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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 11794. Отображено 200.
20-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2542343C2

Изобретение относится к системе камер, способу настройки величины задержки сигнала. Техническим результатом является расширение арсенала возможностей системы камер. Результат достигается тем, что система камер содержит множество камерных пар. Каждая пара может иметь блок управления камерой и блок головки камеры, соответственно соединенные друг с другом асинхронной сетью передачи. Система камер может также иметь центральный процессор, выполненный с возможностью получения величины задержки видеосигнала, представляющей время задержки между соответствующим блоком управления камерой и соответствующим ему блоком головки камеры для каждой из множества камерных пар, и настройки величины задержки видеосигнала между, по меньшей мере, одним блоком управления камерой и соответствующим ему блоком головки камеры так, чтобы она была равна выбранной величине задержки сигнала для другого блока управления камерой и соответствующего ему блоку головки камеры. 4 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы. 6 ил.

13-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2646935C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам формирования изображения. Техническим результатом является устранение излишней яркости при формировании изображения с широким динамическим диапазоном. Результат достигается тем, что устройство формирования изображения, которое осуществляет связь с внешним устройством через сеть, включает в себя: блок формирования изображения; первый блок обработки изображения, выполненный с возможностью изменения, посредством обработки изображения, яркости захваченного изображения, выводимого из блока формирования изображения; второй блок обработки изображения, выполненный с возможностью изменения, посредством обработки изображения, которая отличается от обработки изображения, выполняемой посредством первого блока обработки изображения, яркости захваченного изображения, выводимого из блока формирования изображения; блок приема, выполненный с возможностью приема, от внешнего устройства через сеть, одиночной команды, в которой первая информация обработки изображения для ...

20-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2392659C2

Изобретение относится к системе управления доступом к цифровому содержанию. Техническим результатом является обеспечение возможности использовать множество корневых доверительных источников права и определять, какой из указанных источников можно использовать для своей аутентификации. Лицензия пользователя содержит части дешифрования и санкционирования. Часть дешифрования доступна только для этого пользователя и имеет ключ (KD) для дешифрования соответствующего зашифрованного цифрового содержания, а также информацию проверки достоверности, включающую в себя идентификацию корневого доверительного источника права. Часть санкционирования описывает права, предоставленные в связи с цифровым содержанием, и условия, которые должны удовлетворяться для выполнения предоставленных прав, и имеет цифровую подпись. Пользователь осуществляет доступ к части дешифрования и выполняет содержащуюся в ней информацию проверки достоверности для проверки достоверности цифровой подписи части санкционирования. Если ...

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2555223C2

Изобретение относится к средствам управления сетью для управления надлежащим образом сетью фотографирования. Технический результат заключается в повышении стабильности работы сети. Множество устройств, включающее в себя ведущее устройство, которое выдает команду управления, чтобы управлять фотографической операцией, и ведомое устройство, которое исполняет команду управления, принадлежит сети фотографирования. Устройство управления сетью предпочтительно определяет из множества устройств, принадлежащих сети фотографирования, ведущее устройство как устройство-кандидата, которое становится новым устройством управления сетью в случае, когда устройство управления сетью отключено от сети фотографирования, управляемой самим устройством управления сетью. 6 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл, 8 ил.

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2625954C2

Изобретение относится к устройству захвата изображения, способному передавать захваченное изображение на внешнюю сторону, и, в частности, к способу наложения информации, такой как изображение или подобное на захваченное изображение. Техническим результатом является обеспечение возможности выбора способа наложения из множества способов. Предложен способ настройки функции индикации (OSD), в котором в случае, когда камера наблюдения поддерживает множество способов наложения, пользователю предоставляется возможность выбора одного из способов наложения посредством выполнения нежелательной операции, а устройство захвата изображения включает в себя блок приема, выполненный с возможностью приема запроса на получение информации, связанной со способом наложения изображения устройства захвата изображения, и блок передачи, выполненный с возможностью передачи информации, связанной со способом наложения изображения устройства захвата изображения, в случае приема запроса на получение информации, связанной ...

15-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2613176C1

Изобретение относится к области видеонаблюдения, в частности к управлению для изменения настроек блока формирования изображений на основе состояний записи. Техническим результатом является обеспечение непрерывной записи данных наблюдения. Предложено устройство формирования изображений, которое выдает поток, включающий в себя кодированные со сжатием видеоданные, средства инструктирования, которые изменяют параметр, относящийся к источнику записи, в соответствии с командой, передаваемой от внешнего устройства, подключенного по сети, и средства управления, которые осуществляют управление для переключения независимо от того, может или нет средствами инструктирования приниматься команда в отношении источника записи, согласованного с заданием на запись, в соответствии с состоянием записи задания на запись. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 27 ил.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2608545C1
Принадлежит: СЯОМИ ИНК. (CN)

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству для резервного копирования видео. Техническим результатом является обеспечение большего пространства хранения, что удобно для быстрого поиска и просмотра файлов, и сохраненный видеофайл имеет более высокую защищенность обеспечения резервного копирования видео на локальный маршрутизатор. Предложен способ для резервного копирования видео, содержащий этапы: устройство камеры принимает инструкцию по настройке от мобильного терминала и задает параметр записи согласно принятой инструкции по настройке; устройство камеры записывает видеофайл; локальный маршрутизатор принимает инструкцию по настройке от мобильного терминала, задает параметры хранения согласно принятой инструкции по настройке и принимает видеофайл, записанный посредством устройства камеры через соединение; локальный маршрутизатор копирует полученный видеофайл локально. 4 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 23 ил.

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2604655C1
Принадлежит: СЯОМИ ИНК. (CN)

Изобретение относится к многофункциональной цепи с многовитковой катушкой, способу управления такой цепью в мобильном устройстве. Техническим результатом является повышение стабильности работы антенны коммуникации ближнего поля (NFC). Предложена многофункциональная цепь с многовитковой катушкой, содержащая: многовитковую катушку, переключатель, согласующую цепь NFC и дополнительную плату камеры, причем переключатель имеет общий порт, первый порт и второй порт, многовитковая катушка соединена с общим портом, согласующая цепь NFC соединена с первым портом, а дополнительная плата камеры соединена со вторым портом. При наличии управляющего сигнала камеры второй порт переходит в проводящее состояние так, что многовитковая катушка выполняет функцию катушки подстройки фокуса для камеры на дополнительной плате камеры, а при отсутствии управляющего сигнала камеры первый порт переходит в проводящее состояние так, что многовитковая катушка выполняет функцию антенны NFC в согласующей цепи NFC. Как ...

16-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2694579C1

Группа изобретений относится к камере наблюдения с функцией управления экспозицией и системе камеры наблюдения, включающей в себя камеру наблюдения. Камера наблюдения с функцией управления экспозицией включает в себя: контроллер (22) экспозиции, который исполняет управление экспозицией посредством обращения к опорной зоне, которая установлена в части диапазона формирования изображения; средство (23) обнаружения изменения, которое обнаруживает изменение опорной зоны; и средство (21) установки зоны, которое устанавливает замещающую зону для замещения опорной зоны в случае, когда обнаруживается изменение опорной зоны. Контроллер (22) экспозиции исполняет управление экспозицией посредством обращения к замещающей зоне в случае, когда установлена замещающая зона. Система камеры наблюдения, включающая камеру наблюдения с функцией управления экспозицией, содержит информационное устройство, которое используется для операции установки посредством пользователя в отношении камеры наблюдения. Технический ...

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005121550A

... 1. Цифровая камера, содержащая корпус камеры; и панель дисплея, присоединенная с возможностью отделения от корпуса камеры, причем эта панель дисплея включает в себя схему дистанционного управления, которая имеет конфигурацию для беспроводного управления камерой. 2. Камера по п.1, в которой корпус камеры включает в себя объектив и панель дисплея показывает содержание, видимое объективом. 3. Камера по п.1, в которой также предусмотрен двигатель, присоединенный к корпусу камеры, в которой схема дистанционного управления управляет двигателем для настройки направления и уровня корпуса камеры. 4. Камера по п.3, в которой корпус камеры включает в себя объектив и схема дистанционного управления управляет двигателем для фокусировки объектива на желаемом объекте. 5. Камера по п.1, в которой схема дистанционного управления включает в себя интерфейс беспроводной связи. 6. Камера по п.5, в которой интерфейс поддерживает по меньшей мере один из следующих протоколов: Bluetooth, Zigbee, IEEE 802.11 и инфракрасный ...

15-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2653592C1

Изобретение относится к устройству захвата изображения, способному передавать захваченное изображение на внешнюю сторону, и, в частности, к способу наложения информации, такой как изображение или подобное на захваченное изображение. Техническим результатом является обеспечение возможности выбора способа наложения из множества способов. Предложено устройство захвата изображения, которое включает: блок приема, выполненный с возможностью приема запроса на получение информации, связанной со способом наложения изображения устройства захвата изображения, и блок передачи, выполненный с возможностью передачи информации, связанной со способом наложения изображения устройства захвата изображения, в случае приема запроса на получение информации, связанной со способом наложения изображения устройства захвата изображения, посредством блока приема. 6 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 39 ил.

02-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2668609C1

Группа изобретений относится к области фотографирования. Способ фотографирования для интеллектуального летательного устройства заключается в том, что определяют угол источника света, при этом угол источника света является углом между текущим направлением луча целевого источника света и вертикальным направлением. Целевой источник света является источником света с возможностью генерирования проекции интеллектуального летательного устройства, и вертикальное направление является направлением, перпендикулярным горизонтальной плоскости. Согласно углу источника света определяют пеленг проекции на горизонтальную плоскость, которая генерируется движением света, излучаемого от целевого источника света, минующего интеллектуальное летательное устройство. Выполняется фотографирование на основе текущего угла фотографирования интеллектуального летательного устройства и пеленга проекции. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении возможности исключения проекции в сфотографированные картинки или видео ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012134071A

... 1. Устройство управления сетью для управления сетью, к которой принадлежит множество устройств, включающее в себя ведущее устройство, которое передает команду управления, чтобы управлять фотографической операцией, и ведомое устройство, которое принимает команду управления, содержащее:средство идентификации для идентификации ведущего устройства из множества устройств;средство определения для определения из множества устройств устройства-кандидата, которое становится новым устройством управления сетью в случае, когда устройство управления сетью отключено от сети, при этом упомянутое средство определения предпочтительно определяет ведущее устройство в качестве устройства-кандидата; исредство передачи для передачи по меньшей мере устройству, определенному в качестве устройства-кандидата упомянутым средством определения, уведомления, показывающего, что это устройство определено в качестве устройства-кандидата.2. Устройство по п.1, в котором, если ни одно из множества устройств, принадлежащих ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015114087A

... 1. Способ получения потока мультимедийных данных для терминала, включающий в себя:установление сетевого соединения с целевым съемочным устройством, когда предустановленное запускающее событие активировано,отправку команды на передачу потока мультимедийных данных на целевое съемочное устройство через сетевое соединение, когда обнаружено событие начала предварительного просмотра,получение потока мультимедийных данных, переданных от целевого съемочного устройства, и отображение потока мультимедийных данных в указанном интерфейсе предварительного просмотра.2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что установление сетевого соединения с целевым съемочным устройством, когда предустановленное запускающее событие активировано, включает в себя:получение списка интеллектуальных устройств, когда приложение по управлению интеллектуальными устройствами запущено,определение, что предустановленное запускающее событие активировано, когда целевое съемочное устройство имеется в списке интеллектуальных устройств ...

19-04-2001 дата публикации

Kamerasteuervorrichtung und -Verfahren

Номер: DE0069520329D1

13-09-2001 дата публикации

System zur Aufnahme von Videodaten

Номер: DE0020111473U1

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Beleuchtungs- und Überwachungsapparate

Номер: DE202018100630U1
Принадлежит: JSW PACIFIC CORP, JSW Pacific Corporation

Beleuchtungs- und Überwachungsapparat, welcher Folgendes umfasst: einen Host, welcher Folgendes umfasst: einen ersten Sensor, welcher zum Generieren eines der Umgebungsbedingung eines Überwachungsbereichs entsprechenden Erfassungssignals dient, eine Kommunikationsschnittstelle, welche zum Verbinden mit einem Anwendergerät dient, ein Kameramodul, welches zur Erfassung der Überwachungsbilder im Überwachungsbereich dient, ein Beleuchtungsmodul, welches zum Beleuchten des Überwachungsbereichs dient, ein Speichermodul, welches zum Speichern der Aufnahmebedingungen und der Überwachungsbilder dient, ein Versorgungsmodul, welches zur Stromversorgung dient, und einen Prozessor, welcher mit dem ersten Sensor, der Kommunikationsschnittstelle, dem Kameramodul, dem Beleuchtungsmodul, dem Speichermodul und des Versorgungsmoduls elektrisch verbunden ist, wobei der Prozessor, wenn er anhand des Erfassungssignals feststellt, dass die Aufnahmebedingungen erfüllt sind, das Beleuchtungsmodul steuert, die Beleuchtung ...

08-03-2001 дата публикации

Schaltung zur Erzeugung von Bilddaten für einen PC und entsprechendes Verfahren für den Datentransfer

Номер: DE0019941742A1

The invention relates to a circuit for the generation of image data in real-time representation on a PC, comprising a data input for receiving raw pixel data which in general is generated by a semi-conducting, light sensitive image detection device. The invention relates furthermore to an appropriate PC with an ethernet card and an appropriate method for real-time image data representation. According to the invention, an intermediate memory is provided having a serial data output port and control logic whereby the control logic is intended for summarization of the buffered raw image data into data packets having protocol elements pertaining to the lowest ethernet protocol level (MAC-layer) in order to produce an appropriate circuit, an appropriately matching PC and an appropriate data transfer method from an image sensor to a PC in which the effort required for the presentation of graphic data on a PC is considerably less complicated as is the cost of realizing real-time image data representation ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Ferndiagnosevorrichtung für rechnergesteuertes Gerät

Номер: DE102015114627B4
Принадлежит: FANUC CORP, FANUC Corporation

Ferndiagnosevorrichtung für ein rechnergesteuertes Gerät (11), die einen Fehler durch eine Netzwerkkommunikationsleitung von einem entfernten Ort diagnostiziert, wobei die Ferndiagnosevorrichtung Folgendes umfasst:eine Kamera (15), die getrennt von dem rechnergesteuerten Gerät (11) aufgebaut und konfiguriert ist, um ein Bild auf einem Anzeigebildschirm (13) des rechnergesteuerten Geräts (11) aufzunehmen,einen Signalumwandlungsadapter (16), undeinen Diagnoserechner (17), der an einem entfernten Ort installiert ist,wobei der Signalumwandlungsadapter (16) Folgendes umfasst:eine Bildausgabeeinheit (16h), die konfiguriert ist, um das von der Kamera (15) aufgenommene Bild in ein digitales Signal umzuwandeln und das umgewandelte Bildsignal zu der Netzwerkkommunikationsleitung auszugeben,eine Netzwerksignalumwandlungseinheit (16i), die konfiguriert ist, um aus einem Netzwerksignal eine Fernsteuersignaleingabe von dem Diagnoserechner (17) durch die Netzwerkkommunikationsleitung zu extrahieren,eine ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019121521A1

Diese Offenbarung stellt Videostabilisierung bereit. Ein Rechensystem kann einen stabilisierten Bildstrom empfangen, wobei der stabilisierte Bildstrom driftkorrigiert ist, basierend auf dem Bestimmen, dass ein Eingabebildstrom stabil ist, und dann Anwenden einer Driftkorrektur zum Beibehalten eines stabilisierten Sichtfeldes, wobei das Sichtfeld in Bezug auf die reale Welt stabilisiert ist. Das Rechensystem kann ein Fahrzeug basierend auf dem Bestimmen mindestens eines sich bewegenden Objektes in dem stabilisierten Bildstrom betreiben.

13-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060129656D1
Принадлежит: CANON KK, CANON K.K.

03-09-1970 дата публикации

Einrichtung zum Fernsteuern der Ablenk-Schaltung einer Fernsehkamera

Номер: DE0001952024A1

07-07-2010 дата публикации

Presentation device

Номер: GB0201008758D0

20-10-2010 дата публикации

Dynamic object classification

Номер: GB0201014669D0

14-11-2012 дата публикации

A memory card

Номер: GB0201217485D0

08-09-2004 дата публикации

High-speed digital video camera system and display.

Номер: GB0002399246A

A high speed imaging system comprises a digital video camera 3 and controller display unit (CDU) 5 having a liquid crystal display (LCD) display screen and console having control elements. The display unit is connected to camera 3 via an interface (32, Figure 2) such that highspeed images are displayed without storing these images locally at the display (CDU) itself. When the camera is triggered to take high speed video, images are at least temporarily stored in the camera memory. Camera 3 contains the main image processing hardware, such as a removable video memory and microprocessor, so that the display unit may be portable and easily connected to the camera. Video data may be transmitted in low voltage differential signalling (LVDS) form, and camera parameters such as frame speed, shutter speed, focus and frame size may be set. The system allows substantially immediate image display, and the display screen may graphically show camera function data.

05-05-2004 дата публикации

A camera having a user operable control for producing a saliency signal representative of a user's interest in a scene being imaged

Номер: GB0002394851A

Camera apparatus comprises an electronic still, video or hybrid camera 1 for producing an image signal and a physically or mechanically operable user control for receiving an input from a user and generating a binary, continuous or multi-level saliency signal while the image signal is being produced. The user control may be common with the picture taking control 14 or different (for the figure shown, it is a remote control communicating with the camera via a sensor 8). The saliency signal may be stored with the image signal for later use, as in editing; or it may control processing of the camera signal in real time; or it may control the camera itself, for example by controlling the frequency of still picture taking, or by optimising image storage in memory. The user control may be mounted on the camera or remote therefrom and may include a movement or pressure sensor. The saliency signal is representative of the user's interest in the scene being imaged.

30-03-1994 дата публикации

Video camera microphone circuits

Номер: GB0009402388D0

17-10-2007 дата публикации

Video surveillance system controller

Номер: GB2437218A

A video surveillance system controller that controls multiple cameras with at least two joysticks (2, 3) and a keypad (4) to enable live queuing of the cameras. Each joystick (2, 3) independently controls a camera selected by the keypad (4). The keypad (4) can also select one of a number of monitors for displaying the view from a selected camera. The controller has a number of output ports that are configurable for different camera protocols, alarms and other external devices. Each joystick (2, 3) has at least two-axis control, for example, pan and tilt of a camera. The joystick (2, 3) may be three-axis to control pan, tilt and drive or four-axis to control pan, tilt, zoom and drive, or other control combinations.

16-07-2014 дата публикации

Lens camera device which wirelessly communicates image data to a host device

Номер: GB0002509828A

A lens camera device 722 captures image data through a lens with an image sensor 726 of the lens camera device. A first mount 736 of the lens camera device is operative to attach the lens to the lens camera device; enabling a host device 728 (such as a camera, Smartphone or laptop) to control capturing of image data by the lens camera device. Captured image data is wirelessly communicated to the host device; and the host device displays captured image data or processes the captured image data. Second lens mount 740 may be used to attach the lens camera to the host device. Low or high bandwidth radio may be used respectively for communicating control information or the captured image data.

22-08-2001 дата публикации

Stand alone secure access web camera

Номер: GB0002359437A

A stand alone secure access web camera is a self contained digital camera for transmitting live data via telecommunication and the internet. It is primarily intended for viewing locations remote from its operating base by using the internet as a connection for control and transmission. The camera may have a dedicated modem and dedicated access/operating software. The camera controls and data can be accessed by any computer connected to the internet but subject to security restrictions, e.g. only on transmission of an encrypted code. Power may be via a rechargeable supply.

02-06-2004 дата публикации

Association of metadata derived from facial images

Номер: GB0002395853A

A video camera arrangement comprises an image capture device; a storage medium for storing captured video material; a face detector for detecting human faces in the captured video material and for generating face data identifying detected occurrences of faces in the captured video material; and a metadata store for storing metadata associated with the captured video material, the metadata including the face data generated by the face detector.

25-05-2016 дата публикации

Depth map generation

Номер: GB0002532541A

Depth maps are generated from two or more of images captured with a conventional digital camera from the same viewpoint using different configuration settings, which may be arbitrarily selected for each image. The configuration settings may include aperture and focus settings and/or other configuration settings capable of introducing blur into an image. The depth of a selected image patch is evaluated over a set of discrete depth hypotheses using a depth likelihood function modelled to analyze corresponding images patches convolved with blur kernels using a flat prior in the frequency domain. In this way, the depth likelihood function may be evaluated without first reconstructing an all-in-focus image. Blur kernels used in the depth likelihood function are identified from a mapping of depths and configuration settings to the blur kernels. This mapping is determined from calibration data for the digital camera used to capture the two or more images.

20-12-2000 дата публикации

Mixed-media telecommunication call set-up

Номер: GB0000026700D0

25-07-2012 дата публикации

High speed video capture using different frame rates

Номер: GB0002487456A

A method and apparatus for photographing a moving picture comprising capturing an input image at a first frame rate (e.g. 30fps), detecting a moving target object in the input image, photographing a focus area including the target object at a second frame rate (e.g. 1000fps), and combining a first image captured at the first frame rate with a second image captured at the second frame rate. The frame rate may vary depending on the speed of the target. The first and second images may be stored in first and second buffers, and the combined image may be stored on a recording medium. If the speed of the target is above a threshold value, the focus area may comprise the target. The input image comprising the background area excluding the focus area may be captured at the first frame rate for a predetermined time. In one embodiment, the target is captured at a faster frame rate than the background area. When the moving object is detected, the focus area may be updated. This high speed video capture ...

09-06-2021 дата публикации

Image capturing apparatus, and control method and program thereof

Номер: GB2583801B
Автор: DAIYA UENO, Daiya Ueno
Принадлежит: CANON KK, Canon Kabushiki Kaisha

16-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002473479A

Control or monitoring of a camera system comprising a plurality of electrical or controllable devices, each of which has a respective device-specific protocol is described. A network signal is communicated between a system controller or interface 110 and device controllers or interfaces 151 across a shared communication channel. A common communication protocol 140, independent from the device-specific protocol is used and the network signal identifies a combination of spatial parameters 181a, 182a 183, 191a, 191b, 191c, 191d, 192a, 192b, each of which represents a spatial position or movement within a respective degree of freedom. The network signal can be used to control the spatial configuration of a controllable device 141, 142, 143 for capture of camera images by the camera system or to determine spatial information based upon the plurality of spatial parameters 181a, 182a 183, 191a, 191b, 191c, 191d, 192a, 192b and a configuration for the electrical devices. A device may be for example ...

07-07-2021 дата публикации

Image capturing apparatus, and control method and program thereof

Номер: GB2583801A8
Автор: DAIYU UENO, Daiyu Ueno

An image capturing apparatus comprises image capturing means (such as a digital camera), and communication means (e.g. via wireless, local area network, LAN) arranged to communicate with a distribution server via the internet; the image capturing apparatus comprises: time measuring means arranged to measure, if a distribution instruction for live distribution using the distribution server has been given, an elapsed time since the distribution instruction has been given; and control means arranged to start, if the elapsed time measured by the time measuring means has reached a set time, distributing an image captured by the image capturing means to the distribution server via the communication means. The set time or a plurality of set times may be set by a user.

04-01-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002072992B
Принадлежит: AMPEX, AMPEX CORP

11-12-2013 дата публикации

Visual obstruction removal with image capture

Номер: GB0201318940D0

19-11-2014 дата публикации

Method Aand Device For Processing An Image

Номер: GB0201417613D0

07-01-2015 дата публикации

A Method, Apparatus and System for Image Processing

Номер: GB0002515796A

A first image is converted to a second image, the second image being a smaller sized (e.g. lower resolution) representation of the first image. An imaging effect (e.g. a shift correction effect), being defined by an imaging effect parameter (e.g. shift correction parameter such as a rotation angle), is performed on the second image to form a third image. The third image is output for display via a first output while the first image and the imaging effect parameter are output via a second output. The first output may provide a user with a representation of the effect obtainable on the first image using less processing. The second output may be sent to a memory or may be used to process the first image using the imaging effect parameter at a remote device to produce a final image. Performing an effect on a received image according to a received parameter to produce a final image is also claimed.

09-04-2003 дата публикации

High-speed digital video camera system and controller therefor

Номер: GB0000304804D0

05-12-2018 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for controlling a mobile camera

Номер: GB0201817173D0

02-10-2019 дата публикации

Synopsizing videos from multiple moving video cameras

Номер: GB0201911753D0

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000440445T

15-01-2018 дата публикации

Lighting arrangement for industrial processing

Номер: AT0000518823A1

Für flexible, zuverlässige Beleuchtung für die industrielle Bildverarbeitung zu ermöglichen ist vorgesehen, dass eine Beleuchtungseinheit (2) mit einem Beleuchtungsmittel (5) aus einer Anzahl von Lichtquellen (6) von einer Beleuchtungssteuereinheit (10) über einen Datenbus einen Sollwert der Beleuchtung erhält, die Beleuchtungseinheit (2) eine Zustandsgröße (Z) der Beleuchtungseinheit (2) und/oder der Umgebung der Beleuchtungseinheit (2) erfasst und die Beleuchtungseinheit (2) den Sollwert in einer geschlossenen Regelschleife eigenständig und unabhängig von der Beleuchtungssteuereinheit (10) einregelt, indem in der Beleuchtungseinheit (2) eine Stellgröße für zumindest eine Lichtquelle (6) berechnet und an der zumindest einen Lichtquelle (6) eingestellt wird.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

A system and method for processing a very wide angle image

Номер: AU2012306862A1

Provided is an optical device such as a camera having an image sensor and a lens/mirror system or the like for capturing a very wide angle image such as a panoramic image and directing it towards a planar photo-sensitive surface of the image sensor. The image sensor converts the captured image, which may be a moving image, into an electrical or electronic signal or signals. The image sensor has a plurality of photo sensors or pixels arranged on a photo-sensitive surface thereof in a generally circular arrangement. The plurality of photo sensors or pixels is addressable or identifiable such that a window portion of a captured image can be defined by references to addresses or identifiers of respective photo sensors or pixels. The camera may form part of an integrated or distributed system including means for converting said electrical signal into digital image data and means for buffering or storing said digital image data. The system may also include input means for receiving a selection ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

A system and method for processing a very wide angle image

Номер: AU2012306862B2

Provided is an optical device such as a camera having an image sensor and a lens/mirror system or the like for capturing a very wide angle image such as a panoramic image and directing it towards a planar photo-sensitive surface of the image sensor. The image sensor converts the captured image, which may be a moving image, into an electrical or electronic signal or signals. The image sensor has a plurality of photo sensors or pixels arranged on a photo-sensitive surface thereof in a generally circular arrangement. The plurality of photo sensors or pixels is addressable or identifiable such that a window portion of a captured image can be defined by references to addresses or identifiers of respective photo sensors or pixels. The camera may form part of an integrated or distributed system including means for converting said electrical signal into digital image data and means for buffering or storing said digital image data. The system may also include input means for receiving a selection ...

11-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006187790A

02-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003202608A1

26-11-2001 дата публикации

Multiple camera video system which displays selected images

Номер: AU0006472301A

15-05-2002 дата публикации

Mixed-media telecommunication call set-up

Номер: AU0009405501A

22-03-1999 дата публикации

Video data transmission

Номер: AU0008865198A

07-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002353434A1

02-07-2020 дата публикации

System and method for a man-portable mobile ad-hoc radio based linked extensible network

Номер: AU2016215206B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Embodiments include a system, method, and computer program product for a mobile ad-hoc radio based linked extensible (MARBLE) unit that is a portable, self-contained mesh-capable radio transceiver unit capable of being deployed with other MARBLE units to form a local area ad hoc mesh network. Several MARBLE units may be distributed in the field by an operator (e.g., first responder) in the form of a ball, puck or other shaped enclosure that may be held by a human hand and thrown, tossed or placed in the field to deploy a local area ad hoc mesh network. The MARBLE units may exchange information among themselves to determine and select one MARBLE unit as a relay gateway to access an IP network for all of the MARBLE units coupled to the local area ad hoc mesh network.

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Devices, methods and systems for visual imaging arrays

Номер: AU2015349941A1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

Computationally implemented methods and systems include acquiring a request for particular image data that is part of a scene, transmitting the request for the particular image data to an image sensor array that includes more than one image sensor and that is configured to capture the scene that is larger than the requested particular image data, receiving only the particular image data from the image sensor array, and transmitting the received particular image data to at least one requestor. In addition to the foregoing, other aspects are described in the claims, drawings, and text.

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Camera supporting removable storage divided into multiple partitions

Номер: AU2013406700B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

A camera that supports removable storage divided into multiple partitions is configured to write files to removable storage that is formatted into journaled and non-journaled partitions. The journaled partition uses a journaling file system and the non-journaled partition uses a non- journaling file system that is supported natively by an operating system, such as the operating system of a desktop computer. The non-journaled partition has stored on it computer program code executable by a processor to use the operating system to access files stored on the journaled partition. The camera may also be configured to partition the removable storage into the journaled and non-journaled partitions. The camera writes data to the journaled partition. This permits the processor to access the files stored on the journaled partition by the camera even if the operating system does not natively support the journaled partition.

22-10-2020 дата публикации

Determining multispectral or hyperspectral image data

Номер: AU2016250291B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

This disclosure concerns the determination of electronic multispectral or hyperspectral images, such as by a processor in a camera. The processor receives first image sensor signals that are associated with a first wavelength and with multiple first imaging elements at respective first imaging element locations. The processor determines a spline approximation to the first image sensor signals across the first imaging element locations and determines the multispectral or hyperspectral image data by interpolating the spline approximation at the pixel location. Finally, the image data is stored on a data store. Using splines to interpolate the image sensor signals outperforms other methods, which means increased image quality due to more accurate interpolation. More specifically, using splines leads to a more accurate spectrum at each point and reduced spectral error compared to other methods.

24-09-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for providing a persistent companion device

Номер: AU2014236686A1

A method includes providing a telecommunications enabled robotic device adapted to persist in an environment of a user, receiving an instruction to photograph one or more persons in the environment according to a time parameter and photographing the one or more persons in accordance with the time parameter resulting in one or more photographs.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Automated and intelligent shading systems

Номер: AU2017262648A1
Принадлежит: WADESON

An intelligent shading object comprises a base assembly and an umbrella support assembly. The umbrella support assembly is coupled to the base assembly and comprises a first processor and a first motor assembly. The first motor assembly rotates an umbrella support assembly about a vertical axis in response to commands and/or signals generated by the first processor. The umbrella assembly further comprises a stem assembly and a center support assembly, where the center support assembly further comprises a second processor, a second motor assembly, a lower assembly, an upper assembly, and a hinging assembly. The second processor communicates signals and/or commands to the second motor assembly and the second motor assembly drives the upper assembly to rotate with respect to the lower assembly via the hinging assembly.

19-03-1998 дата публикации

Phase compensation for video cameras

Номер: AU0004161697A

03-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002679638C

A video imaging system that allows a user to save select image data to a detachable storage device, the image data presented on a display for the user, where the user is provided with various control interfaces for saving and appending information to the saved image data. The detachable storage device also including user settings data that is used to adjust the settings of the camera control unit according to the user preferences.

30-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002706695C

Systems and methods facilitate autonomous image capture and/or picture production. A location unit is attached to each tracked object. An object tracking device receives location information from each location unit. A camera control device controls, based upon the location information, at least one motorized camera to capture image data of at least one tracked object.

22-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002775421A1

An apparatus and a method in an electronic device provide for controlling a camera, wherein the camera can selectively operate in a first focus mode and in a second focus mode. The first focus mode is initially selected. In response to detecting a state of the electronic device, the second focus mode is selected. The first focus mode can be an autofocus mode. The second focus mode can be an extended depth of field mode, wherein software processing is used to extend the focus range of the camera. The detected state of the electronic device can be a previous user selection, a low power mode, or a continued request for taking photographs following taking a photograph in the autofocus mode.

04-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002759871A1

A method and a system of associating correlating metadata with data assets, such as video and audio files, so that the files are rendered as a combination presentation are described herein. The system includes a client a media capture device that provides on board storage, network connectivity, preprocessing, preview buffering, file management, and an eventing system. The method includes capturing the media, associating the media with other media via an identifier, and supports associating correlating metadata prior to time of media capture and during media capture on the capture device itself, and after media capture either on a local machine or on an on-line group. When the combination presentation is presented, additional associated advertising and annotations may be provided upon rendering.

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3114747A1

Event recognition systems include a camera and a controller. The controller is communicatively connectable to the camera, and includes a processor and logic that, when executed by the processor, causes the event recognition system to perform operations including: recognizing an event involving an equipment object based upon image data captured by the camera, executing an event procedure based upon the event, the event procedure including controlling the equipment object, and transmitting the image data to a network-based client based upon the event.

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003008458A1

In an A/V recording and communication device, the power configuration of the device is considered when determining a setting for a keep-alive interval of the device. If the device is connected to a reliable and continuous source of power, such as AC mains, then the keep-alive interval may be set to a very short duration, thereby reducing or eliminating any latency that the user might experience when attempting to remotely access the camera of the device. By contrast, if the device relies solely on a rechargeable battery for power, then the keep-alive interval may be set to a longer duration, thereby reducing the rate at which the rechargeable battery will be discharged. And, if the device is connected to an intermittent source of power, such as a solar panel, then the keep-alive interval may be set to a moderate duration to balance the competing interests of reducing latency and conserving battery life.

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003009185A1

A method (450) and apparatus for imaging a scene (101). The method (450) includes receiving a plurality of images (404) of the scene (101) from a plurality of first source devices. The method (450) also includes receiving a first metadata identifying a location and a field-of-view (203) of each of the plurality of first source devices. The method (450) also includes receiving a second metadata identifying a location and a field-of-view (203) of each of one or more available image source devices (200). The method (450) also includes identifying overlapping portions of the plurality of images (404). The method (450) also includes stitching the plurality of images (404) together to form a combined image (418) of the scene (101) based on the overlapping portions of the plurality of images (404). The method (450) also includes identifying a missing portion of the combined image (418) of the scene (101) and responsive to identifying the missing portion, performing one or more actions to fill ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002908719A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

A method and system for controlling a setting of an equipment related to image capture comprises capturing position data and orientation data of a sensing device; determining position information of a region of interest (i.e. a node) to be treated by the equipment, relative to the position and orientation data of the sensing device; and outputting a control signal directed to the equipment, in order to control in real-time the setting of the equipment based on said position information of the region of interest.

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002949005A1

It is provided a method for producing a stream of desired image frames derived from a panoramic capturing of a scene by an array of video cameras. The production is conducted by a coordinated operation at a venue proximate to the scene and at a production suite located remotely from the venue. The method includes a venue server recording a stream of raw video images captured simultaneously by the video- cameras, and converting the stream of raw video images at a first data rate to a stream of panoramic views at a second data rate. The second data rate is less than one third of the first data rate. The method further includes transmitting the stream of panoramic views to a remote production suite, and there selecting a stream of desired frames including respective regions of interest. The method further includes transmitting data on the stream of desired frames to the venue server, and the venue server producing out of the recorded stream of raw video images, a stream of high resolution ...

31-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002950850C

An apparatus and method for thermal imaging of an interior space of a high temperature furnace through an opening in a wall of the furnace. An outer housing houses at least a portion of a rigid borescope. The outer housing has a port for aspirating ambient air through the outer housing to cool the rigid borescope and passing the air through a hole at the end of the outer housing and into the furnace. A camera is operatively connected to a rigid borescope but is located such that it is isolated from the air passing through the outer housing.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002913954A1

Doc. No. 491-01 PCT 22 ABSTRACT A telepresence system and method is disclosed for removing error introduced to video images displayed to a user. A remote pan and tilt system tracks the motion of the user's 5 head, and moves a pan and tilt system to capture images of the remote environment. By sensing noise in the movement of the user and/or the motion of the vehicle, error caused by noise is reduced within the displayed video images.

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002921992A1

One embodiment of the invention is a camera. In this embodiment, the camera includes a housing including camera components and a clasp moveably attached to the housing. The clasp includes a first surface with material for temporarily adhering the clasp and housing to a surface. In addition, the camera includes a joint formed between the camera and the clasp for moveable switching between at least two positions with respect to the housing, with a first position having the first surface of the clasp in a closed position and protected against the housing, and a second position having the first surface in an exposed position for adhering the clasp and housing to a surface.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002957529A1

A motor vehicle usage tracking system for monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on operations of motor vehicles each having a modular connected headrest with an imaging device for imaging in a viewpoint from a driver's seating position and communicating with a data bus in the motor vehicle for the operational data correlated with the imaging and communicated to the servicer having an analyzer configure for evaluating and reporting on motor vehicle operations. An aftermarket sleeve is disclosed for retro-fit installation of the motor vehicle tracking device.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002847605A1

Provided is an optical device such as a camera having an image sensor and a lens/mirror system or the like for capturing a very wide angle image such as a panoramic image and directing it towards a planar photo-sensitive surface of the image sensor. The image sensor converts the captured image, which may be a moving image, into an electrical or electronic signal or signals. The image sensor has a plurality of photo sensors or pixels arranged on a photo-sensitive surface thereof in a generally circular arrangement. The plurality of photo sensors or pixels is addressable or identifiable such that a window portion of a captured image can be defined by references to addresses or identifiers of respective photo sensors or pixels. The camera may form part of an integrated or distributed system including means for converting said electrical signal into digital image data and means for buffering or storing said digital image data. The system may also include input means for receiving a selection ...

28-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002752491C

A camera (150) has a sensor (160) which is non-planar. The sensor comprises a plurality of planar facets (162) which form an array having a curvilinear configuration, facets in a central region having a greater pixel density than facets nearer the edge of the array. The camera has movable shade elements (184, 186) which shade the lens from extraneous light and which can be extended in dependence upon the angle of view. To compensate for gaps (164) between the facets (162), a composite image is formed from two successive exposures; a mechanism (190) is provided for tilting the lens between the exposures.

08-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002838204A1

Techniques for using infrared imaging to create digital images for use in product customization are described. In an embodiment, an infrared photograph of a product with imprinted markup is received and a visible light photograph of the product with the imprinted markup is received. The imprinted markup is visible in the visible light photograph but is not visible in the infrared photograph. Instructions for rendering a customization image of the product depicting a particular customization are determined based in part on the infrared photograph and visible light photograph, where the particular customization is not in the infrared photograph or the visible light photograph.

12-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002840512C

Installation of network-based cameras is more complicated than analog cameras. Further, because video data from the IP-based cameras is sent over a shared network, hackers can easily access the cameras by connecting to the shared network and acquire the sensitive video data, or replace video images sent from the camera to the NVR. To at least resolve some of these issues, the current invention provides methods of connecting network-based cameras to video station such that the ownership between the network-based camera with the respective connected socket can be locked, such that at any time, each of the at least one socket can lock ownership of only one network-based camera, and receives video from the only one network-based camera with ownership locked by the respective socket. As the socket of the current invention can now engage into "locking" relationship with only one network-based camera with camera-identification tag acceptable to the video station, and preferably with the lock key ...

07-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002828933C

A video processing apparatus includes an image capturing apparatus and a processing apparatus connected to the image capturing apparatus. The image capturing apparatus includes an image obtaining unit that obtains a frame image; a frame image transmitting unit that transmits the frame image to the processing apparatus; a transformation parameter setting unit that sets transformation parameters received from the processing apparatus in the image capturing apparatus,; an image transforming unit that applies an image transformation to the frame image using the transformation parameters thus set; and a transformed frame image transmitting unit that transmits a transformed frame image to the processing apparatus. The processing apparatus includes a transformation parameter calculating unit that calculates the transformation parameters for the image transformation, using the frame image received from the image capturing apparatus; and a transformation parameter transmitting unit that transmits ...

20-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002799869A1

A method includes receiving at least one image, from a camera, of one or more pipes for carrying water in a steam generator, registering a computer-aided design (CAD) model of the one or more pipes onto the at least one image to generate a projection of the CAD model, and determining location data for the one or more pipes from the projection.

09-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002178579A1

An apparatus for setting up an electronic device has a memory for storing parameter setting image data for establishing one or more parameters with respect to a controlled device, the parameter setting image including parameter changing switch image data and setting state display image data, a display unit for displaying a parameter setting image based on the parameter setting image data read from the memory, an input unit for entering input information indicating changes in display states of a parameter changing switch image data and a setting state display image which are displayed by the display unit and a parameter to be established, and a controller for changing the display states of the parameter changing switch image data and the setting state display image which are displayed by the display unit and the parameter to be established, based on the input information entered by the input unit, and transmitting changed parameter data or a change in the parameter to the controlled device ...

06-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002062620C

A surveillance device having a camera and lens assembly in which a condition of the assembly is controllable by a movable part and in which a closed loop digital motion control system is used to control the movable part and, therefore, the condition.

24-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002235504A1

An image pickup system that is small in scale, handy to maneuver, easy to operate and advanced in editing capabilities is disclosed. A commander device is used both as a remote commander and as a microphone in operating a video camera for image pickup. Wearing a headset on the head, a user looks at images appearing on a headset display to monitor and verify recorded images without recourse to a view finder of the video camera. Functions of the components making up the system are changed by operation of a mode switch attached to the video camera.

23-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002285897A1

The present invention relates to an apparatus for remotely servo-controlling a camera, in particular of the video camera type, connected to a display screen. The apparatus essentially comprises means for picking up the three-dimensional position of the head and/or the eyes of a user relative to the display screen to determine automatically the position in rotation about two axes that are substantially mutually orthogonal, e.g. a vertical axis and a horizontal axis, and to adjust the focal length of said camera, any modification in the three-dimensional position of the head or the eyes of the user relative to said display screen giving rise automatically and in real time to a similar modification to the corresponding positioning and/or adjustment parameters of said camera.

28-08-2015 дата публикации

Video creation device increased.

Номер: CH0000709324A2

Linvention concerne un dispositif de création de séquences vidéo dans lesquelles sont ajoutées un certain nombre de données afin de mieux interpréter et apprécier la séquence vidéo. Le dispositif comprend un Smartphone (18) ou tout autre terminal connecté capable deffectuer un enregistrement vidéo utilisé pour filme une personne ou un objet qui possède sur elle (lui) des capteurs (accéléromètres, gyromètres ...) communicants (17). Après traitement, les données des capteurs communicants (17) sont transmises par lintermédiaire dune communication sans fil (19) au Smartphone (18) qui va les agréger avec la séquence vidéo créée.

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Method for automatically creating panoramic images from e.g. building interior, involves triggering recording function of camera device automatically and transferring recordings automatically via internet connection to a computing unit

Номер: CH0000707185A2

A receiving point of a stationary deployable robotic device (3) comprising a unit for stepwise vertical and/or horizontal movement of a camera device (2) is provided for fixed arrangement of the robotic device on the receiving point. The change in camera's field direction on receiving point of robotic device is measured. Automatic time-paced triggering of the recording function of camera device is carried out for enabling shooting process. The custom built recordings are automatically transferred via internet connection (7) to a central computing unit (4). An independent claim is included for a system for automatically creating panoramic images.

15-06-2017 дата публикации

System and illumination device and portable video recording, and methods of use thereof.

Номер: CH0000711876A2

L’objet de l’invention est un dispositif d’illumination et d’enregistrement vidéo (100) comprenant un logement (110) ayant un premier port et un deuxième port dans une surface du logement. Une source de lumière est placée dans le logement et positionnée pour émettre de la lumière à travers le premier port. Une caméra (130) est placée à l’intérieur du logement pour enregistrer des images à travers le second port. Une alimentation électrique est placée à l’intérieur du logement pour faire fonctionner la source de lumière DEL et la caméra. Le dispositif peut constituer un objet portable du type montre-bracelet et être utilisé en coopération avec une arme à feu (160).

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182138A1
Автор: CHO Kyungmin

A method of controlling a mobile terminal to perform remote capture is provided. The method of controlling a mobile terminal includes: setting remote capture conditions; transmitting the remote capture conditions with a remote capture request signal to one or more remote terminals; and receiving images captured by one or more remote terminals that capture predetermined images according to the remote capture conditions from among the one or more remote terminals. 1. A method of controlling a mobile terminal , the method comprising:setting at least one remote capture condition;transmitting a remote capture request signal that includes the at least one remote capture condition to one or more remote terminals; andreceiving at least one image captured by at least one of the one or more remote terminals, the at least one image captured according to the at least one remote capture condition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one remote capture condition comprises at least information related to at least one of the one or more remote terminals claim 1 , user information related to at least one of the one or more remote terminals claim 1 , location information related to a user of at least one of the one or more remote terminals claim 1 , information related to a time at which the remote capture request signal is transmitted claim 1 , information related to a time at which the at least one image is received claim 1 , or device information related to at least one of the one or more remote terminals.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein setting the at least one remote capture condition comprises:displaying a menu on a display unit; andreceiving a selection of one or more remote capture conditions from the displayed menu.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving a list of at least one of the one or more remote terminals that is capable of performing remote capture according to the at least one remote capture condition;selecting at least one remote ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265454A1
Автор: Ito Kan

An information processing apparatus configured to connected via a network to a one or a plurality of remote apparatuses each of which processes information. The information processing apparatus includes a detection unit for detecting that an imaging apparatus is connected thereto, a determination unit for determining, according to processing to be performed on media data photographed by the imaging apparatus, whether the processing is performed by the information processing apparatus, an execution instruction unit for issuing, when the determination unit determines that the processing is not performed by the information processing apparatus, an execution instruction to the remote apparatus capable of performing the processing to perform the processing on the media data, and a media data receiving unit for receiving from the remote apparatus to which the execution instruction is issued, the media data on which the processing is performed. 1a detection unit configured to detect that an imaging apparatus is connected thereto;a determination unit configured to determine, according to processing to be performed on media data photographed by the imaging apparatus, whether the processing is performed by the information processing apparatus;an execution instruction unit configured to issue, when the determination unit determines that the processing is not performed by the information processing apparatus, an execution instruction to the remote apparatus capable of performing the processing to perform the processing on the media data; anda media data receiving unit configured to receive from the remote apparatus to which the execution instruction is issued by the execution instruction unit the media data on which the processing is performed.. An information processing apparatus configured to be connected via a network to one or a plurality of remote apparatuses each of which processes information, the information processing apparatus comprising: This application is a ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140022399A1
Автор: Rashid Usman

An interface system for an imaging device is disclosed. A first data communications interface is connected to a web server and a second data communications interface is connectible to a corresponding input/output port of the imaging device. There is a bridge application server with a device control input, a device image output, a device control output, and a device image input. The device control input is connected to the first data communications interface, and the device image output is connected to the web server. The device control output and the device image input are both separately linked to the second data communications interface. Generic device control commands from the first data communications interface are passed to the bridge application server, bypassing the web server. Image data from the imaging device is passed to the web server for transmission to a remote viewer and control device. 1. An interface system for an imaging device comprising:a first data communications interface;a second data communications interface connectible to a corresponding input/output port of the imaging device;a web server connected to the first data communications interface; anda bridge application server having a device control input connected to the first data communications interface, a device image output connected to the web server, and a device control output and a device image input both separately linked to the second data communications interface;wherein generic device control commands received from the first data communications interface are passed to the bridge application server bypassing the web server, and image data received from the imaging device via the second data communications interface are passed to the web server for transmission to a remote viewer and control device.2. The interface device of claim 1 , wherein the bridge application server includes a socket server receptive to the generic device control commands.3. The interface device of claim 2 , ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140022400A1

In an IP camera control method, a web server transmits a show page, on which a control panel is displayed, to an electronic terminal, and then an IP camera is controlled according to a touch operation on the control panel of the electronic terminal. 1. An IP camera control method being performed by execution of computerized codes by at least one processor of a web server , the method comprising:transmitting a show page, on which a control panel is displayed, to an electronic terminal; andcontrolling an IP camera according to a touch operation on the control panel of the electronic terminal.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein before transmitting of the show page claim 1 , the method further comprises:receiving a video address from the electronic terminal to locate the IP camera, wherein the video address comprises an IP address of the IP camera, a user name of the electronic terminal, and an identifier for controlling the IP camera.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the control panel comprises a rotation control range and a zoom control range.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the rotation control range comprises a leftward rotation key claim 3 , a rightward rotation key claim 3 , an upward rotation key claim 3 , a downward rotation key claim 3 , a top-leftward rotation key claim 3 , a top-rightward rotation key claim 3 , a bottom-leftward rotation key claim 3 , and a bottom-rightward rotation key claim 3 , and wherein the zoom control range comprises keys of a zoom-in key and a zoom-out key.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the controlling step comprising:detecting a touch point of the touch operation on the control panel of the electronic terminal; andcomputing a movement vector of the touch point according to a movement track of the touch point, and controlling the IP camera to rotate according to the movement vector when the touch point is located within the rotation control range; orcontrolling the IP camera to zoom in or ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043485A1
Принадлежит: Logitech Europe S.A.

Systems and methods for streaming video and/or audio from multiple devices are provided. A camera may include an optical sensor, a wireless communication device, and a processor configured to establish a first connection with a remote location, establish a second connection with one or more other cameras, and stream video from the cameras to the remote location. The remote location may be, for example, a remote website, a remote server, or a remote client device. The camera may be further configured to provide control signals to the other cameras, such as for controlling applications running on the other cameras. 1. A camera comprising:an optical sensor;a wireless communication device; and establish a first connection with a remote location,', 'establish a second connection with at least one other camera, and', 'stream video from the camera and video from the at least one other camera to the remote location., 'a processor configured to'}2. The camera of claim 1 , wherein the remote location is at least one of a remote website claim 1 , a remote server claim 1 , and a remote client device.3. The camera of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to:provide control signals to the at least one other camera, andcontrol an application running on the at least one other camera based on the control signals.4. The camera of claim 1 , wherein the at least one other camera comprises a plurality of cameras.5. The camera of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to stream the video from the camera with the video from the at least one other camera to the remote location.6. The camera of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to combine the video from the camera with the video from the at least one other camera.7. The camera of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to stream the video from the camera to the remote location as a first video stream and the video from the at least one other camera to the remote location as a second video stream.8. ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140063270A1
Автор: Ishizu Akihiko

A communication apparatus capable of participating in a network formed by a relay apparatus, the communication apparatus includes a data communication unit configured to establish communication with a data processing apparatus via a first network, and perform data communication with the data processing apparatus, a reception unit configured to receive a notification indicating whether the data processing apparatus has formed the first network as the relay apparatus, from the data processing apparatus, and a control unit configured, if a notification indicating that the data processing apparatus has formed the first network as the relay apparatus is received by the reception unit, to perform control to restrict transmission or reception of data via an Internet. 1. A communication apparatus capable of participating in a network formed by a relay apparatus , the communication apparatus comprising:a data communication unit configured to establish communication with a data processing apparatus via a first network, and perform data communication with the data processing apparatus;a reception unit configured to receive from the data processing apparatus a notification indicating whether the data processing apparatus has formed the first network as the relay apparatus; anda control unit configured to perform control to restrict transmission or reception of data via an Internet if the notification indicating that the data processing apparatus has formed the first network as the relay apparatus is received by the reception unit.2. The communication apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising an instruction unit configured to instruct transmission or reception of data via the Internet claim 1 ,wherein the control unit restricts transmission or reception of data via the Internet by causing an instruction of the instruction unit to be invalid.3. The communication apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprising a display unit claim 2 ,wherein the control unit is ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method For Transmitting Video Data and Haptic Data and Video Acquisition Device

Номер: US20140071291A1
Автор: YU Lang

A method for transmitting video data and haptic data between a mobile video acquisition device and a remote computer through a communication network, and a video acquisition device. A server capable of direct communication exists in the communication network. The video data can be presented on a screen of the remote computer for a user to view, and the haptic data can be used to control a motion state of the video acquisition device acting as an avatar of the user. In the present invention, a first channel for transmitting video data and a second channel for transmitting haptic data are established between a computer having access to the Internet and a video acquisition device having access to the Internet by using a server and through a P2P technology. The present invention enables forming of a low-cost long-distance avatar network of multiple users versus multiple avatars, thereby greatly reducing travel of people, and contributing to low carbon environmental protection. 132414233. A method for transmitting video data and haptic data between mobile video acquisition devices () and remote computers () through a communication network () , wherein a server () capable of direct communication exists in the communication network () , and the video data are presented on a screen of a remote computer () for a user to view , and the haptic data are used to control the motion state of a video acquisition device (); and the mobile video acquisition device () comprises an electromechanical unit for moving , an input unit for acquiring video data , a computing unit for processing video data and haptic data , and a communication unit ,the method comprising:{'b': 3', '1, 'registering, by the video acquisition devices (), visual address information and haptic address information on the server () respectively and regularly;'}{'b': 2', '2', '1', '2', '1, 'inputting, by a user, an identification of a video acquisition device into a remote computer (); registering, by the remote ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001475A1

An autonomous mobile robot includes a chassis, a drive supporting the chassis above a floor surface in a home and configured to move the chassis across the floor surface, a variable height member being coupled to the chassis and being vertically extendible, a camera supported by the variable height member, and a controller. The controller is configured to operate the drive to navigate the robot to locations within the home and to adjust a height of the variable height member upon reaching a first of the locations. The controller is also configured to, while the variable height member is at the adjusted height, operate the camera to capture digital imagery of the home at the first of the locations. 120-. (canceled)21. A method comprising:receiving, by a user computing device in communication with a communication network, imagery captured by an autonomous mobile robot in an environment, the imagery representing at least a portion of an electronic device in the environment, and the autonomous mobile robot and the electronic device being in communication with the communication network;receiving, by the user computing device, data indicative of a status of the electronic device; andpresenting, by the user computing device, a representation of the imagery captured by the autonomous mobile robot and an indicator of a status of the electronic device, the indicator being overlaid on the representation of the imagery.22. The method of claim 21 , further comprising transmitting claim 21 , to the autonomous mobile robot claim 21 , one or more commands to cause the autonomous mobile robot to be moved to a user-selected location within the environment claim 21 , wherein the autonomous mobile robot at the user-selected location captures the imagery representing at least the portion of the electronic device.23. The method of claim 22 , wherein transmitting the one or more commands to cause the autonomous mobile robot to be moved to the user-selected location within the environment ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001479A1
Автор: BINDER Yehuda

System and method for improving the shaving experience by providing improved visibility of the skin shaving area. A digital camera is integrated with the electric shaver for close image capturing of shaving area, and displaying it on a display unit. The display unit can be integral part of the electric shaver casing, or housed in a separated device which receives the image via a communication channel. The communication channel can be wireless (using radio, audio or light) or wired, such as dedicated cabling or using powerline communication. A light source is used to better illuminate the shaving area. Video compression and digital image processing techniques are used for providing for improved shaving results. The wired communication medium can simultaneously be used also for carrying power from the electric shaver assembly to the display unit, or from the display unit to the electric shaver. 1. A handheld device for capturing and displaying video data , the device comprising:a first video camera that outputs a first video data;a second video camera that outputs a second video data;a multiplexer coupled to the first and second cameras for multiplexing the first and second video data into a multiplexed signal;an antenna for transmitting a wireless signal over a wireless network;a wireless transmitter coupled between the antenna and the multiplexer for transmitting the multiplexed signal;a rechargeable battery coupled to power the video cameras, the wireless transmitter, and the multiplexer; anda single portable and handheld casing housing the video cameras, the wireless transmitter, and the multiplexer,wherein the casing comprises two opposed first and second exterior surfaces, the first video camera is attached to the first surface and the second video camera is attached to the second surface.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein each of the cameras comprises optical lens for focusing received light.3. The device according to claim 1 , further for identifying ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001480A1
Автор: BINDER Yehuda

System and method for improving the shaving experience by providing improved visibility of the skin shaving area. A digital camera is integrated with the electric shaver for close image capturing of shaving area, and displaying it on a display unit. The display unit can be integral part of the electric shaver casing, or housed in a separated device which receives the image via a communication channel. The communication channel can be wireless (using radio, audio or light) or wired, such as dedicated cabling or using powerline communication. A light source is used to better illuminate the shaving area. Video compression and digital image processing techniques are used for providing for improved shaving results. The wired communication medium can simultaneously be used also for carrying power from the electric shaver assembly to the display unit, or from the display unit to the electric shaver. 1. A device for use with a cable that comprises multiple insulated wires and concurrently carries a DC (Direct Current) power and video data signals over the same wires , the device comprising:a video camera for capturing video content;a video processor coupled to the video camera for generating the video data according to a digital video format;a connector for coupling a signal to the cable;a wired transmitter coupled between the connector and the video processor for transmitting the video data to the cable via the connector; anda casing housing the video camera, the video processor, and the wired transmitter,wherein the device is powered only from the DC power signal carried in the cable via the connector.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the video camera comprises an optical lens for focusing received light mechanically oriented to focus an image of at least part of the captured content.3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the video camera further comprises a photosensitive image sensor array disposed approximately at an image focal point plane of the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001481A1
Автор: BINDER Yehuda

System and method for improving the shaving experience by providing improved visibility of the skin shaving area. A digital camera is integrated with the electric shaver for close image capturing of shaving area, and displaying it on a display unit. The display unit can be integral part of the electric shaver casing, or housed in a separated device which receives the image via a communication channel. The communication channel can be wireless (using radio, audio or light) or wired, such as dedicated cabling or using powerline communication. A light source is used to better illuminate the shaving area. Video compression and digital image processing techniques are used for providing for improved shaving results. The wired communication medium can simultaneously be used also for carrying power from the electric shaver assembly to the display unit, or from the display unit to the electric shaver. 1. A system for use with a wireless network , the system comprising an oral hygiene device and a display device that communicates with the oral hygiene device over the wireless network , the oral hygiene device comprising:a toothbrush for brushing teeth surface;an electric motor attached for moving the toothbrush;a sensor for generating an output in response to a physical phenomenon;a first wireless transceiver coupled to the sensor for transmitting a first data that is responsive to the sensor output over the wireless network; andan handheld casing housing the toothbrush, the electric motor, the sensor, and the first wireless transceiver, and the display device comprising:a second wireless transceiver coupled for receiving the first data from the oral hygiene device over the wireless network;a display component having a screen for displaying data, the display is coupled to the second wireless transceiver for displaying information in response to the received first data; andan enclosure housing the second wireless transceiver, and the display component.2. The system according ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001482A1
Автор: BINDER Yehuda

System and method for improving the shaving experience by providing improved visibility of the skin shaving area. A digital camera is integrated with the electric shaver for close image capturing of shaving area, and displaying it on a display unit. The display unit can be integral part of the electric shaver casing, or housed in a separated device which receives the image via a communication channel. The communication channel can be wireless (using radio, audio or light) or wired, such as dedicated cabling or using powerline communication. A light source is used to better illuminate the shaving area. Video compression and digital image processing techniques are used for providing for improved shaving results. The wired communication medium can simultaneously be used also for carrying power from the electric shaver assembly to the display unit, or from the display unit to the electric shaver. 1. A system comprising a portable device and an oral hygiene device that communicate over a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) , a toothbrush adapted for teeth brushing;', 'a motion actuator for moving at least part of a brushing mechanism;', 'a sensor mechanically coupled to the toothbrush for generating an output in response to a physical phenomenon;', 'software and a processor for executing the software, the processor is coupled to the sensor for receiving the output;', 'a battery for powering the sensor, the motion actuator, the sensor, and the processor;', 'an first WLAN antenna for coupling to the WLAN using Radio-Frequency (RF) waves; and', 'a first WLAN transceiver coupled between the first antenna and the sensor for transmitting a first data that is responsive to the sensor output over the WLAN;', 'an handheld casing housing the battery, the toothbrush, the motion actuator, the first WLAN antenna, the first WLAN transceiver, the sensor, the software, and the processor,, 'the oral hygiene device comprising a second WLAN antenna for coupling to the WLAN using Radio- ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150002687A1

In order to improve the operability required in transmitting an e-mail attached the image data, a communication apparatus includes imaging unit for imaging an object to acquire image data related to the object; storage unit for storing registration information which is associated at least one predetermined action and at least one destination address; and control unit for, in response to one of the predetermined action being performed during an operation of the imaging unit, controlling the imaging unit so that the storage unit stores the image data acquired by the imaging unit and creating an e-mail to which the destination address is set and with which the image data which is stored in the storage unit is attached, the destination address being associated with the predetermined action and being stored in the registration information. 1. A communication apparatus , comprising:an imaging unit that images an object to acquire image data related to the object;a storage unit that stores registration information which is associated at least one predetermined action and at least one destination address; anda control unit that, in response to one of the predetermined action being performed during an operation of the imaging unit, controls the imaging unit so that the storage unit stores the image data acquired by the imaging unit and creates an e-mail to which the destination address is set and with which the image data which is stored in the storage unit is attached, the destination address being associated with the performed predetermined action and being stored in the registration information.2. An e-mail creation method , comprising:storing registration information which is associated at least one predetermined action and at least one destination address, into a storage unit;controlling, in response to one of the predetermined action being performed during an operation of an imaging unit that images an object to acquire image data related to the object, the imaging ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006924A1

This disclosure describes a system including an imaging device. The imaging device includes an imaging unit with a lens that focuses light onto an image sensor that produces image data, wherein the image data is only stored by the imaging device for transfer to and processing by an external device. The imaging device includes a control interface that provides commands to the imaging unit. The system also includes a mount with a wall that releasably secures the imaging device and provides access to the control interface and a securing structure that secures the mount to a variety of locations. 120.-. (canceled)21. A system , comprising: a housing;', 'an imaging unit disposed in the housing and including a lens that focuses light onto an image sensor that detects image data;', 'a control interface disposed on the housing and configured to receive commands for the imaging unit from a user of the imaging device; and', 'an imaging device securing structure disposed on an opposite side of the housing from the lens of the imaging unit; and, 'an imaging device, comprising;'} 'a mount securing structure configured to magnetically couple with the imaging device securing structure with at least one of paper, fabric, or other material between the device securing structure and the mount securing structure such that the imaging device and the mount are securable to the at least one of the paper, fabric, or other material.', 'a mount, comprising22. The system of claim 21 , wherein the imaging device further comprises an indicator on a same side of the housing as the lens of the imaging unit claim 21 , the indicator configured to provide at least one of a mode indication claim 21 , a power indication claim 21 , or a connection indication to other individuals nearby a user of the imaging device when the imaging device and the mount are secured to the at least one of the paper claim 21 , fabric claim 21 , or other material.23. The system of claim 22 , wherein the indicator is ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006945A1

Various embodiments may include methods and systems for configuring synchronous multi-viewpoint photography. Various embodiments may include displaying preview images on initiating and responding devices. Various embodiments may include determining an adjustment to the orientation of a responding device based on the preview images. Various embodiments may include transmitting an instruction configured to enable the responding device to display a notification for adjusting the position or the orientation of the responding device based at least on the adjustment. Various embodiments may include transmitting, to the responding device, a second instruction to enable the responding device to capture a second image at approximately the same time as the initiating device captures a first image. Embodiments further include capturing, via a camera, the first image, receiving, from the responding device, a second image, and generating an image file based on the first image and the second image. 1. A method performed by a processor of an initiating device for configuring synchronous multi-viewpoint photography , comprising:displaying, via an initiating device user interface, a first preview image captured using a camera of the initiating device;receiving a second preview image from a responding device;performing image processing on the first and second preview images to determine an adjustment to a position or orientation of the responding device for purposes of multi-point photography;transmitting, to the responding device, a first instruction configured to enable the responding device to display a notification for adjusting the position or the orientation of the responding device based at least on the adjustment;transmitting, to the responding device, a second instruction configured to enable the responding device to capture a second image at approximately the same time as the initiating device captures a first image;capturing, via the camera, the first image;receiving, from ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006955A1

A control device includes a controller configured to output, when a sign of starting a specific action by a user is detected, a signal for switching an operation mode of a camera from a first mode to a second mode different from the first mode. The camera is configured to operate in the first mode in which data on a captured image generated by imaging an indoor place is stored in the camera. 1. A control device comprising a controller configured to output , when a sign of starting a specific action by a user is detected , a signal for switching an operation mode of a camera from a first mode to a second mode different from the first mode , the camera being configured to operate in the first mode in which data on a captured image generated by imaging an indoor place is stored in the camera.2. The control device according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to output a signal for switching the operation mode of the camera to the first mode when an end of the specific action is detected.3. The control device according to claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to detect the end of the specific action by detecting an action pattern indicating the end of the specific action from the captured image generated by the camera.4. The control device according to claim 1 , whereinwhen the operation mode of the camera is the second mode, masking is performed for an image portion corresponding to the user in the captured image generated by the camera and data on the captured image subjected to the masking is stored in the camera.5. The control device according to claim 1 , wherein:the indoor place is a room in a house; andwhen the operation mode of the camera is the second mode, masking is performed for an image portion corresponding to the user in the captured image generated by the camera based on determination that the user is a resident of the house and data on the captured image subjected to the masking is stored in the camera.6. The control device ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Generating Virtual Item Displays

Номер: US20200005372A1

Systems, methods, and devices of the various embodiments enable virtual displays of an item, such as vehicle, to be generated. In an embodiment, a plurality of images of an item may be captured and annotation may be provided to one or more of the images. In an embodiment, the plurality of images may be displayed, and the transition between each of the plurality of images may be an animated process. In an embodiment, an item imaging system may comprise a structure including one or more cameras and one or more lights, and the item imaging system may be configured to automate at least a portion of the process for capturing the plurality of images of an item. 1. An item imaging system , comprising: an outer structure;', 'at least one light; and', 'at least one camera; and, 'an image capture area, comprising controlling the at least one camera to capture one or more images of an item; and', 'sending the one or more images to a server to be displayed in a virtual display of the item., 'a processor connected to the at least one camera, wherein the processor is configured with processor-executable instructions to perform operations comprising2. The item imaging system of claim 1 , wherein:the image capture area is a roundhouse comprising a turntable centered within the outer structure and connected to the processor;the outer structure is a dome;the at least one light comprises a plurality of lights configured to indirectly illuminate the item;the at least one camera comprises a first camera, a second camera, and a third camera, wherein each of the first camera, second camera, and third camera is configured to capture images of the item from a different angle;the processor is configured with processor executable instructions to control the plurality of lights and the turntable to rotate the item on the turntable and illuminate the item as one or more of the three cameras capture images of the item.3. The item imaging system of claim 2 , wherein:the plurality of lights ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Mobile Features Takeover Method and System

Номер: US20220014667A1
Автор: Varon Weinryb Abraham

The invention relates to an operational communication-over-the-internet method and system in which take-over operations which are implemented within a software application are being sent over the internet from a sending user using a device with said software application to a second user's mobile device, in order to perform specific actions relating to specific features of the second user's mobile device, resulting in the second user's mobile device being jointly operated by both users. 1. An operational communication-over-the-internet method and system in which Take-Over operations which are implemented within a software application are being sent over the internet from a sending user using a device with said software application to a second user's mobile device who is the holder of said mobile device , in order to perform specific actions relating to specific features of said second user's mobile device , resulting in said second user's mobile device being jointly operated by said second user and by said sending user.2. Method according to in which said Take-Over operations relate not only to built-in features of said mobile device but also to features which are available to said mobile device due to an external device connected to said mobile device.3. Method according to in which one of said Take-Over operations is the ability of said sending user to take a snapshot with the camera of said mobile device claim 1 , and at the same time said second user may continuously shoot video with said mobile device's camera.4. Method according to in which one of said Take-Over operations performed by said sending user is controlling video shooting features such as optical zoom at said mobile device claim 1 , while the holder of said mobile device is aiming said mobile device's camera to various locations claim 1 , so said device holder's is deciding what video to shoot while said sending user decides which zoom levels to use for said video.5. Method according to in which said ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220014670A1

A system is provided for partial matching of settings across cameras. The system includes a camera setting controller that controls control elements of a target camera for capturing video content of a scene. Moreover, a transfer module detects a request to transfer settings from a reference camera to the target camera and a look determiner determines a look of a scene of the video content being captured by the at least one target camera. The transfer module retrieves the control elements of the reference camera and related image capture control settings that correspond to the obtained image capture control settings of the at least one target camera. The transfer module then transfers the image capture control settings of the control elements from the reference camera to the target camera, such that the settings are applied to the target camera to modify the capturing of video content of the scene. 1. A system for partial matching of settings across cameras , the system comprising:a camera setting controller configured to control a control element of a target camera for capturing video content of a scene;a look determiner configured to determine a representation of the scene of the video content being captured by the target camera; receive a request to transfer settings from a reference camera to the target camera,', 'retrieve one or more control elements of the reference camera in response to the received request and to obtain image capture control settings associated with the one or more control elements corresponding to the determined representation of the scene being captured by the target camera, and', 'transmit the obtained image capture control settings to the target camera, such that the image capture control settings are applied to the target camera to modify the control element for capturing the video content of the scene by the target camera; and, 'a transfer module configured toa user interface configured to receive a user input to transfer the image ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220014673A1

A computer-implemented preferred picture-taking method, system, and computer program product that includes providing a set of instructions including directional movement instructions to each of a photographer, a pan tilt computing system controlling the camera, and the subject in the picture to be taken to adjust a feature of a current photographic scene such that the subject of the current photographic scene most matches a template feature of a photographic template that corresponds to the current photographic scene. 1. A computer-implemented preferred picture-taking method for taking a picture with a camera , the method comprising:providing a set of instructions including directional movement instructions to each of a photographer, a pan tilt computing system controlling the camera, and the subject in the picture to be taken to adjust a feature of a current photographic scene such that the subject of the current photographic scene most matches a template feature of a photographic template that corresponds to the current photographic scene.2. A computer program product for preferred picture-taking for taking a picture with a camera , the computer program product comprising a non-transitory computer readable storage medium having program instructions embodied therewith , the program instructions executable by a computer to cause the computer to perform:providing a set of instructions including directional movement instructions to each of a photographer, a pan tilt computing system controlling the camera, and the subject in the picture to be taken to adjust a feature of a current photographic scene such that the subject of the current photographic scene most matches a template feature of a photographic template that corresponds to the current photographic scene.3. A preferred picture-taking system for taking a picture with a camera , the system comprising:a processor; and 'providing a set of instructions including directional movement instructions to each of a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006210A1

At an electronic device with a touch-sensitive display, a remote camera control user interface may be displayed. In some examples, a user may provide input through a gesture at a location corresponding to the touch-sensitive display and/or through a rotation of a rotatable input mechanism to control a camera of an external device. Camera control may include control of the external device's camera features, including image capture, zoom settings, focus settings, flash settings, and timer settings, for example, and may also include access to the external device's library of previously captured images. 1. A non-transitory computer readable storage medium storing one or more programs , the one or more programs comprising instructions , which when executed by one or more processors of an electronic device with a touch-sensitive display , cause the device to:display a camera affordance on the touch-sensitive display;detect a gesture at a location corresponding to the camera affordance;determine whether the electronic device is wirelessly connected to an external device responsive to remote camera control; display a remote camera user-interface on the touch-sensitive display;', 'receive data representing an image feed from a camera of the external device; and', 'display the image feed in the remote camera user-interface;, 'in accordance with a determination that the electronic device is wirelessly connected to the external device and in response to the detection of a gesture at a location corresponding to the camera affordancedetect movement of the rotatable input mechanism; and 'resize the display of the image feed in the remote camera user-interface.', 'in response to the detection of movement of the rotatable input mechanism2. The non-transitory computer readable storage medium of claim 1 , wherein the one or more programs comprise instructions that cause the device to: 'transmit a zoom setting selection to the external device.', 'further in response to the detection of ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006215A1

Methods, systems, and computer readable media are described for controlling a camera to perform a selected task from a set of tasks is provided. The method comprises determining a viewing condition of the camera to perform each task from the set of tasks, and determining a posterior probability of task success for each task from the set of tasks based on the determined viewing conditions and a prior probability of task success for each task. The method also includes determining a change in rate of information gain for task success for each task from the set of tasks based on the posterior probability, selecting the task to be performed based on the change in rate of information gain, and controlling the camera to perform the selected task. 1. A method for controlling a camera to perform a selected task from a set of tasks , the method comprising:determining a viewing condition of the camera to perform each task from the set of tasks;determining a posterior probability of task success for each task from the set of tasks based on the determined viewing conditions and a prior probability of task success for each task;determining a change in rate of information gain for task success for each task from the set of tasks based on the posterior probability;selecting the task to be performed based on the change in rate of information gain; andcontrolling the camera to perform the selected task.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein selecting the task to be performed comprises selecting the task that has a maximum increase in the rate of information gain.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the task includes capturing a frontal face image of a target in a monitored area and/or persistently tracking the target in the monitored area.4. The method of further comprising determining a likelihood of task success based on the posterior probability and performance of a detector under the determined viewing condition of each task.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the task includes ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006450A1

The present invention provides a mobile communication terminal and a system and method for safety service using the terminal for checking the user's location and a situation of the surroundings of the user at the time of an emergency such as kidnapping, accident, and so on. 1. A method for providing safety service of a server , comprising:in case a first terminal including a camera is set to emergency mode, receiving image data of surroundings captured by the camera from the first terminal; andtransmitting the received image and location information of the first terminal to a second terminal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first terminal is a terminal for a ward and the second terminal is a terminal for a guardian.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein when an emergency mode set-up command is transmitted from the second terminal to the first terminal claim 1 , the first terminal is set to the emergency mode.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:transmitting the received image data or the location information of the first terminal to at least one of a police server, a security service server and a broadcasting business server at the time of the emergency mode.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:compensating the location information of the first terminal by comparing the received image data with a previously stored image map.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the compensating comprises determining whether the pre-stored image map matches the received imaged data.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein in case the pre-stored image map matches the received image data claim 6 , outputting current location information of the first terminal identified by the server.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein in case the pre-stored image map does not match the received image data claim 6 , acquiring a position on the image map that matches the received image data by comparing the received image data with an image map containing the area within a preset radius from ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle Camera System

Номер: US20160006922A1

A vehicle camera system and method for operating a vehicle camera system comprising a vehicle camera with communication capabilities. The vehicle camera operating in conjunction with other components to provide information to users. The vehicle camera system compiles information from multiple components into a single repository of video recordings with information, such as location information, vehicle status and diagnostic information, alert information and other information. 1. A system for a vehicle camera that interfaces with a mobile communication device that is separate from the vehicle camera , the system comprising:said vehicle camera comprising:a) a camera display that provides a visual output,b) an imaging component which captures at least one image and creates an image file,c) a memory component designed to electronically store said image file, andd) a camera communication element configured to communicate over a short-range communication standard; andsaid mobile communication device comprising:a) a user interface that receives inputs from a user and communicates information to said user,b) a location determination component configured to determine a geographic location of the mobile communication device, andc) a short-range communication element configured to communicate over said short-range communication standard, wherein said short-range communication element communicates with said camera communication element over said short-range communication standard, andd) a wide-area communication element configured to communicate over a wide-area communication standard; andwherein said mobile communication device exchanges data with said vehicle camera, wherein said geographic location of said mobile communication device is compiled with said image file to create a location identified image file.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said data comprises a prediction of an alert level associated with the geographic location of the mobile communication device claim 1 ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006705A1
Автор: Miyazaki Shigeyuki

A recording control apparatus that controls to record an image captured by a camera starts recording of the image captured by the camera based on information acquired from the camera. In a case where an instruction to delete the image is received from a upper-level system configured to acquire information different from the information acquired from the camera or in a case where an instruction to the image is not received from the upper-level system for a certain period, the recording control apparatus deletes the image captured by the camera. 1. A recording control apparatus that controls to record an image captured by an imaging apparatus , the recording control apparatus comprising:a control unit configured to control start of recording of the image captured by the imaging apparatus based on information acquired from the imaging apparatus; anda reception unit configured to receive an instruction with respect to the image, recording of which has been started by the control unit, from an external apparatus configured to acquire information different from the information acquired from the imaging apparatus,wherein, in a case where an instruction to delete the image is received from the external apparatus or in a case where an instruction to the image is not received from the external apparatus for a certain period, the control unit performs control to delete the image, recording of which has been started.2. The recording control apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a transmission unit configured to transmit information about the image claim 1 , recording of which has been started by the control unit claim 1 , to the external apparatus claim 1 ,wherein the information about the image includes at least one of information about the imaging apparatus capturing the image, identification information about the image, the information acquired from the imaging apparatus, and information about an imaging time of the image.3. The recording control apparatus ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006706A1
Автор: Koci Denis

Disclosed embodiments include a selfie camera system for capturing selfie content and sharing captured content on a social media and/or a video streaming platform. In various embodiments, selfie camera makes capturing higher quality selfie content more efficient by providing a preview of the selfie content before and after capture. One or more aspects of previews may be modified to simulate content displayed on a social media and/or video streaming platform. The selfie camera may be easily attached to any surface using one or more mounting mechanisms to allow the selfie camera for function as a personal, private photographer than can capture any scene from a variety of perspectives using a variety of capture sequences. 1. A selfie camera system comprising: a body;', 'an attachment apparatus integrated into the body of the camera or attached to the body of the camera that is configured to secure the camera to a surface;', 'an image sensor within the body configured to receive digital data; and', 'a communications component within the body configured to connect to a computing device and transmit the digital data to the computing device; and, 'a camera including;'} provide a live feed of a view of the camera;', 'communicate commands to the camera to capture the digital data;', 'display a preview of the digital data on a display of the computing device; and', 'transmit the digital data for posting to a social medial platform., 'the computing device having a processor and a selfie application comprising instructions executable by the processor that is configured to2. The selfie camera system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to monitor a screen orientation of the computing device and configure an orientation of the digital data preview to match the screen orientation of the computing device.3. The selfie camera system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to conduct a countdown to capture of the digital data by the image sensor ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006750A1
Автор: Scalisi Joseph Frank

A light socket surveillance system can be used to enable a first party to communicate with a second party. The light socket surveillance system can be used to detect an audible notification from the first party. In response to detecting the audible notification from the first party, the light socket surveillance system can initiate a communication session with a remote computing device of the second party. 1. A method for using a light socket surveillance system to enable a first party to communicate with a second party , wherein the light socket surveillance system includes an outer housing defining a proximal end , a distal end that is opposite the proximal end , and a sidewall that extends between the proximal end and the distal end , wherein the light socket surveillance system includes a detection system having a camera , a motion detector , a speaker , and a microphone , and wherein the light socket surveillance system includes a screw thread contact located adjacent the proximal end of the outer housing , the method comprising:detecting, via the microphone, an audible notification from the first party; andin response to detecting the audible notification from the first party, initiating a communication session with a remote computing device of the second party.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the audible notification comprises a voice command instructing the light socket surveillance system to contact the second party claim 1 , the method further comprising enabling claim 1 , via the speaker and the microphone claim 1 , the first party and the second party to audibly communicate with each other.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the audible notification comprises a distress notification indicating that the first party requires assistance claim 1 , and wherein the communication session comprises an indication of the distress notification.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:recording a noise with the microphone;recording an image with the camera; ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006754A1

A method at an image capture apparatus, the method including receiving, at the image capture apparatus, a trigger to begin image capture; based on the trigger, starting image capture for a fixed duration; and providing image capture data to a processing service. 1. A method at a first image capture apparatus , the method comprising:receiving, at the first image capture apparatus, from a second apparatus a trigger to begin image capture, wherein the trigger includes information indicating a range around a location for which image capture data is needed;determining, by the first image capture apparatus, its location;finding, by the first image capture apparatus, whether the first image capture apparatus is within the range around the location for which image capture data is needed;if the first image capture apparatus is within the range, starting the image capture; andproviding image capture data to a processing service.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the location for which image capture data is needed is a position of the second apparatus.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the trigger includes one or more information elements selected from: an event identifier; a device identifier for the second apparatus; the location for which image capture data is needed; an alert type; an endpoint to report information to; a time of an event; the fixed duration; or a report timeslot.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the providing the image capture data to the processing service further includes providing at least one information item selected from: a device identifier for the first image capture apparatus; an event identifier; a position of the first image capture apparatus; and a bearing for an image sensor on the first image capture apparatus.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining whether to relay the trigger to another image capture apparatus; andif the trigger should be relayed, sending the trigger to the another image capture apparatus.6. The method of ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007251A1

In one aspect, an example method for dynamically adjusting a camera setting for a video stream includes: (i) receiving, by a computing system, video content captured by a camera operating in accordance with a camera setting; (ii) generating, by the computing system, a video stream representing the video content; and (iii) while generating the video stream: (a) determining, by the computing system, an amount of packets in a memory buffer; (b) determining, by the computing system, a time period since the camera setting was last adjusted; and (c) using, by the computing system, the determined amount of packets in the memory buffer and the determined time period since the camera setting was last adjusted as a basis to adjust the camera setting. 1. A method comprising:receiving, by a computing system, video content captured by a camera operating in accordance with a camera setting;generating, by the computing system, a video stream representing the video content; and (i) determining, by the computing system, an amount of packets in a memory buffer;', '(ii) determining, by the computing system, a time period since the camera setting was last adjusted; and', '(iii) using, by the computing system, the determined amount of packets in the memory buffer and the determined time period since the camera setting was last adjusted as a basis to adjust the camera setting., 'while generating the video stream2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the memory buffer is a data queue of the computing system.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the camera setting is a setting selected from the group consisting of (i) a frame rate setting claim 1 , (ii) a frame size setting claim 1 , and (iii) a shutter speed setting.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein using the determined amount of packets in the memory buffer and the determined time period since the camera setting was last adjusted as a basis to adjust the camera setting comprises:making, by the computing system, a first determination that the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007257A1

There is set forth herein a system including a camera device. In one embodiment the system is operative to perform image processing for detection of an event involving a human subject. There is set forth herein in one embodiment, a camera equipped system employed for fall detection. 1. A camera device comprising:an image sensor;a memory;a processor;wherein the camera device is adapted to be wearable by a human subject;wherein the camera device is operative to process images captured using the camera device for detection of an event, the event being an action of the human subject, the event being detected by performance of an image processing method that includes a comparison of a subsequently captured image to an earlier captured image; andwherein the camera device is operative to wirelessly transmit a message to an external destination responsively to the detection by the camera device of the event.2. The camera device of claim 1 , wherein the event is a fall.3. The camera device of claim 1 , wherein the camera device is operative to discriminate between a fall by a subject and a sitting down by a subject.4. The camera device of claim 1 , wherein the camera device is operative to discriminate between a fall by a subject and a laying down by a subject.5. The camera device of claim 1 , wherein the message includes one or image representing surroundings of the subject.6. The camera device of claim 1 , wherein an image processing rate of the processor is restricted from being slower than a frame rate of the camera device.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. The camera device of claim 1 , wherein the camera device provides a count of events of the human subject.17. The camera device of claim 1 , wherein the camera device for performing the comparison determines a Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) for extraction of edge orientation features of the subsequently captured image and ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007321A1

Methods, apparatus, systems and articles of manufacture to perform remote monitoring are disclosed. Some example methods include adjusting an image capture rate at which an image sensor captures images based on a difference image containing differences between a first image of a first set of objects and a second image of a second set of objects. Example methods also include reducing a file size of the difference image using an edge detection technique and prioritizing one or more of a set of frames based on an amount of information contained in the frames. The frames are subdivisions of the image. In further example methods, the first image is taken at a first time and the second image is taken at a second, later time, and the method includes subtracting the first image from the second image to generate the difference image. 1. A method for processing image data at a remote monitor comprising:adjusting an image capture rate at which an image sensor captures images based on a difference image, the difference image containing differences between a first image of a first set of objects and a second image of a second set of objects;reducing a file size of the difference image using an edge detection technique; andprioritizing one or more of a set of frames based on an amount of information contained in the frames, the frames being subdivisions of the image.2. A method as defined in claim 1 , wherein the first image is taken at a first time and the second image is taken at a second claim 1 , later time claim 1 , the method further including subtracting the first image from the second image to generate the difference image.3. A method as defined in claim 1 , wherein adjusting the image capture rate includes:determining the file size of the difference image;generating a comparison between the file size to a threshold value, the adjusting occurring based on the comparison.4. A method as defined in claim 1 , wherein reducing the file size of the difference image includes ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007765A1
Автор: Huber Matthias

In order to make flexible, reliable lighting possible for industrial image processing, it is provided that a lighting unit (), having a lighting device () comprising a number of light sources (), receives a set value of the lighting via a data bus from a lighting control unit (), that the lighting unit () captures a state variable (Z) of the lighting unit () and/or the surroundings of the lighting unit (), and that the lighting unit () adjusts the set value in a closed control loop separately and independently from the lighting control unit () in that a control variable for at least one light source () is calculated in the lighting unit () and adjusted at the at least one light source (). 11022010256210222228222212652322365. Lighting arrangement for industrial image processing , comprising: a lighting control unit () and at least one lighting unit () with a first data communication interface () for connecting a data bus , wherein the lighting control unit () is connected to the lighting unit () via the data bus , and a lighting device () with a number of light sources () is arranged in the lighting unit () , wherein the lighting control unit () transmits a set value of the lighting via the data bus to the lighting unit () , a second data communication interface () for connecting a data bus is provided in the lighting unit () , at least one measuring sensor () for capturing at least one state variable (Z) of the lighting unit () and/or the surroundings of the lighting unit () is arranged in the lighting unit () , a processing unit () is arranged in the lighting unit () for calculating a control variable for at least one light source () of the lighting device () from the predefined set value and the current value of the at least one state variable (Z) , and a lamp control unit () is provided in the lighting unit () , said lamp control unit () controlling at least one light source () of the lighting device () with the calculated control variable.22166236. Lighting ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190007604A1

A mobile electronic device may request for assistance with a photo, taken by the mobile electronic device, by a remote camera service on a remote device. Shared control, to the remote device, of sensor components of the mobile electronic device to adjust settings and filters prior to taking the photo from the remote camera service may be facilitated. 1. A mobile electronic device comprising:circuitry configured to transmit, via a network adapter, a request for assistance with a photo, taken by the mobile electronic device, by a remote camera service on a remote device;circuitry configured to facilitate shared control, to the remote device via a network, of a subset of sensor components of the mobile electronic device to adjust a flash setting and a photo filter prior to taking the photo from the remote camera service based on a shared view of objects in the photo;wherein the photo is stored by the remote device on a server associated with the mobile electronic device and shared control expires after the photo is taken; andwherein the adjustment is made based on transmitted accelerometer information and gyroscope information of the mobile electronic device processed by a motion recognition component.2. The mobile electronic device of further comprising:circuitry configured to send, via the network adapter, user defined preferences to a computer that controls an environment of a room when the mobile electronic device is in the room; andwherein the computer adjusts, when the mobile electronic device is in the room, the environment of the room based on an average of the user defined preferences set on the mobile electronic device.3. A method performed by a mobile electronic device claim 1 , the method comprising:transmitting, by the mobile electronic device via a network adapter, a request for assistance with a photo, taken by the mobile electronic device, by a remote camera service on a remote device;facilitating, by the mobile electronic device, shared control to the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190007614A1

The present technology relates to a control device, a control method, a program, and a control system capable of more certainly increasing a degree of perfection of a multi-view video content. 1. A control device comprising:an obtaining unit which obtains information regarding remaining operable time of each of a plurality of devices; anda setting unit which sets an operation mode of at least one device out of the plurality of devices on the basis of the information regarding remaining operable time of each of the plurality of devices.2. The control device according to claim 1 , whereinthe device has a recording function of taking a moving image to record, andthe setting unit sets a recording mode of at least one device out of the plurality of devices on the basis of the information regarding remaining operable time of each of the devices which are recording.3. The control device according to claim 2 , whereinthe obtaining unit obtains a remaining battery level of each of the plurality of devices as the information regarding remaining operable time of each of the plurality of devices, andthe setting unit calculates remaining operable time of each of the devices by using the remaining battery level of each of the devices which are recording, andsets the recording mode of at least one device out of the plurality of devices on the basis of the calculated remaining operable time of each of the devices.4. The control device according to claim 3 , whereinthe setting unit calculates difference between the remaining operable time of one main device out of the plurality of devices and the remaining operable time of another device, andsets the recording mode of the other device in accordance with the calculated difference.5. The control device according to claim 4 , whereinthe setting unit calculates difference between a shorter one of the remaining operable time and remaining recording time of the one device and the remaining operable time of the other device, andsets the ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Pictures using voice commands and automatic upload

Номер: US20150009344A1
Автор: Jeffrey C. Konicek

A system and method is disclosed for enabling user friendly interaction with a camera system. Specifically, the inventive system and method has several aspects to improve the interaction with a camera system, including voice recognition, gaze tracking, touch sensitive inputs and others. The voice recognition unit is operable for, among other things, receiving multiple different voice commands, recognizing the vocal commands, associating the different voice commands to one camera command and controlling at least some aspect of the digital camera operation in response to these voice commands. The gaze tracking unit is operable for, among other things, determining the location on the viewfinder image that the user is gazing upon. One aspect of the touch sensitive inputs provides that the touch sensitive pad is mouse-like and is operable for, among other things, receiving user touch inputs to control at least some aspect of the camera operation. Another aspect of the disclosed invention provides for gesture recognition to be used to interface with and control the camera system.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150009348A1

An apparatus, method, or system for providing real-time or almost real-time personal services by accessing or using components on electronic devices is disclosed. Access or control may be given to human personal service providers to an electronic device so that certain tasks or jobs may be performed remotely.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

System and Method for Automated Camera Guard Tour Operation

Номер: US20190007630A1
Автор: Westmacott Ian

A system and method for automated operation of a camera system is disclosed. A positioning system moves the camera system to a field of view to search for objects or events of interest to track. If objects or events of interest are detected prior to the expiration of a dwell timer, the dwell timer is interrupted and tracking of the objects or events of interest is initiated. To prevent the security camera from being distracted indefinitely by unimportant objects, the positioning system changes the field of view of the security system upon expiration of a track timer. Alternatively, if the security camera does not identify an object to track prior to expiration of a dwell timer, then the positioning system changes the field of view of the camera system to search for other objects or events of interest. 1. A method of automated operation of a camera system , the method comprising:moving the camera system to a set point, and if objects of interest are not detected within a dwell time, then moving the camera system to another set point to search for objects of interest;if objects of interest are detected within the dwell time, tracking the objects of interest by controlling a positioning system of the camera system; after the objects of interest have been tracked for a track time, suspending tracking of the objects of interest; andthen controlling the positioning system to change the field of view of the camera system to another set point and then searching for new objects of interest to track.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising determining the next field of view of the camera system by retrieving another set point from a series of stored set points.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising determining the next field of view of the camera system based on a current field of view of the camera system after suspending tracking of a current object of interest.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein if new objects of interest are ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Group display system

Номер: US20190007658A1
Принадлежит: KODAK ALARIS INC.

A system for generating an image display comprising a digital camera for capturing digital images, a computer for automatically selecting a digital image template having a designated location for disposing one of the captured digital images, and the computer for selecting one of the captured digital images to be disposed therein, an electronic display for displaying the digital template with the captured digital image disposed in the designated location, and a transmission channel for transmitting to the electronic display the captured digital images. 113-. (canceled)14. A method for providing an image enhanced output product , comprising;receiving digital images at a computer system from a remote input station via a computer network, wherein the computer system comprises memory configured to store content and program data files, a processor configured to execute the content and program data files, and a digital communication system configured to connect the computer system to the computer network;generating a template design for an image enhanced output product, wherein the template design corresponds to the received digital images;transmitting the template design from the computer system to the remote input station via the digital communication system;receiving template design instructions at the computer system from the remote input station, wherein the template design instructions comprise modifications to the template design;rendering the enhanced output product based on the modified template design;transmitting the rendered enhanced output product to the remote input station via the digital communication system;receiving a selection of the rendered enhanced output product at the computer system from the remote input station;producing the enhanced output product in accordance with the rendering at an output system, wherein the output system is coupled to the computer system.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the remote input station is connected to the output ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007741A1

A device for detecting proximity to an active alternating current (AC) voltage source is provided. The device includes a housing, at least one antenna configured to generate a signal in response to exposure to electromagnetic radiation, signal processing circuitry configured to process the signal generated by the at least one antenna, a microprocessor configured to determine, from the processed signal, whether the alert device is proximate to the active AC voltage source, a communication device configured to generate a signal in response to a determination that the alert device is proximate the active AC voltage source, and an interference reduction device configured to discharge an accumulated charge on the alert device to reduce electromagnetic interference from sources other than the active AC voltage source. 1. A detection system , comprising:a housing configured to be worn by a user or carried on a mobile device;at least one sensing circuit selectively coupled to the housing that is configured to sense or detect a characteristic that includes one or more of electromagnetic radiation, ionizing radiation, a determined liquid analyte, a determined gaseous analyte, a determined powdered analyte concentration, a level of oxygen below a determine threshold value, a data signal strength, a determined level of magnetic flux, a temperature, or a pressure;at least one communication device that is configured to one or more of generate or communicate a signal in response to sensing or detecting of the characteristic by the at least one sensing circuit; andan interference circuit configured to reduce or eliminate interference by the sensing circuit.2. The detection system defined in claim 1 , further comprising a locating device configured to determine a location of the housing.3. The detection system defined in claim 2 , wherein the sensing circuit is configured to detect at least electromagnetic radiation claim 2 , and the interference circuit is configured to dissipate ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Camera Array Including Camera Modules

Номер: US20200007743A1

The disclosure includes a camera array comprising camera modules, the camera modules comprising a master camera that includes a processor, a memory, a sensor, a lens, a status indicator, and a switch, the switch configured to instruct each of the camera modules to initiate a start operation to start recording video data using the lens and the sensor in the other camera modules and the switch configured to instruct each of the camera modules to initiate a stop operation to stop recording, the status indicator configured to indicate a status of at least one of the camera modules. 1. A system comprising:a camera array comprising a set of camera modules that are each substantially identical relative to one another and communicatively coupled to one another via a daisy chain; and receive video data describing image frames from the camera array captured by the set of camera modules;', 'stitch the image frames together based on a frame sync signal and a relative position of each camera module of the set of camera modules to generate three-dimensional video data;', 'determine that color deficiencies occurred in stitched image frames;', 'determine corrected pixel values to replace original pixel values in stitched image frames that include the color deficiencies in the three-dimensional video data; and', 'generate three-dimensional content that includes the corrected pixel values in a set of pixel values., 'an aggregation system stored on a memory and executed by one or more processors, the aggregation system operable to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein determining the corrected pixel values is based on a robust affine model that transforms one set of color values into another.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein determining the corrected pixel values based on the robust affine model includes applying a downweight to outlier pixel pairs that do not correspond to a same special location.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the aggregation system is further operable to increase ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007794A1
Автор: GAO Xiufeng, LIU Huaiyu, Wu Jun

An image transmission method includes receiving region of interest (ROI) information sent by a display device, performing image processing on a captured image according to the ROI information to intercept a partial image indicated by the ROI information from the captured image, and sending the partial image to the display device. 1. An image transmission method comprising:receiving region of interest (ROI) information sent by a display device;performing image processing on a captured image according to the ROI information to intercept a partial image indicated by the ROI information from the captured image; andsending the partial image to the display device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ROI information comprises size information of an ROI and direction-position information of the ROI.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the direction-position information comprises direction information and position information of the ROI obtained by a preset sensor.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the direction-position information is determined according to a sliding operation performed on a preset interface displayed on a display screen of the display device.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein performing the image processing on the captured image comprises:determining coordinates information of the partial image from the captured image according to the ROI information; andintercepting a region indicated by the coordinates information of the partial image from the captured image as the partial image.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein performing the image processing on the captured image comprises:correcting distortions of the captured image to obtain a corrected image; andperforming the image processing on the corrected image according to the ROI information, to intercept the partial image indicated by the ROI information from the corrected image.7. An image transmission apparatus comprising:a memory storing program codes; and receive region of interest (ROI) information ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007825A1

A unmanned aerial vehicle system which includes a unmanned aerial robot, a unmanned aerial robot station, and a base station to control a movement of the unmanned aerial robot is provided. The unmanned aerial robot photographs an area of a predetermined range using a camera in a state of being seated on the unmanned aerial robot station, photographs a set path while flying along the set path according to a preset condition, and transmits information on a photographed image to the base station. The base station transmits control information instructing a specific operation to the unmanned aerial robot based on the information on the photographed image, and the unmanned aerial robot station can charges a battery of the unmanned aerial robot through a charging pad when the unmanned aerial robot is seated on the unmanned aerial robot station. 1. An unmanned aerial vehicle system which includes a unmanned aerial robot , a unmanned aerial robot station , and a base station to control a movement of the unmanned aerial robot ,wherein the unmanned aerial robot photographs an area of a predetermined range using a camera in a state of being seated on the unmanned aerial robot station, photographs a set path while flying along the set path according to a preset condition, and transmits information on a photographed image to the base station,wherein the unmanned aerial robot station charges a battery of the unmanned aerial robot through a charging pad when the unmanned aerial robot is seated on the unmanned aerial robot station,wherein the preset condition is determined based on a crime rate, a crime occurrence time, or a crime occurrence area, andwherein a flight cycle, a flight path, and a flight method of the unmanned aerial robot are set differently according to the preset condition.2. The unmanned aerial vehicle system of claim 1 , wherein the base station transmits control information instructing a specific operation to the unmanned aerial robot based on the information on ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220021680A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC

An online meeting service is configured to determine whether a prospective meeting participant is among a known group of trusted users (e.g., logged in to a trusted domain). If the prospective meeting participant is validated as a trusted user, they may join a meeting without additional steps. If the prospective meeting participant is not validated as a trusted user, they may consent to have the meeting organizer view them through their camera in order to confirm that they may have meeting access. If the organizer recognizes the prospective participant through the camera image (still or video), the organizer may admit them to the meeting. 1. A system for adding a user to an online meeting , the system comprising:a processor; and receive, from a first device, a first signal indicating that a first user of the first device wishes to join an online meeting;', 'determine whether the first user is among a stored group of approved users for joining the online meeting;', 'upon determining the first user is among the stored group of approved users, automatically admit the first user to the online meeting;', 'receive, from a second device, a second signal indicating that a second user of the second device wishes to join the online meeting;', 'determine whether the second user is among the stored group of approved users for joining the online meeting;', 'upon determining the second user is not among the stored group of approved users, send a join request signal to a host of the online meeting requesting to allow the second user to join the online meeting;', 'receive a validation request signal from the host of the online meeting in response to the join request signal;', 'send a control signal to the second device in response to the validation request signal, the control signal directing the second device to activate a camera to capture a representation of the second user;', 'receive, from the second device, the captured representation of the second user;', 'send the captured ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Image Capture and Identification System and Process

Номер: US20190008684A1

A digital image depicting a digital representation of a scene is captured by an image sensor of a vehicle. An identification system recognizes a real-world object from the digital image as a target object based on derived image characteristics and identifies object information about the target object based on the recognition. The identification provides the object information to the vehicle data system of the vehicle so that the vehicle data system can execute a control function of the vehicle based on the received object information. 1. A method for vehicle-based object recognition , comprising:obtaining, by an identification system, image data captured by an image sensor of a vehicle, the image data containing a digital representation of a real-world object within a scene;deriving, by the identification system, image characteristics of the real-world object from the digital representation of the real-world object in the image data;recognizing, by the identification system, the real-world object as a target object based on the derived image characteristics;identifying, by the identification system, object information about the target object based on the recognition;providing, by the identification system and to a vehicle data system of the vehicle, the object information; andexecuting, by the vehicle data system, a control function of the vehicle based on the object information.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the control function comprises at least one of guidance claim 1 , navigation or maneuvering of the vehicle relative to the real-world object.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the control function comprises planning claim 1 , by the vehicle data system claim 1 , a trajectory relative to the real-world object.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the object information comprises at least one of location or orientation of the real-world object relative to the vehicle.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the real-world object is a street sign.6. The method of claim ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008978A1

A computing platform that analyzes a captured video stream to identify a document depicted in the video stream, validates identification information corresponding to the document to display an information address associated with the document, and that initiates a transaction based on the validation of the identification information associated with the document. 1. A method of conducting a financial transaction , the method comprising:analyzing, via at least one computing device processor, a video stream;identifying, via the at least one computing device processor, a document in the video stream;validating, via the at least one computing device processor, identification information pertinent to the document based on the video stream;displaying, via the at least one computing device processor, an information address where the information address is related to the document; andinitiating, via the at least one computing device processor and based on validation of the identification information, a financial transaction related to the document.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising capturing claim 1 , by a mobile device claim 1 , the video stream.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein identifying the document comprises automatically capturing an image of the document from the video stream.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein identifying the document includes recognizing and decoding symbols according symbol type based on location in the image.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising displaying a visual indicator with the video stream.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the information address is associated with the financial transaction.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the information address is associated with a bank account.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the document is related to an individual who is a user of a mobile device.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising allowing a user to perform ongoing interactions related to the financial transaction.10. ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180012464A1
Автор: USIE Wesley Robert

The present invention provides a network camera having a plurality of digital output terminals for outputting an alarm, and a method of controlling the network camera. That is, the present invention includes a plurality of digital output terminals for transmitting image information obtained through a wireless communication network to a server and transmitting information about sensing a person and information about a problematic situation, respectively, using a 4-wire cable, so it is possible to check whether it is a normally-closed state or a normally-open state through the plurality of digital output terminals that are individually managed, respectively, and accordingly, it is possible to improve convenience in use. 1. A method of controlling a network camera having a plurality of digital output terminals for outputting an alarm , the method comprising:acquiring image information about an area where the network camera is installed, by means of a photographing unit;sensing a predetermined event, by means of a sensor unit;transmitting the image information obtained by the photographing unit to a server through a wireless communication network by means of a communication unit; andperforming control, when the network camera is turned on, not to output a predetermined first alarm signal through a first digital output terminal operated in a normally-closed state in an I/O unit and not to output a predetermined second alarm signal through a second digital output terminal operated in a normally-closed state in the I/O unit, by means of a control unit.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined event includes at least one of a case when there is a network loss claim 1 , an SD card provided in the network camera is not recognized claim 1 , the network camera is operated for predetermined functions claim 1 , power for the network camera is shut down claim 1 , and the photographing unit takes no image claim 1 , and a case when the same image is acquired in the same ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190012890A1
Автор: Renkis Martin A.

A mesh network-based environmental data capture system and method for providing communication between a base system having at least one wireless input capture device ICD(s) and other ICD(s), wherein the ICD(s) are capable of smart cross-communication with each other and remote access to their inputs via a server computer, including the steps of providing this base system; at least one user accessing the ICDs and inputs remotely via a user interface through a remote server computer and/or electronic device communicating with it, for providing a secure surveillance system with extended inputs range and wireless smart cross-communication for monitoring a target environment. 1. A system for wireless communication , comprising:one or more processors; andmemory encoded with one or more computer programs that, when executed by the one or more processors, causes the one or more processors to:wirelessly communicate with a plurality of input capture devices via at least a first wireless mesh network, wherein a first one of the plurality of input capture devices includes a camera and a second one of the plurality of input capture devices is configured to detect one or more of a temperature, a motion, a moisture, a sound, and a presence of one or more chemicals;control, via the first wireless mesh network, at least one of a setting or a functionality of a first subset of the plurality of input capture devices;directly communicate with a second subset of the plurality of input capture devices,wherein each of the second subset of the plurality of input capture devices has one or more sensors for independently acquiring environmental data,wherein each of the second subset of the plurality of input capture devices is operable for wireless cross-communication directly with one or more input capture devices of the first subset of the plurality of input capture devices or the second subset of the plurality of input capture devices, independent of a remote control device, thereby ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013184A1

In a monitoring camera system, a master device registers a smartphone and a wireless router therein in advance. If sensor detection information is received from a human sensor, the master device requests a monitoring camera to transmit image/audio data, and sends image/audio data transmitted from the monitoring camera to the smartphone via the wireless router. The smartphone displays the image data sent from the monitoring camera on a touch panel. 1. A monitoring camera system comprising:a monitoring camera; and when a wireless router for performing wireless communication with a mobile phone terminal is not registered at the master device, the master device, in response to receiving a defined operation on the master device, establishes a wireless connection to the mobile phone terminal and transmits a setup request signal to the mobile phone terminal,', 'the master device, in response to receiving router setup information of the wireless router from the mobile phone terminal, registers the wireless router at the master device according to the router setup information and establishes a wireless connection to the registered wireless router, and', 'the master device, in response to receiving instruction for image display from the mobile phone terminal via the registered wireless router, transmits image data transmitted from the monitoring camera to the mobile phone terminal via the registered wireless router., 'a master device which, in operation, communicates with the monitoring camera and is connected to a fixed telephone network to perform calls to other fixed telephones; wherein,'}2. The monitoring camera system of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,when the mobile phone terminal is not registered at the master device, the master device, in response to receiving terminal information from the mobile phone terminal via the registered wireless router, registers the mobile phone terminal at the master device according to the terminal information.3. The monitoring system of ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013189A1

Systems and methods are presented for modifying image parameters of an image to be captured by an image capturing device based on input from a wearable computing device. In some embodiments, the system receives image data, determines an image parameter based on the image data, and receives data from a wearable computing device positioned proximate to a subject of the image. The system modifies the image parameter based on the data received from the wearable computing device and captures the image data using the modified image parameter. 1. A method , comprising:receiving, by an image capture device, image data comprising a subject;determining, by the image capture device, an image parameter based on the image data;receiving, by the image capture device, data from a computing device positioned proximate to the subject;modifying the image parameter, to form a modified image parameter, based on the data received from the computing device; andcapturing, by the image capture device, the image data using the modified image parameter.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the computing device is a wearable computing device positioned proximate to the subject.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:in response to capturing the image data using the modified image parameter, transmitting the image data to the wearable computing device proximate to the subject, the transmission of the image data causing the wearable computing device to store the image data on a machine-readable storage device associated with the wearable computing device.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:capturing, by the image capture device, first image data comprising a first image of the subject using the image parameter;based on receiving the data from the computing device, determining, by the image capture device, that the first image is unsuitable; andrecapturing the image data using the modified image parameter as a subsequent image.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein recapturing the image ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012519A1
Автор: Takama Yasufumi

An information processing apparatus acquires a plurality of images that is based on image capturing performed by a plurality of imaging apparatuses, acquires three-dimensional shape data of an object which is generated based on the plurality of images and states of the plurality of imaging apparatuses obtained at a time point earlier than a time point of the image capturing, detects that a state of any one of the plurality of imaging apparatuses obtained at a time point of the image capturing is different from a state thereof obtained at a time point earlier than a time point of the image capturing, based on the acquired plurality of images and the acquired three-dimensional shape data, and outputs information that is based on a result of the detection. 1. An information processing apparatus comprising:a first acquisition unit configured to acquire a plurality of images that is based on image capturing performed by a plurality of imaging apparatuses;a second acquisition unit configured to acquire three-dimensional shape data of an object which is generated based on the plurality of images and states of the plurality of imaging apparatuses obtained at a time point earlier than a time point of the image capturing;a detection unit configured to detect that a state of any one of the plurality of imaging apparatuses obtained at a time point of the image capturing is different from a state thereof obtained at a time point earlier than a time point of the image capturing, based on the plurality of images acquired by the first acquisition unit and the three-dimensional shape data acquired by the second acquisition unit; andan output unit configured to output information that is based on a result of detection performed by the detection unit.2. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a third acquisition unit configured to acquire states of the plurality of imaging apparatuses obtained at a time point earlier than a time point of the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013069A1
Автор: Bims Harry

A method and apparatus for light-based data communication for a personal inventory and product support system are described. In one embodiment, the method comprises using a device associated with a user, including capturing visible light carrying data identifying a product, obtaining the data identifying the product from the captured visible light, configuring the device to receive product support content for the product based on the identifying data, the product support content having been curated from a plurality of content servers on behalf of the user, receiving a notification that curated product support content for the product is available, and presenting the curated product support content to the user. 1. A method for a device comprising:receiving visible light carrying data identifying a product, the visible light provided by a light emitting diode (LED) in the product;obtaining the data identifying the product from the captured visible light, the data identifying the product correlated to product support content for the product;configuring the device to receive product support content for the product based on the identifying data, the product support content having been curated from a plurality of content servers on behalf of the user;receiving a notification that curated product support content for the product is available; andpresenting the curated product support content to a user.2. The method of wherein the visible light is transmitted by the LED in the product.3. The method of wherein the identifying data comprises make and model of the product.4. The method of wherein the identifying data comprises a resource locator claim 1 , and further comprising identifying the product based on information stored at a location identified by the resource locator.5. The method of further comprising:automatically obtaining curated product support content for the product in response to correlating the identifying data with location information for content about the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015731A1

An apparatus, system, and method to reduce PTZ latency are provided. The system can include an input port and a motor driver unit, and the input port can receive a PTZ request. The input port can transmit the PTZ request to the motor driver unit, and the motor driver unit can extract a PTZ command from the PTZ request. In some embodiments, the PTZ request can obviate transmission through a parser and a processor. 1. A system comprising:an input port; anda motor driver unit,wherein the input port receives a PTZ request,wherein the input port transmits the PTZ request to the motor driver unit, andwherein the motor driver unit extracts a PTZ command from the PTZ request.2. The system of further comprising a request module claim 1 , wherein the input port transmits the PTZ request to the motor driver unit via the request module.3. The system of further comprising at least one of a parser and a processor claim 1 , wherein the PTZ request obviates transmission through the at least one of the parser and the processer.4. The system of wherein the input port receives input that includes the PTZ request.5. The system of further comprising control protocol module claim 4 , wherein the control protocol sub-module extracts the PTZ request from the input.6. The system of wherein the motor driver unit includes an analyzer and a motor driver.7. The system of wherein the analyzer extracts the PTZ command from the PTZ request and transmits the PTZ command to the motor driver.8. The system of wherein the motor driver transmits the PTZ command to a motor of a PTZ camera.9. The system of wherein the motor of the PTZ camera executes the PTZ command.10. A motor driver unit comprising:an analyzer; anda motor driver,wherein the analyzer extracts a PTZ command from a received PTZ request and transmits the PTZ command to the motor driver, andwherein the motor driver transmits the PTZ command to a motor of a PTZ camera for execution of the PTZ command.11. The motor driver unit of further ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013760A1
Автор: USIE Wesley Robert

The present invention provides a CCTV monitoring system for registering a camera and managing permission, and a control method of the system. In other words, according to the present invention, a manager having an installer terminal granted with temporal authority over the camera, can install the relevant camera, check whether the camera operates, and then, entrust/set authority over the camera to a terminal of an end-user through cooperation among the installer terminal, the terminal of the end-user, and a service server. Accordingly, convenience for a user can be improved and it is possible to more efficiently manage an installed camera. 1. A control method of a CCTV monitoring system for registering a camera and managing permission , the method comprising:transmitting a MAC address and an activation code of a camera through a monitoring server;keeping the MAC address and the activation code of the camera in cooperation with an account related to the monitoring server through a service server;setting management authority over the camera for an installer account related to an installer terminal in cooperation with the service server through the monitoring server;connecting to the service sever on the basis of a MAC address and an activation code set in the camera through the camera, with the camera installed in a specific area;transmitting video information acquired by the camera to the service server through the camera;connecting to the service server on the basis of the installer account through the installer terminal, with the camera installed in the specific area; andchecking whether the camera having management authority over the installer account operates, through the installer terminal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the checking of whether the camera operates includes:a process of receiving video information transmitted via the service server from the camera through the installer terminal;a process of outputting the received video information through the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014319A1

A camera system includes at least one IP camera apparatus and a central controlling apparatus. The IP camera apparatus includes a base module, a lens module and a first connector. The lens module is connected to the base module. A control unit of the base module is adapted to analyze information acquired by the lens module. The first connector is disposed on the base module. The central controlling apparatus includes at least one holder, a second connector and a controller. The base module is detachably disposed on the holder. The second connector is disposed on the at least one holder to electrically connect to the first connector since the central controlling apparatus is assembled with the IP camera apparatus. The controller is electrically connected to the second connector. The controller is adapted to set an address for the IP camera apparatus via the first connector and the second connector. 1. A camera system , comprising: a base module, the base module comprising a control unit;', 'a lens module connected to the base module, the control unit being adapted to analyze information acquired by the lens module; and', 'a first connector disposed on the base module; and, 'at least one IP camera apparatus, comprising at least one holder whereon the base module is detachably disposed;', 'a second connector disposed on the at least one holder to electrically connect to the first connector since the central controlling apparatus is assembled with the IP camera apparatus; and', 'a controller electrically connected to the second connector, the controller being adapted to set an address for the IP camera apparatus via connection between the first connector and the second connector., 'a central controlling apparatus, comprising2. The camera system of claim 1 , wherein the base module further comprises a plurality of connecting ports electrically connected to the control unit claim 1 , the IP camera apparatus further comprises a plurality of functional modules detachably ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014320A1

A camera, method and computer program for communicating between a primary camera device and other camera devices comprising: detecting orientation and position of the primary camera device and range of a primary subject in focus on the primary camera device; locating other networkable camera devices for communication; receiving subject data for a real time image of a subject from one or more of the located networkable camera devices; and determining from subject data which networkable camera devices are shooting the primary subject whereby the primary camera can utilize the subject data and image data from both its own detectors and determined network cameras to take a picture of the subject. 1. A primary camera device for communicating with other camera devices , said primary camera device comprising:detectors for detecting orientation and position of the primary camera device and range of a primary subject in focus on the primary camera device;a camera network identifier for locating networkable camera devices for communication;a camera network database for receiving subject data for a real time image of a subject from one or more of the networkable camera devices; anda primary subject camera identifier for determining from the subject data which networkable camera devices are shooting the subject whereby the primary camera device can utilize the subject data and image data from the detectors and networkable camera devices, to take a picture of the subject.2. The primary camera device of claim 1 , further comprising:an interface for requesting one or more networkable camera devices to take one or more pictures of the subject.3. The primary camera device of claim 1 , wherein said camera network database can receive camera capability data from the networkable camera devices.4. The primary camera device of claim 1 , further comprising:a camera condition range identifier for determining a range of camera conditions from the networkable camera devices.5. The primary ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014321A1

A system, method and computer program product for communicating between a primary audio video device and other audio video devices comprising: detecting orientation and position of the primary audio video device; detecting a distance between the primary audio video device and a primary subject in focus on the primary audio video device; locating other networkable audio video devices for communication; receiving subject data for a real time video of a subject from one or more of the located networkable audio video devices; determining from subject data which networkable audio video devices are near the primary subject; determining one or more primary subject audio video devices for use in recording audio for a video; and synchronizing determined one or more primary subject audio video devices for recording audio when one or more of the audio video devices is recording video of the primary subject. 1. An audio video device comprising:detectors for detecting the orientation and position of the audio video device and for detecting a distance between the audio video device and a subject targeted by the audio video device;a network identifier for locating networkable audio video devices for communication across a network;a network database for receiving subject data for real time video of the subject from one or more of the networkable audio video devices;a primary subject audio video device identifier for determining from the subject data which networkable audio video devices are targeted on the subject;an audio option engine for determining one or more networkable audio video devices for use in a video; andan audio synchronization engine for synchronizing the audio video device and the networkable audio video devices for recording audio when one or more of the audio video devices are recording a video of the subject.2. The audio video device of claim 1 , wherein the audio option engine is for determining microphone setting options for the networkable audio video devices ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014322A1
Автор: Kimura Masahiko

A communication apparatus having a first image capturing unit and a second image capturing unit that is different from the first image capturing unit, comprises a communication unit which communicates with an external image capturing apparatus and a switching unit which switches an image capturing mode. When communication with the external image capturing apparatus is not established, the switching unit switches between a first mode in which an image is captured by controlling the first image capturing unit and a second mode in which an image is captured by controlling the second image capturing unit, and when communication with the external image capturing apparatus is established, the switching unit switches between the first mode and a third mode in which an image is captured by remotely controlling the external image capturing apparatus. 1. A communication apparatus having a first image capturing unit arranged on a first face and a second image capturing unit arranged on a second face that is different from the first face , comprising:a communication unit configured to communicate with an external image capturing apparatus; anda switching unit configured to switch an image capturing mode,wherein in a case where communication with the external image capturing apparatus performed by the communication unit is not established, the switching unit switches between a first mode in which an image is captured by controlling the first image capturing unit and a second mode in which an image is captured by controlling the second image capturing unit, andin a case where communication with the external image capturing apparatus performed by the communication unit is established, the switching unit switches between the first mode and a third mode in which an image is captured by remotely controlling the external image capturing apparatus.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinin a case where communication with the external image capturing apparatus via the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014323A1
Принадлежит: GOOGLE INC.

Systems and methods for providing registration at a remote site that may include, for example, a monitoring module that may communicate with a remote site. A registration protocol may be used by the monitoring module and the remote site in generating the messages communicated during the registration process. The monitoring module may gather and generate various identification information to be included in the registration protocol messages. The registration information provided by the monitoring module maybe stored at the remote site in a database server having a database. A confirmation message may be communicated from the remote site to the monitoring module that may either acknowledge successful registration or report that an error occurred during the registration process. 1. A system , comprising:a camera being configured to capture an image or video at a location remote from a remote site, the camera being identifiable by an identifier that is used at least in part to facilitate registration of the camera at the remote site, wherein registration of the camera at the remote site involves associating the identifier that identifies the camera with a user account at the remote site, wherein the camera is located remote from the remote site; and output, via the client device, a graphical user interface having a display component that corresponds to the camera;', 'receive, via the client device, a user input that corresponds to a user interaction with the display component of the graphical user interface that corresponds to the camera; and', 'output, via a network interface of the client device, a command that corresponds to the user input and that, when received and executed by the camera, at least partially controls the camera according to an intention of a user as indicated by the user interaction with the display component of the graphical user interface., 'a client application being configured to execute on a client device to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014324A1

A system that incorporates teachings of the present disclosure may include, for example, receiving location information associated with a mobile communication device, determining a first location of the mobile communication device based on the location information, selecting a first camera from a group of cameras based on the determined first location, receiving at least one first image from the selected first camera that captures at least a portion of the first location, performing image recognition on at least one second image to identify a user associated with the mobile communication device, selecting another camera from the group of cameras based on a determined position of the identified user, and receiving at least another image from the selected other camera. Other embodiments are disclosed. 1. A server comprising:a memory that stores executable instructions; and receiving location information from a mobile communication device;', 'determining a location of the mobile communication device based on the location information;', 'selecting a camera from a group of cameras at the location of the mobile communication device, wherein the group of cameras is associated with a user of the mobile communication device in accordance with a user subscription to a networked service;', 'receiving an image from the camera, wherein the image captures a portion of the location;', 'performing image recognition on the image to identify a product image present in the image;', 'modifying the product image in the image to generate a selectable product image;', 'transmitting the image to a media device for presentation at the media device;', 'receiving, from the media device, a selection of the selectable product image from the image being presented of the media device; and', 'transmitting a website link to the media device responsive to receiving the selection., 'a processor coupled to the memory, wherein the processor, responsive to executing the executable instructions, performs ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Master communication apparatus, slave communication apparatus, and control method

Номер: US20190014254A1
Автор: Hajime Watanabe
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

There is provided a master communication apparatus. A selection unit selects a representative slave from a plurality of slave communication apparatuses. A notification unit notifies the plurality of slave communication apparatuses of the representative slave. Each of the plurality of slave communication apparatuses is configured to, if it is not the representative slave, transmit state information that indicates a state of the slave communication apparatus to the representative slave. A reception unit receives the state information of the plurality of the slave communication apparatuses from the representative slave. A transmission unit transmits a control signal for controlling the plurality of slave communication apparatuses based on the state information.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210014390A1

A remotely controllable wireless camera system that may be mounted on an emergency worker or on the emergency worker's helmet. The system includes a digital camera and an infrared camera. The system is connected to a network and live-streams video via the network and a server in real-time. 1. A system for acquiring and transmitting visual data from an incident , comprising:a casing; and a digital camera;', 'an infrared camera; and', operate the digital camera and the infrared camera to capture information at the incident;', 'record the captured information;', 'transmit the captured information to one or more devices at one or more designated locations; and', 'automatically switch the capture of information between the digital camera and the infrared camera based on condition at the incident., 'a processor and non-transitory computer readable memory storing instructions that, when executed by the processor], 'a remotely controllable wireless camera system housed in the casing, the wireless camera system comprises2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the wireless camera system is turned on remotely.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the captured information is a video including visual and audio information.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the captured information is a photo.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the captured information includes height and depth.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the captured information includes one or more thermographic images.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the wireless camera system further comprises a GPS device.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the wireless camera system further comprises a heat detecting laser device.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor switches the capture of information from the digital camera to the infrared camera when the condition at the incident is smoky or low-light.10. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor operates the digital camera and the infrared camera to capture information at ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210014404A1
Автор: Mitani Shigeyuki

A communication terminal acquires a captured image from an image capturing apparatus and transfers the captured image to a server. The communication terminal includes: a first communication unit configured to communicate with the image capturing apparatus; a second communication unit configured to communicate with the server; a display unit configured to communicate with the image capturing apparatus, acquire, from the image capturing apparatus, a captured image managed by the image capturing apparatus, and display the captured image; a sound input unit configured to accept sound input for generating a terminal sound memo related to the displayed captured image; a storage unit configured to store the generated terminal sound memo in association with the captured image; and a control unit configured to perform control so that the second communication unit transfers, to the server, the acquired captured image and the generated terminal sound memo associated with the captured image. 1. A communication terminal that acquires a captured image from an image capturing apparatus and transfers the captured image to a server , the communication terminal comprising:a first communication unit configured to communicate with the image capturing apparatus;a second communication unit configured to communicate with the server;a display unit configured to communicate with the image capturing apparatus by using the first communication unit, acquire, from the image capturing apparatus, a captured image managed by the image capturing apparatus, and display the captured image;a sound input unit configured to accept sound input for generating a terminal sound memo related to the captured image displayed by the display unit;a storage unit configured to store the generated terminal sound memo in association with the captured image; anda control unit configured to perform control so that the second communication unit transfers, to the server, the captured image acquired from the image ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210014405A1

A camera detects devices, such as other cameras, smart devices, and access points, with which the camera may communicate. The camera may alternate between operating as a wireless station and a wireless access point. The camera may connect to and receive credentials from a device for another device to which it is not connected. In one embodiment, the camera is configured to operate as a wireless access point, and is configured to receive credentials from a smart device operating as a wireless station. The camera may then transfer the credentials to additional cameras, each configured to operate as wireless stations. The camera and additional cameras may connect to a smart device directly or indirectly (for instance, through an access point), and the smart device may change the camera mode of the cameras. The initial modes of the cameras may be preserved and restored by the smart device upon disconnection. 120-. (canceled)21. A camera including a processor and instructions that , when executed by the processor , cause the processor to:in response to receiving a credential from a smartphone, switch the camera from operating as a first wireless device type to operating as a second wireless device type; andconnect the camera to a communication device based on the credential.22. The camera of claim 21 , wherein the smartphone and the communication device are separate devices from the camera.23. The camera of claim 21 , wherein the first wireless device type is a wireless access point and the second wireless device type is a wireless station.24. The camera of claim 21 , further including instructions that claim 21 , when executed by the processor claim 21 , cause the processor to:request the credential from the smartphone; andconfigure the camera as the first wireless device type.25. The camera of claim 21 , wherein the communication device is at least one of a router claim 21 , a cell phone tower claim 21 , a computer claim 21 , or a mobile phone.26. The camera of claim ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210014425A1

An information processing apparatus includes a first reception unit configured to receive an input corresponding to an operation on a first operation unit, a second reception unit configured to receive an input corresponding to an operation on a second operation unit, a first setting unit configured to set a target position to be included in a visual field according to a virtual viewpoint corresponding to a virtual viewpoint image, based on an input received by the first reception unit, and a second setting unit configured to set a position and orientation of the virtual viewpoint relative to the target position, based on an input received by the second reception unit. 1. An information processing apparatus comprising:a first reception unit configured to receive an input corresponding to an operation on a first operation unit;a second reception unit configured to receive an input corresponding to an operation on a second operation unit;a first setting unit configured to set a target position to be included in a visual field according to a virtual viewpoint corresponding to a virtual viewpoint image, based on an input received by the first reception unit; anda second setting unit configured to set a position and orientation of the virtual viewpoint relative to the target position, based on an input received by the second reception unit.2. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the second setting unit sets the position and orientation of the virtual viewpoint relative to the target position in an associated manner so that the target position exists in a predetermined direction when viewed from the virtual viewpoint.3. The information processing apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the predetermined direction is a line-of-sight direction according to the orientation of the virtual viewpoint.4. The information processing apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the predetermined direction is a direction set based on a user operation.5. ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210014451A1
Автор: HIRAKAWA Yasufumi
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

A video processing system includes: an object movement information acquiring means for detecting a moving object moving in a plurality of segment regions from video data obtained by shooting a monitoring target area, and acquiring movement segment region information as object movement information, the movement segment region information representing segment regions where the detected moving object has moved; an object movement information and video data storing means for storing the object movement information in association with the video data corresponding to the object movement information; a retrieval condition inputting means for inputting a sequence of the segment regions as a retrieval condition; and a video data retrieving means for retrieving the object movement information in accordance with the retrieval condition and outputting video data stored in association with the retrieved object movement information, the object movement information being stored by the object movement information and video data storing means. 1. A video processing system comprising:at least one memory configured to store instructions; and detecting a trajectory of a target object in a monitoring area from video data;', 'determining that the trajectory is a predetermined state; and', 'storing the trajectory in association with the predetermined state., 'at least one processor configured to execute the instructions to perform2. The video processing system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one processor is configured to perform:determining that the trajectory is the predetermined state based on a trajectory shape.3. The video processing system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one processor is configured to perform:determining that the trajectory is the predetermined state based on a staying time of the target object.4. The video processing system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one processor is configured to perform:determining that the trajectory is ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Control Device, Camera System and Program

Номер: US20200014833A1

A control device of present invention includes a display control portion that performs control such that a whole image display region, in which a whole image captured by a camera is displayed, and an enlarged image display region, in which a region corresponding to a position specified on the whole image is enlarged and an enlarged image is displayed, are displayed, and a control portion that performs control such that the region corresponding to the position specified on the whole image is changed. The region includes at least one preset region, and the display control portion displays, on the whole image, a section that corresponds to the preset region. 1. (canceled)2. A control device comprising:a processor and a memory including instructions which, when executed by the processor, control to:display a first image and a second image, in which the first image shows a wider angle of view than the second image;receive selection information for the second image, in which the second image corresponds to a position specified on the first image by the selection information;display the second image based on given configuration information corresponding to the selection information,wherein a plurality of configuration information including the given configuration information is classified into a plurality of groups; anddisplay, on the first image, a plurality of indications of positions corresponding to configuration information of a first group of the plurality of groups, the indications delineating respective portions of a physical area imaged in the first image and being selectable such that the portion corresponding to a selected one of the indications is displayed live as the second image, wherein a new configuration information classified as a new group is formable by moving the indications relative to the first image and actuating a button operable to set the new configuration information according to the moving of the indications, and wherein the first image and ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014844A1

An information processing device, a program, and an information processing method are provided, capable of instructing an imaging device to start and end a predetermined operation through an operation via a GUI. The information processing device includes: a display control unit configured to control display of a slider on a display unit, the slider being configured such that a display object is movable between predetermined positions; and a process control unit configured to instruct an imaging unit to control photography in a predetermined mode when the process control unit receives an operation of moving the display object. 1. An information processing device comprising:a display control unit configured to control display of a slider on a display unit, the slider being configured such that a display object is movable between predetermined positions; anda process control unit configured to instruct an imaging unit to control photography in a predetermined mode when the process control unit receives an operation of moving the display object.2. The information processing device according to claim 1 ,wherein the process control unit receives an operation of moving the display object from a first position which is one of the plurality of predetermined positions to a second position different from the first position among the plurality of positions, and starts control of an operation of the imaging unit based on the mode.3. The information processing device according to claim 2 ,wherein the process control unit receives an operation of moving the display object from the second position to the first position and ends the started control of the operation of the imaging unit based on the mode.4. The information processing device according to claim 3 ,wherein the display control unit receives an operation via a second operation unit for operating the imaging unit and moves the display object, the second operation unit being different from a first operation unit receiving an ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014848A1
Автор: Gove Robert John

A media capture device (MCD) that provides a multi-sensor, free flight camera platform with advanced learning technology to replicate the desires and skills of the purchaser/owner is provided. Advanced algorithms may uniquely enable many functions for autonomous and revolutionary photography. The device may learn about the user, the environment, and/or how to optimize a photographic experience so that compelling events may be captured and composed into efficient and emotional sharing. The device may capture better photos and videos as perceived by one's social circle of friends, and/or may greatly simplify the process of using a camera to the ultimate convenience of full autonomous operation. 129.-. (canceled)30. An autonomous media capture device (AMCD) , comprising:a media capturing apparatus;a flight apparatus that houses the media capturing apparatus; and autonomously position the AMCD in any free space location; and', 'instruct the media capturing apparatus to capture media., 'at least one controller coupled to the media capturing apparatus and the flight apparatus, the at least one controller operative to31. The autonomous media capture device of claim 30 , wherein the at least one controller is further operative to transmit the captured media to a server.32. The autonomous media capture device of claim 30 , wherein the at least one controller is further operative to:receive feedback based on the captured media; andadjust at least one rule in a set of rules that controls operation of the media capturing apparatus based on the received feedback.33. The autonomous media capture device of claim 30 , wherein the at least one controller is further operative to maintain a set of rules that control how the media apparatus captures media.34. The autonomous media capture device of claim 33 , wherein the set of rules comprises:user preference data;object recognition data;emotion detection data; andenvironmental data.35. The autonomous media capture device of claim 30 , ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014854A1
Автор: KATSUNUMA Satoshi

Systems and methods as described herein are directed to the management of a camera system that can involve Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) cameras and fixed cameras. The fixed cameras are provided with digital PTZ, capabilities through trimming positions and translation matrixes. Through an interface, users can associate different PTZ configurations for a target factory asset in response to an incident or other operation occurring at the asset. When the incident or operation occurs with the target asset, the video and configuration from the corresponding camera can be immediately provided in response. 1. A method for providing video of a target asset in response to an operation , the method comprising:receiving a selection of one or more cameras from a plurality of cameras for the target asset from a plurality of assets, the target asset selected from a logical hierarchy arrangement of the plurality of assets, the selection of the one or more cameras based on a physical location of the one or more cameras and a physical location of the target asset;for each of the selected one or more cameras, receiving a configuration of camera scale and camera angle for the target asset from the plurality of assets and the operation;associating the configuration for the each of the selected one or more cameras with the target asset and the operation; andfor an occurrence of the operation for the target asset, delivering the video of the target asset in response to the operation through configuring a camera from the selected one or more cameras according to the associated configuration of the camera scale and the camera angle.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of cameras comprises at least one pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) camera linked to the plurality of assets claim 1 , wherein the configuration of the camera scale and the camera angle comprises physical PTZ configurations that are set for the delivery of the video from the at least one PTZ camera.3. The method according to ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014856A1

An image processing device adjusts an imaging direction and an imaging magnification by performing driving control of an imaging device for each image processing process and sets an imaging position of a measurement target. The image processing device calculates an evaluation value of set feature parts in a captured image input at the time of measurement on the basis of captured image data and compares the evaluation value with determination conditions. If the determination condition is satisfied, the image processing device performs predetermined image processing and outputs a result of the image processing to a control device. 1. An image processing device that processes data of a captured image acquired by imaging a measurement target using an imaging unit capable of changing an imaging direction or an imaging angle of view , comprising: a calculation unit configured to calculate an evaluation value on the basis of a captured image acquired at an imaging position at the time of measurement by the imaging unit and reference features of the image;', 'an image processing unit configured to acquire the data of the captured image using the imaging unit and perform image processing;', 'a first setting unit configured to set determination conditions used for determining reproducibility of an imaging position of the imaging unit; and', 'a control unit configured to perform control of performing image processing of the captured image using the image processing unit and outputting a result of the image processing if the evaluation value calculated by the calculation unit satisfies the determination condition set by the first setting unit., 'at least one processor functioning as2. The image processing device according to claim 1 ,wherein the determination condition includes a threshold, andwherein the control unit determines whether or not image processing of the captured image is performed using the image processing unit by comparing the evaluation value with the threshold ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014857A1
Автор: HEI Yuichiro

An in-vehicle device comprises a direction controller configured to perform control of switching a direction of an in-vehicle camera that photographs an outside of a vehicle to acquire an image to a first direction which is a direction toward a side in front of the vehicle and a second direction which is a direction toward a lane opposite a lane along which the vehicle is traveling; a recognizer configured to periodically recognize license plate information included in the image acquired continuously from the in-vehicle camera; 1. An in-vehicle device comprising:a direction controller configured to perform control of switching a direction of an in-vehicle camera that photographs an outside of a vehicle to acquire an image to a first direction which is a direction toward a side in front of the vehicle and a second direction which is a direction toward a lane opposite a lane along which the vehicle is traveling;a recognizer configured to periodically recognize license plate information included in the image acquired continuously from the in-vehicle camera;a transmitter configured to transmit data related to the recognized license plate information to a server device, whereinthe direction controller switches the direction of the in-vehicle camera facing the first direction to the second direction when the recognizer has continuously recognized the same license plate information for a predetermined period or more.2. The in-vehicle device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a receiver configured to receive direction designation information which is information that designates a direction of the in-vehicle camera from the server device, whereinthe direction controller switches the direction of the in-vehicle camera according to the direction designation information when the direction designation information is received from the server device.3. The in-vehicle device according to claim 1 , whereinthe direction controller switches the direction of the in-vehicle ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015105A1
Автор: CHIANG Mung

One embodiment of the disclosure sets for an example method to create a network of devices. The method includes requesting location information from a first mobile device within the wireless range covered by a stationary device, receiving the location information of the first mobile device, determining whether the distance between the first mobile device and a second mobile device is less than a value, and sending an instruction to the first mobile device to become a part of a communication network such that the first mobile device can send data directly to the second mobile device without involving the stationary device. 1. (canceled)2. A method to maintain a communication session , the method comprising:assigning, by a first stationary device, first identification information to a mobile device, wherein the first stationary device and the mobile device are in the communication session;storing, by the first stationary device, the first identification information in a database;determining, by the first stationary device, that the mobile device has left a wireless range covered by the first stationary device and has moved to a wireless range covered by a second stationary device;transmitting, by the first stationary device in response to the determination that the mobile device has left the wireless range covered by the first stationary device, a request to access the database to retrieve second identification information linked to the first identification information, wherein the second identification information is assigned to the mobile device by the second stationary device;obtaining, by the first stationary device, the second identification information from the database; andutilizing, by the first stationary device, the obtained second identification information in a signaling protocol to maintain the communication session with the mobile device.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein determining that the mobile device has left the wireless range covered by the first ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016003A1

An image-based transaction system includes a mobile device with an image sensor that is programmed to capture, via the image sensor, a video stream of a scene. The mobile device identifies a document using image characteristics from the video stream and acquires an image of at least a part of the document, and then identifies symbols in the image based on locations within the image of the document. The symbols can include alphanumeric symbols. The mobile device processes the symbols according to their type to obtain an address related to the document and the symbols and initiates a transaction associated with the identified document. 1. An image-based transaction system: digitally capturing a video stream of a scene via the image sensor;', 'identifying a document using image characteristics from the digitally captured video stream;', 'automatically acquiring an image of at least part of the document in the scene;', 'identifying symbols, including alphanumeric symbols, in the image based on locations within the image of the document;', 'processing the symbols according to their symbol type;', 'obtaining an address related to the identified document and the processed symbols; and', 'initiating a transaction associated with the identified document via a server., 'a mobile device having an image sensor, wherein the mobile device, when software in the mobile device is executed, is caused to execute operations comprising2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising the server.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the transaction comprises an on-line transaction.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the transaction is with an account.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the transaction is with a bank account.6. The system of claim 4 , wherein the transaction is with at least one of the following types of accounts: an account liked to a user claim 4 , an account linked to the mobile device claim 4 , or a credit card account.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the document identifies ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160021291A1
Автор: Freund Jason

A system includes a wearable device () such as a smartwatch and a wireless device () such as a smartphone. A user provides to the wearable device a user input indicating a user desire to launch a camera of the wireless device. The wearable device is separate from the wireless device but communicates wirelessly with the wireless device. The user input can take various forms such as a particular gesture (e.g., the user shaking his or her wrist back and forth twice). In response to the user input, an indication is sent to the wireless device to launch the camera of the wireless device. In response to receipt of the indication from the wearable device, the wireless device launches the camera of the wireless device.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Camera Network And Method Of Operating Thereof

Номер: US20160021292A1
Автор: Zhang Fan

A method for operating a camera network having a plurality of cameras, comprising the steps of: communicating with the plurality of cameras to determine one or more operation parameters for each of the plurality of cameras; synchronizing the one or more operation parameters for each of the plurality of cameras; and coordinating a capture of multimedia data using the plurality of cameras with the one or more synchronized operation parameters.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170019573A1

A lightweight housing with a mount that can be attached to a user, sports equipment, or vehicle contains an illumination assembly but no camera. The illumination assembly may communicate via Bluetooth with a similarly-configured nearby camera module to provide illumination for subjects being imaged by the camera module. 1. Apparatus comprising:a hollow parallelepiped shaped enclosure defining a front wall defining a center point, an aperture being formed in the front wall, the aperture defining a center offset from the center point of the front wall, the enclosure not containing an imaging device;a hollow heat sink ring disposed in the aperture and completely circumscribing the aperture;a focus element, wherein the heat sink ring and focus element together block the aperture in the front wall; andat least one lamp disposed in the enclosure behind the aperture and positioned to emit light through the focus element.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the focus element includes a lens.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the focus element includes a reflector.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one lamp includes at least one light emitting diode (LED).5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the at least one lamp includes at least three LEDs.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising at least one battery engaged with the enclosure to energize the lamp.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , comprising at least two batteries engaged with the enclosure both to simultaneously energize the lamp.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising at least one sealing element disposed between the front wall and the heat sink ring to establish a seal therebetween.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising at least one sealing element disposed between the front wall or the heat sink ring and the focus element to establish a seal between the front wall or heat sink ring and the focus element.10. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising at least one near field communication (NFC) element in ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170019581A1

Video cameras are distributed throughout a venue. Each camera is operated under control of a host server to capture a video stream of images of targets at a frame rate and resolution. The server also controls radio frequency identification tag readers and item locationing devices in the venue. A level of utilization of a central processing unit and/or of a memory of the server is detected when the server is controlling the readers, locationing devices, and cameras. The frame rate and/or the resolution of one or more of the cameras are adjusted as a function of the detected level of utilization. The server performs at maximum performance in normal operation when few targets are captured by the cameras, and at less than maximum performance in a worst case condition when multiple targets are captured by the cameras, and gradually reduces its performance from normal operation to the worst case condition. 1. An arrangement for reducing server processing requirements of a host server tasked with controlling multiple electronic devices and video cameras in a venue , each video camera being configured to capture a video stream of images of targets in a field of view at a frame rate and a resolution , the arrangement comprising:a server manager module operated by the host server and configured to detect in real time a level of utilization of at least one of a central processing unit (CPU) of the host server and of a memory of the host server when the host server is simultaneously controlling the electronic devices and the video cameras; anda control module operated by the host server and configured to adjust at least one of the frame rate and the resolution of at least one of the video cameras as a function of the detected level of utilization.2. The arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the control module is configured to reduce the at least one of the frame rate and the resolution when the detected level of utilization exceeds a threshold level.3. The arrangement of claim 1 , ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170019585A1
Автор: Lytle Craig

Various embodiments provide for a camera clustering and tracking system that can facilitate communications between cameras at an event to coordinate filming and coverage of an event. The camera can identify, locate, and cooperate with other similar cameras in order to share video analytics of the event and coordinate viewing angles to optimize event coverage. The camera can self-select the image they capture by controlling pan, tilt, zoom, focus, iris, frame-rate and/or rotate based on the shared video analytics and can communicate with other cameras through a wireless, wired, infra-red, or audio-modulated communication channel. The camera can analyze the captured video for relevant information and share that data with the other cameras 1. A camera device , comprising:a processor; anda memory that stores executable instructions that, when executed by the processor, facilitate performance of operations, comprising:determining that the camera is within range of another camera, wherein the other camera is recording an image or video of a common event;forming a camera cluster with the other camera based on feedback received from a user interface;determining a location of the other camera;receiving video analytics data from the other camera; andadjusting operation of the camera, comprising adjusting at least one of tilt, pan, zoom, and focus based at least in part on the video analytics and the location of the other camera.2. The camera device of claim 1 , wherein the video analytics data comprises an object location claim 1 , an object vector claim 1 , object color histogram information claim 1 , object size information claim 1 , a pan angle claim 1 , a tilt angle claim 1 , and zoom and focus information.3. The camera device of claim 1 , wherein the location of the other camera is based on global positioning coordinates received from the other camera.4. The camera device of claim 1 , wherein the location of the other camera is based on determining a relative location ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Multiple View and Multiple Object Processing in Wide-Angle Video Camera

Номер: US20170019605A1
Автор: Yavuz Ahiska
Принадлежит: Grandeye Ltd

Methods and systems of transmitting a plurality of views from a video camera are disclosed. A multi object processing camera captures a wide-angle field of view in high resolution and a processing circuit executes a plurality of software tasks on a plurality of regions extracted from the wide-angle view. Multiple objects can be processed by the camera to detect various events, and the results of the processing transmitted to a base station. The camera removes the need for mechanical pan, tilt, and zoom apparatus by correcting distortions in the electronic image introduced by the wide-angle optical system and image sensor to electronically emulate the pan, tilt, and zoom movement.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170019632A1

Embodiments disclosed herein provide systems, methods, and computer readable media for controlling a camera view using unique nametags and gestures. In a particular embodiment, a method provides identifying a plurality of items at a location from video captured of the location by the video camera and associating a unique nametag of a plurality of unique nametags to each item of the plurality of items. Each one of the plurality of unique nametags describes the item to which the unique nametag is associated. The method further provides receiving a first indication that a first unique nametag of the plurality of unique nametags has been selected by a user and directing the video camera to capture a first view of a first position of a first item associated with the first unique nametag. 1. A method of controlling the view captured by a video camera using unique nametags , the method comprising:identifying a plurality of items at a location from video captured of the location by the video camera, wherein the plurality of items includes at least one person and at least one non-person object;associating a unique nametag of a plurality of unique nametags to each item of the plurality of items, wherein each one of the plurality of unique nametags describes the item to which the unique nametag is associated;receiving a first indication that a first unique nametag of the plurality of unique nametags has been selected by a user; anddirecting the video camera to capture a first view of a first position of a first item associated with the first unique nametag.2. The method of further comprising:transferring the first view over a communication network to a first video client for display to the user by the first video client.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:transferring the plurality of unique nametags over a communication network to a first video client, wherein the first video client provides the user with a selectable graphical element for each of the plurality of ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170019643A1

In a case where an Add VideoEncoderConfiguation command received by a communication unit includes a second identifier and a VideoEncoderConfiguration stored in a storage unit is added to a media profile stored in the storage unit , an imaging apparatus removes the VideoEncoderConfiguration from the MediaProflie stored in the storage unit and reads a VideoEncoderConfiguration associated with the second identifier, which the command received by the communication unit includes, from the storage unit and adds the read VideoEncoderConfiguration to the MediaProflie stored in the storage unit 1. An imaging apparatus that can communicate with an external apparatus via a network , comprising:a storage control unit configured to cause a storage unit to store first coding method information relating to a first coding method, a first identifier associated with the first coding method information, second coding method information relating to a second coding method that is different from the first coding method, a second identifier associated with the second coding method information, and distribution setting information to which the first coding method information and the second coding method information can be added;a reception unit configured to receive an identification command that includes the first identifier stored in the storage unit or the second identifier stored in the storage unit from the external apparatus via the network;an addition unit configured to remove the first coding method information from the distribution setting information stored in the storage unit, read the second coding method information associated with the second identifier, which the identification command received by the reception unit includes, from the storage unit, and add the read second coding method information to the distribution setting information stored in the storage unit, in a case where the identification command received by the reception unit includes the second identifier and the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190019383A1

A camera device includes a camera module that captures a scene corresponding to a field of view of the camera module. A wireless power transmitter of the camera devices transmits wireless power to a battery-powered external sensing device. A transceiver is further operable for receiving from the external sensing device sensed data. A network module transmits the image and sensed data to an external networked device. A power supply receives power over a wired connection and supplies power to the camera module, transceiver, networking module and wireless transmitter. The external sensing device may be an access control device that includes a sensor for sensing the presence of a machine readable toke and reading an identifier of the physical token. The access control device further includes a lock controller for selectively locking and unlocking a physical lock. 1. A method comprising:generating image data with respect to a captured a scene corresponding to a field of view of a camera;transmitting wireless power from a wireless power transmitter of the camera to a battery-powered external sensing device;receiving, at the camera, sensed data from the external sensing device and pertaining to at least one condition sensed therefrom;transmitting the image data and data pertaining to the at least one sensed condition to an external networked device; andreceiving power at the camera, over a wired connection, andwherein an effective powered space of the wireless power transmitter of the camera substantially overlaps with the field of view of the camera.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein data transmission between the camera and the external networked device is over the wired connection.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the image data generated at a given time is logically associated to respective sensed data generated by the external sensing device at at least substantially the same time.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:performing video analytics on the image ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Wearable Multimedia Device and Cloud Computing Platform with Application Ecosystem

Номер: US20220038615A1

Systems, methods, devices and non-transitory, computer-readable storage mediums are disclosed for a wearable multimedia device and cloud computing platform with an application ecosystem for processing multimedia data captured by the wearable multimedia device. In an embodiment, a method comprises: receiving, by one or more processors of a cloud computing platform, context data from a wearable multimedia device, the wearable multimedia device including at least one data capture device for capturing the context data; creating a data processing pipeline with one or more applications based on one or more characteristics of the context data and a user request; processing the context data through the data processing pipeline; and sending output of the data processing pipeline to the wearable multimedia device or other device for presentation of the output. 1. A method comprising:receiving, by one or more processors of a cloud computing platform, context data from a wearable multimedia device, the wearable multimedia device including at least one data capture device for capturing the context data;creating, by the one or more processors, a data processing pipeline with one or more applications based on one or more characteristics of the context data and a user request;processing, by the one or more processors, the context data through the data processing pipeline; andsending, by the one or more processors, output of the data processing pipeline to the wearable multimedia device or other device for presentation of the output.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the context data includes video and audio claim 1 , and the processing further comprises:determining that the audio includes a user request in the form of speech;converting the speech into text;sending the text to a video processor;identifying objects in the video based at least in part on the text;generating a scene description including a map location and a description of objects in the scene; andsending the scene ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038616A1

A first device includes a processor and instructions. The instructions, when executed by the processor, cause the processor to configure the first device to receive network credentials; accept a connection request from a second device to connect to the first device; obtain the network credentials from the second device; configure the first device to connect to a third device subsequent to obtaining the network credentials; and transmit a request that includes the network credentials to the third device to connect to the third device. 1. A first device including a processor and instructions that , when executed by the processor , cause the processor to:configure the first device to receive network credentials;accept a connection request from a second device to connect to the first device;obtain the network credentials from the second device;subsequent to obtaining the network credentials, configure the first device to connect to a third device; andtransmit a request to the third device to connect to the third device, wherein the request comprises the network credentials.2. The first device of claim 1 , wherein the first device is a camera and the second device is a smart device.3. The first device of claim 1 , wherein the first device is a smart device and the second device is a camera.4. The first device of claim 1 , wherein to configure the first device to receive the network credentials comprises to:configure the first device to operate in a first communication mode.5. The first device of claim 4 , wherein the first communication mode is such that the first device transmits a beacon signal indicating that the first device can accept requests for connection to the first device.6. The first device of claim 1 , wherein the instructions further comprise to:receive, via the third device, a command to control the first device.7. The first device of claim 1 , wherein to configure the first device to receive the network credentials comprises to:configure the first device ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038618A1
Автор: ISHII Satoshi
Принадлежит: Sony Group Corporation

Disclosed herein is an image monitoring system including: a camera connected to a network; display means for displaying an image captured by the camera; and display control means for controlling display such that, in displaying images by the display means, an image is displayed in a window having a predetermined layout; wherein the display control means presets an allocation database containing a correlation between the window having a predetermined layout and a camera identification code and, when the camera is connected to the network, automatically sets a correlation between the camera identification code in the allocation database and the camera, thereby controlling image display into the window on the basis of the allocation database. 16-. (canceled)7. A display control apparatus for controlling a display of a plurality of images comprising: control an output to a display device to display at least some of the plurality of images based on a first layout selected among a plurality of layouts, each layout having one or more image positions, and correlation information between an image position in each layout among the plurality of layouts and information related to the images; and', 'control the output to the display device to display at least some of the images based on a second layout selected among the plurality of the layouts and the correlation information when the selected layout is changed from the first layout to the second layout., 'a display control circuitry configured to The present invention contains subject matter related to Japanese Patent Application JP 2006-059026 filed in the Japanese Patent Office on Mar. 6, 2006, the entire contents of which being incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to an image monitoring system and an image monitoring program that can display, in a predetermined layout, image taken by a camera connected to a network and record and reproduce the image captured from that camera.Image monitoring ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038626A1

A wearable camera systems according to examples of the present disclosure may include a camera and a mobile charging unit. The camera may include onboard power, memory and control for capturing and storing an image without being connected to the mobile charging unit and the camera body may have a width or a height that is smaller than the length of the camera body. The camera body may include a trigger for initiating image capture. The wearable camera may be attachable to an eyewear temple and the mobile charging unit is configured to recharge the wearable camera without being connected to an external power source. 1. A wearable camera system , wherein the wearable camera system includes a plurality of wearable cameras and a mobile charging unit , wherein each wearable camera has a camera body having a width or a height that is smaller than a length of the camera body , the length of the camera body being measured from a front end of the camera body , which includes a camera lens , to an opposite back end of the camera body , wherein the camera body comprises on board power and control for capturing an image without being connected to the mobile charging unit , wherein each wearable camera body comprises a privacy indicator configured to illuminate a light perceivable by an observer whose image is being captured to indicate to the observer that such image is being captured , wherein each wearable camera is attachable to an eyewear frame , wherein each wearable camera is configured to download an image comprising a photo or a video captured by the wearable camera to the mobile charging unit , which is configured to transfer the image captured by the wearable camera to another computing device.2. The wearable camera system of claim 1 , wherein the mobile charging unit is configured to recharge the wearable camera when the mobile charging unit is not connected to a power source.3. The wearable camera system of claim 1 , wherein the mobile charging unit is configured to ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020166A1

A device may display content being captured by a personal camera associated with a user. The device may receive an indication to stream the content based on a user interaction with the device. The device may determine configuration information associated with streaming the content. The configuration information including information that identifies a streaming application associated with streaming the content, and information that identifies a social media application associated with the user. The device may provide, via the social media application, a notification that the content is to be streamed via the streaming application. The notification may be provided for viewing by a viewer associated with the social media application. The device may stream the content using the streaming application. The content may be streamed to allow the viewer to access the content via the streaming application and in real-time or near real-time relative to the capturing of the content. 120-. (canceled)21. A device , comprising:one or more memories; and [ 'the camera being a separate device from the device;', 'display content captured by a camera via a display screen of the device,'}, 'receive, from a user of the device, a voice input to start streaming the content;', 'request a confirmation of the voice input prior to streaming the content;', 'the timer to cause the device to start streaming the content after expiration of the timer;', 'initiate a timer associated with streaming the content based on the voice input and after requesting the confirmation,'}, 'the configuration information being associated with streaming the content; and', 'determine configuration information prior to streaming the content,'}, 'the content being streamed in real-time or near real-time relative to capturing of the content.', 'stream the content based on the configuration information and after the timer has expired,'}], 'one or more processors, communicatively coupled to the one or more memories, to22. ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Multi-Angle Object Recognition

Номер: US20210019542A1
Автор: Badr Ibrahim

Methods, systems, and apparatus for controlling smart devices are described. In one aspect a method includes capturing, by a camera on a user device, a plurality of successive images for display in an application environment of an application executing on the user device, performing an object recognition process on the images, the object recognition process including determining that a plurality of images, each depicting a particular object, are required to perform object recognition on the particular object, and in response to the determination, generating a user interface element that indicates a camera operation to be performed, the camera option capturing two or more images, determining that a user, in response to the user interface element, has caused the indicated camera operation to be performed to capture the two or more images, and in response, determining whether a particular object is positively identified from the plurality of images. 120.-. (canceled)21. A computer-implemented method , comprising:obtaining, by a user computing device comprising one or more processors, first image data captured at a first position of a camera device of the user computing device, wherein the first image data depicts an object;performing, by the user computing device, an object recognition process on the first image data to obtain first object recognition data, wherein the first object recognition data comprises an object recognition error indicative of an insufficient camera device position;providing, by the user computing device for display in an application executed by the user computing device, a user interface element indicative of the object recognition error;in response to providing the user interface element, obtaining, by the user computing device, second image data captured at a second position of the camera device different than the first position, wherein the second image data depicts the object; andperforming, by the user computing device, the object ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

System and method for scalable video cloud services

Номер: US20150022666A1
Принадлежит: Intellivision Technologies Corp

Methods of monitoring real-world environments using a plurality of processor controlled Internet video cameras, scalable cloud computing technology, and various Internet connected smartphones and tablet computers. The system is designed to use cloud computing technology, including automated service provisioning, automated virtual machine migration services, RESTful API, and various firewall traversing methods to scale to up to millions of cameras and beyond. The integrity of the system is maintained by requiring that the various video cameras continually send “heartbeat” camera status messages to the cloud servers. The video cameras can optionally also be configured to automatically detect various events occurring in their local environments, report these events to clients, and stream event video data either directly or indirectly to the clients, or alternatively save the video data in various scalable third party cloud storage systems such as the Amazon S3 service. Time expiring tokens and encryption keys help ensure system security.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022680A1
Автор: Idaka Yujiro

An imaging apparatus includes an imaging unit configured to capture an object image, a rotation unit configured to rotate the imaging unit in a predetermined direction, and a first transmission unit configured to transmit, to an external apparatus, acceleration information indicating whether an acceleration at which the rotation unit rotates the imaging unit is able to be designated. 1. An imaging apparatus comprising:an imaging unit configured to capture an object image;a rotation unit configured to rotate the imaging unit in a predetermined direction; anda first transmission unit configured to transmit, to an external apparatus, acceleration information indicating whether an acceleration at which the rotation unit rotates the imaging unit is able to be designated.2. The imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the acceleration information further comprises information indicating whether the acceleration is able to be designated in at least one of a case where the rotation unit starts rotating the imaging unit claim 1 , and a case where the rotation unit stops rotating the imaging unit.3. The imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a receiving unit configured to receive, from the external apparatus, a control instruction which comprises information designating an acceleration for controlling the rotation unit;a control unit configured to control the rotation unit based on the control instruction received by the receiving unit; anda second transmission unit configured to transmit, to the external apparatus, specification information associated with the control instruction acceptable by the control unit.4. The imaging apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the specification information transmitted by the second transmission unit further comprises information indicating whether a speed and an acceleration at which the rotation unit rotates the imaging unit are able to be separately designated.5. The imaging apparatus according to claim 3 ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210020004A1
Автор: Renkis Martin A.

A mesh network-based environmental data capture system and method for providing communication between a base system having at least one wireless input capture device ICD(s) and other ICD(s), wherein the ICD(s) are capable of smart cross-communication with each other and remote access to their inputs via a server computer, including the steps of providing this base system; at least one user accessing the ICDs and inputs remotely via a user interface through a remote server computer and/or electronic device communicating with it, for providing a secure surveillance system with extended inputs range and wireless smart cross-communication for monitoring a target environment. 1. A control device for controlling one or more electronic devices , the control device comprising:one or more environment sensors configured to acquire environment data from a target environment, wherein the environment data includes temperature data;one or more input capture sensors configured to acquire event trigger input that includes at least one of motion or a physical presence of at least one person at the target environment;one or more processors electrically connected to the one or more environment sensors and the one or more input capture sensors and in communication with a user interface configured to receive user input for controlling one or more settings or functionalities of the control device; and detect an event based, at least in part, on the event trigger input acquired by the one or more input capture sensors;', 'configure at least a first setting or functionality of the control device based, at least in part, on the detected event;', 'send instructions for delivery to a first electronic device including a cooling system, wherein the first electronic device is associated with the target environment, and wherein sending the instructions is based, at least in part, on at least the first setting or functionality;', 'wirelessly transmit, via an encrypted first communication channel, ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020807A1

A camera system and method capture image data with a camera, a data storage device electrically connected to the camera and configured to store the video data and/or a communication device electrically connected to the camera and configured to communicate the image data to a system receiver located remote from the camera. The system receiver may be located onboard a vehicle such that an operator can carry the camera off board the vehicle and communicate the image data back to the vehicle, when performing, for example, work on the vehicle or inspecting the vehicle or the environs of the vehicle. 1. A system , comprising:a camera configured to capture at least image data; andat least one of a data storage device electrically coupled to the camera and configured to store the image data, or a communication device electrically coupled to the camera and configured to communicate the image data to a system receiver;a camera supporting object coupled to the camera;a locator device configured to detect a location of the camera supporting object; anda control unit configured to communicate with the system receiver and the locator device, and to control the camera based at least in part on the location of the camera supporting object,wherein the camera supporting object is a retractable mast.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the retractable mast is attached to a vehicle claim 1 , and the retractable mast comprises plural mast segments deployable from a first position relative to the vehicle to a second position relative to the vehicle claim 1 , the second position being higher relative to a ground surface on which the vehicle sits than the first position.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the retractable mast further comprises a coupler attached to at least one of the mast segments claim 2 , the coupler configured for detachable coupling of the camera unit to the at least one of the mast segments claim 2 , and wherein when the retractable mast is deployed to the second ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020808A1

A camera on a head mount can be remotely controlled by a monitoring device to pan and tilt so that a remote monitor may gain a picture of the surroundings of a vision-impaired person wearing the head mount without pestering the person to move his head. 1. Assembly comprising:a head-wearable support configured to be worn on a person's head;at least one camera;at least one movable coupling connecting the camera to the support;at least one wireless transceiver on the support to receive camera motion commands from a monitoring device and transmit images generated by the camera to the monitoring device; andat least one processor on the support to receive images from the camera and send the images through the transceiver to the monitoring device, and to move the coupling to thereby move the camera according to commands received through the transceiver from the monitoring device.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the coupling comprises at least one gimbal.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the coupling is configured to pan the camera azimuthally and tilt the camera elevationally.4. The assembly of claim 1 , comprising at least one speaker communicating with the processor.5. The assembly of claim 4 , wherein the at least one speaker comprises left and right ear buds.6. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the coupling is configured to pan the camera azimuthally.7. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the coupling is configured to tilt the camera elevationally.8. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the head-wearable support is configured as a cap for fitting over a person's head.9. A monitoring device for a camera on a head-wearable apparatus claim 1 , comprising:at least one processor;at least one display for control by the processor; andat least one storage with instructions executable by the processor to:receive from the head-wearable apparatus at least one image generated by a camera on the head-wearable apparatus;present on the display the at least one image; andpresent on ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020809A1
Автор: PAN Sheng-Yang

A control method suitable for a mobile device comprising a camera includes operations as follows: obtaining a description of a first wireless device adjacent to the mobile device over a first wireless communication; capturing a first image of a physical environment by the camera; recognizing a first candidate object within the first image; matching the first candidate object with the description of the first wireless device; and in response to that the first candidate object matches with the description of the first wireless device and a first predetermined instruction is received by the camera, generating a first command according to the description of the first wireless device, wherein the first command is to be transmitted to the first wireless device over a second wireless communication for manipulating the first wireless device. 1. A control method , suitable for a mobile device comprising a camera , the control method comprising:obtaining a description of a first wireless device adjacent to the mobile device over a first wireless communication;capturing a first image of a physical environment by the camera;recognizing a first candidate object within the first image;matching the first candidate object with the description of the first wireless device; andin response to that the first candidate object matches with the description of the first wireless device and a first predetermined instruction is received by the camera, generating a first command according to the description of the first wireless device, wherein the first command is to be transmitted to the first wireless device over a second wireless communication for manipulating the first wireless device.2. The control method of claim 1 , wherein the first predetermined instruction comprises user had motions.3. The control method of claim 1 , wherein the operation of matching the first candidate object with the description of the first wireless device further comprises:displaying the first candidate object; ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020810A1

An apparatus for processing an image includes a camera configured to obtain a fixed image signal based on non-movement of the camera and obtain a variable image signal based on movement of the camera; a communication interface configured to receive a command; a driver configured to move the camera in response to the command; and a processor configured to process the fixed image signal based on a fixed image signal process parameter value, and process the variable image signal based on a variable image signal process parameter value, the variable image signal process parameter value having an image signal process parameter value based upon which a high frequency component of the variable image signal is reduced. 1. An apparatus for processing an image , the apparatus comprising:a camera configured to obtain a fixed image signal based on non-movement of the camera and obtain a variable image signal based on movement of the camera;a communication interface configured to receive a command;a driver configured to move the camera in response to the command; anda processor configured to process the fixed image signal based on a fixed image signal process parameter value by setting an image signal process parameter value to the fixed image signal process parameter value, and process the variable image signal based on a variable image signal process parameter value by setting the image signal process parameter value to the variable image signal process parameter value,wherein the variable image signal process parameter value has the image signal process parameter value based upon which a high frequency component of the variable image signal is reduced.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to estimate a movement velocity of the camera based on the command claim 1 , and determine the variable image signal process parameter value based on the movement velocity of the camera.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the processor is further ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020820A1

An information processing apparatus, including circuitry configured to transmit a start instruction to a first camera apparatus and a second camera apparatus. The start instruction causes the first camera apparatus to start incrementing a first counter and the second camera apparatus to start incrementing a second counter for a video recording time period. The circuitry receives, from the first camera apparatus, a first recording-start frame identifier that indicates a value of the first counter and a second recording-end frame identifier that indicates the value of the second counter. The circuitry receives, from the second camera apparatus, a first recording-start frame identifier that identifies a value of the second counter and a second recording-end frame identifier that identifies the value of the second counter. 1. An information processing apparatus , comprising:a communication interface, andprocessing circuitry configured totransmit a start instruction to a first camera apparatus and a second camera apparatus, the start instruction causing the first camera apparatus to start incrementing a first counter and the second camera apparatus to start incrementing a second counter for a video recording time period;receive, from the first camera apparatus, a first recording-start frame identifier that indicates a value of the first counter when recording of a first video by the first camera apparatus starts within the video recording time period;receive, from the first camera apparatus, a second recording-end frame identifier that indicates the value of the second counter when recording of the first video by the first camera apparatus stops within the video recording time period;receive, from the second camera apparatus, a first recording-start frame identifier that identifies a value of the second counter when recording of a second video by the second camera apparatus starts within the video recording time period; andreceive, from the second camera apparatus, a ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Image Capture and Identification System and Process

Номер: US20180021174A1

A digital image segment of a human body part is captured and matched against a reference image segment. If the match score meets a threshold, the digital image segment is stored and the human body part is recognized as a target object. An information address corresponding to the object is then used to access information and initiate communication pertinent to the object. If the match score does not meet a threshold, a second image containing a representation of the human body part is obtained. 1. A system comprising a server , the server programmed to:obtain, from a mobile device, a first image segment, wherein the first image segment includes a digital representation of at least a portion of a human body part;calculate a first match score based on the first image segment and at least one reference image segment stored in a reference database;determine whether the first match score exceeds a threshold score; 'obtain a second image segment including a second digital representation of the human body part; and', 'in response to determining that the first match score does not meet the threshold score store the first image segment;', 'recognize the human body part as a target object based on the first image segment;', 'identify content information associated with the target object; and', 'enable at least one of the server and the mobile device to access the content information via an information address associated with the target object., 'in response to determining that the first match score meets the threshold score2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the server is further programmed to claim 1 , in response to determining that the match score does not meet the threshold and after obtaining the second image segment:calculate a second match score based on the second image segment and the at least one reference image segment stored in a reference database; anddetermine whether the second match score exceeds the first match score.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040534A1
Автор: Imes Kevin R.

A system for monitoring and recording and processing an activity includes one or more cameras for automatically recording video of the activity. A remote media system is located at the location of the activity. A network media processor and services is communicatively coupled with the remote media system. The remote media system includes one or more AI enabled cameras. The AI enabled camera is configured to record the activity. The network media processor is configured to receive an activation request of the AI enabled camera and the validate the record request. The system may automatically administer a skill-based competition. 1. A system for operating a performance-based competition , the system comprising: 'a first AI enabled camera configured to record a video of a golfer detected at the golf hole; and', 'a remote media system (RMS) located at a golf course having a golf hole, wherein the RMS includes a network communication interface configured to initiate a record event request including the input to activate the video recording, the record event request communicated to the RMS; and', 'a network media processor configured to receive an activation request of the AI enabled camera and to validate the record request; and, 'a competition-based network media processor and services (CNMS) communicatively coupled to the RMS and located remote to the RMS, the CNMS includinga digital media enabled destination including a mobile application configured to send the session request to the CNMS to activate the video recording, wherein the request includes a unique identifier of the digital media enabled destination, a location of the golf hole, and a user profile identifier;wherein the CNMS is configured to receive an input from a user indicating an agreement to participate in a competition;wherein the CNMS is further configured to detect a successful attempt related to the competition.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the RMS includes a communication interface configured ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210021766A1

An image capturing apparatus that includes one or more image sensors configured to capture a plurality of images and store the captured images in a memory. The apparatus also includes a circuitry that detects an input trigger and continues to capture new images in response to the trigger. The numbers of new images captured are equal in magnitude to half the magnitude of the capacity of the memory. The first new image captured after detecting the trigger is tagged as a reference image. In response to the number of new images captured, the sensors are deactivated and the reference image is displayed immediately on a display panel. On detecting an input operation, the apparatus displays a target image from the plurality of images captured in a quick and efficient manner. 1. An image capturing apparatus comprising:a display;an image sensor configured to capture a plurality of images at a capture rate;a memory configured to store the plurality of captured images; and detect an input trigger,', 'control the image sensor to capture the plurality of images, at least some of the plurality of images being captured before the input trigger,', 'select one of the plurality of images in response to the input trigger,', 'control the display to display the selected image,', 'wherein at least a part of the display which displays the selected image is defined as an operation touch area to be used by a user to selectively switch among the plurality of images,', 'switch from the selected image to another image among the plurality of images through a drag operation in the operational touch area, wherein a number of frames to be switched from a currently displayed image corresponds to a displacement of an instruction object in a predetermined direction in the operational touch area during the drag operation, and', 'control the display to display said another image., 'circuitry configured to'}2. The image capturing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a magnitude of a capacity of memory is at ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210021789A1

Systems and methods for interactive site resource management are disclosed. In certain embodiments, the system and method collects and accesses local geospatially-referenced landscape and site survey data in the field as facilitated by selectable content views, the gathered landscape and site survey data synthesized with baseline geospatially-referenced landscape and site survey data. In one aspect, the synthesized landscape and site geospatially-referenced survey data may be used by a project lead or authority agent, to create a landscape and/or site report, an authorized development plan, a master landscape and/or site survey, and/or as-built development plans. In certain embodiments, the synthesized landscape site survey data is presented as an augmented reality display. 1. A system for interactive resource management of a resource site , comprising:a server database comprising a baseline dataset, the baseline dataset comprising baseline geospatially-referenced data;a server content engine operating to source the baseline data to generate a sourced baseline dataset; a geolocation device providing a location of the remote site device;', 'a surveillance sensor sensing range and direction to a survey target and generating surveillance sensor data associated with the survey target;', 'a local database comprising a local dataset, the local dataset comprising the surveillance sensor data and local geospatially-referenced data; and', 'a user interface enabling a user to selectively populate the local database with the surveillance sensor data;, 'a remote site device comprisinga data synthesizer that combines the sourced baseline dataset with the local dataset to create a set of synthesized datasets, each of the synthesized datasets of a user selectable format; anda renderer configured to present a plurality of views of each of the set of synthesized datasets using the user interlace; wherein:the plurality of views of the synthesized dataset include a temporally ...
