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21-11-2022 дата публикации

Изделие для заземления рельсового пути

Номер: RU2783907C1

Изобретение относится к соединениям для заземления рельсового пути. Изделие для заземления рельсового пути содержит захват и прижимной элемент, стальной канат, прикрепленные к нему с двух сторон неразъемные наконечники. При этом с одной стороны наконечник выполнен в виде шпильки с нарезанной внешней резьбой, загнутым захватом и содержит прижимную пластину, пружинную гроверную шайбу и гайку. С другой стороны наконечник имеет внутреннюю прорезь и содержит болт, ввинченный в его корпус. Наконечники выполнены с канатом неразъемно путем их опрессовки. При этом диаметры наконечников в местах их опрессовки с канатом составляют не менее 14 мм. Технический результат изобретения заключается в обеспечении надежного качества электрического контакта с рельсом и надежной фиксации заземляющего кабеля в наконечниках. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

15-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019129075A
Принадлежит: САЛТЕК С.Р.О.

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2019 129 075 A (51) МПК B60M 5/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2019129075, 15.03.2018 (71) Заявитель(и): САЛТЕК С.Р.О. (CZ) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 15.03.2017 CZ PV 2017-143 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 15.10.2019 R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 15.04.2021 Бюл. № 11 (72) Автор(ы): СУЧЫ, Яромир (CZ), РУЗИЦКА, Ярослав (CZ), БОЧЕЗА, Павел (CZ) (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2018/167716 (20.09.2018) R U (54) ОГРАНИЧИТЕЛЬ НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ С ЗАЩИТОЙ ОТ ПЕРЕНАПРЯЖЕНИЯ (57) Формула изобретения 1. Ограничитель напряжения с защитой от перенапряжения, содержащий изолирующую оболочку (26), закрытую сверху электро- и теплопроводящей первой контактной пластиной (2), снабженной первым контактным выводом (1), и закрытую снизу электро- и теплопроводящей второй контактной пластиной (10), снабженной вторым контактным выводом (9), при этом ограничитель выполнен из двух противоположно ориентированных запускающих полупроводниковых элементов (5, 13), расположенных внутри указанной изолирующей оболочки (26), и подключенного параллельно защитного элемента (17), состоящего из одного или более чем одного параллельно подключенных варисторов, при этом защитный элемент (17) расположен между двумя внутренними пластинами (3, 11), при этом запускающие полупроводниковые элементы (5, 13) соединены с электронным устройством управления и контактными выводами (1, 9) посредством вспомогательных линий, при этом ограничитель снабжен зажимающей конструкцией для зажима и электрического соединения отдельных частей, отличающийся тем, что первый запускающий полупроводниковый элемент (5) расположен между электро- и теплопроводящей первой внутренней пластиной (3), соединенной с катодом (7), и электро- и теплопроводящей первой контактной пластиной (2), соединенной с анодом (6), и второй запускающий полупроводниковый элемент (13), ...

20-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004107897A

... 1. Ручной инструмент, предназначенный для захвата железнодорожного контактного рельса, для облегчения его заземления, содержащий первый рабочий орган, содержащий первую зажимную губку на его конце, рукоятку на его противоположном конце и первую промежуточную часть, проходящую между первой зажимной губкой и рукояткой; второй рабочий орган, шарнирно соединенный с первым рабочим органом, содержащий вторую зажимную губку на его конце, набор храповых зубьев на его противоположном конце и вторую промежуточную часть, проходящую между второй зажимной губкой и набором храповых зубьев, причем первая и вторая зажимные губки выполнены с возможностью поворота в направлении друг к другу и захвата соответствующих противолежащих боковых частей железнодорожного контактного рельса при повороте рукоятки в первом направлении так, чтобы вторая промежуточная часть имела электрический контакт с железнодорожным контактным рельсом; и собачку, проходящую от первого рабочего органа, выполненную с возможностью вхождения ...

15-09-1989 дата публикации

Устройство для пропуска тягового тока по рельсовой линии

Номер: SU1507632A1

Изобретение относится к железнодорожной автоматике и может быть применено для оборудования рельсовых цепей. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности. Цель достигается тем, что между началом дополнительной обмотки 2 и концом основной обмотки 1 включен регулируемый реактор 4, зашунтированный конденсатором 5. На частоте путевого источника колебательный контур, состоящий из реактора и конденсатора, образует двухполюсник с большим сопротивлением, и ток, индуцируемый в контуре, равен нулю в силу противоположности ЭДС в обмотке реактора. 1 ил.

23-12-1983 дата публикации

Устройство для канализации тягового тока на электрифицированных железных дорогах

Номер: SU1062051A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ КАНАЛИЗАЦИИ ТЯГОВОГО ТОКА НА ЭЛЕКТРИФИЦИРОВАННЫХ ЖЕЛЕЗНЫХ ДОРОГАХ, содержащее один дроссель-трансформатор, выводы основной обмотки которого подключены к одному и другому рельсу с одной стороны изолирующего стыка, другой дроссель-трансформатор, выводы основной обмотки которого подключены к одному и другому рель- , су с другой стороны из олирукядего стыка. а средние выводы одного и другого дроссель-трансформаторов соединены между собой, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности, оно снабжено датчиком разности тяговых токов в рельсах, управляемым ключевым злементом, блоком управления ключевым элементом, блоком питания, датчиком тока компенсации , причем другой дроссель-трансформатор выполнен d расположенной на одном сердечнике с основной обмоткой компенсирующей обмоткой, выводы которой подключены через ключевой элемент и датчик тока компенсации к блоку питания, управляющий i вход ключевого элемента и выход датчика тока компенсации соединены (Л соответственно с одним ...

23-06-1990 дата публикации

Устройство для снижения токов в земле от рельсовой линии

Номер: SU1572853A1

Изобретение относится к устройствам электроснабжения электрической тяги постоянного тока и предназначено для снижения токов в земле. Цель изобретения - уменьшение токов в земле и повышение доли тягового тока. Устройство содержит токовод 1, соединеный в средней части межподстанционной зоны и в подстанционной зоне с рельсовой цепью 2 через управляемые вентильные блоки 3, включаемые по напряжению рельсовая цепь-земля, источник 4 тока. Электровоз 5 получает питание от подстанции 6 по контактной сети 7. За счет повышения напряжения источника тока рельсовая цепь оказывается поляризованной, и часть тока рельсовой цепи передается по тоководу. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

21-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: DE0059504521D1

21-10-2010 дата публикации

Method for interrupting leakage current and insulating e.g. sleeper screws of switch box of tram rail structure against stay current, involves applying elastic coating on or between elements standing in contact with each other

Номер: DE102009039288A1

The method involves applying an elastic coating (20) on or between elements standing in contact with each other, where the coating is made of polyurea, polyuria, polyurethane and epoxy resin or polyurea mixture. Fire-resistant substances in the form of inorganic salts or metal organic compounds are added to the coating, where the substances are selected from a group consisting of calcium carbonate, aluminum trihydrate, magnesium hydroxide, sodium hydroxystannate and/or calcium hydroxystannate. The coating has a thickness in the range of 1 to 4 mm.

15-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000174454T

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AU2014100560A4

Abstract The invention relates to an apparatus for accommodating voltage-limiting devices, including voltage-limiting devices resistant to lightning current, in an exchangeable manner, said voltage-limiting devices having contact surfaces for protecting system parts not grounded during operation, said apparatus comprising a screw cap (2) having an inner cavity (16) for accommodating the voltage-limiting device, a connection terminal (3) having a contact surface for the voltage-limiting device, and an insulating body (11). According to the invention, the connection terminal is designed as a threaded bolt (3) having a bolt head (10), wherein the bolt head has a larger diameter than the threaded section. The insulating body (11) has a bushing shape having an inside diameter suitable for accommodating the threaded bolt (3). In the assembled state, the bolt head (10) lies against a first side of a circumferential collar of the insulating body (11). A base plate (1) or a base body is provided ...

27-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002457708A1

Hand-held tools (40) for gripping a railway contact rail to facilitate grounding thereof are provided. A first member (42) includes a first jaw (43) at an end thereof, a handle at an opposite end thereof, and a first intermediate portion extending between the first jaw and the handle. A second member (52) is pivotally attached to the first member and includes a second jaw (53) at an end thereof, a set of ratchet teeth (54) at an opposite end thereof, and a second intermeditate portion extending between the second jaw and the set of ratchet teeth. The first and second jaws are configured to pivot relative to each other so as to grip respective opposite side portions of a railway contact when the handle is moved downwardly such that the second intermediate portion is in electrical contact with a top portion of a railway contact rail. A pawl extends from the first intermediate portion and is configured to engage the set of ratchet teeth to hold the first and second jaws in contact with the ...

24-11-2017 дата публикации

Protecting device and method for rail potential

Номер: CN0107380015A

26-02-2020 дата публикации

Voltage limiting device

Номер: KR1020200020609A

19-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001419556A1
Автор: LADIN, Dmitry

Hand-held tools (40) for gripping a railway contact rail to facilitate grounding thereof are provided. A first member (42) includes a first jaw (43) at an end thereof, a handle at an opposite end thereof, and a first intermediate portion extending between the first jaw and the handle. A second member (52) is pivotally attached to the first member and includes a second jaw (53) at an end thereof, a set of ratchet teeth (54) at an opposite end thereof, and a second intermeditate portion extending between the second jaw and the set of ratchet teeth. The first and second jaws are configured to pivot relative to each other so as to grip respective opposite side portions of a railway contact when the handle is moved downwardly such that the second intermediate portion is in electrical contact with a top portion of a railway contact rail. A pawl extends from the first intermediate portion and is configured to engage the set of ratchet teeth to hold the first and second jaws in contact with the ...

07-03-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для измерения асимметрии тягового тока

Номер: SU1632828A1

Изобретение относится к железнодорожной автоматике и телемеханике, а именно к устройствам для измерения асимметрии тягового тока. Цель изобретения - повышение точности. К каждой из половин основной обмотки дроссель-трансформатора 8 подключены соединенные последовательно и согласно обмотки 5.1 и 6.1 трансформаторов 5 и 6. другие обмотки 5.2 и 6.2 которых, соединенные последовательно и встречно, подключены к выключателю 2, а к сумматору 1 подключены выводы дроссель-трансформатора 8. На входы блока 3 деления поступают два сигнала, пропорциональные разности и сумме тяговых токов, протекающих по рельсам 7. Результат деления поступает на индикатор 4. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 2 ил.

23-08-1988 дата публикации

Устройство для пропуска тягового тока по рельсовой линии

Номер: SU1418154A1

Изобретение относится к железнодорожной автоматике. Цель изобретения - повьшение надежности. Достигается тем, что на частоте путевого источника колебательный контур, ,состоящий из конденсатора 6, обмотки 4 и части обмотки 3, образует двухполюсник с очень больпшм сопротивлением . Ток, индуцируемый в контуре , равен нулю в силу противоположности ЭДС в обмотке 4 и части обмотки 3. Следовательно, устройство работает в полной симметрии. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 1 ил.

30-12-1984 дата публикации

Устройство для регулирования напряжения на шинах тяговой подстанции

Номер: SU1131696A1

... -УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ НА ШИНАХ ТЯГОВОЙ ПОДСТАНЦИИ, содержащее установленные в межподстанционной зоне датчики напряжения , подключенные через преобразователи к линии связи, к которой на тяговой подстанции подключен стационарный преобразователь, блок сравнения , подключенный к исполнительному блоку через блок пороговых элементов , отличающееся тем, что с целью повышения точности и минимизации блуждающих токов, оно снабжено интеграторами соответственно положительных и отрицательных значений сигнала, задатчиком оптимальной величины потенциала тяговой сети, подключенным к одному входу блока сравнения , блоком вычитания, один и другой входы которого подключены к выхо- 59 дам соответственно интегратора поло (Л жительных и интегратора отрицательных значений сигнала, а выход подключен к другому входу блока сравнения, причем датчики напряжения выполнены в виде датчиков потенциала рельсовой тяговой сети.

15-05-1984 дата публикации

Устройство вентильного секционирования тяговой рельсовой сети

Номер: SU1092063A1

... 1. УСТРОЙСТВО ВЕНТИЛЬНОГО СЕКЦИОНИРОВАНИЯ ТЯГОВОЙ РЕЛЬСОВОЙ СЕТИ, преимущественно метрополитена , содержащее подключенные к рельсам по границам рельсовых цепей, первичные обмотки дроссель-трансформаторов, средние выводы которых через вентильные блоки соединены с первым входом датчика наличия сигнального тока, другой вход которого соединен с обходной пере.мычкой, вторичная обмотка датчика наличия сигнального тока двумя выходами подключена к двум входам блок-фильтра сигнального тока, выход которого соединен с входом порогового элемента, исполнительный блок, один выход которого соединен с входом блока сигнализации и управления светофором автоблокировки, а другой выход - с входо.м блока сигнализации, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности, оно снабжено элементом совпадения и датчиком уровня напряжения на путевом реле, подключаемым входо.м к обмотке путевого реле, а выходо.м подключенным через размыкающий контакт путеI вого реле к одному входу элемента сов (Л падения, другой вход ...

15-07-2010 дата публикации

Erdungskabel, insbesondere Bahnerdungskabel zur Erdung von Eisenbahneinrichtungen

Номер: DE102008063086A1

Das Erdungskabel (2), insbesondere Bahnerdungskabel zur Erdung von Bahneinrichtungen (16) weist eine Mehrzahl von Einzeldrähten (6A, 6B) auf, wobei zumindest ein Teil der Einzeldrähte als Kombinationsdrähte (6B) ausgebildet sind, die zwei unterschiedliche Metalle aufweisen, nämlich einen Drahtkern (12) und einen diesen umgebenden Kupfermantel (14). Durch das Einziehen der Kombinationsdrähte wird quasi in das ansonsten reine Kupfer-Material des Erdungskabels eine Verunreinigung eingebracht, die den Recyclingwert eines derartigen Erdungskabels deutlich minimiert. Hierdurch wird der Anreiz für eine Entwendung derartiger Erdungskabel entzogen, wodurch ein zuverlässiger Diebstahlschutz erzielt ist.

25-11-2021 дата публикации

Schienenfahrzeug mit einem automatischen Erdungsschalter und Verfahren zum Erden von elektrischen Leitern in einem Bereich eines Schienenfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102020113562A1

Verfahren zum Erden von elektrischen Leitern in einem Bereichs eines Schienenfahrzeugs (100), das einen Stromabnehmer (1) zum Kontaktieren einer Hochspannungsquelle (101) und einen mit dem Stromabnehmer (1) elektrisch verbundenen elektrischen Leiter in einem Bereich (2, 12) des Schienenfahrzeuges aufweist, aufweisend: - Freischalten des elektrischen Leiters in Bereich (2, 12); und - automatisches Erden des elektrischen Leiters im Bereich (2, 12) mittels eines Erdungsschalters nach dem Freischalten des elektrischen Leiters, wobei das Erden nach dem Freischalten ohne manuelles Betätigen des Erdungsschalters erfolgt.

15-09-1976 дата публикации


Номер: ATA546275A

15-09-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000546275A

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000343858T

25-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000336675B

11-03-2008 дата публикации

Low tension earth connection of railway car/Low tension signal/auxiliary power jumper coupler one body type box

Номер: KR0200420712Y1

23-02-1985 дата публикации

Устройство для заземления опор контактной сети

Номер: SU1141026A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ЗАЗЕМЛЕНИЯ ОПОР КОНТАКТНОЙ СЕТИ, содержащее установленные на опорах контактной сети и связанные с металлическими поддерживающими конструкциями заземляющие проводники, рельсовую цепь, заземляющий блок подстанции, связываемый с одним полюсом источника энергоснабжения и протяженный заземлитель, отличающееся, тем, что, с целью повышения надежности защитного заземления, снижения электрической коррозии подземных металлических сооружений и повышения надежности действия максимально-токовой защиты, протяженный заземлитель секционирован двумя встречно включенными полупроводниковыми вентилями , подключаемыми общим катодом к одному полюсу источника энергоснабжения, причем между заземляющим блоком подстан§ ции и одним полюсом источника энергоснабжения включен вентиль. (Л S е ю Од ...

30-10-1990 дата публикации

Устройство для ограничения потенциалов рельсов

Номер: SU1602776A1

Изобретение относится к электрическому транспорту и может быть использовано в контактной электровозной откатке угольных шахт, опасных по газу и пыли. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности. Устройство содержит отсасывающий кабель 1, регулируемые источники 2 и 3 постоянного тока, датчики 4 и 5 наличия потенциалов рельсов, подключенные напряжения рельс-земля, выходы которых подключены к управляющим входам регулируемых источников тока, а входы - к рельсу в местах подключения отрицательных к нему выводов регулируемых источников тока, и вентильные блоки 6-9, включенные между отсасывающим кабелем и рельсами анодами к последним. Устройство уменьшает ток в рельсовой цепи. 1 ил.

11-06-1971 дата публикации

Искровой промежуток многократного действия

Номер: SU306521A1
Автор: Хариков В.Ф.

06-03-1996 дата публикации

Electric power conductor earthing assembly

Номер: GB0002276134B

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Measurement arrangement and method for detecting an AC voltage as a rail potential in DC railway systems and use of the measurement arrangement

Номер: AU2014204920B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The invention relates to a measurement arrangement (1, 22) for a rail potential in a DC railway system, wherein rails (10) of the DC railway system are connected to earth (2) by means of at least one switchable semiconductor element (32), wherein the at least one switchable semiconductor element (32) can be switched to be conductive when a threshold value for the rail potential is exceeded, and wherein the measurement arrangement (1, 22) connects rails (10) and earth (2) in a current path running parallel to the at least one switchable semiconductor element and has an evaluation device (31) for detecting DC voltages, characterised in that the measurement arrangement is also designed to detect AC voltages (34) in the rail potential and is equipped with a rectification device (6), which rectifies periodically occurring voltage peaks (35), wherein the periodically occurring voltage peaks (35) can be generated by the at least one switchable semiconductor element (32) when an AC voltage (34) ...

20-11-2019 дата публикации

Voltage limiter with over voltage protection

Номер: KR1020190129929A

08-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010037578A1

The invention relates to a device and a method for limiting the rail potential in a DC railway, a low-impedance link (8) being arranged between the rail (1) and the ground (2) below the structure. A switchgear (7) which is connected to a control unit (4) via a control line is connected to the link (8), while the control unit (4) is connected to a voltmeter (3) that is arranged between the rail (1) and the ground (2) below the structure. According to the invention, the switchgear (7) comprises a contactor coil (6) that is connected to a dynamic control unit (4). The switchgear (7) closes and thus connects the link (8) in a conducting manner when the voltage between the rail (1) and the ground (2) below the structure exceeds a threshold value.

31-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011036287A1

The invention relates to a device for limiting a voltage (U1) between a first electric line (1), which is in particular connected to a running rail (G) of a DC railway, and a second electrical line (2), which is in particular connected to the ground (E). The device comprises at least one first unit (3) for short-circuiting the lines (1, 2), which responds when the voltage (U1) exceeds a threshold voltage, and a second unit (4), connected in parallel to the first, for short-circuiting the lines (1, 2), which can be electronically switched when the voltage (U1) exceeds a response voltage (UB). Simple dimensioning of the first short-circuiting unit (3) and protection of the second short-circuiting unit (4) when subjected to high current intensity changes are made possible by a unit (5) for measuring a temporal change of the current intensity (di/dt) in the first line caused by the voltage (U1) and by a control unit (6) that is connected to said unit and designed to switch on the second short-circuiting ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Switching device and voltage limiting device having a switching device

Номер: US20220148837A1
Автор: Julian Beuchelt

The invention relates to a switching device, in particular for a voltage limiting device, which has a first fixed switching contact which is electrically connected to a first device terminal , a second fixed switching contact which is electrically connected to a second device terminal , and a movable switching contact . The invention also relates to a voltage limiting device which has such a switching device . The first and second fixed switching contacts of the switching device are arranged next to one another in such a way that their contact surfaces A, A point in the same direction. The movable switching contact can be moved between a closed position in which the first and second fixed switching contacts are electrically connected to one another, and an open position in which the first and second fixed switching contacts are separated from one another. The first and second fixed switching contacts and the movable switching contact form an arrangement of electrical conductors which are arranged substantially parallel to one another. At least one of the fixed switching contacts has an elongated contact surface which extends in the direction A of current flow. Electrodynamic forces act on the fixed conductors and the movable conductor , which are directed in such a way that the conductors attract each other, i.e., the switching contacts tend to close. 116-. (canceled)17. A switching device for a voltage limiting device , comprising:a first fixed switching contact electrically connected to a first device terminal, the first fixed switching contact including a first fixed switching contact surface;a second fixed switching contact electrically connected to a second device terminal, the second fixed switching contact including a second fixed switching contact surface;a movable switching contact movable between a closed position in which the first and second fixed switching contacts are electrically connected to one another, and an open position in which the first and ...

28-06-2019 дата публикации

Steel rail voltage limiting system and method

Номер: CN0109941154A

16-04-1953 дата публикации

Method and installation for grounding electrical overhead cranes

Номер: FR0001025501A

07-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008014982A1

The present application relates to a thermite welding method comprising a step of inserting a welding lug into a through hole (9) of a thermite tool or crucible (2) and positioning at least a portion (10) of the welding lug inside a hollow portion (8) with a predetermined spacing from the base metal surface; a step of sealing the aperture portion of the hollow portion (8) by the surface of the base metal; a step of pouring melted thermite into the hollow portion (8) to form a welded portion; and a step of destroying at least the portion (6) between the welding lug and the surface of the base metal in the crucible (13) or the welding tool (1). The invention also provides a welding tool (1) and a crucible (2) for performing this method. The invention achieves an increase in the welding area between the surface of the base metal and the welding lug in thermite welding.

27-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2582439C2

Изобретение относится к линиям энергоснабжения, расположенным вдоль железнодорожного полотна, для транспортных средств с электротягой. Узел крепления заземления для присоединения кабеля заземления к рельсам контактной сети содержит захват и металлический прижим. Захват выполнен из металлической пластины, имеющей сквозное отверстие, по обе стороны от которого выполнены направленные в одну сторону два отгиба. Один отгиб имеет загиб по контуру сечения подошвы рельса, а другой отгиб отогнут на угол 90°. Захват снабжен также двумя продольными ребрами жесткости, расположенными по обе стороны от сквозного отверстия перпендикулярно рельсу. Металлический прижим выполнен из металлического швеллера, имеющего с одной стороны, взаимодействующей с подошвой рельса, скос полок. С другой стороны швеллера выполнены два дополнительных соосных отверстия, через которые пропущен кабель заземления. Скос прижима выполнен под углом α=15-20°. Прижим снабжен сквозным овальным отверстием. Захват и металлический прижим ...

20-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2289874C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и предназначено для использования при замене железнодорожных рельсов. Техническим результатом является упрощение и повышение безопасности обслуживания железнодорожного контактного рельса. Ручной инструмент (40) содержит первый рабочий орган (42), включающий зажимную губку (43), рукоятку и промежуточную часть между первой зажимной губкой и рукояткой. Второй рабочий орган (52) шарнирно соединен с первым рабочим органом (42) и содержит зажимную губку (53), набор храповых зубьев (54) и промежуточную часть, проходящую между второй зажимной губкой и набором храповых зубьев. Собачка (60) связана с первым рабочим органом и предназначена для вхождения в зацепление с набором храповых зубьев и для удерживания зажимных губок в контакте с соответствующими противолежащими боковыми частями железнодорожного контактного рельса. Отклоняющий элемент (62) функционально соединен с собачкой. Отжимной рычаг (64) функционально соединен с отклоняющим элементом (62) ...

17-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2755549C2
Принадлежит: САЛТЕК С.Р.О. (CZ)

FIELD: overvoltage protection. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to devices for reducing the potential difference between rails and ground. A voltage limiter with overvoltage protection contains an insulating shell closed from above by the first contact plate with the first contact terminal and closed from below by the second contact plate with the second contact terminal. The limiter is made of two triggering semiconductor elements and a protective element connected in parallel. The protective element is located between two inner plates. Triggering semiconductor elements are connected to an electronic control device and contact terminals by means of auxiliary lines. The first triggering semiconductor element is located between the first inner plate and the first contact plate. The second triggering semiconductor element is located between the second inner plate and the second contact plate. The first contact plate and the second inner plate are fastened using two electrically conductive first support elements. The second contact plate and the first inner plate are fastened using two electrically conductive second support elements. EFFECT: providing effective protection against pulse overvoltage. 10 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 755 549 C2 (51) МПК B60M 5/02 (2006.01) H01C 7/12 (2006.01) H02H 9/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60M 5/02 (2021.05); H01C 7/12 (2021.05); H02H 9/044 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019129075, 15.03.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): САЛТЕК С.Р.О. (CZ) 17.09.2021 15.03.2017 CZ PV 2017-143 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 15.04.2021 Бюл. № 11 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: EP 1855365 A1, 14.11.2007. RU 2282294 C2, 20.08.2006. DE 102009043229 A1, 31.03.2011. RU 2247459 C2, 27.02.2005. (45) Опубликовано: 17.09.2021 Бюл. № 26 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014122675A

... 1. Узел крепления заземления для присоединения кабеля заземления к рельсам контактной сети, содержащий захват рельса, выполненный из металлической пластины, имеющей сквозное отверстие, по обе стороны от которого выполнены в одном направлении два отгиба, один из которых имеет загиб по контуру сечения подошвы рельса, а другой отогнут на угол 90°, и снабженный продольными ребрами жесткости, расположенными по обе стороны от сквозного отверстия, а также металлический прижим, снабженный сквозным отверстием и взаимодействующий с захватом рельса посредством резьбового соединительного элемента, пропущенного через их сквозные отверстия, отличающийся тем, что прижим выполнен из металлического швеллера, имеющего с одной стороны, взаимодействующей с подошвой рельса, скос полок, а с другой его стороны, в полках швеллера, выполнены два дополнительных соосных отверстия, в которые пропущен кабель заземления, при этом скос прижима, взаимодействующий с подошвой рельса, выполнен под углом α=15÷20°, а сквозное ...

07-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060215673D1

02-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002457708C

Hand-held tools (40) for gripping a railway contact rail to facilitate grounding thereof are provided. A first member (42) includes a first jaw (43) at an end thereof, a handle at an opposite end thereof, and a first intermediate portion extending between the first jaw and the handle. A second member (52) is pivotally attached to the first member and includes a second jaw (53) at an end thereof, a set of ratchet teeth (54) at an opposite end thereof, and a second intermeditate portion extending between the second jaw and the set of ratchet teeth. The first and second jaws are configured to pivot relative to each other so as to grip respective opposite side portions of a railway contact when the handle is moved downwardly such that the second intermediate portion is in electrical contact with a top portion of a railway contact rail. A pawl extends from the first intermediate portion and is configured to engage the set of ratchet teeth to hold the first and second jaws in contact with the ...

10-05-2019 дата публикации

System and method for using energy-feedback inversion device to solve steel rail potential problem

Номер: CN0109733253A

30-06-1991 дата публикации

Рельсовая цепь с устройством для ограничения потенциалов рельсов

Номер: SU1659254A1

Изобретение относится к электроснабжению рельсового транспорта на постоян . ном токе и может быть использовано в контактной электровозной откатке угольных шахт, опасных по газу и пыли. Цель изобре- тения - повышение надежности. Цепь содержит отсасывающий кабель 1, соединенный перемычками с рельсами. Перемычки 2-4 связывают кабель с рельсами напрямую, перемычки 5 и 6 - через вентильные блоки 7, регулируемые источники 8 тока , включенные согласно с преобразователем 9 тяговой подстанции в рассечки участков кабеля 1, датчики 10 и 11 тока, включенные в рассечку участков кабеля 1, Каждый источник 8 подключен своими управляющими входами к выходам датчиков 10 и 11 и включает в себя инверторно- выпрямительный блок 13 Благодаря регулированию выходной сигнал блока 14 управления формирует выходной сигнал в виде сигнала рассогласования между суммой сигналов датчиков тока и выходным сигналом датчика 12 напряжения. Благодаря этому ток нагрузки отсасывается в кабель 1, а потенциалы рельсов относительно ...

04-03-1941 дата публикации

Номер: US0002233905A1

29-12-2020 дата публикации

Номер: CN0212243041U

07-11-2017 дата публикации

Multi-functional in urban traffic rail potential protection device

Номер: CN0107323311A

08-11-1938 дата публикации

Railway bootleg

Номер: US2135741A

21-09-1994 дата публикации

Apparatus for earthing power conductors in electric railways

Номер: GB0002276134A

An assembly for temporarily earthing an overhead electric power conductor of an electric railway comprises a clamp 14 that can be locked within a groove in a rail 1 of the track of the railway or tramway, and an earthing strap 12 for electrically connecting the clamp l4 to the overhead electric power conductor. The clamp comprises a steel flat body 16 which locates on top of the rail 1, and a plate 18 extending from the flat body 16 into the groove in the rail 1. The plate 18 carries a lug 20 which locates in a hole in the rail 1 to secure the clamp 14 to the rail 1. ...

07-08-2002 дата публикации

Low impedance safety and energy saving conductor slipping contact wire

Номер: CN0002504128Y

12-11-2015 дата публикации

Kabel, insbesondere Erdungskabel zur Erdung von Einrichtungen im Freiland

Номер: DE102014208821A1

Das Kabel (2) ist insbesondere als Erdungskabel zur Erdung von Einrichtungen im Freiland, insbesondere Eisenbahneinrichtung eingesetzt. Es weist eine Mehrzahl von Einzeldrähten (4) auf, die von einem Kabelmantel (6) umgeben sind. Die Einzeldrähte (4) sind einem Kern (10) und in zumindest einer den Kern (10) umgebenden Lage (12, 14) angeordnet. Ein Teil der Einzeldrähte ist als Kupferdrähte (4C) ausgebildet. Um einen Diebstahlschutz zu erreichen ist weiterhin eine Kombination aus magnetischen Einzeldrähten, insbesondere Stahldrähten (4A) sowie nicht magnetischen Einzeldrähten, insbesondere Edelstahldrähte (4B) vorgesehen. Ergänzend sind die Einzeldrähte (4) vorzugsweise in einer Dichtmasse (20) eingebettet und weiter besteht vorzugsweise die äußere Lage (12) des Verbunds aus den Einzeldrähten (4) ausschließlich aus verzinnten Kupferdrähten (4C). Durch diese Maßnahmen wird das Recyceln und damit der Wert derartiger Kabel (2) deutlich gemindert.

02-07-2020 дата публикации

Voltage limiter with overvoltage protection

Номер: AU2018235358B2
Принадлежит: WRAYS PTY LTD

The submitted voltage limiter consists of the insulating shell (26), closed from the top by the electrically and thermally conductive first contact plate (2) provided with the first connecting point (1) and from the bottom by the electrically and thermally conductive second contact plate (10) provided with the second connecting point (9). The embodiment of the two triggering semiconductor elements (5, 13) oriented in opposing directions and the protection member (17) connected to it in parallel, located between the two inner plates (3, 11), is located inside the insulating shell (26). The semiconductor elements (5, 13) are simultaneously interconnected with the electronic control device and connecting points (1, 9). The limiter is equipped with compressive construction to provide clamping and electrical interconnection of individual parts. The first triggering semiconductor element (5) is located between the thermally and electrically conductive first inner plate (3), which is in contact ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации

Method for Transmitting Traction Power Network Data

Номер: US20200398698A1

The present invention provides a method for transmitting the electric power data of a rail includes collecting electrical current analog signals from a conductor rail and transmitting the electrical current analog signals to a processing module; converting the electrical current analog signals into electrical current digital signals through the processing module; transmitting the electrical current digital signals to a monitoring platform through a wireless communication module. The electrical current information of the conductor rail is collected by an electric current sensor installed on a cable, which is connected to the conductor rail. The electrical current information collected by the electric current sensor is transmitted to the processing module after pre-processing comprising signal amplification and filtering. The present method effectively prevents problems of high bit error rates and faults with a negative impact on the data transmission with data message corrupted by noise during transmission. 1. A method for transmitting an electric power data of a rail , comprising:collecting electrical current analog signals from a conductor rail and transmitting the electrical current analog signals to a processing module;converting the electrical current analog signals into electrical current digital signals through the processing module; andtransmitting the electrical current digital signals to a monitoring platform through a wireless communication module.2. The method for transmitting the electric power data of a rail according to claim 1 , characterized in that electrical current information of the conductor rail is collected by an electric current sensor set on a cable claim 1 , wherein the cable is connected to the conductor rail.3. The method for transmitting the electric power data of a rail according to claim 2 , characterized in that the electrical current information collected by the electric current sensor is transmitted to the processing module after a ...

05-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: EP3582997B1
Принадлежит: SALTEK s.r.o.

24-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: JP2004359194A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a protector for an electric overhead line capable of preventing an accident such as burning of a discharger due to a surge voltage. SOLUTION: The discharger 20 provided between a negative feeder NF or a protective wire PW and the ground is provided with a first electrode 21 and a second electrode 22 respectively having permanent magnets 23, 24 being arranged inside. The first electrode 21 and the second electrode 22 are respectively provided with annular discharge surfaces 25, 26, and the permanent magnets 23, 24 form a magnetic field in a radial direction in a gap 27 between the discharge surfaces 25, 26. An electric field by the surge voltage is formed in the direction vertically crossing the magnetic field, and accordingly arc discharge by the surge voltage receives driving force in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field and the electric field and is driven to rotate between the both discharge surfaces 25, 26. The arc discharge is prevented ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Kriechstromunterbrechung und/oder Streustromisolierung

Номер: DE102009039288B4

Verfahren zur Kriechstromunterbrechung und/oder Streustromisolierung im Schienenbau durch Auftragen einer elastischen Beschichtung (20) aus einem Polyharnstoffgemisch mit einem Anteil von 1% bis 95% Polyharnstoff zumindest auf oder zwischen den in Kontakt stehenden Elementen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Beschichtung unmittelbar auf die Oberflächen der zu isolierenden Elemente aufgetragen wird und eine Schichtdicke von 0,5 bis 2 mm aufweist, und dass der Beschichtung (20) brandhemmende Stoffe in Form von anorganischen Salzen oder metallorganischen Verbindungen, besonders bevorzugt Stoffe ausgewählt aus der Gruppe, bestehend aus Calciumcarbonat, Aluminiumtrihydrat, Magnesiumhydroxid, Natrium- und/oder Kaliumhydroxystannat, zugegeben sind.

30-03-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001505572A

... 1505572 Milling device KARL PFISTERER ELEKTROTECHNISCHE SPEZIALARTI KEL 31 July 1975 [6 Aug 1974] 31993/75 Heading B3K [Also in Division H2] An earthing terminal for a rail flange comprises a body 3 to which a cable can be attached using the threaded hole 10, a milling head 7, and a guide point 6 resiliently mounted in a spindle 5 which is in threaded engagement with the terminal body, and terminated in a square shaft so that the spindle and hence the point may be screwed down by a ratchet device 4, the milling head being rotated with movement of the handle in both directions by bracket 8. The screw 18 acting on spring 19 and friction disc 2 ensures initial operation of the ratchet. In an alternative embodiment a guide point is provided in the middle of the milling head, is resiliently mounted and is insulated from the rest of the terminal.

21-11-2019 дата публикации

Insulating track segment for underground power system and corresponding underground power system

Номер: AU2019203080A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Insulating track segment for underground power system and corresponding underground power system Insulating track segment (42) for a ground power supply system (10), characterized in that it comprises a body made of an electric current insulating material, wherein the segment constitutes a portion of an insulating track (40) for forming a continuous sliding surface for a pad of a vehicle powered by the ground power supply system. Figure 1 r-j ryU -f ...

24-05-1938 дата публикации

Railway bootleg

Номер: US2118148A

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Abbauen einer Potentialdifferenz zwischen Masseanschlüssen / Erdungssystemen eines Bahnnetzes

Номер: DE102016215769A1

Eine Vorrichtung (1) zum Abbauen einer Potentialdifferenz zwischen einem ersten Masseanschluss (31) und einem zweiten Masseanschluss (32) wird beschrieben. Der erste Masseanschluss (31) wird ausgebildet von einer Schiene (3) für ein Schienenfahrzeug (4), und der zweite Masseanschluss (32) wird ausgebildet von einem Bauwerk (5), an dem die Schiene (3) installiert ist. Die Vorrichtung (1) umfasst: einen Strompfad (11) zum Führen eines Stroms zwischen dem ersten Masseanschluss (31) und dem zweiten Masseanschluss (32); ein im Strompfad (11) installiertes steuerbares Schaltmodul (12); eine Messeinrichtung (13), die ausgebildet ist zum Messen wenigstens einer Messgröße, die indikativ für den Strom im Strompfad (11) und/oder für die Potentialdifferenz zwischen den Masseanschlüssen (31, 32) ist, und zum Bereitstellen eines Messergebnisses (131); eine Steuereinrichtung (14), die ausgebildet ist, in Abhängigkeit von dem Messergebnis (131) ein Steuersignal (141) zu erzeugen und dem Schaltmodul (12 ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Measurement arrangement and method for detecting an AC voltage as a rail potential in DC railway systems and use of the measurement arrangement

Номер: AU2014204920A1

The invention relates to a measurement arrangement (1, 22) for a rail potential in a DC railway system, wherein rails (10) of the DC railway system are connected to earth (2) by means of at least one switchable semiconductor element (32), wherein the at least one switchable semiconductor element (32) can be switched to be conductive when a threshold value for the rail potential is exceeded, and wherein the measurement arrangement (1, 22) connects rails (10) and earth (2) in a current path running parallel to the at least one switchable semiconductor element and has an evaluation device (31) for detecting DC voltages, characterised in that the measurement arrangement is also designed to detect AC voltages (34) in the rail potential and is equipped with a rectification device (6), which rectifies periodically occurring voltage peaks (35), wherein the periodically occurring voltage peaks (35) can be generated by the at least one switchable semiconductor element (32) when an AC voltage (34) ...

08-07-2009 дата публикации

Apparatus for grounding railway contact rails

Номер: CN0100511842C

10-10-2018 дата публикации

배류 제어회로

Номер: KR0101906164B1
Принадлежит: 서울도시가스 주식회사

... 본 발명에 따른 배류 제어회로는 전철 레일(rail)과 지중 매설 배관 사이에 연결된 제한저항, 제한저항과 지중 매설 배관 사이에 직렬로 연결된 제1 다이오드 소자, 및 제1 다이오드 소자의 양단에 병렬로 연결되어 제한저항에 흐르는 전류가 기설정된 값을 유지하도록 보상전류를 생성하는 강제배류 회로를 포함한다.

18-01-2019 дата публикации

Rail current potential restraining device among subway direct current traction power supply system

Номер: CN0208393171U

04-05-2018 дата публикации

Subway platform screen door's segmentation insulation system

Номер: CN0207311179U

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180024594A

According to the present invention, a drainage control circuit comprises: a limit resistor connected between a subway rail and an underground pipeline; a first diode element connected in series between the limit resistor and the underground pipeline; and a forced drainage circuit connected to both ends of the first diode element in parallel to generate a compensation current to allow a current, flowing in the limit resistor, to maintain a preset value. Therefore, the drainage control circuit enables stable current control. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 ...

27-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO2003017431A1
Автор: LADIN, Dmitry

Hand-held tools (40) for gripping a railway contact rail to facilitate grounding thereof are provided. A first member (42) includes a first jaw (43) at an end thereof, a handle at an opposite end thereof, and a first intermediate portion extending between the first jaw and the handle. A second member (52) is pivotally attached to the first member and includes a second jaw (53) at an end thereof, a set of ratchet teeth (54) at an opposite end thereof, and a second intermeditate portion extending between the second jaw and the set of ratchet teeth. The first and second jaws are configured to pivot relative to each other so as to grip respective opposite side portions of a railway contact when the handle is moved downwardly such that the second intermediate portion is in electrical contact with a top portion of a railway contact rail. A pawl extends from the first intermediate portion and is configured to engage the set of ratchet teeth to hold the first and second jaws in contact with the ...

08-10-1979 дата публикации


Номер: JP0054129605A

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Abbauen einer Potentialdifferenz zwischen Masseanschlüssen / Erdungssystemen eines Bahnnetzes

Номер: DE102016215769B4
Принадлежит: WITT GMBH IND, Witt GmbH Industrieelektronik

Vorrichtung (1) zum Abbauen einer Potentialdifferenz zwischen einem ersten Masseanschluss (31) und einem zweiten Masseanschluss (32), wobei der erste Masseanschluss (31) ausgebildet wird von einer Schiene (3) für ein Schienenfahrzeug (4), und wobei der zweite Masseanschluss (32) ausgebildet wird von einem Bauwerk (5), an dem die Schiene (3) installiert ist, die Vorrichtung (1) umfassend:- einen Strompfad (11) zum Führen eines Stroms zwischen dem ersten Masseanschluss (31) und dem zweiten Masseanschluss (32);- ein im Strompfad (11) installiertes steuerbares Schaltmodul (12);- eine Messeinrichtung (13), die ausgebildet ist zum Messen wenigstens einer Messgröße, die indikativ für den Strom im Strompfad (11) und für die Potentialdifferenz zwischen den Masseanschlüssen (31, 32) ist, und zum Bereitstellen eines Messergebnisses (131);- eine Steuereinrichtung (14), die ausgebildet ist, in Abhängigkeit von dem Messergebnis (131) ein Steuersignal (141) zu erzeugen und dem Schaltmodul (12) zuzuführen ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Grounding cable i.e. rail grounding cable, for grounding e.g. handrails in station areas, has monitoring line surrounded by sleeve-like, pressure-resistant supporting element, which includes supporting wires that are coiled around line

Номер: DE102013005901A1

The cable (2) has individual wires enclosed by an outer cable sheath (30) for electrical insulation. A monitoring line (4) is centrally arranged. The monitoring line is surrounded by a sleeve-like, pressure-resistant supporting element (10). The supporting element includes supporting wires (12), which are coiled around the monitoring line. The supporting element is made of copper-supporting wires (16) and steel-supporting wires (14), which are coiled around the monitoring line in a single layer. The steel-supporting wires are soaked with a sealant (18).

27-04-1994 дата публикации

Electric power conductor earthing

Номер: GB0009404905D0

03-10-2019 дата публикации

Voltage limiter with overvoltage protection

Номер: AU2018235358A1
Принадлежит: WRAYS PTY LTD

The submitted voltage limiter consists of the insulating shell (26), closed from the top by the electrically and thermally conductive first contact plate (2) provided with the first connecting point (1) and from the bottom by the electrically and thermally conductive second contact plate (10) provided with the second connecting point (9). The embodiment of the two triggering semiconductor elements (5, 13) oriented in opposing directions and the protection member (17) connected to it in parallel, located between the two inner plates (3, 11), is located inside the insulating shell (26). The semiconductor elements (5, 13) are simultaneously interconnected with the electronic control device and connecting points (1, 9). The limiter is equipped with compressive construction to provide clamping and electrical interconnection of individual parts. The first triggering semiconductor element (5) is located between the thermally and electrically conductive first inner plate (3), which is in contact ...

19-06-2018 дата публикации

A rail transportation power supply structure

Номер: CN0105857118B

22-12-2020 дата публикации

Номер: CN0212195168U

13-11-2020 дата публикации

Power supply system for rubber wheel rail vehicle and rail thereof

Номер: CN0109455111B

30-01-1975 дата публикации

Номер: DE0007426709U

18-12-2020 дата публикации

Pantograph control method and system of metro with switchable return rail

Номер: CN0112092631A

10-05-2017 дата публикации

Adjustable shaped steel rail current potential restraining device

Номер: CN0206155221U

05-10-2011 дата публикации

Device and method for limiting the rail potential in a DC railway

Номер: CN102210077A

The invention relates to a device and a method for limiting the rail potential in a DC railway, a low-impedance link (4) being arranged between the rail (1) and the ground (2) below the structure. A switchgear (6) which is connected to a voltmeter (3) via a control line is connected to the link (4), the voltmeter (3) being arranged between the rail (1) and the ground (2) below the structure. According to the invention, the switchgear (6) comprises a thyristor (5), to the triggering input of which the voltmeter (3) is connected. An ammeter (7) which is connected to the triggering input of the thyristor (5) via a control unit (8) is connected to the link (4). Said control unit (8) keeps re-triggering the thyristor (5) until the value of the current has dropped below a threshold value.

02-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EP3421289A1
Автор: LI, Qunzhan

A railway transportation power supply construction, comprising a power supply rail (1) and a return current rail (2) respectively secured on two sides of an insulating base (3) and isolated by the insulating base (3). A power supply arm (6) and a return current arm (7) are mounted to a bogie (12) of a vehicle (9) and insulated from the vehicle body by means of insulation rings (8), and the bogie is provided with a drive mechanism (10). The power supply arm (6) has a front end connected to one end of an input port of the drive mechanism (10), and a terminal end in contact with the power supply rail (1). The return current arm (7) has a front end connected to the other end of the input port of the drive mechanism (10), and a terminal end in contact with the return current rail (2). During operation of the vehicle, the power supply arm (6) has friction with the power supply rail (1) to be powered, and the return current arm (7) has friction with the return current rail (2), thus enabling the ...

05-10-1981 дата публикации

Номер: JP0056042490B2

02-06-2021 дата публикации

Временная перемычка для пропускания тока с магнитными зажимами к рельсам

Номер: RU0000204630U1

Полезная модель относится к области сигнализации, централизации и блокировки на железнодорожном транспорте и может быть использована в рельсовых цепях для пропускания обратного тягового тока при производстве путевых работ без снятия напряжения с контактной сети. Задачей заявляемого технического решения является повышение безопасности путевых работ без снятия напряжения с контактной сети. Технический результат, достигаемый в процессе решения поставленной задачи, заключается в повышении стабильности усилия крепления (прижатия) перемычки к шейке рельса и контактного электрического сопротивления. Указанный технический результат достигается временной перемычкой для пропускания тока с магнитными прижимами к рельсам состоящей из двух магнитных прижимов, установленных на рельсах и соединенных токопроводным кабелем, магнитный прижим состоит из двух магнитов, один из которых подвижный, размещенных в корпусе из магнитопроводного материала, прокладки, расположенной между магнитами, рукоятки для перемещения подвижного магнита, немагнитной токопроводящей крышки закрепленной к корпусу со стороны расположения рукоятки, имеющей ухо с отверстием для болтового соединения с клеммой токопроводного кабеля, основание корпуса имеет плоскую поверхность, к которой крепится съемный элемент, наружная сторона которого имеет форму сегмента боковой поверхности цилиндра радиусом 355 мм, при этом направление оси цилиндрической поверхности совпадает с направление линии симметрии уха, проходящей через центр крышки корпуса. Кроме этого, токопроводный кабель выполнен многожильным из гибкого медного неизолированного провода сечением не менее 50 мм2при переменном токе и 120 мм2при постоянном токе, токопроводный кабель находится в термоусадочной трубе с коэффициентом усадки не менее 2:1, клемма токопроводного кабеля выполнена из металлического сплава, основу которого составляет медь (Cu), с содержанием не менее 99.6%, концы токопроводного кабеля заделаны в цилиндрические клеммы и механически обжаты, ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133943A1
Принадлежит: Bridgeport Fittings, Inc.

A split electrical grounding bushing having adjacent bushing portions with insulating bushing portions having guard tabs covering a gap formed between the insulating bushing portions creating a continuous insulating ring. The bushing portions are connected by a hinge permitting the bushing to be placed over electrical conductors or wires after being installed. Gaps in the insulating bushing portion are covered by attached guard tabs improving the safety of a split electrical bushing. Locking tabs and openings are used to securely hold the insulating bushing portions onto the bushing portions. The split electrical bushing is placed on a distal end of an electrical conduit. The split bushing may be an electrical grounding bushing providing an electrical ground connection. 1. A split electrical grounding bushing for placement on the end of an electrical conduit comprising:a first bushing portion having first ends;a second bushing portion having second ends placed adjacent the first ends of said first bushing portion, said first and second bushing portions forming a ring having gaps between the first and second ends of said first bushing portion and said second bushing portion;a first locking tab formed adjacent each first end of said first bushing portion;a second locking tab formed adjacent each end of said second bushing portion;a first insulating bushing portion attached to said first bushing portion, said first insulating bushing portion having a first locking tab opening adjacent each of said first locking tabs;a second insulating bushing portion attached to said second bushing portion, said second insulating bushing portion having a second locking tab opening adjacent each of said first locking tabs; anda guard tab extending from said first and second insulating bushing portions placed on and covering the gaps between the first and second ends of said first and second bushing portions,whereby a continuous electrical insulating ring is formed and said first and ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240264A1
Автор: Barezzani Gualtiero
Принадлежит: Cembre S.p.A.

A permanent electrical contact applicable to the web of rails. The contact comprises a bush in electrically conductive material having a tubular stem suitable for inserting in a hole in the web of a rail, a flanged head radially widened compared to the stem and suitable for engaging in abutment with a portion surrounding the hole, and an axial through hole in which a punch can be inserted to expand the tubular stem radially and join a radially outer surface of the stem closely with the hole. At least a portion of the outer surface of the stem is substantially made of a first conductive metal and at least a portion of the flanged head is substantially made of a second conductive metal different from the first conductive metal. 1. Permanent electrical contact applicable to the web of rails and the like , comprising a bush in electrically conductive material having a tubular stem insertable in a hole in the web of a rail , a flanged head radially widened compared to the stem and suitable for engaging in abutment with a portion surrounding the hole , and an axial through hole in which a punch can be inserted to expand the tubular stem radially and join a radially outer surface of the stem closely with the hole ,wherein at least a portion of the outer surface of the stem is substantially made of a first conductive metal and at least a portion of the flanged head is substantially made of a second conductive metal different from the first conductive metal.2. Electrical contact according to claim 1 , wherein the flanged head forms a frontal contact surface on a side opposite the stem side claim 1 , the front contact surface being made substantially from the second conductive metal.3. Electrical contact according to claim 1 , wherein the bush consists of a tubular body made of the second conductive metal and externally coated with a layer of the first conductive metal.4. Electrical contact according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , at the contact surface of the flanged head ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Earthing Pin for a Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20200006871A1

A grounding pin for connecting a vehicle body to a pole of a vehicle battery includes a pin plate and a pin shaft. The pin shaft protrudes from the pin plate, the pin shaft includes an external thread, and a longitudinal axis of the pin shaft forms a center line of the grounding pin. The pin plate has an installation securing face which points radially outward and which is parallel to a face which passes through the center line. The installation securing face is disposed closer to the center line than a circumferential face of the pin plate. The pin plate has a connection face which points away from the pin shaft and which is matched to the vehicle body for a welding purpose. 1. A grounding pin for connecting a vehicle body to a pole of a vehicle battery , comprising:a pin plate; anda pin shaft, wherein the pin shaft protrudes from the pin plate, wherein the pin shaft includes an external thread, and wherein a longitudinal axis of the pin shaft forms a center line of the grounding pin;wherein the pin plate has an installation securing face which points radially outward and which is parallel to a face which passes through the center line;wherein the installation securing face is disposed closer to the center line than a circumferential face of the pin plate;wherein the pin plate has a connection face which points away from the pin shaft and which is matched to the vehicle body for a welding purpose.2. The grounding pin according to claim 1 , wherein the circumferential face of the pin plate is round outside of the installation securing face.3. The grounding pin according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of contact wedge elements are disposed around the pin shaft and wherein each of the plurality of contact wedge elements have an edge which starts at a radially outward pointing face of the pin shaft and extends at a slant away from the pin shaft and toward the pin plate.4. The grounding pin according to claim 1 , wherein the pin plate on a side facing toward the pin ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013641A1

A mechanical grounding clamp includes a body, having an upper plate defining a threaded hole therethrough and having an outer surface, a lower plate spaced apart from the upper plate and having an inner surface, and a connecting plate connecting the upper plate to the lower plate, a set screw mateable with the threaded hole in the upper plate and having a proximal end and a distal end, the distal end extendable through the threaded hole of the upper plate and toward the inner surface of the lower plate. There may be a nut on the set screw for driving toward the upper plate to secure a grounding conductor to the body. 1. A mechanical grounding clamp , comprising:a body, having an upper plate and a lower plate, the upper plate defining a threaded hole therethrough, and the lower plate being spaced apart from the upper plate and having an inner surface, and said body further having a connecting plate connecting the upper plate to the lower plate;a set screw mateable with the threaded hole in the upper plate and having a proximal end and a distal end, the distal end being extendable through the threaded hole of the upper plate and toward the inner surface of the lower plate and being configured to secure said body to a lug attached to a grounding wire and to secure said body to a grounded member positionable between the distal end of the bolt and the inner surface of the lower plate; anda nut on the proximal end of said set screw to secure the lug to the upper plate of said body.2. The mechanical grounding clamp of claim 1 , wherein the distal end of said set screw is rounded.3. The mechanical grounding clamp of claim 1 , wherein the distal end of said set screw is tapered.4. The mechanical grounding clamp of claim 1 , wherein the distal end of said set screw has a cup point.5. The mechanical grounding clamp of claim 1 , wherein a cross-section of said body is generally C-shaped.6. The mechanical grounding clamp of claim 1 , wherein the proximal end of said set screw ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160020538A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure are directed toward techniques and configurations for a printed circuit board (PCB) assembly mountable to a computer chassis. In one instance, the PCB assembly may comprise a PCB having two through holes and a PCB mounting device that may include a U-shaped component having a non-linear portion and two rods extended from the non-linear portion and a housing having a base with protrusions extending from ends of the base. The rods may be extended through the protrusions such that the base and the non-linear portion of the U-shaped component form an opening to engage a mounting element of the chassis. The extended portions of the rods may be inserted into and soldered to the through holes of the PCB, to electrically couple the PCB to the PCB mounting device and the chassis to ground the PCB. Other embodiments may be described and/or claimed.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210021061A1

An electrical contact and lead frame having a contact base and a tab section. The tab section extends from the contact base. The tab section has a first wall and an oppositely facing second wall. The first wall and the second wall are configured to make an electrical and mechanical connection to a mating receptacle portion of a mating contact of a first mating plug assembly. An insulation displacement slot is provided in the tab section. The insulation displacement slot extends from the end surface. The insulation displacement slot is configured to make an electrical and mechanical connection to electrical conductors of a second mating assembly. 1. An electrical contact comprising:a contact base;a tab section extending from the contact base, the tab section having a first wall and an oppositely facing second wall, the first wall and the second wall configured to make an electrical and mechanical connection to a mating receptacle portion of a mating contact of a first mating plug assembly;an insulation displacement slot provided in the tab section, the insulation displacement slot extending from the end surface, the insulation displacement slot configured to make an electrical and mechanical connection to electrical conductors of a second mating assembly.2. The electrical contact as recited in claim 1 , wherein the tab section has first wall and an oppositely facing second wall which extend from a first side surface claim 1 , a second side surface and an end surface of the tab section.3. The electrical contact as recited in claim 2 , wherein the first side surface and the second side surface extend parallel to each other.4. The electrical contact as recited in claim 1 , wherein the tab section extends at approximately 90 degrees from the contact base.5. A lead frame comprising:a housing having a mating connector receiving recess; a contact base;', 'a tab section extending from the contact base, the tab section having a first wall and an oppositely facing second wall, ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180025807A1

A corrosion resistant conduit system that protects against corrosion and against electrical shortage. The corrosion resistant conduit system includes: a multilayer conduit having a metal layer disposed between two polymeric layers, a conduit fitting having an electrically conductive component and a body having one or more layers of polymeric material, and means for conductively coupling the metallic layer of the multilayer tube to the electrically conductive component of the fitting, which provides a continuous electrical path throughout the corrosion resistant conduit system. 2. The corrosion resistant conduit system according to claim 1 , wherein the multilayer conduit further comprises an interior polymeric layer disposed between the metallic layer and the hollow region.3. The corrosion resistant conduit system according to claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive component of the conduit fitting is a metallic layer disposed between the polymeric outer layer and the interior.4. The corrosion resistant conduit system according to claim 3 , wherein the conduit fitting further comprises an inner layer of polymeric material disposed between the metallic layer and the interior.5. The corrosion resistant conduit system according to claim 4 , wherein the multilayer conduit further comprises an interior polymeric layer disposed between the metallic layer and the hollow region.6. The corrosion resistant conduit system according to claim 5 , wherein the polymer materials of the interior and exterior layers of the multilayer conduit and the inner and outer layers of the conduit fitting include multiple layers of polymer materials or cross-linked polymers or comprise polyethylene and/or polypropylene.7. The corrosion resistant conduit system according to claim 1 , wherein the metallic layer of the conduit and the electrically conductive component of the conduit fitting are fabricated from steel or aluminum or copper or titanium or magnesium.8. The corrosion resistant ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220052465A1

A mechanical grounding clamp including a body, having an upper plate defining a threaded hole therethrough and having an outer surface, a lower plate spaced apart from the upper plate and having an inner surface, and a connecting plate connecting the upper plate to the lower plate, a fastener mateable with the threaded hole in the upper plate and having a proximal end and a distal end, the distal end extendable through the threaded hole of the upper plate and toward the inner surface of the lower plate. There may be a nut on the fastener for driving toward the upper plate to secure a grounding conductor to the body. 1. A mechanical grounding clamp , comprising:a body having an upper plate, a lower plate, and a connecting portion connecting the upper plate to the lower plate, the upper plate including a threaded hole therethrough and the lower plate being spaced apart from the upper plate and having an inner surface;a fastener mateable with the threaded hole in the upper plate and having a proximal end and a distal end, the distal end being extendable through the threaded hole of the upper plate and toward the inner surface of the lower plate, the fastener configured to removably secure the body to a grounding wire and to removably secure the body to a grounded member positionable between the distal end of the fastener and the inner surface of the lower plate; anda threaded nut on the fastener and displaceable along the fastener to secure the grounding wire to an outer surface of the upper plate of the body.2. The mechanical grounding clamp of claim 1 , wherein the inner surface of the lower plate has a surface area greater than a surface area of the outer surface of the upper plate.3. The mechanical grounding clamp of claim 1 , wherein the mechanical grounding clamp has a height defined between an outer surface of the lower plate opposite the inner surface and the outer surface of the upper plate claim 1 , wherein the height is less than a width of the lower plate ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Grounding Conductor

Номер: US20150047869A1
Принадлежит: Dish Network L.L.C.

An electrical device and/or a connected component is grounded utilizing a dedicated listed grounding conductor that permanently connects to a chassis of the electrical device and a grounded receptacle. The grounding conductor is dedicated to and listed for grounding the electrical device and/or connected components. The grounding conductor includes a first portion that is permanently connectible to a chassis of the electrical device, a second portion that is permanently connectible to the grounding receptacle, and a conductor portion that connects the first portion and second portion. In some implementations, the first portion may include a terminal lug that connects to a port of the chassis and may be secured by a nut that may require mechanical assistance to remove. In various implementations, the second portion may include a ring that is operable to receive a screw that mates with a screw hole of the grounding receptacle. 1. A grounding conductor , comprising:a first portion that is permanently connectible to a chassis of an electrical device;a second portion that is permanently connectible to grounded receptacle; anda conductor portion that connects the first portion and the second portion;wherein the grounding conductor is a dedicated listed grounding conductor for at least one of the electrical device or at least one connected component.2. The grounding conductor of claim 1 , wherein the first portion comprises a terminal lug.3. The grounding conductor of claim 2 , wherein the terminal lug connects to a port on the chassis.4. The grounding conductor of claim 3 , wherein the port comprises a female coaxial connector.5. The grounding conductor of claim 4 , wherein the terminal lug is permanently connectible to the female coaxial connector utilizing a nut.6. The grounding conductor of claim 4 , wherein the female coaxial connector connects to a coaxial cable that is connectible to at least one antenna.7. The grounding conductor of claim 6 , wherein the grounding ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Grounding Countersunk Screw with Segment Cutting Edge

Номер: US20210062854A1
Автор: Ramsauer Dieter

A ground connection with a grounding screw having a countersunk head with a countersinking region and having a cylindrical threaded shaft, proceeding from the countersunk head, for the mechanical and electrical connection of a first sheet-metal part to another metal part is described, wherein the first sheet-metal part resting on the head side of the grounding screw has a varnish layer on all sides, said varnish layer is broken through by a protrusion, proceeding from a countersinking region of the head, when the screw is tightened, wherein the head-side borehole is cylindrical and provided with a diameter D that is slightly smaller than the head diameter D of the head, and wherein the sheet edge of the first sheet-metal part uses, as counterbearing, the oblique circumferential surface of the grounding screw, which cuts through the varnish when the screw is tightened, without creating varnish chips. At the same time, the segment cutting edge or protrusion centres the grounding screw in the cylindrical borehole. 112. A ground connection with a grounding screw with countersunk head with countersinking region and with a cylindrical thread shaft proceeding from the countersunk head for the mechanical and electrical connection of a first sheet metal part with another metal part , wherein the first sheet metal part resting on the head side of the grounding screw has a varnish layer on all sides which is broken through by a projection proceeding from a countersinking region of the head when tightening the screw , characterised in that the head-side borehole is cylindrical and equipped with a diameter D , which is slightly smaller than the head diameter D of the head and in that the sheet edge of the first sheet metal part uses , as a counter bearing , the oblique circumferential surface of the grounding screw which cuts through the varnish when tightening the screw without producing varnish chips; the segment cutting edge or the projection at the same time centres the ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Third Rail Railway Cover Board

Номер: US20200070685A1
Автор: Bartek Peter M.

This invention relates to a portable, lightweight, non-conductive, and non-flammable hard lightweight cover that is placed over a third rail and used to protect workers from being electrocuted while working near live powered third rail system. Further, the third rail railway cover board may be highly visible and made to work in all weather conditions. Because of the simplicity of installation, no special power expert is needed to install the third rail railway cover board which will save a great deal of time and safety. The third rail railway cover board may include one or more of the following features: lightweight, non-conductive, and flame retardant; placed over high voltage third rail; weather and rain resistant; high-visibility; stackable; locking mechanism from one cover to an adjacent cover; LED light holder; contoured shape to fit all US third rail systems; and water shed design. 1. A railway cover board that is placed over a third rail and used to protect workers from being electrocuted while working near live powered third rail system , the cover board comprising:a cover panel with a first edge and a second edge opposite the first edge, wherein the cover panel includes a handle to provide a structure for a worker to easily carry the railway cover board;a first side panel extending from the first edge of the cover panel; anda second side panel extending from the second edge of the cover panel,and further wherein the cover panel includes a secure locking mechanism on each of the ends of the cover panel, wherein the secure locking mechanisms allow a series of adjacent railway cover boards to be installed and connected together on the third rail, wherein the secure locking mechanisms define a protrusion from a top of the cover panel extending upward from the cover panel and thereby defining an indentation from a bottom of the cover panel extending downward from the cover panel.2. The railway cover board of claim 1 , wherein a material of the railway cover ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220094082A1

An electrified vehicle assembly includes, among other things, a grounding block secured to a frame member of an electrified vehicle. The grounding block includes a bore configured to receive a fastener to hold a grounding strap connector relative to the grounding block. 1. An electrified vehicle assembly , comprising:a grounding block secured to a frame member of an electrified vehicle, the grounding block including a bore configured to receive a fastener to hold a grounding strap connector relative to the grounding block.2. The electrified vehicle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bore is unthreaded prior to receiving the fastener claim 1 , wherein the fastener is a thread-cutting fastener.3. The electrified vehicle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the grounding block is secured to an unapertured area of the frame member such that the grounding block spans over no aperture within the frame member.4. The electrified vehicle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the frame member has a hollow cross section claim 1 , at least one internal surface that faces the hollow cross section claim 1 , and at least one external surface that faces away from the hollow cross-section claim 1 , wherein the grounding block is secured to an external surface of the frame member.5. The electrified vehicle assembly of claim 1 , further comprising the grounding strap connector and the fastener claim 1 , the grounding strap connector held directly against the grounding block by the fastener.6. The electrified vehicle assembly of claim 5 , further comprising a locating system that locates the grounding strap connector relative to the grounding block.7. The electrified vehicle assembly of claim 6 , wherein the bore is disposed along an axis claim 6 , wherein the locating system is configured to locate the grounding strap circumferentially about the axis relative to the grounding block.8. The electrified vehicle assembly of claim 6 , wherein the bore is disposed along an axis claim 6 , wherein the ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190080821A1
Автор: TSUKIMORI Naoto

Provided is a shielded conductive path that can be adapted to a branch structure without making the shape of a shielding member more complex. A shielded conductive path includes a trunk line electric wire, branch line electric wires connected to the trunk line electric wire via branching portions, trunk line shielding members having conductivity and enclosing the outer circumference of the trunk line electric wire, and branch line shielding members having conductivity and enclosing the outer circumference of the branch line electric wires. Moreover, the shielded conductive path includes a relay connecting member having conductivity, the relay connecting member being disposed corresponding to the branching portions, and the trunk line shielding members and the branch line shielding members being attached to and in contact with the relay connecting member. 1. A shielded conductive path comprising:a trunk line electric wire;a branch line electric wire connected to the trunk line electric wire via a branching portion;a trunk line shielding member having electrical conductivity and enclosing an outer circumference of the trunk line electric wire;a branch line shielding member having electrical conductivity and enclosing an outer circumference of the branch line electric wire; anda relay connecting member having electrical conductivity and disposed corresponding to the branching portion, the trunk line shielding member and the branch line shielding member being attached to and in contact with the relay connecting member.2. The shielded conductive path according to claim 1 ,wherein the relay connecting member has a trunk line tube portion in which the trunk line electric wire can be inserted and a branch line tube portion in which the branch line electric wire can be inserted, the trunk line shielding member is attached to an outer circumferential surface of the trunk line tube portion, and the branch line shielding member is attached to an outer circumferential surface of ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190081417A1
Автор: Mestars Jochen

A connection terminal for connecting at least one electrical conductor includes: a clamping element which is arranged on a receiving element so as to be able to pivot about a shaft between an open position and a clamping position, the clamping element forming, together with a contact element, a clamping point for the electrical conductor; and an actuating arm for receiving an actuating tool, a first free limb of the actuating arm being pivotally arranged on the clamping element so as to be spaced apart from the shaft thereof such that, by pivoting the actuating arm using the actuating tool, the clamping element is able to shift from the open position into the clamping position and vice versa. A second free limb of the actuating arm is movably guided over at least one cam. 1. A connection terminal for connecting at least one electrical conductor , comprising:a clamping element which is arranged on a receiving element so as to be able to pivot about a shaft between an open position and a clamping position, the clamping element forming, together with a contact element, a clamping point for the electrical conductor; andan actuating arm configured to receive an actuating tool, a first free limb of the actuating arm being pivotally arranged on the clamping element so as to be spaced apart from the shaft thereof such that, by pivoting the actuating arm using the actuating tool, the clamping element is configured to shift from the open position into the clamping position and vice versa,wherein a second free limb of the actuating arm is movably guided over at least one cam.2. The connection terminal according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one cam is formed by the receiving element.3. The connection terminal according to claim 2 , wherein the receiving element has a substantially U-shaped profile claim 2 , each lateral surface comprising the relevant cam.4. The connection terminal according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one cam has an outline which steadily ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220149604A1

A grounding clip for fastening and electrically contacting two cables to a separate surface includes a plate having a first and second longitudinal edges opposite each other and extending in a first direction, and first and second transverse edges opposite each other and extending perpendicularly to the longitudinal edges in a second direction. First and second cable fastening regions for fastening and electrically contacting first and second cables to the plate extends along the first and second transverse edges, respectively. An opening is arranged between the cable fastening regions for inserting a fastener. First and second tabs extend between the first and second cable fastening regions in parallel to the first and second transverse edges, respectively, and perpendicularly to a plane of the plate in a direction of an underside of the plate. 1. A grounding clip for fastening and electrically contacting at least two cables to a separate surface , the grounding clip comprising:a plate having a first longitudinal edge and a second longitudinal edge opposite the first longitudinal edge, wherein the first and second longitudinal edges extend in a first direction of the plate, and a first transverse edge and a second transverse edge opposite the first transverse edge, wherein the first and second transverse edges extend perpendicularly to the first and second longitudinal edges in a second direction of the plate;a first cable fastening region for fastening and electrically contacting a first cable to the plate, wherein the first cable fastening region extends along the first transverse edge;a second cable fastening region for fastening and electrically contacting a separate second cable to the plate, wherein the second cable fastening region extends along the second transverse edge;an opening arranged between the first and second cable fastening regions for inserting a fastener;a first tab extending between the first and second cable fastening regions in parallel to ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114677A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA

The invention relates to an aeronautic engine (), comprising: 1. An aeronautic engine , comprising:a housing,a first metal piece, andelectrical equipment, fixed on the housing and connected to the first metal piece with an electrically conductive connection path,wherein the housing is made of electrically insulating material, and the housing comprises at least one first connecting flange, adapted to fix the housing to the first metal piece, the connection path being connected to the first metal piece with said first connecting flange.2. The aeronautic engine according to claim 1 , further comprising a second metal piece claim 1 , and wherein:the connection path is further adapted to connect the housing to the second metal piece, andthe housing comprises at least one second connecting flange, adapted to fix the housing to the second metal piece, the connection path being connected to the second metal piece by means of said second connecting flange.3. The aeronautic engine according to claim 1 , wherein the connection path comprises at least one of the following elements: a metal-metal contact claim 1 , a ground braid.4. The aeronautic engine according to claim 1 , wherein the metal-metal contact comprises a metal support fixed both to the electrical equipment and also to the first connecting flange.5. The aeronautic engine according to claim 4 , wherein:the electrically insulating material of the housing comprises a composite material, said composite material comprising a fibrous reinforcement densified by a polymer matrix,at the level of the contact between the metal support of the electrical equipment and the housing, the fibres of the composite material of the housing are at least partially exposed to improve metal-metal contact between the metal support and the first connecting flange and improve contact between the connection path and the first connecting flange.6. The aeronautic engine according to claim 5 , wherein the first metal piece and the second metal ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180109014A1
Автор: MARTIN Evan

A connector configured to mechanically and electrically couple a first frame to a second frame includes a body, a member, and a plurality of projections extending from the body and configured to contact at least one of the first frame and the second frame. The body includes a first end and a second end and defines a longitudinal axis extending between the first end and the second end. The body further includes a feature for engaging a fastener. The member is positioned adjacent the first end of the body and is configured to engage at least one of the first frame and the second frame. 1. A connector configured to mechanically and electrically couple a first frame to a second frame , the connector comprising:a body including a first end and a second end, the body defining a longitudinal axis extending between the first end and the second end, the body further including a first side and a second side extending between the first end and the second end and substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis, the body further including a feature for engaging a fastener;at least one member positioned adjacent one of the first end and the second end of the body, the member configured to engage one of the first frame and the second frame; anda plurality of projections extending from the body and configured to contact at least one of the first frame and the second frame, the plurality of projections includes a plurality of first projections and a plurality of second projections, the plurality of first projections extending from the first side and configured to contact the first frame, the plurality of second projections extending from the second side and configured to contact the second frame.2. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the member is a first member positioned adjacent the first end claim 1 , the connector further comprising a second member positioned adjacent the second end.3. The connector of claim 2 , wherein the first member and the second member are each oriented at ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170110868A1
Автор: FUKUDA Kiyohito
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A ground connection structure includes: a shield projecting portion being a part of a shield layer of a shield wire projected outside of an exterior covering to be exposed; an annular member for grounding disposed in a position surrounding an outer circumference of the shield wire and including a housing chamber having an opening along an annular shape of the annular member for grounding and being configured to house the shield projecting portion and a ground wire inserted from the opening; and a push-in member inserted from the opening and housed in the housing chamber after insertion of the ground wire and the shield projecting portion to bring the shield projecting portion and the ground wire into close contact with each other. The annular member for grounding includes locking claws configured to project into the housing chamber and lock the push-in member inserted into the housing chamber. 1a shield projecting portion being a part of a shield layer of the shield wire projected outside of an exterior covering to be exposed;an annular member for grounding disposed in a position surrounding an outer circumference of the shield wire, the annular member for grounding including a housing chamber having an opening along an annular shape of the annular member for grounding and being configured to house the shield projecting portion and a ground wire inserted from the opening; anda push-in member inserted from the opening and housed in the housing chamber after insertion of the ground wire and the shield projecting portion to bring the shield projecting portion and the ground wire into close contact with each other,wherein the annular member for grounding includes locking claws configured to project into the housing chamber and lock the push-in member inserted into the housing chamber.. A ground connection structure for a shield wire, comprising: This application is a divisional application of the U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/240,862, filed on Feb. 25, 2014, which ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160118726A1

An adjustable mounting system for mounting solar panels on roofs is disclosed. The system allows a user to mount the solar panels either with or without rails. The mounting assemblies are adjustable to allow the user to mount a base plate in a chosen location (either on a roof joist or other structural member or not) and to adjust the mounting location for the panel in as many as three axis of adjustment from the location of the base plate. A system for mounting and grounding the panels at the same time is also disclosed. 1. (canceled)2. An electrically conductive grounding clip for mounting solar panels to an underlying structure , comprising:a central section having a lower portion with first and second at least partially vertical surfaces for disposition between edge surfaces of first and second solar panels;first and second side sections having first and second horizontal bottom surfaces, respectively, extending laterally from said first and second vertical surfaces of said central section, respectively, wherein said horizontal bottom surfaces are adapted to engage and compress against top surfaces of the first and second solar panels, respectively;at least first and second grounding points extending from said first and second bottom horizontal surfaces, respectively, wherein said first and second grounding points are adapted to at least partially penetrate electrically conductive surfaces of the first and second solar panels when said horizontal surfaces are compressed against the solar panels; andan aperture extending through said central section between said first and second side sections.3. The clip of claim 2 , wherein said grounding points comprise tips of screws extending through said side sections.4. The clip of claim 2 , further comprising:a threaded element having an upper portion disposed through said aperture and a lower threaded portion adapted to threadably engage a mating threaded structure, wherein upon said lower threaded portion engaging the ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150131192A1

A grounding shoe is provided in a vehicle so as to face a grounding rail provided on a track. The grounding shoe includes a collector unit that has an electroconductive body; and a holding part that fixes the collector unit by holding a first end of the electroconductive body in such a manner that the electroconductive body can be energized as well as attached/detached and that is in contact with the electroconductive body. 1. A grounding shoe that is provided in a vehicle so as to face a grounding rail provided on a track , the grounding shoe comprising:a collector unit that has an electroconductive body; anda holding part that fixes the collector unit by holding a first end of the electroconductive body in such a manner that the collector unit can be energized as well as attached/detached, and that is mounted in the vehicle, and that is in contact with the electroconductive body.2. The grounding shoe according to claim 1 ,wherein the collector unit further has a rubber body that covers the electroconductive body while the first end and a second end of the electroconductive body are exposed, andwherein the holding part holds a first end of the rubber body as well as the electroconductive body.3. The grounding shoe according to claim 2 ,wherein the rubber body has regulating means by which the rubber body is regulated not to be pulled out of the holding part.4. The grounding shoe according to claim 3 ,wherein the regulating means has a protruding portion that is provided in the rubber body and is fitted into a hole portion provided in the holding part.5. The grounding shoe according to claim 1 ,wherein the holding part has resistance reducing means that reduces contact resistance between a contact portion and the electroconductive body and that is provided in the contact portion which is in contact with the first end of the electroconductive body.6. The grounding shoe according to claim 5 ,wherein the resistance reducing means is a groove portion that is formed in ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220271446A1
Автор: Qiu Ning, Sun Zhen

A grounding segment for a segmented grounding electric device, including a plurality of segment single bodies disposed in a matched manner, wherein a curved concave surface is formed in an outer side surface of each segment single body; a chute is formed in the curved concave surface; an interior of the chute is in sliding connection with an elastic member; two ends of the elastic member are respectively connected to sliders; the sliders are in sliding connection with the interior of the chute; each slider is movably connected to a curved fixing member matching a grounding conductor; the curved fixing member is made of a conductive material applicable to grounding conductors of different sizes; and a locking apparatus is connected between the plurality of segment single bodies. A user conveniently transports and mounts the grounding segment to reduce a land excavation area. Universality of the grounding segment is improved. 1. A grounding segment for a segmented grounding electric device , comprising a plurality of segment single bodies disposed in a matched manner , wherein a curved concave surface is formed in an outer side surface of each of the plurality of segment single bodies; a chute is formed in the curved concave surface; an interior of the chute is in sliding connection with an elastic member; two ends of the elastic member are respectively connected to sliders; the sliders are in sliding connection with the interior of the chute; each of the sliders is movably connected to a curved fixing member matching a grounding conductor; the curved fixing member is made of a conductive material applicable to grounding conductors of different sizes; and a locking apparatus is connected between the plurality of segment single bodies.2. The grounding segment according to claim 1 , wherein the chute is formed in a middle of the curved concave surface; and the chute and the curved concave surface are disposed in parallel.3. The grounding segment according to claim 2 , ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150147897A1
Автор: Healy Donall B.

A holder for supporting electrified inserts that may vary in width, comprises a base having a groove into which the insert can be placed. Two or more gaskets can be positioned in the groove with each gasket including a resilient section adapted to engage the insert so as to retain the insert securely in place within the groove. Each of the gaskets also includes an electrical conductor, such as an electrical wire, which may be embedded in the gasket, in a position where it makes electrical contact with the electrical terminals on the insert. 1. A holder for supporting an insert having front and rear surfaces , and containing electrical terminals parallel to , and attached to , at least one of said surfaces for enabling the supply of electrical power to the insert , comprising:a base,a groove in the base for receiving the insert,at least one gasket positioned in the groove, said gasket including a resilient section adapted to engage at least one of said surfaces of the insert for retaining the insert securely in place within the groove, andat least one electrical conductor attached to the gasket in a position where it makes electrical contact with one of the electrical terminals on the insert, when the insert is placed in the groove.2. A holder according to claim I , wherein at least two gaskets are positioned in said groove , said gaskets adapted to engage said front and rear surfaces opposite sides of said insert , and wherein each gasket includes an electrical conductor for engaging an one of said electrical terminals on the insert when the insert is placed in the groove.3. A holder according to claim 2 , wherein said electrical conductors are embedded in said gaskets.4. In combination claim 2 , a holder and an electrified insert claim 2 , said insert having front and rear surfaces claim 2 , and containing electrical terminals parallel to claim 2 , and attached to claim 2 , said front and rear surfaces for enabling a supply of electrical power to be applied to the ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Shelf Lighting Connector Assembly

Номер: US20150155643A1

A shelf lighting connector assembly provides an electrical connection between a power strip on a wall and a light mounted on the underside of a shelf mounted on the wall. 1. A shelf lighting connector assembly for forming electrical connections between a vertical power strip on a wall and a shelf light , the assembly comprising:a shelf extending away from the wall and having an inner lip adjacent to the wall, a power cable, a connector body, two metal contacts in the body, the power cable connected to the metal contacts and to an end connector for establishing a power connection between the power strip and a light on the shelf, a body wall joined to the body, the body wall located between the body and the power strip, the contacts facing the power strip, a slot between the body wall and the body, and a fastener to mount the body to the underside of the shelf adjacent to the inner shelf lip, wherein when the body is mounted on the shelf by the fastener the inner shelf lip extends into the slot and the body wall extends between the inner shelf lip and the power strip so that the inner shelf lip prevents movement of the body away from the power strip and disengagement of the metal contacts from the power strip.2. The shelf lighting connector assembly of comprising two side-by-side recesses in the body and two slide members claim 1 , each slide member in a body recess claim 1 , the contacts on respective slide members; and two springs claim 1 , each spring biasing one slide member outwardly of the body to hold the contact on the slide member against the power strip when the assembly is mounted on the shelf.3. The shelf lighting connector assembly of wherein an end of each spring is secured in a slide member.4. The shelf lighting connector assembly as in wherein each slide member includes a retention member engageable with the body to retain the slide member in the recess.5. The shelf lighting connector assembly as in wherein each retention member comprises a latch.6. ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150162672A1
Автор: KERNER James

A refrigerator appliance may include a cabinet having a temperature-controlled compartment defined therein, a shelf ladder disposed in the temperature-controlled compartment and providing a plurality of shelf mounting positions, an electrical connector corresponding to each of the plurality of shelf mounting positions, wherein each of the electrical connectors comprises an actuator movable from a first position to a second position and an electrical contact configured to automatically move from a disengaged position to an engaged position in response to the actuator moving from the first position to the second position, and an adjustable shelf removably mountable in one of the plurality of shelf mounting positions such that the actuator of the corresponding electrical connector is held in the second position by a weight of the adjustable shelf and the electrical contact of the corresponding electrical connector engages the adjustable shelf. 1. An electrical connector configured to engage an adjustable refrigerator shelf within a refrigerator , the electrical connector comprising:a first lever having a first end and a second end opposite the first end, the first lever being movable from a first position to a second position when a mounting bracket of the adjustable refrigerator shelf engages the first lever; anda second lever having a first section and a second section disposed at an angle other than 180 degrees to the first section, the second lever being movable from a disengaged position to an engaged position in which a first electrical contact carried by the second section is configured to engage the mounting bracket to supply power to the adjustable refrigerator shelf when the adjustable refrigerator shelf is engaged with the electrical connector;wherein the first end of the first lever is coupled to the first section of the second lever such that movement of the first lever from the first position to the second position causes movement of the second lever from ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150173530A1
Автор: Keyvanloo Aydin

A suspension device for receiving plug in elements used for the display of goods includes a substantially horizontally oriented profile rail section having an upper arm, a lower arm and a rear wall defining a passage with a front opening into which the plug in elements are inserted. The upper arm defines a ceiling of the passage and the lower arm defines a base of the passage. The base of the passage includes a base contact surface upon which a plug in element rests. The ceiling of the passage includes a stepped profile defining at least two upper contact surfaces that the top of the plug in elements may contact, such that the vertical distances between the base contact surface and the respective upper contact surfaces differ, whereby plug in elements of at least two different thicknesses can be accommodated and suspended within the passage. 1. A suspension device for receiving plug in elements used for the display of goods , the device comprising:a substantially horizontally oriented profile rail section having an upper arm, a lower arm and a rear wall defining a passage with a front opening into which the plug in elements are inserted;wherein the upper arm defines a ceiling of the passage and the lower arm defines a base of the passage;wherein the base of the passage includes a base contact surface upon which a plug in element rests; andwherein the ceiling of the passage includes a stepped profile defining at least two upper contact surfaces that the top of the plug in elements may contact, such that the vertical distances between the base contact surface and the respective upper contact surfaces differ, whereby plug in elements of at least two different thicknesses can be accommodated and suspended within the passage.2. A suspension device according to wherein said vertical distances comprise a first vertical distance and a second vertical distance claim 1 , the first vertical distance being greater than the second vertical distance and the first vertical ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180172047A1

A conductive support is disclosed which is configured to be fixed, thanks to an electrically conductive glue, on a surface of a metal structure and which includes an insert made from an electrical material which includes a first end face configured to be pressed against the surface of the structure and a second end face allowing the temporary fixing of an electrical element; and a body which includes a contact face coplanar with the first end face of the insert and which extends completely around the first end face of the insert. 1. Conductive support configured to be fixed on a surface of a metal structure and comprising:at least one anchoring zone provided for temporary fixing of an electrical element;an insert made from an electrically conductive material which includes a first end face configured to be pressed against the surface of the structure and the anchoring zone at a distance from the first end face and positioned approximately perpendicular to the first end face;a body which includes a contact face coplanar with the first end face of the insert and which extends completely around the first end face of the insert; andan electrically conductive glue spread on the first end face of the insert and the contact face of the body.2. Conductive support according to claim 1 , wherein it comprising:a peripheral trench on the contact face of the body, positioned at the periphery of the insert.3. Conductive support according to claim 1 , wherein the contact face has a ring shape claim 1 , coaxial with the first end face of the insert claim 1 , with a diameter at least three times greater than that of the first end face of the insert.4. Conductive support according to claim 3 , wherein the insert has a length substantially equal to the diameter of the contact face.5. Conductive support according to claim 1 , wherein the body comprises:a base which has the contact face and a tubular portion which is placed on top of the base, which surrounds the insert and which has a ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190181567A1
Автор: Nakamura Ginga

An electric connection structure includes: a connection terminal that includes a compression coil spring part; a terminal holding part that includes a base supporting one end surface side of the compression coil spring part and a guide part provided along an outer surface of the compression coil spring part; and a lead wire that includes a folded-back part in one end part. In the electric connection structure, the folded-back part is held between the one end surface of the compression coil spring part and a support part and two lines of the folded-back part are brought into contact with the connection terminal, and the connection terminal and the lead wire are thereby electrically connected. 1. An electric connection structure comprising:a connection terminal that includes a compression coil spring part;a terminal holding part that includes a base supporting one end surface side of the compression coil spring part and a guide part provided along an outer surface of the compression coil spring part; anda lead wire that includes a folded-back part in one end part, whereinthe folded-back part is held between the one end surface of the compression coil spring part and the base and two lines of the folded-back part are brought into contact with the connection terminal, and the connection terminal and the lead wire are thereby electrically connected.2. The electric connection structure according to claim 1 , whereinthe connection terminal includes an extending part that extends outward from one end part of the compression coil spring part, andthe terminal holding part includes a first locking part that locks the extending part from another end surface side of the compression coil spring part.3. The electric connection structure according to claim 2 , wherein the guide part includes a slit that extends in a circumferential direction of the guide part claim 2 , and the slit is used as the first locking part.4. The electric connection structure according to claim 3 , wherein ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160204528A1

A system and apparatus for providing a temporary electrical bonding/grounding connection. The apparatus includes an electrically conductive cable having first and second ends. The first conductive coupling is electrically coupled to the first end of the cable and a first magnetic assembly. The magnet assembly includes multiple surfaces which cooperate with an arcuate surface of a first conductive member to be grounded, with respective surfaces of the multiple surfaces being configured to properly mount to respective arcuate surfaces of respective first conductive members having different radiuses of curvature. The first magnetic component is detachably and electrically coupled to the first conductive coupling. The first magnetic component is configured to be electrically and magnetically coupled to the first conductive member. A second conductive coupling is electrically coupled to the second end of the cable, the second conductive coupling configured to be detachably and electrically coupled to a second conductive member. 1. An apparatus for providing a temporary electrical bonding/grounding connection , the apparatus comprising:an electrically conductive cable having first and second ends;a first conductive coupling electrically coupled to the first end of the cable and a first magnetic assembly;the magnet assembly including multiple surfaces which cooperate with an arcuate surface of a first conductive member to be grounded, respective surfaces of the multiple surfaces being configured to properly mount to respective arcuate surfaces of respective first conductive members having different radiuses of curvature, the first magnetic component detachably and electrically coupled to the first conductive coupling, the first magnetic component configured to be electrically and magnetically coupled to the first conductive member; anda second conductive coupling electrically coupled to the second end of the cable, the second conductive coupling configured to be detachably ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160207422A1

A guide track (A) includes a guide rail () having a guide groove () opened upward in which the pair of guide wheels () inserted, and is formed with a pair of guide surfaces () for causing each of the pair of guide wheels () to roll at both sides of the traveling course in a width direction; conductor rails () that are placed at both sides of the outside of the traveling course in the width direction with respect to the guide groove () to perform contact electricity supply by pressing a power collection shoe () of a power collector () of the track-based vehicle; a first insulator () that is formed of an insulation material and supports the conductor rails () with respect to the guide rail; and insulation plates () serving as insulation materials that are provided at both sides of the conductor rail () in the width direction, and are provided in parallel to the conductor rail () and in parallel to a pressing direction of the power collection shoe () so as to prevent a short circuit due to contact with the conductor rail () in a vertical direction. 15-. (canceled)6. A guide track for a track-based vehicle that guides the track-based vehicle to follow a predetermined traveling course by causing a pair of guide wheels provided in the track-based vehicle to roll , the guide track comprising:a track main body having a guide groove opened upward in which the pair of guide wheels inserted, and is formed with a pair of guide surfaces for causing each of the pair of guide wheels to roll at both sides of the traveling course in a width direction;a conductor rail that is placed on at least one side of the outside of the traveling course in the width direction with respect to the guide groove to perform contact electricity supply by pressing a power collection shoe of a power collector of the track-based vehicle;a support portion that is formed of an insulation material and supports the conductor rail with respect to the track main body portion; anda protection member serving as ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170215306A1

A shield can device is provided. The shield can device includes a frame which is fixed to a printed circuit board (PCB) and surrounds at least one circuit device as an electromagnetic shielding target, a cover which is coupled to the frame and closes an opening formed in a top of the frame, and a plurality of contact projections which are formed between the frame and the cover and allow the frame and the cover to be in electrical contact with each other. 1. A shield can device comprising:a frame which is fixed to a printed circuit board (PCB) and surrounds at least one circuit device;a cover which is coupled to the frame and closes an opening formed in a top of the frame; anda plurality of contact projections which are formed between the frame and the cover and allow the frame and the cover to be in electrical contact with each other.2. The shield can device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the frame has a bent portion which forms a periphery of the opening claim 1 , andthe plurality of contact projections protrude from a top surface of the bent portion or a bottom surface of the cover.3. The shield can device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the plurality of contact projections are located close to an edge of the bent portion.4. The shield can device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the plurality of contact projections are in point contact with a contact target.5. The shield can device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the plurality of contact projections has a conical shape.6. The shield can device as claimed in claim 5 , wherein while the plurality of contact projections are pressed in response to the contact projection being in contact with a contact target claim 5 , the plurality of contact projections are deformed in such a manner that a front tip of each contact projection is in surface contact with the contact target.7. The shield can device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the plurality of contact projections are formed to have a flat front tip or a curved front ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации

Grounding Element for Solar Panel Mounting Systems

Номер: US20140318604A1

Disclosed is a device and a system that provides a bond and ground for the mounting of solar panel systems. The grounding element is pressed into and captivity held in a mounting component of a solar panel system. This can be done during the fabrication process at the manufacturer or distributor so that the mounting component and grounding element can be transported together as a single unit. In an installed solar panel system, the mounting component that includes the captive grounding element makes contact with other elements of the solar panel mounting system and electrically bonds with them. 1. A combination for use in a solar panel system , comprising:a grounding element formed from spring metal comprising a hollow cylindrical shaped body, a first end, a second end, and a through-slot oriented length-wise along the hollow cylindrical shaped body from the first end to the second end; andthe first end and the second end are sharped edges.2. The combination of claim 1 , wherein the first end and the second end each are beveled sharpened edges.3. The combination of claim 1 , wherein the first end and the second end each include a plurality of tooth shaped sharpened edges.4. The combination of claim 1 , wherein the first end and the second end each include a plurality of points along each of their corresponding sharpened edges.5. The combination of claim 1 , further including:a metal plate, the metal plate includes a first surface and a second surface opposing the first surface;the metal plate includes a through-hole with a through-hole diameter smaller than a diameter of the grounding element; andthe grounding element is inserted into the through-hole so that the first end extends away from the first surface and the second end extends away from the second surface.6. The combination of claim 1 , further including:a solar panel end-clamp, the solar panel end-clamp includes a base portion, the base portion includes a first surface and a second surface opposing the ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Protection device for a vehicle for preventing contact voltages

Номер: US20160236590A1

A vehicle has an electric or hybrid-electric traction drive supported by an ungrounded vehicle frame. The vehicle also has a current collector, which can be electrically connected to the traction drive and which can be brought in galvanic contact with a contact line of a grounded contact-line system to supply traction energy. The vehicle contains an electrical protection system for avoiding dangerous contact voltages on the vehicle frame or on a vehicle part connected to the vehicle frame in a conductive manner. The protection system has a first protection stage, a second protection stage, and a switching element, by which the protection system can be switched between the first and the second protection stages. The first protection stage provides greater safety from dangerous contact voltages than the second protection stage. Thus, a protection system can be provided which provides sufficient safety in all operating states of the vehicle.

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190221329A1

A cable with terminal includes a coaxial cable in which a core, an inner insulating layer, a shield layer and an outer insulating layer are concentrically arranged from an inner side to an outer side, and a terminal connected to the coaxial cable. The terminal includes a pair of barrel pieces crimped in an overlapping state to an exposed part of the shield layer. An engaging protrusion is provided on the barrel piece on one side out of the pair of barrel pieces and projects toward the barrel piece on the other side. The engaging protrusion is engaged with a hole edge part of an engaging hole provided in the barrel piece on the other side. 1. A terminal to be connected to a coaxial cable in which a core , an inner insulating layer , a shield layer and an outer insulating layer are concentrically arranged from an inner side to an outer side , comprising:first and second barrel pieces to be crimped in an overlapping state to an exposed part of the shield layer;an engaging protrusion provided on the first barrel piece, the engaging protrusion projecting toward the first barrel piece on the other side out of the pair of barrel pieces in a crimped state where the barrel pieces are crimped to the shield layer; andan engaging hole provided in the second barrel piece on the other side, the engaging protrusion being engaged with an edge of the engaging hole in the crimped state;the engaging protrusion rising vertically with respect to a plate surface of the barrel piece in an extending direction of the coaxial cable;the engaging hole having the hole edge extending in a direction perpendicular to the extending direction of the coaxial cable; anda dimension of the engaging hole along the extending direction of the coaxial cable being set such that the engaging protrusion is fit snugly into the engaging hole while a dimension along the direction perpendicular to the extending direction of the coaxial cable is set such that the engaging protrusion is movable in the engaging hole. ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Electrical connection system comprising an additional leaf spring

Номер: US20190229440A1

The invention relates to an electrical connection system (7) for an electrical device, such as an electrical terminal block, said electrical connection system (7) comprising: a conductive bar (21) including an electrical contact region (45) arranged to cooperate with a conductive portion (13′) of an electrical conductor (13) in a connected position, and an engagement zone (35) arranged to engage with a portion (15′) of a support rail (15) in an engaged position; a leaf spring (23); and a retaining device (49) arranged to maintain the engaged position with the portion (15′) of the support rail (15), said retaining device (49) comprising an additional leaf spring (57) equipped with an additional clamping member (57″) arranged to engage with the portion (15′) of the support rail (15) in the engaged position.

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170265651A1
Автор: Keyvanloo Aydin

A suspension device for receiving plug in elements used for the display of goods includes a substantially horizontally oriented profile rail section having an upper arm, a lower arm and a rear wall defining a passage with a front opening into which the plug in elements are inserted. The upper arm defines a ceiling of the passage and the lower arm defines a base of the passage. The base of the passage includes a base contact surface upon which a plug in element rests. The ceiling of the passage includes a stepped profile defining at least two upper contact surfaces that the top of the plug in elements may contact, such that the vertical distances between the base contact surface and the respective upper contact surfaces differ, whereby plug in elements of at least two different thicknesses can be accommodated and suspended within the passage.

25-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140374138A1

The invention relates to a conductive connection assembly (), a method for manufacturing the same and a kit for a body () comprising carbon fibre-reinforced material, e.g. for a vehicle comprising a carbon fibre-reinforced body (), with an electrical structural network for conducting electric discharges. In order to improve durability of the body () with the electrical structural network, the invention provides that the conductive connection assembly () comprises a conductive interconnection element () with a conductive braid material (B). Furthermore, in order to simplify installing the electrical structural network to the body (), a kit is provided, the kit comprising at least two conductive connection assemblies () that are provided with differently shaped interconnection elements (). Finally, a method that comprises the step of reshaping longitudinal ends () of a braid material (B) is provided according to the invention. 115-. (canceled)16. A conductive connection assembly for connecting conductor segments of an electrical structural network of a body to other conductive elements of the body , the conductive connection assembly being adapted to conduct electric discharges and comprising a conductive interconnection element with a conductive section , wherein the conductive section is formed by a hollow cylindrical braid material with two longitudinal ends , the longitudinal ends being consolidated to have a rigid plate-like form.17. The conductive connection assembly according to claim 16 , wherein the longitudinal ends are prepositioned in parallel or at an angle to each other.18. The conductive connection assembly according to claim 16 , wherein the conductive connection assembly comprises at least one lug for interconnecting the conductive interconnection element and a conductor segment of the network claim 16 , the lug being affixed to one of the longitudinal ends by a weld connection.19. The conductive connection assembly according to claim 18 , wherein the ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации

Device for Contacting Electrical Conductors and/or Electrical Contact Elements, as well as Lamp or Electrical Device

Номер: US20160308320A1

The invention relates to a device for contacting electrical conductors and/or electrical plug connectors, said device comprising at least one front housing part and a rear housing part , wherein the front housing part and the rear housing part are formed as one unit, wherein at least one first electrical contact connection is provided in the front housing an via contacting points , and at least one additional electrical contact connection is provided in the rear housing part via contacting points , wherein a step is formed between the front housing part and the rear housing part on one side of the device , and wherein contacting points are provided in the region of the step for the purposes of electrical contacting. The invention also relates to a lamp or an electrical device having a device of this type. 11. A device () for contacting electrical conductors and/or electrical plug connectors ,{'b': 2', '3, 'with at least a front housing part () and a rear housing part (),'}{'b': 2', '3, 'wherein the front housing part () and the rear housing part () are embodied as one unit,'}{'b': 7', '2', '9', '3', '6', '2', '3', '8', '6, 'wherein at least one first electrical contact connection via contacting points () in the front housing part (), and at least one additional electrical contact connection via contacting points () in the rear housing part () are provided, wherein a step () between the front housing part () and the rear housing part () is embodied on one side of the device, wherein contacting points () are provided for the electrical contact connection in the region of the step ().'}21623451. The device () according to claim 1 , wherein the step () between the front housing part () and the rear housing part () is embodied on the lower side ( claim 1 , ) of the device ().3153. The device () according to wherein a clearance is provided at the lower side () of the rear housing part ().418672. The device () according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical contact ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170320404A1
Автор: Steininger Richard

A cover assembly includes a support bracket from which a cover board is selectively suspended. The support bracket is itself mounted to a third rail or contact rail by a clip which cooperates with the bracket. The cover board is held in place on the bracket by an upper flange which has a tapered or V-shaped front wall, as well as a tapered bottom wall. A flag holder, which can be selectively attached to the bracket, includes a first section with an engaging member that cooperates with an engaging member located on the support bracket, a center section including a through bore for holding a flagstaff of a safety flag and a second end section. The second end section is adapted to attach the flag holder to a different type of cover board support bracket. 1. A cover assembly adapted to be mounted to an associated electrified rail , comprising:a bracket including an upper limb, a lower limb and a connecting section joining the upper limb and the lower limb to each other, wherein the upper limb and the lower limb extend in a common direction;wherein the lower limb is adapted to be mounted to the associated rail;a protrusion extending from the connecting section in the common direction, the protrusion including a planar upper surface and a tapered lower surface; anda cover member suspended from the bracket upper limb and positioned between the protrusion and the bracket upper limb.2. The cover assembly of wherein the cover member comprises an elongated body which is rectangular in cross-section.3. The cover assembly of wherein the elongated body is hollow.4. The cover assembly of wherein the upper limb and the cover member include aligned apertures each adapted for accommodating a fastener extending therethrough claim 1 , the fastener aiding in suspending the cover member from the bracket upper limb.5. The cover assembly of wherein the protrusion includes a front wall that tapers to a tip from opposed side walls of the bracket connecting section so that the protrusion is V ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации

Washer for Establishing Electrical Continuity

Номер: US20160336661A1

A washer is designed to establish a reliable electrical connection between the washer and a core structure of the main conductor aircraft structure. The washer includes a conductive central main body arranged substantially in a first plane and including an opening adapted to receive a fastener and an outer edge and at least three serrated conductive projections. Each serrated projection includes a first end and a second end. The first end is attached to the conductive central main body and the second end is a free end including at least one conductive tooth. The second end is located in a second plan other than the first plane and is of the type that can deform under pressure. The attachment between the conductive central main body and each serrated conductive projection is of the type that can deform under pressure. 1. A washer for establishing electrical conductivity comprising: an opening adapted to receive fastening means, and', 'an outer edge, and, 'a conductive central main body arranged substantially in a first plane, and comprisingat least three serrated conductive projections, wherein each serrated projection comprises a first and second end, wherein the first end of the serrated conductive projection is attached to said conductive central main body and the second end is a free end comprising at least one conductive tooth,wherein the second end of each serrated conductive projection is located in a second plane other than the first plane of the conductive central main body of the washer, said second end being of the type that can deform under pressure, andwherein the attachment between the conductive central main body and each serrated conductive projection is of the type that can deform under pressure.2. The washer according to claim 1 , wherein each of the second ends of the at least three serrated conductive projections comprises a plurality of teeth.3. The washer according to claim 1 , wherein between the first plane claim 1 , where the conductive ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180337465A1
Автор: Cayzac Gaspard

The device for holding at least one electrically conductive pipe on an electrical conductive structure with an electrical connection between such a structure and at least one such pipe includes a holding half-flange, a fastening half-flange to be fastened to the structure, to be assembled with the holding half-flange, and an electrical connection device for electrically connecting the structure and the pipe or pipes. The electrical connection device includes at least one pad, made of an electrically conductive flexible material, lining the fastening half-flange, and configured to electrically cooperate with one of the pipes. The device also includes at least one pusher, made of an electrically conductive material, configured to electrically cooperate with the structure as well as with the pad or with one of the pads of the fastening half-flange, movable in displacement between an extended position outside the fastening half-flange and a retracted position inside this fastening half-flange. 1. A device for holding at least one electrically conductive pipe on an electrical conductive structure with an electrical connection between the structure and the at least one pipe , said device comprising:a flange being comprised of a fastening half-flange fastened to the structure;a holding half-flange assembled with the fastening half-flange and complementary to the fastening half-flange,{'b': '5', 'wherein each half-flange is comprised of a rigid body and at least one recess opposite the other half-flange, each configured to receive a pipe, each arranged in front of another recess the other half-flange includes, and each complementing such other recess in order to form an accommodation () for receiving the pipe or one of the pipes; and'}electrical connection means electrically connecting the structure and the pipe the fastening half-flange includeswherein at least one pad, each pad being comprised of an electrically conductive flexible material, each pad lining the recess of ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190356063A1
Принадлежит: AGC Automotive Americas R&D, Inc.

A window assembly includes a transparent substrate, an electrical conductor provided on a surface of the substrate, and a solderless electrical connector for energizing the electrical conductor. The solderless electrical connector includes a cover adhered to the substrate to define a hollow volume, and a biasing member disposed within the hollow volume and elastically compressed between the cover and the electrical conductor. The biasing member further being electrically conductive and in electrical communication with the electrical conductor. 1. A window assembly comprising:a transparent substrate;an electrical conductor provided on a surface of the substrate; and an electrically conductive surface in contact with the electrical conductor;', 'an electrically insulating cover;', 'a biasing member elastically compressed between the cover and the electrically conductive surface, wherein the compressed biasing member holds the electrically conductive surface in contact with the electrical conductor;', 'an adhesive disposed between the electrically insulating cover and the transparent substrate, the adhesive operative to affix the electrically insulating cover to the transparent substrate such that the biasing member is maintained in the elastically deformed state., 'a solderless electrical connector for energizing the electrical conductor, the solderless electrical connector comprising2. The window assembly of claim 1 , wherein a green strength of the adhesive is sufficient to maintain the biasing member in the elastically deformed state without fixturing.3. The window assembly of claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive surface is held in contact with the electrical conductor across an area that is greater than about 25 mm.4. The window assembly of claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive surface is an outer surface of the biasing member.5. The window assembly of claim 1 , wherein the biasing member is electrically conductive.6. The window assembly of claim ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180375250A1

A shelf system having electrical supply, comprises at least one backboard, and at least one pick power mechanism. Each pick power mechanism comprises a socket, and a plug. The backboard has a through hole. The socket comprises an inserting cylinder inserted in the through hole, and a clamping portion. The clamping portion comprises a connecting cylinder, a flange disposed on the connecting cylinder, and a wedge buckle disposed on the connecting cylinder and spaced from the flange. The backboard is sandwiched between the wedge buckle and the flange. The plug comprises a cylindrical portion inserted in the connecting cylinder. The shelf system having electrical supply provided by the invention has the plug and the socket so that the plug can be arranged on the backboard and the socket can be inserted on the plug. When assembling the shelf, whatever the shelf system needs to be installed or not, the shelf system is not taken into account. Even if the shelf has been installed, it is also possible to quickly install the pick power mechanism into the shelf, thereby avoiding the waste of manpower and time. 1. A shelf system having electrical supply , comprising: at least one backboard , and at least one pick power mechanism; each pick power mechanism comprising a socket disposed on the backboard , and a plug inserted in the socket and electrically connected to the socket , the backboard having a through hole for inserting the socket , the socket comprising an inserting cylinder inserted in the through hole and a clamping portion provided at the open end of the inserting cylinder; the clamping portion comprises a connecting cylinder , a flange disposed on the connecting cylinder , and a wedge buckle disposed on the connecting cylinder and spaced from the flange , the backboard being sandwiched between the wedge buckle and the flange; the plug comprising a cylindrical portion inserted in the connecting cylinder.2. The shelf system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the socket ...

14-02-2008 дата публикации

Electrical-contact screw connection for vehicle has one thread with clearing sector and expulsion sector for paint

Номер: DE102007027497A1
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

The screw connection (1) consists of two components (6, 7), with two connecting elements (2, 3) having internal and external threads (4, 5). One of the threads has a clearing sector and an expulsion sector. The clearing cavity clears off the paint when the threads are screwed together, and the expulsion sector expels any residual paint.

12-09-1967 дата публикации

Adjustable mounting for vehicle lights

Номер: US3341802A
Принадлежит: Truck Lite Co LLC

18-11-2010 дата публикации

Convenient and safe electrical devices and methods of connecting wires using them

Номер: KR100995433B1
Автор: 윙 메이
Принадлежит: 윙 메이

전기 설비를 배선 연결하기 위한 전기 장치가 제공된다. 전기 장치는 접지 고정구 및 접지 나사를 가진 접지 전선을 포함하고, 상기 접지 전선은 전기 장치상에 영구적으로 장착된다. 고정기구는 상측 표면, 하측 표면, 상측 단부 및 상기 상측 단부에 마주보는 하측 단부를 가진 재료의 가요성 시트를 가지며, 상기 가요성 시트는 전선의 삽입에 앞서 구부러진다. 구멍은 고정기구 나사의 나사산 부분을 수용하기 위한 상측 단부에 인접한 재료를 관통하여 형성되고, 나사 헤드는 가요성 시트의 표면과 접촉가능하다. 한 쌍의 절단부는 고정기구의 상측 단부에 인접하며, 절단부는 가요성 시트의 하부에서 전선의 삽입 깊이를 정하도록 설계되고 형태가 형성되며, 전기 장치와 가요성 시트의 하측 표면 사이에 전선을 삽입할 때, 가요성 시트는 평평하게 펴진다. An electrical device is provided for wiring the electrical installation. The electrical device includes a ground wire with a ground fixture and ground screw, which is permanently mounted on the electrical device. The fastener has a flexible sheet of material having an upper surface, a lower surface, an upper end, and a lower end facing the upper end, the flexible sheet being bent prior to insertion of the wire. A hole is formed through the material adjacent the upper end for receiving the threaded portion of the fastener screw, the screw head being in contact with the surface of the flexible sheet. The pair of cuts is adjacent to the upper end of the fixture, the cuts are designed and shaped to define the insertion depth of the wires at the bottom of the flexible sheet, inserting the wires between the electrical device and the lower surface of the flexible sheet. When done, the flexible sheet is flattened out.

02-03-2001 дата публикации

Grounding device grounded in two directions

Номер: KR200214422Y1
Автор: 성기협
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사, 윤종용

이 고안은 모니터와 같은 전자제품에 주로 채용되는 접지장치에 있어하나의 접지구에 의해 2방향으로 접지가 도모되도록 개선된 2방향에 접지되는 접지장치를 제공하려는 것으로서, 접지물에 고정되는 고정부와, 상기 고정부에서 상부방향으로 탄력을 갖도록 굴곡되게 형성되는 제1방향접지부와, 상기 고정부에서 하측으로 길게 연장되는 연장부에서 내측으로 절곡되게 형성되는 제2방향접지부를 갖도록 구성하여 상기 제1방향접지부는 접지물의 배면에서 접지되도록 하고, 제2방향접지부는 하부방향에서 접지되도록 구성된 것이다. The present invention aims to provide a grounding device which is grounded in two directions, which is improved to be grounded in two directions by one grounding hole in a grounding device mainly used in electronic products such as a monitor. And a first directional ground portion formed to be bent to have an elasticity in the upper direction from the fixing portion, and a second directional ground portion formed to be bent inwardly from an extension portion extending downwardly from the fixing portion. The first directional ground portion is configured to be grounded on the rear surface of the grounding material, and the second directional ground portion is configured to be grounded in the downward direction.

12-07-2019 дата публикации

A kind of server and its cable earthing or grounding means

Номер: CN110011082A
Автор: 李军阳


03-02-2004 дата публикации

Oxygen concentration detector

Номер: JP3493785B2
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

23-04-1987 дата публикации

Threaded element for fastening an attached part to a frame strut, especially a supporting rail of a double-belt conveyor

Номер: DE3537135A1

A threaded element (42) is proposed for fastening an attached part, especially to a supporting rail (10) of a double-belt conveyor, which supporting rail (10) consists of a seamless light-alloy profile which is provided with a longitudinal groove (26) of T-shaped cross-section. The threaded element (42) has a parallelepiped head part (44) which can be inserted into the longitudinal groove (26). Clamping surfaces (50, 52) are formed on the head part (44) and interact with shoulder surfaces (32) in the longitudinal groove (26). The clamping surfaces (50, 52) are provided with grooving (54) or the like whose teeth bite into the material of the supporting rail (10) when the parts are screwed together. In consequence, it is possible to make reliable electrical contact between the parts without additional means and, furthermore, reliable security is achieved against longitudinal displacement of the threaded element (42) in the longitudinal groove (26). <IMAGE>

06-11-2003 дата публикации

Shaft breakage detection device in which the shaft itself is electrically conducting and forms a conduction path between earth and an electronic unit, so that shaft breakage changes the electronic unit output signal

Номер: DE10215927A1
Принадлежит: PIERBURG GMBH

Device for detecting a breakage of a shaft (2) in which the shaft itself is designed to be electrically conducting and a contact is made to an electronic unit (14) at one end of the shaft, while the other end of the shaft has an earth contact (M). When the shaft breaks the electrical conduction path is broken or interrupted and the resultant change in the signal at the electronic unit indicates a breakage.

02-12-2004 дата публикации

Device for detecting a broken shaft

Номер: DE10215927B4
Принадлежит: PIERBURG GMBH

Vorrichtung zum Erkennen eines Wellenbruches einer anzutreibenden Welle, welche eine Antriebseinheit und eine Elektronikeinheit aufweist, wobei die zu überwachende Welle von der Antriebseinheit antreibbar ist und an ihren beiden Enden in zumindest zwei Lagern gelagert ist, die aus elektrisch leitendem Material hergestellt sind und wobei die Lager jeweils in einer Buchse angeordnet sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Welle (2) über die Lager (3, 4) und die Buchsen (5, 6) eine elektrische Verbindung zwischen einer Masse (M) und einer Elektronikeinheit (14) herstellt, die bei einem Bruch der Welle (2) unterbrochen wird, wobei die näher zur Elektronik angeordnete erste Buchse (5) eine Kontaktnut (11) zur Aufnahme eines mit der Elektronikeinheit (14) elektrisch verbundenen Kontaktstiftes (12) aufweist, über welchen eine elektrische Verbindung zwischen der Elektronikeinheit (14) und dem ersten Lager (3) herstellbar ist. contraption for detecting a shaft breakage of a shaft to be driven, which has a drive unit and an electronics unit, wherein the one to be monitored Shaft can be driven by the drive unit and on both of them Ends is stored in at least two bearings, which are made of electrical conductive material are made and the bearings each are arranged in a socket, characterized in that the shaft (2) about the bearings (3, 4) and the bushings (5, 6) an electrical connection between a mass (M) and an electronics unit (14), which is interrupted when the shaft (2) breaks, the closer to Electronics arranged first socket (5) for a contact groove (11) Inclusion of a contact pin electrically connected to the electronics unit (14) (12) has about which is an electrical connection between the electronics unit (14) and the first bearing (3) can be produced.

18-12-2020 дата публикации

Subway return rail switching method and system adopting double return rail system

Номер: CN112092684A


20-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006107543A

1. Несущая кабельная конструкция для фиксирования множества подводящих кабелей (L1, L2, L3, L4) в распределительном устройстве (S) с опорной платой (G), которая содержит зажимные поверхности (FG) для кабелей, отличающаяся тем, что предусмотрена первая зажимная плата (M1), которая имеет в основном идентичную опорной плате (G) зажимную поверхность (FM1), и которая является соединяемой с опорной платой (G) по крайней мере двумя болтами (B1, B2) так, что подводящие кабели (L1, L2, L3, L4), проходящие между зажимными поверхностями (FG, FM1) опорной и зажимной платы, располагаются и фиксируются рядом друг с другом.2. Несущая кабельная конструкция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что две направляющие (A1, A2) предусмотрены и расположены так, что опорная плата (G) является закрепляемой на них подходящими средствами (GB1, GB2), и что первая зажимная плата (M1) является тем самым направляемой и перемещаемой параллельно относительно опорной платы (G).3. Несущая кабельная конструкция по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что направляющие (А1, A2) являются частями корпуса распределительного устройства (S), причем направляющие (A1, A2) выполнены в виде шин.4. Несущая кабельная конструкция по любому из пп.1-3, отличающаяся тем, что два болта (B1, B2) и два следующих болта (В3, В4) являются болтами-шпильками.5. Несущая кабельная конструкция по любому из пп.1-3, отличающаяся тем, что предусмотрена по крайней мере одна следующая зажимная плата (М2), которая имеет в основном идентичную первой зажимной плате (M1) зажимную поверхность (FM2) и которая является соединяемой с опорной платой (G) по крайней мере двумя болтами (B1, B2) так, что подводящие кабели (L5, L6, L7), проходящие между зажимными поверхностями (FM1, FM2) первой (M1) и сл� ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß RU (19) (11) 2006 107 543 (13) A (51) ÌÏÊ H01R 4/64 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÇÀßÂÊÀ ÍÀ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈÅ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2006107543/09, 01.07.2004 (71) Çà âèòåëü(è): ÑÈÌÅÍÑ ...

16-08-1999 дата публикации

Earth nut

Номер: JP2933906B1
Принадлежит: Aoyama Seisakusho Co Ltd

【要約】 【課題】 アース性に優れ、高軸力が作用してもアース 機能が失われるおそれがなく、コストダウンを図ること ができるアースナットを提供する。 【解決手段】 フランジ付きナットのフランジ部2の外 周を下向きにプレスし、座面の塗装膜を切り剥ぐための 突起3を形成する。また、ナット本体1のめねじ部4の 内周に縦溝5を設けて鋭いエッジ6を形成し、このナッ トに螺合されるボルトの塗装膜を切り剥ぐようにした。 The present invention provides an earth nut which is excellent in earthing property, does not lose the earthing function even when a high axial force acts, and can reduce the cost. SOLUTION: An outer periphery of a flange portion 2 of a flanged nut is pressed downward to form a projection 3 for cutting off a coating film on a seat surface. Further, a vertical groove 5 was provided on the inner periphery of the female screw portion 4 of the nut body 1 to form a sharp edge 6, and the coating film of a bolt screwed to the nut was cut off.

28-06-2022 дата публикации

Grounding ring, adjusting method thereof and plasma processing device

Номер: CN114678247A
Автор: 吴磊, 王智昊


12-04-2021 дата публикации

Method for fixing shieldng plugs in unused connectors of technical device

Номер: RU2746358C1

FIELD: electrical engineering.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of electrical engineering, namely to shielding plugs of unused connectors of a technical device. The result is achieved by the fact that in the method for fixing the shielding plugs in the unused connectors of a technical device, the shielding plug is installed in the unused connector and fixed in it using a metal wire, which is pulled through the sealing hole in the shielding plug, while the metal wire is additionally pulled inside the body of the protected technical device through existing or specially made holes in it, covering the back part of the unused connector.EFFECT: ensured guaranteed exclusion of the possibility of connecting any devices and information carriers to the unused connectors of the protected technical device.1 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 746 358 C1 (51) МПК H01R 13/44 (2006.01) H01R 13/648 (2006.01) H01R 4/64 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H01R 13/44 (2021.01); H01R 13/648 (2021.01); H01R 4/64 (2021.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020124520, 14.07.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 12.04.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 12.04.2021 Бюл. № 11 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2430453 C2, 27.09.2011. RU 2630433 C2, 07.09.2017. EP 2795728 B1, 19.04.2017. US 20190013626 A1, 10.01.2019. US 20140113488 A1, 24.04.2014. 2 7 4 6 3 5 8 R U (54) Способ фиксации экранирующих заглушек в незадействованных разъемах технического средства (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области средства экранирующую заглушку устанавливают электротехники, в частности к экранирующим в незадействованный разъем и фиксируют ее в заглушкам незадействованных разъемов нем с помощью металлической проволоки, технического средства. Технический результат которую протягивают через пломбировочное заключается в обеспечении гарантированного отверстие в экранирующей заглушке, ...

16-02-2005 дата публикации

Elastic clip-on connector element

Номер: EP1507310A1

The contacting device has an electrically conductive contact element that is elastically deformable and is shaped so that it can be fixed in a housing of an electronic device or a carrier as a result of its shape. The contact element has at least one constriction that engages a corresponding opening in the housing.

04-10-2022 дата публикации

High stability copper facing ground connection integrated configuration

Номер: CN112563771B
Автор: 巢羚
Принадлежит: Suzhou Bofa Electric Equipment Co ltd


02-07-2021 дата публикации

Patent RU2019129075A3

Номер: RU2019129075A3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

ВУ“? 2019129075” АЗ Дата публикации: 02.07.2021 Форма № 18 ИЗ,ПМ-2011 Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение 5 «Федеральный институт промышленной собственности» (ФИПС) ОТЧЕТ О ПОИСКЕ 1. . ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ ЗАЯВКИ Регистрационный номер Дата подачи 2019129075/11(057108) 15.03.2018 РСТЛВ2018/051751 15.03.2018 Приоритет установлен по дате: [ ] подачи заявки [ ] поступления дополнительных материалов от к ранее поданной заявке № [ ] приоритета по первоначальной заявке № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи первоначальной заявки № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи ранее поданной заявки № [Х] подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) в государстве-участнике Парижской конвенции (31) Номер первой(ых) заявки(ок) (32) Дата подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) (33) Код страны 1. РУ 2017-143 15.03.2017 СИ Название изобретения (полезной модели): [Х] - как заявлено; [ ] - уточненное (см. Примечания) ОГРАНИЧИТЕЛЬ НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ С ЗАЩИТОЙ ОТ ПЕРЕНАПРЯЖЕНИЯ Заявитель: САЛТЕК С.Р.О., СХ, 2. ЕДИНСТВО ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ [Х] соблюдено [ ] не соблюдено. Пояснения: см. Примечания 3. ФОРМУЛА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ: [Х] приняты во внимание все пункты (см. П см. Примечания [ ] приняты во внимание следующие пункты: [ ] принята во внимание измененная формула изобретения (см. Примечания) 4. КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ОБЪЕКТА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ (ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ) (Указываются индексы МПК и индикатор текущей версии) ВбОМ 5/02 (2006.01) НОС 7/12 (2006.01) Но2Н 9/04 (2006.01) 5. ОБЛАСТЬ ПОИСКА 5.1 Проверенный минимум документации РСТ (указывается индексами МПК) ВбОМ 5/00 - В6ОМ 5/02; НОТС 7/00 - НОТС 7/22; НО2Н 9/00 - НО2Н 9/08 5.2 Другая проверенная документация в той мере, в какой она включена в поисковые подборки: 5.3 Электронные базы данных, использованные при поиске (название базы, и если, возможно, поисковые термины): Езрасепеь, Гех1$М№ х1$, Рабзеагсв 6. ДОКУМЕНТЫ, ОТНОСЯЩИЕСЯ К ПРЕДМЕТУ ПОИСКА Кате- Наименование документа с указанием (где необходимо) частей, Относится к гория* ...

25-07-2003 дата публикации

Fixing Device for the second earth

Номер: KR200320993Y1
Автор: 구경훈
Принадлежит: 웅진코웨이개발 주식회사

본 고안은 전자제품의 접지장치에 있어 접지용 단자의 고정장치에 관한 것으로, 접지전선이 접지대상물에 용이하게 설치되게 하고 접지전선이 접지대상물에 설치 완료된 후에도 접지전선이 쉽게 헐거워져 접지기능이 저하되는 것을 방지하여 제품의 신뢰도를 높이기 위한 것이다. The present invention relates to a fixing device for the grounding terminal in the grounding device of the electronic product, and the grounding wire is easily installed on the grounding object, and the grounding wire is easily loosened even after the grounding wire is completely installed on the grounding object. It is to increase the reliability of the product by preventing it. 이를 위해 접지대상물에 접지되는 부분을 스프링과 같은 탄성체를 이용하여 감싸는 구성부분을 가지며 접지전선과 접지 스프링부분을 연결할 수 있는 결속부분으로 구성된다. 접지대상물이 각종 배관일 경우 접지하기가 용이하지 않고 쉽게 분리되는 단점이 있으므로 스프링과 같은 탄성전도체를 이용하면 설치 및 유지가 용이하며 탄성체의 자체 탄성으로 지속적인 양호한 부착상태가 가능하므로 필요한 접지저항을 일정수준으로 유지할 수 있다. To this end, it has a component that surrounds the grounded part to be grounded using an elastic body such as a spring, and is composed of a binding part that can connect the grounding wire and the grounding spring part. If the grounding object is various pipes, it is not easy to ground and can be easily separated. Therefore, using an elastic conductor such as a spring makes it easy to install and maintain. You can keep it at the level.

20-04-2016 дата публикации

Connector for creation of electric connection between two plates

Номер: RU2581903C2

FIELD: electricity. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a connector for making electric connection between two plates mechanically attached to each other. Proposed connector (100) for creation of electric connection between two plates (110, 120), which are mechanically attached to each other, includes the first socket (50) for attachment to the first plate (110), second socket (60) for attachment to the second plate (120) and connecting pin (150). First and second sockets have holes (55, 65) for placement of the connecting pin (150), where connector additionally contains the first spring (161) for establishing contact between the connecting pin and the first socket and the second spring (162) for establishing contact between the connecting pin and the second socket. EFFECT: technical result is creation of a light and very strong connector, capable to withstand hard atmospheric conditions, acting on aircraft, at connection of various aircraft plates together, wherein the connections must provide electrical path with low resistance, meets electric grounding requirements. 17 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H01R 13/17 (13) 2 581 903 C2 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013118641/07, 21.09.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.09.2011 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): ЭЙЛИС Джонатан Марк (GB), ГИЛЛИ Пол (GB), БОДИО Дэниэл (GB) 29.09.2010 GB 1016349.1 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.11.2014 Бюл. № 31 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): ТАЙКО ЭЛЕКТРОНИКС ЮКей ЛТД (GB) (45) Опубликовано: 20.04.2016 Бюл. № 11 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 29.04.2013 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 5 8 1 9 0 3 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 5456608 A, 10.10.1995. US 2001/ 0030521 A1, 18.10.2001. US 2004/0137771 A1, 15.07.2004. RU 55213 U1, 27.07.2006. 2 5 8 1 9 0 3 R U (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2012/ ...

07-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE102008046603A1
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Lackschabmutter (1) zur Befestigung eines Massekabels an einem Massebolzen (4), mit einem Innengewinde (2), welches komplementär zu einem Außengewinde (3) des Massenbolzens (4) ausgebildet ist. Erfindungswesentlich ist dabei, dass das Innengewinde (2) der Lackschabmutter (1) eine Gewindeanomalie (5) aufweist, die so ausgebildet ist, dass sie beim Aufschrauben der Lackschabmutter (1) auf das Außengewinde (3) des Massebolzens (4) eine diesen überziehende Lackschicht abträgt. The present invention relates to a paint-lock nut (1) for fastening a ground cable to a ground bolt (4), with an internal thread (2) which is complementary to an external thread (3) of the bolt (4). Essential to the invention is that the internal thread (2) of Lackschabmutter (1) has a Gewindeanomalie (5) which is designed so that when screwing the Lackschabmutter (1) on the outer thread (3) of the ground bolt (4) this one covering Removes paint layer.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Paint scraping screw for fastening bonding cable at body-sided mass nut of motor car, has screw thread anomaly formed so as to partly remove paint layer when screwing into internal thread of mass nut in order to enable electrical contact

Номер: DE102012018518A1
Автор: Helmut Kanbach
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

The screw (1) has an external thread (2) formed complementary to an internal thread of a mass nut. The external thread comprises a screw thread anomaly (3) that is formed so as to partly remove a covering paint layer when screwing into the internal thread of the mass nut in order to enable an electrical contact. The screw thread anomaly is formed in a type of V-shaped indent (5) and/or a U-shaped indent, where angle of the V-shaped indent corresponds approximately to 60 degree angle of the edges of the external thread.

20-01-2011 дата публикации

Grounding lug

Номер: US20110014824A1
Принадлежит: Erico International Corp

A grounding lug for holding a grounding wire includes a housing defining an opening for receiving a wire and a clamping pad movable relative to the housing. The clamping pad is movable between an unclamped position in which the clamping pad defines a wire-receiving pocket in combination with the opening defined by the housing, and a clamped position in which the clamping pad clamps the wire to the housing. The grounding lug also includes a moving mechanism coupled to the housing and the clamping pad for moving the clamping pad between the unclamped and clamped positions.

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Clamp and terminal arrangement

Номер: DE112016002760T5
Автор: Evan R. Martin
Принадлежит: Hubbell Inc

Ein Verbindungsmittel, ausgebildet um einen ersten Rahmen mit einem zweiten Rahmen mechanisch und elektrisch zu koppeln, einen Körper, ein erstes Klemmelement, ein zweites Klemmelement, und eine Vielzahl von Vorsprüngen, die sich vom Körper erstrecken und ausgebildet sind um wenigstens einen der ersten Rahmen und der zweiten Rahmen zu kontaktieren, umfassend. Der Körper umfasst ein erstes Ende und ein zweites Ende und definiert eine longitudinale Achse, die sich zwischen dem ersten Ende und dem zweiten Ende erstreckt. Der Körper umfasst zusätzlich eine Ausbildung zum Eingreifen eines Befestigungsmittels. Das erste Klemmelement ist angrenzend am ersten Ende des Körpers positioniert und ausgebildet, um den ersten Rahmen einzurasten. Das zweite Klemmelement ist anliegend am zweiten Ende des Körpers positioniert und ausgebildet, um den ersten Rahmen einzurasten. A connecting means adapted to mechanically and electrically couple a first frame to a second frame, a body, a first clamping member, a second clamping member, and a plurality of protrusions extending from the body and formed around at least one of the first frames and to contact the second frame, comprising. The body includes a first end and a second end and defines a longitudinal axis extending between the first end and the second end. The body additionally includes a formation for engaging a fastener. The first clamping member is positioned adjacent the first end of the body and configured to latch the first frame. The second clamping member is positioned adjacent the second end of the body and configured to latch the first frame.

07-01-1992 дата публикации

System for grounding telecommunications cable rack assembly and the like

Номер: US5078613A
Автор: Garland R. Salmon
Принадлежит: Newton Instrument Co

A system for grounding telecommunications cable rack assemblies and the like. The system comprises the positioning of an electrical conductor element beneath each end of at least one of the U-shaped clamp elements of a clamping junction between adjacent cable rack sections. The conductor elements comprise means for piercing the non-electrically conductive painted surface of the adjacent cable rack sections and forming electrical continuity therebetween through the clamping junction when the U-shaped clamp elements thereof are tightened on the adjacent cable rack sections.

26-09-1995 дата публикации

Washer for establishing electrical continuity between conductive components having non-conductive coatings

Номер: US5453027A
Принадлежит: Federal Hoffman Inc

The invention comprises a washer for establishing electrical continuity between two conductive members each having a non-conductive coating and which are secured together by threaded fasteners such as screws. The washer has projections that pierce the non-conductive coatings of the two conductive components as the threaded fasteners are tightened thereby establishing electrical continuity through the washer.

22-08-1972 дата публикации

Ground terminal

Номер: US3686609A
Автор: Wallace A Hansen
Принадлежит: Essex International Inc

A ground terminal includes a pair of elongate resilient fingers which are flexible relative to each other and which include serrated saw tooth edges which extend in a direction away from the axes of the fingers and the saw teeth of each of the fingers also extend toward each other such that the terminal is adapted to be coupled either to the peripheral edge of a grounding panel or in an aperture in the panel.

28-10-1997 дата публикации

Flag grounding connector

Номер: US5681191A
Принадлежит: Framatome Connectors USA Inc

A one-piece flag-shaped electrical terminal with a first section and a second section. The first section is flat and has mounting holes. The second section has a general "U" shape. The first section extends off of a leg of the general "U" shape of the second section.

10-04-2012 дата публикации

Grounding lug

Номер: US8152575B2
Принадлежит: Erico International Corp

A grounding lug for holding a grounding wire includes a housing defining an opening for receiving a wire and a clamping pad movable relative to the housing. The clamping pad is movable between an unclamped position in which the clamping pad defines a wire-receiving pocket in combination with the opening defined by the housing, and a clamped position in which the clamping pad clamps the wire to the housing. The grounding lug also includes a moving mechanism coupled to the housing and the clamping pad for moving the clamping pad between the unclamped and clamped positions.

26-03-2021 дата публикации

High stability copper facing ground connection integrated configuration

Номер: CN112563771A
Автор: 巢羚
Принадлежит: Suzhou Bofa Electric Equipment Co ltd


19-11-2021 дата публикации

Double-protection grounding wire method for direct-current traction power supply double-insulation contact network system

Номер: CN111806306B


20-07-2010 дата публикации

A structure of link box for earthing with spark preventing means

Номер: KR100971136B1

본 발명은 케이블에 유기되는 급준전류를 대지로 방전시키는 접지용 링크 박스 구조에 관한 것으로서, 케이싱 어셈블리(100)와, 상기 케이싱 어셈블리(100)의 측면으로 인입된 삼상전원 케이블(Ca, Cb, Cc)을 제1터미널블록(10a, 10b, 10c)에 고정하기 위한 브라켓(40)과, 상기 제1터미널블록(10a, 10b, 10c)의 후측에 설치된 제2터미널블록(20a, 20b, 20c)과, 상기 제1터미널블록(10a, 10b, 10c)에 고정된 상기 삼상 전원 케이블(Ca, Cb, Cc)의 접지단자를 상기 제2터미널블록(20a, 20b, 20c)에 연결하는 제1링크 플레이트(50a, 50b, 50c)와, 상기 제2터미널블록(20a, 20b, 20c)의 후측에 설치된 어레스터(31)와, 상기 제2터미널블록(20a, 20b, 20c)과 상기 어레스터(31)를 연결하는 제2링크 플레이트(60a, 60b, 60c)와, 상기 어레스터(31)의 하부에 설치되어 상기 어레스터(31)와 연결되는 어레스터판(30)과, 상기 어레스터판(30)의 일측에 연결되는 접지단 지지대(70)를 구비한 접지용 링크 박스에 있어서, The present invention relates to a grounding link box structure for discharging a steep current induced in a cable to a ground, and includes a casing assembly 100 and three-phase power cables Ca, Cb, and Cc introduced into a side surface of the casing assembly 100. ) And a bracket 40 for fixing the first terminal blocks 10a, 10b, and 10c to the first terminal blocks 10a, 10b, and 10c, and second terminal blocks 20a, 20b, and 20c installed at the rear side of the first terminal blocks 10a, 10b, and 10c. And a first link connecting the ground terminal of the three-phase power cables Ca, Cb, and Cc fixed to the first terminal blocks 10a, 10b, and 10c to the second terminal blocks 20a, 20b, and 20c. Plates 50a, 50b and 50c, an arrester 31 provided on the rear side of the second terminal blocks 20a, 20b and 20c, the second terminal blocks 20a, 20b and 20c and the arrester ( The second link plates 60a, 60b, and 60c connecting the 31, an arrester plate 30 installed below the arrester 31 and connected to the arrester 31, and In the link box for grounding provided with a ground end support 70 connected to one side of the arrester plate 30, 상기 브라켓은 합성수지로 인서트 사출되어 외부 표면이 절연된 절연 브라켓(45)으로 이루어지고, 제 1링크 플레이트(50a, 50b, 50c)는 외부 표면의 일정길이가 절연고무(A)로 피복되어 있는 것을 특징으로 하는 접지용 링크 박스의 구조로서 스파크로 인한 단선, 화재 등을 방지하기 위한 것이다. The bracket is made of an insulating bracket 45 insulated from the outer surface by insert injection into a ...

05-05-2020 дата публикации

Method for assembling an electrical device, electrical device and motor vehicle comprising such an electrical device

Номер: CN111106455A
Автор: 余水生, 观幸


10-07-1998 дата публикации

Electrocontact nut

Номер: RU2115034C1
Принадлежит: АБ Вольво

FIELD: soldering parts to steel sheet component of car engine. SUBSTANCE: electrocontact nut consists of first cylindrical part and second wider part. Surface of second part directed to first part has circular member made from solderable material. Nut may be introduced into formed in sheet metal component by means of its first part. In such position, nut may be soldered to sheet steel component. Electrocontact nut is provided with device for increase of friction between nut and terminal of wire; this device is located on outer end surface of second part. This device may be also made in form of struts which penetrate into material of wire terminal keeping it against turning together with bolt when it is being tightened up. EFFECT: facilitated mounting of nut in course of soldering it to sheet metal component. 2 cl, 2 dwg УЗ ОЗС ПЧ ГЭ РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) (51) МПК ВИ” 2115 034. 13) Сл Е 16 В 37/06 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 93058499/28, 15.06.1992 (30) Приоритет: 28.06.1991 ЗЕ 9102006-5 (46) Дата публикации: 10.07.1998 (56) Ссылки: СВ 2151324, кл. [Е 16 В 37/06, 17.05.85. (71) Заявитель: АБ Вольво (3Е) (72) Изобретатель: Ола Стиллбекк ($Е), Ларс Линдахль ($3Е) (73) Патентообладатель: АБ Вольво ($Е) (54) ЭЛЕКТРОКОНТАКТНАЯ ГАЙКА (57) Реферат: Электроконтактная гайка предназначена для припаивания к листовому стальному компоненту двигателя автомобиля. Электроконтактная гайка состоит из первой цилиндрической части и второй более широкой части. На стороне, обращенной к первой части, вторая часть снабжена кольцевым элементом из поддающегося пайке материала. Посредством первой части гайка может вводиться в отверстие, образованное в листовом металлическом компоненте. В таком положении гайку можно припаивать К листовому стальному компоненту. ОЭлектроконтактная гайка содержит средство для увеличения трения между гайкой и клеммой провода, расположенное на внешней торцевой поверхности второй части. ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

interlock typed ground set of an overhead power line

Номер: KR101479229B1
Автор: 김홍태
Принадлежит: 한전케이피에스 주식회사

The purpose of the present invention is to provide an interlock type ground set of an overhead power line to increase the number of steel tower side terminals from one to two, to increase the ground surface of a steel tower side terminal, to remove the separation probability of the steel tower side terminal. Horizontal and vertical clamps are combined by a mutual interlock method so that one terminal is more tightly clamped when the other terminal is separated. For the purpose, an interlock type ground set of an overhead power line according to the present invention includes: a wire side terminal installed to a wire; a steel tower side terminal installed to a steel tower; wherein, in a interlock type ground set of an overhead power line consisting of wires installed between the wire side terminal and the steel tower side terminal, the steel tower side terminal includes a vertical support unit which has narrow width and long length, and a horizontal support bar which is inserted into the vertical support unit and is made of a steel bar.

29-04-1998 дата публикации

Device for connecting circuit boards to front rail of a electronic rack

Номер: EP0838985A2
Принадлежит: Schroff GmbH

Ein Kontaktelement mit wenigstens einer Blattfeder 2, 3 weist einen U-förmigen Kontaktkörper 6 auf, dessen beide U-Schenkel 8, 9 sich zu ihren Enden hin verjüngen und gegeneinander elastisch verformbar sind. Dieses Kontaktelement 1 wird in eine Führungsnut 22 einer Führungsschiene 13 eines Baugruppenträgers oder dergleichen eingesetzt, wobei die Blattfedern 2, 3 eine in den Baugruppenträger einschiebbare Leiterkarte kontaktieren, während der Kontaktkörper 6 zusammen mit der Führungsschiene 13 in ein Positionierloch 15 einer Modulschiene 16 des Baugruppenträgers klemmend einsteckbar ist und dort elektrischen Kontakt mit der Modulschiene 16 herstellt. Hierdurch wird die störende Wirkung einer Eloxalschicht auf der Modulschiene 16 beseitigt. <IMAGE> A contact element with at least one leaf spring 2, 3 has a U-shaped contact body 6, the two U-legs 8, 9 taper towards their ends and are elastically deformable relative to one another. This contact element 1 is inserted into a guide groove 22 of a guide rail 13 of a subrack or the like, the leaf springs 2, 3 contacting a circuit card that can be inserted into the subrack, while the contact body 6, together with the guide rail 13, clamps into a positioning hole 15 of a module rail 16 of the subrack can be plugged in and makes electrical contact with the module rail 16. As a result, the disruptive effect of an anodized layer on the module rail 16 is eliminated. <IMAGE>

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Corrosion resistant electrical conduit system

Номер: CA2976448A1

A corrosion resistant conduit system that protects against corrosion and against electrical shortage. The corrosion resistant conduit system includes: a multilayer conduit having a metal layer disposed between two polymeric layers, a conduit fitting having an electrically conductive component and a body having one or more layers of polymeric material, and means for conductively coupling the metallic layer of the multilayer tube to the electrically conductive component of the fitting, which provides a continuous electrical path throughout the corrosion resistant conduit system.

03-09-1982 дата публикации

Patent FR2447828B1

Номер: FR2447828B1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: INTER ELEC

22-03-1932 дата публикации

Insulating blanket suitable for the conductor rails of electrified networks

Номер: FR722606A
Принадлежит: Dunlop Rubber Co Ltd

28-05-1974 дата публикации

Ground terminal

Номер: CA948289A
Автор: Wallace A. Hansen
Принадлежит: Essex International Inc

05-12-1986 дата публикации

Protected ignition distributor for internal combustion engines

Номер: FR2582735A1
Автор: Walter Bader

a. Protected ignition distributor for internal combustion engines. b. Characterised in that the contact ring is a spring washer 10 with inside teeth 14 bent (in the form of a cone) towards the fixing sleeve 19. c. The invention relates to a protected ignition distributor for internal combustion engines.

29-08-1980 дата публикации

Electric railway current rail protector - uses injection moulded plastics segments enclosing rail fitted between vertical posts

Номер: FR2447828A1
Принадлежит: INTER ELEC

The protection device has a transverse vertical section in the shape of a capital gamma. The vertical limit prevents accidental access to the rail from the side and the horizontal limit prevents accidental access from above. The device is assembled from adjacent injection moulded plastics segments (1), incorporating transversal reinforcing streets (4) on the inside and/or the outside. Pref. each of the segments (1) has a length of between 65 and 95 centimetres and the longitudinal spacing of the successive reinforcing struts (4) is between 7 and 15 centimetres, the segments (1) secured between vertical posts (2) along the length of the current rail, e.g. spaced every 3 metres.

05-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: FR2582735B1
Автор: Walter Bader

31-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR2416564A1
Автор: Jean Debaigt
Принадлежит: Cegelec SA

L'invention concerne un bloc de jonction pour conducteurs de protection comprenant dans un boîtier isolant un serre-fils tunnel à patins de contact coopérant avec les bords d'un profilé support métallique dudit bloc. Il est caractérisé en ce que le serre-fils est réalisé en deux parties comprenant chacune une plage longitudinale disposée l'une contre l'autre, et comportant chacune une paire de patins de contact, un patin de contact d'une plage étant associé avec un patin de contact de l'autre plage, lesdites parties étant assemblées entre elles par sertissage des plages. L'invention s'applique à la protection des installations électriques équipées de barrettes de raccordement. The invention relates to a junction block for protective conductors comprising, in an insulating casing, a tunnel wire clamp with contact pads cooperating with the edges of a metal support profile of said block. It is characterized in that the wire clamp is made in two parts each comprising a longitudinal pad arranged one against the other, and each comprising a pair of contact pads, a contact pad of a pad being associated with a contact pad of the other pad, said parts being assembled together by crimping the pads. The invention applies to the protection of electrical installations equipped with connection strips.

20-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: FR2750563B1

20-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR2412968A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Raychem Pontoise SA


18-11-1994 дата публикации

Nut in the form of a clamp especially for electrical connection.

Номер: FR2697060B1
Автор: Jean-Pierre Leon
Принадлежит: Rapid SA

30-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: FR2657411B1
Автор: Celdran Robert
Принадлежит: CELLUX SA

31-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR3063393A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif de mise à la masse comportant un goujon métallique (20) doté d'une première tige filetée (21) et d'un collet (22) s'étendant radialement à la base de cette tige (21), le goujon (20) étant destiné à être fixé contre une paroi métallique (4) de sorte que le collet (22) soit plaqué contre une première face (4B) de la paroi (4), la première tige (21) étant destinée à coopérer avec un premier écrou (5) pour permettre la fixation d'au moins une cosse (40) enfilée sur cette première tige (21), le goujon comportant une seconde tige filetée (23) alignée coaxialement avec la première tige (21) et s'étendant à l'opposée de cette dernière depuis le collet (22), cette seconde tige (23) étant engagée au travers d'un orifice (6) ménagé dans la paroi (4), puis vissée dans un second écrou (7) soudé sur le pourtour de l'orifice (6) contre la seconde face (4A) de la paroi (4), le collet (22) présentant une section externe polygonale destinée à assurer le vissage de la seconde tige (23) sur le second écrou (7). The invention relates to a grounding device comprising a metal stud (20) having a first threaded rod (21) and a collar (22) extending radially at the base of this rod (21), the stud (20) being intended to be fixed against a metal wall (4) so that the collar (22) is pressed against a first face (4B) of the wall (4), the first rod (21) being intended for cooperate with a first nut (5) to allow the attachment of at least one lug (40) threaded on this first rod (21), the stud having a second threaded rod (23) aligned coaxially with the first rod (21) and extending to the opposite of the latter from the collar (22), this second rod (23) being engaged through an orifice (6) formed in the wall (4), then screwed into a second nut (7). ) welded on the periphery of the orifice (6) against the second face (4A) of the wall (4), the collar (22) having a polygonal outer section intended to ensure the screwing of the second ...

12-08-1977 дата публикации

Heavy current connector for repair work on railway rails - has two sprung conical contacts gripping rails base flange above and below

Номер: FR2338583A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Gris Marcel

The high-current connector is used to earth or to provide a temporary bridge along railway rails whilst repair work is being performed on the stretch between. It consists of a clamp with conical contacts that contact the base flange of the rail on each side i.e one above and one below. The conical contacts are spring loaded by elastic washers and each seated in a socket at the end of an arm. The two arms form an acute angle with one another. The current lead is bolted to the junction between the arms. A lever is used to tighten the top contact down onto the rail flange.

06-05-1988 дата публикации


Номер: FR2560943B1
Автор: Dieter Schmid
Принадлежит: Daimler Benz AG

02-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: FR2750563A1

Appareil électrique avec un boîtier métallique, dans lequel on peut enfoncer des cartes à circuits imprimés (2), les cartes à circuits imprimés (2) présentant des moyens à ressort (3) servant à les maintenir et à les fixer dans le boîtier (1), caractérisé en ce que les moyens à ressort (3) sont en métal et reposent, après l'enfoncement, sur une partie métallique (4) du boîtier de façon élastique, un contact électrique étant établi entre le raccord à la masse de la carte à circuits imprimés (2) et le boîtier (1). Electrical apparatus with a metal case, into which printed circuit boards (2) can be inserted, the printed circuit boards (2) having spring means (3) serving to hold them and fix them in the case (1 ), characterized in that the spring means (3) are made of metal and rest, after being pushed in, on a metal part (4) of the housing in an elastic manner, an electrical contact being established between the ground connection of the printed circuit board (2) and the housing (1).

03-09-2021 дата публикации

Wire clamps advantageously intended for earthing a metal structure

Номер: FR3098885B1
Автор: Benoit Geis
Принадлежит: Individual

L’invention concerne un support de fixation permettant de fixer un ou plusieurs éléments préférentiellement longiformes sur un support plus particulièrement une goulotte. Le support comprend avantageusement une vis comportant à une extrémité une tête oblongue (8), deux flasques (2,4) munis d'un perçage sensiblement en leur milieu (21), une pince (6) avec un perçage sensiblement en son milieu, les flasques (2,4,) et la pince (6) étant enfilés sur la vis par leurs perçages et maintenus par un moyen de serrage (10) vissé sur l´extrémité opposée à la tête oblongue (8). The invention relates to a fixing support making it possible to fix one or more preferably elongated elements on a support, more particularly a chute. The support advantageously comprises a screw comprising at one end an oblong head (8), two flanges (2,4) provided with a bore substantially in their middle (21), a clamp (6) with a bore substantially in its middle, the flanges (2,4,) and the clamp (6) being threaded onto the screw by their holes and held by a clamping means (10) screwed onto the end opposite the oblong head (8).

03-05-1967 дата публикации

Standard earth connection by flexible metal braid secured to special end clamps

Номер: FR1469410A
Автор: Louis Forissier
