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11-05-2017 дата публикации

Блок осушки газа высокого давления

Номер: RU0000170791U1

РефератБЛОК ОСУШКИ ГАЗА ВЫСОКОГО ДАВЛЕНИЯАдсорберы включают баллоны, наполненные сорбентом-силикагелем. В качестве фильтра содержит фильтр тонкой очистки. Адсорберы, фильтр, влагоотделитель снабжены манометрами.8 з.п. ф-лы, 3 илл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 170 791 U1 (51) МПК B01D 53/04 (2006.01) B01D 53/26 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015109615, 19.03.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.03.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Ворошилов Игорь Валерьевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 11.05.2017 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2493432 C2, 20.09.2013. SU Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 19.03.2015 Адрес для переписки: 353204, Краснодарский край, Динской район, ст. Динская, а/я 28, ООО "Тегас", патентоведу Ежак А.Н. 1 7 0 7 9 1 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Блок осушки газа высокого давления, включающий систему трубопроводов, два параллельно подключенных адсорбера, фильтр, запорную управляемую арматуру, выполненную с обеспечением возможности попеременной работы адсорберов, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно снабжен влагоотделителем, вход которого соединен с выходом блока осушки, а выход соединен через обратные клапаны со входами адсорберов, при этом выход первого адсорбера соединен через кран шаровой со входом блока осушки; а входы адсорберов через обратные клапаны соединены также с выходом блока осушки и трубопроводом вывода на свечу; выход второго адсорбера через кран шаровой соединен со входом фильтра тонкой очистки; выход которого соединен с клапаном поддержания давления, соединенного с обратным клапаном для выхода газа из установки. 2. Блок осушки газа высокого давления по п.1, отличающийся тем, что адсорберы включают баллоны, наполненные сорбентом-силикагелем. 3. Блок осушки газа высокого давления по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве фильтра содержит фильтр тонкой очистки. 4. Блок осушки газа высокого ...

10-10-2018 дата публикации

Автоматизированная система нейтрализации газообразного хлора

Номер: RU0000183963U1

Полезная модель относится к средствам обеспечения безопасности, в частности на участках хранения газообразного хлора, на дозирующих установках для газообразного хлора и для обслуживающего персонала. Автоматизированная система нейтрализации газообразного хлора содержит емкость для нейтрализующей жидкости, нейтрализующую жидкость, линию подачи хлоровоздушной смеси, линию вывода очищенного воздуха. Также система снабжена запорным клапаном, аэратором, вентилятором, датчиком концентрации газообразного хлора, который в случае превышения концентрации передает сигнал на блок управления системой, а вентилятор перекачивает загрязненный воздух из помещения в емкость для нейтрализующей жидкости, где он очищается и вытесняется в атмосферу. В качестве емкости для нейтрализующей жидкости может быть использована хемосорбционная колонна. Техническим результатом, обеспечиваемым данным техническим решением, является обеспечение безопасности обслуживающего персонала на дозирующих установках газообразного хлора и на участках хранения газообразного хлора. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 183 963 U1 (51) МПК B01D 53/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B01D 53/00 (2006.01); B01D 53/08 (2006.01); B01J 8/12 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018122715, 21.06.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 10.10.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2018 Бюл. № 28 1 8 3 9 6 3 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 90854 U1, 20.01.2010. SU 697158 A1, 15.11.1979. RU 2367506 C2, 20.09.2009. RU 2180608 C1, 20.03.2002. RU 47254 U1, 27.08.2005. JP 0003582947 B2, 27.10.2004. CN 201375843 Y, 06.01.2010. US 4224041 A1, 23.09.1980. (54) Автоматизированная система нейтрализации газообразного хлора (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к средствам случае превышения концентрации передает сигнал обеспечения безопасности, в частности на на блок управления системой, а вентилятор участках ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Адсорбционная ловушка

Номер: RU0000191341U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для адсорбционного удаления примесей влаги и специфических химических соединений из газового потока и может быть использована в системах адсорбционной очистки газов, анализаторах хемосорбции и т.п. Адсорбционная ловушка включает корпус, в котором выполнены входной и выходной каналы для газового потока, и расположенную в корпусе трубку с сорбентом, имеющую входной и выходной концы, при этом трубка снабжена держателем с обеспечением его разъемного герметичного соединения с корпусом, где держатель выполнен в виде изолирующего цилиндра с полостью для размещения трубки, заглушенного на одном конце, на котором размещен шестигранник, другой конец изолирующего цилиндра снабжен внешней резьбой для фиксации держателя в корпусе ловушки, при этом ответная часть внутренней поверхности корпуса снабжена внутренней резьбой, корпус выполнен с ложементом для герметичного размещения ответной части трубки, входной конец которой размещен со стороны заглушенного конца цилиндра, а трубка в держателе размещена с обеспечением зазора между внешней поверхностью трубки и внутренней поверхностью изолирующего цилиндра для прохода газа из входного канала корпуса к входному концу трубки с сорбентом и из выходного конца трубки в выходной канал. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 191 341 U1 (51) МПК B01D 53/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B01D 53/02 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018143685, 10.12.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 01.08.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 01.08.2019 Бюл. № 22 1 9 1 3 4 1 R U (54) АДСОРБЦИОННАЯ ЛОВУШКА (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к устройствам для адсорбционного удаления примесей влаги и специфических химических соединений из газового потока и может быть использована в системах адсорбционной очистки газов, анализаторах хемосорбции и т.п. Адсорбционная ловушка включает корпус, в котором выполнены входной и ...

02-03-2021 дата публикации

Газоразделитель воздуха на кислородную и гипоксическую составляющие

Номер: RU0000202661U1

Полезная модель относится к газоразделителям воздуха на кислородную и гипоксическую составляющие по технологии короткоцикловой адсорбции, включающим колонны с адсорбентом, поджатым подпружиненными рамками; коллекторы с воздушными каналами, обеспечивающими пневматическую связь распределительного механизма с колоннами и колонн с жиклёрами, закрывающие блок колонн сверху и снизу; распределительный механизм, обеспечивающий подачу сжатого воздуха в колонны и продувку колонн; диск с жиклёрами для выхода кислорода в крышку верхнего коллектора; корпус распределительного механизма с резьбой под штуцер отвода гипоксии; крышку верхнего коллектора с резьбами под штуцеры для подачи сжатого воздуха и выхода кислорода. Согласно полезной модели колонны выполнены в виде единого блока, имеющего внутренние перегородки, разделяющие колонны. Достигаемый технический результат - максимально эффективное использование полезного объема, упрощение технология сборки, уменьшения расхода материала при изготовлении, возможность простого последующего ремонта. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 202 661 U1 (51) МПК B01D 53/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B01D 53/04 (2021.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020138186, 20.11.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ "ОКСИОМ" (RU) 02.03.2021 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2077370 C1, 20.04.1997. RU 2278723 C2, 27.06.2006. US 4561287 A1, 31.12.1985. US 20160022951 A1, 28.01.2016. (45) Опубликовано: 02.03.2021 Бюл. № 7 2 0 2 6 6 1 R U (54) ГАЗОРАЗДЕЛИТЕЛЬ ВОЗДУХА НА КИСЛОРОДНУЮ И ГИПОКСИЧЕСКУЮ СОСТАВЛЯЮЩИЕ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к в крышку верхнего коллектора; корпус газоразделителям воздуха на кислородную и распределительного механизма с резьбой под гипоксическую составляющие по технологии штуцер отвода гипоксии; крышку верхнего ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Sieve bed

Номер: US20120006199A1
Принадлежит: Airsep Corp

A sieve bed including an inlet end, an outlet end, a retainer disposed toward the inlet end and including an interior portion, an exterior portion, a plurality of openings disposed toward the exterior portion, and a passage disposed toward the interior portion, an inlet cap and an inlet port configured to receive a feed stream, wherein the inlet cap includes at least a portion spaced from the retainer thereby defining an inlet chamber in fluid communication with the inlet port and the plurality of openings, an outlet lid disposed toward the outlet end, an exterior wall extending from the inlet cap to the outlet lid, an intermediate wall spaced from the exterior wall and extending from the retainer toward and terminating short of the outlet lid and an interior wall spaced from the intermediate wall and extending from the retainer proximate the passage to at least the outlet lid.

01-09-2021 дата публикации

Комбинированный адсорбер для отчистки газовых выбросов от диоксида серы

Номер: RU0000206221U1

Полезная модель относится к области химической, нефтедобывающей, нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности и может быть использована при очистке газовых выбросов от диоксида серы.Техническим результатом предлагаемой полезной модели является повышение эффективности очистки газовых выбросов от диоксида серы и жидкости.Технический результат достигается тем, что комбинированный адсорбер для очистки газовых выбросов от диоксида серы и жидкости, характеризующийся тем, что он содержит фаолитовый цилиндрический корпус со штуцерами для подвода газовой смеси и отвода очищенного газа, патрубком отвода конденсата и люками для загрузки и выгрузки адсорбента, размещенный в корпусе каплеотбойник, установленную в корпусе стальную сетку с отверстиями диаметром не более 1 мм, на которую установлен демистер и загружен гранулированный адсорбционный материал, в качестве которого используют сухой шлам химводоочистки, при этом каплеотбойник установлен с возможностью отделения демистера от гранулированного адсорбционного материала. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 206 221 U1 (51) МПК B01D 53/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B01D 53/04 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021110977, 19.04.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.09.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 19.04.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 01.09.2021 Бюл. № 25 2 0 6 2 2 1 R U (54) Комбинированный адсорбер для отчистки газовых выбросов от диоксида серы (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области фаолитовый цилиндрический корпус со химической, нефтедобывающей, штуцерами для подвода газовой смеси и отвода нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности и очищенного газа, патрубком отвода конденсата может быть использована при очистке газовых и люками для загрузки и выгрузки адсорбента, выбросов от диоксида серы. размещенный в корпусе каплеотбойник, Техническим результатом предлагаемой установленную в корпусе стальную сетку с полезной модели ...

18-10-2021 дата публикации

Электроадсорбер непрерывного действия

Номер: RU0000207218U1

Полезная модель относится к электроадсорберу непрерывного действия, состоящему из вертикального корпуса с газораспределительной камерой, патрубками для подвода исходных веществ и отвода продуктов массообмена, закрепленного на полом валу двухзаходного шнекового винта из двух противоположно заряженных спиральных лент, с радиальными перегородками, установленными с зазором относительно верхней поверхности следующего витка шнекового винта и перфорированной решетки, отделяющей газораспределительную камеру от шнекового винта, отличающаяся тем, что спиральные ленты шнекового винта выполнены сетчатыми, установлены с радиальным смещением 180° относительно друг друга и снабжены торцевыми диэлектрическими прокладками по наружным и внутренним торцам, радиальные перегородки выполнены на нижней поверхности каждой спиральной ленты шнекового винта, а полый вал выполнен из электропроводного материала. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 207 218 U1 (51) МПК B01D 53/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B01D 53/06 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021108370, 29.03.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 18.10.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 18.10.2021 Бюл. № 29 2 0 7 2 1 8 R U (54) Электроадсорбер непрерывного действия (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к электроадсорберу непрерывного действия, состоящему из вертикального корпуса с газораспределительной камерой, патрубками для подвода исходных веществ и отвода продуктов массообмена, закрепленного на полом валу двухзаходного шнекового винта из двух противоположно заряженных спиральных лент, с радиальными перегородками, установленными с зазором относительно верхней поверхности следующего витка шнекового винта и Стр.: 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 198300 U1, 30.06.2020. RU 195520 U1, 30.01.2020. RU 101940 U1, 10.02.2011. Merentsov N. A. et al. "Mass transfer apparatus for a wide range of environmental ...

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Separation of a Sour Syngas Stream

Номер: US20120012000A1
Принадлежит: Air Products and Chemicals Inc

A feed stream, comprising hydrogen sulphide (H 2 S), carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), hydrogen (H 2 ) and, optionally, carbon monoxide (CO), is separated into at least a CO 2 product stream and an H 2 or H 2 and CO product stream. The stream is separated using a pressure swing adsorption system, an H 2 S removal system and a further separation system, which systems are used in series to separate the stream. The method has particular application in the separation of a sour (i.e. sulphur containing) syngas, as for example produced from the gasification of solid or heavy liquid carbonaceous feedstock.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Room Temperature Chemical Trap for the Purification of Gaseous Methane

Номер: US20120017761A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc

A room temperature trap for the purification and concentration of gaseous methane. The trap utilizes the adsorption and desorption properties of microporous spherical carbon molecular sieves to purify and concentrate radiolabelled methane for application in an automated synthesis module without the need for cryogenic cooling.

26-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120020861A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention is concerned with the use of a TiO 2 -based composition for capturing halogenated compounds contained in a gaseous mixture, said composition comprising between 10 wt. % and 100 wt. % of TiO 2 and between 1 wt. % and 30 wt. % of at least one sulfate of an alkaline-earth metal selected from calcium, barium, strontium and magnesium.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Desiccant air-conditioning system

Номер: US20120023988A1
Автор: Kenji Ueda, Yoshie Togano
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

To reduce energy consumption, a desiccant air-conditioning system is provided with: an air supply channel 1 that supplies outside air A 1 that flows from the outside, to an object to be air-conditioned; an exhaust channel 2 that exhausts return air A 2 that flows from the object to be air-conditioned, to the outside; a desiccant portion 10 that adsorbs moisture from the outside air A 1 passing through the air supply channel 1 , and that desorbs the adsorbed moisture to the return air A 2 passing through the exhaust channel 2 ; a first cooling portion 31 which is installed between the desiccant portion 10 and the object to be air-conditioned in the air supply channel, and which cools the outside air A 1 ; a second cooling portion 44 which is installed between the desiccant portion 10 and the first cooling portion 31 in the air supply channel, and which absorbs the heat from the outside air A 1 to cool it; a heating portion 45 which is installed between the desiccant portion 10 and the object to be air-conditioned in the exhaust channel 2 , and which heats the return air A 2 up to at least the regeneration temperature at which the desiccant portion 10 desorbs the moisture; and a heat supplying portion 50 that supplies the heat absorbed from the outside air A 1 by the second cooling portion 44 , to the heating portion 45.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and Composition for Reducing Exhaled Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Номер: US20120027827A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and composition for reducing the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled by a user by placing a composition comprising a delivery vehicle and a carbon dioxide sequestering agent into a user's mouth and allowing the carbon dioxide sequestering agent to react with the carbon dioxide present in the user's breath thereby reducing the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled by the user.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Air Processing Device with Two Air Dryer Cartridges

Номер: US20120031273A1
Автор: Siegfried Heer
Принадлежит: Haldex Brake Products GmbH

An air processing device for a utility vehicle includes a compressor and two air dryer cartridges. The air dryer cartridges are located in two parallel paths. A control unit controls a regeneration of one of said air dryer cartridges independent from a load phase of the other of said air dryer cartridges.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Vapor recovery system utilizing compression-condensation processes and related methods

Номер: US20120042691A1
Автор: Carol Diane Krumbholz
Принадлежит: Individual

An off gas extraction system cleans common sources of off gas, such as storage tanks and polluted soils. Off gas is extracted, followed by compression and condensation. Compression and condensation produce an off gas that can be reintroduced as a treated gas into the off gas source. Alternatively, a regenerative absorber cleans the treated gas by adsorbing residual chemical vapor and concentrates the removed chemical vapors and reprocesses them. If the treated gas is not reintroduced into the off gas source, conventional scrubbers may used on the back end of the system to produce a final exhaust as prescribed by environmental regulation. Methods of accomplishing the same are similarly provided, including novel methods for degassing storage tanks and treating polluted soils to meet current environmental regulations, as well as green technology and sustainability initiatives.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Oxygen concentrator system and methods for oral delivery of oxygen enriched gas

Номер: US20120055475A1
Автор: William R. Wilkinson
Принадлежит: Inova Labs Inc

Described herein are various embodiments of an oxygen concentrator system. In some embodiments, an oxygen concentrator system may be used to provide oxygen enriched gas to a patient using a mouthpiece.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for removing contaminant from fluid

Номер: US20120063981A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

Methods, apparatus, and systems for removing contaminant in a fluid (e.g., chemical and petrochemical gas streams) using nanostructures of a sorbent material coated on plates such as a silicon wafer. A plurality of such coated plates can be assembled to form a sorption structure having channels between the plates. When a fluid containing the contaminant is directed through the channels, the contaminant is adsorbed by the nanostructures of the sorbent material.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for surface modification of superadsorbent material for improved environmental and urban air sampling applications

Номер: US20120073360A1

A method for providing superadsorption of polar organic compounds using a material system comprising the steps of enhancing adsorption by means of using high surface area and mass transfer rates and decreased reactivity at surface sites attractive to the polar compounds and employing consequence management by maintaining a high rate of adsorptivity combined with high fidelity and accuracy of the material system.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Amine containing fibrous structure for adsorption of co2 from atmospheric air

Номер: US20120076711A1

A structure is disclosed containing a sorbent with amine groups that is capable of a reversible adsorption and desorption cycle for capturing CO 2 from a gas mixture wherein said structure is composed of fiber filaments wherein the fiber material is carbon and/or polyacrylonitrile.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Metal organic framework compounds

Номер: US20120115961A1
Принадлежит: Universitetet I Oslo

The invention provides novel Zr MOFs, in particular compounds having a surface area of at least 1020 m 2 /g or if functionalized, having a surface area of at least 500 m 2 /g.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Separation of gases

Номер: US20120118012A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A process for separating a mixture of gases into a relatively condensable first component and a relatively non-condensable second component is provided. The first component comprises one or more gases selected from the group consisting of carbon dioxide, carbonyl sulphide and hydrogen sulphide and the second component one or more gases selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, methane, ethane, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, oxygen and synthesis gas. The process itself comprises the following steps: (a) compressing and cooling a mixture of said first and second components in at least one compressor and at least one heat exchanger to a temperature and elevated pressure at which the first components condense and a two-phase gas-liquid mixture is formed; (b) separating the two phase mixture so formed into separate liquid first and gaseous second component fractions in a fractionation unit; (c) extracting residual first component from the separated gaseous second component fraction by scrubbing the second component at elevated pressure with a solvent (e.g. methanol) in a scrubber. In examples, the method further includes one or more steps of warming and expanding the gaseous second component fraction using at least one heat exchanger to exchange heat with a process stream and at least one turbo-expander capable of recovering mechanical work. The process described is highly energy efficient and is especially useful in hydrogen power plants, Integrated Gasification Combined Cycles (IGCC) and for sweetening sour natural gas.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Compressor installation with a dryer and method for drying of compressed gasses

Номер: US20120125195A1
Принадлежит: Atlas Copco Airpower NV

Compressor installation including a compressor and a dryer which are mutually connected via a pressure pipe. The dryer includes a housing with a drying zone and a regeneration zone, and a rotating drum with a drying agent. The regeneration zone includes a first subzone and a second subzone. Two regeneration conducts connect to the pressure pipe, respectively a first regeneration conduit which connects to an inlet of the first subzone and through which compressed gas having a first temperature is guided, and a second regeneration conduit which connects to an inlet of the second subzone. The second regeneration conduit has a heating element for heating compressed gas flowing through the second regeneration conduit to a second temperature which is higher than the first temperature.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Rotary fluid processing systems and associated methods

Номер: US20120152116A1
Принадлежит: Prometheus Technologies LLC

Rotary fluid processing systems and associated methods are disclosed. A purification system in accordance with the particular embodiment includes a rotatable adsorbent-containing heat/mass transfer element that is generally symmetric about a rotation axis, and includes multiple radial flow paths oriented transverse to the rotation axis and multiple axial flow paths oriented transverse to the radial flow paths. The axial flow paths and radial flow paths are in thermal communication with each other, and are generally isolated from fluid communication with each other at the heat transfer element. Particular embodiments can further include a housing arrangement having multiple manifolds with individual manifolds having an entry port and an exit port, and with individual manifolds having different circumferential locations relative to the rotation axis. Still further embodiments can include a seal arrangement positioned between the heat transfer element and the housing arrangement to expose the radial flow paths, but not the axial flow paths, to the entry and exit ports of one of the manifolds, and expose the axial flow paths, but not the radial flow paths, to the entry and exit ports of another of the manifolds.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Epoxy-Amine Acid Gas Adsorption-Desorption Polymers and Oligomers, Processes for Preparing Same, and Uses Thereof

Номер: US20120160097A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

This disclosure involves an adsorption-desorption material, e.g., crosslinked epoxy-amine material having an M w from about 500 to about 1×10 6 , a total pore volume from about 0.2 cc/g to about 2.0 cc/g, and a CO 2 adsorption capacity of at least about 0.2 millimoles CO 2 per gram of crosslinked material, and/or linear epoxy-amine material having an M w from about 160 to about 1×10 6 , a total pore volume from about 0.2 cc/g to about 2.0 cc/g, and a CO 2 adsorption capacity of at least about 0.2 millimoles CO 2 per gram of linear material. This disclosure also involves processes for preparing the crosslinked epoxy-amine materials and linear epoxy-amine materials, as well as selective removal of CO 2 and/or other acid gases from a gaseous stream using the epoxy-amine materials.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Polyvinyl-Amine Acid Gas Adsorption-Desorption Polymers, Processes for Preparing Same, and Uses Thereof

Номер: US20120164045A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

This disclosure involves an adsorption-desorption material, e.g., crosslinked polyvinyl-amine material having an M w from about 500 to about 1×10 6 , total pore volume from about 0.2 cc/g to about 2.0 cc/g, and a CO 2 adsorption capacity of at least about 0.2 millimoles per gram of crosslinked material, and/or linear polyvinyl-amine material having an M w from about 160 to about 1×10 6 , total pore volume from about 0.2 cc/g to about 2.0 cc/g, and a CO 2 adsorption capacity of at least about 0.2 millimoles per gram of linear material. This disclosure also involves processes for preparing the crosslinked polyvinyl-amine materials and linear polyvinyl-amine materials, as well as selective removal of CO 2 and/or other acid gases from a gaseous stream using the polyvinyl-amine materials.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for analyzing concentrations of diverse mercury species present in a fluid medium

Номер: US20120184039A1
Автор: Hal Alper
Принадлежит: Mycelx Technologies Corp

A method for facilitating removal of mercury from a primary fluid stream of interest which is contaminated with organically-bound, elemental, and ionic mercury species. The stream is analyzed to establish the relative content of the organically-bound, elemental, and ionic mercury species present therein by forming a diverted side stream from the primary stream, and passing the side stream successively through three in series filter stages, the first captures organically bound mercury, the second captures elemental mercury, and the third captures ionic mercury. The side stream flow through the filter stages is continued for a predetermined period, and upon conclusion of the period the quantity of mercury collected at each of the filtration stages is determined. This data is then utilized to determine the capacity of the three different filtration stages required to reduce the mercury content in the mam stream to a desired level.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Measurement of multimetals and total halogens in a gas stream

Номер: US20120186366A1

A collection apparatus comprises a nozzle comprising an inlet for receiving at least a portion of a gas stream and an outlet, and at least one sorbent trap having an inlet in fluid communication with the outlet of the nozzle, wherein the sorbent trap comprises one or more collection media configured to collect at least one of a metal, an element, and a halogen present in the portion of the gas stream.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Systems for Water Extraction from Air

Номер: US20120204725A1
Автор: John Goelet
Принадлежит: LTA Corp

A system for water extraction from air is provided. The system includes a housing having a plurality of openings allowing an air flow to enter into an inner space defined by the housing. The system also includes a sponge disposed within the inner space defined by the housing. The sponge includes a water absorbing/adsorbing material for absorbing/adsorbing water vapor from the air flow. The system further includes a presser disposed above the sponge and configured to compress the sponge to discharge water from the sponge.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Fluid treatment system with bulk material beds operated in parallel and method for operating such a system

Номер: US20120216873A1
Автор: Horst Grochowski
Принадлежит: Individual

A fluid treatment system having bulk beds. The fluid to be treated essentially streams from the bottom up through a bulk bed, while the bulk material migrates through the bulk beds in countercurrent to the fluid essentially from the top down. This is accomplished by removing partial quantities of bulk material at the lower end of the bulk bed, and delivering partial quantities of the bulk material to the bulk bed at the top. At least one charging wagon provided with optionally sealable bulk material outlets is able to traverse a charging channel between a charging position and several partial bulk bed release positions above the bulk beds. Provided below the bulk material outlets and the bulk material valve of the charging wagon are bulk material through pipes, the bulk material outlet mouths of which end on bulk material cones of an underlying bulk bed.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Methods for controlling impurity buildup on adsorbent for pressure swing adsorption processes

Номер: US20120234165A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Embodiments of methods for controlling impurity buildup on adsorbent for a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) process are provided. The method comprises the steps of operating the PSA process including performing (a) a first depressurizing equalization step, and (b) a providing purge step. Impurities are sensed in an effluent from the PSA process. If the impurities sensed in the effluent have reached a predetermined upper impurity level, then the PSA process is operated including performing (b) and not (a).

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for treating a carbon-dioxide-containing gas flow, wherein the energy of the vent gas (work and cold due to expansion) is used

Номер: US20120240619A1
Принадлежит: Linde KCA Dresden GmbH

The invention relates to a method and a device for treating a carbon-dioxide-containing gas stream, in particular from a large-scale fired plant, e.g. from a power plant. The precompressed gas stream is separated in a carbon dioxide purification stage into a gas substream having an elevated carbon dioxide content (carbon dioxide product stream) and a gas substream having a decreased carbon dioxide content (vent gas stream). The carbon dioxide product stream is fed to further utilization and/or storage. In particular, by injecting the carbon dioxide underground, the emission of gases harmful to the climate can be reduced. For improving the energy efficiency, it is proposed that the vent gas stream is expanded in at least one expansion turbine and both the resultant kinetic energy and the resultant refrigeration are utilized for energy recovery. For utilizing the kinetic energy, the expansion turbine can be coupled to a compressor (booster) which compresses the crude gas stream and/or the carbon dioxide product stream. For utilizing the refrigeration generated in the expansion, the at least partially expanded vent gas stream can be brought into heat exchange with process streams which are to be cooled, e.g. the crude gas stream and/or the carbon dioxide product stream.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Gas concentrator with removable cartridge adsorbent beds

Номер: US20120266883A1
Принадлежит: Inogen Inc

portable oxygen concentrator designed for medical use where the sieve beds, adsorbers, are designed to be replaced by a patient. The concentrator is designed so that the beds are at least partially exposed to the outside of the system and can be easily released by a simple user-friendly mechanism. Replacement beds may be installed easily by patients, and all gas seals will function properly after installation.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Oxygen enrichment device

Номер: US20120272966A1
Принадлежит: Teijin Pharma Ltd

Disclosed is an oxygen enrichment that can follow changes in adsorption performance in response to changes in the temperature of the usage environment and can reduce power consumption. The oxygen enrichment device has a purge step control means that controls a purge step time to increase/decrease the length of a purge step so as to maximize the oxygen concentration by changing opening/closing timing of a flow-channel switching means while the oxygen enrichment device is running.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Process For The Production Of Hydrogen And Carbon Dioxide

Номер: US20120291485A1

This present invention provides a method to more efficiently recover hydrogen and carbon dioxide, preferably at least 50%, even more preferably at least 75%, and most preferably at least 90% of the carbon dioxide. The present invention further provides the design for capture of at least 80%, carbon dioxide from syngas that allows for the simultaneous production of medium to high amounts of hydrogen in the syngas as a part of the production of hydrogen in a hydrogen generation plant. By using the process of the present invention, especially in terms of a hydrogen generation plant, it is possible to increase recovery of hydrogen and capture of the carbon dioxide in the syngas stream by balancing the recycle of the hydrogen rich permeate from the hydrogen membrane separation units to the process unit and/or the water gas shift as capacity allows when a carbon dioxide separation unit, a carbon dioxide membrane separation unit and two hydrogen membrane separation units are utilized.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Device for drying bulk goods

Номер: US20120324756A1
Автор: Erhard Fux

The invention relates to a device for drying bulk goods, in particular solids, such as granular materials, powders, grains, films, shreds, or the like, preferably plastic granular material. In order to dry the exhaust air flow ( 5 ) exiting the drying silo ( 9 ), the drying silo ( 9 ), through which an air flow flows, is connected by means of a process fan ( 11 ) to a wheel drier ( 1 ) that contains a drying or adsorbing agent and that has a rotatable drum ( 2 ) having radial cells ( 21 ). The individual cells ( 21 ) of the drum ( 2 ) of the wheel drier ( 1 ) are formed by plates, wherein clamping plates ( 24 ) of a cell ( 21 ) lying against the radial outer ( 22 ) and inner ( 23 ) jackets of the drum ( 2 ) have a U-shaped cross-section and are arranged axially on the inner wall. The legs ( 25 ) of the U-shaped clamping plates ( 24 ) are tilted outwardly. Separating plates ( 26 ) are provided as partitions of the individual cells ( 21 ). The separating plates are positioned by the clamping effect of adjacent legs ( 25 ) of two U-shaped clamping plates ( 24 ) lying against each other and seal off the cells from each other.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Oxygen concentrator

Номер: US20130008438A1
Принадлежит: Ikiken Co Ltd, Terumo Corp

To provide an oxygen concentrator that can ensure safety by interrupting oxygen in a case where the oxygen concentrator is exposed to fire or an abnormal high-temperature environment when a user thereof is inhaling oxygen with a cannula. The oxygen concentrator includes: a compressor separating compressed air by compressing raw air; an oxygen outlet for discharging oxygen acquired from the compressed air; a coupler mounted on a tube of a cannula and removably connecting the tube to the oxygen outlet, and moreover having a temperature sensor; and a control unit stopping operation of the compressor to interrupt the supply of oxygen when a temperature sensed by the temperature sensor reaches a predetermined temperature or higher.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Oxygen Concentrator Having Structural Sieve Beds

Номер: US20130031784A1
Принадлежит: Invacare Corp

Embodiments of oxygen concentrators having a sieve bed that includes a vessel filled with a separation medium are disclosed. The sieve bed vessel at least partially supports one chassis component of the oxygen concentrator with respect to another chassis component. of the oxygen concentrator.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Process for separating gases and adsorbent compositions used therein

Номер: US20130036904A1
Принадлежит: Praxair Technology Inc

The present invention relates generally to a composite adsorbent comprising at least a zeolite-containing CO 2 removal adsorbent and 10% or more of a metal oxide having a heat capacity of at least 20 cal/mol-° K (83.7 J/(mol·K). The composite is preferably used in a multi-layered adsorption system in a cyclic adsorption process. The adsorption system comprises two or more layers wherein the first layer is at least a water vapor removal adsorbent, such as activated alumina, and the second layer is the novel composite adsorbent. The adsorption system is preferably used in a PSA prepurification process prior to cryogenic air separation.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Adsorption unit, adsortion device, and method for regenerating thereof

Номер: US20130061756A1

An adsorption unit is provided, including an electrical heating substrate defined with a fluid channel therein, and an adsorptive material layer formed on the electrical heating substrate to contact the fluid channel for adsorbing moisture or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in a gas flow through the fluid channel.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Carbon Dioxide Recovery System

Номер: US20130064720A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

A carbon dioxide recovery system is provided, in which, a filling rate of the carbon dioxide sorbent in the container indicated by f [%] is positive and larger than or equal to the value obtained by the following expression of 100×(p/(RT))×(x−C)/(a×(100+x/r−100×x/(rC)−x)+(p/(RT))×(x−C)), with respect to the effective molar quantity of the captured carbon dioxide per 1 L of the carbon dioxide sorbent (=a) of the carbon dioxide sorbent to be used, wherein a demanded concentration of recovered carbon dioxide is indicated by x [%], and an amount of the captured gases other than carbon dioxide is indicated by r, and a concentration of dried carbon dioxide in a carbon dioxide-containing gas is indicated by C [%], and a total pressure of the carbon dioxide sorbent occurring when carbon dioxide is captured is indicated by p [Pa].

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Dry Air Patient Support System and Method

Номер: US20130067661A1

A patient support system and related method are provided to remove moisture away from a patient and into an interior of a patient support surface. Dry air is circulated through the interior of the support surface to draw away the moisture. Air movers and air dryers are used to circulate and recondition the air in a closed flow path through the patient support surface and back into the air movers and dryers. Alternatively, environmental air may be dried and propelled by the air movers and dryers through the interior of the support surface and discharged back into the environment. 1. A patient support system comprising:a support structure configured to receive a patient thereon, the support structure comprising a support surface having an interior;at least one air mover configured to supply and move air through the interior of the support surface; andat least one air dryer configured to reduce the relative humidity of the supplied air.2. The patient support system of claim 1 , wherein said support surface comprises a cover.3. The patient support system of claim 2 , wherein said cover substantially encloses at least a portion of said support surface.4. The patient support system of claim 1 , wherein said support surface comprises a vapor-permeable material adapted to transfer moisture away from said patient and into said interior of the support surface claim 1 , and wherein said vapor-permeable material is further adapted to restrict airflow therethrough.5. The patient support system of claim 4 , wherein said at least one air mover is adapted to move air in a closed circuit air flow path claim 4 , said closed circuit path including at least a portion of said support surface interior.6. The patient support system of claim 5 , wherein said at least one air mover comprises at least one of a blower claim 5 , a fan claim 5 , and a pump.7. The patient support system of claim 5 , wherein said at least one air dryer is disposed in said closed circuit air flow path claim 5 , ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130068100A1
Автор: MONDELLO Luigi

The present invention refers to a modulator, to be used for comprehensive multidimensional chromatography separations to entrap and release sample solute fractions (entrapped in a capillary loop of fixed or variable volume), deriving from a capillary column with an internal diameter ranging from 0.01 mm to 0.53 mm, onto another capillary column with an internal diameter ranging from 0.01 mm to 0.53 mm. The micro-device has been integrated in a gas chromatographic system, composed of two ovens for the independent temperature control of the two columns; the micro-device is characterized, internally, by a system of channels that enable the controlled splitting of gas flow, entering the second capillary, to generate an optimum gas linear velocity and to release the pressure in excess, with the objective of attaining the maximum separation efficiency in the second column. Furthermore, the system is equipped with a second device, to divide the flow exiting the second column in two different detectors that operate at the same or at different pressures. 1. A device that functions as a modulator for chromatography comprising:a port that receives effluent from a first chromatographic column;either one or two capillary sample loops located externally with respect to said modulator, or either one or two capillary sample loops integrated in said modulator;two independent ports that receive a flow from one or more electronic pressure and/or flow control devices located externally with respect to said modulator;three channels, either integrated or located externally with respect to said modulator, connected to said one or two capillary sample loops and a second column, to split with a needle valve the flow exiting an accumulation capillary loop and to release the pressure in excess within the channels connected to said accumulation capillary loop and in the second column, when emptying said accumulation capillary loop;a needle valve, either integrated or external to the modulator, ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130068102A1

A radioactive iodine removal apparatus applying a radioactive iodine adsorbent according to an embodiment of the present invention includes an iodine filter that is provided in a chamber of a duct to which flue gas containing radioactive iodine is fed, and includes a radioactive iodine adsorbent that adsorbs radioactive iodine contained in the flue gas. The radioactive iodine adsorbent includes a carrier constituting a matrix and an impregnated substance with which the carrier is impregnated. The impregnated substance contains at least TEDA, and an impregnated amount of the TEDA is from 3.0% by mass to less than 10.0% by mass. 1. A radioactive iodine adsorbent for adsorbing radioactive iodine contained in gas to be treated , comprising:a carrier constituting a matrix; andan impregnated substance impregnated on the carrier,wherein the impregnated substance contains at least triethylene diamine, and an impregnated amount of the triethylene diamine is from 3.0% by mass to less than 10.0% by mass.2. The radioactive iodine adsorbent according to claim 1 , wherein the impregnated substance further contains at least one of potassium iodide claim 1 , iodine claim 1 , and silver.3. The radioactive iodine adsorbent according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier is constituted by at least one of activated carbon claim 1 , alumina claim 1 , zeolite claim 1 , silica gel claim 1 , and activated earth.4. The radioactive iodine adsorbent according to claim 1 , wherein a shape of the carrier is granular claim 1 , fibrous claim 1 , or mat-like.5. The radioactive iodine adsorbent according to claim 1 , wherein the gas to be treated is flue gas emitted from an air-conditioning and ventilating system of a nuclear power facility.6. A radioactive iodine removal apparatus that is provided in a duct or a chamber to which gas to be treated containing radioactive iodine is fed claim 1 , the radioactive iodine removal apparatus comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Gas Expansion Cooling Method

Номер: US20130072740A1
Автор: Brandon Paul HILLMAN
Принадлежит: Individual

A gas expansion cooling method for reducing hydrocarbon emissions includes feeding a high pressure cooling gas through a valve, decreasing a temperature of the cooling gas by decreasing its pressure; feeding the cooling gas into a heat exchanger; and diverting a hydrocarbon gas into the heat exchanger such that the cooling gas decreases a temperature of the hydrocarbon gas. The cooling gas may be drawn from a preexisting high pressure gas system that serves a purpose other than supplying a coolant for the gas expansion cooling system. A portion of the hydrocarbon gas may be condensed in the heat exchanger to form a hydrocarbon liquid, which may be separated from the hydrocarbon gas in a separation vessel. The hydrocarbon liquid may be recovered, while the hydrocarbon gas may be fed to a ventilation system.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Device for the adsorption treatment of a fluid or fluid stream

Номер: US20130074689A1
Принадлежит: Clariant Produkte Deutschland GmbH

A device for adsorption treatment of a fluid or fluid stream, comprising a container for receiving adsorber material, wherein the container has a fluid inlet opening and a fluid outlet opening, and two fluid connection devices, wherein one of the fluid connection devices is provided at the fluid inlet opening and the other one of the fluid connection devices is provided at the fluid outlet opening, wherein the fluid connection devices are locked in a fluid-tight manner and are designed in such a way that they can each be connected to a fluid line connector and unlocked and, if they are connected to the respective fluid line connector they can be unlocked or are unlocked.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Layered Solid Sorbents For Carbon Dioxide Capture

Номер: US20130078172A1
Принадлежит: West Virginia University Research Corp

A solid sorbent for the capture and the transport of carbon dioxide gas is provided having at least one first layer of a positively charged material that is polyethylenimine or poly(allylamine hydrochloride), that captures at least a portion of the gas, and at least one second layer of a negatively charged material that is polystyrenesulfonate or poly(acryclic acid), that transports the gas, wherein the second layer of material is in juxtaposition to, attached to, or crosslinked with the first layer for forming at least one bilayer, and a solid substrate support having a porous surface, wherein one or more of the bilayers is/are deposited on the surface of and/or within the solid substrate. A method of preparing and using the solid sorbent is provided.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130078327A1
Автор: Adriansens Eric

A container manufacturing plant () includes an air circuit () employing a recycling method that includes at least the successive steps of: extracting filtered air from an oven (), after the air has been used in the latter, for the purpose of cooling at least one part of the preforms; treating the sterilizing agent present in the extracted air resulting from the sterilization of the preforms; and recycling the extracted and treated air to the industrial area () where the plant () is installed. An air recycling method is also described. 1101214182010161020. An installation () for manufacturing containers () from a preform () made of thermoplastic material , comprising at least one protection chamber () intended to isolate an internal volume () of the installation () from the ambient air contained in industrial premises () where the installation () is located and comprising , arranged in said internal volume () , at least:{'b': 22', '14, 'a device () for decontaminating the preforms () by the application of at least one sterilizing agent,'}{'b': 14', '26', '30', '34', '36', '32', '14, 'a thermal conditioning unit for the preforms () consisting of an oven () comprising heating means () associated with an air cooling device () which comprises means () for filtering the ambient air and ventilation means () specifically for ensuring a cooling of at least a part of the preforms ();'}{'b': 38', '14', '12, 'a unit () for transforming the preforms () into containers (),'}{'b': 54', '20', '16', '56, 'and comprising an extraction system () suitable for extracting, from the internal volume () of the chamber, air charged with sterilizing agent to evacuate it into the atmosphere, outside the industrial premises (), via at least one exhaust duct (),'}{'b': 10', '78', '80', '54', '16', '10, 'characterized in that the installation () comprises an air recycling circuit () comprising treatment means () suitable for eliminating all or part of the sterilizing agent from at least a part of ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Carbon Dioxide Purification

Номер: US20130111949A1
Принадлежит: Lummus Technology Inc

A process for the recovery of carbon dioxide from a gas mixture that includes pretreating a gas mixture comprising carbon dioxide, water vapor, and one or more light gases in a pretreating system to form a cooled gas mixture, fractionating the cooled gas mixture to recover a bottoms fraction comprising carbon dioxide and an overheads fraction comprising carbon dioxide and the light gases, passing the overheads fraction over a membrane selective to carbon dioxide to separate a carbon dioxide permeate from a residue gas comprising the light gases, recycling the carbon dioxide permeate to the pretreating system, and recovering at least a portion of the bottoms fraction as a purified carbon dioxide product stream is described.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Expander and method for co2 separation

Номер: US20130125580A1
Автор: Douglas Carl Hofer
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

In one aspect an expander for separating carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) from a gas stream is presented. The expander includes (a) a housing; (b) at least one rotating component disposed within the housing; (c) at least one inlet disposed in the housing, wherein the inlet is configured to receive the gas stream;(d) at least one first outlet disposed in the housing, wherein the first outlet is configured to discharge a CO 2 rich stream; and (e) at least one second outlet disposed in the housing, wherein the second outlet is configured to discharge a CO 2 lean stream. The expander is configured to cool the gas stream such that a portion of CO 2 in the gas stream forms one or both of solid CO 2 and liquid CO 2 . The expander is further configured to separate at least a portion of one or both of solid CO 2 and liquid CO 2 from the gas stream to form the CO 2 rich stream and the CO 2 lean stream. System and method for separating carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) from a gas stream are also presented

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Gas Purification by Adsorption of Hydrogen Sulfide

Номер: US20130125756A1

Hydrogen sulfide is removed from a hydrogen rich gas stream using adsorbents having a low loss of carbon dioxide adsorption capacity upon sulfur loading including high purity silica gels, titania or highly cross-linked, non-chemically reactive resins. The adsorbents may be used to adsorb both carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, or may be used as a guard bed upstream of a separate carbon dioxide adsorbent. 1. Apparatus for use in purifying hydrogen by removal of impurities from a hydrogen feed gas, said apparatus comprising a flow path for said feed gas containing a first adsorbent in a first adsorbent vessel for adsorbing hydrogen sulfide, said flow path having a feed direction, a second adsorbent in a second adsorbent vessel for adsorbing at least carbon dioxide in said flow path downstream in said feed direction from said first adsorbent vessel, a source of at least one regeneration gas, a regeneration controller for at first intervals directing a regeneration gas from said source of regeneration gas to regenerate said first adsorbent, and for at second intervals directing a regeneration gas from said source of regeneration gas to regenerate said second adsorbent, wherein said first adsorbent is is silica gel, titania, or a cross-linked resin having no ionic groups and no hydrogen sulfide reactive functional groups. This application is a division of application Ser. No. 13/042,879 filed Mar. 8, 2011, which is a division of application Ser. No. 12/174,706 filed on Jul. 17, 2008, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,909,913.Hydrogen production is a multi-million dollar industry supplying high purity hydrogen for chemical producing industries, metals refining, petroleum refiners and other related industries. A typical commercial source for the production of hydrogen is the reforming of natural gas or other methane-rich hydrocarbon streams. The reforming is carried out by reacting the hydrocarbon with steam and/or with oxygen-containing gas (e.g. air or oxygen-enriched air), ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Process for the Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide from a Gas Stream

Номер: US20130129589A1
Автор: HEISEL Michael

The application relates to a process for the removal of hydrogen sulfide from a gas stream by catalytic direct oxidation without employing the combustion step of a Claus process. The process is particularly suitable for desulfurization of gas streams that contain hydrogen and allows sulfur recovery efficiency of better than 99%. 1. A process for the removal of hydrogen sulfide from a gas stream containing hydrogen sulfide by catalytic direct oxidation , which process comprisesa) mixing a gas stream containing hydrogen sulfide with an oxygen containing gas to obtain a gas stream containing both hydrogen sulfide and oxygen,{'sub': '1', 'b) transferring the gas stream containing both hydrogen sulfide and oxygen into a first section of a first reactor, which first section contains a non-cooled adiabatic bed containing a first catalyst which catalyzes the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide with oxygen and the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide with sulfur dioxide, wherein the temperature of the adiabatic bed is T,'}{'sub': 2', '2', '1', '2, 'c) transferring the gas stream from the first section of the first reactor to a second section of the first reactor, which second section contains a second catalyst which is different from the first catalyst and which second section is kept at a temperature Twherein T≦Tand Tis higher than the dew point temperature of elemental sulfur and not higher than 300° C. whereby a gas stream depleted in hydrogen sulfide is obtained,'}d) transferring the gas stream depleted in hydrogen sulfide to a sulfur condenser to obtain a gas stream depleted in sulfur,e) transferring the gas stream depleted in sulfur into the first section of a second reactor, which first section contains the same catalyst as the first section of the first reactor, wherein the first section of the second reactor is kept at a temperature that is above the dew point of the elemental sulfur so that in the first section of the second reactor no elemental sulfur precipitates as liquid or ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Combustible Gas Enrichment Apparatus

Номер: US20130136660A1
Принадлежит: OSAKA GAS CO., LTD.

In order to provide a technique for enriching a combustible gas that allows enrichment of the combustible gas to a higher concentration in an efficient manner with minimization of loss of a source material, there are provided an adsorption tower charged with an adsorbent, a feeding/discharging means for feeding a source gas containing a combustible gas and air, a collecting means for desorbing the combustible gas adsorbed to the adsorbent and collecting the desorbed gas, a controlling means for sequentially effecting a combustible gas adsorption process and a combustible gas desorption process, a detecting means for detecting the concentration of the combustible gas in the source gas, and an operation condition setting section for varying an adsorption completion timing for the controlling means to complete the adsorption process, based on the combustible gas concentration detected by the detecting means. 1. A combustible gas enrichment apparatus comprising:an adsorption tower charged with an adsorbent for adsorbing a combustible gas;a feeding/discharging means for feeding a source gas containing the combustible gas and air to the adsorption tower via a feeding passage and discharging an offgas which is the portion of the source gas not adsorbed to the adsorbent to the outside of the adsorption tower via a discharging passage;a collecting means for desorbing the combustible gas adsorbed to the adsorbent by depressurizing the inside of the adsorption tower to a subatmospheric pressure and collecting the desorbed combustible gas through a collecting passage; anda controlling means for sequentially effecting a combustible gas adsorption process for causing the feeding/discharging means to feed the source gas to the adsorption tower and to discharge the offgas from the adsorption tower and a combustible gas desorption process for causing the collecting means to desorb and collect the combustible gas by the collecting means;wherein the enrichment apparatus further ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139683A1
Принадлежит: ADA-ES, INC.

The present disclosure is directed to a dense-phase additive transportation system for additive injection into a contaminated gas stream. 1. A method , comprising:transporting, by dense-phase pneumatic conveyance, an additive from a transport storage vessel to one or more injectors positioned in a contaminated gas stream; andinjecting the additive into the contaminated gas stream to cause removal of a contaminant.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the contaminated gas stream is derived from combustion of a high alkali claim 1 , high iron claim 1 , and/or high sulfur coal claim 1 , wherein the contaminant is one or more of a sulfur oxide claim 1 , a nitrogen oxide claim 1 , hydrogen sulfide claim 1 , hydrochloric acid claim 1 , hydrofluoric acid claim 1 , mercury claim 1 , a halogen claim 1 , a particulate claim 1 , and a carbon oxide claim 1 , and wherein the additive is a sorbent that is one or more of an alkaline material claim 1 , powdered activated carbon claim 1 , trona claim 1 , a halogen claim 1 , a halide claim 1 , and a metal oxide.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:conveying, by dilute-phase pneumatic conveyance, additive from a storage vessel and/or hopper to an injection transport vessel; andtransporting the additive from the injection transport vessel to the transport storage vessel.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein a superficial operating gas flow velocity during dilute-phase pneumatic conveyance is at least the saltation velocity and claim 3 , during dense-phase pneumatic conveyance claim 3 , is less than the saltation velocity.5. A system comprising:a transport storage vessel to store an additive;one or more injectors configured to introduce the additive into a contaminated gas stream to cause removal of a contaminant; anda conduit in fluid communication with the transport storage vessel and the one or more injectors and configured to transport, by dense-phase pneumatic conveyance, the additive from the transport storage vessel to the one ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Hydrogen production system and method of controlling flow rate of offgas in the system

Номер: US20130139684A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Seika Chemicals Co Ltd

A hydrogen manufacturing system for performing offgas flow control includes: a vaporizer ( 1 ) for heating a material mixture containing a hydrocarbon material; a reforming reactor ( 2 ) for generating hydrogen-containing reformed gas by reforming reactions of the material; a PSA separator ( 5 ) for repeating a cycle of adsorption and desorption, where in the adsorption PSA separation is performed with an adsorption tower loaded with an adsorbent to adsorb unnecessary components in the reformed gas and extract hydrogen-enriched gas out of the tower, and in the desorption the offgas containing the unnecessary components from the adsorbent and remaining hydrogen is discharged from the tower; and a buffer tank ( 6 ) for holding the offgas before supplying to the vaporizer. The offgas flow supply from the tank ( 6 ) to the vaporizer is changed continuously over time when the cycle time is changed according to load change on the separator ( 5 ).

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130145933A1

An apparatus for separation of gases from ambient air that has at least one separation column containing an adsorbent with an inlet at a first end and an outlet at a second end, a buffer column containing an adsorbent and having a single inlet at a first end, a vacuum pump, and a valve system that connects the vacuum pump to the outlet at the first end of the separation column, and that connects the outlet at the second end of the separation column to the single inlet at the first end of the buffer column. 1. An apparatus for separation of gases from ambient air , the apparatus comprising:at least one separation column containing an adsorbent, the separation column containing an inlet at a first end and an outlet at a second end;a buffer column containing an adsorbent and having a single inlet at a first end;a vacuum pump;a valve system that connects the vacuum pump to the inlet at the first end of the separation column, and that connects the outlet at the second end of separation column to the single inlet at the first end of the buffer column.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one separation column and the buffer column contain an adsorbent having a high capacity for nitrogen adsorption.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one separation column and the buffer column contain an adsorbent having a total combined volume of less than 500 cc.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vacuum pump operates at a pressure of about 0.08 atm to about 1.0 atm.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a battery pack connected to the separator for providing power to operate the separator and valve system.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of separations columns, each of the columns containing an inlet at a first end and an outlet at a second end, and wherein the valve system connects the vacuum pump to the inlet at the first end of each of the plurality of separation columns, and that connects the outlet at the ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160644A1
Принадлежит: Bry Air PVT. LTD.

A method and apparatus for energy-efficient desiccant dehumidification of air or other gases to low humidity levels is disclosed. The method and apparatus includes a desiccant rotor (wheel) having more than one dehumidification zone or sector. Separate dehumidification sectors may be used to dehumidify separate air or gas streams, or they may be used to dehumidify a single air or gas stream by passing it through more than one sector. All or a portion of the discharge air or gas from a dehumidification sector is used for all or a portion of reactivation inlet air or gas prior to heating. The desiccant wheel may include more than one reactivation sector, with separate air or gas sources for each sector. The desiccant wheel may include a purge sector between the reactivation and dehumidification sectors to improve the thermal efficiency of the dehumidification process. 11323333343623. Dehumidifier apparatus of the solid desiccant type comprising a desiccant wheel () and wheel drive , a housing with internal baffles and air seals proximate to the wheel face to create plenums or sectors and prevent air from leaking between adjacent sectors , to create three paths for air to pass through the wheel; the sectors being sequentially a reactivation sector () to dry the desiccant to a low equilibrium relative humidity , a process sector () to dry return air from the process and makeup air received from an outside air sector () , the outside air sector () to dehumidify another airstream () , to provide makeup air () for the process sector () and all the air for the reactivation sector ().21. Dehumidifier apparatus according to wherein said desiccant wheel () is positioned such that the process airflow and the reactivation airflow pass through the desiccant wheel in the same direction and the outside airflow and reactivation airflow pass through the desiccant wheel in opposite directions.3. Dehumidifier apparatus according to in which the process airflow and the outside airflow ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160652A1
Автор: Yuasa Akiko
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A sheet-shaped gas adsorbent according to the present invention is composed of at least a thermoplastic resin and copper ion-exchanged ZSM-5 type zeolite (), and typically represented by, for example, a single layer sheet-shaped gas adsorbent (), which is configured of dispersing the copper ion-exchanged ZSM-5 type zeolite () in the thermoplastic resin sheet (). Also, the insulating body according to the present invention comprises a sheet-shaped gas adsorbent having the aforementioned configuration, and typically represented by, for example, a configuration, in which a core member and a sheet-shaped gas adsorbent are covered with a sheath member. 1. A sheet-shaped gas adsorbent ,composed of at least: a thermoplastic resin; and ZSM-5 (Zeolite Socony Mobil-#5) type zeolite configured by an ion exchange with copper ion.2. The sheet-shaped gas adsorbent according to claim 1 ,wherein a blending quantity of said ZSM-5 type zeolite configured by the ion exchange with copper ion may be equal to or lower than 40 parts by weight (pbw) over 100 pbw of said thermoplastic resin.3. The sheet-shaped gas adsorbent according to claim 1 ,wherein said thermoplastic resin is blended with at least said ZSM-5 type zeolite and is thermally formed to a sheet-like shape, andwherein the temperature of the thermoplastic resin in said thermally forming is equal to or lower than a heating upper limit temperature, which is higher than the softening point of the thermoplastic resin by 60 degrees C.4. The sheet-shaped gas adsorbent according to claim 3 ,wherein said ZSM-5 type zeolite configured by the ion exchange with copper ion is subjected to a thermal drying processing in advance before being blended to said thermoplastic resin and thermally formed to the sheet-like shape.5. The sheet-shaped gas adsorbent according to claim 3 ,wherein said ZSM-5 type zeolite configured by the ion exchange with copper ion is subjected to a vacuum thermal processing in advance before being blended to said ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167725A1

Disclosed is a dry COcapturing device using multi sorbents so as to maintain the sorption rate for exhaust gas containing CO. The dry carbon dioxide (CO) capturing device comprises at least two dry carbon dioxide (CO) capturing parts comprising: a first and second recovery reactors and to recover COby contacting a solid sorbent with exhaust gas; a first and second recovery cyclones and connected to the recovery reactors; a first and second regenerators and connected to the recovery cyclones; and a first and second pre-treatment reactors and connected to the regenerators through sorbent supply lines. The first and second dry carbon dioxide (CO) capturing parts are connected to each other so as to feed an isolated gas, which is separated with the solid sorbent in the first recovery cyclone of the first dry COcapturing part, to the second dry COcapturing part through the exhaust gas supply line, and different solid sorbents are used in the first and second COcapturing parts. 1. A dry carbon dioxide (CO) capturing device which includes at least two (a first and second) dry carbon dioxide (CO) capturing parts comprising:{'sub': 2', '2, 'a first and second recovery reactors to recover COby contacting a solid sorbent with exhaust gas, which is fed from outside through an exhaust gas supply line and contains CO;'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'a first and second recovery cyclones connected to the recovery reactors to discharge a gas while separating the solid sorbent capturing CO(‘CO-captured solid sorbent’) only;'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'a first and second regenerators connected to the recovery cyclones to receive the CO-captured solid sorbent and separate COcaptured in the solid sorbent through a fluidized gas; and'}{'sub': '2', 'a first and second pre-treatment reactors connected to the regenerators through sorbent supply lines to cool the solid sorbent free from COand feedback the cooled solid sorbent to the recovery reactors,'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'wherein the first and second dry carbon ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130171049A1

A method and apparatus for sequestering carbon dioxide from a waste gas and reusing it as a recycled gas without emissions concerns, including: given a gas source divided into a process gas and a waste gas: mixing the process gas with a hydrocarbon and feeding a resulting feed gas into a reformer for reforming the feed gas and forming a reducing gas; and feeding at least a portion of the waste gas into a carbon dioxide scrubber for removing at least some carbon dioxide from the waste gas and forming a carbon dioxide lean gas that is mixed with the reducing gas. Optionally, the method also includes feeding at least a portion of the waste gas into the carbon dioxide scrubber for removing at least some carbon dioxide from the waste gas and forming a fuel gas after the addition of a hydrocarbon that is fed into the reformer. Optionally, the gas source and the reducing gas are associated with a direct reduction process for converting iron oxide to metallic iron in a reduction furnace that utilizes the reducing gas, optionally after some modification, and produces the gas source. 1. A method for sequestering carbon dioxide from a top gas fuel , comprising: mixing the process gas with a hydrocarbon and feeding a resulting reformer feed gas into a reformer for reforming the reformer feed gas and forming a reducing gas; and', 'feeding at least a portion of the top gas fuel into a carbon dioxide scrubber for removing at least some carbon dioxide from the top gas fuel and forming a carbon dioxide lean gas that is selectively mixed with the reducing gas;, 'given a top gas divided into a process gas and a top gas fuelwherein a ratio of the process gas to the top gas fuel is responsive to available heat in the reformer to which the reformer feed gas is fed; andwherein the ratio of the process gas to the top gas fuel is a first relatively lower ratio when the carbon dioxide lean gas is fully utilized for mixing with the reducing gas and is a second relatively higher ratio when the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Modified Carbonic Anhydrase Enzymes and Their Use in Carbon Dioxide Sequestration and Elimination

Номер: US20130171720A1

Disclosed herein are modified carbonic anhydrase enzymes, and a process of using same for the extraction, production and purification of carbon dioxide gas. More particularly, modified carbonic anhydrase enzymes are used for the production, purification of carbon dioxide and the products of the hydration reaction, hydrogen and bicarbonate ions Also, this technology is used to enhance the production of carbon dioxide in blood or in reverse osmosis desalination to remove carbon dioxide. Specifically, the invention relates to a modified carbonic anhydrase enzyme possessing improved activity and a process whereby immobilized modified carbonic anhydrase contained within a reactor device catalyzes the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide. 1. A process for removing an amount of carbon dioxide , bicarbonate , or carbonate from solution , said process comprising: contacting the solution with a catalyst specific for carbon dioxide to accelerate a conversion of the solubilized carbon dioxide , bicarbonate or , carbonate to carbon dioxide , wherein said catalyst is MCA.2. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising: adding a base forming bicarbonate ions from the carbon dioxide.3. The process according to claim 2 , further comprising: adding a base to form carbonate ions.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the mineral ion is selected from the group consisting of sodium cations claim 1 , calcium cations and magnesium cations.5. The process according to claim 4 , wherein the precipitate is selected from the group consisting of a carbonate salt and a bicarbonate salt.6. A process of removing an amount of carbon dioxide claim 4 , said process comprising: placing the carbon dioxide into solution by passing the gaseous stream through a gas diffusion membrane to produce a carbon dioxide solution; accelerating a conversion of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate by passing the carbon dioxide solution over a matrix that contains MCA; and adding a mineral ion to form a ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174730A1
Автор: Kayser Kenneth W.

An energy recovery ventilator system includes a belt partially located in each of a first chamber and a second chamber. First and second desiccant units are positioned on the belt. At least some of the first desiccant units are in the first chamber at a first relative humidity, causing air received in the first chamber to achieve a first air humidity. At least some of the second desiccant units are in the second chamber at a second relative humidity, the second relative humidity being caused by the air received in the first chamber. The second relative humidity is modified to the first relative humidity by air passing through the second chamber, the air achieving a second air humidity. A controller causes the belt to move second desiccant units from the second chamber to the first chamber when the first air humidity fails to comply with a specific air humidity. 1. An energy recovery ventilator system comprising:a first chamber and a second chamber;a moving belt having a first portion positioned in the first chamber and a second portion positioned in the second chamber;a plurality of desiccant units positioned on the moving belt, the desiccant units including a plurality of first desiccant units and a plurality of second desiccant units, each of the desiccant units being in a saturated stated,the first desiccant units being located in the first chamber at a first relative humidity and causing air received in the first chamber to achieve a first air humidity, andthe second desiccant units being located in the second chamber at a second relative humidity, the second relative humidity being caused by the air received in the first chamber, the second desiccant units being modified back to the first relative humidity by air passing through the second chamber, the air passing through the second chamber achieving a second air humidity; anda controller communicatively coupled to the moving belt and operable to cause movement of the moving belt, the controller causing the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Dual purpose dessicant and recovery wheel

Номер: US20130174733A1
Автор: Ilye Meldrum
Принадлежит: Carrier Corp

A thermal energy recovery and humidity control system includes a rotating member including a desiccant material located to rotate across a supply air stream and a return airstream. A variable-speed drive element is operably connected to the rotating member to change a rotational speed of the rotating member to allow for switching between thermal energy recovery operation and humidity control operation of the system. A method of climate control includes rotating a desiccant member across both a supply air stream and a return airstream of a climate control system. The desiccant member is rotated at a first rotational speed to transfer thermal energy from the supply air stream to the return air stream. The desiccant member is rotated at a second rotational speed different than the first rotational speed to reduce humidity of the supply air stream.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Treatment Apparatus for Evaporated Fuel

Номер: US20130183207A1

A treatment apparatus for evaporated fuel including tank port, a purge port, an atmosphere port, a channel communicating the tank port or the purge port and the atmosphere port, and plural adsorption chambers having adsorbent therein, which adsorbing and desorbing a fuel component of evaporated fuel, wherein the adsorption chamber closest to the atmosphere port has a major diameter portion filled with the adsorbent over all a cross section of the charmed a projecting portion projecting from the major diameter portion toward the atmosphere port and filled with the adsorbent, and a space portion between the projecting portion and an inner wall of the channel and not filled with the adsorbent, and end surfaces of the major diameter portion and the projecting portion on the atmosphere port side are breathable so as to control temperature drop in activated carbon and to thereby enhance bleed emission performance. 1. A treatment apparatus for evaporated fuel comprising: a tank port; a purge port; an atmosphere port; a channel that communicates the tank port or the purge port and the atmosphere port; and , a plurality of adsorption chambers having adsorbent placed therein , the adsorbent adsorbing and desorbing a fuel component of evaporated fuel ,wherein said adsorption chamber positioned closest to said atmosphere port has: a major diameter portion filled with said adsorbent over all a cross section of said channel; a projecting portion that projects from said major diameter portion toward said atmosphere port and is filled with said adsorbent; and, a space portion that is formed between said projecting portion and an inner wall of said channel and is not filled with said adsorbent, andend surfaces of said major diameter portion and said projecting portion on the atmosphere port side are breathable.2. The treatment apparatus for evaporated fuel according to claim 1 , wherein a partition wall is provided between said projecting portion and said space portion so as to ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183221A1
Принадлежит: National Central University

A preparation method of nano-gold catalysts supported on copper oxide-cerium oxide (CuO—CeO) and a process of preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide by oxygen in hydrogen stream with the nano-gold catalysts are disclosed. CuO—CeOis prepared by either coprecipitation or incipient-wetness impregnation method, and gold is deposited thereon by deposition-precipitation. After adding CuO into Au/CeO, the interaction between the nano-gold and the support is increased, thereby enhancing the stability of the gold particle and the activity of the catalysts. Preferential oxidation of CO in hydrogen stream (with Oexisting) over these catalysts is carried out in a fixed bed reactor. The O/CO ratio should be between 0.5 and 4. The catalyst is applied to remove CO (to lower than 10 ppm) in hydrogen stream in fuel cell to prevent from poisoning of the electrode of the fuel cell. 1. A preparation method of nano-gold catalysts supported on copper oxide-cerium oxide (CuO—CeO) , comprising steps of:{'sub': '2', 'preparing copper oxide-cerium (CuO—CeO) by impregnation method or coprecipitation method;'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'preparing an oxide support of CuO—CeOby coprecipitation method or incipient-wetness impregnation method, wherein in the coprecipitation method, copper nitriate and cerium nitriate powders are added into water to form a solution, ammonia water is slowly added to precipitate CuO—CeO, the CuO—CeOprecipitate is calcined in air at a temperature between 200° C. and 400° C. for 2-10 hours; and the calcined CuO—CeOprecipitate is ground to obtain CuO—CeOpowder; or in the incipient-wetness impregnation method, copper nitriate powder is added into water to form a solution, the copper nitriate solution is dropped into CeOand then stirred, the mixture is calcined in air at a temperature between 200° C. and 400° C. for 2-10 hours to obtain CuO—CeOpowder; and'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'depositing gold particles on the oxide support of CuO—CeOby deposition- ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186277A1
Автор: FUJIOKA Yuji
Принадлежит: SEIBU GIKEN CO., LTD.

An adsorption rotor has a surface layer which can be detached and replaced when performance degrades. A metal aggregate is extended in the width direction of the rotor element so that attachment-and-detachment adsorption rotor elements can be attached thereto using bolts and a perimeter griddle fixing bracket, thus resulting in protecting an upper part of the integral-type adsorption rotor element. In this way, the weight of the attachment-and-detachment adsorption rotor elements can be made light, resulting in them being fixable only using bolts, without special tools or skilled technicians. Moreover, because the detachment-and-replacement procedures can be performed from a rotor spindle side, thus from inside of a chamber, a heavy industrial machine is not required. 1. An adsorption rotor comprising:a boss;a fixed honeycomb-shaped adsorption element having a fixed state to the boss; andan attachable and detachable honeycomb element, which can be detached and replaced, the attachable and detachable honeycomb element being divided into two or more fan-shaped sectors which are each formed more thinly than the fixed honeycomb-shaped adsorption element, whereinthe fixed honeycomb-shaped adsorption element has an aggregate made of metal to which the fan-shaped sectors of the attachable and detachable honeycomb element can be installed.2. The adsorption rotor according to claim 1 , whereinthe adsorption rotor adsorbs a substance from a process gas,the process gas enters a process gas entrance side of the adsorption rotor, andthe fan-shaped sectors of the attachable and detachable honeycomb element are located so as to form a surface of the process gas entrance side of the adsorption rotor.3. The adsorption rotor according to claim 1 , whereinthe adsorption rotor desorbs a substance by passing a reprocessing gas through the adsorption rotor,the reprocessing gas enters a reprocessing gas entrance side of the adsorption rotor, andthe fan-shaped sectors of the attachable and ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130189175A1

The present disclosure relates to a polymer material comprising mesopores extending between melamine-formaldehyde co-polymer nano-particles and wherein micropores extend within the co-polymer nano-particles, methods of producing the same and uses thereof. 1. A polymer material comprising mesopores disposed between melamine-formaldehyde co-polymer nano-particles and wherein micropores extend within the co-polymer nano-particles.2. The polymer material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polymer material has a surface area of at least 300 m/g claim 1 , at least 600 m/g claim 1 , or in the range of 600 m/g to 1200 m/g.34.-. (canceled)5. The polymer material of claim 1 , wherein the melamine-formaldehyde co-polymers are composed of repeating units of monomers which have a ring structure claim 1 , preferably the amine functional groups extend around the periphery of each monomer ring structure claim 1 , optionally in each monomer ring structure claim 1 , an alkyl bridge extends between a pair of melamine groups claim 1 , preferably wherein the alkyl bridge is a methyl claim 1 , more preferably three melamine groups are provided in each monomer ring structure claim 1 , optionally the total pore volume of the mesopores and the micropores is in the range of 0.7 cm/g to 3.5 cm/g claim 1 , more preferably the total pore volume of the micropores is in the range of 0.06 cm/g to 0.21 cm/g.611.-. (canceled)12. The polymer material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the size of said mesopores is in the range of 5 nm to 50 nm claim 1 , or of 5 nm to 20 nm.1314.-. (canceled)15. A sorbent material for adsorbing gas comprising the polymer material as claimed in .16. A sorbent material for adsorbing gas comprising an agglomeration of melamine-formaldehyde co-polymer nano-particles with mesopores extending between said nano-particles and wherein micropores extend within the nano-particles.17. The sorbent material as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the sorbent material exhibits the ability to ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and a cleaning system for cleaning industrially produced components

Номер: US20130192646A1
Автор: Reiner Wittendorfer

In order to recover the resources (cleaning agent, heat) contained in the cleaning agent vapors suctioned off a cleaning system for cleaning industrially produced components, it is proposed to guide the suctioned-off waste air ({dot over (V)} ab ) in a recovery device ( 5 ) through a heat register ( 9 ) of a refrigeration device ( 6 ) and thereby to heat it substantially to the temperature of the waste air ({dot over (V)} ab ), and to supply the waste air ({dot over (V)} ab ) heated and dried in this manner to the cleaning chamber ( 2 ) in the region of a bulkhead door ( 16 ) as preheated dried supply air ({dot over (V)} zu ).

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Mixed salt co2 sorbent, process for making and uses thereof

Номер: US20130195742A1
Принадлежит: Research Triangle Institute

The invention relates to a mixed salt composition which is useful as a CO 2 sorbent. The mixed salt composition comprises a Mg salt, and at least one Group IA element salt, where the Mg and Group IA element are present at a molar ratio of from 3:1 to 8:1. The resulting composition can adsorb about 20% or more of CO2 in a gas. Via varying the molar ratios of the components, and the Group IA element, one can develop compositions which show optional functionality at different conditions. The composition is especially useful in the adsorptive capture of CO 2 on mobile sources, such as transportation vehicles, where it can be recovered during regeneration of the adsorbent composition and the CO 2 used as a coolant gas, as a reactant in manufacture of fuel, and so forth.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130205828A1

A method for integrating a liquefied natural gas liquefier system with production of liquefied natural gas from a methane-containing gas stream. The liquefied natural gas is produced by feeding a methane-containing gas stream through a heat exchanger to a distillation column and liquefying the natural gas while capturing the gaseous nitrogen. The liquefied natural gas is captured and the nitrogen gas is recovered, fed through the heat exchanger to recover cold and purified. 1. A method for purifying a methane-containing gas comprising the steps of:a) feeding a feedstream of methane-containing gas to a first pressure swing adsorption unit to remove contaminants from said methane-containing gas;b) feeding said methane-containing gas to a guard bed wherein further contaminants are removed from said methane-containing gas;c) feeding said methane-containing gas to a temperature swing adsorption unit to remove carbon dioxide; andd) recovering purified methane-containing gas.2. The method as claimed in wherein said methane-containing gas is selected from the group consisting of biogas and landfill gas.3. The method as claimed in where said methane-containing gas is compressed prior to feeding to said pressure swing adsorption unit.4. The method as claimed in wherein said pressure swing adsorption unit contains adsorbents to remove contaminants from said methane-containing gas.5. The method as claimed in wherein said methane-containing gas is first fed to a separator to removed condensates and particles.6. The method as claimed in wherein said contaminants removed by said pressure swing adsorption unit are selected from the group consisting of hydrogen sulfide claim 1 , water claim 1 , non-methane organic compounds and carbon dioxide.7. The method as claimed in wherein said contaminants are destroyed by a thermal oxidizer.8. The method as claimed in wherein a portion of methane-containing gas recovered from said pressure swing adsorption unit is fed back to a line feeding ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130205997A1

The invention relates to a method for operating a plant () for on-site production of medical gas, such as air or oxygen, comprising a main gas line () comprising, in series, a first vessel (A) for storing gas and a second vessel (B) for storing purified gas, and a secondary line () fluidically connected to the main line (), downstream of the first vessel (A) for storing gas, and comprising a third vessel (C) for storing gas, the main gas line () and the secondary line () each supplying at least one gas consumer site (), in particular a network of pipes in a hospital. 1100. An on-site medical gas production plant () , comprising:{'b': '50', 'a gas purification unit () adapted to produce a purified gas from a supply gas,'}{'b': 10', '10, 'a main gas line () supplied with a gas by the gas purification unit () and comprising, in series, a first vessel (A) for storing a less pure gas and a second vessel (B) for storing a purified gas, and'}{'b': 20', '10, 'a secondary line () fluidically connected to the main line (), downstream of the first vessel (A) for storing the less pure gas and comprising a third vessel (C) for storing gas,'}{'b': 1', '2, 'at least one gas analysis device (D; D) arranged so as to determine the level of at least one given impurity in the gas, downstream of the second (B) and third (C) vessels,'}{'b': 1', '10, 'a first solenoid valve (V), arranged on the main gas line () between the first vessel (A) for storing the less pure gas and a second vessel (B) for storing the purified gas,'}{'b': 3', '20, 'a second solenoid valve (V), arranged on the secondary gas line () between the first vessel (A) and the third vessel (C) for storing gas,'}{'b': 2', '10, 'a third solenoid valve (V), arranged on the main gas line () downstream of the second vessel (B) for storing the purified gas,'}{'b': 4', '20, 'a fourth solenoid valve (V), arranged on the secondary gas line () downstream of the third vessel (C) for storing gas, and'}{'b': 4', '1', '4', '1', '2, 'an ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Air Dryer Cartridge and Method for Operating an Air Dryer Cartridge

Номер: US20130206003A1
Автор: HILBERER Eduard

An air dryer cartridge is provided for a compressed air supply system, in particular a compressed air supply system of a commercial vehicle, with a drying agent box which is filled with a drying agent. The drying agent box can be coupled in an axial direction to a connecting flange of the compressed air supply system. A seal, which is designed as a non-return valve and, in the fitted state of the air dryer cartridge, acts in a sealing manner between the drying agent box and the connecting flange, is arranged on the drying agent box. A method for operating the air dryer cartridge on the compressed air supply system is also provided. 1. An air dryer cartridge for a compressed air supply system of a vehicle , comprising:a desiccant box filled with a desiccant, the desiccant box being coupleable in an axial direction to a connecting flange of the compressed air supply system;a seal arranged on the desiccant box, the seal being operatively configured as a non-return valve which, when the air dryer cartridge is in a mounted state, exerts a sealing-off action between the desiccant box and the connecting flange; andwherein the seal has a U-shaped cross-sectional profile, at least one leg of which provides a flexible lip.2. The air dryer cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein the flexible lip of the seal is movable in a radial direction perpendicular to an axial direction in order to provide the non-return valve functionality.3. The air dryer cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein the seal defines a plane perpendicular to an axial direction claim 1 , a region serving as an oil sump being arranged in the plane spaced radially apart from the seal.4. The air dryer cartridge according to claim 2 , wherein the seal defines a plane perpendicular to an axial direction claim 2 , a region serving as an oil sump being arranged in the plane spaced radially apart from the seal.5. The air dryer cartridge according to claim 3 , wherein the oil sump is arranged in the region of the ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for vacuum pressure swing adsorption with temporary storage

Номер: US20130206004A1
Автор: Matthias Grahl
Принадлежит: Linde GmbH

Adsorptive decomposition of a gas mixture is performed by vacuum pressure swing adsorption. The gas mixture is condensed to the adsorption pressure by means of at least one condenser prior to being fed into the vacuum pressure swing adsorption process. Regeneration of the adsorber(s) is carried out by means of at least one vacuum pump. The condensed gas mixture ( 1, 5, 6 ) is at least periodically and/or at least partially temporarily stored (S1) and/or fed to a consumer at those times when no gas mixture is being fed to the vacuum pressure swing adsorption process; and/or at least one of the vacuum pumps (P) that is not required for the regeneration is used at least occasionally for another application at those times when no regeneration of the adsorber or an adsorber (A, A′) is being carried out.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for Preparing Carbon Dioxide Absorbent Based on Natural Biomass and Carbon Dioxide Absorbent Based on Natural Biomass Prepared by the Same

Номер: US20130207033A1
Принадлежит: Korea Institute of Energy Research KIER

A method for preparing a carbon dioxide absorbent based on natural biomass, and a carbon dioxide absorbent based on natural biomass that is prepared by the method. The method utilizes alkali metal or alkaline earth metal components, such as Ca, Ma and K, inherent to a natural plant biomass material. The method can provide a carbon dioxide absorbent with improved performance in an environmentally friendly manner at greatly reduced cost.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213234A1
Принадлежит: OXUS AMERICA, INC.

An oxygen concentrator system includes a portable unit and a base unit. The portable unit includes an air separation device. The base unit includes a vacuum pump. The portable unit is moveable with respect to the base unit between a connected position, in which the vacuum pump of the base unit is connected to the air separation device of the portable unit for applying vacuum pressure at the air separation device of the portable unit, and a disconnected position, in which the vacuum pump is not connected to the air separation device of the portable unit. The air separation device operates using a vacuum pressure swing adsorption (VPSA) cycle when the portable unit is in the connected position. The air separation device operates using a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) cycle when the portable unit is in the disconnected position. 1. An oxygen concentrator system , comprising:a portable unit including an air separation device; anda base unit including a vacuum pump, wherein the portable unit is moveable with respect to the base unit between a connected position, in which the vacuum pump of the base unit is connected to the air separation device of the portable unit for applying vacuum pressure at the air separation device of the portable unit, and a disconnected position, in which the vacuum pump is not connected to the air separation device of the portable unit, and the air separation device operates using a vacuum pressure swing adsorption cycle when the portable unit is in the connected position, and the air separation device operates using a pressure swing adsorption cycle when the portable unit is in the disconnected position.2. The oxygen concentrator system of claim 1 , wherein the air separation device includes at least one sieve bed having an adsorbent material disposed therein.3. The oxygen concentrator system of claim 1 , wherein the portable unit includes a first vacuum port in communication with the air separation device claim 1 , and the base unit includes ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Portable Oxygen Enrichment Device and Method of Use

Номер: US20130216627A1

Lightweight, small, portable devices and methods are disclosed that provide oxygen-enriched air using an ultra rapid adsorption cycle based on advanced molecular sieve materials. 1. A device for oxygen enrichment , comprising:{'b': '129', 'a compressor ();'}{'b': 113', '125, 'an optional air storage vessel () having a system purge valve ();'}{'b': '111', 'at least one pressure swing adsorption unit ();'}{'b': '117', 'an oxygen purge storage vessel ();'}{'b': 119', '137, 'an oxygen bolus storage vessel () having a pressure sensor ();'}{'b': '103', 'an optional oxygen delivery button and nozzle assembly ();'}at least one power source;{'b': '131', 'electronic control unit ();'}{'b': '109', 'an optional charging port ();'}{'b': 129', '113', '113', '111, 'a first passageway (A) connecting said compressor () and said air storage vessel (); a second passageway (B) connecting said air storage vessel () and said pressure swing adsorption unit ();'}{'b': 111', '117, 'a third passageway (C) connecting said pressure swing adsorption unit () and said oxygen purge storage vessel ();'}{'b': 117', '119, 'a fourth passageway (D) connecting said oxygen purge storage vessel () and said oxygen bolus storage vessel ();'}{'b': 119', '103, 'a fifth passageway (E) connecting said oxygen bolus storage vessel () and said delivery nozzle ();'}{'b': 123', '111, 'a first pressure swing adsorption valve () associated with said second passageway (B), pressure swing adsorption unit (), and exhaust to ambient pressure;'}wherein said first pressure swing adsorption valve is a three-way valve or two two-way valves.{'b': 120', '111', '117, 'a restrictor assembly () positioned between said pressure swing adsorption unit () and said oxygen purge storage vessel () and connected to said third passageway (C);'}wherein said restrictor assembly is a separate component or a part of said pressure swing adsorption unit;{'b': 135', '117', '119, 'a check valve/restrictor () positioned between said oxygen purge ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Inline Water Trap

Номер: US20130220129A1
Принадлежит: Criticare Systems, Inc.

An inline water trap including a filter component and a panel connector configured to interface with a patient gas monitor. In one embodiment the inline water trap indicates to the patient gas monitor that it is in place and that the patient gas monitor may begin intaking and analyzing the filtered patient sample. The inline water trap receives a patient sample and filters water and contaminants from the sample before allowing the remaining gas portion of the sample to pass through to the patient gas monitor, thereby protecting the patient gas monitor from damage. One embodiment of the inline water trap additionally contains an RFID tag to indicate to the patient gas monitor that the correct type of inline water trap is engaged. 1. An inline water trap comprising:a filter component defining a bore, the filter component including a filter body including a filter inlet and a filter outlet in fluid communication through the bore, the bore having a bore diameter;a hydrophilic filter element having a diameter substantially equal to the bore diameter being disposed within the bore, the hydrophilic filter element allowing gas to pass through the bore while preventing at least one of water and contaminants from passing through the bore.2. The inline water trap of wherein the filter component includes a bore wall defining a shoulder portion proximate a bore outlet claim 1 , wherein a portion of the hydrophilic filter element rests against the shoulder portion when disposed within the bore.3. The inline water trap of wherein the shoulder includes at least one ridge positioned proximate the bore outlet claim 2 , the ridge extending outward into the bore and engaging the hydrophilic filter element when the hydrophilic filter element is disposed within the bore.4. The inline water trap of wherein the bore includes a bore inlet claim 2 , the bore inlet and shoulder portion each having a diameter claim 2 , the bore inlet diameter being greater than the diameter of the shoulder ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228072A1

A built in purifier for a cylinder of essentially nitrogen free gas having a low water content is provided with a molecular sieve 3A adsorbent to adsorb water from the gas, the 3A adsorbent having a particularly low adsorption capacity for nitrogen.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Method for rotary valve operation to reduce seal sheet wear

Номер: US20130228712A1
Автор: Jason T. Corradi
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A method of operating a rotary valve using a variable dome seating pressure to provide a minimum seating force for each position of the valve is described.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233171A1

In a method for purifying a flow rich in carbon dioxide and containing at least one impurity lighter than carbon dioxide, the flow is cooled in a heat exchanger () and partially condensed, the partially condensed flow is sent to a first phase separator () operating under a first pressure, a gas from the first phase separator is compressed and sent to a second phase separator () operating under a second pressure higher than the first pressure, a first liquid () is sent from the first phase separator to a housing () operating under a pressure lower than the first pressure, and a second liquid () is sent to the housing. 114-. (canceled)15. A process for the purification of a stream rich in carbon dioxide and comprising at least one impurity which is lighter than carbon dioxide , the process comprising:i) cooling and partially condensing the stream in a heat exchanger,ii) sending the partially condensed stream to a first phase separator operating at a first pressure,iii) reheating, compressing and cooling a gas from the first phase separator and sending the reheated, compressed, cooled gas to a second phase separator operating at a second pressure greater than the first pressure,iv) reducing the pressure of a first liquid from the first phase separator and sending the reduced pressure first liquid to a chamber operating at a pressure lower than the first pressure,v) reducing the pressure of a second liquid, or a third liquid derived from the second liquid, from the first phase separator and sending the reduced pressure second or third liquid the chamber, andvi) removing a purified liquid rich in carbon dioxide from the chamber.16. The process of claim 15 , wherein the second liquid is reheated in the heat exchanger claim 15 , then reduced in pressure in a valve down to the pressure of the chamber and sent to the chamber.17. The process of claim 16 , wherein the second phase separator operates at a lower pressure than the inlet of the second liquid into the exchanger ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

System and method for separating components in a gas stream

Номер: US20130239608A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An incoming compressed gas, such as natural gas, is pre-cooled and the gas separated from any included liquid. The pre-cooled and separated gas is expanded using an expander to rapidly reduce pressure and corresponding temperature, as well as remove any components solidified by the temperature drop. An output stream from the expander, combined with other streams, is again gas/liquid separated. The output separated gas stream is sent through another expansion and gas/liquid separation, separating one or more other components, such that a final output gas is achieved. In the case of natural gas, the final output is, for example, methane, which may be fed back to cool the incoming gas prior to end use of the methane.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Membrane-Based Gas Separation Process Using Ejector-Driven Gas Recycle

Номер: US20130239804A1
Принадлежит: Membrane Technology and Research Inc

Disclosed herein is a gas separation process that utilizes ejector recycle with a membrane separation step in combination with a second separation step. The second separation step may be a second membrane separation step, or may involve a different type of separation process.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245140A1

The present application relates to novel chelate resins which contain, as a functional group, quaternary nitrogen atoms in structures of the general formula (I) 3. The chelate exchanger according to claim 2 , wherein said radical of the series consisting of C-C-alkyl and/or hydroxy-C-C-alkyl is —CH claim 2 , —CHOH claim 2 , —CHOH claim 2 , —CHCHCHOH claim 2 , or —CHCHCHCHOH.4. The chelate exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein said radical of the series consisting of C-C-alkyl and/or hydroxy-C-C-alkyl is —CH claim 1 , —CHOH claim 1 , —CHOH claim 1 , —CHCHCHOH claim 1 , or —CHCHCHCHOH.5. The chelate exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein said chelate exchanger has a monodisperse particle size distribution.6. The chelate exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein said chelate exchanger has a macroporous structure.7. The chelate exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the monovinylaromatic compound is styrene and the polyvinylaromatic compound is divinylbenzene.9. The chelate exchanger formed by the process of .10. A process for the adsorption of metals from metal containing aqueous solutions claim 8 , organic liquids and/or gases claim 8 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'contacting said metal containing aqueous solutions, organic liquids and/or gases with the chelate exchanger according to .'}11. The process according to claim 10 , wherein said metals are selected from the group consisting of mercury claim 10 , iron claim 10 , chromium claim 10 , cobalt claim 10 , nickel claim 10 , copper claim 10 , zinc claim 10 , lead claim 10 , cadmium claim 10 , manganese claim 10 , uranium claim 10 , vanadium claim 10 , elements of the platinum group claim 10 , gold claim 10 , silver claim 10 , and mixtures thereof. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/669,969 filed Jan. 21, 2010, which is hereby incorporated by reference, and which claims the right of priority under 35 U.S.C. §119 (a)-(d) and 35 U.S.C. §365 of ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247757A1

An adsorbent for carbon dioxide may include a structure that includes composite metal oxide including a first metal (M) and a second metal (M) linked through oxygen (0). The first metal (M) may be selected from an alkali metal, an alkaline-earth metal, and a combination thereof. The second metal (M) may have a trivalent oxidation number or greater. The composite metal oxide may include mesopores inside or in the surface thereof. The adsorbent may be included in a capture module for carbon dioxide. A method of reducing emissions may include adsorbing carbon dioxide using the adsorbent for carbon dioxide. 1. An adsorbent for carbon dioxide , comprising:{'sup': 1', '2', '1', '2, 'a composite metal oxide including a first metal (M) and a second metal (M) linked together by oxygen (O), the first metal (M) selected from at least one of an alkali metal and an alkaline-earth metal, the second metal (M) having a trivalent oxidation number or greater, and the composite metal oxide being mesoporous.'}2. The adsorbent for carbon dioxide of claim 1 , wherein the composite metal oxide has a spinel structure.3. The adsorbent for carbon dioxide of claim 1 , wherein the composite metal oxide is a crystalline oxide.4. The adsorbent for carbon dioxide of claim 1 , wherein the composite metal oxide includes mesopores having an average pore size of about 2 nm to about 50 nm.5. The adsorbent for carbon dioxide of claim 1 , wherein the composite metal oxide is in a form of a plurality of particles having an average particle size of about 0.01 μm to about 10 μm.6. The adsorbent for carbon dioxide of claim 1 , wherein the composite metal oxide is represented by the following Chemical Formula 1 claim 1 ,{'br': None, 'sup': 1', '2', '2', '1, 'sub': x', 'y', 'z', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's, 'a(MMO)-b(MO)-c(MO) \u2003\u2003[Chemical Formula 1]'}wherein 0 Подробнее

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130259782A1

The present invention relates to a process and apparatus for producing a fluid enriched in carbon dioxide starting from a waste gas from a ferrous metallurgy unit. 115-. (canceled)16. A process for the production of a fluid enriched in carbon dioxide starting from a waste gas from a ferrous metallurgy unit (HF) comprising carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide , the process comprising;compressing at least a portion of the waste gas in a first compressor,drying the compressed waste gas,separating the dried waste gas by an adsorption process in an adsorption unit to produce a first gas gas enriched in carbon dioxide and depleted in carbon monoxide and a second gas depleted in carbon dioxide and enriched in carbon monoxide,separating the first gas in a separation unit, to produce a fluid enriched in carbon dioxide and a recycling gas comprising carbon monoxide,removing the fluid enriched in carbon dioxide as product,recycling the recycling gas from the separation unit to the adsorption unit at the inlet pressure of the adsorption unit andsending at least a portion of the gas depleted in carbon dioxide to the ferrous metallurgy unit or another ferrous metallurgy unit.17. The process of claim 16 , whereinduring a first operation, the waste gas compressed in the first compressor has a first pressure at the outlet of the compressor of between 8 and 15 bar abs, a first flow rate and a first concentration of carbon monoxide, andduring a second operation, the waste gas compressed in the first compressor has a second pressure at the outlet of the compressor of between 3 and 7 bar abs, a second flow rate which is less than the first flow rate and a second concentration of carbon monoxide which is less than the first concentration.18. The process of claim 16 , wherein at least a portion of the recycling gas is recycled to the adsorption unit at a pressure substantially equal to that of the discharge of the first compressor claim 16 , in order to be separated in the adsorption unit. ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130259792A1

A method is provided for forming a zeolitic imidazolate framework composition using at least one reactant that is relatively insoluble in the reaction medium. Also provided herein is a material made according to the method, designated either as EMM-19 or as EMM-19*, and a method of using same to adsorb and/or separate gases, such as carbon dioxide. 1. A zeolitic imidazolate framework composition with the SOD framework type , wherein the zeolitic imidazolate framework structure is capable of sorbing , at a temperature of ˜28° C.: (i) at least 0.60 mmol of COper gram of zeolitic imidazole framework composition at a COpartial pressure of ˜75 Torr; (ii) at least 0.75 mmol of COper gram of zeolitic imidazole framework composition at a COpartial pressure of ˜100 Torr; (iii) at least 1.15 mmol of COper gram of zeolitic imidazole framework composition at a COpartial pressure of ˜200 Torr; and/or (iv) at least 0.35 mmol of COper gram of zeolitic imidazole framework composition at a COpartial pressure of ˜39 Torr.2. A zeolitic imidazolate framework composition having the empirical formula , Zn(5-azabenzimidazolate) , wherein the zeolitic imidazolate framework structure is capable of sorbing , at a temperature of ˜28° C.: (i) at least 0.60 mmol of COper gram of zeolitic imidazole framework composition at a COpartial pressure of ˜75 Torr; (ii) at least 0.75 mmol of COper gram of zeolitic imidazole framework composition at a COpartial pressure of ˜100 Torr: (iii) at least 1.15 mmol of COper gram of zeolitic imidazole framework composition at a COpartial pressure of ˜200 Torr; and/or (iv) at least 0.35 mmol of COper gram of zeolitic imidazole framework composition at a COpartial pressure of ˜39 Torr.3. A porous crystalline material having the empirical formula Zn(5-aza-benzimidazolate) , exhibiting an SOD framework type , and exhibiting an x-ray diffraction pattern with peaks defined by the d-spacing ranges and relative intensity ranges described in Table 1b.4. A porous ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Final biogas purification process

Номер: US20130269523A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a process for the purification by adsorption of a feed flow rich in methane and comprising at least carbon dioxide.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Zeolite composition adapted for air purification

Номер: US20130269524A1
Автор: Christian Monereau

The invention relates to an adsorbent zeolite-based material comprising for 100 mass % an amount different from zero of a zeolite selected from X zeolites or LSX zeolites; the balance up to 100 mass % consisting of an amount different from zero of a cation-exchanged zeolite, said cation-exchanged zeolite being selected from cation-exchanged X zeolites and cation-exchanged LSX zeolites.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Method for processing fischer-tropsch off-gas

Номер: US20130276630A1
Принадлежит: Shell Oil Co

A method for producing a gas comprising at least 80 vol % carbon monoxide from a Fischer-Tropsch off-gas comprises: (1) feeding Fischer-Tropsch off-gas through a column comprising an adsorbent bed at high pressure and discharging effluent; (2) reducing the pressure in the column and the bed slightly; (3) rinsing the column and the adsorbent bed with methane or a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide; (4) reducing the pressure of the column and adsorbent bed to a low pressure; (5) rinsing the column and adsorbent bed with a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen; (6) pressurizing the column and adsorbent bed to a high pressure using a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen. The product stream obtained in step (3) comprising at least 80 vol % carbon monoxide can be sent as feed to a Fischer-Tropsch reaction. In an embodiment, a gas comprising at least 80 vol % hydrogen is also produced.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276634A1
Принадлежит: Micropore, Inc.

Provided herein are a parallel passage contractors, which may be useful in pressure swing adsorption (PSA), pressure and temperature swing adsorption (PTSA), or vacuum pressure swing adsorption (VPSA) systems, having one or more self-supported adsorbent sheets arranged in multiple, overlapping layers mechanically spaced to allow gas flow. Also provided are systems utilizing such parallel passage contactors and methods for preparing the contactors. 1. A system for pressure swing adsorption (PSA) , pressure and temperature swing adsorption (PTSA) , or vacuum pressure swing adsorption (VPSA) , comprising a parallel passage contactor structure comprising one or more self-supported adsorbent sheets arranged in multiple , overlapping layers mechanically spaced to allow gas flow between said layers from one end of the structure to the other , wherein said one or more adsorbent sheets comprises adsorbent particles and a polyethylene binder; wherein the adsorbent particles in said sheet can be of one or more types and each type of adsorbent particles have a mean particle size of greater than 200 nm.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent particles are of a single type and have a mean particle size of greater than 200 nm.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said structure is mechanically stable after 200 claim 1 ,000 or 1 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000 cycles.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein said system is a pressure-swing adsorption (PSA) system.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein said adsorbent sheets have substantially parallel ribs disposed on said one or more sheets claim 1 , which mechanically space said layers to allow gas flow.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein said parallel contactor structure comprises a single spirally wound adsorbent sheet having substantially parallel ribs disposed on said sheet claim 1 , wherein said ribs mechanically space said layers to allow gas flow.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein said binder comprises 0.5% to 5% by weight of said ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130287958A1
Автор: OOUCHI Ryou

There is provided a method of producing a composite that separates carbon dioxide that has a carbon dioxide separating film on a support includes preparing, at greater than or equal to 50° C., a coating liquid for carbon dioxide separating film formation that contains a water absorbent polymer, a carbon dioxide carrier and a gelling agent, and that gels, after being left at 12° C. at a solution film thickness of less than or equal to 1 mm, within 120 seconds and liquid not dropping-off due to gravity; coating the coating liquid on a strip-shaped support; cooling, at less than or equal to 12° C., a coated film obtained by the coating, and obtaining a gel film; and drying the gel film at least by warm air, and obtaining a carbon dioxide separating film, wherein, from coating to drying are carried out continuously while conveying the support in a given direction. 1. A method of producing a composite that separates carbon dioxide that has a carbon dioxide separating film on a support , comprising:preparing, at greater than or equal to 50° C., a coating liquid for carbon dioxide separating film formation that contains a water absorbent polymer, a carbon dioxide carrier and a gelling agent, and that has the property of, after being left at 12° C. at a solution film thickness of less than or equal to 1 mm, gelling within 120 seconds and liquid not dropping-off due to gravity;coating the coating liquid on a strip-shaped support;cooling, at less than or equal to 12° C., a coated film obtained by the coating, and obtaining a gel film; anddrying the gel film at least by warm air, and obtaining a carbon dioxide separating film,wherein, from the coating to the drying are carried out continuously while conveying the support in a given direction.2. The method of producing a composite that separates carbon dioxide of claim 1 , wherein a conveying speed of the support from the coating to the drying is greater than or equal to 20 m/min.3. The method of producing a composite that ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130291718A1

One ozone concentrating chamber is provided therein with a part of a cooling temperature range where ozone can be selectively condensed or an oxygen gas can be selectively removed by transmission from an ozonized oxygen gas, and a part of a temperature range where condensed ozone can be vaporized, and condensed ozone is vaporized by moving condensed ozone with flow of a fluid or by gravitation to the part where condensed ozone can be vaporized, whereby the ozonized oxygen gas can be increased in concentration. Such a constitution is provided that a particle material for condensation and vaporization filled in the ozone concentrating chambers and has a spherical shape of a special shape with multifaceted planes on side surfaces, or an oxygen transmission membrane capable of selectively transmitting an oxygen gas in an ozone gas is provided.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130291719A1

The present invention relates to a method of pressurising a fluid comprising carbon dioxide, the method includes: obtaining the fluid from a unit for removing carbon dioxide from a process gas; compressing the fluid to a pressure above the critical pressure of carbon dioxide; and cooling the compressed fluid to a temperature above the critical temperature of carbon dioxide to produce a supercritical fluid. The invention further relates to an apparatus for pressurising a fluid comprising carbon dioxide, the apparatus including: means for obtaining the fluid from a unit for removing carbon dioxide from a process gas; means for compressing the fluid to a pressure above the critical pressure of carbon dioxide; and means for cooling the compressed fluid to a temperature above the critical temperature of carbon dioxide to produce a supercritical fluid. 1. A method of pressurising a fluid comprising carbon dioxide , the method comprising:obtaining the fluid from a unit for removing carbon dioxide from a process gas;compressing the fluid to a pressure above the critical pressure of carbon dioxide; andcooling the compressed fluid to a temperature above the critical temperature of carbon dioxide to produce a supercritical fluid.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:pumping the supercritical fluid.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in the compressing of the fluid claim 1 , the fluid is compressed to a pressure within the range of 9-12 MPa.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the compressed and cooled fluid has a density of at least 600 kg/m.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the fluid comprises at least 80 mol-% claim 1 , such as at least 92 mol-% claim 1 , carbon dioxide.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the fluid comprises at most 99.9 mol-% claim 1 , such as at most 98 mol-% claim 1 , carbon dioxide.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the fluid comprises at least 0.1 mol-% claim 1 , such as at least 1 mol-% ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Formed lyocell articles for selective binding of monovalent heavy metal ions, especially thallium and cesium ions and radioactive isotopes thereof

Номер: US20130295197A1

Shaped lyocell cellulose articles are provided for binding heavy metal ions and radioactive isotopes thereof. The shaped articles include one or more hexacyanoferrates that are incorporated in a cellulosic matrix and uniformly distributed therein. The shaped articles can be fibers, fibrids, fibrous nonwoven webs, granules, beads, self-supporting films, tubular films, filaments, sponges, foams or bristles. They are useful for water treatment and water decontamination, for metal beneficiation, for treatment of wound with wound dressings, for air and gas filtration and in protective apparel.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130295362A1

Porous polymeric networks and composite materials comprising metal nanoparticles distributed in the polymeric networks are provided. Also provided are methods for using the polymeric networks and the composite materials in liquid- and vapor-phase waste remediation applications. The porous polymeric networks, are highly porous, three-dimensional structures characterized by high surface areas. The polymeric networks comprise polymers polymerized from aldehydes and phenolic molecules. 1. A composite material comprising:(a) a porous, three-dimensional, aromatic polymeric network comprising an organic polymer comprising phenolic groups, wherein the phenolic groups are crosslinked through linkages comprising one or more non-phenolic aromatic rings; and(b) metal nanoparticles distributed within the polymeric network.2. The material of claim 1 , wherein the phenolic groups comprise hydroxynaphthalene groups.3. The material of claim 1 , wherein the phenolic groups comprise phloroglucinol groups.4. The material of claim 1 , wherein the metal nanoparticles comprise silver nanoparticles.5. The material of claim 1 , wherein the metal nanoparticles comprise lead nanoparticles.6. The material of claim 1 , wherein the metal nanoparticles comprise gold nanoparticles.7. The material of claim 1 , wherein the metal nanoparticles comprise tin claim 1 , bismuth or antimony nanoparticles.8. The material of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric network has a specific surface area of at least 500 m/g claim 1 , as measured by BET.9. The material of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric network has stable unpaired electrons and exhibits a strong EPR signal at g≈2.006.10. The material of having a metal nanoparticle loading of at least 20 percent by weight claim 1 , based on the total weight of the organic polymer and the metal nanoparticles.11. The material of claim 1 , wherein the phenolic groups comprise two or more aromatic rings.12. The material of claim 11 , wherein the two or more aromatic rings are ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for condensing a first fluid rich in carbon dioxide using a second fluid

Номер: US20130298598A1

The present invention relates to a process and device for condensing a first fluid rich in carbon dioxide using a second fluid.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method for drying a wet co2 rich gas stream from an oxy-combustion process

Номер: US20130298599A1
Принадлежит: Alstom Technology AG

A method for drying a wet CO 2 rich gas stream from an oxy-combustion process that includes: compressing the wet CO 2 rich gas stream to a drying process operating pressure, cooling the wet CO 2 rich gas stream in at least one cooler, alternately drying the wet CO 2 rich gas stream in at least one dryer which contains at least one desiccant bed and regenerating the desiccant bed by conducting a heated regenerating gas through the dryer in opposite direction to the flow direction of the wet CO 2 rich gas stream, separating the dried CO 2 rich gas stream in a purification process to a purified CO 2 gas stream and a waste gas stream rich in nitrogen and oxygen, whereby the waste gas stream rich in nitrogen and oxygen is used as regenerating gas, and subsequently to the regeneration the dryer is purged at least once by a pressurized CO 2 rich gas stream conducted from the compressor, and whereby the dryer is charged up to the drying process operating pressure with a pressurized CO 2 rich gas stream conducted from the compressor before each drying process.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298768A1

An improved air purification adsorbent is disclosed. The air purification adsorbent comprises titanium dioxide (TiO) impregnated with zinc chloride (ZnCl2). The adsorbent may be used in air purification systems for removing ammonia from air streams. The nanocrystalline (amorphous) structure of the adsorbent results in a higher density of surface defects, higher surface area, and higher reactivity which, when combined with the synergistic effect of ZnCland the nanocrystalline TiO, provides a significantly longer breakthrough time of ammonia as compared with breakthrough time from unimpregnated nanocrystalline TiO, the commercial (crystalline) TiOimpregnated with ZnCl, pure ZnCL, and other commercially available adsorbents of ammonia. Other embodiments are described and claimed. 1. A filter medium , comprising:a high surface area substrate comprising a nanocrystalline metal oxide; andan impregnant comprising a chloride salt of a transition metal.2. The filter medium of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises titanium dioxide.3. The filter medium of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises crystallite sizes in the range of 2-10 nm.4. The filter medium of claim 1 , wherein the chloride salt comprises zinc chloride.5. The filter medium of claim 1 , wherein the chloride salt is present in an amount of less than about 30 wt %.6. The filter medium of claim 4 , wherein impregnating the nanocrystalline material with the chloride salt of a transition metal substantially increases the filter medium's ability to adsorb ammonia.7. A method of forming a filter media claim 4 , comprising:impregnating a high surface area substrate comprising a nanocrystalline metal oxide with an impregnant comprising a chloride salt of a transition metal.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the substrate comprises titanium dioxide.9. The filter medium of claim 7 , wherein the substrate comprises crystallite sizes in the range of 2-10 nm.10. The method of claim 7 , wherein the chloride salt ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298769A1

A particulate form carbon pyrolyzate adsorbent, having the following characteristics: (a) COcapacity greater than 105 cc/gram at one bar pressure and temperature of 273° Kelvin; (b) COWorking Capacity greater than 7.0 weight percent; (c) COheats of adsorption and desorption each of which is in a range of from 10 to 50 kJ/mole; and (d) a CO/NHenry's Law Separation Factor greater than 5. The carbon pyrolyzate material can be formed from a polyvinylidene chloride-based polymer or copolymer, or other suitable resin material, to provide an adsorbent that is useful for carbon dioxide capture applications, e.g., in treatment of flue gases from coal-fired power generation plants. 1. A carbon adsorbent , having the following characteristics:{'sub': '2', '(a) COcapacity greater than 105 cc/gram at one bar pressure and temperature of 273° Kelvin;'}{'sub': '2', '(b) COWorking Capacity greater than 7.0 weight percent;'}{'sub': '2', '(c) COheats of adsorption and desorption each of which is in a range of from 10 to 50 kJ/mole; and'}{'sub': 2', '2, "(d) a CO/NHenry's Law Separation Factor greater than 5."}2. The adsorbent of claim 1 , having an average particle diameter greater than 50 μm.3. (canceled)4. The adsorbent of claim 1 , comprising particles of diameter in a range of from 150 to 500 μm.5. (canceled)6. The adsorbent of claim 1 , having a bulk density greater than 0.55 g/mL.7. The adsorbent of claim 1 , having a water adsorptive capacity of less than 5% by weight claim 1 , based on weight of the adsorbent claim 1 , at 303° Kelvin and 40% relative humidity.8. The adsorbent of claim 1 , having porosity characterized by average pore size below 1 nm.9. The adsorbent of claim 1 , having porosity at least 50% of the pore volume of which is constituted by pores in a pore size range of from 0.35 to 0.7 nm.10. (canceled)11. The adsorbent of claim 1 , having an attrition rate index less than 1 wt %/hr as measured by the procedure of ASTM D 5757.12. The adsorbent of claim 1 , having ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Pressure Swing Adsorption System with Indexed Rotatable Multi-Port Valves

Номер: US20130299023A1
Принадлежит: Air Products and Chemicals Inc

Pressure swing adsorption system comprising two or more vessels, each having a feed end, a product end, and adsorbent material adapted to adsorb one or more components from a multi-component feed gas mixture; piping adapted to (1) introduce the feed gas mixture into the feed ends, withdraw a product gas from the product ends, and withdraw a waste gas from the feed ends of the vessels, and (2) place the product ends of any pair of vessels in flow communication; a feed pipe adapted to supply the feed gas mixture to the system; a product pipe adapted to withdraw the product gas from the system; and a waste gas pipe adapted to withdraw the waste gas from the system. An indexed rotatable multi-port valve is adapted to place the product end of each vessel in sequential flow communication with the product end of each of the other vessels.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130299337A1

The invention relates to a method for compressing at least two gas streams by means of a single compressor that does not support a fluctuation in flow rate and/or pressure above a critical percentage, said method being characterized in that at least one of the gas streams is fed into a buffer space before being fed into the single compressor. 19-. (canceled)11. The process of claim 10 , wherein during a reduction of the flow rate of one of the first stream or the second stream claim 10 , at least one portion of the stream leaving the final equipment is reintroduced into the buffer tank.12. The process of claim 10 , further comprising separating the liquefied product stream into a first stream claim 10 , a second stream and a third stream claim 10 , vaporizing the three streams at three pressure levels; recovering the three gas streams at three pressure claim 10 , wherein the first steam and the second stream are recovered at the lowest pressures and are compressed in two intermediate compression means to the pressure of the third stream recovered before being mixed therewith.13. The process of claim 12 , wherein the pressure of the first stream is between 5 and 6.5 bar a; the pressure of the second stream is between 7 and 10 bar a;and the pressure of the third stream is between 8 and 25 bar a.14. The process of claim 10 , wherein the main compound is CO.15. The process of claim 10 , wherein the final equipment is a compressor.16. An apparatus for purifying a gas stream comprising at least 50 mol % of CO claim 10 , comprising:i) a first compressor for compressing the gas stream;ii) a heat exchanger for cooling the compressed gas stream;iii) a phase separator or a distillation column for separating the carbon dioxide from the compressed and cooled stream;{'sub': '2', 'iv) a divider for separating, at least into two streams, the liquid COresulting from the distillation column;'}v) at least 2 expansion valves for expanding the two divided streams;vi) at least one ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302231A1

To achieve the removal of a broad spectrum of chemical hazards, multiple layers of impregnated activated carbon and nanocrystalline materials are incorporated into the adsorbent bed. For optimum performance using the least amount of material, a two-layer configuration is used. The top layer consists of a homogeneous mixture of an MgO/CaO based nanocrystalline material (e.g., Mg/Ca) and Kureha or other petroleum pitch-based bead shaped activated carbon impregnated treated with phosphoric acid. The bottom layer is comprised of a single layer of Calgon URC carbon. The volume ratios of the components are 9:5:11 Mg/Ca, phosphoric acid treated Kureha carbon, and URC, respectively. The new configuration leads to a 30% reduction in size of the existing NIOSH CBRN CAP 1 cartridge. Other embodiments are disclosed and claimed. 1. A filter media , comprising:a first plurality of filter media particles comprising a high surface area substrate comprising at least one acidic impregnant;a second plurality of filter media particles comprising a high surface area substrate comprising at least one metal oxide; and,a third plurality of filter media particles comprising a high surface area substrate containing an amine impregnant.2. The filter media of claim 1 , wherein each of said substrates is essentially free of chromium.3. The filter media of claim 1 , comprising first and second filter media layers;the first and second plurality of filter media are intermixed and are located in the first filter layer; andthe third plurality of filter media particles is located in the second filter layer.4. The filter media of claim 1 , wherein the acidic impregnant is phosphoric acid.5. The filter media of claim 1 , wherein the acidic impregnant has a maximum concentration of 10 percent.6. The filter media of claim 1 , wherein the metal oxide is selected from the list consisting of oxides of magnesium claim 1 , oxides of calcium claim 1 , and combinations thereof.7. The filter media of claim 1 , ...
