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27-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2186303C2

Способ получения холода в абсорбционно-диффузионном агрегате включает выпаривание хладагента из крепкого раствора, конденсацию паров хладагента и испарение жидкого хладагента. В процессе стекания в испарителе жидкий хладагент собирают в емкость в нижней части испарителя. Из емкости посредством парлифтного насоса жидкий хладагент подают в сепаратор. Далее хладагент через гидрозатвор направляют на вход дополнительного испарителя. Использование изобретения позволит уменьшить металлоемкость и габариты холодильного агрегата. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

20-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2224189C2
Принадлежит: КУНЦЕ Герхард (AT)

Абсорбционная холодильная машина системы "Platen-Munters", содержащая генератор для испарения хладагента в растворителе, сепаратор растворителя, в котором осуществляют отделение растворителя от хладагента, конденсатор для сжижения хладагента, испаритель, в котором хладагент испаряют посредством сухого газа и с охлаждением, при необходимости первый газовый теплообменник и абсорбер, в котором в обедненную смесь из хладагента и растворителя вводят испаренный хладагент, и эту смесь в генераторе повторно испаряют. Выход испарителя или выход расположенного при необходимости за испарителем первого газового теплообменника и выход генератора впадают в ведущий в абсорбер байпас. Идущую от испарителя через первый газовый теплообменник смесь из испаренного хладагента и сухого газа направляют к выходу генератора и там через байпас, где газовая смесь вступает в контакт с горячим, частично выгазованным, идущим от генератора раствором и отбирает у него дальнейший хладагент. Использование изобретения позволит ...

27-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2269076C2

Предлагаемое изобретение относится к холодильной технике, в частности к холодильным агрегатам абсорбционно-диффузионного действия, применяемым в бытовых и промышленных холодильниках. Способ работы абсорбционно-диффузионного холодильного агрегата включает выпаривание крепкого раствора в генераторе, подачу водоаммиачного пара из генератора в трубку дефлегматора, в котором отделяют флегму путем снижения удельной тепловой нагрузки на водоаммиачный пар с возвратом выделенной при этом флегмы в генератор, и подачу очищенного от воды аммиачного пара в конденсатор. Снижение удельной тепловой нагрузки на водоаммиачный пар осуществляют путем пропускания пара через канал с внезапным расширением перед входом в конденсатор и без отвода тепла в окружающую среду. Абсорбционно-диффузионный холодильный агрегат содержит конденсатор, испаритель, трубку дефлегматора, абсорбер, кипятильник, генератор с теплоизоляцией, термосифон, жидкостный теплообменник, ресивер. Между трубкой дефлегматора и конденсатором выполнена ...

27-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2169887C2
Принадлежит: ГосНИИ НПО "Луч"

Способ заключается в поочередных полуциклах зарядки и генерации заданной температуры двух пар - высокотемпературного и низкотемпературного металлогидридов, работающих в противофазе с различными уровнями давлений водорода. В пары металлогидридов вводят неодинаковые количества водорода, причем в паре металлогидридров, работающих с меньшим давлением водорода, его содержание меньше, чем в паре, работающей с большим давлением водорода, а в момент окончания первого полуцикла, до начала второго полуцикла, в пару металлогидридов с меньшим количеством водорода добавляют дополнительную массу водорода, из пары металлогидридов с большим количеством водорода отводят часть водорода, при этом дополнительная и отведенная массы водорода равны, время изменения содержания водорода не превышает времени полуцикла, а конечные содержания водорода в парах различаются на величину разности содержаний в первом полуцикле с обратным знаком. В процессе изменения содержания водорода в парах металлогидридов энергообмен ...

10-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2455585C2

Изобретение относится к холодильной технике и может быть использовано как рабочее тело для абсорбционных холодильных машин и абсорбционных термотрансформаторов либо как абсорбент в системах осушки кондиционирования воздуха. Рабочее тело, содержащее бромид лития, молибдат лития и гидроокись лития дополнительно содержит в качестве ингибирующей добавки силикат лития, бензотриазол и поверхностно-активное вещество при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: бромид лития 40-65; молибдат лития 0,02-0,03; гидроокись лития 0,05-0,10; силикат лития 0,001-0,002; бензотриазол 0,5-0,65; 2-этил-1-гексанол 0,04-0,06; вода - остальное. Использование изобретения позволит снизить коррозионную активность рабочего тела по отношению к углеродистым и медным сплавам во всех фазах рабочего раствора. 1 табл.

10-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2294796C2

Изобретение относится к сорбционной технике, а именно к сорбентам паров метанола, и может быть использовано в адсорбционных холодильных машинах и тепловых насосах. Описан сорбент паров метанола, содержащий в качестве пористой матрицы неорганические оксиды, пористые угли, природные сорбенты или их смеси, и активное вещество, помещенное в поры матрицы и способное к обратимым процессам сорбции/десорбции паров метанола, выбранное из ряда: галогениды и нитраты щелочных, щелочноземельных металлов и металлов подгруппы железа. Описан способ получения холода с помощью адсорбционного холодильного устройства, в котором в качестве адсорбата используют пары метанола, а в качестве сорбента паров метанола используют описанный выше сорбент. Технический результат - увеличение сорбционной емкости используемого сорбента паров метанола. 1 з.п. ф-лы ...

28-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2652702C2

Субатмосферная система теплохолодоснабжения для кондиционирования воздуха относится к области теплоэнергетики, а именно к энергосберегающим технологиям, и предназначена для автономного отопления, горячего водоснабжения и холодоснабжения жилых, общественных и производственных зданий. Для осуществления эффективного теплоснабжения применен вакуум-паровой способ теплопередачи паром с регулируемой глубиной разрежения, коэффициент полезного действия подсистемы теплоснабжения достигает 0,9. Совмещенная с подсистемой теплоснабжения подсистема холодоснабжения, включающая в себя установку безнасосной абсорбционной водоаммиачной холодильной машины и систему воздухоохладителей косвенно-испарительного охлаждения в среде вакуума, обеспечивает при этом энергоэффективность с показателем EER, достигающим значения 12,5 кВт/кВт. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

12-05-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018138492A3

10-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU93945U1

Абсорбционно-диффузионный холодильный агрегат, содержащий кипятильник, абсорбер, ресивер, теплообменник и парлифтный насос с подъемной трубой и паропроводом, отличающийся тем, что подъемная труба парлифтного насоса выполнена изогнутой.

27-09-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2044966C1

Использование: в холодильной технике, в конструкциях бытовых абсорбционных холодильников или морозильников. Сущность изобретения: холодильный агрегат состоит из абсорбера 1, генератора 2, конденсатора 3, испарителя 4 и соединяющих их трубопроводов, при этом в агрегате имеется дополнительный холодильный контур, состоящий из генератора 6, конденсатора 7 и испарителя 8, подключенный параллельно основному холодильному контуру. Новым в холодильном агрегате является наличие в его составе дополнительного холодильного контура и параллельное подключение его относительно основного контура, что обеспечивает их автономную работу, независимую друг от друга. 1 з. п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2033582C1

Использование: в холодильной технике. Сущность изобретения: на подъемном участке термосифона создают изотермическое поле с температурой, равной температуре конца кипения бинарной смеси. 1 ил.

27-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2036395C1

Использование: в холодильной технике, в абсорбционных холодильниках. Сущность изобретения: абсорбционный гелиохолодильник, содержащий параболоцилиндрический концентратор 1 солнечной энергии, установленный на опорно-поворотном устройстве 2 и снабженный механизмом слежения за солнцем, абсорбционно-диффузионный холодильный агрегат, имеющий генератор 11 с жаровой трубой, выполненной в виде аккумулятора тепла, заполненного теплоаккумулирующим веществом, и термосифоном 12, дефлегматор 13, конденсатор 14, испаритель 17, размещенный в холодильном шкафу 18, газовый теплообменник 19, абсорбер 20 со сборником 21 крепкого раствора и теплообменник-регенератор 22, и тепловую трубу 25, испарительная зона 24 которой размещена вдоль фокальной линии концентратора 1, а ее конденсационная зона 26 - в жаровой трубе, и снаружи на эту зону 26 тепловой трубы 25 навит термосифон 12, при этом генератор 11 соединен через полость теплообменника-регенератора 22 для охлаждаемого теплоносителя и второй вход абсорбера ...

09-02-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2028563C1

Использование: в холодильной технике, в холодильных агрегатах бытовых холодильников или морозильников. Сущность изобретения: абсорбер представляет собой установленный вертикально корпус, состоящий из двух труб 1, 2, размещенных "труба в трубе", причем внутренняя труба 1 выполняется короче наружной. Верхние торцы труб 1, 2 соединяются общей крышкой 6, а нижние закрываются отдельными днищами 3, 4. Между трубами устанавливаются вкладыши 7, имеющие наклон поверхности для слива абсорбента, на которой выполняются продольные выступы 9, располагаемые перпендикулярно к оси абсорбера. Полость между днищами 3, 4 труб 1, 2 абсорбера используется как сборник раствора. 2 ил.

19-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2037749C1
Принадлежит: Трест "Сибхиммонтаж"

Использование: в холодильной технике, может найти широкое применение в бытовых холодильниках, снабженных абсорбционно-диффузионными холодильными агрегатами. Сущность изобретения: полость термосифона ниже уровня крепкого раствора в области подвода тепла связана паропроводом с паровым объемом магистрали, соединяющей выходной конец дополнительного термосифона с наружным каналом жидкостного теплообменника-регенератора. Теплообменник-регенератор выполнен трехполочным, его средний канал соединяет ресивер абсорбера с жидкостной зоной ректификатора, а внутренний канал подключен к трубопроводу слабого раствора, размещенному в опускном канале ректификатора. В верхний открытый конец трубопровода введена труба термосифона. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

10-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2258184C1

Изобретение относится к холодильной технике, в частности к холодильным агрегатам абсорбционно-диффузионного действия, применяемым в бытовых и промышленных холодильниках. Абсорбционно-диффузионный холодильный агрегат содержит испаритель, конденсатор, дефлегматор, абсорбер, ресивер, жидкостный теплообменник, газовый теплообменник, генератор с электронагревателем на трубке слабого раствора с его паровой полостью, соединенной через дефлегматор с конденсатором. В паровой полости установлена трубка крепкого раствора со своей герметичной паровой полостью и с гидравлическим затвором в нижней ее части, в который погружен нижний конец термосифона. Средняя часть термосифона проходит в трубке крепкого раствора, а верхний его конец выходит из нее в паровую полость трубки слабого раствора. В средней части паровой полости трубки слабого раствора по всему проходному сечению выполнена капиллярно-пористая вставка. Использование изобретения позволит повысить коэффициент полезного действия холодильного агрегата ...

27-01-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2053463C1

Использование: в холодильной технике, в системах кондиционирования воздуха, на транспортных средствах при использовании в качестве источника энергии выхлопных газов. Сущность изобретения: устройство содержит ротор 6 с высокотемпературными 7 и низкотемпературными 8 металлогидридными контейнерами, расположенными между продольными радиальными перегородками параллельно оси ротора 6, и статор 1 с цилиндрической внутренней поверхностью 2 корпуса 3 и патрубками для подвода и отвода высокотемпературного, среднетемпературного и низкотемпературного теплоносителя, выполненными на боковой поверхности статора 1. Ротор 6 разделен на две части теплоизоляционным экраном 18, а высокотемпературные 7 и низкотемпературные 8 контейнеры расположены по разные стороны от экрана 18. Между перегородками ротора 6 стотором 1 выполнены радиальные уплотнения с образованием высокотемпературного, среднетемпературных и низкотемпературных секторов, через которые обеспечивается непрерывная подача соответствующих теплоносителей ...

10-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2304263C1

Изобретение относится к бытовой холодильной технике и может найти широкое применение в бытовых холодильниках, оснащенных абсорбционно-диффузионными холодильными агрегатами (АДХА). Способ осуществляется путем подачи в генератор крепкого раствора посредством парлифтного насоса, работающего при помощи пара хладагента из генератора, на уровень, который выше уровня слива слабого раствора в абсорбер. В генераторе обеспечивают кипение крепкого раствора в зазоре между внутренним и средним цилиндрами в результате отвода тепла от нагревателя через зазор между жаровым стаканом и внутренним цилиндром. Этот зазор заполнен частично выпаренным раствором, полученным при кипении крепкого раствора. В процессе кипения крепкого раствора происходит выплескивание кипящего раствора из зазора между внутренним и средним цилиндрами, после чего частично выпаренный раствор через зазор между средним и внешним цилиндрами направляют в зазор между жаровым стаканом и внутренним цилиндром, где происходит окончательное довыпаривание ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2485330C1

Изобретение относится к энергетике. Способ генерации энергии, в котором в энергоустановку подают кислородсодержащий окислитель, а также водородсодержащее газообразное топливо, по меньшей мере, часть продуктов окисления топлива, выходящих из энергоустановки, направляют в теплоприемник, в котором продукты нагревают последовательно конвертер, в котором за счет нагрева получают газообразное топливо из смеси исходного горючего с водяным паром, а затем нагревают первую секцию адсорбера, в котором поток горючего увлажняется водяным паром, выходящим из сорбента, после чего продукты направляют на вход во вторую секцию адсорбера, в которой поток продуктов охлаждают с извлечением из него в сорбент водяного пара. Вход горючего в первую и вторую секции адсорбера периодически переключают с режима нагрева на режим охлаждения. Изобретение позволяет снизить расход горючего, улучшить экономические показатели энергоустановок и систем энергообеспечения. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

27-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2315923C1

Изобретение относится к холодильной технике, в частности к солнечным сорбционным холодильным установкам периодического действия для хранения, замораживания и охлаждения продуктов питания, получения льда в районах с жарким климатом. Гелиоэнергетический холодильник содержит генератор-абсорбер совмещенного типа с реакторами, воздушный конденсатор, ресивер, вынесенный из изолированного охлаждающего контура, охлаждаемую камеру с U-образным испарителем и емкостью со льдом. Реакторы, расположенные горизонтально относительно Земли на разных уровнях, имеют два ввода-вывода к хладопроводам. Один хладопроводящий коллектор-конденсатор неизолирован и снабжен дополнительным ресивером. Испаритель соединен с ресиверами терморегулирующими вентилями и имеет перепускную трубку, соединенную через терморегулирующий вентиль с паровым пространством ресиверов. В реакторах генератора-абсорбера расположены тепловые трубки, установленные в средней части реакторов, на противоположной стороне которых имеется развитая ...

20-03-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2031332C1

Изобретение относится к химическому машиностроению, холодильной и криогенной технике, а именно к аппаратам для проведения процессов в системе газ - твердое тело. Сущность изобретения: для повышения качества очистки путем распределения газа по сечению двугорлового баллона, максимально возможного использования адсорбента в очистке газов в адсорбере, содержащем двугорловый баллон 1, стакан 2, фильтры-распределители 3, узел 4 крепления фильтров и адсорбента 5, фильтры 3 дополнительно снабжены фильтрующими элементами цилиндрической изогнутой формы в виде пятилепесткового якоря, размеры которого выбираются из соотношений R ≥ L; Sф≥ Sст/n, где R - внутренний радиус изгиба лепестков якоря; L - расстояние между верхней кромкой стакана и ближайшей кромкой ложемента; Sф - площадь проходного сечения фильтра; Sст - площадь проходного сечения стакана; n - количество лепестков. 2 ил.

10-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010113179A

Рабочее тело для абсорбционных холодильных машин и абсорбционных термотрансформаторов, включающее бромид лития, молибдат лития, гидроокись лития и воду, отличающееся тем, что, с целью снижения коррозионной активности по отношению к углеродистым сталям и медным сплавам во всех фазах рабочего раствора, оно дополнительно содержит силикат лития, бензотриазол и 2-этил-1-гексанол при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: ! Бромид лития 40,0-65,0 Молибдат лития 0,02-0,03 Гидроокись лития 0,05-0,10 Силикат лития 0,001-0,002 Бензотриазол 0,50-0,65 2-этил-1-гексанол 0,04-0,06 Вода Остальное ...

10-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007116257A

Способ работы абсорбционного холодильного аппарата путем включения и отключения постоянной по величине тепловой нагрузки на генераторном узле абсорбционно-диффузионной холодильной машины (АДХМ) в зависимости от температуры, отличающийся тем, что включения и отключения тепловой нагрузки осуществляют в зависимости от температуры в характерной точке подъемного участка дефлегматора АДХМ, при этом отключения осуществляют при температуре, превышающей температуру насыщения аммиака, а включения - при температуре, равной или меньшей, чем температура насыщения аммиака.

10-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005124452A

Способ работы термодинамического цикла тепловых насосов и холодильников, функционирующих за счет изменения термодинамического состояния рабочего тела, отличающийся тем, что в рабочем цикле отсутствуют газы или пары, а для отъема тепла от холодной среды и передачи его горячей среде используют теплоту растворения и выделения из раствора двух или более веществ или двух или более групп растворимых или абсорбируемых веществ с различными термодинамическими свойствами на линиях их насыщения и за пределами этих линий, либо одного вещества на разных участках линии растворимости, для чего в холодной части цикла через селективную мембрану или мембраны перемещают растворитель от одного раствора к другому так, что одно из веществ или одна из групп веществ выделяется из раствора либо абсорбируется с выделением тепла или поглощением тепла или нулевым тепловым эффектом, а второе вещество или группа веществ растворяется либо выделяется абсорбером с поглощением большего по количеству тепла, в результате ...

10-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013109454A

... 1. Абсорбционная холодильная машина, в которой рабочим веществом является раствор соли бромистого лития (LiBr) в метиловом спирте (СНОН) и содержащая: абсорбер, генератор, испаритель, конденсатор, теплообменник и насос для перекачки раствора, отличающаяся тем, что машина состоит из двух сборочных блоков (А) и (В), где в блоке (А) состыкованы генератор и конденсатор, в блок (В) включены абсорбер и испаритель, а также рекуперативный теплообменник с циркуляционным насосом, при этом испаритель и абсорбер соединены несколькими отводами для подачи паров из испарителя в абсорбер и трубопроводом для слива холодильного агента из испарителя в абсорбер, а перед входными патрубками абсорбера на отводах установлены самодействующие обратные клапана, в кожухе абсорбера и генератора над верхним рядом теплообменных трубок установлено распылительное устройство с форсунками, которые обеспечивают получение плоского факела распыления раствора в абсорбере и генераторе.2. Абсорбционная холодильная машина по п ...

27-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011146309A

... 1. Способ генерации энергии, в котором в энергоустановку подают кислородсодержащий окислитель, а также водородсодержащее газообразное топливо, отличающийся тем, что, по меньшей мере, часть продуктов окисления топлива, выходящих из энергоустановки, направляют в теплоприемник, в котором продукты окисления топлива нагревают последовательно конвертер, в котором за счет нагрева получают газообразное топливо из смеси исходного горючего с водяным паром, а затем нагревают первую секцию адсорбера, в котором поток горючего увлажняют водяным паром, выходящим из адсорбера, после чего продукты окисления топлива направляют на вход во вторую секцию адсорбера, в которой поток продуктов окисления топлива охлаждают и сорбируют из него водяной пар.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что вход горючего в первую и вторую секции адсорбера периодически переключают с режима нагрева на режим охлаждения.3. Способ по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что в конвертере реакцию получения газообразного топлива проводят с использованием ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014113815A

... 1. Теплообменник с падающей пленкой, включающий в себя трубы теплообменника, каждая из которых расположена, по существу, горизонтально, отличающийся тем, чтомножество труб теплообменника выровнены в решетках, отстоящих друг от друга в вертикальном направлении, иимеется направляющая пластина, содержащая углубленные части и расположенная между решеткой труб теплообменника, расположенных бок о бок в горизонтальном направлении, и следующей нижней решеткой труб теплообменника, расположенных бок о бок в горизонтальном направлении, а также расположенная с нижними частями углубленных частей, размещенными рядом с вершинами соответствующих нижних труб теплообменника,при этом нижние части углубленных частей направляющей пластины имеют сточные отверстия для обеспечения стекания каплей жидкости на вершины труб теплообменника,причем направляющая пластина выполнена с возможностью транспортировки жидкости, стекающей по внешним поверхностям соответствующих верхних труб теплообменника на нижние трубы теплообменника ...

10-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007111438A

... 1. Способ работы абсорбционно-диффузионного холодильного агрегата, заключающийся в подаче слабого раствора из генератора в абсорбер, отличающийся тем, что слабый раствор подают в абсорбер через распределитель, в котором слабый раствор, стекая по всей внутренней поверхности распределителя за счет эффекта смачиваемости и сил гравитации, обтекает установленные на внутренней поверхности распределителя рассекатели, что приводит к разделению исходного потока слабого раствора на несколько отдельных потоков, расходные характеристики которых пропорциональны смачиваемой ими части площади внутренней поверхности распределителя. 2. Способ работы абсорбционно-диффузионного холодильного агрегата по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отдельные потоки подают в абсорбер, обеспечивающий процесс абсорбции для каждого отдельного потока независимо от остальных потоков.

27-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009147357A

... 1. Абсорбционный холодильник с жидким абсорбентом, включающий генератор с источником нагрева раствора хладагента, конденсатор, испаритель, выполненный в виде замкнутого резервуара с патрубком для ввода жидкого хладагента и выходным патрубком, абсорбер, термосифон с источником нагрева и часть замкнутого трубопровода, соединяющего последовательно термосифон, генератор, конденсатор, патрубок испарителя для ввода жидкого хладагента, отличающийся тем, что генератор имеет один или более источников нагрева, при этом, по крайней мере, одним из них является солнечное излучение, абсорбер выполнен в виде ванны и расположен внутри испарителя, выходной патрубок испарителя использован для вывода раствора хладагента, при этом оставшаяся часть замкнутого трубопровода, проходя через этот патрубок, соединяет ванну с генератором через термосифон. ! 2. Холодильник по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в генераторе, в испарителе и/или в ванне расположен, по крайней мере, один замкнутый резервуар с веществом, эффективно ...

15-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1795238C

27-11-1997 дата публикации

Absorber-evaporator unit for absorption heat-pump

Номер: DE0019620462A1

The unit has an absorption chamber (24) and an evaporation chamber (22) in a common container (20) with a dividing wall (30), connected by a vapour pipe (34). Both chambers have inlets (38,36) and the absorption chamber has an extractor (40,42) for foreign gases. The evaporation chamber lies above the absorption one and the dividing wall tapers downwards with increasing radius like a cone. The inlet for the absorption chamber has an injector at the apex of the wall. The extractor lies around the injector. The vapour pipe is annular, bounded by the container outer wall and part of the dividing wall.

09-09-1999 дата публикации

Heat exchanger for absorption refrigeration machine

Номер: DE0019802670A1

The heat exchanger has heat exchanger pipes (1), provided by planar pipe spirals arranged parallel to one another and coupled to a distributor pipe (2) and a collector pipe (3) at their opposite ends. The distributor pipe can be positioned at the centre of the pipe spirals, with the collector pipe at their outer periphery, or alternatively both the distributor pipe and the collector pipe are positioned at the centre.

30-10-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003014320A1

27-11-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003225613C2

21-07-1988 дата публикации

Method and equipment for operating adsorbers, with special consideration to its application to heat pumps, refrigerating plants and thermal transformers

Номер: DE0003700707A1

The invention relates to a method and equipment for operating adsorbers, with special consideration to its application to heat pumps, refrigerating plants and thermal transformers. It consists of two or more adsorbers (1, 2), each with a built-in heat exchanger (10, 20) surrounded by adsorption medium (11, 21), one or more heat exchanging devices (3) for high temperature, one or more heat exchanging devices (4) for medium temperature, and one or more pumping devices (P) for a heat transfer fluid. A substantial lowering of energy consumption is achieved by pumping the fluid first through the heat exchanger (10) of the adsorbing adsorber (1), then through the heat exchanging device (3) for high temperature, and then through the heat exchanger (20) of the desorbing adsorber (2); after leaving this, it passes through the heat exchanging device (4) for medium temperature (4), and then flows back to the heat exchanger (10) of the adsorbing adsorber (1). After the adsorbing mass (11) in the adsorbing ...

21-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003638706A1

14-11-1991 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003681824D1
Принадлежит: ZEOLITH TECH

Water is heated by a periodic adsorption, with desorption of steam from a zeolite filling (7) effected by heating the latter by hot flue gases. Then the steam is condensed and held in a storage vessel (6). In an adsorption phase it is passed to an evaporator (11) where heat is absorbed and the generated steam adsorbed by the zeolite. Ice is generated by direct evaporation of the water in the evaporator. The flue gases pref. yield heat to the evaporator after the zeolite vessel (2), being thus cooled to below condenser (5) temp.

16-07-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003700522A1

01-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002141130A1

14-06-2007 дата публикации

Adsorptionsmaschine mit Wärmerückgewinnung

Номер: DE102006011409A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Adsorptionsmaschine, umfassend DOLLAR A - mindestens eine erste und eine zweite Adsorbereinheit, die jeweils an einem Vorlauf (VL) und einem Rücklauf (RL) angeschlossen sind, um Wärme aus einem durch den Vorlauf (VL) in die Adsorbereinheit geleiteten Wärmeträger der Adsorbereinheit zuzuführen oder aus der Adsorbereinheit auf den Wärmeträger abzuführen; DOLLAR A - jede Adsorbereinheit arbeitet alternierend in einer Desorptionsphase als Desorber, wobei aus dem Wärmeträger Wärme auf den Desorber abgeführt wird, und einer Adsorptionsphase als Adsorber, wobei aus dem Adsorber Wärme auf den Wärmeträger abgeführt wird; DOLLAR A - die Adsorptionsmaschine umfasst ferner wenigstens zwei Wärmeträgerkreisläufe, nämlich einen Heizkreislauf mit einer Wärmequelle zum Aufheizen des Wärmeträgers, und einen Kühlkreislauf mit einer Wärmesenke zum Abkühlen des Wärmeträgers. DOLLAR A Die Erfindung ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass eine Steuereinheit vorgesehen ist, welche die Vorläufe ...

12-06-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002457578A1

13-11-2008 дата публикации

Kältemaschine mit verschiedenen Sorptionsmaterialien

Номер: DE102007022841A1

Die Erfindung betrifft die Verwendung eines Adsorptionsmittels anstelle eines Verflüssigers in einer Wärmepumpe/Kältemaschine und weiterhin die Verwendung des Adsorptionsmittels bei der Dampfdruckreduktion in einer Wärmepumpe/Kältemaschine zur Verbesserung der Kapazität der Desorption; weiterhin betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zur Kälteerzeugung, bei dem bevorzugt zwei unterschiedliche Adsorptionsmittel in zwei Stufen eingesetzt werden.

16-09-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002141688B2

12-10-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002216203A1

09-01-1969 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001451043A1

03-03-1983 дата публикации

Sorption heat pump with absorber provided in a solvent circuit

Номер: DE0003133331A1

A sorption heat pump with absorber provided in a solvent circuit as well as, inserted between the latter and an expeller, a solvent pump which is actuated by a drive, is to be improved in such a manner that the solvent circuit can be guided free of disturbance. To this end, the drive shaft of a pump element with suction space is connected to the shaft of the drive designed as a canned motor with rotor space to form a glandless pump aggregate, and preferably in one piece therewith in the form of a motor pump shaft, the rotor space being separated from the delivery pressure of the pump element by connection to the suction space.

07-11-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003037548C2

29-10-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002938232C2

22-05-1986 дата публикации

Periodic absorption refrigerating machine

Номер: DE0003435630C1

Periodic absorption refrigerating machine with a generator/absorber (GA) which contains a solid or a fluid as absorption medium (AM), with a condenser for the refrigerant, with one or two connections (AB, ZU) to an evaporator (WT4) and with devices for heating or cooling the absorption medium (AM) and with a heat exchanger in the generator/absorber (GA), which is connected to a further heat exchanger outside the generator/absorber (GA), the generator/absorber (GA) being arranged in the interior of a pressure vessel (D) serving as condenser and there being provided in the generator/absorber (GA) a heat exchanger (WT2) which is connected to two heat exchangers (WT1, WT3) outside the pressure vessel (D). Preferred embodiments contain components for better insulation (I, KS) and for increased heat yield (WS, WB), as the figure shows. ...

23-07-1951 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000809078C

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Absorptionswärmepumpe mit Flüssigkeitstransport mittels eines Vlieses

Номер: DE102019007395A1

Absorptionswärmepumpe mit einem um eine Trennwand umlaufenden Vlies, in dem eine flüssige Mischung eines Absorbenten und eines Kältemittels adsorptiv gehalten wird.Durch Wärmeeinwirkung wird das Kältemittel auf einer Seite des Vlieses ausgetrieben und kondensiert auf der anderen Seite.Das Kondensat verdampft in einem Verdampfer-Gefäß und wird von dem konzentrierten Absorbenten resorbiert.Die Vorrichtung kann in mehreren Stufen ausgeführt sein, wobei die Abwärme der einen Stufe als Heizwärme der nächsten Stufe dient.In einer Abänderung der Vorrichtung kann dieselbe auch zur Meerwasserentsalzung dienen.

31-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003413349A1

23-04-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003408193C2

13-01-1994 дата публикации

Solar energy collector assembly - consists of heat and age resistant channels in honeycomb construction to attract solar irradiation

Номер: DE0004222433A1

The channels are parallel and made with the same transparent material and of the same thickness (2) and can be square, rectangular or polygonal section tubes. The heat and light irradiation is absorbed by the end surface and the structure is non combustible and does not comprise individual tubular channels. A porous heat resistant baseplate (5) is used at the end of the honeycomb stack to collect the irradiated heat and light after it enters the channels and it then simultaneously releases the light through its pores. Behind the baseplate at a distance is a pane of glass to enable the air in the space (9) to be evacuated through an outlet (8). USE/ADVANTAGE - Easily assembled and it presents no hindrance to the irradiation.

28-06-2007 дата публикации

Absorptionswärmepumpe und Verfahren zum Betrieb einer Absorptionswärmepumpe

Номер: DE0010005604B4

Verfahren zum Betrieb einer Absorptionswärmepumpe bei dem (a) in einem Kocher (1) eine ein Kältemittel enthaltende Lösung mittels eines Brenners (2) erwärmt wird, um Kältemittel als Kältemitteldampf auszutreiben; (b) der Kältemitteldampf in einem Kondensator (13) gegen ein Heizmittel kondensiert wird, um dem Heizmittel Wärme zuzuführen; (c) das Kältemittel von dem Kondensator (13) einem Verdampfer (11), in welchem es gegen ein Medium verdampft wird, und anschließend mindestens einem Absorber (6) zugeführt wird; (d) an Kältemittel verarmte Lösung aus dem Kocher (1) über einen Wärmetauscher (4) dem mindestens einen Absorber (6) zugeführt wird, wo sich die an Kältemittel verarmte Lösung mit Kältemittel, welches den Verdampfer (11) durchlaufen hat, vereinigt; (e) an Kältemittel reiche Lösung von dem Absorber (6) mittels einer Lösungspumpe (8) auf ein Hochdruckniveau gepumpt und erneut dem Kocher (1) zugeführt wird; und (f) das in dem Kondensator (13) erwärmte Heizmittel einem Verbraucher zugeführt ...

08-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001751333B2

13-12-1973 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001962050C3
Принадлежит: CARRIER CORP., SYRACUSE, N.Y. (V.ST.A.)

28-09-2011 дата публикации

Cryogenic apparatus

Номер: GB0002479003A

A cryogenic apparatus comprises a helium dump 10 for providing a supply of helium-3 gas to a sorption pump 12. When the sorption pump 12 is out-gassed, helium-3 gas is condensed as liquid helium-3 by a condenser 14. The sorption pump can then pump on the liquid helium-3 to lower the temperature below 1K. A non-return valve 30 is arranged to admit helium-3 gas supplied from the helium dump to the sorption pump 12 and condenser 14, but to prevent return of helium-3 to the helium dump 10, so that when helium-3 is out-gassed from the sorption pump it is in a closed volume arranged so that the pressure of the helium-3 at the condenser can rise and exceed the pressure of the supply of helium-3. The pressure of He-3 in the condenser 14 may exceed 350 kPa and a pressure relief valve may open when the pressure reaches 700 kPa.

10-10-1935 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to absorption refrigeration

Номер: GB0000436402A

... 436,402. Refrigerating. ALTENKIRCH, E., 56, Bahnhofstrasse, Neuenhagen, near Berlin. June 5, 1934, No. 16688. Convention date, June 19, 1933. [Class 29] Absorption machines and systems.-A reversing system is operated in a day-and-night cycle, the generator - absorber being heated by the sun or the surrounding air during the day and cooled during the night. The system may comprise a generator-absorber A packed with solid absorbent and arranged on the roof of a house, a condenser D adapted to be cooled by a cold accumulator comprising a water-tank E connected by circulation tubes to a cooling-coil B on the roof, and an evaporator consisting of a heat-insulated reservoir F having an evaporator coil H. During the night, the generator-absorber and the water in the tank E are cooled and the refrigerant vapour evolved in the evaporator is absorbed in the generator-absorber, while during the day the refrigerant in the generatorabsorber is vaporized and liquefied in the condenser. In another system ...

03-03-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001223718A

... 1,223,718. Refrigerating. CARRIER CORP. 19 Aug., 1968 [13 Nov., 1967], No. 39605/68. Heading F4H. In a continuous absorption system having a generator 12, condenser 13, evaporator 11 and absorber 10, a strong solution by-pass 80 is provided to enable the quantity of strong solution contacting a cooling heat exchanger 30 to be reduced in circumstances in which the absorber is in danger of reducing the level of refrigerant in an evaporator sump 23 to a point at which the refrigerant pump 25 might become starved. Excessive absorber capacity results in over absorption of refrigerant which in turn increases the level of solution in the absorber sump 33, and, as illustrated, a valve in the by-pass 80 is controlled according to the level of solution in the absorber sump so that the by-pass flow is increased and the absorber capacity decreased by the increase of solution level above a given level. A generator heating medium valve 60 is controlled according to the output temperature sensed at 61 ...

08-11-1937 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to absorption refrigerating apparatus

Номер: GB0000474763A

... 474,763. Punkah and like fans. HOOVER, Ltd. May 6, 1936, No. 12782. Convention date, May 17, 1935. [Class 137] [Also in Group XIII] A vibrating blade fan F actuated electromagnetically is located in a divergent conduit G forming part of an inert gas circuit in an absorption refrigerating machine, and effects a circulation of the inert gas towards the widened part of the conduit, which preferably opens into a larger vessel such as the absorber A. The blade may be a flexible metal strip clamped to a fixed bracket H<2> and fitted with a weight F at its free end. Near its fixed end it is reinforced by springs F<2> and carries an armature F<3> of an electromagnet K having polepieces K<2> welded in the wall of a casing part J. This casing part and a companion part H are bolted or otherwise tightly secured to the absorber, the whole of the fan parts being hermetically sealed within the refrigerating system. The blade is preferably adjusted so that its natural frequency corresponds with that of ...

06-06-1939 дата публикации

Refrigerating plant of the absorption type

Номер: GB0000506846A

... 506,846. Refrigerating. AMUNDSEN, I. Jan. 27, 1938, No. 2681. Convention date, Jan. 27, 1937. [Class 29] Absorption machines and systems. - The generator-absorber of. a reversing machine is heated by vapour evolved, during the generation periods, in a continuously-heated body or accumulator. Thus, the generator-absorber 1 packed with, e.g. active carbon, is provided with a heating and cooling jacket 14 the upper and lower ends of which are connected through pipes 25 and 13, 11, 19 respectively with the corresponding ends of a vapour generating duct 24 in a cast iron block 20 heated by a gas burner. The upper end of the pipe 11 forms the seat of a non-return valve 12 and is connected to a water tank containing the refrigerant condenser 3, while the lower end of the pipe, which is closable by an electromagnetically operated valve 15, communicates with a water outlet pipe 16 and a pipe 18 having a branch 19 to the duct 24 in the block 20 and another to an open-ended pipe 21 having a branch ...

24-05-1950 дата публикации

Absorption refrigerating machine

Номер: GB0000637510A

... 637,510. Refrigerating; tubular heatexchangers. BIANCHI, G. Sept. 30, 1946, No. 29096. Convention date, Dec. 20, 1945. [Classes 29 and 64(iii)] A continuous-cycle absorption system comprises a rectifier B providing a helical path for the vapour from the boiler A, a gas heat-exchanger D including an inner conduit 5, Fig. 3, of star-shaped crosssection providing a large heat exchange surface, and an absorber vessel E consisting of two drums 11, 12 connected by horizontal tubes 13, 14 through which the rich liquor is maintained in movement to continually renew the absorption surface. The rectifier B comprises outer and inner tubes 1, 2 with a spiral 3 in the annular space. From the condenser C the liquid refrigerant passes through a jacket 8 arranged around part of the gas heat exchanger and thence to the evaporator 25 by a pipe 37. Rich gas from the evaporator passes through ducts 33, formed between the outer conduit 4 of the gas heat exchanger and the star-shaped conduit 5, to a pipe 17 ...

12-08-2015 дата публикации

Refrigeration apparatus

Номер: GB0201511519D0

27-09-1946 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to absorption refrigeration apparatus

Номер: GB0000581009A

... 581,009. Refrigerating. STEVENS, A. H. (Gibson Electric Refrigerator Corporation). Dec. 1, 1943, No. 20081. [Class 29] Absorption systems.-For a system of the kind in which the generator 10 is replenished periodically with strong liquor from an absorber vessel 25 through a transfer vessel 35 alternately at generator and absorber pressures, a "pressure vessel" 37 is provided between the absorber and transfer vessels, whereby residual vapour vented from the transfer vessel is quietly absorbed in liquor in the pressure vessel, and a change-over valve device 36 is subject to opposed high and low pressures for a short period only at each transfer. The system shown includes an analyser column 13, rectifier 17, air cooled condenser 19, refrigerant receiver 21 and evaporator 22, and vapour from the evaporator is led through a cooling coil 29 in the pressure vessel and then to the riser limb 28 of a cooling circuit 26, 27, 28 for liquor from the absorber vessel. The vapour lifts the liquor in limb ...

17-06-1941 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to absorption refrigerating apparatus

Номер: GB0000537327A

... 537,327. Refrigerating. ELECTROLUX, Ltd. March 28, 1940, No. 5603. Convention date, May 30, 1939. [Class 29] Absorption systems. A draining aperture 26 for liquid collected in the outer casing 12 of a horizontally disposed gas heat exchanger of inert gas systems is located in a part of the tube plate 13 depending into a depression formed by. enlargement 27 in the end of the casing 12 and the cap 14. The, aperture may therefore be elongated and of larger size than the capillary apertures previously used, and less liable to obstruction by corrosion. The circular section casing 12 is expanded at the end to the shape shown in Fig. 4, and the sheet metal cap 14 is pressed to a similar shape, and the tube plate, casing and cap may be welded together in a single operation. The conduit 23 conveying surplus liquid from the liquid seal formed about the aperture preferably extends a slight distance through the casing wall as shown. The vertical dimension of the aperture is at least 3 mm., and preferably ...

03-03-1948 дата публикации

Apparatus for controlling delivery of refrigerant, and continuous absorption refrigeration systems employing such apparatus

Номер: GB0000599008A

... 599,008. Refrigerating. GIBSON ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR CORPORATION. Nov. 5, 1943, No. 18405. Convention date, June 27, 1941. [Class 29] [Also in Group XXIX] Absorption systems.-In systems in which liquor is transferred periodically from an absorption vessel 25 to a continuously heated generator 10 through a transfer vessed 28 and a valve device 21, the valve device also controls the flow of refrigerant from the condenser 19 to a capillary tube expansion device 23 at the inlet of the evaporator 24. The capillary tube 60, Fig. 2 is coiled inside a chamber fitted with a strainer 58, and the flow through the tube varies with the extent of surface of the coil exposed to the vapour in the chamber and thus with the supply of refrigenant thereto. The valve device 21 is controlled by a thermal element 46 in the generator, as described in Specification 599,007, and comprises a piston which in one position provides communication between pipes 20, 22. to permit flow to the evaporator while obstructing ...

13-06-1951 дата публикации

Absorption refrigerating machine

Номер: GB0000654397A

... 654,397. Refrigerating; heat exchangers. SCHWENDIMANN, G. Dec. 31, 1947, No. 34958. Convention date, Nov. 18, 1946. [Classes 29 and 64(iii)] An absorption refrigerating system of the continuous cycle inert gas type includes an evaporator 8 as described in Specification 654,396, a rectifier 9 comprising a nest of cooling tubes surrounded by a jacket containing baffles for the expelled vapours, a long and thin absorber pipe 7 the upper part of which is bare and the lower part finned (Fig. 4 not shown) and a gas heat exchanger as shown in Fig. 2. Gas-heat exchangers (Fig. 2). The exchanger comprises a tubular part 11 provided with a longitudinally corrugated partition defining two paths of flow S1, S2, and with concentric outer jackets 21, 31. Cold mixed gas from the evaporator flows through a pipe a, jacket 21, an opening b and flow-path S1 to a pipe d leading to the absorber vessel 4. Warm inert gas from the absorber 7 flows through a ...

10-07-2013 дата публикации

Solid sorption refrigeration

Номер: GB0201309541D0

22-06-1925 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to refrigerating apparatus

Номер: GB0000235808A

... 235,808. Delaygue, C. Jan. 22, 1924. Refrigerating, absorption machines for. - In apparatus working on the reversing system, the gas from the generator-absorber vessel A flows through a tube T which first rises vertically and is then downwardly inclined and formed into a coil B in which any water carried over is collected. The pipe C leading to the condenser-evaporator G is connected with an extension R of the coil B leading back to the liquor space of the generator-absorber. A small syphon D conveys the water from the coil B to the pipe R. The pipe T is formed with a horizontal portion T<1> in the gas space of the generator-absorber and is fitted with the usual valve or valves S. The condenser-evaporator G may be of annular form with a reduced lower part as shown. Specification 234,157 is referred to.

03-05-1928 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to absorption refrigerating machines

Номер: GB0000276314A

... 276,314. Sulzer FrÞres Soc. Anon. Aug. 21, 1926, [Convention date]. Refrigerating, absorption machines for. - A generatorabsorher for use in reversing systems comprises a tubular vessel 1 having a heating pipe 5 passing through it and a cooling device 9 disposed outside the heating pipe and separated from it by a cylindrical partition 3, which may be formed with perforations 17 in its upper part. The inner part 1* is heated during the generating period by gases passing through the central tube 5, and the outer part 2 is cooled during the absorption period by a medium circulated downwards through the coil 9, which is drained empty before the heating period is commenced. Generated gas passes to the condenser through a pipe 8 and the gas returning from the evaporator is led through a pipe 7 to a flattened annular perforated pipe 11 located in the upper part of the liquid. The heating surface may be increased by the provision of a liquor pipe 13 traversing the central tube 5 and having an inlet ...

14-05-1931 дата публикации

Improvements in absorption or adsorption refrigerating processes

Номер: GB0000348350A

... 348,350. Refrigerating. ELECTROLUX, Ltd., 153, Regent Street, London.- (Assignees of Platen-Munters Refrigerating System Aktiebolag ; 2, Norrmalmstorg, Stockholm.) April 24, 1930, No. 12658. Convention date, May 3, 1929. [Class 29.] Absorption sytems.-In a reversing system the evaporator D is sealed against entry of uncondensed refrigerant during the generating period by a liquid or gaseous medium other than the refrigerant or absorbent. A receiver C of larger capacity than the evaporator may be arranged between the condenser B and the evaporator, which may be filled with paraffin oil as sealing liquid, so that only liquid refrigerant can pass during the heating period, the oil being gradually lifted into the receiver. The generator-absorber A has a central heating flue 3, a heat insulating casing 4, perforated trays 6 on which the absorbent is supported, and a cooling coil 10 supplied from a valve 9 on the condenser cooling-water pipe 8. The refrigerant may be sulphur dioxide and the absorbent ...

12-08-1931 дата публикации

Improvements in reversible refrigerating apparatus employing a solid absorbent or an adsorbent

Номер: GB0000354726A

... 354,726. Refrigerating. BOVING, J. O., Victoria Station House, Victoria Street, London. May 12, 1930, No. 14559. [Class 29.] Absorption machines.-The generator-absorber a of a reversing absorption or adsorption system is immersed in a liquid through which heat is transmitted during the generating period, and the displacement of the liquid due to the heating opens a valve g to permit the liquid to circulate by gravity through a cooling device e and back to the jacket of the generator-absorber, where it serves as the cooling medium during the absorption period. The generator-absorber is preferably annular and heated by a central flue, and the condenser k may be located in the liquid in the cooler e, which is gilled for air cooling. The valve g is actuated by a bellows f which moves with the change of pressure of liquid in the cooler and also serves to actuate a control i for the heat supply to the burner &c. h. In a system having two generator-absorbers working in opposite phases a common ...

29-01-1931 дата публикации

Improvements in the boiler in absorption refrigerating machines

Номер: GB0000342655A

... 342,655. Refrigerating. MAIURI, G. and BOSSINI, R. F., 62A, Kensal Road, North Kensington, London. Oct. 29, 1929. No. 32776. [Class 29.] Absorption systems. -The generator 10 is provided with means for restraining movement of the liquid set up by vapour expulsion and convection, whereby the vapour evolved near the source of heat serves to heat liquor in remote strata and is rectified in its passage through the liquid. The liquid space may be filled with loose material 24 such as glass balls, small iron tubes, shot, coarse sand, metal shavings, or porous earthenware blocks, or the generator may be fitted with finely perforated spaced partitions. The loose material may be placed between limiting gratings 22, 23, or between series of partitions having alternating central and peripheral apertures, or within the turns of a helical baffle. The invention is described in connection with a continuous-cycle inert gas apparatus having a separately heated riser pipe 26 conveying weak liquor to a vessel ...

14-12-1933 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to refrigerating apparatus

Номер: GB0000403064A

... 403,064. Refrigerating ice-cream freezers. NAAMLOOZE VENNOOTSCHAP PHILIPS' GLOEILAMPENFABRIEKEN, 13D, Emmasingel, Eindhoven, Holland. March 9, 1932, No. 7058. Void [Abridged as open to inspection under Sect. 91 of the Acts, June 14, 1932]. [Class 29.] Absorption machines and systems.-The evaporator-condenser 3 of an absorption apparatus of the reversing kind is provided with an ice-cream freezer 6 having a hand-actuated stirrer comprising an annular rotatable disc 8 having a handle and depending scraper rods 10, 11.

02-01-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009123794D0

29-09-1932 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to absorption-refrigerating apparatus

Номер: GB0000380907A

... 380,907. Refrigerating. KLEPETAR, E., 10, Servitengasse, and SCHOENFELD, A., 77, Hauptstrasse, D÷blinger, both in Vienna. Aug. 13, 1931, No. 22899. Addition to 344,706. [Class 29.] Absorption machines. -The upper chamber of the divided generatorabsorber of the reversing system of the parent Specification is formed as a separate receptacle 1a, and a conduit 8 extends from one side of the vapour space of the lower chamber and terminates in a nozzle 9 within the upper end of the perforated return vapour pipe 5. The condenser evaporator comprises two vessels 4a, 4 at different levels connected by pipes 6, 7, of which the pipe 6 serves as a liquor return pipe when the apparatus is turned to the draining position. Specification 353,357 is referred to.

14-10-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001208467A

... 1,208,467. Refrigerating; liquid coolants. WORTHINGTON CORP. 26 Nov., 1968, No. 55975/68. Headings F4H and F4U. An aqueous solution for use in an absorption refrigeration system or in a closed engine cooling circuit comprises lithium chloride or bromide and zinc chloride or bromide, the molar ratio of the lithium salt and the zinc salt being between 11: 1 and 1 : 2. The solution may also contain calcium chloride or bromide. The solution is particularly useful in an absorption system since it has a low vapour pressure which in turn allows the absorber to be air cooled rather than water cooled and since it may be highly concentrated without precipitation, thus allowing steam at at least 125 p.s.i.g. to be used to heat the generator. The Specification details the solution characteristics and gives exemplary operating temperatures of an absorption system.

14-06-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001277483A

... 1277483 Refrigerating CARRIER CORP 3 Sept 1969 [18 Dec 1968 (5)] 43660/69 Heading F4H The subject-matter of this Specification is substantially the same as that described in Specification 1,277,482 but the claims are concerned with an absorption refrigeration system which has a heating cycle in which a mixture of refrigerant and absorbent solution is heated in the generator and circulated through a heat exchanger.

14-02-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001307008A

... 1307008 Refrigerating ELECTROLUX Ltd 11 Dec 1970 58959/70 Heading F4H The substantially vertically mounted rectifier pipe 19 in a continuous cycle absorption refrigeration system of the inert gas type has several constrictions spaced one above the other in order that the vapours of the refrigerant and absorption medium pass in contact with and in counterflow to a weak solution of refrigerant and absorption medium. The constrictions are formed by indentation of the pipe walls arid specific examples are given of the width and distances between the constrictions. The boiler 20 is heated by an electric heating cartridge 17 which also heats a thermosiphon pump pipe 12.

07-12-1942 дата публикации

Absorption refrigerating apparatus

Номер: GB0000549779A

... 549,779. Thermally-actuated valves. KLEEN, N., E.. Af. July 2, 1941, No. 8334. Convention date, July 2, 1940. [Class 135] [Also in Groups XIII and XXXVII] In dual reversing absorption refrigerating systems working out of phase to produce continuous refrigeration, heat exchange is effected between the hot and cold generator-absorber vessels during a pause in the changing-cover action effecting the supply of heat to one generatorabsorber vessel and of cooling-medium to the other: The. evaporating- condensing cooling- medium in the jackets 14, 14a; Fig 2, of the generator-absorber vessels 10, 10a is condensed in elements 15, 15a and led to a common collector vessel 16 and thence to a valve chamber 17, and the valves 20, 20a in this chamber are actuated by a lever 22 under impulses from bellows 30, 30a connected with thermostats 31, 31a on the generator-absorber vessels. The bellows rods 32, 32a alternately engage the lever 22, which is pivoted at 23 to the cap of a packing bellows 24, and ...

27-04-1948 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to absorption refrigerating apparatus

Номер: GB0000601085A

... 601,085. Refrigerating. AKTIEBOLAGET ELEKTROLUX. Oct. 19, 1945, No. 27472. Convention date, Dec. 6, 1944. [Class 29] Absorption systems of the continuous inert gas type provided with a gas heat exchanger 22 and having the inert gas circulation through the evaporator 14 and absorber 16 produced solely by gas columns of different densities have the velocity of circulation regulated by introducing an inert gas mixture e.g. hydrogen and nitrogen having a high density compared with that of the refrigerant vapour to provide a velocity such that the cold loss in the gas heat exchanger is a minimum. Baffle members 28 are also provided in the gas inlet pipes 25, 23 of the evaporator and absorber to reduce the velocity. The absorber is cooled by a heat transfer system 30, 31, 33.

12-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001435620A

... 1435620 Refrigerators F KNOPSMEIER 30 Oct 1973 [30 Oct 1972] 50410/73 Heading F4H A refrigeration system for use with a transport container comprises a compression system and an absorption system having separate closed cooling circuits, the coolant of the compression system being used for cooling the coolant of the absorption system. The compression system operates when there is power available to drive the compressor and, in the absence of such power, the absorption system takes over by drawing coolant from a reservoir, passing it through an evaporator and into an absorber where it remains until it is returned to the reservoir during the next operation of the compression system. As shown, the compression system comprises a compressor 7, a condenser 9, a receiver 13, a throttle 15, an evaporator 5, a heat exchanger 17, and a cooling coil 19 in the insulated reservoir 20 of the absorption system. The absorption system comprises an absorber 21, having a heater 22, a condenser 10, the heat ...

22-06-1988 дата публикации

Triple effect absorption chiller utilizing two refrigeration circuits

Номер: GB0002198829A

A triple effect absorption method and apparatus having a high coefficient of performance. Two single effect absorption circuits are combined with heat exchange occurring between a condenser and absorber of a high temperature circuit, and a generator of a low temperature circuit. The evaporators of both the high and low temperature circuits provide cooling to an external heat load.

25-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002178515B

12-09-1935 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to continous absorption refrigerating apparatus

Номер: GB0000434976A

... 434,976. Refrigerating. HOOVER, Ltd., Perivale, Middlesex.-(Assignees of Nelson, R. S. ; 1020, Crosby Street, Rockford, Illinois, U.S.A.) May 30, 1934, No. 16182. Convention date, July 17, 1933. [Class 29] Absorption machines and system.-The absorber of a continuous-cycle machine of the pressureequalizing inert gas type consists of three or more sections of which one includes a sinuous pipe while at least two of the others are formed of chambers preferably cylindrical and containing baffles. In one arrangement, in which weak solution is carried by evolved vapour from a generator B up a small-bore pipe B<1> to a separating chamber D from which the vapour passes through a rectifier D<1> to a condenser C, connected to a chamber C<1> having a gas outlet to the inert gas circulation pipe E<1> and a condensate pipe C<2> connected to the evaporator, while the weak solution flows through heat-exchange coils and a pipe G<1> to another gas separating chamber A<8>, the absorber comprises an upper ...

14-09-1936 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to intermittently acting absorption refrigerating apparatus

Номер: GB0000453827A

... 453,827. Refrigerating. ELECTROLUX, Ltd., Luton, Bedfordshire.-(Assignees of Platen-Munters Refrigerating System Aktiebolag; 2, Norrmalmstorg, Stockholm) Feb. 12, 1935, No. 4546. Convention date, Feb. 13, 1934. [Class 29] Absorption systems.-In intermittent systems in which solution circulates during the generating period between an unheated storage vessel 11, Fig. 1 and a heated generator 10 of small capacity, and during an ensuing evaporating and absorbing period between the storage vessel and a separate absorber 14, preferably air cooled, the weak solution from the generator passes by conduit 25 through two separate heat exchangers 26, 27 on its way to the storage vessel. In the uppermost 26, it exchanges heat with solution flowing between an equalizing vessel 12 and a standpipe 73 connected to the generator, and in the second, 27, with rich solution flowing from the storage vessel by way of conduits 66, 67, 70, 62 to the generator. The generator comprises an upright tube 10 extending ...

03-10-1951 дата публикации

Improvements in ammonia refrigerating apparatus

Номер: GB0000658324A

... 658,324. Refrigerating. TRIGGS, W. W. (Servel, Inc.). Aug. 19, 1949, No. 21589. [Class 29] [Also in Group XXII] The iron or steel parts of a continuous cycle absorption refrigerating system are formed so as to be reinforced at the joints ensuring that any distortion will first occur in the non-jointed parts and so as to form passages in the joints capillary to molten iron and phosphorus composition used in the brazing process. The condenser or absorber pipe is formed of nested cups 49 and a ring 50 of composition, 9 per cent phosphorus, 91 per cent iron, is placed around each joint. On application of heat, the composition flows into the capillary joint to form a film 51. Joints in the generator, liquid heat-exchanger and vapourliquid separator are also described. Instead of the ring 50, the brazing material may be applied as powder mixed with a binder to form a paste or in a sac of ash-free material such as pyropilin or nitrocellulose lacquer. Alternatively it may be applied as pellets ...

23-02-1928 дата публикации

Refrigerating machine with organic solvent

Номер: GB0000284222A

... 284,222. Einstein, A., and Szilard, L. Jan. 24, 1927, [Convention date]. Void [Published under Sect. 91 of the Acts]. Refrigerating, absorption and special systems for.-Organic substances are used as solvents or as refrigerants, so that the refrigerant enters into solution without chemical action and a high pressure of refrigerant vapour is secured. They may be used in ordinary absorption systems, with or without liquid pumping means, and also in systems of the kind described in Specification 282,428. A diagram of partial pressures for various concentrations is given in the case of methyl alcohol used as refrigerant and octyl alcohol as solvent. Other solvents referred to are higher-molecular paraffins, isoamyl ether, and other ethers and esters of the lower molecular compounds containing hydroxyl- or aminogroups, such as glycol. Bromoform may be used in systems without special liquid pumps.

26-05-1927 дата публикации

Improvements in refrigerating machines

Номер: GB0000271358A

... 271,358. Schier, H. Dec. 30, 1926. Refrigerating, absorption machines for.-The circulating-pump of a continuous-cycle machine is driven by an hydraulic motor supplied with the cooling-water of the machine. Where the pressure of the cooling-water used in the motor is insufficient to overcome the internal pressure of the machine, loaded valves may be provided between the condenser and evaporator and the generator and absorber respectively to reduce the internal pressure.

29-11-1932 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to absorption refrigerating apparatus

Номер: GB0000384319A

... 384,319. Cooling liquids ; refrigerating. SARNMARK, A. U., 1, Skeppsbroplatsen, Gothenburg, Sweden. May 29, 1931, No. 15808. Convention date, May 31, 1930. [Class 29.] Absorption machines.- Heat delivering elements of absorption refrigerating apparatus, particularly the condenser, absorber, and rectifier of continuous-cycle inert gas systems, are cooled by evaporating a liquid such as water on porous or non-porous walls of members exposed to the air. As shown in Fig. 1, a coil 101 traversed by a medium of the refrigerating system is cooled by a liquid 103 in a tank 120 which is connected by pipes 121, 122 with an air-cooled hollow member 123 having porous walls through which the liquid percolates and evaporates. Make-up liquid is supplied from a reservoir 104, and a draught of air may be forced over the porous walls. In the arrangement shown in Fig. 2 the medium of the refrigerating system flows through a non-porous member 130 covered with porous material 106 wetted by a liquid supplied ...

20-08-2012 дата публикации

Тепловая электрическая станция с абсорбционной бромисто-литиевой холодильной машиной

Номер: RU0000119393U1

1. Тепловая электрическая станция с абсорбционной бромисто-литиевой холодильной машиной, содержащая абсорбционную бромисто-литиевую холодильную машину, соединенную с замкнутым контуром теплоносителя 2 с дополнительным нагревом теплоносителя тепловой энергией пара элементов технологической схемы 7 тепловой электрической станции и с разомкнутым контуром охладителя 16, соединенным с источником охлаждающей среды, отличающаяся тем, что абсорбционная бромисто-литиевая холодильная машина соединена с замкнутым контуром хладоносителя 8, связанным с потребителем холода, замкнутый контур теплоносителя 2 встроен через теплообменник 3 в основную конденсатную линию парогазовой установки за газовым подогревателем конденсата 4 котла-утилизатора 5 перед деаэратором 20 и содержит демпферный бак 6 теплоносителя. ! 2. Тепловая электрическая станция с абсорбционной бромисто-литиевой холодильной машиной по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что замкнутый контур хладоносителя 8 на выходе из абсорбционной бромисто-литиевой холодильной машины соединен с теплообменником 9 либо для охлаждения технологического потока 10 тепловой электрической станции, промежуточного контура охлаждения 11, который соединен с местными системами охлаждения 12 оборудования тепловой электрической станции, циркуляционным контуром системы технического водоснабжения 14 тепловой электрической станции и станционной градирней 15, либо для охлаждения потока хладоносителя к внешнему потребителю холода 13. ! 3. Тепловая электрическая станция с абсорбционной бромисто-литиевой холодильной машиной по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что разомкнутый контур охладителя на входе в аб� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 119 393 (13) U1 (51) МПК F01K 17/06 (2006.01) F25B 27/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2012108642/06, 07.03.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.03.2012 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество " ...

20-08-2012 дата публикации

Тепловая электрическая станция с абсорбционной бромисто- литиевой холодильной машиной

Номер: RU0000119394U1

1. Тепловая электрическая станция с абсорбционной бромисто-литиевой холодильной машиной, содержащая абсорбционную бромисто-литиевую холодильную машину 1, соединенную с контуром теплоносителя 2 с дополнительным нагревом теплоносителя паром и разомкнутым контуром охладителя 13, соединенным с циркуляционным контуром 12 системы технического водоснабжения тепловой электрической станции, отличающаяся тем, что абсорбционная бромисто-литиевая холодильная машина 1 выполнена с замкнутым контуром хладоносителя 8, соединенным с потребителем холода, контур теплоносителя 2 включен в технологическую схему тепловой электрической станции и подключен к паропроводам продувки энергетических котлов 3. ! 2. Станция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что контур теплоносителя 2 дополнительно подключен к паропроводам регенеративных и теплофикационных отборов паровых турбин 4. ! 3. Станция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что замкнутый контур хладоносителя 8 на выходе из абсорбционной бромисто-литиевой холодильной машиной 1 соединен с теплообменником 9 для охлаждения технологического потока 6 тепловой электрической станции и потока промежуточного контура охлаждения 7. ! 4. Станция по п.3, отличающаяся тем, что промежуточный контур охлаждения 7 соединен с местными системами охлаждения 10 оборудования тепловой электрической станции, циркуляционным контуром 12 системы технического водоснабжения тепловой электрической станции, станционной градирней 15 либо с внешним потребителем холода 11. ! 5. Станция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что разомкнутый контур охладителя 13 с абсорбционной бромисто-литиевой холодильной машиной 1 интегрирован в циркуляционный конт РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 119 394 (13) U1 (51) МПК F01K 17/06 (2006.01) F25B 27/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2012108643/06, 07.03.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.03.2012 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Split solid adsorption cooling system

Номер: US20120006049A1

A split solid adsorption cooling system is disclosed. The split solid adsorption cooling system includes a first adsorption unit, a second adsorption unit, and a shell-and-tube heat exchanger. The first and the second adsorption units are connected to each other via a first pipeline and a second pipeline of the shell-and-tube heat exchanger. While adsorption and desorption take place alternately in the first and the second adsorption units, the temperature of the first and the second pipelines is lowered, thereby decreasing the temperature of water flowing in the shell-and-tube heat exchanger. In addition, the manufacturing costs of the split solid adsorption cooling system can be lowered because the shell-and-tube heat exchanger need not be operated in a vacuum environment. Furthermore, as the shell-and-tube heat exchanger is separate from the first and the second adsorption units, the overall system volume is reduced.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Cooling method and apparatus

Номер: US20120017621A1
Автор: Graham Andrews

A cooling method and apparatus which uses an absorption cycle with ammonia as the refrigerant and in which a generator ( 31,34 ) converts a liquid ammonia solution into ammonia gas or vapour for supply to a condenser ( 36 ) in which the ammonia gas or vapour is condensed into a liquid ammonia solution. The liquid ammonia solution is supplied to an evaporator ( 39 ) in which liquid ammonia is evaporated into ammonia gas or vapour to thereby absorb heat and an absorber ( 43 ) absorbs the ammonia gas or vapour back into an ammonia solution. The evaporator ( 39 ) includes a reservoir or bulb ( 40 ) which retains portion of the liquid ammonia solution which is converted back into an ammonia gas or liquid by exposure to ambient heat and returned to the condenser ( 36 ) for recycling.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Roof panel systems for building construction

Номер: US20120144763A1
Автор: James Antonic
Принадлежит: Individual

Roof panels and roof panel assemblies, comprising roof panels and ridge beams, assemblies are disclosed for use in building construction. The roof panels and ridge beams comprise components formed of composite materials, and certain aspects of the invention include designs that provide for the absorption of solar heat and the promotion of hot air flow within the roof to heat the interior building or generate electricity, among other attributes.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Air control system

Номер: US20120247748A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

In an air-conditioning control system, a ventilating device performs ventilation between an indoor space and an outdoor space, and an absence detecting unit for detecting absence of a human within the indoor space. An air conditioning controller adapted to operated, when the absence of the human is detected by the absence detecting unit, the ventilating device during at least a part of an absence period to control a thermal environment within the indoor space.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Air Conditioning System With Discharged Heat Driving Compression of System Refrigerant

Номер: US20120291470A1
Автор: Richard J. Cathriner
Принадлежит: Individual

An air conditioning system. The system includes apparatus for circulating a refrigerant in a path, further having apparatus for compressing the refrigerant and generating heat in the refrigerant. The system further includes apparatus for providing a driving force to the apparatus for compressing in response to the generated heat.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Means, Method and System for Heat Exchange

Номер: US20120298332A1

A heat transfer device and its manufacturing method are provided. The heat transfer device has a heat transfer member defining a heat exchange surface with which a heat transportable medium contact in use and via which heat is transferable between the heat transportable medium and a working medium, and a device body for containing the heat transportable medium. The body of the device defines a first chamber, a second chamber and a third chamber which are in fluid communicable relationship. The body is configured to allow the heat transportable medium fluid to pass from the second chamber to the first chamber and then to the third chamber, or from the third chamber to the first chamber and then to the second chamber, and the second chamber is sandwiched or positioned between the first chamber and the third chamber in the body.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Roof Vent and Solar Water Heater

Номер: US20130167833A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The field of invention relates generally to roof systems and particularly to sloped roofs, which can incorporate a ridge vent to exhaust hot attic gases. More particularly, the invention serves not only as an improved roof venting system but also acts as a solar water heater. The invention uses a novel method of utilizing hot escaping gasses from the attic space to heat water from below in its integrated solar collector as well as utilizing a system of baffles to exclude precipitation while also incorporating a clear panel to heat water from the sun's rays while venting hot gases from the attic space below.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Thermoelectric-based thermal management system

Номер: US20130213058A1
Автор: Lakhi Nandlal Goenka
Принадлежит: BSST LLC

Disclosed is a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system for a vehicle that operates in a heating mode, a cooling mode or a demisting mode. In some embodiments, the system includes a first circuit having first pump for circulating a first medium therein, a second circuit having a second pump for circulating a second medium therein and a thermoelectric module having a first surface in thermal contact with the first medium and a second surface in thermal contact with the second medium.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Thermochemical system having a housing made of a composite material

Номер: US20130269369A1
Принадлежит: Coldway SA

The present invention relates to a thermochemical system comprising a reactor, or an enclosure for storing a solid reactive material capable of absorbing a gas, the reactive material and the gas being such that, when placed together, a chemical reaction occurs which results in the gas being absorbed by the reactive material, and a reverse chemical reaction occurs, wherein the gas absorbed by the reactive material is desorbed when heating means are applied to said reactive material when the latter has absorbed the gas. Said thermochemical system is characterized in that the reactor consists of an outer housing which is made of a composite material and which contains a sealed inner housing containing the reactive material, the heating means being arranged between the two enclosures.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Heat exchanging system

Номер: US20130305741A1
Принадлежит: Delta Electronics Inc

A heat exchanging system is provided for conditioning indoor temperature of a building. The heat exchanging system includes a magnetic refrigerator, an indoor heat exchanger and an outdoor heat exchanger. The indoor heat exchanger is thermally connected to the magnetic refrigerator. The outdoor heat exchanger is thermally connected to the magnetic refrigerator. The outdoor heat exchanger includes a geothermal heat exchanging unit, wherein the geothermal heat exchanging unit is embedded under the ground of a building.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Energy Retriever System

Номер: US20130327034A1
Автор: Paul W. CORLEY

Disclosed is an energy retriever system and methods for absorbing energy and using that energy elsewhere or converting it to other useful forms of energy or work. The energy retriever system consists of a series of components interconnected by a plurality of conduits containing a fluid. Working as a self-contained thermodynamic system, the energy retriever system allows the fluid to circulate through all of these elements. Heat added to the energy capture subsystem heats the fluid. The fluid becomes more pressurized and moves into the expansion cycle subsystem. The energy extraction subsystem transforms the thermal energy of the fluid into work, kinetic energy or thermal energy. The reservoir subsystem compresses the fluid and reintroduces it into the energy capture subsystem. One-way valves are used throughout the system to keep the flow of the fluid in one direction and separate sections of the system that contain different pressures.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Motor vehicle climate control system

Номер: US20140053579A1

A vehicle climate control system operable in a winter mode and a summer mode includes an engine-exhaust-driven hot heat transfer fluid (HTF) circuit coupled with a heater core during the winter mode to provide passenger cabin heating, and thermal energy stored in a standalone hot phase change material (PCM) battery in the hot HTF circuit may provide surge heating at or prior to engine start. The hot HTF circuit and a cold HTF circuit including an HTF cooler drive two adsorbers in the summer mode, thereby providing passenger cabin cooling in conjunction with a refrigerant circuit which includes a condenser, evaporator, expansion valve, and standalone cold PCM battery. Thermal energy stored in the standalone cold PCM battery may provide surge cooling at or prior to engine start.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Solar-powered cooling system

Номер: US20140060093A1
Автор: Joseph C. Farmer

A solar-powered adsorption-desorption refrigeration and air conditioning system that uses nanostructural materials such as aerogels, zeolites, and sol gels as the adsorptive media. Refrigerant molecules are adsorbed on the high surface area of the nanostructural material while the material is at a relatively low temperature, perhaps at night. During daylight hours, when the nanostructural materials is heated by the sun, the refrigerant are thermally desorbed from the surface of the aerogel, thereby creating a pressurized gas phase in the vessel that contains the aerogel. This solar-driven pressurization forces the heated gaseous refrigerant through a condenser, followed by an expansion valve. In the condenser, heat is removed from the refrigerant, first by circulating air or water. Eventually, the cooled gaseous refrigerant expands isenthalpically through a throttle valve into an evaporator, in a fashion similar to that in more conventional vapor recompression systems.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle air conditioning device

Номер: US20160001636A1

The vehicle air conditioning device is equipped with: a heater core that imparts heat to air flowing to the vehicle cabin interior by flowing a high temperature cooling liquid; a first water-refrigerant heat exchanger that exchanges heat between the cooling liquid and the high-temperature, high-pressure refrigerant in a heat pump, thus condensing the refrigerant; a flow rate adjustment means that adjusts the flow rate of the cooling liquid flowing through the heater core and the first water-refrigerant heat exchanger; and a control unit that performs air conditioning control. The control unit controls the flow rate adjustment means, and adopts a configuration that for a predetermined time period from the starting up of the heat pump, sets the flow rate of the cooling liquid to a second flow rate that is lower than a first flow rate during standard operating.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Absorption cooling system with falling film and/or agitated thin film evaporator

Номер: US20180003415A1

A solar powered absorption cooling system employing refrigerant-absorbent solutions such as water and lithium bromide and hybrid storage capabilities, and a method of employing the system in refrigeration and air conditioning units. The system includes a first temperature control valve and second temperature control valve that together regulate the flow of solar heating fluid into the generator and substantially reduce absorbent crystal formation.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

A system for conditioning air in a living space

Номер: US20200003443A1
Принадлежит: Zinniatek Ltd

A system for providing air conditioning to a living space and heating potable water. The system comprising a heat pump circuit comprising a compressor for circulating a refrigerant around the heat pump circuit, a first condenser, a second condenser and an evaporator. The evaporator being adapted to receive a first flow of air from an air inlet to transfer heat from the first flow of air to the refrigerant. The first condenser being adapted to receive a flow of water to transfer heat from the refrigerant to the water. The second condenser being adapted to receive a second flow of air to transfer heat from the refrigerant to the second flow of air. The first flow being provided from the evaporator to a living space by an air outlet.

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Cooling pipe system

Номер: US20220011027A1
Автор: Min Wu

A lithium bromide refrigeration system is disclosed, including: a generator having a liquid storage cavity and connected to a heating apparatus; an absorber having an inner cavity; an evaporator above the absorber, the evaporator including an evaporation chamber communicated with the inner cavity; a vacuum pump connected to the absorber, the vacuum pump being configured for vacuumizing the inner cavity. The generator is provided with a spraying pipe communicated with the liquid storage cavity, an outlet of the spraying pipe is located at an upper part of the inner cavity, the absorber is provided with a liquid extraction pipe communicated with the inner cavity, and an outlet of the liquid extraction pipe is located at an upper part of the liquid storage cavity. The system further includes a heat exchanger for exchanging heat between the spraying pipe and the liquid extraction pipe.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Working fluid collecting apparatus for rankine cycle waste heat recovery system

Номер: US20170016352A1
Автор: Jung Min Seo
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A working fluid collecting apparatus for a Rankine cycle waste heat recovery system includes a storage tank for storing a working fluid circulated in a Rankine cycle therein, and a collection means for collecting the working fluid into the storage tank.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Building Designs and Heating and Cooling Systems

Номер: US20190024947A1
Автор: Larry Andrews, Rob Young
Принадлежит: RACOOL LLC

Building heating and/or cooling methods are provided that can include continuously distributing fluid from within conduits within a concrete floor of a building to conduits within grounds surrounding and/or supporting the building.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Air Conditioning System

Номер: US20160033177A1
Принадлежит: OXICOOL Inc, US Department of Navy

An air conditioning system that includes desiccant compartments for holding a desiccant; a heat exchanger, a blower and a vessel. The heat exchanger can be filled with a heat transfer medium, while the blower blows ambient air by the heat exchanger such that the blown air is cooled and the heat exchanger is warmed such that thermal energy increases and is transferred from the air to the heat transfer medium causing the heat transfer medium to turn into vapor. The vapor is then diffused to one of the desiccant compartments such that the vapor is adsorbed onto the desiccant creating a mixture. Then an energy source is applied to the mixture such that the vapor and desiccant are separated. The separated vapor is transported to the vessel where it is condensed and then sent back to the heat exchanger, such that the system is able to be continuously operating.

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Hybrid Ground Water and Heat Pump System

Номер: US20150034273A1
Автор: Clyde Wesley Devore
Принадлежит: Individual

The present development is a building air cooling system using cool ground water, e.g. well water. Building air is cooled by coming into direct contact with cool ground water in a compact chamber using PVC packing for maximizing heat transfer efficiency, conserving space and reducing the required ground water pumping power consumption without requiring expensive compression and expansion cycles of the traditional air conditioning systems. If additional cooling is desirable, a second stage traditional air conditioning or heat pump system may also be used.

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Radiative cooling device having multilayer structure

Номер: US20220049910A1

The present disclosure relates to a technical idea of reducing the surface temperature of a material or temperature under a material by emitting heat under a device to the outside by absorbing and emitting long-wavelength infrared light corresponding to the wavelength range of the atmospheric window while minimizing absorption of light of the solar spectrum. More particularly, the present disclosure relates to a technology for providing a radiative cooling device having a multilayer structure that is capable of increasing sunlight reflection through differences in the refractive indexes of the device-forming materials while performing selective emission over the wavelength range of the atmospheric window using a radiative cooling device having a multilayer structure composed of polymers and inorganic materials.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033031A1
Автор: Shaaban Aly H., Zhou Gong

The present invention regards a thermally driven, environmental control unit including, in a closed fluid-flow, non-pressurized circuit, a mixing heat exchanger, a heat recovery unit, a fractionator/evaporator, and one or more condensers. The system is designed to include at least one solute and a solvent, selected so that the mixture of each solute and the solvent produce an enthalpy change of between about 5 to 30 kJ/mol for cooling and −10 to −200 kJ/mol for heating. A plurality of pumps is integrated into the system to move the solute and the solvent, and a mixture thereof, among the various components of the present invention. The unit further includes a liquid loop coupled with the mixing heat exchanger and an air handler to provide warm or cool supply air. The present invention further regards a process for cooling or heating air using enthalpy change of solution associated with the dissolution of a solute in a solvent, at relatively constant atmospheric pressure, and separation of the solute from the solvent for re-use in the process. 1. A method for changing the temperature of a fluid using a thermally driven control unit comprising a mixer , a heat source , a condenser , a solute , and a solvent , the method comprising the steps of:mixing the solute and the solvent to form a binary mixture in the mixer,wherein the mixing of the solute and the solvent creates an enthalpy change,wherein the enthalpy change from the mixing of the solute and the solvent changes the temperature of the fluid;separating the solute and the solvent by heating the binary mixture with heat supplied by the heat source to vaporize the solute,wherein a boiling point of the solute is lower than a boiling point of the solvent;condensing the solute into a liquid state in the condenser; andsupplying the solute and the solvent to the mixer,wherein the solute and the solvent are supplied to the mixer in a liquid state.2. The method of claim 1 ,wherein the solute is a first solute and the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Gas engine heat pump and method of operating the same

Номер: US20220056861A1

A gas engine heat pump and a method of operating the same are provided. According to an embodiment of the present disclosure, the gas engine heat pump includes: an engine for burning a mixture of air and fuel; an exhaust gas compressor for compressing exhaust gases coming from the engine; a buffer tank for storing the exhaust gases compressed by the exhaust gas compressor; an exhaust gas valve disposed between the buffer tank and an intake manifold of the engine; an exhaust gas spray nozzle for spraying the exhaust gases stored in the buffer tank into a cylinder of the engine; an exhaust gas sensor for acquiring information on the exhaust gases coming from the engine; and a controller, wherein the controller controls the operation of at least one of the exhaust gas valve and the exhaust gas spray nozzle, based on the information on the exhaust gases acquired by the exhaust gas sensor. Other various embodiments are possible.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041175A1

Disclosed are systems and methods of intelligently cooling thermal loads by providing a burst mode cooling system for rapid cooling, and an auxiliary cooling system that controls the temperature of the thermal load and surrounding environment between burst mode cooling cycles. The system may be used to provide pulses of cooling to directed energy systems, such as lasers and other systems that generate bursts of heat in operation. 1. A burst mode thermal sorption system configured to provide pulses of cooling to a directed energy apparatus , the system comprising:at least one sorber comprising a complex compound sorbent configured to absorb and desorb refrigerant;at least one heat source thermally connected to the at least one sorber;one or more condensers in fluid communication with the at least one sorber;one or more evaporators in fluid communication with the at least one sorber;a directed energy apparatus configured to generate bursts of heat to create a thermal load, wherein the directed energy apparatus is in thermal communication with the evaporator;an auxiliary cooling system in thermal communication with the directed energy apparatus, wherein the auxiliary cooling system is configured to maintain the directed energy apparatus below a target temperature; and receive a predetermined signal related to the directed energy apparatus, and', 'activate a valve, in response to receiving the predetermined signal, to begin an absorption cycle, wherein the absorption cycle comprises a plurality of refrigerant pulses, with each pulse within the absorption cycle including a pulse of refrigerant followed by a rest period., 'a burst mode controller configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined signal is indicative of the thermal load.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the predetermined signal is indicative of the thermal load reaching a predetermined load temperature.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined signal is an activation signal ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061273A1
Автор: II John C., Wolf

A system of solar thermal collectors and an HVAC controller draw heated air through a solar thermal absorbing needle-punched propylene geotextile with limited permeability to air flow, into the interior of poultry livestock house. In various embodiments, the poultry livestock house is divided into zones. Groups of collectors are joined with breather holes on opposite sides of the collectors and solid sides on the ends of each group. Groups of collectors serve each zone of the poultry livestock house. In an embodiment of the system the Environmental Optimization System (“EOS”) provides a system for the intelligent control and monitoring the broiler poultry livestock structure environment through the utilization of a variety of environmental and livestock behavior sensors, apparatus for controlling the thermal collection and existing interior heating/air conditioning/ventilation (“HVAC”) systems, and Internet or cloud based intelligent control and monitoring capabilities of the system. In various embodiments central sensor data aggregation is utilized to provide improved optimization control for livestock zones within individual structures based on data from multiple structures.

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Air conditioner for vehicle

Номер: US20200047583A1
Принадлежит: Sanden Automotive Climate Systems Corp

An air conditioner for a vehicle is provided which is capable of appropriately cooling a battery while effectively utilizing the heat of the battery for heating of a vehicle interior. A battery temperature adjustment device 61 which adjusts the temperature of a battery 55 has a refrigerant-heat medium heat exchanger 64 to exchange heat between a refrigerant and a heat medium. A controller executes a first heating/battery cooling mode to let the refrigerant discharged from a compressor 2 radiate heat in a radiator 4 , decompress the refrigerant, and then let the refrigerant absorb heat in an outdoor heat exchanger 7 and the refrigerant-heat medium heat exchanger, and a second heating/battery cooling mode to let the refrigerant discharged from the compressor radiate heat in the radiator and the outdoor heat exchanger, decompress the refrigerant, and then let the refrigerant absorb heat in the refrigerant-heat medium heat exchanger.

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Thermoelectric heat exchanger for an hvac system

Номер: US20200056795A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Co

The present disclosure relates to a heating, ventilation, and/or air conditioning (HVAC) system having a heat exchanger configured to thermally regulate a supply air flow, where the heat exchanger includes a thermoelectric device, a first plurality of fins coupled to the thermoelectric device, and a second plurality of fins coupled to the thermoelectric device. The first plurality of fins extend into a supply air flow path of the supply air flow to transfer thermal energy between the thermoelectric device and the supply air flow and the second plurality of fins convectively transfer thermal energy between the thermoelectric device and a working fluid exterior the supply air flow path.

27-02-2020 дата публикации

High-efficiency absorption heat pump system having increased utilization rate of waste heat source

Номер: US20200064032A1
Автор: In Gwan Kim
Принадлежит: World E&c Co ltd

The present invention relates to a high-efficiency absorption heat pump system having increased utilization rate of a waste heat source, including: an evaporator to which a waste heat source inlet line through which a waste heat source inflows, is connected to absorb thermal energy from the waste heat source, and to which a refrigerant inlet line for supplying a refrigerant is connected; an absorber connected to the evaporator such that steam evaporated in the evaporator is fed thereto, and to which a hot water inlet line and a hot water outlet line extending from a flash tank are connected; a high temperature regenerator through which a waste heat source divide line branching off from the waste heat source inlet line passes, which heats LiBr solution fed to the absorber and regenerates the same, and is provided with a concentrated solution line for supplying the LiBr solution to the absorber; an auxiliary absorber to which the steam evaporated from the high temperature regenerator is transferred and which is connected to the high temperature regenerator in order to cool the steam and circulate the same; a low temperature regenerator to which an intermediate solution line is connected to supply the LiBr solution to the high temperature regenerator, through which a waste heat source return line extending from the evaporator passes, and to which a diluted solution line extending from the absorber is connected; a condenser through which a chilled water inlet line for supplying the cooling water passes such that the steam evaporated from the low temperature regenerator is fed and cooled therein, and which is connected to the low temperature regenerator; and an auxiliary regenerator to which an auxiliary solution line is connected to supply auxiliary LiBr solution to the auxiliary absorber, through which the waste heat source divide line passes, and to which an auxiliary diluted solution line extending from the auxiliary absorber is connected.

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Sorption heat transfer module

Номер: US20190072302A1
Автор: Lars Ludwig, Roland Burk
Принадлежит: MAHLE International GmbH

A sorption heat transfer module may include a thermally activatable housing enclosing a sorption zone through which a working medium is flowable. The thermally activatable housing may include a gas-tight inner wall composed of a corrosion-protected material, an internal surface of which is adjoined by a capillary structure. The capillary structure may include at least one corrugated fin package connected in a firmly bonded manner to the internal surface of the inner wall.

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Compact and Efficient Plate and Frame Absorber

Номер: US20190072303A1

An absorber for an absorption refrigeration system for a vertically mounted plate absorber has fins positioned over the plate to promote distribution of a fluid under flow as a nearly continuous thin film. The absorber has rows of fins that are evenly spaced with the fins occupying a portion of the active width of the plate with adjacent rows offset by the width of the plate. A combined evaporator-absorber module is constructed with the absorbing face of the absorber parallel with an evaporating surface of an evaporator where absorber solution and refrigerant fall as parallel falling sheets of liquid. The absorber is covered with a porous hydrophobic membrane to isolate the falling absorber solution from the falling liquid refrigerant.

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Method for chilling a building

Номер: US20140165627A1
Принадлежит: PURIX APS

A method for chilling a building includes the steps of: heating a working solution contained in a solar panel using solar radiation, separating the heated working solution in vapor and a concentrated working solution, condensing the vapor to liquid refrigerant, evaporating the liquid refrigerant, (i) in a building to be chilled or (ii) outside a building to be chilled, wherein the cooling obtained by evaporation is transferred to a cooling liquid outside the building and transported to the building to be chilled for delivery of the cooling, absorbing in an absorber the vapor in the concentrated working solution, and returning the working solution to the first step.

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Air conditioning system with vapor bypassing

Номер: US20160091228A1
Принадлежит: MSP Corp

An air conditioning system that includes an evaporator stage, first and second sorption stages that transition between active states and regeneration states, a compressor stage that receives a portion of a refrigerant vapor from the first or second sorption stage in the active state, a condenser stage that receives the refrigerant vapors from the compressor and from the first or second sorption stage in the regeneration state in a manner that bypasses the compressor stage, and where condenser stage also condenses the received refrigerant vapors and directs the refrigerant condensate to the evaporator stage.

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Refrigeration circuits, environmental control systems, and methods of controlling flow in refrigeration circuits

Номер: US20210101686A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A refrigeration circuit includes a primary loop, a secondary loop connected to the primary loop, a first expansion valve connected to the secondary loop, and a second expansion valve. The second expansion valve is connected to the secondary loop and is in parallel with the first expansion valve to control thermal communication between the refrigeration circuit and a first heat load independent of thermal communication between the refrigeration circuit and a second heat load. Environmental control systems and methods of controlling refrigerant flow in refrigeration circuits are also described.

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Insulating Glass Style Solar Heat Collector and Building Using Solar Energy For Heating And Cooling

Номер: US20150107581A1
Автор: Huazi Lin
Принадлежит: W&E International Canada Corp

A building using solar energy for heating and cooling without any air conditioning equipment is disclosed. The building comprises a fluid channel arranged for a fluid to transfer absorbed solar heat, a solar heat storage bank to store and supply the solar heat, and a mechanism for directing and controlling the flow of the fluid throughout the building. A insulating glass style solar heat collector (IGSHC) and building element comprises a insulating glass or the like; a solar heat absorber is arranged in hollow space of the insulating glass, and separates the space into two subspaces; a fluid channel is connected to the solar heat absorber; the channel connected to a convergent tube; and an air inlet and an air outlet are provided for drawing heated air out from one of the divided subspaces, each of the air inlet and air outlet has a respective cover for closing or opening the air channel.

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Cool air loop structure cooling system

Номер: US20160116174A1
Автор: Anthony Martinez
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method for cooling structures by pulling air underground through corrugated pipe is disclosed. The system allows the air to cool down prior to being pulled back into the structure. The system comprises: a trench located outside the structure; an elongated pipe resting in the trench, having a first end and a second end; a first manifold connected to the first end of the elongated pipe, and a second manifold connected to the second end of the elongated pipe; a first airtight duct connecting the first manifold to the structure, and a second airtight duct connecting the second manifold to the structure; a duct fan coupled to the second set of ducting such that the duct fan causes air to flow through the first airtight duct to the first manifold, then to the elongated pipe, then through the second manifold, then through the second airtight duct back into the structure, thereby cooling the structure due to a naturally cooler temperature of the elongated pipe located in the trench.

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Refrigeration cycle device

Номер: US20160116197A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

When a defrosting of an exterior heat exchanger is performed, a refrigeration cycle device switches to a refrigerant circuit, in which a refrigerant discharged from a compressor dissipates its heat at an interior condenser and the exterior heat exchanger, the refrigerant dissipating the heat at the interior condenser and the exterior heat exchanger is decompressed by a battery expansion valve, and then the refrigerant decompressed by the battery expansion valve evaporates at a battery heat exchanger to be drawn into the compressor. Thus, the heat absorbed by the refrigerant from a secondary battery via a battery ventilation air can be used to defrost the exterior heat exchanger, while sufficiently heating the interior ventilation air at the interior condenser.

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Ground source heat pump integrated controller and method of achieving same

Номер: US20160123604A1
Автор: BaoXiang CHEN, Hongxia Li

The present invention relates to a ground source heat pump integrated controller and the method of achieving the same. The ground source heat pump integrated controller of the present invention comprises a main module that has pre-integrated multiple main machines, pumps and valves according to the rated load of the main module and a number of extended modules that have pre-integrated multiple main machines, pumps and valves according to the rated load of the extended modules, said main module and extended modules both being provided with a plurality of analog contacts and digital contacts, and said extended modules being connected, via the analog and digital contacts, to the main module according to the load of the ground source heat pump system. The advantage of the present invention lies in that after system load is calculated according to floor area, multiple extended modules are connected to one main module, which increases the capacity of the main module and thus meets the requirement of system load. The ground source heat pump integrated controller directly connects the pre-integrated main module to the pre-integrated extended modules, which does not require additional programming and thus achieves better scalability and flexibility.

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Systems and methods for temperature control and heat extraction from waste landfills

Номер: US20150136354A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The field of the invention relates to systems and methods for exchanging heat from the degradation, decomposition, and chemical/biochemical transformation of municipal, industrial, and other types of waste. In one embodiment, a heat extraction system may include a closed-loop fluid circulation piping channeled throughout at least one heat extraction well oriented throughout a waste mass. The piping is fluidly coupled to a heat exchanger. A first circulation fluid is circulated through the closed-loop circulation piping into various depths of the waste mass to transfer thermal energy between said mass and said heat exchanger. In one embodiment, the transfer of thermal energy between the waste mass and the heat exchanger is used as alternative energy method and to control at least one of shear strength, compressibility, and hydraulic conductivity of the waste mass.

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Solar Turbo Pump - Hybrid Heating Air-Conditioning and Method of Operation

Номер: US20180128519A1
Автор: Poerio Wayne Martin
Принадлежит: Joi Scientific, Inc.

A closed loop system utilizing a solar refrigerant turbocharger and pump in conjunction with a solar collector to operate a heating and cooling system for a building by utilization of a renewable energy source. The liquid pump within the solar turbocharger is used to boost the refrigerant pressures into the solar collector, the refrigerant absorbs heat inside the solar collector and changes phase from a liquid to a vapor. The vapor is expanded across the turbine causing the turbine to spin. The ability of the refrigerant to change phase or flash from a liquid to a vapor is due to the solar energy that is transferred from evacuated tubes into the solar collector manifold and into the refrigerant. The gas is routed to the solar turbo pump turbine to drive the compressor and liquid pump. The resulting fluid gas leaving the turbine is routed to the condenser for normal operation. 1. A renewable energy heating and air-conditioning system comprising:a heating and air-conditioning circuit, said heating and air-conditioning circuit comprising at least one evaporator, at least one condenser, a single compressor, and at least one metering device;said at least one evaporator being in fluid communication with said single compressor, said single compressor being in fluid communication with said at least one condenser, said at least one condenser being in fluid communication with said at least one metering device, said at least one metering device being in fluid communication with said at least one evaporator;a first fluid refrigerant contained within and circulating through said heating and air-conditioning circuit;a renewable energy driven circuit, said renewable energy driven circuit comprising at least one renewable energy collector at least one thermal storage device at least one turbine, at least one condenser and at least one fluid pump, at least one motor/generator;said at least one renewable energy collector being in fluid communication with said at least one turbine, ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Thermochemical heat pump and method for redistributing heat energy with variable power

Номер: US20210164702A1
Автор: Jean-Emmanuel FAURE
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a thermochemical heat pump comprising a solvent evaporator (26), an evaporator exchanger (49) thermally associated with a hot source (27), a reaction device (29) comprising a solvent vapour inlet, at least one source of a saline composition containing at least one salt that is soluble in said solvent, at least one cooling exchanger (81) thermally associated with a cold source. The reaction device (29) comprises at least one condensation reactor (52) comprising a solution inlet connected to said cooling exchanger, a solution outlet connected to said cooling exchanger, at least one injection of saline composition between the outlet and the inlet of the condensation reactor (52), and a device for adjusting the mass flow of each salt introduced into the liquid solution by this injection.

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135894A1
Принадлежит: EVONIK DEGUSSA GmbH

The invention relates to the use of methanesulphonic acid as sorption medium in an absorption heat pump; a sorption medium for an absorption heat pump which comprises methanesulphonic acid and an ionic liquid; and an absorption heat pump having an absorber, a desorber, a condenser, an evaporator and a working medium comprising a volatile refrigerant and a sorption medium, wherein the sorption medium comprises methanesulphonic acid. 1: Absorption heat pump comprising an absorber , a desorber , a condenser , an evaporator and a working medium comprising a volatile refrigerant and a sorption medium , characterized in that the sorption medium comprises methanesulphonic acid.2: Absorption heat pump according to claim 1 , characterized in that it is an absorption refrigeration machine and in the evaporator takes up heat from a medium to be cooled.3: Absorption heat pump according to claim 1 , characterized in that it comprises water as refrigerant.4: Sorption medium for an absorption heat pump claim 1 , characterized in that it comprises methanesulphonic acid and an ionic liquid.5: Sorption medium according to claim 4 , characterized in that the weight ratio of methanesulphonic acid to ionic liquids is in the range from 9:1 to 1:4.6: Sorption medium according to claim 4 , characterized in that the weight ratio of methanesulphonic acid to ionic liquids is in the range from 1:4 to 1:100.7: Sorption medium according to claim 4 , characterized in that it comprises a 1 claim 4 ,3-dialkylimidazolium salt as ionic liquid.8: Sorption medium according to claim 7 , characterized in that the 1 claim 7 ,3-dialkylimidazolium salt is selected from among 1 claim 7 ,3-dimethylimidazolium methanesulphonate claim 7 , 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium methanesulphonate and 1 claim 7 ,3-diethylimidazolium methanesulphonate.9: Absorption heat pump according to claim 1 , characterized in that it comprises a sorption medium comprising methanesulphonic acid and an ionic liquid.10: Use of ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190137144A1

The field of the invention relates to systems and methods for exchanging heat from the degradation, decomposition, and chemical/biochemical transformation of municipal, industrial, and other types of waste. In one embodiment, a heat extraction system may include a closed-loop fluid circulation piping channeled throughout at least one heat extraction well oriented throughout a waste mass. The piping is fluidly coupled to a heat exchanger. A first circulation fluid is circulated through the closed-loop circulation piping into various depths of the waste mass to transfer thermal energy between said mass and said heat exchanger. In one embodiment, the transfer of thermal energy between the waste mass and the heat exchanger is used as alternative energy method and to control at least one of shear strength, compressibility, and hydraulic conductivity of the waste mass. 1. A temperature control and heat exchange system comprising:a closed-loop fluid circulation pipe;at least one heat transfer well providing a thermal encasement for the closed-loop fluid circulation pipe, the heat transfer well filled at intervals with a highly conductive granular backfill;wherein the at least one heat transfer well is installed in a waste mass;a heat exchanger having an inlet and outlet for a first circulation fluid and an inlet and outlet for a second circulation fluid;a circulation pump operatively coupled to the closed-loop circulation pipe to provide fluid flow for the first circulation fluid; andwherein the heat exchanger is fluidly coupled to the closed-loop fluid circulation pipe at the inlet and outlet for the first circulation fluid such that the first circulation fluid, when circulated through the closed-loop fluid circulation pipe via the circulation pump into the at least one heat transfer well distributed in the waste mass, transfers thermal energy between the waste mass and the second circulation fluid through the heat exchanger.2. The temperature control and heat exchange ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Machine for air-cooled absorption

Номер: US20160146514A1

The invention relates to the design of an air cooled absorption machine. Said machine has a hollow design via which air can circulate inside same by forced convention having a parallelepiped form. The air enters by suction via the sides and leaves via the upper face of the machine, where the ventilator is located. The machine comprises falling-film heat exchangers with improved designs for heat and mass transfer.

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Closed-Cycle Cryogenic Refrigeration System

Номер: US20170146266A1
Принадлежит: Photon Spot Inc

A multi-stage closed-cycle cryogenic refrigeration system is disclosed. The system includes an adsorption refrigerator having a multi-chambered pump unit that can be flexibly configured in the context of the cryogenic refrigeration system resulting in a more efficient design that has a smaller overall size than prior systems and other advantages.

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Integrated Power, Cooling, and Heating Device and Method Thereof

Номер: US20180156506A1
Автор: Benson Dwayne M.

A heating, cooling, and power device includes a shaft and an expander coupled to the shaft to rotate the shaft. A first conduit is coupled to the expander and configured to transport a working fluid. A heater is coupled through the first conduit to the expander. A heat pump is coupled to the shaft. An electric machine is coupled to the shaft to produce electricity or mechanical shaft power. A recuperator includes a second conduit coupled between the expander and recuperator. The heat pump includes a first heat exchanger including a second conduit coupled between the expander and the first heat exchanger. An expansion device includes a third conduit coupled between the first heat exchanger and the expansion device. A second heat exchanger includes a fourth conduit coupled between the expansion device and second heat exchanger. A compressor is coupled to the shaft. 1. A method of making a heating , cooling , and power device , comprising:coupling a first heater to receive a first working fluid and transfer thermal energy from the first working fluid to a second working fluid;providing a second heater coupled to receive the second working fluid from the first heater and provide additional thermal energy to the second working fluid;coupling an expander to receive the second working fluid from the first heater and second heater;coupling an electrical machine to the expander;mechanically coupling a heat pump to the expander and electrical machine through a shaft;mechanically coupling a clutch to the shaft between the expander and electrical machine; andengaging the clutch to transfer mechanical energy from the expander to the heat pump, wherein the second working fluid includes thermal energy from the first heater and second heater that powers the expander.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing the heat pump includes providing a valve to switch a mode of the heat pump.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing the heat pump includes coupling a compressor to the ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Absorption refrigeration system

Номер: US20150184899A1
Автор: Yong Deok JEON
Принадлежит: Dongbu Daewoo Electronics Corp

An absorption refrigeration system can include: an evaporator configured to evaporate a first refrigerant; an absorber configured to contain an absorbent solution and absorb the evaporated first refrigerant; a regenerator configured to regenerate the absorbent solution by heating the absorbent solution supplied from the absorber; a condenser configured to condense the first refrigerant evaporated in the regenerator; a cooler configured to circulate a second refrigerant inside the evaporator, where the second refrigerant is cooled in the evaporator by evaporation of the first refrigerant; a hot water storage tank configured to store hot water that is heated by absorbing heat from the absorber and the condenser; one or more hot water consumption units configured to receive the hot water from the hot water storage tank; and one or more cold air consumption units configured to receive cooled second refrigerant from the evaporator via the cooler.

09-07-2015 дата публикации

Catalytic reactor and vehicle equipped with said catalytic reactor

Номер: US20150192049A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Industries Corp

A catalytic reactor includes a catalytic reaction section, which has a purification catalyst for gas purification, and a warming-up section, which is located at a position capable of heat-exchanging with the purification catalyst and has a chemical heat storage material that generates heat when ammonia is fixed and absorbs heat when ammonia is desorbed. The catalytic reactor is further includes an ammonia supply section, which has an adsorbent capable of adsorbing ammonia and transfers ammonia to and from the warming-up section through the adsorption and desorption of the ammonia, and an ammonia depressurization section, which has an ammonia fixation section for fixing ammonia and reduces the partial ammonia pressure of at least the interior of the warming-up section after ammonia is desorbed from the chemical heat-storage material.

15-07-2021 дата публикации

In-vehicle absorption heat pump device

Номер: US20210215407A1
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd

An in-vehicle absorption heat pump device includes: a regenerator including a gas-liquid separation unit that separates a diluted absorbent containing a refrigerant into the refrigerant and a concentrated absorbent separated from the diluted absorbent; a condenser that condenses a refrigerant vapor separated from the diluted absorbent in the gas-liquid separation unit; an evaporator that evaporates the refrigerant condensed in the condenser; an absorber that causes the refrigerant evaporated by the evaporator to be absorbed into the concentrated absorbent separated from the diluted absorbent in the gas-liquid separation unit; and a storage tank that stores both the diluted absorbent discharged from the absorber and the refrigerant discharged from the evaporator. The storage tank is integrally provided below both the absorber and the evaporator, and communicates with both the absorber and the evaporator.

25-09-2014 дата публикации

Adsorption heat pump

Номер: US20140284026A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Central R&D Labs Inc

An adsorption heat pump includes: a first evaporator that evaporates a first fluid; a condenser that condenses the first fluid; a heater; and a rotary adsorption device. The rotary adsorption device includes: partitioning portions that radially partition a space encircling the rotation axis into plural regions, that each include a flow path for internally retaining and discharging a second fluid, and that each include an adsorbent on an outer surface thereof or on a wall surface of the flow path; and a pair of closure portions that close off both ends, in the direction of the rotation axis, of the plural regions. Each of the partitioning portions is moved alternately between the first evaporator side and the condenser side by rotation around the rotation axis. In the partitioning portions, retention and discharge of the first fluid, and discharge and retention of the second fluid, are repeated.

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Solar cooling with an ammonia-water-absorption refrigeration machine

Номер: US20140290305A1
Автор: Gerhard Kunze

The invention relates to a single-stage ammonia-water absorption refrigeration machine in a batch process without solution pump and without rectification, consisting of a generator ( 1 ) with pressure reducer ( 29 ) and solution concentration optimization ( 3 ), absorber ( 14 ), condenser ( 25 ), evaporator ( 24 ), wherein the generator ( 1 ) together with a back-cooled input vessel ( 3 ) and the pressure reducer form a structural and pressure unit, in which the pressure reducer ( 29 ), at the start of each operating cycle, reduces the generator pressure below the absorber pressure, in such a way that from there via a check valve ( 69 ) solution flows in the back-cooled generator input vessel ( 3 ), fills it, and from there the solution gradually flows, following gravity, into a hot zone ( 1 ), which advantageously but not necessarily consists of a preheating zone ( 11 ) that is heated by the absorber ( 18 ) and an externally heated hot zone ( 12 ), where ammonia vapor is formed, which is directed by a siphon duct ( 8 ) from below through the residual solution still situated in the generator input vessel ( 3 ) and where, from the top end of this generator inlet vessel, a gas line leads through a check valve ( 27 ) to the condenser ( 25 ), while the boiled solution flowing out of the hot zone ( 1 ) flows through the pressure reducer ( 29 ) and through a check valve ( 40 ) as well as a pressure reduction stage ( 17 ) to the absorber ( 14 ).

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Multi Purpose Multistage Evaporative Cold Water and Cold Air Generating and Supply System

Номер: US20160209087A1
Принадлежит: R4 VENTURES LLC

This discloses apparatuses for industrial or commercial cooling (or any other cooling) using staged cooling towers to evaporatively reach temperatures below the wet bulb temperature of the ambient air. Methods for using such apparatuses are disclosed as well.

19-07-2018 дата публикации

Vehicular air-conditioning apparatus provided with adsorption heat pump

Номер: US20180201096A1
Автор: Masakatsu Tsubouchi
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicular air-conditioning apparatus includes an adsorption heat pump including a plurality of containers provided with an adsorption-desorption device and an evaporation-condensation device, a circulation path configured to circulate a coolant between an internal combustion engine and the adsorption-desorption device of the container that performs a desorption process, a heat supply device that is disposed in the circulation path to heat the coolant that circulates through the circulation path, and a control device configured to control a flow rate of the coolant in the circulation path such that a flow rate of the coolant, which flows into the adsorption-desorption device of the container that performs a desorption process, is reduced to be below a predetermined flow rate when a temperature of the coolant in the circulation path on a downstream side of the heat supply device is lower than a predetermined value.

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Building control systems with optimization of equipment life cycle economic value while participating in ibdr and pbdr programs

Номер: US20190195526A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Co

A system for allocating one or more resources including electrical energy across equipment that operate to satisfy a resource demand of a building. The system includes electrical energy storage including one or more batteries configured to store electrical energy purchased from a utility and to discharge the stored electrical energy. The system further includes a controller configured to determine an allocation of the one or more resources by performing an optimization of a value function. The value function includes a monetized cost of capacity loss for the electrical energy storage predicted to result from battery degradation due to a potential allocation of the one or more resources. The controller is further configured to use the allocation of the one or more resources to operate the electrical energy storage.

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Absorption refrigerator

Номер: US20210231350A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Energy System Corp

An absorption refrigerator using a circulation cycle of a regenerator, a condenser, an evaporator, and an absorber includes temperature sensors, a storage unit storing the approximation function for obtaining the second concentration based on second detection results obtained by each of the temperature sensors, a calculation unit to apply the second detection results to the approximation function to obtain the second concentration and a control unit to execute control in accordance with the second concentration. The approximation function is obtained using a response surface method by interpolation or approximation, based on data including first detection results obtained by temperature sensors and first concentrations each corresponding to when each of the first detection results has been obtained.

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Cooling and heating device

Номер: US20160211534A1
Автор: Takashi Ono
Принадлежит: Kyocera Corp

[Object] The purpose is to provide a cooling and heating device. [Solution] This cooling and heating device includes: a fuel cell device including a fuel cell; a heating unit which utilizes the heat of exhaust gas discharged from the fuel cell; a thermoacoustic cooler ( 14 ) including a cooling unit which performs a cooling function with use of the heat of the exhaust gas discharged from the fuel cell; and an exhaust gas switching unit ( 25 ) which allows the exhaust gas discharged from the fuel cell to be supplied to at least one of the thermoacoustic cooler ( 14 ) and the heating unit, whereby there can be provided a cooling and heating device which effectively utilizes the exhaust gas of a fuel cell.

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Utilization of solar systems to harvest atmospheric moisture for various applications including panel cleaning

Номер: US20210234503A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

A solar collection system is provided in which an absorption refrigeration system is included to generate water from atmospheric moisture, and to do so without the use of an electrically operated compressor. At least a portion of the solar energy captured by the solar collection system is used to operate the absorption refrigeration cycle. The absorption refrigeration cycle provides cooling that causes water in the atmosphere to condense into a liquid that can be collected and used for various applications. As one example, the collected liquid can be used for the cleaning of the solar collection system of contaminants like dust or bird drippings. In other applications, the water can be used outside the solar collection system including, but not limited to, irrigation, drinking, and other industrial purposes.

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Thermal energy system and method of operation

Номер: US20150219365A1
Принадлежит: Greenfield Master IPCO Ltd

A thermal energy system adapted to be coupled to a building energy system which selectively provides heating and/or cooling to a building, the thermal energy system comprising a heat pump system having an output for a working fluid connected to a heating output of the thermal energy system, a first geothermal system in which a working fluid is, in use, circulated, a first switch assembly selectively connecting the first geothermal system to at least one of the heating output of the thermal energy system and an input for a working fluid of the heat pump system, a second geothermal system in which a working fluid is, in use, circulated, and a second switch assembly selectively connecting the second geothermal system to at least one of a cooling output of the thermal energy system and the input of the heat pump system.

11-07-2019 дата публикации

Absorption heat pump device

Номер: US20190210428A1
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd

An absorption heat pump device includes a heat exchange unit through which a heat exchange fluid flows, a rotor that includes a hollow rotary shaft member including a first internal flow path and discharges a solution in the first internal flow path by a centrifugal force, and an application member that moves with rotation of the rotor to apply the solution, which flows through the first internal flow path and is discharged, along a heat transfer surface of the heat exchange unit.

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Device and method for air conditioning

Номер: US20150233590A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for air conditioning a casing housing a first conduit taking a first air flow rate from outside, a second conduit taking a second air flow rate from the premise to be conditioned and in fluidic communication with the first conduit for mixing the respective flow rates, an adsorption unit operatively connected with the first conduit upstream of the second conduit for dehumidifying the first air flow rate, the first and second conduits having a common delivery section deliveries a third air flow rate to the premise to be conditioned, a heating system delivering a fourth air flow rate to the adsorption unit at a higher temperature than outside for the regeneration thereof. The adsorption unit includes first and second portions adapted to be selectively and alternately crossed by the first and the fourth air flow rates. An air conditioning method using the above device is also disclosed.

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Convection-enhanced central air conditioning system

Номер: US20210262679A1
Автор: Munenori Hisayoshi
Принадлежит: Home Research Co Ltd

Convection-enhanced thermal insulation and central air conditioning capable of maintaining a comfortable indoor environment at reduced energy consumption is provided. A siding system comprises a first duct and an air passageway. The first duct has a first end thereof disposed in an underfloor space of a building, and a second end thereof disposed either on a ceiling or in a ceiling space of the building. The air passageway sends air from the underfloor space of the building to the ceiling or the ceiling space.

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Systems and methods for active cloud point adjustment and refrigeration cycles

Номер: US20190233696A1
Автор: Ethan J. Novek
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention pertains to systems, methods, and compositions for liquid phase change, including for active cloud point, e.g., critical solution temperature, adjustment and heating or cooling, e.g., refrigeration, cycles. In some embodiments heat is absorbed, released or both due to phase changes in a liquid system. Advantageously, the phase changes may be controlled by controlling the ingredients or amounts of certain components of the liquid system. Advantages may include lower capital expenditures, lower operating expenses, or both for a diverse and wide range of heating and cooling applications. Such applications include, for example, cooling of data centers, cooled transportation of goods, refrigeration, heat pumps, extractions, ocean thermal energy conversion, and de-icing of roads to name just a few.

01-09-2016 дата публикации

System and apparatus for electronic control of an absorption refrigeration system

Номер: US20160252285A1

This invention relates to a system and apparatus for electronic control of an absorption refrigeration machine. The flow of liquids within the machine, as well as the concentration of the refrigerant/absorbent mixture solution are precisely controlled through the use of solenoid valves. These solenoids are controlled via a microprocessor control system with various sensors attached, which may include fluid level sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors and other environmental data sensors.

15-08-2019 дата публикации

Heat pump and power production utilizing hydrated salts

Номер: US20190249909A1
Автор: Vasileios Styliaras
Принадлежит: Individual

A thermodynamic cycle for heat upgrading and power production, combining absorption, adsorption and desorption processes, promises high efficiency for heat pump applications and low temperature renewable energy production. The adsorbent regeneration has been replaced from dissolution and separation of electrolyte crystals from a solution electrolytes, saving the regeneration heat consumption.

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Independent temperature and humidity processing air conditioning system driven by low-level thermal energy

Номер: US20180259203A1

An independent temperature and humidity processing air conditioning system driven by low-level thermal energy, comprising an absorption-type refrigeration circulation loop, a solution dehumidification and regeneration circulation loop, a water cooling circulation loop, and a central air conditioning air supply and air return pipeline; the absorption-type refrigeration circulation loop comprises an evaporator (21), an absorber (26), a generator pump (25), a second solution heat exchanger (27), a generator (1), a condenser (2), a water-water heat exchanger (3), and a throttle valve (20); the solution dehumidification and regeneration circulation loop comprises a regenerator (8), a first solution pump (9), a solution heater (10), a first solution heat exchanger (12), a second solution pump (16), a solution cooler (17), and a dehumidifier (18); the water cooling circulation loop comprises two branches; and the central air conditioning air supply and a return pipeline comprises an air supply pipeline (13), an air return pipeline (14), an air conditioning heat exchanger (15), a dehumidifier (18), an evaporator (21), an air supply induction opening (23), an air return induction opening (22), a second flow guide fan (11), and a regenerator (8). The present air-conditioning system can resolve the problem of efficiently driving absorption-type cooling for air conditioning adjustment under 80° C.

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180259264A1

A water tank that is used with a solar air conditioning system where the water tank, in addition to serving as a transfer medium, also functions as a cold energy storage device, to provide cold air to the associated dwelling during nighttime conditions and/or cloudy weather. In one embodiment, the tank application can begin at 32 F degrees and drop down to many degrees colder, such as, but not limited to, minus 100 F degrees. In one non-limiting embodiment, the tank can hold 2000 gallons of water. However, the size of the tank is not limited to any particular amount and can also vary on the size of the dwelling or building that the system is used with. 1. A water tank for use in air-conditioning or heating system , comprising: a container storing at least two thousand gallons of a fluid; an evaporator coil disposed within the container and fluid , the evaporator consisting as part of a refrigerant circuit; and a pickup radiator coil disposed within the container and fluid , said pickup radiator coil consisting as part of a chilled water air conditioning water system for a dwelling.2. The water tank of wherein said container is insulated.3. The water tank of wherein said fluid stored within said container is a mixture of water and anti-freeze.4. The water tank of claim 2 , wherein said container is insulated by burying the container beneath ground level.5. The water tank of wherein said container is greater in height than width.6. The water tank of wherein said container storing claim 1 , about 2000 gallons of fluid.7. The water tank of further comprising a temperature sensor disposed within said container for determining when to turn on a compressor motor component of the air conditioning system claim 1 ,8. The water tank of wherein said water contained within the container is stored within a temperature range of about 32.degree. F to about minus 100 degrees. F.9. The water tank of further comprising art amount of water stored within the pickup radiator coil which ...

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200256591A1

In some embodiments, an air-cooled ammonia refrigeration system comprises: an air-cooled condenser comprising a heat exchanger and at least one axial fan; an evaporator coupled to the air-cooled condenser; a subcooler positioned between the air-cooled condenser and the evaporator; a compressor coupled to the evaporator; an oil cooler coupled to the compressor; a water system coupled to the air-cooled condenser, the water system comprising a water source, a water pump, and a plurality of spray nozzles positioned below the air-cooled condenser; and a control circuit coupled to the air-cooled condenser and the water system, the control circuit configured to pulse atomized water through the plurality of spray nozzles to a surface of the air-cooled condenser when a head pressure of the air-cooled condenser is higher than a predetermined value. 121-. (canceled)22. A system for controlling head pressure of an air-cooled condenser , the system comprising:an air-cooled condenser configured to condense vaporous ammonia to form liquid ammonia;a water system coupled to the air-cooled condenser, the water system comprising a water source, a water pump, and a plurality of spray nozzles; anda control circuit coupled to the air-cooled condenser and the water system, the control circuit configured to:determine a head pressure of the air-cooled condenser; andwhen the head pressure of the air-cooled condenser is higher than a predetermined value, provide atomized water through the plurality of spray nozzles to a surface of the air-cooled condenser such that the water evaporates upon contact with the surface of the air-cooled condenser.23. The system of claim 22 , wherein none of the water provided to the surface of the air-cooled condenser accumulates as wastewater.24. The system of claim 22 , wherein the control circuit pulses the water through the plurality of spray nozzles to the surface of the air-cooled condenser.25. The system of claim 22 , wherein the air-cooled condenser ...

08-10-2015 дата публикации

Intermittent absorption system with a liquid-liquid heat exchanger

Номер: US20150285542A1

The intermittent absorption system with a liquid-liquid heat exchanger includes two generator/absorber units that operate out-of-phase, a solar collector unit, a dephlegmator, a condenser unit, an evaporator, and valves to control the flow of aqua-ammonia coolant through the system. The system operates on a two-day cycle. On the first day, during the daytime, the first generator/absorber unit generates liquid ammonia, while on the second day of the cycle, the roles are reversed, the second generator/absorber unit generating liquid ammonia. At the start of each day, one generator/absorber unit is partially pressurized and the other partially depressurized by liquid-liquid heat exchange between their heat exchangers, followed by disconnecting the heat exchangers from each other and connecting the generator to the solar collector to complete pressurization. The liquid-liquid heat exchange between the generator/absorber units reduces the heat required from the solar collector to generate liquid ammonia refrigerant, improving the coefficient of performance.

08-10-2015 дата публикации

Solar powered intermittent operation based continuous absorption system

Номер: US20150285543A1

An intermittent operation based continuous absorption system (IOBCAS) which supports cooling effect during the daytime without the use of a solution pump is provided. The IOBCAS may utilize an isochoric process for pressurization of the system and the system may include a plurality of generator-absorber units that intermittently operate in succession to provide a continuous refrigeration cooling effect during the daytime. The system of the present disclosure enables the plurality of generator-absorber units to switch between a generation, absorption, and heat recovery mode of operation to provide cooling effect during the daytime which a higher coefficient of performance compared with conventional intermittent system.

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Mechanical ventilation heat recovery apparatus

Номер: US20180274810A1
Автор: Garry Woods
Принадлежит: Be Hive Technologies Ltd

A Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery (MVHR) system for a building having a roof with at least two pitched slopes facing in different directions, the MVHR system comprising a Heat Recovery Unit (HRU) for receiving and exchanging heat between a flow of ambient air from outside the building and a flow of building air from within the building, the HRU being connected by fluid flow conduits to first and second ports located on different pitched slopes, in which a flow diverter is provided in the conduits between the HRU and the ports, the flow diverter being switchable between a first state in which ambient air flows from the first port to the HRU and into the building and building air flows from the HRU to the second port to be exhausted from the building, and a second state in which ambient air flows from the second port to the HRU and into the building and building air flows from the HRU to the first port to be exhausted from the building. The system can be combined with photovoltaic solar cells and/or an air source heat pump and/or a ground source heat pump system.

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180281127A1

Adsorption heat exchanger devices () are provided for use in solid sorption refrigeration systems () together with methods for making such devices and adsorbent structures therefor. The methods include applying a curable binder, in solution in a solvent, to granular adsorbent material, and then evaporating the solvent and curing the binder. The curable binder solution is sufficiently dilute that, during evaporation of the solvent, the binder becomes concentrated around contact points between granules () of the adsorbent material whereby localized bonds () are formed around the contact points on curing of the binder. 1. A method for making an adsorbent structure for an adsorption heat exchanger device , comprising:stacking a granular adsorbent material on a heat exchanger structure, wherein the granular adsorbent material comprises granules with polar surfaces;applying a curable binder solution comprising a binder and solvent to the stacked granular adsorbent material;evaporating the solvent; andcuring the binder;wherein the curable binder solution is diluted so that during said evaporating the binder becomes concentrated around contact points between the granules;wherein first localized bonds are formed around the contact points between the granules upon said curing and second localized bonds are formed around contact points between the heat exchanger structure and the granules upon said curing.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , comprising stacking the adsorbent material in at least one cavity of the heat exchanger structure.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the curable binder solution comprises a ratio of binder to solvent of 1:5 to 1:150.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the curable binder comprises an adhesive mixture.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the binder shrinks by at least 3% upon curing.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , prior to bonding with the granular adsorbent material claim 1 , ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Systems and methods for vacuum cooling a beverage

Номер: US20190277560A1
Принадлежит: Coca Cola Co

A system may include a beverage compartment with a beverage positioned therein, a wetted material disposed about the beverage, at least one sorption cartridge, and a vacuum pump. The sorption cartridge may be in communication with the beverage compartment, and the vacuum pump may be in communication with the sorption cartridge to create a vacuum in the sorption cartridge and the beverage compartment, causing water to evaporate from the wetted material and be captured by the sorption cartridge, thereby lowering the temperature of the wetted material and in turn cooling the beverage. In some instances, the sorption cartridge may be detached from the vacuum pump and the beverage compartment to discharge the captured water therein by way of solar energy. In other instances, the sorption cartridge may be in communication with a heater assembly to blow heated air through the sorption cartridge to discharge the captured water therein.

20-10-2016 дата публикации

3D Microstructures for Rapid Absorption/Desorption in Mechanically Constrained Liquid Absorbents

Номер: US20160305693A1

An absorber or desorber contains one or more micro-channels that have a 3-D structured heat-exchanging surface and a membrane on the microchannel situated distal to the 3-D structured heat-exchanging surface, where the membrane is permeable to a solvent of a solution employed in the absorber or desorber. The 3-D structured surface promotes mixing of hot and cold solution between the 3-D structured heat-exchanging surface and a vapor-exchanging surface proximal to the membrane. The mixing reduces the differences in concentration and temperature of the bulk solution and the solution at the vapor-exchanging surface to enhance the efficiency and rate of absorption or desorption of the solvent.

26-09-2019 дата публикации

Advanced Metal Hydride Heat Transfer System Utilizing An Electrochemical Hydrogen Compressor

Номер: US20190293324A1
Принадлежит: XERGY INC.

An electrochemical heat transfer device for a hot water tank utilizes an electrochemical hydrogen compressor to pump hydrogen into and out of a tank having a metal hydride forming alloy therein. The absorption of hydrogen by the metal hydride forming alloy is exothermic, produces heat, and the desorption of the hydrogen from the metal hydride forming alloy is endothermic and draws heat in. An electrochemical hydrogen compressor may be configured between to tanks and pump hydrogen back and forth to form a heat transfer device, such as a hot water heater. A heat transfer device may be coupled with the tank or may comprise the outer surface of the tank to transfer heat to an object or to the surroundings. A closed loop may be configured having two tanks and one or two electrochemical hydrogen compressors to pump the hydrogen in a loop around the system.

03-11-2016 дата публикации

Cogeneration plant

Номер: US20160319560A1

There is provided a cogeneration plant unit comprising a base storey housing power generation source; a second storey vertically arranged above the base storey housing absorption chiller, the absorption chiller operable to be in fluid communication with the power generation source; a third storey vertically arranged above the second storey, the third storey houses cooling tower; and a chimney arranged in fluid communication with the power generation source and absorption chiller to dissipate the exhaust of the power generation source and the absorption chiller. The cogeneration plant unit may be further extended to incorporate more elements or form a cogeneration plant suitable for providing electricity, heat and cooling energy to a data centre.

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Carbon dioxide co-fluid

Номер: US20170313954A1
Автор: Louis Rebrovic
Принадлежит: Emerson Climate Technologies Inc

A carbon dioxide/co-fluid mixture is provided for use in a refrigeration cycle in which the carbon dioxide is alternately absorbed and desorbed from the co-fluid. Suitable co-fluids are selected from the class of alkoxylated carboxylic amides, wherein the amides are cyclic or non-cyclic. It has been discovered that N-2,5,8,11-tetraoxadodecyl-2-pyrrolidinone and its homologs exhibit an advantageous property of a high rate of desorption at lower temperatures.

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190309993A1

A thermal energy system adapted to be coupled to a building energy system which selectively provides heating and/or cooling to a building, the thermal energy system comprising a heat pump system having an output for a working fluid connected to a heating output of the thermal energy system, a first geothermal system in which a working fluid is, in use, circulated, a first switch assembly selectively connecting the first geothermal system to at least one of the heating output of the thermal energy system and an input for a working fluid of the heat pump system, a second geothermal system in which a working fluid is, in use, circulated, and a second switch assembly selectively connecting the second geothermal system to at least one of a cooling output of the thermal energy system and the input of the heat pump system. 119.-. (canceled)20. A method of operating a thermal energy system coupled to a building energy system which selectively provides heating and/or cooling to a building , the method comprising the steps of;(a) providing a heat pump system having an output for a working fluid connected to a heating output of the thermal energy system to provide heating to the building, a first geothermal system in which a working fluid is circulated and a second geothermal system in which a working fluid is circulated;(b) selectively connecting the first geothermal system to at least one of the heating output and an input for a working fluid of the heat pump system, or to the output of the heat pump system; and(c) selectively connecting the second geothermal system to at least one of the input of the heat pump system and a cooling output of the thermal energy system to provide cooling to the building.21. A method according to wherein the first geothermal system comprises at least one borehole heat exchanger.22. A method according to wherein the second geothermal system comprises at least one borehole heat exchanger.23. A method according to wherein step (b) is implemented ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации

Combined refrigeration and power plant

Номер: US20190309997A1
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce PLC

A combined refrigeration and power plant. The power plant comprises an internal combustion engine an air cycle machine refrigerator driven by the internal combustion engine and configured to refrigerate atmospheric air to provide working fluid to combined refrigeration and power generation cycle, a refrigerated air storage unit configured to store working fluid produced by the air cycle machine refrigerator; and first and second heat exchangers. The first heat exchanger arrangement is configured to exchange heat between a device to be cooled and the working fluid, and the second heat exchanger arrangement is configured to exchange heat between the working fluid downstream of the first heat exchanger in the combined refrigeration and power generation cycle and waste heat from the internal combustion engine; and a generator turbine configured to receive heated working fluid from the second heat exchanger arrangement, and configured to power an electrical generator.

10-10-2019 дата публикации

Solar adsorption heat pump and evacuated tube adsorption heat pump and desalination system

Номер: US20190309998A1
Принадлежит: Arizona Board of Regents of ASU

A system includes an evacuated tube solar adsorption heat pump (ETSAHP) module. The ETSAHP module includes a transparent or semi-transparent tube configured to receive heat input from solar energy, the tube having a hollow interior, a top section, and a bottom section opposite the top section, an adsorbent bed comprising a plurality of adsorbent beads and positioned at the top section of the tube and configured to absorb solar energy, an adsorbent bed cage configured to contain the adsorbent bed at the top section of the tube, a threshold configured to stabilize the adsorbent container within the tube, and a condenser/evaporator positioned at the bottom section of the tube and spaced apart from the adsorbent bed.

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180320939A1

An absorption cooling system that includes a plurality of solar collectors, a generator containing a dilute absorbent-refrigerant solution, a condenser, an evaporator, an absorber, a heat exchanger located between the generator and the absorber, first, second, and third storage tanks, a first temperature control valve located between the solar collectors and the first storage tank, a second temperature control valve located between the first storage tank and the generator, and a plurality of additional valves, wherein the first temperature control valve and the second temperature control valve are configured to regulate a flow of a heating fluid into the generator by automatically toggling between an open mode or a closed mode in response to a controller signal indicating a presence or an absence of a set point of a solid absorbent content in the dilute absorbent-refrigerant solution of the generator. 1. An absorption cooling system , comprising:a plurality of solar collectors configured to obtain energy and transfer that energy as heat to a heating fluid, wherein the plurality of solar collectors comprise at least one solar collector selected from the group consisting of a flat-plate collector, an evacuated tube collector and a concentrating collector;a generator comprising a dilute absorbent-refrigerant solution comprising an absorbent dissolved in a first amount of a refrigerant, wherein the generator is configured to receive the heating fluid from the solar collectors and release a vapor refrigerant from the dilute absorbent-refrigerant solution;a condenser configured to receive and condense the vapor refrigerant from the generator to form a liquid refrigerant;an evaporator configured to receive the liquid refrigerant from the condenser and provide refrigerant and a cooling fluid, wherein the cooling fluid cools at least one load wherein the evaporator is selected from the group consisting of a falling film evaporator and an agitated thin film evaporator;an ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180320940A1

An absorption cooling system that includes a plurality of solar collectors, a generator containing a dilute absorbent-refrigerant solution, a condenser, an evaporator, an absorber, a heat exchanger located between the generator and the absorber, first, second, and third storage tanks, a first temperature control valve located between the solar collectors and the first storage tank, a second temperature control valve located between the first storage tank and the generator, and a plurality of additional valves, wherein the first temperature control valve and the second temperature control valve are configured to regulate a flow of a heating fluid into the generator by automatically toggling between an open mode or a closed mode in response to a controller signal indicating a presence or an absence of a set point of a solid absorbent content in the dilute absorbent-refrigerant solution of the generator. 1. An absorption cooling system , comprising:a plurality of solar collectors configured to obtain energy and transfer that energy as heat to a heating fluid, wherein the plurality of solar collectors comprise at least one solar collector selected from the group consisting of a flat-plate collector, an evacuated tube collector and a concentrating collector;a generator comprising a dilute absorbent-refrigerant solution comprising an absorbent dissolved in a first amount of a refrigerant, wherein the generator is configured to receive the heating fluid from the solar collectors and release a vapor refrigerant from the dilute absorbent-refrigerant solution;a condenser configured to receive and condense the vapor refrigerant from the generator to form a liquid refrigerant, wherein the condenser is selected from the group consisting of a water-cooled condenser, an air-cooled condenser, and an evaporative condenser;an evaporator configured to receive the liquid refrigerant from the condenser and provide refrigerant and a cooling fluid, wherein the cooling fluid cools at least ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации

Ducted Heating and Cooling System

Номер: US20190323719A1
Автор: Timothy O&#39;leary

A heating and cooling system or installation for heating or cooling air within a building space, including a water chiller for chilling water and a coil to which the chilled water can be delivered. Air can then be driven by a fan through the coil to cool the air and the cooled air can be delivered into the building space for cooling the building space. The system can include a water heating facility to heat water that is delivered to the coil so that air driven through the coil can be heated. The coil is connected to ducting for delivering cooled or heated air to the building space.

30-11-2017 дата публикации

Sorption module

Номер: US20170343262A1
Автор: Lars Ludwig, Roland Burk
Принадлежит: MAHLE International GmbH

A sorption module for a sorption temperature-control device may include a housing enclosing a working chamber. A sorption zone and a phase change zone may be arranged in the working chamber where a working medium is displaceable reversibly between the sorption zone and the phase change zone. A sorption structure may be arranged in the sorption zone, and a phase change structure may be arranged in the phase change zone. An outer wall of the housing may include a double-walled section that may provide a cavity between an outer wall part and an inner wall part of the double-walled section, and the phase change zone may be arranged on an inner side of the inner wall part.

01-12-2016 дата публикации

System, method and computer program product for energy allocation

Номер: US20160352143A1
Автор: Eric Barger
Принадлежит: Perfectly Green Corp

An energy allocation system includes an air conditioning unit with a VDC compressor and a fan configured for variable speed output. The air conditioning unit further includes a built-in power generator. A blending module is configured to split the generator-produced power into AC and DC allocations and combine the DC power allocation with DC power received from a DC energy device.

29-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180340716A1

The integrated solar absorption heat pump system includes an absorption heat pump assembly (AHPA) having a generator, a condenser in fluid communication with the generator, an evaporator/absorber in fluid communication with the condenser and the generator, and a heat exchanger in communicating relation with the evaporator/absorber; a solar collector in fluid communication with the generator of the AHPA; a photovoltaic thermal collector in communicating relation with the evaporator/absorber of the AHPA; a plurality of pumps configured for pumping a fluid throughout the system to provide the desired heating or cooling; a power storage source, e.g., a solar battery, in communicating relation with the photovoltaic thermal collector; and a coil unit in communicating relation to the evaporator/absorber for receiving an air-stream. The absorption heat pump assembly can include an absorber and a solution heat exchanger. 17-. (canceled)8: An integrated solar absorption heat pump system , comprising:an absorption heat pump assembly including a generator, a condenser in fluid communication with the generator, an evaporator/absorber in fluid communication with the condenser and the generator, an expansion valve in fluid communication with the condenser, the generator and the evaporator/absorber, and a heat exchanger in communicating relation with the evaporator/absorber;an evacuated tube solar collector in fluid communication with the generator of the absorption heat pump assembly;a photovoltaic thermal collector in communicating relation with the evaporator/absorber of the absorption heat pump assembly, wherein the photovoltaic thermal collector is a sheet-and-tube solar collector having an absorber covered by a photovoltaic layer comprising at least one of crystalline silicon, amorphous silicon and cadmium telluride;a plurality of pumps, each of the pumps being configured for pumping a fluid throughout the system;a first hot water tank in fluid communication with the solar ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Cannabis farming systems and methods

Номер: US20180343812A1
Автор: Daniel Michael Leo
Принадлежит: Insectergy LLC

Variable-scale, modular, easily manufacturable, energy efficient, reliable, and computer-operated farming superstructure systems (FSS) may be used to produce cannabis for human consumption with minimal water and environmental impact. A system for producing electricity, heat, and cannabis includes a power production system (PPS), a farming superstructure system (FSS), and a temperature control unit (TCU). Methods to method to separate volatiles from cannabis are described. Methods to asexually clone a plurality of cannabis plants are also provided. Cannabinoid product processing systems are described (emulsion mixing system, evaporation system, spray drying system, crystallization, foodstuff preparation system, softgel encapsulation system).

06-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180347841A1
Автор: Wallace Albert Reid

Controlling heating and cooling in a conditioned space utilizes a fluid circulating in a thermally conductive structure in fluid connection with a hydronic-to-air heat exchanger and a ground heat exchanger. Air is moved past the hydronic-to-air heat exchanger, the air having fresh air supply and stale air exhaust. Sensors located throughout the conditioned space send data to a controller. User input to the controller sets the desired set point temperature and humidity. Based upon the set point temperature and humidity and sensor data, the controller sends signals to various devices to manipulate the flow of the fluid and the air in order to achieve the desired set point temperature and humidity in the conditioned space. The temperature of the fluid is kept less than the dew point at the hydronic-to-air heat exchanger and the temperature of the fluid is kept greater than the dew point at the thermally conductive structure. 1. A method for controlling heat pump efficiency , the method comprising the steps of:(a) calculating with a microprocessor controller a speed of a two-stage compressor of the heat pump to meet a demand, wherein the two-stage compressor has a first low-speed stage and a second high-speed stage;(b) when the microprocessor controller determines that the two-stage compressor needs to run at the first low-speed stage to meet the demand, sending by the microprocessor controller a control signal to a two-stage source side circulator causing the two-stage source side circulator to circulate a fluid to the heat pump at a low-flow rate, wherein the two-stage source side circulator is fluidly connected to the heat pump and fluidly connected to a heat exchanger;(c) when the microprocessor controller determines that the two-stage compressor needs to run at the second high-speed stage to meet the demand, sending by the microprocessor controller a control signal to the two-stage source side circulator causing the two-stage source side circulator to circulate the ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180356134A1

The integrated solar absorption heat pump system includes an absorption heat pump assembly (AHPA) having a generator, a condenser in fluid communication with the generator, an evaporator/absorber in fluid communication with the condenser and the generator, and a heat exchanger in communicating relation with the evaporator/absorber; a solar collector in fluid communication with the generator of the AHPA; a photovoltaic thermal collector in communicating relation with the evaporator/absorber of the AHPA; a plurality of pumps configured for pumping a fluid throughout the system to provide the desired heating or cooling; a power storage source, e.g., a solar battery, in communicating relation with the photovoltaic thermal collector; and a coil unit in communicating relation to the evaporator/absorber for receiving an air-stream. The absorption heat pump assembly can include an absorber and a solution heat exchanger. 1. An integrated solar absorption heat pump system , comprising:an absorption heat pump assembly including a generator, a condenser in fluid communication with the generator, an evaporator/absorber in fluid communication with the condenser and the generator, an expansion valve in fluid communication with the condenser, the generator and the evaporator/absorber, and a heat exchanger in communicating relation with the evaporator/absorber;an evacuated tube solar collector in fluid communication with the generator of the absorption heat pump assembly;a photovoltaic thermal collector in communicating relation with the evaporator/absorber of the absorption heat pump assembly, wherein the photovoltaic thermal collector is a sheet-and-tube solar collector having an absorber covered by a photovoltaic layer;a plurality of pumps, each of the pumps being configured for pumping a fluid throughout the system;a power storage source in communicating relation with the photovoltaic thermal collector;a coil unit in communicating relation to the evaporator/absorber;a water tank ...

19-11-2020 дата публикации

Refrigeration Cycles With Liquid-Liquid Phase Transitions

Номер: US20200363108A1
Автор: Ethan J. Novek
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention pertains to cooling, heating, and refrigeration cycles using, for example, phase transitions to pump heat. Embodiments of the present invention may comprise systems, methods, or processes for liquid-liquid phase transition refrigeration cycles pumping heat across temperature differences greater than the adiabatic temperature change of a liquid-liquid phase transition within said liquid-liquid phase transition refrigeration cycle. Embodiments of the present invention also may comprise powering said liquid-liquid phase transition refrigeration cycle using electricity, heat, ‘cold’, the mixing of a saltwater and freshwater, the mixing of high osmotic pressure liquid and low osmotic pressure liquid, or a combination thereof.

24-07-2003 дата публикации

Heat transfer processes and heat exchangers therefor

Номер: DE10159652C2
Принадлежит: Sortech AG

24-12-2008 дата публикации

Heat pump

Номер: WO2008155543A2
Принадлежит: Thermal Energy Systems Ltd

A heat pump including first and second adsorption beds (1.2, 1.3), each bed including a porous solid, the first bed having a first heat exchanger and the second bed having a second heat exchanger; a circuit for working fluid communicating between the beds; valve means (11.1, 11.2) for switching flows of heat transfer fluid through the first and second heat exchangers (11.3, 11.4); a compressor (1.1., 12.1) connected between the valve means adapted to cause working fluid to flow within the circuit between the beds,- the working fluid comprising a reactive gas capable of adsorption and desorption by the porous solid; the first heat exchanger including a first conduit for a heat transfer fluid; the second heat exchanger including a second conduit for a heat transfer fluid; and a bypass valve (1.7) connected between the valve means in parallel to the compressor (1.1, 12.1) and adapted when opened to allow flow between the beds bypassing the compressor.

08-10-2009 дата публикации

Chemical heat pump working with a hybrid substance

Номер: US20090249825A1
Автор: Goran Bolin, Ray Olsson

A chemical heal pump includes a reactor part ( 1 ) that contains an active substance and an evaporator/condenser part ( 3 ) that contains that portion of volatile liquid that exists in a condensed state and can be absorbed by the active substance. A channel ( 4 ) interconnects the reactor part and the evaporator/condenser part, In at least the reactor part a matrix ( 13 ) is provided for the active substance so that the active substance both in its solid state and its liquid state or its solution phase is hold or carried by or bonded to the matrix. The matrix is advantageously an inert material such as aluminium oxide and has pores, which are permeable for the volatile liquid and in which the active substance is located. In particular, a material can be used that has a surface or surfaces, at which the active substance can be bonded in the liquid state thereof. For example, the matrix can be a material comprising separate particles such as a powder or a compressed fibre material.

17-03-2005 дата публикации

System for heat refinement

Номер: WO2005024189A1
Автор: Ake Johansson
Принадлежит: Eta Entrans Ab

The present invention relates to a system for heat refinement by utilizing waste heat in a conduct (6) comprising a first cycle (2), an evaporator (4) In which the circulating working fluid is evaporated to gas, a compressor (8) that compress the gas, a condenser (10) that condenses the gas to a condensate and releases heat to a passing heat carrier in the condenser, and an expansion valve (14) that expands the condensate and bring back the working fluid to the evaporator (4). The system further comprises a second cycle (16; 16a-d) is attached to the first cycle (2), a turbine (18), which supplies gas from the evaporator (4), whereby an expansion occurs, whereafter condensate is brought back to the evaporator (4).

12-09-2002 дата публикации

Heat transfer system uses adsorption, with a sorption material contained within a conductive foam matrix to take up the heat generated by the adsorbing action

Номер: DE10159652A1
Принадлежит: Sortech AG

The heat transfer system, by adsorption, has a heat conductive and preferably foam matrix material around the sorption material, which takes up the emitted heat during the sorption process. The adsorber unit (AE) has an outer wall (AW) containing the foam matrix (MS) with the sorption material (SM), within a housing (AB). The foam matrix material is preferably a compound of ceramic, carbide or carbon, which takes in the sorption material in a solid state as granules or in a fluid state as a gas or vapor during the production stage.

21-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AR052585A1
Принадлежит: Du Pont

Aparato de refrigeracion o acondicionador de aire que utiliza un sistema de refrigeracion por compresion de vapor con un refrigerante que circula a través del mismo, que comprende un compresor accionado por una turbina impulsada por el gas de escape de un motor. En un aparato con dichas características se puede utilizar con ventaja un compresor mini centrífugo, permitiendo así usar refrigerantes de bajo GWP (potencial de calentamiento global). La presente se refiere además a métodos para impulsar un compresor, como por ejemplo un compresor mini-centrífugo, en un aparato de refrigeracion o acondicionador de aire, y métodos para controlar la sobrecarga del compresor, velocidad del rotor y capacidad de enfriamiento. Refrigeration apparatus or air conditioner that uses a steam compression cooling system with a coolant circulating through it, which comprises a compressor driven by a turbine driven by the exhaust gas of an engine. In an apparatus with these characteristics, a mini centrifugal compressor can be used with advantage, thus allowing the use of low GWP refrigerants (global warming potential). This also relates to methods for driving a compressor, such as a mini-centrifugal compressor, in a refrigeration or air conditioner, and methods for controlling compressor overload, rotor speed and cooling capacity.

16-03-2006 дата публикации

heat exchangers

Номер: DE19722029B4
Автор: Klaus Maier
Принадлежит: MAIER and CO

Wärmetauscher (11, 19, 20) für Fassaden, Sonnenkollektoren und Raumteiler, wobei der Wärmetauscher (11, 19, 20) einen Hohlraum (16) zwischen einer frontseitigen Glasplatte (12), einer Rückplatte (13, 23), einem randleistenförmigen Abstandhalter (14) und eine luft- und wasserdichte äußere Versiegelung (15) aufweist, wobei das Medium einen als Kissen ausgebildeten Körper (1, 10, 21, 26) durchströmt und diesen erwärmt bzw. kühlt, und wobei der Körper (1, 10, 21, 26), der den Hohlraum (16) ausfüllt oder nahezu ausfüllt, aus einem elasti schen oder wenigstens geringfügig dehnbaren Werkstoff besteht und für einen optimalen Wärmeübergang wenigstens an der frontseitigen Glasplatte (12) großflächig unter Druck bzw. unter Vorspannung anliegt. heat exchangers (11, 19, 20) for Facades, solar panels and room dividers, wherein the heat exchanger (11, 19, 20) a cavity (16) between a front glass plate (12), a back plate (13, 23), a randleistenförmigen Spacer (14) and an air-tight and watertight outer seal (15), wherein the medium comprises a body (1) formed as a cushion 10, 21, 26) flows through and this heated or cools, and being the body (1, 10, 21, 26) which fills or almost fills the cavity (16) an elastic rule or at least slightly stretchable material and for one optimal heat transfer at least on the front glass plate (12) over a large area under Pressure or under bias is applied.

03-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: DE19722029A1
Автор: Klaus Maier

18-02-2010 дата публикации

Solar module, particularly for roof covering of building roof, and for solar surface of solar system, has photovoltaic active layer for transformation of solar radiation into electrical energy

Номер: DE102008026505A1
Автор: Erik Martin
Принадлежит: Wuerth Elektronik GmbH and Co KG

The solar module (2) has a photovoltaic active layer for transformation of solar radiation into electrical energy. The thermal resistance of the solar module is reduced at a lower side of the photovoltaic active layer compared to a cooling medium. A flow-through heat sink, made of aluminum, is provided at the lower side of the photovoltaic active layer for reducing the thermal resistance. Independent claims are included for the following: (1) a solar surface, particularly solar roof surface on a building roof; (2) a solar system; and (3) a composite material.
