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16-08-1998 дата публикации

Вертикальный центробежный насос для радиоактивных жидкостей

Номер: RU0000007458U1

1. Вертикальный центробежный насос для радиоактивных жидкостей, содержащий всасывающую и напорную камеры, всасывающий и напорный патрубки, гильзу и размещенную в ней съемную часть, включающую защитную пробку, проходящий через нее приводной вал и установленные на нем консольно рабочее колесо, расположенное в полости дна гильзы, и магнитную муфту, выполненную в виде ведущей и ведомой полумуфт с перегородкой-экраном между ними, снабженной фланцем, отличающийся тем, что верхняя часть гильзы выполнена с возможностью жесткого соединения с биологической защитой, всасывающая камера размещена в центральной части рабочего колеса соосно всасывающему патрубку, установленному в съемном дне гильзы, а напорная камера выполнена в стенке дна гильзы и соединена с напорным патрубком.2. Насос по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен устройством для разрыва магнитной связи между ведущей и ведомой полумуфтами магнитной муфты.3. Насос по пп.1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что устройство для разрыва магнитной связи между ведущей и ведомой полумуфтами выполнено в виде размещенного между гильзой и магнитной муфтой с возможностью опирания на фланец перегородки-экрана кольца-груза.4. Насос по пп.1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что устройство для разрыва магнитной связи между ведущей и ведомой полумуфтами выполнено в виде размещенной между гильзой и магнитной муфтой с возможностью опирания на фланец перегородки-экрана предварительно напряженной пружины. И 1 37458 ко РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) (50 МПК (13) (11) а 3? ава” 04 АбЛВ 17/34 (2000.01) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21). (22) Заявка: 2002130643/20, 20.11.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.11.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 27.04.2004 Адрес для переписки: 367012, г.Махачкала, пл. Ленина, 1, ДГМА, патентный отдел (71) Заявитель(и): Дагестанская государственная медицинская академия (КОП) (72) Автор(ы): Гусейнов А.Г. (КО) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Дагестанская государственная медицинская ...

10-03-2002 дата публикации

Четырехосная платформа для перевозки упаковок с твс ядерных реакторов

Номер: RU0000022262U1

Четырехосная платформа для перевозки упаковок с ТВС для ядерных реакторов, имеющая фиксаторы на несущих балках, отличающаяся тем, что она дополнительно снабжена двумя съемными основаниями, двумя кожухами коробчатой формы с отверстиями, рамками прямоугольной формы, балками с крюками, стяжками, основание и кожух имеют строповое и пломбирующее устройство, при этом основание выполнено в форме прямоугольника с настилом, гнездами П-образной формы, отверстиями, крюками и фиксаторами.

10-07-2009 дата публикации

Ядерная энергетическая установка транспортного средства

Номер: RU0000084616U1
Принадлежит: Ооо "Нева-Металл"

1. Ядерная энергетическая установка транспортного средства, содержащая ядерный реактор, конденсатор, коммуникационные системы, обеспечивающие ее работу, тепловой двигатель с полым перфорированным валом для прохода теплоносителя с заглушкой на его конце, на котором установлены диски с радиально направленными каналами, соединяющими полость вала с круговым зазором, образованным внутренней цилиндрической поверхностью корпуса и цилиндрической поверхностью диска, отличающаяся тем, что тепловой двигатель и ядерный реактор объединены в единый агрегат, состоящий из корпуса, представляющего собой чередующиеся цилиндрические участки меньшего диаметра - впадины и цилиндрические участки большего диаметр - выступы, внутри корпуса расположен полый вал с насаженными на него дисками с радиально направленными каналами, на выходных концах которых установлены сопла, причем диски установлены на участках вала, совпадающих с выступами корпуса, в цилиндрической поверхности выступов корпуса выполнены отверстия, в которые вмонтированы отводные трубопроводы, соединяющие корпус с конденсатором, снаружи корпуса на участках впадин установлены отражатели, выполненные по типу ирисовых диафрагм, связанные с органом управления ядерной реакцией, заглушка полого вала связана с выходным валом теплового двигателя, а весь агрегат закрыт защитным кожухом. ! 2. Ядерная энергетическая установка транспортного средства по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что радиально направленные каналы дисков выполнены в виде архимедовой спирали. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 84 616 (13) U1 (51) МПК G21D 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ(титульный лист) (21), (22) Заявка: 2009106376/22, 24.02.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.02.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 10.07.2009 Бюл. № 19 (72) Автор(ы): Паневин Александр Георгиевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): ООО "НЕВА-МЕТАЛЛ" (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 196650, ...

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Control system and method for pressurized water reactor (pwr) and pwr systems including same

Номер: US20120155594A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A pressurized water reactor (PWR) comprises a pressure vessel, a reactor core disposed in the pressure vessel, an integral or external pressurizer, primary coolant disposed in the pressure vessel and heated by operation of the reactor core, and a steam generator disposed in the pressure vessel and configured to convert secondary coolant in the form of feedwater into steam by heat transfer from the primary coolant heated by operation of the reactor core to secondary coolant in the steam generator. A controller is configured to perform a PWR control method including the operations of (i) adjusting one or more parameters of the PWR and (ii) adjusting a pressurizer water level setpoint based on a predicted direction and magnitude of change of a pressurizer water level of the PWR predicted to result from the adjusting (i).

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Full spectrum loca evaluation model and analysis methodology

Номер: US20120185222A1
Принадлежит: Westinghouse Electric Co LLC

This invention relates to a computational system and method for performing a safety analysis of a postulated Loss of Coolant Accident in a nuclear reactor for a full spectrum of break sizes including various small, intermediate and large breaks. Further, modeling and analyzing the postulated small break, intermediate break and large break LOCAs are performed with a single computer code and a single input model properly validated against relevant experimental data. Input and physical model uncertainties are combined following a random sampling process, e.g., a direct Monte Carlo approach (ASTRUM-FS) and advanced statistical procedures are utilized to show compliance with Nuclear Regulatory Commission 10 CFR 50.46 criteria.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Resonance calculation program and analyzing apparatus

Номер: US20120215444A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

[Problem to be Solved] To provide a resonance calculation program capable of evaluating a physical quantity such as an effective cross section in a radial direction of a circular region of a fuel rod by making a resonance calculation based on the equivalence principle. [Solution] A resonance calculation program for calculating an effective cross section by performing a resonance calculation based on an equivalence principle includes a radial-distribution calculation step S 8 of calculating a distribution of the effective cross section in a radial direction of a circular region by calculating the effective cross section defined by a predetermined calculation expression including a geographical coefficient for each of a plurality of annular regions while a neutron escape probability in a resonance region is expressed by a polynomial rational expression including the geographical coefficient serving as a factor representing geographical shapes of a plurality of annular regions that are circumferentially annular and that are obtained by radially dividing the circular region that is an axial cross section of a fuel rod at predetermined intervals.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for assisting in the operation of a nuclear reactor

Номер: US20120219101A1
Принадлежит: AREVA NP SAS

The present invention relates to a method for assisting in the operation of a nuclear reactor, which comprises the steps of: establishing a request using a man/machine interface ( 31 ) interacting with a dedicated operation assistance computer ( 32 ) and using a three-dimensional neutron computation code ( 32 a ) solving the diffusion equation, referred to as the operation assistance code; unidirectionally transmitting, from a system ( 10 ) for monitoring the operation of the reactor core to said operation assistance computer ( 32 ), a set of data ( 13 ) which are representative of the hardware, geometric, and neutron characteristics of the core, as well as the operating conditions of the core, said data ( 13 ) being determined by a three-dimensional neutron code ( 12 ) updating the isotope balance of the core during fuel depletion and periodically solving the diffusion equation online, referred to as the monitoring code, said monitoring code ( 12 ) being installed on a second separate computer, referred to as the monitoring computer, which is dedicated to said monitoring system ( 10 ); determining a change in the behavior of the reactor core using said operation assistance code ( 32 a ), said representative) data ( 13 ) being used as input data for said operation assistance code ( 32 a ).

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Nuclear power station

Номер: US20120236980A1
Автор: Oliver REDSCHLAG
Принадлежит: Redschlag Holding GmbH

A nuclear power station has a containment in which a reactor core is accommodated. According to the invention, an external cooling system for cooling the containment in the event of an accident is associated with the containment. The cooling system in particular has a coolant reservoir that is configured as a lake or is lake-like, and in which the containment is in contact with a coolant or may be brought into contact with a coolant, in particular a liquid coolant, in the event of an accident.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Self-contained emergency spent nuclear fuel pool cooling system

Номер: US20120250813A1
Принадлежит: Westinghouse Electric Co LLC

An auxiliary system for cooling a spent nuclear fuel pool through a submersible heat exchanger to be located within the pool. In each train or installation, a single loop or series of loops of cooling fluid (e.g., sea water or service water) is circulated. The system is modular, readily and easily installed during an emergency and can be self operating with its own power source. Multiple trains may be used in parallel in order to accomplish the required degree of spent fuel pool cooling required.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Foundation for building in nuclear facility and nuclear facility

Номер: US20120288054A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

To provide a lower foundation 30 provided on a ground 7 and an upper foundation 31 provided above the lower foundation 30 via a seismic isolator 32 . A machine room S in which a machine K can be arranged is provided in the upper foundation 31 . A foundation-side hull structure unit that is configured in a reticular pattern by horizontal reinforcing ribs extended in one direction and vertical reinforcing ribs extended to cross the horizontal reinforcing ribs is provided in the upper foundation 31 , and the machine room S is provided in a space in the foundation separated by the horizontal reinforcing ribs and the vertical reinforcing ribs.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Thermal energy integration and storage system

Номер: US20120314829A1
Автор: Sherrell R. Greene
Принадлежит: UB Battelle LLC

A system that includes: a container that contains an energy storage medium, wherein the energy storage medium comprises at least one liquid salt; at least one thermal energy-generating reactor; at least one first thermal energy loop coupling the container to the at least one thermal energy-generating reactor; and at least one second thermal energy loop coupling the container to at least one thermal energy end-user.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus, method and program for monitoring nuclear thermal hydraulic stability of nuclear reactor

Номер: US20130013282A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

An apparatus for monitoring nuclear thermal hydraulic stability of a nuclear reactor, contains: a calculation unit configured to calculate a stability index of a nuclear thermal hydraulic phenomenon based on nuclear instrumentation signals, the signals being outputted by a plurality of nuclear instrumentation detectors placed at regular intervals in a reactor core; a simulation unit configured to simulate the nuclear thermal hydraulic phenomenon based on a physical model by using information on an operating state of the nuclear reactor as an input condition; a limit value updating unit configured to update a limit value of the nuclear thermal hydraulic phenomenon based on a result of the simulation; and a determination unit configured to determine, based on the stability index and the limit value, whether or not to activate a power oscillation suppressing device.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Underwater electricity generation module provided with a base

Номер: US20130020808A1
Принадлежит: DCNS SA

The invention relates to an underwater electricity generation module provided with a base. The electricity generation module is of the type that comprises an elongate cylindrical casing ( 12 ) incorporating an electricity generation unit ( 25 a , 25 b ) comprising a nuclear boiler ( 28, 29 ) associated with electricity generation means ( 30, 31 ) connected to an external electricity distribution post ( 7 ) by means of electric cables ( 6 ). The lower portion of the casing ( 12 ) is provided with a base ( 14 ) that rests on the bed of the water body and anchoring means ( 15 ) for anchoring the module ( 1 ) to the bed. The invention is characterised in that the base ( 14 ) is essentially in the form of a sledge which extends from one end of the casing ( 12 ) to the other and the ends ( 50, 51 ) of which are curved in the form of a spatula at each end of the casing ( 12 ), said base including zones for absorbing variations in the length of the casing ( 12 ), linked to the variation in the pressure applied thereto when submerged or surfaced.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Water-chamber working apparatus and installation method of water-chamber working apparatus

Номер: US20130022438A1
Автор: Fumihiro Hosoe
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A water-chamber working apparatus ( 1 ) that performs a predetermined work inside a water chamber ( 131 ) of a steam generator includes at least two locking units ( 2 ) inserted into and locked to heat transfer tubes ( 132 ) provided on a tube plate ( 137 ) in the water chamber ( 131 ), a support means ( 3 ) spanned between the respective locking units ( 2 ), and a movable body ( 4 ) movably provided along the spanned support means ( 3 ). Accordingly, the movable body ( 4 ) can be stably supported in the water chamber ( 131 ) and can be easily moved.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Water-chamber working apparatus

Номер: US20130044849A1
Автор: Fumihiro Hosoe
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A water-chamber working apparatus ( 1 ) that performs a predetermined work inside a water chamber ( 131 ) of a steam generator ( 130 ) including a support shaft ( 2 ) that is formed to be extendable and retractable, a rotary means ( 3 ) that is respectively provided at opposite ends of the support shaft ( 2 ) rotatably around a vertical shaft center, while coming into contact with an inner wall surface ( 131 a ) of the water chamber ( 131 ) by extension of the support shaft ( 2 ), and a movable body ( 4 ) that is provided to be movable along the support shaft ( 2 ).

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Backup nuclear reactor auxiliary power using decay heat

Номер: US20130044851A1
Принадлежит: Westinghouse Electric Co LLC

A nuclear plant auxiliary backup power system that uses decay heat following a plant shutdown to produce electrical power through a dedicated steam turbine/generator set. The decay heat produces a hot operating gaseous fluid which is used as a backup to run an appropriately sized turbine that powers an electrical generator. The turbine is configured to utilize a portion of the existing nuclear plant secondary system and exhausts the turbine exhaust to the ambient atmosphere. The system functions to both remove reactor decay heat and provide electrical power for plant systems to enable an orderly shutdown in the event traditional sources of electric power are unavailable.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Method of segmenting irradiated boiling water reactor control rod blades

Номер: US20130074302A1
Автор: Peter F. Davin
Принадлежит: Westinghouse Electric Co LLC

A method of reducing the volume of a blade section of a boiling water reactor control rod for transport or storage that cuts the control rod spline into four substantially equal longitudinal sections, with each longitudinal section including one control rod blade. Each longitudinal section is radiologically characterized and the locations of desired lateral segmentation are identified. A band of malleable metal is wrapped around each longitudinal section at each of the locations and the bands are sheared to separate segments of the longitudinal section and the ends of the bands are crimped at the point of shearing to seal the interior of the segments.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Mixing system

Номер: US20130148771A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A mixing system including: a backup heater which increases an internal pressure of a pressurizer; a spray valve which decreases the internal pressure of the pressurizer; a pressure sensor which detects the pressure inside the pressurizer; and a pressure control unit which performs a feedback control on a spray valve so that the pressure becomes a target pressure based on a detection pressure value detected by the pressure sensor, wherein the pressure control unit includes a PID control unit which performs a feedback control when heating the coolant by the backup heater and outputs a pressure controller signal and a bias setting unit which sets a bias toward the operation side of the spray valve with respect to the pressure controller signal, and wherein the spray valve is operated based on the pressure controller signal subjected to the setting of the bias.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for filling water into a main circuit of a nuclear reactor, and connection device for implementing said method

Номер: US20130208845A1
Автор: Christophe Legendre
Принадлежит: Electricite de France SA

The method for filling water into and changing the air of a main circuit of a water-cooled nuclear reactor includes a step of placing a connection and fluid isolation device which is connected to a hot leg of each cooling loop of the main circuit so as to substantially insulate, from inside the vessel, the assembly of hot legs. The method also includes a step of injecting water through an injection circuit on at least one hot leg until each cooling loop is filled with water having changed the air from a steam generator and until the water level in the vessel reaches above the side openings of the vessel that correspond to the loops, after which the connecting device is taken out of the vessel. The connecting device is capable of using telescopic connection elements.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Method and system for supplying emergency power to nuclear power plant

Номер: US20140001863A1
Принадлежит: China General Nuclear Power Corp

Method and system for supplying emergency power to nuclear power plant, wherein the method includes, providing accumulator battery system, connected to emergency bus, the accumulator battery system is monitored by online monitoring system; in case of power loss of electrical devices of the nuclear power plant, the online monitoring system starts the accumulator battery system to provide power supply to the electrical devices of the nuclear power plant via the emergency bus. The present application is adapt to the key technologies and battery management technologies of million kilowatt-class advanced pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant, facilitating to improve the safety of the nuclear power plant in case of serious natural disasters beyond design working conditions.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Energizing Energy Converters By Stimulating Three-Body Association Radiation Reactions

Номер: US20140034116A1
Принадлежит: Tionesta Applied Research Corp

In some embodiments, energy is released by converting the bonding potential energy between two electropositive masses capable of forming a stable bond between them into the kinetic energy of an electron quasiparticle initially captured between them by the coulomb potential. The electron quasiparticles form transient bonds with delocalized ions and other reactants in or on a reaction particle where reaction rates and branches are controlled by the choice of electron quasiparticle effective mass. Methods and apparatus for stimulating and controlling such association reactions are shown and described. Thermionic and semiconductor methods and apparatus convert the electron quasiparticle energy directly into electricity. Other embodiments are disclosed.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Method of constructing pseudo hot pin power distribution using in-core detector signal-based planar radial peaking factors in core operating limit supervisory system

Номер: US20140050290A1
Принадлежит: Kepco Nuclear Fuel Co Ltd

Disclosed herein is a method for constructing a pseudo hot pin power distribution using in-core detector signal-based planar radial peaking factors in a Core Operating Limit Supervisory System (COLSS). The method includes defining a planar radial peaking factor F xy K based on in-core detector signals in the COLSS, and expanding the planar radial peaking factor F xy K so that the planar radial peaking factor F xy K is suitable for a number of nodes of the COLSS. The planar radial peaking factor F xy K is calculated only for the in-core detector signals using a preset equation, rather than by using table lookup.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Heat exchange structure of power generation facility

Номер: US20170016201A1
Принадлежит: Chugoku Electric Power Co Inc

A heat exchange structure of a power generation facility including a piping system that is embedded in a reinforced concrete underground structure that is integrally formed with the power generation facility, and a heat medium that is fluid and is stored in the piping system. The piping system circulates the heat medium used for heat exchange in the power generation facility.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Computer aided design system for pulsed extraction column operation process

Номер: US20160019322A1
Принадлежит: China Institute of Atomic of Energy

A computer aided design system for pulsed extraction column operation process is provided, including a data input module, a data detection module, a computing module, a computing result detection module, and an error data management module. The data input module is connected with the data detection module, the data detection module is connected with the computing module, the computing module is connected with the computing result detection module, and the error data management module is connected with the data detection module and the computing result detection module. The system of the present invention is capable of computing and displaying the concentration changes of the corresponding components during operation process in real time, and reporting abnormal conditions which may arise during operation process. After the system is running, the results themselves are stored in the storage unit, which is convenient for user's analyzing and processing operating results under different conditions.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus for magnetic and electrostatic confinement of plasma

Номер: US20170025189A1

A system and method for containing plasma and forming a Field Reversed Configuration (FRC) magnetic topology are described in which plasma ions are contained magnetically in stable, non-adiabatic orbits in the FRC. Further, the electrons are contained electrostatically in a deep energy well, created by tuning an externally applied magnetic field. The simultaneous electrostatic confinement of electrons and magnetic confinement of ions avoids anomalous transport and facilitates classical containment of both electrons and ions. In this configuration, ions and electrons may have adequate density and temperature so that upon collisions ions are fused together by nuclear force, thus releasing fusion energy. Moreover, the fusion fuel plasmas that can be used with the present confinement system and method are not limited to neutronic fuels only, but also advantageously include advanced fuels.

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Nuclear power plant

Номер: US20200027593A1
Автор: Stephen J. Beckett
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce PLC

A nuclear power plant comprises a nuclear reactor, the nuclear reactor comprising reactor fuel elements, a reactor vessel surrounding the nuclear reactor and a primary shield surrounding the reactor vessel. The reactor fuel elements are arranged between a first height and a second height above the first height. The primary shield comprises a base portion, an intermediate portion and a top portion. The base portion has an upper height below the first height and the base portion comprises concrete. The top portion has a lower height above the second height and the top portion comprises concrete. The intermediate portion is arranged vertically between the base portion and the top portion of the primary shield. The intermediate portion comprises at least one support structure and a matrix material containing tungsten or boron, and the least one support structure extends between the top portion and the bottom portion of the primary shield.

23-01-2020 дата публикации

System for spent nuclear fuel storage

Номер: US20200027622A1

The system for storage includes spent nuclear fuel arranged in a drift and at least one first mechanical structure configured to cause a target material to move in the drift. The at least one first mechanical structure is configured to at least assist in actively controlling an exposure rate of the target material to the spent nuclear fuel while the target material is being exposed to the spent nuclear fuel. The system includes at least one second mechanical structure configured to remove the target material from the drift after the target material is exposed to the spent nuclear fuel.

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Inertial energy coastdown for electromagnetic pump

Номер: US20220051819A1
Принадлежит: TerraPower LLC

A nuclear reactor is configured with a primary coolant loop for transferring heat away from the nuclear reactor core. In a shutdown event, the primary coolant pump may stop pumping primary coolant through the reactor core, resulting in decay heat buildup within the reactor core. An inertial energy coast down system can store kinetic energy while the nuclear reactor is operating and then release the stored kinetic energy to cause the primary coolant to continue to flow through the nuclear reactor core to remove decay heat. The inertial energy coast down system may include an impeller and a flywheel having a mass. During normal reactor operation, the flowing primary coolant spins up the impeller and flywheel, and upon a shutdown event where the primary coolant pump stops pumping, the flywheel and impeller can cause the primary coolant to continue to flow during a coast down of the flywheel and impeller.

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Tube expansion method

Номер: US20150047194A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A tube expansion method of fixing a heat exchanger tube inserted to a tube hole of a tubesheet by tube expansion including: when there is a groove along a circumferential direction with respect to an inner circumferential surface in the middle axis of an axis direction of the tube hole, a first hydraulic tube expansion step of performing hydraulic tube expansion at a pressure of 15% and 70% in a range including the groove, and thereafter, a second hydraulic tube expansion step of performing each liquid tube expansion at a pressure of 100% in each range divided except the groove.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Space Modular Reactor for Propulsion (SMR-P)

Номер: US20180044041A1
Принадлежит: Individual

This invention serves as the fundamental design for a space-based, nuclear-powered spacecraft for deep space journeys. Nuclear energy is used as the motive power for the propulsion. The spacecraft propellant is a gas (such as helium or hydrogen), which is also the coolant for the onboard nuclear reactor. Nuclear energy is converted to thermal energy in the reactor, which heats up the propellant gas. That superheated gas then expands through the spacecraft nozzle and creates the thrust. The nuclear fuel consists of high enriched uranium. The amount of fuel is mission dependent, and requires declaration of payload, and desired speed, which is limited to sub-light for the first generation of this invention. The spacecraft will be assembled in, and launched from low earth orbit. The spacecraft final assembly consists of modular components delivered to low earth orbit from earth by conventional chemical rockets.

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Central control device of nuclear power plant, plant operation support device, and plant operation support method

Номер: US20150049851A1
Автор: Masanori Yokoyama
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A central control device of a nuclear power plant monitors and controls the nuclear power plant. The central control device includes monitoring operation devices (for example, an alarm VDU, a common system VDU, and a safety system VDU of an operation console) each having both a function as a display unit that displays information on the nuclear power plant (for example, operation information, safety information, and the like) and a function as an operation unit that operates the nuclear power plant, and a control unit that controls these monitoring operation devices. The control unit selects an operation procedure document corresponding to an input operation to a monitoring operation device and displays the operation procedure document on the monitoring operation device.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Muon-catalyzed fusion on thin-atmosphere planets or moons using cosmic rays for muon generation

Номер: US20180047464A1
Автор: Jerome Drexler
Принадлежит: Individual

In various units, a coating of chips or pellets comprising a deuterium-containing micro-fusion fuel material produce energetic reaction products and/or EM radiation in the presence of an ambient flux of cosmic rays and muons generated from the cosmic rays. The chips may contain solid Li 6 D or encapsulate liquid or frozen D 2 O. Micro-fusion reactions proceed via muon-catalyzed fusion, particle-target fusion, or both. These may produce usable heat for a space heater to heat surrounding spaces directly or communicate via circulating fluid with a heat exchanger located for more remote heating of spaces away from the generator. EM radiation can be converted to electricity, either directly or via heating of a circulating liquid and thermoelectric conversion. Mechanical work may also be performed by the energetic reaction products, wherein a coated panel mounted on a transport vehicle may serve as a propulsion unit, the energetic reaction products directly providing horizontal thrust or providing electricity via heating (as before) to drive the vehicle. Other mechanical devices include paddle wheels coated with the chips to generate rotary motion, and levers coated on one lever arm to produce a beneficial force at the other lever arm.

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Nanofuel engine apparatus and nanofuel

Номер: US20150052886A1
Автор: Mark Lloyd Adams
Принадлежит: Global Energy Research Associates LLC

A nanofuel engine including receiving nanofuel (including moderator, nanoscale molecular dimensions & molecular mixture) internally in an internal combustion engine that releases nuclear energy, is set forth. A nanofuel chemical composition of fissile fuel, passive agent, and moderator. A method of obtaining transuranic elements for nanofuel including: receiving spent nuclear fuel (SNF); separating elements from SNF, including a stream of elements with Z>92, fissile fuel, passive agent, fertile fuel, or fission products; and providing elements. A method of using transuranic elements to create nanofuel, including: receiving, converting, and mixing the transuranic elements with a moderator to obtain nanofuel. A method of operating a nanofuel engine loaded with nanofuel in spark or compression ignition mode. A method of cycling a nanofuel engine, including compressing nanofuel; igniting nanofuel; capturing energy released in nanofuel, which is also the working fluid; and using the working fluid to perform mechanical work or generate heat.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Nuclear driven carbon dioxide sequestration system and method

Номер: US20210053013A1

A system and method for heat produced at a nuclear power plant as the energy source for carbon dioxide sequestration while simultaneously producing electricity. The system includes a nuclear power plant that differs significantly from conventional designs inasmuch as its design is tightly integrated into the carbon dioxide sequestration system. The system generates electricity and sequesters carbon dioxide at the same time. Instead of simply generating electricity from the nuclear reactor and then using that electricity to run a sequestration process, the method is designed to directly provide the requisite thermal energy to the sequestration process, and simultaneously power an electrical generator. Another feature of the system design is a method of optimizing load balancing between the electrical grid and carbon dioxide sequestration.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Aparatus and method for dismantling for heavy water reactor facilities

Номер: US20220068514A1
Принадлежит: Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co Ltd

A heavy-water reactor facility dismantling apparatus according to an embodiment includes: a first cutting device for cutting the periphery of a first nozzle portion of a calandria, wherein the first nozzle portion is connected to the upper end of a first pipe positioned in the calandria of a heavy-water reactor facility; a second cutting device for cutting a first support part of the calandria, wherein the first support portion is connected to the lower end of the first pipe connected to the first nozzle portion; and a fixing and drawing device for fixing and drawing the first nozzle portion cut by the first cutting device.

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Extended operating cycle for pressurized water reactor

Номер: US20140133619A1
Автор: Vince J. Bilovsky
Принадлежит: Babcock and Wilcox mPower Inc

A pressurized water reactor (PWR) includes a pressure vessel containing a nuclear reactor core immersed in primary coolant water, control rod assemblies (CRA's), and control rod drive mechanisms (CRDM's) operating the CRA's. The reactor core has axially varying 235 U enrichment and/or axially varying burnable poison concentration. A CRDM controller controls the CRA's over a burn-up cycle that does not include fuel assembly shuffling and is divided into a plurality of burn-up intervals. The CRDM controller is configured to, for each burn up interval: position the CRA's in accordance with a CRA pattern defining a set of fixed positions for the CRA's except for a sub-set of CRA's designated by the CRA pattern as floating CRA's, and control power level of the PWR by adjusting the floating CRA's without not adjusting the CRA's not designated as floating CRA's. The primary coolant water optionally does not contain soluble neutron poison.

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Nuclear steam supply system

Номер: US20190057789A1
Принадлежит: SMR Inventec LLC

A nuclear steam supply system having a start-up sub-system for heating a primary coolant. In one embodiment, the invention can be a nuclear steam supply system comprising: a reactor vessel having an internal cavity, a reactor core comprising nuclear fuel disposed within the internal cavity; a steam generating vessel fluidly coupled to the reactor vessel; a primary coolant loop formed within the reactor vessel and the steam generating vessel, a primary coolant in the primary coolant loop; and a start-up sub-system fluidly coupled to the primary coolant loop, the start-up sub-system configured to: (1) receive a portion of the primary coolant from the primary coolant loop; (2) heat the portion of the primary coolant to form a heated portion of the primary coolant; and (3) inject the heated portion of the primary coolant into the primary coolant loop.

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Semi Submersible Nuclear Power Plant and Multipurpose Platform

Номер: US20140140466A1
Автор: David W. Richardson
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is an offshore, manned, scalable, modular, floating, moored, nuclear power generating plant and multipurpose platform. The present invention is comprised of a Main Plant Control Deck, Central Plant Deck, and submerged Reactor-Generator Deck(s) integrated into the structure of a Spar or Cell Spar Platform. The Reactor-Generator decks are comprised of a plurality of modular, Naval Nuclear Pressurized Water Reactor Modules. Electricity generated is transmitted via submarine High Voltage Direct Current Cables to shore. Ancillary, co-generated services, e.g. desalinated water, are transmitted to shore via submarine pipelines. Multipurpose Topside Decks house vessel command, crew, and any ancillary and co-generation equipment. The present invention, constructed in a multi-path manufacturing process, provides exceptional economic, environmental, sustainability, security, safety, and operational advantages over the current art of power generation.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Shaft sealing structure and primary coolant circulation pump

Номер: US20190063610A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A shaft sealing structure for a rotation shaft, includes a sealing ring having ends formed by removal of its part. The ends abutting each other are continuous in the circumferential direction when the sealing ring is reduced in diameter to a radially inner side. The sealing ring is provided along the circumferential direction of the rotation shaft so as to be contactable with an outer peripheral surface of the rotation shaft. The structure also includes a pressing member configured to be movable between a pressing position and a retracted position; an elastic member configured to bias the pressing member toward the pressing position by elastic force; and a support member configured to support the pressing member at the retracted position against the elastic force, and to allow the pressing member to move to the pressing position at a predetermined temperature.

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Aneutronic Nuclear Fuel

Номер: US20220093281A1
Автор: Austin Lo
Принадлежит: Individual

A nuclear fuel cell includes a net neutron-producing material, a neutron-consuming material, and a neutron-moderating material. Upon exposure of the net-producing material, the neutron-moderating material, and the neutron-consuming material to a neutron source, a ratio of the net neutron-producing material to (i) the neutron-consuming material and (ii) the neutron-moderating material is operable to convert neutrons into charged particles without producing net neutrons.

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Space saver flanged joint for a nuclear reactor vessel

Номер: US20150085965A1
Принадлежит: SMR Inventec LLC

A nuclear steam supply system includes an elongated reactor vessel having an internal cavity with a central axis, a reactor core having nuclear fuel disposed within the internal cavity, and a steam generating vessel having at least one heat exchanger section, the steam generating vessel being fluidicly coupled to the reactor vessel. The reactor vessel includes a shell having an upper flange portion and a head having a head flange portion. The upper flange portion is coupled to the head flange portion, wherein the upper flange portion extends into the internal cavity, and the head flange portion extends outward from the internal cavity.

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Reactor plant and method of operating reactor plant

Номер: US20200082950A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A reactor plant includes a reactor having a reactor core, and a steam circulation system and a bypass system, as a plurality of systems capable of circulating water carrying thermal energy generated by a nuclear fission reaction in the reactor core, and the water as the same heat medium can be circulated in the steam circulation system and the bypass system.

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Corrosion-resistant member and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20140170325A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

A corrosion-resistant member has a composite titanium oxide film for reducing corrosion deposited on a surface of a construction material, where the composite titanium oxide film is represented by a molecular formula MTiO 3 in which M is a transition element, and the corrosion-resistant member is preliminarily manufactured by depositing titanium oxide on the surface of the construction material, and the titanium oxide is subsequently or simultaneously subjected to high temperature treatment under existence of an ion of the transition metal.

06-04-2017 дата публикации

Heat exchange system and nuclear reactor system

Номер: US20170098483A1
Автор: Lei Yang, Wenlong Zhan
Принадлежит: Institute of Modern Physics of CAS

The present invention discloses a heat exchange system and a nuclear reactor system. The heat exchange system includes: a heating device; a heat consuming device connected with the heating device through a pipe to form a loop; and a steam, which is in a wet steam state before being supplied to a heat source, and is supplied to the heat consuming device after becoming dry steam or superheated steam by exchanging heat with the heating device. Heat exchange efficiency and security of the nuclear reactor system are improved by adopting steam as a heat exchange medium.

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Method And System For Determining Power Plant Machine Reliability

Номер: US20150106059A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Disclosed are methods and systems to determine a power plant machine reliability forecast. In an embodiment, a method may comprise obtaining an environmental factor of a power plant machine based on geospatial data of a first area and location data of a second area, obtaining an operating factor of the power plant machine, and determining a reliability forecast based on the obtained environmental factor and the obtained operating factor.

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Self-contained in-ground geothermal generator and heat exchanger with in-line pump and several alternative applications

Номер: US20150107244A1
Автор: Nikola Lakic
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of harnessing geothermal energy to produce electricity without polluting the environment by using universal portable closed loop systems is provided. The Scientific Geothermal Technology, The Self Contained In-Ground Geothermal Generator; The Self Contained Heat Exchanger; and The IN-LINE PUMP consist of several designs and variations complementing each other and/or operating separately in many different applications in energy sectors. The system can be used for harnessing heat from established lava (tube) flows; harnessing the waste heat from the flame on top of flare stacks; and other situation where a source of heat is difficult to access or is not suitable for relatively heavy equipment of a power plant or power unit. Also, included is an exemplary use for restoration of the Salton Sea which implements the Scientific Geothermal Technology for exchanging water from a salty terminal lake with oceanic water and for production of electricity and fresh water.

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Combustion controller for combustible gas

Номер: US20150108128A1

Provided is a combustion controller for a combustible gas of a pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant, and more particularly, to a combustion controller for a combustible gas installed in a rear end of a filtered vent system outside a containment vessel or an external chimney, configured to convert a combustible gas such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, or the like, into steam, carbon dioxide, or the like, and simultaneously, operate by itself with no external power supply. Accordingly, the combustion controller for a combustible gas can perform stable combustion control with no probability of explosion of hydrogen through a recombining reaction of the combustible gas, prevent discharge of carbon monoxide, which is a toxic gas, and prevent backward flow of the flame through the quenching mesh.

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Power monitoring system for a nuclear reactor

Номер: US20140185727A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to an embodiment, a power monitoring system for a nuclear reactor comprises at least a first system and second system. The first system and the second system respectively comprise a plurality of APRM units, a plurality of FLOW units, and a plurality of OPRM units. The APRM units respectively generate an LPRM signal that indicates the local output of neutrons by the reactor core, and generate an APRM signal indicating the average output of the reactor core, based on the LPRM signal. The FLOW units respectively generate a FLOW signal indicating the flow rate of reactor coolant. The OPRM units respectively are supplied with the LPRM signal and the APRM signal from at least two aforementioned APRM units and are supplied with the FLOW signal from at least one aforementioned FLOW unit; and, based on the supplied LPRM signals, APRM signals and FLOW signals, generate a trip signal for shutting down the reactor.

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Energy storage system

Номер: US20160109185A1

Energy storage system regulating power output of a power generation plant that has a heat exchanger, primary circuit and secondary circuit, primary circuit directs primary fluid flow to components of a primary region and secondary circuit directs a secondary fluid flow to components of a secondary region, the heat exchanger is arranged so the secondary fluid flow is heated from the primary fluid flow. Energy storage arrangement makes a vessel for storing secondary fluid. Fluid transfer arrangement connects the vessel and is connectable to the heat exchanger of the power generation system to arrange the fluid transfer arrangement in fluid communication with the heat exchanger and the vessel. Bidirectional flow arrangement configured to control flow direction of fluid between the vessel and fluid transfer arrangement to selectively store heat energy from the heat exchanger in the vessel, and selectively transfer heat energy stored in the vessel to the heat exchanger.

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Emission monitoring system for a venting system of a nuclear power plant and nuclear power plant having the emission monitoring system

Номер: US20160118149A1
Автор: Axel Hill
Принадлежит: AREVA GMBH

An emission monitoring system for a venting system of a nuclear power plant is configured for low consumption of energy while having high reliability of measurement results. The emission monitoring system has a pressure relief line connected to a containment and contains a high-pressure section, a low-pressure section, and a sampling line, which, on the inlet side, opens into the low-pressure section of the pressure relief line and is guided from there to a functional path through which steam flows. An ejector containing a pump fluid connector, a suction connector and an outlet connector is provided. A pump fluid feed line has an inlet side opening into the high-pressure section of the pressure relief line and is guided from there to the ejector and connected to the pump fluid connector. A sample return line is guided from the functional path to the ejector and connected to the suction connector.

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Reactor cooling and electric power generation system

Номер: US20200126680A1

Also, the reactor cooling and power generation system according to the present invention may continuously operate during an accident as well as a normal operation so as to cool the reactor and produce emergency power, thereby improving system reliability. In addition, the reactor cooling and power generation system according to the present invention may facilitate application of safety class or seismic design with a small scale facility, thereby improving the reliability owing to the application of the safety class or seismic design.

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Nuclear reactor power regulator

Номер: US20150146836A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

A reactor power regulator that adjusts an output of a reactor on a basis of an operation pattern or a reactor output target value and a reactor output change rate that are input by a central load dispatching center or an operator, including: a reactor output calculating device that performs computation based on a thermal equilibrium from various necessary plant state quantities to calculate a reactor output signal; a correcting device that corrects a continuously obtained reactor output equivalent signal that is considered to be equivalent to a reactor output at a calculation interval of the reactor output signal, for each calculation interval in the reactor output calculating device so that the reactor output equivalent signal coincides with the reactor output signal calculated by the reactor output calculating device, and calculates a continuous corrected reactor output equivalent signal; a reactor output controlling device that calculates at least one type of reactor output control signal for controlling the output of the reactor, using the corrected reactor output equivalent signal, the reactor output target value, and the reactor output change rate; and a reactor output controller that is actuated on a basis of the reactor output control signal.

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Floating nuclear power reactor with a self-cooling containment structure and an emergency heat exchange system

Номер: US20190139657A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A floating nuclear power reactor is provided and includes a barge floating in a tank filled with water. The reactor includes a self-cooling containment structure and an emergency heat exchange system.

11-06-2015 дата публикации

Hydrogen Concentration Meter

Номер: US20150160163A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A hydrogen concentration meter for measuring density of hydrogen in gas, is disclosed having a first electrode and a second electrode. The first electrode is formed of a first metal. The second electrode is formed of a second metal having a work function different from a work function of the first metal. The second electrode faces the first electrode. At least one of the first electrode or the second electrode detects an electrically charged particle generated electrically between the first electrode and the second electrode by a recoil proton generated by an irradiated neutron.

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Corrosion inhibitor injecting method

Номер: US20140242299A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

A method for injecting a corrosion inhibitor injecting an oxidant and an anticorrosive agent-pH adjusting agent complex including an anticorrosive agent and a pH adjusting agent adsorbed on a surface of the anticorrosive agent into high temperature water in contact with a surface of a metal structural material and irradiating the high temperature water with a radioactive ray or an ultraviolet ray, wherein the anticorrosive agent of the anticorrosive agent-pH adjusting agent complex has, on the surface of the anticorrosive agent, an active site where the pH adjusting agent reacts with the oxidant, and the pH adjusting agent present on the surface of the anticorrosive agent of the anticorrosive agent-pH adjusting agent complex and/or in the high temperature water is oxidized with the oxidant by the irradiation with the radioactive ray or the ultraviolet ray to change pH adjusting ability of the pH adjusting agent and shift a pH of the high temperature water to a neutral side, and thereby deposition of the anticorrosive agent 11 to the metal structural material 65 is accelerated.

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Nuclear reactor core architecture with enhanced heat transfer and safety

Номер: US20220301732A1
Принадлежит: Ultra Safe Nuclear Corp

An enhanced architecture for a nuclear reactor core includes several technologies: (1) nuclear fuel tiles (S-Block); and (2) a high-temperature thermal insulator and tube liners with a low-temperature solid-phase moderator (U-Mod) to improve safety, reliability, heat transfer, efficiency, and compactness. In S-Block, nuclear fuel tiles include a fuel shape designed with an interlocking geometry pattern to optimize heat transfer between nuclear fuel tiles and into a fuel coolant and bring the fuel coolant in direct contact with the nuclear fuel tiles. Nuclear fuel tiles can be shaped with discontinuous nuclear fuel lateral facets and have fuel coolant passages formed therein to provide direct contact between the fuel coolant and the nuclear fuel tiles. In U-Mod, tube liners with low hydrogen diffusivity retain hydrogen in the low-temperature solid-phase moderator even at elevated temperatures and the high-temperature thermal insulator insulates the solid-phase moderator from the nuclear fuel tiles.

18-06-2015 дата публикации

Floating nuclear power reactor with a self-cooling containment structure and an emergency heat exchange system

Номер: US20150170773A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A floating nuclear power reactor includes a self-cooling containment structure and an emergency heat exchange system. The containment structure of the reactor may be flooded upon the temperature or pressure in the containment structure reaching a certain level. The reactor vessel may also be flooded upon the temperature or pressure in the reactor vessel reaching a predetermined level. The reactor includes a heat exchange system and a filtered containment venting system.

16-06-2016 дата публикации

System and method for power generation

Номер: US20160169212A1
Автор: Garry HINE
Принадлежит: Individual

A hybrid geothermal power system is discussed. The system includes a geothermal system including power plant ( 101 ) and pumping station ( 102 ) and a nuclear plant ( 103 ). Pumping station ( 102 ) is used to inject fluid from reservoir ( 104 ) through an injection well ( 105 ) into the bedrock ( 106 ) (also referred to as the hot dry rock HDR zone) and extracted via a secondary bore (extraction well) usually coupled to the power plant ( 101 ). In the present example however the injection well is linked to the extraction well ( 107 ). As fluid is injected into the bedrock a drop in temperature occurs due to heat transfer to the fluid. Nuclear plant ( 103 ) is utilized to combat this drop, the plant ( 103 ) has the fissionable components ( 1091, 1092, 1093 ) of the reactor positioned within bores ( 1081, 1082, 1083 ) within the HDR zone.

11-09-2014 дата публикации

Alternative air supply and exhaust port for air-operated valve

Номер: US20140254738A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi GE Nuclear Energy Ltd

The present invention is directed to remote operation of an operation valve such as an air operated valve even at the time of power loss. A gas supply apparatus of the present invention includes: an operation valve mounted in some midpoint of a piping for passing at least gas in a plant and operating a valve body by the gas flowing in the piping; an solenoid valve mounted in some midpoint of the piping and allowing/stopping flow of the gas to the operation valve; and a gas supply source for supplying gas to the solenoid valve. A switching valve for switching between exhaust from the solenoid valve and gas supply to the solenoid valve is mounted in an exhaust line of the solenoid valve and, at the time of power loss, the switching valve is switched to connection to the gas supply source for supplying gas to the solenoid valve.

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Gas turbine and pressurized water reactor steam turbine combined circulation system

Номер: US20190170020A1
Автор: Lidao ZHANG
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a gas turbine and pressurized water reactor steam turbine combined circulation system, using a heavy duty gas turbine and a pressurized water reactor steam turbine to form a combined circulation system. Heat of the tail gas of the gas turbine is utilized to raise the temperature of a secondary circuit main steam from 272.8° C., and the temperature of the secondary circuit main steam slides between 272.8° C. and 630° C. according to different pressurized water reactor steam yields and different input numbers and loads of the heavy duty gas turbine. The system has a higher heat efficiency than that of the pressurized water reactor steam turbines in the prior art; and as for the electric quantity additionally generated by gas, the heat efficiency of the system is also significantly higher than that of gas-steam combined circulation in the prior art.

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Asteroid mining systems facilitated by cosmic ray and muon-catalyzed fusion

Номер: US20190172598A1
Автор: Jerome Drexler
Принадлежит: Individual

Cosmic ray and muon-catalyzed micro-fusion electrical generation provides electrical power for mining operations, including any asteroid habitats and mining equipment. The micro-fusion generator systems deploy deuterium-containing fuel material as a localized cloud interacting with incoming ambient cosmic rays to generate energetic fusion products. Dust or other particulate matter in the fuel material, in the localized cloud, and in the space surrounding the asteroid being mined converts some cosmic rays into muons that also catalyze fusion. The fusion products drive turbines to facilitate the electrical generation.

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Source of electricity derived from a spent fuel cask

Номер: US20140270042A1
Автор: Jeffrey T. Dederer
Принадлежит: Westinghouse Electric Co LLC

Apparatus for extracting useful electric or mechanical power in significant quantities from the decay heat that is produced within spent nuclear fuel casks. The power is used for either powering an active forced air heat removal system for the nuclear casks, thereby increasing the thermal capacity of the casks, or for emergency nuclear plant power in the event of a station blackout. Thermoelectric generators or other heat engines are employed using the thermal gradient that exists between the spent nuclear fuel and the environment surrounding the cask's components housing the nuclear fuel to produce the power.

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Air-cooled condenser, method for forming an axial flow baffle for a heat exchanger and/or method of cooling high level radioactive waste

Номер: US20210210242A1
Принадлежит: Holtec International Inc

An air-cooled condenser system for steam condensing applications in a power plant Rankine cycle includes an air cooled condenser having a plurality of interconnected modular cooling cells. A method for forming an axial flow baffle for a shell and tube heat exchanger includes providing a baffle workpiece, locating a centerpoint of a first axial flow tube aperture, drilling flow holes around the centerpoint of the flow aperture, and drilling a central tube hole at the centerpoint. A method of cooling high level waste includes surrounding a cask comprising an external surface and an internal storage cavity containing the high level radioactive waste which emits heat with a cooling water header; and discharging cooling water radially inwards from the cooling water header onto the external surface of the cask from the plurality of water dispensing outlets arranged on the cooling water header.

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Passively-cooled spent nuclear fuel pool system and method therefor

Номер: US20180190398A1
Принадлежит: SMR Inventec LLC

A passively-cooled spent nuclear fuel pool system and method therefor. In one embodiment, the invention can be a passively-cooled spent nuclear fuel pool system comprising: a spent nuclear fuel pool comprising a body of liquid water having a surface level, at least one spent nuclear fuel rod submerged in the body of liquid water that heats the body of liquid water; a lid covering the spent nuclear fuel pool to create a hermetically sealed vapor space between the surface level of the body of liquid water and the lid; and a passive heat exchange sub-system fluidly coupled to the vapor space, the passive heat exchange sub-system configured to: (1) receive water vapor from the vapor space; (2) remove thermal energy from the received water vapor, thereby condensing the water vapor to form a condensed water vapor; and (3) return the condensed water vapor to the body of liquid water.

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Applied Sciences Absolute Technologies GODPARTICLES Balancing The Magnetosphere

Номер: US20190189302A1
Автор: Svetozar B. Petrovich
Принадлежит: Individual

A super plant comprises absolute technologies an ultra-transport system, an ultra-cycling light fluids bulk power electromagnetic fluids creep, stiffness precise balancing displacements energy, minimum energy balancing, minimal energy displacements for cosmological global gravitational dynamics conforming nullities relativity energy cycles to energy relativity structures comprising: means for opposing global air warming, affecting Heat Rate maximum efficiencies of the ultra-transport system, Regions 1 - 5 ultra-longevity boundaries ultra-fluxing, ultra-conserving the bulk power, the mega bulk power, boundaries perfections, and the magnetosphere mega bulk power Regions 4 portions mega bulk power portion.

13-07-2017 дата публикации

Passive reactor cooling system

Номер: US20170200515A1
Принадлежит: SMR Inventec LLC

A nuclear reactor cooling system with passive cooling capabilities operable during a reactor shutdown event without available electric power. In one embodiment, the system includes a reactor vessel with nuclear fuel core and a steam generator fluidly coupled thereto. Primary coolant circulates in a flow loop between the reactor vessel and steam generator to heat secondary coolant in the steam generator producing steam. The steam flows to a heat exchanger containing an inventory of cooling water in which a submerged tube bundle is immersed. The steam is condensed in the heat exchanger and returned to the steam generator forming a closed flow loop in which the secondary coolant flow is driven by natural gravity via changes in density from the heating and cooling cycles. In other embodiments, the cooling system is configured to extract and cool the primary coolant directly using the submerged tube bundle heat exchanger.

09-10-2014 дата публикации

Underwater electricity production module

Номер: US20140301524A1
Автор: Geoffrey Haratyk
Принадлежит: DCNS SA

The underwater electricity production module according to the invention includes means in the form of an elongated cylindrical box ( 12 ) in which means are integrated forming an electricity production unit including means forming a nuclear boiler ( 30 ), associated with electricity production means ( 37 ) connected to an external electricity distribution station by electrical cables, is characterized in that the nuclear boiler-forming means ( 30 ) are placed in a dry chamber ( 19 ) of the reactor compartment ( 18 ) associated with the chamber forming a safety water storage reservoir ( 20 ) of the reactor whereof at least the radial wall ( 53 ) is in a heat exchange relationship with the marine environment and in that the dry compartment ( 19 ) of the reactor container ( 18 ) is connected to the safety water storage reservoir chamber ( 20 ) of the reactor by depressurizing means ( 70 ) including means ( 71 ) forming a depressurizing valve placed in the upper portion of the dry chamber ( 19 ) and connected to one of the bubbler-forming means ( 72 ) placed in the lower portion of the storage reservoir chamber ( 20 ).

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Reactor protection-processor-to-reactor-trip breaker interface and method for operating the same

Номер: US20180211734A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Power Products Inc

A method is provided of operating a reactor trip system, including: determining whether an automated shutdown of the nuclear plant has been demanded; energizing an interface relay to de-energize an undervoltage coil of a circuit breaker when the automated shutdown has been demanded; energizing an interface relay to energize a shunt trip coil of the first circuit breaker when the automated shutdown has been demanded; de-energizing the undervoltage coil when the manual shutdown has been demanded; energizing the shunt trip coil when the manual shutdown has been demanded; performing a check of a cyclical execution of processors in first and second divisions using separate watchdog timers in each division and determining whether watchdog timer signals have been de-energized in the first and second divisions; and de-energizing the undervoltage coil if the first and second watchdog timer signals have both been actuated.

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Small modular reactor power plant with load following and cogeneration capabilities and methods of using

Номер: US20190206580A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Reactor Concepts LLC

Provided herein is a small modular nuclear reactor plant that can comprise a reactor core comprising a primary sodium comprising cool primary sodium flow and heated primary sodium flow. Heated primary sodium flow can enter one or more IHXs where heated primary sodium exchanges heat with secondary sodium flowing through at least one intermediate sodium loop. Intermediate sodium loop can comprise secondary sodium flow that can transport heat to energy conversion portion via a heat exchanger. Energy conversion portion can comprise a bypass valve. Bypass valve can bypass an energy conversion working fluid (such as S-CO2) away from a turbine during periods of adjustment as discussed herein. The plant may comprise passive load following features along with the ability to provide cogeneration heat.

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus for degassing a nuclear reactor coolant system

Номер: US20160225470A1
Автор: Gary J. Corpora
Принадлежит: Westinghouse Electric Co LLC

An in-line dissolved gas removal membrane-based apparatus for removing dissolved hydrogen and fission gases from the letdown stream from a reactor coolant system.

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Small nuclear power generator

Номер: US20160231059A1
Автор: Il ho CHOI
Принадлежит: Individual

Provided is a small nuclear power generator which restores steam to water by applying pressure to the inside of a condenser using a pressurizer disposed over the condenser without condensing steam using cooling water. The small nuclear power generator includes: a nuclear reactor generating high-temperature heat by nuclear fission of a nuclear fuel; a steam generator converting internal water into steam by the high-temperature heat generated in the nuclear reactor; a turbine/generator including a steam turbine rotated by steam generated in the steam generator and a generator connected to an axis of the steam turbine and together rotating to produce electricity; and a condenser restoring steam to water by applying pressure to steam discharged after rotating the steam turbine using two or more pressurizers, again supplying the water into the steam generator, and formed of a titanium (Ti) or an alloy thereof.

30-10-2014 дата публикации

Hafnium turbine engine and method of operation

Номер: US20140318132A1
Автор: David J. Podrog
Принадлежит: Individual

A device powered by a method of heating a gas by directing X-rays at a mass of hafnium 178 to induce gamma rays. The gamma rays are directed at a heat exchanging apparatus, resulting in a stream of heated gas. This process powers a Hafnium gas turbine engine capable of providing shaft power or thrust to mechanical devices.

19-08-2021 дата публикации

The Use of a Stirling Engine to Provide Emergency Heat Removal to the Containment Environment of a Nuclear Reactor Building

Номер: US20210257115A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A Stirling engine provides a means to use the thermal energy in the sealed containment environment of a nuclear reactor building to provide emergency cooling. Acting as the prime mover in a coupled heat exchanger system, a Stirling engine could develop fluid flow thereby resulting in forced convection vice natural circulation and would not rely on an external power source during an unusual accident event where no electric power is available.

13-11-2014 дата публикации

System and method for storing energy in a nuclear power plant

Номер: US20140334593A1
Принадлежит: Meir Shinnar, Shlomo Shinnar

A method for storing the energy of a nuclear power plant in which the nuclear core is cooled by gases or liquid heat transfer media. The hot heat transfer liquid is stored directly in storage tanks. When needed, it is used for heating a power plant. The heat of a compressed gas heat transfer medium such as helium is stored by passing the compressed gas through tanks filled with heat-resistant solids and recovered by passing the same type of gas in a second circuit in a reverse direction. Through the hot tanks to the power plant and back. This Abstract is not intended to define the invention disclosed in the specification, nor intended to limit the scope of the invention in any way.

23-09-2021 дата публикации

Method for calculating uncertainty of data-based model

Номер: US20210295192A1
Принадлежит: M&D Inc

A method for calculating the uncertainty of a data-based model, includes: a memory data generation step (S10); a measurement data receiving step (S20); a Euclidean distance calculation step (S30); a kernel function calculation step (S40); a weighted area-specific effective number calculation step (S50) of calculating a weighted area-specific effective number (Nn); a weighted value setting step (S60) of setting a weighted area-specific weighted value (Wn); a total effective number calculation step (S70) of calculating a total effective number (Nt) according to a weighted value; a prediction data calculation step (S80) of calculating prediction data (Xq) about measurement data (Q); a weighted standard deviation calculation step (S90) of calculating a weighted standard deviation (Sw); and an uncertainty calculation step (S100) of calculating uncertainty (U) so as to determine the reliability of prediction data by means of the calculated uncertainty (U).

08-09-2016 дата публикации

Nuclear Reactor Core

Номер: US20160260506A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

The initial-core economical efficiency is improved by loading the medium enriched fuel in the peripheral or lacing it adjacent to the low enriched fuel and the highly enriched fuel. According to the present invention, in an initial core of a Boiling Water Reactor loaded with at least three types of fuel including highly enriched fuel with a fission-material content of 3.0 wt % or more, medium enriched fuel with a fission-material content of a range from 1.5 wt % or more to less than 3.0 wt %, and low enriched fuel with a fission-material content of less than 1.5 wt %, when a region of an outermost peripheral of a core occupied by the fuel having no face adjoining another fuel in a horizontal direction is defined as an outermost peripheral region, a region outside a line at 80% of a radius of a circumcircle of the core and except for the outermost peripheral region is defined as a peripheral region and the remainder is defined as an inner region, 50% or more of the fuel loaded in the peripheral region is the medium enriched fuel.

27-11-2014 дата публикации

Dual Fluid Reactor

Номер: US20140348287A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention describes a nuclear reactor with a loop for liquid nuclear fuel, which, contrary to similar systems like the Molten-Salt Reactor of the Generation-IV canon, does not use the fuel loop for the heat transport at the same time. Instead, cooling is provided by an additional coolant loop, which is intensively coupled to the nuclear fuel duct for heat transport. That way, the advantages of liquid fuel can be utilized while optimizing the coolant loop performance, so the complexity of safety systems can be reduced significantly. This reactor design further includes an optimized neutron economy and is able to deactivate long-lived fission products generated by its own, so only short-lived radiotoxic waste has to be stored. With the neutron surplus it is also possible to deactivate long-lived radiotoxic waste from used fuel of today's light water reactors or to produce medical radioisotopes.

24-09-2015 дата публикации

Operation Support System for Plant Accidents

Номер: US20150269505A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

An object of the invention is to provide an operation support system for plant accidents that estimates events reflecting plant states changing momentarily at plant accidents. The invention includes an event narrow-down device that narrows down occurring event candidates based on at least one of a sensor signal, a device state signal, and an alarm signal and a discriminant rule, an event analysis device that analyzes a plant behavior based on a plurality of event narrow-down results as output of the event narrow-down device, the sensor signal, the device state signal, and the alarm signal, and an event estimation device that estimates an occurring event by comparing an analysis result from an analysis of a process state as output of the event analysis device and the sensor signal, wherein the event estimation device outputs the analysis result of the process state and the sensor signal corresponding to the occurring event as an event estimation result.

01-10-2015 дата публикации

High efficiency power generation system and system upgrades

Номер: US20150275697A1

A thermal/electrical power converter includes a gas turbine with an input couplable to an output of an inert gas thermal power source, a compressor including an output couplable to an input of the inert gas thermal power source, and a generator coupled to the gas turbine. The thermal/electrical power converter also includes a heat exchanger with an input coupled to an output of the gas turbine and an output coupled to an input of the compressor. The heat exchanger includes a series-coupled super-heater heat exchanger, a boiler heat exchanger and a water preheater heat exchanger. The thermal/electrical power converter also includes a reservoir tank and reservoir tank control valves configured to regulate a power output of the thermal/electrical power converter.

21-09-2017 дата публикации

Power Handling In A Scalable Storage System

Номер: US20170270069A1
Принадлежит: Liqid Inc

Systems, methods, apparatuses, and software for data storage systems are provided herein. In one example, a data storage assembly is provided. The data storage assembly includes a plurality of storage drives each comprising a PCIe host interface and solid state storage media, with each of the storage drives configured to store and retrieve data responsive to storage operations received over an associated PCIe host interface. The data storage assembly includes a PCIe switch circuit coupled to the PCIe host interfaces of the storage drives and configured to receive the storage operations issued by a plurality of host systems over a shared PCIe interface and transfer the storage operations for delivery to the storage drives over selected ones of the PCIe host interfaces. The data storage assembly includes holdup circuitry configured to provide power to at least the storage drives after input power is lost to the data storage assembly.

06-10-2016 дата публикации

Condensate demineralization apparatus and condensate demineralization method

Номер: US20160289094A1
Принадлежит: Ebara Corp

A condensate demineralization method for a condensate treatment of a nuclear power generation plant, including: passing condensate at a linear flow rate ranging from 20 m/h to 200 m/h through a condensate demineralization apparatus comprising an ion exchange resin layer filled therein wherein the ion exchange resin layer includes a mixed bed of a strongly acidic cation resin and a strongly basic anion resin and a metal doped resin in a volume ratio ranging from 2% to 50% relative to the mixed bed.

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Welding method and steam generator channel head

Номер: US20150298235A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A welding method for making cladding or buttering on an inner surface of a base material, an inner surface of an opening portion formed in the base material, and the cut surface formed in such a manner that the cut surface is continuous from the inner surface of the base material to the inner surface of the opening portion, wherein the welding method includes a step of forming a protruding portion on the base material in advance, the protruding portion including a temporary welding surface extending toward the center of the opening portion in such a manner that the temporary welding surface is uniformly continuous to the inner surface of the base material and including the cut surface buried therein.

20-10-2016 дата публикации

Nuclear instrumentation and control system

Номер: US20160307655A1

An Instrumentation and Control (I&C) system for Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) of the nuclear power plants is provided. The instrumentation and control system is adapted to be divided into two parts: first and second control parts. The first control part includes Safety I&C functions adapted to be controlled by wired logics based on electromechanical relays. Further, the second control part includes Non-safety I&C functions adapted to be controlled by Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)/Human Machine Interface (HMI).

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Inter-module fuel shuffling

Номер: US20170301422A1
Принадлежит: Nuscale Power LLC

A method of loading fuel in multiple reactor cores associated with a plurality of fuel cycles. The method includes, in a first fuel cycle, loading a first reactor core with a first fuel assembly selected from a first batch of fuel, loading the first reactor core with a first partially spent fuel assembly from a second batch of fuel, loading a second reactor core with a second fuel assembly from the first batch of fuel, and loading the second reactor core with a second partially spent fuel assembly from the second batch of fuel. In a second fuel cycle, which is performed after a completion of the first fuel cycle, the method includes loading the second reactor core with a fresh fuel assembly, and loading the second reactor core with the first fuel assembly from the first batch of fuel.

18-10-2018 дата публикации

Residual heat removal ventilation system for spent fuel dry storage facility of nuclear power plant

Номер: US20180301234A1

A residual heat removal ventilation system for spent fuel dry storage facility of nuclear power plant includes a natural ventilation apparatus and a forced ventilation apparatus, comprising a cold air intake chamber, a hot air removal chamber, a pipeline, a ventilation heat shield cylinder, a heat removal fan, and an air cooling equipment having certain connecting relationships and being correspondingly arranged in a storeroom, an operating room and a ventilation equipment room. The system doesn't require storing spent fuel in a pool storage manner. The safety of the spent fuel doesn't rely on power equipment, thus not only reducing routine maintenance, saving energy, but also has inherent safety. Furthermore, the system can be used to cool spent fuel storage canisters within spent fuel storage facility of pebble bed high temperature gas-cooled reactor nuclear power plant, and discharge residual heat of spent fuel storage canisters to the external environment.

24-09-2020 дата публикации

Radioactive decay propulsion and electrical device

Номер: US20200299007A1
Автор: Ronald Lee Bennett
Принадлежит: Individual

This embodiment relates to a lifting or flying device using the energy from the radioactive decay of radioactive elements to accelerate an object. A thin radioactive coating is spread over a large surface area that allows most of the radiated particles to escape. The force from the decay of an unobstructed side A of a flattened or curved radioactive emitting device has enough energy to push an object toward its opposite side B expelling particles or waves at relativistic speeds in its exhaust if side B is covered by a shield that prevents most of the radiation from escaping that side. Trillions of small microscopic explosions per second per gram of radioactive material has enough energy from radioactive decay from alpha, beta, or gamma rays decaying to escape on A side which is much greater number of particles escaping than shielded side B imparting a force in in B direction.

24-09-2020 дата публикации

Stem Anti-Rotation Device for Nuclear Reactor Power Plant Gate Valves and Maintenance Method Using the Stem Anti-Rotation Device

Номер: US20200300373A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An anti-rotation device for preventing separation of a valve stem and valve disc(s) in a gate valve in a nuclear reactor power plant of the type where connection means, such as a wedge or disc hub, is threadedly engaged by the valve stem to actuate the valve and a method for maintenance or repair of the valve without disassembly of the valve or removal of the valve actuator.

19-11-2015 дата публикации

Device for heating a pressuriser

Номер: US20150332797A1
Автор: Jean-Pierre Roux

An induction heating device for a pressuriser of a pressurized water nuclear reactor, which pressuriser includes an enclosure having an inner wall made of magnetic material, the induction heating device including a heating module having a winding mounting, and a winding of conductive wire wound around the winding mounting, the winding generating a magnetic field when an alternating electric current passes therethrough; and a module mounting that engages with an attachment device configured to removably attach the heating module to the module mounting, the module mounting being configured to position the heating module outside of the inner wall of the enclosure of the pressuriser in a position that makes it possible to heat the inner wall of the pressuriser by magnetic induction when an electric current passes through the winding of the heating module.

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Formation of a field reversed configuration for magnetic and electrostatic confinement of plasma

Номер: US20160329110A1

A system and method for containing plasma and forming a Field Reversed Configuration (FRC) magnetic topology are described in which plasma ions are contained magnetically in stable, non-adiabatic orbits in the FRC. Further, the electrons are contained electrostatically in a deep energy well, created by tuning an externally applied magnetic field. The simultaneous electrostatic confinement of electrons and magnetic confinement of ions avoids anomalous transport and facilitates classical containment of both electrons and ions. In this configuration, ions and electrons may have adequate density and temperature so that upon collisions ions are fused together by nuclear force, thus releasing fusion energy. Moreover, the fusion fuel plasmas that can be used with the present confinement system and method are not limited to neutronic fuels only, but also advantageously include advanced fuels.

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Emergency decision-making assistance system

Номер: US20160329117A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

An emergency decision-making assistance system includes an information management unit operable to generate display data on the basis of emergency information and to share the emergency information via a network; a display unit operable to display a plurality of pieces of the display data generated by the information management unit; a console unit operable to switch between the plurality of pieces of display data displayed on the display unit; and a database configured to store the plurality of pieces of display data generated by the information management unit. Decision-making is thereby effectively assisted by obtaining only necessary information in a plurality of sites.

09-11-2017 дата публикации

Steam Generator Coolant Header with U-Shaped Tubes of a Horizontal Heat-Exchange Bundle and Methods of Its Manufacture

Номер: US20170321881A1
Принадлежит: Gidropress OKB

This invention relates to electric power industry, and can be used in horizontal steam generators for nuclear power plants (NPP) with a water-water energetic reactor (VVER). We claim a steam generator primary circuit coolant header with U-shaped tubes of a horizontal heat-exchange bundle designed as a thick-wall welded vessel with a perforated central cylindrical part designed so as to allow installation and fastening of a U-shaped heat-exchange tube bundle in the same, wherein the tubes are grouped into banks and separated by vertical inter-tubular tunnels, a lower cylindrical part designed so as to allow welded connection with the steam generator vessel connection pipe, and an upper cylindrical part with a conical adapter to the flange connection of the manhole with a lid, wherein primary circuit header outer diameter D head in the central part is selected based on formula. The technical result of the invention involves assurance of strength of the header wall bridges between holes for fastening of heat-exchange tubes and leaktightness of heat-exchange tube connections with the header assuming that the outer surface of the perforated header part is more efficiently (fully) used for tubing.

24-10-2019 дата публикации

Data processing system

Номер: US20190324609A1
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce Power Engineering PLC

There is disclosed a data processing system for generating pages of image data to be displayed in a monitoring system which monitors the condition of one or more instrument operation parameters. The data processing system comprising a display sub-system configured to receive parameter data representing the condition of one or more operation parameters being monitored and read a set of configuration data for a page to be displayed, wherein the set of configuration data indicates a configuration of a page for displaying a group of at least one operation parameter of the one or more operation parameters being monitored. The display sub-system is further configured to generate a page to be displayed based on the parameter data, the configuration data and pre-generated image data stored in memory.

08-12-2016 дата публикации

Hydraulic control unit and method of shutting down a nuclear reactor using the same

Номер: US20160358676A1

A method of shutting down a nuclear reactor may include compressing a scram gas that is in fluid communication with a scram accumulator. The scram accumulator defines a chamber therein and contains bellows within the chamber. The bellows are configured to hold a scram liquid in isolation of the scram gas. The scram gas exerts a compressive force on the bellows in a form of stored energy. The method may additionally include releasing the stored energy in response to a scram signal such that the scram gas expands into the chamber of the scram accumulator to compress the bellows and expel the scram liquid from the scram accumulator to insert control rods into a core of the nuclear reactor.

17-12-2015 дата публикации

Accelerator-driven subcritical reactor system

Номер: US20150364221A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Now disclosing previously undisclosed aspects of the original accelerator-driven sub-critical reactor, whose since-then familiar parts and operation was first disclosed publicly starting in 1990: a more efficient accelerator-driven system is proposed which fully and completely implements the fundamental insights of the original invention and which realizes then a completely next-generation and practical and wave energy processing system, departing fundamentally from thermal-conversion/turbine based systems and moving much more completely to a fusion-like paradigm, as was originally conceived. Departing fundamentally from the conventional energy processing paradigm, proposed are more efficient energy collection and conversion systems “directly” collecting particle flows and wave radiation, converting them more efficiently to usably power for distribution, and recycling flows required for the accelerator-driven system. Thus, by those greater net efficiencies, thereby enabling a wider range of feedstock/fuel types and cycles generalized, while also providing: 1) a significantly more efficient Thorium-cycle system, in one configuration, 2) a more energy-productive nuclear waste reduction system, in another configuration, 3) accelerator driven systems for other fertile-fission candidate elements, and 4) which may be applied to fusion systems (substituting the fission unit in the proposed system class and category) in a way that may lower the break-even point for such systems and thus make the advent of practical fusion sooner than otherwise possible. 5) In addition and importantly, an optical-power processing and distribution is also enabled by the proposed, providing both optical power as base power for telecom, process energy for industrial uses, and lighting and other wavelengths for consumer and general business use.

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Method for analyzing heat exchanger

Номер: US20190340307A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A method for analyzing a heat exchanger includes a structural model creation step (S1) of creating a structural model of a heat exchanger; a iron-linear model creation step (S4) of creating a iron-linear model in which a non-linear spring element in an out-of-plane direction, in which a load is generated only at me time of contact between a heat transfer tube and an anti-vibration member, is applied to an opposing portion between the heat transfer tube and the anti-vibration member in a structural model, and a load distribution acquisition step (S5) of performing analysis in which a load in the out-of-plane direction is applied to the non-linear model to acquire load distribution of the heat exchanger from a value of the load in each opposing portion.

15-12-2016 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for generating electricity and storing energy using a thermal or nuclear power plant

Номер: US20160363007A1

A method for generating electricity by means of a nuclear power plant and a liquid vaporization apparatus involves, during a first period, producing heat energy by means of the nuclear power plant and using the heat energy to vaporize water or to heat water vapour, expanding the water vapour formed in a first turbine and using the first turbine to drive an electricity generator in order to produce electricity, vaporizing liquefied gas coming from a cryogenic store in order to produce pressurized gas, reheating the pressurized gas with a part of the water vapour intended for the first turbine of the nuclear power plant and expanding the pressurized fluid in a second turbine to produce electricity and, during the second period, liquefying the gas to be vaporized.

21-11-2019 дата публикации

Portable Device And Method For Estimating A Parameter Of A Polymer

Номер: US20190353590A1

The invention relates to a portable device ( 1 ) for estimating at least one parameter characteristic of a polymer material, characterized in that the device comprises at least one infrared source ( 101 ), each infrared source ( 101 ) being capable of emitting towards the polymer material a spectral line, representing maximum emission energy, selected in one of the wavelengths 10 μm, 9.5 μm, 7.2 μm, 6 μm, 3.5 μm, 2.7 μm or in one of the wave numbers 1000 cm −1 , 1050 cm −1 , 1350 cm −1 , 1700 cm −1 , 2900 cm −1 , 3700 cm −1 , at least one infrared detector ( 102 ), capable of receiving infrared radiation ( 112 ), which is reflected by the polymer material (M) in response to the spectral line, a unit for determining the parameter characteristic of the polymer material (M) as a function of the energy present in said spectral line in the infrared radiation ( 112 ), having been reflected by the polymer material (M) and having been received by the infrared detector ( 102 ).

12-11-2020 дата публикации

Tamper prevention system and method for remotely monitored sealing and unsealing of containers

Номер: US20200355018A1
Автор: Francois Littmann

A tamper prevention system comprising a storage unit is described. The storage unit comprises at least one storage compartment for storing a sealing element for containers, and a control system configured for detecting opening of the at least one storage compartment. Each storage compartment comprises a leash element connected to the control system and provided for being connected to a sealing element to be stored in the storage compartment. The control system is configured for monitoring the integrity of the leash element. The tamper prevention system comprises movement protection device configured for detecting and/or preventing movement of the storage unit.

28-12-2017 дата публикации

Packaging for decommissioned and dismantled nuclear reactors and reactor components

Номер: US20170372807A1
Принадлежит: Areva Inc

A method of decommissioning a nuclear reactor including a vessel defining an inner chamber and reactor internal components positioned within the inner chamber includes removing at least some of the internal components and repackaging at least some of the removed internal components in at least one of the first and second predefined sections of the vessel defining a cutting zone between the at least first and second predefined sections. The method further includes disposing the vessel in a container, and encapsulating the internal components in the vessel and encapsulating the vessel in the container to generate a package. A package including components from a decommissioned and dismantled nuclear reactor includes a vessel and a plurality of components encapsulated in the vessel.

29-05-2008 дата публикации

Controllable long term operation of a nuclear reactor

Номер: US20080123795A1
Принадлежит: SEARETE LLC

Exemplary embodiments provide automated nuclear fission reactors and methods for their operation. Exemplary embodiments and aspects include, without limitation, re-use of nuclear fission fuel, alternate fuels and fuel geometries, modular fuel cores, fast fluid cooling, variable burn-up, programmable nuclear thermostats, fast flux irradiation, temperature-driven surface area/volume ratio neutron absorption, low coolant temperature cores, refueling, and the like.
