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27-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2598653C2
Принадлежит: СКАНИА СВ АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к приведению транспортного средства в движение. Способ, осуществляемый при движении транспортного средства, с двигателем внутреннего сгорания, коробкой передач и электрической машиной, включает в себя этапы, на которых принимают решение о том, что блокирующее средство следует перевести в положение расцепления. Затем управляют электрической машиной для приложения первого крутящего момента, соответствующего произведению требуемого крутящего момента движительной системы и передаточного отношения планетарной передачи. При этом управляют двигателем для приложения второго крутящего момента, соответствующего произведению требуемого крутящего момента движительной системы и величины, равной единице минус передаточное отношение планетарной передачи. Переводят блокирующее средство в положение расцепления, когда получены оба из упомянутых первого и второго крутящих моментов. Совершенствуется приведение транспортного средства в движение. 3 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

22-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2654849C2
Принадлежит: СКАНИА СВ АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к гибридным транспортным средствам. В способе запуска двигателя внутреннего сгорания в гибридной силовой передаче соединяют вращающиеся компоненты второй планетарной передачи между собой посредством соединения с помощью второго соединительного устройства солнечного зубчатого колеса, расположенного во второй планетарной передаче, и второго водила зубчатых колес планетарной передачи между собой. Затем активируют первую электрическую машину и вторую электрическую машину таким образом, что запускается двигатель внутреннего сгорания. Достигается возможность запуска двигателя. 3 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2605139C2
Принадлежит: СКАНИА СВ АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к запуску двигателя транспортного средства. Способ запуска двигателя внутреннего сгорания в движительной системе транспортного средства, содержащей двигатель внутреннего сгорания, электрическую машину, коробку передач и планетарную передачу, и содержит этапы, на которых устанавливают транспортное средство в исходном положении с помощью подходящей передачи и с помощью тормоза, косвенно воздействующего на входной вал коробки передач. Затем управляют электрической машиной так, что компонент планетарной передачи приводится во вращение с отрицательной скоростью вращения. Вследствие этого выходной вал двигателя внутреннего сгорания посредством первого компонента планетарной передачи приводится во вращение с положительной скоростью вращения так, что можно запустить двигатель внутреннего сгорания. Улучшается запуск двигателя. 3 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2600417C2
Принадлежит: СКАНИА СВ АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к приведению в движение транспортного средства. Способ приведения в движение транспортного средства в связи с запуском двигателя внутреннего сгорания в движительной системе этого транспортного средства, содержащей двигатель, электрическую машину, коробку передач, планетарную передачу и тормоз. Способ начинают, когда транспортное средство приводится в движение вперед электрической машиной за счет того, что в коробке передач включена передача заднего хода. Электрическая машина приводит компонент планетарной передачи во вращение с отрицательной скоростью. Блокирующие средства находятся в положении разблокировки, тормоз компонента находится в положении торможения. Способ включает в себя этап, на котором переводят тормоз компонента в положение отпускания, так что выходной вал двигателя приводится посредством первого компонента планетарной передачи во вращение с положительной скоростью вращения, вследствие чего можно запустить двигатель внутреннего сгорания. Совершенствуется ...

14-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2653722C2
Принадлежит: СКАНИА СВ АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к гибридным транспортным средствам. В способе управления гибридной силовой передачей отсоединяют подвижные части первой и второй планетарных передач друг от друга и управляют двигателем внутреннего сгорания до заданной скорости вращения двигателя. Также управляют первой и второй электрическими машинами для достижения требуемого крутящего момента на выходном валу, при одновременном достижении запрашиваемого полного потребления мощности первой и второй электрических машин. Решение направлено на достижение оптимального крутящего момента двигателя внутреннего сгорания. 3 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

15-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2613144C2
Принадлежит: СКАНИА СВ АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к приводу транспортного средства. Система привода для транспортного средства содержит двигатель внутреннего сгорания, коробку передач, тормозное устройство, электрическую машину, аккумулятор энергии, узел, приводимый в действие электрической энергией из аккумулятора, планетарную передачу и сочленяющий элемент. Выходной вал двигателя соединен с первым компонентом планетарной передачи. Первичный вал коробки передач соединен со вторым компонентом планетарной передачи. Ротор электрической машины соединен с третьим компонентом планетарной передачи. Система привода содержит блок управления, который, когда транспортное средство движется, а сочленяющий элемент находится в первом положении, на основании сравнения между требуемым движущим моментом и необходимым моментом, который нужен для работы узла, управляет двигателем внутреннего сгорания и/или тормозным устройством и/или электрической машиной таким образом, что получается желаемое электрическое воздействие для работы электрического ...

27-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2532211C2

Изобретение относится к приводным механизмам для передачи крутящего момента. Приводной механизм для передачи крутящего момента на первый и второй ведомый элемент содержит привод и переключающий элемент, связанный с приводом. Переключающий элемент избирательно соединяется с первым ведомым элементом в векторном режиме или с неподвижной корпусной деталью в режиме тяги. Переключающий элемент соединяется с первым ведомым элементом посредством соединительного элемента. В режиме тяги крутящий момент привода подводится к первому и второму ведомым элементам в одном и том же направлении, а в векторном режиме - в противоположных направлениях. Первый и второй ведомые элементы и привод связаны с дифференциалом, содержащим зубчатое колесо с наружными зубьями, связанное со вторым элементом привода. Первый ведомый элемент связан с водилом планетарного дифференциала, а второй ведомый элемент связан с солнечной шестерней планетарного дифференциала. Достигается повышение эффективности передачи крутящего момента ...

20-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2364739C1

Изобретение относится к двигателестроению, в частности к системам управления агрегатами двигателей внутреннего сгорания. Техническим результатом является обеспечение эффективной работы двигателя внутреннего сгорания при совместном вводе топлива через клапаны для впрыска топлива в цилиндр и клапаны для впрыска топлива в канал с установленным соотношением, а также обеспечение приемлемой работы двигателя при совместном вводе топлива через клапаны для впрыска топлива в цилиндр и клапаны для впрыска топлива в канал с установленным соотношением. Устройство вывода мощности, выводящее мощность на карданный вал, содержит: двигатель внутреннего сгорания, блок преобразования крутящего момента, преобразующий выводимую мощность двигателя внутреннего сгорания за счет преобразования крутящего момента и передающий преобразованную мощность на карданный вал; модуль задания целевого тягового усилия, задающий целевое тяговое усилие, выводимое на карданный вал; модуль задания целевой мощности, задающий целевую ...

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2606652C1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения, а более конкретно к трансмиссии транспортных средств с комбинированной энергетической установкой. Соединительно-трансформирующее устройство трансмиссии транспортного средства с комбинированной энергетической установкой содержит входной вал (1), дифференциал (2) на основе трехзвенного планетарного механизма, муфту (3), редуктор (5), выходной вал (7). Муфта (3) является муфтой постоянно замкнутого типа с электромагнитным приводом (4). Редуктор (5) планетарного типа оснащен синхронизатором (6). Выходной вал (7) связан с ведомым звеном планетарного механизма редуктора (5). Водило (9) дифференциала (2) жестко связано с входным валом (1). Солнечная шестерня (10), формирующая малый поток крутящего момента, связана с внутренней обоймой (11) фрикционной муфты (3), а коронная шестерня (12), формирующая больший поток крутящего момента - с наружной обоймой (13) фрикционной муфты (3), объединяющей потоки крутящего момента. Подвижная зубчатая муфта (18) ...

19-01-2023 дата публикации

Электромеханическая трансмиссия для гибридного транспорта

Номер: RU2788457C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению. В электромеханической трансмиссии для гибридного транспорта вал привода соединен с ротором электродвигателя, статор которого установлен на корпусе и подключен к входу асимметричного планетарного дифференциала. Один выход дифференциала подключен к ведомому валу, а второй выход подключен к свободно вращающемуся на валу привода статору генератора. Ротор генератора установлен на валу привода и жестко с ним соединен. Статор генератора соединен с муфтой, имеющей возможность соединять его с корпусом. При наличии в цепи генератора электрической нагрузки, статор увлекается за ротором, но так как статор генератора, подключенный к дифференциалу, стремится вращаться в сторону, обратную направлению вращения ротора, сила индукции частично блокирует дифференциал и уменьшает передачу вращения через элементы дифференциала. Дифференциал с генератором вращаются вокруг оси. Расширяется диапазон оборотов и крутящего момента на выходном валу, повышается плавность изменения ...

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015102350A

... 1. Способ, осуществляемый при движении транспортного средства, имеющего движительную систему, содержащую двигатель (2) внутреннего сгорания с выходным валом (2a), коробку (3) передач с входным валом (3a), электрическую машину (9), содержащую статор (9a) и ротор (9b), планетарную передачу, содержащую три компонента в виде солнечного зубчатого колеса (10), кольцевого зубчатого колеса (11) и водила (12) планетарной передачи, причем выходной вал (2a) двигателя внутреннего сгорания соединен с первым из упомянутых компонентов планетарной передачи таким образом, что вращение этого вала приводит к вращению этого компонента, входной вал (3a) коробки передач соединен со вторым из упомянутых компонентов планетарной передачи таким образом, что вращение этого вала приводит к вращению этого компонента, а ротор (9b) электрической машины соединен с третьим из упомянутых компонентов планетарной передачи таким образом, что вращение ротора приводит к вращению этого компонента, при этом упомянутая движительная ...

20-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015102335A

... 1. Способ переключения передач в коробке передач движущегося транспортного средства, причем упомянутое транспортное средство имеет движительную систему, содержащую двигатель (2) внутреннего сгорания с выходным валом (2а), коробку (3) передач с входным валом (3а), электрическую машину (9), содержащую статор (9а) и ротор (9b), и планетарную передачу, содержащую три компонента в виде солнечного зубчатого колеса (10), кольцевого зубчатого колеса (11) с внутренним зацеплением и водила (12) планетарной передачи, причем выходной вал (2а) двигателя внутреннего сгорания соединен с первым из упомянутых компонентов планетарной передачи таким образом, что вращение этого вала приводит к вращению этого компонента, упомянутый входной вал (3а) коробки передач соединен со вторым из упомянутых компонентов планетарной передачи таким образом, что вращение этого вала приводит к вращению этого компонента, а ротор (9b) электрической машины соединен с третьим из упомянутых компонентов планетарной передачи таким ...

20-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014131896A

... 1. Устройство приведения в движение для гибридного транспортного средства, содержащее:механизм передачи мощности, который соединен с двигателем и передает вращение двигателя;дифференциальный механизм, который соединяет механизм передачи мощности с ведущими колесами; ипереключающее устройство, которое выполняет переключение скорости механизма передачи мощности,при этом дифференциальный механизм включает в себя первый вращательный элемент, который соединен с выходным элементом механизма передачи мощности, второй вращательный элемент, который соединен с первой вращающейся электрической машиной, и третий вращательный элемент, который соединен со второй вращающейся электрической машиной и ведущими колесами,причем вращение выходного элемента механизма передачи мощности ограничено посредством переключающего устройства,при этом устройство приведения в движение имеет режим ограничения вращения выходного элемента механизма передачи мощности посредством переключающего устройства и движения с помощью ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Antriebssystem für Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: DE102012010171A1

Die Erfindung betrifft Antriebssysteme für Kraftfahrzeuge mit einem ersten Elektromotor und einem zweiten Elektromotor. Die Antriebssysteme zeichnen sich insbesondere durch ihre große Effizienz aus. Dazu ist der Rotor des ersten Elektromotors entweder direkt mit einem Abtrieb verbunden oder über wenigstens ein erstes Schaltelement lösbar mit einem Abtrieb verbindbar. Zum Einen ist der Rotor des zweiten Elektromotors direkt oder über eine Schaltvorrichtung lösbar mit wenigstens einem Aggregat verbunden. Zum Anderen ist der Rotor des zweiten Elektromotors entweder mit dem Zentralrad eines Planetengetriebes oder sowohl mit dem Zentralrad eines Planetengetriebes als auch über ein zweites Schaltelement lösbar mit dem Rotor des ersten Elektromotors verbunden oder verbindbar. Der Abtrieb ist mit dem Außenrad des Planetengetriebes verbunden. Zwischen dem Außenrad und dem Zentralrad des Planetengetriebes befindet sich wenigstens ein Planetenrad. Darüber hinaus ist der Steg des Planetengetriebes ...

20-05-2021 дата публикации

Leistungsverzweigtes stufenloses Getriebe mit hoher Getriebespreizung

Номер: DE102019217750A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung bezieht sich auf ein leistungsverzweigtes stufenloses Getriebe (1) mit einem Antrieb (5) und einem Abtrieb (6) sowie einer Planetenbaugruppe (2) und einer Fahrbereichsbaugruppe (3; 3'; 3''), die im Leistungsfluss zwischen dem Antrieb (5) und dem Abtrieb (6) angeordnet sind. Die Planetenbaugruppe (2) umfasst ein drehfestes Bauteil (26), einen ersten (8), einen zweiten (9), einen dritten (10) und einen vierten Planetenradsatz (11), einen Variator (27) sowie ein erstes (K1), ein zweites (K2), ein drittes (K3), ein viertes (K4) und ein fünftes Schaltelement (BG). Die Planetenradsätze (8, 9, 10, 11) weisen jeweils ein Sonnenrad (14, 15, 16, 17), einen Planetenträger (18, 19, 20, 21) und ein Hohlrad (22, 23, 24, 25) auf. Der Planetenträger (21) des vierten Planetenradsatzes (11) ist über die Fahrbereichsbaugruppe (3; 3'; 3'') mit dem Abtrieb (6) mechanisch wirkverbindbar, wobei die Fahrbereichsbaugruppe (3; 3'; 3'') ein Übersetzungsverhältnis in Rückwärts- und zwei unterschiedliche ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Leistungsverzweigtes stufenloses Getriebe

Номер: DE102019219350A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung bezieht sich auf ein leistungsverzweigtes stufenloses Getriebe (1) mit einem ersten (2), zweiten (3), dritten (4) und vierten Planetenradsatz (14). Das erste Element des ersten Planetenradsatzes (2) ist mit dem dritten Element des ersten Planetenradsatzes (2) über einen Variator (24) mechanisch wirkverbunden. Das zweite Element des ersten Planetenradsatzes (2) ist mit dem Antrieb (19) so gekoppelt, dass dazwischen ein Drehmoment übertragbar ist. Das dritte Element des ersten Planetenradsatzes (2) mit dem ersten Element des zweiten Planetenradsatzes (3) permanent drehfest verbunden und mit dem dritten Element des vierten Planetenradsatzes (14) über ein zweites Schaltelement (K2) drehfest verbindbar. Das zweite Element des zweiten Planetenradsatzes (3) ist mit dem dritten Element des dritten Planetenradsatzes (4) permanent drehfest und mit dem Antrieb (19) über ein erstes Schaltelement (K1) drehfest verbindbar. Das dritte Element des zweiten Planetenradsatzes (3) ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Hybridgetriebe mit elektrisch gestützten Schaltungen

Номер: DE102019219817A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Hybridgetriebe (18) für einen Kraftfahrzeug-Antriebsstrang (12) eines Kraftfahrzeugs (10) mit einer Verbrennungsmaschine (16) und einer ersten elektrischen Antriebsmaschine (14), mit: einer ersten Getriebeantriebswelle (22) zum Wirkverbinden der Verbrennungsmaschine mit dem Hybridgetriebe; einer zweiten Getriebeantriebswelle (24) zum Wirkverbinden der ersten elektrischen Antriebsmaschine mit dem Hybridgetriebe; drei gekoppelten Planetenradsätzen (RS1, RS2, RS3), umfassend jeweils ein Hohlrad (30, 38, 40), einen Planetenradträger und ein Sonnenrad (26, 34, 44); mehreren Wellen, die jeweils mit Elementen der Planetenradsätze verbunden sind; mehreren Schaltelementen (A, B, C, D, E, F) zum Verbinden der mehreren Wellen, um Gangstufen einzurichten; und einem Abtrieb (32); wobei das Hohlrad des zweiten Planetenradsatzes antriebswirksam mit der zweiten Getriebeantriebswelle verbunden ist; das Sonnenrad des zweiten Planetenradsatzes und das Sonnenrad des dritten ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Lastschaltbares Mehrstufengetriebe in Planetenbauweise

Номер: DE102014218613A1

Das Getriebe umfasst drei Planetenradsätze (RS1, RS2, RS3) und sechs drehbare Wellen (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), wobei das Sonnenrad eines ersten Planetenradsatzes (RS1) und das Sonnenrad eines dritten Planetenradsatzes (RS3) an das Gehäuse (G) gekoppelt sind und die Antriebswelle (1) mit dem Sonnenrad eines zweiten Planetenradsatzes (RS2) verbunden und über eine erste Kupplung (14) mit einer mit dem Steg des ersten Planetenradsatzes (RS1) drehfest verbundenen vierten Welle (4) lösbar verbindbar ist, welche über eine zweite Kupplung (34) mit einer mit dem Steg des dritten Planetenradsatzes (RS3) verbundenen dritten Welle (3) lösbar verbindbar und über eine vierte Kupplung (46) mit einer mit dem Hohlrad des zweiten Planetenradsatzes (RS2) verbundenen sechsten Welle (6) lösbar verbindbar ist, wobei die dritte Welle (3) über eine dritte Kupplung (35) mit einer mit dem Hohlrad des ersten Planetenradsatzes (RS1) verbundenen fünften Welle (5) lösbar verbindbar ist und die Abtriebswelle (2) mit dem Steg ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Antriebseinrichtung für ein Hybrid-Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102014219359B3

Eine Antriebseinrichtung für ein Hybrid-Kraftfahrzeug, umfassend eine Kurbelwelle eines Verbrennungsmotors, eine Welle eines Elektromotors, ein sowohl mit der Kurbelwelle als auch mit der Welle gekoppeltes Schaltgetriebe, ein drehfest mit der Kurbelwelle verbundenes Schwungrad, eine zwischen das Schwungrad und eine Getriebeeingangswelle des Schaltgetriebes geschaltete Reibungskupplung, sowie ein Planetengetriebe, dessen Hohlrad mit dem Schwungrad, dessen Sonnenrad mit der Welle des Elektromotors und dessen Planetenträger mit einer Kupplungsscheibe der Reibungskupplung verbunden ist.

24-03-2011 дата публикации

Automatic transmission for use in drive train of motor vehicle, has planetary gear wheel sets and switching element, where planetary gear wheel sets have hollow wheel, planetary wheel and sun wheel in each case

Номер: DE102009041085A1

The automatic transmission (2) has two planetary gear wheel sets (3,4) and a switching element. The planetary gear wheel sets have a hollow wheel (5,8), a planetary wheel (6,9) and a sun wheel (7,10) in each case. The planetary gear wheel sets are coupled with each other by the switching element. The planetary wheel of the former planetary gear wheel set and the planetary wheel of the latter planetary gear wheel set are coupled by a coupling as the switching element.

15-09-2016 дата публикации

Mehrstufengetriebe für einen Hybridantrieb eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102015204574A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Mehrstufengetriebe für einen Hybridantrieb eines Kraftfahrzeugs, das eine erste Antriebswelle (An) zum Ankoppeln an einen Verbrennungsmotor (VM), eine zweite Antriebswelle (4) zum Ankoppeln an einen Elektromotor (EM), eine Abtriebswelle (Ab), wenigstens drei Planetenradsätze (RS1, RS2, RS3) sowie mehrere Schaltelemente (K1, K2, K3, B1) aufweist. Die Abtriebswelle (Ab) ist mit einem ersten Planetenradsatz (RS1) drehfest verbunden. Ein zweiter Planetenradsatz (RS2) ist mit einer ersten Getriebewelle (5) und mit einer zweiten Getriebewelle (3) und mit einer dritten Getriebewelle (6) drehfest verbunden und die erste Antriebswelle (An) ist mit einem dritten Planetenradsatz (RS3) drehfest verbunden. Dabei ist die zweite Antriebswelle (4) mit einem ersten Planetenradsatz (RS1) drehfest verbunden und ist mittels eines ersten Schaltelements (K3) mit der dritten Getriebewelle (6) drehfest verbindbar. Die erste Getriebewelle (5) ist mit dem ersten Planetenradsatz (RS1) drehfest ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015213066B4

Automatgetriebe, insbesondere für ein Kraftfahrzeug, umfassend ein Getriebegehäuse (GG), eine Antriebswelle (AN), eine Abtriebswelle (AB), vier jeweils als Plus- oder Minus-Planetenradsatz ausgebildete Planetenradsätze (RS1, RS2, RS3, RS4) sowie sieben Schaltelemente (C, B, D, E, A, M, H) zum Schalten verschiedener Übersetzungsverhältnisse zwischen Antriebswelle (AN) und Abtriebswelle (AB),wobei das erste Element jedes Minus-Planetenradsatzes und das erste Element jedes Plus-Planetenradsatzes als Sonnenrad ausgebildet ist, das zweite Element jedes Minus-Planetenradsatzes als Planetenradträger ausgebildet ist, das zweite Element jedes Plus-Planetenradsatzes als Hohlrad ausgebildet ist das dritte Element jedes Minus-Planetenradsatzes als Hohlrad ausgebildet ist und das dritte Element jedes Plus-Planetenradsatzes als Planetenradträger ausgebildet ist,wobei der erste und zweite Planetenradsatz (RS1, RS2) einen mit der Antriebswelle (AN) verbindbaren Vorschaltradsatz (VS) bilden,wobei der dritte ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Getriebesystem für einen Hybridantrieb eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102015215073A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Getriebesystem (5) für einen Hybridantrieb (1) eines Kraftfahrzeugs, mit einem Überlagerungsgetriebe (2), das eine erste Antriebswelle (An) zum Ankoppeln eines Verbrennungsmotors (VM), eine zweite Antriebswelle (6) zum Ankoppeln eines Elektromotors (EM) und eine Überlagerungsgetriebeausgangswelle (7) aufweist. Dem Überlagerungsgetriebe (2) ist ein Schaltgetriebe (8) triebtechnisch nachgeschaltet ist, wobei das Schaltgetriebe (8) wenigstens zwei Planetenradsätze (RS1, RS2) und eine Schaltgetriebeausgangswelle (Ab) zum Ankoppeln an wenigstens ein Antriebsrad des Kraftfahrzeugs aufweist und wobei das Schaltgetriebe (8) wenigstens zwei, insbesondere genau zwei, elektrische Vorwärtsgänge für einen rein elektrischen Vorwärts-Fahrbetrieb und wenigstens einen, insbesondere genau einen, Rückwärtsgang für einen Rückwärts-Fahrbetrieb bereitstellt.

30-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0050103407D1

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Antriebseinheit mit einer an einem Planetenträger integrierter Kupplung; Allradantriebssystem sowie Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102020108002A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Antriebseinheit (1) für einen hybriden oder rein elektrischen Antriebsstrang eines Kraftfahrzeuges (25), mit einem Elektromotor (2), einem einer Rotorwelle (3) des Elektromotors (2) nachgeschalteten Planetengetriebe (4), einer mit einem Planetenträger (5) des Planetengetriebes (4) wirkverbundenen Kupplung (6) sowie einem mit dem Planetenträger (5) wirkverbundenen Abtrieb, wobei der Planetenträger (5) und ein Drehmomenteinleitungsbestandteil (7) der Kupplung (6) stoffeinteilig miteinander ausgebildet sind. Zudem betrifft die Erfindung ein Allradantriebssystem (16) mit dieser Antriebseinheit (1) sowie ein Kraftfahrzeug (25).

29-04-2010 дата публикации

Steuerungssystem für eine drehende elektrische Maschine und Fahrzeugantriebssystem mit einem Steuerungssystem für eine drehende elektrische Maschine

Номер: DE112008001444T5

Steuerungssystem für eine drehende elektrische Maschine, das eine DC-Leistungsversorgung; eine drehende elektrische Maschine, einen Wechselrichter, der zwischen der DC-Leistungsversorgung und der drehenden elektrischen Maschine bereitgestellt ist zum Steuern eines Stroms, der in der drehenden elektrischen Maschine fließt; und eine Steuerungsvorrichtung enthält, die eine geforderte Drehzahl als eine Drehzahl bestimmt, die für die drehende elektrische Maschine gefordert wird, und ein gefordertes Drehmoment als ein Drehmoment bestimmt, das für die drehende elektrische Maschine gefordert wird, wobei der Wechselrichter betreibbar ist basierend auf der geforderten Drehzahl und dem geforderten Drehmoment, die durch die Steuerungsvorrichtung bestimmt werden, und das ein Drehmomentbegrenzungsmittel zum Begrenzen eines Drehmoments der drehenden elektrischen Maschine enthält, wobei das Drehmomentbegrenzungsmittel eine Form des Begrenzens des Drehmoments gemäß einer Wechselrichterspannung ändert, die ...

23-04-2009 дата публикации

Hybridfahrzeug, Steuerverfahren für Hybridfahrzeug und Leistungsausgabevorrichtung

Номер: DE112005001361T5

Hybridfahrzeug, welches folgendes aufweist: eine Brennkraftmaschine; einen Eingabe-/Ausgabemechanismus für elektrische Leistung und mechanische Leistung, der mit einer Abtriebswelle der Brennkraftmaschine und mit einer Antriebswelle, die mit einer Achse des Hybridfahrzeugs verkoppelt ist, verbunden ist und durch Ein- und Ausgabe von elektrischer Leistung und mechanischer Leistung Leistung von bzw. zu der Abtriebswelle und der Antriebswelle ein- und ausgibt; einen Motor, der Leistung von und zu der einen Achsen oder der anderen Achse, die von der einen Achse verschieden ist, ein- und ausgibt; eine Akkumulatoreinheit, die elektrische Leistung zum und vom Eingabe-/Ausgabemechanismus für elektrische Leistung und mechanische Leistung und zum und vom Motor überträgt; ein Antriebsleistungsforderungs-Einstellungsmodul, das eine Antriebsleistungsforderung, die zum Antreiben des Hybridfahrzeugs erforderlich ist, einstellt; ein Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeits-Messmodul, das die Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit des ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren und Steueranordnung zum Schalten eines Getriebes eines Antriebsstrangs für ein Fahrzeug

Номер: DE112018005887T5
Принадлежит: SCANIA CV AB, Scania CV AB

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Schalten eines Getriebes (4) eines Antriebsstrangs (2) eines Fahrzeugs (1). Der Antriebsstrang (2) weist eine elektrische Maschine (6), ein in dem Getriebe (4) vorhandenes Planetengetriebe (18), das mit der elektrischen Maschine (6) verbunden ist, und eine Abtriebswelle (38) des Getriebes (4) auf, die mit dem Planetengetriebe (18) verbindbar ist. Das Planetengetriebe (18) umfasst ein Hohlrad (22), ein Sonnenrad (24), einen Planetenradträger (26) und mindestens ein Planetenrad (28), das drehbar auf dem Planetenradträger (26) angeordnet ist. Das Verfahren umfasst den Schritt des Änderns (s101) der Drehrichtung der elektrischen Maschine (6) während eines Schaltens aus einem Gang in einen anderen in dem Getriebe (4). Die Erfindung betrifft auch eine Steueranordnung zum Schalten eines Getriebes (4) eines Antriebsstrangs (2) eines Fahrzeugs (1). Die Erfindung betrifft ferner einen Antriebsstrang (2) für ein Fahrzeug und ein Fahrzeug (2), das mit einem ...

21-01-2010 дата публикации

Hybrid drive train for motor vehicle with internal combustion engine, has drive shaft and electric machine operated as engine and as generator, where electric machine consists of stator and rotor

Номер: DE102008040499A1

The hybrid drive train has a drive shaft and an electric machine (EM) operated as an engine and as a generator, where the electric machine consists of a stator (34) and a rotor (35). A multistep planetary-automatic drive (1) is provided with an input shaft (2) and an output shaft (3). A hybrid module is provided which consists of a separation clutch (C0) and an input gear which are combined coaxially with each other. A pre-assembled electrical module is provided which comprises a module housing (33) and the electric machine.

29-12-2011 дата публикации

Antriebsstrang mit einem automatisierten Gruppengetriebe

Номер: DE102010030575A1

Antriebsstrang eines Kraftfahrzeugs, mit einem einen Verbrennungsmotor (VM) und eine elektrische Maschine (EM) aufweisenden Hybridantrieb und einem automatisierten Gruppengetriebe (CT), wobei das automatisierte Gruppengetriebe (CT) zumindest ein Hauptgetriebe (HG) und eine dem Hauptgetriebe (HG) antriebstechnisch nachgeschaltete Nachschaltgruppe (GP) aufweist, wobei eine Eingangswelle (WGE) des automatisierten Gruppengetriebes (CT) über eine steuerbare Anfahrkupplung (AK) mit dem Verbrennungsmotor (VM) des Hybridantriebs und eine Ausgangswelle (WGA) des automatisierten Gruppengetriebes (CT) mit einem Achsantrieb (AB) in Verbindung steht, wobei die elektrische Maschine (EM) des Hybridantriebs abhängig von der Schaltstellung mindestens eines Schaltelements (S1, S2) zwischen dem Hauptgetriebe (HG) und einer in Vorgelegebauweise ausgeführten Nachschaltgruppe (GP) und/oder zwischen der in Vorgelegebauweise ausgeführten Nachschaltgruppe (GP) und dem Achsantrieb (AB) an den Kraftfluss bzw. Momentfluss ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Getriebe und Antriebstrang mit einem Getriebe

Номер: DE102011087995A1

Getriebe (GT) eines Kraftfahrzeugs, mit einer Getriebeeingangswelle (WGE), an die ein Antriebsaggregat (AG) koppelbar ist, mit einer Getriebeausgangswelle (WGA), an die ein Achsantrieb (AB) koppelbar ist, mit mehreren koaxial hintereinander angeordneten Planetensätzen (PG1, PG2) und mit mehreren formschlüssigen Schaltelementen (SE1, SE2), wobei ein erstes Element (PH1) eines ersten Planetensatzes (PG1) mit einem ersten Element (PS2) eines zweiten Planetensatzes (PG2) über eine zwischen die Getriebeeingangswelle (WGE) und die Getriebeausgangswelle (WGA) schaltbare Zwischenwelle (ZW1) permanent gekoppelt ist, wobei an diese Zwischenwelle (ZW1) eine elektrische Maschine (EM1) permanent gekoppelt ist, wobei ein zweites Element (ST2) des zweiten Planetensatzes (PG2) mit der Getriebeausgangswelle (WGA) permanent gekoppelt ist, wobei in einer ersten Schaltstellung (A) eines ersten formschlüssigen Schaltelements (SE1) die Getriebeeingangswelle (WGE) direkt an die Getriebeausgangswelle (WGA) gekoppelt ...

27-01-2005 дата публикации

Kraftübertragungsvorrichtung für ein Hybridfahrzeug

Номер: DE102004028101A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Kraftübertragungsvorrichtung, die eine kleine Konfiguration verwendet, um effizient verschiedene Formen von Antrieben, wie einen Gangwechselantrieb und sogar einen EV-Antrieb (elektrischer Antrieb) einschließlich eines serienartigen EV-Antriebs, durchzuführen. Die Kraftübertragungsvorrichtung umfasst eine Kupplung 8, die Drehübertragungen zwischen einer Ausgangswelle 1a einer Kraftmaschine 1 und einer Eingangswelle 4r eines 4 von zwei Kraftverteilern 4 und 5 trennt und verbindet, mit denen eine Drehantriebskraft durch die Kraftmaschine 1 übertragen wird, eine Kupplung 9, die Drehübertragungen zwischen einer von zwei Ausgangswellen 5c, 5c des Kraftverteilers 5 und einer Kraftabgabewelle 12 verbindet und trennt, und Drehreguliermitteln 10 und 11, die eine Drehung der Eingangswelle 4r des Kraftverteilers 4 und eine Drehung der Ausgangswelle 5c des Kraftverteilers 5 zuverlässig verhindern. Motoren 6 und 7 üben jeweils Momente auf eine Ausgangswelle 4s ...

11-08-2005 дата публикации

Steuersystem für eine Hybridantriebseinheit

Номер: DE102004030146A1

Ein Steuersystem für eine Hybridantriebseinheit, in der eine Hilfsantriebsmaschine durch einen Getriebemechanismus mit einem Ausgangselement verbunden ist, auf das ein Drehmoment, das durch eine Antriebsmaschine ausgegeben wird, übertragen wird, hat eine Getriebeschaltsteuerung zum Schalten einer Schaltsteuerbedingung des Getriebes in Übereinstimmung mit dem Betriebszustand der Hauptantriebsmaschine. Eine Getriebeschaltung wird im Fall verhindert, in dem ein Fahrzeug durch eine Hilfsantriebsmaschine läuft, und die Getriebeschaltung wird ebenso im Fall verhindert, in dem die Hilfsantriebsmaschine ein Drehmoment in Verbindung mit einem Starten der Hauptantriebsmaschine ausgibt. Ein Getriebe wird in einem Zustand kurz vor einem Starten des Schaltbetriebes in dem Fall betrieben, in dem die Getriebeschaltung in Verbindung mit einem Starten der Hauptantriebsmaschine verhindert ist.

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013227018A1

Getriebe (G) mit einer Getriebe-Eingangswelle (GW1) und einer Getriebe-Ausgangswelle (GW2), einem Hauptradsatz (HRS), einem Zusatzradsatz (ZRS), und einer elektrischen Maschine (EM) mit einem Rotor (R) und einem Stator (S), wobei das Getriebe (G) zumindest einen Leistungspfad (L1, L2) zwischen der Getriebe-Eingangswelle (GW1) und dem Hauptradsatz (HRS) aufweist, wobei der Hauptradsatz (HRS) einen ersten und einen zweiten Planetenradsatz (P1, P2) mit insgesamt vier in Drehzahlordnung als erste, zweite, dritte und vierte Welle bezeichnete Wellen (W1, W2, W3, W4) aufweist, wobei der zumindest eine Leistungspfad (L1, L2) über zumindest ein Schaltelement (A, B, D, E) mit zumindest einer der vier Wellen (W1, W2, W3, W4) des Hauptradsatzes (HRS) verbindbar ist, wobei die dritte Welle (W3) des Hauptradsatzes (HRS) mit der Getriebe-Ausgangswelle (GW2) verbunden ist, wobei der Zusatzradsatz (ZRS) einen Planetenradsatz (P4) mit einer ersten, zweiten und dritten Welle (W1P4, W2P4, W3P4) aufweist, wobei ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Getriebeeinheit, insbesondere für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102016015267A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Getriebeeinheit (10), insbesondere für ein Kraftfahrzeug, mit einem ersten Planetengetriebe (12), mit einem zweiten Planetengetriebe (14), mit einem dritten Planetengetriebe (16) und mit einem vierten Planetengetriebe (18), welche jeweils ein Sonnenrad (20, 28, 36, 44) als erstes Getriebeelement, ein Hohlrad (22, 30, 38, 46) als zweites Getriebeelement und einen Planetenträger (24, 32, 40, 48) als drittes Getriebeelement aufweisen, mit einem mit einem der Getriebeelemente (12, 14, 16, 18) drehfest verbundenen Antrieb (52), über welchen von einer von der Getriebeeinheit (10) unterschiedlichen Antriebseinheit bereitgestellte Drehmomente in die Getriebeeinheit (10) einleitbar sind, mit einem mit einem der Getriebeelemente (12, 14, 16, 18) drehfest verbundenen Abtrieb (56), über welchen Drehmomente von der Getriebeeinheit (10) bereitstellbar sind, wobei das Sonnenrad (20) des ersten Planetengetriebes (12) drehfest mit dem Sonnenrad (28) des zweiten Planetengetriebes ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016225740A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Mehrstufengetriebe (100; 200), insbesondere für einen Antrieb eines Kraftfahrzeuges, aufweisend• eine Getriebeeingangswelle (1) als erste Welle und eine Getriebeausgangswelle (2) als zweite Welle,• vier Planetenradsätze (RS1, RS2, RS3, RS4) als ersten Planetenradsatz (RS1), zweiten Planetenradsatz (RS2), dritten Planetenradsatz (RS3) und vierten Planetenradsatz (RS4) mit jeweils wenigstens drei Getriebegliedern (1.1, 1.2, 1.3; 2.1,2.2,2.3; 3.1, 3.2, 3.3; 4.1, 4.2, 4.3) und• mehrere Schaltelemente (10, 20, 30, 40, 50), deren selektives Schalten verschiedene Übersetzungsverhältnisse zwischen der Getriebeeingangswelle (1) und der Getriebeausgangswelle (2) bewirkt.Es ist vorgesehen, dass die Planetenradsätze (RS1, RS2, RS3, RS4) paarweise radial geschachtelt angeordnet sind und jeweils die Planetenradsätze (RS1, RS2; RS3, RS4) eines Radsatzpaares (P1; P2) eine gemeinsame Radebene bilden.

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Getriebeeinrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug, insbesondere für einen Kraftwagen

Номер: DE102018001504A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Getriebeeinrichtung (10) für ein Kraftfahrzeug, mit einem Gehäuse (18), mit einem Planetengetriebe (20), welches einen in dem Gehäuse (18) angeordneten ersten Planetenradsatz (22) mit einem ersten Sonnenrad (26), einem ersten Hohlrad (28) und einem ersten Planetenträger (30) und einen in dem Gehäuse (18) angeordneten zweiten Planetenradsatz (24) mit einem zweiten Sonnenrad (34), einem zweiten Hohlrad (36) und einem zweiten Planetenträger (38) aufweist, mit einer Eingangswelle (42), mit einem ersten Schaltelement (46), mittels welchem die Eingangswelle (42) drehfest mit dem zweiten Hohlrad (36) verbindbar ist, mit einem zweiten Schaltelement (48), mittels welchem die Eingangswelle (42) drehfest mit dem zweiten Sonnenrad (34) verbindbar ist, mit wenigstens einer Übersetzungsstufe (50), über welche der zweite Planetenträger (38) permanent mit dem ersten Hohlrad (28) gekoppelt ist, und mit einer drehfest mit dem ersten Planetenträger (30) verbundenen Abtriebswelle ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Getriebe für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102013225205B4

Getriebe (G) für ein Kraftfahrzeug, mit einer Getriebe-Eingangswelle (GW1), einer Getriebe-Ausgangswelle (GW2), einer elektrischen Maschine (EM) mit einem drehbaren Rotor (R) und einem drehfesten Stator (S), sowie einem Planetenradsatz (P), welcher ein erstes Sonnenrad (So1), ein zweites Sonnenrad (So2), einen Steg (St), erste Planetenräder (PL1), zweite Planetenräder (PL2), ein erstes Hohlrad (Ho1) und ein zweites Hohlrad (Ho2) umfasst,- wobei das erste Sonnenrad (So1) und das erste Hohlrad (Ho1) mit den ersten Planetenrädern (PL1) in Eingriff stehen, welche an dem Steg (St) drehbar gelagert sind,- wobei das zweite Sonnenrad (So2) und das zweite Hohlrad (Ho2) mit den zweiten Planetenräder (PL2) in Eingriff stehen, welche am Steg (St) drehbar gelagert sind,- wobei zumindest eines der ersten Planetenräder (PL1) mit genau einem der zweiten Planetenräder (PL2) in Eingriff steht,- wobei der Wirkdurchmesser der ersten Sonnenrads (So1) kleiner ist als der Wirkdurchmesser des zweiten Sonnenrads ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013225213A1

Getriebe (G) mit einer Getriebe-Eingangswelle (GW1) und einer Getriebe-Ausgangswelle (GW2), einem Hauptradsatz (HRS), einem Zusatzradsatz (ZRS), und einer elektrischen Maschine (EM) mit einem Rotor (R) und einem Stator (S), wobei das Getriebe (G) zumindest einen Leistungspfad (L1, L2, L3) zwischen der Getriebe-Eingangswelle (GW1) und dem Hauptradsatz (HRS) aufweist, wobei der Hauptradsatz (HRS) einen ersten und einen zweiten Planetenradsatz (P1, P2) mit insgesamt vier in Drehzahlordnung als erste, zweite, dritte und vierte Welle bezeichnete Wellen (W1, W2, W3, W4) aufweist, wobei der zumindest eine Leistungspfad (L1, L2, L3) über zumindest ein Schaltelement (A, B, C, D, E) mit zumindest einer der vier Wellen (W1, W2, W3, W4) des Hauptradsatzes (HRS) verbindbar ist, wobei die dritte Welle (W3) des Hauptradsatzes (HRS) mit der Getriebe-Ausgangswelle (GW2) verbunden ist, wobei der Zusatzradsatz (ZRS) einen Planetenradsatz (P4) mit einer ersten, zweiten und dritten Welle (W1P4, W2P4, W3P4) ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Getriebe für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102014220946A1

Getriebe (G) mit einer Eingangswelle (GW1), einer Abtriebswelle (GW2), einer Anschlusswelle (AN), einem ersten und einem zweiten Planetenradsatz (P1, P2), einer elektrischen Maschine (EM) mit einem Stator (S) und einem mit der Eingangswelle (GW1) wirkverbundenen Rotor (R), einem ersten Schaltelement (K2), einem zweiten Schaltelement (K3), einem dritten Schaltelement (K1), einem vierten Schaltelement (B1), und einer Trennkupplung (K0), wobei der erste und der zweite Planetenradsatz (P1, P2) je ein erstes Element (E11, E12) ein zweites Element (E21, E22) und ein drittes Element (E31, E32) aufweisen, wobei die Anschlusswelle (AN) über die Trennkupplung (K0) mit der Eingangswelle (GW1) verbindbar ist, wobei das erste Element (E11) des ersten Planetenradsatzes (P1) ständig drehfest festgesetzt ist, wobei das erste Element (E12) des zweiten Planetenradsatzes (P2) ständig mit der Eingangswelle (GW1) verbunden ist, wobei durch Schließen des ersten Schaltelements (K2) das dritte Element (E32) des ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018125902A1

Ein Getriebe beinhaltet einen ersten, einen zweiten und einen dritten Planetenradsatz (PGS). Eine erste elektrische Maschine ist fest mit einem Sonnenrad des ersten PGS gekoppelt. Eine zweite elektrische Maschine ist fest mit einem Träger des ersten PGS gekoppelt.Eine Bremse hindert ein Tellerrad des ersten PGS selektiv an einer Drehung. Eine erste und eine zweite Kupplung koppeln die erste beziehungsweise die zweite elektrische Maschine selektiv mit einem Teil des ersten beziehungsweise des dritten PGS.

20-05-2020 дата публикации

Getriebevorrichtung für ein Hybridfahrzeug

Номер: DE102018219607A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Getriebevorrichtung (1) für ein Hybridfahrzeug mit einer ersten und zweiten Antriebsmaschine (2a, 2b), umfassend eine erste und zweite Antriebswelle (3a, 3b), wobei die erste Antriebswelle (3a) dazu vorgesehen ist, mit der ersten Antriebsmaschine (2a) wirkverbunden zu sein, und wobei die zweite Antriebswelle (3b) dazu vorgesehen ist, mit der zweiten Antriebsmaschine (2b) wirkverbunden zu sein, eine Abtriebswelle (4), die zur Wirkverbindung mit einem Fahrzeugabtrieb vorgesehen ist, gekennzeichnet durch eine formschlüssige Schalteinrichtung (5) mit einem Doppelschaltelement (6), das eine erste, zweite und dritte Schaltposition (7a, 7b, 7c) zum Fahrbetrieb des Hybridfahrzeugs aufweist. Ferner betrifft die Erfindung auch eine Antriebsvorrichtung für ein Hybridfahrzeug, umfassend eine erste und zweite Antriebsmaschine (2a, 2b) sowie eine solche Getriebevorrichtung (1).

20-05-2021 дата публикации

Antriebsvorrichtung mit achsparallelem 2-Gang-Getriebe

Номер: DE102019131023A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Antriebsvorrichtung (1) für einen elektrifizierten Kraftfahrzeugantrieb, mit einer Eingangswelle (2), zumindest einer achsparallel zu der Eingangswelle (2) angeordneten Ausgangswelle (13a, 13b) sowie einer, eine erste Planetengetriebestufe (4) und eine zweite Planetengetriebestufe (5) aufweisenden, zwischen der Eingangswelle (2) und der zumindest einen Ausgangswelle (13a, 13b) wirkend eingesetzten Getriebeeinrichtung (3), wobei ein Hohlrad (10a) der ersten Planetengetriebestufe (4) direkt oder indirekt mit der Eingangswelle (2) gekoppelt ist und ein Planetenträger (8a) der ersten Planetengetriebestufe (4) mit der zumindest einen Ausgangswelle (13a, 13b) gekoppelt ist, und wobei ein Schaltelement (11) derart zwischen der ersten Planetengetriebestufe (4) und der zweiten Planetengetriebestufe (5) eingesetzt ist, dass in einer ersten Schaltstellung des Schaltelementes (11) das Hohlrad (10a) der ersten Planetengetriebestufe (4) mit einem Hohlrad (10b) der zweiten ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Kraftfahrzeuggetriebe, insbesondere für ein landwirtschaftliches oder kommunales Nutzfahrzeug, sowie Kraftfahrzeugantriebsstrang

Номер: DE102018213873A1

Ein leistungsverzweigtes Kraftfahrzeuggetriebe weist einen ersten Variator (6) und einen zweiten Variator (7) auf, welche über drei Planetenstufen (P1, P2, P3) derart gekoppelt sind, dass bei einer Änderung der Drehzahl der Abtriebswelle (5) durch Verändern der Drehzahl der Variatoren (6, 7), der eine Variator eine Drehzahlerhöhung erfährt und gleichzeitig der andere Variator eine Drehzahlverringerung erfährt.

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Kraftfahrzeuggetriebe, insbesondere für ein landwirtschaftliches oder kommunales Nutzfahrzeug, sowie Kraftfahrzeugantriebsstrang

Номер: DE102018213884A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Kraftfahrzeuggetriebe (G), insbesondere für ein landwirtschaftliches oder kommunales Nutzfahrzeug, umfassend eine Antriebswelle (GW1), eine Abtriebswelle (GW2), einen ersten Variator (V1), einen zweiten Variator (V2), einen ersten Planetenradsatz (P1), einen zweiten Planetenradsatz (P2), einen dritten Planetenradsatz (P3) sowie zumindest ein erstes Schaltelement (A), ein zweites Schaltelement (B), ein drittes Schaltelement (C), ein viertes Schaltelement (D) und ein fünftes Schaltelement (E), wobei durch selektives Betätigen der Schaltelemente (A, B, C, D, E) unterschiedliche Fahrbereiche stufenlos darstellbar sind, sowie Antriebsstrang für ein Kraftfahrzeug mit einem solchen Getriebe (G).

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Kraftfahrzeuggetriebe, insbesondere für ein landwirtschaftliches oder kommunales Nutzfahrzeug, sowie Kraftfahrzeugantriebsstrang

Номер: DE102018213890A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Kraftfahrzeuggetriebe (G), insbesondere für ein landwirtschaftliches oder kommunales Nutzfahrzeug, umfassend eine Antriebswelle (GW1), eine Abtriebswelle (GW2), einen ersten Variator (V1), einen zweiten Variator (V2), einen ersten Planetenradsatz (P1), einen zweiten Planetenradsatz (P2), einen dritten Planetenradsatz (P3) sowie zumindest ein erstes Schaltelement (A), ein zweites Schaltelement (B), ein drittes Schaltelement (C), ein viertes Schaltelement (D) und ein fünftes Schaltelement (E), wobei durch selektives Betätigen der Schaltelemente (A, B, C, D, E) unterschiedliche Fahrbereiche stufenlos darstellbar sind, sowie Antriebsstrang für ein Kraftfahrzeug mit einem solchen Getriebe (G).

10-06-2009 дата публикации

Hybridantriebseinheit eines Schleppers

Номер: DE0060133609T2

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019208838A1

Es wird ein Getriebe (oder Getriebegehäuse) mit einer doppelten bidirektionalen Eingabe an eine einzige bidirektionale Ausgabe offenbart, das eindeutige Übersetzungsverhältnisse zwischen jedem der bidirektionalen Eingaben und der einzelnen oder gemeinsamen bidirektionalen Ausgabe umfasst. Das Getriebegehäuse hat eine Getriebezuggestaltung mit zwei bidirektionalen Eingaben und einer (oder einer gemeinsamen) bidirektionalen Ausgabe. Die Vorrichtung ist so konfiguriert, dass das Drehmoment entweder über eine oder beide bidirektionalen Eingaben auf die bidirektionale Ausgabe übertragen werden kann. Der Getriebezug kann ein System mit konstantem Eingriff sein, das Gleitverzahnungen, Klauenkupplungen oder Synchronisierungen eliminiert, um zwischen Betriebsarten umzuschalten. Eine Sperrfunktion/-Komponente/-Element ermöglicht die Übertragung der Leistung oder des Drehmoments von einer ersten bidirektionalen Eingabe auf die gemeinsame bidirektionale Ausgabe unter Verwendung einer zweiten bidirektionalen ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Getriebe und Antriebssystem eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102018217854A1

Getriebe (2) mit einer ersten Antriebswelle (7) füe ein erstes Antriebsaggregat (3), mit einer zweiten Antriebswelle (8) für ein zweites Antriebsaggregat (4), mit einer ersten Abtriebswelle (9) und einer zweiten Abtriebswelle (10), die jeweils mit einem Abtrieb (11) koppelbar sind. Mit einem die erste Antriebswelle (7) umfassenden ersten Teilgetriebe (5), wobei auf der ersten Antriebswelle Festräder (12, 13) angeordnet sind, wobei jedes dieser Festräder (12, 13) in Losräder (14, 15, 16, 17) kämmt, nämlich in ein auf der ersten Abtriebswelle (9) angeordnetes Losrad (14, 15) und in ein auf der zweiten Abtriebswelle (10) angeordnetes Losrad (16, 17), wobei den Abtriebswellen (9, 10) Schaltelemente (A, B, C, D) zugeordnet sind, in Abhängigkeit derer die Losräder der Abtriebswellen drehfest an die jeweilige Abtriebswelle ankoppelbar sind. Mit einem die zweite Antriebswelle (8) umfassenden zweiten Teilgetriebe (6), das als Planetengetriebe ausgebildet ist, wobei ein Hohlrad (22) die zweite Antriebswelle ...

17-04-2008 дата публикации

Elektrisch verstellbares Getriebe mit einem oder mehreren achsversetzten Motoren/Generatoren

Номер: DE102007043429A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung stellt ein elektrisch verstellbares Getriebe für ein Hybridfahrzeug bereit. Das elektrisch verstellbare Getriebe umfasst eine Getriebeantriebswelle, die eine erste Drehachse definiert, und eine Getriebeabtriebswelle, die eine zweite Drehachse definiert. Ein erster Motor/Generator ist funktional mit der Getriebeantriebswelle gekoppelt und zur verbesserten Unterbringung derart eingerichtet, dass er um eine dritte Drehachse rotiert. Ein zweiter Motor/Generator ist funktional mit der Getriebeantriebswelle gekoppelt und derart eingerichtet, dass er um die erste Drehachse rotiert.

17-01-2008 дата публикации

Schaltblockierungssteuerung für Mehrbetriebsart-Hybridantrieb

Номер: DE102005006148B4

Verfahren zum Verringern des Auftretens eines Hin- und Herschaltens nach dem Verlassen einer Betriebsart mit festem Übersetzungsverhältnis mittels zweier Kupplungen (C1, C2) in einem elektrisch variablen Getriebe (10), das ein Eingangselement (12) und ein Ausgangselement (64), eine erste Kupplung (C1) und eine zweite Kupplung (C2) sowie eine erste und eine zweite Betriebsart enthält, wobei die erste Betriebsart durch das gleichzeitige Einrücken der ersten Kupplung (C1) und Ausrücken der zweiten Kupplung (C2) charakterisiert ist, wobei die zweite Betriebsart durch das gleichzeitige Ausrücken der ersten Kupplung (C1) und Einrücken der zweiten Kupplung (C2) charakterisiert ist, wobei die Betriebsart mit festem Übersetzungsverhältnis mittels zweier Kupplungen (C1, C2) durch das gleichzeitige Einrücken der ersten Kupplung (C1) und der zweiten Kupplung (C2) charakterisiert ist, wobei das Eingangselement (12) des Getriebes (10) über eine feste Übersetzung (GR) mechanisch mit dem Ausgangselement ...

17-08-2000 дата публикации

Transmission, vehicle, hybrid vehicle and unit for controlling and for switching between first and second power transmission processes consists of electric motor, a differential gearing mechanism and power coupling mechanism

Номер: DE0010004812A1

A first power transmission process transmits an IC motor engine's (11) power output to a vehicle's drive shaft (15) via planetary gearing (18) linked to an electric motor (13). A second power transmission process transmits the motor engine's power output to the drive shaft via toothed gearing (16,17). A power transmission changeover device switches between first and second power transmission processes.

25-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE102010011017A1

Eine Vorrichtung umfasst einen Umschaltmechanismus, der dazu fähig ist, einen Verbindungszustand einer Elektromotorausgangswelle in eine von mehreren Alternativen umzuschalten, die aus "einem Eingangsverbindungszustand", in dem ein Kraftübertragungsweg zwischen einer Getriebeeingangswelle und der Elektromotorausgangswelle vorgesehen ist, "einem Ausgangsverbindungszustand", in dem ein Kraftübertragungsweg zwischen der Getriebeausgangswelle und der Elektromotorausgangswelle vorgesehen ist, und "einem neutralen Verbindungszustand", in dem kein Übertragungsweg zwischen diesen vorgesehen ist, umzuschalten. Das Umschalten wird auf der Grundlage einer Kombination (eines Bereichs) einer Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit V und eines erforderlichen Antriebsdrehmoments T durchgeführt. Hinsichtlich der Umschaltung wird ein (erster, zweiter) Eingangsverbindungsbereich verbreitet und der Ausgangsverbindungsbereich und der neutrale Verbindungsbereich verschmälert, während eine Temperatur eines Schmieröls geringer ...

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Mehrstufengetriebe für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102011109538A1

Die Erfindung geht aus von einem Mehrstufengetriebe, insbesondere für ein Kraftfahrzeug, mit zumindest drei, einem ersten, einem zweiten und einem dritten, entlang einer Hauptrotationsachse (10) hintereinander angeordneten Planetenradgetrieben (P1, P2, P3), mit einer Getriebeeingangswelle (11) zur Anbindung eines Verbrennungsmotors, mit einer Getriebeausgangswelle (12) zur Anbindung von Antriebsrädern, mit einer ersten Zwischenwelle (14) zur Anbindung eines ersten Elektromotors (EM1), mit einer zweiten Zwischenwelle (15) zur Anbindung eines zweiten Elektromotors (EM2) und mit zumindest fünf Schalteinheiten (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5), die konstruktiv zumindest zur Schaltung von fünf verbrennungsmotorischen Vorwärtsgetriebegängen (V1, V2, V2', V3, V4, V5), drei elektromotorischen Vorwärtsgetriebegängen (E1, E2, E3) und drei EVT-Fahrbereichen (EVT1, EVT2, EVT3) vorgesehen sind. Es wird vorgeschlangselement (S42) aufweist, das drehfest mit der Getriebeausgangswelle (12) verbunden ist.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Mehrganggetriebe mit integriertem Elektromotor

Номер: DE102012002932A1

Ein Automatikgetriebe umfasst eine Eingangswelle oder ein Eingangselement, eine Ausgangswelle oder ein Ausgangselement und drei einfache Planetenradanordnungen und eine zusammengesetzte Planetenradanordnung, die jeweils ein Sonnenrad, einen Planetenradträger mit mehreren Planetenrädern und ein Hohlrad aufweisen. Die Eingangswelle oder das Eingangselement ist mit dem Sonnenrad der zweiten Planetenradanordnung gekoppelt, und die Ausgangswelle ist mit dem Planetenradträger der vierten Planetenradanordnung gekoppelt. Ein Elektromotor ist mit dem Sonnenrad der vierten Planetenradanordnung gekoppelt und treibt dieses an. Das Getriebe umfasst auch sechs Drehmomentübertragungseinrichtungen: vier Reibbremsen und zwei Reibkupplungen.

14-12-2011 дата публикации

Multispeed spur gear transmission with a planetary gear stage

Номер: GB0002481102A

A multispeed spur gear transmission 1 comprises a spur gear pair 4 for each gear ratio, a clutch bell 5 with clutch device 6 for coupling a transmission input 7 to a motor output shaft, at least one transmission drive shaft B and a transmission output shaft 9 for receiving the spur gear pairings 4 and a transmission output 10 with an output gear 11 on the transmission output shaft 9. Between the clutch bell 5 and the transmission input 7 is a planetary gear stage 3 having a planetary gear cage 12 comprising a spur gear rim 13 which meshes with at least one first spur gear 23 of a rotor shaft 15 of an electrodynamic device, e.g. an electric motor/generator 16. Torque assist or bridging or boosting may be provided by braking/releasing internal gear 20. In another embodiment a synchronizing device may be provided on the rotor shaft 15 so that one or another of two gears may be engaged and the electric motor/generator 16 acts as a starter motor.

10-08-2005 дата публикации

Single regime power split transmission.

Номер: GB0002363173B

01-08-2007 дата публикации

A Vehicle and a Method for Controlling an Engine in a Vehicle

Номер: GB0002434657A

A method for controlling an engine 12 in a vehicle 10, the method comprises steps of detecting an event which removes a load on the engine such as when a neutral gear is selected, air con switched off, battery charging finished; Determining a vehicle parameter related to engine load eg. air flow, spark timing, fuel amounts, injection timing; Adjusting an engine parameter to control engine operation on said detection and when said parameter is outside a predetermined range. Preferably the method utilizes feedforward control by determining when a neutral transmission gear is selected and adjusting an engine parameter to control the engine operation based on at least one predetermined condition when it is determined that the neutral transmission gear has been selected. The at least one predetermined condition includes having a value of a vehicle parameter, such as a battery state of charge, being 15 outside a pre determined range.

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000388515T

15-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000380703T

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000450399T

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000475571T

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000463379T

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000452786T

15-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000477978T

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000399670T

15-09-2019 дата публикации

Torque transmission device, and motor vehicle drive system

Номер: AT0000520944B1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung (10), ein Antriebssystem mit einer Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung (10) und ein Kraftfahrzeug, wobei die Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung (10) eine erste Eingangswelle (EW1), eine zweite Eingangswelle (EW2), einen Ravigneaux-Planetengetriebesatz (PGS1 und PGS2) mit einem ersten Planetengetriebesatz (PGS1) und einem zweiten Planetengetriebesatz (PGS2) mit einem gemeinsamen Planetenträger (PT) und ersten und zweiten Planeten (P1, P2) sowie mit einem ersten Sonnenrad (1), einem ersten Hohlrad (H1), einem zweiten Sonnenrad (S2) und einem zweiten Hohlrad (H2). Ferner weist die Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung (10) einen weiteren Getriebesatz (WG), drei Trennkupplungen (C1, C2, C3), eine erste Bremseinrichtung (B1) und eine Abtriebswelle (AW) auf. Die zweite Eingangswelle (EW2) ist mit dem ersten Hohlrad (H1) drehverbunden oder drehverbindbar. Der weitere Getriebesatz (WG) weist ein erstes und ein zweites Getriebeelement (WH, WPT ...

15-03-2019 дата публикации

Torque transmission device and method for its operation

Номер: AT0000520329A5

Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung aufweisend eine Eingangswelle (EW), welche mit einer Brennkraftmaschine drehverbindbar ist, zwei Planetengetriebesätze (PGS1, PGS2), eine Abtriebswelle (AW), eine Elektromaschine (EM), zwei Bremseinrichtungen (B1, B2) sowie zwei Trennkupplungen (C1, C2).

15-02-2019 дата публикации

Torque transmission device, and motor vehicle drive system

Номер: AT0000520219A4

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung (10), ein Antriebssystem mit einer Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung (10) und ein Kraftfahrzeug, wobei die Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung (10) eine erste Eingangswelle (EW1), einen Ravigneaux- Planetengetriebesatz (PGS1 und PGS2) mit einem ersten Planetengetriebesatz (PGS1) mit einem ersten Sonnenrad (1) und einem zweiten Planetengetriebesatz (PGS2) mit einem zweiten und einem dritten Sonnenrad (S2, S3), einen weiteren Getriebesatz (WG), drei Trennkupplungen (C1, C2, C3), eine erste und eine zweite Bremseinrichtung (B1, B2) und eine Abtriebswelle (AW) aufweist. Der weitere Getriebesatz (WG) weist ein erstes und ein zweites Getriebeelement (WH, WPT) auf, wobei das erste Getriebeelement (WH) mit der Eingangswelle (EW1) drehverbunden ist und das zweite Getriebeelement (WPT) mittels der zweiten Trennkupplung (C2) mit dem ersten Sonnenrad (S1) des Ravigneaux- Planetengetriebesatzes (PGS1 und PGS2) drehverbindbar ist und/oder mittels ...

15-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AT516038B1

Ein Antriebsstrang weist eine Antriebswelle (2), eine Antriebsmaschine (4) und ein Planetengetriebe (3) mit zwei Antrieben und einem Abtrieb auf, wobei der Abtrieb mit der Antriebswelle (2) einer Arbeitsmaschine (1), ein Antrieb mit der Antriebsmaschine (4) und der zweite Antrieb mit einem Differenzialantrieb (5) verbunden ist. Das Planetengetriebe (3) weist zwei Planetenstufen (15, 18) auf, deren Planetenträger (17) drehfest miteinander verbunden sind, wobei die Antriebswelle (2) mit dem Sonnenrad (13) einer Planetenstufe (15) verbunden ist, und wobei der Differenzialantrieb (5) mit dem Sonnenrad (21) oder dem Hohlrad (20) der anderen Planentenstufe (18) verbunden ist. Die Antriebswelle (2) ist mit dem Sonnenrad (13) der Planetenstufe (15) verbunden ist, mit deren Hohlrad (14) die Antriebsmaschine (4) verbunden.

15-09-2019 дата публикации

Torque transmission device, and motor vehicle drive system

Номер: AT0000520944A4

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung (10), ein Antriebssystem mit einer Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung (10) und ein Kraftfahrzeug, wobei die Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung (10) eine erste Eingangswelle (EW1), eine zweite Eingangswelle (EW2), einen Ravigneaux-Planetengetriebesatz (PGS1 und PGS2) mit einem ersten Planetengetriebesatz (PGS1) und einem zweiten Planetengetriebesatz (PGS2) mit einem gemeinsamen Planetenträger (PT) und ersten und zweiten Planeten (P1, P2) sowie mit einem ersten Sonnenrad (1), einem ersten Hohlrad (H1), einem zweiten Sonnenrad (S2) und einem zweiten Hohlrad (H2). Ferner weist die Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung (10) einen weiteren Getriebesatz (WG), drei Trennkupplungen (C1, C2, C3), eine erste Bremseinrichtung (B1) und eine Abtriebswelle (AW) auf. Die zweite Eingangswelle (EW2) ist mit dem ersten Hohlrad (H1) drehverbunden oder drehverbindbar. Der weitere Getriebesatz (WG) weist ein erstes und ein zweites Getriebeelement (WH, WPT ...

15-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000520650A4

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Getriebeanordnung (10) für ein Hybridfahrzeug, mit einem Gehäuse (11), mit einer Getriebeeingangswelle (12) und zumindest einer Getriebeausgangswelle(13), mit einem ersten Planetengetriebesatz (PG1) mit einem ersten Sonnenrad (zs1), einem ersten Hohlrad (zr1) und einem ersten Planetenträger (c1) für einen mit dem ersten Sonnenrad (zs1) und dem ersten Hohlrad (zr1) im Zahneingriff stehenden ersten Planetenradsatz (zp1), mit einem zweiten Planetengetriebesatz (PG2) mit einem zweiten Sonnenrad (zs2), einem zweiten Hohlrad (zr2) und einem zweiten Planetenträger (c2) für einen mit dem zweiten Sonnenrad (zs2) und dem zweiten Hohlrad (zr2) im Zahneingriff stehenden zweiten Planetenradsatz (zp2), wobei die Getriebeeingangswelle (12) mit dem ersten Planetenträger (c1) drehfest verbunden ist und das erste Hohlrad (zr1) und zweite Hohlrad (zr2) permanent miteinander und mit der Getriebeausgangswelle (13) drehfest verbunden sind, mit einer ersten elektrischen Maschine (E1 ...

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000549541T

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000547273T

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000545560T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000552135T

15-03-2019 дата публикации

Torque transmission device and method for its operation

Номер: AT0000520329B1

Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung aufweisend eine Eingangswelle (EW), welche mit einer Brennkraftmaschine drehverbindbar ist, zwei Planetengetriebesätze (PGS1, PGS2), eine Abtriebswelle (AW), eine Elektromaschine (EM), zwei Bremseinrichtungen (B1, B2) sowie zwei Trennkupplungen (C1, C2).

15-07-2018 дата публикации

Torque transmission device

Номер: AT0000519487A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60), ein Antriebssystem mit einer Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60) und ein Fahrzeug, wobei die Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60) eine erste Eingangswelle (EW1), einen Ravigneaux-Planetengetriebesatz (PGS1 und PGS2), einen weiteren Getriebesatz (WG), drei Trennkupplungen (C1, C2, C3), eine Bremseinrichtung (B1) und eine Abtriebswelle (AW) aufweist. Der weitere Getriebesatz (WG) weist eine Eingangsseite und eine Ausgangsseite auf, wobei die Eingangsseite mit der Eingangswelle (EW1) drehverbunden ist und die Ausgangsseite mittels der dritten Trennkupplung (C3) mit dem ersten Sonnenrad (S1) des Ravigneaux-Planetengetriebesatzes (PGS1 und PGS2) drehverbindbar ist und/oder mittels der zweiten Trennkupplung (C2) mit dem zweiten Sonnenrad (S2) des Ravigneaux-Planetengetriebesatzes (PGS1 und PGS2). Die erste Trennkupplung (C1) ist ausgestaltet zur Drehverbindung der ...

15-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000519737A4

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Antriebsstrang (1) für ein Fahrzeug mit einem Hybridgetriebe (2), insbesondere einem dedizierten Hybridgetriebe, mit einer durch eine Primärantriebsmaschine (ICE) antreibbaren Eingangswelle (3) und einer Ausgangswelle (4), wobei das Hybridgetriebe (2) eine erste elektrische Maschine (MG1) und eine zweite elektrische Maschine (MG2), sowie ein erstes Planetengetriebe (PG1) und ein zweites Planetengetriebe (PG2) aufweist, wobei das erste Planetengetriebe (PG1) und das zweite Planetengetriebe (PG2) jeweils drei Getriebeelemente – nämlich Sonnenrad (S1; S2), Planetenträger (PT1; PT2) und Hohlrad (H1; H2) – aufweisen, wobei die Eingangswelle (3) mit einem ersten Element des ersten Planetengetriebes (PG1) verbunden ist, die erste elektrische Maschine (MG1) über eine erste Zwischenwelle (7) mit einem zweiten Element des ersten Planetengetriebes (PG1) und die zweite elektrische Maschine (MG2) über eine zweite Zwischenwelle (8) mit einem ersten Element des zweiten Planetengetriebes ...

15-05-2013 дата публикации

Antriebstrang für ein Fahrzeug

Номер: AT0000512035A4

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Antriebstrang (1) für ein Fahrzeug mit einer Brennkraftmaschine (2), mit zumindest einer elektrischen Maschine (8), deren Motorwelle (12) mit einer Antriebswelle (4) der Brennkraftmaschine (2) über ein mechanisches Getriebe (5) antriebsverbindbar ist, sowie mit zumindest einem zwischen Brennkraftmaschine (2) und elektrischer Maschine (8) im Antriebstrang (1) angeordneten Planetengetriebe (6), welches die Planetengetriebeelemente Sonnenrad (6a), Hohlrad (6d) und Planetenträger (6c) mit zumindest einem Planetenrad (6b) aufweist, wobei die elektrische Maschine (8) über zumindest eine Kupplungseinrichtung (7) mit dem Planetengetriebe (6) antriebsverbindbar ist, wobei wahlweise zwei der drei Planetengetriebeelemente Sonnenrad (6a),Planetenträger (6c) und Hohlrad (6d über die Kupplungseinrichtung (7) drehverbindbar sind und wobei eines der Planetengetriebeelemente über eine Bremseinrichtung (13) fixierbar ist, und wobei die Antriebswelle (4) der Brennkraftmaschine ...

15-05-2013 дата публикации

Antriebstrang für ein Fahrzeug

Номер: AT0000512035B1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Antriebstrang (1) für ein Fahrzeug mit einer Brennkraftmaschine (2), mit zumindest einer elektrischen Maschine (8), deren Motorwelle (12) mit einer Antriebswelle (4) der Brennkraftmaschine (2) über ein mechanisches Getriebe (5) antriebsverbindbar ist, sowie mit zumindest einem zwischen Brennkraftmaschine (2) und elektrischer Maschine (8) im Antriebstrang (1) angeordneten Plantetengetriebe (6), welches die Planetengetriebeelemente Sonnenrad (6a), Hohlrad (6d) und Planetenträger (6c) mit zumindest einem Planetenrad (6b) aufweist, wobei die elektrische Maschine (8) über zumindest eine Kupplungseinrichtung (7) mit dem Planetengetriebe (6) antriebsverbindbar ist, wobei wahlweise zwei der drei Planetengetriebeelemente Sonnenrad (6a), Planetenträger (6c) und Hohlrad (6d über die Kupplungseinrichtung (7) drehverbindbar sind und wobei eines der Planetengetriebeelemente über eine Bremseinrichtung (13) fixierbar ist, und wobei die Antriebswelle (4) der Brennkraftmaschine ...

15-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000512015T

15-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000512443B1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Antriebstrang (1) für ein Fahrzeug mit einer Brennkraftmaschine (2), mit zumindest einer ersten elektrischen Maschine (8), deren Motorwelle (12) mit einer Antriebswelle(4) der Brennkraftmaschine (2) über ein mechanisches Getriebe (5) antriebsverbindbar ist, sowie mit zumindest einem zwischen Brennkraftmaschine (2) und erster elektrischer Maschine (8) im Antriebstrang (1) angeordneten Plantetengetriebe (6), welches die Planetengetriebeelemente Sonnenrad (6a), Hohlrad (6d) und Steg (6c) mit zumindest einem Planetenrad (6b) aufweist, wobei die erste elektrische Maschine (8) über zumindest eine erste Kupplungseinrichtung (K1) mit dem Planetengetriebe (6) antriebsverbindbar ist, und die Antriebswelle (4) der Brennkraftmaschine (2) und die Motorwelle (12) der ersten elektrischen Maschine (8) parallel zueinander, insbesondere auf der selben Seite in Bezug auf das mechanische Getriebe (5) angeordnet sind. Um auf möglichst platz- und bauteilsparende Weise einen einfachen ...

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Single clutch, two planetary hybrid architecture

Номер: US20120004061A1

A hybrid powertrain for a vehicle includes a prime mover, which may be an engine, and a transmission that has an input member configured for connection with the prime mover to receive torque from the prime mover, an output member, and a stationary member. A first motor/generator and a second motor/generator are provided as additional motive sources. A first planetary gear set and a second planetary gear set are included, each having a respective first member, second member, and third member. Only one clutch is operatively connected to the transmission, and it is selectively engagable to ground the input member and the first member of the second planetary gear set to the stationary member.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Single mode compound power-split hybrid transmission

Номер: US20120264555A1

A hybrid electro-mechanical transmission has an input member, an output member, and a stationary member. The transmission has a planetary gear set with a first sun gear, a second sun gear, a carrier, a first set of pinion gears, a second set of pinion gears, and a ring gear. The carrier supports the sets of pinion gears. The first set of pinion gears meshes with the first sun gear and with the ring gear. The second set of pinion gears meshes with the second sun gear and with the second set of pinion gears. The input member is connected with the ring gear. The output member is connected with the first sun gear. A first motor/generator has a rotor connected with the carrier. A second motor/generator has a rotor connected with the second sun gear. A torque-transmitting mechanism is selectively engageable to ground the input member to the stationary member.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Multi-mode electric drive hybrid transmission

Номер: US20120270691A1

A hybrid powertrain for a vehicle having a disconnect clutch located between an internal combustion engine, or other power source, and a hybrid transmission. When deactivated, the disconnect clutch decouples the engine from the hybrid transmission, which enables the hybrid transmission input shaft to rotate independently of the internal combustion engine. This enables enhanced electric drive performance for the hybrid transmission. The disconnect clutch provides for internal combustion engine starting, including internal combustion starting at high vehicle speeds.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Power transmission system of hybrid electric vehicle

Номер: US20120316021A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A power transmission system of a hybrid electric vehicle includes an input shaft, a first planetary gear set having first, second, and third rotation elements, the second directly connected to the input shaft, and the third directly connected to a first motor/generator, a second planetary gear set having fourth, fifth, and sixth rotation elements, the fourth directly connected to the first rotation element and a second motor/generator, and the fifth selectively connected to the second rotation element, an output gear connected to the sixth rotation element, a first clutch selectively connecting the second rotation element with the fifth rotation element, a second clutch selectively connecting two rotation elements among the rotation elements of the first planetary gear set, a first brake interposed between the fifth rotation element and a transmission housing, and a second brake interposed between the third rotation element and the transmission housing.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Motor vehicle with transmission and transmission fluid pump

Номер: US20130065719A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A motor vehicle includes a transmission and a transmission fluid pump for transport of transmission oil to and within the transmission. The transmission fluid pump has a moving element which is coupled to a summation shaft of a planetary gear train. The planetary gear train has a ring gear which is operated by a first drive, and a sun gear which is operated by a second drive. A freewheel mechanism is arranged between the sun gear or a shaft connected to the sun gear and a further element so that the second drive can be switched off, when the first drive operates at high speeds while yet maintaining proper operation of the transmission fluid pump.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid propulsion system

Номер: US20130102430A1

Disclosed is a hybrid propulsion system, comprising an engine, a first motor, a second motor, a power coupling device and a drive shaft. The power coupling device includes a first propeller shaft connected with said engine via a first clutch, a second propeller shaft connected with the rotor of said first motor, and a third propeller shaft connected with the rotor of said second motor. By a planetary gear mechanism with an inner ring gear, said first propeller shaft, said second propeller shaft and said third propeller shaft come into driving engagement with one another. Said inner ring gear and said third propeller shaft are individually selectively in driving engagement with said drive shaft.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Powertrain system for hybrid vehicles having compound and split modes of operation

Номер: US20130252783A1

A powertrain system for a vehicle is provided, including an internal combustion engine, a drivetrain gear for connection to a drivetrain of the vehicle, a gearset connecting the internal combustion engine to the drivetrain gear, a first electric machine connected to the gearset, a second electric machine, and at least one dynamic clutch selectively coupling the second electric machine to the drivetrain gear and the gearset. In a compound mode of operation, the at least one dynamic clutch couples the second electric machine and the gearset. In a split mode of operation, the at least one dynamic clutch couples the second electric machine and the drivetrain gear.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333958A1

A crawler vehicle having a first and second track driven by a first and second drive wheel respectively; an internal combustion engine; a mechanical power transmission assembly extending from the internal combustion engine to the first and second drive wheel; an electric power transmission assembly; a mechanical power connection configured to transfer energy between the mechanical power transmission assembly and the electric power transmission assembly; and at least one mechanical power transmission configured to transfer energy between the electric power transmission assembly and the mechanical power transmission assembly; the electric power transmission assembly extending from the mechanical power connection to the mechanical power transmission. 120-. (canceled)21. A crawler vehicle comprising:a first track and a second track driven by a first drive wheel and a second drive wheel, respectively;an internal combustion engine;a mechanical power transmission assembly extending from the internal combustion engine to the first drive wheel and the second drive wheel;an electric power transmission assembly;a mechanical power connection configured to transfer energy between the electric power transmission assembly and the mechanical power transmission assembly; andat least one mechanical power transmission configured to transfer energy between the electric power transmission assembly and the mechanical power transmission assembly, wherein the electric power transmission assembly extends from the mechanical power connection to the mechanical power transmission.22. The crawler vehicle of claim 21 , wherein the electric power transmission assembly is parallel to a portion of the mechanical power transmission assembly.23. The crawler vehicle of claim 21 , wherein the mechanical power transmission assembly and the electric power transmission assembly are configured to transfer energy simultaneously and alternately claim 21 , to the first drive wheel and the second drive wheel. ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034405A1

A powertrain is adapted to drive ground-engaging elements disposed along longitudinally-opposing sides of a vehicle. The powertrain includes at least one engine, a first electric machine, a second electric machine, a third electric machine, a first differential mechanism and a second differential mechanism. The engine and first electric machine are operatively connected to the first and second differential mechanisms. The second electric machine is operatively connected to the first differential mechanism and the third electric machine is operatively connected to the second differential mechanism. The first and second differential mechanisms are each operatively connected to drivably engage one or more ground-engaging elements disposed on a different one of the longitudinally-opposing sides of the associated vehicle. A vehicle including such a powertrain as well as methods of using the same are also included. 117.-. (canceled)18. A method of powering a vehicle , said method comprising:a) providing a vehicle structural assembly including a longitudinally-extending centerline and opposing vehicle structure sides;b) providing first and second pluralities of ground-engaging elements with said first plurality of ground-engaging elements disposed along one of said opposing vehicle structure sides and said second plurality of ground-engaging elements disposed along the other of said opposing vehicle structure sides;c) providing a vehicle powertrain including a first engine, a first electric machine, a second electric machine, a third electric machine, a first differential and a second differential;d) transmitting rotational output from at least said first engine to said first and second differentials;e) transmitting rotational output from at least one of said first electric machine and said second electric machine to said first differential and transmitting rotational output from at least one of said first electric machine and said third electric machine to said second ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Induction motor-permanent magnet generator tandem configuration starter-generator for hybrid vehicles

Номер: US20140045648A1
Принадлежит: Amitabh Saran, John F. Bangura, Lasse MOKLEGAARD

Disclosed in the present invention is a tandem starter-generator construction that includes an induction motor-generator, a permanent magnet motor-generator and power transmission unit disposed adjacent to the motor-generators. The induction motor-generator is utilized predominantly as a motor to provide mechanical power at relatively high efficiency as a motor, and as a generator to provide electrical power during regenerative braking. The permanent magnet motor-generator is used predominantly as a generator for very high efficiency power conversion and to capture additional electrical power during regenerative braking to compensates for the regenerative energy captured at lower efficiency by the induction motor-generator. Accordingly, the tandem motor-generator construction disclosed herein overcomes the drawbacks of low efficiency of an induction motor-generator operating in regenerative mode and a permanent magnet motor-generator magnetic drag losses during periods of non-utilization at high speeds in order to improve fuel efficiency of a parallel hybrid vehicle.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Single-input and single-output hybrid system

Номер: US20140051537A1

A hybrid assembly for a vehicle is provided having a single input and a single output. The hybrid assembly is compactly packaged and achieves a wide range of gear ratios. The hybrid assembly may be used in a vehicle power train with or without an additional transmission.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Drive system including a transmission for a hybrid electric vehicle

Номер: US20140080648A1
Автор: John W. Kimes
Принадлежит: Means Industries Inc

A drive system including a transmission for a hybrid electric vehicle is provided. The system includes a gear set having first, second, third and fourth elements. The second element connects with an output shaft of the transmission and a first output shaft of an internal combustion engine connects with the third element for driving the third element. An electric motor having an output shaft connecting with the first element drives the first element in response to an electrical signal. An electric motor-generator unit has an output shaft which connects with the fourth element for driving the fourth element in response to an electrical signal. A second output shaft of the engine also connects with the fourth element through the unit for driving the fourth element. The resulting system has a plurality of different operating modes including a reverse gear or operating mode powered electrically and by the internal combustion engine.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001705A1

A power transmission apparatus for hybrid electric vehicle includes: input shaft coaxially disposed with an engine output shaft receiving engine torque; first and second output shafts coaxially disposed forward and rearward sides on the input shaft; third output shaft coaxial with the first output shaft; a shared drum connected to the input shaft and formed with a motor gear gear-meshed with a motor; an engine clutch sharing the shared drum and selectively transmitting torque between the engine output shaft and the input shaft; first and third clutches disposed in rows within the shared drum and selectively transmitting torque from the input shaft to the first and third output shafts; a planetary gear set disposed on the second output shaft and connected to the second output shaft; and a second clutch external to the planetary gear set and selectively connecting the input shaft and the planetary gear set. 1. A power transmission apparatus for a hybrid electric vehicle having an engine and a motor as power sources , the power transmission apparatus comprising:an engine output shaft receiving a torque of the engine;an input shaft coaxially disposed with the engine output shaft;first and second output shafts formed as hollow shafts coaxial with the input shaft, and respectively disposed at forward and rearward sides of the input shaft without rotational interference;a third output shaft formed as a hollow shaft and coaxially disposed with the first output shaft without rotational interference;a shared clutch drum disposed at the forward side of the input shaft, and having a motor gear formed on an exterior circumference of the shared clutch drum, wherein the motor gear is externally gear-meshed with the motor, and the shared clutch drum has an interior circumference rotatably supported by a supporting end formed at a radially interior side of a front cover, and is connected to the input shaft through a connection plate;an engine clutch arranged on the interior ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001764A1

A first rotating machine and a second rotating machine are provided. Total torque of a torque command value of the first rotating machine and a torque command value of the second rotating machine is set higher than requested torque for a vehicle when transition from a first travel mode, in which one of the first rotating machine and the second rotating machine is used as a power source, to a second travel mode, in which the first rotating machine and the second rotating machine are used as the power sources, is made. The torque command value of the rotating machine, which is used as the power source in the first travel mode, during the transition from the first travel mode to the second travel mode may be set higher than the torque command value before beginning of the transition. 1. A vehicle drive device comprising:a first rotating machine; anda second rotating machine, whereinwhen transition from a first travel mode, in which either one of the first rotating machine and the second rotating machine is used as a power source, to a second travel mode, in which the first rotating machine and the second rotating machine are used as the power sources, is made, total torque of a torque command value of the first rotating machine and a torque command value of the second rotating machine is set higher than requested torque for a vehicle.2. The vehicle drive device according to claim 1 , whereinthe torque command value of the rotating machine, which is used as the power source in the first travel mode, during the transition from the first travel mode to the second travel mode is higher than the torque command value before beginning of the transition.3. The vehicle drive device according to claim 1 , whereinthe total torque suppresses a decrease in actual output torque with respect to the requested torque during the transition from the first travel mode to the second travel mode.4. The vehicle drive device according to claim 1 , whereinthe torque command value of the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Construction of a Transmission for a Hybrid Vehicle, Drive Train and Hybrid Vehicle

Номер: US20200001697A1

A transmission has an input shaft, an output shaft coaxial to the input shaft, an intermediate shaft, a differential gear, and only one electric machine for driving a hybrid vehicle. The rotational axes of the input shaft, the intermediate shaft, the differential gear, and a rotor of the electric machine are axially parallel. The differential gear includes torque-transmitting interfaces to drive shafts connected to driving wheels of the hybrid vehicle. Torque is transmitted between the output shaft and the differential gear via the intermediate shaft. The rotor is permanently connected, via a constant gear ratio, to either the input shaft or a further shaft of the transmission. The rotational axis of the intermediate shaft is arranged spatially below a connection line between the rotational axes of the input shaft and the differential gear, and the rotational axis of the rotor is arranged spatially above the connection line. 17-: (canceled)8. A configuration of a transmission (G) for a hybrid vehicle comprising a drive train aligned transversely to a direction of travel (x) of the hybrid vehicle , the transmission (G) comprising:{'b': 1', '1, 'i': 'a', 'an input shaft (G) having an axis of rotation (G);'}{'b': 2', '1, 'an output shaft (G) arranged coaxially to the input shaft (G);'}{'b': 3', '3, 'i': 'a', 'an intermediate shaft (G) having an axis of rotation (G);'}a differential gear (A) having an axis of rotation (Aa); andonly one electric machine (E) configured for driving the hybrid vehicle, the electric machine (E) having a rotor (R) and a stator (S), the rotor (R) being rotatable about an axis of rotation (Ra),{'b': 1', '3', '1', '3, 'i': a', 'a, 'wherein the axes of rotation (G, G, Aa, Ra) of the input shaft (G), the intermediate shaft (G), the differential gear (A), and the rotor (R) of the electric machine (E) are aligned axially parallel to one another,'}{'b': 1', '0, 'wherein the input shaft (G) forms a torque-transmitting interface (GV) to an internal ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001759A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A drive device for a motor vehicle having a first drive assembly, a second drive assembly, and a planetary gear unit, via which the first drive assembly and the second drive assembly are operatively connected to a drivable axle of the motor vehicle. The first drive assembly and the drivable axle are operatively connected to the planetary gear unit. The second drive assembly as well as an auxiliary drive having an auxiliary assembly are operatively connected permanently to the planetary gear unit. The auxiliary drive has a third drive assembly, which is coupled at least intermittently to the auxiliary assembly. 1. A drive device for a motor vehicle , comprising:a first drive assembly, a second drive assembly, and a planetary gear unit, via which the first drive assembly and the second drive assembly can be operatively connected to a drivable axle of the motor vehicle, wherein the first drive assembly and the drivable axle are operatively connected to the planetary gear unit, and the second drive assembly as well as an auxiliary drive having an auxiliary assembly are operatively connected permanently to the planetary gear unit, with the auxiliary drive having a third drive assembly, which is coupled at least intermittently to the auxiliary assembly.2. The drive device according to claim 1 , wherein the first drive assembly can be operatively connected via a first shift clutch and the drivable axle via a second shift clutch to the planetary gear unit.3. The drive device according to claim 2 , wherein the first drive assembly can be operatively connected via the first shift clutch to a ring gear of the planetary gear unit.4. The drive device according to claim 3 , wherein the drivable axle can be operatively connected via the second shift clutch to a planetary gear carrier of the planetary gear unit claim 3 , wherein at least one planetary gear is mounted rotatably at the planetary gear carrier claim 3 , said planetary gear meshing claim 3 , on the one hand claim 3 , ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003337A1
Автор: Smetana Tomas

A flexible drive concept for a vehicle is provided. As a result, the claimed drive device includes a shifting device which can shift a transmission gear and an intermediate gear into different shifting states such that a second motor can be selectively used in two gears as a drive motor or alternatively as a torque vectoring motor. 115-. (canceled)16. A drive device for a vehicle , comprising:a first and a second output shaft;a first interface for coupling a first engine;a differential device for distributing the drive torque from the first interface to the first and second output shafts, the differential device including an input and two outputs, the input of the differential device being coupled to the first interface, the two outputs of the differential device being coupled to the first and the second output shafts;a second interface for coupling a second engine;a transmission for transmitting the drive torque of the second engine or of the second interface, the transmission including a transmission input and two transmission outputs and the transmission input of the transmission being coupled to the second interface;an intermediate gear, the intermediate gear being situated between the transmission and the differential device; anda shifter, the shifter being designed to couple the transmission and the intermediate gear to one another in at least two different shifting states; the intermediate gear including a first and a second input, in a first shifting state of the shifter the first transmission output of the transmission being rotatably fixedly connected to the first input of the intermediate gear so that drive torque is distributed to the first and second output shafts from the second interface via the differential device;in a second shifting state of the shifter, the second transmission output of the transmission being rotatably fixedly connected to the first input of the intermediate gear so that the drive torque is distributed to the first and second ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Power split gearbox for a motor vehicle

Номер: US20180003280A1

The invention relates to a power split gearbox for a motor vehicle. The power split gearbox comprises a drive shaft which can be connected to an internal combustion engine in order to feed in torque, a first mechanical branch with a planetary gear mechanism arrangement, an infinitely variable second branch which can be connected to the first branch and comprises two adjustable energy converters which can be coupled to one another in energy terms and can be operated in each case in both directions, and at least one output shaft which can be coupled to the drive shaft via the first and the second branch. At least one first reversing stage is provided between the drive shaft and the output shaft for changing between at least one first forward driving range and at least one first reverse driving range, wherein the reversing stage either reverses or keeps constant all of the rotational directions of the sun gears, the internal gear and the spider shaft during changing between the first forward driving range and the first reverse driving range.

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Motor Vehicle Transmission for a Hybrid Drive Train, and Hybrid Drive Train

Номер: US20220009331A1

A motor vehicle transmission for a hybrid drive train of a motor vehicle includes a first transmission input shaft for receiving drive power of a first drive machine and a second transmission input shaft for receiving drive power from a second drive machine. A first planetary transmission gear set includes a first sun pinion, a first internal gear, and a first planetary gear carrier. A second planetary transmission gear set includes a second sun pinion, a second internal gear, and a second planetary gear carrier. The first internal gear is selectively connectable fixedly to a transmission housing so as to rotate with the transmission housing by a first braking device and the second internal gear is selectively connectable fixedly to a transmission output shaft so as to rotate with the transmission output shaft by a first clutch device. 112.-. (canceled)13. A motor vehicle transmission for a hybrid drive train of a motor vehicle , comprising:a first transmission input shaft for receiving drive power of a first drive machine;a second transmission input shaft for receiving drive power from a second drive machine, wherein the second drive machine is an electromechanical energy converter;a first planetary transmission gear set with a first sun pinion, a first internal gear, and a first planetary gear carrier on which a first planetary gear is mounted rotatably;a second planetary transmission gear set with a second sun pinion, a second internal gear, and a second planetary gear carrier on which a second planetary gear is mounted rotatably;wherein the second transmission input shaft is connected fixedly to the first sun pinion so as to rotate with the first sun pinion;wherein the first transmission input shaft is selectively connectable fixedly to the first planetary gear carrier so as to rotate with the first planetary gear carrier or the first transmission input shaft is connected fixedly to the first planetary gear carrier so as to rotate with the first planetary gear ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Transmission for a Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20190003556A1

The invention relates to a transmission (G) for a motor vehicle, wherein the transmission (G) comprises an input shaft (GW1), an output shaft (GW2), three planetary gear sets (P1, P2, P3), as well as at least five shift elements (B1, K1, K2, K3, K4), wherein, by means of selective engagement of the at least five shift elements (B1, K1, K2, K3, K4), seven forward gears (1 to 7) can be selected between the input shaft (GW1) and the output shaft (GW2), and a drive train for a motor vehicle comprising such a transmission (G).

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005125A1

A drive control device for a hybrid vehicle provided with: a first differential mechanism having a first rotary element connected to a first electric motor, a second rotary element connected to an engine, and a third rotary element connected to an output rotary member; a second differential mechanism having a first rotary element connected to a second electric motor, a second rotary element, and a third rotary element, one of the second rotary element and the third rotary element being connected to the third rotary element of said first differential mechanism; a clutch configured to selectively couple the second rotary element of said first differential mechanism, and the other of the second and third rotary elements of said second differential mechanism which is not connected to the third rotary element of said first differential mechanism, to each other; and a brake configured to selectively couple said other of the second and third rotary elements of said second differential mechanism which is not connected to the third rotary element of said first differential mechanism, to a stationary member, the drive control device comprising: a torque capacity control portion configured to increase torque capacities of both of said clutch and said brake upon lowering of an operating speed of said engine when a control to stop said engine is implemented while the hybrid vehicle is placed in a neutral state. 15-. (canceled)6. A drive control device for a hybrid vehicle provided with: a first differential mechanism having a first rotary element connected to a first electric motor , a second rotary element connected to an engine , and a third rotary element connected to an output rotary member; a second differential mechanism having a first rotary element connected to a second electric motor , a second rotary element , and a third rotary element , one of the second rotary element and the third rotary element being connected to the third rotary element of said first differential ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008507A1
Принадлежит: Oshkosh Defense, LLC

A method of operating a first electric machine and a second electric machine in a vehicle drive includes operating the vehicle drive in: a first operating mode by operating the first electric machine in a voltage mode and the second electric machine in a torque mode; and a second operating mode by operating the first electric machine in the torque mode and the second electric machine in the voltage mode. 1. A method of operating a first electric machine and a second electric machine in a vehicle drive , the first electric machine electrically coupled to the second electric machine by a DC bus and the vehicle drive configured to propel a vehicle , the method comprising: operating the first electric machine in a voltage mode, wherein the first electric machine regulates electrical power at the DC bus to maintain a first voltage on the DC bus when operated in the voltage mode; and', 'operating the second electric machine in a torque mode, wherein the second electric machine consumes electrical power from the DC bus when operated in the torque mode;', 'wherein a sum of the electrical power regulated by the first electric machine, the electrical power losses, and the electrical power consumed by the second electric machine is zero;', 'wherein the first electric machine regulates electrical power at the DC bus and the second electric machine consumes electrical power from the DC bus without doing either of (a) providing electrical power to an energy storage device or (b) consuming electrical power from an energy storage device; and, 'operating the vehicle drive in a first operating mode by operating the first electric machine in the torque mode, wherein the first electric machine consumes electrical power from the DC bus when operated in the torque mode; and', 'operating the second electric machine in the voltage mode, wherein the second electric machine regulates electrical power at the DC bus to maintain a second voltage on the DC bus when operated in the voltage mode ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009168A1

A power transmitting apparatus may include: an electric supplementary drive unit; a torque converting device having first, second, and third rotation elements, wherein the first rotation element is connected to the electric supplementary drive unit, the second rotation element is connected to an engine, and the third rotation element is operated as an output element; a first input shaft directly connected to the second rotation element, and a second input shaft directly connected to the third rotation element; a direct coupling device selectively connecting two rotation elements among the first, second, and third rotation elements, a first speed output unit having first and second synchronizer modules, and a second speed output unit having third and fourth synchronizer modules; and a reverse speed device having an idle gear and engaging to any one input gear on the first and second input shafts. 1. (canceled)2. A power transmitting apparatus for a vehicle , comprising:an electric supplementary drive unit operated as a motor or a generator;a torque converting device including a planetary gear set having first, second, and third rotation elements, wherein the first rotation element is connected to the electric supplementary drive unit, the second rotation element is connected to an engine, and the third rotation element is operated as an output element;an input device including a first input shaft directly connected to the second rotation element and provided with at least one input gear fixedly disposed thereon, and a second input shaft disposed on the same axis as the first input shaft without rotational interference with the first input shaft, directly connected to the third rotation element, and provided with at least one input gear fixedly disposed thereon;a direct coupling device selectively connecting two rotation elements among the first, second, and third rotation elements of the torque converting device so as to cause the torque converting device to become a ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Hybrid Transmission for a Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20220024295A1

A hybrid transmission () for a motor vehicle with an internal combustion engine (VM) and an electric prime mover (EM) is provided. The hybrid transmission () includes a first transmission input shaft () for a first sub-transmission, a second transmission input shaft () for a second sub-transmission, at least one countershaft (), multiple gear change devices (A-F) for engaging gear steps (E E), and idler gears and fixed gears arranged in multiple gear set planes for forming the gear steps. A portion of the gear steps are engageable for the internal combustion engine, and a portion of the gear steps are engageable for the electric prime mover. At least one of the gear steps is engageable for the internal combustion engine and for the electric prime mover regardless of the gear step engaged for the particular other machine. 112-. (canceled)1310110. A hybrid transmission () for a motor vehicle with an internal combustion engine (VM) and an electric prime mover (EM) , the hybrid transmission () comprising:{'b': '14', 'a first transmission input shaft () for a first sub-transmission;'}{'b': '16', 'a second transmission input shaft () for a second sub-transmission;'}{'b': '18', 'at least one countershaft ();'}{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2', '3', '4, 'a plurality of gear change devices (A-F) for engaging a plurality of gear steps (E, E, , , , ); and'}{'b': 28', '30', '20', '22', '32', '34', '24', '26, 'a plurality of idler gears (, , , ) and a plurality of fixed gears (, , , ) arranged in multiple gear set planes for forming the gear steps,'}{'b': '1', 'wherein a portion of the gear steps are engageable for the internal combustion engine (VM), and a portion of the gear steps are engageable for the electric prime mover (EM), and'}{'b': 1', '1, 'wherein at least one of the gear steps is engageable for both the internal combustion engine (VM) and the electric prime mover (EM) regardless of the gear step engaged for the respective one of the internal combustion engine (VM) and the ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220025960A1

A drive system for a vehicle includes a first planetary gear set including a first carrier, a second planetary gear set including a second carrier, and a third planetary gear set including a sun gear, a ring gear, a plurality of planetary gears coupling the sun gear to the ring gear, and a third carrier rotationally supporting the plurality of planetary gears. The third planetary gear set is directly coupled to the first carrier and the second carrier. The drive system further includes a first electromagnetic device coupled to the first planetary gear set, a second electromagnetic device coupled to the second planetary gear set, and an output shaft coupled to the first planetary gear set. 1. A drive system for a vehicle , comprising:a first planetary gear set including a first carrier;a second planetary gear set including a second carrier;a third planetary gear set including a sun gear, a ring gear, a plurality of planetary gears coupling the sun gear to the ring gear, and a third carrier rotationally supporting the plurality of planetary gears, wherein the third planetary gear set is directly coupled to the first carrier and the second carrier;a first electromagnetic device coupled to the first planetary gear set;a second electromagnetic device coupled to the second planetary gear set; andan output shaft coupled to the first planetary gear set.2. The drive system of claim 1 , further comprising an actuator that claim 1 , when engaged claim 1 , causes the third planetary gear set to limit rotation of the first carrier and the second carrier relative to a ring gear of the second planetary gear set.3. The drive system of claim 2 , wherein the actuator is a brake that is positioned to limit rotation of the third carrier.4. The drive system of claim 1 , wherein the ring gear of the third planetary gear set is coupled to the first carrier and the second carrier.5. The drive system of claim 1 , wherein the sun gear of the third planetary gear set is coupled to a ring gear ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010668A1
Автор: Hirano Takahisa
Принадлежит: AISIN AW CO., LTD.

A planetary gear mechanism is desired in which pinion gears can be inserted between support portions on both sides in the axial direction of the pinion gears after the support portions on both sides in the axial direction of the pinion gears are coupled together. In this planetary gear mechanism, a coupling inner portion of a carrier coupling portion is located between a first sun gear and a second sun gear in the axial direction, and a carrier and the carrier coupling portion are formed so that each pinion gears can be inserted between a first shaft support portion and a second shaft support portion in the axial direction from the outside in the radial direction. 19-. (canceled)10. A planetary gear mechanism comprisinga first sun gear and a second sun gear which are arranged side by side in an axial direction,a plurality of pinion gears that mesh with both the first sun gear and the second sun gear,a carrier that supports the plurality of pinion gears, anda carrier coupling portion that supports the plurality of pinion gears and is coupled to the carrier, whereinthe carrier coupling portion includes a first shaft support portion, a coupling outer portion that is a portion located on an outer side in a radial direction of the carrier with respect to the plurality of pinion gears, and a coupling inner portion that is a portion located on an inner side in the radial direction with respect to the plurality of pinion gears,each of the coupling outer portion and the coupling inner portion is coupled to other member,the first shaft support portion is located on a first side in the axial direction, which is one side in the axial direction, with respect to the pinion gears, and supports shafts of the plurality of pinion gears,the carrier includes a second shaft support portion,the second shaft support portion is located on a second side in the axial direction, which is the other side in the axial direction, with respect to the pinion gears, and supports the shafts of the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032763A1

A transmission system suitable for operation with a drive machine includes an input shaft for a drive power, at least one output shaft for outputting drive power, a power-split transmission section having at least one variable transmission branch and a mechanical transmission branch, a manual transmission, a transmission system controller, and at least one first and second electric machine for generator and motor operation. The electric machines are electrically connected to one another. The drive power is divided up and conducted by the mechanical and variable transmission branch. An input-coupled, magnetically electric epicyclic gear stage brings together the variable transmission branch and mechanical transmission branch, and is activated by the second electric machine such that the output shaft of the transmission system rotates counter to a direction of rotation at the input shaft to provide a forward and reverse operation of the transmission system. 1. A transmission system suitable for operation with a drive machine , comprising:an input shaft for a drive power,at least one output shaft for outputting drive power to a drive,a power-split transmission section comprising at least one variable transmission branch and a mechanical transmission branch, the variable transmission branch having an input side and an output side,a manual transmission,a transmission system controller,at least one first and second electric machine for generator and motor operation, the electric machines being electrically connected to one another,wherein, the drive power is divided up and conducted by the mechanical and variable transmission branch,wherein, an input-coupled, magnetically electric epicyclic gear stage brings together the variable transmission branch and mechanical transmission branch, with an inner rotor, an outer stator and a modulating ring,wherein, the magnetically electric epicyclic gear stage is activated by the second electric machine such that the output shaft of ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018152A1

A drive control device for a hybrid vehicle is provided with a differential device including four rotary elements; and an engine, first and second electric motors and an output rotary member which are respectively connected to said four rotary elements. One of said four rotary elements is constituted by a rotary component of a first differential mechanism and a rotary component of a second differential mechanism selectively connected through a clutch, and one of the rotary components is selectively fixed to a stationary member through a brake. Said drive control device reengages the brake after an engagement capacity of the brake is temporarily reduced at the time of accelerating operation during decelerating running in a motor drive mode with the brake placed in an engaged state. 1. A drive control device for a hybrid vehicle provided with: a differential device which includes a first differential mechanism and a second differential mechanism and which has four rotary elements; and an engine , a first electric motor , a second electric motor and an output rotary member which are respectively connected to said four rotary elements , and wherein one of said four rotary elements is constituted by a rotary component of said first differential mechanism and a rotary component of said second differential mechanism which are selectively connected to each other through a clutch , and one of the rotary components of said first and second differential mechanisms which are selectively connected to each other through said clutch is selectively fixed to a stationary member through a brake ,said drive control device reengaging the brake after an engagement capacity of the brake is temporarily reduced at the time of accelerating operation during decelerating running in a motor drive mode with the brake placed in an engaged state.2. The drive control device according to claim 1 , wherein at the time of the accelerating operation claim 1 , the brake is placed in a released state to ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016528A1

A speed change device includes a power transfer shaft, a tubular shaft member, and a planetary gear mechanism that has a carrier. An in-shaft oil passage is formed in the power transfer shaft. A radially inner portion of the carrier and the tubular shaft member are splined to each other. An inside opening portion of a guide oil passage is formed in a non-spline portion of the radially inner portion. A target race member of a thrust bearing is disposed so as to abut against the carrier. The radially innermost position of the non-spline portion is on the radially outer side of the radially outermost position of a spline engagement portion. An oil receiving portion is formed by the tubular shaft member, the non-spline portion, and the target race member. 15-. (canceled)6. A speed change device comprising a power transfer shaft , a tubular shaft member disposed on a radially outer side of the power transfer shaft coaxially with the power transfer shaft , and a planetary gear mechanism having a carrier that rotatably supports a pinion and disposed on a radially outer side of the tubular shaft member coaxially with the tubular shaft member , wherein:an in-shaft oil passage that communicates with a supply-side opening portion that opens in an outer peripheral surface of the power transfer shaft is formed in the power transfer shaft;a radially inner portion of the carrier, which faces toward a radially inner side and is provided over a predetermined axial range, is disposed so as to oppose the supply-side opening portion, and a part of the radially inner portion and a part of an outer peripheral surface of the tubular shaft member are coupled to each other by a spline engagement portion;an inside opening portion of a guide oil passage that leads oil supplied from the supply-side opening portion to a support portion of the carrier for the pinion is formed in a non-spline portion which is a portion of the radially inner portion excluding the spline engagement portion;a thrust ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016652A1

A hybrid transmission and a vehicle having the hybrid transmission. An engine, a generator, and a motor are coaxially arranged; a first planetary gear set is separately connected to a crankshaft of the engine and a rotor of the generator; a clutch comprises a first driving end connected to a planet carrier of the first planetary gear set and a second driving end connected to a ring gear of a second planetary gear set, wherein the first driving end and the second driving end are involved in engagement and disengagement; a rotor of the motor is connected to a sun gear axle of the second planetary gear set. When the motor performs driving, the clutch is disengaged from the engine and the generator to avoid a drag resistance of the engine. 1. A hybrid transmission , wherein the hybrid transmission includes an engine , a generator , an electric motor , a first planetary gear set , a clutch , and a second planetary gear set; wherein ,the engine, the generator and the electric motor are arranged coaxially;a crankshaft of the engine is connected to the first planetary gear set, and the first planetary gear set is connected to a rotor of the generator to drive the rotor to rotate; andthe clutch includes a first driving end and a second driving end that can be engaged or disengaged; wherein the first driving end is connected to the first planetary gear set, the second driving end is connected to a ring gear of the second planetary gear set; and a sun gear axle of the second planetary gear set is connected to a rotor of the electric motor.2. The hybrid transmission according to claim 1 , wherein the ring gear of the second planetary gear set is further provided with an output gear for driving wheels.3. The hybrid transmission according to claim 1 , wherein the second planetary gear set and the engine are coaxially arranged.4. The hybrid transmission of claim 1 , wherein the first planetary gear set is capable of increasing a speed of the engine and driving the generator to ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017578A1

An electro-mechanical drive unit connectable with first and second motor/generators includes an output member, a stationary member, a gear-train, and a torque-transmitting device. The drive unit also includes a compound planetary gear arrangement having a ring gear structure, first and second sun gears, and a carrier structure. The gear arrangement includes first, second, third, and fourth junction points and has a double-pinion assembly having a first pinion gear in mesh with the first sun gear member and a second pinion gear in mesh with the first pinion gear and with the ring gear structure. The gear arrangement is operatively connected to the second motor/generator at the first junction point via the gear-train and to the first motor/generator at the fourth junction point. The output member is operatively connected to the second junction point. Furthermore, the torque-transmitting device is engageable to ground the third junction point to the stationary member.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017584A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A driving system includes a drive source for driving a left drive portion and a right drive portion, a power transmission mechanism having first and second differential mechanisms each including a first rotating element, a second rotating element and a third rotating element and a switching unit. The first rotating elements of the first and second differential mechanisms are connected to each other so as to rotate in the same direction, the second rotating elements of the first and second differential elements are connected to the left drive portion and the right drive portion, respectively, and the third rotating elements of the first and second differential mechanisms are connected to each other so as to rotate in opposite directions. 1. A driving system comprising:a drive source, which drives a left driving portion that is disposed on a left side of a vehicle with respect to a traveling direction and a right driving portion that is disposed on a right side of the vehicle with respect to the traveling direction; anda power transmission mechanism, which has a first differential mechanism and a second differential mechanism, each having a first rotating element, a second rotating element, and a third rotating element, wherein:the first rotating elements of the first and second differential mechanisms are connected to each other so as to rotate integrally in a same direction;the second rotating elements of the first and second differential mechanisms are connected to the left driving portion and the right driving portion, respectively;the third rotating elements of the first and second differential mechanisms are connected to each other so as to rotate in opposite directions;the power transmission mechanism comprises:a first switching mechanism that can switch between an applied state where a power transmission path between the drive source and the first rotating elements of the first and second differential mechanisms is connected and a released state where the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018069A1

An electric drive-unit encased in a housing includes an electric motor, a first output member, and a second output member. The drive-unit also includes first, second, and third planetary gear-sets, each having first, second, and third nodes. The first gear-set has one node connected to the electric motor. The second gear-set has one node connected to the first planetary gear-set, another node connected to the first output member, and the remaining node fixed to the housing. The third gear-set has one node connected to the first gear-set and another node connected to the second output member. The drive-unit additionally includes a first torque-transmitting device configured to selectively connect one third gear-set node to the housing to thereby affect a first speed-ratio. Furthermore, the drive-unit includes a second torque-transmitting device configured to selectively connect one first gear-set node to one of the third gear-set nodes to thereby affect a second speed-ratio. 1. An electric drive-unit encased in a drive-unit housing and configured to selectively provide first and second speed-ratios , the electric drive-unit comprising:an electric motor configured to generate an electric motor torque;a first output member and a second output member;a first planetary gear-set having first, second, and third nodes, wherein one of the first, second, and third nodes of the first gear-set is directly connected to the electric motor;a second planetary gear-set having first, second, and third nodes, wherein one of the first, second, and third nodes of the second gear-set is directly connected to the first planetary gear-set, another of the first, second, and third nodes of the second gear-set is directly connected to the first output member, and the remaining of the first, second, and third nodes of the second gear-set is node fixed to the drive-unit housing;a third planetary gear-set having first, second, and third nodes, wherein one of the first, second, and third nodes of ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018072A1

A drive system for a vehicle includes a first planetary gear set, a second planetary gear set, a third planetary gear set, a first electromagnetic device coupled to the first planetary gear set, a second electromagnetic device coupled to the second planetary gear set, and an output shaft coupled to the first planetary gear set. The third planetary gear set includes a sun gear, a ring gear, planetary gears coupling the sun gear to the ring gear, and a carrier rotationally supporting the planetary gears. The ring gear is directly coupled to the first planetary gear set and the second planetary gear set. The sun gear is directly coupled to the second planetary gear set. 1. A drive system for a vehicle , comprising:a first planetary gear set;a second planetary gear set;a third planetary gear set including a sun gear, a ring gear, a plurality of planetary gears coupling the sun gear to the ring gear, and a carrier rotationally supporting the plurality of planetary gears, wherein the ring gear is directly coupled to the first planetary gear set and the second planetary gear set, and wherein the sun gear is directly coupled to the second planetary gear set;a first electromagnetic device coupled to the first planetary gear set;a second electromagnetic device coupled to the second planetary gear set; andan output shaft coupled to the first planetary gear set.2. The drive system of claim 1 , further comprising a clutch positioned to limit rotation of the third planetary gear set when engaged.3. The drive system of claim 2 , wherein the clutch is positioned to prevent rotation of the carrier of the third planetary gear set when engaged.4. The drive system of claim 3 , wherein the third planetary gear set is configured to couple a ring gear of the second planetary gear set with at least one of (a) a carrier of the first planetary gear set or (b) a carrier of the second planetary gear set when the clutch is engaged.5. The drive system of claim 1 , wherein the sun gear of third ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021110A1

A driving device for a hybrid vehicle including a power transmission mechanism () that is connected to an engine () and transmits a rotation of the engine; a differential mechanism () that connects the power transmission mechanism to driving wheels (); and a switching device (CL, BK) that performs speed change of the power transmission mechanism, wherein the differential mechanism includes a first rotary element () that is connected to an output element () of the power transmission mechanism, a second rotary element () that is connected to a first rotating electrical machine (MG) and a third rotary element () that is connected to the second rotating electrical machine (MG) and the driving wheels, and wherein the rotation of the output element of the power transmission mechanism is limited by the switching device. 18.-. (canceled)9. A driving device for a hybrid vehicle , the driving device comprising:a power transmission mechanism connected to an engine, the power transmission mechanism configured to transmit a rotation of the engine;a differential mechanism that connects the power transmission mechanism to driving wheels; anda switching device configured to perform speed change of the power transmission mechanism,wherein the differential mechanism includes a first rotary element that is connected to an output element of the power transmission mechanism, a second rotary element that is connected to a first rotating electrical machine and a third rotary element that is connected to a second rotating electrical machine and the driving wheels,the rotation of the output element of the power transmission mechanism is limited by the switching device, andthe driving device has a mode of limiting a rotation of the output element of the power transmission mechanism by the switching device and traveling with the first rotating electrical machine and the second rotating electrical machine used as power sources.10. The driving device for the hybrid vehicle according to claim 9 ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023651A1

A hybrid vehicle driving apparatus includes: an engine; a first rotating machine; a second rotating machine; planetary gear mechanisms capable of forming a four-element complex planetary to which the engine, the first rotating machine, the second rotating machine, and drive wheels are connected; and a controller. In a collinear diagram of the complex planetary, the first and second rotating machines are adjacent to each other and disposed on one side with respect to the engine. In a state in which the complex planetary is formed, the controller is configured to operate, in a predetermined mode, the first and second rotating machines at operating points at which a total of absolute values of workloads of the first and second rotating machines is smaller than the total of the absolute values at operating points for achieving an electric power balance between the first and second rotating machines. 1. A hybrid vehicle driving apparatus comprising:an engine;a first rotating machine;a second rotating machine;a plurality of planetary gear mechanisms capable of forming a four-element complex planetary to which the engine, the first rotating machine, the second rotating machine, and drive wheels are connected; anda controller configured to control the first rotating machine and the second rotating machine, whereinin a collinear diagram of the complex planetary, the first rotating machine and the second rotating machine are adjacent to each other and disposed on one side with respect to the engine, andin a state in which the complex planetary is formed, the controller is configured to operate, in a predetermined mode, rotating machine and the second rotating machine at operating points at which a total of absolute values of workloads of the first rotating machine and the second rotating machine is smaller than the total of the absolute values at operating points for achieving an electric power balance between the first rotating machine and the second rotating machine.2. The ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021713A1

A transmission assembly for a motor vehicle is to be arranged between a combustion engine having a crankshaft and a gearbox having an input shaft. The assembly comprises an electric machine having an external stator and an internal rotor rotationally movable. The rotor has a central opening. An intermediate shaft passes through the central opening to be connected kinematically to the crankshaft and to the input shaft of the gearbox. A mechanical reducer is configured to rotationally couple the rotor and the intermediate shaft so that the rotation speed of the rotor is higher than the rotation speed of the intermediate shaft. A pendulum damper has a rotationally movable support member, and pendulum flyweights are mounted movably on the support member. The support member is rotationally integral with the rotor. 1. A transmission assembly for a motor vehicle , intended to be arranged between a combustion engine having a crankshaft and a gearbox having an input shaft , said assembly comprising:{'b': '7', 'a support element ();'}{'b': 1', '2', '7', '3', '3, 'an electric machine () having a stator () carried by the support element () and a rotor () rotationally movable around an axis X, said rotor () having a central opening;'}{'b': 4', '3, 'an intermediate shaft () passing through the central opening of the rotor () and intended on the one hand to be connected kinematically to the crankshaft of the combustion engine and on the other hand to be connected kinematically to the input shaft of the gearbox;'}{'b': 17', '3', '4', '3', '4, 'a mechanical reducer () configured to rotationally couple the rotor () and the intermediate shaft () in such a way that the rotation speed of the rotor () is higher than the rotation speed of the intermediate shaft (); and'}{'b': 27', '29', '30', '28', '29', '30', '29', '30', '3, 'a pendulum damper () having a support member (, ) rotationally movable around the axis X, and pendulum flyweights () mounted movably on the support member (, ), the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021822A1
Автор: Endo Hiroki, Hokoi Koji

A vehicle includes an engine, a motor, a rotary electric machine, a battery, and an ECU. The ECU is configured to control the rotary electric machine to generate electric power when the engine is started during the motor traveling mode and provide a cranking torque to the engine, the electric power generated by the rotary electric machine increasing as a vehicle speed increases, and determine whether or not to start the engine based on a comparison between a sum of electric power and a value corresponding to electric power acceptable by the battery. The sum of electric power is a sum of first electric power actually input into and output from the battery during the motor traveling mode and second electric power predicted to be generated by the rotary electric machine while the cranking torque is provided to the engine. 1. A vehicle comprising:an engine;a motor connected to a drive wheel, the vehicle being to travel by using power from at least one of the motor and the engine;a rotary electric machine connected to the engine and the motor via a planetary gear device, the rotary electric machine configured to rotate in a direction opposite to a rotation direction of the motor during a motor traveling mode of operation, the motor traveling mode being one in which the vehicle is allowed to travel on the power of the motor while the engine is stopped;a battery configured to exchange electric power with a plurality of electric equipment including the motor and the rotary electric machine; andan ECU configured tocontrol the rotary electric machine to generate electric power when the engine is started during the motor traveling mode and provide a cranking torque to the engine, the electric power generated by the rotary electric machine increasing as a vehicle speed increases, anddetermine whether or not to start the engine based on a comparison between a sum of electric power and a value corresponding to electric power acceptable by the battery, wherein the sum of electric ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021676A1
Принадлежит: TimePlay Inc.

Embodiments of the invention relate to systems and methods for multi-player gaming. Some embodiments relate to systems having an improved communications infrastructure and improved handheld game controllers, while other embodiments relate to improvements in handling large numbers of players in the multi-player game when played in a game arena with a single large display screen showing the multi-player game images. In one particular embodiment, a system is provided that has a game server controlling a display system to display the multi-player game on the large screen and a plurality of game controllers. Each game controller has a secondary display means for providing a secondary game display and input means for receiving player input. The system further comprises communication mans for enabling communication between the game server and each of the plurality of game controllers. The plurality of game controllers are located in proximity to the large display screen such that it is visible to game players manipulating the game controllers while playing the multi-player game. 1. A multi-player game system for facilitating a multi-player game comprising:a game server system configured to provide display signals for displaying the multi-player game;a display system having primary display means, the display system being configured to provide a primary game display of the multi-player game on the primary display means in response to the display signals;a plurality of handheld game controllers, each handheld game controller of the plurality of handheld game controllers having secondary display means and input means; andcommunication means for enabling communication between the game server system and each handheld game controller of the plurality of handheld game controllers,wherein the plurality of handheld game controllers are located in proximity to the primary display means such that the primary display means is visible to game players manipulating respective handheld ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022199A1

A power transmission system for a hybrid electric vehicle may include an engine, a planetary gear set, and first and second motor/generators, and transmit rotational power of the engine and rotational power of the second motor/generator to a final reduction gear including a differential through independent paths, respectively, in which a sun gear is directly connected with the first motor/generator through a first motor shaft and selectively connectable with a transmission housing, a planet carrier is directly connected with an input shaft and connected with the transmission housing with a one-way clutch and a torque limiter positioned therebetween, a ring gear is directly connected with a first output gear and connected with a final reduction gear through a first intermediate shaft, and the second motor/generator is directly connected with a second output gear through a second motor shaft and connected with the final reduction gear through a second intermediate shaft. 1. A power transmission system for a hybrid electric vehicle , which includes an engine which is a main power source , a planetary gear set , and first and second motor/generators which are auxiliary power sources , and transmits rotational power of the engine and rotational power of the second motor/generator to a final reduction gear including a differential through independent paths , respectively , whereina sun gear of the planetary gear set is directly connected with the first motor/generator through a first motor shaft and selectively connectable with a transmission housing, a planet carrier is directly connected with an input shaft of the engine and connected with the transmission housing with a one-way clutch and a torque limiter positioned therebetween, a ring gear is directly connected with a first output gear and connected with a final reduction gear through a first intermediate shaft, andthe second motor/generator is directly connected with a second output gear through a second motor shaft ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle

Номер: US20180022203A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A transmission unit is able to switch between a non-neutral state where power of an engine is transmitted via a path K 1 and a neutral state where power of the engine is not transmitted via the path K 1. A clutch is able to switch between an engaged state where power is transmitted from the engine to a first MG and a released state where transmission of power from the engine to the first MG is interrupted. When the transmission unit is controlled to the non-neutral state and, at the same time, the clutch is set to the released state, a vehicle is operable in series-parallel mode. When power is transmitted via the path K 2 by directly coupling the engine to the first MG by the clutch and the path K 1 is interrupted by controlling the transmission unit to the neutral state, the vehicle is operable in series mode.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022205A1
Автор: VENTURI Stephane

The present invention relates to a method of controlling a variable-speed transmission device of a powertrain, in particular for a hybrid vehicle, comprising a driving/receiving machine (), a thermal engine (), a speed variation device () including an engine epicyclic gear train () with a sun gear () and a crown (), each connected to engine shaft () by a controlled coupling () and to a fixed part () of the powertrain by a one-way automatic coupling () and a planet gear carrier (), and a machine epicyclic gear train () arranged on a shaft () substantially parallel to engine shaft () and connecting engine epicyclic gear train () to a track () for motion transmission to a drive axle (), said gear train comprising a sun gear (), a crown () and a planet gear carrier (). 1. A method of controlling a variable-speed transmission device of a powertrain , in particular for a hybrid vehicle , comprising a driving/receiving machine , a thermal engine , a speed variation device including an engine epicyclic gear train with a sun gear and a crown , each connected to engine shaft by a controlled coupling and to a fixed part of the powertrain by a one-way automatic coupling and a planet gear carrier , and a machine epicyclic gear train arranged on a shaft substantially parallel to the engine shaft and connecting engine epicyclic gear train to a track for motion transmission to a drive axle , said gear train comprising a sun gear , a crown and a planet gear carrier , the method comprising blocking the sun gear and the crown of the machine epicyclic gear train to provide motion of the vehicle by means of the driving/receiving machine alone or in combination with the thermal engine.2. A control method according to claim 1 , comprising providing a controlled coupling between the crown and the sun gear.31. A control method according to claim comprising providing a controlled coupling on the crown shaft.41. A control method according to claim comprising providing a controlled coupling on ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022355A1

A hybrid vehicle is able to select series-parallel mode by engaging a clutch (C) or a brake (B) and releasing a clutch (CS), and is able to select series mode by releasing both the clutch (C) and the brake (B) and engaging the clutch (CS). The hybrid vehicle includes a simultaneous supply prevention valve () that prevents simultaneous engagement of the clutch (CS) and at least one of the clutch (CI) or the brake (B). When a signal pressure of at least one of hydraulic pressure for engaging the clutch (C) or hydraulic pressure for engaging the brake (B) is input to the simultaneous supply prevention valve (), the simultaneous supply prevention valve () is switched to a state where supply of hydraulic pressure to the clutch (CS) is cut off. 1. A hybrid vehicle comprising:an internal combustion engine;a first rotary electric machine;a second rotary electric machine configured to output power to a drive wheel;a power transmission unit including an input element, an output element and an engaging portion, the input element being configured to receive power from the internal combustion engine, the output element being configured to output power input to the input element, and the engaging portion being configured to be placed in a non-neutral state when supplied with hydraulic pressure or current and be placed in a neutral state when not supplied with hydraulic pressure or current, the non-neutral state being a state where power is transmitted between the input element and the output element, the neutral state being a state where power is not transmitted between the input element and the output element;a differential unit including a first rotating element, a second rotating element and a third rotating element, the first rotating element being connected to the first rotary electric machine, the second rotating element being connected to the second rotary electric machine and the drive wheel, the third rotating element being connected to the output element, and the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Abnormality determination device

Номер: US20220041174A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An abnormality determination device is applied to a vehicle provided with a transmission configured to transmit power by rotation of a shaft. The abnormality determination device includes a processor and a memory. The memory configured to store mapping data that is data that defines mapping learned by machine learning. The processor is configured to execute an acquisition process and a determination process. The acquisition process is a process of acquiring a variable indicating a time-series data of a rotation speed of the shaft and using the variable as a value of an input variable of the mapping. The determination process is a process of determining whether an abnormality has occurred in the transmission based on a value of the output variable acquired using the value of the input variable and the mapping.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024761A1
Автор: GRAVINA Michele

A gear transmission for aeronautical applications comprising an input shaft rotating about an axis, an output shaft rotating about said axis, and a transfer group for transferring the torque from the input shaft to the output shaft; the transfer group comprises a first torque splitting stage, receiving the torque entered from the input shaft, and a second torque splitting stage, receiving the torque entered from the first stage; the first stage presents at least one first rotating member and the second stage presents at least one second rotating member; the input shaft and the first rotating member cooperate with one another at respective interaction surfaces coupled frontally and extending transversely to the first axis; the rotating members cooperate with one another at respective friction surfaces coupled frontally and extending transversely to said axis; one of the interaction surfaces comprises first engagement elements, and another of the interaction surfaces comprises second engagement elements complementary to the first engagement elements, and said engagement elements are clutch coupled to one another. 1. A gear transmission for aeronautical applications comprising:an input shaft rotatable around a first axis;an output shaft rotatable around a second axis;a transfer group for transferring the torque from said input shaft to said output shaft;wherein said transfer group comprises a first torque splitting stage, receiving the torque entered from said input shaft, and a second torque splitting stage, receiving the torque entered from said first stage; said first stage presenting at least one first rotating member and said second stage presenting at least one second rotating member;said input shaft and said first rotating member cooperating with one another at respective interaction surfaces coupled frontally and extending transversely to said first axis;said first rotating member and said second rotating member cooperating with one another at respective ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Electrically-variable transmission for a vehicle

Номер: US20140113760A1

An electrically-variable transmission for a vehicle is disclosed. The transmission includes an input member and an output member each rotatable about a first axis. The transmission includes a casing defining a cavity between a first end wall and a second end wall. The transmission includes a first motor/generator and a second motor/generator disposed in the cavity with a second planetary gear set disposed between the first and second motor/generators along the first axis. The transmission includes a first torque-transmitting mechanism disposed between the first and second motor/generators along the first axis. The transmission includes a second torque-transmitting mechanism disposed between the first end wall and the first motor/generator along the first axis. The first motor/generator is disposed between the first and second torque-transmitting mechanisms along the first axis. The transmission includes a damper mechanism disposed between the second end wall and a first planetary gear set along the first axis.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150031488A1

A vehicle drive device comprising: an engine, a first electric motor, and a second electric motor disposed on a first axis; a first axis output portion outputting power of the first axis; a second axis input portion that is an input portion of a second axis to which power from the first axis output portion is input, the second axis being parallel to the first axis; a second axis output portion outputting power of the second axis; a transmission changing speed between the second axis input portion and the second axis output portion, the transmission being disposed on the second axis; and a third axis input portion that is an input portion of a third axis to which power from the second axis output portion is input, the third axis being parallel to the first axis, the first axis output portion, the second axis input portion, the second axis output portion, and the third axis input portion all being disposed between the first electric motor and the second electric motor in a direction of the first axis, the transmission including at least a first planetary gear device and a second planetary gear device, the second axis input portion and the second axis output portion being disposed between the first planetary gear device and the second planetary gear device in a direction of the second axis. 1. A vehicle drive device comprising: an engine , a first electric motor , and a second electric motor disposed on a first axis; a first axis output portion outputting power of the first axis; a second axis input portion that is an input portion of a second axis to which power from the first axis output portion is input , the second axis being parallel to the first axis; a second axis output portion outputting power of the second axis; a transmission changing speed between the second axis input portion and the second axis output portion , the transmission being disposed on the second axis; and a third axis input portion that is an input portion of a third axis to which power from ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029460A1

A transmission includes an input member, an output member, a first electric device, and a second electric device. A first planetary gear set is coupled to the first electric device. A second planetary gear set is coupled to the second electric device. The output is coupled to both the first planetary gear set and the second planetary gear set. The input is connected to the first planetary gear set. A fixed ratio gear reduction system couples the input and the second planetary gear set. The fixed ratio gear reduction system is operable to transmit rotation from the input to the second planetary gear set at a reduced rotational speed and at an increased torque. 1. A transmission comprising:an input member;an output member;a first electric device;a second electric device;a first planetary gear set coupled to the first electric device, and including a first sun gear, a first ring gear, and a plurality of first planet gears attached to a first planet carrier;a second planetary gear set coupled to the second electric device, and including a second sun gear, a second ring gear, and a plurality of second planet gears attached to a second planet carrier;wherein the output is coupled to both the first planetary gear set and the second planetary gear set;wherein the input is connected to the first planetary gear set; anda fixed ratio gear reduction system coupling the input and the second planetary gear set, and operable to transmit rotation from the input to the second planetary gear set at a reduced rotational speed and at an increased torque.2. The transmission set forth in claim 1 , wherein:the input is connected to one of the first sun gear, the first ring gear, and the first planet carrier;the output is connected to another one of the first sun gear, the first ring gear, and the first planet carrier; andthe first electric device is connected to another one of the first sun gear, the first ring gear, and the first planet carrier.3. The transmission set forth in claim 1 , ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Inline electromechanical variable transmission system

Номер: US20180031085A1
Принадлежит: Oshkosh Corp

A drive system includes a first planetary device at least selectively coupled to a first electromagnetic device, a second planetary device coupled to a second electromagnetic device and directly coupled to the first planetary device, an engine directly coupled to the first planetary device with a connecting shaft, and an output shaft coupled to the first planetary device. The first and second electromagnetic devices include a first shaft and a second shaft, respectively. The connecting shaft extends through the second electromagnetic device and through the second planetary device to the first planetary device. The first shaft, the second shaft, the first planetary device, the second planetary device, the connecting shaft, and the output shaft are radially aligned, forming a straight-thru transmission arrangement.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031016A1

A method for compensation of a support torque at a combustion engine and transmission which provide an overlay of combustion engine and electric machine. The combustion engine, the electric machine, and a transmission gearset are connected with each other via a planetary gearset, which is positioned in front of a downstream transmission gearset. The invention concerns a transmission gearset of a three-shaft transmission, each with a transmission input shaft for the electric machine, and for the combustion engine, and an output shaft. For the connection or disconnection of the transmission input shaft of the electric machine while driving, the electric machine is used for the synchronization of the input shaft of the electric machine, and the created support torque at the combustion engine is determined, based on this support torque, to match a combustion engine torque and thus to compensate the support torque. 18-. (canceled)9122221453. A method for compensation of a support torque on a combustion engine and transmission () which provide an overlay of combustion engine and electric machine () , wherein the combustion engine , the electric machine () , and a transmission gearset are connected with each other via a planetary gearset (PG) , which is positioned upstream of the transmission gearset , whereby the method concerns a transmission gearset (PG) of a three-shaft transmission () , each with a transmission input shaft for the electric machine () , and for the combustion engine () , and an output shaft () , the method comprising:{'b': 4', '2', '4, 'when connecting or disconnecting the transmission input shaft of the electric machine () during a drive, using the electric machine () for synchronization of the input shaft of the electric machine (), and'}determining the created support torque at the combustion engine to match, based on the support torque, a combustion engine torque (T_Eng) and thus to compensate the support torque.10. The method for the compensation ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Control Methods For An Electric Vehicle Equipped With A Ball-Type Continuously Variable Transmission

Номер: US20190031181A1

Provided herein is a vehicle including an engine; a first motor/generator; a second motor/generator; a variator; and a controller configured to detect an energy dissipation mode of operation, wherein the controller commands a change in the variator ratio based on the energy dissipation mode. 1. A vehicle comprising:an engine;a first motor/generator;a second motor/generator;a variator; and aa controller configured to detect an energy dissipation mode of operation,wherein the controller commands a change in the variator ratio based on the energy dissipation mode.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising planetary gear set having a ring gear claim 1 , a planet carrier claim 1 , and a sun gear claim 1 , wherein the planet carrier is operably coupled to the engine claim 1 , the ring gear is coupled to the second motor/generator claim 1 , and the sun gear is coupled to the first motor/generator.3. The vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the variator is operably coupled to the second motor/generator.4. The vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the controller is configured to adjust the variator ratio to operate at a suboptimal condition to dissipate energy through the variator.5. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the energy dissipation mode of operation is detected based on a fault condition of a battery.6. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the energy dissipation mode of operation is detected based on a temperature limit of the first motor/generator.7. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the energy dissipation mode of operation is detected based on a battery temperature limit.8. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the energy dissipation mode of operation is detected based on a battery power limit.9. A method for controlling an electric hybrid vehicle having an engine claim 1 , a first motor/generator claim 1 , a second motor/generator claim 1 , and a variator claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of: a variator ratio,', 'a motor/generator temperature,', 'a motor/generator speed,', 'a ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031614A1

An electric wheel drive system, an electric generator, a hybrid internal combustion electric vehicle, and associated methods are described that include sleeve bearings rotating on support cylinders. Fluid pumps provide lubrication and cooling. Examples include hydraulic cylinders for steering one or more electric wheel drive systems independently. Suspension is also provided to individual electric wheel drive systems independently in some examples. 1. An electric wheel drive system , comprising:an electric motor;a housing adapted for fixed operation in relation to a rotatable wheel, the housing at least partially enclosing the electric motor;a sleeve bearing, driven by the electric motor, wherein the sleeve bearing is rotatable about a support cylinder, wherein the support cylinder is fixed in relation to the housing; anda wheel mounting interface coupled to the sleeve bearing.2. The electric wheel drive system of claim 1 , further including a gear reduction between the sleeve bearing and the wheel mounting interface.3. The electric wheel drive system of claim 2 , wherein the gear reduction includes a planetary gear assembly.4. The electric wheel drive system of claim 1 , further including a fluid pump located within the sleeve bearing claim 1 , wherein rotation of the sleeve bearing drives the fluid pump.5. The electric wheel drive system of claim 4 , wherein the fluid pump is adapted to pump lubricating oil claim 4 , and wherein a portion of the lubricating oil lubricates an interface between the sleeve bearing and the support cylinder.6. The electric wheel drive system of claim 4 , further including flow controls coupled to the fluid pump claim 4 , the flow controls configured to provide forward flow from the fluid pump in either a forward rotation or a backward rotation of the sleeve bearing.7. An electric wheel drive system claim 4 , comprising:an electric motor;a housing adapted for fixed operation in relation to a rotatable wheel, the housing at least ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032886A1

A power transmission apparatus includes a first input shaft selectively receiving an input torque, a second input shaft coaxially disposed with the first input shaft and selectively receiving the input torque, first and second intermediate shafts selectively interconnected and disposed in parallel with the first input shaft, a torque mediating shaft coaxially disposed with the first input shaft, a preliminary shifting section receiving a torque through a first input shaft and selectively outputting a shifted torque to the second intermediate shaft, a compound shifting section including a planetary gear set having a sun gear fixedly connected with the torque mediating shaft, a planet carrier fixedly connected with the second input shaft, and a ring gear externally gear-meshed with the second intermediate shaft, and an output shaft receiving a torque received from the compound shifting section and transmitting the received torque to a differential. 1. A power transmission apparatus for a vehicle , comprising:a first input shaft for selectively receiving an input torque through a first clutch;a second input shaft formed as a hollow shaft, coaxially and exteriorly disposed with the first input shaft without rotational interference, and selectively receiving the input torque through a second clutch;first and second intermediate shafts disposed along a same axis that is in parallel with the first input shaft, the first and second intermediate shafts being selectively interconnected through a third clutch;a torque mediating shaft formed as a hollow shaft and coaxially and exteriorly disposed with the first input shaft without rotational interference;a preliminary shifting section receiving a torque through a first input shaft and selectively outputting a shifted torque to the second intermediate shaft;a compound shifting section including a planetary gear set of which a sun gear is fixedly connected with the torque mediating shaft, a planet carrier is fixedly connected ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036527A1

A power transmission system of a hybrid electric vehicle may include an input shaft, an output shaft, a first planetary gear set having three rotation elements, a second planetary gear set having three rotation elements, a third planetary gear set, a first rotational shaft, a second rotational shaft, a third rotational shaft, a fourth rotational shaft, a fifth rotational shaft, a sixth rotational shaft, and a seventh rotational shaft such that the power transmission system can suppress conversion to an ENG mode by providing sufficient power performance at the time of wide open throttle (WOT) launching and maximally use power of an engine at the time of conversion to a first HEV mode and a third HEV mode. 112-. (canceled)13. A power transmission system of a hybrid electric vehicle , comprising:an input shaft into which power of an engine is input;an output shaft outputting transmitted rotational power through an output gear;a first planetary gear set as a double pinion planetary gear set having three rotation elements having a first sun gear, a first planetary carrier, and a first ring gear and disposed on the output shaft;a second planetary gear set as a single pinion planetary gear set disposed on the same shaft line at a rear side of the first planetary gear set having three rotation elements having a second sun gear, a second planetary carrier, and a second ring gear;a third planetary gear set as the single pinion planetary gear set having three rotation elements having a third sun gear, a third planetary carrier, and a third ring gear and disposed on the same shaft line at a rear side of the second planetary gear set;a first rotational shaft connected with a first motor/generator while directly connecting the first sun gear and the second ring gear;a second rotational shaft directly connecting the first ring gear and the third planetary carrier and directly connected with the output shaft;a third rotational shaft connecting the first planetary carrier and the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037104A1

A multi-mode electro-mechanical variable speed transmission capable of providing two power split operation modes and at least one fixed output-to-input speed ratio operation mode. The transmission includes an input shaft, an output system, at least one planetary gear set having at least a first, second and third co-axial rotatable components, two electric machines, and at least one torque transfer device. The first co-axial rotatable component couples to the first electric machine with a constant speed ratio; the second co-axial rotatable component couples to the output system with a constant speed ratio; and the third co-axial rotatable component couples to the input shaft with a constant speed ratio; the second electric machine selectively couples to two different co-axial rotatable components of the planetary gear set with two different speed ratios. The transmission is configured to unload the torque transfer device, adjust engine power, shift one of the electric machines to a freewheeling state, and actively synchronize the speed of the electric machines with the speed of one of the engagement positions of the torque transfer device. 126.-. (canceled)27. A multi-mode electro-mechanical variable speed transmission comprising:a gear system with at least one planetary gear set having at least a first co-axial rotatable component, a second co-axial rotatable component, and a third co-axial rotatable component;an input shaft, connectable to an enginean output system including at least one drive shaft;a first electric machine having a rotor and a stator;a second electric machine having a rotor and a stator;at least one torque transfer device having a neutral position in which said second electric machine is in a freewheeling state; andmeans for setting and controlling a rotor speed of said second electric machine in the freewheeling state;wherein said first electric machine connects to said first co-axial rotatable component of said at least one planetary gear set, ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040758A1
Автор: Park Seong Ik

A power transmission system for a hybrid vehicle including an engine, a first planetary gearset and a second planetary gear set is provided. In particular, the first planetary gearset includes a plurality of first rotational elements, one of which is coupled with an output shaft of the engine and one of which is coupled with a first motor generator, and two of which are allowed to be directly selectively connected directly by a clutch. The second planetary gearset includes a plurality of second rotational elements, one of which is permanently coupled with one of the first rotational elements of the first planetary gearset, one of which is coupled with a second motor generator and one of which is connected directly with drive unit. 116-. (canceled)17. A power transmission system for a hybrid vehicle comprising:an engine of the hybrid vehicle;a first planetary gearset made up of a first sun gear, a first carrier, and a first ring gear, of which the first sun gear is connected to a first motor generator, of which the first carrier is coupled with an output shaft of the engine, and of which the first ring gear and the first carrier are connected by a clutch wherein when the clutch is engaged, the vehicle operates using a variable gear position as an invariable gear position during high-speed low-load driving; anda second planetary gearset made up of a second sun gear, a second carrier, and a second ring gear, of which the second sun gear is connected to a second motor generator, of which the second carrier is fixedly connected to a brake, and of which the second ring gear is coupled with a drive unit and is permanently coupled with the first ring gear of the first planetary gear set. The present application claims priority to Korean Patent Application No. 10-2013-0120882 filed on Oct. 10, 2013, the entire contents of which is incorporated herein for all purposes by this reference.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates, in general, to a hybrid vehicle ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039449A1

A powertrain includes an engine and an electric machine. The powertrain further includes a planetary gearset including a a first rotatable element fixedly coupled to an engine crankshaft, a second rotatable element fixedly coupled to the electric machine, and a third rotatable element driveably connected to an intermediate shaft. The powertrain further includes a lockup clutch configured to selectively couple two of the first rotatable element, the second rotatable element, and the third rotatable element. 1. A powertrain comprising:an engine;an electric machine;a planetary gearset including a first rotatable element fixedly coupled to an engine crankshaft, a second rotatable element fixedly coupled to the electric machine, and a third rotatable element driveably connected to an intermediate shaft; anda lockup clutch configured to selectively couple two of the first rotatable element, the second rotatable element, and the third rotatable element.2. The powertrain of wherein the first rotatable element is a planetary carrier assembly claim 1 , wherein the second rotatable element is a sun gear claim 1 , and wherein the third rotatable element is a ring gear.3. The powertrain of wherein the lockup clutch is configured to selectively couple:the sun gear to the planetary carrier assembly,the sun gear to the ring gear, orthe ring gear to the planetary carrier assembly.4. The powertrain of further comprising:a second electric machine driveably connected to the intermediate shaft; anda gearing assembly configured to alternately selectively establish a plurality of proportional speed relationships between the intermediate shaft and an output shaft.5. The powertrain of wherein the plurality of proportional speed relationships includes four positive speed relationships and one negative speed relationship.6. The powertrain of wherein the gearing assembly comprises:a second planetary gearset having a second sun gear, a second planetary carrier assembly, and a second ring gear ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039341A1
Принадлежит: Oshkosh Defense, LLC

A drive train includes a first gear set including a sun gear, a ring gear and planetary gears coupling the sun gear to the ring gear, a second gear set including a sun gear, a ring gear and planetary gears coupling the sun gear to the ring gear, a first motor/generator coupled to the first gear set, a second motor/generator coupled to the second gear set, a first clutch that selectively engages the second motor/generator with the first gear set, and a second clutch that selectively engages the ring gear of the second gear set with the planetary gear carrier of at least one of the first gear set and the second gear set. The planetary gears of both sets are rotatably supported by respective planetary gear carriers. 1. A drive train for a vehicle , comprising:a first gear set comprising a sun gear, a ring gear and planetary gears coupling the sun gear to the ring gear;a second gear set comprising a sun gear, a ring gear and planetary gears coupling the sun gear to the ring gear, wherein the planetary gears of both sets are rotatably supported by respective planetary gear carriers;a first motor/generator coupled to the first gear set;a second motor/generator coupled to the second gear set;a first clutch that selectively engages the second motor/generator with the first gear set; anda second clutch that selectively engages the ring gear of the second gear set with the planetary gear carrier of at least one of the first gear set and the second gear set.2. The drive train of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first gear set and the second gear set are at least selectively engaged with an output shaft of an engine.3. The drive train of claim 1 , further comprising a fifth gear set including at least two gears that couple the first clutch to the second motor/generator.4. The drive train of claim 1 , further comprising a brake mechanism configured to selectively prevent rotation of the first motor/generator.5. The drive train of claim 4 , further comprising a third clutch ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043656A1

A power transmission unit that can prevent an entrance of excessive torque to the powertrain is provided. The power transmission unit includes a transmission that transmits torque between an engine and drive wheels; a locking device that selectively halts a rotation of an output shaft of the engine; a transmission case holding a first motor, a second motor, the transmission, and the locking device; a first torque limiter disposed between the engine and the locking device to restrict torque transmitted between the drive wheels and the engine; and a second torque limiter held in the transmission case to restrict torque transmitted between the drive wheels and the locking device. 1. A power transmission unit for a vehicle , comprising:a prime mover including a main prime mover, a first motor and a second motor;a transmission that transmits torque between the main prime mover and drive wheels and between the first motor and the drive wheels;a locking device that selectively halts a rotation of an output shaft of the main prime mover by bringing a rotary member into engagement to a stationary member;a transmission case holding the first motor, the second motor, the transmission, and the locking device;a first torque limiter that is disposed between the main prime mover and the locking device to restrict torque transmitted between the drive wheels and the main prime mover; anda second torque limiter that is held in the transmission case to restrict torque transmitted between the drive wheels and the locking device.2. The power transmission unit for a vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the locking device includes an engagement device that serves as the second torque limiter.3. The power transmission unit for a vehicle as claimed in claim 2 ,wherein the transmission case includes a casing in which a rear end opposite to the main prime mover is opened, and a rear cover closing the rear end, andwherein the locking device is attached to the rear cover.4. The power ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043764A1

A power train and related vehicle are described for multi-mode power transmission. A first continuously variable power source (“CVP”) may convert rotational power received by the engine for transmission to a second CVP. A variator assembly may receive rotational power from the second CVP at a first input and directly from the engine at a second input. A control assembly may allow the power train to shift between multiple modes, such as a series mode, a split-path mode, and a direct mode. The control assembly may provide seamless shifting between at least two of these modes. 1. A work vehicle comprising:an engine;a continuously variable power source (CVP);a variator that is operably connected to the engine and the CVP;an output shaft that is operably connected to the variator; anda control assembly including a plurality of transmission components configured to provide selection between a first mode, a second mode, and a third mode;the control assembly, in the first mode, configured to transfer CVP power from the CVP to the output shaft and prevent transmission of engine power from the engine to the output shaft;the control assembly, in the second mode, configured to transfer engine power from the engine to the variator, transfer CVP power from the CVP to the variator, and transfer a combination of engine power and CVP power from the variator to the output shaft; andthe control assembly, in the third mode, configured to transfer engine power from the engine to the output shaft and prevent transmission of CVP power from the CVP to the output shaft; andthe control assembly configured to provide at least one seamless shift between two of the first mode, the second mode, and the third mode.2. The work vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the control assembly includes an engageable transmission member that is configured to move between an engaged position and a disengaged position;wherein the engageable transmission member includes a first component and a second component, the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048091A1

A front end accessory drive system is disclosed. The system includes a hub configured to drivingly engage with a crankshaft and a gear transmission system. A one-way clutch includes a first bearing ring connected to an end of a plurality of planet pins of the gear transmission system, and a second bearing ring connected to a sun gear of the gear transmission system. A pump configured to direct hydraulic fluid through a hydraulic fluid circuit. A clutch pack is in fluid connection with the hydraulic fluid circuit. The clutch pack includes at least one clutch plate supported by the gear transmission system, such that a portion of the gear transmission system is grounded via frictional engagement of the at least one clutch plate in an actuated state of the clutch pack. 1. A drive system comprising:a hub configured to drivingly engage with a crankshaft; a planet carrier connected to the hub;', 'a ring gear supporting at least one clutch plate;', 'a plurality of planet gears each drivingly engaged with the ring gear;', 'a sun gear drivingly engaged with the plurality of planet gears; and', 'a plurality of planet pins each including a first end supported in the planet carrier, and each planet gear of the plurality of planet gears is supported on a respective planet pin of the plurality of planet pins;, 'a gear transmission system includinga one-way clutch including a first bearing ring connected to a second end of the plurality of planet pins, and a second bearing ring connected to the sun gear;a pump configured to direct hydraulic fluid through a hydraulic fluid circuit; anda clutch pack in fluid connection with the hydraulic fluid circuit, the clutch pack including the at least one clutch plate supported by the ring gear, such that the ring gear is grounded via frictional engagement of the at least one clutch plate in an actuated state of the clutch pack.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an output connected to the sun gear.3. The system according to claim 2 ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle drive control device

Номер: US20150047915A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

Provided is a hybrid vehicle drive control device that achieves appropriate limp-home driving in the event of a clutch failure. The drive control device is equipped with: a clutch (CL) that connects/disconnects the carrier (C 1 ) of a first planetary gear train ( 14 ) and the carrier (C 2 ) of a second planetary gear train ( 16 ); and a brake (BK) that connects/disconnects said carrier (C 2 ) to/from a housing ( 26 ). In the event of a failure in which the clutch (CL) is released in the absence of a control command, limp-home driving is performed while the brake (BK) is engaged. Consequently, appropriate limp-home driving can be enabled by minimizing unnecessary consumption of energy by a first electric motor (MG 1 ) and a second electric motor (MG 2 ).

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Lubricating device of gear apparatus for vehicle

Номер: US20180045294A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A lubricating device of a gear apparatus for a vehicle lubricates a low-rotation-side gear and a high-rotation-side gear meshing with the low-rotation-side gear. The lubricating device comprises a first tooth surface lubricating oil supply part configured to supply a lubricating oil directly to a tooth surface position located more upstream of a rotating direction of the low-rotation-side gear than a meshing position of the low-rotation-side gear with the high-rotation-side gear so as to spray some of the lubricating oil from the tooth surface position toward a tooth surface of the high-rotation-side gear, and an in-shaft lubricating oil supply part configured to supply the lubricating oil into a shaft of the high-rotation-side gear.

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Method for Operating a Drive Unit for a Hybrid Vehicle

Номер: US20160052381A1

Method for operating a drive unit for a hybrid vehicle, whereas the drive unit comprises a drive assembly () with an internal combustion engine () and an electric motor () and a transmission () featuring several sub-transmissions () shifting between the drive assembly () and an output (), whereas, through a planetary transmission (), the electric motor () is coupled to an input shaft () of a first sub-transmission () and an input shaft () of a second sub-transmission () shifted in parallel to the first sub-transmission (), whereas, through a frictional-locking separating clutch (), the internal combustion engine () is able to be coupled to the input shaft () of the first sub-transmission () and, if the separating clutch () is locked is coupled to the same element () of the planetary transmission () together with the input shaft () of the first sub-transmission (), whereas a positive-locking or frictional-locking bypass shift element () works together with the planetary transmission () in such a manner that, with a locked bypass shift element (), a torque-proof connection between the electric motor (), the input shaft () of the first sub-transmission () and the input shaft () of the second sub-transmission () and thus a mandatory equality of rotational speed between the same, exist, while, with an open bypass shift element (), this torque-proof connection and thus the mandatory equality of rotational speed do not exist, and whereas, for the execution of a power shift, shortly prior to the engagement of a positive-locking shift element to be locked for the power shift, the frictional-locking separating clutch () is brought into slip for the decoupling of the inertial mass of the internal combustion engine (). 131256734102869761118611151086121012286971228967111. Method for operating a drive unit for a hybrid vehicle , whereas the drive unit comprises a drive assembly () with an internal combustion engine () and an electric motor () and a transmission () featuring ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053434A1
Автор: HAO Yun

A transmission device for a power system, comprising a first electric motor (EM), a second electric motor (EM), a single planetary gear train (PG), and a reduction gear transmission mechanism. The transmission device is provided with a brake (B) and two clutches (C C) and is capable of achieving the electric motor driving mode of two gears and satisfying low-speed high-torque and high-speed usage requirements of electric motor driving. During hybrid power driving, an input power splitting and fixed speed ratio mode is adopted to achieve high-efficient operation of the power system. By removing components such as clutches connected to an engine, the transmission device can also be used as a dual-motor two-gear electric motor drive transmission. 1. A hybrid power transmission device for a power system , characterized by comprising a single planetary gear train composed of a sun gear , a planetary gear , a planetary carrier and a gear ring , a first electric motor , a second electric motor and an engine; the first electric motor is in parallel with a first reduction gear pair and a second reduction gear pair , wherein the first reduction gear pair is connected with the sun gear through a sleeve shaft , the second reduction gear pair is connected with a first clutch and controls whether the second reduction gear pair gets involved; the second electric motor is connected with a third reduction gear pair , the gear ring is connected with a connecting shaft , and the second reduction gear pair and the third reduction gear pair are respectively connected with the connecting shaft; the planetary carrier is connected with a brake; by means of passing an input shaft through the sleeve shaft , the engine is connected with the planetary carrier , and an output shaft is connected with the connecting shaft.2. The hybrid power transmission device for a power system according to claim 1 , wherein: the single planetary gear train is provided within a box claim 1 , and the brake is ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047603A1

A power transmission apparatus for a vehicle may include: first, second, and third input shafts disposed coaxially with each other and each selectively connected with a motor/generator; a torque mediating shaft disposed coaxially with the first input shaft; a first intermediate shaft in parallel with the first input shaft; a second intermediate shaft in parallel with the first input shaft, and selectively connected with a transmission housing; a first shifting section including five gear sets, selectively receiving torques through the first and third input shafts, and providing intermediate shift-stages; and a second shifting section including a planetary gear set, forming an output torque by combination of torques from the first shifting section and the second input shaft, and outputting the output torque to the output shaft through one gear set. 1. A power transmission apparatus for a vehicle having an engine and a motor/generator , the power transmission apparatus comprising:a first input shaft selectively connected with the motor/generator;a second input shaft formed as a hollow shaft, disposed coaxially with and external to the first input shaft without rotational interference, and selectively connected with the motor/generator;a third input shaft formed as a hollow shaft, disposed coaxially with and external to the second input shaft without rotational interference, and selectively connected with the motor/generator;a torque mediating shaft formed as a hollow shaft disposed coaxially with and external to the first input shaft without rotational interference;a first intermediate shaft disposed in parallel with the first input shaft;a second intermediate shaft disposed in parallel with the first input shaft, and selectively connected with a transmission housing;a first shifting section including a first gear set, a second gear set, a third gear set, a fourth gear set, and a fifth gear set, which are disposed on the first and third input shafts, the first and ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047620A1

A method for influencing the efficiency of an electrical grid includes coordinating operation of a first electrified vehicle and a second electrified vehicle traveling along an inductive roadway and having opposite power needs in a manner that influences an amount of energy supplied by the electrical grid during an inductive roadway event. 1. An electrified vehicle , comprising:a drive wheel;an energy storage device configured to selectively provide power for driving the drive wheel; anda control system configured with instructions for coordinating a transfer of energy between the electrified vehicle and other electrified vehicles traveling along an inductive roadway and which have opposite power needs from the electrified vehicle.2. The electrified vehicle as recited in claim 1 , wherein the energy storage device is a battery pack.3. The electrified vehicle as recited in claim 1 , wherein the control system is configured to adjust operation of the electrified vehicle to either accept energy from an inductive roadway interface or discharge energy to the inductive roadway interface.4. The electrified vehicle as recited in claim 1 , wherein the control system is configured to detect the other electrified vehicles traveling on the inductive roadway prior to coordinating the transfer of energy.5. The electrified vehicle as recited in claim 1 , wherein the electrified vehicle includes an inductive charging system in communication with an inductive roadway interface to transfer the energy.6. The electrified vehicle as recited in claim 1 , wherein the opposite power needs indicate that the electrified vehicle or one of the other electrified vehicles needs to discharge excess regenerative energy to the inductive roadway and the other of the electrified vehicle and the one of the other electrified vehicles needs to receive power from the inductive roadway.7. The electrified vehicle as recited in claim 1 , wherein the control system is configured to receive a wireless grid ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048995A1

A control apparatus for a vehicle provided with a step-variable transmission including a one-way clutch to be placed in an engaged state to establish a predetermined one of gear positions of the step-variable transmission, and a coupling device disposed parallel with the one-way clutch, includes a control portion configured to control a shift-up action of the step-variable transmission from the above-indicated predetermined one gear position in which the coupling device is placed in its engaged state, the control portion controlling the shift-up action so as to delay a releasing action of the coupling device where a required torque of the vehicle prior to a moment of initiation of an inertia phase of the shift-up action is larger than a predetermined value, with respect to the releasing action where the required torque is not larger than the predetermined value. 1. A control apparatus for a vehicle provided with a step-variable transmission which is disposed between a drive power source and drive wheels and which includes a one-way clutch to be placed in its engaged state to establish a predetermined one of gear positions of the step-variable transmission , and a coupling device disposed parallel with the one-way clutch , the control apparatus comprising:a control portion configured to control a shift-up action of the step-variable transmission from said predetermined one gear position in which the coupling device is placed in an engaged state, the control portion controlling the shift-up action so as to delay a releasing action of the coupling device where a required torque of the vehicle prior to a moment of initiation of an inertia phase of the shift-up action is larger than a predetermined value, with respect to the releasing action where the required torque is not larger than the predetermined value.2. The control apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the control portion temporarily keeps a commanded value of a releasing hydraulic pressure of the coupling ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050583A1

A hybrid powertrain apparatus comprising a first planetary gear device including at least three rotary elements, a first motor, an output axis, and a second motor connected to a first rotary element, a second rotary element, and a third rotary element of the first planetary gear device; a first brake and a second brake provided to vary rotation restricting states of the first rotary element and the third rotary element relative to a fixing member; an engine variably connected to the first rotary element; a clutch configured to variably connect the first rotary element and the engine to vary a mutual rotation restricting state between the first rotary element and the engine; and a speed multiplication gear or a speed reduction gear between the clutch and the engine and connecting the clutch and the engine. 1. A hybrid powertrain apparatus comprising:a first planetary gear device including at least three rotary elements;a first motor, an output axis, and a second motor connected to a first rotary element, a second rotary element, and a third rotary element of the first planetary gear device, respectively;a second brake provided to vary a rotation restricting state of the third rotary element relative to a fixing member;an engine variably connected to the first rotary element; anda clutch configured to variably connect the first rotary element and the engine so as to vary a mutual rotation restricting state between the first rotary element and the engine.2. The hybrid powertrain apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a first brake provided to vary a rotation restricting state of the first rotary element relative to the fixing member.3. The hybrid powertrain apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising:a speed multiplication gear or a speed reduction gear, which is disposed between the clutch and the engine, connects the clutch and the engine.4. The hybrid powertrain apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the first rotary element claim 3 , the second rotary element claim 3 , ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle Transmission and Hybrid Drivetrain

Номер: US20180050584A1

A motor vehicle transmission including an interface to a drive unit, a drive shaft, an output shaft coaxial to the drive shaft, a differential transmission paraxial to the drive shaft, a device for forming gear ratios between the drive and output shafts, and an electric motor with a fixed stator and a rotatable rotor. The output shaft is connected with the differential transmission by a chain drive and a downstream gear set coaxial to the differential transmission. The electric motor is at an axial end of the transmission where the interface to the drive unit is formed. The rotor is connected with the drive shaft. The chain drive is axially between the differential transmission and the downstream gear set or the downstream gear set is axially between the chain drive and the differential transmission, and the chain drive is axially between the electric motor and the downstream gear set. 18-. (canceled)9. A transmission (G) for a motor vehicle , the transmission (G) comprising:{'b': '1', 'an interface (G) to a transmission-external drive unit (VM);'}{'b': '1', 'a drive shaft (GW);'}{'b': 2', '1, 'an output shaft (GW) coaxial to the drive shaft (GW);'}{'b': '1', 'a differential transmission (AG) paraxial to the drive shaft (GW);'}{'b': 1', '2, 'a device for forming various gear ratios between the drive shaft (GW) and the output shaft (GW); and'}an electric motor (EM) with a rotationally fixed stator (S) and a rotatable rotor (R),{'b': '2', 'wherein the output shaft (GW) is in constant operative connection with the differential transmission (AG) by a chain drive (K) and a downstream gear set (P) coaxial to the differential transmission (AG),'}{'b': '1', 'wherein the electric motor (EM) is at an axial end of the transmission (G) at which the interface (G) to the transmission-external drive unit (VM) is formed,'}{'b': '1', 'wherein the rotor (R) is in constant operative connection with the drive shaft (GW), and'}wherein the chain drive (K) is axially between the ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050508A1
Принадлежит: BORGWARNER INC.

An electric drive unit for a powertrain system including first and second drivelines and a primary propulsion system for translating rotational torque to the first driveline. A motor acts to generate rotational torque and a pinion is disposed in selective communication therewith. A differential is interposed between the pinion and the second driveline of for splitting torque therebetween. A first planetary is disposed between the motor and pinion, and a second planetary is disposed between the first planetary and pinion. A dog clutch interposed between the pinion and the planetaries is movable between a first position wherein torque from the motor is translated through the first planetary and the dog clutch to drive the second driveline at a first drive ratio, and a second position wherein torque from the motor is translated through both planetaries and the dog clutch to drive the second driveline at a second drive ratio. 1. An electric drive unit for use in a powertrain system including first and second drivelines and a primary propulsion system for translating rotational torque to the first driveline , the second driveline including a pair of wheels , said electric drive unit comprising:an electric motor that acts to selectively generate rotational torque;a pinion disposed in selective rotational communication with said electric motor;a differential interposed in torque translating relationship between said pinion and the second driveline of the powertrain system for splitting rotational torque between said pinion and the wheels of the second driveline;a first planetary gearset disposed in selective torque translating relationship between said electric motor and said pinion;a second planetary gearset disposed in selective torque translating relationship between said first planetary gearset and said pinion; anda dog clutch assembly interposed in torque translating relationship between said pinion and said planetary gearsets, wherein said dog clutch assembly is ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053864A1

A gearbox having an input shaft () and an output shaft (); a first epicyclic gear () connected to the input shaft (); a second epicyclic gear () connected to the first epicyclic gear (); a first electrical machine () connected to the first epicyclic gear (); a second electrical machine () connected to the second epicyclic gear (); a first main shaft () connected to the first epicyclic gear (); a second main shaft () connected to the second epicyclic gear (). A first coupling unit () disengagingly connects two rotatable components () at the first epicyclic gear (), and a second coupling unit () disengagingly connects two rotatable components () at the second epicyclic gear (), such that at least one of the rate of revolution and the torque at the first and the second main shafts () can be influenced by controlling at least one of the first and the second coupling units () to a condition of the rotatable components () that is engaged or disengaged. Also a vehicle () having such a gearbox (), a method to control such a gearbox (), a computer program (P) to control a gearbox, and a computer program product comprising program code for an electronic control unit () or another computer () in order to implement the method. 182010812101410161234103612. A gearbox comprising an input shaft () and an output shaft (); a first epicyclic gear () that is connected to the input shaft (); a second epicyclic gear () that is connected to the first epicyclic gear (); a first electrical machine () that is connected to the first epicyclic gear (); a second electrical machine () that is connected to the second epicyclic gear (); a first main shaft () that is connected to the first epicyclic gear (); a second main shaft () that is connected to the second epicyclic gear () ,characterised in{'b': 56', '22', '26', '50', '10, 'that a first coupling unit () that can be controlled is arranged to connect in a manner that allows them to be disengaged two rotatable components (, , ) at the first ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Planetary Gear Set Transmission Apparatus

Номер: US20210054911A1
Автор: Kruse John

A planetary gear set transmission apparatus for providing a variable speed drive with no clutch includes a planet carrier having a set of evenly spaced arms. An input shaft is coupled to the planet carrier and is configured to be connected to an engine. A set of planet gears is coupled to the planet carrier. Each planet gear has a planet axle. A ring gear is coupled to the set of planet gears. A sun gear is coupled to the set of planet gears. An output shaft is coupled to the sun gear. A generator gear is coupled to the ring gear and is in operational communication with the plurality of outer teeth. A generator is coupled to the generator gear and has a generator drive shaft coupled through the generator gear. The generator is used to brake the ring gear and control the speed of the sun gear. 1. A planetary gear set transmission apparatus comprising:a planet carrier, the planet carrier having a carrier outer side and a carrier inner side, the planet carrier having a set of evenly spaced arms;an input shaft coupled to the planet carrier, the input shaft being coupled to the carrier outer side and configured to be connected to an engine;a set of planet gears coupled to the planet carrier, each planet gear having a planet axle rotatably coupled to the carrier inner side of one of the arms of the planet carrier;a ring gear coupled to the set of planet gears, the ring gear having a plurality of inner teeth and a plurality of outer teeth, the plurality of inner teeth being in operational communication with each of the planet gears;a sun gear coupled to the set of planet gears, the sun gear being concentrically disposed within the ring gear adjacent the planet carrier and being in operational communication with each of the planet gears;an output shaft coupled to the sun gear, the output shaft lying coaxially with the input shaft;a generator gear coupled to the ring gear, the generator gear being in operational communication with the plurality of outer teeth; anda generator ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051812A1

A transmission includes a single planetary gearset, a first torque machine, an output member and a two-speed gearset that is coupled to the drive member. The single planetary gearset includes a sun gear, a carrier gearset and a ring gear, wherein the carrier gearset is rotatably couplable to the input member and rotatably couplable to the output member, the sun gear is rotatably coupled to a rotor of the first torque machine, and the ring gear is rotatably couplable to the input member and rotatably couplable to the output member. The output member is rotatably couplable to the two-speed gearset, which is configured to operate in one of a first gear ratio and a second gear ratio. 1. A transmission for transferring mechanical power between an input member and a drive member , the transmission comprising:a single planetary gearset, a first torque machine, an output member and a two-speed gearset that is coupled to the drive member;the single planetary gearset including a sun gear, a carrier gearset and a ring gear, wherein the carrier gearset is rotatably couplable to the input member and rotatably couplable to the output member, the sun gear is rotatably coupled to a rotor of the first torque machine, and the ring gear is rotatably couplable to the input member and rotatably couplable to the output member; andthe output member rotatably couplable to the two-speed gearset, wherein the two-speed gearset is configured to operate in one of a first gear ratio and a second gear ratio;wherein the transmission operates at a first final drive ratio to transfer power between the input member, the drive member and the first torque machine by coupling the input member to the ring gear, coupling the output member to the carrier gearset, and operating the two-speed output gearset at the first gear ratio; andwherein the transmission operates at a second final drive ratio to transfer power between the input member, the drive member and the first torque machine by coupling the input ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059686A1

A hybrid powertrain that includes a combustion engine () and a gearbox () with an input shaft () and an output shaft (); a first planetary gear () connected to the input shaft (); a second planetary gear () connected to the first planetary gear (); a first electrical machine () connected to the first planetary gear (); a second electrical machine () connected to the second planetary gear (); at least one gear pair (G) connected to the first planetary gear () and to the output shaft (); and at least one gear pair (G) connected to the second planetary gear () and to the output shaft (), a countershaft () provided between the combustion engine () and the gearbox () so that the engine () can be disconnected from the gearbox (). Also disclosed is a method for controlling the disclosed hybrid powertrain (). Also a vehicle () includes such a gearbox (), and a method to control such a gearbox (). Also a computer program (P) to control a gearbox. 1428201081210141016121607210202667812201064242. A hybrid powertrain comprising a combustion engine () and a gearbox () with an input shaft () and an output shaft (); a first planetary gear () connected to the input shaft (); a second planetary gear () connected to the first planetary gear (); a first electrical machine () connected to the first planetary gear (); a second electrical machine () connected to the second planetary gear (); at least one gear pair (G , , ) connected to the first planetary gear () and to the output shaft (); and at least one gear pair (G , , ) connected to the second planetary gear () and to the output shaft () , characterised in that a clutch device () is provided between the combustion engine () and the gearbox () so that the engine () can be disconnected from the gearbox ().210697482. A hybrid powertrain according to claim 1 , characterised in that the clutch device () is situated between an output shaft () of the combustion engine () and the input shaft () of the gearbox ().334103612. A hybrid ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057335A1
Автор: Baur Markus, GERSTEN Rayk

A hybrid drive arrangement of a motor vehicle, which has a main transmission having an input shaft and housing. An electric machine, that can operate either as a motor and a generator, has a stator and rotor which, on the input side, is connected to the main transmission. A planetary gearset is arranged between the rotor and the transmission input shaft. The transmission input shaft has a central oil bore and transverse bores for supplying oil to the planetary gearset and the electric machine. The planetary gearset and the electric machine are accommodated in a hybrid housing. The hybrid housing is connected to the transmission housing of the main transmission by an oil return line. The oil stream passing into the oil return line is in heat-transferring connection, by way of a partition wall, with a coolant which flows through a cooling duct arranged radially outside the stator. 16-. (canceled)7. A hybrid drive arrangement for a motor vehicle , the hybrid drive arrangement comprising:a main transmission with a transmission input shaft and a transmission housing,{'b': 25', '25', '25', '25, 'i': a', 'b, 'an electric machine () being operable as a motor and as a generator and comprising a stator () and a rotor (), and the electric machine () being connected to an input side of the main transmission,'}{'b': '25', 'i': 'b', 'a planetary gearset being arranged between the rotor () and the transmission input shaft,'}{'b': '25', 'the transmission input shaft having a central oil bore and transverse bores for supplying oil to the planetary gearset and the electric machine (),'}{'b': 25', '20, 'the planetary gearset and the electric machine () being accommodated in a hybrid housing (),'}{'b': 20', '42, 'the hybrid housing () being connected to the transmission housing of the main transmission by way of an oil return line (),'}{'b': 50', '25, 'i': 'a', 'a cooling duct () being arranged radially outside the stator () through which coolant flows, and'}{'b': '42', 'an oil stream ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061304A1

A vehicle transmission with a drive shaft (AW), two transmission input shafts (GE GE), at least one decoupling element (K X), which is assigned to the second transmission input shaft (GE), a main shaft (HW), an output shaft (AV) and at least three planetary gear sets (PG PG PG). A respective subtransmission (TG TG) is assigned to each of the transmission input shafts (GE GE). One of the two subtransmissions (TG TG) includes at least the first planetary gear set (PG) while the other of the two subtransmissions (TG TG) includes at least the second planetary gear set (PG). The shafts (AB, AW, GE GE HW) are or can be operatively connected to the three planetary gear sets such that at least seven forward gears can be shifted to by the two subtransmissions (TG TG). One of these gears can be shifted as a direct gear or another as an overdrive gear. 117-. (canceled)18. A vehicle transmission comprising:{'b': 1', '2', '2', '1', '2, 'a drive shaft (AW) having first and second transmission input shafts (GE, GE), and at least one decoupling element (K, X) being assigned to the second transmission input shaft (GE);'}a main shaft (HW);an output shaft (AB);{'b': 1', '2', '3', '1', '2', '3', '1', '2', '3', '1', '2', '3', '1', '2', '3, 'at least first, second and third planetary gear sets (PG, PG, PG), each of the first planetary gear set, the second planetary gear set and the third planetary gear set having, as planetary elements, at least a ring gear (HR, HR, HR), a sun gear (SR, SR, SR) and a planet carrier (PT, PT, PT) with planet gears (PR, PR, PR);'}{'b': 1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7, 'a plurality of shift elements (S, S, S, S, S, S, S) for shifting either gear transmission ratios or driving connections;'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '2', '1', '2', '1', '1', '2', '2, 'wherein a first subtransmission (TG) is assigned to the first transmission input shaft (GE) and a second subtransmission (TG) is assigned to the second transmission input shaft (GE), one of the first and the second ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Power-split transmission

Номер: US20200055385A1

A power-split transmission comprises an electric variator (9) and an electric variator (10) which can be connected, by way of a clutch (8), for forward driving, and a clutch (7), for reverse driving, to the drive output shaft (5) in such manner that the drive output shaft (5) can be purely electrically driven even when the input shaft (2) is static.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Hybrid Transaxle

Номер: US20180058557A1

A power split hybrid transaxle includes an axis transfer chain and a final drive planetary gear set. The components are arranged such that the power split planetary gear set is opposite the final drive planetary gear set with both located at the front of the transmission. This minimized the axial length of the transaxle by limiting the number of components that must be staggered axially. Furthermore, this permits use of electric machines with a large diameter and short axial length which also reduces the total axial length of the transaxle. 1. A transaxle comprising:a first planetary gear set having a first sun gear, a first carrier fixedly coupled to an input shaft, and a first ring gear fixedly coupled to a first sprocket;a second planetary gear set having a second sun gear, a second carrier fixedly coupled to the first ring gear, and a second ring gear fixedly held against rotation relative to a transmission case;a first electric machine fixedly coupled to the first sun gear; anda second electric machine fixedly coupled to the second sun gear,wherein the first and second planetary gear sets and the first and second electric machines are all located along a common axis, the input shaft extends from a front side of the first planetary gear set, and the second planetary gear set and first and second electric machines are located on a rear side of the first planetary gear set.2. The transaxle of further comprising:a pump having a pump shaft;a second sprocket fixedly coupled to the input shaft;a third sprocket fixedly coupled to the pump shaft; anda first chain engaging the second sprocket and the third sprocket.3. The transaxle of further comprising:a differential having a differential input;a fourth sprocket fixedly driveably connected to the differential input; anda second chain engaging the first sprocket and the fourth sprocket.4. The transaxle of wherein the fourth sprocket is fixedly driveably connected to the differential by a third planetary gear set having a ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170059033A1

A power transmission apparatus of a vehicle is provided. The power transmission apparatus includes: an input shaft; a brake mechanism; an oil pump; a housing case; a center support; a lubricating oil reservoir; and an oil passage. The brake mechanism includes a stationary race and a rotary race that are adjacently arranged in an axial direction of the input shaft. The center support is disposed between an inner surface of the housing case and the input shaft in the housing case. The center support is configured to support the input shaft relative to the housing case. The lubricating oil reservoir is disposed in a lubrication passage of the lubricating oil inside the housing case. The oil passage communicates the lubricating oil reservoir with the rotary race of the brake mechanism such that the lubricating oil reserved in the lubricating oil reservoir is supplied into the brake mechanism. 1. A power transmission apparatus of a vehicle , the vehicle including an engine and a motor as a driving power source , the vehicle configured to travel using only the motor as the driving power source with the engine stopped , the power transmission apparatus comprising:an input shaft into which power from the engine is inputted;a brake mechanism arranged around the input shaft, the brake mechanism including a stationary race and a rotary race that are adjacently arranged in an axial direction of the input shaft, the rotary race configured to rotate along with rotation of the motor;an oil pump configured to supply lubricating oil to the brake mechanism, the oil pump configured to be driven by rotation of the input shaft;a housing case housing the input shaft, the brake mechanism, and the oil pump inside the housing case;a center support disposed between an inner surface of the housing case and the input shaft in the housing case, the center support configured to support the input shaft relative to the housing case;a lubricating oil reservoir disposed in a lubrication passage of ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068831A1
Автор: Ebner Philipp
Принадлежит: MAGNA Powertrain AG & Co. KG

A drive unit for a hybrid vehicle which has a front axle and a rear axle, having an internal combustion engine, which is arranged in the region of the front axle, for driving at least the rear axle, an electric machine for driving the front axle, and a front axle differential which has an input member for receiving a drive power output from the electric machine, and two output members for coupling to a respective wheel of the front axle. The electric machine and the front axle differential are arranged along the front axle on opposed sides of the internal combustion engine, the electric machine being coupled in drive terms to the input member of the front axle differential via a connecting shaft which is guided through an oil sump of the internal combustion engine. 1. A drive unit for a hybrid vehicle which has a front axle and a rear axle , having an internal combustion engine , which is arranged in the region of the front axle , for driving at least the rear axle , an electric machine for driving the front axle , and a front axle differential which has an input member for receiving a drive power output from the electric machine , and two output members for coupling to a respective wheel of the front axle , the electric machine and the front axle differential being arranged along the front axle on opposed sides of the internal combustion engine , and the electric machine being coupled in drive terms to the input member of the front axle differential via a connecting shaft which is guided through an oil sump of the internal combustion engine.2. The drive unit as claimed in claim 1 , the connecting shaft being guided through a passage which is provided in the oil sump.3. The drive unit as claimed in claim 1 , the connecting shaft being configured as a hollow shaft claim 1 , through which a lateral shaft is guided which leads from one of the output members of the front axle differential to the associated wheel of the front axle.4. The drive unit as claimed in claim 1 ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063603A1

A shifting control apparatus includes an overall-speed-position shifting control portion including: a synchronous shifting control portion to implement a synchronous control of shifting actions of the vehicular automatic transmission and the step-variable transmission portion to respective target ones of the overall speed positions and the gear positions, such that a moment of generation of a command to establish the target overall speed position is delayed with respect to a moment of generation of a command to establish the target gear position, so that the shifting actions take place in synchronization with each other, irrespective of different control response times of the shifting actions; and a multiple-step shifting control portion to command the synchronous shifting control portion such that the vehicular automatic transmission performs a shift-up action from a present one of the overall speed position to the target overall speed position through at least one intermediate overall speed position intermediate. 1. A shifting control apparatus for a vehicular automatic transmission having (a) an electrically controlled continuously variable transmission portion configured to transmit a rotary motion of a drive power source to an intermediate power transmitting member such that a speed ratio of an operating speed of the drive power source to a rotating speed of the intermediate power transmitting member is continuously varied with a torque control by a differential motor/generator , and (b) a mechanically operated step-variable transmission portion which is disposed between the intermediate power transmitting member and drive wheels of a vehicle , and which has a plurality of mechanically established gear positions having respective different ratios of the rotating speed of the intermediate power transmitting member to an output speed of the step-variable transmission portion , the shifting control apparatus comprising:an overall-speed-position shifting control ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069428A1

A downsized hydraulic system for a vehicle having a mechanical oil pump and an electric oil pump is provided. The hydraulic system comprises a first check valve allowing oil to flow only from the mechanical oil pump to an oil requiring site, and a second check valve allowing oil to flow only from the electric oil pump to an oil requiring site. The first check valve comprises a first port connected to an outlet of the mechanical oil pump, a second port connected to an outlet port of the second check valve, and a third port connected to the oil requiring site. The first check valve is adapted to provide a communication among those three ports by opening the first port, and provided with a through guide allowing the oil to flow between the second port and the third port even when the first port is closed. 1. A hydraulic system for a vehicle , comprising:a first oil pump that is driven by a prime mover of a vehicle to generate hydraulic pressure;a second oil pump that is driven by its own electric motor other than an electric motor serving as the prime mover to generate hydraulic pressure;an oil requiring site to which the oil discharged from the first oil pump and the second oil pump is delivered;a first check valve that is disposed between an oil requiring site to which the oil discharged from the first oil pump or the second oil pump is delivered, and that is adapted to allow the oil to flow only in a direction from the first oil pump toward the oil requiring site by opening an inlet port; anda second check valve that is disposed between the oil requiring site and the second oil pump, and that is adapted to allow the oil to flow only in a direction from the second oil pump toward the oil requiring site by opening an inlet port;wherein the first check valve comprises a first port as the inlet port that is connected to an outlet of the first oil pump, a second port that is connected to an outlet port of the second check valve, and a third port that is connected to the ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066316A1

A power transmitting apparatus may include: an electric supplementary drive unit; a torque converting device having first, second, and third rotation elements, wherein the first rotation element is connected to the electric supplementary drive unit, the second rotation element is connected to an engine, and the third rotation element is operated as an output element; a first input shaft directly connected to the second rotation element, and a second input shaft directly connected to the third rotation element; a direct coupling device selectively connecting two rotation elements among the first, second, and third rotation elements, a first speed output unit having first and second synchronizer modules, and a second speed output unit having third and fourth synchronizer modules; and a reverse speed device having an idle gear and engaging to any one input gear on the first and second input shafts. 1. (canceled)2. A power transmitting apparatus for a vehicle , comprising:an electric supplementary drive unit operated as a motor or a generator;a torque converting device including a planetary gear set having first, second, and third rotation elements, wherein the first rotation element is connected to the electric supplementary drive unit, the second rotation element is connected to an engine, and the third rotation element is operated as an output element;an input device including a first input shaft directly connected to the second rotation element and provided with at least one input gear fixedly disposed thereon, and a second input shaft disposed on the same axis as the first input shaft without rotational interference with the first input shaft, directly connected to the third rotation element, and provided with at least one input gear fixedly disposed thereon;a direct coupling device selectively connecting two rotation elements among the first, second, and third rotation elements of the torque converting device so as to cause the torque converting device to become a ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067554A1

An apparatus includes a case, a motor, a gear mechanism, a lubrication mechanism, and a cooling mechanism. The motor and the gear mechanism are housed in the case. The gear mechanism includes a specified gear and a first gear. A vertical lower section of the first gear is positioned above a surface of the oil. The lubrication mechanism lubricates the gear mechanism by the oil thrown up by the specified gear. The cooling mechanism includes an oil pump and a pipe. The oil pump and the pipe supply the oil reserved in the case to the motor. The pipe is located above the first gear. The pipe has a hole, and the oil discharged from the hole. The hole is positioned above the first gear. A normal line direction of the hole differs from a vertically downward direction. The first gear does not overlap the normal line direction. 1. A vehicle drive apparatus comprising:a case in which oil is reserved;an electric motor housed in the case;a gear mechanism housed in the case, and the gear mechanism including a specified gear and a first gear, a vertical lower section of the first gear positioned above a surface of the oil in a vertical direction;a lubrication mechanism configured to lubricate the gear mechanism by the oil thrown up by the specified gear;a cooling mechanism including an oil pump and a pipe, the cooling mechanism configured to pressure-feed the oil reserved in the case by the oil pump and supply the oil to the electric motor to cool the electric motor, and the pipe configured to feed the oil discharged from the oil pump to the electric motor,the pipe located above the first gear in the vertical direction, and the pipe having a hole, some of the oil flowing through the pipe being discharged from the hole, the hole being positioned above the first gear in the vertical direction, the hole being arranged at a position where a normal line direction of the hole differs from a vertically downward direction from the hole, andthe first gear being arranged at a position that ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150072819A1

Provided is a hybrid vehicle driving apparatus including: a power transmission mechanism which is connected to an engine and is able to output a rotation of the engine while changing the rotation speed; a differential mechanism which connects the power transmission mechanism and a drive wheel to each other; and a regulation device, wherein the differential mechanism includes a first rotation component which is connected to an output component of the power transmission mechanism, a second rotation component which is connected to a first rotating electric machine, and a third rotation component which is connected to a second rotating electric machine and the drive wheel, and wherein the regulation device switches between a state where a differential operation of the differential mechanism is regulated and a state where the differential operation of the differential mechanism is allowed. 1. A hybrid vehicle driving apparatus comprising:a first differential mechanism which is connected to an engine and is able to output a rotation of the engine while changing its rotation speed;a second differential mechanism configured to connect the first differential mechanism and a drive wheel to each othera regulation device configured to switch between a state where a differential operation of the second differential mechanism is regulated and a state where the differential operation of the second differential mechanism is allowed; anda switching device configured to switch the first differential mechanism to a connection state where the engine and the second differential mechanism are connected to each other and a neutral state where the engine and the second differential mechanism are disconnected from each other, whereinthe second differential mechanism includes a first rotation component which is connected to an output component of the first differential mechanism, a second rotation component which is connected to a first rotating electric machine, and a third rotation ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150072823A1
Автор: Rintoo Mikko
Принадлежит: VALTRA OY AB

A power-split transmission for a vehicle comprises a forward-reverse transmission module, an epicyclic module and a secondary power branch. The forward-reverse power shuttle module () comprises an input shaft () coupled to a primary motor () and an output shaft (). Also included, first and second clutches () are alternatively engageable to close respective forward and reverse drive paths between the input shaft and output shaft. Engagement of the first clutch couples the input shaft directly to the output shaft. Engagement of the second clutch couples the input shaft to the output shaft via first and second gear sets () which each comprise a plurality of meshed gears. One of the gear sets () comprises an odd number of gears and the other gear set () comprises an even number of gears. The epicyclic module comprises a first epicyclic input connected to the output shaft of the forward-reverse transmission module, a second epicyclic input connected to an output side of the secondary power branch, and an epicyclic output. The secondary power branch derives power from the primary motor via the first gear set. 1. A power-split transmission for a vehicle comprising a forward-reverse transmission module , an epicyclic module and a secondary power branch , the forward-reverse transmission module comprising an input shaft coupled to a primary motor , an output shaft , first and second clutches which are alternatively engageable to close respective forward and reverse drive paths between the input shaft and output shaft , wherein engagement of the first clutch couples the input shaft directly to the output shaft , and engagement of the second clutch couples the input shaft to the output shaft via first and second gear sets which each comprise a plurality of meshed gears , one of said gear sets comprising an odd number of gears and the other said gear set comprising an even number of gears , the epicyclic module having a first epicyclic input connected to the output shaft of the ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140148290A1

A power transmission system of a hybrid vehicle may include an input shaft, and an output shaft. A first planetary gear set includes a first rotation element connected to a first motor/generator, a second rotation element operated as an output element, and a third rotation element connected to the input shaft and a second motor/generator. A second planetary gear set includes a fourth rotation element connected to the third rotation element and the second motor/generator, a fifth rotation element connected to the second rotation element through an externally-meshing gear and, and a sixth rotation element connected to a transmission housing. A direct-coupling device connects two rotation elements among the fourth, fifth, and sixth rotation elements of the second planetary gear set, and transfer gears form the externally-meshing gears. Friction elements connect a selected rotation element to a selected transfer gear or a selected rotation element to the transmission housing. 1. A power transmission system of a hybrid electric vehicle , comprising:an input shaft receiving a torque of an engine;an output shaft disposed in parallel with the input shaft;a first planetary gear set disposed on the input shaft, and including a first rotation element connected to a first motor/generator, a second rotation element operating as an output element, and a third rotation element directly connected to the input shaft and selectively connected to a second motor/generator;a second planetary gear set disposed on the output shaft, and including a fourth rotation element selectively connected to the third rotation element and always connected to the second motor/generator through an externally-meshing gear, a fifth rotation element connected to the second rotation element through an externally-meshing gear and connected to the output shaft, and a sixth rotation element selectively connected to a transmission housing;a direct-coupling device connecting two rotation elements among the ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Automated manual transmission

Номер: US20140148294A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

An automated manual transmission may include first and second auxiliary gears, wherein the first auxiliary gear is rotatably provided on an INPUT shaft to be rotated relatively with respect to the INPUT shaft and wherein the second auxiliary gear is provided on an OUTPUT shaft to be meshed with the first auxiliary gear, a planetary gear unit provided with three or more rotational elements wherein one rotational element thereof receives power from an engine to be rotated constantly and another rotational element thereof is coupled to the first auxiliary gear provided on the INPUT shaft to be rotated, and a motor generator that is coupled to still another rotational element of the rotational elements and provides a rotational power to the still another rotational element in shifting gears so that the rotational power is transmitted to the OUTPUT shaft through the first and second auxiliary gears.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180072149A1

A planetary gear assembly for transferring torque in a transmission includes first and second planetary gear sets, each including a ring gear, a sun gear, and a carrier bearing a plurality of planet gears. A bridge portion connects a first carrier of the first planetary gear set to a second ring gear of the second planetary gear set. The bridge portion may be disposed radially outward of the first sun gear, and the bridge portion may be connected to an outer side of the first carrier. In some examples, a first ring bearing assembly is constrained by the first ring gear and the bridge structure; a first carrier bearing assembly is constrained by a first case portion and a bridge extension extending from the first carrier; and a second ring bearing assembly is constrained by a second case portion and a second bridge extension extending from the second ring gear. 1. A planetary gear assembly for transferring torque in an automotive transmission comprising:a first planetary gear set comprising a first sun gear, a first ring gear, and a first carrier bearing a plurality of first planet gears, the first planet gears being in meshing engagement with at least one of the first sun gear and the first ring gear, each first planet gear being configured to translate about the first sun gear, the first carrier having an inner side disposed adjacent to the first sun gear and an outer side disposed adjacent to the first ring gear;a second planetary gear set disposed adjacent to the first planetary gear set, the second planetary gear set comprising a second sun gear, a second ring gear, and a second carrier bearing a plurality of second planet gears, the second planet gears being in meshing engagement with at least one of the second sun gear and the second ring gear, each second planet gear being configured to translate about the second sun gear; anda bridge portion connecting the second ring gear to the outer side of the first carrier, the bridge portion being disposed radially ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Drive Train System

Номер: US20180072150A1

A drive train system includes at least one internal combustion engine, at least one generator driven by the internal combustion engine for generating electrical energy, at least one electrical machine electrically connected to the generator, at least one driven front axle and at least one driven rear axle, an automatic or manual transmission located between the internal combustion engine and the respective axles, and at least one epicyclic gear unit. Each of the at least one drive front axle and at least one drive rear axle includes output means and is driven by the internal combustion engine. 1. A drive train system , comprising:an internal combustion engine,a generator driven by the internal combustion engine for generating electrical energy,an electrical machine electrically connected to the generator,a front axle and a rear axle, each of the front and rear axles having output means and being driven by the internal combustion engine,a transmission provided between the internal combustion engine and the respective axles in the drive train, andan epicyclic gear unit coupled to the output means of the front axle, the electrical machine, and the internal combustion engine via the transmission;wherein, the drive power of the internal combustion engine and the electrical machine are summed in the epicyclic gear unit and transferred to the output means of the front axle, and the output means of the front axle are simultaneously driven by the internal combustion engine and the electrical machine.2. The drive train system of claim 1 , wherein the generator and the electrical machine are coupled to at least one energy storage unit.3. The drive train system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one storage unit comprises a rechargeable battery.4. The drive train system of claim 1 , further comprising a controller operably controlling the epicyclic gear unit.5. The drive train system of claim 1 , wherein the epicyclic gear unit is a planetary gear unit.6. The drive train system ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072782A1
Автор: Miller Donald C.

A transmission having a plurality of tilting balls and opposing input and output discs provides an infinite number of speed combinations over its transmission ratio range. The transmission provides multiple powerpaths and can be combined with electrical components to provide motor/generator functionality, which reduces the overall size and complexity of the motor and transmission compared to when they are constructed separately. In one embodiment, rotatable components of a continuously variable transmission are coupled separately to an electrical rotor and to an electrical stator so that the rotor and stator rotate simultaneously in opposite directions relative to one another. In other embodiments, an electrical rotor is configured to transfer torque to or from a disc that is in contact with a plurality of speed adjusters, while an electrical stator is configured to transfer torque to a shaft that is operationally coupled to the speed adjusters via an idler. 1. A vehicle comprising:an input power source; and a plurality of power adjusters arranged angularly about an axis and in contact with an idler positioned between the plurality of power adjusters and coaxial with the axis, each power adjuster rotatable about a respective tiltable axle,', 'a first disc in contact with the plurality of power adjusters, the first disc configured to receive an input torque from the input power source and to transfer the input torque to the plurality of power adjusters,', 'a second disc in contact with the plurality of power adjusters and configured to transfer an output torque to a mechanical device, the mechanical device being one of an output shaft and a rotatable hub shell, wherein the first and second discs are positioned relative to one another on opposite sides of the plurality of power adjusters,', 'an electrical stator coupled to one of the first disc, the second disc, and the idler, and', 'an electrical rotor coupled to another one of the first disc, the second disc, and ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070651A1
Автор: Duan Chengwu, Yao Jian

A powertrain for a vehicle includes a housing, a motor generator unit, a torque converter, a first and second shafts, a first and second gear sets, and a torque transmitting mechanism. The motor generator unit includes an output member. The torque converter includes a pump and a turbine. The pump is connected for common rotation with the output member of the motor generator unit. The first shaft rotatably is supported by the powertrain housing and is connected for common rotation with the turbine of the torque converter. The second shaft is rotatably supported by the powertrain housing and disposed parallel to the first shaft. An output gear is connected for common rotation to the second shaft. 1. A powertrain for a vehicle , the powertrain comprising:a powertrain housing;a motor generator unit comprising an output member;a torque converter comprising a pump and a turbine, and wherein the pump is connected for common rotation with the output member of the motor generator unit;a first shaft rotatably supported by the powertrain housing, and wherein the first shaft is connected for common rotation with the turbine of the torque converter;a second shaft rotatably supported by the powertrain housing and disposed parallel to the first shaft, and wherein an output gear is connected for common rotation to the second shaft;a first gear set comprising a first gear and a second gear, and wherein the first gear is rotatably supported by the first shaft and the second gear is connected for common rotation with the second shaft;a second gear set comprising a third gear and a fourth gear, and wherein the third gear is rotatably supported by the first shaft and the fourth gear is connected for common rotation with the second shaft, anda torque transmitting mechanism to selectively transfer torque from the first shaft to the second shaft; andwherein the powertrain is selectively actuated to provide one of a first forward drive gear ratio and a reverse drive gear ratio.2. The ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160082821A1

The invention relates to a drive train () for a hybrid vehicle comprising an internal combustion engine () having a motor shaft () for providing a torque for driving the hybrid vehicle, and comprising an electric machine () for providing a torque for driving the hybrid vehicle, wherein the electric machine (), in particular for starting of the internal combustion engine (), can be coupled to the motor shaft () by means of a selectively engageable planetary gear unit () for providing at least two different transmission ratios, wherein the electric machine () can be coupled by means of a transmission gearing (), in particular a sun gear system having a transmission ratio different from 1.0, having an intermediate shaft () for introducing the torque into the planetary gear unit (). 11218. A drive train for a hybrid motor vehicle , having an internal combustion engine () , which has an engine shaft () , for supplying a torque to drive the hybrid motor vehicle , and{'b': 30', '30', '18', '38, 'an electric machine () for supplying a torque to drive the hybrid motor vehicle, wherein the electric machine () can be coupled to the engine shaft (), in particular in order to start the internal combustion engine, via a shiftable planetary gearset () for supplying at least two different transmission ratios,'}{'b': 30', '48', '46', '38, 'wherein the electric machine () can be coupled, via a speed-transforming gear (), in particular a spur wheel gear, having a transmission ratio differing from 1.0, to an intermediate shaft () in order to introduce the torque into the planetary gearset ().'}2305456501846. The drive train of claim 1 , wherein the electric machine () can be coupled to at least one auxiliary unit ( claim 1 , ) via an auxiliary shaft () that is spaced apart radially from the engine shaft () and can be coupled to the intermediate shaft ().330121246501230. The drive train of claim 2 , wherein the electric machine () is positioned at an axial level of the internal ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Work vehicle and method of controlling work vehicle

Номер: US20160082950A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD

A power transmission includes first and second clutches for switching a transmission path for a driving force. A work vehicle includes a clutch controlling unit. When a speed ratio parameter transitions within a predetermined first range including a mode switching threshold after the speed ratio parameter reaches the mode switching threshold and then the transmission path is switched from a first mode to a second mode, the clutch controlling unit is configured to output a clutch command signal for disengaging the first clutch and output a clutch command signal for engaging the second clutch to keep setting the transmission path in the second mode even when the speed ratio parameter again reaches the mode switching threshold.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Motor Vehicle Transmission

Номер: US20190078665A1

A motor vehicle transmission, the transmission having an input shaft rotationally fixed to a second element of a first planetary gear set and rotationally fixable to a first element of a second planetary gear set by a first shift element. A first element of the first planetary gear set is rotationally fixable to a housing of the transmission by a second shift element and to the first element of the second planetary gear set by a third shift element. An output shaft of the transmission is rotationally fixed to a third element of the first planetary gear set and to a second element of the second planetary gear set. A third element of the second planetary gear set is rotationally fixable to the housing by a fourth shift element. Additionally, two elements of the first planetary gear set are rotationally fixable to each other by a fifth shift element. 115-: (canceled)16. A transmission (G) for a motor vehicle , comprising:a housing (GG);an electric motor (EM) having a rotor (R);{'b': '1', 'an input shaft (GW);'}{'b': '2', 'an output shaft (GW);'}{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2', '11', '12', '21', '22', '31', '32, 'a pair of planetary gear sets with a first planetary gear set (P) and a second planetary gear set (P), each of the pair of planetary gear sets (P, P) includes a first element (E, E), a second element (E, E), and a third element (E, E); and'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '2', '3, 'a plurality of shift elements with a first shift element (K), a second shift element (B), a third shift element (K), a fourth shift element (B), and a fifth shift element (K),'}{'b': 1', '2', '11', '21', '31', '12', '22', '32', '1', '2, 'wherein the rotor (R) is connected to the input shaft (GW), to the output shaft (GW), or to at least one of the first, second, and third elements (E, E, E, E, E, E) of the pair of planetary gear sets (P, P),'}{'b': 1', '21', '1', '12', '2', '1, 'the input shaft (GW) is rotationally fixed to the second element (E) of the first planetary gear set (P) and is rotationally ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Work vehicle and method of controlling work vehicle

Номер: US20160083930A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD

A power transmission includes first and second clutches for switching a transmission path for a driving force therein. A clutch controlling unit provided for a work vehicle is configured to switch the transmission path from one to the other of first and second modes when a speed ratio parameter reaches a mode switching threshold. The clutch controlling unit is configured to keep setting the transmission path in the other mode even when the speed ratio parameter again reaches the mode switching threshold until a switching prohibition period having a predetermined initial value expires as long as a period of time elapsed after mode switching is included in the switching prohibition period. A trigger detecting unit provided for the work vehicle is configured to make the switching prohibition period expire when detecting a predetermined operation in the switching prohibition period.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079206A1

A transmission having five planetary gearsets and seven shift elements for achieving various ratios between drive and output shafts. A forward gearset has three shafts. Two intermediate gearsets have four shafts. Two main gearsets have at least four shafts. Depending on the shift states of the second and third shift elements, the forward gearset can generate two rotational speeds at the output side, which transfer from a forward gearset shaft to an intermediate gearset shaft. Depending on the shift states of the first to fifth shift elements, the intermediate gearset can generate eight rotational speeds at the output side, which pass from another intermediate gearset shaft to a main gearset shaft. Depending on the shift states of the seven shift elements, the main gearset can generate up to fourteen forward and two reverse gears at the output side, which are transferred by another main gearset shaft to the output shaft. 130-. (canceled)31. An automatic transmission for a motor vehicle , the automatic transmission comprising:a transmission housing (GG), a rotary drive shaft (AN) and a rotary output shaft (AB);{'b': 1', '2', '3', '4', '5, 'first, second, third, fourth and fifth planetary gearsets being designed as either a minus or a plus planetary gearset (RS, RS, RS, RS, RS);'}first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh shift elements (A, B, C, D, E, L, H) for achieving a plurality of ratios between the rotary drive shaft (AN) and the rotary output shaft (AB);{'b': 1', '2', '3', '4', '5, 'each of the first, the second, the third, the fourth and the fifth planetary gearsets having a first element designed as a sun gear (SO, SO, SO, SO, SO);'}{'b': 1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5, 'each of the first, the second, the third, the fourth and the fifth planetary gearsets, designed as a minus planetary gearset, having a second element designed as a planetary carrier (ST, ST, ST, ST, ST) and a third element designed as a ring gear (HO, HO, HO, HO, ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180086331A1
Автор: Sato Daiki, Suzuki Yudai

A control device for a hybrid vehicle includes: an engine; an electric motor; a power distribution mechanism including an input element connected to the engine, an output element to transmit power toward an output shaft, and a reaction force element fixed selectively and non-rotatably and brings about a reaction force against power from the engine and to distribute power from the engine to the electric motor and the output shaft; a fixing unit selectively switching between an engaged state and a disengaged state; and a control unit to control a magnitude of torque output from the engine in the engaged state to be less than the magnitude of torque output from the engine in the disengaged state when an engine speed in the disengaged state is equivalent to that in the engaged state. 1. A control device for a hybrid vehicle , comprising:an engine;an electric motor;a power distribution mechanism including an input element which is connected to the engine, an output element which transmits power toward an output shaft, and a reaction force element which is fixed selectively and non-rotatably and brings about a reaction force against power output from the engine, and configured to distribute power from the engine to the electric motor and the output shaft;a fixing unit configured to selectively switch between an engaged state in which the reaction force element is fixed non-rotatably and a disengaged state in which the reaction force element is rotatably disengaged; anda control unit configured to control a magnitude of torque output from the engine in the engaged state to be less than the magnitude of torque output from the engine in the disengaged state when an engine speed in the disengaged state is equivalent to the engine speed in the engaged state.2. The control device for a hybrid vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit is configured to control an engine output-additional amount with respect to an output of the engine in the engaged state to be less ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190084404A1

A control apparatus for a vehicular power transmitting system includes a drive mode setting portion configured to select a first reverse drive mode of the vehicle to be established with an engaging action of the first coupling element, and a required vehicle drive force determining portion configured to determine whether a degree of operation of an accelerator pedal of the vehicle during reverse driving of the vehicle is higher than a predetermined threshold value. The drive mode setting portion selects the first reverse drive mode when the required vehicle drive force determining portion has determined that the degree of operation of the accelerator pedal during the reverse driving of the vehicle is higher than the predetermined threshold value. 1. A control apparatus for a power transmitting system of a vehicle including: a first differential mechanism having a first rotary element , a second rotary element and a third rotary element; a second differential mechanism having a fourth rotary element , a fifth rotary element and a sixth rotary element; and a first coupling element for connecting the second rotary element and a stationary member to each other , and wherein the first rotary element is connected to an engine , the third rotary element is connected to the sixth rotary element , the fifth rotary element is connected to an output shaft , the fourth rotary element is connected to a first motor/generator , and the output shaft is connected to a second motor/generator , the control apparatus comprising:a required vehicle drive force determining portion configured to determine whether a degree of operation of an accelerator pedal of the vehicle during reverse driving of the vehicle is higher than a predetermined threshold value; anda drive mode setting portion configured to select a first reverse drive mode of the vehicle to be established in an engaged state of the first coupling element, when the required vehicle drive force determining portion has determined ...
