancellation. Soft linear IC processing is driven by a-posteriori probability (Apop) information. A second stage performs expectation maximization/Baum Welch (EM-BW) processing that reduces residual ISI left over from the first stage and also generates the Apop which drives the soft linear IC in an iterative manner.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130157704A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO, INC.

To cancel interference from the other cells and improve throughput characteristics without needing complicated processing, provided are a reception section that receives a reception signal including signal components from a plurality of base station apparatuses (BSs), and a signal detection and channel estimation section () that performs signal detection and channel estimation processing based on a factor graph on the reception signal, where the signal detection and channel estimation section () estimates interfering components from base station apparatuses of the other cells except a desired base station apparatus included in the reception signal at a symbol level, and reuses the interfering components in the signal detection and channel estimation processing based on the factor graph. 1. A mobile station apparatus comprising:a reception section configured to receive a reception signal including signal components from a plurality of base station apparatuses; anda signal detection and channel estimation section configured to perform signal detection and channel estimation processing based on a factor graph on the reception signal,wherein the signal detection and channel estimation section estimates interfering components from base station apparatuses of other cells except a desired base station apparatus included in the reception signal at a symbol level, and reuses the interfering components in the signal detection and channel estimation processing based on the factor graph.2. The mobile station apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the signal detection and channel estimation section estimates a signal component from the desired base station apparatus included in the reception signal at a bit level claim 1 , and reuses the signal component in the signal detection and channel estimation processing on the factor graph.3. The mobile station apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the signal detection and channel estimation section cancels an interfering component ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Enhancing Channel Estimates Made in Digital Communications Receivers

Номер: US20130177056A1
Автор: Popescu Andrei Barbu
Принадлежит: Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited

Schemes for combining channel-estimates from different OFDM frames after compensating for changes in receiver-transmitter characteristics. 1. A method of refining a channel estimate for an OFDM sub-carrier , the method comprising:calculating a first channel estimate for an OFDM sub-carrier for a first OFDM frame received at a receiver from a transmitter;calculating a second channel estimate for the OFDM sub-carrier for a second OFDM frame received at the receiver from the transmitter at a time later than the first OFDM frame is received;adjusting the first channel estimate to ameliorate a difference between the first and second channel estimates that arises from a shift in an operating state of the transmitter and the receiver between the times of reception of the first and second OFDM frames;measuring a discrepancy between the second channel estimate and the adjusted first channel estimate;modifying the second channel estimate by averaging the second channel estimate with the adjusted first channel estimate if the discrepancy is smaller than a predetermined amount; anddemodulating data from the second OFDM frame using the modified second channel estimate.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the shift in the operating state comprises a change in a difference between an RF carrier angle of the receiver and an RF carrier angle of the transmitter.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein said adjusting step comprises estimating said change and estimating said change comprises: i) providing a first channel estimate of that sub-carrier for the first OFDM frame;', 'ii) providing a second channel estimate of that sub-carrier for the second OFDM frame; and', 'iii) calculating the ratio of the first and second channel estimates for that sub-carrier; and, 'a) for each of a plurality of OFDM sub-carriersb) deducing an estimate of said change from an averaging-based calculation on the ratios deduced for said plurality of OFDM sub-carriers.4. A method according to claim 1 ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130177115A1

Systems, methods, and devices for performing channel estimates to address the Doppler Effect in wireless communications are described herein. One aspect of the disclosure provides an apparatus for wireless communication. The apparatus comprises a receiver configured to receive coded data tones during a first symbol over a communication channel. The apparatus further comprises a processor. The processor is configured to estimate a common phase offset and amplitude of the communication channel based on pilot tones received over the communication channel. The processor is configured to determine, prior to decoding, a residual phase offset per data tone based on a phase difference between an estimate of the coded data tones and a reference symbol. The processor is configured to estimate update channel state information of the communication channel based on the determined estimated common phase offset, amplitude, and the determined residual phase offset per data tone. 1. An apparatus for wireless communication , comprising:a receiver configured to receive coded data tones during a first symbol over a communication channel; and estimate a common phase offset of the communication channel based on pilot tones received over the communication channel;', 'prior to decoding, determine a residual phase offset per data tone based on a phase difference between an estimate of the data tones and a reference symbol; and', 'update channel state information of the communication channel based on the estimated common phase offset and the determined residual phase offset per data tone., 'a processor configured to2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the receiver is further configured to receive additional coded data tones over a plurality of symbols claim 1 , and wherein the processor is further configured to determine the residual phase offset per data tone based on an average of phase differences between the estimate of the data tones and the reference symbol and estimates of the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Technique for Channel Estimation in the Presence of a Signal Phase Discontinuity

Номер: US20130182599A1

A technique for performing channel estimation based on a received signal comprising a first signal part and a second signal part in the presence of an unknown phase discontinuity between the first signal part and the second signal part is presented. A method implementation of this technique comprises providing a first channel parameter that is based on the first signal part, determining a second channel parameter based on the second signal part, estimating the phase discontinuity from the first channel parameter and the second channel parameter, updating the first channel parameter based on the estimated phase discontinuity, and determining a channel estimate based on the second signal part including performing channel estimation filtering using the updated first channel parameter as filter state information. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of performing channel estimation based on a received signal comprising a first signal part and a second signal part in the presence of a micro sleep gap between the first signal part and the second signal part , wherein the micro sleep gap results in an unknown phase discontinuity , the method comprising:providing a first channel parameter that is based on the first signal part;determining a second channel parameter based on the second signal part;estimating the phase discontinuity from the first channel parameter and the second channel parameter;updating the first channel parameter based on the estimated phase discontinuity;determining a channel estimate based on the second signal part including performing channel estimation filtering using the updated first channel parameter as filter state information.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the phase discontinuity is caused by switching off one or more components of a receiver between receipt of the first signal part and receipt of the second signal part.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein the first signal part temporally precedes the second signal part.24. The method of :wherein ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201972A1
Принадлежит: Cohda Wireless Pty. Ltd.

A method is for communicating by tracking time varying channels in a multiple access packet based communication network. Each packet includes a preamble portion including a data symbol, and a data portion including data symbols. The method may include initializing a channel estimate reference from an initial channel estimate based upon the data symbol in a preamble portion of a received packet, and updating the channel estimate reference based upon a channel estimate of a current data symbol and a previously received data symbol from the data symbols in a data portion of the received packet. The method may also include repeating the updating upon receipt of a subsequent data symbol from the data symbols in the data portion of the received packet. 138-. (canceled)39. A method of communicating by tracking a plurality of time varying channels in a multiple access packet based communication network , each packet comprising a preamble portion including at least one data symbol , and a data portion including a plurality of data symbols , the method comprising:initializing a channel estimate reference from an initial channel estimate based upon the at least one data symbol in a preamble portion of a received packet;updating the channel estimate reference based upon a channel estimate of a current data symbol and at least one previously received data symbol from the plurality of data symbols in a data portion of the received packet; andrepeating the updating upon receipt of at least one subsequent data symbol from the plurality of data symbols in the data portion of the received packet.40. The method according to further comprising storing the channel estimate reference in a channel estimate database at a receiver device.41. The method according to further comprising:for each data symbol, demodulating the data symbol based upon the channel estimate;decoding the data symbol;generating training data by remodulating the decoded data symbol;updating the channel estimate ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130223562A1
Принадлежит: Regents of the University of Minnesota

Techniques are described for carrier frequency offset (CFO) and channel estimation of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmissions over multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) frequency-selective fading channels. A wireless transmitter forms blocks of symbols by inserting training symbols within two or more blocks of information-bearing symbols. The transmitter applies a hopping code to each of the blocks of symbols to insert a null subcarrier at a different position within each of the blocks of symbols, and a modulator outputs a wireless signal in accordance with the blocks of symbols. A receiver receives the wireless signal and estimates the CFO, and outputs a stream of estimated symbols based on the estimated CFO. 120-. (canceled)21. A method comprising:forming two or more blocks of output symbols for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmissions over two or more antennas, wherein the forming comprises encoding two or more blocks of information-bearing symbols for transmissions over the two or more antennas, and inserting training symbols and null subcarriers within the two or more blocks of information-bearing symbols at positions determined by a hopping code; andtransmitting, via the two or more antennas, transmission signals in accordance with the two or more blocks of output symbols.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the two or more blocks of output symbols include a first block of output symbols and a second block of output symbols claim 21 , and wherein inserting the training symbols and null subcarriers comprises:inserting a first null subcarrier at a first subcarrier position within the first block of output symbols, andinserting a second null subcarrier at a second subcarrier position within the second block of output symbols, wherein the first subcarrier position is different from the second subcarrier position.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein the two or more blocks of output symbols include a first block of ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Channel Estimation in Wireless Networks

Номер: US20130235818A1

Aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communications and, more particularly, to performing channel estimation with modifications for improved system performance. Aspects generally include receiving, at a user equipment (UE), reference signals from a base station in a current subframe, and performing channel estimation, wherein the channel estimation is based at least in part on the reference signals received in the current subframe, a mobility characteristic of the UE, and a configuration of subframes prior to the current subframe.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Pilot design for improved channel and interference estimation

Номер: US20130235946A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Techniques for transmitting pilot and for processing received pilot to obtain channel and interference estimates are described. A terminal may generate pilot symbols for a first cluster in a time frequency block based on a first sequence and may generate pilot symbols for a second cluster in the time frequency block based on a second sequence. The first and second sequences may include common elements arranged in different orders and may be considered as different versions of a single sequence. The terminal may transmit the pilot symbols in their respective clusters. A base station may obtain received pilot symbols from multiple clusters in the time frequency block. The base station may form each of multiple basis vectors with multiple versions of the sequence assigned to the terminal and may process the received pilot symbols with the multiple basis vectors to obtain a channel estimate for the terminal.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130243046A1

A device and method for estimating multipath jointly sparse channels. The method comprises receiving a number K of signal components by a number P of receiving antennas, where P≧2. The method further comprises estimating the sparsity condition of the multipath jointly sparse channels. The method further comprises, if the sparsity condition is not satisfied, estimating the channels by using a non-sparse technique. The method further comprises, if the sparsity condition is satisfied, estimating the channels by using a sparse technique. 1. A method for estimating multipath jointly sparse channels comprising:receiving a number K of signal components by a number P of receiving antennas, where P≧2;estimating the sparsity condition of the multipath jointly sparse channels;if the sparsity condition is not satisfied, estimating the channels by using a non-sparse technique; andif the sparsity condition is satisfied, estimating the channels by using a sparse technique.2. The method of claim 1 , said estimating the sparsity condition comprising using Partial Effective Rank techniques for deriving estimates of K.3. The method of claim 2 , said using Partial Effective Rank techniques comprisingcalculating K singular values by using singular value decomposition of a matrix representing the received signal components;calculating the sequence of the partial effective ranks of said matrix; andbased on said sequence, determining the rank K.4. The method of claim 3 , said sequence of the partial effective ranks comprising the first singular value; the first claim 3 , the second singular values; the first claim 3 , the second and the third singular values; . . . ; the first claim 3 , the second claim 3 , the third claim 3 , . . . claim 3 , the (K−1)th singular values; the first claim 3 , the second claim 3 , the third claim 3 , . . . claim 3 , the (K−1)th claim 3 , the Kth singular values.5. The method of claim 1 , K being the number of scatterers between a transmitting antenna and the ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130294493A1
Автор: Ido Jun, Kono Ryuichiro
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Provided are a transmission channel estimating device, a transmission channel estimating method, and a receiving apparatus. A transversal filter unit generates an estimated reception signal on the basis of a stored known signal sequence and tap coefficients, generates an error signal on the basis of a difference between a reception signal and the estimated reception signal, generates updated tap coefficients on the basis of the known signal sequence, the tap coefficients and the error signal, designates an effective section formed by a predetermined number of taps out of a plurality of taps in the transversal filter unit , and designates a first section and a second section set so as to include a center tap, wherein the generation of the estimated reception signal and the updated tap coefficients is performed by generating an estimated reception signal and updated tap coefficients for the first section and generating an estimated reception signal and updated tap coefficients for the second section. 1. A transmission channel estimating device for estimating a transmission channel from a reception signal in which a known signal sequence is inserted and transmission data is digitally modulated , the transmission channel estimating device comprising:a reception-signal storage unit for storing the reception signal;a known-signal-sequence storage unit for storing a known signal sequence which is the same as the known signal sequence inserted in the reception signal;a tap-coefficient storage unit for storing tap coefficients;a transversal filter unit including a plurality of taps, the transversal filter unit generating an estimated reception signal on the basis of the known signal sequence stored in the known-signal-sequence storage unit and the tap coefficients;a subtracting unit for generating an error signal on the basis of a difference between the reception signal and the estimated reception signal;a tap-coefficient updating unit for generating updated tap coefficients ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for setting channel status information measuring resource in a wireless communication system

Номер: US20130301465A1

The present invention relates to a wireless communication system, and more specifically, discloses a method and a device for setting a channel status information (CSI) measuring resource in a wireless communication system. The present invention provides a way to transmit/receive the CSI more accurately and efficiently by setting a virtual reference resource for measuring the CSI.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Wireless communication system, wireless communication apparatus, and wireless communication method

Номер: US20130315222A1
Автор: Tomoya Yamaura
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A wireless communication system is disclosed. The wireless communication system performs data transmission using spatially multiplexed streams from a first terminal including N antennas to a second terminal including M antennas (N and M are integers larger than or equal to 2 and N>M).

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Wireless communication system, wireless communication apparatus, and wireless communication method

Номер: US20130315333A1
Автор: Tomoya Yamaura
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A wireless communication system is disclosed. The wireless communication system performs data transmission using spatially multiplexed streams from a first terminal including N antennas to a second terminal including M antennas (N and M are integers larger than or equal to 2 and N>M).

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Wireless communication system, wireless communication apparatus, and wireless communication method

Номер: US20130322379A1
Автор: Tomoya Yamaura
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A wireless communication system is disclosed. The wireless communication system performs data transmission using spatially multiplexed streams from a first terminal including N antennas to a second terminal including M antennas (N and M are integers larger than or equal to 2 and N>M).

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130322583A1

Disclosed is an improved channel estimation by post-processing of the channel response that is generated by a Golay correlator The processing is done using time-domain operations such as gating and filtering. Gating is performed on the estimated channel response taps in order to reduce the noise level. Pre-filtering the channel response through a filter matched to the transmitted pulse-shape improves the probability of detecting the channel peaks. Post-filtering the processed channel impulse response to eliminate the high frequency effects that are added by the windowing and gating operations. 1. A channel estimation method , comprising:processing using time-domain operations a channel response that is generated by a Golay correlator in a device capable of performing wireless communications.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the processing is gating and filtering the response of the Golay correlator.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the filtering is performed before the gating claim 2 , after the gating claim 2 , or before and after the gating.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the filtering is performed by a low-pass-filter.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the filtering is performed by a Wiener filter.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the processing comprises gating that is selected from a group consisting of smooth gating claim 1 , threshold gating claim 1 , oversampling with smooth gating or threshold gating claim 1 , threshold gating based on noise level claim 1 , gating with a time-dependent threshold claim 1 , adaptive gating claim 1 , windowing and a combination thereof.7. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the processing comprises at least one Wiener filter to perform filtering before the gating claim 6 , after the gating claim 6 , or before and after the gating.8. An apparatus comprising:an electronic device operable to communicate in a wireless network and adapted to process using time-domain ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Receiver and method for estimating a plurality of estimated transfer functions corresponding to wireless channels in a multiple-input system

Номер: US20130336144A1
Принадлежит: Agere Systems LLC

In one embodiment, a receiver is provided for use in a multiple-input system that includes a receiving antenna receiving a time-domain signal corresponding to a plurality of signals transmitted from a plurality of transmitting antennas. The receiver includes: (a) a transform unit adapted to transform the time-domain signal into a frequency-domain signal; (b) a channel estimation unit adapted to estimate, based on the frequency-domain signal and a frequency-domain pilot signal, a combined transfer function corresponding to a plurality of transfer functions of respective channels between the plurality of transmitting antennas and the receiving antenna; and (c) a channel separation unit including a plurality of frequency-domain convolution units that separate the combined transfer function into a plurality of estimated channel transfer functions.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Channel frequency offset estimation method, apparatus, and system

Номер: US20140023094A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

Embodiments of the present invention provide a method, includes: performing channel estimation on a signal of a current channel to obtain channel information of the current channel, performing calculation processing on the channel information obtained in current channel estimation and channel information obtained in previous channel estimation to obtain a phase difference of the current channel information, dividing the phase difference of the current channel information by a time interval between two times of channel estimation to obtain residual frequency offset information of the current channel, adding the residual frequency offset information of the current channel and frequency offset information which is of the channel and obtained in a previous calculation to obtain frequency offset information of the current channel, and outputting the frequency offset information of the current channel, so as to perform frequency offset correction on the signal of the channel according to the current frequency offset information.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Method For Adaptive Channel Estimation For Wireless Communication Between A Vehicle And Other Communication Subscribers Using The Measurement Results Of The Environment Sensor System

Номер: US20140044212A1

Channel estimation for wireless communication between a motor vehicle and another communication subscriber is provided, such that, the result from an environment sensor system is used in the channel estimation. Using the environment sensor system, the propagation behavior of the wireless communication in the vicinity of the motor vehicle is recognized and classified, the channel estimation being adapted on the basis of the classification of the propagation behavior. 111-. (canceled)12. A method for channel estimation for wireless communication between a motor vehicle and another communication partner , the result of an environment sensor system being used in the channel estimation , the method comprising:the environment sensor system detecting and classifying the propagation characteristic of the wireless communication in the vicinity of the motor vehicle; andperforming the channel estimation on the basis of the classification of the propagation characteristic.13. The method as claimed in claim 12 , wherein claim 12 , in the classification of the propagation characteristic claim 12 , one class is selected from a plurality of predefined classifications.14. The method as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the channel estimation is restarted in the case of a change of the classification.15. The method as claimed in claim 12 , further comprising selecting a model for the channel estimation based on the classification of the propagation characteristic.16. The method as claimed in claim 12 , further comprising adapting parameters of the channel estimation based on the classification of the propagation characteristic and/or information of the environment sensor system.17. The method as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the parameters comprise one or more of: a factor of forgetting claim 16 , an intensity of reflection claim 16 , an attenuation claim 16 , a shading and the vehicle speed.18. The method as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the environment sensor system covers at least the ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140050111A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO, INC.

Disclosed are a receiving apparatus, a data receiving method, a channel estimating apparatus and a channel estimating method for multi-user interference (MUI) signals according to the present invention. The channel estimating apparatus for MUI signals has: a user type determining section configured to determine whether a UE apparatus corresponding to an own station belongs to a first type user or a second type user and to determine demodulation information to use in channel estimation of MUI signals based on the type of the UE apparatus corresponding to the own station; and a second channel estimating section configured to perform channel estimation of a multi-user interference signal based on the determined demodulation information to use in channel estimation of MUI signals. In the present invention, the UE apparatus is classified by type and the demodulation information to use in channel estimation of MUI signals is determined based on the type of the UE apparatus. With this structure, it is possible to improve channel estimation accuracy and further to improve the performance of data reception and user and cell throughputs. 1. A receiving apparatus comprising:a demodulation information obtaining section configured to extract demodulation information of an own station from a physical downlink control channel (PDCCH) of a reception signal;a user type determining section configured to determine whether a UE apparatus corresponding to the own station belongs to a first type user or a second type user, the first type user being defined as assuming that during data reception, a base station transmits data in a maximum number of data streams in same frequency resources and the second type user being defined as assuming that during the data reception, the base station transmits data in a less number of data streams than the maximum number in the same frequency resources, and to determine demodulation information to use in channel estimation of multi-user interference ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Method For Channel Estimation In Vehicle-To-Environment Communication And Communication Device Arranged Therefor

Номер: US20140050258A1

The invention relates to a method and a correspondingly arranged communication device for channel estimation in vehicle-to-environment communication, wherein a model of the environment influencing the vehicle-to-environment communication is produced from parameters of a vehicle-to-environment communication and the quality of the model for the environment is ascertained by the convergence of the parameters used in the model. The course of the convergence of the parameters in the model is monitored and conclusions are drawn with regard to the environment from the course of the convergence of the parameters. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for channel estimation in vehicle-to-environment communication , comprising a computing unit performing the steps of:generating at least one model of the environment influencing the vehicle-to-environment communication from parameters of vehicle-to-environment communication;ascertaining the quality of the at least one model based on convergence of the parameters associated with the at least one model;monitoring a course of convergence of the parameters over time; anddrawing conclusions about the environment from the course of convergence of the parameters.12. The method as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the at least one model comprises a plurality of models used for channel estimation claim 11 , wherein a typical environment is assigned to each model claim 11 , and a model is selected out of the plurality of models based on the convergence of the parameters associated with at least one model out of the plurality of models.13. The method as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the convergence of the parameters is evaluated simultaneously for the plurality of models for channel estimation and a model out of the plurality of models having the best convergence is selected.14. The method as claimed in claim 13 , wherein a hysteresis value and/or a threshold value is assigned to the course of convergence of the parameters claim 13 , which hysteresis ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Mobile station apparatus, base station apparatus, management method in a mobile station apparatus, processing section and communication system

Номер: US20140056166A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

Provided are a communication system, a base station apparatus, a mobile station apparatus, and a communication method where a configuration message is transmitted or received. The configuration message includes a measurement configuration, where the measurement configuration includes a measurement object and a reporting configuration. The measurement object is used to determine a first cell from among the plurality of cells, the measurement object is linked to the reporting configuration and indicates the measurement frequency, the reporting configuration includes an criterion, and the criterion triggers the mobile station apparatus to send a measurement report.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140064408A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

Wireless communication wherein channel estimation accuracy is improved while keeping the position of each bit in a frame, even when a modulation system having a large modulation multiple value is used for a data symbol. An encoding operation encodes and outputs transmitting data (bit string) and a bit converting operation converts at least one bit of a plurality of bits constituting a data symbol to be used for channel estimation, among the encoded bit strings, into ‘1’ or ‘0’. A modulating operation modulates the bit string inputted from the bit converting operation by using a single modulation mapper and a plurality of data symbols are generated. 1. An integrated circuit for controlling a process comprising:receiving control information indicating a number of bits to be converted;generating a bit sequence by converting each of the number of bits indicated by the control information of a plurality of bits to a 1, the plurality of bits forming a modulation symbol in the bit sequence; andmodulating the bit sequence by mapping the plurality of bits on a single modulation mapper, the single modulation mapper having first signal points,wherein each of the number of bits is converted to the 1 in a way that the plurality of bits are mapped to one of second signal points, which are apart of the first signal points, a distance between the second signal points being equivalent to a largest of distances existing among the first signal points in an I-Q plane of the single modulation mapper.2. The integrated circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the single modulation mapper has 16 first signal points for 16 QAM claim 1 , and the second signal points are a constellation of BPSK claim 1 , QPSK or 8-PSK which is included in the single modulation mapper.3. The integrated circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the control information indicates two as the number of bits to be converted claim 1 , and the bit sequence is generated by converting each of the lowest two bits of the ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140086362A1
Автор: DHAYNI Achraf
Принадлежит: ST-Ericsson SA

Receiver adapted for determining an estimation of interferences when receiving an OFDM signal made of packets, each packet comprising a first training field, a second training field, at least two header fields and data field, comprising: 1. Method for determining an estimation of interferences when receiving an OFDM signal made of packets , each packet comprising at least one training field (STF , LTF) , at least two header fields and data field , comprising:detecting a first symbol value (D1) of a first header fields and a second symbol value (D2) of a second header field, said first and second header fields beholding to said at least two header fields and the modulation scheme being different between said first and second header fields; andDetermining said estimation from said first and second symbol values.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein said modulation scheme beholds to a group comprising BPSK and QBPSK.4. Method according to wherein said estimation is determined for each subcarriers of said OFDM signal.5. Method according to claim 1 , wherein said first and second header fields are selected among said at least two header fields according to the modulation mode of said OFDM signal.6. Method according to claim 1 , wherein when said modulation mode is HT-GT claim 1 , said first symbol value D1 is stored and compensated by estimations for CFO claim 1 , SFO claim 1 , time recovery and channel equalization when they are established.7. Method of receiving an OFDM signal consisting in estimating interferences within said OFDM signal according to claim 1 , and correcting said signal by cancelling interferences according to said estimation.8. Computer program comprising program instructions and being loadable into a data processing unit and adapted to cause execution of the method according to when the computer program is run by the data processing unit.9. Receiver adapted for determining an estimation of interferences when receiving an OFDM signal made of ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Adaptive Channel Estimation for Coordinated Multipoint Cellular Communication

Номер: US20140099900A1
Автор: Cili Gencer
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

Adaptive channel estimation technique selection for coordinated multipoint (CoMP) cellular communication in a wireless user equipment (UE) device. A channel estimation technique according to which to perform channel estimation may be determined, from at least two possible channel estimation techniques, for each respective cell of a plurality of cells. Channel estimation may be performed on each respective cell of the plurality of cells according to the determined channel estimation technique for the respective cell. Multipoint channel state information may be generated based on the channel estimates for the plurality of cells. The multipoint channel state information may be transmitted to a first cell in a wireless manner. The multipoint channel state information may be used to select a CoMP joint transmission cluster for the UE. 1. A wireless user equipment (UE) device , the UE comprising:a radio, comprising one or more antennas for performing wireless communication;a processing element operatively coupled to the radio, receive an indication of a measurement set from a first base station in a wireless manner, wherein the first base station provides a serving cell for the UE, wherein the measurement set comprises a plurality of cells on which to perform one or more cell measurements;', 'determine, for each respective cell of the measurement set, a channel estimation technique according to which to perform channel estimation on the respective cell, wherein the determined channel estimation technique for each respective cell of the measurement set is selected from at least two possible channel estimation techniques;', 'perform channel estimation on each respective cell of the measurement set according to the determined channel estimation technique for the respective cell;', 'transmit channel estimates for the measurement set to the first base station in a wireless manner;', 'receive an indication of a joint transmission cluster from the first base station in a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003542A1

A method includes determining a sequence of first coefficient estimates of a communication channel based on a sequence of pilots arranged according to a known pilot pattern and based on a receive signal, wherein the receive signal is based on the sequence of pilots transmitted over the communication channel. The method further includes determining a sequence of second coefficient estimates of the communication channel based on a decomposition of the first coefficient estimates in a dictionary matrix and a sparse vector of the second coefficient estimates, the dictionary matrix including filter characteristics of at least one known transceiver filter arranged in the communication channel. 1. A method , comprising:determining a sequence of first coefficient estimates of a communication channel based on a sequence of pilots arranged according to a known pilot pattern and based on a receive signal, wherein the receive signal is based on the sequence of pilots transmitted over the communication channel; anddetermining a sequence of second coefficient estimates of the communication channel based on a decomposition of the first coefficient estimates into a dictionary matrix and a sparse vector of the second coefficient estimates, wherein the dictionary matrix comprises filter characteristics of at least one known transceiver filter arranged in the communication channel,wherein the first coefficient estimates are based on impulse response coefficients of the communication channel including the at least one known transceiver filter.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sequence of second coefficient estimates is determined at positions of the pilots.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pilots are encoded together with data symbols according to an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing technique.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the decomposition is based on a compressive sensing inference model claim 1 , in particular a Sparse Bayesian Learning model.5. The method of ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006595A1
Автор: Mueller Arndt J.

Various systems and methods are provided for channel estimation. These systems and methods (a) determine a coherence bandwidth for the channel, (b) adapt the channel estimation based on the coherence bandwidth, and (c) perform channel estimation by transmitting a channel estimation symbol over a channel. In some embodiments, the channel estimation is adapted based on the coherence bandwidth. This may include selecting a number of channel estimation symbols to transmit in a packet. Additionally, the number of channel estimation symbols transmitted in a packet can be selected by increasing the number of channel estimation symbols when the coherence bandwidth of the channel is high or decreasing the number of channel estimation symbols when the coherence bandwidth of the channel is low. 1. A method comprising:determining, by an electronic communication device, one or more characteristics of a channel, wherein the one or more characteristics are indicative of a coherence bandwidth of the channel; anddetermining, by the electronic communication device, how many channel estimation symbols to include in a packet to be transmitted over the channel based on the one or more characteristics; andtransmitting, by the electronic communication device, the packet over the channel.2. (canceled)3. The method of claim 1 , comprising:determining, by the electronic communication device, to include a first, higher number of channel estimation symbols in the packet when the one or more characteristics are indicative of the channel having a first, smaller coherence bandwidth; anddetermining, by the electronic communication device, to include a second, lower number of channel estimation symbols in the packet when the one or more characteristics are indicative of the channel having a second, larger coherence bandwidth.45-. (canceled)6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first claim 1 , smaller number of channel estimation symbols is one claim 1 , and the second claim 1 , larger number of ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006286A1

A system for digital self-interference cancellation includes a filter that generates a reduced-noise digital residue signal; a channel estimator that generates a current self-interference channel estimate from a digital transmit signal, the reduced-noise digital residue signal, and past self-interference channel estimates; a controller that dynamically sets the digital transform configuration in response to changes in a controller-sampled digital residue signal; a predictor that modifies output of the channel estimator to compensate for a first time delay incurred in tuning the system for digital self-interference cancellation; and a channel memory that stores the past self-interference channel estimates. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating the residue signal comprises combining the receive signal with the self-interference cancellation signal to generate the residue signal.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein:generating the predicted self-interference channel estimate is performed based further on a stored self-interference channel estimate; and at the predictor, receiving the stored self-interference channel estimate from a channel memory of the digital canceller; and', 'at the channel memory, updating the stored self-interference channel estimate based on an updated channel estimate, wherein the updated channel estimate comprises at least one of the self-interference channel estimate or the predicted self-interference channel estimate., 'generating the self-interference cancellation signal further comprises4. The method of claim 3 , wherein:a plurality of subcarriers consists of an active set and an inactive set;the stored self-interference channel estimate comprises a plurality of stored subcarrier estimates, wherein each stored subcarrier estimate of the plurality is associated with a different subcarrier of the plurality of subcarriers; andan iteration of updating the stored self-interference channel estimate comprises, for each subcarrier of the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006865A1
Автор: Lee Sok-Kyu, LEE Woo-Yong

A method of configuring a preamble of a downlink frame for synchronization in data frame transmission of a 60 GHz wireless local area network system, the method comprising arranging a short preamble having a plurality of repetitive S symbols, and an IS symbol, and arranging a long preamble having a long cyclic prefix (CP) and a plurality of L symbols for frame synchronization and symbol timing by performing auto-correlation according to the length of window of the auto-correlation. 1. A method to configure a frame in a wireless local area network system , the method comprising: arranging S symbols at the starting point, and', 'arranging an IS symbol after the S symbols, wherein the IS symbol has the same length as the S symbol and is 180°-phased with respect to the S symbol; and, 'arranging a short preamble used for synchronization in a receiver at a starting point of a burst, wherein arranging the short preamble comprisesarranging a channel estimation preamble used for channel estimation in the receiver after the short preamble,wherein an S symbol of the S symbols is repeated 16 times.2. An apparatus for configuring a frame in a wireless local area network system , the apparatus comprising:one or more processors that arrange a short preamble used for synchronization in a receiver at a starting point of a burst, and arrange a channel estimation preamble used for channel estimation in the receiver after the short preamble,wherein the one or more processors arrange the short preamble by arranging S symbols at the starting point and arranging an IS symbol after the S symbols,wherein the IS symbol has the same length as the S symbol and is 180°-phased with respect to the S symbol, andwherein an S symbol of the S symbols is repeated 16 times. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/491,941 filed on Jun. 8, 2012, which is a Continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/584,335 having a 371(c) date of Jun. 23, 2006, now U.S. Pat. No. ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190007089A1

A system for digital self-interference cancellation includes a filter that generates a reduced-noise digital residue signal; a channel estimator that generates a current self-interference channel estimate from a digital transmit signal, the reduced-noise digital residue signal, and past self-interference channel estimates; a controller that dynamically sets the digital transform configuration in response to changes in a controller-sampled digital residue signal; and a channel memory that stores the past self-interference channel estimates. 2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an analog self-interference canceller; wherein the analog self-interference canceller generates claim 1 , using an analog transmit signal of the communication system claim 1 , an analog self-interference cancellation signal that is combined with the receive signal in analog; wherein the digital self-interference cancellation signal is combined with the receive signal in digital after combination of the receive signal with the analog self-interference cancellation signal and after conversion of the receive signal from analog to digital.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the sampled digital transmit signal is sampled from the analog transmit signal using an analog-to-digital converter; wherein the analog transmit signal originates from a digital transmit signal converted from digital to analog using a digital-to-analog converter.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the analog transmit signal originates from a digital transmit signal converted from digital to analog using a digital-to-analog converter; wherein the sampled digital transmit signal is sampled digitally from the digital transmit signal of the communication system prior to digital-to-analog conversion.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an analog self-interference canceller; wherein the analog self-interference canceller generates claim 1 , using an analog transmit signal of the communication system claim 1 , an analog ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Channel estimation method and apparatus

Номер: US20220021425A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

This application discloses a channel estimation method and apparatus, and relates to the field of communications technologies, to help reduce indication overheads. The method may include: generating and sending indication information. The indication information is used to indicate K N-dimensional spatial-domain component vectors, L M-dimensional frequency-domain component vectors, and a weight matrix, to indicate to construct an M×N-dimensional spatial-frequency matrix, or an M×N or N×M spatial-frequency matrix.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220029859A1
Автор: Park Kyujin

Provided are an apparatus and method for performing an uplink (UL) channel transmission. A method of a user equipment (UE) for transmitting the UL channel includes receiving information on joint channel estimation, determining a time duration for the joint channel estimation based on the information on the joint channel estimation, and transmitting one or more UL channel within the time duration for the joint channel estimation. 1. A method of a user equipment (UE) for preforming an uplink (UL) transmission , the method comprising:receiving information on joint channel estimation;determining a time duration for the joint channel estimation based on the information on the joint channel estimation; andtransmitting one or more UL channel within the time duration for the joint channel estimation.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the information on the joint channel estimation is received through at least one of a higher layer signaling claim 1 , a MAC (Medium Access Control) signaling claim 1 , and a physical layer signaling.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the time duration for the joint channel estimation is configured to one of a repetition transmission unit, a slot unit, and a symbol unit configured for the one or more UL channel; andthe information on the joint channel estimation is received through one of a RRC signaling and downlink (DL) control information.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the time duration for the joint channel estimation is separately configured based on one of a UL repetition transmission configuration and a multi-slot scheduling.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the time duration for the joint channel estimation is configured to have a same size as a frequency hopping interval applied to a UL transmission.6. A method of a base station for preforming an uplink (UL) reception claim 1 , the method comprising:transmitting information on joint channel estimation comprising information on a time duration for the joint channel estimation; ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030593A1

Methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications are described. To support communications across a wideband, a base station and user equipment (UE) may communicate across the wideband using a set of sub-bands that span the carrier bandwidth (e.g., the wideband). In some cases, the UE may transmit, to the base station, an indication of a capability of the UE to communicate a wideband communication with the base station via the set of sub-band based communications with the base station. The UE may receive, from the base station (and, in some cases based on the capability of the UE), a configuration for communicating with the base station in the carrier bandwidth using the set of sub-bands. Then, the UE may communicate with the base station in the carrier bandwidth using one or more of the set of sub-bands in accordance with the configuration. 1. A method for wireless communication at a user equipment (UE) , comprising:identifying a carrier bandwidth for communicating a wideband communication with a base station;receiving, from the base station, a configuration for communicating with the base station in the carrier bandwidth using a plurality of sub-band based communications that are over a plurality of sub-bands spanning the carrier bandwidth; andcommunicating with the base station in the carrier bandwidth using one or more of the plurality of sub-bands in accordance with the configuration.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:transmitting, to the base station, an indication of a capability of the UE to communicate the wideband communication with the base station via the plurality of sub-band based communications with the base station.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein transmitting the indication of the capability of the UE comprises:transmitting an indication of an antenna configuration of the UE, the antenna configuration associated with an element spacing of an antenna of the UE, a set of phases utilized by the antenna, one or more delay elements ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Signal sending method and device

Номер: US20180013515A1
Автор: Feng Liu, Huiming WANG, Rong Wu
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

The present disclosure discloses a signal sending method and device. The method includes: receiving, by a base station, an uplink pilot signal sent by authorized user equipment, and determining a direction vector parameter and a first channel fading parameter of a channel calculating, according to the direction vector parameter and the first channel fading parameter, a first signal beamformer parameter, determining a transmission area of an artificial noise signal according to the direction vector parameter, and calculating a second signal beamformer parameter; and processing a to-be-transmitted signal by using the first signal beamformer parameter and the second signal beamformer parameter, and transmitting the processed signal. In this way, in a non-target direction, energy leakage of the secrecy signal to the authorized user equipment is relatively small, and transmitted artificial noise signals are concentrated in an area with a relatively high secrecy signal leakage risk.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013633A1
Автор: Ju Zhiqiang, WANG Huisong
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

A method includes: receiving, by a decision device, throughput rates that are separately sent by wireless network devices in m wireless networks and can be separately obtained by a wireless multimode terminal in the m wireless networks, where the m wireless networks are wireless networks that can be currently accessed by the wireless multimode terminal, and m≧2; and determining, by the decision device according to the throughput rates that can be separately obtained by the wireless multimode terminal in the m wireless networks, a wireless network that is suitable to be accessed by the wireless multimode terminal in connected mode. 1. A method for admission in connected mode , comprising:receiving, by a decision device, throughput rates that are separately sent by wireless network devices in m wireless networks and can be separately obtained by a wireless multimode terminal in the m wireless networks, wherein the m wireless networks are wireless networks that can be currently accessed by the wireless multimode terminal, and m≧2; anddetermining, by the decision device according to the throughput rates that can be separately obtained by the wireless multimode terminal in the m wireless networks, a wireless network that is suitable to be accessed by the wireless multimode terminal in connected mode.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the determining claim 1 , by the decision device according to the throughput rates that can be separately obtained by the wireless multimode terminal in the m wireless networks claim 1 , a wireless network that is suitable to be accessed by the wireless multimode terminal in connected mode comprises:when the throughput rates that can be separately obtained by the wireless multimode terminal in the m wireless networks are completely equal, randomly determining, by the decision device, one wireless network of the m wireless networks as the wireless network that is suitable to be accessed by the wireless multimode terminal in ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160013951A1
Автор: WANG Weihe

A method of wireless communication includes dynamically determining whether to perform single cell channel estimation or multi-cell channel estimation. The method further includes performing channel estimation in accordance with the aforementioned determination. 1. A method of wireless communication , comprising:dynamically determining whether to perform single cell channel estimation or multi-cell channel estimation; andperforming channel estimation in accordance with the determination.2. The method of claim 1 , in which the determining is based at least in part on demodulation performance of the single cell channel estimation and the multi-cell channel estimation.3. The method of claim 2 , in which the demodulation performance is based at least in part on a block error rate (BLER) during a predefined period.4. The method of claim 1 , in which the determining is based at least in part on time complexity of the single cell channel estimation and the multi-cell channel estimation.5. The method of claim 4 , in which the time complexity is based at least in part on midamble code length and channel impulse response (CIR) length and a number of interfering cells considered.6. The method of claim 1 , in which the determining occurs at a frequency based at least in part on a speed at which a user equipment (UE) travels claim 1 , a processing capability of the UE claim 1 , a location of the UE and an operating frequency of the UE.7. The method of claim 1 , in which the channel estimation is performed for downlink communications in a Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access (TD-SCDMA) system.8. An apparatus for wireless communication claim 1 , comprising:a memory; and to dynamically determine whether to perform single cell channel estimation or multi-cell channel estimation; and', 'to perform channel estimation in accordance with the determination., 'at least one processor coupled to the memory, the at least one processor being configured9. The apparatus of ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160013965A1

In a method for estimating a channel between a transmitter and a receiver in a communication network, a plurality of training signal fields are received at the receiver. Each training signal field includes a plurality of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) tones, and the OFDM tones include at least a plurality of training data tones and one or more pilot tones. Channel estimate data corresponding to the plurality of training data tones and the one or more pilot tones is determined. Channel estimate data corresponding to only a subset of the OFDM tones or data generated using the channel estimate data corresponding to the subset of OFDM tones is transmitted to the transmitter, wherein the subset excludes pilot tones. 1receiving, at the receiver, a plurality of training signal fields, wherein each training signal field includes a plurality of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) tones, wherein the OFDM tones include at least i) a plurality of training data tones and ii) one or more pilot tones;determining channel estimate data corresponding to i) the plurality of training data tones and ii) the one or more pilot tones;transmitting to the transmitter i) channel estimate data corresponding to only a subset of the OFDM tones or ii) data generated using the channel estimate data corresponding to the subset of OFDM tones, wherein the subset excludes pilot tones.. A method for estimating a channel between a transmitter and a receiver in a communication network, the method comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/207,003, filed Aug. 10, 2011, which claims the benefit of the following U.S. Provisional Patent Applications:U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/372,376, filed on Aug. 10, 2010;U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/407,705, filed on Oct. 28, 2010.The disclosures of all of the patent applications referenced above are hereby incorporated by reference herein in their entireties.The present ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014268A1

A circuit arrangement includes a channel estimation circuit configured to acquire a channel estimate including a plurality of channel samples based on a range of time and frequency locations of a received signal, a first calculation circuit configured to calculate a first time and frequency correlation product of the channel estimate and a second calculation circuit configured to calculate a second time and frequency correlation product of the channel estimate, a time offset circuit configured to determine a time offset based on the first time and frequency correlation product and the second time and frequency correlation product, and a frequency offset circuit configured to determine a frequency offset based on the first time and frequency correlation product and the second time and frequency correlation product. 1. A circuit arrangement comprising:a channel estimation circuit configured to acquire a channel estimate comprising a plurality of channel samples based on a range of time and frequency locations of a received signal;a first calculation circuit configured to calculate a first time and frequency correlation product of the channel estimate and a second calculation circuit configured to calculate a second time and frequency correlation product of the channel estimate;a time offset circuit configured to determine a time offset based on the first time and frequency correlation product and the second time and frequency correlation product; anda frequency offset circuit configured to determine a frequency offset based on the first time and frequency correlation product and the second time and frequency correlation product.2. The circuit arrangement of claim 1 , further comprising a radio transceiver claim 1 , an antenna system claim 1 , and a controller and configured as a radio communication device.3. The circuit arrangement of claim 2 , wherein the radio transceiver is further configured to synchronize reception with a transmitter of the received signal ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014318A1

The present disclosure relates to a network node having a processor and a transceiver. The processor is configured to select at least one user device if a Channel Estimation Timer (CET) for a radio channel between the network node and the at least one user device is valid, and to schedule data transmission to the at least one selected user device. The transceiver is configured to perform the scheduled data transmission to the at least one selected user device. The present disclosure also describes a corresponding method, a wireless communication system including such a network node, a computer program, and a computer program product. 1. A network node for a wireless communication system , the network node comprising: select at least one user device if a Channel Estimation Timer (CET) for a radio channel between the network node and the at least one user device is valid, and', 'schedule data transmission to the at least one selected user device; and, 'a processor configured toa transceiver configured to perform the scheduled data transmission to the at least one selected user device.2. The network node according to claim 1 , wherein the CET is valid if a timer value of the CET has not expired.3. The network node according to claim 2 , wherein:the transceiver is further configured to receive a channel estimation beacon for indicating a channel estimation for the radio channel; andthe processor is further configured to reset the timer value of the CET in response to reception of the channel estimation beacon.4. The network node according to claim 3 , wherein:the processor is further configured to determine a channel estimation beacon transmission rate; andthe transceiver is further configured to transmit a first signal S1 to the at least one selected user device, the first signal S1 for indicating the channel estimation beacon transmission rate.5. The network node according to claim 2 , wherein the processor further is configured to determine the timer value of the CET ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Transmissions between a baseband unit and a radio unit of transformed signals in a beam space

Номер: US20210013945A1
Автор: Philippe Leroux
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

There is provided a method for exchanging spatial information of signals received from a User Equipment (UE) between a radio unit and a baseband unit. The method comprises: determining a channel estimate based on signals received from a User Equipment (UE); selecting a spatial transformation to be applied to the received signals, based on the channel estimate; and sending a set of signals transformed by the selected transformation to a baseband unit. A radio unit for implementing this method is also provided.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210014024A1

A wireless communication method includes receiving a reference signal and a data signal, based on a coverage enhancement level represented by a number of transmission repetitions; processing the reference signal and the data signal received by the receiving; setting a number of resource elements for transmitting the reference signal based at least on a channel type; and setting usage of resource elements indicated by a System Information Block (SIB). The reference signal is a Cell-specific Reference Signal (CRS) or a Demodulation Reference Signal (DMRS). 1. A wireless communication method comprising:receiving a reference signal and a data signal, based on a coverage enhancement level represented by a number of transmission repetitions;processing the reference signal and the data signal received by the receiving;setting a number of resource elements for transmitting the reference signal based at least on a channel type; andsetting usage of resource elements indicated by a System Information Block (SIB),wherein the reference signal is a Cell-specific Reference Signal (CRS) or a Demodulation Reference Signal (DMRS).2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the number of resource elements for transmitting the reference signal for a larger coverage enhancement level is more than the number of resource elements for transmitting the reference signal for a smaller coverage enhancement level.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the number of resource elements for transmitting the reference signal is different from the channel type.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a reference signal density of a Physical Downlink Control Channel (PDCCH) is higher than a reference signal density of a Physical Uplink Shared Channel (PDSCH).5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least part of the reference signal is received in the resource elements used to transmit the data signal.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the number of resource elements for ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Wake-Up-Radio Link Adaptation

Номер: US20190014541A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

An interface circuit in a device, e.g., an access point, may perform link adaptation. During operation, the interface circuit may provide a wake-up frame, e.g., a LP-WUR packet, associated with a channel in a band of frequencies, where the wake-up frame is intended for a wake-up radio in a recipient device. Then, the interface circuit may receive, from the recipient device, feedback information associated with a second channel in a second band of frequencies, where the feedback information is associated with a main radio in the recipient device. Based at least in part on the feedback information, the interface circuit may estimate one or more communication metrics associated with the channel in the band of frequencies. Moreover, based at least in part on the one or more communication metrics, the interface circuit may determine a data rate for use in communication via the channel in the band of frequencies.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014563A1
Принадлежит: NEC (China) Co., Ltd.

Embodiments of the present disclosure relate to downlink/uplink data transmission in a wireless communication system. In an embodiment of the present disclosure, there is provided a method for downlink data transmission in a wireless communication system which comprises transmitting an indication for a new-type reference signal to a user equipment, wherein the new-type reference signal has an identical location in frequency domain to a legacy reference signal; and transmitting the new-type reference signal and the legacy reference signal to the user equipment for using in channel estimation. In a case of more than one antenna port, the new-type reference signal may be designed to have a different location in time domain from a legacy reference signal to avoid interference to other antenna ports. With embodiments of the present disclosure, it is possible to perform a channel estimation based on both the legacy reference signal and the new-type reference signal to achieve a higher accuracy of channel estimation, and thus a UE with a low SNR may be also used in LTE networks. 1. A method performed by a user equipment in a wireless communication system , the method comprising: the first information indicates a number of repetitions for uplink data, and', 'the second information indicates whether or not transmit a second demodulation reference signal (DMRS);, 'receiving first information and second information from a base station, wherein'}transmitting the uplink data based on the first information;transmitting a first DMRS without a second DMRS if the second information indicates not to transmit the second DMRS; andtransmitting a first DMRS and at least one second DMRS if the second information indicates to transmit the second DMRS.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first information and the second information are transmitted by Radio Resource Control (RRC) signaling.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving, from the base station, third information for ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160021642A1
Автор: Kim Hyungtae, Kim Kijun

The present invention relates to a wireless communications system. In a wireless communications system according to an embodiment of the present invention, a method for applying a PRB (Physical Resource Block) bundling by a first cell includes the steps of: receiving the traffic information of a second cell; determining a resource for the first and the second cell to apply the same PRB bundling; and transmitting the information of the resource. 1. A method for applying a PRB (Physical Resource Block) bundling by a first cell in a wireless communications system , the method comprising:receiving a traffic information of a second cell;determining a resource for the first and the second cell to apply a same PRB bundling; andtransmitting an information on the resource to a user equipment.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resource for applying the same PRB bundling is decided based upon a minimum value between a first traffic size being transmitted by having the first cell apply the PRB bundling and a second traffic size being transmitted by having the second cell apply the PRB bundling.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resource for applying the same PRB bundling is sequentially decided starting from a subframe of a lower index.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the information on the resource for applying the same PRB bundling is configured by a bitmap method.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the information on the resource for applying the same PRB bundling is transmitted by using RRC (Radio Resource Control) signaling.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the information on the resource for applying the same PRB bundling is transmitted by using DCI (Downlink Control Information).7. A method for estimating a channel by a user equipment in a wireless communications system claim 1 , the method comprising:receiving an information on a resource for a first cell and a second cell to apply the same PRB (Physical Resource Block) bundling from the first cell; ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038318A1

Embodiments of a device and method are disclosed. In an embodiment, a method of wireless communications involves at a receiver, receiving a first packet, subsequently, at the receiver, receiving a second packet, and determining whether the second packet is a repetition of the first packet based on wireless communications channel estimation information associated with the first and second packets. 1. A method of wireless communications , the method comprising:at a receiver, receiving a first packet;subsequently, at the receiver, receiving a second packet; anddetermining whether the second packet is a repetition of the first packet based on wireless communications channel estimation information associated with the first and second packets.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising generating a first wireless communications channel estimation metric for the first packet and a second wireless communications channel estimation metric for the second packet.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein determining whether the second packet is a repetition of the first packet based on the wireless communications channel estimation information associated with the first and second packets comprises determining that the second packet is a repetition of the first packet when a difference between the first wireless communications channel estimation metric and the second wireless communications channel estimation metric is within a predefined threshold.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein determining whether the second packet is a repetition of the first packet based on the wireless communications channel estimation information associated with the first and second packets further comprises determining that the second packet is not a repetition of the first packet when the difference between the first wireless communications channel estimation metric and the second wireless communications channel estimation metric is not within the predefined threshold.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140105171A1
Автор: WU Jianming

A channel estimating apparatus includes a receiver that receives reference signal groups that are respectively transmitted from wireless communications units and that each include a reference signal that is allocated a common channel resource allocated to a reference signal in another reference signal group; a first estimating unit that based on a reference signal that is in a first reference signal group among the received reference signal groups and that is allocated a unique channel resource not allocated to a reference signal in another reference signal group, estimates a reference signal that is in the first reference signal group and allocated the common channel resource; and a second estimating unit that based on the reference signal estimated by the first estimating unit, estimates a reference signal that is in a second reference signal group among the received reference signal groups and that is allocated the common channel resource. 1. A channel estimating apparatus comprising:a wireless communication interface; and controlling the wireless communication interface to receive reference signal groups that are respectively transmitted from wireless communications units and that each include a reference signal that is allocated a common channel resource allocated to a reference signal in another reference signal group among the reference signal groups;', 'in accordance with a reference signal that is in a first reference signal group among the reference signal groups received by the wireless communication interface and that is allocated a unique channel resource not allocated to a reference signal in another reference signal group, first estimating a reference signal that is in the first reference signal group and allocated the common channel resource; and', 'in accordance with the reference signal estimated by the first estimating, second estimating a reference signal that is in a second reference signal group among the received reference signal groups and ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020458A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ)

A method performed by a transmitting station for assisting a receiving station in mitigating effects of a narrowband interference affecting the receiving station in a wireless communications network. The transmitting station determines () a likelihood of presence of the narrowband interference. When the likelihood of presence of the narrowband interference exceeds a threshold of the likelihood, the transmitting station sends () to the receiving station a recommendation to avoid smoothing of the channel estimates of the receiving station. The recommendation indicates a high likelihood of presence of the narrowband interference. 1. A method performed by a transmitting station for assisting a receiving station in mitigating effects of a narrowband interference affecting the receiving station in a wireless communications network , the method comprising:determining a likelihood of a presence of the narrowband interference;determining whether the determined likelihood of the presence of the narrowband interference exceeds a threshold; andas a result of determining that the determined likelihood of the presence of the narrowband interference exceeds the threshold, sending to the receiving station a recommendation to avoid smoothing of the channel estimates of the receiving station, which recommendation indicates a high likelihood of presence of the narrowband interference.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the likelihood of presence of the narrowband interference comprises computing a time slot occupancy of the narrowband interference.3. The method of claim 1 , whereindetermining the likelihood of presence of the narrowband interference comprises determining a peak of the interference power spectrum density, anddetermining whether the determined likelihood of the presence of the narrowband interference exceeds a threshold comprises determining whether the peak of the interference power spectrum density exceeds a threshold of an interference power spectrum ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

High-speed receiver architecture

Номер: US20190020415A1
Принадлежит: Inphi Corp

A receiver (e.g., for a 10G fiber communications link) includes an interleaved ADC coupled to a multi-channel equalizer that can provide different equalization for different ADC channels within the interleaved ADC. That is, the multi-channel equalizer can compensate for channel-dependent impairments. In one approach, the multi-channel equalizer is a feedforward equalizer (FFE) coupled to a Viterbi decorder, for example, a sliding block Viterbi decoder (SBVD); and the FFE and/or the channel estimator for the Viterbi decoder are adapted using the LMS algorithm.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020512A1

Transmitting device for a wireless communication system and method therein for transmitting data. The transmitting device comprises a processor, configured to: obtain a channel response (h); determine pre-processing coefficients (g, g, g) of a pre-processor structure, based on the obtained channel response (h); and pre-process the data, based on the pre-processor structure and the determined pre-processing coefficients (g, g, g). The transmitting device comprises a transmitter, configured to transmit the pre-processed data. 1. A transmitting device in a wireless communication system , the transmitting device comprising: obtain a channel response;', 'determine processing coefficients based on the channel response; and', 'process the data based on the processing coefficients to generate processed data; and, 'a processor configured toa transmitter configured to transmit the processed data to a receiving device.2. The transmitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to:select a processor structure based on the channel response, wherein the processor structure includes a number of processing steps; andinform the receiving device about the processor structure.3. The transmitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the transmitting device operates in a Frequency Division Duplex mode claim 1 , the transmitting device further comprising:a receiver;wherein the transmitter is further configured to transmit a pilot signal; andwherein the receiver is configured to receive the channel response based on the pilot signal transmitted by the transmitter.4. The transmitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the transmitting device operates in a Time Division Duplex mode claim 1 , the transmitting device further comprising:a receiver configured to receive an uplink pilot signal from the receiving device;wherein the processor is further configured to obtain the channel response by computing the channel response based on the uplink pilot signal ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150023453A1

A wireless communication device includes: 1. A wireless communication device comprising:a plurality of antennas receiving signals transmitted from one or more transmission antennas;a synthesis calculation unit performing a synthesis calculation of respective reception signals received by the plurality of antennas and reception weights corresponding to respective antenna ports;a channel estimation unit calculating respective estimated channel values from respective synthesized signals obtained by the synthesis calculation for the respective antenna ports, anda decoding unit performing decoding from the respective estimated channel values and the synthesized signals for the respective antenna ports.2. The wireless communication device according to claim 1 ,wherein the reception signal comprises a reference signal, which is different for the respective antenna ports, respective reference signals being located at a frequentially-and-temporally same position, or the reception signal comprises a reference signal corresponding to one antenna port.3. The wireless communication device according to claim 1 , further comprisingan interference wave detection unit detecting a magnitude of an interference wave of the reception signal,wherein the synthesis calculation unit performs the synthesis calculation, in response to the magnitude of the interference wave.4. The wireless communication device according to claim 1 , further comprisinga movement speed detection unit detecting a movement speed of the wireless communication device,wherein the synthesis calculation unit performs the synthesis calculation, in response to the movement speed of the wireless communication device.5. The wireless communication device according to claim 4 ,wherein when the signal transmitted from the transmission antenna is a space frequency block coding (SFBC), the synthesis calculation unit does not perform the synthesis calculation if a level of the interference wave is a predetermined level or lower. ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Method for estimating, by device using fdr scheme, non-linear self-interference signal channel

Номер: US20180026773A1

A method for estimating, by a device using an FDR scheme, a non-linear self-interference signal channel comprises a step of estimating a non-linear self-interference signal channel using a first sequence set included in a predefined first sequence set, wherein the predefined first sequence set is defined in consideration of non-linear self-interference signal components in an RF transmission chain and an RF reception chain of the device.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

System and Method for Transmit Power Control with Secondary Uplink Pilot Channel

Номер: US20160029322A1

A method for operating a user equipment (UE) configured for estimating channel quality includes receiving a downlink fractional control channel from a non-serving HS-DSCH cell, estimating a quality of the downlink fractional control channel over a specified time period, and deriving downlink synchronization primitives in accordance with the quality of the downlink fractional control channel. Further methods for deriving the transmit power of an uplink control channel from downlink fractional control channels transmitted by the serving and non-serving HS-DSCH cells are disclosed. 1. A method for operating a user equipment (UE) configured for estimating channel quality , the method comprising:receiving, by the UE, a downlink fractional control channel from a non-serving cell;estimating, by the UE, a quality of the downlink fractional control channel over a specified time period; andderiving, by the UE, downlink synchronization primitives in accordance with the quality of the downlink fractional control channel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein deriving the downlink synchronization primitives occurs when an uplink physical control channel is not transmitted.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the downlink fractional control channel comprises a fractional dedicated physical channel (F-DPCH) and wherein the uplink physical control channel comprises a secondary dedicated physical control channel (DPCCH2).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the downlink synchronization primitives comprise one of a CPHY-Sync-IND and a CPHY-Out-of-Sync-IND.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the non-serving cell comprises one of a non-serving high-speed downlink shared channel (HS-DSCH) cell and a serving enhanced dedicated channel (E-DCH) cell when E-DCH decoupling is configured.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein estimating the quality of the downlink fractional control channel comprises estimating a quality of transmit power control (TPC) fields in the downlink fractional control channel.7. ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for transmitting and receiving signal in frequency-asynchronous non-orthogonal multiple access system

Номер: US20220046560A1

The disclosure relates to post-4 th generation (4G) communication systems, such as 5 th generation (5G) or 6 th generation (6G), which support a higher data rate than the long term evolution (LTE) or 4G communication systems. A method and an apparatus for transmitting and receiving signals in a frequency-asynchronous non-orthogonal multiple access (FA-NOMA) communication system are provided. The method for transmitting a signal by a base station in an FA-NOMA system includes determining a frequency offset to be applied to a first signal transmitted to a first user equipment (UE) based on a second signal transmitted to a second UE, determining information for interference caused by the frequency offset, determining at least one pre-processing factor for the first UE based on the information for the interference, and transmitting a third signal including at least one first pilot to the first UE using the at least one pre-processing factor. The second signal includes at least one second pilot.

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Adaptive demodulation reference signals in wireless communication systems

Номер: US20210028903A1

The described technology is generally directed towards adapting the demodulation reference signal sent in a wireless resource data block based on channel estimation performance. In general, if the demodulation reference signal received was not successfully able to be used to demodulate the resource data block, the demodulation reference signal density can be increased up to a maximum density, which costs resource elements but improves the channel estimation accuracy. If the demodulation reference signal received was able to be used to demodulate the resource data block, the demodulation reference signal density can be decreased down to minimum density, which saves resource elements for data. The network device can use HARQ ACK/NACK data (e.g., a current count or counted over a time period) to determine channel estimation performance, and/or the user equipment can recommend a demodulation reference signal density change.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170033844A1
Автор: Kasher Assaf
Принадлежит: Intel IP Corporation

Various embodiments are generally directed to an apparatus, method and other techniques to perform beamforming training in a MIMO environment. Some embodiments may include communicating one or more beamforming refinement packets having training subfields with orthogonal structures such that devices may simultaneously perform beamforming training for each pair of phased array antennas. Embodiments may also include the beamforming refinement packets with channel estimation fields with orthogonal structures. 1. An apparatus , comprising:at least one memory; andlogic, at least a portion of which is in hardware, the logic to generate a plurality of Golay sequence chains, each of the plurality of Golay sequence chains to be encoded for transmission by a respective one of a plurality of phased array antennas of a station (STA) during a training subfield of a beamforming refinement packet, each of the plurality of Golay sequence chains to be structured such that it is orthogonal to each other one of the plurality of Golay sequence chains.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , each of the plurality of Golay sequence chains to comprise a respective set of four Golay sequences.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , each Golay sequence in each of the plurality of Golay sequence chains to comprise a length of 128 symbols.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , a respective type of each Golay sequence in each of the plurality of Golay sequence chains to comprise a type Ga or a type Gb.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , each of the plurality of Golay sequence chains to correspond to a respective row of a matrix comprising the product of a Golay sequence vector and a unitary matrix comprised of unit amplitude elements.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , the plurality of Golay sequence chains to comprise four Golay sequence chains claim 1 , the plurality of phased array antennas to comprise four phased array antennas.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , each of the plurality of Golay sequence chains to be encoded for ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170033958A1

Certain aspects of the present disclosure provide an apparatus for wireless communications. The apparatus includes a processing system configured to generate a frame comprising a first channel estimation sequence for transmission via a first channel, a second channel estimation sequence for transmission via a second channel, and at least a first portion of a data payload for transmission via a third channel, wherein the first channel includes a first frequency band, wherein the second channel includes a second frequency band different from the first frequency band, and wherein the third channel includes a third frequency band that overlaps in frequency with the first and second frequency bands; and an interface configured to output the frame for transmission. 1. An apparatus for wireless communications , comprising:a processing system configured to generate a frame comprising a first channel estimation sequence for transmission via a first channel, a second channel estimation sequence for transmission via a second channel, and at least a first portion of a data payload for transmission via a third channel, wherein the first channel includes a first frequency band, wherein the second channel includes a second frequency band different from the first frequency band, and wherein the third channel includes a third frequency band that overlaps in frequency with the first and second frequency bands; andan interface configured to output the frame for transmission.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the processing system is configured to generate the frame such that at least a portion of the first channel estimation sequence is configured for transmission at the same time as at least a portion of the second channel estimation sequence.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the processing system is configured to generate the frame such that beginning and ending of the first channel estimation sequence are configured for transmission at substantially the same time as ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150036765A1
Автор: OH Young-ho, Yun Sung-Ryul

A transmitter includes: a frame generator configured to generate a frame including a frame starting symbol, at least one data symbol and a frame closing symbol; a pilot and reserved tone inserter configured to insert pilots and reserved tones in at least one of the frame starting symbol, the data symbol and the frame closing symbol such that positions of the reserved tones do not overlap positions of the pilots in the at least one of the frame starting symbol, the data symbol and the frame closing symbol; and a transmitter configured to transmit the frame in which the pilots and the reserved tones are inserted, wherein the reserved tones are not used to transmit data in the frame. 1. A transmitter comprising:a frame generator configured to generate a frame comprising a frame starting symbol, at least one data symbol and a frame closing symbol;a pilot and reserved tone inserter configured to insert pilots and reserved tones in at least one of the frame starting symbol, the data symbol and the frame closing symbol such that positions of the reserved tones do not overlap positions of the pilots in the at least one of the frame starting symbol, the data symbol and the frame closing symbol; anda transmitter configured to transmit the frame in which the pilots and the reserved tones are inserted,wherein the reserved tones are not used to transmit data in the frame.2. The transmitter of claim 1 , wherein the pilot and reserved tone inserter are configured to insert the pilots and the reserved tones in all of the frame starting symbol claim 1 , the data symbol and the frame closing symbol such that positions of the reserved tones do not overlap positions of the pilots in all of the frame starting symbol claim 1 , the data symbol and the frame closing symbol.3. The transmitter of claim 1 , wherein the pilot and reserved tone inserter is configured to insert the pilots in the data symbol according to a predetermined first arrangement pattern claim 1 , insert the reserved ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Receiving apparatus in wireless communication system and channel estimation control method

Номер: US20160036573A1
Автор: Tomozou Tanaka
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

It is desired to provide a receiving apparatus in a wireless communication system and a channel estimation control method that are capable of reducing delay in channel estimation and the error rate in decoding channel information. To achieve this, in a wireless communication system using a first reference signal, with which a control information signal is not multiplexed, and a second reference signal, with which a control information signal is multiplexed, a receiver ( 200 ) includes: an A/N detection selection unit ( 211 ) that selects whether to use both the first reference signal and the second reference signal for channel estimation or to use only the first reference signal for channel estimation; and a channel estimation unit ( 209 ) that carries out channel estimation by use of the selected reference signal(s).

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034673A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Embodiments of the present invention provide a reference signal sending method, a reference signal receiving method, and an apparatus. A reference signal sending method includes: obtaining a reference signal sequence, where the reference signal sequence includes multiple bits and exclusive OR of every two bits separated by one bit in the multiple bits is 1; performing Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying GMSK modulation on the reference signal sequence; and sending a modulated reference signal sequence. In the embodiments of the present invention, a reference signal sequence is designed as a sequence in which exclusive OR of every two bits separated by one bit is 1, GMSK modulation is performed on the reference signal sequence, and the same reference signal sequence is used to perform channel estimation during GMSK demodulation. Compared with a case in which a pseudo random sequence is used as a pilot symbol, channel estimation accuracy is improved. 1. A reference signal sending method comprising:obtaining a reference signal sequence, wherein the reference signal sequence comprises multiple bits and exclusive OR of every two bits separated by one bit in the multiple bits is 1;performing Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) modulation on the reference signal sequence; andsending a modulated reference signal sequence.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the reference signal sequence is at least one of the following sequences: a first reference signal sequence claim 1 , a second reference signal sequence claim 1 , a third reference signal sequence claim 1 , or a fourth reference signal sequence claim 1 , whereinthe first reference signal sequence is a periodic sequence of a sequence 0, 0, 1, 1, the second reference signal sequence is a periodic sequence of a sequence 0, 1, 1, 0, the third reference signal sequence is a periodic sequence of a sequence 1, 0, 0, 1, and the fourth reference signal sequence is a periodic sequence of a sequence 1, 1, 0, 0.3. The method ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Method and a device for determining an estimated value for a noise power

Номер: US20160037372A1

A device for determining an estimated value for a mean power of the noise-signal sequence, which is superposed on an undisturbed periodic transmitted-signal sequence, determines a mean power of a received-signal sequence, which corresponds to the undisturbed periodic transmitted-signal sequence with the addition of the superposed noise-signal sequence. It then estimates an estimated-signal sequence for the undisturbed periodic transmitted-signal sequence from the received-signal sequence. Following this, a mean power of the estimated-signal sequence and the estimated value of the mean power of the noise-signal sequence is determined from a difference between the determined mean power of the received-signal sequence and the determined mean power of the estimated-signal sequence. 1. A method for the automatic determination of an estimated value for a mean power of a noise-signal sequence which is superposed on an undisturbed periodic transmitted-signal sequence by means of a computer device with the following method steps:determination of a mean power of a received-signal sequence which corresponds to the undisturbed periodic transmitted-signal sequence with the addition of the superposed noise-signal sequence,estimation of an estimated-signal sequence for the undisturbed periodic transmitted-signal sequence from the received-signal sequence,determination of a mean power of the estimated-signal sequence anddetermination of the estimated value of the mean power of the noise-signal sequence from a difference between the determined mean power of the received-signal sequence and the determined mean power of the estimated-signal sequence.2. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the estimated-signal sequence for the undisturbed periodic transmitted-signal sequence is formed from summated sampled values of the received-signal sequence, andwherein each summated sampled value of the received-signal sequence is obtained in each case from a sum of sampled values of the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220052714A1

A receiver circuit includes an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), a decision feedback equalizer (DFE), a slicer, and a timing error detector (TED). The DFE is coupled to the ADC, and includes a first tap and a second tap. The slicer is coupled to the DFE. The TED is coupled to the slicer. The TED is configured to initialize timing of a sampling clock provided to the ADC while initializing the second tap of the DFE and holding the first tap of the DFE at a constant value. 1. A receiver circuit , comprising:an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) including an output; a first input coupled to the output of the ADC;', 'a second input; and', 'an output;, 'a first adder including a first input coupled to the output of the first adder;', 'a second input; and', 'an output;, 'a second adder including an input coupled to the output of the second adder; and', 'an output;, 'a slicer including [ an input coupled to the output of the slicer; and', 'an output coupled to the second input of the second adder;, 'a first tap including, an input coupled to the output of the slicer; and', 'an output coupled to the second input of the first adder;, 'a second tap including], 'a decision feedback equalizer (DFE) including a first input coupled to the output of the slicer; and', 'a second input; and, 'a timing error detector (TED), including a first input coupled the output of the first adder;', 'a second input coupled to output of the second adder; and', 'an output coupled to the second input of the TED., 'a multiplexer, including2. The receiver circuit of claim 1 , wherein:the multiplexer includes a control input; and an input coupled to the output of the ADC; and', 'an output coupled to the control input of the multiplexer., 'a coarse automatic gain control (CAGC) circuit including, 'the receiver circuit includes3. The receiver circuit of claim 2 , wherein:the ADC includes a signal input; an output coupled to the signal input of the ADC; and', 'a corner frequency select input coupled to the ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036423A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget lM Ericsson (publ)

There is provided mechanisms for obtaining channel conditions per antenna element of an antenna array comprising N antenna elements. The antenna array is configured for communications using orthogonal sub-carriers. A method is performed by a radio transceiver device. The method comprises obtaining channel conditions of a radio propagation channel per sub-carrier for signals received on the sub-carriers by the antenna array. A set of receiving entities are associated with the sub-carriers in an interleaved manner such that each receiving entity is interleaved over a respective disjoint subset of sub-carriers. The method comprises transforming the channel conditions at least for those sub-carriers located within a coherence bandwidth of the radio propagation channel to channel conditions for the N antenna elements by using a relation that maps the receiving entities to the N antenna elements. 1. A radio transceiver device for obtaining channel conditions per antenna element of an antenna array comprising N antenna elements and being configured for communications using orthogonal sub-carriers , the radio transceiver device comprising processing circuitry , the processing circuitry being configured to cause the radio transceiver device to:obtain channel conditions of a radio propagation channel per sub-carrier for signals received on the sub-carriers by the antenna array, wherein a set of receiving entities are associated with the sub-carriers in an interleaved manner such that each receiving entity is interleaved over a respective disjoint subset of sub-carriers; andtransform the channel conditions at least for those sub-carriers located within a coherence bandwidth of the radio propagation channel to channel conditions for the N antenna elements by using a relation that maps the receiving entities to the N antenna elements.2. The radio transceiver device of claim 1 , whereinthe receiving entities only are associated with those of the sub-carriers that carry pilot ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037319A1

Transmission time interval (TTI) bundling for ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC) uplink and downlink transmissions is discussed in which a base station or user equipments (UEs) determine conditions for one or more served UEs that would indicate enabling TTI bundling for data and/or control transmissions. The serving base station transmits an enablement signal signifying that TTI bundling will be performed for data and/or control transmissions. The enablement signal may include a bundle length for the transmission bundle. The data or control signal packets may then be repeatedly transmitted to the UEs a number of times corresponding to the bundle length. 1. A method of wireless ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC) , comprising:determining conditions for one or more user equipments (UEs) indicating to enable transmission time interval (TTI) bundling of data transmissions;transmitting an enablement signal of TTI bundling of the data transmissions to the one or more UEs, wherein the enablement signal includes a bundle length for a data bundle of the data transmissions; andrepeatedly transmitting a data packet of the data transmission to the one or more UEs, Wherein a number of times the data packet is repeatedly transmitted in the data bundle corresponds to the bundle length.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining the conditions includes one of:determining one or more of a modulation and coding scheme (MCS) of the one or more UEs, and a remaining delay budget of the data packet;receiving a scheduling request from the one or more UEs, wherein the scheduling request includes a request for TTI bundling; ordetermining a deadline associated with a latency requirement of the data packet.3. The method of claim 2 , further including one of:applying the repeatedly transmitting to initial transmissions of the data transmissions when the remaining delay budget of the data packet is below a threshold delay time; orapplying the repeatedly ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210036823A1

Techniques for performing channel estimation in an orthogonal time, frequency and space (OTFS) communication system include receiving a wireless signal comprising a data signal portion and a pilot signal portion in which the pilot signal portion includes multiple pilot signals multiplexed together in the OTFS domain, performing two-dimensional channel estimation in a time-frequency domain based on a minimum mean square error (MMSE) optimization criterion, and recovering information bits using a channel estimate obtained from the two-dimensional channel estimation. 1. (canceled)2. A wireless communication method for recovering information bits from a received signal , implemented by a wireless communication receiver , comprising:receiving a wireless signal comprising a data signal portion and a pilot signal portion wherein the pilot signal portion includes multiple pilot signals multiplexed together in an orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) domain;performing two-dimensional channel estimation in a delay-Doppler domain based on an optimization criterion; andrecovering information bits using a channel estimate obtained from the two-dimensional channel estimation.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the performing the two-dimensional channel estimation includes:identifying a subset of the pilot signal portion from which to obtain a preliminary channel estimate in the delay-Doppler domain;estimating, using samples of the wireless signal received within a two-dimensional observation window, the preliminary channel estimate; andobtaining the channel estimate by interpolating and/or predicting the preliminary channel estimate.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the preliminary channel estimate is estimated using all samples of the wireless signal.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the preliminary channel estimate is estimated using a subset of samples corresponding to less than all the samples of the wireless signal claim 3 , depending on the preliminary channel estimate.6. ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210036893A1

A method for implementing co-polarized feedback for frequency domain compression is disclosed. The method includes feeding back compressed channel state information, wherein at least one layer is restricted to be transmitted on one polarization and the feedback for the at least one layer only involves the channel state information on the one polarization. 1. A method comprising:feeding back compressed channel state information, wherein at least one layer is restricted to be transmitted on one polarization and the feedback for the at least one layer only involves the channel state information on the one polarization.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein channel state information feedback for a first layer is transmitted wherein the first layer is restricted to be transmitted only on either a first polarization or a second polarization.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein channel state information feedback for a first layer is transmitted wherein the first layer is restricted to be transmitted only on a first polarization claim 1 , and channel state information feedback for a second layer is transmitted wherein the second layer is restricted to be transmitted only on a second polarization.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein channel state information feedback for a first layer is transmitted wherein the first layer is restricted to be transmitted only on a first polarization claim 1 , channel state information feedback for a second layer is transmitted wherein the second layer is restricted to be transmitted only on a second polarization claim 1 , and channel state information feedback for a third layer is transmitted wherein the third layer is restricted to be transmitted only on either the first polarization or the second polarization.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein either:channel state information feedback for a first layer and a third layer are transmitted wherein the first and third layers are restricted to be transmitted only on a first polarization, and channel ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for sending and receiving signal

Номер: US20170041107A1
Автор: Jing Qiu, Ming Jia
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

Embodiments of the present invention provide a method and apparatus for sending and receiving a signal, and relate to the field of wireless communication, where a quantity of pilots does not increase with increasing paired data streams of an MU-MIMO system, and overheads of the pilots are fixed. The method includes: determining, by a transmitter, a transmitting precoding vector of a primary pilot signal of a first receiver and an estimated receiving filtering vector; determining a transmitting precoding vector of a secondary pilot signal of the first receiver; determining a to-be-sent primary pilot signal, to-be-sent user data of the first receiver, and a to-be-sent secondary pilot signal; and sending the first receiver the to-be-sent primary pilot signal, the to-be-sent user data of the first receiver, and the to-be-sent secondary pilot signal.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170041162A1

A method includes generating, by a wireless device, a sounding packet. The method includes sending, by the wireless device, copies of the sounding packet using a beam former and an antenna array to a second wireless device. Each copy of the copies of the sounding packet is sent using different beam weights. The method includes, in response to sending the copies of the sounding packet, obtaining, by the wireless device, a first correction beam weight and a second correction beam weight from the second wireless device and sending, by the wireless device, data to the second wireless device using the first correction beam weight and the second correction beam weight. 1. A wireless device , comprising: an antenna array that transmits to a second wireless device,', 'a beam former that modifies a radiation pattern of the antenna array based on beam weights;, 'a transceiver comprising generates a sounding packet;', 'sends a plurality of copies of the sounding packet using the beam former and the antenna array to the second wireless device, wherein each copy of the plurality of copies of the sounding packet is sent using different beam weights;', obtains, from the second wireless device, a first correction beam weight and a second correction beam weight; and', 'sends data to the second wireless device using the first correction beam weight and the second correction beam weight., 'in response to sending the plurality of copies of the sounding packet], 'a channel estimator that2. The wireless device of claim 1 , wherein the first correction beam weight and the second correction beam weight are used to modify the radiation pattern of the antenna array when sending the data.3. The wireless device of claim 1 , further comprising: allocated bands in which the transceiver transmits; and', 'sub-channel allocations that specify a plurality of channels, wherein each of the sub-channels comprise a portion of the allocated bands., 'a data repository comprising4. The wireless device of ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180041823A1

Systems, methods, and computer-readable media for call classification and for training a model for call classification, an example method comprising: receiving DTMF information from a plurality of calls; determining, for each of the calls, a feature vector including statistics based on DTMF information such as DTMF residual signal comprising channel noise and additive noise; training a model for classification; comparing a new call feature vector to the model; predicting a device type and geographic location based on the comparison of the new call feature vector to the model; classifying the call as spoofed or genuine; and authenticating a call or altering an IVR call flow. 1. A computer-implemented method to classify a call , the computer-implemented method comprising:receiving dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) information from a call;determining a feature vector based on the DTMF information;comparing the feature vector to a model; andclassifying the call based on the comparison of the feature vector to the model.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:prompting, by an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system, entry of the DTMF information.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining an ideal DTMF tone, wherein the determining the feature vector based on the DTMF information includes determining a feature based on the ideal DTMF tone.4. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:estimating channel noise in a DTMF tone, wherein the determining the feature vector based on the DTMF information includes determining a feature based on the channel noise.5. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:estimating additive noise in a DTMF tone, wherein the determining the feature vector based on the DTMF information includes determining a feature based on the additive noise.6. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the feature vector is a vector of features ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220060231A1

Embodiments presented herein relate to a method for reciprocity-based transmission in a radio communication network. The method is performed in a base station and may include obtaining a channel estimation of Rx quantities of a set of receive, Rx, and transmit, Tx, distribution networks, obtaining a channel estimation of Rx quantities of a set of Rx distribution networks, and performing reciprocity-based transmission with utilization of the obtained channel estimation of Rx quantities of both the set of Rx and Tx distribution network and the set of Rx distribution network, whereby channel estimation of Rx quantities of more Rx distribution networks than Tx distribution networks are utilized for the reciprocity-based transmission. A method, a base station, a wireless device, a computer programs and a computer program product for reciprocity-based beamforming in a radio communication network are also presented. 1. A method for reciprocity-based transmission in a radio communication network , the method being performed in a base station and comprising:obtaining a channel estimation of receive, Rx, quantities of a set of Rx and transmit, Tx, distribution networks;obtaining a channel estimation of Rx quantities of a set of Rx distribution networks; andperforming reciprocity-based transmission with utilization of the obtained channel estimation of Rx quantities of both the set of Rx and Tx distribution network and the set of Rx distribution network, whereby channel estimation of Rx quantities of more Rx distribution networks than Tx distribution networks are utilized for the reciprocity-based transmission.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of performing further comprises performing reciprocity-based beamforming.3. The method according to wherein the Rx distribution network channel estimates are given larger weights than the Rx and Tx distribution network channel estimate weights.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:obtaining ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190044566A1

Wireless communication wherein channel estimation accuracy is improved while keeping the position of each bit in a frame, even when a modulation system having a large modulation multiple value is used for a data symbol. An encoding operation encodes and outputs transmitting data (bit string) and a bit converting operation converts at least one bit of a plurality of bits constituting a data symbol to be used for channel estimation, among the encoded bit strings, into ‘1’ or ‘0’. A modulating operation modulates the bit string inputted from the bit converting operation by using a single modulation mapper and a plurality of data symbols are generated. 1. An integrated circuit comprising circuitry , which , in operation:controls reception of control information associated with a number of bits;generates a bit sequence by forcibly setting each place of the number of bits determined from the control information out of a plurality of bits to a 1, the plurality of bits forming a modulation symbol in the bit sequence; andmodulates the bit sequence by mapping the plurality of bits on a single modulation mapper, the single modulation mapper having first signal points,wherein each place of the number of bits is forcibly set to the 1 in a way that the plurality of bits are mapped to one of second signal points, which are a part of the first signal points, a distance between the second signal points being equivalent to a largest of distance existing among the first signal points in an I-Q plane of the single modulation mapper.2. The integrated circuit according to claim 1 , comprising:at least one input coupled to the circuitry, wherein the at least one input, in operation, inputs data; andat least one output coupled to the circuitry, wherein the at least one output, in operation, outputs data.3. The integrated circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the single modulation mapper has 16 first signal points for 16 QAM claim 1 , and the second signal points are a constellation of ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Mitigating Interference in Network Distribution

Номер: US20190044636A1

A residential gateway connecting an access network to an in-home network includes an access network transceiver configured for a first communication with an access network component via a wireline and an in-home network transceiver configured for a second communication with an in-home network component via the same wireline or at least one further wireline. The residential gateway further includes synchronization circuitry configured to synchronize a timing between the first and the second communication and interference mitigation circuitry configured to mitigate interference between the first and the second communication based on the synchronized timing. 1. A residential gateway for connecting an access network to an in-home network , the residential gateway comprising:an access network transceiver configured for a first communication with an access network component via a wireline;an in-home network transceiver configured for a second communication with an in-home network component via the same wireline or at least one further wireline;synchronization circuitry configured to synchronize a timing between the first and the second communication; andinterference mitigation circuitry configured to mitigate interference between the first and the second communication based on the synchronized timing.2. The residential gateway of claim 1 , wherein the first communication is via a first wireline and wherein the second communication is via a second wireline.3. The residential gateway of claim 2 , wherein the synchronization circuitry is configured to schedule a transmission from the in-home network transceiver to the in-home network component simultaneously with a transmission from the access network component or the access network transceiver.4. The residential gateway of claim 2 , wherein the synchronization circuitry is configured to schedule a transmission from the access network transceiver to the access network component at a different time from a transmission from ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190044682A1

Techniques for performing channel estimation in an orthogonal time, frequency and space (OTFS) communication system include receiving a wireless signal comprising a data signal portion and a pilot signal portion in which the pilot signal portion includes multiple pilot signals multiplexed together in the OTFS domain, performing two-dimensional channel estimation in a time-frequency domain based on a minimum mean square error (MMSE) optimization criterion, and recovering information bits using a channel estimate obtained from the two-dimensional channel estimation. 1. A wireless communication method for recovering information bits from a received signal , implemented by a wireless communication receiver , comprising:receiving a wireless signal comprising a data signal portion and a pilot signal portion wherein the pilot signal portion includes multiple pilot signals multiplexed together in an orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) domain;performing two-dimensional channel estimation in a time-frequency domain based on a minimum mean square error (MMSE) optimization criterion; andrecovering information bits using a channel estimate obtained from the two-dimensional channel estimation.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the performing the two-dimensional channel estimation includes:identifying a subset of the pilot signal portion from which to obtain a preliminary channel estimate in the time-frequency domain;estimating, using samples of the wireless signal received within a two-dimensional observation window, the preliminary channel estimate; andobtaining the channel estimate by interpolating and/or predicting the preliminary channel estimate.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the preliminary channel estimate is estimated using samples from all time domain sampling instances.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the preliminary channel estimate is estimated using samples from a subset corresponding to less than all time domain sampling instances claim 2 , depending on the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Wireless communication method and wireless communication device

Номер: US20190044756A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

The present invention discloses a wireless communication method and a wireless communication device. An electronic device for a first communication device in a wireless communication system comprises: storage device configured to store an analog codebook for the first communication device, the analog codebook comprising a plurality of sets of first configuration parameters for a set of phase shifters of the first communication device; and a processing circuit configured to: perform channel estimation on a first channel from a second communication device to the first communication device respectively based on the plurality of sets of first configuration parameters and signal transmission from the second communication device, select a set of first configuration parameters corresponding to ones of channel estimation results that satisfy a first predetermined condition to generate a reduced analog sub-codebook, configure signal transmission from the first communication device to the second communication device based on the analog sub-codebook, to perform channel estimation on a second channel from the first communication device to the second communication device.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160050007A1

The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for supporting multi-users using a massive MIMO technology in an FDD environment. A communication method of a UE in a MIMO system according to an embodiment of the present invention may comprise: estimating a channel; calculating a first precoding matrix indication having a minimum correlation with the estimated channel; and transmitting the calculated first precoding matrix indication to a BS. According to an embodiment of the present invention, in a massive MIMO system, the UE feeds not a pre-coder close to a channel thereof but a pre-coder close to a null space of a channel back to the BS, so that an IUI can be reduced even in an 1. A communication method of a UE in a Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) system , the communication method comprising:estimating a channel;calculating a first precoding matrix indication having a minimum correlation with the estimated channel; andtransmitting the calculated first precoding matrix indication to a Base Station (BS).2. The communication method of claim 1 , wherein the transmitting of the calculated first precoding matrix indication to the BS comprises:calculating a Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of the UE;determining whether the calculated SNR is larger than a predetemined threshold value; andwhen the calculated SNR is larger than the predetermined threshold value, transmitting the calculated first precoding matrix indication to the BS.3. The communication method of claim 2 , further comprising:calculating a second precoding matrix indication having a maximum correlation with the estimated channel; andwhen the calculated SNR is smaller than the predetermined threshold value, transmitting the second precoding matrix indication having the maximum correlation of the channel of the UE itself to the BS.4. The communication method of claim 2 , further comprising:receiving the predetermiend threshold value from the UE.5. The communication method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190045427A1
Автор: Logan William Kenneth

An example technique is performed by a client on a device, and includes: obtaining attributes relating to the device, to one or more wireless networks, or to both the device and the one or more wireless networks; evaluating the attributes in voting modules of the client to generate votes, with a voting module evaluating one or more of the attributes and generating a vote; making a determination, based on the votes, to connect the device to a wireless network of the one or more wireless networks, or to maintain a connection between the device and the wireless network; and controlling the device based on the determination. 1. A method performed by a client on a device , comprising:obtaining attributes relating to the device, to one or more wireless networks, or to both the device and the one or more wireless networks;evaluating the attributes in voting modules of the client to generate votes, a voting module evaluating one or more of the attributes and generating a vote;making a determination, based on the votes, to connect the device to a wireless network of the one or more wireless networks, or to maintain a connection between the device and the wireless network; andcontrolling the device based on the determination.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:obtaining one or more policies from one or more servers, the one or more policies comprising data for influencing connection between the device and the one or more wireless networks;wherein the attributes are evaluated based on the one or more policies.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the voting modules are configured based on the one or more policies.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:obtaining one or more policies that are based on operation of the device over a period of time, the one or more policies comprising data for influencing connection between the device and the one or more wireless networks;wherein the attributes are evaluated based on the one or more policies.5. The method of claim 1 ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Information Transmission Method and Apparatus in Wireless Local Area Network

Номер: US20200044903A1

Information transmission methods and apparatuses in a wireless local area network are provided. One example method includes generating a legacy signaling field (L-SIG) and a repeated legacy signaling field (RL-SIG), where subcarriers with indexes −28, −27, 27, and 28 in the L-SIG and the RL-SIG in a 20 MHz bandwidth carry −1, −1, −1, and 1, respectively. The method also includes sending the generated L-SIG and RL-SIG. 1transmitting a legacy signaling field (L-SIG) on a transmission bandwidth;wherein for a 20 MHz in the transmission bandwidth, the L-SIG is carried on 48 subcarriers with indexes −26, −25, −24, −23, −22, −20, −19, −18, −17, −16, −15, −14, −13, −12, −11, −10, −9, −8, −6, −5, −4, −3, −2, −1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 in the 20 MHz;wherein a pilot sequence is carried on four subcarriers with indexes −21, −7, 7 and 21 in the 20 MHz; andwherein −1, −1, −1, and 1 are respectively carried on four subcarriers with indexes −28, −27, 27, and 28 for channel estimation in the 20 MHz.. An information transmission method in a wireless local area network, comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/381,126, filed on Apr. 11, 2019, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/922,274, filed on Mar. 15, 2018, now U.S. Pat. No. 10,397,037, which is a continuation of International Application No. PCT/CN2017/070462, filed on Jan. 6, 2017, which claims priority to Chinese Patent Application No. 201610011271.6, filed on Jan. 7, 2016. All of the afore-mentioned patent applications are hereby incorporated by reference in their entireties.Embodiments of the present invention relate to communications technologies, and in particular, to an information transmission method and apparatus in a wireless local area network.A wireless local area network (WLAN) is a data transmission system, and replaces, by using a radio frequency (RF) technology, a legacy local ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180048347A1

A method for a FDR scheme-using communication device transmitting reference signals for estimating a channel of a non-linear self-interference signal comprises the step of transmitting, on a specific symbol of a corresponding subframe, reference signals for estimating the channel of the non-linear self-interference signal, wherein a sequence mapped to the reference signals is a sequence generated in a frequency domain by being discrete Fourier transform (DFT)-converted, and the generated sequence may be mapped, on the frequency domain, to a RE for the reference signals. 1. A method for transmitting a reference signal for channel estimation of a non-linear self-interference signal by a communication device using a full duplex radio (FDR) scheme , the method comprising:transmitting reference signals for channel estimation of the non-linear self-interference signal on a specific symbol of a corresponding subframe,wherein a sequence mapped to the reference signals is subjected to discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and generated in a frequency domain, andwherein the generated sequence is mapped to a resource element (RE) for the reference signals in the frequency domain.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the specific symbol corresponds to a fourth symbol of the corresponding subframe in a time-axis direction.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the reference signals are transmitted on the specific symbol of the corresponding subframe in full bandwidth.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the reference signals are transmitted on the specific symbol of the corresponding subframe in a specific band.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , if the reference signals are transmitted on the specific symbol of the corresponding subframe in the specific band claim 4 , a reference signal which zero is inserted is transmitted on the specific symbol of the corresponding subframe.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the corresponding ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180048370A1

The present disclosure provides an access node configured for determining at least one beamforming parameter for communication between the access node and a user node. The access node including: a first-band receiver configured to receive at least one first signal from said user node on a first frequency band; a processor and a non-transitory computer-readable medium including computer-executable instructions executed by the processor to perform, on the access node, determining at least one first beamforming parameter based on said received first signal; and a second-band transmitter configured to send, with a transmit beam that is configured based on said determined first beamforming parameter, on a second frequency band at least one second signal to said user node. The first frequency band includes lower frequencies than the second frequency band. 1. An access node configured for determining at least one beamforming parameter for communication between said access node and a user node , said access node comprising:a first-band receiver configured to receive at least one first signal from said user node on a first frequency band;a processor; 'determining at least one first beamforming parameter based on said received first signal; and', 'a non-transitory computer-readable storage medium including computer-executable instructions executed by the processor to perform, on the access node, the instructions comprisinga second-band transmitter configured to send, with a transmit beam that is configured based on said determined first beamforming parameter, on a second frequency band at least one second signal to said user node;wherein said first frequency band comprises lower frequencies than said second frequency band.2. The access node of claim 1 , wherein said first frequency band is in a centimeter wavelength range and said second frequency band is in a millimeter wavelength range.3. The access node of one of claim 1 , wherein said at least one second signal comprises ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Channel estimation for phase-only feedback and methods for use therewith

Номер: US20140126398A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

An apparatus includes a receiver to receive a first signal from at least one additional apparatus including a data frame including a FACK request in a signal (SIG) field. A baseband processor generates feedback information for use to perform channel estimation. A transmitter transmits a second signal that includes the feedback information to the at least one additional apparatus.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180048423A1

A receiver for receiving data in a broadcast system includes a broadcast receiver that receives, via the broadcast system, a receiver input data stream including plural channel symbols represented by constellation points in a constellation diagram. A demodulator demodulates the channel symbols into codewords and a decoder decodes the codewords into output data words. A broadband receiver obtains redundancy data via a broadband system, the redundancy data for a channel symbol including one or more least robust bits of the channel symbol or a constellation subset identifier indicating a subset of constellation points including the constellation point representing the channel symbol. The demodulator and/or the decoder is configured to use the redundancy data to demodulate the respective channel symbol and to decode the respective codeword, respectively. 1. (canceled)2. A receiver for receiving data , comprising:a first receiver configured to receive an input data stream via a first input interface comprising a plurality of channel symbols represented by constellation points in a constellation diagram from a first network;a demodulator configured to demodulate said channel symbols into codewords;a decoder configured to decode said codewords into output data words;a second receiver configured to obtain redundancy data via a second input interface from a second network which is different to the first network said redundancy data being for a channel symbol and including one or more least robust bits of the channel symbol;wherein at least one of said demodulator or said decoder is further configured to synchronize the redundancy data with the input data stream to demodulate a channel symbol from a combination of the redundancy data and the input data stream and to decode a codeword, andthe redundancy data is less than an entirety of the channel symbol.3. The receiver as claimed in claim 2 ,wherein said demodulator is configured to use said redundancy data of a channel ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180048492A1

A wireless cellular base station (BS) transmitter transmits a downlink calibration pilot symbol. A receiver receives from a user equipment (UE) an uplink calibration pilot symbol and an effective downlink channel estimate transmitted by the UE. The effective downlink channel estimate is computed by the UE using the downlink calibration pilot symbol received from the BS. Processing devices compute an effective uplink channel estimate using the uplink calibration pilot symbol received from the UE and compute channel reciprocity calibration coefficients using the effective downlink channel estimate received from the UE and the effective uplink channel estimate computed by the BS. The BS includes multiple antennas, and the BS computes the channel reciprocity calibration coefficients for each antenna. Alternatively, the uplink channel estimate received by the BS is an inverted version of the effective downlink channel estimate, which the processing devices use for channel reciprocity compensation. 1. A method , comprising:transmitting, by a cellular base station, a downlink calibration pilot symbol;computing, by a user equipment (UE), an effective downlink channel estimate using the downlink calibration pilot symbol received from the base station;transmitting, by the UE, an uplink calibration pilot symbol;computing, by the base station, an effective uplink channel estimate using the uplink calibration pilot symbol received from the UE;transmitting, by the UE, the effective downlink channel estimate; andcomputing, by the base station, channel reciprocity calibration coefficients using the effective downlink channel estimate received from the UE and the effective uplink channel estimate computed by the base station.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:wherein the UE transmits the uplink calibration pilot symbol within a channel coherence time as the base station transmits the downlink calibration pilot symbol.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:applying ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

System and method for coding wcdma mimo cqi reports

Номер: US20140126663A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

A block coding method and system for improving the reliability of Channel Quality Indicators (CQI) and antenna weight indicators (AWI) reporting. A user terminal first generates 8-bit CQI and 2-bit AWI. A codeword generator produces a codeword responsive to these 10 CQI/AWI bits using a codebook or a generator matrix of a (20,10,6) code. The (20,10,6) code has a minimum Hamming distance of 6 The encoded codeword is transmitted to a receiver for decoding utilizing an identical (20,10,6) codebook.
