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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 13524. Отображено 199.
20-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2418638C2
Принадлежит: ДРЕГЕР Карл-Хайнц (DE)

Изобретение относится к способу и установке, с помощью которой твердые и жидкие боевые отравляющие или раздражающие вещества посредством системы трубопроводов распределяются с образованием высокодисперсных частиц ингредиентов в больших внутренних и наружных пространствах для обороны людей. В изобретении газ при комнатной температуре и давлении окружающей среды находится в газообразном состоянии. Температура испарения газа является низкой по отношению к температуре окружающей среды. В жидком состоянии газ отбирают из запасного резервуара высокого давления и через систему трубопроводов направляют к нескольким выходным соплам. Подающее поперечное сечение распределительных элементов системы соответствует сумме поперечных сечений последующих трубопроводов. Раздражающее или боевое отравляющее вещество в жидкой форме добавляют к газу перед распределением у выходных сопел. Газ выпускают из выходных сопел в виде струи жидкости и мгновенно испаряют и расширяют и распределяют добавленное раздражающее ...

20-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2416466C2

Изобретение относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению, в частности к распылителям сельскохозяйственных опрыскивателей. Распылитель содержит две форсунки. Оси факелов распыла форсунок наклонены к вертикали в продольно-вертикальной плоскости одна вперед, а вторая назад по ходу рабочего перемещения опрыскивателя. Форсунки выполнены с возможностью автономного поворота в продольно-вертикальной плоскости. Наклон осей факелов распыла форсунок к вертикали установлен по зависимостям: ! ; ! ; ! где α1 и α2 - углы наклона к вертикали осей факелов распыла, соответственно, передней и задней форсунок; ! β - угол наклона к вертикали векторов абсолютных скоростей капель, истекающих из передней и задней форсунок; ! V - рабочая скорость опрыскивателя; ! V1 и V2 - относительная скорость капель, истекающих, соответственно, из передней и задней форсунок. ! Техническим результатом изобретения является обеспечение равномерного покрытия рабочей жидкостью растений. 2 ил.

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2635219C2

Изобретение относится к форсуночной компоновке для распыления потока текучей среды, который подводится под давлением, в мелкие частицы, и может быть использовано, например, для введения медикаментов посредством ингаляции, для подачи ароматов и т.д. Форсуночная компоновка для распыления потока текучей среды, который подводится под давлением, в мелкие частицы имеет: конический элемент и снабженный выемкой ответный элемент. Конический элемент имеет верхнюю поверхность, нижнюю поверхность и внешнюю поверхность, которая примыкает к верхней и нижней поверхности. Внешняя поверхность имеет большое количество образованных в ней канавок, которые простираются между нижней поверхностью и верхней поверхностью. Ответный элемент выполнен для размещения конического элемента и имеет внутреннюю поверхность, так что канавки по меньшей мере частично накрыты внутренней поверхностью для образования большого количества каналов. Каналы задают выходы, чтобы выпускать соответствующую струю текучей среды, которая ...

27-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2380127C2

Изобретение относится к способу распыления среды в туманообразном состоянии, в особенности среды в виде тумана, используемой при пожаротушении, на большой площади, при этом в указанном способе образуются, по меньшей мере, две распыляемые струи из среды в виде тумана, из которых первая распыляемая струя (S1) находится внутри второй распыляемой струи (S2) из среды в виде тумана, по меньшей мере, в или рядом с местом распыления. Во время образования распыляемых струй (S1, S2) среде сообщают вихревое движение, по меньшей мере, перед выпускным отверстием сопла, используемым для образования каждой распыляемой струи (S1, S2), и/или, по меньшей мере, перед смешиванием распыляемых струй (S1, S2) друг с другом, и при этом направления завихрения среды в различных распыляемых струях (S1, S2) противоположны друг другу, в результате чего достигают распределения предпочтительно однородной распыляемой струи в виде тумана по большой площади. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

09-08-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU219832U1

Полезная модель относится к конструкции распределителя дисперсной фазы в виде внутреннего устройства массообменного аппарата колонного типа. В первую очередь это относится к процессам взаимодействия в системах «жидкость-жидкость». Предлагаемая полезная модель может быть использована в химической технологии, в частности в нефтеперерабатывающей, нефтехимической, химической промышленности и других отраслях народного хозяйства. Распределитель дисперсной фазы в виде внутреннего устройства колонны состоит из центральной трубы с питанием в средней ее части, ряда боковых распределительных трубок, расположенных симметрично относительно оси центральной трубы, отверстий для выхода дисперсной фазы, при этом в каждой боковой распределительной трубке возле ее торцов высверлено малое отверстие, направленное в противоположную сторону от основных отверстий, имеющее диаметр d Подробнее

27-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2126724C1

Распределительная перегородка выполнена за одно целое с корпусом. В корпусе выполнены фигурные лабиринты с тупиковыми концами в виде тупиковых отверстий, сообщенных между собой и с одним из патрубков подачи. На основной распределительной перегородке с возможностью смешения относительно нее установлена дополнительная распределительная перегородка с отверстиями, расположенными идентично отверстиям основной перегородки. Техническим результатом является расширение возможности контраетного распределителя потока жидкости при лечении различных заболеваний и закаливании при одновременном упрощении и удешевлении конструкции и возможности изменения параметров истечения струй (скорость истечения и толщина) при неизменном напоре жидкости в патрубках подачи жидкости. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

11-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU194473U1

Полезная модель относится к горной промышленности и предназначена для работы в системах пылеподавления (осаждения и связывания пыли) в горных выработках шахт, рудников, на обогатительных фабриках и в других отраслях промышленности.Техническим результатом полезной модели является простота конструкции туманообразователя при высокой эффективности пылеподавления.Туманообразователь состоит из цилиндрического корпуса, внутри которого расположен сеточный фильтрующий элемент, и туманообразующей форсунки, которая состоит из корпуса, втулки-распылителя и прижимной гайки. На боковой поверхности втулки-распылителя расположены отверстия малого диаметра (сопла), а также имеется центральное отверстие, через которые подается вода для распыла.Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что туманообразователь имеет простую конструкцию, а высокая эффективность пылеподавления достигается тем, что водяные струи, выходя из сопел, встречаются в одной точке и, имея максимальную кинетическую энергию, соударяются, создавая туманообразующий эффект. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 194 473 U1 (51) МПК B05B 1/12 (2006.01) B05B 1/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B05B 1/12 (2019.08); B05B 1/14 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019134941, 31.10.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.12.2019 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 31.10.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 11.12.2019 Бюл. № 35 1 9 4 4 7 3 R U (54) Туманообразователь (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к горной промышленности и предназначена для работы в системах пылеподавления (осаждения и связывания пыли) в горных выработках шахт, рудников, на обогатительных фабриках и в других отраслях промышленности. Техническим результатом полезной модели является простота конструкции туманообразователя при высокой эффективности пылеподавления. Туманообразователь состоит из цилиндрического корпуса, внутри которого расположен сеточный фильтрующий элемент, и ...

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU131656U1

... 1. Мелкодисперсный распылитель жидкости, содержащий корпус в виде усеченного конуса с входным патрубком, сообщенным с форсунками, равномерно расположенными на боковой поверхности конуса, отличающийся тем, что каждая форсунка имеет цилиндрический входной канал, конический выходной канал, диаметр большего основания которого меньше диаметра входного канала форсунки и выходное сопло, в цилиндрическом входном канале установлен завихритель, выполненный в виде единого элемента, нижняя часть которого представляет собой диск, диаметр которого меньше диаметра цилиндрического входного канала, верхняя часть представляет собой кольцо, внешний диаметр которого равен диаметру цилиндрического входного канала, а внутренний равен диаметру большего основания конического выходного канала, в кольце выполнены сквозные прорези прямоугольного сечения, расположенные в плоскости, перпендикулярной к оси завихрителя и по касательной к его окружности, образующие выходной канал завихрителя, а внутренняя полость кольца ...

15-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005553C1

Использование: для охлаждения тепловыделяющих элементов радиоэлектронной аппаратуры в быту и в различных теплообменных аппаратах. Сущность изобретения: в распылителе шарообразная перфорированная насадка выполнена с внутренней полостью. Часть корпуса расположена в этой полости и выполнена по меньшей мере с одной перемычкой на торце. 2 ил.

15-10-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2021031C1

Использование: для распыления жидкости и ее осаждения на удаленных поверхностях. Сущность изобретения: в распылителе жидкости канал сердечника, в котором установлен подпружиненный фиксатор, и рабочее отверстие сердечника расположены диаметрально противоволожно друг другу. Такая конструкция распылителя позволяет повысить надежность его работы за счет исключения утечек рабочей жидкости через сопряженные поверхности сердечника и корпуса распылителя в зоне расположения рабочего отверстия. 5 ил.

15-10-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2021032C1

Использование: для распыления жидкости и ее осаждения на удаленных поверхностях. Сущность изобретения: распылитель жидкости имеет смонтированный на наружной поверхности полого сердечника кронштейн. Кронштейн выполнен в виде пластины из упругого материала. Фиксатор установлен на этом кронштейне. 2 ил.

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU198448U1

Полезная модель относится к области высококонцентрированных распылителей воды, а именно к устройствам для импульсного создания высокодисперсного и быстро расширяющегося газокапельного потока воды в атмосфере в заданном направлении объемом до 10-10мс переменной высокой концентрацией капель от 10 до 500 г/ми может быть использовано для аэрозольного пожаротушения, сдерживания огня или тушения больших более 10-10мобъемов пламени на особых объектах топливно-энергетического комплекса. Устройство включает заполненную водой и закрытую верхней и нижней крышками цилиндрическую емкость с тонкой и разрушаемой боковой металлической оболочкой, заряд взрывчатого вещества, установленный в цилиндрической емкости. При этом на дне цилиндрической емкости размещена металлическая пластина для отражения ударной волны шарообразного заряда тротила, смещенного вдоль ее радиуса R от геометрического центра цилиндрической емкости на расстояние более 0,5R к разрушаемой боковой поверхности металлической оболочки, причем ...

20-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2147470C1

Изобретение относится к гидронасадкам, используемым в качестве инструмента при обработке различных пород природного шельфа. Сопло снабжено приемной зоной, обеспечивающей подвод гидропотока через зону смешения и разделения подаваемой струи на оппозитно расположенные и равнозначные по силе давления участки трубопроводов. Потоки жидкости сужаются в этих участках в противофазах истечения и направляются через центральные отверстия оппозитно расположенных форсунок с возможностью обеспечения на выходе из них ламинарных потоков жидкости. Патрубок сопла взаимодействует с торцами полуколец криволинейных зон срезанных и смещенных от плоскости общего контакта с возможностью укладки сварного шва тороидальных и оппозитно противостоящих участков зоны смешения гидропотока и его разделения. Кольцевые и полукольцевые поверхности отверстий форсунок снабжены внутренними кольцевыми проточками с возможностью установки в них ступенчатых цилиндрических участков патрубка и форсунок, которые могут быть выполнены ...

20-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2054335C1
Принадлежит: Пьер Турнье[FR]

Использование: в поливальных установках. Сущность изобретения: в устройстве с разбрызгивающей насадкой для стационарных душей и душей с гибким шлангом отклоняющее средство выполнено в виде коаксиально расположенной в первой по ходу движения внутренней камере центральной оси с периферийными лопатками. Устройство снабжено плотно навинченной на конец трубопровода втулкой и расположенной перед оросительной форсункой выходной перфорированной пластиной, установленной с образованием переднего торца муфта. Первая внутренняя камера размещена во втулке. Каждая лопатка отклоняющего средства выполнена с нижним вырезом для группирования некоторых вихревых струек воды вдоль центральной оси. Последняя выполнена с острием на конце для объединения струек воды в единую центральную вихревую струю. Центральная ось выполнена с продольным отверстием для обеспечения возможности свободного прохода потока воды. Выходная перфорированная пластина имеет центральное отверстие, окруженное периферийными отверстиями, ...

20-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2461427C1

Изобретение относится к технике распыления жидкости и может быть использовано в противопожарной технике, в сельском хозяйстве, в устройствах химической технологии и в теплоэнергетике. В жидкостной форсунке корпус выполнен с каналом для подвода жидкости и содержит соосную, жестко связанную с ним втулку, с закрепленным в ее нижней части соплом. Сопло выполнено в виде цилиндрической двухступенчатой втулки, верхняя цилиндрическая ступень которой соединена посредством резьбового соединения с центральным сердечником. Сердечник состоит из цилиндрической части и соосным с ней полым конусом, установленным с кольцевым зазором относительно внутренней поверхности цилиндрической втулки. Кольцевой зазор соединен по крайней мере с тремя радиальными каналами, выполненными в двухступенчатой втулке, соединяющими его с кольцевой полостью, образованной внутренней поверхностью втулки и внешней поверхностью верхней цилиндрической ступени. Кольцевая полость связана с каналом корпуса для подвода жидкости. К конусу ...

20-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2258567C1

Изобретение относится к технике распыления жидкости и может быть использовано в системах пожаротушения, сантехническом оборудовании, устройствах сжигания жидкого топлива, поливочных агрегатах и т.д. Распылитель жидкости содержит корпус с каналами для формирования струй жидкости и штуцер для подвода жидкости. Каналы для формирования струй жидкости направлены таким образом, что их осевые линии скрещиваются в пространственной области формирования распыленного потока жидкости за выходными сечениями каналов. При этом минимальное расстояние между скрещивающимися осевыми линиями каналов не превышает среднюю величину гидравлического радиуса RГ каналов. Расстояние между выходными сечениями каналов и областью формирования распыленного потока жидкости, на границе которой расстояние между скрещивающимися осевыми линиями каналов имеет минимальное значение, предпочтительно не превышает 80 RГ. Корпус распылителя может быть снабжен камерой в форме тела вращения, установленной за выходным сечением каналов ...

20-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2115603C1

Изобретение относится к емкости для жидкотекучего средства для очистки, в частности к гибкой бутылке для жидкого тиксотропного средства для очистки туалетов, тиксотропность которого ведет к тому, что средство для очистки туалетов не стекает по вертикальным поверхностям. Емкость снабжена разбрызгивающей головкой, состоящей из цилиндрического основного корпуса и элемента, имеющего форму дорна, со множеством разбрызгивающих отверстий, причем форма выполнения и взаимное расположение цилиндрического основного корпуса и элемента, имеющего форму дорна, обеспечивают оптимальное распределение, а колпачок, имеющий особую форму, съемно надевается на разбрызгивающую головку, надежно защищающую от доступа детей к средству. 10 з.п.ф-лы, 3 ил.

15-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015733C1

Использование: для распыления жидкости и ее осаждения на удаленных поверхностях. Сущность изобретения: в распылителе жидкости рабочее отверстие сердечника расположено радиально. Подпружиненный фиксатор поворота корпуса смонтирован в месте расположения рабочего отверстия под острым углом к оси размещения рабочего отверстия. Распылитель снабжен закрепленным на наружной поверхности сердечника кронштейном. Подпружиненный фиксатор смонтирован на этом кронштейне. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2519253C1

Изобретение относится к технике распыления жидкости и может быть использовано в противопожарной технике, в сельском хозяйстве, в устройствах химической технологии и в теплоэнергетике. В жидкостной форсунке к центральному сердечнику в его нижней части жестко прикреплен распылитель, выполненный в виде усеченного конуса, соосного центральному отверстию сердечника и прикрепленного своим верхним основанием к основанию цилиндра центрального сердечника. К нижнему основанию усеченного конуса посредством по крайней мере трех спиц прикреплен рассекатель, который выполнен в виде торцевой круглой пластины. Края пластины отогнуты в сторону кольцевого зазора. На внешней боковой поверхности усеченного конуса имеются винтовые канавки. Техническим результатом изобретения является повышение эффективности мелкодисперсного распыливания жидкости. 1 ил.

20-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2513401C1

Изобретение относится к гидротехнике, в частности к системам очистки воды. В капельном биофильтре, содержащем корпус, систему подачи сточной воды, распылительное устройство и загрузку, корпус выполнен в виде прямоугольного блока с двойным дном: верхним в виде колосниковой решетки и нижним - сплошным днищем, железобетонными стенками и крышей, а также содержит дозирующие баки для сточной воды, которая поступает через впускной патрубок системы подачи сточной воды на очистку, при этом высота междудонного пространства должна быть не менее 0,6 м, а дренаж биофильтра выполнен из железобетонных плит, уложенных на бетонные опоры, при этом общая площадь отверстий для пропуска воды в дренажную систему должна составлять не менее 5÷8% площади поверхности биофильтров, а скорость движения воды в них должна быть не менее 0,6 м/с, при этом система подачи сточной воды на очистку включает разветвленную сеть трубопроводов, на которых смонтированы распылительные устройства, равномерно расположенные над загрузкой ...

15-04-2021 дата публикации

Мобильный гигиенический центр

Номер: RU2746531C1

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к мобильному гигиеническому центру. Центр содержит корпус, в котором размещен распылительный узел дезинфицирующего средства с распылительным соплом и камерой смешивания дезинфицирующего средства со сжатым воздухом. Центр имеет емкость с дезинфицирующим средством, компрессор и блок управления. Центр содержит механизм регулировки дисперсности аэрозоля, включающий дозаторную форсунку с внутренним цилиндром и стержнем с наконечником. Камера смешивания дезинфицирующего средства со сжатым воздухом взаимодействует с дозаторной форсункой. Внутренний цилиндр дозаторной форсунки выполнен с возможностью перемещения в камере смешивания дезинфицирующего средства со сжатым воздухом. Распылительное сопло снабжено форсункой с осесимметричным сечением. Техническим результатом является реализация изобретением своего назначения. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2574756C1

Изобретение относится к направляющей головке для распределения текучей среды и может быть использовано в аккумуляторе тепловой энергии. В направляющей головке (100) для распределения жидкости, обладающей скоростью, в объеме другой, по существу, стоячей жидкости образована группа проточных каналов (150, 160, 170). Каждый из проточных каналов имеет вход, сконфигурированный для приема текучей среды из трубы, и выход. По меньшей мере один канал из группы проточных каналов (150, 160, 170) является центральным проточным каналом (160). По меньшей мере первый и второй каналы из группы проточных каналов (150, 160, 170) являются периферийными проточными каналами (150, 170). Выходы (152, 172) периферийных проточных каналов (150, 170) расположены с каждой стороны выхода (162) центрального проточного канала (160). Вход первого периферийного проточного канала (150) охватывает вход центрального проточного канала (160). Вход центрального проточного канала (160) охватывает вход второго периферийного проточного ...

27-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015106880A

Установка пожаротушения водяной завесой, состоящая из источника водоснабжения, сети магистральных и распределительных трубопроводов со спринклерными головками, она дополнительно содержит основной водопитатель с фильтром, опущенным в источник и соединенным с магистральным трубопроводом, и систему подпитки, установленную параллельно линии основного водопитателя и включающую в себя трубопровод подпитки вспомогательного водопитателя и вспомогательный (автоматический) водопитатель, а контрольно-сигнальная система включает в себя контрольно-сигнальный клапан и сигнальный прибор, например в виде звуковой сирены, при этом магистральный трубопровод соединен с сетью распределительных трубопроводов, в которых смонтированы дренчерные головки, каждая из которых выполнена в виде втулки с подводящим патрубком, клапаном и распыливающим элементом, при этом корпус выполнен в виде центральной втулки с внешней шестигранной и внутренней цилиндрической поверхностями, при этом с двух торцевых сторон центральной ...

20-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015106870A

Установка пожаротушения водяной завесой, состоящая из источника водоснабжения, сети магистральных и распределительных трубопроводов со спринклерными головками, она дополнительно содержит основной водопитатель с фильтром, опущенным в источник, и соединенный с магистральным трубопроводом, и систему подпитки, установленную параллельно линии основного водопитателя и включающую в себя трубопровод подпитки вспомогательного водопитателя и вспомогательный (автоматический) водопитатель, а контрольно-сигнальная система включает в себя контрольно-сигнальный клапан и сигнальный прибор, например в виде звуковой сирены, при этом магистральный трубопровод соединен с сетью распределительных трубопроводов, в которых смонтированы дренчерные головки, каждая из которых выполнена в виде штуцера со сквозным отверстием и резьбовой частью, переходящей в торцевой кольцевой буртик, осесимметричный корпусу, а резьбовой штуцер посредством торцевого кольцевого буртика, к которому присоединены два изогнутой формы объемных ...

10-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005108634A

... 1. Распылитель жидкости, содержащий корпус с двумя перегородками, разделяющими внутреннюю полость корпуса вдоль направления течения жидкости на напорную и выходную камеру, при этом в первой перегородке, установленной между камерами, выполнены два цилиндрических отверстия одинакового диаметра, расположенные симметрично относительно оси симметрии напорной камеры, а во второй перегородке, служащей торцевой стенкой корпуса распылителя, выполнено выходное отверстие распылителя, расположенное соосно выходной камере, отличающийся тем, что размеры выходного отверстия распылителя выбраны такими, чтобы проекция кромки выходного отверстия распылителя на плоскость первой перегородки разделяла поперечное сечение каждого из двух отверстий, выполненных в первой перегородке, на два сегмента, причем площадь SС сегмента, расположенного внутри проекции кромки выходного отверстия распылителя, соответствует условию: 0,3≤SС/S≤0,6, где S - площадь поперечного сечения отверстия, выполненного в первой перегородке ...

20-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2450866C1

Изобретение относится к оборудованию, предназначенному для генерации мелкодисперсных газокапельных потоков, и может быть использовано в системах пожаротушения, в технологическом оборудовании, в устройствах сжигания жидкого топлива и поливочных агрегатах. В корпусе (1) распылителя жидкости выполнено по меньшей мере четыре осесимметричных канала (4), предназначенных для формирования струй жидкости. Входные и выходные отверстия каналов (4) расположены равномерно по окружностям. Диаметр окружности, проходящей через осевые линии каналов (4) со стороны поверхности корпуса (1), обращенной к области подвода жидкости, превышает диаметр окружности, проходящей через осевые линии каналов со стороны поверхности корпуса, обращенной к области формирования распыленного потока жидкости. Расстояние между кромками близлежащих выходных отверстий каналов выбрано равным не менее одного диаметра выходного отверстия. При использовании распылителя жидкости повышается пространственная равномерность распределения ...

27-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU94036873A

Изобретение относится к орошению и позволяет производить дифференцированную подачу воды из низконапорной капельницы по площади увлажняемого участка. Низконапорная капельница снабжена патрубками, установленными с возможностью перемещения относительно корпуса. Патрубки сопряжены с трубками, установленными у растений. При установке капельницы патрубки устанавливают на высоту, обеспечивающую подачу заданного расхода. В случае, если регулирование высоты патрубка не обеспечивает нужных расходов, используют патрубки с разными размерами калиброванного отверстия.

10-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97104476A

... 1. Распределительная насадка приспособленная для соединения с контейнером, содержащим жидкость, имеющая распределительную головку с несколькими соплами на ней. 2. Распределительная насадка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что распределительная головка выполняется прямой и располагается по прямой снаружи от места соединения с контейнером. 3. Распределительная насадка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что распределительная головка выполняется изогнутой и располагается по дуге снаружи от места соединения с контейнером. 4. Распределительная насадка по любому из пп. 1-3, отличающаяся тем, что сопла располагаются по прямой линии вдоль по длине распределительной головки. 5. Распределительная насадка по любому из пп. 1-4, отличающаяся тем, что сопла выполнены разной длины. 6. Распределительная насадка по п. 5, отличающаяся тем, что относительные длины сопел обеспечивают легкое следование по контуру поверхности, по которой они должны перемещаться. 7. Распределительная насадка по любому из пп. 1-6, отличающаяся ...

27-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU98107899A

... 1. Насадок распылителя для подачи и формирования четко очерченного пятна распыла с минимальным отскакиванием среды под давлением, такой как смесь термореактивной пластмассы и отвердителя, отличающийся тем, что имеет по меньшей мере два канала (14) для распыления указанной среды, имеющие диаметр (b) в 0,5 - 1,5 мм, и расположенные таким образом, что распыляемые пучки сходятся под углом (α) в 70 - 140o в точке, находящейся за пределами насадка. 2. Насадок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что расстояние (а) между выходами каналов (14) составляет 2 - 5 мм. 3. Насадок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что каждый канал (14) направлен и открывается по существу перпендикулярно к плоской поверхности (13). 4. Насадок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что поверхности (13) представляют собой наклонные плоскости, расходящиеся друг относительно друга под углом 70 - 140o. 5. Насадок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что распыляемая среда имеет вязкость 150 - 75000 сантипуазов (от 150 до 75000 · 10-1 Па · с) и тем, что среда сжата и ...

20-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU98114991A

... 1. Водоэкономный диффузор, содержащий полый цилиндр, имеющий входной конец для присоединения к подающей линии водопровода, основную корпусную часть и выходной конец с меньшим внутренним диаметром, чем внутренний диаметр основной корпусной части цилиндра, ускорительный диск, имеющий множество отверстий, образованных в нем для создания струи воды, распределительный диск, имеющий центральное отверстие, образованное в нем для уменьшения расхода воды, и промежуточное кольцо, расположенное между ускорительным диском и распределительным диском для образования полости между ними, и имеющее высоту меньше, чем его диаметр, ускорительный диск, распределительный диск и промежуточное кольцо размещены в полом цилиндре таким образом, что ускорительный диск расположен после распределительного диска по направлению потока, и удерживается в цилиндре благодаря меньшему внутреннему диаметру выходного конца цилиндра по отношению к основной корпусной части цилиндра. 2. Диффузор по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что ...

20-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004107841A

... 1. Распределительное устройство (1) для тонкого распределения жидкости (20), содержащее первичную ступень распределения, которая имеет большое число выходных отверстий (32), вторичную ступень распределения, которая расположена под первичной ступенью распределения и включает распределительные желоба (5), направляющие (4), выполненные в виде плоскостей, которые ведут от первичной к вторичной ступени распределения, причем каждой направляющей соответствует одно выходное отверстие или группа выходных отверстий, а также распределительный желоб, каждая направляющая, по которой жидкость (20,23) может направляться из, по меньшей мере, одного выходного отверстия к вторичной ступени распределения, проходит от первичной ступени распределения к соответствующему распределительному желобу, а также проходит сквозь него, и под распределительным желобом образует кромку (45) для капельного стекания, каждая направляющая обладает, по меньшей мере, частично, объемным структурированием, а также равномерной перфорацией ...

26-11-2024 дата публикации

Дозирующая головка с наклонными соплами

Номер: RU2830807C1
Принадлежит: ООО "Люмипроб РУС" (RU)

Изобретение может быть использовано при твердофазном химическом синтезе олигонуклеотидов, пептидов или полисахаридов. Предложено применение дозирующей головки с наклонными соплами для подачи жидкости в лунки, содержащие мелкодисперсную твердую фазу, в устройствах многостадийного твердофазного химического синтеза. Оси наклонных сопел дозирующей головки расположены под углом к вертикальной оси головки в диапазоне от 14 до 67 градусов. Изобретение позволяет снизить расход реактивов, отказаться от использования дополнительных расходных материалов и исключить разбрызгивание твердой и жидкой фазы в реакторе устройства твердофазного химического синтеза. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

21-01-2025 дата публикации


Номер: RU231270U1

Полезная модель относится к технике и технологии экстракции растительного сырья и может быть использована для получения растительных экстрактов в сельском хозяйстве. Полезная модель позволяет интенсифицировать процесс получения экстрактов из растительного сырья, повысить степень извлекаемости полезных веществ из сырья и сократить время технологического процесса. Насадка для насоса состоит из неподвижного патрубка, на котором закреплена подвижная разделительная головка со встроенными изогнутыми патрубками с лопатками и реактивными наконечниками.

15-11-1983 дата публикации

Распылитель жидкости

Номер: SU1053884A2

РАСПЬШИТЕЛБ ЖИДКОСТИ по гшт.св. 266182, о т л « ч а ющ и и с я тем, что, с целью интенсификации прсэдесса диспергирования жидкости и обеспечения возможности создания эаполиенного факела, каэццыё) два соседних дйска установлены симметрично относительно горизонтальной плоскости под углом 5-15, к ней.

23-03-1983 дата публикации

Устройство для распыления жидкости

Номер: SU1005934A2

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ РАСПЫЛЕНИЯ ЖИДКОСТИ по авт. св. № 835501, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения равномерности плотности факела распыла, оно снабжено размещенным внутри полого цилиндра по его оси подпружиненным поршнем . i (Л ел QD Оо 4 ...

10-10-1950 дата публикации

Многоструйная дождевальная насадка

Номер: SU85150A1
Автор: Величко И.И.

23-08-1989 дата публикации

Устройство для распыления жидкости

Номер: SU1502122A1

Изобретение относится к технике распыления жидкости и может быть использовано при производстве гибридных интегральных микросхем при струйной гальванической металлизации. Цель изобретения - повышение равномерности распыления жидкости, снижение инерционности устройства, повышение равномерности распределения плотности тока при струйной гальванизации. Для этого устройство для распыления жидкости снабжено расположенным в полости корпуса анодом. Пластины с пазами установлены с зазором относительно друг друга. На первой по ходу движения жидкости пластине выполнены двухступенчатые выступы, одни из которых прижаты к аноду, а пазы расположены на других выступах. Пазы во второй пластине выполнены с треугольным поперечным сечением с внутренней стороны и прямоугольным поперечным сечением с наружной стороны. Пазы с наружной стороны второй пластины расположены перпендикулярно пазам с внутренней стороны. 4 ил.

23-03-1992 дата публикации

Распылитель жидкости

Номер: SU1720731A1

Изобретение относится к технике распыления жидкостей и может быть использовано для химической защиты растений. Цель -обеспечение возможности регулирования дисперсности распыла и упрощение обслуживания. Для этого в распылителе жидкости на внутренней поверхности корпуса выполнены пазы, а на внешней поверхности соосной с ним втулке-выступы, сопряженные с пазами. Пазы и выступы имеют криволинейное поперечное сечение . Радиальные отверстия корпуса выполнены в его пазах, а радиальные Изобретение относится к технике распыления жидкости, в частности к распылителям , предназначенным для химической защиты растений и устанавливаемым, лре-. имущественно на сельскохозяйственных самолетах ., Целью изобретения является обеспечение возможности регулирования дисперсности распыла и упрощение обслуживания. На фиг. Т изображен распылитель с частичным продольным разрезом, общий вид; на фиг. 2 - то же, вид слева с частичным сечением; на фиг. 3 - то же, вид слева с частичным сечением (отверстия во втулке отверстия ...

01-01-1959 дата публикации

Опрыскиватель виноградный с поддувом ОКП-15А

Номер: SU122370A2
Автор: Беня В.И.

28-07-1972 дата публикации

Распылитель жидкости

Номер: SU345975A2

15-05-1990 дата публикации

Многоструйный распылитель жидкости

Номер: SU1563772A2

Изобретение относится к устройствам распыления жидкости и может быть использовано в противопожарных системах. Цель - повышение степени орошения и увеличение равномерности распыла между центральной и периферийной зонами факела. Для этого в многоструйном распылителе жидкости нижняя часть цилиндрического отражателя выполнена в виде раструба под углом 15-40° к оси корпуса. Отражатель с раструбом направляет распыл в центральную часть орошаемой зоны, а тарельчатый отражатель распыляет жидкость по периметру, расширяя корневой угол распыла, т.е. повышает область и равномерность орошения. 1 ил.

29-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002724931A1

09-12-2010 дата публикации

Düseneinrichtung zur Reinigung einer Scheibe

Номер: DE0019802491B4

Düseneinrichtung (1) zur Reinigung einer Scheibe, insbesondere einer Windschutzscheibe oder einer Streuscheibe eines Scheinwerfers eines Fahrzeuges, mit zumindest zwei Düsenöffnungen (7, 9), wobei aus den Düsenöffnungen (7, 9) jeweils unterschiedliche Waschflüssigkeiten austreten, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die eine Düsenöffnung (7) die einer Fächerstrahldüse (6) ist, die einen fächerförmigen Strahl von Waschflüssigkeit erzeugt und dass die andere Düsenöffnung (9) die einer Einstrahldüse (8) ist, die einen punktförmigen Strahl von Waschflüssigkeit erzeugt.

25-02-1999 дата публикации

Scrubber removing gases and particulates from e.g. flue gas flows

Номер: DE0019736761A1

The scrubber has spray nozzles (40) producing swirl in different directions, relative to, and compensating rotation of, the principal flow (11). An Independent claim is included for double swirl nozzles suitable for use in the equipment. These include swirl chambers, conical nozzles and a constriction, and share a common rear wall with an opening including perforated sheet. The chambers may further include swirl-inducers and flow-stabilizing irregularities.

14-08-1996 дата публикации

Einspritzdüse für eine Nebelerzeugungsvorrichtung

Номер: DE0029608992U1

21-02-1955 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Dichtspritzen von Industrieoefen

Номер: DE0000923737C

16-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060228689D1
Принадлежит: TOTO LTD, TOTO LTD.

02-05-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE9101539U1

30-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010231443A1

Ein Kraftstoffeinspritzventil weist eine Düsenplatte auf, die mit zumindest vier Düsenlochsätzen versehen ist. Jeder der Düsenlochsätze weist zumindest zwei Düsenlöcher auf, durch welche Kraftstoffeinspritzflüsse eingespritzt werden und miteinander zusammenstoßen. Die Düsenlochsätze sind in zwei Gruppen angeordnet, so dass die zusammenstoßenden Kraftstoffeinspritzflüsse miteinander vereinigt werden und in zwei unterschiedliche Richtungen gerichtet werden.

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Anordnung von Düseneinheiten für einen Wischerarm, Wischerarm und Verwendung einer Düseneinheit

Номер: DE102017012038A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Anordnung von Düseneinheiten für einen Wischerarm, wobei zumindest eine Düseneinheit als starrer Körper ausgebildet ist, einen Kanal aufweist, durch den Flüssigkeit in die Düseneinheit einströmen und/oder aus der Düseneinheit ausströmen kann und eine Düse aufweist, die mit dem Kanal verbunden ist, wobei die Düseneinheiten derart in Reihe miteinander verbunden sind, dass eine Flüssigkeit von einer Düseneinheit in eine nach der Reihe folgende Düseneinheit fließen kann, wobei zumindest eine Düseneinheit eine Anlagefläche aufweist, die derart ausgebildet ist, dass sich diese Düseneinheit nicht um ihre Längsachse drehen kann, wenn die Anlagefläche an einer Fläche eines Wischerarms anliegt.

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Einspritzdüse zur Einspritzung von Kraftstoff unter hohem Druck

Номер: DE102019220072A1

Einspritzdüse zur Einspritzung von Kraftstoff unter hohem Druck, mit einem Düsenkörper (2), in dem ein mit Kraftstoff unter hohem Druck befüllbarer Druckraum (9) ausgebildet ist und in dem ein konischer Körpersitz (25) ausgebildet ist, der unter Bildung einer Übergangskante (35) in ein Sackloch (32) mündet, von dem mehrere Spritzlöcher (30) ausgehen und die Summe der Strömungsquerschnitte aller Spritzlöcher einen Gesamtspritzlochquerschnitt (ASL) bildet. Im Druckraum (9) ist eine Düsennadel (14) längsverschiebbar angeordnet, die mit einer konischen Dichtfläche (27) mit dem Körpersitz (25) zum Öffnen und Schließen eines Strömungsquerschnitts zusammenwirkt, wobei die Düsennadel (14) an ihrem dem Körpersitz (25) zugewandten Ende eine Nadelspitze (28) aufweist, die bei Anlage der Dichtfläche (27) auf dem Körpersitz (25) in das Sackloch (32) hinein ragt. Zwischen der Dichtfläche (27) und der Übergangskante (35) bei vom Körpersitz (25) abgehobener Düsennadel (14) wird eine Sitzquerschnittsfläche ...

07-09-2000 дата публикации

Nozzle unit for dosing of fluids or gases for fuel injection systems has guide surfaces between guide bore and nozzle body located partially outside sealing seat

Номер: DE0019907355A1

The unit has a nozzle body (4) and a nozzle needle (6) in a guide bore (5). The guide faces (10,11) between guide bore and nozzle needle are at least partially located outside the sealing seat (8). The outward directed part of the nozzle body with guide surfaces, a proportioning aperture (9) opening into the guide bore, and the sealing seat, is a separate component fastened to the remaining part of the nozzle body. The guide surfaces are coated with a solid lubricant, e.g. graphite or molybdenum disulphide.

02-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060135455D1

16-04-1951 дата публикации

Flachstrahlduese mit Stopfbuchse und Filter

Номер: DE0000804184C

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Einströmdüse, insbesondere für Schwimmbäder

Номер: DE0010361275B4

Einströmdüse, insbesondere für Schwimmbäder und Whirlpools, mit einem Hohlkugelkörper, der aus zwei Teilen besteht, die relativ zueinander um eine Drehachse (D) verdrehbar sind, wobei jedes Teil (2, 3) eine Austrittsöffnung (6, 7) für den Wasserstrahl umfasst, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Hohlkugelkörper aus zwei Hälften besteht, die über Nut/Federanordnungen (4, 5) in einer Äquatorebene (E) derart ineinander greifen, dass sie um eine senkrecht zur Äquatorebene (E) verlaufende Drehachse (D) relativ zueinander verschwenkbar sind und dass jede der Hälften (2, 3) des Hohlkugelkörpers (1) eine Aussparung (8, 9) aufweist, die mit der Aussparung (8, 9) der anderen Hälfte (2, 3) einen Einlass (10) bildet.

19-11-2009 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Beaufschlagung von flächigem Material mittels eines unter Druck stehenden Mediums

Номер: DE102008023922A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur Beaufschlagung von flächigem Material mittels eines unter Druck stehenden Mediums, bestehend aus einem Düsenbalken, einer dem Düsenbalken vorgeordneten Hochdruckpumpe sowie einer zwischen Düsenbalken und Hochdruckpumpe geschalteten Filtration. Erfindungsgemäß sind zwei parallele Leitungszweige (3.1, 3.2), in welchen je ein Filter (4.1, 4.2) mit zugeordneten Sperrventilen (6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2) angeordnet ist, vorgesehen.

27-02-1952 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to nozzles for liquids

Номер: GB0000667396A

... 667,396. Sprayproducers &c. A.P.V. CO., Ltd. May 5, 1950 [May 5, 1949], No. 12019/49. Class 69 (iii). A liquid nozzle 1 contains spirally corrugated and flat wound strips 4, 5 of thin metalsheetorsynthetic resin, forming a number of channels 6 of small cross-sectional area extending in the direction of flow to produce a smooth flowing jet. The nozzle is connected to a pipe, not shown, by a threaded ring 16 on an attachment 13.

05-01-1955 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to spray nozzles

Номер: GB0000721421A

... 721,421. Spray-producers &c. SPRAYING SYSTEMS CO. Oct. 30, 1952, No. 27287/52. Class 69 (3). A hollow nozzle body 10 has a strainer 13 and a tip part 12 secured thereto by a nut 15, and the part 12 has a large groove 30 extending across its face, with a smaller groove 32 extending along the bottom thereof. The groove 32 intersects the dome-shaped end of a passageway 28 leading from a chamber 26 to form an outlet orifice 29. The size and shape of the latter may be varied by varying the shape of the end of the said passageway, and by changing the size and shape of the small groove. Notches 35, Fig. 7, may be provided at each end of the orifice 29. The strainer comprises a cylindrical body 21, with slots 24, surrounded by a cylindrical screen 22.

18-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001425715A

... 1425715 Spray producers AS LE ROUX JOOSTE and J MOMSEN 1 Feb 1973 [19 April 1972] 32523/75 Divided out of 1425714 Heading B2F The description is the same as that with Specification 1425714 but the claims are directed to the sprinkler distribution cap.

28-10-1948 дата публикации

Improvements in atomising nozzles

Номер: GB0000611313A

... 611,313. Spraying-nozzles. PARKER, J. D. Oct. 18, 1945, No. 27408. [Class 69 (iii)] A horticultural spray nozzle B with a jet K has screwed within it an inner member A having a central fluid passage C joined by diametral holes D to a peripheral recess E, the fluid passing thence along grooves G which run tangentially into a recess H in the end of the inner member to produce a whirling motion. A central projection J guides the spray and a head is described for mounting a number of nozzles.

07-05-1997 дата публикации

Apparatus for washing energised insulators

Номер: GB0002306795A

Energised insulators e.g. in a switchyard, are washed using a plurality of convergent nozzles. The convergent nozzles may have an inlet :outlet port ratio in the range 1.5:1 to 5:1 (Figure 1); a smooth convex inner surface between the inlet and outlet (Figures 2 and 3); or a straightening vane in the inlet (Figure 4). A plurality of nozzles in one manifold may be used (Figure 5). The convergent nozzles give high jet speeds leading to increased scattering of water as it strikes the insulators thus the amount of water flowing down the insulators and carrying contaminants is decreased and hence the chance of flashover is decreased.

10-01-2007 дата публикации

Reduced blockage atomiser

Номер: GB0002427839A

A non fouling atomiser includes vessel 8 with outlet tube 7 and atomiser assembly which consists of tube 2 with optional disc 11 and a number of small holes 3. The material to be atomised 9 is placed in the vessel 8 and a supply of compressed gas 1 used to produce high velocity jets (4, Fig 1). The holes are placed and sized to form jets which interact with each other to create high levels of turbulence which produce energetic mixing, droplet formation, fluidisation or reactions. Unlike atomisers which require a dip leg tube, the design is non fouling because no liquid passes through the small holes and can therefore be used to atomise liquids containing solids such as crystals or powders as well as clean liquids. In combustion applications the invention produces intense secondary mixing eliminating the need for pre-mixing of combustion gases.

03-10-2007 дата публикации

Nozzles with cap closures

Номер: GB0002436538A

A spray nozzle has a body with an internal nozzle located in an open recess, the recess being closed off by a cap having an external surface flush with the surrounding external surface of the body. Also disclosed is a spray nozzle with a body having an internal nozzle located in an open recess, the recess being closed off by a cap arranged to be ejected from the recess by internal fluid pressure of a predetermined threshold amount. Also disclosed is a spray nozzle with a filter element located within an inlet passageway. Also disclosed is a fire control system comprising nozzles in which fluid discharge activation in one nozzle, activates fluid discharge in other nozzles within the system.

24-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002207489B

24-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002231285B

18-09-2002 дата публикации

Water aeration and cleaning system

Номер: GB0002373200A

A device for attachment to a submersible pump, for use in aerating and cleaning water comprises an inlet pipe for attachment to a pump output, and at least one outlet nozzle. The outlet nozzle tapers towards the end such that the constriction increases the pressure of ejected water.

14-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002178980B

29-04-1964 дата публикации

Apparatus for removing fumes and waste products from furnace gases

Номер: GB0000956858A

... 956,858. Washing gases. P. MASSJUK. Jan. 25, 1962 [Aug. 14, 1961], No. 29216/61. Heading B1R. An apparatus for washing furnace gases comprises a chamber 2 enclosing closely related, spaced apart, rotatable spheres 17, one or more metal mesh filters 22, and means 23 for spraying the spheres 17 and filters 22 with liquid, the spheres 17 and filters 22 being of non-ferrous metal. Gas to be washed enters at 7 and passes in turn through the spaced spheres 17, a spray device 23 having adjustable horizontal and vertical nozzles 27, 28 on concentric tubular rings 24, 25, a filter 22, two non-ferrous metal funnels 32, 33 each enclosing steam spray devices 37a supplied from a steam generator 13, a second spray device 23, and a second filter 22 to a chimney 1. Each filter 22 has a panel 29 rotatable about a shaft 30 in response to a thermostat 16 on the generator 13, to provide free passage for gas on a rise in gas temperature. The spheres 17 are continuously rotated about shafts 18 by a motor, Fig ...

19-02-2020 дата публикации

SCR doser spray atomization

Номер: GB0002552673B

05-05-1983 дата публикации

Coating bottles

Номер: GB0002107614A

Glass bottles (2) are coated with a synthetic material using a nozzle head (3) with a plurality of spaced nozzles (11-13) adapted to eject the synthetic material with successive droplets. Relative movement is effected between the surface of the bottle and the nozzle head and the nozzles are so arranged with respect to the direction of the relative movement that the traces of the synthetic material emerging from adjacent nozzles overlap on the container. The relative movement is coordinated with the ejection rate of the droplets so that the surface areas of the bottle coated with successive droplets from the same nozzle overlap. ...

25-09-1968 дата публикации

Spray device

Номер: GB0001128322A

... 1,128,322. Spray producers. IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES Ltd. 18 Oct., 1965 [30 Oct., 1964], No. 44352/64. Heading B2F. A spray device for applying biologically active liquids to vegetation comprises a distributor in the form of a tubular member 1 having an inlet 2 for liquid, a pattern of apertures 7, each aperture having a diameter, of at least 0.006 inches, for the discharge of the liquid and a control member 3 capable of sliding movement within tubular member 1 for selecting apertures in the pattern through which liquid is to be discharged, and means (not shown) for oscillating the distributor in a curved path at a frequency such that when liquid is supplied to the distributor, a spray of substantially non-drifting droplets is produced. The means for oscillating the distributor may be connected to inlet 2 and may be of the type disclosed in U.K. Specification 1,082,728. The apertures 7 may be of various sizes and the spacing between adjacent apertures may differ. The pattern of apertures ...

10-03-1944 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to spraying heads and nozzles adapted for use with apparatus for spraying liquids under pressure

Номер: GB0000559935A

... 559,935. Spray producers. LOGETTE, A. I., and STEAD, A. H. Nov. 28, 1942, No. 16942. [Class 69 (iii)] A spraying head for spray guns and other apparatus for spraying finely atomized liquids under pressure by means of compressed air or other fluid comprises a number of rearwardly directed spraying perforations 3 in addition to the usual forwardlv directed perforations and an internal annular deflector 4 to co-operate with such rearwardly directed projections.

08-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009622715D0

02-09-1998 дата публикации

Malodour treatment

Номер: GB0009814366D0

13-08-1997 дата публикации

Shower head

Номер: GB0009712400D0

12-08-1959 дата публикации

Improvements in spray nozzles

Номер: GB0000817998A

... 817,998. Spray-producers. ALLMAN PATENTS Ltd. April 5, 1957 [April 24, 1956], No. 12539/56. Class 69 (3). A. nozzle casing 1 has a bore 2 with a conical upper surface 5 providing a seating for a plug 6, the conical mating surface 8 of which has non-radial grooves 9, Figs. 1 and 4. An annular groove 7 is also formed in the plug, and liquid. supplied to the nozzle through an adapter 3 flows through the grooves and issues from the nozzle in separate atomized streams. The plug has a conical depression 11 and is a loose fit in the casing, and is kept on its seating by the liquid pressure.

08-01-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus for sanitisation of brewery containers

Номер: GB0002575414A

Apparatus for the sanitisation of brewery containers, such as beer casks or kegs, using ultra-high-pressure water jets comprising a high-pressure lance 14 for spraying a liquid (20, figure 1) against internal surfaces (18, figure 1) of the keg. The spray lance is elongate and can enter an opening (12, 22 figures 1 and 2) of a keg. The lance head 16 has washing liquid ejection orifices 26,28, 30 and a compressed air ejection orifice 32 that is located upstream of the lance head. The air dries the internal keg surfaces and, due to its position (figure 4), the air ejection orifice, prevents ingress of the washing liquid into the interior of the spray lance. A robotic arm may move the lance along its long axis. The lance may be rotatable at 500-1000 rpm and may have three water orifices arranged to eject water at different angles. The compressed air conduit 34 may be annular and co-axial with the liquid conduit 24. The lance head may be disengageable from the body. A method of cleaning kegs ...

31-05-2015 дата публикации

Nozzle for distribution of a fluid

Номер: AP2015008426A0

31-05-2015 дата публикации

Nozzle for distribution of a fluid

Номер: AP0201508426A0

31-01-1981 дата публикации

New and sophisticated structures of dispersion of the fluids.

Номер: OA0000005172A

31-08-1981 дата публикации

Roast fluidization.

Номер: OA0000006583A

31-05-2015 дата публикации

Nozzle for distribution of a fluid

Номер: AP0201508426D0

15-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000383202T

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000368518T

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000445461T

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000484339T

15-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000477851T

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000470505T

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Clean out spray nozzle

Номер: US20120031993A1
Автор: Patrick M. Leistiko
Принадлежит: Individual

A spray nozzle includes a nozzle body, the body having an inner wall and an outer wall, a first opening, a second opening, wherein the diameter of the second opening is less than the diameter of the first opening, wherein the first and second openings have threaded portions, a spray opening, the spray opening at an end of the second opening, and an inner vane, wherein the inner vane comprises threads corresponding to the threads of the second opening, a vane face, a vane protrusion, the protrusion being perpendicular to the face, wherein the face and the protrusion are on opposite sides of the vane, vane grooves emanating outwardly from the center of the vane face, wherein the vane grooves extend down a side of the vane at substantially a 45 degree angle.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Rotating nozzle system

Номер: US20120256018A1
Автор: Hermann Lange
Принадлежит: Lechler GmbH

A rotating nozzle system including a housing that is immovable in relation to a connected feed pipe and to a rotating nozzle head, wherein the nozzle head has at least one outlet orifice and wherein the nozzle head is connected to a shaft protruding into the housing and is non-rotatably connected to a turbine wheel present within the housing. The turbine wheel and the shaft each have a center through bore for the purpose of providing, within the housing, a first flow path extending from the connected feed pipe to the nozzle head and passing through the turbine wheel and a second flow path extending from the connected feed pipe to the nozzle head and passing through each of the center bores.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130082125A1

Systems and apparatus for mixing, cooling, and distributing multiphase fluid mixtures within a reactor, wherein reactor internal apparatus of the present invention provides not only improved fluid mixing and distribution to each underlying catalyst bed surface, but also offers other advantages including: decreased mixing tray height; easier maintenance, assembly and disassembly; and decreased amounts of fabrication material. In an embodiment, fluid may be evenly distributed to a catalyst bed from a fluid distribution unit comprising a nozzle tray including a plurality of nozzles, wherein the nozzles include at least one liquid inlet disposed tangentially to an inner surface of the nozzle. 1. A fluid distribution nozzle , comprising:(a) a substantially cylindrical nozzle body having a plurality of outer slots disposed circumferentially around the nozzle body;(b) a cap affixed to a proximal portion of the nozzle body, the cap having an axial proximal opening therein;(c) a base affixed to a distal portion of the nozzle body, the base having an axial distal opening therein; and(d) a substantially cylindrical inner conduit disposed axially within a proximal portion of the nozzle body, the inner conduit disposed within the proximal opening of the cap, and the inner conduit extending proximally from the cap to define a proximal end of the inner conduit, the inner conduit having a plurality of inner slots disposed circumferentially around the proximal end of the inner conduit, and a distal end of the inner conduit terminating distally at a location proximal to a distal end of each of the outer slots.2. The fluid distribution nozzle of claim 1 , wherein:(a) the axial distal opening is frusto-conical and tapers distally from narrow to broad,(b) each of the cap and the base is threaded,(c) the cap is sealingly engaged with the nozzle body via threads on the proximal portion of the nozzle body, and(d) the base is sealingly engaged with the nozzle body via threads on the distal ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199372A1
Принадлежит: Dyson Technology Limited

A nozzle for a fan assembly includes an air inlet, a plurality of air outlets, and an annular casing having an annular inner wall defining a bore through which air from outside the nozzle is drawn by air emitted from the air outlets and an outer wall extending about the inner wall. The annular casing includes an air passage for conveying air to the air outlets. The air passage has an inlet section located between the inner wall and the outer wall and extending about the bore of the nozzle, and a plurality of outlet sections each extending across the bore for conveying air to a respective air outlet. To achieve an even air pressure at each end of each of the outlet sections, the inlet section of the air passage is arranged to convey air to each end of each of the outlet sections. 1. A nozzle for a fan assembly , the nozzle comprising:at least one air inlet;a plurality of air outlets; andan annular casing comprising an annular inner wall defining a bore through which air from outside the nozzle is drawn by air emitted from the air outlets and an outer wall extending about the inner wall, the annular casing comprising an air passage for conveying air to the air outlets, the air passage comprising an inlet section located between the inner wall and the outer wall and extending about the bore of the nozzle, and a plurality of outlet sections each extending across the bore for conveying air to a respective air outlet, the inlet section of the air passage being connected to each end of each of the outlet sections.2. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein each outlet section of the air passage extends in a direction substantially orthogonal to the axis of the bore.3. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle has a front end towards which air is emitted from the air outlets claim 1 , and a rear end opposite to the front end claim 1 , and wherein the air outlets are located between the front end and the rear end.4. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein each air outlet is located at the ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

System and method having multi-component container for spray device

Номер: US20130233944A1
Автор: Marvin Dean Burns
Принадлежит: Finishing Brands Holdings Inc

A system may include a spray device having a body with a first liquid passage configured to flow a first liquid and a second liquid passage configured to flow a second liquid. The spray device also may include a spray head configured to output a spray of the first liquid and the second liquid. In addition, the spray device may include a multi-component container coupled to the body, wherein the multi-component container comprises a first container portion having a first outlet configured to supply the first liquid to the first liquid passage and a second container portion having a second outlet configured to supply the second liquid to the second liquid passage, and the first and second outlets are positioned in close proximity to one another.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233948A1
Автор: Yoneta Ryota
Принадлежит: RICOH COMPANY, LTD.

A liquid discharge head is disclosed that includes plural nozzles that discharge liquid droplets, plural individual channels that are in communication with the nozzles, a liquid introducing part that is in communication with the individual channels, a common liquid chamber that supplies liquid to the individual channels, and a filter part that is arranged between the common liquid chamber and the liquid introducing part. The filter part is configured to filter the liquid over a range of the individual channels in a nozzle array direction. A partition wall that partitions the individual channels has an end portion towards the liquid introducing part that is arranged to have a width in the nozzle array direction that becomes gradually narrower towards a tip of the partition wall. Further, at least a portion of the end portion of the partition wall is arranged to face the filter part. 1. A liquid discharge head comprising:a plurality of nozzles that discharge liquid droplets;a plurality of individual channels that are in communication with the nozzles;a liquid introducing part that is in communication with the individual channels;a common liquid chamber that supplies liquid to the individual channels;a filter part that is arranged between the common liquid chamber and the liquid introducing part, the filter part being configured to filter the liquid over a range of the individual channels in a nozzle array direction; anda partition wall that partitions the individual channels; whereinan end portion of the partition wall towards the liquid introducing part is arranged to have a width in the nozzle array direction that becomes gradually narrower towards a tip of the partition wall; andat least a portion of the end portion of the partition wall is arranged to face the filter part.2. The liquid discharge head as claimed in claim 1 , whereinonly the end portion of the partition wall having the width in the nozzle array direction becoming gradually narrower is arranged to ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Painting apparatuses and methods

Номер: US20130251437A1
Принадлежит: Depingo LLC

A paint edging apparatus includes a body having front and rear ends defining a longitudinal axis therebetween, the body receiving a paint reservoir for supplying paint to an applicator portion of the apparatus, the body including a handle extending rearwardly at an acute angle relative to the longitudinal axis. An urging mechanism selectively engages the paint reservoir to discharge paint therefrom. A vibrator mounted to the body and operatively connected to the paint applicator portion of the apparatus imparts an oscillatory motion to the paint applicator. A trigger is pivotally mounted to the handle for activating the vibrator, wherein a user can move the apparatus over a work surface to apply paint to the work surface and also pivot the trigger at the same time by grasping the handle with a single hand.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

System for printing on an object

Номер: US20130257984A1

A system for printing an image, preferably a multicolor halftone image, onto at least one non-planar area of a surface of an object, for example a section of a body of a vehicle, includes an inkjet print head having nozzles, a robot, preferably an articulated robot, creating a primary movement, the primary movement including at least two printing paths of the inkjet print head being lateral to each other, and a device creating a secondary movement, the secondary movement being substantially perpendicular to the primary movement and causing the printing paths to laterally adjoin each other. As a result, undesired streaks between the printing paths may advantageously be reduced or prevented.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130269605A1
Принадлежит: BAUMER HHS GMBH

A device for applying a fluid media onto a substrate as the substrate is moved past the device in an advancement direction includes a channel. A slot nozzle is arranged downstream of the channel in a flow direction of the fluid media. A nozzle body comprises dispensing nozzles. Each dispensing nozzle comprises a dispensing opening which leads into the channel. The dispensing openings are arranged on a line extending transverse to the advancement direction. Application modules are configured to intermittently dispense the fluid media onto the substrate via the dispensing nozzles. The application modules are arranged on the nozzle body in at least two rows offset from each other transverse to the advancement direction of the substrate. Adjacent rows of the at least two rows are inclined towards one another at an inclination angle. The at least two rows are arranged to incline along the line. 17-. (canceled)8: A device for applying a fluid media onto a substrate as the substrate is moved past the device in an advancement direction , the device comprising:a channel;a slot nozzle arranged downstream of the channel in a flow direction of the fluid media;a nozzle body comprising a plurality of dispensing nozzles, each of the plurality of dispensing nozzles comprising a dispensing opening which leads into the channel, the dispensing openings being arranged substantially on a line which extends transverse to the advancement direction; anda plurality of application modules configured to intermittently dispense the fluid media onto the substrate via the plurality of dispensing nozzles, the plurality of application modules being arranged on the nozzle body in at least two rows which are offset from each other transverse to the advancement direction of the substrate,wherein adjacent rows of the at least two rows are inclined towards one another in a V-shaped manner at an inclination angle, andthe at least two rows are arranged so as to substantially incline along the line.9: The ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Applicator Assembly for Applying a Composition

Номер: US20130284196A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A method for delivering a composition to the scalp including (a) providing a composition in an applicator assembly, the applicator assembly including (i) a container for holding the composition; (ii) an extended tip actuator in fluid communication with the container, the extended tip actuator including (1) a base portion configured to fluidly connect the extended tip actuator to the container; and (2) a body portion configured to fluidly connect the base portion to a plurality of hollow tines; and (iii) an engine for delivering the composition from the container through the extended tip actuator; and (b) dispensing the composition from the applicator assembly directly onto the scalp. The tines each include a face located distally from the body portion. The tines each include an aperture in fluid communication with the container. The tines each have a protrusion length of from about 0.5 mm to about 100 mm.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Sprayer nozzle apparatus

Номер: US20130284826A1
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

A sprayer nozzle apparatus of an agricultural sprayer is disclosed. The sprayer nozzle apparatus is adapted for receiving a fluid from a spray line of an agricultural sprayer. The sprayer nozzle apparatus includes an apparatus housing. A control element is rotatably coupled to the apparatus housing. A plurality of nozzle connectors having a plurality of supply paths are coupled to the apparatus housing. The control element is configured to receive fluid from the spray line and selectively communicate fluid to at least one of the plurality of supply paths of one of the plurality of nozzle connectors in a first position and to at least one of the plurality of supply paths of another of the plurality of nozzle connectors in a second position.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130284830A1

A conduit with a terminal end, wherein proximate to the terminal end is an orifice plate, wherein the orifice plate has at least one orifice with at least one perimeter, and the at least one perimeter is in a fractal pattern, wherein the conduit can be a nozzle assembly for a flow, wherein examples of a nozzle assembly include a fuel injector, a shower head, a faucet head, and a nozzle head, wherein proximate to the terminal end of each nozzle is the orifice plate with a fractal pattern that provides a downstream spray pattern. 1. A nozzle assembly for a flow , comprising:a conduit for an upstream flow;a terminal end of said conduit for a downstream spray; andan orifice plate proximate to said terminal end;wherein said orifice plate comprises a scale-invariant fractal pattern that repeats the same pattern from a first scale to a second scale.2. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein said conduit comprises a diameter and said orifice plate is located within three diameter lengths of said terminal end.3. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein said fractal pattern is comprised of a self-similar iteration on a geometric shape that includes a plurality of multi-scale iterations of said geometric shape.4. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein said conduit is selected from the group consisting of a fuel injector claim 1 , a shower head claim 1 , a faucet head claim 1 , and a nozzle head.5. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the fractal pattern is at least one of a Seirpinsky carpet fractal or an Apollonian net fractal.6. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein said orifice plate is flat and forms a plane claim 1 , each of said plurality of holes lying within said plane.7. The nozzle of wherein the conduit is a fuel injector claim 1 , and the fuel is vaporized or atomized when it exits the fractal orifice.8. An outlet cover system for a fluid claim 1 , comprising:a pipe comprising an end;an opening at said end; andan orifice plate proximate to said opening, wherein said orifice plate comprises a scale- ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Flat jet fluid nozzles with fluted impingement surfaces

Номер: US20130341435A1
Автор: Mitchell Joe Dodson
Принадлежит: Mitchell Joe Dodson

Embodiments of a flat jet fluid nozzle are disclosed. More particularly, flat jet fluid nozzles having fluted impingement surfaces are disclosed.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Multi-Hole Nozzle and Components Thereof

Номер: US20140077006A1
Автор: Goudy Eric Shawn
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

A multi-hole nozzle component for a filling machine is described herein. The multi-hole nozzle component may be part of a nozzle assembly. The nozzle component has a periphery, an inlet side having a surface, and an outlet side having a surface. The nozzle component has a plurality of separate passageways extending through the nozzle component from adjacent its inlet side to its outlet side, wherein the passageways form a plurality of openings in the surface of the outlet side of the nozzle component. In one embodiment, the surface of the outlet side of the nozzle component has a plurality of grooves therein that are disposed to run between said openings in the surface of the outlet side of the nozzle component. 1. A multi-hole nozzle component for a filling machine , said multi-hole nozzle component having a periphery , an inlet side having a surface , and an outlet side having a surface , said nozzle component further comprising a plurality of separate passageways extending through said nozzle component from adjacent its inlet side to its outlet side , wherein the passageways form a plurality of openings in the surface of the outlet side of the nozzle component , and the surface of the outlet side of said nozzle component has a plurality of grooves therein that are disposed to run between said openings in the surface of the outlet side of the nozzle component.2. The multi-hole nozzle component of wherein said passageways extending through said nozzle component are substantially parallel to each other.3. The multi-hole nozzle component of wherein said passageways have substantially circular cross-sections.4. The multi-hole nozzle component of wherein said passageways are sized and configured so that when liquid is dispensed through said nozzle claim 1 , the liquid exits the outlet side in the form of separate streams from each passageway.5. The multi-hole nozzle component of wherein said grooves between the openings formed by the passageways in the surface of the ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Fire-fighting extinguisher nozzle; a method for fabricating such nozzle, and a methdo for producing a spray of fine-droplet mist

Номер: US20140090858A1
Автор: Bjorn R. Hansen

Method and a fire-fighting extinguisher nozzle for providing a spray of fine droplet mist of liquid into a space, room or a cavity, comprises a number of openings in the exterior surface of the nozzle. Openings communicate with a liquid source through at least one small diameter drilled hole in a nozzle material, enabling liquid in the form of a mist to be directed at least partly in lateral direction and/or at least partly in a sector axially out from the nozzle. The nozzle is also being associated with trigger mechanism, initiating the mist creating effect by allowing an extinguishing liquid to be sprayed out the openings of the nozzle when heat or fumes are detected. Some of the drilled holes are configured in such way that a deflecting surface is provided inside the drilled holed in the nozzle material in the vicinity of the outlet, causing formation of the mist spray of crushed liquid consisting of fine, minute droplets just inside the drilled holes.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140099740A1
Автор: Lee Sang-Shin

A deposition apparatus includes a deposition source that receives a deposition material, and a plurality of spray nozzles arranged in a first direction at one side of the deposition source to spray the deposition material to a facing substrate. The deposition source includes a center area and outer areas, the outer areas being at respective ends of the center area with reference to the first direction. The spray nozzles include first spray nozzles arranged in each outer area and extending outwardly from the deposition source, a surface forming an end of the first spray nozzles forming a first inclination angle with a substrate surface in the first direction. 1. A deposition apparatus , comprising:a deposition source that receives a deposition material; anda plurality of spray nozzles arranged in a first direction at one side of the deposition source to spray the deposition material to a facing substrate,wherein:the deposition source includes a center area and outer areas, the outer areas being at respective ends of the center area with reference to the first direction, andthe spray nozzles include first spray nozzles arranged in each outer area and extending outwardly from the deposition source, a surface forming an end of the first spray nozzles forming a first inclination angle with a substrate surface in the first direction.3. The deposition apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe first inclination angle is in a range of 43-53 degrees.4. The deposition apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe first inclination angle is in a range of 25-35 degrees.5. The deposition apparatus as claimed in claim 3 , whereinsecond spray nozzles arranged at the center area extend toward the deposition source such that a surface forming an end of the second spray nozzles has a second inclination angle in the first direction with respect to the substrate surface, andthe second inclination angle is smaller than the first inclination angle.6. The deposition apparatus as claimed ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001321A1

An example provides an apparatus including a plate having a nozzle orifice, a flat portion, and a first surface having a recess forming a corresponding protrusion extending from a second surface, opposite first surface, of the plate. A substrate may be in spaced relation to the flat portion of the plate such that the protrusion extends toward the substrate and such that the flat portion and the substrate define, at least in part, a chamber. 1. A fluid ejection apparatus comprising:a plate including a nozzle orifice, a flat portion, and a first surface having a recess forming a corresponding protrusion extending from a second surface, opposite the first surface, of the plate; anda substrate in spaced relation to the flat portion of the plate such that the protrusion extends toward the substrate and such that the flat portion and the substrate define, at least in part, a firing chamber.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the protrusion extends toward a fluid feed slot of the substrate claim 1 , the fluid feed slot to provide a fluid to the firing chamber and the protrusion to filter particles in the fluid from entering the firing chamber.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plate includes a plurality of other protrusions extending from the first surface of the plate and wherein the flat portion and the substrate define a plurality of other firing chambers claim 1 , the plurality of other protrusions to filter particles from entering corresponding ones of the plurality of other firing chambers.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the flat portion and the substrate define a plurality of other firing chambers claim 1 , the protrusion to filter particles from entering corresponding ones of the plurality of other firing chambers.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a barrier layer coupling the flat portion of the plate to the substrate and further defining the firing chamber.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the substrate includes a circuit pattern ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

System and Method for Conveying Low-Shear Tolerant Matrixes

Номер: US20160001315A1
Принадлежит: NCH Corp

A system and method for conveying and dispersing a fluid, particularly a low-shear tolerant fluid, onto a granulated material using at least two spray nozzles. Using at least two spray nozzles achieves the same total flow rate as a single nozzle, but reduces the pressure and shear forces on the fluid, allowing fluids containing biological components to be sprayed at the same total flow rate without damaging the biological components. A conveyor or chute transports the granulated material in a wide, thinner laminar plane under the spray nozzles. The spray nozzles are supported above the conveyor or chute and are adjustable as to height and angle. An optional blow-off nozzle directs compressed gas to clean the spray nozzles when fluid spraying has stopped.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Remote control for valve and hose reel system

Номер: US20160003400A1
Принадлежит: Great Stuff Inc

An apparatus includes a handheld element and a remote control. The handheld element has a proximal end, a distal end, and an internal flow conduit. The internal flow conduit extends between the proximal and distal ends. The internal flow conduit is configured to be in fluid communication with a hose. The remote control is integrated with the handheld element. The remote control is configured to transmit wireless data signals for controlling a device associated with the hose. The device may include a reel, a valve system, a valve unit, and/or a plurality of valves.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008768A1

Fixed systems and method for extinguishing large scale industrial tank fires, with and without fixed roofs, and featuring aerated foam projecting nozzles and including fixed center directed nozzles. 19-. (canceled)10. A method for extinguishing fire in an industrial tank , comprising:forcefully projecting a first aerated foam, having an expansion ratio of at least 2-to-1 to 8-to-1 through an opening in a top portion of a industrial tank wall radially toward the center of the industrial tank in a substantially focused stream through a first fluid conduit having a forcefully projecting nozzle at its distal end, wherein a tapered portion is located in the first fluid conduit downstream of, and in fluid communication with, a first ambient air aeration chamber, a first end of the tapered portion is larger than a second end of the tapered portion, the second end of the tapered portion is connected to a tip portion of the forcefully projecting nozzle; andprojecting a second aerated foam, having an expansion ratio of at least 2-to-1 to 8-to-1 through two discharge nozzles located in a second fluid conduit at its distal end, in roughly opposing directions, along interior side wall portions of the industrial tank, wherein the second fluid conduit is adjacent to, and proximate to, the first fluid conduit.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the forcefully projecting nozzle claim 10 , if set at 0 degree inclination to a horizon and at a pressure of 100 pounds per square inch (psi) claim 10 , and if a landing footprint is measured on a horizontal plane five feet below its discharge orifice claim 10 , and when projecting the first aerated foam with an expansion ratio of between 3-to-1 and 5-to-1 claim 10 , is capable of landing at least 50% of the first aerated foam greater than 50 feet from the discharge orifice.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the forcefully projecting nozzle is capable of landing at least 50% of the first aerated foam greater than 50 feet from the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008836A1

A coating solution is injected from nozzles in the horizontal direction to coat, with the coating solution, lens surfaces of a spectacle lens substrate so arranged as to orient an optical axis in the horizontal direction. The spectacle lens substrate is rotated at a first rotational speed about the optical axis serving as the rotation center, and the coating solution is spread on the lens surfaces by the centrifugal force. The spectacle lens substrate is rotated at a second rotational speed higher than the first rotational speed to blow away an excess of the coating solution from the spectacle lens substrate by the centrifugal force. Highly uniform films can be formed on the lens surfaces of the spectacle lens. 1. A method for manufacturing a spectacle lens , comprising the steps of:coating, with a coating solution, a lens surface of a spectacle lens substrate arranged to orient an optical axis in a horizontal direction by injecting the coating solution from a nozzle in the horizontal direction;spreading the coating solution on the lens surface by a centrifugal force by rotating the spectacle lens substrate at a first rotational speed about the optical axis serving as a rotation center; andblowing away an excess of the coating solution from the spectacle lens substrate by a centrifugal force by rotating the spectacle lens substrate, on which the coating solution is spread, at a second rotational speed higher than the first rotational speed.2. The method for manufacturing a spectacle lens according to claim 1 , whereinthe step of coating includes the step of injecting the coating solution in the horizontal direction from a first nozzle and second nozzle respectively facing a first lens surface and second lens surface of the spectacle lens substrate to simultaneously coat the first lens surface and the second lens surface with the coating solution, andthe step of spreading includes the step of rotating the spectacle lens substrate at the first rotational speed after ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008578A1

A multi-composition product dispenser capable of concurrently dispensing at least a first and second composition is provided. 1. A product dispenser capable of concurrently dispensing at least a first composition and a second composition comprising:(a) a first container for containing the first composition and a second container for containing the second composition; (i) a first flow director cavity in fluid communication with the first container;', '(ii) a second flow director cavity in fluid communication with the second container;', '(iii) an inner flow director sealing ring positioned between the first flow director cavity and second flow director cavity;', '(iv) an outer flow director sealing ring opposing said inner flow director sealing ring along an inner/outer flow director sealing ring longitudinal axis;, '(b) a multi-composition flow director comprising (i) an inner nozzle conduit in fluid communication with the second flow director cavity and fluidly sealed against the inner flow director sealing ring;', '(ii) an outer nozzle conduit, at least partially extending around the inner conduit, in fluid communication with the first flow director cavity and fluidly sealed against the outer flow director sealing ring;', '(iii) wherein the length of the inner conduit is longer than the length of the outer conduit., '(c) a nozzle comprising2. The product dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the fluid seal between the inner nozzle conduit and the inner flow director sealing ring is formed between an inner nozzle conduit outer circumferential surface and an inner flow director sealing ring inner circumferential surface.3. The product dispenser of claim 1 , wherein about 3% to about 30% claim 1 , of the total length of the nozzle claim 1 , measured along a nozzle longitudinal axis claim 1 , forms the fluid seal between the inner nozzle conduit and the inner flow director sealing ring.4. The product dispenser of claim 3 , wherein about 5% to about 25% claim 3 , of the total ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009585A1
Автор: Garrison Kathryn S

A multipurpose shake or spray bottle container may include an upper liquid dispenser unit sized to accommodate a volume of a liquid; a spray nozzle attached to the upper liquid dispenser unit and designed to dispense the liquid from the upper liquid dispenser unit; a lower solids dispenser unit sized to accommodate a volume of at least one solid, the lower solids dispenser attached to the upper liquid dispenser by a divider designed to keep the liquid separate from the at least one solid; and a sifter attached to a surface of the lower solids dispenser unit, the sifter designed to dispense the at least one solid from the lower solids unit. The lower solids dispenser unit may be partitioned into multiple solids compartments to accommodate a plurality of solid materials. 1. A multipurpose shake or spray bottle container comprising:an upper liquid dispenser unit sized to accommodate a volume of a liquid;a spray nozzle attached to the upper liquid dispenser unit and designed to dispense the liquid from the upper liquid dispenser unit;a lower solids dispenser unit sized to accommodate a volume of at least one solid, the lower solids dispenser attached to the upper liquid dispenser by a divider designed to keep the liquid separate from the at least one solid; anda sifter attached to a surface of the lower solids dispenser unit, the sifter designed to dispense the at least one solid from the lower solids unit.2. The multipurpose shake or spray bottle container of claim 1 , wherein the sifter comprises:a sifter body;a base plate mounted to the sifter body, the base plate comprising a plurality of base plate orifices extending therethrough; anda sifter plate slidably mounted within the sifter body, the sifter plate comprising a plurality of sifter plate orifices extending therethrough.3. The multipurpose shake or spray bottle container of claim 2 , further comprising a dispenser handle operatively attached to the upper liquid dispenser unit and to the sifter claim 2 , ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220029096A1
Автор: BACK SEOKSOON, Lee Dongha

An inkjet spraying method includes preparing a spraying unit including nozzles for spraying an organic material on a target substrate including first pixels which display a same color, spraying the organic material to each of first pixels of a (1+a×n)th first-pixel row in the first pixels, and spraying the organic material to each of first pixels of a (2+a×n)th first-pixel row in the first pixels, where a first nozzle in the nozzles sprays the organic material to a first reference pixel in the first pixels of the (1+a×n)th first-pixel row, a second nozzle, which is different from the first nozzle, in the nozzles sprays the organic material to a second reference pixel in the first pixels of the (2+a×n)th first-pixel row, and the second reference pixel is disposed in parallel with the first reference pixel in a column direction. 1. An inkjet spraying method comprising:preparing a spraying unit including a plurality of nozzles for spraying an organic material on a target substrate including a plurality of first pixels which display a same color;spraying the organic material to each of first pixels of a (1+a×n)th first-pixel row in the plurality of first pixels; andspraying the organic material to each of first pixels of a (2+a×n)th first-pixel row in the plurality of first pixels,wherein a first nozzle in the plurality of nozzles sprays the organic material to a first reference pixel in the first pixels of the (1+a×n)th first-pixel row,a second nozzle, which is different from the first nozzle, in the plurality of nozzles sprays the organic material to a second reference pixel in the first pixels of the (2+a×n)th first-pixel row,the second reference pixel is disposed in parallel with the first reference pixel in a first direction,n is an integer of 2 or more, anda is an integer of 0 or more.2. The inkjet spraying method of claim 1 , further comprising shifting the spraying unit along a second direction of the plurality of first pixels which crosses the first direction ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Nasal drug delivery system

Номер: US20220032022A1
Принадлежит: Leland Stanford Junior University

Devices, systems, and methods for treating chronic rhinosinutisits (CRS) are described herein. The devices can have a guide member defining at least one lumen therethrough. A drug delivery component is advanced through the lumen to deliver a substance to the sino-nasal cavity of a patient. Once the drug delivery component is positioned at the desired area in the sino-nasal cavity, a user actuates the system to deliver the substance to the target area. Actuation of the system delivers the substance to the middle meatus, osteo-meatal complex, or other areas within the sino-nasal cavity of the patient.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015000A1
Автор: Diez Ryan Andew

A handheld device for wetting, washing and/or rinsing animals, objects or people. The invention comprises a water and/or soap dispenser and an encapsulating element that creates a 360 degree spray of water. The invention optionally allows for soap to be dispensed through a soap dispenser into the jet streams to create a soapy water stream. This device quickly bathes and rinses animals and in particular dogs. This invention is also drawn to a method of washing/rinsing animals, objects or people using a handheld washing/rinsing device. 1. An apparatus comprising a soap dispenser and an encapsulating element:wherein said soap dispenser has a first end and a second end, said first end has a means to couple to a water source, and said second end couples to said encapsulating element;wherein said encapsulating element has an inner surface, and said inner surface has openings; andwherein water flows from said water source passing through the soap dispenser and the encapsulating element and exits via the openings.2. An apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said soap dispenser comprises a handle claim 1 , a soap reservoir claim 1 , and nozzle.3. An apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a water pressure modulator.4. An apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a means for releasing soap.5. An apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said second end is coupled to the encapsulating element via male and female threading.6. An apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said second end is coupled to the encapsulating element via spring tension push buttons.7. An apparatus of wherein said second end is permanently coupled to the encapsulating element.8. An apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the encapsulating element comprises an encapsulating tube claim 1 , a t-joint and a t-joint connector.9. An apparatus of claim 8 , wherein said encapsulating tube is comprised of two or more segments.10. An apparatus of claim 8 , wherein said encapsulating tube is comprised of a flexible flaccid material claim 8 , which ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017328A1
Принадлежит: IBIDEN CO., LTD.

A surface treatment apparatus includes a treatment vessel which contains a treatment solution, a transfer device which transfers a substrate through an interior portion of the treatment vessel in an in-plane direction of the substrate, and a jet device which is positioned in the interior portion of the treatment vessel and jets the treatment solution onto a surface of the substrate such that the surface of the substrate is treated with the treatment solution in the interior portion of the treatment vessel. The jet device has a nozzle hole which jets the treatment solution in a jet direction set parallel or diagonal with respect to the substrate surface. 1. A surface treatment apparatus , comprising:a treatment vessel configured to contain a treatment solution;a transfer device configured to transfer a substrate through an interior portion of the treatment vessel in an in-plane direction of the substrate; anda jet device positioned in the interior portion of the treatment vessel and configured to jet the treatment solution onto a surface of the substrate such that the surface of the substrate is treated with the treatment solution in the interior portion of the treatment vessel,wherein the jet device has a nozzle hole configured to jet the treatment solution in a jet direction set parallel or diagonal with respect to the substrate surface.2. A surface treatment apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the nozzle hole of the jet device is formed such that the jet direction of the nozzle hole forms an inclination angle in a range of 15° to 45° with respect to the surface of the substrate.3. A surface treatment apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the nozzle hole of the jet device is formed such that the jet direction of the nozzle hole is directed from an upstream side to a downstream side of a transfer direction of the substrate.4. A surface treatment apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the nozzle hole of the jet device is formed such that the jet direction ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for applying a sealing

Номер: US20150017345A1

A method for applying a sealing is disclosed which includes applying a liquid sealant to a component in a predefined area of the component and treating the predefined area with a plasma beam prior to applying the liquid sealant and/or treating the liquid sealant with a water spray after applying the liquid sealant. An apparatus for applying a sealing to a component in accordance with this method is also disclosed.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015381A1
Автор: Maguire Paul D., Qiu Frank

A lawn or garden ornament that utilizes either wind power or a flow of fluid to rotate various structural or spinning elements about multiple axes of rotation. When wind power is used, the spinning elements may rotate in unison about a vertical axis. When a fluid power is used, the spinning elements will additionally rotate independently of each other about a horizontal axis, and will turn in unison about the vertical axis. When fluid power is used, the fluid may additionally be used for watering of a garden as the design of the decorative lawn ornament promotes an even distribution of fluid to the surrounding support surface. 1. A lawn ornament , comprising:at least one structural element; anda frame configured to receive a fluid from a fluid source, the frame including at least one fluid conduit having at least one first orifice and at least one second orifice,wherein the at least one second orifice is configured to discharge a portion of the fluid so as to cause rotation of the at least one structural element about a first axis, and the at least one first orifice is configured to discharge another portion of the fluid so as to cause rotation about a second axis which is different than the first axis.2. The lawn ornament of claim 1 , wherein the frame has a diameter that is greater than a diameter of the at least one structural element.3. The lawn ornament of claim 1 , further comprising a support member configured to receive the fluid from the fluid source.4. The lawn ornament of claim 3 , further comprising a central rotating member to connect the frame to the support member.5. The lawn ornament of claim 4 , further comprising an axle to rotatably connect the at least one structural element to the central rotating member.6. The lawn ornament of claim 5 , wherein:the axle defines the first axis; andthe support element defines the second axis.7. The lawn ornament of claim 6 , wherein:the first axis comprises a horizontal axis; andthe second axis comprises a ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Irrigation Nozzle Assembly and Method

Номер: US20180015487A1

A long throw Pop-Up Irrigation Nozzle assembly has no oscillating or rotating parts and includes a cylindrical body having a fluid inlet and a sidewall defining at least one fluidic circuit configured to generate a selected spray pattern when irrigation fluid flows through the body. In order to throw long distance, droplet velocity, droplet size and droplet initial aim angle determine the throw to provide a low precipitation rate (“PR”) for fluidic sprays. The nozzle assembly and method of the present invention achieve a PR of 1 in/hr or less and good spray distribution with a scheduling coefficient (“SC”) of about 1.5 without utilizing any moving components to provide a significantly more cost effective nozzle assembly, as compared to prior art rotator nozzles. 124-. (canceled)25. A nozzle assembly with a fluidic circuit , comprising:(a) a housing with an interior lumen and an exterior sidewall, with at least one fluidic-circuit-receiving port carrying a fluidic circuit insert with an inlet configured to receive a fluid passing into the housing lumen, and an outlet configured to generate a spray pattern;(b) wherein said fluidic circuit insert's outlet has a throat and a floor with features projecting upwardly from said outlet floor by a selected height or vertical extent;(c) wherein said fluidic circuit insert's outlet has a selected throat width;(d) wherein the fluidic circuit receives the fluid at its inlet and passes the irrigation fluid through to its outlet, past or over one or more protuberances configured to project partly into the fluid's outward spray pattern, and modify the fluidic circuit's spray pattern by suppressing heavy ended bands;(e) wherein said protuberances project upwardly into said fluid circuit insert's outlet at 5-40% of the selected height or vertical extent; and(f) wherein said protuberances have a diameter or lateral extent that is a fraction of the throat width.26. An irrigation nozzle assembly with no oscillating or rotating parts , ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Liquid Ejecting Apparatus and Liquid Supply Unit

Номер: US20160016410A1

A liquid ejecting apparatus includes: a printing head; and a liquid supply unit. The printing head has a reservoir, a plurality of liquid supply ports connected to the reservoir, and a liquid introduction inlet. A first liquid supply port and a second liquid supply port are positioned at ends of the plurality of liquid supply ports in a first direction. Outer periphery of the liquid introduction inlet includes one end section and another end section in the first direction. The one end section is closer to the first liquid supply port than the second liquid supply port. The liquid includes a first liquid with a high content of pigment, and a second liquid with a lower content of pigment. The liquid supply unit supplies the second liquid to the one end section of the liquid introduction inlet.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015847A1
Автор: SILLINCE Mark Erich

A spray cap for a spray container constitutes a one-piece moulding of polymeric material and includes a cap plate in which a plurality of spray slits is formed. Integral with the cap plate is a non-return valve arranged to permit air to flow through it in one direction which, in use, is towards the interior of the spray container but substantially to prevent flow of air through it in the opposite direction. 1. A spray cap for a spray container , the spray cap comprising a one-piece moulding of polymeric material and including a cap plate , a plurality of spray slits formed in said cap plate and a non-return valve which is integral with said cap plate and is arranged to permit air to flow through said non-return valve in one direction which , in use , is towards the interior of said spray container but substantially to prevent the flow of air through it in the opposite direction.2. A spray cap as claimed in wherein each of the spray slits is defined by two edges of irregular shape which substantially contact one another claim 1 , at least in certain regions.3. A spray cap as claimed in wherein the width of each of the spray slits varies along its length between substantially 0 and 0.3 mm.4. A spray cap as claimed in wherein the width of each of the spray slits varies along its length between substantially 0 and 0.05 mm.5. A spray cap as claimed in wherein the spray slits are arranged in a substantially circular array.6. A spray cap as claimed in wherein the cap plate is substantially circular and the spray slits extend substantially radially.7. A spray cap as claimed in wherein the cap plate includes an annular region which is inclined upwardly and inwardly and in which the spray slits are formed.8. A spray cap as claimed in wherein the non-return valve is of generally duckbill type including two valve plates which are inclined towards one another and are integral with the cap plate and whose ends remote from the cap plate are biased towards one another and are ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015848A1
Автор: SHIMAMURA Tetsuya

An end-face coating apparatus for applying a fluid to an end face of a glass substrate includes a workpiece holder and a fluid dispenser. The workpiece holder has a holding surface for holding a glass substrate in a horizontal position such that an end face of the glass substrate projects from the workpiece holder. The fluid dispenser extends in a vertical direction orthogonal to the main faces of the glass substrate and has a nozzle. A dispensing opening for dispensing a fluid is formed on the outer circumferential surface of the nozzle. The dispensing opening has a size equal to or smaller than the width of the end face as measured in the thickness direction of the glass substrate. The fluid dispenser is moved relative to the glass substrate by a Z-axis drive mechanism, a θ-axis drive mechanism, a Y-axis drive mechanism, and an X-axis drive mechanism. 14-. (canceled)5. An end face coating apparatus comprising:a workpiece holder for detachably holding a plate-shaped glass substrate;a fluid dispenser including a nozzle for dispensing a fluid, the nozzle comprising a tube which has a closed end, an outer peripheral surface, a longitudinal axis which is perpendicular to a main face of the glass substrate, and a dispensing opening which is formed in the outer peripheral surface and opposes the end face of the glass substrate and which has a size measured in a thickness direction of the glass substrate which is less than or equal to the thickness of the glass substrate;a fluid supply mechanism which is fluidly connected to the fluid dispenser and supplies the fluid to the nozzle;a drive mechanism which produces relative movement of the glass substrate and the nozzle parallel to the main face of the glass substrate; anda controller which controls the fluid supply mechanism and the drive mechanism such that the fluid is dispensed from the dispensing opening of the nozzle onto the end face of the glass substrate as the glass substrate and the nozzle undergo the relative ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016044A1

The present invention relates to an aerosol device comprising: a container containing a cosmetic composition which comprises at least 6% by weight of one or more powders relative to the total weight of the composition, and a dispensing head comprising a body and an end part comprising at least two outlet orifices configured to allow spraying of the composition about a longitudinal axis of the end part in at least two different directions, the dispensing head comprising at least first and second chambers, through which the composition stream successively passes before it exits via the outlet orifices. 113-. (canceled)14. An aerosol device comprising:a container containing a cosmetic composition which comprises at least 7% by weight of a powder, relative to the total weight of the composition; and a body;', 'a diffuser comprising outlet orifices configured to spray the cosmetic composition in different directions with respect to a longitudinal axis of the diffuser;', 'first and second concentric chambers through which the composition successively passes before it exits the dispensing head via the outlet orifices; and', 'an aperture disposed between the first and second concentric chambers and angularly offset relative to at least one of the outlet orifices., 'a dispensing head comprising15. The aerosol device of claim 14 , wherein the powder comprises a sebum-absorbing powder having a sebum uptake of greater than or equal to 35 ml/100 g.16. The aerosol device of claim 15 , wherein the sebum-absorbing powder is chosen from starch octenylsuccinates claim 15 , calcium silicates claim 15 , perlites claim 15 , zeolites claim 15 , polylactic acids claim 15 , silicas claim 15 , polyamide powders claim 15 , acrylic polymer powders claim 15 , silicone elastomer powders claim 15 , or any combination thereof.17. The aerosol device of claim 16 , wherein the sebum-absorbing powder comprises an aluminum starch octenylsuccinate.18. The aerosol device of claim 15 , wherein the sebum- ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016045A1

The invention relates to an aerosol device comprising: a container containing a cosmetic composition which comprises at least one fixing polymer, and a dispensing head (3) comprising a body (5) and an end part (7) comprising at least two outlet orifices (12) configured to allow spraying of the composition about a longitudinal axis (Y) of the end part (7) in at least two different directions, the dispensing head (3) comprising at least first (15) and second (16) chambers, through which the composition stream successively passes before it exits via the outlet orifices (12). 116-. (canceled)17. An aerosol device comprising:a container comprising a cosmetic composition comprising a fixing polymer; and a body; and', 'a diffuser comprising outlet orifices configured to spray the cosmetic composition in different directions with respect to a longitudinal axis of the diffuser;', 'first and second concentric chambers through which the composition successively passes before it exits the dispensing head via the outlet orifices; and', 'an aperture disposed between the first and second concentric chambers and angularly offset relative to at least one of the outlet orifices., 'a dispensing head comprising18. The aerosol device of claim 17 , wherein the fixing polymer is chosen from anionic fixing polymers claim 17 , amphoteric fixing polymers claim 17 , nonionic fixing polymers claim 17 , or any combination thereof.19. The aerosol device of claim 17 , wherein the fixing polymer is chosen from anionic fixing polymers claim 17 , nonionic fixing polymers claim 17 , or any combination thereof.20. The aerosol device of claim 17 , wherein the fixing polymer comprises anionic fixing polymers chosen from: copolymers of acrylic and methacrylic acid or salts thereof; crotonic acid copolymers; polyacrylamides bearing carboxylate groups; homopolymers or copolymers bearing sulfonic groups; anionic polyurethanes; anionic-grafted silicone polymers; or any combination thereof.21. The aerosol ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016046A1

The present invention relates to an aerosol device comprising: —a container containing a cosmetic composition which comprises one or more powders in a content of less than 7% by weight relative to the total weight of the composition, and—a dispensing head comprising a body and an end part comprising at least two outlet orifices configured to allow spraying of the composition about a longitudinal axis of the end part in at least two different directions, the dispensing head comprising at least first and second chambers, through which the composition stream successively passes before it exits via the outlet orifices. 114-. (canceled)15. An aerosol device comprising:a container containing a cosmetic composition that comprises less than 7% by weight of a powder, relative to the total weight of the composition; and a body;', 'a diffuser comprising outlet orifices configured to spray the cosmetic composition in different directions with respect to a longitudinal axis of the diffuser;', 'first and second concentric chambers through which the composition successively passes before it exits the dispensing head via the outlet orifices; and', 'an aperture disposed between the first and second concentric chambers and angularly offset relative to at least one of the outlet orifices., 'a dispensing head comprising16. The aerosol device of claim 15 , wherein the powder comprises a water-insoluble mineral compound.17. The aerosol device of claim 16 , wherein the water-insoluble mineral compound is chosen from metal carbonates claim 16 , metal oxides claim 16 , metal sulfates claim 16 , magnesium silicates claim 16 , or any combination thereof.18. The aerosol device of claim 16 , wherein the water-insoluble mineral compound is chosen from calcium carbonate claim 16 , magnesium carbonate claim 16 , alumina claim 16 , barium sulfate and/or magnesium oxide claim 16 , or any combination thereof.19. The aerosol device of claim 15 , wherein the powder comprises a sebum-absorbing powder ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Microfluidic cartridge comprising silicone pressure-sensitive adhesive

Номер: US20210016279A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A microfluidic cartridge is provided. The microfluidic cartridge has an interior and an exterior. The microfluidic cartridge includes a reservoir disposed in the interior of the microfluidic cartridge and configured to contain a fluid composition. The microfluidic cartridge includes an electric circuit disposed on the exterior of the microfluidic cartridge. The electric circuit comprises a first end portion having electrical contacts and a second end portion opposing the first end portion. The microfluidic cartridge includes a microfluidic die disposed on the exterior of the microfluidic cartridge, wherein the microfluidic die is electrically connected with the second end portion of the electric circuit and in fluid communication with the reservoir. A silicone pressure-sensitive adhesive is used to join the electric circuit with the exterior of the microfluidic cartridge.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Cleaning Device for a Dust Filter

Номер: US20170021297A1

A cleaning device for a dust filter has a flow duct extending between an entry opening and an exit opening. An annular chamber surrounds the flow duct. Gas-inlet connectors are provided for inflow of pressurized gas into the annular chamber. Nozzle gaps delimited by nozzle-gap walls open toward the flow duct. The annular chamber has an upper annular shell and a lower annular shell interconnected pressure-tightly in a connection region. The gas-inlet connectors are molded on the upper annular shell. The lower annular shell is predominantly flat, extends horizontally or downwardly toward the nozzle gaps, and forms the lower nozzle-gap wall. In order to meet highest demands in terms of hygiene, in the connection region the angle at which the annular shells mutually abut in the annular chamber is at least 90°. Gaps and constrictions are thus avoided. 1. A cleaning device for a dust filter , the cleaning device comprising:a flow duct extending between an entry opening and an exit opening;an annular chamber surrounding the flow duct and comprising gas-inlet connectors for inflow of pressurized gas into the annular chamber;one or more nozzle gaps fluidically connecting the annular chamber with the flow duct;the annular chamber comprising an upper annular shell and a lower annular shell, the upper annular shell and the lower annular shell each having an external periphery, wherein the external peripheries of the upper annular shell and the lower annular are pressure-tightly connected to each other in a connection region;wherein the gas-inlet connectors are integrally molded on the upper annular shell;wherein the lower annular shell is predominantly flat and extends horizontally or downwardly toward the one or more nozzle gaps and forms a lower nozzle-gap wall delimiting the one or more nozzle gaps;wherein in the connection region the upper annular shell and the lower annular shell abut each other at an angle and said angle is at least 90°.2. The cleaning device according to ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021373A1
Автор: Patel Bandish

A steam atomizing liquid spraying system which in the preferred embodiment includes a spray nozzle assembly having a central liquid passageway for coupling to a liquid supply and a plurality of spray nozzles each removably mounted in the nozzle body and having a respective central steam passage communicating with a steam supply. The spray nozzles each further have a plurality of circumferentially spaced liquid accelerating passages that communicate with a respective angled passage of the nozzle body which in turn communicates with the central liquid supply passageway for directing liquid into the central steam passage of the spray nozzle for interaction with steam directed through the central steam passage and atomization of liquid discharging from the spray nozzle. In an alternative embodiment, a single spray nozzle insert is utilized. 1. A steam atomizing liquid spraying system comprising:said spray nozzle assembly including nozzle body having a central liquid passageway for coupling to a liquid supply;a plurality of spray nozzles each removably mounted in a respective nozzle receiving passage of said nozzle body;said nozzle receiving passages of said nozzle body each being coupleable to a steam supply;said spray nozzles each having a central steam passage communicating between the respective nozzle receiving passage and a discharge orifice of the spray nozzle;the nozzle body having a plurality of angled passages communicating with said central liquid passage; andsaid angled passages of said nozzle body each communicating with a respective central steam passage of one of said spray nozzles for directing liquid into the central steam passage of the spray nozzle for interaction with steam directed through the central steam passage and atomization of liquid discharging from the spray nozzle.2. The steam atomizing liquid spraying system of in which said spray nozzles each have a plurality of circumferentially spaced liquid accelerating passages communicating with the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021280A1

A dog wash and method for simultaneously washing multiple sides of a dog is disclosed. The dog wash comprises a spray assembly slideably attached to rails of a track assembly. One or more nozzle assemblies are positioned along the uptubes and spanner bar of the spray assembly to deliver water to the top and side surfaces of the dog at the same time. 1. A dog wash for simultaneously washing multiple sides of a dog , comprising a spray assembly slideably attached to rails of a track assembly , the spray assembly comprising:a spanner tube comprising a length of about 18 inches to about 48 inches;a first uptube having a first and second end and an oppositely disposed second uptube having a first and second end wherein the first and second uptubes comprise a length of about 24 inches to about 60 inches, the first end of the first uptube slideably attached to a first rail of the track assembly and the first end of the second uptube slideably attached to an oppositely disposed second rail of the track assembly, wherein the second end of the first uptube and second end of the second uptube is in fluid connection with the spanner tube to form a fluid circuit, the spanner tube separating the first and second uptubes;at least one nozzle assembly positioned along each of the uptubes and the spanner tube, the nozzle assembly comprising at least one nozzle; anda valve for controlling water flow through the fluid circuit of the spray assembly.2. The dog wash of claim 1 , wherein a length of the first and second uptubes is adjustable so that the height of the spanner tube can be adjusted based on the standing height and/or sitting height of the dog.3. The dog wash of claim 1 , further comprising a tub wherein the track assembly is positioned within the tub.4. The dog wash of claim 1 , wherein the spray assembly is detachable from the rails of the track assembly.5. The dog wash of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle assembly comprises a screw-in nozzle.6. The dog wash of claim 1 , wherein ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022689A1

The disclosure relates to a perforated plate for an application apparatus for the application of a fluid onto a component, preferably a motor vehicle bodywork and/or an add-on part therefor. The perforated plate comprises at least three through-holes for the passage of the fluid, wherein the through-holes are assigned to a row of nozzles with a central region and two edge regions, wherein the at least one outermost through-hole in at least one edge region has at least one reference opening diameter that is smaller than at least one reference opening diameter of at least one through-hole in the central region. The disclosure also relates to an application apparatus and an application method with such a perforated plate. 132.-. (canceled)33. Perforated plate for an application device for application of a fluid onto a component ,with at least three through-holes for passage of the fluid, wherein the through-holes are assigned to a row of nozzles with a central region and two edge regions,wherein the at least one outermost through-hole in at least one edge region has at least one reference opening diameter that is smaller than at least one reference opening diameter of at least one through-hole in the central region.34. Perforated plate according to claim 33 , wherein the perforated plate has only one single row of nozzles for the application of the fluid.35. Perforated plate according to claim 33 , wherein the row of nozzles comprising the central region and at least one edge region is aligned linearly.36. Perforated plate according to claim 33 , wherein{'b': '2', 'a straight alignment line extends linearly through one of: at least one reference opening diameter and at least one hole outlet opening diameter of the at least one outermost through-hole in at least one edge region and through one of: at least one reference opening diameter and at least one hole outlet opening diameter of at least one through-hole in the central region, so that an off-centre nozzle row ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Split Fluid Jet Head and Manifold for Receipt of Split Fluid Jet Head

Номер: US20190023495A1
Автор: JR. George W., Massey

Cleaning assemblies, particularly for conveyor systems, are provided. For example, a cleaning assembly comprises a split fluid jet head that includes an inlet end for receipt of a flow of a fluid, an outlet end for an egress of the fluid, and a plurality of veins extending from the inlet end to the outlet end. The plurality of veins split the flow of the fluid into a plurality of flows of the fluid. The cleaning assembly also comprises a manifold that includes a body and a plurality of fluid passages defined through the body. Each fluid passage has an inlet port and an outlet port. The outlet ports are defined at various locations along the body. The manifold is configured to receive the split fluid jet head such that each vein of the plurality of veins is aligned with an inlet port of the plurality of inlet ports. 1. A cleaning assembly , comprising:a manifold including a body and a plurality of fluid passages defined through the body, each fluid passage having an inlet port and an outlet port such that the manifold has a plurality of inlet ports and a plurality of outlet ports,wherein the plurality of outlet ports are defined at various locations along the body, andwherein the manifold is configured in the shape of one of a plurality of links of a mechanical chain and is assembled with the plurality of links to form the mechanical chain.2. The cleaning assembly of claim 1 , wherein the manifold comprises at least eleven inlet ports.3. The cleaning assembly of claim 1 , wherein the body of the manifold extends in a longitudinal direction between a leading end and a trailing end and defines a pair of opposing sides that extend in the longitudinal direction between the leading end and the trailing end claim 1 , and wherein at least a portion of the outlet ports are defined along the leading end and each opposing side of the body.4. The cleaning assembly of claim 1 , wherein the body of the manifold comprises a bottom surface for sliding along a sliding surface of a ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023215A1

A fire suppression nozzle assembly includes a spray-type nozzle for spraying a fire suppression fluid. The spray-type nozzle includes a body portion defining a passage extending longitudinally through the body portion for conveying the fire suppression fluid. The spray-type nozzle also includes a deflector portion coupled to the body portion and configured to spray the fire suppression fluid onto a fire suppression target area using a radial spray pattern. 146.-. (canceled)47. A fire suppression nozzle assembly , comprising: a body portion defining a passage extending longitudinally through the body portion for conveying the fire suppression fluid, and', 'a deflector portion coupled to the body portion and configured to spray the fire suppression agent onto a fire suppression target area using a radial spray pattern; and, 'a spray-type nozzle for spraying a fire suppression fluid, the spray-type nozzle including,'}a nozzle frame for mounting the spray-type nozzle, the nozzle frame having a through-passage for receiving the nozzle,wherein a portion of the body portion at an inlet of the passage includes a plurality of apertures extending therethrough for aerating the fire suppression fluid.48. The nozzle assembly of claim 47 , wherein the nozzle frame includes at least one drainage hole for draining liquids from a surface.49. The nozzle assembly of claim 48 , where the nozzle frame includes a plurality of drainage holes that circumscribe the through-passage of the nozzle frame.50. The nozzle assembly of claim 47 , further comprising:a nozzle grate disposed adjacent to the nozzle frame for collecting and draining liquids from a surface,wherein the nozzle frame and the nozzle grate are configured for installation on a trench.51. The nozzle assembly of claim 50 , wherein the nozzle frame and the nozzle grate form an integral unit.52. The nozzle assembly of claim 47 , wherein the body portion includes a central support disposed in the passage claim 47 , the central ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023324A1
Принадлежит: ETH Zurich

The invention relates to a device () for generating droplets () comprising a plurality of channels (), wherein each channel () extends from an inlet () along a respective longitudinal axis (L) to an outlet (), wherein said device () comprises a plurality of layers () of a substrate material arranged in a stack (), wherein each layer () comprises a first side () and a second side () facing away from each other, and wherein said first side () of each layer () comprises a plurality of grooves (), wherein said channels () are formed by said grooves () of said first side () of a respective layer () of said stack () and said second side () of a respective adjacent layer () of said stack (). The invention further relates to a method for generating droplets () and a fabrication method of the device (). 113020202012022020120230202201202202. A device () for generating droplets () of a dispersed phase (D) in a continuous phase (C) , comprising a plurality of channels () , wherein each channel () comprises an inlet () and an outlet () , and wherein each channel () extends from said inlet () along a respective longitudinal axis (L) to said outlet () , so that droplets () of a dispersed phase (D) can be generated in a continuous phase (C) at said outlets () when a flow of said dispersed phase (D) from said inlets () to said outlets () is provided and said outlets () are in flow connection with a reservoir or conduit containing said continuous phase (C) , characterized in that{'b': 1', '10', '100', '10', '101', '102', '101', '102', '101', '10', '103', '103', '101', '102', '10', '20', '201', '104', '100', '202', '105', '100, 'said device () comprises a plurality of layers () of a substrate material arranged in a stack (), wherein each layer () comprises a first side () and a second side (), wherein the first side () faces away from the second side (), and wherein the first side () of each layer () comprises a plurality of grooves (), wherein the grooves () of each first side () are ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170024870A1
Автор: REICHHARDT Andreas

In a method for testing an agricultural spraying device () which comprises a plurality of nozzles () that are arranged at a spacing from one other and spray a liquid, which is supplied under pressure, in a defined atomizing cone (), a region, near the nozzle, of the atomizing cone () of each individual nozzle () is optically recorded, in a direction perpendicular to the central axis of the atomizing cone (), by means of a recording device () having a digital camera (), and is stored as a digital image file. 1. Method for testing an agricultural spraying device that comprises a plurality of nozzles that are arranged at a spacing from one another and spray a liquid , which is supplied under pressure , in a defined atomizing cone , in which method a region , near the nozzle , of the atomizing cone of each individual nozzle is optically recorded , in a direction perpendicular to the central axis of the atomizing cone , by a recording device having a digital camera , and is stored as a digital image file.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the stored image files are each compared with an empirically determined reference image file and deviations between an image file and the reference image file are determined and evaluated in order to assess the state of the nozzle associated with the deviating image file.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when each atomizing cone region is being optically recorded claim 1 , a defined background surface is arranged behind the atomizing cone region when viewed from the camera.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the atomizing cone region is illuminated during the optical recording process.5. Method according to claim 1 , wherein an optically recorded image file of the atomizing cone region of a new nozzle of the type to be tested is used as the reference image file.6. Method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when an atomizing cone region is being optically recorded claim 1 , the pressure of the liquid ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Push button for distribution system, with crossings of fluidic paths

Номер: US20210024279A1

The invention proposes a pushbutton for a system for dispensing several pressurized products, the pushbutton including: 1. A pushbutton for a system for dispensing several pressurized products , said pushbutton comprising:a body;a spraying nozzle secured to the body, the body and the nozzle forming a subassembly, the nozzle being provided with several outlet orifices, each outlet orifice being linked to a product;said pushbutton comprising a first channel passing through the body and the nozzle and forming a passage for a first product arriving in a first well of the body and emerging through a first outlet orifice of the nozzle, anda second channel passing through the nozzle only and forming a passage for a second product arriving in a well of the nozzle and emerging through a second outlet orifice of the nozzle overhanging said first outlet orifice.2. The pushbutton according to claim 1 , further comprising a third channel passing through the body and the nozzle and forming a passage for a third product arriving in a second well of the body and emerging through a third outlet orifice of the nozzle.3. The pushbutton according to claim 2 , wherein the three outlet orifices are arranged in a triangle claim 2 , the second outlet orifice overhanging the two other outlet orifices.4. The pushbutton according to claim 3 , wherein each channel comprises an axial section and a transversal section of appearance perpendicular to the axial section.5. The pushbutton according to claim 4 , wherein the transversal sections of the first and third channels extending in one same transversal plane claim 4 , comprising the first and third outlet orifices of the nozzle.6. The pushbutton according to claim 5 , wherein the axial section of the second channel passes through said transversal plane and passes between the two transversal sections of the first and third channels claim 5 , within the nozzle.7. The pushbutton according to claim 6 , wherein the transversal sections of the first ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025664A1

A high pressure nozzle adapted to clean a tube includes an elongated body having a proximal end and a distal end, and defines one or more elongated channels along an exterior, extending from the distal end to the proximal end, and includes a head rotatably mounted to the body adjacent the distal end. The head includes jets that expel liquid at a pressure of at least 1000 psi to clean material from a wall of a tube and/or rotate the head relative to the body about a longitudinal axis. The channels are operable in an evacuation mode in which a portion of liquid is conveyed through the channels away from the head toward the proximal end to prevent and/or impair hydraulicing of the nozzle in the tube when the nozzle encounters a blockage within the tube. Related methods of use of the nozzle also are provided. 1. A method of cleaning equipment , the method comprising:providing a blasting nozzle including a body having a proximal end and a distal end, a first housing part and a second housing part, a head disposed adjacent the distal end and rotatably mounted relative to the body, the head including a jet, the body defining a plurality of longitudinal channels extending from the distal end toward the proximal end;advancing the nozzle axially within an elongated tube;ejecting a liquid from the head through the jet into the tube at a pressure of at least 1000 psi to thereby rotate the head relative to the body about a longitudinal axis of rotation;conveying a portion of the liquid from the distal end toward the proximal end through the plurality of channels while the head rotates to evacuate the portion of liquid away from the head,wherein the evacuation of the portion of liquid through the plurality of channels at least one of prevents and impairs hydraulicing of the nozzle in the tube when the nozzle encounters a blockage within the tube.2. The method of claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of channels include a first channel defined in a first exterior of the first housing ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029070A1

Disclosed is a liquid patterning device and liquid patterning method. The liquid patterning device includes: a substrate having a flat bottom and a surface; at least one microstructure formed to vertically protrude from the surface of the substrate and including a plurality of unit microposts so as to have a desired shape; and a liquid mover for moving a liquid to be patterned on the surface of the substrate in another direction from one direction of the microstructure. 1. A liquid patterning device comprising:a substrate having a flat bottom and a surface;at least one microstructure formed to vertically protrude from the surface of the substrate and including a plurality of unit microposts so as to have a desired shape; anda liquid mover for moving a liquid to be patterned on the surface of the substrate in another direction from one direction of the microstructure.2. The liquid patterning device of claim 1 , whereina top portion of the liquid patterning device is opened.3. The liquid patterning device of claim 2 , whereinthe unit micropost is made of a hydrophilic material or a hydrophobic material.4. The liquid patterning device of claim 1 , whereinthe liquid patterning device includes a plurality of nozzles provided on a top portion of the microstructure and spraying a liquid on a surface of the substrate.5. The liquid patterning device of claim 1 , whereinthe substrate is made of a hydrophilic material or a hydrophobic material.6. The liquid patterning device of claim 5 , whereinthe substrate is made of a material with a contact angle of 0° to 170° between the surface and the liquid to be patterned.7. The liquid patterning device of claim 1 , whereinthe unit micropost is generated to have at least one of shapes including a circular cylinder, a square pillar, a cone, and a curve.8. The liquid patterning device of claim 1 , whereinthe liquid mover includes a wiper for wiping the liquid on the surface of the substrate over a unit micropost of the microstructure.9. ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030698A1

A sprayer including a fluid carrier having an inlet configured to receive water from a water source and an outlet for emitting water, and including a vibration source coupled to a portion of the fluid carrier between the inlet and the outlet. When the sprayer is in a first mode of operation, water is emitted from the outlet in a first pattern; and when the sprayer is in a second mode of operation, the vibration source is configured to oscillate the fluid carrier such that water is emitted from the outlet in a second pattern. 1. A sprayer comprising:a fluid carrier having an inlet configured to receive water from a water source and an outlet for emitting water; anda vibration source coupled to a portion of the fluid carrier between the inlet and the outlet;wherein water is emitted from the outlet in a first pattern in a first mode of operation; andwherein the vibration source is configured to oscillate the fluid carrier such that water is emitted from the outlet in a second pattern in a second mode of operation.2. The sprayer of claim 1 , further comprising a signal generator configured to produce a signal that oscillates the vibration source.3. The sprayer of claim 2 , further comprising an amplifier that receives the signal from the signal generator and outputs an amplified signal that is received by the vibration source.4. The sprayer of claim 3 , further comprising a housing claim 3 , wherein the fluid carrier and the vibration source are contained within the housing.5. The sprayer of claim 4 , wherein the signal generator and the amplifier are also housed in the housing.6. The sprayer of claim 1 , wherein the vibration source is configured to oscillate the fluid carrier between a first position and a second position to produce the second pattern of water emitted from the outlet.7. The sprayer of claim 6 , further comprising a signal generator configured to produce a signal that oscillates the vibration source between the first position and the second position.8. ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030823A1
Принадлежит: Continental Powertrain USA, LLC

A fluid injector for injecting fluid is disclosed, including a body; a fluid passageway defined in the body and extending from an inlet to an outlet of the fluid injector; a valve seat disposed internally of the body and forming part of the passageway; a valve element that is selectively reciprocated relative to the valve seat to close and open the passageway to fluid flow by seating and unseating the valve element on and from the valve seat, respectively; and an orifice disc disposed in the passageway downstream of the valve seat in a direction of the fluid flow through the fluid injector, the orifice disc including a plurality of dimples and a plurality of orifices defined through the orifice disc, each dimple including at least one orifice located thereon and each dimple having an asymmetrical cross-section. 1. A fluid injector for injecting fluid , comprising:a body;a fluid passageway defined in the body and extending from an inlet to an outlet of the fluid injector;a valve seat disposed internally of the body and forming part of the fluid passageway;a valve element that is selectively reciprocated relative to the valve seat to close and open the passageway to fluid flow by seating and unseating the valve element on and from the valve seat, respectively; andan orifice disc disposed in the fluid passageway downstream of the valve seat in a direction of the fluid flow through the fluid injector, the orifice disc including a plurality of dimples and a plurality of orifices defined through the orifice disc, each orifice is disposed along a dimple and each dimple has an asymmetrical cross-section.2. The fluid injector of claim 1 , wherein each dimple includes a single orifice located thereon.3. The fluid injector of claim 1 , wherein each dimple has maximum depth which is axially offset from a radial center of the dimple.4. The fluid injector of claim 3 , wherein for each dimple claim 3 , a radial distance between a center longitudinal axis of the disc and a first ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030824A1

An inert gas distribution system nozzle including an inlet to receive fluid from a fluid supply, a chamber to receive the fluid from the inlet and dimensioned relative to the inlet to permit the fluid to expand to form a mist, and at least one passage to receive the fluid from the chamber and dimensioned relative to the chamber to promote condensing of the mist, wherein the, or each, passage comprises an outlet to emit the fluid from the nozzle. A cross-sectional area of the passage is less than a cross-sectional area of the chamber. 1. An inert gas distribution system nozzle , the nozzle comprising:an inlet configured to receive a fluid,a flow path extending from the inlet, andan outlet configured to receive the fluid from the flow path and expelling the fluid from the nozzle,wherein the flow path comprises a chamber and a passage, the chamber being located between the inlet and the passage, andwherein a cross-sectional area of the passage normal to the flow path is less than a cross-sectional area of the chamber normal to the flow path.2. The nozzle according to claim 1 , wherein the cross-sectional area of the passage is less than 10% of the cross-sectional area of the chamber.3. The nozzle according to claim 1 , wherein a length of the passage is at least 80% of a length of the chamber.4. The nozzle according to claim 1 , wherein the cross-sectional area of the passage is configured to promote laminar flow of the fluid.5. The nozzle according to claim 1 , wherein the cross-sectional area of the chamber is configured to permit the fluid to form a mist claim 1 , and the cross-sectional area of the passage is configured to promote condensing of the mist.6. The nozzle according to claim 1 , comprising plural outlets for expelling the fluid from the nozzle.7. The nozzle according to claim 6 , wherein each of the outlets is configured to receive the fluid from the passage.8. The nozzle according to claim 6 , wherein the passage is one of plural passages and the outlet ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Ejection Head for Ejecting Alignment Film Forming Composition

Номер: US20150034735A1

An ejection head for ejecting alignment film forming composition includes multiple nozzles. Each nozzle includes a chamber, a composition source, and a control valve. A liquid transportation pipe and a pusher are disposed on the bottom and the top of the chamber, respectively. The pusher is used for pushing the alignment film forming composition out of the liquid transportation pipe. The composition source is used for transporting the alignment film forming composition to the chamber. The control valve is used for controlling switching of the liquid transportation pipe to control output of the alignment film forming composition. Owing to the control valve and the blowing device, the alignment film forming composition is prevented from condensing on the nozzle and blocking the nozzle or from forming large droplets because of accumulation. In this way, the quality of the alignment film is greatly enhanced owing to uniform spraying and regular output. 1. An ejection head for ejecting alignment film forming composition , comprising a plurality of nozzles disposed on a bottom of the ejection head , each of the plurality of nozzles comprising:a chamber, comprising a liquid transportation pipe and a pusher disposed on a bottom and a top of the chamber, respectively, the liquid transportation pipe and the pusher corresponding with each other, and the pusher used for pushing the alignment film forming composition out of the liquid transportation pipe;a composition source connected to a liquid supply pipe disposed on the chamber, for transporting the alignment film forming composition to the chamber; anda control valve disposed on the liquid transportation pipe, for controlling switching of the liquid transportation pipe for restricting output of the alignment film forming composition.2. The ejection head as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the control valve comprises a magnetic valve and a driver for controlling an operating status of the magnetic valve.3. The ejection head as ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032361A1
Автор: CHUNG Chan-Ki

Provided is a coolant spray module system for a heat treatment metal product, comprising: a first coolant spray module (), wherein the first coolant spray module () comprises a first module housing (), a first module cover (), and a first nozzle (), wherein the first nozzle () is fixed between the first module housing () and the first module cover () by first nozzle fixing blocks () and second nozzle fixing blocks (), wherein the coolant spray module system sprays the coolant onto the heat treatment metal product to quench and clean the heat treatment metal product. 1. A coolant spray module system for a heat treatment metal product , comprising:{'b': '1', 'a first coolant spray module (),'}{'b': 1', '10', '20', '30, 'wherein the first coolant spray module () comprises a first module housing (), a first module cover (), and a first nozzle (),'}{'b': '10', 'claim-text': [{'b': 11', '10', '11, 'a first passing hole () provided in the first module housing (), wherein the heat treatment metal product passes through the first passing hole ();'}, {'b': 12', '10', '10, 'a first coolant distribution pipe () provided on the first module housing () along an inner circumference of the first module housing (); and'}, {'b': 14', '10', '12', '15, 'a coolant supply port () provided on an outer circumferential surface of the first module housing () and connected to the first coolant distribution pipe () via a coolant supply pipe (),'}], 'wherein the first module housing () comprises{'b': '20', 'claim-text': [{'b': 21', '20', '21', '11', '10', '21', '11', '21, 'a second passing hole () provided in the first module cover (), wherein the heat treatment metal product passes through the second passing hole (), wherein the first passing hole () of the first module housing () and the second passing hole () are aligned with each other along a first axis, wherein the heat treatment metal product passes through the first passing hole () and the second passing hole () along the first axis; ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Nozzle assembly

Номер: US20200032498A1
Автор: Xiaobing Ge
Принадлежит: Shanghai Kohler Electronics Ltd

A nozzle assembly including a body having a top surface; a plurality of water inlets formed on the body and comprising first and second water inlets; a plurality of water outlets formed on the body and comprising first and second water outlets; and a solenoid valve. The first water inlet is in fluid communication with the first water outlet via a first water path, and the second water inlet is in fluid communication with the second water outlet via a second water path. The first water outlet and the second water outlet are concentrically arranged on the top surface, and the first water outlet and the second water outlet are configured to spray water in different patterns. The solenoid valve is configured to control an on and an off of a flow of water through each of the first water path and the second water path.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040505A1

A system, method and apparatus for cleaning a wellbore is disclosed. A workstring is conveyed in a wellbore. A jet sub provided associated with the wellbore, wherein the jet sub includes at least one nozzle, the nozzle including: an inlet; an outlet; at least four successive concentric stages in fluid communication with the inlet and the outlet, wherein each of the at least four stages has a discrete length, and the stages have progressive smaller discrete diameters, and an interface formed between each stage. A completion fluid is provided to the at least one nozzles via the work string and jet sub. The completion fluid is expelled via the at least one nozzles. 1. A nozzle comprising:an inlet;an outlet;at least four successive concentric stages in fluid communication with the inlet and the outlet, where the at least four stages each have a discrete length and a successively smaller discrete diameter; anda plurality of interfaces formed between each of the stages.2. The nozzle of claim 1 , where a ratio between each length and a respective interface height is at least 3 to 1.3. The nozzle of claim 1 , where a ratio between each length and a respective interface height is less than 20 to 1.4. The nozzle of claim 1 , where the plurality of interfaces each have an angle with respect to an axis of at least 15 degrees.5. The nozzle of claim 1 , where the plurality of interfaces have an angle with respect to an axis less than 100 degrees.6. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein each of the lengths is the same.7. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein a respective height of each of the plurality of interfaces is the same.8. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein a ratio between each of the lengths and a respective height of each of the plurality of interfaces is the same.9. The nozzle of claim 1 , wherein an angle of each of the plurality of interfaces is the same.10. A system to clean a wellbore claim 1 , comprising:a work string; anda jet sub containing at least one nozzle, wherein the at ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037823A1
Автор: NOGUCHI Koji

A gate is disposed so as to be opened to a cavity portion for forming a plate body part for forming a fuel injection device nozzle plate, and the cavity portion forms a portion surrounded by a plurality of nozzle holes. There are no differences in the times required for the molten resin injected from the gate into the cavity to reach portions for forming the plurality of nozzle holes. As a result, a molding failure of the nozzle holes and the vicinity thereof caused by differences in the charge speeds of molten resin can be prevented and the shapes of the nozzle holes and the vicinity thereof can be formed accurately. 1. A manufacturing method for a fuel injection device nozzle plate including a plate body part disposed facing a fuel injection port of a fuel injection device ,one thin plate portion or a plurality of thin plate portions of the plate body part provided with a plurality of nozzle holes through which fuel injected from the fuel injection port passes, anda thick-walled portion formed at a position in the plate body part at which the thin plate portions are surrounded,wherein, of a cavity for forming the plate body part, a cavity portion for forming a portion surrounded by the plurality of nozzle holes is provided with a gate for injecting molten resin into the cavity andthe molten resin injected from the gate into the cavity flows radially toward portions for forming the nozzle holes.2. A manufacturing method for a fuel injection device nozzle plate including a plate body part disposed facing a fuel injection port of a fuel injection device ,one thin plate portion or a plurality of thin plate portions of the plate body part provided with a plurality of nozzle holes through which fuel injected from the fuel injection port passes, anda thick-walled portion formed at a position in the plate body part at which the thin plate portions are surrounded,a cylindrical fitting part formed integrally with an outer periphery of the plate body part, the cylindrical ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Microstructured nozzle and production thereof

Номер: US20190038850A1
Автор: Klaus Kadel, Lothar KEYDEL

The invention relates to a nozzle for use in a device for administering a liquid medical formulation, to a method for producing the nozzle in the form of a microfluidic component and to a tool for producing microstructures of the microfluidic component. The nozzle is formed by a plastics plate with groove-like microstructures which are covered by a plastics cover on the longitudinal side in a fixed manner. The production method includes a moulding process in which a moulding tool is used, which moulding tool has complementary metal microstructures which have been produced from a semiconductor material in an electrodeposition process by means of a master component.

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Slim Profile Spray Nozzle for Cooking Appliance

Номер: US20200041135A1
Автор: Szczepaniak Andrew

A cooking oven is provided having a cleaning system with a spray nozzle that leverages the kinetic energy of the cleaning fluid entering the nozzle to aid in the dispersion of this cleaning fluid. This is done by conducting that fluid in a circular path to preserve its kinetic energy as it circulates around the nozzle and is discharged tangentially. Desirably, the circulation of the cleaning fluid is in a horizontal axis so as to minimize the nozzle height. 1. A cooking oven comprising:an oven housing providing a cooking cavity having sidewalls flanking a cooking volume, the cooking volume accessible through an oven door when the oven door is in an open position and sealed by the oven door when the oven door is in a closed position;a heater communicating with the cooking cavity to heat air of the cooking cavity; anda nozzle having an inlet for receiving a stream of water and providing a curved diverter wall for directing the stream of water to multiple outlets providing sub streams in different directions.2. The cooking oven of wherein the stream meets the curved diverter wall along a tangent of the curved diverter wall.3. The cooking oven of wherein the stream of water is directed horizontally and the curved diverter wall curves in a horizontal plane.4. The cooking oven of wherein the curved diverter wall abuts a bottom wall providing openings directing sub streams of water downward and tangentially to the curved diverter wall.5. The cooking oven of wherein the curved diverter wall is substantially circular.6. The cooking oven of wherein the outlets are slots extending radially from an axis of the curved diverter wall.7. The cooking oven of wherein the outlets are in a horizontal plane below the curved diverter wall.8. The cooking oven of wherein the multiple outlets comprise of four outlets.9. The cooking oven of wherein the multiple outlets provide sub streams in orthogonal directions.10. The cooking oven of wherein the inlet further comprises a cylindrical tube ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047562A1

An application apparatus includes a nozzle device () injecting a damping material from a nozzle hole () to a vehicle body, an articulated robot () moving the nozzle device () relative to the vehicle body, a supply section including a supply pump (), and a supply passage (), and continuously driving the supply pump () to continuously supply the damping material from the supply pump () to the supply passage () in a substantially uniform amount, a return passage () branched from the supply passage () and returning the damping material to the supply pump (), and a gun () and a return valve () switching a supply destination of the damping material between the nozzle hole () and the return passage () based on information on applying the damping material to the vehicle body. 1. An application apparatus applying a cohesive material to an application target , the apparatus comprising:a nozzle device configured to inject the cohesive material from a nozzle to the application target;a moving section configured to move the nozzle device relative to the application target;a supply section including a supply pump for sending the cohesive material to the nozzle and a supply passage for supplying the cohesive material from the supply pump to the nozzle, and configured to continuously drive the supply pump to continuously supply the cohesive material from the supply pump to the supply passage in a substantially uniform amount;a return passage branched from the supply passage and configured to return the cohesive material to the supply pump; anda switch section configured to switch a supply destination of the cohesive material between the nozzle and the return passage based on information on applying the cohesive material to the application target.2. The application apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe switch section includesa first opening-closing valve provided downstream of a junction between the supply passage and the return passage, and opening and closing the supply passage, anda ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Systems and methods for spraying of sanitizing or disinfecting compositions with improved compatibility

Номер: US20220062480A1
Принадлежит: Clorox Co

This invention relates to systems, methods, and disinfecting compositions for spraying onto surfaces to be sanitized or disinfected. Methods may include providing an aqueous hypohalite disinfecting composition, and providing a spraying system that may include a hand-held spray nozzle through which the composition is sprayed during use, and a pump and associated tubing for conveying the composition to the hand-held spray nozzle. The tubing may be specifically selected to exhibit at least a 65% recovery (no more than 35% loss) of hypohalite after 24 hours of contact between the composition and the tubing. The method may further include conveying the composition from the reservoir to the spray nozzle, and spraying the composition through the nozzle, e.g., onto the target surface. A related system may include similar components. A dilute hypohalite disinfecting composition may be provided for use with the system and/or method. The system may allow interchangeable use of a quaternary amine disinfecting composition.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Spraying Systems and Vehicles

Номер: US20210051846A1
Автор: Vandenbark Gary A.

Provided is a vehicle-mountable agricultural fluid spraying system with a plurality of spray nozzles that can be individually turned on and off while maintaining substantially constant spray pressure and flow rate through those of the spray nozzles that are on, all without the need for any variation in speed of a pump, and without any communication with any pressure sensor or flow rate sensor. This is accomplished by providing a return fluid communication system having valves and other components that activate and open incrementally when the spray nozzles are incrementally turned off, such that the pressurized fluid in the system remains at substantially the same pressure as any or all of the spray nozzles are turned on and off, including at high frequency by pulse width modulation. Also provided are vehicles such as tractors and trailers with such spraying systems mounted thereto. 1. A vehicle-mountable agricultural fluid spraying system with a plurality of spray nozzles that can be individually turned on and off while maintaining substantially constant spray pressure and flow rate through those of the spray nozzles that are on , all without the need for any variation in speed of a pump , and without any communication with any pressure sensor or flow rate sensor , the spraying system comprising:a plurality of independently-operable and electronically-controlled spray nozzles, each of the spray nozzles configured to be electronically turned on by a control circuit and spray the fluid into the atmosphere at a first predetermined spraying pressure and flow rate, and to be electronically turned off by the control circuit and not spray the fluid;a tank configured to hold the fluid at substantially atmospheric pressure;a pump configured to run at a first predetermined speed and pump the fluid under higher than atmospheric pressure from the tank through a pressurized fluid communication system to the spray nozzles;a return fluid communication system configured to route ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Method and system for detecting, characterizing and assessing the quality of a spray

Номер: US20190049559A1

The present disclosure relates to a method for the detection, characterization and assessment of the quality of a spray which is produced by atomizing liquids with nozzles of different designs and constructional forms. The spray may have an application-specific droplet size distribution ranging from fine to very coarse droplets which move at different speeds. A radar signal is directed into and reflected by the spray. The reflected radar signal is subject to a Doppler shift caused by the movement of the droplets in the spray. The transmitted and received radar signals are mixed to create a low-frequency Doppler oscillation signal which is sampled at a predetermined rate with an analog-digital converter, the output of which is stored in a data array and transformed from the time domain into the frequency domain for further processing. 1. A method for detecting , characterizing and assessing the quality of a spray of atomized liquid , comprising:{'sub': 'O', 'transmitting a continuous wave radar signal with a frequency finto the spray;'}{'sub': 'D', 'receiving a radar signal reflected off the spray, the received radar signal having a frequency f;'}{'sub': S', 'O', 'D, 'generating a low frequency Doppler signal with a frequency f=|f−f| by mixing the transmitted radar signal and the received radar signal;'}sampling the low frequency Doppler signal with an analog to digital converter having a predetermined sample rate;storing the sampled data in a data array with an index n=[0,1,2, . . . , N]; andtransforming the sampled data from the time domain to the frequency domain.2. The method as in claim 1 , wherein transforming the sampled data comprises a discrete Fourier transform DFT with splitting the data array into even indices n=[0 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 , . . . claim 1 , N−2] and odd indices n=[1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5 claim 1 , . . . claim 1 ,N−1].4. The method as in claim 1 , wherein transforming the sampled data from the time domain to the frequency domain ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Nozzle for Providing a Helical Spray

Номер: US20220072567A1
Автор: Kuo Wen-Li

A nozzle includes a shell, a distributor, a panel and a collar. The distributor is inserted in the shell. The distributor includes protuberances each of which includes a cylindrical section, a conical section extending from the cylindrical section, and two fins extending from the cylindrical section. The panel includes outlets and tubes. The outlets extend through the panel. Each of the tubes is in communication with a corresponding one of the outlets and includes tangential passageways. Each of the tubes receives a corresponding one of the protuberances. The tangential passageways of each of the tubes receive the fins of the corresponding protuberance so that each of the tangential passageways is partially blocked by the corresponding fin. The collar is connected to the shell and includes an annular flange. The collar receives the panel. The panel is sandwiched between the annular flange of the collar and an end of the shell. 1. A nozzle for providing a helical spray comprising:{'b': ['10', '11', '10'], '#text': 'a shell () comprising a chamber () extending through the shell ();'}{'b': ['20', '11', '20', '22', '221', '222', '221', '223', '221'], '#text': 'a distributor () inserted in the chamber (), wherein the distributor () comprises multiple protuberances () each of which comprises a cylindrical section (), a conical section () extending from the cylindrical section (), and two fins () extending from the cylindrical section ();'}{'b': '30', 'claim-text': [{'b': ['35', '30'], '#text': 'multiple outlets () extending through the panel (); and'}, {'b': ['33', '35', '36', '33', '22', '36', '33', '233', '22', '36', '233'], '#text': 'multiple tubes () each of which is in communication with a corresponding one of the outlets () and comprises multiple tangential passageways (), wherein each of the tubes () receives a corresponding one of the protuberances (), wherein the tangential passageways () of each of the tubes () receive the fins () of the corresponding ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Liquid Hand Cleaner Foam Dispensing As Spray and Liquid Stream

Номер: US20170055782A1
Принадлежит: OP Hygiene IP GmbH

Operating a hand cleaner dispenser for dispensing a cleaning liquid from a reservoir onto a person's hands in a cycle of operation wherein, during a first time interval during the cycle dispensing the liquid onto the hand as a spray, and during a second time interval during the cycle dispensing the liquid onto the hand as a liquid stream.

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150061237A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure generally provide chamber components with enhanced thermal properties and methods of enhancing thermal properties of chamber components including bonding materials. One embodiment of the present disclosure provides a method for fabricating a composite structure. The method includes applying a bonding material to a first component, and converting the bonding material applied to the first component to an enhanced bonding layer by heating the bonding material to outgas volatile species from the bonding material. The outgassed volatile species accumulates to at least 0.05% in mass of the bonding material. The method further includes contacting a second component and the enhanced bonding layer to join the first and second components. 1. A chamber structure , comprising:a first component fabricated from a first material;a second component fabricated from a second material; andan enhanced bonding layer joining the first and second components, wherein the enhanced bonding layer is converted from a bonding material by heating the bonding material after applying the bonding material to the first component and prior to joining the second component with the first component, and the enhanced bonding layer has at least about 0.05% less volatile species than the bonding material from which the enhanced bonding layer is converted.2. The chamber structure of claim 1 , wherein the chamber structure is an electrostatic chuck claim 1 , the first component is a chuck member having an body formed from a dielectric material claim 1 , and the second component is a base member.3. The chamber structure claim 1 , wherein the structure is a showerhead claim 1 , the first component is a showerhead cover claim 1 , and the second component is a showerhead body.4. The chamber structure claim 1 , wherein the enhanced bonding layer has a molecular weight and molecular weight distribution less than that of the bonding material. This application is a divisional of ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Nozzle, system and method

Номер: US20210060678A1

A nozzle for directing a stream of solder during a soldering operation is disclosed. The nozzle comprising a body portion having an inlet for receiving a supply of solder; an outlet portion having one or more outlets for dispensing solder therefrom; and at least one channel fluidly coupling the inlet to the one or more outlets. Therein the outlet portion is adapted to be arranged above the inlet, such that, in use, solder flows from the inlet to the outlet portion along the at least one channel in a generally upward direction. The outlet portion has first and second over-flow sections, each over-flow section being integral with, or connected to, a peripheral edge of an outlet of the one or more outlets, such that in use, the solder is dispensed from an outlet of the one or more outlets and flows over the first and/or second over-flow section. At least a portion of the first over-flow section has a first width, such that in use, solder flowing over the first over-flow section produces a stream of solder with a width substantially corresponding to the first width. At least a portion of the second over-flow section has a second width, different to the first width, such that in use, solder flowing over the second over-flow section produces a stream of solder with a width substantially corresponding to the second width. A method of manufacturing a nozzle of this type and a method of soldering a component with a nozzle of this type are also disclosed.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055062A1
Автор: JANG Rae Sang

Disclosed is a double-flow nozzle according to the present invention, the double-flow nozzle including: a body portion provided with a space portion defined at an inner side thereof; a first discharge pipe provided at the body portion and discharging a first fluid being supplied to the space portion; and a second discharge pipe discharging a second fluid while being in a state inserted into the first discharge pipe, wherein the first discharge pipe, in a state spaced apart by a predetermined gap from an outer surface of the second discharge pipe, includes a plurality of swirl-generating flow passages spaced apart by a predetermined interval from each other and arranged along a circumferential direction of the second discharge pipe. 1. A double-flow nozzle , comprising:a body portion provided with a space portion defined at an inner side thereof;a first discharge pipe provided at the body portion and discharging a first fluid being supplied to the space portion; anda second discharge pipe discharging a second fluid while being in a state inserted into the first discharge pipe,wherein the first discharge pipe, in a state spaced apart by a predetermined gap from an outer surface of the second discharge pipe, includes a plurality of swirl-generating flow passages spaced apart by a predetermined interval from each other and arranged along a circumferential direction of the second discharge pipe.2. The double-flow nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the first fluid discharged from the swirl-generating flow passages induces straightness or increase flow velocity of the second fluid discharged from the second discharge pipe.3. The double-flow nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the first discharge pipe includes a first flow passage communicatively connected to the space portion and having an inner diameter decreasing gradually toward a discharge direction of the first fluid claim 1 , and a second flow passage communicatively connected to the first flow passage and having an inner diameter ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058684A1

A multi-cone, multi-stage spray nozzle includes a nozzle body, a valve stem with a first valve head, and a second valve head attached to the first valve head. The first valve stem is biased into a closed position against a valve seat of the nozzle body by a bias device. The second valve head is continuously open. Upon the application of a first fluid pressure, which is less than a threshold fluid pressure, the bias device maintains the valve stem in the closed position while the second valve head is continuously open. And upon the application of a second fluid pressure, which is at least as great as the threshold fluid pressure, the valve stem moves to an open position while the second valve head remains continuously open. 1. A spray nozzle , comprising:a nozzle body having a proximal end, a distal end, a first through bore extending between the proximal and distal ends of the nozzle body, and a valve seat disposed at the distal end of the nozzle body;a valve stem slidably disposed in the first through bore of the nozzle body and including a proximal end, a distal end, and a first valve head, the first valve head defining a seating surface adapted to engage the valve seat when the valve stem is in a closed position and adapted to be spaced away from the valve seat when the valve stem is in an open position;a fluid conduit disposed in the valve stem and defining a fluid outlet in the first valve head at the distal end of the valve stem; anda second valve head attached to the fluid outlet at the valve head of the valve stem, the second valve head defining a nozzle opening that is continuously open in fluid communication with the fluid conduit in the valve stem; anda bias device generating a force biasing the first valve head of the valve stem toward the valve seat of the nozzle body, whereinupon application of a first fluid pressure, which is less than a threshold fluid pressure, on the seating surface of the first valve head, the bias device maintains the valve stem ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190059350A1
Автор: Haghoo Majid

A fluid dispenser that is arranged with rotating gimbals supporting nozzles at multiple altitudes that can rinse and remove insects from the trees without harming the fruit or the trees. A vertical standpipe connected to a water supply leads to a flexible tubing over the top of the tree, with an umbrella or parabolic frame supporting multiple conduits terminating in gimballed nozzles about the tree that can be adjusted and aimed to stream water from the water source directly onto the tree via the vertical standpipe. Each conduit supports a gimballed nozzle that can be adjusted so that the stream can be focused at the areas where insects collect. 1. An insect removal system for a tree , comprising:a supply of water;a telescoping standpipe having a length that extends between six and twelve feet and connected to the supply of water;a flow control valve controlling a flow of water through the standpipe;a flexible U-shaped tube at the top of the telescoping standpipe and fluidly connected to a fill conduit;a plurality of gimballed nozzles fluidly connected to the fill conduit, the gimballed nozzles each including a flow stream adjustment device; anda handle perpendicularly extending from the telescoping standpipe.2. The insect removal system of claim 1 , wherein the standpipe is plastic.3. The insect removal system of claim 1 , wherein the flow control valve is operated by a motor.4. The insect removal system of claim 3 , wherein the motor is a servo motor.5. The insect removal system of claim 3 , wherein the motor is a stepper motor. This application claims priority from U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/551,108, filed Aug. 27, 2017, the content of which is fully incorporated herein by reference.All deciduous fruit trees suffer from either intermittent to more continuous infestations of insects that affect both the health of the trees and the quality of the fruit. From peach twig borers to apple maggots, there seems to be at least one bug that threatens the ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Coating method and corresponding coating device

Номер: US20220080445A1
Принадлежит: Duerr Systems AG

The disclosure concerns a coating method and a corresponding coating device for coating components with a nozzle applicator with several nozzles, in particular for painting motor vehicle body components. The disclosure provides that the nozzle applicator is flexibly controlled during the coating method.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Snow and ice removal device

Номер: US20190061704A1
Автор: James Clark Carroll
Принадлежит: Individual

A snow and ice removal device may include one or more, such as a plurality, of vent apertures which may be in communication with a compressor that may be configured to deliver pressurized air to the vent apertures. A heating element may be disposed proximate to the vent apertures. The vent apertures and heating element may be disposed on a roof surface that is coupled to the vehicle. A control unit may be configured to govern the flow of pressurized air through the vent apertures and to govern the ability of the heating element to produce heat. A power source may be in electrical communication with the control unit and the heating element. Heat may be applied to the roof surface by the heating element to loosen and accumulated ice or snow, and pressurized air from the vent apertures may dislodge and propel the ice or snow from the roof surface and off the vehicle.

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068775A1
Автор: Barrett Oneil

A fire protection sprinkler system with modified sprinkler heads compromising a water supply; a network of hosing connected to the water supply; a plurality of sprinkler heads placed along the network hosing, where the each of the plurality of sprinkler heads include a series of water stream emission points; and multiple streams of water emitted from the water stream emission points, where each stream is emitted at a different angle. 1. A fire protection sprinkler system with modified sprinkler heads compromising:a. a water supply;b. a network of hosing connected to the water supply;c. a plurality of sprinkler heads placed along the network hosing, where the each of the plurality of sprinkler heads include a series of water stream emission points; andd. multiple streams of water emitted from the water stream emission points, where each stream is emitted at a distinct angle.2. The fire protection system according to claim 1 , where the water supply is a natural body of water.3. The fire protection system according to claim 2 , where the natural body of water is one of at least a river claim 2 , lake or stream.4. The fire protection system according to claim 2 , where the water supply includes a motor power pump powered by a generator to pull the water from the natural body of water into the system.5. The fire protection system according to claim 1 , where the water supply is one of at least a water tank claim 1 , or a fixed municipal water supply.6. The fire protection system according to claim 1 , where each sprinkler head includes a sprinkler connection claim 1 , where the sprinkler connection fastens the sprinkler head to the network of hosing.7. The fire protection system according to claim 1 , where each sprinkler head includes a neck claim 1 , where the neck enables the sprinkler head to rotate and spray water in a circular manner.8. The fire protection sprinkler system according to claim 1 , where the multiple streams include five water streams.9. The fire ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069149A1

An applicator head for a vacuum coating system includes a manifold shell having opposing shell plates, each including a conduit attachment coupled to a shell aperture. An applicator manifold is affixed to each shell plate. Each applicator manifold includes two coupled manifold plates, with one including a manifold aperture, and each is affixed to the respective shell plate so that each manifold aperture aligns with the respective shell aperture. An applicator channel is formed between the manifold plates of each applicator manifold, and the applicator channel is fluidically coupled to the manifold aperture of each respective applicator manifold. Each applicator channel forms an applicator port at a leading edge of each respective applicator manifold, and each leading edge is configured to be complementary in shape to an edge of a workpiece to be coated. First and second face plates are disposed over the leading edges of the applicator manifolds. 1. An applicator head for a vacuum coating system for applying a coating to a workpiece , the applicator head comprising:a manifold shell having a first shell plate and a second shell plate opposing the first shell plate, the first shell plate including a first shell aperture and a first conduit attachment coupled to the first shell aperture, and the second shell plate including a second shell aperture and a second conduit attachment coupled to the second shell aperture; a first manifold plate affixed to the first shell plate and including a first manifold aperture aligned with the first shell aperture; and', 'a second manifold plate affixed to the first manifold plate, wherein a first applicator channel is formed between the first and second manifold plates, wherein the first applicator channel is fluidically coupled to the first manifold aperture and forms a first applicator port at a first leading edge of the first applicator manifold, and the first leading edge is configured to be complementary in shape to an edge of a ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069150A1
Автор: HUNTZINGER Scott L.

An applicator head for a vacuum coating system includes two applicator manifolds. Each applicator manifold includes two coupled manifold plates, with one including a manifold aperture, and each is affixed to the respective shell plate so that each manifold aperture aligns with the respective shell aperture. An applicator channel is formed between the manifold plates of each applicator manifold, and the applicator channel is fluidically coupled to the manifold aperture of each respective applicator manifold. Each applicator channel forms an applicator port at a leading edge of each respective applicator manifold, and each leading edge is configured to be complementary in shape to an edge of a workpiece to be coated. One of the applicator manifolds includes one manifold plate that is wider than the other at the leading edge. First and second face plates are disposed over the leading edges of the applicator manifolds. 1. An applicator head for a vacuum coating system for applying a coating to a workpiece , the applicator head comprising: 'a first manifold plate including a first manifold aperture fluidically coupled to a first conduit; and', 'a first applicator manifold comprisinga second manifold plate affixed to the first manifold plate, wherein a first applicator channel is formed between the first and second manifold plates, wherein the first applicator channel is fluidically coupled to the first manifold aperture and forms a first applicator port at a first leading edge of the first applicator manifold, and the first leading edge is configured to be complementary in shape to an edge of a workpiece; a third manifold plate including a second manifold aperture fluidically coupled to a second conduit; and', 'a fourth manifold plate affixed to the third manifold plate, wherein a second applicator channel is formed between the third and fourth manifold plates, wherein the second applicator channel is fluidically coupled to the second manifold aperture and forms a second ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160067720A1

A nozzle is configured to discharge a fluid containing a raw material of a catalytic layer to a substrate having first and second end faces and provided with holes each extending from the first end face to the second end face. The nozzle is provided with discharge ports each discharging the fluid toward the first end face of the substrate. 19-. (canceled)10. An apparatus of manufacturing an exhaust gas-purifying catalyst , comprising:a support supporting a substrate, the substrate having first and second end faces and being provided with holes each extending from the first end face toward the second end face; anda nozzle configured to discharge a fluid containing a raw material of a catalytic layer to the substrate, the nozzle being provided with discharge ports each discharging the fluid toward the first end face of the substrate.11. The apparatus of manufacturing an exhaust gas-purifying catalyst according to claim 10 , further comprising:a fluid supply device including a tank storing the fluid and an outlet discharging the fluid to be supplied to the nozzle; anda conduit including first and second end portions, the first end portion being connected with the outlet and supplied with the fluid from the fluid supply device, the second end portion being connected with the nozzle and supplying the fluid to the nozzle,wherein when supposing a curve obtained by connecting points with one another in a flow direction of the fluid in the conduit, each of the points being on a line of intersection of a plane perpendicular to the flow direction and an interior wall of the conduit and having a maximum height from a plane perpendicular to a direction of gravity, the height monotonically decreases from a position at which the conduit and the outlet are connected with each other to a position at which the conduit and the nozzle are connected with each other.12. The apparatus of manufacturing an exhaust gas-purifying catalyst according to claim 10 , further comprising a suction ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Aerosol dispenser assembly having voc-free propellant and dispensing mechanism therefor

Номер: US20160068331A1
Принадлежит: SC Johnson and Son Inc

An aerosol dispenser assembly is disclosed that includes a container holding a liquid product and a compressed gas propellant for propelling the liquid product from the container. A design methodology for the actuator body and swirl nozzle insert is disclosed for maintaining a small particle size or Sauter Mean Diameter (D[3, 2]) of less than 48 μm at a suitable spray rate (1.5-2 g/s), while utilizing a compressed gas VOC-free propellant for an air freshener product. As obtaining reduced particle size to compete with LPG propellants may result in a reduced spray rate, it is anticipated that one or more nozzles may be designed into the actuator body to maintain a suitable spray rate.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069661A1
Принадлежит: Eriez Manufacturing Co.

What is presented is a system and method for bubble creation in a fluid injection nozzle for the injection of a gas into a liquid to divide the gas into the smallest possible bubble size with the largest cumulative surface area by maximizing the percentage of gas at the highest possible kinetic energy that is in contact with the liquid. The fluid injection nozzle comprises a convergent inlet for receiving a fluid and a divergent outlet for exhausting the fluid. The divergent outlet has multiple exhaust ports. 1. A fluid injection nozzle comprisinga convergent inlet for receiving a fluid;a divergent outlet for exhausting the fluid; andsaid divergent outlet having multiple exhaust ports.2. The fluid injection nozzle of in which each said exhaust port is oblique to the fluid flow direction through said exhaust port.3. The fluid injection nozzle of in which each said exhaust port diverges from the central axis of said fluid injection nozzle.4. The fluid injection nozzle of in which the axis of each said exhaust port describes an arc.5. The fluid injection nozzle of in which each said exhaust port terminates in an outer surface of said fluid injection nozzle that is not perpendicular to the central axis of said fluid injection nozzle.6. The fluid injection nozzle of in which each said exhaust port terminates in an outer surface of said fluid injection nozzle that is parallel to the central axis of said fluid injection nozzle.7. The fluid injection nozzle of in which a throttling device variably blocks or restricts said fluid from entering said convergent inlet.8. The fluid injection nozzle of in which said divergent outlet comprises two said exhaust ports claim 1 , three said exhaust ports claim 1 , four said exhaust ports claim 1 , five said exhaust ports claim 1 , or six said exhaust ports.9. The fluid injection nozzle of in which the orientation of said exhaust ports relative to the gravitational field is between sixty degrees and one hundred and twenty degrees of ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150072077A1
Автор: Hartman, JR. John J.

An applicator head for a vacuum coating system includes two applicator manifolds. Each applicator manifold includes two coupled manifold plates, with one including a manifold aperture, and each is affixed to the respective shell plate so that each manifold aperture aligns with the respective shell aperture. An applicator channel is formed between the manifold plates of each applicator manifold, and the applicator channel is fluidically coupled to the manifold aperture of each respective applicator manifold. Each applicator channel forms an applicator port at a leading edge of each respective applicator manifold, and each leading edge is configured to be complementary in shape to an edge of a workpiece to be coated. One of the leading edges is configured to have different application gaps with respect to different portions of the edge of a workpiece. First and second face plates are disposed over the leading edges of the applicator manifolds. 1. An applicator head for a vacuum coating system for applying a coating to a workpiece , the applicator head comprising: a first manifold plate including a first manifold aperture fluidically coupled to a first conduit; and', 'a second manifold plate affixed to the first manifold plate, wherein a first applicator channel is formed between the first and second manifold plates, wherein the first applicator channel is fluidically coupled to the first manifold aperture and forms a first applicator port at a first leading edge of the first applicator manifold, and the first leading edge is configured to be complementary in shape to an edge of a workpiece;, 'a first applicator manifold comprising a third manifold plate including a second manifold aperture fluidically coupled to a second conduit; and', 'a fourth manifold plate affixed to the third manifold plate, wherein a second applicator channel is formed between the third and fourth manifold plates, wherein the second applicator channel is fluidically coupled to the second ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150076249A1

A multistage ejector has a nozzle arrangement, which has at least three nozzles which are arranged in series in the direction of a longitudinal axis, wherein the nozzles are designed for passage of a throughflow of a fluid, wherein a fluid gap is provided between adjacent nozzles in each case, wherein at least two of the at least three nozzles are interconnected monolithically to form a nozzle string, and wherein the nozzle string is arranged at least partially in a sleeve and the nozzle string and the sleeve are detachably fastened to each other. The nozzle string and the sleeve are axially fastened to each other by means of a fastening mechanism which acts in a positively locking manner. 1. A multistage ejector , comprisinga nozzle arrangement having at least three nozzles arranged in series in a direction of a longitudinal axis, the nozzles designed for passage of a throughflow of a fluid, a fluid gap being provided between adjacent nozzles,at least two of the at least three nozzles are interconnected monolithically to form a nozzle string,a sleeve, the nozzle string being arranged at least partially in the sleeve,a fastening mechanism detachably and axially fastening the sleeve and the nozzle string to each other, the fastening mechanism being a positively locking fastening mechanism.2. The ejector of claim 1 , wherein the fastening mechanism fastens the nozzle string and the sleeve to each other in a rotationally secured manner relative to each other.3. The ejector of claim 1 , wherein the fastening mechanism is a plug-in and twist connection.4. The ejector of claim 3 , wherein the fastening mechanism is a bayonet connection.5. The ejector of claim 1 , wherein the fastening mechanism is a latching connection.6. The ejector of claim 1 , wherein the fastening mechanism is a combination of a plug-in and twist connection and a latching connection.7. The ejector of claim 1 , wherein the fastening mechanism is arranged on the nozzle string at a distance from an end ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Free-jet Device

Номер: US20160074882A1
Автор: Büstgens Burkhard

It is proposed a free-jet device with at least one individually addressable channel for contact-free discharge of fluid through fluid discharge openings and with a fluid supply which applies a pressure on the fluid that is at least 0.2 bar higher with respect to the ambient pressure, wherein the at least one addressable channel comprises a valve unit including a fluid inlet channel which has a valve opening at the end thereof, the valve unit further including a closure element, which includes a membrane and which is actuated by means of a pneumatic control pressure or by means of a steering force that corresponds to the respective addressable channel and which closes the valve opening in a sealing position and releases the valve opening in an opened position; a cavity which is located behind the valve opening in relation to the flow direction and which connects to one or more fluid discharge openings wherein an outer part of the membrane is an integral part of the cavity 1107. Free-jet device with at least one individually addressable channel for contact-free discharge of fluid through fluid discharge openings and with a fluid supply , which applies a pressure on the fluid that is at least 0.2 bar higher with respect to the ambient pressure , wherein the at least one addressable channel comprises{'b': 5', '6, 'a valve unit including a fluid inlet channel which has a valve opening at the end thereof,'}{'b': 2', '6', '6, 'the valve unit further including a closure element, which includes a membrane and which is actuated by means of a pneumatic control pressure or by means of a steering force that corresponds to the respective addressable channel and which closes the valve opening in a sealing position and releases the valve opening in an opened position;'}{'b': 9', '6', '10', '3', '2', '9, 'a cavity which is located behind the valve opening in relation to the flow direction and which connects to one or more fluid discharge openings , wherein an outer part of the ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220088554A1

A nozzle includes: a flow path allowing gas to flow; tip opening portion(s) formed on a tip side of the flow path; a base end opening portion formed on a base end side of the flow path; and side hole(s) which is formed on the base end side from the tip opening portion and allows a part of the gas flowing through the flow path to be discharged toward the base end side. The tip opening portion(s) is formed in a direction of the flow path. The side hole(s) is formed along a circumferential direction of the flow path. When the gas is supplied from the base end opening portion, a ratio (Q1/Q1) of a flow rate (Q1) of the gas discharged from the tip opening portion(s) and a flow rate (Q1) of the gas discharged from the side hole(s) is 0.05 to 0.7. 1. A nozzle which is connectable to a conduit for supplying gas to a tubular body filled with granular solid matters , the nozzle comprising:a flow path which allows the gas to flow;a tip opening portion which is formed on a tip side of the flow path;a base end opening portion which is formed on a base end side of the flow path; anda side hole which is formed on the base end side from the tip opening portion and allows a part of the gas flowing through the flow path to be discharged toward the base end side, whereinthe one or more tip opening portions are formed in a direction of the flow path,the one or more side holes are formed along a circumferential direction of the flow path, andwhen the gas is supplied from the base end opening portion, a ratio (Q1a/Q1b) of a flow rate (Q1a) of the gas discharged from the one or more tip opening portions and a flow rate (Q1b) of the gas discharged from the one or more side holes is 0.05 to 0.7.2. The nozzle according to claim 1 , whereinthe side hole is open toward a base end side of the nozzle at an angle of 30° or more and less than 90° with respect to an axis along a longitudinal direction of the flow path.3. The nozzle according to claim 1 , whereinthe two or more side holes are formed ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220088618A1

An attachment for an air blow gun includes a nozzle and a nozzle insert. The nozzle is a hollow cylinder and includes radial pinholes at one end. The nozzle insert includes a longitudinal pinhole. The nozzle insert is inserted into the end of the nozzle with the radial pinholes. When high-pressure air is delivered to the attachment, plumes of high-velocity air exit from the radial pinholes and the longitudinal pinhole. The attachment is particularly well suited to cleaning confined spaces in workpieces with high-velocity air. 1. An apparatus comprising:a nozzle that is hollow cylindrical, centered about a central longitudinal nozzle axis, defines distal internal threads proximate to a distal end of the nozzle, and defines a plurality of radial pinholes proximate to the distal end and directed radially to the central longitudinal nozzle axis; anda nozzle insert that is cylindrical, centered about a central longitudinal insert axis, defines insert external threads, and defines a longitudinal pinhole along the central longitudinal insert axis;wherein the nozzle insert is fixedly inserted into the distal end of the nozzle with the insert external threads threadably engaging the distal internal threads.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle further defines proximal external threads proximate to a proximal end of the nozzle.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle insert further defines a hollow region penetrating partially through the nozzle insert along the central longitudinal nozzle axis and merging with the longitudinal pinhole.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the hollow region is hexagonal.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of radial pinholes has a respective diameter different from that of the longitudinal pinhole.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of radial pinholes consists of six radial pinholes.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the central longitudinal nozzle axis is collinear with the central ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Safety Device For Delivering An Anti-Trauma Substance In An Automobile Collision

Номер: US20200070183A1
Автор: Balan Alexandru

A delivery device for an automobile trauma-reducing safety system includes a base component on which a membrane is supported deflated in an initial state prior to an automobile collision and is inflated in an activated state in response to a triggering event. A spray valve is movably coupled to the base component and is concentrically-aligned with the membrane. The spray valve includes exhaust nozzles, is in a retracted position in the initial state, and is movable towards an extended position in the activated state. A containing area stores a chemical liquid in the initial state and is formed between the spray valve and the deflated membrane. The chemical liquid is forced by the inflated membrane in the activated state to move the spray valve from the retracted position towards the extended position, the chemical liquid being expelled through the exhaust nozzles for reducing trauma to an automobile occupant. 1. A delivery device for an automobile trauma-reducing safety system , the delivery device comprising:a base component;a membrane supported by the base component, the membrane being deflated in an initial state of the delivery device prior to an imminent occurrence of an automobile collision, the membrane being inflated in an activated state of the delivery device in response to a triggering event caused by the imminent occurrence of an automobile collision;a spray valve movably coupled to the base component and concentrically-aligned with the membrane, the spray valve having a plurality of exhaust nozzles and being in a retracted position in the initial state and movable towards an extended position in the activated state; anda containing area storing a chemical liquid in the initial state, the containing area being formed in the initial state between an internal surface of the spray valve and the deflated membrane, the chemical liquid being forced by the inflated membrane in the activated state to move the spray valve from the retracted position towards the ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Multi-orifice nozzle for droplet atomization

Номер: US20200070190A1
Принадлежит: ZYXOGEN LLC

A method of atomizing a liquid comprising providing the liquid to a liquid duct in a dispensing body, providing a gas to a gas duct in the dispensing body, and introducing the liquid into a head via a plurality of liquid duct channels. The method further includes introducing the gas into a pressure chamber of a pressure cap, the pressure cap positioned proximate the dispensing body such that the head is positioned between the pressure cap and the dispensing body. The gas is expelled through a plurality of pressure chamber exit orifices, the pressure chamber exit orifices positioned proximate a plurality of liquid supply channel exit openings via an alignment spacer defined on the head. The method includes expelling the liquid from the liquid supply channel exit openings and through the pressure chamber exit orifices, such that the liquid and the gas interact and form atomized droplets of the liquid.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Sprayer with a six-hole spray pattern

Номер: US20210078019A1
Автор: Bryan Tapocik
Принадлежит: Innovative Product Brands Inc

The present invention is an improved nozzle for spraying viscous substances which includes the following key elements: (1) the nozzle includes a round hole at the nozzle middle-center location; and (2) the center round hole is surrounded by five circumferential modified trapezoid shaped hole openings, with each of the modified trapezoid shaped hole openings having a pair of divergent sidewalls with an arcuate top wall and a smaller acuate bottom wall and set at a distance separated from each other at seventy-two degrees in a circle around the center opening. The distance from the center of each circumferential opening to the middle center opening is also the same. The present invention will enable the spraying of heavy viscous substances and gels.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072129A1
Принадлежит: Delavan Inc.

A nozzle tip includes a nozzle tip body defining an upstream surface and an opposed downstream surface. An outlet orifice is defined through the nozzle tip body for fluid communication from a space upstream of the upstream surface to a space downstream of the downstream surface. The outlet orifice includes a cylindrical outlet portion defining an outlet axis, and a tapered inlet portion upstream of the outlet portion. The tapered inlet portion converges down towards the outlet axis in a direction from the upstream surface toward the downstream surface. 1. A method of forming a nozzle tip comprising:forming a nozzle tip body with opposed upstream and downstream surfaces; and forming the tapered inlet portion with an EDM tool extending through the cylindrical outlet portion; or', 'forming the tapered inlet portion in a downstream portion of the nozzle tip body with a cutting tool extending from an upstream position along an orifice axis, followed by joining the downstream portion of the nozzle tip body to an upstream portion of the nozzle tip body so that the upstream portion of the nozzle tip intersects the orifice axis., 'forming a plurality of outlet orifices through the nozzle tip body on respective orifice axes that are angled diverge away from a central longitudinal axis in a downstream direction, each outlet orifice including a cylindrical outlet portion and a tapered inlet portion upstream of the cylindrical outlet portion, wherein forming each of the outlet orifices includes at least one of2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein each of the outlet orifices includes a cylindrical outlet portion defining a respective outlet axis claim 1 , and a tapered inlet portion upstream of the outlet portion claim 1 , wherein the tapered inlet portion converges down towards the outlet axis in a direction from the upstream surface toward the downstream surface.3. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the outlet axes of the outlet orifices diverge away from a ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072460A1

A fluidizing gas nozzle head suitable to be connected to a fluidizing gas feeding device of a fluidized bed reactor. The fluidizing gas nozzle head includes an inlet channel having a longitudinal axis, an inlet end, and a second end, the inlet end of the inlet channel being adapted to connect the inlet channel in vertical gas flow connection with the fluidizing gas feeding device, four outlet channels, each of the four outlet channels extending from a first end to an outlet end, and a gas distribution space having a bottom face and a ceiling opposite to the bottom face. The second end of the inlet channel and the first ends of the four outlet channels are connected to direct gas flow connection with the gas distribution space. Each of the first ends of the four outlet channels has a central point, which central points define a rectangle with two long sides and two short sides having an aspect ratio of at least 2:1. 115.-. (canceled)16. A fluidizing gas nozzle head suitable to be connected to a fluidizing gas feeding device of a fluidized bed reactor , the fluidizing gas nozzle head comprising:(A) an inlet channel having a longitudinal axis, an inlet end, and a second end, the inlet end of the inlet channel being adapted to connect the inlet channel in vertical gas flow connection with the fluidizing gas feeding device;(B) four outlet channels, each of the four outlet channels extending from a first end to an outlet end; and(C) a gas distribution space having a bottom face and a ceiling opposite to the bottom face,wherein the second end of the inlet channel and the first ends of the four outlet channels are connected to direct gas flow connection with the gas distribution space, andwherein each of the first ends of the four outlet channels has a central point, which central points define a rectangle with two long sides and two short sides having an aspect ratio of at least 2:1, and the gas distribution space being divided by a division wall into two identical halves ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220093391A1

A method of processing a substrate may include preparing the substrate, polishing the substrate, and cleaning the substrate using a double nozzle, which is configured to provide a spray and a chemical solution onto the substrate. The spray may include a deionized water, and the chemical solution may be diluted with the deionized water. The chemical solution and the spray may be spaced apart from each other by a distance of 7 cm to 12 cm. 1. A method of processing a substrate , comprising:preparing the substrate;polishing the substrate; andcleaning the substrate using a double nozzle, which is configured to provide a spray and a chemical solution onto the substrate, the spray comprising a deionized water and the chemical solution being diluted with the deionized water,wherein the chemical solution and the spray are spaced apart from each other by a distance of 7 cm to 12 cm.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising moving the double nozzle from a center region of the substrate toward an edge region of the substrate in a first direction claim 1 , wherein the spray is provided ahead of the chemical solution in the first direction when the double nozzle is at the center region of the substrate.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cleaning of the substrate using the double nozzle comprises providing the chemical solution and the spray in a non-uniform manner.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the cleaning of the substrate using the double nozzle comprises:moving the double nozzle at a first speed at a center region of the substrate; andmoving the double nozzle at a second speed, which is slower than the first speed, at an edge region of the substrate that is outside and surrounds the center region of the substrate.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cleaning of the substrate using the double nozzle comprises providing the chemical solution at a non-constant flow rate or a varying flow rate.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the cleaning of the substrate using ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus And Method For Coating Particulate Material

Номер: US20160082458A1

A method and apparatus are defined for coating a particulate material. The apparatus includes a mixer having a mixing chamber. A quantity of particulate material is fed into an inlet of the mixing chamber. An agitator is provided for mixing and conveying the particulate material. A feed system is also provided for delivery of a coating into the mixing chamber. The coating is delivered as an atomized spray directed at the mixing particulate material within the mixing chamber. A controller is provided for adjusting the flow of the coating into the mixing chamber based on the volumetric feed rate of the particulate material. 1. An apparatus for coating a particulate material comprising:a mixer having a mixing chamber;means for incrementally feeding the particulate material into the mixing chamber; sensors determining the incremental volumetric flow of particulate material feed into the mixing chamber;an agitator provided in the mixing chamber, the agitator mixing and conveying particulate material from an inlet to a discharge outlet;a coating feed system for delivery of a coating into the mixing chamber during mixing by the agitator, the system directing an atomized spray at the mixing particulate material within the mixing chamber; anda controller for continuously adjusting the flow of the coating into the mixing chamber based on the volumetric feed rate of the particulate material determined by the sensors.2. An apparatus as claimed in wherein the feeding means is a slat conveyor.3. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the agitator is formed by a rotating shaft having a plurality of paddle blades positioned on arms projecting from the shaft.4. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the coating comprises a mixture of a coating material and a pressurized carrier.5. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the carrier is water.6. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the carrier is pressurized to at least about 689.5 pka.7. An apparatus as ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160083845A1

Embodiments of the disclosed subject matter provide a nozzle assembly and method of making the same, the nozzle assembly including a first aperture formed on a first aperture plate to eject a carrier gas flow having organic vapor onto a substrate in a deposition chamber, second apertures formed on a second aperture plate disposed adjacent to the first aperture to form a vacuum aperture, where the first aperture plate and the second aperture plate are separated by a first separator plate, third apertures formed on a third aperture plate to eject purge gas that are disposed adjacent to the second aperture plate, where the second aperture plate and the third aperture plate are separated by second separator plate, and a third separator plate is disposed adjacent to the one or more third aperture plates to form a gas channel in the one or more third aperture plates. 1. A nozzle assembly comprising: a first aperture formed along an edge of a first aperture plate to eject a carrier gas flow laden with condensable organic vapor onto a substrate in a deposition chamber;', 'one or more second apertures formed on a second aperture plate disposed adjacent to the first aperture to form a vacuum aperture, where the first aperture plate and the second aperture plate are separated by a first separator plate;', 'one or more third apertures formed on a third aperture plate to eject purge gas that are disposed adjacent to the second aperture plate, where the second aperture plate and the third aperture plate are separated by second separator plate; and', 'a third separator plate disposed adjacent to the one or more third aperture plates to form a gas channel in the one or more third aperture plates., 'at least one nozzle having2. The nozzle assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a gap disposed between a stacked formation of the first, second, and third aperture plates and the substrate that direct the purge gas flow anti-parallel to the carrier gas flow, and into one or more exhaust ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Liquid jetting nozzle and vehicle sensor washing device

Номер: US20220097084A1
Автор: Kiyoshi Hayashi
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A liquid jetting nozzle-includes a tip body and a tip supported at the tip body. The tip body includes an introduction port which a liquid is introduced. A first and a second ejection port are formed in the tip and each jet out the liquid introduced through the introduction port. A first and a second conduit are formed in the tip. The first conduit structures a downstream side region of a first channel through which the liquid flows from the introduction port toward the side at which the first ejection port is formed. The second conduit structures a downstream side region of a second channel through which the liquid flows from the introduction port toward the side at which the second ejection port is formed. An angle formed between the first and second conduit is specified that the liquid jetting out from the first and second ejection port collide.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097092A1

A nozzle flow stirring pipe includes a pipe body and a nozzle. The pipe body is cylindrical and includes an inner pipe member and an outer pipe member. The inner pipe member has a liquid-extracting channel. The outer pipe member fits around the inner pipe member. A reflow channel is defined between an inner wall of the outer pipe member and an outer wall of the inner pipe member. The nozzle is disposed at one end of the pipe body. The inner pipe member is penetratingly disposed at the nozzle and exposed from below. The nozzle has a plurality of liquid-ejecting pores in communication with one end of the reflow channel. 1. A nozzle flow stirring pipe , comprising:a pipe body being cylindrical and comprising an inner pipe member and an outer pipe member, the inner pipe member having a liquid-extracting channel, the outer pipe member fitting around the inner pipe member, wherein a reflow channel is defined between an inner wall of the outer pipe member and an outer wall of the inner pipe member; anda nozzle disposed at an end of the pipe body and having a plurality of liquid-ejecting pores in communication with an end of the reflow channel, wherein the inner pipe member is penetratingly disposed at the nozzle.2. The nozzle flow stirring pipe of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle has a base and an annular sidewall surrounding the base claim 1 , the base having a penetrating hole claim 1 , wherein the inner pipe member penetrates the penetrating hole in an axial direction claim 1 , and a space defined between the inner pipe member claim 1 , the annular sidewall and the base is in communication with the reflow channel.3. The nozzle flow stirring pipe of claim 2 , wherein the liquid-ejecting pores comprise a plurality of lower liquid-ejecting pores disposed at the base and a plurality of lateral liquid-ejecting pores disposed at the annular sidewall.4. The nozzle flow stirring pipe of claim 3 , wherein the lower liquid-ejecting pores are higher than a bottom liquid-extracting ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Meshes capable of droplet fragmentation, and related systems and uses thereof

Номер: US20200078803A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Meshes capable of droplet fragmentation are generally described. Inventive articles, systems, and uses thereof are also described.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200078814A1

The disclosure relates to a painting installation for painting components with a paint, in particular for painting motor vehicle body components, with a paint booth and an application device, in particular a print head, arranged in the paint booth, for applying the paint to the component located inside the paint booth, the application device operating essentially without overspray, so that the paint applied by the application device essentially completely on the component to be coated without overspray deposits. The disclosure provides that no paint separation is arranged below the first paint booth. 118.-. (canceled)19. Painting installation for painting components with a paint , witha) at least one first paint booth,b) an application device arranged in the first paint booth for applying the paint to the component located inside the paint booth, the application device operating essentially without overspray, so that the paint applied by the application device deposits essentially completely on the component to be coated without overspray,c) wherein no paint separation is arranged below the first paint booth.20. Painting installation according to claim 19 , whereina) the painting installation additionally has at least one second paint booth with at least one overspray-generating atomizer as application device,b) the first paint booth with the overspray-free application device is preferably designed for coating outer surfaces of the components to be coated,c) the second paint booth with the overspray-generating atomizer is designed for coating inner surfaces of the components to be coated.21. Painting installation according to claim 20 , wherein the first paint booth is arranged laterally next to the second paint booth.22. Painting installation according to claim 19 , whereina) the painting installation has a floor foundation at floor level, the paint booth without the paint separation being arranged essentially at the floor level, andb) the first paint booth is ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210086204A1
Автор: Giannazzo Felipe

Disclosed herein are adhesive splitter systems and methods for using the same. The adhesive splitter systems comprise a multi-nozzle adapter configured to dispense multiple streams of adhesive onto a substrate. The splitter system can also include an attached adhesive dispenser for providing adhesive to the multi-nozzle adapter. 1. An adhesive splitter system comprising:a multi-nozzle adapter including a fluid inlet, a plurality of fluid outlets, and a fluid dispersion assembly in fluid communication with the fluid inlet and the plurality of fluid outlets, a set of channels, each channel including a channel inlet and a plurality of channel outlets, wherein each channel is configured to receive a portion of adhesive from the fluid inlet through the channel inlet and discharge some of that portion of adhesive through one or more of the channel outlets, and', 'a set of nozzle clusters, wherein each cluster is in fluid communication with one of the channel outlets and is configured to receive some of the portion of adhesive discharged from one or more of the channel outlets, and discharge some portion of that received adhesive through one of the fluid outlets,, 'the fluid dispersion assembly including,'}wherein the fluid inlet is in fluid communication with at least one of the fluid outlets.2. The adhesive splitter system of claim 1 , wherein the multi-nozzle adapter is removable and replaceable.3. The adhesive splitter system of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive is a bicomponent resin comprising a resin and a hardener.4. The adhesive splitter system of claim 1 , further comprising a fluid conveyor for feeding the adhesive into the fluid inlet.5. The adhesive splitter system of claim 4 , wherein the fluid conveyor comprises a hollow tube having an inner surface claim 4 , wherein fins are disposed on the inner surface of the hollow tube to create a turbulent flow for mixing the resin and the hardener.6. The adhesive splitter system of claim 4 , wherein the adhesive splitter ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Nozzle Device And Nozzle For Atomisation And/Or Filtration And Methods For Using The Same

Номер: US20150093486A1

Nozzle device and nozzle for atomisation and/or filtration as well as methods for using the same. The present invention relates to a nozzle and nozzle device for atomisation, in particular a micro-machined reinforced nozzle plate, that may produce small liquid droplets in air (spray) or into a liquid (emulsion) with a narrow droplet size distribution and to make small air bubbles into a liquid (foam) and to methods of making the same. The invention is further related to a nozzle part for filtration as well as means and methods to facilitate atomisation and filtration. 1. Filtration device for filtration of a fluid , comprising a functional plate which is provided at a first main surface of a support body , the functional plate comprising at least one orifice and the support body comprising a cavity in fluid communication with said at least one orifice , wherein said functional plate has a thickness of less than 2 micron at the area of said cavity and wherein said at least one orifice in said functional plate has a length which is less than six times a diameter thereof , and in particular is shorter than said diameterand wherein said functional plate comprises a number of orifices which share said cavity in common and are jointly in fluid communication with said cavityand wherein said orifices are arranged closely together into a group of orificesand wherein said at least one orifice in said functional plate has a diameter less than 10 micron.2. The filtration device of wherein said support body comprises a silicon substrate and wherein said functional plate comprises a separate layer provided on said substrate.3. The filtration device of wherein the functional plate is provided with an immune binding or Elisa coupling agent.4. The filtration device of wherein a mutual spacing between an orifice and an adjacent orifice is between three and thirty times a diameter of said orifices.5. The filtration device of wherein said functional plate comprises a zone along a ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140170319A1

An injector for forming films respectively on a stack of wafers is provided. The injector includes a plurality of hole structures. Every adjacent two of the wafers have therebetween a wafer spacing, and each of the wafers has a working surface. The hole structures respectively correspond to the respective wafer spacings. The working surface and a respective hole structure have therebetween a parallel distance. The parallel distance is larger than a half of the wafer spacing. A wafer processing apparatus and a method for forming films respectively on a stack of wafers are also provided. 1. A wafer processing apparatus , comprising:a wafer supporting device supporting a stack of wafers having a wafer spacing and a working surface;an injector including a hole structure, wherein the working surface and the hole structure have therebetween a parallel distance; andan adjusting device adjusting a position of one of the wafer supporting device and the injector for causing the parallel distance to be larger than a half of the wafer spacing.2. A wafer apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the parallel distance to the wafer spacing is ranged between 0.5 and 1.3. A wafer apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the adjusting device is a step motor disposed at a bottom of one of the wafer supporting device and the injector.4. A wafer apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the working surface is one of an upper surface and a lower surface of the wafer claim 1 , and the parallel distance is a vertical distance.5. A wafer apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the injector supplies a working material horizontally.6. A method for forming films respectively on a stack of wafers claim 1 , every adjacent two wafers in the stack of wafers having therebetween a respective wafer spacing claim 1 , and each wafer in the stack of wafers having a working surface claim 1 , the method comprising:providing an injector with a respective hole having a center corresponding to the respective wafer spacing, wherein first ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220134359A1

According to one embodiment, a rectifying plate is opposed to a plurality of nozzles which are configured to inject a fluid. The rectifying plate is configured to rectify the fluid. The rectifying plate includes: a plurality of high flow path resistance areas, and a low flow path resistance area. Each of the high flow path resistance areas includes a nozzle-facing area which is opposed to one of the plurality of nozzles. The low flow path resistance area surrounds each of the plurality of high flow path resistance areas. The low flow path resistance area includes a plurality of first through-holes to allow the fluid to pass through and having a smaller flow path resistance of the fluid than that of the high flow path resistance area.

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Spray nozzle for an inhalation device

Номер: US20210093802A1
Принадлежит: Softhale NV

The invention relates to the field of inhalation devices for liquids. In particular, the invention relates to a nebulizing nozzle to be used in such an inhalation device, as well as a method for fabrication of such a nozzle. A nozzle for an inhalation device for nebulizing a liquid into a respirable aerosol has a nozzle body ( 1 ) which has a front end ( 1 B) and which comprises at least two ejection channels ( 2, 2′ ), each channel ( 2, 2′ ) having an channel exit ( 2 A, 2 A′), wherein the ejection channels ( 2, 2′ ) are arranged such as to eject liquid along respective ejection trajectories which intersect with one another at a collision point. The nozzle is characterized in that at least one recess ( 3 ) is provided at the front end ( 1 B) in which the channel exits ( 2 A, 2 A′) are positioned. Disclosed is also a method for the fabrication of a nozzle body as defined above, use of such a nozzle in an inhalation device for nebulizing a liquid, and an inhalation device for nebulizing a liquid into a respirable aerosol, comprising such a nozzle.
