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10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000128818U1

1. Система управления транспортным средством, включающая систему рулевого управления с автомобильным электроусилителем руля, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена навигационной системой позиционирования, связанной с компьютером, обрабатывающим сигнал навигационной системы согласно заданной программе и вырабатывающим на выходе управляющий сигнал, выход компьютера связан со входом преобразователя, преобразующего управляющий сигнал в исполнительный импульс для автомобильного электроусилителя руля, а выход преобразователя связан с дополнительным входом автомобильного электроусилителя руля. 2. Автомобильный электроусилитель руля, содержащий электронный блок управления и исполнительный механизм, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен согласующим устройством для входа дополнительного управляющего импульса, поступающего от навигационной системы через компьютер. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК A01B 69/04 (13) 128 818 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012147882/11, 29.10.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.10.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Бриндюк Сергей Владимирович (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 29.10.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 10.06.2013 Бюл. № 16 1 2 8 8 1 8 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Система управления транспортным средством, включающая систему рулевого управления с автомобильным электроусилителем руля, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена навигационной системой позиционирования, связанной с компьютером, обрабатывающим сигнал навигационной системы согласно заданной программе и вырабатывающим на выходе управляющий сигнал, выход компьютера связан со входом преобразователя, преобразующего управляющий сигнал в исполнительный импульс для автомобильного электроусилителя руля, а выход преобразователя связан с дополнительным входом автомобильного электроусилителя руля. 2. Автомобильный электроусилитель руля, содержащий электронный блок управления и исполнительный ...

01-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000168989U1

Маркерное устройство для сельскохозяйственной техники (в дальнейшем по тексту устройство) относится к устройствам для обозначения трассы и может быть применено в различных сеялках, сельскохозяйственных агрегатах, комплексах и предназначено для сокращения энергетических затрат. Устройство включает в себя магистраль, переключатель, два автономных канала. Технический результат достигается за счет того, что на конце каждого из двух автономных каналов расположено сопло, соединенное с автономным каналом. Технический результат исполнения устройства достигается за счет того, что выход каждого сопла соединен со своим выходным каналом, что вместе с устройством позволяет сократить энергетические затраты. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 168 989 U1 (51) МПК A01B 69/02 (2006.01) A01C 7/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016106034, 20.02.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.02.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Жарков Вячеслав Валерьевич (RU), Жарков Валерий Николаевич (RU) 01.03.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 20.02.2016 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 138172 U1, 10.03.2014. US R U 1 6 8 9 8 9 (54) МАРКЁРНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ СЕЛЬСКОХОЗЯЙСТВЕННОЙ ТЕХНИКИ (57) Реферат: Маркерное устройство для Технический результат достигается за счет сельскохозяйственной техники (в дальнейшем по того, что на конце каждого из двух автономных тексту устройство) относится к устройствам для каналов расположено сопло, соединенное с обозначения трассы и может быть применено в автономным каналом. различных сеялках, сельскохозяйственных Технический результат исполнения устройства агрегатах, комплексах и предназначено для достигается за счет того, что выход каждого сокращения энергетических затрат. сопла соединен со своим выходным каналом, что Устройство включает в себя магистраль, вместе с устройством позволяет сократить переключатель, два автономных канала. ...

13-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000169253U1

Маркерное устройство для сельскохозяйственной техники (в дальнейшем по тексту устройство) относится к устройствам для обозначения трассы и может быть применено в различных сеялках, сельскохозяйственных агрегатах, комплексах и предназначено для сокращения энергетических затрат. Устройство включает в себя магистраль, два переключателя, два автономных канала. Технический результат устройства достигается за счет того, что вход усилителя давления подключен к магистрали, а его выход к входу соединителя, выходы которого присоединены к входам переключателей, выходы которых подсоединены к автономным каналам. Технический результат исполнения устройства обеспечивается тем, что на конце каждого из двух автономных каналов расположено сопло, соединенное с автономным каналом, что вместе с устройством позволяет сократить энергетические затраты. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 253 U1 (51) МПК A01B 69/02 (2006.01) A01C 7/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016125098, 22.06.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.06.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Жарков Вячеслав Валерьевич (RU), Жарков Валерий Николаевич (RU) 13.03.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 22.06.2016 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 138172 U1, 10.03.2014. US 1 6 9 2 5 3 R U (54) МАРКЁРНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ СЕЛЬСКОХОЗЯЙСТВЕННОЙ ТЕХНИКИ (57) Реферат: Маркерное устройство для подключен к магистрали, а его выход к входу сельскохозяйственной техники (в дальнейшем по соединителя, выходы которого присоединены к тексту устройство) относится к устройствам для входам переключателей, выходы которых обозначения трассы и может быть применено в подсоединены к автономным каналам. различных сеялках, сельскохозяйственных Технический результат исполнения устройства агрегатах, комплексах и предназначено для обеспечивается тем, что на конце каждого из двух сокращения энергетических затрат. автономных каналов ...

17-09-2018 дата публикации

Исполнительное устройство для автоматического управления машинно-тракторным агрегатом

Номер: RU0000183287U1

Полезная модель относится к рулевому управлению сельскохозяйственных машин, а именно к приспособлениям для автоматического управления машинно-тракторным агрегатом. Блок управления устройства навигационной системы при отклонении координат местоположения машинно-тракторного агрегата от линии заданного пути подает сигнал управления шаговому электродвигателю. Шаговый электродвигатель осуществляет передачу вращения рулевого колеса посредством зубчатой передачи и обеспечивает поворот вала рулевого колеса на требуемый угол. Полезная модель обеспечивает исключение внесения изменений в конструкцию рулевого управления, снижение стоимости, повышение точности автоматического управления машинно-тракторным агрегатом, а также повышение производительности машинно-тракторных агрегатов при выполнении технологических процессов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 183 287 U1 (51) МПК A01B 69/04 (2006.01) B62D 5/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A01B 69/001 (2006.01); B62D 5/04 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018114392, 18.04.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 18.04.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 17.09.2018 Бюл. № 26 2015041238 A1, 12.02.2015. US 2017006759 A1, 12.01.2017. US 2017001662 A1, 05.01.2017. RU 128818 U1, 10.06.2013. (54) Исполнительное устройство для автоматического управления машинно-тракторным агрегатом (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к рулевому зубчатой передачи и обеспечивает поворот вала управлению сельскохозяйственных машин, а рулевого колеса на требуемый угол. Полезная именно к приспособлениям для автоматического модель обеспечивает исключение внесения управления машинно-тракторным агрегатом. изменений в конструкцию рулевого управления, Блок управления устройства навигационной снижение стоимости, повышение точности системы при отклонении координат автоматического управления машинноместоположения машинно- ...

24-06-2019 дата публикации

Исполнительное устройство для автоматического управления машинно-тракторным агрегатом

Номер: RU0000190223U1

Полезная модель относится к рулевому управлению сельскохозяйственных машин, а именно к приспособлениям для автоматического управления машинно-тракторным агрегатом. Предложенное техническое решение заключается в том, что на слив насос-дозатора, закрепленного на приводном валу, устанавливается дополнительный насос-дозатор с приводом от шагового электродвигателя. Последний, при отклонении МТА от заданного пути, получает сигнал от блока управления устройства навигационной системы, за счет чего дополнительный насос-дозатора направляет масло по трубопроводу в рабочую полость гидроцилиндра в количестве пропорциональном необходимому углу поворота МТА для возврата его на требуемую траекторию движения. Данное устройство обеспечивает совместную работу автоматической системы управления с ручным управлением МТА, что позволяет повысить надежность и безопасность эксплуатации МТА в режиме автоматического управления. И 1 190223 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 190 223” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 15.07.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 22.09.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 22.09.2020 Бюл. №27 Стр.: 1 па 5ССс06у ЕП

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Беспилотный робот для локального внесения жидких удобрений

Номер: RU0000190594U1

Полезная модель относится к сельскому хозяйству, а именно к устройствам для локального внесения жидких удобрений. Предлагаемое устройство представляет собой самоходный беспилотный робот, у которого нагнетательные барабаны с полыми иглами являются ведущими колесами с электрическими двигателями. Беспилотный робот может быть выполнен с любым количеством колес, что позволит регулировать ширину обработки почвы. Таким образом, предлагаемое техническое решение позволяет существенно снизить металлоемкость, вредное воздействие на окружающую среду, что доказывает эффективность применения беспилотного робота для локального внесения жидких удобрений. И 1 190594 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ЭВО“” 190 594“ ц4 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 18.07.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 22.09.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 22.09.2020 Бюл. №27 Стр.: 1 па 76906 + ЕП

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Header for a forage harvester

Номер: US20120017557A1

A coppice header for a forage harvester adapted to be mounted on and powered by a forage harvester. The header including at the front side two circular rotatable knives, a feeding drum being mounted above each knife, said drums being rotatable about the same rotation axis as the respective knives, wherein each feeding drum is equipped with one or more flat hook-shaped extensions adapted to grab the cut stems in the region immediately above the rotatable knives. The header may also be provided with a front feed roll placed behind the knives and two additional feed rolls placed behind the front feed roll, wherein the front feed roll is equipped with guiding blades along the length of the feed roll. The blades have a central protrusion, so that the blades are longer in a region around the middle of the blade than at the lateral ends of the blades.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Adjustable speed irrigation system and method of use

Номер: US20120053776A1
Автор: Craig Malsam, Mark Moeller
Принадлежит: Valmont Industries Inc

The present disclosure is generally directed to an adjustable speed irrigation system having a control panel, at least one water conduit, at least one tower, and a position sensor. A user inputs a user-defined end destination at the user-defined arrival time into the control panel. The control panel receives a current position of the irrigation system from the position sensor. The control panel compares the current position to the user-defined end destination and calculates a new optimum ground speed required to reach the user-defined end destination at the user-defined time based on the current position of the irrigation system. The control panel then sends a signal to a speed control unit to adjust the speed of the irrigation system to match the new optimum ground speed.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for machine coordination which maintains line-of-site contact

Номер: US20120095651A1
Автор: Noel Wayne Anderson
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

A method and system that facilitates operation of autonomous equipment by providing a mission planner to maintain line-of-sight contact between a plurality of coordinated machines, including a method for maintaining line-of-sight (LoS) communication between a plurality of machines that creates a mission plan for a work site that includes a path plan for each of the plurality of machines that maintains the line-of-sight communication between the plurality of machines by taking into account a topography for the work site; and loads the path plan for each respective one of the plurality of machines into each respective one of the plurality of machines, wherein the path plan specifies a machine travel path for each respective one of the plurality of machines.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Path determination

Номер: US20120150379A1
Принадлежит: BAE SYSTEMS plc

A system for controlling a vehicle to follow at least one person includes a detection device for detecting a location of at least one person. The system further includes a storage device for recording locations of at least one person at a plurality of points in time, and a path determination device for determining a driveable path for a vehicle based on the recorded locations. The system further includes a control device for operating vehicle to follow one or more persons over the driveable path.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Method for building outdoor map for moving object and apparatus thereof

Номер: US20120163662A1

The method for building an outdoor map for a moving object according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention includes: receiving a real satellite image for an outdoor space to which the moving object is to move; calculating pixel information including sizes of length and width pixels and a physical distance of one pixel in the real satellite image; measuring a reference position coordinate for a reference position selected from the real satellite image; and linking a pixel number corresponding to the reference position, the reference position coordinate, and the pixel information to the real satellite image in order to build the outdoor map for the moving object, and further includes creating information on a road network in which the moving object navigates based on the pixel number corresponding to the reference position, the reference position coordinate, and the pixel information.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

All wheel 180-degree steer transport

Номер: US20120217723A1
Автор: David R. Smith
Принадлежит: Unverferth Manufacturing Co Inc

A steering system for a towed farm implement or wagon, such as a header transport, is provided that allows the tongue of the header transport to pivot approximately 90 degrees to the right or the left (i.e., 180 degrees in total) and translates the movement of the tongue to all of the wheels of the header transport. Front steering linkages are coupled to the tongue, and are configured to oscillate front wheels in response to rotation of the tongue. Rear steering linkages are coupled to the front steering linkages by front-to-rear linkages, and the rear steering linkages are configured to oscillate rear wheels in response to rotation of the tongue.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Steerable agricultural implement with multi-point hitch

Номер: US20120232760A1
Автор: Verne Hubalek
Принадлежит: Great Plains Manufacturing Inc

A steerable agricultural implement configured to be coupled to a tractor by a multi-point hitch system that restrains side-to-side articulation between the tractor and the implement. The agricultural implement includes a steering controller that receives a positional attribute from a steering system of the tractor and controls a degree of pivot of a wheel assembly of the agricultural implement based on the positional attribute of the tractor steering system. The wheel assembly is configured with a steering actuator that is operable to pivot a portion of the wheel assembly without transmitting force beyond the wheel assembly, abutment stops to define maximum degrees of pivot of the portion of the wheel assembly and relieve the steering actuator without transmitting force beyond the wheel assembly, and a quick release free-wheel mechanism to enable a disconnected or “free wheel” operation of the wheel assembly independent of the steering actuator.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Tractor Implement Combination

Номер: US20120240546A1
Автор: Georg Kormann
Принадлежит: Georg Kormann

Provided is a combination of a tractor and a implement drawn by the tractor by way of a draw bar, supported on the ground by wheels, the implement having a processing element interacting with a field. A controller is connected to a first actuator disposed for adjusting the angle between the draw bar and the implement, and to a second actuator disposed for adjusting the angle of the wheels of the implement about the vertical axis. The controller can be operated for actuating the two actuators in such a manner that the longitudinal axis of the processing element is always oriented at least nearly orthogonal to a target line.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

GPS Navigation System

Номер: US20120253580A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A GPS navigation system for a motor vehicle mounted within sight of a driver and/or navigator. The system comprises and/or consists of a memory module that contains a pre-stored map database including a plurality of locations and a receiver supported within the motor vehicle for receiving signals indicative of the current position of the map. The system also includes a monitor positioned in the position within sight of the driver and/or navigator for displaying the location of the vehicle with the respect to a pre-stored map. Means including the memory module, receiver and said monitor display an area of about ½ km in all direction and up to ½ km to 1 km from the current position of the vehicle. Further, means including a zoom optical system for zooming in and out of the ½ to 1 km radius of the vehicle location on the stored map and means for summoning help to the present location of the vehicle. In addition, radar means for sensing an object that obstructs the projected pathway of the vehicle and a plurality of sensors and running control means perform the auto-drive control running of the vehicle based on the detection of signals from the plurality of sensors wherein said auto-drive control includes speed control, steering and breaking. The system includes a change over means for switching between the auto-drive and manual drive modes.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Agricultural hauling vehicle and vehicle network

Номер: US20120265412A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An agricultural hauling vehicle for receiving material from a traveling original vehicle during travel adjacent to the original vehicle is provided with a hauling container that is fillable from above for receiving the material. A sensor detects the distribution of the material in the hauling container and a control unit varies the position of the hauling vehicle relative to the traveling original vehicle on the basis of the distribution of material detected by the sensor. Preferably the sensor is a camera.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for navigating a robotic garden tool

Номер: US20130006419A1
Принадлежит: HUSQVARNA AB

The present invention relates to a method ( 300 ) and a system ( 100 ) for navigating a robotic garden tool ( 202 ) based on one or more operating parameters for subareas ( 210 - 218 ) within the working area ( 204 ) and a current location of the robotic garden tool ( 202 ). The working area ( 204 ) is provided with a signal source ( 104 ) corresponding to which a sensor unit ( 106 ) is provided in the robotic garden tool ( 202 ) for detecting the one or more signals ( 102 ) from the signal source ( 104 ). The robotic garden tool ( 202 ) may include a low-accuracy positioning device ( 110 ) for providing co-ordinates of various subareas ( 210 - 218 ) and at any given instant, an approximate location of the robotic garden tool ( 202 ). The robotic garden tool ( 202 ) further includes a processor means ( 114 ) for comparing the coordinates of the subareas ( 210 - 218 ) and the approximate position of the robotic garden tool ( 202 ) to determine a current location of the robotic garden tool ( 202 ) in the working area ( 204 ).

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Haymaking device

Номер: US20130014480A1
Принадлежит: Forage Innovations BV

A haymaking device has a frame movable in a direction of travel and has at least a first and a second crop processing tool which are arranged side to side. The device further includes transfer mechanisms for transferring the first and second crop processing tools from an operative position, in which the crop is engaged, to a standby position, in which the crop is not functionally engaged, and vice versa, respectively. A programmable control unit for the transfer mechanisms independently activates the transfer mechanisms from each other, and processes data indicative of an angle between a direction of travel of a work stroke of the device over the field and a boundary line. The control unit also processes data on the speed of the device in the direction of travel, and activates the transfer mechanisms one after another in dependence on the data upon arrival at the boundary line.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Convoy travel apparatus

Номер: US20130079953A1
Автор: Seigou Kumabe
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A convoy travel apparatus in a subject vehicle of a convoy transmits a convoy travel information, which includes the maximum allowable number and the currently-included number of vehicles in the convoy. The apparatus determines whether the subject vehicle is blocking a signal from a leader vehicle of the convoy in which the subject vehicle is traveling as a follower vehicle, where the signal being blocked by the subject vehicle may not reach a position of a rearmost vehicle in the convoy. When the subject vehicle is determined to be blocking the signal, the subject vehicle transmits the convoy travel information indicating that the subject vehicle as a leader vehicle (i.e., a representative leader vehicle) of the convoy, thereby enabling a newly-joining vehicle to receive the convoy travel information transmitted from the follower vehicle in the convoy.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle guidance and sensor bias determination

Номер: US20130096824A1

Systems and methods for guiding a vehicle and vehicle sensor bias determination methods are disclosed. A method for guiding a vehicle includes a primary antenna of a primary survey-grade GNSS-receiver and a secondary antenna of a secondary GNSS-receiver mounted to the vehicle, which are at least temporarily receiving GNSS-signals of a global positioning system. A plurality of physical sensors mounted to the vehicle generate physical data indicative of respective measured physical parameters of at least part of the vehicle. The method includes de-biasing the physical data and applying a recursive statistical estimator, such as a Kalman filter, to the de-biased physical data and an output of the primary and secondary GNSS-receivers to determine a position and velocity of the vehicle.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112441A1
Автор: Bover Trobat Damian

An implement has at least a first plow share in front, provided with an anti-rollback mechanism, and at least a second plow share in the rear, with another anti-rollback mechanism. The plow shares are interconnected by alternate approaching and distancing mechanisms. A telematic control unit based on a computer system that is assisted by a global positioning system, autonomously guides movement of the implement. A steering system formed by an oscillating support can rotate in a plane perpendicular to the advancement direction of the implement and lifts one of the plow shares in relation to the ground and moves it laterally. A power supply system using renewable energy or internal or external combustion engines is mounted on the implement. 1. Autonomous self-actuated ploughing implement , characterized in that it comprises:{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2', '3, 'at least a first plow share () in a front position, provided with anti-rollback means and, at least, a second plow share () in a rear position, with other anti-rollback means, said plow shares (, ) being interconnected by alternate approaching and distancing means () with arms,'}{'b': 6', '61, 'a telematic control unit based on a computer system () assisted by a global positioning system () for the autonomous guiding and moving of the implement,'}{'b': 5', '1', '2', '5, 'a steering system that is formed by an oscillating support () that can rotate in a plane perpendicular to the advancement direction of the implement, operationally suitable to lift one of the plow shares (, ) in relation to the ground and displaces it laterally through the contact of such oscillating support () on the ground,'}{'b': 3', '7, 'a power system connected to the control unit and to the approaching and distancing means () to supply drive power, to be selected from photovoltaic panels (), wind energy generators or an internal or an external combustion engine mounted on said implement.'}244112121221. Implement according to claim 1 , ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130151061A1

A cleaning robot capable of cleaning a water tank in an unmanned manner and an underwater sediment cleaning apparatus and method are provided. The cleaning robot includes a body put into a water tank, a driver supporting the body and moving the body, a suction part arranged in front of the body and sucking contaminated water containing sediment in the water tank, and a tilting part supported by the body to support the suction part and rotating the suction part on an axis corresponding to the direction across the moving direction of the body. 1. A cleaning robot comprising:a body put into a water tank;a driver supporting the body and moving the body;a suction part arranged in front of the body and sucking contaminated water containing sediment in the water tank; anda tilting part supported by the body to support the suction part and rotating the suction part on an axis corresponding to the direction across the moving direction of the body.24-. (canceled)5. The cleaning robot of claim 1 , wherein the tilting part comprises:a support supporting the suction part with its front end, being rotatably combined with the body and rotating from the body on a first supporting pin provided in a direction across the moving direction of the body;a first link joint having a first end connected to the support through a first link pin;a second link joint having a first end connected to a second end of the first link joint through a second link pin and a second end connected to the body through a second supporting pin, being rotatably combined with the body and rotating on the second supporting pin; anda tilt cylinder having an output terminal connected to the second link pin.6. The cleaning robot of claim 5 , further comprising a tilt limit sensing part arranged behind the support to sense the lower limit point and the upper limit point of the support.7. The cleaning robot of claim 1 , further comprising a location information sensing part supported by the body and exposed from the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130173116A1

In one embodiment, a control method for a multi-mode steerable 3-point hitch coupled to a work machine, the hitch comprising a pivotal hitch frame and a hitch support structure affixed to a chassis of the work machine, the hitch frame coupled to first and second draft arms and the hitch support structure coupled to a pair of steering cylinders that are coupled to the hitch frame, the control method comprising: receiving a signal corresponding to one or more parameters; and responsive to the one or more parameters reaching or exceeding a respective threshold value, automatically causing the plural steering cylinders to switch between the non-articulated mode and the multi-mode, the multi-mode including articulation and draft sway motion of the hitch. 1. A control system for a multi-mode steerable 3-point hitch coupled to a work machine having plural tracks , the hitch comprising a pivotal hitch frame and a hitch support structure affixed to a chassis of the work machine , the hitch frame coupled to first and second draft arms and the hitch support structure coupled to a pair of steering cylinders that are coupled to the hitch frame , the control system comprising:a cylinder control module, the cylinder control module configured to lock and unlock the steering cylinders to cause operation of the hitch in a non-articulated mode and a multi-mode, respectively, the multi-mode including combined articulated and draft sway movement; and receive a signal corresponding to one or more parameters; and', 'responsive to the one or more parameters reaching or exceeding a respective threshold value, signal the cylinder control module to cause the plural steering cylinders to switch between the non-articulated mode and the multi-mode., 'a controller coupled to the cylinder control module, the controller configured to2. The control system of claim 1 , further comprising a steering motor with a shaft that rotates based on a speed differential between a first track and a second track ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130179026A1

A raster-based system for GNSS guidance includes a vehicle-mounted GNSS antenna and receiver. A processor provides guidance and/or autosteering commands based on GNSS-defined pixels forming a grid representing an area to be treated, such as a field. Specific guidance and chemical application methods are provided based on the pixel-defined treatment areas and preprogrammed chemical application prescription maps, which can include variable chemical application rates and dynamic control of the individual nozzles of a sprayer. 1providing an XY pixel grid corresponding to the area;providing a raster-based database page comprising said XY pixel grid for said area;providing a processor on the vehicle;providing a GNSS guidance system connected to the processor on the vehicle;receiving GNSS positioning signals with said guidance system;providing said GNSS positioning signals as input to said processor;computing GNSS-based positioning for said vehicle with said processor;defining a GNSS-defined reference point on said area and storing the reference point coordinates with said processor;computing X and Y pixel indices based on said GNSS-defined vehicle position in relation to said reference point with said processor;treating portions of said area with said working component;with said processor marking pixels in said treated area portions as treated;guiding said vehicle over said area utilizing said treated pixel information;defining additional raster-based XY pixel grid pages in said area;expanding said database by tiling said pixel grid pages over said area;generating X and Y scale factors for said database;relating said X and Y scale factors to latitude and longitude respectively;computing X and Y pixel indices based on the difference between current GNSS-defined position coordinates and the reference position coordinates;creating with said processor a linear or multidimensional database comprising said pixel grid pages;accessing with said processor said database;marking ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186657A1
Автор: KORMANN GEORG, Vollmar Uwe

A combination is described of a tractor () and an implement () which is pulled by the tractor (), by means of a draw bar () coupled to the tractor () so as to be pivotable about the vertical axis, is supported on the ground by wheels () and comprises a cultivating element () for cultivating a field (). A control device () is used to activate a first actuator () with which the position of the draw bar () in relation to the implement () can be changed. The control device () activates the first actuator () in such a manner that the latter adjusts the draw bar () with the effect of moving the implement () towards an outside of a curve. 1. A combination of a tractor and an implement which is pulled by the tractor , the combination comprising:a draw bar coupled to the tractor so as to be pivotable about a vertical axis;the implement is supported on the ground by wheels and comprising a cultivating element for cultivating a field;a control device which is usable to activate a first actuator with which a position of the draw bar is changeable in relation to the implement, where the control device can be operated in order to activate the first actuator in such a manner that the latter adjusts the draw bar with the effect of moving the implement toward the outside of a curve.2. The combination as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the control device is connected to a second actuator which is designed for adjusting an angle of one or more of the wheels of the implement about the vertical axis claim 1 , and in that the control device can be operated in order to activate the second actuator in such a manner that the second actuator steers the wheels toward the outside of a curve.3. The combination as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the wheels of the implement are actively drivable or capable of being braked.4. The combination as claimed in claim 3 , wherein a drive and/or the brakes of the wheels of the implement are activatable differently by the control device with the effect of ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for augmenting a guidance system with a path sensor

Номер: US20130191017A1

In an automatic vehicle position control system, such as a satellite-based agricultural implement steering system, the satellite-based steering information is adjusted with information obtained from one or more path sensors to facilitate the automatic nudging of the vehicle to take account of inaccurate tracking of the agricultural implement relative to its tractor, terrain variations, and inaccuracies in the satellite-based steering system.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218397A1
Принадлежит: ACTIVE S.R.L.

The present invention relates to a method for controlling a self-propelled robot device, such as a robot device for mowing grass, and a control system that carries out the aforementioned method. According to the invention, the self-propelled robot device is driven by an inertial navigation system for a set time period or distance and the device is periodically stopped for rectifying the position and advancing course thereof by a satellite detection system: the periodic correction of the inertial navigation system using satellite detections thus prevents course errors from accumulating. The correction based on the satellite detection system can be possibly optimized through a further selection of the obtained values according to a statistical basis. Preferably, the control method according to the invention also provides a procedure for detecting, recording and mapping the operating region wherein the device is operated. 115.-. (canceled)16. A method for controlling a self-propelled robot device , comprising the steps of:obtaining and storing data relating to the operating region of the self-propelled robot device;driving the self-propelled robot device according to the data relating to the operating region and to data obtained by an inertial navigation system;wherein the method further comprises the steps of:setting a predetermined control time period;periodically stopping the device when the time period has lapsed;as the self-propelled robot device is standstill, determining on the spot the absolute position of the device by means of a satellite detection system;comparing the presumed position of the self-propelled robot device as deriving from the data of the inertial navigation system with the absolute position of the device as determined by the satellite detection system;rectifying the position and the course layout of the self-propelled robot device, according to the results of the comparison;setting in motion again the self-propelled robot device according to ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Automatic Steering System For An Agricultural Implement

Номер: US20130220652A1
Принадлежит: CNH Canada, Ltd.

An assembly for facilitating steering of an agricultural implement linkable to a work vehicle is disclosed. The assembly comprises at least a first ground-engaging wheel to engage a ground surface below a frame of the agricultural implement to support the frame above the ground surface. The assembly further comprises a positioning system for receiving a positioning signal from a positioning source. The positioning system determines a current position of the agricultural implement from at least the positioning signal, and the positioning system generates a control signal derived from the current position of the agricultural implement. The assembly further comprises a steering cylinder connected to the first ground-engaging wheel. The steering cylinder operatively connects to the positioning system to steer the first ground-engaging wheel based on the control signal. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. A method of steering an agricultural implement , comprising the steps of:receiving a positioning signal from a positioning source as the agricultural implement is motivated by a work vehicle;determining a current position of an implement receiver located on the agricultural implement from the positioning signal; andcontrolling actuation of a steering cylinder connected to at least a first ground-engaging wheel based on the current position of the implement receiver to steer the first ground-engaging wheel.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the steering cylinder is a hydraulic cylinder including a hydraulic valve claim 10 , and the hydraulic valve supplies a hydraulic fluid to the steering cylinder to control actuation of the steering cylinder based on the current position of the implement receiver.12. The method of claim 10 , wherein the positioning signal is a global positioning system signal.13. The method claim 10 , further comprising the step of determining and storing a previous ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Forage Harvesters

Номер: US20130247527A1
Автор: Brockmann Andreas
Принадлежит: AGCO International GMBH

A braking system for a rotating chopper drum () of a forage harvester () driven from an engine () via a drive train including a disengageable clutch (). The drive train also drives a first pump () connected with the drum () which pumps fluid around a hydraulic circuit which includes an openable restriction (). The system is arranged to brake the chopper drum () by disengaging the clutch () and arranging the first pump () to pump fluid around the circuit via the openable restriction () as the drum () continues to rotate to convert the energy of the rotating drum () into heat. 114101121284029181421284021282940. A braking system for a rotating chopper drum () of a forage harvester () driven from an engine () via a drive train including a disengageable clutch () , the drive train also driving a first pump () connected with the drum which pumps fluid around a hydraulic circuit which includes an openable restriction () and a motor () driven by the first pump , the motor driving feed rolls () of the forage harvester which feed crop to the chopper drum , the system being arranged to brake the chopper drum () by disengaging the clutch () and arranging the first pump () to pump fluid around the circuit via the openable restriction () as the drum continues to rotate to convert the energy of the rotating drum into heat , so that when the clutch () is disengaged the supply of fluid from the first pump () to the feed roll motor () is disconnected and the fluid pumped round the circuit by the first pump is diverted through the openable restriction ().2283738453940. A system according to in which the supply of fluid from the first pump () to the feed roll motor is disconnected by a solenoid operated two-position dump valve () which directs fluid flow from the first pump to a system sump () via a restrictor () and thus operates a pilot-operated diverter valve () to divert the main flow from the first pump through the openable restriction ().3212835. A system according to or in which ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Flotation for Agricultural Implements

Номер: US20130255974A1
Автор: Lung Devin, Scherman Scott
Принадлежит: Bourgault Industries Ltd.

An agricultural implement has front flotation wheels with a significantly increased diameter, increasing flotation and improving rolling characteristics, especially in soft soil conditions. The implement has a frame supported on front and rear wheels. Front flotation wheels are pivotally mounted to the frame about vertical axes. A hitch tongue is pivotally attached to the frame about a vertical hitch pivot axis. A wheel control mechanism connects the front flotation wheels to the hitch tongue, and is configured such that when the hitch tongue is in a neutral position the front flotation wheels roll in the operating direction, and pivoting the hitch tongue causes the front flotation wheels to pivot in the same direction. 1. An agricultural implement apparatus comprising:a frame supported on rear wheels and at least one front flotation wheel for movement along the ground in an operating travel direction, and a plurality of ground engaging tools mounted on the frame substantially equally on each side of a frame axis extending parallel to the operating travel direction;wherein the at least one front flotation wheel is pivotally mounted to the frame about a substantially vertical wheel pivot axis;a hitch tongue having a rear end pivotally attached to a lateral mid-point of the frame about a substantially vertical hitch pivot axis located substantially on the frame axis, and having a front end adapted for pivotal attachment to a drawbar of a towing vehicle by a substantially vertical drawbar pin;a wheel control mechanism connecting the at least one front flotation wheel to the hitch tongue such that pivotal movement of the at least one front flotation wheel about the wheel pivot axis follows pivotal movement of the hitch tongue about the hitch pivot axis.the wheel control mechanism configured such that when the hitch tongue is in a neutral position aligned with the frame axis, the at least one front flotation wheel is oriented to roll in the operating travel direction, ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

System and method for integrating automatic electrical steering with gnss guidance

Номер: US20140025260A1
Автор: John A. McClure
Принадлежит: AgJunction LLC

A guidance and vehicle control system for automatically steering a vehicle, such as an agricultural vehicle or a tractor, through a field. The system includes a GNSS receiver and antenna for determining the vehicle's instantaneous position, a guidance CPU, and an automatic steering subsystem integrated with the vehicle's electrical power system. The automatic steering subsystem can be interfaced with the steering column of the vehicle, and mechanically activates the steering column, thereby steering the vehicle according to instructions received from the CPU based upon the vehicle's position and a predetermined path. An interrupt element, such as a wheel movement sensor or a slip gear, may be interfaced with the automatic steering subsystem to allow for manual steering override of the automatic steering control.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Distributed Positioning and Collaborative Behavior Determination

Номер: US20140035725A1
Принадлежит: 5D Robotics Inc

A system and its associated methodology for distributed positioning and collaborative behavioral determination among a group of objects, interactive tags associated with each of a plurality of objects provide to each object relative positional data and state information regarding the other nearby objects. Using this information, each object develops a spatial awareness of its environment, including the position and action of nearby objects so as to, when necessary, modify its behavior to more effectively achieve an objective.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041885A1

A foldable marker mounted to an agricultural implement includes pivotally connected inboard and outboard arms, with the outboard arm supporting a ground marker device. The arms are shiftable between folded and unfolded conditions, with the inboard arm defining a longitudinal axis extending along the length of the inboard arm and a transverse axis orthogonal to the longitudinal axis, with the inboard arm operable to be unfolded so that the transverse axis is substantially aligned with a forward direction in the unfolded condition. A pivot joint defines a pivot axis, with the pivot axis and transverse axis defining a lateral angle of at least twenty degrees and a vertical angle of at least twenty degrees. The outboard arm is in a laterally extended position when the arms are in the unfolded condition and in a laterally retracted position when the arms are in the folded condition. 1. A foldable marker for use on an agricultural implement , the foldable marker comprising:an inboard arm;an outboard arm supporting a ground marker device, wherein the inboard and outboard arms are pivotally connected to one another at a pivot joint such that the inboard and outboard arms are shiftable between folded and unfolded conditions with the inboard arm defining a longitudinal axis that extends along the length of the inboard arm and a transverse axis orthogonal to the longitudinal axis, with the inboard arm operable to be unfolded so that the transverse axis is substantially aligned with the forward direction in the unfolded condition, wherein the pivot joint defines a pivot axis, with the pivot axis and transverse axis defining a lateral angle of between ten degrees to thirty degrees and a vertical angle of between ten degrees to thirty degrees;a powered cylinder assembly attached relative to the arms to drive the arms between the folded and unfolded arm conditions; anda coulter disc supported by the arms and constructed so that the coulter disc engages the ground leaving a visible ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Agricultural working machine

Номер: US20140081555A1

An agricultural working system includes a self-propelled agricultural working machine equipped with an attachment in the form of a soil-management device such as a plow, a cultivator, or a harrow, a drive unit that acts as a drive train on land wheels, a control arrangement and a user interface and display unit associated with the control arrangement ( 5 ). The control arrangement ascertains the torque loads that occur during the working operation for at least one drive-train component, for example, drive shafts of the land wheels and provides at least one control function on the basis of the ascertained torque loads.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000007A1

An agricultural machine has a set of front wheels and a set of rear wheels that are independently steerable relative to one another. Distance sensors are mounted to the agricultural vehicle to sense a distance between the front wheels, and the adjacent row crops, and between the rear wheels, and the adjacent row crops. Automatic steering control signals are generated to automatically steer the front wheels, and rear wheels, based upon the sensed distances. 1. An agricultural mobile machine , comprising:a frame;a set of front ground engaging traction elements movably connected to the frame;a first steering actuator controllable to steer the set of front ground engaging traction elements;a set of rear ground engaging traction elements movably connected to the frame;a second steering actuator controllable to steer the set of rear ground engaging traction elements independently of the set of front ground engaging traction elements;a sensing component configured to sense a distance from each ground engaging traction element, in the set of front ground engaging traction elements, to an adjacent crop row and to sense a distance from each ground engaging traction element, in the set of rear ground engaging traction element, to an adjacent crop row; anda steering control system that generates a first steering control signal to control the first steering actuator to steer the set of front ground engaging traction elements based on the sensed distance from each ground engaging traction element, in the set of front ground engaging traction elements, to adjacent crop rows, the steering control system generating a second steering control signal to control the second steering actuator to steer the set of rear ground engaging traction elements based on the sensed distance from each ground engaging traction element, in the set of rear ground engaging traction elements, to adjacent crop rows.2. The agricultural mobile machine of wherein the set of front ground engaging traction ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000004A1

Methods, apparatus, systems and articles of manufacture are disclosed for vehicle steering to follow a curved path, An example vehicle disclosed herein includes a front axle, a rear axle, a location sensor, and a tracking mode controller to determine a wheel steering angle based on a tum center location corresponding to a navigation curve and one or more measurements between the turn center location and the vehicle, determine a heading error offset adjustment based on the turn center location and the one or more measurements between the turn center location and the vehicle, and cause the vehicle to move along the navigation curve based on the wheel steering angle and the heading error offset adjustment. 1. An apparatus comprising determine a turn center location based on a radius of curvature for a curved navigation path for a vehicle to follow;', 'determine a distance between the turn center location and at least one of a front axle or a rear axle of the vehicle; and', 'determine a distance between a location sensor and a turn center location;, 'a navigation analyzer toa feedforward wheel angle determiner to determine a wheel steering angle based on (1) the distance between the turn center location and the at least one of the front axle or the rear axle and (2) a distance between the front axle and the rear axle;a heading error offset determiner to determine a heading error offset adjustment based on (1) the distance between the location sensor and the turn center location and (2) a distance between a location sensor and at least one of the front axle or the rear axlea steering controller to cause a vehicle to follow the curved navigation path based on the wheel steering angle and the heading error offset adjustment.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle is a rear wheel steer vehicle.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the location sensor is positioned further toward a front end of the vehicle than the front axle.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus to control vehicle steering

Номер: US20210000005A1
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

Methods, apparatus, systems and articles of manufacture are disclosed that control vehicle steering. An example apparatus includes: a path acquisition interface configured to obtain, via a user interface a sampling interval; and a controller configured to, during acquisition mode: determine a steering angle of a wheel of the vehicle based on a trigonometric function including a distance associated with a turn radius of the front wheel; and cause, utilizing the steering angle, a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver to travel from a first position to a second position, the GNSS receiver located at the first position at a first sampling time and the second position at a second sampling time, the first sampling time and the second sampling time differing by the sampling interval.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Agricultural Lane Following

Номер: US20210000006A1

Systems and methods for agricultural lane following are described. For example, a method includes accessing range data captured using a distance sensor connected to a vehicle and/or image data captured using an image sensor connected to a vehicle; detecting a crop row based on the range data and/or the image data to obtain position data for the crop row; determining, based on the position data for the crop row, a yaw and a lateral position of the vehicle with respect to a lane bounded by the crop row; and based on the yaw and the lateral position, controlling the vehicle to move along a length of the lane bounded by the crop row. 1. A system comprising:a distance sensor connected to a vehicle, wherein the distance sensor is configured to output range data reflecting distances of objects with respect to the vehicle;actuators configured to control motion of the vehicle; and access range data captured using the distance sensor;', 'detect a crop row based on the range data to obtain position data for the crop row;', 'determine, based on the position data for the crop row, a yaw and a lateral position of the vehicle with respect to a lane bounded by the crop row; and', 'based on the yaw and the lateral position, control, using one or more of the actuators, the vehicle to move along a length of the lane bounded by the crop row., 'a processing apparatus configured to2. The system of claim 1 , in which the crop row includes multiple plants and processing apparatus is configured to:detect plants of the crop row based on the range data, and associate plants of the crop row with respective positions;fit a line to the respective positions of plants of the crop row; anddetermine the yaw and the lateral position based on the line.3. The system of claim 1 , in which the crop row includes a raised planting bed and processing apparatus is configured to:detect one or more edges of the raised planting bed based on the range data, and associate the one or more edges of the raised ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007563A1

A control device for a work vehicle configured or programmed to travel autonomously includes a vehicle position calculator to calculate a vehicle position, a travel direction calculator to calculate a travel direction that is a front-back direction of the vehicle body, a steering state detector to obtain data on a steering state, a vehicle position estimator to calculate an estimated vehicle position at which the work vehicle is to be present after performing predetermined travel from the vehicle position of the work vehicle, a deviation calculator to calculate a deviation of the work vehicle at the estimated vehicle position from the target travel path, a target steering amount calculator to calculate a target steering amount based on the deviation, and an autonomous travel controller to control steering based on the target steering amount. 111-. (canceled)12: A control device for a work vehicle configured to travel autonomously along a target travel path , the control device comprising:a vehicle position calculator to calculate a vehicle position of the work vehicle;a travel direction calculator to calculate a travel direction of the work vehicle, the travel direction being a front-back direction of a vehicle body of the work vehicle;a steering state detector to obtain data on a steering state of the work vehicle;a vehicle position estimator to calculate an estimated vehicle position at which the work vehicle is to be present after performing predetermined travel from the vehicle position of the work vehicle;a deviation calculator to calculate a deviation of the work vehicle at the estimated vehicle position from the target travel path;a target steering amount calculator to calculate a target steering amount based on the deviation; andan autonomous travel controller to control steering of the work vehicle based on the target steering amount.13: The control device according to claim 12 , further comprising:an estimated lateral deviation calculator to calculate an ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus, Systems And Methods For Automatic Steering Guidance And Visualization Of Guidance Paths

Номер: US20210003416A1

The disclosed apparatus, systems and methods relate to guidance and visualization systems for autosteering systems of agricultural implements. The system allows the operator to visualize the guidance paths throughout a field map or region to allow for the ability of the operator to make adjustments prior to engaging the auto steering unit, such as to row headings and positions. 1. An agricultural vehicle guidance visualization system for use with an automatic steering unit , comprising:a) an operations unit;b) a display running a graphical user interface; and i) input one or more field boundaries for a polygonal field map;', 'ii) plot a plurality of guidance paths;', 'iii) display heading, position, and offset for the plurality of plotted guidance paths; and', 'iv) adjust the heading, position, and/or offset of the plurality of plotted guidance paths., 'c) a path system in operational communication with the operations unit and display, the path system configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the path system is configured to command the automatic steering unit with the plurality of plotted guidance paths.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the path system is configured to display and adjust the plurality of plotted guidance paths with at least one of an enterprise data adjustment claim 2 , a squaring adjustment claim 2 , or an offset adjustment.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the squaring adjustment is configured to:a) determine a guidance path corner radius; andb) display a user prompt querying a square off option.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the path system is configured to display field obstacles.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more field map boundaries are drawn from stored boundary map data.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the path system is configured to populate the stored boundary map data with one or more additional boundary points.8. A visualization and guidance method for use with an agricultural vehicle automatic steering ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200004251A1
Автор: KONG QI, Zhu Fan

A perception perceives a driving environment surrounding an ADV based on sensor data obtained from a variety of sensors. Based on the perception data received from the perception module, a planning module is to plan a trajectory for a current driving cycle to drive the ADV. In addition, the planning module determines a driving intent and one or more regions of interest (ROIs) surrounding the ADV based on the trajectory. The driving intent and the ROIs information is then provided to the perception module as a feedback. The perception module can then processing the sensor data from selective sensors to generate the perception data for a next driving cycle. The selected sensors may be determined and selected based on the driving intent and the ROIs, such that the sensor data of the unrelated sensors may be ignored to reduce the computation cost of the perception module. 1. A computer-implemented method for operating an autonomous driving vehicle , the method comprising:receiving, by a planning module, first perception data from a perception module, the first reception data describing a driving environment surrounding an autonomous driving vehicle (ADV);planning, by the planning module, a trajectory for a current driving cycle based on the first perception data to drive the ADV from a first location to a second location;determining a driving intent and one or more regions of interest (ROIs) surrounding the ADV based on the trajectory;transmitting the driving intent and the ROIs to the perception module via an application programming interface (API);generating, by the perception module, second perception data for a next driving cycle based on the driving intent and the ROIs; andselectively processing sensor data from certain sensors associated with the ADV based on the driving intent and the ROIs.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the driving intent is one of following lane claim 1 , changing lane claim 1 , at intersection claim 1 , nudging to left claim 1 , nudging to ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015280A1

An apparatus for localizing an agricultural machine in an agricultural useful area. The apparatus includes an input interface configured to receive, as input, a route predefined in the useful area and image data related to a monitoring region of the useful area detected by a sensor and located in a vicinity of the agricultural machine. The apparatus also includes an evaluation unit configured to detect a position of the monitoring region with respect to the predefined route and an output interface configured to output the detected position. 1. An apparatus for localizing an agricultural machine in an agricultural useful area , the apparatus comprising:an input interface configured to receive, as input, a route predefined in the useful area and image data related to a monitoring region of the useful area detected by a sensor and located in a vicinity of the agricultural machine;an evaluation unit configured to detect a position of the monitoring region with respect to the predefined route; andan output interface configured to output the detected position.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the evaluation unit is configured to derive the monitoring region from the image data and compare it with a plurality of sections of the predefined route.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the evaluation unit is configured to ascertain a correlation value between the respective one of the plurality of sections of the predefined route and the monitoring region.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the evaluation unit is configured to determine the section having a maximum correlation value from the plurality of sections.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the evaluation unit is configured to recognize the monitoring regions by segmentation in the image data.6. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is a camera claim 1 , a radar sensor claim 1 , a light-detection and ranging sensor claim 1 , and/or an ultrasonic sensor.7 ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006759A1

A vehicle guidance system for an agricultural vehicle is described which includes an optical imaging device collecting information of field characteristics, and a steering control device receiving the information of field characteristics transmitted from the optical imaging device. The steering control device having a steering actuator including a motor operatively connected to a hub adaptor. The hub adaptor is removably mountable to a central hub of a steering wheel of the agricultural vehicle in fixed rotary engagement, wherein when the hub adaptor is engaged to the central hub of the steering wheel, rotation of the hub adaptor by the motor causes corresponding rotation of the steering wheel. The steering control device thereby autonomously rotates the central hub of the steering wheel in response to the information of field characteristics received by the steering control device and the vehicle guidance system thereby steers the agricultural vehicle. 1. A vehicle guidance system for an agricultural vehicle , comprising:an optical imaging device adapted to be mounted to the agricultural vehicle, the optical imaging device collecting information of field characteristics; anda steering control device in electrical communication with the optical imaging device and receiving the information of field characteristics transmitted from the optical imaging device, the steering control device having a steering actuator including a motor operatively connected to a hub adaptor, the hub adapter and the motor being coaxially engaged to define therethrough a common axis forming an axis of rotation of the hub adapter when driven by the motor, the hub adaptor being removably mountable to a central hub of a steering wheel of the agricultural vehicle in fixed rotary engagement, wherein when the hub adaptor is engaged to the central hub of the steering wheel, rotation of the hub adaptor by the motor about said axis of rotation causes corresponding rotation of the steering wheel about ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Flotation for agricultural implements

Номер: US20160007521A1
Автор: Devin Lung, Scott Scherman
Принадлежит: Bourgault Industries Ltd

An agricultural implement has front flotation wheels with a significantly increased diameter, increasing flotation and improving rolling characteristics, especially in soft soil conditions. The implement has a frame supported on front and rear wheels. Front flotation wheels are pivotally mounted to the frame about vertical axes. A hitch tongue is pivotally attached to the frame about a vertical hitch pivot axis. A wheel control mechanism connects the front flotation wheels to the hitch tongue, and is configured such that when the hitch tongue is in a neutral position the front flotation wheels roll in the operating direction, and pivoting the hitch tongue causes the front flotation wheels to pivot in the same direction.

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Methods and systems for detection of false positives in detection of agricultural spraying errors

Номер: US20220019234A1
Принадлежит: Agromentum Ltd

A method includes receiving a current data sample relating to a tractor spraying in an agricultural block, wherein the current data sample includes a current location; calculating a shortest distance from the current location to each of a plurality of borders of the agricultural block; selecting a current sample lowest distance, the current sample lowest distance being a lowest one of the shortest distances; grouping the current data sample with at least one prior data sample to produce a line of data samples, wherein each of the at least one prior data sample has a corresponding prior sample lowest distance; calculating an average lowest distance for the line of samples; comparing the average lowest distance to a threshold distance; and discarding the current data sample and each of the at least one prior data sample if the average distance is less than the threshold value.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150012165A1

A vehicle, a vehicle system and a method for allowing a host vehicle to autonomously avoid road irregularities are provided. The system communicates vehicle sensor data relating to detected road irregularities and host vehicle position information with an external database. A processor is arranged to determine a trajectory for the host vehicle for which all wheels of the host vehicle are laterally displaced from one or more road irregularities ahead of the host vehicle, and to autonomously steer the host vehicle along the determined trajectory. The system is also arranged to evaluate whether all wheels of the host vehicle were laterally displaced from all detected road irregularities and to send the result of the evaluation to the external database. 1. A vehicle system for autonomous road irregularity avoidance comprising:vehicle sensors arranged to detect irregularities on a road travelled by a host vehicle;position determination means arranged to continuously determine the host vehicle position;communication means arranged to send vehicle sensor data relating to detected road irregularities and host vehicle position information to an external database for compiling road irregularity position information;processing means comprising steering control logic;a vehicle steering system arranged to affect at least one host vehicle wheel, for enabling steering of the host vehicle;wherein the communication means are arranged to receive, from the external database, information relating to road irregularity positions on the road ahead of the host vehicle, the processing means are arranged to determine a trajectory for the host vehicle for which all wheels of the host vehicle are laterally displaced from one or more road irregularities ahead of the host vehicle, the vehicle steering system is further arranged to autonomously steer the host vehicle along the determined trajectory, the processing means are further arranged to evaluate whether all wheels of the host vehicle were ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180011495A1

A route search system for a work vehicle includes a receiver, a processor, and a controller. The receiver is to obtain a reference position of the work vehicle. The processor is to define, as a search area, an area around a vehicle reference point in a plan view. The vehicle reference point indicates the reference position of the work vehicle. The controller is to determine a guidance travel route along which the work vehicle is to travel and which is closest to the vehicle reference point in the search area among travel route candidates stored in a memory. 1. A route search system for a work vehicle , comprising:a receiver to obtain a reference position of the work vehicle;a processor to define, as a search area, an area around a vehicle reference point in a plan view, the vehicle reference point indicating the reference position of the work vehicle; anda controller to determine a guidance travel route along which the work vehicle is to travel and which is closest to the vehicle reference point in the search area among travel route candidates stored in a memory.2. A work vehicle comprising:a memory to store travel routes;a position calculator to calculate a reference position of work vehicle based on positioning data;a processor to define as a search area, an area around a vehicle reference point in a plan view, the vehicle reference point indicating the reference position of the work vehicle;a controller to determine a guidance travel route along which the work vehicle is to travel and which is closest to the vehicle reference point in the search area among travel routes stored in the memory; anda deviation calculator to calculate a deviation between the guidance travel route and the reference position.3. The work vehicle according to claim 2 , further comprising:a travelling controller to steer the work vehicle based on the deviation so that the work vehicle travels along the guidance travel route.4. The work vehicle according to claim 2 , further comprising:a ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013297A1

An apparatus for supporting and or directing crop in a harvesting machine. The apparatus includes a one-part body with an axially extending recess in which a complementary hard material insert having an edge is or can be inserted. The recess contacts the hard material insert on at least three surfaces. 1. An apparatus for supporting or directing crop in a harvesting machine , the apparatus comprising:a one-part body comprising an axially extending recess; anda hard material insert comprising an edge that is received by the axially extending recess;wherein a surface of the axially extending recess is operable to transmit a torque from the hard material insert to the one-part body.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the surface retains the hard material insert between the surface and an additional surface of the one-part body.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the hard material insert comprises a triangular cross section that is contacted by the axially extending recess on all sides in a mounted state.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the hard material insert comprises a protrusion and the one-part body comprises a depression arranged in the axially extending recess that receives the protrusion.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the depression and the protrusion have a cross section that is one of substantially rectangular claim 4 , round claim 4 , and triangular.6. The apparatus of wherein the depression and the protrusion extend parallel to at least one of an upper side of the one-part body and a downward therefrom.7. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the depression and the protrusion are angular and are directed upward or downward.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the hard material insert extends over the entire length of the apparatus.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of hard material inserts are arranged one following another in an axial direction and have complementary end sections that engage with one another.10. The apparatus ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030758A1

An agricultural field work vehicle includes a move-off recorder to record, as move-off information, a move-off position or a move-off travel path, the move-off information being information related to the vehicle body having moved off a target travel path while performing agricultural field work during autonomous travel, the move-off position being a position at which the vehicle body moved off the target travel path, the move-off travel path being the target travel path off which the vehicle body moved, and a work return manager to (i) select a resumption travel path based on the move-off information, the resumption travel path being a travel path on which the agricultural field work vehicle, after the vehicle body moved off the target travel path, resumes performing agricultural field work, and (ii) manage a return of the 1vehicle body to the resumption travel path or the move-off position. The work return manager includes a determiner to determine, while the agricultural field work vehicle is being manually driven for the vehicle body to return to the resumption travel path, whether the agricultural field work vehicle is able to transition from manual travel to autonomous travel. 17-. (canceled)8. An agricultural field work vehicle , comprising:a vehicle position calculator to calculate, as a vehicle position, a position of a vehicle body of the agricultural field work vehicle in an agricultural field;an autonomous travel controller to steer the vehicle body so that the vehicle body travels autonomously along a target travel path;a move-off recorder to record, as move-off information, either or both of a move-off position and a move-off travel path, the move-off information being information related to the vehicle body having moved off the target travel path while performing agricultural field work during autonomous travel, the move-off position being the vehicle position at a time when the vehicle body moved off the target travel path, the move-off travel path ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030759A1

A method, system and robot for autonomous navigation thereof between two rows of plants, wherein said robot includes two or more sensing devices, sensor A and sensor B, mounted thereon and moves forward along an axis parallel to the rows of plants, being autonomously steered by exerting angular corrections to place the robot as close as possible to the centerline between the rows of plants, wherein the method and system includes the following: 1. A method for autonomous navigation of a robot between two rows of plants spaced Q metres apart , wherein said robot comprises two sensing devices , sensor A and sensor B , mounted at a position O thereon and moves forward along a y-axis being autonomously steered by exerting angular corrections to place the robot as close as possible to the centerline , wherein each sensing device is a device which detects electromagnetic waves or detects sound waves , and wherein when both devices detect:(A) electromagnetic waves, sensor A detects said waves at a frequency and/or field-of-view different from that of the waves detected by sensor B; and 'wherein said y-axis is a horizontal axis and said x-axis is a horizontal axis perpendicular to said y-axis,', '(B) sound waves, sensor A detects said waves at a frequency and/or field-of-view different from that of the waves detected by sensor B, and'}and wherein said method comprises the following steps:{'sub': G', 'G, 'u': {'@style': 'single', 'c'}, 'claim-text': [{'sub': min', 'max, '(a) said width extends horizontally |X| metres away from O to the left along said x-axis and horizontally Xmetres away from O to the right along said x-axis; and'}, {'sub': 'max', '(b) said length extends horizontally Ymetres away from O along said y-axis;'}, [{'br': None, 'i': X', '=−X', {'u': {'@style': 'single', 'c'}, '·/'}], 'sub': min', 'G, '2;'}, {'br': None, 'i': X', '=X', {'u': {'@style': 'single', 'c'}, '·/'}], 'sub': max', 'G, '2;'}, {'br': None, 'i': Y', '=Y', {'u': {'@style': 'single', 'c'}, ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Hybrid Total Station with Electronic Leveling

Номер: US20200011665A1
Принадлежит: Carlson Software, Inc.

A Robotic Total Station (RTS) system includes an RTS disposed for at least two-axis rotation on a tripod, and a rover including a pole mounted prism and GNSS receiver with inclination sensors. The RTS rotates on the tripod to point towards the rover and generate an RTS-position measurement using an optical signal reflected by the prism. The RTS is communicably coupled to the data collector and/or the GNSS receiver, and receives and uses the GNSS-derived position measurements and the inclination data for the range pole in real-time, to automatically track and point the RTS towards the prism. 1. A Robotic Total Station (RTS) system comprising:an RTS disposed for at least two-axis rotation on a tripod;a rover including a prism supported by a range pole, and GNSS receiver disposed on the range pole at a fixed distance from the prism, the GNSS receiver configured to generate three-dimensional location data (GNSS-derived position measurements) for the GNSS receiver;the RTS configured to rotate on the tripod to point towards the rover and generate an RTS-position measurement of the rover by transmitting and capturing a reflection of an optical signal from the prism;a plurality of inclination sensors disposed on the range pole in operative engagement with the GNSS receiver, the inclination sensors configured to generate inclination data for the range pole along mutually orthogonal x and y axes;a hand-held data collector computer including a display;a data collection module implemented by the data collector computer, and configured to generate a data collection graphical user interface (GUI) visible on the display;the data collector computer being communicably coupled to the GNSS receiver and configured to receive from the GNSS receiver, the three-dimensional location data and the inclination data for the range pole in real-time;the RTS being communicably coupled to the data collector and/or the GNSS receiver, the RTS configured to receive and use the GNSS-derived position ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200012280A1
Автор: Lin Tao
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

A situation recognizer calculates situation recognition information on a peripheral situation of a vehicle based on sensor information indicating the vehicle's periphery, map information, and motion information indicating the vehicle's state; an experience information database including information on each function, a function achievement value indicating each function's achievement degree, and a road on which each function was executed, in association with the situation recognition information, the experience information reflecting an execution result of each function during automatic driving; a control route calculator extracts experience information corresponding to the situation recognition information from the experience information database and calculates a control route including the road where the function achievement value is high; a control determination unit which generates control method information for controlling the vehicle to execute the function on the control route; and a control executor executes the automatic driving based on the control method information. 1. An automatic driving assistance device comprising:a situation recognition unit which calculates situation recognition information on a peripheral situation of a vehicle based on sensor information indicating information on a periphery of the vehicle performing automatic driving, map information including a travel route of the vehicle, and motion information indicating a state of the vehicle;an experience information database which includes information on at least a plurality of functions, a function achievement value indicating an achievement degree of each of the plurality of functions, and a road on which each of the plurality of functions has been executed, as experience information reflecting execution results of the plurality of functions during automatic driving travel of the vehicle, and in which the experience information is recorded in association with the situation recognition ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014715A1

A control system for an agricultural work system having at least one mobile work machine, which is developed to carry out a predefined work task in an autonomous manner, including an arrangement for the work machine for orientation purposes and/or for a collision avoidance. It is provided that the arrangement includes a multitude of markers which are able to be placed/are placed on objects in an operating range, and at least one device, which is able to be mounted/is mounted on the work machine and designed to detect the markers and to output an item of information to the work machine as a function of a detected marker. 1. A control system for an agricultural work system having at least one mobile work machine , which is designed to carry out a predefined work task in an autonomous manner , the control system comprising:an arrangement provided for the work machine for at least one of orientation purposes, and a collision avoidance, wherein the arrangement includes a multitude of markers, which are able to be placed on objects in an operating range of the work machine; andat least one device mountable on the work machine and designed to detect the markers and to output an item of information to the work machine as a function of detected ones of the markers.2. The control system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the markers are visual markers claim 1 , the visual markers being reflectors.3. The control system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the device has at least one camera sensor for detecting the markers.4. The control system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the device has at least one emitter for illuminating the markers.5. The control system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the markers have identifying features.6. The control system as recited in claim 5 , wherein the identifying features are at least one of: (i) QR codes claim 5 , (ii) RFID chips claim 5 , or (iii) predefined lacquers.7. The control system as recited in claim 1 , further comprising:a control unit ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Turf Maintenance System

Номер: US20210015023A1

A turf maintenance machine includes: a moveable platform configured to move the turf maintenance machine within an area to be maintained; a wireless transmitter system configured to provide a wireless energizing signal to a below-grade smart irrigation object; and a turf aeration system configured to aerate turf within the area to be maintained. 1. A turf maintenance machine comprising:a moveable platform configured to move the turf maintenance machine within an area to be maintained;a wireless transmitter system configured to provide a wireless energizing signal to a below-grade smart irrigation object; anda turf aeration system configured to aerate turf within the area to be maintained.2. The turf maintenance machine of wherein the wireless energizing signal results in the below-grade smart irrigation object generating a wireless output signal.3. The turf maintenance machine of further comprising:a wireless receiver system configured to receive the wireless output signal that was generated by the below-grade smart irrigation object in response to receiving the wireless energizing signal.4. The turf maintenance machine of wherein the turf aeration system is configured to automatically suspend turf aeration in response to receiving the wireless output signal.5. The turf maintenance machine of wherein the turf maintenance machine is configured to automatically raise at least a portion of the turf aeration system in response to receiving the wireless output signal.6. The turf maintenance machine of wherein the turf maintenance machine is configured to automatically disable at least a portion of the turf aeration system in response to receiving the wireless output signal.7. The turf maintenance machine of wherein the turf maintenance machine is configured to provide a visual and/or audible notification to an operator of the turf maintenance machine in response to receiving the wireless output signal.8. The turf maintenance machine of wherein the turf maintenance ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015041A1

A method for executing an agricultural work process on a field by means of a group of agricultural work machines. The work machines each have work assemblies which are adjustable with machine parameters for adapting to the respective agricultural conditions. The work machines of the group communicate with one another via a wireless network. The work machines of the group are configured as self-optimizing work machines which each have a driver assistance system for generating and adjusting machine parameters in an automated manner. These machine parameters are optimized with respect to the agricultural conditions. The work machines of the group cooperate collectively in the manner of a virtual work machine. 1. A method for executing an agricultural work process on a field comprising:providing a group of agricultural work machines, each work machine having work assemblies that are adjustable with machine parameters for adapting to respective agricultural conditions,communicating between the work machines of the group via a wireless network, wherein the work machines of the group are configured as self-optimizing work machines which each have a driver assistance system, andgenerating and adjusting machine parameters via the driver assistance system in an automated manner, wherein the machine parameters are optimized with respect to the agricultural conditions,wherein the work machines of the group collectively cooperate between each other in a manner of a virtual work machine.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the work machines of the group generate sensor data claim 1 , and wherein a plurality of work machines of the group take into account sensor data of other work machines of the group when generating the respective optimized machine parameters claim 1 , and/or wherein the work machines of the group jointly collect sensor data and these sensor data are aggregated into virtual sensor data.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of work machines ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170017235A1

A haulage vehicle comprises: a position calculating system () calculating an estimated position of its own vehicle; a position range calculating unit () calculating a position range which is centered around the estimated position and in which the haulage vehicle is present with a predetermined expected probability; a maximum deviation amount calculating unit () calculating a maximum deviation amount indicating a highest value among the amounts of deviations between a target route of the haulage vehicle and each of points included in the position range; a target vehicle-speed decision unit () setting a target vehicle speed of the haulage vehicle to be relatively low when the maximum deviation amount is relatively large; and a target route-tracing unit () performing control for the haulage vehicle to travel along the target route in compliance with the target vehicle speed. 1. A haulage vehicle connected to a control server configured to implement fleet management over wireless lines and to autonomously travel while taking instructions from the control server into account , comprising:a position calculating device configured to calculate an estimated position of its own vehicle;a position range calculating unit configured to calculate a position range which is centered around the estimated position and in which the haulage vehicle is present with a predetermined expected probability;a maximum deviation amount calculating unit configured to calculate a maximum deviation amount indicating a highest value among the amounts of deviations between a target route of the haulage vehicle and each of points included in the position range;a target vehicle-speed decision unit configured to set a target vehicle speed of the haulage vehicle to be relatively low when the maximum deviation amount is relatively large; anda target route-tracing unit configured to perform control for the haulage vehicle to travel along the target route in compliance with the target vehicle speed.2. The ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150019081A1

A vehicle, a tool carriage assembly, and a system are disclosed. The vehicle includes drive wheels and a steering assembly which are responsive to control signal(s) to substantially correct a displacement error of the vehicle relative to an intended travel path. The tool carriage assembly includes a support section operatively mounted to a main body for relative movement. The support section is adapted to have mounted thereto a tool unit comprising a tool head. In response to a displacement error of the tool head relative to the intended travel path, the support section is responsive to one or more control signals to move relative to the main body to substantially correct the displacement error of the tool head. The system includes the vehicle having the tool carriage assembly mounted thereto, and a control system for controlling the correction of the displacement errors of the vehicle and the tool head. 1. A vehicle comprising a chassis having a forward and a rearward end , a traction drive comprising at least two drive wheels operatively mounted to the chassis for causing propulsion of the vehicle , and a steering assembly for facilitating steering of the drive wheels when in an operating mode , wherein in response to a displacement error of the vehicle relative to an intended travel path , the drive wheels and steering assembly are responsive to one or more control signals to substantially correct the displacement error of the vehicle relative to the intended travel path.2. A vehicle according to claim 1 , comprising hydraulic motors claim 1 , each motor being associated with a respective drive wheel for driving thereof to substantially correct the displacement error of the vehicle relative to the intended travel path claim 1 , wherein the hydraulic motors are torque controlled to provide substantially the same torque to each hydraulic motor.3. (canceled)4. A vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the steering assembly comprises a linkage arrangement operatively ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190018418A1

The present invention discloses a safety system for a user vehicle including a controller, a display, an inter-vehicle wireless communication module coupled to the controller to receive GPS data of other vehicle around the user vehicle. A surrounding object pattern generator is coupled to the controller to generate a surrounding object pattern based on the GPS data of the other vehicle. 1. A summon system for a vehicle comprising:a controller;a geography data receiving device coupled to said controller to receive a geography data of said vehicle;a communication module coupled to said controller to transmit said geography data to a user terminal;a summon module coupled to said controller to generate a path based on a designated location and said geography data of said vehicle; anda self-driving system initiated by said user terminal to drive said vehicle to said designated location based on said path.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said geography information receiving device includes GPS.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a location transmitting trigger couple to said controller to initiate said communication module to transmit said geography data to said user terminal.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein said location transmitting trigger includes an engine stop trigger.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein said geography data receiving device includes indoor positioning device.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein said indoor positioning device includes WiFi claim 5 , blue tooth claim 5 , ZigBee claim 5 , RFID claim 5 , visual light claim 5 , infrared system claim 5 , WCDMA claim 5 , 5th G protocol or the combination thereof.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein said self-driving system includes an autonomous system.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein said self-driving system includes a remote control system.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein said designated location includes user terminal location.10. The system of claim 9 , wherein said user terminal includes a ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Generation of Trip Estimates Using Real-Time Data and Historical Data

Номер: US20190018426A1
Автор: CAI Xiao, Yao Shijing

A system uses machine models to estimate trip durations or distance. The system trains a historical model to estimate trip duration using characteristics of past trips. The system trains a real-time model to estimate trip duration using characteristics of recently completed trips. The historical and real-time models may use different time windows of training data to predict estimates, and may be trained to predict an adjustment to an initial trip estimate. A selector model is trained to predict whether the historical model, the real-time model, or a combination of the historical and real-time models will more accurately estimate a trip duration, given features associated with a trip duration request, and the system accordingly uses the models to estimate a trip duration. In some embodiments, the real-time model and the selector may be trained using batch machine learning techniques which allow the models to incorporate new trip data as trips complete. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:calculating a first set of confidence intervals representing estimated durations using a real-time model;calculating a second set of confidence intervals representing estimated durations using a historical model; anddetermining a final confidence interval by applying a selector model which determines whether the real-time model or the historical model is likely to more accurately predict durations.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:predicting an initial set of durations based on a network-based estimation algorithm;wherein the real-time model and the historical model use the predicted set of initial durations to generate the first set of confidence intervals and the second set of confidence intervals.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the network-based estimation algorithm bases duration predictions on a graph that models a path between an origin location of a trip and a destination location of the trip as a series of weighted nodes and edges.4. The method of claim ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle Guidance SYSTEM

Номер: US20160021813A1
Автор: Matthews Paul Ross

In one embodiment, a method comprising receiving input corresponding to a first contour wayline to enable auto-steer traversal by a vehicle over a field; generating a plurality of contour waylines based on the first contour wayline; identifying a non-drivable section among the plurality of contour waylines, the identifying based on information corresponding to a time for the vehicle to reach a minimum turning radius and the minimum turning radius; and generating an alternative contour wayline section for the identified non-drivable section. 1. A method , comprising:receiving input corresponding to a first contour wayline to enable auto-steer traversal by a vehicle over a field;generating a plurality of contour waylines based on the first contour wayline;identifying a non-drivable section among the plurality of contour waylines, the identifying based on information corresponding to a time for the vehicle to reach a minimum turning radius and the minimum turning radius; andgenerating an alternative contour wayline section for the identified non-drivable section.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising causing the auto-steer traversal by the vehicle of the field according to the plurality of contour waylines and according to the alternative contour wayline section for the non-drivable section.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein identifying the non-drivable section is further based on information corresponding to speed of the vehicle.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising determining a speed for which the vehicle is to traverse the alternative contour wayline section.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising causing the auto-steer traversal by the vehicle of the field according to the alternative contour wayline section in place of the non-drivable section based on the determined speed.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein identifying the non-drivable section is without operator intervention.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein identifying the non-drivable ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018927A1

A computer-implemented method includes obtaining image data representing a set of images of a worksite captured by an image capture component of a mobile computing device, identifying a set of virtual markers associated with the set of images, each virtual marker having a corresponding position in one of the images, and determining, for each virtual marker, a set of coordinates in a coordinate system based on the corresponding position of the virtual marker. Based on the set of coordinates, boundary data is generated that represents a boundary on the worksite. The boundary data is communicated to a robotic mower for control of the robotic mower within an operating area defined based on the boundary. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:obtaining image data representing a set of images of a worksite captured by an image capture component of a mobile computing device;identifying a set of virtual markers associated with the set of images, each virtual marker having a corresponding position in one of the images;determining, for each virtual marker, a set of coordinates in a coordinate system based on the corresponding position of the virtual marker;based on the set of coordinates, generating boundary data that represents a boundary on the worksite; andcommunicating, to a robotic mower, the boundary data for control of the robotic mower within an operating area defined based on the boundary.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein determining a set of coordinates for each virtual marker comprises:translating the corresponding position of the virtual marker into the set of coordinates.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 2 , wherein translating comprises:receiving sensor data, associated with the virtual marker, from one or more sensors on the mobile computing device; anddetermining the set of coordinates for the virtual marker based on the sensor data.4. The computer-implemented method of claim 3 , wherein the one or more sensors comprises at ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039309A1

Methods, apparatus, systems and articles of manufacture are disclosed for vehicle steering to follow a curved path. An example apparatus includes interface circuitry to determine vehicle data of a vehicle, navigation manager circuitry to determine navigation data of the vehicle, and tracking mode controller circuitry to: determine the vehicle is approaching a curve based on the navigation data, in response to determining the vehicle is approaching a curve: determine a wheel steering angle utilizing the navigation data and the vehicle data, the wheel steering angle corresponding to the curve, determine a heading error offset adjustment utilizing the navigation data and the vehicle data, and generate steering commands based on the wheel steering angle and the heading error offset, the steering commands to control the vehicle to reduce control errors and follow the wheel steering angle. 1. An apparatus comprising:interface circuitry to determine vehicle data of a vehicle;navigation manager circuitry to determine navigation data of the vehicle; and determine the vehicle is approaching a curve based on the navigation data;', determine a wheel steering angle utilizing the navigation data and the vehicle data, the wheel steering angle corresponding to the curve;', 'determine a heading error offset adjustment utilizing the navigation data and the vehicle data; and', 'generate steering commands based on the wheel steering angle and the heading error offset, the steering commands to control the vehicle to reduce control errors and follow the wheel steering angle., 'in response to determining the vehicle is approaching a curve], 'tracking mode controller circuitry to2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle data includes a position of a location sensor and a position of a front axle or rear axle claim 1 , the tracking mode controller circuitry to determine a distance between the position of the location sensor and the position of the front axle or the rear axle.3. The ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021218A1

An autonomous agricultural implement is operable to advance itself across a field while dispensing agricultural product. The implement includes an implement chassis, a drive system, an interchangeable product container, and a plurality of openers. The container presents a chamber configured to hold a supply of product. The container is shiftable between coupled and uncoupled positions, with the container being detached from the implement chassis in the uncoupled position. The container includes a product flow barrier to selectively restrict product from flowing out of the chamber when the container is in the uncoupled position prior to the container being attached to the implement chassis. The container fluidly communicates with the openers when in the coupled position so that the openers receive product from the chamber. 1. An autonomous agricultural implement operable to advance itself across a field while dispensing agricultural product , said implement comprising:an implement chassis;a drive system supported on the chassis and operable to power the chassis across the field;an interchangeable product container presenting a chamber configured to hold a supply of product; anda plurality of openers operably coupled to the implement chassis to dispense product along the field as the implement is advanced,said product container being shiftable between coupled and uncoupled positions, with the container being detached from the implement chassis in the uncoupled position,said product container including a product flow barrier to selectively restrict product from flowing out of the chamber when the container is in the uncoupled position prior to the container being attached to the implement chassis,said product container fluidly communicating with the openers when in the coupled position so that the openers receive product from the chamber.2. The agricultural implement as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a powered transfer mechanism operably supported by the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021219A1

An agricultural system includes an agricultural product supply station, an autonomous agricultural machine, a plurality of product containers, and a powered transfer mechanism. The machine is operable to advance across a field while dispensing product. The product containers are configured to be removably stored by the supply station in a stored position and used interchangeably with the machine. Each container is configured to contain product and operably couple to the machine to dispense product thereto. Each container is shiftable between a machine-coupled position and the stored position. The container is attached to the machine in the machine-coupled position and detached from the machine in the stored position. The transfer mechanism is operably supported by at least one of the supply station and the implement and is configured to shift each container between the machine-coupled and stored positions. 1. An agricultural system for dispensing the product within a field , said agricultural system comprising:an agricultural product supply station;an autonomous agricultural machine operable to advance across a field while dispensing product;a plurality of product containers configured to be removably stored by the supply station in a stored position and used interchangeably with the machine,each of said containers being configured to contain product and operably couple to the machine to dispense product thereto,each of said containers being shiftable between a machine-coupled position and the stored position, with the container being attached to the machine in the machine-coupled position and detached from the machine in the stored position; anda powered transfer mechanism operably supported by at least one of the supply station and the implement and configured to shift each container between the machine-coupled and stored positions.2. The agricultural system as claimed in claim 1 ,said machine including a machine chassis configured to removably support at least ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021220A1

A mobile agricultural product dispensing system is configured to hold a supply of agricultural product and transport the product for operations on a field by an agricultural machine. The dispensing system includes a wheeled supply station and a plurality of product containers. The supply station is operable to be advanced to and from the field and includes a rack assembly defining a series of container-receiving bays. The product containers are configured to be used interchangeably with the machine. Each container is configured to contain product and operably couple to the machine to dispense product thereto. Each container is removably supported by the rack assembly in a corresponding one of the bays. 1. A mobile agricultural product dispensing system configured to hold a supply of agricultural product and transport the product for operations on a field by an agricultural machine , said dispensing system comprising:a wheeled supply station operable to be advanced to and from the field,said supply station including a rack assembly defining a series of container-receiving bays; anda plurality of product containers configured to be used interchangeably with the machine,each of said containers being configured to contain product and operably couple to the machine to dispense product thereto,each of said containers being removably supported by the rack assembly in a corresponding one of the bays.2. The mobile agricultural product dispensing system as claimed in claim 1 ,said rack assembly presenting an open face that communicates with the bays and permits lateral container ingress and egress relative to the bays.3. The mobile agricultural product dispensing system as claimed in claim 2 ,said supply station presenting a longitudinal station axis and configured to be advanced in a forward direction that corresponds to the longitudinal station axis,said open face extending longitudinally, with container ingress and egress occurring in a lateral direction.4. The mobile ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022283A1

One or more information maps are obtained by an agricultural work machine. The one or more information maps map one or more agricultural characteristic values at different geographic locations of a field. An in-situ sensor on the agricultural work machine senses an agricultural characteristic as the agricultural work machine moves through the field. A predictive map generator generates a predictive map that predicts a predictive agricultural characteristic at different locations in the field based on a relationship between the values in the one or more information maps and the agricultural characteristic sensed by the in-situ sensor. The predictive map can be output and used in automated machine control. 1. An agricultural work machine , comprising:a communication system that receives a prior information map that includes values of a first agricultural characteristic corresponding to different geographic locations in a field;a geographic position sensor that detects a geographic location of the agricultural work machine;an in-situ sensor that detects an agricultural yield as a second agricultural characteristic corresponding to the geographic location;a predictive model generator that generates a predictive agricultural model that models a relationship between the first agricultural characteristic and the second agricultural characteristic based on a value of the first agricultural characteristic in the prior information map at the geographic location and a value of the second agricultural characteristic sensed by the in-situ sensor at the geographic location; anda predictive map generator that generates a functional predictive agricultural map of the field that maps predictive values of the second agricultural characteristic to the different geographic locations in the field, based on the values of the first agricultural characteristic in the prior information map and based on the predictive agricultural model.2. The agricultural work machine of claim 1 , wherein ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025057A1

A work machine management system includes: a position detecting device that detects a position of a work machine traveling in a workplace; a non-contact sensor that detects an object existing in the workplace in a non-contact manner; map data that accumulates information on existence and a position of the object existing in the workplace on the basis of detection data obtained by the position detecting device and detection data obtained by the non-contact sensor; a travel route generation unit that generates a travel route where the work machine travels; and an identifying unit that identifies perfection of map data. The travel route generation unit generates the travel route where the work machine travels on the basis of the perfection of the map data identified by the identifying unit. 1. A work machine management system comprising:a position detecting device configured to detect a position of a work machine traveling in a workplace;a non-contact sensor configured to detect, in a non-contact manner, an object existing in the workplace;map data configured to accumulate information on existence and a position of the object existing in the workplace on the basis of detection data obtained by the position detecting device and detection data obtained by the non-contact sensor;a travel route generation unit configured to generate e a travel route where the work machine travels; andan identifying unit configured to identify perfection of the map data,wherein the travel route generation unit generates the travel route where the work machine travels on the basis of the perfection of the map data identified by the identifying unit.2. The work machine management system according to claim 1 , whereinthe travel route generation unit includes a first travel route that passes at least a center region from a first position to a second position in the workplace, and a second travel route that passes an outer periphery region from the first position to the second position in the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Navigation Driving Metric

Номер: US20190025837A1

A method is disclosed comprising: obtaining data associated with each road segment of at least one road segment, said data comprising: a representative of at least one link associated with the respective road segment; obtaining probe data associated with the respective road segment, the probe data comprising: at least one piece of position information; determining a sinuous driving metric, which is a value being indicative of a sinuosity of driving on the respective road segment based at least partially on the probe data and its allocation with respect to the respective road segment. It is further disclosed an according apparatus, computer program and system. 1. An apparatus comprising at least one processor and at least one memory including computer program code , the at least one memory and the computer program code configured to , with the at least one processor , cause the apparatus to at least perform: 'a representative of at least one link associated with the respective road segment;', 'obtaining data associated with each road segment of at least one road segment, said data comprising 'at least one piece of position information;', 'obtaining probe data associated with the respective road segment, the probe data comprisingdetermining a sinuous driving metric, which is a value being indicative of a sinuosity of driving on the respective road segment based at least partially on the probe data and its allocation with respect to the respective road segment.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a lane distance metric is determined based at least partially on the obtained data and the obtained probe data claim 1 , wherein the lane distance metric indicates a measure of an average relative lateral movement of the at least one probe data associated with the at least one road segment.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the data comprises further a representative of a spatial metric associated with spatial properties associated with the respective ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Smart neighborhood routing for autonomous vehicles

Номер: US20200026279A1

Systems, methods, and computer-readable media are disclosed for smart neighborhood routing for autonomous vehicles. Example methods may include determining, by one or more computer processors coupled to at least one memory, a first set of inputs indicative of real estate locations, determining a set of real estate options based at least in part on the first set of inputs, the set of real estate options comprising a first real estate option, determining that the first real estate option is selected for viewing by a user, and determining a route from a first location to a second location, the second location associated with the first real estate option, wherein the route includes at least one stopping point.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027727A1
Автор: Leeb Theodor
Принадлежит: HORSCH LEEB Application Systems GmbH

A device for spreading liquids in an agricultural field includes at least two cantilever arms, each having multiple means for distributing the liquid. The two cantilever arms are pivotable about one or more axes running approximately parallel to a driving direction of the device, and each arm includes one or more attached actuators that transmit an actuating force to produce a pivoting movement onto the cantilever arms. First sensors for determining a relative actual spacing of the cantilever arms and second sensors for detecting an environmental profile provide signals to a control apparatus which controls the actuators to achieve a desired movement and spacing of the cantilever arms. An associated method is also described. 1. A device for spreading liquid fertilizers , comprising:at least two cantilever arms, wherein each arm comprises a plurality of sprayers for distributing the liquid, and wherein each arm is pivotable about one or more axes running approximately parallel to a driving direction of the device;one or more actuators connected to the at least two cantilever arms wherein each actuator transmits an actuating force to impart a pivoting movement to the at least two cantilever arms;one or more first sensors, wherein each first sensor measures a relative actual spacing of the at least two cantilever arms to a ground-side crop to be treated or measures a relative tilt position of the at least two cantilever arms in relation to horizontal or measures the relative actual spacing and the relative tilt position; andone or more second sensors, wherein each second sensor detects an environmental profile preceding a driving direction of the device;wherein the one or more first sensors and the one or more second sensors are connected to a control apparatus which controls the one or more actuators to achieve a defined pivoting movement of the at least two cantilever arms based on the actual spacing, the relative tilt position, the environmental profile, or ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210027489A1

A placement position notification system specifies main points and sub-point which are placement positions of markers, based on input information specifying a work target area from a user; and provides a notification of the specified main points and sub-points as the placement positions of the markers. This allows placement object such as markers to be more easily placed. 1. A placement position notification system that provides a notification of placement positions of placement objects indicating a work target area of an autonomous traveling work machine ,the placement position notification system comprising:an information acquisition unit that obtains image information including the work target area;an input unit that receives input information corresponding to the image information, the input information specifying the work target area;a position specifying unit that specifies the placement positions of the placement objects based on the input information; anda notification unit that provides a notification of the specified placement positions.2. The placement position notification system according to claim 1 , whereinthe position specifying unit sets a contour line of the work target area based on the input information and specifies the placement positions of the placement objects based on the contour line.32. The placement position notification system according to claim 1 , whereinthe position specifying unit sets main points and sub-points, the main points indicating positions where the contour line curves, the sub-points being arranged at intervals on the contour line connecting the main points; and specifies the main points and sub points as the placement positions of the placement objects4. The placement position notification system according to claim 3 , whereinthe position specifying unit sets the sub-points at such positions that adjacent placement objects are arranged within a visual field range of a camera, at a distance for which an accuracy of being ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029487A1
Автор: Dix Peter John

A control system for a work vehicle of a work vehicle system is provided that includes at least one controller including a memory and a processor. The at least one controller is configured to determine an attitude of a working surface of an implement relative to a field. In addition, the at least one controller is configured to generate evenly spaced swaths of the field, each swath having a center line. Further, the at least one controller is configured to determine target altitudes for points along the center line for a respective swath. Even further, the at least one controller is configured to adjust a depth of the working surface of the implement relative to the field to meet the target altitudes at respective points while the work vehicle moves along the field. 1. A control system for a work vehicle of a work vehicle system , comprising: determine an attitude of a working surface of an implement relative to a field;', 'generate evenly spaced swaths of the field, each swath having a center line;', 'determine target altitudes for points along the center line for a respective swath; and', 'adjust a depth of the working surface of the implement relative to the field to meet the target altitudes at respective points while the work vehicle moves along the field., 'at least one controller comprising a memory and a processor, wherein the at least one controller is configured to2. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one controller is configured to determine the attitude of the working surface based on global positioning system (GPS) data of the work vehicle received from a first receiver disposed on the working vehicle and GPS data of the implement received from a second receiver disposed on the implement.3. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the evenly spaced swaths comprise straight swaths claim 1 , curved swaths claim 1 , or a combination thereof.4. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one controller is configured to determine ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170031368A1

A robotic work tool system () comprising a charging station () and a robotic work tool (), said robotic work tool () comprising a position determining device () for determining a current position, the robotic work tool () being configured to determine that reliable navigation through said position determining device () is no longer possible, such as when satellite signal reception is not possible, at a time point (T) and position and in response thereto generate an obstacle map which gives information on the position of at least one obstacle (), determine when an area will be shadowed with regards to satellite reception based on said obstacle map, and to schedule operation of the robotic work tool () accordingly. 1. A robotic work tool system comprising a robotic work tool , said robotic work tool comprising a position determining device for determining a current position , the robotic work tool being configured to:determine that reliable navigation through said position determining device is no longer possible, at a time point and position and in response thereto generate an obstacle map;determine when an area will be shadowed with regards to satellite reception based on said obstacle map; andschedule operation of the robotic work tool accordingly.2. The robotic work tool system according to claim 1 , wherein the robotic work tool is further configured todetermine a first robot position at which reception of a satellite signal is lost from a first satellite at a first time point;determine a second robot position at which reception of a satellite signal is lost from a first satellite at a second time point; andgenerate said obstacle map based on said first and second robot position and said first and second time point.3. The robotic work tool system according to claim 2 , wherein the obstacle map is a shadow map giving information on areas that are at least partially shadowed at specific times.4. The robotic work tool system according to claim 2 , wherein the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Robotic Lawn Mowing Boundary Determination

Номер: US20210029873A1

A method of mowing an area with an autonomous mowing robot comprises storing, in non-transient memory of the robot, a set of geospatially referenced perimeter data corresponding to positions of the mowing robot as the mowing robot is guided about a perimeter of an area to be mowed, removing from the set of perimeter data one or more data points thereby creating a redacted data set and controlling the mowing robot to autonomously mow an area bounded by a boundary corresponding to the redacted data set, including altering direction of the mowing robot at or near a position corresponding to data in the redacted data set so as to redirect the robot back into the bounded area. 1. (canceled)2. A mowing robot comprising:a grass cutter;a drive system including a motorized wheel; anda controller operably coupled to the motorized wheel for maneuvering the mowing robot to traverse a lawn area, the controller configured to:determine whether the mowing robot is being guided in a forward or a backward direction, 'suspend storage of the geospatially referenced perimeter coordinates in response to determining that the mowing robot is being guided in a backward direction,', 'in a teaching mode, store in memory geospatially referenced perimeter coordinates corresponding to positions of the mowing robot during the teaching mode,'} 'control the mowing robot to autonomously mow within an area bounded by the boundary.', 'identify a boundary comprising at least some of the geospatially referenced perimeter coordinates stored during the teaching mode, and'}3. The mowing robot of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to resume storage of the geospatially referenced perimeter coordinates in response to detecting the mowing robot is moving forward after a suspension of storage of the geospatially referenced perimeter coordinates.4. The mowing robot of claim 3 , wherein the controller is configured to perform a smoothing operation on the stored geospatially referenced perimeter ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Travel Route Determination System

Номер: US20220050458A1
Автор: Yasuto Nishii
Принадлежит: Yanmar Power Technology Co Ltd

A travel route determination system including: a route generating unit generating planned travel routes including work routes along which a work vehicle performs autonomous travel; a control unit capable of causing the work vehicle to perform autonomous travel along the planned travel routes; an information obtaining unit obtaining position information and orientation information on the work vehicle; and a determination unit determining an autonomous travel candidate route at which the work vehicle can start autonomous travel, before the work vehicle starts autonomous travel. The determination unit sets a candidate determination region based on the position information and orientation information on the work vehicle, and the determination unit determines, among the work routes, a work route in the candidate determination region as the autonomous travel candidate route.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033125A1
Автор: Johnson Gerald R.

A system comprises a mobile machine () for collecting a plurality of bales () dispersed across a ground surface and one or more computing devices. The one or more computing devices are configured to receive location and orientation information for the plurality of bales (), the location and orientation information including a location and an orientation of each of the bales (), automatically determine a preferred path for collecting the bales using the location and orientation information, and present information about the preferred path to an operator of the mobile machine (). 1. A system comprising:a mobile machine for collecting a plurality of bales dispersed across a ground surface; and receive location and orientation information for the plurality of bales, the location and orientation information including a location and an orientation of each of the bales,', 'automatically determine a preferred path for collecting the bales using the location and orientation information, and', 'present information about the preferred path to an operator of the mobile machine., 'one or more computing devices configured to-'}2. The system as set forth in claim 1 , the one or more computing devices further configured to automatically determine the preferred path for collecting the bales such that the path intersects each of the bales in line with a particular bale orientation.3. The system as set forth in claim 1 , the preferred path minimizing travel distance.4. The system as set forth in claim 1 , the preferred path minimizing travel time.5. The system as set forth in claim 1 , the one or more computing devices further configured to automatically determine the preferred path using a starting location of the mobile machine and a bale stack location.6. The system as set forth in claim 1 , the one or more computing devices further configured to-receive ground surface information, andautomatically determine the preferred path for collecting the bales using the location and ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033874A1
Автор: Berkemeier Matthew D.
Принадлежит: Autonomous Solutions, Inc.

A path controller for guiding an autonomous vehicle along a desired path may include an input module that may receive input signals such as, a normal error signal that indicates an off-path deviation of the autonomous vehicle relative to a desired path, a heading signal, and a curvature signal associated with the autonomous vehicle. The path controller may also include a curvature rate module that calculates a curvature rate output signal to guide the autonomous vehicle along the desired path and a communication module that communicates the curvature rate output signal to a steering control system. 1. A method of controlling an autonomous vehicle comprising: receiving at least one input signal indicative of a current position of the autonomous vehicle relative to at least one fixed point within a fixed coordinate system;', 'calculating at least one output signal based on the at least one input signal received at the path controller, the at least one output signal configured to guide the autonomous vehicle along the desired path,', 'wherein at least one portion of the desired path comprises a clothoid segment having a continuously changing rate of curvature that varies linearly along the at least one portion of the desired path; and', 'communicating the at least one output signal to a steering control system that is configured to receive the at least one output signal and actuate at least one actuator of a steering system associated with the autonomous vehicle to control a direction of movement of the autonomous vehicle based on the at least one output signal received from the path controller,', 'wherein the at least one output signal is configured to guide the autonomous vehicle along the at least one portion of the desired path that comprises a clothoid segment having a continuously changing rate of curvature that varies linearly along the at least one portion of the desired path, and', an Ackerman steering system;', 'a torque vectoring steering system;', 'a ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033881A1

A positioning detection device includes a first obtaining circuit to obtain a satellite signal, a second obtaining circuit to obtain a detection signal of an inertial device, a third obtaining circuit to obtain a traveling state of the vehicle body including straight-traveling and turning of the vehicle body, a first calculator to calculate first positioning information in satellite navigation system to which the satellite signal is applied, a second calculator to calculate second positioning information in inertial navigation system to which the detection signal is applied, a third calculator to calculate third positioning information in Kalman filter to which the first positioning information and the second positioning information are applied, and an output circuit to output the third positioning information when the third obtaining circuit obtains the straight-traveling and to output the first positioning information and/or the second positioning information when the third obtaining circuit obtains the turning. 1. A positioning detection device comprising:a first obtaining circuit disposed on a vehicle body having a working device or on the working device and configured to obtain a satellite signal from a navigation satellite;a second obtaining circuit to obtain a detection signal of an inertial device;a third obtaining circuit to obtain a traveling state of the vehicle body, the traveling state including at least straight-traveling of the vehicle body and turning of the vehicle body;a first calculator to calculate first positioning information in accordance with satellite navigation system to which the satellite signal obtained by the first obtaining circuit is applied, the first positioning information being information on positioning;a second calculator to calculate second positioning information in accordance with inertial navigation system to which the detection signal obtained by the second obtaining circuit is applied, the second positioning information ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160037706A1

A steering system and method are described for a vehicle having steerable front and rear wheels. A rear hydraulic steering device may be coupled to one or more of the rear wheels. A rear valve assembly may hydraulically control the rear hydraulic steering device to steer the rear wheels based upon a rear steering command. In a rear steering assist mode, the rear steering command may be determined based upon a manual steering input received at a steering input device. In an automated steering mode, the rear steering command may be determined based upon a target path of the agricultural vehicle that is determined independently of the manual steering input. 1. A steering system for an agricultural vehicle having one or more steerable front wheels , one or more steerable rear wheels , and a steering input device configured to receive a manual steering input for the one or more steerable front wheels , the steering system comprising:a rear hydraulic steering device coupled to at least one of the one or more steerable rear wheels;a rear valve assembly configured to hydraulically control the rear hydraulic steering device in order to steer the at least one steerable rear wheel; anda controller configured to determine a rear steering command and provide the rear steering command to the rear valve assembly;wherein the rear valve assembly hydraulically controls the rear hydraulic steering device based upon, at least in part, the rear steering command from the controller;wherein, in a rear steering assist mode, the controller determines the rear steering command based upon, at least in part, the manual steering input; andwherein, in an automated steering mode, the controller determines the rear steering command based upon, at least in part, a target path of the agricultural vehicle that is determined independently of the manual steering input.2. The steering system of claim 1 , further comprising:a steering sensor in communication with the steering input device and the ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160037708A1

A control system for a mobile machine includes one or more sensors for generating machine state data and one or more computing devices. The one or more computing devices are configured to determine a first segment and a second segment of an operating path of the machine and to use the machine state data to determine an optimal speed for a turn maneuver between the first segment and the second segment of the operating path. The one or more computing devices may further be configured to determine a first optimal speed for a first portion of the turn maneuver and a second optimal speed for a second portion of the turn maneuver. 1. A control system for a mobile machine , the control system comprising:one or more sensors for generating machine state data; and determine a first segment and a second segment of an operating path of the machine, and', 'use the machine state data to determine an optimal speed for a turn maneuver between the first segment and the second segment of the operating path., 'one or more computing devices configured to—'}2. The control system as set forth in claim 1 , the machine state data including data indicating a material fill level.3. The control system as set forth in claim 1 , the machine state data including data associated with the state of an implement associated with the mobile machine.4. The control system as set forth in claim 3 , the machine state data including data indicating the position of an implement mounted on the machine.5. The control system as set forth in claim 1 , the one or more computing devices further configured to determine a first optimal speed for a first portion of the turn maneuver and a second optimal speed for a second portion of the turn maneuver.6. The control system as set forth in claim 5 , the first optimal speed being based at least in part on a first turn radius and the second optimal speed being based at least in part on a second turn radius.7. The control system as set forth in claim 1 , the one or more ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210034059A1

Methods, systems, and apparatus for a confidence enhancement system. The confidence enhancement system includes a navigation unit configured to obtain navigational map information including a current location of the vehicle. The confidence enhancement system includes a sensor configured to obtain sensor data. The confidence enhancement system includes an electronic control unit. The electronic control unit is coupled to the navigation unit and the sensor. The electronic control unit is configured to determine a confidence score. The confidence score is related to safe operation of the autonomous driving of the vehicle based on the current location of the vehicle and the sensor data. The electronic control unit is configured to determine that the confidence score exceeds a confidence threshold and indicate that autonomous driving is safe at the current location. 1. A system for a vehicle , comprising:a navigation unit configured to obtain navigational map information including a current location of the vehicle;a sensor configured to obtain sensor data; and determine a confidence score related to safe operation of autonomous driving of the vehicle based on the current location of the vehicle and the sensor data,', 'determine that the confidence score exceeds a confidence threshold, and', 'indicate that autonomous driving is safe at the current location., 'an electronic control unit coupled to the navigation unit and the sensor and configured to2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a communication device configured to obtain, from one or more surrounding vehicles, vehicle data that includes one or more indications that the one or more surrounding vehicles are driving autonomously;wherein the electronic control unit is configured to determine the confidence score further based on the vehicle data.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is a proximity sensor and the sensor data is a measurement of a number of vehicles surrounding the vehicle.4. The system ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150041238A1

A vehicle guidance system is disclosed where the vehicle includes a steering wheel assembly including a steering wheel and a hub, the hub connected to a steering shaft rotatable about a steering wheel axis within a steering column for steering the vehicle. The vehicle guidance system includes a receiver for receiving a position indication signal, a steering controller for generating a steering control signal based on the position indication signal and a drive assembly to directly drive the steering wheel assembly responsive to the steering control signal. The drive assembly generates a torque about a drive axis to rotate the steering wheel assembly, wherein the drive axis of the drive assembly is coaxial to the steering wheel axis. 112-. (canceled)13. A method of disengaging a drive assembly in a vehicle guidance system , the vehicle guidance system operable on a steering wheel assembly including a steering wheel and a hub , the hub connected to a steering shaft rotatable about a steering wheel axis within a steering column for steering the vehicle and the drive assembly operable to generate a torque about a drive axis to rotate the steering wheel assembly , wherein the drive axis of the drive assembly is coaxial to the steering wheel axis , the method including the steps of:commanding the drive assembly to achieve a prescribed value of a performance parameter;monitoring the drive assembly to determine an actual value of the performance parameter;determining a difference measure between the prescribed value and the actual value and disengaging the drive assembly based on the difference measure.14. The method of disengaging a drive assembly as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the drive assembly includes an electric motor.15. The method of disengaging a drive assembly as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the performance parameter is electric motor speed.16. The method of disengaging a drive assembly as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the performance parameter is a direction of ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038776A1

A system, method and apparatus for implementation of variable references frames in unmanned vehicles is provided, which includes an unmanned vehicle comprising: a chassis; a propulsion system configured to move the chassis; sensor(s) configured to sense features around the chassis; a memory storing a global reference frame associated with an environment within which the chassis is to move; a communication interface; and a processor configured to: receive, using the interface, a command to move to a given coordinate in the global reference frame; control the propulsion system to move the chassis to the given coordinate; when the chassis is at the given coordinate, determine, using the sensor(s), that a given feature is detected; and, when so: automatically cease controlling the propulsion system according to the global reference frame; automatically move the chassis according to a local reference frame defined with reference to a point associated with the given feature. 1. An unmanned vehicle comprising: receive, using the communication interface, a command to move to a given coordinate in the global reference frame;', 'control the propulsion system to move the chassis to the given coordinate in the global reference frame based on the command;', automatically cease controlling the propulsion system according to the global reference frame; and,', 'automatically control the propulsion system to move the chassis according to a local reference frame defined with reference to a point associated with the given feature., 'when the chassis is at the given coordinate, determine, using the one or more sensors, that a given feature is detected; and, when the given feature is detected], 'a chassis; a propulsion system configured to move the chassis; one or more sensors configured to sense features around the chassis; a memory storing a global reference frame associated with an environment within which the chassis is to move; a communication interface; and a processor configured ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037499A1

A lawn mower robot has a main body, and a driving unit configured to move the main body. The lawn mower robot also has a receiver configured to receive a signal transmitted from at least one transmission device in a travel area. The lawn more robot also has a controller. The controller controls the driving unit based on a result and a prestored area map. The result is based on the signal received by the receiver, and the area map includes an arrangement position of the at least one transmission device. The controller detects a position change of the at least one transmission device based on the result and updates the area map by determining a present position of the at least one transmission device in the area map according to the position change. 1. A lawn mower robot comprising:a main body;a driving unit configured to move the main body;a receiver configured to receive a signal transmitted from at least one transmission device in a travel area; and control the driving unit based on a result and a prestored area map so that the main body travels in the travel area, wherein the result is based on the signal received by the receiver, and the area map includes an arrangement position of the at least one transmission device,', 'detect a position change of the at least one transmission device based on the result, and', 'update the area map by determining a present position of the at least one transmission device in the area map according to the position change., 'a controller configured to2. The lawn mower robot of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured todetect the position change of the at least one transmission device based on the result and previous detection history at a reception position of the signal, anddetermine the present position of the at least one transmission device based on the result to thereby reflect the present position of the at least one transmission device in the area map.3. The lawn mower robot of claim 2 , wherein the controller is ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055662A1
Автор: YALDO Valor

The present disclosure relates to a pull up controlling system of a vehicle for controlling the vehicle in a planned stop-and-go situation. The pull up controlling system determines a position of the vehicle and identifies a stop-and-go destination within a predeterminable distance from the vehicle position. The stop-and-go destination includes an interaction interface. The pull up controlling system provides a user input request relating to whether to discard or acknowledge the stop-and-go destination. The pull up controlling system receives intention data indicative of confirmation to acknowledge the stop-and-go destination. The pull up controlling system further derives preference data indicative of an openable section of the vehicle. The pull up controlling system maneuvers the vehicle to pull up at the stop-and-go destination, with the openable section aligned with the interaction interface. 1. A method performed by a pull up controlling system of a vehicle for controlling the vehicle in a planned stop-and-go situation , the method comprising:determining with support from a positioning system, a position of the vehicle;identifying with support from a digital map, a stop-and-go destination within a predeterminable distance from the vehicle position, the stop-and-go destination comprising an interaction interface;providing with support from a user interface, a user input request relating to whether to one of discard and acknowledge the stop-and-go destination;receiving with support from the user interface, intention data indicative of confirmation to acknowledge the stop-and-go destination;deriving preference data indicative of an openable section of the vehicle; andmaneuvering with support from one of an advanced driver-assistance system, ADAS, and autonomous driving, AD, system of the vehicle, the vehicle to pull up at the stop-and-go destination, with the openable section aligned with the interaction interface.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200038724A1

A method for using an autonomous vehicle as a caddie and cart. The method includes selecting caddie mode from a group including a caddie mode and a cart mode, selecting a mode in the caddie mode from a group including a caddie advice mode, a swing detection mode, and a golf ball detection mode. In another embodiment, the method includes selecting the cart mode and selecting a mode in the cart mode from a group including a follow golfer mode, a ride mode, and a golf ball mode. The autonomous vehicle includes a vehicle frame and a body, a vehicle propulsion unit, a plurality of wheels driven by the vehicle propulsion unit, a controller for selecting a mode of operation, a display for communicating data to the golfer, a camera for supplying data to the controller, and a GPS apparatus for determining a position of the autonomous vehicle. 1. A method for providing golf caddie and cart services to a golfer using an autonomous vehicle , the golfer playing with a golf ball and a plurality of golf clubs , comprising the steps of:selecting a caddie mode from a group comprising (1) the caddie mode and (2) a cart mode;selecting a mode in the caddie mode selected from a group comprising (1) a caddie advice mode, (2) a swing detection mode, and (3) a golf ball detection mode; andselecting the cart mode.2. The method of wherein the caddie mode further comprises the steps of:activating a camera on the autonomous vehicle; anddetecting the golfer.3. The method of wherein the caddie advice mode further comprises the steps of:detecting a direction and speed of wind;detecting a distance from the golf ball to a pin located on a green of a golf hole;detecting if an obstacle is present between the golfer and the pin; andproviding a selection of a golf club from the plurality of golf clubs to the golfer.4. The method of wherein the step of providing a selection of the golf club from the plurality of golf clubs is based upon the direction and the intensity of wind claim 3 , the distance from ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Autonomously Propelled Waste Receptacle and Associated Methods

Номер: US20210047110A1

Embodiments of the present invention are related to an autonomously propelled waste receptacle including a top, a collapsible lid, a housing, an exterior, an interior, and a bottom. The housing includes a circuit board panel, a door, and doorway. The exterior includes a user interface, a plurality of sensors, at least one antenna, and a camera. The interior includes a bin, a trash compactor with a plurality of threaded rods connected to the collapsible lid, an upper can platform, and a bottom tech platform. The bottom includes a plurality of wheels used to drive the autonomously propelled waste receptacle. 1. An autonomously propelled waste receptacle comprising:a top;a collapsible lid; a circuit board panel,', 'a door, and', 'doorway;, 'a housing comprising'} a user interface,', 'a plurality of sensors,', 'at least one antenna, and', 'a camera;, 'an exterior comprising'} a bin,', 'a plurality of threaded rods connected to the collapsible lid,', 'a trash compactor comprising'}, 'an upper can platform, and', 'a bottom tech platform;, 'an interior comprising'} a pair of motorized wheels, and', 'a pair of unmotorized wheels;, 'a bottom comprising'}wherein a portion of the collapsible lid is configured to rotate into a downward orientation, defined as an open position;wherein the collapsible lid is configured as a masher operable to descend the interior of the autonomously propelled waste receptacle via the threaded rods and compact trash within the bin;wherein the user interface is configured as an override to automated features of the autonomously propelled waste receptacle;wherein the plurality of sensors includes at least one of lidar sensors, ultrasonic sensors, and radar on the autonomously propelled waste receptacle housing;wherein the camera is configured to assist with navigation and object identification;wherein the bin is configured to rotate from a vertical position, defined as a receiving position, to an angled position defined as an emptying position; ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048822A1

A mobile crop monitoring and treatment system includes a vehicle with a propulsion system and multiple sensors mounted on the vehicle. Each sensor is configured to capture data pertaining to at least one plant-related parameter when the sensor is positioned proximate to a plant in a crop. The system also includes a storage system configured to house multiple treatment agents, including at least one chemical pesticide and at least one biological control agent, on-board the vehicle. The system further includes an application system configured to apply one or more of the treatment agents to the plant. In addition, the system includes a controller configured to control movement of the vehicle and operation of the sensors and application system. The controller is configured to cause the application system to apply one or more treatment agents to the plant in response to one or more signals from one or more sensors. 1. A mobile crop monitoring and treatment system comprising:a vehicle with a propulsion system;multiple sensors mounted on the vehicle, each sensor configured to capture data pertaining to at least one plant-related parameter when the sensor is positioned proximate to a plant in a crop;a storage system configured to house multiple treatment agents comprising at least one chemical pesticide and at least one biological control agent on-board the vehicle;an application system configured to apply one or more of the treatment agents to the plant; anda controller configured to control movement of the vehicle and operation of the sensors and the application system, the controller configured to cause the application system to apply one or more of the treatment agents to the plant in response to one or more signals from one or more of the sensors.2. The mobile crop monitoring and treatment system of claim 1 , wherein:the mobile crop monitoring and treatment system further comprises an on-board computer processor; andthe controller is configured to cause the application ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210051835A1
Автор: Beaujot Norbert

An implement operating apparatus has a U-shaped drive frame supported on drive wheels, each pivotally mounted about a vertical wheel pivot axis. A steering control selectively pivots each drive wheel. A power source is connected through a drive control to rotate the drive wheels in either direction. First and second implements are configured to perform implement operations and to rest on the ground and when the drive frame is maneuvered to an implement loading position with respect to each implement, the implement is connectable to the drive frame and movable to an operating position supported by the drive frame. When the implement is in the operating position, the steering and drive controls are operative to move and steer the drive frame and implement along a first travel path or a second travel path oriented generally perpendicular to the first travel path. 1. (canceled)2. An implement operating apparatus comprising: an implement socket, the implement socket surrounds an open implement area configured to receive the agricultural implement; and', 'a lock mechanism coupled with the remainder of the drive frame;, 'a drive frame configured for coupling with an agricultural implement, the drive frame includesa plurality of ground engaging elements coupled with the drive frame;a power source in communication with the ground engaging elements; and in empty position the open implement area of the implement socket is empty; and', 'in the operating position the implement socket is positioned around the agricultural implement within the open implement area, and the lock mechanism secures the agricultural implement to the drive frame., 'wherein the drive frame is configured to transition between an empty position and an operating position3. The implement operating system of claim 2 , wherein the drive frame encloses a portion of the agricultural implement in the operating position.4. The implement operating system of claim 2 , wherein the drive frame surrounds a portion of ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210051836A1

Herein provided is an autonomous unmanned ground vehicle (AUGV) and handheld device for pest control. The AUGV comprises a chassis with a drive mechanism to displace the AUGV among a plurality of plants comprising at least one weed; an image-capture device to obtain images of the plurality of plants; a motorized arm with a free end displaceable with respect to the chassis; a microwave emitter mounted to the free end, displaceable therewith, and operable to emit microwaves; and a control system to operate at AUGV. The control system comprises a processing unit; and a memory having stored thereon instructions to cause the AUGV to perform: independently navigating the chassis among the plurality of plants; identifying the at least one weed in the images; displacing the motorized arm to position the free end in proximity to the at least one weed; and emitting microwaves toward the at least one weed. 1. An autonomous unmanned ground vehicle (AUGV) , comprising:a chassis with a drive mechanism to displace the AUGV among a plurality of plants, the plurality of plants comprising at least one weed;an image-capture device mounted to the chassis to obtain images of the plurality of plants;a motorized arm extending between a proximal end mounted to the chassis and a distal free end, the free end of the arm being displaceable with respect to the chassis;a microwave emitter mounted to the free end of the arm and displaceable therewith, the microwave emitter being operable to emit microwaves; and a processing unit; and', independently navigating the chassis among the plurality of plants;', 'identifying the at least one weed in the images obtained by the image-capture device;', 'displacing the motorized arm to position the free end thereof in proximity to the at least one weed; and', 'emitting microwaves from the microwave emitter toward the at least one weed., 'a non-transitory computer-readable memory having stored thereon instructions executable by the processing unit for ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus, Systems And Methods For Steerable Toolbars

Номер: US20210051837A1

The disclosed apparatus, systems and methods relate to a steerable toolbar. The toolbar is able to rotate relative to the tractor or other driving vehicle to reduce misalignment and/or cross-track error. Actuators can be utilized with draft links to pivot the toolbar around a central pivot point and improve the following path of the toolbar implement. 1. A steerable toolbar system , comprising: (i) a toolbar in operable communication with a hitch;', '(ii) at least one link extending between the hitch and the toolbar;', '(iii) at least one actuator in communication with the at least one link; and', '(iv) a pivot disposed at a connection point between the hitch and the toolbar; and, '(a) a steerable implement comprising(b) a controller in electronic communication with the at least one actuator,wherein the controller is configured to adjust the angle of the toolbar relative to the hitch via the at least one actuator.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one link is a telescoping link having an extended position and a retracted position.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one link is urged between the extended and retracted positions via the at least one actuator.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the toolbar rotates about the pivot in response actuation of the at least one link.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a hitch position sensor in electronic communication with the controller claim 1 , wherein the hitch position sensor is constructed and arranged to send signals to the controller about the position of the hitch.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising two fold hinges constructed and arranged such that the toolbar can be folded to be substantially parallel to the hitch.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is in further communication with a guidance system.8. An agricultural implement comprising: (i) a pin and', '(ii) at least one ground engaging tool;, '(a) a toolbar comprising(b) an elongate attachment, a first ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210051838A1

An autonomous agricultural system comprising a mobile power unit including a frame and a power supply. A position of the power supply is shiftable with respect to the frame of the mobile power unit. The autonomous agricultural system additionally includes an implement releasably secured to the mobile power unit. The mobile power unit is configured to transport the implement. The mobile power unit is further configured to provide power from the power supply to the implement. 1. An autonomous agricultural system comprising:a mobile power unit including a frame and a power supply,wherein a position of said power supply is shiftable in at least two dimensions with respect to said frame of said mobile power unit; andan implement releasably secured to said mobile power unit,wherein said mobile power unit is configured to transport said implement, and wherein said mobile power unit is further configured to provide power from said power supply to said implement.2. The autonomous agricultural system of claim 1 , wherein said mobile power unit is autonomously controlled based on a location-determining element associated with said mobile power unit.3. The autonomous agricultural system of claim 2 , wherein said location-determining element comprises a global-positioning system (GPS).4. The autonomous agricultural system of claim 1 , wherein said implement is an agricultural implement configured to modify the ground soil.5. The autonomous agricultural system of claim 4 , wherein said implement comprises a tiller.6. The autonomous agricultural system of claim 5 , wherein said tiller includes one or more rotary components claim 5 , and wherein actuation of said rotary components provide tractive effort for the tiller.7. The autonomous agricultural system of claim 1 , wherein said implement is an agricultural implement configured to apply material into or onto the ground soil.8. The autonomous agricultural system of claim 7 , wherein the implement is a seeder configured to deposit ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200045871A1

In one aspect, a system for controlling the direction of travel of agricultural implements may include a work vehicle having a vehicle-based controller configured to control an operation of a valve provided in operative association with the work vehicle. The system may also include an agricultural implement configured to be towed by the work vehicle. The implement may include a sensor configured to detect an operational parameter indicative of a direction of travel of the implement. The implement may also include an actuator configured to adjust the direction of travel of the implement, with the actuator being fluidly coupled to the valve such that the valve is configured to control an operation of the actuator. The implement may further include an implement-based controller configured to initiate control of the operation of the valve based on sensor data received from the sensor to adjust the direction of travel of the implement. 1. A system for controlling the direction of travel of agricultural implements , the system comprising:a work vehicle including a vehicle-based controller, the vehicle-based controller being configured to control an operation of a valve provided in operative association with the work vehicle; and a sensor configured to detect an operational parameter indicative of a direction of travel of the implement;', 'an actuator configured to adjust the direction of travel of the implement, the actuator being fluidly coupled to the valve such that the valve is configured to control an operation of the actuator; and', 'an implement-based controller supported on the implement and being communicatively coupled to the sensor, the implement-based controller being configured to initiate control of the operation of the valve based on sensor data received from the sensor to adjust the direction of travel of the implement., 'an agricultural implement configured to be towed by the work vehicle, the implement including2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Machine Control System Providing Actionable Management Information and Insight Using Agricultural Telematics

Номер: US20200045873A1
Принадлежит: Cropzilla Software Inc

A machine control system includes an agricultural work machine having an ECU coupled via a system bus to control engine functions, a GPS receiver, data collector, and specialized guidance system including a stored program. The data collector captures agricultural geospatial data including location data for the work machine and data from the ECU, and executes the stored program to: (a) capture geometries of the farm; (b) capture agricultural geospatial data; (c) automatically classify the agricultural geospatial data using the geometries of the farm, into activity/event categories including operational, travel, and ancillary events; (d) aggregate the classified data to create geospatial data events; (e) match the geospatial data events to a model to generate matched events; (f) use the matched events to generate actionable information for the working machine in real time or near real-time; and (g) send operational directives to the agricultural work machine based on the actionable information.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220067403A1

A visual guidance system for a vehicle includes an imaging system for producing a digital image of an environment, a three-dimensional scanning system for producing a digital point cloud of the environment, and a memory storing instructions executable by a processor to: process the digital image to detect an object and classify the object; process the point cloud to group points into a grouping representing the object; fuse the point cloud grouping with the digital image object to produce a fused data set frame, and determine the object location from the fused data set frame; determine an object velocity relative to the vehicle by comparing the fused data set frame to a previous data set frame; determine whether the object is an obstacle based on the object location and relative velocity; determine a threat level of the obstacle; and report a threat if the threat level exceeds a threshold.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049977A1
Принадлежит: Patroness, LLC

A system and method for providing safety for a motorized mobile system (MMS) are optimized for accurate object detection, the system comprising at least two sensors that are operably configured to generate one or more of a range measurement and a bearing measurement to an object in a field-of-view of the sensors, wherein the range and bearing measurements have associated uncertainties. 1. (canceled)2. A motorized mobile system (MMS) comprising:a first sensor to generate first sensor data about an object in a field of view of the first sensor, the first sensor data about the object comprising a first range measurement to the object and a first bearing measurement to the object, the first range measurement having an associated first uncertainty, and the first bearing measurement having an associated second uncertainty;a second sensor to generate second sensor data about the object in a field of view of the second sensor, the second sensor data about the object comprising a second range measurement to the object and a second bearing measurement to the object, the second range measurement having an associated third uncertainty, and the second bearing measurement having an associated fourth uncertainty; and receive the first sensor data about the object;', 'receive the second sensor data about the object;', 'select a lower range uncertainty between the first uncertainty and the third uncertainty;', 'select a lower bearing uncertainty between the second uncertainty and the fourth uncertainty; and', 'combine the bearing measurement associated with the selected lower bearing uncertainty and the range measurement associated with the selected lower range uncertainty as a location of the object within a reduced area of uncertainty., 'a processor to3. The system of wherein the processor uses the location of the object within the reduced area of uncertainty for at least one navigation operation.4. The system of wherein the processor uses the location of the object within the ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Automatic Working System and Control Method Thereof

Номер: US20190049984A1

An automatic working system (), and the automatic working system may include a moving device and a navigation device. The automatic working system obtains boundary information of a working area. The moving device may move and work in the working area. The navigation device may be detachably connected to the moving device. The navigation device may be configured to receive a location signal to determine position information of the navigation device or the connected moving device. The navigation device may be universal and may be connected with different moving devices, thereby reducing costs of a single moving device, and for an automatic working system including at least two moving devices, reducing overall costs of the automatic working system. 1. An automatic working system , comprising:a moving device and a navigation device, whereinthe automatic working system obtains boundary information of a working area;the moving device moves and works in the working area;the navigation device is detachably connected to the moving device; andthe navigation device is configured to receive a location signal to determine position information of the navigation device or the connected moving device.2. The automatic working system according to claim 1 , wherein the navigation device is capable of selectively connecting to at least one of two moving devices.3. The automatic working system according to claim 2 , wherein the moving device is embedded with authorization information matching the navigation device claim 2 , and the navigation device is capable of determining whether to match the moving device according to the authorization information.4. The automatic working system according to claim 3 , wherein the navigation device is capable of storing authorization information of successful matching and performs claim 3 , when connected to the moving device again claim 3 , automatic matching based on the authorization information.5. The automatic working system according to claim 2 ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210055426A1

The present application relates to a method and apparatus including a sensor to detect a current location, a memory for storing a first set of Kalman filter parameters associated with a first environmental condition and a second set of Kalman filter parameters associated with a second environmental condition, a processor for performing an assisted driving algorithm according to the first set of Kalman filter parameters, for receiving the current location, for determining a second set of Kalman filter parameters in response to the current location, for performing the assisted driving algorithm according to the second set of Kalman filter parameters, and for generating a control signal in response to the assisted driving algorithm according to the second set of Kalman filter parameters, and a vehicle controller operative to control a vehicle in response to the control signal. 1. An apparatus comprising:a sensor operative to detect a current location;a memory for storing a first set of Kalman filter parameters associated with a first environmental condition and a second set of Kalman filter parameters associated with a second environmental condition;a processor for performing an assisted driving algorithm according to the first set of Kalman filter parameters, for receiving the current location, for determining a second set of Kalman filter parameters in response to the current location, for performing the assisted driving algorithm according to the second set of Kalman filter parameters, and for generating a control signal in response to the assisted driving algorithm according to the second set of Kalman filter parameters; anda vehicle controller operative to control a vehicle in response to the control signal.2. The apparatus of wherein the sensor is part of a global positioning system.3. The apparatus of further including a camera for detecting the second environmental condition and wherein the second set of Kalman filter parameters are determined in response to ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Lane determination device

Номер: US20200049516A1
Автор: Shuichi Morimoto
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A lane determination device includes a processor configured to: store map information including information on division lines defining two lanes on a road; calculate a first angle and a second angle based on the map information, the first angle being a bending angle of a first division hue at a junction where the two lanes merge together, the second angle being a bending angle of a second division line at the junction, the first division line being one of two outermost division lines in the division lines defining the two lanes, the second division line being the other one of the two outermost division lines; and determine, as a merging lane, a lane defined by the second division line out of the two lanes when the first angle is larger than the second angle.

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Automatic guidance system for vehicles by means of dielectric changes in a prerecorded rail-guide

Номер: US20180052464A1

System of automatic guidance of vehicles by means of the detection of changes of the dielectric properties in a pre-recorded rail-guide, wherein the dielectric changes are detected by a high resolution radar device and wherein the control system of the vehicle has the ancillary means required to convert it to an auto guidance system characterized in that the system is composed of the following elements: 1. System of automatic guidance of vehicles by means of the detection of changes of the dielectric properties in a pre-recorded rail-guide , wherein the dielectric changes are detected by a high resolution radar device and wherein the control system of the vehicle has the ancillary means required to convert it to an auto guidance system characterized in that the system is composed of the following elements:{'b': '1', 'pre-recorded rail-guide ()'}information reading deviceauxiliary means of the control of the vehicle.217. The system according with and characterized in that the rail-guide pre-recorded () is composed of a piece with a straight rectangular parallelepiped with various shoulders located un there side faces () claim 1 , manufactured in non-conductive material claim 1 , preferably polymeric and with preferred dimensions of 1.5 cm width and 5 cm deep.311. The system according with claim 2 , and characterized in that in the rail-guide pre-recorded () there are different boreholes mechanized claim 2 , being the preferred form of the boreholes claim 2 , in the lower area claim 2 , that of the dihedral that generate borders of dielectric change claim 2 , while in the upper part claim 2 , the border created by the dielectric differentiation between the lane material () and the surrounding air is treated.4452323. The system according with and characterized in that the central band dihedrals ( and ) are oriented in perpendicular form related to that of the side bands ( and ) claim 3 , while the side bands dihedrals ( and ) are located at the same distance from the ...
