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20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000162041U1

1. Устройство для изготовления экструдированного пищевого продукта, содержащего корпус, загрузочный бункер с дозатором, пресс-экструдер и матрицу, которая включает разогревающую шайбу с отверстием, фильеру, которая выполнена в виде шайбы с патрубком и имеет сквозной формирующий канал, накидную регулирующую гайку, отличающееся тем, что фильера с одной стороны примыкает к накидной регулировочной гайке, а с другой стороны непосредственно примыкает к разогревающей шайбе, отверстие которой выполнено ступенчатым, причем размер сечения каждой степени отверстия уменьшается в направлении фильеры, а сечение последней ступени выполнено в виде щелевого отверстия. 2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что сквозной формирующий канал фильеры имеет сечение в виде прямоугольноподобной фигуры, меньшие стороны которой выполнены закругленными. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК A23P 30/20 (13) 162 041 U1 (2016.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015133487/13, 10.08.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.08.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Панов Владимир Викторович (UA) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Панов Владимир Викторович (UA) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 31.03.2015 UA u 201502988 (45) Опубликовано: 20.05.2016 Бюл. № 14 1 6 2 0 4 1 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для изготовления экструдированного пищевого продукта, содержащего корпус, загрузочный бункер с дозатором, пресс-экструдер и матрицу, которая включает разогревающую шайбу с отверстием, фильеру, которая выполнена в виде шайбы с патрубком и имеет сквозной формирующий канал, накидную регулирующую гайку, отличающееся тем, что фильера с одной стороны примыкает к накидной регулировочной гайке, а с другой стороны непосредственно примыкает к разогревающей шайбе, отверстие которой выполнено ступенчатым, причем размер сечения каждой степени отверстия уменьшается в направлении фильеры, а сечение последней ступени ...

14-05-2018 дата публикации

Редуктор двухшнекового экструдера

Номер: RU0000179413U1

Настоящая полезная модель относится к экструзионному оборудованию и предназначена для использования в двухшнековых экструдерах.Редуктор двухшнекового экструдера включает корпус, входной вал, два параллельных вращающих шнеки этого экструдера выходных вала, выполненных каждый в виде вал-шестерни, и передаточный вал, передающий двум вал-шестерням подведенный к входному валу этого редуктора крутящий момент посредством закрепленных на передаточном валу зубчатых колес. На конце каждого выходного вала закреплен плоский наконечник, а в корпусе в одной плоскости с выходными валами, но перпендикулярно им, расположена и закреплена поперечная ось, на которой опорные ролики повышенной грузоподъемности установлены так, чтобы выходные валы опирались на рабочую поверхность этих опорных роликов торцевой поверхностью соответствующих плоских наконечников с возможностью вращения ими этих опорных роликов.Реализация полезной модели позволяет упростить конструкцию редуктора двухшнекового экструдера и повысить его надежность. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 179 413 U1 (51) МПК B29C 47/08 (2006.01) A23P 30/20 (2016.01) A21C 3/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B29C 47/08 (2018.02); A23P 30/20 (2018.02); A21C 3/04 (2018.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018102643, 23.01.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 14.05.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: CN 202418506 U, 05.09.2012. RU (45) Опубликовано: 14.05.2018 Бюл. № 14 (54) РЕДУКТОР ДВУХШНЕКОВОГО ЭКСТРУДЕРА (57) Реферат: Настоящая полезная модель относится к одной плоскости с выходными валами, но экструзионному оборудованию и предназначена перпендикулярно им, расположена и закреплена для использования в двухшнековых экструдерах. поперечная ось, на которой опорные ролики Редуктор двухшнекового экструдера включает повышенной грузоподъемности установлены так, корпус, входной вал, два параллельных чтобы выходные ...

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Форма для приготовления пищевого продукта

Номер: RU0000194726U1

Полезная модель относится к пищевой промышленности, в частности к форме для приготовления пищевого продукта, например на основе творога, творожных смесей, теста и т.д. Форма для приготовления пищевого продукта включает конусообразный корпус, состоящий из двух соединяемых между собой частей, кольцо-стяжку, выполненное с возможностью фиксации соединяемых частей корпуса и емкость для установки в ней корпуса узкой стороной корпуса в направлении ко дну емкости, при этом на торцах одной из частей корпуса выполнены стержни, а на торцах второй - ответные стержням отверстия для соединения частей корпуса между собой, а кольцо-стяжка выполнено с возможностью опоры на емкость. Техническим результатом полезной модели является повышение эксплуатационных характеристик устройства за счет ускорения процесса производства пасхи, повышения надежности получения продукта высокого качества, повышения надежности конструкции при эксплуатации и снижения трудоемкости при эксплуатации за счет упрощения конструкции. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 194 726 U1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ PC9K Государственная регистрация отчуждения исключительного права по договору Лицо(а), передающее(ие) исключительное право: Антонов Илья Маркович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ТЗК Техоснастка" (RU) Дата и номер государственной регистрации отчуждения исключительного права: 24.07.2020 РД0337258 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 24.07.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 24.07.2020 Бюл. №21 1 9 4 7 2 6 Адрес для переписки: Москва, Рязанский пр-кт, 75, корп. 4, 1-ая башня, 7 этаж, ФПБ "Гардиум" R U Приобретатель(и) исключительного права: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ТЗК Техоснастка" (RU) R U 1 9 4 7 2 6 U 1 U 1 Стр.: 1

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Экструдер с вакуумной камерой

Номер: RU0000198439U1

Полезная модель относится к пищевому машиностроению. Экструдер состоит из загрузочной камеры, корпуса, шнека, фильеры матрицы, вакуумной камеры предварительного обезвоживания, вакуумной камеры окончательного обезвоживания, двух шлюзовых затворов, вакуум-насоса, вакуум-метра, вакуум-регулятора и вакуум-баллона. Вакуумная камера предварительного обезвоживания расположена соосно корпусу экструдера и соединена с вукуум-баллоном трубопроводом. Для впуска воздуха в камере предусмотрен воздушный кран.Вакуумная камера окончательного обезвоживания расположена последовательно камере предварительного обезвоживания и ограничена с обеих сторон двумя шлюзовыми затворами. Камера снабжена краном для подсоса воздуха, а диаметр сечения трубопровода, соединяющего ее с системой отвода и конденсации влаги, больше, чем у трубопровода, соединяющего камеру предварительного обезвоживания с этой же системой. Содержание влаги в экструдированном продукте регулируют изменением величины вакуума в камерах предварительного и окончательного обезвоживания за счет вакуум-регулятора, а также величиной подсоса воздуха в этих камерах посредством воздушных кранов. Экструдер позволяет упростить конструкцию экструдера и повысить эффективность обезвоживания получаемого продукта. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 198 439 U1 (51) МПК A23P 30/20 (2016.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A23P 30/20 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020110297, 10.03.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 09.07.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 09.07.2020 Бюл. № 19 1 9 8 4 3 9 R U (54) Экструдер с вакуумной камерой (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к пищевому машиностроению. Экструдер состоит из загрузочной камеры, корпуса, шнека, фильеры матрицы, вакуумной камеры предварительного обезвоживания, вакуумной камеры окончательного обезвоживания, двух шлюзовых затворов, вакуум-насоса, вакуум-метра, вакуумрегулятора и вакуум-баллона. ...

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Patty-Forming Apparatus with Top Feed and Rotary Pump

Номер: US20120045534A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The food product machine with a food supply, a rotary food pump connected to the food supply, a molding mechanism having a mold plate and a knockout drive, and a mold plate reciprocating between a fill and a discharge position. The knockout drive reciprocates a knockout plunger to discharge molded food products from the mold plate the mold plate being reciprocated between a cavity fill position and a cavity discharge position. The machine includes a manifold connected an outlet of the food pump and having an outlet passageway connected to an inlet of the molding mechanism for filling the cavity of the mold plate. The machine can further include a fill plunger system for increasing the till pressure of the food mass prior to filling the mold cavities. Plungers extend into the manifold to displace food mass volume and increase the pressure in the manifold.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Method of cutting ham and product thereof

Номер: US20120052173A1
Принадлежит: Jonmor Investments Inc

A ham product and method for production thereof described herein separate bone-in hams into smaller pieces. Accordingly, pieces of bone-in ham, even those spirally-sliced, will be available to consumers in smaller portions. Unlike conventional methods, however, the ham product provides three or four pieces of essentially equal size that each have a nearly equal meat-to-bone ratio. Furthermore, when a spiral cut ham is separated into pieces, each piece includes a portion of the femur and retains attachment of the slices to the femur so that the slices stay intact during handling and packaging and so that the pieces retain the natural shape and easy handling desired by consumers.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Method of producing processed tomato product

Номер: US20120058233A1
Принадлежит: Kagome Co Ltd

A method is provided for producing a processed tomato product having more tomato aroma inherent to grown tomatoes. Tomato fruits are washed and crushed. Juice is extracted from the crushed material, the extracted juice is deaerated and the deaerated material is heated. The crushed material and the extracted juice from immediately after the crushing until immediately before the deaerating are maintained at temperature of 15-40° C. The dissolved oxygen concentration of the crushed tomatoes and/or the extracted juice from immediately after the crushing until immediately before the deaerating is raised at least temporarily to 6 mg/L or over, and the dissolved oxygen concentration of the deaerated juice immediately before the heating is reduced to 3.5 mg/L or below.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for unbinding a mass of mutually sticked noodles

Номер: US20120060702A1
Принадлежит: Sanyo Foods Co Ltd

Within a housing, a rotating shaft extends horizontally, and curved unbinding rods are secured to the rotating shaft at diagonally opposed positions to extend in radial directions. Within the housing, an inner wall surface is arranged along a circular arc whose center is aligned with an axis of the rotating shaft and whose diameter is slightly larger than a diameter of a circle drawn by rotating tips of the unbinding rods. A portion of the inner wall surface is formed as an unbinding surface having a circular arc cross sectional shape facing the unbinding rods with a small clearance. A mass of noodles for one meal charged into the housing from the inlet is sent in the counter-clockwise direction by the unbinding rods rotated at a high speed and is hit by the unbinding rods repeatedly to perform an effective unbinding function.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Method and Devices for Forming Articles

Номер: US20120064212A1
Принадлежит: American Bio Labs LLC

The present invention is predicated upon methods and devices for forming numerous articles for various applications including nutritional applications, medicinal applications, or other useful applications for plants, animals or otherwise. In one aspect, the present invention provides methods and devices for forming high quality pellets using alginates as a retention agent for the ingredients. This may be achieved through the creation or modification of pre-existing forming devices, wherein an alginate applicator is provided for applying the alginate to the ingredients, before, during or after formation of the articles, or combinations thereof, to retain the ingredients of the articles together.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Extruded food products comprising probiotic micro-organisms

Номер: US20120076895A1

The present invention relates to a vacuum infused synbiotic human extruded food product having 1) a density of 1 g/L to 1000 g/L at RT, 2) a sugar content of less than 10 wt %, 3) a total content of at least one of inulin and/or FOS ranging from 2.5-10 wt %, 4) a ratio between saturated to unsaturated fatty acids in total fat content of less than 20/1, and wherein at least one strain of probiotics is evenly distributed in said food product in an oil vehicle and wherein the food product has a probiotic count of at least 10 6 CFU/kg of dry matter. The invention furthermore relates to methods for obatining the product and production plants for producing the product.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Moulding device, moulding member, moulding method, food preparation method and moulded product

Номер: US20120177786A1
Принадлежит: Marel Townsend Further Processing BV

A moulding device for moulding three dimensional products from a mass of foodstuff starting material suitable for consumption, includes a moulding member having a moulding surface provided with at least one mould cavity delimited by a bottom and a peripheral wall defining a cavity opening in the moulding surface. The mould cavity has a cavity height defined between the bottom and the cavity opening. The moulding member can be moved along a movement path from a fill position for filling the mass into the mould cavity to a product release position for releasing a moulded product from the mould cavity and from the product release position to the fill position. A mass distribution device is arranged at the fill position along the movement path of the moulding member for filling the mass into the mould cavity.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Formulation and process to prepare a premium formulated fried egg

Номер: US20120263841A1
Принадлежит: Michael Foods of Delaware Inc

The present invention relates to the formulation and process for preparation of a fried egg product that may be frozen for future heating in a microwave or other oven or griddle, for consumption by an individual. Various ingredients are added and mixed to each of the liquid egg white and liquid egg yolk portions. The liquid egg white portion is preheated and then deposited within a mold for slow cooking under controlled temperature and humidity conditions. The liquid egg yolk portion is preheated and then added to the mold for placement on the egg white portion. Following a short period of cooking, the mold containing the formulated fried eggs is transported to a freezer unit for freezing, then is removed from the mold for packaging and storage. At a future time, the frozen formulated fried egg product may be thawed and reheated for consumption by an individual.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Production of low calorie, extruded, expanded foods having a high fiber content

Номер: US20120276268A1

Extruded, directly expanded, high fiber reduced calorie food products, such as a ready-to-eat (RTE) cereal or sweet or savory snack, are produced at high production rates without substantial loss of extrusion functionality and extrudability by replacing a substantial portion of at least one flour with a gelatinized, enzyme-resistant starch type III ingredient or bulking agent as a reduced-calorie, high fiber flour replacer. The resistant starch type III ingredient or bulking agent contains an enzyme-resistant starch type III having a melting point with an endothermic peak temperature of at least about 140° C., and may have a water-holding capacity of less than 3 grams water per gram of the starch-based bulking agent. The total dietary fiber retention of the gelatinized, starch-based bulking agent may be at least about 90% by weight after extrusion using a die temperature of least about 100° C., and a die pressure of at least about 150 psig.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Powder material intake device and method for taking powder material into a liquid

Номер: US20120279572A1
Автор: Bent Pedersen
Принадлежит: SPX APV Danmark AS

A device for taking powder material into liquid including an inlet to which fluidized powder is supplied with a first pressure, an outlet into a liquid tank having a second pressure less than the first pressure, a powder material intake from the inlet to the outlet, a valve for the powder material intake, and a gaseous medium intake with an outlet into the powder intake with a pressure higher than the second pressure, wherein the outlet of the gaseous medium intake is in the powder material intake downstream from the valve. A method including: applying a vacuum or low pressure to the liquid, passing powder material into the liquid through a powder material intake, providing a valve in the powder material intake, and supplying a pressurized gaseous medium into the powder material intake downstream the valve at least partially during closing and/or opening the valve.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Forming Unit Portions of Frozen Food Materials

Номер: US20120288613A1
Принадлежит: DiGerlando Benedict, Mauer James E

A method and apparatus for forming pressed food products can utilize up to 98% chicken breast meat in high profit margin products. Breast meat is marinated and then extruded into a slab which is then frozen and shaped into a plank. The plank is sliced into unit portions which are then pressed into shaped portions with a preferred, or other, press. One preferred press linearly reciprocates unit portions into the press. This or another preferred press imparts three dimension exterior shape to the pressed food products.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Food product kit

Номер: US20130004628A1
Принадлежит: HOPEFULL CO Inc

A nutritional system includes a food product kit that can be used to prepare nutritious meals that are easy to eat, such as for those undergoing chemotherapy or diagnosed with dysphagia. The food product kit includes, for example, a mold for forming the food product ingredients into a desired shape while freezing, sticks for providing a handle for the frozen food product, an assortment of recipe cards identifying recipes for the food products, and an insulated tote for storing the kit components and the frozen food products. The food product kit may further include narratives printed on the assortment of recipe cards and a thermal pack for keeping the frozen food product cold. Methods of providing nutritional food products to a recipient are also disclosed.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of stable and homogeneous fruit preparation

Номер: US20130004648A1
Принадлежит: Gervais Danone SA

A process for preparing a stable and homogenous fruit preparation, includes the steps of: (i) preparing a fruit mixture by mixing fruit pieces, optionally in the presence of a fruit matrix, with sugar in an amount included between 10% and 60% by weight relative to the total weight of the fruit preparation, (ii) treating the fruit mixture obtained in step (i) at a temperature ranging between 40° C. and 90° C., and at a pressure from 50 mbar to 1000 mbar, during 15 to 90 minutes, so as to obtain a concentrated fruit preparation having a Brix degree at 20° C. ranging between 50° and 75°, (iii) optionally submitting the concentrated fruit preparation to a heat treatment, at a temperature ranging between 90° C. and 120° C., (iv) cooling the concentrated fruit preparation obtained in step (ii) or, when step (iii) is performed, cooling the concentrated fruit preparation obtained in step (iii), to storage temperature.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Equipment and process for preparation of food products having closed loop continuous shapes

Номер: US20130059044A1
Автор: Alan Thorpe
Принадлежит: Cavendish Farms Corp

To cut food material, in particular potatoes and sweet potatoes, into continuous close-loop shapes, a cutting blade assembly is used. The cutting blade assembly consists of an outer and at least one inner concentrically arranged cutting blade, where each cutting blade has a close-loop cross-sectional shape. The space between adjacent cutting blades forms a cutting tube. The cutting tubes ultimately form the cross-sectional shapes of the cut food material. Supports, such as blade guides and plungers are slidably positioned between the cutting blades in the cutting tubes. These supports maintain the distance between adjacent cutting blades and assist in separating cut food material from the cutting blades. This cutting blade assembly may be used in a method and system for cutting food material into continuous close-loop shapes.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Fiber orienting technology for a breather plate

Номер: US20130064917A1
Автор: James B. Wolff

An apparatus and method for accelerating food product in order to cause the product to be stretched aligning the fibers of the product.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Formed food product

Номер: US20130064962A1
Автор: James B. Wolff
Принадлежит: James B. Wolff

A food product having aligned fibers.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130122159A1

The present disclosure employs two principles: 128-. (canceled)29. A method for sterilizing liquid foods at low temperature through decompression , said method comprising:producing, in fractions of a second, a great and sudden decompression in order to cause a great and sudden expansion of the gases present in the cytoplasmic liquids and in the liquids inside the organelles of the contaminative organisms;wherein the cell walls, cell membranes and organelles of contaminative organisms are destroyed; andwherein all molecules of nutrients within said liquid foods are preserved.30. The method of claim 29 , further comprising the step of gasifying the liquid to be treated with pure nitrogen claim 29 , carbon dioxide or other neutral gases prior to the step of producing a great and sudden decompression.31. The method of claim 29 , further comprising the step of:ultrasound, microwave and heterogeneous photocatalysis irradiation, performed by irradiating white light and/or ultraviolet light over resin-covered or ceramic surfaces with nanostructured particles, singly applied or combined in any way, and sudden vaporization of intracell water;wherein said irradiation is performed by equipment specially developed for that purpose.32. The method of claim 29 , further comprising the step of:applying microwave irradiations, solely applied or combined in any form, with frequency of 2,450 MHz, ultrasound with frequencies between 30 kHz and 5 MHz and heterogeneous photocatalysis caused by the irradiation of white and/or ultraviolet light over surfaces covered by resins or ceramics, with nanostructured particles, of silver, titanium dioxide, zirconium dioxide, tin dioxide and other similar compounds.33. The method of claim 29 , further comprising the steps of:{'sup': '2', 'gasifying said liquid foods in gasification vessels under pressures of up to 200 kg/cm;'}wherein said step of gasifying includes slowly injecting gases until reaching high pressures.34. The method of claim 33 , ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Knockout Plunger for Patty-Forming Machine

Номер: US20130156881A1
Автор: Conerton Douglas

A patty-displacing end portion is provided for a plunger for a food patty-molding apparatus, the apparatus comprising an apparatus frame, a mold plate, the plunger and a heating element. The mold plate has at least one cavity and is mounted to move with respect to the frame in a direction to position the cavity between a fill position wherein the cavity is filled with food product material to form a molded patty, and a molded patty knockout position. The plunger is arranged to move vertically into the cavity to dislodge or knock the olded patty out of the cavity. The plunger has a body and raised formations or standoffs extending down from the body, the raised formations being numbered and positioned to be spread out over the body. The number and position of the raised formations provides a decreased contact pressure on the patty being dislodged. 1. In a food-patty forming apparatus having a mold plate with mold cavities adapted to be filled with food product to form patties , wherein said patties are removed from the cavities by action of a plunger , the improvement comprising:said plunger having a plunger surface with a plurality of spaced-apart raised formations for pressing a patty to be removed.2. The improvement according to claim 1 , wherein said plurality of spaced-apart raised formations are evenly spread out over a said surface.3. The improvement according to claim 1 , wherein plurality of spaced-apart raised formations each comprise a tapered post.4. The improvement according to claim 3 , comprising a heating element configured to heat said plunger to a temperature greater than ambient temperature.5. The improvement according to claim 3 , wherein said tapered posts each have a flat surface on a distal end.6. The improvement according to claim 1 , wherein the surface is sized and shaped to fit closely within a mod cavity for patty removal.7. The improvement according to claim 1 , wherein said raised formations are set in from a peripheral edge of a patty ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for manufacturing products

Номер: US20130216674A1
Принадлежит: Cadbury UK Ltd

A method of manufacturing products comprising an outer casing of a first material ( 12 ) and containing at least one chamber ( 18 ) filled with a second material ( 14 ) comprises extruding the first material through a die ( 10 ) to form an extrudate body ( 16 ) and delivering the second material through at least one fluid outlet ( 22 ) in the die to form the least one filled chamber. The extrusion process is varied periodically and momentarily to produce sections ( 30 ) of extrudate body having no filled chamber. In one embodiment, the flow of the second material ( 14 ) is periodically reduced to form the unfilled sections. The flow of the second material ( 14 ) may be reduced by increasing the volume of a supply path for the second material upstream from the die ( 10 ). Apparatus for carrying out the method is also disclosed. The method and apparatus are particularly adapted for producing food, and especially confectionery, products.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130243644A1

Continuous system and procedure of sterilization and physical stabilization of pumpable fluids, food, or other type of fluids, through ultra-high pressure homogenization (UHPH) includes a first heat exchanger which preheats the fluid at temperature Tbetween 40 and 90° C.; an ultra-homogenizer through which fluid at temperature Tis introduced at a pressure Pbetween 200 and 600 MPa increasing its temperature up to a final value T. A second heat exchanger has its cooling temperature adjusted at value T. An aseptic tank receives the cooled down fluid at value T, from which it is pumped by sterile air pressure into an aseptic packaging machine, for the packaging of the final product. 1. Continuous system of sterilization and physical stabilization of pumpable fluids , food or other type , through ultra-high pressure homogenization (UHPH) , comprising:{'sub': 'p', 'a first heat exchanger which preheats fluid coming from a storage tank at temperature Tbetween 40 and 90° C.;'}{'sub': p', 'u', 'u', 'p', 'u, 'an ultra-homogenizer including a valve through which pre heated fluid at temperature Tis introduced at a pressure Pbetween 200 and 600 MPa, thus increasing of the fluid temperature up to a final value T, which is proportional to temperature Twhen entering the valve and to applied pressure P;'}{'sub': 'e', 'at least one second heat exchanger in which the temperature of the fluid coming from the ultra-homogenizer is adjusted up to a desired cooling temperature value T; and'}{'sub': 'e', 'an aseptic tank that receives the cooled fluid at value T, and from which the fluid is pumped by sterile air pressure into an aseptic packaging machine, to pack a final product.'}2. A continuous system of sterilization and physical stabilization according to claim 1 , wherein the final value of temperature Tis kept during 0.1-1 s.3. A continuous system of sterilization and physical stabilization according to claim 1 , wherein the fluid cooling temperature claim 1 , after passing through ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method for producing aerated food products

Номер: US20130302499A1

The present invention relates to aerated food products and a method for their preparation. In particular, the present invention relates to improved aerated confectionery such as marshmallows and marbits and methods of their preparation.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130305665A1

A refrigerator includes a cabinet defining an open storage space and including a door with an exterior side and an interior side adapted to receive a modular component. The modular component includes a base removably connected to the interior side and has a first edge and a second edge. A component door is hingedly-connected to the first edge of the base and is operable between an open position and a closed position. The base and component door define a sealed compartment when the component door is in the closed position. First fasteners are disposed on the component door, and second fasteners are disposed on the base. The second fasteners engage the first fasteners to create an airtight seal between the component door and the base. A vacuum device is in communication with the sealed compartment and a heat sealer is disposed on the base or the component door. 1. A refrigerator comprising:module receiving connectors positioned on an interior portion of the refrigerator;a vacuum sealing module having a base, wherein the vacuum sealing module is removably connected to the module receiving connectors of the refrigerator;a component door hingedly connected to the base of the vacuum sealing module, wherein the component door is operable between an open position and a closed position, and wherein the base and the component door define a sealed compartment when the component door is in the closed position;a vacuum device disposed in the refrigerator, wherein the vacuum device is connected to the sealed compartment formed when the component door is in the closed position;a heat sealer connected to one of the component door and the base; anda bumper connected to the other of the component door and the base opposite the heat sealer.2. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the component door is at least partially transparent.3. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the component door includes first fasteners disposed on the component door and second fasteners disposed on the ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Freeze tolerant cream and method for producing same

Номер: US20140044853A1

A liquid cream is caused to include microbubbles by combining the use of a general-purpose agitator and a high-speed, high-shear agitator and thus a triple mixture of liquid, fat globules, and microbubbles is formed, and an increase in cubical expansion and viscosity is achieved. As a result, provided is a liquid cream in which there is no freezing damage arising as a result of freezing and thawing the cream, in other words, freezing damage such as no longer being able to sustain the emulsion, not being able to be whipped or resulting in minute roughness at the surface even if whipping is possible, and forming a heavy whip with low overrun.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000166A1

Systems and apparatus for performing laser kerfing operations in boreholes. Systems and apparatus for providing a plurality of laser beams in a concentric ring laser beam pattern to create holes in the bottom of a borehole surface in a pattern correspond to the laser beam pattern. The system having mechanical devices to remove laser weakened rock that is associate with the laser created holes, the mechanical devices forming a removal pattern that is the negative of the concentric ring pattern. 1. A high power optical slip ring comprising:a. a base defining a cavity;b. an input fiber that is fixed and non-rotating with respect to the base;wherein the laser beam is launched from the input fiber into free space within the cavity, the input fiber in optical communication with a high power laser;c. a pair of lenses that are fixe and non-rotating with respect to the base and the input fiber; and,d. a output fiber that is rotatable with respect to input fiber;e. wherein the optical slip ring is configured to transmit a high power laser beam from a non-rotating optical fiber to a rotating output optical fiber.2. The optical slip ring of claim 1 , wherein the input fiber has a core of about 200 μm.3. The optical slip ring of claim 2 , wherein the output fiber has a core of about 400 μm.4. The optical slip ring of claim 1 , wherein the output fiber has a core of about 200 to about 700 μm.5. The optical slip ring of claim 1 , wherein the output fiber has a core of about 600 sum.6. The optical slip ring of claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , and claim 1 , wherein the coupling efficiency is at least 95% or greater.7. The optical slip ring of claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , and claim 1 , wherein the coupling efficiency is at least 98% or greater.8. The optical slip ring of claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , and claim 1 , wherein the coupling efficiency is at least 99.5% or greater.9. The optical slip ring of claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , and claim 1 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000132A1

Provided is a method for preparing a processed pork snack containing a high concentration of pork-derived collagen by a process, including the following steps: step (1) of washing and cutting of raw material pork); step (2) of pork boiling; step (3) of pork cooling and fat removal; step (4) of cutting according to size, water removal, cutting and preservative addition; step (5) of natural drying, drying at 18 to 30° C.; step (6) of baking at low-temperature drying in an oven; step (7) of boiling; step (8) of natural drying; step (9) of heating and puffing at instantaneous high temperature under pressure; and step (10) of treating the puffed collagen with a carrier such as a sweetener or a preservative. 3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the boiling of pork in step (2) comprises removing fat by dipping the pork segments in a boiling water at 100° C. for 2-3 hours or boiling the pork segments at 100° C. for 2-3 hours.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the ginger powder in step (2) is added in an amount of 5 wt % based on the weight of the pork.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the natural drying of the pork segments in step (5) is performed at a temperature of 18 to 30° C. in a place having good ventilation.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein the low temperature of the rotisserie oven in step (6) is 96 to 98° C. claim 2 , and the baking is performed by heating for 10-12 hours.7. The method of claim 2 , wherein the swelling in step (7) is performed in water at 50° C. for 20-40 minutes claim 2 , and the boiling in step (7) is performed at 100° C. for 30-40 minutes to remove fat.8. The method of claim 2 , wherein the natural drying in step (8) is performed at room temperature for 6-12 hours.9. The method of claim 2 , wherein the puffing in step (9) is performed at a temperature of 180 to 225° C. under a pressure of 1.5-3 kgf for 9-11 seconds.10. A processed pork product composition containing a high concentration of pork-derived collagen claim 2 , the composition ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000134A1

A method of making a puffed, dehydrated food product comprises mixing a high amylopectin starch and selected food ingredients to form a dough; forming the dough into pieces; and exposing the dough pieces to microwave radiation at a pressure less than atmospheric to puff and dry the dough pieces, producing the puffed, dehydrated food product. The ingredients may include tomato paste, yogurt, fruit or fruit juice concentrate, fruit puree, vegetable puree, vegetable puree concentrate, coffee, and concentrated soup. The dough may be formed in the absence of starch hydrolysates. The method produces dehydrated food products which incorporate a variety of food ingredients in a matrix that has a puffed, crispy structure. 1. A method of making a puffed , dehydrated food product , comprising:(a) mixing ingredients comprising a high amylopectin starch and a selected food ingredient to form a dough;(b) forming the dough into pieces; and(c) exposing the dough pieces to microwave radiation at a pressure less than atmospheric to puff and dry the dough pieces, producing the puffed, dehydrated food product.2. A method according to or , wherein the dough is formed without addition of any starch hydrolysates.3. A method according to or , where the dough is formed in the absence of starch hydrolysates.4. A method according to any preceding claim , wherein the high amylopectin starch is a pre-gelatinized starch.5. A method according to any preceding claim , wherein the high amylopectin starch is selected from the group consisting of pre-gelatinized waxy rice starch , pre-gelatinized corn starch and pre-gelatinized waxy tapioca starch.6. A method according to any one of - , wherein the high amylopectin starch is a native starch , and the method further comprises the step of cooking the mixed ingredients to gelatinize the native starch therein before step (c).7. A method according to claim 6 , wherein the native starch is selected from the group consisting of waxy rice starch claim 6 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000139A1
Принадлежит: Unilever BCS US, Inc.

The present invention relates to a process of compacting a microporous fat powder, notably a microporous fat powder that can suitably be used as an oil structuring agent. 19.-. (canceled)10. Process according to claim 14 , wherein G′/G′ratio is at least 2.5 claim 14 , more preferably at least 3.0.11. Process according to claim 14 , wherein the compacted fat powder has a full width at half maximum of the first order long spacing X-diffraction peak that is less than 0.00056×free flowing density+0.213.1213-. (canceled)14. A process of preparing a food product claim 14 , said process comprising mixing a compacted microporous fat powder having the following characteristics with liquid oil;a fat content of at least 50 wt. %;{'sub': '20', 'a solid fat content at 20° C. (N) of least 10 wt. %;'}a freely settled density in the range of 90-600 g/l;a particle size distribution with at least 90 vol. % of the particles having a diameter in the range of 20 to 600 μm;{'sub': i', 'd', 'i', 'd', 'i', 'd', 'i', 'd, 'sup': −1', '−1, 'maximum G′/G′ratio of more than 2.0, wherein G′ represents the elastic modulus at 10° C. of a dispersion of 2 wt. % of the compacted fat powder in glycerol, and wherein the maximum G′/G′ratio is determined by recording G′whilst increasing the frequency from 0.1 to 15 s, by subsequently recording G′whilst decreasing said frequency from 15 to 0.1 s, and by calculating the ratio G′/G′at the frequency at which said ratio is highest.'}15. Process according to claim 14 , wherein the food product is selected from the group of spreads claim 14 , kitchen margarines claim 14 , bakery margarines claim 14 , shortenings. The present invention relates to a process of compacting a microporous fat powder, notably a microporous fat powder that can suitably be used as an oil structuring agent. The process comprises feeding the fat powder into the feed zone of an extruder having a forwarding screw and a barrel in which said screw is positioned; rotating said forwarding screw ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Food Product Extrusion

Номер: US20170000172A1
Принадлежит: The Hillshire Brands Company

A system for producing food product may include an inner tube configured to extrude a first component, and an outer tube provided about the inner tube to define an annular space through which a second component is extruded, the inner and outer tubes (alone or in conjunction with a nozzle or other extrusion mechanism defining an outlet. Additionally, a collagen head can be configured to apply a layer of collagen gel over the second component. The inner and outer tubes are sized, and flow rate may be configured such that an initial diameter of the first component exiting the outlet is substantially smaller than a final diameter of the first component, and an initial thickness of the second component exiting the outlet is substantially greater than a final thickness of the second component. 1. A food product , comprising:a first extruded component;a second extruded component surrounding the first extruded component; andan outer layer surrounding the second extruded component;wherein the second extruded component comprises a carrier and inclusions carried by the carrier, the inclusions comprising particulates sized such that the inclusions have a greater diameter or width than a thickness of the second component.2. The food product of claim 1 , wherein the first extruded component comprises either a meat-based component or a non-meat component.3. The food product of claim 1 , wherein the inclusions form bulges in an outer surface of the outer layer claim 1 , and wherein the outer layer comprises one of a collagen layer claim 1 , a collagen gel claim 1 , an alginate layer claim 1 , an alginate gel claim 1 , a pre-formed casing claim 1 , or combinations thereof.4. The food product of claim 1 , wherein the inclusions comprise a spice claim 1 , seasoning claim 1 , particulate claim 1 , coloring claim 1 , or combinations thereof.5. The food product of claim 1 , wherein an outer diameter of the first extruded component is at least about 80% of an outer diameter of the food ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Food Product Extrusion

Номер: US20170000173A1
Принадлежит: The Hillshire Brands Company

A system for producing food products may include an inner tube configured to extrude a first component, and an outer tube provided about the inner tube to define an annular space through which a second component is extruded, the inner and outer tubes (alone or in conjunction with a nozzle or other extrusion mechanism defining an outlet. Additionally, a collagen head can be configured to apply a layer of collagen gel over the second component. The inner and outer tubes are sized, and flow rate may be configured such that an initial diameter of the first component exiting the outlet is substantially smaller than a final diameter of the first component, and an initial thickness of the second component exiting the outlet is substantially greater than a final thickness of the second component. 1. A system for producing food products , comprising:an extruder;an inner tube through which a first component is extruded;an outer tube provided about the inner tube to define a first annular space through which a second component is extruded; anda collagen head configured to apply a layer of collagen gel over the second component;wherein at least one of the inner tube, the outer tube, a first flow rate at which the first component is extruded via the extruder through the inner tube, and a second flow rate at which the second component is extruded via the extruder through the outer tube is configured such that the initial diameter of the first component exiting the inner tube is substantially smaller than a final diameter of the first component, and an initial thickness of the second component exiting the outer tube is substantially greater than a final thickness of the second componentand wherein the second component comprises a carrier and a plurality of particulate inclusions carried by the carrier, the particulate inclusions sized such that at least some of the plurality of particulate inclusions have a diameter or width less than a thickness of the first annular space and ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Expanded dry protein-based food product and method for producing same

Номер: US20180000117A1
Принадлежит: Proteifood SA

The invention relates to an expanded dry food product comprising at least the following ingredients: a food-grade plant- or animal-based protein concentrate; a food-grade fat; a food-grade texturising additive selected from the group consisting of plant-based hydrocolloids and gelling agents, starch, preferably modified starch, proteolytic additives and hydrolysis products thereof, and acidifying agents and salts thereof; and residual water. The invention also relates to a method for producing said expanded dry food product from a thermally expandable precursor.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000151A1
Автор: GEIFMAN Arturo, LEIZER Tal
Принадлежит: Kvutzat Yavne Food Products Ltd.

A process for preparing natural olive pulp-based food substance is provided. In an embodiment the process includes mixing a portion of olive pulp with at a portion of a plant-based protein into a composition; heating the composition; adding a portion of taste substance to the composition; and refrigerating the composition in at least one mold, wherein the refrigerated composition is a natural pulp-based food substance. 1. A process for preparing natural olive pulp-based food substance , comprising:mixing a portion of olive pulp with at a portion of a plant-based protein into a composition;heating the composition;adding a portion of taste substance to the composition; andrefrigerating the composition in at least one mold, wherein the refrigerated composition is a natural pulp-based food substance.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising:producing olive pulp using a pulper machine.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the portion of taste substance is selected from a group of: vegetables claim 1 , fruits claim 1 , seeds claim 1 , spices claim 1 , seasonings claim 1 , nutritional yeasts claim 1 , oils claim 1 , and artificial flavors.4chiaquinoa, spirulina. The process of claim 1 , wherein the plant-based protein is selected from a group of: soy claim 1 , lentils claim 1 , hemp seeds claim 1 , seeds claim 1 , claim 1 , almonds claim 1 , walnuts claim 1 , cashews claim 1 , pistachios claim 1 , and brazil nuts.5. The process of claim 1 , further comprising:cutting the refrigerated composition into portions.6. The process of claim 5 , wherein the cutting of the refrigerated composition is to at least one of: slices and dices.7. The process of claim 5 , further comprising:packaging the portions of the compositions.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the packaging is sealed.9. The process of claim 1 , wherein the portion of plan-based protein is up to 20% of the natural pulp-based food substance.10. The process of claim 1 , wherein the portion of olive pulp is up to 40% ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000157A1

The present invention relates to extrudates comprising a matrix and vitamin A palmitate. The matrix comprises or consists of octenyl succinate starch and dextrin. Such water-soluble or water-dispersible extrudates have an excellent storage stability and may comprise further components such as other fat-soluble vitamins. 1. Extrudate comprising a matrix and vitamin A palmitate , wherein said matrix comprises or consists of octenyl succinate starch and dextrin.2. Extrudate according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio between octenyl succinate starch and dextrin is from 2:1 to 1:2 and is preferably from 1.5:1 to 1:1.5.3. Extrudate according to claim 1 , wherein said extrudate is water-soluble or water-dispersible and has preferably a length from 50 μm to 2000 μm.4. Extrudate according to claim 1 , wherein said extrudate comprises at least one fat-soluble antioxidant.5. Extrudate according to claim 1 , wherein said extrudate comprises α-tocopherol and δ-tocopherol and preferably comprises α-tocopherol claim 1 , β-tocopherol claim 1 , γ-tocopherol and δ-tocopherol.7. Container claim 1 , comprising multiple extrudates according to .8. Container according to claim 7 , wherein said container is a sachet claim 7 , a bag or a stick pack and/or wherein each of said extrudates comprise at least 1 weight-% vitamin A palmitate claim 7 , based on the total weight of the extrudate claim 7 , not including any residual water.9. Method for manufacturing an extrudate comprising at least one fat-soluble vitamin claim 7 , said method comprising the steps:feeding a mixture of octenyl succinate starch and dextrin into a first barrel of an extruderinjecting water into a second barrel being located downstream of said first barrelinjecting said at least one fat-soluble vitamins into a third barrel being located downstream of said first barrel and said second barrel.10. Method according to claim 9 , wherein the weight ratio between octenyl succinate starch and dextrin is from 2:1 to 1:2 and ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Liquid Embedded Nutritional Bar

Номер: US20180000144A1
Автор: Hawkins Alfonzo

Provided is a nutritional bar which includes a body portion having a protein or energy-filled food, and at least one embedded portion which is embedded within the body portion that includes liquid and/or gel for consumption. The nutritional bars can be snack bars, energy bars or dietary bars, for example, and enable a consumer to have an additional source for water consumption as recommended. 1. A nutritional bar comprising:a body portion comprising a protein or energy-filled food; andat least one embedded portion which is embedded within the body portion and comprising liquid and/or gel for consumption, and a housing or film for housing the liquid therein.2. The nutritional bar of claim 1 , wherein the liquid and/or gel is encapsulated by the housing or film.3. The nutritional bar of claim 2 , wherein the protein or energy-filled food may include cereal claim 2 , grain claim 2 , oats claim 2 , fruit claim 2 , candy claim 2 , chocolate or any other protein or energy-filled food.4100. The nutritional bar of claim 2 , wherein the nutritional bar is held together by saturated gums claim 2 , proteins or fibers.5. The nutritional bar of claim 2 , wherein the liquid and/or gel includes water claim 2 , juice claim 2 , electrolytes or any other type of consumable liquid or gel.6. The nutritional bar of claim 2 , wherein the housing or film comprises a protective covering to prevent the liquid and/or gel therein from penetration during a baking process thereof.7. The nutritional bar of claim 1 , wherein the at least one embedded is a liquid-filled ball or a gel-filled ball which burst when bitten into by the consumer.8. The nutritional bar of claim 1 , wherein the housing or film is formed of a translucent and/or chewy material.9. A nutritional bar comprising:a body portion including a protein or energy-filled food; anda plurality of embedded portions filled with a liquid and/or gel, and a housing or film for housing the liquid therein.10. The nutritional bar of claim 9 , ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000149A1

Disclosed is a method for texturing food and/or nutraceutical products of the “sponge cake” or “solid foam” type including at least: (a). A transformation by controlled grinding of a preparation of at least one food, able to preserve the desired organoleptic properties, able to obtain a ground material, (b). Addition of a molecule with an inactive structure to the ground material to obtain a mixture, (c). Pressurization of the mixture obtained in step (b) by the incorporation of dissolved gas into the mixture, (d). Mechanical expansion obtained by reducing the pressure of the mixture obtained in step (b), (e). Activation of the structure molecule, wherein the mechanical expansion is achieved by reducing the pressure by at least 6 bar, preferably between 6 and 20 bar, preferably between 10 and 18 bar. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for texturing food and/or nutraceutical products of the “sponge cake” or “solid foam” type comprising at least:(a) Transformation by controlled grinding of a preparation of at least one food, able to preserve the desired organoleptic properties, able to obtain a ground material,(b) Addition of a structure molecule at an inactive state to said ground material to obtain a mixture,(c) Pressurization of the mixture obtained in step (b) by the incorporation of dissolved gas into said mixture,(d) Mechanical expansion n obtained by reducing the pressure of the mixture obtained in step (c), wherein the mechanical expansion is achieved by reducing the pressure by at least 6 bar,(e) Activation of the structure molecule, without cooking the mixture,{'sup': '3', 'wherein the structure molecule activation is a thermal activation configured to obtain a core temperature of said mixture of between 60° C. and 150° C., the activated structure molecule thereby providing a structured network within said mixture set in shape, definitively or temporarily, which results in a product having a density less than 0.4 g/cm.'}12. The method for texturing food and/or ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007680A1

A high moisture extrusion apparatus suitable for manufacturing foodstuffs is disclosed herein. The apparatus includes an extruder barrel having an inlet port for input of a first material into the extruder barrel, an injection port for input of a second material into the extruder barrel, and an outlet port for output of a combination of the first and second material from the extruder barrel. The injection port is located intermediate to the inlet and outlet port, and closer to the outlet port than the inlet port. 1100. A high moisture extrusion apparatus () suitable for manufacturing foodstuffs , comprising:{'b': '102', 'claim-text': [{'b': 108', '110, 'an inlet port () for input of a first material () into the extruder barrel;'}, {'b': 114', '116, 'an injection port () for input of a second material () into the extruder barrel;'}, {'b': '118', 'an outlet port () for output of a combination of the first and second material from the extruder barrel,'}, 'wherein the injection port is located intermediate to the inlet and outlet port, and closer to the outlet port than the inlet port., 'an extruder barrel () comprising;'}2100114118. The high moisture extrusion apparatus () of wherein the injection port () is located adjacent to the outlet port ().3100118114106. The high moisture extrusion apparatus () of wherein the outlet port () and injection port () are located at an outlet end () of the barrel.4100120102118. The high moisture extrusion apparatus () of any preceding claim further comprising a slit channel () claim 1 , located outside the extruder barrel () and attached to the outlet port ().5100122. The high moisture extrusion apparatus () of wherein the slit channel () claim 4 , is a cooled slit channel.6100102. The high moisture extrusion apparatus () of any preceding claim wherein the extruder barrel () is a heated barrel.7100110. The high moisture extrusion apparatus () of wherein the extruder barrel is configured to provide the first material () with a ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Cutter having varied cavity draft angle

Номер: US20160007628A1
Автор: Paul CAPAR
Принадлежит: Mars Inc

There is provided a cutter or mold having at least one sidewall defining a cavity, wherein the cavity draft angle varies. In some embodiments, the cutter may also include a base, i.e., the cutter can be a mold. The cutter or mold exhibits better release properties of food products molded or cut therewith than conventional cutters or molds having no cavity draft angle, or a uniform cavity draft angle. Rotary cutting wheels, that in some embodiments may be ultrasonically activated, as well as systems incorporating the cutters or molds are also provided, as are methods of forming food products using the cutters or molds.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Process for Making a Texture Modified Food Product and Texture Modified Food Product Thereof

Номер: US20160007634A1
Автор: Frederic Rousseau
Принадлежит: Ambrosia Foods Inc

The present invention provides a process for producing a texture modified food product, the process comprising the steps of: providing a food product; adding a fructan and a texturizing agent to the food product in order to obtain an admix food product; and crushing the admix food product to obtain a texture modified food product thereby initiating the formation of a fructan gel. The temperature of the food product during the process is maintained below about 50° C. The texturizing agent is a heat-set texturizing agent. The present invention also provides a texture modified food product obtained by the above mentioned process. The present invention also provides a texturizing composition.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007369A1

Soft and creamy lipid-based food fillings suitable for high-temperature, high-pressure cooking co-extrusion are provided. In one approach, the filling includes about 30 to about 45 weight percent of an edible lipid having a melting point of about 45° C. or lower, about 0.5 to about 5 weight percent of a high oil-binding capacity material having an oil-binding capacity of at least about 100%, about 10 to about 30 weight percent of amorphous materials, and less than 30 weight percent sugar, sugar alcohol, or combinations thereof. The fillings generally have a particle size distribution with D50 of about 25 microns or less. Preferably, the fillings have a low water activity of about 0.45 or less and are substantially free of polyhydric alcohols and polyhydric alcohol-based humectants. The fillings maintain their soft and creamy texture after high-temperature, high-pressure cooking co-extrusion, subsequent baking, and throughout storage. 1. A soft and creamy textured lipid-based food filling suitable for high-temperature , high-pressure cooking co-extrusion , the filling comprising:about 30 wt. % to about 45 wt. % of an edible lipid forming a continuous lipid phase;about 0.5 wt. % to about 5 wt. % of a high oil-binding capacity material, the high oil-binding capacity material having an oil-binding capacity of greater than 100%;about 10 wt. % to about 30 wt. % of an amorphous material;less than 30 wt. % sugar, sugar alcohol, or combinations thereof; anda water activity (Aw) of about 0.45 or lower,wherein the filling has a particle size distribution with D50 of about 25 microns or less.2. The filling of claim 1 , wherein the filling contains substantially no polyhydric alcohols.3. The filling of claim 1 , where in the filling has a stiffness of less than 4000 Pascal and firmness of less than 60 Newton after baking at 8 min at 149° C. based on the heat tolerance test.4. The filling of claim 1 , wherein the filling contains about 10 wt. % to about 25 wt. % of the amorphous ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Food containing heat-treated vegetable, process of producing the same, and method for reducing unpleasant taste of vegetable

Номер: US20210007375A1
Автор: Anna Fujiwara
Принадлежит: Mizkan Holdings Co Ltd

A food product includes a heat-treated vegetable. A content of 3,4-dimethylthiophene (x) in the food product ranges from 0.00035 mg/kg to 3 mg/kg. A content of 2,4-dimethylthiophene (y) in the food product ranges from 0.00015 mg/kg to 3 mg/kg. A content of furfural (z) in the food product ranges from 0.1 mg/kg to 10 mg/kg.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007388A1

A device for processing gluten products includes an extruder. A press forming mold that includes a fixed mold and a movable mold is provided at a discharge end of the extruder. A bowl is provided at an end surface of the fixed mold, and a bowl matched with the bowl of the fixed mold is provided at an end surface of the movable mold. A feeding channel is provided inside the fixed mold. A through hole is provided in the movable mold. An feed tube which is movable relative to the movable mold is arranged in the through hole. A die holder is arranged at the other end surface of the movable mold for holding the feed tube, and is movable with respect to the movable mold. A push-and-pull mechanism is provided at an end of the die holder. 1. A device for processing gluten products , comprising an extruder;wherein a press forming mold is provided at a discharge end of the extruder and comprises a fixed mold and a movable mold; the fixed mold is arranged at a discharge outlet of the extruder; a bowl is provided at an end surface of the fixed mold; a feeding channel is provided inside the fixed mold; the movable mold is movable along an extrusion direction of the extruder; a bowl matched with the bowl of the fixed mold is provided at an end surface of the movable mold;a through hole is provided in the movable mold; an feed tube which is movable relative to the movable mold is arranged in the through hole; an end of the feed tube is inserted into the bowl of the movable mold, and the other end of the feed tube is in communication with an ingredient barrel through a pipe, and the pipe is provided with a metering pump; anda die holder is arranged at the other end surface of the movable mold for holding the feed tube, and the die holder is movable with respect to the movable mold; a push-and-pull mechanism is provided at an end of the die holder; a hold-down mechanism is provided on the movable mold and tightly connects the push-and-pull mechanism; and a stop block is arranged at ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007950A1

Disclosed is a process in which a viscous initial product having both a temperature of between 5° C. and 70° C. and a viscosity greater than 100 mPa·s is provided, —by way of a pump provided upstream of at least one aerator, the viscous initial product is transferred as it is to the at least one aerator in which the viscous initial product is mixed with a gas, injected into the aerator, so as to obtain a liquid foam continuously exiting the aerator, and—the liquid foam continuously exiting the at least one aerator is continuously pushed into the inlet of a treatment device which continuously divides and then dries this liquid foam so as to obtain a powdered porous product which has a solids content greater than 90%. 114-. (canceled)15. A method for producing a powdery porous product , wherein:a viscous initial product having both a temperature comprised between 5° C. and 70° C. and a viscosity greater than 100 mPa·s is provided,by means of a pump provided upstream from at least one aerator, the viscous initial product is transferred as such as far as said at least one aerator in which the viscous initial product is mixed with a gas, injected into the aerator, for obtaining a liquid foam continuously leaving the aerator, andthe liquid foam continuously leaving said at least one aerator is continuously pushed into an inlet of a treatment device which, continuously divides and then dries this liquid foam in order to obtain a powdery porous product which has a dry material level greater than 90%.16. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the specific gravity of the liquid foam leaving said at least one aerator is comprised between 25 and 80% of the specific gravity of the viscous initial liquid.17. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the liquid foam is continuously pushed from the outlet of said at least one aerator to the inlet of the treatment device either exclusively under the effect of the pressure prevailing in said at least one aerator claim 15 , or ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008196A1

Methods and systems are provided for mixing and heat exchange of fluids. In one example, a fluid mixing and heat exchange device includes a hot water tank, a mixing chamber spaced away from the hot water tank and fluidly coupled to a first liquid reservoir, a first chilling module fluidly coupled to the mixing chamber, a coolant tank fluidly coupled to the first chilling module, a radiator fluidly coupled to the coolant tank, and a dispensing manifold fluidly coupled to the mixing chamber and adapted to dispense a mixed and chilled fluid mixture to a plurality of fluid vessels. 1. A fluid mixing and heat exchange device , comprising:a hot water tank;a mixing chamber spaced away from the hot water tank and fluidly coupled to a first liquid reservoir;a first chilling module fluidly coupled to the mixing chamber;a coolant tank fluidly coupled to the first chilling module;a radiator fluidly coupled to the coolant tank; anda dispensing manifold fluidly coupled to the mixing chamber and adapted to dispense a mixed and chilled fluid mixture to a plurality of fluid vessels.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a second chilling module positioned below the dispensing manifold and plurality of fluid vessels and including a chilling device and a heat exchanger claim 1 , wherein the device is positioned in a vehicle including one or more of a ship claim 1 , an airplane claim 1 , and a limousine.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first chilling module includes a chilling device and a heat exchanger claim 1 , where the heat exchanger is positioned on a first side of the chilling device and where the chilling device is positioned between the heat exchanger and a liquid gelatin interface on a second side of the chilling device.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the chilling device includes a plurality of thermoelectric chips.5. The device of claim 3 , wherein the first chilling module further includes a first pump fluidly coupled with the mixing chamber and a second ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008202A1
Принадлежит: McCormick & Company, Incorporated

High Integrity Encapsulation Product with Insoluble Fibers. A particulate extrusion encapsulation product in a glassy state is described including an encapsulate, encapsulated in a glassy matrix. The glassy matrix includes at least one modified starch, at least one carbohydrate and at least one insoluble fiber. The load of the encapsulate is typically from 0.01% to 20% by weight, based on the total weight of the encapsulation product. A method of making the particulate extrusion encapsulation product and food products containing the extrusion encapsulation product are also described. 2. The product of claim 1 , wherein the insoluble fiber comprises about 3% to about 8% by weight.3. The product of claim 1 , wherein at least 80% of the particles in the particulate product are unbroken claim 1 , based on total number of particles in the particulate product.4. The product of claim 1 , wherein at least 85% of the particles in the particulate product are unbroken claim 1 , based on total number of particles in the particulate product.5. The product of claim 1 , wherein at least 90% of the particles in the particulate product are unbroken claim 1 , based on total number of particles in the particulate product.6. The product of wherein the average size of the fibers is about 20 to about 300 microns.7. The product of wherein the average size of the fibers is about 50 to about 200 microns.8. The product of wherein the average size of the fibers is about 75 to about 150 microns.9. The product of claim 1 , wherein the matrix contains about 49% to about 94% by weight of the modified starch and about 5% to about 50% of the low molecular weight carbohydrate.10. The product of claim 1 , wherein the low molecular weight carbohydrate has an average molecular weight less than about 800 g/mol.11. The product of claim 1 , wherein the low molecular weight carbohydrate comprises a sugar claim 1 , polyol claim 1 , corn syrup solid claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.12. The product of claim 1 , ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220022517A1

An extruder with a non-stop die change device includes an extrusion cavity, a die change device located at the outlet of the extrusion cavity, and a first die and a second die that are connected to the side wall of a housing of the die change device. A transfer channel is provided in a movable block of the die change device. When the movable block moves to a first position in the housing, the transfer channel communicates to the extrusion cavity with a first channel, and when the movable block moves to a second position in the housing, the transfer channel communicates to the extrusion cavity with a second channel. Therefore, die change and product type change can be achieved without stopping the extruder. If a die is blocked, the extruder does not need to stop for changing a new die. 1. An extruder with a non-stop die change device , comprising:an extrusion cavity, a feeding port located at an upper part in the extrusion cavity, and a die change device located at an outlet of the extrusion cavity, wherein a conveyor for conveying a material to the die change device is arranged in the extrusion cavity;wherein the die change device comprises a housing, a movable block located in the housing, a driving device for driving the movable block, a first die connected to a side wall of the housing, and a second die connected to the side wall of the housing; the first die is provided with a first channel that penetrates the first die and communicates with an interior of the housing; the second die is provided with a second channel that penetrates the second die and communicates with the interior of the housing; the outlet of the extrusion cavity is connected to the side wall of the housing and communicates with the interior of the housing; andwherein a transfer channel is provided in the movable block, and the movable block is driven by the driving device to move at a first position to a second position; when the movable block moves to the first position in the housing, the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008432A1

A rotating nozzle assembly for a die machine connectable to a dough extruder has a stationary sleeve with a first end having internal and external annular recesses and an annular stepped seating surface and a second end mountable in the die machine mounting plate. A nozzle has a first end rotatably disposed in the stationary-sleeve first-end internal annular recess, a second end and a radially outwardly-protruding annular ring between the first and second nozzle ends. A ring seal is disposed between the stationary-sleeve first-end annular stepped seating surface and the radially outwardly-protruding annular nozzle ring. A nozzle cap is fixedly attached to the stationary-sleeve first end. The nozzle is rotatably disposed in the nozzle cap. The nozzle second end extends beyond the nozzle cap. An annular stepped axial thrust bearing surface in the nozzle cap prevents relative axial movement of the nozzle while allowing rotation of the nozzle. 1. A rotating nozzle assembly for a die machine used in conjunction with a dough extruder , the die machine having a nozzle mounting plate , the nozzle assembly comprising:a stationary sleeve having a stationary-sleeve first end with a stationary-sleeve first-end internal annular recess, a stationary-sleeve first-end external annular recess, a stationary-sleeve first-end annular stepped seating surface and a stationary-sleeve second end mountable in the die machine mounting plate;a nozzle having a nozzle first end and a nozzle second end, a radially outwardly-protruding annular nozzle ring between the nozzle first end and the nozzle second end, the nozzle second end rotatably disposed in the stationary-sleeve first-end internal annular recess;a ring seal sealingly disposed between the stationary-sleeve first-end annular stepped seating surface and the radially outwardly-protruding annular nozzle ring;a nozzle cap having a nozzle-cap first end and a nozzle-cap second end, the nozzle cap fixedly attached to the stationary-sleeve ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Extruded Noodle and Die Piece for Extruded Noodle

Номер: US20170013866A1

Disclosed is a method for manufacturing instant noodles using extruded noodles, with each noodle having a hole extending therethrough in a longitudinal direction, wherein the hole closes or contracts during boiling or rehydration in hot water and the hole in a cross section of the noodle is configured such that a plurality of grooves are formed rotationally symmetrically about a center of the cross section, extending in an outer radial direction from the center of the cross section of the noodle. 1. A method for manufacturing instant noodles using extruded noodles each having a hole extending therethrough in a longitudinal direction , wherein wheat flour is essential as a raw material for the noodles; [ 1) the hole in a cross section of the noodle is configured such that a plurality of grooves are formed rotationally symmetrically about a center of the cross section, extending in an outer radial direction from the center of the cross section of the noodle;', '2) the hole has an air gap at the center of the cross-section, the air gap being formed by the plurality of grooves overlapping each other; and', '3) the hole closes during boiling or rehydration in hot water, or contracts to such an extent as to allow the grooves excluding the air gap to be closed;, 'a) extruding noodles such that each noodle is configured so that'}, 'b) pregelatinizing the extruded noodles; and', 'c) drying the extruded noodles after pregelatinization., 'the method comprising2. The method for manufacturing instant noodles according to claim 1 , wherein the hole of the extruded noodle is formed so as to occupy 2% to 15% of a sectional area of the noodle including the hole.3. The method for manufacturing instant noodles according to claim 1 , wherein tips of the plurality of grooves of the excluded noodle reach positions 30% to 70% of a distance from the center of the cross section of the noodle to an outer peripheral edge of the noodle.4. The method for manufacturing instant noodles according ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Cooked Filled Cheese Product and Method of Making Same

Номер: US20180014551A1

A cooked filled cheese product comprises an unbattered processed cheese coating around a filling. The filled cheese product is unbattered and unbreaded and retains its shape and filing throughout cooking, freezing, and/or subsequent reheating prior to consumption. The method of making the cheese product comprises cold extrusion of the cheese and filling, followed by cooking without any batter or breading resulting in a fried product having substantially no oil uptake. The cooking step may comprise frying to produce a fried filled cheese product. 1. A method of making a food product comprising the steps of:co-extruding a cheese material and a filling material to form a co-extruded food product comprising an edible core of the filling material and an outer coating of the cheese material, wherein the cheese material is a processed cheese free of starch, the co-extruded food product comprising an oil content; andcooking the co-extruded food product to form an unbattered cooked cheese product comprising substantially the same oil content as the co-extruded food product prior to cooking.2. The method of further comprising a cutting step prior to the cooking of the co-extruded food product to form a plurality of unbattered cooked cheese products.3. The method of wherein the cheese material comprises a pH of less than 6.4. The method of wherein the cheese material comprises a pH of between about 5 and less than 6.5. The method of wherein the co-extruded food product comprises a shape substantially identical to that of the unbattered cooked cheese product.6. The method of comprising the step of freezing the unbattered cooked cheese product to produce a frozen filled cheese product for subsequent re-heating.7. The method of wherein the unbattered cooked cheese product is frozen to less than or about −10° F.8. The method of wherein the cooking step comprises frying to an internal core temperature of about 140° F.9. The method of wherein the co-extruding step is performed at a ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014561A1
Автор: SHEFER Rafi, SHLOMI Nissim

The invention provides a multigrain snack exhibiting organoleptic properties of typical spicy snacks while containing health-promoting components of typical breakfast cereals meals. The snack can be a part of a low fat and healthy diet for common and safe consumption by any person, including a child. 1. A multigrain snack product comprising a flake , wherein said flake comprises at least three kinds of cereals and an additive comprising a spicy or savory flavor and/or taste.2. The multigrain snack of claim 1 , wherein said cereals kinds are selected from the group consisting at least of rice claim 1 , corn claim 1 , wheat claim 1 , and oats.3. The multigrain snack of claim 1 , comprising less than 5% water and less than 5% fat.4. The multigrain snack product of claim 1 , being a low-fat savory snack exhibitingi) the crunchiness and flavor of typical savory snacks;ii) the appearance of typical breakfast cereal flakes; andiii) the same content of beneficiary components as typical breakfast cereal flakes, including the contents of fibers and proteins.5. The multigrain snack of claim 1 , wherein said flakes keep their shape during packaging claim 1 , storage claim 1 , and transport of the product.6. The multigrain snack of claim 1 , wherein said additive comprises a spicy or savory flavor and/or taste selected from flavor and/or taste of barbecue claim 1 , meat claim 1 , mixed meat claim 1 , beef claim 1 , lamb claim 1 , game claim 1 , fowl claim 1 , chicken claim 1 , fish claim 1 , shrimp claim 1 , ham claim 1 , bacon claim 1 , grill claim 1 , smoke claim 1 , onion claim 1 , sesame claim 1 , cinnamon claim 1 , pepper claim 1 , salt and vinegar claim 1 , sea salt and pepper claim 1 , caramel salt claim 1 , tomato claim 1 , potato claim 1 , potato chips claim 1 , green chili claim 1 , hot chili claim 1 , sweet chili claim 1 , olive claim 1 , rosemary claim 1 , oregano claim 1 , cumin claim 1 , mixed spice claim 1 , mixed herbs claim 1 , ranch salad dressing claim 1 , ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Method and System for Making Protein Loaf, and Protein Loaf

Номер: US20180014563A1
Принадлежит: Sugar Creek Packing Co.

A method for making a protein loaf, which may take the form of whole-muscle poultry, beef, pork, or veal, may include coating at least a portion of at least one of two pieces of protein with a bonding enzyme preparation along a bonding surface of one of the pieces; nesting the two pieces of protein in a mold and orienting the pieces such the coated bonding surface contacts a bonding surface of the other of the two pieces of protein; evacuating and sealing the pieces in a package such that the pieces are urged together along the bonding surfaces thereof and conform to the mold to form a loaf shape; and holding the pieces in the sealed package a time interval sufficient to allow the bonding enzyme preparation to cause cross-linking to occur between the bonding surfaces to form a unitary protein loaf from the two pieces of protein. 1. A method for making a poultry loaf , the method comprising:coating at least a portion of at least one of two pieces of poultry with a bonding enzyme preparation along a bonding surface of the at least one of two pieces of poultry;nesting the two pieces of poultry in a mold and orienting the two pieces of poultry such the coated bonding surface of the at least one of the two pieces of poultry contacts a bonding surface of the other of the two pieces of poultry;evacuating and sealing the two pieces of poultry in a package such that the two pieces of poultry are urged together along the bonding surfaces thereof and conform to the mold to form a loaf shape; andholding the pieces of poultry in the sealed package a time interval sufficient to allow the bonding enzyme preparation to cause cross-linking to occur between the bonding surfaces to form a unitary poultry loaf from the two pieces of poultry.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising sous vide cooking the poultry loaf while in the package.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising freezing the sous vide cooked poultry loaf while in the package.4. The method of claim 1 , further ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014800A1

Disclosed are methods and apparatus for forming frozen food products, especially frozen foamed food products wherein the products contain bubbles having a reduced average size preferably in a narrow size range or contain ice crystals having reduced size. 1. A method for forming a frozen foamed food product comprising the steps of:(A) introducing a nontoxic gas or gas mixture into a product to be foamed under foaming conditions to form a foam product containing bubbles of said gas or gas mixture,(B) concurrently with or subsequent to step (A), chilling said foam product under chilling conditions to form a partially frozen foam product; and then(C) increasing the viscosity of said partially frozen foam product by adding into the partially frozen foam product a plurality of bits of edible material having a size (as defined herein) of 0.25 to 2 inch, wherein the size distribution of said bits that are added has a standard deviation of less than or equal to 15%, wherein said bits that are added are at a temperature of less than minus 25 F, thereby forming a further frozen foam product, and then(D) hardening the further frozen food product by further chilling it under further chilling conditions to freeze additional liquid therein, thereby forming a frozen foamed food product, under conditions effective to establish bubbles in said frozen foamed food product having an average bubble size at least 15% smaller than the average bubble size in the hardened product that is formed by introducing solely air as the gas or gas mixture into the identical product to be foamed under the identical foaming conditions as in step (A) to form an air foamed product and chilling said air foamed product in the same relationship to step (A) and under the identical chilling conditions as in step (B) to form a product which is then hardened under the identical further chilling conditions as in step (D).2. A method for forming a frozen foamed food product comprising the steps of:(A) introducing ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014811A1

An apparatus for preparing a moulded food product, the apparatus comprising a base having first and second ends, with differing first and second moulds being formed with the first and second end respectively. A ring is engageable with either end of the base and has a ring mould portion contiguous with the first and second moulds to create a forming space when in use. A central aperture extends through the ring mould portion and a plunger is dimensioned and configured to pass through the central aperture, the plunger having a forming end and a closing end. 1. An apparatus for preparing a moulded food product , comprising:a base having first and second ends, and at least one sidewall extending therebetween, said first end having a first mould therein and said second end having a second mould therein, said first and second moulds being different in at least one aspect taken from the group of geometric shape and volume.a ring having a central aperture, the ring being selectively engageable with either said first or said second end of said base, the ring defining a ring cavity which when mated to one of said first or second molds defines a forming space, said ring further including a central aperture therethrough; anda plunger which is dimensioned and configured to pass through the central aperture.2. An apparatus as in claim 1 , wherein said first and second ends have differing perimeters such that said at least one sidewall is tapered and provides a visual indication of whether the first or the second end is uppermost.3. An apparatus as in claim 2 , one of the first and second moulds is substantially round in cross-section and the other one of the first and second moulds is substantially a rounded cone or bullet shape.4. An apparatus as in claim 1 , wherein said ring includes a peripherally extending trough.5. An apparatus as in claim 4 , wherein said ring is sufficiently transparent to view food within said forming space to ascertain said forming space has been filled ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Method and system for entrapping pressurized gas in powdered food or beverage products

Номер: US20150017298A1
Принадлежит: Intercontinental Great Brands LLC

Methods and systems for continuously producing foaming compositions from powders, granules, and/or particulate are provided and/or powders, granules, and/or particulates that contains high pressure gas. The methods and systems are configured to reduce energy costs and overall processing time and, thus, provide advantages over the prior batch processes that have lengthy temperature ramp-up and cool-down times due to the shortcomings of using a large pressure vessel.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015508A1

A robot includes an ingredient mold configured to process food ingredients into solid ingredients; a storage container configured to store the solid ingredients processed in the ingredient mold; a transfer tube through which the solid ingredients in the storage container pass; a feed tube connected to the transfer tube, formed with an ingredient port, and having a passage configured to guide ingredients to the ingredient port; and a feeder configured to feed the solid ingredients, which are moved to the feed tube, to the ingredient port. 1. A robot comprising:an ingredient mold configured to process food ingredients into solid ingredients;a storage container configured to store the solid ingredients processed in the ingredient mold;a transfer tube through which the solid ingredients in the storage container pass;a feed tube connected to the transfer tube, formed with an ingredient port, and having a passage configured to guide ingredients to the ingredient port; anda feeder configured to feed the solid ingredients, which are moved to the feed tube, to the ingredient port.2. The robot according to claim 1 , further comprising a control valve disposed at an outlet of the storage container or an upper portion of the transfer tube to control a drop of the solid ingredients contained in the storage container.3. The robot according to claim 2 , wherein the control valve includes:a valve body rotatably disposed at the outlet of the storage container or in the transfer tube; anda motor configured to rotate the valve body.4. The robot according to claim 3 , wherein the motor includes:a motor rod connected to the valve body to linearly move; anda solenoid motor configured to linearly reciprocate the motor rod.5. The robot according to claim 3 , wherein the control valve is configured to be opened or closed for a time during which a plurality of solid ingredients contained in the storage container drop one by one.6. The robot according to claim 3 , further comprising a ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016763A1

A robot includes a robot arm formed with an ingredient channel including an ingredient inlet and an ingredient outlet; an ingredient feeder having an ingredient port configured to discharge ingredients; and a carrier configured to move the robot arm to a connection position where the ingredient inlet is connected to the ingredient port, and move the robot arm to an area where the ingredient inlet is separated from the ingredient port.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020174A1

The embodiments herein provide a puffed and extruded popcorn product synthesized from cornmeal. The popcorn product is similar in appearance, texture and flavor to that of a regular popcorn. A cornmeal is mixed with water to obtain a mixture. The cornmeal is cooked under high temperature and pressure. The cornmeal is passed to the die holes provided at the end of the extruder by the hammer type twin extrusion screws. The corn is extruded out of the holes at a high velocity to obtain a corn product of irregular shape. The corn product into several pieces of desired length by a cutter. The cut pieces are dried with a drier before packaging. 1. A method of synthesizing puffed and expanded popcorn product from cornmeal , the method comprises the steps of:pre-treating corn kernels/corn seeds;grinding the pre-treated corn kernels/corn seeds;obtaining a cornmeal, and wherein the cornmeal comprises corn particles with a plurality of particle sizes;adding the cornmeal into a cylinder/barrel in an extruder through a feeder;adding water into the cylinder/barrel in the extruder through the feeder to obtain a cornmeal paste;grinding and mixing the cornmeal paste in the cylinder/barrel by a twin screw mechanism in the extruder, and wherein the twin screw mechanism is a hammer type twin screw mechanism;cooking the cornmeal paste under a preset temperature and preset pressure conditions to obtain a cooked cornmeal, and wherein the preset temperature and preset pressure is produced by the twin screw mechanism, and wherein the temperature is controlled and regulated in the cylinder/barrel at the extruder;transferring the cooked cornmeal to the end of the extruder with a spiral motion of the twin screw mechanism;extruding the cooked cornmeal out of the cylinder/barrel in the extruder under preset pressure through a plurality of die holes to obtain a popcorn product, and wherein the cooked cornmeal is extruded out of the plurality of die holes to achieve an irregular shape, and wherein ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039452A1
Принадлежит: NSHAPE BAR LLC

A food bar, and a method for making the food bar. The food bar includes a crust, the crust having a binding agent including a sesame component, the sesame component including a combination of sesame powder, sesame paste. The food bar also includes a filling within the crust, The crust to filling weight ratio between is about 1.1. 1. A food bar , comprising:a crust, the crust having a binding agent including a sesame component, the sesame component including a combination of sesame powder, sesame paste, water, and salt; and the crust to filling weight ratio is about 1:1 to maintain structural rigidity of the crust while maintaining the filling at room temperature,', 'the filling comprises one of a chickpea paste, a sesame sauce, pesto sauce, an eggplant paste, or a spinach dip, and the filling has an average adhesiveness of about 32-37 mj.', 'the crust is shaped to form at least five walls including a horizontal bottom wall and four vertical walls surrounding the horizontal bottom wall, and a concavity within a center portion of the crust that maintains the filling within the crust,'}], 'a filling within the crust, wherein'}2. The food bar of claim 1 , wherein the crust is tub-shaped.3. The food bar of claim 1 , wherein the crust is barrel-shaped.4. The food bar of claim 3 , wherein the barrel-shaped crust includes a cylindrical indentation where the filling is located.5. (canceled)6. The food bar of claim 1 , whereinthe crust is shaped into a tub, the tub having a dimensional ratio among a length, a width, and a height of about 4:1:0.75, andthe thickness of the crust is about 3-4 mm.7. The food bar of claim 1 , wherein the sesame powder to sesame paste ratio is about 5:7 by weight upon addition of a sweetener to the food bar claim 1 , to maintain structural rigidity of the crust in holding the filling.8. The food bar of claim 1 , wherein the sesame powder to sesame paste ratio is about 4:1 by weight claim 1 , when the food bar is without any sweetener claim 1 , to ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039453A1

Dehydrated tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) candy foodstuff compositions are described, wherein the composition includes water, THC, and/or insects, a binding agent, an acid, or an oil. The composition includes flavorings, enhancers, lipids, emulsifiers, surfactants, esters, and various other ingredients, and may include various types of treated water. 1. A dehydrated candy foodstuff composition , the composition includes: a mixture comprising water , tetrahydrocannabinol , and two or more ingredients selected from the group consisting of insects , a binding agent , and an acid;wherein:{'i': 'Tenebrio molitor;', 'said insects are selected from the group consisting of an insect lipid, Orthoptera order of insects, crickets, katydids, weta, lubber, acrida, locusts, cicadas, minilivestock, beetles, mealworms, yellow mealworm beetles, and'}{'i': 'psyllium', 'said binding agent is selected from the group consisting of agar, agave, alginin, arrowroot, carrageenan, collagen, cornstarch, egg whites, furcellaran, gelatin, guar gum, honey, katakuri starch, locust bean gum, pectin, potato starch, protein, husks, sago, sugar, syrup, tapioca, vegetable gum, and xanthan gum;'}said acid is selected from the group consisting of acetic acid, ascorbic acid, benzoic acid, citric acid, formic acid, fumaric acid, hydrochloric acid, lactic acid, malic acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, propionic acid, salicylic acid, sulfuric acid, and tartaric acid.2. The composition according to claim 1 , comprising:an oil, said oil is selected from the group consisting of almond oil, an animal-based oil, apricot kernel oil, avocado oil, brazil nut oil, butter, canola oil, cashew oil, cocoa butter, coconut oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, grapeseed oil, hazelnut oil, lard, lard oil, macadamia nut oil, mustard oil, olive oil, palm kernel oil, palm oil, peanut oil, rapeseed oil, rice oil, rice bran oil, safflower oil, semi-refined sesame oil, semi-refined sunflower oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, tallow of beef, ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Sandwich maker

Номер: US20220039594A1
Принадлежит: President Chain Store Corp

A sandwich maker is provided, including a support structure, a pressing mechanism, a hot-pressing structure, a bearing structure, a conveying mechanism, and a controller. The pressing mechanism includes a first motor set, a first transmission rod, and a connecting base, where the connecting base performs linear reciprocating motion along a first direction driven by the first motor set and the first transmission rod. The hot-pressing structure includes a heating device and a pressing mold. The pressing mold has a first mold cavity. The bearing structure includes a heating furnace and a bearing mold. The bearing mold has a second mold cavity. The conveying mechanism includes a second motor, a second transmission rod, and a conveying base, where the conveying base performs linear reciprocating motion along a second direction driven by the second motor and the second transmission rod. The controller controls operation of the sandwich maker.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027825A1

The invention relates to a closed continuous process to sterilise flour to reduce the enzymatic activity within the flour as well as to reduce microbial contamination of the flour and thereby minimise pasting of the starch and maintaining the flour in its native form. The invention also relates to the flour obtained by the method as well as the use of the flour 1. A continuous process to sterilise a flour mixture , comprising the steps of:a. providing a mixture comprising one or more flour(s) and ethanol,b. transporting said mixture through an extruder comprising one or more airtight zones in which the mixture is heated above 78° C., wherein in said one or more airtight zones there is a pressure above 1 bar absolute and wherein said one or more airtight zones are obtained by compressing the mixture using a screw of the extruder to form one or more airtight plugs of the mixture in said one or more airtight zones, which one or more airtight plugs, together with the extruder barrel of the extruder, enclose an airtight volume in which said mixture is heated above 78° C., andc. obtaining a sterile flour mixture.2. The continuous process according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure above 1 bar absolute is caused by the screw and the vapour pressure of the ethanol.3. The continuous process according to claim 2 , wherein the screw of the extruder is configured to compress the mixture to form the one or more airtight plugs of the mixture.4. The continuous process according to claim 3 , wherein the screw comprises counter flow elements or a disk configured to restrict the transport of the mixture.5. The continuous process according claim 1 , wherein an outlet of the extruder is configured to restrict flow of the mixture through the outlet.6. The continuous process according to claim 1 , wherein the barrel and screw size are configured to restrict the flow of the mixture.7. The continuous process according to claim 1 , wherein an additional step of evaporating/flashing ethanol ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027846A1

The present invention provides a dry mixture in particulate form containing a gas release agent, a flavour component and a hydrocolloid. Upon dissolution in water, gas bubbles are released into the continuous liquid phase, and these bubbles remain dispersed in the continuous liquid phase. These dry mixes can be used for preparation of ice cream and/or desserts and/or milk shakes. 1. A composition in the form of a dry mixture in particulate form for preparation of a liquid food composition containing dispersed gas bubbles in a continuous liquid phase , the dry mixture in particulate form comprising:an instant flavour component in particulate form;a water-soluble gas release agent in particulate form that releases gas bubbles upon reconstitution in water; anda hydrocolloid in particulate form that provides an apparent yield stress of at least 0.3 Pa within a period of 30 seconds after the addition of water to reconstitute the hydrocolloid;and wherein the instant flavour component is suitable to prepare ice cream and/or desserts and/or milk shakes, which are intended for serving at a temperature below 0° C;.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrocolloid provides an apparent yield stress of at least 0.3 Pa within a period of 15 seconds after the addition of water to reconstitute the hydrocolloid.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrocolloid provides an apparent yield stress of at least 0.5 Pa within a period of 30 seconds after the addition of water to reconstitute the hydrocolloid.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrocolloid has a hydration rate in water at a temperature of 23 ° C. at a concentration of 1 wt % and a volume weighted mean diameter D4.3 of the hydrocolloid ranging from 40 to 200 micrometer claim 1 , of less than 3 minutes.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrocolloid comprises a xanthan gum claim 1 , having the following properties in solution at 23±2 ° C.:a hydration rate ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027850A1

Some embodiments are directed to a method for preparing a plurality of pork rinds. The method can include slicing a raw pork skin into a cuboidal shape; slicing the cuboidal-shaped raw pork skin into rectangular-shaped pork skin pieces; placing each of the rectangular-shaped pork skin pieces between two members of a metal mold, wherein each of the members of the metal mold are detachably connected to each other; immersing the metal mold encasing the pork skin pieces into a vat at least partially filled with a cooking medium; heating the cooking medium to a predefined temperature for a predefined time duration to fry the pork skin pieces into pork rinds; removing the pork rinds from the metal mold; and wrapping each of the pork rinds in a package. 1. A method for preparing food , the method comprising:slicing a raw cut of animal protein or fat into a first shape;slicing the first-shaped raw cut of animal protein or fat into a plurality of pieces, wherein each of the plurality of pieces has a second shape with a predefined length and a predefined width;placing each of the plurality of pieces between two members of a metal mold, wherein each of the members of the metal mold are detachably connected to each other;immersing the metal mold encasing the plurality of pieces into a vat at least partially filled with a cooking medium;heating the cooking medium to a predefined temperature for a predefined time duration to cook the plurality of pieces;removing the cooked pieces from the metal mold; andwrapping the cooked pieces in a package.2. The method of claim 1 , whereinthe food is a plurality of pork rinds,the raw cut of animal protein or fat is a raw cut of pork skin,the cooking medium fries the pork skin,the first shape is cuboidal, andthe second shape is substantially rectangular.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising removing excess fat from the raw pork skin.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the raw pork skin is sliced into a plurality of flat raw pork pieces ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220046975A1

Embodiments include edible containers and an example method for making the edible containers. In one possible embodiment, a mixture of seeds, vegetables, fruits, spices, and water is blended to create a paste. The paste is then deposited onto a mold of the desired container shape, and smoothed to a consistent thickness. The mold and paste are then dehydrated, and the container separated from the mold. The container is then dehydrated further to a desired moisture content. The process may be automated by using a rotating table with the mold, and an automatic dispenser. 1. A method for making an edible container , comprising:preparing a paste from a mixture of vegetable materials;depositing a quantity of the paste onto a mold to form the edible container;smoothing the paste on the mold to a consistent thickness;partially dehydrating the edible container upon the mold;releasing the edible container from the mold; andfurther dehydrating the edible container to a desired moisture content.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vegetable materials comprise a mixture of seeds claim 1 , vegetables claim 1 , fruits claim 1 , spices claim 1 , and water.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the mixture of seeds claim 2 , vegetables claim 2 , fruits claim 2 , spices claim 2 , and water comprises one or more of flax seeds claim 2 , sunflower seeds claim 2 , celery claim 2 , carrots claim 2 , garlic claim 2 , red tomatoes claim 2 , red bell peppers claim 2 , salt claim 2 , and pepper.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:placing the mold onto a rotating table; andplacing the paste into a dispenser;wherein depositing the quantity of paste onto the mold comprises depositing, from the dispenser, the paste onto the mold while the mold is rotated on the rotating table.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein partially dehydrating the edible container upon the mold further comprises releasing the mold from the rotating table.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein dehydrating the edible ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Filled Snack Product With Spaced Filling Lines And Method Of Making The Same

Номер: US20190029273A1

A filled snack product includes a first sheet having a first surface. A plurality of filling lines are disposed upon the first surface of the first sheet. Each of the plurality of filling lines are spaced to define a void between each of the adjacent filling lines. A second sheet is disposed over the first sheet and secured to at least a portion of the first sheet to sandwich the plurality of spaced filling lines between the first and second sheets. A plurality of docking holes are disposed upon the first and second sheets. The plurality of docking holes and the plurality of spaced filling lines allow for the pinning of the first and second sheets at the voids disposed between the spaced filling lines and further for the release to steam and/or gas from the filled snack product during heating to minimize puffing of the filled snack product. 112.-. (canceled)13. A filled snack product comprising:a first sheet of a first mixture having a first flat surface;a plurality of filling lines disposed upon said first flat surface of said first sheet, each of said plurality of filling lines being spaced to define a void between each of said adjacent filling lines;a second sheet of a second mixture disposed over said first sheet and secured to at least a portion of said first sheet to sandwich said plurality of spaced filling lines between said first and second sheets; anda plurality of docking holes disposed through said first and second sheets for the release of steam or gas from said filled snack product during heating to minimize puffing of said filled snack product;wherein at least one of said plurality of docking holes pin said second sheet to said first sheet in at least one of said voids disposed between said plurality of filling lines to secure said second sheet to said first sheet and minimize puffing of said filled snack product.14. The filled snack product as set forth in wherein said first and second sheets each define a periphery and said second sheet is secured ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Yogurt Crisp and Method for Making Same

Номер: US20190029312A1

A significant amount of yogurt product is used to form a viscoelastic dough capable of being sheeted and cut, without sticking to equipment, and cooked, without over-browning from the high protein and sugar found in yogurt. A number of snack foods can be made with the dough, including a shelf-stable light and crunchy yogurt crisp with whole grain and optional inclusions. 1. A viscoelastic dough for making a shelf-stable ready-to-eat yogurt crisp with a moisture content of between about 0.8% to about 3% , said dough comprising:at least about 20% dehydrated yogurt, said dehydrated yogurt comprising yogurt powders, granules, flakes or agglomerates, wherein the moisture content of the dehydrated yogurt is less than about 40%;at least about 16% modified starch, wherein the modified starch is pre-gelatinized; anda starch comprising one or more of wheat flour and oat flour;wherein said dough lacks yeast.2. The viscoelastic dough of comprising between about 16% to about 25% modified starch.3. The viscoelastic dough of wherein the modified starch is a pre-gelatinized cornstarch.4. The viscoelastic dough of comprising up to about 10% oil.5. The viscoelastic dough of further comprising a probiotic.6. The viscoelastic dough of further comprising between about 0.2% to about 10% emulsifier.7. The viscoelastic dough of further comprising inclusions claim 1 , said inclusions comprising dried fruits claim 1 , dried vegetables claim 1 , nuts claim 1 , seeds claim 1 , chocolate and any combination thereof.8. The viscoelastic dough of comprising between about 5% to about 15% dried fruit inclusions.9. The viscoelastic dough of comprising between about 20% to about 25% yogurt powder and one or more of: about 18% to about 22% whole wheat flour claim 1 , between about 18% to about 22% pre-gelatinized starch claim 1 , and between about 7% to about 10% oat flour.10. The viscoelastic dough of comprising between about 22% to about 26.5% whole wheat flour claim 1 , between about 9% to about 11% ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210029958A1
Автор: CRAMARD Marc

A system for filling molds with a curd/serum mixture includes a feeding device that allows a volume of curd and serum to be collected and distributed in order for same to be poured into a mold. The feeding device includes a hopper that tapers towards a bottom distribution base having distribution ports, molds into which the curd/serum mixture is to be poured, and a distribution plate perforated with orifices, downstream of which the molds are placed during the mold filling process. The feeding device is movable horizontally relative to the distribution plate in a direction of movement and the system is characterized in that the feeding device includes a connection plate which is disposed at least partly around the base of the hopper and is designed to be in contact with the distribution plate when the molds are filled with the curd/serum mixture. 1. An molding installation for molding a curd/serum mixture , the installation comprising:a supplying device configured to collect and distribute a volume of curd and serum to be molded, the supplying device including a hopper converging towards a lower distribution base provided with distribution openings;molds inside which the curd/serum mixture is intended to be poured;a distribution plate pierced with orifices directly below which the molds are disposed during the molding, the supplying device being movable horizontally with respect to the distribution plate in a direction of displacement; andan exhaust system for guiding a flow of air expelled by a mold during its filling towards at least one adjacent mold,wherein the supplying device comprises a connection plate disposed at least in part around the lower distribution base of the hopper and configured to be in contact with the distribution plate during the molding of the curd/serum mixture in the molds, the installation further comprising.2. The molding installation according to claim 1 , wherein the exhaust system comprises exhaust grooves extending from the lower ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Facility for moulding curd for producing cheese

Номер: US20210029959A1
Автор: Marc CRAMARD

A facility for molding a mixture of curd/serum includes a supplying device allowing a volume of curd and serum for molding to be collected and distributed. The supplying device includes a hopper converging towards a lower distribution base provided with distribution openings, molds into which the curd/serum mixture is poured, and a distribution plate pierced with orifices in line with which the molds are arranged during the molding. The supplying device is horizontally movable in relation to the distribution plate in a direction of movement. The distribution plate is formed by at least one cassette pierced with the orifices in line with which the molds are arranged during the molding, and a frame arranged so as to surround the cassette around a periphery thereof. Also, the cassette and the frame include detachable cooperation structure such that the cassette and the frame are secured in a detachable manner.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030050A9

The present invention relates to a process of compacting a microporous fat powder, notably a microporous fat powder that can suitably be used as an oil structuring agent. 19.-. (canceled)10. Process according to claim 14 , wherein G′/G′ratio is at least 2.5 claim 14 , more preferably at least 3.0.11. Process according to claim 14 , wherein the compacted fat powder has a full width at half maximum of the first order long spacing X-diffraction peak that is less than 0.00056×free flowing density+0.213.1213-. (canceled)14. A process of preparing a food product claim 14 , said process comprising mixing a compacted microporous fat powder having the following characteristics with liquid oil;a fat content of at least 50 wt. %;{'sub': '20', 'a solid fat content at 20° C. (N) of least 10 wt. %;'}a freely settled density in the range of 90-600 g/l;a particle size distribution with at least 90 vol. % of the particles having a diameter in the range of 20 to 600 μm;{'sub': i', 'd', 'i', 'd', 'i', 'd', 'i', 'd, 'sup': −1', '−1, 'maximum G′/G′ratio of more than 2.0, wherein G′ represents the elastic modulus at 10° C. of a dispersion of 2 wt. % of the compacted fat powder in glycerol, and wherein the maximum G′/G′ratio is determined by recording G′whilst increasing the frequency from 0.1 to 15 s, by subsequently recording G′whilst decreasing said frequency from 15 to 0.1 s, and by calculating the ratio G′/G′at the frequency at which said ratio is highest.'}15. Process according to claim 14 , wherein the food product is selected from the group of spreads claim 14 , kitchen margarines claim 14 , bakery margarines claim 14 , shortenings. The present invention relates to a process of compacting a microporous fat powder, notably a microporous fat powder that can suitably be used as an oil structuring agent. The process comprises feeding the fat powder into the feed zone of an extruder having a forwarding screw and a barrel in which said screw is positioned; rotating said forwarding screw ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035066A1
Автор: Hukelmann Bernhard

The invention relates to a device and a method that can be carried out using said device, for producing meat products using pieces of raw meat that are joined together and subsequently cooked and/or that absorb a liquid composition. The device has working surfaces that encompass an inner volume, at least one of said working surfaces having a drive for back-and-forth motion and for pressing the at least one working surface against pieces of raw meat situated in the inner volume that is encompassed by the working surfaces. 11234111111ab,c,d. A device for producing meat products with discontinuously or continuously arranged work surfaces ( , , , ) , which encompass an internal volume and at least one work surface () of which is arranged for mechanical loading against raw pieces of meat to be arranged in the internal volume , characterized in that the at least one work surface ( , , ) is driven to perform a guided reciprocating movement with a frequency of at least 0.5 Hz for at least 0.5 min by means of a drive motor (M).2117. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the internal volume is lined with an elastic sheath () or a rigid sheath ().31234. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the work surfaces ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) are fixed relative to one another into an assembly and in this assembly are driven to a reciprocating movement.41234. The device according to claim 3 , characterized in that the assembly of work surfaces ( claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , ) fixed against one another is guided in a frame for the reciprocating movement.51234. The device according to claim 3 , characterized in that the device has two assemblies of work surfaces ( claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , ) fixed against one another claim 3 , which are driven in a common frame to an antagonistic reciprocating movement.61234. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the assembly of work surfaces ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) fixed against ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035067A1

The invention provides a method for moulding three-dimensional products from a mass of foodstuff starting materials which are suitable for consumption, in particular a meat mass. The method comprises the steps of filling a mould cavity, which is open on one side, with the mass of foodstuff starting materials which are suitable for consumption, which mould cavity is defined by a boundary comprising walls and base, in order to mould a moulded three-dimensional product, and the removal of the moulded three-dimensional product from the mould cavity. In the method according to the invention, during removal the adhesion forces between the moulded product and the boundary are eliminated virtually simultaneously along all the interfaces. 162-. (canceled)63. A mass feed member for feeding a meat mass to a mould cavity in an outer circumference of a rotatable drum of a moulding device , which drum is rotatable in a direction of rotation in said moulding device , said mass feed member comprising:a housing with an inlet side and a drum side which faces the drum;a through-passage provided in the housing for the meat mass to pass from an inlet towards an outlet located on the drum side;a flexible plastic plate adapted to be pressed against the outer circumference of the drum and to flexibly bear in a sealing mariner against the outer circumference of the drum;a plurality of rigid lamellae which lamellae are arranged at a side of the flexible plate facing away from the drum, are spaced apart in said direction of rotation of the drum, and extend transversely with respect to the direction of rotation of the drum, wherein said lamellae are embodied to impart to said flexible plastic plate lines of rigidity, which lines of rigidity are spaced apart in said direction of rotation of the drum,an excess-pressure device acting on said plurality of rigid lamellae to press said flexible plastic plate against the outer circumference of the drum.64. The mass feed member according to claim 63 , ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035082A1
Принадлежит: GENERAL MILLS, INC.

A pasta product can be formed from a low protein flour by blending the low protein flour with water to form a pasta dough. In some examples, the pasta dough is then hot extruded to produce an extruded pasta before being dried. In contrast to cold extrusion where the goal is to minimize starch gelatinization while shaping the pasta dough, hot extrusion can cause starch within the low protein flour to gelatinize. The gelatinized starch may help compensate for the lack of protein network structure caused by using a low protein flour. 1. A method comprising:blending a flour containing ungelatinized starch and less than 11 weight percent protein with liquid water to form an extrudable pasta dough, the liquid water having a temperature greater than 50 degrees Celsius such that blending the flour with the liquid water initiates gelatinization of the ungelatinized starch, wherein a ratio of the temperature of extrusion divided by the temperature of the liquid water ranges from 0.7 to 1.3;extruding the extrudable pasta dough at a temperature greater than 50 degrees Celsius and thereby further partially gelatinizing the ungelatinized starch to produce an extruded pasta product; anddrying the extruded pasta product.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the flour contains from 71% to 75% ungelatinized starch.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the liquid water has a temperature ranging from 60 degrees Celsius to 95 degrees Celsius claim 1 , extruding the extrudable pasta dough at a temperature greater than 50 degrees Celsius comprises extruding the extrudable pasta dough at temperature ranging from plus 15 degrees Celsius to minus 15 degrees Celsius of the temperature of the liquid water claim 1 , and drying the extruded pasta product comprises drying the extruded pasta product to less than 13 weight percent moisture.4. A method comprising:blending a flour containing ungelatinized starch and less than 11 weight percent protein with liquid water to form an extrudable pasta dough, ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Partitioning a Material

Номер: US20180035689A1

Methods and apparatus are described for the partitioning of difficult to handle materials such as viscous and sticky materials. The partitioning is accomplished accurately and precisely using an apparatus to extrude the material in portions on or in receptacles disposed on a stage. 1. A method of partitioning a material , the method comprising;extruding said material from a chamber and through a CNC controlled nozzle and arraying said material onto a partitionable receptacle forming an array of non-contacting portions, wherein the material is heated using a multi-zone heater having a first and a second zone.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the difference in temperature between a first zone and second zone of the multi-zone heater is less than about 80 degrees Celsius.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature of the first and the second zone is less than about 110 degrees Celsius.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the material has a viscosity below about 1 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000 centipoise while being extruded.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the material has a viscosity of greater than about 10 claim 1 ,000 centipoise while being extruded.6. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising extruding material from the chamber through a one-way valve and through the nozzle.7. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising filling the chamber with material through a one-way valve attached to a reservoir of the material.8. A 3D printer for partitioning a material claim 1 , the printer comprising;a. a chamber capable of containing the material, the chamber including at least one movable wallb. a mechanism for moving the wall, the mechanism being CNC controlled,c. a multi-zone heater configured for heating the chamber, comprising at least a first and a second heater,d. an opening in the chamber through which the material can be extruded to produce extruded material,e. a stage for receiving the extruded ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035692A1

Rapidly dissolving self-supporting films for food or pharmaceutical use comprising: a) a filmogenic substance consisting of a maltodextrin; b) a plasticizer; c) an active principle for food or pharmaceutical use, characterized in that said films are free of hydrocolloids. 1. A rapidly dissolving self-supporting and edible film , comprising:a. between 40 and 80% by weight based on the total weight of said film, of a maltodextrin,b. between 15 and 55% by weight based on the total weight of said film, of a plasticizer, andc. between 0.05% and 30% by weight based on the total weight of said film, of an active ingredient for food or pharmaceutical use,wherein said film is self-supporting, is free from hydrocholloids and has a dissolution time of less than 1 minute.2. The rapidly dissolving self-supporting and edible film according to claim 1 , wherein said in vivo dissolution time is less than 45 seconds.3. The rapidly dissolving self-supporting and edible film as claim in claim 1 , wherein said dissolution time is less than 15 seconds.4. The rapidly self-supporting and edible film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the maltodextrin (a) has a dextrose content of less than 50 expressed in equivalents.5. The rapidly self-supporting and edible film as claimed in claim 4 , wherein said dextrose content is between 11 and 40.6. The rapidly self-supporting and edible film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the plasticizer is selected from the group consisting of polyalcohols claim 1 , citric esters claim 1 , sebacic acid esters and mixtures thereof.7. The rapidly dissolving self-supporting and edible film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the plasticizer is selected from the group consisting of propylene glycol claim 1 , glycerine claim 1 , sorbitol claim 1 , maltitol claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.8. The rapidly dissolving self-supporting and edible film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the active ingredient has a breath freshening action and/or is indicated for oral hygiene or is an ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053794A1

The invention relates to a method of preparing a mass strand comprising the steps of 1. Process for the production of a mass strand comprising the steps ofmixing at least one plant-based protein source, optionally glycerol and optionally additives to produce a protein mixture,feeding the protein mixture into the inlet end of an extruder,feeding water and optionally additives into the extruder through a first feed port of the extruder which is located downstream of the inlet end of the extruder,wherein the protein mixture in a section of the extruder is heated to a temperature of 110 to 150° C. and is subjected to a pressure which prevents the formation of steam bubbles,shaping the protein mass exiting from the extruder by means of a cooling nozzle and depositing the protein mass on a carrier, which protein mass exits from the cooling nozzle in the form of a mass strand, wherein the cooling nozzle cools the mass strand to a temperature of at maximum 95° C. and produces a mass strand having a height of at maximum 8 mm,immediately subsequently rolling the mass strand deposited on the carrier to produce rolled mass strands, anddividing the mass strand prior to or after rolling,drying the mass strand, and subsequentpackaging.2. Process according to claim 1 , comprising a step of pasteurizing the mass strands which are packed in gas-tight packages.3. Process according to claim 1 , comprising a step of dividing the mass strand immediately after it exiting from the cooling nozzle transversely to the longitudinal extension of the mass strand.4. Process according to claim 1 , wherein after packaging claim 1 , the gas-tight packages having mass strands packaged therein are pasteurized.5. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the plant-based protein sources are powdery.6. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier in the area of rolling is formed by a barrel claim 1 , so that the mass strand during rolling is loaded between a barrel and a roller.7. Process according to ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053805A1

The present invention relates to a dried seaweed snack and a method for preparing the same. 1. A dried seaweed snack comprising at least one layer of a joined body in which at least one layer of a dried seaweed sheet and at least one layer of a grain sheet are bonded to each other , wherein the joined body has a hardness of 1500 g to 6000 g and an average water content per 1 cmunit area of 2.0 wt % or less.2chlorella. The dried seaweed snack of claim 1 , wherein the dried seaweed sheet includes at least one selected from the group consisting of claim 1 , green laver claim 1 , sea staghorn claim 1 , laver claim 1 , agar claim 1 , sea mustard claim 1 , kelp claim 1 , gulfweed claim 1 , and hijikia.3. The dried seaweed snack of claim 1 , wherein the grain sheet includes at least one selected from the group consisting of rice claim 1 , barley claim 1 , bean claim 1 , foxtail millet claim 1 , proso millet claim 1 , sorghum claim 1 , wheat claim 1 , and corn.4. The dried seaweed snack of claim 1 , wherein the joined body further comprises a layer of a bonding agent between at least one layer of the dried seaweed sheet and at least one layer of the grain sheet.5. The dried seaweed snack of claim 1 , wherein the joined body has a hardness of 2100 g to 5500 g and an average water content per 1 cmunit area of 1.5 wt % or less.6. The dried seaweed snack of claim 1 , wherein one side of the joined body has a chromaticity claim 1 , of which L* is in a range of 15 to 30 claim 1 , a* is in a range of −15 to 5 claim 1 , and b* is in a range of −10 to 10 in the color coordinate.7. The dried seaweed snack of claim 6 , wherein one side of the joined body has a chromaticity claim 6 , of which L* is in a range of 18 to 24 claim 6 , a* is in a range of −10 to 1 claim 6 , and b* is in a range of −4 to 6 in the color coordinate.8. A method for preparing a dried seaweed snack claim 6 , comprising: preparing a joined sheet by bonding at least one layer of a dried seaweed sheet and at least ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

System and Method of Making a Banana Pudding

Номер: US20220053806A1
Автор: Pettway Kimberlyn

Disclosed is a system and a method of making a banana pudding. 1selecting a specific flavor for a quantity of banana pudding, wherein the specific flavor is selected from a group consisting of: a classic flavor, a caramel flavor, a german-chocolate flavor, a pumpkin-spice flavor, a pumpkin-spice-deluxe flavor, a red-velvet flavor, a classic-walnut flavor, a white-chocolate flavor, and a vanilla-bean flavor; andexecuting a recipe to make the specific flavor.. A method of making a banana pudding, the method comprising the steps of: The current application claims a priority to the U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No. 63/068,283 filed on Aug. 20, 2020.The present invention relates generally to food and desserts. More specifically, a proprietary variety of banana pudding.Banana pudding is a dessert item generally consisting of layers of custard, cookies (e.g., Vanilla Wafers or ladyfingers) and sliced bananas, commonly topped with whipped cream. It is commonly prepared using a baked or refrigerated method. A typical method for making Banana pudding is to repeatedly layer the bananas, custard, and wafers into a dish and top with whipped cream or meringueThe present invention introduces a unique improvement to banana pudding, through the introduction of a variety of additional flavors and embodiments.All illustrations of the drawings are for the purpose of describing selected versions of the present invention and are not intended to limit the scope of the present invention.As can be seen in , the present invention, herein referred to as “Kimma Lou's Famous Banana Pudding”, is a proprietary food product. Ingredients in the food or drink recipe are combined to create a desired characteristic of the end food product.Kimma Lou's Famous Banana Pudding can come in a variety of embodiments incorporating flavors such as, but not limited to, Caramel, Classic, German Chocolate, Pumpkin Spice, Pumpkin Spice Deluxe, Red Velvet, Classic Walnut, White Chocolate and Vanilla Bean ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Crimping and Cutting Pouched Dough Products

Номер: US20190037858A1
Автор: Weinstein James
Принадлежит: GENERAL MILLS, INC.

A crimping and cutting assembly includes a first roller engaged with a second roller including a honeycomb pattern of polygonal crimping and cutting members. Various transversely spaced, internally filled dough ropes are fed between the first and second rollers, causing each rope to be continuously crimped and cut at longitudinally spaced locations to create multi-sided food products, specifically polygonal food products having two to six crimped and cut sides. The ropes can permissibly shift or wander laterally during production, resulting in slightly different size or shape food products, while the honeycomb pattern acts to re-align the ropes so as to be tolerant to the ropes wandering while still preventing puncturing of the ropes which could lead to loss of filling and extended production downtime. 1. A method of crimping and cutting dough products comprising:extruding at least one rope including an outer dough casing and an internal filling material in a first axial direction along a conveyor; anddirecting the at least one rope to a rotating crimping and cutting assembly including a first roller in combination with a second roller including various interconnected crimping and cutting members wherein, upon passing the at least one rope between the first and second rollers, the at least one rope can wander laterally relative to at least the second roller while being continually crimped and cut at longitudinally spaced locations to create different sized and polygonal-shaped, internally filled dough products.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first roller has a smooth external surface and the crimping and cutting members are arranged in a honeycomb pattern about an external surface of the second roller.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: automatically realigning the at least one rope with the crimping and cutting members with rotation of the first and second rollers.4. The method of wherein claim 1 , during continued rotation of the crimping and ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037881A1
Автор: Janvary Liv, WOUTERS Rudy

A food product comprising a co-processed mixture, which mixture comprises at least one plant protein-containing composition and at least one rice carbohydrate-containing composition, which is particularly useful as a meat extender or a meat analogue, products containing said food products and processes for obtaining them. 1. A food product comprising:A) 50 to 95 weight-% (based on dry weight of the food product) of at least one plant protein-containing composition, wherein at most 45% (based on dry weight of total protein of the food product) of a protein in the food product is a rice protein; andB) 5 to 50 weight-% (based on dry weight of the food product) of at least one rice carbohydrate-containing composition, wherein the food is a co-processed mixture of the at least one plant protein-containing composition and the at least one rice carbohydrate-containing composition.2. The food product according to claim 1 , wherein the co-processed mixture is prepared by:providing the at least one plant protein-containing composition and the at least one rice carbohydrate-containing composition; andco-processing the at least one plant protein-containing composition and the at least one rice carbohydrate-containing composition so as to obtain a co-processed mixture of the at least one plant protein-containing composition and the at least one rice carbohydrate-containing composition.3. The food product according to claim 1 , wherein the co-processed mixture is a co-extruded mixture.4. The food product according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one plant protein-containing composition is selected from a group consisting of gluten and a soy protein-containing component.5. The food product according to claim 4 , wherein the soy protein-containing component is selected from a group consisting of soy protein isolate claim 4 , soy flour and soy concentrate.6. The food product according to claim 1 , wherein the rice carbohydrate-containing composition is selected from a group ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037894A1
Автор: OKADA Kineo
Принадлежит: ARIAKE JAPAN Co., Ltd.

A soup stock extraction device includes a stock take-out part that is connected to a bottom of a tank containing water and ingredients used for soup stock extraction and that is used to take out a stock including flavor compounds extracted from the ingredients and dissolved in the water, and a residue discharge part for discharging a residue of the ingredients. The stock take-out part includes a tubular body that is connected to the bottom of the tank and receives the stock and the residue flowing therein from the tank in a process of stock extraction, a screw conveyor disposed inside the tubular body, and a stock take-out port provided on the tubular body to take out the stock inside the tubular body. The residue discharge part includes the screw conveyor and a residue discharge port provided on the tubular body to discharge the residue. 1. A soup stock extraction device , comprising:a stock take-out part that is connected to a bottom of a tank containing water and ingredients used for soup stock extraction and that is used to take out a stock comprising flavor compounds extracted from the ingredients and dissolved in the water; anda residue discharge part for discharging a residue of the ingredients,wherein the stock take-out part comprises a tubular body that is connected to the bottom of the tank and receives the stock and the residue flowing therein from the tank in a process of stock extraction, a screw conveyor disposed inside the tubular body, and a stock take-out port provided on the tubular body to take out the stock inside the tubular body, andwherein the residue discharge part comprises the screw conveyor and a residue discharge port provided on the tubular body to discharge the residue.2. The soup stock extraction device according to claim 1 , wherein the vertical position of the stock take-out port is between the vertical positions of the upper and lower edges of a blade of the screw conveyor.3. The soup stock extraction device according to claim 1 , ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037908A1

A series screw rod ripening and extruding device for rice noodles production, and the device comprises a first-level screw rod self-ripening extruding machine and a second-level screw rod thread-extruding machine The invention also relates to a manufacturing method of rice noodles utilizing the series screw rod ripening extruder. The device of the present invention can be used to manufacture rice noodles, during which process ripening extrusion strength and shearing force increased, and the rich noodles made by this device contains plenty of gel. The production capacity is higher and it is energy-saving remarkably, the production efficiency is improved and furthermore, the device can be maintained conveniently. 1. A ripening and extruding device with series screw rods for rice noodles production , characterized that:the device comprises a first-level screw rod self-ripening extruding machine and a second-level screw rod thread-extruding machine,the first-level screw rod self-ripening extruding machine comprises a first-level barrel, which comprises a first-level feeding inlet at one end and a first-level discharging outlet at the other end, the first-level barrel is provided with a self-ripening screw rod inside, which is coupled to a driving device I at one end;the second-level screw rod thread-extruding machine comprises a second-level barrel, which comprises a second-level feeding inlet at one end and a second-level discharging outlet at the other end, the second-level barrel is provided with a thread-extruding screw rod inside, which is coupled to a driving device II,the first-level discharging outlet is coupled to the second-level feeding inlet.2. The ripening and extruding device with series screw rods of claim 1 , characterized that claim 1 , the driving device I comprises a motor I and a reduction gearbox I claim 1 , and the said motor I is coupled to the reduction gear box I claim 1 , which is coupled to one end of the self-ripening screw rod.3. The ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037621A1

The present invention relates to a food product forming apparatus with a food forming member, which comprises a multitude of product cavities and a seal plate which sealingly cooperates with the surface of the mould drum. 1. Food product forming apparatus comprising:a mould drum comprising a multitude of product cavities, each of the product cavities comprise a bottom wall and a sidewall made totally of a porous material, anda seal member that is a seal plate, which sealingly cooperates with a surface of the mould drum,wherein the seal member comprises a venting means.2. Food product forming apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the venting means is a valve.3. Food product forming apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the venting means is a gap between the mould drum and the seal member.4. Food product forming apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the food forming apparatus comprises a pressure element that is configured to press the seal member against the mould drum claim 3 ,wherein the food forming apparatus comprises a control means that is configured to control the pressure element to influence a size of the gap.5. Food forming member according to one claim 1 , wherein the product cavities are at a circumference of the mould drum.6. Food forming member according to claim 1 , wherein the product cavities are at least partially made from the porous material.7. Food forming member according to claim 6 , wherein the product cavities are vented via the porous material.8. Method to form a food product in a cavity of a mould drum claim 6 , wherein claim 6 , the cavity comprises a bottom wall and a sidewall that are totally made from a porous material claim 6 , which is sealed by a seal member claim 6 , wherein the cavity is at least partially vented via the seal member or a gap between the seal member and the mould drum.9. Method according to claim 8 , wherein a pressure between the seal member and the mould drum is released until entrapped air escapes.10. ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Nutritional Composition for Protecting Liver and Method for Preparing the Same

Номер: US20200037651A1
Автор: CI Zhonghua

The present application discloses a nutritional composition for protecting liver. The nutritional composition comprises the following components of raw materials in parts by weight: indica rice 60-83, polished round-grained rice 11-29, barbarum 1-4, finger citron 1.5-5, citron 0.05-0.2, and Chinese date 1-3.5. The present invention, in view of the liver's characteristics of preferring free activity and disliking depression, complies with the liver's physiological function characteristics for regulation, and provides the prescription based on the method of nourishing yin blood so as to disinhibit the liver, and it is suitable to cooperate with staple foods for long-term consumption, is easily accepted by people due to the good taste, and can achieve certain efficacies of soothing the liver and nourishing the liver. 1. A method for preparing a nutritional composition for protecting liver of claim 1 , wherein the method comprises the following steps in sequence:{'i': 'lycium', 'step 1, preparing raw materials: purifying and sorting indica rice, polished round-grained rice, barbarum, finger citron, citron, and Chinese date for subsequent use;'}step 2, frying: frying respective components of raw materials under a condition of 100-200° C. for 25-120 min;step 3, dosing: grinding the respective fried raw materials, then mixing and stirring evenly the respective ground raw materials according to proportions to obtain a rice powder;step 4, granulating: extruding the rice powder obtained in step 3 through a double-screw extruder, followed by gelatinization and granulation, to obtain mixed rice grains;step 5: drying: drying the mixed rice grains through a microwave dryer, wherein a water content of the material is kept below 12%, and cooling the dried mixed rice grains at a room temperature;step 6: sieving and packaging: sieving the cooled mixed rice grains, and vacuum-packaging the sieved mixed rice grains.2. The method for preparing a nutritional composition for protecting ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037654A1

A peanut protein vegetarian sausage and a preparation method thereof are described. The peanut protein vegetarian sausage is prepared from components including low-temperature defatted peanut protein powder, soybean protein isolate, vital wheat gluten, and modifier. The vegetarian sausage has a protein content of 60% or more, zero cholesterol and low fat, and has the characteristics of good taste, being rich in nutrients and convenience to eat. Also described are a preparation method of the vegetarian sausage, which includes mixing the main materials, performing an extrusion treatment, adding water and an auxiliary material online during the extrusion, and cooling the product obtained after extrusion molding to give the peanut protein vegetarian sausage. The preparation method is a pure physical processing method with a high degree of automation, and the processing is free from any pollutant discharge. 2. The vegetarian sausage according to claim 1 , wherein the low-temperature defatted peanut protein powder has a protein content of 55% or more claim 1 , and a fat content of 7% or less;and/or, the soybean protein isolate has a protein content of 80% or more, and a fat content of 1.8% or less;and/or, the vital wheat gluten has a protein content of 60% or more, and a fat content of 0.9% or less.3. The vegetarian sausage according to claim 1 , wherein the modifier is one or more selected from protease claim 1 , konjac flour claim 1 , and sodium carbonate.4. The vegetarian sausage according to claim 1 , further comprising an auxiliary material claim 1 , the auxiliary material is one or more of essence claim 1 , pigment claim 1 , salt claim 1 , and water-retaining agent.6. A method for preparing the vegetarian sausage according to claim 1 , comprising the following steps:1) the low-temperature defatted peanut protein powder, the soybean protein isolate, and the vital wheat gluten are crushed, then mixed well with the modifier, and allowed to stand to balance;2) the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037824A1

A robot includes an ingredient processor configured to produce a mixture by mixing food ingredients with water; an ingredient mold spaced apart from the ingredient processor and having a space portion to form a space for receiving the mixture supplied from the ingredient processor; a cooler configured to cool the ingredient mold; and a rotating device configured to rotate the ingredient mold in a plurality of directions. 1. A robot comprising:an ingredient processor configured to produce a mixture by mixing food ingredients with water;an ingredient mold spaced apart from the ingredient processor and having a space portion to form a space for receiving the mixture supplied from the ingredient processor;a cooler configured to cool the ingredient mold; anda rotating device configured to rotate the ingredient mold in a plurality of directions.2. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the ingredient processor includes:a storage container configured to contain the produced mixture;a rotating body rotatably disposed inside the storage container to allow the mixture in the storage container to flow; anda motor configured to rotate the rotating body.3. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the ingredient processor includes:a solid ingredient inlet into which solid ingredients are introduced from among the food ingredients;a grinder configured to contain the solid ingredients introduced into the solid ingredient inlet and provided therein with a grinding rotor rotatably installed;a water tube configured to guide water into the grinder; anda storage container configured to contain a mixture of water and the solid ingredients, which are pulverized in the grinder, in a form of a slush.4. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the ingredient processor includes:a powder ingredient inlet into which powder ingredients having a size smaller than a size of solid ingredients are introduced from among the food ingredients;a mixer configured to contain the powder ingredients ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Gelatin product comprising a core component and method for producing same

Номер: US20200038335A1

The present invention relates to a gelatin product comprising a core component, wherein the core component is encased partially or fully by a gelatin gel. The gelatin gel is produced from a homogeneous casting compound containing the following constituents dissolved in water: 3 to 20 wt % of gelatin having a mean molecular weight, determined by gel chromatography, of at least 130 kDa, wherein the proportion of the molecular weight fraction above 100 kDa is at least 35 wt %; up to 60 wt % of glucose syrup with a viscosity of less than 1000 mPa·s, measured with a dry matter content of 80 wt % and at a temperature of 60° C.; and up to 60 wt % of sucrose, wherein the casting compound comprises a dry matter content of at least 70 wt %.

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150044335A1

In a method for moulding food products from a pumpable foodstuff mass, use is made of a moulding device with a mould drum provided with mould cavities having a fill opening for the introduction of foodstuff mass. A mass feed member transfers mass into passing mould cavities. A pump is connected to the inlet of the mass feed member. Product removal takes place downstream of the fill position. The operation of the pump and the rotation of the mould drum are controlled in combination with the design of the mould cavities pattern on the drum and of the mouth of the mass feed member such that in the method all mould cavity filling events during a revolution of the mould drum are performed in sequential order. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for moulding food products from a pumpable foodstuff mass , wherein use is made of a moulding installation for moulding food products from a pumpable foodstuff mass , which installation comprises:a frame,a mould drum having an outer circumferential drum surface and a longitudinal drum rotation axis, the drum being rotatably supported by the frame to revolve about the drum rotation axis,wherein the mould drum has in the drum surface multiple mould cavities, each having a fill opening for the introduction of foodstuff mass into the mould cavity,a mould drum drive coupled to the drum to drive the drum in a rotation direction,a mass feed member arranged at a fill position relative to the drum surface, said mass feed member having a single chamber with an inlet for foodstuff mass to introduce said foodstuff mass into the chamber and with a mouth facing said drum surface, said mass feed member being adapted to transfer mass into passing mould cavities of the rotating mould drum when the filling opening of a mould cavity is in communication with the mouth at said fill position, said mass forming a food product in said mould cavity,a pump connected to the inlet of the mass feed member and adapted to feed foodstuff mass under pressure into the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045409A1

A fat delivery system includes particles of at least one emulsified fat at least partially encapsulated in gelled material. A food product includes a plant-based protein base and a plurality of fat delivery particles dispersed within the plant-based protein base. The food product may be a plant-based meat analogue that approximates the appearance, flavor and texture of certain meat products. Methods for making the fat delivery particles and the food product are also disclosed. 1. A food product comprising:an edible protein base; anda plurality of fat delivery systems dispersed within said edible protein base, wherein the fat delivery systems comprises solid particles of an emulsified fat and gelled starch.2. The food product of claim 1 , wherein said food product comprises greater than 50 weight percent to about 99 weight percent of said edible protein base and from about 1 weight percent to less than 50 weight percent of said plurality of fat delivery systems.3. The food product of claim 1 , wherein said food product comprises from about 60 weight percent to about 99 weight percent of said edible protein base and about 1 weight percent to about 40 weight percent of said plurality of fat delivery systems.4. The food product of claim 1 , wherein said food product comprises from about 70 weight percent to about 99 weight percent of said edible protein base and about 1 weight percent to about 30 weight percent of said plurality of fat delivery systems.5. The food product of claim 1 , wherein said food product comprises from about 75 weight percent to about 99 weight percent of said edible protein base and about 1 weight percent to about 25 weight percent of said plurality of fat delivery systems.6. The food product of claim 1 , wherein said food product comprises from about 75 weight percent to about 95 weight percent of said edible protein base and about 5 weight percent to about 25 weight percent of said plurality of fat delivery systems.7. The food product of claim ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045427A1

The present invention relates to extrudates comprising water-soluble vitamins and other micronutrients. They are obtainable by adiabatic extrusion. During extrusion, temperature is controlled by the viscosity of the composition which is being extruded. Pasteurization temperature is reached, i.e. the extrudates of the invention meet the requirements set out in microbiological guidelines. 1. Extrudate , obtainable by extrusion of a composition comprisingat least 10 weight-% starch powder, based on the total weight of the composition,at least 10 weight-% semolina, based on the total weight of the composition, andwater,wherein the weight ratio between said starch powder and said semolina is from 5:1 to 1:5.2. Extrudate according to claim 1 , wherein said composition further comprises water-soluble vitamins and wherein said composition comprises preferably vitamin B12 claim 1 , folic acid and/or niacinamide.3. Extrudate claim 1 , according to claim 1 , obtainable by extrusion of a composition comprisingat least 20 weight-% starch powder, based on the total weight of the composition,at least 20 weight-% semolina, based on the total weight of the composition,at least 5 weight-% of at least one water-soluble vitamin, based on the total weight of the composition,preferably at least 1 weight-% of at least one lubricant such as medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), based on the total weight of the composition and10-30 weight-% water, based on the total weight of the compositionwherein the weight ratio between said starch powder and said semolina is from 4:1 to 1:4, preferably from 3:1 to 1:3 and most preferably from 2:1 to 1:2.4. Method for manufacturing extrudates claim 1 , said method comprising the extrusion of a composition comprisingat least 10 weight-% starch powder, based on the total weight of the composition,at least 10 weight-% semolina, based on the total weight of the composition, andwater,wherein the weight ratio between said starch powder and said semolina is from 5: ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

System and Methods for Continuous Production of Proteinaceous Patties Dressed With Food Grade Particulate

Номер: US20170042213A1
Принадлежит: Cardinal Meat Specialists Limited

Provided herein is a continuous production line for a dressed proteinaceous patties with a solid food grade particulate using a coordinated volumetric toothed dispensing cylinder and variable speed conveyor for precisely controlled introduction of the particulate to a stream of proteinaceous material which is then formed into a patty. 1. A particulate food product dispensing assembly , comprising:a particulate food product reservoir;a particulate food product hopper with a filling port and a dispensing port and a volumetric dispensing cylinder disposed in particulate communication with the dispensing port;particulate food product conduit extending between said reservoir and the food product dispensing hopper for introduction of particulate food product through the filling port;a solenoid and compressed air source connected to and in pneumatic communication with the particulate food product conduit;a first low level sensor for detecting a first level of particulate food product contained in the hopper;a second high level sensor for detecting a second level of particulate food product contained in the hopper;a hopper volume control system including a dispensing cylinder rotational speed control element a signal communication receiver which upon receipt of a signal from the first low level sensor deactivates the solenoid to cause transfer of the particulate food product from the reservoir to the hopper until receipt of a signal from the second sensor to maintain generally uniform particulate food product weight pressure on the volumetric dispensing cylinder and to discharge a precise particulate food product volume from the dispensing port; anda variable speed conveyor with a first end underlying said dispensing port and a second end for discharging particulate food product thereon, said conveyor being in signal communication with said hopper volume control system to synchronize the conveyor speed with the particulate food product discharge volume.2. (canceled)3. The ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Stabilizer Composition of Microcrystalline Cellulose and Carboxymethylcellulose, Method for Making, and Uses

Номер: US20180042283A1

The subject matter of this invention is a composition and method of making a water-dispersible, stabilizing colloidal microcrystalline cellulose:carboxymethylcellulose composition. The method of making the composition does not require a salt solution as an anti-slip agent. 1. A process for a making a stabilizer composition comprising:a) blending a microcrystalline cellulose wetcake with a first carboxymethyl cellulose having a DS of 0.45-0.85 in an amount of 5% to 25% by weight of the total composition;b) extruding the product of step a); i) blending and subsequently extruding a second carboxymethyl cellulose having a DS of 0.9-1.5 in an amount of 2% to 20% by weight of the total composition, into the product of step b); or', 'ii) preparing a water dispersion comprising the microcrystalline cellulose:carboxymethylcellulose extrudate of step b) and a second carboxymethyl cellulose having a DS of 0.9-1.5, wherein the second carboxymethyl cellulose is present in an amount of 2% to 20% by weight of the total composition; and, 'c) either'}d) drying the product of step c).2. The process of wherein step c) the second carboxymethylcellulose is in an amount of 4% to 8% by weight of the total composition .3. The process of wherein the first carboxymethyl cellulose is sodium carboxymethyl cellulose having a DS of about 0.7 and the second carboxymethyl cellulose is sodium carboxymethyl cellulose having a DS of about 1.2.4. The process of wherein the drying step d) is spray drying claim 1 , fluidized bed drying claim 1 , flash drying claim 1 , or bulk drying. This application is a divisional application of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/349,186 filed on Apr. 2, 2014 a 371 National filing from International Application Number PCT/US12/00477, filed on Oct. 4, 2012 and which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/543,669 filed on Oct. 5, 2011, the disclosure of each of which are incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.The invention relates to a ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042290A1

Device for foaming a liquid comprising a mixing unit (). The mixing unit () comprises a first element () having an inner surface (), a second element () having an outer surface (), a gap () between the inner surface () of the first element () and the outer surface () of the second element (), a first opening () and a second opening () connected through the gap (). At least one of the first element () or the second element () is rotatable about an axis of rotation (AR) with respect to the other one. The inner surface () and the outer surface () are symmetric with respect to a common axis of symmetry (AH, AW), coincident with the axis of rotation (AR), and have circular sections, perpendicularly to the axis of symmetry, having diameters which increase going in a direction along the axis of symmetry (AH, AW). 1. A device for foaming a liquid comprising a mixing unit , said mixing unit comprising:a first element having an inner surface,a second element having an outer surface,a gap having a determined width between the inner surface of the first element and the outer surface of the second element,a first opening and a second opening connected through the gap,wherein at least one of said first element or second element is rotatable about an axis of rotation with respect to the other one,wherein said inner surface and said outer surface are symmetric with respect to a common axis of symmetry, coincident with said axis of rotation, and have, perpendicularly to the axis of symmetry, circular sections, andwherein the circular sections have diameters which increase in a direction along said axis of symmetry.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of said first element or second element is moveable in the direction along said axis of symmetry in order to change the gap between said inner surface and said outer surface.3. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising a membrane applied on either said inner surface or said outer surface claim 1 , said ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046690A1

A cooling tool () for a food or an animal feed extruder (E), the cooling tool has: an inlet end () at which extrudate () can be led into the cooling tool (); an outlet end () where the cooled extrudate can be discharged; an extrudate flow channel () extending from the inlet end to the outlet end; and at least one coolant flow channel (′) connected to the extrudate flow channel in a heat-transmitting manner. In a cross section (X-X) along the primary flow direction (), the extrudate flow channel is substantially formed as a ring section; and the outer wall () of the extrudate flow channel () is formed at least from first and second segments (). The first and second segments are connected to each other by mechanical connection elements (). The cooling tool is suitable for wet texturing of food and animal feed. 118-. (canceled)19. A food- or feed-extruder cooling die , havingi) an inlet end, which is able to be fastened to a food or feed extruder and at which the extrudate is introducible into the cooling die;ii) an outlet end, at which cooled extrudate is able to be discharged;iii) an extrudate flow duct, which extends substantially from the inlet end to the outlet end;iv) at least one coolant flow duct, to which the extrudate flow duct is connected for heat transfer;wherein, in a cross section to a main direction of flow,v) the extrudate flow duct is configured substantially as a ring sector; andvi) an outer wall of the extrudate flow duct is formed at least from a first segment and a second segment, wherein the first segment and the second segment are connected together via mechanical connecting elements.20. The cooling die according to claim 19 , wherein the extrudate flow duct is configured in cross section to the main direction of flow substantially as a ring sector claim 19 , in particular as a circular ring sector claim 19 , of at least 300° claim 19 , preferably at least 325° claim 19 , particularly preferably at least 350°.21. The cooling die according to ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Systems to Fabricate Food Aggregate from Food Elements and Related Methods

Номер: US20220061374A1

Techniques described include methods, systems, products, devices, and/or apparatuses related to food processing systems related methods, and food items produced therewith. For example, the food processing system may be configured to fabricate food aggregates from multiple food elements. The food processing system includes a first press body and a second press body. The second press body is positioned and oriented opposite to the first press body and reconfigurable from a first configuration to a second, non-planar configuration. The second, non-planar configuration of the press body is different from the first configuration. At least one of the first or second press bodies is movable in a manner that decreases space between the first and second press bodies, to compress the food elements and form the food aggregate. A dispenser of the food elements is positioned and configured to dispense the food elements between the first and second press bodies.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190045963A1

Method for the production of apple sauce including the following steps: 16-. (canceled)7. A plant for the production of apple sauce comprising:{'b': '2', 'a slicer () which generates a plurality of slices comprising two opposite faces and a continuous peel interposed between the two opposite faces;'}{'b': 3', '2', '3', '31', '34, 'a first refiner () which is downstream to the slicer (), the first refiner () comprising an outlet () of a first product and an outlet () of a first waste;'}{'b': 4', '43', '41', '42, 'a second refiner () which in turn comprises: an inlet () of the first waste, an outlet () of a second product and an outlet () of a second waste;'}{'b': 5', '32', '3', '43', '4', '4', '3', '5, 'a duct () connecting the outlet () of the first waste of the first refiner () and an inlet () of the second refiner (), the second refiner () being downstream to the first refiner () considering the flow of the first waste along the duct ();'}{'b': 6', '60, 'means () for deactivating enzymes in the first product and in the second product, said means for deactivating enzymes comprising a cooking station ();'}{'b': 7', '6', '31', '3', '41', '4, 'means () for connecting the means () for deactivating the enzymes to the outlet () of the first product of the first refiner () and to the outlet () of the second product of the second refiner ().'}83. Plant according to claim 7 , characterized in that the first refiner () in turn comprising:{'b': 33', '36, 'a first rotor () having a plurality of blades ();'}{'b': 34', '33, 'a first sieve () which surrounds the first rotor () and having a group of holes.'}9363333. Plant according to claim 8 , characterized in that the blades () of the first rotor () at least in one configuration develop axially for more than half of the axial development of the first rotor ().1033373833. Plant according to claim 8 , characterized in that the first rotor () can rotate around a first axis and comprises a first and a second half ( claim 8 , ) of ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046563A1
Автор: KAMEI Ichiro

A composition contains nanobubbles containing hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, and the use thereof. A composition containing, as an active ingredient, nanobubbles having a diameter of 30 micrometer or less and containing 0.45-0.55 ppm of hydrogen, 10-12.5 ppm of oxygen, and 7-8 ppm of nitrogen. A mitochondria-activating composition, cell growth promoting agent, cell preservation liquid or cryopreservation liquid containing this composition, and a method for using this composition, agent, or liquid. A food or beverage, or a food or beverage raw material, produced using this composition. 1. A method for activating mitochondria comprising:the step of producing a composition containing 0.45-0.55 ppm of hydrogen, 10-12.5 ppm of oxygen and 7-8 ppm of nitrogen in a form of microbubbles with 30 micrometers or less in a diameter and/or in a form of nanobubbles with 30 micrometers or less in a diameter, andthe step of treating a cell with the composition.2. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising the step of promoting cell proliferation.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the cell is an animal cell.4. A method according to claim 3 , wherein the animal cell is an immune-system cell.5. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising the step of preserving.6. A method according to claim 5 , wherein the step of preserving is the step of cryopreserving.7. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the cell is that of a food.8. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising the step of treating diabetes. The present invention relates to composition containing nanobubbles and use thereof. More specifically, it relates to composition activating mitochondria and use thereof.Method such as the patent literature 1 is disclosed for example, as a method to dissolve a gas into a liquid using microbubble, nanobubble technology and to promote proliferation of cultured cells. However, Patent Literature 1 neither specifically nor precisely discloses, for example, how large ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210051966A1

A method for cleaning and/or evaluating a food products mould drum and a combination of such a food products mould drum and a mould drum cleaning and/or evaluating device are disclosed. The mould drum cleaning and/or evaluating device includes one or more pressure housings arranged against the outside of and over one or more mould cavities and form, together with the mould drum, an outside chamber. The outside chamber includes a chamber port connectable to a pressure line of a fluid circuit, and the mould drum includes a passage port connectable to a return line of the fluid circuit. Cleaning/evaluating occurs by allowing a pressurized fluid stream to enter via the chamber port into mould cavities and then via a wall part porous structure through a passage, and exit via the passage port to the return line of the fluid circuit. 1. A method for cleaning a food products mould drum having an outer drum surface provided with multiple recessed mould cavities , each mould cavity with a mould cavity wall formed at least in part by a wall part with a porous structure , the mould drum further being provided with one or more passage ports , which are via one or more passages and via the wall part porous structures in fluid communication with the mould cavities;which mould drum has been become soiled in a process of moulding three-dimensional products from a mass of one or more food starting materials, said process involving rotating the mould drum and feeding the mass to the mould cavities and ejecting formed food products from said mould drum;the method comprising the steps of:arranging one or more housings against the outside of and over one or more mould cavities, so as to form together with the mould drum an outside chamber, the outside chamber having a radiation source; andcleaning the at least one mould cavity in a first phase by exposing the at least one mould cavity to radiation by means of said radiation source.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein use is made ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Food mold and method for food processing using the same

Номер: US20210051992A1
Автор: Chih Hung Lin
Принадлежит: Yo Kai Express Inc

Provided herein are a food mold for use in food processing and a method for food processing using the food mold. The food mold includes a bottom portion, a sidewall and a protruding structure. The bottom portion includes a peripheral edge and a bottom surface. The peripheral edge surrounds the bottom surface. The sidewall includes a lower edge and an upper edge opposite to the lower edge. The sidewall surrounds the bottom portion. The lower edge is connected to the peripheral edge. The protruding structure is disposed on the bottom surface.
